Delete bundled copy of NSS and replace with README.

We are no longer maintaining this repository and keeping it up-to-date for
security fixes. It must not be used.


Review URL: .
diff --git a/README.chromium b/README.chromium
deleted file mode 100644
index 8115aca..0000000
--- a/README.chromium
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Name: Network Security Services (NSS)
-Short Name: nss
-Version: 3.21
-License: MPL 2
-License File: nss/COPYING
-Security Critical: yes
-NSS 3.21 with NSPR 4.11
-This copy of NSS has been customized for Chromium.  NSPR is also put here
-rather than in a separate directory to emphasize the fact that Chromium is
-using NSPR strictly as an NSS dependency.
-We took a subset of NSS, omitting the SSL and SMIME libraries.
-This NSS subset satisfies the dependencies of the NSS SSL library in
-src/net/third_party/nss.  Do NOT use this copy of NSS on platforms that
-have NSS as system libraries, such as Linux.
-The source code was checked out from the CVS or hg repository using
-the and scripts in the scripts directory.
-The current source code was checked out with the hg tag NSS_3_21_RTM
-and the hg tag NSPR_4_11_RTM.
-Local Modifications:
-We made the following local changes to NSPR.
-- patches/nspr-static.patch: to build NSPR as static libraries.  See NSPR
-  bug 533014 (
-- patches/prcpucfg.h: added to the nspr/pr/include directory.
-- patches/nspr-attach-as-system-thread.patch: attach a "foreign" thread
-  (a thread not created by NSPR) to NSPR as a "system" thread rather than
-  a "user" thread, which needs to terminate before PR_Cleanup can return.
-  (The "system" vs. "user" thread distinction comes from Java, and
-  ultimately from Solaris threads.)  This is a workaround for
-- patches/nspr-remove-io.patch: Remove IO operations in NSPR to allow NSS
-  to work in the sandbox.  Do not initialize IO when initializing NSPR.
-  Windows version of NSPR also tried to use getaddrinfo to resolve hostname
-  in a SSL connection.  By removing _PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO this will force it
-  to use PR_GetHostByName.  Removing _PR_INET6_PROBE will prevent it from
-  creating an IPv6 socket to probe if IPv6 is there.
-  DO NOT upstream this patch.
-We made the following local changes to NSS.
-Files Added:
-- nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.c: a generated file. Do an upstream NSS
-  build and copy the generated certdata.c.
-- nss/lib/freebl/nss_build_config_mac.h: a header that defines the target
-  arch specific configuration macros for lib/freebl on iOS and Mac OS X.
-  This works around the lack of support for the xcode_settings
-  GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS[arch=foo] by the ninja GYP generator
-  (
-- nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm_mac.c: a wrapper file for mpi_arm.c for iOS
-  and Mac OS X. This works around the inability to specify target arch
-  specific source files in Xcode.
-Patches Applied:
-- patches/nss-remove-fortezza.patch: remove Fortezza certificate support
-  from PK11_ImportPublicKey.  See NSS bug 668397
-  (
-- patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch: call abort() if NSS cannot read from
-  /dev/urandom.  See Chromium issue 244661 (
-- patches/nss-static.patch: to build NSS as static libraries and omit
-  libpkix (the new certification path validation library) and
-  softoken/legacydb (support for the old Berkeley DB databases).  See NSS
-  bug 534471 (
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc49e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This NSS repository is unmaintained
+Chromium no longer bundles NSS and has instead moved to
+[BoringSSL]( As a result, this
+repository is unmaintained. It should not be used.
+Note: Although, as of writing, the Linux and Chromium OS ports of Chromium do
+use a system copy NSS for certificate verification, that has never used this
diff --git a/nspr/LICENSE b/nspr/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 14e2f77..0000000
--- a/nspr/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
-1. Definitions
-1.1. "Contributor"
-    means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
-    the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
-1.2. "Contributor Version"
-    means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
-    by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
-1.3. "Contribution"
-    means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
-1.4. "Covered Software"
-    means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
-    the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
-    Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
-    including portions thereof.
-1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
-    means
-    (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
-        in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
-    (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
-        version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
-        terms of a Secondary License.
-1.6. "Executable Form"
-    means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
-1.7. "Larger Work"
-    means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in 
-    a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
-1.8. "License"
-    means this document.
-1.9. "Licensable"
-    means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
-    whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
-    all of the rights conveyed by this License.
-1.10. "Modifications"
-    means any of the following:
-    (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
-        deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
-        Software; or
-    (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
-        Software.
-1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
-    means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
-    process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
-    Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
-    License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
-    made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
-    Contributor Version.
-1.12. "Secondary License"
-    means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
-    Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
-    Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
-    licenses.
-1.13. "Source Code Form"
-    means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
-1.14. "You" (or "Your")
-    means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
-    License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
-    controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
-    purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
-    or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
-    whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
-    fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
-    ownership of such entity.
-2. License Grants and Conditions
-2.1. Grants
-Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
-non-exclusive license:
-(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
-    Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
-    modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
-    Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
-    as part of a Larger Work; and
-(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
-    for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
-    Contributions or its Contributor Version.
-2.2. Effective Date
-The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
-become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
-distributes such Contribution.
-2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
-The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
-this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
-distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
-Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
-(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
-    or
-(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
-    modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
-    Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
-    Version); or
-(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
-    its Contributions.
-This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
-or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
-the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
-2.4. Subsequent Licenses
-No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
-distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
-License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
-permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
-2.5. Representation
-Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
-Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
-to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
-2.6. Fair Use
-This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
-applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
-2.7. Conditions
-Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
-in Section 2.1.
-3. Responsibilities
-3.1. Distribution of Source Form
-All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
-Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
-the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
-Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
-License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
-attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
-3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
-If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
-(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
-    Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
-    the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
-    Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
-    than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
-(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
-    License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
-    license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
-    the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
-3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
-You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
-provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
-the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
-Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
-Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
-License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
-under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
-the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
-Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
-3.4. Notices
-You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
-(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
-or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
-the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
-the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
-3.5. Application of Additional Terms
-You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
-indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
-Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
-behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
-such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
-You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
-liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
-indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
-disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
-4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
-If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
-License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
-statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
-the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
-describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
-be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
-Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
-or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
-recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
-5. Termination
-5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
-if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
-compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
-Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
-Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
-ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
-non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
-come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
-Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
-notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
-first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
-from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
-Your receipt of the notice.
-5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
-infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
-counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
-directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
-You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
-2.1 of this License shall terminate.
-5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
-end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
-have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
-prior to termination shall survive termination.
-*                                                                      *
-*  6. Disclaimer of Warranty                                           *
-*  -------------------------                                           *
-*                                                                      *
-*  Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is"       *
-*  basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or  *
-*  statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the       *
-*  Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a        *
-*  particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the     *
-*  quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You.        *
-*  Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You     *
-*  (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,   *
-*  repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an   *
-*  essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is   *
-*  authorized under this License except under this disclaimer.         *
-*                                                                      *
-*                                                                      *
-*  7. Limitation of Liability                                          *
-*  --------------------------                                          *
-*                                                                      *
-*  Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort      *
-*  (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any           *
-*  Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as          *
-*  permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect,         *
-*  special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character      *
-*  including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of    *
-*  goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any    *
-*  and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party      *
-*  shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This   *
-*  limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or   *
-*  personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the       *
-*  extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some               *
-*  jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of           *
-*  incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and          *
-*  limitation may not apply to You.                                    *
-*                                                                      *
-8. Litigation
-Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
-courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
-place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
-jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
-Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
-cross-claims or counter-claims.
-9. Miscellaneous
-This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
-matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
-unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
-necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
-that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
-shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
-10. Versions of the License
-10.1. New Versions
-Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
-10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
-publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
-distinguishing version number.
-10.2. Effect of New Versions
-You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
-of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
-or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
-10.3. Modified Versions
-If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
-create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
-modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
-any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
-such modified license differs from this License).
-10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
-If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
-Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
-notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
-Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
-  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-  file, You can obtain one at
-If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
-file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
-file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
-for such a notice.
-You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
-Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
-  This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-  defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c b/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 689496d..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Lifetime-based fast allocation, inspired by much prior art, including
- * "Fast Allocation and Deallocation of Memory Based on Object Lifetimes"
- * David R. Hanson, Software -- Practice and Experience, Vol. 20(1).
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prbit.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-static PLArena *arena_freelist;
-static PLArenaStats *arena_stats_list;
-#define COUNT(pool,what)  (pool)->stats.what++
-#define COUNT(pool,what)  /* nothing */
-#define PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN  sizeof(double)
-static PRLock    *arenaLock;
-static PRCallOnceType once;
-static const PRCallOnceType pristineCallOnce;
-** InitializeArenas() -- Initialize arena operations.
-** InitializeArenas() is called exactly once and only once from 
-** LockArena(). This function creates the arena protection 
-** lock: arenaLock.
-** Note: If the arenaLock cannot be created, InitializeArenas()
-** fails quietly, returning only PR_FAILURE. This percolates up
-** to the application using the Arena API. He gets no arena
-** from PL_ArenaAllocate(). It's up to him to fail gracefully
-** or recover.
-static PRStatus InitializeArenas( void )
-    PR_ASSERT( arenaLock == NULL );
-    arenaLock = PR_NewLock();
-    if ( arenaLock == NULL )
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    else
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-} /* end ArenaInitialize() */
-static PRStatus LockArena( void )
-    PRStatus rc = PR_CallOnce( &once, InitializeArenas );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE != rc )
-        PR_Lock( arenaLock );
-    return(rc);
-} /* end LockArena() */
-static void UnlockArena( void )
-    PR_Unlock( arenaLock );
-    return;
-} /* end UnlockArena() */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_InitArenaPool(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, const char *name, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 align)
-    /*
-     * Look-up table of PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align)) values for
-     * align = 1 to 32.
-     */
-    static const PRUint8 pmasks[33] = {
-         0,                                               /*  not used */
-         0, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,  /*  1 ... 16 */
-        31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31}; /* 17 ... 32 */
-    if (align == 0)
-        align = PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN;
-    if (align < sizeof(pmasks)/sizeof(pmasks[0]))
-        pool->mask = pmasks[align];
-    else
-        pool->mask = PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align));
-    pool-> = NULL;
-    /* Set all three addresses in pool->first to the same dummy value.
-     * These addresses are only compared with each other, but never
-     * dereferenced. */
-    pool->first.base = pool->first.avail = pool->first.limit =
-        (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, &pool->first + 1);
-    pool->current = &pool->first;
-    /*
-     * Compute the net size so that each arena's gross size is |size|.
-     * sizeof(PLArena) + pool->mask is the header and alignment slop
-     * that PL_ArenaAllocate adds to the net size.
-     */
-    if (size > sizeof(PLArena) + pool->mask)
-        pool->arenasize = size - (sizeof(PLArena) + pool->mask);
-    else
-        pool->arenasize = size;
-    memset(&pool->stats, 0, sizeof pool->stats);
-    pool-> = strdup(name);
-    pool-> = arena_stats_list;
-    arena_stats_list = &pool->stats;
-** PL_ArenaAllocate() -- allocate space from an arena pool
-** Description: PL_ArenaAllocate() allocates space from an arena
-** pool. 
-** First, try to satisfy the request from arenas starting at
-** pool->current.
-** If there is not enough space in the arena pool->current, try
-** to claim an arena, on a first fit basis, from the global
-** freelist (arena_freelist).
-** If no arena in arena_freelist is suitable, then try to
-** allocate a new arena from the heap.
-** Returns: pointer to allocated space or NULL
-** Notes: The original implementation had some difficult to
-** solve bugs; the code was difficult to read. Sometimes it's
-** just easier to rewrite it. I did that. larryh.
-** See also: bugzilla: 45343.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PL_ArenaAllocate(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb)
-    PLArena *a;   
-    char *rp;     /* returned pointer */
-    PRUint32 nbOld;
-    PR_ASSERT((nb & pool->mask) == 0);
-    nbOld = nb;
-    nb = (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, nb); /* force alignment */
-    if (nb < nbOld)
-        return NULL;
-    /* attempt to allocate from arenas at pool->current */
-    {
-        a = pool->current;
-        do {
-            if ( nb <= a->limit - a->avail )  {
-                pool->current = a;
-                rp = (char *)a->avail;
-                a->avail += nb;
-                return rp;
-            }
-        } while( NULL != (a = a->next) );
-    }
-    /* attempt to allocate from arena_freelist */
-    {
-        PLArena *p; /* previous pointer, for unlinking from freelist */
-        /* lock the arena_freelist. Make access to the freelist MT-Safe */
-        if ( PR_FAILURE == LockArena())
-            return(0);
-        for ( a = arena_freelist, p = NULL; a != NULL ; p = a, a = a->next ) {
-            if ( nb <= a->limit - a->base )  {
-                if ( p == NULL )
-                    arena_freelist = a->next;
-                else
-                    p->next = a->next;
-                UnlockArena();
-                a->avail = a->base;
-                rp = (char *)a->avail;
-                a->avail += nb;
-                /* the newly allocated arena is linked after pool->current 
-                *  and becomes pool->current */
-                a->next = pool->current->next;
-                pool->current->next = a;
-                pool->current = a;
-                if ( NULL == pool-> )
-                    pool-> = a;
-                return(rp);
-            }
-        }
-        UnlockArena();
-    }
-    /* attempt to allocate from the heap */ 
-    {  
-        PRUint32 sz = PR_MAX(pool->arenasize, nb);
-        if (PR_UINT32_MAX - sz < sizeof *a + pool->mask) {
-            a = NULL;
-        } else {
-            sz += sizeof *a + pool->mask;  /* header and alignment slop */
-            a = (PLArena*)PR_MALLOC(sz);
-        }
-        if ( NULL != a )  {
-            a->limit = (PRUword)a + sz;
-            a->base = a->avail = (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, a + 1);
-            PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((void*)a->avail, a->limit - a->avail);
-            rp = (char *)a->avail;
-            a->avail += nb;
-            PR_ASSERT(a->avail <= a->limit);
-            /* the newly allocated arena is linked after pool->current 
-            *  and becomes pool->current */
-            a->next = pool->current->next;
-            pool->current->next = a;
-            pool->current = a;
-            if ( NULL == pool-> )
-                pool-> = a;
-            PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,++);
-            COUNT(pool, nmallocs);
-            return(rp);
-        }
-    }
-    /* we got to here, and there's no memory to allocate */
-    return(NULL);
-} /* --- end PL_ArenaAllocate() --- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PL_ArenaGrow(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, void *p, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr)
-    void *newp;
-    if (PR_UINT32_MAX - size < incr)
-        return NULL;
-    PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(newp, pool, size + incr);
-    if (newp)
-        memcpy(newp, p, size);
-    return newp;
-static void ClearArenaList(PLArena *a, PRInt32 pattern)
-    for (; a; a = a->next) {
-        PR_ASSERT(a->base <= a->avail && a->avail <= a->limit);
-        a->avail = a->base;
-        PL_CLEAR_UNUSED_PATTERN(a, pattern);
-        PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((void*)a->avail, a->limit - a->avail);
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ClearArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool, PRInt32 pattern)
-    ClearArenaList(pool->, pattern);
- * Free tail arenas linked after head, which may not be the true list head.
- * Reset pool->current to point to head in case it pointed at a tail arena.
- */
-static void FreeArenaList(PLArenaPool *pool, PLArena *head, PRBool reallyFree)
-    PLArena **ap, *a;
-    ap = &head->next;
-    a = *ap;
-    if (!a)
-        return;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    ClearArenaList(a, PL_FREE_PATTERN);
-    if (reallyFree) {
-        do {
-            *ap = a->next;
-            PL_CLEAR_ARENA(a);
-            PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,--);
-            PR_DELETE(a);
-        } while ((a = *ap) != 0);
-    } else {
-        /* Insert the whole arena chain at the front of the freelist. */
-        do {
-            PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((void*)(*ap)->base,
-                                 (*ap)->limit - (*ap)->base);
-            ap = &(*ap)->next;
-        } while (*ap);
-        LockArena();
-        *ap = arena_freelist;
-        arena_freelist = a;
-        head->next = 0;
-        UnlockArena();
-    }
-    pool->current = head;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark)
-    PLArena *a;
-    for (a = &pool->first; a; a = a->next) {
-        if (PR_UPTRDIFF(mark, a->base) <= PR_UPTRDIFF(a->avail, a->base)) {
-            a->avail = (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, mark);
-            FreeArenaList(pool, a, PR_FALSE);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_FreeArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool)
-    FreeArenaList(pool, &pool->first, PR_FALSE);
-    COUNT(pool, ndeallocs);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_FinishArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool)
-    FreeArenaList(pool, &pool->first, PR_TRUE);
-    {
-        PLArenaStats *stats, **statsp;
-        if (pool->
-            PR_DELETE(pool->;
-        for (statsp = &arena_stats_list; (stats = *statsp) != 0;
-             statsp = &stats->next) {
-            if (stats == &pool->stats) {
-                *statsp = stats->next;
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_CompactArenaPool(PLArenaPool *ap)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaFinish(void)
-    PLArena *a, *next;
-    for (a = arena_freelist; a; a = next) {
-        next = a->next;
-        PR_DELETE(a);
-    }
-    arena_freelist = NULL;
-    if (arenaLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(arenaLock);
-        arenaLock = NULL;
-    }
-    once = pristineCallOnce;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(size_t) PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool(
-    const PLArenaPool *pool, PLMallocSizeFn mallocSizeOf)
-    /*
-     * The first PLArena is within |pool|, so don't measure it.  Subsequent
-     * PLArenas are separate and must be measured.
-     */
-    size_t size = 0;
-    const PLArena *arena = pool->;
-    while (arena) {
-        size += mallocSizeOf(arena);
-        arena = arena->next;
-    }
-    return size;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaCountAllocation(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb)
-    pool->stats.nallocs++;
-    pool->stats.nbytes += nb;
-    if (nb > pool->stats.maxalloc)
-        pool->stats.maxalloc = nb;
-    pool->stats.variance += nb * nb;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr)
-    pool->stats.ninplace++;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaCountGrowth(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr)
-    pool->stats.ngrows++;
-    pool->stats.nbytes += incr;
-    pool->stats.variance -= size * size;
-    size += incr;
-    if (size > pool->stats.maxalloc)
-        pool->stats.maxalloc = size;
-    pool->stats.variance += size * size;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaCountRelease(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark)
-    pool->stats.nreleases++;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaCountRetract(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark)
-    pool->stats.nfastrels++;
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_DumpArenaStats(FILE *fp)
-    PLArenaStats *stats;
-    double mean, variance;
-    for (stats = arena_stats_list; stats; stats = stats->next) {
-        if (stats->nallocs != 0) {
-            mean = (double)stats->nbytes / stats->nallocs;
-            variance = fabs(stats->variance / stats->nallocs - mean * mean);
-        } else {
-            mean = variance = 0;
-        }
-        fprintf(fp, "\n%s allocation statistics:\n", stats->name);
-        fprintf(fp, "              number of arenas: %u\n", stats->narenas);
-        fprintf(fp, "         number of allocations: %u\n", stats->nallocs);
-        fprintf(fp, " number of free arena reclaims: %u\n", stats->nreclaims);
-        fprintf(fp, "        number of malloc calls: %u\n", stats->nmallocs);
-        fprintf(fp, "       number of deallocations: %u\n", stats->ndeallocs);
-        fprintf(fp, "  number of allocation growths: %u\n", stats->ngrows);
-        fprintf(fp, "    number of in-place growths: %u\n", stats->ninplace);
-        fprintf(fp, "number of released allocations: %u\n", stats->nreleases);
-        fprintf(fp, "       number of fast releases: %u\n", stats->nfastrels);
-        fprintf(fp, "         total bytes allocated: %u\n", stats->nbytes);
-        fprintf(fp, "          mean allocation size: %g\n", mean);
-        fprintf(fp, "            standard deviation: %g\n", sqrt(variance));
-        fprintf(fp, "       maximum allocation size: %u\n", stats->maxalloc);
-    }
-#endif /* PL_ARENAMETER */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h b/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2673a2a..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef plarena_h___
-#define plarena_h___
- * Lifetime-based fast allocation, inspired by much prior art, including
- * "Fast Allocation and Deallocation of Memory Based on Object Lifetimes"
- * David R. Hanson, Software -- Practice and Experience, Vol. 20(1).
- *
- * Also supports LIFO allocation (PL_ARENA_MARK/PL_ARENA_RELEASE).
- */
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "plarenas.h"
-typedef struct PLArena          PLArena;
-struct PLArena {
-    PLArena     *next;          /* next arena for this lifetime */
-    PRUword     base;           /* aligned base address, follows this header */
-    PRUword     limit;          /* one beyond last byte in arena */
-    PRUword     avail;          /* points to next available byte */
-typedef struct PLArenaStats PLArenaStats;
-struct PLArenaStats {
-    PLArenaStats  *next;        /* next in arenaStats list */
-    char          *name;        /* name for debugging */
-    PRUint32      narenas;      /* number of arenas in pool */
-    PRUint32      nallocs;      /* number of PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE() calls */
-    PRUint32      nreclaims;    /* number of reclaims from freeArenas */
-    PRUint32      nmallocs;     /* number of malloc() calls */
-    PRUint32      ndeallocs;    /* number of lifetime deallocations */
-    PRUint32      ngrows;       /* number of PL_ARENA_GROW() calls */
-    PRUint32      ninplace;     /* number of in-place growths */
-    PRUint32      nreleases;    /* number of PL_ARENA_RELEASE() calls */
-    PRUint32      nfastrels;    /* number of "fast path" releases */
-    PRUint32      nbytes;       /* total bytes allocated */
-    PRUint32      maxalloc;     /* maximum allocation size in bytes */
-    PRFloat64     variance;     /* size variance accumulator */
-struct PLArenaPool {
-    PLArena     first;          /* first arena in pool list */
-    PLArena     *current;       /* arena from which to allocate space */
-    PRUint32    arenasize;      /* net exact size of a new arena */
-    PRUword     mask;           /* alignment mask (power-of-2 - 1) */
-    PLArenaStats stats;
- * WARNING: The PL_MAKE_MEM_ macros are for internal use by NSPR. Do NOT use
- * them in your code.
- *
- * NOTE: Valgrind support to be added.
- *
- * The PL_MAKE_MEM_ macros are modeled after the MOZ_MAKE_MEM_ macros in
- * Mozilla's mfbt/MemoryChecking.h. Only AddressSanitizer is supported now.
- *
- * Provides a common interface to the ASan (AddressSanitizer) and Valgrind
- * functions used to mark memory in certain ways. In detail, the following
- * three macros are provided:
- *
- *   PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS  - Mark memory as unsafe to access (e.g. freed)
- *   PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED - Mark memory as accessible, with content undefined
- *   PL_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED - Mark memory as accessible, with content defined
- *
- * With Valgrind in use, these directly map to the three respective Valgrind
- * macros. With ASan in use, the NOACCESS macro maps to poisoning the memory,
- * while the UNDEFINED/DEFINED macros unpoison memory.
- *
- * With no memory checker available, all macros expand to the empty statement.
- */
-/* WARNING: PL_SANITIZE_ADDRESS is for internal use by this header. Do NOT
- * define or test this macro in your code.
- */
-#if defined(__has_feature)
-#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
-#elif defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__)
-/* These definitions are usually provided through the
- * sanitizer/asan_interface.h header installed by ASan.
- * See
- */
-PR_IMPORT(void) __asan_poison_memory_region(void const volatile *addr, size_t size);
-PR_IMPORT(void) __asan_unpoison_memory_region(void const volatile *addr, size_t size);
-#define PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(addr, size) \
-    __asan_poison_memory_region((addr), (size))
-#define PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(addr, size) \
-    __asan_unpoison_memory_region((addr), (size))
-#define PL_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(addr, size) \
-    __asan_unpoison_memory_region((addr), (size))
-#define PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(addr, size)
-#define PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(addr, size)
-#define PL_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(addr, size)
- * If the including .c file uses only one power-of-2 alignment, it may define
- * PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK to the alignment mask and save a few instructions
- * per ALLOCATE and GROW.
- */
-#define PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, n) (((PRUword)(n) + PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK) \
-                                & ~PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK)
-#define PL_INIT_ARENA_POOL(pool, name, size) \
-        PL_InitArenaPool(pool, name, size, PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK + 1)
-#define PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, n) (((PRUword)(n) + (pool)->mask) & ~(pool)->mask)
-#define PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(p, pool, nb) \
-        PLArena *_a = (pool)->current; \
-        PRUint32 _nb = PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, (PRUint32)nb); \
-        PRUword _p = _a->avail; \
-        if (_nb < (PRUint32)nb) { \
-            _p = 0; \
-        } else if (_nb > (_a->limit - _a->avail)) { \
-            _p = (PRUword)PL_ArenaAllocate(pool, _nb); \
-        } else { \
-            _a->avail += _nb; \
-        } \
-        p = (void *)_p; \
-        if (p) { \
-            PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(p, (PRUint32)nb); \
-            PL_ArenaCountAllocation(pool, (PRUint32)nb); \
-        } \
-#define PL_ARENA_GROW(p, pool, size, incr) \
-        PLArena *_a = (pool)->current; \
-        PRUint32 _incr = PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, (PRUint32)incr); \
-        if (_incr < (PRUint32)incr) { \
-            p = NULL; \
-        } else if (_a->avail == (PRUword)(p) + PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, size) && \
-            _incr <= (_a->limit - _a->avail)) { \
-            PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED((unsigned char *)(p) + size, (PRUint32)incr); \
-            _a->avail += _incr; \
-            PL_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth(pool, size, (PRUint32)incr); \
-        } else { \
-            p = PL_ArenaGrow(pool, p, size, (PRUint32)incr); \
-        } \
-        if (p) {\
-            PL_ArenaCountGrowth(pool, size, (PRUint32)incr); \
-        } \
-#define PL_ARENA_MARK(pool) ((void *) (pool)->current->avail)
-#define PR_UPTRDIFF(p,q) ((PRUword)(p) - (PRUword)(q))
-#define PL_CLEAR_UNUSED_PATTERN(a, pattern) \
-        PR_ASSERT((a)->avail <= (a)->limit); \
-        PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED((void*)(a)->avail, (a)->limit - (a)->avail); \
-        memset((void*)(a)->avail, (pattern), (a)->limit - (a)->avail); \
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define PL_CLEAR_ARENA(a) \
-        PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED((void*)(a), (a)->limit - (PRUword)(a)); \
-        memset((void*)(a), PL_FREE_PATTERN, (a)->limit - (PRUword)(a)); \
-#define PL_CLEAR_UNUSED(a)
-#define PL_CLEAR_ARENA(a)
-#define PL_ARENA_RELEASE(pool, mark) \
-        char *_m = (char *)(mark); \
-        PLArena *_a = (pool)->current; \
-        if (PR_UPTRDIFF(_m, _a->base) <= PR_UPTRDIFF(_a->avail, _a->base)) { \
-            _a->avail = (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, _m); \
-            PL_CLEAR_UNUSED(_a); \
-            PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((void*)_a->avail, _a->limit - _a->avail); \
-            PL_ArenaCountRetract(pool, _m); \
-        } else { \
-            PL_ArenaRelease(pool, _m); \
-        } \
-        PL_ArenaCountRelease(pool, _m); \
-#define PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,op) ((pool)->stats.narenas op)
-#define PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,op)
-#define PL_ARENA_DESTROY(pool, a, pnext) \
-        PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,--); \
-        if ((pool)->current == (a)) (pool)->current = &(pool)->first; \
-        *(pnext) = (a)->next; \
-        PL_CLEAR_ARENA(a); \
-        free(a); \
-        (a) = 0; \
-#include <stdio.h>
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaCountAllocation(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaCountGrowth(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaCountRelease(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaCountRetract(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_DumpArenaStats(FILE *fp);
-#else  /* !PL_ARENAMETER */
-#define PL_ArenaCountAllocation(ap, nb)                 /* nothing */
-#define PL_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth(ap, size, incr)      /* nothing */
-#define PL_ArenaCountGrowth(ap, size, incr)             /* nothing */
-#define PL_ArenaCountRelease(ap, mark)                  /* nothing */
-#define PL_ArenaCountRetract(ap, mark)                  /* nothing */
-#endif /* !PL_ARENAMETER */
-#endif /* plarena_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h b/nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 98bd7f8..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PLARENAS_H
-#define PLARENAS_H
-typedef struct PLArenaPool      PLArenaPool;
-** Initialize an arena pool with the given name for debugging and metering,
-** with a minimum gross size per arena of size bytes.  The net size per arena
-** is smaller than the gross size by a header of four pointers plus any
-** necessary padding for alignment.
-** Note: choose a gross size that's a power of two to avoid the heap allocator
-** rounding the size up.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_InitArenaPool(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, const char *name, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 align);
-** Finish using arenas, freeing all memory associated with them.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaFinish(void);
-** Free the arenas in pool.  The user may continue to allocate from pool
-** after calling this function.  There is no need to call PL_InitArenaPool()
-** again unless PL_FinishArenaPool(pool) has been called.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FreeArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
-** Free the arenas in pool and finish using it altogether.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FinishArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
-** Compact all of the arenas in a pool so that no space is wasted.
-** NOT IMPLEMENTED.  Do not use.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_CompactArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
-** Friend functions used by the PL_ARENA_*() macros.
-** WARNING: do not call these functions directly. Always use the
-** PL_ARENA_*() macros.
-PR_EXTERN(void *) PL_ArenaAllocate(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb);
-PR_EXTERN(void *) PL_ArenaGrow(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, void *p, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark);
-** memset contents of all arenas in pool to pattern
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ClearArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool, PRInt32 pattern);
-** A function like malloc_size() or malloc_usable_size() that measures the
-** size of a heap block.
-typedef size_t (*PLMallocSizeFn)(const void *ptr);
-** Measure all memory used by a PLArenaPool, excluding the PLArenaPool
-** structure.
-PR_EXTERN(size_t) PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool(
-    const PLArenaPool *pool, PLMallocSizeFn mallocSizeOf);
-#endif /* PLARENAS_H */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plhash.c b/nspr/lib/ds/plhash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0011df3..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/ds/plhash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * PL hash table package.
- */
-#include "plhash.h"
-#include "prbit.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Compute the number of buckets in ht */
-#define NBUCKETS(ht)    (1 << (PL_HASH_BITS - (ht)->shift))
-/* The smallest table has 16 buckets */
-#define MINBUCKETSLOG2  4
-#define MINBUCKETS      (1 << MINBUCKETSLOG2)
-/* Compute the maximum entries given n buckets that we will tolerate, ~90% */
-#define OVERLOADED(n)   ((n) - ((n) >> 3))
-/* Compute the number of entries below which we shrink the table by half */
-#define UNDERLOADED(n)  (((n) > MINBUCKETS) ? ((n) >> 2) : 0)
-** Stubs for default hash allocator ops.
-static void * PR_CALLBACK
-DefaultAllocTable(void *pool, PRSize size)
-    return PR_MALLOC(size);
-static void PR_CALLBACK
-DefaultFreeTable(void *pool, void *item)
-    PR_Free(item);
-static PLHashEntry * PR_CALLBACK
-DefaultAllocEntry(void *pool, const void *key)
-    return PR_NEW(PLHashEntry);
-static void PR_CALLBACK
-DefaultFreeEntry(void *pool, PLHashEntry *he, PRUintn flag)
-    if (flag == HT_FREE_ENTRY)
-        PR_Free(he);
-static PLHashAllocOps defaultHashAllocOps = {
-    DefaultAllocTable, DefaultFreeTable,
-    DefaultAllocEntry, DefaultFreeEntry
-PL_NewHashTable(PRUint32 n, PLHashFunction keyHash,
-                PLHashComparator keyCompare, PLHashComparator valueCompare,
-                const PLHashAllocOps *allocOps, void *allocPriv)
-    PLHashTable *ht;
-    PRSize nb;
-    if (n <= MINBUCKETS) {
-        n = MINBUCKETSLOG2;
-    } else {
-        n = PR_CeilingLog2(n);
-        if ((PRInt32)n < 0)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    if (!allocOps) allocOps = &defaultHashAllocOps;
-    ht = (PLHashTable*)((*allocOps->allocTable)(allocPriv, sizeof *ht));
-    if (!ht)
-	return 0;
-    memset(ht, 0, sizeof *ht);
-    ht->shift = PL_HASH_BITS - n;
-    n = 1 << n;
-    nb = n * sizeof(PLHashEntry *);
-    ht->buckets = (PLHashEntry**)((*allocOps->allocTable)(allocPriv, nb));
-    if (!ht->buckets) {
-        (*allocOps->freeTable)(allocPriv, ht);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    memset(ht->buckets, 0, nb);
-    ht->keyHash = keyHash;
-    ht->keyCompare = keyCompare;
-    ht->valueCompare = valueCompare;
-    ht->allocOps = allocOps;
-    ht->allocPriv = allocPriv;
-    return ht;
-PL_HashTableDestroy(PLHashTable *ht)
-    PRUint32 i, n;
-    PLHashEntry *he, *next;
-    const PLHashAllocOps *allocOps = ht->allocOps;
-    void *allocPriv = ht->allocPriv;
-    n = NBUCKETS(ht);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        for (he = ht->buckets[i]; he; he = next) {
-            next = he->next;
-            (*allocOps->freeEntry)(allocPriv, he, HT_FREE_ENTRY);
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    memset(ht->buckets, 0xDB, n * sizeof ht->buckets[0]);
-    (*allocOps->freeTable)(allocPriv, ht->buckets);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    memset(ht, 0xDB, sizeof *ht);
-    (*allocOps->freeTable)(allocPriv, ht);
-** Multiplicative hash, from Knuth 6.4.
-#define GOLDEN_RATIO    0x9E3779B9U  /* 2/(1+sqrt(5))*(2^32) */
-PL_HashTableRawLookup(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashNumber keyHash, const void *key)
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep, **hep0;
-    PLHashNumber h;
-    ht->nlookups++;
-    h = keyHash * GOLDEN_RATIO;
-    h >>= ht->shift;
-    hep = hep0 = &ht->buckets[h];
-    while ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-        if (he->keyHash == keyHash && (*ht->keyCompare)(key, he->key)) {
-            /* Move to front of chain if not already there */
-            if (hep != hep0) {
-                *hep = he->next;
-                he->next = *hep0;
-                *hep0 = he;
-            }
-            return hep0;
-        }
-        hep = &he->next;
-        ht->nsteps++;
-    }
-    return hep;
-** Same as PL_HashTableRawLookup but doesn't reorder the hash entries.
-PL_HashTableRawLookupConst(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashNumber keyHash,
-                           const void *key)
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep;
-    PLHashNumber h;
-    ht->nlookups++;
-    h = keyHash * GOLDEN_RATIO;
-    h >>= ht->shift;
-    hep = &ht->buckets[h];
-    while ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-        if (he->keyHash == keyHash && (*ht->keyCompare)(key, he->key)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        hep = &he->next;
-        ht->nsteps++;
-    }
-    return hep;
-PL_HashTableRawAdd(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEntry **hep,
-                   PLHashNumber keyHash, const void *key, void *value)
-    PRUint32 i, n;
-    PLHashEntry *he, *next, **oldbuckets;
-    PRSize nb;
-    /* Grow the table if it is overloaded */
-    n = NBUCKETS(ht);
-    if (ht->nentries >= OVERLOADED(n)) {
-        oldbuckets = ht->buckets;
-        nb = 2 * n * sizeof(PLHashEntry *);
-        ht->buckets = (PLHashEntry**)
-            ((*ht->allocOps->allocTable)(ht->allocPriv, nb));
-        if (!ht->buckets) {
-            ht->buckets = oldbuckets;
-            return 0;
-        }
-        memset(ht->buckets, 0, nb);
-        ht->ngrows++;
-        ht->shift--;
-        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-            for (he = oldbuckets[i]; he; he = next) {
-                next = he->next;
-                hep = PL_HashTableRawLookup(ht, he->keyHash, he->key);
-                PR_ASSERT(*hep == 0);
-                he->next = 0;
-                *hep = he;
-            }
-        }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        memset(oldbuckets, 0xDB, n * sizeof oldbuckets[0]);
-        (*ht->allocOps->freeTable)(ht->allocPriv, oldbuckets);
-        hep = PL_HashTableRawLookup(ht, keyHash, key);
-    }
-    /* Make a new key value entry */
-    he = (*ht->allocOps->allocEntry)(ht->allocPriv, key);
-    if (!he)
-	return 0;
-    he->keyHash = keyHash;
-    he->key = key;
-    he->value = value;
-    he->next = *hep;
-    *hep = he;
-    ht->nentries++;
-    return he;
-PL_HashTableAdd(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key, void *value)
-    PLHashNumber keyHash;
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep;
-    keyHash = (*ht->keyHash)(key);
-    hep = PL_HashTableRawLookup(ht, keyHash, key);
-    if ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-        /* Hit; see if values match */
-        if ((*ht->valueCompare)(he->value, value)) {
-            /* key,value pair is already present in table */
-            return he;
-        }
-        if (he->value)
-            (*ht->allocOps->freeEntry)(ht->allocPriv, he, HT_FREE_VALUE);
-        he->value = value;
-        return he;
-    }
-    return PL_HashTableRawAdd(ht, hep, keyHash, key, value);
-PL_HashTableRawRemove(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEntry **hep, PLHashEntry *he)
-    PRUint32 i, n;
-    PLHashEntry *next, **oldbuckets;
-    PRSize nb;
-    *hep = he->next;
-    (*ht->allocOps->freeEntry)(ht->allocPriv, he, HT_FREE_ENTRY);
-    /* Shrink table if it's underloaded */
-    n = NBUCKETS(ht);
-    if (--ht->nentries < UNDERLOADED(n)) {
-        oldbuckets = ht->buckets;
-        nb = n * sizeof(PLHashEntry*) / 2;
-        ht->buckets = (PLHashEntry**)(
-            (*ht->allocOps->allocTable)(ht->allocPriv, nb));
-        if (!ht->buckets) {
-            ht->buckets = oldbuckets;
-            return;
-        }
-        memset(ht->buckets, 0, nb);
-        ht->nshrinks++;
-        ht->shift++;
-        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-            for (he = oldbuckets[i]; he; he = next) {
-                next = he->next;
-                hep = PL_HashTableRawLookup(ht, he->keyHash, he->key);
-                PR_ASSERT(*hep == 0);
-                he->next = 0;
-                *hep = he;
-            }
-        }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        memset(oldbuckets, 0xDB, n * sizeof oldbuckets[0]);
-        (*ht->allocOps->freeTable)(ht->allocPriv, oldbuckets);
-    }
-PL_HashTableRemove(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key)
-    PLHashNumber keyHash;
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep;
-    keyHash = (*ht->keyHash)(key);
-    hep = PL_HashTableRawLookup(ht, keyHash, key);
-    if ((he = *hep) == 0)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    /* Hit; remove element */
-    PL_HashTableRawRemove(ht, hep, he);
-    return PR_TRUE;
-PL_HashTableLookup(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key)
-    PLHashNumber keyHash;
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep;
-    keyHash = (*ht->keyHash)(key);
-    hep = PL_HashTableRawLookup(ht, keyHash, key);
-    if ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-        return he->value;
-    }
-    return 0;
-** Same as PL_HashTableLookup but doesn't reorder the hash entries.
-PL_HashTableLookupConst(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key)
-    PLHashNumber keyHash;
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep;
-    keyHash = (*ht->keyHash)(key);
-    hep = PL_HashTableRawLookupConst(ht, keyHash, key);
-    if ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-        return he->value;
-    }
-    return 0;
-** Iterate over the entries in the hash table calling func for each
-** entry found. Stop if "f" says to (return value & PR_ENUMERATE_STOP).
-** Return a count of the number of elements scanned.
-PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEnumerator f, void *arg)
-    PLHashEntry *he, **hep;
-    PRUint32 i, nbuckets;
-    int rv, n = 0;
-    PLHashEntry *todo = 0;
-    nbuckets = NBUCKETS(ht);
-    for (i = 0; i < nbuckets; i++) {
-        hep = &ht->buckets[i];
-        while ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-            rv = (*f)(he, n, arg);
-            n++;
-            if (rv & (HT_ENUMERATE_REMOVE | HT_ENUMERATE_UNHASH)) {
-                *hep = he->next;
-                if (rv & HT_ENUMERATE_REMOVE) {
-                    he->next = todo;
-                    todo = he;
-                }
-            } else {
-                hep = &he->next;
-            }
-            if (rv & HT_ENUMERATE_STOP) {
-                goto out;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    hep = &todo;
-    while ((he = *hep) != 0) {
-        PL_HashTableRawRemove(ht, hep, he);
-    }
-    return n;
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-PL_HashTableDumpMeter(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEnumerator dump, FILE *fp)
-    double mean, variance;
-    PRUint32 nchains, nbuckets;
-    PRUint32 i, n, maxChain, maxChainLen;
-    PLHashEntry *he;
-    variance = 0;
-    nchains = 0;
-    maxChainLen = 0;
-    nbuckets = NBUCKETS(ht);
-    for (i = 0; i < nbuckets; i++) {
-        he = ht->buckets[i];
-        if (!he)
-            continue;
-        nchains++;
-        for (n = 0; he; he = he->next)
-            n++;
-        variance += n * n;
-        if (n > maxChainLen) {
-            maxChainLen = n;
-            maxChain = i;
-        }
-    }
-    mean = (double)ht->nentries / nchains;
-    variance = fabs(variance / nchains - mean * mean);
-    fprintf(fp, "\nHash table statistics:\n");
-    fprintf(fp, "     number of lookups: %u\n", ht->nlookups);
-    fprintf(fp, "     number of entries: %u\n", ht->nentries);
-    fprintf(fp, "       number of grows: %u\n", ht->ngrows);
-    fprintf(fp, "     number of shrinks: %u\n", ht->nshrinks);
-    fprintf(fp, "   mean steps per hash: %g\n", (double)ht->nsteps
-                                                / ht->nlookups);
-    fprintf(fp, "mean hash chain length: %g\n", mean);
-    fprintf(fp, "    standard deviation: %g\n", sqrt(variance));
-    fprintf(fp, " max hash chain length: %u\n", maxChainLen);
-    fprintf(fp, "        max hash chain: [%u]\n", maxChain);
-    for (he = ht->buckets[maxChain], i = 0; he; he = he->next, i++)
-        if ((*dump)(he, i, fp) != HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT)
-            break;
-#endif /* HASHMETER */
-PL_HashTableDump(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEnumerator dump, FILE *fp)
-    int count;
-    count = PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(ht, dump, fp);
-    PL_HashTableDumpMeter(ht, dump, fp);
-    return count;
-PL_HashString(const void *key)
-    PLHashNumber h;
-    const PRUint8 *s;
-    h = 0;
-    for (s = (const PRUint8*)key; *s; s++)
-        h = PR_ROTATE_LEFT32(h, 4) ^ *s;
-    return h;
-PL_CompareStrings(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    return strcmp((const char*)v1, (const char*)v2) == 0;
-PL_CompareValues(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    return v1 == v2;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plhash.h b/nspr/lib/ds/plhash.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c221ae..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/ds/plhash.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef plhash_h___
-#define plhash_h___
- * API to portable hash table code.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef struct PLHashEntry  PLHashEntry;
-typedef struct PLHashTable  PLHashTable;
-typedef PRUint32 PLHashNumber;
-#define PL_HASH_BITS 32  /* Number of bits in PLHashNumber */
-typedef PLHashNumber (PR_CALLBACK *PLHashFunction)(const void *key);
-typedef PRIntn (PR_CALLBACK *PLHashComparator)(const void *v1, const void *v2);
-typedef PRIntn (PR_CALLBACK *PLHashEnumerator)(PLHashEntry *he, PRIntn i, void *arg);
-/* Flag bits in PLHashEnumerator's return value */
-#define HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT       0       /* continue enumerating entries */
-#define HT_ENUMERATE_STOP       1       /* stop enumerating entries */
-#define HT_ENUMERATE_REMOVE     2       /* remove and free the current entry */
-#define HT_ENUMERATE_UNHASH     4       /* just unhash the current entry */
-typedef struct PLHashAllocOps {
-    void *              (PR_CALLBACK *allocTable)(void *pool, PRSize size);
-    void                (PR_CALLBACK *freeTable)(void *pool, void *item);
-    PLHashEntry *       (PR_CALLBACK *allocEntry)(void *pool, const void *key);
-    void                (PR_CALLBACK *freeEntry)(void *pool, PLHashEntry *he, PRUintn flag);
-} PLHashAllocOps;
-#define HT_FREE_VALUE   0               /* just free the entry's value */
-#define HT_FREE_ENTRY   1               /* free value and entire entry */
-struct PLHashEntry {
-    PLHashEntry         *next;          /* hash chain linkage */
-    PLHashNumber        keyHash;        /* key hash function result */
-    const void          *key;           /* ptr to opaque key */
-    void                *value;         /* ptr to opaque value */
-struct PLHashTable {
-    PLHashEntry         **buckets;      /* vector of hash buckets */
-    PRUint32              nentries;       /* number of entries in table */
-    PRUint32              shift;          /* multiplicative hash shift */
-    PLHashFunction      keyHash;        /* key hash function */
-    PLHashComparator    keyCompare;     /* key comparison function */
-    PLHashComparator    valueCompare;   /* value comparison function */
-    const PLHashAllocOps *allocOps;     /* allocation operations */
-    void                *allocPriv;     /* allocation private data */
-    PRUint32              nlookups;       /* total number of lookups */
-    PRUint32              nsteps;         /* number of hash chains traversed */
-    PRUint32              ngrows;         /* number of table expansions */
-    PRUint32              nshrinks;       /* number of table contractions */
- * Create a new hash table.
- * If allocOps is null, use default allocator ops built on top of malloc().
- */
-PR_EXTERN(PLHashTable *)
-PL_NewHashTable(PRUint32 numBuckets, PLHashFunction keyHash,
-                PLHashComparator keyCompare, PLHashComparator valueCompare,
-                const PLHashAllocOps *allocOps, void *allocPriv);
-PL_HashTableDestroy(PLHashTable *ht);
-/* Higher level access methods */
-PR_EXTERN(PLHashEntry *)
-PL_HashTableAdd(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key, void *value);
-PL_HashTableRemove(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key);
-PR_EXTERN(void *)
-PL_HashTableLookup(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key);
-PR_EXTERN(void *)
-PL_HashTableLookupConst(PLHashTable *ht, const void *key);
-PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEnumerator f, void *arg);
-/* General-purpose C string hash function. */
-PL_HashString(const void *key);
-/* Compare strings using strcmp(), return true if equal. */
-PL_CompareStrings(const void *v1, const void *v2);
-/* Stub function just returns v1 == v2 */
-PL_CompareValues(const void *v1, const void *v2);
-/* Low level access methods */
-PR_EXTERN(PLHashEntry **)
-PL_HashTableRawLookup(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashNumber keyHash, const void *key);
-PR_EXTERN(PLHashEntry **)
-PL_HashTableRawLookupConst(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashNumber keyHash,
-                           const void *key);
-PR_EXTERN(PLHashEntry *)
-PL_HashTableRawAdd(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEntry **hep, PLHashNumber keyHash,
-                   const void *key, void *value);
-PL_HashTableRawRemove(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEntry **hep, PLHashEntry *he);
-/* This can be trivially implemented using PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries. */
-PL_HashTableDump(PLHashTable *ht, PLHashEnumerator dump, FILE *fp);
-#endif /* plhash_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plbase64.h b/nspr/lib/libc/include/plbase64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d17ea7..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plbase64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _plbase64_h
-#define _plbase64_h
-#include "prtypes.h"
- * PL_Base64Encode
- *
- * This routine encodes the data pointed to by the "src" parameter using the
- * base64 algorithm, and returns a pointer to the result.  If the "srclen"
- * parameter is not zero, it specifies the length of the source data.  If it
- * is zero, the source data is assumed to be null-terminated, and PL_strlen
- * is used to determine the source length.  If the "dest" parameter is not
- * null, it is assumed to point to a buffer of sufficient size (which may be
- * calculated: ((srclen + 2)/3)*4) into which the encoded data is placed 
- * (without any termination).  If the "dest" parameter is null, a buffer is
- * allocated from the heap to hold the encoded data, and the result *will*
- * be terminated with an extra null character.  It is the caller's 
- * responsibility to free the result when it is allocated.  A null is returned 
- * if the allocation fails.
- *
- * NOTE: when calculating ((srclen + 2)/3)*4), first ensure that
- *     srclen <= (PR_UINT32_MAX/4) * 3
- * to avoid PRUint32 overflow.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-    const char *src,
-    PRUint32    srclen,
-    char       *dest
- * PL_Base64Decode
- *
- * This routine decodes the data pointed to by the "src" parameter using
- * the base64 algorithm, and returns a pointer to the result.  The source
- * may either include or exclude any trailing '=' characters.  If the
- * "srclen" parameter is not zero, it specifies the length of the source
- * data.  If it is zero, PL_strlen will be used to determine the source
- * length.  If the "dest" parameter is not null, it is assumed to point to
- * a buffer of sufficient size (which may be calculated: (srclen * 3)/4
- * when srclen includes the '=' characters) into which the decoded data
- * is placed (without any termination).  If the "dest" parameter is null,
- * a buffer is allocated from the heap to hold the decoded data, and the
- * result *will* be terminated with an extra null character.  It is the
- * caller's responsibility to free the result when it is allocated.  A null
- * is retuned if the allocation fails, or if the source is not well-coded.
- *
- * NOTE: when calculating (srclen * 3)/4, first ensure that 
- *     srclen <= PR_UINT32_MAX/3
- * to avoid PRUint32 overflow.  Alternatively, calculate
- *     (srclen/4) * 3 + ((srclen%4) * 3)/4
- * which is equivalent but doesn't overflow for any value of srclen.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-    const char *src,
-    PRUint32    srclen,
-    char       *dest
-#endif /* _plbase64_h */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plerror.h b/nspr/lib/libc/include/plerror.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd85dd3..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plerror.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:        plerror.h
-** Description: Simple routine to print translate the calling thread's
-**              error numbers and print them.
-#if defined(PLERROR_H)
-#define PLERROR_H
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** Print the messages to "syserr" prepending 'msg' if not NULL.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_PrintError(const char *msg);
-** Print the messages to specified output file prepending 'msg' if not NULL.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FPrintError(PRFileDesc *output, const char *msg);
-#endif /* defined(PLERROR_H) */
-/* plerror.h */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plgetopt.h b/nspr/lib/libc/include/plgetopt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 19cafa6..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plgetopt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:          plgetopt.h
-** Description:   utilities to parse argc/argv
-#if defined(PLGETOPT_H_)
-#define PLGETOPT_H_
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef struct PLOptionInternal PLOptionInternal; 
-typedef enum
-        PL_OPT_OK,              /* all's well with the option */
-        PL_OPT_EOL,             /* end of options list */
-        PL_OPT_BAD              /* invalid option (and value) */
-} PLOptStatus;
-typedef struct PLLongOpt
-    const char * longOptName;   /* long option name string                  */
-    PRIntn       longOption;    /* value put in PLOptState for this option. */
-    PRBool       valueRequired; /* If option name not followed by '=',      */
-                                /* value is the next argument from argv.    */
-} PLLongOpt;
-typedef struct PLOptState
-    char option;                /* the name of the option */
-    const char *value;          /* the value of that option | NULL */
-    PLOptionInternal *internal; /* private processing state */
-    PRIntn   longOption;        /* value from PLLongOpt put here */
-    PRIntn   longOptIndex;      /* index into caller's array of PLLongOpts */
-} PLOptState;
- * PL_CreateOptState
- *
- * The argument "options" points to a string of single-character option 
- * names.  Option names that may have an option argument value must be 
- * followed immediately by a ':' character.  
- */
-PR_EXTERN(PLOptState*) PL_CreateOptState(
-        PRIntn argc, char **argv, const char *options);
- * PL_CreateLongOptState
- *
- * Alternative to PL_CreateOptState.  
- * Allows caller to specify BOTH a string of single-character option names, 
- * AND an array of structures describing "long" (keyword) option names.  
- * The array is terminated by a structure in which longOptName is NULL.  
- * Long option values (arguments) may always be given as "--name=value".
- * If PLLongOpt.valueRequired is not PR_FALSE, and the option name was not 
- * followed by '=' then the next argument from argv is taken as the value.  
- */
-PR_EXTERN(PLOptState*) PL_CreateLongOptState(
-        PRIntn argc, char **argv, const char *options, 
-        const PLLongOpt *longOpts);
- * PL_DestroyOptState
- *
- * Call this to destroy the PLOptState returned from PL_CreateOptState or
- * PL_CreateLongOptState.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_DestroyOptState(PLOptState *opt);
- * PL_GetNextOpt
- *
- * When this function returns PL_OPT_OK, 
- * - opt->option will hold the single-character option name that was parsed, 
- *   or zero.  
- * When opt->option is zero, the token parsed was either a "long" (keyword) 
- *   option or a positional parameter.  
- * For a positional parameter, 
- * - opt->longOptIndex will contain -1, and
- * - opt->value will point to the positional parameter string.
- * For a long option name, 
- * - opt->longOptIndex will contain the non-negative index of the 
- *   PLLongOpt structure in the caller's array of PLLongOpt structures 
- *   corresponding to the long option name, and 
- * For a single-character or long option, 
- * - opt->longOption will contain the value of the single-character option
- *   name, or the value of the longOption from the PLLongOpt structure
- *   for that long option.  See notes below.
- * - opt->value will point to the argument option string, or will
- *   be NULL if option does not require argument.  If option requires
- *   argument but it is not provided, PL_OPT_BAD is returned.
- * When opt->option is non-zero, 
- * - opt->longOptIndex will be -1
- * When this function returns PL_OPT_EOL, or PL_OPT_BAD, the contents of
- *   opt are undefined.
- *
- * Notes: It is possible to ignore opt->option, and always look at 
- *   opt->longOption instead.  opt->longOption will contain the same value
- *   as opt->option for single-character option names, and will contain the
- *   value of longOption from the PLLongOpt structure for long option names.
- * This means that it is possible to equivalence long option names to 
- *   single character names by giving the longOption in the PLLongOpt struct
- *   the same value as the single-character option name.  
- * For long options that are NOT intended to be equivalent to any single-
- *   character option, the longOption value should be chosen to not match 
- *   any possible single character name.  It might be advisable to choose
- *   longOption values greater than 0xff for such long options.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(PLOptStatus) PL_GetNextOpt(PLOptState *opt);
-#endif /* defined(PLGETOPT_H_) */
-/* plgetopt.h */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plstr.h b/nspr/lib/libc/include/plstr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57814c7..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/include/plstr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _plstr_h
-#define _plstr_h
- * plstr.h
- *
- * This header file exports the API to the NSPR portable library or string-
- * handling functions.  
- * 
- * This API was not designed as an "optimal" or "ideal" string library; it 
- * was based on the good ol' unix string.3 functions, and was written to
- *
- *  1) replace the libc functions, for cross-platform consistency, 
- *  2) complete the API on platforms lacking common functions (e.g., 
- *     strcase*), and
- *  3) to implement some obvious "closure" functions that I've seen
- *     people hacking around in our code.
- *
- * Point number three largely means that most functions have an "strn"
- * limited-length version, and all comparison routines have a non-case-
- * sensitive version available.
- */
-#include "prtypes.h"
- * PL_strlen
- *
- * Returns the length of the provided string, not including the trailing '\0'.
- */
-PL_strlen(const char *str);
- * PL_strnlen
- *
- * Returns the length of the provided string, not including the trailing '\0',
- * up to the indicated maximum.  The string will not be examined beyond the
- * maximum; if no terminating '\0' is found, the maximum will be returned.
- */
-PL_strnlen(const char *str, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strcpy
- *
- * Copies the source string, up to and including the trailing '\0', into the
- * destination buffer.  It does not (can not) verify that the destination
- * buffer is large enough.  It returns the "dest" argument.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
- * PL_strncpy
- *
- * Copies the source string into the destination buffer, up to and including
- * the trailing '\0' or up to and including the max'th character, whichever
- * comes first.  It does not (can not) verify that the destination buffer is
- * large enough.  If the source string is longer than the maximum length,
- * the result will *not* be null-terminated (JLRU).
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strncpyz
- *
- * Copies the source string into the destination buffer, up to and including 
- * the trailing '\0' or up but not including the max'th character, whichever 
- * comes first.  It does not (can not) verify that the destination buffer is
- * large enough.  The destination string is always terminated with a '\0',
- * unlike the traditional libc implementation.  It returns the "dest" argument.
- *
- * NOTE: If you call this with a source "abcdefg" and a max of 5, the 
- * destination will end up with "abcd\0" (i.e., its strlen length will be 4)!
- *
- * This means you can do this:
- *
- *     char buffer[ SOME_SIZE ];
- *     PL_strncpyz(buffer, src, sizeof(buffer));
- *
- * and the result will be properly terminated.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strncpyz(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strdup
- *
- * Returns a pointer to a malloc'd extent of memory containing a duplicate
- * of the argument string.  The size of the allocated extent is one greater
- * than the length of the argument string, because of the terminator.  A
- * null argument, like a zero-length argument, will result in a pointer to
- * a one-byte extent containing the null value.  This routine returns null
- * upon malloc failure.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strdup(const char *s);
- * PL_strfree
- *
- * Free memory allocated by PL_strdup
- */
-PL_strfree(char *s);
- * PL_strndup
- *
- * Returns a pointer to a malloc'd extent of memory containing a duplicate
- * of the argument string, up to the maximum specified.  If the argument
- * string has a length greater than the value of the specified maximum, the
- * return value will be a pointer to an extent of memory of length one
- * greater than the maximum specified.  A null string, a zero-length string,
- * or a zero maximum will all result in a pointer to a one-byte extent
- * containing the null value.  This routine returns null upon malloc failure.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strndup(const char *s, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strcat
- *
- * Appends a copy of the string pointed to by the second argument to the
- * end of the string pointed to by the first.  The destination buffer is
- * not (can not be) checked for sufficient size.  A null destination
- * argument returns null; otherwise, the first argument is returned.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strcat(char *dst, const char *src);
- * PL_strncat
- *
- * Appends a copy of the string pointed to by the second argument, up to
- * the maximum size specified, to the end of the string pointed to by the
- * first.  The destination buffer is not (can not be) checked for sufficient
- * size.  A null destination argument returns null; otherwise, the first 
- * argument is returned.  If the maximum size limits the copy, then the
- * result will *not* be null-terminated (JLRU).  A null destination
- * returns null; otherwise, the destination argument is returned.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strncat(char *dst, const char *src, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strcatn
- *
- * Appends a copy of the string pointed to by the third argument, to the
- * end of the string pointed to by the first.  The second argument specifies
- * the maximum size of the destination buffer, including the null termination.
- * If the existing string in dst is longer than the max, no action is taken.
- * The resulting string will be null-terminated.  A null destination returns
- * null; otherwise, the destination argument is returned.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strcatn(char *dst, PRUint32 max, const char *src);
- * PL_strcmp
- *
- * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero, or negative --
- * reflects the lexical sorting order of the two strings indicated.  The
- * result is positive if the first string comes after the second.  The
- * NSPR implementation is not i18n.
- */
-PL_strcmp(const char *a, const char *b);
- * PL_strncmp
- * 
- * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero, or negative --
- * reflects the lexical sorting order of the two strings indicated, up to
- * the maximum specified.  The result is positive if the first string comes 
- * after the second.  The NSPR implementation is not i18n.  If the maximum
- * is zero, only the existance or non-existance (pointer is null) of the
- * strings is compared.
- */
-PL_strncmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strcasecmp
- *
- * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero or negative --
- * reflects the case-insensitive lexical sorting order of the two strings
- * indicated.  The result is positive if the first string comes after the 
- * second.  The NSPR implementation is not i18n.
- */
-PL_strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b);
- * PL_strncasecmp
- *
- * Returns an integer, the sign of which -- positive, zero or negative --
- * reflects the case-insensitive lexical sorting order of the first n characters
- * of the two strings indicated.  The result is positive if the first string comes 
- * after the second.  The NSPR implementation is not i18n.
- */
-PL_strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strchr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the specified character in the
- * provided string.  It returns null if the character is not found, or if the
- * provided string is null.  The character may be the null character.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strchr(const char *s, char c);
- * PL_strrchr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the specified character in the
- * provided string.  It returns null if the character is not found, or if the
- * provided string is null.  The character may be the null character.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strrchr(const char *s, char c);
- * PL_strnchr
- * 
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the specified character within the
- * first n characters of the provided string.  It returns null if the character
- * is not found, or if the provided string is null.  The character may be the
- * null character.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strnchr(const char *s, char c, PRUint32 n);
- * PL_strnrchr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the specified character within the
- * first n characters of the provided string.  It returns null if the character is
- * not found, or if the provided string is null.  The character may be the null
- * character.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strnrchr(const char *s, char c, PRUint32 n);
- * NOTE: Looking for strcasechr, strcaserchr, strncasechr, or strncaserchr?
- * Use strpbrk, strprbrk, strnpbrk or strnprbrk.
- */
- * PL_strpbrk
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance in the first string of any character
- * (not including the terminating null character) of the second string.  It returns
- * null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strpbrk(const char *s, const char *list);
- * PL_strprbrk
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance in the first string of any character
- * (not including the terminating null character) of the second string.  It returns
- * null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strprbrk(const char *s, const char *list);
- * PL_strnpbrk
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance (within the first n characters) of any
- * character (not including the terminating null character) of the second string.
- * It returns null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strnpbrk(const char *s, const char *list, PRUint32 n);
- * PL_strnprbrk
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance (within the first n characters) of any
- * character (not including the terminating null character) of the second string.
- * It returns null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strnprbrk(const char *s, const char *list, PRUint32 n);
- * PL_strstr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the
- * big one.  It returns null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strstr(const char *big, const char *little);
- * PL_strrstr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the big one.
- * It returns null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strrstr(const char *big, const char *little);
- * PL_strnstr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the first
- * n characters of the big one.  It returns null if either string is null.  It
- * returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 n);
- * PL_strnrstr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the first
- * n characters of the big one.  It returns null if either string is null.  It
- * returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strnrstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strcasestr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the big one,
- * ignoring case.  It returns null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strcasestr(const char *big, const char *little);
- * PL_strcaserstr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the big one,
- * ignoring case.  It returns null if either string is null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strcaserstr(const char *big, const char *little);
- * PL_strncasestr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first instance of the little string within the first
- * n characters of the big one, ignoring case.  It returns null if either string is 
- * null.  It returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strncasestr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strncaserstr
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the last instance of the little string within the first
- * n characters of the big one, ignoring case.  It returns null if either string is
- * null.  It returns null if the length of the little string is greater than n.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strncaserstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max);
- * PL_strtok_r
- *
- * Splits the string s1 into tokens, separated by one or more characters
- * from the separator string s2.  The argument lasts points to a
- * user-supplied char * pointer in which PL_strtok_r stores information
- * for it to continue scanning the same string.
- *
- * In the first call to PL_strtok_r, s1 points to a string and the value
- * of *lasts is ignored.  PL_strtok_r returns a pointer to the first
- * token, writes '\0' into the character following the first token, and
- * updates *lasts.
- *
- * In subsequent calls, s1 is null and lasts must stay unchanged from the
- * previous call.  The separator string s2 may be different from call to
- * call.  PL_strtok_r returns a pointer to the next token in s1.  When no
- * token remains in s1, PL_strtok_r returns null.
- */
-PR_EXTERN(char *)
-PL_strtok_r(char *s1, const char *s2, char **lasts);
- * Things not (yet?) included: strspn/strcspn, strsep.
- * memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memccpy, index, rindex, bcmp, bcopy, bzero.
- * Any and all i18n/l10n stuff.
- */
-#endif /* _plstr_h */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/base64.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/base64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 07a4902..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/base64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plbase64.h"
-#include "prlog.h" /* For PR_NOT_REACHED */
-#include "prmem.h" /* for malloc / PR_MALLOC */
-#include <string.h> /* for strlen */
-static unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
-static void
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    PRUint32 b32 = (PRUint32)0;
-    PRIntn i, j = 18;
-    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
-    {
-        b32 <<= 8;
-        b32 |= (PRUint32)src[i];
-    }
-    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-    {
-        dest[i] = base[ (PRUint32)((b32>>j) & 0x3F) ];
-        j -= 6;
-    }
-    return;
-static void
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    dest[0] = base[ (PRUint32)((src[0]>>2) & 0x3F) ];
-    dest[1] = base[ (PRUint32)(((src[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((src[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)) ];
-    dest[2] = base[ (PRUint32)((src[1] & 0x0F) << 2) ];
-    dest[3] = (unsigned char)'=';
-    return;
-static void
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    dest[0] = base[ (PRUint32)((src[0]>>2) & 0x3F) ];
-    dest[1] = base[ (PRUint32)((src[0] & 0x03) << 4) ];
-    dest[2] = (unsigned char)'=';
-    dest[3] = (unsigned char)'=';
-    return;
-static void
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    PRUint32                srclen,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    while( srclen >= 3 )
-    {
-        encode3to4(src, dest);
-        src += 3;
-        dest += 4;
-        srclen -= 3;
-    }
-    switch( srclen )
-    {
-        case 2:
-            encode2to4(src, dest);
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            encode1to4(src, dest);
-            break;
-        case 0:
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_NOT_REACHED("coding error");
-    }
-    return;
- * PL_Base64Encode
- *
- * If the destination argument is NULL, a return buffer is 
- * allocated, and the data therein will be null-terminated.  
- * If the destination argument is not NULL, it is assumed to
- * be of sufficient size, and the contents will not be null-
- * terminated by this routine.
- *
- * Returns null if the allocation fails.
- */
-    const char *src,
-    PRUint32    srclen,
-    char       *dest
-    if( 0 == srclen )
-    {
-        size_t len = strlen(src);
-        srclen = len;
-        /* Detect truncation. */
-        if( srclen != len )
-        {
-            return (char *)0;
-        }
-    }
-    if( (char *)0 == dest )
-    {
-        PRUint32 destlen;
-        /* Ensure all PRUint32 values stay within range. */
-        if( srclen > (PR_UINT32_MAX/4) * 3 )
-        {
-            return (char *)0;
-        }
-        destlen = ((srclen + 2)/3) * 4;
-        dest = (char *)PR_MALLOC(destlen + 1);
-        if( (char *)0 == dest )
-        {
-            return (char *)0;
-        }
-        dest[ destlen ] = (char)0; /* null terminate */
-    }
-    encode((const unsigned char *)src, srclen, (unsigned char *)dest);
-    return dest;
-static PRInt32
-    unsigned char c
-    if( (c >= (unsigned char)'A') && (c <= (unsigned char)'Z') )
-    {
-        return (PRInt32)(c - (unsigned char)'A');
-    }
-    else if( (c >= (unsigned char)'a') && (c <= (unsigned char)'z') )
-    {
-        return ((PRInt32)(c - (unsigned char)'a') +26);
-    }
-    else if( (c >= (unsigned char)'0') && (c <= (unsigned char)'9') )
-    {
-        return ((PRInt32)(c - (unsigned char)'0') +52);
-    }
-    else if( (unsigned char)'+' == c )
-    {
-        return (PRInt32)62;
-    }
-    else if( (unsigned char)'/' == c )
-    {
-        return (PRInt32)63;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return -1;
-    }
-static PRStatus
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    PRUint32 b32 = (PRUint32)0;
-    PRInt32 bits;
-    PRIntn i;
-    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-    {
-        bits = codetovalue(src[i]);
-        if( bits < 0 )
-        {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        b32 <<= 6;
-        b32 |= bits;
-    }
-    dest[0] = (unsigned char)((b32 >> 16) & 0xFF);
-    dest[1] = (unsigned char)((b32 >>  8) & 0xFF);
-    dest[2] = (unsigned char)((b32      ) & 0xFF);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    PRUint32 b32 = (PRUint32)0;
-    PRInt32 bits;
-    PRUint32 ubits;
-    bits = codetovalue(src[0]);
-    if( bits < 0 )
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    b32 = (PRUint32)bits;
-    b32 <<= 6;
-    bits = codetovalue(src[1]);
-    if( bits < 0 )
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    b32 |= (PRUint32)bits;
-    b32 <<= 4;
-    bits = codetovalue(src[2]);
-    if( bits < 0 )
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    ubits = (PRUint32)bits;
-    b32 |= (ubits >> 2);
-    dest[0] = (unsigned char)((b32 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    dest[1] = (unsigned char)((b32     ) & 0xFF);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    PRUint32 b32;
-    PRUint32 ubits;
-    PRInt32 bits;
-    bits = codetovalue(src[0]);
-    if( bits < 0 )
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    ubits = (PRUint32)bits;
-    b32 = (ubits << 2);
-    bits = codetovalue(src[1]);
-    if( bits < 0 )
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    ubits = (PRUint32)bits;
-    b32 |= (ubits >> 4);
-    dest[0] = (unsigned char)b32;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-    const unsigned char    *src,
-    PRUint32                srclen,
-    unsigned char          *dest
-    PRStatus rv;
-    while( srclen >= 4 )
-    {
-        rv = decode4to3(src, dest);
-        if( PR_SUCCESS != rv )
-        {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        src += 4;
-        dest += 3;
-        srclen -= 4;
-    }
-    switch( srclen )
-    {
-        case 3:
-            rv = decode3to2(src, dest);
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            rv = decode2to1(src, dest);
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            rv = PR_FAILURE;
-            break;
-        case 0:
-            rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_NOT_REACHED("coding error");
-    }
-    return rv;
- * PL_Base64Decode
- *
- * If the destination argument is NULL, a return buffer is
- * allocated and the data therein will be null-terminated.
- * If the destination argument is not null, it is assumed
- * to be of sufficient size, and the data will not be null-
- * terminated by this routine.
- * 
- * Returns null if the allocation fails, or if the source string is 
- * not well-formed.
- */
-    const char *src,
-    PRUint32    srclen,
-    char       *dest
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRBool allocated = PR_FALSE;
-    if( (char *)0 == src )
-    {
-        return (char *)0;
-    }
-    if( 0 == srclen )
-    {
-        size_t len = strlen(src);
-        srclen = len;
-        /* Detect truncation. */
-        if( srclen != len )
-        {
-            return (char *)0;
-        }
-    }
-    if( srclen && (0 == (srclen & 3)) )
-    {
-        if( (char)'=' == src[ srclen-1 ] )
-        {
-            if( (char)'=' == src[ srclen-2 ] )
-            {
-                srclen -= 2;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                srclen -= 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if( (char *)0 == dest )
-    {
-        /* The following computes ((srclen * 3) / 4) without overflow. */
-        PRUint32 destlen = (srclen / 4) * 3 + ((srclen % 4) * 3) / 4;
-        dest = (char *)PR_MALLOC(destlen + 1);
-        if( (char *)0 == dest )
-        {
-            return (char *)0;
-        }
-        dest[ destlen ] = (char)0; /* null terminate */
-        allocated = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    status = decode((const unsigned char *)src, srclen, (unsigned char *)dest);
-    if( PR_SUCCESS != status )
-    {
-        if( PR_TRUE == allocated )
-        {
-            PR_DELETE(dest);
-        }
-        return (char *)0;
-    }
-    return dest;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/plerror.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/plerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8e08d..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/plerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:plerror.c
-** Description: Simple routine to print translate the calling thread's
-**  error numbers and print them to "syserr".
-#include "plerror.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_FPrintError(PRFileDesc *fd, const char *msg)
-PRErrorCode error = PR_GetError();
-PRInt32 oserror = PR_GetOSError();
-const char *name = PR_ErrorToName(error);
-	if (NULL != msg) PR_fprintf(fd, "%s: ", msg);
-    if (NULL == name)
-        PR_fprintf(
-			fd, " (%d)OUT OF RANGE, oserror = %d\n", error, oserror);
-    else
-        PR_fprintf(
-            fd, "%s(%d), oserror = %d\n",
-            name, error, oserror);
-}  /* PL_FPrintError */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_PrintError(const char *msg)
-	static PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-	if (NULL == fd) fd = PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError);
-	PL_FPrintError(fd, msg);
-}  /* PL_PrintError */
-/* plerror.c */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/plgetopt.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/plgetopt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 960decf..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/plgetopt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:          plgetopt.c
-** Description:   utilities to parse argc/argv
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include "plgetopt.h"
-#include <string.h>
-static char static_Nul = 0;
-struct PLOptionInternal
-    const char *options;        /* client options list specification */
-    PRIntn argc;                /* original number of arguments */
-    char **argv;                /* vector of pointers to arguments */
-    PRIntn xargc;               /* which one we're processing now */
-    const char *xargv;          /* where within *argv[xargc] */
-    PRIntn minus;               /* do we already have the '-'? */
-    const PLLongOpt *longOpts;  /* Caller's array */
-    PRBool endOfOpts;           /* have reached a "--" argument */
-    PRIntn optionsLen;          /* is strlen(options) */
-** Create the state in which to parse the tokens.
-** argc        the sum of the number of options and their values
-** argv        the options and their values
-** options    vector of single character options w/ | w/o ':
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PLOptState*) PL_CreateOptState(
-    PRIntn argc, char **argv, const char *options)
-    return PL_CreateLongOptState( argc, argv, options, NULL);
-}  /* PL_CreateOptState */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PLOptState*) PL_CreateLongOptState(
-    PRIntn argc, char **argv, const char *options, 
-    const PLLongOpt *longOpts)
-    PLOptState *opt = NULL;
-    PLOptionInternal *internal;
-    if (NULL == options) 
-    {
-        return opt;
-    }
-    opt = PR_NEWZAP(PLOptState);
-    if (NULL == opt) 
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return opt;
-    }
-    internal = PR_NEW(PLOptionInternal);
-    if (NULL == internal)
-    {
-        PR_DELETE(opt);
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    opt->option = 0;
-    opt->value = NULL;
-    opt->internal = internal;
-    opt->longOption   =  0;
-    opt->longOptIndex = -1;
-    internal->argc = argc;
-    internal->argv = argv;
-    internal->xargc = 0;
-    internal->xargv = &static_Nul;
-    internal->minus = 0;
-    internal->options = options;
-    internal->longOpts = longOpts;
-    internal->endOfOpts = PR_FALSE;
-    internal->optionsLen = PL_strlen(options);
-    return opt;
-}  /* PL_CreateLongOptState */
-** Destroy object created by CreateOptState()
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_DestroyOptState(PLOptState *opt)
-    PR_DELETE(opt->internal);
-    PR_DELETE(opt);
-}  /* PL_DestroyOptState */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PLOptStatus) PL_GetNextOpt(PLOptState *opt)
-    PLOptionInternal *internal = opt->internal;
-    opt->longOption   =  0;
-    opt->longOptIndex = -1;
-    /*
-    ** If the current xarg points to nul, advance to the next
-    ** element of the argv vector. If the vector index is equal
-    ** to argc, we're out of arguments, so return an EOL.
-    ** Note whether the first character of the new argument is
-    ** a '-' and skip by it if it is.
-    */
-    while (0 == *internal->xargv)
-    {
-        internal->xargc += 1;
-        if (internal->xargc >= internal->argc)
-        {
-            opt->option = 0;
-            opt->value = NULL;
-            return PL_OPT_EOL;
-        }
-        internal->xargv = internal->argv[internal->xargc];
-        internal->minus = 0;
-        if (!internal->endOfOpts && ('-' == *internal->xargv)) 
-        {
-            internal->minus++;
-            internal->xargv++;  /* and consume */
-            if ('-' == *internal->xargv && internal->longOpts) 
-            {
-                internal->minus++;
-                internal->xargv++;
-                if (0 == *internal->xargv) 
-                {
-                    internal->endOfOpts = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-    ** If we already have a '-' or '--' in hand, xargv points to the next
-    ** option. See if we can find a match in the list of possible
-    ** options supplied.
-    */
-    if (internal->minus == 2) 
-    {
-        char * foundEqual = strchr(internal->xargv,'=');
-        PRIntn optNameLen = foundEqual ? (foundEqual - internal->xargv) :
-                            strlen(internal->xargv);
-        const PLLongOpt *longOpt = internal->longOpts;
-        PLOptStatus result = PL_OPT_BAD;
-        opt->option = 0;
-        opt->value  = NULL;
-        for (; longOpt->longOptName; ++longOpt) 
-        {
-            if (strncmp(longOpt->longOptName, internal->xargv, optNameLen))
-                continue;  /* not a possible match */
-            if (strlen(longOpt->longOptName) != optNameLen)
-                continue;  /* not a match */
-            /* option name match */
-            opt->longOptIndex = longOpt - internal->longOpts;
-            opt->longOption   = longOpt->longOption;
-            /* value is part of the current argv[] element if = was found */
-            /* note: this sets value even for long options that do not
-             * require option if specified as --long=value */
-            if (foundEqual) 
-            {
-                opt->value = foundEqual + 1;
-            }
-            else if (longOpt->valueRequired)
-            {
-                /* value is the next argv[] element, if any */
-                if (internal->xargc + 1 < internal->argc)
-                {
-                    opt->value = internal->argv[++(internal->xargc)];
-                }
-                /* missing value */
-                else
-                {
-                    break; /* return PL_OPT_BAD */
-                }
-            }
-            result = PL_OPT_OK;
-            break;
-        }
-        internal->xargv = &static_Nul; /* consume this */
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (internal->minus)
-    {
-        PRIntn cop;
-        PRIntn eoo = internal->optionsLen;
-        for (cop = 0; cop < eoo; ++cop)
-        {
-            if (internal->options[cop] == *internal->xargv)
-            {
-                opt->option = *internal->xargv++;
-                opt->longOption = opt->option & 0xff;
-                /*
-                ** if options indicates that there's an associated
-                ** value, it must be provided, either as part of this
-                ** argv[] element or as the next one
-                */
-                if (':' == internal->options[cop + 1])
-                {
-                    /* value is part of the current argv[] element */
-                    if (0 != *internal->xargv)
-                    {
-                        opt->value = internal->xargv;
-                    }
-                    /* value is the next argv[] element, if any */
-                    else if (internal->xargc + 1 < internal->argc)
-                    {
-                        opt->value = internal->argv[++(internal->xargc)];
-                    }
-                    /* missing value */
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return PL_OPT_BAD;
-                    }
-                    internal->xargv = &static_Nul;
-                    internal->minus = 0;
-                }
-                else 
-                    opt->value = NULL; 
-                return PL_OPT_OK;
-            }
-        }
-        internal->xargv += 1;  /* consume that option */
-        return PL_OPT_BAD;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** No '-', so it must be a standalone value. The option is nul.
-    */
-    opt->value = internal->argv[internal->xargc];
-    internal->xargv = &static_Nul;
-    opt->option = 0;
-    return PL_OPT_OK;
-}  /* PL_GetNextOpt */
-/* plgetopt.c */
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b938ba4..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-static const unsigned char uc[] =
-    '\000', '\001', '\002', '\003', '\004', '\005', '\006', '\007',
-    '\010', '\011', '\012', '\013', '\014', '\015', '\016', '\017',
-    '\020', '\021', '\022', '\023', '\024', '\025', '\026', '\027',
-    '\030', '\031', '\032', '\033', '\034', '\035', '\036', '\037',
-    ' ',    '!',    '"',    '#',    '$',    '%',    '&',    '\'',
-    '(',    ')',    '*',    '+',    ',',    '-',    '.',    '/',
-    '0',    '1',    '2',    '3',    '4',    '5',    '6',    '7',
-    '8',    '9',    ':',    ';',    '<',    '=',    '>',    '?',
-    '@',    'A',    'B',    'C',    'D',    'E',    'F',    'G',
-    'H',    'I',    'J',    'K',    'L',    'M',    'N',    'O',
-    'P',    'Q',    'R',    'S',    'T',    'U',    'V',    'W',
-    'X',    'Y',    'Z',    '[',    '\\',   ']',    '^',    '_',
-    '`',    'A',    'B',    'C',    'D',    'E',    'F',    'G',
-    'H',    'I',    'J',    'K',    'L',    'M',    'N',    'O',
-    'P',    'Q',    'R',    'S',    'T',    'U',    'V',    'W',
-    'X',    'Y',    'Z',    '{',    '|',    '}',    '~',    '\177',
-    0200,   0201,   0202,   0203,   0204,   0205,   0206,   0207,
-    0210,   0211,   0212,   0213,   0214,   0215,   0216,   0217,
-    0220,   0221,   0222,   0223,   0224,   0225,   0226,   0227,
-    0230,   0231,   0232,   0233,   0234,   0235,   0236,   0237,
-    0240,   0241,   0242,   0243,   0244,   0245,   0246,   0247,
-    0250,   0251,   0252,   0253,   0254,   0255,   0256,   0257,
-    0260,   0261,   0262,   0263,   0264,   0265,   0266,   0267,
-    0270,   0271,   0272,   0273,   0274,   0275,   0276,   0277,
-    0300,   0301,   0302,   0303,   0304,   0305,   0306,   0307,
-    0310,   0311,   0312,   0313,   0314,   0315,   0316,   0317,
-    0320,   0321,   0322,   0323,   0324,   0325,   0326,   0327,
-    0330,   0331,   0332,   0333,   0334,   0335,   0336,   0337,
-    0340,   0341,   0342,   0343,   0344,   0345,   0346,   0347,
-    0350,   0351,   0352,   0353,   0354,   0355,   0356,   0357,
-    0360,   0361,   0362,   0363,   0364,   0365,   0366,   0367,
-    0370,   0371,   0372,   0373,   0374,   0375,   0376,   0377
-PL_strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b)
-    const unsigned char *ua = (const unsigned char *)a;
-    const unsigned char *ub = (const unsigned char *)b;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
-    while( (uc[*ua] == uc[*ub]) && ('\0' != *a) )
-    {
-        a++;
-        ua++;
-        ub++;
-    }
-    return (PRIntn)(uc[*ua] - uc[*ub]);
-PL_strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max)
-    const unsigned char *ua = (const unsigned char *)a;
-    const unsigned char *ub = (const unsigned char *)b;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
-    while( max && (uc[*ua] == uc[*ub]) && ('\0' != *a) )
-    {
-        a++;
-        ua++;
-        ub++;
-        max--;
-    }
-    if( 0 == max ) return (PRIntn)0;
-    return (PRIntn)(uc[*ua] - uc[*ub]);
-PL_strcasestr(const char *big, const char *little)
-    PRUint32 ll;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    for( ; *big; big++ )
-        /* obvious improvement available here */
-            if( 0 == PL_strncasecmp(big, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)big;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strcaserstr(const char *big, const char *little)
-    const char *p;
-    PRUint32 bl, ll;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    bl = strlen(big);
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    if( bl < ll ) return (char *)0;
-    p = &big[ bl - ll ];
-    for( ; p >= big; p-- )
-        /* obvious improvement available here */
-            if( 0 == PL_strncasecmp(p, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)p;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strncasestr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max)
-    PRUint32 ll;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    if( ll > max ) return (char *)0;
-    max -= ll;
-    max++;
-    for( ; max && *big; big++, max-- )
-        /* obvious improvement available here */
-            if( 0 == PL_strncasecmp(big, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)big;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strncaserstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max)
-    const char *p;
-    PRUint32 ll;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    for( p = big; max && *p; p++, max-- )
-        ;
-    p -= ll;
-    if( p < big ) return (char *)0;
-    for( ; p >= big; p-- )
-        /* obvious improvement available here */
-            if( 0 == PL_strncasecmp(p, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)p;
-    return (char *)0;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcat.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b7b46..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strcat(char *dest, const char *src)
-    if( ((char *)0 == dest) || ((const char *)0 == src) )
-        return dest;
-    return strcat(dest, src);
-PL_strncat(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max)
-    char *rv;
-    if( ((char *)0 == dest) || ((const char *)0 == src) || (0 == max) )
-        return dest;
-    for( rv = dest; *dest; dest++ )
-        ;
-    (void)PL_strncpy(dest, src, max);
-    return rv;
-PL_strcatn(char *dest, PRUint32 max, const char *src)
-    char *rv;
-    PRUint32 dl;
-    if( ((char *)0 == dest) || ((const char *)0 == src) )
-        return dest;
-    for( rv = dest, dl = 0; *dest; dest++, dl++ )
-        ;
-    if( max <= dl ) return rv;
-    (void)PL_strncpyz(dest, src, max-dl);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strchr.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strchr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 523378b..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strchr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strchr(const char *s, char c)
-    if( (const char *)0 == s ) return (char *)0;
-    return strchr(s, c);
-PL_strrchr(const char *s, char c)
-    if( (const char *)0 == s ) return (char *)0;
-    return strrchr(s, c);
-PL_strnchr(const char *s, char c, PRUint32 n)
-    if( (const char *)0 == s ) return (char *)0;
-    for( ; n && *s; s++, n-- )
-        if( *s == c )
-            return (char *)s;
-    if( ((char)0 == c) && (n > 0) && ((char)0 == *s) ) return (char *)s;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strnrchr(const char *s, char c, PRUint32 n)
-    const char *p;
-    if( (const char *)0 == s ) return (char *)0;
-    for( p = s; n && *p; p++, n-- )
-        ;
-    if( ((char)0 == c) && (n > 0) && ((char)0 == *p) ) return (char *)p;
-    for( p--; p >= s; p-- )
-        if( *p == c )
-            return (char *)p;
-    return (char *)0;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8fbcd..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strcmp(const char *a, const char *b)
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
-    return (PRIntn)strcmp(a, b);
-PL_strncmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max)
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
-    return (PRIntn)strncmp(a, b, (size_t)max);
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcpy.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcpy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d319aa..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcpy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)
-    if( ((char *)0 == dest) || ((const char *)0 == src) ) return (char *)0;
-    return strcpy(dest, src);
-PL_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max)
-    char *rv;
-    if( (char *)0 == dest ) return (char *)0;
-    if( (const char *)0 == src ) return (char *)0;
-    for( rv = dest; max && ((*dest = *src) != 0); dest++, src++, max-- )
-        ;
-#ifdef JLRU
-    /* XXX I (wtc) think the -- and ++ operators should be postfix. */
-    while( --max )
-        *++dest = '\0';
-#endif /* JLRU */
-    return rv;
-PL_strncpyz(char *dest, const char *src, PRUint32 max)
-    char *rv;
-    if( (char *)0 == dest ) return (char *)0;
-    if( (const char *)0 == src ) return (char *)0;
-    if( 0 == max ) return (char *)0;
-    for( rv = dest, max--; max && ((*dest = *src) != 0); dest++, src++, max-- )
-        ;
-    *dest = '\0';
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strdup.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strdup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c267147..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strdup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strdup(const char *s)
-    char *rv;
-    size_t n;
-    if( (const char *)0 == s )
-        s = "";
-    n = strlen(s) + 1;
-    rv = (char *)malloc(n);
-    if( (char *)0 == rv ) return rv;
-    (void)memcpy(rv, s, n);
-    return rv;
-PL_strfree(char *s)
-    free(s);
-PL_strndup(const char *s, PRUint32 max)
-    char *rv;
-    size_t l;
-    if( (const char *)0 == s )
-        s = "";
-    l = PL_strnlen(s, max);
-    rv = (char *)malloc(l+1);
-    if( (char *)0 == rv ) return rv;
-    (void)memcpy(rv, s, l);
-    rv[l] = '\0';
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strlen.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strlen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ba6c612..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strlen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strlen(const char *str)
-    size_t l;
-    if( (const char *)0 == str ) return 0;
-    l = strlen(str);
-    /* error checking in case we have a 64-bit platform -- make sure
-     * we don't have ultra long strings that overflow an int32
-     */ 
-    if( sizeof(PRUint32) < sizeof(size_t) )
-    {
-        if( l > PR_INT32_MAX )
-            PR_Assert("l <= PR_INT32_MAX", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    }
-    return (PRUint32)l;
-PL_strnlen(const char *str, PRUint32 max)
-    register const char *s;
-    if( (const char *)0 == str ) return 0;
-    for( s = str; max && *s; s++, max-- )
-        ;
-    return (PRUint32)(s - str);
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strpbrk.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strpbrk.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2be98..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strpbrk.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strpbrk(const char *s, const char *list)
-    if( ((const char *)0 == s) || ((const char *)0 == list) ) return (char *)0;
-    return strpbrk(s, list);
-PL_strprbrk(const char *s, const char *list)
-    const char *p;
-    const char *r;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == s) || ((const char *)0 == list) ) return (char *)0;
-    for( r = s; *r; r++ )
-        ;
-    for( r--; r >= s; r-- )
-        for( p = list; *p; p++ )
-            if( *r == *p )
-                return (char *)r;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strnpbrk(const char *s, const char *list, PRUint32 max)
-    const char *p;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == s) || ((const char *)0 == list) ) return (char *)0;
-    for( ; max && *s; s++, max-- )
-        for( p = list; *p; p++ )
-            if( *s == *p )
-                return (char *)s;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strnprbrk(const char *s, const char *list, PRUint32 max)
-    const char *p;
-    const char *r;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == s) || ((const char *)0 == list) ) return (char *)0;
-    for( r = s; max && *r; r++, max-- )
-        ;
-    for( r--; r >= s; r-- )
-        for( p = list; *p; p++ )
-            if( *r == *p )
-                return (char *)r;
-    return (char *)0;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strstr.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strstr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a90d822..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strstr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include <string.h>
-PL_strstr(const char *big, const char *little)
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    return strstr(big, little);
-PL_strrstr(const char *big, const char *little)
-    const char *p;
-    size_t ll;
-    size_t bl;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    bl = strlen(big);
-    if( bl < ll ) return (char *)0;
-    p = &big[ bl - ll ];
-    for( ; p >= big; p-- )
-        if( *little == *p )
-            if( 0 == strncmp(p, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)p;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max)
-    size_t ll;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    if( ll > (size_t)max ) return (char *)0;
-    max -= (PRUint32)ll;
-    max++;
-    for( ; max && *big; big++, max-- )
-        if( *little == *big )
-            if( 0 == strncmp(big, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)big;
-    return (char *)0;
-PL_strnrstr(const char *big, const char *little, PRUint32 max)
-    const char *p;
-    size_t ll;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == big) || ((const char *)0 == little) ) return (char *)0;
-    if( ((char)0 == *big) || ((char)0 == *little) ) return (char *)0;
-    ll = strlen(little);
-    for( p = big; max && *p; p++, max-- )
-        ;
-    p -= ll;
-    if( p < big ) return (char *)0;
-    for( ; p >= big; p-- )
-        if( *little == *p )
-            if( 0 == strncmp(p, little, ll) )
-                return (char *)p;
-    return (char *)0;
diff --git a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strtok.c b/nspr/lib/libc/src/strtok.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2daaea3..0000000
--- a/nspr/lib/libc/src/strtok.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plstr.h"
-PL_strtok_r(char *s1, const char *s2, char **lasts)
-    const char *sepp;
-    int         c, sc;
-    char       *tok;
-    if( s1 == NULL )
-    {
-        if( *lasts == NULL )
-            return NULL;
-        s1 = *lasts;
-    }
-    for( ; (c = *s1) != 0; s1++ )
-    {
-        for( sepp = s2 ; (sc = *sepp) != 0 ; sepp++ )
-        {
-            if( c == sc )
-                break;
-        }
-        if( sc == 0 )
-            break; 
-    }
-    if( c == 0 )
-    {
-        *lasts = NULL;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    tok = s1++;
-    for( ; (c = *s1) != 0; s1++ )
-    {
-        for( sepp = s2; (sc = *sepp) != 0; sepp++ )
-        {
-            if( c == sc )
-            {
-                *s1++ = '\0';
-                *lasts = s1;
-                return tok;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    *lasts = NULL;
-    return tok;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.cfg b/nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e11893..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_cpucfg___
-#define nspr_cpucfg___
-#ifndef XP_UNIX
-#define XP_UNIX
-#define PR_AF_INET6 30  /* same as AF_INET6 */
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#define  IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
-#define  IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#ifdef __LP64__
-#define IS_64
-#ifdef IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD_LOG2  6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DWORD   8
-#else /* IS_64 */
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#endif /* IS_64 */
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-#endif /* nspr_cpucfg___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d321023..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_darwin_defs_h___
-#define nspr_darwin_defs_h___
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
-#include <TargetConditionals.h>
-#define PR_LINKER_ARCH	"darwin"
-#ifdef __i386__
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "x86"
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "x86-64"
-#elif defined(__ppc__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "ppc"
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "arm"
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "aarch64"
-#error "Unknown CPU architecture"
-#define PR_DLL_SUFFIX		".dylib"
-#define _PR_VMBASE              0x30000000
-#define _PR_STACK_VMBASE	0x50000000
-#define _MD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE	65536L
-#define _MD_MMAP_FLAGS          MAP_PRIVATE
-#define HAVE_DLL
-#if defined(__x86_64__) || TARGET_OS_IPHONE
-#define USE_DLFCN
-#define USE_MACH_DYLD
-#define _PR_INET6
- * I'd prefer to use getipnodebyname and getipnodebyaddr but the
- * getipnodebyname(3) man page on Mac OS X 10.2 says they are not
- * thread-safe.  AI_V4MAPPED|AI_ADDRCONFIG doesn't work either.
- */
- * On Mac OS X 10.2, gethostbyaddr fails with h_errno=NO_RECOVERY
- * if you pass an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address to it.
- */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3) || \
- * socket(AF_INET6) fails with EPROTONOSUPPORT on Mac OS X 10.1.
- * IPv6 under OS X 10.2 and below is not complete (see bug 222031).
- */
-#define _PR_INET6_PROBE
-#endif /* DT < 10.3 */
-#if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2) && \
-/* Mac OS X 10.2 has inet_ntop and inet_pton. */
-#endif /* DT >= 10.2 */
-#endif /* __APPLE__ */
-#define _PR_IPV6_V6ONLY_PROBE
-/* The IPV6_V6ONLY socket option is not defined on Mac OS X 10.1. */
-#ifndef IPV6_V6ONLY
-#define IPV6_V6ONLY 27
-#ifdef __ppc__
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val)   _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicIncrement(val)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val)   _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicDecrement(val)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval) _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicSet(val, newval)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val)    _PR_DarwinPPC_AtomicAdd(ptr, val)
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
-#ifdef __i386__
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val)   _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicIncrement(val)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val)   _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicDecrement(val)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval) _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicSet(val, newval)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val)    _PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicAdd(ptr, val)
-#endif /* __i386__ */
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val)   _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicIncrement(val)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val)   _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicDecrement(val)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval) _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicSet(val, newval)
-extern PRInt32 _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val)    _PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicAdd(ptr, val)
-#endif /* __x86_64__ */
-#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val)   OSAtomicIncrement32(val)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val)   OSAtomicDecrement32(val)
-static inline PRInt32 _MD_ATOMIC_SET(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-    PRInt32 oldval;
-    do {
-        oldval = *val;
-    } while (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32(oldval, newval, val));
-    return oldval;
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val)    OSAtomicAdd32(val, ptr)
-#endif /* __arm__ || __aarch64__ */
-#define USE_SETJMP
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#define PR_CONTEXT_TYPE	jmp_buf
-#define CONTEXT(_th)       ((_th)->md.context)
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_th)    (((struct sigcontext *) (_th)->md.context)->sc_onstack)
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS	    _JBLEN
-** Initialize a thread context to run "_main()" when started
-#define _MD_INIT_CONTEXT(_thread, _sp, _main, status)  \
-{  \
-    *status = PR_TRUE;  \
-    if (setjmp(CONTEXT(_thread))) {  \
-        _main();  \
-    }  \
-    _MD_GET_SP(_thread) = (unsigned char*) ((_sp) - 64); \
-#define _MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(_thread)  \
-    if (!setjmp(CONTEXT(_thread))) {  \
-	(_thread)->md.errcode = errno;  \
-	_PR_Schedule();  \
-    }
-** Restore a thread context, saved by _MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT
-#define _MD_RESTORE_CONTEXT(_thread) \
-{   \
-    errno = (_thread)->md.errcode;  \
-    _MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(_thread);  \
-    longjmp(CONTEXT(_thread), 1);  \
-/* Machine-dependent (MD) data structures */
-struct _MDThread {
-    PR_CONTEXT_TYPE context;
-    int id;
-    int errcode;
-struct _MDThreadStack {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDLock {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDSemaphore {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDCVar {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDSegment {
-    PRInt8 notused;
- * md-specific cpu structure field
- */
-struct _MDCPU_Unix {
-    PRCList ioQ;
-    PRUint32 ioq_timeout;
-    PRInt32 ioq_max_osfd;
-    PRInt32 ioq_osfd_cnt;
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-    fd_set fd_read_set, fd_write_set, fd_exception_set;
-    PRInt16 fd_read_cnt[_PR_MD_MAX_OSFD],fd_write_cnt[_PR_MD_MAX_OSFD],
-				fd_exception_cnt[_PR_MD_MAX_OSFD];
-	struct pollfd *ioq_pollfds;
-	int ioq_pollfds_size;
-#endif	/* _PR_USE_POLL */
-#define _PR_IOQ(_cpu)			((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioQ)
-#define _PR_ADD_TO_IOQ(_pq, _cpu) PR_APPEND_LINK(&_pq.links, &_PR_IOQ(_cpu))
-#define _PR_FD_READ_SET(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_read_set)
-#define _PR_FD_READ_CNT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_read_cnt)
-#define _PR_FD_WRITE_SET(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_write_set)
-#define _PR_FD_WRITE_CNT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_write_cnt)
-#define _PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(_cpu)	((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_exception_set)
-#define _PR_FD_EXCEPTION_CNT(_cpu)	((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_exception_cnt)
-#define _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_timeout)
-#define _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_max_osfd)
-#define _PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_osfd_cnt)
-#define _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_pollfds)
-#define _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS_SIZE(_cpu)	((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_pollfds_size)
-#define _PR_IOQ_MIN_POLLFDS_SIZE(_cpu)	32
-struct _MDCPU {
-	struct _MDCPU_Unix md_unix;
-#define _MD_INIT_LOCKS()
-#define _MD_NEW_LOCK(lock) PR_SUCCESS
-#define _MD_FREE_LOCK(lock)
-#define _MD_LOCK(lock)
-#define _MD_UNLOCK(lock)
-#define _MD_INIT_IO()
-#define _MD_IOQ_LOCK()
-#define _MD_IOQ_UNLOCK()
-extern PRStatus _MD_InitializeThread(PRThread *thread);
-#define _MD_INIT_RUNNING_CPU(cpu)       _MD_unix_init_running_cpu(cpu)
-#define _MD_INIT_THREAD                 _MD_InitializeThread
-#define _MD_EXIT_THREAD(thread)
-#define _MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(thread)      _MD_suspend_thread
-#define _MD_RESUME_THREAD(thread)       _MD_resume_thread
-#define _MD_CLEAN_THREAD(_thread)
-extern PRStatus _MD_CREATE_THREAD(
-    PRThread *thread,
-    void (*start) (void *),
-    PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state,
-    PRUint32 stackSize);
-extern void _MD_SET_PRIORITY(struct _MDThread *thread, PRUintn newPri);
-extern PRStatus _MD_WAIT(PRThread *, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PRStatus _MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(PRThread *);
-extern void _MD_YIELD(void);
-#endif /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
-#define _MD_EARLY_INIT          _MD_EarlyInit
-#define _MD_FINAL_INIT			_PR_UnixInit
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_INIT       _PR_Mach_IntervalInit
-#define _MD_GET_INTERVAL        _PR_Mach_GetInterval
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_PER_SEC    _PR_Mach_TicksPerSecond
-extern void             _MD_EarlyInit(void);
-extern void             _PR_Mach_IntervalInit(void);
-extern PRIntervalTime   _PR_Mach_GetInterval(void);
-extern PRIntervalTime   _PR_Mach_TicksPerSecond(void);
- * We wrapped the select() call.  _MD_SELECT refers to the built-in,
- * unwrapped version.
- */
-#define _MD_SELECT(nfds,r,w,e,tv) syscall(SYS_select,nfds,r,w,e,tv)
-/* For writev() */
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#endif /* nspr_darwin_defs_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_linux.cfg b/nspr/pr/include/md/_linux.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbf0cb..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_linux.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1081 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file is used by not only Linux but also other glibc systems
- * such as GNU/Hurd and GNU/k*BSD.
- */
-#ifndef nspr_cpucfg___
-#define nspr_cpucfg___
-#ifndef XP_UNIX
-#define XP_UNIX
-#if !defined(LINUX) && defined(__linux__)
-#define LINUX
-#ifdef __FreeBSD_kernel__
-#define PR_AF_INET6 28  /* same as AF_INET6 */
-#elif defined(__GNU__)
-#define PR_AF_INET6 26  /* same as AF_INET6 */
-#define PR_AF_INET6 10  /* same as AF_INET6 */
-#ifdef __powerpc64__
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN    1
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   3
-#elif defined(__powerpc__)
-#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN    1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__alpha)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2  3
-#elif defined(__ia64__)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2  3
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-#ifdef __ILP32__
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2  3
-#elif defined(__mc68000__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__sparc__) && defined (__arch64__)
-#define	IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   3
-#elif defined(__sparc__)
-#define	IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__mips__)
-#ifdef __MIPSEB__
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#elif defined(__MIPSEL__)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#error "Unknown MIPS endianness."
-#if _MIPS_SIM == _ABI64
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   3
-#else /* _ABI64 */
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#endif /* _ABI64 */
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-#ifdef __ARMEB__
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#elif defined(__ARMEL__)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#error "Unknown ARM endianness."
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-#ifdef __AARCH64EB__
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#elif defined(__AARCH64EL__)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#error "Unknown Aarch64 endianness."
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2  3
-#elif defined(__hppa__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN    1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__s390x__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   3
-#elif defined(__s390__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__sh__)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__avr32__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__m32r__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#elif defined(__or1k__)
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
-#error "Unknown CPU architecture"
-#if PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64 == 8
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-#endif /* nspr_cpucfg___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_linux.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_linux.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b298b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_linux.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file is used by not only Linux but also other glibc systems
- * such as GNU/Hurd and GNU/k*BSD.
- */
-#ifndef nspr_linux_defs_h___
-#define nspr_linux_defs_h___
-#include "prthread.h"
- * Internal configuration macros
- */
-#define PR_LINKER_ARCH	"linux"
-#define _PR_SI_SYSNAME  "LINUX"
-#ifdef __powerpc64__
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "ppc64"
-#elif defined(__powerpc__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "ppc"
-#elif defined(__alpha)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "alpha"
-#elif defined(__ia64__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "ia64"
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "x86-64"
-#elif defined(__mc68000__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "m68k"
-#elif defined(__sparc__) && defined(__arch64__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "sparc64"
-#elif defined(__sparc__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "sparc"
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "x86"
-#elif defined(__mips__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "mips"
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "arm"
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "aarch64"
-#elif defined(__hppa__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "hppa"
-#elif defined(__s390x__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "s390x"
-#elif defined(__s390__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "s390"
-#elif defined(__sh__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "sh"
-#elif defined(__avr32__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "avr32"
-#elif defined(__m32r__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "m32r"
-#elif defined(__or1k__)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE "or1k"
-#error "Unknown CPU architecture"
-#define PR_DLL_SUFFIX		".so"
-#define _PR_VMBASE              0x30000000
-#define _PR_STACK_VMBASE	0x50000000
-#define _MD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE	65536L
-#define _MD_MMAP_FLAGS          MAP_PRIVATE
-#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__mips__)
-#define _MD_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE  0x20000
- * Elf linux supports dl* functions
- */
-#define HAVE_DLL
-#define USE_DLFCN
-#if defined(ANDROID)
-#if defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__GNU__)
-#if defined(__i386__)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_x86_AtomicIncrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_x86_AtomicDecrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_x86_AtomicAdd
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_x86_AtomicSet
-#if defined(__ia64__)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_ia64_AtomicIncrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_ia64_AtomicDecrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_ia64_AtomicAdd
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_ia64_AtomicSet
-#if defined(__x86_64__)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd
-extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet
-#if defined(__or1k__)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-/* Use GCC built-in functions */
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, i)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, nv) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, nv)
-#if defined(__powerpc__) && !defined(__powerpc64__)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ppc_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_ppc_AtomicIncrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ppc_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_ppc_AtomicDecrement
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ppc_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_ppc_AtomicAdd
-extern PRInt32 _PR_ppc_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_ppc_AtomicSet
-#if defined(__powerpc64__)
-#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)
-/* Use GCC built-in functions */
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, i)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, nv) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, nv)
-#if defined(__mips__) && defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)
-/* Use GCC built-in functions */
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, i)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, nv) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, nv)
-#if defined(__alpha)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) ({               \
-    PRInt32 __atomic_tmp, __atomic_ret;   \
-    __asm__ __volatile__(                       \
-    "1: ldl_l   %[ret], %[val]          \n"     \
-    "   addl    %[ret], %[inc], %[tmp]  \n"     \
-    "   addl    %[ret], %[inc], %[ret]  \n"     \
-    "   stl_c   %[tmp], %[val]          \n"     \
-    "   beq     %[tmp], 2f              \n"     \
-    ".subsection 2                      \n"     \
-    "2: br      1b                      \n"     \
-    ".previous"                                 \
-    : [ret] "=&r" (__atomic_ret),               \
-      [tmp] "=&r" (__atomic_tmp),               \
-      [val] "=m" (*ptr)                         \
-    : [inc] "Ir" (i), "m" (*ptr));              \
-    __atomic_ret;                               \
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) ({            \
-    PRInt32 __atomic_tmp, __atomic_ret;   \
-    __asm__ __volatile__(                       \
-    "1: ldl_l   %[ret], %[val]          \n"     \
-    "   subl    %[ret], 1, %[tmp]       \n"     \
-    "   subl    %[ret], 1, %[ret]       \n"     \
-    "   stl_c   %[tmp], %[val]          \n"     \
-    "   beq     %[tmp], 2f              \n"     \
-    ".subsection 2                      \n"     \
-    "2: br      1b                      \n"     \
-    ".previous"                                 \
-    : [ret] "=&r" (__atomic_ret),               \
-      [tmp] "=&r" (__atomic_tmp),               \
-      [val] "=m" (*ptr)                         \
-    : "m" (*ptr));                              \
-    __atomic_ret;                               \
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, n) ({               \
-    PRInt32 __atomic_tmp, __atomic_ret;   \
-    __asm__ __volatile__(                       \
-    "1: ldl_l   %[ret], %[val]          \n"     \
-    "   mov     %[newval], %[tmp]       \n"     \
-    "   stl_c   %[tmp], %[val]          \n"     \
-    "   beq     %[tmp], 2f              \n"     \
-    ".subsection 2                      \n"     \
-    "2: br      1b                      \n"     \
-    ".previous"                                 \
-    : [ret] "=&r" (__atomic_ret),               \
-      [tmp] "=&r"(__atomic_tmp),                \
-      [val] "=m" (*ptr)                         \
-    : [newval] "Ir" (n), "m" (*ptr));           \
-    __atomic_ret;                               \
-#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
-/* Use GCC built-in functions */
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, nv) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, nv)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, i)
-#elif defined(_PR_ARM_KUSER)
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
- * The kernel provides this helper function at a fixed address with a fixed
- * ABI signature, directly callable from user space.
- *
- * Definition:
- * Atomically store newval in *ptr if *ptr is equal to oldval.
- * Return zero if *ptr was changed or non-zero if no exchange happened.
- */
-typedef int (__kernel_cmpxchg_t)(int oldval, int newval, volatile int *ptr);
-#define __kernel_cmpxchg (*(__kernel_cmpxchg_t *)0xffff0fc0)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, 1)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, -1)
-static inline PRInt32 _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 n)
-    PRInt32 ov, nv;
-    volatile PRInt32 *vp = ptr;
-    do {
-        ov = *vp;
-        nv = ov + n;
-    } while (__kernel_cmpxchg(ov, nv, vp));
-    return nv;
-static inline PRInt32 _MD_ATOMIC_SET(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 nv)
-    PRInt32 ov;
-    volatile PRInt32 *vp = ptr;
-    do {
-        ov = *vp;
-    } while (__kernel_cmpxchg(ov, nv, vp));
-    return ov;
-#endif /* __arm__ */
-#define USE_SETJMP
-#if (defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2) || defined(ANDROID)
-#undef _PR_USE_POLL
-#if defined(__alpha) || defined(__ia64__)
-#elif (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1) \
-    || defined(ANDROID)
-#define _PR_HAVE_OFF64_T
-#if (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1) \
-    || defined(ANDROID)
-#define _PR_INET6
-#define _PR_INET6_PROBE
-#ifndef ANDROID
-/* Android has gethostbyname_r but not gethostbyaddr_r or gethostbyname2_r. */
-#if (__GLIBC__ >= 2) && defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#ifdef _PR_PTHREADS
-extern void _MD_CleanupBeforeExit(void);
-#define _MD_CLEANUP_BEFORE_EXIT _MD_CleanupBeforeExit
-#else  /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#define PR_CONTEXT_TYPE	sigjmp_buf
-#define CONTEXT(_th) ((_th)->md.context)
-#ifdef __powerpc__
- * PowerPC based MkLinux
- *
- * On the PowerPC, the new style jmp_buf isn't used until glibc
- * 2.1.
- */
-#if (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1)
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_GPR1]
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__misc[0]
-#endif /* glibc 2.1 or later */
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) ((void *) 0)
-/* aix = 64, macos = 70 */
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS  64
-#elif defined(__alpha)
-/* Alpha based Linux */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_SP]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) ((void *) 0)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE long int
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__sp
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) ((void *) 0)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-/* XXX not sure if this is correct, or maybe it should be 17? */
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS 9
-#elif defined(__ia64__)
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t)      ((long *)((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf)[0])
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t)  &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t)  ((void *) 0)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE         long int
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS       _JBLEN
-#elif defined(__mc68000__)
-/* m68k based Linux */
- * On the m68k, glibc still uses the old style sigjmp_buf, even
- * in glibc 2.0.7.
- */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__sp
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) ((void *) 0)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE int
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__sp
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) ((void *) 0)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-/* XXX not sure if this is correct, or maybe it should be 17? */
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS 9
-#elif defined(__sparc__)
-/* Sparc */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
- * You need glibc2-2.0.7-25 or later. The libraries that came with
- * Red Hat 5.1 are not new enough, but they are in 5.2.
- */
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_SP]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_FP] = val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_FP])
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE int
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__fp
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) ((void *) 0)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-/* Intel based Linux */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_SP]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_BP] = val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[JB_BP])
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE int
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__sp
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__bp = val)
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) &((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__bp)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS   6
-#elif defined(__mips__)
-/* Linux/MIPS */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__sp
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__fp = (val))
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__fp)
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#error "Linux/MIPS pre-glibc2 not supported yet"
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-/* ARM/Linux */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#ifdef __ARM_EABI__
-/* EABI */
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[8]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[7] = (val))
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[7])
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#else /* __ARM_EABI__ */
-/* old ABI */
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[20]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[19] = (val))
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[19])
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#endif /* __ARM_EABI__ */
-#error "ARM/Linux pre-glibc2 not supported yet"
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-#elif defined(__sh__)
-/* SH/Linux */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[7]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[6] = (val))
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[6])
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#error "SH/Linux pre-glibc2 not supported yet"
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-#elif defined(__m32r__)
-/* Linux/M32R */
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2
-#define _MD_GET_SP(_t) (_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__regs[JB_SP]
-#define _MD_SET_FP(_t, val) ((_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__regs[JB_FP] = (val))
-#define _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_t) &(_MD_GET_SP(_t))
-#define _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_t) (&(_t)->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__regs[JB_FP])
-#define _MD_SP_TYPE __ptr_t
-#error "Linux/M32R pre-glibc2 not supported yet"
-#endif /* defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 */
-#error "Unknown CPU architecture"
-#endif /*__powerpc__*/
-** Initialize a thread context to run "_main()" when started
-#ifdef __powerpc__
-#define _MD_INIT_CONTEXT(_thread, _sp, _main, status)  \
-{  \
-    *status = PR_TRUE;  \
-    if (sigsetjmp(CONTEXT(_thread), 1)) {  \
-        _main();  \
-    }  \
-    _MD_GET_SP(_thread) = (unsigned char*) ((_sp) - 128); \
-    _thread->md.sp = _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_thread); \
-    _thread->md.fp = _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_thread); \
-    _MD_SET_FP(_thread, 0); \
-#elif defined(__mips__)
-#define _MD_INIT_CONTEXT(_thread, _sp, _main, status)  \
-{  \
-    *status = PR_TRUE;  \
-    (void) sigsetjmp(CONTEXT(_thread), 1);  \
-    _thread->md.context[0].__jmpbuf[0].__pc = (__ptr_t) _main;  \
-    _MD_GET_SP(_thread) = (_MD_SP_TYPE) ((_sp) - 64); \
-    _thread->md.sp = _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_thread); \
-    _thread->md.fp = _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_thread); \
-    _MD_SET_FP(_thread, 0); \
-#define _MD_INIT_CONTEXT(_thread, _sp, _main, status)  \
-{  \
-    *status = PR_TRUE;  \
-    if (sigsetjmp(CONTEXT(_thread), 1)) {  \
-        _main();  \
-    }  \
-    _MD_GET_SP(_thread) = (_MD_SP_TYPE) ((_sp) - 64); \
-    _thread->md.sp = _MD_GET_SP_PTR(_thread); \
-    _thread->md.fp = _MD_GET_FP_PTR(_thread); \
-    _MD_SET_FP(_thread, 0); \
-#endif /*__powerpc__*/
-#define _MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(_thread)  \
-    if (!sigsetjmp(CONTEXT(_thread), 1)) {  \
-	(_thread)->md.errcode = errno;  \
-	_PR_Schedule();  \
-    }
-** Restore a thread context, saved by _MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT
-#define _MD_RESTORE_CONTEXT(_thread) \
-{   \
-    errno = (_thread)->md.errcode;  \
-    _MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(_thread);  \
-    siglongjmp(CONTEXT(_thread), 1);  \
-/* Machine-dependent (MD) data structures */
-struct _MDThread {
-    PR_CONTEXT_TYPE context;
-    void *sp;
-    void *fp;
-    int id;
-    int errcode;
-struct _MDThreadStack {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDLock {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDSemaphore {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDCVar {
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct _MDSegment {
-    PRInt8 notused;
- * md-specific cpu structure field
- */
-#include <sys/time.h>  /* for FD_SETSIZE */
-struct _MDCPU_Unix {
-    PRCList ioQ;
-    PRUint32 ioq_timeout;
-    PRInt32 ioq_max_osfd;
-    PRInt32 ioq_osfd_cnt;
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-    fd_set fd_read_set, fd_write_set, fd_exception_set;
-    PRInt16 fd_read_cnt[_PR_MD_MAX_OSFD],fd_write_cnt[_PR_MD_MAX_OSFD],
-            fd_exception_cnt[_PR_MD_MAX_OSFD];
-    struct pollfd *ioq_pollfds;
-    int ioq_pollfds_size;
-#endif	/* _PR_USE_POLL */
-#define _PR_IOQ(_cpu)			((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioQ)
-#define _PR_ADD_TO_IOQ(_pq, _cpu) PR_APPEND_LINK(&_pq.links, &_PR_IOQ(_cpu))
-#define _PR_FD_READ_SET(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_read_set)
-#define _PR_FD_READ_CNT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_read_cnt)
-#define _PR_FD_WRITE_SET(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_write_set)
-#define _PR_FD_WRITE_CNT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_write_cnt)
-#define _PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(_cpu)	((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_exception_set)
-#define _PR_FD_EXCEPTION_CNT(_cpu)	((_cpu)->md.md_unix.fd_exception_cnt)
-#define _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_timeout)
-#define _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_max_osfd)
-#define _PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_osfd_cnt)
-#define _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS(_cpu)		((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_pollfds)
-#define _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS_SIZE(_cpu)	((_cpu)->md.md_unix.ioq_pollfds_size)
-#define _PR_IOQ_MIN_POLLFDS_SIZE(_cpu)	32
-struct _MDCPU {
-    struct _MDCPU_Unix md_unix;
-#define _MD_INIT_LOCKS()
-#define _MD_NEW_LOCK(lock) PR_SUCCESS
-#define _MD_FREE_LOCK(lock)
-#define _MD_LOCK(lock)
-#define _MD_UNLOCK(lock)
-#define _MD_INIT_IO()
-#define _MD_IOQ_LOCK()
-#define _MD_IOQ_UNLOCK()
-extern PRStatus _MD_InitializeThread(PRThread *thread);
-#define _MD_INIT_RUNNING_CPU(cpu)       _MD_unix_init_running_cpu(cpu)
-#define _MD_INIT_THREAD                 _MD_InitializeThread
-#define _MD_EXIT_THREAD(thread)
-#define _MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(thread)      _MD_suspend_thread
-#define _MD_RESUME_THREAD(thread)       _MD_resume_thread
-#define _MD_CLEAN_THREAD(_thread)
-extern PRStatus _MD_CREATE_THREAD(
-    PRThread *thread,
-    void (*start) (void *),
-    PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state,
-    PRUint32 stackSize);
-extern void _MD_SET_PRIORITY(struct _MDThread *thread, PRUintn newPri);
-extern PRStatus _MD_WAIT(PRThread *, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PRStatus _MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(PRThread *);
-extern void _MD_YIELD(void);
-#endif /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
-extern void _MD_EarlyInit(void);
-#define _MD_EARLY_INIT                  _MD_EarlyInit
-#define _MD_FINAL_INIT                  _PR_UnixInit
- * We wrapped the select() call.  _MD_SELECT refers to the built-in,
- * unwrapped version.
- */
-#define _MD_SELECT __select
-#include <sys/poll.h>
-extern int __syscall_poll(struct pollfd *ufds, unsigned long int nfds,
-	int timeout);
-#define _MD_POLL __syscall_poll
-/* For writev() */
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-extern void _MD_linux_map_sendfile_error(int err);
-#endif /* nspr_linux_defs_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_pcos.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_pcos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b4f205..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_pcos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prpcos_h___
-#define prpcos_h___
-#define PR_DLL_SUFFIX		".dll"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR         '\\'
-#define PATH_SEPARATOR              ';'
-** Routines for processing command line arguments
-#ifndef XP_OS2
-extern char *optarg;
-extern int optind;
-extern int getopt(int argc, char **argv, char *spec);
-** Definitions of directory structures amd functions
-** These definitions are from:
-**      <dirent.h>
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <io.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>          /* O_BINARY */
-#ifdef OS2
-extern PRStatus _MD_OS2GetHostName(char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-#define _MD_GETHOSTNAME _MD_OS2GetHostName
-extern PRStatus _MD_WindowsGetHostName(char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-#define _MD_GETHOSTNAME _MD_WindowsGetHostName
-extern PRStatus _MD_WindowsGetSysInfo(PRSysInfo cmd, char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-#define _MD_GETSYSINFO _MD_WindowsGetSysInfo
-#endif /* prpcos_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_pth.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_pth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eeeef04..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_pth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_pth_defs_h_
-#define nspr_pth_defs_h_
-** Appropriate definitions of entry points not used in a pthreads world
-/* In good standards fashion, the DCE threads (based on posix-4) are not
- * quite the same as newer posix implementations.  These are mostly name
- * changes and small differences, so macros usually do the trick
- */
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_INIT        pthread_mutexattr_create
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_DESTROY     pthread_mutexattr_delete
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(m, a)      pthread_mutex_init(&(m), a)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IS_LOCKED(m)    (0 == pthread_mutex_trylock(&(m)))
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT         pthread_condattr_create
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(m, a)       pthread_cond_init(&(m), a)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_DESTROY      pthread_condattr_delete
-/* Notes about differences between DCE threads and pthreads 10:
- *   1. pthread_mutex_trylock returns 1 when it locks the mutex
- *      0 when it does not.  The latest pthreads has a set of errno-like
- *      return values.
- *   2. return values from pthread_cond_timedwait are different.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-#elif defined(BSDI)
- * Mutex and condition attributes are not supported.  The attr
- * argument to pthread_mutex_init() and pthread_cond_init() must
- * be passed as NULL.
- *
- * The memset calls in _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT and _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT
- * are to work around BSDI's using a single bit to indicate a mutex
- * or condition variable is initialized.  This entire BSDI section
- * will go away when BSDI releases updated threads libraries for
- * BSD/OS 3.1 and 4.0.
- */
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_INIT(x)     0
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(m, a)      (memset(&(m), 0, sizeof(m)), \
-                                      pthread_mutex_init(&(m), NULL))
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IS_LOCKED(m)    (EBUSY == pthread_mutex_trylock(&(m)))
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT(x)      0
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_DESTROY(x)   /* */
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(m, a)       (memset(&(m), 0, sizeof(m)), \
-                                      pthread_cond_init(&(m), NULL))
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_INIT        pthread_mutexattr_init
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_DESTROY     pthread_mutexattr_destroy
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(m, a)      pthread_mutex_init(&(m), &(a))
-#if defined(FREEBSD)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IS_LOCKED(m)    pt_pthread_mutex_is_locked(&(m))
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IS_LOCKED(m)    (EBUSY == pthread_mutex_trylock(&(m)))
-#if defined(ANDROID)
-/* Conditional attribute init and destroy aren't implemented in bionic. */
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT(x)      0
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_DESTROY(x)   /* */
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT         pthread_condattr_init
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_DESTROY      pthread_condattr_destroy
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(m, a)       pthread_cond_init(&(m), &(a))
-/* The pthreads standard does not specify an invalid value for the
- * pthread_t handle.  (0 is usually an invalid pthread identifier
- * but there are exceptions, for example, DG/UX.)  These macros
- * define a way to set the handle to or compare the handle with an
- * invalid identifier.  These macros are not portable and may be
- * more of a problem as we adapt to more pthreads implementations.
- * They are only used in the PRMonitor functions.  Do not use them
- * in new code.
- *
- * Unfortunately some of our clients depend on certain properties
- * of our PRMonitor implementation, preventing us from replacing
- * it by a portable implementation.
- * - High-performance servers like the fact that PR_EnterMonitor
- *   only calls PR_Lock and PR_ExitMonitor only calls PR_Unlock.
- *   (A portable implementation would use a PRLock and a PRCondVar
- *   to implement the recursive lock in a monitor and call both
- *   PR_Lock and PR_Unlock in PR_EnterMonitor and PR_ExitMonitor.)
- *   Unfortunately this forces us to read the monitor owner field
- *   without holding a lock.
- * - One way to make it safe to read the monitor owner field
- *   without holding a lock is to make that field a PRThread*
- *   (one should be able to read a pointer with a single machine
- *   instruction).  However, PR_GetCurrentThread calls calloc if
- *   it is called by a thread that was not created by NSPR.  The
- *   malloc tracing tools in the Mozilla client use PRMonitor for
- *   locking in their malloc, calloc, and free functions.  If
- *   PR_EnterMonitor calls any of these functions, infinite
- *   recursion ensues.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-	memset(&(t), 0, sizeof(pthread_t))
-	(!memcmp(&(t), &pt_zero_tid, sizeof(pthread_t)))
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_COPY_THR_HANDLE(st, dt)   (dt) = (st)
-#elif defined(IRIX) || defined(OSF1) || defined(AIX) || defined(SOLARIS) \
-	|| defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__) \
-	|| defined(HPUX) || defined(FREEBSD) \
-	|| defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(BSDI) \
-	|| defined(NTO) || defined(DARWIN) \
-	|| defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(RISCOS)	|| defined(SYMBIAN)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_THR_HANDLE_IS_INVALID(t)  (t) == 0
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_COPY_THR_HANDLE(st, dt)   (dt) = (st)
-#error "pthreads is not supported for this architecture"
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_INIT            pthread_attr_create
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_DESTROY         pthread_attr_delete
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CREATE(t, a, f, r)   pthread_create(t, a, f, r) 
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE           pthread_keycreate
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPOLICY  pthread_attr_setsched
-                                     (*(s) = pthread_attr_getstacksize(*(a)), 0)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(k, r) \
-		pthread_getspecific((k), (pthread_addr_t *) &(r))
-#elif defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_INIT            pthread_attr_init
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_DESTROY         pthread_attr_destroy
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_CREATE(t, a, f, r)   pthread_create(t, &a, f, r) 
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE           pthread_key_create
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPOLICY  pthread_attr_setschedpolicy
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE(a, s) pthread_attr_getstacksize(a, s)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(k, r)    (r) = pthread_getspecific(k)
-#error "Cannot determine pthread strategy"
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
- * pthread_mutex_trylock returns different values in DCE threads and
- * pthreads.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#define PT_TRYLOCK_BUSY    0
- * These platforms don't have sigtimedwait()
- */
-#if (defined(AIX) && !defined(AIX4_3_PLUS)) \
-	|| defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__)|| defined(__GLIBC__) \
-	|| defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) \
-	|| defined(BSDI) || defined(UNIXWARE) \
-	|| defined(DARWIN) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-#if defined(OSF1)
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            PRI_OTHER_MIN
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            PRI_OTHER_MAX
-#elif defined(IRIX)
-#include <sys/sched.h>
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            PX_PRIO_MIN
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            PX_PRIO_MAX
-#elif defined(AIX)
-#include <sys/priv.h>
-#include <sys/sched.h>
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            DEFAULT_PRIO
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            DEFAULT_PRIO
-#elif defined(HPUX)
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            PRI_OTHER_MIN
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            PRI_OTHER_MAX
-#else /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-#include <sys/sched.h>
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER)
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_OTHER)
-#endif /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-#elif defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__) \
-	|| defined(FREEBSD) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER)
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_OTHER)
-#elif defined(NTO)
- * Neutrino has functions that return the priority range but
- * they return invalid numbers, so I just hard coded these here
- * for now.
- */
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            0
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            30
-#elif defined(SOLARIS)
- * Solaris doesn't seem to have macros for the min/max priorities.
- * The range of 0-127 is mentioned in the pthread_setschedparam(3T)
- * man pages, and pthread_setschedparam indeed allows 0-127.  However,
- * pthread_attr_setschedparam does not allow 0; it allows 1-127.
- */
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            1
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            127
-#elif defined(OPENBSD)
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            0
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            31
-#elif defined(NETBSD) \
-	|| defined(BSDI) || defined(DARWIN) || defined(UNIXWARE) \
-	|| defined(RISCOS) /* XXX */
-#define PT_PRIO_MIN            0
-#define PT_PRIO_MAX            126
-#error "pthreads is not supported for this architecture"
- * The _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD function is called from a signal handler.
- * Needed for garbage collection -- Look at PR_Suspend/PR_Resume
- * implementation.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD()            	pthread_yield()
-#elif defined(OSF1)
- * sched_yield can't be called from a signal handler.  Must use
- * the _np version.
- */
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD()            	pthread_yield_np()
-#elif defined(AIX)
-extern int (*_PT_aix_yield_fcn)();
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD()			(*_PT_aix_yield_fcn)()
-#elif defined(IRIX)
-#include <time.h>
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD() \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO               				\
-		struct timespec onemillisec = {0};		\
-		onemillisec.tv_nsec = 1000000L;			\
-        nanosleep(&onemillisec,NULL);			\
-#elif defined(HPUX) || defined(SOLARIS) \
-	|| defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__) \
-	|| defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) \
-	|| defined(BSDI) || defined(NTO) || defined(DARWIN) \
-	|| defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(RISCOS) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-#define _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD()            	sched_yield()
-#error "Need to define _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD for this platform"
-#endif /* nspr_pth_defs_h_ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_unix_errors.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_unix_errors.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 96d72db..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_unix_errors.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prunixerrors_h___
-#define prunixerrors_h___
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern void _MD_unix_map_default_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_default_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_opendir_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_opendir_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_closedir_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSEDIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_closedir_error
-extern void _MD_unix_readdir_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_READDIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_readdir_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_unlink_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_UNLINK_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_unlink_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_stat_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_STAT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_stat_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_fstat_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_FSTAT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_fstat_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_rename_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RENAME_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_rename_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_access_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_ACCESS_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_access_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_mkdir_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_MKDIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_mkdir_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_rmdir_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RMDIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_rmdir_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_read_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_read_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_write_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_WRITE_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_write_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_lseek_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_LSEEK_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_lseek_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_fsync_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_FSYNC_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_fsync_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_close_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_close_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_socket_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKET_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_socket_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_socketavailable_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKETAVAILABLE_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_socketavailable_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_recv_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RECV_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_recv_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_recvfrom_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RECVFROM_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_recvfrom_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_send_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SEND_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_send_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_sendto_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SENDTO_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_sendto_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_writev_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_WRITEV_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_writev_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_accept_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_ACCEPT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_accept_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_connect_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_connect_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_bind_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_BIND_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_bind_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_listen_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_LISTEN_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_listen_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_shutdown_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_shutdown_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_socketpair_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKETPAIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_socketpair_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_getsockname_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKNAME_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_getsockname_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_getpeername_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETPEERNAME_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_getpeername_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_getsockopt_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_getsockopt_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_setsockopt_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_setsockopt_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_open_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_open_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_mmap_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_MMAP_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_mmap_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_gethostname_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETHOSTNAME_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_gethostname_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_select_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_select_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_poll_error(int err);
-#define _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_ERROR _MD_unix_map_poll_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_poll_revents_error(int err);
-#define _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_REVENTS_ERROR _MD_unix_map_poll_revents_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_flock_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_FLOCK_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_flock_error
-extern void _MD_unix_map_lockf_error(int err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_LOCKF_ERROR	_MD_unix_map_lockf_error
-#endif /* prunixerrors_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_unixos.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_unixos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea46b3a..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_unixos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prunixos_h___
-#define prunixos_h___
- * If FD_SETSIZE is not defined on the command line, set the default value
- * before include select.h
- */
- * Linux: FD_SETSIZE is defined in /usr/include/sys/select.h and should
- * not be redefined.
- */
-#if !defined(LINUX) && !defined(__GNU__) && !defined(__GLIBC__) \
-    && !defined(DARWIN)
-#ifndef FD_SETSIZE
-#define FD_SETSIZE  4096
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
- * For select(), fd_set, and struct timeval.
- *
- * In The Single UNIX(R) Specification, Version 2,
- * the header file for select() is <sys/time.h>.
- * In Version 3, the header file for select() is
- * changed to <sys/select.h>.
- *
- * fd_set is defined in <sys/types.h>.  Usually
- * <sys/time.h> includes <sys/types.h>, but on some
- * older systems <sys/time.h> does not include
- * <sys/types.h>, so we include it explicitly.
- */
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#if defined(AIX) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-#include <sys/select.h>
-#ifndef SYMBIAN
-#define _PR_HAVE_O_APPEND
-#define PR_PATH_SEPARATOR		':'
-typedef int (*FARPROC)();
- * intervals at which GLOBAL threads wakeup to check for pending interrupt
- */
-extern PRIntervalTime intr_timeout_ticks;
- * The bit flags for the in_flags and out_flags fields
- * of _PR_UnixPollDesc
- */
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-#else /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-#define _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ    0x1
-#define _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE   0x2
-#define _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT  0x4
-#define _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR     0x8
-#define _PR_UNIX_POLL_NVAL    0x10
-#define _PR_UNIX_POLL_HUP     0x20
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-typedef struct _PRUnixPollDesc {
-	PRInt32 osfd;
-	PRInt16 in_flags;
-	PRInt16 out_flags;
-} _PRUnixPollDesc;
-typedef struct PRPollQueue {
-    PRCList links;        /* for linking PRPollQueue's together */
-    _PRUnixPollDesc *pds;        /* array of poll descriptors */
-    PRUintn npds;            /* length of the array */
-    PRPackedBool on_ioq;    /* is this on the async i/o work q? */
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;        /* timeout, in ticks */
-    struct PRThread *thr;
-} PRPollQueue;
-#define _PR_POLLQUEUE_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRPollQueue*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(PRPollQueue,links)))
-extern PRInt32 _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(
-    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpds,
-    PRInt32 pdcnt,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern void _PR_Unblock_IO_Wait(struct PRThread *thr);
-#define _MD_CHECK_FOR_EXIT()
-extern fd_set _pr_md_read_set, _pr_md_write_set, _pr_md_exception_set;
-extern PRInt16 _pr_md_read_cnt[], _pr_md_write_cnt[], _pr_md_exception_cnt[];
-extern PRInt32 _pr_md_ioq_max_osfd;
-extern PRUint32 _pr_md_ioq_timeout;
-struct _MDFileDesc {
-    int osfd;
-#if defined(LINUX) && defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    int tcp_nodelay;  /* used by pt_LinuxSendFile */
-struct _MDDir {
-	DIR *d;
-struct _PRCPU;
-extern void _MD_unix_init_running_cpu(struct _PRCPU *cpu);
-** Make a redzone at both ends of the stack segment. Disallow access
-** to those pages of memory. It's ok if the mprotect call's don't
-** work - it just means that we don't really have a functional
-** redzone.
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#ifndef PROT_NONE
-#define PROT_NONE 0x0
-#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(DARWIN)
-#if !defined(SOLARIS)	
-#include <string.h>  /* for memset() */
-#define _MD_INIT_STACK(ts,REDZONE)					\
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO                 					\
-	(void) mprotect((void*)ts->seg->vaddr, REDZONE, PROT_NONE);	\
-	(void) mprotect((void*) ((char*)ts->seg->vaddr + REDZONE + ts->stackSize),\
-    /*									\
-    ** Fill stack memory with something that turns into an illegal	\
-    ** pointer value. This will sometimes find runtime references to	\
-    ** uninitialized pointers. We don't do this for solaris because we	\
-    ** can use purify instead.						\
-    */									\
-    if (_pr_debugStacks) {						\
-	memset(ts->allocBase + REDZONE, 0xf7, ts->stackSize);		\
-    }									\
-#else	/* !SOLARIS	*/
-#define _MD_INIT_STACK(ts,REDZONE)					\
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO                 					\
-	(void) mprotect((void*)ts->seg->vaddr, REDZONE, PROT_NONE);	\
-	(void) mprotect((void*) ((char*)ts->seg->vaddr + REDZONE + ts->stackSize),\
-#endif	/* !SOLARIS	*/
- *	Allow access to the redzone pages; the access was turned off in
- */
-#define _MD_CLEAR_STACK(ts)						\
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO                 					\
-	(void) mprotect((void*)ts->seg->vaddr, REDZONE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);\
-	(void) mprotect((void*) ((char*)ts->seg->vaddr + REDZONE + ts->stackSize),\
-#else	/* DEBUG */
-#define _MD_CLEAR_STACK(ts)
-#endif	/* DEBUG */
-#if !defined(SOLARIS) 
-#define PR_SET_INTSOFF(newval)
-extern void _PR_UnixInit(void);
-extern void _PR_UnixCleanup(void);
-#define _MD_EARLY_CLEANUP _PR_UnixCleanup
-struct _MDProcess {
-    pid_t pid;
-struct PRProcess;
-struct PRProcessAttr;
-/* Create a new process (fork() + exec()) */
-#define _MD_CREATE_PROCESS _MD_CreateUnixProcess
-extern struct PRProcess * _MD_CreateUnixProcess(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const struct PRProcessAttr *attr
-#define _MD_DETACH_PROCESS _MD_DetachUnixProcess
-extern PRStatus _MD_DetachUnixProcess(struct PRProcess *process);
-/* Wait for a child process to terminate */
-#define _MD_WAIT_PROCESS _MD_WaitUnixProcess
-extern PRStatus _MD_WaitUnixProcess(struct PRProcess *process,
-    PRInt32 *exitCode);
-#define _MD_KILL_PROCESS _MD_KillUnixProcess
-extern PRStatus _MD_KillUnixProcess(struct PRProcess *process);
-extern void _MD_EnableClockInterrupts(void);
-extern void _MD_DisableClockInterrupts(void);
-#define _MD_START_INTERRUPTS			_MD_StartInterrupts
-#define _MD_STOP_INTERRUPTS				_MD_StopInterrupts
-#define _MD_DISABLE_CLOCK_INTERRUPTS	_MD_DisableClockInterrupts
-#define _MD_ENABLE_CLOCK_INTERRUPTS		_MD_EnableClockInterrupts
-#define _MD_BLOCK_CLOCK_INTERRUPTS		_MD_BlockClockInterrupts
-#define _MD_UNBLOCK_CLOCK_INTERRUPTS	_MD_UnblockClockInterrupts
-extern void		_MD_InitCPUS(void);
-#define _MD_INIT_CPUS           _MD_InitCPUS
-extern void		_MD_Wakeup_CPUs(void);
-#define _MD_WAKEUP_CPUS _MD_Wakeup_CPUs
-#define _MD_PAUSE_CPU			_MD_PauseCPU
-#ifndef IRIX
-#define _MD_EXIT(status)		_exit(status)
-#define _MD_GET_ENV				getenv
-#define _MD_PUT_ENV				putenv
-#define _MD_INIT_FILEDESC(fd)
-extern void		_MD_MakeNonblock(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define _MD_MAKE_NONBLOCK			_MD_MakeNonblock		
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-extern void		_MD_InitSegs(void);
-extern PRStatus	_MD_AllocSegment(PRSegment *seg, PRUint32 size,
-				void *vaddr);
-extern void		_MD_FreeSegment(PRSegment *seg);
-#define _MD_INIT_SEGS			_MD_InitSegs
-#define _MD_ALLOC_SEGMENT		_MD_AllocSegment
-#define _MD_FREE_SEGMENT		_MD_FreeSegment
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-extern PRIntervalTime   _PR_UNIX_GetInterval(void);
-extern PRIntervalTime   _PR_UNIX_TicksPerSecond(void);
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_INIT()
-#define _MD_GET_INTERVAL		_PR_UNIX_GetInterval
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_PER_SEC		_PR_UNIX_TicksPerSecond
-extern PRIntervalTime   _PR_UNIX_GetInterval2(void);
-extern PRIntervalTime   _PR_UNIX_TicksPerSecond2(void);
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_INIT()
-#define _MD_GET_INTERVAL		_PR_UNIX_GetInterval2
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_PER_SEC		_PR_UNIX_TicksPerSecond2
-#define _MD_ERRNO()             	(errno)
-#define _MD_GET_SOCKET_ERROR()		(errno)
-extern PRInt32 _MD_AvailableSocket(PRInt32 osfd);
-extern void _MD_StartInterrupts(void);
-extern void _MD_StopInterrupts(void);
-extern void _MD_DisableClockInterrupts(void);
-extern void _MD_BlockClockInterrupts(void);
-extern void _MD_UnblockClockInterrupts(void);
-extern void _MD_PauseCPU(PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PRStatus _MD_open_dir(struct _MDDir *, const char *);
-extern PRInt32  _MD_close_dir(struct _MDDir *);
-extern char *   _MD_read_dir(struct _MDDir *, PRIntn);
-extern PRInt32  _MD_open(const char *name, PRIntn osflags, PRIntn mode);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_delete(const char *name);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_getfileinfo(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info);
-extern PRInt32  _MD_getfileinfo64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-extern PRInt32  _MD_getopenfileinfo(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info);
-extern PRInt32  _MD_getopenfileinfo64(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_rename(const char *from, const char *to);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_access(const char *name, PRAccessHow how);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_mkdir(const char *name, PRIntn mode);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_rmdir(const char *name);
-extern PRInt32	_MD_accept_read(PRInt32 sock, PRInt32 *newSock,
-				PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-extern PRInt32 	_PR_UnixSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-			PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PRStatus _MD_LockFile(PRInt32 osfd);
-extern PRStatus _MD_TLockFile(PRInt32 osfd);
-extern PRStatus _MD_UnlockFile(PRInt32 osfd);
-#define _MD_OPEN_DIR(dir, name)		    _MD_open_dir(dir, name)
-#define _MD_CLOSE_DIR(dir)		        _MD_close_dir(dir)
-#define _MD_READ_DIR(dir, flags)	    _MD_read_dir(dir, flags)
-#define _MD_OPEN(name, osflags, mode)	_MD_open(name, osflags, mode)
-#define _MD_OPEN_FILE(name, osflags, mode)	_MD_open(name, osflags, mode)
-extern PRInt32 _MD_read(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-#define _MD_READ(fd,buf,amount)		    _MD_read(fd,buf,amount)
-extern PRInt32 _MD_write(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-#define _MD_WRITE(fd,buf,amount)	    _MD_write(fd,buf,amount)
-#define _MD_DELETE(name)		        _MD_delete(name)
-#define _MD_GETFILEINFO(fn, info)	    _MD_getfileinfo(fn, info)
-#define _MD_GETFILEINFO64(fn, info)	    _MD_getfileinfo64(fn, info)
-#define _MD_GETOPENFILEINFO(fd, info)	_MD_getopenfileinfo(fd, info)
-#define _MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(fd, info)	_MD_getopenfileinfo64(fd, info)
-#define _MD_RENAME(from, to)		    _MD_rename(from, to)
-#define _MD_ACCESS(name, how)		    _MD_access(name, how)
-#define _MD_MKDIR(name, mode)		    _MD_mkdir(name, mode)
-#define _MD_MAKE_DIR(name, mode)		_MD_mkdir(name, mode)
-#define _MD_RMDIR(name)			        _MD_rmdir(name)
-#define _MD_ACCEPT_READ(sock, newSock, raddr, buf, amount)	_MD_accept_read(sock, newSock, raddr, buf, amount)
-#define _MD_LOCKFILE _MD_LockFile
-#define _MD_TLOCKFILE _MD_TLockFile
-#define _MD_UNLOCKFILE _MD_UnlockFile
-extern PRInt32		_MD_socket(int af, int type, int flags);
-#define _MD_SOCKET	_MD_socket
-extern PRInt32		_MD_connect(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr,
-								PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_CONNECT	_MD_connect
-extern PRInt32		_MD_accept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen,
-													PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_ACCEPT	_MD_accept
-extern PRInt32		_MD_bind(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen);
-#define _MD_BIND	_MD_bind
-extern PRInt32		_MD_listen(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog);
-#define _MD_LISTEN	_MD_listen
-extern PRInt32		_MD_shutdown(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how);
-#define _MD_SHUTDOWN	_MD_shutdown
-extern PRInt32		_MD_recv(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, 
-                               PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_RECV	_MD_recv
-extern PRInt32		_MD_send(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-									PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_SEND	_MD_send
-extern PRInt32		_MD_recvfrom(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-						PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen,
-											PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_RECVFROM	_MD_recvfrom
-extern PRInt32 _MD_sendto(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-							PRIntn flags, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen,
-												PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_SENDTO	_MD_sendto
-extern PRInt32		_MD_writev(PRFileDesc *fd, const struct PRIOVec *iov,
-								PRInt32 iov_size, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_WRITEV	_MD_writev
-extern PRInt32		_MD_socketavailable(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define	_MD_SOCKETAVAILABLE		_MD_socketavailable
-extern PRInt64		_MD_socketavailable64(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define	_MD_SOCKETAVAILABLE64		_MD_socketavailable64
-#define	_MD_PIPEAVAILABLE		_MD_socketavailable
-extern PRInt32 _MD_pr_poll(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds,
-												PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_PR_POLL		_MD_pr_poll
-extern PRInt32		_MD_close(PRInt32 osfd);
-#define _MD_CLOSE_FILE	_MD_close
-extern PRInt32		_MD_lseek(PRFileDesc*, PRInt32, PRSeekWhence);
-#define _MD_LSEEK	_MD_lseek
-extern PRInt64		_MD_lseek64(PRFileDesc*, PRInt64, PRSeekWhence);
-#define _MD_LSEEK64	_MD_lseek64
-extern PRInt32		_MD_fsync(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define _MD_FSYNC	_MD_fsync
-extern PRInt32 _MD_socketpair(int af, int type, int flags, PRInt32 *osfd);
-#define _MD_SOCKETPAIR		_MD_socketpair
-#define _MD_CLOSE_SOCKET	_MD_close
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#define _MD_STAT	stat
-extern PRStatus _MD_getpeername(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-											PRUint32 *addrlen);
-#define _MD_GETPEERNAME _MD_getpeername
-extern PRStatus _MD_getsockname(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-											PRUint32 *addrlen);
-#define _MD_GETSOCKNAME _MD_getsockname
-extern PRStatus _MD_getsockopt(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level,
-						PRInt32 optname, char* optval, PRInt32* optlen);
-#define _MD_GETSOCKOPT		_MD_getsockopt
-extern PRStatus _MD_setsockopt(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level,
-					PRInt32 optname, const char* optval, PRInt32 optlen);
-#define _MD_SETSOCKOPT		_MD_setsockopt
-extern PRStatus _MD_set_fd_inheritable(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool inheritable);
-#define _MD_SET_FD_INHERITABLE _MD_set_fd_inheritable
-extern void _MD_init_fd_inheritable(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool imported);
-#define _MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE _MD_init_fd_inheritable
-extern void _MD_query_fd_inheritable(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define _MD_QUERY_FD_INHERITABLE _MD_query_fd_inheritable
-extern PRStatus _MD_gethostname(char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-#define _MD_GETHOSTNAME		_MD_gethostname
-extern PRStatus _MD_getsysinfo(PRSysInfo cmd, char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-#define _MD_GETSYSINFO		_MD_getsysinfo
-extern int _MD_unix_get_nonblocking_connect_error(int osfd);
-/* Memory-mapped files */
-struct _MDFileMap {
-    PRIntn prot;
-    PRIntn flags;
-    PRBool isAnonFM; /* when true, PR_CloseFileMap() must close the related fd */
-extern PRStatus _MD_CreateFileMap(struct PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 size);
-#define _MD_CREATE_FILE_MAP _MD_CreateFileMap
-#define _MD_GET_MEM_MAP_ALIGNMENT() PR_GetPageSize()
-extern void * _MD_MemMap(struct PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 offset,
-        PRUint32 len);
-#define _MD_MEM_MAP _MD_MemMap
-extern PRStatus _MD_MemUnmap(void *addr, PRUint32 size);
-#define _MD_MEM_UNMAP _MD_MemUnmap
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseFileMap(struct PRFileMap *fmap);
-#define _MD_CLOSE_FILE_MAP _MD_CloseFileMap
-extern PRStatus _MD_SyncMemMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len);
-#define _MD_SYNC_MEM_MAP _MD_SyncMemMap
- * The standard (XPG4) gettimeofday() (from BSD) takes two arguments.
- * On some SVR4 derivatives, gettimeofday() takes only one argument.
- * The GETTIMEOFDAY macro is intended to hide this difference.
- */
-#define GETTIMEOFDAY(tp) gettimeofday(tp)
-#define GETTIMEOFDAY(tp) gettimeofday((tp), NULL)
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_POLL_AVAILABLE)
-#if defined(_PR_NEED_FAKE_POLL)
- * Some platforms don't have poll(), but our pthreads code calls poll().
- * As a temporary measure, I implemented a fake poll() using select().
- * Here are the struct and macro definitions copied from sys/poll.h
- * on Solaris 2.5.
- */
-struct pollfd {
-    int fd;
-    short events;
-    short revents;
-/* poll events */
-#define	POLLIN		0x0001		/* fd is readable */
-#define	POLLPRI		0x0002		/* high priority info at fd */
-#define	POLLOUT		0x0004		/* fd is writeable (won't block) */
-#define	POLLRDNORM	0x0040		/* normal data is readable */
-#define	POLLRDBAND	0x0080		/* out-of-band data is readable */
-#define	POLLWRBAND	0x0100		/* out-of-band data is writeable */
-#define	POLLERR		0x0008		/* fd has error condition */
-#define	POLLHUP		0x0010		/* fd has been hung up on */
-#define	POLLNVAL	0x0020		/* invalid pollfd entry */
-extern int poll(struct pollfd *, unsigned long, int);
-#endif /* _PR_NEED_FAKE_POLL */
-** A vector of the UNIX I/O calls we use. These are here to smooth over
-** the rough edges needed for large files. All of NSPR's implmentaions
-** go through this vector using syntax of the form
-**      result = _md_iovector.xxx64(args);
-#if defined(SOLARIS2_5)
-** Special case: Solaris 2.5.1
-** Solaris starts to have 64-bit file I/O in 2.6.  We build on Solaris
-** 2.5.1 so that we can use the same binaries on both Solaris 2.5.1 and
-** 2.6.  At run time, we detect whether 64-bit file I/O is available by
-** looking up the 64-bit file function symbols in libc.  At build time,
-** we need to define the 64-bit file I/O datatypes that are compatible
-** with their definitions on Solaris 2.6.
-typedef PRInt64 off64_t;
-typedef PRUint64 ino64_t;
-typedef PRInt64 blkcnt64_t;
-struct stat64 {
-    dev_t st_dev;
-    long st_pad1[3];
-    ino64_t st_ino;
-    mode_t st_mode;
-    nlink_t st_nlink;
-    uid_t st_uid;
-    gid_t st_gid;
-    dev_t st_rdev;
-    long t_pad2[2];
-    off64_t st_size;
-    timestruc_t st_atim;
-    timestruc_t st_mtim;
-    timestruc_t st_ctim;
-    long st_blksize;
-    blkcnt64_t st_blocks;
-    char st_fstype[_ST_FSTYPSZ];
-    long st_pad4[8];
-typedef struct stat64 _MDStat64;
-typedef off64_t _MDOff64_t;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_OFF64_T)
-typedef struct stat64 _MDStat64;
-typedef off64_t _MDOff64_t;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_LARGE_OFF_T)
-typedef struct stat _MDStat64;
-typedef off_t _MDOff64_t;
-#elif defined(_PR_NO_LARGE_FILES)
-typedef struct stat _MDStat64;
-typedef PRInt64 _MDOff64_t;
-#error "I don't know yet"
-typedef PRIntn (*_MD_Fstat64)(PRIntn osfd, _MDStat64 *buf);
-typedef PRIntn (*_MD_Open64)(const char *path, int oflag, ...);
-typedef PRIntn (*_MD_Stat64)(const char *path, _MDStat64 *buf);
-typedef _MDOff64_t (*_MD_Lseek64)(PRIntn osfd, _MDOff64_t, PRIntn whence);
-typedef void* (*_MD_Mmap64)(
-    void *addr, PRSize len, PRIntn prot, PRIntn flags,
-    PRIntn fildes, _MDOff64_t offset);
-struct _MD_IOVector
-    _MD_Open64 _open64;
-    _MD_Mmap64 _mmap64;
-    _MD_Stat64 _stat64;
-    _MD_Fstat64 _fstat64;
-    _MD_Lseek64 _lseek64;
-extern struct _MD_IOVector _md_iovector;
-#endif /* prunixos_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_win32_errors.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_win32_errors.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c96237..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_win32_errors.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_win32_errors_h___
-#define nspr_win32_errors_h___
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <winsock.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-extern void _MD_win32_map_default_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_default_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_opendir_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_opendir_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_closedir_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSEDIR_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_closedir_error
-extern void _MD_unix_readdir_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_READDIR_ERROR	_MD_unix_readdir_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_delete_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_DELETE_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_delete_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_stat_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_STAT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_stat_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_fstat_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_FSTAT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_fstat_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_rename_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RENAME_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_rename_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_access_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_ACCESS_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_access_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_mkdir_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_MKDIR_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_mkdir_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_rmdir_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RMDIR_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_rmdir_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_read_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_read_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_transmitfile_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_TRANSMITFILE_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_transmitfile_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_write_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_WRITE_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_write_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_lseek_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_LSEEK_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_lseek_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_fsync_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_FSYNC_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_fsync_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_close_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_close_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_socket_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKET_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_socket_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_recv_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RECV_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_recv_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_recvfrom_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_RECVFROM_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_recvfrom_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_send_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SEND_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_send_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_sendto_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SENDTO_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_sendto_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_accept_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_ACCEPT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_accept_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_acceptex_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_ACCEPTEX_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_acceptex_error
-extern PRInt32 _MD_win32_map_connect_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_connect_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_bind_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_BIND_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_bind_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_listen_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_LISTEN_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_listen_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_shutdown_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_shutdown_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_getsockname_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKNAME_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_getsockname_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_getpeername_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETPEERNAME_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_getpeername_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_getsockopt_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_getsockopt_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_setsockopt_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_setsockopt_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_open_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_open_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_gethostname_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_GETHOSTNAME_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_gethostname_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_select_error(PRInt32 err);
-#define	_PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR	_MD_win32_map_select_error
-extern void _MD_win32_map_lockf_error(int err);
-#define _PR_MD_MAP_LOCKF_ERROR  _MD_win32_map_lockf_error
-#endif /* nspr_win32_errors_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.cfg b/nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e693cc..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_cpucfg___
-#define nspr_cpucfg___
-#ifndef XP_PC
-#define XP_PC
-#ifndef WIN32
-#define WIN32
-#ifndef WIN95
-#define WIN95
-#define PR_AF_INET6 23  /* same as AF_INET6 */
-#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD	4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD	32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD	64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2	5
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD	4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DWORD	8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  4
-#elif defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_AMD64_)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD	8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD	64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD	64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2	6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD	8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DWORD	8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#elif defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_IA64_)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define IS_64
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD	8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD	64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD	64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2	6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD	8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DWORD	8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#elif defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_ARM_)
-#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE   1
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT  2
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT    4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT  4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD   4
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD  8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE    8
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT   16
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT     32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT   32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD    32
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD   64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE  64
-#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2   3
-#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT_LOG2  4
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT_LOG2    5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64_LOG2  6
-#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT_LOG2  5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2   5
-#define PR_BITS_PER_DWORD_LOG2  6
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT   2
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT     4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT   4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD    4
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DWORD   8
-#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE  8
-#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2  2
-#else /* defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_) */
-#error unknown processor architecture
-#endif /* defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_) */
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#define BITS_PER_INT        PR_BITS_PER_INT
-#define BITS_PER_INT64      PR_BITS_PER_INT64
-#define ALIGN_OF_INT        PR_ALIGN_OF_INT
-#define ALIGN_OF_INT64      PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-#endif /* nspr_cpucfg___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da2b55..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_win95_defs_h___
-#define nspr_win95_defs_h___
-#include "prio.h"
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <winsock.h>
-#include <errno.h>
- * Internal configuration macros
- */
-#define PR_LINKER_ARCH      "win32"
-#define _PR_SI_SYSNAME        "WIN95"
-#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE   "x86"
-#elif defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_AMD64_)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE   "x86-64"
-#elif defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_IA64_)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE   "ia64"
-#elif defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_ARM_)
-#define _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE   "arm"
-#error unknown processor architecture
-#define HAVE_DLL
-#ifndef _PR_INET6
-#define AF_INET6 23
-/* newer ws2tcpip.h provides these */
-#define AI_CANONNAME 0x2
-#define AI_NUMERICHOST 0x4
-#define NI_NUMERICHOST 0x02
-struct addrinfo {
-    int ai_flags;
-    int ai_family;
-    int ai_socktype;
-    int ai_protocol;
-    size_t ai_addrlen;
-    char *ai_canonname;
-    struct sockaddr *ai_addr;
-    struct addrinfo *ai_next;
-/* isomorphic to struct in6_addr on Windows */
-struct _md_in6_addr {
-    union {
-        PRUint8  _S6_u8[16];
-        PRUint16 _S6_u16[8];
-    } _S6_un;
-/* isomorphic to struct sockaddr_in6 on Windows */
-struct _md_sockaddr_in6 {
-    PRInt16 sin6_family;
-    PRUint16 sin6_port;
-    PRUint32 sin6_flowinfo;
-    struct _md_in6_addr sin6_addr;
-    PRUint32 sin6_scope_id;
-/* --- Common User-Thread/Native-Thread Definitions --------------------- */
-/* --- Globals --- */
-extern struct PRLock                      *_pr_schedLock;
-/* --- Typedefs --- */
-typedef void (*FiberFunc)(void *);
-#define PR_NUM_GCREGS           8
-typedef PRInt32	                PR_CONTEXT_TYPE[PR_NUM_GCREGS];
-#define GC_VMBASE               0x40000000
-#define GC_VMLIMIT              0x00FFFFFF
-#define _MD_MAGIC_THREAD	0x22222222
-#define _MD_MAGIC_THREADSTACK	0x33333333
-#define _MD_MAGIC_SEGMENT	0x44444444
-#define _MD_MAGIC_DIR		0x55555555
-#define _MD_MAGIC_CV        0x66666666
-struct _MDCPU {
-    int              unused;
-struct _MDThread {
-    HANDLE           blocked_sema;      /* Threads block on this when waiting
-                                         * for IO or CondVar.
-                                         */
-    PRBool           inCVWaitQueue;     /* PR_TRUE if the thread is in the
-                                         * wait queue of some cond var.
-                                         * PR_FALSE otherwise.  */
-    HANDLE           handle;            /* Win32 thread handle */
-    PRUint32         id;
-    void            *sp;                /* only valid when suspended */
-    PRUint32         magic;             /* for debugging */
-    PR_CONTEXT_TYPE  gcContext;         /* Thread context for GC */
-    struct PRThread *prev, *next;       /* used by the cvar wait queue to
-                                         * chain the PRThread structures
-                                         * together */
-    void (*start)(void *);              /* used by _PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD to
-                                         * pass its 'start' argument to
-                                         * pr_root. */
-struct _MDThreadStack {
-    PRUint32           magic;          /* for debugging */
-struct _MDSegment {
-    PRUint32           magic;          /* for debugging */
-struct _MDDir {
-    HANDLE           d_hdl;
-    WIN32_FIND_DATAA d_entry;
-    PRBool           firstEntry;     /* Is this the entry returned
-                                      * by FindFirstFile()? */
-    PRUint32         magic;          /* for debugging */
-struct _MDDirUTF16 {
-    HANDLE           d_hdl;
-    WIN32_FIND_DATAW d_entry;
-    PRBool           firstEntry;     /* Is this the entry returned
-                                      * by FindFirstFileW()? */
-    PRUint32         magic;          /* for debugging */
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-struct _MDCVar {
-    PRUint32 magic;
-    struct PRThread *waitHead, *waitTail;  /* the wait queue: a doubly-
-                                            * linked list of threads
-                                            * waiting on this condition
-                                            * variable */
-    PRIntn nwait;                          /* number of threads in the
-                                            * wait queue */
-typedef struct _MDNotified _MDNotified;
-struct _MDNotified {
-    PRIntn length;                     /* # of used entries in this
-                                        * structure */
-    struct {
-        struct _MDCVar *cv;            /* the condition variable notified */
-        PRIntn times;                  /* and the number of times notified */
-        struct PRThread *notifyHead;   /* list of threads to wake up */
-    _MDNotified *link;                 /* link to another of these, or NULL */
-struct _MDLock {
-    CRITICAL_SECTION mutex;          /* this is recursive on NT */
-    /*
-     * When notifying cvars, there is no point in actually
-     * waking up the threads waiting on the cvars until we've
-     * released the lock.  So, we temporarily record the cvars.
-     * When doing an unlock, we'll then wake up the waiting threads.
-     */
-    struct _MDNotified notified;     /* array of conditions notified */
-    PRInt32 hitcount;
-    PRInt32 misscount;
-struct _MDSemaphore {
-    HANDLE           sem;
-struct _MDFileDesc {
-    PROsfd osfd;     /* The osfd can come from one of three spaces:
-                      * - For stdin, stdout, and stderr, we are using
-                      *   the libc file handle (0, 1, 2), which is an int.
-                      * - For files and pipes, we are using Win32 HANDLE,
-                      *   which is a void*.
-                      * - For sockets, we are using Winsock SOCKET, which
-                      *   is a u_int.
-                      */
-struct _MDProcess {
-    HANDLE handle;
-    DWORD id;
-/* --- Misc stuff --- */
-#define _MD_GET_SP(thread)            (thread)->md.gcContext[6]
-/* --- NT security stuff --- */
-extern void _PR_NT_InitSids(void);
-extern void _PR_NT_FreeSids(void);
-extern PRStatus _PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL(
-    PRIntn mode,
-    DWORD accessTable[],
-    PACL *resultACL
-extern void _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL(
-/* --- IO stuff --- */
-#define _MD_OPEN                      _PR_MD_OPEN
-#define _MD_OPEN_FILE                 _PR_MD_OPEN_FILE
-#define _MD_READ                      _PR_MD_READ
-#define _MD_WRITE                     _PR_MD_WRITE
-#define _MD_WRITEV                    _PR_MD_WRITEV
-#define _MD_LSEEK                     _PR_MD_LSEEK
-#define _MD_LSEEK64                   _PR_MD_LSEEK64
-extern PRInt32 _MD_CloseFile(PROsfd osfd);
-#define _MD_CLOSE_FILE                _MD_CloseFile
-#define _MD_GETFILEINFO               _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO
-#define _MD_GETFILEINFO64             _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64
-#define _MD_STAT                      _PR_MD_STAT
-#define _MD_RENAME                    _PR_MD_RENAME     
-#define _MD_ACCESS                    _PR_MD_ACCESS     
-#define _MD_DELETE                    _PR_MD_DELETE     
-#define _MD_MKDIR                     _PR_MD_MKDIR      
-#define _MD_MAKE_DIR                  _PR_MD_MAKE_DIR
-#define _MD_RMDIR                     _PR_MD_RMDIR      
-#define _MD_LOCKFILE                  _PR_MD_LOCKFILE
-#define _MD_TLOCKFILE                 _PR_MD_TLOCKFILE
-#define _MD_UNLOCKFILE                _PR_MD_UNLOCKFILE
-/* --- UTF16 IO stuff --- */
-#define _MD_OPEN_FILE_UTF16           _PR_MD_OPEN_FILE_UTF16
-#define _MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16            _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16
-#define _MD_READ_DIR_UTF16            _PR_MD_READ_DIR_UTF16
-#define _MD_CLOSE_DIR_UTF16           _PR_MD_CLOSE_DIR_UTF16
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-/* --- Socket IO stuff --- */
-extern void _PR_MD_InitSockets(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_CleanupSockets(void);
-#define _MD_EACCES                WSAEACCES
-#define _MD_EAGAIN                WSAEWOULDBLOCK
-#define _MD_EALREADY              WSAEALREADY
-#define _MD_EBADF                 WSAEBADF
-#define _MD_EFAULT                WSAEFAULT
-#define _MD_EINTR                 WSAEINTR
-#define _MD_EINVAL                EINVAL
-#define _MD_EISCONN               WSAEISCONN
-#define _MD_ENOENT                ENOENT
-#define _MD_ENOTCONN              WSAENOTCONN
-#define _MD_ENOTSOCK              WSAENOTSOCK
-#define _MD_GET_SOCKET_ERROR()    WSAGetLastError()
-#define _MD_SET_SOCKET_ERROR(_err) WSASetLastError(_err)
-#define _MD_INIT_FILEDESC(fd)
-extern void _MD_MakeNonblock(PRFileDesc *f);
-#define _MD_MAKE_NONBLOCK             _MD_MakeNonblock
-#define _MD_SHUTDOWN                  _PR_MD_SHUTDOWN
-#define _MD_LISTEN                    _PR_MD_LISTEN
-extern PRInt32 _MD_CloseSocket(PROsfd osfd);
-#define _MD_CLOSE_SOCKET              _MD_CloseSocket
-#define _MD_SENDTO                    _PR_MD_SENDTO
-#define _MD_RECVFROM                  _PR_MD_RECVFROM
-#define _MD_SOCKETPAIR(s, type, proto, sv) -1
-#define _MD_GETSOCKNAME               _PR_MD_GETSOCKNAME
-#define _MD_GETPEERNAME               _PR_MD_GETPEERNAME
-#define _MD_GETSOCKOPT                _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT
-#define _MD_SETSOCKOPT                _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT
-#define _MD_SELECT                    select
-#define _MD_FSYNC                     _PR_MD_FSYNC
-#define READ_FD                       1
-#define WRITE_FD                      2
-#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
-#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD          	  _PR_MD_ATOMIC_ADD
-#else /* non-x86 processors */
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(x)       InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)x)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr,val)    (InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)ptr, (LONG)val) + val)
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(x)       InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)x)
-#endif /* x86 */
-#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(x,y)           InterlockedExchange((PLONG)x, (LONG)y)
-#define _MD_INIT_IO                   _PR_MD_INIT_IO
-/* win95 doesn't have async IO */
-#define _MD_SOCKET                    _PR_MD_SOCKET
-extern PRInt32 _MD_SocketAvailable(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define _MD_SOCKETAVAILABLE           _MD_SocketAvailable
-#define _MD_CONNECT                   _PR_MD_CONNECT
-extern PROsfd _MD_Accept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *raddr, PRUint32 *rlen,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define _MD_ACCEPT                    _MD_Accept
-#define _MD_BIND                      _PR_MD_BIND
-#define _MD_RECV                      _PR_MD_RECV
-#define _MD_SEND                      _PR_MD_SEND
-#define _MD_PR_POLL                   _PR_MD_PR_POLL
-/* --- Scheduler stuff --- */
-// #define _MD_PAUSE_CPU                 _PR_MD_PAUSE_CPU
-#define _MD_PAUSE_CPU
-/* --- DIR stuff --- */
-#define PR_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR        '\\'
-#define PR_PATH_SEPARATOR		';'
-#define _MD_ERRNO()                   GetLastError()
-#define _MD_OPEN_DIR                  _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR
-#define _MD_CLOSE_DIR                 _PR_MD_CLOSE_DIR
-#define _MD_READ_DIR                  _PR_MD_READ_DIR
-/* --- Segment stuff --- */
-#define _MD_INIT_SEGS()
-#define _MD_ALLOC_SEGMENT(seg, size, vaddr)   0
-#define _MD_FREE_SEGMENT(seg)
-/* --- Environment Stuff --- */
-#define _MD_GET_ENV                 _PR_MD_GET_ENV
-#define _MD_PUT_ENV                 _PR_MD_PUT_ENV
-/* --- Threading Stuff --- */
-#define _MD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE            0
-#define _MD_INIT_THREAD             _PR_MD_INIT_THREAD
-#define _MD_YIELD                   _PR_MD_YIELD
-#define _MD_SET_PRIORITY            _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY
-#define _MD_CLEAN_THREAD            _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD
-#define _MD_EXIT_THREAD             _PR_MD_EXIT_THREAD
-#define _MD_EXIT                    _PR_MD_EXIT
-#define _MD_SUSPEND_CPU             _PR_MD_SUSPEND_CPU
-#define _MD_RESUME_CPU              _PR_MD_RESUME_CPU
-#define _MD_END_SUSPEND_ALL()
-#define _MD_END_RESUME_ALL()
-/* --- Lock stuff --- */
-#define _PR_LOCK                      _MD_LOCK
-#define _PR_UNLOCK                    _MD_UNLOCK
-#define _MD_NEW_LOCK                  _PR_MD_NEW_LOCK
-#define _MD_FREE_LOCK(lock)           DeleteCriticalSection(&((lock)->mutex))
-#define _MD_LOCK(lock)                EnterCriticalSection(&((lock)->mutex))
-#define _MD_TEST_AND_LOCK(lock)       (EnterCriticalSection(&((lock)->mutex)),0)
-#define _MD_UNLOCK                    _PR_MD_UNLOCK
-/* --- lock and cv waiting --- */
-#define _MD_WAIT                      _PR_MD_WAIT
-/* --- CVar ------------------- */
-#define _MD_WAIT_CV					  _PR_MD_WAIT_CV
-#define _MD_NEW_CV					  _PR_MD_NEW_CV
-#define _MD_FREE_CV					  _PR_MD_FREE_CV
-#define _MD_NOTIFY_CV				  _PR_MD_NOTIFY_CV	
-   /* XXXMB- the IOQ stuff is certainly not working correctly yet. */
-// extern  struct _MDLock              _pr_ioq_lock;
-#define _MD_IOQ_LOCK()                
-#define _MD_IOQ_UNLOCK()              
-/* --- Initialization stuff --- */
-#define _MD_EARLY_INIT                _PR_MD_EARLY_INIT
-#define _MD_FINAL_INIT()
-#define _MD_EARLY_CLEANUP()
-#define _MD_INIT_CPUS()
-#define _MD_INIT_RUNNING_CPU(cpu)
-struct PRProcess;
-struct PRProcessAttr;
-#define _MD_CREATE_PROCESS _PR_CreateWindowsProcess
-extern struct PRProcess * _PR_CreateWindowsProcess(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const struct PRProcessAttr *attr
-#define _MD_DETACH_PROCESS _PR_DetachWindowsProcess
-extern PRStatus _PR_DetachWindowsProcess(struct PRProcess *process);
-/* --- Wait for a child process to terminate --- */
-#define _MD_WAIT_PROCESS _PR_WaitWindowsProcess
-extern PRStatus _PR_WaitWindowsProcess(struct PRProcess *process, 
-    PRInt32 *exitCode);
-#define _MD_KILL_PROCESS _PR_KillWindowsProcess
-extern PRStatus _PR_KillWindowsProcess(struct PRProcess *process);
-#define _MD_INIT_CONTEXT(_thread, _sp, _main, status) \
-    *status = PR_TRUE; \
-/* --- Intervals --- */
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_INIT                 _PR_MD_INTERVAL_INIT
-#define _MD_GET_INTERVAL                  _PR_MD_GET_INTERVAL
-#define _MD_INTERVAL_PER_MICROSEC()       (_PR_MD_INTERVAL_PER_SEC() / 1000000)
-/* --- Time --- */
-extern void _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(const FILETIME *filetime, PRTime *prtm);
-#ifdef WINCE
-extern void _MD_InitTime(void);
-extern void _MD_CleanupTime(void);
-/* --- Native-Thread Specific Definitions ------------------------------- */
-extern struct PRThread * _MD_CURRENT_THREAD(void);
-extern __declspec(thread) struct PRThread *_pr_currentThread;
-#define _MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD() _pr_currentThread
-#define _MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(_thread) (_pr_currentThread = (_thread))
-extern __declspec(thread) struct PRThread *_pr_thread_last_run;
-#define _MD_LAST_THREAD() _pr_thread_last_run
-#define _MD_SET_LAST_THREAD(_thread) (_pr_thread_last_run = 0)
-extern __declspec(thread) struct _PRCPU *_pr_currentCPU;
-#define _MD_CURRENT_CPU() _pr_currentCPU
-#define _MD_SET_CURRENT_CPU(_cpu) (_pr_currentCPU = 0)
-#else /* _PR_USE_STATIC_TLS */
-extern DWORD _pr_currentThreadIndex;
-#define _MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD() ((PRThread *) TlsGetValue(_pr_currentThreadIndex))
-#define _MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(_thread) TlsSetValue(_pr_currentThreadIndex, (_thread))
-extern DWORD _pr_lastThreadIndex;
-#define _MD_LAST_THREAD() ((PRThread *) TlsGetValue(_pr_lastThreadIndex))
-#define _MD_SET_LAST_THREAD(_thread) TlsSetValue(_pr_lastThreadIndex, 0)
-extern DWORD _pr_currentCPUIndex;
-#define _MD_CURRENT_CPU() ((struct _PRCPU *) TlsGetValue(_pr_currentCPUIndex))
-#define _MD_SET_CURRENT_CPU(_cpu) TlsSetValue(_pr_currentCPUIndex, 0)
-#endif /* _PR_USE_STATIC_TLS */
-/* --- Scheduler stuff --- */
-#define LOCK_SCHEDULER()                 0
-#define UNLOCK_SCHEDULER()               0
-#define _PR_LockSched()                	 0
-#define _PR_UnlockSched()                0
-/* --- Initialization stuff --- */
-#define _MD_INIT_LOCKS                   _PR_MD_INIT_LOCKS
-/* --- Stack stuff --- */
-#define _MD_INIT_STACK(stack, redzone)
-#define _MD_CLEAR_STACK(stack)
-/* --- Memory-mapped files stuff --- */
-struct _MDFileMap {
-    HANDLE hFileMap;
-    DWORD dwAccess;
-extern PRStatus _MD_CreateFileMap(struct PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 size);
-#define _MD_CREATE_FILE_MAP _MD_CreateFileMap
-extern PRInt32 _MD_GetMemMapAlignment(void);
-#define _MD_GET_MEM_MAP_ALIGNMENT _MD_GetMemMapAlignment
-extern void * _MD_MemMap(struct PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 offset,
-        PRUint32 len);
-#define _MD_MEM_MAP _MD_MemMap
-extern PRStatus _MD_MemUnmap(void *addr, PRUint32 size);
-#define _MD_MEM_UNMAP _MD_MemUnmap
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseFileMap(struct PRFileMap *fmap);
-#define _MD_CLOSE_FILE_MAP _MD_CloseFileMap
-extern PRStatus _MD_SyncMemMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len);
-#define _MD_SYNC_MEM_MAP _MD_SyncMemMap
-/* --- Named semaphores stuff --- */
-#define _MD_DELETE_SEMAPHORE(name)    PR_SUCCESS  /* no op */
-#endif /* nspr_win32_defs_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/md/prosdep.h b/nspr/pr/include/md/prosdep.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d8945..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/md/prosdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prosdep_h___
-#define prosdep_h___
-** Get OS specific header information
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#ifdef XP_PC
-#include "md/_pcos.h"
-#ifdef WINNT
-#include "md/_winnt.h"
-#include "md/_win32_errors.h"
-#elif defined(WIN95) || defined(WINCE)
-#include "md/_win95.h"
-#include "md/_win32_errors.h"
-#elif defined(OS2)
-#include "md/_os2.h"
-#include "md/_os2_errors.h"
-#error unknown Windows platform
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-#if defined(AIX)
-#include "md/_aix.h"
-#elif defined(FREEBSD)
-#include "md/_freebsd.h"
-#elif defined(NETBSD)
-#include "md/_netbsd.h"
-#elif defined(OPENBSD)
-#include "md/_openbsd.h"
-#elif defined(BSDI)
-#include "md/_bsdi.h"
-#elif defined(HPUX)
-#include "md/_hpux.h"
-#elif defined(IRIX)
-#include "md/_irix.h"
-#elif defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__)
-#include "md/_linux.h"
-#elif defined(OSF1)
-#include "md/_osf1.h"
-#elif defined(DARWIN)
-#include "md/_darwin.h"
-#elif defined(SOLARIS)
-#include "md/_solaris.h"
-#elif defined(SCO)
-#include "md/_scoos.h"
-#elif defined(UNIXWARE)
-#include "md/_unixware.h"
-#elif defined(DGUX)
-#include "md/_dgux.h"
-#elif defined(QNX)
-#include "md/_qnx.h"
-#elif defined(NTO)
-#include "md/_nto.h"
-#elif defined(RISCOS)
-#include "md/_riscos.h"
-#elif defined(SYMBIAN)
-#include "md/_symbian.h"
-#error unknown Unix flavor
-#include "md/_unixos.h"
-#include "md/_unix_errors.h"
-#elif defined(XP_BEOS)
-#include "md/_beos.h"
-#include "md/_unix_errors.h"
-#error "The platform is not BeOS, Unix, Windows, or Mac"
-#ifdef _PR_PTHREADS
-#include "md/_pth.h"
-#endif /* prosdep_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/nspr.h b/nspr/pr/include/nspr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cbc71c..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/nspr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nspr_h___
-#define nspr_h___
-#include "pratom.h"
-#include "prbit.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
-#include "prcmon.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-#include "prdtoa.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prinet.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "pripcsem.h"
-#include "prlink.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prmwait.h"
-#include "prnetdb.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prproces.h"
-#include "prrng.h"
-#include "prrwlock.h"
-#include "prshm.h"
-#include "prshma.h"
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "prtpool.h"
-#include "prtrace.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#endif /* nspr_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/pralarm.h b/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/pralarm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 959e74b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/pralarm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:		pralarm.h
-** Description:	API to periodic alarms.
-** Alarms are defined to invoke some client specified function at 
-** a time in the future. The notification may be a one time event
-** or repeated at a fixed interval. The interval at which the next
-** notification takes place may be modified by the client code only
-** during the respective notification.
-** The notification is delivered on a thread that is part of the
-** alarm context (PRAlarm). The thread will inherit the priority
-** of the Alarm creator.
-** Any number of periodic alarms (PRAlarmID) may be created within
-** the context of a single alarm (PRAlarm). The notifications will be
-** scheduled as close to the desired time as possible.
-** Repeating periodic notifies are expected to run at a fixed rate.
-** That rate is expressed as some number of notifies per period where
-** the period is much larger than a PRIntervalTime (see prinrval.h).
-#if !defined(pralarm_h)
-#define pralarm_h
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-/************************* TYPES AND CONSTANTS ************************/
-typedef struct PRAlarm PRAlarm;
-typedef struct PRAlarmID PRAlarmID;
-typedef PRBool (PR_CALLBACK *PRPeriodicAlarmFn)(
-    PRAlarmID *id, void *clientData, PRUint32 late);
-/****************************** FUNCTIONS *****************************/
-** FUNCTION:    PR_CreateAlarm
-**  Create an alarm context.
-** INPUTS:      void
-** OUTPUTS:     None
-** RETURN:      PRAlarm*
-**  This creates an alarm context, which is an object used for subsequent
-**  notification creations. It also creates a thread that will be used to
-** deliver the notifications that are expected to be defined. The client
-** is resposible for destroying the context when appropriate.
-**  None. 
-** MEMORY:      The object (PRAlarm) and a thread to support notifications.
-NSPR_API(PRAlarm*) PR_CreateAlarm(void);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_DestroyAlarm
-**  Destroys the context created by PR_CreateAlarm().
-** INPUTS:      PRAlarm*
-** OUTPUTS:     None
-** RETURN:      PRStatus
-**  This destroys the context that was created by PR_CreateAlarm().
-**  If there are any active alarms (PRAlarmID), they will be cancelled.
-**  Once that is done, the thread that was used to deliver the alarms
-**  will be joined. 
-**  None. 
-** MEMORY:      N/A
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DestroyAlarm(PRAlarm *alarm);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_SetAlarm
-**  Creates a periodic notifier that is to be delivered to a specified
-**  function at some fixed interval.
-** INPUTS:      PRAlarm *alarm              Parent alarm context
-**              PRIntervalTime period       Interval over which the notifies
-**                                          are delivered.
-**              PRUint32 rate               The rate within the interval that
-**                                          the notifies will be delivered.
-**              PRPeriodicAlarmFn function  Entry point where the notifies
-**                                          will be delivered.
-** OUTPUTS:     None
-** RETURN:      PRAlarmID*                  Handle to the notifier just created
-**                                          or NULL if the request failed.
-**  A periodic notifier is created. The notifications will be delivered
-**  by the alarm's internal thread at a fixed interval whose rate is the
-**  number of interrupts per interval specified. The first notification
-**  will be delivered as soon as possible, and they will continue until
-**  the notifier routine indicates that they should cease of the alarm
-**  context is destroyed (PR_DestroyAlarm).
-**  None. 
-** MEMORY:      Memory for the notifier object.
-** ALGORITHM:   The rate at which notifications are delivered are stated
-**              to be "'rate' notifies per 'interval'". The exact time of
-**              the notification is computed based on a epoch established
-**              when the notifier was set. Each notification is delivered
-**              not ealier than the epoch plus the fixed rate times the
-**              notification sequence number. Such notifications have the
-**              potential to be late by not more than 'interval'/'rate'.
-**              The amount of lateness of one notification is taken into
-**              account on the next in an attempt to avoid long term slew.  
-NSPR_API(PRAlarmID*) PR_SetAlarm(
-    PRAlarm *alarm, PRIntervalTime period, PRUint32 rate,
-    PRPeriodicAlarmFn function, void *clientData);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_ResetAlarm
-**  Resets an existing alarm.
-** INPUTS:      PRAlarmID *id               Identify of the notifier.
-**              PRIntervalTime period       Interval over which the notifies
-**                                          are delivered.
-**              PRUint32 rate               The rate within the interval that
-**                                          the notifies will be delivered.
-** OUTPUTS:     None
-** RETURN:      PRStatus                    Indication of completion.
-**  An existing alarm may have its period and rate redefined. The
-**  additional side effect is that the notifier's epoch is recomputed.
-**  The first notification delivered by the newly refreshed alarm is
-**  defined to be 'interval'/'rate' from the time of the reset.
-**  This function may only be called in the notifier for that alarm.
-** MEMORY:      N/A.
-** ALGORITHM:   See PR_SetAlarm().  
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_ResetAlarm(
-	PRAlarmID *id, PRIntervalTime period, PRUint32 rate);
-#endif /* !defined(pralarm_h) */
-/* prinrval.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/probslet.h b/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/probslet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eff0ba..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/probslet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** A collection of things thought to be obsolete
-#if defined(PROBSLET_H)
-#define PROBSLET_H
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "private/pprio.h"  /* for PROsfd */
-** Yield the current thread.  The proper function to use in place of
-** PR_Yield() is PR_Sleep() with an argument of PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Yield(void);
-/************* The following definitions are for select *****************/
-** The following is obsolete and will be deleted in the next release!
-** These are provided for compatibility, but are GUARANTEED to be slow.
-** Override PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC if you need more space in the select set.
-#define PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC 1024
-typedef struct PR_fd_set {
-    PRUint32      hsize;
-    PRFileDesc   *harray[PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC];
-    PRUint32      nsize;
-    PROsfd        narray[PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC];
-} PR_fd_set;
-** FUNCTION:    PR_Select
-** The call returns as soon as I/O is ready on one or more of the underlying
-** file/socket descriptors or an exceptional condition is pending. A count of the 
-** number of ready descriptors is returned unless a timeout occurs in which case 
-** zero is returned.  On return, PR_Select replaces the given descriptor sets with 
-** subsets consisting of those descriptors that are ready for the requested condition.
-** The total number of ready descriptors in all the sets is the return value.
-**   PRInt32 num             
-**       This argument is unused but is provided for select(unix) interface
-**       compatability.  All input PR_fd_set arguments are self-describing
-**       with its own maximum number of elements in the set.
-**   PR_fd_set *readfds
-**       A set describing the io descriptors for which ready for reading
-**       condition is of interest.  
-**   PR_fd_set *writefds
-**       A set describing the io descriptors for which ready for writing
-**       condition is of interest.  
-**   PR_fd_set *exceptfds
-**       A set describing the io descriptors for which exception pending
-**       condition is of interest.  
-**   Any of the above readfds, writefds or exceptfds may be given as NULL 
-**   pointers if no descriptors are of interest for that particular condition.                          
-**   PRIntervalTime timeout  
-**       Amount of time the call will block waiting for I/O to become ready. 
-**       If this time expires without any I/O becoming ready, the result will
-**       be zero.
-** OUTPUTS:    
-**   PR_fd_set *readfds
-**       A set describing the io descriptors which are ready for reading.
-**   PR_fd_set *writefds
-**       A set describing the io descriptors which are ready for writing.
-**   PR_fd_set *exceptfds
-**       A set describing the io descriptors which have pending exception.
-** RETURN:PRInt32
-**   Number of io descriptors with asked for conditions or zero if the function
-**   timed out or -1 on failure.  The reason for the failure is obtained by 
-**   calling PR_GetError().
-** XXX can we implement this on windoze and mac?
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Select(
-    PRInt32 num, PR_fd_set *readfds, PR_fd_set *writefds,
-    PR_fd_set *exceptfds, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** The following are not thread safe for two threads operating on them at the
-** same time.
-** The following routines are provided for manipulating io descriptor sets.
-** PR_FD_ZERO(&fdset) initializes a descriptor set fdset to the null set.
-** PR_FD_SET(fd, &fdset) includes a particular file descriptor fd in fdset.
-** PR_FD_CLR(fd, &fdset) removes a file descriptor fd from fdset.  
-** PR_FD_ISSET(fd, &fdset) is nonzero if file descriptor fd is a member of 
-** fdset, zero otherwise.
-** PR_FD_NSET(osfd, &fdset) includes a particular native file descriptor osfd
-** in fdset.
-** PR_FD_NCLR(osfd, &fdset) removes a native file descriptor osfd from fdset.  
-** PR_FD_NISSET(osfd, &fdset) is nonzero if native file descriptor osfd is a member of 
-** fdset, zero otherwise.
-NSPR_API(void)        PR_FD_ZERO(PR_fd_set *set);
-NSPR_API(void)        PR_FD_SET(PRFileDesc *fd, PR_fd_set *set);
-NSPR_API(void)        PR_FD_CLR(PRFileDesc *fd, PR_fd_set *set);
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)     PR_FD_ISSET(PRFileDesc *fd, PR_fd_set *set);
-NSPR_API(void)        PR_FD_NSET(PROsfd osfd, PR_fd_set *set);
-NSPR_API(void)        PR_FD_NCLR(PROsfd osfd, PR_fd_set *set);
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)     PR_FD_NISSET(PROsfd osfd, PR_fd_set *set);
-** The next two entry points should not be in the API, but they are
-** declared here for historical reasons.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetSysfdTableMax(void);
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_SetSysfdTableSize(PRIntn table_size);
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-#endif /* defined(PROBSLET_H) */
-/* probslet.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/protypes.h b/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/protypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2275bce..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This header typedefs the old 'native' types to the new PR<type>s.
- * These definitions are scheduled to be eliminated at the earliest
- * possible time. The NSPR API is implemented and documented using
- * the new definitions.
- */
-#if !defined(PROTYPES_H)
-#define PROTYPES_H
-typedef PRUintn uintn;
-#ifndef _XP_Core_
-typedef PRIntn intn;
- * It is trickier to define uint, int8, uint8, int16, uint16,
- * int32, uint32, int64, and uint64 because some of these int
- * types are defined by standard header files on some platforms.
- * Our strategy here is to include all such standard headers
- * first, and then define these int types only if they are not
- * defined by those standard headers.
- */
- * BeOS defines all the int types below in its standard header
- * file SupportDefs.h.
- */
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-#include <support/SupportDefs.h>
- * SVR4 typedef of uint is commonly found on UNIX machines.
- *
- * On AIX 4.3, sys/inttypes.h (which is included by sys/types.h)
- * defines the types int8, int16, int32, and int64.
- *
- * On OS/2, sys/types.h defines uint.
- */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-/* model.h on HP-UX defines int8, int16, and int32. */
-#ifdef HPUX
-#include <model.h>
- * uint
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) && !defined(XP_OS2) && !defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(NTO)
-typedef PRUintn uint;
- * uint64
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS)
-typedef PRUint64 uint64;
- * uint32
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS)
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(XP_OS2) && !defined(NTO)
-typedef PRUint32 uint32;
-typedef unsigned long uint32;
- * uint16
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS)
-typedef PRUint16 uint16;
- * uint8
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS)
-typedef PRUint8 uint8;
- * int64
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) && !defined(_PR_AIX_HAVE_BSD_INT_TYPES)
-typedef PRInt64 int64;
- * int32
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) && !defined(_PR_AIX_HAVE_BSD_INT_TYPES) \
-    && !defined(HPUX)
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(XP_OS2) && !defined(NTO)
-typedef PRInt32 int32;
-typedef long int32;
- * int16
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) && !defined(_PR_AIX_HAVE_BSD_INT_TYPES) \
-    && !defined(HPUX)
-typedef PRInt16 int16;
- * int8
- */
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) && !defined(_PR_AIX_HAVE_BSD_INT_TYPES) \
-    && !defined(HPUX)
-typedef PRInt8 int8;
-typedef PRFloat64 float64;
-typedef PRUptrdiff uptrdiff_t;
-typedef PRUword uprword_t;
-typedef PRWord prword_t;
-/* Re: prbit.h */
-#define SET_BIT		PR_SET_BIT
-/* Re: prarena.h->plarena.h */
-#define PRArena PLArena
-#define PRArenaPool PLArenaPool
-#define PRArenaStats PLArenaStats
-#define PR_InitArenaPool PL_InitArenaPool
-#define PR_FreeArenaPool PL_FreeArenaPool
-#define PR_FinishArenaPool PL_FinishArenaPool
-#define PR_CompactArenaPool PL_CompactArenaPool
-#define PR_ArenaFinish PL_ArenaFinish
-#define PR_ArenaAllocate PL_ArenaAllocate
-#define PR_ArenaGrow PL_ArenaGrow
-#define PR_ArenaRelease PL_ArenaRelease
-#define PR_ArenaCountAllocation PL_ArenaCountAllocation
-#define PR_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth PL_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth
-#define PR_ArenaCountGrowth PL_ArenaCountGrowth
-#define PR_ArenaCountRelease PL_ArenaCountRelease
-#define PR_ArenaCountRetract PL_ArenaCountRetract
-/* Re: prhash.h->plhash.h */
-#define PRHashEntry PLHashEntry
-#define PRHashTable PLHashTable
-#define PRHashNumber PLHashNumber
-#define PRHashFunction PLHashFunction
-#define PRHashComparator PLHashComparator
-#define PRHashEnumerator PLHashEnumerator
-#define PRHashAllocOps PLHashAllocOps
-#define PR_NewHashTable PL_NewHashTable
-#define PR_HashTableDestroy PL_HashTableDestroy
-#define PR_HashTableRawLookup PL_HashTableRawLookup
-#define PR_HashTableRawAdd PL_HashTableRawAdd
-#define PR_HashTableRawRemove PL_HashTableRawRemove
-#define PR_HashTableAdd PL_HashTableAdd
-#define PR_HashTableRemove PL_HashTableRemove
-#define PR_HashTableEnumerateEntries PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries
-#define PR_HashTableLookup PL_HashTableLookup
-#define PR_HashTableDump PL_HashTableDump
-#define PR_HashString PL_HashString
-#define PR_CompareStrings PL_CompareStrings
-#define PR_CompareValues PL_CompareValues
-#endif /* !defined(PROTYPES_H) */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/prsem.h b/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/prsem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee313cb..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/obsolete/prsem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prsem_h___
-#define prsem_h___
-** API for counting semaphores. Semaphores are counting synchronizing 
-** variables based on a lock and a condition variable.  They are lightweight 
-** contention control for a given count of resources.
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef struct PRSemaphore PRSemaphore;
-** Create a new semaphore object.
-NSPR_API(PRSemaphore*) PR_NewSem(PRUintn value);
-** Destroy the given semaphore object.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DestroySem(PRSemaphore *sem);
-** Wait on a Semaphore.
-** This routine allows a calling thread to wait or proceed depending upon the 
-** state of the semahore sem. The thread can proceed only if the counter value 
-** of the semaphore sem is currently greater than 0. If the value of semaphore 
-** sem is positive, it is decremented by one and the routine returns immediately 
-** allowing the calling thread to continue. If the value of semaphore sem is 0, 
-** the calling thread blocks awaiting the semaphore to be released by another 
-** thread.
-** This routine can return PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT if the waiting thread 
-** has been interrupted.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_WaitSem(PRSemaphore *sem);
-** This routine increments the counter value of the semaphore. If other threads 
-** are blocked for the semaphore, then the scheduler will determine which ONE 
-** thread will be unblocked.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_PostSem(PRSemaphore *sem);
-** Returns the value of the semaphore referenced by sem without affecting
-** the state of the semaphore.  The value represents the semaphore vaule
-F** at the time of the call, but may not be the actual value when the
-** caller inspects it.
-NSPR_API(PRUintn) PR_GetValueSem(PRSemaphore *sem);
-#endif /* prsem_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/pratom.h b/nspr/pr/include/pratom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dff9d6c..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-**     PR Atomic operations
-#ifndef pratom_h___
-#define pratom_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-** FUNCTION: PR_AtomicIncrement
-**    Atomically increment a 32 bit value.
-**    val:  a pointer to the value to increment
-**    the returned value is the result of the increment
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)	PR_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-** FUNCTION: PR_AtomicDecrement
-**    Atomically decrement a 32 bit value.
-**    val:  a pointer to the value to decrement
-**    the returned value is the result of the decrement
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)	PR_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-** FUNCTION: PR_AtomicSet
-**    Atomically set a 32 bit value.
-**    val: A pointer to a 32 bit value to be set
-**    newval: The newvalue to assign to val
-**    Returns the prior value
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-** FUNCTION: PR_AtomicAdd
-**    Atomically add a 32 bit value.
-**    ptr:  a pointer to the value to increment
-**	  val:  value to be added
-**    the returned value is the result of the addition
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)	PR_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-**    Macro versions of the atomic operations.  They may be implemented
-**    as compiler intrinsics.
-**    Implement these macros with compiler intrinsics only on platforms
-**    where the PR_AtomicXXX functions are truly atomic (i.e., where the
-**    configuration macro _PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS is defined).  Otherwise,
-**    the macros and functions won't be compatible and can't be used
-**    interchangeably.
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) && \
-    (!defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1310))
-#include <intrin.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedIncrement)
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedDecrement)
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedExchange)
-#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedExchangeAdd)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val) _InterlockedIncrement((long volatile *)(val))
-#define PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val) _InterlockedDecrement((long volatile *)(val))
-#define PR_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval) \
-        _InterlockedExchange((long volatile *)(val), (long)(newval))
-#define PR_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val) \
-        (_InterlockedExchangeAdd((long volatile *)(ptr), (long)(val)) + (val))
-#elif ((__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) && \
-      ((defined(__APPLE__) && \
-           (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))) || \
-       (defined(__linux__) && \
-           ((defined(__i386__) && \
-           defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)) || \
-           defined(__ia64__) || defined(__x86_64__) || \
-           defined(__powerpc__) || \
-           (defined(__arm__) && \
-           defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)) || \
-           defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__alpha) || \
-           (defined(__mips__) && \
-           defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)))))
- * Because the GCC manual warns that some processors may support
- * reduced functionality of __sync_lock_test_and_set, we test for the
- * processors that we believe support a full atomic exchange operation.
- */
-#define PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val) __sync_add_and_fetch(val, 1)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val) __sync_sub_and_fetch(val, 1)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval) __sync_lock_test_and_set(val, newval)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, val)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val) PR_AtomicIncrement(val)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val) PR_AtomicDecrement(val)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval) PR_AtomicSet(val, newval)
-#define PR_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val) PR_AtomicAdd(ptr, val)
-** LIFO linked-list (stack)
-typedef struct PRStackElemStr PRStackElem;
-struct PRStackElemStr {
-    PRStackElem	*prstk_elem_next;	/* next pointer MUST be at offset 0;
-									  assembly language code relies on this */
-typedef struct PRStackStr PRStack;
-** FUNCTION: PR_CreateStack
-**    Create a stack, a LIFO linked list
-**    stack_name:  a pointer to string containing the name of the stack
-**    A pointer to the created stack, if successful, else NULL.
-NSPR_API(PRStack *)	PR_CreateStack(const char *stack_name);
-** FUNCTION: PR_StackPush
-**    Push an element on the top of the stack
-**    stack:		pointer to the stack
-**    stack_elem:	pointer to the stack element
-**    None
-NSPR_API(void)			PR_StackPush(PRStack *stack, PRStackElem *stack_elem);
-** FUNCTION: PR_StackPop
-**    Remove the element on the top of the stack
-**    stack:		pointer to the stack
-**    A pointer to the stack element removed from the top of the stack,
-**	  if non-empty,
-**    else NULL
-NSPR_API(PRStackElem *)	PR_StackPop(PRStack *stack);
-** FUNCTION: PR_DestroyStack
-**    Destroy the stack
-**    stack:		pointer to the stack
-**    PR_SUCCESS - if successfully deleted
-**	  PR_FAILURE - if the stack is not empty
-**					PR_GetError will return
-**						PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR - stack is not empty
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)		PR_DestroyStack(PRStack *stack);
-#endif /* pratom_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prbit.h b/nspr/pr/include/prbit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0434fc6..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prbit_h___
-#define prbit_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** Replace compare/jump/add/shift sequence with compiler built-in/intrinsic
-** functions.
-#if defined(_WIN32) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && \
-    (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_ARM))
-# include <intrin.h>
-# pragma  intrinsic(_BitScanForward,_BitScanReverse)
-  __forceinline static int __prBitScanForward32(unsigned int val)
-  { 
-    unsigned long idx;
-    _BitScanForward(&idx, (unsigned long)val);
-    return( (int)idx );
-  }
-  __forceinline static int __prBitScanReverse32(unsigned int val)
-  {
-    unsigned long idx;
-    _BitScanReverse(&idx, (unsigned long)val);
-    return( (int)(31-idx) );
-  }
-# define pr_bitscan_ctz32(val)  __prBitScanForward32(val)
-# define pr_bitscan_clz32(val)  __prBitScanReverse32(val)
-#elif ((__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)) && \
-       (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__))
-# define pr_bitscan_ctz32(val)  __builtin_ctz(val)
-# define pr_bitscan_clz32(val)  __builtin_clz(val)
-#endif /* MSVC || GCC */
-** A prbitmap_t is a long integer that can be used for bitmaps
-typedef unsigned long prbitmap_t;
-#define PR_TEST_BIT(_map,_bit) \
-    ((_map)[(_bit)>>PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2] & (1L << ((_bit) & (PR_BITS_PER_LONG-1))))
-#define PR_SET_BIT(_map,_bit) \
-    ((_map)[(_bit)>>PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2] |= (1L << ((_bit) & (PR_BITS_PER_LONG-1))))
-#define PR_CLEAR_BIT(_map,_bit) \
-    ((_map)[(_bit)>>PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2] &= ~(1L << ((_bit) & (PR_BITS_PER_LONG-1))))
-** Compute the log of the least power of 2 greater than or equal to n
-NSPR_API(PRIntn) PR_CeilingLog2(PRUint32 i); 
-** Compute the log of the greatest power of 2 less than or equal to n
-NSPR_API(PRIntn) PR_FloorLog2(PRUint32 i); 
-** Macro version of PR_CeilingLog2: Compute the log of the least power of
-** 2 greater than or equal to _n. The result is returned in _log2.
-#define PR_CEILING_LOG2(_log2,_n)      \
-  PR_BEGIN_MACRO                       \
-    PRUint32 j_ = (PRUint32)(_n);      \
-    (_log2) = (j_ <= 1 ? 0 : 32 - pr_bitscan_clz32(j_ - 1)); \
-#define PR_CEILING_LOG2(_log2,_n)   \
-  PR_BEGIN_MACRO                    \
-    PRUint32 j_ = (PRUint32)(_n); 	\
-    (_log2) = 0;                    \
-    if ((j_) & ((j_)-1))            \
-	(_log2) += 1;               \
-    if ((j_) >> 16)                 \
-	(_log2) += 16, (j_) >>= 16; \
-    if ((j_) >> 8)                  \
-	(_log2) += 8, (j_) >>= 8;   \
-    if ((j_) >> 4)                  \
-	(_log2) += 4, (j_) >>= 4;   \
-    if ((j_) >> 2)                  \
-	(_log2) += 2, (j_) >>= 2;   \
-    if ((j_) >> 1)                  \
-	(_log2) += 1;               \
-** Macro version of PR_FloorLog2: Compute the log of the greatest power of
-** 2 less than or equal to _n. The result is returned in _log2.
-** This is equivalent to finding the highest set bit in the word.
-#define PR_FLOOR_LOG2(_log2,_n)     \
-  PR_BEGIN_MACRO                    \
-    PRUint32 j_ = (PRUint32)(_n);   \
-    (_log2) = 31 - pr_bitscan_clz32((j_) | 1); \
-#define PR_FLOOR_LOG2(_log2,_n)   \
-  PR_BEGIN_MACRO                    \
-    PRUint32 j_ = (PRUint32)(_n); 	\
-    (_log2) = 0;                    \
-    if ((j_) >> 16)                 \
-	(_log2) += 16, (j_) >>= 16; \
-    if ((j_) >> 8)                  \
-	(_log2) += 8, (j_) >>= 8;   \
-    if ((j_) >> 4)                  \
-	(_log2) += 4, (j_) >>= 4;   \
-    if ((j_) >> 2)                  \
-	(_log2) += 2, (j_) >>= 2;   \
-    if ((j_) >> 1)                  \
-	(_log2) += 1;               \
-** Macros for rotate left and right. The argument 'a' must be an unsigned
-** 32-bit integer type such as PRUint32.
-** There is no rotate operation in the C Language, so the construct
-** (a << 4) | (a >> 28) is frequently used instead. Most compilers convert
-** this to a rotate instruction, but MSVC doesn't without a little help.
-** To get MSVC to generate a rotate instruction, we have to use the _rotl
-** or _rotr intrinsic and use a pragma to make it inline.
-** Note: MSVC in VS2005 will do an inline rotate instruction on the above
-** construct.
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64) || \
-    defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM))
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#pragma intrinsic(_rotl, _rotr)
-#define PR_ROTATE_LEFT32(a, bits) _rotl(a, bits)
-#define PR_ROTATE_RIGHT32(a, bits) _rotr(a, bits)
-#define PR_ROTATE_LEFT32(a, bits) (((a) << (bits)) | ((a) >> (32 - (bits))))
-#define PR_ROTATE_RIGHT32(a, bits) (((a) >> (bits)) | ((a) << (32 - (bits))))
-#endif /* prbit_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prclist.h b/nspr/pr/include/prclist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2324722..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prclist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prclist_h___
-#define prclist_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef struct PRCListStr PRCList;
-** Circular linked list
-struct PRCListStr {
-    PRCList	*next;
-    PRCList	*prev;
-** Insert element "_e" into the list, before "_l".
-#define PR_INSERT_BEFORE(_e,_l)	 \
-	(_e)->next = (_l);	 \
-	(_e)->prev = (_l)->prev; \
-	(_l)->prev->next = (_e); \
-	(_l)->prev = (_e);	 \
-** Insert element "_e" into the list, after "_l".
-#define PR_INSERT_AFTER(_e,_l)	 \
-	(_e)->next = (_l)->next; \
-	(_e)->prev = (_l);	 \
-	(_l)->next->prev = (_e); \
-	(_l)->next = (_e);	 \
-** Return the element following element "_e"
-#define PR_NEXT_LINK(_e)	 \
-    	((_e)->next)
-** Return the element preceding element "_e"
-#define PR_PREV_LINK(_e)	 \
-    	((_e)->prev)
-** Append an element "_e" to the end of the list "_l"
-#define PR_APPEND_LINK(_e,_l) PR_INSERT_BEFORE(_e,_l)
-** Insert an element "_e" at the head of the list "_l"
-#define PR_INSERT_LINK(_e,_l) PR_INSERT_AFTER(_e,_l)
-/* Return the head/tail of the list */
-#define PR_LIST_HEAD(_l) (_l)->next
-#define PR_LIST_TAIL(_l) (_l)->prev
-** Remove the element "_e" from it's circular list.
-#define PR_REMOVE_LINK(_e)	       \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO		       \
-	(_e)->prev->next = (_e)->next; \
-	(_e)->next->prev = (_e)->prev; \
-** Remove the element "_e" from it's circular list. Also initializes the
-** linkage.
-#define PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(_e)    \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO		       \
-	(_e)->prev->next = (_e)->next; \
-	(_e)->next->prev = (_e)->prev; \
-	(_e)->next = (_e);	       \
-	(_e)->prev = (_e);	       \
-** Return non-zero if the given circular list "_l" is empty, zero if the
-** circular list is not empty
-#define PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(_l) \
-    ((_l)->next == (_l))
-** Initialize a circular list
-#define PR_INIT_CLIST(_l)  \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO	   \
-	(_l)->next = (_l); \
-	(_l)->prev = (_l); \
-#define PR_INIT_STATIC_CLIST(_l) \
-    {(_l), (_l)}
-#endif /* prclist_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prcmon.h b/nspr/pr/include/prcmon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6917113..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prcmon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prcmon_h___
-#define prcmon_h___
-** Interface to cached monitors. Cached monitors use an address to find a
-** given PR monitor. In this way a monitor can be associated with another
-** object without preallocating a monitor for all objects.
-** A hash table is used to quickly map addresses to individual monitors
-** and the system automatically grows the hash table as needed.
-** Cache monitors are about 5 times slower to use than uncached monitors.
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-** Like PR_EnterMonitor except use the "address" to find a monitor in the
-** monitor cache. If successful, returns the PRMonitor now associated
-** with "address". Note that you must PR_CExitMonitor the address to
-** release the monitor cache entry (otherwise the monitor cache will fill
-** up). This call will return NULL if the monitor cache needs to be
-** expanded and the system is out of memory.
-NSPR_API(PRMonitor*) PR_CEnterMonitor(void *address);
-** Like PR_ExitMonitor except use the "address" to find a monitor in the
-** monitor cache.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CExitMonitor(void *address);
-** Like PR_Wait except use the "address" to find a monitor in the
-** monitor cache.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CWait(void *address, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** Like PR_Notify except use the "address" to find a monitor in the
-** monitor cache.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CNotify(void *address);
-** Like PR_NotifyAll except use the "address" to find a monitor in the
-** monitor cache.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CNotifyAll(void *address);
-** Set a callback to be invoked each time a monitor is recycled from the cache
-** freelist, with the monitor's cache-key passed in address.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_CSetOnMonitorRecycle(void (PR_CALLBACK *callback)(void *address));
-#endif /* prcmon_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prcountr.h b/nspr/pr/include/prcountr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b6176..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prcountr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prcountr_h___
-#define prcountr_h___
-** prcountr.h -- NSPR Instrumentation counters
-** The NSPR Counter Feature provides a means to "count
-** something." Counters can be dynamically defined, incremented,
-** decremented, set, and deleted under application program
-** control.
-** The Counter Feature is intended to be used as instrumentation,                  
-** not as operational data. If you need a counter for operational                  
-** data, use native integral types.                                                
-** Counters are 32bit unsigned intergers. On overflow, a counter                   
-** will wrap. No exception is recognized or reported.                              
-** A counter can be dynamically created using a two level naming
-** convention. A "handle" is returned when the counter is
-** created. The counter can subsequently be addressed by its
-** handle. An API is provided to get an existing counter's handle
-** given the names with  which it was originally created. 
-** Similarly, a counter's name can be retrieved given its handle.
-** The counter naming convention is a two-level hierarchy. The
-** QName is the higher level of the hierarchy; RName is the
-** lower level. RNames can be thought of as existing within a
-** QName. The same RName can exist within multiple QNames. QNames
-** are unique. The NSPR Counter is not a near-zero overhead
-** feature. Application designers should be aware of 
-** serialization issues when using the Counter API. Creating a
-** counter locks a large asset, potentially causing a stall. This
-** suggest that applications should create counters at component
-** initialization, for example, and not create and destroy them
-** willy-nilly. ... You have been warned.
-** Incrementing and Adding to counters uses atomic operations.
-** The performance of these operations will vary from platform
-** to platform. On platforms where atomic operations are not
-** supported the overhead may be substantial.
-** When traversing the counter database with FindNext functions,
-** the instantaneous values of any given counter is that at the
-** moment of extraction. The state of the entire counter database
-** may not be viewed as atomic.
-** The counter interface may be disabled (No-Op'd) at compile
-** time. When DEBUG is defined at compile time, the Counter
-** Feature is compiled into NSPR and applications invoking it.
-** When DEBUG is not defined, the counter macros compile to
-** nothing. To force the Counter Feature to be compiled into an
-** optimized build, define FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS at compile time
-** for both NSPR and the application intending to use it.
-** Application designers should use the macro form of the Counter
-** Feature methods to minimize performance impact in optimized
-** builds. The macros normally compile to nothing on optimized
-** builds.
-** Application designers should be aware of the effects of
-** debug and optimized build differences when using result of the
-** Counter Feature macros in expressions.
-** The Counter Feature is thread-safe and SMP safe.
-** /lth. 09-Jun-1998.
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** Opaque counter handle type.
-** ... don't even think of looking in here.
-typedef void *  PRCounterHandle;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_DEFINE_COUNTER() -- Define a PRCounterHandle
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_DEFINE_COUNTER() is used to define a counter
-** handle.
-#define PR_DEFINE_COUNTER(name) PRCounterHandle name
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_INIT_COUNTER_HANDLE() -- Set the value of a PRCounterHandle
-** PR_INIT_COUNTER_HANDLE() sets the value of a PRCounterHandle
-** to value.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_INIT_COUNTER_HANDLE(handle,value)\
-    (handle) = (PRCounterHandle)(value)
-#define PR_INIT_COUNTER_HANDLE(handle,value)
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_CreateCounter() -- Create a counter
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_CreateCounter() creates a counter object and
-** initializes it to zero.
-** The macro form takes as its first argument the name of the
-** PRCounterHandle to receive the handle returned from
-** PR_CreateCounter().
-**  qName: The QName for the counter object. The maximum length
-** of qName is defined by PRCOUNTER_NAME_MAX
-**  rName: The RName for the counter object. The maximum length
-** of qName is defined by PRCOUNTER_NAME_MAX
-**  descrioption: The description of the counter object. The
-** maximum length of description is defined by
-**  PRCounterHandle.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_CREATE_COUNTER(handle,qName,rName,description)\
-   (handle) = PR_CreateCounter((qName),(rName),(description))
-#define PR_CREATE_COUNTER(handle,qName,rName,description)
-	PR_CreateCounter( 
-		const char *qName, 
-    	const char *rName, 
-        const char *description 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_DestroyCounter() -- Destroy a counter object.
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_DestroyCounter() removes a counter and
-** unregisters its handle from the counter database.
-**  handle: the PRCounterHandle of the counter to be destroyed.
-**  The counter is destroyed.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_DESTROY_COUNTER(handle) PR_DestroyCounter((handle))
-#define PR_DESTROY_COUNTER(handle)
-	PR_DestroyCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetCounterHandleFromName() -- Retreive a
-** counter's handle give its name.
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_GetCounterHandleFromName() retreives a
-** counter's handle from the counter database, given the name
-** the counter was originally created with.
-**  qName: Counter's original QName.
-**  rName: Counter's original RName.
-**  PRCounterHandle or PRCounterError.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_GET_COUNTER_HANDLE_FROM_NAME(handle,qName,rName)\
-    (handle) = PR_GetCounterHandleFromName((qName),(rName))
-#define PR_GET_COUNTER_HANDLE_FROM_NAME(handle,qName,rName)
-	PR_GetCounterHandleFromName( 
-    	const char *qName, 
-    	const char *rName 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle() -- Retreive a
-** counter's name, given its handle.
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle() retreives a
-** counter's name given its handle.
-**  qName: Where to store a pointer to qName.
-**  rName: Where to store a pointer to rName.
-**  description: Where to store a pointer to description.
-** OUTPUTS: Pointers to the Counter Feature's copies of the names
-** used when the counters were created.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_GET_COUNTER_NAME_FROM_HANDLE(handle,qName,rName,description)\
-    PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle((handle),(qName),(rName),(description))
-#define PR_GET_COUNTER_NAME_FROM_HANDLE(handle,qName,rName,description )
-	PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle( 
-    	PRCounterHandle handle,  
-	    const char **qName, 
-	    const char **rName, 
-		const char **description 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_IncrementCounter() -- Add one to the referenced
-** counter.
-** DESCRIPTION: Add one to the referenced counter.
-**  handle: The PRCounterHandle of the counter to be incremented
-** OUTPUTS: The counter is incrementd.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_INCREMENT_COUNTER(handle) PR_IncrementCounter(handle)
-#define PR_INCREMENT_COUNTER(handle)
-	PR_IncrementCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_DecrementCounter() -- Subtract one from the
-** referenced counter
-** DESCRIPTION: Subtract one from the referenced counter.
-** INPUTS: 
-**  handle: The PRCounterHandle of the coutner to be
-** decremented.
-** OUTPUTS: the counter is decremented.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_DECREMENT_COUNTER(handle) PR_DecrementCounter(handle)
-#define PR_DECREMENT_COUNTER(handle)
-	PR_DecrementCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_AddToCounter() -- Add a value to a counter.
-** DESCRIPTION: Add value to the counter referenced by handle.
-**  handle: the PRCounterHandle of the counter to be added to.
-**  value: the value to be added to the counter.
-** OUTPUTS: new value for counter.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_ADD_TO_COUNTER(handle,value)\
-    PR_AddToCounter((handle),(value))
-#define PR_ADD_TO_COUNTER(handle,value)
-	PR_AddToCounter( 
-    	PRCounterHandle handle, 
-	    PRUint32 value 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_SubtractFromCounter() -- A value is subtracted
-** from a counter.
-** Subtract a value from a counter.
-**  handle: the PRCounterHandle of the counter to be subtracted
-** from.
-**  value: the value to be subtracted from the counter.
-** OUTPUTS: new value for counter
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_SUBTRACT_FROM_COUNTER(handle,value)\
-    PR_SubtractFromCounter((handle),(value))
-#define PR_SUBTRACT_FROM_COUNTER(handle,value)
-	PR_SubtractFromCounter( 
-    	PRCounterHandle handle, 
-	    PRUint32 value 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetCounter() -- Retreive the value of a counter
-** Retreive the value of a counter.
-**  handle: the PR_CounterHandle of the counter to be retreived
-** RETURNS: The value of the referenced counter
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_GET_COUNTER(counter,handle)\
-    (counter) = PR_GetCounter((handle))
-#define PR_GET_COUNTER(counter,handle) 0
-	PR_GetCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_SetCounter() -- Replace the content of counter
-** with value.
-** DESCRIPTION: The contents of the referenced counter are
-** replaced by value.
-**  handle: the PRCounterHandle of the counter whose contents
-** are to be replaced.
-**  value: the new value of the counter.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_SET_COUNTER(handle,value) PR_SetCounter((handle),(value))
-#define PR_SET_COUNTER(handle,value)
-	PR_SetCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle, 
-		PRUint32 value 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_FindNextCounterQname() -- Retreive the next QName counter
-** handle iterator
-** PR_FindNextCounterQname() retreives the first or next Qname
-** the counter data base, depending on the value of handle. When
-** handle is NULL, the function attempts to retreive the first
-** QName handle in the database. When handle is a handle previosly
-** retreived QName handle, then the function attempts to retreive
-** the next QName handle.
-** INPUTS: 
-**  handle: PRCounterHandle or NULL.
-** OUTPUTS: returned
-** RETURNS: PRCounterHandle or NULL when no more QName counter
-** handles are present.
-**  A concurrent PR_CreateCounter() or PR_DestroyCounter() may
-** cause unpredictable results.
-** A PRCounterHandle returned from this function may only be used
-** in another PR_FindNextCounterQname() function call; other
-** operations may cause unpredictable results.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_COUNTER_QNAME(next,handle)\
-    (next) = PR_FindNextCounterQname((handle))
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_COUNTER_QNAME(next,handle) NULL
-	PR_FindNextCounterQname( 
-        PRCounterHandle handle
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_FindNextCounterRname() -- Retreive the next RName counter
-** handle iterator
-** PR_FindNextCounterRname() retreives the first or next RNname
-** handle from the counter data base, depending on the
-** value of handle. When handle is NULL, the function attempts to
-** retreive the first RName handle in the database. When handle is
-** a handle previosly retreived RName handle, then the function
-** attempts to retreive the next RName handle.
-**  handle: PRCounterHandle or NULL.
-**  qhandle: PRCounterHandle of a previously aquired via
-** OUTPUTS: returned
-** RETURNS: PRCounterHandle or NULL when no more RName counter
-** handles are present.
-**  A concurrent PR_CreateCounter() or PR_DestroyCounter() may
-** cause unpredictable results.
-** A PRCounterHandle returned from this function may only be used
-** in another PR_FindNextCounterRname() function call; other
-** operations may cause unpredictable results.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_COUNTERS)
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_COUNTER_RNAME(next,rhandle,qhandle)\
-    (next) = PR_FindNextCounterRname((rhandle),(qhandle))
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_COUNTER_RNAME(next,rhandle,qhandle)
-	PR_FindNextCounterRname( 
-        PRCounterHandle rhandle,
-        PRCounterHandle qhandle
-#endif /* prcountr_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prcpucfg.h b/nspr/pr/include/prcpucfg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c37cc..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prcpucfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include "md/_win95.cfg"
-#elif defined(__APPLE__)
-#include "md/_darwin.cfg"
-#elif defined(__linux__)
-#include "md/_linux.cfg"
-#error Add a case for your platform
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prcvar.h b/nspr/pr/include/prcvar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e30ce1..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prcvar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prcvar_h___
-#define prcvar_h___
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-typedef struct PRCondVar PRCondVar;
-** Create a new condition variable.
-** 	"lock" is the lock used to protect the condition variable.
-** Condition variables are synchronization objects that threads can use
-** to wait for some condition to occur.
-** This may fail if memory is tight or if some operating system resource
-** is low. In such cases, a NULL will be returned.
-NSPR_API(PRCondVar*) PR_NewCondVar(PRLock *lock);
-** Destroy a condition variable. There must be no thread
-** waiting on the condvar. The caller is responsible for guaranteeing
-** that the condvar is no longer in use.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DestroyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar);
-** The thread that waits on a condition is blocked in a "waiting on
-** condition" state until another thread notifies the condition or a
-** caller specified amount of time expires. The lock associated with
-** the condition variable will be released, which must have be held
-** prior to the call to wait.
-** Logically a notified thread is moved from the "waiting on condition"
-** state and made "ready." When scheduled, it will attempt to reacquire
-** the lock that it held when wait was called.
-** The timeout has two well known values, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT and
-** PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT. The former value requires that a condition be
-** notified (or the thread interrupted) before it will resume from the
-** wait. If the timeout has a value of PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT, the effect
-** is to release the lock, possibly causing a rescheduling within the
-** runtime, then immediately attempting to reacquire the lock and resume.
-** Any other value for timeout will cause the thread to be rescheduled
-** either due to explicit notification or an expired interval. The latter
-** must be determined by treating time as one part of the monitored data
-** being protected by the lock and tested explicitly for an expired
-** interval.
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not locked the lock associated
-** with the condition variable or the thread was interrupted (PR_Interrupt()).
-** The particular reason can be extracted with PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_WaitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** Notify ONE thread that is currently waiting on 'cvar'. Which thread is
-** dependent on the implementation of the runtime. Common sense would dictate
-** that all threads waiting on a single condition have identical semantics,
-** therefore which one gets notified is not significant. 
-** The calling thead must hold the lock that protects the condition, as
-** well as the invariants that are tightly bound to the condition, when
-** notify is called.
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not locked the lock associated
-** with the condition variable.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NotifyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar);
-** Notify all of the threads waiting on the condition variable. The order
-** that the threads are notified is indeterminant. The lock that protects
-** the condition must be held.
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not locked the lock associated
-** with the condition variable.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NotifyAllCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar);
-#endif /* prcvar_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prdtoa.h b/nspr/pr/include/prdtoa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 191b6c7..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prdtoa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prdtoa_h___
-#define prdtoa_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** PR_strtod() returns as a double-precision floating-point number
-** the  value represented by the character string pointed to by
-** s00. The string is scanned up to the first unrecognized
-** character.
-** If the value of se is not (char **)NULL, a  pointer  to
-** the  character terminating the scan is returned in the location pointed
-** to by se. If no number can be formed, se is set to s00, and
-** zero is returned.
-PR_strtod(const char *s00, char **se);
-** PR_cnvtf()
-** conversion routines for floating point
-** prcsn - number of digits of precision to generate floating
-** point value.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_cnvtf(char *buf, PRIntn bufsz, PRIntn prcsn, PRFloat64 fval);
-** PR_dtoa() converts double to a string.
-** If rve is not null, *rve is set to point to the end of the return value.
-** If d is +-Infinity or NaN, then *decpt is set to 9999.
-** mode:
-**     0 ==> shortest string that yields d when read in
-**           and rounded to nearest.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_dtoa(PRFloat64 d, PRIntn mode, PRIntn ndigits,
-	PRIntn *decpt, PRIntn *sign, char **rve, char *buf, PRSize bufsize);
-#endif /* prdtoa_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prenv.h b/nspr/pr/include/prenv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 468c7d5..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prenv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prenv_h___
-#define prenv_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-/****************** THESE FUNCTIONS MAY NOT BE THREAD SAFE *********************/
-** PR_GetEnv() -- Retrieve value of environment variable
-** Description:
-** PR_GetEnv() is modeled on Unix getenv().
-** Inputs: 
-**   var -- The name of the environment variable
-** Returns:
-**   The value of the environment variable 'var' or NULL if
-** the variable is undefined.
-** Restrictions:
-**   You'd think that a POSIX getenv(), putenv() would be
-**   consistently implemented everywhere. Surprise! It is not. On
-**   some platforms, a putenv() where the argument is of
-**   the form "name"  causes the named environment variable to
-**   be un-set; that is: a subsequent getenv() returns NULL. On
-**   other platforms, the putenv() fails, on others, it is a
-**   no-op. Similarly, a putenv() where the argument is of the
-**   form "name=" causes the named environment variable to be
-**   un-set; a subsequent call to getenv() returns NULL. On
-**   other platforms, a subsequent call to getenv() returns a
-**   pointer to a null-string (a byte of zero).
-**   PR_GetEnv(), PR_SetEnv() provide a consistent behavior 
-**   across all supported platforms. There are, however, some
-**   restrictions and some practices you must use to achieve
-**   consistent results everywhere.
-**   When manipulating the environment there is no way to un-set
-**   an environment variable across all platforms. We suggest
-**   you interpret the return of a pointer to null-string to
-**   mean the same as a return of NULL from PR_GetEnv().
-**   A call to PR_SetEnv() where the parameter is of the form
-**   "name" will return PR_FAILURE; the environment remains
-**   unchanged. A call to PR_SetEnv() where the parameter is
-**   of the form "name=" may un-set the envrionment variable on
-**   some platforms; on others it may set the value of the
-**   environment variable to the null-string.
-**   For example, to test for NULL return or return of the
-**   null-string from PR_GetEnv(), use the following code
-**   fragment:
-**      char *val = PR_GetEnv("foo");
-**      if ((NULL == val) || ('\0' == *val)) { 
-**          ... interpret this as un-set ... 
-**      }
-**   The caller must ensure that the string passed
-**   to PR_SetEnv() is persistent. That is: The string should
-**   not be on the stack, where it can be overwritten
-**   on return from the function calling PR_SetEnv().
-**   Similarly, the string passed to PR_SetEnv() must not be
-**   overwritten by other actions of the process. ... Some
-**   platforms use the string by reference rather than copying
-**   it into the environment space. ... You have been warned!
-**   Use of platform-native functions that manipulate the
-**   environment (getenv(), putenv(), 
-**   SetEnvironmentVariable(), etc.) must not be used with
-**   NSPR's similar functions. The platform-native functions
-**   may not be thread safe and/or may operate on different
-**   conceptual environment space than that operated upon by
-**   NSPR's functions or other environment manipulating
-**   functions on the same platform. (!)
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_GetEnv(const char *var);
-** PR_GetEnvSecure() -- get a security-sensitive environment variable
-** Description:
-** PR_GetEnvSecure() is similar to PR_GetEnv(), but it returns NULL if
-** the program was run with elevated privilege (e.g., setuid or setgid
-** on Unix).  This can be used for cases like log file paths which
-** could otherwise be used for privilege escalation.  Note that some
-** platforms may have platform-specific privilege elevation mechanisms
-** not recognized by this function; see the implementation for details.
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_GetEnvSecure(const char *var);
-** PR_SetEnv() -- set, unset or change an environment variable
-** Description:
-** PR_SetEnv() is modeled on the Unix putenv() function.
-** Inputs: 
-**   string -- pointer to a caller supplied
-**   constant, persistent string of the form name=value. Where
-**   name is the name of the environment variable to be set or
-**   changed; value is the value assigned to the variable.
-** Returns: 
-**   PRStatus.
-** Restrictions: 
-**   See the Restrictions documented in the description of
-**   PR_GetEnv() in this header file.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetEnv(const char *string);
-** PR_DuplicateEnvironment() -- Obtain a copy of the environment.
-** Description:
-** PR_DuplicateEnvironment() copies the environment so that it can be
-** modified without changing the current process's environment, and
-** then passed to interfaces such as POSIX execve().  In particular,
-** this avoids needing to allocate memory or take locks in the child
-** after a fork(); neither of these is allowed by POSIX after a
-** multithreaded process calls fork(), and PR_SetEnv does both.
-** Inputs:
-**   none
-** Returns:
-**   A pointer to a null-terminated array of null-terminated strings,
-**   like the traditional global variable "environ".  The array and
-**   the strings are allocated with PR_Malloc(), and it is the
-**   caller's responsibility to free them.
-**   In case of memory allocation failure, or if the operating system
-**   doesn't support reading the entire environment through the global
-**   variable "environ" or similar, returns NULL instead.
-** Restrictions:
-**   Similarly to PR_GetEnv(), this function may not interoperate as
-**   expected with the operating system's native environment accessors.
-NSPR_API(char **) PR_DuplicateEnvironment(void);
-#endif /* prenv_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prerr.h b/nspr/pr/include/prerr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8512329..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prerr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prerr_h___
-#define prerr_h___
- *
- * prerr.h
- * This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
- */
-/* Memory allocation attempt failed */
-#define PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR                   (-6000L)
-/* Invalid file descriptor */
-#define PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR                  (-5999L)
-/* The operation would have blocked */
-#define PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR                     (-5998L)
-/* Invalid memory address argument */
-#define PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR                    (-5997L)
-/* Invalid function for file type */
-#define PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR                  (-5996L)
-/* Invalid memory address argument */
-#define PR_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_ERROR                  (-5995L)
-/* Some unknown error has occurred */
-#define PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR                         (-5994L)
-/* Operation interrupted by another thread */
-#define PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR               (-5993L)
-/* function not implemented */
-#define PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR                 (-5992L)
-/* I/O function error */
-#define PR_IO_ERROR                              (-5991L)
-/* I/O operation timed out */
-#define PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR                      (-5990L)
-/* I/O operation on busy file descriptor */
-#define PR_IO_PENDING_ERROR                      (-5989L)
-/* The directory could not be opened */
-#define PR_DIRECTORY_OPEN_ERROR                  (-5988L)
-/* Invalid function argument */
-#define PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR                (-5987L)
-/* Network address not available (in use?) */
-#define PR_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR           (-5986L)
-/* Network address type not supported */
-#define PR_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR           (-5985L)
-/* Already connected */
-#define PR_IS_CONNECTED_ERROR                    (-5984L)
-/* Network address is invalid */
-#define PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR                     (-5983L)
-/* Local Network address is in use */
-#define PR_ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR                  (-5982L)
-/* Connection refused by peer */
-#define PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR                 (-5981L)
-/* Network address is presently unreachable */
-#define PR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_ERROR             (-5980L)
-/* Connection attempt timed out */
-#define PR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR                 (-5979L)
-/* Network file descriptor is not connected */
-#define PR_NOT_CONNECTED_ERROR                   (-5978L)
-/* Failure to load dynamic library */
-#define PR_LOAD_LIBRARY_ERROR                    (-5977L)
-/* Failure to unload dynamic library */
-#define PR_UNLOAD_LIBRARY_ERROR                  (-5976L)
-/* Symbol not found in any of the loaded dynamic libraries */
-#define PR_FIND_SYMBOL_ERROR                     (-5975L)
-/* Insufficient system resources */
-#define PR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERROR          (-5974L)
-/* A directory lookup on a network address has failed */
-#define PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR                (-5973L)
-/* Attempt to access a TPD key that is out of range */
-#define PR_TPD_RANGE_ERROR                       (-5972L)
-/* Process open FD table is full */
-#define PR_PROC_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR            (-5971L)
-/* System open FD table is full */
-#define PR_SYS_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR             (-5970L)
-/* Network operation attempted on non-network file descriptor */
-#define PR_NOT_SOCKET_ERROR                      (-5969L)
-/* TCP-specific function attempted on a non-TCP file descriptor */
-#define PR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERROR                  (-5968L)
-/* TCP file descriptor is already bound */
-#define PR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IS_BOUND_ERROR         (-5967L)
-/* Access Denied */
-#define PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR                (-5966L)
-/* The requested operation is not supported by the platform */
-#define PR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR         (-5965L)
-/* The host operating system does not support the protocol requested */
-#define PR_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR          (-5964L)
-/* Access to the remote file has been severed */
-#define PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR                     (-5963L)
-/* The value requested is too large to be stored in the data buffer provided */
-#define PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR                 (-5962L)
-/* TCP connection reset by peer */
-#define PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR                   (-5961L)
-/* Unused */
-#define PR_RANGE_ERROR                           (-5960L)
-/* The operation would have deadlocked */
-#define PR_DEADLOCK_ERROR                        (-5959L)
-/* The file is already locked */
-#define PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR                  (-5958L)
-/* Write would result in file larger than the system allows */
-#define PR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERROR                    (-5957L)
-/* The device for storing the file is full */
-#define PR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERROR                 (-5956L)
-/* Unused */
-#define PR_PIPE_ERROR                            (-5955L)
-/* Unused */
-#define PR_NO_SEEK_DEVICE_ERROR                  (-5954L)
-/* Cannot perform a normal file operation on a directory */
-#define PR_IS_DIRECTORY_ERROR                    (-5953L)
-/* Symbolic link loop */
-#define PR_LOOP_ERROR                            (-5952L)
-/* File name is too long */
-#define PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR                   (-5951L)
-/* File not found */
-#define PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR                  (-5950L)
-/* Cannot perform directory operation on a normal file */
-#define PR_NOT_DIRECTORY_ERROR                   (-5949L)
-/* Cannot write to a read-only file system */
-#define PR_READ_ONLY_FILESYSTEM_ERROR            (-5948L)
-/* Cannot delete a directory that is not empty */
-#define PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR             (-5947L)
-/* Cannot delete or rename a file object while the file system is busy */
-#define PR_FILESYSTEM_MOUNTED_ERROR              (-5946L)
-/* Cannot rename a file to a file system on another device */
-#define PR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE_ERROR                 (-5945L)
-/* The directory object in the file system is corrupted */
-#define PR_DIRECTORY_CORRUPTED_ERROR             (-5944L)
-/* Cannot create or rename a filename that already exists */
-#define PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR                     (-5943L)
-/* Directory is full.  No additional filenames may be added */
-#define PR_MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES_ERROR           (-5942L)
-/* The required device was in an invalid state */
-#define PR_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE_ERROR            (-5941L)
-/* The device is locked */
-#define PR_DEVICE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR                (-5940L)
-/* No more entries in the directory */
-#define PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR                   (-5939L)
-/* Encountered end of file */
-#define PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR                     (-5938L)
-/* Seek error */
-#define PR_FILE_SEEK_ERROR                       (-5937L)
-/* The file is busy */
-#define PR_FILE_IS_BUSY_ERROR                    (-5936L)
-/* The I/O operation was aborted */
-#define PR_OPERATION_ABORTED_ERROR               (-5935L)
-/* Operation is still in progress (probably a non-blocking connect) */
-#define PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR                     (-5934L)
-/* Operation has already been initiated (probably a non-blocking connect) */
-#define PR_ALREADY_INITIATED_ERROR               (-5933L)
-/* The wait group is empty */
-#define PR_GROUP_EMPTY_ERROR                     (-5932L)
-/* Object state improper for request */
-#define PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR                   (-5931L)
-/* Network is down */
-#define PR_NETWORK_DOWN_ERROR                    (-5930L)
-/* Socket shutdown */
-#define PR_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_ERROR                 (-5929L)
-/* Connection aborted */
-#define PR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERROR                 (-5928L)
-/* Host is unreachable */
-#define PR_HOST_UNREACHABLE_ERROR                (-5927L)
-/* The library is not loaded */
-#define PR_LIBRARY_NOT_LOADED_ERROR              (-5926L)
-/* The one-time function was previously called and failed. Its error code is no longer available */
-#define PR_CALL_ONCE_ERROR                       (-5925L)
-/* Placeholder for the end of the list */
-#define PR_MAX_ERROR                             (-5924L)
-extern void nspr_InitializePRErrorTable(void);
-#define ERROR_TABLE_BASE_nspr (-6000L)
-#endif /* prerr_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prerror.h b/nspr/pr/include/prerror.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6baf6..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prerror.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prerror_h___
-#define prerror_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef PRInt32 PRErrorCode;
-#define PR_NSPR_ERROR_BASE -6000
-#include "prerr.h"
-** Set error will preserve an error condition within a thread context.
-** The values stored are the NSPR (platform independent) translation of
-** the error. Also, if available, the platform specific oserror is stored.
-** If there is no appropriate OS error number, a zero my be supplied.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetError(PRErrorCode errorCode, PRInt32 oserr);
-** The text value specified may be NULL. If it is not NULL and the text length
-** is zero, the string is assumed to be a null terminated C string. Otherwise
-** the text is assumed to be the length specified and possibly include NULL
-** characters (e.g., a multi-national string).
-** The text will be copied into to thread structure and remain there
-** until the next call to PR_SetError.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetErrorText(
-    PRIntn textLength, const char *text);
-** Return the current threads last set error code.
-NSPR_API(PRErrorCode) PR_GetError(void);
-** Return the current threads last set os error code. This is used for
-** machine specific code that desires the underlying os error.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetOSError(void);
-** Get the length of the error text. If a zero is returned, then there
-** is no text. Otherwise, the value returned is sufficient to contain
-** the error text currently available.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetErrorTextLength(void);
-** Copy the current threads current error text. Then actual number of bytes
-** copied is returned as the result. If the result is zero, the 'text' area
-** is unaffected.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetErrorText(char *text);
-Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Student Information Processing Board of the
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
-that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
-copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
-documentation, and that the names of M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. not be
-used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-without specific, written prior permission.  M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B.
-make no representations about the suitability of this software for any
-purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- * NOTE:
- *		The interfaces for error-code-translation described in the rest of
- *		this file are preliminary in the 3.1 release of nspr and are subject 
- *		to change in future releases.
- */
-** Description:	Localizable error code to string function.
-** NSPR provides a mechanism for converting an error code to a
-** descriptive string, in a caller-specified language.
-** Error codes themselves are 32 bit (signed) integers.  Typically,
-** the high order 24 bits are an identifier of which error table the
-** error code is from, and the low order 8 bits are a sequential error
-** number within the table.  NSPR supports error tables whose first
-** error code is not a multiple of 256, such error code assignments
-** should be avoided when possible.
-** Error table 0 is defined to match the UNIX system call error table
-** (sys_errlist); this allows errno values to be used directly in the
-** library.  Other error table numbers are typically formed by
-** compacting together the first four characters of the error table
-** name.  The mapping between characters in the name and numeric
-** values in the error code are defined in a system-independent
-** fashion, so that two systems that can pass integral values between
-** them can reliably pass error codes without loss of meaning; this
-** should work even if the character sets used are not the
-** same. (However, if this is to be done, error table 0 should be
-** avoided, since the local system call error tables may differ.)
-** Libraries defining error codes need only provide a table mapping
-** error code numbers to names and default English descriptions,
-** calling a routine to install the table, making it ``known'' to NSPR
-** library.  Once installed, a table may not be removed.  Any error
-** code the library generates can be converted to the corresponding
-** error message.  There is also a default format for error codes
-** accidentally returned before making the table known, which is of
-** the form "unknown code foo 32", where "foo" would be the name of
-** the table.
-** Normally, the error code conversion routine only supports the
-** languages "i-default" and "en", returning the error-table-provided
-** English description for both languages.  The application may
-** provide a localization plugin, allowing support for additional
-** languages.
-/************************* TYPES AND CONSTANTS ************************/
- * PRLanguageCode --
- *
- *    NSPR represents a language code as a non-negative integer.
- *    Languages 0 is always "i-default" the language you get without
- *    explicit negotiation.  Language 1 is always "en", English
- *    which has been explicitly negotiated.  Additional language
- *    codes are defined by an application-provided localization plugin.
- */
-typedef PRUint32 PRLanguageCode;
-#define PR_LANGUAGE_I_DEFAULT 0 /* i-default, the default language */
-#define PR_LANGUAGE_EN 1 /* English, explicitly negotiated */
- * struct PRErrorMessage --
- *
- *    An error message in an error table.
- */
-struct PRErrorMessage {
-    const char * name;    /* Macro name for error */
-    const char * en_text; /* Default English text */
- * struct PRErrorTable --
- *
- *    An error table, provided by a library.
- */
-struct PRErrorTable {
-    const struct PRErrorMessage * msgs; /* Array of error information */
-    const char *name; /* Name of error table source */
-    PRErrorCode base; /* Error code for first error in table */
-    int n_msgs; /* Number of codes in table */
- * struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate --
- *
- *    A private structure for the localization plugin 
- */
-struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate;
- * struct PRErrorCallbackTablePrivate --
- *
- *    A data structure under which the localization plugin may store information,
- *    associated with an error table, that is private to itself.
- */
-struct PRErrorCallbackTablePrivate;
- * PRErrorCallbackLookupFn --
- *
- *    A function of PRErrorCallbackLookupFn type is a localization
- *    plugin callback which converts an error code into a description
- *    in the requested language.  The callback is provided the
- *    appropriate error table, private data for the plugin and the table.
- *    The callback returns the appropriate UTF-8 encoded description, or NULL
- *    if no description can be found.
- */
-typedef const char *
-PRErrorCallbackLookupFn(PRErrorCode code, PRLanguageCode language, 
-		   const struct PRErrorTable *table,
-		   struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate *cb_private,
-		   struct PRErrorCallbackTablePrivate *table_private);
- * PRErrorCallbackNewTableFn --
- *
- *    A function PRErrorCallbackNewTableFn type is a localization plugin
- *    callback which is called once with each error table registered
- *    with NSPR.  The callback is provided with the error table and
- *    the plugin's private structure.  The callback returns any table private
- *    data it wishes to associate with the error table.  Does not need to be thread
- *    safe.
- */
-typedef struct PRErrorCallbackTablePrivate *
-PRErrorCallbackNewTableFn(const struct PRErrorTable *table,
-			struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate *cb_private);
-/****************************** FUNCTIONS *****************************/
-** FUNCTION:    PR_ErrorToString
-**  Returns the UTF-8 message for an error code in
-**  the requested language.  May return the message
-**  in the default language if a translation in the requested
-**  language is not available.  The returned string is
-**  valid for the duration of the process.  Never returns NULL.
-NSPR_API(const char *) PR_ErrorToString(PRErrorCode code,
-    PRLanguageCode language);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_ErrorToName
-**  Returns the macro name for an error code, or NULL
-**  if the error code is not known.  The returned string is
-**  valid for the duration of the process.
-**  Does not work for error table 0, the system error codes.
-NSPR_API(const char *) PR_ErrorToName(PRErrorCode code);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_ErrorLanguages
-**  Returns the RFC 1766 language tags for the language
-**  codes PR_ErrorToString() supports.  The returned array is valid
-**  for the duration of the process.  Never returns NULL.  The first
-**  item in the returned array is the language tag for PRLanguageCode 0,
-**  the second is for PRLanguageCode 1, and so on.  The array is terminated
-**  with a null pointer.
-NSPR_API(const char * const *) PR_ErrorLanguages(void);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_ErrorInstallTable
-**  Registers an error table with NSPR.  Must be done exactly once per
-**  table.  Memory pointed to by `table' must remain valid for the life
-**  of the process.
-NSPR_API(PRErrorCode) PR_ErrorInstallTable(const struct PRErrorTable *table);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_ErrorInstallCallback
-**  Registers an error localization plugin with NSPR.  May be called
-**  at most one time.  `languages' contains the language codes supported
-**  by this plugin.  Languages 0 and 1 must be "i-default" and "en"
-**  respectively.  `lookup' and `newtable' contain pointers to
-**  the plugin callback functions.  `cb_private' contains any information
-**  private to the plugin functions.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ErrorInstallCallback(const char * const * languages,
-			      PRErrorCallbackLookupFn *lookup, 
-			      PRErrorCallbackNewTableFn *newtable,
-			      struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate *cb_private);
-#endif /* prerror_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prinet.h b/nspr/pr/include/prinet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d229f..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prinet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File:		prinet.h
- * Description:
- *     Header file used to find the system header files for socket support[1].
- *     This file serves the following purposes:
- *     - A cross-platform, "get-everything" socket header file.  On
- *       Unix, socket support is scattered in several header files,
- *       while Windows has a "get-everything" socket header file[2].
- *     - NSPR needs the following macro definitions and function
- *       prototype declarations from these header files:
- *           AF_INET
- *           ntohl(), ntohs(), htonl(), ntons().
- *       NSPR does not define its own versions of these macros and
- *       functions.  It simply uses the native versions, which have
- *       the same names on all supported platforms.
- *     This file is intended to be included by NSPR public header
- *     files, such as prio.h.  One should not include this file directly.
- *
- * Notes:
- *     1. This file should have been an internal header.  Please do not
- *        depend on it to pull in the system header files you need.
- *     2. WARNING: This file is no longer cross-platform as it is a no-op
- *        for WIN32!  See the comment in the WIN32 section for details.
- */
-#ifndef prinet_h__
-#define prinet_h__
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>		/* AF_INET */
-#include <netinet/in.h>         /* INADDR_ANY, ..., ntohl(), ... */
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#ifdef AIX
- * On AIX 4.3, the header <arpa/inet.h> refers to struct
- * ether_addr and struct sockaddr_dl that are not declared.
- * The following struct declarations eliminate the compiler
- * warnings.
- */
-struct ether_addr;
-struct sockaddr_dl;
-#endif /* AIX */
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-#include <netdb.h>
-#if defined(FREEBSD) || defined(BSDI) || defined(QNX)
-#include <rpc/types.h> /* the only place that defines INADDR_LOOPBACK */
- * OS/2 hack.  For some reason INADDR_LOOPBACK is not defined in the
- * socket headers.
- */
-#if defined(OS2) && !defined(INADDR_LOOPBACK)
-#define INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001
- * Prototypes of ntohl() etc. are declared in <machine/endian.h>
- * on these platforms.
- */
-#if defined(BSDI) || defined(OSF1)
-#include <machine/endian.h>
-/* On Android, ntohl() etc. are declared in <sys/endian.h>. */
-#ifdef __ANDROID__
-#include <sys/endian.h>
-#elif defined(WIN32)
- * Do not include any system header files.
- *
- * Originally we were including <windows.h>.  It slowed down the
- * compilation of files that included NSPR headers, so we removed
- * the <windows.h> inclusion at customer's request, which created
- * an unfortunate inconsistency with other platforms.
- */
-#error Unknown platform
-#endif /* prinet_h__ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prinit.h b/nspr/pr/include/prinit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 523c2b9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prinit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prinit_h___
-#define prinit_h___
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prwin16.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-/**************************IDENTITY AND VERSIONING***********************/
-** NSPR's name, this should persist until at least the turn of the
-** century.
-#define PR_NAME     "NSPR"
-** NSPR's version is used to determine the likelihood that the version you
-** used to build your component is anywhere close to being compatible with
-** what is in the underlying library.
-** The format of the version string is
-**     "<major version>.<minor version>[.<patch level>] [<Beta>]"
-#define PR_VERSION  "4.12"
-#define PR_VMAJOR   4
-#define PR_VMINOR   12
-#define PR_VPATCH   0
-#define PR_BETA     PR_FALSE
-** PRVersionCheck
-** The basic signature of the function that is called to provide version
-** checking. The result will be a boolean that indicates the likelihood
-** that the underling library will perform as the caller expects.
-** The only argument is a string, which should be the verson identifier
-** of the library in question. That string will be compared against an
-** equivalent string that represents the actual build version of the
-** exporting library.
-** The result will be the logical union of the directly called library
-** and all dependent libraries.
-typedef PRBool (*PRVersionCheck)(const char*);
-** PR_VersionCheck
-** NSPR's existance proof of the version check function.
-** Note that NSPR has no cooperating dependencies.
-NSPR_API(PRBool) PR_VersionCheck(const char *importedVersion);
- * Returns a const string of the NSPR library version.
- */
-NSPR_API(const char*) PR_GetVersion(void);
-** Initialize the runtime. Attach a thread object to the currently
-** executing native thread of type "type".
-** The specificaiton of 'maxPTDs' is ignored.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_Init(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority, PRUintn maxPTDs);
-** And alternate form of initialization, one that may become the default if
-** not the only mechanism, provides a method to get the NSPR runtime init-
-** ialized and place NSPR between the caller and the runtime library. This
-** allows main() to be treated as any other thread root function, signalling
-** its compeletion by returning and allowing the runtime to coordinate the
-** completion of the other threads of the runtime.
-** The priority of the main (or primordial) thread will be PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL.
-** The thread may adjust its own priority by using PR_SetPriority(), though
-** at this time the support for priorities is somewhat weak.
-** The specificaiton of 'maxPTDs' is ignored.
-** The value returned by PR_Initialize is the value returned from the root
-** function, 'prmain'.
-typedef PRIntn (PR_CALLBACK *PRPrimordialFn)(PRIntn argc, char **argv);
-NSPR_API(PRIntn) PR_Initialize(
-    PRPrimordialFn prmain, PRIntn argc, char **argv, PRUintn maxPTDs);
-** Return PR_TRUE if PR_Init has already been called.
-NSPR_API(PRBool) PR_Initialized(void);
- * Perform a graceful shutdown of NSPR.  PR_Cleanup() may be called by
- * the primordial thread near the end of the main() function.
- *
- * PR_Cleanup() attempts to synchronize the natural termination of
- * process.  It does that by blocking the caller, if and only if it is
- * the primordial thread, until the number of user threads has dropped
- * to zero.  When the primordial thread returns from main(), the process
- * will immediately and silently exit.  That is, it will (if necessary)
- * forcibly terminate any existing threads and exit without significant
- * blocking and there will be no error messages or core files.
- *
- * PR_Cleanup() returns PR_SUCCESS if NSPR is successfully shutdown,
- * or PR_FAILURE if the calling thread of this function is not the
- * primordial thread.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Cleanup(void);
-** Disable Interrupts
-**		Disables timer signals used for pre-emptive scheduling.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DisableClockInterrupts(void);
-** Enables Interrupts
-**		Enables timer signals used for pre-emptive scheduling.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_EnableClockInterrupts(void);
-** Block Interrupts
-**		Blocks the timer signal used for pre-emptive scheduling
-NSPR_API(void) PR_BlockClockInterrupts(void);
-** Unblock Interrupts
-**		Unblocks the timer signal used for pre-emptive scheduling
-NSPR_API(void) PR_UnblockClockInterrupts(void);
-** Create extra virtual processor threads. Generally used with MP systems.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetConcurrency(PRUintn numCPUs);
-** Control the method and size of the file descriptor (PRFileDesc*)
-** cache used by the runtime. Setting 'high' to zero is for performance,
-** any other value probably for debugging (see memo on FD caching).
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetFDCacheSize(PRIntn low, PRIntn high);
- * Cause an immediate, nongraceful, forced termination of the process.
- * It takes a PRIntn argument, which is the exit status code of the
- * process.
- */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ProcessExit(PRIntn status);
-** Abort the process in a non-graceful manner. This will cause a core file,
-** call to the debugger or other moral equivalent as well as causing the
-** entire process to stop.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_Abort(void);
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Module initialization:
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct PRCallOnceType {
-    PRIntn initialized;
-    PRInt32 inProgress;
-    PRStatus status;
-} PRCallOnceType;
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRCallOnceFN)(void);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRCallOnceWithArgFN)(void *arg);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CallOnce(
-    PRCallOnceType *once,
-    PRCallOnceFN    func
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CallOnceWithArg(
-    PRCallOnceType      *once,
-    PRCallOnceWithArgFN  func,
-    void                *arg
-#endif /* prinit_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prinrval.h b/nspr/pr/include/prinrval.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14cd39b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prinrval.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:		prinrval.h
-** Description:	API to interval timing functions of NSPR.
-** NSPR provides interval times that are independent of network time
-** of day values. Interval times are (in theory) accurate regardless
-** of host processing requirements and also very cheap to acquire. It
-** is expected that getting an interval time while in a synchronized
-** function (holding one's lock).
-#if !defined(prinrval_h)
-#define prinrval_h
-#include "prtypes.h"
-/************************* TYPES AND CONSTANTS ************************/
-typedef PRUint32 PRIntervalTime;
-**              PR_INTERVAL_MAX
-**  These two constants define the range (in ticks / second) of the
-**  platform dependent type, PRIntervalTime. These constants bound both
-**  the period and the resolution of a PRIntervalTime. 
-#define PR_INTERVAL_MIN 1000UL
-#define PR_INTERVAL_MAX 100000UL
-**              PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT
-**  Two reserved constants are defined in the PRIntervalTime namespace.
-**  They are used to indicate that the process should wait no time (return
-**  immediately) or wait forever (never time out), respectively.
-**  Note: PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT passed as input to PR_Connect is 
-**  interpreted as use the OS's connect timeout.
-#define PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT 0xffffffffUL
-/****************************** FUNCTIONS *****************************/
-** FUNCTION:    PR_IntervalNow
-**  Return the value of NSPR's free running interval timer. That timer
-**  can be used to establish epochs and determine intervals (be computing
-**  the difference between two times).
-** INPUTS:      void
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRIntervalTime
-**  None
-**  The units of PRIntervalTime are platform dependent. They are chosen
-**  such that they are appropriate for the host OS, yet provide sufficient
-**  resolution and period to be useful to clients. 
-** MEMORY:      N/A
-** ALGORITHM:   Platform dependent
-NSPR_API(PRIntervalTime) PR_IntervalNow(void);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_TicksPerSecond
-**  Return the number of ticks per second for PR_IntervalNow's clock.
-**  The value will be in the range [PR_INTERVAL_MIN..PR_INTERVAL_MAX].
-** INPUTS:      void
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRUint32
-**  None
-**  None
-** MEMORY:      N/A
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_TicksPerSecond(void);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_SecondsToInterval
-**              PR_MillisecondsToInterval
-**              PR_MicrosecondsToInterval
-**  Convert standard clock units to platform dependent intervals.
-** INPUTS:      PRUint32
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRIntervalTime
-**  None
-**  Conversion may cause overflow, which is not reported.
-** MEMORY:      N/A
-NSPR_API(PRIntervalTime) PR_SecondsToInterval(PRUint32 seconds);
-NSPR_API(PRIntervalTime) PR_MillisecondsToInterval(PRUint32 milli);
-NSPR_API(PRIntervalTime) PR_MicrosecondsToInterval(PRUint32 micro);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_IntervalToSeconds
-**              PR_IntervalToMilliseconds
-**              PR_IntervalToMicroseconds
-**  Convert platform dependent intervals to standard clock units.
-** INPUTS:      PRIntervalTime
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRUint32
-**  None
-**  Conversion may cause overflow, which is not reported.
-** MEMORY:      N/A
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_IntervalToSeconds(PRIntervalTime ticks);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(PRIntervalTime ticks);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(PRIntervalTime ticks);
-#endif /* !defined(prinrval_h) */
-/* prinrval.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prio.h b/nspr/pr/include/prio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e85db..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2022 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File:     prio.h
- *
- * Description:    PR i/o related stuff, such as file system access, file
- *         i/o, socket i/o, etc.
- */
-#ifndef prio_h___
-#define prio_h___
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-#include "prinet.h"
-/* Typedefs */
-typedef struct PRDir            PRDir;
-typedef struct PRDirEntry       PRDirEntry;
-typedef struct PRDirUTF16       PRDirUTF16;
-typedef struct PRDirEntryUTF16  PRDirEntryUTF16;
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-typedef struct PRFileDesc       PRFileDesc;
-typedef struct PRFileInfo       PRFileInfo;
-typedef struct PRFileInfo64     PRFileInfo64;
-typedef union  PRNetAddr        PRNetAddr;
-typedef struct PRIOMethods      PRIOMethods;
-typedef struct PRPollDesc       PRPollDesc;
-typedef struct PRFilePrivate    PRFilePrivate;
-typedef struct PRSendFileData   PRSendFileData;
-** The file descriptor.
-** This is the primary structure to represent any active open socket,
-** whether it be a normal file or a network connection. Such objects
-** are stackable (or layerable). Each layer may have its own set of
-** method pointers and context private to that layer. All each layer
-** knows about its neighbors is how to get to their method table.
-typedef PRIntn PRDescIdentity;          /* see: Layering file descriptors */
-struct PRFileDesc {
-    const PRIOMethods *methods;         /* the I/O methods table */
-    PRFilePrivate *secret;              /* layer dependent data */
-    PRFileDesc *lower, *higher;         /* pointers to adjacent layers */
-    void (PR_CALLBACK *dtor)(PRFileDesc *fd);
-                                        /* A destructor function for layer */
-    PRDescIdentity identity;            /* Identity of this particular layer  */
-** PRTransmitFileFlags
-** Flags for PR_TransmitFile.  Pass PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET to
-** PR_TransmitFile if the connection should be closed after the file
-** is transmitted.
-typedef enum PRTransmitFileFlags {
-    PR_TRANSMITFILE_KEEP_OPEN = 0,    /* socket is left open after file
-                                       * is transmitted. */
-    PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET = 1  /* socket is closed after file
-                                       * is transmitted. */
-} PRTransmitFileFlags;
-** Macros for PRNetAddr
-** Address families: PR_AF_INET, PR_AF_INET6, PR_AF_LOCAL
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define PR_AF_INET 2
-#define PR_AF_LOCAL 1
-#define PR_INADDR_ANY (unsigned long)0x00000000
-#define PR_INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001
-#define PR_INADDR_BROADCAST (unsigned long)0xffffffff
-#else /* WIN32 */
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-** Define PR_AF_INET6 in prcpucfg.h with the same
-** value as AF_INET6 on platforms with IPv6 support.
-** Otherwise define it here.
-#ifndef PR_AF_INET6
-#define PR_AF_INET6 100
-#define PR_AF_INET_SDP 101
-#define PR_AF_INET6_SDP 102
-#ifndef PR_AF_UNSPEC
-#define PR_AF_UNSPEC 0
-** A network address
-** Only Internet Protocol (IPv4 and IPv6) addresses are supported.
-** The address family must always represent IPv4 (AF_INET, probably == 2)
-** or IPv6 (AF_INET6).
-struct PRIPv6Addr {
-	union {
-		PRUint8  _S6_u8[16];
-		PRUint16 _S6_u16[8];
-		PRUint32 _S6_u32[4];
-		PRUint64 _S6_u64[2];
-	} _S6_un;
-#define pr_s6_addr		_S6_un._S6_u8
-#define pr_s6_addr16	_S6_un._S6_u16
-#define pr_s6_addr32	_S6_un._S6_u32
-#define pr_s6_addr64 	_S6_un._S6_u64
-typedef struct PRIPv6Addr PRIPv6Addr;
-union PRNetAddr {
-    struct {
-        PRUint16 family;                /* address family (0x00ff maskable) */
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-        char data[10];                  /* Be has a smaller structure */
-        char data[14];                  /* raw address data */
-    } raw;
-    struct {
-        PRUint16 family;                /* address family (AF_INET) */
-        PRUint16 port;                  /* port number */
-        PRUint32 ip;                    /* The actual 32 bits of address */
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-        char pad[4];                    /* Be has a smaller structure */
-        char pad[8];
-    } inet;
-    struct {
-        PRUint16 family;                /* address family (AF_INET6) */
-        PRUint16 port;                  /* port number */
-        PRUint32 flowinfo;              /* routing information */
-        PRIPv6Addr ip;                  /* the actual 128 bits of address */
-        PRUint32 scope_id;              /* set of interfaces for a scope */
-    } ipv6;
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-    struct {                            /* Unix domain socket address */
-        PRUint16 family;                /* address family (AF_UNIX) */
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-        char path[108];                 /* null-terminated pathname */
-                                        /* bind fails if size is not 108. */
-        char path[104];                 /* null-terminated pathname */
-    } local;
-** PRSockOption
-** The file descriptors can have predefined options set after they file
-** descriptor is created to change their behavior. Only the options in
-** the following enumeration are supported.
-typedef enum PRSockOption
-    PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking,     /* nonblocking io */
-    PR_SockOpt_Linger,          /* linger on close if data present */
-    PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr,       /* allow local address reuse */
-    PR_SockOpt_Keepalive,       /* keep connections alive */
-    PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize,  /* send buffer size */
-    PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize,  /* receive buffer size */
-    PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive,    /* time to live */
-    PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService, /* type of service and precedence */
-    PR_SockOpt_AddMember,       /* add an IP group membership */
-    PR_SockOpt_DropMember,      /* drop an IP group membership */
-    PR_SockOpt_McastInterface,  /* multicast interface address */
-    PR_SockOpt_McastTimeToLive, /* multicast timetolive */
-    PR_SockOpt_McastLoopback,   /* multicast loopback */
-    PR_SockOpt_NoDelay,         /* don't delay send to coalesce packets */
-    PR_SockOpt_MaxSegment,      /* maximum segment size */
-    PR_SockOpt_Broadcast,       /* enable broadcast */
-    PR_SockOpt_Reuseport,       /* allow local address & port reuse on
-                                 * platforms that support it */
-    PR_SockOpt_Last
-} PRSockOption;
-typedef struct PRLinger {
-	PRBool polarity;		    /* Polarity of the option's setting */
-	PRIntervalTime linger;	    /* Time to linger before closing */
-} PRLinger;
-typedef struct PRMcastRequest {
-	PRNetAddr mcaddr;			/* IP multicast address of group */
-	PRNetAddr ifaddr;			/* local IP address of interface */
-} PRMcastRequest;
-typedef struct PRSocketOptionData
-    PRSockOption option;
-    union
-    {
-        PRUintn ip_ttl;             /* IP time to live */
-        PRUintn mcast_ttl;          /* IP multicast time to live */
-        PRUintn tos;                /* IP type of service and precedence */
-        PRBool non_blocking;        /* Non-blocking (network) I/O */
-        PRBool reuse_addr;          /* Allow local address reuse */
-        PRBool reuse_port;          /* Allow local address & port reuse on
-                                     * platforms that support it */
-        PRBool keep_alive;          /* Keep connections alive */
-        PRBool mcast_loopback;      /* IP multicast loopback */
-        PRBool no_delay;            /* Don't delay send to coalesce packets */
-        PRBool broadcast;           /* Enable broadcast */
-        PRSize max_segment;         /* Maximum segment size */
-        PRSize recv_buffer_size;    /* Receive buffer size */
-        PRSize send_buffer_size;    /* Send buffer size */
-        PRLinger linger;            /* Time to linger on close if data present */
-        PRMcastRequest add_member;  /* add an IP group membership */
-        PRMcastRequest drop_member; /* Drop an IP group membership */
-        PRNetAddr mcast_if;         /* multicast interface address */
-    } value;
-} PRSocketOptionData;
-** PRIOVec
-** The I/O vector is used by the write vector method to describe the areas
-** that are affected by the ouput operation.
-typedef struct PRIOVec {
-    char *iov_base;
-    int iov_len;
-} PRIOVec;
-** Discover what type of socket is being described by the file descriptor.
-typedef enum PRDescType
-    PR_DESC_FILE = 1,
-    PR_DESC_PIPE = 5
-} PRDescType;
-typedef enum PRSeekWhence {
-    PR_SEEK_SET = 0,
-    PR_SEEK_CUR = 1,
-    PR_SEEK_END = 2
-} PRSeekWhence;
-NSPR_API(PRDescType) PR_GetDescType(PRFileDesc *file);
-** PRIOMethods
-** The I/O methods table provides procedural access to the functions of
-** the file descriptor. It is the responsibility of a layer implementor
-** to provide suitable functions at every entry point. If a layer provides
-** no functionality, it should call the next lower(higher) function of the
-** same name (e.g., return fd->lower->method->close(fd->lower));
-** Not all functions are implemented for all types of files. In cases where
-** that is true, the function will return a error indication with an error
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRCloseFN)(PRFileDesc *fd);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRReadFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRWriteFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRAvailableFN)(PRFileDesc *fd);
-typedef PRInt64 (PR_CALLBACK *PRAvailable64FN)(PRFileDesc *fd);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRFsyncFN)(PRFileDesc *fd);
-typedef PROffset32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRSeekFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset32 offset, PRSeekWhence how);
-typedef PROffset64 (PR_CALLBACK *PRSeek64FN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset64 offset, PRSeekWhence how);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRFileInfoFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRFileInfo64FN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRWritevFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov, PRInt32 iov_size,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRConnectFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRFileDesc* (PR_CALLBACK *PRAcceptFN) (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRBindFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRListenFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRShutdownFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRRecvFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRSendFN) (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRRecvfromFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRSendtoFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRInt16 (PR_CALLBACK *PRPollFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRAcceptreadFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, PRNetAddr **raddr,
-    void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime t);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRTransmitfileFN)(
-     PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc *fd, const void *headers,
-     PRInt32 hlen, PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime t);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRGetsocknameFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRGetpeernameFN)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRGetsocketoptionFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRSetsocketoptionFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRSendfileFN)(
-	PRFileDesc *networkSocket, PRSendFileData *sendData,
-	PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PRConnectcontinueFN)(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 out_flags);
-typedef PRIntn (PR_CALLBACK *PRReservedFN)(PRFileDesc *fd);
-struct PRIOMethods {
-    PRDescType file_type;           /* Type of file represented (tos)           */
-    PRCloseFN close;                /* close file and destroy descriptor        */
-    PRReadFN read;                  /* read up to specified bytes into buffer   */
-    PRWriteFN write;                /* write specified bytes from buffer        */
-    PRAvailableFN available;        /* determine number of bytes available      */
-    PRAvailable64FN available64;    /*          ditto, 64 bit                   */
-    PRFsyncFN fsync;                /* flush all buffers to permanent store     */
-    PRSeekFN seek;                  /* position the file to the desired place   */
-    PRSeek64FN seek64;              /*           ditto, 64 bit                  */
-    PRFileInfoFN fileInfo;          /* Get information about an open file       */
-    PRFileInfo64FN fileInfo64;      /*           ditto, 64 bit                  */
-    PRWritevFN writev;              /* Write segments as described by iovector  */
-    PRConnectFN connect;            /* Connect to the specified (net) address   */
-    PRAcceptFN accept;              /* Accept a connection for a (net) peer     */
-    PRBindFN bind;                  /* Associate a (net) address with the fd    */
-    PRListenFN listen;              /* Prepare to listen for (net) connections  */
-    PRShutdownFN shutdown;          /* Shutdown a (net) connection              */
-    PRRecvFN recv;                  /* Solicit up the the specified bytes       */
-    PRSendFN send;                  /* Send all the bytes specified             */
-    PRRecvfromFN recvfrom;          /* Solicit (net) bytes and report source    */
-    PRSendtoFN sendto;              /* Send bytes to (net) address specified    */
-    PRPollFN poll;                  /* Test the fd to see if it is ready        */
-    PRAcceptreadFN acceptread;      /* Accept and read on a new (net) fd        */
-    PRTransmitfileFN transmitfile;  /* Transmit at entire file                  */
-    PRGetsocknameFN getsockname;    /* Get (net) address associated with fd     */
-    PRGetpeernameFN getpeername;    /* Get peer's (net) address                 */
-    PRReservedFN reserved_fn_6;     /* reserved for future use */
-    PRReservedFN reserved_fn_5;     /* reserved for future use */
-    PRGetsocketoptionFN getsocketoption;
-                                    /* Get current setting of specified option  */
-    PRSetsocketoptionFN setsocketoption;
-                                    /* Set value of specified option            */
-    PRSendfileFN sendfile;			/* Send a (partial) file with header/trailer*/
-    PRConnectcontinueFN connectcontinue;
-                                    /* Continue a nonblocking connect */
-    PRReservedFN reserved_fn_3;		/* reserved for future use */
-    PRReservedFN reserved_fn_2;		/* reserved for future use */
-    PRReservedFN reserved_fn_1;		/* reserved for future use */
-    PRReservedFN reserved_fn_0;		/* reserved for future use */
- **************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_GetSpecialFD
- * DESCRIPTION: Get the file descriptor that represents the standard input,
- *              output, or error stream.
- *     PRSpecialFD id
- *         A value indicating the type of stream desired:
- *             PR_StandardInput: standard input
- *             PR_StandardOuput: standard output
- *             PR_StandardError: standard error
- * OUTPUTS: none
- * RETURNS: PRFileDesc *
- *     If the argument is valid, PR_GetSpecialFD returns a file descriptor
- *     that represents the corresponding standard I/O stream.  Otherwise,
- *     PR_GetSpecialFD returns NULL and sets error PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-typedef enum PRSpecialFD
-    PR_StandardInput,          /* standard input */
-    PR_StandardOutput,         /* standard output */
-    PR_StandardError           /* standard error */
-} PRSpecialFD;
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_GetSpecialFD(PRSpecialFD id);
-#define PR_STDIN	PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardInput)
-#define PR_STDOUT	PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardOutput)
-#define PR_STDERR	PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError)
- **************************************************************************
- * Layering file descriptors
- *
- * File descriptors may be layered. Each layer has it's own identity.
- * Identities are allocated by the runtime and are to be associated
- * (by the layer implementor) with all layers that are of that type.
- * It is then possible to scan the chain of layers and find a layer
- * that one recongizes and therefore predict that it will implement
- * a desired protocol.
- *
- * There are three well-known identities:
- *      PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER => an invalid layer identity, for error return
- *      PR_TOP_IO_LAYER     => the identity of the top of the stack
- *      PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER    => the identity used by NSPR proper
- * PR_TOP_IO_LAYER may be used as a shorthand for identifying the topmost
- * layer of an existing stack. Ie., the following two constructs are
- * equivalent.
- *
- *      rv = PR_PushIOLayer(stack, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, my_layer);
- *      rv = PR_PushIOLayer(stack, PR_GetLayersIdentity(stack), my_layer)
- *
- * A string may be associated with the creation of the identity. It
- * will be copied by the runtime. If queried the runtime will return
- * a reference to that copied string (not yet another copy). There
- * is no facility for deleting an identity.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-#define PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD (PRDescIdentity)-3
-#define PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER (PRDescIdentity)-1
-#define PR_TOP_IO_LAYER (PRDescIdentity)-2
-#define PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER (PRDescIdentity)0
-NSPR_API(PRDescIdentity) PR_GetUniqueIdentity(const char *layer_name);
-NSPR_API(const char*) PR_GetNameForIdentity(PRDescIdentity ident);
-NSPR_API(PRDescIdentity) PR_GetLayersIdentity(PRFileDesc* fd);
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(PRFileDesc* fd_stack, PRDescIdentity id);
- **************************************************************************
- * PR_GetDefaultIOMethods: Accessing the default methods table.
- * You may get a pointer to the default methods table by calling this function.
- * You may then select any elements from that table with which to build your
- * layer's methods table. You may NOT modify the table directly.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(const PRIOMethods *) PR_GetDefaultIOMethods(void);
- **************************************************************************
- * Creating a layer
- *
- * A new layer may be allocated by calling PR_CreateIOLayerStub(). The
- * file descriptor returned will contain the pointer to the methods table
- * provided. The runtime will not modify the table nor test its correctness.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_CreateIOLayerStub(
-    PRDescIdentity ident, const PRIOMethods *methods);
- **************************************************************************
- * Creating a layer
- *
- * A new stack may be created by calling PR_CreateIOLayer(). The
- * file descriptor returned will point to the top of the stack, which has
- * the layer 'fd' as the topmost layer.
- * 
- * NOTE: This function creates a new style stack, which has a fixed, dummy
- * header. The old style stack, created by a call to PR_PushIOLayer,
- * results in modifying contents of the top layer of the stack, when
- * pushing and popping layers of the stack.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_CreateIOLayer(PRFileDesc* fd);
- **************************************************************************
- * Pushing a layer
- *
- * A file descriptor (perhaps allocated using PR_CreateIOLayerStub()) may
- * be pushed into an existing stack of file descriptors at any point the
- * caller deems appropriate. The new layer will be inserted into the stack
- * just above the layer with the indicated identity.
- *
- * Note: Even if the identity parameter indicates the top-most layer of
- * the stack, the value of the file descriptor describing the original
- * stack will not change.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_PushIOLayer(
-    PRFileDesc *fd_stack, PRDescIdentity id, PRFileDesc *layer);
- **************************************************************************
- * Popping a layer
- *
- * A layer may be popped from a stack by indicating the identity of the
- * layer to be removed. If found, a pointer to the removed object will
- * be returned to the caller. The object then becomes the responsibility
- * of the caller.
- *
- * Note: Even if the identity indicates the top layer of the stack, the
- * reference returned will not be the file descriptor for the stack and
- * that file descriptor will remain valid.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_PopIOLayer(PRFileDesc *fd_stack, PRDescIdentity id);
- **************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION:    PR_Open
- * DESCRIPTION:    Open a file for reading, writing, or both.
- *     const char *name
- *         The path name of the file to be opened
- *     PRIntn flags
- *         The file status flags.
- *         It is a bitwise OR of the following bit flags (only one of
- *         the first three flags below may be used):
- *		PR_RDONLY        Open for reading only.
- *		PR_WRONLY        Open for writing only.
- *		PR_RDWR          Open for reading and writing.
- *		PR_CREATE_FILE   If the file does not exist, the file is created
- *                              If the file exists, this flag has no effect.
- *      PR_SYNC          If set, each write will wait for both the file data
- *                              and file status to be physically updated.
- *		PR_APPEND        The file pointer is set to the end of
- *                              the file prior to each write.
- *		PR_TRUNCATE      If the file exists, its length is truncated to 0.
- *      PR_EXCL          With PR_CREATE_FILE, if the file does not exist,
- *                              the file is created. If the file already 
- *                              exists, no action and NULL is returned
- *
- *     PRIntn mode
- *         The access permission bits of the file mode, if the file is
- *         created when PR_CREATE_FILE is on.
- * OUTPUTS:    None
- * RETURNS:    PRFileDesc *
- *     If the file is successfully opened,
- *     returns a pointer to the PRFileDesc
- *     created for the newly opened file.
- *     Returns a NULL pointer if the open
- *     failed.
- *     The return value, if not NULL, points to a dynamically allocated
- *     PRFileDesc object.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-/* Open flags */
-#define PR_RDONLY       0x01
-#define PR_WRONLY       0x02
-#define PR_RDWR         0x04
-#define PR_CREATE_FILE  0x08
-#define PR_APPEND       0x10
-#define PR_TRUNCATE     0x20
-#define PR_SYNC         0x40
-#define PR_EXCL         0x80
-** File modes ....
-** CAVEAT: 'mode' is currently only applicable on UNIX platforms.
-** The 'mode' argument may be ignored by PR_Open on other platforms.
-**   00400   Read by owner.
-**   00200   Write by owner.
-**   00100   Execute (search if a directory) by owner.
-**   00040   Read by group.
-**   00020   Write by group.
-**   00010   Execute by group.
-**   00004   Read by others.
-**   00002   Write by others
-**   00001   Execute by others.
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_Open(const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode);
- **************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_OpenFile
- *     Open a file for reading, writing, or both.
- *     PR_OpenFile has the same prototype as PR_Open but implements
- *     the specified file mode where possible.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-/* File mode bits */
-#define PR_IRWXU 00700  /* read, write, execute/search by owner */
-#define PR_IRUSR 00400  /* read permission, owner */
-#define PR_IWUSR 00200  /* write permission, owner */
-#define PR_IXUSR 00100  /* execute/search permission, owner */
-#define PR_IRWXG 00070  /* read, write, execute/search by group */
-#define PR_IRGRP 00040  /* read permission, group */
-#define PR_IWGRP 00020  /* write permission, group */
-#define PR_IXGRP 00010  /* execute/search permission, group */
-#define PR_IRWXO 00007  /* read, write, execute/search by others */
-#define PR_IROTH 00004  /* read permission, others */
-#define PR_IWOTH 00002  /* write permission, others */
-#define PR_IXOTH 00001  /* execute/search permission, others */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenFile(
-    const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode);
- * EXPERIMENTAL: This function may be removed in a future release.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenFileUTF16(
-    const PRUnichar *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode);
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
- **************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Close
- *     Close a file or socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         a pointer to a PRFileDesc.
- *     None.
- *     PRStatus
- *     None.
- *     The dynamic memory pointed to by the argument fd is freed.
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)    PR_Close(PRFileDesc *fd);
- **************************************************************************
- *     Read bytes from a file or socket.
- *     The operation will block until either an end of stream indication is
- *     encountered, some positive number of bytes are transferred, or there
- *     is an error. No more than 'amount' bytes will be transferred.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         pointer to the PRFileDesc object for the file or socket
- *     void *buf
- *         pointer to a buffer to hold the data read in.
- *     PRInt32 amount
- *         the size of 'buf' (in bytes)
- *     PRInt32
- *         a positive number indicates the number of bytes actually read in.
- *         0 means end of file is reached or the network connection is closed.
- *         -1 indicates a failure. The reason for the failure is obtained
- *         by calling PR_GetError().
- *     data is written into the buffer pointed to by 'buf'.
- *     None.
- *     N/A
- *     N/A
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Read(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
- ***************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Write
- *     Write a specified number of bytes to a file or socket.  The thread
- *     invoking this function blocks until all the data is written.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         pointer to a PRFileDesc object that refers to a file or socket
- *     const void *buf
- *         pointer to the buffer holding the data
- *     PRInt32 amount
- *         amount of data in bytes to be written from the buffer
- *     None.
- * RETURN: PRInt32
- *     A positive number indicates the number of bytes successfully written.
- *     A -1 is an indication that the operation failed. The reason
- *     for the failure is obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Write(PRFileDesc *fd,const void *buf,PRInt32 amount);
- ***************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Writev
- *     Write data to a socket.  The data is organized in a PRIOVec array. The
- *     operation will block until all the data is written or the operation
- *     fails.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         Pointer that points to a PRFileDesc object for a socket.
- *     const PRIOVec *iov
- *         An array of PRIOVec.  PRIOVec is a struct with the following
- *         two fields:
- *             char *iov_base;
- *             int iov_len;
- *     PRInt32 iov_size
- *         Number of elements in the iov array. The value of this
- *         argument must not be greater than PR_MAX_IOVECTOR_SIZE.
- *         If it is, the method will fail (PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR).
- *     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       Time limit for completion of the entire write operation.
- *     None
- *     A positive number indicates the number of bytes successfully written.
- *     A -1 is an indication that the operation failed. The reason
- *     for the failure is obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-#define PR_MAX_IOVECTOR_SIZE 16   /* 'iov_size' must be <= */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Writev(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov, PRInt32 iov_size,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout);
- ***************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Delete
- *     Delete a file from the filesystem. The operation may fail if the
- *     file is open.
- *     const char *name
- *         Path name of the file to be deleted.
- *     None.
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     The function returns PR_SUCCESS if the file is successfully
- *     deleted, otherwise it returns PR_FAILURE.
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Delete(const char *name);
-typedef enum PRFileType
-    PR_FILE_FILE = 1,
-    PR_FILE_OTHER = 3
-} PRFileType;
-struct PRFileInfo {
-    PRFileType type;        /* Type of file */
-    PROffset32 size;        /* Size, in bytes, of file's contents */
-    PRTime creationTime;    /* Creation time per definition of PRTime */
-    PRTime modifyTime;      /* Last modification time per definition of PRTime */
-struct PRFileInfo64 {
-    PRFileType type;        /* Type of file */
-    PROffset64 size;        /* Size, in bytes, of file's contents */
-    PRTime creationTime;    /* Creation time per definition of PRTime */
-    PRTime modifyTime;      /* Last modification time per definition of PRTime */
- * FUNCTION: PR_GetFileInfo, PR_GetFileInfo64
- *     Get the information about the file with the given path name. This is
- *     applicable only to NSFileDesc describing 'file' types (see
- *     const char *fn
- *         path name of the file
- *     PRFileInfo *info
- *         Information about the given file is written into the file
- *         information object pointer to by 'info'.
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     PR_GetFileInfo returns PR_SUCCESS if file information is successfully
- *     obtained, otherwise it returns PR_FAILURE.
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info);
- * EXPERIMENTAL: This function may be removed in a future release.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo64UTF16(const PRUnichar *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
- **************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_GetOpenFileInfo, PR_GetOpenFileInfo64
- *     Get information about an open file referred to by the
- *     given PRFileDesc object.
- *     const PRFileDesc *fd
- *          A reference to a valid, open file.
- *     Same as PR_GetFileInfo, PR_GetFileInfo64
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     PR_GetFileInfo returns PR_SUCCESS if file information is successfully
- *     obtained, otherwise it returns PR_FAILURE.
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetOpenFileInfo(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetOpenFileInfo64(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info);
- **************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Rename
- *     Rename a file from the old name 'from' to the new name 'to'.
- *     const char *from
- *         The old name of the file to be renamed.
- *     const char *to
- *         The new name of the file.
- *     None.
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)    PR_Rename(const char *from, const char *to);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Access
- *     Determine accessibility of a file.
- *     const char *name
- *         path name of the file
- *     PRAccessHow how
- *         specifies which access permission to check for.
- *         It can be one of the following values:
- *             PR_ACCESS_READ_OK       Test for read permission
- *             PR_ACCESS_WRITE_OK      Test for write permission
- *             PR_ACCESS_EXISTS        Check existence of file
- *     None.
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     PR_SUCCESS is returned if the requested access is permitted.
- *     Otherwise, PR_FAILURE is returned. Additional information
- *     regarding the reason for the failure may be retrieved from
- *     PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-typedef enum PRAccessHow {
-} PRAccessHow;
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Access(const char *name, PRAccessHow how);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Seek, PR_Seek64
- *     Moves read-write file offset
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         Pointer to a PRFileDesc object.
- *     PROffset32, PROffset64 offset
- *         Specifies a value, in bytes, that is used in conjunction
- *         with the 'whence' parameter to set the file pointer.  A
- *         negative value causes seeking in the reverse direction.
- *     PRSeekWhence whence
- *         Specifies how to interpret the 'offset' parameter in setting
- *         the file pointer associated with the 'fd' parameter.
- *         Values for the 'whence' parameter are:
- *             PR_SEEK_SET  Sets the file pointer to the value of the
- *                          'offset' parameter
- *             PR_SEEK_CUR  Sets the file pointer to its current location
- *                          plus the value of the offset parameter.
- *             PR_SEEK_END  Sets the file pointer to the size of the
- *                          file plus the value of the offset parameter.
- *     None.
- * RETURN: PROffset32, PROffset64
- *     Upon successful completion, the resulting pointer location,
- *     measured in bytes from the beginning of the file, is returned.
- *     If the PR_Seek() function fails, the file offset remains
- *     unchanged, and the returned value is -1. The error code can
- *     then be retrieved via PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PROffset32) PR_Seek(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence);
-NSPR_API(PROffset64) PR_Seek64(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence);
- ************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Available
- *     Determine the amount of data in bytes available for reading
- *     in the given file or socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         Pointer to a PRFileDesc object that refers to a file or
- *         socket.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRInt32, PRInt64
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_Available returns the number of
- *     bytes beyond the current read pointer that is available for
- *     reading.  Otherwise, it returns a -1 and the reason for the
- *     failure can be retrieved via PR_GetError().
- ************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Available(PRFileDesc *fd);
-NSPR_API(PRInt64) PR_Available64(PRFileDesc *fd);
- ************************************************************************
- *     Sync any buffered data for a fd to its backing device (disk).
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         Pointer to a PRFileDesc object that refers to a file or
- *         socket
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     PR_SUCCESS is returned if the requested access is permitted.
- *     Otherwise, PR_FAILURE is returned.
- ************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)	PR_Sync(PRFileDesc *fd);
-struct PRDirEntry {
-    const char *name;        /* name of entry, relative to directory name */
-struct PRDirEntryUTF16 {
-    const PRUnichar *name;   /* name of entry in UTF16, relative to
-                              * directory name */
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-#if !defined(NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT)
-#define PR_DirName(dirEntry)	(dirEntry->name)
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_OpenDir
- *     Open the directory by the given name
- *     const char *name
- *         path name of the directory to be opened
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRDir *
- *     If the directory is sucessfully opened, a PRDir object is
- *     dynamically allocated and a pointer to it is returned.
- *     If the directory cannot be opened, a NULL pointer is returned.
- *     Upon successful completion, the return value points to
- *     dynamically allocated memory.
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRDir*) PR_OpenDir(const char *name);
- * EXPERIMENTAL: This function may be removed in a future release.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRDirUTF16*) PR_OpenDirUTF16(const PRUnichar *name);
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_ReadDir
- *     PRDir *dir
- *         pointer to a PRDir object that designates an open directory
- *     PRDirFlags flags
- *           PR_SKIP_NONE     Do not skip any files
- *           PR_SKIP_DOT      Skip the directory entry "." that
- *                            represents the current directory
- *           PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT  Skip the directory entry ".." that
- *                            represents the parent directory.
- *           PR_SKIP_BOTH     Skip both '.' and '..'
- *           PR_SKIP_HIDDEN   Skip hidden files
- * RETURN: PRDirEntry*
- *     Returns a pointer to the next entry in the directory.  Returns
- *     a NULL pointer upon reaching the end of the directory or when an
- *     error occurs. The actual reason can be retrieved via PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-typedef enum PRDirFlags {
-    PR_SKIP_NONE = 0x0,
-    PR_SKIP_DOT = 0x1,
-    PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT = 0x2,
-    PR_SKIP_BOTH = 0x3,
-    PR_SKIP_HIDDEN = 0x4
-} PRDirFlags;
-NSPR_API(PRDirEntry*) PR_ReadDir(PRDir *dir, PRDirFlags flags);
- * EXPERIMENTAL: This function may be removed in a future release.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRDirEntryUTF16*) PR_ReadDirUTF16(PRDirUTF16 *dir, PRDirFlags flags);
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_CloseDir
- *     Close the specified directory.
- *     PRDir *dir
- *        The directory to be closed.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *        If successful, will return a status of PR_SUCCESS. Otherwise
- *        a value of PR_FAILURE. The reason for the failure may be re-
- *        trieved using PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CloseDir(PRDir *dir);
- * EXPERIMENTAL: This function may be removed in a future release.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CloseDirUTF16(PRDirUTF16 *dir);
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
- *************************************************************************
- *     Create a new directory with the given name and access mode.
- *     const char *name
- *        The name of the directory to be created. All the path components
- *        up to but not including the leaf component must already exist.
- *     PRIntn mode
- *        See 'mode' definiton in PR_Open().
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *        If successful, will return a status of PR_SUCCESS. Otherwise
- *        a value of PR_FAILURE. The reason for the failure may be re-
- *        trieved using PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_MkDir(const char *name, PRIntn mode);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_MakeDir
- *     Create a new directory with the given name and access mode.
- *     PR_MakeDir has the same prototype as PR_MkDir but implements
- *     the specified access mode where possible.
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_MakeDir(const char *name, PRIntn mode);
- *************************************************************************
- *     Remove a directory by the given name.
- *     const char *name
- *        The name of the directory to be removed. All the path components
- *        must already exist. Only the leaf component will be removed.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *        If successful, will return a status of PR_SUCCESS. Otherwise
- *        a value of PR_FAILURE. The reason for the failure may be re-
- *        trieved using PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_RmDir(const char *name);
- *************************************************************************
- *     Create a new UDP socket.
- *     None
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_NewUDPSocket returns a pointer
- *     to the PRFileDesc created for the newly opened UDP socket.
- *     Returns a NULL pointer if the creation of a new UDP socket failed.
- *
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)    PR_NewUDPSocket(void);
- *************************************************************************
- *     Create a new TCP socket.
- *     None
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_NewTCPSocket returns a pointer
- *     to the PRFileDesc created for the newly opened TCP socket.
- *     Returns a NULL pointer if the creation of a new TCP socket failed.
- *
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)    PR_NewTCPSocket(void);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_OpenUDPSocket
- *     Create a new UDP socket of the specified address family.
- *     PRIntn af
- *       Address family
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_OpenUDPSocket returns a pointer
- *     to the PRFileDesc created for the newly opened UDP socket.
- *     Returns a NULL pointer if the creation of a new UDP socket failed.
- *
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)    PR_OpenUDPSocket(PRIntn af);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_OpenTCPSocket
- *     Create a new TCP socket of the specified address family.
- *     PRIntn af
- *       Address family
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_NewTCPSocket returns a pointer
- *     to the PRFileDesc created for the newly opened TCP socket.
- *     Returns a NULL pointer if the creation of a new TCP socket failed.
- *
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)    PR_OpenTCPSocket(PRIntn af);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Connect
- *     Initiate a connection on a socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing a socket
- *     PRNetAddr *addr
- *       Specifies the address of the socket in its own communication
- *       space.
- *     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       The function uses the lesser of the provided timeout and
- *       the OS's connect timeout.  In particular, if you specify
- *       PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT as the timeout, the OS's connection
- *       time limit will be used.
- *
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     Upon successful completion of connection initiation, PR_Connect
- *     returns PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further
- *     failure information can be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Connect(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_ConnectContinue
- *     Continue a nonblocking connect.  After a nonblocking connect
- *     is initiated with PR_Connect() (which fails with
- *     PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR), one should call PR_Poll() on the socket,
- *     with the in_flags PR_POLL_WRITE | PR_POLL_EXCEPT.  When
- *     PR_Poll() returns, one calls PR_ConnectContinue() on the
- *     socket to determine whether the nonblocking connect has
- *     completed or is still in progress.  Repeat the PR_Poll(),
- *     PR_ConnectContinue() sequence until the nonblocking connect
- *     has completed.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *         the file descriptor representing a socket
- *     PRInt16 out_flags
- *         the out_flags field of the poll descriptor returned by
- *         PR_Poll()
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     If the nonblocking connect has successfully completed,
- *     PR_ConnectContinue returns PR_SUCCESS.  If PR_ConnectContinue()
- *     returns PR_FAILURE, call PR_GetError():
- *     - PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR: the nonblocking connect is still in
- *       progress and has not completed yet.  The caller should poll
- *       on the file descriptor for the in_flags
- *       PR_POLL_WRITE|PR_POLL_EXCEPT and retry PR_ConnectContinue
- *       later when PR_Poll() returns.
- *     - Other errors: the nonblocking connect has failed with this
- *       error code.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)    PR_ConnectContinue(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 out_flags);
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * FUNCTION: PR_GetConnectStatus
- *     Get the completion status of a nonblocking connect.  After
- *     a nonblocking connect is initiated with PR_Connect() (which
- *     fails with PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR), one should call PR_Poll()
- *     on the socket, with the in_flags PR_POLL_WRITE | PR_POLL_EXCEPT.
- *     When PR_Poll() returns, one calls PR_GetConnectStatus on the
- *     PRPollDesc structure to determine whether the nonblocking
- *     connect has succeeded or failed.
- *     const PRPollDesc *pd
- *         Pointer to a PRPollDesc whose fd member is the socket,
- *         and in_flags must contain PR_POLL_WRITE and PR_POLL_EXCEPT.
- *         PR_Poll() should have been called and set the out_flags.
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     If the nonblocking connect has successfully completed,
- *     PR_GetConnectStatus returns PR_SUCCESS.  If PR_GetConnectStatus()
- *     returns PR_FAILURE, call PR_GetError():
- *     - PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR: the nonblocking connect is still in
- *       progress and has not completed yet.
- *     - Other errors: the nonblocking connect has failed with this
- *       error code.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)    PR_GetConnectStatus(const PRPollDesc *pd);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Accept
- *     Accept a connection on a socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing the rendezvous socket
- *       on which the caller is willing to accept new connections.
- *     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       Time limit for completion of the accept operation.
- *     PRNetAddr *addr
- *       Returns the address of the connecting entity in its own
- *       communication space. It may be NULL.
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful acceptance of a connection, PR_Accept
- *     returns a valid file descriptor. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
- *     Further failure information can be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*) PR_Accept(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
- *************************************************************************
- *    Bind an address to a socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing a socket.
- *     PRNetAddr *addr
- *       Specifies the address to which the socket will be bound.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     Upon successful binding of an address to a socket, PR_Bind
- *     returns PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further
- *     failure information can be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Bind(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Listen
- *    Listen for connections on a socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing a socket that will be
- *       used to listen for new connections.
- *     PRIntn backlog
- *       Specifies the maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     Upon successful completion of listen request, PR_Listen
- *     returns PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further
- *     failure information can be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Listen(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_Shutdown
- *    Shut down part of a full-duplex connection on a socket.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing a connected socket.
- *     PRIntn how
- *       Specifies the kind of disallowed operations on the socket.
- *           PR_SHUTDOWN_RCV - Further receives will be disallowed
- *           PR_SHUTDOWN_SEND - Further sends will be disallowed
- *           PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH - Further sends and receives will be disallowed
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     Upon successful completion of shutdown request, PR_Shutdown
- *     returns PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further
- *     failure information can be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-typedef enum PRShutdownHow
-    PR_SHUTDOWN_RCV = 0,      /* disallow further receives */
-    PR_SHUTDOWN_SEND = 1,     /* disallow further sends */
-    PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH = 2      /* disallow further receives and sends */
-} PRShutdownHow;
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)    PR_Shutdown(PRFileDesc *fd, PRShutdownHow how);
- *************************************************************************
- *    Receive a specified number of bytes from a connected socket.
- *     The operation will block until some positive number of bytes are 
- *     transferred, a time out has occurred, or there is an error. 
- *     No more than 'amount' bytes will be transferred.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       points to a PRFileDesc object representing a socket.
- *     void *buf
- *       pointer to a buffer to hold the data received.
- *     PRInt32 amount
- *       the size of 'buf' (in bytes)
- *     PRIntn flags
- *       must be zero or PR_MSG_PEEK.
- *     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       Time limit for completion of the receive operation.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRInt32
- *         a positive number indicates the number of bytes actually received.
- *         0 means the network connection is closed.
- *         -1 indicates a failure. The reason for the failure is obtained
- *         by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-#define PR_MSG_PEEK 0x2
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)    PR_Recv(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
- *************************************************************************
- *    Send a specified number of bytes from a connected socket.
- *     The operation will block until all bytes are 
- *     processed, a time out has occurred, or there is an error. 
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       points to a PRFileDesc object representing a socket.
- *     void *buf
- *       pointer to a buffer from where the data is sent.
- *     PRInt32 amount
- *       the size of 'buf' (in bytes)
- *     PRIntn flags
- *        (OBSOLETE - must always be zero)
- *     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       Time limit for completion of the send operation.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRInt32
- *     A positive number indicates the number of bytes successfully processed.
- *     This number must always equal 'amount'. A -1 is an indication that the
- *     operation failed. The reason for the failure is obtained by calling
- *     PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)    PR_Send(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                                PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_RecvFrom
- *     Receive up to a specified number of bytes from socket which may
- *     or may not be connected.
- *     The operation will block until one or more bytes are 
- *     transferred, a time out has occurred, or there is an error. 
- *     No more than 'amount' bytes will be transferred.
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       points to a PRFileDesc object representing a socket.
- *     void *buf
- *       pointer to a buffer to hold the data received.
- *     PRInt32 amount
- *       the size of 'buf' (in bytes)
- *     PRIntn flags
- *        (OBSOLETE - must always be zero)
- *     PRNetAddr *addr
- *       Specifies the address of the sending peer. It may be NULL.
- *     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       Time limit for completion of the receive operation.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRInt32
- *         a positive number indicates the number of bytes actually received.
- *         0 means the network connection is closed.
- *         -1 indicates a failure. The reason for the failure is obtained
- *         by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_RecvFrom(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-    PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
- *************************************************************************
- *    Send a specified number of bytes from an unconnected socket.
- *    The operation will block until all bytes are 
- *    sent, a time out has occurred, or there is an error. 
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       points to a PRFileDesc object representing an unconnected socket.
- *     void *buf
- *       pointer to a buffer from where the data is sent.
- *     PRInt32 amount
- *       the size of 'buf' (in bytes)
- *     PRIntn flags
- *        (OBSOLETE - must always be zero)
- *     PRNetAddr *addr
- *       Specifies the address of the peer.
-.*     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *       Time limit for completion of the send operation.
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRInt32
- *     A positive number indicates the number of bytes successfully sent.
- *     -1 indicates a failure. The reason for the failure is obtained
- *     by calling PR_GetError().
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_SendTo(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** FUNCTION: PR_TransmitFile
-**    Transmitfile sends a complete file (sourceFile) across a socket 
-**    (networkSocket).  If headers is non-NULL, the headers will be sent across
-**    the socket prior to sending the file.
-**    Optionally, the PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag may be passed to
-**    transmitfile.  This flag specifies that transmitfile should close the
-**    socket after sending the data.
-**    PRFileDesc *networkSocket
-**        The socket to send data over
-**    PRFileDesc *sourceFile
-**        The file to send
-**    const void *headers
-**        A pointer to headers to be sent before sending data
-**    PRInt32       hlen
-**        length of header buffers in bytes.
-**    PRTransmitFileFlags       flags
-**        If the flags indicate that the connection should be closed,
-**        it will be done immediately after transferring the file, unless
-**        the operation is unsuccessful. 
-.*     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *        Time limit for completion of the transmit operation.
-**    Returns the number of bytes written or -1 if the operation failed.
-**    If an error occurs while sending the file, the PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_
-**    SOCKET flag is ignored. The reason for the failure is obtained
-**    by calling PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_TransmitFile(
-    PRFileDesc *networkSocket, PRFileDesc *sourceFile,
-    const void *headers, PRInt32 hlen, PRTransmitFileFlags flags,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** FUNCTION: PR_SendFile
-**    PR_SendFile sends data from a file (sendData->fd) across a socket 
-**    (networkSocket).  If specified, a header and/or trailer buffer are sent
-**	  before and after the file, respectively. The file offset, number of bytes
-** 	  of file data to send, the header and trailer buffers are specified in the
-**	  sendData argument.
-**    Optionally, if the PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag is passed, the
-**    socket is closed after successfully sending the data.
-**    PRFileDesc *networkSocket
-**        The socket to send data over
-**    PRSendFileData *sendData
-**        Contains the FD, file offset and length, header and trailer
-**		  buffer specifications.
-**    PRTransmitFileFlags       flags
-**        If the flags indicate that the connection should be closed,
-**        it will be done immediately after transferring the file, unless
-**        the operation is unsuccessful. 
-.*     PRIntervalTime timeout
- *        Time limit for completion of the send operation.
-**    Returns the number of bytes written or -1 if the operation failed.
-**    If an error occurs while sending the file, the PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_
-**    SOCKET flag is ignored. The reason for the failure is obtained
-**    by calling PR_GetError().
-struct PRSendFileData {
-	PRFileDesc	*fd;			/* file to send							*/
-	PRUint32	file_offset;	/* file offset							*/
-	PRSize		file_nbytes;	/* number of bytes of file data to send	*/
-								/* if 0, send data from file_offset to	*/
-								/* end-of-file.							*/
-	const void	*header;		/* header buffer						*/
-	PRInt32		hlen;			/* header len							*/
-	const void	*trailer;		/* trailer buffer						*/
-	PRInt32		tlen;			/* trailer len							*/
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_SendFile(
-    PRFileDesc *networkSocket, PRSendFileData *sendData,
-	PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** FUNCTION: PR_AcceptRead
-**    AcceptRead accepts a new connection, returns the newly created
-**    socket's descriptor and also returns the connecting peer's address.
-**    AcceptRead, as its name suggests, also receives the first block of data 
-**    sent by the peer.
-**    PRFileDesc *listenSock
-**        A socket descriptor that has been called with the PR_Listen() 
-**        function, also known as the rendezvous socket.
-**    void *buf
-**        A pointer to a buffer to receive data sent by the client.  This 
-**        buffer must be large enough to receive <amount> bytes of data
-**        and two PRNetAddr structures, plus an extra 32 bytes. See:
-**    PRInt32 amount
-**        The number of bytes of client data to receive.  Does not include
-**        the size of the PRNetAddr structures.  If 0, no data will be read
-**        from the client.
-**    PRIntervalTime timeout
-**        The timeout interval only applies to the read portion of the 
-**        operation.  PR_AcceptRead will block indefinitely until the 
-**        connection is accepted; the read will timeout after the timeout 
-**        interval elapses.
-**    PRFileDesc **acceptedSock
-**        The file descriptor for the newly connected socket.  This parameter
-**        will only be valid if the function return does not indicate failure.
-**    PRNetAddr  **peerAddr,
-**        The address of the remote socket.  This parameter will only be
-**        valid if the function return does not indicate failure.  The
-**        returned address is not guaranteed to be properly aligned.
-**     The number of bytes read from the client or -1 on failure.  The reason 
-**     for the failure is obtained by calling PR_GetError().
-/* define buffer overhead constant. Add this value to the user's 
-** data length when allocating a buffer to accept data.
-**    Example:
-**    #define USER_DATA_SIZE 10
-**    bytesRead = PR_AcceptRead( s, fd, &a, &p, USER_DATA_SIZE, ...);
-#define PR_ACCEPT_READ_BUF_OVERHEAD (32+(2*sizeof(PRNetAddr)))
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_AcceptRead(
-    PRFileDesc *listenSock, PRFileDesc **acceptedSock,
-    PRNetAddr **peerAddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** FUNCTION: PR_NewTCPSocketPair
-**    Create a new TCP socket pair. The returned descriptors can be used
-**    interchangeably; they are interconnected full-duplex descriptors: data
-**    written to one can be read from the other and vice-versa.
-**    None
-**    PRFileDesc *fds[2]
-**        The file descriptor pair for the newly created TCP sockets.
-** RETURN: PRStatus
-**     Upon successful completion of TCP socket pair, PR_NewTCPSocketPair 
-**     returns PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further
-**     failure information can be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
-** XXX can we implement this on windoze and mac?
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NewTCPSocketPair(PRFileDesc *fds[2]);
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetSockName
-**    Get socket name.  Return the network address for this socket.
-**     PRFileDesc *fd
-**       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing the socket.
-**     PRNetAddr *addr
-**       Returns the address of the socket in its own communication space.
-** RETURN: PRStatus
-**     Upon successful completion, PR_GetSockName returns PR_SUCCESS.  
-**     Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further failure information can 
-**     be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)	PR_GetSockName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr);
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetPeerName
-**    Get name of the connected peer.  Return the network address for the 
-**    connected peer socket.
-**     PRFileDesc *fd
-**       Points to a PRFileDesc object representing the connected peer.
-**     PRNetAddr *addr
-**       Returns the address of the connected peer in its own communication
-**       space.
-** RETURN: PRStatus
-**     Upon successful completion, PR_GetPeerName returns PR_SUCCESS.  
-**     Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further failure information can 
-**     be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)	PR_GetPeerName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)	PR_GetSocketOption(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus)	PR_SetSocketOption(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data);
- *********************************************************************
- *
- * File descriptor inheritance
- *
- *********************************************************************
- */
- ************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_SetFDInheritable
- *    Set the inheritance attribute of a file descriptor.
- *
- *     PRFileDesc *fd
- *       Points to a PRFileDesc object.
- *     PRBool inheritable
- *       If PR_TRUE, the file descriptor fd is set to be inheritable
- *       by a child process.  If PR_FALSE, the file descriptor is set
- *       to be not inheritable by a child process.
- * RETURN: PRStatus
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_SetFDInheritable returns PR_SUCCESS.  
- *     Otherwise, it returns PR_FAILURE.  Further failure information can 
- *     be obtained by calling PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetFDInheritable(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    PRBool inheritable);
- ************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_GetInheritedFD
- *    Get an inherited file descriptor with the specified name.
- *
- *     const char *name
- *       The name of the inherited file descriptor.
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc *
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_GetInheritedFD returns the
- *     inherited file descriptor with the specified name.  Otherwise,  
- *     it returns NULL.  Further failure information can be obtained
- *     by calling PR_GetError().
- *************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc *) PR_GetInheritedFD(const char *name);
- *********************************************************************
- *
- * Memory-mapped files
- *
- *********************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct PRFileMap PRFileMap;
- * protection options for read and write accesses of a file mapping
- */
-typedef enum PRFileMapProtect {
-    PR_PROT_READONLY,     /* read only */
-    PR_PROT_READWRITE,    /* readable, and write is shared */
-    PR_PROT_WRITECOPY     /* readable, and write is private (copy-on-write) */
-} PRFileMapProtect;
-NSPR_API(PRFileMap *) PR_CreateFileMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    PRInt64 size,
-    PRFileMapProtect prot);
- * return the alignment (in bytes) of the offset argument to PR_MemMap
- */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetMemMapAlignment(void);
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_MemMap(
-    PRFileMap *fmap,
-    PROffset64 offset,  /* must be aligned and sized according to the
-                         * return value of PR_GetMemMapAlignment() */
-    PRUint32 len);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_MemUnmap(void *addr, PRUint32 len);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CloseFileMap(PRFileMap *fmap);
- * Synchronously flush the given memory-mapped address range of the given open
- * file to disk. The function does not return until all modified data have
- * been written to disk.
- *
- * On some platforms, the function will call PR_Sync(fd) internally if it is
- * necessary for flushing modified data to disk synchronously.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SyncMemMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len);
- ******************************************************************
- *
- * Interprocess communication
- *
- ******************************************************************
- */
- * Creates an anonymous pipe and returns file descriptors for the
- * read and write ends of the pipe.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CreatePipe(
-    PRFileDesc **readPipe,
-    PRFileDesc **writePipe
-/************** The following definitions are for poll ******************/
-struct PRPollDesc {
-    PRFileDesc* fd;
-    PRInt16 in_flags;
-    PRInt16 out_flags;
-** Bit values for PRPollDesc.in_flags or PRPollDesc.out_flags. Binary-or
-** these together to produce the desired poll request.
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_BACKCOMPAT)
-#include <poll.h>
-#define PR_POLL_ERR     POLLERR     /* only in out_flags */
-#define PR_POLL_NVAL    POLLNVAL    /* only in out_flags when fd is bad */
-#define PR_POLL_HUP     POLLHUP     /* only in out_flags */
-#else  /* _PR_POLL_BACKCOMPAT */
-#define PR_POLL_READ    0x1
-#define PR_POLL_WRITE   0x2
-#define PR_POLL_EXCEPT  0x4
-#define PR_POLL_ERR     0x8         /* only in out_flags */
-#define PR_POLL_NVAL    0x10        /* only in out_flags when fd is bad */
-#define PR_POLL_HUP     0x20        /* only in out_flags */
-#endif  /* _PR_POLL_BACKCOMPAT */
-** FUNCTION:    PR_Poll
-** The call returns as soon as I/O is ready on one or more of the underlying
-** socket objects. A count of the number of ready descriptors is
-** returned unless a timeout occurs in which case zero is returned.
-** PRPollDesc.fd should be set to a pointer to a PRFileDesc object
-** representing a socket. This field can be set to NULL to indicate to
-** PR_Poll that this PRFileDesc object should be ignored.
-** PRPollDesc.in_flags should be set to the desired request
-** (read/write/except or some combination). Upon successful return from
-** this call PRPollDesc.out_flags will be set to indicate what kind of
-** i/o can be performed on the respective descriptor. PR_Poll() uses the
-** out_flags fields as scratch variables during the call. If PR_Poll()
-** returns 0 or -1, the out_flags fields do not contain meaningful values
-** and must not be used.
-**      PRPollDesc *pds         A pointer to an array of PRPollDesc
-**      PRIntn npds             The number of elements in the array
-**                              If this argument is zero PR_Poll is
-**                              equivalent to a PR_Sleep(timeout).
-**      PRIntervalTime timeout  Amount of time the call will block waiting
-**                              for I/O to become ready. If this time expires
-**                              w/o any I/O becoming ready, the result will
-**                              be zero.
-** OUTPUTS:    None
-**      PRInt32                 Number of PRPollDesc's with events or zero
-**                              if the function timed out or -1 on failure.
-**                              The reason for the failure is obtained by
-**                              calling PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_Poll(
-    PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** Pollable events
-** A pollable event is a special kind of file descriptor.
-** The only I/O operation you can perform on a pollable event
-** is to poll it with the PR_POLL_READ flag.  You can't
-** read from or write to a pollable event.
-** The purpose of a pollable event is to combine event waiting
-** with I/O waiting in a single PR_Poll call.  Pollable events
-** are implemented using a pipe or a pair of TCP sockets
-** connected via the loopback address, therefore setting and
-** waiting for pollable events are expensive operating system
-** calls.  Do not use pollable events for general thread
-** synchronization. Use condition variables instead.
-** A pollable event has two states: set and unset.  Events
-** are not queued, so there is no notion of an event count.
-** A pollable event is either set or unset.
-** A new pollable event is created by a PR_NewPollableEvent
-** call and is initially in the unset state.
-** PR_WaitForPollableEvent blocks the calling thread until
-** the pollable event is set, and then it atomically unsets
-** the pollable event before it returns.
-** To set a pollable event, call PR_SetPollableEvent.
-** One can call PR_Poll with the PR_POLL_READ flag on a pollable
-** event.  When the pollable event is set, PR_Poll returns with
-** the PR_POLL_READ flag set in the out_flags.
-** To close a pollable event, call PR_DestroyPollableEvent
-** (not PR_Close).
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc *) PR_NewPollableEvent(void);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DestroyPollableEvent(PRFileDesc *event);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetPollableEvent(PRFileDesc *event);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_WaitForPollableEvent(PRFileDesc *event);
-#endif /* prio_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/pripcsem.h b/nspr/pr/include/pripcsem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a524d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File: pripcsem.h
- *
- * Description: named semaphores for interprocess
- * synchronization
- *
- * Unrelated processes obtain access to a shared semaphore
- * by specifying its name.
- *
- * Our goal is to support named semaphores on at least
- * Unix and Win32 platforms.  The implementation will use
- * one of the three native semaphore APIs: POSIX, System V,
- * and Win32.
- *
- * Because POSIX named semaphores have kernel persistence,
- * we are forced to have a delete function in this API.
- */
-#ifndef pripcsem_h___
-#define pripcsem_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
- * PRSem is an opaque structure that represents a named
- * semaphore.
- */
-typedef struct PRSem PRSem;
- * PR_OpenSemaphore --
- *
- * Create or open a named semaphore with the specified name.
- * A handle to the semaphore is returned.
- *
- * If the named semaphore doesn't exist and the PR_SEM_CREATE
- * flag is specified, the named semaphore is created.  The
- * created semaphore needs to be removed from the system with
- * a PR_DeleteSemaphore call.
- *
- * If PR_SEM_CREATE is specified, the third argument is the
- * access permission bits of the new semaphore (same
- * interpretation as the mode argument to PR_Open) and the
- * fourth argument is the initial value of the new semaphore.
- * If PR_SEM_CREATE is not specified, the third and fourth
- * arguments are ignored.
- */
-#define PR_SEM_CREATE 0x1  /* create if not exist */
-#define PR_SEM_EXCL   0x2  /* fail if already exists */
-NSPR_API(PRSem *) PR_OpenSemaphore(
-    const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode, PRUintn value);
- * PR_WaitSemaphore --
- *
- * If the value of the semaphore is > 0, decrement the value and return.
- * If the value is 0, sleep until the value becomes > 0, then decrement
- * the value and return.
- *
- * The "test and decrement" operation is performed atomically.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_WaitSemaphore(PRSem *sem);
- * PR_PostSemaphore --
- *
- * Increment the value of the named semaphore by 1.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_PostSemaphore(PRSem *sem);
- * PR_CloseSemaphore --
- *
- * Close a named semaphore handle.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CloseSemaphore(PRSem *sem);
- * PR_DeleteSemaphore --
- *
- * Remove a named semaphore from the system.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DeleteSemaphore(const char *name);
-#endif /* pripcsem_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/private/pprio.h b/nspr/pr/include/private/pprio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26bcd0d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:	pprio.h
-** Description:	Private definitions for I/O related structures
-#ifndef pprio_h___
-#define pprio_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#ifdef _WIN64
-typedef __int64 PROsfd;
-typedef PRInt32 PROsfd;
-/* Return the method tables for files, tcp sockets and udp sockets */
-NSPR_API(const PRIOMethods*)    PR_GetFileMethods(void);
-NSPR_API(const PRIOMethods*)    PR_GetTCPMethods(void);
-NSPR_API(const PRIOMethods*)    PR_GetUDPMethods(void);
-NSPR_API(const PRIOMethods*)    PR_GetPipeMethods(void);
-** Convert a NSPR socket handle to a native socket handle.
-** Using this function makes your code depend on the properties of the
-** current NSPR implementation, which may change (although extremely
-** unlikely because of NSPR's backward compatibility requirement).  Avoid
-** using it if you can.
-** If you use this function, you need to understand what NSPR does to
-** the native handle.  For example, NSPR puts native socket handles in
-** non-blocking mode or associates them with an I/O completion port (the
-** WINNT build configuration only).  Your use of the native handle should
-** not interfere with NSPR's use of the native handle.  If your code
-** changes the configuration of the native handle, (e.g., changes it to
-** blocking or closes it), NSPR will not work correctly.
-NSPR_API(PROsfd)       PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(PRFileDesc *);
-NSPR_API(void)         PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle(PRFileDesc *, PROsfd);
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)  PR_AllocFileDesc(PROsfd osfd,
-                                         const PRIOMethods *methods);
-NSPR_API(void)         PR_FreeFileDesc(PRFileDesc *fd);
-** Import an existing OS file to NSPR. 
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)  PR_ImportFile(PROsfd osfd);
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)  PR_ImportPipe(PROsfd osfd);
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)  PR_ImportTCPSocket(PROsfd osfd);
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)  PR_ImportUDPSocket(PROsfd osfd);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_CreateSocketPollFd
- *     Create a PRFileDesc wrapper for a native socket handle, for use with
- *	   PR_Poll only
- *     None
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_CreateSocketPollFd returns a pointer
- *     to the PRFileDesc created for the native socket handle
- *     Returns a NULL pointer if the create of a new PRFileDesc failed
- *
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)	PR_CreateSocketPollFd(PROsfd osfd);
- *************************************************************************
- * FUNCTION: PR_DestroySocketPollFd
- *     Destroy the PRFileDesc wrapper created by PR_CreateSocketPollFd
- *     None
- *     None
- * RETURN: PRFileDesc*
- *     Upon successful completion, PR_DestroySocketPollFd returns
- *
- **************************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DestroySocketPollFd(PRFileDesc *fd);
-** Macros for PR_Socket
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define PR_SOCK_STREAM 1
-#define PR_SOCK_DGRAM 2
-#else /* WIN32 */
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-** Create a new Socket; this function is obsolete.
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)	PR_Socket(PRInt32 domain, PRInt32 type, PRInt32 proto);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_LockFile
-**    Lock a file for exclusive access.
-**    PR_SUCCESS when the lock is held
-**    PR_FAILURE otherwise
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_LockFile(PRFileDesc *fd);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_TLockFile
-**    Test and Lock a file for exclusive access.  Do not block if the
-**    file cannot be locked immediately.
-**    PR_SUCCESS when the lock is held
-**    PR_FAILURE otherwise
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_TLockFile(PRFileDesc *fd);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_UnlockFile
-**    Unlock a file which has been previously locked successfully by this
-**    process.
-**    PR_SUCCESS when the lock is released
-**    PR_FAILURE otherwise
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_UnlockFile(PRFileDesc *fd);
-** Emulate acceptread by accept and recv.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_EmulateAcceptRead(PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd,
-    PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** Emulate sendfile by reading from the file and writing to the socket.
-** The file is memory-mapped if memory-mapped files are supported.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_EmulateSendFile(
-    PRFileDesc *networkSocket, PRSendFileData *sendData,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#ifdef WIN32
-/* FUNCTION: PR_NTFast_AcceptRead
-**    NT has the notion of an "accept context", which is only needed in
-**    order to make certain calls.  By default, a socket connected via
-**    AcceptEx can only do a limited number of things without updating
-**    the acceptcontext.  The generic version of PR_AcceptRead always
-**    updates the accept context.  This version does not.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_NTFast_AcceptRead(PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd,
-              PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime t);
-typedef void (*_PR_AcceptTimeoutCallback)(void *);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_NTFast_AcceptRead_WithTimeoutCallback
-**    The AcceptEx call combines the accept with the read function.  However,
-**    our daemon threads need to be able to wakeup and reliably flush their
-**    log buffers if the Accept times out.  However, with the current blocking
-**    interface to AcceptRead, there is no way for us to timeout the Accept;
-**    this is because when we timeout the Read, we can close the newly 
-**    socket and continue; but when we timeout the accept itself, there is no
-**    new socket to timeout.  So instead, this version of the function is
-**    provided.  After the initial timeout period elapses on the accept()
-**    portion of the function, it will call the callback routine and then
-**    continue the accept.   If the timeout occurs on the read, it will 
-**    close the connection and return error.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_NTFast_AcceptRead_WithTimeoutCallback(
-              PRFileDesc *sd, 
-              PRFileDesc **nd,
-              PRNetAddr **raddr, 
-              void *buf, 
-              PRInt32 amount, 
-              PRIntervalTime t,
-              _PR_AcceptTimeoutCallback callback, 
-              void *callback_arg);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_NTFast_Accept
-**    NT has the notion of an "accept context", which is only needed in
-**    order to make certain calls.  By default, a socket connected via
-**    AcceptEx can only do a limited number of things without updating
-**    the acceptcontext.  The generic version of PR_Accept always
-**    updates the accept context.  This version does not.
-NSPR_API(PRFileDesc*)	PR_NTFast_Accept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-                                                PRIntervalTime timeout);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_NTFast_Update
-**    For sockets accepted with PR_NTFast_Accept or PR_NTFastAcceptRead,
-**    this function will update the accept context for those sockets,
-**    so that the socket can make general purpose socket calls.
-**    Without calling this, the only operations supported on the socket
-**    Are PR_Read, PR_Write, PR_Transmitfile, and PR_Close.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_NTFast_UpdateAcceptContext(PRFileDesc *acceptSock, 
-                                        PRFileDesc *listenSock);
-/* FUNCTION: PR_NT_CancelIo
-**    Cancel IO operations on fd.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NT_CancelIo(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#endif /* pprio_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/private/pprmwait.h b/nspr/pr/include/private/pprmwait.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e4057c..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#if defined(_PPRMWAIT_H)
-#define _PPRMWAIT_H
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
-#include "prthread.h"
-#define _PR_POLL_COUNT_FUDGE 64
- * Our hash table resolves collisions by open addressing with
- * double hashing.  See Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest,
- * Introduction to Algorithms, p. 232, The MIT Press, 1990.
- */
-#define _MW_HASH(a, m) ((((PRUptrdiff)(a) >> 4) ^ ((PRUptrdiff)(a) >> 10)) % (m))
-#define _MW_HASH2(a, m) (1 + ((((PRUptrdiff)(a) >> 4) ^ ((PRUptrdiff)(a) >> 10)) % (m - 2)))
-#define _MW_ABORTED(_rv) \
-    ((PR_FAILURE == (_rv)) && (PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR == PR_GetError()))
-typedef enum {_prmw_success, _prmw_rehash, _prmw_error} _PR_HashStory;
-typedef struct _PRWaiterHash
-    PRUint16 count;             /* current number in hash table */
-    PRUint16 length;            /* current size of the hash table */
-    PRRecvWait *recv_wait;      /* hash table of receive wait objects */
-} _PRWaiterHash;
-typedef enum {_prmw_running, _prmw_stopping, _prmw_stopped} PRMWGroupState;
-struct PRWaitGroup
-    PRCList group_link;         /* all groups are linked to each other */
-    PRCList io_ready;           /* list of I/O requests that are ready */
-    PRMWGroupState state;       /* state of this group (so we can shut down) */
-    PRLock *ml;                 /* lock for synchronizing this wait group */
-    PRCondVar *io_taken;        /* calling threads notify when they take I/O */
-    PRCondVar *io_complete;     /* calling threads wait here for completions */
-    PRCondVar *new_business;    /* polling thread waits here more work */
-    PRCondVar *mw_manage;       /* used to manage group lists */
-    PRThread* poller;           /* thread that's actually doing the poll() */
-    PRUint16 waiting_threads;   /* number of threads waiting for recv */
-    PRUint16 polling_count;     /* number of elements in the polling list */
-    PRUint32 p_timestamp;       /* pseudo-time group had element removed */
-    PRPollDesc *polling_list;   /* list poller builds for polling */
-    PRIntervalTime last_poll;   /* last time we polled */
-    _PRWaiterHash *waiter;      /* pointer to hash table of wait receive objects */
-#ifdef WINNT
-    /*
-     * On NT, idle threads are responsible for getting completed i/o.
-     * They need to add completed i/o to the io_ready list.  Since
-     * idle threads cannot use nspr locks, we have to use an md lock
-     * to protect the io_ready list.
-     */
-    _MDLock mdlock;             /* protect io_ready, waiter, and wait_list */
-    PRCList wait_list;          /* used in place of io_complete.  reuse
-                                 * waitQLinks in the PRThread structure. */
-#endif /* WINNT */
-******************** Wait group enumerations **************************
-typedef struct _PRGlobalState
-    PRCList group_list;         /* master of the group list */
-    PRWaitGroup *group;         /* the default (NULL) group */
-} _PRGlobalState;
-#ifdef WINNT
-extern PRStatus NT_HashRemoveInternal(PRWaitGroup *group, PRFileDesc *fd);
-typedef enum {_PR_ENUM_UNSEALED=0, _PR_ENUM_SEALED=0x0eadface} _PREnumSeal;
-struct PRMWaitEnumerator
-    PRWaitGroup *group;       /* group this enumerator is bound to */
-    PRThread *thread;               /* thread in midst of an enumeration */
-    _PREnumSeal seal;               /* trying to detect deleted objects */
-    PRUint32 p_timestamp;           /* when enumeration was (re)started */
-    PRRecvWait **waiter;            /* pointer into hash table */
-    PRUintn index;                  /* position in hash table */
-    void *pad[4];                   /* some room to grow */
-#endif /* defined(_PPRMWAIT_H) */
-/* pprmwait.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/private/pprthred.h b/nspr/pr/include/private/pprthred.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eb60bae..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef pprthred_h___
-#define pprthred_h___
-** API for PR private functions.  These calls are to be used by internal
-** developers only.
-#include "nspr.h"
-#if defined(XP_OS2)
-#define INCL_DOS
-#define INCL_WIN
-#include <os2.h>
-** Associate a thread object with an existing native thread.
-** 	"type" is the type of thread object to attach
-** 	"priority" is the priority to assign to the thread
-** 	"stack" defines the shape of the threads stack
-** This can return NULL if some kind of error occurs, or if memory is
-** tight. This call invokes "start(obj,arg)" and returns when the
-** function returns. The thread object is automatically destroyed.
-** This call is not normally needed unless you create your own native
-** thread. PR_Init does this automatically for the primordial thread.
-NSPR_API(PRThread*) PR_AttachThread(PRThreadType type,
-                                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-				     PRThreadStack *stack);
-** Detach the nspr thread from the currently executing native thread.
-** The thread object will be destroyed and all related data attached
-** to it. The exit procs will be invoked.
-** This call is not normally needed unless you create your own native
-** thread. PR_Exit will automatially detach the nspr thread object
-** created by PR_Init for the primordial thread.
-** This call returns after the nspr thread object is destroyed.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DetachThread(void);
-** Get the id of the named thread. Each thread is assigned a unique id
-** when it is created or attached.
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_GetThreadID(PRThread *thread);
-** Set the procedure that is called when a thread is dumped. The procedure
-** will be applied to the argument, arg, when called. Setting the procedure
-** to NULL effectively removes it.
-typedef void (*PRThreadDumpProc)(PRFileDesc *fd, PRThread *t, void *arg);
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetThreadDumpProc(
-    PRThread* thread, PRThreadDumpProc dump, void *arg);
-** Get this thread's affinity mask.  The affinity mask is a 32 bit quantity
-** marking a bit for each processor this process is allowed to run on.
-** The processor mask is returned in the mask argument.
-** The least-significant-bit represents processor 0.
-** Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetThreadAffinityMask(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 *mask);
-** Set this thread's affinity mask.  
-** Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_SetThreadAffinityMask(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 mask );
-** Set the default CPU Affinity mask.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_SetCPUAffinityMask(PRUint32 mask);
-** Show status of all threads to standard error output.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ShowStatus(void);
-** Set thread recycle mode to on (1) or off (0)
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetThreadRecycleMode(PRUint32 flag);
-** Only Garbage collectible threads participate in resume all, suspend all and 
-** enumeration operations.  They are also different during creation when
-** platform specific action may be needed (For example, all Solaris GC able
-** threads are bound threads).
-** Same as PR_CreateThread except that the thread is marked as garbage
-** collectible.
-NSPR_API(PRThread*) PR_CreateThreadGCAble(PRThreadType type,
-				     void (*start)(void *arg),
-				     void *arg,
-				     PRThreadPriority priority,
-				     PRThreadScope scope,
-				     PRThreadState state,
-				     PRUint32 stackSize);
-** Same as PR_AttachThread except that the thread being attached is marked as 
-** garbage collectible.
-NSPR_API(PRThread*) PR_AttachThreadGCAble(PRThreadType type,
-					PRThreadPriority priority,
-					PRThreadStack *stack);
-** Mark the thread as garbage collectible.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetThreadGCAble(void);
-** Unmark the thread as garbage collectible.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ClearThreadGCAble(void);
-** This routine prevents all other GC able threads from running. This call is needed by 
-** the garbage collector.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SuspendAll(void);
-** This routine unblocks all other GC able threads that were suspended from running by 
-** PR_SuspendAll(). This call is needed by the garbage collector.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ResumeAll(void);
-** Return the thread stack pointer of the given thread. 
-** Needed by the garbage collector.
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_GetSP(PRThread *thread);
-** Save the registers that the GC would find interesting into the thread
-** "t". isCurrent will be non-zero if the thread state that is being
-** saved is the currently executing thread. Return the address of the
-** first register to be scanned as well as the number of registers to
-** scan in "np".
-** If "isCurrent" is non-zero then it is allowed for the thread context
-** area to be used as scratch storage to hold just the registers
-** necessary for scanning.
-** This function simply calls the internal function _MD_HomeGCRegisters().
-NSPR_API(PRWord *) PR_GetGCRegisters(PRThread *t, int isCurrent, int *np);
-** (Get|Set)ExecutionEnvironent
-** Used by Java to associate it's execution environment so garbage collector
-** can find it. If return is NULL, then it's probably not a collectable thread.
-** There's no locking required around these calls.
-NSPR_API(void*) GetExecutionEnvironment(PRThread *thread);
-NSPR_API(void) SetExecutionEnvironment(PRThread* thread, void *environment);
-** Enumeration function that applies "func(thread,i,arg)" to each active
-** thread in the process. The enumerator returns PR_SUCCESS if the enumeration
-** should continue, any other value is considered failure, and enumeration
-** stops, returning the failure value from PR_EnumerateThreads.
-** Needed by the garbage collector.
-typedef PRStatus (PR_CALLBACK *PREnumerator)(PRThread *t, int i, void *arg);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_EnumerateThreads(PREnumerator func, void *arg);
-** Signature of a thread stack scanning function. It is applied to every
-** contiguous group of potential pointers within a thread. Count denotes the
-** number of pointers. 
-typedef PRStatus 
-(PR_CALLBACK *PRScanStackFun)(PRThread* t,
-			      void** baseAddr, PRUword count, void* closure);
-** Applies scanFun to all contiguous groups of potential pointers 
-** within a thread. This includes the stack, registers, and thread-local
-** data. If scanFun returns a status value other than PR_SUCCESS the scan
-** is aborted, and the status value is returned. 
-PR_ThreadScanStackPointers(PRThread* t,
-                           PRScanStackFun scanFun, void* scanClosure);
-** Calls PR_ThreadScanStackPointers for every thread.
-PR_ScanStackPointers(PRScanStackFun scanFun, void* scanClosure);
-** Returns a conservative estimate on the amount of stack space left
-** on a thread in bytes, sufficient for making decisions about whether 
-** to continue recursing or not.
-PR_GetStackSpaceLeft(PRThread* t);
-** Get a pointer to the primordial CPU.
-NSPR_API(struct _PRCPU *) _PR_GetPrimordialCPU(void);
-** Create a new named monitor (named for debugging purposes).
-**  Monitors are re-entrant locks with a built-in condition variable.
-** This may fail if memory is tight or if some operating system resource
-** is low.
-NSPR_API(PRMonitor*) PR_NewNamedMonitor(const char* name);
-** Test and then lock the lock if it's not already locked by some other
-** thread. Return PR_FALSE if some other thread owned the lock at the
-** time of the call.
-NSPR_API(PRBool) PR_TestAndLock(PRLock *lock);
-** Test and then enter the mutex associated with the monitor if it's not
-** already entered by some other thread. Return PR_FALSE if some other
-** thread owned the mutex at the time of the call.
-NSPR_API(PRBool) PR_TestAndEnterMonitor(PRMonitor *mon);
-** Return the number of times that the current thread has entered the
-** mutex. Returns zero if the current thread has not entered the mutex.
-NSPR_API(PRIntn) PR_GetMonitorEntryCount(PRMonitor *mon);
-** Just like PR_CEnterMonitor except that if the monitor is owned by
-** another thread NULL is returned.
-NSPR_API(PRMonitor*) PR_CTestAndEnterMonitor(void *address);
-#if defined(IRIX)
-** Irix specific initialization funtion to be called before PR_Init
-** is called by the application. Sets the CONF_INITUSERS and CONF_INITSIZE
-** attributes of the shared arena set up by nspr.
-** The environment variables _NSPR_IRIX_INITUSERS and _NSPR_IRIX_INITSIZE
-** can also be used to set these arena attributes. If _NSPR_IRIX_INITUSERS
-** is set, but not _NSPR_IRIX_INITSIZE, the value of the CONF_INITSIZE
-** attribute of the nspr arena is scaled as a function of the
-** If the _PR_Irix_Set_Arena_Params() is called in addition to setting the
-** environment variables, the values of the environment variables are used.
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_Irix_Set_Arena_Params(PRInt32 initusers, PRInt32 initsize);
-#endif /* IRIX */
-#if defined(XP_OS2)
-** These functions need to be called at the start and end of a thread.
-** An EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD must be declared on the stack and its
-** address passed to the two functions.
-#endif /* XP_OS2 */
-/* I think PR_GetMonitorEntryCount is useless. All you really want is this... */
-#define PR_InMonitor(m)		(PR_GetMonitorEntryCount(m) > 0)
-** Special X-Lock hack for client
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-extern void PR_XLock(void);
-extern void PR_XUnlock(void);
-extern PRBool PR_XIsLocked(void);
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-#endif /* pprthred_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/private/primpl.h b/nspr/pr/include/private/primpl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ba3ee..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/private/primpl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2151 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef primpl_h___
-#define primpl_h___
- * HP-UX 10.10's pthread.h (DCE threads) includes dce/cma.h, which
- * has:
- *     #define sigaction _sigaction_sys
- * This macro causes chaos if signal.h gets included before pthread.h.
- * To be safe, we include pthread.h first.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#include <pthread.h>
-#if defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-#include <kernel/OS.h>
-#ifdef WIN32
- * Allow use of functions and symbols first defined in Win2k.
- */
-#if !defined(WINVER) || (WINVER < 0x0500)
-#undef WINVER
-#define WINVER 0x0500
-#if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500)
-#undef _WIN32_WINNT
-#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "prpriv.h"
-typedef struct PRSegment PRSegment;
-#include "md/prosdep.h"
-#include "obsolete/probslet.h"
-#include <semaphore.h>
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_SYSV_SEMAPHORES)
-#include <sys/sem.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-*****  A Word about Model Dependent Function Naming Convention ***********
-NSPR 2.0 must implement its function across a range of platforms 
-including: MAC, Windows/16, Windows/95, Windows/NT, and several
-variants of Unix. Each implementation shares common code as well 
-as having platform dependent portions. This standard describes how
-the model dependent portions are to be implemented.
-In header file pr/include/primpl.h, each publicly declared 
-platform dependent function is declared as:
-NSPR_API void _PR_MD_FUNCTION( long arg1, long arg2 );
-In header file pr/include/md/<platform>/_<platform>.h, 
-each #define'd macro is redefined as one of:
-#define _MD_FUNCTION <blanks>
-#define _MD_FUNCTION <expanded macro>
-#define _MD_FUNCTION <osFunction>
-#define _MD_FUNCTION <_MD_Function>
-<blanks> is no definition at all. In this case, the function is not implemented 
-and is never called for this platform. 
-For example: 
-#define _MD_INIT_CPUS()
-<expanded macro> is a C language macro expansion. 
-For example: 
-#define        _MD_CLEAN_THREAD(_thread) \
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(_thread->md.asyncIOCVar); \
-        PR_DestroyLock(_thread->md.asyncIOLock); \
-<osFunction> is some function implemented by the host operating system. 
-For example: 
-#define _MD_EXIT        exit
-<_MD_function> is the name of a function implemented for this platform in 
-pr/src/md/<platform>/<soruce>.c file. 
-For example: 
-#define        _MD_GETFILEINFO         _MD_GetFileInfo
-In <source>.c, the implementation is:
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) _MD_GetFileInfo(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info);
-typedef struct _MDLock _MDLock;
-typedef struct _MDCVar _MDCVar;
-typedef struct _MDSegment _MDSegment;
-typedef struct _MDThread _MDThread;
-typedef struct _MDThreadStack _MDThreadStack;
-typedef struct _MDSemaphore _MDSemaphore;
-typedef struct _MDDir _MDDir;
-typedef struct _MDDirUTF16 _MDDirUTF16;
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-typedef struct _MDFileDesc _MDFileDesc;
-typedef struct _MDProcess _MDProcess;
-typedef struct _MDFileMap _MDFileMap;
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-** The following definitions are unique to implementing NSPR using pthreads.
-** Since pthreads defines most of the thread and thread synchronization
-** stuff, this is a pretty small set.
-typedef struct _PT_Notified _PT_Notified;
-struct _PT_Notified
-    PRIntn length;              /* # of used entries in this structure */
-    struct
-    {
-        PRCondVar *cv;          /* the condition variable notified */
-        PRIntn times;           /* and the number of times notified */
-    _PT_Notified *link;         /* link to another of these | NULL */
- * bits defined for pthreads 'state' field 
- */
-#define PT_THREAD_DETACHED  0x01    /* thread can't be joined */
-#define PT_THREAD_GLOBAL    0x02    /* a global thread (unlikely) */
-#define PT_THREAD_SYSTEM    0x04    /* system (not user) thread */
-#define PT_THREAD_PRIMORD   0x08    /* this is the primordial thread */
-#define PT_THREAD_ABORTED   0x10    /* thread has been interrupted */
-#define PT_THREAD_GCABLE    0x20    /* thread is garbage collectible */
-#define PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED 0x40    /* thread has been suspended */
-#define PT_THREAD_FOREIGN   0x80    /* thread is not one of ours */
-#define PT_THREAD_BOUND     0x100    /* a bound-global thread */
-#define _PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(thr)					\
-		(!(thr->interrupt_blocked) && (thr->state & PT_THREAD_ABORTED))
-#define _PT_THREAD_BLOCK_INTERRUPT(thr)				\
-		(thr->interrupt_blocked = 1)
-		(thr->interrupt_blocked = 0)
-#define _PT_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thr) ((thr)->state & PT_THREAD_GCABLE)
-** Possible values for thread's suspend field
-** Note that the first two can be the same as they are really mutually exclusive,
-** i.e. both cannot be happening at the same time. We have two symbolic names
-** just as a mnemonic.
-#define PT_THREAD_RESUMED   0x80    /* thread has been resumed */
-#define PT_THREAD_SETGCABLE 0x100   /* set the GCAble flag */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-typedef struct PTDebug
-    PRTime timeStarted;
-    PRUintn locks_created, locks_destroyed;
-    PRUintn locks_acquired, locks_released;
-    PRUintn cvars_created, cvars_destroyed;
-    PRUintn cvars_notified, delayed_cv_deletes;
-} PTDebug;
-#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */
-NSPR_API(void) PT_FPrintStats(PRFileDesc *fd, const char *msg);
- * On Linux and its derivatives POSIX priority scheduling works only for
- * real-time threads. On those platforms we set thread's nice values
- * instead which requires us to track kernel thread IDs for each POSIX
- * thread we create.
- */
-#if defined(LINUX) && defined(HAVE_SETPRIORITY) && \
-    ((defined(HAVE_SYSCALL) && defined(SYS_gettid)) || defined(HAVE_GETTID))
-#else /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-NSPR_API(void) PT_FPrintStats(PRFileDesc *fd, const char *msg);
-** This section is contains those parts needed to implement NSPR on
-** platforms in general. One would assume that the pthreads implementation
-** included lots of the same types, at least conceptually.
- * Local threads only.  No multiple CPU support and hence all the
- * following routines are no-op.
- */
-#define        _PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(thread)        
-#define        _PR_MD_RESUME_THREAD(thread)        
-#define        _PR_MD_SUSPEND_CPU(cpu)        
-#define        _PR_MD_RESUME_CPU(cpu)        
-#define        _PR_MD_BEGIN_SUSPEND_ALL()        
-#define        _PR_MD_END_SUSPEND_ALL()        
-#define        _PR_MD_BEGIN_RESUME_ALL()        
-#define        _PR_MD_END_RESUME_ALL()
-typedef struct _PRCPUQueue _PRCPUQueue;
-typedef struct _PRCPU _PRCPU;
-typedef struct _MDCPU _MDCPU;
-struct _PRCPUQueue {
-    _MDLock  runQLock;          /* lock for the run + wait queues */
-    _MDLock  sleepQLock;        /* lock for the run + wait queues */
-    _MDLock  miscQLock;         /* lock for the run + wait queues */
-    PRCList runQ[PR_PRIORITY_LAST + 1]; /* run queue for this CPU */
-    PRUint32  runQReadyMask;
-    PRCList sleepQ;
-    PRIntervalTime sleepQmax;
-    PRCList pauseQ;
-    PRCList suspendQ;
-    PRCList waitingToJoinQ;
-    PRUintn   numCPUs;          /* number of CPUs using this Q */
-struct _PRCPU {
-    PRCList links;              /* link list of CPUs */
-    PRUint32 id;                /* id for this CPU */
-    union {
-        PRInt32 bits;
-        PRUint8 missed[4];
-    } u;
-    PRIntn where;               /* index into u.missed */
-    PRPackedBool paused;        /* cpu is paused */
-    PRPackedBool exit;          /* cpu should exit */
-    PRThread *thread;           /* native thread for this CPUThread */
-    PRThread *idle_thread;      /* user-level idle thread for this CPUThread */
-    PRIntervalTime last_clock;  /* the last time we went into 
-                                 * _PR_ClockInterrupt() on this CPU
-                                 */
-    _PRCPUQueue *queue;
-    _MDCPU md;
-typedef struct _PRInterruptTable {
-    const char *name;
-    PRUintn missed_bit;
-    void (*handler)(void);
-} _PRInterruptTable;
-#define _PR_CPU_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((_PRCPU*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(_PRCPU,links)))
-#if !defined(IRIX) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(XP_OS2) \
-        && !(defined(SOLARIS) && defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY))
-NSPR_API(struct _PRCPU *)              _pr_currentCPU;
-NSPR_API(PRThread *)                   _pr_currentThread;
-NSPR_API(PRThread *)                   _pr_lastThread;
-NSPR_API(PRInt32)                      _pr_intsOff;
-#define _MD_CURRENT_CPU()               (_pr_currentCPU)
-#define _MD_SET_CURRENT_CPU(_cpu)       (_pr_currentCPU = (_cpu))
-#define _MD_CURRENT_THREAD()            (_pr_currentThread)
-#define _MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(_thread) (_pr_currentThread = (_thread))
-#define _MD_LAST_THREAD()               (_pr_lastThread)
-#define _MD_SET_LAST_THREAD(t)          (_pr_lastThread = t)
-#define _MD_GET_INTSOFF()               (_pr_intsOff)
-#define _MD_SET_INTSOFF(_val)           (_pr_intsOff = _val)
-/* The unbalanced curly braces in these two macros are intentional */
-#define _PR_LOCK_HEAP() { PRIntn _is; if (_pr_currentCPU) _PR_INTSOFF(_is);
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_HEAP() if (_pr_currentCPU) _PR_INTSON(_is); }
-#endif /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-extern PRInt32                  _native_threads_only;
-#define _MD_GET_INTSOFF() 0
-#define _MD_SET_INTSOFF(_val)
-#define _PR_INTSOFF(_is)
-#define _PR_FAST_INTSON(_is)
-#define _PR_INTSON(_is)
-#define _PR_THREAD_LOCK(_thread)
-#define _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(_thread)
-#define _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu)
-#define _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu)
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_CPU_LIST_LOCK()
-#define _PR_CPU_LIST_UNLOCK()
-#define _PR_ADD_RUNQ(_thread, _cpu, _pri)
-#define _PR_DEL_RUNQ(_thread)
-#define _PR_ADD_SLEEPQ(_thread, _timeout)
-#define _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(_thread, _propogate)
-#define _PR_ADD_JOINQ(_thread, _cpu)
-#define _PR_DEL_JOINQ(_thread)
-#define _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(_thread, _cpu)
-#define _PR_DEL_SUSPENDQ(_thread)
-#define _PR_THREAD_SWITCH_CPU(_thread, _newCPU)
-#define _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) 1
-#define _PR_INTSOFF(_is) \
-        (_is) = _PR_MD_GET_INTSOFF(); \
-        _PR_MD_SET_INTSOFF(1); \
-#define _PR_FAST_INTSON(_is) \
-        _PR_MD_SET_INTSOFF(_is); \
-#define _PR_INTSON(_is) \
-        if ((_is == 0) && (_PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU())->u.bits) \
-                _PR_IntsOn((_PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU())); \
-        _PR_MD_SET_INTSOFF(_is); \
-#define _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) 0
-#define _PR_THREAD_LOCK(_thread)
-#define _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(_thread)
-#define _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu)
-#define _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu)
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread)
-#define _PR_CPU_LIST_LOCK()
-#define _PR_CPU_LIST_UNLOCK()
-#define _PR_ADD_RUNQ(_thread, _cpu, _pri) \
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&(_thread)->links, &_PR_RUNQ(_cpu)[_pri]); \
-    _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(_cpu) |= (1L << _pri); \
-#define _PR_DEL_RUNQ(_thread) \
-    _PRCPU *_cpu = _thread->cpu; \
-    PRInt32 _pri = _thread->priority; \
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&(_thread)->links); \
-    if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&_PR_RUNQ(_cpu)[_pri])) \
-        _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(_cpu) &= ~(1L << _pri); \
-#define _PR_ADD_SLEEPQ(_thread, _timeout) \
-    _PR_AddSleepQ(_thread, _timeout);   
-#define _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(_thread, _propogate) \
-    _PR_DelSleepQ(_thread, _propogate);  
-#define _PR_ADD_JOINQ(_thread, _cpu) \
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&(_thread)->links, &_PR_WAITINGTOJOINQ(_cpu));
-#define _PR_DEL_JOINQ(_thread) \
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&(_thread)->links);
-#define _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(_thread, _cpu) \
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&(_thread)->links, &_PR_SUSPENDQ(_cpu));
-#define _PR_DEL_SUSPENDQ(_thread) \
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&(_thread)->links);
-#define _PR_THREAD_SWITCH_CPU(_thread, _newCPU)
-#else        /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-/* These are for the "combined" thread model */
-#define _PR_THREAD_LOCK(_thread) \
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&(_thread)->threadLock);
-#define _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(_thread) \
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&(_thread)->threadLock);
-#define _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(_cpu) \
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&(_cpu)->queue->runQLock );\
-#define _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(_cpu) \
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&(_cpu)->queue->runQLock );\
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(_cpu) \
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&(_cpu)->queue->sleepQLock );
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(_cpu) \
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&(_cpu)->queue->sleepQLock );
-#define _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(_cpu) \
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&(_cpu)->queue->miscQLock );
-#define _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(_cpu) \
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&(_cpu)->queue->miscQLock );
-#define _PR_CPU_LIST_LOCK()                 _PR_MD_LOCK(&_pr_cpuLock)
-#define _PR_CPU_LIST_UNLOCK()               _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&_pr_cpuLock)
-#define QUEUE_RUN           0x1
-#define QUEUE_SLEEP         0x2
-#define QUEUE_JOIN          0x4
-#define QUEUE_SUSPEND       0x8
-#define QUEUE_LOCK          0x10
-#define _PR_ADD_RUNQ(_thread, _cpu, _pri) \
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&(_thread)->links, &_PR_RUNQ(_cpu)[_pri]); \
-    _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(_cpu) |= (1L << _pri); \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == 0); \
-    (_thread)->queueCount = QUEUE_RUN; \
-#define _PR_DEL_RUNQ(_thread) \
-    _PRCPU *_cpu = _thread->cpu; \
-    PRInt32 _pri = _thread->priority; \
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&(_thread)->links); \
-    if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&_PR_RUNQ(_cpu)[_pri])) \
-        _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(_cpu) &= ~(1L << _pri); \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == QUEUE_RUN);\
-    (_thread)->queueCount = 0; \
-#define _PR_ADD_SLEEPQ(_thread, _timeout) \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == 0); \
-    (_thread)->queueCount = QUEUE_SLEEP; \
-    _PR_AddSleepQ(_thread, _timeout);  
-#define _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(_thread, _propogate) \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == QUEUE_SLEEP);\
-    (_thread)->queueCount = 0; \
-    _PR_DelSleepQ(_thread, _propogate);  
-#define _PR_ADD_JOINQ(_thread, _cpu) \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == 0); \
-    (_thread)->queueCount = QUEUE_JOIN; \
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&(_thread)->links, &_PR_WAITINGTOJOINQ(_cpu));
-#define _PR_DEL_JOINQ(_thread) \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == QUEUE_JOIN);\
-    (_thread)->queueCount = 0; \
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&(_thread)->links);
-#define _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(_thread, _cpu) \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == 0); \
-    (_thread)->queueCount = QUEUE_SUSPEND; \
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&(_thread)->links, &_PR_SUSPENDQ(_cpu));
-#define _PR_DEL_SUSPENDQ(_thread) \
-    PR_ASSERT((_thread)->queueCount == QUEUE_SUSPEND);\
-    (_thread)->queueCount = 0; \
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&(_thread)->links);
-#define _PR_THREAD_SWITCH_CPU(_thread, _newCPU) \
-    (_thread)->cpu = (_newCPU);
-#define _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) (thread->flags & _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE)
-#endif /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-#define _PR_SET_RESCHED_FLAG() _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU()->u.missed[3] = 1
-#define _PR_CLEAR_RESCHED_FLAG() _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU()->u.missed[3] = 0
-extern _PRInterruptTable _pr_interruptTable[];
-/* Bits for _pr_interruptState.u.missed[0,1] */
-#define _PR_MISSED_CLOCK    0x1
-#define _PR_MISSED_IO        0x2
-#define _PR_MISSED_CHILD    0x4
-extern void _PR_IntsOn(_PRCPU *cpu);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_WakeupCPU(void);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_PauseCPU(void);
-#define _PR_LOCK_LOCK(_lock) \
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&(_lock)->ilock);
-#define _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(_lock) \
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&(_lock)->ilock);
-extern void _PR_UnblockLockWaiter(PRLock *lock);
-extern PRStatus _PR_InitLock(PRLock *lock);
-extern void _PR_FreeLock(PRLock *lock);
-#define _PR_LOCK_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRLock*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(PRLock,links)))
-#define _PR_CVAR_LOCK(_cvar) \
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&(_cvar)->ilock); 
-#define _PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(_cvar) \
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&(_cvar)->ilock);
-extern PRStatus _PR_InitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *lock);
-extern void _PR_FreeCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar);
-extern PRStatus _PR_WaitCondVar(
-    PRThread *thread, PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *lock, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern void _PR_NotifyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRThread *me);
-extern PRUint32 _PR_CondVarToString(PRCondVar *cvar, char *buf, PRUint32 buflen);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_Notify(PRMonitor *mon, PRBool all, PRBool sticky);
-/* PRThread.flags */
-#define _PR_SYSTEM          0x01
-#define _PR_INTERRUPT       0x02
-#define _PR_ATTACHED        0x04        /* created via PR_AttachThread */
-#define _PR_PRIMORDIAL      0x08        /* the thread that called PR_Init */
-#define _PR_ON_SLEEPQ       0x10        /* thread is on the sleepQ */
-#define _PR_ON_PAUSEQ       0x20        /* thread is on the pauseQ */
-#define _PR_SUSPENDING      0x40        /* thread wants to suspend */
-#define _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE    0x80        /* thread is global scope */
-#define _PR_IDLE_THREAD     0x200       /* this is an idle thread        */
-#define _PR_GCABLE_THREAD   0x400       /* this is a collectable thread */
-#define _PR_BOUND_THREAD    0x800       /* a bound thread */
-#define _PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED	0x1000	/* interrupts blocked */
-/* PRThread.state */
-#define _PR_UNBORN       0
-#define _PR_RUNNABLE     1
-#define _PR_RUNNING      2
-#define _PR_LOCK_WAIT    3
-#define _PR_COND_WAIT    4
-#define _PR_JOIN_WAIT    5
-#define _PR_IO_WAIT      6
-#define _PR_SUSPENDED    7
-#define _PR_DEAD_STATE   8  /* for debugging */
-/* PRThreadStack.flags */
-#define _PR_STACK_VM            0x1    /* using vm instead of malloc */
-#define _PR_STACK_MAPPED        0x2    /* vm is mapped */
-#define _PR_STACK_PRIMORDIAL    0x4    /* stack for primordial thread */
-** If the default stcksize from the client is zero, we need to pick a machine
-** dependent value.  This is only for standard user threads.  For custom threads,
-** 0 has a special meaning.
-** Adjust stackSize. Round up to a page boundary.
-#define        _PR_ADJUST_STACKSIZE(stackSize) \
-        PR_BEGIN_MACRO \
-    if (stackSize == 0) \
-                stackSize = _MD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE; \
-    if (stackSize < _MD_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE) \
-                stackSize = _MD_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE; \
-    stackSize = (stackSize + (1 << _pr_pageShift) - 1) >> _pr_pageShift; \
-    stackSize <<= _pr_pageShift; \
-        PR_END_MACRO
-#define        _PR_ADJUST_STACKSIZE(stackSize)
-#define _PR_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thr) ((thr)->flags & _PR_GCABLE_THREAD)
-#define _PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(thr)					\
-		(!((thr)->flags & _PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED) && ((thr)->flags & _PR_INTERRUPT))
-#define _PR_THREAD_BLOCK_INTERRUPT(thr)			\
-		(thr->flags |= _PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED)
-		(thr->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED)
-#define _PR_THREAD_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRThread*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(PRThread,links)))
-#define _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRThread*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(PRThread,active)))
-#define _PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRThread*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(PRThread,waitQLinks)))
-#define _PR_THREAD_MD_TO_PTR(_md) \
-    ((PRThread*) ((char*) (_md) - offsetof(PRThread,md)))
-#define _PR_THREAD_STACK_TO_PTR(_stack) \
-    ((PRThread*) (_stack->thr))
-extern PRCList _pr_active_local_threadQ;
-extern PRCList _pr_active_global_threadQ;
-extern PRCList _pr_cpuQ;
-extern _MDLock  _pr_cpuLock;
-extern PRInt32 _pr_md_idle_cpus;
-#define _PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ()          _pr_active_local_threadQ
-#define _PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ()         _pr_active_global_threadQ
-#define _PR_CPUQ()                          _pr_cpuQ
-#define _PR_RUNQ(_cpu)                      ((_cpu)->queue->runQ)
-#define _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(_cpu)             ((_cpu)->queue->runQReadyMask)
-#define _PR_SLEEPQ(_cpu)                    ((_cpu)->queue->sleepQ)
-#define _PR_SLEEPQMAX(_cpu)                 ((_cpu)->queue->sleepQmax)
-#define _PR_PAUSEQ(_cpu)                    ((_cpu)->queue->pauseQ)
-#define _PR_SUSPENDQ(_cpu)                  ((_cpu)->queue->suspendQ)
-#define _PR_WAITINGTOJOINQ(_cpu)            ((_cpu)->queue->waitingToJoinQ)
-extern PRUint32 _pr_recycleThreads;   /* Flag for behavior on thread cleanup */
-extern PRLock *_pr_deadQLock;
-extern PRUint32 _pr_numNativeDead;
-extern PRUint32 _pr_numUserDead;
-extern PRCList _pr_deadNativeQ;
-extern PRCList _pr_deadUserQ;
-#define _PR_DEADNATIVEQ     _pr_deadNativeQ
-#define _PR_DEADUSERQ       _pr_deadUserQ
-#define _PR_DEADQ_LOCK      PR_Lock(_pr_deadQLock);
-#define _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK    PR_Unlock(_pr_deadQLock);
-#define _PR_INC_DEADNATIVE  (_pr_numNativeDead++)
-#define _PR_DEC_DEADNATIVE  (_pr_numNativeDead--)
-#define _PR_NUM_DEADNATIVE  (_pr_numNativeDead)
-#define _PR_INC_DEADUSER    (_pr_numUserDead++)
-#define _PR_DEC_DEADUSER    (_pr_numUserDead--)
-#define _PR_NUM_DEADUSER    (_pr_numUserDead)
-extern PRUint32 _pr_utid;
-extern struct _PRCPU  *_pr_primordialCPU;
-extern PRLock *_pr_activeLock;          /* lock for userActive and systemActive */
-extern PRInt32 _pr_userActive;          /* number of active user threads */
-extern PRInt32 _pr_systemActive;        /* number of active system threads */
-extern PRInt32 _pr_primordialExitCount; /* number of user threads left
-                                         * before the primordial thread
-                                         * can exit.  */
-extern PRCondVar *_pr_primordialExitCVar; /* the condition variable for
-                                           * notifying the primordial thread
-                                           * when all other user threads
-                                           * have terminated.  */
-extern PRUintn _pr_maxPTDs;
-extern PRLock *_pr_terminationCVLock;
-* Internal routines either called by PR itself or from machine-dependent *
-* code.                                                                  *
-extern void _PR_ClockInterrupt(void);
-extern void _PR_Schedule(void);
-extern void _PR_SetThreadPriority(
-    PRThread* thread, PRThreadPriority priority);
-** FUNCTION:	_PR_NewSegment()
-**   Allocate a memory segment. The "size" value is rounded up to the
-**   native system page size and a page aligned portion of memory is
-**   returned.  This memory is not part of the malloc heap. If "vaddr" is
-**   not NULL then PR tries to allocate the segment at the desired virtual
-**   address.
-** INPUTS:	size:  size of the desired memory segment
-**          vaddr:  address at which the newly aquired segment is to be
-**                  mapped into memory.
-** OUTPUTS:	a memory segment is allocated, a PRSegment is allocated
-** RETURN:	pointer to PRSegment
-extern PRSegment* _PR_NewSegment(PRUint32 size, void *vaddr);
-** FUNCTION:	_PR_DestroySegment()
-**   The memory segment and the PRSegment are freed
-** INPUTS:	seg:  pointer to PRSegment to be freed
-** OUTPUTS:	the the PRSegment and its associated memory segment are freed
-** RETURN:	void
-extern void _PR_DestroySegment(PRSegment *seg);
-extern PRThreadStack * _PR_NewStack(PRUint32 stackSize);
-extern void _PR_FreeStack(PRThreadStack *stack);
-extern PRBool _PR_NotifyThread (PRThread *thread, PRThread *me);
-extern void _PR_NotifyLockedThread (PRThread *thread);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_AddSleepQ(PRThread *thread, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_DelSleepQ(PRThread *thread, PRBool propogate_time);
-extern void _PR_AddThreadToRunQ(PRThread *me, PRThread *thread);
-NSPR_API(PRThread*) _PR_CreateThread(PRThreadType type,
-                                     void (*start)(void *arg),
-                                     void *arg,
-                                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-                                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                                     PRThreadState state,
-                                     PRUint32 stackSize,
-                     PRUint32 flags);
-extern void _PR_NativeDestroyThread(PRThread *thread);
-extern void _PR_UserDestroyThread(PRThread *thread);
-extern PRThread* _PRI_AttachThread(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRThreadStack *stack, PRUint32 flags);
-extern void _PRI_DetachThread(void);
-#define _PR_IO_PENDING(_thread) ((_thread)->io_pending)
-/* Interrupts related */
-/* The _PR_MD_WAIT_LOCK and _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER functions put to sleep and
- * awaken a thread which is waiting on a lock or cvar.
- */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_WAIT(PRThread *, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_WAIT _MD_WAIT
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(PRThread *);
-#ifndef _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY /* not if only local threads supported */
-/* Stack debugging */
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_INIT_STACK(PRThreadStack *ts, PRIntn redzone);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_CLEAR_STACK(PRThreadStack* ts);
-/* CPU related */
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_SET_INTSOFF(PRInt32 _val);
- * Returns the number of threads awoken or 0 if a timeout occurred;
- */
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_PAUSE_CPU(PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern void _PR_MD_CLEANUP_BEFORE_EXIT(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_EXIT(PRIntn status);
-#define    _PR_MD_EXIT _MD_EXIT
-/* Locks related */
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_INIT_LOCKS(void);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) _PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(_MDLock *md);
-#define    _PR_MD_NEW_LOCK _MD_NEW_LOCK
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(_MDLock *md);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_LOCK(_MDLock *md);
-#define    _PR_MD_LOCK _MD_LOCK
-/* Return 0 on success, a nonzero value on failure. */
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_UNLOCK(_MDLock *md);
-#define    _PR_MD_UNLOCK _MD_UNLOCK
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_IOQ_LOCK(void);
-#define    _PR_MD_IOQ_LOCK _MD_IOQ_LOCK
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_IOQ_UNLOCK(void);
-#ifndef _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY /* not if only local threads supported */
-/* Semaphore related -- only for native threads */
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_NEW_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md, PRUintn value);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_DESTROY_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md);
-    _MDSemaphore *md, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) _PR_MD_WAIT_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_POST_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md);
-#endif /* HAVE_CVAR_BUILT_ON_SEM */
-/* Condition Variables related -- only for native threads */
-#ifndef _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY /* not if only local threads supported */
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) _PR_MD_NEW_CV(_MDCVar *md);
-#define    _PR_MD_NEW_CV _MD_NEW_CV
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_FREE_CV(_MDCVar *md);
-#define    _PR_MD_FREE_CV _MD_FREE_CV
-    _MDCVar *mdCVar,_MDLock *mdLock,PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_WAIT_CV _MD_WAIT_CV
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_NOTIFY_CV(_MDCVar *md, _MDLock *lock);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_NOTIFYALL_CV(_MDCVar *md, _MDLock *lock);
-#endif /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-/* Threads related */
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_SET_LAST_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_INIT_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-extern void _PR_MD_EXIT_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-#ifndef _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY /* not if only local threads supported */
-extern void _PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-extern void _PR_MD_RESUME_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-extern void _PR_MD_SUSPEND_CPU(_PRCPU  *cpu);
-extern void _PR_MD_RESUME_CPU(_PRCPU  *cpu);
-extern void _PR_MD_BEGIN_SUSPEND_ALL(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_END_SUSPEND_ALL(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_BEGIN_RESUME_ALL(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_END_RESUME_ALL(void);
-#if defined(IRIX) 
-#endif        /* IRIX */
-#endif        /* !_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-extern void _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(PRThread *thread);
-                        PRUint32 stacksize,
-                        void (*start)(void *),
-                        void *arg);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD(
-                        PRThread *thread, 
-                        void (*start) (void *), 
-                        PRThreadPriority priority,                      
-                        PRThreadScope scope,
-                        PRThreadState state,
-                        PRUint32 stackSize);
-extern void _PR_MD_JOIN_THREAD(_MDThread *md);
-extern void _PR_MD_END_THREAD(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_YIELD(void);
-#define    _PR_MD_YIELD _MD_YIELD
-extern void _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(_MDThread *md, PRThreadPriority newPri);
-extern void _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD_NAME(const char *name);
-extern void _PR_MD_INIT_CONTEXT(
-    PRThread *thread, char *top, void (*start) (void), PRBool *status);
-extern void _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(PRThread *thread);
-extern void _PR_MD_RESTORE_CONTEXT(PRThread *thread);
-/* Segment related */
-extern void _PR_MD_INIT_SEGS(void);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_ALLOC_SEGMENT(PRSegment *seg, PRUint32 size, void *vaddr);
-extern void _PR_MD_FREE_SEGMENT(PRSegment *seg);
-/* Directory enumeration related */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR(_MDDir *md,const char *name);
-#define    _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR _MD_OPEN_DIR
-extern char * _PR_MD_READ_DIR(_MDDir *md, PRIntn flags);
-#define    _PR_MD_READ_DIR _MD_READ_DIR
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_CLOSE_DIR(_MDDir *md);
-/* Named semaphores related */
-    const char *osname, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode, PRUintn value);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_WAIT_SEMAPHORE(PRSem *sem);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_POST_SEMAPHORE(PRSem *sem);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_CLOSE_SEMAPHORE(PRSem *sem);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_DELETE_SEMAPHORE(const char *osname);
-/* I/O related */
-extern void _PR_MD_INIT_FILEDESC(PRFileDesc *fd);
-extern void _PR_MD_MAKE_NONBLOCK(PRFileDesc *fd);
-/* File I/O related */
-extern PROsfd _PR_MD_OPEN(const char *name, PRIntn osflags, PRIntn mode);
-#define    _PR_MD_OPEN _MD_OPEN
-extern PROsfd _PR_MD_OPEN_FILE(const char *name, PRIntn osflags, PRIntn mode);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(PROsfd osfd);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_READ(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-#define    _PR_MD_READ _MD_READ
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_WRITE(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-#define    _PR_MD_WRITE _MD_WRITE
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_WRITEV(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const struct PRIOVec *iov,
-    PRInt32 iov_size, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_WRITEV _MD_WRITEV
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_FSYNC(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#define    _PR_MD_FSYNC _MD_FSYNC
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_DELETE(const char *name);
-#define        _PR_MD_DELETE _MD_DELETE
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_RENAME(const char *from, const char *to);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_ACCESS(const char *name, PRAccessHow how);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_STAT(const char *name, struct stat *buf);
-#define _PR_MD_STAT _MD_STAT
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_MKDIR(const char *name, PRIntn mode);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_MAKE_DIR(const char *name, PRIntn mode);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_RMDIR(const char *name);
-/* UTF16 File I/O related */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16(_MDDirUTF16 *md, const PRUnichar *name);
-#define    _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16 _MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16
-extern PROsfd _PR_MD_OPEN_FILE_UTF16(const PRUnichar *name, PRIntn osflags, PRIntn mode);
-extern PRUnichar * _PR_MD_READ_DIR_UTF16(_MDDirUTF16 *md, PRIntn flags);
-#define    _PR_MD_READ_DIR_UTF16 _MD_READ_DIR_UTF16
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_CLOSE_DIR_UTF16(_MDDirUTF16 *md);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64_UTF16(const PRUnichar *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-/* Socket I/O related */
-extern void _PR_MD_INIT_IO(void);
-#define    _PR_MD_INIT_IO _MD_INIT_IO
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(PROsfd osfd);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_CONNECT(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr,
-    PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PROsfd _PR_MD_ACCEPT(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-    PRUint32 *addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_ACCEPT _MD_ACCEPT
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_BIND(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen);
-#define    _PR_MD_BIND _MD_BIND
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_LISTEN(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog);
-#define    _PR_MD_LISTEN _MD_LISTEN
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SHUTDOWN(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_RECV(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, 
-                               PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_RECV _MD_RECV
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SEND(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags, 
-    PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_SEND _MD_SEND
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_ACCEPT_READ(PRFileDesc *sd, PROsfd *newSock, 
-                                PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                                PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#ifdef WIN32
-extern PROsfd _PR_MD_FAST_ACCEPT(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, 
-                                PRUint32 *addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout,
-                                PRBool fast,
-                                _PR_AcceptTimeoutCallback callback,
-                                void *callbackArg);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_FAST_ACCEPT_READ(PRFileDesc *sd, PROsfd *newSock, 
-                                PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                                PRIntervalTime timeout, PRBool fast,
-                                _PR_AcceptTimeoutCallback callback,
-                                void *callbackArg);
-extern void _PR_MD_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT(PROsfd s, PROsfd ls);
- * The NSPR epoch (00:00:00 1 Jan 1970 UTC) in FILETIME.
- * We store the value in a PRTime variable for convenience.
- * This constant is used by _PR_FileTimeToPRTime().
- * This is defined in ntmisc.c
- */
-extern const PRTime _pr_filetime_offset;
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SENDFILE(
-    PRFileDesc *sock, PRSendFileData *sfd, 
-	PRInt32 flags, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_GETSOCKNAME(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_GETPEERNAME(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level, PRInt32 optname, char* optval, PRInt32* optlen);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level, PRInt32 optname,
-    const char* optval, PRInt32 optlen);
-extern PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _PR_SocketGetSocketOption(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data);
-extern PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _PR_SocketSetSocketOption(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_RECVFROM(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-    PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SENDTO(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_SENDTO _MD_SENDTO
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SOCKETPAIR(int af, int type, int flags, PROsfd *osfd);
-extern PROsfd _PR_MD_SOCKET(int af, int type, int flags);
-#define    _PR_MD_SOCKET _MD_SOCKET
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SOCKETAVAILABLE(PRFileDesc *fd);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_PIPEAVAILABLE(PRFileDesc *fd);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_PR_POLL(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds,
-                                                                                        PRIntervalTime timeout);
-#define    _PR_MD_PR_POLL _MD_PR_POLL
- * Initialize fd->secret->inheritable for a newly created fd.
- * If 'imported' is false, the osfd (i.e., fd->secret->md.osfd)
- * was created by NSPR and hence has the OS-dependent default
- * inheritable attribute.  If 'imported' is true, the osfd was
- * not created by NSPR and hence a system call is required to
- * query its inheritable attribute.  Since we may never need to
- * know the inheritable attribute of a fd, a platform may choose
- * to initialize fd->secret->inheritable of an imported fd to
- * _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN and only pay the cost of the system call
- * (in _PR_MD_QUERY_FD_INHERITABLE) when necessary.
- */
-extern void _PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool imported);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_SET_FD_INHERITABLE(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool inheritable);
-        if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) { \
-                me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT; \
-                PR_SetError( PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0); \
-        } else { \
-                PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0); \
-        }                                                        
-extern void *_PR_MD_GET_SP(PRThread *thread);
-#define    _PR_MD_GET_SP _MD_GET_SP
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-** The remainder of the definitions are shared by pthreads and the classic
-** NSPR code. These too may be conditionalized.
-extern PROffset32 _PR_MD_LSEEK(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence);
-#define    _PR_MD_LSEEK _MD_LSEEK
-extern PROffset64 _PR_MD_LSEEK64(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence);
-#define    _PR_MD_LSEEK64 _MD_LSEEK64
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info);
-/************************** File descriptor caching **************************/
-extern void _PR_InitFdCache(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupFdCache(void);
-extern PRFileDesc *_PR_Getfd(void);
-extern void _PR_Putfd(PRFileDesc *fd);
- * These flags are used by NSPR temporarily in the poll
- * descriptor's out_flags field to record the mapping of
- * NSPR's poll flags to the system poll flags.
- *
- * If _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE bit is set, it means the
- * PR_POLL_READ flag specified by the topmost layer is
- * mapped to the WRITE flag at the system layer.  Similarly
- * for the other three _PR_POLL_XXX_SYS_YYY flags.  It is
- * assumed that the PR_POLL_EXCEPT flag doesn't get mapped
- * to other flags.
- */
-#define _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_READ     0x1
-#define _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE    0x2
-#define _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_READ    0x4
-#define _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_WRITE   0x8
-** These methods are coerced into file descriptor methods table
-** when the intended service is inappropriate for the particular
-** type of file descriptor.
-extern PRIntn _PR_InvalidInt(void);
-extern PRInt16 _PR_InvalidInt16(void);
-extern PRInt64 _PR_InvalidInt64(void);
-extern PRStatus _PR_InvalidStatus(void);
-extern PRFileDesc *_PR_InvalidDesc(void);
-extern PRIOMethods _pr_faulty_methods;
-** The PR_NETADDR_SIZE macro can only be called on a PRNetAddr union
-** whose 'family' field is set.  It returns the size of the union
-** member corresponding to the specified address family.
-extern PRUintn _PR_NetAddrSize(const PRNetAddr* addr);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-#define PR_NETADDR_SIZE(_addr) _PR_NetAddrSize(_addr)
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_MD_SOCKADDR_IN6)
-** Under the following conditions:
-** 1. _PR_INET6 is not defined;
-** 2. _PR_INET6_PROBE is defined;
-** 3. struct sockaddr_in6 has nonstandard fields at the end
-**    (e.g., on Solaris 8),
-** (_addr)->ipv6 is smaller than struct sockaddr_in6, and
-** hence we can't pass sizeof((_addr)->ipv6) to socket
-** functions such as connect because they would fail with
-** To pass the correct socket address length to socket
-** functions, define the macro _PR_HAVE_MD_SOCKADDR_IN6 and
-** define struct _md_sockaddr_in6 to be isomorphic to
-** struct sockaddr_in6.
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-#define PR_NETADDR_SIZE(_addr) 					\
-        ((_addr)-> == PR_AF_INET		\
-        ? sizeof((_addr)->inet)					\
-        : ((_addr)-> == PR_AF_INET6	\
-        ? sizeof(struct _md_sockaddr_in6)		\
-        : sizeof((_addr)->local)))
-#define PR_NETADDR_SIZE(_addr) 					\
-        ((_addr)-> == PR_AF_INET		\
-        ? sizeof((_addr)->inet)					\
-        : sizeof(struct _md_sockaddr_in6))
-#endif /* defined(XP_UNIX) */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-#define PR_NETADDR_SIZE(_addr) 					\
-        ((_addr)-> == PR_AF_INET		\
-        ? sizeof((_addr)->inet)					\
-        : ((_addr)-> == PR_AF_INET6	\
-        ? sizeof((_addr)->ipv6)					\
-        : sizeof((_addr)->local)))
-#define PR_NETADDR_SIZE(_addr) 					\
-        ((_addr)-> == PR_AF_INET		\
-        ? sizeof((_addr)->inet)					\
-        : sizeof((_addr)->ipv6))
-#endif /* defined(XP_UNIX) */
-#endif /* defined(_PR_INET6) */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MapOptionName(
-    PRSockOption optname, PRInt32 *level, PRInt32 *name);
-extern void _PR_InitThreads(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority, PRUintn maxPTDs);
-struct PRLock {
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    pthread_mutex_t mutex;          /* the underlying lock */
-    _PT_Notified notified;          /* array of conditions notified */
-    PRBool locked;                  /* whether the mutex is locked */
-    pthread_t owner;                /* if locked, current lock owner */
-#elif defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    sem_id	semaphoreID;	    /* the underlying lock */
-    int32	benaphoreCount;	    /* number of people in lock */
-    thread_id	owner;		    /* current lock owner */
-#else /* not pthreads or Be threads */
-    PRCList links;                  /* linkage for PRThread.lockList */
-    struct PRThread *owner;         /* current lock owner */
-    PRCList waitQ;                  /* list of threads waiting for lock */
-    PRThreadPriority priority;      /* priority of lock */ 
-    PRThreadPriority boostPriority; /* boosted priority of lock owner */
-    _MDLock ilock;                  /* Internal Lock to protect user-level fields */
-struct PRCondVar {
-    PRLock *lock;               /* associated lock that protects the condition */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    pthread_cond_t cv;          /* underlying pthreads condition */
-    PRInt32 notify_pending;     /* CV has destroy pending notification */
-#elif defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    sem_id    sem;              /* the underlying lock */
-    sem_id    handshakeSem;     /* the lock for 'notify'-threads waiting for confirmation */
-    sem_id    signalSem;        /* the lock for threads waiting for someone to notify */
-    volatile int32    nw;       /* the number waiting */
-    volatile int32    ns;       /* the number signalling */
-    long signalBenCount;        /* the number waiting on the underlying sem */
-#else /* not pthreads or Be threads */
-    PRCList condQ;              /* Condition variable wait Q */
-    _MDLock ilock;              /* Internal Lock to protect condQ */
-    _MDCVar md;
-struct PRMonitor {
-    const char* name;           /* monitor name for debugging */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    pthread_mutex_t lock;       /* lock is only held when accessing fields
-                                 * of the PRMonitor, instead of being held
-                                 * while the monitor is entered. The only
-                                 * exception is notifyTimes, which is
-                                 * protected by the monitor. */
-    pthread_t owner;            /* the owner of the monitor or invalid */
-    pthread_cond_t entryCV;     /* for threads waiting to enter the monitor */
-    pthread_cond_t waitCV;      /* for threads waiting on the monitor */
-    PRInt32 refCount;           /* reference count, an atomic variable.
-                                 * PR_NewMonitor adds a reference to the
-                                 * newly created PRMonitor, and
-                                 * PR_DestroyMonitor releases that reference.
-                                 * PR_ExitMonitor adds a reference before
-                                 * unlocking the internal lock if it needs to
-                                 * signal entryCV, and releases the reference
-                                 * after signaling entryCV. */
-#else  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-    PRLock lock;                /* lock is only held when accessing fields
-                                 * of the PRMonitor, instead of being held
-                                 * while the monitor is entered. The only
-                                 * exception is notifyTimes, which is
-                                 * protected by the monitor. */
-    PRThread *owner;            /* the owner of the monitor or invalid */
-    PRCondVar entryCV;          /* for threads waiting to enter the monitor */
-    PRCondVar waitCV;           /* for threads waiting on the monitor */
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-    PRUint32 entryCount;        /* # of times re-entered */
-    PRIntn notifyTimes;         /* number of pending notifies for waitCV.
-                                 * The special value -1 means a broadcast
-                                 * (PR_NotifyAll). */
-struct PRSemaphore {
-#if defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    sem_id  sem;
-    int32   benaphoreCount;
-    PRCondVar *cvar;        /* associated lock and condition variable queue */
-    PRUintn count;            /* the value of the counting semaphore */
-    PRUint32 waiters;            /* threads waiting on the semaphore */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#else  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-    _MDSemaphore md;
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-#endif /* defined(_PR_BTHREADS) */
-struct PRSem {
-    sem_t *sem;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_SYSV_SEMAPHORES)
-    int semid;
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-    HANDLE sem;
-    PRInt8 notused;
-struct PRStackStr {
-    /* head MUST be at offset 0; assembly language code relies on this */
-#if defined(AIX)
-    volatile PRStackElem prstk_head;
-    PRStackElem prstk_head;
-    PRLock *prstk_lock;
-    char *prstk_name;
-/* XXX this needs to be exported (sigh) */
-struct PRThreadStack {
-    PRCList links;
-    PRUintn flags;
-    char *allocBase;            /* base of stack's allocated memory */
-    PRUint32 allocSize;         /* size of stack's allocated memory */
-    char *stackBottom;          /* bottom of stack from C's point of view */
-    char *stackTop;             /* top of stack from C's point of view */
-    PRUint32 stackSize;         /* size of usable portion of the stack */
-    PRSegment *seg;
-        PRThread* thr;          /* back pointer to thread owning this stack */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#else /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-    _MDThreadStack md;
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-extern void _PR_DestroyThreadPrivate(PRThread*);
-typedef void (PR_CALLBACK *_PRStartFn)(void *);
-struct PRThread {
-    PRUint32 state;                 /* thread's creation state */
-    PRThreadPriority priority;      /* apparent priority, loosly defined */
-    void *arg;                      /* argument to the client's entry point */
-    _PRStartFn startFunc;           /* the root of the client's thread */
-    PRThreadStack *stack;           /* info about thread's stack (for GC) */
-    void *environment;              /* pointer to execution environment */
-    PRThreadDumpProc dump;          /* dump thread info out */
-    void *dumpArg;                  /* argument for the dump function */
-    /*
-    ** Per thread private data
-    */
-    PRUint32 tpdLength;             /* thread's current vector length */
-    void **privateData;             /* private data vector or NULL */
-    PRErrorCode errorCode;          /* current NSPR error code | zero */
-    PRInt32 osErrorCode;            /* mapping of errorCode | zero */
-    PRIntn  errorStringLength;      /* textLength from last call to PR_SetErrorText() */
-    PRInt32 errorStringSize;        /* malloc()'d size of buffer | zero */
-    char *errorString;              /* current error string | NULL */
-    char *name;                     /* thread's name */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    pthread_t id;                   /* pthread identifier for the thread */
-    PRBool idSet;                   /* whether 'id' has been set. Protected by
-                                     * */
-    pid_t tid;                      /* Linux-specific kernel thread ID */
-    PRBool okToDelete;              /* ok to delete the PRThread struct? */
-    PRCondVar *waiting;             /* where the thread is waiting | NULL */
-    void *sp;                       /* recorded sp for garbage collection */
-    PRThread *next, *prev;          /* simple linked list of all threads */
-    PRUint32 suspend;               /* used to store suspend and resume flags */
-    pthread_mutex_t suspendResumeMutex;
-    pthread_cond_t suspendResumeCV;
-    PRUint32 interrupt_blocked;     /* interrupt blocked */
-    struct pollfd *syspoll_list;    /* Unix polling list used by PR_Poll */
-    PRUint32 syspoll_count;         /* number of elements in syspoll_list */
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
-    int *selectfd_list;             /* Unix fd's that PR_Poll selects on */
-    PRUint32 selectfd_count;        /* number of elements in selectfd_list */
-#elif defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    PRUint32 flags;
-    _MDThread md;
-    PRBool io_pending;
-    PRInt32 io_fd;
-    PRBool io_suspended;
-#else /* not pthreads or Be threads */
-    _MDLock threadLock;             /* Lock to protect thread state variables.
-                                     * Protects the following fields:
-                                     *     state
-                                     *     priority
-                                     *     links
-                                     *     wait
-                                     *     cpu
-                                     */
-    PRUint32 queueCount;
-    PRUint32 waitCount;
-    PRCList active;                 /* on list of all active threads        */
-    PRCList links;
-    PRCList waitQLinks;             /* when thread is PR_Wait'ing */
-    PRCList lockList;               /* list of locks currently holding */
-    PRIntervalTime sleep;           /* sleep time when thread is sleeping */
-    struct _wait {
-        struct PRLock *lock;
-        struct PRCondVar *cvar;
-    } wait;
-    PRUint32 id;
-    PRUint32 flags;
-    PRUint32 no_sched;              /* Don't schedule the thread to run.
-                                     * This flag has relevance only when
-                                     * multiple NSPR CPUs are created.
-                                     * When a thread is de-scheduled, there
-                                     * is a narrow window of time in which
-                                     * the thread is put on the run queue
-                                     * but the scheduler is actually using
-                                     * the stack of this thread.  It is safe
-                                     * to run this thread on a different CPU
-                                     * only when its stack is not in use on
-                                     * any other CPU.  The no_sched flag is
-                                     * set during this interval to prevent
-                                     * the thread from being scheduled on a
-                                     * different CPU.
-                                     */
-    /* thread termination condition variable for join */
-    PRCondVar *term;
-    _PRCPU *cpu;                    /* cpu to which this thread is bound    */
-    PRUint32 threadAllocatedOnStack;/* boolean */
-    /* When an async IO is in progress and a second async IO cannot be 
-     * initiated, the io_pending flag is set to true.  Some platforms will
-     * not use the io_pending flag.  If the io_pending flag is true, then
-     * io_fd is the OS-file descriptor on which IO is pending.
-     */
-    PRBool io_pending;
-    PRInt32 io_fd;
-    /* If a timeout occurs or if an outstanding IO is interrupted and the
-     * OS doesn't support a real cancellation (NT or MAC), then the 
-     * io_suspended flag will be set to true.  The thread will be resumed
-     * but may run into trouble issuing additional IOs until the io_pending
-     * flag can be cleared 
-     */
-    PRBool io_suspended;
-    _MDThread md;
-struct PRProcessAttr {
-    PRFileDesc *stdinFd;
-    PRFileDesc *stdoutFd;
-    PRFileDesc *stderrFd;
-    char *currentDirectory;
-    char *fdInheritBuffer;
-    PRSize fdInheritBufferSize;
-    PRSize fdInheritBufferUsed;
-struct PRProcess {
-    _MDProcess md;
-struct PRFileMap {
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    PRFileMapProtect prot;
-    _MDFileMap md;
-** File descriptors of the NSPR layer can be in one of the
-** following states (stored in the 'state' field of struct
-** PRFilePrivate):
-** - _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN: The OS fd is open.
-** - _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED: The OS fd is closed.  The PRFileDesc
-**   is still open but is unusable.  The only operation allowed
-**   on the PRFileDesc is PR_Close().
-** - _PR_FILEDESC_FREED: The OS fd is closed and the PRFileDesc
-**   structure is freed.
-#define _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN       0xaaaaaaaa    /* 1010101... */
-#define _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED     0x55555555    /* 0101010... */
-#define _PR_FILEDESC_FREED      0x11111111
-** A boolean type with an additional "unknown" state
-typedef enum {
-    _PR_TRI_TRUE = 1,
-    _PR_TRI_FALSE = 0,
-    _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN = -1
-} _PRTriStateBool;
-struct PRFilePrivate {
-    PRInt32 state;
-    PRBool nonblocking;
-    _PRTriStateBool inheritable;
-    PRFileDesc *next;
-    PRIntn lockCount;   /*   0: not locked
-                         *  -1: a native lockfile call is in progress
-                         * > 0: # times the file is locked */
-    char *peekBuffer;
-    PRInt32 peekBufSize;
-    PRInt32 peekBytes;
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-    PRBool  appendMode; /* Some platforms don't have O_APPEND or its
-                         * equivalent, so they have to seek to end of
-                         * file on write if the file was opened in
-                         * append mode.  See Bugzilla 4090, 276330. */
-    _MDFileDesc md;
-    PRUint16 af;        /* If the platform's implementation of accept()
-                         * requires knowing the address family of the 
-			 * socket, we save the address family here. */
-#ifdef _WIN64
-#define PR_PRIdOSFD "lld"       /* for printing PROsfd */
-#define PR_PRIxOSFD "llx"
-#define PR_SCNdOSFD "lld"       /* for scanning PROsfd */
-#define PR_SCNxOSFD "llx"
-#define PR_PRIdOSFD "ld"        /* for printing PROsfd */
-#define PR_PRIxOSFD "lx"
-#define PR_SCNdOSFD "ld"        /* for scanning PROsfd */
-#define PR_SCNxOSFD "lx"
-struct PRDir {
-    PRDirEntry d;
-    _MDDir md;
-struct PRDirUTF16 { 
-    PRDirEntry d; 
-    _MDDirUTF16 md; 
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-extern void _PR_InitLocks(void);
-extern void _PR_InitSegs(void);
-extern void _PR_InitStacks(void);
-extern void _PR_InitTPD(void);
-extern void _PR_InitMem(void);
-extern void _PR_InitEnv(void);
-extern void _PR_InitCMon(void);
-extern void _PR_InitIO(void);
-extern void _PR_InitLog(void);
-extern void _PR_InitNet(void);
-extern void _PR_InitClock(void);
-extern void _PR_InitLinker(void);
-extern void _PR_InitAtomic(void);
-extern void _PR_InitCPUs(void);
-extern void _PR_InitDtoa(void);
-extern void _PR_InitTime(void);
-extern void _PR_InitMW(void);
-extern void _PR_InitRWLocks(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupThread(PRThread *thread);
-extern void _PR_CleanupCallOnce(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupMW(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupTime(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupDtoa(void);
-extern void _PR_ShutdownLinker(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupEnv(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupIO(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupCMon(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupNet(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupLayerCache(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupStacks(void);
-#ifdef WINNT
-extern void _PR_CleanupCPUs(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupThreads(void);
-extern void _PR_CleanupTPD(void);
-extern void _PR_Cleanup(void);
-extern void _PR_LogCleanup(void);
-extern void _PR_InitLayerCache(void);
-extern PRBool _pr_initialized;
-extern void _PR_ImplicitInitialization(void);
-extern PRBool _PR_Obsolete(const char *obsolete, const char *preferred);
-struct PRSegment {
-    void *vaddr;
-    PRUint32 size;
-    PRUintn flags;
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#else  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-    _MDSegment md;
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-/* PRSegment.flags */
-#define _PR_SEG_VM    0x1
-extern PRInt32 _pr_pageSize;
-extern PRInt32 _pr_pageShift;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_clock_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_cmon_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_io_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_cvar_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_mon_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_linker_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_sched_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_thread_lm;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_gc_lm;
-extern PRFileDesc *_pr_stdin;
-extern PRFileDesc *_pr_stdout;
-extern PRFileDesc *_pr_stderr;
-/* Zone allocator */
-** The zone allocator code has hardcoded pthread types and
-** functions, so it can only be used in the pthreads version.
-** This can be fixed by replacing the hardcoded pthread types
-** and functions with macros that expand to the native thread
-** types and functions on each platform.
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-extern void _PR_InitZones(void);
-extern void _PR_DestroyZones(void);
-/* Overriding malloc, free, etc. */
-#if !defined(_PR_NO_PREEMPT) && defined(XP_UNIX) \
-        && !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) \
-        && !defined(PURIFY) \
-        && !defined(DARWIN) \
-        && !defined(QNX) \
-        && !(defined (UNIXWARE) && defined (USE_SVR4_THREADS))
-* External machine-dependent code provided by each OS.                     *                                                                     *
-/* Initialization related */
-extern void _PR_MD_EARLY_INIT(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_INTERVAL_INIT(void);
-NSPR_API(void) _PR_MD_FINAL_INIT(void);
-extern void _PR_MD_EARLY_CLEANUP(void);
-/* Process control */
-extern PRProcess * _PR_MD_CREATE_PROCESS(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_DETACH_PROCESS(PRProcess *process);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_WAIT_PROCESS(PRProcess *process, PRInt32 *exitCode);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_KILL_PROCESS(PRProcess *process);
-#define    _PR_MD_KILL_PROCESS _MD_KILL_PROCESS        
-/* Current Time */
-NSPR_API(PRTime) _PR_MD_NOW(void);
-#define    _PR_MD_NOW _MD_NOW
-/* Environment related */
-extern char* _PR_MD_GET_ENV(const char *name);
-#define    _PR_MD_GET_ENV _MD_GET_ENV
-extern PRIntn _PR_MD_PUT_ENV(const char *name);
-#define    _PR_MD_PUT_ENV _MD_PUT_ENV
-/* Atomic operations */
-extern void _PR_MD_INIT_ATOMIC(void);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(PRInt32 *);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_ATOMIC_ADD(PRInt32 *, PRInt32);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(PRInt32 *);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_ATOMIC_SET(PRInt32 *, PRInt32);
-/* Garbage collection */
-** Save the registers that the GC would find interesting into the thread
-** "t". isCurrent will be non-zero if the thread state that is being
-** saved is the currently executing thread. Return the address of the
-** first register to be scanned as well as the number of registers to
-** scan in "np".
-** If "isCurrent" is non-zero then it is allowed for the thread context
-** area to be used as scratch storage to hold just the registers
-** necessary for scanning.
-extern PRWord *_MD_HomeGCRegisters(PRThread *t, int isCurrent, int *np);
-/* Time intervals */
-extern PRIntervalTime _PR_MD_GET_INTERVAL(void);
-extern PRIntervalTime _PR_MD_INTERVAL_PER_SEC(void);
-/* Affinity masks */
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_SETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 mask );
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 *mask);
-/* File locking */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_LOCKFILE(PROsfd osfd);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_TLOCKFILE(PROsfd osfd);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_UNLOCKFILE(PROsfd osfd);
-/* Memory-mapped files */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_CREATE_FILE_MAP(PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 size);
-extern PRInt32 _PR_MD_GET_MEM_MAP_ALIGNMENT(void);
-extern void * _PR_MD_MEM_MAP(
-    PRFileMap *fmap,
-    PROffset64 offset,
-    PRUint32 len);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_MEM_UNMAP(void *addr, PRUint32 size);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE_MAP(PRFileMap *fmap);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_SYNC_MEM_MAP(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len);
-/* Named Shared Memory */
-** Declare PRSharedMemory.
-struct PRSharedMemory 
-    char        *ipcname; /* after conversion to native */
-    PRSize      size;  /* from open */
-    PRIntn      mode;  /* from open */
-    PRIntn      flags; /* from open */
-    int         id;
-    int         id;
-    HANDLE      handle;
-    PRUint32    nothing; /* placeholder, nothing behind here */
-    PRUint32    ident; /* guard word at end of struct */
-#define _PR_SHM_IDENT 0xdeadbad
-extern PRSharedMemory * _MD_OpenSharedMemory( 
-    const char *name,
-    PRSize      size,
-    PRIntn      flags,
-    PRIntn      mode
-#define _PR_MD_OPEN_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_OpenSharedMemory
-extern void * _MD_AttachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, PRIntn flags );
-#define _PR_MD_ATTACH_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_AttachSharedMemory
-extern PRStatus _MD_DetachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, void *addr );
-#define _PR_MD_DETACH_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_DetachSharedMemory
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm );
-#define _PR_MD_CLOSE_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_CloseSharedMemory
-extern PRStatus _MD_DeleteSharedMemory( const char *name );
-#define _PR_MD_DELETE_SHARED_MEMORY  _MD_DeleteSharedMemory
-extern PRFileMap* _md_OpenAnonFileMap( 
-    const char *dirName,
-    PRSize      size,
-    PRFileMapProtect prot
-#define _PR_MD_OPEN_ANON_FILE_MAP _md_OpenAnonFileMap
-extern PRStatus _md_ExportFileMapAsString(
-    PRFileMap *fm,
-    PRSize    bufSize,
-    char      *buf
-#define _PR_MD_EXPORT_FILE_MAP_AS_STRING _md_ExportFileMapAsString
-extern PRFileMap * _md_ImportFileMapFromString(
-    const char *fmstring
-#define _PR_MD_IMPORT_FILE_MAP_FROM_STRING _md_ImportFileMapFromString
-/* Interprocess communications (IPC) */
- * The maximum length of an NSPR IPC name, including the
- * terminating null byte.
- */
-#define PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE 1024
- * Types of NSPR IPC objects
- */
-typedef enum {
-    _PRIPCSem,  /* semaphores */
-    _PRIPCShm   /* shared memory segments */
-} _PRIPCType;
- * Make a native IPC name from an NSPR IPC name.
- */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MakeNativeIPCName(
-    const char *name,  /* NSPR IPC name */
-    char *result,      /* result buffer */
-    PRIntn size,       /* size of result buffer */
-    _PRIPCType type    /* type of IPC object */
-/* Socket call error code */
-/* Get name of current host */
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_GETHOSTNAME(char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_GETSYSINFO(PRSysInfo cmd, char *name, PRUint32 namelen);
-/* File descriptor inheritance */
- * If fd->secret->inheritable is _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN and we need to
- * know the inheritable attribute of the fd, call this function
- * to find that out.  This typically requires a system call.
- */
-extern void _PR_MD_QUERY_FD_INHERITABLE(PRFileDesc *fd);
-/* --- PR_GetRandomNoise() related things --- */
-extern PRSize _PR_MD_GetRandomNoise( void *buf, PRSize size );
-#define _PR_MD_GET_RANDOM_NOISE(buf,size) _PR_MD_GetRandomNoise((buf),(size))
-extern PRSize _pr_CopyLowBits( void *dest, PRSize dstlen, void *src, PRSize srclen );
-/* end PR_GetRandomNoise() related */
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-extern PRLock *_connectLock;
-typedef struct _ConnectListNode {
-	PRInt32		osfd;
-	PRNetAddr	addr;
-	PRUint32	addrlen;
-	PRIntervalTime	timeout;
-} ConnectListNode;
-extern ConnectListNode connectList[64];
-extern PRUint32 connectCount;
-#endif /* XP_BEOS */
-#endif /* primpl_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/private/prpriv.h b/nspr/pr/include/private/prpriv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f45eee4..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/private/prpriv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prpriv_h___
-#define prpriv_h___
- * NSPR 2.0 Private API
- */
-#include "private/pprio.h"
-#include "private/pprthred.h"
-#endif /* prpriv_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prlink.h b/nspr/pr/include/prlink.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea45ef8..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prlink.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prlink_h___
-#define prlink_h___
-** API to static and dynamic linking.
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef struct PRLibrary PRLibrary;
-typedef struct PRStaticLinkTable {
-    const char *name;
-    void (*fp)(void);
-} PRStaticLinkTable;
-** Change the default library path to the given string. The string is
-** copied. This call will fail if it runs out of memory.
-** The string provided as 'path' is copied. The caller can do whatever is
-** convenient with the argument when the function is complete.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetLibraryPath(const char *path);
-** Return a character string which contains the path used to search for
-** dynamically loadable libraries.
-** The returned value is basically a copy of a PR_SetLibraryPath().
-** The storage is allocated by the runtime and becomes the responsibilty
-** of the caller.
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_GetLibraryPath(void);
-** Given a directory name "dir" and a library name "lib" construct a full
-** path name that will refer to the actual dynamically loaded
-** library. This does not test for existance of said file, it just
-** constructs the full filename. The name constructed is system dependent
-** and prepared for PR_LoadLibrary. The result must be free'd when the
-** caller is done with it.
-** The storage for the result is allocated by the runtime and becomes the
-** responsibility of the caller.
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_GetLibraryName(const char *dir, const char *lib);
-** Free the memory allocated, for the caller, by PR_GetLibraryName
-NSPR_API(void) PR_FreeLibraryName(char *mem);
-** Given a library "name" try to load the library. The argument "name"
-** is a machine-dependent name for the library, such as the full pathname
-** returned by PR_GetLibraryName.  If the library is already loaded,
-** this function will avoid loading the library twice.
-** If the library is loaded successfully, then a pointer to the PRLibrary
-** structure representing the library is returned.  Otherwise, NULL is
-** returned.
-** This increments the reference count of the library.
-NSPR_API(PRLibrary*) PR_LoadLibrary(const char *name);
-** Each operating system has its preferred way of specifying
-** a file in the file system.  Most operating systems use
-** a pathname.  Mac OS Classic, on the other hand, uses the FSSpec
-** structure to specify a file. PRLibSpec allows NSPR clients
-** to use the type of file specification that is most efficient
-** for a particular platform.
-** On some operating systems such as Mac OS Classic, a shared library
-** may contain code fragments that can be individually loaded.
-** PRLibSpec also allows NSPR clients to identify a code fragment
-** in a library, if code fragments are supported by the OS.
-** A code fragment can be specified by name or by an integer index.
-** Right now PRLibSpec supports four types of library specification:
-** a pathname in the native character encoding, a Mac code fragment
-** by name, a Mac code fragment by index, and a UTF-16 pathname.
-typedef enum PRLibSpecType {
-    PR_LibSpec_Pathname,
-    PR_LibSpec_MacNamedFragment,   /* obsolete (for Mac OS Classic) */
-    PR_LibSpec_MacIndexedFragment, /* obsolete (for Mac OS Classic) */
-    PR_LibSpec_PathnameU           /* supported only on Win32 */ 
-} PRLibSpecType;
-struct FSSpec; /* Mac OS Classic FSSpec */
-typedef struct PRLibSpec {
-    PRLibSpecType type;
-    union {
-        /* if type is PR_LibSpec_Pathname */
-        const char *pathname;
-        /* if type is PR_LibSpec_MacNamedFragment */
-        struct {
-            const struct FSSpec *fsspec;
-            const char *name;
-        } mac_named_fragment;      /* obsolete (for Mac OS Classic) */
-        /* if type is PR_LibSpec_MacIndexedFragment */
-        struct {
-            const struct FSSpec *fsspec;
-            PRUint32 index;
-        } mac_indexed_fragment;    /* obsolete (for Mac OS Classic) */
-        /* if type is PR_LibSpec_PathnameU */
-        const PRUnichar *pathname_u; /* supported only on Win32 */
-    } value;
-} PRLibSpec;
-** The following bit flags may be or'd together and passed
-** as the 'flags' argument to PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags.
-** Flags not supported by the underlying OS are ignored.
-#define PR_LD_LAZY   0x1  /* equivalent to RTLD_LAZY on Unix */
-#define PR_LD_NOW    0x2  /* equivalent to RTLD_NOW on Unix */
-#define PR_LD_GLOBAL 0x4  /* equivalent to RTLD_GLOBAL on Unix */
-#define PR_LD_LOCAL  0x8  /* equivalent to RTLD_LOCAL on Unix */
-/* The following is equivalent to LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH on Windows */
-#define PR_LD_ALT_SEARCH_PATH  0x10  
-/*                0x8000     reserved for NSPR internal use */
-** Load the specified library, in the manner specified by 'flags'.
-NSPR_API(PRLibrary *)
-    PRLibSpec libSpec,    /* the shared library */
-    PRIntn flags          /* flags that affect the loading */
-** Unload a previously loaded library. If the library was a static
-** library then the static link table will no longer be referenced. The
-** associated PRLibrary object is freed.
-** PR_FAILURE is returned if the library cannot be unloaded.
-** This function decrements the reference count of the library.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_UnloadLibrary(PRLibrary *lib);
-** Given the name of a procedure, return the address of the function that
-** implements the procedure, or NULL if no such function can be
-** found. This does not find symbols in the main program (the ".exe");
-** use PR_LoadStaticLibrary to register symbols in the main program.
-** This function does not modify the reference count of the library.
-NSPR_API(void*) PR_FindSymbol(PRLibrary *lib, const char *name);
-** Similar to PR_FindSymbol, except that the return value is a pointer to
-** a function, and not a pointer to void. Casting between a data pointer
-** and a function pointer is not portable according to the C standard.
-** Any function pointer can be cast to any other function pointer.
-** This function does not modify the reference count of the library.
-typedef void (*PRFuncPtr)(void);
-NSPR_API(PRFuncPtr) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(PRLibrary *lib, const char *name);
-** Finds a symbol in one of the currently loaded libraries. Given the
-** name of a procedure, return the address of the function that
-** implements the procedure, and return the library that contains that
-** symbol, or NULL if no such function can be found. This does not find
-** symbols in the main program (the ".exe"); use PR_AddStaticLibrary to
-** register symbols in the main program.  
-** This increments the reference count of the library.
-NSPR_API(void*) PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary(const char *name,
-						      PRLibrary* *lib);
-** Similar to PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary, except that the return value is
-** a pointer to a function, and not a pointer to void. Casting between a
-** data pointer and a function pointer is not portable according to the C
-** standard. Any function pointer can be cast to any other function pointer.
-** This increments the reference count of the library.
-NSPR_API(PRFuncPtr) PR_FindFunctionSymbolAndLibrary(const char *name,
-						      PRLibrary* *lib);
-** Register a static link table with the runtime under the name
-** "name". The symbols present in the static link table will be made
-** available to PR_FindSymbol. If "name" is null then the symbols will be
-** made available to the library which represents the executable. The
-** tables are not copied.
-** Returns the library object if successful, null otherwise.
-** This increments the reference count of the library.
-NSPR_API(PRLibrary*) PR_LoadStaticLibrary(
-    const char *name, const PRStaticLinkTable *table);
-** Return the pathname of the file that the library "name" was loaded
-** from. "addr" is the address of a function defined in the library.
-** The caller is responsible for freeing the result with PR_Free.
-NSPR_API(char *) PR_GetLibraryFilePathname(const char *name, PRFuncPtr addr);
-#endif /* prlink_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prlock.h b/nspr/pr/include/prlock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc76a0e..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prlock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:		prlock.h
-** Description:	API to basic locking functions of NSPR.
-** NSPR provides basic locking mechanisms for thread synchronization.  Locks 
-** are lightweight resource contention controls that prevent multiple threads 
-** from accessing something (code/data) simultaneously.
-#ifndef prlock_h___
-#define prlock_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-/************************* TYPES AND CONSTANTS ************************/
- * PRLock --
- *
- *     NSPR represents the lock as an opaque entity to the client of the
- *	   API.  All routines operate on a pointer to this opaque entity.
- */
-typedef struct PRLock PRLock;
-/****************************** FUNCTIONS *****************************/
-** FUNCTION:    PR_NewLock
-**  Returns a pointer to a newly created opaque lock object.
-** INPUTS:      void
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRLock*
-**   If the lock can not be created because of resource constraints, NULL
-**   is returned.
-NSPR_API(PRLock*) PR_NewLock(void);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_DestroyLock
-**  Destroys a given opaque lock object.
-** INPUTS:      PRLock *lock
-**              Lock to be freed.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DestroyLock(PRLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_Lock
-**  Lock a lock.
-** INPUTS:      PRLock *lock
-**              Lock to locked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-NSPR_API(void) PR_Lock(PRLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_Unlock
-**  Unlock a lock.  Unlocking an unlocked lock has undefined results.
-** INPUTS:      PRLock *lock
-**              Lock to unlocked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-**              Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller does not own the lock.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Unlock(PRLock *lock);
-**  If the current thread owns |lock|, this assertion is guaranteed to
-**  succeed.  Otherwise, the behavior of this function is undefined.
-** INPUTS:      PRLock *lock
-**              Lock to assert ownership of.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT)
-#define PR_ASSERT_CURRENT_THREAD_OWNS_LOCK(/* PrLock* */ lock) \
-    PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock(lock)
-#define PR_ASSERT_CURRENT_THREAD_OWNS_LOCK(/* PrLock* */ lock)
-/* Don't call this function directly. */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock(PRLock *lock);
-#endif /* prlock_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prlog.h b/nspr/pr/include/prlog.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a291dc..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prlog.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prlog_h___
-#define prlog_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** prlog.h -- Declare interfaces to NSPR's Logging service
-** NSPR provides a logging service that is used by NSPR itself and is
-** available to client programs.
-** To use the service from a client program, you should create a
-** PRLogModuleInfo structure by calling PR_NewLogModule(). After
-** creating the LogModule, you can write to the log using the PR_LOG()
-** macro.
-** Initialization of the log service is handled by NSPR initialization.
-** At execution time, you must enable the log service. To enable the
-** log service, set the environment variable: NSPR_LOG_MODULES
-** variable.
-** NSPR_LOG_MODULES variable has the form:
-**     <moduleName>:<value>[, <moduleName>:<value>]*
-** Where:
-**  <moduleName> is the name passed to PR_NewLogModule().
-**  <value> is a numeric constant, e.g. 5. This value is the maximum
-** value of a log event, enumerated by PRLogModuleLevel, that you want
-** written to the log.
-** For example: to record all events of greater value than or equal to
-** PR_LOG_ERROR for a LogModule names "gizmo", say:
-** set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=gizmo:2
-** Note that you must specify the numeric value of PR_LOG_ERROR.
-** Special LogModule names are provided for controlling NSPR's log
-** service at execution time. These controls should be set in the
-** NSPR_LOG_MODULES environment variable at execution time to affect
-** NSPR's log service for your application.
-** The special LogModule "all" enables all LogModules. To enable all
-** LogModule calls to PR_LOG(), say:
-** set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=all:5
-** The special LogModule name "sync" tells the NSPR log service to do
-** unbuffered logging.
-** The special LogModule name "bufsize:<size>" tells NSPR to set the
-** log buffer to <size>.
-** The environment variable NSPR_LOG_FILE specifies the log file to use
-** unless the default of "stderr" is acceptable. For MS Windows
-** systems, NSPR_LOG_FILE can be set to a special value: "WinDebug"
-** (case sensitive). This value causes PR_LOG() output to be written
-** using the Windows API OutputDebugString(). OutputDebugString()
-** writes to the debugger window; some people find this helpful.
-** To put log messages in your programs, use the PR_LOG macro:
-**     PR_LOG(<module>, <level>, (<printfString>, <args>*));
-** Where <module> is the address of a PRLogModuleInfo structure, and
-** <level> is one of the levels defined by the enumeration:
-** PRLogModuleLevel. <args> is a printf() style of argument list. That
-** is: (fmtstring, ...).
-** Example:
-** main() {
-**    PRIntn one = 1;
-**    PRLogModuleInfo * myLm = PR_NewLogModule("gizmo");
-**    PR_LOG( myLm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Log this! %d\n", one)); 
-**    return; 
-** }
-** Note the use of printf() style arguments as the third agrument(s) to
-** PR_LOG().
-** After compiling and linking you application, set the environment:
-** set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=gizmo:5
-** set NSPR_LOG_FILE=logfile.txt
-** When you execute your application, the string "Log this! 1" will be
-** written to the file "logfile.txt".
-** Note to NSPR engineers: a number of PRLogModuleInfo structures are
-** defined and initialized in prinit.c. See this module for ideas on
-** what to log where.
-typedef enum PRLogModuleLevel {
-    PR_LOG_NONE = 0,                /* nothing */
-    PR_LOG_ALWAYS = 1,              /* always printed */
-    PR_LOG_ERROR = 2,               /* error messages */
-    PR_LOG_WARNING = 3,             /* warning messages */
-    PR_LOG_DEBUG = 4,               /* debug messages */
-    PR_LOG_NOTICE = PR_LOG_DEBUG,   /* notice messages */
-    PR_LOG_WARN = PR_LOG_WARNING,   /* warning messages */
-    PR_LOG_MIN = PR_LOG_DEBUG,      /* minimal debugging messages */
-    PR_LOG_MAX = PR_LOG_DEBUG       /* maximal debugging messages */
-} PRLogModuleLevel;
-** One of these structures is created for each module that uses logging.
-**    "name" is the name of the module
-**    "level" is the debugging level selected for that module
-typedef struct PRLogModuleInfo {
-    const char *name;
-    PRLogModuleLevel level;
-    struct PRLogModuleInfo *next;
-} PRLogModuleInfo;
-** Create a new log module.
-NSPR_API(PRLogModuleInfo*) PR_NewLogModule(const char *name);
-** Set the file to use for logging. Returns PR_FALSE if the file cannot
-** be created
-NSPR_API(PRBool) PR_SetLogFile(const char *name);
-** Set the size of the logging buffer. If "buffer_size" is zero then the
-** logging becomes "synchronous" (or unbuffered).
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetLogBuffering(PRIntn buffer_size);
-** Print a string to the log. "fmt" is a PR_snprintf format type. All
-** messages printed to the log are preceeded by the name of the thread
-** and a time stamp. Also, the routine provides a missing newline if one
-** is not provided.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_LogPrint(const char *fmt, ...);
-** Flush the log to its file.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_LogFlush(void);
-NSPR_API(void) PR_Assert(const char *s, const char *file, PRIntn ln)
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_LOG)
-#define PR_LOGGING 1
-#define PR_LOG_TEST(_module,_level) \
-    ((_module)->level >= (_level))
-** Log something.
-**    "module" is the address of a PRLogModuleInfo structure
-**    "level" is the desired logging level
-**    "args" is a variable length list of arguments to print, in the following
-**       format:  ("printf style format string", ...)
-#define PR_LOG(_module,_level,_args)     \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO             \
-      if (PR_LOG_TEST(_module,_level)) { \
-      PR_LogPrint _args;         \
-      }                     \
-#else /* defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_LOG) */
-#undef PR_LOGGING
-#define PR_LOG_TEST(module,level) 0
-#define PR_LOG(module,level,args)
-#endif /* defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_LOG) */
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#ifdef PR_LOGGING
-#define PR_LOG_BEGIN    PR_LOG
-#define PR_LOG_END      PR_LOG
-#define PR_LOG_DEFINE   PR_NewLogModule
-#define PR_LOG_BEGIN(module,level,args)
-#define PR_LOG_END(module,level,args)
-#define PR_LOG_DEFINE(_name)    NULL
-#endif /* PR_LOGGING */
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT)
-#define PR_ASSERT(_expr) \
-    ((_expr)?((void)0):PR_Assert(# _expr,__FILE__,__LINE__))
-#define PR_NOT_REACHED(_reasonStr) \
-    PR_Assert(_reasonStr,__FILE__,__LINE__)
-#define PR_ASSERT(expr) ((void) 0)
-#define PR_NOT_REACHED(reasonStr)
-#endif /* defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT) */
-#endif /* prlog_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prlong.h b/nspr/pr/include/prlong.h
deleted file mode 100644
index df1f30b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prlong.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:                prlong.h
-** Description: Portable access to 64 bit numerics
-** Long-long (64-bit signed integer type) support. Some C compilers
-** don't support 64 bit integers yet, so we use these macros to
-** support both machines that do and don't.
-#ifndef prlong_h___
-#define prlong_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** DEFINES:     LL_MaxInt
-**              LL_MinInt
-**              LL_Zero
-**              LL_MaxUint
-**      Various interesting constants and static variable
-**      initializer
-NSPR_API(PRInt64) LL_MaxInt(void);
-NSPR_API(PRInt64) LL_MinInt(void);
-NSPR_API(PRInt64) LL_Zero(void);
-NSPR_API(PRUint64) LL_MaxUint(void);
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-/* Keep this in sync with prtypes.h. */
-#define LL_MAXINT   9223372036854775807L
-#define LL_MININT   (-LL_MAXINT - 1L)
-#define LL_ZERO     0L
-#define LL_MAXUINT  18446744073709551615UL
-#define LL_INIT(hi, lo)  ((hi ## L << 32) + lo ## L)
-#elif defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-#define LL_MAXINT   9223372036854775807i64
-#define LL_MININT   (-LL_MAXINT - 1i64)
-#define LL_ZERO     0i64
-#define LL_MAXUINT  18446744073709551615ui64
-#define LL_INIT(hi, lo)  ((hi ## i64 << 32) + lo ## i64)
-#define LL_MAXINT   9223372036854775807LL
-#define LL_MININT   (-LL_MAXINT - 1LL)
-#define LL_ZERO     0LL
-#define LL_MAXUINT  18446744073709551615ULL
-#define LL_INIT(hi, lo)  ((hi ## LL << 32) + lo ## LL)
-** MACROS:      LL_*
-**      The following macros define portable access to the 64 bit
-**      math facilities.
-** MACROS:      LL_<relational operators>
-**  LL_IS_ZERO        Test for zero
-**  LL_EQ             Test for equality
-**  LL_NE             Test for inequality
-**  LL_GE_ZERO        Test for zero or positive
-**  LL_CMP            Compare two values
-#define LL_IS_ZERO(a)       ((a) == 0)
-#define LL_EQ(a, b)         ((a) == (b))
-#define LL_NE(a, b)         ((a) != (b))
-#define LL_GE_ZERO(a)       ((a) >= 0)
-#define LL_CMP(a, op, b)    ((PRInt64)(a) op (PRInt64)(b))
-#define LL_UCMP(a, op, b)   ((PRUint64)(a) op (PRUint64)(b))
-** MACROS:      LL_<logical operators>
-**  LL_AND            Logical and
-**  LL_OR             Logical or
-**  LL_XOR            Logical exclusion
-**  LL_OR2            A disgusting deviation
-**  LL_NOT            Negation (one's complement)
-#define LL_AND(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) & (b))
-#define LL_OR(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) | (b))
-#define LL_XOR(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) ^ (b))
-#define LL_OR2(r, a)        ((r) = (r) | (a))
-#define LL_NOT(r, a)        ((r) = ~(a))
-** MACROS:      LL_<mathematical operators>
-**  LL_NEG            Negation (two's complement)
-**  LL_ADD            Summation (two's complement)
-**  LL_SUB            Difference (two's complement)
-#define LL_NEG(r, a)        ((r) = -(a))
-#define LL_ADD(r, a, b)     ((r) = (a) + (b))
-#define LL_SUB(r, a, b)     ((r) = (a) - (b))
-** MACROS:      LL_<mathematical operators>
-**  LL_MUL            Product (two's complement)
-**  LL_DIV            Quotient (two's complement)
-**  LL_MOD            Modulus (two's complement)
-#define LL_MUL(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) * (b))
-#define LL_DIV(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) / (b))
-#define LL_MOD(r, a, b)        ((r) = (a) % (b))
-** MACROS:      LL_<shifting operators>
-**  LL_SHL            Shift left [0..64] bits
-**  LL_SHR            Shift right [0..64] bits with sign extension
-**  LL_USHR           Unsigned shift right [0..64] bits
-**  LL_ISHL           Signed shift left [0..64] bits
-#define LL_SHL(r, a, b)     ((r) = (PRInt64)(a) << (b))
-#define LL_SHR(r, a, b)     ((r) = (PRInt64)(a) >> (b))
-#define LL_USHR(r, a, b)    ((r) = (PRUint64)(a) >> (b))
-#define LL_ISHL(r, a, b)    ((r) = (PRInt64)(a) << (b))
-** MACROS:      LL_<conversion operators>
-**  LL_L2I            Convert to signed 32 bit
-**  LL_L2UI           Convert to unsigned 32 bit
-**  LL_L2F            Convert to floating point
-**  LL_L2D            Convert to floating point
-**  LL_I2L            Convert signed to 64 bit
-**  LL_UI2L           Convert unsigned to 64 bit
-**  LL_F2L            Convert float to 64 bit
-**  LL_D2L            Convert float to 64 bit
-#define LL_L2I(i, l)        ((i) = (PRInt32)(l))
-#define LL_L2UI(ui, l)        ((ui) = (PRUint32)(l))
-#define LL_L2F(f, l)        ((f) = (PRFloat64)(l))
-#define LL_L2D(d, l)        ((d) = (PRFloat64)(l))
-#define LL_I2L(l, i)        ((l) = (PRInt64)(i))
-#define LL_UI2L(l, ui)        ((l) = (PRInt64)(ui))
-#define LL_F2L(l, f)        ((l) = (PRInt64)(f))
-#define LL_D2L(l, d)        ((l) = (PRInt64)(d))
-**  Produce both a quotient and a remainder given an unsigned 
-** INPUTS:      PRUint64 a: The dividend of the operation
-**              PRUint64 b: The quotient of the operation
-** OUTPUTS:     PRUint64 *qp: pointer to quotient
-**              PRUint64 *rp: pointer to remainder
-#define LL_UDIVMOD(qp, rp, a, b) \
-    (*(qp) = ((PRUint64)(a) / (b)), \
-     *(rp) = ((PRUint64)(a) % (b)))
-#else  /* !HAVE_LONG_LONG */
-#define LL_MAXINT   LL_MaxInt()
-#define LL_MININT   LL_MinInt()
-#define LL_ZERO     LL_Zero()
-#define LL_MAXUINT  LL_MaxUint()
-#define LL_INIT(hi, lo) {PR_UINT32(lo), PR_UINT32(hi)}
-#define LL_INIT(hi, lo) {PR_UINT32(hi), PR_UINT32(lo)}
-#define LL_IS_ZERO(a)        (((a).hi == 0) && ((a).lo == 0))
-#define LL_EQ(a, b)        (((a).hi == (b).hi) && ((a).lo == (b).lo))
-#define LL_NE(a, b)        (((a).hi != (b).hi) || ((a).lo != (b).lo))
-#define LL_GE_ZERO(a)        (((a).hi >> 31) == 0)
-#define LL_CMP(a, op, b)    (((a).hi == (b).hi) ? ((a).lo op (b).lo) : \
-                 ((PRInt32)(a).hi op (PRInt32)(b).hi))
-#define LL_UCMP(a, op, b)    (((a).hi == (b).hi) ? ((a).lo op (b).lo) : \
-                 ((a).hi op (b).hi))
-#define LL_AND(r, a, b)        ((r).lo = (a).lo & (b).lo, \
-                 (r).hi = (a).hi & (b).hi)
-#define LL_OR(r, a, b)        ((r).lo = (a).lo | (b).lo, \
-                 (r).hi = (a).hi | (b).hi)
-#define LL_XOR(r, a, b)        ((r).lo = (a).lo ^ (b).lo, \
-                 (r).hi = (a).hi ^ (b).hi)
-#define LL_OR2(r, a)        ((r).lo = (r).lo | (a).lo, \
-                 (r).hi = (r).hi | (a).hi)
-#define LL_NOT(r, a)        ((r).lo = ~(a).lo, \
-                 (r).hi = ~(a).hi)
-#define LL_NEG(r, a)        ((r).lo = -(PRInt32)(a).lo, \
-                 (r).hi = -(PRInt32)(a).hi - ((r).lo != 0))
-#define LL_ADD(r, a, b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a, _b; \
-    _a = a; _b = b; \
-    (r).lo = _a.lo + _b.lo; \
-    (r).hi = _a.hi + _b.hi + ((r).lo < _b.lo); \
-#define LL_SUB(r, a, b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a, _b; \
-    _a = a; _b = b; \
-    (r).lo = _a.lo - _b.lo; \
-    (r).hi = _a.hi - _b.hi - (_a.lo < _b.lo); \
-#define LL_MUL(r, a, b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a, _b; \
-    _a = a; _b = b; \
-    LL_MUL32(r, _a.lo, _b.lo); \
-    (r).hi += _a.hi * _b.lo + _a.lo * _b.hi; \
-#define _lo16(a)        ((a) & PR_BITMASK(16))
-#define _hi16(a)        ((a) >> 16)
-#define LL_MUL32(r, a, b) { \
-     PRUint32 _a1, _a0, _b1, _b0, _y0, _y1, _y2, _y3; \
-     _a1 = _hi16(a), _a0 = _lo16(a); \
-     _b1 = _hi16(b), _b0 = _lo16(b); \
-     _y0 = _a0 * _b0; \
-     _y1 = _a0 * _b1; \
-     _y2 = _a1 * _b0; \
-     _y3 = _a1 * _b1; \
-     _y1 += _hi16(_y0);                         /* can't carry */ \
-     _y1 += _y2;                                /* might carry */ \
-     if (_y1 < _y2)    \
-        _y3 += (PRUint32)(PR_BIT(16));  /* propagate */ \
-     (r).lo = (_lo16(_y1) << 16) + _lo16(_y0); \
-     (r).hi = _y3 + _hi16(_y1); \
-#define LL_UDIVMOD(qp, rp, a, b)    ll_udivmod(qp, rp, a, b)
-NSPR_API(void) ll_udivmod(PRUint64 *qp, PRUint64 *rp, PRUint64 a, PRUint64 b);
-#define LL_DIV(r, a, b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a, _b; \
-    PRUint32 _negative = (PRInt32)(a).hi < 0; \
-    if (_negative) { \
-    LL_NEG(_a, a); \
-    } else { \
-    _a = a; \
-    } \
-    if ((PRInt32)(b).hi < 0) { \
-    _negative ^= 1; \
-    LL_NEG(_b, b); \
-    } else { \
-    _b = b; \
-    } \
-    LL_UDIVMOD(&(r), 0, _a, _b); \
-    if (_negative) \
-    LL_NEG(r, r); \
-#define LL_MOD(r, a, b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a, _b; \
-    PRUint32 _negative = (PRInt32)(a).hi < 0; \
-    if (_negative) { \
-    LL_NEG(_a, a); \
-    } else { \
-    _a = a; \
-    } \
-    if ((PRInt32)(b).hi < 0) { \
-    LL_NEG(_b, b); \
-    } else { \
-    _b = b; \
-    } \
-    LL_UDIVMOD(0, &(r), _a, _b); \
-    if (_negative) \
-    LL_NEG(r, r); \
-#define LL_SHL(r, a, b) { \
-    if (b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a; \
-        _a = a; \
-        if ((b) < 32) { \
-        (r).lo = _a.lo << ((b) & 31); \
-        (r).hi = (_a.hi << ((b) & 31)) | (_a.lo >> (32 - (b))); \
-    } else { \
-        (r).lo = 0; \
-        (r).hi = _a.lo << ((b) & 31); \
-    } \
-    } else { \
-    (r) = (a); \
-    } \
-/* a is an PRInt32, b is PRInt32, r is PRInt64 */
-#define LL_ISHL(r, a, b) { \
-    if (b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a; \
-    _a.lo = (a); \
-    _a.hi = 0; \
-        if ((b) < 32) { \
-        (r).lo = (a) << ((b) & 31); \
-        (r).hi = ((a) >> (32 - (b))); \
-    } else { \
-        (r).lo = 0; \
-        (r).hi = (a) << ((b) & 31); \
-    } \
-    } else { \
-    (r).lo = (a); \
-    (r).hi = 0; \
-    } \
-#define LL_SHR(r, a, b) { \
-    if (b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a; \
-        _a = a; \
-    if ((b) < 32) { \
-        (r).lo = (_a.hi << (32 - (b))) | (_a.lo >> ((b) & 31)); \
-        (r).hi = (PRInt32)_a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
-    } else { \
-        (r).lo = (PRInt32)_a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
-        (r).hi = (PRInt32)_a.hi >> 31; \
-    } \
-    } else { \
-    (r) = (a); \
-    } \
-#define LL_USHR(r, a, b) { \
-    if (b) { \
-    PRInt64 _a; \
-        _a = a; \
-    if ((b) < 32) { \
-        (r).lo = (_a.hi << (32 - (b))) | (_a.lo >> ((b) & 31)); \
-        (r).hi = _a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
-    } else { \
-        (r).lo = _a.hi >> ((b) & 31); \
-        (r).hi = 0; \
-    } \
-    } else { \
-    (r) = (a); \
-    } \
-#define LL_L2I(i, l)        ((i) = (l).lo)
-#define LL_L2UI(ui, l)        ((ui) = (l).lo)
-#define LL_L2F(f, l)        { double _d; LL_L2D(_d, l); (f) = (PRFloat64)_d; }
-#define LL_L2D(d, l) { \
-    int _negative; \
-    PRInt64 _absval; \
- \
-    _negative = (l).hi >> 31; \
-    if (_negative) { \
-    LL_NEG(_absval, l); \
-    } else { \
-    _absval = l; \
-    } \
-    (d) = (double)_absval.hi * 4.294967296e9 + _absval.lo; \
-    if (_negative) \
-    (d) = -(d); \
-#define LL_I2L(l, i)        { PRInt32 _i = ((PRInt32)(i)) >> 31; (l).lo = (i); (l).hi = _i; }
-#define LL_UI2L(l, ui)      ((l).lo = (ui), (l).hi = 0)
-#define LL_F2L(l, f)        { double _d = (double)f; LL_D2L(l, _d); }
-#define LL_D2L(l, d) { \
-    int _negative; \
-    double _absval, _d_hi; \
-    PRInt64 _lo_d; \
- \
-    _negative = ((d) < 0); \
-    _absval = _negative ? -(d) : (d); \
- \
-    (l).hi = _absval / 4.294967296e9; \
-    (l).lo = 0; \
-    LL_L2D(_d_hi, l); \
-    _absval -= _d_hi; \
-    _lo_d.hi = 0; \
-    if (_absval < 0) { \
-    _lo_d.lo = -_absval; \
-    LL_SUB(l, l, _lo_d); \
-    } else { \
-    _lo_d.lo = _absval; \
-    LL_ADD(l, l, _lo_d); \
-    } \
- \
-    if (_negative) \
-    LL_NEG(l, l); \
-#endif /* !HAVE_LONG_LONG */
-#endif /* prlong_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prmem.h b/nspr/pr/include/prmem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c7cb5fb..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prmem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File: prmem.h
-** Description: API to NSPR memory management functions
-#ifndef prmem_h___
-#define prmem_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-** Thread safe memory allocation.
-** NOTE: pr wraps up malloc, free, calloc, realloc so they are already
-** thread safe (and are not declared here - look in stdlib.h).
-** PR_Malloc, PR_Calloc, PR_Realloc, and PR_Free have the same signatures
-** as their libc equivalent malloc, calloc, realloc, and free, and have
-** the same semantics.  (Note that the argument type size_t is replaced
-** by PRUint32.)  Memory allocated by PR_Malloc, PR_Calloc, or PR_Realloc
-** must be freed by PR_Free.
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_Malloc(PRUint32 size);
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_Calloc(PRUint32 nelem, PRUint32 elsize);
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_Realloc(void *ptr, PRUint32 size);
-NSPR_API(void) PR_Free(void *ptr);
-** The following are some convenience macros defined in terms of
-** PR_Malloc, PR_Calloc, PR_Realloc, and PR_Free.
-**   PR_NEW() allocates an untyped item of size _size from the heap.
-** INPUTS:  _size: size in bytes of item to be allocated
-** OUTPUTS:	untyped pointer to the node allocated
-** RETURN:	pointer to node or error returned from malloc().
-#define PR_MALLOC(_bytes) (PR_Malloc((_bytes)))
-**   PR_NEW() allocates an item of type _struct from the heap.
-** INPUTS:  _struct: a data type
-** OUTPUTS:	pointer to _struct
-** RETURN:	pointer to _struct or error returns from malloc().
-#define PR_NEW(_struct) ((_struct *) PR_MALLOC(sizeof(_struct)))
-**   PR_REALLOC() re-allocates _ptr bytes from the heap as a _size
-**   untyped item.
-** INPUTS:	_ptr: pointer to node to reallocate
-**          _size: size of node to allocate
-** OUTPUTS:	pointer to node allocated
-** RETURN:	pointer to node allocated
-#define PR_REALLOC(_ptr, _size) (PR_Realloc((_ptr), (_size)))
-**   PR_CALLOC() allocates a _size bytes untyped item from the heap
-**   and sets the allocated memory to all 0x00.
-** INPUTS:	_size: size of node to allocate
-** OUTPUTS:	pointer to node allocated
-** RETURN:	pointer to node allocated
-#define PR_CALLOC(_size) (PR_Calloc(1, (_size)))
-**   PR_NEWZAP() allocates an item of type _struct from the heap
-**   and sets the allocated memory to all 0x00.
-** INPUTS:	_struct: a data type
-** OUTPUTS:	pointer to _struct
-** RETURN:	pointer to _struct
-#define PR_NEWZAP(_struct) ((_struct*)PR_Calloc(1, sizeof(_struct)))
-**   PR_DELETE() unallocates an object previosly allocated via PR_NEW()
-**   or PR_NEWZAP() to the heap.
-** INPUTS:	pointer to previously allocated object
-** OUTPUTS:	the referenced object is returned to the heap
-** RETURN:	void
-#define PR_DELETE(_ptr) { PR_Free(_ptr); (_ptr) = NULL; }
-**   PR_FREEIF() conditionally unallocates an object previously allocated
-**   vial PR_NEW() or PR_NEWZAP(). If the pointer to the object is
-**   equal to zero (0), the object is not released.
-** INPUTS:	pointer to previously allocated object
-** OUTPUTS:	the referenced object is conditionally returned to the heap
-** RETURN:	void
-#define PR_FREEIF(_ptr)	if (_ptr) PR_DELETE(_ptr)
-#endif /* prmem_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prmon.h b/nspr/pr/include/prmon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 374e298..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prmon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prmon_h___
-#define prmon_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-typedef struct PRMonitor PRMonitor;
-** Create a new monitor. Monitors are re-entrant locks with a single built-in
-** condition variable.
-** This may fail if memory is tight or if some operating system resource
-** is low.
-NSPR_API(PRMonitor*) PR_NewMonitor(void);
-** Destroy a monitor. The caller is responsible for guaranteeing that the
-** monitor is no longer in use. There must be no thread waiting on the monitor's
-** condition variable and that the lock is not held.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DestroyMonitor(PRMonitor *mon);
-** Enter the lock associated with the monitor. If the calling thread currently
-** is in the monitor, the call to enter will silently succeed. In either case,
-** it will increment the entry count by one.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_EnterMonitor(PRMonitor *mon);
-** Decrement the entry count associated with the monitor. If the decremented
-** entry count is zero, the monitor is exited. Returns PR_FAILURE if the
-** calling thread has not entered the monitor.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_ExitMonitor(PRMonitor *mon);
-** Wait for a notify on the monitor's condition variable. Sleep for "ticks"
-** amount of time (if "ticks" is PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT then the sleep is
-** indefinite).
-** While the thread is waiting it exits the monitor (as if it called
-** PR_ExitMonitor as many times as it had called PR_EnterMonitor).  When
-** the wait has finished the thread regains control of the monitors lock
-** with the same entry count as before the wait began.
-** The thread waiting on the monitor will be resumed when the monitor is
-** notified (assuming the thread is the next in line to receive the
-** notify) or when the "ticks" timeout elapses.
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not entered the monitor.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, PRIntervalTime ticks);
-** Notify a thread waiting on the monitor's condition variable. If a thread
-** is waiting on the condition variable (using PR_Wait) then it is awakened
-** and attempts to reenter the monitor.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Notify(PRMonitor *mon);
-** Notify all of the threads waiting on the monitor's condition variable.
-** All of threads waiting on the condition are scheduled to reenter the
-** monitor.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NotifyAll(PRMonitor *mon);
-** If the current thread is in |mon|, this assertion is guaranteed to
-** succeed.  Otherwise, the behavior of this function is undefined.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT)
-#define PR_ASSERT_CURRENT_THREAD_IN_MONITOR(/* PRMonitor* */ mon) \
-    PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor(mon)
-#define PR_ASSERT_CURRENT_THREAD_IN_MONITOR(/* PRMonitor* */ mon)
-/* Don't call this function directly. */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor(PRMonitor *mon);
-#endif /* prmon_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prmwait.h b/nspr/pr/include/prmwait.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a902d90..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prmwait.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#if defined(_PRMWAIT_H)
-#define _PRMWAIT_H
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
-/******************************       WARNING        ****************************/
-/**************************** This is work in progress. *************************/
-/************************** Do not make any assumptions *************************/
-/************************** about the stability of this *************************/
-/************************** API or the underlying imple- ************************/
-/************************** mentation.                   ************************/
-** STRUCTURE:   PRWaitGroup
-**      The client may define several wait groups in order to semantically
-**      tie a collection of file descriptors for a single purpose. This allows
-**      easier dispatching of threads that returned with active file descriptors
-**      from the wait function.
-typedef struct PRWaitGroup PRWaitGroup;
-**      This enumeration is used to indicate the completion status of
-**      a receive wait object. Generally stated, a positive value indicates
-**      that the operation is not yet complete. A zero value indicates
-**      success (similar to PR_SUCCESS) and any negative value is an
-**      indication of failure. The reason for the failure can be retrieved
-**      by calling PR_GetError().
-**  PR_MW_PENDING       The operation is still pending. None of the other
-**                      fields of the object are currently valid.
-**  PR_MW_SUCCESS       The operation is complete and it was successful.
-**  PR_MW_FAILURE       The operation failed. The reason for the failure
-**                      can be retrieved by calling PR_GetError().
-**  PR_MW_TIMEOUT       The amount of time allowed for by the object's
-**                      'timeout' field has expired w/o the operation
-**                      otherwise coming to closure.
-**  PR_MW_INTERRUPT     The operation was cancelled, either by the client
-**                      calling PR_CancelWaitFileDesc() or destroying the
-**                      entire wait group (PR_DestroyWaitGroup()).
-typedef enum PRMWStatus
-    PR_MW_PENDING = 1,
-    PR_MW_SUCCESS = 0,
-    PR_MW_FAILURE = -1,
-    PR_MW_TIMEOUT = -2,
-} PRMWStatus;
-** STRUCTURE:   PRMemoryDescriptor
-**      THis is a descriptor for an interval of memory. It contains a
-**      pointer to the first byte of that memory and the length (in
-**      bytes) of the interval.
-typedef struct PRMemoryDescriptor
-    void *start;                /* pointer to first byte of memory */
-    PRSize length;              /* length (in bytes) of memory interval */
-} PRMemoryDescriptor;
-** STRUCTURE:   PRMWaitClientData
-**      An opague stucture for which a client MAY give provide a concrete
-**      definition and associate with a receive descriptor. The NSPR runtime
-**      does not manage this field. It is completely up to the client.
-typedef struct PRMWaitClientData PRMWaitClientData;
-** STRUCTURE:   PRRecvWait
-**      A receive wait object contains the file descriptor that is subject
-**      to the wait and the amount of time (beginning epoch established
-**      when the object is presented to the runtime) the the channel should
-**      block before abandoning the process.
-**      The success of the wait operation will be noted in the object's
-**      'outcome' field. The fields are not valid when the NSPR runtime
-**      is in possession of the object.
-**      The memory descriptor describes an interval of writable memory
-**      in the caller's address space where data from an initial read
-**      can be placed. The description may indicate a null interval.
-typedef struct PRRecvWait 
-    PRCList internal;           /* internal runtime linkages */
-    PRFileDesc *fd;             /* file descriptor associated w/ object */
-    PRMWStatus outcome;         /* outcome of the current/last operation */
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;     /* time allowed for entire operation */
-    PRInt32 bytesRecv;          /* number of bytes transferred into buffer */
-    PRMemoryDescriptor buffer;  /* where to store first segment of input data */
-    PRMWaitClientData *client;  /* pointer to arbitrary client defined data */
-} PRRecvWait;
-** STRUCTURE:   PRMWaitEnumerator
-**      An enumeration object is used to store the state of an existing
-**      enumeration over a wait group. The opaque object must be allocated
-**      by the client and the reference presented on each call to the
-**      pseudo-stateless enumerator. The enumeration objects are sharable
-**      only in serial fashion.
-typedef struct PRMWaitEnumerator PRMWaitEnumerator;
-** FUNCTION:    PR_AddWaitFileDesc
-**      This function will effectively add a file descriptor to the
-**      list of those waiting for network receive. The new descriptor
-**      will be semantically tied to the wait group specified.
-**      The ownership for the storage pointed to by 'desc' is temporarily
-**      passed over the the NSPR runtime. It will be handed back by the
-**      function PR_WaitRecvReady().
-**      group       A reference to a PRWaitGroup or NULL. Wait groups are
-**                  created by calling PR_CreateWaitGroup() and are used
-**                  to semantically group various file descriptors by the
-**                  client's application.
-**      desc        A reference to a valid PRRecvWait. The object of the
-**                  reference must be preserved and not be modified
-**                  until its ownership is returned to the client.
-**      PRStatus    An indication of success. If equal to PR_FAILUE details
-**                  of the failure are avaiable via PR_GetError().
-**                  Invalid 'group' identifier or duplicate 'desc' object.
-**                  Insuffient memory for internal data structures.
-**                  The group is being destroyed.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_AddWaitFileDesc(PRWaitGroup *group, PRRecvWait *desc);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_WaitRecvReady
-**      PR_WaitRecvReady will block the calling thread until one of the
-**      file descriptors that have been added via PR_AddWaitFileDesc is
-**      available for input I/O.
-**  INPUT
-**      group       A pointer to a valid PRWaitGroup or NULL (the null
-**                  group. The function will block the caller until a
-**                  channel from the wait group becomes ready for receive
-**                  or there is some sort of error.
-**      PRReciveWait
-**                  When the caller is resumed it is either returned a
-**                  valid pointer to a previously added receive wait or
-**                  a NULL. If the latter, the function has terminated
-**                  for a reason that can be determined by calling
-**                  PR_GetError().
-**                  If a valid pointer is returned, the reference is to the
-**                  file descriptor contained in the receive wait object.
-**                  The outcome of the wait operation may still fail, and
-**                  if it has, that fact will be noted in the object's
-**                  outcome field. Details can be retrieved from PR_GetError().
-**                  The 'group' is not known by the runtime.
-                    The thread was interrupted.
-**                  The group is being destroyed.
-NSPR_API(PRRecvWait*) PR_WaitRecvReady(PRWaitGroup *group);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_CancelWaitFileDesc
-**      PR_CancelWaitFileDesc is provided as a means for cancelling operations
-**      on objects previously submitted by use of PR_AddWaitFileDesc(). If
-**      the runtime knows of the object, it will be marked as having failed
-**      because it was interrupted (similar to PR_Interrupt()). The first
-**      available thread waiting on the group will be made to return the
-**      PRRecvWait object with the outcome noted.
-**      group       The wait group under which the wait receive object was
-**                  added.
-**      desc        A pointer to the wait receive object that is to be
-**                  cancelled.
-**      PRStatus    If the wait receive object was located and associated
-**                  with the specified wait group, the status returned will
-**                  be PR_SUCCESS. There is still a race condition that would
-**                  permit the offected object to complete normally, but it
-**                  is assured that it will complete in the near future.
-**                  If the receive object or wait group are invalid, the
-**                  function will return with a status of PR_FAILURE.
-**                  The 'group' argument is not recognized as a valid group.
-**                  There are no more receive wait objects in the group's
-**                  collection.
-**                  The group is being destroyed.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CancelWaitFileDesc(PRWaitGroup *group, PRRecvWait *desc);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_CancelWaitGroup
-**      PR_CancelWaitGroup is provided as a means for cancelling operations
-**      on objects previously submitted by use of PR_AddWaitFileDesc(). Each
-**      successive call will return a pointer to a PRRecvWait object that
-**      was previously registered via PR_AddWaitFileDesc(). If no wait
-**      objects are associated with the wait group, a NULL will be returned.
-**      This function should be called in a loop until a NULL is returned
-**      to reclaim all the wait objects prior to calling PR_DestroyWaitGroup().
-**      group       The wait group under which the wait receive object was
-**                  added.
-**      PRRecvWait* If the wait group is valid and at least one receive wait
-**                  object is present in the group, that object will be
-**                  marked as PR_MW_INTERRUPT'd and removed from the group's
-**                  queues. Otherwise a NULL will be returned and the reason
-**                  for the NULL may be retrieved by calling PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRRecvWait*) PR_CancelWaitGroup(PRWaitGroup *group);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_CreateWaitGroup
-**      A wait group is an opaque object that a client may create in order
-**      to semantically group various wait requests. Each wait group is
-**      unique, including the default wait group (NULL). A wait request
-**      that was added under a wait group will only be serviced by a caller
-**      that specified the same wait group.
-**  INPUT
-**      size        The size of the hash table to be used to contain the
-**                  receive wait objects. This is just the initial size.
-**                  It will grow as it needs to, but to avoid that hassle
-**                  one can suggest a suitable size initially. It should
-**                  be ~30% larger than the maximum number of receive wait
-**                  objects expected.
-**      PRWaitGroup If successful, the function will return a pointer to an
-**                  object that was allocated by and owned by the runtime.
-**                  The reference remains valid until it is explicitly destroyed
-**                  by calling PR_DestroyWaitGroup().
-NSPR_API(PRWaitGroup*) PR_CreateWaitGroup(PRInt32 size);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_DestroyWaitGroup
-**      Undo the effects of PR_CreateWaitGroup(). Any receive wait operations
-**      on the group will be treated as if the each had been the target of a
-**      PR_CancelWaitFileDesc().
-**  INPUT
-**      group       Reference to a wait group previously allocated using
-**                  PR_CreateWaitGroup().
-**      PRStatus    Will be PR_SUCCESS if the wait group was valid and there
-**                  are no receive wait objects in that group. Otherwise
-**                  will indicate PR_FAILURE.
-**                  The 'group' argument does not reference a known object.
-**                  The group still contains receive wait objects.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DestroyWaitGroup(PRWaitGroup *group);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator
-**      The PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator() function returns a reference to an
-**      opaque PRMWaitEnumerator object. The enumerator object is required
-**      as an argument for each successive call in the stateless enumeration
-**      of the indicated wait group.
-**      group       The wait group that the enumeration is intended to
-**                  process. It may be be the default wait group (NULL).
-**      PRMWaitEnumerator* group
-**                  A reference to an object that will be used to store
-**                  intermediate state of enumerations.
-**      Errors are indicated by the function returning a NULL.
-**                  The 'group' argument does not reference a known object.
-NSPR_API(PRMWaitEnumerator*) PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator(PRWaitGroup *group);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator
-**      Destroys the object created by PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator(). The reference
-**      used as an argument becomes invalid.
-**      PRMWaitEnumerator* enumerator
-**          The PRMWaitEnumerator object to destroy.
-**      PRStatus
-**          PR_SUCCESS if successful, PR_FAILURE otherwise.
-**                  The enumerator is invalid.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator(PRMWaitEnumerator* enumerator);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_EnumerateWaitGroup
-**      PR_EnumerateWaitGroup is a thread safe enumerator over a wait group.
-**      Each call to the enumerator must present a valid PRMWaitEnumerator
-**      rererence and a pointer to the "previous" element returned from the
-**      enumeration process or a NULL.
-**      An enumeration is started by passing a NULL as the "previous" value.
-**      Subsequent calls to the enumerator must pass in the result of the
-**      previous call. The enumeration end is signaled by the runtime returning
-**      a NULL as the result.
-**      Modifications to the content of the wait group are allowed during
-**      an enumeration. The effect is that the enumeration may have to be
-**      "reset" and that may result in duplicates being returned from the
-**      enumeration.
-**      An enumeration may be abandoned at any time. The runtime is not
-**      keeping any state, so there are no issues in that regard.
-NSPR_API(PRRecvWait*) PR_EnumerateWaitGroup(
-    PRMWaitEnumerator *enumerator, const PRRecvWait *previous);
-#endif /* defined(_PRMWAIT_H) */
-/* prmwait.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prnetdb.h b/nspr/pr/include/prnetdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 49b77b1..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prnetdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prnetdb_h___
-#define prnetdb_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
- *********************************************************************
- *  Translate an Internet address to/from a character string
- *********************************************************************
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_StringToNetAddr(
-    const char *string, PRNetAddr *addr);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NetAddrToString(
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, char *string, PRUint32 size);
-** Structures returned by network data base library.  All addresses are
-** supplied in host order, and returned in network order (suitable for
-** use in system calls).
-** Beware that WINSOCK.H defines h_addrtype and h_length as short.
-** Client code does direct struct copies of hostent to PRHostEnt and
-** hence the ifdef.
-typedef struct PRHostEnt {
-    char *h_name;       /* official name of host */
-    char **h_aliases;   /* alias list */
-#ifdef WIN32
-    PRInt16 h_addrtype; /* host address type */
-    PRInt16 h_length;   /* length of address */
-    PRInt32 h_addrtype; /* host address type */
-    PRInt32 h_length;   /* length of address */
-    char **h_addr_list; /* list of addresses from name server */
-} PRHostEnt;
-/* A safe size to use that will mostly work... */
-#if (defined(AIX) && defined(_THREAD_SAFE)) || defined(OSF1)
-#define PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE sizeof(struct protoent_data)
-#define PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE 1024
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_GetHostByName()
-** Lookup a host by name.
-**  char *hostname      Character string defining the host name of interest
-**  char *buf           A scratch buffer for the runtime to return result.
-**                      This buffer is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRIntn bufsize      Number of bytes in 'buf'. A recommnded value to
-**                      use is PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE.
-**  PRHostEnt *hostentry
-**                      This structure is filled in by the runtime if
-**                      the function returns PR_SUCCESS. This structure
-**                      is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRStatus            PR_SUCCESS if the lookup succeeds. If it fails
-**                      the result will be PR_FAILURE and the reason
-**                      for the failure can be retrieved by PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetHostByName(
-    const char *hostname, char *buf, PRIntn bufsize, PRHostEnt *hostentry);
-** Lookup a host by name. Equivalent to getipnodebyname(AI_DEFAULT)
-** of RFC 2553.
-**  char *hostname      Character string defining the host name of interest
-**  PRUint16 af         Address family (either PR_AF_INET or PR_AF_INET6)
-**  PRIntn flags        Specifies the types of addresses that are searched
-**                      for and the types of addresses that are returned.
-**                      The only supported flag is PR_AI_DEFAULT.
-**  char *buf           A scratch buffer for the runtime to return result.
-**                      This buffer is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRIntn bufsize      Number of bytes in 'buf'. A recommnded value to
-**                      use is PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE.
-**  PRHostEnt *hostentry
-**                      This structure is filled in by the runtime if
-**                      the function returns PR_SUCCESS. This structure
-**                      is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRStatus            PR_SUCCESS if the lookup succeeds. If it fails
-**                      the result will be PR_FAILURE and the reason
-**                      for the failure can be retrieved by PR_GetError().
-#define PR_AI_ALL         0x08
-#define PR_AI_V4MAPPED    0x10
-#define PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG  0x20
-#define PR_AI_NOCANONNAME 0x8000
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetIPNodeByName(
-    const char *hostname,
-    PRUint16 af,
-    PRIntn flags,
-    char *buf,
-    PRIntn bufsize,
-    PRHostEnt *hostentry);
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_GetHostByAddr()
-** Lookup a host entry by its network address.
-**  char *hostaddr      IP address of host in question
-**  char *buf           A scratch buffer for the runtime to return result.
-**                      This buffer is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRIntn bufsize      Number of bytes in 'buf'. A recommnded value to
-**                      use is PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE.
-**  PRHostEnt *hostentry
-**                      This structure is filled in by the runtime if
-**                      the function returns PR_SUCCESS. This structure
-**                      is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRStatus            PR_SUCCESS if the lookup succeeds. If it fails
-**                      the result will be PR_FAILURE and the reason
-**                      for the failure can be retrieved by PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetHostByAddr(
-    const PRNetAddr *hostaddr, char *buf, PRIntn bufsize, PRHostEnt *hostentry);
-** FUNCTION:	PR_EnumerateHostEnt()	
-**  A stateless enumerator over a PRHostEnt structure acquired from
-**  PR_GetHostByName() PR_GetHostByAddr() to evaluate the possible
-**  network addresses.
-**  PRIntn  enumIndex   Index of the enumeration. The enumeration starts
-**                      and ends with a value of zero.
-**  PRHostEnt *hostEnt  A pointer to a host entry struct that was
-**                      previously returned by PR_GetHostByName() or
-**                      PR_GetHostByAddr().
-**  PRUint16 port       The port number to be assigned as part of the
-**                      PRNetAddr.
-**  PRNetAddr *address  A pointer to an address structure that will be
-**                      filled in by the call to the enumeration if the
-**                      result of the call is greater than zero.
-**  PRIntn              The value that should be used for the next call
-**                      of the enumerator ('enumIndex'). The enumeration
-**                      is ended if this value is returned zero.
-**                      If a value of -1 is returned, the enumeration
-**                      has failed. The reason for the failure can be
-**                      retrieved by calling PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRIntn) PR_EnumerateHostEnt(
-    PRIntn enumIndex, const PRHostEnt *hostEnt, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *address);
-** FUNCTION: PR_InitializeNetAddr(), 
-**  Initialize the fields of a PRNetAddr, assigning well known values as
-**  appropriate.
-**  PRNetAddrValue val  The value to be assigned to the IP Address portion
-**                      of the network address. This can only specify the
-**                      special well known values that are equivalent to
-**                      INADDR_ANY and INADDR_LOOPBACK.
-**  PRUint16 port       The port number to be assigned in the structure.
-**  PRNetAddr *addr     The address to be manipulated.
-**  PRStatus            To indicate success or failure. If the latter, the
-**                      reason for the failure can be retrieved by calling
-**                      PR_GetError();
-typedef enum PRNetAddrValue
-    PR_IpAddrNull,      /* do NOT overwrite the IP address */
-    PR_IpAddrAny,       /* assign logical INADDR_ANY to IP address */
-    PR_IpAddrLoopback,  /* assign logical INADDR_LOOPBACK  */
-    PR_IpAddrV4Mapped   /* IPv4 mapped address */
-} PRNetAddrValue;
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_InitializeNetAddr(
-    PRNetAddrValue val, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *addr);
-** FUNCTION: PR_SetNetAddr(), 
-**  Set the fields of a PRNetAddr, assigning well known values as
-**  appropriate. This function is similar to PR_InitializeNetAddr
-**  but differs in that the address family is specified.
-**  PRNetAddrValue val  The value to be assigned to the IP Address portion
-**                      of the network address. This can only specify the
-**                      special well known values that are equivalent to
-**                      INADDR_ANY and INADDR_LOOPBACK.
-**  PRUint16 af         The address family (either PR_AF_INET or PR_AF_INET6)
-**  PRUint16 port       The port number to be assigned in the structure.
-**  PRNetAddr *addr     The address to be manipulated.
-**  PRStatus            To indicate success or failure. If the latter, the
-**                      reason for the failure can be retrieved by calling
-**                      PR_GetError();
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetNetAddr(
-    PRNetAddrValue val, PRUint16 af, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *addr);
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_IsNetAddrType()
-** Determine if the network address is of the specified type.
-**  const PRNetAddr *addr   A network address.
-**  PRNetAddrValue          The type of network address 
-**  PRBool                  PR_TRUE if the network address is of the
-**                          specified type, else PR_FALSE.
-NSPR_API(PRBool) PR_IsNetAddrType(const PRNetAddr *addr, PRNetAddrValue val);
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6()
-** Convert an IPv4 addr to an (IPv4-mapped) IPv6 addr
-**  PRUint32 	v4addr		IPv4 address
-**  PRIPv6Addr *v6addr      The converted IPv6 address
-**  void
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6(PRUint32 v4addr, PRIPv6Addr *v6addr);
-** MACRO:	
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_NetAddrFamily()
-** Get the 'family' field of a PRNetAddr union.
-**  const PRNetAddr *addr   A network address.
-**  PRUint16                The 'family' field of 'addr'.
-#define PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) ((addr)->
-** MACRO:	
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_NetAddrInetPort()
-** Get the 'port' field of a PRNetAddr union.
-**  const PRNetAddr *addr   A network address.
-**  PRUint16                The 'port' field of 'addr'.
-#define PR_NetAddrInetPort(addr) \
-    ((addr)-> == PR_AF_INET6 ? (addr)->ipv6.port : (addr)->inet.port)
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_GetProtoByName()
-** Lookup a protocol entry based on protocol's name
-**  char *protocolname  Character string of the protocol's name.
-**  char *buf           A scratch buffer for the runtime to return result.
-**                      This buffer is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRIntn bufsize      Number of bytes in 'buf'. A recommnded value to
-**                      use is PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE.
-**  PRHostEnt *PRProtoEnt
-**                      This structure is filled in by the runtime if
-**                      the function returns PR_SUCCESS. This structure
-**                      is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRStatus            PR_SUCCESS if the lookup succeeds. If it fails
-**                      the result will be PR_FAILURE and the reason
-**                      for the failure can be retrieved by PR_GetError().
-typedef struct PRProtoEnt {
-    char *p_name;       /* official protocol name */
-    char **p_aliases;   /* alias list */
-#ifdef WIN32
-    PRInt16 p_num;      /* protocol # */
-    PRInt32 p_num;      /* protocol # */
-} PRProtoEnt;
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetProtoByName(
-    const char* protocolname, char* buffer, PRInt32 bufsize, PRProtoEnt* result);
-** DESCRIPTION:	PR_GetProtoByNumber()
-** Lookup a protocol entry based on protocol's number
-**  PRInt32 protocolnumber
-**                      Number assigned to the protocol.
-**  char *buf           A scratch buffer for the runtime to return result.
-**                      This buffer is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRIntn bufsize      Number of bytes in 'buf'. A recommnded value to
-**                      use is PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE.
-**  PRHostEnt *PRProtoEnt
-**                      This structure is filled in by the runtime if
-**                      the function returns PR_SUCCESS. This structure
-**                      is allocated by the caller.
-**  PRStatus            PR_SUCCESS if the lookup succeeds. If it fails
-**                      the result will be PR_FAILURE and the reason
-**                      for the failure can be retrieved by PR_GetError().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetProtoByNumber(
-    PRInt32 protocolnumber, char* buffer, PRInt32 bufsize, PRProtoEnt* result);
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_GetAddrInfoByName()
-**  Look up a host by name. Equivalent to getaddrinfo(host, NULL, ...) of
-**  RFC 3493.
-**  char *hostname      Character string defining the host name of interest
-**  PRUint16 af         May be PR_AF_UNSPEC or PR_AF_INET.
-**  PRIntn flags        May be either PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG or
-**                      PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG | PR_AI_NOCANONNAME. Include
-**                      PR_AI_NOCANONNAME to suppress the determination of
-**                      the canonical name corresponding to hostname.
-**  PRAddrInfo*         Handle to a data structure containing the results
-**                      of the host lookup. Use PR_EnumerateAddrInfo to
-**                      inspect the PRNetAddr values stored in this object.
-**                      When no longer needed, this handle must be destroyed
-**                      with a call to PR_FreeAddrInfo.  If a lookup error
-**                      occurs, then NULL will be returned.
-typedef struct PRAddrInfo PRAddrInfo;
-NSPR_API(PRAddrInfo*) PR_GetAddrInfoByName(
-    const char *hostname, PRUint16 af, PRIntn flags);
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_FreeAddrInfo()
-**  Destroy the PRAddrInfo handle allocated by PR_GetAddrInfoByName().
-**  PRAddrInfo *addrInfo
-**                      The handle resulting from a successful call to
-**                      PR_GetAddrInfoByName().
-**  void
-NSPR_API(void) PR_FreeAddrInfo(PRAddrInfo *addrInfo);
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_EnumerateAddrInfo()
-**  A stateless enumerator over a PRAddrInfo handle acquired from
-**  PR_GetAddrInfoByName() to inspect the possible network addresses.
-**  void *enumPtr       Index pointer of the enumeration. The enumeration
-**                      starts and ends with a value of NULL.
-**  const PRAddrInfo *addrInfo
-**                      The PRAddrInfo handle returned by a successful
-**                      call to PR_GetAddrInfoByName().
-**  PRUint16 port       The port number to be assigned as part of the
-**                      PRNetAddr.
-**  PRNetAddr *result   A pointer to an address structure that will be
-**                      filled in by the call to the enumeration if the
-**                      result of the call is not NULL.
-**  void*               The value that should be used for the next call
-**                      of the enumerator ('enumPtr'). The enumeration
-**                      is ended if this value is NULL.
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_EnumerateAddrInfo(
-    void *enumPtr, const PRAddrInfo *addrInfo, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *result);
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo()
-**  Extracts the canonical name of the hostname passed to
-**  PR_GetAddrInfoByName().
-**  const PRAddrInfo *addrInfo 
-**                      The PRAddrInfo handle returned by a successful
-**                      call to PR_GetAddrInfoByName().
-**  const char *        A const pointer to the canonical hostname stored
-**                      in the given PRAddrInfo handle. This pointer is
-**                      invalidated once the PRAddrInfo handle is destroyed
-**                      by a call to PR_FreeAddrInfo().
-NSPR_API(const char *) PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo(
-    const PRAddrInfo *addrInfo);
-** FUNCTIONS: PR_ntohs, PR_ntohl, PR_ntohll, PR_htons, PR_htonl, PR_htonll
-** DESCRIPTION: API entries for the common byte ordering routines.
-**      PR_ntohs        16 bit conversion from network to host
-**      PR_ntohl        32 bit conversion from network to host
-**      PR_ntohll       64 bit conversion from network to host
-**      PR_htons        16 bit conversion from host to network
-**      PR_htonl        32 bit conversion from host to network
-**      PR_ntonll       64 bit conversion from host to network
-NSPR_API(PRUint16) PR_ntohs(PRUint16);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_ntohl(PRUint32);
-NSPR_API(PRUint64) PR_ntohll(PRUint64);
-NSPR_API(PRUint16) PR_htons(PRUint16);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_htonl(PRUint32);
-NSPR_API(PRUint64) PR_htonll(PRUint64);
-#endif /* prnetdb_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prolock.h b/nspr/pr/include/prolock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe61f8..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prolock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prolock_h___
-#define prolock_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** A locking mechanism, built on the existing PRLock definiion,
-** is provided that will permit applications to define a Lock
-** Hierarchy (or Lock Ordering) schema. An application designed
-** using the Ordered Lock functions will terminate with a
-** diagnostic message when a lock inversion condition is
-** detected. 
-** The lock ordering detection is complile-time enabled only. in
-** optimized builds of NSPR, the Ordered Lock functions map
-** directly to PRLock functions, providing no lock order
-** detection.
-** The Ordered Lock Facility is compiled in when DEBUG is defined at
-** compile time. Ordered Lock can be forced on in optimized builds by
-** defining FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCK at compile time. Both the
-** application using Ordered Lock and NSPR must be compiled with the
-** facility enabled to achieve the desired results.
-** Application designers should use the macro interfaces to the Ordered
-** Lock facility to ensure that it is compiled out in optimized builds.
-** Application designers are responsible for defining their own
-** lock hierarchy. 
-** Ordered Lock is thread-safe and SMP safe.
-** See Also: prlock.h
-** /lth. 10-Jun-1998.
-** Opaque type for ordered lock.
-** ... Don't even think of looking in here.
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCKS)
-typedef void * PROrderedLock;
-** Map PROrderedLock and methods onto PRLock when ordered locking
-** is not compiled in.
-#include "prlock.h"
-typedef PRLock PROrderedLock;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_CreateOrderedLock() -- Create an Ordered Lock
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_CreateOrderedLock() creates an ordered lock.
-**  order: user defined order of this lock.
-**  name: name of the lock. For debugging purposes.
-** OUTPUTS: returned
-** RETURNS: PR_OrderedLock pointer
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCKS)
-#define PR_CREATE_ORDERED_LOCK(order,name)\
-    PR_CreateOrderedLock((order),(name))
-#define PR_CREATE_ORDERED_LOCK(order) PR_NewLock()
-NSPR_API(PROrderedLock *) 
-    PR_CreateOrderedLock( 
-        PRInt32 order,
-        const char *name
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_DestroyOrderedLock() -- Destroy an Ordered Lock
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_DestroyOrderedLock() destroys the ordered lock
-** referenced by lock.
-** INPUTS: lock: pointer to a PROrderedLock
-** OUTPUTS: the lock is destroyed
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCKS)
-#define PR_DESTROY_ORDERED_LOCK(lock) PR_DestroyOrderedLock((lock))
-#define PR_DESTROY_ORDERED_LOCK(lock) PR_DestroyLock((lock))
-    PR_DestroyOrderedLock( 
-        PROrderedLock *lock 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_LockOrderedLock() -- Lock an ordered lock
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_LockOrderedLock() locks the ordered lock
-** referenced by lock. If the order of lock is less than or equal
-** to the order of the highest lock held by the locking thread,
-** the function asserts.
-** INPUTS: lock: a pointer to a PROrderedLock
-** OUTPUTS: The lock is held or the function asserts.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCKS)
-#define PR_LOCK_ORDERED_LOCK(lock) PR_LockOrderedLock((lock))
-#define PR_LOCK_ORDERED_LOCK(lock) PR_Lock((lock))
-    PR_LockOrderedLock( 
-        PROrderedLock *lock 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_UnlockOrderedLock() -- unlock and Ordered Lock
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_UnlockOrderedLock() unlocks the lock referenced
-** by lock.
-** INPUTS: lock: a pointer to a PROrderedLock
-** OUTPUTS: the lock is unlocked
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCKS)
-#define PR_UNLOCK_ORDERED_LOCK(lock) PR_UnlockOrderedLock((lock))
-#define PR_UNLOCK_ORDERED_LOCK(lock) PR_Unlock((lock))
-    PR_UnlockOrderedLock( 
-        PROrderedLock *lock 
-#endif /* prolock_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prpdce.h b/nspr/pr/include/prpdce.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b681795..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prpdce.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File:		prpdce.h
- * Description:	This file is the API defined to allow for DCE (aka POSIX)
- *				thread emulation in an NSPR environment. It is not the
- *				intent that this be a fully supported API.
- */
-#if !defined(PRPDCE_H)
-#define PRPDCE_H
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-#define _PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK (PRLock*)0xdce1dce1
-** Test and acquire a lock.
-** If the lock is acquired by the calling thread, the
-** return value will be PR_SUCCESS. If the lock is
-** already held, by another thread or this thread, the
-** result will be PR_FAILURE.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PRP_TryLock(PRLock *lock);
-** Create a naked condition variable
-** A "naked" condition variable is one that is not created bound
-** to a lock. The CV created with this function is the only type
-** that may be used in the subsequent "naked" condition variable
-** operations (see PRP_NakedWait, PRP_NakedNotify, PRP_NakedBroadcast);
-NSPR_API(PRCondVar*) PRP_NewNakedCondVar(void);
-** Destroy a naked condition variable
-** Destroy the condition variable created by PR_NewNakedCondVar.
-NSPR_API(void) PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar);
-** Wait on a condition
-** Wait on the condition variable 'cvar'. It is asserted that
-** the lock protecting the condition 'lock' is held by the
-** calling thread. If more time expires than that declared in
-** 'timeout' the condition will be notified. Waits can be
-** interrupted by another thread.
-** NB: The CV ('cvar') must be one created using PR_NewNakedCondVar.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PRP_NakedWait(
-	PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *lock, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-** Notify a thread waiting on a condition
-** Notify the condition specified 'cvar'.
-** NB: The CV ('cvar') must be one created using PR_NewNakedCondVar.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PRP_NakedNotify(PRCondVar *cvar);
-** Notify all threads waiting on a condition
-** Notify the condition specified 'cvar'.
-** NB: The CV ('cvar') must be one created using PR_NewNakedCondVar.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PRP_NakedBroadcast(PRCondVar *cvar);
-#endif /* PRPDCE_H */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prprf.h b/nspr/pr/include/prprf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 440be88..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prprf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prprf_h___
-#define prprf_h___
-** API for PR printf like routines. Supports the following formats
-**	%d - decimal
-**	%u - unsigned decimal
-**	%x - unsigned hex
-**	%X - unsigned uppercase hex
-**	%o - unsigned octal
-**	%hd, %hu, %hx, %hX, %ho - 16-bit versions of above
-**	%ld, %lu, %lx, %lX, %lo - 32-bit versions of above
-**	%lld, %llu, %llx, %llX, %llo - 64 bit versions of above
-**	%s - string
-**	%c - character
-**	%p - pointer (deals with machine dependent pointer size)
-**	%f - float
-**	%g - float
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-** sprintf into a fixed size buffer. Guarantees that a NUL is at the end
-** of the buffer. Returns the length of the written output, NOT including
-** the NUL, or (PRUint32)-1 if an error occurs.
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_snprintf(char *out, PRUint32 outlen, const char *fmt, ...);
-** sprintf into a PR_MALLOC'd buffer. Return a pointer to the malloc'd
-** buffer on success, NULL on failure. Call "PR_smprintf_free" to release
-** the memory returned.
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_smprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
-** Free the memory allocated, for the caller, by PR_smprintf
-NSPR_API(void) PR_smprintf_free(char *mem);
-** "append" sprintf into a PR_MALLOC'd buffer. "last" is the last value of
-** the PR_MALLOC'd buffer. sprintf will append data to the end of last,
-** growing it as necessary using realloc. If last is NULL, PR_sprintf_append
-** will allocate the initial string. The return value is the new value of
-** last for subsequent calls, or NULL if there is a malloc failure.
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_sprintf_append(char *last, const char *fmt, ...);
-** sprintf into a function. The function "f" is called with a string to
-** place into the output. "arg" is an opaque pointer used by the stuff
-** function to hold any state needed to do the storage of the output
-** data. The return value is a count of the number of characters fed to
-** the stuff function, or (PRUint32)-1 if an error occurs.
-typedef PRIntn (*PRStuffFunc)(void *arg, const char *s, PRUint32 slen);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_sxprintf(PRStuffFunc f, void *arg, const char *fmt, ...);
-** fprintf to a PRFileDesc
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_fprintf(struct PRFileDesc* fd, const char *fmt, ...);
-** va_list forms of the above.
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_vsnprintf(char *out, PRUint32 outlen, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_vsmprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
-NSPR_API(char*) PR_vsprintf_append(char *last, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_vsxprintf(PRStuffFunc f, void *arg, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_vfprintf(struct PRFileDesc* fd, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
-** FUNCTION: PR_sscanf
-**     PR_sscanf() scans the input character string, performs data
-**     conversions, and stores the converted values in the data objects
-**     pointed to by its arguments according to the format control
-**     string.
-**     PR_sscanf() behaves the same way as the sscanf() function in the
-**     Standard C Library (stdio.h), with the following exceptions:
-**     - PR_sscanf() handles the NSPR integer and floating point types,
-**       such as PRInt16, PRInt32, PRInt64, and PRFloat64, whereas
-**       sscanf() handles the standard C types like short, int, long,
-**       and double.
-**     - PR_sscanf() has no multibyte character support, while sscanf()
-**       does.
-**     const char *buf
-**         a character string holding the input to scan
-**     const char *fmt
-**         the format control string for the conversions
-**     ...
-**         variable number of arguments, each of them is a pointer to
-**         a data object in which the converted value will be stored
-** OUTPUTS: none
-** RETURNS: PRInt32
-**     The number of values converted and stored.
-**    Multibyte characters in 'buf' or 'fmt' are not allowed.
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_sscanf(const char *buf, const char *fmt, ...);
-#endif /* prprf_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prproces.h b/nspr/pr/include/prproces.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9782542..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prproces_h___
-#define prproces_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-/*****************************PROCESS OPERATIONS*************************/
-typedef struct PRProcess PRProcess;
-typedef struct PRProcessAttr PRProcessAttr;
-NSPR_API(PRProcessAttr *) PR_NewProcessAttr(void);
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ResetProcessAttr(PRProcessAttr *attr);
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DestroyProcessAttr(PRProcessAttr *attr);
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect(
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    PRSpecialFD stdioFd,
-    PRFileDesc *redirectFd
- * OBSOLETE -- use PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect instead.
- */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetStdioRedirect(
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    PRSpecialFD stdioFd,
-    PRFileDesc *redirectFd
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_ProcessAttrSetCurrentDirectory(
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    const char *dir
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFD(
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    const char *name
-** Create a new process
-** Create a new process executing the file specified as 'path' and with
-** the supplied arguments and environment.
-** This function may fail because of illegal access (permissions),
-** invalid arguments or insufficient resources.
-** A process may be created such that the creator can later synchronize its
-** termination using PR_WaitProcess(). 
-NSPR_API(PRProcess*) PR_CreateProcess(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_CreateProcessDetached(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_DetachProcess(PRProcess *process);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_WaitProcess(PRProcess *process, PRInt32 *exitCode);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_KillProcess(PRProcess *process);
-#endif /* prproces_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prrng.h b/nspr/pr/include/prrng.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5a443..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prrng.h -- NSPR Random Number Generator
-** lth. 29-Oct-1999.
-#ifndef prrng_h___ 
-#define prrng_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** PR_GetRandomNoise() -- Get random noise from the host platform
-** Description:
-** PR_GetRandomNoise() provides, depending on platform, a random value.
-** The length of the random value is dependent on platform and the
-** platform's ability to provide a random value at that moment.
-** The intent of PR_GetRandomNoise() is to provide a "seed" value for a
-** another random number generator that may be suitable for
-** cryptographic operations. This implies that the random value
-** provided may not be, by itself, cryptographically secure. The value
-** generated by PR_GetRandomNoise() is at best, extremely difficult to
-** predict and is as non-deterministic as the underlying platfrom can
-** provide.
-** Inputs:
-**   buf -- pointer to a caller supplied buffer to contain the
-**          generated random number. buf must be at least as large as
-**          is specified in the 'size' argument.
-**   size -- the requested size of the generated random number
-** Outputs:
-**   a random number provided in 'buf'.
-** Returns:
-**   PRSize value equal to the size of the random number actually
-**   generated, or zero. The generated size may be less than the size
-**   requested. A return value of zero means that PR_GetRandomNoise() is
-**   not implemented on this platform, or there is no available noise
-**   available to be returned at the time of the call.
-** Restrictions:
-**   Calls to PR_GetRandomNoise() may use a lot of CPU on some platforms.
-**   Some platforms may block for up to a few seconds while they
-**   accumulate some noise. Busy machines generate lots of noise, but
-**   care is advised when using PR_GetRandomNoise() frequently in your
-**   application.
-** History:
-**   Parts of the model dependent implementation for PR_GetRandomNoise()
-**   were taken in whole or part from code previously in Netscape's NSS
-**   component.
-NSPR_API(PRSize) PR_GetRandomNoise( 
-    void    *buf,
-    PRSize  size
-#endif /* prrng_h___ */
-/* end prrng.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prrwlock.h b/nspr/pr/include/prrwlock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d052d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:		prrwlock.h
-** Description:	API to basic reader-writer lock functions of NSPR.
-#ifndef prrwlock_h___
-#define prrwlock_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
- * PRRWLock --
- *
- *	The reader writer lock, PRRWLock, is an opaque object to the clients
- *	of NSPR.  All routines operate on a pointer to this opaque entity.
- */
-typedef struct PRRWLock PRRWLock;
-** FUNCTION:    PR_NewRWLock
-**  Returns a pointer to a newly created reader-writer lock object.
-** INPUTS:      Lock rank
-**				Lock name
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRRWLock*
-**   If the lock cannot be created because of resource constraints, NULL
-**   is returned.
-NSPR_API(PRRWLock*) PR_NewRWLock(PRUint32 lock_rank, const char *lock_name);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_DestroyRWLock
-**  Destroys a given RW lock object.
-** INPUTS:      PRRWLock *lock - Lock to be freed.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-NSPR_API(void) PR_DestroyRWLock(PRRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_RWLock_Rlock
-**  Apply a read lock (non-exclusive) on a RWLock
-** INPUTS:      PRRWLock *lock - Lock to be read-locked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-NSPR_API(void) PR_RWLock_Rlock(PRRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_RWLock_Wlock
-**  Apply a write lock (exclusive) on a RWLock
-** INPUTS:      PRRWLock *lock - Lock to write-locked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-NSPR_API(void) PR_RWLock_Wlock(PRRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    PR_RWLock_Unlock
-**  Release a RW lock. Unlocking an unlocked lock has undefined results.
-** INPUTS:      PRRWLock *lock - Lock to unlocked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      void
-NSPR_API(void) PR_RWLock_Unlock(PRRWLock *lock);
-#endif /* prrwlock_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prshm.h b/nspr/pr/include/prshm.h
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@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prshm.h -- NSPR Shared Memory
-** NSPR Named Shared Memory API provides a cross-platform named
-** shared-memory interface. NSPR Named Shared Memory is modeled on
-** similar constructs in Unix and Windows operating systems. Shared
-** memory allows multiple processes to access one or more common shared
-** memory regions, using it as an inter-process communication channel.
-** Notes on Platform Independence:
-**   NSPR Named Shared Memory is built on the native services offered
-**   by most platforms. The NSPR Named Shared Memory API tries to
-**   provide a least common denominator interface so that it works
-**   across all supported platforms. To ensure that it works everywhere,
-**   some platform considerations must be accomodated and the protocol
-**   for using NSPR Shared Memory API must be observed.
-** Protocol:
-**   Multiple shared memories can be created using NSPR's Shared Memory
-**   feature. For each named shared memory, as defined by the name
-**   given in the PR_OpenSharedMemory() call, a protocol for using the
-**   shared memory API is required to ensure desired behavior. Failing
-**   to follow the protocol may yield unpredictable results.
-**   PR_OpenSharedMemory() will create the shared memory segment, if it
-**   does not already exist, or open a connection that the existing
-**   shared memory segment if it already exists.
-**   PR_AttachSharedMemory() should be called following
-**   PR_OpenSharedMemory() to map the memory segment to an address in
-**   the application's address space.
-**   PR_AttachSharedMemory() may be called to re-map a shared memory
-**   segment after detaching the same PRSharedMemory object. Be
-**   sure to detach it when done.
-**   PR_DetachSharedMemory() should be called to un-map the shared
-**   memory segment from the application's address space.
-**   PR_CloseSharedMemory() should be called when no further use of the
-**   PRSharedMemory object is required within a process. Following a
-**   call to  PR_CloseSharedMemory() the PRSharedMemory object is
-**   invalid and cannot be reused.
-**   PR_DeleteSharedMemory() should be called before process
-**   termination. After calling PR_DeleteSharedMemory() any further use
-**   of the shared memory associated with the name may cause
-**   unpredictable results.
-** Files:
-**   The name passed to PR_OpenSharedMemory() should be a valid filename
-**   for a unix platform. PR_OpenSharedMemory() creates file using the
-**   name passed in. Some platforms may mangle the name before creating
-**   the file and the shared memory.
-**   The unix implementation may use SysV IPC shared memory, Posix
-**   shared memory, or memory mapped files; the filename may used to
-**   define the namespace. On Windows, the name is significant, but
-**   there is no file associated with name.
-**   No assumptions about the persistence of data in the named file
-**   should be made. Depending on platform, the shared memory may be
-**   mapped onto system paging space and be discarded at process
-**   termination.
-**   All names provided to PR_OpenSharedMemory() should be valid
-**   filename syntax or name syntax for shared memory for the target
-**   platform. Referenced directories should have permissions 
-**   appropriate for writing.
-** Limits:
-**   Different platforms have limits on both the number and size of
-**   shared memory resources. The default system limits on some
-**   platforms may be smaller than your requirements. These limits may
-**   be adjusted on some platforms either via boot-time options or by
-**   setting the size of the system paging space to accomodate more
-**   and/or larger shared memory segment(s).
-** Security:
-**   On unix platforms, depending on implementation, contents of the
-**   backing store for the shared memory can be exposed via the file
-**   system. Set permissions and or access controls at create and attach
-**   time to ensure you get the desired security.
-**   On windows platforms, no special security measures are provided.
-** Example:
-**   The test case pr/tests/nameshm1.c provides an example of use as
-**   well as testing the operation of NSPR's Named Shared Memory.
-** lth. 18-Aug-1999.
-#ifndef prshm_h___
-#define prshm_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-** Declare opaque type PRSharedMemory.
-typedef struct PRSharedMemory PRSharedMemory;
-** FUNCTION: PR_OpenSharedMemory()
-**   PR_OpenSharedMemory() creates a new shared-memory segment or
-**   associates a previously created memory segment with name.
-**   When parameter create is (PR_SHM_EXCL | PR_SHM_CREATE) and the
-**   shared memory already exists, the function returns NULL with the
-**   error set to PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR.
-**   When parameter create is PR_SHM_CREATE and the shared memory
-**   already exists, a handle to that memory segment is returned. If
-**   the segment does not exist, it is created and a pointer to the
-**   related PRSharedMemory structure is returned.
-**   When parameter create is 0, and the shared memory exists, a
-**   pointer to a PRSharedMemory is returned. If the shared memory does
-**   not exist, NULL is returned with the error set to
-**   name -- the name the shared-memory segment is known as.
-**   size -- the size of the shared memory segment. 
-**   flags -- Options for creating the shared memory
-**   mode -- Same as is passed to PR_Open()
-**   The shared memory is allocated.
-** RETURNS: Pointer to opaque structure PRSharedMemory or NULL.
-**   NULL is returned on error. The reason for the error can be
-**   retrieved via PR_GetError() and PR_GetOSError();
-NSPR_API( PRSharedMemory * )
-    PR_OpenSharedMemory(
-        const char *name,
-        PRSize      size,
-        PRIntn      flags,
-        PRIntn      mode
-/* Define values for PR_OpenShareMemory(...,create) */
-#define PR_SHM_CREATE 0x1  /* create if not exist */
-#define PR_SHM_EXCL   0x2  /* fail if already exists */
-** FUNCTION: PR_AttachSharedMemory()
-** PR_AttachSharedMemory() maps the shared-memory described by
-** shm to the current process. 
-** INPUTS: 
-**   shm -- The handle returned from PR_OpenSharedMemory().
-**   flags -- options for mapping the shared memory.
-**   PR_SHM_READONLY causes the memory to be attached 
-**   read-only.
-**   On success, the shared memory segment represented by shm is mapped
-**   into the process' address space.
-** RETURNS: Address where shared memory is mapped, or NULL.
-**   NULL is returned on error. The reason for the error can be
-**   retrieved via PR_GetError() and PR_GetOSError();
-NSPR_API( void * )
-    PR_AttachSharedMemory(
-        PRSharedMemory *shm,
-        PRIntn  flags
-/* Define values for PR_AttachSharedMemory(...,flags) */ 
-#define PR_SHM_READONLY 0x01
-** FUNCTION: PR_DetachSharedMemory()
-**   PR_DetachSharedMemory() detaches the shared-memory described
-**   by shm. 
-** INPUTS: 
-**   shm -- The handle returned from PR_OpenSharedMemory().
-**   addr -- The address at which the memory was attached.
-**   The shared memory mapped to an address via a previous call to
-**   PR_AttachSharedMemory() is unmapped.
-** RETURNS: PRStatus
-NSPR_API( PRStatus )
-    PR_DetachSharedMemory(
-        PRSharedMemory *shm,
-        void  *addr
-** FUNCTION: PR_CloseSharedMemory()
-**   PR_CloseSharedMemory() closes the shared-memory described by
-**   shm.
-**   shm -- The handle returned from PR_OpenSharedMemory().
-**   the shared memory represented by shm is closed
-** RETURNS: PRStatus
-NSPR_API( PRStatus )
-    PR_CloseSharedMemory(
-        PRSharedMemory *shm
-** FUNCTION: PR_DeleteSharedMemory()
-**   The shared memory resource represented by name is released.
-**   name -- the name the shared-memory segment
-**   depending on platform, resources may be returned to the underlying
-**   operating system.
-** RETURNS: PRStatus
-NSPR_API( PRStatus )
-    PR_DeleteSharedMemory( 
-        const char *name
-#endif /* prshm_h___ */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2abc4ae..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prshma.h -- NSPR Anonymous Shared Memory
-** NSPR provides an anonymous shared memory based on NSPR's PRFileMap
-** type. The anonymous file-mapped shared memory provides an inheritable
-** shared memory, as in: the child process inherits the shared memory.
-** Compare the file-mapped anonymous shared memory to to a named shared
-** memory described in prshm.h. The intent is to provide a shared
-** memory that is accessable only by parent and child processes. ...
-** It's a security thing.
-** Depending on the underlying platform, the file-mapped shared memory
-** may be backed by a file. ... surprise! ... On some platforms, no
-** real file backs the shared memory. On platforms where the shared
-** memory is backed by a file, the file's name in the filesystem is
-** visible to other processes for only the duration of the creation of
-** the file, hopefully a very short time. This restricts processess
-** that do not inherit the shared memory from opening the file and
-** reading or writing its contents. Further, when all processes
-** using an anonymous shared memory terminate, the backing file is
-** deleted. ... If you are not paranoid, you're not paying attention.
-** The file-mapped shared memory requires a protocol for the parent
-** process and child process to share the memory. NSPR provides two
-** protocols. Use one or the other; don't mix and match.
-** In the first protocol, the job of passing the inheritable shared
-** memory is done via helper-functions with PR_CreateProcess(). In the
-** second protocol, the parent process is responsible for creating the
-** child process; the parent and child are mutually responsible for
-** passing a FileMap string. NSPR provides helper functions for
-** extracting data from the PRFileMap object. ... See the examples
-** below.
-** Both sides should adhere strictly to the protocol for proper
-** operation. The pseudo-code below shows the use of a file-mapped
-** shared memory by a parent and child processes. In the examples, the
-** server creates the file-mapped shared memory, the client attaches to
-** it.
-** First protocol.
-** Server:
-**   fm = PR_OpenAnonFileMap(dirName, size, FilemapProt); 
-**   addr = PR_MemMap(fm); 
-**   attr = PR_NewProcessAttr();
-**   PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap( attr, fm, shmname );
-**   PR_CreateProcess(Client); 
-**   PR_DestroyProcessAttr(attr);
-**   ... yadda ...
-**   PR_MemUnmap( addr );
-**   PR_CloseFileMap(fm);
-** Client: 
-**   ... started by server via PR_CreateProcess()
-**   fm = PR_GetInheritedFileMap( shmname );
-**   addr = PR_MemMap(fm);
-**   ... yadda ...
-**   PR_MemUnmap(addr);
-**   PR_CloseFileMap(fm);
-** Second Protocol:
-** Server:
-**   fm = PR_OpenAnonFileMap(dirName, size, FilemapProt); 
-**   fmstring = PR_ExportFileMapAsString( fm );
-**   addr = PR_MemMap(fm); 
-**    ... application specific technique to pass fmstring to child
-**    ... yadda ... Server uses his own magic to create child
-**   PR_MemUnmap( addr );
-**   PR_CloseFileMap(fm);
-** Client: 
-**   ... started by server via his own magic
-**   ... application specific technique to find fmstring from parent
-**   fm = PR_ImportFileMapFromString( fmstring )
-**   addr = PR_MemMap(fm);
-**   ... yadda ...
-**   PR_MemUnmap(addr);
-**   PR_CloseFileMap(fm);
-** lth. 2-Jul-1999.
-** Note: The second protocol was requested by NelsonB (7/1999); this is
-** to accomodate servers which already create their own child processes
-** using platform native methods.
-#ifndef prshma_h___
-#define prshma_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prproces.h"
-** PR_OpenAnonFileMap() -- Creates an anonymous file-mapped shared memory
-** Description:
-** PR_OpenAnonFileMap() creates an anonymous shared memory. If the
-** shared memory already exists, a handle is returned to that shared
-** memory object.
-** On Unix platforms, PR_OpenAnonFileMap() uses 'dirName' as a
-** directory name, without the trailing '/', to contain the anonymous
-** file. A filename is generated for the name.
-** On Windows platforms, dirName is ignored.
-** Inputs:
-**   dirName -- A directory name to contain the anonymous file.
-**   size -- The size of the shared memory
-**   prot -- How the shared memory is mapped. See prio.h
-** Outputs:
-**   PRFileMap *
-** Returns:
-**   Pointer to PRFileMap or NULL on error.
-NSPR_API( PRFileMap *)
-    const char *dirName,
-    PRSize      size, 
-    PRFileMapProtect prot
-** PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap() -- Prepare FileMap for export  
-**   to my children processes via PR_CreateProcess()
-** Description:
-** PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap() connects the PRFileMap to
-** PRProcessAttr with shmname. A subsequent call to PR_CreateProcess()
-** makes the PRFileMap importable by the child process.
-** Inputs:
-**   attr -- PRProcessAttr, used to pass data to PR_CreateProcess()
-**   fm -- PRFileMap structure to be passed to the child process
-**   shmname -- The name for the PRFileMap; used by child.
-** Outputs:
-**   PRFileMap *
-** Returns:
-**   PRStatus
-    PRProcessAttr   *attr,
-    PRFileMap       *fm, 
-    const char      *shmname
-** PR_GetInheritedFileMap() -- Import a PRFileMap previously exported
-**   by my parent process via PR_CreateProcess()
-** Description:
-** PR_GetInheritedFileMap() retrieves a PRFileMap object exported from
-** its parent process via PR_CreateProcess().
-** Inputs:
-**    shmname -- The name provided to PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap()
-** Outputs:
-**   PRFileMap *
-** Returns:
-**   PRFileMap pointer or NULL.
-NSPR_API( PRFileMap *)
-    const char *shmname 
-** PR_ExportFileMapAsString() -- Creates a string identifying a PRFileMap
-** Description:
-** Creates an identifier, as a string, from a PRFileMap object
-** previously created with PR_OpenAnonFileMap().
-** Inputs:
-**   fm -- PRFileMap pointer to be represented as a string.
-**   bufsize -- sizeof(buf)
-**   buf -- a buffer of length PR_FILEMAP_STRING_BUFSIZE
-** Outputs:
-**   buf contains the stringized PRFileMap identifier
-** Returns:
-**   PRStatus
-NSPR_API( PRStatus )
-    PRFileMap *fm,
-    PRSize    bufsize,
-    char      *buf
-** PR_ImportFileMapFromString() -- Creates a PRFileMap from the identifying string
-** Description:
-** PR_ImportFileMapFromString() creates a PRFileMap object from a
-** string previously created by PR_ExportFileMapAsString().
-** Inputs:
-**   fmstring -- string created by PR_ExportFileMapAsString()
-** Returns:
-**   PRFileMap pointer or NULL.
-NSPR_API( PRFileMap * )
-    const char *fmstring
-#endif /* prshma_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prsystem.h b/nspr/pr/include/prsystem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e14e7..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prsystem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prsystem_h___
-#define prsystem_h___
-** API to NSPR functions returning system info.
-#include "prtypes.h"
-** Get the host' directory separator.
-**  Pathnames are then assumed to be of the form:
-**      [<sep><root_component><sep>]*(<component><sep>)<leaf_name>
-NSPR_API(char) PR_GetDirectorySeparator(void);
-** OBSOLETE -- the function name is misspelled.
-** Use PR_GetDirectorySeparator instead.
-NSPR_API(char) PR_GetDirectorySepartor(void);
-** Get the host' path separator.
-**  Paths are assumed to be of the form:
-**      <directory>[<sep><directory>]*
-NSPR_API(char) PR_GetPathSeparator(void);
-/* Types of information available via PR_GetSystemInfo(...) */
-typedef enum {
-    PR_SI_HOSTNAME,  /* the hostname with the domain name (if any)
-                      * removed */
-    PR_SI_HOSTNAME_UNTRUNCATED  /* the hostname exactly as configured
-                                 * on the system */
-} PRSysInfo;
-** If successful returns a null termintated string in 'buf' for
-** the information indicated in 'cmd'. If unseccussful the reason for
-** the failure can be retrieved from PR_GetError().
-** The buffer is allocated by the caller and should be at least
-** SYS_INFO_BUFFER_LENGTH bytes in length.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_GetSystemInfo(PRSysInfo cmd, char *buf, PRUint32 buflen);
-** Return the number of bytes in a page
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetPageSize(void);
-** Return log2 of the size of a page
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetPageShift(void);
-** PR_GetNumberOfProcessors() -- returns the number of CPUs
-** Description:
-** PR_GetNumberOfProcessors() extracts the number of processors
-** (CPUs available in an SMP system) and returns the number.
-** Parameters:
-**   none
-** Returns:
-**   The number of available processors or -1 on error
-NSPR_API(PRInt32) PR_GetNumberOfProcessors( void );
-** PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize() -- returns the amount of system RAM
-** Description:
-** PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize() determines the amount of physical RAM
-** in the system and returns the size in bytes.
-** Parameters:
-**   none
-** Returns:
-**   The amount of system RAM, or 0 on failure.
-NSPR_API(PRUint64) PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize(void);
-#endif /* prsystem_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prthread.h b/nspr/pr/include/prthread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b28a6..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prthread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prthread_h___
-#define prthread_h___
-** API for NSPR threads. On some architectures (Mac OS Classic
-** notably) pre-emptibility is not guaranteed. Hard priority scheduling
-** is not guaranteed, so programming using priority based synchronization
-** is a no-no.
-** NSPR threads are scheduled based loosely on their client set priority.
-** In general, a thread of a higher priority has a statistically better
-** chance of running relative to threads of lower priority. However,
-** NSPR uses multiple strategies to provide execution vehicles for thread
-** abstraction of various host platforms. As it turns out, there is little
-** NSPR can do to affect the scheduling attributes of "GLOBAL" threads.
-** However, a semblance of GLOBAL threads is used to implement "LOCAL"
-** threads. An arbitrary number of such LOCAL threads can be assigned to
-** a single GLOBAL thread.
-** For scheduling, NSPR will attempt to run the highest priority LOCAL
-** thread associated with a given GLOBAL thread. It is further assumed
-** that the host OS will apply some form of "fair" scheduling on the
-** GLOBAL threads.
-** Threads have a "system flag" which when set indicates the thread
-** doesn't count for determining when the process should exit (the
-** process exits when the last user thread exits).
-** Threads also have a "scope flag" which controls whether the threads
-** are scheduled in the local scope or scheduled by the OS globally. This 
-** indicates whether a thread is permanently bound to a native OS thread. 
-** An unbound thread competes for scheduling resources in the same process.
-** Another flag is "state flag" which control whether the thread is joinable.
-** It allows other threads to wait for the created thread to reach completion.
-** Threads can have "per-thread-data" attached to them. Each thread has a
-** per-thread error number and error string which are updated when NSPR
-** operations fail.
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-typedef struct PRThread PRThread;
-typedef struct PRThreadStack PRThreadStack;
-typedef enum PRThreadType {
-} PRThreadType;
-typedef enum PRThreadScope {
-} PRThreadScope;
-typedef enum PRThreadState {
-} PRThreadState;
-typedef enum PRThreadPriority
-    PR_PRIORITY_FIRST = 0,      /* just a placeholder */
-    PR_PRIORITY_LOW = 0,        /* the lowest possible priority */
-    PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 1,     /* most common expected priority */
-    PR_PRIORITY_HIGH = 2,       /* slightly more aggressive scheduling */
-    PR_PRIORITY_URGENT = 3,     /* it does little good to have more than one */
-    PR_PRIORITY_LAST = 3        /* this is just a placeholder */
-} PRThreadPriority;
-** Create a new thread:
-**     "type" is the type of thread to create
-**     "start(arg)" will be invoked as the threads "main"
-**     "priority" will be created thread's priority
-**     "scope" will specify whether the thread is local or global
-**     "state" will specify whether the thread is joinable or not
-**     "stackSize" the size of the stack, in bytes. The value can be zero
-**        and then a machine specific stack size will be chosen.
-** This can return NULL if some kind of error occurs, such as if memory is
-** tight.
-** If you want the thread to start up waiting for the creator to do
-** something, enter a lock before creating the thread and then have the
-** threads start routine enter and exit the same lock. When you are ready
-** for the thread to run, exit the lock.
-** If you want to detect the completion of the created thread, the thread
-** should be created joinable.  Then, use PR_JoinThread to synchrnoize the
-** termination of another thread.
-** When the start function returns the thread exits. If it is the last
-** PR_USER_THREAD to exit then the process exits.
-NSPR_API(PRThread*) PR_CreateThread(PRThreadType type,
-                     void (PR_CALLBACK *start)(void *arg),
-                     void *arg,
-                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                     PRThreadState state,
-                     PRUint32 stackSize);
-** Wait for thread termination:
-**     "thread" is the target thread 
-** This can return PR_FAILURE if no joinable thread could be found 
-** corresponding to the specified target thread.
-** The calling thread is blocked until the target thread completes.
-** Several threads cannot wait for the same thread to complete; one thread
-** will operate successfully and others will terminate with an error PR_FAILURE.
-** The calling thread will not be blocked if the target thread has already
-** terminated.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_JoinThread(PRThread *thread);
-** Return the current thread object for the currently running code.
-** Never returns NULL.
-NSPR_API(PRThread*) PR_GetCurrentThread(void);
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-#define PR_CurrentThread() PR_GetCurrentThread() /* for nspr1.0 compat. */
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-** Get the priority of "thread".
-NSPR_API(PRThreadPriority) PR_GetThreadPriority(const PRThread *thread);
-** Change the priority of the "thread" to "priority".
-** PR_SetThreadPriority works in a best-effort manner. On some platforms a
-** special privilege, such as root access, is required to change thread
-** priorities, especially to raise thread priorities. If the caller doesn't
-** have enough privileges to change thread priorites, the function has no
-** effect except causing a future PR_GetThreadPriority call to return
-** |priority|.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_SetThreadPriority(PRThread *thread, PRThreadPriority priority);
-** Set the name of the current thread, which will be visible in a debugger
-** and accessible via a call to PR_GetThreadName().
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetCurrentThreadName(const char *name);
-** Return the name of "thread", if set.  Otherwise return NULL.
-NSPR_API(const char *) PR_GetThreadName(const PRThread *thread);
-** This routine returns a new index for per-thread-private data table. 
-** The index is visible to all threads within a process. This index can 
-** be used with the PR_SetThreadPrivate() and PR_GetThreadPrivate() routines 
-** to save and retrieve data associated with the index for a thread.
-** Each index is associationed with a destructor function ('dtor'). The function
-** may be specified as NULL when the index is created. If it is not NULL, the
-** function will be called when:
-**      - the thread exits and the private data for the associated index
-**        is not NULL,
-**      - new thread private data is set and the current private data is
-**        not NULL.
-** The index independently maintains specific values for each binding thread. 
-** A thread can only get access to its own thread-specific-data.
-** Upon a new index return the value associated with the index for all threads
-** is NULL, and upon thread creation the value associated with all indices for 
-** that thread is NULL. 
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the total number of indices will exceed the maximun 
-** allowed.
-typedef void (PR_CALLBACK *PRThreadPrivateDTOR)(void *priv);
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(
-    PRUintn *newIndex, PRThreadPrivateDTOR destructor);
-** Define some per-thread-private data.
-**     "tpdIndex" is an index into the per-thread private data table
-**     "priv" is the per-thread-private data 
-** If the per-thread private data table has a previously registered
-** destructor function and a non-NULL per-thread-private data value,
-** the destructor function is invoked.
-** This can return PR_FAILURE if the index is invalid.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_SetThreadPrivate(PRUintn tpdIndex, void *priv);
-** Recover the per-thread-private data for the current thread. "tpdIndex" is
-** the index into the per-thread private data table. 
-** The returned value may be NULL which is indistinguishable from an error 
-** condition.
-** A thread can only get access to its own thread-specific-data.
-NSPR_API(void*) PR_GetThreadPrivate(PRUintn tpdIndex);
-** This routine sets the interrupt request for a target thread. The interrupt
-** request remains in the thread's state until it is delivered exactly once
-** or explicitly canceled.
-** A thread that has been interrupted will fail all NSPR blocking operations
-** that return a PRStatus (I/O, waiting on a condition, etc).
-** PR_Interrupt may itself fail if the target thread is invalid.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Interrupt(PRThread *thread);
-** Clear the interrupt request for the calling thread. If no such request
-** is pending, this operation is a noop.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ClearInterrupt(void);
-** Block the interrupt for the calling thread.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_BlockInterrupt(void);
-** Unblock the interrupt for the calling thread.
-NSPR_API(void) PR_UnblockInterrupt(void);
-** Make the current thread sleep until "ticks" time amount of time
-** has expired. If "ticks" is PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT then the call is
-** equivalent to calling PR_Yield. Calling PR_Sleep with an argument
-** equivalent to PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT is an error and will result
-** in a PR_FAILURE error return.
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Sleep(PRIntervalTime ticks);
-** Get the scoping of this thread.
-NSPR_API(PRThreadScope) PR_GetThreadScope(const PRThread *thread);
-** Get the type of this thread.
-NSPR_API(PRThreadType) PR_GetThreadType(const PRThread *thread);
-** Get the join state of this thread.
-NSPR_API(PRThreadState) PR_GetThreadState(const PRThread *thread);
-#endif /* prthread_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prtime.h b/nspr/pr/include/prtime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index caaee14..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * prtime.h --
- *
- *     NSPR date and time functions
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifndef prtime_h___
-#define prtime_h___
-#include "prlong.h"
-/************************* TYPES AND CONSTANTS ************************/
-#define PR_MSEC_PER_SEC		1000L
-#define PR_USEC_PER_SEC		1000000L
-#define PR_NSEC_PER_SEC		1000000000L
-#define PR_USEC_PER_MSEC	1000L
-#define PR_NSEC_PER_MSEC	1000000L
- * PRTime --
- *
- *     NSPR represents basic time as 64-bit signed integers relative
- *     to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
- *     (GMT is also known as Coordinated Universal Time, UTC.)
- *     The units of time are in microseconds. Negative times are allowed
- *     to represent times prior to the January 1970 epoch. Such values are
- *     intended to be exported to other systems or converted to human
- *     readable form.
- *
- *     Notes on porting: PRTime corresponds to time_t in ANSI C.  NSPR 1.0
- *     simply uses PRInt64.
- */
-typedef PRInt64 PRTime;
- * Time zone and daylight saving time corrections applied to GMT to
- * obtain the local time of some geographic location
- */
-typedef struct PRTimeParameters {
-    PRInt32 tp_gmt_offset;     /* the offset from GMT in seconds */
-    PRInt32 tp_dst_offset;     /* contribution of DST in seconds */
-} PRTimeParameters;
- * PRExplodedTime --
- *
- *     Time broken down into human-readable components such as year, month,
- *     day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond.  Time zone and daylight
- *     saving time corrections may be applied.  If they are applied, the
- *     offsets from the GMT must be saved in the 'tm_params' field so that
- *     all the information is available to reconstruct GMT.
- *
- *     Notes on porting: PRExplodedTime corrresponds to struct tm in
- *     ANSI C, with the following differences:
- *       - an additional field tm_usec;
- *       - replacing tm_isdst by tm_params;
- *       - the month field is spelled tm_month, not tm_mon;
- *       - we use absolute year, AD, not the year since 1900.
- *     The corresponding type in NSPR 1.0 is called PRTime.  Below is
- *     a table of date/time type correspondence in the three APIs:
- *         API          time since epoch          time in components
- *       ANSI C             time_t                  struct tm
- *       NSPR 1.0           PRInt64                   PRTime
- *       NSPR 2.0           PRTime                  PRExplodedTime
- */
-typedef struct PRExplodedTime {
-    PRInt32 tm_usec;		    /* microseconds past tm_sec (0-99999)  */
-    PRInt32 tm_sec;             /* seconds past tm_min (0-61, accomodating
-                                   up to two leap seconds) */
-    PRInt32 tm_min;             /* minutes past tm_hour (0-59) */
-    PRInt32 tm_hour;            /* hours past tm_day (0-23) */
-    PRInt32 tm_mday;            /* days past tm_mon (1-31, note that it
-				                starts from 1) */
-    PRInt32 tm_month;           /* months past tm_year (0-11, Jan = 0) */
-    PRInt16 tm_year;            /* absolute year, AD (note that we do not
-				                count from 1900) */
-    PRInt8 tm_wday;		        /* calculated day of the week
-				                (0-6, Sun = 0) */
-    PRInt16 tm_yday;            /* calculated day of the year
-				                (0-365, Jan 1 = 0) */
-    PRTimeParameters tm_params;  /* time parameters used by conversion */
-} PRExplodedTime;
- * PRTimeParamFn --
- *
- *     A function of PRTimeParamFn type returns the time zone and
- *     daylight saving time corrections for some geographic location,
- *     given the current time in GMT.  The input argument gmt should
- *     point to a PRExplodedTime that is in GMT, i.e., whose
- *     tm_params contains all 0's.
- *
- *     For any time zone other than GMT, the computation is intended to
- *     consist of two steps:
- *       - Figure out the time zone correction, tp_gmt_offset.  This number
- *         usually depends on the geographic location only.  But it may
- *         also depend on the current time.  For example, all of China
- *         is one time zone right now.  But this situation may change
- *         in the future.
- *       - Figure out the daylight saving time correction, tp_dst_offset.
- *         This number depends on both the geographic location and the
- *         current time.  Most of the DST rules are expressed in local
- *         current time.  If so, one should apply the time zone correction
- *         to GMT before applying the DST rules.
- */
-typedef PRTimeParameters (PR_CALLBACK *PRTimeParamFn)(const PRExplodedTime *gmt);
-/****************************** FUNCTIONS *****************************/
- * The PR_Now routine returns the current time relative to the
- * epoch, midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. The units of the returned
- * value are microseconds since the epoch.
- *
- * The values returned are not guaranteed to advance in a linear fashion
- * due to the application of time correction protocols which synchronize
- * computer clocks to some external time source. Consequently it should
- * not be depended on for interval timing.
- *
- * The implementation is machine dependent.
- * Cf. time_t time(time_t *tp) in ANSI C.
- */
- * Expand time binding it to time parameters provided by PRTimeParamFn.
- * The calculation is envisoned to proceed in the following steps:
- *   - From given PRTime, calculate PRExplodedTime in GMT
- *   - Apply the given PRTimeParamFn to the GMT that we just calculated
- *     to obtain PRTimeParameters.
- *   - Add the PRTimeParameters offsets to GMT to get the local time
- *     as PRExplodedTime.
- */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_ExplodeTime(
-    PRTime usecs, PRTimeParamFn params, PRExplodedTime *exploded);
-/* Reverse operation of PR_ExplodeTime */
-PR_ImplodeTime(const PRExplodedTime *exploded);
- * Adjust exploded time to normalize field overflows after manipulation.
- * Note that the following fields of PRExplodedTime should not be
- * manipulated:
- *   - tm_month and tm_year: because the number of days in a month and
- *     number of days in a year are not constant, it is ambiguous to
- *     manipulate the month and year fields, although one may be tempted
- *     to.  For example, what does "a month from January 31st" mean?
- *   - tm_wday and tm_yday: these fields are calculated by NSPR.  Users
- *     should treat them as "read-only".
- */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_NormalizeTime(
-    PRExplodedTime *exploded, PRTimeParamFn params);
-/*********************** TIME PARAMETER FUNCTIONS *********************/
-/* Time parameters that suit current host machine */
-NSPR_API(PRTimeParameters) PR_LocalTimeParameters(const PRExplodedTime *gmt);
-/* Time parameters that represent Greenwich Mean Time */
-NSPR_API(PRTimeParameters) PR_GMTParameters(const PRExplodedTime *gmt);
- * Time parameters that represent the US Pacific Time Zone, with the
- * current daylight saving time rules (for testing only)
- */
-NSPR_API(PRTimeParameters) PR_USPacificTimeParameters(const PRExplodedTime *gmt);
- * This parses a time/date string into a PRExplodedTime
- * struct. It populates all fields but it can't split
- * the offset from UTC into tp_gmt_offset and tp_dst_offset in
- * most cases (exceptions: PST/PDT, MST/MDT, CST/CDT, EST/EDT, GMT/BST).
- * In those cases tp_gmt_offset will be the sum of these two and
- * tp_dst_offset will be 0.
- * It returns PR_SUCCESS on success, and PR_FAILURE
- * if the time/date string can't be parsed.
- *
- * Many formats are handled, including:
- *
- *   14 Apr 89 03:20:12
- *   14 Apr 89 03:20 GMT
- *   Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01:33
- *   Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01 GMT
- *   Mon Jan 16 16:12 PDT 1989
- *   Mon Jan 16 16:12 +0130 1989
- *   6 May 1992 16:41-JST (Wednesday)
- *   22-AUG-1993 10:59:12.82
- *   22-AUG-1993 10:59pm
- *   22-AUG-1993 12:59am
- *   22-AUG-1993 12:59 PM
- *   Friday, August 04, 1995 3:54 PM
- *   06/21/95 04:24:34 PM
- *   20/06/95 21:07
- *   95-06-08 19:32:48 EDT
- *
- * If the input string doesn't contain a description of the timezone,
- * we consult the `default_to_gmt' to decide whether the string should
- * be interpreted relative to the local time zone (PR_FALSE) or GMT (PR_TRUE).
- * The correct value for this argument depends on what standard specified
- * the time string which you are parsing.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime (
-        const char *string,
-        PRBool default_to_gmt,
-        PRExplodedTime *result);
- * This uses PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime to parse
- * a time/date string and PR_ImplodeTime to transform it into
- * a PRTime (microseconds after "1-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT").
- * It returns PR_SUCCESS on success, and PR_FAILURE
- * if the time/date string can't be parsed.
- */
-NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_ParseTimeString (
-	const char *string,
-	PRBool default_to_gmt,
-	PRTime *result);
-/* Format a time value into a buffer. Same semantics as strftime() */
-NSPR_API(PRUint32) PR_FormatTime(char *buf, int buflen, const char *fmt,
-                                 const PRExplodedTime *time);
-/* Format a time value into a buffer. Time is always in US English format,
- * regardless of locale setting.
- */
-PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(char *buf, PRUint32 bufSize,
-                       const char *format, const PRExplodedTime *time);
-#endif /* prtime_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prtpool.h b/nspr/pr/include/prtpool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a434dd..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prtpool_h___
-#define prtpool_h___
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
- * NOTE:
- */
-typedef struct PRJobIoDesc {
-    PRFileDesc *socket;
-    PRErrorCode error;
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;
-} PRJobIoDesc;
-typedef struct PRThreadPool PRThreadPool;
-typedef struct PRJob PRJob;
-typedef void (PR_CALLBACK *PRJobFn) (void *arg);
-/* Create thread pool */
-NSPR_API(PRThreadPool *)
-PR_CreateThreadPool(PRInt32 initial_threads, PRInt32 max_threads,
-                          PRUint32 stacksize);
-/* queue a job */
-PR_QueueJob(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobFn fn, void *arg, PRBool joinable);
-/* queue a job, when a socket is readable */
-PR_QueueJob_Read(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod,
-							PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable);
-/* queue a job, when a socket is writeable */
-PR_QueueJob_Write(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod,
-								PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable);
-/* queue a job, when a socket has a pending connection */
-PR_QueueJob_Accept(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod,
-									PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable);
-/* queue a job, when the socket connection to addr succeeds or fails */
-PR_QueueJob_Connect(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod,
-			const PRNetAddr *addr, PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable);
-/* queue a job, when a timer exipres */
-PR_QueueJob_Timer(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRIntervalTime timeout,
-								PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable);
-/* cancel a job */
-PR_CancelJob(PRJob *job);
-/* join a job */
-PR_JoinJob(PRJob *job);
-/* shutdown pool */
-PR_ShutdownThreadPool(PRThreadPool *tpool);
-/* join pool, wait for exit of all threads */
-PR_JoinThreadPool(PRThreadPool *tpool);
-#endif /* prtpool_h___ */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 12a5fbf..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prtrace.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prtrace_h___
-#define prtrace_h___
-** prtrace.h -- NSPR's Trace Facility.  		           
-** The Trace Facility provides a means to trace application				           
-** program events within a process. When implementing an         		           
-** application program an engineer may insert a "Trace" function 		           
-** call, passing arguments to be traced. The "Trace" function     		           
-** combines the user trace data with identifying data and        		           
-** writes this data in time ordered sequence into a circular     		           
-** in-memory buffer; when the buffer fills, it wraps.
-** Functions are provided to set and/or re-configure the size of		           
-** the trace buffer, control what events are recorded in the			           
-** buffer, enable and disable tracing based on specific user			           
-** supplied data and other control functions. Methods are provided		           
-** to record the trace entries in the in-memory trace buffer to
-** a file.
-** Tracing may cause a performance degredation to the application		           
-** depending on the number and placement of calls to the tracing		           
-** facility. When tracing is compiled in and all tracing is				           
-** disabled via the runtime controls, the overhead should be			           
-** minimal. ... Famous last words, eh?									           
-** When DEBUG is defined at compile time, the Trace Facility is                    
-** compiled as part of NSPR and any application using NSPR's                       
-** header files will have tracing compiled in. When DEBUG is not                   
-** defined, the Trace Facility is not compiled into NSPR nor                       
-** exported in its header files.  If the Trace Facility is                         
-** desired in a non-debug build, then FORCE_NSPR_TRACE may be                      
-** defined at compile time for both the optimized build of NSPR                    
-** and the application. NSPR and any application using  NSPR's                     
-** Trace Facility must be compiled with the same level of trace                    
-** conditioning or unresolved references may be realized at link                   
-** time.                                                                           
-** For any of the Trace Facility methods that requires a trace                     
-** handle as an input argument, the caller must ensure that the                    
-** trace handle argument is valid. An invalid trace handle                         
-** argument may cause unpredictable results.                                       
-** Trace Facility methods are thread-safe and SMP safe.                            
-** Users of the Trace Facility should use the defined macros to                     
-** invoke trace methods, not the function calls directly. e.g.                      
-** PR_TRACE( h1,0,1,2, ...); not PR_Trace(h1,0,1,2, ...);
-** Application designers should be aware of the effects of
-** debug and optimized build differences when using result of the
-** Trace Facility macros in expressions.
-** See Also: prcountr.h                                                                                 
-** /lth. 08-Jun-1998.                                                                                  
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-** Opaque type for the trace handle 
-** ... Don't even think about looking in here.
-typedef void *  PRTraceHandle;
-** PRTraceEntry -- A trace entry in the in-memory trace buffer
-** looks like this.
-typedef struct PRTraceEntry
-    PRThread        *thread;        /* The thread creating the trace entry */
-    PRTraceHandle   handle;         /* PRTraceHandle creating the trace entry */
-    PRTime          time;           /* Value of PR_Now() at time of trace entry */
-    PRUint32        userData[8];    /* user supplied trace data */
-} PRTraceEntry;
-** PRTraceOption -- command operands to
-** PR_[Set|Get]TraceOption(). See descriptive meanings there.
-typedef enum PRTraceOption
-    PRTraceBufSize,
-    PRTraceEnable,              
-    PRTraceDisable,
-    PRTraceSuspend,
-    PRTraceResume,
-    PRTraceSuspendRecording,
-    PRTraceResumeRecording,
-    PRTraceLockHandles,
-    PRTraceUnLockHandles,
-    PRTraceStopRecording
-} PRTraceOption;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_DEFINE_TRACE() -- Define a PRTraceHandle
-** DESCRIPTION: PR_DEFINE_TRACE() is used to define a trace
-** handle.
-#define PR_DEFINE_TRACE(name) PRTraceHandle name
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_INIT_TRACE_HANDLE() -- Set the value of a PRTraceHandle
-** PR_INIT_TRACE_HANDLE() sets the value of a PRTraceHandle
-** to value. e.g. PR_INIT_TRACE_HANDLE( myHandle, NULL );
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_INIT_TRACE_HANDLE(handle,value)\
-    (handle) = (PRCounterHandle)(value)
-#define PR_INIT_TRACE_HANDLE(handle,value)
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_CreateTrace() -- Create a trace handle
-**  PR_CreateTrace() creates a new trace handle. Tracing is
-**  enabled for this handle when it is created. The trace handle
-**  is intended for use in other Trace Facility calls.
-**  PR_CreateTrace() registers the QName, RName and description
-**  data so that this data can be retrieved later.
-** INPUTS: 
-**  qName: pointer to string. QName for this trace handle. 
-**  rName: pointer to string. RName for this trace handle. 
-**  description: pointer to string. Descriptive data about this
-**  trace handle.
-**  Creates the trace handle. 
-**  Registers the QName and RName with the trace facility.
-**  PRTraceHandle
-**  qName is limited to 31 characters.
-**  rName is limited to 31 characters.
-**  description is limited to 255 characters.
-#define PRTRACE_NAME_MAX 31
-#define PRTRACE_DESC_MAX 255
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_CREATE_TRACE(handle,qName,rName,description)\
-    (handle) = PR_CreateTrace((qName),(rName),(description))
-#define PR_CREATE_TRACE(handle,qName,rName,description)
-	PR_CreateTrace( 
-    	const char *qName,          /* QName for this trace handle */
-	    const char *rName,          /* RName for this trace handle */
-	    const char *description     /* description for this trace handle */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_DestroyTrace() -- Destroy a trace handle
-**  PR_DestroyTrace() removes the referenced trace handle and
-** associated QName, RName and description data from the Trace
-** Facility.
-** INPUTS: handle. A PRTraceHandle
-**  The trace handle is unregistered.
-**  The QName, RName and description are removed.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_DESTROY_TRACE(handle)\
-    PR_DestroyTrace((handle))
-#define PR_DESTROY_TRACE(handle)
-	PR_DestroyTrace( 
-		PRTraceHandle handle    /* Handle to be destroyed */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_Trace() -- Make a trace entry in the in-memory trace
-** PR_Trace() makes an entry in the in-memory trace buffer for
-** the referenced trace handle. The next logically available
-** PRTraceEntry is used; when the next trace entry would overflow
-** the trace table, the table wraps.
-** PR_Trace() for a specific trace handle may be disabled by
-** calling PR_SetTraceOption() specifying PRTraceDisable for the
-** trace handle to be disabled.
-** handle: PRTraceHandle. The trace handle for this trace.
-** userData[0..7]: unsigned 32bit integers. user supplied data
-** that is copied into the PRTraceEntry
-**  A PRTraceEntry is (conditionally) formatted in the in-memory
-** trace buffer.
-** RETURNS: void.
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_TRACE(handle,ud0,ud1,ud2,ud3,ud4,ud5,ud6,ud7)\
-    PR_Trace((handle),(ud0),(ud1),(ud2),(ud3),(ud4),(ud5),(ud6),(ud7))
-#define PR_TRACE(handle,ud0,ud1,ud2,ud3,ud4,ud5,ud6,ud7)
-	PR_Trace( 
-    	PRTraceHandle handle,       /* use this trace handle */
-	    PRUint32    userData0,      /* User supplied data word 0 */
-	    PRUint32    userData1,      /* User supplied data word 1 */
-	    PRUint32    userData2,      /* User supplied data word 2 */
-	    PRUint32    userData3,      /* User supplied data word 3 */
-	    PRUint32    userData4,      /* User supplied data word 4 */
-	    PRUint32    userData5,      /* User supplied data word 5 */
-	    PRUint32    userData6,      /* User supplied data word 6 */
-	    PRUint32    userData7       /* User supplied data word 7 */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_SetTraceOption() -- Control the Trace Facility
-** PR_SetTraceOption() controls the Trace Facility. Depending on
-** command and value, attributes of the Trace Facility may be
-** changed.
-**  command: An enumerated value in the set of PRTraceOption.
-**  value: pointer to the data to be set. Type of the data is
-**  dependent on command; for each value of command, the type
-**  and meaning of dereferenced value is shown.
-**  PRTraceBufSize: unsigned long: the size of the trace buffer,
-** in bytes.
-**  PRTraceEnable: PRTraceHandle. The trace handle to be
-** enabled.
-**  PRTraceDisable: PRTraceHandle. The trace handle to be
-** disabled.
-**  PRTraceSuspend: void. value must be NULL. All tracing is
-** suspended.
-**  PRTraceResume: void. value must be NULL. Tracing for all
-** previously enabled, prior to a PRTraceSuspend, is resumed.
-**  PRTraceStopRecording: void. value must be NULL. If recording
-** (see: ** PR_RecordTraceEntries()) is being done, 
-** PRTraceStopRecording causes PR_RecordTraceEntries() to return
-** to its caller. If recording is not being done, this function
-** has no effect.
-**  PRTraceSuspendRecording: void. Must be NULL. If recording is
-** being done, PRTraceSuspendRecording causes further writes to
-** the trace file to be suspended. Data in the in-memory
-** trace buffer that would ordinarily be written to the
-** trace file will not be written. Trace entries will continue
-** to be entered in the in-memory buffer. If the Trace Facility
-** recording is already in a suspended state, the call has no
-** effect.
-**  PRTraceResumeRecording: void. value must be NULL. If
-** recording for the Trace Facility has been previously been
-** suspended, this causes recording to resume. Recording resumes
-** with the next in-memory buffer segment that would be written
-** if trace recording had not been suspended. If recording is
-** not currently suspended, the call has no effect.
-**  PRTraceLockHandles: void. value must be NULL. Locks the
-** trace handle lock. While the trace handle lock is held,
-** calls to PR_CreateTrace() will block until the lock is
-** released.
-**  PRTraceUnlockHandles: void. value must be NULL. Unlocks the
-** trace handle lock.
-**  The operation of the Trace Facility may be changed.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_SET_TRACE_OPTION(command,value)\
-    PR_SetTraceOption((command),(value))
-#define PR_SET_TRACE_OPTION(command,value)
-	PR_SetTraceOption( 
-	    PRTraceOption command,  /* One of the enumerated values */
-	    void *value             /* command value or NULL */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetTraceOption() -- Retrieve settings from the Trace Facility
-** PR_GetTraceOption() retrieves the current setting of the
-** Trace Facility control depending on command.
-**  PRTraceBufSize: unsigned long: the size of the trace buffer,
-** in bytes.
-**  command: one of the enumerated values in PRTraceOptions
-** valid for PR_GetTraceOption().
-**  dependent on command.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_OPTION(command,value)\
-    PR_GetTraceOption((command),(value))
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_OPTION(command,value)
-	PR_GetTraceOption( 
-    	PRTraceOption command,  /* One of the enumerated values */
-	    void *value             /* command value or NULL */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetTraceHandleFromName() -- Retrieve an existing
-** handle by name.
-** PR_GetTraceHandleFromName() retreives an existing tracehandle
-** using the name specified by qName and rName.
-**  qName: pointer to string. QName for this trace handle. 
-**  rName: pointer to string. RName for this trace handle. 
-** OUTPUTS: returned.
-**  PRTraceHandle associated with qName and rName or NULL when
-** there is no match.
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_HANDLE_FROM_NAME(handle,qName,rName)\
-    (handle) = PR_GetTraceHandleFromName((qName),(rName))
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_HANDLE_FROM_NAME(handle,qName,rName)
-	PR_GetTraceHandleFromName( 
-    	const char *qName,      /* QName search argument */
-        const char *rName       /* RName search argument */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle() -- Retreive trace name
-** by bandle.
-** PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle() retreives the existing qName,
-** rName, and description for the referenced trace handle.
-** INPUTS: handle: PRTraceHandle.
-** OUTPUTS: pointers to the Trace Facility's copy of qName,
-** rName and description. ... Don't mess with these values.
-** They're mine.
-** RETURNS: void
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_NAME_FROM_HANDLE(handle,qName,rName,description)\
-    PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle((handle),(qName),(rName),(description))
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_NAME_FROM_HANDLE(handle,qName,rName,description)
-	PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle( 
-    	PRTraceHandle handle,       /* handle as search argument */
-	    const char **qName,         /* pointer to associated QName */
-	    const char **rName,         /* pointer to associated RName */
-    	const char **description    /* pointer to associated description */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_FindNextTraceQname() -- Retrieive a QName handle
-** iterator.
-** PR_FindNextTraceQname() retreives the first or next trace
-** QName handle, depending on the value of handle, from the trace
-** database. The PRTraceHandle returned can be used as an
-** iterator to traverse the QName handles in the Trace database.
-**  handle: When NULL, PR_FindNextQname() returns the first QName
-** handle. When a handle is a valid PRTraceHandle previously
-** retreived using PR_FindNextQname() the next QName handle is
-** retreived.
-** OUTPUTS: returned.
-**  PRTraceHandle or NULL when there are no trace handles.
-**  Iterating thru the trace handles via FindFirst/FindNext
-** should be done under protection of the trace handle lock.
-** See: PR_SetTraceOption( PRLockTraceHandles ).
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_TRACE_QNAME(next,handle)\
-    (next) = PR_FindNextTraceQname((handle))
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_TRACE_QNAME(next,handle)
-	PR_FindNextTraceQname( 
-        PRTraceHandle handle
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_FindNextTraceRname() -- Retrieive an RName handle
-** iterator.
-** PR_FindNextTraceRname() retreives the first or next trace
-** RName handle, depending on the value of handle, from the trace
-** database. The PRTraceHandle returned can be used as an
-** iterator to traverse the RName handles in the Trace database.
-**  rhandle: When NULL, PR_FindNextRname() returns the first
-** RName handle. When a handle is a valid PRTraceHandle
-** previously retreived using PR_FindNextRname() the next RName
-** handle is retreived.
-**  qhandle: A valid PRTraceHandle retruned from a previous call
-** OUTPUTS: returned.
-**  PRTraceHandle or NULL when there are no trace handles.
-**  Iterating thru the trace handles via FindNext should be done
-** under protection of the trace handle lock. See: (
-** PR_SetTraceOption( PRLockTraceHandles ).
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_TRACE_RNAME(next,rhandle,qhandle)\
-    (next) = PR_FindNextTraceRname((rhandle),(qhandle))
-#define PR_FIND_NEXT_TRACE_RNAME(next,rhandle,qhandle)
-	PR_FindNextTraceRname( 
-        PRTraceHandle rhandle,
-        PRTraceHandle qhandle
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_RecordTraceEntries() -- Write trace entries to external media
-** PR_RecordTraceEntries() causes entries in the in-memory trace
-** buffer to be written to external media.
-** When PR_RecordTraceEntries() is called from an application
-** thread, the function appears to block until another thread
-** calls PR_SetTraceOption() with the PRTraceStopRecording
-** option. This suggests that PR_RecordTraceEntries() should be
-** called from a user supplied thread whose only job is to
-** record trace entries. 
-** The environment variable NSPR_TRACE_LOG controls the operation
-** of this function. When NSPR_TRACE_LOG is not defined in the
-** environment, no recording of trace entries occurs. When
-** NSPR_TRACE_LOG is defined, the value of its definition must be
-** the filename of the file to receive the trace entry buffer.
-** PR_RecordTraceEntries() attempts to record the in-memory
-** buffer to a file, subject to the setting of the environment
-** variable NSPR_TRACE_LOG. It is possible because of system
-** load, the thread priority of the recording thread, number of
-** active trace records being written over time, and other
-** variables that some trace records can be lost. ... In other
-** words: don't bet the farm on getting everything.
-** INPUTS: none
-** OUTPUTS: none
-**    PR_SUCCESS no errors were found.
-**    PR_FAILURE errors were found.
-** Only one thread can call PR_RecordTraceEntries() within a
-** process.
-** On error, PR_RecordTraceEntries() may return prematurely.
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-	PR_RecordTraceEntries()
-	PR_RecordTraceEntries(
-        void 
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-** FUNCTION: PR_GetTraceEntries() -- Retreive trace entries from
-** the Trace Facility
-** PR_GetTraceEntries() retreives trace entries from the Trace
-** Facility. Up to count trace entries are copied from the Trace
-** Facility into buffer. Only those trace entries that have not
-** been copied via a previous call to PR_GetTraceEntries() are
-** copied. The actual number copied is placed in the PRInt32
-** variable pointed to by found.
-** If more than count trace entries have entered the Trace
-** Facility since the last call to PR_GetTraceEntries() 
-** a lost data condition is returned. In this case, the most
-** recent count trace entries are copied into buffer and found is
-** set to count.
-**  count. The number of trace entries to be copied into buffer.
-**  buffer. An array of PRTraceEntries. The buffer is supplied
-** by the caller.
-** found: 32bit signed integer. The number of PRTraceEntries
-** actually copied. found is always less than or equal to count.
-**  zero when there is no lost data.
-**  non-zero when some PRTraceEntries have been lost.
-** This is a real performance pig. The copy out operation is bad
-** enough, but depending on then frequency of calls to the
-** function, serious performance impact to the operating
-** application may be realized. ... YMMV.
-#if defined (DEBUG) || defined (FORCE_NSPR_TRACE)
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_ENTRIES(buffer,count,found)\
-        PR_GetTraceEntries((buffer),(count),(found))
-#define PR_GET_TRACE_ENTRIES(buffer,count,found)
-    PR_GetTraceEntries(
-        PRTraceEntry    *buffer,    /* where to write output */
-        PRInt32         count,      /* number to get */
-        PRInt32         *found      /* number you got */
-#endif /* prtrace_h___ */
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deleted file mode 100644
index d78f580..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:                prtypes.h
-** Description: Definitions of NSPR's basic types
-** Prototypes and macros used to make up for deficiencies that we have found
-** in ANSI environments.
-** Since we do not wrap <stdlib.h> and all the other standard headers, authors
-** of portable code will not know in general that they need these definitions.
-** Instead of requiring these authors to find the dependent uses in their code
-** and take the following steps only in those C files, we take steps once here
-** for all C files.
-#ifndef prtypes_h___
-#define prtypes_h___
-#ifdef MDCPUCFG
-#include MDCPUCFG
-#include "prcpucfg.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-**              PR_IMPLEMENT
-**      These are only for externally visible routines and globals.  For
-**      internal routines, just use "extern" for type checking and that
-**      will not export internal cross-file or forward-declared symbols.
-**      Define a macro for declaring procedures return types. We use this to
-**      deal with windoze specific type hackery for DLL definitions. Use
-**      PR_EXTERN when the prototype for the method is declared. Use
-**      PR_IMPLEMENT for the implementation of the method.
-** Example:
-**   in dowhim.h
-**     PR_EXTERN( void ) DoWhatIMean( void );
-**   in dowhim.c
-**     PR_IMPLEMENT( void ) DoWhatIMean( void ) { return; }
-#if defined(NSPR_STATIC)
-#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT(__type) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT_DATA(__type) __type
-#define PR_CALLBACK
-#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) __declspec(dllimport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) __declspec(dllimport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT(__type) __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT_DATA(__type) __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_CALLBACK
-#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-#elif defined(XP_BEOS)
-#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT(__type) __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT_DATA(__type) __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_CALLBACK
-#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-#elif defined(XP_OS2) && defined(__declspec)
-#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern  __declspec(dllimport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllimport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT(__type) __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT_DATA(__type) __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_CALLBACK
-#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-#elif defined(SYMBIAN)
-#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#ifdef __WINS__
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllimport) __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllimport) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT(__type) __type
-#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern __type
-#define PR_IMPLEMENT_DATA(__type) __type
-#define PR_CALLBACK
-#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-#else /* Unix */
-/* GCC 3.3 and later support the visibility attribute. */
-#if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || \
-    (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
-#define PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
-#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __type
-#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __type
-#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __type
-#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __type
-#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __type
-#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern PR_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT __type
-#define PR_CALLBACK
-#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-#if defined(_NSPR_BUILD_)
-#define NSPR_API(__type) PR_EXPORT(__type)
-#define NSPR_DATA_API(__type) PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type)
-#define NSPR_API(__type) PR_IMPORT(__type)
-#define NSPR_DATA_API(__type) PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type)
-**              PR_END_MACRO
-**      Macro body brackets so that macros with compound statement definitions
-**      behave syntactically more like functions when called.
-#define PR_BEGIN_MACRO  do {
-#define PR_END_MACRO    } while (0)
-**              PR_END_EXTERN_C
-**      Macro shorthands for conditional C++ extern block delimiters.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define PR_BEGIN_EXTERN_C       extern "C" {
-#define PR_END_EXTERN_C         }
-#define PR_END_EXTERN_C
-** MACROS:      PR_BIT
-**              PR_BITMASK
-** Bit masking macros.  XXX n must be <= 31 to be portable
-#define PR_BIT(n)       ((PRUint32)1 << (n))
-#define PR_BITMASK(n)   (PR_BIT(n) - 1)
-**              PR_MIN
-**              PR_MAX
-**              PR_ABS
-**      Commonly used macros for operations on compatible types.
-#define PR_ROUNDUP(x,y) ((((x)+((y)-1))/(y))*(y))
-#define PR_MIN(x,y)     ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
-#define PR_MAX(x,y)     ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
-#define PR_ABS(x)       ((x)<0?-(x):(x))
-**  The number of elements in an array.
-#define PR_ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
-** Starting in NSPR 4.9.5, NSPR's exact-width integer types should match
-** the exact-width integer types defined in <stdint.h>. This allows sloppy
-** code to use PRInt{N} and int{N}_t interchangeably.
-** The 8-bit and 16-bit integer types can only be defined using char and
-** short. All platforms define the 32-bit integer types using int. So only
-** the 64-bit integer types could be defined differently.
-** NSPR's original strategy was to use the "shortest" 64-bit integer type:
-** if long is 64-bit, then prefer it over long long. This strategy is also
-** used by Linux/glibc, FreeBSD, and NetBSD.
-** Other platforms use a different strategy: simply define the 64-bit
-** integer types using long long. We define the PR_ALTERNATE_INT64_TYPEDEF
-** macro on these platforms. Note that PR_ALTERNATE_INT64_TYPEDEF is for
-** internal use by NSPR headers only. Do not define or test this macro in
-** your code.
-** NOTE: NSPR can't use <stdint.h> because C99 requires C++ code to define
-** __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS and __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS to make all the macros
-** defined in <stdint.h> available. This strange requirement is gone in
-** C11. When most platforms ignore this C99 requirement, NSPR will be able
-** to use <stdint.h>. A patch to do that is in NSPR bug 634793.
-#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
-** TYPES:       PRUint8
-**              PRInt8
-**  The int8 types are known to be 8 bits each. There is no type that
-**      is equivalent to a plain "char".
-typedef unsigned char PRUint8;
-** Some cfront-based C++ compilers do not like 'signed char' and
-** issue the warning message:
-**     warning: "signed" not implemented (ignored)
-** For these compilers, we have to define PRInt8 as plain 'char'.
-** Make sure that plain 'char' is indeed signed under these compilers.
-#if (defined(HPUX) && defined(__cplusplus) \
-        && !defined(__GNUC__) && __cplusplus < 199707L) \
-    || (defined(SCO) && defined(__cplusplus) \
-        && !defined(__GNUC__) && __cplusplus == 1L)
-typedef char PRInt8;
-typedef signed char PRInt8;
-#error No suitable type for PRInt8/PRUint8
- * MACROS:      PR_INT8_MAX
- *              PR_INT8_MIN
- *              PR_UINT8_MAX
- *  The maximum and minimum values of a PRInt8 or PRUint8.
-#define PR_INT8_MAX 127
-#define PR_INT8_MIN (-128)
-#define PR_UINT8_MAX 255U
-** TYPES:       PRUint16
-**              PRInt16
-**  The int16 types are known to be 16 bits each.
-typedef unsigned short PRUint16;
-typedef short PRInt16;
-#error No suitable type for PRInt16/PRUint16
- * MACROS:      PR_INT16_MAX
- *              PR_INT16_MIN
- *              PR_UINT16_MAX
- *  The maximum and minimum values of a PRInt16 or PRUint16.
-#define PR_INT16_MAX 32767
-#define PR_INT16_MIN (-32768)
-#define PR_UINT16_MAX 65535U
-** TYPES:       PRUint32
-**              PRInt32
-**  The int32 types are known to be 32 bits each.
-#if PR_BYTES_PER_INT == 4
-typedef unsigned int PRUint32;
-typedef int PRInt32;
-#define PR_INT32(x)  x
-#define PR_UINT32(x) x ## U
-#elif PR_BYTES_PER_LONG == 4
-typedef unsigned long PRUint32;
-typedef long PRInt32;
-#define PR_INT32(x)  x ## L
-#define PR_UINT32(x) x ## UL
-#error No suitable type for PRInt32/PRUint32
- * MACROS:      PR_INT32_MAX
- *              PR_INT32_MIN
- *              PR_UINT32_MAX
- *  The maximum and minimum values of a PRInt32 or PRUint32.
-#define PR_INT32_MAX PR_INT32(2147483647)
-#define PR_INT32_MIN (-PR_INT32_MAX - 1)
-#define PR_UINT32_MAX PR_UINT32(4294967295)
-** TYPES:       PRUint64
-**              PRInt64
-**  The int64 types are known to be 64 bits each. Care must be used when
-**      declaring variables of type PRUint64 or PRInt64. Different hardware
-**      architectures and even different compilers have varying support for
-**      64 bit values. The only guaranteed portability requires the use of
-**      the LL_ macros (see prlong.h).
-** MACROS:      PR_INT64
-**              PR_UINT64
-**  The PR_INT64 and PR_UINT64 macros provide a portable way for
-**      specifying 64-bit integer constants. They can only be used if
-**      PRInt64 and PRUint64 are defined as compiler-supported 64-bit
-**      integer types (i.e., if HAVE_LONG_LONG is defined, which is true
-**      for all the supported compilers topday). If PRInt64 and PRUint64
-**      are defined as structs, the LL_INIT macro defined in prlong.h has
-**      to be used.
-** MACROS:      PR_INT64_MAX
-**              PR_INT64_MIN
-**              PR_UINT64_MAX
-**  The maximum and minimum values of a PRInt64 or PRUint64.
-/* Keep this in sync with prlong.h. */
-typedef long PRInt64;
-typedef unsigned long PRUint64;
-#define PR_INT64(x)  x ## L
-#define PR_UINT64(x) x ## UL
-#elif defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-typedef __int64  PRInt64;
-typedef unsigned __int64 PRUint64;
-#define PR_INT64(x)  x ## i64
-#define PR_UINT64(x) x ## ui64
-typedef long long PRInt64;
-typedef unsigned long long PRUint64;
-#define PR_INT64(x)  x ## LL
-#define PR_UINT64(x) x ## ULL
-#endif /* PR_BYTES_PER_LONG == 8 */
-#define PR_INT64_MAX PR_INT64(0x7fffffffffffffff)
-#define PR_INT64_MIN (-PR_INT64_MAX - 1)
-#define PR_UINT64_MAX PR_UINT64(-1)
-#else  /* !HAVE_LONG_LONG */
-typedef struct {
-    PRUint32 lo, hi;
-    PRUint32 hi, lo;
-} PRInt64;
-typedef PRInt64 PRUint64;
-#define PR_INT64_MAX (PRInt64){0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff}
-#define PR_INT64_MIN (PRInt64){0xffffffff, 0xffffffff}
-#define PR_UINT64_MAX (PRUint64){0xffffffff, 0xffffffff}
-#endif /* !HAVE_LONG_LONG */
-** TYPES:       PRUintn
-**              PRIntn
-**  The PRIntn types are most appropriate for automatic variables. They are
-**      guaranteed to be at least 16 bits, though various architectures may
-**      define them to be wider (e.g., 32 or even 64 bits). These types are
-**      never valid for fields of a structure.
-#if PR_BYTES_PER_INT >= 2
-typedef int PRIntn;
-typedef unsigned int PRUintn;
-#error 'sizeof(int)' not sufficient for platform use
-** TYPES:       PRFloat64
-**  NSPR's floating point type is always 64 bits.
-typedef double          PRFloat64;
-** TYPES:       PRSize
-**  A type for representing the size of objects.
-typedef size_t PRSize;
-** TYPES:       PROffset32, PROffset64
-**  A type for representing byte offsets from some location.
-typedef PRInt32 PROffset32;
-typedef PRInt64 PROffset64;
-** TYPES:       PRPtrDiff
-**  A type for pointer difference. Variables of this type are suitable
-**      for storing a pointer or pointer subtraction.
-typedef ptrdiff_t PRPtrdiff;
-** TYPES:       PRUptrdiff
-**  A type for pointer difference. Variables of this type are suitable
-**      for storing a pointer or pointer sutraction.
-#ifdef _WIN64
-typedef PRUint64 PRUptrdiff;
-typedef unsigned long PRUptrdiff;
-** TYPES:       PRBool
-**  Use PRBool for variables and parameter types. Use PR_FALSE and PR_TRUE
-**      for clarity of target type in assignments and actual arguments. Use
-**      'if (bool)', 'while (!bool)', '(bool) ? x : y' etc., to test booleans
-**      just as you would C int-valued conditions.
-typedef PRIntn PRBool;
-#define PR_TRUE 1
-#define PR_FALSE 0
-** TYPES:       PRPackedBool
-**  Use PRPackedBool within structs where bitfields are not desirable
-**      but minimum and consistant overhead matters.
-typedef PRUint8 PRPackedBool;
-** Status code used by some routines that have a single point of failure or
-** special status return.
-typedef enum { PR_FAILURE = -1, PR_SUCCESS = 0 } PRStatus;
-#ifndef __PRUNICHAR__
-#define __PRUNICHAR__
-#ifdef WIN32
-typedef wchar_t PRUnichar;
-typedef PRUint16 PRUnichar;
-** WARNING: The undocumented data types PRWord and PRUword are
-** only used in the garbage collection and arena code.  Do not
-** use PRWord and PRUword in new code.
-** A PRWord is an integer that is the same size as a void*.
-** It implements the notion of a "word" in the Java Virtual
-** Machine.  (See Sec. 3.4 "Words", The Java Virtual Machine
-** Specification, Addison-Wesley, September 1996.
-#ifdef _WIN64
-typedef PRInt64 PRWord;
-typedef PRUint64 PRUword;
-typedef long PRWord;
-typedef unsigned long PRUword;
- * PR_PRETEND_NORETURN, specified at the end of a function declaration,
- * indicates that for the purposes of static analysis, this function does not
- * return.  (The function definition does not need to be annotated.)
- *
- * void PR_Assert(const char *s, const char *file, PRIntn ln)
- *
- * Some static analyzers, like scan-build from clang, can use this information
- * to eliminate false positives.  From the upstream documentation of
- * scan-build:
- *     This attribute is useful for annotating assertion handlers that actually
- *     can return, but for the purpose of using the analyzer we want to pretend
- *     that such functions do not return.
- */
-#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
-#if __has_extension(attribute_analyzer_noreturn)
-#define PR_PRETEND_NORETURN __attribute__((analyzer_noreturn))
-#define PR_PRETEND_NORETURN /* no support */
-#if defined(NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT)
-/********* ???????????????? FIX ME       ??????????????????????????? *****/
-/********************** Some old definitions until pr=>ds transition is done ***/
-/********************** Also, we are still using NSPR 1.0. GC ******************/
-** Fundamental NSPR macros, used nearly everywhere.
-** Macro body brackets so that macros with compound statement definitions
-** behave syntactically more like functions when called.
-#define NSPR_BEGIN_MACRO        do {
-#define NSPR_END_MACRO          } while (0)
-** Macro shorthands for conditional C++ extern block delimiters.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define NSPR_BEGIN_EXTERN_C     extern "C" {
-#define NSPR_END_EXTERN_C       }
-#include "obsolete/protypes.h"
-/********* ????????????? End Fix me ?????????????????????????????? *****/
-#endif /* NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-** Compile-time assert. "condition" must be a constant expression.
-** The macro can be used only in places where an "extern" declaration is
-** allowed.
-#define PR_STATIC_ASSERT(condition) \
-    extern void pr_static_assert(int arg[(condition) ? 1 : -1])
-#endif /* prtypes_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prvrsion.h b/nspr/pr/include/prvrsion.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a8415b2..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prvrsion.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* author: jstewart */
-#if defined(_PRVERSION_H)
-#define _PRVERSION_H
-#include "prtypes.h"
-/* All components participating in the PR version protocol must expose
- * a structure and a function. The structure is defined below and named
- * according to the naming conventions outlined further below.  The function
- * is called libVersionPoint and returns a pointer to this structure.
- */
-/* on NT, always pack the structure the same. */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma pack(push, 8)
-typedef struct {
-    /*
-     * The first field defines which version of this structure is in use.
-     * At this time, only version 2 is specified. If this value is not 
-     * 2, you must read no further into the structure.
-     */
-    PRInt32    version; 
-    /* for Version 2, this is the body format. */
-    PRInt64         buildTime;      /* 64 bits - usecs since midnight, 1/1/1970 */
-    char *          buildTimeString;/* a human readable version of the time */
-    PRUint8   vMajor;               /* Major version of this component */
-    PRUint8   vMinor;               /* Minor version of this component */
-    PRUint8   vPatch;               /* Patch level of this component */
-    PRBool          beta;           /* true if this is a beta component */
-    PRBool          debug;          /* true if this is a debug component */
-    PRBool          special;        /* true if this component is a special build */
-    char *          filename;       /* The original filename */
-    char *          description;    /* description of this component */
-    char *          security;       /* level of security in this component */
-    char *          copyright;      /* The copyright for this file */
-    char *          comment;        /* free form field for misc usage */
-    char *          specialString;  /* the special variant for this build */
-} PRVersionDescription;
-/* on NT, restore the previous packing */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma pack(pop)
- * All components must define an entrypoint named libVersionPoint which
- * is of type versionEntryPointType.
- *
- * For example, for a library named libfoo, we would have:
- *
- *   PRVersionDescription prVersionDescription_libfoo =
- *   {
- *       ...
- *   };
- *
- *   PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRVersionDescription*) libVersionPoint(void)
- *   {
- *       return &prVersionDescription_libfoo;
- *   }
- */
-typedef const PRVersionDescription *(*versionEntryPointType)(void);
- * Where you declare your libVersionPoint, do it like this: 
- * PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRVersionDescription *) libVersionPoint(void) {
- *  fill it in...
- * }
- */
- *
- * all components should also expose a static PRVersionDescription
- * The name of the struct should be calculated as follows:
- * Take the value of filename. (If filename is not specified, calculate
- * a short, unique string.)  Convert all non-alphanumeric characters
- * to '_'.  To this, prepend "PRVersionDescription_".  Thus for,
- * the symbol name is "PRVersionDescription_libfoo_so".
- * so the file should have
- * PRVersionDescription PRVersionDescription_libfoo_so { fill it in };
- * on NT, this file should be declspec export.
- */
-#endif  /* defined(_PRVERSION_H) */
-/* prvrsion.h */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prwin16.h b/nspr/pr/include/prwin16.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f8d7a9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/include/prwin16.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef prwin16_h___
-#define prwin16_h___
-** Condition use of this header on platform.
-#if (defined(XP_PC) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(XP_OS2) && defined(MOZILLA_CLIENT)) || defined(WIN16)
-#include <stdio.h>
-** Win16 stdio special case.
-** To get stdio to work for Win16, all calls to printf() and related
-** things must be called from the environment of the .EXE; calls to
-** printf() from the .DLL send output to the bit-bucket.
-** To make sure that PR_fprintf(), and related functions, work correctly,
-** the actual stream I/O to stdout, stderr, stdin must be done in the
-** .EXE. To do this, a hack is placed in _MD_Write() such that the
-** fd for stdio handles results in a call to the .EXE.
-** file w16stdio.c contains the functions that get called from NSPR
-** to do the actual I/O. w16stdio.o must be statically linked with
-** any application needing stdio for Win16.
-** The address of these functions must be made available to the .DLL
-** so he can call back to the .EXE. To do this, function 
-** PR_MD_RegisterW16StdioCallbacks() is called from the .EXE.
-** The arguments are the functions defined in w16stdio.c
-** At runtime, MD_Write() calls the registered functions, if any
-** were registered.
-** prinit.h contains a macro PR_STDIO_INIT() that calls the registration
-** function for Win16; For other platforms, the macro is a No-Op.
-** Note that stdio is not operational at all on Win16 GUI applications.
-** This special case exists to provide stdio capability from the NSPR
-** .DLL for command line applications only. NSPR's test cases are
-** almost exclusively command line applications.
-** See also: w16io.c, w16stdio.c
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRStdinRead)( void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRStdoutWrite)( void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-typedef PRInt32 (PR_CALLBACK *PRStderrWrite)( void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
-    PRStdinRead inReadf,            /* i: function pointer for stdin read       */
-    PRStdoutWrite outWritef,        /* i: function pointer for stdout write     */
-    PRStderrWrite errWritef         /* i: function pointer for stderr write     */
-    );
-_PL_W16StdioWrite( void *buf, PRInt32 amount );
-_PL_W16StdioRead( void *buf, PRInt32 amount );
-#define PR_STDIO_INIT() PR_MD_RegisterW16StdioCallbacks( \
-    _PL_W16StdioRead, _PL_W16StdioWrite, _PL_W16StdioWrite ); \
-** Win16 hackery.
-struct PRMethodCallbackStr {
-    int     (PR_CALLBACK *auxOutput)(const char *outputString);
-    size_t  (PR_CALLBACK *strftime)(char *s, size_t len, const char *fmt, const struct tm *p);
-    void *  (PR_CALLBACK *malloc)( size_t size );
-    void *  (PR_CALLBACK *calloc)(size_t n, size_t size );
-    void *  (PR_CALLBACK *realloc)( void* old_blk, size_t size );
-    void    (PR_CALLBACK *free)( void *ptr );
-    void *  (PR_CALLBACK *getenv)( const char *name);
-    int     (PR_CALLBACK *putenv)( const char *assoc);
-/*    void *  (PR_CALLBACK *perror)( const char *prefix ); */
-NSPR_API(void) PR_MDRegisterCallbacks(struct PRMethodCallbackStr *);
-int PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackPuts( const char *outputString );
-size_t PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackStrftime( 
-    char *s, 
-    size_t len, 
-    const char *fmt,
-    const struct tm *p );
-void * PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackMalloc( size_t size );
-void * PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackCalloc( size_t n, size_t size );
-void * PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackRealloc( 
-    void *old_blk, 
-    size_t size );
-void   PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackFree( void *ptr );
-void * PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackGetenv( const char *name );
-int PR_CALLBACK _PL_W16CallBackPutenv( const char *assoc );
-** Hackery! 
-** These functions are provided as static link points.
-** This is to satisfy the quick port of Gromit to NSPR 2.0
-** ... Don't do this! ... alas, It may never go away.
-NSPR_API(int)     PR_MD_printf(const char *, ...);
-NSPR_API(void)    PR_MD_exit(int);
-NSPR_API(size_t)  PR_MD_strftime(char *, size_t, const char *, const struct tm *); 
-NSPR_API(int)     PR_MD_sscanf(const char *, const char *, ...);
-NSPR_API(void*)   PR_MD_malloc( size_t size );
-NSPR_API(void*)   PR_MD_calloc( size_t n, size_t size );
-NSPR_API(void*)   PR_MD_realloc( void* old_blk, size_t size );
-NSPR_API(void)    PR_MD_free( void *ptr );
-NSPR_API(char*)   PR_MD_getenv( const char *name );
-NSPR_API(int)     PR_MD_putenv( const char *assoc );
-NSPR_API(int)     PR_MD_fprintf(FILE *fPtr, const char *fmt, ...);
-#define PR_INIT_CALLBACKS()                         \
-    {                                               \
-        static struct PRMethodCallbackStr cbf = {   \
-            _PL_W16CallBackPuts,                    \
-            _PL_W16CallBackStrftime,                \
-            _PL_W16CallBackMalloc,                  \
-            _PL_W16CallBackCalloc,                  \
-            _PL_W16CallBackRealloc,                 \
-            _PL_W16CallBackFree,                    \
-            _PL_W16CallBackGetenv,                  \
-            _PL_W16CallBackPutenv,                  \
-        };                                          \
-        PR_MDRegisterCallbacks( &cbf );             \
-    }
-** Get the exception context for Win16 MFC applications threads
-NSPR_API(void *) PR_W16GetExceptionContext(void);
-** Set the exception context for Win16 MFC applications threads
-NSPR_API(void) PR_W16SetExceptionContext(void *context);
-** For platforms other than Win16, define
-** PR_STDIO_INIT() as a No-Op.
-#define PR_STDIO_INIT()
-#endif /* WIN16 || MOZILLA_CLIENT */
-#endif /* prwin16_h___ */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prdir.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prdir.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3701a6a..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prdir.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDir*) PR_OpenDir(const char *name)
-    PRDir *dir;
-    PRStatus sts;
-    dir = PR_NEW(PRDir);
-    if (dir) {
-        sts = _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR(&dir->md,name);
-        if (sts != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            PR_DELETE(dir);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-	}
-    return dir;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDirEntry*) PR_ReadDir(PRDir *dir, PRDirFlags flags)
-    /* _MD_READ_DIR return a char* to the name; allocation in machine-dependent code */
-    char* name = _PR_MD_READ_DIR(&dir->md, flags);
-    dir-> = name;
-    return name ? &dir->d : NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseDir(PRDir *dir)
-PRInt32 rv;
-    if (dir) {
-        rv = _PR_MD_CLOSE_DIR(&dir->md);
-		PR_DELETE(dir);
-		if (rv < 0) {
-			return PR_FAILURE;
-		} else
-			return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_MkDir(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-PRInt32 rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_MKDIR(name, mode);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_MakeDir(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-PRInt32 rv;
-	if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	rv = _PR_MD_MAKE_DIR(name, mode);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_RmDir(const char *name)
-PRInt32 rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_RMDIR(name);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
- *  UTF16 Interface
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDirUTF16*) PR_OpenDirUTF16(const PRUnichar *name)
-    PRDirUTF16 *dir;
-    PRStatus sts;
-    dir = PR_NEW(PRDirUTF16);
-    if (dir) {
-        sts = _PR_MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16(&dir->md,name);
-        if (sts != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            PR_DELETE(dir);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return dir;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDirEntryUTF16*) PR_ReadDirUTF16(PRDirUTF16 *dir, PRDirFlags flags)
-    /*
-     * _MD_READ_DIR_UTF16 return a PRUnichar* to the name; allocation in
-     * machine-dependent code
-     */
-    PRUnichar* name = _PR_MD_READ_DIR_UTF16(&dir->md, flags);
-    dir-> = name;
-    return name ? &dir->d : NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseDirUTF16(PRDirUTF16 *dir)
-    PRInt32 rv; 
-    if (dir) {
-        rv = _PR_MD_CLOSE_DIR_UTF16(&dir->md);
-        PR_DELETE(dir);
-        if (rv < 0)
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-        else
-	    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } 
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prfdcach.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prfdcach.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 17b71fe..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prfdcach.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/************************** File descriptor caching **************************/
-** This code is built into debuggable versions of NSPR to assist in
-** finding misused file descriptors. Since file descritors (PRFileDesc)
-** are identified by a pointer to their structure, they can be the
-** target of dangling references. Furthermore, NSPR caches and tries
-** to aggressively reuse file descriptors, leading to more ambiguity.
-** The following code will allow a debugging client to set environment
-** variables and control the number of file descriptors that will be
-** preserved before they are recycled. The environment variables are
-** the number of descriptors NSPR will allocate before beginning to
-** recycle. The latter is the maximum number permitted in the cache
-** (exclusive of those in use) at a time.
-typedef struct _PR_Fd_Cache
-    PRLock *ml;
-    PRIntn count;
-    PRFileDesc *head, *tail;
-    PRIntn limit_low, limit_high;
-} _PR_Fd_Cache;
-static _PR_Fd_Cache _pr_fd_cache;
-** Get a FileDescriptor from the cache if one exists. If not allocate
-** a new one from the heap.
-PRFileDesc *_PR_Getfd(void)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    /*
-    ** $$$
-    ** This may look a little wasteful. We'll see. Right now I want to
-    ** be able to toggle between caching and not at runtime to measure
-    ** the differences. If it isn't too annoying, I'll leave it in.
-    ** $$$$
-    **
-    ** The test is against _pr_fd_cache.limit_high. If that's zero,
-    ** we're not doing the extended cache but going for performance.
-    */
-    if (0 == _pr_fd_cache.limit_high)
-    {
-        goto allocate;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        do
-        {
-            if (NULL == _pr_fd_cache.head) goto allocate;  /* nothing there */
-            if (_pr_fd_cache.count < _pr_fd_cache.limit_low) goto allocate;
-            /* we "should" be able to extract an fd from the cache */
-            PR_Lock(;  /* need the lock to do this safely */
-            fd = _pr_fd_cache.head;  /* protected extraction */
-            if (NULL == fd)  /* unexpected, but not fatal */
-            {
-                PR_ASSERT(0 == _pr_fd_cache.count);
-                PR_ASSERT(NULL == _pr_fd_cache.tail);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                _pr_fd_cache.count -= 1;
-                _pr_fd_cache.head = fd->higher;
-                if (NULL == _pr_fd_cache.head)
-                {
-                    PR_ASSERT(0 == _pr_fd_cache.count);
-                    _pr_fd_cache.tail = NULL;
-                }
-                PR_ASSERT(&_pr_faulty_methods == fd->methods);
-                PR_ASSERT(PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER == fd->identity);
-                PR_ASSERT(_PR_FILEDESC_FREED == fd->secret->state);
-            }
-            PR_Unlock(;
-        } while (NULL == fd);  /* then go around and allocate a new one */
-    }
-    fd->dtor = NULL;
-    fd->lower = fd->higher = NULL;
-    fd->identity = PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER;
-    memset(fd->secret, 0, sizeof(PRFilePrivate));
-    return fd;
-    fd = PR_NEW(PRFileDesc);
-    if (NULL != fd)
-    {
-        fd->secret = PR_NEW(PRFilePrivate);
-        if (NULL == fd->secret) PR_DELETE(fd);
-    }
-    if (NULL != fd) goto finished;
-    else return NULL;
-}  /* _PR_Getfd */
-** Return a file descriptor to the cache unless there are too many in
-** there already. If put in cache, clear the fields first.
-void _PR_Putfd(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER == fd->identity);
-    fd->methods = &_pr_faulty_methods;
-    fd->identity = PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER;
-    fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_FREED;
-    if (0 != _pr_fd_cache.limit_high)
-    {
-        if (_pr_fd_cache.count < _pr_fd_cache.limit_high)
-        {
-            PR_Lock(;
-            if (NULL == _pr_fd_cache.tail)
-            {
-                PR_ASSERT(0 == _pr_fd_cache.count);
-                PR_ASSERT(NULL == _pr_fd_cache.head);
-                _pr_fd_cache.head = _pr_fd_cache.tail = fd;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                PR_ASSERT(NULL == _pr_fd_cache.tail->higher);
-                _pr_fd_cache.tail->higher = fd;
-                _pr_fd_cache.tail = fd;  /* new value */
-            }
-            fd->higher = NULL;  /* always so */
-            _pr_fd_cache.count += 1;  /* count the new entry */
-            PR_Unlock(;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_Free(fd->secret);
-    PR_Free(fd);
-}  /* _PR_Putfd */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetFDCacheSize(PRIntn low, PRIntn high)
-    /*
-    ** This can be called at any time, may adjust the cache sizes,
-    ** turn the caches off, or turn them on. It is not dependent
-    ** on the compilation setting of DEBUG.
-    */
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (low > high) low = high;  /* sanity check the params */
-    PR_Lock(;
-    _pr_fd_cache.limit_high = high;
-    _pr_fd_cache.limit_low = low;
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_SetFDCacheSize */
-void _PR_InitFdCache(void)
-    /*
-    ** The fd caching is enabled by default for DEBUG builds,
-    ** disabled by default for OPT builds. That default can
-    ** be overridden at runtime using environment variables
-    ** or a super-wiz-bang API.
-    */
-    const char *low = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_FD_CACHE_SIZE_LOW");
-    const char *high = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_FD_CACHE_SIZE_HIGH");
-    /* 
-    ** _low is allowed to be zero, _high is not.
-    ** If _high is zero, we're not doing the caching.
-    */
-    _pr_fd_cache.limit_low = 0;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    _pr_fd_cache.limit_high = FD_SETSIZE;
-    _pr_fd_cache.limit_high = 0;
-#endif  /* defined(DEBUG) */
-    if (NULL != low) _pr_fd_cache.limit_low = atoi(low);
-    if (NULL != high) _pr_fd_cache.limit_high = atoi(high);
-    if (_pr_fd_cache.limit_low < 0)
-        _pr_fd_cache.limit_low = 0;
-    if (_pr_fd_cache.limit_low > FD_SETSIZE)
-        _pr_fd_cache.limit_low = FD_SETSIZE;
-    if (_pr_fd_cache.limit_high > FD_SETSIZE)
-        _pr_fd_cache.limit_high = FD_SETSIZE;
-    if (_pr_fd_cache.limit_high < _pr_fd_cache.limit_low)
-        _pr_fd_cache.limit_high = _pr_fd_cache.limit_low;
- = PR_NewLock();
-}  /* _PR_InitFdCache */
-void _PR_CleanupFdCache(void)
-    PRFileDesc *fd, *next;
-    for (fd = _pr_fd_cache.head; fd != NULL; fd = next)
-    {
-        next = fd->higher;
-        PR_DELETE(fd->secret);
-        PR_DELETE(fd);
-    }
-    _pr_fd_cache.head = NULL;
-    _pr_fd_cache.tail = NULL;
-    _pr_fd_cache.count = 0;
-    PR_DestroyLock(;
- = NULL;
-}  /* _PR_CleanupFdCache */
-/* prfdcach.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prfile.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prfile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e32031b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prfile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#if defined(AIX) || defined(QNX)
-/* To pick up sysconf */
-#include <unistd.h>
-/* To pick up getrlimit, setrlimit */
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-extern PRLock *_pr_flock_lock;
-extern PRCondVar *_pr_flock_cv;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK FileRead(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    PRInt32 rv = 0;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
- 		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		rv = -1;
-    }
-    if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_IO_PENDING_ERROR, 0);
-	rv = -1;
-    }
-    if (rv == -1)
-    	return rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_READ(fd, buf, amount);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		PR_ASSERT(rv == -1);
-	}
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("read -> %d", rv));
-    return rv;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK FileWrite(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    PRInt32 rv = 0;
-    PRInt32 temp, count;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-        me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-	    rv = -1;
-    }
-    if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_IO_PENDING_ERROR, 0);
-	    rv = -1;
-    }
-    if (rv != 0)
-    	return rv;
-    count = 0;
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)  /* Bugzilla: 4090, 276330 */
-    if (fd->secret->appendMode) {
-        if (PR_Seek64(fd, 0, PR_SEEK_END) == -1) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-    } /* if (fd->secret->appendMode...) */
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_O_APPEND */
-    while (amount > 0) {
-		temp = _PR_MD_WRITE(fd, buf, amount);
-		if (temp < 0) {
-			count = -1;
-			break;
-		}
-		count += temp;
-		if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-			break;
-		}
-		buf = (const void*) ((const char*)buf + temp);
-		amount -= temp;
-    }
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("write -> %d", count));
-    return count;
-static PROffset32 PR_CALLBACK FileSeek(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    PROffset32 result;
-    result = _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, offset, whence);
-    return result;
-static PROffset64 PR_CALLBACK FileSeek64(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    PROffset64 result;
-    result = _PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, offset, whence);
-    return result;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK FileAvailable(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 result, cur, end;
-    cur = _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, 0, PR_SEEK_CUR);
-	if (cur >= 0)
-    	end = _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, 0, PR_SEEK_END);
-    if ((cur < 0) || (end < 0)) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    result = end - cur;
-    _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, cur, PR_SEEK_SET);
-    return result;
-static PRInt64 PR_CALLBACK FileAvailable64(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt64 result, cur, end;
-    PRInt64 minus_one;
-    LL_I2L(minus_one, -1);
-    cur = _PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, LL_ZERO, PR_SEEK_CUR);
-    if (LL_GE_ZERO(cur))
-    	end = _PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, LL_ZERO, PR_SEEK_END);
-    if (!LL_GE_ZERO(cur) || !LL_GE_ZERO(end)) return minus_one;
-    LL_SUB(result, end, cur);
-    (void)_PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, cur, PR_SEEK_SET);
-    return result;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK PipeAvailable(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	return rv;		
-static PRInt64 PR_CALLBACK PipeAvailable64(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt64 rv;
-    LL_I2L(rv, _PR_MD_PIPEAVAILABLE(fd));
-	return rv;		
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK PipeSync(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK FileGetInfo(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO(fd, info);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK FileGetInfo64(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    /* $$$$ NOT YET IMPLEMENTED */
-	PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(fd, info);
-    if (rv < 0) return PR_FAILURE;
-    else return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK FileSync(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 result;
-    result = _PR_MD_FSYNC(fd);
-    if (result < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK FileClose(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    if (!fd || !fd->secret
-            || (fd->secret->state != _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN
-            && fd->secret->state != _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED)) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (fd->secret->state == _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN) {
-        if (_PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(fd->secret->md.osfd) < 0) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-    }
-    PR_FreeFileDesc(fd);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRInt16 PR_CALLBACK FilePoll(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags)
-    *out_flags = 0;
-    return in_flags;
-}  /* FilePoll */
-static PRIOMethods _pr_fileMethods = {
-    FileClose,
-    FileRead,
-    FileWrite,
-    FileAvailable,
-    FileAvailable64,
-    FileSync,
-    FileSeek,
-    FileSeek64,
-    FileGetInfo,
-    FileGetInfo64,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,		
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,		
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,		
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,		
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,	
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    FilePoll,         
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,	
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,	
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetFileMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_fileMethods;
-static PRIOMethods _pr_pipeMethods = {
-    FileClose,
-    FileRead,
-    FileWrite,
-    PipeAvailable,
-    PipeAvailable64,
-    PipeSync,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,		
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,		
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,		
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,		
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,	
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,		
-    FilePoll,         
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,	
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,	
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,	
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetPipeMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_pipeMethods;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_Open(const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    PROsfd osfd;
-    PRFileDesc *fd = 0;
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-    PRBool  appendMode = ( PR_APPEND & flags )? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    /* Map pr open flags and mode to os specific flags */
-    osfd = _PR_MD_OPEN(name, flags, mode);
-    if (osfd != -1) {
-        fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, &_pr_fileMethods);
-        if (!fd) {
-            (void) _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(osfd);
-        } else {
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-            fd->secret->appendMode = appendMode;
-        }
-    }
-    return fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenFile(
-    const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    PROsfd osfd;
-    PRFileDesc *fd = 0;
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-    PRBool  appendMode = ( PR_APPEND & flags )? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    /* Map pr open flags and mode to os specific flags */
-    osfd = _PR_MD_OPEN_FILE(name, flags, mode);
-    if (osfd != -1) {
-        fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, &_pr_fileMethods);
-        if (!fd) {
-            (void) _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(osfd);
-        } else {
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-            fd->secret->appendMode = appendMode;
-        }
-    }
-    return fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetSysfdTableMax(void)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(AIX) && !defined(QNX)
-    struct rlimit rlim;
-    if ( getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) < 0) {
-       /* XXX need to call PR_SetError() */
-       return -1;
-    }
-    return rlim.rlim_max;
-#elif defined(AIX) || defined(QNX)
-    return sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-    /*
-     * There is a systemwide limit of 65536 user handles.
-     */
-    return 16384;
-#elif defined (WIN16)
-    return FOPEN_MAX;
-#elif defined(XP_OS2)
-    ULONG ulReqCount = 0;
-    ULONG ulCurMaxFH = 0;
-    DosSetRelMaxFH(&ulReqCount, &ulCurMaxFH);
-    return ulCurMaxFH;
-#elif defined(XP_BEOS)
-   return -1;
-    write me;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_SetSysfdTableSize(int table_size)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(AIX) && !defined(QNX)
-    struct rlimit rlim;
-    PRInt32 tableMax = PR_GetSysfdTableMax();
-    if (tableMax < 0) 
-        return -1;
-    if (tableMax > FD_SETSIZE)
-        tableMax = FD_SETSIZE;
-    rlim.rlim_max = tableMax;
-    /* Grow as much as we can; even if too big */
-    if ( rlim.rlim_max < table_size )
-        rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max;
-    else
-        rlim.rlim_cur = table_size;
-    if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) < 0) {
-        /* XXX need to call PR_SetError() */
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return rlim.rlim_cur;
-#elif defined(XP_OS2)
-    PRInt32 tableMax = PR_GetSysfdTableMax();
-    if (table_size > tableMax) {
-      APIRET rc = NO_ERROR;
-      rc = DosSetMaxFH(table_size);
-      if (rc == NO_ERROR)
-        return table_size;
-      else
-        return -1;
-    } 
-    return tableMax;
-#elif defined(AIX) || defined(QNX) \
-        || defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-    return -1;
-    write me;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Delete(const char *name)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_DELETE(name);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO(fn, info);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    rv = _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64(fn, info);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Rename(const char *from, const char *to)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_RENAME(from, to);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Access(const char *name, PRAccessHow how)
-PRInt32 rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_ACCESS(name, how);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Import an existing OS file to NSPR 
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_ImportFile(PROsfd osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, &_pr_fileMethods);
-    if( !fd ) {
-        (void) _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(osfd);
-    } else {
-    }
-    return fd;
-** Import an existing OS pipe to NSPR 
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_ImportPipe(PROsfd osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, &_pr_pipeMethods);
-    if( !fd ) {
-        (void) _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(osfd);
-    } else {
-#ifdef WINNT
-        fd->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return fd;
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-** PR_Stat() for Win16 is defined in w16io.c
-** it is a hack to circumvent problems in Gromit and Java
-** See also: BugSplat: 98516.
-#if !defined(WIN16)
- * This function is supposed to be for backward compatibility with
- * nspr 1.0.  Therefore, it still uses the nspr 1.0 error-reporting
- * mechanism -- returns a PRInt32, which is the error code when the call
- * fails.
- * 
- * If we need this function in nspr 2.0, it should be changed to
- * return PRStatus, as follows:
- *
- * PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Stat(const char *name, struct stat *buf)
- * {
- *     PRInt32 rv;
- *
- *     rv = _PR_MD_STAT(name, buf);
- *     if (rv < 0)
- *         return PR_FAILURE;
- *     else
- *         return PR_SUCCESS;
- * }
- *
- * -- wtc, 2/14/97.
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Stat(const char *name, struct stat *buf)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = _PR_MD_STAT(name, buf);
-	return rv;
-#endif /* !defined(WIN16)  */
-#endif /* ! NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_LockFile(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef WINNT
-    if (!fd->secret->md.io_model_committed) {
-        PRInt32 rv;
-        rv = _md_Associate((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != rv);
-        fd->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    while (fd->secret->lockCount == -1)
-        PR_WaitCondVar(_pr_flock_cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    if (fd->secret->lockCount == 0) {
-        fd->secret->lockCount = -1;
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-        status = _PR_MD_LOCKFILE(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-        fd->secret->lockCount = (status == PR_SUCCESS) ? 1 : 0;
-        PR_NotifyAllCondVar(_pr_flock_cv);
-    } else {
-        fd->secret->lockCount++;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    return status;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_TLockFile(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef WINNT
-    if (!fd->secret->md.io_model_committed) {
-        PRInt32 rv;
-        rv = _md_Associate((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != rv);
-        fd->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    if (fd->secret->lockCount == 0) {
-        status = _PR_MD_TLOCKFILE(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        PR_ASSERT(status == PR_SUCCESS || fd->secret->lockCount == 0);
-        if (status == PR_SUCCESS)
-            fd->secret->lockCount = 1;
-    } else {
-        fd->secret->lockCount++;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    return status;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_UnlockFile(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    if (fd->secret->lockCount == 1) {
-        rv = _PR_MD_UNLOCKFILE(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        if (rv == PR_SUCCESS) 
-            fd->secret->lockCount = 0;
-    } else {
-        fd->secret->lockCount--;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CreatePipe(
-    PRFileDesc **readPipe,
-    PRFileDesc **writePipe
-#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(WINCE)
-    HANDLE readEnd, writeEnd;
-    SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pipeAttributes;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    ZeroMemory(&pipeAttributes, sizeof(pipeAttributes));
-    pipeAttributes.nLength = sizeof(pipeAttributes);
-    pipeAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
-    if (CreatePipe(&readEnd, &writeEnd, &pipeAttributes, 0) == 0) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *readPipe = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)readEnd, &_pr_pipeMethods);
-    if (NULL == *readPipe) {
-        CloseHandle(readEnd);
-        CloseHandle(writeEnd);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *writePipe = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)writeEnd, &_pr_pipeMethods);
-    if (NULL == *writePipe) {
-        PR_Close(*readPipe);
-        CloseHandle(writeEnd);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#ifdef WINNT
-    (*readPipe)->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE;
-    (*writePipe)->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE;
-    (*readPipe)->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-    (*writePipe)->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-    HFILE pipefd[2];
-    int pipefd[2];
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-    if (DosCreatePipe(&pipefd[0], &pipefd[1], 4096) != 0) {
-    if (pipe(pipefd) == -1) {
-        /* XXX map pipe error */
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *readPipe = PR_AllocFileDesc(pipefd[0], &_pr_pipeMethods);
-    if (NULL == *readPipe) {
-        close(pipefd[0]);
-        close(pipefd[1]);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *writePipe = PR_AllocFileDesc(pipefd[1], &_pr_pipeMethods);
-    if (NULL == *writePipe) {
-        PR_Close(*readPipe);
-        close(pipefd[1]);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#ifndef XP_BEOS /* Pipes are nonblocking on BeOS */
-    _PR_MD_MAKE_NONBLOCK(*readPipe);
-#ifndef XP_BEOS /* Pipes are nonblocking on BeOS */
-    _PR_MD_MAKE_NONBLOCK(*writePipe);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-/* ================ UTF16 Interfaces ================================ */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenFileUTF16(
-    const PRUnichar *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    PROsfd osfd;
-    PRFileDesc *fd = 0;
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-    PRBool  appendMode = ( PR_APPEND & flags )? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    /* Map pr open flags and mode to os specific flags */
-    osfd = _PR_MD_OPEN_FILE_UTF16(name, flags, mode);
-    if (osfd != -1) {
-        fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, &_pr_fileMethods);
-        if (!fd) {
-            (void) _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE(osfd);
-        } else {
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_O_APPEND)
-            fd->secret->appendMode = appendMode;
-        }
-    }
-    return fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo64UTF16(const PRUnichar *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    rv = _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64_UTF16(fn, info);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-/* ================ UTF16 Interfaces ================================ */
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prio.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f69927f..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h> /* for memset() */
-PRLock *_pr_flock_lock;
-PRCondVar *_pr_flock_cv;
-#ifdef WINCE
- * There are no stdin, stdout, stderr in Windows CE.  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
- * should cause all I/O functions on the handle to fail.
- */
-#define STD_INPUT_HANDLE  ((DWORD)-10)
-#define STD_ERROR_HANDLE  ((DWORD)-12)
-static HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle)
-void _PR_InitIO(void)
-    const PRIOMethods *methods = PR_GetFileMethods();
-    _PR_InitFdCache();
-    _pr_flock_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    _pr_flock_cv = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_flock_lock);
-#ifdef WIN32
-    _pr_stdin = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),
-            methods);
-    _pr_stdout = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
-            methods);
-    _pr_stderr = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE),
-            methods);
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _pr_stdin->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE;
-    _pr_stdout->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE;
-    _pr_stderr->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE;
-    _pr_stdin = PR_AllocFileDesc(0, methods);
-    _pr_stdout = PR_AllocFileDesc(1, methods);
-    _pr_stderr = PR_AllocFileDesc(2, methods);
-void _PR_CleanupIO(void)
-    PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stdin);
-    _pr_stdin = NULL;
-    PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stdout);
-    _pr_stdout = NULL;
-    PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stderr);
-    _pr_stderr = NULL;
-    if (_pr_flock_cv) {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(_pr_flock_cv);
-        _pr_flock_cv = NULL;
-    }
-    if (_pr_flock_lock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_flock_lock);
-        _pr_flock_lock = NULL;
-    }
-    _PR_CleanupFdCache();
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_GetSpecialFD(PRSpecialFD osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *result = NULL;
-    PR_ASSERT((int) osfd >= PR_StandardInput && osfd <= PR_StandardError);
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    switch (osfd)
-    {
-        case PR_StandardInput: result = _pr_stdin; break;
-        case PR_StandardOutput: result = _pr_stdout; break;
-        case PR_StandardError: result = _pr_stderr; break;
-        default:
-            (void)PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return result;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_AllocFileDesc(
-    PROsfd osfd, const PRIOMethods *methods)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-	/*
-	 * Assert that the file descriptor is small enough to fit in the
-	 * fd_set passed to select
-	 */
-    fd = _PR_Getfd();
-    if (fd) {
-        /* Initialize the members of PRFileDesc and PRFilePrivate */
-        fd->methods = methods;
-        fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN;
-	fd->secret->md.osfd = osfd;
-        _PR_MD_INIT_FILEDESC(fd);
-    } else {
-	    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FreeFileDesc(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd);
-    _PR_Putfd(fd);
-** Wait for some i/o to finish on one or more more poll descriptors.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Poll(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return(_PR_MD_PR_POLL(pds, npds, timeout));
-** Set the inheritance attribute of a file descriptor.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetFDInheritable(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    PRBool inheritable)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32) || defined(XP_OS2) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-    /*
-     * Only a non-layered, NSPR file descriptor can be inherited
-     * by a child process.
-     */
-    if (fd->identity != PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (fd->secret->inheritable != inheritable) {
-        if (_PR_MD_SET_FD_INHERITABLE(fd, inheritable) == PR_FAILURE) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        fd->secret->inheritable = inheritable;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-** This function only has a useful implementation in the debug build of
-** the pthreads version.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PT_FPrintStats(PRFileDesc *debug_out, const char *msg)
-    /* do nothing */
-}  /* PT_FPrintStats */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/priometh.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/priometh.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4208767..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/priometh.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/************************** Invalid I/O method object ************************/
-PRIOMethods _pr_faulty_methods = {
-    (PRDescType)0,
-    (PRCloseFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRReadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRWriteFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailableFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailable64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFsyncFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,        
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRPollFN)_PR_InvalidInt16,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-PRIntn _PR_InvalidInt(void)
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("I/O method is invalid");
-    return -1;
-}  /* _PR_InvalidInt */
-PRInt16 _PR_InvalidInt16(void)
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("I/O method is invalid");
-    return -1;
-}  /* _PR_InvalidInt */
-PRInt64 _PR_InvalidInt64(void)
-    PRInt64 rv;
-    LL_I2L(rv, -1);
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("I/O method is invalid");
-    return rv;
-}  /* _PR_InvalidInt */
- * An invalid method that returns PRStatus
- */
-PRStatus _PR_InvalidStatus(void)
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("I/O method is invalid");
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* _PR_InvalidDesc */
- * An invalid method that returns a pointer
- */
-PRFileDesc *_PR_InvalidDesc(void)
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("I/O method is invalid");
-    return NULL;
-}  /* _PR_InvalidDesc */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDescType) PR_GetDescType(PRFileDesc *file)
-    return file->methods->file_type;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Close(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    return (fd->methods->close)(fd);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Read(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-	return((fd->methods->read)(fd,buf,amount));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Write(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-	return((fd->methods->write)(fd,buf,amount));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Seek(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-	return((fd->methods->seek)(fd, offset, whence));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) PR_Seek64(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-	return((fd->methods->seek64)(fd, offset, whence));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Available(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	return((fd->methods->available)(fd));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) PR_Available64(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	return((fd->methods->available64)(fd));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetOpenFileInfo(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
-	return((fd->methods->fileInfo)(fd, info));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetOpenFileInfo64(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-	return((fd->methods->fileInfo64)(fd, info));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Sync(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	return((fd->methods->fsync)(fd));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Connect(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((fd->methods->connect)(fd,addr,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_ConnectContinue(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 out_flags)
-	return((fd->methods->connectcontinue)(fd,out_flags));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_Accept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((fd->methods->accept)(fd,addr,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Bind(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr)
-	return((fd->methods->bind)(fd,addr));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Shutdown(PRFileDesc *fd, PRShutdownHow how)
-	return((fd->methods->shutdown)(fd,how));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Listen(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog)
-	return((fd->methods->listen)(fd,backlog));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Recv(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((fd->methods->recv)(fd,buf,amount,flags,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Send(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((fd->methods->send)(fd,buf,amount,flags,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Writev(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov,
-PRInt32 iov_size, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    if (iov_size > PR_MAX_IOVECTOR_SIZE)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0);
-        return -1;
-    }
-	return((fd->methods->writev)(fd,iov,iov_size,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_RecvFrom(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((fd->methods->recvfrom)(fd,buf,amount,flags,addr,timeout));
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((fd->methods->sendto)(fd,buf,amount,flags,addr,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_TransmitFile(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc *fd, const void *hdr, PRInt32 hlen,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((sd->methods->transmitfile)(sd,fd,hdr,hlen,flags,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_AcceptRead(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, PRNetAddr **raddr,
-    void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((sd->methods->acceptread)(sd, nd, raddr, buf, amount,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetSockName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-	return((fd->methods->getsockname)(fd,addr));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetPeerName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-	return((fd->methods->getpeername)(fd,addr));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetSocketOption(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data)
-	return((fd->methods->getsocketoption)(fd, data));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetSocketOption(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data)
-	return((fd->methods->setsocketoption)(fd, data));
-	PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-	PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	return((sd->methods->sendfile)(sd,sfd,flags,timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_EmulateAcceptRead(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, PRNetAddr **raddr,
-    void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1;
-    PRNetAddr remote;
-    PRFileDesc *accepted = NULL;
-    /*
-    ** The timeout does not apply to the accept portion of the
-    ** operation - it waits indefinitely.
-    */
-    accepted = PR_Accept(sd, &remote, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    if (NULL == accepted) return rv;
-    rv = PR_Recv(accepted, buf, amount, 0, timeout);
-    if (rv >= 0)
-    {
-        /* copy the new info out where caller can see it */
-#define AMASK ((PRPtrdiff)7)  /* mask for alignment of PRNetAddr */
-        PRPtrdiff aligned = (PRPtrdiff)buf + amount + AMASK;
-        *raddr = (PRNetAddr*)(aligned & ~AMASK);
-        memcpy(*raddr, &remote, PR_NETADDR_SIZE(&remote));
-        *nd = accepted;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    PR_Close(accepted);
-    return rv;
- * PR_EmulateSendFile
- *
- *    Send file sfd->fd across socket sd. If header/trailer are specified
- *    they are sent before and after the file, respectively.
- *
- *    PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag - close socket after sending file
- *    
- *    return number of bytes sent or -1 on error
- *
- */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32)
- * An implementation based on memory-mapped files
- */
-#define SENDFILE_MMAP_CHUNK	(256 * 1024)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_EmulateSendFile(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv, count = 0;
-    PRInt32 len, file_bytes, index = 0;
-    PRFileInfo info;
-    PRIOVec iov[3];
-    PRFileMap *mapHandle = NULL;
-    void *addr = (void*)0; /* initialized to some arbitrary value. Keeps compiler warnings down. */
-    PRUint32 file_mmap_offset, alignment;
-    PRInt64 zero64;
-    PROffset64 file_mmap_offset64;
-    PRUint32 addr_offset, mmap_len;
-    /* Get file size */
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != PR_GetOpenFileInfo(sfd->fd, &info)) {
-        count = -1;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (sfd->file_nbytes &&
-            (info.size < (sfd->file_offset + sfd->file_nbytes))) {
-        /*
-         * there are fewer bytes in file to send than specified
-         */
-        count = -1;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (sfd->file_nbytes)
-        file_bytes = sfd->file_nbytes;
-    else
-        file_bytes = info.size - sfd->file_offset;
-    alignment = PR_GetMemMapAlignment();
-    /* number of initial bytes to skip in mmap'd segment */
-    addr_offset = sfd->file_offset % alignment;
-    /* find previous mmap alignment boundary */
-    file_mmap_offset = sfd->file_offset - addr_offset;
-    /*
-     * If the file is large, mmap and send the file in chunks so as
-     * to not consume too much virtual address space
-     */
-    mmap_len = PR_MIN(file_bytes + addr_offset, SENDFILE_MMAP_CHUNK);
-    len = mmap_len - addr_offset;
-    /*
-     * Map in (part of) file. Take care of zero-length files.
-     */
-    if (len) {
-        LL_I2L(zero64, 0);
-        mapHandle = PR_CreateFileMap(sfd->fd, zero64, PR_PROT_READONLY);
-        if (!mapHandle) {
-            count = -1;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        LL_I2L(file_mmap_offset64, file_mmap_offset);
-        addr = PR_MemMap(mapHandle, file_mmap_offset64, mmap_len);
-        if (!addr) {
-            count = -1;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * send headers first, followed by the file
-     */
-    if (sfd->hlen) {
-        iov[index].iov_base = (char *) sfd->header;
-        iov[index].iov_len = sfd->hlen;
-        index++;
-    }
-    if (len) {
-        iov[index].iov_base = (char*)addr + addr_offset;
-        iov[index].iov_len = len;
-        index++;
-    }
-    if ((file_bytes == len) && (sfd->tlen)) {
-        /*
-         * all file data is mapped in; send the trailer too
-         */
-        iov[index].iov_base = (char *) sfd->trailer;
-        iov[index].iov_len = sfd->tlen;
-        index++;
-    }
-    rv = PR_Writev(sd, iov, index, timeout);
-    if (len)
-        PR_MemUnmap(addr, mmap_len);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        count = -1;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(rv == sfd->hlen + len + ((len == file_bytes) ? sfd->tlen : 0));
-    file_bytes -= len;
-    count += rv;
-    if (!file_bytes)    /* header, file and trailer are sent */
-        goto done;
-    /*
-     * send remaining bytes of the file, if any
-     */
-    len = PR_MIN(file_bytes, SENDFILE_MMAP_CHUNK);
-    while (len > 0) {
-        /*
-         * Map in (part of) file
-         */
-        file_mmap_offset = sfd->file_offset + count - sfd->hlen;
-        PR_ASSERT((file_mmap_offset % alignment) == 0);
-        LL_I2L(file_mmap_offset64, file_mmap_offset);
-        addr = PR_MemMap(mapHandle, file_mmap_offset64, len);
-        if (!addr) {
-            count = -1;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        rv = PR_Send(sd, addr, len, 0, timeout);
-        PR_MemUnmap(addr, len);
-        if (rv < 0) {
-            count = -1;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == len);
-        file_bytes -= rv;
-        count += rv;
-        len = PR_MIN(file_bytes, SENDFILE_MMAP_CHUNK);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == file_bytes);
-    if (sfd->tlen) {
-        rv = PR_Send(sd, sfd->trailer, sfd->tlen, 0, timeout);
-        if (rv >= 0) {
-            PR_ASSERT(rv == sfd->tlen);
-            count += rv;
-        } else
-            count = -1;
-    }
-    if (mapHandle)
-        PR_CloseFileMap(mapHandle);
-    if ((count >= 0) && (flags & PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET))
-        PR_Close(sd);
-    return count;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_EmulateSendFile(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv, count = 0;
-    PRInt32 rlen;
-    const void * buffer;
-    PRInt32 buflen;
-    PRInt32 sendbytes, readbytes;
-    char *buf;
-#define _SENDFILE_BUFSIZE   (16 * 1024)
-    buf = (char*)PR_MALLOC(_SENDFILE_BUFSIZE);
-    if (buf == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /*
-     * send header first
-     */
-    buflen = sfd->hlen;
-    buffer = sfd->header;
-    while (buflen) {
-        rv = PR_Send(sd, buffer, buflen, 0, timeout);
-        if (rv < 0) {
-            /* PR_Send() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-        } else {
-            count += rv;
-            buffer = (const void*) ((const char*)buffer + rv);
-            buflen -= rv;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * send file next
-     */
-    if (PR_Seek(sfd->fd, sfd->file_offset, PR_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
-        rv = -1;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    sendbytes = sfd->file_nbytes;
-    if (sendbytes == 0) {
-        /* send entire file */
-        while ((rlen = PR_Read(sfd->fd, buf, _SENDFILE_BUFSIZE)) > 0) {
-            while (rlen) {
-                char *bufptr = buf;
-                rv =  PR_Send(sd, bufptr, rlen, 0, timeout);
-                if (rv < 0) {
-                    /* PR_Send() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-                    rv = -1;
-                    goto done;
-                } else {
-                    count += rv;
-                    bufptr = ((char*)bufptr + rv);
-                    rlen -= rv;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (rlen < 0) {
-            /* PR_Read() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    } else {
-        readbytes = PR_MIN(sendbytes, _SENDFILE_BUFSIZE);
-        while (readbytes && ((rlen = PR_Read(sfd->fd, buf, readbytes)) > 0)) {
-            while (rlen) {
-                char *bufptr = buf;
-                rv =  PR_Send(sd, bufptr, rlen, 0, timeout);
-                if (rv < 0) {
-                    /* PR_Send() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-                    rv = -1;
-                    goto done;
-                } else {
-                    count += rv;
-                    sendbytes -= rv;
-                    bufptr = ((char*)bufptr + rv);
-                    rlen -= rv;
-                }
-            }
-            readbytes = PR_MIN(sendbytes, _SENDFILE_BUFSIZE);
-        }
-        if (rlen < 0) {
-            /* PR_Read() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-        } else if (sendbytes != 0) {
-            /*
-             * there are fewer bytes in file to send than specified
-             */
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * send trailer last
-     */
-    buflen = sfd->tlen;
-    buffer = sfd->trailer;
-    while (buflen) {
-        rv =  PR_Send(sd, buffer, buflen, 0, timeout);
-        if (rv < 0) {
-            /* PR_Send() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-        } else {
-            count += rv;
-            buffer = (const void*) ((const char*)buffer + rv);
-            buflen -= rv;
-        }
-    }
-    rv = count;
-    if (buf)
-        PR_DELETE(buf);
-    if ((rv >= 0) && (flags & PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET))
-        PR_Close(sd);
-    return rv;
-/* priometh.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/pripv6.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/pripv6.c
deleted file mode 100644
index af7de49..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/pripv6.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:        pripv6.c
-** Description: Support for various functions unique to IPv6
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-static PRIOMethods ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods;
-static PRIOMethods ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods;
-static PRDescIdentity _pr_ipv6_to_ipv4_id;
-extern PRBool IsValidNetAddr(const PRNetAddr *addr);
-extern PRIPv6Addr _pr_in6addr_any;
-extern PRIPv6Addr _pr_in6addr_loopback;
- * convert an IPv4-mapped IPv6 addr to an IPv4 addr
- */
-static void _PR_ConvertToIpv4NetAddr(const PRNetAddr *src_v6addr,
-											PRNetAddr *dst_v4addr)
-const PRUint8 *srcp;
-	PR_ASSERT(PR_AF_INET6 == src_v6addr->;
-	if (PR_IsNetAddrType(src_v6addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped)) {
-		srcp = src_v6addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr;
-		memcpy((char *) &dst_v4addr->inet.ip, srcp + 12, 4);
-    } else if (PR_IsNetAddrType(src_v6addr, PR_IpAddrAny)) {
-        dst_v4addr->inet.ip = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
-    } else if (PR_IsNetAddrType(src_v6addr, PR_IpAddrLoopback)) {
-        dst_v4addr->inet.ip = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
-    }
-	dst_v4addr-> = PR_AF_INET;
-	dst_v4addr->inet.port = src_v6addr->ipv6.port;
- * convert an IPv4 addr to an IPv4-mapped IPv6 addr
- */
-static void _PR_ConvertToIpv6NetAddr(const PRNetAddr *src_v4addr,
-                                            PRNetAddr *dst_v6addr)
-PRUint8 *dstp;
-	PR_ASSERT(PR_AF_INET == src_v4addr->;
-	dst_v6addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-	dst_v6addr->ipv6.port = src_v4addr->inet.port;
- 	if (htonl(INADDR_ANY) == src_v4addr->inet.ip) {
-		dst_v6addr->ipv6.ip = _pr_in6addr_any;
-	} else {
-		dstp = dst_v6addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr;
-		memset(dstp, 0, 10);
-		memset(dstp + 10, 0xff, 2);
-		memcpy(dstp + 12,(char *) &src_v4addr->inet.ip, 4);
-	}
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketBind(PRFileDesc *fd,
-								const PRNetAddr *addr)
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-	const PRNetAddr *tmp_addrp;
-	PRFileDesc *lo = fd->lower;
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 != addr-> {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped) ||
-    			PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrAny)) {
-		_PR_ConvertToIpv4NetAddr(addr, &tmp_ipv4addr);
-		tmp_addrp = &tmp_ipv4addr;
-	} else {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return((lo->methods->bind)(lo,tmp_addrp));
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketConnect(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-	const PRNetAddr *tmp_addrp;
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 != addr-> {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped) ||
-			PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrLoopback)) {
-		_PR_ConvertToIpv4NetAddr(addr, &tmp_ipv4addr);
-		tmp_addrp = &tmp_ipv4addr;
-	} else {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return (fd->lower->methods->connect)(fd->lower, tmp_addrp, timeout);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketSendTo(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-	const PRNetAddr *tmp_addrp;
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 != addr-> {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped) ||
-			PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrLoopback)) {
-		_PR_ConvertToIpv4NetAddr(addr, &tmp_ipv4addr);
-		tmp_addrp = &tmp_ipv4addr;
-	} else {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-    return (fd->lower->methods->sendto)(
-        fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, tmp_addrp, timeout);
-static PRFileDesc* PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketAccept (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRFileDesc *newfd;
-    PRFileDesc *newstack;
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-    PRNetAddr *addrlower = NULL;
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    newstack = PR_NEW(PRFileDesc);
-    if (NULL == newstack)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    *newstack = *fd;  /* make a copy of the accepting layer */
-    if (addr)
-        addrlower = &tmp_ipv4addr;
-    newfd = (fd->lower->methods->accept)(fd->lower, addrlower, timeout);
-    if (NULL == newfd)
-    {
-        PR_DELETE(newstack);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (addr)
-        _PR_ConvertToIpv6NetAddr(&tmp_ipv4addr, addr);
-    rv = PR_PushIOLayer(newfd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, newstack);
-    return newfd;  /* that's it */
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketAcceptRead(PRFileDesc *sd,
-			PRFileDesc **nd, PRNetAddr **ipv6_raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-							PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 nbytes;
-    PRStatus rv;
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-    PRFileDesc *newstack;
-    PR_ASSERT(sd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(sd->lower != NULL);
-    newstack = PR_NEW(PRFileDesc);
-    if (NULL == newstack)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    *newstack = *sd;  /* make a copy of the accepting layer */
-    nbytes = sd->lower->methods->acceptread(
-        sd->lower, nd, ipv6_raddr, buf, amount, timeout);
-    if (-1 == nbytes)
-    {
-        PR_DELETE(newstack);
-        return nbytes;
-    }
-	tmp_ipv4addr = **ipv6_raddr;	/* copy */
-	_PR_ConvertToIpv6NetAddr(&tmp_ipv4addr, *ipv6_raddr);
-    /* this PR_PushIOLayer call cannot fail */
-    rv = PR_PushIOLayer(*nd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, newstack);
-    return nbytes;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketGetName(PRFileDesc *fd,
-										PRNetAddr *ipv6addr)
-	PRStatus result;
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-	result = (fd->lower->methods->getsockname)(fd->lower, &tmp_ipv4addr);
-	if (PR_SUCCESS == result) {
-		_PR_ConvertToIpv6NetAddr(&tmp_ipv4addr, ipv6addr);
-		PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(ipv6addr) == PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	return result;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketGetPeerName(PRFileDesc *fd,
-										PRNetAddr *ipv6addr)
-	PRStatus result;
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-	result = (fd->lower->methods->getpeername)(fd->lower, &tmp_ipv4addr);
-	if (PR_SUCCESS == result) {
-		_PR_ConvertToIpv6NetAddr(&tmp_ipv4addr, ipv6addr);
-		PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(ipv6addr) == PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	return result;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK Ipv6ToIpv4SocketRecvFrom(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf,
-			PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *ipv6addr,
-				PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRNetAddr tmp_ipv4addr;
-	PRInt32 result;
-    result = (fd->lower->methods->recvfrom)(
-        fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, &tmp_ipv4addr, timeout);
-	if (-1 != result) {
-		_PR_ConvertToIpv6NetAddr(&tmp_ipv4addr, ipv6addr);
-		PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(ipv6addr) == PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	return result;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-static PRBool ipv6_is_present;
-extern PRBool _pr_test_ipv6_socket(void);
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-extern PRStatus _pr_find_getipnodebyname(void);
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-extern PRStatus _pr_find_getaddrinfo(void);
-static PRBool
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-    if (_pr_find_getipnodebyname() != PR_SUCCESS)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-    if (_pr_find_getaddrinfo() != PR_SUCCESS)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    return _pr_test_ipv6_socket();
-#endif  /* _PR_INET6_PROBE */
-static PRCallOnceType _pr_init_ipv6_once;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _pr_init_ipv6(void)
-    const PRIOMethods *stubMethods;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    ipv6_is_present = _pr_probe_ipv6_presence();
-    if (ipv6_is_present)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    _pr_ipv6_to_ipv4_id = PR_GetUniqueIdentity("Ipv6_to_Ipv4 layer");
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER != _pr_ipv6_to_ipv4_id);
-	stubMethods = PR_GetDefaultIOMethods();
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods = *stubMethods;  /* first get the entire batch */
-	/* then override the ones we care about */
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.connect = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketConnect;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.bind = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketBind;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.accept = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketAccept;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.acceptread = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketAcceptRead;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.getsockname = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketGetName;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.getpeername = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketGetPeerName;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.getsocketoption = Ipv6ToIpv4GetSocketOption;
-	ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods.setsocketoption = Ipv6ToIpv4SetSocketOption;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods = *stubMethods;  /* first get the entire batch */
-	/* then override the ones we care about */
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.connect = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketConnect;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.bind = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketBind;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.sendto = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketSendTo;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.recvfrom = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketRecvFrom;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.getsockname = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketGetName;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.getpeername = Ipv6ToIpv4SocketGetPeerName;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.getsocketoption = Ipv6ToIpv4GetSocketOption;
-	ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods.setsocketoption = Ipv6ToIpv4SetSocketOption;
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-PRBool _pr_ipv6_is_present(void)
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&_pr_init_ipv6_once, _pr_init_ipv6) != PR_SUCCESS)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    return ipv6_is_present;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) _pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	PRFileDesc *ipv6_fd = NULL;
-	if (PR_CallOnce(&_pr_init_ipv6_once, _pr_init_ipv6) != PR_SUCCESS)
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	/*
-	 * For platforms with no support for IPv6 
-	 * create layered socket for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
-	 */
-	if (fd->methods->file_type == PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP)
-		ipv6_fd = PR_CreateIOLayerStub(_pr_ipv6_to_ipv4_id,
-									&ipv6_to_v4_tcpMethods);
-	else
-		ipv6_fd = PR_CreateIOLayerStub(_pr_ipv6_to_ipv4_id,
-									&ipv6_to_v4_udpMethods);
-	if (NULL == ipv6_fd) {
-		goto errorExit;
-	} 
-	ipv6_fd->secret = NULL;
-	if (PR_PushIOLayer(fd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, ipv6_fd) == PR_FAILURE) {
-		goto errorExit;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-	if (ipv6_fd)
-		ipv6_fd->dtor(ipv6_fd);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_INET6) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index faec909..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,752 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:        prlayer.c
-** Description: Routines for handling pushable protocol modules on sockets.
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include <string.h> /* for memset() */
-static PRStatus _PR_DestroyIOLayer(PRFileDesc *stack);
-void PR_CALLBACK pl_FDDestructor(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    if (NULL != fd->lower) fd->lower->higher = fd->higher;
-    if (NULL != fd->higher) fd->higher->lower = fd->lower;
-    PR_DELETE(fd);
-** Default methods that just call down to the next fd.
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_TopClose (PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRFileDesc *top, *lower;
-	PRStatus rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->secret == NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->methods->file_type == PR_DESC_LAYERED);
-	if (PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == fd->identity) {
-		/*
-		 * new style stack; close all the layers, before deleting the
-		 * stack head
-		 */
-		rv = fd->lower->methods->close(fd->lower);
-		_PR_DestroyIOLayer(fd);
-		return rv;
-	} else if ((fd->higher) && (PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == fd->higher->identity)) {
-		/*
-		 * lower layers of new style stack
-		 */
-		lower = fd->lower;
-		/*
-		 * pop and cleanup current layer
-		 */
-    	top = PR_PopIOLayer(fd->higher, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER);
-		top->dtor(top);
-		/*
-		 * then call lower layer
-		 */
-		return (lower->methods->close(lower));
-	} else {
-		/* old style stack */
-    	top = PR_PopIOLayer(fd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER);
-		top->dtor(top);
-		return (fd->methods->close)(fd);
-	}
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefRead (PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->read)(fd->lower, buf, amount);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefWrite (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->write)(fd->lower, buf, amount);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefAvailable (PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->available)(fd->lower);
-static PRInt64 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefAvailable64 (PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->available64)(fd->lower);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefFsync (PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->fsync)(fd->lower);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefSeek (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 offset, PRSeekWhence how)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->seek)(fd->lower, offset, how);
-static PRInt64 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefSeek64 (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt64 offset, PRSeekWhence how)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->seek64)(fd->lower, offset, how);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefFileInfo (PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->fileInfo)(fd->lower, info);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefFileInfo64 (PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->fileInfo64)(fd->lower, info);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefWritev (PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov,
-    PRInt32 size, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->writev)(fd->lower, iov, size, timeout);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefConnect (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->connect)(fd->lower, addr, timeout);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefConnectcontinue (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 out_flags)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->connectcontinue)(fd->lower, out_flags);
-static PRFileDesc* PR_CALLBACK pl_TopAccept (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRFileDesc *newfd, *layer = fd;
-    PRFileDesc *newstack;
-	PRBool newstyle_stack = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-	/* test for new style stack */
-	while (NULL != layer->higher)
-		layer = layer->higher;
-	newstyle_stack = (PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == layer->identity) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    newstack = PR_NEW(PRFileDesc);
-    if (NULL == newstack)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    *newstack = *fd;  /* make a copy of the accepting layer */
-    newfd = (fd->lower->methods->accept)(fd->lower, addr, timeout);
-    if (NULL == newfd)
-    {
-        PR_DELETE(newstack);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (newstyle_stack) {
-		newstack->lower = newfd;
-		newfd->higher = newstack;
-		return newstack;
-	} else {
-		/* this PR_PushIOLayer call cannot fail */
-		rv = PR_PushIOLayer(newfd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, newstack);
-    	return newfd;  /* that's it */
-	}
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefBind (PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->bind)(fd->lower, addr);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefListen (PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->listen)(fd->lower, backlog);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefShutdown (PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->shutdown)(fd->lower, how);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefRecv (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->recv)(
-        fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, timeout);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefSend (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf,
-    PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->send)(fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, timeout);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefRecvfrom (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->recvfrom)(
-        fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, addr, timeout);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefSendto (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->sendto)(
-        fd->lower, buf, amount, flags, addr, timeout);
-static PRInt16 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefPoll (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->poll)(fd->lower, in_flags, out_flags);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefAcceptread (
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf,
-    PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime t)
-    PRInt32 nbytes;
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRFileDesc *newstack;
-    PRFileDesc *layer = sd;
-	PRBool newstyle_stack = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_ASSERT(sd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(sd->lower != NULL);
-	/* test for new style stack */
-	while (NULL != layer->higher)
-		layer = layer->higher;
-	newstyle_stack = (PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == layer->identity) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    newstack = PR_NEW(PRFileDesc);
-    if (NULL == newstack)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    *newstack = *sd;  /* make a copy of the accepting layer */
-    nbytes = sd->lower->methods->acceptread(
-        sd->lower, nd, raddr, buf, amount, t);
-    if (-1 == nbytes)
-    {
-        PR_DELETE(newstack);
-        return nbytes;
-    }
-    if (newstyle_stack) {
-		newstack->lower = *nd;
-		(*nd)->higher = newstack;
-		*nd = newstack;
-		return nbytes;
-	} else {
-		/* this PR_PushIOLayer call cannot fail */
-		rv = PR_PushIOLayer(*nd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, newstack);
-		return nbytes;
-	}
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefTransmitfile (
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc *fd, const void *headers, PRInt32 hlen,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime t)
-    PR_ASSERT(sd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(sd->lower != NULL);
-    return sd->lower->methods->transmitfile(
-        sd->lower, fd, headers, hlen, flags, t);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefGetsockname (PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->getsockname)(fd->lower, addr);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefGetpeername (PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->getpeername)(fd->lower, addr);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefGetsocketoption (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->getsocketoption)(fd->lower, data);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pl_DefSetsocketoption (
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data)
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd->lower != NULL);
-    return (fd->lower->methods->setsocketoption)(fd->lower, data);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK pl_DefSendfile (
-	PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-	PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PR_ASSERT(sd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(sd->lower != NULL);
-    return sd->lower->methods->sendfile(
-        sd->lower, sfd, flags, timeout);
-/* Methods for the top of the stack.  Just call down to the next fd. */
-static PRIOMethods pl_methods = {
-    pl_TopClose,
-    pl_DefRead,
-    pl_DefWrite,
-    pl_DefAvailable,
-    pl_DefAvailable64,
-    pl_DefFsync,
-    pl_DefSeek,
-    pl_DefSeek64,
-    pl_DefFileInfo,
-    pl_DefFileInfo64,
-    pl_DefWritev,
-    pl_DefConnect,
-    pl_TopAccept,
-    pl_DefBind,
-    pl_DefListen,
-    pl_DefShutdown,
-    pl_DefRecv,
-    pl_DefSend,
-    pl_DefRecvfrom,
-    pl_DefSendto,
-    pl_DefPoll,
-    pl_DefAcceptread,
-    pl_DefTransmitfile,
-    pl_DefGetsockname,
-    pl_DefGetpeername,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    pl_DefGetsocketoption,
-    pl_DefSetsocketoption,
-    pl_DefSendfile,
-    pl_DefConnectcontinue,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetDefaultIOMethods(void)
-    return &pl_methods;
-}  /* PR_GetDefaultIOMethods */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_CreateIOLayerStub(
-    PRDescIdentity ident, const PRIOMethods *methods)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-    PR_ASSERT((PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER != ident) && (PR_TOP_IO_LAYER != ident));
-    if ((PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER == ident) || (PR_TOP_IO_LAYER == ident))
-    else
-    {
-        fd = PR_NEWZAP(PRFileDesc);
-        if (NULL == fd)
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        else
-        {
-            fd->methods = methods;
-            fd->dtor = pl_FDDestructor;
-            fd->identity = ident;
-        }
-    }
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_CreateIOLayerStub */
- * PR_CreateIOLayer
- *		Create a new style stack, where the stack top is a dummy header.
- *		Unlike the old style stacks, the contents of the stack head
- *		are not modified when a layer is pushed onto or popped from a new
- *		style stack.
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_CreateIOLayer(PRFileDesc *top)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-	fd = PR_NEWZAP(PRFileDesc);
-	if (NULL == fd)
-	else
-	{
-		fd->methods = &pl_methods;
-		fd->dtor = pl_FDDestructor;
-		fd->identity = PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD;
-		fd->higher = NULL;
-		fd->lower = top;
-		top->higher = fd;
-		top->lower = NULL;
-	}
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_CreateIOLayer */
- * _PR_DestroyIOLayer
- *		Delete the stack head of a new style stack.
- */
-static PRStatus _PR_DestroyIOLayer(PRFileDesc *stack)
-    if (NULL == stack)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    else {
-        PR_DELETE(stack);
-    	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-}  /* _PR_DestroyIOLayer */
-    PRFileDesc *stack, PRDescIdentity id, PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRFileDesc *insert = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(stack, id);
-    PR_ASSERT(fd != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(stack != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(insert != NULL);
-    if ((NULL == stack) || (NULL == fd) || (NULL == insert))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (stack == insert)
-    {
-		/* going on top of the stack */
-		/* old-style stack */	
-		PRFileDesc copy = *stack;
-		*stack = *fd;
-		*fd = copy;
-		fd->higher = stack;
-		if (fd->lower)
-		{
-			PR_ASSERT(fd->lower->higher == stack);
-			fd->lower->higher = fd;
-		}
-		stack->lower = fd;
-		stack->higher = NULL;
-	} else {
-        /*
-		 * going somewhere in the middle of the stack for both old and new
-		 * style stacks, or going on top of stack for new style stack
-		 */
-        fd->lower = insert;
-        fd->higher = insert->higher;
-        insert->higher->lower = fd;
-        insert->higher = fd;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_PopIOLayer(PRFileDesc *stack, PRDescIdentity id)
-    PRFileDesc *extract = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(stack, id);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 != id);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != stack);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != extract);
-    if ((NULL == stack) || (0 == id) || (NULL == extract))
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (extract == stack) {
-        /* popping top layer of the stack */
-		/* old style stack */
-        PRFileDesc copy = *stack;
-        extract = stack->lower;
-        *stack = *extract;
-        *extract = copy;
-        stack->higher = NULL;
-        if (stack->lower) {
-            PR_ASSERT(stack->lower->higher == extract);
-            stack->lower->higher = stack;
-        }
-	} else if ((PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == stack->identity) &&
-					(extract == stack->lower) && (extract->lower == NULL)) {
-			/*
-			 * new style stack
-			 * popping the only layer in the stack; delete the stack too
-			 */
-			stack->lower = NULL;
-			_PR_DestroyIOLayer(stack);
-	} else {
-		/* for both kinds of stacks */
-        extract->lower->higher = extract->higher;
-        extract->higher->lower = extract->lower;
-    }
-    extract->higher = extract->lower = NULL;
-    return extract;
-}  /* PR_PopIOLayer */
-typedef struct _PRIdentity_cache
-    PRLock *ml;
-    char **name;
-    PRIntn length;
-    PRDescIdentity ident;
-} _PRIdentity_cache;
-static _PRIdentity_cache identity_cache;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDescIdentity) PR_GetUniqueIdentity(const char *layer_name)
-    PRDescIdentity identity, length;
-    char **names = NULL, *name = NULL, **old = NULL;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    PR_ASSERT((PRDescIdentity)0x7fff > identity_cache.ident);
-    if (NULL != layer_name)
-    {
-        name = (char*)PR_Malloc(strlen(layer_name) + 1);
-        if (NULL == name)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER;
-        }
-        strcpy(name, layer_name);
-    }
-    /* this initial code runs unsafe */
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL == names);
-    /*
-     * In the initial round, both identity_cache.ident and
-     * identity_cache.length are 0, so (identity_cache.ident + 1) is greater
-     * than length.  In later rounds, identity_cache.ident is always less
-     * than length, so (identity_cache.ident + 1) can be equal to but cannot
-     * be greater than length.
-     */
-    length = identity_cache.length;
-    if ((identity_cache.ident + 1) >= length)
-    {
-        length += ID_CACHE_INCREMENT;
-        names = (char**)PR_CALLOC(length * sizeof(char*));
-        if (NULL == names)
-        {
-            if (NULL != name) PR_DELETE(name);
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER;
-        }
-    }
-    /* now we get serious about thread safety */
-    PR_Lock(;
-    PR_ASSERT(identity_cache.length == 0 ||
-              identity_cache.ident < identity_cache.length);
-    identity = identity_cache.ident + 1;
-    if (identity >= identity_cache.length)  /* there's no room */
-    {
-        /* we have to do something - hopefully it's already done */
-        if ((NULL != names) && (identity < length))
-        {
-            /* what we did is still okay */
-            memcpy(
-                names,,
-                identity_cache.length * sizeof(char*));
-            old =;
-   = names;
-            identity_cache.length = length;
-            names = NULL;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PR_Unlock(;
-            if (NULL != names) PR_DELETE(names);
-            goto retry;
-        }
-    }
-    if (NULL != name) /* there's a name to be stored */
-    {
-[identity] = name;
-    }
-    identity_cache.ident = identity;
-    PR_ASSERT(identity_cache.ident < identity_cache.length);
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    if (NULL != old) PR_DELETE(old);
-    if (NULL != names) PR_DELETE(names);
-    return identity;
-}  /* PR_GetUniqueIdentity */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char*) PR_GetNameForIdentity(PRDescIdentity ident)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (PR_TOP_IO_LAYER == ident) return NULL;
-    PR_ASSERT(ident <= identity_cache.ident);
-    return (ident > identity_cache.ident) ? NULL :[ident];
-}  /* PR_GetNameForIdentity */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDescIdentity) PR_GetLayersIdentity(PRFileDesc* fd)
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != fd);
-    if (PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == fd->identity) {
-    	PR_ASSERT(NULL != fd->lower);
-    	return fd->lower->identity;
-	} else
-    	return fd->identity;
-}  /* PR_GetLayersIdentity */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(PRFileDesc* fd, PRDescIdentity id)
-    PRFileDesc *layer = fd;
-    if (PR_TOP_IO_LAYER == id) {
-    	if (PR_IO_LAYER_HEAD == fd->identity)
-			return fd->lower;
-		else 
-			return fd;
-	}
-    for (layer = fd; layer != NULL; layer = layer->lower)
-    {
-        if (id == layer->identity) return layer;
-    }
-    for (layer = fd; layer != NULL; layer = layer->higher)
-    {
-        if (id == layer->identity) return layer;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-}  /* PR_GetIdentitiesLayer */
-void _PR_InitLayerCache(void)
-    memset(&identity_cache, 0, sizeof(identity_cache));
- = PR_NewLock();
-}  /* _PR_InitLayerCache */
-void _PR_CleanupLayerCache(void)
-    if (
-    {
-        PR_DestroyLock(;
- = NULL;
-    }
-    if (
-    {
-        PRDescIdentity ident;
-        for (ident = 0; ident <= identity_cache.ident; ident++)
-            PR_DELETE([ident]);
-        PR_DELETE(;
-    }
-}  /* _PR_CleanupLayerCache */
-/* prlayer.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prlog.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prlog.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6098460..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prlog.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef ANDROID
-#include <android/log.h>
- * Lock used to lock the log.
- *
- * We can't define _PR_LOCK_LOG simply as PR_Lock because PR_Lock may
- * contain assertions.  We have to avoid assertions in _PR_LOCK_LOG
- * because PR_ASSERT calls PR_LogPrint, which in turn calls _PR_LOCK_LOG.
- * This can lead to infinite recursion.
- */
-static PRLock *_pr_logLock;
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-#define _PR_LOCK_LOG() PR_Lock(_pr_logLock);
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_LOG() PR_Unlock(_pr_logLock);
-#elif defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-#define _PR_LOCK_LOG() { _PR_LOCK_LOCK(_pr_logLock)
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_LOG() _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(_pr_logLock); }
-#define _PR_LOCK_LOG() \
-{ \
-    PRIntn _is; \
-    PRThread *_me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD(); \
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(_me)) \
-        _PR_INTSOFF(_is); \
-    _PR_LOCK_LOCK(_pr_logLock)
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_LOG() \
-    _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(_pr_logLock); \
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(_me)) \
-        _PR_INTSON(_is); \
-#if defined(XP_PC)
-#define strcasecmp stricmp
- * On NT, we can't define _PUT_LOG as PR_Write or _PR_MD_WRITE,
- * because every asynchronous file io operation leads to a fiber context
- * switch.  So we define _PUT_LOG as fputs (from stdio.h).  A side
- * benefit is that fputs handles the LF->CRLF translation.  This
- * code can also be used on other platforms with file stream io.
- */
-#if defined(WIN32) || defined(XP_OS2)
-** Coerce Win32 log output to use OutputDebugString() when
-** NSPR_LOG_FILE is set to "WinDebug".
-#if defined(XP_PC)
-#define WIN32_DEBUG_FILE (FILE*)-2
-#ifdef WINCE
-static void OutputDebugStringA(const char* msg) {
-    int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, msg, -1, 0, 0);
-    WCHAR *wMsg = (WCHAR *)PR_Malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR));
-    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, msg, -1, wMsg, len);
-    OutputDebugStringW(wMsg);
-    PR_Free(wMsg);
-/* Macros used to reduce #ifdef pollution */
-#if defined(_PR_USE_STDIO_FOR_LOGGING) && defined(XP_PC)
-#define _PUT_LOG(fd, buf, nb) \
-    if (logFile == WIN32_DEBUG_FILE) { \
-        char savebyte = buf[nb]; \
-        buf[nb] = '\0'; \
-        OutputDebugStringA(buf); \
-        buf[nb] = savebyte; \
-    } else { \
-        fwrite(buf, 1, nb, fd); \
-        fflush(fd); \
-    } \
-#elif defined(_PR_USE_STDIO_FOR_LOGGING)
-#define _PUT_LOG(fd, buf, nb) {fwrite(buf, 1, nb, fd); fflush(fd);}
-#elif defined(ANDROID)
-#define _PUT_LOG(fd, buf, nb)                                \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO                                           \
-    if (fd == _pr_stderr) {                                  \
-        char savebyte = buf[nb];                             \
-        buf[nb] = '\0';                                      \
-        __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "PRLog", buf); \
-        buf[nb] = savebyte;                                  \
-    } else {                                                 \
-        PR_Write(fd, buf, nb);                               \
-    }                                                        \
-#elif defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#define _PUT_LOG(fd, buf, nb) PR_Write(fd, buf, nb)
-#define _PUT_LOG(fd, buf, nb) _PR_MD_WRITE(fd, buf, nb)
-static PRLogModuleInfo *logModules;
-static char *logBuf = NULL;
-static char *logp;
-static char *logEndp;
-static FILE *logFile = NULL;
-static PRFileDesc *logFile = 0;
-static PRBool outputTimeStamp = PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool appendToLog = PR_FALSE;
-#define LINE_BUF_SIZE           512
-#define DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE        16384
- * strcasecmp is defined in /usr/ucblib/libucb.a on some platforms
- * such as NCR and Unixware.  Linking with both libc and libucb
- * may cause some problem, so I just provide our own implementation
- * of strcasecmp here.
- */
-static const unsigned char uc[] =
-    '\000', '\001', '\002', '\003', '\004', '\005', '\006', '\007',
-    '\010', '\011', '\012', '\013', '\014', '\015', '\016', '\017',
-    '\020', '\021', '\022', '\023', '\024', '\025', '\026', '\027',
-    '\030', '\031', '\032', '\033', '\034', '\035', '\036', '\037',
-    ' ',    '!',    '"',    '#',    '$',    '%',    '&',    '\'',
-    '(',    ')',    '*',    '+',    ',',    '-',    '.',    '/',
-    '0',    '1',    '2',    '3',    '4',    '5',    '6',    '7',
-    '8',    '9',    ':',    ';',    '<',    '=',    '>',    '?',
-    '@',    'A',    'B',    'C',    'D',    'E',    'F',    'G',
-    'H',    'I',    'J',    'K',    'L',    'M',    'N',    'O',
-    'P',    'Q',    'R',    'S',    'T',    'U',    'V',    'W',
-    'X',    'Y',    'Z',    '[',    '\\',   ']',    '^',    '_',
-    '`',    'A',    'B',    'C',    'D',    'E',    'F',    'G',
-    'H',    'I',    'J',    'K',    'L',    'M',    'N',    'O',
-    'P',    'Q',    'R',    'S',    'T',    'U',    'V',    'W',
-    'X',    'Y',    'Z',    '{',    '|',    '}',    '~',    '\177'
-PRIntn strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b)
-    const unsigned char *ua = (const unsigned char *)a;
-    const unsigned char *ub = (const unsigned char *)b;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
-    while( (uc[*ua] == uc[*ub]) && ('\0' != *a) )
-    {
-        a++;
-        ua++;
-        ub++;
-    }
-    return (PRIntn)(uc[*ua] - uc[*ub]);
-#endif /* _PR_NEED_STRCASECMP */
-void _PR_InitLog(void)
-    char *ev;
-    _pr_logLock = PR_NewLock();
-    ev = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_LOG_MODULES");
-    if (ev && ev[0]) {
-        char module[64];  /* Security-Critical: If you change this
-                           * size, you must also change the sscanf
-                           * format string to be size-1.
-                           */
-        PRBool isSync = PR_FALSE;
-        PRIntn evlen = strlen(ev), pos = 0;
-        PRInt32 bufSize = DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE;
-        while (pos < evlen) {
-            PRIntn level = 1, count = 0, delta = 0;
-            count = sscanf(&ev[pos], "%63[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-]%n:%d%n",
-                           module, &delta, &level, &delta);
-            pos += delta;
-            if (count == 0) break;
-            /*
-            ** If count == 2, then we got module and level. If count
-            ** == 1, then level defaults to 1 (module enabled).
-            */
-            if (strcasecmp(module, "sync") == 0) {
-                isSync = PR_TRUE;
-            } else if (strcasecmp(module, "bufsize") == 0) {
-                if (level >= LINE_BUF_SIZE) {
-                    bufSize = level;
-                }
-            } else if (strcasecmp(module, "timestamp") == 0) {
-                outputTimeStamp = PR_TRUE;
-            } else if (strcasecmp(module, "append") == 0) {
-                appendToLog = PR_TRUE;
-            } else {
-                PRLogModuleInfo *lm = logModules;
-                PRBool skip_modcheck =
-                    (0 == strcasecmp (module, "all")) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-                while (lm != NULL) {
-                    if (skip_modcheck) lm -> level = (PRLogModuleLevel)level;
-                    else if (strcasecmp(module, lm->name) == 0) {
-                        lm->level = (PRLogModuleLevel)level;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    lm = lm->next;
-                }
-            }
-            /*found:*/
-            count = sscanf(&ev[pos], " , %n", &delta);
-            pos += delta;
-            if (count == EOF) break;
-        }
-        PR_SetLogBuffering(isSync ? 0 : bufSize);
-        ev = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSPR_LOG_FILE");
-        if (ev && ev[0]) {
-            if (!PR_SetLogFile(ev)) {
-#ifdef XP_PC
-                char* str = PR_smprintf("Unable to create nspr log file '%s'\n", ev);
-                if (str) {
-                    OutputDebugStringA(str);
-                    PR_smprintf_free(str);
-                }
-                fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create nspr log file '%s'\n", ev);
-            }
-        } else {
-            logFile = stderr;
-            logFile = _pr_stderr;
-        }
-    }
-void _PR_LogCleanup(void)
-    PRLogModuleInfo *lm = logModules;
-    PR_LogFlush();
-    if (logFile
-        && logFile != stdout
-        && logFile != stderr
-#ifdef XP_PC
-        && logFile != WIN32_DEBUG_FILE
-        ) {
-        fclose(logFile);
-    }
-    if (logFile && logFile != _pr_stdout && logFile != _pr_stderr) {
-        PR_Close(logFile);
-    }
-    logFile = NULL;
-    if (logBuf)
-        PR_DELETE(logBuf);
-    while (lm != NULL) {
-        PRLogModuleInfo *next = lm->next;
-        free((/*const*/ char *)lm->name);
-        PR_Free(lm);
-        lm = next;
-    }
-    logModules = NULL;
-    if (_pr_logLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_logLock);
-        _pr_logLock = NULL;
-    }
-static void _PR_SetLogModuleLevel( PRLogModuleInfo *lm )
-    char *ev;
-    ev = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_LOG_MODULES");
-    if (ev && ev[0]) {
-        char module[64];  /* Security-Critical: If you change this
-                           * size, you must also change the sscanf
-                           * format string to be size-1.
-                           */
-        PRIntn evlen = strlen(ev), pos = 0;
-        while (pos < evlen) {
-            PRIntn level = 1, count = 0, delta = 0;
-            count = sscanf(&ev[pos], "%63[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-]%n:%d%n",
-                           module, &delta, &level, &delta);
-            pos += delta;
-            if (count == 0) break;
-            /*
-            ** If count == 2, then we got module and level. If count
-            ** == 1, then level defaults to 1 (module enabled).
-            */
-            if (lm != NULL)
-            {
-                if ((strcasecmp(module, "all") == 0)
-                    || (strcasecmp(module, lm->name) == 0))
-                {
-                    lm->level = (PRLogModuleLevel)level;
-                }
-            }
-            count = sscanf(&ev[pos], " , %n", &delta);
-            pos += delta;
-            if (count == EOF) break;
-        }
-    }
-} /* end _PR_SetLogModuleLevel() */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRLogModuleInfo*) PR_NewLogModule(const char *name)
-    PRLogModuleInfo *lm;
-        if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    lm = PR_NEWZAP(PRLogModuleInfo);
-    if (lm) {
-        lm->name = strdup(name);
-        lm->level = PR_LOG_NONE;
-        lm->next = logModules;
-        logModules = lm;
-        _PR_SetLogModuleLevel(lm);
-    }
-    return lm;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) PR_SetLogFile(const char *file)
-    FILE *newLogFile;
-#ifdef XP_PC
-    if ( strcmp( file, "WinDebug") == 0)
-    {
-        newLogFile = WIN32_DEBUG_FILE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        const char *mode = appendToLog ? "a" : "w";
-        newLogFile = fopen(file, mode);
-        if (!newLogFile)
-            return PR_FALSE;
-#ifndef WINCE  /* _IONBF does not exist in the Windows Mobile 6 SDK. */
-        /* We do buffering ourselves. */
-        setvbuf(newLogFile, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
-    }
-    if (logFile
-        && logFile != stdout
-        && logFile != stderr
-#ifdef XP_PC
-        && logFile != WIN32_DEBUG_FILE
-        ) {
-        fclose(logFile);
-    }
-    logFile = newLogFile;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-    PRFileDesc *newLogFile;
-    if (appendToLog) {
-        flags |= PR_APPEND;
-    } else {
-        flags |= PR_TRUNCATE;
-    }
-    newLogFile = PR_Open(file, flags, 0666);
-    if (newLogFile) {
-        if (logFile && logFile != _pr_stdout && logFile != _pr_stderr) {
-            PR_Close(logFile);
-        }
-        logFile = newLogFile;
-    }
-    return (PRBool) (newLogFile != 0);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetLogBuffering(PRIntn buffer_size)
-    PR_LogFlush();
-    if (logBuf)
-        PR_DELETE(logBuf);
-    if (buffer_size >= LINE_BUF_SIZE) {
-        logp = logBuf = (char*) PR_MALLOC(buffer_size);
-        logEndp = logp + buffer_size;
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_LogPrint(const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    char line[LINE_BUF_SIZE];
-    char *line_long = NULL;
-    PRUint32 nb_tid = 0, nb;
-    PRThread *me;
-    PRExplodedTime now;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (!logFile) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (outputTimeStamp) {
-        PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_GMTParameters, &now);
-        nb_tid = PR_snprintf(line, sizeof(line)-1,
-                             "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d UTC - ",
-                             now.tm_year, now.tm_month + 1, now.tm_mday,
-                             now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec,
-                             now.tm_usec);
-    }
-    me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    nb_tid += PR_snprintf(line+nb_tid, sizeof(line)-nb_tid-1, "%ld[%p]: ",
-#if defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-                          me, me);
-                          me ? me->id : 0L, me);
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    nb = nb_tid + PR_vsnprintf(line+nb_tid, sizeof(line)-nb_tid-1, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    /*
-     * Check if we might have run out of buffer space (in case we have a
-     * long line), and malloc a buffer just this once.
-     */
-    if (nb == sizeof(line)-2) {
-        va_start(ap, fmt);
-        line_long = PR_vsmprintf(fmt, ap);
-        va_end(ap);
-        /* If this failed, we'll fall back to writing the truncated line. */
-    }
-    if (line_long) {
-        nb = strlen(line_long);
-        _PR_LOCK_LOG();
-        if (logBuf != 0) {
-            _PUT_LOG(logFile, logBuf, logp - logBuf);
-            logp = logBuf;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Write out the thread id (with an optional timestamp) and the
-         * malloc'ed buffer.
-         */
-        _PUT_LOG(logFile, line, nb_tid);
-        _PUT_LOG(logFile, line_long, nb);
-        /* Ensure there is a trailing newline. */
-        if (!nb || (line_long[nb-1] != '\n')) {
-            char eol[2];
-            eol[0] = '\n';
-            eol[1] = '\0';
-            _PUT_LOG(logFile, eol, 1);
-        }
-        _PR_UNLOCK_LOG();
-        PR_smprintf_free(line_long);
-    } else {
-        /* Ensure there is a trailing newline. */
-        if (nb && (line[nb-1] != '\n')) {
-            line[nb++] = '\n';
-            line[nb] = '\0';
-        }
-        _PR_LOCK_LOG();
-        if (logBuf == 0) {
-            _PUT_LOG(logFile, line, nb);
-        } else {
-            /* If nb can't fit into logBuf, write out logBuf first. */
-            if (logp + nb > logEndp) {
-                _PUT_LOG(logFile, logBuf, logp - logBuf);
-                logp = logBuf;
-            }
-            /* nb is guaranteed to fit into logBuf. */
-            memcpy(logp, line, nb);
-            logp += nb;
-        }
-        _PR_UNLOCK_LOG();
-    }
-    PR_LogFlush();
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_LogFlush(void)
-    if (logBuf && logFile) {
-        _PR_LOCK_LOG();
-            if (logp > logBuf) {
-                _PUT_LOG(logFile, logBuf, logp - logBuf);
-                logp = logBuf;
-            }
-        _PR_UNLOCK_LOG();
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Abort(void)
-    PR_LogPrint("Aborting");
-#ifdef ANDROID
-    __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "PRLog", "Aborting");
-    abort();
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Assert(const char *s, const char *file, PRIntn ln)
-    PR_LogPrint("Assertion failure: %s, at %s:%d\n", s, file, ln);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failure: %s, at %s:%d\n", s, file, ln);
-    fflush(stderr);
-#ifdef WIN32
-    DebugBreak();
-#elif defined(XP_OS2)
-    asm("int $3");
-#elif defined(ANDROID)
-    __android_log_assert(NULL, "PRLog", "Assertion failure: %s, at %s:%d\n",
-                         s, file, ln);
-    abort();
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prmapopt.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prmapopt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f92a76b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prmapopt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines _PR_MapOptionName().  The purpose of putting
- * _PR_MapOptionName() in a separate file is to work around a Winsock
- * header file problem on Windows NT.
- *
- * On Windows NT, if we define _WIN32_WINNT to be 0x0400 (in order
- * to use Service Pack 3 extensions), windows.h includes winsock2.h
- * (instead of winsock.h), which doesn't define many socket options
- * defined in winsock.h.
- *
- * We need the socket options defined in winsock.h.  So this file
- * includes winsock.h, with _WIN32_WINNT undefined.
- */
-#if defined(WINNT) || defined(__MINGW32__)
-#include <winsock.h>
-/* MinGW doesn't define these in its winsock.h. */
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
-#ifndef IP_TTL
-#define IP_TTL 7
-#ifndef IP_TOS
-#define IP_TOS 8
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>  /* TCP_NODELAY, TCP_MAXSEG */
-#ifndef _PR_PTHREADS
-PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _PR_SocketGetSocketOption(PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRInt32 length;
-    PRInt32 level, name;
-    /*
-     * PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking is a special case that does not
-     * translate to a getsockopt() call
-     */
-    if (PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking == data->option)
-    {
-        data->value.non_blocking = fd->secret->nonblocking;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    rv = _PR_MapOptionName(data->option, &level, &name);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-    {
-        switch (data->option)
-        {
-            case PR_SockOpt_Linger:
-            {
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) || defined(BONE_VERSION)
-                struct linger linger;
-                length = sizeof(linger);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char *) &linger, &length);
-                if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-                {
-                    PR_ASSERT(sizeof(linger) == length);
-                    data->value.linger.polarity =
-                        (linger.l_onoff) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-                    data->value.linger.linger =
-                        PR_SecondsToInterval(linger.l_linger);
-                }
-                break;
-                PR_SetError( PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0 );
-                return PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Keepalive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_NoDelay:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Broadcast:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseport:
-            {
-#ifdef WIN32 /* Winsock */
-                BOOL value;
-                PRIntn value;
-                length = sizeof(value);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&value, &length);
-                if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-                    data->value.reuse_addr = (0 == value) ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastLoopback:
-            {
-#ifdef WIN32 /* Winsock */
-                BOOL bool;
-                PRUint8 bool;
-                length = sizeof(bool);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&bool, &length);
-                if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-                    data->value.mcast_loopback = (0 == bool) ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_MaxSegment:
-            {
-                PRIntn value;
-                length = sizeof(value);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&value, &length);
-                if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-                    data->value.recv_buffer_size = value;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService:
-            {
-                /* These options should really be an int (or PRIntn). */
-                length = sizeof(PRUintn);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&data->value.ip_ttl, &length);
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastTimeToLive:
-            {
-#ifdef WIN32 /* Winsock */
-                int ttl;
-                PRUint8 ttl;
-                length = sizeof(ttl);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&ttl, &length);
-                if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-                    data->value.mcast_ttl = ttl;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_AddMember:
-            case PR_SockOpt_DropMember:
-            {
-                struct ip_mreq mreq;
-                length = sizeof(mreq);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&mreq, &length);
-                if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-                {
-                    data->value.add_member.mcaddr.inet.ip =
-                        mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr;
-                    data->value.add_member.ifaddr.inet.ip =
-                        mreq.imr_interface.s_addr;
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-#endif /* IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP */
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastInterface:
-            {
-                /* This option is a struct in_addr. */
-                length = sizeof(data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip);
-                rv = _PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip, &length);
-                break;
-            }
-            default:
-                PR_NOT_REACHED("Unknown socket option");
-                break;
-        }  
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* _PR_SocketGetSocketOption */
-PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _PR_SocketSetSocketOption(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRInt32 level, name;
-    /*
-     * PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking is a special case that does not
-     * translate to a setsockopt call.
-     */
-    if (PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking == data->option)
-    {
-#ifdef WINNT
-        PR_ASSERT((fd->secret->md.io_model_committed == PR_FALSE)
-            || (fd->secret->nonblocking == data->value.non_blocking));
-        if (fd->secret->md.io_model_committed
-            && (fd->secret->nonblocking != data->value.non_blocking))
-        {
-            /*
-             * On NT, once we have associated a socket with the io
-             * completion port, we can't disassociate it.  So we
-             * can't change the nonblocking option of the socket
-             * afterwards.
-             */
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        fd->secret->nonblocking = data->value.non_blocking;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    rv = _PR_MapOptionName(data->option, &level, &name);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-    {
-        switch (data->option)
-        {
-            case PR_SockOpt_Linger:
-            {
-#if !defined(XP_BEOS) || defined(BONE_VERSION)
-                struct linger linger;
-                linger.l_onoff = data->value.linger.polarity;
-                linger.l_linger = PR_IntervalToSeconds(data->value.linger.linger);
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&linger, sizeof(linger));
-                break;
-                PR_SetError( PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0 );
-                return PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Keepalive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_NoDelay:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Broadcast:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseport:
-            {
-#ifdef WIN32 /* Winsock */
-                BOOL value;
-                PRIntn value;
-                value = (data->value.reuse_addr) ? 1 : 0;
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&value, sizeof(value));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastLoopback:
-            {
-#ifdef WIN32 /* Winsock */
-                BOOL bool;
-                PRUint8 bool;
-                bool = data->value.mcast_loopback ? 1 : 0;
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&bool, sizeof(bool));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_MaxSegment:
-            {
-                PRIntn value = data->value.recv_buffer_size;
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&value, sizeof(value));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService:
-            {
-                /* These options should really be an int (or PRIntn). */
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&data->value.ip_ttl, sizeof(PRUintn));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastTimeToLive:
-            {
-#ifdef WIN32 /* Winsock */
-                int ttl;
-                PRUint8 ttl;
-                ttl = data->value.mcast_ttl;
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&ttl, sizeof(ttl));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_AddMember:
-            case PR_SockOpt_DropMember:
-            {
-                struct ip_mreq mreq;
-                mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr =
-                    data->value.add_member.mcaddr.inet.ip;
-                mreq.imr_interface.s_addr =
-                    data->value.add_member.ifaddr.inet.ip;
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&mreq, sizeof(mreq));
-                break;
-            }
-#endif /* IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP */
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastInterface:
-            {
-                /* This option is a struct in_addr. */
-                rv = _PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(
-                    fd, level, name, (char*)&data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip,
-                    sizeof(data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip));
-                break;
-            }
-            default:
-                PR_NOT_REACHED("Unknown socket option");
-                break;
-        }  
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* _PR_SocketSetSocketOption */
-#endif /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- **
- ** Make sure that the following is at the end of this file,
- ** because we will be playing with macro redefines.
- **
- *********************************************************************
- *********************************************************************
- */
- * Not every platform has all the socket options we want to
- * support.  Some older operating systems such as SunOS 4.1.3
- * don't have the IP multicast socket options.  Win32 doesn't
- * have TCP_MAXSEG.
- *
- * To deal with this problem, we define the missing socket
- * options as _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT.  _PR_MapOptionName() fails with
- * PR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if a socket option not
- * available on the platform is requested.
- */
- * Sanity check.  SO_LINGER and TCP_NODELAY should be available
- * on all platforms.  Just to make sure we have included the
- * appropriate header files.  Then any undefined socket options
- * are really missing.
- */
-#if !defined(SO_LINGER)
-#error "SO_LINGER is not defined"
-#if !defined(TCP_NODELAY)
-#error "TCP_NODELAY is not defined"
- * Make sure the value of _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT is not
- * a valid socket option.
- */
-#define _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT -1
-#ifndef SO_SNDBUF
-#define SO_SNDBUF           _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT
-#ifndef SO_RCVBUF
-#define SO_RCVBUF           _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT
-#ifndef IP_MULTICAST_IF                 /* set/get IP multicast interface   */
-#ifndef IP_MULTICAST_TTL                /* set/get IP multicast timetolive  */
-#ifndef IP_MULTICAST_LOOP               /* set/get IP multicast loopback    */
-#ifndef IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP               /* add  an IP group membership      */
-#ifndef IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP              /* drop an IP group membership      */
-#ifndef IP_TTL                          /* set/get IP Time To Live          */
-#define IP_TTL              _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT
-#ifndef IP_TOS                          /* set/get IP Type Of Service       */
-#define IP_TOS              _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT
-#ifndef TCP_NODELAY                     /* don't delay to coalesce data     */
-#ifndef TCP_MAXSEG                      /* maxumum segment size for tcp     */
-#define TCP_MAXSEG          _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT
-#ifndef SO_BROADCAST                    /* enable broadcast on UDP sockets  */
-#ifndef SO_REUSEPORT                    /* allow local address & port reuse */
-PRStatus _PR_MapOptionName(
-    PRSockOption optname, PRInt32 *level, PRInt32 *name)
-    static PRInt32 socketOptions[PR_SockOpt_Last] =
-    {
-    };
-    static PRInt32 socketLevels[PR_SockOpt_Last] =
-    {
-    };
-    if ((optname < PR_SockOpt_Linger)
-    || (optname >= PR_SockOpt_Last))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (socketOptions[optname] == _PR_NO_SUCH_SOCKOPT)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *name = socketOptions[optname];
-    *level = socketLevels[optname];
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* _PR_MapOptionName */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prmmap.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prmmap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ffc133..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prmmap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *********************************************************************
- *
- * Memory-mapped files
- *
- *********************************************************************
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileMap *) PR_CreateFileMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    PRInt64 size,
-    PRFileMapProtect prot)
-    PRFileMap *fmap;
-            || prot == PR_PROT_WRITECOPY);
-    fmap = PR_NEWZAP(PRFileMap);
-    if (NULL == fmap) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    fmap->fd = fd;
-    fmap->prot = prot;
-    if (_PR_MD_CREATE_FILE_MAP(fmap, size) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return fmap;
-    } else {
-	PR_DELETE(fmap);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetMemMapAlignment(void)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_MemMap(
-    PRFileMap *fmap,
-    PROffset64 offset,
-    PRUint32 len)
-    return _PR_MD_MEM_MAP(fmap, offset, len);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_MemUnmap(void *addr, PRUint32 len)
-    return _PR_MD_MEM_UNMAP(addr, len);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseFileMap(PRFileMap *fmap)
-    return _PR_MD_CLOSE_FILE_MAP(fmap);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SyncMemMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len)
-  return _PR_MD_SYNC_MEM_MAP(fd, addr, len);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prmwait.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prmwait.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ab32fb5..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prmwait.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1457 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "pprmwait.h"
-#define _MW_REHASH_MAX 11
-static PRLock *mw_lock = NULL;
-static _PRGlobalState *mw_state = NULL;
-static PRIntervalTime max_polling_interval;
-#ifdef WINNT
-typedef struct TimerEvent {
-    PRIntervalTime absolute;
-    void (*func)(void *);
-    void *arg;
-    LONG ref_count;
-    PRCList links;
-} TimerEvent;
-#define TIMER_EVENT_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((TimerEvent *) ((char *) (_qp) - offsetof(TimerEvent, links)))
-struct {
-    PRLock *ml;
-    PRCondVar *new_timer;
-    PRCondVar *cancel_timer;
-    PRThread *manager_thread;
-    PRCList timer_queue;
-} tm_vars;
-static PRStatus TimerInit(void);
-static void TimerManager(void *arg);
-static TimerEvent *CreateTimer(PRIntervalTime timeout,
-    void (*func)(void *), void *arg);
-static PRBool CancelTimer(TimerEvent *timer);
-static void TimerManager(void *arg)
-    PRIntervalTime now;
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;
-    PRCList *head;
-    TimerEvent *timer;
-    PR_Lock(;
-    while (1)
-    {
-        if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tm_vars.timer_queue))
-        {
-            PR_WaitCondVar(tm_vars.new_timer, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            now = PR_IntervalNow();
-            head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tm_vars.timer_queue);
-            timer = TIMER_EVENT_PTR(head);
-            if ((PRInt32) (now - timer->absolute) >= 0)
-            {
-                PR_REMOVE_LINK(head);
-                /*
-                 * make its prev and next point to itself so that
-                 * it's obvious that it's not on the timer_queue.
-                 */
-                PR_INIT_CLIST(head);
-                PR_ASSERT(2 == timer->ref_count);
-                PR_Unlock(;
-                timer->func(timer->arg);
-                PR_Lock(;
-                timer->ref_count -= 1;
-                if (0 == timer->ref_count)
-                {
-                    PR_NotifyAllCondVar(tm_vars.cancel_timer);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                timeout = (PRIntervalTime)(timer->absolute - now);
-                PR_WaitCondVar(tm_vars.new_timer, timeout);
-            } 
-        }
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(;
-static TimerEvent *CreateTimer(
-    PRIntervalTime timeout,
-    void (*func)(void *),
-    void *arg)
-    TimerEvent *timer;
-    PRCList *links, *tail;
-    TimerEvent *elem;
-    timer = PR_NEW(TimerEvent);
-    if (NULL == timer)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return timer;
-    }
-    timer->absolute = PR_IntervalNow() + timeout;
-    timer->func = func;
-    timer->arg = arg;
-    timer->ref_count = 2;
-    PR_Lock(;
-    tail = links = PR_LIST_TAIL(&tm_vars.timer_queue);
-    while (links->prev != tail)
-    {
-        elem = TIMER_EVENT_PTR(links);
-        if ((PRInt32)(timer->absolute - elem->absolute) >= 0)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        links = links->prev;
-    }
-    PR_INSERT_AFTER(&timer->links, links);
-    PR_NotifyCondVar(tm_vars.new_timer);
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    return timer;
-static PRBool CancelTimer(TimerEvent *timer)
-    PRBool canceled = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_Lock(;
-    timer->ref_count -= 1;
-    if (timer->links.prev == &timer->links)
-    {
-        while (timer->ref_count == 1)
-        {
-            PR_WaitCondVar(tm_vars.cancel_timer, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&timer->links);
-        canceled = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    PR_DELETE(timer);
-    return canceled; 
-static PRStatus TimerInit(void)
- = PR_NewLock();
-    if (NULL ==
-    {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    tm_vars.new_timer = PR_NewCondVar(;
-    if (NULL == tm_vars.new_timer)
-    {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    tm_vars.cancel_timer = PR_NewCondVar(;
-    if (NULL == tm_vars.cancel_timer)
-    {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&tm_vars.timer_queue);
-    tm_vars.manager_thread = PR_CreateThread(
-    if (NULL == tm_vars.manager_thread)
-    {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (NULL != tm_vars.cancel_timer)
-    {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(tm_vars.cancel_timer);
-    }
-    if (NULL != tm_vars.new_timer)
-    {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(tm_vars.new_timer);
-    }
-    if (NULL !=
-    {
-        PR_DestroyLock(;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* WINNT */
-/************************ The private portion *********************/
-void _PR_InitMW(void)
-#ifdef WINNT
-    /*
-     * We use NT 4's InterlockedCompareExchange() to operate
-     * on PRMWStatus variables.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(sizeof(LONG) == sizeof(PRMWStatus));
-    TimerInit();
-    mw_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != mw_lock);
-    mw_state = PR_NEWZAP(_PRGlobalState);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != mw_state);
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&mw_state->group_list);
-    max_polling_interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL);
-}  /* _PR_InitMW */
-void _PR_CleanupMW(void)
-    PR_DestroyLock(mw_lock);
-    mw_lock = NULL;
-    if (mw_state->group) {
-        PR_DestroyWaitGroup(mw_state->group);
-        /* mw_state->group is set to NULL as a side effect. */
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(mw_state);
-}  /* _PR_CleanupMW */
-static PRWaitGroup *MW_Init2(void)
-    PRWaitGroup *group = mw_state->group;  /* it's the null group */
-    if (NULL == group)  /* there is this special case */
-    {
-        group = PR_CreateWaitGroup(_PR_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH);
-        if (NULL == group) goto failed_alloc;
-        PR_Lock(mw_lock);
-        if (NULL == mw_state->group)
-        {
-            mw_state->group = group;
-            group = NULL;
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(mw_lock);
-        if (group != NULL) (void)PR_DestroyWaitGroup(group);
-        group = mw_state->group;  /* somebody beat us to it */
-    }
-    return group;  /* whatever */
-}  /* MW_Init2 */
-static _PR_HashStory MW_AddHashInternal(PRRecvWait *desc, _PRWaiterHash *hash)
-    /*
-    ** The entries are put in the table using the fd (PRFileDesc*) of
-    ** the receive descriptor as the key. This allows us to locate
-    ** the appropriate entry aqain when the poll operation finishes.
-    **
-    ** The pointer to the file descriptor object is first divided by
-    ** the natural alignment of a pointer in the belief that object
-    ** will have at least that many zeros in the low order bits.
-    ** This may not be a good assuption.
-    **
-    ** We try to put the entry in by rehashing _MW_REHASH_MAX times. After
-    ** that we declare defeat and force the table to be reconstructed.
-    ** Since some fds might be added more than once, won't that cause
-    ** collisions even in an empty table?
-    */
-    PRIntn rehash = _MW_REHASH_MAX;
-    PRRecvWait **waiter;
-    PRUintn hidx = _MW_HASH(desc->fd, hash->length);
-    PRUintn hoffset = 0;
-    while (rehash-- > 0)
-    {
-        waiter = &hash->recv_wait;
-        if (NULL == waiter[hidx])
-        {
-            waiter[hidx] = desc;
-            hash->count += 1;
-#if 0
-            printf("Adding 0x%x->0x%x ", desc, desc->fd);
-            printf(
-                "table[%u:%u:*%u]: 0x%x->0x%x\n",
-                hidx, hash->count, hash->length, waiter[hidx], waiter[hidx]->fd);
-            return _prmw_success;
-        }
-        if (desc == waiter[hidx])
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);  /* desc already in table */
-            return _prmw_error;
-        }
-#if 0
-        printf("Failing 0x%x->0x%x ", desc, desc->fd);
-        printf(
-            "table[*%u:%u:%u]: 0x%x->0x%x\n",
-            hidx, hash->count, hash->length, waiter[hidx], waiter[hidx]->fd);
-        if (0 == hoffset)
-        {
-            hoffset = _MW_HASH2(desc->fd, hash->length);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 != hoffset);
-        }
-        hidx = (hidx + hoffset) % (hash->length);
-    }
-    return _prmw_rehash;    
-}  /* MW_AddHashInternal */
-static _PR_HashStory MW_ExpandHashInternal(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRRecvWait **desc;
-    PRUint32 pidx, length;
-    _PRWaiterHash *newHash, *oldHash = group->waiter;
-    PRBool retry;
-    _PR_HashStory hrv;
-    static const PRInt32 prime_number[] = {
-        _PR_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH, 179, 521, 907, 1427,
-        2711, 3917, 5021, 8219, 11549, 18911, 26711, 33749, 44771};
-    PRUintn primes = (sizeof(prime_number) / sizeof(PRInt32));
-    /* look up the next size we'd like to use for the hash table */
-    for (pidx = 0; pidx < primes; ++pidx)
-    {
-        if (prime_number[pidx] == oldHash->length)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /* table size must be one of the prime numbers */
-    PR_ASSERT(pidx < primes);
-    /* if pidx == primes - 1, we can't expand the table any more */
-    while (pidx < primes - 1)
-    {
-        /* next size */
-        ++pidx;
-        length = prime_number[pidx];
-        /* allocate the new hash table and fill it in with the old */
-        newHash = (_PRWaiterHash*)PR_CALLOC(
-            sizeof(_PRWaiterHash) + (length * sizeof(PRRecvWait*)));
-        if (NULL == newHash)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return _prmw_error;
-        }
-        newHash->length = length;
-        retry = PR_FALSE;
-        for (desc = &oldHash->recv_wait;
-            newHash->count < oldHash->count; ++desc)
-        {
-            PR_ASSERT(desc < &oldHash->recv_wait + oldHash->length);
-            if (NULL != *desc)
-            {
-                hrv = MW_AddHashInternal(*desc, newHash);
-                PR_ASSERT(_prmw_error != hrv);
-                if (_prmw_success != hrv)
-                {
-                    PR_DELETE(newHash);
-                    retry = PR_TRUE;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (retry) continue;
-        PR_DELETE(group->waiter);
-        group->waiter = newHash;
-        group->p_timestamp += 1;
-        return _prmw_success;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    return _prmw_error;  /* we're hosed */
-}  /* MW_ExpandHashInternal */
-#ifndef WINNT
-static void _MW_DoneInternal(
-    PRWaitGroup *group, PRRecvWait **waiter, PRMWStatus outcome)
-    /*
-    ** Add this receive wait object to the list of finished I/O
-    ** operations for this particular group. If there are other
-    ** threads waiting on the group, notify one. If not, arrange
-    ** for this thread to return.
-    */
-#if 0
-    printf("Removing 0x%x->0x%x\n", *waiter, (*waiter)->fd);
-    (*waiter)->outcome = outcome;
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&((*waiter)->internal), &group->io_ready);
-    PR_NotifyCondVar(group->io_complete);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 != group->waiter->count);
-    group->waiter->count -= 1;
-    *waiter = NULL;
-}  /* _MW_DoneInternal */
-#endif /* WINNT */
-static PRRecvWait **_MW_LookupInternal(PRWaitGroup *group, PRFileDesc *fd)
-    /*
-    ** Find the receive wait object corresponding to the file descriptor.
-    ** Only search the wait group specified.
-    */
-    PRRecvWait **desc;
-    PRIntn rehash = _MW_REHASH_MAX;
-    _PRWaiterHash *hash = group->waiter;
-    PRUintn hidx = _MW_HASH(fd, hash->length);
-    PRUintn hoffset = 0;
-    while (rehash-- > 0)
-    {
-        desc = (&hash->recv_wait) + hidx;
-        if ((*desc != NULL) && ((*desc)->fd == fd)) return desc;
-        if (0 == hoffset)
-        {
-            hoffset = _MW_HASH2(fd, hash->length);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 != hoffset);
-        }
-        hidx = (hidx + hoffset) % (hash->length);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-}  /* _MW_LookupInternal */
-#ifndef WINNT
-static PRStatus _MW_PollInternal(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRRecvWait **waiter;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-    PRInt32 count, count_ready;
-    PRIntervalTime polling_interval;
-    group->poller = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    while (PR_TRUE)
-    {
-        PRIntervalTime now, since_last_poll;
-        PRPollDesc *poll_list;
-        while (0 == group->waiter->count)
-        {
-            PRStatus st;
-            st = PR_WaitCondVar(group->new_business, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-            if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-            {
-                PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-                goto aborted;
-            }
-            if (_MW_ABORTED(st)) goto aborted;
-        }
-        /*
-        ** There's something to do. See if our existing polling list
-        ** is large enough for what we have to do?
-        */
-        while (group->polling_count < group->waiter->count)
-        {
-            PRUint32 old_count = group->waiter->count;
-            PRUint32 new_count = PR_ROUNDUP(old_count, _PR_POLL_COUNT_FUDGE);
-            PRSize new_size = sizeof(PRPollDesc) * new_count;
-            PRPollDesc *old_polling_list = group->polling_list;
-            PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-            poll_list = (PRPollDesc*)PR_CALLOC(new_size);
-            if (NULL == poll_list)
-            {
-                PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-                PR_Lock(group->ml);
-                goto failed_alloc;
-            }
-            if (NULL != old_polling_list)
-                PR_DELETE(old_polling_list);
-            PR_Lock(group->ml);
-            if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-            {
-                PR_DELETE(poll_list);
-                PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-                goto aborted;
-            }
-            group->polling_list = poll_list;
-            group->polling_count = new_count;
-        }
-        now = PR_IntervalNow();
-        polling_interval = max_polling_interval;
-        since_last_poll = now - group->last_poll;
-        waiter = &group->waiter->recv_wait;
-        poll_list = group->polling_list;
-        for (count = 0; count < group->waiter->count; ++waiter)
-        {
-            PR_ASSERT(waiter < &group->waiter->recv_wait
-                + group->waiter->length);
-            if (NULL != *waiter)  /* a live one! */
-            {
-                if ((PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT != (*waiter)->timeout)
-                && (since_last_poll >= (*waiter)->timeout))
-                    _MW_DoneInternal(group, waiter, PR_MW_TIMEOUT);
-                else
-                {
-                    if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT != (*waiter)->timeout)
-                    {
-                        (*waiter)->timeout -= since_last_poll;
-                        if ((*waiter)->timeout < polling_interval)
-                            polling_interval = (*waiter)->timeout;
-                    }
-                    PR_ASSERT(poll_list < group->polling_list
-                        + group->polling_count);
-                    poll_list->fd = (*waiter)->fd;
-                    poll_list->in_flags = PR_POLL_READ;
-                    poll_list->out_flags = 0;
-#if 0
-                    printf(
-                        "Polling 0x%x[%d]: [fd: 0x%x, tmo: %u]\n",
-                        poll_list, count, poll_list->fd, (*waiter)->timeout);
-                    poll_list += 1;
-                    count += 1;
-                }
-            }
-        } 
-        PR_ASSERT(count == group->waiter->count);
-        /*
-        ** If there are no more threads waiting for completion,
-        ** we need to return.
-        */
-        if ((!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-        && (1 == group->waiting_threads)) break;
-        if (0 == count) continue;  /* wait for new business */
-        group->last_poll = now;
-        PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-        count_ready = PR_Poll(group->polling_list, count, polling_interval);
-        PR_Lock(group->ml);
-        if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-            goto aborted;
-        }
-        if (-1 == count_ready)
-        {
-            goto failed_poll;  /* that's a shame */
-        }
-        else if (0 < count_ready)
-        {
-            for (poll_list = group->polling_list; count > 0;
-            poll_list++, count--)
-            {
-                PR_ASSERT(
-                    poll_list < group->polling_list + group->polling_count);
-                if (poll_list->out_flags != 0)
-                {
-                    waiter = _MW_LookupInternal(group, poll_list->fd);
-                    /*
-                    ** If 'waiter' is NULL, that means the wait receive
-                    ** descriptor has been canceled.
-                    */
-                    if (NULL != waiter)
-                        _MW_DoneInternal(group, waiter, PR_MW_SUCCESS);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /*
-        ** If there are no more threads waiting for completion,
-        ** we need to return.
-        ** This thread was "borrowed" to do the polling, but it really
-        ** belongs to the client.
-        */
-        if ((!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-        && (1 == group->waiting_threads)) break;
-    }
-    rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    group->poller = NULL;  /* we were that, not we ain't */
-    if ((_prmw_running == group->state) && (group->waiting_threads > 1))
-    {
-        /* Wake up one thread to become the new poller. */
-        PR_NotifyCondVar(group->io_complete);
-    }
-    return rv;  /* we return with the lock held */
-}  /* _MW_PollInternal */
-#endif /* !WINNT */
-static PRMWGroupState MW_TestForShutdownInternal(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRMWGroupState rv = group->state;
-    /*
-    ** Looking at the group's fields is safe because
-    ** once the group's state is no longer running, it
-    ** cannot revert and there is a safe check on entry
-    ** to make sure no more threads are made to wait.
-    */
-    if ((_prmw_stopping == rv)
-    && (0 == group->waiting_threads))
-    {
-        rv = group->state = _prmw_stopped;
-        PR_NotifyCondVar(group->mw_manage);
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* MW_TestForShutdownInternal */
-#ifndef WINNT
-static void _MW_InitialRecv(PRCList *io_ready)
-    PRRecvWait *desc = (PRRecvWait*)io_ready;
-    if ((NULL == desc->buffer.start)
-    || (0 == desc->buffer.length))
-        desc->bytesRecv = 0;
-    else
-    {
-        desc->bytesRecv = (desc->fd->methods->recv)(
-            desc->fd, desc->buffer.start,
-            desc->buffer.length, 0, desc->timeout);
-        if (desc->bytesRecv < 0)  /* SetError should already be there */
-            desc->outcome = PR_MW_FAILURE;
-    }
-}  /* _MW_InitialRecv */
-#ifdef WINNT
-static void NT_TimeProc(void *arg)
-    _MDOverlapped *overlapped = (_MDOverlapped *)arg;
-    PRRecvWait *desc =  overlapped->;
-    PRFileDesc *bottom;
-    if (InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG *)&desc->outcome,
-    {
-        /* This wait recv descriptor has already completed. */
-        return;
-    }
-    /* close the osfd to abort the outstanding async io request */
-    /* $$$$
-    ** Little late to be checking if NSPR's on the bottom of stack,
-    ** but if we don't check, we can't assert that the private data
-    ** is what we think it is.
-    ** $$$$
-    */
-    bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(desc->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);
-    if (NULL != bottom)  /* now what!?!?! */
-    {
-        bottom->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-        if (closesocket(bottom->secret->md.osfd) == SOCKET_ERROR)
-        {
-            fprintf(stderr, "closesocket failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
-            PR_NOT_REACHED("What shall I do?");
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-}  /* NT_TimeProc */
-static PRStatus NT_HashRemove(PRWaitGroup *group, PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRRecvWait **waiter;
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    waiter = _MW_LookupInternal(group, fd);
-    if (NULL != waiter)
-    {
-        group->waiter->count -= 1;
-        *waiter = NULL;
-    }
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    return (NULL != waiter) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus NT_HashRemoveInternal(PRWaitGroup *group, PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRRecvWait **waiter;
-    waiter = _MW_LookupInternal(group, fd);
-    if (NULL != waiter)
-    {
-        group->waiter->count -= 1;
-        *waiter = NULL;
-    }
-    return (NULL != waiter) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* WINNT */
-/********************** The public API portion ********************/
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_AddWaitFileDesc(
-    PRWaitGroup *group, PRRecvWait *desc)
-    _PR_HashStory hrv;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _MDOverlapped *overlapped;
-    HANDLE hFile;
-    BOOL bResult;
-    DWORD dwError;
-    PRFileDesc *bottom;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if ((NULL == group) && (NULL == (group = MW_Init2())))
-    {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != desc->fd);
-    desc->outcome = PR_MW_PENDING;  /* nice, well known value */
-    desc->bytesRecv = 0;  /* likewise, though this value is ambiguious */
-    PR_Lock(group->ml);
-    if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-    {
-        /* Not allowed to add after cancelling the group */
-        desc->outcome = PR_MW_INTERRUPT;
-        PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-        PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-        return rv;
-    }
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    /*
-    ** If the waiter count is zero at this point, there's no telling
-    ** how long we've been idle. Therefore, initialize the beginning
-    ** of the timing interval. As long as the list doesn't go empty,
-    ** it will maintain itself.
-    */
-    if (0 == group->waiter->count)
-        group->last_poll = PR_IntervalNow();
-    do
-    {
-        hrv = MW_AddHashInternal(desc, group->waiter);
-        if (_prmw_rehash != hrv) break;
-        hrv = MW_ExpandHashInternal(group);  /* gruesome */
-        if (_prmw_success != hrv) break;
-    } while (PR_TRUE);
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    PR_NotifyCondVar(group->new_business);  /* tell the world */
-    rv = (_prmw_success == hrv) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-#ifdef WINNT
-    overlapped = PR_NEWZAP(_MDOverlapped);
-    if (NULL == overlapped)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        NT_HashRemove(group, desc->fd);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    overlapped->ioModel = _MD_MultiWaitIO;
-    overlapped-> = desc;
-    overlapped-> = group;
-    if (desc->timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-    {
-        overlapped-> = CreateTimer(
-            desc->timeout,
-            NT_TimeProc,
-            overlapped);
-        if (0 == overlapped->
-        {
-            NT_HashRemove(group, desc->fd);
-            PR_DELETE(overlapped);
-            /*
-             * XXX It appears that a maximum of 16 timer events can
-             * be outstanding. GetLastError() returns 0 when I try it.
-             */
-            PR_SetError(PR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERROR, GetLastError());
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Reach to the bottom layer to get the OS fd */
-    bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(desc->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);
-    if (NULL == bottom)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    hFile = (HANDLE)bottom->secret->md.osfd; 
-    if (!bottom->secret->md.io_model_committed)
-    {
-        PRInt32 st;
-        st = _md_Associate(hFile);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != st);
-        bottom->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    bResult = ReadFile(hFile,
-        desc->buffer.start,
-        (DWORD)desc->buffer.length,
-        NULL,
-        &overlapped->overlapped);
-    if (FALSE == bResult && (dwError = GetLastError()) != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
-    {
-        if (desc->timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-        {
-            if (InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG *)&desc->outcome,
-                == (LONG)PR_MW_PENDING)
-            {
-                CancelTimer(overlapped->;
-            }
-            NT_HashRemove(group, desc->fd);
-            PR_DELETE(overlapped);
-        }
-        _PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR(dwError);
-        rv = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_AddWaitFileDesc */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRRecvWait*) PR_WaitRecvReady(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRCList *io_ready = NULL;
-#ifdef WINNT
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    _MDOverlapped *overlapped;    
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if ((NULL == group) && (NULL == (group = MW_Init2()))) goto failed_init;
-    PR_Lock(group->ml);
-    if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-        goto invalid_state;
-    }
-    group->waiting_threads += 1;  /* the polling thread is counted */
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    while (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-    {
-        _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-        me->state = _PR_IO_WAIT;
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&me->waitQLinks, &group->wait_list);
-        if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        {
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(me->cpu);
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(me->cpu);
-        }
-        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(me);
-        _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-        PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-        me->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-        PR_Lock(group->ml);
-        _PR_MD_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-        if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-            PR_REMOVE_LINK(&me->waitQLinks);
-            _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-            me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-            me->io_suspended = PR_FALSE;
-            PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-            goto aborted;
-        }
-    }
-    io_ready = PR_LIST_HEAD(&group->io_ready);
-    PR_ASSERT(io_ready != NULL);
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(io_ready);
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    overlapped = (_MDOverlapped *)
-        ((char *)io_ready - offsetof(_MDOverlapped, data));
-    io_ready = &overlapped->>internal;
-    do
-    {
-        /*
-        ** If the I/O ready list isn't empty, have this thread
-        ** return with the first receive wait object that's available.
-        */
-        if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-        {
-            /*
-            ** Is there a polling thread yet? If not, grab this thread
-            ** and use it.
-            */
-            if (NULL == group->poller)
-            {
-                /*
-                ** This thread will stay do polling until it becomes the only one
-                ** left to service a completion. Then it will return and there will
-                ** be none left to actually poll or to run completions.
-                **
-                ** The polling function should only return w/ failure or
-                ** with some I/O ready.
-                */
-                if (PR_FAILURE == _MW_PollInternal(group)) goto failed_poll;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /*
-                ** There are four reasons a thread can be awakened from
-                ** a wait on the io_complete condition variable.
-                ** 1. Some I/O has completed, i.e., the io_ready list
-                **    is nonempty.
-                ** 2. The wait group is canceled.
-                ** 3. The thread is interrupted.
-                ** 4. The current polling thread has to leave and needs
-                **    a replacement.
-                ** The logic to find a new polling thread is made more
-                ** complicated by all the other possible events.
-                ** I tried my best to write the logic clearly, but
-                ** it is still full of if's with continue and goto.
-                */
-                PRStatus st;
-                do 
-                {
-                    st = PR_WaitCondVar(group->io_complete, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-                    if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-                    {
-                        PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-                        goto aborted;
-                    }
-                    if (_MW_ABORTED(st) || (NULL == group->poller)) break;
-                } while (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready));
-                /*
-                ** The thread is interrupted and has to leave.  It might
-                ** have also been awakened to process ready i/o or be the
-                ** new poller.  To be safe, if either condition is true,
-                ** we awaken another thread to take its place.
-                */
-                if (_MW_ABORTED(st))
-                {
-                    if ((NULL == group->poller
-                    || !PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-                    && group->waiting_threads > 1)
-                        PR_NotifyCondVar(group->io_complete);
-                    goto aborted;
-                }
-                /*
-                ** A new poller is needed, but can I be the new poller?
-                ** If there is no i/o ready, sure.  But if there is any
-                ** i/o ready, it has a higher priority.  I want to
-                ** process the ready i/o first and wake up another
-                ** thread to be the new poller.
-                */ 
-                if (NULL == group->poller)
-                {
-                    if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-                        continue;
-                    if (group->waiting_threads > 1)
-                        PR_NotifyCondVar(group->io_complete);
-                }
-            }
-            PR_ASSERT(!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready));
-        }
-        io_ready = PR_LIST_HEAD(&group->io_ready);
-        PR_NotifyCondVar(group->io_taken);
-        PR_ASSERT(io_ready != NULL);
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(io_ready);
-    } while (NULL == io_ready);
-    group->waiting_threads -= 1;
-    (void)MW_TestForShutdownInternal(group);
-    PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-    if (NULL != io_ready)
-    {
-        /* If the operation failed, record the reason why */
-        switch (((PRRecvWait*)io_ready)->outcome)
-        {
-            case PR_MW_PENDING:
-                PR_ASSERT(0);
-                break;
-            case PR_MW_SUCCESS:
-#ifndef WINNT
-                _MW_InitialRecv(io_ready);
-                break;
-#ifdef WINNT
-            case PR_MW_FAILURE:
-                _PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR(overlapped->;
-                break;
-            case PR_MW_TIMEOUT:
-                PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-                break;
-            case PR_MW_INTERRUPT:
-                PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                break;
-            default: break;
-        }
-#ifdef WINNT
-        if (NULL != overlapped->
-        {
-                != overlapped->>timeout);
-            CancelTimer(overlapped->;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                == overlapped->>timeout);
-        }
-        PR_DELETE(overlapped);
-    }
-    return (PRRecvWait*)io_ready;
-}  /* PR_WaitRecvReady */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CancelWaitFileDesc(PRWaitGroup *group, PRRecvWait *desc)
-#if !defined(WINNT)
-    PRRecvWait **recv_wait;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (NULL == group) group = mw_state->group;
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != group);
-    if (NULL == group)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(group->ml);
-    if (_prmw_running != group->state)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-        rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-#ifdef WINNT
-    if (InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG *)&desc->outcome,
-    {
-        PRFileDesc *bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(desc->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-        PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);
-        if (NULL == bottom)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            goto unlock;
-        }
-        bottom->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-#if 0
-        fprintf(stderr, "cancel wait recv: closing socket\n");
-        if (closesocket(bottom->secret->md.osfd) == SOCKET_ERROR)
-        {
-            fprintf(stderr, "closesocket failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
-            exit(1);
-        }
-    }
-    if (NULL != (recv_wait = _MW_LookupInternal(group, desc->fd)))
-    {
-        /* it was in the wait table */
-        _MW_DoneInternal(group, recv_wait, PR_MW_INTERRUPT);
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-    if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-    {
-        /* is it already complete? */
-        PRCList *head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&group->io_ready);
-        do
-        {
-            PRRecvWait *done = (PRRecvWait*)head;
-            if (done == desc) goto unlock;
-            head = PR_NEXT_LINK(head);
-        } while (head != &group->io_ready);
-    }
-    rv = PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_CancelWaitFileDesc */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRRecvWait*) PR_CancelWaitGroup(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRRecvWait **desc;
-    PRRecvWait *recv_wait = NULL;
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _MDOverlapped *overlapped;
-    PRRecvWait **end;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (NULL == group) group = mw_state->group;
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != group);
-    if (NULL == group)
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(group->ml);
-    if (_prmw_stopped != group->state)
-    {
-        if (_prmw_running == group->state)
-            group->state = _prmw_stopping;  /* so nothing new comes in */
-        if (0 == group->waiting_threads)  /* is there anybody else? */
-            group->state = _prmw_stopped;  /* we can stop right now */
-        else
-        {
-            PR_NotifyAllCondVar(group->new_business);
-            PR_NotifyAllCondVar(group->io_complete);
-        }
-        while (_prmw_stopped != group->state)
-            (void)PR_WaitCondVar(group->mw_manage, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    }
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    /* make all the existing descriptors look done/interrupted */
-#ifdef WINNT
-    end = &group->waiter->recv_wait + group->waiter->length;
-    for (desc = &group->waiter->recv_wait; desc < end; ++desc)
-    {
-        if (NULL != *desc)
-        {
-            if (InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG *)&(*desc)->outcome,
-                == (LONG)PR_MW_PENDING)
-            {
-                PRFileDesc *bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(
-                    (*desc)->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-                PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);
-                if (NULL == bottom)
-                {
-                    PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-                    goto invalid_arg;
-                }
-                bottom->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-#if 0
-                fprintf(stderr, "cancel wait group: closing socket\n");
-                if (closesocket(bottom->secret->md.osfd) == SOCKET_ERROR)
-                {
-                    fprintf(stderr, "closesocket failed: %d\n",
-                        WSAGetLastError());
-                    exit(1);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    while (group->waiter->count > 0)
-    {
-        _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-        me->state = _PR_IO_WAIT;
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&me->waitQLinks, &group->wait_list);
-        if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        {
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(me->cpu);
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(me->cpu);
-        }
-        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(me);
-        _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-        PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-        me->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-        PR_Lock(group->ml);
-        _PR_MD_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    }
-    for (desc = &group->waiter->recv_wait; group->waiter->count > 0; ++desc)
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(desc < &group->waiter->recv_wait + group->waiter->length);
-        if (NULL != *desc)
-            _MW_DoneInternal(group, desc, PR_MW_INTERRUPT);
-    }
-    /* take first element of finished list and return it or NULL */
-    if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-        PR_SetError(PR_GROUP_EMPTY_ERROR, 0);
-    else
-    {
-        PRCList *head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&group->io_ready);
-        PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(head);
-#ifdef WINNT
-        overlapped = (_MDOverlapped *)
-            ((char *)head - offsetof(_MDOverlapped, data));
-        head = &overlapped->>internal;
-        if (NULL != overlapped->
-        {
-                != overlapped->>timeout);
-            CancelTimer(overlapped->;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                == overlapped->>timeout);
-        }
-        PR_DELETE(overlapped);
-        recv_wait = (PRRecvWait*)head;
-    }
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&group->mdlock);
-    PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-    return recv_wait;
-}  /* PR_CancelWaitGroup */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRWaitGroup*) PR_CreateWaitGroup(PRInt32 size /* ignored */)
-    PRWaitGroup *wg;
-    if (NULL == (wg = PR_NEWZAP(PRWaitGroup)))
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    /* the wait group itself */
-    wg->ml = PR_NewLock();
-    if (NULL == wg->ml) goto failed_lock;
-    wg->io_taken = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml);
-    if (NULL == wg->io_taken) goto failed_cvar0;
-    wg->io_complete = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml);
-    if (NULL == wg->io_complete) goto failed_cvar1;
-    wg->new_business = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml);
-    if (NULL == wg->new_business) goto failed_cvar2;
-    wg->mw_manage = PR_NewCondVar(wg->ml);
-    if (NULL == wg->mw_manage) goto failed_cvar3;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&wg->group_link);
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&wg->io_ready);
-    /* the waiters sequence */
-    wg->waiter = (_PRWaiterHash*)PR_CALLOC(
-        sizeof(_PRWaiterHash) +
-        (_PR_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH * sizeof(PRRecvWait*)));
-    if (NULL == wg->waiter)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        goto failed_waiter;
-    }
-    wg->waiter->count = 0;
-    wg->waiter->length = _PR_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH;
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&wg->mdlock);
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&wg->wait_list);
-#endif /* WINNT */
-    PR_Lock(mw_lock);
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&wg->group_link, &mw_state->group_list);
-    PR_Unlock(mw_lock);
-    return wg;
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->mw_manage);
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->new_business);
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->io_complete);
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(wg->io_taken);
-    PR_DestroyLock(wg->ml);
-    PR_DELETE(wg);
-    wg = NULL;
-    return wg;
-}  /* MW_CreateWaitGroup */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroyWaitGroup(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (NULL == group) group = mw_state->group;
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != group);
-    if (NULL != group)
-    {
-        PR_Lock(group->ml);
-        if ((group->waiting_threads == 0)
-        && (group->waiter->count == 0)
-        && PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&group->io_ready))
-        {
-            group->state = _prmw_stopped;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(group->ml);
-        if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return rv;
-        PR_Lock(mw_lock);
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&group->group_link);
-        PR_Unlock(mw_lock);
-#ifdef WINNT
-        /*
-         * XXX make sure wait_list is empty and waiter is empty.
-         * These must be checked while holding mdlock.
-         */
-        _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&group->mdlock);
-        PR_DELETE(group->waiter);
-        PR_DELETE(group->polling_list);
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(group->mw_manage);
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(group->new_business);
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(group->io_complete);
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(group->io_taken);
-        PR_DestroyLock(group->ml);
-        if (group == mw_state->group) mw_state->group = NULL;
-        PR_DELETE(group);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* The default wait group is not created yet. */
-        rv = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_DestroyWaitGroup */
-******************** Wait group enumerations **************************
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRMWaitEnumerator*) PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator(PRWaitGroup *group)
-    PRMWaitEnumerator *enumerator = PR_NEWZAP(PRMWaitEnumerator);
-    if (NULL == enumerator) PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    else
-    {
-        enumerator->group = group;
-        enumerator->seal = _PR_ENUM_SEALED;
-    }
-    return enumerator;
-}  /* PR_CreateMWaitEnumerator */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator(PRMWaitEnumerator* enumerator)
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != enumerator);
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_ENUM_SEALED == enumerator->seal);
-    if ((NULL == enumerator) || (_PR_ENUM_SEALED != enumerator->seal))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    enumerator->seal = _PR_ENUM_UNSEALED;
-    PR_Free(enumerator);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_DestroyMWaitEnumerator */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRRecvWait*) PR_EnumerateWaitGroup(
-    PRMWaitEnumerator *enumerator, const PRRecvWait *previous)
-    PRRecvWait *result = NULL;
-    /* entry point sanity checking */
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != enumerator);
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_ENUM_SEALED == enumerator->seal);
-    if ((NULL == enumerator)
-    || (_PR_ENUM_SEALED != enumerator->seal)) goto bad_argument;
-    /* beginning of enumeration */
-    if (NULL == previous)
-    {
-        if (NULL == enumerator->group)
-        {
-            enumerator->group = mw_state->group;
-            if (NULL == enumerator->group)
-            {
-                PR_SetError(PR_GROUP_EMPTY_ERROR, 0);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-        }
-        enumerator->waiter = &enumerator->group->waiter->recv_wait;
-        enumerator->p_timestamp = enumerator->group->p_timestamp;
-        enumerator->thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-        enumerator->index = 0;
-    }
-    /* continuing an enumeration */
-    else
-    {
-        PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-        PR_ASSERT(me == enumerator->thread);
-        if (me != enumerator->thread) goto bad_argument;
-        /* need to restart the enumeration */
-        if (enumerator->p_timestamp != enumerator->group->p_timestamp)
-            return PR_EnumerateWaitGroup(enumerator, NULL);
-    }
-    /* actually progress the enumeration */
-#if defined(WINNT)
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&enumerator->group->mdlock);
-    PR_Lock(enumerator->group->ml);
-    while (enumerator->index++ < enumerator->group->waiter->length)
-    {
-        if (NULL != (result = *(enumerator->waiter)++)) break;
-    }
-#if defined(WINNT)
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&enumerator->group->mdlock);
-    PR_Unlock(enumerator->group->ml);
-    return result;  /* what we live for */
-    return NULL;  /* probably ambiguous */
-}  /* PR_EnumerateWaitGroup */
-/* prmwait.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prpolevt.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prpolevt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3eb10..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prpolevt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *********************************************************************
- *
- * Pollable events
- *
- * Pollable events are implemented using layered I/O.  The only
- * I/O methods that are implemented for pollable events are poll
- * and close.  No other methods can be invoked on a pollable
- * event.
- *
- * A pipe or socket pair is created and the pollable event layer
- * is pushed onto the read end.  A pointer to the write end is
- * saved in the PRFilePrivate structure of the pollable event.
- *
- *********************************************************************
- */
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
- * These internal functions are declared in primpl.h,
- * but we can't include primpl.h because the definition
- * of struct PRFilePrivate in this file (for the pollable
- * event layer) will conflict with the definition of
- * struct PRFilePrivate in primpl.h (for the NSPR layer).
- */
-extern PRIntn _PR_InvalidInt(void);
-extern PRInt64 _PR_InvalidInt64(void);
-extern PRStatus _PR_InvalidStatus(void);
-extern PRFileDesc *_PR_InvalidDesc(void);
- * PRFilePrivate structure for the NSPR pollable events layer
- */
-struct PRFilePrivate {
-    PRFileDesc *writeEnd;  /* the write end of the pipe/socketpair */
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _pr_PolEvtClose(PRFileDesc *fd);
-static PRInt16 PR_CALLBACK _pr_PolEvtPoll(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags);
-static PRIOMethods _pr_polevt_methods = {
-    _pr_PolEvtClose,
-    (PRReadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRWriteFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailableFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailable64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFsyncFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,        
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    _pr_PolEvtPoll,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRDescIdentity _pr_polevt_id;
-static PRCallOnceType _pr_polevt_once_control;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _pr_PolEvtInit(void);
-static PRInt16 PR_CALLBACK _pr_PolEvtPoll(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags)
-    return (fd->lower->methods->poll)(fd->lower, in_flags, out_flags);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _pr_PolEvtInit(void)
-    _pr_polevt_id = PR_GetUniqueIdentity("NSPR pollable events");
-    if (PR_INVALID_IO_LAYER == _pr_polevt_id) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#if !defined(XP_UNIX)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc *) PR_NewPollableEvent(void)
-    PRFileDesc *event;
-    PRFileDesc *fd[2]; /* fd[0] is the read end; fd[1] is the write end */
-    PRSocketOptionData socket_opt;
-    PRStatus rv;
-    fd[0] = fd[1] = NULL;
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&_pr_polevt_once_control, _pr_PolEvtInit) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    event = PR_CreateIOLayerStub(_pr_polevt_id, &_pr_polevt_methods);
-    if (NULL == event) {
-        goto errorExit;
-    } 
-    event->secret = PR_NEW(PRFilePrivate);
-    if (event->secret == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-    if (PR_CreatePipe(&fd[0], &fd[1]) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        fd[0] = fd[1] = NULL;
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-    if (PR_NewTCPSocketPair(fd) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        fd[0] = fd[1] = NULL;
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-	/*
-	 * set the TCP_NODELAY option to reduce notification latency
-	 */
-    socket_opt.option = PR_SockOpt_NoDelay;
-    socket_opt.value.no_delay = PR_TRUE;
-    rv = PR_SetSocketOption(fd[1], &socket_opt);
-    event->secret->writeEnd = fd[1];
-    if (PR_PushIOLayer(fd[0], PR_TOP_IO_LAYER, event) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-    return fd[0];
-    if (fd[0]) {
-        PR_Close(fd[0]);
-        PR_Close(fd[1]);
-    }
-    if (event) {
-        PR_DELETE(event->secret);
-        event->dtor(event);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK _pr_PolEvtClose(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRFileDesc *event;
-    event = PR_PopIOLayer(fd, PR_TOP_IO_LAYER);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL == event->higher && NULL == event->lower);
-    PR_Close(fd);
-    PR_Close(event->secret->writeEnd);
-    PR_DELETE(event->secret);
-    event->dtor(event);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroyPollableEvent(PRFileDesc *event)
-    return PR_Close(event);
-static const char magicChar = '\x38';
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetPollableEvent(PRFileDesc *event)
-    if (PR_Write(event->secret->writeEnd, &magicChar, 1) != 1) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitForPollableEvent(PRFileDesc *event)
-    char buf[1024];
-    PRInt32 nBytes;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    PRIntn i;
-    nBytes = PR_Read(event->lower, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (nBytes == -1) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    /*
-     * Make sure people do not write to the pollable event fd
-     * directly.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) {
-        PR_ASSERT(buf[i] == magicChar);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 798ea2a..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1290 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** Portable safe sprintf code.
-** Author: Kipp E.B. Hickman
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-** WARNING: This code may *NOT* call PR_LOG (because PR_LOG calls it)
-** XXX This needs to be internationalized!
-typedef struct SprintfStateStr SprintfState;
-struct SprintfStateStr {
-    int (*stuff)(SprintfState *ss, const char *sp, PRUint32 len);
-    char *base;
-    char *cur;
-    PRUint32 maxlen;  /* Must not exceed PR_INT32_MAX. */
-    int (*func)(void *arg, const char *sp, PRUint32 len);
-    void *arg;
-** Numbered Argument
-struct NumArg {
-    int type;           /* type of the numbered argument    */
-    union {             /* the numbered argument            */
-	int i;
-	unsigned int ui;
-	PRInt32 i32;
-	PRUint32 ui32;
-	PRInt64 ll;
-	PRUint64 ull;
-	double d;
-	const char *s;
-	int *ip;
-#ifdef WIN32
-	const WCHAR *ws;
-    } u;
-#define NAS_DEFAULT_NUM 20  /* default number of NumberedArgument array */
-** For numeric types, the signed versions must have even values,
-** and their corresponding unsigned versions must have the subsequent
-** odd value.
-#define TYPE_INT16	0
-#define TYPE_UINT16	1
-#define TYPE_INTN	2
-#define TYPE_UINTN	3
-#define TYPE_INT32	4
-#define TYPE_UINT32	5
-#define TYPE_INT64	6
-#define TYPE_UINT64	7
-#define TYPE_STRING	8
-#define TYPE_DOUBLE	9
-#define TYPE_INTSTR	10
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define TYPE_WSTRING	11
-#define TYPE_UNKNOWN	20
-#define FLAG_LEFT	0x1
-#define FLAG_SIGNED	0x2
-#define FLAG_SPACED	0x4
-#define FLAG_ZEROS	0x8
-#define FLAG_NEG	0x10
-** Fill into the buffer using the data in src
-static int fill2(SprintfState *ss, const char *src, int srclen, int width,
-		int flags)
-    char space = ' ';
-    int rv;
-    width -= srclen;
-    if ((width > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_LEFT) == 0)) {	/* Right adjusting */
-	if (flags & FLAG_ZEROS) {
-	    space = '0';
-	}
-	while (--width >= 0) {
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, &space, 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Copy out the source data */
-    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, src, srclen);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if ((width > 0) && ((flags & FLAG_LEFT) != 0)) {	/* Left adjusting */
-	while (--width >= 0) {
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, &space, 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-** Fill a number. The order is: optional-sign zero-filling conversion-digits
-static int fill_n(SprintfState *ss, const char *src, int srclen, int width,
-		  int prec, int type, int flags)
-    int zerowidth = 0;
-    int precwidth = 0;
-    int signwidth = 0;
-    int leftspaces = 0;
-    int rightspaces = 0;
-    int cvtwidth;
-    int rv;
-    char sign;
-    if ((type & 1) == 0) {
-	if (flags & FLAG_NEG) {
-	    sign = '-';
-	    signwidth = 1;
-	} else if (flags & FLAG_SIGNED) {
-	    sign = '+';
-	    signwidth = 1;
-	} else if (flags & FLAG_SPACED) {
-	    sign = ' ';
-	    signwidth = 1;
-	}
-    }
-    cvtwidth = signwidth + srclen;
-    if (prec > 0) {
-	if (prec > srclen) {
-	    precwidth = prec - srclen;		/* Need zero filling */
-	    cvtwidth += precwidth;
-	}
-    }
-    if ((flags & FLAG_ZEROS) && (prec < 0)) {
-	if (width > cvtwidth) {
-	    zerowidth = width - cvtwidth;	/* Zero filling */
-	    cvtwidth += zerowidth;
-	}
-    }
-    if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) {
-	if (width > cvtwidth) {
-	    /* Space filling on the right (i.e. left adjusting) */
-	    rightspaces = width - cvtwidth;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (width > cvtwidth) {
-	    /* Space filling on the left (i.e. right adjusting) */
-	    leftspaces = width - cvtwidth;
-	}
-    }
-    while (--leftspaces >= 0) {
-	rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, " ", 1);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    if (signwidth) {
-	rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, &sign, 1);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    while (--precwidth >= 0) {
-	rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, "0", 1);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    while (--zerowidth >= 0) {
-	rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, "0", 1);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, src, srclen);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    while (--rightspaces >= 0) {
-	rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, " ", 1);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-** Convert a long into its printable form
-static int cvt_l(SprintfState *ss, long num, int width, int prec, int radix,
-		 int type, int flags, const char *hexp)
-    char cvtbuf[100];
-    char *cvt;
-    int digits;
-    /* according to the man page this needs to happen */
-    if ((prec == 0) && (num == 0)) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Converting decimal is a little tricky. In the unsigned case we
-    ** need to stop when we hit 10 digits. In the signed case, we can
-    ** stop when the number is zero.
-    */
-    cvt = cvtbuf + sizeof(cvtbuf);
-    digits = 0;
-    while (num) {
-	int digit = (((unsigned long)num) % radix) & 0xF;
-	*--cvt = hexp[digit];
-	digits++;
-	num = (long)(((unsigned long)num) / radix);
-    }
-    if (digits == 0) {
-	*--cvt = '0';
-	digits++;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Now that we have the number converted without its sign, deal with
-    ** the sign and zero padding.
-    */
-    return fill_n(ss, cvt, digits, width, prec, type, flags);
-** Convert a 64-bit integer into its printable form
-static int cvt_ll(SprintfState *ss, PRInt64 num, int width, int prec, int radix,
-		  int type, int flags, const char *hexp)
-    char cvtbuf[100];
-    char *cvt;
-    int digits;
-    PRInt64 rad;
-    /* according to the man page this needs to happen */
-    if ((prec == 0) && (LL_IS_ZERO(num))) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Converting decimal is a little tricky. In the unsigned case we
-    ** need to stop when we hit 10 digits. In the signed case, we can
-    ** stop when the number is zero.
-    */
-    LL_I2L(rad, radix);
-    cvt = cvtbuf + sizeof(cvtbuf);
-    digits = 0;
-    while (!LL_IS_ZERO(num)) {
-	PRInt32 digit;
-	PRInt64 quot, rem;
-	LL_UDIVMOD(&quot, &rem, num, rad);
-	LL_L2I(digit, rem);
-	*--cvt = hexp[digit & 0xf];
-	digits++;
-	num = quot;
-    }
-    if (digits == 0) {
-	*--cvt = '0';
-	digits++;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Now that we have the number converted without its sign, deal with
-    ** the sign and zero padding.
-    */
-    return fill_n(ss, cvt, digits, width, prec, type, flags);
-** Convert a double precision floating point number into its printable
-** form.
-** XXX stop using snprintf to convert floating point
-static int cvt_f(SprintfState *ss, double d, const char *fmt0, const char *fmt1)
-    char fin[20];
-    char fout[300];
-    int amount = fmt1 - fmt0;
-    if (amount <= 0 || amount >= sizeof(fin)) {
-	/* Totally bogus % command to snprintf. Just ignore it */
-	return 0;
-    }
-    memcpy(fin, fmt0, amount);
-    fin[amount] = 0;
-    /* Convert floating point using the native snprintf code */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    {
-        const char *p = fin;
-        while (*p) {
-            PR_ASSERT(*p != 'L');
-            p++;
-        }
-    }
-    memset(fout, 0, sizeof(fout));
-    snprintf(fout, sizeof(fout), fin, d);
-    /* Explicitly null-terminate fout because on Windows snprintf doesn't
-     * append a null-terminator if the buffer is too small. */
-    fout[sizeof(fout) - 1] = '\0';
-    return (*ss->stuff)(ss, fout, strlen(fout));
-** Convert a string into its printable form.  "width" is the output
-** width. "prec" is the maximum number of characters of "s" to output,
-** where -1 means until NUL.
-static int cvt_s(SprintfState *ss, const char *str, int width, int prec,
-		 int flags)
-    int slen;
-    if (prec == 0)
-	return 0;
-    /* Limit string length by precision value */
-    if (!str) {
-    	str = "(null)";
-    } 
-    if (prec > 0) {
-	/* this is:  slen = strnlen(str, prec); */
-	register const char *s;
-	for(s = str; prec && *s; s++, prec-- )
-	    ;
-	slen = s - str;
-    } else {
-	slen = strlen(str);
-    }
-    /* and away we go */
-    return fill2(ss, str, slen, width, flags);
-** BuildArgArray stands for Numbered Argument list Sprintf
-** for example,
-**	fmt = "%4$i, %2$d, %3s, %1d";
-** the number must start from 1, and no gap among them
-static struct NumArg* BuildArgArray( const char *fmt, va_list ap, int* rv, struct NumArg* nasArray )
-    int number = 0, cn = 0, i;
-    const char* p;
-    char  c;
-    struct NumArg* nas;
-    /*
-    **	first pass:
-    **	determine how many legal % I have got, then allocate space
-    */
-    p = fmt;
-    *rv = 0;
-    i = 0;
-    while( ( c = *p++ ) != 0 ){
-	if( c != '%' )
-	    continue;
-	if( ( c = *p++ ) == '%' )	/* skip %% case */
-	    continue;
-	while( c != 0 ){
-	    if( c > '9' || c < '0' ){
-		if( c == '$' ){		/* numbered argument case */
-		    if( i > 0 ){
-			*rv = -1;
-			return NULL;
-		    }
-		    number++;
-		} else{			/* non-numbered argument case */
-		    if( number > 0 ){
-			*rv = -1;
-			return NULL;
-		    }
-		    i = 1;
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	    c = *p++;
-	}
-    }
-    if( number == 0 ){
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if( number > NAS_DEFAULT_NUM ){
-	nas = (struct NumArg*)PR_MALLOC( number * sizeof( struct NumArg ) );
-	if( !nas ){
-	    *rv = -1;
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	nas = nasArray;
-    }
-    for( i = 0; i < number; i++ ){
-	nas[i].type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** second pass:
-    ** set nas[].type
-    */
-    p = fmt;
-    while( ( c = *p++ ) != 0 ){
-    	if( c != '%' )	continue;
-	    c = *p++;
-	if( c == '%' )	continue;
-	cn = 0;
-	while( c && c != '$' ){	    /* should imporve error check later */
-	    cn = cn*10 + c - '0';
-	    c = *p++;
-	}
-	if( !c || cn < 1 || cn > number ){
-	    *rv = -1;
-	    break;
-        }
-	/* nas[cn] starts from 0, and make sure nas[cn].type is not assigned */
-        cn--;
-	if( nas[cn].type != TYPE_UNKNOWN )
-	    continue;
-        c = *p++;
-        /* width */
-        if (c == '*') {
-	    /* not supported feature, for the argument is not numbered */
-	    *rv = -1;
-	    break;
-	}
-	while ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
-	    c = *p++;
-	}
-	/* precision */
-	if (c == '.') {
-	    c = *p++;
-	    if (c == '*') {
-	        /* not supported feature, for the argument is not numbered */
-	        *rv = -1;
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    while ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
-		c = *p++;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* size */
-	nas[cn].type = TYPE_INTN;
-	if (c == 'h') {
-	    nas[cn].type = TYPE_INT16;
-	    c = *p++;
-	} else if (c == 'L') {
-	    /* XXX not quite sure here */
-	    nas[cn].type = TYPE_INT64;
-	    c = *p++;
-	} else if (c == 'l') {
-	    nas[cn].type = TYPE_INT32;
-	    c = *p++;
-	    if (c == 'l') {
-	        nas[cn].type = TYPE_INT64;
-	        c = *p++;
-	    }
-	} else if (c == 'z') {
-	    if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(PRInt32)) {
-	        nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_INT32;
-	    } else if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(PRInt64)) {
-	        nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_INT64;
-	    } else {
-		nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-	    }
-	    c = *p++;
-	}
-	/* format */
-	switch (c) {
-	case 'd':
-	case 'c':
-	case 'i':
-	case 'o':
-	case 'u':
-	case 'x':
-	case 'X':
-	    break;
-	case 'e':
-	case 'f':
-	case 'g':
-	    nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
-	    break;
-	case 'p':
-	    /* XXX should use cpp */
-	    if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(PRInt32)) {
-		nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UINT32;
-	    } else if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(PRInt64)) {
-	        nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UINT64;
-	    } else if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(PRIntn)) {
-	        nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UINTN;
-	    } else {
-	        nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	case 'S':
-#ifdef WIN32
-	    nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_WSTRING;
-	    break;
-	case 'C':
-	case 'E':
-	case 'G':
-	    /* XXX not supported I suppose */
-	    PR_ASSERT(0);
-	    nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-	    break;
-	case 's':
-	    nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_STRING;
-	    break;
-	case 'n':
-	    nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_INTSTR;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    PR_ASSERT(0);
-	    nas[ cn ].type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* get a legal para. */
-	if( nas[ cn ].type == TYPE_UNKNOWN ){
-	    *rv = -1;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-    ** third pass
-    ** fill the nas[cn].ap
-    */
-    if( *rv < 0 ){
-	if( nas != nasArray )
-	    PR_DELETE( nas );
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cn = 0;
-    while( cn < number ){
-	if( nas[cn].type == TYPE_UNKNOWN ){
-	    cn++;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	switch( nas[cn].type ){
-	case TYPE_INT16:
-	case TYPE_UINT16:
-	case TYPE_INTN:
-	    nas[cn].u.i = va_arg( ap, int );
-	    break;
-	case TYPE_UINTN:
-	    nas[cn].u.ui = va_arg( ap, unsigned int );
-	    break;
-	case TYPE_INT32:
-	    nas[cn].u.i32 = va_arg( ap, PRInt32 );
-	    break;
-	case TYPE_UINT32:
-	    nas[cn].u.ui32 = va_arg( ap, PRUint32 );
-	    break;
-	case TYPE_INT64:
-	    nas[cn].u.ll = va_arg( ap, PRInt64 );
-	    break;
-	case TYPE_UINT64:
-	    nas[cn].u.ull = va_arg( ap, PRUint64 );
-	    break;
-	    nas[cn].u.s = va_arg( ap, char* );
-	    break;
-#ifdef WIN32
-	    nas[cn] = va_arg( ap, WCHAR* );
-	    break;
-	    nas[cn].u.ip = va_arg( ap, int* );
-	    break;
-	    nas[cn].u.d = va_arg( ap, double );
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    if( nas != nasArray )
-		PR_DELETE( nas );
-	    *rv = -1;
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	cn++;
-    }
-    return nas;
-** The workhorse sprintf code.
-static int dosprintf(SprintfState *ss, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
-    char c;
-    int flags, width, prec, radix, type;
-    union {
-	char ch;
-	int i;
-	long l;
-	PRInt64 ll;
-	double d;
-	const char *s;
-	int *ip;
-#ifdef WIN32
-	const WCHAR *ws;
-    } u;
-    const char *fmt0;
-    static char *hex = "0123456789abcdef";
-    static char *HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-    char *hexp;
-    int rv, i;
-    struct NumArg* nas = NULL;
-    struct NumArg* nap = NULL;
-    struct NumArg  nasArray[ NAS_DEFAULT_NUM ];
-    char  pattern[20];
-    const char* dolPt = NULL;  /* in "%4$.2f", dolPt will point to . */
-#ifdef WIN32
-    char *pBuf = NULL;
-    /*
-    ** build an argument array, IF the fmt is numbered argument
-    ** list style, to contain the Numbered Argument list pointers
-    */
-    nas = BuildArgArray( fmt, ap, &rv, nasArray );
-    if( rv < 0 ){
-	/* the fmt contains error Numbered Argument format, */
-	return rv;
-    }
-    while ((c = *fmt++) != 0) {
-	if (c != '%') {
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, fmt - 1, 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    continue;
-	}
-	fmt0 = fmt - 1;
-	/*
-	** Gobble up the % format string. Hopefully we have handled all
-	** of the strange cases!
-	*/
-	flags = 0;
-	c = *fmt++;
-	if (c == '%') {
-	    /* quoting a % with %% */
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, fmt - 1, 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if( nas != NULL ){
-	    /* the fmt contains the Numbered Arguments feature */
-	    i = 0;
-	    while( c && c != '$' ){	    /* should imporve error check later */
-		i = ( i * 10 ) + ( c - '0' );
-		c = *fmt++;
-	    }
-	    if( nas[i-1].type == TYPE_UNKNOWN ){
-		if( nas && ( nas != nasArray ) )
-		    PR_DELETE( nas );
-		return -1;
-	    }
-	    nap = &nas[i-1];
-	    dolPt = fmt;
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Examine optional flags.  Note that we do not implement the
-	 * '#' flag of sprintf().  The ANSI C spec. of the '#' flag is
-	 * somewhat ambiguous and not ideal, which is perhaps why
-	 * the various sprintf() implementations are inconsistent
-	 * on this feature.
-	 */
-	while ((c == '-') || (c == '+') || (c == ' ') || (c == '0')) {
-	    if (c == '-') flags |= FLAG_LEFT;
-	    if (c == '+') flags |= FLAG_SIGNED;
-	    if (c == ' ') flags |= FLAG_SPACED;
-	    if (c == '0') flags |= FLAG_ZEROS;
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	}
-	if (flags & FLAG_SIGNED) flags &= ~FLAG_SPACED;
-	if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) flags &= ~FLAG_ZEROS;
-	/* width */
-	if (c == '*') {
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	    width = va_arg(ap, int);
-	} else {
-	    width = 0;
-	    while ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
-		width = (width * 10) + (c - '0');
-		c = *fmt++;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* precision */
-	prec = -1;
-	if (c == '.') {
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	    if (c == '*') {
-		c = *fmt++;
-		prec = va_arg(ap, int);
-	    } else {
-		prec = 0;
-		while ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
-		    prec = (prec * 10) + (c - '0');
-		    c = *fmt++;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	/* size */
-	type = TYPE_INTN;
-	if (c == 'h') {
-	    type = TYPE_INT16;
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	} else if (c == 'L') {
-	    /* XXX not quite sure here */
-	    type = TYPE_INT64;
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	} else if (c == 'l') {
-	    type = TYPE_INT32;
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	    if (c == 'l') {
-		type = TYPE_INT64;
-		c = *fmt++;
-	    }
-	} else if (c == 'z') {
-	    if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(PRInt32)) {
-	    	type = TYPE_INT32;
-	    } else if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(PRInt64)) {
-	    	type = TYPE_INT64;
-	    }
-	    c = *fmt++;
-	}
-	/* format */
-	hexp = hex;
-	switch (c) {
-	  case 'd': case 'i':			/* decimal/integer */
-	    radix = 10;
-	    goto fetch_and_convert;
-	  case 'o':				/* octal */
-	    radix = 8;
-	    type |= 1;
-	    goto fetch_and_convert;
-	  case 'u':				/* unsigned decimal */
-	    radix = 10;
-	    type |= 1;
-	    goto fetch_and_convert;
-	  case 'x':				/* unsigned hex */
-	    radix = 16;
-	    type |= 1;
-	    goto fetch_and_convert;
-	  case 'X':				/* unsigned HEX */
-	    radix = 16;
-	    hexp = HEX;
-	    type |= 1;
-	    goto fetch_and_convert;
-	  fetch_and_convert:
-	    switch (type) {
-	      case TYPE_INT16:
-		u.l = nas ? nap->u.i : va_arg(ap, int);
-		if (u.l < 0) {
-		    u.l = -u.l;
-		    flags |= FLAG_NEG;
-		}
-		goto do_long;
-	      case TYPE_UINT16:
-		u.l = (nas ? nap->u.i : va_arg(ap, int)) & 0xffff;
-		goto do_long;
-	      case TYPE_INTN:
-		u.l = nas ? nap->u.i : va_arg(ap, int);
-		if (u.l < 0) {
-		    u.l = -u.l;
-		    flags |= FLAG_NEG;
-		}
-		goto do_long;
-	      case TYPE_UINTN:
-		u.l = (long)(nas ? nap->u.ui : va_arg(ap, unsigned int));
-		goto do_long;
-	      case TYPE_INT32:
-		u.l = nas ? nap->u.i32 : va_arg(ap, PRInt32);
-		if (u.l < 0) {
-		    u.l = -u.l;
-		    flags |= FLAG_NEG;
-		}
-		goto do_long;
-	      case TYPE_UINT32:
-		u.l = (long)(nas ? nap->u.ui32 : va_arg(ap, PRUint32));
-	      do_long:
-		rv = cvt_l(ss, u.l, width, prec, radix, type, flags, hexp);
-		if (rv < 0) {
-		    return rv;
-		}
-		break;
-	      case TYPE_INT64:
-		u.ll = nas ? nap->u.ll : va_arg(ap, PRInt64);
-		if (!LL_GE_ZERO(u.ll)) {
-		    LL_NEG(u.ll, u.ll);
-		    flags |= FLAG_NEG;
-		}
-		goto do_longlong;
-	      case TYPE_UINT64:
-		u.ll = nas ? nap->u.ull : va_arg(ap, PRUint64);
-	      do_longlong:
-		rv = cvt_ll(ss, u.ll, width, prec, radix, type, flags, hexp);
-		if (rv < 0) {
-		    return rv;
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  case 'e':
-	  case 'E':
-	  case 'f':
-	  case 'g':
-	    u.d = nas ? nap->u.d : va_arg(ap, double);
-	    if( nas != NULL ){
-		i = fmt - dolPt;
-		if( i < sizeof( pattern ) ){
-		    pattern[0] = '%';
-		    memcpy( &pattern[1], dolPt, i );
-		    rv = cvt_f(ss, u.d, pattern, &pattern[i+1] );
-		}
-	    } else
-		rv = cvt_f(ss, u.d, fmt0, fmt);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  case 'c':
- = nas ? nap->u.i : va_arg(ap, int);
-            if ((flags & FLAG_LEFT) == 0) {
-                while (width-- > 1) {
-                    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, " ", 1);
-                    if (rv < 0) {
-                        return rv;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, &, 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-            if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) {
-                while (width-- > 1) {
-                    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, " ", 1);
-                    if (rv < 0) {
-                        return rv;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-	    break;
-	  case 'p':
-	    if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(PRInt32)) {
-	    	type = TYPE_UINT32;
-	    } else if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(PRInt64)) {
-	    	type = TYPE_UINT64;
-	    } else if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(int)) {
-		type = TYPE_UINTN;
-	    } else {
-		PR_ASSERT(0);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    radix = 16;
-	    goto fetch_and_convert;
-#ifndef WIN32
-	  case 'S':
-	    /* XXX not supported I suppose */
-	    PR_ASSERT(0);
-	    break;
-#if 0
-	  case 'C':
-	  case 'E':
-	  case 'G':
-	    /* XXX not supported I suppose */
-	    PR_ASSERT(0);
-	    break;
-#ifdef WIN32
-	  case 'S':
- = nas ? nap-> : va_arg(ap, const WCHAR*);
-	    /* Get the required size in rv */
-	    rv = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	    if (rv == 0)
-		rv = 1;
-	    pBuf = PR_MALLOC(rv);
-	    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,, -1, pBuf, (int)rv, NULL, NULL);
-	    pBuf[rv-1] = '\0';
-	    rv = cvt_s(ss, pBuf, width, prec, flags);
-	    /* We don't need the allocated buffer anymore */
-	    PR_Free(pBuf);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  case 's':
-	    u.s = nas ? nap->u.s : va_arg(ap, const char*);
-	    rv = cvt_s(ss, u.s, width, prec, flags);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  case 'n':
-	    u.ip = nas ? nap->u.ip : va_arg(ap, int*);
-	    if (u.ip) {
-		*u.ip = ss->cur - ss->base;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  default:
-	    /* Not a % token after all... skip it */
-#if 0
-	    PR_ASSERT(0);
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, "%", 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, fmt - 1, 1);
-	    if (rv < 0) {
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Stuff trailing NUL */
-    rv = (*ss->stuff)(ss, "\0", 1);
-    if( nas && ( nas != nasArray ) ){
-	PR_DELETE( nas );
-    }
-    return rv;
-static int FuncStuff(SprintfState *ss, const char *sp, PRUint32 len)
-    int rv;
-    /*
-    ** We will add len to ss->maxlen at the end of the function. First check
-    ** if ss->maxlen + len would overflow or be greater than PR_INT32_MAX.
-    */
-    if (PR_UINT32_MAX - ss->maxlen < len || ss->maxlen + len > PR_INT32_MAX) {
-	return -1;
-    }
-    rv = (*ss->func)(ss->arg, sp, len);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    ss->maxlen += len;
-    return 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_sxprintf(PRStuffFunc func, void *arg, 
-                                 const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    PRUint32 rv;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    rv = PR_vsxprintf(func, arg, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_vsxprintf(PRStuffFunc func, void *arg, 
-                                  const char *fmt, va_list ap)
-    SprintfState ss;
-    int rv;
-    ss.stuff = FuncStuff;
-    ss.func = func;
-    ss.arg = arg;
-    ss.maxlen = 0;
-    rv = dosprintf(&ss, fmt, ap);
-    return (rv < 0) ? (PRUint32)-1 : ss.maxlen;
-** Stuff routine that automatically grows the malloc'd output buffer
-** before it overflows.
-static int GrowStuff(SprintfState *ss, const char *sp, PRUint32 len)
-    ptrdiff_t off;
-    char *newbase;
-    PRUint32 newlen;
-    off = ss->cur - ss->base;
-    if (PR_UINT32_MAX - len < off) {
-	/* off + len would be too big. */
-	return -1;
-    }
-    if (off + len >= ss->maxlen) {
-	/* Grow the buffer */
-	PRUint32 increment = (len > 32) ? len : 32;
-	if (PR_UINT32_MAX - ss->maxlen < increment) {
-	    /* ss->maxlen + increment would overflow. */
-	    return -1;
-	}
-	newlen = ss->maxlen + increment;
-	if (newlen > PR_INT32_MAX) {
-	    return -1;
-	}
-	if (ss->base) {
-	    newbase = (char*) PR_REALLOC(ss->base, newlen);
-	} else {
-	    newbase = (char*) PR_MALLOC(newlen);
-	}
-	if (!newbase) {
-	    /* Ran out of memory */
-	    return -1;
-	}
-	ss->base = newbase;
-	ss->maxlen = newlen;
-	ss->cur = ss->base + off;
-    }
-    /* Copy data */
-    while (len) {
-	--len;
-	*ss->cur++ = *sp++;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT((PRUint32)(ss->cur - ss->base) <= ss->maxlen);
-    return 0;
-** sprintf into a malloc'd buffer
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char *) PR_smprintf(const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    char *rv;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    rv = PR_vsmprintf(fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return rv;
-** Free memory allocated, for the caller, by PR_smprintf
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_smprintf_free(char *mem)
-	PR_DELETE(mem);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char *) PR_vsmprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
-    SprintfState ss;
-    int rv;
-    ss.stuff = GrowStuff;
-    ss.base = 0;
-    ss.cur = 0;
-    ss.maxlen = 0;
-    rv = dosprintf(&ss, fmt, ap);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-	if (ss.base) {
-	    PR_DELETE(ss.base);
-	}
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return ss.base;
-** Stuff routine that discards overflow data
-static int LimitStuff(SprintfState *ss, const char *sp, PRUint32 len)
-    PRUint32 limit = ss->maxlen - (ss->cur - ss->base);
-    if (len > limit) {
-	len = limit;
-    }
-    while (len) {
-	--len;
-	*ss->cur++ = *sp++;
-    }
-    return 0;
-** sprintf into a fixed size buffer. Make sure there is a NUL at the end
-** when finished.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_snprintf(char *out, PRUint32 outlen, const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    PRUint32 rv;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    rv = PR_vsnprintf(out, outlen, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_vsnprintf(char *out, PRUint32 outlen,const char *fmt,
-                                  va_list ap)
-    SprintfState ss;
-    PRUint32 n;
-    PR_ASSERT(outlen != 0 && outlen <= PR_INT32_MAX);
-    if (outlen == 0 || outlen > PR_INT32_MAX) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    ss.stuff = LimitStuff;
-    ss.base = out;
-    ss.cur = out;
-    ss.maxlen = outlen;
-    (void) dosprintf(&ss, fmt, ap);
-    /* If we added chars, and we didn't append a null, do it now. */
-    if( (ss.cur != ss.base) && (*(ss.cur - 1) != '\0') )
-        *(ss.cur - 1) = '\0';
-    n = ss.cur - ss.base;
-    return n ? n - 1 : n;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char *) PR_sprintf_append(char *last, const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    char *rv;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    rv = PR_vsprintf_append(last, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char *) PR_vsprintf_append(char *last, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
-    SprintfState ss;
-    int rv;
-    ss.stuff = GrowStuff;
-    if (last) {
-	size_t lastlen = strlen(last);
-	if (lastlen > PR_INT32_MAX) {
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	ss.base = last;
-	ss.cur = last + lastlen;
-	ss.maxlen = lastlen;
-    } else {
-	ss.base = 0;
-	ss.cur = 0;
-	ss.maxlen = 0;
-    }
-    rv = dosprintf(&ss, fmt, ap);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-	if (ss.base) {
-	    PR_DELETE(ss.base);
-	}
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return ss.base;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prscanf.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prscanf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d75d82..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prscanf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Scan functions for NSPR types
- *
- * Author: Wan-Teh Chang
- *
- * Acknowledgment: The implementation is inspired by the source code
- * in P.J. Plauger's "The Standard C Library," Prentice-Hall, 1992.
- */
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prdtoa.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
- * A function that reads a character from 'stream'.
- * Returns the character read, or EOF if end of stream is reached.
- */
-typedef int (*_PRGetCharFN)(void *stream);
- * A function that pushes the character 'ch' back to 'stream'.
- */
-typedef void (*_PRUngetCharFN)(void *stream, int ch); 
- * The size specifier for the integer and floating point number
- * conversions in format control strings.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    _PR_size_none,  /* No size specifier is given */
-    _PR_size_h,     /* The 'h' specifier, suggesting "short" */
-    _PR_size_l,     /* The 'l' specifier, suggesting "long" */
-    _PR_size_L,     /* The 'L' specifier, meaning a 'long double' */
-    _PR_size_ll     /* The 'll' specifier, suggesting "long long" */
-} _PRSizeSpec;
- * The collection of data that is passed between the scan function
- * and its subordinate functions.  The fields of this structure
- * serve as the input or output arguments for these functions.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    _PRGetCharFN get;        /* get a character from input stream */
-    _PRUngetCharFN unget;    /* unget (push back) a character */
-    void *stream;            /* argument for get and unget */
-    va_list ap;              /* the variable argument list */
-    int nChar;               /* number of characters read from 'stream' */
-    PRBool assign;           /* assign, or suppress assignment? */
-    int width;               /* field width */
-    _PRSizeSpec sizeSpec;    /* 'h', 'l', 'L', or 'll' */
-    PRBool converted;        /* is the value actually converted? */
-} ScanfState;
-#define GET(state) ((state)->nChar++, (state)->get((state)->stream))
-#define UNGET(state, ch) \
-        ((state)->nChar--, (state)->unget((state)->stream, ch))
- * The following two macros, GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH and WITHIN_WIDTH,
- * are always used together.
- *
- * GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH calls the GET macro and assigns its return
- * value to 'ch' only if we have not exceeded the field width of
- * 'state'.  Therefore, after GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH, the value of
- * 'ch' is valid only if the macro WITHIN_WIDTH evaluates to true.
- */
-#define GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch) \
-        if (--(state)->width >= 0) { \
-            (ch) = GET(state); \
-        }
-#define WITHIN_WIDTH(state) ((state)->width >= 0)
- * _pr_strtoull:
- *     Convert a string to an unsigned 64-bit integer.  The string
- *     'str' is assumed to be a representation of the integer in
- *     base 'base'.
- *
- * Warning: 
- *     - Only handle base 8, 10, and 16.
- *     - No overflow checking.
- */
-static PRUint64
-_pr_strtoull(const char *str, char **endptr, int base)
-    static const int BASE_MAX = 16;
-    static const char digits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
-    char *digitPtr;
-    PRUint64 x;    /* return value */
-    PRInt64 base64;
-    const char *cPtr;
-    PRBool negative;
-    const char *digitStart;
-    PR_ASSERT(base == 0 || base == 8 || base == 10 || base == 16);
-    if (base < 0 || base == 1 || base > BASE_MAX) {
-        if (endptr) {
-            *endptr = (char *) str;
-            return LL_ZERO;
-        }
-    }
-    cPtr = str;
-    while (isspace(*cPtr)) {
-        ++cPtr;
-    }
-    negative = PR_FALSE;
-    if (*cPtr == '-') {
-        negative = PR_TRUE;
-        cPtr++;
-    } else if (*cPtr == '+') {
-        cPtr++;
-    }
-    if (base == 16) {
-        if (*cPtr == '0' && (cPtr[1] == 'x' || cPtr[1] == 'X')) {
-            cPtr += 2;
-        }
-    } else if (base == 0) {
-        if (*cPtr != '0') {
-            base = 10;
-        } else if (cPtr[1] == 'x' || cPtr[1] == 'X') {
-            base = 16;
-            cPtr += 2;
-        } else {
-            base = 8;
-        } 
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(base != 0);
-    LL_I2L(base64, base);
-    digitStart = cPtr;
-    /* Skip leading zeros */
-    while (*cPtr == '0') {
-        cPtr++;
-    }
-    LL_I2L(x, 0);
-    while ((digitPtr = (char*)memchr(digits, tolower(*cPtr), base)) != NULL) {
-        PRUint64 d;
-        LL_I2L(d, (digitPtr - digits));
-        LL_MUL(x, x, base64);
-        LL_ADD(x, x, d);
-        cPtr++;
-    }
-    if (cPtr == digitStart) {
-        if (endptr) {
-            *endptr = (char *) str;
-        }
-        return LL_ZERO;
-    }
-    if (negative) {
-        /* The cast to a signed type is to avoid a compiler warning */
-        x = -(PRInt64)x;
-        LL_NEG(x, x);
-    }
-    if (endptr) {
-        *endptr = (char *) cPtr;
-    }
-    return x;
- * The maximum field width (in number of characters) that is enough
- * (may be more than necessary) to represent a 64-bit integer or
- * floating point number.
- */
-#define FMAX 31
-#define DECIMAL_POINT '.'
-static PRStatus
-GetInt(ScanfState *state, int code)
-    char buf[FMAX + 1], *p;
-    int ch = 0;
-    static const char digits[] = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
-    PRBool seenDigit = PR_FALSE;
-    int base;
-    int dlen;
-    switch (code) {
-        case 'd': case 'u':
-            base = 10;
-            break;
-        case 'i':
-            base = 0;
-            break;
-        case 'x': case 'X': case 'p':
-            base = 16;
-            break;
-        case 'o':
-            base = 8;
-            break;
-        default:
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (state->width == 0 || state->width > FMAX) {
-        state->width = FMAX;
-    }
-    p = buf;
-    GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-    }
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && ch == '0') {
-        seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state)
-                && (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X')
-                && (base == 0 || base == 16)) {
-            base = 16;
-            *p++ = ch;
-            GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        } else if (base == 0) {
-            base = 8;
-        }
-    }
-    if (base == 0 || base == 10) {
-        dlen = 10;
-    } else if (base == 8) {
-        dlen = 8;
-    } else {
-        PR_ASSERT(base == 16);
-        dlen = 16 + 6; /* 16 digits, plus 6 in uppercase */
-    }
-    while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && memchr(digits, ch, dlen)) {
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state)) {
-        UNGET(state, ch);
-    }
-    if (!seenDigit) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *p = '\0';
-    if (state->assign) {
-        if (code == 'd' || code == 'i') {
-            if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_ll) {
-                PRInt64 llval = _pr_strtoull(buf, NULL, base);
-                *va_arg(state->ap, PRInt64 *) = llval;
-            } else {
-                long lval = strtol(buf, NULL, base);
-                if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_none) {
-                    *va_arg(state->ap, PRIntn *) = lval;
-                } else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_h) {
-                    *va_arg(state->ap, PRInt16 *) = (PRInt16)lval;
-                } else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_l) {
-                    *va_arg(state->ap, PRInt32 *) = lval;
-                } else {
-                    return PR_FAILURE;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_ll) {
-                PRUint64 llval = _pr_strtoull(buf, NULL, base);
-                *va_arg(state->ap, PRUint64 *) = llval;
-            } else {
-                unsigned long lval = strtoul(buf, NULL, base);
-                if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_none) {
-                    *va_arg(state->ap, PRUintn *) = lval;
-                } else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_h) {
-                    *va_arg(state->ap, PRUint16 *) = (PRUint16)lval;
-                } else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_l) {
-                    *va_arg(state->ap, PRUint32 *) = lval;
-                } else {
-                    return PR_FAILURE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        state->converted = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-GetFloat(ScanfState *state)
-    char buf[FMAX + 1], *p;
-    int ch = 0;
-    PRBool seenDigit = PR_FALSE;
-    if (state->width == 0 || state->width > FMAX) {
-        state->width = FMAX;
-    }
-    p = buf;
-    GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-    }
-    while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && isdigit(ch)) {
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && ch == DECIMAL_POINT) {
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && isdigit(ch)) {
-            *p++ = ch;
-            GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-            seenDigit = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * This is not robust.  For example, "1.2e+" would confuse
-     * the code below to read 'e' and '+', only to realize that
-     * it should have stopped at "1.2".  But we can't push back
-     * more than one character, so there is nothing I can do.
-     */
-    /* Parse exponent */
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') && seenDigit) {
-        *p++ = ch;
-        GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) {
-            *p++ = ch;
-            GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        }
-        while (WITHIN_WIDTH(state) && isdigit(ch)) {
-            *p++ = ch;
-            GET_IF_WITHIN_WIDTH(state, ch);
-        }
-    }
-    if (WITHIN_WIDTH(state)) {
-        UNGET(state, ch);
-    }
-    if (!seenDigit) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *p = '\0';
-    if (state->assign) {
-        PRFloat64 dval = PR_strtod(buf, NULL);
-        state->converted = PR_TRUE;
-        if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_l) {
-            *va_arg(state->ap, PRFloat64 *) = dval;
-        } else if (state->sizeSpec == _PR_size_L) {
-#if defined(OSF1) || defined(IRIX)
-            *va_arg(state->ap, double *) = dval;
-            *va_arg(state->ap, long double *) = dval;
-        } else {
-            *va_arg(state->ap, float *) = (float) dval;
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * Convert, and return the end of the conversion spec.
- * Return NULL on error.
- */
-static const char *
-Convert(ScanfState *state, const char *fmt)
-    const char *cPtr;
-    int ch;
-    char *cArg = NULL;
-    state->converted = PR_FALSE;
-    cPtr = fmt;
-    if (*cPtr != 'c' && *cPtr != 'n' && *cPtr != '[') {
-        do {
-            ch = GET(state);
-        } while (isspace(ch));
-        UNGET(state, ch);
-    }
-    switch (*cPtr) {
-        case 'c':
-            if (state->assign) {
-                cArg = va_arg(state->ap, char *);
-            }
-            if (state->width == 0) {
-                state->width = 1;
-            }
-            for (; state->width > 0; state->width--) {
-                ch = GET(state);
-                if (ch == EOF) {
-                    return NULL;
-                } else if (state->assign) {
-                    *cArg++ = ch;
-                }
-            }
-            if (state->assign) {
-                state->converted = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'p':
-        case 'd': case 'i': case 'o':
-        case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
-            if (GetInt(state, *cPtr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'e': case 'E': case 'f':
-        case 'g': case 'G':
-            if (GetFloat(state) == PR_FAILURE) {
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'n':
-            /* do not consume any input */
-            if (state->assign) {
-                switch (state->sizeSpec) {
-                    case _PR_size_none:
-                        *va_arg(state->ap, PRIntn *) = state->nChar;
-                        break;
-                    case _PR_size_h:
-                        *va_arg(state->ap, PRInt16 *) = state->nChar;
-                        break;
-                    case _PR_size_l:
-                        *va_arg(state->ap, PRInt32 *) = state->nChar;
-                        break;
-                    case _PR_size_ll:
-                        LL_I2L(*va_arg(state->ap, PRInt64 *), state->nChar);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        PR_ASSERT(0);
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case 's':
-            if (state->width == 0) {
-                state->width = INT_MAX;
-            }
-            if (state->assign) {
-                cArg = va_arg(state->ap, char *);
-            }
-            for (; state->width > 0; state->width--) {
-                ch = GET(state);
-                if ((ch == EOF) || isspace(ch)) {
-                    UNGET(state, ch);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (state->assign) {
-                    *cArg++ = ch;
-                }
-            }
-            if (state->assign) {
-                *cArg = '\0';
-                state->converted = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            break;
-        case '%':
-            ch = GET(state);
-            if (ch != '%') {
-                UNGET(state, ch);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            break;
-        case '[':
-            {
-                PRBool complement = PR_FALSE;
-                const char *closeBracket;
-                size_t n;
-                if (*++cPtr == '^') {
-                    complement = PR_TRUE;
-                    cPtr++;
-                }
-                closeBracket = strchr(*cPtr == ']' ? cPtr + 1 : cPtr, ']');
-                if (closeBracket == NULL) {
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                n = closeBracket - cPtr;
-                if (state->width == 0) {
-                    state->width = INT_MAX;
-                }
-                if (state->assign) {
-                    cArg = va_arg(state->ap, char *);
-                }
-                for (; state->width > 0; state->width--) {
-                    ch = GET(state);
-                    if ((ch == EOF) 
-                            || (!complement && !memchr(cPtr, ch, n))
-                            || (complement && memchr(cPtr, ch, n))) {
-                        UNGET(state, ch);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (state->assign) {
-                        *cArg++ = ch;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (state->assign) {
-                    *cArg = '\0';
-                    state->converted = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                cPtr = closeBracket;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    return cPtr;
-static PRInt32
-DoScanf(ScanfState *state, const char *fmt)
-    PRInt32 nConverted = 0;
-    const char *cPtr;
-    int ch;
-    state->nChar = 0;
-    cPtr = fmt;
-    while (1) {
-        if (isspace(*cPtr)) {
-            /* white space: skip */
-            do {
-                cPtr++;
-            } while (isspace(*cPtr));
-            do {
-                ch = GET(state);
-            } while (isspace(ch));
-            UNGET(state, ch);
-        } else if (*cPtr == '%') {
-            /* format spec: convert */
-            cPtr++;
-            state->assign = PR_TRUE;
-            if (*cPtr == '*') {
-                cPtr++;
-                state->assign = PR_FALSE;
-            }
-            for (state->width = 0; isdigit(*cPtr); cPtr++) {
-                state->width = state->width * 10 + *cPtr - '0';
-            }
-            state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_none;
-            if (*cPtr == 'h') {
-                cPtr++;
-                state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_h;
-            } else if (*cPtr == 'l') {
-                cPtr++;
-                if (*cPtr == 'l') {
-                    cPtr++;
-                    state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_ll;
-                } else {
-                    state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_l;
-                }
-            } else if (*cPtr == 'L') {
-                cPtr++;
-                state->sizeSpec = _PR_size_L;
-            }
-            cPtr = Convert(state, cPtr);
-            if (cPtr == NULL) {
-                return (nConverted > 0 ? nConverted : EOF);
-            }
-            if (state->converted) {
-                nConverted++;
-            }
-            cPtr++;
-        } else {
-            /* others: must match */
-            if (*cPtr == '\0') {
-                return nConverted;
-            }
-            ch = GET(state);
-            if (ch != *cPtr) {
-                UNGET(state, ch);
-                return nConverted;
-            }
-            cPtr++;
-        }
-    }
-static int
-StringGetChar(void *stream)
-    char *cPtr = *((char **) stream);
-    if (*cPtr == '\0') {
-        return EOF;
-    } else {
-        *((char **) stream) = cPtr + 1;
-        return (unsigned char) *cPtr;
-    }
-static void
-StringUngetChar(void *stream, int ch)
-    char *cPtr = *((char **) stream);
-    if (ch != EOF) {
-        *((char **) stream) = cPtr - 1;
-    }
-PR_sscanf(const char *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    ScanfState state;
-    state.get = &StringGetChar;
-    state.unget = &StringUngetChar;
- = (void *) &buf;
-    va_start(state.ap, fmt);
-    rv = DoScanf(&state, fmt);
-    va_end(state.ap);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prsocket.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prsocket.c
deleted file mode 100644
index be97024..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prsocket.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1794 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* These two functions are only used in assertions. */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-PRBool IsValidNetAddr(const PRNetAddr *addr)
-    if ((addr != NULL)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-	    && (addr-> != PR_AF_LOCAL)
-	    && (addr-> != PR_AF_INET6)
-	    && (addr-> != PR_AF_INET)) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-static PRBool IsValidNetAddrLen(const PRNetAddr *addr, PRInt32 addr_len)
-    /*
-     * The definition of the length of a Unix domain socket address
-     * is not uniform, so we don't check it.
-     */
-    if ((addr != NULL)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-            && (addr-> != AF_UNIX)
-            && (PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr) != addr_len)) {
-#if defined(LINUX) && __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ == 1
-        /*
-         * In glibc 2.1, struct sockaddr_in6 is 24 bytes.  In glibc 2.2
-         * and in the 2.4 kernel, struct sockaddr_in6 has the scope_id
-         * field and is 28 bytes.  It is possible for socket functions
-         * to return an addr_len greater than sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6).
-         * We need to allow that.  (Bugzilla bug #77264)
-         */
-        if ((PR_AF_INET6 == addr->
-                && (sizeof(addr->ipv6) == addr_len)) {
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        /*
-         * The accept(), getsockname(), etc. calls on some platforms
-         * do not set the actual socket address length on return.
-         * In this case, we verifiy addr_len is still the value we
-         * passed in (i.e., sizeof(PRNetAddr)).
-         */
-#if defined(QNX)
-        if (sizeof(PRNetAddr) == addr_len) {
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketWritev(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov,
-PRInt32 iov_size, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	int w = 0;
-	const PRIOVec *tmp_iov;
-#define LOCAL_MAXIOV    8
-	PRIOVec local_iov[LOCAL_MAXIOV];
-	PRIOVec *iov_copy = NULL;
-	int tmp_out;
-	int index, iov_cnt;
-	int count=0, sz = 0;    /* 'count' is the return value. */
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-    /*
-     * Assume the first writev will succeed.  Copy iov's only on
-     * failure.
-     */
-    tmp_iov = iov;
-    for (index = 0; index < iov_size; index++)
-        sz += iov[index].iov_len;
-	iov_cnt = iov_size;
-	while (sz > 0) {
-		w = _PR_MD_WRITEV(fd, tmp_iov, iov_cnt, timeout);
-		if (w < 0) {
-			count = -1;
-			break;
-		}
-		count += w;
-		if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-			break;
-		}
-		sz -= w;
-		if (sz > 0) {
-			/* find the next unwritten vector */
-			for ( index = 0, tmp_out = count;
-				tmp_out >= iov[index].iov_len;
-				tmp_out -= iov[index].iov_len, index++){;} /* nothing to execute */
-			if (tmp_iov == iov) {
-				/*
-				 * The first writev failed so we
-				 * must copy iov's around.
-				 * Avoid calloc/free if there
-				 * are few enough iov's.
-				 */
-				if (iov_size - index <= LOCAL_MAXIOV)
-					iov_copy = local_iov;
-				else if ((iov_copy = (PRIOVec *) PR_CALLOC((iov_size - index) *
-					sizeof *iov_copy)) == NULL) {
-					PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-					return -1;
-				}
-				tmp_iov = iov_copy;
-			}
-			PR_ASSERT(tmp_iov == iov_copy);
-			/* fill in the first partial read */
-			iov_copy[0].iov_base = &(((char *)iov[index].iov_base)[tmp_out]);
-			iov_copy[0].iov_len = iov[index].iov_len - tmp_out;
-			index++;
-			/* copy the remaining vectors */
-			for (iov_cnt=1; index<iov_size; iov_cnt++, index++) {
-				iov_copy[iov_cnt].iov_base = iov[index].iov_base;
-				iov_copy[iov_cnt].iov_len = iov[index].iov_len;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (iov_copy != local_iov)
-		PR_DELETE(iov_copy);
-	return count;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc *) PR_ImportTCPSocket(PROsfd osfd)
-PRFileDesc *fd;
-	if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-	if (fd != NULL) {
-		/* this means we can only import IPv4 sockets here.
-		 * but this is what the function in ptio.c does.
-		 * We need a way to import IPv6 sockets, too.
-		 */
-		fd->secret->af = AF_INET;
-	} else
-	return(fd);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc *) PR_ImportUDPSocket(PROsfd osfd)
-PRFileDesc *fd;
-	if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, PR_GetUDPMethods());
-	if (fd != NULL) {
-	} else
-	return(fd);
-static const PRIOMethods* PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods(void);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_CreateSocketPollFd(PROsfd osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = _PR_Getfd();
-    if (fd == NULL) PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    else
-    {
-        fd->secret->md.osfd = osfd;
-        fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_FALSE;
-    	fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN;
-        fd->methods = PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods();
-    }
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_CreateSocketPollFD */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroySocketPollFd(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    if (NULL == fd)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-    _PR_Putfd(fd);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_DestroySocketPollFd */
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketConnect(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 rv;    /* Return value of _PR_MD_CONNECT */
-    const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-		addrCopy = *addr;
- = AF_INET6;
-		addrp = &addrCopy;
-	}
-	rv = _PR_MD_CONNECT(fd, addrp, PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr), timeout);
-	PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("connect -> %d", rv));
-	if (rv == 0)
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-	else
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketConnectContinue(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 out_flags)
-    PROsfd osfd;
-    int err;
-    if (out_flags & PR_POLL_NVAL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((out_flags & (PR_POLL_WRITE | PR_POLL_EXCEPT | PR_POLL_ERR)) == 0) {
-        PR_ASSERT(out_flags == 0);
-        PR_SetError(PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-    err = _MD_unix_get_nonblocking_connect_error(osfd);
-    if (err != 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN16)
-    if (out_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-        int len = sizeof(err);
-        if (getsockopt(osfd, (int)SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *) &err, &len)
-                == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        if (err != 0) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-        } else {
-            PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-        }
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(out_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#elif defined(XP_OS2)
-    err = _MD_os2_get_nonblocking_connect_error(osfd);
-    if (err != 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#elif defined(XP_BEOS)
-#ifdef BONE_VERSION  /* bug 122364 */
-    /* temporary workaround until getsockopt(SO_ERROR) works in BONE */
-    if (out_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(out_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    err = _MD_beos_get_nonblocking_connect_error(fd);
-    if( err != 0 ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    else
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* BONE_VERSION */
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetConnectStatus(const PRPollDesc *pd)
-    /* Find the NSPR layer and invoke its connectcontinue method */
-    PRFileDesc *bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(pd->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-    if (NULL == bottom) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return SocketConnectContinue(bottom, pd->out_flags);
-static PRFileDesc* PR_CALLBACK SocketAccept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PROsfd osfd;
-	PRFileDesc *fd2;
-	PRUint32 al;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-#ifdef WINNT
-	PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-#ifdef WINNT
-	if (addr == NULL) {
-		addr = &addrCopy;
-	}
-	al = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-	osfd = _PR_MD_ACCEPT(fd, addr, &al, timeout);
-	if (osfd == -1)
-		return 0;
-	fd2 = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-	if (!fd2) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	fd2->secret->nonblocking = fd->secret->nonblocking;
-	fd2->secret->inheritable = fd->secret->inheritable;
-#ifdef WINNT
-	if (!fd2->secret->nonblocking && fd2->secret->inheritable != _PR_TRI_TRUE) {
-		/*
-		 * The new socket has been associated with an I/O
-		 * completion port.  There is no going back.
-		 */
-		fd2->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	fd2->secret->md.accepted_socket = PR_TRUE;
-	memcpy(&fd2->secret->md.peer_addr, addr, al);
-	/*
-	 * On some platforms, the new socket created by accept()
-	 * inherits the nonblocking (or overlapped io) attribute
-	 * of the listening socket.  As an optimization, these
-	 * platforms can skip the following _PR_MD_MAKE_NONBLOCK
-	 * call.
-	 */
-#if !defined(SOLARIS) && !defined(IRIX) && !defined(WINNT)
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-	if (addr && (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddrLen(addr, al) == PR_TRUE);
-	return fd2;
-#ifdef WINNT
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_NTFast_Accept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PROsfd osfd;
-	PRFileDesc *fd2;
-	PRIntn al;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-		if (addr == NULL) {
-			addr = &addrCopy;
-		}
-		al = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr);
-		osfd = _PR_MD_FAST_ACCEPT(fd, addr, &al, timeout, PR_TRUE, NULL, NULL);
-		if (osfd == -1) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-	fd2 = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-	if (!fd2) {
-	} else {
-		fd2->secret->nonblocking = fd->secret->nonblocking;
-		fd2->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-	        PR_ASSERT(al == PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr));
-        	fd2->secret->md.accepted_socket = PR_TRUE;
-        	memcpy(&fd2->secret->md.peer_addr, addr, al);
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-		if (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        	addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-		fd2->secret->af = fd->secret->af;
-	}
-	return fd2;
-#endif /* WINNT */
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketBind(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr)
-	PRInt32 result;
-    const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-	if (addr-> == AF_UNIX) {
-		/* Disallow relative pathnames */
-		if (addr->local.path[0] != '/') {
-			return PR_FAILURE;
-		}
-	}
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-		addrCopy = *addr;
- = AF_INET6;
-		addrp = &addrCopy;
-	}
-	result = _PR_MD_BIND(fd, addrp, PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr));
-	if (result < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketListen(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog)
-	PRInt32 result;
-	result = _PR_MD_LISTEN(fd, backlog);
-	if (result < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketShutdown(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how)
-	PRInt32 result;
-	result = _PR_MD_SHUTDOWN(fd, how);
-	if (result < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketRecv(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	if ((flags != 0) && (flags != PR_MSG_PEEK)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX,
-		("recv: fd=%p osfd=%" PR_PRIdOSFD " buf=%p amount=%d flags=%d",
-		fd, fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount, flags));
-	if (fd->secret->peekBytes != 0) {
-		rv = (amount < fd->secret->peekBytes) ?
-			amount : fd->secret->peekBytes;
-		memcpy(buf, fd->secret->peekBuffer, rv);
-		if (flags == 0) {
-			/* consume the bytes in the peek buffer */
-			fd->secret->peekBytes -= rv;
-			if (fd->secret->peekBytes != 0) {
-				memmove(fd->secret->peekBuffer,
-					fd->secret->peekBuffer + rv,
-					fd->secret->peekBytes);
-			}
-		}
-		return rv;
-	}
-	/* allocate peek buffer, if necessary */
-	if ((PR_MSG_PEEK == flags) && _PR_FD_NEED_EMULATE_MSG_PEEK(fd)) {
-		PR_ASSERT(0 == fd->secret->peekBytes);
-		/* impose a max size on the peek buffer */
-		if (amount > _PR_PEEK_BUFFER_MAX) {
-			amount = _PR_PEEK_BUFFER_MAX;
-		}
-		if (fd->secret->peekBufSize < amount) {
-			if (fd->secret->peekBuffer) {
-				PR_Free(fd->secret->peekBuffer);
-			}
-			fd->secret->peekBufSize = amount;
-			fd->secret->peekBuffer = PR_Malloc(amount);
-			if (NULL == fd->secret->peekBuffer) {
-				fd->secret->peekBufSize = 0;
-				PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	rv = _PR_MD_RECV(fd, buf, amount, flags, timeout);
-	PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("recv -> %d, error = %d, os error = %d",
-		rv, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
-	if ((PR_MSG_PEEK == flags) && _PR_FD_NEED_EMULATE_MSG_PEEK(fd)) {
-		if (rv > 0) {
-			memcpy(fd->secret->peekBuffer, buf, rv);
-			fd->secret->peekBytes = rv;
-		}
-	}
-	return rv;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketRead(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-	return SocketRecv(fd, buf, amount, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketSend(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 temp, count;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	count = 0;
-	while (amount > 0) {
-		PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX,
-		    ("send: fd=%p osfd=%" PR_PRIdOSFD " buf=%p amount=%d",
-		    fd, fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount));
-		temp = _PR_MD_SEND(fd, buf, amount, flags, timeout);
-		if (temp < 0) {
-					count = -1;
-					break;
-				}
-		count += temp;
-		if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-			break;
-		}
-		buf = (const void*) ((const char*)buf + temp);
-		amount -= temp;
-	}
-	PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("send -> %d", count));
-	return count;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketWrite(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-	return SocketSend(fd, buf, amount, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketClose(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	if (!fd || !fd->secret
-			|| (fd->secret->state != _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN
-			&& fd->secret->state != _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED)) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (fd->secret->state == _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN) {
-		if (_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(fd->secret->md.osfd) < 0) {
-			return PR_FAILURE;
-		}
-		fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-	}
-	if (fd->secret->peekBuffer) {
-		PR_ASSERT(fd->secret->peekBufSize > 0);
-		PR_DELETE(fd->secret->peekBuffer);
-		fd->secret->peekBufSize = 0;
-		fd->secret->peekBytes = 0;
-	}
-	PR_FreeFileDesc(fd);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketAvailable(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	if (fd->secret->peekBytes != 0) {
-		return fd->secret->peekBytes;
-	}
-	return rv;		
-static PRInt64 PR_CALLBACK SocketAvailable64(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt64 rv;
-    if (fd->secret->peekBytes != 0) {
-        LL_I2L(rv, fd->secret->peekBytes);
-        return rv;
-    }
-	return rv;		
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketSync(PRFileDesc *fd)
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketSendTo(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 temp, count;
-    const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-		addrCopy = *addr;
- = AF_INET6;
-		addrp = &addrCopy;
-	}
-	count = 0;
-	while (amount > 0) {
-		temp = _PR_MD_SENDTO(fd, buf, amount, flags,
-		    addrp, PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr), timeout);
-		if (temp < 0) {
-					count = -1;
-					break;
-				}
-		count += temp;
-		if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-			break;
-		}
-		buf = (const void*) ((const char*)buf + temp);
-		amount -= temp;
-	}
-	return count;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketRecvFrom(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	PRUint32 al;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	al = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-	rv = _PR_MD_RECVFROM(fd, buf, amount, flags, addr, &al, timeout);
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-	if (addr && (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-	return rv;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketAcceptRead(PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, 
-PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/* The socket must be in blocking mode. */
-	if (sd->secret->nonblocking) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	*nd = NULL;
-#if defined(WINNT)
-	{
-	PROsfd newSock;
-	PRNetAddr *raddrCopy;
-	if (raddr == NULL) {
-		raddr = &raddrCopy;
-	}
-	rv = _PR_MD_ACCEPT_READ(sd, &newSock, raddr, buf, amount, timeout);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		rv = -1;
-	} else {
-		/* Successfully accepted and read; create the new PRFileDesc */
-		*nd = PR_AllocFileDesc(newSock, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-		if (*nd == 0) {
-			_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(newSock);
-			/* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-			rv = -1;
-		} else {
-			(*nd)->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-			(*nd)->secret->md.accepted_socket = PR_TRUE;
-			memcpy(&(*nd)->secret->md.peer_addr, *raddr,
-				PR_NETADDR_SIZE(*raddr));
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-			if (AF_INET6 == *raddr->
-        		*raddr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-		}
-	}
-	}
-	rv = PR_EmulateAcceptRead(sd, nd, raddr, buf, amount, timeout);
-	return rv;
-#ifdef WINNT
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_NTFast_AcceptRead(PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, 
-PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	PROsfd newSock;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	PRNetAddr *raddrCopy;
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	*nd = NULL;
-	if (raddr == NULL) {
-		raddr = &raddrCopy;
-	}
-	rv = _PR_MD_FAST_ACCEPT_READ(sd, &newSock, raddr, buf, amount, 
-	    timeout, PR_TRUE, NULL, NULL);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		rv = -1;
-	} else {
-		/* Successfully accepted and read; create the new PRFileDesc */
-		*nd = PR_AllocFileDesc(newSock, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-		if (*nd == 0) {
-			_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(newSock);
-			/* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-			rv = -1;
-		} else {
-			(*nd)->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-			(*nd)->secret->md.accepted_socket = PR_TRUE;
-			memcpy(&(*nd)->secret->md.peer_addr, *raddr,
-				PR_NETADDR_SIZE(*raddr));
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-			if (AF_INET6 == *raddr->
-        		*raddr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-			(*nd)->secret->af = sd->secret->af;
-		}
-	}
-	return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_NTFast_AcceptRead_WithTimeoutCallback(
-PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, 
-PRNetAddr **raddr, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-PRIntervalTime timeout,
-_PR_AcceptTimeoutCallback callback,
-void *callbackArg)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	PROsfd newSock;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	PRNetAddr *raddrCopy;
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	*nd = NULL;
-	if (raddr == NULL) {
-		raddr = &raddrCopy;
-	}
-	rv = _PR_MD_FAST_ACCEPT_READ(sd, &newSock, raddr, buf, amount,
-	    timeout, PR_TRUE, callback, callbackArg);
-	if (rv < 0) {
-		rv = -1;
-	} else {
-		/* Successfully accepted and read; create the new PRFileDesc */
-		*nd = PR_AllocFileDesc(newSock, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-		if (*nd == 0) {
-			_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(newSock);
-			/* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-			rv = -1;
-		} else {
-			(*nd)->secret->md.io_model_committed = PR_TRUE;
-			(*nd)->secret->md.accepted_socket = PR_TRUE;
-			memcpy(&(*nd)->secret->md.peer_addr, *raddr,
-				PR_NETADDR_SIZE(*raddr));
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-			if (AF_INET6 == *raddr->
-        		*raddr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-			(*nd)->secret->af = sd->secret->af;
-		}
-	}
-	return rv;
-#endif /* WINNT */
-#ifdef WINNT
-PR_NTFast_UpdateAcceptContext(PRFileDesc *socket, PRFileDesc *acceptSocket)
-		socket->secret->md.osfd, acceptSocket->secret->md.osfd);
-#endif /* WINNT */
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketSendFile(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRInt32 rv;
-	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-		me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (_PR_IO_PENDING(me)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/* The socket must be in blocking mode. */
-	if (sd->secret->nonblocking) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-#if defined(WINNT)
-	rv = _PR_MD_SENDFILE(sd, sfd, flags, timeout);
-	if ((rv >= 0) && (flags == PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET)) {
-		/*
-		 * This should be kept the same as SocketClose, except
-		 * that _PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(sd->secret->md.osfd) should
-		 * not be called because the socket will be recycled.
-		 */
-		PR_FreeFileDesc(sd);
-	}
-	rv = PR_EmulateSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout);
-#endif	/* WINNT */
-	return rv;
-static PRInt32 PR_CALLBACK SocketTransmitFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc *fd, 
-const void *headers, PRInt32 hlen, PRTransmitFileFlags flags,
-PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRSendFileData sfd;
-	sfd.fd = fd;
-	sfd.file_offset = 0;
-	sfd.file_nbytes = 0;
-	sfd.header = headers;
-	sfd.hlen = hlen;
-	sfd.trailer = NULL;
-	sfd.tlen = 0;
-	return(SocketSendFile(sd, &sfd, flags, timeout));
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketGetName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-	PRInt32 result;
-	PRUint32 addrlen;
-	addrlen = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-	result = _PR_MD_GETSOCKNAME(fd, addr, &addrlen);
-	if (result < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-	if (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddrLen(addr, addrlen) == PR_TRUE);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK SocketGetPeerName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-	PRInt32 result;
-	PRUint32 addrlen;
-	addrlen = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-	result = _PR_MD_GETPEERNAME(fd, addr, &addrlen);
-	if (result < 0) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-	if (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-	PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddrLen(addr, addrlen) == PR_TRUE);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRInt16 PR_CALLBACK SocketPoll(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags)
-    *out_flags = 0;
-    return in_flags;
-}  /* SocketPoll */
-static PRIOMethods tcpMethods = {
-	SocketClose,
-	SocketRead,
-	SocketWrite,
-	SocketAvailable,
-	SocketAvailable64,
-	SocketSync,
-	(PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	(PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-	(PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-	(PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-	SocketWritev,
-	SocketConnect,
-	SocketAccept,
-	SocketBind,
-	SocketListen,
-	SocketShutdown,
-	SocketRecv,
-	SocketSend,
-	(PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	(PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	SocketPoll,
-	SocketAcceptRead,
-	SocketTransmitFile,
-	SocketGetName,
-	SocketGetPeerName,
-	(PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	(PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	_PR_SocketGetSocketOption,
-	_PR_SocketSetSocketOption,
-    SocketSendFile, 
-    SocketConnectContinue,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRIOMethods udpMethods = {
-	SocketClose,
-	SocketRead,
-	SocketWrite,
-	SocketAvailable,
-	SocketAvailable64,
-	SocketSync,
-	(PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	(PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-	(PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-	(PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-	SocketWritev,
-	SocketConnect,
-	(PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,
-	SocketBind,
-	SocketListen,
-	SocketShutdown,
-	SocketRecv,
-	SocketSend,
-	SocketRecvFrom,
-	SocketSendTo,
-	SocketPoll,
-	(PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	(PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	SocketGetName,
-	SocketGetPeerName,
-	(PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	(PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-	_PR_SocketGetSocketOption,
-	_PR_SocketSetSocketOption,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRIOMethods socketpollfdMethods = {
-    (PRDescType) 0,
-    (PRCloseFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRReadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRWriteFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailableFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailable64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFsyncFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,        
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-	SocketPoll,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetTCPMethods()
-	return &tcpMethods;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetUDPMethods()
-	return &udpMethods;
-static const PRIOMethods* PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods()
-    return &socketpollfdMethods;
-}  /* PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods */
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-PR_EXTERN(PRStatus) _pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-extern PRBool _pr_ipv6_is_present(void);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) _pr_test_ipv6_socket()
-	PROsfd osfd;
-	if (osfd != -1) {
-		return PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	return PR_FALSE;
-#endif	/* _PR_INET6_PROBE */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_Socket(PRInt32 domain, PRInt32 type, PRInt32 proto)
-	PROsfd osfd;
-	PRFileDesc *fd;
-	PRInt32 tmp_domain = domain;
-	if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	if (PR_AF_INET != domain
-			&& PR_AF_INET6 != domain
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-			&& PR_AF_LOCAL != domain
-			) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 == domain)
-		domain = _pr_ipv6_is_present() ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET;
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 == domain)
-		domain = AF_INET6;
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 == domain)
-		domain = AF_INET;
-#endif	/* _PR_INET6 */
-	osfd = _PR_MD_SOCKET(domain, type, proto);
-	if (osfd == -1) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (type == SOCK_STREAM)
-		fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, PR_GetTCPMethods());
-	else
-		fd = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd, PR_GetUDPMethods());
-	/*
-	 * Make the sockets non-blocking
-	 */
-	if (fd != NULL) {
-		fd->secret->af = domain;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) || !defined(_PR_INET6)
-		/*
-		 * For platforms with no support for IPv6 
-		 * create layered socket for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
-		 */
-		if (PR_AF_INET6 == tmp_domain && PR_AF_INET == domain) {
-			if (PR_FAILURE == _pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer(fd)) {
-				PR_Close(fd);
-				fd = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	} else
-	return fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc *) PR_NewTCPSocket(void)
-	PRInt32 domain = AF_INET;
-	return PR_Socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_NewUDPSocket(void)
-	PRInt32 domain = AF_INET;
-	return PR_Socket(domain, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc *) PR_OpenTCPSocket(PRIntn af)
-	return PR_Socket(af, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenUDPSocket(PRIntn af)
-	return PR_Socket(af, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NewTCPSocketPair(PRFileDesc *f[])
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-	PRInt32 rv, osfd[2];
-	if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	if (rv == -1) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	f[0] = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd[0], PR_GetTCPMethods());
-	if (!f[0]) {
-		_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(osfd[0]);
-		_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(osfd[1]);
-		/* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	f[1] = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd[1], PR_GetTCPMethods());
-	if (!f[1]) {
-		PR_Close(f[0]);
-		_PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(osfd[1]);
-		/* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-#elif defined(WINNT)
-    /*
-     * A socket pair is often used for interprocess communication,
-     * so we need to make sure neither socket is associated with
-     * the I/O completion port; otherwise it can't be used by a
-     * child process.
-     *
-     * The default implementation below cannot be used for NT
-     * because PR_Accept would have associated the I/O completion
-     * port with the listening and accepted sockets.
-     */
-    SOCKET listenSock;
-    SOCKET osfd[2];
-    struct sockaddr_in selfAddr, peerAddr;
-    int addrLen;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    osfd[0] = osfd[1] = INVALID_SOCKET;
-    listenSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-    if (listenSock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    selfAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-    selfAddr.sin_port = 0;
-    selfAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); /* BugZilla: 35408 */
-    addrLen = sizeof(selfAddr);
-    if (bind(listenSock, (struct sockaddr *) &selfAddr,
-            addrLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (getsockname(listenSock, (struct sockaddr *) &selfAddr,
-            &addrLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (listen(listenSock, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    osfd[0] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-    if (osfd[0] == INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    selfAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
-    /*
-     * Only a thread is used to do the connect and accept.
-     * I am relying on the fact that connect returns
-     * successfully as soon as the connect request is put
-     * into the listen queue (but before accept is called).
-     * This is the behavior of the BSD socket code.  If
-     * connect does not return until accept is called, we
-     * will need to create another thread to call connect.
-     */
-    if (connect(osfd[0], (struct sockaddr *) &selfAddr,
-            addrLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A malicious local process may connect to the listening
-     * socket, so we need to verify that the accepted connection
-     * is made from our own socket osfd[0].
-     */
-    if (getsockname(osfd[0], (struct sockaddr *) &selfAddr,
-            &addrLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    osfd[1] = accept(listenSock, (struct sockaddr *) &peerAddr, &addrLen);
-    if (osfd[1] == INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (peerAddr.sin_port != selfAddr.sin_port) {
-        /* the connection we accepted is not from osfd[0] */
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    closesocket(listenSock);
-    f[0] = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd[0], PR_GetTCPMethods());
-    if (!f[0]) {
-        closesocket(osfd[0]);
-        closesocket(osfd[1]);
-        /* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    f[1] = PR_AllocFileDesc(osfd[1], PR_GetTCPMethods());
-    if (!f[1]) {
-        PR_Close(f[0]);
-        closesocket(osfd[1]);
-        /* PR_AllocFileDesc() has invoked PR_SetError(). */
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (listenSock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        closesocket(listenSock);
-    }
-    if (osfd[0] != INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        closesocket(osfd[0]);
-    }
-    if (osfd[1] != INVALID_SOCKET) {
-        closesocket(osfd[1]);
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-#else /* not Unix or NT */
-    /*
-     * default implementation
-     */
-    PRFileDesc *listenSock;
-    PRNetAddr selfAddr, peerAddr;
-    PRUint16 port;
-    f[0] = f[1] = NULL;
-    listenSock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
-    if (listenSock == NULL) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, 0, &selfAddr); /* BugZilla: 35408 */
-    if (PR_Bind(listenSock, &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock, &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    port = ntohs(selfAddr.inet.port);
-    if (PR_Listen(listenSock, 5) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    f[0] = PR_NewTCPSocket();
-    if (f[0] == NULL) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If connect does not implicitly bind the socket (e.g., on
-     * BeOS), we have to bind the socket so that we can get its
-     * port with getsockname later.
-     */
-    PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, 0, &selfAddr);
-    if (PR_Bind(f[0], &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, port, &selfAddr);
-    /*
-     * Only a thread is used to do the connect and accept.
-     * I am relying on the fact that PR_Connect returns
-     * successfully as soon as the connect request is put
-     * into the listen queue (but before PR_Accept is called).
-     * This is the behavior of the BSD socket code.  If
-     * connect does not return until accept is called, we
-     * will need to create another thread to call connect.
-     */
-    if (PR_Connect(f[0], &selfAddr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-            == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A malicious local process may connect to the listening
-     * socket, so we need to verify that the accepted connection
-     * is made from our own socket f[0].
-     */
-    if (PR_GetSockName(f[0], &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    f[1] = PR_Accept(listenSock, &peerAddr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    if (f[1] == NULL) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (peerAddr.inet.port != selfAddr.inet.port) {
-        /* the connection we accepted is not from f[0] */
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_Close(listenSock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (listenSock) {
-        PR_Close(listenSock);
-    }
-    if (f[0]) {
-        PR_Close(f[0]);
-    }
-    if (f[1]) {
-        PR_Close(f[1]);
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    if (fd) {
-        fd = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-    }
-    if (!fd) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return fd->secret->md.osfd;
-PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle(PRFileDesc *fd, PROsfd handle)
-	if (fd)
-		fd->secret->md.osfd = handle;
-** Select compatibility
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_ZERO(PR_fd_set *set)
-	memset(set, 0, sizeof(PR_fd_set));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_SET(PRFileDesc *fh, PR_fd_set *set)
-	PR_ASSERT( set->hsize < PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC );
-	set->harray[set->hsize++] = fh;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_CLR(PRFileDesc *fh, PR_fd_set *set)
-	PRUint32 index, index2;
-	for (index = 0; index<set->hsize; index++)
-		if (set->harray[index] == fh) {
-			for (index2=index; index2 < (set->hsize-1); index2++) {
-				set->harray[index2] = set->harray[index2+1];
-			}
-			set->hsize--;
-			break;
-		}
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_FD_ISSET(PRFileDesc *fh, PR_fd_set *set)
-	PRUint32 index;
-	for (index = 0; index<set->hsize; index++)
-		if (set->harray[index] == fh) {
-			return 1;
-		}
-	return 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_NSET(PROsfd fd, PR_fd_set *set)
-	PR_ASSERT( set->nsize < PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC );
-	set->narray[set->nsize++] = fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_NCLR(PROsfd fd, PR_fd_set *set)
-	PRUint32 index, index2;
-	for (index = 0; index<set->nsize; index++)
-		if (set->narray[index] == fd) {
-			for (index2=index; index2 < (set->nsize-1); index2++) {
-				set->narray[index2] = set->narray[index2+1];
-			}
-			set->nsize--;
-			break;
-		}
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_FD_NISSET(PROsfd fd, PR_fd_set *set)
-	PRUint32 index;
-	for (index = 0; index<set->nsize; index++)
-		if (set->narray[index] == fd) {
-			return 1;
-		}
-	return 0;
-#if !defined(NEED_SELECT)
-#include "obsolete/probslet.h"
-#define PD_INCR 20
-static PRPollDesc *_pr_setfd(
-    PR_fd_set *set, PRInt16 flags, PRPollDesc *polldesc)
-    PRUintn fsidx, pdidx;
-    PRPollDesc *poll = polldesc;
-    if (NULL == set) return poll;
-	/* First set the pr file handle osfds */
-	for (fsidx = 0; fsidx < set->hsize; fsidx++)
-	{
-	    for (pdidx = 0; 1; pdidx++)
-        {
-            if ((PRFileDesc*)-1 == poll[pdidx].fd)
-            {
-                /* our vector is full - extend and condition it */
-                poll = (PRPollDesc*)PR_Realloc(
-                    poll, (pdidx + 1 + PD_INCR) * sizeof(PRPollDesc));
-                if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
-                memset(
-                    poll + pdidx * sizeof(PRPollDesc),
-                    0, PD_INCR * sizeof(PRPollDesc));
-                poll[pdidx + PD_INCR].fd = (PRFileDesc*)-1;
-            }
-            if ((NULL == poll[pdidx].fd)
-            || (poll[pdidx].fd == set->harray[fsidx]))
-            {
-                /* PR_ASSERT(0 == (poll[pdidx].in_flags & flags)); */
-                /* either empty or prevously defined */
-                poll[pdidx].fd = set->harray[fsidx];  /* possibly redundant */
-                poll[pdidx].in_flags |= flags;  /* possibly redundant */
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-	}
-#if 0
-	/* Second set the native osfds */
-	for (fsidx = 0; fsidx < set->nsize; fsidx++)
-	{
-	    for (pdidx = 0; ((PRFileDesc*)-1 != poll[pdidx].fd); pdidx++)
-        {
-            if ((PRFileDesc*)-1 == poll[pdidx].fd)
-            {
-                /* our vector is full - extend and condition it */
-                poll = PR_Realloc(
-                    poll, (pdidx + PD_INCR) * sizeof(PRPollDesc));
-                if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
-                memset(
-                    poll + pdidx * sizeof(PRPollDesc),
-                    0, PD_INCR * sizeof(PRPollDesc));
-                poll[(pdidx + PD_INCR)].fd = (PRFileDesc*)-1;
-            }
-            if ((NULL == poll[pdidx].fd)
-            || (poll[pdidx].fd == set->narray[fsidx]))
-            {
-                /* either empty or prevously defined */
-                poll[pdidx].fd = set->narray[fsidx];
-                PR_ASSERT(0 == (poll[pdidx].in_flags & flags));
-                poll[pdidx].in_flags |= flags;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-	}
-#endif /* 0 */
-	return poll;
-    if (NULL != polldesc) PR_DELETE(polldesc);
-    return NULL;
-}  /* _pr_setfd */
-#endif /* !defined(NEED_SELECT) */
-    PRInt32 unused, PR_fd_set *pr_rd, PR_fd_set *pr_wr, 
-    PR_fd_set *pr_ex, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-#if !defined(NEED_SELECT)
-    PRInt32 npds = 0; 
-    /*
-    ** Find out how many fds are represented in the three lists.
-    ** Then allocate a polling descriptor for the logical union
-    ** (there can't be any overlapping) and call PR_Poll().
-    */
-    PRPollDesc *copy, *poll;
-    static PRBool warning = PR_TRUE;
-    if (warning) warning = _PR_Obsolete( "PR_Select()", "PR_Poll()");
-    /* try to get an initial guesss at how much space we need */
-    npds = 0;
-    if ((NULL != pr_rd) && ((pr_rd->hsize + pr_rd->nsize - npds) > 0))
-        npds = pr_rd->hsize + pr_rd->nsize;
-    if ((NULL != pr_wr) && ((pr_wr->hsize + pr_wr->nsize - npds) > 0))
-        npds = pr_wr->hsize + pr_wr->nsize;
-    if ((NULL != pr_ex) && ((pr_ex->hsize + pr_ex->nsize - npds) > 0))
-        npds = pr_ex->hsize + pr_ex->nsize;
-    if (0 == npds)
-    {
-        PR_Sleep(timeout);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    copy = poll = (PRPollDesc*)PR_Calloc(npds + PD_INCR, sizeof(PRPollDesc));
-    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
-    poll[npds + PD_INCR - 1].fd = (PRFileDesc*)-1;
-    poll = _pr_setfd(pr_rd, PR_POLL_READ, poll);
-    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
-    poll = _pr_setfd(pr_wr, PR_POLL_WRITE, poll);
-    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
-    poll = _pr_setfd(pr_ex, PR_POLL_EXCEPT, poll);
-    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
-    unused = 0;
-    while (NULL != poll[unused].fd && (PRFileDesc*)-1 != poll[unused].fd)
-    {
-        ++unused;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(unused > 0);
-    npds = PR_Poll(poll, unused, timeout);
-    if (npds > 0)
-    {
-        /* Copy the results back into the fd sets */
-        if (NULL != pr_rd) pr_rd->nsize = pr_rd->hsize = 0;
-        if (NULL != pr_wr) pr_wr->nsize = pr_wr->hsize = 0;
-        if (NULL != pr_ex) pr_ex->nsize = pr_ex->hsize = 0;
-        for (copy = &poll[unused - 1]; copy >= poll; --copy)
-        {
-            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_NVAL)
-            {
-                PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-                npds = -1;
-                break;
-            }
-            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_READ)
-                if (NULL != pr_rd) pr_rd->harray[pr_rd->hsize++] = copy->fd;
-            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                if (NULL != pr_wr) pr_wr->harray[pr_wr->hsize++] = copy->fd;
-            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT)
-                if (NULL != pr_ex) pr_ex->harray[pr_ex->hsize++] = copy->fd;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(poll);
-    return npds;
-    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    return -1;    
-#endif /* !defined(NEED_SELECT) */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/io/prstdio.c b/nspr/pr/src/io/prstdio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b85d9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/io/prstdio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-** fprintf to a PRFileDesc
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_fprintf(PRFileDesc* fd, const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    PRUint32 rv;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    rv = PR_vfprintf(fd, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_vfprintf(PRFileDesc* fd, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
-    /* XXX this could be better */
-    PRUint32 rv, len;
-    char* msg = PR_vsmprintf(fmt, ap);
-    if (NULL == msg) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    len = strlen(msg);
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-    /*
-     * OS/2 really needs a \r for every \n.
-     * In the future we should try to use scatter-gather instead of a
-     * succession of PR_Write.
-     */
-    if (isatty(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd))) {
-        PRUint32 last = 0, idx;
-        PRInt32 tmp;
-        rv = 0;
-        for (idx = 0; idx < len+1; idx++) {
-            if ((idx - last > 0) && (('\n' == msg[idx]) || (idx == len))) {
-                tmp = PR_Write(fd, msg + last, idx - last);
-                if (tmp >= 0) {
-                    rv += tmp;
-                }
-                last = idx;
-            }
-            /*
-             * if current character is \n, and
-             * previous character isn't \r, and
-             * next character isn't \r
-             */
-            if (('\n' == msg[idx]) &&
-                ((0 == idx) || ('\r' != msg[idx-1])) &&
-                ('\r' != msg[idx+1])) {
-                /* add extra \r */
-                tmp = PR_Write(fd, "\r", 1);
-                if (tmp >= 0) {
-                    rv += tmp;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        rv = PR_Write(fd, msg, len);
-    }
-    rv = PR_Write(fd, msg, len);
-    PR_DELETE(msg);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/linking/prlink.c b/nspr/pr/src/linking/prlink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4715460..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/linking/prlink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1608 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-#include <image.h>
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#ifdef USE_DLFCN
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-/* Define these on systems that don't have them. */
-#ifndef RTLD_NOW
-#define RTLD_NOW 0
-#ifndef RTLD_LAZY
-#ifndef RTLD_GLOBAL
-#define RTLD_GLOBAL 0
-#ifndef RTLD_LOCAL
-#define RTLD_LOCAL 0
-#ifdef AIX
-#include <sys/ldr.h>
-#ifndef L_IGNOREUNLOAD /* AIX 4.3.3 does not have L_IGNOREUNLOAD. */
-#define L_IGNOREUNLOAD 0x10000000
-#ifdef OSF1
-#include <loader.h>
-#include <rld_interface.h>
-#elif defined(USE_HPSHL)
-#include <dl.h>
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
- * On these platforms, symbols have a leading '_'.
- */
-#if (defined(DARWIN) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)) \
-    || defined(XP_OS2) \
-    || ((defined(OPENBSD) || defined(NETBSD)) && !defined(__ELF__))
-#define PR_LD_PATHW 0x8000  /* for PR_LibSpec_PathnameU */
-struct PRLibrary {
-    char*                       name;  /* Our own copy of the name string */
-    PRLibrary*                  next;
-    int                         refCount;
-    const PRStaticLinkTable*    staticTable;
-#ifdef XP_PC
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-    HMODULE                     dlh;
-    HINSTANCE                   dlh;
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    CFragConnectionID           connection;
-    CFBundleRef                 bundle;
-    Ptr                         main;
-    CFMutableDictionaryRef      wrappers;
-    const struct mach_header*   image;
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#if defined(USE_HPSHL)
-    shl_t                       dlh;
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    NSModule                    dlh;
-    void*                       dlh;
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-    void*                       dlh;
-    void*                       stub_dlh;
-static PRLibrary *pr_loadmap;
-static PRLibrary *pr_exe_loadmap;
-static PRMonitor *pr_linker_lock;
-static char* _pr_currentLibPath = NULL;
-static PRLibrary *pr_LoadLibraryByPathname(const char *name, PRIntn flags);
-#if !defined(USE_DLFCN) && !defined(HAVE_STRERROR)
-#define ERR_STR_BUF_LENGTH    20
-static void DLLErrorInternal(PRIntn oserr)
-** This whole function, and most of the code in this file, are run
-** with a big hairy lock wrapped around it. Not the best of situations,
-** but will eventually come up with the right answer.
-    const char *error = NULL;
-#ifdef USE_DLFCN
-    error = dlerror();  /* $$$ That'll be wrong some of the time - AOF */
-#elif defined(HAVE_STRERROR)
-    error = strerror(oserr);  /* this should be okay */
-    char errStrBuf[ERR_STR_BUF_LENGTH];
-    PR_snprintf(errStrBuf, sizeof(errStrBuf), "error %d", oserr);
-    error = errStrBuf;
-    if (NULL != error)
-        PR_SetErrorText(strlen(error), error);
-}  /* DLLErrorInternal */
-void _PR_InitLinker(void)
-    PRLibrary *lm = NULL;
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-    void *h;
-    if (!pr_linker_lock) {
-        pr_linker_lock = PR_NewNamedMonitor("linker-lock");
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-#if defined(XP_PC)
-    lm = PR_NEWZAP(PRLibrary);
-    lm->name = strdup("Executable");
-#if defined(XP_OS2)
-    lm->dlh = NULLHANDLE;
-    /* A module handle for the executable. */
-    lm->dlh = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
-#endif /* ! XP_OS2 */
-    lm->refCount    = 1;
-    lm->staticTable = NULL;
-    pr_exe_loadmap  = lm;
-    pr_loadmap      = lm;
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-#ifdef HAVE_DLL
-#if defined(USE_DLFCN) && !defined(NO_DLOPEN_NULL)
-    h = dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY);
-    if (!h) {
-        char *error;
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        error = (char*)PR_MALLOC(PR_GetErrorTextLength());
-        (void) PR_GetErrorText(error);
-        fprintf(stderr, "failed to initialize shared libraries [%s]\n",
-            error);
-        PR_DELETE(error);
-        abort();/* XXX */
-    }
-#elif defined(USE_HPSHL)
-    h = NULL;
-    /* don't abort with this NULL */
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD) || defined(NO_DLOPEN_NULL)
-    h = NULL; /* XXXX  toshok */ /* XXXX  vlad */
-#error no dll strategy
-#endif /* USE_DLFCN */
-    lm = PR_NEWZAP(PRLibrary);
-    if (lm) {
-        lm->name = strdup("a.out");
-        lm->refCount = 1;
-        lm->dlh = h;
-        lm->staticTable = NULL;
-    }
-    pr_exe_loadmap = lm;
-    pr_loadmap = lm;
-#endif /* HAVE_DLL */
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-    if (lm) {
-        PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-            ("Loaded library %s (init)", lm->name));
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
- * _PR_ShutdownLinker does not unload the dlls loaded by the application
- * via calls to PR_LoadLibrary.  Any dlls that still remain on the
- * pr_loadmap list when NSPR shuts down are application programming errors.
- * The only exception is pr_exe_loadmap, which was added to the list by
- * NSPR and hence should be cleaned up by NSPR.
- */
-void _PR_ShutdownLinker(void)
-    /* FIXME: pr_exe_loadmap should be destroyed. */
-    PR_DestroyMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    pr_linker_lock = NULL;
-    if (_pr_currentLibPath) {
-        free(_pr_currentLibPath);
-        _pr_currentLibPath = NULL;
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetLibraryPath(const char *path)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    if (_pr_currentLibPath) {
-        free(_pr_currentLibPath);
-    }
-    if (path) {
-        _pr_currentLibPath = strdup(path);
-        if (!_pr_currentLibPath) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    } else {
-        _pr_currentLibPath = 0;
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    return rv;
-** Return the library path for finding shared libraries.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char *) 
-    char *ev;
-    char *copy = NULL;  /* a copy of _pr_currentLibPath */
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    if (_pr_currentLibPath != NULL) {
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    /* initialize pr_currentLibPath */
-#ifdef XP_PC
-    ev = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
-    if (!ev) {
-    ev = ".;\\lib";
-    }
-    ev = strdup(ev);
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-#if defined(USE_DLFCN) || defined(USE_MACH_DYLD) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-    {
-    char *p=NULL;
-    int len;
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-    ev = getenv("LIBRARY_PATH");
-    if (!ev) {
-        ev = "%A/lib:/boot/home/config/lib:/boot/beos/system/lib";
-    }
-    ev = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
-    if (!ev) {
-        ev = "/usr/lib:/lib";
-    }
-    len = strlen(ev) + 1;        /* +1 for the null */
-    p = (char*) malloc(len);
-    if (p) {
-        strcpy(p, ev);
-    }   /* if (p)  */
-    ev = p;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_NOTICE, ("linker path '%s'", ev));
-    }
-    /* AFAIK there isn't a library path with the HP SHL interface --Rob */
-    ev = strdup("");
-    /*
-     * If ev is NULL, we have run out of memory
-     */
-    _pr_currentLibPath = ev;
-  exit:
-    if (_pr_currentLibPath) {
-        copy = strdup(_pr_currentLibPath);
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    if (!copy) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return copy;
-** Build library name from path, lib and extensions
-PR_GetLibraryName(const char *path, const char *lib)
-    char *fullname;
-#ifdef XP_PC
-    if (strstr(lib, PR_DLL_SUFFIX) == NULL)
-    {
-        if (path) {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s\\%s%s", path, lib, PR_DLL_SUFFIX);
-        } else {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s%s", lib, PR_DLL_SUFFIX);
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (path) {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s\\%s", path, lib);
-        } else {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s", lib);
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* XP_PC */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-    if (strstr(lib, PR_DLL_SUFFIX) == NULL)
-    {
-        if (path) {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s/lib%s%s", path, lib, PR_DLL_SUFFIX);
-        } else {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("lib%s%s", lib, PR_DLL_SUFFIX);
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (path) {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s/%s", path, lib);
-        } else {
-            fullname = PR_smprintf("%s", lib);
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* XP_UNIX || XP_BEOS */
-    return fullname;
-** Free the memory allocated, for the caller, by PR_GetLibraryName
-PR_FreeLibraryName(char *mem)
-    PR_smprintf_free(mem);
-static PRLibrary* 
-pr_UnlockedFindLibrary(const char *name)
-    PRLibrary* lm = pr_loadmap;
-    const char* np = strrchr(name, PR_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
-    np = np ? np + 1 : name;
-    while (lm) {
-    const char* cp = strrchr(lm->name, PR_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
-    cp = cp ? cp + 1 : lm->name;
-#ifdef WIN32
-        /* Windows DLL names are case insensitive... */
-    if (strcmpi(np, cp) == 0) 
-#elif defined(XP_OS2)
-    if (stricmp(np, cp) == 0)
-    if (strcmp(np, cp)  == 0) 
-    {
-        /* found */
-        lm->refCount++;
-        PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-           ("%s incr => %d (find lib)",
-            lm->name, lm->refCount));
-        return lm;
-    }
-    lm = lm->next;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(PRLibSpec libSpec, PRIntn flags)
-    if (flags == 0) {
-        flags = _PR_DEFAULT_LD_FLAGS;
-    }
-    switch (libSpec.type) {
-        case PR_LibSpec_Pathname:
-            return pr_LoadLibraryByPathname(libSpec.value.pathname, flags);
-#ifdef WIN32
-        case PR_LibSpec_PathnameU:
-            /*
-             * cast to |char *| and set PR_LD_PATHW flag so that
-             * it can be cast back to PRUnichar* in the callee.
-             */
-            return pr_LoadLibraryByPathname((const char*) 
-                                            libSpec.value.pathname_u, 
-                                            flags | PR_LD_PATHW);
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            return NULL;
-    }
-PR_LoadLibrary(const char *name)
-    PRLibSpec libSpec;
-    libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname;
-    libSpec.value.pathname = name;
-    return PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, 0);
-#if defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-static NSModule
-pr_LoadMachDyldModule(const char *name)
-    NSObjectFileImage ofi;
-    NSModule h = NULL;
-    if (NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(name, &ofi)
-            == NSObjectFileImageSuccess) {
-        h = NSLinkModule(ofi, name, NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE
-                         | NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR);
-        if (h == NULL) {
-            NSLinkEditErrors linkEditError;
-            int errorNum;
-            const char *fileName;
-            const char *errorString;
-            NSLinkEditError(&linkEditError, &errorNum, &fileName, &errorString);
-            PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, 
-                   ("LoadMachDyldModule error %d:%d for file %s:\n%s",
-                    linkEditError, errorNum, fileName, errorString));
-        }
-        if (NSDestroyObjectFileImage(ofi) == FALSE) {
-            if (h) {
-                (void)NSUnLinkModule(h, NSUNLINKMODULE_OPTION_NONE);
-                h = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return h;
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-** macLibraryLoadProc is a function definition for a Mac shared library
-** loading method. The "name" param is the same full or partial pathname
-** that was passed to pr_LoadLibraryByPathName. The function must fill
-** in the fields of "lm" which apply to its library type. Returns
-** PR_SUCCESS if successful.
-typedef PRStatus (*macLibraryLoadProc)(const char *name, PRLibrary *lm);
-#ifdef __ppc__
-** CFM and its TVectors only exist on PowerPC.  Other OS X architectures
-** only use Mach-O as a native binary format.
-static void* TV2FP(CFMutableDictionaryRef dict, const char* name, void *tvp)
-    static uint32 glue[6] = { 0x3D800000, 0x618C0000, 0x800C0000, 0x804C0004, 0x7C0903A6, 0x4E800420 };
-    uint32* newGlue = NULL;
-    if (tvp != NULL) {
-        CFStringRef nameRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, name, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
-        if (nameRef) {
-            CFMutableDataRef glueData = (CFMutableDataRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, nameRef);
-            if (glueData == NULL) {
-                glueData = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, sizeof(glue));
-                if (glueData != NULL) {
-                    newGlue = (uint32*) CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(glueData);
-                    memcpy(newGlue, glue, sizeof(glue));
-                    newGlue[0] |= ((UInt32)tvp >> 16);
-                    newGlue[1] |= ((UInt32)tvp & 0xFFFF);
-                    MakeDataExecutable(newGlue, sizeof(glue));
-                    CFDictionaryAddValue(dict, nameRef, glueData);
-                    CFRelease(glueData);
-                    PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function %s().", name));
-                }
-            } else {
-                PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("TV2FP: found wrapper for CFM function %s().", name));
-                newGlue = (uint32*) CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(glueData);
-            }
-            CFRelease(nameRef);
-        }
-    }
-    return newGlue;
-static PRStatus
-pr_LoadViaCFM(const char *name, PRLibrary *lm)
-    OSErr err;
-    Str255 errName;
-    FSRef ref;
-    FSSpec fileSpec;
-    Boolean tempUnusedBool;
-    /*
-     * Make an FSSpec from the path name and call GetDiskFragment.
-     */
-    /* Use direct conversion of POSIX path to FSRef to FSSpec. */
-    err = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)name, &ref, NULL);
-    if (err != noErr)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL,
-                           &fileSpec, NULL);
-    if (err != noErr)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    /* Resolve an alias if this was one */
-    err = ResolveAliasFile(&fileSpec, true, &tempUnusedBool,
-                           &tempUnusedBool);
-    if (err != noErr)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    /* Finally, try to load the library */
-    err = GetDiskFragment(&fileSpec, 0, kCFragGoesToEOF,,
-                          kLoadCFrag, &lm->connection, &lm->main, errName);
-    if (err == noErr && lm->connection) {
-        /*
-         * if we're a mach-o binary, need to wrap all CFM function
-         * pointers. need a hash-table of already seen function
-         * pointers, etc.
-         */
-        lm->wrappers = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 16,
-                       &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
-                       &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
-        if (lm->wrappers) {
-            lm->main = TV2FP(lm->wrappers, "main", lm->main);
-        } else
-            err = memFullErr;
-    }
-    return (err == noErr) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
-** Creates a CFBundleRef if the pathname refers to a Mac OS X bundle
-** directory. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease() to
-** deallocate.
-static PRStatus
-pr_LoadCFBundle(const char *name, PRLibrary *lm)
-    CFURLRef bundleURL;
-    CFBundleRef bundle = NULL;
-    char pathBuf[PATH_MAX];
-    const char *resolvedPath;
-    CFStringRef pathRef;
-    /* Takes care of relative paths and symlinks */
-    resolvedPath = realpath(name, pathBuf);
-    if (!resolvedPath)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    pathRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, pathBuf, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
-    if (pathRef) {
-        bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, pathRef,
-                                                  kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
-        if (bundleURL) {
-            bundle = CFBundleCreate(NULL, bundleURL);
-            CFRelease(bundleURL);
-        }
-        CFRelease(pathRef);
-    }
-    lm->bundle = bundle;
-    return (bundle != NULL) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-static PRStatus
-pr_LoadViaDyld(const char *name, PRLibrary *lm)
-    lm->dlh = pr_LoadMachDyldModule(name);
-    if (lm->dlh == NULL) {
-        lm->image = NSAddImage(name, NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR
-                               | NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING);
-        if (lm->image == NULL) {
-            NSLinkEditErrors linkEditError;
-            int errorNum;
-            const char *fileName;
-            const char *errorString;
-            NSLinkEditError(&linkEditError, &errorNum, &fileName, &errorString);
-            PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, 
-                   ("LoadMachDyldModule error %d:%d for file %s:\n%s",
-                    linkEditError, errorNum, fileName, errorString));
-        }
-    }
-    return (lm->dlh != NULL || lm->image != NULL) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* XP_MACOSX && USE_MACH_DYLD */
-** Dynamically load a library. Only load libraries once, so scan the load
-** map first.
-static PRLibrary*
-pr_LoadLibraryByPathname(const char *name, PRIntn flags)
-    PRLibrary *lm;
-    PRLibrary* result = NULL;
-    PRInt32 oserr;
-#ifdef WIN32
-    char utf8name_stack[MAX_PATH];
-    char *utf8name_malloc = NULL;
-    char *utf8name = utf8name_stack;
-    PRUnichar wname_stack[MAX_PATH];
-    PRUnichar *wname_malloc = NULL;
-    PRUnichar *wname = wname_stack;
-    int len;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    /* See if library is already loaded */
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-#ifdef WIN32
-    if (flags & PR_LD_PATHW) {
-        /* cast back what's cast to |char *| for the argument passing. */
-        wname = (LPWSTR) name;
-    } else {
-        int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, NULL, 0);
-        if (wlen > MAX_PATH)
-            wname = wname_malloc = PR_Malloc(wlen * sizeof(PRUnichar));
-        if (wname == NULL ||
-            !MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,  name, -1, wname, wlen)) {
-            oserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-            goto unlock;
-        }
-    }
-    len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wname, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-    if (len > MAX_PATH)
-        utf8name = utf8name_malloc = PR_Malloc(len);
-    if (utf8name == NULL ||
-        !WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wname, -1,
-                             utf8name, len, NULL, NULL)) {
-        oserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-    /* the list of loaded library names are always kept in UTF-8 
-     * on Win32 platforms */
-    result = pr_UnlockedFindLibrary(utf8name);
-    result = pr_UnlockedFindLibrary(name);
-    if (result != NULL) goto unlock;
-    lm = PR_NEWZAP(PRLibrary);
-    if (lm == NULL) {
-        oserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-    lm->staticTable = NULL;
-#ifdef XP_OS2  /* Why isn't all this stuff in MD code?! */
-    {
-        HMODULE h;
-        UCHAR pszError[_MAX_PATH];
-        ULONG ulRc = NO_ERROR;
-          ulRc = DosLoadModule(pszError, _MAX_PATH, (PSZ) name, &h);
-          if (ulRc != NO_ERROR) {
-              oserr = ulRc;
-              PR_DELETE(lm);
-              goto unlock;
-          }
-          lm->name = strdup(name);
-          lm->dlh  = h;
-          lm->next = pr_loadmap;
-          pr_loadmap = lm;
-    }
-#endif /* XP_OS2 */
-#ifdef WIN32
-    {
-    h = LoadLibraryExW(wname, NULL,
-                       (flags & PR_LD_ALT_SEARCH_PATH) ?
-                       LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH : 0);
-    if (h == NULL) {
-        oserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-        PR_DELETE(lm);
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-    lm->name = strdup(utf8name);
-    lm->dlh = h;
-    lm->next = pr_loadmap;
-    pr_loadmap = lm;
-    }
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    {
-    int     i;
-    PRStatus status;
-    static const macLibraryLoadProc loadProcs[] = {
-#ifdef __ppc__
-        pr_LoadViaDyld, pr_LoadCFBundle, pr_LoadViaCFM
-#else  /* __ppc__ */
-        pr_LoadViaDyld, pr_LoadCFBundle
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
-    };
-    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(loadProcs) / sizeof(loadProcs[0]); i++) {
-        if ((status = loadProcs[i](name, lm)) == PR_SUCCESS)
-            break;
-    }
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        oserr = cfragNoLibraryErr;
-        PR_DELETE(lm);
-        goto unlock;        
-    }
-    lm->name = strdup(name);
-    lm->next = pr_loadmap;
-    pr_loadmap = lm;
-    }
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !(defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD))
-#ifdef HAVE_DLL
-    {
-#if defined(USE_DLFCN)
-#ifdef NTO
-    /* Neutrino needs RTLD_GROUP to load Netscape plugins. (bug 71179) */
-    int dl_flags = RTLD_GROUP;
-#elif defined(AIX)
-    /* AIX needs RTLD_MEMBER to load an archive member.  (bug 228899) */
-    int dl_flags = RTLD_MEMBER;
-    int dl_flags = 0;
-    void *h = NULL;
-    if (flags & PR_LD_LAZY) {
-        dl_flags |= RTLD_LAZY;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_LD_NOW) {
-        dl_flags |= RTLD_NOW;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_LD_GLOBAL) {
-        dl_flags |= RTLD_GLOBAL;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_LD_LOCAL) {
-        dl_flags |= RTLD_LOCAL;
-    }
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-    /* ensure the file exists if it contains a slash character i.e. path */
-    /* DARWIN's dlopen ignores the provided path and checks for the */
-    /* plain filename in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH */
-    if (strchr(name, PR_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) == NULL ||
-        PR_Access(name, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            h = dlopen(name, dl_flags);
-        }
-    h = dlopen(name, dl_flags);
-#elif defined(USE_HPSHL)
-    int shl_flags = 0;
-    shl_t h;
-    /*
-     * Use the DYNAMIC_PATH flag only if 'name' is a plain file
-     * name (containing no directory) to match the behavior of
-     * dlopen().
-     */
-    if (strchr(name, PR_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) == NULL) {
-        shl_flags |= DYNAMIC_PATH;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_LD_LAZY) {
-        shl_flags |= BIND_DEFERRED;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_LD_NOW) {
-        shl_flags |= BIND_IMMEDIATE;
-    }
-    /* No equivalent of PR_LD_GLOBAL and PR_LD_LOCAL. */
-    h = shl_load(name, shl_flags, 0L);
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    NSModule h = pr_LoadMachDyldModule(name);
-#error Configuration error
-    if (!h) {
-        oserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-        PR_DELETE(lm);
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-    lm->name = strdup(name);
-    lm->dlh = h;
-    lm->next = pr_loadmap;
-    pr_loadmap = lm;
-    }
-#endif /* HAVE_DLL */
-#endif /* XP_UNIX && !(XP_MACOSX && USE_MACH_DYLD) */
-    lm->refCount = 1;
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-    {
-        image_info info;
-        int32 cookie = 0;
-        image_id imageid = B_ERROR;
-        image_id stubid = B_ERROR;
-        PRLibrary *p;
-        for (p = pr_loadmap; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
-            /* hopefully, our caller will always use the same string
-               to refer to the same library */
-            if (strcmp(name, p->name) == 0) {
-                /* we've already loaded this library */
-                imageid =;
-                lm->refCount++;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if(imageid == B_ERROR) {
-            /* it appears the library isn't yet loaded - load it now */
-            char stubName [B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
-            /* the following is a work-around to a "bug" in the beos -
-               the beos system loader allows only 32M (system-wide)
-               to be used by code loaded as "add-ons" (code loaded
-               through the 'load_add_on()' system call, which includes
-               mozilla components), but allows 256M to be used by
-               shared libraries.
-               unfortunately, mozilla is too large to fit into the
-               "add-on" space, so we must trick the loader into
-               loading some of the components as shared libraries.  this
-               is accomplished by creating a "stub" add-on (an empty
-               shared object), and linking it with the component
-               (the actual .so file generated by the build process,
-               without any modifications).  when this stub is loaded
-               by load_add_on(), the loader will automatically load the
-               component into the shared library space.
-            */
-            strcpy(stubName, name);
-            strcat(stubName, ".stub");
-            /* first, attempt to load the stub (thereby loading the
-               component as a shared library */
-            if ((stubid = load_add_on(stubName)) > B_ERROR) {
-                /* the stub was loaded successfully. */
-                imageid = B_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
-                cookie = 0;
-                while (get_next_image_info(0, &cookie, &info) == B_OK) {
-                    const char *endOfSystemName = strrchr(, '/');
-                    const char *endOfPassedName = strrchr(name, '/');
-                    if( 0 == endOfSystemName ) 
-                        endOfSystemName =;
-                    else
-                        endOfSystemName++;
-                    if( 0 == endOfPassedName )
-                        endOfPassedName = name;
-                    else
-                        endOfPassedName++;
-                    if (strcmp(endOfSystemName, endOfPassedName) == 0) {
-                        /* this is the actual component - remember it */
-                        imageid =;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* we failed to load the "stub" - try to load the
-                   component directly as an add-on */
-                stubid = B_ERROR;
-                imageid = load_add_on(name);
-            }
-        }
-        if (imageid <= B_ERROR) {
-            oserr = imageid;
-            PR_DELETE( lm );
-            goto unlock;
-        }
-        lm->name = strdup(name);
-        lm->dlh = (void*)imageid;
-        lm->stub_dlh = (void*)stubid;
-        lm->next = pr_loadmap;
-        pr_loadmap = lm;
-    }
-    result = lm;    /* success */
-    PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("Loaded library %s (load lib)", lm->name));
-  unlock:
-    if (result == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_LOAD_LIBRARY_ERROR, oserr);
-        DLLErrorInternal(oserr);  /* sets error text */
-    }
-#ifdef WIN32
-    if (utf8name_malloc) 
-        PR_Free(utf8name_malloc);
-    if (wname_malloc)
-        PR_Free(wname_malloc);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    return result;
-** Unload a shared library which was loaded via PR_LoadLibrary
-PR_UnloadLibrary(PRLibrary *lib)
-    int result = 0;
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (lib == 0) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    if (lib->refCount <= 0) {
-        PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (--lib->refCount > 0) {
-    PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-           ("%s decr => %d",
-        lib->name, lib->refCount));
-    goto done;
-    }
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-    if(((image_id)lib->stub_dlh) == B_ERROR)
-        unload_add_on( (image_id) lib->dlh );
-    else
-        unload_add_on( (image_id) lib->stub_dlh);
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#ifdef HAVE_DLL
-#ifdef USE_DLFCN
-    result = dlclose(lib->dlh);
-#elif defined(USE_HPSHL)
-    result = shl_unload(lib->dlh);
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    if (lib->dlh)
-        result = NSUnLinkModule(lib->dlh, NSUNLINKMODULE_OPTION_NONE) ? 0 : -1;
-#error Configuration error
-#endif /* HAVE_DLL */
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-#ifdef XP_PC
-    if (lib->dlh) {
-        FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)(lib->dlh));
-        lib->dlh = (HINSTANCE)NULL;
-    }
-#endif  /* XP_PC */
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    /* Close the connection */
-    if (lib->connection)
-        CloseConnection(&(lib->connection));
-    if (lib->bundle)
-        CFRelease(lib->bundle);
-    if (lib->wrappers)
-        CFRelease(lib->wrappers);
-    /* No way to unload an image (lib->image) */
-    /* unlink from library search list */
-    if (pr_loadmap == lib)
-        pr_loadmap = pr_loadmap->next;
-    else if (pr_loadmap != NULL) {
-        PRLibrary* prev = pr_loadmap;
-        PRLibrary* next = pr_loadmap->next;
-        while (next != NULL) {
-            if (next == lib) {
-                prev->next = next->next;
-                goto freeLib;
-            }
-            prev = next;
-            next = next->next;
-        }
-        /*
-         * fail (the library is not on the _pr_loadmap list),
-         * but don't wipe out an error from dlclose/shl_unload.
-         */
-        PR_NOT_REACHED("_pr_loadmap and lib->refCount inconsistent");
-        if (result == 0) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            status = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * We free the PRLibrary structure whether dlclose/shl_unload
-     * succeeds or not.
-     */
-  freeLib:
-    PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("Unloaded library %s", lib->name));
-    free(lib->name);
-    lib->name = NULL;
-    PR_DELETE(lib);
-    if (result != 0) {
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        status = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    return status;
-static void* 
-pr_FindSymbolInLib(PRLibrary *lm, const char *name)
-    void *f = NULL;
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-    int rc;
-    if (lm->staticTable != NULL) {
-        const PRStaticLinkTable* tp;
-        for (tp = lm->staticTable; tp->name; tp++) {
-            if (strcmp(name, tp->name) == 0) {
-                return (void*) tp->fp;
-            }
-        }
-        /* 
-        ** If the symbol was not found in the static table then check if
-        ** the symbol was exported in the DLL... Win16 only!!
-        */
-#if !defined(WIN16) && !defined(XP_BEOS)
-        PR_SetError(PR_FIND_SYMBOL_ERROR, 0);
-        return (void*)NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-    rc = DosQueryProcAddr(lm->dlh, 0, (PSZ) name, (PFN *) &f);
-    /*
-     * Older plugins (not built using GCC) will have symbols that are not
-     * underscore prefixed.  We check for that here.
-     */
-    if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
-        name++;
-        DosQueryProcAddr(lm->dlh, 0, (PSZ) name, (PFN *) &f);
-    }
-#endif  /* XP_OS2 */
-#ifdef WIN32
-    f = GetProcAddress(lm->dlh, name);
-#endif  /* WIN32 */
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-/* add this offset to skip the leading underscore in name */
-#define SYM_OFFSET 1
-    if (lm->bundle) {
-        CFStringRef nameRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, name + SYM_OFFSET, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
-        if (nameRef) {
-            f = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(lm->bundle, nameRef);
-            CFRelease(nameRef);
-        }
-    }
-    if (lm->connection) {
-        Ptr                 symAddr;
-        CFragSymbolClass    symClass;
-        Str255              pName;
-        PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("Looking up symbol: %s", name + SYM_OFFSET));
-        c2pstrcpy(pName, name + SYM_OFFSET);
-        f = (FindSymbol(lm->connection, pName, &symAddr, &symClass) == noErr) ? symAddr : NULL;
-#ifdef __ppc__
-        /* callers expect mach-o function pointers, so must wrap tvectors with glue. */
-        if (f && symClass == kTVectorCFragSymbol) {
-            f = TV2FP(lm->wrappers, name + SYM_OFFSET, f);
-        }
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
-        if (f == NULL && strcmp(name + SYM_OFFSET, "main") == 0) f = lm->main;
-    }
-    if (lm->image) {
-        NSSymbol symbol;
-        symbol = NSLookupSymbolInImage(lm->image, name,
-        if (symbol != NULL)
-            f = NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol);
-        else
-            f = NULL;
-    }
-#undef SYM_OFFSET
-#endif /* XP_MACOSX && USE_MACH_DYLD */
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-    if( B_NO_ERROR != get_image_symbol( (image_id)lm->dlh, name, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, &f ) ) {
-        f = NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#ifdef HAVE_DLL
-#ifdef USE_DLFCN
-    f = dlsym(lm->dlh, name);
-#elif defined(USE_HPSHL)
-    if (shl_findsym(&lm->dlh, name, TYPE_PROCEDURE, &f) == -1) {
-        f = NULL;
-    }
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    if (lm->dlh) {
-        NSSymbol symbol;
-        symbol = NSLookupSymbolInModule(lm->dlh, name);
-        if (symbol != NULL)
-            f = NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol);
-        else
-            f = NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* HAVE_DLL */
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-    if (f == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_FIND_SYMBOL_ERROR, _MD_ERRNO());
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-    }
-    return f;
-** Called by class loader to resolve missing native's
-PR_FindSymbol(PRLibrary *lib, const char *raw_name)
-    void *f = NULL;
-    char *name;
-    const char *name;
-    /*
-    ** Mangle the raw symbol name in any way that is platform specific.
-    */
-    /* Need a leading _ */
-    name = PR_smprintf("_%s", raw_name);
-#elif defined(AIX)
-    /*
-    ** AIX with the normal linker put's a "." in front of the symbol
-    ** name.  When use "svcc" and "svld" then the "." disappears. Go
-    ** figure.
-    */
-    name = raw_name;
-    name = raw_name;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(lib != NULL);
-    f = pr_FindSymbolInLib(lib, name);
-    PR_smprintf_free(name);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    return f;
-** Return the address of the function 'raw_name' in the library 'lib'
-PR_FindFunctionSymbol(PRLibrary *lib, const char *raw_name)
-    return ((PRFuncPtr) PR_FindSymbol(lib, raw_name));
-PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary(const char *raw_name, PRLibrary* *lib)
-    void *f = NULL;
-    char *name;
-    const char *name;
-    PRLibrary* lm;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    /*
-    ** Mangle the raw symbol name in any way that is platform specific.
-    */
-    /* Need a leading _ */
-    name = PR_smprintf("_%s", raw_name);
-#elif defined(AIX)
-    /*
-    ** AIX with the normal linker put's a "." in front of the symbol
-    ** name.  When use "svcc" and "svld" then the "." disappears. Go
-    ** figure.
-    */
-    name = raw_name;
-    name = raw_name;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    /* search all libraries */
-    for (lm = pr_loadmap; lm != NULL; lm = lm->next) {
-        f = pr_FindSymbolInLib(lm, name);
-        if (f != NULL) {
-            *lib = lm;
-            lm->refCount++;
-            PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-                       ("%s incr => %d (for %s)",
-                    lm->name, lm->refCount, name));
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_smprintf_free(name);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    return f;
-PR_FindFunctionSymbolAndLibrary(const char *raw_name, PRLibrary* *lib)
-    return ((PRFuncPtr) PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary(raw_name, lib));
-** Add a static library to the list of loaded libraries. If LoadLibrary
-** is called with the name then we will pretend it was already loaded
-PR_LoadStaticLibrary(const char *name, const PRStaticLinkTable *slt)
-    PRLibrary *lm=NULL;
-    PRLibrary* result = NULL;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    /* See if library is already loaded */
-    PR_EnterMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    /* If the lbrary is already loaded, then add the static table information... */
-    result = pr_UnlockedFindLibrary(name);
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        PR_ASSERT( (result->staticTable == NULL) || (result->staticTable == slt) );
-        result->staticTable = slt;
-        goto unlock;
-    }
-    /* Add library to list...Mark it static */
-    lm = PR_NEWZAP(PRLibrary);
-    if (lm == NULL) goto unlock;
-    lm->name = strdup(name);
-    lm->refCount    = 1;
-    lm->dlh         = pr_exe_loadmap ? pr_exe_loadmap->dlh : 0;
-    lm->staticTable = slt;
-    lm->next        = pr_loadmap;
-    pr_loadmap      = lm;
-    result = lm;    /* success */
-    PR_ASSERT(lm->refCount == 1);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_linker_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("Loaded library %s (static lib)", lm->name));
-  unlock:
-    PR_ExitMonitor(pr_linker_lock);
-    return result;
-PR_GetLibraryFilePathname(const char *name, PRFuncPtr addr)
-#if defined(USE_DLFCN) && defined(HAVE_DLADDR)
-    Dl_info dli;
-    char *result;
-    if (dladdr((void *)addr, &dli) == 0) {
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    result = PR_Malloc(strlen(dli.dli_fname)+1);
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        strcpy(result, dli.dli_fname);
-    }
-    return result;
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD)
-    char *result;
-    const char *image_name;
-    int i, count = _dyld_image_count();
-    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-        image_name = _dyld_get_image_name(i);
-        if (strstr(image_name, name) != NULL) {
-            result = PR_Malloc(strlen(image_name)+1);
-            if (result != NULL) {
-                strcpy(result, image_name);
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-#elif defined(AIX)
-    char *result;
-    struct ld_info *info;
-    unsigned int info_length = LD_INFO_INCREMENT * sizeof(struct ld_info);
-    struct ld_info *infop;
-    int loadflags = L_GETINFO | L_IGNOREUNLOAD;
-    for (;;) {
-        info = PR_Malloc(info_length);
-        if (info == NULL) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        /* If buffer is too small, loadquery fails with ENOMEM. */
-        if (loadquery(loadflags, info, info_length) != -1) {
-            break;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Calling loadquery when compiled for 64-bit with the
-         * L_IGNOREUNLOAD flag can cause an invalid argument error
-         * on AIX 5.1. Detect this error the first time that
-         * loadquery is called, and try calling it again without
-         * this flag set.
-         */
-        if (errno == EINVAL && (loadflags & L_IGNOREUNLOAD)) {
-            loadflags &= ~L_IGNOREUNLOAD;
-            if (loadquery(loadflags, info, info_length) != -1) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        PR_Free(info);
-        if (errno != ENOMEM) {
-            /* should not happen */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        /* retry with a larger buffer */
-        info_length += LD_INFO_INCREMENT * sizeof(struct ld_info);
-    }
-    for (infop = info;
-         ;
-         infop = (struct ld_info *)((char *)infop + infop->ldinfo_next)) {
-        unsigned long start = (unsigned long)infop->ldinfo_dataorg;
-        unsigned long end = start + infop->ldinfo_datasize;
-        if (start <= (unsigned long)addr && end > (unsigned long)addr) {
-            result = PR_Malloc(strlen(infop->ldinfo_filename)+1);
-            if (result != NULL) {
-                strcpy(result, infop->ldinfo_filename);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        if (!infop->ldinfo_next) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_LIBRARY_NOT_LOADED_ERROR, 0);
-            result = NULL;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_Free(info);
-    return result;
-#elif defined(OSF1)
-    /* Contributed by Steve Streeter of HP */
-    ldr_process_t process, ldr_my_process();
-    ldr_module_t mod_id;
-    ldr_module_info_t info;
-    ldr_region_t regno;
-    ldr_region_info_t reginfo;
-    size_t retsize;
-    int rv;
-    char *result;
-    /* Get process for which dynamic modules will be listed */
-    process = ldr_my_process();
-    /* Attach to process */
-    rv = ldr_xattach(process);
-    if (rv) {
-        /* should not happen */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Print information for list of modules */
-    mod_id = LDR_NULL_MODULE;
-    for (;;) {
-        /* Get information for the next module in the module list. */
-        ldr_next_module(process, &mod_id);
-        if (ldr_inq_module(process, mod_id, &info, sizeof(info),
-                           &retsize) != 0) {
-            /* No more modules */
-            break;
-        }
-        if (retsize < sizeof(info)) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Get information for each region in the module and check if any
-         * contain the address of this function.
-         */
-        for (regno = 0; ; regno++) {
-            if (ldr_inq_region(process, mod_id, regno, &reginfo,
-                               sizeof(reginfo), &retsize) != 0) {
-                /* No more regions */
-                break;
-            }
-            if (((unsigned long)reginfo.lri_mapaddr <=
-                (unsigned long)addr) &&
-                (((unsigned long)reginfo.lri_mapaddr + reginfo.lri_size) >
-                (unsigned long)addr)) {
-                /* Found it. */
-                result = PR_Malloc(strlen(info.lmi_name)+1);
-                if (result != NULL) {
-                    strcpy(result, info.lmi_name);
-                }
-                return result;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-#elif defined(HPUX) && defined(USE_HPSHL)
-    int index;
-    struct shl_descriptor desc;
-    char *result;
-    for (index = 0; shl_get_r(index, &desc) == 0; index++) {
-        if (strstr(desc.filename, name) != NULL) {
-            result = PR_Malloc(strlen(desc.filename)+1);
-            if (result != NULL) {
-                strcpy(result, desc.filename);
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Since the index value of a library is decremented if
-     * a library preceding it in the shared library search
-     * list was unloaded, it is possible that we missed some
-     * libraries as we went up the list.  So we should go
-     * down the list to be sure that we not miss anything.
-     */
-    for (index--; index >= 0; index--) {
-        if ((shl_get_r(index, &desc) == 0)
-                && (strstr(desc.filename, name) != NULL)) {
-            result = PR_Malloc(strlen(desc.filename)+1);
-            if (result != NULL) {
-                strcpy(result, desc.filename);
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-#elif defined(HPUX) && defined(USE_DLFCN)
-    struct load_module_desc desc;
-    char *result;
-    const char *module_name;
-    if (dlmodinfo((unsigned long)addr, &desc, sizeof desc, NULL, 0, 0) == 0) {
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    module_name = dlgetname(&desc, sizeof desc, NULL, 0, 0);
-    if (module_name == NULL) {
-        /* should not happen */
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    result = PR_Malloc(strlen(module_name)+1);
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        strcpy(result, module_name);
-    }
-    return result;
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-    PRUnichar wname[MAX_PATH];
-    HMODULE handle = NULL;
-    PRUnichar module_name[MAX_PATH];
-    int len;
-    char *result;
-    if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, wname, MAX_PATH)) {
-        handle = GetModuleHandleW(wname);
-    }
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (GetModuleFileNameW(handle, module_name, MAX_PATH) == 0) {
-        /* should not happen */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, module_name, -1,
-                              NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-    if (len == 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    result = PR_Malloc(len * sizeof(PRUnichar));
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, module_name, -1,
-                            result, len, NULL, NULL);
-    }
-    return result;
-#elif defined(XP_OS2)
-    HMODULE module = NULL;
-    char module_name[_MAX_PATH];
-    char *result;
-    APIRET ulrc = DosQueryModFromEIP(&module, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, (ULONG) addr);
-    if ((NO_ERROR != ulrc) || (NULL == module) ) {
-        DLLErrorInternal(_MD_ERRNO());
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ulrc = DosQueryModuleName(module, sizeof module_name, module_name);
-    if (NO_ERROR != ulrc) {
-        /* should not happen */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    result = PR_Malloc(strlen(module_name)+1);
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        strcpy(result, module_name);
-    }
-    return result;
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmalloc.c b/nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmalloc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 174d0da..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1142 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-** We override malloc etc. on any platform which has preemption +
-** nspr20 user level threads.  When we're debugging, we can make our
-** version of malloc fail occasionally.
-** Thread safe version of malloc, calloc, realloc, free
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define SANITY
-#undef SANITY
-/* Forward decls */
-void *_PR_UnlockedMalloc(size_t size);
-void _PR_UnlockedFree(void *ptr);
-void *_PR_UnlockedRealloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
-void *_PR_UnlockedCalloc(size_t n, size_t elsize);
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
- * <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
- * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
- * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- */
- * Defining SANITY will enable some checks which will tell you if the users
- * program did botch something
- */
- * Defining EXTRA_SANITY will enable some checks which are mostly related
- * to internal conditions in malloc.c
- */
- * Very verbose progress on stdout...
- */
-#if 0
-#  define TRACE(foo)    printf  foo
-static int malloc_event;
-#  define TRACE(foo)	
-/* XXX Pick a number, any number */
-#   define malloc_pagesize		4096UL
-#   define malloc_pageshift		12UL
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
- * This structure describes a page's worth of chunks.
- */
-struct pginfo {
-    struct pginfo	*next;	/* next on the free list */
-    char		*page;	/* Pointer to the page */
-    u_short		size;	/* size of this page's chunks */
-    u_short		shift;	/* How far to shift for this size chunks */
-    u_short		free;	/* How many free chunks */
-    u_short		total;	/* How many chunk */
-    u_long		bits[1]; /* Which chunks are free */
-struct pgfree {
-    struct pgfree	*next;	/* next run of free pages */
-    struct pgfree	*prev;	/* prev run of free pages */
-    char		*page;	/* pointer to free pages */
-    char		*end;	/* pointer to end of free pages */
-    u_long		size;	/* number of bytes free */
- * How many bits per u_long in the bitmap.
- * Change only if not 8 bits/byte
- */
-#define	MALLOC_BITS	(8*sizeof(u_long))
- * Magic values to put in the page_directory
- */
-#define MALLOC_NOT_MINE	((struct pginfo*) 0)
-#define MALLOC_FREE 	((struct pginfo*) 1)
-#define MALLOC_FIRST	((struct pginfo*) 2)
-#define MALLOC_FOLLOW	((struct pginfo*) 3)
-#define MALLOC_MAGIC	((struct pginfo*) 4)
- * Set to one when malloc_init has been called
- */
-static	unsigned	initialized;
- * The size of a page.
- * Must be a integral multiplum of the granularity of mmap(2).
- * Your toes will curl if it isn't a power of two
- */
-#define malloc_pagemask	((malloc_pagesize)-1)
- * The size of the largest chunk.
- * Half a page.
- */
-#define malloc_maxsize	((malloc_pagesize)>>1)
- * malloc_pagesize == 1 << malloc_pageshift
- */
-#ifndef malloc_pageshift
-static	unsigned	malloc_pageshift;
-#endif /* malloc_pageshift */
- * The smallest allocation we bother about.
- * Must be power of two
- */
-#ifndef malloc_minsize
-static	unsigned  malloc_minsize;
-#endif /* malloc_minsize */
- * The largest chunk we care about.
- * Must be smaller than pagesize
- * Must be power of two
- */
-#ifndef malloc_maxsize
-static	unsigned  malloc_maxsize;
-#endif /* malloc_maxsize */
-#ifndef malloc_cache
-static	unsigned  malloc_cache;
-#endif /* malloc_cache */
- * The offset from pagenumber to index into the page directory
- */
-static	u_long  malloc_origo;
- * The last index in the page directory we care about
- */
-static	u_long  last_index;
- * Pointer to page directory.
- * Allocated "as if with" malloc
- */
-static	struct	pginfo **page_dir;
- * How many slots in the page directory
- */
-static	unsigned	malloc_ninfo;
- * Free pages line up here 
- */
-static struct pgfree	free_list;
- * Abort() if we fail to get VM ?
- */
-static int malloc_abort;
-#ifdef SANITY
- * Are we trying to die ?
- */
-static int suicide;
- * dump statistics
- */
-static int malloc_stats;
- * always realloc ?
- */
-static int malloc_realloc;
- * my last break.
- */
-static void *malloc_brk;
- * one location cache for free-list holders
- */
-static struct pgfree *px;
-static int set_pgdir(void *ptr, struct  pginfo *info);
-static int extend_page_directory(u_long index);
-#ifdef SANITY
-malloc_dump(FILE *fd)
-    struct pginfo **pd;
-    struct pgfree *pf;
-    int j;
-    pd = page_dir;
-    /* print out all the pages */
-    for(j=0;j<=last_index;j++) {
-	fprintf(fd,"%08lx %5d ",(j+malloc_origo) << malloc_pageshift,j);
-	if (pd[j] == MALLOC_NOT_MINE) {
-	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[j] == MALLOC_NOT_MINE;j++)
-		;
-	    j--;
-	    fprintf(fd,".. %5d not mine\n",	j);
-	} else if (pd[j] == MALLOC_FREE) {
-	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[j] == MALLOC_FREE;j++)
-		;
-	    j--;
-	    fprintf(fd,".. %5d free\n", j);
-	} else if (pd[j] == MALLOC_FIRST) {
-	    for(j++;j<=last_index && pd[j] == MALLOC_FOLLOW;j++)
-		;
-	    j--;
-	    fprintf(fd,".. %5d in use\n", j);
-	} else if (pd[j] < MALLOC_MAGIC) {
-	    fprintf(fd,"(%p)\n", pd[j]);
-	} else {
-	    fprintf(fd,"%p %d (of %d) x %d @ %p --> %p\n",
-		pd[j],pd[j]->free, pd[j]->total, 
-		pd[j]->size, pd[j]->page, pd[j]->next);
-	}
-    }
-    for(; pf; pf=pf->next) {
-	fprintf(fd,"Free: @%p [%p...%p[ %ld ->%p <-%p\n",
-		pf,pf->page,pf->end,pf->size,pf->prev,pf->next);
-	if (pf == pf->next) {
-		fprintf(fd,"Free_list loops.\n");
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* print out various info */
-    fprintf(fd,"Minsize\t%d\n",malloc_minsize);
-    fprintf(fd,"Maxsize\t%ld\n",malloc_maxsize);
-    fprintf(fd,"Pagesize\t%ld\n",malloc_pagesize);
-    fprintf(fd,"Pageshift\t%ld\n",malloc_pageshift);
-    fprintf(fd,"FirstPage\t%ld\n",malloc_origo);
-    fprintf(fd,"LastPage\t%ld %lx\n",last_index+malloc_pageshift,
-	(last_index + malloc_pageshift) << malloc_pageshift);
-    fprintf(fd,"Break\t%ld\n",(u_long)sbrk(0) >> malloc_pageshift);
-static void wrterror(char *fmt, ...)
-    char *q = "malloc() error: ";
-    char buf[100];
-    va_list ap;
-    suicide = 1;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    PR_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    fputs(q, stderr);
-    fputs(buf, stderr);
-    malloc_dump(stderr);
-    PR_Abort();
-static void wrtwarning(char *fmt, ...)
-    char *q = "malloc() warning: ";
-    char buf[100];
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    PR_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    fputs(q, stderr);
-    fputs(buf, stderr);
-#endif /* SANITY */
- * Allocate a number of pages from the OS
- */
-static caddr_t
-map_pages(int pages, int update)
-    caddr_t result,tail;
-    result = ((caddr_t)sbrk(0)) + malloc_pagemask - 1;
-    result = (caddr_t) ((u_long)result & ~malloc_pagemask);
-    tail = result + (pages << malloc_pageshift);
-    if (!brk(tail)) {
-	last_index = ((u_long)tail >> malloc_pageshift) - malloc_origo -1;
-	malloc_brk = tail;
-	TRACE(("%6d S %p .. %p\n",malloc_event++, result, tail));
-	if (!update || last_index < malloc_ninfo ||
-	  extend_page_directory(last_index))
-	    return result;
-    }
-    TRACE(("%6d s %d %p %d\n",malloc_event++,pages,sbrk(0),errno));
-    wrterror("map_pages fails\n");
-    return 0;
-#define set_bit(_pi,_bit) \
-    (_pi)->bits[(_bit)/MALLOC_BITS] |= 1L<<((_bit)%MALLOC_BITS)
-#define clr_bit(_pi,_bit) \
-    (_pi)->bits[(_bit)/MALLOC_BITS] &= ~(1L<<((_bit)%MALLOC_BITS));
-#define tst_bit(_pi,_bit) \
-    ((_pi)->bits[(_bit)/MALLOC_BITS] & (1L<<((_bit)%MALLOC_BITS)))
- * Extend page directory
- */
-static int
-extend_page_directory(u_long index)
-    struct  pginfo **young, **old;
-    int i;
-    TRACE(("%6d E %lu\n",malloc_event++,index));
-    /* Make it this many pages */
-    i = index * sizeof *page_dir;
-    i /= malloc_pagesize;
-    i += 2;
-    /* Get new pages, if you used this much mem you don't care :-) */
-    young = (struct pginfo**) map_pages(i,0);
-    if (!young)
-	return 0;
-    /* Copy the old stuff */
-    memset(young, 0, i * malloc_pagesize);
-    memcpy(young, page_dir,
-	    malloc_ninfo * sizeof *page_dir);
-    /* register the new size */
-    malloc_ninfo = i * malloc_pagesize / sizeof *page_dir;
-    /* swap the pointers */
-    old = page_dir;
-    page_dir = young;
-    /* Mark the pages */
-    index = ((u_long)young >> malloc_pageshift) - malloc_origo;
-    page_dir[index] = MALLOC_FIRST;
-    while (--i) {
-	page_dir[++index] = MALLOC_FOLLOW;
-    }
-    /* Now free the old stuff */
-    _PR_UnlockedFree(old);
-    return 1;
- * Set entry in page directory.
- * Extend page directory if need be.
- */
-static int
-set_pgdir(void *ptr, struct  pginfo *info)
-    u_long index = ((u_long)ptr >> malloc_pageshift) - malloc_origo;
-    if (index >= malloc_ninfo && !extend_page_directory(index))
-	return 0;
-    page_dir[index] = info;
-    return 1;
- * Initialize the world
- */
-static void
-malloc_init (void)
-    int i;
-    char *p;
-    TRACE(("%6d I\n",malloc_event++));
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    for (p=getenv("MALLOC_OPTIONS"); p && *p; p++) {
-	switch (*p) {
-	    case 'a': malloc_abort = 0; break;
-	    case 'A': malloc_abort = 1; break;
-	    case 'd': malloc_stats = 0; break;
-	    case 'D': malloc_stats = 1; break;
-	    case 'r': malloc_realloc = 0; break;
-	    case 'R': malloc_realloc = 1; break;
-	    default:
-		wrtwarning("Unknown chars in MALLOC_OPTIONS\n");
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-#ifndef malloc_pagesize
-    /* determine our pagesize */
-    malloc_pagesize = getpagesize();
-#endif /* malloc_pagesize */
-#ifndef malloc_pageshift
-    /* determine how much we shift by to get there */
-    for (i = malloc_pagesize; i > 1; i >>= 1)
-	malloc_pageshift++;
-#endif /* malloc_pageshift */
-#ifndef malloc_cache
-    malloc_cache = 50 << malloc_pageshift;	
-#endif /* malloc_cache */
-#ifndef malloc_minsize
-    /*
-     * find the smallest size allocation we will bother about.
-     * this is determined as the smallest allocation that can hold
-     * it's own pginfo;
-     */
-    i = 2;
-    for(;;) {
-	int j;
-	/* Figure out the size of the bits */
-	j = malloc_pagesize/i;
-	j /= 8;
-	if (j < sizeof(u_long))
-		j = sizeof (u_long);
-	if (sizeof(struct pginfo) + j - sizeof (u_long) <= i)
-		break;
-	i += i;
-    }
-    malloc_minsize = i;
-#endif /* malloc_minsize */
-    /* Allocate one page for the page directory */
-    page_dir = (struct pginfo **) map_pages(1,0);
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (!page_dir)
-	wrterror("fatal: my first mmap failed.  (check limits ?)\n");
-    /*
-     * We need a maximum of malloc_pageshift buckets, steal these from the
-     * front of the page_directory;
-     */
-    malloc_origo = (u_long) page_dir >> malloc_pageshift;
-    malloc_origo -= malloc_pageshift;
-    /* Clear it */
-    memset(page_dir,0,malloc_pagesize);
-    /* Find out how much it tells us */
-    malloc_ninfo = malloc_pagesize / sizeof *page_dir;
-    /* Plug the page directory into itself */
-    i = set_pgdir(page_dir,MALLOC_FIRST);
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (!i)
-	wrterror("fatal: couldn't set myself in the page directory\n");
-    /* Been here, done that */
-    initialized++;
- * Allocate a number of complete pages
- */
-static void *malloc_pages(size_t size)
-    void *p,*delay_free = 0;
-    int i;
-    struct pgfree *pf;
-    u_long index;
-    /* How many pages ? */
-    size += (malloc_pagesize-1);
-    size &= ~malloc_pagemask;
-    p = 0;
-    /* Look for free pages before asking for more */
-    for(pf =; pf; pf = pf->next) {
-	if (pf->page == pf->end)
-	    wrterror("zero entry on free_list\n");
-	if (pf->page > pf->end) {
-	    TRACE(("%6d !s %p %p %p <%d>\n",malloc_event++,
-		pf,pf->page,pf->end,__LINE__));
-	    wrterror("sick entry on free_list\n");
-	}
-	if ((void*)pf->page >= (void*)sbrk(0))
-	    wrterror("entry on free_list past brk\n");
-	if (page_dir[((u_long)pf->page >> malloc_pageshift) - malloc_origo] 
-	  != MALLOC_FREE) {
-	    TRACE(("%6d !f %p %p %p <%d>\n",malloc_event++,
-		pf,pf->page,pf->end,__LINE__));
-	    wrterror("non-free first page on free-list\n");
-	}
-	if (page_dir[((u_long)pf->end >> malloc_pageshift) - 1 - malloc_origo] 
-	    wrterror("non-free last page on free-list\n");
-#endif /* EXTRA_SANITY */
-	if (pf->size < size) 
-	    continue;
-	else if (pf->size == size) {
-	    p = pf->page;
-	    if (pf->next)
-		    pf->next->prev = pf->prev;
-	    pf->prev->next = pf->next;
-	    delay_free = pf;
-	    break;
-	} else {
-	    p = pf->page;
-	    pf->page += size;
-	    pf->size -= size;
-	    break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (p && page_dir[((u_long)p >> malloc_pageshift) - malloc_origo] 
-      != MALLOC_FREE) {
-	wrterror("allocated non-free page on free-list\n");
-    }
-#endif /* EXTRA_SANITY */
-    size >>= malloc_pageshift;
-    /* Map new pages */
-    if (!p)
-	p = map_pages(size,1);
-    if (p) {
-	/* Mark the pages in the directory */
-	index = ((u_long)p >> malloc_pageshift) - malloc_origo;
-	page_dir[index] = MALLOC_FIRST;
-	for (i=1;i<size;i++)
-	    page_dir[index+i] = MALLOC_FOLLOW;
-    }
-    if (delay_free) {
-	if (!px) 
-	    px = (struct pgfree*)delay_free;
-	else
-	    _PR_UnlockedFree(delay_free);
-    }
-    return p;
- * Allocate a page of fragments
- */
-static int
-malloc_make_chunks(int bits)
-    struct  pginfo *bp;
-    void *pp;
-    int i,k,l;
-    /* Allocate a new bucket */
-    pp = malloc_pages(malloc_pagesize);
-    if (!pp)
-	return 0;
-    l = sizeof *bp - sizeof(u_long);
-    l += sizeof(u_long) *
-	(((malloc_pagesize >> bits)+MALLOC_BITS-1) / MALLOC_BITS);
-    if ((1<<(bits)) <= l+l) {
-	bp = (struct  pginfo *)pp;
-    } else {
-	bp = (struct  pginfo *)_PR_UnlockedMalloc(l);
-    }
-    if (!bp)
-	return 0;
-    bp->size = (1<<bits);
-    bp->shift = bits;
-    bp->total = bp->free = malloc_pagesize >> bits;
-    bp->next = page_dir[bits];
-    bp->page = (char*)pp;
-    i = set_pgdir(pp,bp);
-    if (!i)
-	return 0;
-    /* We can safely assume that there is nobody in this chain */
-    page_dir[bits] = bp;
-    /* set all valid bits in the bits */
-    k = bp->total;
-    i = 0;
-    for(;k-i >= MALLOC_BITS; i += MALLOC_BITS)
-	bp->bits[i / MALLOC_BITS] = ~0;
-    for(; i < k; i++)
-	set_bit(bp,i);
-    if (bp != pp)
-	return 1;
-    /* We may have used the first ones already */
-    for(i=0;l > 0;i++) {
-	clr_bit(bp,i);
-	bp->free--;
-	bp->total--;
-	l -= (1 << bits);
-    }
-    return 1;
- * Allocate a fragment
- */
-static void *malloc_bytes(size_t size)
-    size_t s;
-    int j;
-    struct  pginfo *bp;
-    int k;
-    u_long *lp, bf;
-    /* Don't bother with anything less than this */
-    if (size < malloc_minsize) {
-	size = malloc_minsize;
-    }
-    /* Find the right bucket */
-    j = 1;
-    s = size - 1;
-    while (s >>= 1) {
-        j++;
-    }
-    /* If it's empty, make a page more of that size chunks */
-    if (!page_dir[j] && !malloc_make_chunks(j))
-	return 0;
-    /* Find first word of bitmap which isn't empty */
-    bp = page_dir[j];
-    for (lp = bp->bits; !*lp; lp++)
-	;
-    /* Find that bit */
-    bf = *lp;
-    k = 0;
-    while ((bf & 1) == 0) {
-	bf >>= 1;
-	k++;
-    }
-    *lp ^= 1L<<k;                       /* clear it */
-    bp->free--;
-    if (!bp->free) {
-	page_dir[j] = bp->next;
-	bp->next = 0;
-    }
-    k += (lp - bp->bits)*MALLOC_BITS;
-    return bp->page + (k << bp->shift);
-void *_PR_UnlockedMalloc(size_t size)
-    void *result;
-    /* Round up to a multiple of 8 bytes */
-    if (size & 7) {
-	size = size + 8 - (size & 7);
-    }
-    if (!initialized)
-	malloc_init();
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (suicide)
-	PR_Abort();
-    if (size <= malloc_maxsize)
-	result =  malloc_bytes(size);
-    else
-	result =  malloc_pages(size);
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (malloc_abort && !result)
-	wrterror("malloc() returns NULL\n");
-    TRACE(("%6d M %p %d\n",malloc_event++,result,size));
-    return result;
-void *_PR_UnlockedMemalign(size_t alignment, size_t size)
-    void *result;
-    /*
-     * alignment has to be a power of 2
-     */
-    if ((size <= alignment) && (alignment <= malloc_maxsize))
-		size = alignment;	
-    else
-           	size += alignment - 1;	
-    /* Round up to a multiple of 8 bytes */
-    if (size & 7) {
-	size = size + 8 - (size & 7);
-    }
-    if (!initialized)
-	malloc_init();
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (suicide)
-	abort();
-    if (size <= malloc_maxsize)
-	result =  malloc_bytes(size);
-    else
-	result =  malloc_pages(size);
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (malloc_abort && !result)
-	wrterror("malloc() returns NULL\n");
-    TRACE(("%6d A %p %d\n",malloc_event++,result,size));
-    if ((u_long)result & (alignment - 1))
-    	return ((void *)(((u_long)result + alignment)  & ~(alignment - 1)));
-    else
-    	return result;
-void *_PR_UnlockedCalloc(size_t n, size_t nelem)
-    void *p;
-    /* Compute total size and then round up to a double word amount */
-    n *= nelem;
-    if (n & 7) {
-	n = n + 8 - (n & 7);
-    }
-    /* Get the memory */
-    p = _PR_UnlockedMalloc(n);
-    if (p) {
-	/* Zero it */
-	memset(p, 0, n);
-    }
-    return p;
- * Change an allocation's size
- */
-void *_PR_UnlockedRealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
-    void *p;
-    u_long osize,page,index,tmp_index;
-    struct pginfo **mp;
-    if (!initialized)
-	malloc_init();
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (suicide)
-	PR_Abort();
-    /* used as free() */
-    TRACE(("%6d R %p %d\n",malloc_event++, ptr, size));
-    if (ptr && !size) {
-	_PR_UnlockedFree(ptr);
-	return _PR_UnlockedMalloc (1);
-    }
-    /* used as malloc() */
-    if (!ptr) {
-	p = _PR_UnlockedMalloc(size);
-	return p;
-    }
-    /* Find the page directory entry for the page in question */
-    page = (u_long)ptr >> malloc_pageshift;
-    index = page - malloc_origo;
-    /*
-     * check if memory was allocated by memalign
-     */
-    tmp_index = index;
-    while (page_dir[tmp_index] == MALLOC_FOLLOW)
-	tmp_index--;
-    if (tmp_index != index) {
-	/*
-	 * memalign-allocated memory
-	 */
-	index = tmp_index;
-	page = index + malloc_origo;			
-	ptr = (void *) (page << malloc_pageshift);
-    }
-    TRACE(("%6d R2 %p %d\n",malloc_event++, ptr, size));
-    /* make sure it makes sense in some fashion */
-    if (index < malloc_pageshift || index > last_index) {
-#ifdef SANITY
-	wrtwarning("junk pointer passed to realloc()\n");
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* find the size of that allocation, and see if we need to relocate */
-    mp = &page_dir[index];
-    if (*mp == MALLOC_FIRST) {
-	osize = malloc_pagesize;
-	while (mp[1] == MALLOC_FOLLOW) {
-	    osize += malloc_pagesize;
-	    mp++;
-	}
-        if (!malloc_realloc && 
-		size < osize && 
-		size > malloc_maxsize &&
-	    size > (osize - malloc_pagesize)) {
-	    return ptr;
-	}
-    } else if (*mp >= MALLOC_MAGIC) {
-	osize = (*mp)->size;
-	if (!malloc_realloc &&
-		size < osize && 
-	    (size > (*mp)->size/2 || (*mp)->size == malloc_minsize)) {
-	    return ptr;
-	}
-    } else {
-#ifdef SANITY
-	wrterror("realloc() of wrong page.\n");
-    }
-    /* try to reallocate */
-    p = _PR_UnlockedMalloc(size);
-    if (p) {
-	/* copy the lesser of the two sizes */
-	if (osize < size)
-	    memcpy(p,ptr,osize);
-	else
-	    memcpy(p,ptr,size);
-	_PR_UnlockedFree(ptr);
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    else if (malloc_abort)
-	wrterror("realloc() returns NULL\n");
-    return p;
- * Free a sequence of pages
- */
-static void
-free_pages(char *ptr, u_long page, int index, struct pginfo *info)
-    int i;
-    struct pgfree *pf,*pt;
-    u_long l;
-    char *tail;
-    TRACE(("%6d FP %p %d\n",malloc_event++, ptr, page));
-    /* Is it free already ? */
-    if (info == MALLOC_FREE) {
-#ifdef SANITY
-	wrtwarning("freeing free page at %p.\n", ptr);
-	return;
-    }
-#ifdef SANITY
-    /* Is it not the right place to begin ? */
-    if (info != MALLOC_FIRST)
-	wrterror("freeing wrong page.\n");
-    /* Is this really a pointer to a page ? */
-    if ((u_long)ptr & malloc_pagemask)
-	wrterror("freeing messed up page pointer.\n");
-    /* Count how many pages it is anyway */
-    page_dir[index] = MALLOC_FREE;
-    for (i = 1; page_dir[index+i] == MALLOC_FOLLOW; i++)
-	page_dir[index + i] = MALLOC_FREE;
-    l = i << malloc_pageshift;
-    tail = ptr+l;
-    /* add to free-list */
-    if (!px)
-	px = (struct pgfree*)_PR_UnlockedMalloc(sizeof *pt);
-    /* XXX check success */
-    px->page = ptr;
-    px->end =  tail;
-    px->size = l;
-    if (! {
-	px->next =;
-	px->prev = &free_list;
- = px;
-	pf = px;
-	px = 0;
-    } else {
-	tail = ptr+l;
-	for(pf =; pf->next && pf->end < ptr; pf = pf->next)
-	    ;
-	for(; pf; pf = pf->next) {
-	    if (pf->end == ptr ) {
-		/* append to entry */
-		pf->end += l;
-		pf->size += l;
-		if (pf->next && pf->end == pf->next->page ) {
-		    pt = pf->next;
-		    pf->end = pt->end;
-		    pf->size += pt->size;
-		    pf->next = pt->next;
-		    if (pf->next)
-			pf->next->prev = pf;
-		    _PR_UnlockedFree(pt);
-		}
-	    } else if (pf->page == tail) {
-		/* prepend to entry */
-		pf->size += l;
-		pf->page = ptr;
-	    } else if (pf->page > ptr) {
-		px->next = pf;
-		px->prev = pf->prev;
-		pf->prev = px;
-		px->prev->next = px;
-		pf = px;
-		px = 0;
-	    } else if (!pf->next) {
-		px->next = 0;
-		px->prev = pf;
-		pf->next = px;
-		pf = px;
-		px = 0;
-	    } else {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (!pf->next &&
-      pf->size > malloc_cache &&
-      pf->end == malloc_brk &&
-      malloc_brk == (void*)sbrk(0)) {
-	pf->end = pf->page + malloc_cache;
-	pf->size = malloc_cache;
-	TRACE(("%6d U %p %d\n",malloc_event++,pf->end,pf->end - pf->page));
-	brk(pf->end);
-	malloc_brk = pf->end;
-	/* Find the page directory entry for the page in question */
-	page = (u_long)pf->end >> malloc_pageshift;
-	index = page - malloc_origo;
-	/* Now update the directory */
-	for(i=index;i <= last_index;)
-	    page_dir[i++] = MALLOC_NOT_MINE;
-	last_index = index - 1;
-    }
- * Free a chunk, and possibly the page it's on, if the page becomes empty.
- */
-static void
-free_bytes(void *ptr, u_long page, int index, struct pginfo *info)
-    int i;
-    struct pginfo **mp;
-    void *vp;
-    /* Make sure that pointer is multiplum of chunk-size */
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if ((u_long)ptr & (info->size - 1))
-	wrterror("freeing messed up chunk pointer\n");
-    /* Find the chunk number on the page */
-    i = ((u_long)ptr & malloc_pagemask) >> info->shift;
-    /* See if it's free already */
-    if (tst_bit(info,i)) {
-#ifdef SANITY
-	wrtwarning("freeing free chunk at %p\n", ptr);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* Mark it free */
-    set_bit(info,i);
-    info->free++;
-    /* If the page was full before, we need to put it on the queue now */
-    if (info->free == 1) {
-	mp = page_dir + info->shift;
-	while (*mp && (*mp)->next && (*mp)->next->page < info->page)
-	    mp = &(*mp)->next;
-	info->next = *mp;
-	*mp = info;
-	return;
-    }
-    /* If this page isn't empty, don't do anything. */
-    if (info->free != info->total)
-	return;
-    /* We may want to keep at least one page of each size chunks around.  */
-    mp = page_dir + info->shift;
-    if (0 && (*mp == info) && !info->next)
-	return;
-    /* Find & remove this page in the queue */
-    while (*mp != info) {
-	mp = &((*mp)->next);
-	if (!*mp) {
-		TRACE(("%6d !q %p\n",malloc_event++,info));
-		wrterror("Not on queue\n");
-	}
-    }
-    *mp = info->next;
-    /* Free the page & the info structure if need be */
-    set_pgdir(info->page,MALLOC_FIRST);
-    if((void*)info->page == (void*)info) {
-	_PR_UnlockedFree(info->page);
-    } else {
-	vp = info->page;
-	_PR_UnlockedFree(info);
-	_PR_UnlockedFree(vp);
-    }
-void _PR_UnlockedFree(void *ptr)
-    u_long page;
-    struct pginfo *info;
-    int index, tmp_index;
-    TRACE(("%6d F %p\n",malloc_event++,ptr));
-    /* This is legal */
-    if (!ptr)
-	return;
-#ifdef SANITY
-    /* There wouldn't be anything to free */
-    if (!initialized) {
-	wrtwarning("free() called before malloc() ever got called\n");
-	return;
-    }
-#ifdef SANITY
-    if (suicide)
-	PR_Abort();
-    /* Find the page directory entry for the page in question */
-    page = (u_long)ptr >> malloc_pageshift;
-    index = page - malloc_origo;
-    /*
-     * check if memory was allocated by memalign
-     */
-    tmp_index = index;
-    while (page_dir[tmp_index] == MALLOC_FOLLOW)
-	tmp_index--;
-    if (tmp_index != index) {
-	/*
-	 * memalign-allocated memory
-	 */
-	index = tmp_index;
-	page = index + malloc_origo;			
-	ptr = (void *) (page << malloc_pageshift);
-    }
-    /* make sure it makes sense in some fashion */
-    if (index < malloc_pageshift) {
-#ifdef SANITY
-	wrtwarning("junk pointer %p (low) passed to free()\n", ptr);
-	return;
-    }
-    if (index > last_index) {
-#ifdef SANITY
-	wrtwarning("junk pointer %p (high) passed to free()\n", ptr);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* handle as page-allocation or chunk allocation */
-    info = page_dir[index];
-    if (info < MALLOC_MAGIC)
-        free_pages((char*)ptr, page, index, info);
-    else 
-	free_bytes(ptr,page,index,info);
-    return;
-#endif /* _PR_OVERRIDE_MALLOC */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmem.c b/nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e4ae42a..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** Thread safe versions of malloc, free, realloc, calloc and cfree.
-#include "primpl.h"
-** The zone allocator code must use native mutexes and cannot
-** use PRLocks because PR_NewLock calls PR_Calloc, resulting
-** in cyclic dependency of initialization.
-#include <string.h>	
-union memBlkHdrUn;
-typedef struct MemoryZoneStr {
-    union memBlkHdrUn    *head;         /* free list */
-    pthread_mutex_t       lock;
-    size_t                blockSize;    /* size of blocks on this free list */
-    PRUint32              locked;       /* current state of lock */
-    PRUint32              contention;   /* counter: had to wait for lock */
-    PRUint32              hits;         /* allocated from free list */
-    PRUint32              misses;       /* had to call malloc */
-    PRUint32              elements;     /* on free list */
-} MemoryZone;
-typedef union memBlkHdrUn {
-    unsigned char filler[48];  /* fix the size of this beast */
-    struct memBlkHdrStr {
-        union memBlkHdrUn    *next;
-        MemoryZone           *zone;
-        size_t                blockSize;
-        size_t                requestedSize;
-        PRUint32              magic;
-    } s;
-} MemBlockHdr;
-#define MEM_ZONES     7
-#define THREAD_POOLS 11  /* prime number for modulus */
-#define ZONE_MAGIC  0x0BADC0DE
-static MemoryZone zones[MEM_ZONES][THREAD_POOLS];
-static PRBool use_zone_allocator = PR_FALSE;
-static void pr_ZoneFree(void *ptr);
-    int i, j;
-    if (!use_zone_allocator)
-        return;
-    for (j = 0; j < THREAD_POOLS; j++) {
-        for (i = 0; i < MEM_ZONES; i++) {
-            MemoryZone *mz = &zones[i][j];
-            pthread_mutex_destroy(&mz->lock);
-            while (mz->head) {
-                MemBlockHdr *hdr = mz->head;
-                mz->head = hdr->;  /* unlink it */
-                free(hdr);
-                mz->elements--;
-            }
-        }
-    } 
-    use_zone_allocator = PR_FALSE;
-** pr_FindSymbolInProg
-** Find the specified data symbol in the program and return
-** its address.
-#ifdef HAVE_DLL
-#if defined(USE_DLFCN) && !defined(NO_DLOPEN_NULL)
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-static void *
-pr_FindSymbolInProg(const char *name)
-    void *h;
-    void *sym;
-    h = dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY);
-    if (h == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    sym = dlsym(h, name);
-    (void)dlclose(h);
-    return sym;
-#elif defined(USE_HPSHL)
-#include <dl.h>
-static void *
-pr_FindSymbolInProg(const char *name)
-    shl_t h = NULL;
-    void *sym;
-    if (shl_findsym(&h, name, TYPE_DATA, &sym) == -1)
-        return NULL;
-    return sym;
-#elif defined(USE_MACH_DYLD) || defined(NO_DLOPEN_NULL)
-static void *
-pr_FindSymbolInProg(const char *name)
-    /* FIXME: not implemented */
-    return NULL;
-#error "The zone allocator is not supported on this platform"
-#else /* !defined(HAVE_DLL) */
-static void *
-pr_FindSymbolInProg(const char *name)
-    /* can't be implemented */
-    return NULL;
-#endif /* HAVE_DLL */
-    int i, j;
-    char *envp;
-    PRBool *sym;
-    if ((sym = (PRBool *)pr_FindSymbolInProg("nspr_use_zone_allocator")) != NULL) {
-        use_zone_allocator = *sym;
-    } else if ((envp = getenv("NSPR_USE_ZONE_ALLOCATOR")) != NULL) {
-        use_zone_allocator = (atoi(envp) == 1);
-    }
-    if (!use_zone_allocator)
-        return;
-    for (j = 0; j < THREAD_POOLS; j++) { 
-        for (i = 0; i < MEM_ZONES; i++) {
-            MemoryZone *mz = &zones[i][j];
-            int rv = pthread_mutex_init(&mz->lock, NULL);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-            if (rv != 0) {
-                goto loser;
-            } 
-            mz->blockSize = 16 << ( 2 * i);
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-    _PR_DestroyZones();
-    return;
-PR_FPrintZoneStats(PRFileDesc *debug_out)
-    int i, j;
-    for (j = 0; j < THREAD_POOLS; j++) {
-        for (i = 0; i < MEM_ZONES; i++) {
-            MemoryZone   *mz   = &zones[i][j];
-            MemoryZone    zone = *mz;
-            if (zone.elements || zone.misses || zone.hits) {
-                PR_fprintf(debug_out,
-"pool: %d, zone: %d, size: %d, free: %d, hit: %d, miss: %d, contend: %d\n",
-                    j, i, zone.blockSize, zone.elements,
-                    zone.hits, zone.misses, zone.contention);
-            }
-	}
-    }
-static void *
-pr_ZoneMalloc(PRUint32 size)
-    void         *rv;
-    unsigned int  zone;
-    size_t        blockSize;
-    MemBlockHdr  *mb, *mt;
-    MemoryZone   *mz;
-    /* Always allocate a non-zero amount of bytes */
-    if (size < 1) {
-        size = 1;
-    }
-    for (zone = 0, blockSize = 16; zone < MEM_ZONES; ++zone, blockSize <<= 2) {
-        if (size <= blockSize) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (zone < MEM_ZONES) {
-        pthread_t me = pthread_self();
-        unsigned int pool = (PRUptrdiff)me % THREAD_POOLS;
-        PRUint32     wasLocked;
-        mz = &zones[zone][pool];
-        wasLocked = mz->locked;
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&mz->lock);
-        mz->locked = 1;
-        if (wasLocked)
-            mz->contention++;
-        if (mz->head) {
-            mb = mz->head;
-            PR_ASSERT(mb->s.magic == ZONE_MAGIC);
-            PR_ASSERT(mb->  == mz);
-            PR_ASSERT(mb->s.blockSize == blockSize);
-            PR_ASSERT(mz->blockSize == blockSize);
-            mt = (MemBlockHdr *)(((char *)(mb + 1)) + blockSize);
-            PR_ASSERT(mt->s.magic == ZONE_MAGIC);
-            PR_ASSERT(mt->  == mz);
-            PR_ASSERT(mt->s.blockSize == blockSize);
-            mz->hits++;
-            mz->elements--;
-            mz->head = mb->;    /* take off free list */
-            mz->locked = 0;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&mz->lock);
-            mt->          = mb->          = NULL;
-            mt->s.requestedSize = mb->s.requestedSize = size;
-            rv = (void *)(mb + 1);
-            return rv;
-        }
-        mz->misses++;
-        mz->locked = 0;
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mz->lock);
-        mb = (MemBlockHdr *)malloc(blockSize + 2 * (sizeof *mb));
-        if (!mb) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        mb->          = NULL;
-        mb->          = mz;
-        mb->s.magic         = ZONE_MAGIC;
-        mb->s.blockSize     = blockSize;
-        mb->s.requestedSize = size;
-        mt = (MemBlockHdr *)(((char *)(mb + 1)) + blockSize);
-        memcpy(mt, mb, sizeof *mb);
-        rv = (void *)(mb + 1);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    /* size was too big.  Create a block with no zone */
-    blockSize = (size & 15) ? size + 16 - (size & 15) : size;
-    mb = (MemBlockHdr *)malloc(blockSize + 2 * (sizeof *mb));
-    if (!mb) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    mb->          = NULL;
-    mb->          = NULL;
-    mb->s.magic         = ZONE_MAGIC;
-    mb->s.blockSize     = blockSize;
-    mb->s.requestedSize = size;
-    mt = (MemBlockHdr *)(((char *)(mb + 1)) + blockSize);
-    memcpy(mt, mb, sizeof *mb);
-    rv = (void *)(mb + 1);
-    return rv;
-static void *
-pr_ZoneCalloc(PRUint32 nelem, PRUint32 elsize)
-    PRUint32 size = nelem * elsize;
-    void *p = pr_ZoneMalloc(size);
-    if (p) {
-        memset(p, 0, size);
-    }
-    return p;
-static void *
-pr_ZoneRealloc(void *oldptr, PRUint32 bytes)
-    void         *rv;
-    MemBlockHdr  *mb;
-    int           ours;
-    MemBlockHdr   phony;
-    if (!oldptr)
-        return pr_ZoneMalloc(bytes);
-    mb = (MemBlockHdr *)((char *)oldptr - (sizeof *mb));
-    if (mb->s.magic != ZONE_MAGIC) {
-        /* Maybe this just came from ordinary malloc */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        fprintf(stderr,
-            "Warning: reallocing memory block %p from ordinary malloc\n",
-            oldptr);
-        /*
-         * We are going to realloc oldptr.  If realloc succeeds, the
-         * original value of oldptr will point to freed memory.  So this
-         * function must not fail after a successfull realloc call.  We
-         * must perform any operation that may fail before the realloc
-         * call.
-         */
-        rv = pr_ZoneMalloc(bytes);  /* this may fail */
-        if (!rv) {
-            return rv;
-        }
-        /* We don't know how big it is.  But we can fix that. */
-        oldptr = realloc(oldptr, bytes);
-        /*
-         * If realloc returns NULL, this function loses the original
-         * value of oldptr.  This isn't a leak because the caller of
-         * this function still has the original value of oldptr.
-         */
-        if (!oldptr) {
-            if (bytes) {
-                PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-                pr_ZoneFree(rv);
-                return oldptr;
-            }
-        }
-        phony.s.requestedSize = bytes;
-        mb = &phony;
-        ours = 0;
-    } else {
-        size_t blockSize = mb->s.blockSize;
-        MemBlockHdr *mt = (MemBlockHdr *)(((char *)(mb + 1)) + blockSize);
-        PR_ASSERT(mt->s.magic == ZONE_MAGIC);
-        PR_ASSERT(mt->  == mb->;
-        PR_ASSERT(mt->s.blockSize == blockSize);
-        if (bytes <= blockSize) {
-            /* The block is already big enough. */
-            mt->s.requestedSize = mb->s.requestedSize = bytes;
-            return oldptr;
-        }
-        ours = 1;
-        rv = pr_ZoneMalloc(bytes);
-        if (!rv) {
-            return rv;
-        }
-    }
-    if (oldptr && mb->s.requestedSize)
-        memcpy(rv, oldptr, mb->s.requestedSize);
-    if (ours)
-        pr_ZoneFree(oldptr);
-    else if (oldptr)
-        free(oldptr);
-    return rv;
-static void
-pr_ZoneFree(void *ptr)
-    MemBlockHdr  *mb, *mt;
-    MemoryZone   *mz;
-    size_t        blockSize;
-    PRUint32      wasLocked;
-    if (!ptr)
-        return;
-    mb = (MemBlockHdr *)((char *)ptr - (sizeof *mb));
-    if (mb->s.magic != ZONE_MAGIC) {
-        /* maybe this came from ordinary malloc */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        fprintf(stderr,
-            "Warning: freeing memory block %p from ordinary malloc\n", ptr);
-        free(ptr);
-        return;
-    }
-    blockSize = mb->s.blockSize;
-    mz        = mb->;
-    mt = (MemBlockHdr *)(((char *)(mb + 1)) + blockSize);
-    PR_ASSERT(mt->s.magic == ZONE_MAGIC);
-    PR_ASSERT(mt->  == mz);
-    PR_ASSERT(mt->s.blockSize == blockSize);
-    if (!mz) {
-        PR_ASSERT(blockSize > 65536);
-        /* This block was not in any zone.  Just free it. */
-        free(mb);
-        return;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(mz->blockSize == blockSize);
-    wasLocked = mz->locked;
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&mz->lock);
-    mz->locked = 1;
-    if (wasLocked)
-        mz->contention++;
-    mt-> = mb-> = mz->head;        /* put on head of list */
-    mz->head = mb;
-    mz->elements++;
-    mz->locked = 0;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mz->lock);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_Malloc(PRUint32 size)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return use_zone_allocator ? pr_ZoneMalloc(size) : malloc(size);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_Calloc(PRUint32 nelem, PRUint32 elsize)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return use_zone_allocator ?
-        pr_ZoneCalloc(nelem, elsize) : calloc(nelem, elsize);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_Realloc(void *ptr, PRUint32 size)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return use_zone_allocator ? pr_ZoneRealloc(ptr, size) : realloc(ptr, size);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Free(void *ptr)
-    if (use_zone_allocator)
-        pr_ZoneFree(ptr);
-    else
-        free(ptr);
-#else /* !defined(_PR_ZONE_ALLOCATOR) */
-** The PR_Malloc, PR_Calloc, PR_Realloc, and PR_Free functions simply
-** call their libc equivalents now.  This may seem redundant, but it
-** ensures that we are calling into the same runtime library.  On
-** Win32, it is possible to have multiple runtime libraries (e.g.,
-** objects compiled with /MD and /MDd) in the same process, and
-** they maintain separate heaps, which cannot be mixed.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_Malloc(PRUint32 size)
-#if defined (WIN16)
-    return PR_MD_malloc( (size_t) size);
-    return malloc(size);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_Calloc(PRUint32 nelem, PRUint32 elsize)
-#if defined (WIN16)
-    return PR_MD_calloc( (size_t)nelem, (size_t)elsize );
-    return calloc(nelem, elsize);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_Realloc(void *ptr, PRUint32 size)
-#if defined (WIN16)
-    return PR_MD_realloc( ptr, (size_t) size);
-    return realloc(ptr, size);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Free(void *ptr)
-#if defined (WIN16)
-    PR_MD_free( ptr );
-    free(ptr);
-#endif /* _PR_ZONE_ALLOCATOR */
-** Complexity alert!
-** If malloc/calloc/free (etc.) were implemented to use pr lock's then
-** the entry points could block when called if some other thread had the
-** lock.
-** Most of the time this isn't a problem. However, in the case that we
-** are using the thread safe malloc code after PR_Init but before
-** PR_AttachThread has been called (on a native thread that nspr has yet
-** to be told about) we could get royally screwed if the lock was busy
-** and we tried to context switch the thread away. In this scenario
-** To avoid this unfortunate case, we use the low level locking
-** facilities for malloc protection instead of the slightly higher level
-** locking. This makes malloc somewhat faster so maybe it's a good thing
-** anyway.
-/* Imports */
-extern void *_PR_UnlockedMalloc(size_t size);
-extern void *_PR_UnlockedMemalign(size_t alignment, size_t size);
-extern void _PR_UnlockedFree(void *ptr);
-extern void *_PR_UnlockedRealloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
-extern void *_PR_UnlockedCalloc(size_t n, size_t elsize);
-static PRBool _PR_malloc_initialised = PR_FALSE;
-#ifdef _PR_PTHREADS
-static pthread_mutex_t _PR_MD_malloc_crustylock;
-#define _PR_Lock_Malloc() {						\
-    				if(PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised) { \
-					PRStatus rv;			\
-					rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock); \
-					PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);		\
-				}
-#define _PR_Unlock_Malloc() 	if(PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised) { \
-					PRStatus rv;			\
-					rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock); \
-					PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);		\
-				}					\
-			  }
-#else /* _PR_PTHREADS */
-static _MDLock _PR_MD_malloc_crustylock;
-#ifdef IRIX
-#define _PR_Lock_Malloc() {						\
-			   PRIntn _is;					\
-    				if(PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised) { \
-				if (_PR_MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD() && 		\
-					!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD( 		\
-						_PR_INTSOFF(_is); 	\
-					_PR_MD_LOCK(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock); \
-				}
-#define _PR_Unlock_Malloc() 	if(PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised) { \
-					_PR_MD_UNLOCK(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock); \
-				if (_PR_MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD() && 		\
-					!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD( 		\
-						_PR_INTSON(_is);	\
-				}					\
-			  }
-#else	/* IRIX */
-#define _PR_Lock_Malloc() {						\
-			   PRIntn _is;					\
-    				if(PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised) { \
-				if (_PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD() && 		\
-					!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD( 		\
-						_PR_INTSOFF(_is); 	\
-					_PR_MD_LOCK(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock); \
-				}
-#define _PR_Unlock_Malloc() 	if(PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised) { \
-					_PR_MD_UNLOCK(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock); \
-				if (_PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD() && 		\
-					!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD( 		\
-						_PR_INTSON(_is);	\
-				}					\
-			  }
-#endif	/* IRIX	*/
-#endif /* _PR_PTHREADS */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) _PR_MallocInit(void)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if( PR_TRUE == _PR_malloc_initialised ) return PR_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef _PR_PTHREADS
-    {
-	int status;
-	pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
-	status = _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_INIT(&mattr);
-	PR_ASSERT(0 == status);
-	status = _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock, mattr);
-	PR_ASSERT(0 == status);
-	PR_ASSERT(0 == status);
-    }
-#else /* _PR_PTHREADS */
-    _MD_NEW_LOCK(&_PR_MD_malloc_crustylock);
-#endif /* _PR_PTHREADS */
-    if( PR_SUCCESS == rv )
-    {
-        _PR_malloc_initialised = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-void *malloc(size_t size)
-    void *p;
-    _PR_Lock_Malloc();
-    p = _PR_UnlockedMalloc(size);
-    _PR_Unlock_Malloc();
-    return p;
-#if defined(IRIX)
-void *memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size)
-    void *p;
-    _PR_Lock_Malloc();
-    p = _PR_UnlockedMemalign(alignment, size);
-    _PR_Unlock_Malloc();
-    return p;
-void *valloc(size_t size)
-    return(memalign(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE),size));
-#endif	/* IRIX */
-void free(void *ptr)
-    _PR_Lock_Malloc();
-    _PR_UnlockedFree(ptr);
-    _PR_Unlock_Malloc();
-void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
-    void *p;
-    _PR_Lock_Malloc();
-    p = _PR_UnlockedRealloc(ptr, size);
-    _PR_Unlock_Malloc();
-    return p;
-void *calloc(size_t n, size_t elsize)
-    void *p;
-    _PR_Lock_Malloc();
-    p = _PR_UnlockedCalloc(n, elsize);
-    _PR_Unlock_Malloc();
-    return p;
-void cfree(void *p)
-    _PR_Lock_Malloc();
-    _PR_UnlockedFree(p);
-    _PR_Unlock_Malloc();
-void _PR_InitMem(void)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    rv = _PR_MallocInit();
-#endif /* _PR_OVERRIDE_MALLOC */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/prosdep.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/prosdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 137ffae..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/prosdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prbit.h"
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-#include <OS.h>
-PRInt32 _pr_pageShift;
-PRInt32 _pr_pageSize;
-** Get system page size
-static void GetPageSize(void)
-	PRInt32 pageSize;
-    /* Get page size */
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#if defined BSDI || defined AIX \
-        || defined LINUX || defined __GNU__ || defined __GLIBC__ \
-        || defined FREEBSD || defined NETBSD || defined OPENBSD \
-        || defined DARWIN || defined SYMBIAN
-    _pr_pageSize = getpagesize();
-#elif defined(HPUX)
-    /* I have no idea. Don't get me started. --Rob */
-    _pr_pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
-    _pr_pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-#ifdef XP_BEOS
-    _pr_pageSize = B_PAGE_SIZE;
-#ifdef XP_PC
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    SYSTEM_INFO info;
-    GetSystemInfo(&info);
-    _pr_pageSize = info.dwPageSize;
-    _pr_pageSize = 4096;
-#endif /* XP_PC */
-	pageSize = _pr_pageSize;
-	PR_CEILING_LOG2(_pr_pageShift, pageSize);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetPageShift(void)
-    if (!_pr_pageSize) {
-	GetPageSize();
-    }
-    return _pr_pageShift;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetPageSize(void)
-    if (!_pr_pageSize) {
-	GetPageSize();
-    }
-    return _pr_pageSize;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/darwin.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/darwin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 719fc30..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/darwin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <mach/mach_time.h>
-void _MD_EarlyInit(void)
- * The multiplier (as a fraction) for converting the Mach absolute time
- * unit to nanoseconds.
- */
-static mach_timebase_info_data_t machTimebaseInfo;
-void _PR_Mach_IntervalInit(void)
-    kern_return_t rv;
-    rv = mach_timebase_info(&machTimebaseInfo);
-PRIntervalTime _PR_Mach_GetInterval(void)
-    uint64_t time;
-    /*
-     * mach_absolute_time returns the time in the Mach absolute time unit.
-     * Convert it to milliseconds. See Mac Technical Q&A QA1398.
-     */
-    time = mach_absolute_time();
-    time = time * machTimebaseInfo.numer / machTimebaseInfo.denom /
-           PR_NSEC_PER_MSEC;
-    return (PRIntervalTime)time;
-}  /* _PR_Mach_GetInterval */
-PRIntervalTime _PR_Mach_TicksPerSecond(void)
-    return 1000;
-PRWord *_MD_HomeGCRegisters(PRThread *t, int isCurrent, int *np)
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    if (isCurrent) {
-	(void) setjmp(CONTEXT(t));
-    }
-    *np = sizeof(CONTEXT(t)) / sizeof(PRWord);
-    return (PRWord *) CONTEXT(t);
-	*np = 0;
-	return NULL;
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-_MD_SET_PRIORITY(_MDThread *thread, PRUintn newPri)
-    return;
-_MD_InitializeThread(PRThread *thread)
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-_MD_WAIT(PRThread *thread, PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE));
-    _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(thread);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(PRThread *thread)
-    if (thread) {
-	PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE));
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-/* These functions should not be called for Darwin */
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("_MD_YIELD should not be called for Darwin.");
-    PRThread *thread,
-    void (*start) (void *),
-    PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state,
-    PRUint32 stackSize)
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("_MD_CREATE_THREAD should not be called for Darwin.");
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
-/* darwin.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/linux.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/linux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b485a0..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/linux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-void _MD_EarlyInit(void)
-PRWord *_MD_HomeGCRegisters(PRThread *t, int isCurrent, int *np)
-#ifndef _PR_PTHREADS
-    if (isCurrent) {
-	(void) setjmp(CONTEXT(t));
-    }
-    *np = sizeof(CONTEXT(t)) / sizeof(PRWord);
-    return (PRWord *) CONTEXT(t);
-	*np = 0;
-	return NULL;
-#ifdef _PR_PTHREADS
-extern void _MD_unix_terminate_waitpid_daemon(void);
-void _MD_CleanupBeforeExit(void)
-    _MD_unix_terminate_waitpid_daemon();
-#else /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
-_MD_SET_PRIORITY(_MDThread *thread, PRUintn newPri)
-    return;
-_MD_InitializeThread(PRThread *thread)
-	/*
-	 * set the pointers to the stack-pointer and frame-pointer words in the
-	 * context structure; this is for debugging use.
-	 */
-	thread->md.sp = _MD_GET_SP_PTR(thread);
-	thread->md.fp = _MD_GET_FP_PTR(thread);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-_MD_WAIT(PRThread *thread, PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE));
-    _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(thread);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(PRThread *thread)
-    if (thread) {
-	PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE));
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-/* These functions should not be called for Linux */
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("_MD_YIELD should not be called for Linux.");
-    PRThread *thread,
-    void (*start) (void *),
-    PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state,
-    PRUint32 stackSize)
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("_MD_CREATE_THREAD should not be called for Linux.");
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* ! _PR_PTHREADS */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin.s b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a0b92..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-#ifdef __i386__
-#include "os_Darwin_x86.s"
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-#include "os_Darwin_x86_64.s"
-#elif defined(__ppc__)
-#include "os_Darwin_ppc.s"
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86.s b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86.s
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6379f..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# Based on os_Linux_x86.s
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
-# Atomically increment the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-# the result of the increment.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicIncrement
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicIncrement
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl $1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%ecx)
-    incl %eax
-    ret
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
-# Atomically decrement the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-# the result of the decrement.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicDecrement
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicDecrement
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl $-1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%ecx)
-    decl %eax
-    ret
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
-# Atomically set the integer pointed to by 'val' to the new
-# value 'newval' and return the old value.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicSet
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicSet
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl 8(%esp), %eax
-    xchgl %eax, (%ecx)
-    ret
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
-# Atomically add 'val' to the integer pointed to by 'ptr'
-# and return the result of the addition.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicAdd
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_AtomicAdd
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl 8(%esp), %eax
-    movl %eax, %edx
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%ecx)
-    addl %edx, %eax
-    ret
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86_64.s b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86_64.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 449aaa5..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86_64.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val)
-# Atomically increment the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-# the result of the increment.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicIncrement
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicIncrement
-    .align 4
-    movl $1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%rdi)
-    incl %eax
-    ret
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val)
-# Atomically decrement the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-# the result of the decrement.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicDecrement
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicDecrement
-    .align 4
-    movl $-1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%rdi)
-    decl %eax
-    ret
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-# Atomically set the integer pointed to by 'val' to the new
-# value 'newval' and return the old value.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicSet
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicSet
-    .align 4
-    movl %esi, %eax
-    xchgl %eax, (%rdi)
-    ret
-# PRInt32 __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val)
-# Atomically add 'val' to the integer pointed to by 'ptr'
-# and return the result of the addition.
-    .text
-    .globl __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicAdd
-    .private_extern __PR_Darwin_x86_64_AtomicAdd
-    .align 4
-    movl %esi, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%rdi)
-    addl %esi, %eax
-    ret
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_x86.s b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_x86.s
deleted file mode 100644
index a72acf5..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_x86.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val)
-// Atomically increment the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-// the result of the increment.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_AtomicIncrement
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl $1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%ecx)
-    incl %eax
-    ret
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val)
-// Atomically decrement the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-// the result of the decrement.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_AtomicDecrement
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl $-1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%ecx)
-    decl %eax
-    ret
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-// Atomically set the integer pointed to by 'val' to the new
-// value 'newval' and return the old value.
-// An alternative implementation:
-//   .text
-//   .globl _PR_x86_AtomicSet
-//   .align 4
-//   movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-//   movl 8(%esp), %edx
-//   movl (%ecx), %eax
-//   lock
-//   cmpxchgl %edx, (%ecx)
-//   jne retry
-//   ret
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_AtomicSet
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl 8(%esp), %eax
-    xchgl %eax, (%ecx)
-    ret
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val)
-// Atomically add 'val' to the integer pointed to by 'ptr'
-// and return the result of the addition.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_AtomicAdd
-    .align 4
-    movl 4(%esp), %ecx
-    movl 8(%esp), %eax
-    movl %eax, %edx
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%ecx)
-    addl %edx, %eax
-    ret
-// Magic indicating no need for an executable stack
-.section .note.GNU-stack, "", @progbits ; .previous
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_x86_64.s b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_x86_64.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e491f0..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_x86_64.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val)
-// Atomically increment the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-// the result of the increment.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement
-    .type _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement, @function
-    .align 4
-    movl $1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%rdi)
-    incl %eax
-    ret
-    .size _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement, .-_PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val)
-// Atomically decrement the integer pointed to by 'val' and return
-// the result of the decrement.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement
-    .type _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement, @function
-    .align 4
-    movl $-1, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%rdi)
-    decl %eax
-    ret
-    .size _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement, .-_PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-// Atomically set the integer pointed to by 'val' to the new
-// value 'newval' and return the old value.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet
-    .type _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet, @function
-    .align 4
-    movl %esi, %eax
-    xchgl %eax, (%rdi)
-    ret
-    .size _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet, .-_PR_x86_64_AtomicSet
-// PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val)
-// Atomically add 'val' to the integer pointed to by 'ptr'
-// and return the result of the addition.
-    .text
-    .globl _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd
-    .type _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd, @function
-    .align 4
-    movl %esi, %eax
-    lock
-    xaddl %eax, (%rdi)
-    addl %esi, %eax
-    ret
-    .size _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd, .-_PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd
-// Magic indicating no need for an executable stack
-.section .note.GNU-stack, "", @progbits ; .previous
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fdae119..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3787 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#if defined(ANDROID)
-#include <android/api-level.h>
-/* To get FIONREAD */
-#if defined(UNIXWARE)
-#include <sys/filio.h>
-#if defined(NTO)
-#include <sys/statvfs.h>
- * Make sure _PRSockLen_t is 32-bit, because we will cast a PRUint32* or
- * PRInt32* pointer to a _PRSockLen_t* pointer.
- */
-#if defined(HAVE_SOCKLEN_T) \
-    || (defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2)
-#define _PRSockLen_t socklen_t
-#elif defined(IRIX) || defined(HPUX) || defined(OSF1) || defined(SOLARIS) \
-    || defined(AIX4_1) || defined(LINUX) \
-    || defined(BSDI) || defined(SCO) \
-    || defined(DARWIN) \
-    || defined(QNX)
-#define _PRSockLen_t int
-#elif (defined(AIX) && !defined(AIX4_1)) || defined(FREEBSD) \
-    || defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(UNIXWARE) \
-    || defined(DGUX) || defined(NTO) || defined(RISCOS)
-#define _PRSockLen_t size_t
-#error "Cannot determine architecture"
-** Global lock variable used to bracket calls into rusty libraries that
-** aren't thread safe (like libc, libX, etc).
-static PRLock *_pr_rename_lock = NULL;
-static PRMonitor *_pr_Xfe_mon = NULL;
-static PRInt64 minus_one;
-sigset_t timer_set;
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-static sigset_t empty_set;
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <sys/filio.h>
-#ifndef PIPE_BUF
-#define PIPE_BUF 512
- * _nspr_noclock - if set clock interrupts are disabled
- */
-int _nspr_noclock = 1;
-#ifdef IRIX
-extern PRInt32 _nspr_terminate_on_error;
- * There is an assertion in this code that NSPR's definition of PRIOVec
- * is bit compatible with UNIX' definition of a struct iovec. This is
- * applicable to the 'writev()' operations where the types are casually
- * cast to avoid warnings.
- */
-int _pr_md_pipefd[2] = { -1, -1 };
-static char _pr_md_pipebuf[PIPE_BUF];
-static PRInt32 local_io_wait(PRInt32 osfd, PRInt32 wait_flag,
-							PRIntervalTime timeout);
-_PRInterruptTable _pr_interruptTable[] = {
-    { 
-        "clock", _PR_MISSED_CLOCK, _PR_ClockInterrupt,     },
-    { 
-        0     }
-void _MD_unix_init_running_cpu(_PRCPU *cpu)
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&(cpu->md.md_unix.ioQ));
-    cpu->md.md_unix.ioq_max_osfd = -1;
-    cpu->md.md_unix.ioq_timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-PRStatus _MD_open_dir(_MDDir *d, const char *name)
-int err;
-    d->d = opendir(name);
-    if (!d->d) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(err);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRInt32 _MD_close_dir(_MDDir *d)
-int rv = 0, err;
-    if (d->d) {
-        rv = closedir(d->d);
-        if (rv == -1) {
-                err = _MD_ERRNO();
-                _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSEDIR_ERROR(err);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-char * _MD_read_dir(_MDDir *d, PRIntn flags)
-struct dirent *de;
-int err;
-    for (;;) {
-        /*
-          * XXX: readdir() is not MT-safe. There is an MT-safe version
-          * readdir_r() on some systems.
-          */
-        _MD_ERRNO() = 0;
-        de = readdir(d->d);
-        if (!de) {
-            err = _MD_ERRNO();
-            _PR_MD_MAP_READDIR_ERROR(err);
-            return 0;
-        }        
-        if ((flags & PR_SKIP_DOT) &&
-            (de->d_name[0] == '.') && (de->d_name[1] == 0))
-            continue;
-        if ((flags & PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT) &&
-            (de->d_name[0] == '.') && (de->d_name[1] == '.') &&
-            (de->d_name[2] == 0))
-            continue;
-        if ((flags & PR_SKIP_HIDDEN) && (de->d_name[0] == '.'))
-            continue;
-        break;
-    }
-    return de->d_name;
-PRInt32 _MD_delete(const char *name)
-PRInt32 rv, err;
-#ifdef UNIXWARE
-    sigset_t set, oset;
-#ifdef UNIXWARE
-    sigfillset(&set);
-    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &oset);
-    rv = unlink(name);
-#ifdef UNIXWARE
-    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-            err = _MD_ERRNO();
-            _PR_MD_MAP_UNLINK_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_rename(const char *from, const char *to)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1, err;
-    /*
-    ** This is trying to enforce the semantics of WINDOZE' rename
-    ** operation. That means one is not allowed to rename over top
-    ** of an existing file. Holding a lock across these two function
-    ** and the open function is known to be a bad idea, but ....
-    */
-    if (NULL != _pr_rename_lock)
-        PR_Lock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    if (0 == access(to, F_OK))
-        PR_SetError(PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR, 0);
-    else
-    {
-        rv = rename(from, to);
-        if (rv < 0) {
-            err = _MD_ERRNO();
-            _PR_MD_MAP_RENAME_ERROR(err);
-        }
-    }
-    if (NULL != _pr_rename_lock)
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_access(const char *name, PRAccessHow how)
-PRInt32 rv, err;
-int amode;
-    switch (how) {
-        case PR_ACCESS_WRITE_OK:
-            amode = W_OK;
-            break;
-        case PR_ACCESS_READ_OK:
-            amode = R_OK;
-            break;
-        case PR_ACCESS_EXISTS:
-            amode = F_OK;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-    }
-    rv = access(name, amode);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_ACCESS_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_mkdir(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-int rv, err;
-    /*
-    ** This lock is used to enforce rename semantics as described
-    ** in PR_Rename. Look there for more fun details.
-    */
-    if (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock)
-        PR_Lock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    rv = mkdir(name, mode);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_MKDIR_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    if (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock)
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_rmdir(const char *name)
-int rv, err;
-    rv = rmdir(name);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-            err = _MD_ERRNO();
-            _PR_MD_MAP_RMDIR_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_read(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-PRInt32 rv, err;
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-fd_set rd;
-struct pollfd pfd;
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-    FD_ZERO(&rd);
-    FD_SET(osfd, &rd);
-    pfd.fd = osfd;
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-    while ((rv = read(osfd,buf,amount)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-                if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ,
-										PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)) < 0)
-					goto done;								
-            } else {
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-                while ((rv = _MD_SELECT(osfd + 1, &rd, NULL, NULL, NULL))
-                        == -1 && (err = _MD_ERRNO()) == EINTR) {
-                    /* retry _MD_SELECT() if it is interrupted */
-                }
-#else /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-                while ((rv = _MD_POLL(&pfd, 1, -1))
-                        == -1 && (err = _MD_ERRNO()) == EINTR) {
-                    /* retry _MD_POLL() if it is interrupted */
-                }
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-                if (rv == -1) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))
-                break;
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-            me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-            PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-        } else {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR(err);
-        }
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_write(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-PRInt32 rv, err;
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-fd_set wd;
-struct pollfd pfd;
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-    FD_ZERO(&wd);
-    FD_SET(osfd, &wd);
-    pfd.fd = osfd;
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-    while ((rv = write(osfd,buf,amount)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-                if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE,
-										PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)) < 0)
-                    goto done;
-            } else {
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-                while ((rv = _MD_SELECT(osfd + 1, NULL, &wd, NULL, NULL))
-                        == -1 && (err = _MD_ERRNO()) == EINTR) {
-                    /* retry _MD_SELECT() if it is interrupted */
-                }
-#else /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-                while ((rv = _MD_POLL(&pfd, 1, -1))
-                        == -1 && (err = _MD_ERRNO()) == EINTR) {
-                    /* retry _MD_POLL() if it is interrupted */
-                }
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-                if (rv == -1) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))
-                break;
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-            me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-            PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-        } else {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_WRITE_ERROR(err);
-        }
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_fsync(PRFileDesc *fd)
-PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = fsync(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_FSYNC_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_close(PRInt32 osfd)
-PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = close(osfd);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_socket(PRInt32 domain, PRInt32 type, PRInt32 proto)
-    PRInt32 osfd, err;
-    osfd = socket(domain, type, proto);
-    if (osfd == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SOCKET_ERROR(err);
-        return(osfd);
-    }
-    return(osfd);
-PRInt32 _MD_socketavailable(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 result;
-    if (ioctl(fd->secret->md.osfd, FIONREAD, &result) < 0) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return result;
-PRInt64 _MD_socketavailable64(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt64 result;
-    LL_I2L(result, _MD_socketavailable(fd));
-    return result;
-}  /* _MD_socketavailable64 */
-#define READ_FD        1
-#define WRITE_FD    2
- * socket_io_wait --
- *
- * wait for socket i/o, periodically checking for interrupt
- *
- * The first implementation uses select(), for platforms without
- * poll().  The second (preferred) implementation uses poll().
- */
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-static PRInt32 socket_io_wait(PRInt32 osfd, PRInt32 fd_type,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1;
-    struct timeval tv;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRIntervalTime epoch, now, elapsed, remaining;
-    PRBool wait_for_remaining;
-    PRInt32 syserror;
-    fd_set rd_wr;
-    switch (timeout) {
-        case PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT:
-            PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-            break;
-            /*
-             * This is a special case of the 'default' case below.
-             * Please see the comments there.
-             */
-            tv.tv_sec = _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS;
-            tv.tv_usec = 0;
-            FD_ZERO(&rd_wr);
-            do {
-                FD_SET(osfd, &rd_wr);
-                if (fd_type == READ_FD)
-                    rv = _MD_SELECT(osfd + 1, &rd_wr, NULL, NULL, &tv);
-                else
-                    rv = _MD_SELECT(osfd + 1, NULL, &rd_wr, NULL, &tv);
-                if (rv == -1 && (syserror = _MD_ERRNO()) != EINTR) {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR(syserror);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                    me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                    rv = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            } while (rv == 0 || (rv == -1 && syserror == EINTR));
-            break;
-        default:
-            now = epoch = PR_IntervalNow();
-            remaining = timeout;
-            FD_ZERO(&rd_wr);
-            do {
-                /*
-                 * We block in _MD_SELECT for at most
-                 * _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS seconds,
-                 * so that there is an upper limit on the delay
-                 * before the interrupt bit is checked.
-                 */
-                wait_for_remaining = PR_TRUE;
-                tv.tv_sec = PR_IntervalToSeconds(remaining);
-                if (tv.tv_sec > _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS) {
-                    wait_for_remaining = PR_FALSE;
-                    tv.tv_sec = _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS;
-                    tv.tv_usec = 0;
-                } else {
-                    tv.tv_usec = PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(
-                        remaining -
-                        PR_SecondsToInterval(tv.tv_sec));
-                }
-                FD_SET(osfd, &rd_wr);
-                if (fd_type == READ_FD)
-                    rv = _MD_SELECT(osfd + 1, &rd_wr, NULL, NULL, &tv);
-                else
-                    rv = _MD_SELECT(osfd + 1, NULL, &rd_wr, NULL, &tv);
-                /*
-                 * we don't consider EINTR a real error
-                 */
-                if (rv == -1 && (syserror = _MD_ERRNO()) != EINTR) {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR(syserror);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                    me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                    rv = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*
-                 * We loop again if _MD_SELECT timed out or got interrupted
-                 * by a signal, and the timeout deadline has not passed yet.
-                 */
-                if (rv == 0 || (rv == -1 && syserror == EINTR)) {
-                    /*
-                     * If _MD_SELECT timed out, we know how much time
-                     * we spent in blocking, so we can avoid a
-                     * PR_IntervalNow() call.
-                     */
-                    if (rv == 0) {
-                        if (wait_for_remaining) {
-                            now += remaining;
-                        } else {
-                            now += PR_SecondsToInterval(tv.tv_sec)
-                                + PR_MicrosecondsToInterval(tv.tv_usec);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        now = PR_IntervalNow();
-                    }
-                    elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (now - epoch);
-                    if (elapsed >= timeout) {
-                        PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-                        rv = -1;
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        remaining = timeout - elapsed;
-                    }
-                }
-            } while (rv == 0 || (rv == -1 && syserror == EINTR));
-            break;
-    }
-    return(rv);
-#else /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-static PRInt32 socket_io_wait(PRInt32 osfd, PRInt32 fd_type,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1;
-    int msecs;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRIntervalTime epoch, now, elapsed, remaining;
-    PRBool wait_for_remaining;
-    PRInt32 syserror;
-    struct pollfd pfd;
-    switch (timeout) {
-        case PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT:
-            PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-            break;
-            /*
-             * This is a special case of the 'default' case below.
-             * Please see the comments there.
-             */
-            msecs = _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS * 1000;
-            pfd.fd = osfd;
-            if (fd_type == READ_FD) {
-       = POLLIN;
-            } else {
-       = POLLOUT;
-            }
-            do {
-                rv = _MD_POLL(&pfd, 1, msecs);
-                if (rv == -1 && (syserror = _MD_ERRNO()) != EINTR) {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_ERROR(syserror);
-                    break;
-                }
-				/*
-				 * If POLLERR is set, don't process it; retry the operation
-				 */
-                if ((rv == 1) && (pfd.revents & (POLLHUP | POLLNVAL))) {
-					rv = -1;
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_REVENTS_ERROR(pfd.revents);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                    me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                    rv = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            } while (rv == 0 || (rv == -1 && syserror == EINTR));
-            break;
-        default:
-            now = epoch = PR_IntervalNow();
-            remaining = timeout;
-            pfd.fd = osfd;
-            if (fd_type == READ_FD) {
-       = POLLIN;
-            } else {
-       = POLLOUT;
-            }
-            do {
-                /*
-                 * We block in _MD_POLL for at most
-                 * _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS seconds,
-                 * so that there is an upper limit on the delay
-                 * before the interrupt bit is checked.
-                 */
-                wait_for_remaining = PR_TRUE;
-                msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(remaining);
-                if (msecs > _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS * 1000) {
-                    wait_for_remaining = PR_FALSE;
-                    msecs = _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS * 1000;
-                }
-                rv = _MD_POLL(&pfd, 1, msecs);
-                /*
-                 * we don't consider EINTR a real error
-                 */
-                if (rv == -1 && (syserror = _MD_ERRNO()) != EINTR) {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_ERROR(syserror);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                    me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                    rv = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-				/*
-				 * If POLLERR is set, don't process it; retry the operation
-				 */
-                if ((rv == 1) && (pfd.revents & (POLLHUP | POLLNVAL))) {
-					rv = -1;
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_REVENTS_ERROR(pfd.revents);
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*
-                 * We loop again if _MD_POLL timed out or got interrupted
-                 * by a signal, and the timeout deadline has not passed yet.
-                 */
-                if (rv == 0 || (rv == -1 && syserror == EINTR)) {
-                    /*
-                     * If _MD_POLL timed out, we know how much time
-                     * we spent in blocking, so we can avoid a
-                     * PR_IntervalNow() call.
-                     */
-                    if (rv == 0) {
-                        if (wait_for_remaining) {
-                            now += remaining;
-                        } else {
-                            now += PR_MillisecondsToInterval(msecs);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        now = PR_IntervalNow();
-                    }
-                    elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (now - epoch);
-                    if (elapsed >= timeout) {
-                        PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-                        rv = -1;
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        remaining = timeout - elapsed;
-                    }
-                }
-            } while (rv == 0 || (rv == -1 && syserror == EINTR));
-            break;
-    }
-    return(rv);
-#endif /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-static PRInt32 local_io_wait(
-    PRInt32 osfd,
-    PRInt32 wait_flag,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    _PRUnixPollDesc pd;
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-       ("waiting to %s on osfd=%d",
-        (wait_flag == _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) ? "read" : "write",
-        osfd));
-    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT) return 0;
-    pd.osfd = osfd;
-    pd.in_flags = wait_flag;
-    pd.out_flags = 0;
-    rv = _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(&pd, 1, timeout);
-    if (rv == 0) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-        rv = -1;
-    }
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_recv(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                                PRInt32 flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
- * Many OS's (Solaris, Unixware) have a broken recv which won't read
- * from socketpairs.  As long as we don't use flags on socketpairs, this
- * is a decent fix. - mikep
- */
-#if defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(SOLARIS)
-    while ((rv = read(osfd,buf,amount)) == -1) {
-    while ((rv = recv(osfd,buf,amount,flags)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-				if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd,_PR_UNIX_POLL_READ,timeout)) < 0)
-					goto done;
-            } else {
-                if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, READ_FD, timeout)) < 0)
-                    goto done;
-            }
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_RECV_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_recvfrom(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                        PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen,
-                        PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    while ((*addrlen = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr)),
-                ((rv = recvfrom(osfd, buf, amount, flags,
-                        (struct sockaddr *) addr, (_PRSockLen_t *)addrlen)) == -1)) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-                if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ, timeout)) < 0)
-                    goto done;
-            } else {
-                if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, READ_FD, timeout)) < 0)
-                    goto done;
-            }
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_RECVFROM_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    if (rv != -1) {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr) {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr *) addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_send(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-                            PRInt32 flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-	PRInt32 tmp_amount = amount;
-    /*
-     * On pre-2.6 Solaris, send() is much slower than write().
-     * On 2.6 and beyond, with in-kernel sockets, send() and
-     * write() are fairly equivalent in performance.
-     */
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == flags);
-    while ((rv = write(osfd,buf,tmp_amount)) == -1) {
-    while ((rv = send(osfd,buf,amount,flags)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK))    {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-                if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE, timeout)) < 0)
-                    goto done;
-            } else {
-                if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout))< 0)
-                    goto done;
-            }
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-			/*
-			 * The write system call has been reported to return the ERANGE
-			 * error on occasion. Try to write in smaller chunks to workaround
-			 * this bug.
-			 */
-			if (err == ERANGE) {
-				if (tmp_amount > 1) {
-					tmp_amount = tmp_amount/2;	/* half the bytes */
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-        /*
-         * optimization; if bytes sent is less than "amount" call
-         * select before returning. This is because it is likely that
-         * the next send() call will return EWOULDBLOCK.
-         */
-    if ((!fd->secret->nonblocking) && (rv > 0) && (rv < amount)
-            && (timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)) {
-        if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-			if (socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout)< 0) {
-				rv = -1;
-				goto done;
-			}
-        } else {
-			if (local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE, timeout) < 0) {
-				rv = -1;
-				goto done;
-			}
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SEND_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_sendto(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-    addrCopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy)->sa_len = addrlen;
-    ((struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy)->sa_family = addr->;
-    while ((rv = sendto(osfd, buf, amount, flags,
-            (struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy, addrlen)) == -1) {
-    while ((rv = sendto(osfd, buf, amount, flags,
-            (struct sockaddr *) addr, addrlen)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK))    {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-				if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE, timeout)) < 0)
-					goto done;
-            } else {
-                if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout))< 0)
-                    goto done;
-            }
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SENDTO_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_writev(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov,
-    PRInt32 iov_size, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRInt32 index, amount = 0;
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    /*
-     * Calculate the total number of bytes to be sent; needed for
-     * optimization later.
-     * We could avoid this if this number was passed in; but it is
-     * probably not a big deal because iov_size is usually small (less than
-     * 3)
-     */
-    if (!fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-        for (index=0; index<iov_size; index++) {
-            amount += iov[index].iov_len;
-        }
-    }
-    while ((rv = writev(osfd, (const struct iovec*)iov, iov_size)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK))    {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-				if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE, timeout)) < 0)
-					goto done;
-            } else {
-                if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout))<0)
-                    goto done;
-            }
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * optimization; if bytes sent is less than "amount" call
-     * select before returning. This is because it is likely that
-     * the next writev() call will return EWOULDBLOCK.
-     */
-    if ((!fd->secret->nonblocking) && (rv > 0) && (rv < amount)
-            && (timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)) {
-        if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-            if (socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout) < 0) {
-				rv = -1;
-                goto done;
-			}
-        } else {
-			if (local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE, timeout) < 0) {
-				rv = -1;
-				goto done;
-			}
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_WRITEV_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_accept(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-                            PRUint32 *addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    while ((rv = accept(osfd, (struct sockaddr *) addr,
-                                        (_PRSockLen_t *)addrlen)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if ((err == EAGAIN) || (err == EWOULDBLOCK) || (err == ECONNABORTED)) {
-            if (fd->secret->nonblocking) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-				if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ, timeout)) < 0)
-					goto done;
-            } else {
-                if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, READ_FD, timeout)) < 0)
-                    goto done;
-            }
-        } else if ((err == EINTR) && (!_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me))){
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_ACCEPT_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    if (rv != -1) {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr) {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr *) addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-    return(rv);
-extern int _connect (int s, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen);
-PRInt32 _MD_connect(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-#ifdef IRIX
-extern PRInt32 _MD_irix_connect(
-        PRInt32 osfd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRInt32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout);
-    PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-    addrCopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy)->sa_len = addrlen;
-    ((struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy)->sa_family = addr->;
-    /*
-     * We initiate the connection setup by making a nonblocking connect()
-     * call.  If the connect() call fails, there are two cases we handle
-     * specially:
-     * 1. The connect() call was interrupted by a signal.  In this case
-     *    we simply retry connect().
-     * 2. The NSPR socket is nonblocking and connect() fails with
-     *    EINPROGRESS.  We first wait until the socket becomes writable.
-     *    Then we try to find out whether the connection setup succeeded
-     *    or failed.
-     */
-#ifdef IRIX
-    if ((rv = _MD_irix_connect(osfd, addr, addrlen, timeout)) == -1) {
-    if ((rv = connect(osfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addrCopy, addrlen)) == -1) {
-    if ((rv = connect(osfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, addrlen)) == -1) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        if (err == EINTR) {
-            if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                PR_SetError( PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                return -1;
-            }
-            goto retry;
-        }
-        if (!fd->secret->nonblocking && (err == EINPROGRESS)) {
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-				if ((rv = local_io_wait(osfd, _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE, timeout)) < 0)
-                    return -1;
-            } else {
-                /*
-                 * socket_io_wait() may return -1 or 1.
-                 */
-                rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout);
-                if (rv == -1) {
-                    return -1;
-                }
-            }
-            PR_ASSERT(rv == 1);
-            if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                PR_SetError( PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                return -1;
-            }
-            err = _MD_unix_get_nonblocking_connect_error(osfd);
-            if (err != 0) {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-                return -1;
-            }
-            return 0;
-        }
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* _MD_connect */
-PRInt32 _MD_bind(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-    addrCopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy)->sa_len = addrlen;
-    ((struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy)->sa_family = addr->;
-    rv = bind(fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr *) &addrCopy, (int )addrlen);
-    rv = bind(fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr *) addr, (int )addrlen);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_BIND_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_listen(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = listen(fd->secret->md.osfd, backlog);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_LISTEN_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_shutdown(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = shutdown(fd->secret->md.osfd, how);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PRInt32 _MD_socketpair(int af, int type, int flags,
-                                                        PRInt32 *osfd)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = socketpair(af, type, flags, osfd);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-    }
-    return rv;
-PRStatus _MD_getsockname(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-                                                PRUint32 *addrlen)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = getsockname(fd->secret->md.osfd,
-            (struct sockaddr *) addr, (_PRSockLen_t *)addrlen);
-    if (rv == 0) {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr) {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr *) addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-    }
-    return rv==0?PR_SUCCESS:PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_getpeername(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr,
-                                        PRUint32 *addrlen)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = getpeername(fd->secret->md.osfd,
-            (struct sockaddr *) addr, (_PRSockLen_t *)addrlen);
-    if (rv == 0) {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr) {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr *) addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-    }
-    return rv==0?PR_SUCCESS:PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_getsockopt(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level,
-                        PRInt32 optname, char* optval, PRInt32* optlen)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = getsockopt(fd->secret->md.osfd, level, optname, optval, (_PRSockLen_t *)optlen);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-    }
-    return rv==0?PR_SUCCESS:PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_setsockopt(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level,   
-                    PRInt32 optname, const char* optval, PRInt32 optlen)
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    rv = setsockopt(fd->secret->md.osfd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-    }
-    return rv==0?PR_SUCCESS:PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_set_fd_inheritable(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool inheritable)
-    int rv;
-    rv = fcntl(fd->secret->md.osfd, F_SETFD, inheritable ? 0 : FD_CLOEXEC);
-    if (-1 == rv) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, _MD_ERRNO());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-void _MD_init_fd_inheritable(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool imported)
-    if (imported) {
-        fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN;
-    } else {
-        /* By default, a Unix fd is not closed on exec. */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        {
-            int flags = fcntl(fd->secret->md.osfd, F_GETFD, 0);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == flags);
-        }
-        fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-    }
-#if !defined(_PR_USE_POLL)
-** Scan through io queue and find any bad fd's that triggered the error
-** from _MD_SELECT
-static void FindBadFDs(void)
-    PRCList *q;
-    PRThread *me = _MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    q = (_PR_IOQ(me->cpu)).next;
-    _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = -1;
-    while (q != &_PR_IOQ(me->cpu)) {
-        PRPollQueue *pq = _PR_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
-        PRBool notify = PR_FALSE;
-        _PRUnixPollDesc *pds = pq->pds;
-        _PRUnixPollDesc *epds = pds + pq->npds;
-        PRInt32 pq_max_osfd = -1;
-        q = q->next;
-        for (; pds < epds; pds++) {
-            PRInt32 osfd = pds->osfd;
-            pds->out_flags = 0;
-            PR_ASSERT(osfd >= 0 || pds->in_flags == 0);
-            if (pds->in_flags == 0) {
-                continue;  /* skip this fd */
-            }
-            if (fcntl(osfd, F_GETFL, 0) == -1) {
-                /* Found a bad descriptor, remove it from the fd_sets. */
-                PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX,
-                    ("file descriptor %d is bad", osfd));
-                pds->out_flags = _PR_UNIX_POLL_NVAL;
-                notify = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            if (osfd > pq_max_osfd) {
-                pq_max_osfd = osfd;
-            }
-        }
-        if (notify) {
-            PRIntn pri;
-            PR_REMOVE_LINK(&pq->links);
-            pq->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;
-            /*
-         * Decrement the count of descriptors for each desciptor/event
-         * because this I/O request is being removed from the
-         * ioq
-         */
-            pds = pq->pds;
-            for (; pds < epds; pds++) {
-                PRInt32 osfd = pds->osfd;
-                PRInt16 in_flags = pds->in_flags;
-                PR_ASSERT(osfd >= 0 || in_flags == 0);
-                if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) {
-                    if (--(_PR_FD_READ_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                        FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_READ_SET(me->cpu));
-                }
-                if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) {
-                    if (--(_PR_FD_WRITE_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                        FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_WRITE_SET(me->cpu));
-                }
-                if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-                    if (--(_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                        FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(me->cpu));
-                }
-            }
-            _PR_THREAD_LOCK(pq->thr);
-            if (pq->thr->flags & (_PR_ON_PAUSEQ|_PR_ON_SLEEPQ)) {
-                _PRCPU *cpu = pq->thr->cpu;
-                _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-                _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(pq->thr, PR_TRUE);
-                _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-				if (pq->thr->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-				    /*
-				     * set thread state to SUSPENDED;
-				     * a Resume operation on the thread
-				     * will move it to the runQ
-				     */
-				    pq->thr->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-				    _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-				    _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(pq->thr, pq->thr->cpu);
-				    _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-				} else {
-				    pri = pq->thr->priority;
-				    pq->thr->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-				    _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-				    _PR_ADD_RUNQ(pq->thr, cpu, pri);
-				    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-				}
-            }
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(pq->thr);
-        } else {
-            if (pq->timeout < _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu))
-                _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu) = pq->timeout;
-            if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < pq_max_osfd)
-                _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = pq_max_osfd;
-        }
-    }
-        if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < _pr_md_pipefd[0])
-            _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = _pr_md_pipefd[0];
-    }
-#endif  /* !defined(_PR_USE_POLL) */
-** Called by the scheduler when there is nothing to do. This means that
-** all threads are blocked on some monitor somewhere.
-** Note: this code doesn't release the scheduler lock.
-** Pause the current CPU. longjmp to the cpu's pause stack
-** This must be called with the scheduler locked
-void _MD_PauseCPU(PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PRThread *me = _MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-    int timeout;
-    struct pollfd *pollfds;    /* an array of pollfd structures */
-    struct pollfd *pollfdPtr;    /* a pointer that steps through the array */
-    unsigned long npollfds;     /* number of pollfd structures in array */
-    unsigned long pollfds_size;
-    int nfd;                    /* to hold the return value of poll() */
-    struct timeval timeout, *tvp;
-    fd_set r, w, e;
-    fd_set *rp, *wp, *ep;
-    PRInt32 max_osfd, nfd;
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    PRCList *q;
-    PRUint32 min_timeout;
-    sigset_t oldset;
-#ifdef IRIX
-extern sigset_t ints_off;
-    _PR_MD_IOQ_LOCK();
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-    /* Build up the pollfd structure array to wait on */
-    /* Find out how many pollfd structures are needed */
-    npollfds = _PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(me->cpu);
-    PR_ASSERT(npollfds >= 0);
-    /*
-     * We use a pipe to wake up a native thread.  An fd is needed
-     * for the pipe and we poll it for reading.
-     */
-        npollfds++;
-#ifdef	IRIX
-		/*
-		 * On Irix, a second pipe is used to cause the primordial cpu to
-		 * wakeup and exit, when the process is exiting because of a call
-		 * to exit/PR_ProcessExit.
-		 */
-		if (me->cpu->id == 0) {
-        	npollfds++;
-		}
-	}
-    /*
-     * if the cpu's pollfd array is not big enough, release it and allocate a new one
-     */
-    if (npollfds > _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS_SIZE(me->cpu)) {
-        if (_PR_IOQ_POLLFDS(me->cpu) != NULL)
-            PR_DELETE(_PR_IOQ_POLLFDS(me->cpu));
-        pollfds_size =  PR_MAX(_PR_IOQ_MIN_POLLFDS_SIZE(me->cpu), npollfds);
-        pollfds = (struct pollfd *) PR_MALLOC(pollfds_size * sizeof(struct pollfd));
-        _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS(me->cpu) = pollfds;
-        _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS_SIZE(me->cpu) = pollfds_size;
-    } else {
-        pollfds = _PR_IOQ_POLLFDS(me->cpu);
-    }
-    pollfdPtr = pollfds;
-    /*
-     * If we need to poll the pipe for waking up a native thread,
-     * the pipe's fd is the first element in the pollfds array.
-     */
-        pollfdPtr->fd = _pr_md_pipefd[0];
-        pollfdPtr->events = POLLIN;
-        pollfdPtr++;
-#ifdef	IRIX
-		/*
-		 * On Irix, the second element is the exit pipe
-		 */
-		if (me->cpu->id == 0) {
-			pollfdPtr->fd = _pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0];
-			pollfdPtr->events = POLLIN;
-			pollfdPtr++;
-		}
-    }
-    min_timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-    for (q = _PR_IOQ(me->cpu).next; q != &_PR_IOQ(me->cpu); q = q->next) {
-        PRPollQueue *pq = _PR_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
-        _PRUnixPollDesc *pds = pq->pds;
-        _PRUnixPollDesc *epds = pds + pq->npds;
-        if (pq->timeout < min_timeout) {
-            min_timeout = pq->timeout;
-        }
-        for (; pds < epds; pds++, pollfdPtr++) {
-            /*
-         * Assert that the pollfdPtr pointer does not go
-         * beyond the end of the pollfds array
-         */
-            PR_ASSERT(pollfdPtr < pollfds + npollfds);
-            pollfdPtr->fd = pds->osfd;
-            /* direct copy of poll flags */
-            pollfdPtr->events = pds->in_flags;
-        }
-    }
-    _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu) = min_timeout;
-    /*
-     * assigment of fd_sets
-     */
-    r = _PR_FD_READ_SET(me->cpu);
-    w = _PR_FD_WRITE_SET(me->cpu);
-    e = _PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(me->cpu);
-    rp = &r;
-    wp = &w;
-    ep = &e;
-    max_osfd = _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) + 1;
-    min_timeout = _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu);
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-    /*
-    ** Compute the minimum timeout value: make it the smaller of the
-    ** timeouts specified by the i/o pollers or the timeout of the first
-    ** sleeping thread.
-    */
-    q = _PR_SLEEPQ(me->cpu).next;
-    if (q != &_PR_SLEEPQ(me->cpu)) {
-        PRThread *t = _PR_THREAD_PTR(q);
-        if (t->sleep < min_timeout) {
-            min_timeout = t->sleep;
-        }
-    }
-    if (min_timeout > ticks) {
-        min_timeout = ticks;
-    }
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-    if (min_timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-        timeout = -1;
-    else
-        timeout = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(min_timeout);
-    if (min_timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) {
-        tvp = NULL;
-    } else {
-        timeout.tv_sec = PR_IntervalToSeconds(min_timeout);
-        timeout.tv_usec = PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(min_timeout)
-            % PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
-        tvp = &timeout;
-    }
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-    /*
-     * check for i/o operations
-     */
-    /*
-     * Disable the clock interrupts while we are in select, if clock interrupts
-     * are enabled. Otherwise, when the select/poll calls are interrupted, the
-     * timer value starts ticking from zero again when the system call is restarted.
-     */
-#ifdef IRIX
-    /*
-     * SIGCHLD signal is used on Irix to detect he termination of an
-     * sproc by SIGSEGV, SIGBUS or SIGABRT signals when
-     * _nspr_terminate_on_error is set.
-     */
-    if ((!_nspr_noclock) || (_nspr_terminate_on_error))
-        if (!_nspr_noclock)
-#endif    /* IRIX */
-#ifdef IRIX
-    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &ints_off, &oldset);
-    PR_ASSERT(sigismember(&timer_set, SIGALRM));
-    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &timer_set, &oldset);
-#endif    /* IRIX */
-#endif  /* !_PR_NO_CLOCK_TIMER */
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-    PR_ASSERT(FD_ISSET(_pr_md_pipefd[0],rp));
-    nfd = _MD_SELECT(max_osfd, rp, wp, ep, tvp);
-    nfd = _MD_POLL(pollfds, npollfds, timeout);
-#endif  /* !_PR_USE_POLL */
-#ifdef IRIX
-    if ((!_nspr_noclock) || (_nspr_terminate_on_error))
-        if (!_nspr_noclock)
-#endif    /* IRIX */
-    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, 0);
-#endif  /* !_PR_NO_CLOCK_TIMER */
-#ifdef IRIX
-	_PR_MD_primordial_cpu();
-    _PR_MD_IOQ_LOCK();
-    /*
-    ** Notify monitors that are associated with the selected descriptors.
-    */
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-    if (nfd > 0) {
-        pollfdPtr = pollfds;
-            /*
-			 * Assert that the pipe is the first element in the
-			 * pollfds array.
-			 */
-            PR_ASSERT(pollfds[0].fd == _pr_md_pipefd[0]);
-            if ((pollfds[0].revents & POLLIN) && (nfd == 1)) {
-                /*
-				 * woken up by another thread; read all the data
-				 * in the pipe to empty the pipe
-				 */
-                while ((rv = read(_pr_md_pipefd[0], _pr_md_pipebuf,
-                    PIPE_BUF)) == PIPE_BUF){
-                }
-                PR_ASSERT((rv > 0) || ((rv == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN)));
-            }
-            pollfdPtr++;
-#ifdef	IRIX
-			/*
-			 * On Irix, check to see if the primordial cpu needs to exit
-			 * to cause the process to terminate
-			 */
-			if (me->cpu->id == 0) {
-            	PR_ASSERT(pollfds[1].fd == _pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0]);
-				if (pollfdPtr->revents & POLLIN) {
-					if (_pr_irix_process_exit) {
-						/*
-						 * process exit due to a call to PR_ProcessExit
-						 */
-						_exit(_pr_irix_process_exit_code);
-					} else {
-						while ((rv = read(_pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0],
-							_pr_md_pipebuf, PIPE_BUF)) == PIPE_BUF) {
-						}
-						PR_ASSERT(rv > 0);
-					}
-				}
-				pollfdPtr++;
-			}
-        }
-        for (q = _PR_IOQ(me->cpu).next; q != &_PR_IOQ(me->cpu); q = q->next) {
-            PRPollQueue *pq = _PR_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
-            PRBool notify = PR_FALSE;
-            _PRUnixPollDesc *pds = pq->pds;
-            _PRUnixPollDesc *epds = pds + pq->npds;
-            for (; pds < epds; pds++, pollfdPtr++) {
-                /*
-                  * Assert that the pollfdPtr pointer does not go beyond
-                  * the end of the pollfds array.
-                  */
-                PR_ASSERT(pollfdPtr < pollfds + npollfds);
-                /*
-                 * Assert that the fd's in the pollfds array (stepped
-                 * through by pollfdPtr) are in the same order as
-                 * the fd's in _PR_IOQ() (stepped through by q and pds).
-                 * This is how the pollfds array was created earlier.
-                 */
-                PR_ASSERT(pollfdPtr->fd == pds->osfd);
-                pds->out_flags = pollfdPtr->revents;
-                /* Negative fd's are ignored by poll() */
-                if (pds->osfd >= 0 && pds->out_flags) {
-                    notify = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-            }
-            if (notify) {
-                PRIntn pri;
-                PRThread *thred;
-                PR_REMOVE_LINK(&pq->links);
-                pq->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;
-                thred = pq->thr;
-                _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thred);
-                if (pq->thr->flags & (_PR_ON_PAUSEQ|_PR_ON_SLEEPQ)) {
-                    _PRCPU *cpu = pq->thr->cpu;
-                    _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-                    _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(pq->thr, PR_TRUE);
-                    _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-					if (pq->thr->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-					    /*
-					     * set thread state to SUSPENDED;
-					     * a Resume operation on the thread
-					     * will move it to the runQ
-					     */
-					    pq->thr->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-					    _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-					    _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(pq->thr, pq->thr->cpu);
-					    _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-					} else {
-						pri = pq->thr->priority;
-						pq->thr->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-						_PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-						_PR_ADD_RUNQ(pq->thr, cpu, pri);
-						_PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-						if (_pr_md_idle_cpus > 1)
-							_PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thred);
-					}
-                }
-                _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thred);
-                _PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(me->cpu) -= pq->npds;
-                PR_ASSERT(_PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(me->cpu) >= 0);
-            }
-        }
-    } else if (nfd == -1) {
-        PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("poll() failed with errno %d", errno));
-    }
-    if (nfd > 0) {
-        q = _PR_IOQ(me->cpu).next;
-        _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = -1;
-        while (q != &_PR_IOQ(me->cpu)) {
-            PRPollQueue *pq = _PR_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
-            PRBool notify = PR_FALSE;
-            _PRUnixPollDesc *pds = pq->pds;
-            _PRUnixPollDesc *epds = pds + pq->npds;
-            PRInt32 pq_max_osfd = -1;
-            q = q->next;
-            for (; pds < epds; pds++) {
-                PRInt32 osfd = pds->osfd;
-                PRInt16 in_flags = pds->in_flags;
-                PRInt16 out_flags = 0;
-                PR_ASSERT(osfd >= 0 || in_flags == 0);
-                if ((in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) && FD_ISSET(osfd, rp)) {
-                    out_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ;
-                }
-                if ((in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) && FD_ISSET(osfd, wp)) {
-                    out_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE;
-                }
-                if ((in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) && FD_ISSET(osfd, ep)) {
-                    out_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT;
-                }
-                pds->out_flags = out_flags;
-                if (out_flags) {
-                    notify = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                if (osfd > pq_max_osfd) {
-                    pq_max_osfd = osfd;
-                }
-            }
-            if (notify == PR_TRUE) {
-                PRIntn pri;
-                PRThread *thred;
-                PR_REMOVE_LINK(&pq->links);
-                pq->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;
-                /*
-                 * Decrement the count of descriptors for each desciptor/event
-                 * because this I/O request is being removed from the
-                 * ioq
-                 */
-                pds = pq->pds;
-                for (; pds < epds; pds++) {
-                    PRInt32 osfd = pds->osfd;
-                    PRInt16 in_flags = pds->in_flags;
-                    PR_ASSERT(osfd >= 0 || in_flags == 0);
-                    if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) {
-                        if (--(_PR_FD_READ_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                            FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_READ_SET(me->cpu));
-                    }
-                    if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) {
-                        if (--(_PR_FD_WRITE_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                            FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_WRITE_SET(me->cpu));
-                    }
-                    if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-                        if (--(_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                            FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(me->cpu));
-                    }
-                }
-                /*
-                 * Because this thread can run on a different cpu right
-                 * after being added to the run queue, do not dereference
-                 * pq
-                 */
-                 thred = pq->thr;
-                _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thred);
-                if (pq->thr->flags & (_PR_ON_PAUSEQ|_PR_ON_SLEEPQ)) {
-                    _PRCPU *cpu = thred->cpu;
-                    _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-                    _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(pq->thr, PR_TRUE);
-                    _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-					if (pq->thr->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-					    /*
-					     * set thread state to SUSPENDED;
-					     * a Resume operation on the thread
-					     * will move it to the runQ
-					     */
-					    pq->thr->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-					    _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-					    _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(pq->thr, pq->thr->cpu);
-					    _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(pq->thr->cpu);
-					} else {
-						pri = pq->thr->priority;
-						pq->thr->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-						pq->thr->cpu = cpu;
-						_PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-						_PR_ADD_RUNQ(pq->thr, cpu, pri);
-						_PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-						if (_pr_md_idle_cpus > 1)
-							_PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thred);
-					}
-                }
-                _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thred);
-            } else {
-                if (pq->timeout < _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu))
-                    _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu) = pq->timeout;
-                if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < pq_max_osfd)
-                    _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = pq_max_osfd;
-            }
-        }
-            if ((FD_ISSET(_pr_md_pipefd[0], rp)) && (nfd == 1)) {
-                /*
-             * woken up by another thread; read all the data
-             * in the pipe to empty the pipe
-             */
-                while ((rv =
-                    read(_pr_md_pipefd[0], _pr_md_pipebuf, PIPE_BUF))
-                    == PIPE_BUF){
-                }
-                PR_ASSERT((rv > 0) ||
-                    ((rv == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN)));
-            }
-            if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < _pr_md_pipefd[0])
-                _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = _pr_md_pipefd[0];
-#ifdef	IRIX
-			if ((me->cpu->id == 0) && 
-						(FD_ISSET(_pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0], rp))) {
-				if (_pr_irix_process_exit) {
-					/*
-					 * process exit due to a call to PR_ProcessExit
-					 */
-					_exit(_pr_irix_process_exit_code);
-				} else {
-						while ((rv = read(_pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0],
-							_pr_md_pipebuf, PIPE_BUF)) == PIPE_BUF) {
-						}
-						PR_ASSERT(rv > 0);
-				}
-			}
-			if (me->cpu->id == 0) {
-				if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < _pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0])
-					_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = _pr_irix_primoridal_cpu_fd[0];
-			}
-        }
-    } else if (nfd < 0) {
-        if (errno == EBADF) {
-            FindBadFDs();
-        } else {
-            PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("select() failed with errno %d",
-                errno));
-        }
-    } else {
-        PR_ASSERT(nfd == 0);
-        /*
-         * compute the new value of _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT
-         */
-        q = _PR_IOQ(me->cpu).next;
-        _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = -1;
-        while (q != &_PR_IOQ(me->cpu)) {
-            PRPollQueue *pq = _PR_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
-            _PRUnixPollDesc *pds = pq->pds;
-            _PRUnixPollDesc *epds = pds + pq->npds;
-            PRInt32 pq_max_osfd = -1;
-            q = q->next;
-            for (; pds < epds; pds++) {
-                if (pds->osfd > pq_max_osfd) {
-                    pq_max_osfd = pds->osfd;
-                }
-            }
-            if (pq->timeout < _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu))
-                _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu) = pq->timeout;
-            if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < pq_max_osfd)
-                _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = pq_max_osfd;
-        }
-            if (_PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) < _pr_md_pipefd[0])
-                _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = _pr_md_pipefd[0];
-        }
-    }
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-void _MD_Wakeup_CPUs()
-    PRInt32 rv, data;
-    data = 0;
-    rv = write(_pr_md_pipefd[1], &data, 1);
-    while ((rv < 0) && (errno == EAGAIN)) {
-        /*
-         * pipe full, read all data in pipe to empty it
-         */
-        while ((rv =
-            read(_pr_md_pipefd[0], _pr_md_pipebuf, PIPE_BUF))
-            == PIPE_BUF) {
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT((rv > 0) ||
-            ((rv == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN)));
-        rv = write(_pr_md_pipefd[1], &data, 1);
-    }
-void _MD_InitCPUS()
-    PRInt32 rv, flags;
-    PRThread *me = _MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    rv = pipe(_pr_md_pipefd);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv == 0);
-    _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = _pr_md_pipefd[0];
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-    FD_SET(_pr_md_pipefd[0], &_PR_FD_READ_SET(me->cpu));
-    flags = fcntl(_pr_md_pipefd[0], F_GETFL, 0);
-    fcntl(_pr_md_pipefd[0], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-    flags = fcntl(_pr_md_pipefd[1], F_GETFL, 0);
-    fcntl(_pr_md_pipefd[1], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-** Unix SIGALRM (clock) signal handler
-static void ClockInterruptHandler()
-    int olderrno;
-    PRUintn pri;
-    _PRCPU *cpu = _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU();
-    PRThread *me = _MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-    if (!me || _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-        _pr_primordialCPU->u.missed[_pr_primordialCPU->where] |= _PR_MISSED_CLOCK;
-        return;
-    }
-    if (_PR_MD_GET_INTSOFF() != 0) {
-        cpu->u.missed[cpu->where] |= _PR_MISSED_CLOCK;
-        return;
-    }
-    olderrno = errno;
-    _PR_ClockInterrupt();
-    errno = olderrno;
-    /*
-    ** If the interrupt wants a resched or if some other thread at
-    ** the same priority needs the cpu, reschedule.
-    */
-    pri = me->priority;
-    if ((cpu->u.missed[3] || (_PR_RUNQREADYMASK(me->cpu) >> pri))) {
-#ifdef _PR_NO_PREEMPT
-        cpu->resched = PR_TRUE;
-        if (pr_interruptSwitchHook) {
-            (*pr_interruptSwitchHook)(pr_interruptSwitchHookArg);
-        }
-#else /* _PR_NO_PREEMPT */
-        /*
-    ** Re-enable unix interrupts (so that we can use
-    ** setjmp/longjmp for context switching without having to
-    ** worry about the signal state)
-    */
-        sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &empty_set, 0);
-        PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("clock caused context switch"));
-        if(!(me->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD)) {
-            _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-            me->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-            me->cpu = cpu;
-            _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-            _PR_ADD_RUNQ(me, cpu, pri);
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(me);
-        } else
-            me->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-        _MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(me);
-        PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("clock back from context switch"));
-#endif /* _PR_NO_PREEMPT */
-    }
-    /*
-     * Because this thread could be running on a different cpu after
-     * a context switch the current cpu should be accessed and the
-     * value of the 'cpu' variable should not be used.
-     */
- * On HP-UX 9, we have to use the sigvector() interface to restart
- * interrupted system calls, because sigaction() does not have the
- * SA_RESTART flag.
- */
-#ifdef HPUX9
-static void HPUX9_ClockInterruptHandler(
-    int sig,
-    int code,
-    struct sigcontext *scp)
-    ClockInterruptHandler();
-    scp->sc_syscall_action = SIG_RESTART;
-#endif /* HPUX9 */
-/* # of milliseconds per clock tick that we will use */
-#define MSEC_PER_TICK    50
-void _MD_StartInterrupts()
-    char *eval;
-    if ((eval = getenv("NSPR_NOCLOCK")) != NULL) {
-        if (atoi(eval) == 0)
-            _nspr_noclock = 0;
-        else
-            _nspr_noclock = 1;
-    }
-    if (!_nspr_noclock) {
-        _MD_EnableClockInterrupts();
-    }
-void _MD_StopInterrupts()
-    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &timer_set, 0);
-void _MD_EnableClockInterrupts()
-    struct itimerval itval;
-    extern PRUintn _pr_numCPU;
-#ifdef HPUX9
-    struct sigvec vec;
-    vec.sv_handler = (void (*)()) HPUX9_ClockInterruptHandler;
-    vec.sv_mask = 0;
-    vec.sv_flags = 0;
-    sigvector(SIGALRM, &vec, 0);
-    struct sigaction vtact;
-    vtact.sa_handler = (void (*)()) ClockInterruptHandler;
-    sigemptyset(&vtact.sa_mask);
-    vtact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
-    sigaction(SIGALRM, &vtact, 0);
-#endif /* HPUX9 */
-    PR_ASSERT(_pr_numCPU == 1);
-	itval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
-	itval.it_interval.tv_usec = MSEC_PER_TICK * PR_USEC_PER_MSEC;
-	itval.it_value = itval.it_interval;
-	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itval, 0);
-void _MD_DisableClockInterrupts()
-    struct itimerval itval;
-    extern PRUintn _pr_numCPU;
-    PR_ASSERT(_pr_numCPU == 1);
-	itval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
-	itval.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
-	itval.it_value = itval.it_interval;
-	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itval, 0);
-void _MD_BlockClockInterrupts()
-    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &timer_set, 0);
-void _MD_UnblockClockInterrupts()
-    sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &timer_set, 0);
-void _MD_MakeNonblock(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    int flags;
-    if (osfd <= 2) {
-        /* Don't mess around with stdin, stdout or stderr */
-        return;
-    }
-    flags = fcntl(osfd, F_GETFL, 0);
-    /*
-     * Use O_NONBLOCK (POSIX-style non-blocking I/O) whenever possible.
-     * On SunOS 4, we must use FNDELAY (BSD-style non-blocking I/O),
-     * otherwise connect() still blocks and can be interrupted by SIGALRM.
-     */
-    fcntl(osfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-    }
-PRInt32 _MD_open(const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    PRInt32 osflags;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    if (flags & PR_RDWR) {
-        osflags = O_RDWR;
-    } else if (flags & PR_WRONLY) {
-        osflags = O_WRONLY;
-    } else {
-        osflags = O_RDONLY;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_EXCL)
-        osflags |= O_EXCL;
-    if (flags & PR_APPEND)
-        osflags |= O_APPEND;
-    if (flags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-        osflags |= O_TRUNC;
-    if (flags & PR_SYNC) {
-#if defined(O_SYNC)
-        osflags |= O_SYNC;
-#elif defined(O_FSYNC)
-        osflags |= O_FSYNC;
-#error "Neither O_SYNC nor O_FSYNC is defined on this platform"
-    }
-    /*
-    ** On creations we hold the 'create' lock in order to enforce
-    ** the semantics of PR_Rename. (see the latter for more details)
-    */
-    if (flags & PR_CREATE_FILE)
-    {
-        osflags |= O_CREAT;
-        if (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock)
-            PR_Lock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    }
-#if defined(ANDROID)
-    osflags |= O_LARGEFILE;
-    rv = _md_iovector._open64(name, osflags, mode);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        err = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    if ((flags & PR_CREATE_FILE) && (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock))
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    return rv;
-PRIntervalTime intr_timeout_ticks;
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX)
-static void sigsegvhandler() {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Received SIGSEGV\n");
-    fflush(stderr);
-    pause();
-static void sigaborthandler() {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Received SIGABRT\n");
-    fflush(stderr);
-    pause();
-static void sigbushandler() {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Received SIGBUS\n");
-    fflush(stderr);
-    pause();
-#endif /* SOLARIS, IRIX */
-#endif  /* !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-void _MD_query_fd_inheritable(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    int flags;
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_TRI_UNKNOWN == fd->secret->inheritable);
-    flags = fcntl(fd->secret->md.osfd, F_GETFD, 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(-1 != flags);
-    fd->secret->inheritable = (flags & FD_CLOEXEC) ?
-        _PR_TRI_FALSE : _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-PROffset32 _MD_lseek(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    PROffset32 rv, where;
-    switch (whence) {
-        case PR_SEEK_SET:
-            where = SEEK_SET;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_CUR:
-            where = SEEK_CUR;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_END:
-            where = SEEK_END;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = -1;
-            goto done;
-    }
-    rv = lseek(fd->secret->md.osfd,offset,where);
-    if (rv == -1)
-    {
-        PRInt32 syserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_LSEEK_ERROR(syserr);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-PROffset64 _MD_lseek64(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    PRInt32 where;
-    PROffset64 rv;
-    switch (whence)
-    {
-        case PR_SEEK_SET:
-            where = SEEK_SET;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_CUR:
-            where = SEEK_CUR;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_END:
-            where = SEEK_END;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = minus_one;
-            goto done;
-    }
-    rv = _md_iovector._lseek64(fd->secret->md.osfd, offset, where);
-    if (LL_EQ(rv, minus_one))
-    {
-        PRInt32 syserr = _MD_ERRNO();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_LSEEK_ERROR(syserr);
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* _MD_lseek64 */
-** _MD_set_fileinfo_times --
-**     Set the modifyTime and creationTime of the PRFileInfo
-**     structure using the values in struct stat.
-** _MD_set_fileinfo64_times --
-**     Set the modifyTime and creationTime of the PRFileInfo64
-**     structure using the values in _MDStat64.
-#if defined(_PR_STAT_HAS_ST_ATIM)
-** struct stat has st_atim, st_mtim, and st_ctim fields of
-** type timestruc_t.
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo_times(
-    const struct stat *sb,
-    PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo64_times(
-    const _MDStat64 *sb,
-    PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-#elif defined(_PR_STAT_HAS_ST_ATIM_UNION)
-** The st_atim, st_mtim, and st_ctim fields in struct stat are
-** unions with a st__tim union member of type timestruc_t.
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo_times(
-    const struct stat *sb,
-    PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtim.st__tim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtim.st__tim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctim.st__tim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctim.st__tim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo64_times(
-    const _MDStat64 *sb,
-    PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtim.st__tim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtim.st__tim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctim.st__tim.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctim.st__tim.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-#elif defined(_PR_STAT_HAS_ST_ATIMESPEC)
-** struct stat has st_atimespec, st_mtimespec, and st_ctimespec
-** fields of type struct timespec.
-#if defined(_PR_TIMESPEC_HAS_TS_SEC)
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo_times(
-    const struct stat *sb,
-    PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtimespec.ts_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtimespec.ts_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctimespec.ts_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctimespec.ts_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo64_times(
-    const _MDStat64 *sb,
-    PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtimespec.ts_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtimespec.ts_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctimespec.ts_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctimespec.ts_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-#else /* _PR_TIMESPEC_HAS_TS_SEC */
-** The POSIX timespec structure has tv_sec and tv_nsec.
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo_times(
-    const struct stat *sb,
-    PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtimespec.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctimespec.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctimespec.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo64_times(
-    const _MDStat64 *sb,
-    PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt64 us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(info->modifyTime, sb->st_mtimespec.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->modifyTime, info->modifyTime, us);
-    LL_I2L(info->creationTime, sb->st_ctimespec.tv_sec);
-    LL_MUL(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, s2us);
-    LL_I2L(us, sb->st_ctimespec.tv_nsec / 1000);
-    LL_ADD(info->creationTime, info->creationTime, us);
-#endif /* _PR_TIMESPEC_HAS_TS_SEC */
-#elif defined(_PR_STAT_HAS_ONLY_ST_ATIME)
-** struct stat only has st_atime, st_mtime, and st_ctime fields
-** of type time_t.
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo_times(
-    const struct stat *sb,
-    PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt64 s, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(s, sb->st_mtime);
-    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
-    info->modifyTime = s;
-    LL_I2L(s, sb->st_ctime);
-    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
-    info->creationTime = s;
-static void _MD_set_fileinfo64_times(
-    const _MDStat64 *sb,
-    PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt64 s, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(s, sb->st_mtime);
-    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
-    info->modifyTime = s;
-    LL_I2L(s, sb->st_ctime);
-    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
-    info->creationTime = s;
-#error "I don't know yet"
-static int _MD_convert_stat_to_fileinfo(
-    const struct stat *sb,
-    PRFileInfo *info)
-    if (S_IFREG & sb->st_mode)
-        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;
-    else if (S_IFDIR & sb->st_mode)
-        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
-    else
-        info->type = PR_FILE_OTHER;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_LARGE_OFF_T)
-    if (0x7fffffffL < sb->st_size)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERROR, 0);
-        return -1;
-    }
-#endif /* defined(_PR_HAVE_LARGE_OFF_T) */
-    info->size = sb->st_size;
-    _MD_set_fileinfo_times(sb, info);
-    return 0;
-}  /* _MD_convert_stat_to_fileinfo */
-static int _MD_convert_stat64_to_fileinfo64(
-    const _MDStat64 *sb,
-    PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    if (S_IFREG & sb->st_mode)
-        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;
-    else if (S_IFDIR & sb->st_mode)
-        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
-    else
-        info->type = PR_FILE_OTHER;
-    LL_I2L(info->size, sb->st_size);
-    _MD_set_fileinfo64_times(sb, info);
-    return 0;
-}  /* _MD_convert_stat64_to_fileinfo64 */
-PRInt32 _MD_getfileinfo(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    struct stat sb;
-    rv = stat(fn, &sb);
-    if (rv < 0)
-    else if (NULL != info)
-        rv = _MD_convert_stat_to_fileinfo(&sb, info);
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_getfileinfo64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    _MDStat64 sb;
-    PRInt32 rv = _md_iovector._stat64(fn, &sb);
-    if (rv < 0)
-    else if (NULL != info)
-        rv = _MD_convert_stat64_to_fileinfo64(&sb, info);
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_getopenfileinfo(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
-    struct stat sb;
-    PRInt32 rv = fstat(fd->secret->md.osfd, &sb);
-    if (rv < 0)
-    else if (NULL != info)
-        rv = _MD_convert_stat_to_fileinfo(&sb, info);
-    return rv;
-PRInt32 _MD_getopenfileinfo64(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    _MDStat64 sb;
-    PRInt32 rv = _md_iovector._fstat64(fd->secret->md.osfd, &sb);
-    if (rv < 0)
-    else if (NULL != info)
-        rv = _MD_convert_stat64_to_fileinfo64(&sb, info);
-    return rv;
- * _md_iovector._open64 must be initialized to 'open' so that _PR_InitLog can
- * open the log file during NSPR initialization, before _md_iovector is
- * initialized by _PR_MD_FINAL_INIT.  This means the log file cannot be a
- * large file on some platforms.
- */
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-struct _MD_IOVector _md_iovector; /* Will crash if NSPR_LOG_FILE is set. */
-struct _MD_IOVector _md_iovector = { open };
-** These implementations are to emulate large file routines on systems that
-** don't have them. Their goal is to check in case overflow occurs. Otherwise
-** they will just operate as normal using 32-bit file routines.
-** The checking might be pre- or post-op, depending on the semantics.
-#if defined(SOLARIS2_5)
-static PRIntn _MD_solaris25_fstat64(PRIntn osfd, _MDStat64 *buf)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    struct stat sb;
-    rv = fstat(osfd, &sb);
-    if (rv >= 0)
-    {
-        /*
-        ** I'm only copying the fields that are immediately needed.
-        ** If somebody else calls this function, some of the fields
-        ** may not be defined.
-        */
-        (void)memset(buf, 0, sizeof(_MDStat64));
-        buf->st_mode = sb.st_mode;
-        buf->st_ctim = sb.st_ctim;
-        buf->st_mtim = sb.st_mtim;
-        buf->st_size = sb.st_size;
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* _MD_solaris25_fstat64 */
-static PRIntn _MD_solaris25_stat64(const char *fn, _MDStat64 *buf)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    struct stat sb;
-    rv = stat(fn, &sb);
-    if (rv >= 0)
-    {
-        /*
-        ** I'm only copying the fields that are immediately needed.
-        ** If somebody else calls this function, some of the fields
-        ** may not be defined.
-        */
-        (void)memset(buf, 0, sizeof(_MDStat64));
-        buf->st_mode = sb.st_mode;
-        buf->st_ctim = sb.st_ctim;
-        buf->st_mtim = sb.st_mtim;
-        buf->st_size = sb.st_size;
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* _MD_solaris25_stat64 */
-#endif /* defined(SOLARIS2_5) */
-#if defined(_PR_NO_LARGE_FILES) || defined(SOLARIS2_5)
-static PROffset64 _MD_Unix_lseek64(PRIntn osfd, PROffset64 offset, PRIntn whence)
-    PRUint64 maxoff;
-    PROffset64 rv = minus_one;
-    LL_I2L(maxoff, 0x7fffffff);
-    if (LL_CMP(offset, <=, maxoff))
-    {
-        off_t off;
-        LL_L2I(off, offset);
-        LL_I2L(rv, lseek(osfd, off, whence));
-    }
-    else errno = EFBIG;  /* we can't go there */
-    return rv;
-}  /* _MD_Unix_lseek64 */
-static void* _MD_Unix_mmap64(
-    void *addr, PRSize len, PRIntn prot, PRIntn flags,
-    PRIntn fildes, PRInt64 offset)
-    PR_SetError(PR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERROR, 0);
-    return NULL;
-}  /* _MD_Unix_mmap64 */
-#endif /* defined(_PR_NO_LARGE_FILES) || defined(SOLARIS2_5) */
-/* Android <= 19 doesn't have mmap64. */
-#if defined(ANDROID) && __ANDROID_API__ <= 19
-PR_IMPORT(void) *__mmap2(void *, size_t, int, int, int, size_t);
-#define ANDROID_PAGE_SIZE 4096
-static void *
-mmap64(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, loff_t offset)
-    if (offset & (ANDROID_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) {
-        errno = EINVAL;
-        return MAP_FAILED;
-    }
-    return __mmap2(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset / ANDROID_PAGE_SIZE);
-#if defined(OSF1) && defined(__GNUC__)
- * On OSF1 V5.0A, <sys/stat.h> defines stat and fstat as
- * macros when compiled under gcc, so it is rather tricky to
- * take the addresses of the real functions the macros expend
- * to.  A simple solution is to define forwarder functions
- * and take the addresses of the forwarder functions instead.
- */
-static int stat_forwarder(const char *path, struct stat *buffer)
-    return stat(path, buffer);
-static int fstat_forwarder(int filedes, struct stat *buffer)
-    return fstat(filedes, buffer);
-static void _PR_InitIOV(void)
-#if defined(SOLARIS2_5)
-    PRLibrary *lib;
-    void *open64_func;
-    open64_func = PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary("open64", &lib);
-    if (NULL != open64_func)
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(NULL != lib);
-        _md_iovector._open64 = (_MD_Open64)open64_func;
-        _md_iovector._mmap64 = (_MD_Mmap64)PR_FindSymbol(lib, "mmap64");
-        _md_iovector._fstat64 = (_MD_Fstat64)PR_FindSymbol(lib, "fstat64");
-        _md_iovector._stat64 = (_MD_Stat64)PR_FindSymbol(lib, "stat64");
-        _md_iovector._lseek64 = (_MD_Lseek64)PR_FindSymbol(lib, "lseek64");
-        (void)PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        _md_iovector._open64 = open;
-        _md_iovector._mmap64 = _MD_Unix_mmap64;
-        _md_iovector._fstat64 = _MD_solaris25_fstat64;
-        _md_iovector._stat64 = _MD_solaris25_stat64;
-        _md_iovector._lseek64 = _MD_Unix_lseek64;
-    }
-#elif defined(_PR_NO_LARGE_FILES)
-    _md_iovector._open64 = open;
-    _md_iovector._mmap64 = _MD_Unix_mmap64;
-    _md_iovector._fstat64 = fstat;
-    _md_iovector._stat64 = stat;
-    _md_iovector._lseek64 = _MD_Unix_lseek64;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_OFF64_T)
-#if defined(IRIX5_3) || defined(ANDROID)
-    /*
-     * Android doesn't have open64.  We pass the O_LARGEFILE flag to open
-     * in _MD_open.
-     */
-    _md_iovector._open64 = open;
-    _md_iovector._open64 = open64;
-    _md_iovector._mmap64 = mmap64;
-    _md_iovector._fstat64 = fstat64;
-    _md_iovector._stat64 = stat64;
-    _md_iovector._lseek64 = lseek64;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_LARGE_OFF_T)
-    _md_iovector._open64 = open;
-    _md_iovector._mmap64 = mmap;
-#if defined(OSF1) && defined(__GNUC__)
-    _md_iovector._fstat64 = fstat_forwarder;
-    _md_iovector._stat64 = stat_forwarder;
-    _md_iovector._fstat64 = fstat;
-    _md_iovector._stat64 = stat;
-    _md_iovector._lseek64 = lseek;
-#error "I don't know yet"
-    LL_I2L(minus_one, -1);
-}  /* _PR_InitIOV */
-void _PR_UnixInit(void)
-    struct sigaction sigact;
-    int rv;
-    sigemptyset(&timer_set);
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-    sigaddset(&timer_set, SIGALRM);
-    sigemptyset(&empty_set);
-    intr_timeout_ticks =
-            PR_SecondsToInterval(_PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS);
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX)
-    if (getenv("NSPR_SIGSEGV_HANDLE")) {
-        sigact.sa_handler = sigsegvhandler;
-        sigact.sa_flags = 0;
-        sigact.sa_mask = timer_set;
-        sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sigact, 0);
-    }
-    if (getenv("NSPR_SIGABRT_HANDLE")) {
-        sigact.sa_handler = sigaborthandler;
-        sigact.sa_flags = 0;
-        sigact.sa_mask = timer_set;
-        sigaction(SIGABRT, &sigact, 0);
-    }
-    if (getenv("NSPR_SIGBUS_HANDLE")) {
-        sigact.sa_handler = sigbushandler;
-        sigact.sa_flags = 0;
-        sigact.sa_mask = timer_set;
-        sigaction(SIGBUS, &sigact, 0);
-    }
-#endif  /* !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-    /*
-     * Under HP-UX DCE threads, sigaction() installs a per-thread
-     * handler, so we use sigvector() to install a process-wide
-     * handler.
-     */
-#if defined(HPUX) && defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-    {
-        struct sigvec vec;
-        vec.sv_handler = SIG_IGN;
-        vec.sv_mask = 0;
-        vec.sv_flags = 0;
-        rv = sigvector(SIGPIPE, &vec, NULL);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    sigact.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
-    sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask);
-    sigact.sa_flags = 0;
-    rv = sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigact, 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#endif /* HPUX && _PR_DCETHREADS */
-    _pr_rename_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_rename_lock);
-    _pr_Xfe_mon = PR_NewMonitor();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_Xfe_mon);
-    _PR_InitIOV();  /* one last hack */
-void _PR_UnixCleanup(void)
-    if (_pr_rename_lock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_rename_lock);
-        _pr_rename_lock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (_pr_Xfe_mon) {
-        PR_DestroyMonitor(_pr_Xfe_mon);
-        _pr_Xfe_mon = NULL;
-    }
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
- * Variables used by the GC code, initialized in _MD_InitSegs().
- */
-static PRInt32 _pr_zero_fd = -1;
-static PRLock *_pr_md_lock = NULL;
- * _MD_InitSegs --
- *
- * This is Unix's version of _PR_MD_INIT_SEGS(), which is
- * called by _PR_InitSegs(), which in turn is called by
- * PR_Init().
- */
-void _MD_InitSegs(void)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    /*
-    ** Disable using mmap(2) if NSPR_NO_MMAP is set
-    */
-    if (getenv("NSPR_NO_MMAP")) {
-        _pr_zero_fd = -2;
-        return;
-    }
-    _pr_zero_fd = open("/dev/zero",O_RDWR , 0);
-    /* Prevent the fd from being inherited by child processes */
-    fcntl(_pr_zero_fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
-    _pr_md_lock = PR_NewLock();
-PRStatus _MD_AllocSegment(PRSegment *seg, PRUint32 size, void *vaddr)
-    static char *lastaddr = (char*) _PR_STACK_VMBASE;
-    PRStatus retval = PR_SUCCESS;
-    int prot;
-    void *rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(seg != 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(size != 0);
-    PR_Lock(_pr_md_lock);
-    if (_pr_zero_fd < 0) {
-        seg->vaddr = PR_MALLOC(size);
-        if (!seg->vaddr) {
-            retval = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        else {
-            seg->size = size;
-        }
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    /*
-     * On Alpha Linux, the user-level thread stack needs
-     * to be made executable because longjmp/signal seem
-     * to put machine instructions on the stack.
-     */
-#if defined(LINUX) && defined(__alpha)
-    prot |= PROT_EXEC;
-    rv = mmap((vaddr != 0) ? vaddr : lastaddr, size, prot,
-        _MD_MMAP_FLAGS,
-        _pr_zero_fd, 0);
-    if (rv == (void*)-1) {
-        goto from_heap;
-    }
-    lastaddr += size;
-    seg->vaddr = rv;
-    seg->size = size;
-    seg->flags = _PR_SEG_VM;
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_md_lock);
-    return retval;
-void _MD_FreeSegment(PRSegment *seg)
-    if (seg->flags & _PR_SEG_VM)
-        (void) munmap(seg->vaddr, seg->size);
-    else
-        PR_DELETE(seg->vaddr);
-#endif /* _PR_PTHREADS */
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_Now --
- *
- *     Returns the current time in microseconds since the epoch.
- *     The epoch is midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
- *     The implementation is machine dependent.  This is the Unix
- *     implementation.
- *     Cf. time_t time(time_t *tp)
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-    struct timeval tv;
-    PRInt64 s, us, s2us;
-    LL_I2L(s2us, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(s, tv.tv_sec);
-    LL_I2L(us, tv.tv_usec);
-    LL_MUL(s, s, s2us);
-    LL_ADD(s, s, us);
-    return s;
-#if defined(_MD_INTERVAL_USE_GTOD)
- * This version of interval times is based on the time of day
- * capability offered by the system. This isn't valid for two reasons:
- * 1) The time of day is neither linear nor montonically increasing
- * 2) The units here are milliseconds. That's not appropriate for our use.
- */
-PRIntervalTime _PR_UNIX_GetInterval()
-    struct timeval time;
-    PRIntervalTime ticks;
-    (void)GETTIMEOFDAY(&time);  /* fallicy of course */
-    ticks = (PRUint32)time.tv_sec * PR_MSEC_PER_SEC;  /* that's in milliseconds */
-    ticks += (PRUint32)time.tv_usec / PR_USEC_PER_MSEC;  /* so's that */
-    return ticks;
-}  /* _PR_UNIX_GetInterval */
-PRIntervalTime _PR_UNIX_TicksPerSecond()
-    return 1000;  /* this needs some work :) */
-PRIntervalTime _PR_UNIX_GetInterval2()
-    struct timespec time;
-    PRIntervalTime ticks;
-    if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time) != 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "clock_gettime failed: %d\n", errno);
-        abort();
-    }
-    ticks = (PRUint32)time.tv_sec * PR_MSEC_PER_SEC;
-    ticks += (PRUint32)time.tv_nsec / PR_NSEC_PER_MSEC;
-    return ticks;
-PRIntervalTime _PR_UNIX_TicksPerSecond2()
-    return 1000;
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
- * Wait for I/O on multiple descriptors.
- *
- * Return 0 if timed out, return -1 if interrupted,
- * else return the number of ready descriptors.
- */
-PRInt32 _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(
-    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpds,
-    PRInt32 pdcnt,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRPollQueue pq;
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    _PRCPU *io_cpu;
-    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpd, *eunixpd;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(!(me->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-        me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    pq.pds = unixpds;
-    pq.npds = pdcnt;
-    _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_MD_IOQ_LOCK();
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-    pq.thr = me;
-    io_cpu = me->cpu;
-    pq.on_ioq = PR_TRUE;
-    pq.timeout = timeout;
-    _PR_ADD_TO_IOQ(pq, me->cpu);
-#if !defined(_PR_USE_POLL)
-    eunixpd = unixpds + pdcnt;
-    for (unixpd = unixpds; unixpd < eunixpd; unixpd++) {
-        PRInt32 osfd = unixpd->osfd;
-        if (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) {
-            FD_SET(osfd, &_PR_FD_READ_SET(me->cpu));
-            _PR_FD_READ_CNT(me->cpu)[osfd]++;
-        }
-        if (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) {
-            FD_SET(osfd, &_PR_FD_WRITE_SET(me->cpu));
-            (_PR_FD_WRITE_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd]++;
-        }
-        if (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-            FD_SET(osfd, &_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(me->cpu));
-            (_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd]++;
-        }
-        if (osfd > _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu)) {
-            _PR_IOQ_MAX_OSFD(me->cpu) = osfd;
-        }
-    }
-#endif  /* !defined(_PR_USE_POLL) */
-    if (_PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu) > timeout) {
-        _PR_IOQ_TIMEOUT(me->cpu) = timeout;
-    }
-    _PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(me->cpu) += pdcnt;
-    _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(me->cpu);
-    _PR_ADD_SLEEPQ(me, timeout);
-    me->state = _PR_IO_WAIT;
-    me->io_pending = PR_TRUE;
-    me->io_suspended = PR_FALSE;
-    _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(me->cpu);
-    _PR_MD_WAIT(me, timeout);
-    me->io_pending = PR_FALSE;
-    me->io_suspended = PR_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * This thread should run on the same cpu on which it was blocked; when 
-     * the IO request times out the fd sets and fd counts for the
-     * cpu are updated below.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(me->cpu == io_cpu);
-    /*
-    ** If we timed out the pollq might still be on the ioq. Remove it
-    ** before continuing.
-    */
-    if (pq.on_ioq) {
-        _PR_MD_IOQ_LOCK();
-        /*
-         * Need to check pq.on_ioq again
-         */
-        if (pq.on_ioq) {
-            PR_REMOVE_LINK(&pq.links);
-#ifndef _PR_USE_POLL
-            eunixpd = unixpds + pdcnt;
-            for (unixpd = unixpds; unixpd < eunixpd; unixpd++) {
-                PRInt32 osfd = unixpd->osfd;
-                PRInt16 in_flags = unixpd->in_flags;
-                if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) {
-                    if (--(_PR_FD_READ_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                        FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_READ_SET(me->cpu));
-                }
-                if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) {
-                    if (--(_PR_FD_WRITE_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                        FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_WRITE_SET(me->cpu));
-                }
-                if (in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-                    if (--(_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_CNT(me->cpu))[osfd] == 0)
-                        FD_CLR(osfd, &_PR_FD_EXCEPTION_SET(me->cpu));
-                }
-            }
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-            PR_ASSERT(pq.npds == pdcnt);
-            _PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(me->cpu) -= pdcnt;
-            PR_ASSERT(_PR_IOQ_OSFD_CNT(me->cpu) >= 0);
-        }
-        _PR_MD_IOQ_UNLOCK();
-    }
-    /* XXX Should we use _PR_FAST_INTSON or _PR_INTSON? */
-    if (1 == pdcnt) {
-        _PR_FAST_INTSON(is);
-    } else {
-        _PR_INTSON(is);
-    }
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-        me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    rv = 0;
-    if (pq.on_ioq == PR_FALSE) {
-        /* Count the number of ready descriptors */
-        while (--pdcnt >= 0) {
-            if (unixpds->out_flags != 0) {
-                rv++;
-            }
-            unixpds++;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Unblock threads waiting for I/O
- *    used when interrupting threads
- *
- * NOTE: The thread lock should held when this function is called.
- * On return, the thread lock is released.
- */
-void _PR_Unblock_IO_Wait(PRThread *thr)
-    int pri = thr->priority;
-    _PRCPU *cpu = thr->cpu;
-    /*
-     * GLOBAL threads wakeup periodically to check for interrupt
-     */
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thr)) {
-        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thr); 
-        return;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(thr->flags & (_PR_ON_SLEEPQ | _PR_ON_PAUSEQ));
-    _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(cpu);
-    _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(thr, PR_TRUE);
-    _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-    PR_ASSERT(!(thr->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    thr->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-    _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-    _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thr, cpu, pri);
-    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thr);
-#endif  /* !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
- * When a nonblocking connect has completed, determine whether it
- * succeeded or failed, and if it failed, what the error code is.
- *
- * The function returns the error code.  An error code of 0 means
- * that the nonblocking connect succeeded.
- */
-int _MD_unix_get_nonblocking_connect_error(int osfd)
-#if defined(NTO)
-    /* Neutrino does not support the SO_ERROR socket option */
-    PRInt32      rv;
-    PRNetAddr    addr;
-    _PRSockLen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
-    /* Test to see if we are using the Tiny TCP/IP Stack or the Full one. */
-    struct statvfs superblock;
-    rv = fstatvfs(osfd, &superblock);
-    if (rv == 0) {
-        if (strcmp(superblock.f_basetype, "ttcpip") == 0) {
-            /* Using the Tiny Stack! */
-            rv = getpeername(osfd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr,
-                    (_PRSockLen_t *) &addrlen);
-            if (rv == -1) {
-                int errno_copy = errno;    /* make a copy so I don't
-                                            * accidentally reset */
-                if (errno_copy == ENOTCONN) {
-                    struct stat StatInfo;
-                    rv = fstat(osfd, &StatInfo);
-                    if (rv == 0) {
-                        time_t current_time = time(NULL);
-                        /*
-                         * this is a real hack, can't explain why it
-                         * works it just does
-                         */
-                        if (abs(current_time - StatInfo.st_atime) < 5) {
-                            return ECONNREFUSED;
-                        } else {
-                            return ETIMEDOUT;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        return ECONNREFUSED;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    return errno_copy;
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* No Error */
-                return 0;
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Have the FULL Stack which supports SO_ERROR */
-            /* Hasn't been written yet, never been tested! */
-            /* */
-            int err;
-            _PRSockLen_t optlen = sizeof(err);
-            if (getsockopt(osfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR,
-                    (char *) &err, &optlen) == -1) {
-                return errno;
-            } else {
-                return err;
-            }		
-        }
-    } else {
-        return ECONNREFUSED;
-    }	
-#elif defined(UNIXWARE)
-    /*
-     * getsockopt() fails with EPIPE, so use getmsg() instead.
-     */
-    int rv;
-    int flags = 0;
-    rv = getmsg(osfd, NULL, NULL, &flags);
-    PR_ASSERT(-1 == rv || 0 == rv);
-    if (-1 == rv && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
-        return errno;
-    }
-    return 0;  /* no error */
-    int err;
-    _PRSockLen_t optlen = sizeof(err);
-    if (getsockopt(osfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *) &err, &optlen) == -1) {
-        return errno;
-    } else {
-        return err;
-    }
-** Special hacks for xlib. Xlib/Xt/Xm is not re-entrant nor is it thread
-** safe.  Unfortunately, neither is mozilla. To make these programs work
-** in a pre-emptive threaded environment, we need to use a lock.
-void PR_XLock(void)
-    PR_EnterMonitor(_pr_Xfe_mon);
-void PR_XUnlock(void)
-    PR_ExitMonitor(_pr_Xfe_mon);
-PRBool PR_XIsLocked(void)
-    return (PR_InMonitor(_pr_Xfe_mon)) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-void PR_XWait(int ms)
-    PR_Wait(_pr_Xfe_mon, PR_MillisecondsToInterval(ms));
-void PR_XNotify(void)
-    PR_Notify(_pr_Xfe_mon);
-void PR_XNotifyAll(void)
-    PR_NotifyAll(_pr_Xfe_mon);
-_MD_LockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    struct flock arg;
-    arg.l_type = F_WRLCK;
-    arg.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
-    arg.l_start = 0;
-    arg.l_len = 0;  /* until EOF */
-    rv = fcntl(f, F_SETLKW, &arg);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_TLockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    struct flock arg;
-    arg.l_type = F_WRLCK;
-    arg.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
-    arg.l_start = 0;
-    arg.l_len = 0;  /* until EOF */
-    rv = fcntl(f, F_SETLK, &arg);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_UnlockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    struct flock arg;
-    arg.l_type = F_UNLCK;
-    arg.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
-    arg.l_start = 0;
-    arg.l_len = 0;  /* until EOF */
-    rv = fcntl(f, F_SETLK, &arg);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-#elif defined(HAVE_BSD_FLOCK)
-#include <sys/file.h>
-_MD_LockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = flock(f, LOCK_EX);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_TLockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = flock(f, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_UnlockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = flock(f, LOCK_UN);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_LockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = lockf(f, F_LOCK, 0);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_TLockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = lockf(f, F_TLOCK, 0);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-_MD_UnlockFile(PRInt32 f)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = lockf(f, F_ULOCK, 0);
-    if (rv == 0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_gethostname(char *name, PRUint32 namelen)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    rv = gethostname(name, namelen);
-    if (0 == rv) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_getsysinfo(PRSysInfo cmd, char *name, PRUint32 namelen)
-	struct utsname info;
-	PR_ASSERT((cmd == PR_SI_SYSNAME) || (cmd == PR_SI_RELEASE));
-	if (uname(&info) == -1) {
-    	return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (PR_SI_SYSNAME == cmd)
-		(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, info.sysname);
-	else if (PR_SI_RELEASE == cmd)
-		(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, info.release);
-	else
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- *******************************************************************
- *
- * Memory-mapped files
- *
- *******************************************************************
- */
-PRStatus _MD_CreateFileMap(PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 size)
-    PRFileInfo info;
-    PRUint32 sz;
-    LL_L2UI(sz, size);
-    if (sz) {
-        if (PR_GetOpenFileInfo(fmap->fd, &info) == PR_FAILURE) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        if (sz > info.size) {
-            /*
-             * Need to extend the file
-             */
-            if (fmap->prot != PR_PROT_READWRITE) {
-                PR_SetError(PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR, 0);
-                return PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-            if (PR_Seek(fmap->fd, sz - 1, PR_SEEK_SET) == -1) {
-                return PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-            if (PR_Write(fmap->fd, "", 1) != 1) {
-                return PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (fmap->prot == PR_PROT_READONLY) {
-        fmap->md.prot = PROT_READ;
-        /*
-         * Use MAP_SHARED to work around a bug in OSF1 V4.0D
-         * (QAR 70220 in the OSF_QAR database) that results in
-         * corrupted data in the memory-mapped region.  This
-         * bug is fixed in V5.0.
-         */
-        fmap->md.flags = MAP_SHARED;
-        fmap->md.flags = MAP_PRIVATE;
-    } else if (fmap->prot == PR_PROT_READWRITE) {
-        fmap->md.prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
-        fmap->md.flags = MAP_SHARED;
-    } else {
-        PR_ASSERT(fmap->prot == PR_PROT_WRITECOPY);
-        fmap->md.prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
-        fmap->md.flags = MAP_PRIVATE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-void * _MD_MemMap(
-    PRFileMap *fmap,
-    PRInt64 offset,
-    PRUint32 len)
-    PRInt32 off;
-    void *addr;
-    LL_L2I(off, offset);
-    if ((addr = mmap(0, len, fmap->md.prot, fmap->md.flags,
-        fmap->fd->secret->md.osfd, off)) == (void *) -1) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_MMAP_ERROR(_MD_ERRNO());
-        addr = NULL;
-    }
-    return addr;
-PRStatus _MD_MemUnmap(void *addr, PRUint32 len)
-    if (munmap(addr, len) == 0) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_CloseFileMap(PRFileMap *fmap)
-    if ( PR_TRUE == fmap->md.isAnonFM ) {
-        PRStatus rc = PR_Close( fmap->fd );
-        if ( PR_FAILURE == rc ) {
-            PR_LOG( _pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("_MD_CloseFileMap(): error closing anonymnous file map osfd"));
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(fmap);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRStatus _MD_SyncMemMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len)
-    /* msync(..., MS_SYNC) alone is sufficient to flush modified data to disk
-     * synchronously. It is not necessary to call fsync. */
-    if (msync(addr, len, MS_SYNC) == 0) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-#if defined(_PR_NEED_FAKE_POLL)
- * Some platforms don't have poll().  For easier porting of code
- * that calls poll(), we emulate poll() using select().
- */
-int poll(struct pollfd *filedes, unsigned long nfds, int timeout)
-    int i;
-    int rv;
-    int maxfd;
-    fd_set rd, wr, ex;
-    struct timeval tv, *tvp;
-    if (timeout < 0 && timeout != -1) {
-        errno = EINVAL;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (timeout == -1) {
-        tvp = NULL;
-    } else {
-        tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
-        tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
-        tvp = &tv;
-    }
-    maxfd = -1;
-    FD_ZERO(&rd);
-    FD_ZERO(&wr);
-    FD_ZERO(&ex);
-    for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
-        int osfd = filedes[i].fd;
-        int events = filedes[i].events;
-        PRBool fdHasEvent = PR_FALSE;
-        if (osfd < 0) {
-            continue;  /* Skip this osfd. */
-        }
-        /*
-         * Map the poll events to the select fd_sets.
-         *     POLLIN, POLLRDNORM  ===> readable
-         *     POLLOUT, POLLWRNORM ===> writable
-         *     POLLPRI, POLLRDBAND ===> exception
-         *     POLLNORM, POLLWRBAND (and POLLMSG on some platforms)
-         *     are ignored.
-         *
-         * The output events POLLERR and POLLHUP are never turned on.
-         * POLLNVAL may be turned on.
-         */
-        if (events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM)) {
-            FD_SET(osfd, &rd);
-            fdHasEvent = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM)) {
-            FD_SET(osfd, &wr);
-            fdHasEvent = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (events & (POLLPRI | POLLRDBAND)) {
-            FD_SET(osfd, &ex);
-            fdHasEvent = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (fdHasEvent && osfd > maxfd) {
-            maxfd = osfd;
-        }
-    }
-    rv = select(maxfd + 1, &rd, &wr, &ex, tvp);
-    /* Compute poll results */
-    if (rv > 0) {
-        rv = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
-            PRBool fdHasEvent = PR_FALSE;
-            filedes[i].revents = 0;
-            if (filedes[i].fd < 0) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (FD_ISSET(filedes[i].fd, &rd)) {
-                if (filedes[i].events & POLLIN) {
-                    filedes[i].revents |= POLLIN;
-                }
-                if (filedes[i].events & POLLRDNORM) {
-                    filedes[i].revents |= POLLRDNORM;
-                }
-                fdHasEvent = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            if (FD_ISSET(filedes[i].fd, &wr)) {
-                if (filedes[i].events & POLLOUT) {
-                    filedes[i].revents |= POLLOUT;
-                }
-                if (filedes[i].events & POLLWRNORM) {
-                    filedes[i].revents |= POLLWRNORM;
-                }
-                fdHasEvent = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            if (FD_ISSET(filedes[i].fd, &ex)) {
-                if (filedes[i].events & POLLPRI) {
-                    filedes[i].revents |= POLLPRI;
-                }
-                if (filedes[i].events & POLLRDBAND) {
-                    filedes[i].revents |= POLLRDBAND;
-                }
-                fdHasEvent = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            if (fdHasEvent) {
-                rv++;
-            }
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(rv > 0);
-    } else if (rv == -1 && errno == EBADF) {
-        rv = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
-            filedes[i].revents = 0;
-            if (filedes[i].fd < 0) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (fcntl(filedes[i].fd, F_GETFL, 0) == -1) {
-                filedes[i].revents = POLLNVAL;
-                rv++;
-            }
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(rv > 0);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(-1 != timeout || rv != 0);
-    return rv;
-#endif /* _PR_NEED_FAKE_POLL */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix_errors.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix_errors.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bcea099..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix_errors.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_AVAILABLE)
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-void _MD_unix_map_default_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err ) {
-        case EACCES:
-            prError = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EADDRINUSE:
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EADDRNOTAVAIL:
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EAFNOSUPPORT:
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EAGAIN:
-            prError = PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR;
-            break;
-        /*
-         * On QNX and Neutrino, EALREADY is defined as EBUSY.
-         */
-        case EALREADY:
-            prError = PR_ALREADY_INITIATED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EBADF:
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-#ifdef EBADMSG
-        case EBADMSG:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EBUSY:
-            prError = PR_FILESYSTEM_MOUNTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ECONNABORTED:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ECONNREFUSED:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ECONNRESET:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EDEADLK:
-            prError = PR_DEADLOCK_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EDIRCORRUPTED:
-            prError = PR_DIRECTORY_CORRUPTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-#ifdef EDQUOT
-        case EDQUOT:
-            prError = PR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EEXIST:
-            prError = PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EFAULT:
-            prError = PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EFBIG:
-            prError = PR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EHOSTUNREACH:
-        case EHOSTDOWN:
-            prError = PR_HOST_UNREACHABLE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EINPROGRESS:
-            prError = PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EINTR:
-            prError = PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EIO:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EISCONN:
-            prError = PR_IS_CONNECTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EISDIR:
-            prError = PR_IS_DIRECTORY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ELOOP:
-            prError = PR_LOOP_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EMFILE:
-            prError = PR_PROC_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EMLINK:
-            prError = PR_MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EMSGSIZE:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EMULTIHOP:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENAMETOOLONG:
-            prError = PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENETUNREACH:
-            prError = PR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENFILE:
-            prError = PR_SYS_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR;
-            break;
-        /*
-         * On SCO OpenServer 5, ENOBUFS is defined as ENOSR.
-         */
-#if defined(ENOBUFS) && (ENOBUFS != ENOSR)
-        case ENOBUFS:
-            break;
-        case ENODEV:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOENT:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOLCK:
-            prError = PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR;
-            break;
-#ifdef ENOLINK 
-        case ENOLINK:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOMEM:
-            prError = PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOPROTOOPT:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOSPC:
-            prError = PR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERROR;
-            break;
-#ifdef ENOSR
-        case ENOSR:
-            break;
-        case ENOSYS:
-            prError = PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOTCONN:
-            prError = PR_NOT_CONNECTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOTDIR:
-            prError = PR_NOT_DIRECTORY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOTSOCK:
-            prError = PR_NOT_SOCKET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENXIO:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EOPNOTSUPP:
-            prError = PR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EOVERFLOW:
-            prError = PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EPERM:
-            prError = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EPIPE:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR;
-            break;
-#ifdef EPROTO
-        case EPROTO:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EPROTONOSUPPORT:
-            break;
-        case EPROTOTYPE:
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERANGE:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EROFS:
-            prError = PR_READ_ONLY_FILESYSTEM_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ESPIPE:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EWOULDBLOCK:
-            prError = PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EXDEV:
-            prError = PR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            prError = PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_opendir_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_closedir_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_readdir_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case 0:
-        case ENOENT:
-            prError = PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EOVERFLOW:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENXIO:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_unlink_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EPERM:
-            prError = PR_IS_DIRECTORY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_stat_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_fstat_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_rename_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EEXIST:
-            prError = PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_access_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_mkdir_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_rmdir_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        /*
-         * On AIX 4.3, ENOTEMPTY is defined as EEXIST.
-         */
-        case ENOTEMPTY:
-            prError = PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EEXIST:
-            prError = PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_read_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENXIO:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_write_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENXIO:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_lseek_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_fsync_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_close_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_socket_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_socketavailable_error(int err)
-void _MD_unix_map_recv_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_recvfrom_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_send_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_sendto_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_writev_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_accept_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ENODEV:
-            prError = PR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_connect_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-#if defined(UNIXWARE)
-        /*
-         * On some platforms, if we connect to a port on the local host 
-         * (the loopback address) that no process is listening on, we get 
-         * EIO instead of ECONNREFUSED.
-         */
-        case EIO:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENXIO:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_bind_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IS_BOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_listen_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_shutdown_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_socketpair_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_getsockname_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_getpeername_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_getsockopt_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_setsockopt_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_open_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EAGAIN:
-            break;
-        case EBUSY:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENODEV:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOMEM:
-            break;
-        case EOVERFLOW:
-            prError = PR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_mmap_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EAGAIN:
-            break;
-        case EMFILE:
-            break;
-        case ENODEV:
-            break;
-        case ENXIO:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_gethostname_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_map_select_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_AVAILABLE) || defined(_PR_NEED_FAKE_POLL)
-void _MD_unix_map_poll_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EAGAIN:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_poll_revents_error(int err)
-    if (err & POLLNVAL)
-    else if (err & POLLHUP)
-    else if (err & POLLERR)
-        PR_SetError(PR_IO_ERROR, EIO);
-    else
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_flock_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EINVAL:
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EWOULDBLOCK:
-            prError = PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_unix_map_lockf_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EACCES:
-            prError = PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case EDEADLK:
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-#ifdef AIX
-void _MD_aix_map_sendfile_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-#endif /* AIX */
-#ifdef HPUX11
-void _MD_hpux_map_sendfile_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err);
-#endif /* HPUX11 */
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-void _MD_solaris_map_sendfile_error(int err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        /*
-         * Solaris defines a 0 return value for sendfile to mean end-of-file.
-         */
-        case 0:
-            prError = PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_unix_map_default_error(err) ;
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-#endif /* SOLARIS */
-#ifdef LINUX
-void _MD_linux_map_sendfile_error(int err)
-    _MD_unix_map_default_error(err) ;
-#endif /* LINUX */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxproces.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxproces.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b35e5..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxproces.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(AIX)
-#include <dlfcn.h>  /* For dlopen, dlsym, dlclose */
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-#if defined(HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H)
-#include <crt_externs.h>
-PR_IMPORT_DATA(char **) environ;
- * HP-UX 9 doesn't have the SA_RESTART flag.
- */
-#ifndef SA_RESTART
-#define SA_RESTART 0
- **********************************************************************
- *
- * The Unix process routines
- *
- **********************************************************************
- */
-typedef enum pr_PidState {
-} pr_PidState;
-typedef struct pr_PidRecord {
-    pid_t pid;
-    int exitStatus;
-    pr_PidState state;
-    PRCondVar *reapedCV;
-    struct pr_PidRecord *next;
-} pr_PidRecord;
- * Irix sprocs and LinuxThreads are actually a kind of processes
- * that can share the virtual address space and file descriptors.
- */
-#if (defined(IRIX) && !defined(_PR_PTHREADS)) \
-        || ((defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__)) \
-        && defined(_PR_PTHREADS))
- * The macro _PR_NATIVE_THREADS indicates that we are
- * using native threads only, so waitpid() blocks just the
- * calling thread, not the process.  In this case, the waitpid
- * daemon thread can safely block in waitpid().  So we don't
- * need to catch SIGCHLD, and the pipe to unblock PR_Poll() is
- * also not necessary.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) \
-	|| (defined(_PR_PTHREADS) \
-	&& !defined(LINUX) && !defined(__GNU__) && !defined(__GLIBC__))
- * All the static variables used by the Unix process routines are
- * collected in this structure.
- */
-static struct {
-    PRCallOnceType once;
-    PRThread *thread;
-    PRLock *ml;
-#if defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS)
-    PRInt32 numProcs;
-    PRCondVar *cv;
-    int pipefd[2];
-    pr_PidRecord **pidTable;
-    struct pr_CreateProcOp *opHead, *opTail;
-#ifdef AIX
-    pid_t (*forkptr)(void);  /* Newer versions of AIX (starting in 4.3.2)
-                              * have f_fork, which is faster than the
-                              * regular fork in a multithreaded process
-                              * because it skips calling the fork handlers.
-                              * So we look up the f_fork symbol to see if
-                              * it's available and fall back on fork.
-                              */
-#endif /* AIX */
-} pr_wp;
-static int pr_waitpid_daemon_exit;
-    if (pr_wp.thread) {
-        pr_waitpid_daemon_exit = 1;
-        write(pr_wp.pipefd[1], "", 1);
-        PR_JoinThread(pr_wp.thread);
-    }
-static PRStatus _MD_InitProcesses(void);
-#if !defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS)
-static void pr_InstallSigchldHandler(void);
-static PRProcess *
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    PRProcess *process;
-    int nEnv, idx;
-    char *const *childEnvp;
-    char **newEnvp = NULL;
-    int flags;
-    process = PR_NEW(PRProcess);
-    if (!process) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    childEnvp = envp;
-    if (attr && attr->fdInheritBuffer) {
-        PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-        if (NULL == childEnvp) {
-#ifdef DARWIN
-            childEnvp = *(_NSGetEnviron());
-            /* _NSGetEnviron() is not available on iOS. */
-            PR_DELETE(process);
-            PR_SetError(PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0);
-            return NULL;
-            childEnvp = environ;
-        }
-        for (nEnv = 0; childEnvp[nEnv]; nEnv++) {
-        }
-        newEnvp = (char **) PR_MALLOC((nEnv + 2) * sizeof(char *));
-        if (NULL == newEnvp) {
-            PR_DELETE(process);
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        for (idx = 0; idx < nEnv; idx++) {
-            newEnvp[idx] = childEnvp[idx];
-            if (!found && !strncmp(newEnvp[idx], "NSPR_INHERIT_FDS=", 17)) {
-                newEnvp[idx] = attr->fdInheritBuffer;
-                found = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!found) {
-            newEnvp[idx++] = attr->fdInheritBuffer;
-        }
-        newEnvp[idx] = NULL;
-        childEnvp = newEnvp;
-    }
-#ifdef AIX
-    process-> = (*pr_wp.forkptr)();
-#elif defined(NTO) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-    /*
-     * fork() & exec() does not work in a multithreaded process.
-     * Use spawn() instead.
-     */
-    {
-        int fd_map[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
-        if (attr) {
-            if (attr->stdinFd && attr->stdinFd->secret->md.osfd != 0) {
-                fd_map[0] = dup(attr->stdinFd->secret->md.osfd);
-                flags = fcntl(fd_map[0], F_GETFL, 0);
-                if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
-                    fcntl(fd_map[0], F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
-            }
-            if (attr->stdoutFd && attr->stdoutFd->secret->md.osfd != 1) {
-                fd_map[1] = dup(attr->stdoutFd->secret->md.osfd);
-                flags = fcntl(fd_map[1], F_GETFL, 0);
-                if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
-                    fcntl(fd_map[1], F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
-            }
-            if (attr->stderrFd && attr->stderrFd->secret->md.osfd != 2) {
-                fd_map[2] = dup(attr->stderrFd->secret->md.osfd);
-                flags = fcntl(fd_map[2], F_GETFL, 0);
-                if (flags & O_NONBLOCK)
-                    fcntl(fd_map[2], F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
-            }
-            PR_ASSERT(attr->currentDirectory == NULL);  /* not implemented */
-        }
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-        /* In Symbian OS, we use posix_spawn instead of fork() and exec() */
-        posix_spawn(&(process->, path, NULL, NULL, argv, childEnvp);
-        process-> = spawn(path, 3, fd_map, NULL, argv, childEnvp);
-        if (fd_map[0] != 0)
-            close(fd_map[0]);
-        if (fd_map[1] != 1)
-            close(fd_map[1]);
-        if (fd_map[2] != 2)
-            close(fd_map[2]);
-    }
-    process-> = fork();
-    if ((pid_t) -1 == process-> {
-        PR_DELETE(process);
-        if (newEnvp) {
-            PR_DELETE(newEnvp);
-        }
-        return NULL;
-    } else if (0 == process-> {  /* the child process */
-        /*
-         * If the child process needs to exit, it must call _exit().
-         * Do not call exit(), because exit() will flush and close
-         * the standard I/O file descriptors, and hence corrupt
-         * the parent process's standard I/O data structures.
-         */
-#if !defined(NTO) && !defined(SYMBIAN)
-        if (attr) {
-            /* the osfd's to redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr to */
-            int in_osfd = -1, out_osfd = -1, err_osfd = -1;
-            if (attr->stdinFd
-                    && attr->stdinFd->secret->md.osfd != 0) {
-                in_osfd = attr->stdinFd->secret->md.osfd;
-                if (dup2(in_osfd, 0) != 0) {
-                    _exit(1);  /* failed */
-                }
-                flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
-                if (flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
-                    fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
-                }
-            }
-            if (attr->stdoutFd
-                    && attr->stdoutFd->secret->md.osfd != 1) {
-                out_osfd = attr->stdoutFd->secret->md.osfd;
-                if (dup2(out_osfd, 1) != 1) {
-                    _exit(1);  /* failed */
-                }
-                flags = fcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0);
-                if (flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
-                    fcntl(1, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
-                }
-            }
-            if (attr->stderrFd
-                    && attr->stderrFd->secret->md.osfd != 2) {
-                err_osfd = attr->stderrFd->secret->md.osfd;
-                if (dup2(err_osfd, 2) != 2) {
-                    _exit(1);  /* failed */
-                }
-                flags = fcntl(2, F_GETFL, 0);
-                if (flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
-                    fcntl(2, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
-                }
-            }
-            if (in_osfd != -1) {
-                close(in_osfd);
-            }
-            if (out_osfd != -1 && out_osfd != in_osfd) {
-                close(out_osfd);
-            }
-            if (err_osfd != -1 && err_osfd != in_osfd
-                    && err_osfd != out_osfd) {
-                close(err_osfd);
-            }
-            if (attr->currentDirectory) {
-                if (chdir(attr->currentDirectory) < 0) {
-                    _exit(1);  /* failed */
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (childEnvp) {
-            (void)execve(path, argv, childEnvp);
-        } else {
-            /* Inherit the environment of the parent. */
-            (void)execv(path, argv);
-        }
-        /* Whoops! It returned. That's a bad sign. */
-        _exit(1);
-#endif /* !NTO */
-    }
-    if (newEnvp) {
-        PR_DELETE(newEnvp);
-    }
-#if defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS)
-    PR_Lock(;
-    if (0 == pr_wp.numProcs++) {
-        PR_NotifyCondVar(;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    return process;
-struct pr_CreateProcOp {
-    const char *path;
-    char *const *argv;
-    char *const *envp;
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr;
-    PRProcess *process;
-    PRErrorCode prerror;
-    PRInt32 oserror;
-    PRBool done;
-    PRCondVar *doneCV;
-    struct pr_CreateProcOp *next;
-PRProcess *
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    struct pr_CreateProcOp *op;
-    PRProcess *proc;
-    int rv;
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&pr_wp.once, _MD_InitProcesses) == PR_FAILURE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    op = PR_NEW(struct pr_CreateProcOp);
-    if (NULL == op) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    op->path = path;
-    op->argv = argv;
-    op->envp = envp;
-    op->attr = attr;
-    op->done = PR_FALSE;
-    op->doneCV = PR_NewCondVar(;
-    if (NULL == op->doneCV) {
-	PR_DELETE(op);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(;
-    /* add to the tail of op queue */
-    op->next = NULL;
-    if (pr_wp.opTail) {
-	pr_wp.opTail->next = op;
-	pr_wp.opTail = op;
-    } else {
-	PR_ASSERT(NULL == pr_wp.opHead);
-	pr_wp.opHead = pr_wp.opTail = op;
-    }
-    /* wake up the daemon thread */
-    do {
-        rv = write(pr_wp.pipefd[1], "", 1);
-    } while (-1 == rv && EINTR == errno);
-    while (op->done == PR_FALSE) {
-	PR_WaitCondVar(op->doneCV, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(op->doneCV);
-    proc = op->process;
-    if (!proc) {
-	PR_SetError(op->prerror, op->oserror);
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(op);
-    return proc;
-#else  /* ! _PR_SHARE_CLONES */
-PRProcess *
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&pr_wp.once, _MD_InitProcesses) == PR_FAILURE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return ForkAndExec(path, argv, envp, attr);
-}  /* _MD_CreateUnixProcess */
-#endif  /* _PR_SHARE_CLONES */
- * The pid table is a hashtable.
- *
- * The number of buckets in the hashtable (NBUCKETS) must be a power of 2.
- */
-#define NBUCKETS_LOG2 6
-#define NBUCKETS (1 << NBUCKETS_LOG2)
-#define PID_HASH_MASK ((pid_t) (NBUCKETS - 1))
-static pr_PidRecord *
-FindPidTable(pid_t pid)
-    pr_PidRecord *pRec;
-    int keyHash = (int) (pid & PID_HASH_MASK);
-    pRec =  pr_wp.pidTable[keyHash];
-    while (pRec) {
-	if (pRec->pid == pid) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	pRec = pRec->next;
-    }
-    return pRec;
-static void
-InsertPidTable(pr_PidRecord *pRec)
-    int keyHash = (int) (pRec->pid & PID_HASH_MASK);
-    pRec->next = pr_wp.pidTable[keyHash];
-    pr_wp.pidTable[keyHash] = pRec;
-static void
-DeletePidTable(pr_PidRecord *pRec)
-    int keyHash = (int) (pRec->pid & PID_HASH_MASK);
-    if (pr_wp.pidTable[keyHash] == pRec) {
-	pr_wp.pidTable[keyHash] = pRec->next;
-    } else {
-	pr_PidRecord *pred, *cur;  /* predecessor and current */
-	pred = pr_wp.pidTable[keyHash];
-	cur = pred->next;
-	while (cur) {
-	    if (cur == pRec) {
-		pred->next = cur->next;
-		break;
-            }
-	    pred = cur;
-	    cur = cur->next;
-        }
-	PR_ASSERT(cur != NULL);
-    }
-static int
-ExtractExitStatus(int rawExitStatus)
-    /*
-     * We did not specify the WCONTINUED and WUNTRACED options
-     * for waitpid, so these two events should not be reported.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(!WIFSTOPPED(rawExitStatus));
-    PR_ASSERT(!WIFCONTINUED(rawExitStatus));
-    if (WIFEXITED(rawExitStatus)) {
-	return WEXITSTATUS(rawExitStatus);
-    } else {
-    }
-static void
-ProcessReapedChildInternal(pid_t pid, int status)
-    pr_PidRecord *pRec;
-    pRec = FindPidTable(pid);
-    if (NULL == pRec) {
-        pRec = PR_NEW(pr_PidRecord);
-        pRec->pid = pid;
-        pRec->state = _PR_PID_REAPED;
-        pRec->exitStatus = ExtractExitStatus(status);
-        pRec->reapedCV = NULL;
-        InsertPidTable(pRec);
-    } else {
-        PR_ASSERT(pRec->state != _PR_PID_REAPED);
-        if (_PR_PID_DETACHED == pRec->state) {
-            PR_ASSERT(NULL == pRec->reapedCV);
-            DeletePidTable(pRec);
-            PR_DELETE(pRec);
-        } else {
-            PR_ASSERT(_PR_PID_WAITING == pRec->state);
-            PR_ASSERT(NULL != pRec->reapedCV);
-            pRec->exitStatus = ExtractExitStatus(status);
-            pRec->state = _PR_PID_REAPED;
-            PR_NotifyCondVar(pRec->reapedCV);
-        }
-    }
-#if defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS)
- * If all the threads are native threads, the daemon thread is
- * simpler.  We don't need to catch the SIGCHLD signal.  We can
- * just have the daemon thread block in waitpid().
- */
-static void WaitPidDaemonThread(void *unused)
-    pid_t pid;
-    int status;
-    while (1) {
-        PR_Lock(;
-        while (0 == pr_wp.numProcs) {
-            PR_WaitCondVar(, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(;
-	while (1) {
-	    do {
-	        pid = waitpid((pid_t) -1, &status, 0);
-	    } while ((pid_t) -1 == pid && EINTR == errno);
-            /*
-             * waitpid() cannot return 0 because we did not invoke it
-             * with the WNOHANG option.
-             */ 
-	    PR_ASSERT(0 != pid);
-            /*
-             * The only possible error code is ECHILD.  But if we do
-             * our accounting correctly, we should only call waitpid()
-             * when there is a child process to wait for.
-             */
-            PR_ASSERT((pid_t) -1 != pid);
-	    if ((pid_t) -1 == pid) {
-                break;
-            }
-	    PR_Lock(;
-            ProcessReapedChildInternal(pid, status);
-            pr_wp.numProcs--;
-            while (0 == pr_wp.numProcs) {
-                PR_WaitCondVar(, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-            }
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	}
-    }
-#else /* _PR_NATIVE_THREADS */
-static void WaitPidDaemonThread(void *unused)
-    PRPollDesc pd;
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    int rv;
-    char buf[128];
-    pid_t pid;
-    int status;
-    struct pr_CreateProcOp *op;
-    pr_InstallSigchldHandler();
-    fd = PR_ImportFile(pr_wp.pipefd[0]);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != fd);
-    pd.fd = fd;
-    pd.in_flags = PR_POLL_READ;
-    while (1) {
-        rv = PR_Poll(&pd, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        PR_ASSERT(1 == rv);
-        if (pr_waitpid_daemon_exit) {
-            return;
-        }
-	PR_Lock(;
-        do {
-            rv = read(pr_wp.pipefd[0], buf, sizeof(buf));
-        } while (sizeof(buf) == rv || (-1 == rv && EINTR == errno));
-	PR_Unlock(;
-	while ((op = pr_wp.opHead) != NULL) {
-	    op->process = ForkAndExec(op->path, op->argv,
-		    op->envp, op->attr);
-	    if (NULL == op->process) {
-		op->prerror = PR_GetError();
-		op->oserror = PR_GetOSError();
-	    }
-	    PR_Lock(;
-	    pr_wp.opHead = op->next;
-	    if (NULL == pr_wp.opHead) {
-		pr_wp.opTail = NULL;
-	    }
-	    op->done = PR_TRUE;
-	    PR_NotifyCondVar(op->doneCV);
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	}
-	while (1) {
-	    do {
-	        pid = waitpid((pid_t) -1, &status, WNOHANG);
-	    } while ((pid_t) -1 == pid && EINTR == errno);
-	    if (0 == pid) break;
-	    if ((pid_t) -1 == pid) {
-		/* must be because we have no child processes */
-		PR_ASSERT(ECHILD == errno);
-		break;
-            }
-	    PR_Lock(;
-            ProcessReapedChildInternal(pid, status);
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	}
-    }
-static void pr_SigchldHandler(int sig)
-    int errnoCopy;
-    int rv;
-    errnoCopy = errno;
-    do {
-        rv = write(pr_wp.pipefd[1], "", 1);
-    } while (-1 == rv && EINTR == errno);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (-1 == rv && EAGAIN != errno && EWOULDBLOCK != errno) {
-        char *msg = "cannot write to pipe\n";
-        write(2, msg, strlen(msg) + 1);
-        _exit(1);
-    }
-    errno = errnoCopy;
-static void pr_InstallSigchldHandler()
-#if defined(HPUX) && defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#error "HP-UX DCE threads have their own SIGCHLD handler"
-    struct sigaction act, oact;
-    int rv;
-    act.sa_handler = pr_SigchldHandler;
-    sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
-    act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_RESTART;
-    rv = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, &oact);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    /* Make sure we are not overriding someone else's SIGCHLD handler */
-    PR_ASSERT(oact.sa_handler == SIG_DFL);
-#endif  /* !defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS) */
-static PRStatus _MD_InitProcesses(void)
-#if !defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS)
-    int rv;
-    int flags;
-#ifdef AIX
-    {
-        void *handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
-        pr_wp.forkptr = (pid_t (*)(void)) dlsym(handle, "f_fork");
-        if (!pr_wp.forkptr) {
-            pr_wp.forkptr = fork;
-        }
-        dlclose(handle);
-    }
-#endif /* AIX */
- = PR_NewLock();
-#if defined(_PR_NATIVE_THREADS)
-    pr_wp.numProcs = 0;
- = PR_NewCondVar(;
-    rv = pipe(pr_wp.pipefd);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    flags = fcntl(pr_wp.pipefd[0], F_GETFL, 0);
-    fcntl(pr_wp.pipefd[0], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-    flags = fcntl(pr_wp.pipefd[1], F_GETFL, 0);
-    fcntl(pr_wp.pipefd[1], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
-    pr_InstallSigchldHandler();
-#endif  /* !_PR_NATIVE_THREADS */
-    pr_wp.thread = PR_CreateThread(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD,
-	    WaitPidDaemonThread, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
-            PR_GLOBAL_THREAD,
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != pr_wp.thread);
-    pr_wp.pidTable = (pr_PidRecord**)PR_CALLOC(NBUCKETS * sizeof(pr_PidRecord *));
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != pr_wp.pidTable);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRStatus _MD_DetachUnixProcess(PRProcess *process)
-    PRStatus retVal = PR_SUCCESS;
-    pr_PidRecord *pRec;
-    PR_Lock(;
-    pRec = FindPidTable(process->;
-    if (NULL == pRec) {
-	pRec = PR_NEW(pr_PidRecord);
-	if (NULL == pRec) {
-	    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-	    retVal = PR_FAILURE;
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	pRec->pid = process->;
-	pRec->state = _PR_PID_DETACHED;
-	pRec->reapedCV = NULL;
-	InsertPidTable(pRec);
-    } else {
-	PR_ASSERT(_PR_PID_REAPED == pRec->state);
-	if (_PR_PID_REAPED != pRec->state) {
-	    retVal = PR_FAILURE;
-	} else {
-	    DeletePidTable(pRec);
-	    PR_ASSERT(NULL == pRec->reapedCV);
-	    PR_DELETE(pRec);
-	}
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(process);
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    return retVal;
-PRStatus _MD_WaitUnixProcess(
-    PRProcess *process,
-    PRInt32 *exitCode)
-    pr_PidRecord *pRec;
-    PRStatus retVal = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRBool interrupted = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_Lock(;
-    pRec = FindPidTable(process->;
-    if (NULL == pRec) {
-	pRec = PR_NEW(pr_PidRecord);
-	if (NULL == pRec) {
-	    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-	    retVal = PR_FAILURE;
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	pRec->pid = process->;
-	pRec->state = _PR_PID_WAITING;
-	pRec->reapedCV = PR_NewCondVar(;
-	if (NULL == pRec->reapedCV) {
-	    PR_DELETE(pRec);
-	    retVal = PR_FAILURE;
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	InsertPidTable(pRec);
-	while (!interrupted && _PR_PID_REAPED != pRec->state) {
-	    if (PR_WaitCondVar(pRec->reapedCV,
-		    && PR_GetError() == PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR) {
-		interrupted = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-	}
-	if (_PR_PID_REAPED == pRec->state) {
-            if (exitCode) {
-                *exitCode = pRec->exitStatus;
-            }
-	} else {
-	    PR_ASSERT(interrupted);
-	    retVal = PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	DeletePidTable(pRec);
-	PR_DestroyCondVar(pRec->reapedCV);
-	PR_DELETE(pRec);
-    } else {
-	PR_ASSERT(_PR_PID_REAPED == pRec->state);
-	PR_ASSERT(NULL == pRec->reapedCV);
-	DeletePidTable(pRec);
-        if (exitCode) {
-            *exitCode = pRec->exitStatus;
-        }
-	PR_DELETE(pRec);
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(process);
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    return retVal;
-}  /* _MD_WaitUnixProcess */
-PRStatus _MD_KillUnixProcess(PRProcess *process)
-    PRErrorCode prerror;
-    PRInt32 oserror;
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-    /* In Symbian OS, we can not kill other process with Open C */
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    if (kill(process->, SIGKILL) == 0) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    oserror = errno;
-    switch (oserror) {
-        case EPERM:
-	    prerror = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-	    break;
-        case ESRCH:
-	    break;
-        default:
-	    prerror = PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
-	    break;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prerror, oserror);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* _MD_KillUnixProcess */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxrng.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxrng.c
deleted file mode 100644
index da2f7e9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxrng.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    hrtime_t t;
-    t = gethrtime();
-    if (t) {
-	    return _pr_CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &t, sizeof(t));
-    }
-    return 0;
-#elif defined(HPUX)
-#ifdef __ia64
-#include <ia64/sys/inline.h>
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    PRUint64 t;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-    __asm__ __volatile__("mov %0 = ar.itc" : "=r" (t));
-    t = _Asm_mov_from_ar(_AREG44);
-    return _pr_CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &t, sizeof(t));
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    extern int ret_cr16();
-    int cr16val;
-    cr16val = ret_cr16();
-    return(_pr_CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &cr16val, sizeof(cr16val)));
-#elif defined(OSF1)
-#include <c_asm.h>
- * Use the "get the cycle counter" instruction on the alpha.
- * The low 32 bits completely turn over in less than a minute.
- * The high 32 bits are some non-counter gunk that changes sometimes.
- */
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    unsigned long t;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-    __asm__("rpcc %0" : "=r" (t));
-    t = asm("rpcc %v0");
-    return _pr_CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &t, sizeof(t));
-#elif defined(AIX)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-#elif (defined(LINUX) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) \
-    || defined(NETBSD) || defined(__NetBSD_kernel__) || defined(OPENBSD) \
-    || defined(SYMBIAN) || defined(__GNU__))
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-static int      fdDevURandom;
-static PRCallOnceType coOpenDevURandom;
-static PRStatus OpenDevURandom( void )
-    fdDevURandom = open( "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY );
-    return((-1 == fdDevURandom)? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS );
-} /* end OpenDevURandom() */
-static size_t GetDevURandom( void *buf, size_t size )
-    int bytesIn;
-    int rc;
-    rc = PR_CallOnce( &coOpenDevURandom, OpenDevURandom );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR( errno );
-        return(0);
-    }
-    bytesIn = read( fdDevURandom, buf, size );
-    if ( -1 == bytesIn ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR( errno );
-        return(0);
-    }
-    return( bytesIn );
-} /* end GetDevURandom() */
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return(GetDevURandom( buf, maxbytes ));
-#elif defined(IRIX)
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#undef PRIVATE
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/syssgi.h>
-#include <sys/immu.h>
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-static size_t GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbuf)
-    unsigned phys_addr, raddr, cycleval;
-    static volatile unsigned *iotimer_addr = NULL;
-    static int tries = 0;
-    static int cntr_size;
-    int mfd;
-    unsigned s0[2];
-#define SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE      165     /* Size user needs to use to read CC */
-    if (iotimer_addr == NULL) {
-	    if (tries++ > 1) {
-	        /* Don't keep trying if it didn't work */
-	        return 0;
-	    }
-	    /*
-	    ** For SGI machines we can use the cycle counter, if it has one,
-	    ** to generate some truly random numbers
-	    */
-	    phys_addr = syssgi(SGI_QUERY_CYCLECNTR, &cycleval);
-	    if (phys_addr) {
-	        int pgsz = getpagesize();
-	        int pgoffmask = pgsz - 1;
-	        raddr = phys_addr & ~pgoffmask;
-	        mfd = open("/dev/mmem", O_RDONLY);
-	        if (mfd < 0) {
-    		    return 0;
-	        }
-	        iotimer_addr = (unsigned *)
-		    mmap(0, pgoffmask, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, mfd, (int)raddr);
-	        if (iotimer_addr == (unsigned*)-1) {
-	    	    close(mfd);
-		        iotimer_addr = NULL;
-		        return 0;
-	        }
-	        iotimer_addr = (unsigned*)
-		    ((__psint_t)iotimer_addr | (phys_addr & pgoffmask));
-	        /*
-	         * The file 'mfd' is purposefully not closed.
-	         */
-	        cntr_size = syssgi(SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE);
-	        if (cntr_size < 0) {
-    		    struct utsname utsinfo;
-		        /* 
-		         * We must be executing on a 6.0 or earlier system, since the
-		         * SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE call is not supported.
-		         * 
-		         * The only pre-6.1 platforms with 64-bit counters are
-		         * IP19 and IP21 (Challenge, PowerChallenge, Onyx).
-		         */
-		        uname(&utsinfo);
-		        if (!strncmp(utsinfo.machine, "IP19", 4) ||
-		            !strncmp(utsinfo.machine, "IP21", 4))
-			        cntr_size = 64;
-		        else
-			        cntr_size = 32;
-	        }
-	        cntr_size /= 8;	/* Convert from bits to bytes */
-	    }
-    }
-    s0[0] = *iotimer_addr;
-    if (cntr_size > 4)
-	s0[1] = *(iotimer_addr + 1);
-    memcpy(buf, (char *)&s0[0], cntr_size);
-    return _pr_CopyLowBits(buf, maxbuf, &s0, cntr_size);
-#elif defined(SCO) || defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(BSDI) || defined(NTO) \
-    || defined(QNX) || defined(DARWIN) || defined(RISCOS)
-#include <sys/times.h>
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    int ticks;
-    struct tms buffer;
-    ticks=times(&buffer);
-    return _pr_CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &ticks, sizeof(ticks));
-#error! Platform undefined
-#endif /* defined(SOLARIS) */
-extern PRSize _PR_MD_GetRandomNoise( void *buf, PRSize size )
-    struct timeval tv;
-    int n = 0;
-    int s;
-    n += GetHighResClock(buf, size);
-    size -= n;
-    if ( size > 0 ) {
-        s = _pr_CopyLowBits((char*)buf+n, size, &tv.tv_usec, sizeof(tv.tv_usec));
-        size -= s;
-        n += s;
-    }
-    if ( size > 0 ) {
-        s = _pr_CopyLowBits((char*)buf+n, size, &tv.tv_sec, sizeof(tv.tv_usec));
-        size -= s;
-        n += s;
-    }
-    return n;
-} /* end _PR_MD_GetRandomNoise() */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dec4e3a..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** uxshm.c -- Unix Implementations NSPR Named Shared Memory
-** lth. Jul-1999.
-#include <string.h>
-#include <prshm.h>
-#include <prerr.h>
-#include <prmem.h>
-#include "primpl.h"       
-#include <fcntl.h>
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shm_lm;
-#define NSPR_IPC_SHM_KEY 'b'
-** Implementation for System V
-#include <sys/ipc.h>
-#include <sys/shm.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define _MD_OPEN_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_OpenSharedMemory
-#define _MD_ATTACH_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_AttachSharedMemory
-#define _MD_DETACH_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_DetachSharedMemory
-#define _MD_CLOSE_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_CloseSharedMemory
-#define _MD_DELETE_SHARED_MEMORY  _MD_DeleteSharedMemory
-extern PRSharedMemory * _MD_OpenSharedMemory( 
-    const char *name,
-    PRSize      size,
-    PRIntn      flags,
-    PRIntn      mode
-    PRStatus rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    key_t   key;
-    PRSharedMemory *shm;
-    char        ipcname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    rc = _PR_MakeNativeIPCName( name, ipcname, PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE, _PRIPCShm );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): _PR_MakeNativeIPCName() failed: %s", name ));
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    shm = PR_NEWZAP( PRSharedMemory );
-    if ( NULL == shm ) 
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: New PRSharedMemory out of memory")); 
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    shm->ipcname = (char*)PR_MALLOC( strlen( ipcname ) + 1 );
-    if ( NULL == shm->ipcname )
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: New shm->ipcname out of memory")); 
-        PR_DELETE( shm );
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    /* copy args to struct */
-    strcpy( shm->ipcname, ipcname );
-    shm->size = size; 
-    shm->mode = mode; 
-    shm->flags = flags;
-    shm->ident = _PR_SHM_IDENT;
-    /* create the file first */
-    if ( flags & PR_SHM_CREATE )  {
-        int osfd = open( shm->ipcname, (O_RDWR | O_CREAT), shm->mode );
-        if ( -1 == osfd ) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR( errno );
-            PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname );
-            PR_DELETE( shm );
-            return( NULL );
-        } 
-        if ( close(osfd) == -1 ) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR( errno );
-            PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname );
-            PR_DELETE( shm );
-            return( NULL );
-        }
-    }
-    /* hash the to an ID */
-    key = ftok( shm->ipcname, NSPR_IPC_SHM_KEY );
-    if ( -1 == key )
-    {
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): ftok() failed on name: %s", shm->ipcname));
-        PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname );
-        PR_DELETE( shm );
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    /* get the shared memory */
-    if ( flags & PR_SHM_CREATE )  {
-        shm->id = shmget( key, shm->size, ( shm->mode | IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL));
-        if ( shm->id >= 0 ) {
-            return( shm );
-        }
-        if ((errno == EEXIST) && (flags & PR_SHM_EXCL)) {
-            PR_SetError( PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR, errno );
-            PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-                ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): shmget() exclusive failed, errno: %d", errno));
-            PR_FREEIF(shm->ipcname);
-            PR_DELETE(shm);
-            return(NULL);
-        }
-    } 
-    shm->id = shmget( key, shm->size, shm->mode );
-    if ( -1 == shm->id ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): shmget() failed, errno: %d", errno));
-        PR_FREEIF(shm->ipcname);
-        PR_DELETE(shm);
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    return( shm );
-} /* end _MD_OpenSharedMemory() */
-extern void * _MD_AttachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, PRIntn flags )
-    void        *addr;
-    PRUint32    aFlags = shm->mode;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    aFlags |= (flags & PR_SHM_READONLY )? SHM_RDONLY : 0;
-    addr = shmat( shm->id, NULL, aFlags );
-    if ( (void*)-1 == addr )
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_AttachSharedMemory(): shmat() failed on name: %s, OsError: %d", 
-                shm->ipcname, PR_GetOSError() ));
-        addr = NULL;
-    }
-    return addr;
-extern PRStatus _MD_DetachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, void *addr )
-    PRStatus rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRIntn   urc;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    urc = shmdt( addr );
-    if ( -1 == urc )
-    {
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DetachSharedMemory(): shmdt() failed on name: %s", shm->ipcname ));
-    }
-    return rc;
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm )
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    PR_FREEIF(shm->ipcname);
-    PR_DELETE(shm);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-extern PRStatus _MD_DeleteSharedMemory( const char *name )
-    PRStatus rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    key_t   key;
-    int     id;
-    PRIntn  urc;
-    char        ipcname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    rc = _PR_MakeNativeIPCName( name, ipcname, PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE, _PRIPCShm );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
-    {
-        PR_SetError( PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR , errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): _PR_MakeNativeIPCName() failed: %s", name ));
-        return(PR_FAILURE);
-    }
-    /* create the file first */ 
-    {
-        int osfd = open( ipcname, (O_RDWR | O_CREAT), 0666 );
-        if ( -1 == osfd ) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR( errno );
-            return( PR_FAILURE );
-        } 
-        if ( close(osfd) == -1 ) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR( errno );
-            return( PR_FAILURE );
-        }
-    }
-    /* hash the to an ID */
-    key = ftok( ipcname, NSPR_IPC_SHM_KEY );
-    if ( -1 == key )
-    {
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): ftok() failed on name: %s", ipcname));
-    }
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-    /* In Symbian OS the system imposed minimum is 1 byte, instead of ZERO */
-    id = shmget( key, 1, 0 );
-    id = shmget( key, 0, 0 );
-    if ( -1 == id ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): shmget() failed, errno: %d", errno));
-        return(PR_FAILURE);
-    }
-    urc = shmctl( id, IPC_RMID, NULL );
-    if ( -1 == urc )
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): shmctl() failed on name: %s", ipcname ));
-        return(PR_FAILURE);
-    }
-    urc = unlink( ipcname );
-    if ( -1 == urc ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_UNLINK_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): unlink() failed: %s", ipcname ));
-        return(PR_FAILURE);
-    }
-    return rc;
-}  /* end _MD_DeleteSharedMemory() */
-** Implementation for Posix
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#define _MD_OPEN_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_OpenSharedMemory
-#define _MD_ATTACH_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_AttachSharedMemory
-#define _MD_DETACH_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_DetachSharedMemory
-#define _MD_CLOSE_SHARED_MEMORY _MD_CloseSharedMemory
-#define _MD_DELETE_SHARED_MEMORY  _MD_DeleteSharedMemory
-struct _MDSharedMemory {
-    int     handle;
-extern PRSharedMemory * _MD_OpenSharedMemory( 
-    const char *name,
-    PRSize      size,
-    PRIntn      flags,
-    PRIntn      mode
-    PRStatus    rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRInt32     end;
-    PRSharedMemory *shm;
-    char        ipcname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    rc = _PR_MakeNativeIPCName( name, ipcname, PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE, _PRIPCShm );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
-    {
-        PR_SetError( PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR , errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): _PR_MakeNativeIPCName() failed: %s", name ));
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    shm = PR_NEWZAP( PRSharedMemory );
-    if ( NULL == shm ) 
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: New PRSharedMemory out of memory")); 
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    shm->ipcname = PR_MALLOC( strlen( ipcname ) + 1 );
-    if ( NULL == shm->ipcname )
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: New shm->ipcname out of memory")); 
-        return( NULL );
-    }
-    /* copy args to struct */
-    strcpy( shm->ipcname, ipcname );
-    shm->size = size; 
-    shm->mode = mode;
-    shm->flags = flags;
-    shm->ident = _PR_SHM_IDENT;
-    /*
-    ** Create the shared memory
-    */
-    if ( flags & PR_SHM_CREATE )  {
-        int oflag = (O_CREAT | O_RDWR);
-        if ( flags & PR_SHM_EXCL )
-            oflag |= O_EXCL;
-        shm->id = shm_open( shm->ipcname, oflag, shm->mode );
-    } else {
-        shm->id = shm_open( shm->ipcname, O_RDWR, shm->mode );
-    }
-    if ( -1 == shm->id )  {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): shm_open failed: %s, OSError: %d",
-                shm->ipcname, PR_GetOSError())); 
-        PR_DELETE( shm->ipcname );
-        PR_DELETE( shm );
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    end = ftruncate( shm->id, shm->size );
-    if ( -1 == end ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): ftruncate failed, OSError: %d",
-                PR_GetOSError()));
-        PR_DELETE( shm->ipcname );
-        PR_DELETE( shm );
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    return(shm);
-} /* end _MD_OpenSharedMemory() */
-extern void * _MD_AttachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, PRIntn flags )
-    void        *addr;
-    PRIntn      prot = (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    if ( PR_SHM_READONLY == flags)
-        prot ^= PROT_WRITE;
-    addr = mmap( (void*)0, shm->size, prot, MAP_SHARED, shm->id, 0 );
-    if ((void*)-1 == addr )
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_AttachSharedMemory(): mmap failed: %s, errno: %d",
-                shm->ipcname, PR_GetOSError()));
-        addr = NULL;
-    } else {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_AttachSharedMemory(): name: %s, attached at: %p", shm->ipcname, addr));
-    }
-    return addr;
-extern PRStatus _MD_DetachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, void *addr )
-    PRStatus    rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRIntn      urc;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    urc = munmap( addr, shm->size );
-    if ( -1 == urc )
-    {
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DetachSharedMemory(): munmap failed: %s, errno: %d", 
-                shm->ipcname, PR_GetOSError()));
-    }
-    return rc;
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm )
-    int urc;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    urc = close( shm->id );
-    if ( -1 == urc ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_CloseSharedMemory(): close() failed, error: %d", PR_GetOSError()));
-        return(PR_FAILURE);
-    }
-    PR_DELETE( shm->ipcname );
-    PR_DELETE( shm );
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-extern PRStatus _MD_DeleteSharedMemory( const char *name )
-    PRStatus    rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRUintn     urc;
-    char        ipcname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    rc = _PR_MakeNativeIPCName( name, ipcname, PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE, _PRIPCShm );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
-    {
-        PR_SetError( PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR , errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_OpenSharedMemory(): _PR_MakeNativeIPCName() failed: %s", name ));
-        return rc;
-    }
-    urc = shm_unlink( ipcname );
-    if ( -1 == urc ) {
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): shm_unlink failed: %s, errno: %d", 
-                ipcname, PR_GetOSError()));
-    } else {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-            ("_MD_DeleteSharedMemory(): %s, success", ipcname));
-    }
-    return rc;
-} /* end _MD_DeleteSharedMemory() */
-** Unix implementation for anonymous memory (file) mapping
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shma_lm;
-#include <unistd.h>
-extern PRFileMap* _md_OpenAnonFileMap( 
-    const char *dirName,
-    PRSize      size,
-    PRFileMapProtect prot
-    PRFileMap   *fm = NULL;
-    PRFileDesc  *fd;
-    int         osfd;
-    PRIntn      urc;
-    PRIntn      mode = 0600;
-    char        *genName;
-    pid_t       pid = getpid(); /* for generating filename */
-    PRThread    *tid = PR_GetCurrentThread(); /* for generating filename */
-    int         incr; /* for generating filename */
-    const int   maxTries = 20; /* maximum # attempts at a unique filename */
-    PRInt64     size64; /* 64-bit version of 'size' */
-    /*
-    ** generate a filename from input and runtime environment
-    ** open the file, unlink the file.
-    ** make maxTries number of attempts at uniqueness in the filename
-    */
-    for ( incr = 0; incr < maxTries ; incr++ ) {
-#if defined(SYMBIAN)
-#define NSPR_AFM_FILENAME "%s\\NSPR-AFM-%d-%p.%d"
-#define NSPR_AFM_FILENAME "%s/.NSPR-AFM-%d-%p.%d"
-        genName = PR_smprintf( NSPR_AFM_FILENAME,
-            dirName, (int) pid, tid, incr );
-        if ( NULL == genName ) {
-            PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_snprintf(): failed, generating filename"));
-            goto Finished;
-        }
-        /* create the file */
-        osfd = open( genName, (O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR), mode );
-        if ( -1 == osfd ) {
-            if ( EEXIST == errno )  {
-                PR_smprintf_free( genName );
-                continue; /* name exists, try again */
-            } else {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR( errno );
-                PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                    ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): open(): failed, filename: %s, errno: %d", 
-                        genName, PR_GetOSError()));
-                PR_smprintf_free( genName );
-                goto Finished;
-            }
-        }
-        break; /* name generation and open successful, break; */
-    } /* end for() */
-    if ( incr == maxTries ) {
-        PR_ASSERT( -1 == osfd );
-        PR_ASSERT( EEXIST == errno );
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR( errno );
-        goto Finished;
-    }
-    urc = unlink( genName );
-#if defined(SYMBIAN) && defined(__WINS__)
-    /* If it is being used by the system or another process, Symbian OS 
-     * Emulator(WINS) considers this an error. */
-    if ( -1 == urc && EACCES != errno ) {
-    if ( -1 == urc ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_UNLINK_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): failed on unlink(), errno: %d", errno));
-        PR_smprintf_free( genName );
-        close( osfd );
-        goto Finished;        
-    }
-    PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): unlink(): %s", genName ));
-    PR_smprintf_free( genName );
-    fd = PR_ImportFile( osfd );
-    if ( NULL == fd ) {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_ImportFile(): failed"));
-        goto Finished;        
-    }
-    PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): fd: %p", fd ));
-    urc = ftruncate( fd->secret->md.osfd, size );
-    if ( -1 == urc ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( errno );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): failed on ftruncate(), errno: %d", errno));
-        PR_Close( fd );
-        goto Finished;        
-    }
-    PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): ftruncate(): size: %d", size ));
-    LL_UI2L(size64, size);  /* PRSize (size_t) is unsigned */
-    fm = PR_CreateFileMap( fd, size64, prot );
-    if ( NULL == fm )  {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("PR_OpenAnonFileMap(): failed"));
-        PR_Close( fd );
-        goto Finished;        
-    }
-    fm->md.isAnonFM = PR_TRUE; /* set fd close */
-    PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_CreateFileMap(): fm: %p", fm ));
-    return(fm);
-} /* end md_OpenAnonFileMap() */
-** _md_ExportFileMapAsString()
-extern PRStatus _md_ExportFileMapAsString(
-    PRFileMap *fm,
-    PRSize    bufSize,
-    char      *buf
-    PRIntn  written;
-    PRIntn  prot = (PRIntn)fm->prot;
-    written = PR_snprintf( buf, bufSize, "%ld:%d",
-        fm->fd->secret->md.osfd, prot );
-    return((written == -1)? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS);
-} /* end _md_ExportFileMapAsString() */
-extern PRFileMap * _md_ImportFileMapFromString(
-    const char *fmstring
-    PRStatus    rc;
-    PRInt32     osfd;
-    PRIntn      prot; /* really: a PRFileMapProtect */
-    PRFileDesc  *fd;
-    PRFileMap   *fm = NULL; /* default return value */
-    PRFileInfo64 info;
-    PR_sscanf( fmstring, "%ld:%d", &osfd, &prot );
-    /* import the os file descriptor */
-    fd = PR_ImportFile( osfd );
-    if ( NULL == fd ) {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_ImportFile() failed"));
-        goto Finished;
-    }
-    rc = PR_GetOpenFileInfo64( fd, &info );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )  {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_GetOpenFileInfo64() failed"));    
-        goto Finished;
-    }
-    fm = PR_CreateFileMap( fd, info.size, (PRFileMapProtect)prot );
-    if ( NULL == fm ) {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_CreateFileMap() failed"));    
-    }
-    return(fm);
-} /* end _md_ImportFileMapFromString() */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxwrap.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxwrap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f8e149..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxwrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: uxwrap.c
- *
- *     Our wrapped versions of the Unix select() and poll() system calls.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) || defined(QNX)
-/* Do not wrap select() and poll(). */
-#else  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) */
-/* The include files for select() */
-#ifdef IRIX
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <bstring.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#define ZAP_SET(_to, _width)				      \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO					      \
-	memset(_to, 0,					      \
-	       ((_width + 8*sizeof(int)-1) / (8*sizeof(int))) \
-		* sizeof(int)				      \
-	       );					      \
-/* see comments in ns/cmd/xfe/mozilla.c (look for "PR_XGetXtHackFD") */
-static int _pr_xt_hack_fd = -1;
-int PR_XGetXtHackFD(void)
-    int fds[2];
-    if (_pr_xt_hack_fd == -1) {
-        if (!pipe(fds)) {
-            _pr_xt_hack_fd = fds[0];
-        }
-    }
-    return _pr_xt_hack_fd;
-static int (*_pr_xt_hack_okayToReleaseXLock)(void) = 0;
-void PR_SetXtHackOkayToReleaseXLockFn(int (*fn)(void))
-    _pr_xt_hack_okayToReleaseXLock = fn; 
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *  select() --
- *
- *    Wrap up the select system call so that we can deschedule
- *    a thread that tries to wait for i/o.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#if defined(HPUX9)
-int select(size_t width, int *rl, int *wl, int *el, const struct timeval *tv)
-#elif defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT)
-int wrap_select(unsigned long width, void *rl, void *wl, void *el,
-        struct timeval *tv)
-#elif defined(_PR_SELECT_CONST_TIMEVAL)
-int select(int width, fd_set *rd, fd_set *wr, fd_set *ex,
-        const struct timeval *tv)
-int select(int width, fd_set *rd, fd_set *wr, fd_set *ex, struct timeval *tv)
-    int osfd;
-    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpds, *unixpd, *eunixpd;
-    PRInt32 pdcnt;
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;
-    int retVal;
-#if defined(HPUX9) || defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT)
-    fd_set *rd = (fd_set*) rl;
-    fd_set *wr = (fd_set*) wl;
-    fd_set *ex = (fd_set*) el;
-#if 0
-    /*
-     * Easy special case: zero timeout.  Simply call the native
-     * select() with no fear of blocking.
-     */
-    if (tv != NULL && tv->tv_sec == 0 && tv->tv_usec == 0) {
-#if defined(HPUX9) || defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT)
-        return _MD_SELECT(width, rl, wl, el, tv);
-        return _MD_SELECT(width, rd, wr, ex, tv);
-    }
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-        return _MD_SELECT(width, rd, wr, ex, tv);	
-    }
-    if (width < 0 || width > FD_SETSIZE) {
-        errno = EINVAL;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* Compute timeout */
-    if (tv) {
-        /*
-         * These acceptable ranges for t_sec and t_usec are taken
-         * from the select() man pages.
-         */
-        if (tv->tv_sec < 0 || tv->tv_sec > 100000000
-                || tv->tv_usec < 0 || tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) {
-            errno = EINVAL;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        /* Convert microseconds to ticks */
-        timeout = PR_MicrosecondsToInterval(1000000*tv->tv_sec + tv->tv_usec);
-    } else {
-        /* tv being a NULL pointer means blocking indefinitely */
-        timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-    }
-    /* Check for no descriptors case (just doing a timeout) */
-    if ((!rd && !wr && !ex) || !width) {
-        PR_Sleep(timeout);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Set up for PR_Poll().  The PRPollDesc array is allocated
-     * dynamically.  If this turns out to have high performance
-     * penalty, one can change to use a large PRPollDesc array
-     * on the stack, and allocate dynamically only when it turns
-     * out to be not large enough.
-     *
-     * I allocate an array of size 'width', which is the maximum
-     * number of fds we may need to poll.
-     */
-    unixpds = (_PRUnixPollDesc *) PR_CALLOC(width * sizeof(_PRUnixPollDesc));
-    if (!unixpds) {
-        errno = ENOMEM;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    pdcnt = 0;
-    unixpd = unixpds;
-    for (osfd = 0; osfd < width; osfd++) {
-        int in_flags = 0;
-        if (rd && FD_ISSET(osfd, rd)) {
-            in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ;
-        }
-        if (wr && FD_ISSET(osfd, wr)) {
-            in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE;
-        }
-        if (ex && FD_ISSET(osfd, ex)) {
-            in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT;
-        }
-        if (in_flags) {
-            unixpd->osfd = osfd;
-            unixpd->in_flags = in_flags;
-            unixpd->out_flags = 0;
-            unixpd++;
-            pdcnt++;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * see comments in mozilla/cmd/xfe/mozilla.c (look for
-     * "PR_XGetXtHackFD")
-     */
-   {
-     int needToLockXAgain;
-     needToLockXAgain = 0;
-     if (rd && (_pr_xt_hack_fd != -1)
-             && FD_ISSET(_pr_xt_hack_fd, rd) && PR_XIsLocked()
-             && (!_pr_xt_hack_okayToReleaseXLock
-             || _pr_xt_hack_okayToReleaseXLock())) {
-         PR_XUnlock();
-         needToLockXAgain = 1;
-     }
-    /* This is the potentially blocking step */
-    retVal = _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(unixpds, pdcnt, timeout);
-     if (needToLockXAgain) {
-         PR_XLock();
-     }
-   }
-    if (retVal > 0) {
-        /* Compute select results */
-        if (rd) ZAP_SET(rd, width);
-        if (wr) ZAP_SET(wr, width);
-        if (ex) ZAP_SET(ex, width);
-        /*
-         * The return value can be either the number of ready file
-         * descriptors or the number of set bits in the three fd_set's.
-         */
-        retVal = 0;  /* we're going to recompute */
-        eunixpd = unixpds + pdcnt;
-        for (unixpd = unixpds; unixpd < eunixpd; unixpd++) {
-            if (unixpd->out_flags) {
-                int nbits = 0;  /* The number of set bits on for this fd */
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_NVAL) {
-                    errno = EBADF;
-                    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-                            ("select returns EBADF for %d", unixpd->osfd));
-                    retVal = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*
-                 * If a socket has a pending error, it is considered
-                 * both readable and writable.  (See W. Richard Stevens,
-                 * Unix Network Programming, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., Section 6.3,
-                 * pp. 153-154.)  We also consider a socket readable if
-                 * it has a hangup condition.
-                 */
-                if (rd && (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ)
-                        && (unixpd->out_flags & (_PR_UNIX_POLL_READ
-                        | _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR | _PR_UNIX_POLL_HUP))) {
-                    FD_SET(unixpd->osfd, rd);
-                    nbits++;
-                }
-                if (wr && (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE)
-                        && (unixpd->out_flags & (_PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE
-                        | _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR))) {
-                    FD_SET(unixpd->osfd, wr);
-                    nbits++;
-                }
-                if (ex && (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE)
-                        && (unixpd->out_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT)) {
-                    FD_SET(unixpd->osfd, ex);
-                    nbits++;
-                }
-                PR_ASSERT(nbits > 0);
-#if defined(HPUX) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(OSF1) || defined(AIX)
-                retVal += nbits;
-#else /* IRIX */
-                retVal += 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(tv || retVal != 0);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("select returns %d", retVal));
-    PR_DELETE(unixpds);
-    return retVal;
- * Redefine poll, when supported on platforms, for local threads
- */
- * I am commenting out the poll() wrapper for Linux for now
- * because it is difficult to define _MD_POLL that works on all
- * Linux varieties.  People reported that glibc 2.0.7 on Debian
- * 2.0 Linux machines doesn't have the __syscall_poll symbol
- * defined.  (WTC 30 Nov. 1998)
- */
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_AVAILABLE) && !defined(LINUX)
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * poll() --
- *
- *     -1:  fails, errno indicates the error.
- *      0:  timed out, the revents bitmasks are not set.
- *      positive value: the number of file descriptors for which poll()
- *          has set the revents bitmask.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include <poll.h>
-#if defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT)
-int wrap_poll(void *listptr, unsigned long nfds, long timeout)
-#elif (defined(AIX) && !defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT))
-int poll(void *listptr, unsigned long nfds, long timeout)
-#elif defined(OSF1) || (defined(HPUX) && !defined(HPUX9))
-int poll(struct pollfd filedes[], unsigned int nfds, int timeout)
-#elif defined(HPUX9)
-int poll(struct pollfd filedes[], int nfds, int timeout)
-#elif defined(NETBSD)
-int poll(struct pollfd *filedes, nfds_t nfds, int timeout)
-#elif defined(OPENBSD)
-int poll(struct pollfd filedes[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout)
-#elif defined(FREEBSD)
-int poll(struct pollfd *filedes, unsigned nfds, int timeout)
-int poll(struct pollfd *filedes, unsigned long nfds, int timeout)
-#ifdef AIX
-    struct pollfd *filedes = (struct pollfd *) listptr;
-    struct pollfd *pfd, *epfd;
-    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpds, *unixpd, *eunixpd;
-    PRIntervalTime ticks;
-    PRInt32 pdcnt;
-    int ready;
-    /*
-     * Easy special case: zero timeout.  Simply call the native
-     * poll() with no fear of blocking.
-     */
-    if (timeout == 0) {
-#if defined(AIX)
-        return _MD_POLL(listptr, nfds, timeout);
-        return _MD_POLL(filedes, nfds, timeout);
-    }
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-    	return _MD_POLL(filedes, nfds, timeout);
-    }
-    /* We do not support the pollmsg structures on AIX */
-#ifdef AIX
-    PR_ASSERT((nfds & 0xff00) == 0);
-    if (timeout < 0 && timeout != -1) {
-        errno = EINVAL;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* Convert timeout from miliseconds to ticks */
-    if (timeout == -1) {
-        ticks = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-    } else {
-        ticks = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(timeout);
-    }
-    /* Check for no descriptor case (just do a timeout) */
-    if (nfds == 0) {
-        PR_Sleep(ticks);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    unixpds = (_PRUnixPollDesc *)
-            PR_MALLOC(nfds * sizeof(_PRUnixPollDesc));
-    if (NULL == unixpds) {
-        errno = EAGAIN;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    pdcnt = 0;
-    epfd = filedes + nfds;
-    unixpd = unixpds;
-    for (pfd = filedes; pfd < epfd; pfd++) {
-        /*
-         * poll() ignores negative fd's.
-         */
-        if (pfd->fd >= 0) {
-            unixpd->osfd = pfd->fd;
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-            unixpd->in_flags = pfd->events;
-            /*
-             * Map the poll events to one of the three that can be
-             * represented by the select fd_sets:
-             *     POLLIN, POLLRDNORM  ===> readable
-             *     POLLOUT, POLLWRNORM ===> writable
-             *     POLLPRI, POLLRDBAND ===> exception
-             *     POLLNORM, POLLWRBAND (and POLLMSG on some platforms)
-             *     are ignored.
-             *
-             * The output events POLLERR and POLLHUP are never turned on.
-             * POLLNVAL may be turned on.
-             */
-            unixpd->in_flags = 0;
-            if (pfd->events & (POLLIN
-                    | POLLRDNORM
-                    )) {
-                unixpd->in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ;
-            }
-            if (pfd->events & (POLLOUT
-                    | POLLWRNORM
-                    )) {
-                unixpd->in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE;
-            }
-            if (pfd->events & (POLLPRI
-                    | POLLRDBAND
-                    )) {
-                unixpd->in_flags |= PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
-            }
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-            unixpd->out_flags = 0;
-            unixpd++;
-            pdcnt++;
-        }
-    }
-    ready = _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(unixpds, pdcnt, ticks);
-    if (-1 == ready) {
-        if (PR_GetError() == PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR) {
-            errno = EINTR;  /* XXX we aren't interrupted by a signal, but... */
-        } else {
-            errno = PR_GetOSError();
-        }
-    }
-    if (ready <= 0) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Copy the out_flags from the _PRUnixPollDesc structures to the
-     * user's pollfd structures and free the allocated memory
-     */
-    unixpd = unixpds;
-    for (pfd = filedes; pfd < epfd; pfd++) {
-        pfd->revents = 0;
-        if (pfd->fd >= 0) {
-#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
-            pfd->revents = unixpd->out_flags;
-            if (0 != unixpd->out_flags) {
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) {
-                    if (pfd->events & POLLIN) {
-                        pfd->revents |= POLLIN;
-                    }
-                    if (pfd->events & POLLRDNORM) {
-                        pfd->revents |= POLLRDNORM;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) {
-                    if (pfd->events & POLLOUT) {
-                        pfd->revents |= POLLOUT;
-                    }
-                    if (pfd->events & POLLWRNORM) {
-                        pfd->revents |= POLLWRNORM;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-                    if (pfd->events & POLLPRI) {
-                        pfd->revents |= POLLPRI;
-                    }
-                    if (pfd->events & POLLRDBAND) {
-                        pfd->revents |= POLLRDBAND;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR) {
-                    pfd->revents |= POLLERR;
-                }
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_NVAL) {
-                    pfd->revents |= POLLNVAL;
-                }
-                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_HUP) {
-                    pfd->revents |= POLLHUP;
-                }
-            }
-#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
-            unixpd++;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(unixpds);
-    return ready;
-#endif  /* !defined(LINUX) */
-#endif  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) */
-/* uxwrap.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntgc.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntgc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 55ac92f..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntgc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * GC related routines
- *
- */
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "primpl.h"
-PRWord *_MD_HomeGCRegisters(PRThread *t, int isCurrent, int *np) 
-#if defined(_X86_)
-    CONTEXT context;
-    context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_INTEGER;
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(t)) {
-        context.ContextFlags |= CONTEXT_CONTROL;
-        if (GetThreadContext(t->md.handle, &context)) {
-            t->md.gcContext[0] = context.Eax;
-            t->md.gcContext[1] = context.Ebx;
-            t->md.gcContext[2] = context.Ecx;
-            t->md.gcContext[3] = context.Edx;
-            t->md.gcContext[4] = context.Esi;
-            t->md.gcContext[5] = context.Edi;
-            t->md.gcContext[6] = context.Esp;
-            t->md.gcContext[7] = context.Ebp;
-            *np = PR_NUM_GCREGS;
-        } else {
-            PR_ASSERT(0);/* XXX */
-        }
-    } else {
-         *
-         * This code is extremely machine dependant and completely 
-         * undocumented by MS.  Its only known to work experimentally.  
-         * Ready for a walk on the wild * side?
-         *
-#if !defined WIN95 // Win95 does not have fibers
-        int *fiberData = t->md.fiber_id;
-        /* I found these offsets by disassembling SwitchToFiber().
-         * Are your palms sweating yet?
-         */
-        /* 
-        ** EAX is on the stack (ESP+0)
-        ** EDX is on the stack (ESP+4)
-        ** ECX is on the stack (ESP+8)
-        */
-        t->md.gcContext[0] = 0;                /* context.Eax */
-        t->md.gcContext[1] = fiberData[0x2e];  /* context.Ebx */
-        t->md.gcContext[2] = 0;                /* context.Ecx */
-        t->md.gcContext[3] = 0;                /* context.Edx */
-        t->md.gcContext[4] = fiberData[0x2d];  /* context.Esi */
-        t->md.gcContext[5] = fiberData[0x2c];  /* context.Edi */
-        t->md.gcContext[6] = fiberData[0x36];  /* context.Esp */
-        t->md.gcContext[7] = fiberData[0x32];  /* context.Ebp */
-        *np = PR_NUM_GCREGS;
-    }
-    return (PRWord *)&t->md.gcContext;
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("not implemented");
-    return NULL;
-#endif /* defined(_X86_) */
-/* This function is not used right now, but is left as a reference.
- * If you ever need to get the fiberID from the currently running fiber, 
- * this is it.
- */
-void *
-#if defined(_X86_) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
-    void *fiberData;
-    /* A pointer to our tib entry is found at FS:[18]
-     * At offset 10h is the fiberData pointer.  The context of the 
-     * fiber is stored in there.  
-     */
-    __asm {
-        mov    EDX, FS:[18h]
-        mov    EAX, DWORD PTR [EDX+10h]
-        mov    [fiberData], EAX
-    }
-    return fiberData;
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("not implemented");
-    return NULL;
-#endif /* defined(_X86_) */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntinrval.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntinrval.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10aca11..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntinrval.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * NT interval timers
- *
- */
-/* Mozilla's build system defines this globally. */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#ifdef WINCE
-typedef DWORD (*IntervalFuncType)(void);
-static IntervalFuncType intervalFunc;
-#ifdef WINCE
-    HMODULE mmtimerlib = LoadLibraryW(L"mmtimer.dll");  /* XXX leaked! */
-    if (mmtimerlib) {
-        intervalFunc = (IntervalFuncType)GetProcAddress(mmtimerlib,
-                                                        "timeGetTime");
-    } else {
-        intervalFunc = &GetTickCount;
-    }
-    /* milliseconds since system start */
-#ifdef WINCE
-    return (*intervalFunc)();
-    return timeGetTime();
-    return 1000;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntmisc.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntmisc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f8c1d..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntmisc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1201 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * ntmisc.c
- *
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <math.h>     /* for fabs() */
-#include <windows.h>
-char *_PR_MD_GET_ENV(const char *name)
-    return getenv(name);
-** _PR_MD_PUT_ENV() -- add or change environment variable
-PRIntn _PR_MD_PUT_ENV(const char *name)
-    return(putenv(name));
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- **
- **     Date and time routines
- **
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- */
- * The NSPR epoch (00:00:00 1 Jan 1970 UTC) in FILETIME.
- * We store the value in a PRTime variable for convenience.
- */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-const PRTime _pr_filetime_offset = 116444736000000000LL;
-const PRTime _pr_filetime_divisor = 10LL;
-const PRTime _pr_filetime_offset = 116444736000000000i64;
-const PRTime _pr_filetime_divisor = 10i64;
-#ifdef WINCE
-#define FILETIME_TO_INT64(ft) \
-  (((PRInt64)ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32 | (PRInt64)ft.dwLowDateTime)
-static void
-LowResTime(LPFILETIME lpft)
-    GetCurrentFT(lpft);
-typedef struct CalibrationData {
-    long double freq;         /* The performance counter frequency */
-    long double offset;       /* The low res 'epoch' */
-    long double timer_offset; /* The high res 'epoch' */
-    /* The last high res time that we returned since recalibrating */
-    PRInt64 last;
-    PRBool calibrated;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION data_lock;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION calibration_lock;
-    PRInt64 granularity;
-} CalibrationData;
-static CalibrationData calibration;
-typedef void (*GetSystemTimeAsFileTimeFcn)(LPFILETIME);
-static GetSystemTimeAsFileTimeFcn ce6_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime = NULL;
-static void
-    FILETIME ft, ftStart;
-    LARGE_INTEGER liFreq, now;
-    if (calibration.freq == 0.0) {
-	if(!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&liFreq)) {
-	    /* High-performance timer is unavailable */
-	    calibration.freq = -1.0;
-	} else {
-	    calibration.freq = (long double) liFreq.QuadPart;
-	}
-    }
-    if (calibration.freq > 0.0) {
-	PRInt64 calibrationDelta = 0;
-	/*
-	 * By wrapping a timeBegin/EndPeriod pair of calls around this loop,
-	 * the loop seems to take much less time (1 ms vs 15ms) on Vista. 
-	 */
-	timeBeginPeriod(1);
-	LowResTime(&ftStart);
-	do {
-	    LowResTime(&ft);
-	} while (memcmp(&ftStart,&ft, sizeof(ft)) == 0);
-	timeEndPeriod(1);
-	calibration.granularity = 
-	    (FILETIME_TO_INT64(ft) - FILETIME_TO_INT64(ftStart))/10;
-	QueryPerformanceCounter(&now);
-	calibration.offset = (long double) FILETIME_TO_INT64(ft);
-	calibration.timer_offset = (long double) now.QuadPart;
-	/*
-	 * The windows epoch is around 1600. The unix epoch is around 1970. 
-	 * _pr_filetime_offset is the difference (in windows time units which
-	 * are 10 times more highres than the JS time unit) 
-	 */
-	calibration.offset -= _pr_filetime_offset;
-	calibration.offset *= 0.1;
-	calibration.last = 0;
-	calibration.calibrated = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* try for CE6 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime first */
-    HANDLE h = GetModuleHandleW(L"coredll.dll");
-    ce6_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime = (GetSystemTimeAsFileTimeFcn)
-        GetProcAddressA(h, "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime");
-    /* otherwise go the slow route */
-    if (ce6_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime == NULL) {
-        memset(&calibration, 0, sizeof(calibration));
-        NowCalibrate();
-        InitializeCriticalSection(&calibration.calibration_lock);
-        InitializeCriticalSection(&calibration.data_lock);
-    }
-    if (ce6_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime == NULL) {
-        DeleteCriticalSection(&calibration.calibration_lock);
-        DeleteCriticalSection(&calibration.data_lock);
-    }
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_Now --
- *
- *     Returns the current time in microseconds since the epoch.
- *     The epoch is midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
- *     The implementation is machine dependent.  This is the
- *     implementation for Windows.
- *     Cf. time_t time(time_t *tp)
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-    long double lowresTime, highresTimerValue;
-    FILETIME ft;
-    PRBool calibrated = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool needsCalibration = PR_FALSE;
-    PRInt64 returnedTime;
-    long double cachedOffset = 0.0;
-    if (ce6_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime) {
-        union {
-            FILETIME ft;
-            PRTime prt;
-        } currentTime;
-        PR_ASSERT(sizeof(FILETIME) == sizeof(PRTime));
-        ce6_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&currentTime.ft);
-        /* written this way on purpose, since the second term becomes
-         * a constant, and the entire expression is faster to execute.
-         */
-        return currentTime.prt/_pr_filetime_divisor -
-            _pr_filetime_offset/_pr_filetime_divisor;
-    }
-    do {
-	if (!calibration.calibrated || needsCalibration) {
-	    EnterCriticalSection(&calibration.calibration_lock);
-	    EnterCriticalSection(&calibration.data_lock);
-	    /* Recalibrate only if no one else did before us */
-	    if (calibration.offset == cachedOffset) {
-		/*
-		 * Since calibration can take a while, make any other
-		 * threads immediately wait 
-		 */
-		MUTEX_SETSPINCOUNT(&calibration.data_lock, 0);
-		NowCalibrate();
-		calibrated = PR_TRUE;
-		/* Restore spin count */
-	    }
-	    LeaveCriticalSection(&calibration.data_lock);
-	    LeaveCriticalSection(&calibration.calibration_lock);
-	}
-	/* Calculate a low resolution time */
-	LowResTime(&ft);
-	lowresTime =
-            ((long double)(FILETIME_TO_INT64(ft) - _pr_filetime_offset)) * 0.1;
-	if (calibration.freq > 0.0) {
-	    long double highresTime, diff;
-	    DWORD timeAdjustment, timeIncrement;
-	    BOOL timeAdjustmentDisabled;
-	    /* Default to 15.625 ms if the syscall fails */
-	    long double skewThreshold = 15625.25;
-	    /* Grab high resolution time */
-	    QueryPerformanceCounter(&now);
-	    highresTimerValue = (long double)now.QuadPart;
-	    EnterCriticalSection(&calibration.data_lock);
-	    highresTime = calibration.offset + 1000000L *
-		(highresTimerValue-calibration.timer_offset)/calibration.freq;
-	    cachedOffset = calibration.offset;
-	    /* 
-	     * On some dual processor/core systems, we might get an earlier 
-	     * time so we cache the last time that we returned.
-	     */
-	    calibration.last = PR_MAX(calibration.last,(PRInt64)highresTime);
-	    returnedTime = calibration.last;
-	    LeaveCriticalSection(&calibration.data_lock);
-	    /* Get an estimate of clock ticks per second from our own test */
-	    skewThreshold = calibration.granularity;
-	    /* Check for clock skew */
-	    diff = lowresTime - highresTime;
-	    /* 
-	     * For some reason that I have not determined, the skew can be
-	     * up to twice a kernel tick. This does not seem to happen by
-	     * itself, but I have only seen it triggered by another program
-	     * doing some kind of file I/O. The symptoms are a negative diff
-	     * followed by an equally large positive diff. 
-	     */
-	    if (fabs(diff) > 2*skewThreshold) {
-		if (calibrated) {
-		    /*
-		     * If we already calibrated once this instance, and the
-		     * clock is still skewed, then either the processor(s) are
-		     * wildly changing clockspeed or the system is so busy that
-		     * we get switched out for long periods of time. In either
-		     * case, it would be infeasible to make use of high
-		     * resolution results for anything, so let's resort to old
-		     * behavior for this call. It's possible that in the
-		     * future, the user will want the high resolution timer, so
-		     * we don't disable it entirely. 
-		     */
-		    returnedTime = (PRInt64)lowresTime;
-		    needsCalibration = PR_FALSE;
-		} else {
-		    /*
-		     * It is possible that when we recalibrate, we will return 
-		     * a value less than what we have returned before; this is
-		     * unavoidable. We cannot tell the different between a
-		     * faulty QueryPerformanceCounter implementation and user
-		     * changes to the operating system time. Since we must
-		     * respect user changes to the operating system time, we
-		     * cannot maintain the invariant that never
-		     * decreases; the old implementation has this behavior as
-		     * well. 
-		     */
-		    needsCalibration = PR_TRUE;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		/* No detectable clock skew */
-		returnedTime = (PRInt64)highresTime;
-		needsCalibration = PR_FALSE;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* No high resolution timer is available, so fall back */
-	    returnedTime = (PRInt64)lowresTime;
-	}
-    } while (needsCalibration);
-    return returnedTime;
-    PRTime prt;
-    FILETIME ft;
-    GetSystemTime(&st);
-    SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft);
-    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&ft, &prt);
-    return prt;       
- ***********************************************************************
- ***********************************************************************
- *
- * Process creation routines
- *
- ***********************************************************************
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- * Assemble the command line by concatenating the argv array.
- * On success, this function returns 0 and the resulting command
- * line is returned in *cmdLine.  On failure, it returns -1.
- */
-static int assembleCmdLine(char *const *argv, char **cmdLine)
-    char *const *arg;
-    char *p, *q;
-    size_t cmdLineSize;
-    int numBackslashes;
-    int i;
-    int argNeedQuotes;
-    /*
-     * Find out how large the command line buffer should be.
-     */
-    cmdLineSize = 0;
-    for (arg = argv; *arg; arg++) {
-        /*
-         * \ and " need to be escaped by a \.  In the worst case,
-         * every character is a \ or ", so the string of length
-         * may double.  If we quote an argument, that needs two ".
-         * Finally, we need a space between arguments, and
-         * a null byte at the end of command line.
-         */
-        cmdLineSize += 2 * strlen(*arg)  /* \ and " need to be escaped */
-                + 2                      /* we quote every argument */
-                + 1;                     /* space in between, or final null */
-    }
-    p = *cmdLine = PR_MALLOC((PRUint32) cmdLineSize);
-    if (p == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    for (arg = argv; *arg; arg++) {
-        /* Add a space to separates the arguments */
-        if (arg != argv) {
-            *p++ = ' '; 
-        }
-        q = *arg;
-        numBackslashes = 0;
-        argNeedQuotes = 0;
-        /*
-         * If the argument is empty or contains white space, it needs to
-         * be quoted.
-         */
-        if (**arg == '\0' || strpbrk(*arg, " \f\n\r\t\v")) {
-            argNeedQuotes = 1;
-        }
-        if (argNeedQuotes) {
-            *p++ = '"';
-        }
-        while (*q) {
-            if (*q == '\\') {
-                numBackslashes++;
-                q++;
-            } else if (*q == '"') {
-                if (numBackslashes) {
-                    /*
-                     * Double the backslashes since they are followed
-                     * by a quote
-                     */
-                    for (i = 0; i < 2 * numBackslashes; i++) {
-                        *p++ = '\\';
-                    }
-                    numBackslashes = 0;
-                }
-                /* To escape the quote */
-                *p++ = '\\';
-                *p++ = *q++;
-            } else {
-                if (numBackslashes) {
-                    /*
-                     * Backslashes are not followed by a quote, so
-                     * don't need to double the backslashes.
-                     */
-                    for (i = 0; i < numBackslashes; i++) {
-                        *p++ = '\\';
-                    }
-                    numBackslashes = 0;
-                }
-                *p++ = *q++;
-            }
-        }
-        /* Now we are at the end of this argument */
-        if (numBackslashes) {
-            /*
-             * Double the backslashes if we have a quote string
-             * delimiter at the end.
-             */
-            if (argNeedQuotes) {
-                numBackslashes *= 2;
-            }
-            for (i = 0; i < numBackslashes; i++) {
-                *p++ = '\\';
-            }
-        }
-        if (argNeedQuotes) {
-            *p++ = '"';
-        }
-    } 
-    *p = '\0';
-    return 0;
- * Assemble the environment block by concatenating the envp array
- * (preserving the terminating null byte in each array element)
- * and adding a null byte at the end.
- *
- * Returns 0 on success.  The resulting environment block is returned
- * in *envBlock.  Note that if envp is NULL, a NULL pointer is returned
- * in *envBlock.  Returns -1 on failure.
- */
-static int assembleEnvBlock(char **envp, char **envBlock)
-    char *p;
-    char *q;
-    char **env;
-    char *curEnv;
-    char *cwdStart, *cwdEnd;
-    size_t envBlockSize;
-    if (envp == NULL) {
-        *envBlock = NULL;
-        return 0;
-    }
-#ifdef WINCE
-    {
-        PRUnichar *wideCurEnv = mozce_GetEnvString();
-        int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideCurEnv, -1,
-                                      NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-        curEnv = (char *) PR_MALLOC(len * sizeof(char));
-        WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wideCurEnv, -1,
-                            curEnv, len, NULL, NULL);
-        free(wideCurEnv);
-    }
-    curEnv = GetEnvironmentStrings();
-    cwdStart = curEnv;
-    while (*cwdStart) {
-        if (cwdStart[0] == '=' && cwdStart[1] != '\0'
-                && cwdStart[2] == ':' && cwdStart[3] == '=') {
-            break;
-        }
-        cwdStart += strlen(cwdStart) + 1;
-    }
-    cwdEnd = cwdStart;
-    if (*cwdEnd) {
-        cwdEnd += strlen(cwdEnd) + 1;
-        while (*cwdEnd) {
-            if (cwdEnd[0] != '=' || cwdEnd[1] == '\0'
-                    || cwdEnd[2] != ':' || cwdEnd[3] != '=') {
-                break;
-            }
-            cwdEnd += strlen(cwdEnd) + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    envBlockSize = cwdEnd - cwdStart;
-    for (env = envp; *env; env++) {
-        envBlockSize += strlen(*env) + 1;
-    }
-    envBlockSize++;
-    p = *envBlock = PR_MALLOC((PRUint32) envBlockSize);
-    if (p == NULL) {
-#ifdef WINCE
-        PR_Free(curEnv);
-        FreeEnvironmentStrings(curEnv);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    q = cwdStart;
-    while (q < cwdEnd) {
-        *p++ = *q++;
-    }
-#ifdef WINCE
-    PR_Free(curEnv);
-    FreeEnvironmentStrings(curEnv);
-    for (env = envp; *env; env++) {
-        q = *env;
-        while (*q) {
-            *p++ = *q++;
-        }
-        *p++ = '\0';
-    }
-    *p = '\0';
-    return 0;
- * For qsort.  We sort (case-insensitive) the environment strings
- * before generating the environment block.
- */
-static int compare(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
-    return _stricmp(* (char**)arg1, * (char**)arg2);
-PRProcess * _PR_CreateWindowsProcess(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr)
-#ifdef WINCE
-    STARTUPINFOW startupInfo;
-    PRUnichar *wideCmdLine;
-    PRUnichar *wideCwd;
-    int len = 0;
-    STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
-    DWORD creationFlags = 0;
-    BOOL retVal;
-    char *cmdLine = NULL;
-    char *envBlock = NULL;
-    char **newEnvp = NULL;
-    const char *cwd = NULL; /* current working directory */
-    PRProcess *proc = NULL;
-    PRBool hasFdInheritBuffer;
-    proc = PR_NEW(PRProcess);
-    if (!proc) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-    if (assembleCmdLine(argv, &cmdLine) == -1) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-#ifndef WINCE
-    /*
-     * If attr->fdInheritBuffer is not NULL, we need to insert
-     * it into the envp array, so envp cannot be NULL.
-     */
-    hasFdInheritBuffer = (attr && attr->fdInheritBuffer);
-    if ((envp == NULL) && hasFdInheritBuffer) {
-        envp = environ;
-    }
-    if (envp != NULL) {
-        int idx;
-        int numEnv;
-        PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-        numEnv = 0;
-        while (envp[numEnv]) {
-            numEnv++;
-        }
-        newEnvp = (char **) PR_MALLOC((numEnv + 2) * sizeof(char *));
-        for (idx = 0; idx < numEnv; idx++) {
-            newEnvp[idx] = envp[idx];
-            if (hasFdInheritBuffer && !found
-                    && !strncmp(newEnvp[idx], "NSPR_INHERIT_FDS=", 17)) {
-                newEnvp[idx] = attr->fdInheritBuffer;
-                found = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        if (hasFdInheritBuffer && !found) {
-            newEnvp[idx++] = attr->fdInheritBuffer;
-        }
-        newEnvp[idx] = NULL;
-        qsort((void *) newEnvp, (size_t) idx, sizeof(char *), compare);
-    }
-    if (assembleEnvBlock(newEnvp, &envBlock) == -1) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-    ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo));
-    startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
-    if (attr) {
-        PRBool redirected = PR_FALSE;
-        /*
-         * XXX the default value for stdin, stdout, and stderr
-         * should probably be the console input and output, not
-         * those of the parent process.
-         */
-        startupInfo.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
-        startupInfo.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
-        startupInfo.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
-        if (attr->stdinFd) {
-            startupInfo.hStdInput = (HANDLE) attr->stdinFd->secret->md.osfd;
-            redirected = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (attr->stdoutFd) {
-            startupInfo.hStdOutput = (HANDLE) attr->stdoutFd->secret->md.osfd;
-            redirected = PR_TRUE;
-            /*
-             * If stdout is redirected, we can assume that the process will
-             * not write anything useful to the console windows, and therefore
-             * automatically set the CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag.
-             */
-            creationFlags |= CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
-        }
-        if (attr->stderrFd) {
-            startupInfo.hStdError = (HANDLE) attr->stderrFd->secret->md.osfd;
-            redirected = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (redirected) {
-            startupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
-        }
-        cwd = attr->currentDirectory;
-    }
-#ifdef WINCE
-    len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cmdLine, -1, NULL, 0);
-    wideCmdLine = (PRUnichar *)PR_MALLOC(len * sizeof(PRUnichar));
-    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cmdLine, -1, wideCmdLine, len);
-    len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cwd, -1, NULL, 0);
-    wideCwd = PR_MALLOC(len * sizeof(PRUnichar));
-    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cwd, -1, wideCwd, len);
-    retVal = CreateProcessW(NULL,
-                            wideCmdLine,
-                            NULL,  /* security attributes for the new
-                                    * process */
-                            NULL,  /* security attributes for the primary
-                                    * thread in the new process */
-                            TRUE,  /* inherit handles */
-                            creationFlags,
-                            envBlock,  /* an environment block, consisting
-                                        * of a null-terminated block of
-                                        * null-terminated strings.  Each
-                                        * string is in the form:
-                                        *     name=value
-                                        * XXX: usually NULL */
-                            wideCwd,  /* current drive and directory */
-                            &startupInfo,
-                            &procInfo
-                           );
-    PR_Free(wideCmdLine);
-    PR_Free(wideCwd);
-    retVal = CreateProcess(NULL,
-                           cmdLine,
-                           NULL,  /* security attributes for the new
-                                   * process */
-                           NULL,  /* security attributes for the primary
-                                   * thread in the new process */
-                           TRUE,  /* inherit handles */
-                           creationFlags,
-                           envBlock,  /* an environment block, consisting
-                                       * of a null-terminated block of
-                                       * null-terminated strings.  Each
-                                       * string is in the form:
-                                       *     name=value
-                                       * XXX: usually NULL */
-                           cwd,  /* current drive and directory */
-                           &startupInfo,
-                           &procInfo
-                          );
-    if (retVal == FALSE) {
-        /* XXX what error code? */
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-        goto errorExit;
-    }
-    CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread);
-    proc->md.handle = procInfo.hProcess;
-    proc-> = procInfo.dwProcessId;
-    PR_DELETE(cmdLine);
-    if (newEnvp) {
-        PR_DELETE(newEnvp);
-    }
-    if (envBlock) {
-        PR_DELETE(envBlock);
-    }
-    return proc;
-    if (cmdLine) {
-        PR_DELETE(cmdLine);
-    }
-    if (newEnvp) {
-        PR_DELETE(newEnvp);
-    }
-    if (envBlock) {
-        PR_DELETE(envBlock);
-    }
-    if (proc) {
-        PR_DELETE(proc);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-}  /* _PR_CreateWindowsProcess */
-PRStatus _PR_DetachWindowsProcess(PRProcess *process)
-    CloseHandle(process->md.handle);
-    PR_DELETE(process);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * XXX: This implementation is a temporary quick solution.
- * It can be called by native threads only (not by fibers).
- */
-PRStatus _PR_WaitWindowsProcess(PRProcess *process,
-    PRInt32 *exitCode)
-    DWORD dwRetVal;
-    dwRetVal = WaitForSingleObject(process->md.handle, INFINITE);
-    if (dwRetVal == WAIT_FAILED) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(dwRetVal == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
-    if (exitCode != NULL &&
-            GetExitCodeProcess(process->md.handle, exitCode) == FALSE) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    CloseHandle(process->md.handle);
-    PR_DELETE(process);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRStatus _PR_KillWindowsProcess(PRProcess *process)
-    /*
-     * On Unix, if a process terminates normally, its exit code is
-     * between 0 and 255.  So here on Windows, we use the exit code
-     * 256 to indicate that the process is killed.
-     */
-    if (TerminateProcess(process->md.handle, 256)) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_WindowsGetHostName(char *name, PRUint32 namelen)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRInt32 syserror;
-    rv = gethostname(name, (PRInt32) namelen);
-    if (0 == rv) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    syserror = WSAGetLastError();
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_WindowsGetSysInfo(PRSysInfo cmd, char *name, PRUint32 namelen)
-	PR_ASSERT((cmd == PR_SI_SYSNAME) || (cmd == PR_SI_RELEASE));
-	ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
-	osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
-	if (! GetVersionEx (&osvi) ) {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-    	return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) {
-			if (PR_SI_SYSNAME == cmd)
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "Windows_NT");
-			else if (PR_SI_RELEASE == cmd)
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "%d.%d",osvi.dwMajorVersion, 
-            							osvi.dwMinorVersion);
-			break;
-			if (PR_SI_SYSNAME == cmd) {
-				if ((osvi.dwMajorVersion > 4) || 
-					((osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (osvi.dwMinorVersion > 0)))
-					(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "Windows_98");
-				else
-					(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "Windows_95");
-			} else if (PR_SI_RELEASE == cmd) {
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "%d.%d",osvi.dwMajorVersion, 
-            							osvi.dwMinorVersion);
-			}
-			break;
-    case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE:
-			if (PR_SI_SYSNAME == cmd)
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "Windows_CE");
-			else if (PR_SI_RELEASE == cmd)
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "%d.%d",osvi.dwMajorVersion, 
-            							osvi.dwMinorVersion);
-			break;
-   		default:
-			if (PR_SI_SYSNAME == cmd)
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "Windows_Unknown");
-			else if (PR_SI_RELEASE == cmd)
-				(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "%d.%d",0,0);
-			break;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRStatus _MD_WindowsGetReleaseName(char *name, PRUint32 namelen)
-	ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
-	osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
-	if (! GetVersionEx (&osvi) ) {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-    	return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) {
-			(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "%d.%d",osvi.dwMajorVersion, 
-            							osvi.dwMinorVersion);
-			break;
-   		default:
-			(void)PR_snprintf(name, namelen, "%d.%d",0,0);
-			break;
-	}
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
- **********************************************************************
- *
- * Memory-mapped files
- *
- **********************************************************************
- */
-PRStatus _MD_CreateFileMap(PRFileMap *fmap, PRInt64 size)
-    DWORD dwHi, dwLo;
-    DWORD flProtect;
-    PROsfd osfd;
-    osfd = ( fmap->fd == (PRFileDesc*)-1 )?  -1 : fmap->fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    dwLo = (DWORD) (size & 0xffffffff);
-    dwHi = (DWORD) (((PRUint64) size >> 32) & 0xffffffff);
-    if (fmap->prot == PR_PROT_READONLY) {
-        flProtect = PAGE_READONLY;
-        fmap->md.dwAccess = FILE_MAP_READ;
-    } else if (fmap->prot == PR_PROT_READWRITE) {
-        flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE;
-        fmap->md.dwAccess = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
-    } else {
-        PR_ASSERT(fmap->prot == PR_PROT_WRITECOPY);
-#ifdef WINCE
-        /* WINCE does not have FILE_MAP_COPY. */
-        PR_SetError(PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-        flProtect = PAGE_WRITECOPY;
-        fmap->md.dwAccess = FILE_MAP_COPY;
-    }
-    fmap->md.hFileMap = CreateFileMapping(
-        (HANDLE) osfd,
-        NULL,
-        flProtect,
-        dwHi,
-        dwLo,
-        NULL);
-    if (fmap->md.hFileMap == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRInt32 _MD_GetMemMapAlignment(void)
-    SYSTEM_INFO info;
-    GetSystemInfo(&info);
-    return info.dwAllocationGranularity;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shma_lm;
-void * _MD_MemMap(
-    PRFileMap *fmap,
-    PROffset64 offset,
-    PRUint32 len)
-    DWORD dwHi, dwLo;
-    void *addr;
-    dwLo = (DWORD) (offset & 0xffffffff);
-    dwHi = (DWORD) (((PRUint64) offset >> 32) & 0xffffffff);
-    if ((addr = MapViewOfFile(fmap->md.hFileMap, fmap->md.dwAccess,
-            dwHi, dwLo, len)) == NULL) {
-        {
-            LPVOID lpMsgBuf; 
-            FormatMessage( 
-                NULL,
-                GetLastError(),
-                MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
-                (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
-                0,
-                NULL 
-            );
-            PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("md_memmap(): %s", lpMsgBuf ));
-        }
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError());
-    }
-    return addr;
-PRStatus _MD_MemUnmap(void *addr, PRUint32 len)
-    if (UnmapViewOfFile(addr)) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _MD_CloseFileMap(PRFileMap *fmap)
-    CloseHandle(fmap->md.hFileMap);
-    PR_DELETE(fmap);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRStatus _MD_SyncMemMap(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    void *addr,
-    PRUint32 len)
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    /* The FlushViewOfFile page on MSDN says:
-     *  To flush all the dirty pages plus the metadata for the file and
-     *  ensure that they are physically written to disk, call
-     *  FlushViewOfFile and then call the FlushFileBuffers function.
-     */
-    if (FlushViewOfFile(addr, len) && FlushFileBuffers((HANDLE) osfd)) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-    return PR_FAILURE;
- ***********************************************************************
- *
- * Atomic increment and decrement operations for x86 processors
- *
- * We don't use InterlockedIncrement and InterlockedDecrement
- * because on NT 3.51 and Win95, they return a number with
- * the same sign as the incremented/decremented result, rather
- * than the result itself.  On NT 4.0 these functions do return
- * the incremented/decremented result.
- *
- * The result is returned in the eax register by the inline
- * assembly code.  We disable the harmless "no return value"
- * warning (4035) for these two functions.
- *
- ***********************************************************************
- */
-#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4035)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-  PRInt32 result;
-  asm volatile ("lock ; xadd %0, %1" 
-                : "=r"(result), "=m"(*val)
-                : "0"(1), "m"(*val));
-  return result + 1;
-    __asm
-    {
-        mov ecx, val
-        mov eax, 1
-        lock xadd dword ptr [ecx], eax
-        inc eax
-    }
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#pragma warning(default: 4035)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4035)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-  PRInt32 result;
-  asm volatile ("lock ; xadd %0, %1" 
-                : "=r"(result), "=m"(*val)
-                : "0"(-1), "m"(*val));
-  //asm volatile("lock ; xadd %0, %1" : "=m" (val), "=a" (result) : "-1" (1));
-  return result - 1;
-    __asm
-    {
-        mov ecx, val
-        mov eax, 0ffffffffh
-        lock xadd dword ptr [ecx], eax
-        dec eax
-    }
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#pragma warning(default: 4035)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4035)
-PRInt32 _PR_MD_ATOMIC_ADD(PRInt32 *intp, PRInt32 val)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-  PRInt32 result;
-  //asm volatile("lock ; xadd %1, %0" : "=m" (intp), "=a" (result) : "1" (val));
-  asm volatile ("lock ; xadd %0, %1" 
-                : "=r"(result), "=m"(*intp)
-                : "0"(val), "m"(*intp));
-  return result + val;
-    __asm
-    {
-        mov ecx, intp
-        mov eax, val
-        mov edx, eax
-        lock xadd dword ptr [ecx], eax
-        add eax, edx
-    }
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#pragma warning(default: 4035)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4035)
-PR_StackPush(PRStack *stack, PRStackElem *stack_elem)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-  void **tos = (void **) stack;
-  void *tmp;
- retry:
-  if (*tos == (void *) -1)
-    goto retry;
-  __asm__("xchg %0,%1"
-          : "=r" (tmp), "=m"(*tos)
-          : "0" (-1), "m"(*tos));
-  if (tmp == (void *) -1)
-    goto retry;
-  *(void **)stack_elem = tmp;
-  __asm__("" : : : "memory");
-  *tos = stack_elem;
-    __asm
-    {
-	mov ebx, stack
-	mov ecx, stack_elem
-retry:	mov eax,[ebx]
-	cmp eax,-1
-	je retry
-	mov eax,-1
-	xchg dword ptr [ebx], eax
-	cmp eax,-1
-	je  retry
-	mov [ecx],eax
-	mov [ebx],ecx
-    }
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#pragma warning(default: 4035)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4035)
-PRStackElem * 
-PR_StackPop(PRStack *stack)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-  void **tos = (void **) stack;
-  void *tmp;
- retry:
-  if (*tos == (void *) -1)
-    goto retry;
-  __asm__("xchg %0,%1"
-          : "=r" (tmp), "=m"(*tos)
-          : "0" (-1), "m"(*tos));
-  if (tmp == (void *) -1)
-    goto retry;
-  if (tmp != (void *) 0)
-    {
-      void *next = *(void **)tmp;
-      *tos = next;
-      *(void **)tmp = 0;
-    }
-  else
-    *tos = tmp;
-  return tmp;
-    __asm
-    {
-	mov ebx, stack
-retry:	mov eax,[ebx]
-	cmp eax,-1
-	je retry
-	mov eax,-1
-	xchg dword ptr [ebx], eax
-	cmp eax,-1
-	je  retry
-	cmp eax,0
-	je  empty
-	mov ecx,[eax]
-	mov [ebx],ecx
-	mov [eax],0
-	jmp done
-	mov [ebx],eax
-	}
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#pragma warning(default: 4035)
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_CAS */
-#endif /* x86 processors */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntsec.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntsec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0682e4..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntsec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
- * ntsec.c
- *
- * Implement the POSIX-style mode bits (access permissions) for
- * files and other securable objects in Windows NT using Windows
- * NT's security descriptors with appropriate discretionary
- * access-control lists.
- */
- * The security identifiers (SIDs) for owner, primary group,
- * and the Everyone (World) group.
- *
- * These SIDs are looked up during NSPR initialization and
- * saved in this global structure (see _PR_NT_InitSids) so
- * that _PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL doesn't need to
- * look them up every time.
- */
-static struct {
-    PSID owner;
-    PSID group;
-    PSID everyone;
-} _pr_nt_sids;
- * Initialize the SIDs for owner, primary group, and the Everyone
- * group in the _pr_nt_sids structure.
- *
- * This function needs to be called by NSPR initialization.
- */
-void _PR_NT_InitSids(void)
-#ifdef WINCE /* not supported */
-    return;
-    HANDLE hToken = NULL; /* initialized to an arbitrary value to
-                           * silence a Purify UMR warning */
-    PSID infoBuffer[1024/sizeof(PSID)]; /* defined as an array of PSIDs
-                                         * to force proper alignment */
-    PTOKEN_OWNER pTokenOwner = (PTOKEN_OWNER) infoBuffer;
-    PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP pTokenPrimaryGroup
-            = (PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) infoBuffer;
-    DWORD dwLength;
-    BOOL rv;
-    /*
-     * Look up and make a copy of the owner and primary group
-     * SIDs in the access token of the calling process.
-     */
-    rv = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken);
-    if (rv == 0) {
-        /*
-         * On non-NT systems, this function is not implemented
-         * (error code ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED), and neither are
-         * the other security functions.  There is no point in
-         * going further.
-         *
-         * A process with insufficient access permissions may fail
-         * with the error code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
-         */
-        PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("_PR_NT_InitSids: OpenProcessToken() failed. Error: %d",
-                GetLastError()));
-        return;
-    }
-    rv = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenOwner, infoBuffer,
-            sizeof(infoBuffer), &dwLength);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
-    dwLength = GetLengthSid(pTokenOwner->Owner);
-    _pr_nt_sids.owner = (PSID) PR_Malloc(dwLength);
-    PR_ASSERT(_pr_nt_sids.owner != NULL);
-    rv = CopySid(dwLength, _pr_nt_sids.owner, pTokenOwner->Owner);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
-    rv = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenPrimaryGroup, infoBuffer,
-            sizeof(infoBuffer), &dwLength);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
-    dwLength = GetLengthSid(pTokenPrimaryGroup->PrimaryGroup);
- = (PSID) PR_Malloc(dwLength);
-    PR_ASSERT( != NULL);
-    rv = CopySid(dwLength,,
-            pTokenPrimaryGroup->PrimaryGroup);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
-    rv = CloseHandle(hToken);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
-    /* Create a well-known SID for the Everyone group. */
-    rv = AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SIDAuthWorld, 1,
-            SECURITY_WORLD_RID,
-            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-            &_pr_nt_sids.everyone);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
- * Free the SIDs for owner, primary group, and the Everyone group
- * in the _pr_nt_sids structure.
- *
- * This function needs to be called by NSPR cleanup.
- */
-#ifdef WINCE
-    return;
-    if (_pr_nt_sids.owner) {
-        PR_Free(_pr_nt_sids.owner);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        PR_Free(;
-    }
-    if (_pr_nt_sids.everyone) {
-        FreeSid(_pr_nt_sids.everyone);
-    }
- * Construct a security descriptor whose discretionary access-control
- * list implements the specified mode bits.  The SIDs for owner, group,
- * and everyone are obtained from the global _pr_nt_sids structure.
- * Both the security descriptor and access-control list are returned
- * and should be freed by a _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL call.
- *
- * The accessTable array maps NSPR's read, write, and execute access
- * rights to the corresponding NT access rights for the securable
- * object.
- */
-    PRIntn mode,
-    DWORD accessTable[],
-    PACL *resultACL)
-#ifdef WINCE
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    PACL pACL = NULL;
-    DWORD cbACL;  /* size of ACL */
-    DWORD accessMask;
-    if (_pr_nt_sids.owner == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (pSD == NULL) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(pSD, _pr_nt_sids.owner, FALSE)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (!SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(pSD,, FALSE)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Construct a discretionary access-control list with three
-     * access-control entries, one each for owner, primary group,
-     * and Everyone.
-     */
-    cbACL = sizeof(ACL)
-          + 3 * (sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD))
-          + GetLengthSid(_pr_nt_sids.owner)
-          + GetLengthSid(
-          + GetLengthSid(_pr_nt_sids.everyone);
-    pACL = (PACL) PR_Malloc(cbACL);
-    if (pACL == NULL) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (!InitializeAcl(pACL, cbACL, ACL_REVISION)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    accessMask = 0;
-    if (mode & 00400) accessMask |= accessTable[0];
-    if (mode & 00200) accessMask |= accessTable[1];
-    if (mode & 00100) accessMask |= accessTable[2];
-    if (accessMask && !AddAccessAllowedAce(pACL, ACL_REVISION, accessMask,
-            _pr_nt_sids.owner)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    accessMask = 0;
-    if (mode & 00040) accessMask |= accessTable[0];
-    if (mode & 00020) accessMask |= accessTable[1];
-    if (mode & 00010) accessMask |= accessTable[2];
-    if (accessMask && !AddAccessAllowedAce(pACL, ACL_REVISION, accessMask,
-   {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    accessMask = 0;
-    if (mode & 00004) accessMask |= accessTable[0];
-    if (mode & 00002) accessMask |= accessTable[1];
-    if (mode & 00001) accessMask |= accessTable[2];
-    if (accessMask && !AddAccessAllowedAce(pACL, ACL_REVISION, accessMask,
-            _pr_nt_sids.everyone)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, TRUE, pACL, FALSE)) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    *resultSD = pSD;
-    *resultACL = pACL;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (pSD) {
-        PR_Free(pSD);
-    }
-    if (pACL) {
-        PR_Free(pACL);
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
- * Free the specified security descriptor and access-control list
- * previously created by _PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL.
- */
-    if (pSD) {
-        PR_Free(pSD);
-    }
-    if (pACL) {
-        PR_Free(pACL);
-    }
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntsem.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntsem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f36a145..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntsem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * NT-specific semaphore handling code.
- *
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-_PR_MD_NEW_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md, PRUintn value)
-    md->sem = CreateSemaphore(NULL, value, 0x7fffffff, NULL);
-_PR_MD_DESTROY_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md)
-    CloseHandle(md->sem);
-_PR_MD_TIMED_WAIT_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md, PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    int rv;
-    rv = WaitForSingleObject(md->sem, PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(ticks));
-    if (rv == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    else
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-_PR_MD_WAIT_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md)
-_PR_MD_POST_SEM(_MDSemaphore *md)
-    ReleaseSemaphore(md->sem, 1, NULL);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32ipcsem.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32ipcsem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9545910..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32ipcsem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File: w32ipcsem.c
- * Description: implements named semaphores for NT and WIN95.
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#ifdef WINCE
-static HANDLE OpenSemaphore(DWORD inDesiredAccess,
-                            BOOL inInheritHandle,
-                            const char *inName)
-    HANDLE retval = NULL;
-    HANDLE semaphore = NULL;
-    PRUnichar wideName[MAX_PATH];  /* name size is limited to MAX_PATH */
-    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, inName, -1, wideName, MAX_PATH);
-    /* 0x7fffffff is the max count for our semaphore */
-    semaphore = CreateSemaphoreW(NULL, 0, 0x7fffffff, wideName);
-    if (NULL != semaphore) {
-        DWORD lastErr = GetLastError();
-        if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != lastErr)
-            CloseHandle(semaphore);
-        else
-            retval = semaphore;
-    }
-    return retval;
- * NSPR-to-NT access right mapping table for semaphore objects.
- *
- * The SYNCHRONIZE access is required by WaitForSingleObject.
- * The SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE access is required by ReleaseSemaphore.
- * The OR of these three access masks must equal SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS.
- * This is because if a semaphore object with the specified name
- * exists, CreateSemaphore requests SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS access to
- * the existing object.
- */
-static DWORD semAccessTable[] = {
-    STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED|0x1, /* read (0x1 is "query state") */
-    0 /* execute */
- * A fiber cannot call WaitForSingleObject because that
- * will block the other fibers running on the same thread.
- * If a fiber needs to wait on a (semaphore) handle, we
- * create a native thread to call WaitForSingleObject and
- * have the fiber join the native thread.
- */
- * Arguments, return value, and error code for WaitForSingleObject
- */
-struct WaitSingleArg {
-    HANDLE handle;
-    DWORD timeout;
-    DWORD rv;
-    DWORD error;
-static void WaitSingleThread(void *arg)
-    struct WaitSingleArg *warg = (struct WaitSingleArg *) arg;
-    warg->rv = WaitForSingleObject(warg->handle, warg->timeout);
-    if (warg->rv == WAIT_FAILED) {
-        warg->error = GetLastError();
-    }
-static DWORD FiberSafeWaitForSingleObject(
-    HANDLE hHandle,
-    DWORD dwMilliseconds
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-        return WaitForSingleObject(hHandle, dwMilliseconds);
-    } else {
-        PRThread *waitThread;
-        struct WaitSingleArg warg;
-        PRStatus rv;
-        warg.handle = hHandle;
-        warg.timeout = dwMilliseconds;
-        waitThread = PR_CreateThread(
-            PR_USER_THREAD, WaitSingleThread, &warg,
-        if (waitThread == NULL) {
-            return WAIT_FAILED;
-        }
-        rv = PR_JoinThread(waitThread);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-        if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-            return WAIT_FAILED;
-        }
-        if (warg.rv == WAIT_FAILED) {
-            SetLastError(warg.error);
-        }
-        return warg.rv;
-    }
-#endif /* !_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-    const char *osname, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode, PRUintn value)
-    PRSem *sem;
-    PACL pACL = NULL;
-    sem = PR_NEW(PRSem);
-    if (sem == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_SEM_CREATE) {
-        if (_PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL(mode, semAccessTable,
-                &pSD, &pACL) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
-            sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
-            sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
-            lpSA = &sa;
-        }
-#ifdef WINCE
-        {
-            /* The size of a sem's name is limited to MAX_PATH. */
-            PRUnichar wosname[MAX_PATH]; 
-            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, osname, -1, wosname, MAX_PATH);
-            sem->sem = CreateSemaphoreW(lpSA, value, 0x7fffffff, wosname);
-        }
-        sem->sem = CreateSemaphoreA(lpSA, value, 0x7fffffff, osname);
-        if (lpSA != NULL) {
-            _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL(pSD, pACL);
-        }
-        if (sem->sem == NULL) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-            PR_DELETE(sem);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if ((flags & PR_SEM_EXCL) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
-            CloseHandle(sem->sem);
-            PR_DELETE(sem);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-        sem->sem = OpenSemaphore(
-        if (sem->sem == NULL) {
-            DWORD err = GetLastError();
-            /*
-             * If we open a nonexistent named semaphore, NT
-             * returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, while Win95
-             * returns ERROR_INVALID_NAME
-             */
-            if (err == ERROR_INVALID_NAME) {
-                PR_SetError(PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, err);
-            } else {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-            }
-            PR_DELETE(sem);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return sem;
-    DWORD rv;
-    rv = WaitForSingleObject(sem->sem, INFINITE);
-    rv = FiberSafeWaitForSingleObject(sem->sem, INFINITE);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv == WAIT_FAILED || rv == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
-    if (rv == WAIT_FAILED) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (rv != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
-        /* Should not happen */
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (ReleaseSemaphore(sem->sem, 1, NULL) == FALSE) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (CloseHandle(sem->sem) == FALSE) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(sem);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32poll.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32poll.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e2ad9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32poll.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements _PR_MD_PR_POLL for Win32.
- */
-/* The default value of FD_SETSIZE is 64. */
-#define FD_SETSIZE 1024
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-struct select_data_s {
-    PRInt32 status;
-    PRInt32 error;
-    fd_set *rd, *wt, *ex;
-    const struct timeval *tv;
-static void
-_PR_MD_select_thread(void *cdata)
-    struct select_data_s *cd = (struct select_data_s *)cdata;
-    cd->status = select(0, cd->rd, cd->wt, cd->ex, cd->tv);
-    if (cd->status == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-        cd->error = WSAGetLastError();
-    }
-int _PR_NTFiberSafeSelect(
-    int nfds,
-    fd_set *readfds,
-    fd_set *writefds,
-    fd_set *exceptfds,
-    const struct timeval *timeout)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    int ready;
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-        ready = _MD_SELECT(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /*
-        ** Creating a new thread on each call!!
-        ** I guess web server doesn't use non-block I/O.
-        */
-        PRThread *selectThread;
-        struct select_data_s data;
-        data.status = 0;
-        data.error = 0;
-        data.rd = readfds;
-        data.wt = writefds;
-        data.ex = exceptfds;
- = timeout;
-        selectThread = PR_CreateThread(
-            PR_USER_THREAD, _PR_MD_select_thread, &data,
-        if (selectThread == NULL) return -1;
-        PR_JoinThread(selectThread);
-        ready = data.status;
-        if (ready == SOCKET_ERROR) WSASetLastError(data.error);
-    }
-    return ready;
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) */
-PRInt32 _PR_MD_PR_POLL(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    int ready, err;
-    fd_set rd, wt, ex;
-    fd_set *rdp, *wtp, *exp;
-    int nrd, nwt, nex;
-    PRFileDesc *bottom;
-    PRPollDesc *pd, *epd;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    struct timeval tv, *tvp = NULL;
-    {
-        me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Is it an empty set? If so, just sleep for the timeout and return
-    */
-    if (0 == npds)
-    {
-        PR_Sleep(timeout);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    nrd = nwt = nex = 0;
-    FD_ZERO(&rd);
-    FD_ZERO(&wt);
-    FD_ZERO(&ex);
-    ready = 0;
-    for (pd = pds, epd = pd + npds; pd < epd; pd++)
-    {
-        SOCKET osfd;
-        PRInt16 in_flags_read = 0, in_flags_write = 0;
-        PRInt16 out_flags_read = 0, out_flags_write = 0;
-        if ((NULL != pd->fd) && (0 != pd->in_flags))
-        {
-            if (pd->in_flags & PR_POLL_READ)
-            {
-                in_flags_read = (pd->fd->methods->poll)(
-                    pd->fd, (PRInt16)(pd->in_flags & ~PR_POLL_WRITE),
-                    &out_flags_read);
-            }
-            if (pd->in_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-            {
-                in_flags_write = (pd->fd->methods->poll)(
-                    pd->fd, (PRInt16)(pd->in_flags & ~PR_POLL_READ),
-                    &out_flags_write);
-            }
-            if ((0 != (in_flags_read & out_flags_read))
-            || (0 != (in_flags_write & out_flags_write)))
-            {
-                /* this one's ready right now (buffered input) */
-                if (0 == ready)
-                {
-                    /*
-                     * We will have to return without calling the
-                     * system poll/select function.  So zero the
-                     * out_flags fields of all the poll descriptors
-                     * before this one.
-                     */
-                    PRPollDesc *prev;
-                    for (prev = pds; prev < pd; prev++)
-                    {
-                        prev->out_flags = 0;
-                    }
-                }
-                ready += 1;
-                pd->out_flags = out_flags_read | out_flags_write;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                pd->out_flags = 0;  /* pre-condition */
-                /* make sure this is an NSPR supported stack */
-                bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(pd->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-                PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);  /* what to do about that? */
-                if ((NULL != bottom)
-                && (_PR_FILEDESC_OPEN == bottom->secret->state))
-                {
-                    if (0 == ready)
-                    {
-                        osfd = (SOCKET) bottom->secret->md.osfd;
-                        if (in_flags_read & PR_POLL_READ)
-                        {
-                            pd->out_flags |= _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_READ;
-                            FD_SET(osfd, &rd);
-                            nrd++;
-                        }
-                        if (in_flags_read & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                        {
-                            pd->out_flags |= _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE;
-                            FD_SET(osfd, &wt);
-                            nwt++;
-                        }
-                        if (in_flags_write & PR_POLL_READ)
-                        {
-                            pd->out_flags |= _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_READ;
-                            FD_SET(osfd, &rd);
-                            nrd++;
-                        }
-                        if (in_flags_write & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                        {
-                            pd->out_flags |= _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_WRITE;
-                            FD_SET(osfd, &wt);
-                            nwt++;
-                        }
-                        if (pd->in_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT) {
-                            FD_SET(osfd, &ex);
-                            nex++;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    if (0 == ready)
-                    {
-                        PRPollDesc *prev;
-                        for (prev = pds; prev < pd; prev++)
-                        {
-                            prev->out_flags = 0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    ready += 1;  /* this will cause an abrupt return */
-                    pd->out_flags = PR_POLL_NVAL;  /* bogii */
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pd->out_flags = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    if (0 != ready) return ready;  /* no need to block */
-    /*
-     * FD_SET does nothing if the fd_set's internal fd_array is full.  If
-     * nrd, nwt, or nex is greater than FD_SETSIZE, we know FD_SET must
-     * have failed to insert an osfd into the corresponding fd_set, and
-     * therefore we should fail.
-     */
-    if ((nrd > FD_SETSIZE) || (nwt > FD_SETSIZE) || (nex > FD_SETSIZE)) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    rdp = (0 == nrd) ? NULL : &rd;
-    wtp = (0 == nwt) ? NULL : &wt;
-    exp = (0 == nex) ? NULL : &ex;
-    if ((NULL == rdp) && (NULL == wtp) && (NULL == exp)) {
-        PR_Sleep(timeout);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-    {
-        PRInt32 ticksPerSecond = PR_TicksPerSecond();
-        tv.tv_sec = timeout / ticksPerSecond;
-        tv.tv_usec = PR_IntervalToMicroseconds( timeout % ticksPerSecond );
-        tvp = &tv;
-    }
-    ready = _MD_SELECT(0, rdp, wtp, exp, tvp);
-    ready = _PR_NTFiberSafeSelect(0, rdp, wtp, exp, tvp);
-    /*
-    ** Now to unravel the select sets back into the client's poll
-    ** descriptor list. Is this possibly an area for pissing away
-    ** a few cycles or what?
-    */
-    if (ready > 0)
-    {
-        ready = 0;
-        for (pd = pds, epd = pd + npds; pd < epd; pd++)
-        {
-            PRInt16 out_flags = 0;
-            if ((NULL != pd->fd) && (0 != pd->in_flags))
-            {
-                SOCKET osfd;
-                bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(pd->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-                PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);
-                osfd = (SOCKET) bottom->secret->md.osfd;
-                if (FD_ISSET(osfd, &rd))
-                {
-                    if (pd->out_flags & _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_READ)
-                        out_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-                    if (pd->out_flags & _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_READ)
-                        out_flags |= PR_POLL_WRITE;
-                } 
-                if (FD_ISSET(osfd, &wt))
-                {
-                    if (pd->out_flags & _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE)
-                        out_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-                    if (pd->out_flags & _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_WRITE)
-                        out_flags |= PR_POLL_WRITE;
-                } 
-                if (FD_ISSET(osfd, &ex)) out_flags |= PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
-            }
-            pd->out_flags = out_flags;
-            if (out_flags) ready++;
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(ready > 0);
-    }
-    else if (ready == SOCKET_ERROR)
-    {
-        err = WSAGetLastError();
-        if (err == WSAENOTSOCK)
-        {
-            /* Find the bad fds */
-            int optval;
-            int optlen = sizeof(optval);
-            ready = 0;
-            for (pd = pds, epd = pd + npds; pd < epd; pd++)
-            {
-                pd->out_flags = 0;
-                if ((NULL != pd->fd) && (0 != pd->in_flags))
-                {
-                    bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(pd->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-                    if (getsockopt(bottom->secret->md.osfd, SOL_SOCKET,
-                        SO_TYPE, (char *) &optval, &optlen) == -1)
-                    {
-                        PR_ASSERT(WSAGetLastError() == WSAENOTSOCK);
-                        if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAENOTSOCK)
-                        {
-                            pd->out_flags = PR_POLL_NVAL;
-                            ready++;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            PR_ASSERT(ready > 0);
-        }
-        else _PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return ready;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32rng.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32rng.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 633ae0d..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32rng.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <io.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <primpl.h>
-static BOOL
-CurrentClockTickTime(LPDWORD lpdwHigh, LPDWORD lpdwLow)
-    LARGE_INTEGER   liCount;
-    if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&liCount))
-        return FALSE;
-    *lpdwHigh = liCount.u.HighPart;
-    *lpdwLow = liCount.u.LowPart;
-    return TRUE;
-extern PRSize _PR_MD_GetRandomNoise( void *buf, PRSize size )
-    DWORD   dwHigh, dwLow, dwVal;
-    size_t  n = 0;
-    size_t  nBytes;
-    time_t  sTime;
-    if (size <= 0)
-        return 0;
-    CurrentClockTickTime(&dwHigh, &dwLow);
-    // get the maximally changing bits first
-    nBytes = sizeof(dwLow) > size ? size : sizeof(dwLow);
-    memcpy((char *)buf, &dwLow, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    size -= nBytes;
-    if (size <= 0)
-        return n;
-    nBytes = sizeof(dwHigh) > size ? size : sizeof(dwHigh);
-    memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &dwHigh, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    size -= nBytes;
-    if (size <= 0)
-        return n;
-    // get the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows started
-    dwVal = GetTickCount();
-    nBytes = sizeof(dwVal) > size ? size : sizeof(dwVal);
-    memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &dwVal, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    size -= nBytes;
-    if (size <= 0)
-        return n;
-    // get the time in seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970
-    time(&sTime);
-    nBytes = sizeof(sTime) > size ? size : sizeof(sTime);
-    memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &sTime, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    return n;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32shm.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32shm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8b1d6..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w32shm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <private/primpl.h>       
-#include <string.h>
-#include <prshm.h>
-#include <prerr.h>
-#include <prmem.h>
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shm_lm;
- * NSPR-to-NT access right mapping table for file-mapping objects.
- *
- * The OR of these three access masks must equal FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS.
- * This is because if a file-mapping object with the specified name
- * exists, CreateFileMapping requests full access to the existing
- * object.
- */
-static DWORD filemapAccessTable[] = {
-    FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS & ~FILE_MAP_READ, /* write */ 
-    0  /* execute */
-extern PRSharedMemory * _MD_OpenSharedMemory( 
-        const char *name,
-        PRSize      size,
-        PRIntn      flags,
-        PRIntn      mode
-    char        ipcname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    PRStatus    rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    DWORD dwHi, dwLo;
-    PRSharedMemory *shm;
-    DWORD flProtect = ( PAGE_READWRITE );
-    PACL pACL = NULL;
-    rc = _PR_MakeNativeIPCName( name, ipcname, PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE, _PRIPCShm );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: name is invalid")); 
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    shm = PR_NEWZAP( PRSharedMemory );
-    if ( NULL == shm ) 
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: New PRSharedMemory out of memory")); 
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    shm->ipcname = PR_MALLOC( (PRUint32) (strlen( ipcname ) + 1) );
-    if ( NULL == shm->ipcname )
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0 );
-        PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: New shm->ipcname out of memory")); 
-        PR_DELETE(shm);
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    /* copy args to struct */
-    strcpy( shm->ipcname, ipcname );
-    shm->size = size; 
-    shm->mode = mode;
-    shm->flags = flags;
-    shm->ident = _PR_SHM_IDENT;
-    if (flags & PR_SHM_CREATE ) {
-        dwHi = (DWORD) (((PRUint64) shm->size >> 32) & 0xffffffff);
-        dwLo = (DWORD) (shm->size & 0xffffffff);
-        if (_PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL(mode, filemapAccessTable,
-                &pSD, &pACL) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
-            sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
-            sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
-            lpSA = &sa;
-        }
-#ifdef WINCE
-        {
-            /*
-             * This is assuming that the name will never be larger than
-             * MAX_PATH.  Should we dynamically allocate?
-             */
-            PRUnichar wideIpcName[MAX_PATH];
-            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, shm->ipcname, -1,
-                                wideIpcName, MAX_PATH);
-            shm->handle = CreateFileMappingW(
-                (HANDLE)-1 ,
-                lpSA,
-                flProtect,
-                dwHi,
-                dwLo,
-                wideIpcName);
-        }
-        shm->handle = CreateFileMappingA(
-            (HANDLE)-1 ,
-            lpSA,
-            flProtect,
-            dwHi,
-            dwLo,
-            shm->ipcname);
-        if (lpSA != NULL) {
-            _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL(pSD, pACL);
-        }
-        if ( NULL == shm->handle ) {
-            PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-                ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: CreateFileMapping() failed: %s",
-                    shm->ipcname )); 
-            _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( GetLastError());
-            PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname )
-            PR_DELETE( shm );
-            return(NULL);
-        } else {
-            if (( flags & PR_SHM_EXCL) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ))  {
-                PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-                    ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: Request exclusive & already exists",
-                        shm->ipcname )); 
-                CloseHandle( shm->handle );
-                PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname )
-                PR_DELETE( shm );
-                return(NULL);
-            } else {
-                PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-                    ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: CreateFileMapping() success: %s, handle: %d",
-                        shm->ipcname, shm->handle ));
-                return(shm);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-#ifdef WINCE
-        PR_SetError( PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0 );
-        shm->handle = NULL;  /* OpenFileMapping not supported */
-        shm->handle = OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_WRITE, TRUE, shm->ipcname );
-        if ( NULL == shm->handle ) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( GetLastError());
-            PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-                ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: OpenFileMapping() failed: %s, error: %d",
-                    shm->ipcname, PR_GetOSError())); 
-            PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname );
-            PR_DELETE( shm );
-            return(NULL);
-        } else {
-            PR_LOG(_pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
-                ( "PR_OpenSharedMemory: OpenFileMapping() success: %s, handle: %d",
-                    shm->ipcname, shm->handle )); 
-                return(shm);
-        }
-    }
-    /* returns from separate paths */
-extern void * _MD_AttachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, PRIntn flags )
-    PRUint32    access = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
-    void        *addr;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    if ( PR_SHM_READONLY & flags )
-        access = FILE_MAP_READ;
-    addr = MapViewOfFile( shm->handle,
-        access,
-        0, 0,
-        shm->size );
-    if ( NULL == addr ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( GetLastError());
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_ERROR, 
-            ("_MD_AttachSharedMemory: MapViewOfFile() failed. OSerror: %d", PR_GetOSError()));
-    }
-    return( addr );
-extern PRStatus _MD_DetachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, void *addr )
-    PRStatus rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    BOOL        wrc;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    wrc = UnmapViewOfFile( addr );
-    if ( FALSE == wrc ) 
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( GetLastError());
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_ERROR, 
-            ("_MD_DetachSharedMemory: UnmapViewOfFile() failed. OSerror: %d", PR_GetOSError()));
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return( rc );
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm )
-    PRStatus rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-    BOOL wrc;
-    PR_ASSERT( shm->ident == _PR_SHM_IDENT );
-    wrc = CloseHandle( shm->handle );
-    if ( FALSE == wrc )
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR( GetLastError());
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shm_lm, PR_LOG_ERROR, 
-            ("_MD_CloseSharedMemory: CloseHandle() failed. OSerror: %d", PR_GetOSError()));
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_FREEIF( shm->ipcname );
-    PR_DELETE( shm );
-    return( rc );
-} /* end _MD_CLOSE_SHARED_MEMORY() */
-extern PRStatus _MD_DeleteSharedMemory( const char *name )
-    return( PR_SUCCESS );
-** Windows implementation of anonymous memory (file) map
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shma_lm;
-extern PRFileMap* _md_OpenAnonFileMap( 
-    const char *dirName,
-    PRSize      size,
-    PRFileMapProtect prot
-    PRFileMap   *fm;
-    HANDLE      hFileMap;
-    fm = PR_CreateFileMap( (PRFileDesc*)-1, size, prot );
-    if ( NULL == fm )  {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): PR_CreateFileMap(): failed"));
-        goto Finished;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Make fm->md.hFileMap inheritable. We can't use
-    ** GetHandleInformation and SetHandleInformation
-    ** because these two functions fail with
-    */
-    if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), fm->md.hFileMap,
-            GetCurrentProcess(), &hFileMap,
-            0, TRUE /* inheritable */,
-        PR_SetError( PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, GetLastError() );
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_OpenAnonFileMap(): DuplicateHandle(): failed"));
-        PR_CloseFileMap( fm );
-        fm = NULL;
-        goto Finished;
-    }
-    CloseHandle(fm->md.hFileMap);
-    fm->md.hFileMap = hFileMap;
-    return(fm);
-} /* end md_OpenAnonFileMap() */
-** _md_ExportFileMapAsString()
-extern PRStatus _md_ExportFileMapAsString(
-    PRFileMap *fm,
-    PRSize    bufSize,
-    char      *buf
-    PRIntn  written;
-    written = PR_snprintf( buf, (PRUint32) bufSize, "%d:%" PR_PRIdOSFD ":%ld",
-        (PRIntn)fm->prot, (PROsfd)fm->md.hFileMap, (PRInt32)fm->md.dwAccess );
-    PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("_md_ExportFileMapAsString(): prot: %x, hFileMap: %x, dwAccess: %x",
-            fm->prot, fm->md.hFileMap, fm->md.dwAccess ));
-    return((written == -1)? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS);
-} /* end _md_ExportFileMapAsString() */
-** _md_ImportFileMapFromString()
-extern PRFileMap * _md_ImportFileMapFromString(
-    const char *fmstring
-    PRIntn  prot;
-    PROsfd hFileMap;
-    PRInt32 dwAccess;
-    PRFileMap *fm = NULL;
-    PR_sscanf( fmstring, "%d:%" PR_SCNdOSFD ":%ld",
-        &prot, &hFileMap, &dwAccess );
-    fm = PR_NEWZAP(PRFileMap);
-    if ( NULL == fm ) {
-        PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): PR_NEWZAP(): Failed"));
-        return(fm);
-    }
-    fm->prot = (PRFileMapProtect)prot;
-    fm->md.hFileMap = (HANDLE)hFileMap;
-    fm->md.dwAccess = (DWORD)dwAccess;
-    fm->fd = (PRFileDesc*)-1;
-    PR_LOG( _pr_shma_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("_md_ImportFileMapFromString(): fm: %p, prot: %d, hFileMap: %8.8x, dwAccess: %8.8x, fd: %x",
-            fm, prot, fm->md.hFileMap, fm->md.dwAccess, fm->fd));
-    return(fm);
-} /* end _md_ImportFileMapFromString() */
-Error! Why is PR_HAVE_WIN32_NAMED_SHARED_MEMORY not defined? 
-/* --- end w32shm.c --- */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95cv.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95cv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b34e6..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95cv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  w95cv.c -- Windows 95 Machine-Dependent Code for Condition Variables
- *
- *  We implement our own condition variable wait queue.  Each thread
- *  has a semaphore object (thread->md.blocked_sema) to block on while
- *  waiting on a condition variable.
- *
- *  We use a deferred condition notify algorithm.  When PR_NotifyCondVar
- *  or PR_NotifyAllCondVar is called, the condition notifies are simply
- *  recorded in the _MDLock structure.  We defer the condition notifies
- *  until right after we unlock the lock.  This way the awakened threads
- *  have a better chance to reaquire the lock.
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
- * AddThreadToCVWaitQueueInternal --
- *
- * Add the thread to the end of the condition variable's wait queue.
- * The CV's lock must be locked when this function is called.
- */
-static void
-AddThreadToCVWaitQueueInternal(PRThread *thred, struct _MDCVar *cv)
-    PR_ASSERT((cv->waitTail != NULL && cv->waitHead != NULL)
-            || (cv->waitTail == NULL && cv->waitHead == NULL));
-    cv->nwait += 1;
-    thred->md.inCVWaitQueue = PR_TRUE;
-    thred-> = NULL;
-    thred->md.prev = cv->waitTail;
-    if (cv->waitHead == NULL) {
-        cv->waitHead = thred;
-    } else {
-        cv->waitTail-> = thred;
-    }
-    cv->waitTail = thred;
- * md_UnlockAndPostNotifies --
- *
- * Unlock the lock, and then do the deferred condition notifies.
- * If waitThred and waitCV are not NULL, waitThred is added to
- * the wait queue of waitCV before the lock is unlocked.
- *
- * This function is called by _PR_MD_WAIT_CV and _PR_MD_UNLOCK,
- * the two places where a lock is unlocked.
- */
-static void
-    _MDLock *lock,
-    PRThread *waitThred,
-    _MDCVar *waitCV)
-    PRIntn index;
-    _MDNotified post;
-    _MDNotified *notified, *prev = NULL;
-    /*
-     * Time to actually notify any conditions that were affected
-     * while the lock was held.  Get a copy of the list that's in
-     * the lock structure and then zero the original.  If it's
-     * linked to other such structures, we own that storage.
-     */
-    post = lock->notified;  /* a safe copy; we own the lock */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    ZeroMemory(&lock->notified, sizeof(_MDNotified));  /* reset */
-    lock->notified.length = 0;  /* these are really sufficient */
-    lock-> = NULL;
-    /* 
-     * Figure out how many threads we need to wake up.
-     */
-    notified = &post;  /* this is where we start */
-    do {
-        for (index = 0; index < notified->length; ++index) {
-            _MDCVar *cv = notified->cv[index].cv;
-            PRThread *thred;
-            int i;
-            /* Fast special case: no waiting threads */
-            if (cv->waitHead == NULL) {
-                notified->cv[index].notifyHead = NULL;
-                continue;
-            }
-            /* General case */
-            if (-1 == notified->cv[index].times) {
-                /* broadcast */
-                thred = cv->waitHead;
-                while (thred != NULL) {
-                    thred->md.inCVWaitQueue = PR_FALSE;
-                    thred = thred->;
-                }
-                notified->cv[index].notifyHead = cv->waitHead;
-                cv->waitHead = cv->waitTail = NULL;
-                cv->nwait = 0;
-            } else {
-                thred = cv->waitHead;
-                i = notified->cv[index].times;
-                while (thred != NULL && i > 0) {
-                    thred->md.inCVWaitQueue = PR_FALSE;
-                    thred = thred->;
-                    i--;
-                }
-                notified->cv[index].notifyHead = cv->waitHead;
-                cv->waitHead = thred;
-                if (cv->waitHead == NULL) {
-                    cv->waitTail = NULL;
-                } else {
-                    if (cv->waitHead->md.prev != NULL) {
-                        cv->waitHead->md.prev-> = NULL;
-                        cv->waitHead->md.prev = NULL;
-                    }
-                }
-                cv->nwait -= notified->cv[index].times - i;
-            }
-        }
-        notified = notified->link;
-    } while (NULL != notified);
-    if (waitThred) {
-        AddThreadToCVWaitQueueInternal(waitThred, waitCV);
-    }
-    /* Release the lock before notifying */
-        LeaveCriticalSection(&lock->mutex);
-    notified = &post;  /* this is where we start */
-    do {
-        for (index = 0; index < notified->length; ++index) {
-            PRThread *thred;
-            PRThread *next;
-            thred = notified->cv[index].notifyHead;
-            while (thred != NULL) {
-                BOOL rv;
-                next = thred->;
-                thred->md.prev = thred-> = NULL;
-                rv = ReleaseSemaphore(thred->md.blocked_sema, 1, NULL);
-                PR_ASSERT(rv != 0);
-                thred = next;
-            }
-        }
-        prev = notified;
-        notified = notified->link;
-        if (&post != prev) PR_DELETE(prev);
-    } while (NULL != notified);
- * Notifies just get posted to the protecting mutex.  The
- * actual notification is done when the lock is released so that
- * MP systems don't contend for a lock that they can't have.
- */
-static void md_PostNotifyToCvar(_MDCVar *cvar, _MDLock *lock,
-        PRBool broadcast)
-    PRIntn index = 0;
-    _MDNotified *notified = &lock->notified;
-    while (1) {
-        for (index = 0; index < notified->length; ++index) {
-            if (notified->cv[index].cv == cvar) {
-                if (broadcast) {
-                    notified->cv[index].times = -1;
-                } else if (-1 != notified->cv[index].times) {
-                    notified->cv[index].times += 1;
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        /* if not full, enter new CV in this array */
-        if (notified->length < _MD_CV_NOTIFIED_LENGTH) break;
-        /* if there's no link, create an empty array and link it */
-        if (NULL == notified->link) {
-            notified->link = PR_NEWZAP(_MDNotified);
-        }
-        notified = notified->link;
-    }
-    /* A brand new entry in the array */
-    notified->cv[index].times = (broadcast) ? -1 : 1;
-    notified->cv[index].cv = cvar;
-    notified->length += 1;
- * _PR_MD_NEW_CV() -- Creating new condition variable
- * ... Solaris uses cond_init() in similar function.
- *
- * returns: -1 on failure
- *          0 when it succeeds.
- *
- */
-_PR_MD_NEW_CV(_MDCVar *cv)
-    cv->magic = _MD_MAGIC_CV;
-    /*
-     * The waitHead, waitTail, and nwait fields are zeroed
-     * when the PRCondVar structure is created.
-     */
-    return 0;
-void _PR_MD_FREE_CV(_MDCVar *cv)
-    cv->magic = (PRUint32)-1;
-    return;
- *  _PR_MD_WAIT_CV() -- Wait on condition variable
- */
-void _PR_MD_WAIT_CV(_MDCVar *cv, _MDLock *lock, PRIntervalTime timeout )
-    PRThread *thred = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    DWORD rv;
-    DWORD msecs = (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) ?
-            INFINITE : PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(timeout);
-    /*
-     * If we have pending notifies, post them now.
-     */
-    if (0 != lock->notified.length) {
-        md_UnlockAndPostNotifies(lock, thred, cv);
-    } else {
-        AddThreadToCVWaitQueueInternal(thred, cv);
-        LeaveCriticalSection(&lock->mutex);
-    }
-    /* Wait for notification or timeout; don't really care which */
-    rv = WaitForSingleObject(thred->md.blocked_sema, msecs);
-    EnterCriticalSection(&(lock->mutex));
-    PR_ASSERT(rv != WAIT_OBJECT_0 || thred->md.inCVWaitQueue == PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
-        if (thred->md.inCVWaitQueue) {
-            PR_ASSERT((cv->waitTail != NULL && cv->waitHead != NULL)
-                    || (cv->waitTail == NULL && cv->waitHead == NULL));
-            cv->nwait -= 1;
-            thred->md.inCVWaitQueue = PR_FALSE;
-            if (cv->waitHead == thred) {
-                cv->waitHead = thred->;
-                if (cv->waitHead == NULL) {
-                    cv->waitTail = NULL;
-                } else {
-                    cv->waitHead->md.prev = NULL;
-                }
-            } else {
-                PR_ASSERT(thred->md.prev != NULL);
-                thred->md.prev-> = thred->;
-                if (thred-> != NULL) {
-                    thred->>md.prev = thred->md.prev;
-                } else {
-                    PR_ASSERT(cv->waitTail == thred);
-                    cv->waitTail = thred->md.prev;
-                }
-            }
-            thred-> = thred->md.prev = NULL;
-        } else {
-            /*
-             * This thread must have been notified, but the
-             * ReleaseSemaphore call happens after WaitForSingleObject
-             * times out.  Wait on the semaphore again to make it
-             * non-signaled.  We assume this wait won't take long.
-             */
-            rv = WaitForSingleObject(thred->md.blocked_sema, INFINITE);
-            PR_ASSERT(rv == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
-        }
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(thred->md.inCVWaitQueue == PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-} /* --- end _PR_MD_WAIT_CV() --- */
-void _PR_MD_NOTIFY_CV(_MDCVar *cv, _MDLock *lock)
-    md_PostNotifyToCvar(cv, lock, PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-void _PR_MD_NOTIFYALL_CV(_MDCVar *cv, _MDLock *lock)
-    md_PostNotifyToCvar(cv, lock, PR_TRUE);
-    return;
-    CRITICAL_SECTION *lpCriticalSection,
-    DWORD dwSpinCount,
-    DWORD Flags);
-static INITIALIZECRITICALSECTIONEX sInitializeCriticalSectionEx;
-void _PR_MD_INIT_LOCKS(void)
-    /*
-     * Starting with Windows Vista, every CRITICAL_SECTION allocates an extra
-     * RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG object. Unfortunately, this debug object is
-     * not reclaimed by DeleteCriticalSection(), causing an apparent memory
-     * leak. This is a debugging "feature", not a bug. If we are running on
-     * Vista or later, use InitializeCriticalSectionEx() to allocate
-     * CRITICAL_SECTIONs without debug objects.
-     */
-    HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
-    PR_ASSERT(hKernel32);
-    PR_ASSERT(!sInitializeCriticalSectionEx);
-    sInitializeCriticalSectionEx = (INITIALIZECRITICALSECTIONEX)
-            GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "InitializeCriticalSectionEx");
- * By default, CRITICAL_SECTIONs are initialized with a spin count of 0.
- * Joe Duffy's "Concurrent Programming on Windows" book suggests 1500 is
- * a "reasonable starting point". On single-processor systems, the spin
- * count is ignored and the critical section spin count is set to 0.
- */
-#define LOCK_SPIN_COUNT 1500
-PRStatus _PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(_MDLock *lock)
-    CRITICAL_SECTION *cs = &lock->mutex;
-    BOOL ok;
-    if (sInitializeCriticalSectionEx) {
-        ok = sInitializeCriticalSectionEx(cs, LOCK_SPIN_COUNT,
-                                          CRITICAL_SECTION_NO_DEBUG_INFO);
-    } else {
-        ok = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(cs, LOCK_SPIN_COUNT);
-    }
-    if (!ok) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    lock->notified.length = 0;
-    lock-> = NULL;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-void _PR_MD_UNLOCK(_MDLock *lock)
-    if (0 != lock->notified.length) {
-        md_UnlockAndPostNotifies(lock, NULL, NULL);
-    } else {
-        LeaveCriticalSection(&lock->mutex);
-    }
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 90957c1..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSPR_STATIC  /* See the end of w95thred.c. */
- * The DLL entry point (DllMain) for NSPR.
- *
- * This is used to detach threads that were automatically attached by
- * nspr.
- */
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <primpl.h>
-    HINSTANCE hinstDLL,
-    DWORD fdwReason,
-    LPVOID lpvReserved)
-PRThread *me;
-    switch (fdwReason) {
-        case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
-            break;
-        case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
-            break;
-        case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
-            if (_pr_initialized) {
-                me = _MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD();
-                if ((me != NULL) && (me->flags & _PR_ATTACHED))
-                    _PRI_DetachThread();
-            }
-            break;
-        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
-            break;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95io.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95io.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bae6f8..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95io.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1373 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Windows 95 IO module
- *
- * Assumes synchronous I/O.
- *
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <direct.h>
-#include <mbstring.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-struct _MDLock               _pr_ioq_lock;
- * NSPR-to-NT access right mapping table for files.
- */
-static DWORD fileAccessTable[] = {
- * NSPR-to-NT access right mapping table for directories.
- */
-static DWORD dirAccessTable[] = {
-static PRBool IsPrevCharSlash(const char *str, const char *current);
-    WORD WSAVersion = 0x0101;
-    int err;
-    err = WSAStartup( WSAVersion, &WSAData );
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == err);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    /* Doublecheck _pr_filetime_offset's hard-coded value is correct. */
-    {
-        SYSTEMTIME systime;
-        union {
-           PRTime prt;
-           FILETIME ft;
-        } filetime;
-        BOOL rv;
-        systime.wYear = 1970;
-        systime.wMonth = 1;
-        /* wDayOfWeek is ignored */
-        systime.wDay = 1;
-        systime.wHour = 0;
-        systime.wMinute = 0;
-        systime.wSecond = 0;
-        systime.wMilliseconds = 0;
-        rv = SystemTimeToFileTime(&systime, &filetime.ft);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != rv);
-        PR_ASSERT(filetime.prt == _pr_filetime_offset);
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    _PR_NT_InitSids();
-    _PR_MD_InitSockets();
-_PR_MD_WAIT(PRThread *thread, PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    DWORD rv;
-    PRUint32 msecs = (ticks == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) ?
-        INFINITE : PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(ticks);
-    rv = WaitForSingleObject(thread->md.blocked_sema, msecs);
-    switch(rv) 
-    {
-        case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
-            return PR_SUCCESS;
-        case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
-            _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-            if (thread->state == _PR_IO_WAIT) {
-			  ;
-            } else {
-                if (thread->wait.cvar != NULL) {
-                    thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-                    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-                } else {
-                    /* The CVAR was notified just as the timeout
-                     * occurred.  This led to us being notified twice.
-                     * call WaitForSingleObject() to clear the semaphore.
-                     */
-                    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-                    rv = WaitForSingleObject(thread->md.blocked_sema, 0);
-                    PR_ASSERT(rv == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
-                }
-            }
-            return PR_SUCCESS;
-        default:
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-_PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(PRThread *thread)
-    if ( _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) 
-    {
-        if (ReleaseSemaphore(thread->md.blocked_sema, 1, NULL) == FALSE)
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        else
-			return PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-/* --- FILE IO ----------------------------------------------------------- */
- *  _PR_MD_OPEN() -- Open a file
- *
- *  returns: a fileHandle
- *
- *  The NSPR open flags (osflags) are translated into flags for Win95
- *
- *  Mode seems to be passed in as a unix style file permissions argument
- *  as in 0666, in the case of opening the logFile. 
- *
- */
-_PR_MD_OPEN(const char *name, PRIntn osflags, int mode)
-    HANDLE file;
-    PRInt32 access = 0;
-    PRInt32 flags = 0;
-    PRInt32 flag6 = 0;
-    if (osflags & PR_SYNC) flag6 = FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH;
-    if (osflags & PR_RDONLY || osflags & PR_RDWR)
-        access |= GENERIC_READ;
-    if (osflags & PR_WRONLY || osflags & PR_RDWR)
-        access |= GENERIC_WRITE;
-    if ( osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE && osflags & PR_EXCL )
-        flags = CREATE_NEW;
-    else if (osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE) {
-        if (osflags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-            flags = CREATE_ALWAYS;
-        else
-            flags = OPEN_ALWAYS;
-    } else {
-        if (osflags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-            flags = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
-        else
-            flags = OPEN_EXISTING;
-    }
-    file = CreateFileA(name,
-                       access,
-                       FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
-                       NULL,
-                       flags,
-                       flag6,
-                       NULL);
-    if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1; 
-	}
-    return (PROsfd)file;
-_PR_MD_OPEN_FILE(const char *name, PRIntn osflags, int mode)
-    HANDLE file;
-    PRInt32 access = 0;
-    PRInt32 flags = 0;
-    PRInt32 flag6 = 0;
-    PACL pACL = NULL;
-    if (osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE) {
-        if (_PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL(mode, fileAccessTable,
-                &pSD, &pACL) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
-            sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
-            sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
-            lpSA = &sa;
-        }
-    }
-    if (osflags & PR_SYNC) flag6 = FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH;
-    if (osflags & PR_RDONLY || osflags & PR_RDWR)
-        access |= GENERIC_READ;
-    if (osflags & PR_WRONLY || osflags & PR_RDWR)
-        access |= GENERIC_WRITE;
-    if ( osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE && osflags & PR_EXCL )
-        flags = CREATE_NEW;
-    else if (osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE) {
-        if (osflags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-            flags = CREATE_ALWAYS;
-        else
-            flags = OPEN_ALWAYS;
-    } else {
-        if (osflags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-            flags = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
-        else
-            flags = OPEN_EXISTING;
-    }
-    file = CreateFileA(name,
-                       access,
-                       FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
-                       lpSA,
-                       flags,
-                       flag6,
-                       NULL);
-    if (lpSA != NULL) {
-        _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL(pSD, pACL);
-    }
-    if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1; 
-	}
-    return (PROsfd)file;
-_PR_MD_READ(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 len)
-    PRUint32 bytes;
-    int rv, err;
-    rv = ReadFile((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd,
-            (LPVOID)buf,
-            len,
-            &bytes,
-            NULL);
-    if (rv == 0) 
-    {
-        err = GetLastError();
-        /* ERROR_HANDLE_EOF can only be returned by async io */
-        PR_ASSERT(err != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF);
-        if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
-            return 0;
-		else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    }
-    return bytes;
-_PR_MD_WRITE(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 len)
-    PROsfd f = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 bytes;
-    int rv;
-    rv = WriteFile((HANDLE)f,
-            buf,
-            len,
-            &bytes,
-            NULL );
-    if (rv == 0) 
-    {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_WRITE_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return bytes;
-} /* --- end _PR_MD_WRITE() --- */
-_PR_MD_LSEEK(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    DWORD moveMethod;
-    PROffset32 rv;
-    switch (whence) {
-        case PR_SEEK_SET:
-            moveMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_CUR:
-            moveMethod = FILE_CURRENT;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_END:
-            moveMethod = FILE_END;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            return -1;
-    }
-    rv = SetFilePointer((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd, offset, NULL, moveMethod);
-    /*
-     * If the lpDistanceToMoveHigh argument (third argument) is
-     * NULL, SetFilePointer returns 0xffffffff on failure.
-     */
-    if (-1 == rv) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_LSEEK_ERROR(GetLastError());
-    }
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_LSEEK64(PRFileDesc *fd, PROffset64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    DWORD moveMethod;
-    DWORD err;
-    switch (whence) {
-        case PR_SEEK_SET:
-            moveMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_CUR:
-            moveMethod = FILE_CURRENT;
-            break;
-        case PR_SEEK_END:
-            moveMethod = FILE_END;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            return -1;
-    }
-    li.QuadPart = offset;
-    li.LowPart = SetFilePointer((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd,
-            li.LowPart, &li.HighPart, moveMethod);
-    if (0xffffffff == li.LowPart && (err = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_LSEEK_ERROR(err);
-        li.QuadPart = -1;
-    }
-    return li.QuadPart;
- * This is documented to succeed on read-only files, but Win32's
- * FlushFileBuffers functions fails with "access denied" in such a
- * case.  So we only signal an error if the error is *not* "access
- * denied".
- */
-_PR_MD_FSYNC(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    /*
-     * From the documentation:
-     *
-     *	   On Windows NT, the function FlushFileBuffers fails if hFile
-     *	   is a handle to console output. That is because console
-     *	   output is not buffered. The function returns FALSE, and
-     *	   GetLastError returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.
-     *
-     * On the other hand, on Win95, it returns without error.  I cannot
-     * assume that 0, 1, and 2 are console, because if someone closes
-     * System.out and then opens a file, they might get file descriptor
-     * 1.  An error on *that* version of 1 should be reported, whereas
-     * an error on System.out (which was the original 1) should be
-     * ignored.  So I use isatty() to ensure that such an error was due
-     * to this bogosity, and if it was, I ignore the error.
-     */
-    BOOL ok = FlushFileBuffers((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd);
-    if (!ok) {
-	DWORD err = GetLastError();
-	if (err != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {	// from winerror.h
-	    return -1;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-_MD_CloseFile(PROsfd osfd)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = (CloseHandle((HANDLE)osfd))?0:-1;
-	if (rv == -1)
-		_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR(GetLastError());
-    return rv;
-/* --- DIR IO ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#define GetFileFromDIR(d)       (d)->d_entry.cFileName
-#define FileIsHidden(d)	((d)->d_entry.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
-static void FlipSlashes(char *cp, size_t len)
-    while (len-- > 0) {
-        if (cp[0] == '/') {
-            cp[0] = PR_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
-        }
-        cp = _mbsinc(cp);
-    }
-} /* end FlipSlashes() */
-** Local implementations of standard Unix RTL functions which are not provided
-** by the VC RTL.
-    if ( d ) {
-        if (FindClose(d->d_hdl)) {
-        d->magic = (PRUint32)-1;
-        return 0;
-		} else {
-			_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSEDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        	return -1;
-		}
-    }
-    return -1;
-_PR_MD_OPEN_DIR(_MDDir *d, const char *name)
-    char filename[ MAX_PATH ];
-    size_t len;
-    len = strlen(name);
-    /* Need 5 bytes for \*.* and the trailing null byte. */
-    if (len + 5 > MAX_PATH) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    strcpy(filename, name);
-    /*
-     * If 'name' ends in a slash or backslash, do not append
-     * another backslash.
-     */
-    if (IsPrevCharSlash(filename, filename + len)) {
-        len--;
-    }
-    strcpy(&filename[len], "\\*.*");
-    FlipSlashes( filename, strlen(filename) );
-    d->d_hdl = FindFirstFileA( filename, &(d->d_entry) );
-    if ( d->d_hdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    d->firstEntry = PR_TRUE;
-    d->magic = _MD_MAGIC_DIR;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-char *
-_PR_MD_READ_DIR(_MDDir *d, PRIntn flags)
-    PRInt32 err;
-    BOOL rv;
-    char *fileName;
-    if ( d ) {
-        while (1) {
-            if (d->firstEntry) {
-                d->firstEntry = PR_FALSE;
-                rv = 1;
-            } else {
-                rv = FindNextFileA(d->d_hdl, &(d->d_entry));
-            }
-            if (rv == 0) {
-                break;
-            }
-            fileName = GetFileFromDIR(d);
-            if ( (flags & PR_SKIP_DOT) &&
-                 (fileName[0] == '.') && (fileName[1] == '\0'))
-                 continue;
-            if ( (flags & PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT) &&
-                 (fileName[0] == '.') && (fileName[1] == '.') &&
-                 (fileName[2] == '\0'))
-                 continue;
-            if ( (flags & PR_SKIP_HIDDEN) && FileIsHidden(d))
-                 continue;
-            return fileName;
-        }
-        err = GetLastError();
-        PR_ASSERT(NO_ERROR != err);
-        return NULL;
-		}
-    return NULL;
-_PR_MD_DELETE(const char *name)
-    if (DeleteFileA(name)) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_DELETE_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-_PR_FileTimeToPRTime(const FILETIME *filetime, PRTime *prtm)
-    PR_ASSERT(sizeof(FILETIME) == sizeof(PRTime));
-    CopyMemory(prtm, filetime, sizeof(PRTime));
-#if defined(__MINGW32__)
-    *prtm = (*prtm - _pr_filetime_offset) / 10LL;
-    *prtm = (*prtm - _pr_filetime_offset) / 10i64;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    /* Doublecheck our calculation. */
-    {
-        SYSTEMTIME systime;
-        PRExplodedTime etm;
-        PRTime cmp; /* for comparison */
-        BOOL rv;
-        rv = FileTimeToSystemTime(filetime, &systime);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != rv);
-        /*
-         * PR_ImplodeTime ignores wday and yday.
-         */
-        etm.tm_usec = systime.wMilliseconds * PR_USEC_PER_MSEC;
-        etm.tm_sec = systime.wSecond;
-        etm.tm_min = systime.wMinute;
-        etm.tm_hour = systime.wHour;
-        etm.tm_mday = systime.wDay;
-        etm.tm_month = systime.wMonth - 1;
-        etm.tm_year = systime.wYear;
-        /*
-         * It is not well-documented what time zone the FILETIME's
-         * are in.  WIN32_FIND_DATA is documented to be in UTC (GMT).
-         * But BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION is unclear about this.
-         * By our best judgement, we assume that FILETIME is in UTC.
-         */
-        etm.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset = 0;
-        etm.tm_params.tp_dst_offset = 0;
-        cmp = PR_ImplodeTime(&etm);
-        /*
-         * SYSTEMTIME is in milliseconds precision, so we convert PRTime's
-         * microseconds to milliseconds before doing the comparison.
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT((cmp / PR_USEC_PER_MSEC) == (*prtm / PR_USEC_PER_MSEC));
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-_PR_MD_STAT(const char *fn, struct stat *info)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = _stat(fn, (struct _stat *)info);
-    if (-1 == rv) {
-        /*
-         * Check for MSVC runtime library _stat() bug.
-         * (It's really a bug in FindFirstFile().)
-         * If a pathname ends in a backslash or slash,
-         * e.g., c:\temp\ or c:/temp/, _stat() will fail.
-         * Note: a pathname ending in a slash (e.g., c:/temp/)
-         * can be handled by _stat() on NT but not on Win95.
-         *
-         * We remove the backslash or slash at the end and
-         * try again.
-         */
-        size_t len = strlen(fn);
-        if (len > 0 && len <= _MAX_PATH
-                && IsPrevCharSlash(fn, fn + len)) {
-            char newfn[_MAX_PATH + 1];
-            strcpy(newfn, fn);
-            newfn[len - 1] = '\0';
-            rv = _stat(newfn, (struct _stat *)info);
-        }
-    }
-    if (-1 == rv) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_STAT_ERROR(errno);
-    }
-    return rv;
-#define _PR_IS_SLASH(ch) ((ch) == '/' || (ch) == '\\')
-static PRBool
-IsPrevCharSlash(const char *str, const char *current)
-    const char *prev;
-    if (str >= current)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    prev = _mbsdec(str, current);
-    return (prev == current - 1) && _PR_IS_SLASH(*prev);
- * IsRootDirectory --
- *
- * Return PR_TRUE if the pathname 'fn' is a valid root directory,
- * else return PR_FALSE.  The char buffer pointed to by 'fn' must
- * be writable.  During the execution of this function, the contents
- * of the buffer pointed to by 'fn' may be modified, but on return
- * the original contents will be restored.  'buflen' is the size of
- * the buffer pointed to by 'fn'.
- *
- * Root directories come in three formats:
- * 1. / or \, meaning the root directory of the current drive.
- * 2. C:/ or C:\, where C is a drive letter.
- * 3. \\<server name>\<share point name>\ or
- *    \\<server name>\<share point name>, meaning the root directory
- *    of a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) name.
- */
-static PRBool
-IsRootDirectory(char *fn, size_t buflen)
-    char *p;
-    PRBool slashAdded = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool rv = PR_FALSE;
-    if (_PR_IS_SLASH(fn[0]) && fn[1] == '\0') {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (isalpha(fn[0]) && fn[1] == ':' && _PR_IS_SLASH(fn[2])
-            && fn[3] == '\0') {
-        rv = GetDriveType(fn) > 1 ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    /* The UNC root directory */
-    if (_PR_IS_SLASH(fn[0]) && _PR_IS_SLASH(fn[1])) {
-        /* The 'server' part should have at least one character. */
-        p = &fn[2];
-        if (*p == '\0' || _PR_IS_SLASH(*p)) {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        /* look for the next slash */
-        do {
-            p = _mbsinc(p);
-        } while (*p != '\0' && !_PR_IS_SLASH(*p));
-        if (*p == '\0') {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        /* The 'share' part should have at least one character. */
-        p++;
-        if (*p == '\0' || _PR_IS_SLASH(*p)) {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        /* look for the final slash */
-        do {
-            p = _mbsinc(p);
-        } while (*p != '\0' && !_PR_IS_SLASH(*p));
-        if (_PR_IS_SLASH(*p) && p[1] != '\0') {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (*p == '\0') {
-            /*
-             * GetDriveType() doesn't work correctly if the
-             * path is of the form \\server\share, so we add
-             * a final slash temporarily.
-             */
-            if ((p + 1) < (fn + buflen)) {
-                *p++ = '\\';
-                *p = '\0';
-                slashAdded = PR_TRUE;
-            } else {
-                return PR_FALSE; /* name too long */
-            }
-        }
-        rv = GetDriveType(fn) > 1 ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-        /* restore the 'fn' buffer */
-        if (slashAdded) {
-            *--p = '\0';
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA findFileData;
-    BOOL rv;
-    if (NULL == fn || '\0' == *fn) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    rv = GetFileAttributesEx(fn, GetFileExInfoStandard, &findFileData);
-    if (!rv) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
-        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
-    } else {
-        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;
-    }
-    info->size = findFileData.nFileSizeHigh;
-    info->size = (info->size << 32) + findFileData.nFileSizeLow;
-    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&findFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &info->modifyTime);
-    if (0 == findFileData.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime &&
-            0 == findFileData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime) {
-        info->creationTime = info->modifyTime;
-    } else {
-        _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&findFileData.ftCreationTime,
-                &info->creationTime);
-    }
-    return 0;
-_PR_MD_GETFILEINFO(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRFileInfo64 info64;
-    PRInt32 rv = _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64(fn, &info64);
-    if (0 == rv)
-    {
-        info->type = info64.type;
-        info->size = (PRUint32) info64.size;
-        info->modifyTime = info64.modifyTime;
-        info->creationTime = info64.creationTime;
-    }
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    int rv;
-    rv = GetFileInformationByHandle((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd, &hinfo);
-    if (rv == FALSE) {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_FSTAT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-	}
-    if (hinfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
-        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
-    else
-        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;
-    info->size = hinfo.nFileSizeHigh;
-    info->size = (info->size << 32) + hinfo.nFileSizeLow;
-    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&hinfo.ftLastWriteTime, &(info->modifyTime) );
-    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&hinfo.ftCreationTime, &(info->creationTime) );
-    return 0;
-_PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO(const PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRFileInfo64 info64;
-    int rv = _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(fd, &info64);
-    if (0 == rv)
-    {
-        info->type = info64.type;
-        info->modifyTime = info64.modifyTime;
-        info->creationTime = info64.creationTime;
-        LL_L2I(info->size, info64.size);
-    }
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_SET_FD_INHERITABLE(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool inheritable)
-    BOOL rv;
-    /*
-     * The SetHandleInformation function fails with the
-     * ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED error on Win95.
-     */
-    rv = SetHandleInformation(
-            (HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd,
-            inheritable ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0);
-    if (0 == rv) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-_PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool imported)
-    if (imported) {
-        fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN;
-    } else {
-        fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_FALSE;
-    }
-    DWORD flags;
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_TRI_UNKNOWN == fd->secret->inheritable);
-    if (GetHandleInformation((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd, &flags)) {
-        if (flags & HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT) {
-            fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-_PR_MD_RENAME(const char *from, const char *to)
-    /* Does this work with dot-relative pathnames? */
-    if (MoveFileA(from, to)) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_RENAME_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-_PR_MD_ACCESS(const char *name, PRAccessHow how)
-PRInt32 rv;
-    switch (how) {
-      case PR_ACCESS_WRITE_OK:
-        rv = _access(name, 02);
-		break;
-      case PR_ACCESS_READ_OK:
-        rv = _access(name, 04);
-		break;
-      case PR_ACCESS_EXISTS:
-        return _access(name, 00);
-	  	break;
-      default:
-		return -1;
-    }
-	if (rv < 0)
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_MKDIR(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-    /* XXXMB - how to translate the "mode"??? */
-    if (CreateDirectoryA(name, NULL)) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_MKDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-_PR_MD_MAKE_DIR(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-    BOOL rv;
-    PACL pACL = NULL;
-    if (_PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL(mode, dirAccessTable,
-            &pSD, &pACL) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-        sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
-        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
-        sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
-        lpSA = &sa;
-    }
-    rv = CreateDirectoryA(name, lpSA);
-    if (lpSA != NULL) {
-        _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL(pSD, pACL);
-    }
-    if (rv) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_MKDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-_PR_MD_RMDIR(const char *name)
-    if (RemoveDirectoryA(name)) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_RMDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    PRStatus  rc = PR_SUCCESS;
-	DWORD     rv;
-	rv = LockFile( (HANDLE)f,
-		0l, 0l,
-		0x0l, 0xffffffffl ); 
-	if ( rv == 0 ) {
-        DWORD err = GetLastError();
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(err);
-        PR_LOG( _pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("_PR_MD_LOCKFILE() failed. Error: %d", err ));
-        rc = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return rc;
-} /* end _PR_MD_LOCKFILE() */
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-} /* end _PR_MD_TLOCKFILE() */
-	PRInt32   rv;
-    rv = UnlockFile( (HANDLE) f,
-    		0l, 0l,
-            0x0l, 0xffffffffl ); 
-    if ( rv )
-    {
-    	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-		_PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(GetLastError());
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-} /* end _PR_MD_UNLOCKFILE() */
-    if (NULL == fd)
-	else
-    return -1;
-static CreateFileWFn createFileW = CreateFileW;
-static FindFirstFileWFn findFirstFileW = FindFirstFileW;
-static FindNextFileWFn findNextFileW = FindNextFileW;
-static GetFullPathNameWFn getFullPathNameW = GetFullPathNameW;
-typedef UINT (WINAPI *GetDriveTypeWFn) (LPCWSTR);
-static GetDriveTypeWFn getDriveTypeW = GetDriveTypeW;
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-/* ================ UTF16 Interfaces ================================ */
-static void FlipSlashesW(PRUnichar *cp, size_t len)
-    while (len-- > 0) {
-        if (cp[0] == L'/') {
-            cp[0] = L'\\';
-        }
-        cp++;
-    }
-} /* end FlipSlashesW() */
-_PR_MD_OPEN_FILE_UTF16(const PRUnichar *name, PRIntn osflags, int mode)
-    HANDLE file;
-    PRInt32 access = 0;
-    PRInt32 flags = 0;
-    PRInt32 flag6 = 0;
-    PACL pACL = NULL;
-    if (osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE) {
-        if (_PR_NT_MakeSecurityDescriptorACL(mode, fileAccessTable,
-                &pSD, &pACL) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
-            sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
-            sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
-            lpSA = &sa;
-        }
-    }
-    if (osflags & PR_SYNC) flag6 = FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH;
-    if (osflags & PR_RDONLY || osflags & PR_RDWR)
-        access |= GENERIC_READ;
-    if (osflags & PR_WRONLY || osflags & PR_RDWR)
-        access |= GENERIC_WRITE;
-    if ( osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE && osflags & PR_EXCL )
-        flags = CREATE_NEW;
-    else if (osflags & PR_CREATE_FILE) {
-        if (osflags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-            flags = CREATE_ALWAYS;
-        else
-            flags = OPEN_ALWAYS;
-    } else {
-        if (osflags & PR_TRUNCATE)
-            flags = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
-        else
-            flags = OPEN_EXISTING;
-    }
-    file = createFileW(name,
-                       access,
-                       FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
-                       lpSA,
-                       flags,
-                       flag6,
-                       NULL);
-    if (lpSA != NULL) {
-        _PR_NT_FreeSecurityDescriptorACL(pSD, pACL);
-    }
-    if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return (PROsfd)file;
-_PR_MD_OPEN_DIR_UTF16(_MDDirUTF16 *d, const PRUnichar *name)
-    PRUnichar filename[ MAX_PATH ];
-    int len;
-    len = wcslen(name);
-    /* Need 5 bytes for \*.* and the trailing null byte. */
-    if (len + 5 > MAX_PATH) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    wcscpy(filename, name);
-    /*
-     * If 'name' ends in a slash or backslash, do not append
-     * another backslash.
-     */
-    if (filename[len - 1] == L'/' || filename[len - 1] == L'\\') {
-        len--;
-    }
-    wcscpy(&filename[len], L"\\*.*");
-    FlipSlashesW( filename, wcslen(filename) );
-    d->d_hdl = findFirstFileW( filename, &(d->d_entry) );
-    if ( d->d_hdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    d->firstEntry = PR_TRUE;
-    d->magic = _MD_MAGIC_DIR;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRUnichar *
-_PR_MD_READ_DIR_UTF16(_MDDirUTF16 *d, PRIntn flags)
-    PRInt32 err;
-    BOOL rv;
-    PRUnichar *fileName;
-    if ( d ) {
-        while (1) {
-            if (d->firstEntry) {
-                d->firstEntry = PR_FALSE;
-                rv = 1;
-            } else {
-                rv = findNextFileW(d->d_hdl, &(d->d_entry));
-            }
-            if (rv == 0) {
-                break;
-            }
-            fileName = GetFileFromDIR(d);
-            if ( (flags & PR_SKIP_DOT) &&
-                 (fileName[0] == L'.') && (fileName[1] == L'\0'))
-                continue;
-            if ( (flags & PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT) &&
-                 (fileName[0] == L'.') && (fileName[1] == L'.') &&
-                 (fileName[2] == L'\0'))
-                continue;
-            if ( (flags & PR_SKIP_HIDDEN) && FileIsHidden(d))
-                continue;
-            return fileName;
-        }
-        err = GetLastError();
-        PR_ASSERT(NO_ERROR != err);
-        _PR_MD_MAP_READDIR_ERROR(err);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-    if ( d ) {
-        if (FindClose(d->d_hdl)) {
-            d->magic = (PRUint32)-1;
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSEDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    return -1;
-#define _PR_IS_W_SLASH(ch) ((ch) == L'/' || (ch) == L'\\')
- * IsRootDirectoryW --
- *
- * Return PR_TRUE if the pathname 'fn' is a valid root directory,
- * else return PR_FALSE.  The PRUnichar buffer pointed to by 'fn' must
- * be writable.  During the execution of this function, the contents
- * of the buffer pointed to by 'fn' may be modified, but on return
- * the original contents will be restored.  'buflen' is the size of
- * the buffer pointed to by 'fn', in PRUnichars.
- *
- * Root directories come in three formats:
- * 1. / or \, meaning the root directory of the current drive.
- * 2. C:/ or C:\, where C is a drive letter.
- * 3. \\<server name>\<share point name>\ or
- *    \\<server name>\<share point name>, meaning the root directory
- *    of a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) name.
- */
-static PRBool
-IsRootDirectoryW(PRUnichar *fn, size_t buflen)
-    PRUnichar *p;
-    PRBool slashAdded = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool rv = PR_FALSE;
-    if (_PR_IS_W_SLASH(fn[0]) && fn[1] == L'\0') {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (iswalpha(fn[0]) && fn[1] == L':' && _PR_IS_W_SLASH(fn[2])
-            && fn[3] == L'\0') {
-        rv = getDriveTypeW(fn) > 1 ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    /* The UNC root directory */
-    if (_PR_IS_W_SLASH(fn[0]) && _PR_IS_W_SLASH(fn[1])) {
-        /* The 'server' part should have at least one character. */
-        p = &fn[2];
-        if (*p == L'\0' || _PR_IS_W_SLASH(*p)) {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        /* look for the next slash */
-        do {
-            p++;
-        } while (*p != L'\0' && !_PR_IS_W_SLASH(*p));
-        if (*p == L'\0') {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        /* The 'share' part should have at least one character. */
-        p++;
-        if (*p == L'\0' || _PR_IS_W_SLASH(*p)) {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        /* look for the final slash */
-        do {
-            p++;
-        } while (*p != L'\0' && !_PR_IS_W_SLASH(*p));
-        if (_PR_IS_W_SLASH(*p) && p[1] != L'\0') {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (*p == L'\0') {
-            /*
-             * GetDriveType() doesn't work correctly if the
-             * path is of the form \\server\share, so we add
-             * a final slash temporarily.
-             */
-            if ((p + 1) < (fn + buflen)) {
-                *p++ = L'\\';
-                *p = L'\0';
-                slashAdded = PR_TRUE;
-            } else {
-                return PR_FALSE; /* name too long */
-            }
-        }
-        rv = getDriveTypeW(fn) > 1 ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-        /* restore the 'fn' buffer */
-        if (slashAdded) {
-            *--p = L'\0';
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64_UTF16(const PRUnichar *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    HANDLE hFindFile;
-    WIN32_FIND_DATAW findFileData;
-    PRUnichar pathbuf[MAX_PATH + 1];
-    if (NULL == fn || L'\0' == *fn) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /*
-     * FindFirstFile() expands wildcard characters.  So
-     * we make sure the pathname contains no wildcard.
-     */
-    if (NULL != wcspbrk(fn, L"?*")) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, 0);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    hFindFile = findFirstFileW(fn, &findFileData);
-    if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFindFile) {
-        DWORD len;
-        PRUnichar *filePart;
-        /*
-         * FindFirstFile() does not work correctly on root directories.
-         * It also doesn't work correctly on a pathname that ends in a
-         * slash.  So we first check to see if the pathname specifies a
-         * root directory.  If not, and if the pathname ends in a slash,
-         * we remove the final slash and try again.
-         */
-        /*
-         * If the pathname does not contain ., \, and /, it cannot be
-         * a root directory or a pathname that ends in a slash.
-         */
-        if (NULL == wcspbrk(fn, L".\\/")) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-            return -1;
-        } 
-        len = getFullPathNameW(fn, sizeof(pathbuf)/sizeof(pathbuf[0]), pathbuf,
-                &filePart);
-        if (0 == len) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (len > sizeof(pathbuf)/sizeof(pathbuf[0])) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR, 0);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (IsRootDirectoryW(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf)/sizeof(pathbuf[0]))) {
-            info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
-            info->size = 0;
-            /*
-             * These timestamps don't make sense for root directories.
-             */
-            info->modifyTime = 0;
-            info->creationTime = 0;
-            return 0;
-        }
-        if (!_PR_IS_W_SLASH(pathbuf[len - 1])) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-            return -1;
-        } else {
-            pathbuf[len - 1] = L'\0';
-            hFindFile = findFirstFileW(pathbuf, &findFileData);
-            if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFindFile) {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR(GetLastError());
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    FindClose(hFindFile);
-    if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
-        info->type = PR_FILE_DIRECTORY;
-    } else {
-        info->type = PR_FILE_FILE;
-    }
-    info->size = findFileData.nFileSizeHigh;
-    info->size = (info->size << 32) + findFileData.nFileSizeLow;
-    _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&findFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &info->modifyTime);
-    if (0 == findFileData.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime &&
-            0 == findFileData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime) {
-        info->creationTime = info->modifyTime;
-    } else {
-        _PR_FileTimeToPRTime(&findFileData.ftCreationTime,
-                &info->creationTime);
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* ================ end of UTF16 Interfaces ================================ */
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95sock.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95sock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c3ddd9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95sock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Win95 Sockets module
- *
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#define READ_FD     1
-#define WRITE_FD    2
-#define CONNECT_FD  3
-static PRInt32 socket_io_wait(
-    PROsfd osfd, 
-    PRInt32 fd_type,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout);
-/* --- SOCKET IO --------------------------------------------------------- */
-static PRBool socketFixInet6RcvBuf = PR_FALSE;
-void _PR_MD_InitSockets(void)
-    memset(&osvi, 0, sizeof(osvi));
-    osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi);
-    GetVersionEx(&osvi);
-    if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1)
-    {
-        /* if Windows XP (32-bit) */
-        socketFixInet6RcvBuf = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-void _PR_MD_CleanupSockets(void)
-    socketFixInet6RcvBuf = PR_FALSE;
-_PR_MD_SOCKET(int af, int type, int flags)
-    SOCKET sock;
-    u_long one = 1;
-    sock = socket(af, type, flags);
-    if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) 
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SOCKET_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-        return (PROsfd)sock;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Make the socket Non-Blocking
-    */
-    if (ioctlsocket( sock, FIONBIO, &one) != 0)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, WSAGetLastError());
-        closesocket(sock);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (af == AF_INET6 && socketFixInet6RcvBuf)
-    {
-        int bufsize;
-        int len = sizeof(bufsize);
-        int rv;
-        /* Windows XP 32-bit returns an error on getpeername() for AF_INET6
-         * sockets if the receive buffer size is greater than 65535 before
-         * the connection is initiated. The default receive buffer size may
-         * be 128000 so fix it here to always be <= 65535. See bug 513659
-         * and IBM DB2 support technote "Receive/Send IPv6 Socket Size
-         * Problem in Windows XP SP2 & SP3".
-         */
-        rv = getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&bufsize, &len);
-        if (rv == 0 && bufsize > 65535)
-        {
-            bufsize = 65535;
-            setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&bufsize, len);
-        }
-    }
-    return (PROsfd)sock;
-** _MD_CloseSocket() -- Close a socket
-_MD_CloseSocket(PROsfd osfd)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = closesocket((SOCKET) osfd );
-    if (rv < 0)
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-    return rv;
-_MD_SocketAvailable(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 result;
-    if (ioctlsocket(fd->secret->md.osfd, FIONREAD, &result) < 0) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, WSAGetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return result;
-PROsfd _MD_Accept(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, 
-    PRNetAddr *raddr, 
-    PRUint32 *rlen,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout )
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    SOCKET sock;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    while ((sock = accept(osfd, (struct sockaddr *) raddr, rlen)) == -1) 
-    {
-        err = WSAGetLastError();
-        if ((err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-        {
-            if ((rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, READ_FD, timeout)) < 0)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_ACCEPT_ERROR(err);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return(sock);
-} /* end _MD_accept() */
-_PR_MD_CONNECT(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, 
-               PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    int     err;
-    if ((rv = connect(osfd, (struct sockaddr *) addr, addrlen)) == -1) 
-    {
-        err = WSAGetLastError();
-        if ((!fd->secret->nonblocking) && (err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK))
-        {
-            rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, CONNECT_FD, timeout);
-            if ( rv < 0 )
-            {
-                return(-1);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                PR_ASSERT(rv > 0);
-                /* it's connected */
-                return(0);
-            } 
-        }
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_BIND(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = bind(fd->secret->md.osfd, (const struct sockaddr *)&(addr->inet), addrlen);
-    if (rv == SOCKET_ERROR)  {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_BIND_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-_PR_MD_LISTEN(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = listen(fd->secret->md.osfd, backlog);
-    if (rv == SOCKET_ERROR)  {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-_PR_MD_RECV(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags, 
-            PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    int osflags;
-    if (0 == flags) {
-        osflags = 0;
-    } else {
-        PR_ASSERT(PR_MSG_PEEK == flags);
-        osflags = MSG_PEEK;
-    }
-    while ((rv = recv( osfd, buf, amount, osflags)) == -1) 
-    {
-        if (((err = WSAGetLastError()) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) 
-            && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-        {
-            rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, READ_FD, timeout);
-            if ( rv < 0 )
-            {
-                return -1;
-            } 
-        } 
-        else 
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_RECV_ERROR(err);
-            break;
-        }
-    } /* end while() */
-    return(rv);
-_PR_MD_SEND(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-            PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRInt32 bytesSent = 0;
-    while(bytesSent < amount ) 
-    {
-        while ((rv = send( osfd, buf, amount, 0 )) == -1) 
-        {
-            if (((err = WSAGetLastError()) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) 
-                && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-            {
-                rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout);
-                if ( rv < 0 )
-                {
-                    return -1;
-                }
-            } 
-            else 
-            {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_SEND_ERROR(err);
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        bytesSent += rv;
-        if (fd->secret->nonblocking)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (bytesSent < amount) 
-        {
-            rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout);
-            if ( rv < 0 )
-            {
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return bytesSent;
-_PR_MD_SENDTO(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-              const PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    PRInt32 bytesSent = 0;
-    while(bytesSent < amount) 
-    {
-        while ((rv = sendto( osfd, buf, amount, 0, (struct sockaddr *) addr,
-                addrlen)) == -1) 
-        {
-            if (((err = WSAGetLastError()) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) 
-                && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-            {
-                rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout);
-                if ( rv < 0 )
-                {
-                    return -1;
-                }
-            } 
-            else 
-            {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_SENDTO_ERROR(err);
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        bytesSent += rv;
-        if (fd->secret->nonblocking)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (bytesSent < amount) 
-        {
-            rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, WRITE_FD, timeout);
-            if (rv < 0) 
-            {
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return bytesSent;
-_PR_MD_RECVFROM(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
-                PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PROsfd osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    PRInt32 rv, err;
-    while ((rv = recvfrom( osfd, buf, amount, 0, (struct sockaddr *) addr,
-            addrlen)) == -1) 
-    {
-        if (((err = WSAGetLastError()) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) 
-            && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-        {
-            rv = socket_io_wait(osfd, READ_FD, timeout);
-            if ( rv < 0)
-            {
-                return -1;
-            } 
-        } 
-        else 
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_RECVFROM_ERROR(err);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return(rv);
-_PR_MD_WRITEV(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov, PRInt32 iov_size, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    int index;
-    int sent = 0;
-    int rv;
-    for (index=0; index < iov_size; index++) 
-    {
-        rv = _PR_MD_SEND(fd, iov[index].iov_base, iov[index].iov_len, 0, timeout);
-        if (rv > 0) 
-            sent += rv;
-        if ( rv != iov[index].iov_len ) 
-        {
-            if (rv < 0)
-            {
-                if (fd->secret->nonblocking
-                    && (PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR)
-                    && (sent > 0))
-                {
-                    return sent;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return -1;
-                }
-            }
-            /* Only a nonblocking socket can have partial sends */
-            PR_ASSERT(fd->secret->nonblocking);
-            return sent;
-        }
-    }
-    return sent;
-_PR_MD_SHUTDOWN(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how)
-PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = shutdown(fd->secret->md.osfd, how);
-    if (rv < 0)
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_GETSOCKNAME(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *len)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = getsockname((SOCKET)fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, len);
-    if (rv==0) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-_PR_MD_GETPEERNAME(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 *len)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = getpeername((SOCKET)fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, len);
-    if (rv==0) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-_PR_MD_GETSOCKOPT(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level, PRInt32 optname, char* optval, PRInt32* optlen)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = getsockopt((SOCKET)fd->secret->md.osfd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
-    if (rv==0) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-_PR_MD_SETSOCKOPT(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 level, PRInt32 optname, const char* optval, PRInt32 optlen)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    rv = setsockopt((SOCKET)fd->secret->md.osfd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
-    if (rv==0) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-_MD_MakeNonblock(PRFileDesc *f)
-    return; /* do nothing */
- * socket_io_wait --
- *
- * Wait for socket i/o, periodically checking for interrupt.
- *
- * This function returns 1 on success.  On failure, it returns
- * -1 and sets the error codes.  It never returns 0.
- */
-static PRInt32 socket_io_wait(
-    PROsfd osfd, 
-    PRInt32 fd_type,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1;
-    struct timeval tv;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRIntervalTime elapsed, remaining;
-    PRBool wait_for_remaining;
-    fd_set rd_wr, ex;
-    int err, len;
-    switch (timeout) {
-        case PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT:
-            PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-            break;
-            /*
-             * This is a special case of the 'default' case below.
-             * Please see the comments there.
-             */
-            tv.tv_sec = _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS;
-            tv.tv_usec = 0;
-            FD_ZERO(&rd_wr);
-            FD_ZERO(&ex);
-            do {
-                FD_SET(osfd, &rd_wr);
-                FD_SET(osfd, &ex);
-                switch( fd_type )
-                {
-                    case READ_FD:
-                        rv = _MD_SELECT(0, &rd_wr, NULL, NULL, &tv);
-                        break;
-                    case WRITE_FD:
-                        rv = _MD_SELECT(0, NULL, &rd_wr, NULL, &tv);
-                        break;
-                    case CONNECT_FD:
-                        rv = _MD_SELECT(0, NULL, &rd_wr, &ex, &tv);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        PR_ASSERT(0);
-                        break;
-                } /* end switch() */
-                if (rv == -1 )
-                {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-                    break;
-                }
-                if ( rv > 0 && fd_type == CONNECT_FD )
-                {
-                    /*
-                     * Call Sleep(0) to work around a Winsock timing bug.
-                     */
-                    Sleep(0);
-                    if (FD_ISSET((SOCKET)osfd, &ex))
-                    {
-                        len = sizeof(err);
-                        if (getsockopt(osfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR,
-                                (char *) &err, &len) == SOCKET_ERROR)
-                        {  
-                            _PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-                            return -1;
-                        }
-                        if (err != 0)
-                            _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-                        else
-                            PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-                        return -1;
-                    }
-                    if (FD_ISSET((SOCKET)osfd, &rd_wr))
-                    {
-                        /* it's connected */
-                        return 1;
-                    }
-                    PR_ASSERT(0);
-                }
-                if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                    me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                    rv = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-            } while (rv == 0);
-            break;
-        default:
-            remaining = timeout;
-            FD_ZERO(&rd_wr);
-            FD_ZERO(&ex);
-            do {
-                /*
-                 * We block in _MD_SELECT for at most
-                 * _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS seconds,
-                 * so that there is an upper limit on the delay
-                 * before the interrupt bit is checked.
-                 */
-                wait_for_remaining = PR_TRUE;
-                tv.tv_sec = PR_IntervalToSeconds(remaining);
-                if (tv.tv_sec > _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS) {
-                    wait_for_remaining = PR_FALSE;
-                    tv.tv_sec = _PR_INTERRUPT_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECS;
-                    tv.tv_usec = 0;
-                } else {
-                    tv.tv_usec = PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(
-                        remaining -
-                        PR_SecondsToInterval(tv.tv_sec));
-                }
-                FD_SET(osfd, &rd_wr);
-                FD_SET(osfd, &ex);
-                switch( fd_type )
-                {
-                    case READ_FD:
-                        rv = _MD_SELECT(0, &rd_wr, NULL, NULL, &tv);
-                        break;
-                    case WRITE_FD:
-                        rv = _MD_SELECT(0, NULL, &rd_wr, NULL, &tv);
-                        break;
-                    case CONNECT_FD:
-                        rv = _MD_SELECT(0, NULL, &rd_wr, &ex, &tv);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        PR_ASSERT(0);
-                        break;
-                } /* end switch() */
-                if (rv == -1)
-                {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-                    break;
-                }
-                if ( rv > 0 && fd_type == CONNECT_FD )
-                {
-                    /*
-                     * Call Sleep(0) to work around a Winsock timing bug.
-                     */
-                    Sleep(0);
-                    if (FD_ISSET((SOCKET)osfd, &ex))
-                    {
-                        len = sizeof(err);
-                        if (getsockopt(osfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR,
-                                (char *) &err, &len) == SOCKET_ERROR)
-                        {  
-                            _PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR(WSAGetLastError());
-                            return -1;
-                        }
-                        if (err != 0)
-                            _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-                        else
-                            PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-                        return -1;
-                    }
-                    if (FD_ISSET((SOCKET)osfd, &rd_wr))
-                    {
-                        /* it's connected */
-                        return 1;
-                    }
-                    PR_ASSERT(0);
-                }
-                if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(me)) {
-                    me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0);
-                    rv = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*
-                 * We loop again if _MD_SELECT timed out and the
-                 * timeout deadline has not passed yet.
-                 */
-                if (rv == 0 )
-                {
-                    if (wait_for_remaining) {
-                        elapsed = remaining;
-                    } else {
-                        elapsed = PR_SecondsToInterval(tv.tv_sec) 
-                                    + PR_MicrosecondsToInterval(tv.tv_usec);
-                    }
-                    if (elapsed >= remaining) {
-                        PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-                        rv = -1;
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        remaining = remaining - elapsed;
-                    }
-                }
-            } while (rv == 0 );
-            break;
-    }
-    return(rv);
-} /* end socket_io_wait() */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2741d94..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <process.h>  /* for _beginthreadex() */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
- * VC++ 6.0 doesn't have DWORD_PTR.
- */
-#endif /* _MSC_VER <= 1200 */
-/* --- globals ------------------------------------------------ */
-__declspec(thread) struct PRThread  *_pr_thread_last_run;
-__declspec(thread) struct PRThread  *_pr_currentThread;
-__declspec(thread) struct _PRCPU    *_pr_currentCPU;
-DWORD _pr_currentThreadIndex;
-DWORD _pr_lastThreadIndex;
-DWORD _pr_currentCPUIndex;
-int                           _pr_intsOff = 0; 
-_PRInterruptTable             _pr_interruptTable[] = { { 0 } };
-    _pr_currentThreadIndex = TlsAlloc();
-    _pr_lastThreadIndex = TlsAlloc();
-    _pr_currentCPUIndex = TlsAlloc();
-    _PR_NT_FreeSids();
-    _PR_MD_CleanupSockets();
-    WSACleanup();
-    TlsFree(_pr_currentThreadIndex);
-    TlsFree(_pr_lastThreadIndex);
-    TlsFree(_pr_currentCPUIndex);
-_PR_MD_INIT_THREAD(PRThread *thread)
-    if (thread->flags & (_PR_PRIMORDIAL | _PR_ATTACHED)) {
-        /*
-        ** Warning:
-        ** --------
-        ** NSPR requires a real handle to every thread.
-        ** GetCurrentThread() returns a pseudo-handle which
-        ** is not suitable for some thread operations (e.g.,
-        ** suspending).  Therefore, get a real handle from
-        ** the pseudo handle via DuplicateHandle(...)
-        */
-        BOOL ok = DuplicateHandle(
-                GetCurrentProcess(),     /* Process of source handle */
-                GetCurrentThread(),      /* Pseudo Handle to dup */
-                GetCurrentProcess(),     /* Process of handle */
-                &(thread->md.handle),    /* resulting handle */
-                0L,                      /* access flags */
-                FALSE,                   /* Inheritable */
-                DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);  /* Options */
-        if (!ok) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        thread->id = GetCurrentThreadId();
-        thread-> = thread->id;
-    }
-    /* Create the blocking IO semaphore */
-    thread->md.blocked_sema = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL);
-    if (thread->md.blocked_sema == NULL)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-	else
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-static unsigned __stdcall
-pr_root(void *arg)
-    PRThread *thread = (PRThread *)arg;
-    thread->md.start(thread);
-    return 0;
-_PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD(PRThread *thread, 
-                  void (*start)(void *), 
-                  PRThreadPriority priority, 
-                  PRThreadScope scope, 
-                  PRThreadState state, 
-                  PRUint32 stackSize)
-    thread->md.start = start;
-    thread->md.handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(
-                    NULL,
-                    thread->stack->stackSize,
-                    pr_root,
-                    (void *)thread,
-                    &(thread->id));
-    if(!thread->md.handle) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    thread-> = thread->id;
-    /*
-     * On windows, a thread is created with a thread priority of
-     */
-    if (priority != PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL) {
-        _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(&(thread->md), priority);
-    }
-    /* Activate the thread */
-    if ( ResumeThread( thread->md.handle ) != -1)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    /* Can NT really yield at all? */
-    Sleep(0);
-_PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(_MDThread *thread, PRThreadPriority newPri)
-    int nativePri;
-    BOOL rv;
-    if (newPri < PR_PRIORITY_FIRST) {
-        newPri = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    } else if (newPri > PR_PRIORITY_LAST) {
-        newPri = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    }
-    switch (newPri) {
-        case PR_PRIORITY_LOW:
-            nativePri = THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL;
-            break;
-        case PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL:
-            nativePri = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
-            break;
-        case PR_PRIORITY_HIGH:
-            nativePri = THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL;
-            break;
-        case PR_PRIORITY_URGENT:
-            nativePri = THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
-    }
-    rv = SetThreadPriority(thread->handle, nativePri);
-    PR_ASSERT(rv);
-    if (!rv) {
-	PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-                ("PR_SetThreadPriority: can't set thread priority\n"));
-    }
-    return;
-const DWORD MS_VC_EXCEPTION = 0x406D1388;
-#pragma pack(push,8)
-typedef struct tagTHREADNAME_INFO
-   DWORD dwType; // Must be 0x1000.
-   LPCSTR szName; // Pointer to name (in user addr space).
-   DWORD dwThreadID; // Thread ID (-1=caller thread).
-   DWORD dwFlags; // Reserved for future use, must be zero.
-#pragma pack(pop)
-_PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD_NAME(const char *name)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-   if (!IsDebuggerPresent())
-      return;
-   info.dwType = 0x1000;
-   info.szName = (char*) name;
-   info.dwThreadID = -1;
-   info.dwFlags = 0;
-   __try {
-      RaiseException(MS_VC_EXCEPTION,
-                     0,
-                     sizeof(info) / sizeof(ULONG_PTR),
-                     (ULONG_PTR*)&info);
-   }
-_PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(PRThread *thread)
-    BOOL rv;
-    if (thread->md.blocked_sema) {
-        rv = CloseHandle(thread->md.blocked_sema);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv);
-        thread->md.blocked_sema = 0;
-    }
-    if (thread->md.handle) {
-        rv = CloseHandle(thread->md.handle);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv);
-        thread->md.handle = 0;
-    }
-_PR_MD_EXIT_THREAD(PRThread *thread)
-    _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(thread);
-_PR_MD_EXIT(PRIntn status)
-    _exit(status);
-PRInt32 _PR_MD_SETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 mask )
-#ifdef WINCE
-    return -1;
-    DWORD_PTR rv;
-    rv = SetThreadAffinityMask(thread->md.handle, mask);
-    return rv?0:-1;
-PRInt32 _PR_MD_GETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 *mask)
-#ifdef WINCE
-    return -1;
-    BOOL rv;
-    DWORD_PTR process_mask;
-    DWORD_PTR system_mask;
-    rv = GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(),
-            &process_mask, &system_mask);
-    if (rv)
-        *mask = (PRUint32)process_mask;
-    return rv?0:-1;
-    _PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(cpu->thread);
-    _PR_MD_RESUME_THREAD(cpu->thread);
-_PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(PRThread *thread)
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-        DWORD previousSuspendCount;
-        /* XXXMB - SuspendThread() is not a blocking call; how do we
-         * know when the thread is *REALLY* suspended?
-         */
-        previousSuspendCount = SuspendThread(thread->md.handle);
-        PR_ASSERT(previousSuspendCount == 0);
-    }
-_PR_MD_RESUME_THREAD(PRThread *thread)
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-        DWORD previousSuspendCount;
-        previousSuspendCount = ResumeThread(thread->md.handle);
-        PR_ASSERT(previousSuspendCount == 1);
-    }
-PRThread *thread;
-   	if (NULL == thread) {
-		thread = _PRI_AttachThread(
-	}
-	PR_ASSERT(thread != NULL);
-	return thread;
-// The following code is from Chromium src/base/,
-// r11329.
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-//    * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Thread Termination Callbacks.
-// Windows doesn't support a per-thread destructor with its
-// TLS primitives.  So, we build it manually by inserting a
-// function to be called on each thread's exit.
-// This magic is from
-// and it works for VC++ 7.0 and later.
-// Force a reference to _tls_used to make the linker create the TLS directory
-// if it's not already there.  (e.g. if __declspec(thread) is not used).
-// Force a reference to p_thread_callback_nspr to prevent whole program
-// optimization from discarding the variable.
-#ifdef _WIN64
-#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_tls_used")
-#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:p_thread_callback_nspr")
-#else  // _WIN64
-#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:__tls_used")
-#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_p_thread_callback_nspr")
-#endif  // _WIN64
-// Static callback function to call with each thread termination.
-static void NTAPI PR_OnThreadExit(PVOID module, DWORD reason, PVOID reserved)
-PRThread *me;
-    switch (reason) {
-        case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
-            break;
-        case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
-            break;
-        case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
-            if (_pr_initialized) {
-                me = _MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD();
-                if ((me != NULL) && (me->flags & _PR_ATTACHED))
-                    _PRI_DetachThread();
-            }
-            break;
-        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
-            break;
-    }
-// .CRT$XLA to .CRT$XLZ is an array of PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK pointers that are
-// called automatically by the OS loader code (not the CRT) when the module is
-// loaded and on thread creation. They are NOT called if the module has been
-// loaded by a LoadLibrary() call. It must have implicitly been loaded at
-// process startup.
-// By implicitly loaded, I mean that it is directly referenced by the main EXE
-// or by one of its dependent DLLs. Delay-loaded DLL doesn't count as being
-// implicitly loaded.
-// See VC\crt\src\tlssup.c for reference.
-// The linker must not discard p_thread_callback_nspr.  (We force a reference
-// to this variable with a linker /INCLUDE:symbol pragma to ensure that.) If
-// this variable is discarded, the PR_OnThreadExit function will never be
-// called.
-#ifdef _WIN64
-// .CRT section is merged with .rdata on x64 so it must be constant data.
-#pragma const_seg(".CRT$XLB")
-// When defining a const variable, it must have external linkage to be sure the
-// linker doesn't discard it.
-extern const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_nspr;
-const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_nspr = PR_OnThreadExit;
-// Reset the default section.
-#pragma const_seg()
-#else  // _WIN64
-#pragma data_seg(".CRT$XLB")
-PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_nspr = PR_OnThreadExit;
-// Reset the default section.
-#pragma data_seg()
-#endif  // _WIN64
-#endif  // NSPR_STATIC
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/win32_errors.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/win32_errors.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d26820a..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/win32_errors.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <windows.h>
- * On Win32, we map three kinds of error codes:
- * - GetLastError(): for Win32 functions
- * - WSAGetLastError(): for Winsock functions
- * - errno: for standard C library functions
- * 
- * GetLastError() and WSAGetLastError() return error codes in
- * non-overlapping ranges, so their error codes (ERROR_* and
- * WSAE*) can be mapped by the same function.  On the other hand,
- * errno and GetLastError() have overlapping ranges, so we need
- * to use a separate function to map errno.
- *
- * We do not check for WSAEINPROGRESS and WSAEINTR because we do not
- * use blocking Winsock 1.1 calls.
- *
- * Except for the 'socket' call, we do not check for WSAEINITIALISED.
- * It is assumed that if Winsock is not initialized, that fact will
- * be detected at the time we create new sockets.
- */
-static void _MD_win32_map_default_errno(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case EACCES:
-            prError = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ENOENT:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            prError = PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_default_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED:
-            prError = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_DISK_CORRUPT:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR; 
-            break;
-        case ERROR_DISK_FULL:
-            prError = PR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED:
-            prError = PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS:
-            prError = PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_FILE_INVALID:
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_INVALID_NAME:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_LOCKED:
-            prError = PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_NOACCESS:
-            prError = PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR;
-            break;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_NOT_READY:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES:
-            prError = PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_OPEN_FAILED:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_OPEN_FILES:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_OPERATION_ABORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY:
-            break;
-        case ERROR_PATH_BUSY:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
-            prError = PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE:
-            prError = PR_IO_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_FILE_IS_BUSY_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_SYS_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT:
-            prError = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEACCES:
-            prError = PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEADDRINUSE:
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT:
-            prError = PR_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEALREADY:
-            prError = PR_ALREADY_INITIATED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEBADF:
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAECONNABORTED:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAECONNREFUSED:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAECONNRESET:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEDESTADDRREQ:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEFAULT:
-            prError = PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEHOSTUNREACH:
-            prError = PR_HOST_UNREACHABLE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEISCONN:
-            prError = PR_IS_CONNECTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEMFILE:
-            prError = PR_PROC_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEMSGSIZE:
-            prError = PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAENETDOWN:
-            prError = PR_NETWORK_DOWN_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAENETRESET:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAENETUNREACH:
-            prError = PR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAENOBUFS:
-            break;
-        case WSAENOPROTOOPT:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAENOTCONN:
-            prError = PR_NOT_CONNECTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAENOTSOCK:
-            prError = PR_NOT_SOCKET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEOPNOTSUPP:
-            break;
-            break;
-        case WSAEPROTOTYPE:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAESHUTDOWN:
-            prError = PR_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_ERROR;
-            break;
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
-            prError = PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            prError = PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_opendir_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_closedir_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_unix_readdir_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_delete_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-/* The error code for stat() is in errno. */
-void _MD_win32_map_stat_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_errno(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_fstat_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_rename_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-/* The error code for access() is in errno. */
-void _MD_win32_map_access_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_errno(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_mkdir_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_rmdir_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_read_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_transmitfile_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_write_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_lseek_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_fsync_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
- * For both CloseHandle() and closesocket().
- */
-void _MD_win32_map_close_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_socket_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_recv_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_recvfrom_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_send_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEMSGSIZE:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_sendto_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEMSGSIZE:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_accept_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEOPNOTSUPP:
-            prError = PR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_acceptex_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_connect_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
-            prError = PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEINVAL:
-            prError = PR_ALREADY_INITIATED_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAETIMEDOUT:
-            prError = PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_bind_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEINVAL:
-            prError = PR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IS_BOUND_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_listen_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEOPNOTSUPP:
-            prError = PR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERROR;
-            break;
-        case WSAEINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_shutdown_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_getsockname_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAEINVAL:
-            prError = PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_getpeername_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_getsockopt_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_setsockopt_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_open_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-void _MD_win32_map_gethostname_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-/* Win32 select() only works on sockets.  So in this
-** context, WSAENOTSOCK is equivalent to EBADF on Unix.  
-void _MD_win32_map_select_error(PRInt32 err)
-    PRErrorCode prError;
-    switch (err) {
-        case WSAENOTSOCK:
-            prError = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-            break;
-        default:
-            _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
-            return;
-    }
-    PR_SetError(prError, err);
-void _MD_win32_map_lockf_error(PRInt32 err)
-    _MD_win32_map_default_error(err);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/memory/prseg.c b/nspr/pr/src/memory/prseg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ecad1d0..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/memory/prseg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-** The pthreads version doesn't use these functions.
-void _PR_InitSegs(void)
-#else /* _PR_PTHREADS */
-void _PR_InitSegs(void)
-** Allocate a memory segment. The size value is rounded up to the native
-** system page size and a page aligned portion of memory is returned.
-** This memory is not part of the malloc heap. If "vaddr" is not NULL
-** then PR tries to allocate the segment at the desired virtual address.
-PRSegment* _PR_NewSegment(PRUint32 size, void *vaddr)
-    PRSegment *seg;
-	/* calloc the data structure for the segment */
-    seg = PR_NEWZAP(PRSegment);
-    if (seg) {
-	    size = ((size + _pr_pageSize - 1) >> _pr_pageShift) << _pr_pageShift;
-		/*
-		**	Now, allocate the actual segment memory (or map under some OS)
-		**	The OS specific code decides from where or how to allocate memory.
-		*/
-	    if (_PR_MD_ALLOC_SEGMENT(seg, size, vaddr) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-			PR_DELETE(seg);
-			return NULL;
-    	}
-	}
-    return seg;
-** Free a memory segment.
-void _PR_DestroySegment(PRSegment *seg)
-    PR_DELETE(seg);
-#endif /* _PR_PTHREADS */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/memory/prshm.c b/nspr/pr/src/memory/prshm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 59237e6..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/memory/prshm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prshm.c -- NSPR Named Shared Memory
-** lth. Jul-1999.
-#include <string.h>
-#include "primpl.h"
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shm_lm;
-/* SysV implementation is in pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c */
-/* Posix implementation is in pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c */
-/* Win32 implementation is in pr/src/md/windows/w32shm.c */
-**  there is no named_shared_memory 
-extern PRSharedMemory*  _MD_OpenSharedMemory( const char *name, PRSize size, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode )
-    return NULL;
-extern void * _MD_AttachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, PRIntn flags )
-    return NULL;
-extern PRStatus _MD_DetachSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm, void *addr )
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-extern PRStatus _MD_CloseSharedMemory( PRSharedMemory *shm )
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-extern PRStatus _MD_DeleteSharedMemory( const char *name )
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-** FUNCTION: PR_OpenSharedMemory()
-PR_IMPLEMENT( PRSharedMemory * )
-    PR_OpenSharedMemory(
-        const char *name,
-        PRSize      size,
-        PRIntn      flags,
-        PRIntn      mode
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return( _PR_MD_OPEN_SHARED_MEMORY( name, size, flags, mode ));
-} /* end PR_OpenSharedMemory() */
-** FUNCTION: PR_AttachSharedMemory()
-PR_IMPLEMENT( void * )
-    PR_AttachSharedMemory(
-        PRSharedMemory *shm,
-        PRIntn          flags
-    return( _PR_MD_ATTACH_SHARED_MEMORY( shm, flags ));
-} /* end PR_AttachSharedMemory() */
-** FUNCTION: PR_DetachSharedMemory()
-    PR_DetachSharedMemory(
-        PRSharedMemory *shm,
-        void *addr
-    return( _PR_MD_DETACH_SHARED_MEMORY( shm, addr ));
-} /* end PR_DetachSharedMemory() */
-** FUNCTION: PR_CloseSharedMemory()
-    PR_CloseSharedMemory(
-        PRSharedMemory *shm
-    return( _PR_MD_CLOSE_SHARED_MEMORY( shm ));
-} /* end PR_CloseSharedMemory() */
-** FUNCTION: PR_DeleteSharedMemory()
-PR_EXTERN( PRStatus )
-    PR_DeleteSharedMemory(
-        const char *name
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return(_PR_MD_DELETE_SHARED_MEMORY( name ));
-} /* end PR_DestroySharedMemory() */
-/* end prshm.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/memory/prshma.c b/nspr/pr/src/memory/prshma.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c73d7ec..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/memory/prshma.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prshma.h -- NSPR Anonymous Shared Memory
-#include "primpl.h"
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shma_lm;
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-/* defined in pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c */
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-/* defined in pr/src/md/windows/w32shm.c */
-extern PRFileMap * _PR_MD_OPEN_ANON_FILE_MAP( const char *dirName, PRSize size, PRFileMapProtect prot )
-    return NULL;
-extern PRStatus _PR_MD_EXPORT_FILE_MAP_AS_STRING(PRFileMap *fm, PRSize bufSize, char *buf)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-extern PRFileMap * _PR_MD_IMPORT_FILE_MAP_FROM_STRING(const char *fmstring)
-    return NULL;
-** PR_OpenAnonFileMap() -- Creates an anonymous file-mapped shared memory
-    const char *dirName,
-    PRSize      size, 
-    PRFileMapProtect prot
-    return(_PR_MD_OPEN_ANON_FILE_MAP( dirName, size, prot ));
-} /* end PR_OpenAnonFileMap() */
-** PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap() -- Prepare FileMap for export  
-**   to my children processes via PR_CreateProcess()
-    PRProcessAttr   *attr,
-    PRFileMap       *fm, 
-    const char      *shmname
-    return( PR_FAILURE);
-} /* end PR_ProcessAttrSetInheritableFileMap() */ 
-** PR_GetInheritedFileMap() -- Import a PRFileMap previously exported
-**   by my parent process via PR_CreateProcess()
-    const char *shmname 
-    PRFileMap   *fm = NULL;
-    return( fm );
-} /* end PR_GetInhteritedFileMap() */
-** PR_ExportFileMapAsString() -- Creates a string identifying a PRFileMap
-    PRFileMap *fm,
-    PRSize    bufSize,
-    char      *buf
-    return( _PR_MD_EXPORT_FILE_MAP_AS_STRING( fm, bufSize, buf ));
-} /* end PR_ExportFileMapAsString() */
-** PR_ImportFileMapFromString() -- Creates a PRFileMap from the identifying string
-    const char *fmstring
-    return( _PR_MD_IMPORT_FILE_MAP_FROM_STRING(fmstring));
-} /* end PR_ImportFileMapFromString() */
-/* end prshma.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pralarm.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/pralarm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f642bb..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pralarm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-/******************************* PRALARM ******************************/
-#include "obsolete/pralarm.h"
-struct PRAlarmID {                       /* typedef'd in pralarm.h       */
-    PRCList list;                        /* circular list linkage        */
-    PRAlarm *alarm;                      /* back pointer to owning alarm */
-    PRPeriodicAlarmFn function;          /* function to call for notify  */
-    void *clientData;                    /* opaque client context        */
-    PRIntervalTime period;               /* the client defined period    */
-    PRUint32 rate;                       /* rate of notification         */
-    PRUint32 accumulator;                /* keeps track of # notifies    */
-    PRIntervalTime epoch;                /* when timer was started       */
-    PRIntervalTime nextNotify;           /* when we'll next do our thing */
-    PRIntervalTime lastNotify;           /* when we last did our thing   */
-typedef enum {alarm_active, alarm_inactive} _AlarmState;
-struct PRAlarm {                         /* typedef'd in pralarm.h       */
-    PRCList timers;                      /* base of alarm ids list       */
-    PRLock *lock;                        /* lock used to protect data    */
-    PRCondVar *cond;                     /* condition that used to wait  */
-    PRThread *notifier;                  /* thread to deliver notifies   */
-    PRAlarmID *current;                  /* current alarm being served   */
-    _AlarmState state;                   /* used to delete the alarm     */
-static PRAlarmID *pr_getNextAlarm(PRAlarm *alarm, PRAlarmID *id)
- * Puts 'id' back into the sorted list iff it's not NULL.
- * Removes the first element from the list and returns it (or NULL).
- * List is "assumed" to be short.
- *
- * NB: Caller is providing locking
- */
-    PRCList *timer;
-    PRAlarmID *result = id;
-    PRIntervalTime now = PR_IntervalNow();
-    if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&alarm->timers))
-    {    
-        if (id != NULL)  /* have to put this id back in */
-        {        
-            PRIntervalTime idDelta = now - id->nextNotify;
-            timer = alarm->;
-            do
-            {
-                result = (PRAlarmID*)timer;
-                if ((PRIntervalTime)(now - result->nextNotify) > idDelta)
-                {
-                    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&id->list, &alarm->timers);
-                    break;
-                }
-                timer = timer->next;
-            } while (timer != &alarm->timers);
-        }
-        result = (PRAlarmID*)(timer = PR_LIST_HEAD(&alarm->timers));
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(timer);  /* remove it from the list */
-    }
-    return result;
-}  /* pr_getNextAlarm */
-static PRIntervalTime pr_PredictNextNotifyTime(PRAlarmID *id)
-    PRIntervalTime delta;
-    PRFloat64 baseRate = (PRFloat64)id->period / (PRFloat64)id->rate;
-    PRFloat64 offsetFromEpoch = (PRFloat64)id->accumulator * baseRate;
-    id->accumulator += 1;  /* every call advances to next period */
-    id->lastNotify = id->nextNotify;  /* just keeping track of things */
-    id->nextNotify = (PRIntervalTime)(offsetFromEpoch + 0.5);
-    delta = id->nextNotify - id->lastNotify;
-    return delta;
-}  /* pr_PredictNextNotifyTime */
-static void PR_CALLBACK pr_alarmNotifier(void *arg)
-    /*
-     * This is the root of the notifier thread. There is one such thread
-     * for each PRAlarm. It may service an arbitrary (though assumed to be
-     * small) number of alarms using the same thread and structure. It
-     * continues to run until the alarm is destroyed.
-     */
-    PRAlarmID *id = NULL;
-    PRAlarm *alarm = (PRAlarm*)arg;
-    enum {notify, abort, scan} why = scan;
-    while (why != abort)
-    {
-        PRIntervalTime pause;
-        PR_Lock(alarm->lock);
-        while (why == scan)
-        {
-            alarm->current = NULL;  /* reset current id */
-            if (alarm->state == alarm_inactive) why = abort;  /* we're toast */
-            else if (why == scan)  /* the dominant case */
-            {
-                id = pr_getNextAlarm(alarm, id);  /* even if it's the same */
-                if (id == NULL)  /* there are no alarms set */
-                    (void)PR_WaitCondVar(alarm->cond, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-                else
-                {
-                    pause = id->nextNotify - (PR_IntervalNow() - id->epoch);
-                    if ((PRInt32)pause <= 0)  /* is this one's time up? */
-                    {
-                        why = notify;  /* set up to do our thing */
-                        alarm->current = id;  /* id we're about to schedule */
-                    }
-                    else
-                        (void)PR_WaitCondVar(alarm->cond, pause);  /* dally */
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(alarm->lock);
-        if (why == notify)
-        {
-            (void)pr_PredictNextNotifyTime(id);
-            if (!id->function(id, id->clientData, ~pause))
-            {
-                /*
-                 * Notified function decided not to continue. Free
-                 * the alarm id to make sure it doesn't get back on
-                 * the list.
-                 */
-                PR_DELETE(id);  /* free notifier object */
-                id = NULL;  /* so it doesn't get back into the list */
-            }
-            why = scan;  /* so we can cycle through the loop again */
-        }
-    }
-}  /* pr_alarm_notifier */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRAlarm*) PR_CreateAlarm(void)
-    PRAlarm *alarm = PR_NEWZAP(PRAlarm);
-    if (alarm != NULL)
-    {
-        if ((alarm->lock = PR_NewLock()) == NULL) goto done;
-        if ((alarm->cond = PR_NewCondVar(alarm->lock)) == NULL) goto done;
-        alarm->state = alarm_active;
-        PR_INIT_CLIST(&alarm->timers);
-        alarm->notifier = PR_CreateThread(
-            PR_USER_THREAD, pr_alarmNotifier, alarm,
-            PR_GetThreadPriority(PR_GetCurrentThread()),
-        if (alarm->notifier == NULL) goto done;
-    }
-    return alarm;
-    if (alarm->cond != NULL) PR_DestroyCondVar(alarm->cond);
-    if (alarm->lock != NULL) PR_DestroyLock(alarm->lock);
-    PR_DELETE(alarm);
-    return NULL;
-}  /* CreateAlarm */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroyAlarm(PRAlarm *alarm)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PR_Lock(alarm->lock);
-    alarm->state = alarm_inactive;
-    rv = PR_NotifyCondVar(alarm->cond);
-    PR_Unlock(alarm->lock);
-    if (rv == PR_SUCCESS)
-        rv = PR_JoinThread(alarm->notifier);
-    if (rv == PR_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(alarm->cond);
-        PR_DestroyLock(alarm->lock);
-        PR_DELETE(alarm);
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_DestroyAlarm */
-    PRAlarm *alarm, PRIntervalTime period, PRUint32 rate,
-    PRPeriodicAlarmFn function, void *clientData)
-    /*
-     * Create a new periodic alarm an existing current structure.
-     * Set up the context and compute the first notify time (immediate).
-     * Link the new ID into the head of the list (since it's notifying
-     * immediately).
-     */
-    PRAlarmID *id = PR_NEWZAP(PRAlarmID);
-    if (!id)
-        return NULL;
-    id->alarm = alarm;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&id->list);
-    id->function = function;
-    id->clientData = clientData;
-    id->period = period;
-    id->rate = rate;
-    id->epoch = id->nextNotify = PR_IntervalNow();
-    (void)pr_PredictNextNotifyTime(id);
-    PR_Lock(alarm->lock);
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&id->list, &alarm->timers);
-    PR_NotifyCondVar(alarm->cond);
-    PR_Unlock(alarm->lock);
-    return id;
-}  /* PR_SetAlarm */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_ResetAlarm(
-    PRAlarmID *id, PRIntervalTime period, PRUint32 rate)
-    /*
-     * Can only be called from within the notify routine. Doesn't
-     * need locking because it can only be called from within the
-     * notify routine.
-     */
-    if (id != id->alarm->current)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    id->period = period;
-    id->rate = rate;
-    id->accumulator = 1;
-    id->epoch = PR_IntervalNow();
-    (void)pr_PredictNextNotifyTime(id);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_ResetAlarm */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pratom.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/pratom.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 95bbee1..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pratom.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-**     PR Atomic operations
-#include "pratom.h"
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
- * The following is a fallback implementation that emulates
- * atomic operations for platforms without atomic operations.
- * If a platform has atomic operations, it should define the
- * macro _PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS, and the following will not be
- * compiled in.
- */
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS)
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
- * PR_AtomicDecrement() is used in NSPR's thread-specific data
- * destructor.  Because thread-specific data destructors may be
- * invoked after a PR_Cleanup() call, we need an implementation
- * of the atomic routines that doesn't need NSPR to be initialized.
- */
- * We use a set of locks for all the emulated atomic operations.
- * By hashing on the address of the integer to be locked the
- * contention between multiple threads should be lessened.
- *
- * The number of atomic locks can be set by the environment variable
- */
- * lock counts should be a power of 2
- */
-#define DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS	16	/* should be in sync with the number of initializers
-										below */
-#define MAX_ATOMIC_LOCKS		(4 * 1024)
-static pthread_mutex_t static_atomic_locks[DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS] = {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static PRInt32 static_hash_lock_counts[DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS];
-static PRInt32 *hash_lock_counts = static_hash_lock_counts;
-static PRUint32	num_atomic_locks = DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS;
-static pthread_mutex_t *atomic_locks = static_atomic_locks;
-static PRUint32 atomic_hash_mask = DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS - 1;
-#define _PR_HASH_FOR_LOCK(ptr) 							\
-			((PRUint32) (((PRUptrdiff) (ptr) >> 2)	^	\
-						((PRUptrdiff) (ptr) >> 8)) &	\
-						atomic_hash_mask)
-char *eval;
-int index;
-						PR_CeilingLog2(MAX_ATOMIC_LOCKS));
-							PR_CeilingLog2(DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS));
-	if (((eval = getenv("NSPR_ATOMIC_HASH_LOCKS")) != NULL)  &&
-		((num_atomic_locks = atoi(eval)) != DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS)) {
-		if (num_atomic_locks > MAX_ATOMIC_LOCKS)
-			num_atomic_locks = MAX_ATOMIC_LOCKS;
-		else if (num_atomic_locks < 1) 
-			num_atomic_locks = 1;
-		else {
-			num_atomic_locks = PR_FloorLog2(num_atomic_locks);
-			num_atomic_locks = 1L << num_atomic_locks;
-		}
-		atomic_locks = (pthread_mutex_t *) PR_Malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t) *
-						num_atomic_locks);
-		if (atomic_locks) {
-			for (index = 0; index < num_atomic_locks; index++) {
-				if (pthread_mutex_init(&atomic_locks[index], NULL)) {
-						PR_DELETE(atomic_locks);
-						atomic_locks = NULL;
-						break; 
-				}
-			}
-		}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		if (atomic_locks) {
-			hash_lock_counts = PR_CALLOC(num_atomic_locks * sizeof(PRInt32));
-			if (hash_lock_counts == NULL) {
-				PR_DELETE(atomic_locks);
-				atomic_locks = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		if (atomic_locks == NULL) {
-			/*
-			 *	Use statically allocated locks
-			 */
-			atomic_locks = static_atomic_locks;
-			num_atomic_locks = DEFAULT_ATOMIC_LOCKS;
-	#ifdef DEBUG
-			hash_lock_counts = static_hash_lock_counts;
-	#endif
-		}
-		atomic_hash_mask = num_atomic_locks - 1;
-	}
-	PR_ASSERT(PR_FloorLog2(num_atomic_locks) ==
-								PR_CeilingLog2(num_atomic_locks));
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    PRInt32 idx = _PR_HASH_FOR_LOCK(val);
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    rv = ++(*val);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    hash_lock_counts[idx]++;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_ATOMIC_ADD(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    PRInt32 idx = _PR_HASH_FOR_LOCK(ptr);
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    rv = ((*ptr) += val);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    hash_lock_counts[idx]++;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    return rv;
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    PRInt32 idx = _PR_HASH_FOR_LOCK(val);
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    rv = --(*val);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    hash_lock_counts[idx]++;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_ATOMIC_SET(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    PRInt32 idx = _PR_HASH_FOR_LOCK(val);
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    rv = *val;
-    *val = newval;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    hash_lock_counts[idx]++;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&atomic_locks[idx]);
-    return rv;
-#else  /* _PR_PTHREADS && !_PR_DCETHREADS */
- * We use a single lock for all the emulated atomic operations.
- * The lock contention should be acceptable.
- */
-static PRLock *atomic_lock = NULL;
-void _PR_MD_INIT_ATOMIC(void)
-    if (atomic_lock == NULL) {
-        atomic_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    }
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-    PR_Lock(atomic_lock);
-    rv = ++(*val);
-    PR_Unlock(atomic_lock);
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_ATOMIC_ADD(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-    PR_Lock(atomic_lock);
-    rv = ((*ptr) += val);
-    PR_Unlock(atomic_lock);
-    return rv;
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-    PR_Lock(atomic_lock);
-    rv = --(*val);
-    PR_Unlock(atomic_lock);
-    return rv;
-_PR_MD_ATOMIC_SET(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-    PR_Lock(atomic_lock);
-    rv = *val;
-    *val = newval;
-    PR_Unlock(atomic_lock);
-    return rv;
-#endif  /* _PR_PTHREADS && !_PR_DCETHREADS */
-#endif  /* !_PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS */
-void _PR_InitAtomic(void)
-PR_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val)
-    return _PR_MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(val);
-PR_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val)
-    return _PR_MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(val);
-PR_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval)
-    return _PR_MD_ATOMIC_SET(val, newval);
-PR_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val)
-    return _PR_MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, val);
- * For platforms, which don't support the CAS (compare-and-swap) instruction
- * (or an equivalent), the stack operations are implemented by use of PRLock
- */
-PR_CreateStack(const char *stack_name)
-PRStack *stack;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    }
-    if ((stack = PR_NEW(PRStack)) == NULL) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (stack_name) {
-		stack->prstk_name = (char *) PR_Malloc(strlen(stack_name) + 1);
-		if (stack->prstk_name == NULL) {
-			PR_DELETE(stack);
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		strcpy(stack->prstk_name, stack_name);
-	} else
-		stack->prstk_name = NULL;
-    stack->prstk_lock = PR_NewLock();
-	if (stack->prstk_lock == NULL) {
-		PR_Free(stack->prstk_name);
-		PR_DELETE(stack);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-#endif /* !_PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_CAS */
-	stack->prstk_head.prstk_elem_next = NULL;
-    return stack;
-PR_DestroyStack(PRStack *stack)
-	if (stack->prstk_head.prstk_elem_next != NULL) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (stack->prstk_name)
-		PR_Free(stack->prstk_name);
-	PR_DestroyLock(stack->prstk_lock);
-#endif /* !_PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_CAS */
-	PR_DELETE(stack);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_StackPush(PRStack *stack, PRStackElem *stack_elem)
-    PR_Lock(stack->prstk_lock);
-	stack_elem->prstk_elem_next = stack->prstk_head.prstk_elem_next;
-	stack->prstk_head.prstk_elem_next = stack_elem;
-    PR_Unlock(stack->prstk_lock);
-    return;
-PR_StackPop(PRStack *stack)
-PRStackElem *element;
-    PR_Lock(stack->prstk_lock);
-	element = stack->prstk_head.prstk_elem_next;
-	if (element != NULL) {
-		stack->prstk_head.prstk_elem_next = element->prstk_elem_next;
-		element->prstk_elem_next = NULL;	/* debugging aid */
-	}
-    PR_Unlock(stack->prstk_lock);
-    return element;
-#endif /* !_PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_CAS */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/praton.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/praton.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bff0cd1..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/praton.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- * The following function pr_inet_aton is based on the BSD function inet_aton
- * with some modifications. The license and copyright notices applying to this
- * function appear below. Modifications are also according to the license below.
- ******************************************************************************/
-#include "prnetdb.h"
- * Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1993
- *    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
- * 
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
- *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- *    without specific prior written permission.
- * 
- */
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1993 by Digital Equipment Corporation.
- * 
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that
- * the name of Digital Equipment Corporation not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the document or software without
- * specific, written prior permission.
- * 
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2004 by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Internet Software Consortium.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- */
-#define XX 127
-static const unsigned char index_hex[256] = {
-     0, 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6, 7,  8, 9,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
-    XX,10,11,12, 13,14,15,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
-    XX,10,11,12, 13,14,15,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
-static PRBool _isdigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
-static PRBool _isxdigit(char c) { return index_hex[(unsigned char) c] != XX; }
-static PRBool _isspace(char c) { return c == ' ' || (c >= '\t' && c <= '\r'); }
-#undef XX
-pr_inet_aton(const char *cp, PRUint32 *addr)
-    PRUint32 val;
-    int base, n;
-    char c;
-    PRUint8 parts[4];
-    PRUint8 *pp = parts;
-    int digit;
-    c = *cp;
-    for (;;) {
-        /*
-         * Collect number up to ``.''.
-         * Values are specified as for C:
-         * 0x=hex, 0=octal, isdigit=decimal.
-         */
-        if (!_isdigit(c))
-            return (0);
-        val = 0; base = 10; digit = 0;
-        if (c == '0') {
-            c = *++cp;
-            if (c == 'x' || c == 'X')
-                base = 16, c = *++cp;
-            else {
-                base = 8;
-                digit = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        for (;;) {
-            if (_isdigit(c)) {
-                if (base == 8 && (c == '8' || c == '9'))
-                    return (0);
-                val = (val * base) + (c - '0');
-                c = *++cp;
-                digit = 1;
-            } else if (base == 16 && _isxdigit(c)) {
-                val = (val << 4) + index_hex[(unsigned char) c];
-                c = *++cp;
-                digit = 1;
-            } else
-                break;
-        }
-        if (c == '.') {
-            /*
-             * Internet format:
-             *    a.b.c.d
-             *    a.b.c    (with c treated as 16 bits)
-             *    a.b    (with b treated as 24 bits)
-             */
-            if (pp >= parts + 3 || val > 0xffU)
-                return (0);
-            *pp++ = val;
-            c = *++cp;
-        } else
-            break;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Check for trailing characters.
-     */
-    if (c != '\0' && !_isspace(c))
-        return (0);
-    /*
-     * Did we get a valid digit?
-     */
-    if (!digit)
-        return (0);
-    /*
-     * Concoct the address according to
-     * the number of parts specified.
-     */
-    n = pp - parts + 1;
-    switch (n) {
-    case 1:                /*%< a -- 32 bits */
-        break;
-    case 2:                /*%< a.b -- 8.24 bits */
-        if (val > 0xffffffU)
-            return (0);
-        val |= parts[0] << 24;
-        break;
-    case 3:                /*%< a.b.c -- 8.8.16 bits */
-        if (val > 0xffffU)
-            return (0);
-        val |= (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] << 16);
-        break;
-    case 4:                /*%< a.b.c.d -- bits */
-        if (val > 0xffU)
-            return (0);
-        val |= (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] << 16) | (parts[2] << 8);
-        break;
-    }
-    *addr = PR_htonl(val);
-    return (1);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prcountr.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prcountr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f126ad..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prcountr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prcountr.c -- NSPR Instrumentation Counters
-** Implement the interface defined in prcountr.h
-** Design Notes:
-** The Counter Facility (CF) has a single anchor: qNameList.      
-** The anchor is a PRCList. qNameList is a list of links in QName
-** structures. From qNameList any QName structure and its
-** associated RName structure can be located. 
-** For each QName, a list of RName structures is anchored at
-** rnLink in the QName structure.
-** The counter itself is embedded in the RName structure.
-** For manipulating the counter database, single lock is used to
-** protect the entire list: counterLock.
-** A PRCounterHandle, defined in prcountr.h, is really a pointer
-** to a RName structure. References by PRCounterHandle are
-** dead-reconed to the RName structure. The PRCounterHandle is
-** "overloaded" for traversing the QName structures; only the
-** function PR_FindNextQnameHandle() uses this overloading.
-** ToDo (lth): decide on how to lock or atomically update
-** individual counters. Candidates are: the global lock; a lock
-** per RName structure; Atomic operations (Note that there are
-** not adaquate atomic operations (yet) to achieve this goal). At
-** this writing (6/19/98) , the update of the counter variable in
-** a QName structure is unprotected.
-#include "prcountr.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include <string.h>
-typedef struct QName
-    PRCList link;
-    PRCList rNameList;
-    char    name[PRCOUNTER_NAME_MAX+1];
-} QName;
-typedef struct RName
-    PRCList link;
-    QName   *qName;
-    PRLock  *lock;
-    volatile PRUint32   counter;    
-    char    name[PRCOUNTER_NAME_MAX+1]; 
-    char    desc[PRCOUNTER_DESC_MAX+1]; 
-} RName;
-** Define the Counter Facility database
-static PRLock  *counterLock;
-static PRCList qNameList;
-static PRLogModuleInfo *lm;
-** _PR_CounterInitialize() -- Initialize the Counter Facility
-static void _PR_CounterInitialize( void )
-    /*
-    ** This function should be called only once
-    */
-    PR_ASSERT( counterLock == NULL );
-    counterLock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &qNameList );
-    lm = PR_NewLogModule("counters");
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Initialization complete"));
-    return;
-} /* end _PR_CounterInitialize() */
-** PR_CreateCounter() -- Create a counter
-**  ValidateArguments
-**  Lock
-**  if (qName not already in database)
-**      NewQname
-**  if (rName already in database )
-**      Assert
-**  else NewRname
-**  NewCounter
-**  link 'em up
-**  Unlock
-	PR_CreateCounter( 
-		const char *qName, 
-    	const char *rName, 
-        const char *description 
-    QName   *qnp;
-    RName   *rnp;
-    PRBool  matchQname = PR_FALSE;
-    /* Self initialize, if necessary */
-    if ( counterLock == NULL )
-        _PR_CounterInitialize();
-    /* Validate input arguments */
-    PR_ASSERT( strlen(qName) <= PRCOUNTER_NAME_MAX );
-    PR_ASSERT( strlen(rName) <= PRCOUNTER_NAME_MAX );
-    PR_ASSERT( strlen(description) <= PRCOUNTER_DESC_MAX );
-    /* Lock the Facility */
-    PR_Lock( counterLock );
-    /* Do we already have a matching QName? */
-    if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qNameList ))
-    {
-        qnp = (QName *) PR_LIST_HEAD( &qNameList );
-        do {
-            if ( strcmp(qnp->name, qName) == 0)
-            {
-                matchQname = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            qnp = (QName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &qnp->link );
-        } while( qnp != (QName *)&qNameList );
-    }
-    /*
-    ** If we did not find a matching QName,
-    **    allocate one and initialize it.
-    **    link it onto the qNameList.
-    **
-    */
-    if ( matchQname != PR_TRUE )
-    {
-        qnp = PR_NEWZAP( QName );
-        PR_ASSERT( qnp != NULL );
-        PR_INIT_CLIST( &qnp->link ); 
-        PR_INIT_CLIST( &qnp->rNameList ); 
-        strcpy( qnp->name, qName );
-        PR_APPEND_LINK( &qnp->link, &qNameList ); 
-    }
-    /* Do we already have a matching RName? */
-    if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qnp->rNameList ))
-    {
-        rnp = (RName *) PR_LIST_HEAD( &qnp->rNameList );
-        do {
-            /*
-            ** No duplicate RNames are allowed within a QName
-            **
-            */
-            PR_ASSERT( strcmp(rnp->name, rName));
-            rnp = (RName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &rnp->link );
-        } while( rnp != (RName *)&qnp->rNameList );
-    }
-    /* Get a new RName structure; initialize its members */
-    rnp = PR_NEWZAP( RName );
-    PR_ASSERT( rnp != NULL );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &rnp->link );
-    strcpy( rnp->name, rName );
-    strcpy( rnp->desc, description );
-    rnp->lock = PR_NewLock();
-    if ( rnp->lock == NULL )
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(0);
-    }
-    PR_APPEND_LINK( &rnp->link, &qnp->rNameList ); /* add RName to QName's rnList */    
-    rnp->qName = qnp;                       /* point the RName to the QName */
-    /* Unlock the Facility */
-    PR_Unlock( counterLock );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Create: QName: %s %p, RName: %s %p\n\t",
-        qName, qnp, rName, rnp ));
-    return((PRCounterHandle)rnp);
-} /*  end PR_CreateCounter() */
-	PR_DestroyCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle 
-    RName   *rnp = (RName *)handle;
-    QName   *qnp = rnp->qName;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Deleting: QName: %s, RName: %s", 
-        qnp->name, rnp->name));
-    /* Lock the Facility */
-    PR_Lock( counterLock );
-    /*
-    ** Remove RName from the list of RNames in QName
-    ** and free RName
-    */
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Deleting RName: %s, %p", 
-        rnp->name, rnp));
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK( &rnp->link );
-    PR_Free( rnp->lock );
-    PR_DELETE( rnp );
-    /*
-    ** If this is the last RName within QName
-    **   remove QName from the qNameList and free it
-    */
-    if ( PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qnp->rNameList ) )
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Deleting unused QName: %s, %p", 
-            qnp->name, qnp));
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK( &qnp->link );
-        PR_DELETE( qnp );
-    } 
-    /* Unlock the Facility */
-    PR_Unlock( counterLock );
-    return;
-} /*  end PR_DestroyCounter() */
-	PR_GetCounterHandleFromName( 
-    	const char *qName, 
-    	const char *rName 
-    const char    *qn, *rn, *desc;
-    PRCounterHandle     qh, rh = NULL;
-    RName   *rnp = NULL;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: GetCounterHandleFromName:\n\t"
-        "QName: %s, RName: %s", qName, rName ));
-    qh = PR_FindNextCounterQname( NULL );
-    while (qh != NULL)
-    {
-        rh = PR_FindNextCounterRname( NULL, qh );
-        while ( rh != NULL )
-        {
-            PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle( rh, &qn, &rn, &desc );
-            if ( (strcmp( qName, qn ) == 0)
-                && (strcmp( rName, rn ) == 0 ))
-            {
-                rnp = (RName *)rh;
-                goto foundIt;
-            }
-            rh = PR_FindNextCounterRname( rh, qh );
-        }
-        qh = PR_FindNextCounterQname( NULL );
-    }
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: GetConterHandleFromName: %p", rnp ));
-    return(rh);
-} /*  end PR_GetCounterHandleFromName() */
-	PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle( 
-    	PRCounterHandle handle,  
-	    const char **qName, 
-	    const char **rName, 
-		const char **description 
-    RName   *rnp = (RName *)handle;
-    QName   *qnp = rnp->qName;
-    *qName = qnp->name;
-    *rName = rnp->name;
-    *description = rnp->desc;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: GetConterNameFromHandle: "
-        "QNp: %p, RNp: %p,\n\tQName: %s, RName: %s, Desc: %s", 
-        qnp, rnp, qnp->name, rnp->name, rnp->desc ));
-    return;
-} /*  end PR_GetCounterNameFromHandle() */
-	PR_IncrementCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle
-    PR_Lock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    ((RName *)handle)->counter++;
-    PR_Unlock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Increment: %p, %ld", 
-        handle, ((RName *)handle)->counter ));
-    return;
-} /*  end PR_IncrementCounter() */
-	PR_DecrementCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle
-    PR_Lock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    ((RName *)handle)->counter--;
-    PR_Unlock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: Decrement: %p, %ld", 
-        handle, ((RName *)handle)->counter ));
-    return;
-} /*  end PR_DecrementCounter()  */
-	PR_AddToCounter( 
-    	PRCounterHandle handle, 
-	    PRUint32 value 
-    PR_Lock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    ((RName *)handle)->counter += value;
-    PR_Unlock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: AddToCounter: %p, %ld", 
-        handle, ((RName *)handle)->counter ));
-    return;
-} /*  end PR_AddToCounter() */
-	PR_SubtractFromCounter( 
-    	PRCounterHandle handle, 
-	    PRUint32 value 
-    PR_Lock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    ((RName *)handle)->counter -= value;
-    PR_Unlock(((RName *)handle)->lock);
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: SubtractFromCounter: %p, %ld", 
-        handle, ((RName *)handle)->counter ));
-    return;
-} /*  end  PR_SubtractFromCounter() */
-	PR_GetCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle 
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: GetCounter: %p, %ld", 
-        handle, ((RName *)handle)->counter ));
-    return(((RName *)handle)->counter);
-} /*  end  PR_GetCounter() */
-	PR_SetCounter( 
-		PRCounterHandle handle, 
-		PRUint32 value 
-    ((RName *)handle)->counter = value;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: SetCounter: %p, %ld", 
-        handle, ((RName *)handle)->counter ));
-    return;
-} /*  end  PR_SetCounter() */
-	PR_FindNextCounterQname( 
-        PRCounterHandle handle
-    QName *qnp = (QName *)handle;
-    if ( PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qNameList ))
-            qnp = NULL;
-    else if ( qnp == NULL )
-        qnp = (QName *)PR_LIST_HEAD( &qNameList );
-    else if ( PR_NEXT_LINK( &qnp->link ) ==  &qNameList )
-        qnp = NULL;
-    else  
-        qnp = (QName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &qnp->link );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: FindNextQname: Handle: %p, Returns: %p", 
-        handle, qnp ));
-    return((PRCounterHandle)qnp);
-} /*  end  PR_FindNextCounterQname() */
-	PR_FindNextCounterRname( 
-        PRCounterHandle rhandle, 
-        PRCounterHandle qhandle 
-    RName *rnp = (RName *)rhandle;
-    QName *qnp = (QName *)qhandle;
-    if ( PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qnp->rNameList ))
-        rnp = NULL;
-    else if ( rnp == NULL )
-        rnp = (RName *)PR_LIST_HEAD( &qnp->rNameList );
-    else if ( PR_NEXT_LINK( &rnp->link ) ==  &qnp->rNameList )
-        rnp = NULL;
-    else
-        rnp = (RName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &rnp->link );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: FindNextRname: Rhandle: %p, QHandle: %p, Returns: %p", 
-        rhandle, qhandle, rnp ));
-    return((PRCounterHandle)rnp);
-} /*  end PR_FindNextCounterRname() */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prdtoa.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prdtoa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2276926..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prdtoa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3522 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file is based on the third-party code dtoa.c.  We minimize our
- * modifications to third-party code to make it easy to merge new versions.
- * The author of dtoa.c was not willing to add the parentheses suggested by
- * GCC, so we suppress these warnings.
- */
-#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses"
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prbit.h"
-#define ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(n)	PR_Lock(dtoa_lock[n])
-#define FREE_DTOA_LOCK(n)	PR_Unlock(dtoa_lock[n])
-static PRLock *dtoa_lock[2];
-void _PR_InitDtoa(void)
-    dtoa_lock[0] = PR_NewLock();
-    dtoa_lock[1] = PR_NewLock();
-void _PR_CleanupDtoa(void)
-    PR_DestroyLock(dtoa_lock[0]);
-    dtoa_lock[0] = NULL;
-    PR_DestroyLock(dtoa_lock[1]);
-    dtoa_lock[1] = NULL;
-    /* FIXME: deal with freelist and p5s. */
-#if !defined(__ARM_EABI__) \
-    && (defined(__arm) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm26__) \
-    || defined(__arm32__))
-#define IEEE_ARM
-#elif defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#define IEEE_8087
-#define IEEE_MC68k
-#define Long PRInt32
-#define ULong PRUint32
-#define NO_LONG_LONG
-#define No_Hex_NaN
- *
- * The author of this software is David M. Gay.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991, 2000, 2001 by Lucent Technologies.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
- * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
- * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
- * documentation for such software.
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************/
-/* Please send bug reports to David M. Gay (dmg at acm dot org,
- * with " at " changed at "@" and " dot " changed to ".").	*/
-/* On a machine with IEEE extended-precision registers, it is
- * necessary to specify double-precision (53-bit) rounding precision
- * before invoking strtod or dtoa.  If the machine uses (the equivalent
- * of) Intel 80x87 arithmetic, the call
- *	_control87(PC_53, MCW_PC);
- * does this with many compilers.  Whether this or another call is
- * appropriate depends on the compiler; for this to work, it may be
- * necessary to #include "float.h" or another system-dependent header
- * file.
- */
-/* strtod for IEEE-, VAX-, and IBM-arithmetic machines.
- *
- * This strtod returns a nearest machine number to the input decimal
- * string (or sets errno to ERANGE).  With IEEE arithmetic, ties are
- * broken by the IEEE round-even rule.  Otherwise ties are broken by
- * biased rounding (add half and chop).
- *
- * Inspired loosely by William D. Clinger's paper "How to Read Floating
- * Point Numbers Accurately" [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
- *
- * Modifications:
- *
- *	1. We only require IEEE, IBM, or VAX double-precision
- *		arithmetic (not IEEE double-extended).
- *	2. We get by with floating-point arithmetic in a case that
- *		Clinger missed -- when we're computing d * 10^n
- *		for a small integer d and the integer n is not too
- *		much larger than 22 (the maximum integer k for which
- *		we can represent 10^k exactly), we may be able to
- *		compute (d*10^k) * 10^(e-k) with just one roundoff.
- *	3. Rather than a bit-at-a-time adjustment of the binary
- *		result in the hard case, we use floating-point
- *		arithmetic to determine the adjustment to within
- *		one bit; only in really hard cases do we need to
- *		compute a second residual.
- *	4. Because of 3., we don't need a large table of powers of 10
- *		for ten-to-e (just some small tables, e.g. of 10^k
- *		for 0 <= k <= 22).
- */
- * #define IEEE_8087 for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the least
- *	significant byte has the lowest address.
- * #define IEEE_MC68k for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the most
- *	significant byte has the lowest address.
- * #define IEEE_ARM for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the two words
- *	in a double are stored in big endian order but the two shorts
- *	in a word are still stored in little endian order.
- * #define Long int on machines with 32-bit ints and 64-bit longs.
- * #define IBM for IBM mainframe-style floating-point arithmetic.
- * #define VAX for VAX-style floating-point arithmetic (D_floating).
- * #define No_leftright to omit left-right logic in fast floating-point
- *	computation of dtoa.
- * #define Honor_FLT_ROUNDS if FLT_ROUNDS can assume the values 2 or 3
- *	and strtod and dtoa should round accordingly.
- * #define Check_FLT_ROUNDS if FLT_ROUNDS can assume the values 2 or 3
- *	and Honor_FLT_ROUNDS is not #defined.
- * #define RND_PRODQUOT to use rnd_prod and rnd_quot (assembly routines
- *	that use extended-precision instructions to compute rounded
- *	products and quotients) with IBM.
- * #define ROUND_BIASED for IEEE-format with biased rounding.
- * #define Inaccurate_Divide for IEEE-format with correctly rounded
- *	products but inaccurate quotients, e.g., for Intel i860.
- * #define NO_LONG_LONG on machines that do not have a "long long"
- *	integer type (of >= 64 bits).  On such machines, you can
- *	#define Just_16 to store 16 bits per 32-bit Long when doing
- *	high-precision integer arithmetic.  Whether this speeds things
- *	up or slows things down depends on the machine and the number
- *	being converted.  If long long is available and the name is
- *	something other than "long long", #define Llong to be the name,
- *	and if "unsigned Llong" does not work as an unsigned version of
- *	Llong, #define #ULLong to be the corresponding unsigned type.
- * #define KR_headers for old-style C function headers.
- * #define Bad_float_h if your system lacks a float.h or if it does not
- *	define some or all of DBL_DIG, DBL_MAX_10_EXP, DBL_MAX_EXP,
- * #define MALLOC your_malloc, where your_malloc(n) acts like malloc(n)
- *	if memory is available and otherwise does something you deem
- *	appropriate.  If MALLOC is undefined, malloc will be invoked
- *	directly -- and assumed always to succeed.  Similarly, if you
- *	want something other than the system's free() to be called to
- *	recycle memory acquired from MALLOC, #define FREE to be the
- *	name of the alternate routine.  (FREE or free is only called in
- *	pathological cases, e.g., in a dtoa call after a dtoa return in
- *	mode 3 with thousands of digits requested.)
- * #define Omit_Private_Memory to omit logic (added Jan. 1998) for making
- *	memory allocations from a private pool of memory when possible.
- *	When used, the private pool is PRIVATE_MEM bytes long:  2304 bytes,
- *	unless #defined to be a different length.  This default length
- *	suffices to get rid of MALLOC calls except for unusual cases,
- *	such as decimal-to-binary conversion of a very long string of
- *	digits.  The longest string dtoa can return is about 751 bytes
- *	long.  For conversions by strtod of strings of 800 digits and
- *	all dtoa conversions in single-threaded executions with 8-byte
- *	pointers, PRIVATE_MEM >= 7400 appears to suffice; with 4-byte
- *	pointers, PRIVATE_MEM >= 7112 appears adequate.
- * #define INFNAN_CHECK on IEEE systems to cause strtod to check for
- *	Infinity and NaN (case insensitively).  On some systems (e.g.,
- *	some HP systems), it may be necessary to #define NAN_WORD0
- *	appropriately -- to the most significant word of a quiet NaN.
- *	(On HP Series 700/800 machines, -DNAN_WORD0=0x7ff40000 works.)
- *	When INFNAN_CHECK is #defined and No_Hex_NaN is not #defined,
- *	strtod also accepts (case insensitively) strings of the form
- *	NaN(x), where x is a string of hexadecimal digits and spaces;
- *	if there is only one string of hexadecimal digits, it is taken
- *	for the 52 fraction bits of the resulting NaN; if there are two
- *	or more strings of hex digits, the first is for the high 20 bits,
- *	the second and subsequent for the low 32 bits, with intervening
- *	white space ignored; but if this results in none of the 52
- *	fraction bits being on (an IEEE Infinity symbol), then NAN_WORD0
- *	and NAN_WORD1 are used instead.
- * #define MULTIPLE_THREADS if the system offers preemptively scheduled
- *	multiple threads.  In this case, you must provide (or suitably
- *	#define) two locks, acquired by ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(n) and freed
- *	by FREE_DTOA_LOCK(n) for n = 0 or 1.  (The second lock, accessed
- *	in pow5mult, ensures lazy evaluation of only one copy of high
- *	powers of 5; omitting this lock would introduce a small
- *	probability of wasting memory, but would otherwise be harmless.)
- *	You must also invoke freedtoa(s) to free the value s returned by
- *	dtoa.  You may do so whether or not MULTIPLE_THREADS is #defined.
- * #define NO_IEEE_Scale to disable new (Feb. 1997) logic in strtod that
- *	avoids underflows on inputs whose result does not underflow.
- *	If you #define NO_IEEE_Scale on a machine that uses IEEE-format
- *	floating-point numbers and flushes underflows to zero rather
- *	than implementing gradual underflow, then you must also #define
- *	Sudden_Underflow.
- * #define USE_LOCALE to use the current locale's decimal_point value.
- * #define SET_INEXACT if IEEE arithmetic is being used and extra
- *	computation should be done to set the inexact flag when the
- *	result is inexact and avoid setting inexact when the result
- *	is exact.  In this case, dtoa.c must be compiled in
- *	an environment, perhaps provided by #include "dtoa.c" in a
- *	suitable wrapper, that defines two functions,
- *		int get_inexact(void);
- *		void clear_inexact(void);
- *	such that get_inexact() returns a nonzero value if the
- *	inexact bit is already set, and clear_inexact() sets the
- *	inexact bit to 0.  When SET_INEXACT is #defined, strtod
- *	also does extra computations to set the underflow and overflow
- *	flags when appropriate (i.e., when the result is tiny and
- *	inexact or when it is a numeric value rounded to +-infinity).
- * #define NO_ERRNO if strtod should not assign errno = ERANGE when
- *	the result overflows to +-Infinity or underflows to 0.
- */
-#ifndef Long
-#define Long long
-#ifndef ULong
-typedef unsigned Long ULong;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#include "stdio.h"
-#define Bug(x) {fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", x); exit(1);}
-#include "stdlib.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#ifdef USE_LOCALE
-#include "locale.h"
-#ifdef MALLOC
-#ifdef KR_headers
-extern char *MALLOC();
-extern void *MALLOC(size_t);
-#define MALLOC malloc
-#ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
-#ifndef PRIVATE_MEM
-#define PRIVATE_MEM 2304
-#define PRIVATE_mem ((PRIVATE_MEM+sizeof(double)-1)/sizeof(double))
-static double private_mem[PRIVATE_mem], *pmem_next = private_mem;
-#undef IEEE_Arith
-#undef Avoid_Underflow
-#ifdef IEEE_MC68k
-#define IEEE_Arith
-#ifdef IEEE_8087
-#define IEEE_Arith
-#ifdef IEEE_ARM
-#define IEEE_Arith
-#include "errno.h"
-#ifdef Bad_float_h
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-#define DBL_DIG 15
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
-#define FLT_RADIX 2
-#endif /*IEEE_Arith*/
-#ifdef IBM
-#define DBL_DIG 16
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 75
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 63
-#define FLT_RADIX 16
-#define DBL_MAX 7.2370055773322621e+75
-#ifdef VAX
-#define DBL_DIG 16
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 38
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 127
-#define FLT_RADIX 2
-#define DBL_MAX 1.7014118346046923e+38
-#ifndef LONG_MAX
-#define LONG_MAX 2147483647
-#else /* ifndef Bad_float_h */
-#include "float.h"
- * MacOS 10.2 defines the macro FLT_ROUNDS to an internal function
- * which does not exist on 10.1.  We can safely #define it to 1 here
- * to allow 10.2 builds to run on 10.1, since we can't use fesetround()
- * (which does not exist on 10.1 either).
- */
-#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && (!defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2) || \
-#undef FLT_ROUNDS
-#define FLT_ROUNDS 1
-#endif /* DT < 10.2 */
-#endif /* Bad_float_h */
-#ifndef __MATH_H__
-#include "math.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#ifndef CONST
-#ifdef KR_headers
-#define CONST /* blank */
-#define CONST const
-#if defined(IEEE_8087) + defined(IEEE_MC68k) + defined(IEEE_ARM) + defined(VAX) + defined(IBM) != 1
-Exactly one of IEEE_8087, IEEE_MC68k, IEEE_ARM, VAX, or IBM should be defined.
-typedef union { double d; ULong L[2]; } U;
-#define dval(x) (x).d
-#ifdef IEEE_8087
-#define word0(x) (x).L[1]
-#define word1(x) (x).L[0]
-#define word0(x) (x).L[0]
-#define word1(x) (x).L[1]
-/* The following definition of Storeinc is appropriate for MIPS processors.
- * An alternative that might be better on some machines is
- * #define Storeinc(a,b,c) (*a++ = b << 16 | c & 0xffff)
- */
-#if defined(IEEE_8087) + defined(IEEE_ARM) + defined(VAX)
-#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)b, \
-((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)c, a++)
-#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)b, \
-((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)c, a++)
-/* #define P DBL_MANT_DIG */
-/* Ten_pmax = floor(P*log(2)/log(5)) */
-/* Bletch = (highest power of 2 < DBL_MAX_10_EXP) / 16 */
-/* Quick_max = floor((P-1)*log(FLT_RADIX)/log(10) - 1) */
-/* Int_max = floor(P*log(FLT_RADIX)/log(10) - 1) */
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-#define Exp_shift  20
-#define Exp_shift1 20
-#define Exp_msk1    0x100000
-#define Exp_msk11   0x100000
-#define Exp_mask  0x7ff00000
-#define P 53
-#define Bias 1023
-#define Emin (-1022)
-#define Exp_1  0x3ff00000
-#define Exp_11 0x3ff00000
-#define Ebits 11
-#define Frac_mask  0xfffff
-#define Frac_mask1 0xfffff
-#define Ten_pmax 22
-#define Bletch 0x10
-#define Bndry_mask  0xfffff
-#define Bndry_mask1 0xfffff
-#define LSB 1
-#define Sign_bit 0x80000000
-#define Log2P 1
-#define Tiny0 0
-#define Tiny1 1
-#define Quick_max 14
-#define Int_max 14
-#ifndef NO_IEEE_Scale
-#define Avoid_Underflow
-#ifdef Flush_Denorm	/* debugging option */
-#undef Sudden_Underflow
-#ifndef Flt_Rounds
-#ifdef FLT_ROUNDS
-#define Flt_Rounds FLT_ROUNDS
-#define Flt_Rounds 1
-#endif /*Flt_Rounds*/
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-#define Rounding rounding
-#undef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
-#define Check_FLT_ROUNDS
-#define Rounding Flt_Rounds
-#else /* ifndef IEEE_Arith */
-#undef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
-#undef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-#undef  Sudden_Underflow
-#define Sudden_Underflow
-#ifdef IBM
-#undef Flt_Rounds
-#define Flt_Rounds 0
-#define Exp_shift  24
-#define Exp_shift1 24
-#define Exp_msk1   0x1000000
-#define Exp_msk11  0x1000000
-#define Exp_mask  0x7f000000
-#define P 14
-#define Bias 65
-#define Exp_1  0x41000000
-#define Exp_11 0x41000000
-#define Ebits 8	/* exponent has 7 bits, but 8 is the right value in b2d */
-#define Frac_mask  0xffffff
-#define Frac_mask1 0xffffff
-#define Bletch 4
-#define Ten_pmax 22
-#define Bndry_mask  0xefffff
-#define Bndry_mask1 0xffffff
-#define LSB 1
-#define Sign_bit 0x80000000
-#define Log2P 4
-#define Tiny0 0x100000
-#define Tiny1 0
-#define Quick_max 14
-#define Int_max 15
-#else /* VAX */
-#undef Flt_Rounds
-#define Flt_Rounds 1
-#define Exp_shift  23
-#define Exp_shift1 7
-#define Exp_msk1    0x80
-#define Exp_msk11   0x800000
-#define Exp_mask  0x7f80
-#define P 56
-#define Bias 129
-#define Exp_1  0x40800000
-#define Exp_11 0x4080
-#define Ebits 8
-#define Frac_mask  0x7fffff
-#define Frac_mask1 0xffff007f
-#define Ten_pmax 24
-#define Bletch 2
-#define Bndry_mask  0xffff007f
-#define Bndry_mask1 0xffff007f
-#define LSB 0x10000
-#define Sign_bit 0x8000
-#define Log2P 1
-#define Tiny0 0x80
-#define Tiny1 0
-#define Quick_max 15
-#define Int_max 15
-#endif /* IBM, VAX */
-#endif /* IEEE_Arith */
-#ifndef IEEE_Arith
-#define rounded_product(a,b) a = rnd_prod(a, b)
-#define rounded_quotient(a,b) a = rnd_quot(a, b)
-#ifdef KR_headers
-extern double rnd_prod(), rnd_quot();
-extern double rnd_prod(double, double), rnd_quot(double, double);
-#define rounded_product(a,b) a *= b
-#define rounded_quotient(a,b) a /= b
-#define Big0 (Frac_mask1 | Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1))
-#define Big1 0xffffffff
-#ifndef Pack_32
-#define Pack_32
-#ifdef KR_headers
-#define FFFFFFFF ((((unsigned long)0xffff)<<16)|(unsigned long)0xffff)
-#define FFFFFFFF 0xffffffffUL
-#ifdef NO_LONG_LONG
-#undef ULLong
-#ifdef Just_16
-#undef Pack_32
-/* When Pack_32 is not defined, we store 16 bits per 32-bit Long.
- * This makes some inner loops simpler and sometimes saves work
- * during multiplications, but it often seems to make things slightly
- * slower.  Hence the default is now to store 32 bits per Long.
- */
-#else	/* long long available */
-#ifndef Llong
-#define Llong long long
-#ifndef ULLong
-#define ULLong unsigned Llong
-#endif /* NO_LONG_LONG */
-#define ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(n)	/*nothing*/
-#define FREE_DTOA_LOCK(n)	/*nothing*/
-#define Kmax 7
- struct
-Bigint {
-	struct Bigint *next;
-	int k, maxwds, sign, wds;
-	ULong x[1];
-	};
- typedef struct Bigint Bigint;
- static Bigint *freelist[Kmax+1];
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(k) int k;
-	(int k)
-	int x;
-	Bigint *rv;
-#ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
-	unsigned int len;
-	/* The k > Kmax case does not need ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(0), */
-	/* but this case seems very unlikely. */
-	if (k <= Kmax && (rv = freelist[k]))
-		freelist[k] = rv->next;
-	else {
-		x = 1 << k;
-#ifdef Omit_Private_Memory
-		rv = (Bigint *)MALLOC(sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong));
-		len = (sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong) + sizeof(double) - 1)
-			/sizeof(double);
-		if (k <= Kmax && pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
-			rv = (Bigint*)pmem_next;
-			pmem_next += len;
-			}
-		else
-			rv = (Bigint*)MALLOC(len*sizeof(double));
-		rv->k = k;
-		rv->maxwds = x;
-		}
-	rv->sign = rv->wds = 0;
-	return rv;
-	}
- static void
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(v) Bigint *v;
-	(Bigint *v)
-	if (v) {
-		if (v->k > Kmax)
-#ifdef FREE
-			FREE((void*)v);
-			free((void*)v);
-		else {
-			v->next = freelist[v->k];
-			freelist[v->k] = v;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-#define Bcopy(x,y) memcpy((char *)&x->sign, (char *)&y->sign, \
-y->wds*sizeof(Long) + 2*sizeof(int))
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(b, m, a) Bigint *b; int m, a;
-	(Bigint *b, int m, int a)	/* multiply by m and add a */
-	int i, wds;
-#ifdef ULLong
-	ULong *x;
-	ULLong carry, y;
-	ULong carry, *x, y;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	ULong xi, z;
-	Bigint *b1;
-	wds = b->wds;
-	x = b->x;
-	i = 0;
-	carry = a;
-	do {
-#ifdef ULLong
-		y = *x * (ULLong)m + carry;
-		carry = y >> 32;
-		*x++ = y & FFFFFFFF;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-		xi = *x;
-		y = (xi & 0xffff) * m + carry;
-		z = (xi >> 16) * m + (y >> 16);
-		carry = z >> 16;
-		*x++ = (z << 16) + (y & 0xffff);
-		y = *x * m + carry;
-		carry = y >> 16;
-		*x++ = y & 0xffff;
-		}
-		while(++i < wds);
-	if (carry) {
-		if (wds >= b->maxwds) {
-			b1 = Balloc(b->k+1);
-			Bcopy(b1, b);
-			Bfree(b);
-			b = b1;
-			}
-		b->x[wds++] = carry;
-		b->wds = wds;
-		}
-	return b;
-	}
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(s, nd0, nd, y9) CONST char *s; int nd0, nd; ULong y9;
-	(CONST char *s, int nd0, int nd, ULong y9)
-	Bigint *b;
-	int i, k;
-	Long x, y;
-	x = (nd + 8) / 9;
-	for(k = 0, y = 1; x > y; y <<= 1, k++) ;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	b = Balloc(k);
-	b->x[0] = y9;
-	b->wds = 1;
-	b = Balloc(k+1);
-	b->x[0] = y9 & 0xffff;
-	b->wds = (b->x[1] = y9 >> 16) ? 2 : 1;
-	i = 9;
-	if (9 < nd0) {
-		s += 9;
-		do b = multadd(b, 10, *s++ - '0');
-			while(++i < nd0);
-		s++;
-		}
-	else
-		s += 10;
-	for(; i < nd; i++)
-		b = multadd(b, 10, *s++ - '0');
-	return b;
-	}
- static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(x) register ULong x;
-	(register ULong x)
-	return( (!x) ? 32 : pr_bitscan_clz32(x) );
-	register int k = 0;
-	if (!(x & 0xffff0000)) {
-		k = 16;
-		x <<= 16;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0xff000000)) {
-		k += 8;
-		x <<= 8;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0xf0000000)) {
-		k += 4;
-		x <<= 4;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0xc0000000)) {
-		k += 2;
-		x <<= 2;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
-		k++;
-		if (!(x & 0x40000000))
-			return 32;
-		}
-	return k;
-	}
- static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(y) ULong *y;
-	(ULong *y)
-	int k;
-	ULong x = *y;
-	if (x>1)
-		*y = ( x >> (k = pr_bitscan_ctz32(x)) );
-	else
-		k = ((x ^ 1) << 5);
-	register int k;
-	register ULong x = *y;
-	if (x & 7) {
-		if (x & 1)
-			return 0;
-		if (x & 2) {
-			*y = x >> 1;
-			return 1;
-			}
-		*y = x >> 2;
-		return 2;
-		}
-	k = 0;
-	if (!(x & 0xffff)) {
-		k = 16;
-		x >>= 16;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0xff)) {
-		k += 8;
-		x >>= 8;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0xf)) {
-		k += 4;
-		x >>= 4;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 0x3)) {
-		k += 2;
-		x >>= 2;
-		}
-	if (!(x & 1)) {
-		k++;
-		x >>= 1;
-		if (!x)
-			return 32;
-		}
-	*y = x;
-	return k;
-	}
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(i) int i;
-	(int i)
-	Bigint *b;
-	b = Balloc(1);
-	b->x[0] = i;
-	b->wds = 1;
-	return b;
-	}
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(a, b) Bigint *a, *b;
-	(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
-	Bigint *c;
-	int k, wa, wb, wc;
-	ULong *x, *xa, *xae, *xb, *xbe, *xc, *xc0;
-	ULong y;
-#ifdef ULLong
-	ULLong carry, z;
-	ULong carry, z;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	ULong z2;
-	if (a->wds < b->wds) {
-		c = a;
-		a = b;
-		b = c;
-		}
-	k = a->k;
-	wa = a->wds;
-	wb = b->wds;
-	wc = wa + wb;
-	if (wc > a->maxwds)
-		k++;
-	c = Balloc(k);
-	for(x = c->x, xa = x + wc; x < xa; x++)
-		*x = 0;
-	xa = a->x;
-	xae = xa + wa;
-	xb = b->x;
-	xbe = xb + wb;
-	xc0 = c->x;
-#ifdef ULLong
-	for(; xb < xbe; xc0++) {
-		if (y = *xb++) {
-			x = xa;
-			xc = xc0;
-			carry = 0;
-			do {
-				z = *x++ * (ULLong)y + *xc + carry;
-				carry = z >> 32;
-				*xc++ = z & FFFFFFFF;
-				}
-				while(x < xae);
-			*xc = carry;
-			}
-		}
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	for(; xb < xbe; xb++, xc0++) {
-		if (y = *xb & 0xffff) {
-			x = xa;
-			xc = xc0;
-			carry = 0;
-			do {
-				z = (*x & 0xffff) * y + (*xc & 0xffff) + carry;
-				carry = z >> 16;
-				z2 = (*x++ >> 16) * y + (*xc >> 16) + carry;
-				carry = z2 >> 16;
-				Storeinc(xc, z2, z);
-				}
-				while(x < xae);
-			*xc = carry;
-			}
-		if (y = *xb >> 16) {
-			x = xa;
-			xc = xc0;
-			carry = 0;
-			z2 = *xc;
-			do {
-				z = (*x & 0xffff) * y + (*xc >> 16) + carry;
-				carry = z >> 16;
-				Storeinc(xc, z, z2);
-				z2 = (*x++ >> 16) * y + (*xc & 0xffff) + carry;
-				carry = z2 >> 16;
-				}
-				while(x < xae);
-			*xc = z2;
-			}
-		}
-	for(; xb < xbe; xc0++) {
-		if (y = *xb++) {
-			x = xa;
-			xc = xc0;
-			carry = 0;
-			do {
-				z = *x++ * y + *xc + carry;
-				carry = z >> 16;
-				*xc++ = z & 0xffff;
-				}
-				while(x < xae);
-			*xc = carry;
-			}
-		}
-	for(xc0 = c->x, xc = xc0 + wc; wc > 0 && !*--xc; --wc) ;
-	c->wds = wc;
-	return c;
-	}
- static Bigint *p5s;
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
-	(Bigint *b, int k)
-	Bigint *b1, *p5, *p51;
-	int i;
-	static int p05[3] = { 5, 25, 125 };
-	if (i = k & 3)
-		b = multadd(b, p05[i-1], 0);
-	if (!(k >>= 2))
-		return b;
-	if (!(p5 = p5s)) {
-		/* first time */
-		if (!(p5 = p5s)) {
-			p5 = p5s = i2b(625);
-			p5->next = 0;
-			}
-		p5 = p5s = i2b(625);
-		p5->next = 0;
-		}
-	for(;;) {
-		if (k & 1) {
-			b1 = mult(b, p5);
-			Bfree(b);
-			b = b1;
-			}
-		if (!(k >>= 1))
-			break;
-		if (!(p51 = p5->next)) {
-			if (!(p51 = p5->next)) {
-				p51 = p5->next = mult(p5,p5);
-				p51->next = 0;
-				}
-			p51 = p5->next = mult(p5,p5);
-			p51->next = 0;
-			}
-		p5 = p51;
-		}
-	return b;
-	}
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
-	(Bigint *b, int k)
-	int i, k1, n, n1;
-	Bigint *b1;
-	ULong *x, *x1, *xe, z;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	n = k >> 5;
-	n = k >> 4;
-	k1 = b->k;
-	n1 = n + b->wds + 1;
-	for(i = b->maxwds; n1 > i; i <<= 1)
-		k1++;
-	b1 = Balloc(k1);
-	x1 = b1->x;
-	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		*x1++ = 0;
-	x = b->x;
-	xe = x + b->wds;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	if (k &= 0x1f) {
-		k1 = 32 - k;
-		z = 0;
-		do {
-			*x1++ = *x << k | z;
-			z = *x++ >> k1;
-			}
-			while(x < xe);
-		if (*x1 = z)
-			++n1;
-		}
-	if (k &= 0xf) {
-		k1 = 16 - k;
-		z = 0;
-		do {
-			*x1++ = *x << k  & 0xffff | z;
-			z = *x++ >> k1;
-			}
-			while(x < xe);
-		if (*x1 = z)
-			++n1;
-		}
-	else do
-		*x1++ = *x++;
-		while(x < xe);
-	b1->wds = n1 - 1;
-	Bfree(b);
-	return b1;
-	}
- static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(a, b) Bigint *a, *b;
-	(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
-	ULong *xa, *xa0, *xb, *xb0;
-	int i, j;
-	i = a->wds;
-	j = b->wds;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if (i > 1 && !a->x[i-1])
-		Bug("cmp called with a->x[a->wds-1] == 0");
-	if (j > 1 && !b->x[j-1])
-		Bug("cmp called with b->x[b->wds-1] == 0");
-	if (i -= j)
-		return i;
-	xa0 = a->x;
-	xa = xa0 + j;
-	xb0 = b->x;
-	xb = xb0 + j;
-	for(;;) {
-		if (*--xa != *--xb)
-			return *xa < *xb ? -1 : 1;
-		if (xa <= xa0)
-			break;
-		}
-	return 0;
-	}
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(a, b) Bigint *a, *b;
-	(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
-	Bigint *c;
-	int i, wa, wb;
-	ULong *xa, *xae, *xb, *xbe, *xc;
-#ifdef ULLong
-	ULLong borrow, y;
-	ULong borrow, y;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	ULong z;
-	i = cmp(a,b);
-	if (!i) {
-		c = Balloc(0);
-		c->wds = 1;
-		c->x[0] = 0;
-		return c;
-		}
-	if (i < 0) {
-		c = a;
-		a = b;
-		b = c;
-		i = 1;
-		}
-	else
-		i = 0;
-	c = Balloc(a->k);
-	c->sign = i;
-	wa = a->wds;
-	xa = a->x;
-	xae = xa + wa;
-	wb = b->wds;
-	xb = b->x;
-	xbe = xb + wb;
-	xc = c->x;
-	borrow = 0;
-#ifdef ULLong
-	do {
-		y = (ULLong)*xa++ - *xb++ - borrow;
-		borrow = y >> 32 & (ULong)1;
-		*xc++ = y & FFFFFFFF;
-		}
-		while(xb < xbe);
-	while(xa < xae) {
-		y = *xa++ - borrow;
-		borrow = y >> 32 & (ULong)1;
-		*xc++ = y & FFFFFFFF;
-		}
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	do {
-		y = (*xa & 0xffff) - (*xb & 0xffff) - borrow;
-		borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-		z = (*xa++ >> 16) - (*xb++ >> 16) - borrow;
-		borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
-		Storeinc(xc, z, y);
-		}
-		while(xb < xbe);
-	while(xa < xae) {
-		y = (*xa & 0xffff) - borrow;
-		borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-		z = (*xa++ >> 16) - borrow;
-		borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
-		Storeinc(xc, z, y);
-		}
-	do {
-		y = *xa++ - *xb++ - borrow;
-		borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-		*xc++ = y & 0xffff;
-		}
-		while(xb < xbe);
-	while(xa < xae) {
-		y = *xa++ - borrow;
-		borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-		*xc++ = y & 0xffff;
-		}
-	while(!*--xc)
-		wa--;
-	c->wds = wa;
-	return c;
-	}
- static double
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(dx) double dx;
-	(double dx)
-	register Long L;
-	U x, a;
-	dval(x) = dx;
-	L = (word0(x) & Exp_mask) - (P-1)*Exp_msk1;
-#ifndef Avoid_Underflow
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-	if (L > 0) {
-#ifdef IBM
-		L |= Exp_msk1 >> 4;
-		word0(a) = L;
-		word1(a) = 0;
-#ifndef Avoid_Underflow
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-		}
-	else {
-		L = -L >> Exp_shift;
-		if (L < Exp_shift) {
-			word0(a) = 0x80000 >> L;
-			word1(a) = 0;
-			}
-		else {
-			word0(a) = 0;
-			L -= Exp_shift;
-			word1(a) = L >= 31 ? 1 : 1 << 31 - L;
-			}
-		}
-	return dval(a);
-	}
- static double
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(a, e) Bigint *a; int *e;
-	(Bigint *a, int *e)
-	ULong *xa, *xa0, w, y, z;
-	int k;
-	U d;
-#ifdef VAX
-	ULong d0, d1;
-#define d0 word0(d)
-#define d1 word1(d)
-	xa0 = a->x;
-	xa = xa0 + a->wds;
-	y = *--xa;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if (!y) Bug("zero y in b2d");
-	k = hi0bits(y);
-	*e = 32 - k;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	if (k < Ebits) {
-		d0 = Exp_1 | y >> Ebits - k;
-		w = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-		d1 = y << (32-Ebits) + k | w >> Ebits - k;
-		goto ret_d;
-		}
-	z = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-	if (k -= Ebits) {
-		d0 = Exp_1 | y << k | z >> 32 - k;
-		y = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-		d1 = z << k | y >> 32 - k;
-		}
-	else {
-		d0 = Exp_1 | y;
-		d1 = z;
-		}
-	if (k < Ebits + 16) {
-		z = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-		d0 = Exp_1 | y << k - Ebits | z >> Ebits + 16 - k;
-		w = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-		y = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-		d1 = z << k + 16 - Ebits | w << k - Ebits | y >> 16 + Ebits - k;
-		goto ret_d;
-		}
-	z = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-	w = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-	k -= Ebits + 16;
-	d0 = Exp_1 | y << k + 16 | z << k | w >> 16 - k;
-	y = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
-	d1 = w << k + 16 | y << k;
- ret_d:
-#ifdef VAX
-	word0(d) = d0 >> 16 | d0 << 16;
-	word1(d) = d1 >> 16 | d1 << 16;
-#undef d0
-#undef d1
-	return dval(d);
-	}
- static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(dd, e, bits) double dd; int *e, *bits;
-	(double dd, int *e, int *bits)
-	U d;
-	Bigint *b;
-	int de, k;
-	ULong *x, y, z;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-	int i;
-#ifdef VAX
-	ULong d0, d1;
-	dval(d) = dd;
-#ifdef VAX
-	d0 = word0(d) >> 16 | word0(d) << 16;
-	d1 = word1(d) >> 16 | word1(d) << 16;
-#define d0 word0(d)
-#define d1 word1(d)
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	b = Balloc(1);
-	b = Balloc(2);
-	x = b->x;
-	z = d0 & Frac_mask;
-	d0 &= 0x7fffffff;	/* clear sign bit, which we ignore */
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-	de = (int)(d0 >> Exp_shift);
-#ifndef IBM
-	z |= Exp_msk11;
-	if (de = (int)(d0 >> Exp_shift))
-		z |= Exp_msk1;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	if (y = d1) {
-		if (k = lo0bits(&y)) {
-			x[0] = y | z << 32 - k;
-			z >>= k;
-			}
-		else
-			x[0] = y;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-		i =
-		    b->wds = (x[1] = z) ? 2 : 1;
-		}
-	else {
-		k = lo0bits(&z);
-		x[0] = z;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-		i =
-		    b->wds = 1;
-		k += 32;
-		}
-	if (y = d1) {
-		if (k = lo0bits(&y))
-			if (k >= 16) {
-				x[0] = y | z << 32 - k & 0xffff;
-				x[1] = z >> k - 16 & 0xffff;
-				x[2] = z >> k;
-				i = 2;
-				}
-			else {
-				x[0] = y & 0xffff;
-				x[1] = y >> 16 | z << 16 - k & 0xffff;
-				x[2] = z >> k & 0xffff;
-				x[3] = z >> k+16;
-				i = 3;
-				}
-		else {
-			x[0] = y & 0xffff;
-			x[1] = y >> 16;
-			x[2] = z & 0xffff;
-			x[3] = z >> 16;
-			i = 3;
-			}
-		}
-	else {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		if (!z)
-			Bug("Zero passed to d2b");
-		k = lo0bits(&z);
-		if (k >= 16) {
-			x[0] = z;
-			i = 0;
-			}
-		else {
-			x[0] = z & 0xffff;
-			x[1] = z >> 16;
-			i = 1;
-			}
-		k += 32;
-		}
-	while(!x[i])
-		--i;
-	b->wds = i + 1;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-	if (de) {
-#ifdef IBM
-		*e = (de - Bias - (P-1) << 2) + k;
-		*bits = 4*P + 8 - k - hi0bits(word0(d) & Frac_mask);
-		*e = de - Bias - (P-1) + k;
-		*bits = P - k;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-		}
-	else {
-		*e = de - Bias - (P-1) + 1 + k;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-		*bits = 32*i - hi0bits(x[i-1]);
-		*bits = (i+2)*16 - hi0bits(x[i]);
-		}
-	return b;
-	}
-#undef d0
-#undef d1
- static double
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(a, b) Bigint *a, *b;
-	(Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
-	U da, db;
-	int k, ka, kb;
-	dval(da) = b2d(a, &ka);
-	dval(db) = b2d(b, &kb);
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	k = ka - kb + 32*(a->wds - b->wds);
-	k = ka - kb + 16*(a->wds - b->wds);
-#ifdef IBM
-	if (k > 0) {
-		word0(da) += (k >> 2)*Exp_msk1;
-		if (k &= 3)
-			dval(da) *= 1 << k;
-		}
-	else {
-		k = -k;
-		word0(db) += (k >> 2)*Exp_msk1;
-		if (k &= 3)
-			dval(db) *= 1 << k;
-		}
-	if (k > 0)
-		word0(da) += k*Exp_msk1;
-	else {
-		k = -k;
-		word0(db) += k*Exp_msk1;
-		}
-	return dval(da) / dval(db);
-	}
- static CONST double
-tens[] = {
-		1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
-		1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
-		1e20, 1e21, 1e22
-#ifdef VAX
-		, 1e23, 1e24
-		};
- static CONST double
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32, 1e64, 1e128, 1e256 };
-static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32, 1e-64, 1e-128,
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-		9007199254740992.*9007199254740992.e-256
-		/* = 2^106 * 1e-53 */
-		1e-256
-		};
-/* The factor of 2^53 in tinytens[4] helps us avoid setting the underflow */
-/* flag unnecessarily.  It leads to a song and dance at the end of strtod. */
-#define Scale_Bit 0x10
-#define n_bigtens 5
-#ifdef IBM
-bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32, 1e64 };
-static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32, 1e-64 };
-#define n_bigtens 3
-bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32 };
-static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32 };
-#define n_bigtens 2
-#ifndef IEEE_Arith
-#ifndef NAN_WORD0
-#define NAN_WORD0 0x7ff80000
-#ifndef NAN_WORD1
-#define NAN_WORD1 0
- static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(sp, t) char **sp, *t;
-	(CONST char **sp, char *t)
-	int c, d;
-	CONST char *s = *sp;
-	while(d = *t++) {
-		if ((c = *++s) >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
-			c += 'a' - 'A';
-		if (c != d)
-			return 0;
-		}
-	*sp = s + 1;
-	return 1;
-	}
-#ifndef No_Hex_NaN
- static void
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(rvp, sp) double *rvp; CONST char **sp;
-	(double *rvp, CONST char **sp)
-	ULong c, x[2];
-	CONST char *s;
-	int havedig, udx0, xshift;
-	x[0] = x[1] = 0;
-	havedig = xshift = 0;
-	udx0 = 1;
-	s = *sp;
-	while(c = *(CONST unsigned char*)++s) {
-		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-			c -= '0';
-		else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-			c += 10 - 'a';
-		else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-			c += 10 - 'A';
-		else if (c <= ' ') {
-			if (udx0 && havedig) {
-				udx0 = 0;
-				xshift = 1;
-				}
-			continue;
-			}
-		else if (/*(*/ c == ')' && havedig) {
-			*sp = s + 1;
-			break;
-			}
-		else
-			return;	/* invalid form: don't change *sp */
-		havedig = 1;
-		if (xshift) {
-			xshift = 0;
-			x[0] = x[1];
-			x[1] = 0;
-			}
-		if (udx0)
-			x[0] = (x[0] << 4) | (x[1] >> 28);
-		x[1] = (x[1] << 4) | c;
-		}
-	if ((x[0] &= 0xfffff) || x[1]) {
-		word0(*rvp) = Exp_mask | x[0];
-		word1(*rvp) = x[1];
-		}
-	}
-#endif /*No_Hex_NaN*/
-#endif /* INFNAN_CHECK */
- PR_IMPLEMENT(double)
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(s00, se) CONST char *s00; char **se;
-	(CONST char *s00, char **se)
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-	int scale;
-	int bb2, bb5, bbe, bd2, bd5, bbbits, bs2, c, dsign,
-		 e, e1, esign, i, j, k, nd, nd0, nf, nz, nz0, sign;
-	CONST char *s, *s0, *s1;
-	double aadj, aadj1, adj;
-	U aadj2, rv, rv0;
-	Long L;
-	ULong y, z;
-	Bigint *bb, *bb1, *bd, *bd0, *bs, *delta;
-	int inexact, oldinexact;
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-	int rounding;
-#ifdef USE_LOCALE
-	CONST char *s2;
-	if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	sign = nz0 = nz = 0;
-	dval(rv) = 0.;
-	for(s = s00;;s++) switch(*s) {
-		case '-':
-			sign = 1;
-			/* no break */
-		case '+':
-			if (*++s)
-				goto break2;
-			/* no break */
-		case 0:
-			goto ret0;
-		case '\t':
-		case '\n':
-		case '\v':
-		case '\f':
-		case '\r':
-		case ' ':
-			continue;
-		default:
-			goto break2;
-		}
- break2:
-	if (*s == '0') {
-		nz0 = 1;
-		while(*++s == '0') ;
-		if (!*s)
-			goto ret;
-		}
-	s0 = s;
-	y = z = 0;
-	for(nd = nf = 0; (c = *s) >= '0' && c <= '9'; nd++, s++)
-		if (nd < 9)
-			y = 10*y + c - '0';
-		else if (nd < 16)
-			z = 10*z + c - '0';
-	nd0 = nd;
-#ifdef USE_LOCALE
-	s1 = localeconv()->decimal_point;
-	if (c == *s1) {
-		c = '.';
-		if (*++s1) {
-			s2 = s;
-			for(;;) {
-				if (*++s2 != *s1) {
-					c = 0;
-					break;
-					}
-				if (!*++s1) {
-					s = s2;
-					break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	if (c == '.') {
-		c = *++s;
-		if (!nd) {
-			for(; c == '0'; c = *++s)
-				nz++;
-			if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
-				s0 = s;
-				nf += nz;
-				nz = 0;
-				goto have_dig;
-				}
-			goto dig_done;
-			}
-		for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
- have_dig:
-			nz++;
-			if (c -= '0') {
-				nf += nz;
-				for(i = 1; i < nz; i++)
-					if (nd++ < 9)
-						y *= 10;
-					else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
-						z *= 10;
-				if (nd++ < 9)
-					y = 10*y + c;
-				else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
-					z = 10*z + c;
-				nz = 0;
-				}
-			}
-		}
- dig_done:
-	if (nd > 64 * 1024)
-		goto ret0;
-	e = 0;
-	if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
-		if (!nd && !nz && !nz0) {
-			goto ret0;
-			}
-		s00 = s;
-		esign = 0;
-		switch(c = *++s) {
-			case '-':
-				esign = 1;
-			case '+':
-				c = *++s;
-			}
-		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
-			while(c == '0')
-				c = *++s;
-			if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
-				L = c - '0';
-				s1 = s;
-				while((c = *++s) >= '0' && c <= '9')
-					L = 10*L + c - '0';
-				if (s - s1 > 8 || L > 19999)
-					/* Avoid confusion from exponents
-					 * so large that e might overflow.
-					 */
-					e = 19999; /* safe for 16 bit ints */
-				else
-					e = (int)L;
-				if (esign)
-					e = -e;
-				}
-			else
-				e = 0;
-			}
-		else
-			s = s00;
-		}
-	if (!nd) {
-		if (!nz && !nz0) {
-			/* Check for Nan and Infinity */
-			switch(c) {
-			  case 'i':
-			  case 'I':
-				if (match(&s,"nf")) {
-					--s;
-					if (!match(&s,"inity"))
-						++s;
-					word0(rv) = 0x7ff00000;
-					word1(rv) = 0;
-					goto ret;
-					}
-				break;
-			  case 'n':
-			  case 'N':
-				if (match(&s, "an")) {
-					word0(rv) = NAN_WORD0;
-					word1(rv) = NAN_WORD1;
-#ifndef No_Hex_NaN
-					if (*s == '(') /*)*/
-						hexnan(&rv, &s);
-					goto ret;
-					}
-			  }
-#endif /* INFNAN_CHECK */
- ret0:
-			s = s00;
-			sign = 0;
-			}
-		goto ret;
-		}
-	e1 = e -= nf;
-	/* Now we have nd0 digits, starting at s0, followed by a
-	 * decimal point, followed by nd-nd0 digits.  The number we're
-	 * after is the integer represented by those digits times
-	 * 10**e */
-	if (!nd0)
-		nd0 = nd;
-	k = nd < DBL_DIG + 1 ? nd : DBL_DIG + 1;
-	dval(rv) = y;
-	if (k > 9) {
-		if (k > DBL_DIG)
-			oldinexact = get_inexact();
-		dval(rv) = tens[k - 9] * dval(rv) + z;
-		}
-	bd0 = 0;
-	if (nd <= DBL_DIG
-#ifndef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-		&& Flt_Rounds == 1
-			) {
-		if (!e)
-			goto ret;
-		if (e > 0) {
-			if (e <= Ten_pmax) {
-#ifdef VAX
-				goto vax_ovfl_check;
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				/* round correctly FLT_ROUNDS = 2 or 3 */
-				if (sign) {
-					rv = -rv;
-					sign = 0;
-					}
-				/* rv = */ rounded_product(dval(rv), tens[e]);
-				goto ret;
-				}
-			i = DBL_DIG - nd;
-			if (e <= Ten_pmax + i) {
-				/* A fancier test would sometimes let us do
-				 * this for larger i values.
-				 */
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				/* round correctly FLT_ROUNDS = 2 or 3 */
-				if (sign) {
-					rv = -rv;
-					sign = 0;
-					}
-				e -= i;
-				dval(rv) *= tens[i];
-#ifdef VAX
-				/* VAX exponent range is so narrow we must
-				 * worry about overflow here...
-				 */
- vax_ovfl_check:
-				word0(rv) -= P*Exp_msk1;
-				/* rv = */ rounded_product(dval(rv), tens[e]);
-				if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
-				 > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1-P))
-					goto ovfl;
-				word0(rv) += P*Exp_msk1;
-				/* rv = */ rounded_product(dval(rv), tens[e]);
-				goto ret;
-				}
-			}
-#ifndef Inaccurate_Divide
-		else if (e >= -Ten_pmax) {
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-			/* round correctly FLT_ROUNDS = 2 or 3 */
-			if (sign) {
-				rv = -rv;
-				sign = 0;
-				}
-			/* rv = */ rounded_quotient(dval(rv), tens[-e]);
-			goto ret;
-			}
-		}
-	e1 += nd - k;
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-	inexact = 1;
-	if (k <= DBL_DIG)
-		oldinexact = get_inexact();
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-	scale = 0;
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-	if ((rounding = Flt_Rounds) >= 2) {
-		if (sign)
-			rounding = rounding == 2 ? 0 : 2;
-		else
-			if (rounding != 2)
-				rounding = 0;
-		}
-#endif /*IEEE_Arith*/
-	/* Get starting approximation = rv * 10**e1 */
-	if (e1 > 0) {
-		if (i = e1 & 15)
-			dval(rv) *= tens[i];
-		if (e1 &= ~15) {
-			if (e1 > DBL_MAX_10_EXP) {
- ovfl:
-#ifndef NO_ERRNO
-				PR_SetError(PR_RANGE_ERROR, 0);
-				/* Can't trust HUGE_VAL */
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				switch(rounding) {
-				  case 0: /* toward 0 */
-				  case 3: /* toward -infinity */
-					word0(rv) = Big0;
-					word1(rv) = Big1;
-					break;
-				  default:
-					word0(rv) = Exp_mask;
-					word1(rv) = 0;
-				  }
-#else /*Honor_FLT_ROUNDS*/
-				word0(rv) = Exp_mask;
-				word1(rv) = 0;
-#endif /*Honor_FLT_ROUNDS*/
-				/* set overflow bit */
-				dval(rv0) = 1e300;
-				dval(rv0) *= dval(rv0);
-#else /*IEEE_Arith*/
-				word0(rv) = Big0;
-				word1(rv) = Big1;
-#endif /*IEEE_Arith*/
-				if (bd0)
-					goto retfree;
-				goto ret;
-				}
-			e1 >>= 4;
-			for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
-				if (e1 & 1)
-					dval(rv) *= bigtens[j];
-		/* The last multiplication could overflow. */
-			word0(rv) -= P*Exp_msk1;
-			dval(rv) *= bigtens[j];
-			if ((z = word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
-			 > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-P))
-				goto ovfl;
-			if (z > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1-P)) {
-				/* set to largest number */
-				/* (Can't trust DBL_MAX) */
-				word0(rv) = Big0;
-				word1(rv) = Big1;
-				}
-			else
-				word0(rv) += P*Exp_msk1;
-			}
-		}
-	else if (e1 < 0) {
-		e1 = -e1;
-		if (i = e1 & 15)
-			dval(rv) /= tens[i];
-		if (e1 >>= 4) {
-			if (e1 >= 1 << n_bigtens)
-				goto undfl;
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-			if (e1 & Scale_Bit)
-				scale = 2*P;
-			for(j = 0; e1 > 0; j++, e1 >>= 1)
-				if (e1 & 1)
-					dval(rv) *= tinytens[j];
-			if (scale && (j = 2*P + 1 - ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
-						>> Exp_shift)) > 0) {
-				/* scaled rv is denormal; zap j low bits */
-				if (j >= 32) {
-					word1(rv) = 0;
-					if (j >= 53)
-					 word0(rv) = (P+2)*Exp_msk1;
-					else
-					 word0(rv) &= 0xffffffff << j-32;
-					}
-				else
-					word1(rv) &= 0xffffffff << j;
-				}
-			for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
-				if (e1 & 1)
-					dval(rv) *= tinytens[j];
-			/* The last multiplication could underflow. */
-			dval(rv0) = dval(rv);
-			dval(rv) *= tinytens[j];
-			if (!dval(rv)) {
-				dval(rv) = 2.*dval(rv0);
-				dval(rv) *= tinytens[j];
-				if (!dval(rv)) {
- undfl:
-					dval(rv) = 0.;
-#ifndef NO_ERRNO
-					PR_SetError(PR_RANGE_ERROR, 0);
-					if (bd0)
-						goto retfree;
-					goto ret;
-					}
-#ifndef Avoid_Underflow
-				word0(rv) = Tiny0;
-				word1(rv) = Tiny1;
-				/* The refinement below will clean
-				 * this approximation up.
-				 */
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	/* Now the hard part -- adjusting rv to the correct value.*/
-	/* Put digits into bd: true value = bd * 10^e */
-	bd0 = s2b(s0, nd0, nd, y);
-	for(;;) {
-		bd = Balloc(bd0->k);
-		Bcopy(bd, bd0);
-		bb = d2b(dval(rv), &bbe, &bbbits);	/* rv = bb * 2^bbe */
-		bs = i2b(1);
-		if (e >= 0) {
-			bb2 = bb5 = 0;
-			bd2 = bd5 = e;
-			}
-		else {
-			bb2 = bb5 = -e;
-			bd2 = bd5 = 0;
-			}
-		if (bbe >= 0)
-			bb2 += bbe;
-		else
-			bd2 -= bbe;
-		bs2 = bb2;
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-		if (rounding != 1)
-			bs2++;
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-		j = bbe - scale;
-		i = j + bbbits - 1;	/* logb(rv) */
-		if (i < Emin)	/* denormal */
-			j += P - Emin;
-		else
-			j = P + 1 - bbbits;
-#else /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-#ifdef IBM
-		j = 1 + 4*P - 3 - bbbits + ((bbe + bbbits - 1) & 3);
-		j = P + 1 - bbbits;
-#else /*Sudden_Underflow*/
-		j = bbe;
-		i = j + bbbits - 1;	/* logb(rv) */
-		if (i < Emin)	/* denormal */
-			j += P - Emin;
-		else
-			j = P + 1 - bbbits;
-#endif /*Sudden_Underflow*/
-#endif /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-		bb2 += j;
-		bd2 += j;
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-		bd2 += scale;
-		i = bb2 < bd2 ? bb2 : bd2;
-		if (i > bs2)
-			i = bs2;
-		if (i > 0) {
-			bb2 -= i;
-			bd2 -= i;
-			bs2 -= i;
-			}
-		if (bb5 > 0) {
-			bs = pow5mult(bs, bb5);
-			bb1 = mult(bs, bb);
-			Bfree(bb);
-			bb = bb1;
-			}
-		if (bb2 > 0)
-			bb = lshift(bb, bb2);
-		if (bd5 > 0)
-			bd = pow5mult(bd, bd5);
-		if (bd2 > 0)
-			bd = lshift(bd, bd2);
-		if (bs2 > 0)
-			bs = lshift(bs, bs2);
-		delta = diff(bb, bd);
-		dsign = delta->sign;
-		delta->sign = 0;
-		i = cmp(delta, bs);
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-		if (rounding != 1) {
-			if (i < 0) {
-				/* Error is less than an ulp */
-				if (!delta->x[0] && delta->wds <= 1) {
-					/* exact */
-					inexact = 0;
-					break;
-					}
-				if (rounding) {
-					if (dsign) {
-						adj = 1.;
-						goto apply_adj;
-						}
-					}
-				else if (!dsign) {
-					adj = -1.;
-					if (!word1(rv)
-					 && !(word0(rv) & Frac_mask)) {
-						y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-						if (!scale || y > 2*P*Exp_msk1)
-						if (y)
-						  {
-						  delta = lshift(delta,Log2P);
-						  if (cmp(delta, bs) <= 0)
-							adj = -0.5;
-						  }
-						}
- apply_adj:
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-					if (scale && (y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
-						<= 2*P*Exp_msk1)
-					  word0(adj) += (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1 - y;
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-					if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <=
-							P*Exp_msk1) {
-						word0(rv) += P*Exp_msk1;
-						dval(rv) += adj*ulp(dval(rv));
-						word0(rv) -= P*Exp_msk1;
-						}
-					else
-#endif /*Sudden_Underflow*/
-#endif /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-					dval(rv) += adj*ulp(dval(rv));
-					}
-				break;
-				}
-			adj = ratio(delta, bs);
-			if (adj < 1.)
-				adj = 1.;
-			if (adj <= 0x7ffffffe) {
-				/* adj = rounding ? ceil(adj) : floor(adj); */
-				y = adj;
-				if (y != adj) {
-					if (!((rounding>>1) ^ dsign))
-						y++;
-					adj = y;
-					}
-				}
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-			if (scale && (y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= 2*P*Exp_msk1)
-				word0(adj) += (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1 - y;
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-			if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1) {
-				word0(rv) += P*Exp_msk1;
-				adj *= ulp(dval(rv));
-				if (dsign)
-					dval(rv) += adj;
-				else
-					dval(rv) -= adj;
-				word0(rv) -= P*Exp_msk1;
-				goto cont;
-				}
-#endif /*Sudden_Underflow*/
-#endif /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-			adj *= ulp(dval(rv));
-			if (dsign)
-				dval(rv) += adj;
-			else
-				dval(rv) -= adj;
-			goto cont;
-			}
-#endif /*Honor_FLT_ROUNDS*/
-		if (i < 0) {
-			/* Error is less than half an ulp -- check for
-			 * special case of mantissa a power of two.
-			 */
-			if (dsign || word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-			 || (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1
-			 || (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= Exp_msk1
-				) {
-				if (!delta->x[0] && delta->wds <= 1)
-					inexact = 0;
-				break;
-				}
-			if (!delta->x[0] && delta->wds <= 1) {
-				/* exact result */
-				inexact = 0;
-				break;
-				}
-			delta = lshift(delta,Log2P);
-			if (cmp(delta, bs) > 0)
-				goto drop_down;
-			break;
-			}
-		if (i == 0) {
-			/* exactly half-way between */
-			if (dsign) {
-				if ((word0(rv) & Bndry_mask1) == Bndry_mask1
-				 &&  word1(rv) == (
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-			(scale && (y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= 2*P*Exp_msk1)
-		? (0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (2*P+1-(y>>Exp_shift)))) :
-						   0xffffffff)) {
-					/*boundary case -- increment exponent*/
-					word0(rv) = (word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
-						+ Exp_msk1
-#ifdef IBM
-						| Exp_msk1 >> 4
-						;
-					word1(rv) = 0;
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-					dsign = 0;
-					break;
-					}
-				}
-			else if (!(word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) && !word1(rv)) {
- drop_down:
-				/* boundary case -- decrement exponent */
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow /*{{*/
-				L = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
-#ifdef IBM
-				if (L <  Exp_msk1)
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-				if (L <= (scale ? (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1 : Exp_msk1))
-				if (L <= Exp_msk1)
-#endif /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-#endif /*IBM*/
-					goto undfl;
-				L -= Exp_msk1;
-#else /*Sudden_Underflow}{*/
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-				if (scale) {
-					L = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
-					if (L <= (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1) {
-						if (L > (P+2)*Exp_msk1)
-							/* round even ==> */
-							/* accept rv */
-							break;
-						/* rv = smallest denormal */
-						goto undfl;
-						}
-					}
-#endif /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-				L = (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) - Exp_msk1;
-#endif /*Sudden_Underflow}}*/
-				word0(rv) = L | Bndry_mask1;
-				word1(rv) = 0xffffffff;
-#ifdef IBM
-				goto cont;
-				break;
-				}
-			if (!(word1(rv) & LSB))
-				break;
-			if (dsign)
-				dval(rv) += ulp(dval(rv));
-			else {
-				dval(rv) -= ulp(dval(rv));
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-				if (!dval(rv))
-					goto undfl;
-				}
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-			dsign = 1 - dsign;
-			break;
-			}
-		if ((aadj = ratio(delta, bs)) <= 2.) {
-			if (dsign)
-				aadj = aadj1 = 1.;
-			else if (word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) {
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-				if (word1(rv) == Tiny1 && !word0(rv))
-					goto undfl;
-				aadj = 1.;
-				aadj1 = -1.;
-				}
-			else {
-				/* special case -- power of FLT_RADIX to be */
-				/* rounded down... */
-				if (aadj < 2./FLT_RADIX)
-					aadj = 1./FLT_RADIX;
-				else
-					aadj *= 0.5;
-				aadj1 = -aadj;
-				}
-			}
-		else {
-			aadj *= 0.5;
-			aadj1 = dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
-#ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
-			switch(Rounding) {
-				case 2: /* towards +infinity */
-					aadj1 -= 0.5;
-					break;
-				case 0: /* towards 0 */
-				case 3: /* towards -infinity */
-					aadj1 += 0.5;
-				}
-			if (Flt_Rounds == 0)
-				aadj1 += 0.5;
-#endif /*Check_FLT_ROUNDS*/
-			}
-		y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
-		/* Check for overflow */
-		if (y == Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1)) {
-			dval(rv0) = dval(rv);
-			word0(rv) -= P*Exp_msk1;
-			adj = aadj1 * ulp(dval(rv));
-			dval(rv) += adj;
-			if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) >=
-					Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-P)) {
-				if (word0(rv0) == Big0 && word1(rv0) == Big1)
-					goto ovfl;
-				word0(rv) = Big0;
-				word1(rv) = Big1;
-				goto cont;
-				}
-			else
-				word0(rv) += P*Exp_msk1;
-			}
-		else {
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-			if (scale && y <= 2*P*Exp_msk1) {
-				if (aadj <= 0x7fffffff) {
-					if ((z = aadj) <= 0)
-						z = 1;
-					aadj = z;
-					aadj1 = dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
-					}
-				dval(aadj2) = aadj1;
-				word0(aadj2) += (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1 - y;
-				aadj1 = dval(aadj2);
-				}
-			adj = aadj1 * ulp(dval(rv));
-			dval(rv) += adj;
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-			if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1) {
-				dval(rv0) = dval(rv);
-				word0(rv) += P*Exp_msk1;
-				adj = aadj1 * ulp(dval(rv));
-				dval(rv) += adj;
-#ifdef IBM
-				if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <  P*Exp_msk1)
-				if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1)
-					{
-					if (word0(rv0) == Tiny0
-					 && word1(rv0) == Tiny1)
-						goto undfl;
-					word0(rv) = Tiny0;
-					word1(rv) = Tiny1;
-					goto cont;
-					}
-				else
-					word0(rv) -= P*Exp_msk1;
-				}
-			else {
-				adj = aadj1 * ulp(dval(rv));
-				dval(rv) += adj;
-				}
-#else /*Sudden_Underflow*/
-			/* Compute adj so that the IEEE rounding rules will
-			 * correctly round rv + adj in some half-way cases.
-			 * If rv * ulp(rv) is denormalized (i.e.,
-			 * y <= (P-1)*Exp_msk1), we must adjust aadj to avoid
-			 * trouble from bits lost to denormalization;
-			 * example: 1.2e-307 .
-			 */
-			if (y <= (P-1)*Exp_msk1 && aadj > 1.) {
-				aadj1 = (double)(int)(aadj + 0.5);
-				if (!dsign)
-					aadj1 = -aadj1;
-				}
-			adj = aadj1 * ulp(dval(rv));
-			dval(rv) += adj;
-#endif /*Sudden_Underflow*/
-#endif /*Avoid_Underflow*/
-			}
-		z = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
-#ifndef SET_INEXACT
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-		if (!scale)
-		if (y == z) {
-			/* Can we stop now? */
-			L = (Long)aadj;
-			aadj -= L;
-			/* The tolerances below are conservative. */
-			if (dsign || word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) {
-				if (aadj < .4999999 || aadj > .5000001)
-					break;
-				}
-			else if (aadj < .4999999/FLT_RADIX)
-				break;
-			}
- cont:
-		Bfree(bb);
-		Bfree(bd);
-		Bfree(bs);
-		Bfree(delta);
-		}
-	if (inexact) {
-		if (!oldinexact) {
-			word0(rv0) = Exp_1 + (70 << Exp_shift);
-			word1(rv0) = 0;
-			dval(rv0) += 1.;
-			}
-		}
-	else if (!oldinexact)
-		clear_inexact();
-#ifdef Avoid_Underflow
-	if (scale) {
-		word0(rv0) = Exp_1 - 2*P*Exp_msk1;
-		word1(rv0) = 0;
-		dval(rv) *= dval(rv0);
-#ifndef NO_ERRNO
-		/* try to avoid the bug of testing an 8087 register value */
-		if (word0(rv) == 0 && word1(rv) == 0)
-			PR_SetError(PR_RANGE_ERROR, 0);
-		}
-#endif /* Avoid_Underflow */
-	if (inexact && !(word0(rv) & Exp_mask)) {
-		/* set underflow bit */
-		dval(rv0) = 1e-300;
-		dval(rv0) *= dval(rv0);
-		}
- retfree:
-	Bfree(bb);
-	Bfree(bd);
-	Bfree(bs);
-	Bfree(bd0);
-	Bfree(delta);
- ret:
-	if (se)
-		*se = (char *)s;
-	return sign ? -dval(rv) : dval(rv);
-	}
- static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(b, S) Bigint *b, *S;
-	(Bigint *b, Bigint *S)
-	int n;
-	ULong *bx, *bxe, q, *sx, *sxe;
-#ifdef ULLong
-	ULLong borrow, carry, y, ys;
-	ULong borrow, carry, y, ys;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	ULong si, z, zs;
-	n = S->wds;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	/*debug*/ if (b->wds > n)
-	/*debug*/	Bug("oversize b in quorem");
-	if (b->wds < n)
-		return 0;
-	sx = S->x;
-	sxe = sx + --n;
-	bx = b->x;
-	bxe = bx + n;
-	q = *bxe / (*sxe + 1);	/* ensure q <= true quotient */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	/*debug*/ if (q > 9)
-	/*debug*/	Bug("oversized quotient in quorem");
-	if (q) {
-		borrow = 0;
-		carry = 0;
-		do {
-#ifdef ULLong
-			ys = *sx++ * (ULLong)q + carry;
-			carry = ys >> 32;
-			y = *bx - (ys & FFFFFFFF) - borrow;
-			borrow = y >> 32 & (ULong)1;
-			*bx++ = y & FFFFFFFF;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-			si = *sx++;
-			ys = (si & 0xffff) * q + carry;
-			zs = (si >> 16) * q + (ys >> 16);
-			carry = zs >> 16;
-			y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) - borrow;
-			borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-			z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) - borrow;
-			borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
-			Storeinc(bx, z, y);
-			ys = *sx++ * q + carry;
-			carry = ys >> 16;
-			y = *bx - (ys & 0xffff) - borrow;
-			borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-			*bx++ = y & 0xffff;
-			}
-			while(sx <= sxe);
-		if (!*bxe) {
-			bx = b->x;
-			while(--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
-				--n;
-			b->wds = n;
-			}
-		}
-	if (cmp(b, S) >= 0) {
-		q++;
-		borrow = 0;
-		carry = 0;
-		bx = b->x;
-		sx = S->x;
-		do {
-#ifdef ULLong
-			ys = *sx++ + carry;
-			carry = ys >> 32;
-			y = *bx - (ys & FFFFFFFF) - borrow;
-			borrow = y >> 32 & (ULong)1;
-			*bx++ = y & FFFFFFFF;
-#ifdef Pack_32
-			si = *sx++;
-			ys = (si & 0xffff) + carry;
-			zs = (si >> 16) + (ys >> 16);
-			carry = zs >> 16;
-			y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) - borrow;
-			borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-			z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) - borrow;
-			borrow = (z & 0x10000) >> 16;
-			Storeinc(bx, z, y);
-			ys = *sx++ + carry;
-			carry = ys >> 16;
-			y = *bx - (ys & 0xffff) - borrow;
-			borrow = (y & 0x10000) >> 16;
-			*bx++ = y & 0xffff;
-			}
-			while(sx <= sxe);
-		bx = b->x;
-		bxe = bx + n;
-		if (!*bxe) {
-			while(--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
-				--n;
-			b->wds = n;
-			}
-		}
-	return q;
-	}
- static char *dtoa_result;
- static char *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-rv_alloc(i) int i;
-rv_alloc(int i)
-	int j, k, *r;
-	j = sizeof(ULong);
-	for(k = 0;
-		sizeof(Bigint) - sizeof(ULong) - sizeof(int) + j <= i;
-		j <<= 1)
-			k++;
-	r = (int*)Balloc(k);
-	*r = k;
-	return
-	dtoa_result =
-		(char *)(r+1);
-	}
- static char *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-nrv_alloc(s, rve, n) char *s, **rve; int n;
-nrv_alloc(char *s, char **rve, int n)
-	char *rv, *t;
-	t = rv = rv_alloc(n);
-	while(*t = *s++) t++;
-	if (rve)
-		*rve = t;
-	return rv;
-	}
-/* freedtoa(s) must be used to free values s returned by dtoa
- * when MULTIPLE_THREADS is #defined.  It should be used in all cases,
- * but for consistency with earlier versions of dtoa, it is optional
- * when MULTIPLE_THREADS is not defined.
- */
- static void
-#ifdef KR_headers
-freedtoa(s) char *s;
-freedtoa(char *s)
-	Bigint *b = (Bigint *)((int *)s - 1);
-	b->maxwds = 1 << (b->k = *(int*)b);
-	Bfree(b);
-	if (s == dtoa_result)
-		dtoa_result = 0;
-	}
-/* dtoa for IEEE arithmetic (dmg): convert double to ASCII string.
- *
- * Inspired by "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by
- * Guy L. Steele, Jr. and Jon L. White [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 112-126].
- *
- * Modifications:
- *	1. Rather than iterating, we use a simple numeric overestimate
- *	   to determine k = floor(log10(d)).  We scale relevant
- *	   quantities using O(log2(k)) rather than O(k) multiplications.
- *	2. For some modes > 2 (corresponding to ecvt and fcvt), we don't
- *	   try to generate digits strictly left to right.  Instead, we
- *	   compute with fewer bits and propagate the carry if necessary
- *	   when rounding the final digit up.  This is often faster.
- *	3. Under the assumption that input will be rounded nearest,
- *	   mode 0 renders 1e23 as 1e23 rather than 9.999999999999999e22.
- *	   That is, we allow equality in stopping tests when the
- *	   round-nearest rule will give the same floating-point value
- *	   as would satisfaction of the stopping test with strict
- *	   inequality.
- *	4. We remove common factors of powers of 2 from relevant
- *	   quantities.
- *	5. When converting floating-point integers less than 1e16,
- *	   we use floating-point arithmetic rather than resorting
- *	   to multiple-precision integers.
- *	6. When asked to produce fewer than 15 digits, we first try
- *	   to get by with floating-point arithmetic; we resort to
- *	   multiple-precision integer arithmetic only if we cannot
- *	   guarantee that the floating-point calculation has given
- *	   the correctly rounded result.  For k requested digits and
- *	   "uniformly" distributed input, the probability is
- *	   something like 10^(k-15) that we must resort to the Long
- *	   calculation.
- */
- static char *
-#ifdef KR_headers
-	(dd, mode, ndigits, decpt, sign, rve)
-	double dd; int mode, ndigits, *decpt, *sign; char **rve;
-	(double dd, int mode, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char **rve)
- /*	Arguments ndigits, decpt, sign are similar to those
-	of ecvt and fcvt; trailing zeros are suppressed from
-	the returned string.  If not null, *rve is set to point
-	to the end of the return value.  If d is +-Infinity or NaN,
-	then *decpt is set to 9999.
-	mode:
-		0 ==> shortest string that yields d when read in
-			and rounded to nearest.
-		1 ==> like 0, but with Steele & White stopping rule;
-			e.g. with IEEE P754 arithmetic , mode 0 gives
-			1e23 whereas mode 1 gives 9.999999999999999e22.
-		2 ==> max(1,ndigits) significant digits.  This gives a
-			return value similar to that of ecvt, except
-			that trailing zeros are suppressed.
-		3 ==> through ndigits past the decimal point.  This
-			gives a return value similar to that from fcvt,
-			except that trailing zeros are suppressed, and
-			ndigits can be negative.
-		4,5 ==> similar to 2 and 3, respectively, but (in
-			round-nearest mode) with the tests of mode 0 to
-			possibly return a shorter string that rounds to d.
-			With IEEE arithmetic and compilation with
-			-DHonor_FLT_ROUNDS, modes 4 and 5 behave the same
-			as modes 2 and 3 when FLT_ROUNDS != 1.
-		6-9 ==> Debugging modes similar to mode - 4:  don't try
-			fast floating-point estimate (if applicable).
-		Values of mode other than 0-9 are treated as mode 0.
-		Sufficient space is allocated to the return value
-		to hold the suppressed trailing zeros.
-	*/
-	int bbits, b2, b5, be, dig, i, ieps, ilim, ilim0, ilim1,
-		j, j1, k, k0, k_check, leftright, m2, m5, s2, s5,
-		spec_case, try_quick;
-	Long L;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-	int denorm;
-	ULong x;
-	Bigint *b, *b1, *delta, *mlo, *mhi, *S;
-	U d, d2, eps;
-	double ds;
-	char *s, *s0;
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-	int rounding;
-	int inexact, oldinexact;
-	if (dtoa_result) {
-		freedtoa(dtoa_result);
-		dtoa_result = 0;
-		}
-	dval(d) = dd;
-	if (word0(d) & Sign_bit) {
-		/* set sign for everything, including 0's and NaNs */
-		*sign = 1;
-		word0(d) &= ~Sign_bit;	/* clear sign bit */
-		}
-	else
-		*sign = 0;
-#if defined(IEEE_Arith) + defined(VAX)
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-	if ((word0(d) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask)
-	if (word0(d)  == 0x8000)
-		{
-		/* Infinity or NaN */
-		*decpt = 9999;
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-		if (!word1(d) && !(word0(d) & 0xfffff))
-			return nrv_alloc("Infinity", rve, 8);
-		return nrv_alloc("NaN", rve, 3);
-		}
-#ifdef IBM
-	dval(d) += 0; /* normalize */
-	if (!dval(d)) {
-		*decpt = 1;
-		return nrv_alloc("0", rve, 1);
-		}
-	try_quick = oldinexact = get_inexact();
-	inexact = 1;
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-	if ((rounding = Flt_Rounds) >= 2) {
-		if (*sign)
-			rounding = rounding == 2 ? 0 : 2;
-		else
-			if (rounding != 2)
-				rounding = 0;
-		}
-	b = d2b(dval(d), &be, &bbits);
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-	i = (int)(word0(d) >> Exp_shift1 & (Exp_mask>>Exp_shift1));
-	if (i = (int)(word0(d) >> Exp_shift1 & (Exp_mask>>Exp_shift1))) {
-		dval(d2) = dval(d);
-		word0(d2) &= Frac_mask1;
-		word0(d2) |= Exp_11;
-#ifdef IBM
-		if (j = 11 - hi0bits(word0(d2) & Frac_mask))
-			dval(d2) /= 1 << j;
-		/* log(x)	~=~ log(1.5) + (x-1.5)/1.5
-		 * log10(x)	 =  log(x) / log(10)
-		 *		~=~ log(1.5)/log(10) + (x-1.5)/(1.5*log(10))
-		 * log10(d) = (i-Bias)*log(2)/log(10) + log10(d2)
-		 *
-		 * This suggests computing an approximation k to log10(d) by
-		 *
-		 * k = (i - Bias)*0.301029995663981
-		 *	+ ( (d2-1.5)*0.289529654602168 + 0.176091259055681 );
-		 *
-		 * We want k to be too large rather than too small.
-		 * The error in the first-order Taylor series approximation
-		 * is in our favor, so we just round up the constant enough
-		 * to compensate for any error in the multiplication of
-		 * (i - Bias) by 0.301029995663981; since |i - Bias| <= 1077,
-		 * and 1077 * 0.30103 * 2^-52 ~=~ 7.2e-14,
-		 * adding 1e-13 to the constant term more than suffices.
-		 * Hence we adjust the constant term to 0.1760912590558.
-		 * (We could get a more accurate k by invoking log10,
-		 *  but this is probably not worthwhile.)
-		 */
-		i -= Bias;
-#ifdef IBM
-		i <<= 2;
-		i += j;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-		denorm = 0;
-		}
-	else {
-		/* d is denormalized */
-		i = bbits + be + (Bias + (P-1) - 1);
-		x = i > 32  ? word0(d) << 64 - i | word1(d) >> i - 32
-			    : word1(d) << 32 - i;
-		dval(d2) = x;
-		word0(d2) -= 31*Exp_msk1; /* adjust exponent */
-		i -= (Bias + (P-1) - 1) + 1;
-		denorm = 1;
-		}
-	ds = (dval(d2)-1.5)*0.289529654602168 + 0.1760912590558 + i*0.301029995663981;
-	k = (int)ds;
-	if (ds < 0. && ds != k)
-		k--;	/* want k = floor(ds) */
-	k_check = 1;
-	if (k >= 0 && k <= Ten_pmax) {
-		if (dval(d) < tens[k])
-			k--;
-		k_check = 0;
-		}
-	j = bbits - i - 1;
-	if (j >= 0) {
-		b2 = 0;
-		s2 = j;
-		}
-	else {
-		b2 = -j;
-		s2 = 0;
-		}
-	if (k >= 0) {
-		b5 = 0;
-		s5 = k;
-		s2 += k;
-		}
-	else {
-		b2 -= k;
-		b5 = -k;
-		s5 = 0;
-		}
-	if (mode < 0 || mode > 9)
-		mode = 0;
-#ifndef SET_INEXACT
-#ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
-	try_quick = Rounding == 1;
-	try_quick = 1;
-#endif /*SET_INEXACT*/
-	if (mode > 5) {
-		mode -= 4;
-		try_quick = 0;
-		}
-	leftright = 1;
-	switch(mode) {
-		case 0:
-		case 1:
-			ilim = ilim1 = -1;
-			i = 18;
-			ndigits = 0;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			leftright = 0;
-			/* no break */
-		case 4:
-			if (ndigits <= 0)
-				ndigits = 1;
-			ilim = ilim1 = i = ndigits;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			leftright = 0;
-			/* no break */
-		case 5:
-			i = ndigits + k + 1;
-			ilim = i;
-			ilim1 = i - 1;
-			if (i <= 0)
-				i = 1;
-		}
-	s = s0 = rv_alloc(i);
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-	if (mode > 1 && rounding != 1)
-		leftright = 0;
-	if (ilim >= 0 && ilim <= Quick_max && try_quick) {
-		/* Try to get by with floating-point arithmetic. */
-		i = 0;
-		dval(d2) = dval(d);
-		k0 = k;
-		ilim0 = ilim;
-		ieps = 2; /* conservative */
-		if (k > 0) {
-			ds = tens[k&0xf];
-			j = k >> 4;
-			if (j & Bletch) {
-				/* prevent overflows */
-				j &= Bletch - 1;
-				dval(d) /= bigtens[n_bigtens-1];
-				ieps++;
-				}
-			for(; j; j >>= 1, i++)
-				if (j & 1) {
-					ieps++;
-					ds *= bigtens[i];
-					}
-			dval(d) /= ds;
-			}
-		else if (j1 = -k) {
-			dval(d) *= tens[j1 & 0xf];
-			for(j = j1 >> 4; j; j >>= 1, i++)
-				if (j & 1) {
-					ieps++;
-					dval(d) *= bigtens[i];
-					}
-			}
-		if (k_check && dval(d) < 1. && ilim > 0) {
-			if (ilim1 <= 0)
-				goto fast_failed;
-			ilim = ilim1;
-			k--;
-			dval(d) *= 10.;
-			ieps++;
-			}
-		dval(eps) = ieps*dval(d) + 7.;
-		word0(eps) -= (P-1)*Exp_msk1;
-		if (ilim == 0) {
-			S = mhi = 0;
-			dval(d) -= 5.;
-			if (dval(d) > dval(eps))
-				goto one_digit;
-			if (dval(d) < -dval(eps))
-				goto no_digits;
-			goto fast_failed;
-			}
-#ifndef No_leftright
-		if (leftright) {
-			/* Use Steele & White method of only
-			 * generating digits needed.
-			 */
-			dval(eps) = 0.5/tens[ilim-1] - dval(eps);
-			for(i = 0;;) {
-				L = dval(d);
-				dval(d) -= L;
-				*s++ = '0' + (int)L;
-				if (dval(d) < dval(eps))
-					goto ret1;
-				if (1. - dval(d) < dval(eps))
-					goto bump_up;
-				if (++i >= ilim)
-					break;
-				dval(eps) *= 10.;
-				dval(d) *= 10.;
-				}
-			}
-		else {
-			/* Generate ilim digits, then fix them up. */
-			dval(eps) *= tens[ilim-1];
-			for(i = 1;; i++, dval(d) *= 10.) {
-				L = (Long)(dval(d));
-				if (!(dval(d) -= L))
-					ilim = i;
-				*s++ = '0' + (int)L;
-				if (i == ilim) {
-					if (dval(d) > 0.5 + dval(eps))
-						goto bump_up;
-					else if (dval(d) < 0.5 - dval(eps)) {
-						while(*--s == '0');
-						s++;
-						goto ret1;
-						}
-					break;
-					}
-				}
-#ifndef No_leftright
-			}
- fast_failed:
-		s = s0;
-		dval(d) = dval(d2);
-		k = k0;
-		ilim = ilim0;
-		}
-	/* Do we have a "small" integer? */
-	if (be >= 0 && k <= Int_max) {
-		/* Yes. */
-		ds = tens[k];
-		if (ndigits < 0 && ilim <= 0) {
-			S = mhi = 0;
-			if (ilim < 0 || dval(d) <= 5*ds)
-				goto no_digits;
-			goto one_digit;
-			}
-		for(i = 1; i <= k+1; i++, dval(d) *= 10.) {
-			L = (Long)(dval(d) / ds);
-			dval(d) -= L*ds;
-#ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
-			/* If FLT_ROUNDS == 2, L will usually be high by 1 */
-			if (dval(d) < 0) {
-				L--;
-				dval(d) += ds;
-				}
-			*s++ = '0' + (int)L;
-			if (!dval(d)) {
-				inexact = 0;
-				break;
-				}
-			if (i == ilim) {
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				if (mode > 1)
-				switch(rounding) {
-				  case 0: goto ret1;
-				  case 2: goto bump_up;
-				  }
-				dval(d) += dval(d);
-				if (dval(d) > ds || dval(d) == ds && L & 1) {
- bump_up:
-					while(*--s == '9')
-						if (s == s0) {
-							k++;
-							*s = '0';
-							break;
-							}
-					++*s++;
-					}
-				break;
-				}
-			}
-		goto ret1;
-		}
-	m2 = b2;
-	m5 = b5;
-	mhi = mlo = 0;
-	if (leftright) {
-		i =
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-			denorm ? be + (Bias + (P-1) - 1 + 1) :
-#ifdef IBM
-			1 + 4*P - 3 - bbits + ((bbits + be - 1) & 3);
-			1 + P - bbits;
-		b2 += i;
-		s2 += i;
-		mhi = i2b(1);
-		}
-	if (m2 > 0 && s2 > 0) {
-		i = m2 < s2 ? m2 : s2;
-		b2 -= i;
-		m2 -= i;
-		s2 -= i;
-		}
-	if (b5 > 0) {
-		if (leftright) {
-			if (m5 > 0) {
-				mhi = pow5mult(mhi, m5);
-				b1 = mult(mhi, b);
-				Bfree(b);
-				b = b1;
-				}
-			if (j = b5 - m5)
-				b = pow5mult(b, j);
-			}
-		else
-			b = pow5mult(b, b5);
-		}
-	S = i2b(1);
-	if (s5 > 0)
-		S = pow5mult(S, s5);
-	/* Check for special case that d is a normalized power of 2. */
-	spec_case = 0;
-	if ((mode < 2 || leftright)
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-			&& rounding == 1
-				) {
-		if (!word1(d) && !(word0(d) & Bndry_mask)
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
-		 && word0(d) & (Exp_mask & ~Exp_msk1)
-				) {
-			/* The special case */
-			b2 += Log2P;
-			s2 += Log2P;
-			spec_case = 1;
-			}
-		}
-	/* Arrange for convenient computation of quotients:
-	 * shift left if necessary so divisor has 4 leading 0 bits.
-	 *
-	 * Perhaps we should just compute leading 28 bits of S once
-	 * and for all and pass them and a shift to quorem, so it
-	 * can do shifts and ors to compute the numerator for q.
-	 */
-#ifdef Pack_32
-	if (i = ((s5 ? 32 - hi0bits(S->x[S->wds-1]) : 1) + s2) & 0x1f)
-		i = 32 - i;
-	if (i = ((s5 ? 32 - hi0bits(S->x[S->wds-1]) : 1) + s2) & 0xf)
-		i = 16 - i;
-	if (i > 4) {
-		i -= 4;
-		b2 += i;
-		m2 += i;
-		s2 += i;
-		}
-	else if (i < 4) {
-		i += 28;
-		b2 += i;
-		m2 += i;
-		s2 += i;
-		}
-	if (b2 > 0)
-		b = lshift(b, b2);
-	if (s2 > 0)
-		S = lshift(S, s2);
-	if (k_check) {
-		if (cmp(b,S) < 0) {
-			k--;
-			b = multadd(b, 10, 0);	/* we botched the k estimate */
-			if (leftright)
-				mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
-			ilim = ilim1;
-			}
-		}
-	if (ilim <= 0 && (mode == 3 || mode == 5)) {
-		if (ilim < 0 || cmp(b,S = multadd(S,5,0)) <= 0) {
-			/* no digits, fcvt style */
- no_digits:
-			k = -1 - ndigits;
-			goto ret;
-			}
- one_digit:
-		*s++ = '1';
-		k++;
-		goto ret;
-		}
-	if (leftright) {
-		if (m2 > 0)
-			mhi = lshift(mhi, m2);
-		/* Compute mlo -- check for special case
-		 * that d is a normalized power of 2.
-		 */
-		mlo = mhi;
-		if (spec_case) {
-			mhi = Balloc(mhi->k);
-			Bcopy(mhi, mlo);
-			mhi = lshift(mhi, Log2P);
-			}
-		for(i = 1;;i++) {
-			dig = quorem(b,S) + '0';
-			/* Do we yet have the shortest decimal string
-			 * that will round to d?
-			 */
-			j = cmp(b, mlo);
-			delta = diff(S, mhi);
-			j1 = delta->sign ? 1 : cmp(b, delta);
-			Bfree(delta);
-			if (j1 == 0 && mode != 1 && !(word1(d) & 1)
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				&& rounding >= 1
-								   ) {
-				if (dig == '9')
-					goto round_9_up;
-				if (j > 0)
-					dig++;
-				else if (!b->x[0] && b->wds <= 1)
-					inexact = 0;
-				*s++ = dig;
-				goto ret;
-				}
-			if (j < 0 || j == 0 && mode != 1
-							&& !(word1(d) & 1)
-					) {
-				if (!b->x[0] && b->wds <= 1) {
-					inexact = 0;
-					goto accept_dig;
-					}
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				if (mode > 1)
-				 switch(rounding) {
-				  case 0: goto accept_dig;
-				  case 2: goto keep_dig;
-				  }
-#endif /*Honor_FLT_ROUNDS*/
-				if (j1 > 0) {
-					b = lshift(b, 1);
-					j1 = cmp(b, S);
-					if ((j1 > 0 || j1 == 0 && dig & 1)
-					&& dig++ == '9')
-						goto round_9_up;
-					}
- accept_dig:
-				*s++ = dig;
-				goto ret;
-				}
-			if (j1 > 0) {
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-				if (!rounding)
-					goto accept_dig;
-				if (dig == '9') { /* possible if i == 1 */
- round_9_up:
-					*s++ = '9';
-					goto roundoff;
-					}
-				*s++ = dig + 1;
-				goto ret;
-				}
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
- keep_dig:
-			*s++ = dig;
-			if (i == ilim)
-				break;
-			b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
-			if (mlo == mhi)
-				mlo = mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
-			else {
-				mlo = multadd(mlo, 10, 0);
-				mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		for(i = 1;; i++) {
-			*s++ = dig = quorem(b,S) + '0';
-			if (!b->x[0] && b->wds <= 1) {
-				inexact = 0;
-				goto ret;
-				}
-			if (i >= ilim)
-				break;
-			b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
-			}
-	/* Round off last digit */
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
-	switch(rounding) {
-	  case 0: goto trimzeros;
-	  case 2: goto roundoff;
-	  }
-	b = lshift(b, 1);
-	j = cmp(b, S);
-	if (j > 0 || j == 0 && dig & 1) {
- roundoff:
-		while(*--s == '9')
-			if (s == s0) {
-				k++;
-				*s++ = '1';
-				goto ret;
-				}
-		++*s++;
-		}
-	else {
-#ifdef Honor_FLT_ROUNDS
- trimzeros:
-		while(*--s == '0');
-		s++;
-		}
- ret:
-	Bfree(S);
-	if (mhi) {
-		if (mlo && mlo != mhi)
-			Bfree(mlo);
-		Bfree(mhi);
-		}
- ret1:
-	if (inexact) {
-		if (!oldinexact) {
-			word0(d) = Exp_1 + (70 << Exp_shift);
-			word1(d) = 0;
-			dval(d) += 1.;
-			}
-		}
-	else if (!oldinexact)
-		clear_inexact();
-	Bfree(b);
-	*s = 0;
-	*decpt = k + 1;
-	if (rve)
-		*rve = s;
-	return s0;
-	}
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-PR_dtoa(PRFloat64 d, PRIntn mode, PRIntn ndigits,
-	PRIntn *decpt, PRIntn *sign, char **rve, char *buf, PRSize bufsize)
-    char *result;
-    PRSize resultlen;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (mode < 0 || mode > 3) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    result = dtoa(d, mode, ndigits, decpt, sign, rve);
-    if (!result) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    resultlen = strlen(result)+1;
-    if (bufsize < resultlen) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0);
-    } else {
-        memcpy(buf, result, resultlen);
-        if (rve) {
-            *rve = buf + (*rve - result);
-        }
-        rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    freedtoa(result);
-    return rv;  
-** conversion routines for floating point
-** prcsn - number of digits of precision to generate floating
-** point value.
-** This should be reparameterized so that you can send in a
-**   prcn for the positive and negative ranges.  For now, 
-**   conform to the ECMA JavaScript spec which says numbers
-**   less than 1e-6 are in scientific notation.
-** Also, the ECMA spec says that there should always be a
-**   '+' or '-' after the 'e' in scientific notation
-PR_cnvtf(char *buf, int bufsz, int prcsn, double dfval)
-    PRIntn decpt, sign, numdigits;
-    char *num, *nump;
-    char *bufp = buf;
-    char *endnum;
-    U fval;
-    dval(fval) = dfval;
-    /* If anything fails, we store an empty string in 'buf' */
-    num = (char*)PR_MALLOC(bufsz);
-    if (num == NULL) {
-        buf[0] = '\0';
-        return;
-    }
-    /* XXX Why use mode 1? */
-    if (PR_dtoa(dval(fval),1,prcsn,&decpt,&sign,&endnum,num,bufsz)
-            == PR_FAILURE) {
-        buf[0] = '\0';
-        goto done;
-    }
-    numdigits = endnum - num;
-    nump = num;
-    if (sign &&
-        !(word0(fval) == Sign_bit && word1(fval) == 0) &&
-        !((word0(fval) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask &&
-          (word1(fval) || (word0(fval) & 0xfffff)))) {
-        *bufp++ = '-';
-    }
-    if (decpt == 9999) {
-        while ((*bufp++ = *nump++) != 0) {} /* nothing to execute */
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (decpt > (prcsn+1) || decpt < -(prcsn-1) || decpt < -5) {
-        *bufp++ = *nump++;
-        if (numdigits != 1) {
-            *bufp++ = '.';
-        }
-        while (*nump != '\0') {
-            *bufp++ = *nump++;
-        }
-        *bufp++ = 'e';
-        PR_snprintf(bufp, bufsz - (bufp - buf), "%+d", decpt-1);
-    } else if (decpt >= 0) {
-        if (decpt == 0) {
-            *bufp++ = '0';
-        } else {
-            while (decpt--) {
-                if (*nump != '\0') {
-                    *bufp++ = *nump++;
-                } else {
-                    *bufp++ = '0';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (*nump != '\0') {
-            *bufp++ = '.';
-            while (*nump != '\0') {
-                *bufp++ = *nump++;
-            }
-        }
-        *bufp++ = '\0';
-    } else if (decpt < 0) {
-        *bufp++ = '0';
-        *bufp++ = '.';
-        while (decpt++) {
-            *bufp++ = '0';
-        }
-        while (*nump != '\0') {
-            *bufp++ = *nump++;
-        }
-        *bufp++ = '\0';
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(num);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prenv.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prenv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cc2e198..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prenv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-#if defined(HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H)
-#include <crt_externs.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H */
-#else  /* DARWIN */
-PR_IMPORT_DATA(char **) environ;
-#endif /* DARWIN */
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-#if !defined(HAVE_SECURE_GETENV) && defined(HAVE___SECURE_GETENV)
-#define secure_getenv __secure_getenv
-/* Lock used to lock the environment */
-#if defined(_PR_NO_PREEMPT)
-#define _PR_NEW_LOCK_ENV()
-#define _PR_DELETE_LOCK_ENV()
-#define _PR_LOCK_ENV()
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_ENV()
-#elif defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-extern _PRCPU * _pr_primordialCPU;
-static PRIntn _is;
-#define _PR_NEW_LOCK_ENV()
-#define _PR_DELETE_LOCK_ENV()
-#define _PR_LOCK_ENV() if (_pr_primordialCPU) _PR_INTSOFF(_is);
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_ENV() if (_pr_primordialCPU) _PR_INTSON(_is);
-static PRLock *_pr_envLock = NULL;
-#define _PR_NEW_LOCK_ENV() {_pr_envLock = PR_NewLock();}
-#define _PR_DELETE_LOCK_ENV() \
-    { if (_pr_envLock) { PR_DestroyLock(_pr_envLock); _pr_envLock = NULL; } }
-#define _PR_LOCK_ENV() { if (_pr_envLock) PR_Lock(_pr_envLock); }
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_ENV() { if (_pr_envLock) PR_Unlock(_pr_envLock); }
-void _PR_InitEnv(void)
-void _PR_CleanupEnv(void)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char*) PR_GetEnv(const char *var)
-    char *ev;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    _PR_LOCK_ENV();
-    ev = _PR_MD_GET_ENV(var);
-    _PR_UNLOCK_ENV();
-    return ev;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char*) PR_GetEnvSecure(const char *var)
-  char *ev;
-  if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-  _PR_LOCK_ENV();
-  ev = secure_getenv(var);
-  return ev;
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-  /*
-  ** Fall back to checking uids and gids.  This won't detect any other
-  ** privilege-granting mechanisms the platform may have.  This also
-  ** can't detect the case where the process already called
-  ** setuid(geteuid()) and/or setgid(getegid()).
-  */
-  if (getuid() != geteuid() || getgid() != getegid()) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-#endif /* XP_UNIX */
-  return PR_GetEnv(var);
-#endif /* HAVE_SECURE_GETENV */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetEnv(const char *string)
-    PRIntn result;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (!strchr(string, '=')) return(PR_FAILURE);
-    _PR_LOCK_ENV();
-    result = _PR_MD_PUT_ENV((char*)string);
-    _PR_UNLOCK_ENV();
-    return result ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) && (!defined(DARWIN) || defined(HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H))
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char **) PR_DuplicateEnvironment(void)
-    char **the_environ, **result, **end, **src, **dst;
-    _PR_LOCK_ENV();
-#ifdef DARWIN
-    the_environ = *(_NSGetEnviron());
-    the_environ = environ;
-    for (end = the_environ; *end != NULL; end++)
-        /* empty loop body */;
-    result = (char **)PR_Malloc(sizeof(char *) * (end - the_environ + 1));
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        for (src = the_environ, dst = result; src != end; src++, dst++) {
-            size_t len;
-            len = strlen(*src) + 1;
-            *dst = PR_Malloc(len);
-            if (*dst == NULL) {
-              /* Allocation failed.  Must clean up the half-copied env. */
-              char **to_delete;
-              for (to_delete = result; to_delete != dst; to_delete++) {
-                PR_Free(*to_delete);
-              }
-              PR_Free(result);
-              result = NULL;
-              goto out;
-            }
-            memcpy(*dst, *src, len);
-        }
-        *dst = NULL;
-    }
- out:
-    _PR_UNLOCK_ENV();
-    return result;
-/* This platform doesn't support raw access to the environ block. */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char **) PR_DuplicateEnvironment(void)
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerr.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bc78c8f..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *
- * prerr.c
- * This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it.
- */
-#include "prerror.h"
-static const struct PRErrorMessage text[] = {
-	{"PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR",    "Memory allocation attempt failed"},
-	{"PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR",    "Invalid file descriptor"},
-	{"PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR",    "The operation would have blocked"},
-	{"PR_ACCESS_FAULT_ERROR",    "Invalid memory address argument"},
-	{"PR_INVALID_METHOD_ERROR",    "Invalid function for file type"},
-	{"PR_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_ERROR",    "Invalid memory address argument"},
-	{"PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR",    "Some unknown error has occurred"},
-	{"PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR",    "Operation interrupted by another thread"},
-	{"PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR",    "function not implemented"},
-	{"PR_IO_ERROR",    "I/O function error"},
-	{"PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR",    "I/O operation timed out"},
-	{"PR_IO_PENDING_ERROR",    "I/O operation on busy file descriptor"},
-	{"PR_DIRECTORY_OPEN_ERROR",    "The directory could not be opened"},
-	{"PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR",    "Invalid function argument"},
-	{"PR_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR",    "Network address not available (in use?)"},
-	{"PR_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR",    "Network address type not supported"},
-	{"PR_IS_CONNECTED_ERROR",    "Already connected"},
-	{"PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR",    "Network address is invalid"},
-	{"PR_ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR",    "Local Network address is in use"},
-	{"PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR",    "Connection refused by peer"},
-	{"PR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_ERROR",    "Network address is presently unreachable"},
-	{"PR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR",    "Connection attempt timed out"},
-	{"PR_NOT_CONNECTED_ERROR",    "Network file descriptor is not connected"},
-	{"PR_LOAD_LIBRARY_ERROR",    "Failure to load dynamic library"},
-	{"PR_UNLOAD_LIBRARY_ERROR",    "Failure to unload dynamic library"},
-	{"PR_FIND_SYMBOL_ERROR",    "Symbol not found in any of the loaded dynamic libraries"},
-	{"PR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERROR",    "Insufficient system resources"},
-	{"PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR",    "A directory lookup on a network address has failed"},
-	{"PR_TPD_RANGE_ERROR",    "Attempt to access a TPD key that is out of range"},
-	{"PR_PROC_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR",    "Process open FD table is full"},
-	{"PR_SYS_DESC_TABLE_FULL_ERROR",    "System open FD table is full"},
-	{"PR_NOT_SOCKET_ERROR",    "Network operation attempted on non-network file descriptor"},
-	{"PR_NOT_TCP_SOCKET_ERROR",    "TCP-specific function attempted on a non-TCP file descriptor"},
-	{"PR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IS_BOUND_ERROR",    "TCP file descriptor is already bound"},
-	{"PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR",    "Access Denied"},
-	{"PR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR",    "The requested operation is not supported by the platform"},
-	{"PR_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR",    "The host operating system does not support the protocol requested"},
-	{"PR_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR",    "Access to the remote file has been severed"},
-	{"PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR",    "The value requested is too large to be stored in the data buffer provided"},
-	{"PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR",    "TCP connection reset by peer"},
-	{"PR_RANGE_ERROR",    "Unused"},
-	{"PR_DEADLOCK_ERROR",    "The operation would have deadlocked"},
-	{"PR_FILE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR",    "The file is already locked"},
-	{"PR_FILE_TOO_BIG_ERROR",    "Write would result in file larger than the system allows"},
-	{"PR_NO_DEVICE_SPACE_ERROR",    "The device for storing the file is full"},
-	{"PR_PIPE_ERROR",    "Unused"},
-	{"PR_NO_SEEK_DEVICE_ERROR",    "Unused"},
-	{"PR_IS_DIRECTORY_ERROR",    "Cannot perform a normal file operation on a directory"},
-	{"PR_LOOP_ERROR",    "Symbolic link loop"},
-	{"PR_NAME_TOO_LONG_ERROR",    "File name is too long"},
-	{"PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR",    "File not found"},
-	{"PR_NOT_DIRECTORY_ERROR",    "Cannot perform directory operation on a normal file"},
-	{"PR_READ_ONLY_FILESYSTEM_ERROR",    "Cannot write to a read-only file system"},
-	{"PR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR",    "Cannot delete a directory that is not empty"},
-	{"PR_FILESYSTEM_MOUNTED_ERROR",    "Cannot delete or rename a file object while the file system is busy"},
-	{"PR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE_ERROR",    "Cannot rename a file to a file system on another device"},
-	{"PR_DIRECTORY_CORRUPTED_ERROR",    "The directory object in the file system is corrupted"},
-	{"PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR",    "Cannot create or rename a filename that already exists"},
-	{"PR_MAX_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES_ERROR",    "Directory is full.  No additional filenames may be added"},
-	{"PR_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE_ERROR",    "The required device was in an invalid state"},
-	{"PR_DEVICE_IS_LOCKED_ERROR",    "The device is locked"},
-	{"PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR",    "No more entries in the directory"},
-	{"PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR",    "Encountered end of file"},
-	{"PR_FILE_SEEK_ERROR",    "Seek error"},
-	{"PR_FILE_IS_BUSY_ERROR",    "The file is busy"},
-	{"PR_OPERATION_ABORTED_ERROR",    "The I/O operation was aborted"},
-	{"PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR",    "Operation is still in progress (probably a non-blocking connect)"},
-	{"PR_ALREADY_INITIATED_ERROR",    "Operation has already been initiated (probably a non-blocking connect)"},
-	{"PR_GROUP_EMPTY_ERROR",    "The wait group is empty"},
-	{"PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR",    "Object state improper for request"},
-	{"PR_NETWORK_DOWN_ERROR",    "Network is down"},
-	{"PR_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_ERROR",    "Socket shutdown"},
-	{"PR_CONNECT_ABORTED_ERROR",    "Connection aborted"},
-	{"PR_HOST_UNREACHABLE_ERROR",    "Host is unreachable"},
-	{"PR_LIBRARY_NOT_LOADED_ERROR",    "The library is not loaded"},
-	{"PR_CALL_ONCE_ERROR",    "The one-time function was previously called and failed. Its error code is no longer available"},
-	{"PR_MAX_ERROR",    "Placeholder for the end of the list"},
-	{0, 0}
-static const struct PRErrorTable et = { text, "prerr", -6000L, 77 };
-void nspr_InitializePRErrorTable(void) {
-    PR_ErrorInstallTable(&et);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerror.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f7794..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRErrorCode) PR_GetError(void)
-    PRThread *thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    return thread->errorCode;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetOSError(void)
-    PRThread *thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    return thread->osErrorCode;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetError(PRErrorCode code, PRInt32 osErr)
-    PRThread *thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    thread->errorCode = code;
-    thread->osErrorCode = osErr;
-    thread->errorStringLength = 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetErrorText(PRIntn textLength, const char *text)
-    PRThread *thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    if (0 == textLength)
-    {
-	    if (NULL != thread->errorString)
-	        PR_DELETE(thread->errorString);
-	    thread->errorStringSize = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	    PRIntn size = textLength + 31;  /* actual length to allocate. Plus a little extra */
-        if (thread->errorStringSize < textLength+1)  /* do we have room? */
-        {
-	        if (NULL != thread->errorString)
-	            PR_DELETE(thread->errorString);
-		    thread->errorString = (char*)PR_MALLOC(size);
-            if ( NULL == thread->errorString ) {
-                thread->errorStringSize = 0;
-                thread->errorStringLength = 0;
-                return;
-            }
-            thread->errorStringSize = size;
-	    }
-        memcpy(thread->errorString, text, textLength+1 );
-    }
-    thread->errorStringLength = textLength;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetErrorTextLength(void)
-    PRThread *thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    return thread->errorStringLength;
-}  /* PR_GetErrorTextLength */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetErrorText(char *text)
-    PRThread *thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    if (0 != thread->errorStringLength)
-        memcpy(text, thread->errorString, thread->errorStringLength+1);
-    return thread->errorStringLength;
-}  /* PR_GetErrorText */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerrortable.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerrortable.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 285fde9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prerrortable.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-Copyright 1987, 1988 by the Student Information Processing Board
-	of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
-and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is
-hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
-appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
-this permission notice appear in supporting documentation,
-and that the names of M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. not be
-used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
-of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-M.I.T. and the M.I.T. S.I.P.B. make no representations about
-the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is
-provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#define	ERRCODE_RANGE	8	/* # of bits to shift table number */
-#define	BITS_PER_CHAR	6	/* # bits to shift per character in name */
-extern char const * const sys_errlist[];
-extern const int sys_nerr;
-/* List of error tables */
-struct PRErrorTableList {
-    struct PRErrorTableList *next;
-    const struct PRErrorTable *table;
-    struct PRErrorCallbackTablePrivate *table_private;
-static struct PRErrorTableList * Table_List = (struct PRErrorTableList *) NULL;
-/* Supported languages */
-static const char * default_languages[] = { "i-default", "en", 0 };
-static const char * const * callback_languages = default_languages;
-/* Callback info */
-static struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate *callback_private = 0;
-static PRErrorCallbackLookupFn *callback_lookup = 0;
-static PRErrorCallbackNewTableFn *callback_newtable = 0;
-static const char char_set[] =
-	"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
-static const char *
-error_table_name (PRErrorCode num)
-    static char buf[6];	/* only used if internal code problems exist */
-    long ch;
-    int i;
-    char *p;
-    /* num = aa aaa abb bbb bcc ccc cdd ddd d?? ??? ??? */
-    p = buf;
-    num >>= ERRCODE_RANGE;
-    /* num = ?? ??? ??? aaa aaa bbb bbb ccc ccc ddd ddd */
-    num &= 077777777;
-    /* num = 00 000 000 aaa aaa bbb bbb ccc ccc ddd ddd */
-    for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
-	ch = (num >> BITS_PER_CHAR * i) & ((1 << BITS_PER_CHAR) - 1);
-	if (ch != 0)
-	    *p++ = char_set[ch-1];
-    }
-    *p = '\0';
-    return(buf);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char *)
-PR_ErrorToString(PRErrorCode code, PRLanguageCode language)
-    /* static buffer only used if code is using inconsistent error message
-     * numbers, so just ignore the possible thread contention
-     */
-    static char buffer[25];
-    const char *msg;
-    int offset;
-    PRErrorCode table_num;
-    struct PRErrorTableList *et;
-    int started = 0;
-    char *cp;
-    for (et = Table_List; et; et = et->next) {
-	if (et->table->base <= code &&
-	    et->table->base + et->table->n_msgs > code) {
-	    /* This is the right table */
-	    if (callback_lookup) {
-		msg = callback_lookup(code, language, et->table,
-		    callback_private, et->table_private);
-		if (msg) return msg;
-	    }
-	    return(et->table->msgs[code - et->table->base].en_text);
-	}
-    }
-    if (code >= 0 && code < 256) {
-	return strerror(code);
-    }
-    offset = (int) (code & ((1<<ERRCODE_RANGE)-1));
-    table_num = code - offset;
-    strcpy (buffer, "Unknown code ");
-    if (table_num) {
-	strcat(buffer, error_table_name (table_num));
-	strcat(buffer, " ");
-    }
-    for (cp = buffer; *cp; cp++)
-	;
-    if (offset >= 100) {
-	*cp++ = (char)('0' + offset / 100);
-	offset %= 100;
-	started++;
-    }
-    if (started || offset >= 10) {
-	*cp++ = (char)('0' + offset / 10);
-	offset %= 10;
-    }
-    *cp++ = (char)('0' + offset);
-    *cp = '\0';
-    return(buffer);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char *)
-PR_ErrorToName(PRErrorCode code)
-    struct PRErrorTableList *et;
-    for (et = Table_List; et; et = et->next) {
-	if (et->table->base <= code &&
-	    et->table->base + et->table->n_msgs > code) {
-	    /* This is the right table */
-	    return(et->table->msgs[code - et->table->base].name);
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char * const *)
-    return callback_languages;
-PR_ErrorInstallTable(const struct PRErrorTable *table)
-    struct PRErrorTableList * new_et;
-    new_et = (struct PRErrorTableList *)
-					PR_Malloc(sizeof(struct PRErrorTableList));
-    if (!new_et)
-	return errno;	/* oops */
-    new_et->table = table;
-    if (callback_newtable) {
-	new_et->table_private = callback_newtable(table, callback_private);
-    } else {
-	new_et->table_private = 0;
-    }
-    new_et->next = Table_List;
-    Table_List = new_et;
-    return 0;
-PR_ErrorInstallCallback(const char * const * languages,
-		       PRErrorCallbackLookupFn *lookup, 
-		       PRErrorCallbackNewTableFn *newtable,
-		       struct PRErrorCallbackPrivate *cb_private)
-    struct PRErrorTableList *et;
-    assert(strcmp(languages[0], "i-default") == 0);
-    assert(strcmp(languages[1], "en") == 0);
-    callback_languages = languages;
-    callback_lookup = lookup;
-    callback_newtable = newtable;
-    callback_private = cb_private;
-    if (callback_newtable) {
-	for (et = Table_List; et; et = et->next) {
-	    et->table_private = callback_newtable(et->table, callback_private);
-	}
-    }
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prinit.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prinit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 43048a0..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prinit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_clock_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_cmon_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_io_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_cvar_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_mon_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_linker_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_sched_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_thread_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_gc_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shm_lm;
-PRLogModuleInfo *_pr_shma_lm;
-PRFileDesc *_pr_stdin;
-PRFileDesc *_pr_stdout;
-PRFileDesc *_pr_stderr;
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-PRCList _pr_active_local_threadQ =
-			PR_INIT_STATIC_CLIST(&_pr_active_local_threadQ);
-PRCList _pr_active_global_threadQ =
-			PR_INIT_STATIC_CLIST(&_pr_active_global_threadQ);
-_MDLock  _pr_cpuLock;           /* lock for the CPU Q */
-PRCList _pr_cpuQ = PR_INIT_STATIC_CLIST(&_pr_cpuQ);
-PRUint32 _pr_utid;
-PRInt32 _pr_userActive;
-PRInt32 _pr_systemActive;
-PRUintn _pr_maxPTDs;
-struct _PRCPU 	*_pr_currentCPU;
-PRThread 	*_pr_currentThread;
-PRThread 	*_pr_lastThread;
-PRInt32 	_pr_intsOff;
-#endif /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-/* Lock protecting all "termination" condition variables of all threads */
-PRLock *_pr_terminationCVLock;
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-PRLock *_pr_sleeplock;  /* used in PR_Sleep(), classic and pthreads */
-static void _PR_InitCallOnce(void);
-PRBool _pr_initialized = PR_FALSE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) PR_VersionCheck(const char *importedVersion)
-    /*
-    ** This is the secret handshake algorithm.
-    **
-    ** This release has a simple version compatibility
-    ** check algorithm.  This release is not backward
-    ** compatible with previous major releases.  It is
-    ** not compatible with future major, minor, or
-    ** patch releases.
-    */
-    int vmajor = 0, vminor = 0, vpatch = 0;
-    const char *ptr = importedVersion;
-    while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-        vmajor = 10 * vmajor + *ptr - '0';
-        ptr++;
-    }
-    if (*ptr == '.') {
-        ptr++;
-        while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-            vminor = 10 * vminor + *ptr - '0';
-            ptr++;
-        }
-        if (*ptr == '.') {
-            ptr++;
-            while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-                vpatch = 10 * vpatch + *ptr - '0';
-                ptr++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (vmajor != PR_VMAJOR) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (vmajor == PR_VMAJOR && vminor > PR_VMINOR) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (vmajor == PR_VMAJOR && vminor == PR_VMINOR && vpatch > PR_VPATCH) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-}  /* PR_VersionCheck */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char*) PR_GetVersion(void)
-    return PR_VERSION;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) PR_Initialized(void)
-    return _pr_initialized;
-PRInt32 _native_threads_only = 0;
-#ifdef WINNT
-static void _pr_SetNativeThreadsOnlyMode(void)
-    HMODULE mainExe;
-    PRBool *globalp;
-    char *envp;
-    mainExe = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != mainExe);
-    globalp = (PRBool *) GetProcAddress(mainExe, "nspr_native_threads_only");
-    if (globalp) {
-        _native_threads_only = (*globalp != PR_FALSE);
-    } else if (envp = getenv("NSPR_NATIVE_THREADS_ONLY")) {
-        _native_threads_only = (atoi(envp) == 1);
-    }
-static void _PR_InitStuff(void)
-    if (_pr_initialized) return;
-    _pr_initialized = PR_TRUE;
-    _PR_InitZones();
-#ifdef WINNT
-    _pr_SetNativeThreadsOnlyMode();
-    (void) PR_GetPageSize();
-	_pr_clock_lm = PR_NewLogModule("clock");
-	_pr_cmon_lm = PR_NewLogModule("cmon");
-	_pr_io_lm = PR_NewLogModule("io");
-	_pr_mon_lm = PR_NewLogModule("mon");
-	_pr_linker_lm = PR_NewLogModule("linker");
-	_pr_cvar_lm = PR_NewLogModule("cvar");
-	_pr_sched_lm = PR_NewLogModule("sched");
-	_pr_thread_lm = PR_NewLogModule("thread");
-	_pr_gc_lm = PR_NewLogModule("gc");
-	_pr_shm_lm = PR_NewLogModule("shm");
-	_pr_shma_lm = PR_NewLogModule("shma");
-    /* NOTE: These init's cannot depend on _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD() */ 
-    _PR_InitLocks();
-    _PR_InitAtomic();
-    _PR_InitSegs();
-    _PR_InitStacks();
-	_PR_InitTPD();
-    _PR_InitEnv();
-    _PR_InitLayerCache();
-    _PR_InitClock();
-    _pr_sleeplock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_sleeplock);
-#ifdef WIN16
-	{
-	PRInt32 top;   /* artificial top of stack, win16 */
-    _pr_top_of_task_stack = (char *) &top;
-	}
-	_PR_InitCPUs();
- * XXX: call _PR_InitMem only on those platforms for which nspr implements
- *	malloc, for now.
- */
-    _PR_InitMem();
-    _PR_InitCMon();
-    _PR_InitIO();
-    _PR_InitNet();
-    _PR_InitTime();
-    _PR_InitLog();
-    _PR_InitLinker();
-    _PR_InitCallOnce();
-    _PR_InitDtoa();
-    _PR_InitMW();
-    _PR_InitRWLocks();
-    nspr_InitializePRErrorTable();
-void _PR_ImplicitInitialization(void)
-	_PR_InitStuff();
-    /* Enable interrupts */
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DisableClockInterrupts(void)
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-	if (!_pr_initialized) {
-		_PR_InitStuff();
-	} else {
-	}
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_EnableClockInterrupts(void)
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-	if (!_pr_initialized) {
-		_PR_InitStuff();
-	}
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_BlockClockInterrupts(void)
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_UnblockClockInterrupts(void)
-#if !defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Init(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority, PRUintn maxPTDs)
-    _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntn) PR_Initialize(
-    PRPrimordialFn prmain, PRIntn argc, char **argv, PRUintn maxPTDs)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    rv = prmain(argc, argv);
-	PR_Cleanup();
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_Initialize */
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * _PR_CleanupBeforeExit --
- *
- *   Perform the cleanup work before exiting the process. 
- *   We first do the cleanup generic to all platforms.  Then
- *   we call _PR_MD_CLEANUP_BEFORE_EXIT(), where platform-dependent
- *   cleanup is done.  This function is used by PR_Cleanup().
- *
- * See also: PR_Cleanup().
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    /* see ptthread.c */
-static void
-Do not make any calls here other than to destroy resources.  For example,
-do not make any calls that eventually may end up in PR_Lock.  Because the
-thread is destroyed, can not access current thread any more.
-    _PR_CleanupTPD();
-    if (_pr_terminationCVLock)
-    /*
-     * In light of the comment above, this looks real suspicious.
-     * I'd go so far as to say it's just a problem waiting to happen.
-     */
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_Cleanup --
- *
- *   Perform a graceful shutdown of the NSPR runtime.  PR_Cleanup() may
- *   only be called from the primordial thread, typically at the
- *   end of the main() function.  It returns when it has completed
- *   its platform-dependent duty and the process must not make any other
- *   NSPR library calls prior to exiting from main().
- *
- *   PR_Cleanup() first blocks the primordial thread until all the
- *   other user (non-system) threads, if any, have terminated.
- *   Then it performs cleanup in preparation for exiting the process.
- *   PR_Cleanup() does not exit the primordial thread (which would
- *   in turn exit the process).
- *   
- *   PR_Cleanup() only responds when it is called by the primordial
- *   thread. Calls by any other thread are silently ignored.
- *
- * See also: PR_ExitProcess()
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    /* see ptthread.c */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Cleanup()
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PR_ASSERT((NULL != me) && (me->flags & _PR_PRIMORDIAL));
-    if ((NULL != me) && (me->flags & _PR_PRIMORDIAL))
-    {
-        PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_Cleanup: shutting down NSPR"));
-        /*
-         * No more recycling of threads
-         */
-        _pr_recycleThreads = 0;
-        /*
-         * Wait for all other user (non-system/daemon) threads
-         * to terminate.
-         */
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        while (_pr_userActive > _pr_primordialExitCount) {
-            PR_WaitCondVar(_pr_primordialExitCVar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        }
-        if (me->flags & _PR_SYSTEM) {
-            _pr_systemActive--;
-        } else {
-            _pr_userActive--;
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-#ifdef IRIX
-		/*
-		 * The primordial thread must now be running on the primordial cpu
-		 */
-    	PR_ASSERT((_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) || (me->cpu->id == 0));
-        _PR_MD_EARLY_CLEANUP();
-        _PR_CleanupMW();
-        _PR_CleanupTime();
-        _PR_CleanupDtoa();
-        _PR_CleanupCallOnce();
-		_PR_ShutdownLinker();
-        _PR_CleanupNet();
-        _PR_CleanupIO();
-        /* Release the primordial thread's private data, etc. */
-        _PR_CleanupThread(me);
-	    PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-	            ("PR_Cleanup: clean up before destroying thread"));
-	    _PR_LogCleanup();
-        /*
-         * This part should look like the end of _PR_NativeRunThread
-         * and _PR_UserRunThread.
-         */
-        if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-            _PR_MD_EXIT_THREAD(me);
-            _PR_NativeDestroyThread(me);
-        } else {
-            _PR_UserDestroyThread(me);
-            PR_DELETE(me->stack);
-            PR_DELETE(me);
-        }
-        /*
-         * XXX: We are freeing the heap memory here so that Purify won't
-         * complain, but we should also free other kinds of resources
-         * that are allocated by the _PR_InitXXX() functions.
-         * Ideally, for each _PR_InitXXX(), there should be a corresponding
-         * _PR_XXXCleanup() that we can call here.
-         */
-#ifdef WINNT
-        _PR_CleanupCPUs();
-        _PR_CleanupThreads();
-        _PR_CleanupCMon();
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_sleeplock);
-        _pr_sleeplock = NULL;
-        _PR_CleanupLayerCache();
-        _PR_CleanupEnv();
-        _PR_CleanupStacks();
-        _PR_CleanupBeforeExit();
-        _pr_initialized = PR_FALSE;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * PR_ProcessExit --
- * 
- *   Cause an immediate, nongraceful, forced termination of the process.
- *   It takes a PRIntn argument, which is the exit status code of the
- *   process.
- *   
- * See also: PR_Cleanup()
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_BTHREADS)
-    /* see ptthread.c */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ProcessExit(PRIntn status)
-    _PR_MD_EXIT(status);
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRProcessAttr *)
-    PRProcessAttr *attr;
-    attr = PR_NEWZAP(PRProcessAttr);
-    if (!attr) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return attr;
-PR_ResetProcessAttr(PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    PR_FREEIF(attr->currentDirectory);
-    PR_FREEIF(attr->fdInheritBuffer);
-    memset(attr, 0, sizeof(*attr));
-PR_DestroyProcessAttr(PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    PR_FREEIF(attr->currentDirectory);
-    PR_FREEIF(attr->fdInheritBuffer);
-    PR_DELETE(attr);
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    PRSpecialFD stdioFd,
-    PRFileDesc *redirectFd)
-    switch (stdioFd) {
-        case PR_StandardInput:
-            attr->stdinFd = redirectFd;
-            break;
-        case PR_StandardOutput:
-            attr->stdoutFd = redirectFd;
-            break;
-        case PR_StandardError:
-            attr->stderrFd = redirectFd;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_ASSERT(0);
-    }
- */
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    PRSpecialFD stdioFd,
-    PRFileDesc *redirectFd)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    static PRBool warn = PR_TRUE;
-    if (warn) {
-        warn = _PR_Obsolete("PR_SetStdioRedirect()",
-                "PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect()");
-    }
-    PR_ProcessAttrSetStdioRedirect(attr, stdioFd, redirectFd);
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    const char *dir)
-    PR_FREEIF(attr->currentDirectory);
-    attr->currentDirectory = (char *) PR_MALLOC(strlen(dir) + 1);
-    if (!attr->currentDirectory) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    strcpy(attr->currentDirectory, dir);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRProcessAttr *attr,
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    const char *name)
-    /* We malloc the fd inherit buffer in multiples of this number. */
-    /* The length of "NSPR_INHERIT_FDS=" */
-    /* The length of osfd (PROsfd) printed in hexadecimal with 0x prefix */
-#ifdef _WIN64
-#define OSFD_STRLEN 18
-#define OSFD_STRLEN 10
-    /* The length of fd type (PRDescType) printed in decimal */
-#define FD_TYPE_STRLEN 1
-    PRSize newSize;
-    int remainder;
-    char *newBuffer;
-    int nwritten;
-    char *cur;
-    int freeSize;
-    if (fd->identity != PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (fd->secret->inheritable == _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN) {
-    }
-    if (fd->secret->inheritable != _PR_TRI_TRUE) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_NO_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We also need to account for the : separators and the
-     * terminating null byte.
-     */
-    if (NULL == attr->fdInheritBuffer) {
-        /* The first time, we print "NSPR_INHERIT_FDS=<name>:<type>:<val>" */
-        newSize = NSPR_INHERIT_FDS_STRLEN + strlen(name)
-                + FD_TYPE_STRLEN + OSFD_STRLEN + 2 + 1;
-    } else {
-        /* At other times, we print ":<name>:<type>:<val>" */
-        newSize = attr->fdInheritBufferUsed + strlen(name)
-                + FD_TYPE_STRLEN + OSFD_STRLEN + 3 + 1;
-    }
-    if (newSize > attr->fdInheritBufferSize) {
-        /* Make newSize a multiple of FD_INHERIT_BUFFER_INCR */
-        remainder = newSize % FD_INHERIT_BUFFER_INCR;
-        if (remainder != 0) {
-            newSize += (FD_INHERIT_BUFFER_INCR - remainder);
-        }
-        if (NULL == attr->fdInheritBuffer) {
-            newBuffer = (char *) PR_MALLOC(newSize);
-        } else {
-            newBuffer = (char *) PR_REALLOC(attr->fdInheritBuffer, newSize);
-        }
-        if (NULL == newBuffer) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        attr->fdInheritBuffer = newBuffer;
-        attr->fdInheritBufferSize = newSize;
-    }
-    cur = attr->fdInheritBuffer + attr->fdInheritBufferUsed;
-    freeSize = attr->fdInheritBufferSize - attr->fdInheritBufferUsed;
-    if (0 == attr->fdInheritBufferUsed) {
-        nwritten = PR_snprintf(cur, freeSize,
-                "NSPR_INHERIT_FDS=%s:%d:0x%" PR_PRIxOSFD,
-                name, (PRIntn)fd->methods->file_type, fd->secret->md.osfd);
-    } else {
-        nwritten = PR_snprintf(cur, freeSize, ":%s:%d:0x%" PR_PRIxOSFD,
-                name, (PRIntn)fd->methods->file_type, fd->secret->md.osfd);
-    }
-    attr->fdInheritBufferUsed += nwritten; 
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc *) PR_GetInheritedFD(
-    const char *name)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    const char *envVar;
-    const char *ptr;
-    int len = strlen(name);
-    PROsfd osfd;
-    int nColons;
-    PRIntn fileType;
-    envVar = PR_GetEnv("NSPR_INHERIT_FDS");
-    if (NULL == envVar || '\0' == envVar[0]) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ptr = envVar;
-    while (1) {
-        if ((ptr[len] == ':') && (strncmp(ptr, name, len) == 0)) {
-            ptr += len + 1;
-            if (PR_sscanf(ptr, "%d:0x%" PR_SCNxOSFD, &fileType, &osfd) != 2) {
-                PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            switch ((PRDescType)fileType) {
-                case PR_DESC_FILE:
-                    fd = PR_ImportFile(osfd);
-                    break;
-                case PR_DESC_PIPE:
-                    fd = PR_ImportPipe(osfd);
-                    break;
-                case PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP:
-                    fd = PR_ImportTCPSocket(osfd);
-                    break;
-                case PR_DESC_SOCKET_UDP:
-                    fd = PR_ImportUDPSocket(osfd);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    PR_ASSERT(0);
-                    PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-                    fd = NULL;
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (fd) {
-                /*
-                 * An inherited FD is inheritable by default.
-                 * The child process needs to call PR_SetFDInheritable
-                 * to make it non-inheritable if so desired.
-                 */
-                fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-            }
-            return fd;
-        }
-        /* Skip three colons */
-        nColons = 0;
-        while (*ptr) {
-            if (*ptr == ':') {
-                if (++nColons == 3) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            ptr++;
-        }
-        if (*ptr == '\0') {
-            PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        ptr++;
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRProcess*) PR_CreateProcess(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    return _PR_MD_CREATE_PROCESS(path, argv, envp, attr);
-}  /* PR_CreateProcess */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CreateProcessDetached(
-    const char *path,
-    char *const *argv,
-    char *const *envp,
-    const PRProcessAttr *attr)
-    PRProcess *process;
-    PRStatus rv;
-    process = PR_CreateProcess(path, argv, envp, attr);
-    if (NULL == process) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    rv = PR_DetachProcess(process);
-    if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-	PR_DELETE(process);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DetachProcess(PRProcess *process)
-    return _PR_MD_DETACH_PROCESS(process);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitProcess(PRProcess *process, PRInt32 *exitCode)
-    return _PR_MD_WAIT_PROCESS(process, exitCode);
-}  /* PR_WaitProcess */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_KillProcess(PRProcess *process)
-    return _PR_MD_KILL_PROCESS(process);
- ********************************************************************
- *
- * Module initialization
- *
- ********************************************************************
- */
-static struct {
-    PRLock *ml;
-    PRCondVar *cv;
-} mod_init;
-static void _PR_InitCallOnce(void) {
- = PR_NewLock();
- = PR_NewCondVar(;
-void _PR_CleanupCallOnce()
-    PR_DestroyLock(;
- = NULL;
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(;
- = NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CallOnce(
-    PRCallOnceType *once,
-    PRCallOnceFN    func)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (!once->initialized) {
-	if (PR_ATOMIC_SET(&once->inProgress, 1) == 0) {
-	    once->status = (*func)();
-	    PR_Lock(;
-	    once->initialized = 1;
-	    PR_NotifyAllCondVar(;
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	} else {
-	    PR_Lock(;
-	    while (!once->initialized) {
-            }
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	}
-    } else {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != once->status) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_CALL_ONCE_ERROR, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    return once->status;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CallOnceWithArg(
-    PRCallOnceType      *once,
-    PRCallOnceWithArgFN  func,
-    void                *arg)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (!once->initialized) {
-	if (PR_ATOMIC_SET(&once->inProgress, 1) == 0) {
-	    once->status = (*func)(arg);
-	    PR_Lock(;
-	    once->initialized = 1;
-	    PR_NotifyAllCondVar(;
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	} else {
-	    PR_Lock(;
-	    while (!once->initialized) {
-            }
-	    PR_Unlock(;
-	}
-    } else {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != once->status) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_CALL_ONCE_ERROR, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    return once->status;
-PRBool _PR_Obsolete(const char *obsolete, const char *preferred)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    PR_fprintf(
-        PR_STDERR, "'%s' is obsolete. Use '%s' instead.\n",
-        obsolete, (NULL == preferred) ? "something else" : preferred);
-    return PR_FALSE;
-}  /* _PR_Obsolete */
-/* prinit.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prinrval.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prinrval.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 50a938b..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prinrval.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * file:			prinrval.c
- * description:		implementation for the kernel interval timing functions
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * _PR_InitClock --
- *
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-void _PR_InitClock(void)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    {
-        PRIntervalTime ticksPerSec = PR_TicksPerSecond();
-        PR_ASSERT(ticksPerSec >= PR_INTERVAL_MIN);
-        PR_ASSERT(ticksPerSec <= PR_INTERVAL_MAX);
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntervalTime) PR_IntervalNow(void)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return _PR_MD_GET_INTERVAL();
-}  /* PR_IntervalNow */
-PR_EXTERN(PRUint32) PR_TicksPerSecond(void)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return _PR_MD_INTERVAL_PER_SEC();
-}  /* PR_TicksPerSecond */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntervalTime) PR_SecondsToInterval(PRUint32 seconds)
-    return seconds * PR_TicksPerSecond();
-}  /* PR_SecondsToInterval */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntervalTime) PR_MillisecondsToInterval(PRUint32 milli)
-    PRIntervalTime ticks;
-    PRUint64 tock, tps, msecPerSec, rounding;
-    LL_UI2L(tock, milli);
-    LL_I2L(msecPerSec, PR_MSEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(rounding, (PR_MSEC_PER_SEC >> 1));
-    LL_I2L(tps, PR_TicksPerSecond());
-    LL_MUL(tock, tock, tps);
-    LL_ADD(tock, tock, rounding);
-    LL_DIV(tock, tock, msecPerSec);
-    LL_L2UI(ticks, tock);
-    return ticks;
-}  /* PR_MillisecondsToInterval */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntervalTime) PR_MicrosecondsToInterval(PRUint32 micro)
-    PRIntervalTime ticks;
-    PRUint64 tock, tps, usecPerSec, rounding;
-    LL_UI2L(tock, micro);
-    LL_I2L(usecPerSec, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(rounding, (PR_USEC_PER_SEC >> 1));
-    LL_I2L(tps, PR_TicksPerSecond());
-    LL_MUL(tock, tock, tps);
-    LL_ADD(tock, tock, rounding);
-    LL_DIV(tock, tock, usecPerSec);
-    LL_L2UI(ticks, tock);
-    return ticks;
-}  /* PR_MicrosecondsToInterval */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_IntervalToSeconds(PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    return ticks / PR_TicksPerSecond();
-}  /* PR_IntervalToSeconds */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PRUint32 milli;
-    PRUint64 tock, tps, msecPerSec, rounding;
-    LL_UI2L(tock, ticks);
-    LL_I2L(msecPerSec, PR_MSEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(tps, PR_TicksPerSecond());
-    LL_USHR(rounding, tps, 1);
-    LL_MUL(tock, tock, msecPerSec);
-    LL_ADD(tock, tock, rounding);
-    LL_DIV(tock, tock, tps);
-    LL_L2UI(milli, tock);
-    return milli;
-}  /* PR_IntervalToMilliseconds */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PRUint32 micro;
-    PRUint64 tock, tps, usecPerSec, rounding;
-    LL_UI2L(tock, ticks);
-    LL_I2L(usecPerSec, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(tps, PR_TicksPerSecond());
-    LL_USHR(rounding, tps, 1);
-    LL_MUL(tock, tock, usecPerSec);
-    LL_ADD(tock, tock, rounding);
-    LL_DIV(tock, tock, tps);
-    LL_L2UI(micro, tock);
-    return micro;
-}  /* PR_IntervalToMicroseconds */
-/* prinrval.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pripc.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/pripc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e41a2af..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pripc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File: pripc.c
- *
- * Description: functions for IPC support
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
- * A POSIX IPC name must begin with a '/'.
- * A POSIX IPC name on Solaris cannot contain any '/' except
- * the required leading '/'.
- * A POSIX IPC name on HP-UX and OSF1 must be a valid pathname
- * in the file system.
- *
- * The ftok() function for System V IPC requires a valid pathname
- * in the file system.
- *
- * A Win32 IPC name cannot contain '\'.
- */
-static void _pr_ConvertSemName(char *result)
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    char *p;
-    /* Convert '/' to '_' except for the leading '/' */
-    for (p = result+1; *p; p++) {
-        if (*p == '/') {
-            *p = '_';
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-    return;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_SYSV_SEMAPHORES)
-    return;
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-    return;
-static void _pr_ConvertShmName(char *result)
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    char *p;
-    /* Convert '/' to '_' except for the leading '/' */
-    for (p = result+1; *p; p++) {
-        if (*p == '/') {
-            *p = '_';
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-    return;
-    return;
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-    return;
-    return;
-PRStatus _PR_MakeNativeIPCName(
-    const char *name,
-    char *result,
-    PRIntn size,
-    _PRIPCType type)
-    if (strlen(name) >= (PRSize)size) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    strcpy(result, name);
-    switch (type) {
-        case _PRIPCSem:
-            _pr_ConvertSemName(result);
-            break;
-        case _PRIPCShm:
-            _pr_ConvertShmName(result);
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pripcsem.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/pripcsem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a176897..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/pripcsem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * File: pripcsem.c
- *
- * Description: implements the named semaphores API in prsemipc.h
- * for classic NSPR.  If _PR_HAVE_NAMED_SEMAPHORES is not defined,
- * the named semaphore functions all fail with the error code
- */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#ifdef _PR_PTHREADS
-#error "This file should not be compiled for the pthreads version"
-    const char *osname, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode, PRUintn value)
-    return NULL;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PRStatus _PR_MD_DELETE_SEMAPHORE(const char *osname)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSem *) PR_OpenSemaphore(
-    const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode, PRUintn value)
-    char osname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (_PR_MakeNativeIPCName(name, osname, sizeof(osname), _PRIPCSem)
-            == PR_FAILURE) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return _PR_MD_OPEN_SEMAPHORE(osname, flags, mode, value);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    return _PR_MD_WAIT_SEMAPHORE(sem);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_PostSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    return _PR_MD_POST_SEMAPHORE(sem);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    return _PR_MD_CLOSE_SEMAPHORE(sem);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DeleteSemaphore(const char *name)
-    char osname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (_PR_MakeNativeIPCName(name, osname, sizeof(osname), _PRIPCSem)
-            == PR_FAILURE) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return _PR_MD_DELETE_SEMAPHORE(osname);
-#endif /* _PR_PTHREADS */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlog2.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlog2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d476cd..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlog2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prbit.h"
-** Compute the log of the least power of 2 greater than or equal to n
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntn) PR_CeilingLog2(PRUint32 n)
-    PRIntn log2;
-    PR_CEILING_LOG2(log2, n);
-    return log2;
-** Compute the log of the greatest power of 2 less than or equal to n.
-** This really just finds the highest set bit in the word.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntn) PR_FloorLog2(PRUint32 n)
-    PRIntn log2;
-    PR_FLOOR_LOG2(log2, n);
-    return log2;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 701d081..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prlong.h"
-static PRInt64 ll_zero = LL_INIT( 0x00000000,0x00000000 );
-static PRInt64 ll_maxint = LL_INIT( 0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff );
-static PRInt64 ll_minint = LL_INIT( 0x80000000, 0x00000000 );
-static PRUint64 ll_maxuint = LL_INIT( 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff );
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) LL_Zero(void) { return ll_zero; }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) LL_MaxInt(void) { return ll_maxint; }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) LL_MinInt(void) { return ll_minint; }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint64) LL_MaxUint(void) { return ll_maxuint; }
-** Divide 64-bit a by 32-bit b, which must be normalized so its high bit is 1.
-static void norm_udivmod32(PRUint32 *qp, PRUint32 *rp, PRUint64 a, PRUint32 b)
-    PRUint32 d1, d0, q1, q0;
-    PRUint32 r1, r0, m;
-    d1 = _hi16(b);
-    d0 = _lo16(b);
-    r1 = a.hi % d1;
-    q1 = a.hi / d1;
-    m = q1 * d0;
-    r1 = (r1 << 16) | _hi16(a.lo);
-    if (r1 < m) {
-        q1--, r1 += b;
-        if (r1 >= b	/* i.e., we didn't get a carry when adding to r1 */
-	    && r1 < m) {
-	    q1--, r1 += b;
-	}
-    }
-    r1 -= m;
-    r0 = r1 % d1;
-    q0 = r1 / d1;
-    m = q0 * d0;
-    r0 = (r0 << 16) | _lo16(a.lo);
-    if (r0 < m) {
-        q0--, r0 += b;
-        if (r0 >= b
-	    && r0 < m) {
-	    q0--, r0 += b;
-	}
-    }
-    *qp = (q1 << 16) | q0;
-    *rp = r0 - m;
-static PRUint32 CountLeadingZeros(PRUint32 a)
-    PRUint32 t;
-    PRUint32 r = 32;
-    if ((t = a >> 16) != 0)
-	r -= 16, a = t;
-    if ((t = a >> 8) != 0)
-	r -= 8, a = t;
-    if ((t = a >> 4) != 0)
-	r -= 4, a = t;
-    if ((t = a >> 2) != 0)
-	r -= 2, a = t;
-    if ((t = a >> 1) != 0)
-	r -= 1, a = t;
-    if (a & 1)
-	r--;
-    return r;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) ll_udivmod(PRUint64 *qp, PRUint64 *rp, PRUint64 a, PRUint64 b)
-    PRUint32 n0, n1, n2;
-    PRUint32 q0, q1;
-    PRUint32 rsh, lsh;
-    n0 = a.lo;
-    n1 = a.hi;
-    if (b.hi == 0) {
-	if (b.lo > n1) {
-	    /* (0 q0) = (n1 n0) / (0 D0) */
-	    lsh = CountLeadingZeros(b.lo);
-	    if (lsh) {
-		/*
-		 * Normalize, i.e. make the most significant bit of the
-		 * denominator be set.
-		 */
-		b.lo = b.lo << lsh;
-		n1 = (n1 << lsh) | (n0 >> (32 - lsh));
-		n0 = n0 << lsh;
-	    }
-	    a.lo = n0, a.hi = n1;
-	    norm_udivmod32(&q0, &n0, a, b.lo);
-	    q1 = 0;
-	    /* remainder is in n0 >> lsh */
-	} else {
-	    /* (q1 q0) = (n1 n0) / (0 d0) */
-	    if (b.lo == 0)		/* user wants to divide by zero! */
-		b.lo = 1 / b.lo;	/* so go ahead and crash */
-	    lsh = CountLeadingZeros(b.lo);
-	    if (lsh == 0) {
-		/*
-		 * From (n1 >= b.lo)
-		 *   && (the most significant bit of b.lo is set),
-		 * conclude that
-		 *	(the most significant bit of n1 is set)
-		 *   && (the leading quotient digit q1 = 1).
-		 *
-		 * This special case is necessary, not an optimization
-		 * (Shifts counts of 32 are undefined).
-		 */
-		n1 -= b.lo;
-		q1 = 1;
-	    } else {
-		/*
-		 * Normalize.
-		 */
-		rsh = 32 - lsh;
-		b.lo = b.lo << lsh;
-		n2 = n1 >> rsh;
-		n1 = (n1 << lsh) | (n0 >> rsh);
-		n0 = n0 << lsh;
-		a.lo = n1, a.hi = n2;
-		norm_udivmod32(&q1, &n1, a, b.lo);
-	    }
-	    /* n1 != b.lo... */
-	    a.lo = n0, a.hi = n1;
-	    norm_udivmod32(&q0, &n0, a, b.lo);
-	    /* remainder in n0 >> lsh */
-	}
-	if (rp) {
-	    rp->lo = n0 >> lsh;
-	    rp->hi = 0;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (b.hi > n1) {
-	    /* (0 0) = (n1 n0) / (D1 d0) */
-	    q0 = 0;
-	    q1 = 0;
-	    /* remainder in (n1 n0) */
-	    if (rp) {
-		rp->lo = n0;
-		rp->hi = n1;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* (0 q0) = (n1 n0) / (d1 d0) */
-	    lsh = CountLeadingZeros(b.hi);
-	    if (lsh == 0) {
-		/*
-		 * From (n1 >= b.hi)
-		 *   && (the most significant bit of b.hi is set),
-		 * conclude that
-		 *      (the most significant bit of n1 is set)
-		 *   && (the quotient digit q0 = 0 or 1).
-		 *
-		 * This special case is necessary, not an optimization.
-		 */
-		/*
-		 * The condition on the next line takes advantage of that
-		 * n1 >= b.hi (true due to control flow).
-		 */
-		if (n1 > b.hi || n0 >= b.lo) {
-		    q0 = 1;
-		    a.lo = n0, a.hi = n1;
-		    LL_SUB(a, a, b);
-		} else {
-		    q0 = 0;
-		}
-		q1 = 0;
-		if (rp) {
-		    rp->lo = n0;
-		    rp->hi = n1;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		PRInt64 m;
-		/*
-		 * Normalize.
-		 */
-		rsh = 32 - lsh;
-		b.hi = (b.hi << lsh) | (b.lo >> rsh);
-		b.lo = b.lo << lsh;
-		n2 = n1 >> rsh;
-		n1 = (n1 << lsh) | (n0 >> rsh);
-		n0 = n0 << lsh;
-		a.lo = n1, a.hi = n2;
-		norm_udivmod32(&q0, &n1, a, b.hi);
-		LL_MUL32(m, q0, b.lo);
-		if ((m.hi > n1) || ((m.hi == n1) && (m.lo > n0))) {
-		    q0--;
-		    LL_SUB(m, m, b);
-		}
-		q1 = 0;
-		/* Remainder is ((n1 n0) - (m1 m0)) >> lsh */
-		if (rp) {
-		    a.lo = n0, a.hi = n1;
-		    LL_SUB(a, a, m);
-		    rp->lo = (a.hi << rsh) | (a.lo >> lsh);
-		    rp->hi = a.hi >> lsh;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (qp) {
-	qp->lo = q0;
-	qp->hi = q1;
-    }
-#endif /* !HAVE_LONG_LONG */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prnetdb.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prnetdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b2f6e43..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prnetdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2342 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
- * On Unix, the error code for gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr()
- * is returned in the global variable h_errno, instead of the usual
- * errno.
- */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-#if defined(_PR_NEED_H_ERRNO)
-extern int h_errno;
-#define _MD_GETHOST_ERRNO() h_errno
- * The meaning of the macros related to gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr,
- * and gethostbyname2 is defined below.
- * - _PR_HAVE_THREADSAFE_GETHOST: the gethostbyXXX functions return
- *   the result in thread specific storage.  For example, AIX, HP-UX,
- *   and OSF1.
- * -  _PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R: have the gethostbyXXX_r functions. See next
- *   two macros.
- * - _PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R_INT: the gethostbyXXX_r functions return an
- *   int.  For example, Linux glibc.
- * - _PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R_POINTER: the gethostbyXXX_r functions return
- *   a struct hostent* pointer.  For example, Solaris and IRIX.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_NO_PREEMPT) || defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R) \
-#define _PR_NO_DNS_LOCK
-#if defined(_PR_NO_DNS_LOCK)
-#define LOCK_DNS()
-#define UNLOCK_DNS()
-PRLock *_pr_dnsLock = NULL;
-#define LOCK_DNS() PR_Lock(_pr_dnsLock)
-#define UNLOCK_DNS() PR_Unlock(_pr_dnsLock)
-#endif  /* defined(_PR_NO_DNS_LOCK) */
- * Some platforms have the reentrant getprotobyname_r() and
- * getprotobynumber_r().  However, they come in three flavors.
- * Some return a pointer to struct protoent, others return
- * an int, and glibc's flavor takes five arguments.
- */
-#if defined(XP_BEOS) && defined(BONE_VERSION)
-#include <arpa/inet.h>  /* pick up define for inet_addr */
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || (defined(BSDI) && defined(_REENTRANT)) \
-	|| (defined(LINUX) && defined(_REENTRANT) \
-        && defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ < 2)
-#if defined(OSF1) \
-        || defined(AIX4_3_PLUS) || (defined(AIX) && defined(_THREAD_SAFE)) \
-	|| (defined(HPUX10_10) && defined(_REENTRANT)) \
-        || (defined(HPUX10_20) && defined(_REENTRANT)) \
-        || defined(OPENBSD)
-#if __FreeBSD_version >= 602000
-/* BeOS has glibc but not the glibc-style getprotobyxxx_r functions. */
-#if (defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2 && !defined(XP_BEOS))
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
-PRLock* _getproto_lock = NULL;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-extern PRBool _pr_ipv6_is_present(void);
-#define _PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(a)				\
-				(((a)->pr_s6_addr32[0] == 0) &&	\
-				((a)->pr_s6_addr32[1] == 0) &&		\
-				((a)->pr_s6_addr32[2] == 0) &&		\
-				((a)->pr_s6_addr32[3] == 0))
-#define _PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(a)					\
-               (((a)->pr_s6_addr32[0] == 0)	&&	\
-               ((a)->pr_s6_addr32[1] == 0)		&&	\
-               ((a)->pr_s6_addr32[2] == 0)		&&	\
-               ((a)->pr_s6_addr[12] == 0)		&&	\
-               ((a)->pr_s6_addr[13] == 0)		&&	\
-               ((a)->pr_s6_addr[14] == 0)		&&	\
-               ((a)->pr_s6_addr[15] == 0x1U))
-const PRIPv6Addr _pr_in6addr_any =	{{{ 0, 0, 0, 0,
-										0, 0, 0, 0,
-										0, 0, 0, 0,
-										0, 0, 0, 0 }}};
-const PRIPv6Addr _pr_in6addr_loopback = {{{ 0, 0, 0, 0,
-											0, 0, 0, 0,
-											0, 0, 0, 0,
-											0, 0, 0, 0x1U }}};
- * The values at bytes 10 and 11 are compared using pointers to
- * 8-bit fields, and not 32-bit fields, to make the comparison work on
- * both big-endian and little-endian systems
- */
-#define _PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(a)			\
-		(((a)->pr_s6_addr32[0] == 0) 	&&	\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr32[1] == 0)	&&	\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr[8] == 0)		&&	\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr[9] == 0)		&&	\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr[10] == 0xff)	&&	\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr[11] == 0xff))
-#define _PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(a)			\
-		(((a)->pr_s6_addr32[0] == 0) &&	\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr32[1] == 0) &&		\
-		((a)->pr_s6_addr32[2] == 0))
-#define _PR_IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_IPADDR(a) ((a)->pr_s6_addr32[3])
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2)
- * The _pr_QueryNetIfs() function finds out if the system has
- * IPv4 or IPv6 source addresses configured and sets _pr_have_inet_if
- * and _pr_have_inet6_if accordingly.
- *
- * We have an implementation using SIOCGIFCONF ioctl and a
- * default implementation that simply sets _pr_have_inet_if
- * and _pr_have_inet6_if to true.  A better implementation
- * would be to use the routing sockets (see Chapter 17 of
- * W. Richard Stevens' Unix Network Programming, Vol. 1, 2nd. Ed.)
- */
-static PRLock *_pr_query_ifs_lock = NULL;
-static PRBool _pr_have_inet_if = PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool _pr_have_inet6_if = PR_FALSE;
-#if defined(AIX) \
-    || (defined(DARWIN) && (!defined(HAVE_GETIFADDRS) \
-        || (defined(XP_MACOSX) && (!defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2) || \
- * Use SIOCGIFCONF ioctl on platforms that don't have routing
- * sockets.  Warning: whether SIOCGIFCONF ioctl returns AF_INET6
- * network interfaces is not portable.
- *
- * The _pr_QueryNetIfs() function is derived from the code in
- * src/lib/libc/net/getifaddrs.c in BSD Unix and the code in
- * Section 16.6 of W. Richard Stevens' Unix Network Programming,
- * Vol. 1, 2nd. Ed.
- */
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <net/if.h>
-static void
-_pr_PrintIfreq(struct ifreq *ifr)
-    PRNetAddr addr;
-    struct sockaddr *sa;
-    const char* family;
-    char addrstr[64];
-    sa = &ifr->ifr_addr;
-    if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) {
-        struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)sa;
-        family = "inet";
-        memcpy(&addr.inet.ip, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(sin->sin_addr));
-    } else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
-        struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa;
-        family = "inet6";
-        memcpy(&addr.ipv6.ip, &sin6->sin6_addr, sizeof(sin6->sin6_addr));
-    } else {
-        return;  /* skip if not AF_INET or AF_INET6 */
-    }
- = sa->sa_family;
-    PR_NetAddrToString(&addr, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr));
-    printf("%s: %s %s\n", ifr->ifr_name, family, addrstr);
-static void
-    int sock;
-    int rv;
-    struct ifconf ifc;
-    struct ifreq *ifr;
-    struct ifreq *lifr;
-    PRUint32 len, lastlen;
-    char *buf;
-    if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Issue SIOCGIFCONF request in a loop. */
-    lastlen = 0;
-    len = 100 * sizeof(struct ifreq);  /* initial buffer size guess */
-    for (;;) {
-        buf = (char *)PR_Malloc(len);
-        if (NULL == buf) {
-            close(sock);
-            return;
-        }
-        ifc.ifc_buf = buf;
-        ifc.ifc_len = len;
-        rv = ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc);
-        if (rv < 0) {
-            if (errno != EINVAL || lastlen != 0) {
-                close(sock);
-                PR_Free(buf);
-                return;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (ifc.ifc_len == lastlen)
-                break;  /* success, len has not changed */
-            lastlen = ifc.ifc_len;
-        }
-        len += 10 * sizeof(struct ifreq);  /* increment */
-        PR_Free(buf);
-    }
-    close(sock);
-    ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
-    lifr = (struct ifreq *)&ifc.ifc_buf[ifc.ifc_len];
-    while (ifr < lifr) {
-        struct sockaddr *sa;
-        int sa_len;
-        _pr_PrintIfreq(ifr);
-        sa = &ifr->ifr_addr;
-        if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) {
-            struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) sa;
-            if (sin->sin_addr.s_addr != htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
-                _pr_have_inet_if = PR_TRUE;
-            } 
-        } else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
-            struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa;
-            if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(&sin6->sin6_addr)
-                    && !IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&sin6->sin6_addr)) {
-                _pr_have_inet6_if = PR_TRUE;
-            } 
-        }
-        sa_len = PR_MAX(sa->sa_len, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
-        switch (sa->sa_family) {
-#ifdef AF_LINK
-        case AF_LINK:
-            sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_dl);
-            break;
-        case AF_INET6:
-            sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
-            break;
-        default:
-            sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
-            break;
-        }
-        ifr = (struct ifreq *)(((char *)sa) + sa_len);
-    }
-    PR_Free(buf);
-#elif (defined(DARWIN) && defined(HAVE_GETIFADDRS)) || defined(FREEBSD) \
-    || defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD)
- * Use the BSD getifaddrs function.
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <ifaddrs.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-static void
-_pr_PrintIfaddrs(struct ifaddrs *ifa)
-    struct sockaddr *sa;
-    const char* family;
-    void *addrp;
-    char addrstr[64];
-    sa = ifa->ifa_addr;
-    if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) {
-        struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)sa;
-        family = "inet";
-        addrp = &sin->sin_addr;
-    } else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
-        struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa;
-        family = "inet6";
-        addrp = &sin6->sin6_addr;
-    } else {
-        return;  /* skip if not AF_INET or AF_INET6 */
-    }
-    inet_ntop(sa->sa_family, addrp, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr));
-    printf("%s: %s %s\n", ifa->ifa_name, family, addrstr);
-static void
-    struct ifaddrs *ifp;
-    struct ifaddrs *ifa;
-    if (getifaddrs(&ifp) == -1) {
-        return;
-    }
-    for (ifa = ifp; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
-        struct sockaddr *sa;
-        _pr_PrintIfaddrs(ifa);
-        sa = ifa->ifa_addr;
-        if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) {
-            struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) sa;
-            if (sin->sin_addr.s_addr != htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
-                _pr_have_inet_if = 1;
-            } 
-        } else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
-            struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa;
-            if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(&sin6->sin6_addr)
-                    && !IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&sin6->sin6_addr)) {
-                _pr_have_inet6_if = 1;
-            } 
-        }
-    } 
-    freeifaddrs(ifp);
-#else  /* default */
- * Emulate the code in NSPR 4.2 or older.  PR_GetIPNodeByName behaves
- * as if the system had both IPv4 and IPv6 source addresses configured.
- */
-static void
-    _pr_have_inet_if = PR_TRUE;
-    _pr_have_inet6_if = PR_TRUE;
-#endif  /* _PR_INET6 && _PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2 */
-void _PR_InitNet(void)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-	/*
-	 * This one-liner prevents the endless re-open's and re-read's of
-	 * /etc/netconfig on EACH and EVERY call to accept(), connect(), etc.
-	 */
-	 (void)setnetconfig();
-#if !defined(_PR_NO_DNS_LOCK)
-	_pr_dnsLock = PR_NewLock();
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
-	_getproto_lock = PR_NewLock();
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2)
-	_pr_query_ifs_lock = PR_NewLock();
-void _PR_CleanupNet(void)
-#if !defined(_PR_NO_DNS_LOCK)
-    if (_pr_dnsLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_dnsLock);
-        _pr_dnsLock = NULL;
-    }
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
-    if (_getproto_lock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_getproto_lock);
-        _getproto_lock = NULL;
-    }
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2)
-    if (_pr_query_ifs_lock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_query_ifs_lock);
-        _pr_query_ifs_lock = NULL;
-    }
-** Allocate space from the buffer, aligning it to "align" before doing
-** the allocation. "align" must be a power of 2.
-static char *Alloc(PRIntn amount, char **bufp, PRIntn *buflenp, PRIntn align)
-	char *buf = *bufp;
-	PRIntn buflen = *buflenp;
-	if (align && ((long)buf & (align - 1))) {
-		PRIntn skip = align - ((ptrdiff_t)buf & (align - 1));
-		if (buflen < skip) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-		buf += skip;
-		buflen -= skip;
-	}
-	if (buflen < amount) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	*bufp = buf + amount;
-	*buflenp = buflen - amount;
-	return buf;
-typedef enum _PRIPAddrConversion {
-    _PRIPAddrNoConversion,
-    _PRIPAddrIPv4Mapped,
-    _PRIPAddrIPv4Compat
-} _PRIPAddrConversion;
-** Convert an IPv4 address (v4) to an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address (v6).
-static void MakeIPv4MappedAddr(const char *v4, char *v6)
-    memset(v6, 0, 10);
-    memset(v6 + 10, 0xff, 2);
-    memcpy(v6 + 12, v4, 4);
-** Convert an IPv4 address (v4) to an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address (v6).
-static void MakeIPv4CompatAddr(const char *v4, char *v6)
-    memset(v6, 0, 12);
-    memcpy(v6 + 12, v4, 4);
-** Copy a hostent, and all of the memory that it refers to into
-** (hopefully) stacked buffers.
-static PRStatus CopyHostent(
-    struct hostent *from,
-    char **buf,
-    PRIntn *bufsize,
-    _PRIPAddrConversion conversion,
-    PRHostEnt *to)
-	PRIntn len, na;
-	char **ap;
-	if (conversion != _PRIPAddrNoConversion
-			&& from->h_addrtype == AF_INET) {
-		PR_ASSERT(from->h_length == 4);
-		to->h_addrtype = PR_AF_INET6;
-		to->h_length = 16;
-	} else {
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-		if (AF_INET6 == from->h_addrtype)
-			to->h_addrtype = PR_AF_INET6;
-		else
-			to->h_addrtype = from->h_addrtype;
-		to->h_length = from->h_length;
-	}
-	/* Copy the official name */
-	if (!from->h_name) return PR_FAILURE;
-	len = strlen(from->h_name) + 1;
-	to->h_name = Alloc(len, buf, bufsize, 0);
-	if (!to->h_name) return PR_FAILURE;
-	memcpy(to->h_name, from->h_name, len);
-	/* Count the aliases, then allocate storage for the pointers */
-	if (!from->h_aliases) {
-		na = 1;
-	} else {
-		for (na = 1, ap = from->h_aliases; *ap != 0; na++, ap++){;} /* nothing to execute */
-	}
-	to->h_aliases = (char**)Alloc(
-	    na * sizeof(char*), buf, bufsize, sizeof(char**));
-	if (!to->h_aliases) return PR_FAILURE;
-	/* Copy the aliases, one at a time */
-	if (!from->h_aliases) {
-		to->h_aliases[0] = 0;
-	} else {
-		for (na = 0, ap = from->h_aliases; *ap != 0; na++, ap++) {
-			len = strlen(*ap) + 1;
-			to->h_aliases[na] = Alloc(len, buf, bufsize, 0);
-			if (!to->h_aliases[na]) return PR_FAILURE;
-			memcpy(to->h_aliases[na], *ap, len);
-		}
-		to->h_aliases[na] = 0;
-	}
-	/* Count the addresses, then allocate storage for the pointers */
-	for (na = 1, ap = from->h_addr_list; *ap != 0; na++, ap++){;} /* nothing to execute */
-	to->h_addr_list = (char**)Alloc(
-	    na * sizeof(char*), buf, bufsize, sizeof(char**));
-	if (!to->h_addr_list) return PR_FAILURE;
-	/* Copy the addresses, one at a time */
-	for (na = 0, ap = from->h_addr_list; *ap != 0; na++, ap++) {
-		to->h_addr_list[na] = Alloc(to->h_length, buf, bufsize, 0);
-		if (!to->h_addr_list[na]) return PR_FAILURE;
-		if (conversion != _PRIPAddrNoConversion
-				&& from->h_addrtype == AF_INET) {
-			if (conversion == _PRIPAddrIPv4Mapped) {
-				MakeIPv4MappedAddr(*ap, to->h_addr_list[na]);
-			} else {
-				PR_ASSERT(conversion == _PRIPAddrIPv4Compat);
-				MakeIPv4CompatAddr(*ap, to->h_addr_list[na]);
-			}
-		} else {
-			memcpy(to->h_addr_list[na], *ap, to->h_length);
-		}
-	}
-	to->h_addr_list[na] = 0;
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-/* Set p_aliases by hand because Symbian's getprotobyname() returns NULL. */
-static void AssignAliases(struct protoent *Protoent, char** aliases)
-    if (NULL == Protoent->p_aliases) {
-        if (0 == strcmp(Protoent->p_name, "ip"))
-            aliases[0] = "IP";
-        else if (0 == strcmp(Protoent->p_name, "tcp"))
-            aliases[0] = "TCP";
-        else if (0 == strcmp(Protoent->p_name, "udp"))
-            aliases[0] = "UDP";
-        else
-            aliases[0] = "UNKNOWN";
-        aliases[1] = NULL;
-        Protoent->p_aliases = aliases;
-    }
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
-** Copy a protoent, and all of the memory that it refers to into
-** (hopefully) stacked buffers.
-static PRStatus CopyProtoent(
-    struct protoent *from, char *buf, PRIntn bufsize, PRProtoEnt *to)
-	PRIntn len, na;
-	char **ap;
-	/* Do the easy stuff */
-	to->p_num = from->p_proto;
-	/* Copy the official name */
-	if (!from->p_name) return PR_FAILURE;
-	len = strlen(from->p_name) + 1;
-	to->p_name = Alloc(len, &buf, &bufsize, 0);
-	if (!to->p_name) return PR_FAILURE;
-	memcpy(to->p_name, from->p_name, len);
-	/* Count the aliases, then allocate storage for the pointers */
-	for (na = 1, ap = from->p_aliases; *ap != 0; na++, ap++){;} /* nothing to execute */
-	to->p_aliases = (char**)Alloc(
-	    na * sizeof(char*), &buf, &bufsize, sizeof(char**));
-	if (!to->p_aliases) return PR_FAILURE;
-	/* Copy the aliases, one at a time */
-	for (na = 0, ap = from->p_aliases; *ap != 0; na++, ap++) {
-		len = strlen(*ap) + 1;
-		to->p_aliases[na] = Alloc(len, &buf, &bufsize, 0);
-		if (!to->p_aliases[na]) return PR_FAILURE;
-		memcpy(to->p_aliases[na], *ap, len);
-	}
-	to->p_aliases[na] = 0;
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R) */
- * #################################################################
- * NOTE: tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, h, and h_err are local variables
- * or arguments of PR_GetHostByName, PR_GetIPNodeByName, and
- * #################################################################
- */
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R_INT)
-#define GETHOSTBYNAME(name) \
-    (gethostbyname_r(name, &tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, &h, &h_err), h)
-#define GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, af) \
-    (gethostbyname2_r(name, af, &tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, &h, &h_err), h)
-#define GETHOSTBYADDR(addr, addrlen, af) \
-    (gethostbyaddr_r(addr, addrlen, af, \
-    &tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, &h, &h_err), h)
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R_POINTER)
-#define GETHOSTBYNAME(name) \
-    gethostbyname_r(name, &tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, &h_err)
-#define GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, af) \
-    gethostbyname2_r(name, af, &tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, &h_err)
-#define GETHOSTBYADDR(addr, addrlen, af) \
-    gethostbyaddr_r(addr, addrlen, af, &tmphe, tmpbuf, bufsize, &h_err)
-#define GETHOSTBYNAME(name) gethostbyname(name)
-#define GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, af) gethostbyname2(name, af)
-#define GETHOSTBYADDR(addr, addrlen, af) gethostbyaddr(addr, addrlen, af)
-#endif  /* definition of GETHOSTBYXXX */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetHostByName(
-    const char *name, char *buf, PRIntn bufsize, PRHostEnt *hp)
-	struct hostent *h;
-	PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    char localbuf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
-    char *tmpbuf;
-    struct hostent tmphe;
-    int h_err;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    tmpbuf = localbuf;
-    if (bufsize > sizeof(localbuf))
-    {
-        tmpbuf = (char *)PR_Malloc(bufsize);
-        if (NULL == tmpbuf)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return rv;
-        }
-    }
-	h = GETHOSTBYNAME(name);
-	if (NULL == h)
-	{
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		_PRIPAddrConversion conversion = _PRIPAddrNoConversion;
-		rv = CopyHostent(h, &buf, &bufsize, conversion, hp);
-		if (PR_SUCCESS != rv)
-	}
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    if (tmpbuf != localbuf)
-        PR_Free(tmpbuf);
-	return rv;
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) && \
-        defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-typedef struct hostent  * (*_pr_getipnodebyname_t)(const char *, int,
-										int, int *);
-typedef struct hostent  * (*_pr_getipnodebyaddr_t)(const void *, size_t,
-													int, int *);
-typedef void (*_pr_freehostent_t)(struct hostent *);
-static void * _pr_getipnodebyname_fp;
-static void * _pr_getipnodebyaddr_fp;
-static void * _pr_freehostent_fp;
- * Look up the addresses of getipnodebyname, getipnodebyaddr,
- * and freehostent.
- */
-    PRLibrary *lib;	
-    PRStatus rv;
-#define GETIPNODEBYNAME "getipnodebyname"
-#define GETIPNODEBYADDR "getipnodebyaddr"
-#define FREEHOSTENT     "freehostent"
-    _pr_getipnodebyname_fp = PR_FindSymbolAndLibrary(GETIPNODEBYNAME, &lib);
-    if (NULL != _pr_getipnodebyname_fp) {
-        _pr_freehostent_fp = PR_FindSymbol(lib, FREEHOSTENT);
-        if (NULL != _pr_freehostent_fp) {
-            _pr_getipnodebyaddr_fp = PR_FindSymbol(lib, GETIPNODEBYADDR);
-            if (NULL != _pr_getipnodebyaddr_fp)
-                rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-            else
-                rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        } else
-            rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        (void)PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-    } else
-        rv = PR_FAILURE;
-    return rv;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2)
-** Append the V4 addresses to the end of the list
-static PRStatus AppendV4AddrsToHostent(
-    struct hostent *from,
-    char **buf,
-    PRIntn *bufsize,
-    PRHostEnt *to)
-    PRIntn na, na_old;
-    char **ap;
-    char **new_addr_list;
-    /* Count the addresses, then grow storage for the pointers */
-    for (na_old = 0, ap = to->h_addr_list; *ap != 0; na_old++, ap++)
-        {;} /* nothing to execute */
-    for (na = na_old + 1, ap = from->h_addr_list; *ap != 0; na++, ap++)
-        {;} /* nothing to execute */
-    new_addr_list = (char**)Alloc(
-        na * sizeof(char*), buf, bufsize, sizeof(char**));
-    if (!new_addr_list) return PR_FAILURE;
-    /* Copy the V6 addresses, one at a time */
-    for (na = 0, ap = to->h_addr_list; *ap != 0; na++, ap++) {
-        new_addr_list[na] = to->h_addr_list[na];
-    }
-    to->h_addr_list = new_addr_list;
-    /* Copy the V4 addresses, one at a time */
-    for (ap = from->h_addr_list; *ap != 0; na++, ap++) {
-        to->h_addr_list[na] = Alloc(to->h_length, buf, bufsize, 0);
-        if (!to->h_addr_list[na]) return PR_FAILURE;
-        MakeIPv4MappedAddr(*ap, to->h_addr_list[na]);
-    }
-    to->h_addr_list[na] = 0;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    const char *name, PRUint16 af, PRIntn flags,
-    char *buf, PRIntn bufsize, PRHostEnt *hp)
-	struct hostent *h = 0;
-	PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    char localbuf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
-    char *tmpbuf;
-    struct hostent tmphe;
-    int h_err;
-	PRUint16 md_af = af;
-	int error_num;
-	int tmp_flags = 0;
-    PRBool did_af_inet = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (af != PR_AF_INET && af != PR_AF_INET6) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2)
-    PR_Lock(_pr_query_ifs_lock);
-    /*
-     * Keep querying the presence of IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces until
-     * at least one is up.  This allows us to detect the local
-     * machine going from offline to online.
-     */
-    if (!_pr_have_inet_if && !_pr_have_inet6_if) {
-	_pr_QueryNetIfs();
-	if (_pr_have_inet_if)
-		printf("Have IPv4 source address\n");
-	if (_pr_have_inet6_if)
-		printf("Have IPv6 source address\n");
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_query_ifs_lock);
-	if (flags & PR_AI_V4MAPPED)
-		tmp_flags |= AI_V4MAPPED;
-	if (flags & PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG)
-		tmp_flags |= AI_ADDRCONFIG;
-	if (flags & PR_AI_ALL)
-		tmp_flags |= AI_ALL;
-    if (af == PR_AF_INET6)
-    	md_af = AF_INET6;
-	else
-    	md_af = af;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    tmpbuf = localbuf;
-    if (bufsize > sizeof(localbuf))
-    {
-        tmpbuf = (char *)PR_Malloc(bufsize);
-        if (NULL == tmpbuf)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return rv;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Do not need to lock the DNS lock if getipnodebyname() is called */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-    LOCK_DNS();
-    if (af == PR_AF_INET6)
-    {
-        if ((flags & PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG) == 0 || _pr_have_inet6_if)
-        {
-#ifdef _PR_INET6_PROBE
-          if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-            h = GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, AF_INET6); 
-        }
-        if ((NULL == h) && (flags & PR_AI_V4MAPPED)
-        && ((flags & PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG) == 0 || _pr_have_inet_if))
-        {
-            did_af_inet = PR_TRUE;
-            h = GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, AF_INET);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if ((flags & PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG) == 0 || _pr_have_inet_if)
-        {
-            did_af_inet = PR_TRUE;
-            h = GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, af);
-        }
-    }
-    h = getipnodebyname(name, md_af, tmp_flags, &error_num);
-#error "Unknown name-to-address translation function"
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-    if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-    {
-        LOCK_DNS();
-    	h = (*((_pr_getipnodebyname_t)_pr_getipnodebyname_fp))(name, md_af, tmp_flags, &error_num);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        LOCK_DNS();
-    	h = GETHOSTBYNAME(name);
-    }
-#else /* _PR_INET6 */
-    LOCK_DNS();
-    h = GETHOSTBYNAME(name);
-#endif /* _PR_INET6 */
-	if (NULL == h)
-	{
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-	    PR_SetError(PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR, error_num);
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-    	if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-	    	PR_SetError(PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR, error_num);
-		else
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		_PRIPAddrConversion conversion = _PRIPAddrNoConversion;
-		if (af == PR_AF_INET6) conversion = _PRIPAddrIPv4Mapped;
-		rv = CopyHostent(h, &buf, &bufsize, conversion, hp);
-		if (PR_SUCCESS != rv)
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-		freehostent(h);
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-    	if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-			(*((_pr_freehostent_t)_pr_freehostent_fp))(h);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2)
-		if ((PR_SUCCESS == rv) && (flags & PR_AI_V4MAPPED)
-				&& ((flags & PR_AI_ALL)
-				|| ((flags & PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG) && _pr_have_inet_if))
-				&& !did_af_inet && (h = GETHOSTBYNAME2(name, AF_INET)) != 0) {
-			rv = AppendV4AddrsToHostent(h, &buf, &bufsize, hp);
-			if (PR_SUCCESS != rv)
-		}
-	}
-    /* Must match the convoluted logic above for LOCK_DNS() */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-    UNLOCK_DNS();
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME)
-    UNLOCK_DNS();
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-        UNLOCK_DNS();
-#else /* _PR_INET6 */
-    UNLOCK_DNS();
-#endif /* _PR_INET6 */
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    if (tmpbuf != localbuf)
-        PR_Free(tmpbuf);
-	return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetHostByAddr(
-    const PRNetAddr *hostaddr, char *buf, PRIntn bufsize, PRHostEnt *hostentry)
-	struct hostent *h;
-	PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-	const void *addr;
-	PRUint32 tmp_ip;
-	int addrlen;
-	PRInt32 af;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    char localbuf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
-    char *tmpbuf;
-    struct hostent tmphe;
-    int h_err;
-	int error_num;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	if (hostaddr-> == PR_AF_INET6)
-	{
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-		af = _pr_ipv6_is_present() ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET;
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6)
-		af = AF_INET6;
-		af = AF_INET;
-		if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&hostaddr->ipv6.ip))
-			af = AF_INET;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		PR_ASSERT(hostaddr-> == AF_INET);
-		af = AF_INET;
-	}
-	if (hostaddr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-		if (af == AF_INET6) {
-			addr = &hostaddr->ipv6.ip;
-			addrlen = sizeof(hostaddr->ipv6.ip);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			PR_ASSERT(af == AF_INET);
-			if (!_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&hostaddr->ipv6.ip)) {
-				return rv;
-			}
-			tmp_ip = _PR_IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_IPADDR((PRIPv6Addr *)
-												&hostaddr->ipv6.ip);
-			addr = &tmp_ip;
-			addrlen = sizeof(tmp_ip);
-		}
-	} else {
-		PR_ASSERT(hostaddr-> == AF_INET);
-		PR_ASSERT(af == AF_INET);
-		addr = &hostaddr->inet.ip;
-		addrlen = sizeof(hostaddr->inet.ip);
-	}
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    tmpbuf = localbuf;
-    if (bufsize > sizeof(localbuf))
-    {
-        tmpbuf = (char *)PR_Malloc(bufsize);
-        if (NULL == tmpbuf)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return rv;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Do not need to lock the DNS lock if getipnodebyaddr() is called */
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR) && defined(_PR_INET6)
-	h = getipnodebyaddr(addr, addrlen, af, &error_num);
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR) && defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-    {
-        LOCK_DNS();
-    	h = (*((_pr_getipnodebyaddr_t)_pr_getipnodebyaddr_fp))(addr, addrlen,
-				af, &error_num);
-    }
-	else
-    {
-        LOCK_DNS();
-		h = GETHOSTBYADDR(addr, addrlen, af);
-    }
-    LOCK_DNS();
-	h = GETHOSTBYADDR(addr, addrlen, af);
-	if (NULL == h)
-	{
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR)
-		PR_SetError(PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR, error_num);
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR)
-    	if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-	    	PR_SetError(PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR, error_num);
-		else
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		_PRIPAddrConversion conversion = _PRIPAddrNoConversion;
-		if (hostaddr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-			if (af == AF_INET) {
-				if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((PRIPv6Addr*)
-												&hostaddr->ipv6.ip)) {
-					conversion = _PRIPAddrIPv4Mapped;
-				} else if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT((PRIPv6Addr *)
-													&hostaddr->ipv6.ip)) {
-					conversion = _PRIPAddrIPv4Compat;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		rv = CopyHostent(h, &buf, &bufsize, conversion, hostentry);
-		if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-		}
-#if defined(_PR_INET6) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR)
-		freehostent(h);
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) && defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR)
-    	if (_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-			(*((_pr_freehostent_t)_pr_freehostent_fp))(h);
-	}
-    /* Must match the convoluted logic above for LOCK_DNS() */
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR) && defined(_PR_INET6)
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_GETIPNODEBYADDR) && defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    UNLOCK_DNS();
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-        UNLOCK_DNS();
-    UNLOCK_DNS();
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETHOST_R)
-    if (tmpbuf != localbuf)
-        PR_Free(tmpbuf);
-	return rv;
- * Some systems define a reentrant version of getprotobyname(). Too bad
- * the signature isn't always the same. But hey, they tried. If there
- * is such a definition, use it. Otherwise, grab a lock and do it here.
- */
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
- * This may seem like a silly thing to do, but the compiler SHOULD
- * complain if getprotobyname_r() is implemented on some system and
- * we're not using it. For sure these signatures are different than
- * any usable implementation.
- */
-#if defined(ANDROID)
-/* Android's Bionic libc system includes prototypes for these in netdb.h,
- * but doesn't actually include implementations.  It uses the 5-arg form,
- * so these functions end up not matching the prototype.  So just rename
- * them if not found.
- */
-#define getprotobyname_r _pr_getprotobyname_r
-#define getprotobynumber_r _pr_getprotobynumber_r
-static struct protoent *getprotobyname_r(const char* name)
-	return getprotobyname(name);
-} /* getprotobyname_r */
-static struct protoent *getprotobynumber_r(PRInt32 number)
-	return getprotobynumber(number);
-} /* getprotobynumber_r */
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R) */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetProtoByName(
-    const char* name, char* buffer, PRInt32 buflen, PRProtoEnt* result)
-	PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
-	struct protoent* res = (struct protoent*)result;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R_INT)
-    {
-        /*
-        ** The protoent_data has a pointer as the first field.
-        ** That implies the buffer better be aligned, and char*
-        ** doesn't promise much.
-        */
-        PRUptrdiff aligned = (PRUptrdiff)buffer;
-        if (0 != (aligned & (sizeof(struct protoent_data*) - 1)))
-        {
-            aligned += sizeof(struct protoent_data*) - 1;
-            aligned &= ~(sizeof(struct protoent_data*) - 1);
-            buflen -= (aligned - (PRUptrdiff)buffer);
-            buffer = (char*)aligned;
-        }
-    }
-#endif  /* defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R_INT) */
-    if (PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE > buflen)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (NULL == getprotobyname_r(name, res, buffer, buflen))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R_INT)
-    /*
-    ** The buffer needs to be zero'd, and it should be
-    ** at least the size of a struct protoent_data.
-    */
-    memset(buffer, 0, buflen);
-	if (-1 == getprotobyname_r(name, res, (struct protoent_data*)buffer))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_5_ARG_GETPROTO_R)
-    /* The 5th argument for getprotobyname_r() cannot be NULL */
-    if (-1 == getprotobyname_r(name, res, buffer, buflen, &res))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#else  /* do it the hard way */
-	{
-		struct protoent *staticBuf;
-		PR_Lock(_getproto_lock);
-		staticBuf = getprotobyname_r(name);
-		if (NULL == staticBuf)
-		{
-		    rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-		else
-		{
-#if defined(SYMBIAN)
-			char* aliases[2];
-			AssignAliases(staticBuf, aliases);
-			rv = CopyProtoent(staticBuf, buffer, buflen, result);
-			if (PR_FAILURE == rv)
-        }
-		PR_Unlock(_getproto_lock);
-	}
-#endif  /* all that */
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetProtoByNumber(
-    PRInt32 number, char* buffer, PRInt32 buflen, PRProtoEnt* result)
-	PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R)
-	struct protoent* res = (struct protoent*)result;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R_INT)
-    {
-        /*
-        ** The protoent_data has a pointer as the first field.
-        ** That implies the buffer better be aligned, and char*
-        ** doesn't promise much.
-        */
-        PRUptrdiff aligned = (PRUptrdiff)buffer;
-        if (0 != (aligned & (sizeof(struct protoent_data*) - 1)))
-        {
-            aligned += sizeof(struct protoent_data*) - 1;
-            aligned &= ~(sizeof(struct protoent_data*) - 1);
-            buflen -= (aligned - (PRUptrdiff)buffer);
-            buffer = (char*)aligned;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R_INT) */
-    if (PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE > buflen)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (NULL == getprotobynumber_r(number, res, buffer, buflen))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_GETPROTO_R_INT)
-    /*
-    ** The buffer needs to be zero'd for these OS's.
-    */
-    memset(buffer, 0, buflen);
-	if (-1 == getprotobynumber_r(number, res, (struct protoent_data*)buffer))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_5_ARG_GETPROTO_R)
-    /* The 5th argument for getprotobynumber_r() cannot be NULL */
-    if (-1 == getprotobynumber_r(number, res, buffer, buflen, &res))
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#else  /* do it the hard way */
-	{
-		struct protoent *staticBuf;
-		PR_Lock(_getproto_lock);
-		staticBuf = getprotobynumber_r(number);
-		if (NULL == staticBuf)
-		{
-		    rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-		else
-		{
-#if defined(SYMBIAN)
-			char* aliases[2];
-			AssignAliases(staticBuf, aliases);
-			rv = CopyProtoent(staticBuf, buffer, buflen, result);
-			if (PR_FAILURE == rv)
-        }
-		PR_Unlock(_getproto_lock);
-	}
-#endif  /* all that crap */
-    return rv;
-PRUintn _PR_NetAddrSize(const PRNetAddr* addr)
-    PRUintn addrsize;
-    /*
-     * RFC 2553 added a new field (sin6_scope_id) to
-     * struct sockaddr_in6.  PRNetAddr's ipv6 member has a
-     * scope_id field to match the new field.  In order to
-     * work with older implementations supporting RFC 2133,
-     * we take the size of struct sockaddr_in6 instead of
-     * addr->ipv6.
-     */
-    if (AF_INET == addr->
-        addrsize = sizeof(addr->inet);
-    else if (PR_AF_INET6 == addr->
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-        addrsize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
-        addrsize = sizeof(addr->ipv6);
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2)
-    else if (AF_UNIX == addr->
-        addrsize = sizeof(addr->local);
-    else addrsize = 0;
-    return addrsize;
-}  /* _PR_NetAddrSize */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntn) PR_EnumerateHostEnt(
-    PRIntn enumIndex, const PRHostEnt *hostEnt, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *address)
-    void *addr = hostEnt->h_addr_list[enumIndex++];
-    memset(address, 0, sizeof(PRNetAddr));
-    if (NULL == addr) enumIndex = 0;
-    else
-    {
-        address-> = hostEnt->h_addrtype;
-        if (PR_AF_INET6 == hostEnt->h_addrtype)
-        {
-            address->ipv6.port = htons(port);
-        	address->ipv6.flowinfo = 0;
-        	address->ipv6.scope_id = 0;
-            memcpy(&address->ipv6.ip, addr, hostEnt->h_length);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PR_ASSERT(AF_INET == hostEnt->h_addrtype);
-            address->inet.port = htons(port);
-            memcpy(&address->inet.ip, addr, hostEnt->h_length);
-        }
-    }
-    return enumIndex;
-}  /* PR_EnumerateHostEnt */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_InitializeNetAddr(
-    PRNetAddrValue val, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	if (val != PR_IpAddrNull) memset(addr, 0, sizeof(addr->inet));
-	addr-> = AF_INET;
-	addr->inet.port = htons(port);
-	switch (val)
-	{
-	case PR_IpAddrNull:
-		break;  /* don't overwrite the address */
-	case PR_IpAddrAny:
-		addr->inet.ip = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
-		break;
-	case PR_IpAddrLoopback:
-		addr->inet.ip = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
-		break;
-	default:
-		rv = PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_InitializeNetAddr */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetNetAddr(
-    PRNetAddrValue val, PRUint16 af, PRUint16 port, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (af == PR_AF_INET6)
-    {
-        if (val != PR_IpAddrNull) memset(addr, 0, sizeof(addr->ipv6));
-        addr-> = af;
-        addr->ipv6.port = htons(port);
-        addr->ipv6.flowinfo = 0;
-        addr->ipv6.scope_id = 0;
-        switch (val)
-        {
-        case PR_IpAddrNull:
-            break;  /* don't overwrite the address */
-        case PR_IpAddrAny:
-            addr->ipv6.ip = _pr_in6addr_any;
-            break;
-        case PR_IpAddrLoopback:
-            addr->ipv6.ip = _pr_in6addr_loopback;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (val != PR_IpAddrNull) memset(addr, 0, sizeof(addr->inet));
-        addr-> = af;
-        addr->inet.port = htons(port);
-        switch (val)
-        {
-        case PR_IpAddrNull:
-            break;  /* don't overwrite the address */
-        case PR_IpAddrAny:
-            addr->inet.ip = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
-            break;
-        case PR_IpAddrLoopback:
-            addr->inet.ip = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_SetNetAddr */
-PR_IsNetAddrType(const PRNetAddr *addr, PRNetAddrValue val)
-    if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-        if (val == PR_IpAddrAny) {
-			if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)) {
-            	return PR_TRUE;
-			} else if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)
-					&& _PR_IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_IPADDR((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)
-							== htonl(INADDR_ANY)) {
-            	return PR_TRUE;
-			}
-        } else if (val == PR_IpAddrLoopback) {
-            if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)) {
-            	return PR_TRUE;
-			} else if (_PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)
-					&& _PR_IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_IPADDR((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)
-							== htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
-            	return PR_TRUE;
-			}
-        } else if (val == PR_IpAddrV4Mapped
-                && _PR_IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((PRIPv6Addr *)&addr->ipv6.ip)) {
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (addr-> == AF_INET) {
-            if (val == PR_IpAddrAny && addr->inet.ip == htonl(INADDR_ANY)) {
-                return PR_TRUE;
-            } else if (val == PR_IpAddrLoopback
-                    && addr->inet.ip == htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
-                return PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-extern int pr_inet_aton(const char *cp, PRUint32 *addr);
-#define XX 127
-static const unsigned char index_hex[256] = {
-     0, 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6, 7,  8, 9,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
-    XX,10,11,12, 13,14,15,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
-    XX,10,11,12, 13,14,15,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
- * StringToV6Addr() returns 1 if the conversion succeeds,
- * or 0 if the input is not a valid IPv6 address string.
- * (Same as inet_pton(AF_INET6, string, addr).)
- */
-static int StringToV6Addr(const char *string, PRIPv6Addr *addr)
-    const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)string;
-    int section = 0;        /* index of the current section (a 16-bit
-                             * piece of the address */
-    int double_colon = -1;  /* index of the section after the first
-                             * 16-bit group of zeros represented by
-                             * the double colon */
-    unsigned int val;
-    int len;
-    /* Handle initial (double) colon */
-    if (*s == ':') {
-        if (s[1] != ':') return 0;
-        s += 2;
-        addr->pr_s6_addr16[0] = 0;
-        section = double_colon = 1;
-    }
-    while (*s) {
-        if (section == 8) return 0; /* too long */
-        if (*s == ':') {
-            if (double_colon != -1) return 0; /* two double colons */
-            addr->pr_s6_addr16[section++] = 0;
-            double_colon = section;
-            s++;
-            continue;
-        }
-        for (len = val = 0; len < 4 && index_hex[*s] != XX; len++) {
-            val = (val << 4) + index_hex[*s++];
-        }
-        if (*s == '.') {
-            if (len == 0) return 0; /* nothing between : and . */
-            break;
-        }
-        if (*s == ':') {
-            s++;
-            if (!*s) return 0; /* cannot end with single colon */
-        } else if (*s) {
-            return 0; /* bad character */
-        }
-        addr->pr_s6_addr16[section++] = htons((unsigned short)val);
-    }
-    if (*s == '.') {
-        /* Have a trailing v4 format address */
-        if (section > 6) return 0; /* not enough room */
-        /*
-         * The number before the '.' is decimal, but we parsed it
-         * as hex.  That means it is in BCD.  Check it for validity
-         * and convert it to binary.
-         */
-        if (val > 0x0255 || (val & 0xf0) > 0x90 || (val & 0xf) > 9) return 0;
-        val = (val >> 8) * 100 + ((val >> 4) & 0xf) * 10 + (val & 0xf);
-        addr->pr_s6_addr[2 * section] = val;
-        s++;
-        val = index_hex[*s++];
-        if (val > 9) return 0;
-        while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') {
-            val = val * 10 + *s++ - '0';
-            if (val > 255) return 0;
-        }
-        if (*s != '.') return 0; /* must have exactly 4 decimal numbers */
-        addr->pr_s6_addr[2 * section + 1] = val;
-        section++;
-        s++;
-        val = index_hex[*s++];
-        if (val > 9) return 0;
-        while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') {
-            val = val * 10 + *s++ - '0';
-            if (val > 255) return 0;
-        }
-        if (*s != '.') return 0; /* must have exactly 4 decimal numbers */
-        addr->pr_s6_addr[2 * section] = val;
-        s++;
-        val = index_hex[*s++];
-        if (val > 9) return 0;
-        while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') {
-            val = val * 10 + *s++ - '0';
-            if (val > 255) return 0;
-        }
-        if (*s) return 0; /* must have exactly 4 decimal numbers */
-        addr->pr_s6_addr[2 * section + 1] = val;
-        section++;
-    }
-    if (double_colon != -1) {
-        /* Stretch the double colon */
-        int tosection;
-        int ncopy = section - double_colon;
-        for (tosection = 7; ncopy--; tosection--) {
-            addr->pr_s6_addr16[tosection] = 
-                addr->pr_s6_addr16[double_colon + ncopy];
-        }
-        while (tosection >= double_colon) {
-            addr->pr_s6_addr16[tosection--] = 0;
-        }
-    } else if (section != 8) {
-        return 0; /* too short */
-    }
-    return 1;
-#undef XX
-static const char *basis_hex = "0123456789abcdef";
- * V6AddrToString() returns a pointer to the buffer containing
- * the text string if the conversion succeeds, and NULL otherwise.
- * (Same as inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr, buf, size), except that errno
- * is not set on failure.)
- */
-static const char *V6AddrToString(
-    const PRIPv6Addr *addr, char *buf, PRUint32 size)
-#define STUFF(c) do { \
-    if (!size--) return NULL; \
-    *buf++ = (c); \
-} while (0)
-    int double_colon = -1;          /* index of the first 16-bit
-                                     * group of zeros represented
-                                     * by the double colon */
-    int double_colon_length = 1;    /* use double colon only if
-                                     * there are two or more 16-bit
-                                     * groups of zeros */
-    int zero_length;
-    int section;
-    unsigned int val;
-    const char *bufcopy = buf;
-    /* Scan to find the placement of the double colon */
-    for (section = 0; section < 8; section++) {
-        if (addr->pr_s6_addr16[section] == 0) {
-            zero_length = 1;
-            section++;
-            while (section < 8 && addr->pr_s6_addr16[section] == 0) {
-                zero_length++;
-                section++;
-            }
-            /* Select the longest sequence of zeros */
-            if (zero_length > double_colon_length) {
-                double_colon = section - zero_length;
-                double_colon_length = zero_length;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Now start converting to a string */
-    section = 0;
-    if (double_colon == 0) {
-        if (double_colon_length == 6 ||
-            (double_colon_length == 5 && addr->pr_s6_addr16[5] == 0xffff)) {
-            /* ipv4 format address */
-            STUFF(':');
-            STUFF(':');
-            if (double_colon_length == 5) {
-                STUFF('f');
-                STUFF('f');
-                STUFF('f');
-                STUFF('f');
-                STUFF(':');
-            }
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[12] > 99) STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[12]/100 + '0');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[12] > 9) STUFF((addr->pr_s6_addr[12]%100)/10 + '0');
-            STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[12]%10 + '0');
-            STUFF('.');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[13] > 99) STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[13]/100 + '0');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[13] > 9) STUFF((addr->pr_s6_addr[13]%100)/10 + '0');
-            STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[13]%10 + '0');
-            STUFF('.');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[14] > 99) STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[14]/100 + '0');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[14] > 9) STUFF((addr->pr_s6_addr[14]%100)/10 + '0');
-            STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[14]%10 + '0');
-            STUFF('.');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[15] > 99) STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[15]/100 + '0');
-            if (addr->pr_s6_addr[15] > 9) STUFF((addr->pr_s6_addr[15]%100)/10 + '0');
-            STUFF(addr->pr_s6_addr[15]%10 + '0');
-            STUFF('\0');
-            return bufcopy;
-        }
-    }
-    while (section < 8) {
-        if (section == double_colon) {
-            STUFF(':');
-            STUFF(':');
-            section += double_colon_length;
-            continue;
-        }
-        val = ntohs(addr->pr_s6_addr16[section]);
-        if (val > 0xfff) {
-            STUFF(basis_hex[val >> 12]);
-        }
-        if (val > 0xff) {
-            STUFF(basis_hex[(val >> 8) & 0xf]);
-        }
-        if (val > 0xf) {
-            STUFF(basis_hex[(val >> 4) & 0xf]);
-        }
-        STUFF(basis_hex[val & 0xf]);
-        section++;
-        if (section < 8 && section != double_colon) STUFF(':');
-    }
-    STUFF('\0');
-    return bufcopy;
-#undef STUFF    
-#endif /* !_PR_HAVE_INET_NTOP */
- * Convert an IPv4 addr to an (IPv4-mapped) IPv6 addr
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6(PRUint32 v4addr, PRIPv6Addr *v6addr)
-    PRUint8 *dstp;
-    dstp = v6addr->pr_s6_addr;
-    memset(dstp, 0, 10);
-    memset(dstp + 10, 0xff, 2);
-    memcpy(dstp + 12,(char *) &v4addr, 4);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint16) PR_ntohs(PRUint16 n) { return ntohs(n); }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_ntohl(PRUint32 n) { return ntohl(n); }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint16) PR_htons(PRUint16 n) { return htons(n); }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_htonl(PRUint32 n) { return htonl(n); }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint64) PR_ntohll(PRUint64 n)
-    return n;
-    PRUint64 tmp;
-    PRUint32 hi, lo;
-    LL_L2UI(lo, n);
-    LL_SHR(tmp, n, 32);
-    LL_L2UI(hi, tmp);
-    hi = PR_ntohl(hi);
-    lo = PR_ntohl(lo);
-    LL_UI2L(n, lo);
-    LL_SHL(n, n, 32);
-    LL_UI2L(tmp, hi);
-    LL_ADD(n, n, tmp);
-    return n;
-}  /* ntohll */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint64) PR_htonll(PRUint64 n)
-    return n;
-    PRUint64 tmp;
-    PRUint32 hi, lo;
-    LL_L2UI(lo, n);
-    LL_SHR(tmp, n, 32);
-    LL_L2UI(hi, tmp);
-    hi = htonl(hi);
-    lo = htonl(lo);
-    LL_UI2L(n, lo);
-    LL_SHL(n, n, 32);
-    LL_UI2L(tmp, hi);
-    LL_ADD(n, n, tmp);
-    return n;
-}  /* htonll */
- * Implementation of PR_GetAddrInfoByName and friends
- *
- * Compile-time options:
- *
- *  _PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO  Define this macro if the target system provides
- *                        getaddrinfo. With this defined, NSPR will require
- *                        getaddrinfo at run time. If this if not defined,
- *                        then NSPR will attempt to dynamically resolve
- *                        getaddrinfo, falling back to PR_GetHostByName if
- *                        getaddrinfo does not exist on the target system.
- *
- * Since getaddrinfo is a relatively new system call on many systems,
- * we are forced to dynamically resolve it at run time in most cases.
- * The exception includes any system (such as Mac OS X) that is known to
- * provide getaddrinfo in all versions that NSPR cares to support.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-typedef struct addrinfo PRADDRINFO;
-#define GETADDRINFO getaddrinfo
-#define FREEADDRINFO freeaddrinfo
-#define GETNAMEINFO getnameinfo
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-typedef struct addrinfo PRADDRINFO;
-/* getaddrinfo/freeaddrinfo/getnameinfo prototypes */ 
-#if defined(WIN32)
-#define FUNC_MODIFIER __stdcall
-    (const char *nodename,
-     const char *servname,
-     const PRADDRINFO *hints,
-     PRADDRINFO **res);
-    (PRADDRINFO *ai);
-    (const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen,
-     char *host, int hostlen,
-     char *serv, int servlen, int flags);
-/* global state */
-static FN_GETADDRINFO   _pr_getaddrinfo   = NULL;
-static FN_FREEADDRINFO  _pr_freeaddrinfo  = NULL;
-static FN_GETNAMEINFO   _pr_getnameinfo   = NULL;
-#define GETADDRINFO_SYMBOL "getaddrinfo"
-#define FREEADDRINFO_SYMBOL "freeaddrinfo"
-#define GETNAMEINFO_SYMBOL "getnameinfo"
-    PRLibrary *lib;
-#ifdef WIN32
-    /*
-     * On windows, we need to search ws2_32.dll or wship6.dll
-     * (Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000) for
-     * getaddrinfo and freeaddrinfo.  These libraries might not
-     * be loaded yet.
-     */
-    const char *libname[] = { "ws2_32.dll", "wship6.dll" };
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(libname)/sizeof(libname[0]); i++) {
-        lib = PR_LoadLibrary(libname[i]);
-        if (!lib) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        _pr_getaddrinfo = (FN_GETADDRINFO)
-            PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, GETADDRINFO_SYMBOL);
-        if (!_pr_getaddrinfo) {
-            PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-            continue;
-        }
-        _pr_freeaddrinfo = (FN_FREEADDRINFO)
-            PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, FREEADDRINFO_SYMBOL);
-        _pr_getnameinfo = (FN_GETNAMEINFO)
-            PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, GETNAMEINFO_SYMBOL);
-        if (!_pr_freeaddrinfo || !_pr_getnameinfo) {
-            PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-            continue;
-        }
-        /* Keep the library loaded. */
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    /*
-     * Resolve getaddrinfo by searching all loaded libraries.  Then
-     * search library containing getaddrinfo for freeaddrinfo.
-     */
-    _pr_getaddrinfo = (FN_GETADDRINFO)
-        PR_FindFunctionSymbolAndLibrary(GETADDRINFO_SYMBOL, &lib);
-    if (!_pr_getaddrinfo) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    _pr_freeaddrinfo = (FN_FREEADDRINFO)
-        PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, FREEADDRINFO_SYMBOL);
-    _pr_getnameinfo = (FN_GETNAMEINFO)
-        PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, GETNAMEINFO_SYMBOL);
-    PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-    if (!_pr_freeaddrinfo || !_pr_getnameinfo) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#define GETADDRINFO (*_pr_getaddrinfo)
-#define FREEADDRINFO (*_pr_freeaddrinfo)
-#define GETNAMEINFO (*_pr_getnameinfo)
-#endif /* _PR_INET6 */
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO */
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
- * If getaddrinfo does not exist, then we will fall back on
- * PR_GetHostByName, which requires that we allocate a buffer for the 
- * PRHostEnt data structure and its members.
- */
-typedef struct PRAddrInfoFB {
-    char      buf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
-    PRHostEnt hostent;
-    PRBool    has_cname;
-} PRAddrInfoFB;
-static PRAddrInfo *
-pr_GetAddrInfoByNameFB(const char  *hostname,
-                       PRUint16     af,
-                       PRIntn       flags)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRAddrInfoFB *ai;
-    /* fallback on PR_GetHostByName */
-    ai = PR_NEW(PRAddrInfoFB);
-    if (!ai) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = PR_GetHostByName(hostname, ai->buf, sizeof ai->buf, &ai->hostent);
-    if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-        PR_Free(ai);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ai->has_cname = !(flags & PR_AI_NOCANONNAME);
-    return (PRAddrInfo *) ai;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRAddrInfo *) PR_GetAddrInfoByName(const char  *hostname,
-                                                PRUint16     af,
-                                                PRIntn       flags)
-    /* restrict input to supported values */
-    if ((af != PR_AF_INET && af != PR_AF_UNSPEC) ||
-        (flags & ~ PR_AI_NOCANONNAME) != PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-    return pr_GetAddrInfoByNameFB(hostname, af, flags);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present()) {
-        return pr_GetAddrInfoByNameFB(hostname, af, flags);
-    }
-    {
-        PRADDRINFO *res, hints;
-        int rv;
-        /*
-         * we assume a RFC 2553 compliant getaddrinfo.  this may at some
-         * point need to be customized as platforms begin to adopt the
-         * RFC 3493.
-         */
-        memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
-        if (!(flags & PR_AI_NOCANONNAME))
-            hints.ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME;
-        /* 
-         * Propagate AI_ADDRCONFIG to the GETADDRINFO call if PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG
-         * is set.
-         * 
-         * Need a workaround for loopback host addresses:         
-         * The problem is that in glibc and Windows, AI_ADDRCONFIG applies the
-         * existence of an outgoing network interface to IP addresses of the
-         * loopback interface, due to a strict interpretation of the
-         * specification.  For example, if a computer does not have any
-         * outgoing IPv6 network interface, but its loopback network interface
-         * supports IPv6, a getaddrinfo call on "localhost" with AI_ADDRCONFIG
-         * won't return the IPv6 loopback address "::1", because getaddrinfo
-         * thinks the computer cannot connect to any IPv6 destination,
-         * ignoring the remote vs. local/loopback distinction.
-         */
-        if ((flags & PR_AI_ADDRCONFIG) &&
-            strcmp(hostname, "localhost") != 0 &&
-            strcmp(hostname, "localhost.localdomain") != 0 &&
-            strcmp(hostname, "localhost6") != 0 &&
-            strcmp(hostname, "localhost6.localdomain6") != 0) {
-            hints.ai_flags |= AI_ADDRCONFIG;
-        }
-        hints.ai_family = (af == PR_AF_INET) ? AF_INET : AF_UNSPEC;
-        /*
-         * it is important to select a socket type in the hints, otherwise we
-         * will get back repetitive entries: one for each socket type.  since
-         * we do not expose ai_socktype through our API, it is okay to do this
-         * here.  the application may still choose to create a socket of some
-         * other type.
-         */
-        hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
-        rv = GETADDRINFO(hostname, NULL, &hints, &res);
-        if (rv == EAI_BADFLAGS && (hints.ai_flags & AI_ADDRCONFIG)) {
-            hints.ai_flags &= ~AI_ADDRCONFIG;
-            rv = GETADDRINFO(hostname, NULL, &hints, &res);
-        }
-        if (rv == 0)
-            return (PRAddrInfo *) res;
-        PR_SetError(PR_DIRECTORY_LOOKUP_ERROR, rv);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FreeAddrInfo(PRAddrInfo *ai)
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-        PR_Free((PRAddrInfoFB *) ai);
-    else
-    PR_Free((PRAddrInfoFB *) ai);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_EnumerateAddrInfo(void             *iterPtr,
-                                          const PRAddrInfo *base,
-                                          PRUint16          port,
-                                          PRNetAddr        *result)
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-    PRADDRINFO *ai;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present()) {
-        /* using PRAddrInfoFB */
-        PRIntn iter = (PRIntn)(PRPtrdiff) iterPtr;
-        iter = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(iter, &((PRAddrInfoFB *) base)->hostent, port, result);
-        if (iter < 0)
-            iter = 0;
-        return (void *)(PRPtrdiff) iter;
-    }
-    if (iterPtr)
-        ai = ((PRADDRINFO *) iterPtr)->ai_next;
-    else
-        ai = (PRADDRINFO *) base;
-    while (ai && ai->ai_addrlen > sizeof(PRNetAddr))
-        ai = ai->ai_next;
-    if (ai) {
-        /* copy sockaddr to PRNetAddr */
-        memcpy(result, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
-        result-> = ai->ai_addr->sa_family;
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-        if (AF_INET6 == result->
-            result-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-        if (ai->ai_addrlen < sizeof(PRNetAddr))
-            memset(((char*)result)+ai->ai_addrlen, 0, sizeof(PRNetAddr) - ai->ai_addrlen);
-        if (result-> == PR_AF_INET)
-            result->inet.port = htons(port);
-        else
-            result->ipv6.port = htons(port);
-    }
-    return ai;
-    /* using PRAddrInfoFB */
-    PRIntn iter = (PRIntn) iterPtr;
-    iter = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(iter, &((PRAddrInfoFB *) base)->hostent, port, result);
-    if (iter < 0)
-        iter = 0;
-    return (void *) iter;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char *) PR_GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo(const PRAddrInfo *ai)
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present()) {
-        const PRAddrInfoFB *fb = (const PRAddrInfoFB *) ai;
-        return fb->has_cname ? fb->hostent.h_name : NULL;
-    } 
-    return ((const PRADDRINFO *) ai)->ai_canonname;
-    const PRAddrInfoFB *fb = (const PRAddrInfoFB *) ai;
-    return fb->has_cname ? fb->hostent.h_name : NULL;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-static PRStatus pr_StringToNetAddrGAI(const char *string, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRADDRINFO *res, hints;
-    int rv;  /* 0 for success, or the error code EAI_xxx */
-    PRNetAddr laddr;
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
-    hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
-    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
-    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
-    rv = GETADDRINFO(string, NULL, &hints, &res);
-    if (rv != 0)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, rv);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /* pick up the first addr */
-    memcpy(&laddr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
-    if (AF_INET6 == res->ai_addr->sa_family)
-    {
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-        addr->ipv6.ip = laddr.ipv6.ip;
-        addr->ipv6.scope_id = laddr.ipv6.scope_id;
-    }
-    else if (AF_INET == res->ai_addr->sa_family)
-    {
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET;
-        addr->inet.ip = laddr.inet.ip;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        status = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return status;
-#endif  /* _PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO */
-static PRStatus pr_StringToNetAddrFB(const char *string, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    rv = pr_inet_aton(string, &addr->inet.ip);
-    if (1 == rv)
-    {
-        addr-> = AF_INET;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    /* clean up after the failed call */
-    memset(&addr->inet.ip, 0, sizeof(addr->inet.ip));
-    rv = StringToV6Addr(string, &addr->ipv6.ip);
-    if (1 == rv)
-    {
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_StringToNetAddr(const char *string, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (!addr || !string || !*string)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-    return pr_StringToNetAddrFB(string, addr);
-    /*
-     * getaddrinfo with AI_NUMERICHOST is much slower than pr_inet_aton on some
-     * platforms, such as Mac OS X (bug 404399), Linux glibc 2.10 (bug 344809),
-     * and most likely others. So we only use it to convert literal IP addresses
-     * that contain IPv6 scope IDs, which pr_inet_aton cannot convert.
-     */
-    if (!strchr(string, '%'))
-        return pr_StringToNetAddrFB(string, addr);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-        return pr_StringToNetAddrFB(string, addr);
-    return pr_StringToNetAddrGAI(string, addr);
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-static PRStatus pr_NetAddrToStringGNI(
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, char *string, PRUint32 size)
-    int addrlen;
-    const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN) || defined(_PR_INET6)
-    PRUint16 md_af = addr->;
-    PRNetAddr addrcopy;
-    int rv;  /* 0 for success, or the error code EAI_xxx */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-    if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6)
-    {
-        md_af = AF_INET6;
-        addrcopy = *addr;
- = md_af;
-        addrp = &addrcopy;
-    }
-    addrlen = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr);
-    addrcopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrcopy)->sa_len = addrlen;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrcopy)->sa_family = md_af;
-    addrp = &addrcopy;
-    rv = GETNAMEINFO((const struct sockaddr *)addrp, addrlen,
-        string, size, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
-    if (rv != 0)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, rv);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif  /* _PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO */
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-static PRStatus pr_NetAddrToStringFB(
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, char *string, PRUint32 size)
-    if (PR_AF_INET6 == addr->
-    {
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_INET_NTOP)
-        if (NULL == inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr->ipv6.ip, string, size))
-        if (NULL == V6AddrToString(&addr->ipv6.ip, string, size))
-        {
-            /* the size of the result buffer is inadequate */
-            PR_SetError(PR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (size < 16) goto failed;
-        if (AF_INET != addr-> goto failed;
-        else
-        {
-            unsigned char *byte = (unsigned char*)&addr->inet.ip;
-            PR_snprintf(string, size, "%u.%u.%u.%u",
-                byte[0], byte[1], byte[2], byte[3]);
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* pr_NetAddrToStringFB */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NetAddrToString(
-    const PRNetAddr *addr, char *string, PRUint32 size)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-#if !defined(_PR_HAVE_GETADDRINFO)
-    return pr_NetAddrToStringFB(addr, string, size);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-    if (!_pr_ipv6_is_present())
-        return pr_NetAddrToStringFB(addr, string, size);
-    return pr_NetAddrToStringGNI(addr, string, size);
-}  /* PR_NetAddrToString */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prolock.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prolock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38b7787..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prolock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-**  prolock.c -- NSPR Ordered Lock
-**  Implement the API defined in prolock.h
-#include "prolock.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PROrderedLock *) 
-    PR_CreateOrderedLock( 
-        PRInt32 order,
-        const char *name
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("Not implemented"); /* Not implemented yet */
-    return NULL;
-} /*  end PR_CreateOrderedLock() */
-    PR_DestroyOrderedLock( 
-        PROrderedLock *lock 
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("Not implemented"); /* Not implemented yet */
-} /*  end PR_DestroyOrderedLock() */
-    PR_LockOrderedLock( 
-        PROrderedLock *lock 
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("Not implemented"); /* Not implemented yet */
-} /*  end PR_LockOrderedLock() */
-    PR_UnlockOrderedLock( 
-        PROrderedLock *lock 
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("Not implemented"); /* Not implemented yet */
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-} /*  end PR_UnlockOrderedLock() */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prrng.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prrng.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c38f8..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prrng.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
- * We were not including <string.h> in optimized builds.  On AIX this
- * caused to export memcpy and some binaries linked with
- * resolved their memcpy references with  To
- * be backward compatible with old binaries, we do not
- * include <string.h> in optimized builds for AIX.  (bug 200561)
- */
-#if !(defined(AIX) && !defined(DEBUG))
-#include <string.h>
-PRSize _pr_CopyLowBits( 
-    void *dst, 
-    PRSize dstlen, 
-    void *src, 
-    PRSize srclen )
-    if (srclen <= dstlen) {
-    	memcpy(dst, src, srclen);
-	    return srclen;
-    }
-#if defined IS_BIG_ENDIAN
-    memcpy(dst, (char*)src + (srclen - dstlen), dstlen);
-    memcpy(dst, src, dstlen);
-    return dstlen;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSize) PR_GetRandomNoise( 
-    void    *buf,
-    PRSize  size
-    return( _PR_MD_GET_RANDOM_NOISE( buf, size ));
-} /* end PR_GetRandomNoise() */
-/* end prrng.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prsystem.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prsystem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eba85fb..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prsystem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#if defined(BEOS)
-#include <kernel/OS.h>
-#if defined(OS2)
-#define INCL_DOS
-#include <os2.h>
-/* define the required constant if it is not already defined in the headers */
-/* BSD-derived systems use sysctl() to get the number of processors */
-#if defined(BSDI) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) \
-    || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY) || defined(DARWIN)
-#define _PR_HAVE_SYSCTL
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-#include <mach/mach_init.h>
-#include <mach/mach_host.h>
-#include <mach/mach_port.h>
-#if defined(HPUX)
-#include <sys/mpctl.h>
-#include <sys/pstat.h>
-#if defined(XP_UNIX)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#if defined(LINUX)
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#define MAX_LINE 512
-#if defined(AIX)
-#include <cf.h>
-#include <sys/cfgodm.h>
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char) PR_GetDirectorySeparator(void)
-}  /* PR_GetDirectorySeparator */
-** OBSOLETE -- the function name is misspelled.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char) PR_GetDirectorySepartor(void)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    static PRBool warn = PR_TRUE;
-    if (warn) {
-        warn = _PR_Obsolete("PR_GetDirectorySepartor()",
-                "PR_GetDirectorySeparator()");
-    }
-    return PR_GetDirectorySeparator();
-}  /* PR_GetDirectorySepartor */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(char) PR_GetPathSeparator(void)
-    return PR_PATH_SEPARATOR;
-}  /* PR_GetPathSeparator */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetSystemInfo(PRSysInfo cmd, char *buf, PRUint32 buflen)
-    PRUintn len = 0;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    switch(cmd)
-    {
-      case PR_SI_HOSTNAME:
-        if (PR_FAILURE == _PR_MD_GETHOSTNAME(buf, (PRUintn)buflen))
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        if (cmd == PR_SI_HOSTNAME_UNTRUNCATED)
-            break;
-        /*
-         * On some platforms a system does not have a hostname and
-         * its IP address is returned instead.   The following code
-         * should be skipped on those platforms.
-         */
-        /* Return the unqualified hostname */
-            while (buf[len] && (len < buflen)) {
-                if (buf[len] == '.') {
-                    buf[len] = '\0';
-                    break;
-                }
-                len += 1;
-            }    
-         break;
-      case PR_SI_SYSNAME:
-        /* Return the operating system name */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32)
-        if (PR_FAILURE == _PR_MD_GETSYSINFO(cmd, buf, (PRUintn)buflen))
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        (void)PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, _PR_SI_SYSNAME);
-        break;
-      case PR_SI_RELEASE:
-        /* Return the version of the operating system */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32)
-        if (PR_FAILURE == _PR_MD_GETSYSINFO(cmd, buf, (PRUintn)buflen))
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-#if defined(XP_OS2)
-        {
-            ULONG os2ver[2] = {0};
-                            &os2ver, sizeof(os2ver));
-            /* Formatting for normal usage (2.11, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5); officially,
-               Warp 4 is version 2.40.00, WSeB 2.45.00 */
-            if (os2ver[0] < 30)
-              (void)PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s%lu",
-                                "2.", os2ver[0]);
-            else if (os2ver[0] < 45)
-              (void)PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%lu%s%lu",
-                                os2ver[0]/10, ".", os2ver[1]);
-            else
-              (void)PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%.1f",
-                                os2ver[0]/10.0);
-        }
-#endif /* OS2 */
-        break;
-        /* Return the architecture of the machine (ie. x86, mips, alpha, ...)*/
-        (void)PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, _PR_SI_ARCHITECTURE);
-        break;
-	  default:
-			return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** PR_GetNumberOfProcessors()
-** Implementation notes:
-**   Every platform does it a bit different.
-**     numCpus is the returned value.
-**   for each platform's "if defined" section
-**     declare your local variable
-**     do your thing, assign to numCpus
-**   order of the if defined()s may be important,
-**     especially for unix variants. Do platform
-**     specific implementations before XP_UNIX.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetNumberOfProcessors( void )
-    PRInt32     numCpus;
-#if defined(WIN32)
-    SYSTEM_INFO     info;
-    GetSystemInfo( &info );
-    numCpus = info.dwNumberOfProcessors;
-#elif defined(BEOS)
-    system_info sysInfo;
-    get_system_info(&sysInfo);
-    numCpus = sysInfo.cpu_count;
-#elif defined(OS2)
-    DosQuerySysInfo( QSV_NUMPROCESSORS, QSV_NUMPROCESSORS, &numCpus, sizeof(numCpus));
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_SYSCTL)
-    int mib[2];
-    int rc;
-    size_t len = sizeof(numCpus);
-    mib[0] = CTL_HW;
-    mib[1] = HW_NCPU;
-    rc = sysctl( mib, 2, &numCpus, &len, NULL, 0 );
-    if ( -1 == rc )  {
-        numCpus = -1; /* set to -1 for return value on error */
-    }
-#elif defined(HPUX)
-    numCpus = mpctl( MPC_GETNUMSPUS, 0, 0 );
-    if ( numCpus < 1 )  {
-        numCpus = -1; /* set to -1 for return value on error */
-    }
-#elif defined(IRIX)
-    numCpus = sysconf( _SC_NPROC_ONLN );
-#elif defined(RISCOS) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-    numCpus = 1;
-#elif defined(LINUX)
-    /* for the benefit of devices with advanced power-saving, that
-       actually hotplug their cpus in heavy load, try to figure out
-       the real number of CPUs */
-    char buf[MAX_LINE];
-    FILE *fin;
-    const char *cpu_present = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/present";
-    size_t strsize;
-    numCpus = 0;
-    fin = fopen(cpu_present, "r");
-    if (fin != NULL) {
-        if (fgets(buf, MAX_LINE, fin) != NULL) {
-            /* check that the format is what we expect */
-            if (buf[0] == '0') {
-                strsize = strlen(buf);
-                if (strsize == 1) {
-                    /* single core */
-                    numCpus = 1;
-                } else if (strsize >= 3 && strsize <= 5) {
-                    /* should be of the form 0-999 */
-                    /* parse the part after the 0-, note count is 0-based */
-                    if (buf[1] == '-' && isdigit(buf[2])) {
-                        numCpus = 1 + atoi(buf + 2);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        fclose(fin);
-    }
-    /* if that fails, fall back to more standard methods */
-    if (!numCpus) {
-        numCpus = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF );
-    }
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-    numCpus = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF );
-#error "An implementation is required"
-    return(numCpus);
-} /* end PR_GetNumberOfProcessors() */
-** PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize()
-** Implementation notes:
-**   Every platform does it a bit different.
-**     bytes is the returned value.
-**   for each platform's "if defined" section
-**     declare your local variable
-**     do your thing, assign to bytes.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint64) PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize(void)
-    PRUint64 bytes = 0;
-#if defined(LINUX) || defined(SOLARIS)
-    long pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
-    long pageCount = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
-    if (pageSize >= 0 && pageCount >= 0)
-        bytes = (PRUint64) pageSize * pageCount;
-#elif defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) \
-    || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY)
-    int mib[2];
-    int rc;
-#ifdef HW_PHYSMEM64
-    uint64_t memSize;
-    unsigned long memSize;
-    size_t len = sizeof(memSize);
-    mib[0] = CTL_HW;
-#ifdef HW_PHYSMEM64
-    mib[1] = HW_PHYSMEM64;
-    mib[1] = HW_PHYSMEM;
-    rc = sysctl(mib, 2, &memSize, &len, NULL, 0);
-    if (-1 != rc)  {
-        bytes = memSize;
-    }
-#elif defined(HPUX)
-    struct pst_static info;
-    int result = pstat_getstatic(&info, sizeof(info), 1, 0);
-    if (result == 1)
-        bytes = (PRUint64) info.physical_memory * info.page_size;
-#elif defined(DARWIN)
-    mach_port_t mach_host = mach_host_self();
-    struct host_basic_info hInfo;
-    mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
-    int result = host_info(mach_host,
-                           HOST_BASIC_INFO,
-                           (host_info_t) &hInfo,
-                           &count);
-    mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mach_host);
-    if (result == KERN_SUCCESS)
-        bytes = hInfo.max_mem;
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-    memStat.dwLength = sizeof(memStat);
-    if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStat))
-        bytes = memStat.ullTotalPhys;
-#elif defined(OS2)
-    ULONG ulPhysMem;
-    DosQuerySysInfo(QSV_TOTPHYSMEM,
-                    QSV_TOTPHYSMEM,
-                    &ulPhysMem,
-                    sizeof(ulPhysMem));
-    bytes = ulPhysMem;
-#elif defined(AIX)
-    if (odm_initialize() == 0) {
-        int how_many;
-        struct CuAt *obj = getattr("sys0", "realmem", 0, &how_many);
-        if (obj != NULL) {
-            bytes = (PRUint64) atoi(obj->value) * 1024;
-            free(obj);
-        }
-        odm_terminate();
-    }
-    return bytes;
-} /* end PR_GetPhysicalMemorySize() */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prthinfo.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prthinfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2477899..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prthinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "private/pprthred.h"
-#include "primpl.h"
-PR_GetGCRegisters(PRThread *t, int isCurrent, int *np)
-    return _MD_HomeGCRegisters(t, isCurrent, np);
-PR_ThreadScanStackPointers(PRThread* t,
-                           PRScanStackFun scanFun, void* scanClosure)
-    PRThread* current = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PRWord *sp, *esp, *p0;
-    int n;
-    void **ptd;
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRUint32 index;
-    int stack_end;
-    /*
-    ** Store the thread's registers in the thread structure so the GC
-    ** can scan them. Then scan them.
-    */
-    p0 = _MD_HomeGCRegisters(t, t == current, &n);
-    status = scanFun(t, (void**)p0, n, scanClosure);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-        return status;
-    /* Scan the C stack for pointers into the GC heap */
-#if defined(XP_PC) && defined(WIN16)
-    /*
-    ** Under WIN16, the stack of the current thread is always mapped into
-    ** the "task stack" (at SS:xxxx).  So, if t is the current thread, scan
-    ** the "task stack".  Otherwise, scan the "cached stack" of the inactive
-    ** thread...
-    */
-    if (t == current) {
-        sp  = (PRWord*) &stack_end;
-        esp = (PRWord*) _pr_top_of_task_stack;
-        PR_ASSERT(sp <= esp);
-    } else {
-        sp  = (PRWord*) PR_GetSP(t);
-        esp = (PRWord*) t->stack->stackTop;
-        PR_ASSERT((t->stack->stackSize == 0) ||
-                  ((sp >  (PRWord*)t->stack->stackBottom) &&
-                   (sp <= (PRWord*)t->stack->stackTop)));
-    }
-#else   /* ! WIN16 */
-    if (t == current) {
-        esp = (PRWord*) &stack_end;
-    } else {
-        esp = (PRWord*) PR_GetSP(t);
-    }
-    sp = (PRWord*) t->stack->stackTop;
-    if (t->stack->stackSize) {
-        PR_ASSERT((esp > (PRWord*)t->stack->stackTop) &&
-                  (esp < (PRWord*)t->stack->stackBottom));
-    }
-#else   /* ! HAVE_STACK_GROWING_UP */
-    if (t == current) {
-        sp = (PRWord*) &stack_end;
-    } else {
-        sp = (PRWord*) PR_GetSP(t);
-    }
-    esp = (PRWord*) t->stack->stackTop;
-    if (t->stack->stackSize) {
-        PR_ASSERT((sp > (PRWord*)t->stack->stackBottom) &&
-                  (sp < (PRWord*)t->stack->stackTop));
-    }
-#endif  /* ! HAVE_STACK_GROWING_UP */
-#endif  /* ! WIN16 */
-#if defined(WIN16)
-    {
-        prword_t scan;
-        prword_t limit;
-        scan = (prword_t) sp;
-        limit = (prword_t) esp;
-        while (scan < limit) {
-            prword_t *test;
-            test = *((prword_t **)scan);
-            status = scanFun(t, (void**)&test, 1, scanClosure);
-            if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-                return status;
-            scan += sizeof(char);
-        }
-    }
-    if (sp < esp) {
-        status = scanFun(t, (void**)sp, esp - sp, scanClosure);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-            return status;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Mark all of the per-thread-data items attached to this thread
-    **
-    ** The execution environment better be accounted for otherwise it
-    ** will be collected
-    */
-    status = scanFun(t, (void**)&t->environment, 1, scanClosure);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-        return status;
-    /* if thread is not allocated on stack, this is redundant. */
-    ptd = t->privateData;
-    for (index = 0; index < t->tpdLength; index++, ptd++) {
-        status = scanFun(t, (void**)ptd, 1, scanClosure);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-            return status;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-/* transducer for PR_EnumerateThreads */
-typedef struct PRScanStackData {
-    PRScanStackFun      scanFun;
-    void*               scanClosure;
-} PRScanStackData;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK
-pr_ScanStack(PRThread* t, int i, void* arg)
-    PRScanStackData* data = (PRScanStackData*)arg;
-    return PR_ThreadScanStackPointers(t, data->scanFun, data->scanClosure);
-PR_ScanStackPointers(PRScanStackFun scanFun, void* scanClosure)
-    PRScanStackData data;
-    data.scanFun = scanFun;
-    data.scanClosure = scanClosure;
-    return PR_EnumerateThreads(pr_ScanStack, &data);
-PR_GetStackSpaceLeft(PRThread* t)
-    PRThread *current = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PRWord *sp, *esp;
-    int stack_end;
-#if defined(WIN16)
-    /*
-    ** Under WIN16, the stack of the current thread is always mapped into
-    ** the "task stack" (at SS:xxxx).  So, if t is the current thread, scan
-    ** the "task stack".  Otherwise, scan the "cached stack" of the inactive
-    ** thread...
-    */
-    if (t == current) {
-        sp  = (PRWord*) &stack_end;
-        esp = (PRWord*) _pr_top_of_task_stack;
-        PR_ASSERT(sp <= esp);
-    } else {
-        sp  = (PRWord*) PR_GetSP(t);
-        esp = (PRWord*) t->stack->stackTop;
-	PR_ASSERT((t->stack->stackSize == 0) ||
-                 ((sp >  (PRWord*)t->stack->stackBottom) &&
-		  (sp <= (PRWord*)t->stack->stackTop)));
-    }
-#else   /* ! WIN16 */
-    if (t == current) {
-        esp = (PRWord*) &stack_end;
-    } else {
-        esp = (PRWord*) PR_GetSP(t);
-    }
-    sp = (PRWord*) t->stack->stackTop;
-    if (t->stack->stackSize) {
-        PR_ASSERT((esp > (PRWord*)t->stack->stackTop) &&
-                  (esp < (PRWord*)t->stack->stackBottom));
-    }
-#else   /* ! HAVE_STACK_GROWING_UP */
-    if (t == current) {
-        sp = (PRWord*) &stack_end;
-    } else {
-        sp = (PRWord*) PR_GetSP(t);
-    }
-    esp = (PRWord*) t->stack->stackTop;
-    if (t->stack->stackSize) {
-	PR_ASSERT((sp > (PRWord*)t->stack->stackBottom) &&
-		  (sp < (PRWord*)t->stack->stackTop));
-    }
-#endif  /* ! HAVE_STACK_GROWING_UP */
-#endif  /* ! WIN16 */
-    return (PRUword)t->stack->stackSize - ((PRWord)esp - (PRWord)sp);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtime.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6735805..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2012 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * prtime.c --
- *
- *     NSPR date and time functions
- *
- */
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>  /* for EINVAL */
-#include <time.h>
- * The COUNT_LEAPS macro counts the number of leap years passed by
- * till the start of the given year Y.  At the start of the year 4
- * A.D. the number of leap years passed by is 0, while at the start of
- * the year 5 A.D. this count is 1. The number of years divisible by
- * 100 but not divisible by 400 (the non-leap years) is deducted from
- * the count to get the correct number of leap years.
- *
- * The COUNT_DAYS macro counts the number of days since 01/01/01 till the
- * start of the given year Y. The number of days at the start of the year
- * 1 is 0 while the number of days at the start of the year 2 is 365
- * (which is ((2)-1) * 365) and so on. The reference point is 01/01/01
- * midnight 00:00:00.
- */
-#define COUNT_LEAPS(Y)   ( ((Y)-1)/4 - ((Y)-1)/100 + ((Y)-1)/400 )
-#define COUNT_DAYS(Y)  ( ((Y)-1)*365 + COUNT_LEAPS(Y) )
- * Static variables used by functions in this file
- */
- * The following array contains the day of year for the last day of
- * each month, where index 1 is January, and day 0 is January 1.
- */
-static const int lastDayOfMonth[2][13] = {
-    {-1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364},
-    {-1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}
- * The number of days in a month
- */
-static const PRInt8 nDays[2][12] = {
-    {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
-    {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
- * Declarations for internal functions defined later in this file.
- */
-static void        ComputeGMT(PRTime time, PRExplodedTime *gmt);
-static int         IsLeapYear(PRInt16 year);
-static void        ApplySecOffset(PRExplodedTime *time, PRInt32 secOffset);
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ComputeGMT --
- *
- *     Caveats:
- *     - we ignore leap seconds
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-ComputeGMT(PRTime time, PRExplodedTime *gmt)
-    PRInt32 tmp, rem;
-    PRInt32 numDays;
-    PRInt64 numDays64, rem64;
-    int isLeap;
-    PRInt64 sec;
-    PRInt64 usec;
-    PRInt64 usecPerSec;
-    PRInt64 secPerDay;
-    /*
-     * We first do the usec, sec, min, hour thing so that we do not
-     * have to do LL arithmetic.
-     */
-    LL_I2L(usecPerSec, 1000000L);
-    LL_DIV(sec, time, usecPerSec);
-    LL_MOD(usec, time, usecPerSec);
-    LL_L2I(gmt->tm_usec, usec);
-    /* Correct for weird mod semantics so the remainder is always positive */
-    if (gmt->tm_usec < 0) {
-        PRInt64 one;
-        LL_I2L(one, 1L);
-        LL_SUB(sec, sec, one);
-        gmt->tm_usec += 1000000L;
-    }
-    LL_I2L(secPerDay, 86400L);
-    LL_DIV(numDays64, sec, secPerDay);
-    LL_MOD(rem64, sec, secPerDay);
-    /* We are sure both of these numbers can fit into PRInt32 */
-    LL_L2I(numDays, numDays64);
-    LL_L2I(rem, rem64);
-    if (rem < 0) {
-        numDays--;
-        rem += 86400L;
-    }
-    /* Compute day of week.  Epoch started on a Thursday. */
-    gmt->tm_wday = (numDays + 4) % 7;
-    if (gmt->tm_wday < 0) {
-        gmt->tm_wday += 7;
-    }
-    /* Compute the time of day. */
-    gmt->tm_hour = rem / 3600;
-    rem %= 3600;
-    gmt->tm_min = rem / 60;
-    gmt->tm_sec = rem % 60;
-    /*
-     * Compute the year by finding the 400 year period, then working
-     * down from there.
-     *
-     * Since numDays is originally the number of days since January 1, 1970,
-     * we must change it to be the number of days from January 1, 0001.
-     */
-    numDays += 719162;       /* 719162 = days from year 1 up to 1970 */
-    tmp = numDays / 146097;  /* 146097 = days in 400 years */
-    rem = numDays % 146097;
-    gmt->tm_year = tmp * 400 + 1;
-    /* Compute the 100 year period. */
-    tmp = rem / 36524;    /* 36524 = days in 100 years */
-    rem %= 36524;
-    if (tmp == 4) {       /* the 400th year is a leap year */
-        tmp = 3;
-        rem = 36524;
-    }
-    gmt->tm_year += tmp * 100;
-    /* Compute the 4 year period. */
-    tmp = rem / 1461;     /* 1461 = days in 4 years */
-    rem %= 1461;
-    gmt->tm_year += tmp * 4;
-    /* Compute which year in the 4. */
-    tmp = rem / 365;
-    rem %= 365;
-    if (tmp == 4) {       /* the 4th year is a leap year */
-        tmp = 3;
-        rem = 365;
-    }
-    gmt->tm_year += tmp;
-    gmt->tm_yday = rem;
-    isLeap = IsLeapYear(gmt->tm_year);
-    /* Compute the month and day of month. */
-    for (tmp = 1; lastDayOfMonth[isLeap][tmp] < gmt->tm_yday; tmp++) {
-    }
-    gmt->tm_month = --tmp;
-    gmt->tm_mday = gmt->tm_yday - lastDayOfMonth[isLeap][tmp];
-    gmt->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset = 0;
-    gmt->tm_params.tp_dst_offset = 0;
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_ExplodeTime --
- *
- *     Cf. struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *tp) and
- *         struct tm *localtime(const time_t *tp)
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-        PRTime usecs,
-        PRTimeParamFn params,
-        PRExplodedTime *exploded)
-    ComputeGMT(usecs, exploded);
-    exploded->tm_params = params(exploded);
-    ApplySecOffset(exploded, exploded->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset
-            + exploded->tm_params.tp_dst_offset);
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_ImplodeTime --
- *
- *     Cf. time_t mktime(struct tm *tp)
- *     Note that 1 year has < 2^25 seconds.  So an PRInt32 is large enough.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-PR_ImplodeTime(const PRExplodedTime *exploded)
-    PRExplodedTime copy;
-    PRTime retVal;
-    PRInt64 secPerDay, usecPerSec;
-    PRInt64 temp;
-    PRInt64 numSecs64;
-    PRInt32 numDays;
-    PRInt32 numSecs;
-    /* Normalize first.  Do this on our copy */
-    copy = *exploded;
-    PR_NormalizeTime(&copy, PR_GMTParameters);
-    numDays = DAYS_BETWEEN_YEARS(1970, copy.tm_year);
-    numSecs = copy.tm_yday * 86400 + copy.tm_hour * 3600
-            + copy.tm_min * 60 + copy.tm_sec;
-    LL_I2L(temp, numDays);
-    LL_I2L(secPerDay, 86400);
-    LL_MUL(temp, temp, secPerDay);
-    LL_I2L(numSecs64, numSecs);
-    LL_ADD(numSecs64, numSecs64, temp);
-    /* apply the GMT and DST offsets */
-    LL_I2L(temp,  copy.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset);
-    LL_SUB(numSecs64, numSecs64, temp);
-    LL_I2L(temp,  copy.tm_params.tp_dst_offset);
-    LL_SUB(numSecs64, numSecs64, temp);
-    LL_I2L(usecPerSec, 1000000L);
-    LL_MUL(temp, numSecs64, usecPerSec);
-    LL_I2L(retVal, copy.tm_usec);
-    LL_ADD(retVal, retVal, temp);
-    return retVal;
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * IsLeapYear --
- *
- *     Returns 1 if the year is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int IsLeapYear(PRInt16 year)
-    if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
-        return 1;
-    else
-        return 0;
- * 'secOffset' should be less than 86400 (i.e., a day).
- * 'time' should point to a normalized PRExplodedTime.
- */
-static void
-ApplySecOffset(PRExplodedTime *time, PRInt32 secOffset)
-    time->tm_sec += secOffset;
-    /* Note that in this implementation we do not count leap seconds */
-    if (time->tm_sec < 0 || time->tm_sec >= 60) {
-        time->tm_min += time->tm_sec / 60;
-        time->tm_sec %= 60;
-        if (time->tm_sec < 0) {
-            time->tm_sec += 60;
-            time->tm_min--;
-        }
-    }
-    if (time->tm_min < 0 || time->tm_min >= 60) {
-        time->tm_hour += time->tm_min / 60;
-        time->tm_min %= 60;
-        if (time->tm_min < 0) {
-            time->tm_min += 60;
-            time->tm_hour--;
-        }
-    }
-    if (time->tm_hour < 0) {
-        /* Decrement mday, yday, and wday */
-        time->tm_hour += 24;
-        time->tm_mday--;
-        time->tm_yday--;
-        if (time->tm_mday < 1) {
-            time->tm_month--;
-            if (time->tm_month < 0) {
-                time->tm_month = 11;
-                time->tm_year--;
-                if (IsLeapYear(time->tm_year))
-                    time->tm_yday = 365;
-                else
-                    time->tm_yday = 364;
-            }
-            time->tm_mday = nDays[IsLeapYear(time->tm_year)][time->tm_month];
-        }
-        time->tm_wday--;
-        if (time->tm_wday < 0)
-            time->tm_wday = 6;
-    } else if (time->tm_hour > 23) {
-        /* Increment mday, yday, and wday */
-        time->tm_hour -= 24;
-        time->tm_mday++;
-        time->tm_yday++;
-        if (time->tm_mday >
-                nDays[IsLeapYear(time->tm_year)][time->tm_month]) {
-            time->tm_mday = 1;
-            time->tm_month++;
-            if (time->tm_month > 11) {
-                time->tm_month = 0;
-                time->tm_year++;
-                time->tm_yday = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        time->tm_wday++;
-        if (time->tm_wday > 6)
-            time->tm_wday = 0;
-    }
-PR_NormalizeTime(PRExplodedTime *time, PRTimeParamFn params)
-    int daysInMonth;
-    PRInt32 numDays;
-    /* Get back to GMT */
-    time->tm_sec -= time->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset
-            + time->tm_params.tp_dst_offset;
-    time->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset = 0;
-    time->tm_params.tp_dst_offset = 0;
-    /* Now normalize GMT */
-    if (time->tm_usec < 0 || time->tm_usec >= 1000000) {
-        time->tm_sec +=  time->tm_usec / 1000000;
-        time->tm_usec %= 1000000;
-        if (time->tm_usec < 0) {
-            time->tm_usec += 1000000;
-            time->tm_sec--;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Note that we do not count leap seconds in this implementation */
-    if (time->tm_sec < 0 || time->tm_sec >= 60) {
-        time->tm_min += time->tm_sec / 60;
-        time->tm_sec %= 60;
-        if (time->tm_sec < 0) {
-            time->tm_sec += 60;
-            time->tm_min--;
-        }
-    }
-    if (time->tm_min < 0 || time->tm_min >= 60) {
-        time->tm_hour += time->tm_min / 60;
-        time->tm_min %= 60;
-        if (time->tm_min < 0) {
-            time->tm_min += 60;
-            time->tm_hour--;
-        }
-    }
-    if (time->tm_hour < 0 || time->tm_hour >= 24) {
-        time->tm_mday += time->tm_hour / 24;
-        time->tm_hour %= 24;
-        if (time->tm_hour < 0) {
-            time->tm_hour += 24;
-            time->tm_mday--;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Normalize month and year before mday */
-    if (time->tm_month < 0 || time->tm_month >= 12) {
-        time->tm_year += time->tm_month / 12;
-        time->tm_month %= 12;
-        if (time->tm_month < 0) {
-            time->tm_month += 12;
-            time->tm_year--;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Now that month and year are in proper range, normalize mday */
-    if (time->tm_mday < 1) {
-        /* mday too small */
-        do {
-            /* the previous month */
-            time->tm_month--;
-            if (time->tm_month < 0) {
-                time->tm_month = 11;
-                time->tm_year--;
-            }
-            time->tm_mday += nDays[IsLeapYear(time->tm_year)][time->tm_month];
-        } while (time->tm_mday < 1);
-    } else {
-        daysInMonth = nDays[IsLeapYear(time->tm_year)][time->tm_month];
-        while (time->tm_mday > daysInMonth) {
-            /* mday too large */
-            time->tm_mday -= daysInMonth;
-            time->tm_month++;
-            if (time->tm_month > 11) {
-                time->tm_month = 0;
-                time->tm_year++;
-            }
-            daysInMonth = nDays[IsLeapYear(time->tm_year)][time->tm_month];
-        }
-    }
-    /* Recompute yday and wday */
-    time->tm_yday = time->tm_mday +
-            lastDayOfMonth[IsLeapYear(time->tm_year)][time->tm_month];
-    numDays = DAYS_BETWEEN_YEARS(1970, time->tm_year) + time->tm_yday;
-    time->tm_wday = (numDays + 4) % 7;
-    if (time->tm_wday < 0) {
-        time->tm_wday += 7;
-    }
-    /* Recompute time parameters */
-    time->tm_params = params(time);
-    ApplySecOffset(time, time->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset
-            + time->tm_params.tp_dst_offset);
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_LocalTimeParameters --
- * 
- *     returns the time parameters for the local time zone
- *
- *     The following uses localtime() from the standard C library.
- *     (time.h)  This is our fallback implementation.  Unix, PC, and BeOS
- *     use this version.  A platform may have its own machine-dependent
- *     implementation of this function.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#if defined(HAVE_INT_LOCALTIME_R)
- * In this case we could define the macro as
- *     #define MT_safe_localtime(timer, result) \
- *             (localtime_r(timer, result) == 0 ? result : NULL)
- * I chose to compare the return value of localtime_r with -1 so 
- * that I can catch the cases where localtime_r returns a pointer
- * to struct tm.  The macro definition above would not be able to
- * detect such mistakes because it is legal to compare a pointer
- * with 0.
- */
-#define MT_safe_localtime(timer, result) \
-        (localtime_r(timer, result) == -1 ? NULL: result)
-#define MT_safe_localtime localtime_r
-#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_MONITOR 1  /* We use 'monitor' to serialize our calls
-                                   * to localtime(). */
-static PRLock *monitor = NULL;
-static struct tm *MT_safe_localtime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result)
-    struct tm *tmPtr;
-    int needLock = PR_Initialized();  /* We need to use a lock to protect
-                                       * against NSPR threads only when the
-                                       * NSPR thread system is activated. */
-    if (needLock) PR_Lock(monitor);
-    /*
-     * Microsoft (all flavors) localtime() returns a NULL pointer if 'clock'
-     * represents a time before midnight January 1, 1970.  In
-     * that case, we also return a NULL pointer and the struct tm
-     * object pointed to by 'result' is not modified.
-     *
-     * Watcom C/C++ 11.0 localtime() treats time_t as unsigned long
-     * hence, does not recognize negative values of clock as pre-1/1/70.
-     * We have to manually check (WIN16 only) for negative value of
-     * clock and return NULL.
-     *
-     * With negative values of clock, OS/2 returns the struct tm for
-     * clock plus ULONG_MAX. So we also have to check for the invalid
-     * structs returned for timezones west of Greenwich when clock == 0.
-     */
-    tmPtr = localtime(clock);
-#if defined(WIN16) || defined(XP_OS2)
-    if ( (PRInt32) *clock < 0 ||
-         ( (PRInt32) *clock == 0 && tmPtr->tm_year != 70))
-        result = NULL;
-    else
-        *result = *tmPtr;
-    if (tmPtr) {
-        *result = *tmPtr;
-    } else {
-        result = NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* WIN16 */
-    if (needLock) PR_Unlock(monitor);
-    return result;
-#endif  /* definition of MT_safe_localtime() */
-void _PR_InitTime(void)
-    monitor = PR_NewLock();
-#ifdef WINCE
-    _MD_InitTime();
-void _PR_CleanupTime(void)
-    if (monitor) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(monitor);
-        monitor = NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef WINCE
-    _MD_CleanupTime();
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_PC) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-PR_LocalTimeParameters(const PRExplodedTime *gmt)
-    PRTimeParameters retVal;
-    struct tm localTime;
-    time_t secs;
-    PRTime secs64;
-    PRInt64 usecPerSec;
-    PRInt64 usecPerSec_1;
-    PRInt64 maxInt32;
-    PRInt64 minInt32;
-    PRInt32 dayOffset;
-    PRInt32 offset2Jan1970;
-    PRInt32 offsetNew;
-    int isdst2Jan1970;
-    /*
-     * Calculate the GMT offset.  First, figure out what is
-     * 00:00:00 Jan. 2, 1970 GMT (which is exactly a day, or 86400
-     * seconds, since the epoch) in local time.  Then we calculate
-     * the difference between local time and GMT in seconds:
-     *     gmt_offset = local_time - GMT
-     *
-     * Caveat: the validity of this calculation depends on two
-     * assumptions:
-     * 1. Daylight saving time was not in effect on Jan. 2, 1970.
-     * 2. The time zone of the geographic location has not changed
-     *    since Jan. 2, 1970.
-     */
-    secs = 86400L;
-    (void) MT_safe_localtime(&secs, &localTime);
-    /* GMT is 00:00:00, 2nd of Jan. */
-    offset2Jan1970 = (PRInt32)localTime.tm_sec 
-            + 60L * (PRInt32)localTime.tm_min
-            + 3600L * (PRInt32)localTime.tm_hour
-            + 86400L * (PRInt32)((PRInt32)localTime.tm_mday - 2L);
-    isdst2Jan1970 = localTime.tm_isdst;
-    /*
-     * Now compute DST offset.  We calculate the overall offset
-     * of local time from GMT, similar to above.  The overall
-     * offset has two components: gmt offset and dst offset.
-     * We subtract gmt offset from the overall offset to get
-     * the dst offset.
-     *     overall_offset = local_time - GMT
-     *     overall_offset = gmt_offset + dst_offset
-     * ==> dst_offset = local_time - GMT - gmt_offset
-     */
-    secs64 = PR_ImplodeTime(gmt);    /* This is still in microseconds */
-    LL_I2L(usecPerSec, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_I2L(usecPerSec_1, PR_USEC_PER_SEC - 1);
-    /* Convert to seconds, truncating down (3.1 -> 3 and -3.1 -> -4) */
-    if (LL_GE_ZERO(secs64)) {
-        LL_DIV(secs64, secs64, usecPerSec);
-    } else {
-        LL_NEG(secs64, secs64);
-        LL_ADD(secs64, secs64, usecPerSec_1);
-        LL_DIV(secs64, secs64, usecPerSec);
-        LL_NEG(secs64, secs64);
-    }
-    LL_I2L(maxInt32, PR_INT32_MAX);
-    LL_I2L(minInt32, PR_INT32_MIN);
-    if (LL_CMP(secs64, >, maxInt32) || LL_CMP(secs64, <, minInt32)) {
-        /* secs64 is too large or too small for time_t (32-bit integer) */
-        retVal.tp_gmt_offset = offset2Jan1970;
-        retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0;
-        return retVal;
-    }
-    LL_L2I(secs, secs64);
-    /*
-     * On Windows, localtime() (and our MT_safe_localtime() too)
-     * returns a NULL pointer for time before midnight January 1,
-     * 1970 GMT.  In that case, we just use the GMT offset for
-     * Jan 2, 1970 and assume that DST was not in effect.
-     */
-    if (MT_safe_localtime(&secs, &localTime) == NULL) {
-        retVal.tp_gmt_offset = offset2Jan1970;
-        retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0;
-        return retVal;
-    }
-    /*
-     * dayOffset is the offset between local time and GMT in 
-     * the day component, which can only be -1, 0, or 1.  We
-     * use the day of the week to compute dayOffset.
-     */
-    dayOffset = (PRInt32) localTime.tm_wday - gmt->tm_wday;
-    /*
-     * Need to adjust for wrapping around of day of the week from
-     * 6 back to 0.
-     */
-    if (dayOffset == -6) {
-        /* Local time is Sunday (0) and GMT is Saturday (6) */
-        dayOffset = 1;
-    } else if (dayOffset == 6) {
-        /* Local time is Saturday (6) and GMT is Sunday (0) */
-        dayOffset = -1;
-    }
-    offsetNew = (PRInt32)localTime.tm_sec - gmt->tm_sec
-            + 60L * ((PRInt32)localTime.tm_min - gmt->tm_min)
-            + 3600L * ((PRInt32)localTime.tm_hour - gmt->tm_hour)
-            + 86400L * (PRInt32)dayOffset;
-    if (localTime.tm_isdst <= 0) {
-        /* DST is not in effect */
-        retVal.tp_gmt_offset = offsetNew;
-        retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0;
-    } else {
-        /* DST is in effect */
-        if (isdst2Jan1970 <=0) {
-            /*
-             * DST was not in effect back in 2 Jan. 1970.
-             * Use the offset back then as the GMT offset,
-             * assuming the time zone has not changed since then.
-             */
-            retVal.tp_gmt_offset = offset2Jan1970;
-            retVal.tp_dst_offset = offsetNew - offset2Jan1970;
-        } else {
-            /*
-             * DST was also in effect back in 2 Jan. 1970.
-             * Then our clever trick (or rather, ugly hack) fails.
-             * We will just assume DST offset is an hour.
-             */
-            retVal.tp_gmt_offset = offsetNew - 3600;
-            retVal.tp_dst_offset = 3600;
-        }
-    }
-    return retVal;
-#endif    /* defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_PC) || defined(XP_BEOS) */
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_USPacificTimeParameters --
- *
- *     The time parameters function for the US Pacific Time Zone.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * Returns the mday of the first sunday of the month, where
- * mday and wday are for a given day in the month.
- * mdays start with 1 (e.g. 1..31).  
- * wdays start with 0 and are in the range 0..6.  0 = Sunday.
- */
-#define firstSunday(mday, wday) (((mday - wday + 7 - 1) % 7) + 1)
- * Returns the mday for the N'th Sunday of the month, where 
- * mday and wday are for a given day in the month.
- * mdays start with 1 (e.g. 1..31).  
- * wdays start with 0 and are in the range 0..6.  0 = Sunday.
- * N has the following values: 0 = first, 1 = second (etc), -1 = last.
- * ndays is the number of days in that month, the same value as the 
- * mday of the last day of the month.
- */
-static PRInt32 
-NthSunday(PRInt32 mday, PRInt32 wday, PRInt32 N, PRInt32 ndays) 
-    PRInt32 firstSun = firstSunday(mday, wday);
-    if (N < 0) 
-        N = (ndays - firstSun) / 7;
-    return firstSun + (7 * N);
-typedef struct DSTParams {
-    PRInt8 dst_start_month;       /* 0 = January */
-    PRInt8 dst_start_Nth_Sunday;  /* N as defined above */
-    PRInt8 dst_start_month_ndays; /* ndays as defined above */
-    PRInt8 dst_end_month;         /* 0 = January */
-    PRInt8 dst_end_Nth_Sunday;    /* N as defined above */
-    PRInt8 dst_end_month_ndays;   /* ndays as defined above */
-} DSTParams;
-static const DSTParams dstParams[2] = {
-    /* year < 2007:  First April Sunday - Last October Sunday */
-    { 3, 0, 30, 9, -1, 31 },
-    /* year >= 2007: Second March Sunday - First November Sunday */
-    { 2, 1, 31, 10, 0, 30 }
-PR_USPacificTimeParameters(const PRExplodedTime *gmt)
-    const DSTParams *dst;
-    PRTimeParameters retVal;
-    PRExplodedTime st;
-    /*
-     * Based on geographic location and GMT, figure out offset of
-     * standard time from GMT.  In this example implementation, we
-     * assume the local time zone is US Pacific Time.
-     */
-    retVal.tp_gmt_offset = -8L * 3600L;
-    /*
-     * Make a copy of GMT.  Note that the tm_params field of this copy
-     * is ignored.
-     */
-    st.tm_usec = gmt->tm_usec;
-    st.tm_sec = gmt->tm_sec;
-    st.tm_min = gmt->tm_min;
-    st.tm_hour = gmt->tm_hour;
-    st.tm_mday = gmt->tm_mday;
-    st.tm_month = gmt->tm_month;
-    st.tm_year = gmt->tm_year;
-    st.tm_wday = gmt->tm_wday;
-    st.tm_yday = gmt->tm_yday;
-    /* Apply the offset to GMT to obtain the local standard time */
-    ApplySecOffset(&st, retVal.tp_gmt_offset);
-    if (st.tm_year < 2007) { /* first April Sunday - Last October Sunday */
-	dst = &dstParams[0];
-    } else {                 /* Second March Sunday - First November Sunday */
-	dst = &dstParams[1];
-    }
-    /*
-     * Apply the rules on standard time or GMT to obtain daylight saving
-     * time offset.  In this implementation, we use the US DST rule.
-     */
-    if (st.tm_month < dst->dst_start_month) {
-        retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0L;
-    } else if (st.tm_month == dst->dst_start_month) {
-	int NthSun = NthSunday(st.tm_mday, st.tm_wday, 
-			       dst->dst_start_Nth_Sunday, 
-			       dst->dst_start_month_ndays);
-	if (st.tm_mday < NthSun) {              /* Before starting Sunday */
-	    retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0L;
-        } else if (st.tm_mday == NthSun) {      /* Starting Sunday */
-	    /* 01:59:59 PST -> 03:00:00 PDT */
-	    if (st.tm_hour < 2) {
-		retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0L;
-	    } else {
-		retVal.tp_dst_offset = 3600L;
-	    }
-	} else {                                /* After starting Sunday */
-	    retVal.tp_dst_offset = 3600L;
-        }
-    } else if (st.tm_month < dst->dst_end_month) {
-        retVal.tp_dst_offset = 3600L;
-    } else if (st.tm_month == dst->dst_end_month) {
-	int NthSun = NthSunday(st.tm_mday, st.tm_wday, 
-			       dst->dst_end_Nth_Sunday, 
-			       dst->dst_end_month_ndays);
-	if (st.tm_mday < NthSun) {              /* Before ending Sunday */
-	    retVal.tp_dst_offset = 3600L;
-        } else if (st.tm_mday == NthSun) {      /* Ending Sunday */
-	    /* 01:59:59 PDT -> 01:00:00 PST */
-	    if (st.tm_hour < 1) {
-		retVal.tp_dst_offset = 3600L;
-	    } else {
-		retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0L;
-	    }
-	} else {                                /* After ending Sunday */
-	    retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0L;
-        }
-    } else {
-        retVal.tp_dst_offset = 0L;
-    }
-    return retVal;
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_GMTParameters --
- *
- *     Returns the PRTimeParameters for Greenwich Mean Time.
- *     Trivially, both the tp_gmt_offset and tp_dst_offset fields are 0.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-PR_GMTParameters(const PRExplodedTime *gmt)
-    PRTimeParameters retVal = { 0, 0 };
-    return retVal;
- * The following code implements PR_ParseTimeString().  It is based on
- * ns/lib/xp/xp_time.c, revision 1.25, by Jamie Zawinski <>.
- */
- * We only recognize the abbreviations of a small subset of time zones
- * in North America, Europe, and Japan.
- *
- * PST/PDT: Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
- * MST/MDT: Mountain Standard/Daylight Time
- * CST/CDT: Central Standard/Daylight Time
- * EST/EDT: Eastern Standard/Daylight Time
- * AST: Atlantic Standard Time
- * NST: Newfoundland Standard Time
- * GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
- * BST: British Summer Time
- * MET: Middle Europe Time
- * EET: Eastern Europe Time
- * JST: Japan Standard Time
- */
-typedef enum
- * This parses a time/date string into a PRTime
- * (microseconds after "1-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT").
- * It returns PR_SUCCESS on success, and PR_FAILURE
- * if the time/date string can't be parsed.
- *
- * Many formats are handled, including:
- *
- *   14 Apr 89 03:20:12
- *   14 Apr 89 03:20 GMT
- *   Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01:33
- *   Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01 GMT
- *   Mon Jan 16 16:12 PDT 1989
- *   Mon Jan 16 16:12 +0130 1989
- *   6 May 1992 16:41-JST (Wednesday)
- *   22-AUG-1993 10:59:12.82
- *   22-AUG-1993 10:59pm
- *   22-AUG-1993 12:59am
- *   22-AUG-1993 12:59 PM
- *   Friday, August 04, 1995 3:54 PM
- *   06/21/95 04:24:34 PM
- *   20/06/95 21:07
- *   95-06-08 19:32:48 EDT
- *
- * If the input string doesn't contain a description of the timezone,
- * we consult the `default_to_gmt' to decide whether the string should
- * be interpreted relative to the local time zone (PR_FALSE) or GMT (PR_TRUE).
- * The correct value for this argument depends on what standard specified
- * the time string which you are parsing.
- */
-        const char *string,
-        PRBool default_to_gmt,
-        PRExplodedTime *result)
-  int zone_offset = -1;
-  int dst_offset = 0;
-  int date = -1;
-  PRInt32 year = -1;
-  int hour = -1;
-  int min = -1;
-  int sec = -1;
-  const char *rest = string;
-  int iterations = 0;
-  PR_ASSERT(string && result);
-  if (!string || !result) return PR_FAILURE;
-  while (*rest)
-        {
-          if (iterations++ > 1000)
-                {
-                  return PR_FAILURE;
-                }
-          switch (*rest)
-                {
-                case 'a': case 'A':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'p' || rest[1] == 'P') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'r' || rest[2] == 'R'))
-                        month = TT_APR;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_AST;
-                  else if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'u' || rest[1] == 'U') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'g' || rest[2] == 'G'))
-                        month = TT_AUG;
-                  break;
-                case 'b': case 'B':
-                  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_BST;
-                  break;
-                case 'c': case 'C':
-                  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'd' || rest[1] == 'D') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_CDT;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_CST;
-                  break;
-                case 'd': case 'D':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'e' || rest[1] == 'E') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'c' || rest[2] == 'C'))
-                        month = TT_DEC;
-                  break;
-                case 'e': case 'E':
-                  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'd' || rest[1] == 'D') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_EDT;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'e' || rest[1] == 'E') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_EET;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_EST;
-                  break;
-                case 'f': case 'F':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'e' || rest[1] == 'E') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'b' || rest[2] == 'B'))
-                        month = TT_FEB;
-                  else if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'r' || rest[1] == 'R') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'i' || rest[2] == 'I'))
-                        dotw = TT_FRI;
-                  break;
-                case 'g': case 'G':
-                  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'm' || rest[1] == 'M') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_GMT;
-                  break;
-                case 'j': case 'J':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'a' || rest[1] == 'A') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'n' || rest[2] == 'N'))
-                        month = TT_JAN;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_JST;
-                  else if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'u' || rest[1] == 'U') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'l' || rest[2] == 'L'))
-                        month = TT_JUL;
-                  else if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'u' || rest[1] == 'U') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'n' || rest[2] == 'N'))
-                        month = TT_JUN;
-                  break;
-                case 'm': case 'M':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'a' || rest[1] == 'A') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'r' || rest[2] == 'R'))
-                        month = TT_MAR;
-                  else if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'a' || rest[1] == 'A') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'y' || rest[2] == 'Y'))
-                        month = TT_MAY;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'd' || rest[1] == 'D') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_MDT;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'e' || rest[1] == 'E') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_MET;
-                  else if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'o' || rest[1] == 'O') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'n' || rest[2] == 'N'))
-                        dotw = TT_MON;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_MST;
-                  break;
-                case 'n': case 'N':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'o' || rest[1] == 'O') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'v' || rest[2] == 'V'))
-                        month = TT_NOV;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_NST;
-                  break;
-                case 'o': case 'O':
-                  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'c' || rest[1] == 'C') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        month = TT_OCT;
-                  break;
-                case 'p': case 'P':
-                  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'd' || rest[1] == 'D') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_PDT;
-                  else if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 's' || rest[1] == 'S') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        zone = TT_PST;
-                  break;
-                case 's': case 'S':
-                  if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'a' || rest[1] == 'A') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 't' || rest[2] == 'T'))
-                        dotw = TT_SAT;
-                  else if (month == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'e' || rest[1] == 'E') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'p' || rest[2] == 'P'))
-                        month = TT_SEP;
-                  else if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'u' || rest[1] == 'U') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'n' || rest[2] == 'N'))
-                        dotw = TT_SUN;
-                  break;
-                case 't': case 'T':
-                  if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'h' || rest[1] == 'H') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'u' || rest[2] == 'U'))
-                        dotw = TT_THU;
-                  else if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                                   (rest[1] == 'u' || rest[1] == 'U') &&
-                                   (rest[2] == 'e' || rest[2] == 'E'))
-                        dotw = TT_TUE;
-                  break;
-                case 'u': case 'U':
-                  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 't' || rest[1] == 'T') &&
-                          !(rest[2] >= 'A' && rest[2] <= 'Z') &&
-                          !(rest[2] >= 'a' && rest[2] <= 'z'))
-                        /* UT is the same as GMT but UTx is not. */
-                        zone = TT_GMT;
-                  break;
-                case 'w': case 'W':
-                  if (dotw == TT_UNKNOWN &&
-                          (rest[1] == 'e' || rest[1] == 'E') &&
-                          (rest[2] == 'd' || rest[2] == 'D'))
-                        dotw = TT_WED;
-                  break;
-                case '+': case '-':
-                  {
-                        const char *end;
-                        int sign;
-                        if (zone_offset != -1)
-                          {
-                                /* already got one... */
-                                rest++;
-                                break;
-                          }
-                        if (zone != TT_UNKNOWN && zone != TT_GMT)
-                          {
-                                /* GMT+0300 is legal, but PST+0300 is not. */
-                                rest++;
-                                break;
-                          }
-                        sign = ((*rest == '+') ? 1 : -1);
-                        rest++; /* move over sign */
-                        end = rest;
-                        while (*end >= '0' && *end <= '9')
-                          end++;
-                        if (rest == end) /* no digits here */
-                          break;
-                        if ((end - rest) == 4)
-                          /* offset in HHMM */
-                          zone_offset = (((((rest[0]-'0')*10) + (rest[1]-'0')) * 60) +
-                                                         (((rest[2]-'0')*10) + (rest[3]-'0')));
-                        else if ((end - rest) == 2)
-                          /* offset in hours */
-                          zone_offset = (((rest[0]-'0')*10) + (rest[1]-'0')) * 60;
-                        else if ((end - rest) == 1)
-                          /* offset in hours */
-                          zone_offset = (rest[0]-'0') * 60;
-                        else
-                          /* 3 or >4 */
-                          break;
-                        zone_offset *= sign;
-                        zone = TT_GMT;
-                        break;
-                  }
-                case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
-                case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-                  {
-                        int tmp_hour = -1;
-                        int tmp_min = -1;
-                        int tmp_sec = -1;
-                        const char *end = rest + 1;
-                        while (*end >= '0' && *end <= '9')
-                          end++;
-                        /* end is now the first character after a range of digits. */
-                        if (*end == ':')
-                          {
-                                if (hour >= 0 && min >= 0) /* already got it */
-                                  break;
-                                /* We have seen "[0-9]+:", so this is probably HH:MM[:SS] */
-                                if ((end - rest) > 2)
-                                  /* it is [0-9][0-9][0-9]+: */
-                                  break;
-                                else if ((end - rest) == 2)
-                                  tmp_hour = ((rest[0]-'0')*10 +
-                                                          (rest[1]-'0'));
-                                else
-                                  tmp_hour = (rest[0]-'0');
-                                /* move over the colon, and parse minutes */
-                                rest = ++end;
-                                while (*end >= '0' && *end <= '9')
-                                  end++;
-                                if (end == rest)
-                                  /* no digits after first colon? */
-                                  break;
-                                else if ((end - rest) > 2)
-                                  /* it is [0-9][0-9][0-9]+: */
-                                  break;
-                                else if ((end - rest) == 2)
-                                  tmp_min = ((rest[0]-'0')*10 +
-                                                         (rest[1]-'0'));
-                                else
-                                  tmp_min = (rest[0]-'0');
-                                /* now go for seconds */
-                                rest = end;
-                                if (*rest == ':')
-                                  rest++;
-                                end = rest;
-                                while (*end >= '0' && *end <= '9')
-                                  end++;
-                                if (end == rest)
-                                  /* no digits after second colon - that's ok. */
-                                  ;
-                                else if ((end - rest) > 2)
-                                  /* it is [0-9][0-9][0-9]+: */
-                                  break;
-                                else if ((end - rest) == 2)
-                                  tmp_sec = ((rest[0]-'0')*10 +
-                                                         (rest[1]-'0'));
-                                else
-                                  tmp_sec = (rest[0]-'0');
-                                /* If we made it here, we've parsed hour and min,
-                                   and possibly sec, so it worked as a unit. */
-                                /* skip over whitespace and see if there's an AM or PM
-                                   directly following the time.
-                                 */
-                                if (tmp_hour <= 12)
-                                  {
-                                        const char *s = end;
-                                        while (*s && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t'))
-                                          s++;
-                                        if ((s[0] == 'p' || s[0] == 'P') &&
-                                                (s[1] == 'm' || s[1] == 'M'))
-                                          /* 10:05pm == 22:05, and 12:05pm == 12:05 */
-                                          tmp_hour = (tmp_hour == 12 ? 12 : tmp_hour + 12);
-                                        else if (tmp_hour == 12 &&
-                                                         (s[0] == 'a' || s[0] == 'A') &&
-                                                         (s[1] == 'm' || s[1] == 'M'))
-                                          /* 12:05am == 00:05 */
-                                          tmp_hour = 0;
-                                  }
-                                hour = tmp_hour;
-                                min = tmp_min;
-                                sec = tmp_sec;
-                                rest = end;
-                                break;
-                          }
-                        else if ((*end == '/' || *end == '-') &&
-                                         end[1] >= '0' && end[1] <= '9')
-                          {
-                                /* Perhaps this is 6/16/95, 16/6/95, 6-16-95, or 16-6-95
-                                   or even 95-06-05...
-                                   #### But it doesn't handle 1995-06-22.
-                                 */
-                                int n1, n2, n3;
-                                const char *s;
-                                if (month != TT_UNKNOWN)
-                                  /* if we saw a month name, this can't be. */
-                                  break;
-                                s = rest;
-                                n1 = (*s++ - '0');                                /* first 1 or 2 digits */
-                                if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
-                                  n1 = n1*10 + (*s++ - '0');
-                                if (*s != '/' && *s != '-')                /* slash */
-                                  break;
-                                s++;
-                                if (*s < '0' || *s > '9')                /* second 1 or 2 digits */
-                                  break;
-                                n2 = (*s++ - '0');
-                                if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
-                                  n2 = n2*10 + (*s++ - '0');
-                                if (*s != '/' && *s != '-')                /* slash */
-                                  break;
-                                s++;
-                                if (*s < '0' || *s > '9')                /* third 1, 2, 4, or 5 digits */
-                                  break;
-                                n3 = (*s++ - '0');
-                                if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
-                                  n3 = n3*10 + (*s++ - '0');
-                                if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')            /* optional digits 3, 4, and 5 */
-                                  {
-                                        n3 = n3*10 + (*s++ - '0');
-                                        if (*s < '0' || *s > '9')
-                                          break;
-                                        n3 = n3*10 + (*s++ - '0');
-                                        if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
-                                          n3 = n3*10 + (*s++ - '0');
-                                  }
-                                if ((*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ||        /* followed by non-alphanum */
-                                        (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') ||
-                                        (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z'))
-                                  break;
-                                /* Ok, we parsed three 1-2 digit numbers, with / or -
-                                   between them.  Now decide what the hell they are
-                                   (DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY or YY/MM/DD.)
-                                 */
-                                if (n1 > 31 || n1 == 0)  /* must be YY/MM/DD */
-                                  {
-                                        if (n2 > 12) break;
-                                        if (n3 > 31) break;
-                                        year = n1;
-                                        if (year < 70)
-                                            year += 2000;
-                                        else if (year < 100)
-                                            year += 1900;
-                                        month = (TIME_TOKEN)(n2 + ((int)TT_JAN) - 1);
-                                        date = n3;
-                                        rest = s;
-                                        break;
-                                  }
-                                if (n1 > 12 && n2 > 12)  /* illegal */
-                                  {
-                                        rest = s;
-                                        break;
-                                  }
-                                if (n3 < 70)
-                                    n3 += 2000;
-                                else if (n3 < 100)
-                                    n3 += 1900;
-                                if (n1 > 12)  /* must be DD/MM/YY */
-                                  {
-                                        date = n1;
-                                        month = (TIME_TOKEN)(n2 + ((int)TT_JAN) - 1);
-                                        year = n3;
-                                  }
-                                else                  /* assume MM/DD/YY */
-                                  {
-                                        /* #### In the ambiguous case, should we consult the
-                                           locale to find out the local default? */
-                                        month = (TIME_TOKEN)(n1 + ((int)TT_JAN) - 1);
-                                        date = n2;
-                                        year = n3;
-                                  }
-                                rest = s;
-                          }
-                        else if ((*end >= 'A' && *end <= 'Z') ||
-                                         (*end >= 'a' && *end <= 'z'))
-                          /* Digits followed by non-punctuation - what's that? */
-                          ;
-                        else if ((end - rest) == 5)                /* five digits is a year */
-                          year = (year < 0
-                                          ? ((rest[0]-'0')*10000L +
-                                                 (rest[1]-'0')*1000L +
-                                                 (rest[2]-'0')*100L +
-                                                 (rest[3]-'0')*10L +
-                                                 (rest[4]-'0'))
-                                          : year);
-                        else if ((end - rest) == 4)                /* four digits is a year */
-                          year = (year < 0
-                                          ? ((rest[0]-'0')*1000L +
-                                                 (rest[1]-'0')*100L +
-                                                 (rest[2]-'0')*10L +
-                                                 (rest[3]-'0'))
-                                          : year);
-                        else if ((end - rest) == 2)                /* two digits - date or year */
-                          {
-                                int n = ((rest[0]-'0')*10 +
-                                                 (rest[1]-'0'));
-                                /* If we don't have a date (day of the month) and we see a number
-                                     less than 32, then assume that is the date.
-                                         Otherwise, if we have a date and not a year, assume this is the
-                                         year.  If it is less than 70, then assume it refers to the 21st
-                                         century.  If it is two digits (>= 70), assume it refers to this
-                                         century.  Otherwise, assume it refers to an unambiguous year.
-                                         The world will surely end soon.
-                                   */
-                                if (date < 0 && n < 32)
-                                  date = n;
-                                else if (year < 0)
-                                  {
-                                        if (n < 70)
-                                          year = 2000 + n;
-                                        else if (n < 100)
-                                          year = 1900 + n;
-                                        else
-                                          year = n;
-                                  }
-                                /* else what the hell is this. */
-                          }
-                        else if ((end - rest) == 1)                /* one digit - date */
-                          date = (date < 0 ? (rest[0]-'0') : date);
-                        /* else, three or more than five digits - what's that? */
-                        break;
-                  }
-                }
-          /* Skip to the end of this token, whether we parsed it or not.
-                 Tokens are delimited by whitespace, or ,;-/
-                 But explicitly not :+-.
-           */
-          while (*rest &&
-                         *rest != ' ' && *rest != '\t' &&
-                         *rest != ',' && *rest != ';' &&
-                         *rest != '-' && *rest != '+' &&
-                         *rest != '/' &&
-                         *rest != '(' && *rest != ')' && *rest != '[' && *rest != ']')
-                rest++;
-          /* skip over uninteresting chars. */
-        SKIP_MORE:
-          while (*rest &&
-                         (*rest == ' ' || *rest == '\t' ||
-                          *rest == ',' || *rest == ';' || *rest == '/' ||
-                          *rest == '(' || *rest == ')' || *rest == '[' || *rest == ']'))
-                rest++;
-          /* "-" is ignored at the beginning of a token if we have not yet
-                 parsed a year (e.g., the second "-" in "30-AUG-1966"), or if
-                 the character after the dash is not a digit. */         
-          if (*rest == '-' && ((rest > string &&
-              isalpha((unsigned char)rest[-1]) && year < 0) ||
-              rest[1] < '0' || rest[1] > '9'))
-                {
-                  rest++;
-                  goto SKIP_MORE;
-                }
-        }
-  if (zone != TT_UNKNOWN && zone_offset == -1)
-        {
-          switch (zone)
-                {
-                case TT_PST: zone_offset = -8 * 60; break;
-                case TT_PDT: zone_offset = -8 * 60; dst_offset = 1 * 60; break;
-                case TT_MST: zone_offset = -7 * 60; break;
-                case TT_MDT: zone_offset = -7 * 60; dst_offset = 1 * 60; break;
-                case TT_CST: zone_offset = -6 * 60; break;
-                case TT_CDT: zone_offset = -6 * 60; dst_offset = 1 * 60; break;
-                case TT_EST: zone_offset = -5 * 60; break;
-                case TT_EDT: zone_offset = -5 * 60; dst_offset = 1 * 60; break;
-                case TT_AST: zone_offset = -4 * 60; break;
-                case TT_NST: zone_offset = -3 * 60 - 30; break;
-                case TT_GMT: zone_offset =  0 * 60; break;
-                case TT_BST: zone_offset =  0 * 60; dst_offset = 1 * 60; break;
-                case TT_MET: zone_offset =  1 * 60; break;
-                case TT_EET: zone_offset =  2 * 60; break;
-                case TT_JST: zone_offset =  9 * 60; break;
-                default:
-                  PR_ASSERT (0);
-                  break;
-                }
-        }
-  /* If we didn't find a year, month, or day-of-the-month, we can't
-         possibly parse this, and in fact, mktime() will do something random
-         (I'm seeing it return "Tue Feb  5 06:28:16 2036", which is no doubt
-         a numerologically significant date... */
-  if (month == TT_UNKNOWN || date == -1 || year == -1 || year > PR_INT16_MAX)
-      return PR_FAILURE;
-  memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result));
-  if (sec != -1)
-        result->tm_sec = sec;
-  if (min != -1)
-        result->tm_min = min;
-  if (hour != -1)
-        result->tm_hour = hour;
-  if (date != -1)
-        result->tm_mday = date;
-  if (month != TT_UNKNOWN)
-        result->tm_month = (((int)month) - ((int)TT_JAN));
-  if (year != -1)
-        result->tm_year = year;
-  if (dotw != TT_UNKNOWN)
-        result->tm_wday = (((int)dotw) - ((int)TT_SUN));
-  /*
-   * Mainly to compute wday and yday, but normalized time is also required
-   * by the check below that works around a Visual C++ 2005 mktime problem.
-   */
-  PR_NormalizeTime(result, PR_GMTParameters);
-  /* The remaining work is to set the gmt and dst offsets in tm_params. */
-  if (zone == TT_UNKNOWN && default_to_gmt)
-        {
-          /* No zone was specified, so pretend the zone was GMT. */
-          zone = TT_GMT;
-          zone_offset = 0;
-        }
-  if (zone_offset == -1)
-         {
-           /* no zone was specified, and we're to assume that everything
-             is local. */
-          struct tm localTime;
-          time_t secs;
-          PR_ASSERT(result->tm_month > -1 &&
-                    result->tm_mday > 0 &&
-                    result->tm_hour > -1 &&
-                    result->tm_min > -1 &&
-                    result->tm_sec > -1);
-            /*
-             * To obtain time_t from a tm structure representing the local
-             * time, we call mktime().  However, we need to see if we are
-             * on 1-Jan-1970 or before.  If we are, we can't call mktime()
-             * because mktime() will crash on win16. In that case, we
-             * calculate zone_offset based on the zone offset at 
-             * 00:00:00, 2 Jan 1970 GMT, and subtract zone_offset from the
-             * date we are parsing to transform the date to GMT.  We also
-             * do so if mktime() returns (time_t) -1 (time out of range).
-           */
-          /* month, day, hours, mins and secs are always non-negative
-             so we dont need to worry about them. */  
-          if(result->tm_year >= 1970)
-                {
-                  PRInt64 usec_per_sec;
-                  localTime.tm_sec = result->tm_sec;
-                  localTime.tm_min = result->tm_min;
-                  localTime.tm_hour = result->tm_hour;
-                  localTime.tm_mday = result->tm_mday;
-                  localTime.tm_mon = result->tm_month;
-                  localTime.tm_year = result->tm_year - 1900;
-                  /* Set this to -1 to tell mktime "I don't care".  If you set
-                     it to 0 or 1, you are making assertions about whether the
-                     date you are handing it is in daylight savings mode or not;
-                     and if you're wrong, it will "fix" it for you. */
-                  localTime.tm_isdst = -1;
-#if _MSC_VER == 1400  /* 1400 = Visual C++ 2005 (8.0) */
-                  /*
-                   * mktime will return (time_t) -1 if the input is a date
-                   * after 23:59:59, December 31, 3000, US Pacific Time (not
-                   * UTC as documented): 
-                   *
-                   * But if the year is 3001, mktime also invokes the invalid
-                   * parameter handler, causing the application to crash.  This
-                   * problem has been reported in
-                   *
-                   * We avoid this crash by not calling mktime if the date is
-                   * out of range.  To use a simple test that works in any time
-                   * zone, we consider year 3000 out of range as well.  (See
-                   * bug 480740.)
-                   */
-                  if (result->tm_year >= 3000) {
-                      /* Emulate what mktime would have done. */
-                      errno = EINVAL;
-                      secs = (time_t) -1;
-                  } else {
-                      secs = mktime(&localTime);
-                  }
-                  secs = mktime(&localTime);
-                  if (secs != (time_t) -1)
-                    {
-                      PRTime usecs64;
-                      LL_I2L(usecs64, secs);
-                      LL_I2L(usec_per_sec, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-                      LL_MUL(usecs64, usecs64, usec_per_sec);
-                      PR_ExplodeTime(usecs64, PR_LocalTimeParameters, result);
-                      return PR_SUCCESS;
-                    }
-                }
-                /* So mktime() can't handle this case.  We assume the
-                   zone_offset for the date we are parsing is the same as
-                   the zone offset on 00:00:00 2 Jan 1970 GMT. */
-                secs = 86400;
-                (void) MT_safe_localtime(&secs, &localTime);
-                zone_offset = localTime.tm_min
-                              + 60 * localTime.tm_hour
-                              + 1440 * (localTime.tm_mday - 2);
-        }
-  result->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset = zone_offset * 60;
-  result->tm_params.tp_dst_offset = dst_offset * 60;
-  return PR_SUCCESS;
-        const char *string,
-        PRBool default_to_gmt,
-        PRTime *result)
-  PRExplodedTime tm;
-  PRStatus rv;
-  rv = PR_ParseTimeStringToExplodedTime(string,
-                                        default_to_gmt,
-                                        &tm);
-  if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-        return rv;
-  *result = PR_ImplodeTime(&tm);
-  return PR_SUCCESS;
- *******************************************************************
- *******************************************************************
- **
- **
- *******************************************************************
- *******************************************************************
- */
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PR_FormatTime --
- *
- *     Format a time value into a buffer. Same semantics as strftime().
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-PR_FormatTime(char *buf, int buflen, const char *fmt,
-              const PRExplodedTime *time)
-    size_t rv;
-    struct tm a;
-    struct tm *ap;
-    if (time) {
-        ap = &a;
-        a.tm_sec = time->tm_sec;
-        a.tm_min = time->tm_min;
-        a.tm_hour = time->tm_hour;
-        a.tm_mday = time->tm_mday;
-        a.tm_mon = time->tm_month;
-        a.tm_wday = time->tm_wday;
-        a.tm_year = time->tm_year - 1900;
-        a.tm_yday = time->tm_yday;
-        a.tm_isdst = time->tm_params.tp_dst_offset ? 1 : 0;
-        /*
-         * On some platforms, for example SunOS 4, struct tm has two
-         * additional fields: tm_zone and tm_gmtoff.
-         */
-#if (__GLIBC__ >= 2) || defined(XP_BEOS) \
-        || defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) \
-        || defined(DARWIN) || defined(SYMBIAN) || defined(ANDROID)
-        a.tm_zone = NULL;
-        a.tm_gmtoff = time->tm_params.tp_gmt_offset +
-                      time->tm_params.tp_dst_offset;
-    } else {
-        ap = NULL;
-    }
-    rv = strftime(buf, buflen, fmt, ap);
-    if (!rv && buf && buflen > 0) {
-        /*
-         * When strftime fails, the contents of buf are indeterminate.
-         * Some callers don't check the return value from this function,
-         * so store an empty string in buf in case they try to print it.
-         */
-        buf[0] = '\0';
-    }
-    return rv;
- * The following string arrays and macros are used by PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish().
- */
-static const char* abbrevDays[] =
-   "Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"
-static const char* days[] =
-   "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"
-static const char* abbrevMonths[] =
-   "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
-   "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
-static const char* months[] =
-    "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
-    "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
- * Add a single character to the given buffer, incrementing the buffer pointer
- * and decrementing the buffer size. Return 0 on error.
- */
-#define ADDCHAR( buf, bufSize, ch )             \
-do                                              \
-{                                               \
-   if( bufSize < 1 )                            \
-   {                                            \
-      *(--buf) = '\0';                          \
-      return 0;                                 \
-   }                                            \
-   *buf++ = ch;                                 \
-   bufSize--;                                   \
-}                                               \
- * Add a string to the given buffer, incrementing the buffer pointer
- * and decrementing the buffer size appropriately.  Return 0 on error.
- */
-#define ADDSTR( buf, bufSize, str )             \
-do                                              \
-{                                               \
-   PRUint32 strSize = strlen( str );              \
-   if( strSize > bufSize )                      \
-   {                                            \
-      if( bufSize==0 )                          \
-         *(--buf) = '\0';                       \
-      else                                      \
-         *buf = '\0';                           \
-      return 0;                                 \
-   }                                            \
-   memcpy(buf, str, strSize);                   \
-   buf += strSize;                              \
-   bufSize -= strSize;                          \
-}                                               \
-/* Needed by PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish() */
-static unsigned int  pr_WeekOfYear(const PRExplodedTime* time,
-        unsigned int firstDayOfWeek);
- *
- * Description:
- *  This is a dumbed down version of strftime that will format the date in US
- *  English regardless of the setting of the global locale.  This functionality is
- *  needed to write things like MIME headers which must always be in US English.
- *
- **********************************************************************************/
-PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish( char* buf, PRUint32 bufSize,
-                        const char* format, const PRExplodedTime* time )
-   char*         bufPtr = buf;
-   const char*   fmtPtr;
-   char          tmpBuf[ 40 ];        
-   const int     tmpBufSize = sizeof( tmpBuf );
-   for( fmtPtr=format; *fmtPtr != '\0'; fmtPtr++ )
-   {
-      if( *fmtPtr != '%' )
-      {
-         ADDCHAR( bufPtr, bufSize, *fmtPtr );
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         switch( *(++fmtPtr) )
-         {
-         case '%':
-            /* escaped '%' character */
-            ADDCHAR( bufPtr, bufSize, '%' );
-            break;
-         case 'a':
-            /* abbreviated weekday name */
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, abbrevDays[ time->tm_wday ] );
-            break;
-         case 'A':
-            /* full weekday name */
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, days[ time->tm_wday ] );
-            break;
-         case 'b':
-            /* abbreviated month name */
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, abbrevMonths[ time->tm_month ] );
-            break;
-         case 'B':
-            /* full month name */
-            ADDSTR(bufPtr, bufSize,  months[ time->tm_month ] );
-            break;
-         case 'c':
-            /* Date and time. */
-            PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish( tmpBuf, tmpBufSize, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", time );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf );
-            break;
-         case 'd':
-            /* day of month ( 01 - 31 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2ld",time->tm_mday );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'H':
-            /* hour ( 00 - 23 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2ld",time->tm_hour );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'I':
-            /* hour ( 01 - 12 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2ld",
-                        (time->tm_hour%12) ? time->tm_hour%12 : (PRInt32) 12 );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'j':
-            /* day number of year ( 001 - 366 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.3d",time->tm_yday + 1);
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'm':
-            /* month number ( 01 - 12 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2ld",time->tm_month+1);
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'M':
-            /* minute ( 00 - 59 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2ld",time->tm_min );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'p':
-            /* locale's equivalent of either AM or PM */
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, (time->tm_hour<12)?"AM":"PM" ); 
-            break;
-         case 'S':
-            /* seconds ( 00 - 61 ), allows for leap seconds */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2ld",time->tm_sec );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'U':
-            /* week number of year ( 00 - 53  ),  Sunday  is  the first day of week 1 */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2d", pr_WeekOfYear( time, 0 ) );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf );
-            break;
-         case 'w':
-            /* weekday number ( 0 - 6 ), Sunday = 0 */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%d",time->tm_wday );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'W':
-            /* Week number of year ( 00 - 53  ),  Monday  is  the first day of week 1 */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2d", pr_WeekOfYear( time, 1 ) );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf );
-            break;
-         case 'x':
-            /* Date representation */
-            PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish( tmpBuf, tmpBufSize, "%m/%d/%y", time );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf );
-            break;
-         case 'X':
-            /* Time representation. */
-            PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish( tmpBuf, tmpBufSize, "%H:%M:%S", time );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf );
-            break;
-         case 'y':
-            /* year within century ( 00 - 99 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.2d",time->tm_year % 100 );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'Y':
-            /* year as ccyy ( for example 1986 ) */
-            PR_snprintf(tmpBuf,tmpBufSize,"%.4d",time->tm_year );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         case 'Z':
-            /* Time zone name or no characters if  no  time  zone exists.
-             * Since time zone name is supposed to be independant of locale, we
-             * defer to PR_FormatTime() for this option.
-             */
-            PR_FormatTime( tmpBuf, tmpBufSize, "%Z", time );
-            ADDSTR( bufPtr, bufSize, tmpBuf ); 
-            break;
-         default:
-            /* Unknown format.  Simply copy format into output buffer. */
-            ADDCHAR( bufPtr, bufSize, '%' );
-            ADDCHAR( bufPtr, bufSize, *fmtPtr );
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   ADDCHAR( bufPtr, bufSize, '\0' );
-   return (PRUint32)(bufPtr - buf - 1);
- *
- * Description:
- *  Returns the week number of the year (0-53) for the given time.  firstDayOfWeek
- *  is the day on which the week is considered to start (0=Sun, 1=Mon, ...).
- *  Week 1 starts the first time firstDayOfWeek occurs in the year.  In other words,
- *  a partial week at the start of the year is considered week 0.  
- *
- **********************************************************************************/
-static unsigned int
-pr_WeekOfYear(const PRExplodedTime* time, unsigned int firstDayOfWeek)
-   int dayOfWeek;
-   int dayOfYear;
-  /* Get the day of the year for the given time then adjust it to represent the
-   * first day of the week containing the given time.
-   */
-  dayOfWeek = time->tm_wday - firstDayOfWeek;
-  if (dayOfWeek < 0)
-    dayOfWeek += 7;
-  dayOfYear = time->tm_yday - dayOfWeek;
-  if( dayOfYear <= 0 )
-  {
-     /* If dayOfYear is <= 0, it is in the first partial week of the year. */
-     return 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-     /* Count the number of full weeks ( dayOfYear / 7 ) then add a week if there
-      * are any days left over ( dayOfYear % 7 ).  Because we are only counting to
-      * the first day of the week containing the given time, rather than to the
-      * actual day representing the given time, any days in week 0 will be "absorbed"
-      * as extra days in the given week.
-      */
-     return (dayOfYear / 7) + ( (dayOfYear % 7) == 0 ? 0 : 1 );
-  }
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtpool.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtpool.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0671cc1..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtpool.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1187 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "nspr.h"
- * Thread pools
- *	Thread pools create and manage threads to provide support for
- *	scheduling jobs onto one or more threads.
- *
- */
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-#include <windows.h>
- * worker thread
- */
-typedef struct wthread {
-	PRCList		links;
-	PRThread	*thread;
-} wthread;
- * queue of timer jobs
- */
-typedef struct timer_jobq {
-	PRCList		list;
-	PRLock		*lock;
-	PRCondVar	*cv;
-	PRInt32		cnt;
-	PRCList 	wthreads;
-} timer_jobq;
- * queue of jobs
- */
-typedef struct tp_jobq {
-	PRCList		list;
-	PRInt32		cnt;
-	PRLock		*lock;
-	PRCondVar	*cv;
-	PRCList 	wthreads;
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-	HANDLE		nt_completion_port;
-} tp_jobq;
- * queue of IO jobs
- */
-typedef struct io_jobq {
-	PRCList		list;
-	PRPollDesc  *pollfds;
-	PRInt32  	npollfds;
-	PRJob		**polljobs;
-	PRLock		*lock;
-	PRInt32		cnt;
-	PRFileDesc	*notify_fd;
-	PRCList 	wthreads;
-} io_jobq;
- * Threadpool
- */
-struct PRThreadPool {
-	PRInt32		init_threads;
-	PRInt32		max_threads;
-	PRInt32		current_threads;
-	PRInt32		idle_threads;
-	PRUint32	stacksize;
-	tp_jobq		jobq;
-	io_jobq		ioq;
-	timer_jobq	timerq;
-	PRLock		*join_lock;		/* used with jobp->join_cv */
-	PRCondVar	*shutdown_cv;
-	PRBool		shutdown;
-typedef enum io_op_type
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-typedef struct NT_notifier {
-	OVERLAPPED overlapped;		/* must be first */
-	PRJob	*jobp;
-} NT_notifier;
-struct PRJob {
-	PRCList			links;		/* 	for linking jobs */
-	PRBool			on_ioq;		/* job on ioq */
-	PRBool			on_timerq;	/* job on timerq */
-	PRJobFn			job_func;
-	void 			*job_arg;
-	PRCondVar		*join_cv;
-	PRBool			join_wait;	/* == PR_TRUE, when waiting to join */
-	PRCondVar		*cancel_cv;	/* for cancelling IO jobs */
-	PRBool			cancel_io;	/* for cancelling IO jobs */
-	PRThreadPool	*tpool;		/* back pointer to thread pool */
-	PRJobIoDesc		*iod;
-	io_op_type		io_op;
-	PRInt16			io_poll_flags;
-	PRNetAddr		*netaddr;
-	PRIntervalTime	timeout;	/* relative value */
-	PRIntervalTime	absolute;
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-	NT_notifier		nt_notifier;	
-#define JOB_LINKS_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRJob *) ((char *) (_qp) - offsetof(PRJob, links)))
-#define WTHREAD_LINKS_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((wthread *) ((char *) (_qp) - offsetof(wthread, links)))
-#define JOINABLE_JOB(_jobp) (NULL != (_jobp)->join_cv)
-#define JOIN_NOTIFY(_jobp)								\
-				PR_BEGIN_MACRO							\
-				PR_Lock(_jobp->tpool->join_lock);		\
-				_jobp->join_wait = PR_FALSE;			\
-				PR_NotifyCondVar(_jobp->join_cv);		\
-				PR_Unlock(_jobp->tpool->join_lock);		\
-#define CANCEL_IO_JOB(jobp)								\
-				PR_BEGIN_MACRO							\
-				jobp->cancel_io = PR_FALSE;				\
-				jobp->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;				\
-				PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(&jobp->links);	\
-				tp->ioq.cnt--;							\
-				PR_NotifyCondVar(jobp->cancel_cv);		\
-static void delete_job(PRJob *jobp);
-static PRThreadPool * alloc_threadpool(void);
-static PRJob * alloc_job(PRBool joinable, PRThreadPool *tp);
-static void notify_ioq(PRThreadPool *tp);
-static void notify_timerq(PRThreadPool *tp);
- * locks are acquired in the following order
- *
- *	tp->ioq.lock,tp->timerq.lock
- *			|
- *			V
- *		tp->jobq->lock		
- */
- * worker thread function
- */
-static void wstart(void *arg)
-PRThreadPool *tp = (PRThreadPool *) arg;
-PRCList *head;
-	/*
-	 * execute jobs until shutdown
-	 */
-	while (!tp->shutdown) {
-		PRJob *jobp;
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-		BOOL rv;
-		DWORD unused, shutdown;
-		PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		tp->idle_threads++;
-		PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		rv = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(tp->jobq.nt_completion_port,
-					&unused, &shutdown, &olp, INFINITE);
-		PR_ASSERT(rv);
-		if (shutdown)
-			break;
-		jobp = ((NT_notifier *) olp)->jobp;
-		PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		tp->idle_threads--;
-		tp->jobq.cnt--;
-		PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		while (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tp->jobq.list) && (!tp->shutdown)) {
-			tp->idle_threads++;
-			PR_WaitCondVar(tp->, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-			tp->idle_threads--;
-		}	
-		if (tp->shutdown) {
-			PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-			break;
-		}
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tp->jobq.list);
-		/*
-		 * remove job from queue
-		 */
-		tp->jobq.cnt--;
-		jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		jobp->job_func(jobp->job_arg);
-		if (!JOINABLE_JOB(jobp)) {
-			delete_job(jobp);
-		} else {
-			JOIN_NOTIFY(jobp);
-		}
-	}
-	PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-	tp->current_threads--;
-	PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
- * add a job to the work queue
- */
-static void
-add_to_jobq(PRThreadPool *tp, PRJob *jobp)
-	/*
-	 * add to jobq
-	 */
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-	PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-	tp->jobq.cnt++;
-	PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-	/*
-	 * notify worker thread(s)
-	 */
-	PostQueuedCompletionStatus(tp->jobq.nt_completion_port, 0,
-            FALSE, &jobp->nt_notifier.overlapped);
-	PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-	PR_APPEND_LINK(&jobp->links,&tp->jobq.list);
-	tp->jobq.cnt++;
-	if ((tp->idle_threads < tp->jobq.cnt) &&
-					(tp->current_threads < tp->max_threads)) {
-		wthread *wthrp;
-		/*
-		 * increment thread count and unlock the jobq lock
-		 */
-		tp->current_threads++;
-		PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		/* create new worker thread */
-		wthrp = PR_NEWZAP(wthread);
-		if (wthrp) {
-			wthrp->thread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, wstart,
-			if (NULL == wthrp->thread) {
-				PR_DELETE(wthrp);  /* this sets wthrp to NULL */
-			}
-		}
-		PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		if (NULL == wthrp) {
-			tp->current_threads--;
-		} else {
-			PR_APPEND_LINK(&wthrp->links, &tp->jobq.wthreads);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * wakeup a worker thread
-	 */
-	PR_NotifyCondVar(tp->;
-	PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
- * io worker thread function
- */
-static void io_wstart(void *arg)
-PRThreadPool *tp = (PRThreadPool *) arg;
-int pollfd_cnt, pollfds_used;
-int rv;
-PRCList *qp, *nextqp;
-PRPollDesc *pollfds = NULL;
-PRJob **polljobs = NULL;
-int poll_timeout;
-PRIntervalTime now;
-	/*
-	 * scan io_jobq
-	 * construct poll list
-	 * call PR_Poll
-	 * for all fds, for which poll returns true, move the job to
-	 * jobq and wakeup worker thread.
-	 */
-	while (!tp->shutdown) {
-		PRJob *jobp;
-		pollfd_cnt = tp->ioq.cnt + 10;
-		if (pollfd_cnt > tp->ioq.npollfds) {
-			/*
-			 * re-allocate pollfd array if the current one is not large
-			 * enough
-			 */
-			if (NULL != tp->ioq.pollfds)
-				PR_Free(tp->ioq.pollfds);
-			tp->ioq.pollfds = (PRPollDesc *) PR_Malloc(pollfd_cnt *
-						(sizeof(PRPollDesc) + sizeof(PRJob *)));
-			PR_ASSERT(NULL != tp->ioq.pollfds);
-			/*
-			 * array of pollfds
-			 */
-			pollfds = tp->ioq.pollfds;
-			tp->ioq.polljobs = (PRJob **) (&tp->ioq.pollfds[pollfd_cnt]);
-			/*
-			 * parallel array of jobs
-			 */
-			polljobs = tp->ioq.polljobs;
-			tp->ioq.npollfds = pollfd_cnt;
-		}
-		pollfds_used = 0;
-		/*
-		 * add the notify fd; used for unblocking io thread(s)
-		 */
-		pollfds[pollfds_used].fd = tp->ioq.notify_fd;
-		pollfds[pollfds_used].in_flags = PR_POLL_READ;
-		pollfds[pollfds_used].out_flags = 0;
-		polljobs[pollfds_used] = NULL;
-		pollfds_used++;
-		/*
-		 * fill in the pollfd array
-		 */
-		PR_Lock(tp->ioq.lock);
-		for (qp = tp->; qp != &tp->ioq.list; qp = nextqp) {
-			nextqp = qp->next;
-			jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			if (jobp->cancel_io) {
-				CANCEL_IO_JOB(jobp);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (pollfds_used == (pollfd_cnt))
-				break;
-			pollfds[pollfds_used].fd = jobp->iod->socket;
-			pollfds[pollfds_used].in_flags = jobp->io_poll_flags;
-			pollfds[pollfds_used].out_flags = 0;
-			polljobs[pollfds_used] = jobp;
-			pollfds_used++;
-		}
-		if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tp->ioq.list)) {
-			qp = tp->;
-			jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT == jobp->timeout)
-				poll_timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-			else if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == jobp->timeout)
-				poll_timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT;
-			else {
-				poll_timeout = jobp->absolute - PR_IntervalNow();
-				if (poll_timeout <= 0) /* already timed out */
-					poll_timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT;
-			}
-		} else {
-			poll_timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-		}
-		PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-		/*
-		 * XXXX
-		 * should retry if more jobs have been added to the queue?
-		 *
-		 */
-		PR_ASSERT(pollfds_used <= pollfd_cnt);
-		rv = PR_Poll(tp->ioq.pollfds, pollfds_used, poll_timeout);
-		if (tp->shutdown) {
-			break;
-		}
-		if (rv > 0) {
-			/*
-			 * at least one io event is set
-			 */
-			PRStatus rval_status;
-			PRInt32 index;
-			PR_ASSERT(pollfds[0].fd == tp->ioq.notify_fd);
-			/*
-			 * reset the pollable event, if notified
-			 */
-			if (pollfds[0].out_flags & PR_POLL_READ) {
-				rval_status = PR_WaitForPollableEvent(tp->ioq.notify_fd);
-				PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rval_status);
-			}
-			for(index = 1; index < (pollfds_used); index++) {
-                PRInt16 events = pollfds[index].in_flags;
-                PRInt16 revents = pollfds[index].out_flags;	
-				jobp = polljobs[index];	
-                if ((revents & PR_POLL_NVAL) ||  /* busted in all cases */
-                	(revents & PR_POLL_ERR) ||
-                			((events & PR_POLL_WRITE) &&
-							(revents & PR_POLL_HUP))) { /* write op & hup */
-					PR_Lock(tp->ioq.lock);
-					if (jobp->cancel_io) {
-						CANCEL_IO_JOB(jobp);
-						PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-						continue;
-					}
-					PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(&jobp->links);
-					tp->ioq.cnt--;
-					jobp->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;
-					PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-					/* set error */
-                    if (PR_POLL_NVAL & revents)
-						jobp->iod->error = PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR;
-                    else if (PR_POLL_HUP & revents)
-						jobp->iod->error = PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR;
-                    else 
-						jobp->iod->error = PR_IO_ERROR;
-					/*
-					 * add to jobq
-					 */
-					add_to_jobq(tp, jobp);
-				} else if (revents) {
-					/*
-					 * add to jobq
-					 */
-					PR_Lock(tp->ioq.lock);
-					if (jobp->cancel_io) {
-						CANCEL_IO_JOB(jobp);
-						PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-						continue;
-					}
-					PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(&jobp->links);
-					tp->ioq.cnt--;
-					jobp->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;
-					PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-					if (jobp->io_op == JOB_IO_CONNECT) {
-						if (PR_GetConnectStatus(&pollfds[index]) == PR_SUCCESS)
-							jobp->iod->error = 0;
-						else
-							jobp->iod->error = PR_GetError();
-					} else
-						jobp->iod->error = 0;
-					add_to_jobq(tp, jobp);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * timeout processing
-		 */
-		now = PR_IntervalNow();
-		PR_Lock(tp->ioq.lock);
-		for (qp = tp->; qp != &tp->ioq.list; qp = nextqp) {
-			nextqp = qp->next;
-			jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			if (jobp->cancel_io) {
-				CANCEL_IO_JOB(jobp);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT == jobp->timeout)
-				break;
-			if ((PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT != jobp->timeout) &&
-								((PRInt32)(jobp->absolute - now) > 0))
-				break;
-			PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(&jobp->links);
-			tp->ioq.cnt--;
-			jobp->on_ioq = PR_FALSE;
-			jobp->iod->error = PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR;
-			add_to_jobq(tp, jobp);
-		}
-		PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-	}
- * timer worker thread function
- */
-static void timer_wstart(void *arg)
-PRThreadPool *tp = (PRThreadPool *) arg;
-PRCList *qp;
-PRIntervalTime timeout;
-PRIntervalTime now;
-	/*
-	 * call PR_WaitCondVar with minimum value of all timeouts
-	 */
-	while (!tp->shutdown) {
-		PRJob *jobp;
-		PR_Lock(tp->timerq.lock);
-		if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tp->timerq.list)) {
-		} else {
-			PRCList *qp;
-			qp = tp->;
-			jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			timeout = jobp->absolute - PR_IntervalNow();
-            if (timeout <= 0)
-				timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT;  /* already timed out */
-		}
-		if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT != timeout)
-			PR_WaitCondVar(tp->, timeout);
-		if (tp->shutdown) {
-			PR_Unlock(tp->timerq.lock);
-			break;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * move expired-timer jobs to jobq
-		 */
-		now = PR_IntervalNow();	
-		while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tp->timerq.list)) {
-			qp = tp->;
-			jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			if ((PRInt32)(jobp->absolute - now) > 0) {
-				break;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * job timed out
-			 */
-			PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(&jobp->links);
-			tp->timerq.cnt--;
-			jobp->on_timerq = PR_FALSE;
-			add_to_jobq(tp, jobp);
-		}
-		PR_Unlock(tp->timerq.lock);
-	}
-static void
-delete_threadpool(PRThreadPool *tp)
-	if (NULL != tp) {
-		if (NULL != tp->shutdown_cv)
-			PR_DestroyCondVar(tp->shutdown_cv);
-		if (NULL != tp->
-			PR_DestroyCondVar(tp->;
-		if (NULL != tp->jobq.lock)
-			PR_DestroyLock(tp->jobq.lock);
-		if (NULL != tp->join_lock)
-			PR_DestroyLock(tp->join_lock);
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-		if (NULL != tp->jobq.nt_completion_port)
-			CloseHandle(tp->jobq.nt_completion_port);
-		/* Timer queue */
-		if (NULL != tp->
-			PR_DestroyCondVar(tp->;
-		if (NULL != tp->timerq.lock)
-			PR_DestroyLock(tp->timerq.lock);
-		if (NULL != tp->ioq.lock)
-			PR_DestroyLock(tp->ioq.lock);
-		if (NULL != tp->ioq.pollfds)
-			PR_Free(tp->ioq.pollfds);
-		if (NULL != tp->ioq.notify_fd)
-			PR_DestroyPollableEvent(tp->ioq.notify_fd);
-		PR_Free(tp);
-	}
-	return;
-static PRThreadPool *
-PRThreadPool *tp;
-	tp = (PRThreadPool *) PR_CALLOC(sizeof(*tp));
-	if (NULL == tp)
-		goto failed;
-	tp->jobq.lock = PR_NewLock();
-	if (NULL == tp->jobq.lock)
-		goto failed;
-	tp-> = PR_NewCondVar(tp->jobq.lock);
-	if (NULL == tp->
-		goto failed;
-	tp->join_lock = PR_NewLock();
-	if (NULL == tp->join_lock)
-		goto failed;
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-	tp->jobq.nt_completion_port = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
-									NULL, 0, 0);
-	if (NULL == tp->jobq.nt_completion_port)
-		goto failed;
-	tp->ioq.lock = PR_NewLock();
-	if (NULL == tp->ioq.lock)
-		goto failed;
-	/* Timer queue */
-	tp->timerq.lock = PR_NewLock();
-	if (NULL == tp->timerq.lock)
-		goto failed;
-	tp-> = PR_NewCondVar(tp->timerq.lock);
-	if (NULL == tp->
-		goto failed;
-	tp->shutdown_cv = PR_NewCondVar(tp->jobq.lock);
-	if (NULL == tp->shutdown_cv)
-		goto failed;
-	tp->ioq.notify_fd = PR_NewPollableEvent();
-	if (NULL == tp->ioq.notify_fd)
-		goto failed;
-	return tp;
-	delete_threadpool(tp);
-	return NULL;
-/* Create thread pool */
-PR_CreateThreadPool(PRInt32 initial_threads, PRInt32 max_threads,
-                                PRUint32 stacksize)
-PRThreadPool *tp;
-PRThread *thr;
-int i;
-wthread *wthrp;
-	tp = alloc_threadpool();
-	if (NULL == tp)
-		return NULL;
-	tp->init_threads = initial_threads;
-	tp->max_threads = max_threads;
-	tp->stacksize = stacksize;
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&tp->jobq.list);
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&tp->ioq.list);
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&tp->timerq.list);
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&tp->jobq.wthreads);
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&tp->ioq.wthreads);
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&tp->timerq.wthreads);
-	tp->shutdown = PR_FALSE;
-	PR_Lock(tp->jobq.lock);
-	for(i=0; i < initial_threads; ++i) {
-		thr = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, wstart,
-		PR_ASSERT(thr);
-		wthrp = PR_NEWZAP(wthread);
-		PR_ASSERT(wthrp);
-		wthrp->thread = thr;
-		PR_APPEND_LINK(&wthrp->links, &tp->jobq.wthreads);
-	}
-	tp->current_threads = initial_threads;
-	thr = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, io_wstart,
-	PR_ASSERT(thr);
-	wthrp = PR_NEWZAP(wthread);
-	PR_ASSERT(wthrp);
-	wthrp->thread = thr;
-	PR_APPEND_LINK(&wthrp->links, &tp->ioq.wthreads);
-	thr = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, timer_wstart,
-	PR_ASSERT(thr);
-	wthrp = PR_NEWZAP(wthread);
-	PR_ASSERT(wthrp);
-	wthrp->thread = thr;
-	PR_APPEND_LINK(&wthrp->links, &tp->timerq.wthreads);
-	PR_Unlock(tp->jobq.lock);
-	return tp;
-static void
-delete_job(PRJob *jobp)
-	if (NULL != jobp) {
-		if (NULL != jobp->join_cv) {
-			PR_DestroyCondVar(jobp->join_cv);
-			jobp->join_cv = NULL;
-		}
-		if (NULL != jobp->cancel_cv) {
-			PR_DestroyCondVar(jobp->cancel_cv);
-			jobp->cancel_cv = NULL;
-		}
-		PR_DELETE(jobp);
-	}
-static PRJob *
-alloc_job(PRBool joinable, PRThreadPool *tp)
-	PRJob *jobp;
-	jobp = PR_NEWZAP(PRJob);
-	if (NULL == jobp) 
-		goto failed;
-	if (joinable) {
-		jobp->join_cv = PR_NewCondVar(tp->join_lock);
-		jobp->join_wait = PR_TRUE;
-		if (NULL == jobp->join_cv)
-			goto failed;
-	} else {
-		jobp->join_cv = NULL;
-	}
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-	jobp->nt_notifier.jobp = jobp;
-	return jobp;
-	delete_job(jobp);
-	return NULL;
-/* queue a job */
-PR_QueueJob(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobFn fn, void *arg, PRBool joinable)
-	PRJob *jobp;
-	jobp = alloc_job(joinable, tpool);
-	if (NULL == jobp)
-		return NULL;
-	jobp->job_func = fn;
-	jobp->job_arg = arg;
-	jobp->tpool = tpool;
-	add_to_jobq(tpool, jobp);
-	return jobp;
-/* queue a job, when a socket is readable or writeable */
-static PRJob *
-queue_io_job(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod, PRJobFn fn, void * arg,
-				PRBool joinable, io_op_type op)
-	PRJob *jobp;
-	PRIntervalTime now;
-	jobp = alloc_job(joinable, tpool);
-	if (NULL == jobp) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Add a new job to io_jobq
-	 * wakeup io worker thread
-	 */
-	jobp->job_func = fn;
-	jobp->job_arg = arg;
-	jobp->tpool = tpool;
-	jobp->iod = iod;
-	if (JOB_IO_READ == op) {
-		jobp->io_op = JOB_IO_READ;
-		jobp->io_poll_flags = PR_POLL_READ;
-	} else if (JOB_IO_WRITE == op) {
-		jobp->io_op = JOB_IO_WRITE;
-		jobp->io_poll_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE;
-	} else if (JOB_IO_ACCEPT == op) {
-		jobp->io_op = JOB_IO_ACCEPT;
-		jobp->io_poll_flags = PR_POLL_READ;
-	} else if (JOB_IO_CONNECT == op) {
-		jobp->io_op = JOB_IO_CONNECT;
-		jobp->io_poll_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE|PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
-	} else {
-		delete_job(jobp);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	jobp->timeout = iod->timeout;
-	if ((PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT == iod->timeout) ||
-			(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == iod->timeout)) {
-		jobp->absolute = iod->timeout;
-	} else {
-		now = PR_IntervalNow();
-		jobp->absolute = now + iod->timeout;
-	}
-	PR_Lock(tpool->ioq.lock);
-	if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->ioq.list) ||
-			(PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT == iod->timeout)) {
-		PR_APPEND_LINK(&jobp->links,&tpool->ioq.list);
-	} else if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == iod->timeout) {
-		PR_INSERT_LINK(&jobp->links,&tpool->ioq.list);
-	} else {
-		PRCList *qp;
-		PRJob *tmp_jobp;
-		/*
-		 * insert into the timeout-sorted ioq
-		 */
-		for (qp = tpool->ioq.list.prev; qp != &tpool->ioq.list;
-							qp = qp->prev) {
-			tmp_jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			if ((PRInt32)(jobp->absolute - tmp_jobp->absolute) >= 0) {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		PR_INSERT_AFTER(&jobp->links,qp);
-	}
-	jobp->on_ioq = PR_TRUE;
-	tpool->ioq.cnt++;
-	/*
-	 * notify io worker thread(s)
-	 */
-	PR_Unlock(tpool->ioq.lock);
-	notify_ioq(tpool);
-	return jobp;
-/* queue a job, when a socket is readable */
-PR_QueueJob_Read(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod, PRJobFn fn, void * arg,
-											PRBool joinable)
-	return (queue_io_job(tpool, iod, fn, arg, joinable, JOB_IO_READ));
-/* queue a job, when a socket is writeable */
-PR_QueueJob_Write(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod, PRJobFn fn,void * arg,
-										PRBool joinable)
-	return (queue_io_job(tpool, iod, fn, arg, joinable, JOB_IO_WRITE));
-/* queue a job, when a socket has a pending connection */
-PR_QueueJob_Accept(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod, PRJobFn fn,
-								void * arg, PRBool joinable)
-	return (queue_io_job(tpool, iod, fn, arg, joinable, JOB_IO_ACCEPT));
-/* queue a job, when a socket can be connected */
-PR_QueueJob_Connect(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRJobIoDesc *iod,
-			const PRNetAddr *addr, PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable)
-	PRStatus rv;
-	PRErrorCode err;
-	rv = PR_Connect(iod->socket, addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT);
-	if ((rv == PR_FAILURE) && ((err = PR_GetError()) == PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR)){
-		/* connection pending */
-		return(queue_io_job(tpool, iod, fn, arg, joinable, JOB_IO_CONNECT));
-	} else {
-		/*
-		 * connection succeeded or failed; add to jobq right away
-		 */
-		if (rv == PR_FAILURE)
-			iod->error = err;
-		else
-			iod->error = 0;
-		return(PR_QueueJob(tpool, fn, arg, joinable));
-	}
-/* queue a job, when a timer expires */
-PR_QueueJob_Timer(PRThreadPool *tpool, PRIntervalTime timeout,
-							PRJobFn fn, void * arg, PRBool joinable)
-	PRIntervalTime now;
-	PRJob *jobp;
-	if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT == timeout) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) {
-		/*
-		 * no waiting; add to jobq right away
-		 */
-		return(PR_QueueJob(tpool, fn, arg, joinable));
-	}
-	jobp = alloc_job(joinable, tpool);
-	if (NULL == jobp) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Add a new job to timer_jobq
-	 * wakeup timer worker thread
-	 */
-	jobp->job_func = fn;
-	jobp->job_arg = arg;
-	jobp->tpool = tpool;
-	jobp->timeout = timeout;
-	now = PR_IntervalNow();
-	jobp->absolute = now + timeout;
-	PR_Lock(tpool->timerq.lock);
-	jobp->on_timerq = PR_TRUE;
-	if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->timerq.list))
-		PR_APPEND_LINK(&jobp->links,&tpool->timerq.list);
-	else {
-		PRCList *qp;
-		PRJob *tmp_jobp;
-		/*
-		 * insert into the sorted timer jobq
-		 */
-		for (qp = tpool->timerq.list.prev; qp != &tpool->timerq.list;
-							qp = qp->prev) {
-			tmp_jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(qp);
-			if ((PRInt32)(jobp->absolute - tmp_jobp->absolute) >= 0) {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		PR_INSERT_AFTER(&jobp->links,qp);
-	}
-	tpool->timerq.cnt++;
-	/*
-	 * notify timer worker thread(s)
-	 */
-	notify_timerq(tpool);
-	PR_Unlock(tpool->timerq.lock);
-	return jobp;
-static void
-notify_timerq(PRThreadPool *tp)
-	/*
-	 * wakeup the timer thread(s)
-	 */
-	PR_NotifyCondVar(tp->;
-static void
-notify_ioq(PRThreadPool *tp)
-PRStatus rval_status;
-	/*
-	 * wakeup the io thread(s)
-	 */
-	rval_status = PR_SetPollableEvent(tp->ioq.notify_fd);
-	PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rval_status);
- * cancel a job
- *
- *	XXXX: is this needed? likely to be removed
- */
-PR_CancelJob(PRJob *jobp) {
-	PRStatus rval = PR_FAILURE;
-	PRThreadPool *tp;
-	if (jobp->on_timerq) {
-		/*
-		 * now, check again while holding the timerq lock
-		 */
-		tp = jobp->tpool;
-		PR_Lock(tp->timerq.lock);
-		if (jobp->on_timerq) {
-			jobp->on_timerq = PR_FALSE;
-			PR_REMOVE_AND_INIT_LINK(&jobp->links);
-			tp->timerq.cnt--;
-			PR_Unlock(tp->timerq.lock);
-			if (!JOINABLE_JOB(jobp)) {
-				delete_job(jobp);
-			} else {
-				JOIN_NOTIFY(jobp);
-			}
-			rval = PR_SUCCESS;
-		} else
-			PR_Unlock(tp->timerq.lock);
-	} else if (jobp->on_ioq) {
-		/*
-		 * now, check again while holding the ioq lock
-		 */
-		tp = jobp->tpool;
-		PR_Lock(tp->ioq.lock);
-		if (jobp->on_ioq) {
-			jobp->cancel_cv = PR_NewCondVar(tp->ioq.lock);
-			if (NULL == jobp->cancel_cv) {
-				PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-				return PR_FAILURE;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * mark job 'cancelled' and notify io thread(s)
-			 * XXXX:
-			 *		this assumes there is only one io thread; when there
-			 * 		are multiple threads, the io thread processing this job
-			 * 		must be notified.
-			 */
-			jobp->cancel_io = PR_TRUE;
-			PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);	/* release, reacquire ioq lock */
-			notify_ioq(tp);
-			PR_Lock(tp->ioq.lock);
-			while (jobp->cancel_io)
-				PR_WaitCondVar(jobp->cancel_cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-			PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-			PR_ASSERT(!jobp->on_ioq);
-			if (!JOINABLE_JOB(jobp)) {
-				delete_job(jobp);
-			} else {
-				JOIN_NOTIFY(jobp);
-			}
-			rval = PR_SUCCESS;
-		} else
-			PR_Unlock(tp->ioq.lock);
-	}
-	if (PR_FAILURE == rval)
-	return rval;
-/* join a job, wait until completion */
-PR_JoinJob(PRJob *jobp)
-	if (!JOINABLE_JOB(jobp)) {
-		return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	PR_Lock(jobp->tpool->join_lock);
-	while(jobp->join_wait)
-		PR_WaitCondVar(jobp->join_cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-	PR_Unlock(jobp->tpool->join_lock);
-	delete_job(jobp);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-/* shutdown threadpool */
-PR_ShutdownThreadPool(PRThreadPool *tpool)
-PRStatus rval = PR_SUCCESS;
-	PR_Lock(tpool->jobq.lock);
-	tpool->shutdown = PR_TRUE;
-	PR_NotifyAllCondVar(tpool->shutdown_cv);
-	PR_Unlock(tpool->jobq.lock);
-	return rval;
- * join thread pool
- * 	wait for termination of worker threads
- *	reclaim threadpool resources
- */
-PR_JoinThreadPool(PRThreadPool *tpool)
-PRStatus rval = PR_SUCCESS;
-PRCList *head;
-PRStatus rval_status;
-	PR_Lock(tpool->jobq.lock);
-	while (!tpool->shutdown)
-		PR_WaitCondVar(tpool->shutdown_cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-	/*
-	 * wakeup worker threads
-	 */
-#ifdef OPT_WINNT
-	/*
-	 * post shutdown notification for all threads
-	 */
-	{
-		int i;
-		for(i=0; i < tpool->current_threads; i++) {
-			PostQueuedCompletionStatus(tpool->jobq.nt_completion_port, 0,
-												TRUE, NULL);
-		}
-	}
-	PR_NotifyAllCondVar(tpool->;
-	/*
-	 * wakeup io thread(s)
-	 */
-	notify_ioq(tpool);
-	/*
-	 * wakeup timer thread(s)
-	 */
-	PR_Lock(tpool->timerq.lock);
-	notify_timerq(tpool);
-	PR_Unlock(tpool->timerq.lock);
-	while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->jobq.wthreads)) {
-		wthread *wthrp;
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tpool->jobq.wthreads);
-		PR_Unlock(tpool->jobq.lock);
-		wthrp = WTHREAD_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		rval_status = PR_JoinThread(wthrp->thread);
-		PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rval_status);
-		PR_DELETE(wthrp);
-		PR_Lock(tpool->jobq.lock);
-	}
-	PR_Unlock(tpool->jobq.lock);
-	while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->ioq.wthreads)) {
-		wthread *wthrp;
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tpool->ioq.wthreads);
-		wthrp = WTHREAD_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		rval_status = PR_JoinThread(wthrp->thread);
-		PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rval_status);
-		PR_DELETE(wthrp);
-	}
-	while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->timerq.wthreads)) {
-		wthread *wthrp;
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tpool->timerq.wthreads);
-		wthrp = WTHREAD_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		rval_status = PR_JoinThread(wthrp->thread);
-		PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rval_status);
-		PR_DELETE(wthrp);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Delete queued jobs
-	 */
-	while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->jobq.list)) {
-		PRJob *jobp;
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tpool->jobq.list);
-		jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		tpool->jobq.cnt--;
-		delete_job(jobp);
-	}
-	/* delete io jobs */
-	while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->ioq.list)) {
-		PRJob *jobp;
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tpool->ioq.list);
-		tpool->ioq.cnt--;
-		jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		delete_job(jobp);
-	}
-	/* delete timer jobs */
-	while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&tpool->timerq.list)) {
-		PRJob *jobp;
-		head = PR_LIST_HEAD(&tpool->timerq.list);
-		tpool->timerq.cnt--;
-		jobp = JOB_LINKS_PTR(head);
-		delete_job(jobp);
-	}
-	PR_ASSERT(0 == tpool->jobq.cnt);
-	PR_ASSERT(0 == tpool->ioq.cnt);
-	PR_ASSERT(0 == tpool->timerq.cnt);
-	delete_threadpool(tpool);
-	return rval;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtrace.c b/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtrace.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 058f700..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/misc/prtrace.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,882 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** prtrace.c -- NSPR Trace Instrumentation
-** Implement the API defined in prtrace.h
-#include <string.h>
-#include "primpl.h"
-#define DEFAULT_TRACE_BUFSIZE ( 1024 * 1024 )
-** Enumerate states in a RName structure
-typedef enum TraceState
-    Running = 1,
-    Suspended = 2
-} TraceState;
-** Define QName structure
-typedef struct QName
-    PRCList link;
-    PRCList rNameList;
-    char    name[PRTRACE_NAME_MAX+1];
-} QName;
-** Define RName structure
-typedef struct RName
-    PRCList link;
-    PRLock  *lock;
-    QName   *qName;
-    TraceState state;
-    char    name[PRTRACE_NAME_MAX+1];
-    char    desc[PRTRACE_DESC_MAX+1];
-} RName;
-** The Trace Facility database
-static PRLogModuleInfo *lm;
-static PRLock      *traceLock;      /* Facility Lock */
-static PRCList     qNameList;       /* anchor to all QName structures */
-static TraceState traceState = Running;
-** in-memory trace buffer controls
-static  PRTraceEntry    *tBuf;      /* pointer to buffer */
-static  PRInt32         bufSize;    /* size of buffer, in bytes, rounded up to sizeof(PRTraceEntry) */
-static  volatile PRInt32  next;     /* index to next PRTraceEntry */
-static  PRInt32         last;       /* index of highest numbered trace entry */
-** Real-time buffer capture controls
-static PRInt32 fetchLastSeen = 0;
-static PRBool  fetchLostData = PR_FALSE;
-** Buffer write-to-file controls
-static  PRLock      *logLock;               /* Sync lock */
-static  PRCondVar   *logCVar;               /* Sync Condidtion Variable */
-** Inter-thread state communication.
-** Controling thread writes to logOrder under protection of logCVar
-** the logging thread reads logOrder and sets logState on Notify.
-** logSegments, logCount, logLostData must be read and written under
-** protection of logLock, logCVar.
-static  enum LogState
-    LogNotRunning,  /* Initial state */
-    LogReset,       /* Causes logger to re-calc controls */
-    LogActive,      /* Logging in progress, set only by log thread */
-    LogSuspend,     /* Suspend Logging */ 
-    LogResume,      /* Resume Logging => LogActive */ 
-    LogStop         /* Stop the log thread */
-}   logOrder, logState, localState;         /* controlling state variables */
-static  PRInt32     logSegments;            /* Number of buffer segments */
-static  PRInt32     logEntries;             /* number of Trace Entries in the buffer */
-static  PRInt32     logEntriesPerSegment;   /* number of PRTraceEntries per buffer segment */
-static  PRInt32     logSegSize;             /* size of buffer segment */
-static  PRInt32     logCount;               /* number of segments pending output */
-static  PRInt32     logLostData;            /* number of lost log buffer segments */
-** end Trace Database
-** _PR_InitializeTrace() -- Initialize the trace facility
-static void NewTraceBuffer( PRInt32 size )
-    /*
-    ** calculate the size of the buffer
-    ** round down so that each segment has the same number of
-    ** trace entries
-    */
-    logEntries = size / sizeof(PRTraceEntry);
-    logEntriesPerSegment = logEntries / logSegments;
-    logEntries = logSegments * logEntriesPerSegment;
-    bufSize = logEntries * sizeof(PRTraceEntry);
-    logSegSize = logEntriesPerSegment * sizeof(PRTraceEntry);
-    PR_ASSERT( bufSize != 0);
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-        ("NewTraceBuffer: logSegments: %ld, logEntries: %ld, logEntriesPerSegment: %ld, logSegSize: %ld",
-            logSegments, logEntries, logEntriesPerSegment, logSegSize ));
-    tBuf = PR_Malloc( bufSize );
-    if ( tBuf == NULL )
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("PRTrace: Failed to get trace buffer"));
-        PR_ASSERT( 0 );
-    } 
-    else
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_NOTICE,
-            ("PRTrace: Got trace buffer of size: %ld, at %p", bufSize, tBuf));
-    }
-    next = 0;
-    last = logEntries -1;
-    logCount = 0;
-    logLostData = PR_TRUE; /* not really on first call */
-    logOrder = LogReset;
-} /* end NewTraceBuffer() */
-** _PR_InitializeTrace() -- Initialize the trace facility
-static void _PR_InitializeTrace( void )
-    /* The lock pointer better be null on this call */
-    PR_ASSERT( traceLock == NULL );
-    traceLock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_ASSERT( traceLock != NULL );
-    PR_Lock( traceLock );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &qNameList );
-    lm = PR_NewLogModule("trace");
-    NewTraceBuffer( bufSize );
-    /* Initialize logging controls */
-    logLock = PR_NewLock();
-    logCVar = PR_NewCondVar( logLock );
-    PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-    return;    
-} /* end _PR_InitializeTrace() */
-** Create a Trace Handle
-	PR_CreateTrace( 
-    	const char *qName,          /* QName for this trace handle */
-	    const char *rName,          /* RName for this trace handle */
-	    const char *description     /* description for this trace handle */
-    QName   *qnp;
-    RName   *rnp;
-    PRBool  matchQname = PR_FALSE;
-    /* Self initialize, if necessary */
-    if ( traceLock == NULL )
-        _PR_InitializeTrace();
-    /* Validate input arguments */
-    PR_ASSERT( strlen(qName) <= PRTRACE_NAME_MAX );
-    PR_ASSERT( strlen(rName) <= PRTRACE_NAME_MAX );
-    PR_ASSERT( strlen(description) <= PRTRACE_DESC_MAX );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("PRTRACE: CreateTrace: Qname: %s, RName: %s", qName, rName));
-    /* Lock the Facility */
-    PR_Lock( traceLock );
-    /* Do we already have a matching QName? */
-    if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qNameList ))
-    {
-        qnp = (QName *) PR_LIST_HEAD( &qNameList );
-        do {
-            if ( strcmp(qnp->name, qName) == 0)
-            {
-                matchQname = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            qnp = (QName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &qnp->link );
-        } while( qnp != (QName *)&qNameList );
-    }
-    /*
-    ** If we did not find a matching QName,
-    **    allocate one and initialize it.
-    **    link it onto the qNameList.
-    **
-    */
-    if ( matchQname != PR_TRUE )
-    {
-        qnp = PR_NEWZAP( QName );
-        PR_ASSERT( qnp != NULL );
-        PR_INIT_CLIST( &qnp->link ); 
-        PR_INIT_CLIST( &qnp->rNameList ); 
-        strcpy( qnp->name, qName );
-        PR_APPEND_LINK( &qnp->link, &qNameList ); 
-    }
-    /* Do we already have a matching RName? */
-    if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qnp->rNameList ))
-    {
-        rnp = (RName *) PR_LIST_HEAD( &qnp->rNameList );
-        do {
-            /*
-            ** No duplicate RNames are allowed within a QName
-            **
-            */
-            PR_ASSERT( strcmp(rnp->name, rName));
-            rnp = (RName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &rnp->link );
-        } while( rnp != (RName *)&qnp->rNameList );
-    }
-    /* Get a new RName structure; initialize its members */
-    rnp = PR_NEWZAP( RName );
-    PR_ASSERT( rnp != NULL );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &rnp->link );
-    strcpy( rnp->name, rName );
-    strcpy( rnp->desc, description );
-    rnp->lock = PR_NewLock();
-    rnp->state = Running;
-    if ( rnp->lock == NULL )
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(0);
-    }
-    PR_APPEND_LINK( &rnp->link, &qnp->rNameList ); /* add RName to QName's rnList */    
-    rnp->qName = qnp;                       /* point the RName to the QName */
-    /* Unlock the Facility */
-    PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: Create: QName: %s %p, RName: %s %p\n\t",
-        qName, qnp, rName, rnp ));
-    return((PRTraceHandle)rnp);
-} /* end  PR_CreateTrace() */
-	PR_DestroyTrace( 
-		PRTraceHandle handle    /* Handle to be destroyed */
-    RName   *rnp = (RName *)handle;
-    QName   *qnp = rnp->qName;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: Deleting: QName: %s, RName: %s", 
-        qnp->name, rnp->name));
-    /* Lock the Facility */
-    PR_Lock( traceLock );
-    /*
-    ** Remove RName from the list of RNames in QName
-    ** and free RName
-    */
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: Deleting RName: %s, %p", 
-        rnp->name, rnp));
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK( &rnp->link );
-    PR_Free( rnp->lock );
-    PR_DELETE( rnp );
-    /*
-    ** If this is the last RName within QName
-    **   remove QName from the qNameList and free it
-    */
-    if ( PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qnp->rNameList ) )
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: Deleting unused QName: %s, %p", 
-            qnp->name, qnp));
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK( &qnp->link );
-        PR_DELETE( qnp );
-    } 
-    /* Unlock the Facility */
-    PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-    return;
-} /* end PR_DestroyTrace()  */
-** Create a TraceEntry in the trace buffer
-	PR_Trace( 
-    	PRTraceHandle handle,       /* use this trace handle */
-	    PRUint32    userData0,      /* User supplied data word 0 */
-	    PRUint32    userData1,      /* User supplied data word 1 */
-	    PRUint32    userData2,      /* User supplied data word 2 */
-	    PRUint32    userData3,      /* User supplied data word 3 */
-	    PRUint32    userData4,      /* User supplied data word 4 */
-	    PRUint32    userData5,      /* User supplied data word 5 */
-	    PRUint32    userData6,      /* User supplied data word 6 */
-	    PRUint32    userData7       /* User supplied data word 7 */
-    PRTraceEntry   *tep;
-    PRInt32         mark;
-    if ( (traceState == Suspended ) 
-        || ( ((RName *)handle)->state == Suspended )) 
-        return;
-    /*
-    ** Get the next trace entry slot w/ minimum delay
-    */
-    PR_Lock( traceLock );
-    tep = &tBuf[next++]; 
-    if ( next > last )
-        next = 0;
-    if ( fetchLostData == PR_FALSE && next == fetchLastSeen )
-        fetchLostData = PR_TRUE;
-    mark = next;
-    PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-    /*
-    ** We have a trace entry. Fill it in.
-    */
-    tep->thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    tep->handle = handle;
-    tep->time   = PR_Now();
-    tep->userData[0] = userData0;
-    tep->userData[1] = userData1;
-    tep->userData[2] = userData2;
-    tep->userData[3] = userData3;
-    tep->userData[4] = userData4;
-    tep->userData[5] = userData5;
-    tep->userData[6] = userData6;
-    tep->userData[7] = userData7;
-    /* When buffer segment is full, signal trace log thread to run */
-    if (( mark % logEntriesPerSegment) == 0 )
-    {
-        PR_Lock( logLock );
-        logCount++;
-        PR_NotifyCondVar( logCVar );
-        PR_Unlock( logLock );
-        /*
-        ** Gh0D! This is awful!
-        ** Anyway, to minimize lost trace data segments,
-        ** I inserted the PR_Sleep(0) to cause a context switch
-        ** so that the log thread could run.
-        ** I know, it perturbs the universe and may cause
-        ** funny things to happen in the optimized builds.
-        ** Take it out, lose data; leave it in risk Heisenberg.
-        */
-        /* PR_Sleep(0); */
-    }
-    return;
-} /* end PR_Trace() */
-	PR_SetTraceOption( 
-	    PRTraceOption command,  /* One of the enumerated values */
-	    void *value             /* command value or NULL */
-    RName * rnp;
-    switch ( command )
-    {
-        case PRTraceBufSize :
-            PR_Lock( traceLock );
-            PR_Free( tBuf );
-            bufSize = *(PRInt32 *)value;
-            NewTraceBuffer( bufSize );
-            PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceBufSize: %ld", bufSize));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceEnable :
-            rnp = *(RName **)value;
-            rnp->state = Running;
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceEnable: %p", rnp));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceDisable :
-            rnp = *(RName **)value;
-            rnp->state = Suspended;
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceDisable: %p", rnp));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceSuspend :
-            traceState = Suspended;
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceSuspend"));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceResume :
-            traceState = Running;
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceResume"));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceSuspendRecording :
-            PR_Lock( logLock );
-            logOrder = LogSuspend;
-            PR_NotifyCondVar( logCVar );
-            PR_Unlock( logLock );
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceSuspendRecording"));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceResumeRecording :
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceResumeRecording"));
-            if ( logState != LogSuspend )
-                break;
-            PR_Lock( logLock );
-            logOrder = LogResume;
-            PR_NotifyCondVar( logCVar );
-            PR_Unlock( logLock );
-            break;
-        case PRTraceStopRecording :
-            PR_Lock( logLock );
-            logOrder = LogStop;
-            PR_NotifyCondVar( logCVar );
-            PR_Unlock( logLock );
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceStopRecording"));
-            break;
-        case PRTraceLockHandles :
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceLockTraceHandles"));
-            PR_Lock( traceLock );
-            break;
-        case PRTraceUnLockHandles :
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: PRTraceUnLockHandles"));
-            PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-                ("PRSetTraceOption: Invalid command %ld", command ));
-            PR_ASSERT( 0 );
-            break;
-    } /* end switch() */
-    return;
-} /* end  PR_SetTraceOption() */
-	PR_GetTraceOption( 
-    	PRTraceOption command,  /* One of the enumerated values */
-	    void *value             /* command value or NULL */
-    switch ( command )
-    {
-        case PRTraceBufSize :
-            *((PRInt32 *)value) = bufSize;
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                ("PRGetTraceOption: PRTraceBufSize: %ld", bufSize ));
-            break;
-        default:
-            PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-                ("PRGetTraceOption: Invalid command %ld", command ));
-            PR_ASSERT( 0 );
-            break;
-    } /* end switch() */
-    return;
-} /* end PR_GetTraceOption() */
-	PR_GetTraceHandleFromName( 
-    	const char *qName,      /* QName search argument */
-        const char *rName       /* RName search argument */
-    const char    *qn, *rn, *desc;
-    PRTraceHandle     qh, rh = NULL;
-    RName   *rnp = NULL;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: GetTraceHandleFromName:\n\t"
-        "QName: %s, RName: %s", qName, rName ));
-    qh = PR_FindNextTraceQname( NULL );
-    while (qh != NULL)
-    {
-        rh = PR_FindNextTraceRname( NULL, qh );
-        while ( rh != NULL )
-        {
-            PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle( rh, &qn, &rn, &desc );
-            if ( (strcmp( qName, qn ) == 0)
-                && (strcmp( rName, rn ) == 0 ))
-            {
-                rnp = (RName *)rh;
-                goto foundIt;
-            }
-            rh = PR_FindNextTraceRname( rh, qh );
-        }
-        qh = PR_FindNextTraceQname( NULL );
-    }
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PR_Counter: GetConterHandleFromName: %p", rnp ));
-    return(rh);
-} /* end PR_GetTraceHandleFromName() */
-	PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle( 
-    	PRTraceHandle handle,       /* handle as search argument */
-	    const char **qName,         /* pointer to associated QName */
-	    const char **rName,         /* pointer to associated RName */
-    	const char **description    /* pointer to associated description */
-    RName   *rnp = (RName *)handle;
-    QName   *qnp = rnp->qName;
-    *qName = qnp->name;
-    *rName = rnp->name;
-    *description = rnp->desc;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: GetConterNameFromHandle: "
-        "QNp: %p, RNp: %p,\n\tQName: %s, RName: %s, Desc: %s", 
-        qnp, rnp, qnp->name, rnp->name, rnp->desc ));
-    return;
-} /* end PR_GetTraceNameFromHandle() */
-	PR_FindNextTraceQname( 
-        PRTraceHandle handle
-    QName *qnp = (QName *)handle;
-    if ( PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qNameList ))
-            qnp = NULL;
-    else if ( qnp == NULL )
-        qnp = (QName *)PR_LIST_HEAD( &qNameList );
-    else if ( PR_NEXT_LINK( &qnp->link ) ==  &qNameList )
-        qnp = NULL;
-    else  
-        qnp = (QName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &qnp->link );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: FindNextQname: Handle: %p, Returns: %p", 
-        handle, qnp ));
-    return((PRTraceHandle)qnp);
-} /* end PR_FindNextTraceQname() */
-	PR_FindNextTraceRname( 
-        PRTraceHandle rhandle,
-        PRTraceHandle qhandle
-    RName *rnp = (RName *)rhandle;
-    QName *qnp = (QName *)qhandle;
-    if ( PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY( &qnp->rNameList ))
-        rnp = NULL;
-    else if ( rnp == NULL )
-        rnp = (RName *)PR_LIST_HEAD( &qnp->rNameList );
-    else if ( PR_NEXT_LINK( &rnp->link ) ==  &qnp->rNameList )
-        rnp = NULL;
-    else
-        rnp = (RName *)PR_NEXT_LINK( &rnp->link );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PRTrace: FindNextRname: Rhandle: %p, QHandle: %p, Returns: %p", 
-        rhandle, qhandle, rnp ));
-    return((PRTraceHandle)rnp);
-} /* end PR_FindNextTraceRname() */
-static PRFileDesc * InitializeRecording( void )
-    char    *logFileName;
-    PRFileDesc  *logFile;
-    /* Self initialize, if necessary */
-    if ( traceLock == NULL )
-        _PR_InitializeTrace();
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("PR_RecordTraceEntries: begins"));
-    logLostData = 0; /* reset at entry */
-    logState = LogReset;
-    /* Get the filename for the logfile from the environment */
-    logFileName = PR_GetEnvSecure( "NSPR_TRACE_LOG" );
-    if ( logFileName == NULL )
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: Environment variable not defined. Exiting"));
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Open the logfile */
-    logFile = PR_Open( logFileName, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE, 0666 );
-    if ( logFile == NULL )
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: Cannot open %s as trace log file. OS error: %ld", 
-		logFileName, PR_GetOSError()));
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return logFile;
-} /* end InitializeRecording() */
-static void ProcessOrders( void )
-    switch ( logOrder )
-    {
-    case LogReset :
-        logOrder = logState = localState;
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: LogReset"));
-        break;
-    case LogSuspend :
-        localState = logOrder = logState = LogSuspend;
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: LogSuspend"));
-        break;
-    case LogResume :
-        localState = logOrder = logState = LogActive;
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: LogResume"));
-        break;
-    case LogStop :
-        logOrder = logState = LogStop;
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: LogStop"));
-        break;
-    default :
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: Invalid logOrder: %ld", logOrder ));
-        PR_ASSERT( 0 );
-        break;
-    } /* end switch() */
-    return ;
-} /* end ProcessOrders() */
-static void WriteTraceSegment( PRFileDesc *logFile, void *buf, PRInt32 amount )
-    PRInt32 rc;
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-        ("WriteTraceSegment: Buffer: %p, Amount: %ld", buf, amount));
-    rc = PR_Write( logFile, buf , amount );
-    if ( rc == -1 )
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: PR_Write() failed. Error: %ld", PR_GetError() ));
-    else if ( rc != amount )
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: PR_Write() Tried to write: %ld, Wrote: %ld", amount, rc));
-    else 
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("RecordTraceEntries: PR_Write(): Buffer: %p, bytes: %ld", buf, amount));
-    return;
-} /* end WriteTraceSegment() */
-	PR_RecordTraceEntries(
-        void 
-    PRFileDesc  *logFile;
-    PRInt32     lostSegments;
-    PRInt32     currentSegment = 0;
-    void        *buf;
-    PRBool      doWrite;
-    logFile = InitializeRecording();
-    if ( logFile == NULL )
-    {
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("PR_RecordTraceEntries: Failed to initialize"));
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Do this until told to stop */
-    while ( logState != LogStop )
-    {
-        PR_Lock( logLock );
-        while ( (logCount == 0) && ( logOrder == logState ) )
-            PR_WaitCondVar( logCVar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT );
-        /* Handle state transitions */
-        if ( logOrder != logState )
-            ProcessOrders();
-        /* recalculate local controls */
-        if ( logCount )
-        {
-            lostSegments = logCount - logSegments;
-            if ( lostSegments > 0 )
-            {
-                logLostData += ( logCount - logSegments );
-                logCount = (logCount % logSegments);
-                currentSegment = logCount;
-                PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                    ("PR_RecordTraceEntries: LostData segments: %ld", logLostData));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                logCount--;
-            }
-            buf = tBuf + ( logEntriesPerSegment * currentSegment );
-            if (++currentSegment >= logSegments )
-                currentSegment = 0;
-            doWrite = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        else
-            doWrite = PR_FALSE;
-        PR_Unlock( logLock );
-        if ( doWrite == PR_TRUE )
-        {
-            if ( localState != LogSuspend )
-                WriteTraceSegment( logFile, buf, logSegSize );
-            else
-                PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-                    ("RecordTraceEntries: PR_Write(): is suspended" ));
-        }
-    } /* end while(logState...) */
-    PR_Close( logFile );
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("RecordTraceEntries: exiting"));
-    return;
-} /* end  PR_RecordTraceEntries() */
-    PR_GetTraceEntries(
-        PRTraceEntry    *buffer,    /* where to write output */
-        PRInt32         count,      /* number to get */
-        PRInt32         *found      /* number you got */
-    PRInt32 rc; 
-    PRInt32 copied = 0;
-    PR_Lock( traceLock );
-    /*
-    ** Depending on where the LastSeen and Next indices are,
-    ** copy the trace buffer in one or two pieces. 
-    */
-    PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-        ("PR_GetTraceEntries: Next: %ld, LastSeen: %ld", next, fetchLastSeen));
-    if ( fetchLastSeen <= next )
-    {
-        while (( count-- > 0 ) && (fetchLastSeen < next ))
-        {
-            *(buffer + copied++) = *(tBuf + fetchLastSeen++);
-        }
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("PR_GetTraceEntries: Copied: %ld, LastSeen: %ld", copied, fetchLastSeen));
-    }
-    else /* copy in 2 parts */
-    {
-        while ( count-- > 0  && fetchLastSeen <= last )
-        {
-            *(buffer + copied++) = *(tBuf + fetchLastSeen++);
-        }
-        fetchLastSeen = 0;
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("PR_GetTraceEntries: Copied: %ld, LastSeen: %ld", copied, fetchLastSeen));
-        while ( count-- > 0  && fetchLastSeen < next )
-        {
-            *(buffer + copied++) = *(tBuf + fetchLastSeen++);
-        }
-        PR_LOG( lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
-            ("PR_GetTraceEntries: Copied: %ld, LastSeen: %ld", copied, fetchLastSeen));
-    }
-    *found = copied;
-    rc = ( fetchLostData == PR_TRUE )? 1 : 0;
-    fetchLostData = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_Unlock( traceLock );
-    return rc;
-} /* end PR_GetTraceEntries() */
-/* end prtrace.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptio.c b/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e4fe519..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5012 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:   ptio.c
-** Descritpion:  Implemenation of I/O methods for pthreads
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
-#if !(defined(HPUX) && defined(_USE_BIG_FDS))
-/* set fd limit for select(), before including system header files */
-#define FD_SETSIZE (16 * 1024)
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <string.h>  /* for memset() */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-#include <sys/utsname.h> /* for uname */
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(UNIXWARE)
-#include <sys/filio.h>  /* to pick up FIONREAD */
-#include <poll.h>
-#ifdef AIX
-/* To pick up sysconf() */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>  /* for dlopen */
-/* To pick up getrlimit() etc. */
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#ifdef SOLARIS
- * Define HAVE_SENDFILEV if the system has the sendfilev() system call.
- * Code built this way won't run on a system without sendfilev().
- * We can define HAVE_SENDFILEV by default when the minimum release
- * of Solaris that NSPR supports has sendfilev().
- */
-#include <sys/sendfile.h>
-#define SOLARIS_SENDFILEV(a, b, c, d) sendfilev((a), (b), (c), (d))
-#include <dlfcn.h>  /* for dlopen */
- * Match the definitions in <sys/sendfile.h>.
- */
-typedef struct sendfilevec {
-    int sfv_fd;       /* input fd */
-    uint_t sfv_flag;  /* flags */
-    off_t sfv_off;    /* offset to start reading from */
-    size_t sfv_len;   /* amount of data */
-} sendfilevec_t;
-#define SFV_FD_SELF (-2)
- * extern ssize_t sendfilev(int, const struct sendfilevec *, int, size_t *);
- */
-static ssize_t (*pt_solaris_sendfilev_fptr)() = NULL;
-#define SOLARIS_SENDFILEV(a, b, c, d) \
-        (*pt_solaris_sendfilev_fptr)((a), (b), (c), (d))
-#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILEV */
-#endif /* SOLARIS */
- * The send_file() system call is available in AIX 4.3.2 or later.
- * If this file is compiled on an older AIX system, it attempts to
- * look up the send_file symbol at run time to determine whether
- * we can use the faster PR_SendFile/PR_TransmitFile implementation based on
- * send_file().  On AIX 4.3.2 or later, we can safely skip this
- * runtime function dispatching and just use the send_file based
- * implementation.
- */
-#ifdef AIX
-#ifdef SF_CLOSE
-#define AIX_SEND_FILE(a, b, c) send_file(a, b, c)
-#else /* HAVE_SEND_FILE */
- * The following definitions match those in <sys/socket.h>
- * on AIX 4.3.2.
- */
- * Structure for the send_file() system call
- */
-struct sf_parms {
-    /* --------- header parms ---------- */
-    void      *header_data;         /* Input/Output. Points to header buf */
-    uint_t    header_length;        /* Input/Output. Length of the header */
-    /* --------- file parms ------------ */
-    int       file_descriptor;      /* Input. File descriptor of the file */
-    unsigned long long file_size;   /* Output. Size of the file */
-    unsigned long long file_offset; /* Input/Output. Starting offset */
-    long long file_bytes;           /* Input/Output. no. of bytes to send */
-    /* --------- trailer parms --------- */
-    void      *trailer_data;        /* Input/Output. Points to trailer buf */
-    uint_t    trailer_length;       /* Input/Output. Length of the trailer */
-    /* --------- return info ----------- */
-    unsigned long long bytes_sent;  /* Output. no. of bytes sent */
- * Flags for the send_file() system call
- */
-#define SF_CLOSE        0x00000001      /* close the socket after completion */
-#define SF_REUSE        0x00000002      /* reuse socket. not supported */
-#define SF_DONT_CACHE   0x00000004      /* don't apply network buffer cache */
-#define SF_SYNC_CACHE   0x00000008      /* sync/update network buffer cache */
- * prototype: size_t send_file(int *, struct sf_parms *, uint_t);
- */
-static ssize_t (*pt_aix_sendfile_fptr)() = NULL;
-#define AIX_SEND_FILE(a, b, c) (*pt_aix_sendfile_fptr)(a, b, c)
-#endif /* HAVE_SEND_FILE */
-#endif /* AIX */
-#ifdef LINUX
-#include <sys/sendfile.h>
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>  /* TCP_NODELAY, TCP_MAXSEG */
-#ifdef LINUX
-/* TCP_CORK is not defined in <netinet/tcp.h> on Red Hat Linux 6.0 */
-#ifndef TCP_CORK
-#define TCP_CORK 3
-static PRBool _pr_ipv6_v6only_on_by_default;
-#if (defined(HPUX) && !defined(HPUX10_30) && !defined(HPUX11))
-#define _PRSelectFdSetArg_t int *
-#elif defined(AIX4_1)
-#define _PRSelectFdSetArg_t void *
-#elif defined(IRIX) || (defined(AIX) && !defined(AIX4_1)) \
-    || defined(OSF1) || defined(SOLARIS) \
-    || defined(HPUX10_30) || defined(HPUX11) \
-    || defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__) \
-    || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) \
-    || defined(BSDI) || defined(NTO) || defined(DARWIN) \
-    || defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(RISCOS) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-#define _PRSelectFdSetArg_t fd_set *
-#error "Cannot determine architecture"
-#if defined(SOLARIS)            
-#ifndef PROTO_SDP
-/* on solaris, SDP is a new type of protocol */
-#define PROTO_SDP   257
-#define _PR_HAVE_SDP
-#elif defined(LINUX)
-#ifndef AF_INET_SDP
-/* on linux, SDP is a new type of address family */
-#define AF_INET_SDP 27
-#define _PR_HAVE_SDP
-#endif /* LINUX */
-static PRFileDesc *pt_SetMethods(
-    PRIntn osfd, PRDescType type, PRBool isAcceptedSocket, PRBool imported);
-static PRLock *_pr_flock_lock;  /* For PR_LockFile() etc. */
-static PRCondVar *_pr_flock_cv;  /* For PR_LockFile() etc. */
-static PRLock *_pr_rename_lock;  /* For PR_Rename() */
-/* These two functions are only used in assertions. */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-PRBool IsValidNetAddr(const PRNetAddr *addr)
-    if ((addr != NULL)
-            && (addr-> != AF_UNIX)
-            && (addr-> != PR_AF_INET6)
-            && (addr-> != AF_INET)) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-static PRBool IsValidNetAddrLen(const PRNetAddr *addr, PRInt32 addr_len)
-    /*
-     * The definition of the length of a Unix domain socket address
-     * is not uniform, so we don't check it.
-     */
-    if ((addr != NULL)
-            && (addr-> != AF_UNIX)
-            && (PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr) != addr_len)) {
-#if defined(LINUX) && __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ == 1
-        /*
-         * In glibc 2.1, struct sockaddr_in6 is 24 bytes.  In glibc 2.2
-         * and in the 2.4 kernel, struct sockaddr_in6 has the scope_id
-         * field and is 28 bytes.  It is possible for socket functions
-         * to return an addr_len greater than sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6).
-         * We need to allow that.  (Bugzilla bug #77264)
-         */
-        if ((PR_AF_INET6 == addr->
-                && (sizeof(addr->ipv6) == addr_len)) {
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/************************* I/O Continuation machinery ************************/
- * The polling interval defines the maximum amount of time that a thread
- * might hang up before an interrupt is noticed.
- */
-#define PT_DEFAULT_POLL_MSEC 5000
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
-#define PT_DEFAULT_SELECT_USEC							\
- * pt_SockLen is the type for the length of a socket address
- * structure, used in the address length argument to bind,
- * connect, accept, getsockname, getpeername, etc.  Posix.1g
- * defines this type as socklen_t.  It is size_t or int on
- * most current systems.
- */
-#if defined(HAVE_SOCKLEN_T) \
-    || (defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ >= 2)
-typedef socklen_t pt_SockLen;
-#elif (defined(AIX) && !defined(AIX4_1)) 
-typedef PRSize pt_SockLen;
-typedef PRIntn pt_SockLen;
-typedef struct pt_Continuation pt_Continuation;
-typedef PRBool (*ContinuationFn)(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents);
-typedef enum pr_ContuationStatus
-    pt_continuation_pending,
-    pt_continuation_done
-} pr_ContuationStatus;
-struct pt_Continuation
-    /* The building of the continuation operation */
-    ContinuationFn function;                /* what function to continue */
-    union { PRIntn osfd; } arg1;            /* #1 - the op's fd */
-    union { void* buffer; } arg2;           /* #2 - primary transfer buffer */
-    union {
-        PRSize amount;                      /* #3 - size of 'buffer', or */
-        pt_SockLen *addr_len;                  /*    - length of address */
-#ifdef HPUX11
-        /*
-         * For sendfile()
-         */
-		struct file_spec {		
-        	off_t offset;                       /* offset in file to send */
-        	size_t nbytes;                      /* length of file data to send */
-        	size_t st_size;                     /* file size */
-		} file_spec;
-    } arg3;
-    union { PRIntn flags; } arg4;           /* #4 - read/write flags */
-    union { PRNetAddr *addr; } arg5;        /* #5 - send/recv address */
-#ifdef HPUX11
-    /*
-     * For sendfile()
-     */
-    int filedesc;                           /* descriptor of file to send */
-    int nbytes_to_send;                     /* size of header and file */
-#endif  /* HPUX11 */
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-    /*
-     * For sendfilev()
-     */
-    int nbytes_to_send;                     /* size of header and file */
-#endif  /* SOLARIS */
-#ifdef LINUX
-    /*
-     * For sendfile()
-     */
-    int in_fd;                              /* descriptor of file to send */
-    off_t offset;
-    size_t count;
-#endif  /* LINUX */
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;                 /* client (relative) timeout */
-    PRInt16 event;                           /* flags for poll()'s events */
-    /*
-    ** The representation and notification of the results of the operation.
-    ** These function can either return an int return code or a pointer to
-    ** some object.
-    */
-    union { PRSize code; void *object; } result;
-    PRIntn syserrno;                        /* in case it failed, why (errno) */
-    pr_ContuationStatus status;             /* the status of the operation */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-PTDebug pt_debug;  /* this is shared between several modules */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PT_FPrintStats(PRFileDesc *debug_out, const char *msg)
-    PTDebug stats;
-    char buffer[100];
-    PRExplodedTime tod;
-    PRInt64 elapsed, aMil;
-    stats = pt_debug;  /* a copy */
-    PR_ExplodeTime(stats.timeStarted, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &tod);
-    (void)PR_FormatTime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", &tod);
-    LL_SUB(elapsed, PR_Now(), stats.timeStarted);
-    LL_I2L(aMil, 1000000);
-    LL_DIV(elapsed, elapsed, aMil);
-    if (NULL != msg) PR_fprintf(debug_out, "%s", msg);
-    PR_fprintf(
-        debug_out, "\tstarted: %s[%lld]\n", buffer, elapsed);
-    PR_fprintf(
-        debug_out, "\tlocks [created: %u, destroyed: %u]\n",
-        stats.locks_created, stats.locks_destroyed);
-    PR_fprintf(
-        debug_out, "\tlocks [acquired: %u, released: %u]\n",
-        stats.locks_acquired, stats.locks_released);
-    PR_fprintf(
-        debug_out, "\tcvars [created: %u, destroyed: %u]\n",
-        stats.cvars_created, stats.cvars_destroyed);
-    PR_fprintf(
-        debug_out, "\tcvars [notified: %u, delayed_delete: %u]\n",
-        stats.cvars_notified, stats.delayed_cv_deletes);
-}  /* PT_FPrintStats */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PT_FPrintStats(PRFileDesc *debug_out, const char *msg)
-    /* do nothing */
-}  /* PT_FPrintStats */
-#endif  /* DEBUG */
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
- * OSF1 and HPUX report the POLLHUP event for a socket when the
- * shutdown(SHUT_WR) operation is called for the remote end, even though
- * the socket is still writeable. Use select(), instead of poll(), to
- * workaround this problem.
- */
-static void pt_poll_now_with_select(pt_Continuation *op)
-    PRInt32 msecs;
-	fd_set rd, wr, *rdp, *wrp;
-	struct timeval tv;
-	PRIntervalTime epoch, now, elapsed, remaining;
-	PRBool wait_for_remaining;
-    PRThread *self = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-	PR_ASSERT(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT != op->timeout);
-	PR_ASSERT(op->arg1.osfd < FD_SETSIZE);
-    switch (op->timeout) {
-			tv.tv_sec = PT_DEFAULT_SELECT_SEC;
-			tv.tv_usec = PT_DEFAULT_SELECT_USEC;
-			do
-			{
-				PRIntn rv;
-				if (op->event & POLLIN) {
-					FD_ZERO(&rd);
-					FD_SET(op->arg1.osfd, &rd);
-					rdp = &rd;
-				} else
-					rdp = NULL;
-				if (op->event & POLLOUT) {
-					FD_ZERO(&wr);
-					FD_SET(op->arg1.osfd, &wr);
-					wrp = &wr;
-				} else
-					wrp = NULL;
-				rv = select(op->arg1.osfd + 1, rdp, wrp, NULL, &tv);
-				if (_PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(self))
-				{
-					self->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = EINTR;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					return;
-				}
-				if ((-1 == rv) && ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN)))
-					continue; /* go around the loop again */
-				if (rv > 0)
-				{
-					PRInt16 revents = 0;
-					if ((op->event & POLLIN) && FD_ISSET(op->arg1.osfd, &rd))
-						revents |= POLLIN;
-					if ((op->event & POLLOUT) && FD_ISSET(op->arg1.osfd, &wr))
-						revents |= POLLOUT;
-					if (op->function(op, revents))
-						op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-				} else if (rv == -1) {
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = errno;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-				}
-				/* else, select timed out */
-			} while (pt_continuation_done != op->status);
-			break;
-        default:
-            now = epoch = PR_IntervalNow();
-            remaining = op->timeout;
-			do
-			{
-				PRIntn rv;
-				if (op->event & POLLIN) {
-					FD_ZERO(&rd);
-					FD_SET(op->arg1.osfd, &rd);
-					rdp = &rd;
-				} else
-					rdp = NULL;
-				if (op->event & POLLOUT) {
-					FD_ZERO(&wr);
-					FD_SET(op->arg1.osfd, &wr);
-					wrp = &wr;
-				} else
-					wrp = NULL;
-    			wait_for_remaining = PR_TRUE;
-    			msecs = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(remaining);
-				if (msecs > PT_DEFAULT_POLL_MSEC) {
-					wait_for_remaining = PR_FALSE;
-					msecs = PT_DEFAULT_POLL_MSEC;
-				}
-				tv.tv_sec = msecs/PR_MSEC_PER_SEC;
-				tv.tv_usec = (msecs % PR_MSEC_PER_SEC) * PR_USEC_PER_MSEC;
-				rv = select(op->arg1.osfd + 1, rdp, wrp, NULL, &tv);
-				if (_PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(self))
-				{
-					self->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = EINTR;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					return;
-				}
-				if (rv > 0) {
-					PRInt16 revents = 0;
-					if ((op->event & POLLIN) && FD_ISSET(op->arg1.osfd, &rd))
-						revents |= POLLIN;
-					if ((op->event & POLLOUT) && FD_ISSET(op->arg1.osfd, &wr))
-						revents |= POLLOUT;
-					if (op->function(op, revents))
-						op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-				} else if ((rv == 0) ||
-						((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN))) {
-					if (rv == 0) {	/* select timed out */
-						if (wait_for_remaining)
-							now += remaining;
-						else
-							now += PR_MillisecondsToInterval(msecs);
-					} else
-						now = PR_IntervalNow();
-					elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (now - epoch);
-					if (elapsed >= op->timeout) {
-						op->result.code = -1;
-						op->syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-						op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					} else
-						remaining = op->timeout - elapsed;
-				} else {
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = errno;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-				}
-			} while (pt_continuation_done != op->status);
-            break;
-    }
-}  /* pt_poll_now_with_select */
-#endif	/* _PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT */
-static void pt_poll_now(pt_Continuation *op)
-    PRInt32 msecs;
-	PRIntervalTime epoch, now, elapsed, remaining;
-	PRBool wait_for_remaining;
-    PRThread *self = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-	PR_ASSERT(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT != op->timeout);
-#if defined (_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
-	/*
- 	 * If the fd is small enough call the select-based poll operation
-	 */
-	if (op->arg1.osfd < FD_SETSIZE) {
-		pt_poll_now_with_select(op);
-		return;
-	}
-    switch (op->timeout) {
-			do
-			{
-				PRIntn rv;
-				struct pollfd tmp_pfd;
-				tmp_pfd.revents = 0;
-				tmp_pfd.fd = op->arg1.osfd;
- = op->event;
-				rv = poll(&tmp_pfd, 1, msecs);
-				if (_PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(self))
-				{
-					self->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = EINTR;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					return;
-				}
-				if ((-1 == rv) && ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN)))
-					continue; /* go around the loop again */
-				if (rv > 0)
-				{
-					PRInt16 events =;
-					PRInt16 revents = tmp_pfd.revents;
-					if ((revents & POLLNVAL)  /* busted in all cases */
-					|| ((events & POLLOUT) && (revents & POLLHUP)))
-						/* write op & hup */
-					{
-						op->result.code = -1;
-						if (POLLNVAL & revents) op->syserrno = EBADF;
-						else if (POLLHUP & revents) op->syserrno = EPIPE;
-						op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					} else {
-						if (op->function(op, revents))
-							op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					}
-				} else if (rv == -1) {
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = errno;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-				}
-				/* else, poll timed out */
-			} while (pt_continuation_done != op->status);
-			break;
-        default:
-            now = epoch = PR_IntervalNow();
-            remaining = op->timeout;
-			do
-			{
-				PRIntn rv;
-				struct pollfd tmp_pfd;
-				tmp_pfd.revents = 0;
-				tmp_pfd.fd = op->arg1.osfd;
- = op->event;
-    			wait_for_remaining = PR_TRUE;
-    			msecs = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(remaining);
-				if (msecs > PT_DEFAULT_POLL_MSEC)
-				{
-					wait_for_remaining = PR_FALSE;
-					msecs = PT_DEFAULT_POLL_MSEC;
-				}
-				rv = poll(&tmp_pfd, 1, msecs);
-				if (_PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(self))
-				{
-					self->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = EINTR;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					return;
-				}
-				if (rv > 0)
-				{
-					PRInt16 events =;
-					PRInt16 revents = tmp_pfd.revents;
-					if ((revents & POLLNVAL)  /* busted in all cases */
-						|| ((events & POLLOUT) && (revents & POLLHUP))) 
-											/* write op & hup */
-					{
-						op->result.code = -1;
-						if (POLLNVAL & revents) op->syserrno = EBADF;
-						else if (POLLHUP & revents) op->syserrno = EPIPE;
-						op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					} else {
-						if (op->function(op, revents))
-						{
-							op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-						}
-					}
-				} else if ((rv == 0) ||
-						((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN))) {
-					if (rv == 0)	/* poll timed out */
-					{
-						if (wait_for_remaining)
-							now += remaining;
-						else
-							now += PR_MillisecondsToInterval(msecs);
-					}
-					else
-						now = PR_IntervalNow();
-					elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (now - epoch);
-					if (elapsed >= op->timeout) {
-						op->result.code = -1;
-						op->syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-						op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-					} else
-						remaining = op->timeout - elapsed;
-				} else {
-					op->result.code = -1;
-					op->syserrno = errno;
-					op->status = pt_continuation_done;
-				}
-			} while (pt_continuation_done != op->status);
-            break;
-    }
-}  /* pt_poll_now */
-static PRIntn pt_Continue(pt_Continuation *op)
-    op->status = pt_continuation_pending;  /* set default value */
-	/*
-	 * let each thread call poll directly
-	 */
-	pt_poll_now(op);
-	PR_ASSERT(pt_continuation_done == op->status);
-    return op->result.code;
-}  /* pt_Continue */
-/*********************** specific continuation functions *********************/
-static PRBool pt_connect_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    op->syserrno = _MD_unix_get_nonblocking_connect_error(op->arg1.osfd);
-    if (op->syserrno != 0) {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-    } else {
-        op->result.code = 0;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE; /* this one is cooked */
-}  /* pt_connect_cont */
-static PRBool pt_accept_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    op->syserrno = 0;
-    op->result.code = accept(
-        op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.addr_len);
-    if (-1 == op->result.code)
-    {
-        op->syserrno = errno;
-        if (EWOULDBLOCK == errno || EAGAIN == errno || ECONNABORTED == errno)
-            return PR_FALSE;  /* do nothing - this one ain't finished */
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-}  /* pt_accept_cont */
-static PRBool pt_read_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    /*
-     * Any number of bytes will complete the operation. It need
-     * not (and probably will not) satisfy the request. The only
-     * error we continue is EWOULDBLOCK|EAGAIN.
-     */
-    op->result.code = read(
-        op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    return ((-1 == op->result.code) && 
-            (EWOULDBLOCK == op->syserrno || EAGAIN == op->syserrno)) ?
-        PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-}  /* pt_read_cont */
-static PRBool pt_recv_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    /*
-     * Any number of bytes will complete the operation. It need
-     * not (and probably will not) satisfy the request. The only
-     * error we continue is EWOULDBLOCK|EAGAIN.
-     */
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    if (0 == op->arg4.flags)
-        op->result.code = read(
-            op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount);
-    else
-        op->result.code = recv(
-            op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount, op->arg4.flags);
-    op->result.code = recv(
-        op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount, op->arg4.flags);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    return ((-1 == op->result.code) && 
-            (EWOULDBLOCK == op->syserrno || EAGAIN == op->syserrno)) ?
-        PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-}  /* pt_recv_cont */
-static PRBool pt_send_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    PRIntn bytes;
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    PRInt32 tmp_amount = op->arg3.amount;
-    /*
-     * We want to write the entire amount out, no matter how many
-     * tries it takes. Keep advancing the buffer and the decrementing
-     * the amount until the amount goes away. Return the total bytes
-     * (which should be the original amount) when finished (or an
-     * error).
-     */
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    bytes = write(op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, tmp_amount);
-    bytes = send(
-        op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount, op->arg4.flags);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    /*
-     * The write system call has been reported to return the ERANGE error
-     * on occasion. Try to write in smaller chunks to workaround this bug.
-     */
-    if ((bytes == -1) && (op->syserrno == ERANGE))
-    {
-        if (tmp_amount > 1)
-        {
-            tmp_amount = tmp_amount/2;  /* half the bytes */
-            goto retry;
-        }
-    }
-    if (bytes >= 0)  /* this is progress */
-    {
-        char *bp = (char*)op->arg2.buffer;
-        bp += bytes;  /* adjust the buffer pointer */
-        op->arg2.buffer = bp;
-        op->result.code += bytes;  /* accumulate the number sent */
-        op->arg3.amount -= bytes;  /* and reduce the required count */
-        return (0 == op->arg3.amount) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    else if ((EWOULDBLOCK != op->syserrno) && (EAGAIN != op->syserrno))
-    {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    else return PR_FALSE;
-}  /* pt_send_cont */
-static PRBool pt_write_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    PRIntn bytes;
-    /*
-     * We want to write the entire amount out, no matter how many
-     * tries it takes. Keep advancing the buffer and the decrementing
-     * the amount until the amount goes away. Return the total bytes
-     * (which should be the original amount) when finished (or an
-     * error).
-     */
-    bytes = write(op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    if (bytes >= 0)  /* this is progress */
-    {
-        char *bp = (char*)op->arg2.buffer;
-        bp += bytes;  /* adjust the buffer pointer */
-        op->arg2.buffer = bp;
-        op->result.code += bytes;  /* accumulate the number sent */
-        op->arg3.amount -= bytes;  /* and reduce the required count */
-        return (0 == op->arg3.amount) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    else if ((EWOULDBLOCK != op->syserrno) && (EAGAIN != op->syserrno))
-    {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    else return PR_FALSE;
-}  /* pt_write_cont */
-static PRBool pt_writev_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    PRIntn bytes;
-    struct iovec *iov = (struct iovec*)op->arg2.buffer;
-    /*
-     * Same rules as write, but continuing seems to be a bit more
-     * complicated. As the number of bytes sent grows, we have to
-     * redefine the vector we're pointing at. We might have to
-     * modify an individual vector parms or we might have to eliminate
-     * a pair altogether.
-     */
-    bytes = writev(op->arg1.osfd, iov, op->arg3.amount);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    if (bytes >= 0)  /* this is progress */
-    {
-        PRIntn iov_index;
-        op->result.code += bytes;  /* accumulate the number sent */
-        for (iov_index = 0; iov_index < op->arg3.amount; ++iov_index)
-        {
-            /* how much progress did we make in the i/o vector? */
-            if (bytes < iov[iov_index].iov_len)
-            {
-                /* this element's not done yet */
-                char **bp = (char**)&(iov[iov_index].iov_base);
-                iov[iov_index].iov_len -= bytes;  /* there's that much left */
-                *bp += bytes;  /* starting there */
-                break;  /* go off and do that */
-            }
-            bytes -= iov[iov_index].iov_len;  /* that element's consumed */
-        }
-        op->arg2.buffer = &iov[iov_index];  /* new start of array */
-        op->arg3.amount -= iov_index;  /* and array length */
-        return (0 == op->arg3.amount) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    else if ((EWOULDBLOCK != op->syserrno) && (EAGAIN != op->syserrno))
-    {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    else return PR_FALSE;
-}  /* pt_writev_cont */
-static PRBool pt_sendto_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    PRIntn bytes = sendto(
-        op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount, op->arg4.flags,
-        (struct sockaddr*)op->arg5.addr, PR_NETADDR_SIZE(op->arg5.addr));
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    if (bytes >= 0)  /* this is progress */
-    {
-        char *bp = (char*)op->arg2.buffer;
-        bp += bytes;  /* adjust the buffer pointer */
-        op->arg2.buffer = bp;
-        op->result.code += bytes;  /* accumulate the number sent */
-        op->arg3.amount -= bytes;  /* and reduce the required count */
-        return (0 == op->arg3.amount) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    else if ((EWOULDBLOCK != op->syserrno) && (EAGAIN != op->syserrno))
-    {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    else return PR_FALSE;
-}  /* pt_sendto_cont */
-static PRBool pt_recvfrom_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    pt_SockLen addr_len = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-    op->result.code = recvfrom(
-        op->arg1.osfd, op->arg2.buffer, op->arg3.amount,
-        op->arg4.flags, (struct sockaddr*)op->arg5.addr, &addr_len);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    return ((-1 == op->result.code) && 
-            (EWOULDBLOCK == op->syserrno || EAGAIN == op->syserrno)) ?
-        PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-}  /* pt_recvfrom_cont */
-#ifdef AIX
-static PRBool pt_aix_sendfile_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    struct sf_parms *sf_struct = (struct sf_parms *) op->arg2.buffer;
-    ssize_t rv;
-	unsigned long long saved_file_offset;
-	long long saved_file_bytes;
-	saved_file_offset = sf_struct->file_offset;
-	saved_file_bytes = sf_struct->file_bytes;
-	sf_struct->bytes_sent = 0;
-	if ((sf_struct->file_bytes > 0) && (sf_struct->file_size > 0))
-	PR_ASSERT((sf_struct->file_bytes + sf_struct->file_offset) <=
-									sf_struct->file_size);
-    rv = AIX_SEND_FILE(&op->arg1.osfd, sf_struct, op->arg4.flags);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    if (rv != -1) {
-        op->result.code += sf_struct->bytes_sent;
-		/*
-		 * A bug in AIX 4.3.2 prevents the 'file_bytes' field from
-		 * being updated. So, 'file_bytes' is maintained by NSPR to
-		 * avoid conflict when this bug is fixed in AIX, in the future.
-		 */
-		if (saved_file_bytes != -1)
-			saved_file_bytes -= (sf_struct->file_offset - saved_file_offset);
-		sf_struct->file_bytes = saved_file_bytes;
-    } else if (op->syserrno != EWOULDBLOCK && op->syserrno != EAGAIN) {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (rv == 1) {    /* more data to send */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#endif  /* AIX */
-#ifdef HPUX11
-static PRBool pt_hpux_sendfile_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    struct iovec *hdtrl = (struct iovec *) op->arg2.buffer;
-    int count;
-    count = sendfile(op->arg1.osfd, op->filedesc, op->arg3.file_spec.offset,
-			op->arg3.file_spec.nbytes, hdtrl, op->arg4.flags);
-    PR_ASSERT(count <= op->nbytes_to_send);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    if (count != -1) {
-        op->result.code += count;
-    } else if (op->syserrno != EWOULDBLOCK && op->syserrno != EAGAIN) {
-        op->result.code = -1;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (count != -1 && count < op->nbytes_to_send) {
-        if (count < hdtrl[0].iov_len) {
-			/* header not sent */
-            hdtrl[0].iov_base = ((char *) hdtrl[0].iov_base) + count;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_len -= count;
-        } else if (count < (hdtrl[0].iov_len + op->arg3.file_spec.nbytes)) {
-			/* header sent, file not sent */
-            PRUint32 file_nbytes_sent = count - hdtrl[0].iov_len;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_base = NULL;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_len = 0;
-            op->arg3.file_spec.offset += file_nbytes_sent;
-            op->arg3.file_spec.nbytes -= file_nbytes_sent;
-        } else if (count < (hdtrl[0].iov_len + op->arg3.file_spec.nbytes +
-											hdtrl[1].iov_len)) {
-            PRUint32 trailer_nbytes_sent = count - (hdtrl[0].iov_len +
-                                         op->arg3.file_spec.nbytes);
-			/* header sent, file sent, trailer not sent */
-            hdtrl[0].iov_base = NULL;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_len = 0;
-			/*
-			 * set file offset and len so that no more file data is
-			 * sent
-			 */
-            op->arg3.file_spec.offset = op->arg3.file_spec.st_size;
-            op->arg3.file_spec.nbytes = 0;
-            hdtrl[1].iov_base =((char *) hdtrl[1].iov_base)+ trailer_nbytes_sent;
-            hdtrl[1].iov_len -= trailer_nbytes_sent;
-		}
-        op->nbytes_to_send -= count;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#endif  /* HPUX11 */
-#ifdef SOLARIS  
-static PRBool pt_solaris_sendfile_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    struct sendfilevec *vec = (struct sendfilevec *) op->arg2.buffer;
-    size_t xferred;
-    ssize_t count;
-    count = SOLARIS_SENDFILEV(op->arg1.osfd, vec, op->arg3.amount, &xferred);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    PR_ASSERT((count == -1) || (count == xferred));
-    if (count == -1) {
-        if (op->syserrno != EWOULDBLOCK && op->syserrno != EAGAIN
-                && op->syserrno != EINTR) {
-            op->result.code = -1;
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        count = xferred;
-    } else if (count == 0) {
-        /* 
-         * We are now at EOF. The file was truncated. Solaris sendfile is
-         * supposed to return 0 and no error in this case, though some versions
-         * may return -1 and EINVAL .
-         */
-        op->result.code = -1;
-        op->syserrno = 0; /* will be treated as EOF */
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(count <= op->nbytes_to_send);
-    op->result.code += count;
-    if (count < op->nbytes_to_send) {
-        op->nbytes_to_send -= count;
-        while (count >= vec->sfv_len) {
-            count -= vec->sfv_len;
-            vec++;
-            op->arg3.amount--;
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(op->arg3.amount > 0);
-        vec->sfv_off += count;
-        vec->sfv_len -= count;
-        PR_ASSERT(vec->sfv_len > 0);
-        op->arg2.buffer = vec;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#endif  /* SOLARIS */
-#ifdef LINUX 
-static PRBool pt_linux_sendfile_cont(pt_Continuation *op, PRInt16 revents)
-    ssize_t rv;
-    off_t oldoffset;
-    oldoffset = op->offset;
-    rv = sendfile(op->arg1.osfd, op->in_fd, &op->offset, op->count);
-    op->syserrno = errno;
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        if (op->syserrno != EWOULDBLOCK && op->syserrno != EAGAIN) {
-            op->result.code = -1;
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        rv = 0;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(rv == op->offset - oldoffset);
-    op->result.code += rv;
-    if (rv < op->count) {
-        op->count -= rv;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#endif  /* LINUX */
-void _PR_InitIO(void)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    memset(&pt_debug, 0, sizeof(PTDebug));
-    pt_debug.timeStarted = PR_Now();
-    _pr_flock_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_flock_lock);
-    _pr_flock_cv = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_flock_lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_flock_cv);
-    _pr_rename_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_rename_lock); 
-    _PR_InitFdCache();  /* do that */   
-    _pr_stdin = pt_SetMethods(0, PR_DESC_FILE, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    _pr_stdout = pt_SetMethods(1, PR_DESC_FILE, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    _pr_stderr = pt_SetMethods(2, PR_DESC_FILE, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    PR_ASSERT(_pr_stdin && _pr_stdout && _pr_stderr);
-    /* In Mac OS X v10.3 Panther Beta the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option
-     * is turned on by default, contrary to what RFC 3493, Section
-     * 5.3 says.  So we have to turn it off.  Find out whether we
-     * are running on such a system.
-     */
-    {
-        int osfd;
-        osfd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-        if (osfd != -1) {
-            int on;
-            socklen_t optlen = sizeof(on);
-            if (getsockopt(osfd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY,
-                    &on, &optlen) == 0) {
-                _pr_ipv6_v6only_on_by_default = on;
-            }
-            close(osfd);
-        }
-    }
-}  /* _PR_InitIO */
-void _PR_CleanupIO(void)
-    _PR_Putfd(_pr_stdin);
-    _pr_stdin = NULL;
-    _PR_Putfd(_pr_stdout);
-    _pr_stdout = NULL;
-    _PR_Putfd(_pr_stderr); 
-    _pr_stderr = NULL;
-    _PR_CleanupFdCache();
-    if (_pr_flock_cv)
-    {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(_pr_flock_cv);
-        _pr_flock_cv = NULL;
-    }
-    if (_pr_flock_lock)
-    {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_flock_lock);
-        _pr_flock_lock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (_pr_rename_lock)
-    {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_rename_lock);
-        _pr_rename_lock = NULL;
-    }
-}  /* _PR_CleanupIO */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_GetSpecialFD(PRSpecialFD osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *result = NULL;
-    PR_ASSERT(osfd >= PR_StandardInput && osfd <= PR_StandardError);
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    switch (osfd)
-    {
-        case PR_StandardInput: result = _pr_stdin; break;
-        case PR_StandardOutput: result = _pr_stdout; break;
-        case PR_StandardError: result = _pr_stderr; break;
-        default:
-            (void)PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return result;
-}  /* PR_GetSpecialFD */
-/***************************** I/O private methods ***************************/
-static PRBool pt_TestAbort(void)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    {
-        me->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-}  /* pt_TestAbort */
-static void pt_MapError(void (*mapper)(PRIntn), PRIntn syserrno)
-    switch (syserrno)
-    {
-        case EINTR:
-            PR_SetError(PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR, 0); break;
-        case ETIMEDOUT:
-            PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0); break;
-        default:
-            mapper(syserrno);
-    }
-}  /* pt_MapError */
-static PRStatus pt_Close(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    if ((NULL == fd) || (NULL == fd->secret)
-        || ((_PR_FILEDESC_OPEN != fd->secret->state)
-        && (_PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED != fd->secret->state)))
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    if (_PR_FILEDESC_OPEN == fd->secret->state)
-    {
-        if (-1 == close(fd->secret->md.osfd))
-        {
-#ifdef OSF1
-            /*
-             * Bug 86941: On Tru64 UNIX V5.0A and V5.1, the close()
-             * system call, when called to close a TCP socket, may
-             * return -1 with errno set to EINVAL but the system call
-             * does close the socket successfully.  An application
-             * may safely ignore the EINVAL error.  This bug is fixed
-             * on Tru64 UNIX V5.1A and later.  The defect tracking
-             * number is QAR 81431.
-             */
-            if (PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP != fd->methods->file_type
-            || EINVAL != errno)
-            {
-                pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR, errno);
-                return PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-            pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR, errno);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-    }
-    _PR_Putfd(fd);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_Close */
-static PRInt32 pt_Read(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    bytes = read(fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ((bytes == -1) && (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-    {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = buf;
-        op.arg3.amount = amount;
-        op.timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-        op.function = pt_read_cont;
-        op.event = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
-        bytes = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (bytes < 0)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_READ_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_Read */
-static PRInt32 pt_Write(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes = -1;
-    PRBool fNeedContinue = PR_FALSE;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    bytes = write(fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ( (bytes >= 0) && (bytes < amount) && (!fd->secret->nonblocking) )
-    {
-        buf = (char *) buf + bytes;
-        amount -= bytes;
-        fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if ( (bytes == -1) && (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        && (!fd->secret->nonblocking) )
-    {
-        bytes = 0;
-        fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (fNeedContinue == PR_TRUE)
-    {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = (void*)buf;
-        op.arg3.amount = amount;
-        op.timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-        op.result.code = bytes;  /* initialize the number sent */
-        op.function = pt_write_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        bytes = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (bytes == -1)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_WRITE_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_Write */
-static PRInt32 pt_Writev(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRIOVec *iov, PRInt32 iov_len, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRIntn iov_index;
-    PRBool fNeedContinue = PR_FALSE;
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes, rv = -1;
-    struct iovec osiov_local[PR_MAX_IOVECTOR_SIZE], *osiov;
-    int osiov_len;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return rv;
-    /* Ensured by PR_Writev */
-    /*
-     * We can't pass iov to writev because PRIOVec and struct iovec
-     * may not be binary compatible.  Make osiov a copy of iov and
-     * pass osiov to writev.  We can modify osiov if we need to
-     * continue the operation.
-     */
-    osiov = osiov_local;
-    osiov_len = iov_len;
-    for (iov_index = 0; iov_index < osiov_len; iov_index++)
-    {
-        osiov[iov_index].iov_base = iov[iov_index].iov_base;
-        osiov[iov_index].iov_len = iov[iov_index].iov_len;
-    }
-    rv = bytes = writev(fd->secret->md.osfd, osiov, osiov_len);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if (!fd->secret->nonblocking)
-    {
-        if (bytes >= 0)
-        {
-            /*
-             * If we moved some bytes, how does that implicate the
-             * i/o vector list?  In other words, exactly where are
-             * we within that array?  What are the parameters for
-             * resumption?  Maybe we're done!
-             */
-            for ( ;osiov_len > 0; osiov++, osiov_len--)
-            {
-                if (bytes < osiov->iov_len)
-                {
-                    /* this one's not done yet */
-                    osiov->iov_base = (char*)osiov->iov_base + bytes;
-                    osiov->iov_len -= bytes;
-                    break;  /* go off and do that */
-                }
-                bytes -= osiov->iov_len;  /* this one's done cooked */
-            }
-            PR_ASSERT(osiov_len > 0 || bytes == 0);
-            if (osiov_len > 0)
-            {
-                if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout)
-                {
-                    rv = -1;
-                    syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-                }
-                else fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        else if (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        {
-            if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-            else
-            {
-                rv = 0;
-                fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (fNeedContinue == PR_TRUE)
-    {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = (void*)osiov;
-        op.arg3.amount = osiov_len;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.result.code = rv;
-        op.function = pt_writev_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        rv = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (rv == -1) pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_WRITEV_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return rv;
-}  /* pt_Writev */
-static PRInt32 pt_Seek(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt32 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    return _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, offset, whence);
-}  /* pt_Seek */
-static PRInt64 pt_Seek64(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt64 offset, PRSeekWhence whence)
-    return _PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, offset, whence);
-}  /* pt_Seek64 */
-static PRInt32 pt_Available_f(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 result, cur, end;
-    cur = _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, 0, PR_SEEK_CUR);
-    if (cur >= 0)
-        end = _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, 0, PR_SEEK_END);
-    if ((cur < 0) || (end < 0)) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    result = end - cur;
-    _PR_MD_LSEEK(fd, cur, PR_SEEK_SET);
-    return result;
-}  /* pt_Available_f */
-static PRInt64 pt_Available64_f(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt64 result, cur, end;
-    PRInt64 minus_one;
-    LL_I2L(minus_one, -1);
-    cur = _PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, LL_ZERO, PR_SEEK_CUR);
-    if (LL_GE_ZERO(cur))
-        end = _PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, LL_ZERO, PR_SEEK_END);
-    if (!LL_GE_ZERO(cur) || !LL_GE_ZERO(end)) return minus_one;
-    LL_SUB(result, end, cur);
-    (void)_PR_MD_LSEEK64(fd, cur, PR_SEEK_SET);
-    return result;
-}  /* pt_Available64_f */
-static PRInt32 pt_Available_s(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt32 rv, bytes = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    rv = ioctl(fd->secret->md.osfd, FIONREAD, &bytes);
-    if (rv == -1)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKETAVAILABLE_ERROR, errno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_Available_s */
-static PRInt64 pt_Available64_s(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRInt64 rv;
-    LL_I2L(rv, pt_Available_s(fd));
-    return rv;
-}  /* pt_Available64_s */
-static PRStatus pt_FileInfo(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt32 rv = _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO(fd, info);
-    return (-1 == rv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_FileInfo */
-static PRStatus pt_FileInfo64(PRFileDesc *fd, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt32 rv = _PR_MD_GETOPENFILEINFO64(fd, info);
-    return (-1 == rv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_FileInfo64 */
-static PRStatus pt_Synch(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    return (NULL == fd) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-} /* pt_Synch */
-static PRStatus pt_Fsync(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRIntn rv = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = fsync(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-    if (rv < 0) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_FSYNC_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_Fsync */
-static PRStatus pt_Connect(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRIntn rv = -1, syserrno;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len;
-	const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN) || defined(_PR_INET6)
-	PRUint16 md_af = addr->;
-    PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-    addr_len = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-		md_af = AF_INET6;
-		addrCopy = *addr;
- = AF_INET6;
-		addrp = &addrCopy;
-	}
-    addrCopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrCopy)->sa_len = addr_len;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrCopy)->sa_family = md_af;
-    addrp = &addrCopy;
-    rv = connect(fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr*)addrp, addr_len);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ((-1 == rv) && (EINPROGRESS == syserrno) && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-    {
-        if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-        else
-        {
-            pt_Continuation op;
-            op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-            op.arg2.buffer = (void*)addrp;
-            op.arg3.amount = addr_len;
-            op.timeout = timeout;
-            op.function = pt_connect_cont;
-            op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-            rv = pt_Continue(&op);
-            syserrno = op.syserrno;
-        }
-    }
-    if (-1 == rv) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR, syserrno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_Connect */
-static PRStatus pt_ConnectContinue(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 out_flags)
-    int err;
-    PRInt32 osfd;
-    if (out_flags & PR_POLL_NVAL)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((out_flags & (PR_POLL_WRITE | PR_POLL_EXCEPT | PR_POLL_ERR
-        | PR_POLL_HUP)) == 0)
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(out_flags == 0);
-        PR_SetError(PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    err = _MD_unix_get_nonblocking_connect_error(osfd);
-    if (err != 0)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_CONNECT_ERROR(err);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_ConnectContinue */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetConnectStatus(const PRPollDesc *pd)
-    /* Find the NSPR layer and invoke its connectcontinue method */
-    PRFileDesc *bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(pd->fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-    if (NULL == bottom)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return pt_ConnectContinue(bottom, pd->out_flags);
-}  /* PR_GetConnectStatus */
-static PRFileDesc* pt_Accept(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRFileDesc *newfd = NULL;
-    PRIntn syserrno, osfd = -1;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-    PRNetAddr dummy_addr;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return newfd;
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-    /* On Symbian OS, accept crashes if addr is NULL. */
-    if (!addr)
-        addr = &dummy_addr;
-    if (addr)
-    {
-        /*
-         * Set addr-> just so that we can use the
-         * PR_NETADDR_SIZE macro.
-         */
-        addr-> = fd->secret->af;
-        addr_len = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr);
-    }
-    osfd = accept(fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr*)addr, &addr_len);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if (osfd == -1)
-    {
-        if (fd->secret->nonblocking) goto failed;
-        if (EWOULDBLOCK != syserrno && EAGAIN != syserrno
-        && ECONNABORTED != syserrno)
-            goto failed;
-        else
-        {
-            if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-            else
-            {
-                pt_Continuation op;
-                op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-                op.arg2.buffer = addr;
-                op.arg3.addr_len = &addr_len;
-                op.timeout = timeout;
-                op.function = pt_accept_cont;
-                op.event = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
-                osfd = pt_Continue(&op);
-                syserrno = op.syserrno;
-            }
-            if (osfd < 0) goto failed;
-        }
-    }
-    /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-    if (addr)
-    {
-        addr-> = ((struct sockaddr*)addr)->sa_family;
-    }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-	if (addr && (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-    newfd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE);
-    if (newfd == NULL) close(osfd);  /* $$$ whoops! this doesn't work $$$ */
-    else
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-        PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddrLen(addr, addr_len) == PR_TRUE);
-#ifdef LINUX
-        /*
-         * On Linux, experiments showed that the accepted sockets
-         * inherit the TCP_NODELAY socket option of the listening
-         * socket.
-         */
-        newfd->secret->md.tcp_nodelay = fd->secret->md.tcp_nodelay;
-    }
-    return newfd;
-    pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_ACCEPT_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return NULL;
-}  /* pt_Accept */
-static PRStatus pt_Bind(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len;
-	const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN) || defined(_PR_INET6)
-	PRUint16 md_af = addr->;
-    PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-    if (addr-> == AF_UNIX)
-    {
-        /* Disallow relative pathnames */
-        if (addr->local.path[0] != '/')
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-		md_af = AF_INET6;
-		addrCopy = *addr;
- = AF_INET6;
-		addrp = &addrCopy;
-	}
-    addr_len = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr);
-    addrCopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrCopy)->sa_len = addr_len;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrCopy)->sa_family = md_af;
-    addrp = &addrCopy;
-    rv = bind(fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr*)addrp, addr_len);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_BIND_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_Bind */
-static PRStatus pt_Listen(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn backlog)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = listen(fd->secret->md.osfd, backlog);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_LISTEN_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_Listen */
-static PRStatus pt_Shutdown(PRFileDesc *fd, PRIntn how)
-    PRIntn rv = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = shutdown(fd->secret->md.osfd, how);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_Shutdown */
-static PRInt16 pt_Poll(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags)
-    *out_flags = 0;
-    return in_flags;
-}  /* pt_Poll */
-static PRInt32 pt_Recv(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes = -1;
-    PRIntn osflags;
-    if (0 == flags)
-        osflags = 0;
-    else if (PR_MSG_PEEK == flags)
-    {
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-        /* MSG_PEEK doesn't work as expected. */
-        PR_SetError(PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0);
-        return bytes;
-        osflags = MSG_PEEK;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return bytes;
-    }
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    /* recv() is a much slower call on pre-2.6 Solaris than read(). */
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    if (0 == osflags)
-        bytes = read(fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount);
-    else
-        bytes = recv(fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount, osflags);
-    bytes = recv(fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount, osflags);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ((bytes == -1) && (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        && (!fd->secret->nonblocking))
-    {
-        if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-        else
-        {
-            pt_Continuation op;
-            op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-            op.arg2.buffer = buf;
-            op.arg3.amount = amount;
-            op.arg4.flags = osflags;
-            op.timeout = timeout;
-            op.function = pt_recv_cont;
-            op.event = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
-            bytes = pt_Continue(&op);
-            syserrno = op.syserrno;
-        }
-    }
-    if (bytes < 0)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_RECV_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_Recv */
-static PRInt32 pt_SocketRead(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    return pt_Recv(fd, buf, amount, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-}  /* pt_SocketRead */
-static PRInt32 pt_Send(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes = -1;
-    PRBool fNeedContinue = PR_FALSE;
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-	PRInt32 tmp_amount = amount;
-    /*
-     * Under HP-UX DCE threads, pthread.h includes dce/cma_ux.h,
-     * which has the following:
-     *     #  define send        cma_send
-     *     extern int  cma_send (int , void *, int, int );
-     * So we need to cast away the 'const' of argument #2 for send().
-     */
-#if defined (HPUX) && defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#define PT_SENDBUF_CAST (void *)
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    /*
-     * On pre-2.6 Solaris, send() is much slower than write().
-     * On 2.6 and beyond, with in-kernel sockets, send() and
-     * write() are fairly equivalent in performance.
-     */
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == flags);
-    bytes = write(fd->secret->md.osfd, PT_SENDBUF_CAST buf, tmp_amount);
-    bytes = send(fd->secret->md.osfd, PT_SENDBUF_CAST buf, amount, flags);
-    syserrno = errno;
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-    /*
-     * The write system call has been reported to return the ERANGE error
-     * on occasion. Try to write in smaller chunks to workaround this bug.
-     */
-    if ((bytes == -1) && (syserrno == ERANGE))
-    {
-        if (tmp_amount > 1)
-        {
-            tmp_amount = tmp_amount/2;  /* half the bytes */
-            goto retry;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( (bytes >= 0) && (bytes < amount) && (!fd->secret->nonblocking) )
-    {
-        if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout)
-        {
-            bytes = -1;
-            syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            buf = (char *) buf + bytes;
-            amount -= bytes;
-            fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( (bytes == -1) && (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        && (!fd->secret->nonblocking) )
-    {
-        if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-        else
-        {
-            bytes = 0;
-            fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    if (fNeedContinue == PR_TRUE)
-    {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = (void*)buf;
-        op.arg3.amount = amount;
-        op.arg4.flags = flags;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.result.code = bytes;  /* initialize the number sent */
-        op.function = pt_send_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        bytes = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (bytes == -1)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SEND_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_Send */
-static PRInt32 pt_SocketWrite(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount)
-    return pt_Send(fd, buf, amount, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-}  /* pt_SocketWrite */
-static PRInt32 pt_SendTo(
-    PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf,
-    PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags, const PRNetAddr *addr,
-    PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes = -1;
-    PRBool fNeedContinue = PR_FALSE;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len;
-	const PRNetAddr *addrp = addr;
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN) || defined(_PR_INET6)
-	PRUint16 md_af = addr->;
-    PRNetAddr addrCopy;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (addr-> == PR_AF_INET6) {
-		md_af = AF_INET6;
-		addrCopy = *addr;
- = AF_INET6;
-		addrp = &addrCopy;
-	}
-    addr_len = PR_NETADDR_SIZE(addr);
-    addrCopy = *addr;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrCopy)->sa_len = addr_len;
-    ((struct sockaddr*)&addrCopy)->sa_family = md_af;
-    addrp = &addrCopy;
-    bytes = sendto(
-        fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount, flags,
-        (struct sockaddr*)addrp, addr_len);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ( (bytes == -1) && (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        && (!fd->secret->nonblocking) )
-    {
-        if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-        else fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (fNeedContinue == PR_TRUE)
-    {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = (void*)buf;
-        op.arg3.amount = amount;
-        op.arg4.flags = flags;
-        op.arg5.addr = (PRNetAddr*)addrp;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.result.code = 0;  /* initialize the number sent */
-        op.function = pt_sendto_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        bytes = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (bytes < 0)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SENDTO_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_SendTo */
-static PRInt32 pt_RecvFrom(PRFileDesc *fd, void *buf, PRInt32 amount,
-    PRIntn flags, PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRBool fNeedContinue = PR_FALSE;
-    PRInt32 syserrno, bytes = -1;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return bytes;
-    bytes = recvfrom(
-        fd->secret->md.osfd, buf, amount, flags,
-        (struct sockaddr*)addr, &addr_len);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ( (bytes == -1) && (syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK || syserrno == EAGAIN)
-        && (!fd->secret->nonblocking) )
-    {
-        if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout) syserrno = ETIMEDOUT;
-        else fNeedContinue = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (fNeedContinue == PR_TRUE)
-    {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = buf;
-        op.arg3.amount = amount;
-        op.arg4.flags = flags;
-        op.arg5.addr = addr;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.function = pt_recvfrom_cont;
-        op.event = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
-        bytes = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (bytes >= 0)
-    {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr)
-        {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr*)addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-        if (addr && (AF_INET6 == addr->
-            addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-    }
-    else
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_RECVFROM_ERROR, syserrno);
-    return bytes;
-}  /* pt_RecvFrom */
-#ifdef AIX
-static pthread_once_t pt_aix_sendfile_once_block = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-static void pt_aix_sendfile_init_routine(void)
-    void *handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
-    pt_aix_sendfile_fptr = (ssize_t (*)()) dlsym(handle, "send_file");
-    dlclose(handle);
- * pt_AIXDispatchSendFile
- */
-static PRInt32 pt_AIXDispatchSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-	  PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    int rv;
-    rv = pthread_once(&pt_aix_sendfile_once_block,
-            pt_aix_sendfile_init_routine);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (pt_aix_sendfile_fptr) {
-        return pt_AIXSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout);
-    } else {
-        return PR_EmulateSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout);
-    }
-#endif /* !HAVE_SEND_FILE */
- * pt_AIXSendFile
- *
- *    Send file sfd->fd across socket sd. If specified, header and trailer
- *    buffers are sent before and after the file, respectively. 
- *
- *    PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag - close socket after sending file
- *    
- *    return number of bytes sent or -1 on error
- *
- *      This implementation takes advantage of the send_file() system
- *      call available in AIX 4.3.2.
- */
-static PRInt32 pt_AIXSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd, 
-		PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    struct sf_parms sf_struct;
-    uint_t send_flags;
-    ssize_t rv;
-    int syserrno;
-    PRInt32 count;
-	unsigned long long saved_file_offset;
-	long long saved_file_bytes;
-    sf_struct.header_data = (void *) sfd->header;  /* cast away the 'const' */
-    sf_struct.header_length = sfd->hlen;
-    sf_struct.file_descriptor = sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd;
-    sf_struct.file_size = 0;
-    sf_struct.file_offset = sfd->file_offset;
-    if (sfd->file_nbytes == 0)
-    	sf_struct.file_bytes = -1;
-	else
-    	sf_struct.file_bytes = sfd->file_nbytes;
-    sf_struct.trailer_data = (void *) sfd->trailer;
-    sf_struct.trailer_length = sfd->tlen;
-    sf_struct.bytes_sent = 0;
-	saved_file_offset = sf_struct.file_offset;
-    saved_file_bytes = sf_struct.file_bytes;
-    send_flags = 0;			/* flags processed at the end */
-    /* The first argument to send_file() is int*. */
-    PR_ASSERT(sizeof(int) == sizeof(sd->secret->md.osfd));
-    do {
-        rv = AIX_SEND_FILE(&sd->secret->md.osfd, &sf_struct, send_flags);
-    } while (rv == -1 && (syserrno = errno) == EINTR);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        if (syserrno == EAGAIN || syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
-            count = 0; /* Not a real error.  Need to continue. */
-        } else {
-            count = -1;
-        }
-    } else {
-        count = sf_struct.bytes_sent;
-		/*
-		 * A bug in AIX 4.3.2 prevents the 'file_bytes' field from
-		 * being updated. So, 'file_bytes' is maintained by NSPR to
-		 * avoid conflict when this bug is fixed in AIX, in the future.
-		 */
-		if (saved_file_bytes != -1)
-			saved_file_bytes -= (sf_struct.file_offset - saved_file_offset);
-		sf_struct.file_bytes = saved_file_bytes;
-    }
-    if ((rv == 1) || ((rv == -1) && (count == 0))) {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        op.arg1.osfd = sd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = &sf_struct;
-        op.arg4.flags = send_flags;
-        op.result.code = count;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.function = pt_aix_sendfile_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        count = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (count == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_MD_aix_map_sendfile_error, syserrno);
-        return -1;
-    }
-        PR_Close(sd);
-    }
-	PR_ASSERT(count == (sfd->hlen + sfd->tlen +
-						((sfd->file_nbytes ==  0) ?
-						sf_struct.file_size - sfd->file_offset :
-						sfd->file_nbytes)));
-    return count;
-#endif /* AIX */
-#ifdef HPUX11
- * pt_HPUXSendFile
- *
- *    Send file sfd->fd across socket sd. If specified, header and trailer
- *    buffers are sent before and after the file, respectively.
- *
- *    PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag - close socket after sending file
- *    
- *    return number of bytes sent or -1 on error
- *
- *      This implementation takes advantage of the sendfile() system
- *      call available in HP-UX B.11.00.
- */
-static PRInt32 pt_HPUXSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd, 
-		PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    struct stat statbuf;
-    size_t nbytes_to_send, file_nbytes_to_send;
-    struct iovec hdtrl[2];  /* optional header and trailer buffers */
-    int send_flags;
-    PRInt32 count;
-    int syserrno;
-    if (sfd->file_nbytes == 0) {
-        /* Get file size */
-        if (fstat(sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd, &statbuf) == -1) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_FSTAT_ERROR(errno);
-            return -1;
-        } 		
-        file_nbytes_to_send = statbuf.st_size - sfd->file_offset;
-    } else {
-        file_nbytes_to_send = sfd->file_nbytes;
-    }
-    nbytes_to_send = sfd->hlen + sfd->tlen + file_nbytes_to_send;
-    hdtrl[0].iov_base = (void *) sfd->header;  /* cast away the 'const' */
-    hdtrl[0].iov_len = sfd->hlen;
-    hdtrl[1].iov_base = (void *) sfd->trailer;
-    hdtrl[1].iov_len = sfd->tlen;
-    /*
-     * SF_DISCONNECT seems to close the socket even if sendfile()
-     * only does a partial send on a nonblocking socket.  This
-     * would prevent the subsequent sendfile() calls on that socket
-     * from working.  So we don't use the SD_DISCONNECT flag.
-     */
-    send_flags = 0;
-    do {
-        count = sendfile(sd->secret->md.osfd, sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd,
-                sfd->file_offset, file_nbytes_to_send, hdtrl, send_flags);
-    } while (count == -1 && (syserrno = errno) == EINTR);
-    if (count == -1 && (syserrno == EAGAIN || syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
-        count = 0;
-    }
-    if (count != -1 && count < nbytes_to_send) {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        if (count < sfd->hlen) {
-			/* header not sent */
-            hdtrl[0].iov_base = ((char *) sfd->header) + count;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_len = sfd->hlen - count;
-            op.arg3.file_spec.offset = sfd->file_offset;
-            op.arg3.file_spec.nbytes = file_nbytes_to_send;
-        } else if (count < (sfd->hlen + file_nbytes_to_send)) {
-			/* header sent, file not sent */
-            hdtrl[0].iov_base = NULL;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_len = 0;
-            op.arg3.file_spec.offset = sfd->file_offset + count - sfd->hlen;
-            op.arg3.file_spec.nbytes = file_nbytes_to_send - (count - sfd->hlen);
-        } else if (count < (sfd->hlen + file_nbytes_to_send + sfd->tlen)) {
-			PRUint32 trailer_nbytes_sent;
-			/* header sent, file sent, trailer not sent */
-            hdtrl[0].iov_base = NULL;
-            hdtrl[0].iov_len = 0;
-			/*
-			 * set file offset and len so that no more file data is
-			 * sent
-			 */
-            op.arg3.file_spec.offset = statbuf.st_size;
-            op.arg3.file_spec.nbytes = 0;
-			trailer_nbytes_sent = count - sfd->hlen - file_nbytes_to_send;
-            hdtrl[1].iov_base = ((char *) sfd->trailer) + trailer_nbytes_sent;
-            hdtrl[1].iov_len = sfd->tlen - trailer_nbytes_sent;
-		}
-        op.arg1.osfd = sd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.filedesc = sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = hdtrl;
-        op.arg3.file_spec.st_size = statbuf.st_size;
-        op.arg4.flags = send_flags;
-        op.nbytes_to_send = nbytes_to_send - count;
-        op.result.code = count;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.function = pt_hpux_sendfile_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        count = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (count == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_MD_hpux_map_sendfile_error, syserrno);
-        return -1;
-    }
-        PR_Close(sd);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(count == nbytes_to_send);
-    return count;
-#endif  /* HPUX11 */
-#ifdef SOLARIS 
- *    pt_SolarisSendFile
- *
- *    Send file sfd->fd across socket sd. If specified, header and trailer
- *    buffers are sent before and after the file, respectively.
- *
- *    PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag - close socket after sending file
- *
- *    return number of bytes sent or -1 on error
- *
- *    This implementation takes advantage of the sendfilev() system
- *    call available in Solaris 8.
- */
-static PRInt32 pt_SolarisSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-                PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    struct stat statbuf;
-    size_t nbytes_to_send, file_nbytes_to_send;	
-    struct sendfilevec sfv_struct[3];  
-    int sfvcnt = 0;	
-    size_t xferred;
-    PRInt32 count;
-    int syserrno;
-    if (sfd->file_nbytes == 0) {
-        /* Get file size */
-        if (fstat(sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd, &statbuf) == -1) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_FSTAT_ERROR(errno);
-            return -1;
-        } 		
-        file_nbytes_to_send = statbuf.st_size - sfd->file_offset;
-    } else {
-        file_nbytes_to_send = sfd->file_nbytes;
-    }
-    nbytes_to_send = sfd->hlen + sfd->tlen + file_nbytes_to_send;
-    if (sfd->hlen != 0) {
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_fd = SFV_FD_SELF;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_flag = 0;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_off = (off_t) sfd->header; 
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_len = sfd->hlen;
-        sfvcnt++;
-    }
-    if (file_nbytes_to_send != 0) {
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_fd = sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_flag = 0;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_off = sfd->file_offset;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_len = file_nbytes_to_send;
-        sfvcnt++;
-    }
-    if (sfd->tlen != 0) {
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_fd = SFV_FD_SELF;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_flag = 0;
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_off = (off_t) sfd->trailer; 
-        sfv_struct[sfvcnt].sfv_len = sfd->tlen;
-        sfvcnt++;
-    }
-    if (0 == sfvcnt) {
-        count = 0;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Strictly speaking, we may have sent some bytes when the
-     * sendfilev() is interrupted and we should retry it from an
-     * updated offset.  We are not doing that here.
-     */
-    count = SOLARIS_SENDFILEV(sd->secret->md.osfd, sfv_struct,
-            sfvcnt, &xferred);
-    PR_ASSERT((count == -1) || (count == xferred));
-    if (count == -1) {
-        syserrno = errno;
-        if (syserrno == EINTR
-                || syserrno == EAGAIN || syserrno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
-            count = xferred;
-        }
-    } else if (count == 0) {
-        /*
-         * We are now at EOF. The file was truncated. Solaris sendfile is
-         * supposed to return 0 and no error in this case, though some versions
-         * may return -1 and EINVAL .
-         */
-        count = -1;
-        syserrno = 0;  /* will be treated as EOF */
-    }
-    if (count != -1 && count < nbytes_to_send) {
-        pt_Continuation op;
-        struct sendfilevec *vec = sfv_struct;
-        PRInt32 rem = count;
-        while (rem >= vec->sfv_len) {
-            rem -= vec->sfv_len;
-            vec++;
-            sfvcnt--;
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(sfvcnt > 0);
-        vec->sfv_off += rem;
-        vec->sfv_len -= rem;
-        PR_ASSERT(vec->sfv_len > 0);
-        op.arg1.osfd = sd->secret->md.osfd;
-        op.arg2.buffer = vec;
-        op.arg3.amount = sfvcnt;
-        op.arg4.flags = 0;
-        op.nbytes_to_send = nbytes_to_send - count;
-        op.result.code = count;
-        op.timeout = timeout;
-        op.function = pt_solaris_sendfile_cont;
-        op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-        count = pt_Continue(&op);
-        syserrno = op.syserrno;
-    }
-    if (count == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_MD_solaris_map_sendfile_error, syserrno);
-        return -1;
-    }
-        PR_Close(sd);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(count == nbytes_to_send);
-    return count;
-static pthread_once_t pt_solaris_sendfilev_once_block = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-static void pt_solaris_sendfilev_init_routine(void)
-    void *handle;
-    PRBool close_it = PR_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * We do not want to unload  This handle is leaked
-     * intentionally.
-     */
-    handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("dlopen( returns %p", handle));
-    if (NULL == handle) {
-        /*
-         * The dlopen(0, mode) call is to allow for the possibility that
-         * sendfilev() may become part of a standard system library in a
-         * future Solaris release.
-         */
-        handle = dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
-        PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-            ("dlopen(0) returns %p", handle));
-        close_it = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    pt_solaris_sendfilev_fptr = (ssize_t (*)()) dlsym(handle, "sendfilev");
-    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_DEBUG,
-        ("dlsym(sendfilev) returns %p", pt_solaris_sendfilev_fptr));
-    if (close_it) {
-        dlclose(handle);
-    }
- * pt_SolarisDispatchSendFile
- */
-static PRInt32 pt_SolarisDispatchSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-	  PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    int rv;
-    rv = pthread_once(&pt_solaris_sendfilev_once_block,
-            pt_solaris_sendfilev_init_routine);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (pt_solaris_sendfilev_fptr) {
-        return pt_SolarisSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout);
-    } else {
-        return PR_EmulateSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout);
-    }
-#endif /* !HAVE_SENDFILEV */
-#endif  /* SOLARIS */
-#ifdef LINUX
- * pt_LinuxSendFile
- *
- *    Send file sfd->fd across socket sd. If specified, header and trailer
- *    buffers are sent before and after the file, respectively.
- *
- *    PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET flag - close socket after sending file
- *    
- *    return number of bytes sent or -1 on error
- *
- *      This implementation takes advantage of the sendfile() system
- *      call available in Linux kernel 2.2 or higher.
- */
-static PRInt32 pt_LinuxSendFile(PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-                PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    struct stat statbuf;
-    size_t file_nbytes_to_send;	
-    PRInt32 count = 0;
-    ssize_t rv;
-    int syserrno;
-    off_t offset;
-    PRBool tcp_cork_enabled = PR_FALSE;
-    int tcp_cork;
-    if (sfd->file_nbytes == 0) {
-        /* Get file size */
-        if (fstat(sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd, &statbuf) == -1) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_FSTAT_ERROR(errno);
-            return -1;
-        } 		
-        file_nbytes_to_send = statbuf.st_size - sfd->file_offset;
-    } else {
-        file_nbytes_to_send = sfd->file_nbytes;
-    }
-    if ((sfd->hlen != 0 || sfd->tlen != 0)
-            && sd->secret->md.tcp_nodelay == 0) {
-        tcp_cork = 1;
-        if (setsockopt(sd->secret->md.osfd, SOL_TCP, TCP_CORK,
-                &tcp_cork, sizeof tcp_cork) == 0) {
-            tcp_cork_enabled = PR_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            syserrno = errno;
-            if (syserrno != EINVAL) {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR(syserrno);
-                return -1;
-            }
-            /*
-             * The most likely reason for the EINVAL error is that
-             * TCP_NODELAY is set (with a function other than
-             * PR_SetSocketOption).  This is not fatal, so we keep
-             * on going.
-             */
-            PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_WARNING,
-                ("pt_LinuxSendFile: "
-                "setsockopt(TCP_CORK) failed with EINVAL\n"));
-        }
-    }
-    if (sfd->hlen != 0) {
-        count = PR_Send(sd, sfd->header, sfd->hlen, 0, timeout);
-        if (count == -1) {
-            goto failed;
-        }
-    }
-    if (file_nbytes_to_send != 0) {
-        offset = sfd->file_offset;
-        do {
-            rv = sendfile(sd->secret->md.osfd, sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd,
-                &offset, file_nbytes_to_send);
-        } while (rv == -1 && (syserrno = errno) == EINTR);
-        if (rv == -1) {
-            if (syserrno != EAGAIN && syserrno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
-                _MD_linux_map_sendfile_error(syserrno);
-                count = -1;
-                goto failed;
-            }
-            rv = 0;
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == offset - sfd->file_offset);
-        count += rv;
-        if (rv < file_nbytes_to_send) {
-            pt_Continuation op;
-            op.arg1.osfd = sd->secret->md.osfd;
-            op.in_fd = sfd->fd->secret->md.osfd;
-            op.offset = offset;
-            op.count = file_nbytes_to_send - rv;
-            op.result.code = count;
-            op.timeout = timeout;
-            op.function = pt_linux_sendfile_cont;
-            op.event = POLLOUT | POLLPRI;
-            count = pt_Continue(&op);
-            syserrno = op.syserrno;
-            if (count == -1) {
-                pt_MapError(_MD_linux_map_sendfile_error, syserrno);
-                goto failed;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (sfd->tlen != 0) {
-        rv = PR_Send(sd, sfd->trailer, sfd->tlen, 0, timeout);
-        if (rv == -1) {
-            count = -1;
-            goto failed;
-        }
-        count += rv;
-    }
-    if (tcp_cork_enabled) {
-        tcp_cork = 0;
-        if (setsockopt(sd->secret->md.osfd, SOL_TCP, TCP_CORK,
-                &tcp_cork, sizeof tcp_cork) == -1 && count != -1) {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR(errno);
-            count = -1;
-        }
-    }
-    if (count != -1) {
-        if (flags & PR_TRANSMITFILE_CLOSE_SOCKET) {
-            PR_Close(sd);
-        }
-        PR_ASSERT(count == sfd->hlen + sfd->tlen + file_nbytes_to_send);
-    }
-    return count;
-#endif  /* LINUX */
-#ifdef AIX
-extern	int _pr_aix_send_file_use_disabled;
-static PRInt32 pt_SendFile(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRSendFileData *sfd,
-    PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return -1;
-    /* The socket must be in blocking mode. */
-    if (sd->secret->nonblocking)
-    {
-        return -1;
-    }
-#ifdef HPUX11
-    return(pt_HPUXSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-#elif defined(AIX)
-	/*
-	 * A bug in AIX 4.3.2 results in corruption of data transferred by
-	 * send_file(); AIX patch PTF U463956 contains the fix.  A user can
-	 * disable the use of send_file function in NSPR, when this patch is
-	 * not installed on the system, by setting the envionment variable
-	 */
-	if (_pr_aix_send_file_use_disabled)
-		return(PR_EmulateSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-	else
-    	return(pt_AIXSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-	return(PR_EmulateSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-    /* return(pt_AIXDispatchSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));*/
-#endif /* HAVE_SEND_FILE */
-#elif defined(SOLARIS)
-    	return(pt_SolarisSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-	return(pt_SolarisDispatchSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-#endif /* HAVE_SENDFILEV */
-#elif defined(LINUX)
-    	return(pt_LinuxSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-	return(PR_EmulateSendFile(sd, sfd, flags, timeout));
-static PRInt32 pt_TransmitFile(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc *fd, const void *headers,
-    PRInt32 hlen, PRTransmitFileFlags flags, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-	PRSendFileData sfd;
-	sfd.fd = fd;
-	sfd.file_offset = 0;
-	sfd.file_nbytes = 0;
-	sfd.header = headers;
-	sfd.hlen = hlen;
-	sfd.trailer = NULL;
-	sfd.tlen = 0;
-	return(pt_SendFile(sd, &sfd, flags, timeout));
-}  /* pt_TransmitFile */
-static PRInt32 pt_AcceptRead(
-    PRFileDesc *sd, PRFileDesc **nd, PRNetAddr **raddr,
-    void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return rv;
-    /* The socket must be in blocking mode. */
-    if (sd->secret->nonblocking)
-    {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    rv = PR_EmulateAcceptRead(sd, nd, raddr, buf, amount, timeout);
-    return rv;
-}  /* pt_AcceptRead */
-static PRStatus pt_GetSockName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRIntn rv = -1;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = getsockname(
-        fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr*)addr, &addr_len);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKNAME_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr)
-        {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr*)addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-		if (AF_INET6 == addr->
-			addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-        PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-        PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddrLen(addr, addr_len) == PR_TRUE);
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-}  /* pt_GetSockName */
-static PRStatus pt_GetPeerName(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr)
-    PRIntn rv = -1;
-    pt_SockLen addr_len = sizeof(PRNetAddr);
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = getpeername(
-        fd->secret->md.osfd, (struct sockaddr*)addr, &addr_len);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_GETPEERNAME_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else {
-        /* ignore the sa_len field of struct sockaddr */
-        if (addr)
-        {
-            addr-> = ((struct sockaddr*)addr)->sa_family;
-        }
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN */
-#ifdef _PR_INET6
-		if (AF_INET6 == addr->
-        	addr-> = PR_AF_INET6;
-        PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddr(addr) == PR_TRUE);
-        PR_ASSERT(IsValidNetAddrLen(addr, addr_len) == PR_TRUE);
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-}  /* pt_GetPeerName */
-static PRStatus pt_GetSocketOption(PRFileDesc *fd, PRSocketOptionData *data)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    pt_SockLen length;
-    PRInt32 level, name;
-    /*
-     * PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking is a special case that does not
-     * translate to a getsockopt() call
-     */
-    if (PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking == data->option)
-    {
-        data->value.non_blocking = fd->secret->nonblocking;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    rv = _PR_MapOptionName(data->option, &level, &name);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-    {
-        switch (data->option)
-        {
-            case PR_SockOpt_Linger:
-            {
-                struct linger linger;
-                length = sizeof(linger);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name, (char *) &linger, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(linger) == length));
-                data->value.linger.polarity =
-                    (linger.l_onoff) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-                data->value.linger.linger =
-                    PR_SecondsToInterval(linger.l_linger);
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Keepalive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_NoDelay:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Broadcast:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseport:
-            {
-                PRIntn value;
-                length = sizeof(PRIntn);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name, (char*)&value, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(PRIntn) == length));
-                data->value.reuse_addr = (0 == value) ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastLoopback:
-            {
-                PRUint8 xbool;
-                length = sizeof(xbool);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&xbool, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(xbool) == length));
-                data->value.mcast_loopback = (0 == xbool) ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_MaxSegment:
-            {
-                PRIntn value;
-                length = sizeof(PRIntn);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name, (char*)&value, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(PRIntn) == length));
-                data->value.recv_buffer_size = value;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService:
-            {
-                length = sizeof(PRUintn);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&data->value.ip_ttl, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(PRIntn) == length));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastTimeToLive:
-            {
-                PRUint8 ttl;
-                length = sizeof(ttl);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&ttl, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(ttl) == length));
-                data->value.mcast_ttl = ttl;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_AddMember:
-            case PR_SockOpt_DropMember:
-            {
-                struct ip_mreq mreq;
-                length = sizeof(mreq);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name, (char*)&mreq, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv) || (sizeof(mreq) == length));
-                data->value.add_member.mcaddr.inet.ip =
-                    mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr;
-                data->value.add_member.ifaddr.inet.ip =
-                    mreq.imr_interface.s_addr;
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastInterface:
-            {
-                length = sizeof(data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip);
-                rv = getsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip, &length);
-                PR_ASSERT((-1 == rv)
-                    || (sizeof(data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip) == length));
-                break;
-            }
-            default:
-                PR_NOT_REACHED("Unknown socket option");
-                break;
-        }
-        if (-1 == rv) _PR_MD_MAP_GETSOCKOPT_ERROR(errno);
-    }
-    return (-1 == rv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_GetSocketOption */
-static PRStatus pt_SetSocketOption(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRSocketOptionData *data)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRInt32 level, name;
-    /*
-     * PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking is a special case that does not
-     * translate to a setsockopt call.
-     */
-    if (PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking == data->option)
-    {
-        fd->secret->nonblocking = data->value.non_blocking;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    rv = _PR_MapOptionName(data->option, &level, &name);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
-    {
-        switch (data->option)
-        {
-            case PR_SockOpt_Linger:
-            {
-                struct linger linger;
-                linger.l_onoff = data->value.linger.polarity;
-                linger.l_linger = PR_IntervalToSeconds(data->value.linger.linger);
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name, (char*)&linger, sizeof(linger));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Keepalive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_NoDelay:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Broadcast:
-            case PR_SockOpt_Reuseport:
-            {
-                PRIntn value = (data->value.reuse_addr) ? 1 : 0;
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&value, sizeof(PRIntn));
-#ifdef LINUX
-                /* for pt_LinuxSendFile */
-                if (name == TCP_NODELAY && rv == 0) {
-                    fd->secret->md.tcp_nodelay = value;
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastLoopback:
-            {
-                PRUint8 xbool = data->value.mcast_loopback ? 1 : 0;
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&xbool, sizeof(xbool));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize:
-            case PR_SockOpt_MaxSegment:
-            {
-                PRIntn value = data->value.recv_buffer_size;
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&value, sizeof(PRIntn));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive:
-            case PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService:
-            {
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&data->value.ip_ttl, sizeof(PRUintn));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastTimeToLive:
-            {
-                PRUint8 ttl = data->value.mcast_ttl;
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&ttl, sizeof(ttl));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_AddMember:
-            case PR_SockOpt_DropMember:
-            {
-                struct ip_mreq mreq;
-                mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr =
-                    data->value.add_member.mcaddr.inet.ip;
-                mreq.imr_interface.s_addr =
-                    data->value.add_member.ifaddr.inet.ip;
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&mreq, sizeof(mreq));
-                break;
-            }
-            case PR_SockOpt_McastInterface:
-            {
-                rv = setsockopt(
-                    fd->secret->md.osfd, level, name,
-                    (char*)&data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip,
-                    sizeof(data->value.mcast_if.inet.ip));
-                break;
-            }
-            default:
-                PR_NOT_REACHED("Unknown socket option");
-                break;
-        }
-        if (-1 == rv) _PR_MD_MAP_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR(errno);
-    }
-    return (-1 == rv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* pt_SetSocketOption */
-/****************************** I/O method objects ***************************/
-static PRIOMethods _pr_file_methods = {
-    pt_Close,
-    pt_Read,
-    pt_Write,
-    pt_Available_f,
-    pt_Available64_f,
-    pt_Fsync,
-    pt_Seek,
-    pt_Seek64,
-    pt_FileInfo,
-    pt_FileInfo64,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,        
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    pt_Poll,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRIOMethods _pr_pipe_methods = {
-    pt_Close,
-    pt_Read,
-    pt_Write,
-    pt_Available_s,
-    pt_Available64_s,
-    pt_Synch,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,        
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    pt_Poll,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRIOMethods _pr_tcp_methods = {
-    pt_Close,
-    pt_SocketRead,
-    pt_SocketWrite,
-    pt_Available_s,
-    pt_Available64_s,
-    pt_Synch,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    pt_Writev,
-    pt_Connect,
-    pt_Accept,
-    pt_Bind,
-    pt_Listen,
-    pt_Shutdown,
-    pt_Recv,
-    pt_Send,
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    pt_Poll,
-    pt_AcceptRead,
-    pt_TransmitFile,
-    pt_GetSockName,
-    pt_GetPeerName,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    pt_GetSocketOption,
-    pt_SetSocketOption,
-    pt_SendFile, 
-    pt_ConnectContinue,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRIOMethods _pr_udp_methods = {
-    pt_Close,
-    pt_SocketRead,
-    pt_SocketWrite,
-    pt_Available_s,
-    pt_Available64_s,
-    pt_Synch,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    pt_Writev,
-    pt_Connect,
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,
-    pt_Bind,
-    pt_Listen,
-    pt_Shutdown,
-    pt_Recv,
-    pt_Send,
-    pt_RecvFrom,
-    pt_SendTo,
-    pt_Poll,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    pt_GetSockName,
-    pt_GetPeerName,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    pt_GetSocketOption,
-    pt_SetSocketOption,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-static PRIOMethods _pr_socketpollfd_methods = {
-    (PRDescType) 0,
-    (PRCloseFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRReadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRWriteFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailableFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRAvailable64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFsyncFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSeekFN)_PR_InvalidInt,
-    (PRSeek64FN)_PR_InvalidInt64,
-    (PRFileInfoFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRFileInfo64FN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRWritevFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRConnectFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRAcceptFN)_PR_InvalidDesc,        
-    (PRBindFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRListenFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,        
-    (PRShutdownFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRRecvFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRSendFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-    (PRRecvfromFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRSendtoFN)_PR_InvalidInt,        
-	pt_Poll,
-    (PRAcceptreadFN)_PR_InvalidInt,   
-    (PRTransmitfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRGetsocknameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRGetpeernameFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt,    
-    (PRGetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSetsocketoptionFN)_PR_InvalidStatus,
-    (PRSendfileFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRConnectcontinueFN)_PR_InvalidStatus, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt, 
-    (PRReservedFN)_PR_InvalidInt
-#if defined(HPUX) || defined(OSF1) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined (IRIX) \
-    || defined(LINUX) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__) \
-    || defined(AIX) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) \
-    || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(BSDI) || defined(NTO) \
-    || defined(DARWIN) || defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(RISCOS) \
-    || defined(SYMBIAN)
-#error "Can't determine architecture"
- * Put a Unix file descriptor in non-blocking mode.
- */
-static void pt_MakeFdNonblock(PRIntn osfd)
-    PRIntn flags;
-    flags = fcntl(osfd, F_GETFL, 0);
-    flags |= _PR_FCNTL_FLAGS;
-    (void)fcntl(osfd, F_SETFL, flags);
- * Put a Unix socket fd in non-blocking mode that can
- * ideally be inherited by an accepted socket.
- *
- * Why doesn't pt_MakeFdNonblock do?  This is to deal with
- * the special case of HP-UX.  HP-UX has three kinds of
- * non-blocking modes for sockets: the fcntl() O_NONBLOCK
- * and O_NDELAY flags and ioctl() FIOSNBIO request.  Only
- * the ioctl() FIOSNBIO form of non-blocking mode is
- * inherited by an accepted socket.
- *
- * Other platforms just use the generic pt_MakeFdNonblock
- * to put a socket in non-blocking mode.
- */
-#ifdef HPUX
-static void pt_MakeSocketNonblock(PRIntn osfd)
-    PRIntn one = 1;
-    (void)ioctl(osfd, FIOSNBIO, &one);
-#define pt_MakeSocketNonblock pt_MakeFdNonblock
-static PRFileDesc *pt_SetMethods(
-    PRIntn osfd, PRDescType type, PRBool isAcceptedSocket, PRBool imported)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = _PR_Getfd();
-    if (fd == NULL) PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    else
-    {
-        fd->secret->md.osfd = osfd;
-        fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN;
-        if (imported) fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN;
-        else
-        {
-            /* By default, a Unix fd is not closed on exec. */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            PRIntn flags;
-            flags = fcntl(osfd, F_GETFD, 0);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == flags);
-            fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_TRUE;
-        }
-        switch (type)
-        {
-            case PR_DESC_FILE:
-                fd->methods = PR_GetFileMethods();
-                break;
-            case PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP:
-                fd->methods = PR_GetTCPMethods();
-                if (!isAcceptedSocket) pt_MakeSocketNonblock(osfd);
-                pt_MakeSocketNonblock(osfd);
-                break;
-            case PR_DESC_SOCKET_UDP:
-                fd->methods = PR_GetUDPMethods();
-                pt_MakeFdNonblock(osfd);
-                break;
-            case PR_DESC_PIPE:
-                fd->methods = PR_GetPipeMethods();
-                pt_MakeFdNonblock(osfd);
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    return fd;
-}  /* pt_SetMethods */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetFileMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_file_methods;
-}  /* PR_GetFileMethods */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetPipeMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_pipe_methods;
-}  /* PR_GetPipeMethods */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetTCPMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_tcp_methods;
-}  /* PR_GetTCPMethods */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const PRIOMethods*) PR_GetUDPMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_udp_methods;
-}  /* PR_GetUDPMethods */
-static const PRIOMethods* PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods(void)
-    return &_pr_socketpollfd_methods;
-}  /* PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_AllocFileDesc(
-    PRInt32 osfd, const PRIOMethods *methods)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = _PR_Getfd();
-    if (NULL == fd) goto failed;
-    fd->methods = methods;
-    fd->secret->md.osfd = osfd;
-    /* Make fd non-blocking */
-    if (osfd > 2)
-    {
-        /* Don't mess around with stdin, stdout or stderr */
-        if (&_pr_tcp_methods == methods) pt_MakeSocketNonblock(osfd);
-        else pt_MakeFdNonblock(osfd);
-    }
-    fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN;
-    fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_UNKNOWN;
-    return fd;
-    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_AllocFileDesc */
-#if !defined(_PR_INET6) || defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-PR_EXTERN(PRStatus) _pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer(PRFileDesc *fd);
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-extern PRBool _pr_ipv6_is_present(void);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) _pr_test_ipv6_socket()
-    int osfd;
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-    /*
-     * Disable IPv6 if Darwin version is less than 7.0.0 (OS X 10.3).  IPv6 on
-     * lesser versions is not ready for general use (see bug 222031).
-     */
-    {
-        struct utsname u;
-        if (uname(&u) != 0 || atoi(u.release) < 7)
-            return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * HP-UX only: HP-UX IPv6 Porting Guide (dated February 2001)
-     * suggests that we call open("/dev/ip6", O_RDWR) to determine
-     * whether IPv6 APIs and the IPv6 stack are on the system.
-     * Our portable test below seems to work fine, so I am using it.
-     */
-    osfd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-    if (osfd != -1) {
-        close(osfd);
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-#endif	/* _PR_INET6_PROBE */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_Socket(PRInt32 domain, PRInt32 type, PRInt32 proto)
-    PRIntn osfd;
-    PRDescType ftype;
-    PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) || !defined(_PR_INET6)
-    PRInt32 tmp_domain = domain;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return NULL;
-    if (PF_INET != domain
-        && PR_AF_INET6 != domain
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_SDP)
-        && PR_AF_INET_SDP != domain
-#if defined(SOLARIS)
-        && PR_AF_INET6_SDP != domain
-#endif /* SOLARIS */
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SDP */
-        && PF_UNIX != domain)
-    {
-        return fd;
-    }
-	if (type == SOCK_STREAM) ftype = PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP;
-	else if (type == SOCK_DGRAM) ftype = PR_DESC_SOCKET_UDP;
-	else
-	{
-		return fd;
-	}
-#if defined(_PR_HAVE_SDP)
-#if defined(LINUX)
-    if (PR_AF_INET_SDP == domain)
-        domain = AF_INET_SDP;
-#elif defined(SOLARIS)
-    if (PR_AF_INET_SDP == domain) {
-        domain = AF_INET;
-        proto = PROTO_SDP;
-    } else if(PR_AF_INET6_SDP == domain) {
-        domain = AF_INET6;
-        proto = PROTO_SDP;
-    }
-#endif /* SOLARIS */
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_SDP */
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE)
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 == domain)
-		domain = _pr_ipv6_is_present() ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET;
-#elif defined(_PR_INET6) 
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 == domain)
-		domain = AF_INET6;
-	if (PR_AF_INET6 == domain)
-		domain = AF_INET;
-    osfd = socket(domain, type, proto);
-    if (osfd == -1) pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKET_ERROR, errno);
-    else
-    {
-        if ((domain == AF_INET6) && _pr_ipv6_v6only_on_by_default)
-        {
-            int on = 0;
-            (void)setsockopt(osfd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY,
-                    &on, sizeof(on));
-        }
-        fd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, ftype, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-        if (fd == NULL) close(osfd);
-    }
-    if (fd != NULL) fd->secret->af = domain;
-#if defined(_PR_INET6_PROBE) || !defined(_PR_INET6)
-	if (fd != NULL) {
-		/*
-		 * For platforms with no support for IPv6 
-		 * create layered socket for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
-		 */
-		if (PR_AF_INET6 == tmp_domain && PR_AF_INET == domain) {
-			if (PR_FAILURE == _pr_push_ipv6toipv4_layer(fd)) {
-				PR_Close(fd);
-				fd = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_Socket */
-/****************************** I/O public methods ***************************/
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenFile(
-    const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-    PRIntn syserrno, osfd = -1, osflags = 0;;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return NULL;
-    if (flags & PR_RDONLY) osflags |= O_RDONLY;
-    if (flags & PR_WRONLY) osflags |= O_WRONLY;
-    if (flags & PR_RDWR) osflags |= O_RDWR;
-    if (flags & PR_APPEND) osflags |= O_APPEND;
-    if (flags & PR_TRUNCATE) osflags |= O_TRUNC;
-    if (flags & PR_EXCL) osflags |= O_EXCL;
-    if (flags & PR_SYNC)
-    {
-#if defined(O_SYNC)
-        osflags |= O_SYNC;
-#elif defined(O_FSYNC)
-        osflags |= O_FSYNC;
-#error "Neither O_SYNC nor O_FSYNC is defined on this platform"
-    }
-    /*
-    ** We have to hold the lock across the creation in order to
-    ** enforce the sematics of PR_Rename(). (see the latter for
-    ** more details)
-    */
-    if (flags & PR_CREATE_FILE)
-    {
-        osflags |= O_CREAT;
-        if (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock)
-            PR_Lock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    }
-    osfd = _md_iovector._open64(name, osflags, mode);
-    syserrno = errno;
-    if ((flags & PR_CREATE_FILE) && (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock))
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    if (osfd == -1)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR, syserrno);
-    else
-    {
-        fd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, PR_DESC_FILE, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-        if (fd == NULL) close(osfd);  /* $$$ whoops! this is bad $$$ */
-    }
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_OpenFile */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_Open(const char *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    return PR_OpenFile(name, flags, mode);
-}  /* PR_Open */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Delete(const char *name)
-    PRIntn rv = -1;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = unlink(name);
-    if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_UNLINK_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_Delete */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Access(const char *name, PRAccessHow how)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    switch (how)
-    {
-    case PR_ACCESS_READ_OK:
-        rv =  access(name, R_OK);
-        break;
-        rv = access(name, W_OK);
-        break;
-    default:
-        rv = access(name, F_OK);
-    }
-    if (0 == rv) return PR_SUCCESS;
-    pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_ACCESS_ERROR, errno);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* PR_Access */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo(const char *fn, PRFileInfo *info)
-    PRInt32 rv = _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO(fn, info);
-    return (0 == rv) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* PR_GetFileInfo */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo64(const char *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    rv = _PR_MD_GETFILEINFO64(fn, info);
-    return (0 == rv) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* PR_GetFileInfo64 */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Rename(const char *from, const char *to)
-    PRIntn rv = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    /*
-    ** We have to acquire a lock here to stiffle anybody trying to create
-    ** a new file at the same time. And we have to hold that lock while we
-    ** test to see if the file exists and do the rename. The other place
-    ** where the lock is held is in PR_Open() when possibly creating a 
-    ** new file.
-    */
-    PR_Lock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    rv = access(to, F_OK);
-    if (0 == rv)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR, 0);
-        rv = -1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        rv = rename(from, to);
-        if (rv == -1)
-            pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_RENAME_ERROR, errno);
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    return (-1 == rv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_Rename */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseDir(PRDir *dir)
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    if (NULL != dir->md.d)
-    {
-        if (closedir(dir->md.d) == -1)
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSEDIR_ERROR(errno);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        dir->md.d = NULL;
-        PR_DELETE(dir);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_CloseDir */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_MakeDir(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-    PRInt32 rv = -1;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    /*
-    ** This lock is used to enforce rename semantics as described
-    ** in PR_Rename.
-    */
-    if (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock)
-        PR_Lock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    rv = mkdir(name, mode);
-    if (-1 == rv)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_MKDIR_ERROR, errno);
-    if (NULL !=_pr_rename_lock)
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_rename_lock);
-    return (-1 == rv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_Makedir */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_MkDir(const char *name, PRIntn mode)
-    return PR_MakeDir(name, mode);
-}  /* PR_Mkdir */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_RmDir(const char *name)
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    rv = rmdir(name);
-    if (0 == rv) {
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-    pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_RMDIR_ERROR, errno);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-}  /* PR_Rmdir */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDir*) PR_OpenDir(const char *name)
-    DIR *osdir;
-    PRDir *dir = NULL;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return dir;
-    osdir = opendir(name);
-    if (osdir == NULL)
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_OPENDIR_ERROR, errno);
-    else
-    {
-        dir = PR_NEWZAP(PRDir);
-        if (dir)
-            dir->md.d = osdir;
-        else
-            (void)closedir(osdir);
-    }
-    return dir;
-}  /* PR_OpenDir */
-static PRInt32 _pr_poll_with_poll(
-    PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 ready = 0;
-    /*
-     * For restarting poll() if it is interrupted by a signal.
-     * We use these variables to figure out how much time has
-     * elapsed and how much of the timeout still remains.
-     */
-    PRIntervalTime start = 0, elapsed, remaining;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return -1;
-    if (0 == npds) PR_Sleep(timeout);
-    else
-    {
-        struct pollfd stack_syspoll[STACK_POLL_DESC_COUNT];
-        struct pollfd *syspoll;
-        PRIntn index, msecs;
-        if (npds <= STACK_POLL_DESC_COUNT)
-        {
-            syspoll = stack_syspoll;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-            if (npds > me->syspoll_count)
-            {
-                PR_Free(me->syspoll_list);
-                me->syspoll_list =
-                    (struct pollfd*)PR_MALLOC(npds * sizeof(struct pollfd));
-                if (NULL == me->syspoll_list)
-                {
-                    me->syspoll_count = 0;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-                    return -1;
-                }
-                me->syspoll_count = npds;
-            }
-            syspoll = me->syspoll_list;
-        }
-        for (index = 0; index < npds; ++index)
-        {
-            PRInt16 in_flags_read = 0, in_flags_write = 0;
-            PRInt16 out_flags_read = 0, out_flags_write = 0;
-            if ((NULL != pds[index].fd) && (0 != pds[index].in_flags))
-            {
-                if (pds[index].in_flags & PR_POLL_READ)
-                {
-                    in_flags_read = (pds[index].fd->methods->poll)(
-                        pds[index].fd,
-                        pds[index].in_flags & ~PR_POLL_WRITE,
-                        &out_flags_read);
-                }
-                if (pds[index].in_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                {
-                    in_flags_write = (pds[index].fd->methods->poll)(
-                        pds[index].fd,
-                        pds[index].in_flags & ~PR_POLL_READ,
-                        &out_flags_write);
-                }
-                if ((0 != (in_flags_read & out_flags_read))
-                || (0 != (in_flags_write & out_flags_write)))
-                {
-                    /* this one is ready right now */
-                    if (0 == ready)
-                    {
-                        /*
-                         * We will return without calling the system
-                         * poll function.  So zero the out_flags
-                         * fields of all the poll descriptors before
-                         * this one.
-                         */
-                        int i;
-                        for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
-                        {
-                            pds[i].out_flags = 0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    ready += 1;
-                    pds[index].out_flags = out_flags_read | out_flags_write;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    /* now locate the NSPR layer at the bottom of the stack */
-                    PRFileDesc *bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(
-                        pds[index].fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-                    PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);  /* what to do about that? */
-                    pds[index].out_flags = 0;  /* pre-condition */
-                    if ((NULL != bottom)
-                    && (_PR_FILEDESC_OPEN == bottom->secret->state))
-                    {
-                        if (0 == ready)
-                        {
-                            syspoll[index].fd = bottom->secret->md.osfd;
-                            syspoll[index].events = 0;
-                            if (in_flags_read & PR_POLL_READ)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_READ;
-                                syspoll[index].events |= POLLIN;
-                            }
-                            if (in_flags_read & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE;
-                                syspoll[index].events |= POLLOUT;
-                            }
-                            if (in_flags_write & PR_POLL_READ)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_READ;
-                                syspoll[index].events |= POLLIN;
-                            }
-                            if (in_flags_write & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_WRITE;
-                                syspoll[index].events |= POLLOUT;
-                            }
-                            if (pds[index].in_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT)
-                                syspoll[index].events |= POLLPRI;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if (0 == ready)
-                        {
-                            int i;
-                            for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
-                            {
-                                pds[i].out_flags = 0;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        ready += 1;  /* this will cause an abrupt return */
-                        pds[index].out_flags = PR_POLL_NVAL;  /* bogii */
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* make poll() ignore this entry */
-                syspoll[index].fd = -1;
-                syspoll[index].events = 0;
-                pds[index].out_flags = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        if (0 == ready)
-        {
-            switch (timeout)
-            {
-            case PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT: msecs = 0; break;
-            case PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT: msecs = -1; break;
-            default:
-                msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(timeout);
-                start = PR_IntervalNow();
-            }
-            ready = poll(syspoll, npds, msecs);
-            if (-1 == ready)
-            {
-                PRIntn oserror = errno;
-                if (EINTR == oserror)
-                {
-                    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-                        goto retry;
-                    else if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)
-                        ready = 0;  /* don't retry, just time out */
-                    else
-                    {
-                        elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (PR_IntervalNow()
-                                - start);
-                        if (elapsed > timeout)
-                            ready = 0;  /* timed out */
-                        else
-                        {
-                            remaining = timeout - elapsed;
-                            msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(remaining);
-                            goto retry;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_POLL_ERROR(oserror);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (ready > 0)
-            {
-                for (index = 0; index < npds; ++index)
-                {
-                    PRInt16 out_flags = 0;
-                    if ((NULL != pds[index].fd) && (0 != pds[index].in_flags))
-                    {
-                        if (0 != syspoll[index].revents)
-                        {
-                            if (syspoll[index].revents & POLLIN)
-                            {
-                                if (pds[index].out_flags
-                                & _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_READ)
-                                {
-                                    out_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-                                }
-                                if (pds[index].out_flags
-                                & _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_READ)
-                                {
-                                    out_flags |= PR_POLL_WRITE;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (syspoll[index].revents & POLLOUT)
-                            {
-                                if (pds[index].out_flags
-                                & _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE)
-                                {
-                                    out_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-                                }
-                                if (pds[index].out_flags
-                                & _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_WRITE)
-                                {
-                                    out_flags |= PR_POLL_WRITE;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (syspoll[index].revents & POLLPRI)
-                                out_flags |= PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
-                            if (syspoll[index].revents & POLLERR)
-                                out_flags |= PR_POLL_ERR;
-                            if (syspoll[index].revents & POLLNVAL)
-                                out_flags |= PR_POLL_NVAL;
-                            if (syspoll[index].revents & POLLHUP)
-                                out_flags |= PR_POLL_HUP;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    pds[index].out_flags = out_flags;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ready;
-} /* _pr_poll_with_poll */
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
- * OSF1 and HPUX report the POLLHUP event for a socket when the
- * shutdown(SHUT_WR) operation is called for the remote end, even though
- * the socket is still writeable. Use select(), instead of poll(), to
- * workaround this problem.
- */
-static PRInt32 _pr_poll_with_select(
-    PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRInt32 ready = 0;
-    /*
-     * For restarting select() if it is interrupted by a signal.
-     * We use these variables to figure out how much time has
-     * elapsed and how much of the timeout still remains.
-     */
-    PRIntervalTime start = 0, elapsed, remaining;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return -1;
-    if (0 == npds) PR_Sleep(timeout);
-    else
-    {
-        int stack_selectfd[STACK_POLL_DESC_COUNT];
-        int *selectfd;
-		fd_set rd, wr, ex, *rdp = NULL, *wrp = NULL, *exp = NULL;
-		struct timeval tv, *tvp;
-        PRIntn index, msecs, maxfd = 0;
-        if (npds <= STACK_POLL_DESC_COUNT)
-        {
-            selectfd = stack_selectfd;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-            if (npds > me->selectfd_count)
-            {
-                PR_Free(me->selectfd_list);
-                me->selectfd_list = (int *)PR_MALLOC(npds * sizeof(int));
-                if (NULL == me->selectfd_list)
-                {
-                    me->selectfd_count = 0;
-                    PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-                    return -1;
-                }
-                me->selectfd_count = npds;
-            }
-            selectfd = me->selectfd_list;
-        }
-		FD_ZERO(&rd);
-		FD_ZERO(&wr);
-		FD_ZERO(&ex);
-        for (index = 0; index < npds; ++index)
-        {
-            PRInt16 in_flags_read = 0, in_flags_write = 0;
-            PRInt16 out_flags_read = 0, out_flags_write = 0;
-            if ((NULL != pds[index].fd) && (0 != pds[index].in_flags))
-            {
-                if (pds[index].in_flags & PR_POLL_READ)
-                {
-                    in_flags_read = (pds[index].fd->methods->poll)(
-                        pds[index].fd,
-                        pds[index].in_flags & ~PR_POLL_WRITE,
-                        &out_flags_read);
-                }
-                if (pds[index].in_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                {
-                    in_flags_write = (pds[index].fd->methods->poll)(
-                        pds[index].fd,
-                        pds[index].in_flags & ~PR_POLL_READ,
-                        &out_flags_write);
-                }
-                if ((0 != (in_flags_read & out_flags_read))
-                || (0 != (in_flags_write & out_flags_write)))
-                {
-                    /* this one is ready right now */
-                    if (0 == ready)
-                    {
-                        /*
-                         * We will return without calling the system
-                         * poll function.  So zero the out_flags
-                         * fields of all the poll descriptors before
-                         * this one.
-                         */
-                        int i;
-                        for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
-                        {
-                            pds[i].out_flags = 0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    ready += 1;
-                    pds[index].out_flags = out_flags_read | out_flags_write;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    /* now locate the NSPR layer at the bottom of the stack */
-                    PRFileDesc *bottom = PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(
-                        pds[index].fd, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-                    PR_ASSERT(NULL != bottom);  /* what to do about that? */
-                    pds[index].out_flags = 0;  /* pre-condition */
-                    if ((NULL != bottom)
-                    && (_PR_FILEDESC_OPEN == bottom->secret->state))
-                    {
-                        if (0 == ready)
-                        {
-                            PRBool add_to_rd = PR_FALSE;
-                            PRBool add_to_wr = PR_FALSE;
-                            PRBool add_to_ex = PR_FALSE;
-                            selectfd[index] = bottom->secret->md.osfd;
-                            if (in_flags_read & PR_POLL_READ)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_READ;
-                                add_to_rd = PR_TRUE;
-                            }
-                            if (in_flags_read & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_READ_SYS_WRITE;
-                                add_to_wr = PR_TRUE;
-                            }
-                            if (in_flags_write & PR_POLL_READ)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_READ;
-                                add_to_rd = PR_TRUE;
-                            }
-                            if (in_flags_write & PR_POLL_WRITE)
-                            {
-                                pds[index].out_flags |=
-                                    _PR_POLL_WRITE_SYS_WRITE;
-                                add_to_wr = PR_TRUE;
-                            }
-                            if (pds[index].in_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT)
-                            {
-                                add_to_ex = PR_TRUE;
-                            }
-                            if ((selectfd[index] > maxfd) &&
-                                    (add_to_rd || add_to_wr || add_to_ex))
-                            {
-                                maxfd = selectfd[index];
-                                /*
-                                 * If maxfd is too large to be used with
-                                 * select, fall back to calling poll.
-                                 */
-                                if (maxfd >= FD_SETSIZE)
-                                    break;
-                            }
-                            if (add_to_rd)
-                            {
-                                FD_SET(bottom->secret->md.osfd, &rd);
-                                rdp = &rd;
-                            }
-                            if (add_to_wr)
-                            {
-                                FD_SET(bottom->secret->md.osfd, &wr);
-                                wrp = &wr;
-                            }
-                            if (add_to_ex)
-                            {
-                                FD_SET(bottom->secret->md.osfd, &ex);
-                                exp = &ex;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if (0 == ready)
-                        {
-                            int i;
-                            for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
-                            {
-                                pds[i].out_flags = 0;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        ready += 1;  /* this will cause an abrupt return */
-                        pds[index].out_flags = PR_POLL_NVAL;  /* bogii */
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                pds[index].out_flags = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        if (0 == ready)
-        {
-			if (maxfd >= FD_SETSIZE)
-			{
-				/*
-				 * maxfd too large to be used with select, fall back to
-				 * calling poll
-				 */
-				return(_pr_poll_with_poll(pds, npds, timeout));
-			}
-            switch (timeout)
-            {
-            case PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT:
-				tv.tv_sec = 0;
-				tv.tv_usec = 0;
-				tvp = &tv;
-				break;
-            case PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT:
-				tvp = NULL;
-				break;
-            default:
-                msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(timeout);
-				tv.tv_sec = msecs/PR_MSEC_PER_SEC;
-				tv.tv_usec = (msecs % PR_MSEC_PER_SEC) * PR_USEC_PER_MSEC;
-				tvp = &tv;
-                start = PR_IntervalNow();
-            }
-            ready = select(maxfd + 1, rdp, wrp, exp, tvp);
-            if (-1 == ready)
-            {
-                PRIntn oserror = errno;
-                if ((EINTR == oserror) || (EAGAIN == oserror))
-                {
-                    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-                        goto retry;
-                    else if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)
-                        ready = 0;  /* don't retry, just time out */
-                    else
-                    {
-                        elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (PR_IntervalNow()
-                                - start);
-                        if (elapsed > timeout)
-                            ready = 0;  /* timed out */
-                        else
-                        {
-                            remaining = timeout - elapsed;
-                            msecs = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(remaining);
-							tv.tv_sec = msecs/PR_MSEC_PER_SEC;
-							tv.tv_usec = (msecs % PR_MSEC_PER_SEC) *
-													PR_USEC_PER_MSEC;
-                            goto retry;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else if (EBADF == oserror)
-                {
-					/* find all the bad fds */
-					ready = 0;
-                	for (index = 0; index < npds; ++index)
-					{
-                    	pds[index].out_flags = 0;
-            			if ((NULL != pds[index].fd) &&
-											(0 != pds[index].in_flags))
-						{
-							if (fcntl(selectfd[index], F_GETFL, 0) == -1)
-							{
-                    			pds[index].out_flags = PR_POLL_NVAL;
-								ready++;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-                } else 
-                    _PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR(oserror);
-            }
-            else if (ready > 0)
-            {
-                for (index = 0; index < npds; ++index)
-                {
-                    PRInt16 out_flags = 0;
-                    if ((NULL != pds[index].fd) && (0 != pds[index].in_flags))
-                    {
-						if (FD_ISSET(selectfd[index], &rd))
-						{
-							if (pds[index].out_flags
-							{
-								out_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-							}
-							if (pds[index].out_flags
-							{
-								out_flags |= PR_POLL_WRITE;
-							}
-						}
-						if (FD_ISSET(selectfd[index], &wr))
-						{
-							if (pds[index].out_flags
-							{
-								out_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-							}
-							if (pds[index].out_flags
-							{
-								out_flags |= PR_POLL_WRITE;
-							}
-						}
-						if (FD_ISSET(selectfd[index], &ex))
-							out_flags |= PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
-                    }
-                    pds[index].out_flags = out_flags;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ready;
-} /* _pr_poll_with_select */
-#endif	/* _PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT */
-    PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
-	return(_pr_poll_with_select(pds, npds, timeout));
-	return(_pr_poll_with_poll(pds, npds, timeout));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDirEntry*) PR_ReadDir(PRDir *dir, PRDirFlags flags)
-    struct dirent *dp;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return NULL;
-    for (;;)
-    {
-        errno = 0;
-        dp = readdir(dir->md.d);
-        if (NULL == dp)
-        {
-            pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_READDIR_ERROR, errno);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if ((flags & PR_SKIP_DOT)
-            && ('.' == dp->d_name[0])
-            && (0 == dp->d_name[1])) continue;
-        if ((flags & PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT)
-            && ('.' == dp->d_name[0])
-            && ('.' == dp->d_name[1])
-            && (0 == dp->d_name[2])) continue;
-        if ((flags & PR_SKIP_HIDDEN) && ('.' == dp->d_name[0]))
-            continue;
-        break;
-    }
-    dir-> = dp->d_name;
-    return &dir->d;
-}  /* PR_ReadDir */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_NewUDPSocket(void)
-    PRIntn domain = PF_INET;
-    return PR_Socket(domain, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-}  /* PR_NewUDPSocket */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_NewTCPSocket(void)
-    PRIntn domain = PF_INET;
-    return PR_Socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-}  /* PR_NewTCPSocket */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenUDPSocket(PRIntn af)
-    return PR_Socket(af, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-}  /* PR_NewUDPSocket */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenTCPSocket(PRIntn af)
-    return PR_Socket(af, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-}  /* PR_NewTCPSocket */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NewTCPSocketPair(PRFileDesc *fds[2])
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-    /*
-     * For the platforms that don't have socketpair.
-     *
-     * Copied from prsocket.c, with the parameter f[] renamed fds[] and the
-     * _PR_CONNECT_DOES_NOT_BIND code removed.
-     */
-    PRFileDesc *listenSock;
-    PRNetAddr selfAddr, peerAddr;
-    PRUint16 port;
-    fds[0] = fds[1] = NULL;
-    listenSock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
-    if (listenSock == NULL) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, 0, &selfAddr); /* BugZilla: 35408 */
-    if (PR_Bind(listenSock, &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock, &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    port = ntohs(selfAddr.inet.port);
-    if (PR_Listen(listenSock, 5) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    fds[0] = PR_NewTCPSocket();
-    if (fds[0] == NULL) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, port, &selfAddr);
-    /*
-     * Only a thread is used to do the connect and accept.
-     * I am relying on the fact that PR_Connect returns
-     * successfully as soon as the connect request is put
-     * into the listen queue (but before PR_Accept is called).
-     * This is the behavior of the BSD socket code.  If
-     * connect does not return until accept is called, we
-     * will need to create another thread to call connect.
-     */
-    if (PR_Connect(fds[0], &selfAddr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-            == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A malicious local process may connect to the listening
-     * socket, so we need to verify that the accepted connection
-     * is made from our own socket fds[0].
-     */
-    if (PR_GetSockName(fds[0], &selfAddr) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    fds[1] = PR_Accept(listenSock, &peerAddr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    if (fds[1] == NULL) {
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    if (peerAddr.inet.port != selfAddr.inet.port) {
-        /* the connection we accepted is not from fds[0] */
-        goto failed;
-    }
-    PR_Close(listenSock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (listenSock) {
-        PR_Close(listenSock);
-    }
-    if (fds[0]) {
-        PR_Close(fds[0]);
-    }
-    if (fds[1]) {
-        PR_Close(fds[1]);
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    PRInt32 osfd[2];
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, osfd) == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SOCKETPAIR_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    fds[0] = pt_SetMethods(osfd[0], PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-    if (fds[0] == NULL) {
-        close(osfd[0]);
-        close(osfd[1]);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    fds[1] = pt_SetMethods(osfd[1], PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-    if (fds[1] == NULL) {
-        PR_Close(fds[0]);
-        close(osfd[1]);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_NewTCPSocketPair */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CreatePipe(
-    PRFileDesc **readPipe,
-    PRFileDesc **writePipe
-    int pipefd[2];
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    if (pipe(pipefd) == -1)
-    {
-    /* XXX map pipe error */
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *readPipe = pt_SetMethods(pipefd[0], PR_DESC_PIPE, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-    if (NULL == *readPipe)
-    {
-        close(pipefd[0]);
-        close(pipefd[1]);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    *writePipe = pt_SetMethods(pipefd[1], PR_DESC_PIPE, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-    if (NULL == *writePipe)
-    {
-        PR_Close(*readPipe);
-        close(pipefd[1]);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Set the inheritance attribute of a file descriptor.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetFDInheritable(
-    PRFileDesc *fd,
-    PRBool inheritable)
-    /*
-     * Only a non-layered, NSPR file descriptor can be inherited
-     * by a child process.
-     */
-    if (fd->identity != PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (fd->secret->inheritable != inheritable)
-    {
-        if (fcntl(fd->secret->md.osfd, F_SETFD,
-        inheritable ? 0 : FD_CLOEXEC) == -1)
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        fd->secret->inheritable = (_PRTriStateBool) inheritable;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-/***************************** I/O friends methods ***************************/
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_ImportFile(PRInt32 osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, PR_DESC_FILE, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    if (NULL == fd) close(osfd);
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_ImportFile */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_ImportPipe(PRInt32 osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, PR_DESC_PIPE, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    if (NULL == fd) close(osfd);
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_ImportPipe */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_ImportTCPSocket(PRInt32 osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    if (NULL == fd) close(osfd);
-    if (NULL != fd) fd->secret->af = PF_INET;
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_ImportTCPSocket */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_ImportUDPSocket(PRInt32 osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = pt_SetMethods(osfd, PR_DESC_SOCKET_UDP, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    if (NULL == fd) close(osfd);
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_ImportUDPSocket */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_CreateSocketPollFd(PRInt32 osfd)
-    PRFileDesc *fd;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    fd = _PR_Getfd();
-    if (fd == NULL) PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    else
-    {
-        fd->secret->md.osfd = osfd;
-        fd->secret->inheritable = _PR_TRI_FALSE;
-    	fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN;
-        fd->methods = PR_GetSocketPollFdMethods();
-    }
-    return fd;
-}  /* PR_CreateSocketPollFD */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DestroySocketPollFd(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    if (NULL == fd)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED;
-    _PR_Putfd(fd);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_DestroySocketPollFd */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(PRFileDesc *bottom)
-    PRInt32 osfd = -1;
-    bottom = (NULL == bottom) ?
-        NULL : PR_GetIdentitiesLayer(bottom, PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER);
-    if (NULL == bottom) PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0);
-    else osfd = bottom->secret->md.osfd;
-    return osfd;
-}  /* PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle(PRFileDesc *fd,
-    PRInt32 handle)
-    if (fd) fd->secret->md.osfd = handle;
-}  /*  PR_ChangeFileDescNativeHandle*/
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_LockFile(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    while (-1 == fd->secret->lockCount)
-        PR_WaitCondVar(_pr_flock_cv, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    if (0 == fd->secret->lockCount)
-    {
-        fd->secret->lockCount = -1;
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-        status = _PR_MD_LOCKFILE(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-        fd->secret->lockCount = (PR_SUCCESS == status) ? 1 : 0;
-        PR_NotifyAllCondVar(_pr_flock_cv);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fd->secret->lockCount += 1;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    return status;
-}  /* PR_LockFile */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_TLockFile(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    if (0 == fd->secret->lockCount)
-    {
-        status = _PR_MD_TLOCKFILE(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        if (PR_SUCCESS == status) fd->secret->lockCount = 1;
-    }
-    else fd->secret->lockCount += 1;
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    return status;
-}  /* PR_TLockFile */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_UnlockFile(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Lock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    if (fd->secret->lockCount == 1)
-    {
-        status = _PR_MD_UNLOCKFILE(fd->secret->md.osfd);
-        if (PR_SUCCESS == status) fd->secret->lockCount = 0;
-    }
-    else fd->secret->lockCount -= 1;
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_flock_lock);
-    return status;
- * The next two entry points should not be in the API, but they are
- * defined here for historical (or hysterical) reasons.
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetSysfdTableMax(void)
-#if defined(AIX) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-    return sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
-    struct rlimit rlim;
-    if ( getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) < 0) 
-       return -1;
-    return rlim.rlim_max;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_SetSysfdTableSize(PRIntn table_size)
-#if defined(AIX) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-    return -1;
-    struct rlimit rlim;
-    PRInt32 tableMax = PR_GetSysfdTableMax();
-    if (tableMax < 0) return -1;
-    rlim.rlim_max = tableMax;
-    /* Grow as much as we can; even if too big */
-    if ( rlim.rlim_max < table_size )
-        rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max;
-    else
-        rlim.rlim_cur = table_size;
-    if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) < 0) 
-        return -1;
-    return rlim.rlim_cur;
- * PR_Stat is supported for backward compatibility; some existing Java
- * code uses it.  New code should use PR_GetFileInfo.
- */
-#ifndef NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Stat(const char *name, struct stat *buf)
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_Stat", "PR_GetFileInfo");
-    if (pt_TestAbort()) return -1;
-    if (-1 == stat(name, buf)) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_STAT_ERROR, errno);
-        return -1;
-    } else {
-        return 0;
-    }
-#endif /* ! NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_ZERO(PR_fd_set *set)
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_ZERO (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    memset(set, 0, sizeof(PR_fd_set));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_SET(PRFileDesc *fh, PR_fd_set *set)
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_SET (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    PR_ASSERT( set->hsize < PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC );
-    set->harray[set->hsize++] = fh;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_CLR(PRFileDesc *fh, PR_fd_set *set)
-    PRUint32 index, index2;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_CLR (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    for (index = 0; index<set->hsize; index++)
-       if (set->harray[index] == fh) {
-           for (index2=index; index2 < (set->hsize-1); index2++) {
-               set->harray[index2] = set->harray[index2+1];
-           }
-           set->hsize--;
-           break;
-       }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_FD_ISSET(PRFileDesc *fh, PR_fd_set *set)
-    PRUint32 index;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_ISSET (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    for (index = 0; index<set->hsize; index++)
-       if (set->harray[index] == fh) {
-           return 1;
-       }
-    return 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_NSET(PRInt32 fd, PR_fd_set *set)
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_NSET (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    PR_ASSERT( set->nsize < PR_MAX_SELECT_DESC );
-    set->narray[set->nsize++] = fd;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FD_NCLR(PRInt32 fd, PR_fd_set *set)
-    PRUint32 index, index2;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_NCLR (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    for (index = 0; index<set->nsize; index++)
-       if (set->narray[index] == fd) {
-           for (index2=index; index2 < (set->nsize-1); index2++) {
-               set->narray[index2] = set->narray[index2+1];
-           }
-           set->nsize--;
-           break;
-       }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_FD_NISSET(PRInt32 fd, PR_fd_set *set)
-    PRUint32 index;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete("PR_FD_NISSET (PR_Select)", "PR_Poll");
-    for (index = 0; index<set->nsize; index++)
-       if (set->narray[index] == fd) {
-           return 1;
-       }
-    return 0;
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#if !defined(HPUX) \
-    && !defined(LINUX) && !defined(__GNU__) && !defined(__GLIBC__)
-#include <sys/select.h>
-static PRInt32
-_PR_getset(PR_fd_set *pr_set, fd_set *set)
-    PRUint32 index;
-    PRInt32 max = 0;
-    if (!pr_set)
-        return 0;
-    FD_ZERO(set);
-    /* First set the pr file handle osfds */
-    for (index=0; index<pr_set->hsize; index++) {
-        FD_SET(pr_set->harray[index]->secret->md.osfd, set);
-        if (pr_set->harray[index]->secret->md.osfd > max)
-            max = pr_set->harray[index]->secret->md.osfd;
-    }
-    /* Second set the native osfds */
-    for (index=0; index<pr_set->nsize; index++) {
-        FD_SET(pr_set->narray[index], set);
-        if (pr_set->narray[index] > max)
-            max = pr_set->narray[index];
-    }
-    return max;
-static void
-_PR_setset(PR_fd_set *pr_set, fd_set *set)
-    PRUint32 index, last_used;
-    if (!pr_set)
-        return;
-    for (last_used=0, index=0; index<pr_set->hsize; index++) {
-        if ( FD_ISSET(pr_set->harray[index]->secret->md.osfd, set) ) {
-            pr_set->harray[last_used++] = pr_set->harray[index];
-        }
-    }
-    pr_set->hsize = last_used;
-    for (last_used=0, index=0; index<pr_set->nsize; index++) {
-        if ( FD_ISSET(pr_set->narray[index], set) ) {
-            pr_set->narray[last_used++] = pr_set->narray[index];
-        }
-    }
-    pr_set->nsize = last_used;
-    PRInt32 unused, PR_fd_set *pr_rd, PR_fd_set *pr_wr, 
-    PR_fd_set *pr_ex, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    fd_set rd, wr, ex;
-    struct timeval tv, *tvp;
-    PRInt32 max, max_fd;
-    PRInt32 rv;
-    /*
-     * For restarting select() if it is interrupted by a Unix signal.
-     * We use these variables to figure out how much time has elapsed
-     * and how much of the timeout still remains.
-     */
-    PRIntervalTime start = 0, elapsed, remaining;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete( "PR_Select", "PR_Poll");
-    FD_ZERO(&rd);
-    FD_ZERO(&wr);
-    FD_ZERO(&ex);
-    max_fd = _PR_getset(pr_rd, &rd);
-    max_fd = (max = _PR_getset(pr_wr, &wr))>max_fd?max:max_fd;
-    max_fd = (max = _PR_getset(pr_ex, &ex))>max_fd?max:max_fd;
-    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) {
-        tvp = NULL;
-    } else {
-        tv.tv_sec = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToSeconds(timeout);
-        tv.tv_usec = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(
-                timeout - PR_SecondsToInterval(tv.tv_sec));
-        tvp = &tv;
-        start = PR_IntervalNow();
-    }
-    rv = select(max_fd + 1, (_PRSelectFdSetArg_t) &rd,
-        (_PRSelectFdSetArg_t) &wr, (_PRSelectFdSetArg_t) &ex, tvp);
-    if (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR) {
-        if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) {
-            goto retry;
-        } else {
-            elapsed = (PRIntervalTime) (PR_IntervalNow() - start);
-            if (elapsed > timeout) {
-                rv = 0;  /* timed out */
-            } else {
-                remaining = timeout - elapsed;
-                tv.tv_sec = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToSeconds(remaining);
-                tv.tv_usec = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(
-                        remaining - PR_SecondsToInterval(tv.tv_sec));
-                goto retry;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv > 0) {
-        _PR_setset(pr_rd, &rd);
-        _PR_setset(pr_wr, &wr);
-        _PR_setset(pr_ex, &ex);
-    } else if (rv == -1) {
-        pt_MapError(_PR_MD_MAP_SELECT_ERROR, errno);
-    }
-    return rv;
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-#ifdef MOZ_UNICODE 
-/* ================ UTF16 Interfaces ================================ */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_OpenFileUTF16(
-    const PRUnichar *name, PRIntn flags, PRIntn mode)
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseDirUTF16(PRDir *dir)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDirUTF16*) PR_OpenDirUTF16(const PRUnichar *name)
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDirEntryUTF16*) PR_ReadDirUTF16(PRDirUTF16 *dir, PRDirFlags flags)
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_GetFileInfo64UTF16(const PRUnichar *fn, PRFileInfo64 *info)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-/* ================ UTF16 Interfaces ================================ */
-#endif /* MOZ_UNICODE */
-/* ptio.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptmisc.c b/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptmisc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc6d56..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptmisc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:   ptmisc.c
-** Descritpion:  Implemenation of miscellaneous methods for pthreads
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-#include <thread.h>
-#define PT_LOG(f)
-void _PR_InitCPUs(void) {PT_LOG("_PR_InitCPUs")}
-void _PR_InitStacks(void) {PT_LOG("_PR_InitStacks")}
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetConcurrency(PRUintn numCPUs) 
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-	thr_setconcurrency(numCPUs);	
-	PT_LOG("PR_SetConcurrency");
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetThreadRecycleMode(PRUint32 flag)
-    {PT_LOG("PR_SetThreadRecycleMode")}
-#endif /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-/* ptmisc.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptsynch.c b/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptsynch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8663a4c..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptsynch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1259 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:            ptsynch.c
-** Descritpion:        Implemenation for thread synchronization using pthreads
-** Exports:            prlock.h, prcvar.h, prmon.h, prcmon.h
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS)
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "obsolete/prsem.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-static pthread_mutexattr_t _pt_mattr;
-static pthread_condattr_t _pt_cvar_attr;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-extern PTDebug pt_debug;  /* this is shared between several modules */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-static pthread_t pt_zero_tid;  /* a null pthread_t (pthread_t is a struct
-                                * in DCE threads) to compare with */
-#endif  /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-#endif  /* defined(DEBUG) */
-#if defined(FREEBSD)
- * On older versions of FreeBSD, pthread_mutex_trylock returns EDEADLK.
- * Newer versions return EBUSY.  We still need to support both.
- */
-static int
-pt_pthread_mutex_is_locked(pthread_mutex_t *m)
-    int rv = pthread_mutex_trylock(m);
-    return (EBUSY == rv || EDEADLK == rv);
-void _PR_InitLocks(void)
-    int rv;
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_INIT(&_pt_mattr); 
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#ifdef LINUX
-#if (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 2)
-    rv = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&_pt_mattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT(&_pt_cvar_attr);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-static void pt_PostNotifies(PRLock *lock, PRBool unlock)
-    PRIntn index, rv;
-    _PT_Notified post;
-    _PT_Notified *notified, *prev = NULL;
-    /*
-     * Time to actually notify any conditions that were affected
-     * while the lock was held. Get a copy of the list that's in
-     * the lock structure and then zero the original. If it's
-     * linked to other such structures, we own that storage.
-     */
-    post = lock->notified;  /* a safe copy; we own the lock */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    memset(&lock->notified, 0, sizeof(_PT_Notified));  /* reset */
-    lock->notified.length = 0;  /* these are really sufficient */
-    lock-> = NULL;
-    /* should (may) we release lock before notifying? */
-    if (unlock)
-    {
-        rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    notified = &post;  /* this is where we start */
-    do
-    {
-        for (index = 0; index < notified->length; ++index)
-        {
-            PRCondVar *cv = notified->cv[index].cv;
-            PR_ASSERT(NULL != cv);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 != notified->cv[index].times);
-            if (-1 == notified->cv[index].times)
-            {
-                rv = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cv->cv);
-                PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                while (notified->cv[index].times-- > 0)
-                {
-                    rv = pthread_cond_signal(&cv->cv);
-                    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-                }
-            }
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-            pt_debug.cvars_notified += 1;
-            if (0 > PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&cv->notify_pending))
-            {
-                pt_debug.delayed_cv_deletes += 1;
-                PR_DestroyCondVar(cv);
-            }
-#else  /* defined(DEBUG) */
-            if (0 > PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&cv->notify_pending))
-                PR_DestroyCondVar(cv);
-#endif  /* defined(DEBUG) */
-        }
-        prev = notified;
-        notified = notified->link;
-        if (&post != prev) PR_DELETE(prev);
-    } while (NULL != notified);
-}  /* pt_PostNotifies */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRLock*) PR_NewLock(void)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRLock *lock;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    lock = PR_NEWZAP(PRLock);
-    if (lock != NULL)
-    {
-        rv = _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(lock->mutex, _pt_mattr); 
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    pt_debug.locks_created += 1;
-    return lock;
-}  /* PR_NewLock */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyLock(PRLock *lock)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE == lock->locked);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == lock->notified.length);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL == lock->;
-    rv = pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock->mutex);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    memset(lock, 0xaf, sizeof(PRLock));
-    pt_debug.locks_destroyed += 1;
-    PR_Free(lock);
-}  /* PR_DestroyLock */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Lock(PRLock *lock)
-    /* Nb: PR_Lock must not call PR_GetCurrentThread to access the |id| or
-     * |tid| field of the current thread's PRThread structure because
-     * _pt_root calls PR_Lock before setting thred->id and thred->tid. */
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(lock != NULL);
-    rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&lock->mutex);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == lock->notified.length);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL == lock->;
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE == lock->locked);
-    /* Nb: the order of the next two statements is not critical to
-     * the correctness of PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock(), but 
-     * this particular order makes the assertion more likely to
-     * catch errors. */
-    lock->owner = pthread_self();
-    lock->locked = PR_TRUE;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    pt_debug.locks_acquired += 1;
-}  /* PR_Lock */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Unlock(PRLock *lock)
-    pthread_t self = pthread_self();
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(lock != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_TRUE == lock->locked);
-    PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(lock->owner, self));
-    if (!lock->locked || !pthread_equal(lock->owner, self))
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    lock->locked = PR_FALSE;
-    if (0 == lock->notified.length)  /* shortcut */
-    {
-        rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    else pt_PostNotifies(lock, PR_TRUE);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    pt_debug.locks_released += 1;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_Unlock */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock(PRLock *lock)
-    /* Nb: the order of the |locked| and |owner==me| checks is not critical 
-     * to the correctness of PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock(), but 
-     * this particular order makes the assertion more likely to
-     * catch errors. */
-    PR_ASSERT(lock->locked && pthread_equal(lock->owner, pthread_self()));
- * This code is used to compute the absolute time for the wakeup.
- * It's moderately ugly, so it's defined here and called in a
- * couple of places.
- */
-#define PT_BILLION 1000000000UL
-static PRIntn pt_TimedWait(
-    pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *ml, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    int rv;
-    struct timeval now;
-    struct timespec tmo;
-    PRUint32 ticks = PR_TicksPerSecond();
-    tmo.tv_sec = (PRInt32)(timeout / ticks);
-    tmo.tv_nsec = (PRInt32)(timeout - (tmo.tv_sec * ticks));
-    tmo.tv_nsec = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(PT_NANOPERMICRO * tmo.tv_nsec);
-    /* pthreads wants this in absolute time, off we go ... */
-    (void)GETTIMEOFDAY(&now);
-    /* that one's usecs, this one's nsecs - grrrr! */
-    tmo.tv_sec += now.tv_sec;
-    tmo.tv_nsec += (PT_NANOPERMICRO * now.tv_usec);
-    tmo.tv_sec += tmo.tv_nsec / PT_BILLION;
-    tmo.tv_nsec %= PT_BILLION;
-    rv = pthread_cond_timedwait(cv, ml, &tmo);
-    /* NSPR doesn't report timeouts */
-    if (rv == -1) return (errno == EAGAIN) ? 0 : errno;
-    else return rv;
-    return (rv == ETIMEDOUT) ? 0 : rv;
-}  /* pt_TimedWait */
- * Notifies just get posted to the protecting mutex. The
- * actual notification is done when the lock is released so that
- * MP systems don't contend for a lock that they can't have.
- */
-static void pt_PostNotifyToCvar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRBool broadcast)
-    PRIntn index = 0;
-    _PT_Notified *notified = &cvar->lock->notified;
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_TRUE == cvar->lock->locked);
-    PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(cvar->lock->owner, pthread_self()));
-    PR_ASSERT(_PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IS_LOCKED(cvar->lock->mutex));
-    while (1)
-    {
-        for (index = 0; index < notified->length; ++index)
-        {
-            if (notified->cv[index].cv == cvar)
-            {
-                if (broadcast)
-                    notified->cv[index].times = -1;
-                else if (-1 != notified->cv[index].times)
-                    notified->cv[index].times += 1;
-                return;  /* we're finished */
-            }
-        }
-        /* if not full, enter new CV in this array */
-        if (notified->length < PT_CV_NOTIFIED_LENGTH) break;
-        /* if there's no link, create an empty array and link it */
-        if (NULL == notified->link)
-            notified->link = PR_NEWZAP(_PT_Notified);
-        notified = notified->link;
-    }
-    /* A brand new entry in the array */
-    (void)PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&cvar->notify_pending);
-    notified->cv[index].times = (broadcast) ? -1 : 1;
-    notified->cv[index].cv = cvar;
-    notified->length += 1;
-}  /* pt_PostNotifyToCvar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRCondVar*) PR_NewCondVar(PRLock *lock)
-    PRCondVar *cv = PR_NEW(PRCondVar);
-    PR_ASSERT(lock != NULL);
-    if (cv != NULL)
-    {
-        int rv = _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(cv->cv, _pt_cvar_attr);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        if (0 == rv)
-        {
-            cv->lock = lock;
-            cv->notify_pending = 0;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-            pt_debug.cvars_created += 1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PR_DELETE(cv);
-            cv = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return cv;
-}  /* PR_NewCondVar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    if (0 > PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&cvar->notify_pending))
-    {
-        PRIntn rv = pthread_cond_destroy(&cvar->cv);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        memset(cvar, 0xaf, sizeof(PRCondVar));
-        pt_debug.cvars_destroyed += 1;
-        (void)rv;
-        PR_Free(cvar);
-    }
-}  /* PR_DestroyCondVar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRThread *thred = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar != NULL);
-    /* We'd better be locked */
-    PR_ASSERT(_PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_IS_LOCKED(cvar->lock->mutex));
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_TRUE == cvar->lock->locked);
-    /* and it better be by us */
-    PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(cvar->lock->owner, pthread_self()));
-    if (_PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(thred)) goto aborted;
-    /*
-     * The thread waiting is used for PR_Interrupt
-     */
-    thred->waiting = cvar;  /* this is where we're waiting */
-    /*
-     * If we have pending notifies, post them now.
-     *
-     * This is not optimal. We're going to post these notifies
-     * while we're holding the lock. That means on MP systems
-     * that they are going to collide for the lock that we will
-     * hold until we actually wait.
-     */
-    if (0 != cvar->lock->notified.length)
-        pt_PostNotifies(cvar->lock, PR_FALSE);
-    /*
-     * We're surrendering the lock, so clear out the locked field.
-     */
-    cvar->lock->locked = PR_FALSE;
-    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-        rv = pthread_cond_wait(&cvar->cv, &cvar->lock->mutex);
-    else
-        rv = pt_TimedWait(&cvar->cv, &cvar->lock->mutex, timeout);
-    /* We just got the lock back - this better be empty */
-    PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE == cvar->lock->locked);
-    cvar->lock->locked = PR_TRUE;
-    cvar->lock->owner = pthread_self();
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == cvar->lock->notified.length);
-    thred->waiting = NULL;  /* and now we're not */
-    if (_PT_THREAD_INTERRUPTED(thred)) goto aborted;
-    if (rv != 0)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(rv);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    thred->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* PR_WaitCondVar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NotifyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar != NULL);   
-    pt_PostNotifyToCvar(cvar, PR_FALSE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_NotifyCondVar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NotifyAllCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar != NULL);
-    pt_PostNotifyToCvar(cvar, PR_TRUE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_NotifyAllCondVar */
- * Notifies just get posted to the monitor. The actual notification is done
- * when the monitor is fully exited so that MP systems don't contend for a
- * monitor that they can't enter.
- */
-static void pt_PostNotifyToMonitor(PRMonitor *mon, PRBool broadcast)
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != mon);
-    /* mon->notifyTimes is protected by the monitor, so we don't need to
-     * acquire mon->lock.
-     */
-    if (broadcast)
-        mon->notifyTimes = -1;
-    else if (-1 != mon->notifyTimes)
-        mon->notifyTimes += 1;
-}  /* pt_PostNotifyToMonitor */
-static void pt_PostNotifiesFromMonitor(pthread_cond_t *cv, PRIntn times)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    /*
-     * Time to actually notify any waits that were affected while the monitor
-     * was entered.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != cv);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 != times);
-    if (-1 == times)
-    {
-        rv = pthread_cond_broadcast(cv);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        while (times-- > 0)
-        {
-            rv = pthread_cond_signal(cv);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        }
-    }
-}  /* pt_PostNotifiesFromMonitor */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRMonitor*) PR_NewMonitor(void)
-    PRMonitor *mon;
-    int rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    mon = PR_NEWZAP(PRMonitor);
-    if (mon == NULL)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(mon->lock, _pt_mattr);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (0 != rv)
-        goto error1;
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(mon->entryCV, _pt_cvar_attr);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (0 != rv)
-        goto error2;
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(mon->waitCV, _pt_cvar_attr);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (0 != rv)
-        goto error3;
-    mon->notifyTimes = 0;
-    mon->entryCount = 0;
-    mon->refCount = 1;
-    mon->name = NULL;
-    return mon;
-    pthread_cond_destroy(&mon->entryCV);
-    pthread_mutex_destroy(&mon->lock);
-    PR_Free(mon);
-    return NULL;
-}  /* PR_NewMonitor */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRMonitor*) PR_NewNamedMonitor(const char* name)
-    PRMonitor* mon = PR_NewMonitor();
-    if (mon)
-        mon->name = name;
-    return mon;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    int rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&mon->refCount) == 0)
-    {
-        rv = pthread_cond_destroy(&mon->waitCV); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        rv = pthread_cond_destroy(&mon->entryCV); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        rv = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mon->lock); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-        memset(mon, 0xaf, sizeof(PRMonitor));
-        PR_Free(mon);
-    }
-}  /* PR_DestroyMonitor */
-/* The GC uses this; it is quite arguably a bad interface.  I'm just 
- * duplicating it for now - XXXMB
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntn) PR_GetMonitorEntryCount(PRMonitor *mon)
-    pthread_t self = pthread_self();
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRIntn count = 0;
-    rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (pthread_equal(mon->owner, self))
-        count = mon->entryCount;
-    rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    return count;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->entryCount != 0 &&
-              pthread_equal(mon->owner, pthread_self()));
-    rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_EnterMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    pthread_t self = pthread_self();
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (mon->entryCount != 0)
-    {
-        if (pthread_equal(mon->owner, self))
-            goto done;
-        while (mon->entryCount != 0)
-        {
-            rv = pthread_cond_wait(&mon->entryCV, &mon->lock);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        }
-    }
-    /* and now I have the monitor */
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == mon->notifyTimes);
-    _PT_PTHREAD_COPY_THR_HANDLE(self, mon->owner);
-    mon->entryCount += 1;
-    rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-}  /* PR_EnterMonitor */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_ExitMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    pthread_t self = pthread_self();
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRBool notifyEntryWaiter = PR_FALSE;
-    PRIntn notifyTimes = 0;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    /* the entries should be > 0 and we'd better be the owner */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->entryCount > 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(mon->owner, self));
-    if (mon->entryCount == 0 || !pthread_equal(mon->owner, self))
-    {
-        rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mon->lock);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    mon->entryCount -= 1;  /* reduce by one */
-    if (mon->entryCount == 0)
-    {
-        /* and if it transitioned to zero - notify an entry waiter */
-        /* make the owner unknown */
-        notifyEntryWaiter = PR_TRUE;
-        notifyTimes = mon->notifyTimes;
-        mon->notifyTimes = 0;
-        /* We will access the members of 'mon' after unlocking mon->lock.
-         * Add a reference. */
-        PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&mon->refCount);
-    }
-    rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (notifyEntryWaiter)
-    {
-        if (notifyTimes)
-            pt_PostNotifiesFromMonitor(&mon->waitCV, notifyTimes);
-        rv = pthread_cond_signal(&mon->entryCV);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        /* We are done accessing the members of 'mon'. Release the
-         * reference. */
-        PR_DestroyMonitor(mon);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_ExitMonitor */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRUint32 saved_entries;
-    pthread_t saved_owner;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    /* the entries better be positive */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->entryCount > 0);
-    /* and it better be owned by us */
-    PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(mon->owner, pthread_self()));
-    /* tuck these away 'till later */
-    saved_entries = mon->entryCount; 
-    mon->entryCount = 0;
-    _PT_PTHREAD_COPY_THR_HANDLE(mon->owner, saved_owner);
-    /*
-     * If we have pending notifies, post them now.
-     *
-     * This is not optimal. We're going to post these notifies
-     * while we're holding the lock. That means on MP systems
-     * that they are going to collide for the lock that we will
-     * hold until we actually wait.
-     */
-    if (0 != mon->notifyTimes)
-    {
-        pt_PostNotifiesFromMonitor(&mon->waitCV, mon->notifyTimes);
-        mon->notifyTimes = 0;
-    }
-    rv = pthread_cond_signal(&mon->entryCV);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-        rv = pthread_cond_wait(&mon->waitCV, &mon->lock);
-    else
-        rv = pt_TimedWait(&mon->waitCV, &mon->lock, timeout);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    while (mon->entryCount != 0)
-    {
-        rv = pthread_cond_wait(&mon->entryCV, &mon->lock);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == mon->notifyTimes);
-    /* reinstate the interesting information */
-    mon->entryCount = saved_entries;
-    _PT_PTHREAD_COPY_THR_HANDLE(saved_owner, mon->owner);
-    rv = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_Wait */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Notify(PRMonitor *mon)
-    pt_PostNotifyToMonitor(mon, PR_FALSE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_Notify */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NotifyAll(PRMonitor *mon)
-    pt_PostNotifyToMonitor(mon, PR_TRUE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_NotifyAll */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_PostSem(PRSemaphore *semaphore)
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete(
-        "PR_PostSem", "locks & condition variables");
-	PR_Lock(semaphore->cvar->lock);
-	PR_NotifyCondVar(semaphore->cvar);
-	semaphore->count += 1;
-	PR_Unlock(semaphore->cvar->lock);
-}  /* PR_PostSem */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitSem(PRSemaphore *semaphore)
-	PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete(
-        "PR_WaitSem", "locks & condition variables");
-	PR_Lock(semaphore->cvar->lock);
-	while ((semaphore->count == 0) && (PR_SUCCESS == status))
-		status = PR_WaitCondVar(semaphore->cvar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-	if (PR_SUCCESS == status) semaphore->count -= 1;
-	PR_Unlock(semaphore->cvar->lock);
-	return status;
-}  /* PR_WaitSem */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroySem(PRSemaphore *semaphore)
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete(
-        "PR_DestroySem", "locks & condition variables");
-    PR_DestroyLock(semaphore->cvar->lock);
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(semaphore->cvar);
-    PR_Free(semaphore);
-}  /* PR_DestroySem */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSemaphore*) PR_NewSem(PRUintn value)
-    PRSemaphore *semaphore;
-    static PRBool unwarned = PR_TRUE;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (unwarned) unwarned = _PR_Obsolete(
-        "PR_NewSem", "locks & condition variables");
-    semaphore = PR_NEWZAP(PRSemaphore);
-    if (NULL != semaphore)
-    {
-        PRLock *lock = PR_NewLock();
-        if (NULL != lock)
-        {
-            semaphore->cvar = PR_NewCondVar(lock);
-            if (NULL != semaphore->cvar)
-            {
-                semaphore->count = value;
-                return semaphore;
-            }
-            PR_DestroyLock(lock);
-        }
-        PR_Free(semaphore);
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * Define the interprocess named semaphore functions.
- * There are three implementations:
- * 1. POSIX semaphore based;
- * 2. System V semaphore based;
- * 3. unsupported (fails with PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR).
- */
-#include <fcntl.h>
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSem *) PR_OpenSemaphore(
-    const char *name,
-    PRIntn flags,
-    PRIntn mode,
-    PRUintn value)
-    PRSem *sem;
-    char osname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    if (_PR_MakeNativeIPCName(name, osname, sizeof(osname), _PRIPCSem)
-        == PR_FAILURE)
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    sem = PR_NEW(PRSem);
-    if (NULL == sem)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_SEM_CREATE)
-    {
-        int oflag = O_CREAT;
-        if (flags & PR_SEM_EXCL) oflag |= O_EXCL;
-        sem->sem = sem_open(osname, oflag, mode, value);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-#ifdef HPUX
-        /* Pass 0 as the mode and value arguments to work around a bug. */
-        sem->sem = sem_open(osname, 0, 0, 0);
-        sem->sem = sem_open(osname, 0);
-    }
-    if ((sem_t *) -1 == sem->sem)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        PR_Free(sem);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return sem;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    int rv;
-    rv = sem_wait(sem->sem);
-    if (0 != rv)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_PostSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    int rv;
-    rv = sem_post(sem->sem);
-    if (0 != rv)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    int rv;
-    rv = sem_close(sem->sem);
-    if (0 != rv)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_Free(sem);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DeleteSemaphore(const char *name)
-    int rv;
-    char osname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    if (_PR_MakeNativeIPCName(name, osname, sizeof(osname), _PRIPCSem)
-        == PR_FAILURE)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    rv = sem_unlink(osname);
-    if (0 != rv)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#elif defined(_PR_HAVE_SYSV_SEMAPHORES)
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/sem.h>
- * From the semctl(2) man page in glibc 2.0
- */
-#if (defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__) && !defined(_SEM_SEMUN_UNDEFINED)) \
-    || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(BSDI) \
-    || defined(DARWIN) || defined(SYMBIAN)
-/* union semun is defined by including <sys/sem.h> */
-/* according to X/OPEN we have to define it ourselves */
-union semun {
-    int val;
-    struct semid_ds *buf;
-    unsigned short  *array;
- * 'a' (97) is the final closing price of NSCP stock.
- */
-#define NSPR_IPC_KEY_ID 'a'  /* the id argument for ftok() */
-#define NSPR_SEM_MODE 0666
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSem *) PR_OpenSemaphore(
-    const char *name,
-    PRIntn flags,
-    PRIntn mode,
-    PRUintn value)
-    PRSem *sem;
-    key_t key;
-    union semun arg;
-    struct sembuf sop;
-    struct semid_ds seminfo;
-#define MAX_TRIES 60
-    PRIntn i;
-    char osname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    if (_PR_MakeNativeIPCName(name, osname, sizeof(osname), _PRIPCSem)
-        == PR_FAILURE)
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Make sure the file exists before calling ftok. */
-    if (flags & PR_SEM_CREATE)
-    {
-        int osfd = open(osname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, mode);
-        if (-1 == osfd)
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_OPEN_ERROR(errno);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (close(osfd) == -1)
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_CLOSE_ERROR(errno);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    key = ftok(osname, NSPR_IPC_KEY_ID);
-    if ((key_t)-1 == key)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    sem = PR_NEW(PRSem);
-    if (NULL == sem)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (flags & PR_SEM_CREATE)
-    {
-        sem->semid = semget(key, 1, mode|IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL);
-        if (sem->semid >= 0)
-        {
-            /* creator of a semaphore is responsible for initializing it */
-            arg.val = 0;
-            if (semctl(sem->semid, 0, SETVAL, arg) == -1)
-            {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-                PR_Free(sem);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            /* call semop to set sem_otime to nonzero */
-            sop.sem_num = 0;
-            sop.sem_op = value;
-            sop.sem_flg = 0;
-            if (semop(sem->semid, &sop, 1) == -1)
-            {
-                _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-                PR_Free(sem);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            return sem;
-        }
-        if (errno != EEXIST || flags & PR_SEM_EXCL)
-        {
-            _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-            PR_Free(sem);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    sem->semid = semget(key, 1, NSPR_SEM_MODE);
-    if (sem->semid == -1)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        PR_Free(sem);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TRIES; i++)
-    {
-        arg.buf = &seminfo;
-        semctl(sem->semid, 0, IPC_STAT, arg);
-        if (seminfo.sem_otime != 0) break;
-        sleep(1);
-    }
-    if (i == MAX_TRIES)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR, 0);
-        PR_Free(sem);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return sem;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    struct sembuf sop;
-    sop.sem_num = 0;
-    sop.sem_op = -1;
-    sop.sem_flg = 0;
-    if (semop(sem->semid, &sop, 1) == -1)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_PostSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    struct sembuf sop;
-    sop.sem_num = 0;
-    sop.sem_op = 1;
-    sop.sem_flg = 0;
-    if (semop(sem->semid, &sop, 1) == -1)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    PR_Free(sem);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DeleteSemaphore(const char *name)
-    key_t key;
-    int semid;
-    /* On some systems (e.g., glibc 2.0) semctl requires a fourth argument */
-    union semun unused;
-    char osname[PR_IPC_NAME_SIZE];
-    if (_PR_MakeNativeIPCName(name, osname, sizeof(osname), _PRIPCSem)
-        == PR_FAILURE)
-    {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    key = ftok(osname, NSPR_IPC_KEY_ID);
-    if ((key_t) -1 == key)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (unlink(osname) == -1)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_UNLINK_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    semid = semget(key, 1, NSPR_SEM_MODE);
-    if (-1 == semid)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    unused.val = 0;
-    if (semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID, unused) == -1)
-    { 
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(errno);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#else /* neither POSIX nor System V semaphores are available */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSem *) PR_OpenSemaphore(
-    const char *name,
-    PRIntn flags,
-    PRIntn mode,
-    PRUintn value)
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_PostSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CloseSemaphore(PRSem *sem)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_DeleteSemaphore(const char *name)
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif /* end of interprocess named semaphore functions */
-/******************ROUTINES FOR DCE EMULATION******************/
-#include "prpdce.h"
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_TryLock(PRLock *lock)
-    PRIntn rv = pthread_mutex_trylock(&lock->mutex);
-    if (rv == PT_TRYLOCK_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE == lock->locked);
-        lock->locked = PR_TRUE;
-        lock->owner = pthread_self();
-    }
-    /* XXX set error code? */
-}  /* PRP_TryLock */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRCondVar*) PRP_NewNakedCondVar(void)
-    PRCondVar *cv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    cv = PR_NEW(PRCondVar);
-    if (cv != NULL)
-    {
-        int rv;
-        rv = _PT_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(cv->cv, _pt_cvar_attr);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        if (0 == rv)
-        {
-            cv->lock = _PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PR_DELETE(cv);
-            cv = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return cv;
-}  /* PRP_NewNakedCondVar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    int rv;
-    rv = pthread_cond_destroy(&cvar->cv); PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-        memset(cvar, 0xaf, sizeof(PRCondVar));
-    PR_Free(cvar);
-}  /* PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_NakedWait(
-    PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *ml, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar != NULL);
-    /* XXX do we really want to assert this in a naked wait? */
-    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
-        rv = pthread_cond_wait(&cvar->cv, &ml->mutex);
-    else
-        rv = pt_TimedWait(&cvar->cv, &ml->mutex, timeout);
-    if (rv != 0)
-    {
-        _PR_MD_MAP_DEFAULT_ERROR(rv);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PRP_NakedWait */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_NakedNotify(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    int rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar != NULL);
-    rv = pthread_cond_signal(&cvar->cv);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PRP_NakedNotify */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_NakedBroadcast(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    int rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar != NULL);
-    rv = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cvar->cv);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PRP_NakedBroadcast */
-#endif  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) */
-/* ptsynch.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c b/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e12606..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1822 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:            ptthread.c
-** Descritpion:        Implemenation for threds using pthreds
-** Exports:            ptthread.h
-#if defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prpdce.h"
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#if defined(OPENBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY)
-#include <pthread_np.h>
-#ifdef SYMBIAN
-/* In Open C sched_get_priority_min/max do not work properly, so we undefine
- */
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#ifndef HAVE_GETTID
-#define gettid() (syscall(SYS_gettid))
- * Record whether or not we have the privilege to set the scheduling
- * policy and priority of threads.  0 means that privilege is available.
- * EPERM means that privilege is not available.
- */
-static PRIntn pt_schedpriv = 0;
-extern PRLock *_pr_sleeplock;
-static struct _PT_Bookeeping
-    PRLock *ml;                 /* a lock to protect ourselves */
-    PRCondVar *cv;              /* used to signal global things */
-    PRInt32 system, user;       /* a count of the two different types */
-    PRUintn this_many;          /* number of threads allowed for exit */
-    pthread_key_t key;          /* thread private data key */
-    PRBool keyCreated;          /* whether 'key' should be deleted */
-    PRThread *first, *last;     /* list of threads we know about */
-    PRInt32 minPrio, maxPrio;   /* range of scheduling priorities */
-} pt_book = {0};
-static void _pt_thread_death(void *arg);
-static void _pt_thread_death_internal(void *arg, PRBool callDestructors);
-static void init_pthread_gc_support(void);
-static PRIntn pt_PriorityMap(PRThreadPriority pri)
-#ifdef NTO
-    /* This priority algorithm causes lots of problems on Neutrino
-     * for now I have just hard coded everything to run at priority 10
-     * until I can come up with a new algorithm.
-     *
-     */
-    return 10;
-    return pt_book.minPrio +
-	    pri * (pt_book.maxPrio - pt_book.minPrio) / PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
- * This functions maps higher priorities to lower nice values relative to the
- * nice value specified in the |nice| parameter. The corresponding relative
- * adjustments are:
- *
- */
-static int pt_RelativePriority(int nice, PRThreadPriority pri)
-    return nice + (1 - pri);
-** Initialize a stack for a native pthread thread
-static void _PR_InitializeStack(PRThreadStack *ts)
-    if( ts && (ts->stackTop == 0) ) {
-        ts->allocBase = (char *) &ts;
-        ts->allocSize = ts->stackSize;
-        /*
-        ** Setup stackTop and stackBottom values.
-        */
-        ts->stackBottom = ts->allocBase + ts->stackSize;
-        ts->stackTop = ts->allocBase;
-        ts->stackTop    = ts->allocBase;
-        ts->stackBottom = ts->allocBase - ts->stackSize;
-    }
-static void *_pt_root(void *arg)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PRThread *thred = (PRThread*)arg;
-    PRBool detached = (thred->state & PT_THREAD_DETACHED) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    pthread_t id = pthread_self();
-    pid_t tid;
-    /*
-     * We need to know the kernel thread ID of each thread in order to
-     * set its nice value hence we do it here instead of at creation time.
-     */
-    tid = gettid();
-    errno = 0;
-    rv = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0);
-    /* If we cannot read the main thread's nice value don't try to change the
-     * new thread's nice value. */
-    if (errno == 0) {
-        setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, tid,
-                    pt_RelativePriority(rv, thred->priority));
-    }
-    /*
-    ** DCE Threads can't detach during creation, so do it late.
-    ** I would like to do it only here, but that doesn't seem
-    ** to work.
-    */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-    if (detached)
-    {
-        /* pthread_detach() modifies its argument, so we must pass a copy */
-        pthread_t self = id;
-        rv = pthread_detach(&self);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-#endif /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-    /* Set up the thread stack information */
-    _PR_InitializeStack(thred->stack);
-    /*
-     * Set within the current thread the pointer to our object.
-     * This object will be deleted when the thread termintates,
-     * whether in a join or detached (see _PR_InitThreads()).
-     */
-    rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, thred);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    /* make the thread visible to the rest of the runtime */
-    PR_Lock(;
-    /*
-     * Both the parent thread and this new thread set thred->id.
-     * The new thread must ensure that thred->id is set before
-     * it executes its startFunc.  The parent thread must ensure
-     * that thred->id is set before PR_CreateThread() returns.
-     * Both threads set thred->id while holding and
-     * use thred->idSet to ensure thred->id is written only once.
-     */
-    if (!thred->idSet)
-    {
-        thred->id = id;
-        thred->idSet = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(thred->id, id));
-    }
-    thred->tid = tid;
-    PR_NotifyAllCondVar(;
-    /* If this is a GCABLE thread, set its state appropriately */
-    if (thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_SETGCABLE)
-	    thred->state |= PT_THREAD_GCABLE;
-    thred->suspend = 0;
-    thred->prev = pt_book.last;
-    if (pt_book.last)
-        pt_book.last->next = thred;
-    else
-        pt_book.first = thred;
-    thred->next = NULL;
-    pt_book.last = thred;
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    thred->startFunc(thred->arg);  /* make visible to the client */
-    /* unhook the thread from the runtime */
-    PR_Lock(;
-    /*
-     * At this moment, PR_CreateThread() may not have set thred->id yet.
-     * It is safe for a detached thread to free thred only after
-     * PR_CreateThread() has accessed thred->id and thred->idSet.
-     */
-    if (detached)
-    {
-        while (!thred->okToDelete)
-            PR_WaitCondVar(, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    }
-    if (thred->state & PT_THREAD_SYSTEM)
-        pt_book.system -= 1;
-    else if (--pt_book.user == pt_book.this_many)
-        PR_NotifyAllCondVar(;
-    if (NULL == thred->prev)
-        pt_book.first = thred->next;
-    else
-        thred->prev->next = thred->next;
-    if (NULL == thred->next)
-        pt_book.last = thred->prev;
-    else
-        thred->next->prev = thred->prev;
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    /*
-    * Here we set the pthread's backpointer to the PRThread to NULL.
-    * Otherwise the destructor would get called eagerly as the thread
-    * returns to the pthread runtime. The joining thread would them be
-    * the proud possessor of a dangling reference. However, this is the
-    * last chance to delete the object if the thread is detached, so
-    * just let the destructor do the work.
-    */
-    if (PR_FALSE == detached)
-    {
-        /* Call TPD destructors on this thread. */
-        _PR_DestroyThreadPrivate(thred);
-        rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, NULL);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-}  /* _pt_root */
-static PRThread* pt_AttachThread(void)
-    PRThread *thred = NULL;
-    /*
-     * NSPR must have been initialized when PR_AttachThread is called.
-     * We cannot have PR_AttachThread call implicit initialization
-     * because if multiple threads call PR_AttachThread simultaneously,
-     * NSPR may be initialized more than once.
-     * We can't call any function that calls PR_GetCurrentThread()
-     * either (e.g., PR_SetError()) as that will result in infinite
-     * recursion.
-     */
-    if (!_pr_initialized) return NULL;
-    /* PR_NEWZAP must not call PR_GetCurrentThread() */
-    thred = PR_NEWZAP(PRThread);
-    if (NULL != thred)
-    {
-        int rv;
-        thred->priority = PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
-        thred->id = pthread_self();
-        thred->idSet = PR_TRUE;
-        thred->tid = gettid();
-        rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, thred);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        thred->state = PT_THREAD_GLOBAL | PT_THREAD_FOREIGN;
-        PR_Lock(;
-        /* then put it into the list */
-        thred->prev = pt_book.last;
-        if (pt_book.last)
-            pt_book.last->next = thred;
-        else
-            pt_book.first = thred;
-        thred->next = NULL;
-        pt_book.last = thred;
-        PR_Unlock(;
-    }
-    return thred;  /* may be NULL */
-}  /* pt_AttachThread */
-static PRThread* _PR_CreateThread(
-    PRThreadType type, void (*start)(void *arg),
-    void *arg, PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state, PRUint32 stackSize, PRBool isGCAble)
-    int rv;
-    PRThread *thred;
-    pthread_attr_t tattr;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if ((PRIntn)PR_PRIORITY_FIRST > (PRIntn)priority)
-        priority = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    else if ((PRIntn)PR_PRIORITY_LAST < (PRIntn)priority)
-        priority = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_INIT(&tattr);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    if (EPERM != pt_schedpriv)
-    {
-        struct sched_param schedule;
-        rv = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&tattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        /* Use the default scheduling policy */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-        rv = pthread_attr_setprio(&tattr, pt_PriorityMap(priority));
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        rv = pthread_attr_getschedparam(&tattr, &schedule);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        schedule.sched_priority = pt_PriorityMap(priority);
-        rv = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&tattr, &schedule);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#ifdef NTO
-        rv = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&tattr, SCHED_RR); /* Round Robin */
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-    }
-    /*
-     * DCE threads can't set detach state before creating the thread.
-     * AIX can't set detach late. Why can't we all just get along?
-     */
-#if !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-    rv = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr,
-        ((PR_JOINABLE_THREAD == state) ?
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-    /*
-     * If stackSize is 0, we use the default pthread stack size.
-     */
-    if (stackSize)
-    {
-        if (stackSize < _MD_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE)
-            stackSize = _MD_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE;
-        rv = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&tattr, stackSize);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    thred = PR_NEWZAP(PRThread);
-    if (NULL == thred)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, errno);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pthread_t id;
-        thred->arg = arg;
-        thred->startFunc = start;
-        thred->priority = priority;
-        if (PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD == state)
-            thred->state |= PT_THREAD_DETACHED;
-        if (PR_LOCAL_THREAD == scope)
-        	scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
-        if (PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD == scope) {
-    		rv = pthread_attr_setscope(&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
-			if (rv) {
-				/*
-				 * system scope not supported
-				 */
-        		scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
-				/*
-				 * reset scope
-				 */
-    			rv = pthread_attr_setscope(&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS);
-    			PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-			}
-		}
-        if (PR_GLOBAL_THREAD == scope)
-            thred->state |= PT_THREAD_GLOBAL;
-        else if (PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD == scope)
-            thred->state |= (PT_THREAD_GLOBAL | PT_THREAD_BOUND);
-		else	/* force it global */
-            thred->state |= PT_THREAD_GLOBAL;
-        if (PR_SYSTEM_THREAD == type)
-            thred->state |= PT_THREAD_SYSTEM;
-        thred->suspend =(isGCAble) ? PT_THREAD_SETGCABLE : 0;
-        thred->stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-        if (thred->stack == NULL) {
-            PRIntn oserr = errno;
-            PR_Free(thred);  /* all that work ... poof! */
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, oserr);
-            thred = NULL;  /* and for what? */
-            goto done;
-        }
-        thred->stack->stackSize = stackSize;
-        thred->stack->thr = thred;
-        pthread_mutex_init(&thred->suspendResumeMutex,NULL);
-        pthread_cond_init(&thred->suspendResumeCV,NULL);
-        /* make the thread counted to the rest of the runtime */
-        PR_Lock(;
-        if (PR_SYSTEM_THREAD == type)
-            pt_book.system += 1;
-        else pt_book.user += 1;
-        PR_Unlock(;
-        /*
-         * We pass a pointer to a local copy (instead of thred->id)
-         * to pthread_create() because who knows what wacky things
-         * pthread_create() may be doing to its argument.
-         */
-        rv = _PT_PTHREAD_CREATE(&id, tattr, _pt_root, thred);
-#if !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-        if (EPERM == rv)
-        {
-#if defined(IRIX)
-        	if (PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD == scope) {
-				/*
-				 * SCOPE_SYSTEM requires appropriate privilege
-				 * reset to process scope and try again
-				 */
-    			rv = pthread_attr_setscope(&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS);
-    			PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-            	thred->state &= ~PT_THREAD_BOUND;
-			}
-            /* Remember that we don't have thread scheduling privilege. */
-            pt_schedpriv = EPERM;
-            PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-                ("_PR_CreateThread: no thread scheduling privilege"));
-            /* Try creating the thread again without setting priority. */
-            rv = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&tattr, PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#endif	/* IRIX */
-            rv = _PT_PTHREAD_CREATE(&id, tattr, _pt_root, thred);
-        }
-        if (0 != rv)
-        {
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-            PRIntn oserr = errno;
-            PRIntn oserr = rv;
-            PR_Lock(;
-            if (thred->state & PT_THREAD_SYSTEM)
-                pt_book.system -= 1;
-            else if (--pt_book.user == pt_book.this_many)
-                PR_NotifyAllCondVar(;
-            PR_Unlock(;
-            PR_Free(thred->stack);
-            PR_Free(thred);  /* all that work ... poof! */
-            PR_SetError(PR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERROR, oserr);
-            thred = NULL;  /* and for what? */
-            goto done;
-        }
-        PR_Lock(;
-        /*
-         * Both the parent thread and this new thread set thred->id.
-         * The parent thread must ensure that thred->id is set before
-         * PR_CreateThread() returns.  (See comments in _pt_root().)
-         */
-        if (!thred->idSet)
-        {
-            thred->id = id;
-            thred->idSet = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PR_ASSERT(pthread_equal(thred->id, id));
-        }
-        /*
-         * If the new thread is detached, tell it that PR_CreateThread() has
-         * accessed thred->id and thred->idSet so it's ok to delete thred.
-         */
-        if (PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD == state)
-        {
-            thred->okToDelete = PR_TRUE;
-            PR_NotifyAllCondVar(;
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(;
-    }
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_ATTR_DESTROY(&tattr);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    return thred;
-}  /* _PR_CreateThread */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_CreateThread(
-    PRThreadType type, void (*start)(void *arg), void *arg,
-    PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state, PRUint32 stackSize)
-    return _PR_CreateThread(
-        type, start, arg, priority, scope, state, stackSize, PR_FALSE);
-} /* PR_CreateThread */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_CreateThreadGCAble(
-    PRThreadType type, void (*start)(void *arg), void *arg, 
-    PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadScope scope,
-    PRThreadState state, PRUint32 stackSize)
-    return _PR_CreateThread(
-        type, start, arg, priority, scope, state, stackSize, PR_TRUE);
-}  /* PR_CreateThreadGCAble */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void*) GetExecutionEnvironment(PRThread *thred)
-    return thred->environment;
-}  /* GetExecutionEnvironment */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) SetExecutionEnvironment(PRThread *thred, void *env)
-    thred->environment = env;
-}  /* SetExecutionEnvironment */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_AttachThread(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadStack *stack)
-    return PR_GetCurrentThread();
-}  /* PR_AttachThread */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_JoinThread(PRThread *thred)
-    int rv = -1;
-    void *result = NULL;
-    PR_ASSERT(thred != NULL);
-    if ((0xafafafaf == thred->state)
-    || (PT_THREAD_DETACHED == (PT_THREAD_DETACHED & thred->state))
-    || (PT_THREAD_FOREIGN == (PT_THREAD_FOREIGN & thred->state)))
-    {
-        /*
-         * This might be a bad address, but if it isn't, the state should
-         * either be an unjoinable thread or it's already had the object
-         * deleted. However, the client that called join on a detached
-         * thread deserves all the rath I can muster....
-         */
-        PR_LogPrint(
-            "PR_JoinThread: %p not joinable | already smashed\n", thred);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pthread_t id = thred->id;
-        rv = pthread_join(id, &result);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == 0 && result == NULL);
-        if (0 == rv)
-        {
-            rv = pthread_detach(&id);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-            /*
-             * PR_FALSE, because the thread already called the TPD
-             * destructors before exiting _pt_root.
-             */
-            _pt_thread_death_internal(thred, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PRErrorCode prerror;
-            switch (rv)
-            {
-                case EINVAL:  /* not a joinable thread */
-                case ESRCH:   /* no thread with given ID */
-                    prerror = PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
-                    break;
-                case EDEADLK: /* a thread joining with itself */
-                    prerror = PR_DEADLOCK_ERROR;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    prerror = PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
-                    break;
-            }
-            PR_SetError(prerror, rv);
-        }
-    }
-    return (0 == rv) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* PR_JoinThread */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DetachThread(void)
-    void *thred;
-    int rv;
-    _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(pt_book.key, thred);
-    if (NULL == thred) return;
-    _pt_thread_death(thred);
-    rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-}  /* PR_DetachThread */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_GetCurrentThread(void)
-    void *thred;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(pt_book.key, thred);
-    if (NULL == thred) thred = pt_AttachThread();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != thred);
-    return (PRThread*)thred;
-}  /* PR_GetCurrentThread */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadScope) PR_GetThreadScope(const PRThread *thred)
-    return (thred->state & PT_THREAD_BOUND) ?
-}  /* PR_GetThreadScope() */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadType) PR_GetThreadType(const PRThread *thred)
-    return (thred->state & PT_THREAD_SYSTEM) ?
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadState) PR_GetThreadState(const PRThread *thred)
-    return (thred->state & PT_THREAD_DETACHED) ?
-}  /* PR_GetThreadState */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadPriority) PR_GetThreadPriority(const PRThread *thred)
-    PR_ASSERT(thred != NULL);
-    return thred->priority;
-}  /* PR_GetThreadPriority */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetThreadPriority(PRThread *thred, PRThreadPriority newPri)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != thred);
-    if ((PRIntn)PR_PRIORITY_FIRST > (PRIntn)newPri)
-        newPri = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    else if ((PRIntn)PR_PRIORITY_LAST < (PRIntn)newPri)
-        newPri = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-    rv = pthread_setprio(thred->id, pt_PriorityMap(newPri));
-    /* pthread_setprio returns the old priority */
-    if (EPERM != pt_schedpriv)
-    {
-        int policy;
-        struct sched_param schedule;
-        rv = pthread_getschedparam(thred->id, &policy, &schedule);
-        if(0 == rv) {
-			schedule.sched_priority = pt_PriorityMap(newPri);
-			rv = pthread_setschedparam(thred->id, policy, &schedule);
-			if (EPERM == rv)
-			{
-				pt_schedpriv = EPERM;
-				PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-					("PR_SetThreadPriority: no thread scheduling privilege"));
-			}
-		}
-		if (rv != 0)
-			rv = -1;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(;
-    while (thred->tid == 0)
-        PR_WaitCondVar(, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    PR_Unlock(;
-    errno = 0;
-    rv = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0);
-    /* Do not proceed unless we know the main thread's nice value. */
-    if (errno == 0) {
-        rv = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, thred->tid,
-                         pt_RelativePriority(rv, newPri));
-        if (rv == -1)
-        {
-            /* We don't set pt_schedpriv to EPERM in case errno == EPERM
-             * because adjusting the nice value might be permitted for certain
-             * ranges but not for others. */
-            PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-                ("PR_SetThreadPriority: setpriority failed with error %d",
-                 errno));
-        }
-    }
-    (void)rv; /* rv is unused */
-    thred->priority = newPri;
-}  /* PR_SetThreadPriority */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Interrupt(PRThread *thred)
-    /*
-    ** If the target thread indicates that it's waiting,
-    ** find the condition and broadcast to it. Broadcast
-    ** since we don't know which thread (if there are more
-    ** than one). This sounds risky, but clients must
-    ** test their invariants when resumed from a wait and
-    ** I don't expect very many threads to be waiting on
-    ** a single condition and I don't expect interrupt to
-    ** be used very often.
-    **
-    ** I don't know why I thought this would work. Must have
-    ** been one of those weaker momements after I'd been
-    ** smelling the vapors.
-    **
-    ** Even with the followng changes it is possible that
-    ** the pointer to the condition variable is pointing
-    ** at a bogus value. Will the unerlying code detect
-    ** that?
-    */
-    PRCondVar *cv;
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != thred);
-    if (NULL == thred) return PR_FAILURE;
-    thred->state |= PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-    cv = thred->waiting;
-    if ((NULL != cv) && !thred->interrupt_blocked)
-    {
-        PRIntn rv;
-        (void)PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&cv->notify_pending);
-        rv = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cv->cv);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        if (0 > PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&cv->notify_pending))
-            PR_DestroyCondVar(cv);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PR_Interrupt */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ClearInterrupt(void)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    me->state &= ~PT_THREAD_ABORTED;
-}  /* PR_ClearInterrupt */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_BlockInterrupt(void)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-}  /* PR_BlockInterrupt */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_UnblockInterrupt(void)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-}  /* PR_UnblockInterrupt */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Yield(void)
-    static PRBool warning = PR_TRUE;
-    if (warning) warning = _PR_Obsolete(
-        "PR_Yield()", "PR_Sleep(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)");
-    return PR_Sleep(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Sleep(PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == ticks)
-    {
-        _PT_PTHREAD_YIELD();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        PRCondVar *cv;
-        PRIntervalTime timein;
-        timein = PR_IntervalNow();
-        cv = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_sleeplock);
-        PR_ASSERT(cv != NULL);
-        PR_Lock(_pr_sleeplock);
-        do
-        {
-            PRIntervalTime now = PR_IntervalNow();
-            PRIntervalTime delta = now - timein;
-            if (delta > ticks) break;
-            rv = PR_WaitCondVar(cv, ticks - delta);
-        } while (PR_SUCCESS == rv);
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_sleeplock);
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(cv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_Sleep */
-static void _pt_thread_death(void *arg)
-    void *thred;
-    int rv;
-    _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(pt_book.key, thred);
-    if (NULL == thred)
-    {
-        /*
-         * Have PR_GetCurrentThread return the expected value to the
-         * destructors.
-         */
-        rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, arg);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    /* PR_TRUE for: call destructors */ 
-    _pt_thread_death_internal(arg, PR_TRUE);
-    if (NULL == thred)
-    {
-        rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, NULL);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-static void _pt_thread_death_internal(void *arg, PRBool callDestructors)
-    PRThread *thred = (PRThread*)arg;
-    if (thred->state & (PT_THREAD_FOREIGN|PT_THREAD_PRIMORD))
-    {
-        PR_Lock(;
-        if (NULL == thred->prev)
-            pt_book.first = thred->next;
-        else
-            thred->prev->next = thred->next;
-        if (NULL == thred->next)
-            pt_book.last = thred->prev;
-        else
-            thred->next->prev = thred->prev;
-        PR_Unlock(;
-    }
-    if (callDestructors)
-        _PR_DestroyThreadPrivate(thred);
-    PR_Free(thred->privateData);
-    if (NULL != thred->errorString)
-        PR_Free(thred->errorString);
-    if (NULL != thred->name)
-        PR_Free(thred->name);
-    PR_Free(thred->stack);
-    if (NULL != thred->syspoll_list)
-        PR_Free(thred->syspoll_list);
-#if defined(_PR_POLL_WITH_SELECT)
-    if (NULL != thred->selectfd_list)
-        PR_Free(thred->selectfd_list);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    memset(thred, 0xaf, sizeof(PRThread));
-#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */
-    PR_Free(thred);
-}  /* _pt_thread_death */
-void _PR_InitThreads(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority, PRUintn maxPTDs)
-    int rv;
-    PRThread *thred;
-    /*
-     * On BSD/OS (3.1 and 4.0), the pthread subsystem is lazily
-     * initialized, but pthread_self() fails to initialize
-     * pthreads and hence returns a null thread ID if invoked
-     * by the primordial thread before any other pthread call.
-     * So we explicitly initialize pthreads here.
-     */
-    pthread_init();
-#if defined(FREEBSD)
-    {
-    pthread_attr_t attr;
-    int policy;
-    /* get the min and max priorities of the default policy */
-    pthread_attr_init(&attr);
-    pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
-    pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(&attr, &policy);
-    pt_book.minPrio = sched_get_priority_min(policy);
-    PR_ASSERT(-1 != pt_book.minPrio);
-    pt_book.maxPrio = sched_get_priority_max(policy);
-    PR_ASSERT(-1 != pt_book.maxPrio);
-    pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
-    }
-    /*
-    ** These might be function evaluations
-    */
-    pt_book.minPrio = PT_PRIO_MIN;
-    pt_book.maxPrio = PT_PRIO_MAX;
- = PR_NewLock();
- = PR_NewCondVar(;
-    thred = PR_NEWZAP(PRThread);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != thred);
-    thred->arg = NULL;
-    thred->startFunc = NULL;
-    thred->priority = priority;
-    thred->id = pthread_self();
-    thred->idSet = PR_TRUE;
-    thred->tid = gettid();
-    if (PR_SYSTEM_THREAD == type)
-    {
-        thred->state |= PT_THREAD_SYSTEM;
-        pt_book.system += 1;
-	    pt_book.this_many = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	    pt_book.user += 1;
-	    pt_book.this_many = 1;
-    }
-    thred->next = thred->prev = NULL;
-    pt_book.first = pt_book.last = thred;
-    thred->stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-    PR_ASSERT(thred->stack != NULL);
-    thred->stack->stackSize = 0;
-    thred->stack->thr = thred;
-	_PR_InitializeStack(thred->stack);
-    /*
-     * Create a key for our use to store a backpointer in the pthread
-     * to our PRThread object. This object gets deleted when the thread
-     * returns from its root in the case of a detached thread. Other
-     * threads delete the objects in Join.
-     *
-     * NB: The destructor logic seems to have a bug so it isn't used.
-     * NBB: Oh really? I'm going to give it a spin - AOF 19 June 1998.
-     * More info - the problem is that pthreads calls the destructor
-     * eagerly as the thread returns from its root, rather than lazily
-     * after the thread is joined. Therefore, threads that are joining
-     * and holding PRThread references are actually holding pointers to
-     * nothing.
-     */
-    rv = _PT_PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE(&pt_book.key, _pt_thread_death);
-    if (0 != rv)
-        PR_Assert("0 == rv", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    pt_book.keyCreated = PR_TRUE;
-    rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, thred);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-}  /* _PR_InitThreads */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- * GCC supports the constructor and destructor attributes as of
- * version 2.5.
- */
-static void _PR_Fini(void) __attribute__ ((destructor));
-#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C)
- * Sun Studio compiler
- */
-#pragma fini(_PR_Fini)
-static void _PR_Fini(void);
-#elif defined(HPUX)
- * Current versions of HP C compiler define __HP_cc.
- * HP C compiler A.11.01.20 doesn't define __HP_cc.
- */
-#if defined(__ia64) || defined(_LP64)
-#pragma FINI "_PR_Fini"
-static void _PR_Fini(void);
- * Only HP-UX 10.x style initializers are supported in 32-bit links.
- * Need to use the +I PR_HPUX10xInit linker option.
- */
-#include <dl.h>
-static void _PR_Fini(void);
-void PR_HPUX10xInit(shl_t handle, int loading)
-    /*
-     * This function is called when a shared library is loaded as well
-     * as when the shared library is unloaded.  Note that it may not
-     * be called when the user's program terminates.
-     *
-     * handle is the shl_load API handle for the shared library being
-     * initialized.
-     *
-     * loading is non-zero at startup and zero at termination.
-     */
-    if (loading) {
-	/* ... do some initializations ... */
-    } else {
-	_PR_Fini();
-    }
-#elif defined(AIX)
-/* Need to use the -binitfini::_PR_Fini linker option. */
-void _PR_Fini(void)
-    void *thred;
-    int rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) {
-        /* Either NSPR was never successfully initialized or 
-         * PR_Cleanup has been called already. */
-        if (pt_book.keyCreated)
-        {
-            rv = pthread_key_delete(pt_book.key);
-            PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-            pt_book.keyCreated = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    _PT_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC(pt_book.key, thred);
-    if (NULL != thred)
-    {
-        /*
-         * PR_FALSE, because it is unsafe to call back to the 
-         * thread private data destructors at final cleanup.
-         */
-        _pt_thread_death_internal(thred, PR_FALSE);
-        rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, NULL);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    }
-    rv = pthread_key_delete(pt_book.key);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    pt_book.keyCreated = PR_FALSE;
-    /* TODO: free other resources used by NSPR */
-    /* _pr_initialized = PR_FALSE; */
-}  /* _PR_Fini */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Cleanup(void)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    int rv;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_Cleanup: shutting down NSPR"));
-    PR_ASSERT(me->state & PT_THREAD_PRIMORD);
-    if (me->state & PT_THREAD_PRIMORD)
-    {
-        PR_Lock(;
-        while (pt_book.user > pt_book.this_many)
-            PR_WaitCondVar(, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        if (me->state & PT_THREAD_SYSTEM)
-            pt_book.system -= 1;
-        else
-            pt_book.user -= 1;
-        PR_Unlock(;
-        _PR_MD_EARLY_CLEANUP();
-        _PR_CleanupMW();
-        _PR_CleanupTime();
-        _PR_CleanupDtoa();
-        _PR_CleanupCallOnce();
-        _PR_ShutdownLinker();
-        _PR_LogCleanup();
-        _PR_CleanupNet();
-        /* Close all the fd's before calling _PR_CleanupIO */
-        _PR_CleanupIO();
-        _PR_CleanupCMon();
-        _pt_thread_death(me);
-        rv = pthread_setspecific(pt_book.key, NULL);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        /*
-         * I am not sure if it's safe to delete the cv and lock here,
-         * since there may still be "system" threads around. If this
-         * call isn't immediately prior to exiting, then there's a
-         * problem.
-         */
-        if (0 == pt_book.system)
-        {
-            PR_DestroyCondVar(; = NULL;
-            PR_DestroyLock(; = NULL;
-        }
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_sleeplock);
-        _pr_sleeplock = NULL;
-        _PR_CleanupLayerCache();
-        _PR_CleanupEnv();
-        _PR_DestroyZones();
-        _pr_initialized = PR_FALSE;
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-}  /* PR_Cleanup */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ProcessExit(PRIntn status)
-    _exit(status);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_GetThreadID(PRThread *thred)
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-    return (PRUint32)&thred->id;  /* this is really a sham! */
-    return (PRUint32)thred->id;  /* and I don't know what they will do with it */
- * $$$
- * The following two thread-to-processor affinity functions are not
- * yet implemented for pthreads.  By the way, these functions should return
- * PRStatus rather than PRInt32 to indicate the success/failure status.
- * $$$
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetThreadAffinityMask(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 *mask)
-    return 0;  /* not implemented */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_SetThreadAffinityMask(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 mask )
-    return 0;  /* not implemented */
-PR_SetThreadDumpProc(PRThread* thread, PRThreadDumpProc dump, void *arg)
-    thread->dump = dump;
-    thread->dumpArg = arg;
- * Garbage collection support follows.
- */
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
- * statics for Garbage Collection support.  We don't need to protect these
- * signal masks since the garbage collector itself is protected by a lock
- * and multiple threads will not be garbage collecting at the same time.
- */
-static sigset_t javagc_vtalarm_sigmask;
-static sigset_t javagc_intsoff_sigmask;
-#else /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-/* a bogus signal mask for forcing a timed wait */
-/* Not so bogus in AIX as we really do a sigwait */
-static sigset_t sigwait_set;
-static struct timespec onemillisec = {0, 1000000L};
-static struct timespec hundredmillisec = {0, 100000000L};
-static void suspend_signal_handler(PRIntn sig);
-static void null_signal_handler(PRIntn sig);
-#endif /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
- * Linux pthreads use SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 internally, which
- * conflict with the use of these two signals in our GC support.
- * So we don't know how to support GC on Linux pthreads.
- */
-static void init_pthread_gc_support(void)
-#ifndef SYMBIAN
-    PRIntn rv;
-#if defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-	rv = sigemptyset(&javagc_vtalarm_sigmask);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-	rv = sigaddset(&javagc_vtalarm_sigmask, SIGVTALRM);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#else  /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-	{
-	    struct sigaction sigact_usr2;
-	    sigact_usr2.sa_handler = suspend_signal_handler;
-	    sigact_usr2.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
-	    sigemptyset (&sigact_usr2.sa_mask);
-        rv = sigaction (SIGUSR2, &sigact_usr2, NULL);
-        PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-        sigemptyset (&sigwait_set);
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-        sigaddset (&sigwait_set, SIGUSR1);
-        sigaddset (&sigwait_set, SIGUSR2);
-#endif  /* defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT) */
-	}
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-	{
-	    struct sigaction sigact_null;
-	    sigact_null.sa_handler = null_signal_handler;
-	    sigact_null.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
-	    sigemptyset (&sigact_null.sa_mask);
-        rv = sigaction (SIGUSR1, &sigact_null, NULL);
-	    PR_ASSERT(0 ==rv); 
-    }
-#endif  /* defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT) */
-#endif /* defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-#endif /* SYMBIAN */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetThreadGCAble(void)
-    PR_Lock(;
-	PR_GetCurrentThread()->state |= PT_THREAD_GCABLE;
-    PR_Unlock(;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ClearThreadGCAble(void)
-    PR_Lock(;
-	PR_GetCurrentThread()->state &= (~PT_THREAD_GCABLE);
-    PR_Unlock(;
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-static PRBool suspendAllOn = PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool suspendAllSuspended = PR_FALSE;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_EnumerateThreads(PREnumerator func, void *arg)
-    PRIntn count = 0;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRThread* thred = pt_book.first;
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT)
-#if !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Begin PR_EnumerateThreads\n"));
-    /*
-     * $$$
-     * Need to suspend all threads other than me before doing this.
-     * This is really a gross and disgusting thing to do. The only
-     * good thing is that since all other threads are suspended, holding
-     * the lock during a callback seems like child's play.
-     * $$$
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(suspendAllOn);
-    while (thred != NULL)
-    {
-        /* Steve Morse, 4-23-97: Note that we can't walk a queue by taking
-         * qp->next after applying the function "func".  In particular, "func"
-         * might remove the thread from the queue and put it into another one in
-         * which case qp->next no longer points to the next entry in the original
-         * queue.
-         *
-         * To get around this problem, we save qp->next in qp_next before applying
-         * "func" and use that saved value as the next value after applying "func".
-         */
-        PRThread* next = thred->next;
-        if (_PT_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thred))
-        {
-#if !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-            PR_ASSERT((thred == me) || (thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED));
-            PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-                   ("In PR_EnumerateThreads callback thread %p thid = %X\n", 
-                    thred, thred->id));
-            rv = func(thred, count++, arg);
-            if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-                return rv;
-        }
-        thred = next;
-    }
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	   ("End PR_EnumerateThreads count = %d \n", count));
-    return rv;
-}  /* PR_EnumerateThreads */
- * PR_SuspendAll and PR_ResumeAll are called during garbage collection.  The strategy 
- * we use is to send a SIGUSR2 signal to every gc able thread that we intend to suspend.
- * The signal handler will record the stack pointer and will block until resumed by
- * the resume call.  Since the signal handler is the last routine called for the
- * suspended thread, the stack pointer will also serve as a place where all the
- * registers have been saved on the stack for the previously executing routines.
- *
- * Through global variables, we also make sure that PR_Suspend and PR_Resume does not
- * proceed until the thread is suspended or resumed.
- */
-#if !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
- * In the signal handler, we can not use condition variable notify or wait.
- * This does not work consistently across all pthread platforms.  We also can not 
- * use locking since that does not seem to work reliably across platforms.
- * Only thing we can do is yielding while testing for a global condition
- * to change.  This does work on pthread supported platforms.  We may have
- * to play with priortities if there are any problems detected.
- */
- /* 
-  * In AIX, you cannot use ANY pthread calls in the signal handler except perhaps
-  * pthread_yield. But that is horribly inefficient. Hence we use only sigwait, no
-  * sigtimedwait is available. We need to use another user signal, SIGUSR1. Actually
-  * SIGUSR1 is also used by exec in Java. So our usage here breaks the exec in Java,
-  * for AIX. You cannot use pthread_cond_wait or pthread_delay_np in the signal
-  * handler as all synchronization mechanisms just break down. 
-  */
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-static void null_signal_handler(PRIntn sig)
-	return;
-static void suspend_signal_handler(PRIntn sig)
-	PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-	PR_ASSERT(me != NULL);
-	PR_ASSERT((me->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED) == 0);
-	PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-        ("Begin suspend_signal_handler thred %p thread id = %X\n", 
-		me, me->id));
-	/*
-	 * save stack pointer
-	 */
-	me->sp = &me;
-	/* 
-	   At this point, the thread's stack pointer has been saved,
-	   And it is going to enter a wait loop until it is resumed.
-	   So it is _really_ suspended 
-	*/
-	me->suspend |= PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED;
-	/*
-	 * now, block current thread
-	 */
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-	pthread_cond_signal(&me->suspendResumeCV);
-	while (me->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED)
-	{
-#if !defined(FREEBSD) && !defined(NETBSD) && !defined(OPENBSD) \
-    && !defined(BSDI) && !defined(UNIXWARE) \
-    && !defined(DARWIN) && !defined(RISCOS) \
-    && !defined(SYMBIAN) /*XXX*/
-        PRIntn rv;
-	    sigwait(&sigwait_set, &rv);
-	}
-	me->suspend |= PT_THREAD_RESUMED;
-	pthread_cond_signal(&me->suspendResumeCV);
-#else /* defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT) */
-	while (me->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED)
-	{
-		PRIntn rv = sigtimedwait(&sigwait_set, NULL, &hundredmillisec);
-    	PR_ASSERT(-1 == rv);
-	}
-	me->suspend |= PT_THREAD_RESUMED;
-    /*
-     * At this point, thread has been resumed, so set a global condition.
-     * The ResumeAll needs to know that this has really been resumed. 
-     * So the signal handler sets a flag which PR_ResumeAll will reset. 
-     * The PR_ResumeAll must reset this flag ...
-     */
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-        ("End suspend_signal_handler thred = %p tid = %X\n", me, me->id));
-}  /* suspend_signal_handler */
-static void pt_SuspendSet(PRThread *thred)
-    PRIntn rv;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	   ("pt_SuspendSet thred %p thread id = %X\n", thred, thred->id));
-    /*
-     * Check the thread state and signal the thread to suspend
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT((thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED) == 0);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	   ("doing pthread_kill in pt_SuspendSet thred %p tid = %X\n",
-	   thred, thred->id));
-#if defined(SYMBIAN)
-    /* All signal group functions are not implemented in Symbian OS */
-    rv = 0;
-    rv = pthread_kill (thred->id, SIGUSR2);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-static void pt_SuspendTest(PRThread *thred)
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	   ("Begin pt_SuspendTest thred %p thread id = %X\n", thred, thred->id));
-    /*
-     * Wait for the thread to be really suspended. This happens when the
-     * suspend signal handler stores the stack pointer and sets the state
-     * to suspended. 
-     */
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&thred->suspendResumeMutex);
-    while ((thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED) == 0)
-    {
-	    pthread_cond_timedwait(
-	        &thred->suspendResumeCV, &thred->suspendResumeMutex, &onemillisec);
-	}
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&thred->suspendResumeMutex);
-    while ((thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED) == 0)
-    {
-		PRIntn rv = sigtimedwait(&sigwait_set, NULL, &onemillisec);
-    	PR_ASSERT(-1 == rv);
-	}
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
-        ("End pt_SuspendTest thred %p tid %X\n", thred, thred->id));
-}  /* pt_SuspendTest */
-static void pt_ResumeSet(PRThread *thred)
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	   ("pt_ResumeSet thred %p thread id = %X\n", thred, thred->id));
-    /*
-     * Clear the global state and set the thread state so that it will
-     * continue past yield loop in the suspend signal handler
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED);
-    thred->suspend &= ~PT_THREAD_SUSPENDED;
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-#if defined(SYMBIAN) 
-	/* All signal group functions are not implemented in Symbian OS */
-	pthread_kill(thred->id, SIGUSR1);
-}  /* pt_ResumeSet */
-static void pt_ResumeTest(PRThread *thred)
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	   ("Begin pt_ResumeTest thred %p thread id = %X\n", thred, thred->id));
-    /*
-     * Wait for the threads resume state to change
-     * to indicate it is really resumed 
-     */
-#if defined(PT_NO_SIGTIMEDWAIT)
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&thred->suspendResumeMutex);
-    while ((thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_RESUMED) == 0)
-    {
-	    pthread_cond_timedwait(
-	        &thred->suspendResumeCV, &thred->suspendResumeMutex, &onemillisec);
-    }
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&thred->suspendResumeMutex);
-    while ((thred->suspend & PT_THREAD_RESUMED) == 0) {
-		PRIntn rv = sigtimedwait(&sigwait_set, NULL, &onemillisec);
-    	PR_ASSERT(-1 == rv);
-	}
-    thred->suspend &= ~PT_THREAD_RESUMED;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, (
-        "End pt_ResumeTest thred %p tid %X\n", thred, thred->id));
-}  /* pt_ResumeTest */
-static pthread_once_t pt_gc_support_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SuspendAll(void)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    PRIntervalTime stime, etime;
-    PRThread* thred = pt_book.first;
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    int rv;
-    rv = pthread_once(&pt_gc_support_control, init_pthread_gc_support);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Begin PR_SuspendAll\n"));
-    /*
-     * Stop all threads which are marked GC able.
-     */
-    PR_Lock(;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    suspendAllOn = PR_TRUE;
-    stime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    while (thred != NULL)
-    {
-	    if ((thred != me) && _PT_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thred))
-    		pt_SuspendSet(thred);
-        thred = thred->next;
-    }
-    /* Wait till they are really suspended */
-    thred = pt_book.first;
-    while (thred != NULL)
-    {
-	    if ((thred != me) && _PT_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thred))
-            pt_SuspendTest(thred);
-        thred = thred->next;
-    }
-    suspendAllSuspended = PR_TRUE;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    etime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,\
-        ("End PR_SuspendAll (time %dms)\n",
-        PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(etime - stime)));
-}  /* PR_SuspendAll */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ResumeAll(void)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    PRIntervalTime stime, etime;
-    PRThread* thred = pt_book.first;
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Begin PR_ResumeAll\n"));
-    /*
-     * Resume all previously suspended GC able threads.
-     */
-    suspendAllSuspended = PR_FALSE;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    stime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    while (thred != NULL)
-    {
-	    if ((thred != me) && _PT_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thred))
-    	    pt_ResumeSet(thred);
-        thred = thred->next;
-    }
-    thred = pt_book.first;
-    while (thred != NULL)
-    {
-	    if ((thred != me) && _PT_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(thred))
-    	    pt_ResumeTest(thred);
-        thred = thred->next;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    suspendAllOn = PR_FALSE;
-    etime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
-        ("End PR_ResumeAll (time %dms)\n",
-        PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(etime - stime)));
-}  /* PR_ResumeAll */
-/* Return the stack pointer for the given thread- used by the GC */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *)PR_GetSP(PRThread *thred)
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
-	    ("in PR_GetSP thred %p thid = %X, sp = %p\n", 
-	    thred, thred->id, thred->sp));
-    return thred->sp;
-}  /* PR_GetSP */
-#else /* !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-static pthread_once_t pt_gc_support_control = pthread_once_init;
- * For DCE threads, there is no pthread_kill or a way of suspending or resuming a
- * particular thread.  We will just disable the preemption (virtual timer alarm) and
- * let the executing thread finish the garbage collection.  This stops all other threads
- * (GC able or not) and is very inefficient but there is no other choice.
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SuspendAll()
-    PRIntn rv;
-    rv = pthread_once(&pt_gc_support_control, init_pthread_gc_support);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);  /* returns -1 on failure */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    suspendAllOn = PR_TRUE;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Begin PR_SuspendAll\n"));
-    /* 
-     * turn off preemption - i.e add virtual alarm signal to the set of 
-     * blocking signals 
-     */
-    rv = sigprocmask(
-        SIG_BLOCK, &javagc_vtalarm_sigmask, &javagc_intsoff_sigmask);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-    suspendAllSuspended = PR_TRUE;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("End PR_SuspendAll\n"));
-}  /* PR_SuspendAll */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ResumeAll()
-    PRIntn rv;
-    suspendAllSuspended = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Begin PR_ResumeAll\n"));
-    /* turn on preemption - i.e re-enable virtual alarm signal */
-    rv = sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &javagc_intsoff_sigmask, (sigset_t *)NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(0 == rv);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    suspendAllOn = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("End PR_ResumeAll\n"));
-}  /* PR_ResumeAll */
-/* Return the stack pointer for the given thread- used by the GC */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void*)PR_GetSP(PRThread *thred)
-	pthread_t tid = thred->id;
-	char *thread_tcb, *top_sp;
-	/*
-	 * For HPUX DCE threads, pthread_t is a struct with the
-	 * following three fields (see pthread.h, dce/cma.h):
-	 *     cma_t_address       field1;
-	 *     short int           field2;
-	 *     short int           field3;
-	 * where cma_t_address is typedef'd to be either void*
-	 * or char*.
-	 */
-	PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("Begin PR_GetSP\n"));
-	thread_tcb = (char*)tid.field1;
-	top_sp = *(char**)(thread_tcb + 128);
-	PR_LOG(_pr_gc_lm, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, ("End PR_GetSP %p \n", top_sp));
-	return top_sp;
-}  /* PR_GetSP */
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetCurrentThreadName(const char *name)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    size_t nameLen;
-    int result = 0;
-    if (!name) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    if (!thread)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Free(thread->name);
-    nameLen = strlen(name);
-    thread->name = (char *)PR_Malloc(nameLen + 1);
-    if (!thread->name)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    memcpy(thread->name, name, nameLen + 1);
-#if defined(OPENBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY)
-    pthread_set_name_np(thread->id, name);
-#elif defined(NETBSD)
-    result = pthread_setname_np(thread->id, "%s", (void *)name);
-#else /* not BSD */
-    /*
-     * On OSX, pthread_setname_np is only available in 10.6 or later, so test
-     * for it at runtime.  It also may not be available on all linux distros.
-     */
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-    int (*dynamic_pthread_setname_np)(const char*);
-    int (*dynamic_pthread_setname_np)(pthread_t, const char*);
-    *(void**)(&dynamic_pthread_setname_np) =
-        dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "pthread_setname_np");
-    if (!dynamic_pthread_setname_np)
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    /*
-     * The 15-character name length limit is an experimentally determined
-     * length of a null-terminated string that most linux distros and OS X
-     * accept as an argument to pthread_setname_np.  Otherwise the E2BIG
-     * error is returned by the function.
-     */
-    char name_dup[SETNAME_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT + 1];
-        memcpy(name_dup, name, SETNAME_FRAGMENT1_LENGTH);
-        name_dup[SETNAME_FRAGMENT1_LENGTH] = '~';
-        /* Note that this also copies the null terminator. */
-        memcpy(name_dup + SETNAME_FRAGMENT1_LENGTH + 1,
-               name + nameLen - SETNAME_FRAGMENT2_LENGTH,
-               SETNAME_FRAGMENT2_LENGTH + 1);
-        name = name_dup;
-    }
-#if defined(DARWIN)
-    result = dynamic_pthread_setname_np(name);
-    result = dynamic_pthread_setname_np(thread->id, name);
-#endif /* not BSD */
-    if (result) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, result);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char *) PR_GetThreadName(const PRThread *thread)
-    if (!thread)
-        return NULL;
-    return thread->name;
-#endif  /* defined(_PR_PTHREADS) || defined(_PR_DCETHREADS) */
-/* ptthread.c */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prucpu.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prucpu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3913dc8..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prucpu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-_PRCPU *_pr_primordialCPU = NULL;
-PRInt32 _pr_md_idle_cpus;       /* number of idle cpus */
- * The idle threads in MxN models increment/decrement _pr_md_idle_cpus.
- * If _PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS is not defined, they can't use the atomic
- * increment/decrement routines (which are based on PR_Lock/PR_Unlock),
- * because PR_Lock asserts that the calling thread is not an idle thread.
- * So we use a _MDLock to protect _pr_md_idle_cpus.
- */
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-static _MDLock _pr_md_idle_cpus_lock;
-PRUintn _pr_numCPU;
-PRInt32 _pr_cpus_exit;
-PRUint32 _pr_cpu_affinity_mask = 0;
-#if !defined (_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-static PRUintn _pr_cpuID;
-static void PR_CALLBACK _PR_CPU_Idle(void *);
-static _PRCPU *_PR_CreateCPU(void);
-static PRStatus _PR_StartCPU(_PRCPU *cpu, PRThread *thread);
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-static void _PR_RunCPU(void *arg);
-void  _PR_InitCPUs()
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (_native_threads_only)
-        return;
-    _pr_cpuID = 0;
-    _MD_NEW_LOCK( &_pr_cpuLock);
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-    _MD_NEW_LOCK(&_pr_md_idle_cpus_lock);
-    /* Now start the first CPU. */
-    _pr_primordialCPU = _PR_CreateCPU();
-    _pr_numCPU = 1;
-    _PR_StartCPU(_pr_primordialCPU, me);
-    _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_CPU(_pr_primordialCPU);
-    /* Initialize cpu for current thread (could be different from me) */
-    _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD()->cpu = _pr_primordialCPU;
-#else /* Combined MxN model */
-    _pr_primordialCPU = _PR_CreateCPU();
-    _pr_numCPU = 1;
-    _PR_CreateThread(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD,
-                     _PR_RunCPU,
-                     _pr_primordialCPU,
-                     PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
-                     PR_GLOBAL_THREAD,
-                     PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD,
-                     0,
-                     _PR_IDLE_THREAD);
-#endif /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-    _PR_MD_INIT_CPUS();
-#ifdef WINNT
- * Right now this function merely stops the CPUs and does
- * not do any other cleanup.
- *
- * It is only implemented for WINNT because bug 161998 only
- * affects the WINNT version of NSPR, but it would be nice
- * to implement this function for other platforms too.
- */
-void _PR_CleanupCPUs(void)
-    PRUintn i;
-    PRCList *qp;
-    _PRCPU *cpu;
-    _pr_cpus_exit = 1;
-    for (i = 0; i < _pr_numCPU; i++) {
-    }
-    for (qp = _PR_CPUQ().next; qp != &_PR_CPUQ(); qp = qp->next) {
-        cpu = _PR_CPU_PTR(qp);
-        _PR_MD_JOIN_THREAD(&cpu->thread->md);
-    }
-static _PRCPUQueue *_PR_CreateCPUQueue(void)
-    PRInt32 index;
-    _PRCPUQueue *cpuQueue;
-    cpuQueue = PR_NEWZAP(_PRCPUQueue);
-    _MD_NEW_LOCK( &cpuQueue->runQLock );
-    _MD_NEW_LOCK( &cpuQueue->sleepQLock );
-    _MD_NEW_LOCK( &cpuQueue->miscQLock );
-    for (index = 0; index < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(cpuQueue->runQ); index++)
-        PR_INIT_CLIST( &(cpuQueue->runQ[index]) );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &(cpuQueue->sleepQ) );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &(cpuQueue->pauseQ) );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &(cpuQueue->suspendQ) );
-    PR_INIT_CLIST( &(cpuQueue->waitingToJoinQ) );
-    cpuQueue->numCPUs = 1;
-    return cpuQueue;
- * Create a new CPU.
- *
- * This function initializes enough of the _PRCPU structure so
- * that it can be accessed safely by a global thread or another
- * CPU.  This function does not create the native thread that
- * will run the CPU nor does it initialize the parts of _PRCPU
- * that must be initialized by that native thread.
- *
- * The reason we cannot simply have the native thread create
- * and fully initialize a new CPU is that we need to be able to
- * create a usable _pr_primordialCPU in _PR_InitCPUs without
- * assuming that the primordial CPU thread we created can run
- * during NSPR initialization.  For example, on Windows while
- * new threads can be created by DllMain, they won't be able
- * to run during DLL initialization.  If NSPR is initialized
- * by DllMain, the primordial CPU thread won't run until DLL
- * initialization is finished.
- */
-static _PRCPU *_PR_CreateCPU(void)
-    _PRCPU *cpu;
-    cpu = PR_NEWZAP(_PRCPU);
-    if (cpu) {
-        cpu->queue = _PR_CreateCPUQueue();
-        if (!cpu->queue) {
-            PR_DELETE(cpu);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return cpu;
- * Start a new CPU.
- *
- * 'cpu' is a _PRCPU structure created by _PR_CreateCPU().
- * 'thread' is the native thread that will run the CPU.
- *
- * If this function fails, 'cpu' is destroyed.
- */
-static PRStatus _PR_StartCPU(_PRCPU *cpu, PRThread *thread)
-    /*
-    ** Start a new cpu. The assumption this code makes is that the
-    ** underlying operating system creates a stack to go with the new
-    ** native thread. That stack will be used by the cpu when pausing.
-    */
-    PR_ASSERT(!_native_threads_only);
-    cpu->last_clock = PR_IntervalNow();
-    /* Before we create any threads on this CPU we have to
-     * set the current CPU 
-     */
-    thread->cpu = cpu;
-    cpu->idle_thread = _PR_CreateThread(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD,
-                                        _PR_CPU_Idle,
-                                        (void *)cpu,
-                                        PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
-                                        PR_LOCAL_THREAD,
-                                        PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD,
-                                        0,
-                                        _PR_IDLE_THREAD);
-    if (!cpu->idle_thread) {
-        /* didn't clean up CPU queue XXXMB */
-        PR_DELETE(cpu);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    } 
-    PR_ASSERT(cpu->idle_thread->cpu == cpu);
-    cpu->idle_thread->no_sched = 0;
-    cpu->thread = thread;
-    if (_pr_cpu_affinity_mask)
-        PR_SetThreadAffinityMask(thread, _pr_cpu_affinity_mask);
-    /* Created and started a new CPU */
-    cpu->id = _pr_cpuID++;
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&cpu->links, &_PR_CPUQ());
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#if !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY) && !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-** This code is used during a cpu's initial creation.
-static void _PR_RunCPU(void *arg)
-    _PRCPU *cpu = (_PRCPU *)arg;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != me);
-    /*
-     * _PR_StartCPU calls _PR_CreateThread to create the
-     * idle thread.  Because _PR_CreateThread calls PR_Lock,
-     * the current thread has to remain a global thread
-     * during the _PR_StartCPU call so that it can wait for
-     * the lock if the lock is held by another thread.  If
-     * we clear the _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE flag in
-     * _PR_MD_CREATE_PRIMORDIAL_THREAD, the current thread
-     * will be treated as a local thread and have trouble
-     * waiting for the lock because the CPU is not fully
-     * constructed yet.
-     *
-     * After the CPU is started, it is safe to mark the
-     * current thread as a local thread.
-     */
-    me->no_sched = 1;
-    _PR_StartCPU(cpu, me);
-    me->flags &= (~_PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE);
-    _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(cpu->thread);
-    me->cpu = cpu;
-    while(1) {
-        PRInt32 is;
-        if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-        _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(me);
-    }
-static void PR_CALLBACK _PR_CPU_Idle(void *_cpu)
-    _PRCPU *cpu = (_PRCPU *)_cpu;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != me);
-    me->cpu = cpu;
-    cpu->idle_thread = me;
-    if (_MD_LAST_THREAD())
-        _MD_LAST_THREAD()->no_sched = 0;
-    while(1) {
-        PRInt32 is;
-        PRIntervalTime timeout;
-        if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-        _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-        _PR_MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&_pr_md_idle_cpus);
-        _PR_MD_LOCK(&_pr_md_idle_cpus_lock);
-        _pr_md_idle_cpus++;
-        _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&_pr_md_idle_cpus_lock);
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS */
-        /* If someone on runq; do a nonblocking PAUSECPU */
-        if (_PR_RUNQREADYMASK(me->cpu) != 0) {
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT;
-        } else {
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(cpu);
-            if (PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&_PR_SLEEPQ(me->cpu))) {
-                timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
-            } else {
-                PRThread *wakeThread;
-                wakeThread = _PR_THREAD_PTR(_PR_SLEEPQ(me->cpu).next);
-                timeout = wakeThread->sleep;
-            }
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-        }
-        /* Wait for an IO to complete */
-        (void)_PR_MD_PAUSE_CPU(timeout);
-#ifdef WINNT
-        if (_pr_cpus_exit) {
-            /* _PR_CleanupCPUs tells us to exit */
-            _PR_MD_END_THREAD();
-        }
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && !defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-        _PR_MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&_pr_md_idle_cpus);
-        _PR_MD_LOCK(&_pr_md_idle_cpus_lock);
-        _pr_md_idle_cpus--;
-        _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&_pr_md_idle_cpus_lock);
-#endif /* _PR_HAVE_ATOMIC_OPS */
-		_PR_ClockInterrupt();
-		/* Now schedule any thread that is on the runq
-		 * INTS must be OFF when calling PR_Schedule()
-		 */
-		me->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetConcurrency(PRUintn numCPUs)
-    /* do nothing */
-#else /* combined, MxN thread model */
-    PRUintn newCPU;
-    _PRCPU *cpu;
-    PRThread *thr;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-	if (_native_threads_only)
-		return;
-    if (_pr_numCPU < numCPUs) {
-        newCPU = numCPUs - _pr_numCPU;
-        _pr_numCPU = numCPUs;
-    } else newCPU = 0;
-    for (; newCPU; newCPU--) {
-        cpu = _PR_CreateCPU();
-        thr = _PR_CreateThread(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD,
-                              _PR_RunCPU,
-                              cpu,
-                              PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
-                              PR_GLOBAL_THREAD,
-                              PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD,
-                              0,
-                              _PR_IDLE_THREAD);
-    }
-PR_IMPLEMENT(_PRCPU *) _PR_GetPrimordialCPU(void)
-    if (_pr_primordialCPU)
-        return _pr_primordialCPU;
-    else
-        return _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU();
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prucv.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prucv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d0bf4c4..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prucv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#if defined(WIN95)
-** Some local variables report warnings on Win95 because the code paths 
-** using them are conditioned on HAVE_CUSTOME_USER_THREADS.
-** The pragma suppresses the warning.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
-** Notify one thread that it has finished waiting on a condition variable
-** Caller must hold the _PR_CVAR_LOCK(cv)
-PRBool _PR_NotifyThread (PRThread *thread, PRThread *me)
-    PRBool rv;
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) {
-        if (thread->wait.cvar != NULL) {
-            thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            /* The notify and timeout can collide; in which case both may
-             * attempt to delete from the sleepQ; only let one do it.
-             */
-            if (thread->flags & (_PR_ON_SLEEPQ|_PR_ON_PAUSEQ))
-                _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(thread, PR_TRUE);
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-	    if (thread->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-		/*
-		 * set thread state to SUSPENDED; a Resume operation
-		 * on the thread will move it to the runQ
-		 */
-            	thread->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-		_PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-		_PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(thread, thread->cpu);
-		_PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-            	_PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-	    } else {
-            	/* Make thread runnable */
-            	thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-            	_PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-                _PR_AddThreadToRunQ(me, thread);
-                _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-            }
-            rv = PR_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            /* Thread has already been notified */
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            rv = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    } else { /* If the thread is a native thread */
-        if (thread->wait.cvar) {
-            thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-	    if (thread->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-		/*
-		 * set thread state to SUSPENDED; a Resume operation
-		 * on the thread will enable the thread to run
-		 */
-            	thread->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-	     } else
-            	thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-            rv = PR_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            rv = PR_FALSE;
-        }    
-    }    
-    return rv;
- * Notify thread waiting on cvar; called when thread is interrupted
- * 	The thread lock is held on entry and released before return
- */
-void _PR_NotifyLockedThread (PRThread *thread)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRCondVar *cvar;
-    PRThreadPriority pri;
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    cvar = thread->wait.cvar;
-    thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    _PR_CVAR_LOCK(cvar);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            /* The notify and timeout can collide; in which case both may
-             * attempt to delete from the sleepQ; only let one do it.
-             */
-            if (thread->flags & (_PR_ON_SLEEPQ|_PR_ON_PAUSEQ))
-                _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(thread, PR_TRUE);
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-	    /* Make thread runnable */
-	    pri = thread->priority;
-	    thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-	    PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-            _PR_AddThreadToRunQ(me, thread);
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-    } else {
-	    if (thread->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-		/*
-		 * set thread state to SUSPENDED; a Resume operation
-		 * on the thread will enable the thread to run
-		 */
-            	thread->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-	     } else
-            	thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-    }    
-    _PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(cvar);
-    return;
-** Make the given thread wait for the given condition variable
-PRStatus _PR_WaitCondVar(
-    PRThread *thread, PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *lock, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PR_ASSERT(thread == _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD());
-    PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(thread)) {
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    thread->wait.cvar = cvar;
-    lock->owner = NULL;
-    _PR_MD_WAIT_CV(&cvar->md,&lock->ilock, timeout);
-    thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-    lock->owner = thread;
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(thread)) {
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread))
-    	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_CVAR_LOCK(cvar);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(thread)) {
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-    	_PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(cvar);
-    	_PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    	if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread))
-    		_PR_INTSON(is);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    thread->state = _PR_COND_WAIT;
-    thread->wait.cvar = cvar;
-    /*
-    ** Put the caller thread on the condition variable's wait Q
-    */
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->waitQLinks, &cvar->condQ);
-    /* Note- for global scope threads, we don't put them on the
-     *       global sleepQ, so each global thread must put itself
-     *       to sleep only for the time it wants to.
-     */
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) {
-        _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-        _PR_ADD_SLEEPQ(thread, timeout);
-        _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-    }
-    _PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(cvar);
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    /* 
-    ** Release lock protecting the condition variable and thereby giving time 
-    ** to the next thread which can potentially notify on the condition variable
-    */
-    PR_Unlock(lock);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_cvar_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-	   ("PR_Wait: cvar=%p waiting for %d", cvar, timeout));
-    rv = _PR_MD_WAIT(thread, timeout);
-    _PR_CVAR_LOCK(cvar);
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&thread->waitQLinks);
-    _PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(cvar);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_cvar_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-	   ("PR_Wait: cvar=%p done waiting", cvar));
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread))
-    	_PR_INTSON(is);
-    /* Acquire lock again that we had just relinquished */
-    PR_Lock(lock);
-    if (_PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT(thread)) {
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-void _PR_NotifyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRThread *me)
-    _PR_MD_NOTIFY_CV(&cvar->md, &cvar->lock->ilock);
-    PRCList *q;
-    PRIntn is;
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_CVAR_LOCK(cvar);
-    q = cvar->;
-    while (q != &cvar->condQ) {
-        PR_LOG(_pr_cvar_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("_PR_NotifyCondVar: cvar=%p", cvar));
-        if (_PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(q)->wait.cvar)  {
-            if (_PR_NotifyThread(_PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(q), me) == PR_TRUE)
-                break;
-        }
-        q = q->next;
-    }
-    _PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(cvar);
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSON(is);
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-** Cndition variable debugging log info.
-PRUint32 _PR_CondVarToString(PRCondVar *cvar, char *buf, PRUint32 buflen)
-    PRUint32 nb;
-    if (cvar->lock->owner) {
-	nb = PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "[%p] owner=%ld[%p]",
-			 cvar, cvar->lock->owner->id, cvar->lock->owner);
-    } else {
-	nb = PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "[%p]", cvar);
-    }
-    return nb;
-** Expire condition variable waits that are ready to expire. "now" is the current
-** time.
-void _PR_ClockInterrupt(void)
-    PRThread *thread, *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    _PRCPU *cpu = me->cpu;
-    PRIntervalTime elapsed, now;
-    /* Figure out how much time elapsed since the last clock tick */
-    now = PR_IntervalNow();
-    elapsed = now - cpu->last_clock;
-    cpu->last_clock = now;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_clock_lm, PR_LOG_MAX,
-	   ("ExpireWaits: elapsed=%lld usec", elapsed));
-    while(1) {
-        _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(cpu);
-        if (_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu).next == &_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu)) {
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            break;
-        }
-        thread = _PR_THREAD_PTR(_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu).next);
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->cpu == cpu);
-        if (elapsed < thread->sleep) {
-            thread->sleep -= elapsed;
-            _PR_SLEEPQMAX(thread->cpu) -= elapsed;
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            break;
-        }
-        _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-        PR_ASSERT(!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread));
-        _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-        if (thread->cpu != cpu) {
-            /*
-            ** The thread was switched to another CPU
-            ** between the time we unlocked the sleep
-            ** queue and the time we acquired the thread
-            ** lock, so it is none of our business now.
-            */
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            continue;
-        }
-        /*
-        ** Consume this sleeper's amount of elapsed time from the elapsed
-        ** time value. The next remaining piece of elapsed time will be
-        ** available for the next sleeping thread's timer.
-        */
-        _PR_SLEEPQ_LOCK(cpu);
-        PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_ON_PAUSEQ));
-        if (thread->flags & _PR_ON_SLEEPQ) {
-            _PR_DEL_SLEEPQ(thread, PR_FALSE);
-            elapsed -= thread->sleep;
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-        } else {
-            /* Thread was already handled; Go get another one */
-            _PR_SLEEPQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-            continue;
-        }
-        /* Notify the thread waiting on the condition variable */
-        if (thread->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-		PR_ASSERT((thread->state == _PR_IO_WAIT) ||
-				(thread->state == _PR_COND_WAIT));
-            /*
-            ** Thread is suspended and its condition timeout
-            ** expired. Transfer thread from sleepQ to suspendQ.
-            */
-            thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-            _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(cpu);
-            thread->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-            _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(thread, cpu);
-            _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-        } else {
-            if (thread->wait.cvar) {
-                PRThreadPriority pri;
-                /* Do work very similar to what _PR_NotifyThread does */
-                PR_ASSERT( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) );
-                /* Make thread runnable */
-                pri = thread->priority;
-                thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-                PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-                PR_ASSERT(thread->cpu == cpu);
-                _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-                _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, cpu, pri);
-                _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-                if (pri > me->priority)
-                    _PR_SET_RESCHED_FLAG();
-                thread->wait.cvar = NULL;
-                _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-            } else if (thread->io_pending == PR_TRUE) {
-                /* Need to put IO sleeper back on runq */
-                int pri = thread->priority;
-                thread->io_suspended = PR_TRUE;
-#ifdef WINNT
-				/*
-				 * For NT, record the cpu on which I/O was issued
-				 * I/O cancellation is done on the same cpu
-				 */
-                thread->md.thr_bound_cpu = cpu;
-				PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-                PR_ASSERT(thread->cpu == cpu);
-                thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-                _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-                _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, cpu, pri);
-                _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            }
-        }
-        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    }
-** Create a new condition variable.
-** 	"lock" is the lock to use with the condition variable.
-** Condition variables are synchronization objects that threads can use
-** to wait for some condition to occur.
-** This may fail if memory is tight or if some operating system resource
-** is low.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRCondVar*) PR_NewCondVar(PRLock *lock)
-    PRCondVar *cvar;
-    cvar = PR_NEWZAP(PRCondVar);
-    if (cvar) {
-        if (_PR_InitCondVar(cvar, lock) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            PR_DELETE(cvar);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-    }
-    return cvar;
-PRStatus _PR_InitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *lock)
-    PR_ASSERT(lock != NULL);
-    if(_PR_MD_NEW_CV(&cvar->md)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&(cvar->ilock)) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    cvar->lock = lock;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&cvar->condQ);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Destroy a condition variable. There must be no thread
-** waiting on the condvar. The caller is responsible for guaranteeing
-** that the condvar is no longer in use.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    _PR_FreeCondVar(cvar);
-    PR_DELETE(cvar);
-void _PR_FreeCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar-> == &cvar->condQ);
-    _PR_MD_FREE_CV(&cvar->md);
-    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&(cvar->ilock));
-** Wait for a notify on the condition variable. Sleep for "tiemout" amount
-** of ticks (if "timeout" is zero then the sleep is indefinite). While
-** the thread is waiting it unlocks lock. When the wait has
-** finished the thread regains control of the condition variable after
-** locking the associated lock.
-** The thread waiting on the condvar will be resumed when the condvar is
-** notified (assuming the thread is the next in line to receive the
-** notify) or when the timeout elapses.
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not locked the lock associated
-** with the condition variable or the thread has been interrupted.
-extern PRThread *suspendAllThread;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	PR_ASSERT(cvar->lock->owner == me);
-	PR_ASSERT(me != suspendAllThread);
-    	if (cvar->lock->owner != me) return PR_FAILURE;
-	return _PR_WaitCondVar(me, cvar, cvar->lock, timeout);
-** Notify the highest priority thread waiting on the condition
-** variable. If a thread is waiting on the condition variable (using
-** PR_Wait) then it is awakened and begins waiting on the lock.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NotifyCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar->lock->owner == me);
-    PR_ASSERT(me != suspendAllThread);
-    if (cvar->lock->owner != me) return PR_FAILURE;
-    _PR_NotifyCondVar(cvar, me);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Notify all of the threads waiting on the condition variable. All of
-** threads are notified in turn. The highest priority thread will
-** probably acquire the lock.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NotifyAllCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PRCList *q;
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar->lock->owner == me);
-    if (cvar->lock->owner != me) return PR_FAILURE;
-    _PR_MD_NOTIFYALL_CV(&cvar->md, &cvar->lock->ilock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_CVAR_LOCK(cvar);
-    q = cvar->;
-    while (q != &cvar->condQ) {
-		PR_LOG(_pr_cvar_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_NotifyAll: cvar=%p", cvar));
-		_PR_NotifyThread(_PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(q), me);
-		q = q->next;
-    }
-    _PR_CVAR_UNLOCK(cvar);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSON(is);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-/********************ROUTINES FOR DCE EMULATION***********************/
-#include "prpdce.h"
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRCondVar*) PRP_NewNakedCondVar(void)
-    PRCondVar *cvar = PR_NEWZAP(PRCondVar);
-    if (NULL != cvar)
-    {
-        if (_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&(cvar->ilock)) == PR_FAILURE)
-        {
-		    PR_DELETE(cvar); cvar = NULL;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-	        PR_INIT_CLIST(&cvar->condQ);
-            cvar->lock = _PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK;
-	    }
-    }
-    return cvar;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PRP_DestroyNakedCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PR_ASSERT(cvar-> == &cvar->condQ);
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK == cvar->lock);
-    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&(cvar->ilock));
-    PR_DELETE(cvar);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_NakedWait(
-	PRCondVar *cvar, PRLock *lock, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK == cvar->lock);
-	return _PR_WaitCondVar(me, cvar, lock, timeout);
-}  /* PRP_NakedWait */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_NakedNotify(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK == cvar->lock);
-    _PR_NotifyCondVar(cvar, me);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PRP_NakedNotify */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_NakedBroadcast(PRCondVar *cvar)
-    PRCList *q;
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(_PR_NAKED_CV_LOCK == cvar->lock);
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-	_PR_MD_LOCK( &(cvar->ilock) );
-    q = cvar->;
-    while (q != &cvar->condQ) {
-		PR_LOG(_pr_cvar_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_NotifyAll: cvar=%p", cvar));
-		_PR_NotifyThread(_PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(q), me);
-		q = q->next;
-    }
-	_PR_MD_UNLOCK( &(cvar->ilock) );
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSON(is);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* PRP_NakedBroadcast */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prulock.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prulock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b2f41e..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prulock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if defined(WIN95)
-** Some local variables report warnings on Win95 because the code paths 
-** using them are conditioned on HAVE_CUSTOME_USER_THREADS.
-** The pragma suppresses the warning.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
-void _PR_InitLocks(void)
-** Deal with delayed interrupts/requested reschedule during interrupt
-** re-enables.
-void _PR_IntsOn(_PRCPU *cpu)
-    PRUintn missed, pri, i;
-    _PRInterruptTable *it;
-    PRThread *me;
-    PR_ASSERT(cpu);   /* Global threads don't have CPUs */
-    PR_ASSERT(!(me->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    /*
-    ** Process delayed interrupts. This logic is kinda scary because we
-    ** need to avoid losing an interrupt (it's ok to delay an interrupt
-    ** until later).
-    **
-    ** There are two missed state words. _pr_ints.where indicates to the
-    ** interrupt handler which state word is currently safe for
-    ** modification.
-    **
-    ** This code scans both interrupt state words, using the where flag
-    ** to indicate to the interrupt which state word is safe for writing.
-    ** If an interrupt comes in during a scan the other word will be
-    ** modified. This modification will be noticed during the next
-    ** iteration of the loop or during the next call to this routine.
-    */
-    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        cpu->where = (1 - i);
-        missed = cpu->u.missed[i];
-        if (missed != 0) {
-            cpu->u.missed[i] = 0;
-            for (it = _pr_interruptTable; it->name; it++) {
-                if (missed & it->missed_bit) {
-                    PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MIN,
-                           ("IntsOn[0]: %s intr", it->name));
-                    (*it->handler)();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (cpu->u.missed[3] != 0) {
-        _PRCPU *cpu;
-        me->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-        pri = me->priority;
-        cpu = me->cpu;
-		_PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-        _PR_ADD_RUNQ(me, cpu, pri);
-		_PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-        _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(me);
-    }
-** Unblock the first runnable waiting thread. Skip over
-** threads that are trying to be suspended
-** Note: Caller must hold _PR_LOCK_LOCK()
-void _PR_UnblockLockWaiter(PRLock *lock)
-    PRThread *t = NULL;
-    PRThread *me;
-    PRCList *q;
-    q = lock->;
-    PR_ASSERT(q != &lock->waitQ);
-    while (q != &lock->waitQ) {
-        /* Unblock first waiter */
-        t = _PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(q);
-		/* 
-		** We are about to change the thread's state to runnable and for local
-		** threads, we are going to assign a cpu to it.  So, protect thread's
-		** data structure.
-		*/
-        _PR_THREAD_LOCK(t);
-        if (t->flags & _PR_SUSPENDING) {
-            q = q->next;
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(t);
-            continue;
-        }
-        /* Found a runnable thread */
-	    PR_ASSERT(t->state == _PR_LOCK_WAIT);
-	    PR_ASSERT(t->wait.lock == lock);
-        t->wait.lock = 0;
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&t->waitQLinks);         /* take it off lock's waitQ */
-		/*
-		** If this is a native thread, nothing else to do except to wake it
-		** up by calling the machine dependent wakeup routine.
-		**
-		** If this is a local thread, we need to assign it a cpu and
-		** put the thread on that cpu's run queue.  There are two cases to
-		** take care of.  If the currently running thread is also a local
-		** thread, we just assign our own cpu to that thread and put it on
-		** the cpu's run queue.  If the the currently running thread is a
-		** native thread, we assign the primordial cpu to it (on NT,
-		** MD_WAKEUP handles the cpu assignment).  
-		*/
-        if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(t) ) {
-            t->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-            me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-            _PR_AddThreadToRunQ(me, t);
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(t);
-        } else {
-            t->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(t);
-        }
-        _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(t);
-        break;
-    }
-    return;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRLock*) PR_NewLock(void)
-    PRLock *lock;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    lock = PR_NEWZAP(PRLock);
-    if (lock) {
-        if (_PR_InitLock(lock) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            PR_DELETE(lock);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return lock;
-PRStatus _PR_InitLock(PRLock *lock)
-    if (_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&lock->ilock) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&lock->links);
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&lock->waitQ);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Destroy the given lock "lock". There is no point in making this race
-** free because if some other thread has the pointer to this lock all
-** bets are off.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyLock(PRLock *lock)
-    _PR_FreeLock(lock);
-    PR_DELETE(lock);
-void _PR_FreeLock(PRLock *lock)
-    PR_ASSERT(lock->owner == 0);
-    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&lock->ilock);
-extern PRThread *suspendAllThread;
-** Lock the lock.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_Lock(PRLock *lock)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *t;
-    PRCList *q;
-    PR_ASSERT(me != suspendAllThread); 
-    PR_ASSERT(!(me->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    PR_ASSERT(lock != NULL);
-    _PR_MD_LOCK(&lock->ilock);
-    PR_ASSERT(lock->owner == 0);
-    lock->owner = me;
-    return;
-	if (_native_threads_only) {
-		_PR_MD_LOCK(&lock->ilock);
-		PR_ASSERT(lock->owner == 0);
-		lock->owner = me;
-		return;
-	}
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_LOCK_LOCK(lock);
-    if (lock->owner == 0) {
-        /* Just got the lock */
-        lock->owner = me;
-        lock->priority = me->priority;
-		/* Add the granted lock to this owning thread's lock list */
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&lock->links, &me->lockList);
-        _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(lock);
-    	if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        	_PR_FAST_INTSON(is);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* If this thread already owns this lock, then it is a deadlock */
-    PR_ASSERT(lock->owner != me);
-#if 0
-    if (me->priority > lock->owner->priority) {
-        /*
-        ** Give the lock owner a priority boost until we get the
-        ** lock. Record the priority we boosted it to.
-        */
-        lock->boostPriority = me->priority;
-        _PR_SetThreadPriority(lock->owner, me->priority);
-    }
-    /* 
-    Add this thread to the asked for lock's list of waiting threads.  We
-    add this thread thread in the right priority order so when the unlock
-    occurs, the thread with the higher priority will get the lock.
-    */
-    q = lock->;
-    if (q == &lock->waitQ || _PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(q)->priority ==
-      	_PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(lock->waitQ.prev)->priority) {
-		/*
-		 * If all the threads in the lock waitQ have the same priority,
-		 * then avoid scanning the list:  insert the element at the end.
-		 */
-		q = &lock->waitQ;
-    } else {
-		/* Sort thread into lock's waitQ at appropriate point */
-		/* Now scan the list for where to insert this entry */
-		while (q != &lock->waitQ) {
-			t = _PR_THREAD_CONDQ_PTR(lock->;
-			if (me->priority > t->priority) {
-				/* Found a lower priority thread to insert in front of */
-				break;
-			}
-			q = q->next;
-		}
-	}
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&me->waitQLinks, q);
-	/* 
-	Now grab the threadLock since we are about to change the state.  We have
-	to do this since a PR_Suspend or PR_SetThreadPriority type call that takes
-	a PRThread* as an argument could be changing the state of this thread from
-	a thread running on a different cpu.
-	*/
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-    me->state = _PR_LOCK_WAIT;
-    me->wait.lock = lock;
-    _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(lock);
-	goto retry;
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-** Unlock the lock.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Unlock(PRLock *lock)
-    PRCList *q;
-    PRThreadPriority pri, boost;
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(lock != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(lock->owner == me);
-    PR_ASSERT(me != suspendAllThread); 
-    PR_ASSERT(!(me->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-    if (lock->owner != me) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    lock->owner = 0;
-    _PR_MD_UNLOCK(&lock->ilock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-	if (_native_threads_only) {
-		lock->owner = 0;
-		_PR_MD_UNLOCK(&lock->ilock);
-		return PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_LOCK_LOCK(lock);
-	/* Remove the lock from the owning thread's lock list */
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&lock->links);
-    pri = lock->priority;
-    boost = lock->boostPriority;
-    if (boost > pri) {
-        /*
-        ** We received a priority boost during the time we held the lock.
-        ** We need to figure out what priority to move to by scanning
-        ** down our list of lock's that we are still holding and using
-        ** the highest boosted priority found.
-        */
-        q = me->;
-        while (q != &me->lockList) {
-            PRLock *ll = _PR_LOCK_PTR(q);
-            if (ll->boostPriority > pri) {
-                pri = ll->boostPriority;
-            }
-            q = q->next;
-        }
-        if (pri != me->priority) {
-            _PR_SetThreadPriority(me, pri);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Unblock the first waiting thread */
-    q = lock->;
-    if (q != &lock->waitQ)
-        _PR_UnblockLockWaiter(lock);
-    lock->boostPriority = PR_PRIORITY_LOW;
-    lock->owner = 0;
-    _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(lock);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSON(is);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-**  If the current thread owns |lock|, this assertion is guaranteed to
-**  succeed.  Otherwise, the behavior of this function is undefined.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_AssertCurrentThreadOwnsLock(PRLock *lock)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(lock->owner == me);
-** Test and then lock the lock if it's not already locked by some other
-** thread. Return PR_FALSE if some other thread owned the lock at the
-** time of the call.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) PR_TestAndLock(PRLock *lock)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRBool rv = PR_FALSE;
-    PRIntn is;
-    is = _PR_MD_TEST_AND_LOCK(&lock->ilock);
-    if (is == 0) {
-        lock->owner = me;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-	if (_native_threads_only) {
-		is = _PR_MD_TEST_AND_LOCK(&lock->ilock);
-		if (is == 0) {
-			lock->owner = me;
-			return PR_TRUE;
-		}
-    	return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_LOCK_LOCK(lock);
-    if (lock->owner == 0) {
-        /* Just got the lock */
-        lock->owner = me;
-        lock->priority = me->priority;
-		/* Add the granted lock to this owning thread's lock list */
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&lock->links, &me->lockList);
-        rv = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(lock);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    	_PR_INTSON(is);
-    return rv;
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-/***********************ROUTINES FOR DCE EMULATION***********************/
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PRP_TryLock(PRLock *lock)
-    { return (PR_TestAndLock(lock)) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE; }
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prustack.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prustack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 59562ba..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/prustack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-/* List of free stack virtual memory chunks */
-PRLock *_pr_stackLock;
-PRCList _pr_freeStacks = PR_INIT_STATIC_CLIST(&_pr_freeStacks);
-PRIntn _pr_numFreeStacks;
-PRIntn _pr_maxFreeStacks = 4;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-** A variable that can be set via the debugger...
-PRBool _pr_debugStacks = PR_FALSE;
-/* How much space to leave between the stacks, at each end */
-#define REDZONE		(2 << _pr_pageShift)
-#define _PR_THREAD_STACK_PTR(_qp) \
-    ((PRThreadStack*) ((char*) (_qp) - offsetof(PRThreadStack,links)))
-void _PR_InitStacks(void)
-    _pr_stackLock = PR_NewLock();
-void _PR_CleanupStacks(void)
-    if (_pr_stackLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_stackLock);
-        _pr_stackLock = NULL;
-    }
-** Allocate a stack for a thread.
-PRThreadStack *_PR_NewStack(PRUint32 stackSize)
-    PRCList *qp;
-    PRThreadStack *ts;
-    PRThread *thr;
-    /*
-    ** Trim the list of free stacks. Trim it backwards, tossing out the
-    ** oldest stack found first (this way more recent stacks have a
-    ** chance of being present in the data cache).
-    */
-    PR_Lock(_pr_stackLock);
-    qp = _pr_freeStacks.prev;
-    while ((_pr_numFreeStacks > _pr_maxFreeStacks) && (qp != &_pr_freeStacks)) {
-	ts = _PR_THREAD_STACK_PTR(qp);
-	thr = _PR_THREAD_STACK_TO_PTR(ts);
-	qp = qp->prev;
-	/*
-	 * skip stacks which are still being used
-	 */
-	if (thr->no_sched)
-		continue;
-	PR_REMOVE_LINK(&ts->links);
-	/* Give platform OS to clear out the stack for debugging */
-	_pr_numFreeStacks--;
-	_PR_DestroySegment(ts->seg);
-	PR_DELETE(ts);
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Find a free thread stack. This searches the list of free'd up
-    ** virtually mapped thread stacks.
-    */
-    qp =;
-    ts = 0;
-    while (qp != &_pr_freeStacks) {
-	ts = _PR_THREAD_STACK_PTR(qp);
-	thr = _PR_THREAD_STACK_TO_PTR(ts);
-	qp = qp->next;
-	/*
-	 * skip stacks which are still being used
-	 */
-	if ((!(thr->no_sched)) && ((ts->allocSize - 2*REDZONE) >= stackSize)) {
-	    /*
-	    ** Found a stack that is not in use and is big enough. Change
-	    ** stackSize to fit it.
-	    */
-	    stackSize = ts->allocSize - 2*REDZONE;
-	    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&ts->links);
-	    _pr_numFreeStacks--;
-	    ts-> = 0;
-	    ts->links.prev = 0;
-	    PR_Unlock(_pr_stackLock);
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	ts = 0;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_stackLock);
-    if (!ts) {
-	/* Make a new thread stack object. */
-	ts = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-	if (!ts) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	/*
-	** Assign some of the virtual space to the new stack object. We
-	** may not get that piece of VM, but if nothing else we will
-	** advance the pointer so we don't collide (unless the OS screws
-	** up).
-	*/
-	ts->allocSize = stackSize + 2*REDZONE;
-	ts->seg = _PR_NewSegment(ts->allocSize, 0);
-	if (!ts->seg) {
-	    PR_DELETE(ts);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	}
-  done:
-    ts->allocBase = (char*)ts->seg->vaddr;
-    ts->flags = _PR_STACK_MAPPED;
-    ts->stackSize = stackSize;
-    ts->stackTop = ts->allocBase + REDZONE;
-    ts->stackBottom = ts->stackTop + stackSize;
-    ts->stackBottom = ts->allocBase + REDZONE;
-    ts->stackTop = ts->stackBottom + stackSize;
-    PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_NOTICE,
-	   ("thread stack: base=0x%x limit=0x%x bottom=0x%x top=0x%x\n",
-	    ts->allocBase, ts->allocBase + ts->allocSize - 1,
-	    ts->allocBase + REDZONE,
-	    ts->allocBase + REDZONE + stackSize - 1));
-    return ts;
-** Free the stack for the current thread
-void _PR_FreeStack(PRThreadStack *ts)
-    if (!ts) {
-	return;
-    }
-    if (ts->flags & _PR_STACK_PRIMORDIAL) {
-	PR_DELETE(ts);
-	return;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Put the stack on the free list. This is done because we are still
-    ** using the stack. Next time a thread is created we will trim the
-    ** list down; it's safe to do it then because we will have had to
-    ** context switch to a live stack before another thread can be
-    ** created.
-    */
-    PR_Lock(_pr_stackLock);
-    PR_APPEND_LINK(&ts->links, _pr_freeStacks.prev);
-    _pr_numFreeStacks++;
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_stackLock);
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/pruthr.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/pruthr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4625ab2..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/combined/pruthr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1889 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(WIN95)                                                                         
-** Some local variables report warnings on Win95 because the code paths
-** using them are conditioned on HAVE_CUSTOME_USER_THREADS.
-** The pragma suppresses the warning.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
-/* _pr_activeLock protects the following global variables */
-PRLock *_pr_activeLock;
-PRInt32 _pr_primordialExitCount;   /* In PR_Cleanup(), the primordial thread
-                    * waits until all other user (non-system)
-                    * threads have terminated before it exits.
-                    * So whenever we decrement _pr_userActive,
-                    * it is compared with
-                    * _pr_primordialExitCount.
-                    * If the primordial thread is a system
-                    * thread, then _pr_primordialExitCount
-                    * is 0.  If the primordial thread is
-                    * itself a user thread, then 
-                    * _pr_primordialThread is 1.
-                    */
-PRCondVar *_pr_primordialExitCVar; /* When _pr_userActive is decremented to
-                    * _pr_primordialExitCount, this condition
-                    * variable is notified.
-                    */
-PRLock *_pr_deadQLock;
-PRUint32 _pr_numNativeDead;
-PRUint32 _pr_numUserDead;
-PRCList _pr_deadNativeQ;
-PRCList _pr_deadUserQ;
-PRUint32 _pr_join_counter;
-PRUint32 _pr_local_threads;
-PRUint32 _pr_global_threads;
-PRBool suspendAllOn = PR_FALSE;
-PRThread *suspendAllThread = NULL;
-extern PRCList _pr_active_global_threadQ;
-extern PRCList _pr_active_local_threadQ;
-static void _PR_DecrActiveThreadCount(PRThread *thread);
-static PRThread *_PR_AttachThread(PRThreadType, PRThreadPriority, PRThreadStack *);
-static void _PR_InitializeNativeStack(PRThreadStack *ts);
-static void _PR_InitializeRecycledThread(PRThread *thread);
-static void _PR_UserRunThread(void);
-void _PR_InitThreads(PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRUintn maxPTDs)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    PRThreadStack *stack;
-    _pr_terminationCVLock = PR_NewLock();
-    _pr_activeLock = PR_NewLock();
-    stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-    stack->stackTop = (char*) ((((PRWord)&type) >> _pr_pageShift)
-                  << _pr_pageShift);
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined (UNIXWARE) && defined (USR_SVR4_THREADS)
-    stack->stackTop = (char*) &thread;
-    stack->stackTop = (char*) ((((PRWord)&type + _pr_pageSize - 1)
-                >> _pr_pageShift) << _pr_pageShift);
-    /* If stack is NULL, we're using custom user threads like NT fibers. */
-    stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-    if (stack) {
-        stack->stackSize = 0;
-        _PR_InitializeNativeStack(stack);
-    }
-    thread = _PR_AttachThread(type, priority, stack);
-    if (thread) {
-        _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(thread);
-        if (type == PR_SYSTEM_THREAD) {
-            thread->flags = _PR_SYSTEM;
-            _pr_systemActive++;
-            _pr_primordialExitCount = 0;
-        } else {
-            _pr_userActive++;
-            _pr_primordialExitCount = 1;
-        }
-    thread->no_sched = 1;
-    _pr_primordialExitCVar = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_activeLock);
-    }
-    if (!thread) PR_Abort();
-    thread->flags |= _PR_PRIMORDIAL;
-    thread->flags |= _PR_PRIMORDIAL | _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE;
-    /*
-     * Needs _PR_PRIMORDIAL flag set before calling
-     * _PR_MD_INIT_THREAD()
-     */
-    if (_PR_MD_INIT_THREAD(thread) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        /*
-         * XXX do what?
-         */
-    }
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->active, &_PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ());
-        _pr_global_threads++;
-    } else {
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->active, &_PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ());
-        _pr_local_threads++;
-    }
-    _pr_recycleThreads = 0;
-    _pr_deadQLock = PR_NewLock();
-    _pr_numNativeDead = 0;
-    _pr_numUserDead = 0;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&_pr_deadNativeQ);
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&_pr_deadUserQ);
-void _PR_CleanupThreads(void)
-    if (_pr_terminationCVLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-        _pr_terminationCVLock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (_pr_activeLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_activeLock);
-        _pr_activeLock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (_pr_primordialExitCVar) {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(_pr_primordialExitCVar);
-        _pr_primordialExitCVar = NULL;
-    }
-    /* TODO _pr_dead{Native,User}Q need to be deleted */
-    if (_pr_deadQLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(_pr_deadQLock);
-        _pr_deadQLock = NULL;
-    }
-** Initialize a stack for a native thread
-static void _PR_InitializeNativeStack(PRThreadStack *ts)
-    if( ts && (ts->stackTop == 0) ) {
-        ts->allocSize = ts->stackSize;
-        /*
-        ** Setup stackTop and stackBottom values.
-        */
-    ts->allocBase = (char*) ((((PRWord)&ts) >> _pr_pageShift)
-                  << _pr_pageShift);
-        ts->stackBottom = ts->allocBase + ts->stackSize;
-        ts->stackTop = ts->allocBase;
-        ts->allocBase = (char*) ((((PRWord)&ts + _pr_pageSize - 1)
-                >> _pr_pageShift) << _pr_pageShift);
-        ts->stackTop    = ts->allocBase;
-        ts->stackBottom = ts->allocBase - ts->stackSize;
-    }
-void _PR_NotifyJoinWaiters(PRThread *thread)
-    /*
-    ** Handle joinable threads.  Change the state to waiting for join.
-    ** Remove from our run Q and put it on global waiting to join Q.
-    ** Notify on our "termination" condition variable so that joining
-    ** thread will know about our termination.  Switch our context and
-    ** come back later on to continue the cleanup.
-    */    
-    PR_ASSERT(thread == _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD());
-    if (thread->term != NULL) {
-        PR_Lock(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-        _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-        thread->state = _PR_JOIN_WAIT;
-        if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) {
-            _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_ADD_JOINQ(thread, thread->cpu);
-            _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-        }
-        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-        PR_NotifyCondVar(thread->term);
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->state != _PR_JOIN_WAIT);
-    }
- * Zero some of the data members of a recycled thread.
- *
- * Note that we can do this either when a dead thread is added to
- * the dead thread queue or when it is reused.  Here, we are doing
- * this lazily, when the thread is reused in _PR_CreateThread().
- */
-static void _PR_InitializeRecycledThread(PRThread *thread)
-    /*
-     * Assert that the following data members are already zeroed
-     * by _PR_CleanupThread().
-     */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (thread->privateData) {
-        unsigned int i;
-        for (i = 0; i < thread->tpdLength; i++) {
-            PR_ASSERT(thread->privateData[i] == NULL);
-        }
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(thread->dumpArg == 0 && thread->dump == 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(thread->errorString == 0 && thread->errorStringSize == 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(thread->errorStringLength == 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(thread->name == 0);
-    /* Reset data members in thread structure */
-    thread->errorCode = thread->osErrorCode = 0;
-    thread->io_pending = thread->io_suspended = PR_FALSE;
-    thread->environment = 0;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&thread->lockList);
-PRStatus _PR_RecycleThread(PRThread *thread)
-    if ( _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) &&
-            _PR_NUM_DEADNATIVE < _pr_recycleThreads) {
-        _PR_DEADQ_LOCK;
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->links, &_PR_DEADNATIVEQ);
-        _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK;
-    return (PR_SUCCESS);
-    } else if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) &&
-                _PR_NUM_DEADUSER < _pr_recycleThreads) {
-        _PR_DEADQ_LOCK;
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->links, &_PR_DEADUSERQ);
-        _PR_INC_DEADUSER;
-        _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK;
-    return (PR_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    return (PR_FAILURE);
- * Decrement the active thread count, either _pr_systemActive or
- * _pr_userActive, depending on whether the thread is a system thread
- * or a user thread.  If all the user threads, except possibly
- * the primordial thread, have terminated, we notify the primordial
- * thread of this condition.
- *
- * Since this function will lock _pr_activeLock, do not call this
- * function while holding the _pr_activeLock lock, as this will result
- * in a deadlock.
- */
-static void
-_PR_DecrActiveThreadCount(PRThread *thread)
-    PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-    if (thread->flags & _PR_SYSTEM) {
-        _pr_systemActive--;
-    } else {
-        _pr_userActive--;
-        if (_pr_userActive == _pr_primordialExitCount) {
-            PR_NotifyCondVar(_pr_primordialExitCVar);
-        }
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-** Detach thread structure
-static void
-_PR_DestroyThread(PRThread *thread)
-    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&thread->threadLock);
-    PR_DELETE(thread);
-_PR_NativeDestroyThread(PRThread *thread)
-    if(thread->term) {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(thread->term);
-        thread->term = 0;
-    }
-    if (NULL != thread->privateData) {
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != thread->tpdLength);
-        PR_DELETE(thread->privateData);
-        thread->tpdLength = 0;
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(thread->stack);
-    _PR_DestroyThread(thread);
-_PR_UserDestroyThread(PRThread *thread)
-    if(thread->term) {
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(thread->term);
-        thread->term = 0;
-    }
-    if (NULL != thread->privateData) {
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != thread->tpdLength);
-        PR_DELETE(thread->privateData);
-        thread->tpdLength = 0;
-    }
-    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&thread->threadLock);
-    if (thread->threadAllocatedOnStack == 1) {
-        _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(thread);
-        /*
-         *  Because the no_sched field is set, this thread/stack will
-         *  will not be re-used until the flag is cleared by the thread
-         *  we will context switch to.
-         */
-        _PR_FreeStack(thread->stack);
-    } else {
-#ifdef WINNT
-        _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(thread);
-        /*
-         * This assertion does not apply to NT.  On NT, every fiber
-         * has its threadAllocatedOnStack equal to 0.  Elsewhere,
-         * only the primordial thread has its threadAllocatedOnStack
-         * equal to 0.
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->flags & _PR_PRIMORDIAL);
-    }
-** Run a thread's start function. When the start function returns the
-** thread is done executing and no longer needs the CPU. If there are no
-** more user threads running then we can exit the program.
-void _PR_NativeRunThread(void *arg)
-    PRThread *thread = (PRThread *)arg;
-    /* Set up the thread stack information */
-    _PR_InitializeNativeStack(thread->stack);
-    /* Set up the thread md information */
-    if (_PR_MD_INIT_THREAD(thread) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        /*
-         * thread failed to initialize itself, possibly due to
-         * failure to allocate per-thread resources
-         */
-        return;
-    }
-    while(1) {
-        thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-        /*
-         * Add to list of active threads
-         */
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->active, &_PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ());
-        _pr_global_threads++;
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-        (*thread->startFunc)(thread->arg);
-        /*
-         * The following two assertions are meant for NT asynch io.
-         *
-         * The thread should have no asynch io in progress when it
-         * exits, otherwise the overlapped buffer, which is part of
-         * the thread structure, would become invalid.
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->io_pending == PR_FALSE);
-        /*
-         * This assertion enforces the programming guideline that
-         * if an io function times out or is interrupted, the thread
-         * should close the fd to force the asynch io to abort
-         * before it exits.  Right now, closing the fd is the only
-         * way to clear the io_suspended flag.
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->io_suspended == PR_FALSE);
-        /*
-         * remove thread from list of active threads
-         */
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&thread->active);
-        _pr_global_threads--;
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-        PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("thread exiting"));
-        /* All done, time to go away */
-        _PR_CleanupThread(thread);
-        _PR_NotifyJoinWaiters(thread);
-        _PR_DecrActiveThreadCount(thread);
-        thread->state = _PR_DEAD_STATE;
-        if (!_pr_recycleThreads || (_PR_RecycleThread(thread) ==
-                        PR_FAILURE)) {
-            /*
-             * thread not recycled
-             * platform-specific thread exit processing
-             *        - for stuff like releasing native-thread resources, etc.
-             */
-            _PR_MD_EXIT_THREAD(thread);
-            /*
-             * Free memory allocated for the thread
-             */
-            _PR_NativeDestroyThread(thread);
-            /*
-             * thread gone, cannot de-reference thread now
-             */
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Now wait for someone to activate us again... */
-    }
-static void _PR_UserRunThread(void)
-    PRThread *thread = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRIntn is;
-    if (_MD_LAST_THREAD())
-    _MD_LAST_THREAD()->no_sched = 0;
-    if (thread->stack == NULL) {
-        thread->stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-        _PR_InitializeNativeStack(thread->stack);
-    }
-    while(1) {
-        /* Run thread main */
-        if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) _PR_MD_SET_INTSOFF(0);
-    /*
-     * Add to list of active threads
-     */
-    if (!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD)) {
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->active, &_PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ());
-        _pr_local_threads++;
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-    }
-        (*thread->startFunc)(thread->arg);
-        /*
-         * The following two assertions are meant for NT asynch io.
-         *
-         * The thread should have no asynch io in progress when it
-         * exits, otherwise the overlapped buffer, which is part of
-         * the thread structure, would become invalid.
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->io_pending == PR_FALSE);
-        /*
-         * This assertion enforces the programming guideline that
-         * if an io function times out or is interrupted, the thread
-         * should close the fd to force the asynch io to abort
-         * before it exits.  Right now, closing the fd is the only
-         * way to clear the io_suspended flag.
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(thread->io_suspended == PR_FALSE);
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-    /*
-     * remove thread from list of active threads
-     */
-    if (!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD)) {
-           PR_REMOVE_LINK(&thread->active);
-        _pr_local_threads--;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-        PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("thread exiting"));
-        /* All done, time to go away */
-        _PR_CleanupThread(thread);
-        _PR_INTSOFF(is);    
-        _PR_NotifyJoinWaiters(thread);
-    _PR_DecrActiveThreadCount(thread);
-        thread->state = _PR_DEAD_STATE;
-        if (!_pr_recycleThreads || (_PR_RecycleThread(thread) ==
-                        PR_FAILURE)) {
-            /*
-            ** Destroy the thread resources
-            */
-        _PR_UserDestroyThread(thread);
-        }
-        /*
-        ** Find another user thread to run. This cpu has finished the
-        ** previous threads main and is now ready to run another thread.
-        */
-        {
-            PRInt32 is;
-            _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-            _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(thread);
-        }
-        /* Will land here when we get scheduled again if we are recycling... */
-    }
-void _PR_SetThreadPriority(PRThread *thread, PRThreadPriority newPri)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRIntn is;
-    if ( _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) {
-        _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(&(thread->md), newPri);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    if (newPri != thread->priority) {
-    _PRCPU *cpu = thread->cpu;
-    switch (thread->state) {
-      case _PR_RUNNING:
-        /* Change my priority */
-            _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-        thread->priority = newPri;
-        if (_PR_RUNQREADYMASK(cpu) >> (newPri + 1)) {
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-                    _PR_SET_RESCHED_FLAG();
-        }
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-        break;
-      case _PR_RUNNABLE:
-        _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-            /* Move to different runQ */
-            _PR_DEL_RUNQ(thread);
-            thread->priority = newPri;
-            PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-            _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, cpu, newPri);
-        _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            if (newPri > me->priority) {
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-                    _PR_SET_RESCHED_FLAG();
-            }
-        break;
-      case _PR_LOCK_WAIT:
-      case _PR_COND_WAIT:
-      case _PR_IO_WAIT:
-      case _PR_SUSPENDED:
-        thread->priority = newPri;
-        break;
-    }
-    }
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    _PR_INTSON(is);
-** Suspend the named thread and copy its gc registers into regBuf
-static void _PR_Suspend(PRThread *thread)
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PR_ASSERT(thread != me);
-    PR_ASSERT(!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) || (!thread->cpu));
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    switch (thread->state) {
-      case _PR_RUNNABLE:
-        if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-            _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_DEL_RUNQ(thread);
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_ADD_SUSPENDQ(thread, thread->cpu);
-            _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-        } else {
-            /*
-             * Only LOCAL threads are suspended by _PR_Suspend
-             */
-             PR_ASSERT(0);
-        }
-        thread->state = _PR_SUSPENDED;
-        break;
-      case _PR_RUNNING:
-        /*
-         * The thread being suspended should be a LOCAL thread with
-         * _pr_numCPUs == 1. Hence, the thread cannot be in RUNNING state
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(0);
-        break;
-      case _PR_LOCK_WAIT:
-      case _PR_IO_WAIT:
-      case _PR_COND_WAIT:
-        if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-            _PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(thread);
-    }
-        thread->flags |= _PR_SUSPENDING;
-        break;
-      default:
-        PR_Abort();
-    }
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    _PR_INTSON(is);
-static void _PR_Resume(PRThread *thread)
-    PRThreadPriority pri;
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-    _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    switch (thread->state) {
-      case _PR_SUSPENDED:
-        thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_SUSPENDING;
-        if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-            _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_DEL_SUSPENDQ(thread);
-            _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-            pri = thread->priority;
-            _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, thread->cpu, pri);
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-            if (pri > _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD()->priority) {
-                if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-                    _PR_SET_RESCHED_FLAG();
-            }
-        } else {
-            PR_ASSERT(0);
-        }
-        break;
-      case _PR_IO_WAIT:
-      case _PR_COND_WAIT:
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_SUSPENDING;
-/*      PR_ASSERT(thread->wait.monitor->stickyCount == 0); */
-        break;
-      case _PR_LOCK_WAIT: 
-      {
-        PRLock *wLock = thread->wait.lock;
-        thread->flags &= ~_PR_SUSPENDING;
-        _PR_LOCK_LOCK(wLock);
-        if (thread->wait.lock->owner == 0) {
-            _PR_UnblockLockWaiter(thread->wait.lock);
-        }
-        _PR_LOCK_UNLOCK(wLock);
-        break;
-      }
-      case _PR_RUNNABLE:
-        break;
-      case _PR_RUNNING:
-        /*
-         * The thread being suspended should be a LOCAL thread with
-         * _pr_numCPUs == 1. Hence, the thread cannot be in RUNNING state
-         */
-        PR_ASSERT(0);
-        break;
-      default:
-    /*
-     * thread should have been in one of the above-listed blocked states
-     */
-        PR_Abort();
-    }
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        _PR_INTSON(is);
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && defined(XP_UNIX)
-static PRThread *get_thread(_PRCPU *cpu, PRBool *wakeup_cpus)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    PRIntn pri;
-    PRUint32 r;
-    PRCList *qp;
-    PRIntn priMin, priMax;
-    _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-    r = _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(cpu);
-    if (r==0) {
-        priMin = priMax = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    } else if (r == (1<<PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL) ) {
-        priMin = priMax = PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
-    } else {
-        priMin = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-        priMax = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    }
-    thread = NULL;
-    for (pri = priMax; pri >= priMin ; pri-- ) {
-    if (r & (1 << pri)) {
-            for (qp = _PR_RUNQ(cpu)[pri].next; 
-                 qp != &_PR_RUNQ(cpu)[pri];
-                 qp = qp->next) {
-                thread = _PR_THREAD_PTR(qp);
-                /*
-                * skip non-schedulable threads
-                */
-                PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-                if (thread->no_sched) {
-                    thread = NULL;
-                    /*
-                     * Need to wakeup cpus to avoid missing a
-                     * runnable thread
-                     * Waking up all CPU's need happen only once.
-                     */
-                    *wakeup_cpus = PR_TRUE;
-                    continue;
-                } else if (thread->flags & _PR_BOUND_THREAD) {
-                    /*
-                     * Thread bound to cpu 0
-                     */
-                    thread = NULL;
-#ifdef IRIX
-                    continue;
-                } else if (thread->io_pending == PR_TRUE) {
-                    /*
-                     * A thread that is blocked for I/O needs to run
-                     * on the same cpu on which it was blocked. This is because
-                     * the cpu's ioq is accessed without lock protection and scheduling
-                     * the thread on a different cpu would preclude this optimization.
-                     */
-                    thread = NULL;
-                    continue;
-                } else {
-                    /* Pull thread off of its run queue */
-                    _PR_DEL_RUNQ(thread);
-                    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-                    return(thread);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        thread = NULL;
-    }
-    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-    return(thread);
-#endif /* !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && defined(XP_UNIX) */
-** Schedule this native thread by finding the highest priority nspr
-** thread that is ready to run.
-** Note- everyone really needs to call _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT (which calls
-**       PR_Schedule() rather than calling PR_Schedule.  Otherwise if there
-**       is initialization required for switching from SWITCH_CONTEXT,
-**       it will not get done!
-void _PR_Schedule(void)
-    PRThread *thread, *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    _PRCPU *cpu = _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU();
-    PRIntn pri;
-    PRUint32 r;
-    PRCList *qp;
-    PRIntn priMin, priMax;
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && defined(XP_UNIX)
-    PRBool wakeup_cpus;
-    /* Interrupts must be disabled */
-    /* Since we are rescheduling, we no longer want to */
-    /*
-    ** Find highest priority thread to run. Bigger priority numbers are
-    ** higher priority threads
-    */
-    _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-    /*
-     *  if we are in SuspendAll mode, can schedule only the thread
-     *    that called PR_SuspendAll
-     *
-     *  The thread may be ready to run now, after completing an I/O
-     *  operation, for example
-     */
-    if ((thread = suspendAllThread) != 0) {
-    if ((!(thread->no_sched)) && (thread->state == _PR_RUNNABLE)) {
-            /* Pull thread off of its run queue */
-            _PR_DEL_RUNQ(thread);
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            goto found_thread;
-    } else {
-            thread = NULL;
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-            goto idle_thread;
-    }
-    }
-    r = _PR_RUNQREADYMASK(cpu);
-    if (r==0) {
-        priMin = priMax = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    } else if (r == (1<<PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL) ) {
-        priMin = priMax = PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
-    } else {
-        priMin = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-        priMax = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    }
-    thread = NULL;
-    for (pri = priMax; pri >= priMin ; pri-- ) {
-    if (r & (1 << pri)) {
-            for (qp = _PR_RUNQ(cpu)[pri].next; 
-                 qp != &_PR_RUNQ(cpu)[pri];
-                 qp = qp->next) {
-                thread = _PR_THREAD_PTR(qp);
-                /*
-                * skip non-schedulable threads
-                */
-                PR_ASSERT(!(thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD));
-                if ((thread->no_sched) && (me != thread)){
-                    thread = NULL;
-                    continue;
-                } else {
-                    /* Pull thread off of its run queue */
-                    _PR_DEL_RUNQ(thread);
-                    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-                    goto found_thread;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        thread = NULL;
-    }
-    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-#if !defined(_PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY) && defined(XP_UNIX)
-    wakeup_cpus = PR_FALSE;
-    for (qp = _PR_CPUQ().next; qp != &_PR_CPUQ(); qp = qp->next) {
-        if (cpu != _PR_CPU_PTR(qp)) {
-            if ((thread = get_thread(_PR_CPU_PTR(qp), &wakeup_cpus))
-                                        != NULL) {
-                thread->cpu = cpu;
-                _PR_CPU_LIST_UNLOCK();
-                if (wakeup_cpus == PR_TRUE)
-                    _PR_MD_WAKEUP_CPUS();
-                goto found_thread;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (wakeup_cpus == PR_TRUE)
-        _PR_MD_WAKEUP_CPUS();
-#endif        /* _PR_LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-   /*
-    ** There are no threads to run. Switch to the idle thread
-    */
-    PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MAX, ("pausing"));
-    thread = _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU()->idle_thread;
-    PR_ASSERT((me == thread) || ((thread->state == _PR_RUNNABLE) &&
-                    (!(thread->no_sched))));
-    /* Resume the thread */
-    PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MAX,
-       ("switching to %d[%p]", thread->id, thread));
-    PR_ASSERT(thread->state != _PR_RUNNING);
-    thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-    /* If we are on the runq, it just means that we went to sleep on some
-     * resource, and by the time we got here another real native thread had
-     * already given us the resource and put us back on the runqueue 
-     */
-	PR_ASSERT(thread->cpu == _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU());
-    if (thread != me) 
-        _PR_MD_RESTORE_CONTEXT(thread);
-#if 0
-    /* XXXMB; with setjmp/longjmp it is impossible to land here, but 
-     * it is not with fibers... Is this a bad thing?  I believe it is 
-     * still safe.
-     */
-    PR_NOT_REACHED("impossible return from schedule");
-** Attaches a thread.  
-** Does not set the _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD.  
-** Does not specify the scope of the thread.
-static PRThread *
-_PR_AttachThread(PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority,
-    PRThreadStack *stack)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    char *mem;
-    if (priority > PR_PRIORITY_LAST) {
-        priority = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    } else if (priority < PR_PRIORITY_FIRST) {
-        priority = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    }
-    mem = (char*) PR_CALLOC(sizeof(PRThread));
-    if (mem) {
-        thread = (PRThread*) mem;
-        thread->priority = priority;
-        thread->stack = stack;
-        thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-        PR_INIT_CLIST(&thread->lockList);
-        if (_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&thread->threadLock) == PR_FAILURE) {
-        PR_DELETE(thread);
-        return 0;
-    }
-        return thread;
-    }
-    return 0;
-_PR_NativeCreateThread(PRThreadType type,
-                     void (*start)(void *arg),
-                     void *arg,
-                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                     PRThreadState state,
-                     PRUint32 stackSize,
-                     PRUint32 flags)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    thread = _PR_AttachThread(type, priority, NULL);
-    if (thread) {
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        thread->flags = (flags | _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE);
-        thread->id = ++_pr_utid;
-        if (type == PR_SYSTEM_THREAD) {
-            thread->flags |= _PR_SYSTEM;
-            _pr_systemActive++;
-        } else {
-            _pr_userActive++;
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-        thread->stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-        if (!thread->stack) {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            goto done;
-        }
-        thread->stack->stackSize = stackSize?stackSize:_MD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
-        thread->stack->thr = thread;
-        thread->startFunc = start;
-        thread->arg = arg;
-        /* 
-          Set thread flags related to scope and joinable state. If joinable
-          thread, allocate a "termination" conidition variable.
-         */
-        if (state == PR_JOINABLE_THREAD) {
-            thread->term = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-        if (thread->term == NULL) {
-        PR_DELETE(thread->stack);
-        goto done;
-        }
-        }
-    thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-        if (_PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD(thread, _PR_NativeRunThread, priority,
-            scope,state,stackSize) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            return thread;
-        }
-        if (thread->term) {
-            PR_DestroyCondVar(thread->term);
-            thread->term = NULL;
-        }
-    PR_DELETE(thread->stack);
-    }
-    if (thread) {
-    _PR_DecrActiveThreadCount(thread);
-        _PR_DestroyThread(thread);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) _PR_CreateThread(PRThreadType type,
-                     void (*start)(void *arg),
-                     void *arg,
-                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                     PRThreadState state,
-                     PRUint32 stackSize,
-                     PRUint32 flags)
-    PRThread *me;
-    PRThread *thread = NULL;
-    PRThreadStack *stack;
-    char *top;
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRIntn native = 0;
-    PRIntn useRecycled = 0;
-    PRBool status;
-    /* 
-    First, pin down the priority.  Not all compilers catch passing out of
-    range enum here.  If we let bad values thru, priority queues won't work.
-    */
-    if (priority > PR_PRIORITY_LAST) {
-        priority = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    } else if (priority < PR_PRIORITY_FIRST) {
-        priority = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    }
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (! (flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD))
-        me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-#if    defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY)
-	/*
-	 * can create global threads only
-	 */
-    if (scope == PR_LOCAL_THREAD)
-    	scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
-	if (_native_threads_only)
-		scope = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
-    native = (((scope == PR_GLOBAL_THREAD)|| (scope == PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD))
-    _PR_ADJUST_STACKSIZE(stackSize);
-    if (native) {
-    /*
-     * clear the IDLE_THREAD flag which applies to LOCAL
-     * threads only
-     */
-    flags &= ~_PR_IDLE_THREAD;
-        flags |= _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE;
-        if (_PR_NUM_DEADNATIVE > 0) {
-            _PR_DEADQ_LOCK;
-            if (_PR_NUM_DEADNATIVE == 0) { /* Thread safe check */
-                _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK;
-            } else {
-                thread = _PR_THREAD_PTR(;
-                PR_REMOVE_LINK(&thread->links);
-                _PR_DEC_DEADNATIVE;
-                _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK;
-                _PR_InitializeRecycledThread(thread);
-                thread->startFunc = start;
-                thread->arg = arg;
-            thread->flags = (flags | _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE);
-            if (type == PR_SYSTEM_THREAD)
-            {
-                thread->flags |= _PR_SYSTEM;
-                PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&_pr_systemActive);
-            }
-            else PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&_pr_userActive);
-            if (state == PR_JOINABLE_THREAD) {
-                if (!thread->term) 
-                       thread->term = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-            }
-        else {
-                if(thread->term) {
-                    PR_DestroyCondVar(thread->term);
-                        thread->term = 0;
-            }
-            }
-                thread->priority = priority;
-        _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(&(thread->md), priority);
-        /* XXX what about stackSize? */
-        thread->state = _PR_RUNNING;
-                _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-        return thread;
-            }
-        }
-        thread = _PR_NativeCreateThread(type, start, arg, priority, 
-                                            scope, state, stackSize, flags);
-    } else {
-        if (_PR_NUM_DEADUSER > 0) {
-            _PR_DEADQ_LOCK;
-            if (_PR_NUM_DEADUSER == 0) {  /* thread safe check */
-                _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK;
-            } else {
-                PRCList *ptr;
-                /* Go down list checking for a recycled thread with a 
-                 * large enough stack.  XXXMB - this has a bad degenerate case.
-                 */
-                ptr =;
-                while( ptr != &_PR_DEADUSERQ ) {
-                    thread = _PR_THREAD_PTR(ptr);
-                    if ((thread->stack->stackSize >= stackSize) &&
-                (!thread->no_sched)) {
-                        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&thread->links);
-                        _PR_DEC_DEADUSER;
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        ptr = ptr->next;
-                        thread = NULL;
-                    }
-                } 
-                _PR_DEADQ_UNLOCK;
-               if (thread) {
-                    _PR_InitializeRecycledThread(thread);
-                    thread->startFunc = start;
-                    thread->arg = arg;
-                    thread->priority = priority;
-            if (state == PR_JOINABLE_THREAD) {
-            if (!thread->term) 
-               thread->term = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-            } else {
-            if(thread->term) {
-               PR_DestroyCondVar(thread->term);
-                thread->term = 0;
-            }
-            }
-                    useRecycled++;
-                }
-            }
-        } 
-        if (thread == NULL) {
-            stack = _PR_NewStack(stackSize);
-            if (!stack) {
-                PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            /* Allocate thread object and per-thread data off the top of the stack*/
-            top = stack->stackTop;
-            thread = (PRThread*) top;
-            top = top + sizeof(PRThread);
-            /*
-             * Make stack 64-byte aligned
-             */
-            if ((PRUptrdiff)top & 0x3f) {
-                top = (char*)(((PRUptrdiff)top + 0x40) & ~0x3f);
-            }
-            top = top - sizeof(PRThread);
-            thread = (PRThread*) top;
-            /*
-             * Make stack 64-byte aligned
-             */
-            if ((PRUptrdiff)top & 0x3f) {
-                top = (char*)((PRUptrdiff)top & ~0x3f);
-            }
-            stack->thr = thread;
-            memset(thread, 0, sizeof(PRThread));
-            thread->threadAllocatedOnStack = 1;
-            thread = _PR_MD_CREATE_USER_THREAD(stackSize, start, arg);
-            if (!thread) {
-                PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            thread->threadAllocatedOnStack = 0;
-            stack = NULL;
-            top = NULL;
-            /* Initialize thread */
-            thread->tpdLength = 0;
-            thread->privateData = NULL;
-            thread->stack = stack;
-            thread->priority = priority;
-            thread->startFunc = start;
-            thread->arg = arg;
-            PR_INIT_CLIST(&thread->lockList);
-            if (_PR_MD_INIT_THREAD(thread) == PR_FAILURE) {
-                if (thread->threadAllocatedOnStack == 1)
-                    _PR_FreeStack(thread->stack);
-                else {
-                    PR_DELETE(thread);
-                }
-                PR_SetError(PR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERROR, 0);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            if (_PR_MD_NEW_LOCK(&thread->threadLock) == PR_FAILURE) {
-                if (thread->threadAllocatedOnStack == 1)
-                    _PR_FreeStack(thread->stack);
-                else {
-                    PR_DELETE(thread->privateData);
-                    PR_DELETE(thread);
-                }
-                PR_SetError(PR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES_ERROR, 0);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            _PR_MD_INIT_CONTEXT(thread, top, _PR_UserRunThread, &status);
-            if (status == PR_FALSE) {
-                _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&thread->threadLock);
-                if (thread->threadAllocatedOnStack == 1)
-                    _PR_FreeStack(thread->stack);
-                else {
-                    PR_DELETE(thread->privateData);
-                    PR_DELETE(thread);
-                }
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            /* 
-              Set thread flags related to scope and joinable state. If joinable
-              thread, allocate a "termination" condition variable.
-            */
-            if (state == PR_JOINABLE_THREAD) {
-                thread->term = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_terminationCVLock);
-                if (thread->term == NULL) {
-                    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&thread->threadLock);
-                    if (thread->threadAllocatedOnStack == 1)
-                        _PR_FreeStack(thread->stack);
-                    else {
-                        PR_DELETE(thread->privateData);
-                        PR_DELETE(thread);
-                    }
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /* Update thread type counter */
-        PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        thread->flags = flags;
-        thread->id = ++_pr_utid;
-        if (type == PR_SYSTEM_THREAD) {
-            thread->flags |= _PR_SYSTEM;
-            _pr_systemActive++;
-        } else {
-            _pr_userActive++;
-        }
-        /* Make thread runnable */
-        thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-    /*
-     * Add to list of active threads
-     */
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-        if ((! (thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD)) && _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me) )
-            thread->cpu = _PR_GetPrimordialCPU();
-        else
-            thread->cpu = _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU();
-        PR_ASSERT(!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread));
-        if ((! (thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD)) && !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-            _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-            _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-            _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, thread->cpu, priority);
-            _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-        }
-        if (thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD) {
-            /*
-            ** If the creating thread is a kernel thread, we need to
-            ** awaken the user thread idle thread somehow; potentially
-            ** it could be sleeping in its idle loop, and we need to poke
-            ** it.  To do so, wake the idle thread...  
-            */
-            _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(NULL);
-        } else if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) {
-            _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-        }
-        if ((! (thread->flags & _PR_IDLE_THREAD)) && !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me) )
-            _PR_INTSON(is);
-    }
-    return thread;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_CreateThread(PRThreadType type,
-                     void (*start)(void *arg),
-                     void *arg,
-                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                     PRThreadState state,
-                     PRUint32 stackSize)
-    return _PR_CreateThread(type, start, arg, priority, scope, state, 
-                            stackSize, 0);
-** Associate a thread object with an existing native thread.
-**     "type" is the type of thread object to attach
-**     "priority" is the priority to assign to the thread
-**     "stack" defines the shape of the threads stack
-** This can return NULL if some kind of error occurs, or if memory is
-** tight.
-** This call is not normally needed unless you create your own native
-** thread. PR_Init does this automatically for the primordial thread.
-PRThread* _PRI_AttachThread(PRThreadType type,
-    PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadStack *stack, PRUint32 flags)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    if ((thread = _PR_MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD()) != NULL) {
-        return thread;
-    }
-    /* Clear out any state if this thread was attached before */
-    thread = _PR_AttachThread(type, priority, stack);
-    if (thread) {
-        PRIntn is;
-        _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(thread);
-        thread->flags = flags | _PR_GLOBAL_SCOPE | _PR_ATTACHED;
-        if (!stack) {
-            thread->stack = PR_NEWZAP(PRThreadStack);
-            if (!thread->stack) {
-                _PR_DestroyThread(thread);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            thread->stack->stackSize = _MD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
-        }
-        PR_INIT_CLIST(&thread->links);
-        if (_PR_MD_INIT_ATTACHED_THREAD(thread) == PR_FAILURE) {
-                PR_DELETE(thread->stack);
-                _PR_DestroyThread(thread);
-                return NULL;
-        }
-        if (_PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU()) {
-            _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-            PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        }
-        if (type == PR_SYSTEM_THREAD) {
-            thread->flags |= _PR_SYSTEM;
-            _pr_systemActive++;
-        } else {
-            _pr_userActive++;
-        }
-        if (_PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU()) {
-            PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-            _PR_INTSON(is);
-        }
-    }
-    return thread;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_AttachThread(PRThreadType type,
-    PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadStack *stack)
-    return PR_GetCurrentThread();
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DetachThread(void)
-    /*
-     * On IRIX, Solaris, and Windows, foreign threads are detached when
-     * they terminate.
-     */
-#if !defined(IRIX) && !defined(WIN32) \
-        && !(defined(SOLARIS) && defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY))
-    PRThread *me;
-    if (_pr_initialized) {
-        me = _PR_MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD();
-        if ((me != NULL) && (me->flags & _PR_ATTACHED))
-            _PRI_DetachThread();
-    }
-void _PRI_DetachThread(void)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-	if (me->flags & _PR_PRIMORDIAL) {
-		/*
-		 * ignore, if primordial thread
-		 */
-		return;
-	}
-    PR_ASSERT(me->flags & _PR_ATTACHED);
-    _PR_CleanupThread(me);
-    PR_DELETE(me->privateData);
-    _PR_DecrActiveThreadCount(me);
-    if (!me->threadAllocatedOnStack) 
-        PR_DELETE(me->stack);
-    _PR_MD_FREE_LOCK(&me->threadLock);
-    PR_DELETE(me);
-** Wait for thread termination:
-**     "thread" is the target thread 
-** This can return PR_FAILURE if no joinable thread could be found 
-** corresponding to the specified target thread.
-** The calling thread is suspended until the target thread completes.
-** Several threads cannot wait for the same thread to complete; one thread
-** will complete successfully and others will terminate with an error PR_FAILURE.
-** The calling thread will not be blocked if the target thread has already
-** terminated.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_JoinThread(PRThread *thread)
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRCondVar *term;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    term = thread->term;
-    /* can't join a non-joinable thread */
-    if (term == NULL) {
-        goto ErrorExit;
-    }
-    /* multiple threads can't wait on the same joinable thread */
-    if (term-> != &term->condQ) {
-        goto ErrorExit;
-    }
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        _PR_INTSON(is);
-    /* wait for the target thread's termination cv invariant */
-    PR_Lock (_pr_terminationCVLock);
-    while (thread->state != _PR_JOIN_WAIT) {
-        (void) PR_WaitCondVar(term, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    }
-    (void) PR_Unlock (_pr_terminationCVLock);
-    /* 
-     Remove target thread from global waiting to join Q; make it runnable
-     again and put it back on its run Q.  When it gets scheduled later in
-     _PR_RunThread code, it will clean up its stack.
-    */    
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    thread->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) {
-        _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-        _PR_MISCQ_LOCK(thread->cpu);
-        _PR_DEL_JOINQ(thread);
-        _PR_MISCQ_UNLOCK(thread->cpu);
-        _PR_AddThreadToRunQ(me, thread);
-        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    }
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-        _PR_INTSON(is);
-    _PR_MD_WAKEUP_WAITER(thread);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSON(is);
-    return PR_FAILURE;   
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetThreadPriority(PRThread *thread,
-    PRThreadPriority newPri)
-    /* 
-    First, pin down the priority.  Not all compilers catch passing out of
-    range enum here.  If we let bad values thru, priority queues won't work.
-    */
-    if ((PRIntn)newPri > (PRIntn)PR_PRIORITY_LAST) {
-        newPri = PR_PRIORITY_LAST;
-    } else if ((PRIntn)newPri < (PRIntn)PR_PRIORITY_FIRST) {
-        newPri = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST;
-    }
-    if ( _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread) ) {
-        thread->priority = newPri;
-        _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(&(thread->md), newPri);
-    } else _PR_SetThreadPriority(thread, newPri);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetCurrentThreadName(const char *name)
-    PRThread *thread;
-    size_t nameLen;
-    if (!name) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    if (!thread)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    PR_Free(thread->name);
-    nameLen = strlen(name);
-    thread->name = (char *)PR_Malloc(nameLen + 1);
-    if (!thread->name)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    memcpy(thread->name, name, nameLen + 1);
-    _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD_NAME(thread->name);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(const char *) PR_GetThreadName(const PRThread *thread)
-    if (!thread)
-        return NULL;
-    return thread->name;
-** This routine prevents all other threads from running. This call is needed by 
-** the garbage collector.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SuspendAll(void)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRCList *qp;
-    /*
-     * Stop all user and native threads which are marked GC able.
-     */
-    PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-    suspendAllOn = PR_TRUE;
-    suspendAllThread = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    for (qp = _PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ().next;
-        qp != &_PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ(); qp = qp->next) {
-        if ((me != _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp)) && 
-            _PR_Suspend(_PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp));
-                PR_ASSERT((_PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp))->state != _PR_RUNNING);
-            }
-    }
-    for (qp = _PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ().next;
-        qp != &_PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ(); qp = qp->next) {
-        if ((me != _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp)) &&
-            /* PR_Suspend(_PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp)); */
-    }
-** This routine unblocks all other threads that were suspended from running by 
-** PR_SuspendAll(). This call is needed by the garbage collector.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ResumeAll(void)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRCList *qp;
-    /*
-     * Resume all user and native threads which are marked GC able.
-     */
-    for (qp = _PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ().next;
-        qp != &_PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ(); qp = qp->next) {
-        if ((me != _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp)) && 
-            _PR_Resume(_PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp));
-    }
-    for (qp = _PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ().next;
-        qp != &_PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ(); qp = qp->next) {
-        if ((me != _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp)) &&
-    }
-    suspendAllThread = NULL;
-    suspendAllOn = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_EnumerateThreads(PREnumerator func, void *arg)
-    PRCList *qp, *qp_next;
-    PRIntn i = 0;
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRThread* t;
-    /*
-    ** Currently Enumerate threads happen only with suspension and
-    ** pr_activeLock held
-    */
-    PR_ASSERT(suspendAllOn);
-    /* Steve Morse, 4-23-97: Note that we can't walk a queue by taking
-     * qp->next after applying the function "func".  In particular, "func"
-     * might remove the thread from the queue and put it into another one in
-     * which case qp->next no longer points to the next entry in the original
-     * queue.
-     *
-     * To get around this problem, we save qp->next in qp_next before applying
-     * "func" and use that saved value as the next value after applying "func".
-     */
-    /*
-     * Traverse the list of local and global threads
-     */
-    for (qp = _PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ().next;
-         qp != &_PR_ACTIVE_LOCAL_THREADQ(); qp = qp_next)
-    {
-        qp_next = qp->next;
-        t = _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp);
-        if (_PR_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(t))
-        {
-            rv = (*func)(t, i, arg);
-            if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-                return rv;
-            i++;
-        }
-    }
-    for (qp = _PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ().next;
-         qp != &_PR_ACTIVE_GLOBAL_THREADQ(); qp = qp_next)
-    {
-        qp_next = qp->next;
-        t = _PR_ACTIVE_THREAD_PTR(qp);
-        if (_PR_IS_GCABLE_THREAD(t))
-        {
-            rv = (*func)(t, i, arg);
-            if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-                return rv;
-            i++;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FUNCTION: _PR_AddSleepQ
-**    Adds a thread to the sleep/pauseQ.
-**    Caller must have the RUNQ lock.
-**    Caller must be a user level thread
-_PR_AddSleepQ(PRThread *thread, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    _PRCPU *cpu = thread->cpu;
-    if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) {
-        /* append the thread to the global pause Q */
-        PR_APPEND_LINK(&thread->links, &_PR_PAUSEQ(thread->cpu));
-        thread->flags |= _PR_ON_PAUSEQ;
-    } else {
-        PRIntervalTime sleep;
-        PRCList *q;
-        PRThread *t;
-        /* sort onto global sleepQ */
-        sleep = timeout;
-        /* Check if we are longest timeout */
-        if (timeout >= _PR_SLEEPQMAX(cpu)) {
-            PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&thread->links, &_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu));
-            thread->sleep = timeout - _PR_SLEEPQMAX(cpu);
-            _PR_SLEEPQMAX(cpu) = timeout;
-        } else {
-            /* Sort thread into global sleepQ at appropriate point */
-            q = _PR_SLEEPQ(cpu).next;
-            /* Now scan the list for where to insert this entry */
-            while (q != &_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu)) {
-                t = _PR_THREAD_PTR(q);
-                if (sleep < t->sleep) {
-                    /* Found sleeper to insert in front of */
-                    break;
-                }
-                sleep -= t->sleep;
-                q = q->next;
-            }
-            thread->sleep = sleep;
-            PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&thread->links, q);
-            /*
-            ** Subtract our sleep time from the sleeper that follows us (there
-            ** must be one) so that they remain relative to us.
-            */
-            PR_ASSERT (thread-> != &_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu));
-            t = _PR_THREAD_PTR(thread->;
-            PR_ASSERT(_PR_THREAD_PTR(t->links.prev) == thread);
-            t->sleep -= sleep;
-        }
-        thread->flags |= _PR_ON_SLEEPQ;
-    }
-/* FUNCTION: _PR_DelSleepQ
-**    Removes a thread from the sleep/pauseQ.
-**    If propogate_time is true, then the thread following the deleted
-**    thread will be get the time from the deleted thread.  This is used
-**    when deleting a sleeper that has not timed out.
-**    Caller must have the RUNQ lock.
-**    Caller must be a user level thread
-_PR_DelSleepQ(PRThread *thread, PRBool propogate_time)
-    _PRCPU *cpu = thread->cpu;
-    /* Remove from pauseQ/sleepQ */
-    if (thread->flags & (_PR_ON_PAUSEQ|_PR_ON_SLEEPQ)) {
-        if (thread->flags & _PR_ON_SLEEPQ) {
-            PRCList *q = thread->;
-            if (q != &_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu)) {
-                if (propogate_time == PR_TRUE) {
-                    PRThread *after = _PR_THREAD_PTR(q);
-                    after->sleep += thread->sleep;
-                } else 
-                    _PR_SLEEPQMAX(cpu) -= thread->sleep;
-            } else {
-                /* Check if prev is the beggining of the list; if so,
-                 * we are the only element on the list.  
-                 */
-                if (thread->links.prev != &_PR_SLEEPQ(cpu))
-                    _PR_SLEEPQMAX(cpu) -= thread->sleep;
-                else
-                    _PR_SLEEPQMAX(cpu) = 0;
-            }
-            thread->flags &= ~_PR_ON_SLEEPQ;
-        } else {
-            thread->flags &= ~_PR_ON_PAUSEQ;
-        }
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&thread->links);
-    } else 
-        PR_ASSERT(0);
-    PRThread *me,     /* the current thread */
-    PRThread *thread) /* the local thread to be added to a run queue */
-    PRThreadPriority pri = thread->priority;
-    _PRCPU *cpu = thread->cpu;
-#if defined(WINNT)
-    /*
-     * On NT, we can only reliably know that the current CPU
-     * is not idle.  We add the awakened thread to the run
-     * queue of its CPU if its CPU is the current CPU.
-     * For any other CPU, we don't really know whether it
-     * is busy or idle.  So in all other cases, we just
-     * "post" the awakened thread to the IO completion port
-     * for the next idle CPU to execute (this is done in
-	 * Threads with a suspended I/O operation remain bound to
-	 * the same cpu until I/O is cancelled
-     *
-     * NOTE: the boolean expression below must be the exact
-     * opposite of the corresponding boolean expression in
-     */
-    if ((!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me) && (cpu == me->cpu)) ||
-					(thread->md.thr_bound_cpu)) {
-		PR_ASSERT(!thread->md.thr_bound_cpu ||
-							(thread->md.thr_bound_cpu == cpu));
-        _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-        _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, cpu, pri);
-        _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-    }
-    _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-    _PR_ADD_RUNQ(thread, cpu, pri);
-    _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-    if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me) && (cpu == me->cpu)) {
-        if (pri > me->priority) {
-            _PR_SET_RESCHED_FLAG();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prcmon.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prcmon.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a196e9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prcmon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-/* Lock used to lock the monitor cache */
-#ifdef _PR_NO_PREEMPT
-#define _PR_NEW_LOCK_MCACHE()
-#define _PR_LOCK_MCACHE()
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_MCACHE()
-#define _PR_NEW_LOCK_MCACHE()
-#define _PR_LOCK_MCACHE() { PRIntn _is; _PR_INTSOFF(_is)
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_MCACHE() _PR_INTSON(_is); }
-PRLock *_pr_mcacheLock;
-#define _PR_NEW_LOCK_MCACHE() (_pr_mcacheLock = PR_NewLock())
-#define _PR_DESTROY_LOCK_MCACHE()               \
-    PR_BEGIN_MACRO                              \
-        if (_pr_mcacheLock) {                   \
-            PR_DestroyLock(_pr_mcacheLock);     \
-            _pr_mcacheLock = NULL;              \
-        }                                       \
-#define _PR_LOCK_MCACHE() PR_Lock(_pr_mcacheLock)
-#define _PR_UNLOCK_MCACHE() PR_Unlock(_pr_mcacheLock)
-typedef struct MonitorCacheEntryStr MonitorCacheEntry;
-struct MonitorCacheEntryStr {
-    MonitorCacheEntry*  next;
-    void*               address;
-    PRMonitor*          mon;
-    long                cacheEntryCount;
-** An array of MonitorCacheEntry's, plus a pointer to link these
-** arrays together.
-typedef struct MonitorCacheEntryBlockStr MonitorCacheEntryBlock;
-struct MonitorCacheEntryBlockStr {
-    MonitorCacheEntryBlock* next;
-    MonitorCacheEntry entries[1];
-static PRUint32 hash_mask;
-static PRUintn num_hash_buckets;
-static PRUintn num_hash_buckets_log2;
-static MonitorCacheEntry **hash_buckets;
-static MonitorCacheEntry *free_entries;
-static PRUintn num_free_entries;
-static PRBool expanding;
-static MonitorCacheEntryBlock *mcache_blocks;
-static void (*OnMonitorRecycle)(void *address);
-#define HASH(address)                               \
-    ((PRUint32) ( ((PRUptrdiff)(address) >> 2) ^    \
-                  ((PRUptrdiff)(address) >> 10) )   \
-     & hash_mask)
-** Expand the monitor cache. This grows the hash buckets and allocates a
-** new chunk of cache entries and throws them on the free list. We keep
-** as many hash buckets as there are entries.
-** Because we call malloc and malloc may need the monitor cache, we must
-** ensure that there are several free monitor cache entries available for
-** malloc to get. FREE_THRESHOLD is used to prevent monitor cache
-** starvation during monitor cache expansion.
-#define FREE_THRESHOLD  5
-static PRStatus ExpandMonitorCache(PRUintn new_size_log2)
-    MonitorCacheEntry **old_hash_buckets, *p;
-    PRUintn i, entries, old_num_hash_buckets, added;
-    MonitorCacheEntry **new_hash_buckets;
-    MonitorCacheEntryBlock *new_block;
-    entries = 1L << new_size_log2;
-    /*
-    ** Expand the monitor-cache-entry free list
-    */
-    new_block = (MonitorCacheEntryBlock*)
-        PR_CALLOC(sizeof(MonitorCacheEntryBlock)
-        + (entries - 1) * sizeof(MonitorCacheEntry));
-    if (NULL == new_block) return PR_FAILURE;
-    /*
-    ** Allocate system monitors for the new monitor cache entries. If we
-    ** run out of system monitors, break out of the loop.
-    */
-    for (i = 0, p = new_block->entries; i < entries; i++, p++) {
-        p->mon = PR_NewMonitor();
-        if (!p->mon)
-            break;
-    }
-    added = i;
-    if (added != entries) {
-        MonitorCacheEntryBlock *realloc_block;
-        if (added == 0) {
-            /* Totally out of system monitors. Lossage abounds */
-            PR_DELETE(new_block);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        /*
-        ** We were able to allocate some of the system monitors. Use
-        ** realloc to shrink down the new_block memory. If that fails,
-        ** carry on with the too-large new_block.
-        */
-        realloc_block = (MonitorCacheEntryBlock*)
-            PR_REALLOC(new_block, sizeof(MonitorCacheEntryBlock)
-            + (added - 1) * sizeof(MonitorCacheEntry));
-        if (realloc_block)
-            new_block = realloc_block;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Now that we have allocated all of the system monitors, build up
-    ** the new free list. We can just update the free_list because we own
-    ** the mcache-lock and we aren't calling anyone who might want to use
-    ** it.
-    */
-    for (i = 0, p = new_block->entries; i < added - 1; i++, p++)
-        p->next = p + 1;
-    p->next = free_entries;
-    free_entries = new_block->entries;
-    num_free_entries += added;
-    new_block->next = mcache_blocks;
-    mcache_blocks = new_block;
-    /* Try to expand the hash table */
-    new_hash_buckets = (MonitorCacheEntry**)
-        PR_CALLOC(entries * sizeof(MonitorCacheEntry*));
-    if (NULL == new_hash_buckets) {
-        /*
-        ** Partial lossage. In this situation we don't get any more hash
-        ** buckets, which just means that the table lookups will take
-        ** longer. This is bad, but not fatal
-        */
-        PR_LOG(_pr_cmon_lm, PR_LOG_WARNING,
-               ("unable to grow monitor cache hash buckets"));
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Compute new hash mask value. This value is used to mask an address
-    ** until it's bits are in the right spot for indexing into the hash
-    ** table.
-    */
-    hash_mask = entries - 1;
-    /*
-    ** Expand the hash table. We have to rehash everything in the old
-    ** table into the new table.
-    */
-    old_hash_buckets = hash_buckets;
-    old_num_hash_buckets = num_hash_buckets;
-    for (i = 0; i < old_num_hash_buckets; i++) {
-        p = old_hash_buckets[i];
-        while (p) {
-            MonitorCacheEntry *next = p->next;
-            /* Hash based on new table size, and then put p in the new table */
-            PRUintn hash = HASH(p->address);
-            p->next = new_hash_buckets[hash];
-            new_hash_buckets[hash] = p;
-            p = next;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Switch over to new hash table and THEN call free of the old
-    ** table. Since free might re-enter _pr_mcache_lock, things would
-    ** break terribly if it used the old hash table.
-    */
-    hash_buckets = new_hash_buckets;
-    num_hash_buckets = entries;
-    num_hash_buckets_log2 = new_size_log2;
-    PR_DELETE(old_hash_buckets);
-    PR_LOG(_pr_cmon_lm, PR_LOG_NOTICE,
-           ("expanded monitor cache to %d (buckets %d)",
-            num_free_entries, entries));
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-}  /* ExpandMonitorCache */
-** Lookup a monitor cache entry by address. Return a pointer to the
-** pointer to the monitor cache entry on success, null on failure.
-static MonitorCacheEntry **LookupMonitorCacheEntry(void *address)
-    PRUintn hash;
-    MonitorCacheEntry **pp, *p;
-    hash = HASH(address);
-    pp = hash_buckets + hash;
-    while ((p = *pp) != 0) {
-        if (p->address == address) {
-            if (p->cacheEntryCount > 0)
-                return pp;
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        pp = &p->next;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-** Try to create a new cached monitor. If it's already in the cache,
-** great - return it. Otherwise get a new free cache entry and set it
-** up. If the cache free space is getting low, expand the cache.
-static PRMonitor *CreateMonitor(void *address)
-    PRUintn hash;
-    MonitorCacheEntry **pp, *p;
-    hash = HASH(address);
-    pp = hash_buckets + hash;
-    while ((p = *pp) != 0) {
-        if (p->address == address) goto gotit;
-        pp = &p->next;
-    }
-    /* Expand the monitor cache if we have run out of free slots in the table */
-    if (num_free_entries < FREE_THRESHOLD) {
-        /* Expand monitor cache */
-        /*
-        ** This function is called with the lock held. So what's the 'expanding'
-        ** boolean all about? Seems a bit redundant.
-        */
-        if (!expanding) {
-            PRStatus rv;
-            expanding = PR_TRUE;
-            rv = ExpandMonitorCache(num_hash_buckets_log2 + 1);
-            expanding = PR_FALSE;
-            if (PR_FAILURE == rv)  return NULL;
-            /* redo the hash because it'll be different now */
-            hash = HASH(address);
-        } else {
-            /*
-            ** We are in process of expanding and we need a cache
-            ** monitor.  Make sure we have enough!
-            */
-            PR_ASSERT(num_free_entries > 0);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Make a new monitor */
-    p = free_entries;
-    free_entries = p->next;
-    num_free_entries--;
-    if (OnMonitorRecycle && p->address)
-        OnMonitorRecycle(p->address);
-    p->address = address;
-    p->next = hash_buckets[hash];
-    hash_buckets[hash] = p;
-    PR_ASSERT(p->cacheEntryCount == 0);
-  gotit:
-    p->cacheEntryCount++;
-    return p->mon;
-** Initialize the monitor cache
-void _PR_InitCMon(void)
-    ExpandMonitorCache(3);
-** Destroy the monitor cache
-void _PR_CleanupCMon(void)
-    while (free_entries) {
-        PR_DestroyMonitor(free_entries->mon);
-        free_entries = free_entries->next;
-    }
-    num_free_entries = 0;
-    while (mcache_blocks) {
-        MonitorCacheEntryBlock *block;
-        block = mcache_blocks;
-        mcache_blocks = block->next;
-        PR_DELETE(block);
-    }
-    PR_DELETE(hash_buckets);
-    hash_mask = 0;
-    num_hash_buckets = 0;
-    num_hash_buckets_log2 = 0;
-    expanding = PR_FALSE;
-    OnMonitorRecycle = NULL;
-** Create monitor for address. Don't enter the monitor while we have the
-** mcache locked because we might block!
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRMonitor*) PR_CEnterMonitor(void *address)
-    PRMonitor *mon;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    mon = CreateMonitor(address);
-    if (!mon) return NULL;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(mon);
-    return mon;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CExitMonitor(void *address)
-    MonitorCacheEntry **pp, *p;
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    pp = LookupMonitorCacheEntry(address);
-    if (pp != NULL) {
-        p = *pp;
-        if (--p->cacheEntryCount == 0) {
-            /*
-            ** Nobody is using the system monitor. Put it on the cached free
-            ** list. We are safe from somebody trying to use it because we
-            ** have the mcache locked.
-            */
-            p->address = 0;             /* defensive move */
-            *pp = p->next;              /* unlink from hash_buckets */
-            p->next = free_entries;     /* link into free list */
-            free_entries = p;
-            num_free_entries++;         /* count it as free */
-        }
-        status = PR_ExitMonitor(p->mon);
-    } else {
-        status = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return status;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CWait(void *address, PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    MonitorCacheEntry **pp;
-    PRMonitor *mon;
-    pp = LookupMonitorCacheEntry(address);
-    mon = pp ? ((*pp)->mon) : NULL;
-    if (mon == NULL)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    return PR_Wait(mon, ticks);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CNotify(void *address)
-    MonitorCacheEntry **pp;
-    PRMonitor *mon;
-    pp = LookupMonitorCacheEntry(address);
-    mon = pp ? ((*pp)->mon) : NULL;
-    if (mon == NULL)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    return PR_Notify(mon);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_CNotifyAll(void *address)
-    MonitorCacheEntry **pp;
-    PRMonitor *mon;
-    pp = LookupMonitorCacheEntry(address);
-    mon = pp ? ((*pp)->mon) : NULL;
-    if (mon == NULL)
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    return PR_NotifyAll(mon);
-PR_CSetOnMonitorRecycle(void (*callback)(void *address))
-    OnMonitorRecycle = callback;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prcthr.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prcthr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2688144..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prcthr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if defined(WIN95)
-** Some local variables report warnings on Win95 because the code paths 
-** using them are conditioned on HAVE_CUSTOME_USER_THREADS.
-** The pragma suppresses the warning.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
-extern PRLock *_pr_sleeplock;  /* allocated and initialized in prinit */
-** Routines common to both native and user threads.
-** Clean up a thread object, releasing all of the attached data. Do not
-** free the object itself (it may not have been malloc'd)
-void _PR_CleanupThread(PRThread *thread)
-    /* Free up per-thread-data */
-    _PR_DestroyThreadPrivate(thread);
-    /* Free any thread dump procs */
-    if (thread->dumpArg) {
-        PR_DELETE(thread->dumpArg);
-    }
-    thread->dump = 0;
-    PR_DELETE(thread->name);
-    PR_DELETE(thread->errorString);
-    thread->errorStringSize = 0;
-    thread->errorStringLength = 0;
-    thread->environment = NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Yield()
-    static PRBool warning = PR_TRUE;
-    if (warning) warning = _PR_Obsolete(
-        "PR_Yield()", "PR_Sleep(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)");
-    return (PR_Sleep(PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT));
-** Make the current thread sleep until "timeout" ticks amount of time
-** has expired. If "timeout" is PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT then the call is
-** equivalent to a yield. Waiting for an infinite amount of time is
-** allowed in the expectation that another thread will interrupt().
-** A single lock is used for all threads calling sleep. Each caller
-** does get its own condition variable since each is expected to have
-** a unique 'timeout'.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Sleep(PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT == timeout)
-    {
-        /*
-        ** This is a simple yield, nothing more, nothing less.
-        */
-        PRIntn is;
-        PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-        PRUintn pri = me->priority;
-        _PRCPU *cpu = _PR_MD_CURRENT_CPU();
-        if ( _PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me) ) _PR_MD_YIELD();
-        else
-        {
-            _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-            _PR_RUNQ_LOCK(cpu);
-            if (_PR_RUNQREADYMASK(cpu) >> pri) {
-                me->cpu = cpu;
-                me->state = _PR_RUNNABLE;
-                _PR_ADD_RUNQ(me, cpu, pri);
-                _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-                PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_Yield: yielding"));
-                _PR_MD_SWITCH_CONTEXT(me);
-                PR_LOG(_pr_sched_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_Yield: done"));
-                _PR_FAST_INTSON(is);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                _PR_RUNQ_UNLOCK(cpu);
-                _PR_INTSON(is);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /*
-        ** This is waiting for some finite period of time.
-        ** A thread in this state is interruptible (PR_Interrupt()),
-        ** but the lock and cvar used are local to the implementation
-        ** and not visible to the caller, therefore not notifiable.
-        */
-        PRCondVar *cv;
-        PRIntervalTime timein;
-        timein = PR_IntervalNow();
-        cv = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_sleeplock);
-        PR_ASSERT(cv != NULL);
-        PR_Lock(_pr_sleeplock);
-        do
-        {
-            PRIntervalTime delta = PR_IntervalNow() - timein;
-            if (delta > timeout) break;
-            rv = PR_WaitCondVar(cv, timeout - delta);
-        } while (rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_sleeplock);
-        PR_DestroyCondVar(cv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUint32) PR_GetThreadID(PRThread *thread)
-    return thread->id;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadPriority) PR_GetThreadPriority(const PRThread *thread)
-    return (PRThreadPriority) thread->priority;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread *) PR_GetCurrentThread()
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    return _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-** Set the interrupt flag for a thread. The thread will be unable to
-** block in i/o functions when this happens. Also, any PR_Wait's in
-** progress will be undone. The interrupt remains in force until
-** PR_ClearInterrupt is called.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Interrupt(PRThread *thread)
-    PRCondVar *victim;
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-    thread->flags |= _PR_INTERRUPT;
-    victim = thread->wait.cvar;
-    _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-    if ((NULL != victim) && (!(thread->flags & _PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED))) {
-        int haveLock = (victim->lock->owner == _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD());
-        if (!haveLock) PR_Lock(victim->lock);
-        PR_NotifyAllCondVar(victim);
-        if (!haveLock) PR_Unlock(victim->lock);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#else  /* ! _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-            	_PR_INTSOFF(is);
-            _PR_THREAD_LOCK(thread);
-            thread->flags |= _PR_INTERRUPT;
-        switch (thread->state) {
-                case _PR_COND_WAIT:
-                        /*
-                         * call is made with thread locked;
-                         * on return lock is released
-                         */
-						if (!(thread->flags & _PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED))
-                        	_PR_NotifyLockedThread(thread);
-                        break;
-                case _PR_IO_WAIT:
-                        /*
-                         * Need to hold the thread lock when calling
-                         * _PR_Unblock_IO_Wait().  On return lock is
-                         * released. 
-                         */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WINNT) || defined(WIN16)
-						if (!(thread->flags & _PR_INTERRUPT_BLOCKED))
-                        	_PR_Unblock_IO_Wait(thread);
-                        _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-                        break;
-                case _PR_RUNNING:
-                case _PR_RUNNABLE:
-                case _PR_LOCK_WAIT:
-                default:
-                            _PR_THREAD_UNLOCK(thread);
-                        break;
-        }
-            if (!_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me))
-            	_PR_INTSON(is);
-            return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif  /* _PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY */
-** Clear the interrupt flag for self.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ClearInterrupt()
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-        if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-         me->flags &= ~_PR_INTERRUPT;
-        if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSON(is);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_BlockInterrupt()
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSON(is);
-}  /* PR_BlockInterrupt */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_UnblockInterrupt()
-    PRIntn is;
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSOFF(is);
-    _PR_THREAD_LOCK(me);
-    if ( !_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(me)) _PR_INTSON(is);
-}  /* PR_UnblockInterrupt */
-** Return the thread stack pointer of the given thread.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PR_GetSP(PRThread *thread)
-        return (void *)_PR_MD_GET_SP(thread);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void*) GetExecutionEnvironment(PRThread *thread)
-        return thread->environment;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) SetExecutionEnvironment(PRThread *thread, void *env)
-        thread->environment = env;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_GetThreadAffinityMask(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 *mask)
-    return _PR_MD_GETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(thread, mask);
-    return 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_SetThreadAffinityMask(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 mask )
-#ifndef IRIX
-    return _PR_MD_SETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(thread, mask);
-	return 0;
-    return 0;
-/* This call is thread unsafe if another thread is calling SetConcurrency()
- */
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_SetCPUAffinityMask(PRUint32 mask)
-    PRCList *qp;
-    extern PRUint32 _pr_cpu_affinity_mask;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    _pr_cpu_affinity_mask = mask;
-    qp = _PR_CPUQ().next;
-    while(qp != &_PR_CPUQ()) {
-        _PRCPU *cpu;
-        cpu = _PR_CPU_PTR(qp);
-        PR_SetThreadAffinityMask(cpu->thread, mask);
-        qp = qp->next;
-    }
-    return 0;
-PRUint32 _pr_recycleThreads = 0;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetThreadRecycleMode(PRUint32 count)
-    _pr_recycleThreads = count;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_CreateThreadGCAble(PRThreadType type,
-                                     void (*start)(void *arg),
-                                     void *arg,
-                                     PRThreadPriority priority,
-                                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                                     PRThreadState state,
-                                     PRUint32 stackSize)
-    return _PR_CreateThread(type, start, arg, priority, scope, state, 
-                            stackSize, _PR_GCABLE_THREAD);
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_CreateThreadBound(PRThreadType type,
-                                     void (*start)(void *arg),
-                                     void *arg,
-                                     PRUintn priority,
-                                     PRThreadScope scope,
-                                     PRThreadState state,
-                                     PRUint32 stackSize)
-    return _PR_CreateThread(type, start, arg, priority, scope, state, 
-                            stackSize, _PR_BOUND_THREAD);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThread*) PR_AttachThreadGCAble(
-    PRThreadType type, PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadStack *stack)
-    /* $$$$ not sure how to finese this one */
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_SetThreadGCAble()
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);        
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ClearThreadGCAble()
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    PR_Lock(_pr_activeLock);
-        _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD()->flags &= (~_PR_GCABLE_THREAD);
-        PR_Unlock(_pr_activeLock);
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadScope) PR_GetThreadScope(const PRThread *thread)
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) {
-    	return (thread->flags & _PR_BOUND_THREAD) ? PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD :
-										PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
-    } else
-        return PR_LOCAL_THREAD;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadType) PR_GetThreadType(const PRThread *thread)
-    return (thread->flags & _PR_SYSTEM) ? PR_SYSTEM_THREAD : PR_USER_THREAD;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRThreadState) PR_GetThreadState(const PRThread *thread)
-    return (NULL == thread->term) ? PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD : PR_JOINABLE_THREAD;
-}  /* PR_GetThreadState */
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prdump.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prdump.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b40bee3..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prdump.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#if defined(WIN95)
-** Some local variables report warnings on Win95 because the code paths 
-** using them are conditioned on HAVE_CUSTOME_USER_THREADS.
-** The pragma suppresses the warning.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
-/* XXX use unbuffered nspr stdio */
-PRFileDesc *_pr_dumpOut;
-PRUint32 _PR_DumpPrintf(PRFileDesc *fd, const char *fmt, ...)
-    char buf[100];
-    PRUint32 nb;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    nb = PR_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    PR_Write(fd, buf, nb);
-    return nb;
-void _PR_DumpThread(PRFileDesc *fd, PRThread *thread)
-    _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, "%05d[%08p] pri=%2d flags=0x%02x",
-                   thread->id, thread, thread->priority, thread->flags);
-    switch (thread->state) {
-      case _PR_RUNNABLE:
-      case _PR_RUNNING:
-        break;
-      case _PR_LOCK_WAIT:
-        _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, " lock=%p", thread->wait.lock);
-        break;
-      case _PR_COND_WAIT:
-        _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, " condvar=%p sleep=%lldms",
-                       thread->wait.cvar, thread->sleep);
-        break;
-      case _PR_SUSPENDED:
-        _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, " suspended");
-        break;
-    }
-    PR_Write(fd, "\n", 1);
-    /* Now call dump routine */
-    if (thread->dump) {
-	thread->dump(fd, thread, thread->dumpArg);
-    }
-static void DumpThreadQueue(PRFileDesc *fd, PRCList *list)
-    PRCList *q;
-    q = list->next;
-    while (q != list) {
-        PRThread *t = _PR_THREAD_PTR(q);
-        _PR_DumpThread(fd, t);
-        q = q->next;
-    }
-void _PR_DumpThreads(PRFileDesc *fd)
-    PRThread *t;
-    PRIntn i;
-    _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, "Current Thread:\n");
-    _PR_DumpThread(fd, t);
-    _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, "Runnable Threads:\n");
-    for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(_PR_RUNQ(t->cpu)); i++) {
-        DumpThreadQueue(fd, &_PR_RUNQ(t->cpu)[i]);
-    }
-    _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, "CondVar timed wait Threads:\n");
-    DumpThreadQueue(fd, &_PR_SLEEPQ(t->cpu));
-    _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, "CondVar wait Threads:\n");
-    DumpThreadQueue(fd, &_PR_PAUSEQ(t->cpu));
-    _PR_DumpPrintf(fd, "Suspended Threads:\n");
-    DumpThreadQueue(fd, &_PR_SUSPENDQ(t->cpu));
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_ShowStatus(void)
-    PRIntn is;
-    _pr_dumpOut = _pr_stderr;
-    _PR_DumpThreads(_pr_dumpOut);
-PR_SetThreadDumpProc(PRThread* thread, PRThreadDumpProc dump, void *arg)
-    thread->dump = dump;
-    thread->dumpArg = arg;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prmon.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prmon.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 36be8a9..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prmon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
- * Notifies just get posted to the monitor. The actual notification is done
- * when the monitor is fully exited so that MP systems don't contend for a
- * monitor that they can't enter.
- */
-static void _PR_PostNotifyToMonitor(PRMonitor *mon, PRBool broadcast)
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    /* mon->notifyTimes is protected by the monitor, so we don't need to
-     * acquire mon->lock.
-     */
-    if (broadcast)
-        mon->notifyTimes = -1;
-    else if (mon->notifyTimes != -1)
-        mon->notifyTimes += 1;
-static void _PR_PostNotifiesFromMonitor(PRCondVar *cv, PRIntn times)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    /*
-     * Time to actually notify any waits that were affected while the monitor
-     * was entered.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(cv != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(times != 0);
-    if (times == -1) {
-        rv = PR_NotifyAllCondVar(cv);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-    } else {
-        while (times-- > 0) {
-            rv = PR_NotifyCondVar(cv);
-            PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-        }
-    }
-** Create a new monitor.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRMonitor*) PR_NewMonitor()
-    PRMonitor *mon;
-    PRStatus rv;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    mon = PR_NEWZAP(PRMonitor);
-    if (mon == NULL) {
-        PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = _PR_InitLock(&mon->lock);
-    if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-        goto error1;
-    mon->owner = NULL;
-    rv = _PR_InitCondVar(&mon->entryCV, &mon->lock);
-    if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-        goto error2;
-    rv = _PR_InitCondVar(&mon->waitCV, &mon->lock);
-    if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-        goto error3;
-    mon->notifyTimes = 0;
-    mon->entryCount = 0;
-    mon->name = NULL;
-    return mon;
-    _PR_FreeCondVar(&mon->entryCV);
-    _PR_FreeLock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_Free(mon);
-    return NULL;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRMonitor*) PR_NewNamedMonitor(const char* name)
-    PRMonitor* mon = PR_NewMonitor();
-    if (mon)
-        mon->name = name;
-    return mon;
-** Destroy a monitor. There must be no thread waiting on the monitor's
-** condition variable. The caller is responsible for guaranteeing that the
-** monitor is no longer in use.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroyMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    _PR_FreeCondVar(&mon->waitCV);
-    _PR_FreeCondVar(&mon->entryCV);
-    _PR_FreeLock(&mon->lock);
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-    memset(mon, 0xaf, sizeof(PRMonitor));
-    PR_Free(mon);
-** Enter the lock associated with the monitor.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_EnterMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    PR_Lock(&mon->lock);
-    if (mon->entryCount != 0) {
-        if (mon->owner == me)
-            goto done;
-        while (mon->entryCount != 0) {
-            rv = PR_WaitCondVar(&mon->entryCV, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-            PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-        }
-    }
-    /* and now I have the monitor */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->notifyTimes == 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->owner == NULL);
-    mon->owner = me;
-    mon->entryCount += 1;
-    rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-** Test and then enter the lock associated with the monitor if it's not
-** already entered by some other thread. Return PR_FALSE if some other
-** thread owned the lock at the time of the call.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRBool) PR_TestAndEnterMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    PR_Lock(&mon->lock);
-    if (mon->entryCount != 0) {
-        if (mon->owner == me)
-            goto done;
-        rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* and now I have the monitor */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->notifyTimes == 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->owner == NULL);
-    mon->owner = me;
-    mon->entryCount += 1;
-    rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-    return PR_TRUE;
-** Exit the lock associated with the monitor once.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_ExitMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    PR_Lock(&mon->lock);
-    /* the entries should be > 0 and we'd better be the owner */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->entryCount > 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->owner == me);
-    if (mon->entryCount == 0 || mon->owner != me)
-    {
-        rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    mon->entryCount -= 1;  /* reduce by one */
-    if (mon->entryCount == 0)
-    {
-        /* and if it transitioned to zero - notify an entry waiter */
-        /* make the owner unknown */
-        mon->owner = NULL;
-        if (mon->notifyTimes != 0) {
-            _PR_PostNotifiesFromMonitor(&mon->waitCV, mon->notifyTimes);
-            mon->notifyTimes = 0;
-        }
-        rv = PR_NotifyCondVar(&mon->entryCV);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Return the number of times that the current thread has entered the
-** lock. Returns zero if the current thread has not entered the lock.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRIntn) PR_GetMonitorEntryCount(PRMonitor *mon)
-    PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRIntn count = 0;
-    PR_Lock(&mon->lock);
-    if (mon->owner == me)
-        count = mon->entryCount;
-    rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-    return count;
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_AssertCurrentThreadInMonitor(PRMonitor *mon)
-#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_PR_ASSERT)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PR_Lock(&mon->lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->entryCount != 0 &&
-              mon->owner == _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD());
-    rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-** Wait for a notify on the condition variable. Sleep for "ticks" amount
-** of time (if "tick" is 0 then the sleep is indefinite). While
-** the thread is waiting it exits the monitors lock (as if it called
-** PR_ExitMonitor as many times as it had called PR_EnterMonitor).  When
-** the wait has finished the thread regains control of the monitors lock
-** with the same entry count as before the wait began.
-** The thread waiting on the monitor will be resumed when the monitor is
-** notified (assuming the thread is the next in line to receive the
-** notify) or when the "ticks" elapses.
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not locked the lock associated
-** with the condition variable.
-** This routine can return PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR if the waiting thread
-** has been interrupted.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, PRIntervalTime ticks)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRUint32 saved_entries;
-    PRThread *saved_owner;
-    PR_ASSERT(mon != NULL);
-    PR_Lock(&mon->lock);
-    /* the entries better be positive */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->entryCount > 0);
-    /* and it better be owned by us */
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->owner == _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD());  /* XXX return failure */
-    /* tuck these away 'till later */
-    saved_entries = mon->entryCount;
-    mon->entryCount = 0;
-    saved_owner = mon->owner;
-    mon->owner = NULL;
-    /* If we have pending notifies, post them now. */
-    if (mon->notifyTimes != 0) {
-        _PR_PostNotifiesFromMonitor(&mon->waitCV, mon->notifyTimes);
-        mon->notifyTimes = 0;
-    }
-    rv = PR_NotifyCondVar(&mon->entryCV);
-    rv = PR_WaitCondVar(&mon->waitCV, ticks);
-    while (mon->entryCount != 0) {
-        rv = PR_WaitCondVar(&mon->entryCV, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        PR_ASSERT(rv == PR_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(mon->notifyTimes == 0);
-    /* reinstate the interesting information */
-    mon->entryCount = saved_entries;
-    mon->owner = saved_owner;
-    rv = PR_Unlock(&mon->lock);
-    return rv;
-** Notify the highest priority thread waiting on the condition
-** variable. If a thread is waiting on the condition variable (using
-** PR_Wait) then it is awakened and begins waiting on the monitor's lock.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Notify(PRMonitor *mon)
-    _PR_PostNotifyToMonitor(mon, PR_FALSE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Notify all of the threads waiting on the condition variable. All of
-** threads are notified in turn. The highest priority thread will
-** probably acquire the monitor first when the monitor is exited.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NotifyAll(PRMonitor *mon)
-    _PR_PostNotifyToMonitor(mon, PR_TRUE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-PRUint32 _PR_MonitorToString(PRMonitor *mon, char *buf, PRUint32 buflen)
-    PRUint32 nb;
-    if (mon->owner) {
-	nb = PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "[%p] owner=%d[%p] count=%ld",
-			 mon, mon->owner->id, mon->owner, mon->entryCount);
-    } else {
-	nb = PR_snprintf(buf, buflen, "[%p]", mon);
-    }
-    return nb;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prrwlock.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prrwlock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e0f9ea..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prrwlock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(HPUX) && defined(_PR_PTHREADS) && !defined(_PR_DCETHREADS)
-#include <pthread.h>
-#define RWLOCK_T pthread_rwlock_t
-#define RWLOCK_INIT(lock) pthread_rwlock_init(lock, NULL)
-#define RWLOCK_DESTROY(lock) pthread_rwlock_destroy(lock)
-#define RWLOCK_RDLOCK(lock) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(lock)
-#define RWLOCK_WRLOCK(lock) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(lock)
-#define RWLOCK_UNLOCK(lock) pthread_rwlock_unlock(lock)
-#elif defined(SOLARIS) && (defined(_PR_PTHREADS) \
-        || defined(_PR_GLOBAL_THREADS_ONLY))
-#include <synch.h>
-#define RWLOCK_T rwlock_t
-#define RWLOCK_INIT(lock) rwlock_init(lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL)
-#define RWLOCK_DESTROY(lock) rwlock_destroy(lock)
-#define RWLOCK_RDLOCK(lock) rw_rdlock(lock)
-#define RWLOCK_WRLOCK(lock) rw_wrlock(lock)
-#define RWLOCK_UNLOCK(lock) rw_unlock(lock)
- * Reader-writer lock
- */
-struct PRRWLock {
-	char			*rw_name;			/* lock name					*/
-	PRUint32		rw_rank;			/* rank of the lock				*/
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	RWLOCK_T		rw_lock;
-    PRLock			*rw_lock;
-	PRInt32			rw_lock_cnt;		/* ==  0, if unlocked			*/
-										/* == -1, if write-locked		*/
-										/* > 0	, # of read locks		*/
-	PRUint32		rw_reader_cnt;		/* number of waiting readers	*/
-	PRUint32		rw_writer_cnt;		/* number of waiting writers	*/
-	PRCondVar   	*rw_reader_waitq;	/* cvar for readers 			*/
-	PRCondVar   	*rw_writer_waitq;	/* cvar for writers				*/
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    PRThread 		*rw_owner;			/* lock owner for write-lock	*/
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define _PR_RWLOCK_RANK_ORDER_DEBUG	/* enable deadlock detection using
-									   rank-order for locks
-									*/
-static PRUintn	pr_thread_rwlock_key;			/* TPD key for lock stack */
-static PRUintn	pr_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed;
-typedef struct thread_rwlock_stack {
-	PRInt32		trs_index;									/* top of stack */
-	PRRWLock	*trs_stack[_PR_RWLOCK_RANK_ORDER_LIMIT];	/* stack of lock
-														 	   pointers */
-} thread_rwlock_stack;
-static void _PR_SET_THREAD_RWLOCK_RANK(PRRWLock *rwlock);
-static PRUint32 _PR_GET_THREAD_RWLOCK_RANK(void);
-static void _PR_UNSET_THREAD_RWLOCK_RANK(PRRWLock *rwlock);
-static void _PR_RELEASE_LOCK_STACK(void *lock_stack);
- * Reader/Writer Locks
- */
- * PR_NewRWLock
- *		Create a reader-writer lock, with the given lock rank and lock name
- *	
- */
-PR_NewRWLock(PRUint32 lock_rank, const char *lock_name)
-    PRRWLock *rwlock;
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	int err;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    rwlock = PR_NEWZAP(PRRWLock);
-    if (rwlock == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	rwlock->rw_rank = lock_rank;
-	if (lock_name != NULL) {
-		rwlock->rw_name = (char*) PR_Malloc(strlen(lock_name) + 1);
-    	if (rwlock->rw_name == NULL) {
-			PR_DELETE(rwlock);
-			return(NULL);
-		}
-		strcpy(rwlock->rw_name, lock_name);
-	} else {
-		rwlock->rw_name = NULL;
-	}
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	err = RWLOCK_INIT(&rwlock->rw_lock);
-	if (err != 0) {
-		PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, err);
-		PR_Free(rwlock->rw_name);
-		PR_DELETE(rwlock);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return rwlock;
-	rwlock->rw_lock = PR_NewLock();
-    if (rwlock->rw_lock == NULL) {
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	rwlock->rw_reader_waitq = PR_NewCondVar(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    if (rwlock->rw_reader_waitq == NULL) {
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	rwlock->rw_writer_waitq = PR_NewCondVar(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    if (rwlock->rw_writer_waitq == NULL) {
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	rwlock->rw_reader_cnt = 0;
-	rwlock->rw_writer_cnt = 0;
-	rwlock->rw_lock_cnt = 0;
-	return rwlock;
-	if (rwlock->rw_reader_waitq != NULL) {
-		PR_DestroyCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq);	
-	}
-	if (rwlock->rw_lock != NULL) {
-		PR_DestroyLock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	}
-	PR_Free(rwlock->rw_name);
-	PR_DELETE(rwlock);
-	return NULL;
-** Destroy the given RWLock "lock".
-PR_DestroyRWLock(PRRWLock *rwlock)
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	int err;
-	err = RWLOCK_DESTROY(&rwlock->rw_lock);
-	PR_ASSERT(err == 0);
-	PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_reader_cnt == 0);
-	PR_DestroyCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq);	
-	PR_DestroyCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq);	
-	PR_DestroyLock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	if (rwlock->rw_name != NULL)
-		PR_Free(rwlock->rw_name);
-    PR_DELETE(rwlock);
-** Read-lock the RWLock.
-PR_RWLock_Rlock(PRRWLock *rwlock)
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-int err;
-	/*
-	 * assert that rank ordering is not violated; the rank of 'rwlock' should
-	 * be equal to or greater than the highest rank of all the locks held by
-	 * the thread.
-	 */
-	PR_ASSERT((rwlock->rw_rank == PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE) || 
-					(rwlock->rw_rank >= _PR_GET_THREAD_RWLOCK_RANK()));
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	err = RWLOCK_RDLOCK(&rwlock->rw_lock);
-	PR_ASSERT(err == 0);
-	PR_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	/*
-	 * wait if write-locked or if a writer is waiting; preference for writers
-	 */
-	while ((rwlock->rw_lock_cnt < 0) ||
-			(rwlock->rw_writer_cnt > 0)) {
-		rwlock->rw_reader_cnt++;
-		PR_WaitCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-		rwlock->rw_reader_cnt--;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Increment read-lock count
-	 */
-	rwlock->rw_lock_cnt++;
-	PR_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	/*
-	 * update thread's lock rank
-	 */
-	if (rwlock->rw_rank != PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE)
-** Write-lock the RWLock.
-PR_RWLock_Wlock(PRRWLock *rwlock)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-int err;
-	/*
-	 * assert that rank ordering is not violated; the rank of 'rwlock' should
-	 * be equal to or greater than the highest rank of all the locks held by
-	 * the thread.
-	 */
-	PR_ASSERT((rwlock->rw_rank == PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE) || 
-					(rwlock->rw_rank >= _PR_GET_THREAD_RWLOCK_RANK()));
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	err = RWLOCK_WRLOCK(&rwlock->rw_lock);
-	PR_ASSERT(err == 0);
-	PR_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	/*
-	 * wait if read locked
-	 */
-	while (rwlock->rw_lock_cnt != 0) {
-		rwlock->rw_writer_cnt++;
-		PR_WaitCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-		rwlock->rw_writer_cnt--;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * apply write lock
-	 */
-	rwlock->rw_lock_cnt--;
-	PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_lock_cnt == -1);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	PR_ASSERT(me != NULL);
-	rwlock->rw_owner = me;
-	PR_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	/*
-	 * update thread's lock rank
-	 */
-	if (rwlock->rw_rank != PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE)
-** Unlock the RW lock.
-PR_RWLock_Unlock(PRRWLock *rwlock)
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-int err;
-#if defined(HAVE_UNIX98_RWLOCK) || defined(HAVE_UI_RWLOCK)
-	err = RWLOCK_UNLOCK(&rwlock->rw_lock);
-	PR_ASSERT(err == 0);
-	PR_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	/*
-	 * lock must be read or write-locked
-	 */
-	PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_lock_cnt != 0);
-	if (rwlock->rw_lock_cnt > 0) {
-		/*
-		 * decrement read-lock count
-		 */
-		rwlock->rw_lock_cnt--;
-		if (rwlock->rw_lock_cnt == 0) {
-			/*
-			 * lock is not read-locked anymore; wakeup a waiting writer
-			 */
-			if (rwlock->rw_writer_cnt > 0)
-				PR_NotifyCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq);
-		}
-	} else {
-		PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_lock_cnt == -1);
-		rwlock->rw_lock_cnt = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    	PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_owner == me);
-    	rwlock->rw_owner = NULL;
-		/*
-		 * wakeup a writer, if present; preference for writers
-		 */
-		if (rwlock->rw_writer_cnt > 0)
-			PR_NotifyCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq);
-		/*
-		 * else, wakeup all readers, if any
-		 */
-		else if (rwlock->rw_reader_cnt > 0)
-			PR_NotifyAllCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq);
-	}
-	PR_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-	/*
-	 * update thread's lock rank
-	 */
-	if (rwlock->rw_rank != PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE)
-	return;
-void _PR_InitRWLocks(void) { }
-void _PR_InitRWLocks(void)
-	/*
-	 * allocated thread-private-data index for rwlock list
-	 */
-	if (PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(&pr_thread_rwlock_key,
-		pr_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed = 1;
-		return;
-	}
- *		Set a thread's lock rank, which is the highest of the ranks of all
- *		the locks held by the thread. Pointers to the locks are added to a
- *		per-thread list, which is anchored off a thread-private data key.
- */
-static void
-thread_rwlock_stack *lock_stack;
-PRStatus rv;
-	/*
-	 * allocate a lock stack
-	 */
-	if ((lock_stack = PR_GetThreadPrivate(pr_thread_rwlock_key)) == NULL) {
-		lock_stack = (thread_rwlock_stack *)
-						PR_CALLOC(1 * sizeof(thread_rwlock_stack));
-		if (lock_stack) {
-			rv = PR_SetThreadPrivate(pr_thread_rwlock_key, lock_stack);
-			if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-				PR_DELETE(lock_stack);
-				pr_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed = 1;
-				return;
-			}
-		} else {
-			pr_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed = 1;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * add rwlock to lock stack, if limit is not exceeded
-	 */
-	if (lock_stack) {
-		if (lock_stack->trs_index < _PR_RWLOCK_RANK_ORDER_LIMIT)
-			lock_stack->trs_stack[lock_stack->trs_index++] = rwlock;	
-	}
-static void
-_PR_RELEASE_LOCK_STACK(void *lock_stack)
-	PR_ASSERT(lock_stack);
-	PR_DELETE(lock_stack);
- *
- *		return thread's lock rank. If thread-private-data for the lock
- *		stack is not allocated, return PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE.
- */
-static PRUint32
-	thread_rwlock_stack *lock_stack;
-	lock_stack = PR_GetThreadPrivate(pr_thread_rwlock_key);
-	if (lock_stack == NULL || lock_stack->trs_index == 0)
-		return (PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE);
-	else
-		return(lock_stack->trs_stack[lock_stack->trs_index - 1]->rw_rank);
- *
- *		remove the rwlock from the lock stack. Since locks may not be
- *		unlocked in a FIFO order, the entire lock stack is searched.
- */
-static void
-	thread_rwlock_stack *lock_stack;
-	int new_index = 0, index, done = 0;
-	lock_stack = PR_GetThreadPrivate(pr_thread_rwlock_key);
-	PR_ASSERT(lock_stack != NULL);
-	for (index = lock_stack->trs_index - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
-		if (!done && (lock_stack->trs_stack[index] == rwlock))  {
-			/*
-			 * reset the slot for rwlock
-			 */
-			lock_stack->trs_stack[index] = NULL;
-			done = 1;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * search for the lowest-numbered empty slot, above which there are
-		 * no non-empty slots
-		 */
-		if (!new_index && (lock_stack->trs_stack[index] != NULL))
-			new_index = index + 1;
-		if (done && new_index)
-			break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * set top of stack to highest numbered empty slot
-	 */
-	lock_stack->trs_index = new_index;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prsem.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prsem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f261f..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prsem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include "obsolete/prsem.h"
-** Create a new semaphore.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRSemaphore*) PR_NewSem(PRUintn value)
-    PRSemaphore *sem;
-    PRCondVar *cvar;
-    PRLock *lock;
-    sem = PR_NEWZAP(PRSemaphore);
-    if (sem) {
-        _PR_MD_NEW_SEM(&sem->md, value);
-        lock = PR_NewLock();
-        if (!lock) {
-            PR_DELETE(sem);
-            return NULL;
-    	}
-        cvar = PR_NewCondVar(lock);
-        if (!cvar) {
-            PR_DestroyLock(lock);
-            PR_DELETE(sem);
-            return NULL;
-    	}
-    	sem->cvar = cvar;
-    	sem->count = value;
-    }
-    return sem;
-** Destroy a semaphore. There must be no thread waiting on the semaphore.
-** The caller is responsible for guaranteeing that the semaphore is
-** no longer in use.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_DestroySem(PRSemaphore *sem)
-    _PR_MD_DESTROY_SEM(&sem->md);
-    PR_ASSERT(sem->waiters == 0);
-    PR_DestroyLock(sem->cvar->lock);
-    PR_DestroyCondVar(sem->cvar);
-    PR_DELETE(sem);
-** Wait on a Semaphore.
-** This routine allows a calling thread to wait or proceed depending upon the 
-** state of the semahore sem. The thread can proceed only if the counter value 
-** of the semaphore sem is currently greater than 0. If the value of semaphore 
-** sem is positive, it is decremented by one and the routine returns immediately 
-** allowing the calling thread to continue. If the value of semaphore sem is 0, 
-** the calling thread blocks awaiting the semaphore to be released by another 
-** thread.
-** This routine can return PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT if the waiting thread 
-** has been interrupted.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitSem(PRSemaphore *sem)
-	PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-	return _PR_MD_WAIT_SEM(&sem->md);
-	PR_Lock(sem->cvar->lock);
-	while (sem->count == 0) {
-		sem->waiters++;
-		status = PR_WaitCondVar(sem->cvar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-		sem->waiters--;
-		if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (status == PR_SUCCESS)
-		sem->count--;
-	PR_Unlock(sem->cvar->lock);
-	return (status);
-** This routine increments the counter value of the semaphore. If other threads 
-** are blocked for the semaphore, then the scheduler will determine which ONE 
-** thread will be unblocked.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_PostSem(PRSemaphore *sem)
-	_PR_MD_POST_SEM(&sem->md);
-	PR_Lock(sem->cvar->lock);
-	if (sem->waiters)
-		PR_NotifyCondVar(sem->cvar);
-	sem->count++;
-	PR_Unlock(sem->cvar->lock);
-#if DEBUG
-** Returns the value of the semaphore referenced by sem without affecting
-** the state of the semaphore.  The value represents the semaphore vaule
-** at the time of the call, but may not be the actual value when the
-** caller inspects it. (FOR DEBUGGING ONLY)
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRUintn) PR_GetValueSem(PRSemaphore *sem)
-	PRUintn rv;
-	rv = _PR_MD_GET_VALUE_SEM(&sem->md);
-	PR_Lock(sem->cvar->lock);
-	rv = sem->count;
-	PR_Unlock(sem->cvar->lock);
-	return rv;
diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prtpd.c b/nspr/pr/src/threads/prtpd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb2a01..0000000
--- a/nspr/pr/src/threads/prtpd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** Thread Private Data
-** There is an aribitrary limit on the number of keys that will be allocated
-** by the runtime. It's largish, so it is intended to be a sanity check, not
-** an impediment.
-** There is a counter, initialized to zero and incremented every time a
-** client asks for a new key, that holds the high water mark for keys. All
-** threads logically have the same high water mark and are permitted to
-** ask for TPD up to that key value.
-** The vector to hold the TPD are allocated when PR_SetThreadPrivate() is
-** called. The size of the vector will be some value greater than or equal
-** to the current high water mark. Each thread has its own TPD length and
-** vector.
-** Threads that get private data for keys they have not set (or perhaps
-** don't even exist for that thread) get a NULL return. If the key is
-** beyond the high water mark, an error will be returned.
-** As of this time, BeOS has its own TPD implementation.  Integrating
-** this standard one is a TODO for anyone with a bit of spare time on
-** their hand.  For now, we just #ifdef out this whole file and use
-** the routines in pr/src/btthreads/
-#ifndef XP_BEOS
-#include "primpl.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(WIN95)
-** Some local variables report warnings on Win95 because the code paths 
-** using them are conditioned on HAVE_CUSTOME_USER_THREADS.
-** The pragma suppresses the warning.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
-#define _PR_TPD_LIMIT 128               /* arbitary limit on the TPD slots */
-static PRInt32 _pr_tpd_length = 0;      /* current length of destructor vector */
-static PRInt32 _pr_tpd_highwater = 0;   /* next TPD key to be assigned */
-static PRThreadPrivateDTOR *_pr_tpd_destructors = NULL;
-                                        /* the destructors are associated with
-                                            the keys, therefore asserting that
-                                            the TPD key depicts the data's 'type' */
-** Initialize the thread private data manipulation
-void _PR_InitTPD(void)
-    _pr_tpd_destructors = (PRThreadPrivateDTOR*)
-        PR_CALLOC(_PR_TPD_LIMIT * sizeof(PRThreadPrivateDTOR*));
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_tpd_destructors);
-    _pr_tpd_length = _PR_TPD_LIMIT;
-** Clean up the thread private data manipulation
-void _PR_CleanupTPD(void)
-}  /* _PR_CleanupTPD */
-** This routine returns a new index for per-thread-private data table. 
-** The index is visible to all threads within a process. This index can 
-** be used with the PR_SetThreadPrivate() and PR_GetThreadPrivate() routines 
-** to save and retrieve data associated with the index for a thread.
-** The index independently maintains specific values for each binding thread. 
-** A thread can only get access to its own thread-specific-data.
-** Upon a new index return the value associated with the index for all threads
-** is NULL, and upon thread creation the value associated with all indices for 
-** that thread is NULL. 
-**     "dtor" is the destructor function to invoke when the private
-**       data is set or destroyed
-** Returns PR_FAILURE if the total number of indices will exceed the maximun 
-** allowed.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(
-    PRUintn *newIndex, PRThreadPrivateDTOR dtor)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    PRInt32 index;
-    if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != newIndex);
-    PR_ASSERT(NULL != _pr_tpd_destructors);
-    index = PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&_pr_tpd_highwater) - 1;  /* allocate index */
-    if (_PR_TPD_LIMIT <= index)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_TPD_RANGE_ERROR, 0);
-        rv = PR_FAILURE;  /* that's just wrong */
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        _pr_tpd_destructors[index] = dtor;  /* record destructor @index */
-        *newIndex = (PRUintn)index;  /* copy into client's location */
-        rv = PR_SUCCESS;  /* that's okay */
-    }
-    return rv;
-** Define some per-thread-private data.
-**     "index" is an index into the per-thread private data table
-**     "priv" is the per-thread-private data 
-** If the per-thread private data table has a previously registered
-** destructor function and a non-NULL per-thread-private data value,
-** the destructor function is invoked.
-** This can return PR_FAILURE if index is invalid (ie., beyond the limit
-** on the TPD slots) or memory is insufficient to allocate an expanded
-** vector.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetThreadPrivate(PRUintn index, void *priv)
-    PRThread *self = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    /*
-    ** To improve performance, we don't check if the index has been
-    ** allocated.
-    */
-    if (index >= _PR_TPD_LIMIT)
-    {
-        PR_SetError(PR_TPD_RANGE_ERROR, 0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(((NULL == self->privateData) && (0 == self->tpdLength))
-        || ((NULL != self->privateData) && (0 != self->tpdLength)));
-    /*
-    ** If this thread does not have a sufficient vector for the index
-    ** being set, go ahead and extend this vector now.
-    */
-    if ((NULL == self->privateData) || (self->tpdLength <= index))
-    {
-        void *extension = PR_CALLOC(_pr_tpd_length * sizeof(void*));
-        if (NULL == extension)
-        {
-            PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        if (self->privateData) {
-            (void)memcpy(
-                extension, self->privateData,
-                self->tpdLength * sizeof(void*));
-            PR_DELETE(self->privateData);
-        }
-        self->tpdLength = _pr_tpd_length;
-        self->privateData = (void**)extension;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** There wasn't much chance of having to call the destructor
-    ** unless the slot already existed.
-    */
-    else if (self->privateData[index] && _pr_tpd_destructors[index])
-    {
-        void *data = self->privateData[index];
-        self->privateData[index] = NULL;
-        (*_pr_tpd_destructors[index])(data);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(index < self->tpdLength);
-    self->privateData[index] = priv;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-** Recover the per-thread-private data for the current thread. "index" is
-** the index into the per-thread private data table. 
-** The returned value may be NULL which is indistinguishable from an error 
-** condition.
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void*) PR_GetThreadPrivate(PRUintn index)
-    PRThread *self = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    void *tpd = ((NULL == self->privateData) || (index >= self->tpdLength)) ?
-        NULL : self->privateData[index];
-    return tpd;
-** Destroy the thread's private data, if any exists. This is called at
-** thread termination time only. There should be no threading issues
-** since this is being called by the thread itself.
-void _PR_DestroyThreadPrivate(PRThread* self)
-    if (NULL != self->privateData)  /* we have some */
-    {
-        PRBool clean;
-        PRUint32 index;
-        PRInt32 passes = _PR_TPD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS;
-        PR_ASSERT(0 != self->tpdLength);
-        do
-        {
-            clean = PR_TRUE;
-            for (index = 0; index < self->tpdLength; ++index)
-            {
-                void *priv = self->privateData[index];  /* extract */
-                if (NULL != priv)  /* we have data at this index */
-                {
-                    if (NULL != _pr_tpd_destructors[index])
-                    {
-                        self->privateData[index] = NULL;  /* precondition */
-                        (*_pr_tpd_destructors[index])(priv);  /* destroy */
-                        clean = PR_FALSE;  /* unknown side effects */
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } while ((--passes > 0) && !clean);  /* limit # of passes */
-        /*
-        ** We give up after a fixed number of passes. Any non-NULL
-        ** thread-private data value with a registered destructor
-        ** function is not destroyed.
-        */
-        memset(self->privateData, 0, self->tpdLength * sizeof(void*));
-    }
-}  /* _PR_DestroyThreadPrivate */
-#endif /* !XP_BEOS */
diff --git a/nss.gyp b/nss.gyp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cc8316..0000000
--- a/nss.gyp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-  'target_defaults': {
-    'configurations': {
-      'Debug': {
-        'defines': [
-          'DEBUG',
-          '_DEBUG',
-        ],
-      },
-      'Release': {
-        'defines': [
-          'NDEBUG',
-        ],
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  'conditions': [
-    # To ensure no dependency on NSS is accidentally added to a BoringSSL port,
-    # define the NSS and NSPR targets conditionally.
-    ['use_openssl==0', {
-      'targets': [
-        {
-          'target_name': 'nspr',
-          'product_name': 'crnspr',
-          'type': '<(component)',
-          'sources': [
-            'nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c',
-            'nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h',
-            'nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h',
-            'nspr/lib/ds/plhash.c',
-            'nspr/lib/ds/plhash.h',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/include/plbase64.h',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/include/plerror.h',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/include/plgetopt.h',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/include/plstr.h',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/base64.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/plerror.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/plgetopt.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strcat.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strchr.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strcpy.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strdup.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strlen.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strpbrk.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strstr.c',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/src/strtok.c',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/prosdep.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.cfg',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_darwin.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_pcos.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_pth.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_unixos.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_unix_errors.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_win32_errors.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.cfg',
-            'nspr/pr/include/md/_win95.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/nspr.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/obsolete/pralarm.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/obsolete/probslet.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/obsolete/protypes.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/obsolete/prsem.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/pratom.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prbit.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prclist.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prcmon.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prcountr.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prcpucfg.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prcvar.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prdtoa.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prenv.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prerr.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prerror.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prinet.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prinit.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prinrval.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prio.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/pripcsem.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/private/pprio.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/private/pprmwait.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/private/pprthred.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/private/primpl.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/private/prpriv.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prlink.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prlock.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prlog.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prlong.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prmem.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prmon.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prmwait.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prnetdb.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prolock.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prpdce.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prprf.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prproces.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prrng.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prrwlock.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prshm.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prshma.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prsystem.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prthread.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prtime.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prtpool.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prtrace.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prtypes.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prvrsion.h',
-            'nspr/pr/include/prwin16.h',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prfdcach.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/priometh.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/pripv6.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prlog.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prmapopt.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prmmap.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prmwait.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prpolevt.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prscanf.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/io/prstdio.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/linking/prlink.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmalloc.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/malloc/prmem.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/prosdep.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/darwin.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin.s',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86.s',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86_64.s',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/unix_errors.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxproces.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxrng.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxshm.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxwrap.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/memory/prseg.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/memory/prshm.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/memory/prshma.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/pralarm.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/pratom.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/praton.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prcountr.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prdtoa.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prenv.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prerr.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prerror.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prerrortable.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prinit.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prinrval.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/pripc.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prlog2.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prnetdb.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prolock.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prrng.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prsystem.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prthinfo.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prtime.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prtpool.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/misc/prtrace.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptio.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptmisc.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptsynch.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/threads/prcmon.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/threads/prrwlock.c',
-            'nspr/pr/src/threads/prtpd.c',
-          ],
-          'defines': [
-            '_NSPR_BUILD_',
-            'FORCE_PR_LOG',
-          ],
-          'include_dirs': [
-            'nspr/pr/include',
-            'nspr/pr/include/private',
-            'nspr/lib/ds',
-            'nspr/lib/libc/include',
-          ],
-          'direct_dependent_settings': {
-            'defines': [
-              'NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT',
-            ],
-            'include_dirs': [
-              'nspr/pr/include',
-              'nspr/lib/ds',
-              'nspr/lib/libc/include',
-            ],
-          },
-          'variables': {
-            'clang_warning_flags': [
-              # nspr passes "const char*" through "void*".
-              '-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types',
-              # nspr passes "int*" through "unsigned int*".
-              '-Wno-pointer-sign',
-            ],
-            'clang_warning_flags_unset': [
-              # nspr uses assert(!"foo") instead of assert(false && "foo").
-              '-Wstring-conversion',
-            ],
-          },
-          'conditions': [
-            ['OS=="ios"', {
-              'defines': [
-                'XP_UNIX',
-                'DARWIN',
-                'XP_MACOSX',
-                '_PR_PTHREADS',
-                'HAVE_BSD_FLOCK',
-                'HAVE_DLADDR',
-                'HAVE_LCHOWN',
-                'HAVE_SOCKLEN_T',
-                'HAVE_STRERROR',
-              ],
-              'sources!': [
-                 # os_Darwin_x86.s and os_Darwin_x86_64.s are included by
-                 # os_Darwin.s.
-                 'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86.s',
-                 'nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_x86_64.s',
-              ],
-            }],
-            ['component == "static_library"', {
-              'defines': [
-                'NSPR_STATIC',
-              ],
-              'direct_dependent_settings': {
-                'defines': [
-                  'NSPR_STATIC',
-                ],
-              },
-            }],
-            ['clang==1', {
-              'xcode_settings': {
-                'WARNING_CFLAGS': [
-                  # nspr uses a bunch of deprecated functions (NSLinkModule etc) in
-                  # prlink.c on mac.
-                  '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
-                ],
-              },
-            }],
-          ],
-        },
-        {
-          'target_name': 'nss',
-          'product_name': 'crnss',
-          'type': '<(component)',
-          'dependencies': [
-            'nss_static',
-            'nssckbi',
-          ],
-          'export_dependent_settings': [
-            'nss_static',
-            'nssckbi',
-          ],
-          'sources': [
-            # Ensure at least one object file is produced, so that MSVC does not
-            # warn when creating the static/shared library. See the note for
-            # the 'nssckbi' target for why the 'nss' target was split as such.
-            'nss/lib/nss/nssver.c',
-          ],
-        },
-        {
-          # This is really more of a pseudo-target to work around the fact that
-          # a single static_library target cannot contain two object files of the
-          # same name (hash.o / hash.obj). Logically, this is part of the
-          # 'nss_static' target. By separating it out, it creates a possible
-          # circular dependency between 'nss_static' and 'nssckbi' when
-          # 'exclude_nss_root_certs' is not specified, as 'nss_static' depends on
-          # the 'builtinsC_GetFunctionList' exported by this target. This is an
-          # artifact of how NSS is being statically built, which is not an
-          # officially supported configuration - normally, 'nssckbi.dll/so' would
-          # depend on libnss3.dll/so, and the higher layer caller would instruct
-          # libnss3.dll to dynamically load nssckbi.dll, breaking the circle.
-          #
-          # TODO(rsleevi): - Break the circular dependency
-          # without requiring nssckbi to be built as a shared library.
-          'target_name': 'nssckbi',
-          'product_name': 'crnssckbi',
-          'type': 'static_library',
-          # This target is an implementation detail - the public dependencies
-          # should be on 'nss'.
-          'suppress_wildcard': 1,
-          'sources': [
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/anchor.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bfind.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/binst.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bobject.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bsession.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bslot.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/btoken.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/builtins.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/ckbiver.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/constants.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/ck.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/ckfw.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwm.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwtm.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/ckmd.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/ckt.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/crypto.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/find.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/hash.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/instance.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/mechanism.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/mutex.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckepv.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckft.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfw.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwc.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwt.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckg.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckmdt.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/nssckt.h',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/object.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/session.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/sessobj.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/slot.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/token.c',
-            'nss/lib/ckfw/wrap.c',
-          ],
-          'dependencies': [
-            'nss_static',
-          ],
-          'export_dependent_settings': [
-            'nss_static',
-          ],
-          'include_dirs': [
-            'nss/lib/ckfw',
-          ],
-          'direct_dependent_settings': {
-            'include_dirs': [
-              'nss/lib/ckfw/builtins',
-            ],
-          },
-        },
-        {
-          'target_name': 'nss_static',
-          'type': 'static_library',
-          # This target is an implementation detail - the public dependencies
-          # should be on 'nss'.
-          'suppress_wildcard': 1,
-          'sources': [
-            'nss/lib/base/arena.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/base.h',
-            'nss/lib/base/baset.h',
-            'nss/lib/base/error.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/errorval.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/hash.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/hashops.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/item.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/libc.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/list.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/nssbase.h',
-            'nss/lib/base/nssbaset.h',
-            'nss/lib/base/nssutf8.c',
-            'nss/lib/base/tracker.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/alg1485.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/cert.h',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certdb.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certdb.h',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certi.h',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certt.h',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certv3.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.h',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/crl.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/genname.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/genname.h',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/polcyxtn.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/secname.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/stanpcertdb.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/xauthkid.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/xbsconst.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/xconst.c',
-            'nss/lib/certdb/xconst.h',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/certhigh.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/certhtml.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/certreq.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/certvfypkix.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/crlv2.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.h',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/ocspi.h',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/ocspsig.c',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/ocspt.h',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/ocspti.h',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh/xcrldist.c',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptohi.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptoht.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/dsautil.c',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/key.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/keyhi.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/keyi.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/keyt.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/keythi.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.c',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.h',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/seckey.c',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/secsign.c',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi/secvfy.c',
-            'nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.c',
-            'nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.h',
-            'nss/lib/dev/dev.h',
-            'nss/lib/dev/devm.h',
-            'nss/lib/dev/devslot.c',
-            'nss/lib/dev/devt.h',
-            'nss/lib/dev/devtm.h',
-            'nss/lib/dev/devtoken.c',
-            'nss/lib/dev/devutil.c',
-            'nss/lib/dev/nssdev.h',
-            'nss/lib/dev/nssdevt.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/aeskeywrap.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/alg2268.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/arcfive.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/arcfour.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/blapi.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/blapii.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/blapit.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/camellia.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/camellia.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20_vec.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ctr.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ctr.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/cts.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/cts.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/des.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/des.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/desblapi.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/dh.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/drbg.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/dsa.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ec.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ec.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecdecode.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec2.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-curve.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-exp.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-priv.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_curve.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_gf.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_mult.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256_32.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_384.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_521.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_aff.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jac.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jm.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_mont.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec_naf.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/gcm.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/gcm.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/jpake.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/md2.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/md5.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/logtab.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpcpucache.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-config.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-priv.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm_mac.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpmontg.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m-priv.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/primes.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/nss_build_config_mac.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/poly1305-donna-x64-sse2-incremental-source.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/pqg.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/pqg.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/rawhash.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/rsapkcs.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/secmpi.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/secrng.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/seed.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/seed.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/sha256.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/sha512.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/shsign.h',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/sysrand.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/tlsprfalg.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/win_rand.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certsel.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certstore.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_checker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_crlsel.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_errorstrings.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_params.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_pki.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_system.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_results.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_revchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_sample_modules.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_util.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkixt.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_errpaths.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_error.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.h',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.c',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.h',
-            'nss/lib/nss/nss.h',
-            'nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c',
-            'nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.c',
-            'nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.h',
-            'nss/lib/nss/nssrenam.h',
-            'nss/lib/nss/utilwrap.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/debug_module.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11auth.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cert.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11err.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11func.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11kea.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11list.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11mech.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11merge.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11nobj.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11obj.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pbe.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pk12.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11priv.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pub.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11skey.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11util.c',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmod.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodi.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodt.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodti.h',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/secpkcs5.h',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/certread.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/p7common.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/p7create.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/p7decode.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/p7encode.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.h',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/pkcs7t.h',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.c',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.h',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7/secpkcs7.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/asymmkey.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/certdecode.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/certificate.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/cryptocontext.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/nsspki.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/nsspkit.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pki.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pkibase.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pkim.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pkistore.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pkistore.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pkit.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/pkitm.h',
-            'nss/lib/pki/symmkey.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/tdcache.c',
-            'nss/lib/pki/trustdomain.c',
-            'nss/lib/smime/cms.h',
-            'nss/lib/smime/cmslocal.h',
-            'nss/lib/smime/cmsreclist.h',
-            'nss/lib/smime/cmst.h',
-            'nss/lib/smime/smime.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/fipsaudt.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/fipstest.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/fipstokn.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/jpakesftk.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lowkey.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyi.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyti.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/padbuf.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11ni.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sdb.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sdb.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbt.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbti.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/softkver.c',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/softoken.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/softoknt.h',
-            'nss/lib/softoken/tlsprf.c',
-            'nss/lib/ssl/sslerr.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/SECerrs.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/base64.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/ciferfam.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/derdec.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/derenc.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/dersubr.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/dertime.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/errstrs.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/hasht.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssb64.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssb64d.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssb64e.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssb64t.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssilckt.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssilock.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssilock.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nsslocks.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssrwlkt.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/nssutil.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/oidstring.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs11.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs11f.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs11n.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs11p.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs11t.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs11u.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/portreg.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/portreg.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/quickder.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secalgid.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secasn1.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secasn1d.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secasn1e.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secasn1t.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secasn1u.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/seccomon.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secder.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secdert.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secdig.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secdig.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secdigt.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secerr.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secitem.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secitem.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secoid.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secoid.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secoidt.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/secport.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/secport.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/sectime.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/templates.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/utf8.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/utilmod.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/utilmodt.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/utilpars.c',
-            'nss/lib/util/utilpars.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/utilparst.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/utilrename.h',
-            'nss/lib/util/verref.h',
-          ],
-          'sources!': [
-            # mpi_arm.c is included by mpi_arm_mac.c.
-            # NOTE: mpi_arm.c can be used directly on Linux. mpi_arm.c will need
-            # to be excluded conditionally if we start to build NSS on Linux.
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm.c',
-            # primes.c is included by mpprime.c.
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi/primes.c',
-            # unix_rand.c and win_rand.c are included by sysrand.c.
-            'nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/win_rand.c',
-            # debug_module.c is included by pk11load.c.
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap/debug_module.c',
-          ],
-          'dependencies': [
-            'nspr',
-            '../sqlite/sqlite.gyp:sqlite',
-          ],
-          'export_dependent_settings': [
-            'nspr',
-          ],
-          'defines': [
-            'MP_API_COMPATIBLE',
-            'NSS_DISABLE_DBM',
-            'NSS_STATIC',
-            'NSS_USE_STATIC_LIBS',
-            'SHLIB_VERSION=\"3\"',
-            'SOFTOKEN_SHLIB_VERSION=\"3\"',
-            'USE_UTIL_DIRECTLY',
-            'NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP',
-          ],
-          'include_dirs': [
-            'nss/lib/base',
-            'nss/lib/certdb',
-            'nss/lib/certhigh',
-            'nss/lib/cryptohi',
-            'nss/lib/dev',
-            'nss/lib/freebl',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/ecl',
-            'nss/lib/freebl/mpi',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/include',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki',
-            'nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system',
-            'nss/lib/nss',
-            'nss/lib/pk11wrap',
-            'nss/lib/pkcs7',
-            'nss/lib/pki',
-            'nss/lib/smime',
-            'nss/lib/softoken',
-            'nss/lib/ssl',
-            'nss/lib/util',
-          ],
-          'direct_dependent_settings': {
-            'defines': [
-              'NSS_STATIC',
-              'NSS_USE_STATIC_LIBS',
-              'USE_UTIL_DIRECTLY',
-            ],
-            'include_dirs': [
-              'nspr/pr/include',
-              'nspr/lib/ds',
-              'nspr/lib/libc/include',
-              'nss/lib/base',
-              'nss/lib/certdb',
-              'nss/lib/certhigh',
-              'nss/lib/cryptohi',
-              'nss/lib/dev',
-              'nss/lib/freebl',
-              'nss/lib/freebl/ecl',
-              'nss/lib/nss',
-              'nss/lib/pk11wrap',
-              'nss/lib/pkcs7',
-              'nss/lib/pki',
-              'nss/lib/smime',
-              'nss/lib/softoken',
-              'nss/lib/util',
-            ],
-          },
-          'variables': {
-            'clang_warning_flags': [
-              # nss doesn't explicitly cast between different enum types.
-              '-Wno-conversion',
-              # nss passes "const char*" through "void*".
-              '-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types',
-              # nss prefers `a && b || c` over `(a && b) || c`.
-              '-Wno-logical-op-parentheses',
-              # nss doesn't use exhaustive switches on enums
-              '-Wno-switch',
-              # nss has some `unsigned < 0` checks.
-              '-Wno-tautological-compare',
-              # nss-urandom-abort.patch removed the only call to
-              # rng_systemFromNoise
-              '-Wno-unused-function',
-            ],
-          },
-          'conditions': [
-            ['target_arch=="x64" and OS!="win"', {
-              'sources!': [
-                'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.c',
-                'nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.c',
-                ],
-            }, { # else: target_arch!="x64" or OS=="win"
-              'sources!': [
-                'nss/lib/freebl/chacha20_vec.c',
-                'nss/lib/freebl/poly1305-donna-x64-sse2-incremental-source.c',
-                ],
-            }],
-            ['OS=="ios"', {
-              'defines': [
-                'XP_UNIX',
-                'DARWIN',
-                'HAVE_STRERROR',
-                'HAVE_BSD_FLOCK',
-                'SHLIB_SUFFIX=\"dylib\"',
-                'SHLIB_PREFIX=\"lib\"',
-                'SOFTOKEN_LIB_NAME=\"libsoftokn3.dylib\"',
-              ],
-              'variables': {
-                'forced_include_file': 'nss_build_config_mac.h',
-              },
-              'xcode_settings': {
-                'conditions': [
-                  ['component == "shared_library"', {
-                    'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO',  # no -fvisibility=hidden
-                  }],
-                ],
-                # Define processor architecture specific macros in
-                # <(forced_include_file).
-                'OTHER_CFLAGS': [
-                  '-include', '<(forced_include_file)',
-                ],
-              },
-            }],
-          ],
-        },
-      ],
-    }],
-  ],
diff --git a/nss/COPYING b/nss/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 212af5b..0000000
--- a/nss/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-NSS is available under the Mozilla Public License, version 2, a copy of which
-is below.
-Note on GPL Compatibility
-The MPL 2, section 3.3, permits you to combine NSS with code under the GNU
-General Public License (GPL) version 2, or any later version of that
-license, to make a Larger Work, and distribute the result under the GPL.
-The only condition is that you must also make NSS, and any changes you
-have made to it, available to recipients under the terms of the MPL 2 also.
-Anyone who receives the combined code from you does not have to continue
-to dual licence in this way, and may, if they wish, distribute under the
-terms of either of the two licences - either the MPL alone or the GPL
-alone. However, we discourage people from distributing copies of NSS under
-the GPL alone, because it means that any improvements they make cannot be
-reincorporated into the main version of NSS. There is never a need to do
-this for license compatibility reasons.
-Note on LGPL Compatibility
-The above also applies to combining MPLed code in a single library with
-code under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1, or
-any later version of that license. If the LGPLed code and the MPLed code
-are not in the same library, then the copyleft coverage of the two
-licences does not overlap, so no issues arise.
-Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
-1. Definitions
-1.1. "Contributor"
-    means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
-    the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
-1.2. "Contributor Version"
-    means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
-    by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
-1.3. "Contribution"
-    means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
-1.4. "Covered Software"
-    means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
-    the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
-    Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
-    including portions thereof.
-1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
-    means
-    (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
-        in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
-    (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
-        version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
-        terms of a Secondary License.
-1.6. "Executable Form"
-    means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
-1.7. "Larger Work"
-    means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in 
-    a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
-1.8. "License"
-    means this document.
-1.9. "Licensable"
-    means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
-    whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
-    all of the rights conveyed by this License.
-1.10. "Modifications"
-    means any of the following:
-    (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
-        deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
-        Software; or
-    (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
-        Software.
-1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
-    means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
-    process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
-    Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
-    License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
-    made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
-    Contributor Version.
-1.12. "Secondary License"
-    means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
-    Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
-    Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
-    licenses.
-1.13. "Source Code Form"
-    means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
-1.14. "You" (or "Your")
-    means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
-    License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
-    controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
-    purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
-    or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
-    whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
-    fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
-    ownership of such entity.
-2. License Grants and Conditions
-2.1. Grants
-Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
-non-exclusive license:
-(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
-    Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
-    modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
-    Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
-    as part of a Larger Work; and
-(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
-    for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
-    Contributions or its Contributor Version.
-2.2. Effective Date
-The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
-become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
-distributes such Contribution.
-2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
-The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
-this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
-distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
-Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
-(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
-    or
-(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
-    modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
-    Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
-    Version); or
-(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
-    its Contributions.
-This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
-or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
-the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
-2.4. Subsequent Licenses
-No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
-distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
-License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
-permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
-2.5. Representation
-Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
-Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
-to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
-2.6. Fair Use
-This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
-applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
-2.7. Conditions
-Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
-in Section 2.1.
-3. Responsibilities
-3.1. Distribution of Source Form
-All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
-Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
-the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
-Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
-License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
-attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
-3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
-If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
-(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
-    Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
-    the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
-    Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
-    than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
-(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
-    License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
-    license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
-    the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
-3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
-You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
-provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
-the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
-Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
-Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
-License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
-under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
-the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
-Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
-3.4. Notices
-You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
-(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
-or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
-the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
-the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
-3.5. Application of Additional Terms
-You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
-indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
-Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
-behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
-such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
-You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
-liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
-indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
-disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
-4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
-If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
-License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
-statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
-the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
-describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
-be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
-Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
-or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
-recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
-5. Termination
-5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
-if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
-compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
-Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
-Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
-ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
-non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
-come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
-Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
-notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
-first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
-from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
-Your receipt of the notice.
-5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
-infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
-counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
-directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
-You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
-2.1 of this License shall terminate.
-5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
-end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
-have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
-prior to termination shall survive termination.
-*                                                                      *
-*  6. Disclaimer of Warranty                                           *
-*  -------------------------                                           *
-*                                                                      *
-*  Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is"       *
-*  basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or  *
-*  statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the       *
-*  Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a        *
-*  particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the     *
-*  quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You.        *
-*  Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You     *
-*  (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,   *
-*  repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an   *
-*  essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is   *
-*  authorized under this License except under this disclaimer.         *
-*                                                                      *
-*                                                                      *
-*  7. Limitation of Liability                                          *
-*  --------------------------                                          *
-*                                                                      *
-*  Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort      *
-*  (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any           *
-*  Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as          *
-*  permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect,         *
-*  special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character      *
-*  including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of    *
-*  goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any    *
-*  and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party      *
-*  shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This   *
-*  limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or   *
-*  personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the       *
-*  extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some               *
-*  jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of           *
-*  incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and          *
-*  limitation may not apply to You.                                    *
-*                                                                      *
-8. Litigation
-Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
-courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
-place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
-jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
-Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
-cross-claims or counter-claims.
-9. Miscellaneous
-This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
-matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
-unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
-necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
-that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
-shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
-10. Versions of the License
-10.1. New Versions
-Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
-10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
-publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
-distinguishing version number.
-10.2. Effect of New Versions
-You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
-of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
-or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
-10.3. Modified Versions
-If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
-create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
-modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
-any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
-such modified license differs from this License).
-10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
-If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
-Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
-notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
-Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
-  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-  file, You can obtain one at
-If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
-file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
-file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
-for such a notice.
-You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
-Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
-  This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
-  defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/arena.c b/nss/lib/base/arena.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b8e6464..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/arena.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1143 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * arena.c
- *
- * This contains the implementation of NSS's thread-safe arenas.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#include "prthread.h"
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include <string.h>
- * NSSArena
- *
- * This is based on NSPR's arena code, but it is threadsafe.
- *
- * The public methods relating to this type are:
- *
- *  NSSArena_Create  -- constructor
- *  NSSArena_Destroy
- *  NSS_ZAlloc
- *  NSS_ZRealloc
- *  NSS_ZFreeIf
- *
- * The nonpublic methods relating to this type are:
- *
- *  nssArena_Create  -- constructor
- *  nssArena_Destroy
- *  nssArena_Mark
- *  nssArena_Release
- *  nssArena_Unmark
- *
- *  nss_ZAlloc
- *  nss_ZFreeIf
- *  nss_ZRealloc
- *
- * In debug builds, the following calls are available:
- *
- *  nssArena_verifyPointer
- *  nssArena_registerDestructor
- *  nssArena_deregisterDestructor
- */
-struct NSSArenaStr {
-    PLArenaPool pool;
-    PRLock *lock;
-    PRThread *marking_thread;
-    nssArenaMark *first_mark;
-    nssArenaMark *last_mark;
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-    struct arena_destructor_node *first_destructor;
-    struct arena_destructor_node *last_destructor;
- * nssArenaMark
- *
- * This type is used to mark the current state of an NSSArena.
- */
-struct nssArenaMarkStr {
-    PRUint32 magic;
-    void *mark;
-    nssArenaMark *next;
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-    struct arena_destructor_node *next_destructor;
-    struct arena_destructor_node *prev_destructor;
-#define MARK_MAGIC 0x4d41524b /* "MARK" how original */
- * But first, the pointer-tracking code
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static nssPointerTracker arena_pointer_tracker;
-static PRStatus
-arena_add_pointer(const NSSArena *arena)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    rv = nssPointerTracker_initialize(&arena_pointer_tracker);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    rv = nssPointerTracker_add(&arena_pointer_tracker, arena);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-        NSSError e = NSS_GetError();
-        if (NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY != e) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-        }
-        return rv;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-arena_remove_pointer(const NSSArena *arena)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    rv = nssPointerTracker_remove(&arena_pointer_tracker, arena);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * nssArena_verifyPointer
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * If the specified pointer is a valid pointer to an NSSArena object,
- * this routine will return PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it will put an
- * error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_SUCCESS if the pointer is valid
- *  PR_FAILURE if it isn't
- */
-nssArena_verifyPointer(const NSSArena *arena)
-    PRStatus rv;
-    rv = nssPointerTracker_initialize(&arena_pointer_tracker);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-        /*
-         * This is a little disingenious.  We have to initialize the
-         * tracker, because someone could "legitimately" try to verify
-         * an arena pointer before one is ever created.  And this step
-         * might fail, due to lack of memory.  But the only way that
-         * this step can fail is if it's doing the call_once stuff,
-         * (later calls just no-op).  And if it didn't no-op, there
-         * aren't any valid arenas.. so the argument certainly isn't one.
-         */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    rv = nssPointerTracker_verify(&arena_pointer_tracker, arena);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-struct arena_destructor_node {
-    struct arena_destructor_node *next;
-    struct arena_destructor_node *prev;
-    void (*destructor)(void *argument);
-    void *arg;
- * nssArena_registerDestructor
- *
- * This routine stores a pointer to a callback and an arbitrary
- * pointer-sized argument in the arena, at the current point in
- * the mark stack.  If the arena is destroyed, or an "earlier"
- * mark is released, then this destructor will be called at that
- * time.  Note that the destructor will be called with the arena
- * locked, which means the destructor may free memory in that
- * arena, but it may not allocate or cause to be allocated any
- * memory.  This callback facility was included to support our
- * debug-version pointer-tracker feature; overuse runs counter to
- * the the original intent of arenas.  This routine returns a
- * PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If
- * unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and
- * return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssArena_registerDestructor(NSSArena *arena, void (*destructor)(void *argument),
-                            void *arg)
-    struct arena_destructor_node *it;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    it = nss_ZNEW(arena, struct arena_destructor_node);
-    if ((struct arena_destructor_node *)NULL == it) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    it->prev = arena->last_destructor;
-    arena->last_destructor->next = it;
-    arena->last_destructor = it;
-    it->destructor = destructor;
-    it->arg = arg;
-    if ((nssArenaMark *)NULL != arena->last_mark) {
-        arena->last_mark->prev_destructor = it->prev;
-        arena->last_mark->next_destructor = it->next;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssArena_deregisterDestructor(NSSArena *arena,
-                              void (*destructor)(void *argument), void *arg)
-    struct arena_destructor_node *it;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    for (it = arena->first_destructor; it; it = it->next) {
-        if ((it->destructor == destructor) && (it->arg == arg)) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((struct arena_destructor_node *)NULL == it) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (it == arena->first_destructor) {
-        arena->first_destructor = it->next;
-    }
-    if (it == arena->last_destructor) {
-        arena->last_destructor = it->prev;
-    }
-    if ((struct arena_destructor_node *)NULL != it->prev) {
-        it->prev->next = it->next;
-    }
-    if ((struct arena_destructor_node *)NULL != it->next) {
-        it->next->prev = it->prev;
-    }
-    {
-        nssArenaMark *m;
-        for (m = arena->first_mark; m; m = m->next) {
-            if (m->next_destructor == it) {
-                m->next_destructor = it->next;
-            }
-            if (m->prev_destructor == it) {
-                m->prev_destructor = it->prev;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(it);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static void
-nss_arena_call_destructor_chain(struct arena_destructor_node *it)
-    for (; it; it = it->next) {
-        (*(it->destructor))(it->arg);
-    }
- * NSSArena_Create
- *
- * This routine creates a new memory arena.  This routine may return
- * NULL upon error, in which case it will have created an error stack.
- *
- * The top-level error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to an NSSArena upon success
- */
-    nss_ClearErrorStack();
-    return nssArena_Create();
- * nssArena_Create
- *
- * This routine creates a new memory arena.  This routine may return
- * NULL upon error, in which case it will have set an error on the
- * error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to an NSSArena upon success
- */
-    NSSArena *rv = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    rv = nss_ZNEW((NSSArena *)NULL, NSSArena);
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL == rv) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    rv->lock = PR_NewLock();
-    if ((PRLock *)NULL == rv->lock) {
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Arena sizes.  The current security code has 229 occurrences of
-     * PORT_NewArena.  The default chunksizes specified break down as
-     *
-     *  Size    Mult.   Specified as
-     *   512       1    512
-     *  1024       7    1024
-     *  2048       5    2048
-     *  2048       5    CRMF_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE
-     *  2048     190    DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE
-     *  2048      20    SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE
-     *  4096       1    4096
-     *
-     * Obviously this "default chunksize" flexibility isn't very
-     * useful to us, so I'll just pick 2048.
-     */
-    PL_InitArenaPool(&rv->pool, "NSS", 2048, sizeof(double));
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    {
-        PRStatus st;
-        st = arena_add_pointer(rv);
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != st) {
-            PL_FinishArenaPool(&rv->pool);
-            PR_DestroyLock(rv->lock);
-            (void)nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-            return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return rv;
- * NSSArena_Destroy
- *
- * This routine will destroy the specified arena, freeing all memory
- * allocated from it.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will
- * create an error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The top-level error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_SUCCESS upon success
- *  PR_FAILURE upon failure
- */
-NSSArena_Destroy(NSSArena *arena)
-    nss_ClearErrorStack();
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssArena_Destroy(arena);
- * nssArena_Destroy
- *
- * This routine will destroy the specified arena, freeing all memory
- * allocated from it.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will
- * set an error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssArena_Destroy(NSSArena *arena)
-    PRLock *lock;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((PRLock *)NULL == arena->lock) {
-        /* Just got destroyed */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(arena->lock);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != arena_remove_pointer(arena)) {
-        PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    /* Note that the arena is locked at this time */
-    nss_arena_call_destructor_chain(arena->first_destructor);
-    PL_FinishArenaPool(&arena->pool);
-    lock = arena->lock;
-    arena->lock = (PRLock *)NULL;
-    PR_Unlock(lock);
-    PR_DestroyLock(lock);
-    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(arena);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static void *nss_zalloc_arena_locked(NSSArena *arena, PRUint32 size);
- * nssArena_Mark
- *
- * This routine "marks" the current state of an arena.  Space
- * allocated after the arena has been marked can be freed by
- * releasing the arena back to the mark with nssArena_Release,
- * or committed by calling nssArena_Unmark.  When successful,
- * this routine returns a valid nssArenaMark pointer.  This
- * routine may return NULL upon error, in which case it will
- * have set an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon failure
- *  An nssArenaMark pointer upon success
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssArenaMark *
-nssArena_Mark(NSSArena *arena)
-    nssArenaMark *rv;
-    void *p;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        return (nssArenaMark *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((PRLock *)NULL == arena->lock) {
-        /* Just got destroyed */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA);
-        return (nssArenaMark *)NULL;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(arena->lock);
-    if ((PRThread *)NULL == arena->marking_thread) {
-        /* Unmarked.  Store our thread ID */
-        arena->marking_thread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-        /* This call never fails. */
-    } else {
-        /* Marked.  Verify it's the current thread */
-        if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != arena->marking_thread) {
-            PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-            return (nssArenaMark *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-    p = PL_ARENA_MARK(&arena->pool);
-    /* No error possible */
-    /* Do this after the mark */
-    rv = (nssArenaMark *)nss_zalloc_arena_locked(arena, sizeof(nssArenaMark));
-    if ((nssArenaMark *)NULL == rv) {
-        PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (nssArenaMark *)NULL;
-    }
-    if ((nssArenaMark *)NULL == arena->first_mark) {
-        arena->first_mark = rv;
-        arena->last_mark = rv;
-    } else {
-        arena->last_mark->next = rv;
-        arena->last_mark = rv;
-    }
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-    rv->mark = p;
-    rv->magic = MARK_MAGIC;
-    rv->prev_destructor = arena->last_destructor;
-    PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-    return rv;
- * nss_arena_unmark_release
- *
- * This static routine implements the routines nssArena_Release
- * ans nssArena_Unmark, which are almost identical.
- */
-static PRStatus
-nss_arena_unmark_release(NSSArena *arena, nssArenaMark *arenaMark,
-                         PRBool release)
-    void *inner_mark;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (MARK_MAGIC != arenaMark->magic) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA_MARK);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((PRLock *)NULL == arena->lock) {
-        /* Just got destroyed */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(arena->lock);
-    if ((PRThread *)NULL != arena->marking_thread) {
-        if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != arena->marking_thread) {
-            PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-    if (MARK_MAGIC != arenaMark->magic) {
-        /* Just got released */
-        PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA_MARK);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    arenaMark->magic = 0;
-    inner_mark = arenaMark->mark;
-    {
-        nssArenaMark **pMark = &arena->first_mark;
-        nssArenaMark *rest;
-        nssArenaMark *last = (nssArenaMark *)NULL;
-        /* Find this mark */
-        while (*pMark != arenaMark) {
-            last = *pMark;
-            pMark = &(*pMark)->next;
-        }
-        /* Remember the pointer, then zero it */
-        rest = (*pMark)->next;
-        *pMark = (nssArenaMark *)NULL;
-        arena->last_mark = last;
-        /* Invalidate any later marks being implicitly released */
-        for (; (nssArenaMark *)NULL != rest; rest = rest->next) {
-            rest->magic = 0;
-        }
-        /* If we just got rid of the first mark, clear the thread ID */
-        if ((nssArenaMark *)NULL == arena->first_mark) {
-            arena->marking_thread = (PRThread *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-    if (release) {
-        if ((struct arena_destructor_node *)NULL !=
-            arenaMark->prev_destructor) {
-            arenaMark->prev_destructor->next =
-                (struct arena_destructor_node *)NULL;
-        }
-        arena->last_destructor = arenaMark->prev_destructor;
-        /* Note that the arena is locked at this time */
-        nss_arena_call_destructor_chain(arenaMark->next_destructor);
-        PL_ARENA_RELEASE(&arena->pool, inner_mark);
-        /* No error return */
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * nssArena_Release
- *
- * This routine invalidates and releases all memory allocated from
- * the specified arena after the point at which the specified mark
- * was obtained.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if successful,
- * it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will set an error
- * on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssArena_Release(NSSArena *arena, nssArenaMark *arenaMark)
-    return nss_arena_unmark_release(arena, arenaMark, PR_TRUE);
- * nssArena_Unmark
- *
- * This routine "commits" the indicated mark and any marks after
- * it, making them unreleasable.  Note that any earlier marks can
- * still be released, and such a release will invalidate these
- * later unmarked regions.  If an arena is to be safely shared by
- * more than one thread, all marks must be either released or
- * unmarked.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if successful,
- * it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will set an error
- * on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssArena_Unmark(NSSArena *arena, nssArenaMark *arenaMark)
-    return nss_arena_unmark_release(arena, arenaMark, PR_FALSE);
- * We prefix this header to all allocated blocks.  It is a multiple
- * of the alignment size.  Note that this usage of a header may make
- * purify spew bogus warnings about "potentially leaked blocks" of
- * memory; if that gets too annoying we can add in a pointer to the
- * header in the header itself.  There's not a lot of safety here;
- * maybe we should add a magic value?
- */
-struct pointer_header {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PRUint32 size;
-static void *
-nss_zalloc_arena_locked(NSSArena *arena, PRUint32 size)
-    void *p;
-    void *rv;
-    struct pointer_header *h;
-    PRUint32 my_size = size + sizeof(struct pointer_header);
-    PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(p, &arena->pool, my_size);
-    if ((void *)NULL == p) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Do this before we unlock.  This way if the user is using
-     * an arena in one thread while destroying it in another, he'll
-     * fault/FMR in his code, not ours.
-     */
-    h = (struct pointer_header *)p;
-    h->arena = arena;
-    h->size = size;
-    rv = (void *)((char *)h + sizeof(struct pointer_header));
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(rv, 0, size);
-    return rv;
- * NSS_ZAlloc
- *
- * This routine allocates and zeroes a section of memory of the
- * size, and returns to the caller a pointer to that memory.  If
- * the optional arena argument is non-null, the memory will be
- * obtained from that arena; otherwise, the memory will be obtained
- * from the heap.  This routine may return NULL upon error, in
- * which case it will have set an error upon the error stack.  The
- * value specified for size may be zero; in which case a valid
- * zero-length block of memory will be allocated.  This block may
- * be expanded by calling NSS_ZRealloc.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-NSS_ZAlloc(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 size)
-    return nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, size);
- * nss_ZAlloc
- *
- * This routine allocates and zeroes a section of memory of the
- * size, and returns to the caller a pointer to that memory.  If
- * the optional arena argument is non-null, the memory will be
- * obtained from that arena; otherwise, the memory will be obtained
- * from the heap.  This routine may return NULL upon error, in
- * which case it will have set an error upon the error stack.  The
- * value specified for size may be zero; in which case a valid
- * zero-length block of memory will be allocated.  This block may
- * be expanded by calling nss_ZRealloc.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-nss_ZAlloc(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 size)
-    struct pointer_header *h;
-    PRUint32 my_size = size + sizeof(struct pointer_header);
-    if (my_size < sizeof(struct pointer_header)) {
-        /* Wrapped */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL == arenaOpt) {
-        /* Heap allocation, no locking required. */
-        h = (struct pointer_header *)PR_Calloc(1, my_size);
-        if ((struct pointer_header *)NULL == h) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-        h->arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-        h->size = size;
-        /* We used calloc: it's already zeroed */
-        return (void *)((char *)h + sizeof(struct pointer_header));
-    } else {
-        void *rv;
-/* Arena allocation */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-        if ((PRLock *)NULL == arenaOpt->lock) {
-            /* Just got destroyed */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA);
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-        PR_Lock(arenaOpt->lock);
-        if ((PRThread *)NULL != arenaOpt->marking_thread) {
-            if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != arenaOpt->marking_thread) {
-                nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_ARENA_MARKED_BY_ANOTHER_THREAD);
-                PR_Unlock(arenaOpt->lock);
-                return (void *)NULL;
-            }
-        }
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-        rv = nss_zalloc_arena_locked(arenaOpt, size);
-        PR_Unlock(arenaOpt->lock);
-        return rv;
-    }
- * NSS_ZFreeIf
- *
- * If the specified pointer is non-null, then the region of memory
- * to which it points -- which must have been allocated with
- * NSS_ZAlloc -- will be zeroed and released.  This routine
- * returns a PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.
- * If unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and return
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_ZFreeIf(void *pointer)
-    return nss_ZFreeIf(pointer);
- * nss_ZFreeIf
- *
- * If the specified pointer is non-null, then the region of memory
- * to which it points -- which must have been allocated with
- * nss_ZAlloc -- will be zeroed and released.  This routine
- * returns a PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.
- * If unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and return
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nss_ZFreeIf(void *pointer)
-    struct pointer_header *h;
-    if ((void *)NULL == pointer) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    h = (struct pointer_header *)((char *)pointer -
-                                  sizeof(struct pointer_header));
-    /* Check any magic here */
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL == h->arena) {
-        /* Heap */
-        (void)nsslibc_memset(pointer, 0, h->size);
-        PR_Free(h);
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-/* Arena */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(h->arena)) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-        if ((PRLock *)NULL == h->arena->lock) {
-            /* Just got destroyed.. so this pointer is invalid */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        PR_Lock(h->arena->lock);
-        (void)nsslibc_memset(pointer, 0, h->size);
-        /* No way to "free" it within an NSPR arena. */
-        PR_Unlock(h->arena->lock);
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
- * NSS_ZRealloc
- *
- * This routine reallocates a block of memory obtained by calling
- * nss_ZAlloc or nss_ZRealloc.  The portion of memory
- * between the new and old sizes -- which is either being newly
- * obtained or released -- is in either case zeroed.  This routine
- * may return NULL upon failure, in which case it will have placed
- * an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the replacement segment of memory
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *
-NSS_ZRealloc(void *pointer, PRUint32 newSize)
-    return nss_ZRealloc(pointer, newSize);
- * nss_ZRealloc
- *
- * This routine reallocates a block of memory obtained by calling
- * nss_ZAlloc or nss_ZRealloc.  The portion of memory
- * between the new and old sizes -- which is either being newly
- * obtained or released -- is in either case zeroed.  This routine
- * may return NULL upon failure, in which case it will have placed
- * an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the replacement segment of memory
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *
-nss_ZRealloc(void *pointer, PRUint32 newSize)
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    struct pointer_header *h, *new_h;
-    PRUint32 my_newSize = newSize + sizeof(struct pointer_header);
-    void *rv;
-    if (my_newSize < sizeof(struct pointer_header)) {
-        /* Wrapped */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-    if ((void *)NULL == pointer) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-    h = (struct pointer_header *)((char *)pointer -
-                                  sizeof(struct pointer_header));
-    /* Check any magic here */
-    if (newSize == h->size) {
-        /* saves thrashing */
-        return pointer;
-    }
-    arena = h->arena;
-    if (!arena) {
-        /* Heap */
-        new_h = (struct pointer_header *)PR_Calloc(1, my_newSize);
-        if ((struct pointer_header *)NULL == new_h) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-        new_h->arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-        new_h->size = newSize;
-        rv = (void *)((char *)new_h + sizeof(struct pointer_header));
-        if (newSize > h->size) {
-            (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv, pointer, h->size);
-            (void)nsslibc_memset(&((char *)rv)[h->size], 0,
-                                 (newSize - h->size));
-        } else {
-            (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv, pointer, newSize);
-        }
-        (void)nsslibc_memset(pointer, 0, h->size);
-        h->size = 0;
-        PR_Free(h);
-        return rv;
-    } else {
-        void *p;
-/* Arena */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-        if (!arena->lock) {
-            /* Just got destroyed.. so this pointer is invalid */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-        PR_Lock(arena->lock);
-        if (arena->marking_thread) {
-            if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != arena->marking_thread) {
-                PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-                nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_ARENA_MARKED_BY_ANOTHER_THREAD);
-                return (void *)NULL;
-            }
-        }
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-        if (newSize < h->size) {
-            /*
-             * We have no general way of returning memory to the arena
-             * (mark/release doesn't work because things may have been
-             * allocated after this object), so the memory is gone
-             * anyway.  We might as well just return the same pointer to
-             * the user, saying "yeah, uh-hunh, you can only use less of
-             * it now."  We'll zero the leftover part, of course.  And
-             * in fact we might as well *not* adjust h->size-- this way,
-             * if the user reallocs back up to something not greater than
-             * the original size, then voila, there's the memory!  This
-             * way a thrash big/small/big/small doesn't burn up the arena.
-             */
-            char *extra = &((char *)pointer)[newSize];
-            (void)nsslibc_memset(extra, 0, (h->size - newSize));
-            PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-            return pointer;
-        }
-        PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(p, &arena->pool, my_newSize);
-        if ((void *)NULL == p) {
-            PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-        new_h = (struct pointer_header *)p;
-        new_h->arena = arena;
-        new_h->size = newSize;
-        rv = (void *)((char *)new_h + sizeof(struct pointer_header));
-        if (rv != pointer) {
-            (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv, pointer, h->size);
-            (void)nsslibc_memset(pointer, 0, h->size);
-        }
-        (void)nsslibc_memset(&((char *)rv)[h->size], 0, (newSize - h->size));
-        h->arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-        h->size = 0;
-        PR_Unlock(arena->lock);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    rv = nssPointerTracker_finalize(&arena_pointer_tracker);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/base.h b/nss/lib/base/base.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d8a1ba..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/base.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1106 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#define BASE_H
- * base.h
- *
- * This header file contains basic prototypes and preprocessor
- * definitions used throughout nss but not available publicly.
- */
-#ifndef BASET_H
-#include "baset.h"
-#endif /* BASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSBASE_H
-#include "nssbase.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASE_H */
-#include "plhash.h"
- * NSSArena
- *
- * The nonpublic methods relating to this type are:
- *
- *  nssArena_Create  -- constructor
- *  nssArena_Destroy
- *  nssArena_Mark
- *  nssArena_Release
- *  nssArena_Unmark
- *
- *  nss_ZAlloc
- *  nss_ZFreeIf
- *  nss_ZRealloc
- *
- * Additionally, there are some preprocessor macros:
- *
- *  nss_ZNEW
- *  nss_ZNEWARRAY
- *
- * In debug builds, the following calls are available:
- *
- *  nssArena_verifyPointer
- *  nssArena_registerDestructor
- *  nssArena_deregisterDestructor
- *
- * The following preprocessor macro is also always available:
- *
- *
- * A constant PLHashAllocOps structure is available for users
- * of the NSPL PLHashTable routines.
- *
- *  nssArenaHashAllocOps
- */
- * nssArena_Create
- *
- * This routine creates a new memory arena.  This routine may return
- * NULL upon error, in which case it will have set an error on the
- * error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to an NSSArena upon success
- */
- * XXX fgmr
- * Arenas can be named upon creation; this is mostly of use when
- * debugging.  Should we expose that here, allowing an optional
- * "const char *name" argument?  Should the public version of this
- * call (NSSArena_Create) have it too?
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSArena *nssArena_Create(void);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
- * nssArena_Destroy
- *
- * This routine will destroy the specified arena, freeing all memory
- * allocated from it.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will
- * set an error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssArena_Destroy(NSSArena *arena);
- * nssArena_Mark
- *
- * This routine "marks" the current state of an arena.  Space
- * allocated after the arena has been marked can be freed by
- * releasing the arena back to the mark with nssArena_Release,
- * or committed by calling nssArena_Unmark.  When successful,
- * this routine returns a valid nssArenaMark pointer.  This
- * routine may return NULL upon error, in which case it will
- * have set an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon failure
- *  An nssArenaMark pointer upon success
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssArenaMark *nssArena_Mark(NSSArena *arena);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
- * nssArena_Release
- *
- * This routine invalidates and releases all memory allocated from
- * the specified arena after the point at which the specified mark
- * was obtained.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if successful,
- * it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will set an error
- * on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssArena_Release(NSSArena *arena, nssArenaMark *arenaMark);
- * nssArena_Unmark
- *
- * This routine "commits" the indicated mark and any marks after
- * it, making them unreleasable.  Note that any earlier marks can
- * still be released, and such a release will invalidate these
- * later unmarked regions.  If an arena is to be safely shared by
- * more than one thread, all marks must be either released or
- * unmarked.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if successful,
- * it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will set an error
- * on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssArena_Unmark(NSSArena *arena, nssArenaMark *arenaMark);
- * nssArena_registerDestructor
- *
- * This routine stores a pointer to a callback and an arbitrary
- * pointer-sized argument in the arena, at the current point in
- * the mark stack.  If the arena is destroyed, or an "earlier"
- * mark is released, then this destructor will be called at that
- * time.  Note that the destructor will be called with the arena
- * locked, which means the destructor may free memory in that
- * arena, but it may not allocate or cause to be allocated any
- * memory.  This callback facility was included to support our
- * debug-version pointer-tracker feature; overuse runs counter to
- * the the original intent of arenas.  This routine returns a
- * PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If
- * unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and
- * return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssArena_registerDestructor(
-    NSSArena *arena, void (*destructor)(void *argument), void *arg);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
- * nssArena_deregisterDestructor
- *
- * This routine will remove the first destructor in the specified
- * arena which has the specified destructor and argument values.
- * The destructor will not be called.  This routine returns a
- * PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If
- * unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and
- * return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssArena_deregisterDestructor(
-    NSSArena *arena, void (*destructor)(void *argument), void *arg);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ITEM;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
- * nss_ZAlloc
- *
- * This routine allocates and zeroes a section of memory of the
- * size, and returns to the caller a pointer to that memory.  If
- * the optional arena argument is non-null, the memory will be
- * obtained from that arena; otherwise, the memory will be obtained
- * from the heap.  This routine may return NULL upon error, in
- * which case it will have set an error upon the error stack.  The
- * value specified for size may be zero; in which case a valid
- * zero-length block of memory will be allocated.  This block may
- * be expanded by calling nss_ZRealloc.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nss_ZAlloc(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 size);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
- * nss_ZFreeIf
- *
- * If the specified pointer is non-null, then the region of memory
- * to which it points -- which must have been allocated with
- * nss_ZAlloc -- will be zeroed and released.  This routine
- * returns a PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.
- * If unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and return
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nss_ZFreeIf(void *pointer);
- * nss_ZRealloc
- *
- * This routine reallocates a block of memory obtained by calling
- * nss_ZAlloc or nss_ZRealloc.  The portion of memory
- * between the new and old sizes -- which is either being newly
- * obtained or released -- is in either case zeroed.  This routine
- * may return NULL upon failure, in which case it will have placed
- * an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the replacement segment of memory
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nss_ZRealloc(void *pointer, PRUint32 newSize);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
- * nss_ZNEW
- *
- * This preprocessor macro will allocate memory for a new object
- * of the specified type with nss_ZAlloc, and will cast the
- * return value appropriately.  If the optional arena argument is
- * non-null, the memory will be obtained from that arena; otherwise,
- * the memory will be obtained from the heap.  This routine may
- * return NULL upon error, in which case it will have set an error
- * upon the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-#define nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, type) ((type *)nss_ZAlloc((arenaOpt), sizeof(type)))
- *
- * This preprocessor macro will allocate memory for an array of
- * new objects, and will cast the return value appropriately.
- * If the optional arena argument is non-null, the memory will
- * be obtained from that arena; otherwise, the memory will be
- * obtained from the heap.  This routine may return NULL upon
- * error, in which case it will have set an error upon the error
- * stack.  The array size may be specified as zero.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-#define nss_ZNEWARRAY(arenaOpt, type, quantity)                                \
-    ((type *)nss_ZAlloc((arenaOpt), sizeof(type) * (quantity)))
- *
- * This preprocessor macro will reallocate memory for an array of
- * new objects, and will cast the return value appropriately.
- * This routine may return NULL upon error, in which case it will
- *  have set an error upon the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the replacement segment of memory
- */
-#define nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(p, type, quantity)                                   \
-    ((type *)nss_ZRealloc((p), sizeof(type) * (quantity)))
- * nssArena_verifyPointer
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * If the specified pointer is a valid pointer to an NSSArena object,
- * this routine will return PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise, it will put an
- * error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_SUCCESS if the pointer is valid
- *  PR_FAILURE if it isn't
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssArena_verifyPointer(const NSSArena *arena);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- *
- * This macro is always available.  In debug builds it will call
- * nssArena_verifyPointer; in non-debug builds, it will merely
- * check that the pointer is not null.  Note that in non-debug
- * builds it cannot place an error on the error stack.
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_SUCCESS if the pointer is valid
- *  PR_FAILURE if it isn't
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define nssArena_VERIFYPOINTER(p) nssArena_verifyPointer(p)
-#else /* DEBUG */
-#define nssArena_VERIFYPOINTER(p)                                              \
-    (((NSSArena *)NULL == (p)) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS)
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * Private function to be called by NSS_Shutdown to cleanup nssArena
- * bookkeeping.
- */
-extern PRStatus nssArena_Shutdown(void);
- * nssArenaHashAllocOps
- *
- * This constant structure contains allocation callbacks designed for
- * use with the NSPL routine PL_NewHashTable.  For example:
- *
- *  NSSArena *hashTableArena = nssArena_Create();
- *  PLHashTable *t = PL_NewHashTable(n, hasher, key_compare,
- *    value_compare, nssArenaHashAllocOps, hashTableArena);
- */
-NSS_EXTERN_DATA PLHashAllocOps nssArenaHashAllocOps;
- * The error stack
- *
- * The nonpublic methods relating to the error stack are:
- *
- *  nss_SetError
- *  nss_ClearErrorStack
- */
- * nss_SetError
- *
- * This routine places a new error code on the top of the calling
- * thread's error stack.  Calling this routine wiht an error code
- * of zero will clear the error stack.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nss_SetError(PRUint32 error);
- * nss_ClearErrorStack
- *
- * This routine clears the calling thread's error stack.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nss_ClearErrorStack(void);
- * nss_DestroyErrorStack
- *
- * This routine frees the calling thread's error stack.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nss_DestroyErrorStack(void);
- * NSSItem
- *
- * nssItem_Create
- * nssItem_Duplicate
- * nssItem_Equal
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSItem *nssItem_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, NSSItem *rvOpt,
-                                   PRUint32 length, const void *data);
-NSS_EXTERN void nssItem_Destroy(NSSItem *item);
-NSS_EXTERN NSSItem *nssItem_Duplicate(NSSItem *obj, NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-                                      NSSItem *rvOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN PRBool nssItem_Equal(const NSSItem *one, const NSSItem *two,
-                                PRStatus *statusOpt);
- *
- *  nssUTF8_CaseIgnoreMatch
- *  nssUTF8_Duplicate
- *  nssUTF8_Size
- *  nssUTF8_Length
- *  nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer
- */
- * nssUTF8_CaseIgnoreMatch
- *
- * Returns true if the two UTF8-encoded strings pointed to by the
- * two specified NSSUTF8 pointers differ only in typcase.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if the strings match, ignoring case
- *  PR_FALSE if they don't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRBool nssUTF8_CaseIgnoreMatch(const NSSUTF8 *a, const NSSUTF8 *b,
-                                          PRStatus *statusOpt);
- * nssUTF8_Duplicate
- *
- * This routine duplicates the UTF8-encoded string pointed to by the
- * specified NSSUTF8 pointer.  If the optional arenaOpt argument is
- * not null, the memory required will be obtained from that arena;
- * otherwise, the memory required will be obtained from the heap.
- * A pointer to the new string will be returned.  In case of error,
- * an error will be placed on the error stack and NULL will be
- * returned.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSUTF8 *nssUTF8_Duplicate(const NSSUTF8 *s, NSSArena *arenaOpt);
- * nssUTF8_PrintableMatch
- *
- * Returns true if the two Printable strings pointed to by the
- * two specified NSSUTF8 pointers match when compared with the
- * rules for Printable String (leading and trailing spaces are
- * disregarded, extents of whitespace match irregardless of length,
- * and case is not significant), then PR_TRUE will be returned.
- * Otherwise, PR_FALSE will be returned.  Upon failure, PR_FALSE
- * will be returned.  If the optional statusOpt argument is not
- * NULL, then PR_SUCCESS or PR_FAILURE will be stored in that
- * location.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if the strings match, ignoring case
- *  PR_FALSE if they don't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRBool nssUTF8_PrintableMatch(const NSSUTF8 *a, const NSSUTF8 *b,
-                                         PRStatus *statusOpt);
- * nssUTF8_Size
- *
- * This routine returns the length in bytes (including the terminating
- * null) of the UTF8-encoded string pointed to by the specified
- * NSSUTF8 pointer.  Zero is returned on error.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  nonzero size of the string
- *  0 on error
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRUint32 nssUTF8_Size(const NSSUTF8 *s, PRStatus *statusOpt);
- * nssUTF8_Length
- *
- * This routine returns the length in characters (not including the
- * terminating null) of the UTF8-encoded string pointed to by the
- * specified NSSUTF8 pointer.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  length of the string (which may be zero)
- *  0 on error
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRUint32 nssUTF8_Length(const NSSUTF8 *s, PRStatus *statusOpt);
- * nssUTF8_Create
- *
- * This routine creates a UTF8 string from a string in some other
- * format.  Some types of string may include embedded null characters,
- * so for them the length parameter must be used.  For string types
- * that are null-terminated, the length parameter is optional; if it
- * is zero, it will be ignored.  If the optional arena argument is
- * non-null, the memory used for the new string will be obtained from
- * that arena, otherwise it will be obtained from the heap.  This
- * routine may return NULL upon error, in which case it will have
- * placed an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A non-null pointer to a new UTF8 string otherwise
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSUTF8 *nssUTF8_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, nssStringType type,
-                                   const void *inputString,
-                                   PRUint32 size /* in bytes, not characters */
-                                   );
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
-NSS_EXTERN NSSItem *nssUTF8_GetEncoding(NSSArena *arenaOpt, NSSItem *rvOpt,
-                                        nssStringType type, NSSUTF8 *string);
- * nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer
- *
- * This will copy a UTF8 string into a fixed-length buffer, making
- * sure that the all characters are valid.  Any remaining space will
- * be padded with the specified ASCII character, typically either
- * null or space.
- *
- * Blah, blah, blah.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(NSSUTF8 *string, char *buffer,
-                                                PRUint32 bufferSize, char pad);
- * nssUTF8_Equal
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRBool nssUTF8_Equal(const NSSUTF8 *a, const NSSUTF8 *b,
-                                PRStatus *statusOpt);
- * nssList
- *
- * The goal is to provide a simple, optionally threadsafe, linked list
- * class.  Since NSS did not seem to use the circularity of PRCList
- * much before, this provides a list that appears to be a linear,
- * NULL-terminated list.
- */
- * nssList_Create
- *
- * If threadsafe is true, the list will be locked during modifications
- * and traversals.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssList *nssList_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRBool threadSafe);
- * nssList_Destroy
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssList_Destroy(nssList *list);
-NSS_EXTERN void nssList_Clear(nssList *list,
-                              nssListElementDestructorFunc destructor);
- * nssList_SetCompareFunction
- *
- * By default, two list elements will be compared by comparing their
- * data pointers.  By setting this function, the user can control
- * how elements are compared.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nssList_SetCompareFunction(nssList *list,
-                                           nssListCompareFunc compareFunc);
- * nssList_SetSortFunction
- *
- * Sort function to use for an ordered list.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nssList_SetSortFunction(nssList *list,
-                                        nssListSortFunc sortFunc);
- * nssList_Add
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssList_Add(nssList *list, void *data);
- * nssList_AddUnique
- *
- * This will use the compare function to see if the element is already
- * in the list.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssList_AddUnique(nssList *list, void *data);
- * nssList_Remove
- *
- * Uses the compare function to locate the element and remove it.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssList_Remove(nssList *list, void *data);
- * nssList_Get
- *
- * Uses the compare function to locate an element.  Also serves as
- * nssList_Exists.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nssList_Get(nssList *list, void *data);
- * nssList_Count
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRUint32 nssList_Count(nssList *list);
- * nssList_GetArray
- *
- * Fill rvArray, up to maxElements, with elements in the list.  The
- * array is NULL-terminated, so its allocated size must be maxElements + 1.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssList_GetArray(nssList *list, void **rvArray,
-                                     PRUint32 maxElements);
- * nssList_CreateIterator
- *
- * Create an iterator for list traversal.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssListIterator *nssList_CreateIterator(nssList *list);
-NSS_EXTERN nssList *nssList_Clone(nssList *list);
- * nssListIterator_Destroy
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nssListIterator_Destroy(nssListIterator *iter);
- * nssListIterator_Start
- *
- * Begin a list iteration.  After this call, if the list is threadSafe,
- * the list is *locked*.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nssListIterator_Start(nssListIterator *iter);
- * nssListIterator_Next
- *
- * Continue a list iteration.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nssListIterator_Next(nssListIterator *iter);
- * nssListIterator_Finish
- *
- * Complete a list iteration.  This *must* be called in order for the
- * lock to be released.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssListIterator_Finish(nssListIterator *iter);
- * nssHash
- *
- *  nssHash_Create
- *  nssHash_Destroy
- *  nssHash_Add
- *  nssHash_Remove
- *  nssHash_Count
- *  nssHash_Exists
- *  nssHash_Lookup
- *  nssHash_Iterate
- */
- * nssHash_Create
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssHash *nssHash_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 numBuckets,
-                                   PLHashFunction keyHash,
-                                   PLHashComparator keyCompare,
-                                   PLHashComparator valueCompare);
-NSS_EXTERN nssHash *nssHash_CreatePointer(NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-                                          PRUint32 numBuckets);
-NSS_EXTERN nssHash *nssHash_CreateString(NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-                                         PRUint32 numBuckets);
-NSS_EXTERN nssHash *nssHash_CreateItem(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 numBuckets);
- * nssHash_Destroy
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nssHash_Destroy(nssHash *hash);
- * nssHash_Add
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssHash_Add(nssHash *hash, const void *key,
-                                const void *value);
- * nssHash_Remove
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nssHash_Remove(nssHash *hash, const void *it);
- * nssHash_Count
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRUint32 nssHash_Count(nssHash *hash);
- * nssHash_Exists
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRBool nssHash_Exists(nssHash *hash, const void *it);
- * nssHash_Lookup
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nssHash_Lookup(nssHash *hash, const void *it);
- * nssHash_Iterate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void nssHash_Iterate(nssHash *hash, nssHashIterator fcn,
-                                void *closure);
- * nssPointerTracker
- *
- * This type and these methods are only present in debug builds.
- *
- * The nonpublic methods relating to this type are:
- *
- *  nssPointerTracker_initialize
- *  nssPointerTracker_finalize
- *  nssPointerTracker_add
- *  nssPointerTracker_remove
- *  nssPointerTracker_verify
- */
- * nssPointerTracker_initialize
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine initializes an nssPointerTracker object.  Note that
- * the object must have been declared *static* to guarantee that it
- * is in a zeroed state initially.  This routine is idempotent, and
- * may even be safely called by multiple threads simultaneously with
- * the same argument.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  On failure it will set an
- * error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssPointerTracker_initialize(nssPointerTracker *tracker);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssPointerTracker_finalize
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine returns the nssPointerTracker object to the pre-
- * initialized state, releasing all resources used by the object.
- * It will *NOT* destroy the objects being tracked by the pointer
- * (should any remain), and therefore cannot be used to "sweep up"
- * remaining objects.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCES.  On failure it will set an
- * error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.  If any objects
- * remain in the tracker when it is finalized, that will be treated
- * as an error.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssPointerTracker_finalize(nssPointerTracker *tracker);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssPointerTracker_add
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine adds the specified pointer to the nssPointerTracker
- * object.  It should be called in constructor objects to register
- * new valid objects.  The nssPointerTracker is threadsafe, but this
- * call is not idempotent.  This routine returns a PRStatus value;
- * if successful it will return PR_SUCCESS.  On failure it will set
- * an error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssPointerTracker_add(nssPointerTracker *tracker,
-                                          const void *pointer);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssPointerTracker_remove
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine removes the specified pointer from the
- * nssPointerTracker object.  It does not call any destructor for the
- * object; rather, this should be called from the object's destructor.
- * The nssPointerTracker is threadsafe, but this call is not
- * idempotent.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if successful
- * it will return PR_SUCCESS.  On failure it will set an error on the
- * error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssPointerTracker_remove(nssPointerTracker *tracker,
-                                             const void *pointer);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssPointerTracker_verify
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine verifies that the specified pointer has been registered
- * with the nssPointerTracker object.  The nssPointerTracker object is
- * threadsafe, and this call may be safely called from multiple threads
- * simultaneously with the same arguments.  This routine returns a
- * PRStatus value; if the pointer is registered this will return
- * PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise it will set an error on the error stack and
- * return PR_FAILURE.  Although the error is suitable for leaving on
- * the stack, callers may wish to augment the information available by
- * placing a more type-specific error on the stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssPointerTracker_verify(nssPointerTracker *tracker,
-                                             const void *pointer);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * libc
- *
- * nsslibc_memcpy
- * nsslibc_memset
- * nsslibc_offsetof
- */
- * nsslibc_memcpy
- *
- * Errors:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL on error
- *  The destination pointer on success
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nsslibc_memcpy(void *dest, const void *source, PRUint32 n);
- * nsslibc_memset
- *
- * Errors:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL on error
- *  The destination pointer on success
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *nsslibc_memset(void *dest, PRUint8 byte, PRUint32 n);
- * nsslibc_memequal
- *
- * Errors:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if they match
- *  PR_FALSE if they don't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRBool nsslibc_memequal(const void *a, const void *b, PRUint32 len,
-                                   PRStatus *statusOpt);
-#define nsslibc_offsetof(str, memb) ((PRPtrdiff)(&(((str *)0)->memb)))
-#endif /* BASE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/baset.h b/nss/lib/base/baset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3953a75..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/baset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef BASET_H
-#define BASET_H
- * baset.h
- *
- * This file contains definitions for the basic types used throughout
- * nss but not available publicly.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#include "plhash.h"
- * nssArenaMark
- *
- * This type is used to mark the current state of an NSSArena.
- */
-struct nssArenaMarkStr;
-typedef struct nssArenaMarkStr nssArenaMark;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- *
- * Optionally, this arena implementation can be compiled with some
- * runtime checking enabled, which will catch the situation where
- * one thread "marks" the arena, another thread allocates memory,
- * and then the mark is released.  Usually this is a surprise to
- * the second thread, and this leads to weird runtime errors.
- * Define ARENA_THREADMARK to catch these cases; we define it for all
- * (internal and external) debug builds.
- */
- *
- * Unfortunately, our pointer-tracker facility, used in debug
- * builds to agressively fight invalid pointers, requries that
- * pointers be deregistered when objects are destroyed.  This
- * conflicts with the standard arena usage where "memory-only"
- * objects (that don't hold onto resources outside the arena)
- * can be allocated in an arena, and never destroyed other than
- * when the arena is destroyed.  Therefore we have added a
- * destructor-registratio facility to our arenas.  This was not
- * a simple decision, since we're getting ever-further away from
- * the original arena philosophy.  However, it was felt that
- * adding this in debug builds wouldn't be so bad; as it would
- * discourage them from being used for "serious" purposes.
- * This facility requires ARENA_THREADMARK to be defined.
- */
-#endif /* ARENA_THREADMARK */
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-typedef struct nssListStr nssList;
-typedef struct nssListIteratorStr nssListIterator;
-typedef PRBool (*nssListCompareFunc)(void *a, void *b);
-typedef PRIntn (*nssListSortFunc)(void *a, void *b);
-typedef void (*nssListElementDestructorFunc)(void *el);
-typedef struct nssHashStr nssHash;
-typedef void(PR_CALLBACK *nssHashIterator)(const void *key, void *value,
-                                           void *arg);
- * nssPointerTracker
- *
- * This type is used in debug builds (both external and internal) to
- * track our object pointers.  Objects of this type must be statically
- * allocated, which means the structure size must be available to the
- * compiler.  Therefore we must expose the contents of this structure.
- * But please don't access elements directly; use the accessors.
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-struct nssPointerTrackerStr {
-    PRCallOnceType once;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    PLHashTable *table;
-typedef struct nssPointerTrackerStr nssPointerTracker;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssStringType
- *
- * There are several types of strings in the real world.  We try to
- * use only UTF8 and avoid the rest, but that's not always possible.
- * So we have a couple converter routines to go to and from the other
- * string types.  We have to be able to specify those string types,
- * so we have this enumeration.
- */
-enum nssStringTypeEnum {
-    nssStringType_DirectoryString,
-    nssStringType_TeletexString, /* Not "teletext" with trailing 't' */
-    nssStringType_PrintableString,
-    nssStringType_UniversalString,
-    nssStringType_BMPString,
-    nssStringType_UTF8String,
-    nssStringType_PHGString,
-    nssStringType_GeneralString,
-    nssStringType_Unknown = -1
-typedef enum nssStringTypeEnum nssStringType;
-#endif /* BASET_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/error.c b/nss/lib/base/error.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ea1d5e3..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/error.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * error.c
- *
- * This file contains the code implementing the per-thread error
- * stacks upon which most NSS routines report their errors.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif              /* BASE_H */
-#include <limits.h> /* for UINT_MAX */
-#include <string.h> /* for memmove */
-#define NSS_MAX_ERROR_STACK_COUNT 16 /* error codes */
- * The stack itself has a header, and a sequence of integers.
- * The header records the amount of space (as measured in stack
- * slots) already allocated for the stack, and the count of the
- * number of records currently being used.
- */
-struct stack_header_str {
-    PRUint16 space;
-    PRUint16 count;
-struct error_stack_str {
-    struct stack_header_str header;
-    PRInt32 stack[1];
-typedef struct error_stack_str error_stack;
- * error_stack_index
- *
- * Thread-private data must be indexed.  This is that index.
- * See PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex for more information.
- *
- * Thread-private data indexes are in the range [0, 127].
- */
-static PRUintn error_stack_index = INVALID_TPD_INDEX;
- * call_once
- *
- * The thread-private index must be obtained (once!) at runtime.
- * This block is used for that one-time call.
- */
-static PRCallOnceType error_call_once;
- * error_once_function
- *
- * This is the once-called callback.
- */
-static PRStatus
-    return PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(&error_stack_index, PR_Free);
- * error_get_my_stack
- *
- * This routine returns the calling thread's error stack, creating
- * it if necessary.  It may return NULL upon error, which implicitly
- * means that it ran out of memory.
- */
-static error_stack *
-    PRStatus st;
-    error_stack *rv;
-    PRUintn new_size;
-    PRUint32 new_bytes;
-    error_stack *new_stack;
-    if (INVALID_TPD_INDEX == error_stack_index) {
-        st = PR_CallOnce(&error_call_once, error_once_function);
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != st) {
-            return (error_stack *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    rv = (error_stack *)PR_GetThreadPrivate(error_stack_index);
-    if ((error_stack *)NULL == rv) {
-        /* Doesn't exist; create one */
-        new_size = 16;
-    } else if (rv->header.count == rv-> &&
-               rv->header.count < NSS_MAX_ERROR_STACK_COUNT) {
-        /* Too small, expand it */
-        new_size = PR_MIN(rv-> * 2, NSS_MAX_ERROR_STACK_COUNT);
-    } else {
-        /* Okay, return it */
-        return rv;
-    }
-    new_bytes = (new_size * sizeof(PRInt32)) + sizeof(error_stack);
-    /* Use NSPR's calloc/realloc, not NSS's, to avoid loops! */
-    new_stack = PR_Calloc(1, new_bytes);
-    if ((error_stack *)NULL != new_stack) {
-        if ((error_stack *)NULL != rv) {
-            (void)nsslibc_memcpy(new_stack, rv, rv->;
-        }
-        new_stack-> = new_size;
-    }
-    /* Set the value, whether or not the allocation worked */
-    PR_SetThreadPrivate(error_stack_index, new_stack);
-    return new_stack;
- * The error stack
- *
- * The public methods relating to the error stack are:
- *
- *  NSS_GetError
- *  NSS_GetErrorStack
- *
- * The nonpublic methods relating to the error stack are:
- *
- *  nss_SetError
- *  nss_ClearErrorStack
- *
- */
- * NSS_GetError
- *
- * This routine returns the highest-level (most general) error set
- * by the most recent NSS library routine called by the same thread
- * calling this routine.
- *
- * This routine cannot fail.  However, it may return zero, which
- * indicates that the previous NSS library call did not set an error.
- *
- * Return value:
- *  0 if no error has been set
- *  A nonzero error number
- */
-    error_stack *es = error_get_my_stack();
-    if ((error_stack *)NULL == es) {
-        return NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; /* Good guess! */
-    }
-    if (0 == es->header.count) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return es->stack[es->header.count - 1];
- * NSS_GetErrorStack
- *
- * This routine returns a pointer to an array of integers, containing
- * the entire sequence or "stack" of errors set by the most recent NSS
- * library routine called by the same thread calling this routine.
- * NOTE: the caller DOES NOT OWN the memory pointed to by the return
- * value.  The pointer will remain valid until the calling thread
- * calls another NSS routine.  The lowest-level (most specific) error
- * is first in the array, and the highest-level is last.  The array is
- * zero-terminated.  This routine may return NULL upon error; this
- * indicates a low-memory situation.
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error, which is an implied NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY
- *  A NON-caller-owned pointer to an array of integers
- */
-    error_stack *es = error_get_my_stack();
-    if ((error_stack *)NULL == es) {
-        return (PRInt32 *)NULL;
-    }
-    /* Make sure it's terminated */
-    es->stack[es->header.count] = 0;
-    return es->stack;
- * nss_SetError
- *
- * This routine places a new error code on the top of the calling
- * thread's error stack.  Calling this routine wiht an error code
- * of zero will clear the error stack.
- */
-nss_SetError(PRUint32 error)
-    error_stack *es;
-    if (0 == error) {
-        nss_ClearErrorStack();
-        return;
-    }
-    es = error_get_my_stack();
-    if ((error_stack *)NULL == es) {
-        /* Oh, well. */
-        return;
-    }
-    if (es->header.count < es-> {
-        es->stack[es->header.count++] = error;
-    } else {
-        memmove(es->stack, es->stack + 1,
-                (es-> - 1) * (sizeof es->stack[0]));
-        es->stack[es-> - 1] = error;
-    }
-    return;
- * nss_ClearErrorStack
- *
- * This routine clears the calling thread's error stack.
- */
-    error_stack *es = error_get_my_stack();
-    if ((error_stack *)NULL == es) {
-        /* Oh, well. */
-        return;
-    }
-    es->header.count = 0;
-    es->stack[0] = 0;
-    return;
- * nss_DestroyErrorStack
- *
- * This routine frees the calling thread's error stack.
- */
-    if (INVALID_TPD_INDEX != error_stack_index) {
-        PR_SetThreadPrivate(error_stack_index, NULL);
-    }
-    return;
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/errorval.c b/nss/lib/base/errorval.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b7045a3..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/errorval.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * errorval.c
- *
- * This file contains the actual error constants used in NSS.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-/* clang-format off */
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_ERROR                       =  0;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR                 =  1;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY                      =  2;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER                =  3;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA                  =  4;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARENA_MARK             =  5;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_DUPLICATE_POINTER              =  6;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_TRACKER_NOT_EMPTY              =  8;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_VALUE_TOO_LARGE                = 11;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE               = 12;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT               = 13;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ATOB_CONTEXT           = 14;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_BASE64                 = 15;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_BTOA_CONTEXT           = 16;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ITEM                   = 17;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_STRING                 = 18;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ASN1ENCODER            = 19;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ASN1DECODER            = 20;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_BER                    = 21;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ATAV                   = 22;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT               = 23;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_UTF8                   = 24;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_NSSOID                 = 25;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE              = 26;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND                      = 27;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD               = 28;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_USER_CANCELED                  = 29;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_MAXIMUM_FOUND                  = 30;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_IN_CACHE           = 32;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_HASH_COLLISION                 = 33;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR                   = 34;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE            = 35;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_BUSY                           = 36;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED            = 37;
-const NSSError NSS_ERROR_PKCS11                         = 38;
-/* clang-format on */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/hash.c b/nss/lib/base/hash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ee758..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * hash.c
- *
- * This is merely a couple wrappers around NSPR's PLHashTable, using
- * the identity hash and arena-aware allocators.
- * This is a copy of ckfw/hash.c, with modifications to use NSS types
- * (not Cryptoki types).  Would like for this to be a single implementation,
- * but doesn't seem like it will work.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#include "prbit.h"
- * nssHash
- *
- *  nssHash_Create
- *  nssHash_Destroy
- *  nssHash_Add
- *  nssHash_Remove
- *  nssHash_Count
- *  nssHash_Exists
- *  nssHash_Lookup
- *  nssHash_Iterate
- */
-struct nssHashStr {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PRBool i_alloced_arena;
-    PRLock *mutex;
-    /*
-     * The invariant that mutex protects is:
-     *   The count accurately reflects the hashtable state.
-     */
-    PLHashTable *plHashTable;
-    PRUint32 count;
-static PLHashNumber
-nss_identity_hash(const void *key)
-    return (PLHashNumber)((char *)key - (char *)NULL);
-static PLHashNumber
-nss_item_hash(const void *key)
-    unsigned int i;
-    PLHashNumber h;
-    NSSItem *it = (NSSItem *)key;
-    h = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < it->size; i++)
-        h = PR_ROTATE_LEFT32(h, 4) ^ ((unsigned char *)it->data)[i];
-    return h;
-static int
-nss_compare_items(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    PRStatus ignore;
-    return (int)nssItem_Equal((NSSItem *)v1, (NSSItem *)v2, &ignore);
- * nssHash_create
- *
- */
-nssHash_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 numBuckets, PLHashFunction keyHash,
-               PLHashComparator keyCompare, PLHashComparator valueCompare)
-    nssHash *rv;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PRBool i_alloced;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (arenaOpt && PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (nssHash *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-        arena = arenaOpt;
-        i_alloced = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        arena = nssArena_Create();
-        i_alloced = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    rv = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssHash);
-    if ((nssHash *)NULL == rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv->mutex = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if ((PZLock *)NULL == rv->mutex) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv->plHashTable =
-        PL_NewHashTable(numBuckets, keyHash, keyCompare, valueCompare,
-                        &nssArenaHashAllocOps, arena);
-    if ((PLHashTable *)NULL == rv->plHashTable) {
-        (void)PZ_DestroyLock(rv->mutex);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv->count = 0;
-    rv->arena = arena;
-    rv->i_alloced_arena = i_alloced;
-    return rv;
-    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-    return (nssHash *)NULL;
- * nssHash_CreatePointer
- *
- */
-nssHash_CreatePointer(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 numBuckets)
-    return nssHash_Create(arenaOpt, numBuckets, nss_identity_hash,
-                          PL_CompareValues, PL_CompareValues);
- * nssHash_CreateString
- *
- */
-nssHash_CreateString(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 numBuckets)
-    return nssHash_Create(arenaOpt, numBuckets, PL_HashString,
-                          PL_CompareStrings, PL_CompareStrings);
- * nssHash_CreateItem
- *
- */
-nssHash_CreateItem(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 numBuckets)
-    return nssHash_Create(arenaOpt, numBuckets, nss_item_hash,
-                          nss_compare_items, PL_CompareValues);
- * nssHash_Destroy
- *
- */
-nssHash_Destroy(nssHash *hash)
-    (void)PZ_DestroyLock(hash->mutex);
-    PL_HashTableDestroy(hash->plHashTable);
-    if (hash->i_alloced_arena) {
-        nssArena_Destroy(hash->arena);
-    } else {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(hash);
-    }
- * nssHash_Add
- *
- */
-nssHash_Add(nssHash *hash, const void *key, const void *value)
-    PRStatus error = PR_FAILURE;
-    PLHashEntry *he;
-    PZ_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    he = PL_HashTableAdd(hash->plHashTable, key, (void *)value);
-    if ((PLHashEntry *)NULL == he) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    } else if (he->value != value) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_HASH_COLLISION);
-    } else {
-        hash->count++;
-        error = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    (void)PZ_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssHash_Remove
- *
- */
-nssHash_Remove(nssHash *hash, const void *it)
-    PRBool found;
-    PZ_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    found = PL_HashTableRemove(hash->plHashTable, it);
-    if (found) {
-        hash->count--;
-    }
-    (void)PZ_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return;
- * nssHash_Count
- *
- */
-nssHash_Count(nssHash *hash)
-    PRUint32 count;
-    PZ_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    count = hash->count;
-    (void)PZ_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return count;
- * nssHash_Exists
- *
- */
-nssHash_Exists(nssHash *hash, const void *it)
-    void *value;
-    PZ_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    value = PL_HashTableLookup(hash->plHashTable, it);
-    (void)PZ_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    if ((void *)NULL == value) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
- * nssHash_Lookup
- *
- */
-nssHash_Lookup(nssHash *hash, const void *it)
-    void *rv;
-    PZ_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    rv = PL_HashTableLookup(hash->plHashTable, it);
-    (void)PZ_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return rv;
-struct arg_str {
-    nssHashIterator fcn;
-    void *closure;
-static PRIntn
-nss_hash_enumerator(PLHashEntry *he, PRIntn index, void *arg)
-    struct arg_str *as = (struct arg_str *)arg;
-    as->fcn(he->key, he->value, as->closure);
-    return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
- * nssHash_Iterate
- *
- * NOTE that the iteration function will be called with the hashtable locked.
- */
-nssHash_Iterate(nssHash *hash, nssHashIterator fcn, void *closure)
-    struct arg_str as;
-    as.fcn = fcn;
-    as.closure = closure;
-    PZ_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(hash->plHashTable, nss_hash_enumerator, &as);
-    (void)PZ_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return;
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/hashops.c b/nss/lib/base/hashops.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b30dd..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/hashops.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * hashops.c
- *
- * This file includes a set of PLHashAllocOps that use NSSArenas.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-static void *PR_CALLBACK
-nss_arena_hash_alloc_table(void *pool, PRSize size)
-    NSSArena *arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((void *)NULL != arena) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return nss_ZAlloc(arena, size);
-static void PR_CALLBACK
-nss_arena_hash_free_table(void *pool, void *item)
-    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(item);
-static PLHashEntry *PR_CALLBACK
-nss_arena_hash_alloc_entry(void *pool, const void *key)
-    NSSArena *arena = NULL;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((void *)NULL != arena) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-            return (void *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return nss_ZNEW(arena, PLHashEntry);
-static void PR_CALLBACK
-nss_arena_hash_free_entry(void *pool, PLHashEntry *he, PRUintn flag)
-    if (HT_FREE_ENTRY == flag) {
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(he);
-    }
-NSS_IMPLEMENT_DATA PLHashAllocOps nssArenaHashAllocOps = {
-    nss_arena_hash_alloc_table, nss_arena_hash_free_table,
-    nss_arena_hash_alloc_entry, nss_arena_hash_free_entry
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/item.c b/nss/lib/base/item.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a1bb802..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/item.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * item.c
- *
- * This contains some item-manipulation code.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
- * nssItem_Create
- *
- * -- fgmr comments --
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  A pointer to an NSSItem upon success
- *  NULL upon failure
- */
-nssItem_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, NSSItem *rvOpt, PRUint32 length,
-               const void *data)
-    NSSItem *rv = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arenaOpt) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-            return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((const void *)NULL == data) {
-        if (length > 0) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-            return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    if ((NSSItem *)NULL == rvOpt) {
-        rv = (NSSItem *)nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, NSSItem);
-        if ((NSSItem *)NULL == rv) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        rv = rvOpt;
-    }
-    rv->size = length;
-    rv->data = nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, length);
-    if ((void *)NULL == rv->data) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (length > 0) {
-        (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv->data, data, length);
-    }
-    return rv;
-    if (rv != rvOpt) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-    }
-    return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-nssItem_Destroy(NSSItem *item)
-    nss_ClearErrorStack();
-    nss_ZFreeIf(item->data);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(item);
- * nssItem_Duplicate
- *
- * -- fgmr comments --
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  A pointer to an NSSItem upon success
- *  NULL upon failure
- */
-nssItem_Duplicate(NSSItem *obj, NSSArena *arenaOpt, NSSItem *rvOpt)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arenaOpt) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-            return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((NSSItem *)NULL == obj) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ITEM);
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssItem_Create(arenaOpt, rvOpt, obj->size, obj->data);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * nssItem_verifyPointer
- *
- * -- fgmr comments --
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_SUCCESS upon success
- *  PR_FAILURE upon failure
- */
-nssItem_verifyPointer(const NSSItem *item)
-    if (((const NSSItem *)NULL == item) ||
-        (((void *)NULL == item->data) && (item->size > 0))) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ITEM);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssItem_Equal
- *
- * -- fgmr comments --
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if the items are identical
- *  PR_FALSE if they aren't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-nssItem_Equal(const NSSItem *one, const NSSItem *two, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    if (((const NSSItem *)NULL == one) && ((const NSSItem *)NULL == two)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (((const NSSItem *)NULL == one) || ((const NSSItem *)NULL == two)) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (one->size != two->size) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return nsslibc_memequal(one->data, two->data, one->size, statusOpt);
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/libc.c b/nss/lib/base/libc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7954a31..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/libc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * libc.c
- *
- * This file contains our wrappers/reimplementations for "standard"
- * libc functions.  Things like "memcpy."  We add to this as we need
- * it.  Oh, and let's keep it in alphabetical order, should it ever
- * get large.  Most string/character stuff should be in utf8.c, not
- * here.  This file (and maybe utf8.c) should be the only ones in
- * NSS to include files with angle brackets.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memset */
- * nsslibc_memcpy
- * nsslibc_memset
- * nsslibc_offsetof
- * nsslibc_memequal
- */
- * nsslibc_memcpy
- *
- * Errors:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL on error
- *  The destination pointer on success
- */
-nsslibc_memcpy(void *dest, const void *source, PRUint32 n)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (((void *)NULL == dest) || ((const void *)NULL == source)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return memcpy(dest, source, (size_t)n);
- * nsslibc_memset
- *
- * Errors:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL on error
- *  The destination pointer on success
- */
-nsslibc_memset(void *dest, PRUint8 byte, PRUint32 n)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (((void *)NULL == dest)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return memset(dest, (int)byte, (size_t)n);
- * nsslibc_memequal
- *
- * Errors:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if they match
- *  PR_FALSE if they don't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-nsslibc_memequal(const void *a, const void *b, PRUint32 len,
-                 PRStatus *statusOpt)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((((void *)NULL == a) || ((void *)NULL == b))) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    if (0 == memcmp(a, b, len)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
- * nsslibc_memcmp
- */
-nsslibc_memcmp(const void *a, const void *b, PRUint32 len, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    int v;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((((void *)NULL == a) || ((void *)NULL == b))) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return -2;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    v = memcmp(a, b, len);
-    return (PRInt32)v;
- * offsetof is a preprocessor definition
- */
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/list.c b/nss/lib/base/list.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0173b85..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * list.c
- *
- * This contains the implementation of NSS's thread-safe linked list.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-struct nssListElementStr {
-    PRCList link;
-    void *data;
-typedef struct nssListElementStr nssListElement;
-struct nssListStr {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    nssListElement *head;
-    PRUint32 count;
-    nssListCompareFunc compareFunc;
-    nssListSortFunc sortFunc;
-    PRBool i_alloced_arena;
-struct nssListIteratorStr {
-    PZLock *lock;
-    nssList *list;
-    nssListElement *current;
-#define NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list)                                                  \
-    if ((list)->lock)                                                          \
-    PZ_Lock((list)->lock)
-#define NSSLIST_UNLOCK_IF(list)                                                \
-    if ((list)->lock)                                                          \
-    PZ_Unlock((list)->lock)
-static PRBool
-pointer_compare(void *a, void *b)
-    return (PRBool)(a == b);
-static nssListElement *
-nsslist_get_matching_element(nssList *list, void *data)
-    PRCList *link;
-    nssListElement *node;
-    node = list->head;
-    if (!node) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    link = &node->link;
-    while (node) {
-        /* using a callback slows things down when it's just compare ... */
-        if (list->compareFunc(node->data, data)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        link = &node->link;
-        if (link == PR_LIST_TAIL(&list->head->link)) {
-            node = NULL;
-            break;
-        }
-        node = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&node->link);
-    }
-    return node;
-nssList_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRBool threadSafe)
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssList *list;
-    PRBool i_alloced;
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-        arena = arenaOpt;
-        i_alloced = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        arena = nssArena_Create();
-        i_alloced = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (nssList *)NULL;
-    }
-    list = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssList);
-    if (!list) {
-        if (!arenaOpt) {
-            NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-        }
-        return (nssList *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (threadSafe) {
-        list->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-        if (!list->lock) {
-            if (arenaOpt) {
-                nss_ZFreeIf(list);
-            } else {
-                NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-            }
-            return (nssList *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    list->arena = arena;
-    list->i_alloced_arena = i_alloced;
-    list->compareFunc = pointer_compare;
-    return list;
-nssList_Destroy(nssList *list)
-    if (!list->i_alloced_arena) {
-        nssList_Clear(list, NULL);
-    }
-    if (list->lock) {
-        (void)PZ_DestroyLock(list->lock);
-    }
-    if (list->i_alloced_arena) {
-        NSSArena_Destroy(list->arena);
-        list = NULL;
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(list);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssList_SetCompareFunction(nssList *list, nssListCompareFunc compareFunc)
-    list->compareFunc = compareFunc;
-nssList_SetSortFunction(nssList *list, nssListSortFunc sortFunc)
-    /* XXX if list already has elements, sort them */
-    list->sortFunc = sortFunc;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssListCompareFunc
-nssList_GetCompareFunction(nssList *list)
-    return list->compareFunc;
-nssList_Clear(nssList *list, nssListElementDestructorFunc destructor)
-    PRCList *link;
-    nssListElement *node, *tmp;
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    node = list->head;
-    list->head = NULL;
-    while (node && list->count > 0) {
-        if (destructor)
-            (*destructor)(node->data);
-        link = &node->link;
-        tmp = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(link);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(node);
-        node = tmp;
-        --list->count;
-    }
-static PRStatus
-nsslist_add_element(nssList *list, void *data)
-    nssListElement *node = nss_ZNEW(list->arena, nssListElement);
-    if (!node) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&node->link);
-    node->data = data;
-    if (list->head) {
-        if (list->sortFunc) {
-            PRCList *link;
-            nssListElement *currNode;
-            currNode = list->head;
-            /* insert in ordered list */
-            while (currNode) {
-                link = &currNode->link;
-                if (list->sortFunc(data, currNode->data) <= 0) {
-                    /* new element goes before current node */
-                    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->link, link);
-                    /* reset head if this is first */
-                    if (currNode == list->head)
-                        list->head = node;
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (link == PR_LIST_TAIL(&list->head->link)) {
-                    /* reached end of list, append */
-                    PR_INSERT_AFTER(&node->link, link);
-                    break;
-                }
-                currNode = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&currNode->link);
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* not sorting */
-            PR_APPEND_LINK(&node->link, &list->head->link);
-        }
-    } else {
-        list->head = node;
-    }
-    ++list->count;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssList_Add(nssList *list, void *data)
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    (void)nsslist_add_element(list, data);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssList_AddUnique(nssList *list, void *data)
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    nssListElement *node;
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    node = nsslist_get_matching_element(list, data);
-    if (node) {
-        /* already in, finish */
-        NSSLIST_UNLOCK_IF(list);
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    nssrv = nsslist_add_element(list, data);
-    return nssrv;
-nssList_Remove(nssList *list, void *data)
-    nssListElement *node;
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    node = nsslist_get_matching_element(list, data);
-    if (node) {
-        if (node == list->head) {
-            list->head = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&node->link);
-        }
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(&node->link);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(node);
-        if (--list->count == 0) {
-            list->head = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssList_Get(nssList *list, void *data)
-    nssListElement *node;
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    node = nsslist_get_matching_element(list, data);
-    return (node) ? node->data : NULL;
-nssList_Count(nssList *list)
-    return list->count;
-nssList_GetArray(nssList *list, void **rvArray, PRUint32 maxElements)
-    nssListElement *node;
-    PRUint32 i = 0;
-    PR_ASSERT(maxElements > 0);
-    node = list->head;
-    if (!node) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    while (node) {
-        rvArray[i++] = node->data;
-        if (i == maxElements)
-            break;
-        node = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&node->link);
-        if (node == list->head) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssList_Clone(nssList *list)
-    nssList *rvList;
-    nssListElement *node;
-    rvList = nssList_Create(NULL, (list->lock != NULL));
-    if (!rvList) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(list);
-    if (list->count > 0) {
-        node = list->head;
-        while (PR_TRUE) {
-            nssList_Add(rvList, node->data);
-            node = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&node->link);
-            if (node == list->head) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rvList;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssListIterator *
-nssList_CreateIterator(nssList *list)
-    nssListIterator *rvIterator;
-    rvIterator = nss_ZNEW(NULL, nssListIterator);
-    if (!rvIterator) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rvIterator->list = nssList_Clone(list);
-    if (!rvIterator->list) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(rvIterator);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rvIterator->current = rvIterator->list->head;
-    if (list->lock) {
-        rvIterator->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-        if (!rvIterator->lock) {
-            nssList_Destroy(rvIterator->list);
-            nss_ZFreeIf(rvIterator);
-            rvIterator = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return rvIterator;
-nssListIterator_Destroy(nssListIterator *iter)
-    if (iter->lock) {
-        (void)PZ_DestroyLock(iter->lock);
-    }
-    nssList_Destroy(iter->list);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(iter);
-nssListIterator_Start(nssListIterator *iter)
-    NSSLIST_LOCK_IF(iter);
-    if (iter->list->count == 0) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    iter->current = iter->list->head;
-    return iter->current->data;
-nssListIterator_Next(nssListIterator *iter)
-    nssListElement *node;
-    PRCList *link;
-    if (iter->list->count == 1 || iter->current == NULL) {
-        /* Reached the end of the list.  Don't change the state, force to
-         * user to call nssList_Finish to clean up.
-         */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    node = (nssListElement *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&iter->current->link);
-    link = &node->link;
-    if (link == PR_LIST_TAIL(&iter->list->head->link)) {
-        /* Signal the end of the list. */
-        iter->current = NULL;
-        return node->data;
-    }
-    iter->current = node;
-    return node->data;
-nssListIterator_Finish(nssListIterator *iter)
-    iter->current = iter->list->head;
-    return (iter->lock) ? PZ_Unlock(iter->lock) : PR_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/nssbase.h b/nss/lib/base/nssbase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 09c73ac..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/nssbase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSBASE_H
-#define NSSBASE_H
- * nssbase.h
- *
- * This header file contains the prototypes of the basic public
- * NSS routines.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
- * NSSArena
- *
- * The public methods relating to this type are:
- *
- *  NSSArena_Create  -- constructor
- *  NSSArena_Destroy
- *  NSS_ZAlloc
- *  NSS_ZRealloc
- *  NSS_ZFreeIf
- */
- * NSSArena_Create
- *
- * This routine creates a new memory arena.  This routine may return
- * NULL upon error, in which case it will have created an error stack.
- *
- * The top-level error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to an NSSArena upon success
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSArena *NSSArena_Create(void);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
- * NSSArena_Destroy
- *
- * This routine will destroy the specified arena, freeing all memory
- * allocated from it.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  If unsuccessful, it will
- * create an error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The top-level error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_SUCCESS upon success
- *  PR_FAILURE upon failure
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus NSSArena_Destroy(NSSArena *arena);
- * The error stack
- *
- * The public methods relating to the error stack are:
- *
- *  NSS_GetError
- *  NSS_GetErrorStack
- */
- * NSS_GetError
- *
- * This routine returns the highest-level (most general) error set
- * by the most recent NSS library routine called by the same thread
- * calling this routine.
- *
- * This routine cannot fail.  It may return NSS_ERROR_NO_ERROR, which
- * indicates that the previous NSS library call did not set an error.
- *
- * Return value:
- *  0 if no error has been set
- *  A nonzero error number
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSError NSS_GetError(void);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
- * NSS_GetErrorStack
- *
- * This routine returns a pointer to an array of NSSError values,
- * containingthe entire sequence or "stack" of errors set by the most
- * recent NSS library routine called by the same thread calling this
- * routine.  NOTE: the caller DOES NOT OWN the memory pointed to by
- * the return value.  The pointer will remain valid until the calling
- * thread calls another NSS routine.  The lowest-level (most specific)
- * error is first in the array, and the highest-level is last.  The
- * array is zero-terminated.  This routine may return NULL upon error;
- * this indicates a low-memory situation.
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error, which is an implied NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY
- *  A NON-caller-owned pointer to an array of NSSError values
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSError *NSS_GetErrorStack(void);
- *
- * This preprocessor macro will allocate memory for a new object
- * of the specified type with nss_ZAlloc, and will cast the
- * return value appropriately.  If the optional arena argument is
- * non-null, the memory will be obtained from that arena; otherwise,
- * the memory will be obtained from the heap.  This routine may
- * return NULL upon error, in which case it will have set an error
- * upon the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-#define NSS_ZNEW(arenaOpt, type) ((type *)NSS_ZAlloc((arenaOpt), sizeof(type)))
- *
- * This preprocessor macro will allocate memory for an array of
- * new objects, and will cast the return value appropriately.
- * If the optional arena argument is non-null, the memory will
- * be obtained from that arena; otherwise, the memory will be
- * obtained from the heap.  This routine may return NULL upon
- * error, in which case it will have set an error upon the error
- * stack.  The array size may be specified as zero.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-#define NSS_ZNEWARRAY(arenaOpt, type, quantity)                                \
-    ((type *)NSS_ZAlloc((arenaOpt), sizeof(type) * (quantity)))
- * NSS_ZAlloc
- *
- * This routine allocates and zeroes a section of memory of the
- * size, and returns to the caller a pointer to that memory.  If
- * the optional arena argument is non-null, the memory will be
- * obtained from that arena; otherwise, the memory will be obtained
- * from the heap.  This routine may return NULL upon error, in
- * which case it will have set an error upon the error stack.  The
- * value specified for size may be zero; in which case a valid
- * zero-length block of memory will be allocated.  This block may
- * be expanded by calling NSS_ZRealloc.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the new segment of zeroed memory
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *NSS_ZAlloc(NSSArena *arenaOpt, PRUint32 size);
- * NSS_ZRealloc
- *
- * This routine reallocates a block of memory obtained by calling
- * nss_ZAlloc or nss_ZRealloc.  The portion of memory
- * between the new and old sizes -- which is either being newly
- * obtained or released -- is in either case zeroed.  This routine
- * may return NULL upon failure, in which case it will have placed
- * an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A pointer to the replacement segment of memory
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *NSS_ZRealloc(void *pointer, PRUint32 newSize);
- * NSS_ZFreeIf
- *
- * If the specified pointer is non-null, then the region of memory
- * to which it points -- which must have been allocated with
- * nss_ZAlloc -- will be zeroed and released.  This routine
- * returns a PRStatus value; if successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.
- * If unsuccessful, it will set an error on the error stack and return
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus NSS_ZFreeIf(void *pointer);
-#endif /* NSSBASE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/nssbaset.h b/nss/lib/base/nssbaset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc556e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/nssbaset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#define NSSBASET_H
- * nssbaset.h
- *
- * This file contains the most low-level, fundamental public types.
- */
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
- *
- * NSS has its own versions of these NSPR macros, in a form which
- * does not confuse ctags and other related utilities.  NSPR
- * defines these macros to take the type as an argument, because
- * of certain OS requirements on platforms not supported by NSS.
- */
-#define DUMMY /* dummy */
-#define NSS_EXTERN extern
-#define NSS_EXTERN_DATA extern
- * NSSError
- *
- * Calls to NSS routines may result in one or more errors being placed
- * on the calling thread's "error stack."  Every possible error that
- * may be returned from a function is declared where the function is
- * prototyped.  All errors are of the following type.
- */
-typedef PRInt32 NSSError;
- * NSSArena
- *
- * Arenas are logical sets of heap memory, from which memory may be
- * allocated.  When an arena is destroyed, all memory allocated within
- * that arena is implicitly freed.  These arenas are thread-safe:
- * an arena pointer may be used by multiple threads simultaneously.
- * However, as they are not backed by shared memory, they may only be
- * used within one process.
- */
-struct NSSArenaStr;
-typedef struct NSSArenaStr NSSArena;
- * NSSItem
- *
- * This is the basic type used to refer to an unconstrained datum of
- * arbitrary size.
- */
-struct NSSItemStr {
-    void *data;
-    PRUint32 size;
-typedef struct NSSItemStr NSSItem;
- *
- * Data packed according to the Basic Encoding Rules of ASN.1.
- */
-typedef NSSItem NSSBER;
- *
- * Data packed according to the Distinguished Encoding Rules of ASN.1;
- * this form is also known as the Canonical Encoding Rules form (CER).
- */
- * NSSBitString
- *
- * Some ASN.1 types use "bit strings," which are passed around as
- * octet strings but whose length is counted in bits.  We use this
- * typedef of NSSItem to point out the occasions when the length
- * is counted in bits, not octets.
- */
-typedef NSSItem NSSBitString;
- *
- * Character strings encoded in UTF-8, as defined by RFC 2279.
- */
-typedef char NSSUTF8;
- *
- * Character strings guaranteed to be 7-bit ASCII.
- */
-typedef char NSSASCII7;
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/nssutf8.c b/nss/lib/base/nssutf8.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef197c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/nssutf8.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * utf8.c
- *
- * This file contains some additional utility routines required for
- * handling UTF8 strings.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#include "plstr.h"
- * NOTES:
- *
- * There's an "is hex string" function in pki1/atav.c.  If we need
- * it in more places, pull that one out.
- */
- * nssUTF8_CaseIgnoreMatch
- *
- * Returns true if the two UTF8-encoded strings pointed to by the
- * two specified NSSUTF8 pointers differ only in typcase.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if the strings match, ignoring case
- *  PR_FALSE if they don't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-nssUTF8_CaseIgnoreMatch(const NSSUTF8 *a, const NSSUTF8 *b, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == a) || ((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == b)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX fgmr
-     *
-     * This is, like, so wrong!
-     */
-    if (0 == PL_strcasecmp((const char *)a, (const char *)b)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
- * nssUTF8_PrintableMatch
- *
- * Returns true if the two Printable strings pointed to by the
- * two specified NSSUTF8 pointers match when compared with the
- * rules for Printable String (leading and trailing spaces are
- * disregarded, extents of whitespace match irregardless of length,
- * and case is not significant), then PR_TRUE will be returned.
- * Otherwise, PR_FALSE will be returned.  Upon failure, PR_FALSE
- * will be returned.  If the optional statusOpt argument is not
- * NULL, then PR_SUCCESS or PR_FAILURE will be stored in that
- * location.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  PR_TRUE if the strings match, ignoring case
- *  PR_FALSE if they don't
- *  PR_FALSE upon error
- */
-nssUTF8_PrintableMatch(const NSSUTF8 *a, const NSSUTF8 *b, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    PRUint8 *c;
-    PRUint8 *d;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == a) || ((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == b)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    c = (PRUint8 *)a;
-    d = (PRUint8 *)b;
-    while (' ' == *c) {
-        c++;
-    }
-    while (' ' == *d) {
-        d++;
-    }
-    while (('\0' != *c) && ('\0' != *d)) {
-        PRUint8 e, f;
-        e = *c;
-        f = *d;
-        if (('a' <= e) && (e <= 'z')) {
-            e -= ('a' - 'A');
-        }
-        if (('a' <= f) && (f <= 'z')) {
-            f -= ('a' - 'A');
-        }
-        if (e != f) {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        c++;
-        d++;
-        if (' ' == *c) {
-            while (' ' == *c) {
-                c++;
-            }
-            c--;
-        }
-        if (' ' == *d) {
-            while (' ' == *d) {
-                d++;
-            }
-            d--;
-        }
-    }
-    while (' ' == *c) {
-        c++;
-    }
-    while (' ' == *d) {
-        d++;
-    }
-    if (*c == *d) {
-        /* And both '\0', btw */
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
- * nssUTF8_Duplicate
- *
- * This routine duplicates the UTF8-encoded string pointed to by the
- * specified NSSUTF8 pointer.  If the optional arenaOpt argument is
- * not null, the memory required will be obtained from that arena;
- * otherwise, the memory required will be obtained from the heap.
- * A pointer to the new string will be returned.  In case of error,
- * an error will be placed on the error stack and NULL will be
- * returned.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- */
-nssUTF8_Duplicate(const NSSUTF8 *s, NSSArena *arenaOpt)
-    NSSUTF8 *rv;
-    PRUint32 len;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == s) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-    }
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arenaOpt) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-            return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    len = PL_strlen((const char *)s);
-#ifdef PEDANTIC
-    if ('\0' != ((const char *)s)[len]) {
-        /* must have wrapped, e.g., too big for PRUint32 */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif     /* PEDANTIC */
-    len++; /* zero termination */
-    rv = nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, len);
-    if ((void *)NULL == rv) {
-        return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-    }
-    (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv, s, len);
-    return rv;
- * nssUTF8_Size
- *
- * This routine returns the length in bytes (including the terminating
- * null) of the UTF8-encoded string pointed to by the specified
- * NSSUTF8 pointer.  Zero is returned on error.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  0 on error
- *  nonzero length of the string.
- */
-nssUTF8_Size(const NSSUTF8 *s, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    PRUint32 sv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == s) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    sv = PL_strlen((const char *)s) + 1;
-#ifdef PEDANTIC
-    if ('\0' != ((const char *)s)[sv - 1]) {
-        /* wrapped */
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_VALUE_TOO_LARGE);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-#endif /* PEDANTIC */
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return sv;
- * nssUTF8_Length
- *
- * This routine returns the length in characters (not including the
- * terminating null) of the UTF8-encoded string pointed to by the
- * specified NSSUTF8 pointer.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  length of the string (which may be zero)
- *  0 on error
- */
-nssUTF8_Length(const NSSUTF8 *s, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    PRUint32 l = 0;
-    const PRUint8 *c = (const PRUint8 *)s;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == s) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /*
-     * From RFC 2044:
-     *
-     * UCS-4 range (hex.)           UTF-8 octet sequence (binary)
-     * 0000 0000-0000 007F   0xxxxxxx
-     * 0000 0080-0000 07FF   110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
-     * 0000 0800-0000 FFFF   1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-     * 0001 0000-001F FFFF   11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-     * 0020 0000-03FF FFFF   111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-     * 0400 0000-7FFF FFFF   1111110x 10xxxxxx ... 10xxxxxx
-     */
-    while (0 != *c) {
-        PRUint32 incr;
-        if ((*c & 0x80) == 0) {
-            incr = 1;
-        } else if ((*c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
-            incr = 2;
-        } else if ((*c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
-            incr = 3;
-        } else if ((*c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
-            incr = 4;
-        } else if ((*c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) {
-            incr = 5;
-        } else if ((*c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) {
-            incr = 6;
-        } else {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_STRING);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        l += incr;
-#ifdef PEDANTIC
-        if (l < incr) {
-            /* Wrapped-- too big */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_VALUE_TOO_LARGE);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        {
-            PRUint8 *d;
-            for (d = &c[1]; d < &c[incr]; d++) {
-                if ((*d & 0xC0) != 0xF0) {
-                    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_STRING);
-                    goto loser;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-#endif /* PEDANTIC */
-        c += incr;
-    }
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return l;
-    if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * nssUTF8_Create
- *
- * This routine creates a UTF8 string from a string in some other
- * format.  Some types of string may include embedded null characters,
- * so for them the length parameter must be used.  For string types
- * that are null-terminated, the length parameter is optional; if it
- * is zero, it will be ignored.  If the optional arena argument is
- * non-null, the memory used for the new string will be obtained from
- * that arena, otherwise it will be obtained from the heap.  This
- * routine may return NULL upon error, in which case it will have
- * placed an error on the error stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following:
- *
- * Return value:
- *  NULL upon error
- *  A non-null pointer to a new UTF8 string otherwise
- */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; /* XXX fgmr */
-nssUTF8_Create(NSSArena *arenaOpt, nssStringType type, const void *inputString,
-               PRUint32 size /* in bytes, not characters */
-               )
-    NSSUTF8 *rv = NULL;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arenaOpt) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-            return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((const void *)NULL == inputString) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    switch (type) {
-        case nssStringType_DirectoryString:
-            /* This is a composite type requiring BER */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE);
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_TeletexString:
-            /*
-             * draft-ietf-pkix-ipki-part1-11 says in part:
-             *
-             * In addition, many legacy implementations support names encoded
-             * in the ISO 8859-1 character set (Latin1String) but tag them as
-             * TeletexString.  The Latin1String includes characters used in
-             * Western European countries which are not part of the
-             * TeletexString charcter set.  Implementations that process
-             * TeletexString SHOULD be prepared to handle the entire ISO
-             * 8859-1 character set.[ISO 8859-1].
-             */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_PrintableString:
-            /*
-             * PrintableString consists of A-Za-z0-9 ,()+,-./:=?
-             * This is a subset of ASCII, which is a subset of UTF8.
-             * So we can just duplicate the string over.
-             */
-            if (0 == size) {
-                rv = nssUTF8_Duplicate((const NSSUTF8 *)inputString, arenaOpt);
-            } else {
-                rv = nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, size + 1);
-                if ((NSSUTF8 *)NULL == rv) {
-                    return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-                }
-                (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv, inputString, size);
-            }
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_UniversalString:
-            /* 4-byte unicode */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_BMPString:
-            /* Base Multilingual Plane of Unicode */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_UTF8String:
-            if (0 == size) {
-                rv = nssUTF8_Duplicate((const NSSUTF8 *)inputString, arenaOpt);
-            } else {
-                rv = nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, size + 1);
-                if ((NSSUTF8 *)NULL == rv) {
-                    return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-                }
-                (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv, inputString, size);
-            }
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_PHGString:
-            /*
-             * PHGString is an IA5String (with case-insensitive comparisons).
-             * IA5 is ~almost~ ascii; ascii has dollar-sign where IA5 has
-             * currency symbol.
-             */
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_GeneralString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        default:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE);
-            break;
-    }
-    return rv;
-nssUTF8_GetEncoding(NSSArena *arenaOpt, NSSItem *rvOpt, nssStringType type,
-                    NSSUTF8 *string)
-    NSSItem *rv = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arenaOpt) {
-        if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arenaOpt)) {
-            return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((NSSUTF8 *)NULL == string) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    switch (type) {
-        case nssStringType_DirectoryString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_TeletexString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_PrintableString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_UniversalString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_BMPString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        case nssStringType_UTF8String: {
-            NSSUTF8 *dup = nssUTF8_Duplicate(string, arenaOpt);
-            if ((NSSUTF8 *)NULL == dup) {
-                return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-            }
-            if ((NSSItem *)NULL == rvOpt) {
-                rv = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, NSSItem);
-                if ((NSSItem *)NULL == rv) {
-                    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(dup);
-                    return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-                }
-            } else {
-                rv = rvOpt;
-            }
-            rv->data = dup;
-            dup = (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-            rv->size = nssUTF8_Size(rv->data, &status);
-            if ((0 == rv->size) && (PR_SUCCESS != status)) {
-                if ((NSSItem *)NULL == rvOpt) {
-                    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-                }
-                return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-            }
-        } break;
-        case nssStringType_PHGString:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); /* unimplemented */
-            break;
-        default:
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE);
-            break;
-    }
-    return rv;
- * nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer
- *
- * This will copy a UTF8 string into a fixed-length buffer, making
- * sure that the all characters are valid.  Any remaining space will
- * be padded with the specified ASCII character, typically either
- * null or space.
- *
- * Blah, blah, blah.
- */
-nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(NSSUTF8 *string, char *buffer, PRUint32 bufferSize,
-                            char pad)
-    PRUint32 stringSize = 0;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((char *)NULL == buffer) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (0 == bufferSize) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((pad & 0x80) != 0x00) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((NSSUTF8 *)NULL == string) {
-        string = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-    }
-    stringSize = nssUTF8_Size(string, (PRStatus *)NULL);
-    stringSize--; /* don't count the trailing null */
-    if (stringSize > bufferSize) {
-        PRUint32 bs = bufferSize;
-        (void)nsslibc_memcpy(buffer, string, bufferSize);
-        if ((            ((buffer[bs - 1] & 0x80) == 0x00)) ||
-            ((bs > 1) && ((buffer[bs - 2] & 0xE0) == 0xC0)) ||
-            ((bs > 2) && ((buffer[bs - 3] & 0xF0) == 0xE0)) ||
-            ((bs > 3) && ((buffer[bs - 4] & 0xF8) == 0xF0)) ||
-            ((bs > 4) && ((buffer[bs - 5] & 0xFC) == 0xF8)) ||
-            ((bs > 5) && ((buffer[bs - 6] & 0xFE) == 0xFC))) {
-            /* It fit exactly */
-            return PR_SUCCESS;
-        }
-        /* Too long.  We have to trim the last character */
-        for (/*bs*/; bs != 0; bs--) {
-            if ((buffer[bs - 1] & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
-                buffer[bs - 1] = pad;
-                break;
-            } else {
-                buffer[bs - 1] = pad;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        (void)nsslibc_memset(buffer, pad, bufferSize);
-        (void)nsslibc_memcpy(buffer, string, stringSize);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * nssUTF8_Equal
- *
- */
-nssUTF8_Equal(const NSSUTF8 *a, const NSSUTF8 *b, PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    PRUint32 la, lb;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == a) || ((const NSSUTF8 *)NULL == b)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        if ((PRStatus *)NULL != statusOpt) {
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    la = nssUTF8_Size(a, statusOpt);
-    if (0 == la) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    lb = nssUTF8_Size(b, statusOpt);
-    if (0 == lb) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (la != lb) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return nsslibc_memequal(a, b, la, statusOpt);
diff --git a/nss/lib/base/tracker.c b/nss/lib/base/tracker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 850add7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/base/tracker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * tracker.c
- *
- * This file contains the code used by the pointer-tracking calls used
- * in the debug builds to catch bad pointers.  The entire contents are
- * only available in debug builds (both internal and external builds).
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * identity_hash
- *
- * This static callback is a PLHashFunction as defined in plhash.h
- * It merely returns the value of the object pointer as its hash.
- * There are no possible errors.
- */
-static PLHashNumber PR_CALLBACK
-identity_hash(const void *key)
-    return (PLHashNumber)((char *)key - (char *)NULL);
- * trackerOnceFunc
- *
- * This function is called once, using the nssCallOnce function above.
- * It creates a new pointer tracker object; initialising its hash
- * table and protective lock.
- */
-static PRStatus
-trackerOnceFunc(void *arg)
-    nssPointerTracker *tracker = (nssPointerTracker *)arg;
-    tracker->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if ((PZLock *)NULL == tracker->lock) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    tracker->table =
-        PL_NewHashTable(0, identity_hash, PL_CompareValues, PL_CompareValues,
-                        (PLHashAllocOps *)NULL, (void *)NULL);
-    if ((PLHashTable *)NULL == tracker->table) {
-        PZ_DestroyLock(tracker->lock);
-        tracker->lock = (PZLock *)NULL;
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * nssPointerTracker_initialize
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine initializes an nssPointerTracker object.  Note that
- * the object must have been declared *static* to guarantee that it
- * is in a zeroed state initially.  This routine is idempotent, and
- * may even be safely called by multiple threads simultaneously with
- * the same argument.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCESS.  On failure it will set an
- * error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssPointerTracker_initialize(nssPointerTracker *tracker)
-    PRStatus rv = PR_CallOnceWithArg(&tracker->once, trackerOnceFunc, tracker);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != rv) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* See same #ifdef below */
- * count_entries
- *
- * This static routine is a PLHashEnumerator, as defined in plhash.h.
- * It merely causes the enumeration function to count the number of
- * entries.
- */
-static PRIntn PR_CALLBACK
-count_entries(PLHashEntry *he, PRIntn index, void *arg)
-    return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
- * zero_once
- *
- * This is a guaranteed zeroed once block.  It's used to help clear
- * the tracker.
- */
-static const PRCallOnceType zero_once;
- * nssPointerTracker_finalize
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine returns the nssPointerTracker object to the pre-
- * initialized state, releasing all resources used by the object.
- * It will *NOT* destroy the objects being tracked by the pointer
- * (should any remain), and therefore cannot be used to "sweep up"
- * remaining objects.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if
- * successful, it will return PR_SUCCES.  On failure it will set an
- * error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.  If any objects
- * remain in the tracker when it is finalized, that will be treated
- * as an error.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssPointerTracker_finalize(nssPointerTracker *tracker)
-    PZLock *lock;
-    if ((nssPointerTracker *)NULL == tracker) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((PZLock *)NULL == tracker->lock) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    lock = tracker->lock;
-    PZ_Lock(lock);
-    if ((PLHashTable *)NULL == tracker->table) {
-        PZ_Unlock(lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * I changed my mind; I think we don't want this after all.
-     * Comments?
-     */
-    count = PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(tracker->table, count_entries,
-                                         (void *)NULL);
-    if (0 != count) {
-        PZ_Unlock(lock);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_TRACKER_NOT_EMPTY);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PL_HashTableDestroy(tracker->table);
-    /* memset(tracker, 0, sizeof(nssPointerTracker)); */
-    tracker->once = zero_once;
-    tracker->lock = (PZLock *)NULL;
-    tracker->table = (PLHashTable *)NULL;
-    PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    PZ_DestroyLock(lock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * nssPointerTracker_add
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine adds the specified pointer to the nssPointerTracker
- * object.  It should be called in constructor objects to register
- * new valid objects.  The nssPointerTracker is threadsafe, but this
- * call is not idempotent.  This routine returns a PRStatus value;
- * if successful it will return PR_SUCCESS.  On failure it will set
- * an error on the error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssPointerTracker_add(nssPointerTracker *tracker, const void *pointer)
-    void *check;
-    PLHashEntry *entry;
-    if ((nssPointerTracker *)NULL == tracker) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((PZLock *)NULL == tracker->lock) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(tracker->lock);
-    if ((PLHashTable *)NULL == tracker->table) {
-        PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    check = PL_HashTableLookup(tracker->table, pointer);
-    if ((void *)NULL != check) {
-        PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    entry = PL_HashTableAdd(tracker->table, pointer, (void *)pointer);
-    PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-    if ((PLHashEntry *)NULL == entry) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * nssPointerTracker_remove
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine removes the specified pointer from the
- * nssPointerTracker object.  It does not call any destructor for the
- * object; rather, this should be called from the object's destructor.
- * The nssPointerTracker is threadsafe, but this call is not
- * idempotent.  This routine returns a PRStatus value; if successful
- * it will return PR_SUCCESS.  On failure it will set an error on the
- * error stack and return PR_FAILURE.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssPointerTracker_remove(nssPointerTracker *tracker, const void *pointer)
-    PRBool registered;
-    if ((nssPointerTracker *)NULL == tracker) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((PZLock *)NULL == tracker->lock) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(tracker->lock);
-    if ((PLHashTable *)NULL == tracker->table) {
-        PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    registered = PL_HashTableRemove(tracker->table, pointer);
-    PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-    if (!registered) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * nssPointerTracker_verify
- *
- * This method is only present in debug builds.
- *
- * This routine verifies that the specified pointer has been registered
- * with the nssPointerTracker object.  The nssPointerTracker object is
- * threadsafe, and this call may be safely called from multiple threads
- * simultaneously with the same arguments.  This routine returns a
- * PRStatus value; if the pointer is registered this will return
- * PR_SUCCESS.  Otherwise it will set an error on the error stack and
- * return PR_FAILURE.  Although the error is suitable for leaving on
- * the stack, callers may wish to augment the information available by
- * placing a more type-specific error on the stack.
- *
- * The error may be one of the following values:
- *
- * Return value:
- */
-nssPointerTracker_verify(nssPointerTracker *tracker, const void *pointer)
-    void *check;
-    if ((nssPointerTracker *)NULL == tracker) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if ((PZLock *)NULL == tracker->lock) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(tracker->lock);
-    if ((PLHashTable *)NULL == tracker->table) {
-        PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    check = PL_HashTableLookup(tracker->table, pointer);
-    PZ_Unlock(tracker->lock);
-    if ((void *)NULL == check) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/alg1485.c b/nss/lib/certdb/alg1485.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e1f84..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/alg1485.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1576 +0,0 @@
-/* alg1485.c - implementation of RFCs 1485, 1779 and 2253.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "xconst.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-typedef struct NameToKindStr {
-    const char* name;
-    unsigned int maxLen; /* max bytes in UTF8 encoded string value */
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    int valueType;
-} NameToKind;
-/* local type for directory string--could be printable_string or utf8 */
-/* clang-format off */
-/* Add new entries to this table, and maybe to function ParseRFC1485AVA */
-static const NameToKind name2kinds[] = {
-/* IANA registered type names
- * (See:
- */
-/* RFC 3280, 4630 MUST SUPPORT */
-    { "CN",            640, SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME,    SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "ST",            128, SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE,
-                                                        SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "O",             128, SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATION_NAME,
-                                                        SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "OU",            128, SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME,
-                                                        SEC_ASN1_DS},
-/* RFC 3280, 4630 SHOULD SUPPORT */
-    { "L",             128, SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY,       SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "title",          64, SEC_OID_AVA_TITLE,          SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "SN",             64, SEC_OID_AVA_SURNAME,        SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "givenName",      64, SEC_OID_AVA_GIVEN_NAME,     SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "initials",       64, SEC_OID_AVA_INITIALS,       SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "generationQualifier",
-                        64, SEC_OID_AVA_GENERATION_QUALIFIER,
-                                                        SEC_ASN1_DS},
-/* RFC 3280, 4630 MAY SUPPORT */
-    { "DC",            128, SEC_OID_AVA_DC,             SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING},
-    { "MAIL",          256, SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL,       SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING},
-    { "UID",           256, SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID,        SEC_ASN1_DS},
-/* ------------------ "strict" boundary ---------------------------------
- * In strict mode, cert_NameToAscii does not encode any of the attributes
- * below this line. The first SECOidTag below this line must be used to
- * conditionally define the "endKind" in function AppendAVA() below.
- * Most new attribute names should be added below this line.
- * Maybe this line should be up higher?  Say, after the 3280 MUSTs and
- * before the 3280 SHOULDs?
- */
-/* values from draft-ietf-ldapbis-user-schema-05 (not in RFC 3280) */
-    { "postalAddress", 128, SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_ADDRESS, SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "postalCode",     40, SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_CODE,    SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "postOfficeBox",  40, SEC_OID_AVA_POST_OFFICE_BOX,SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "houseIdentifier",64, SEC_OID_AVA_HOUSE_IDENTIFIER,SEC_ASN1_DS},
-/* end of IANA registered type names */
-/* legacy keywords */
-    { "E",             128, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS,SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING},
-    { "pseudonym",      64, SEC_OID_AVA_PSEUDONYM,      SEC_ASN1_DS},
-/* values defined by the CAB Forum for EV */
-    { "incorporationLocality", 128, SEC_OID_EV_INCORPORATION_LOCALITY,
-                                    SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "incorporationState",    128, SEC_OID_EV_INCORPORATION_STATE,
-                                    SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { "incorporationCountry",    2, SEC_OID_EV_INCORPORATION_COUNTRY,
-                                    SEC_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING},
-    { "businessCategory",       64, SEC_OID_BUSINESS_CATEGORY, SEC_ASN1_DS},
-/* values defined in X.520 */
-    { "name",           64, SEC_OID_AVA_NAME,           SEC_ASN1_DS},
-    { 0,               256, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN,            0},
-/* Table facilitates conversion of ASCII hex to binary. */
-static const PRInt16 x2b[256] = {
-/* #0x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #1x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #2x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #3x */  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #4x */ -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #5x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #6x */ -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #7x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #8x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #9x */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #ax */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #bx */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #cx */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #dx */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #ex */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-/* #fx */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
-#define IS_HEX(c) (x2b[(PRUint8)(c)] >= 0)
-#define C_DOUBLE_QUOTE '\042'
-#define C_BACKSLASH '\134'
-#define C_EQUAL '='
-#define OPTIONAL_SPACE(c)                                                      \
-    (((c) == ' ') || ((c) == '\r') || ((c) == '\n'))
-#define SPECIAL_CHAR(c)                                                        \
-    (((c) == ',') || ((c) == '=') || ((c) == C_DOUBLE_QUOTE) ||                \
-     ((c) == '\r') || ((c) == '\n') || ((c) == '+') ||                         \
-     ((c) == '<') || ((c) == '>') || ((c) == '#') ||                           \
-     ((c) == ';') || ((c) == C_BACKSLASH))
-#define IS_PRINTABLE(c)                                                        \
-    ((((c) >= 'a') && ((c) <= 'z')) ||                                         \
-     (((c) >= 'A') && ((c) <= 'Z')) ||                                         \
-     (((c) >= '0') && ((c) <= '9')) ||                                         \
-     ((c) == ' ') ||                                                           \
-     ((c) == '\'') ||                                                          \
-     ((c) == '\050') ||                     /* ( */                            \
-     ((c) == '\051') ||                     /* ) */                            \
-     (((c) >= '+') && ((c) <= '/')) ||      /* + , - . / */                    \
-     ((c) == ':') ||                                                           \
-     ((c) == '=') ||                                                           \
-     ((c) == '?'))
-/* clang-format on */
-/* RFC 2253 says we must escape ",+\"\\<>;=" EXCEPT inside a quoted string.
- * Inside a quoted string, we only need to escape " and \
- * We choose to quote strings containing any of those special characters,
- * so we only need to escape " and \
- */
-#define NEEDS_ESCAPE(c) (c == C_DOUBLE_QUOTE || c == C_BACKSLASH)
-#define NEEDS_HEX_ESCAPE(c) ((PRUint8)c < 0x20 || c == 0x7f)
-cert_AVAOidTagToMaxLen(SECOidTag tag)
-    const NameToKind* n2k = name2kinds;
-    while (n2k->kind != tag && n2k->kind != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-        ++n2k;
-    }
-    return (n2k->kind != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) ? n2k->maxLen : -1;
-static PRBool
-IsPrintable(unsigned char* data, unsigned len)
-    unsigned char ch, *end;
-    end = data + len;
-    while (data < end) {
-        ch = *data++;
-        if (!IS_PRINTABLE(ch)) {
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-static void
-skipSpace(const char** pbp, const char* endptr)
-    const char* bp = *pbp;
-    while (bp < endptr && OPTIONAL_SPACE(*bp)) {
-        bp++;
-    }
-    *pbp = bp;
-static SECStatus
-scanTag(const char** pbp, const char* endptr, char* tagBuf, int tagBufSize)
-    const char* bp;
-    char* tagBufp;
-    int taglen;
-    PORT_Assert(tagBufSize > 0);
-    /* skip optional leading space */
-    skipSpace(pbp, endptr);
-    if (*pbp == endptr) {
-        /* nothing left */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* fill tagBuf */
-    taglen = 0;
-    bp = *pbp;
-    tagBufp = tagBuf;
-    while (bp < endptr && !OPTIONAL_SPACE(*bp) && (*bp != C_EQUAL)) {
-        if (++taglen >= tagBufSize) {
-            *pbp = bp;
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        *tagBufp++ = *bp++;
-    }
-    /* null-terminate tagBuf -- guaranteed at least one space left */
-    *tagBufp++ = 0;
-    *pbp = bp;
-    /* skip trailing spaces till we hit something - should be an equal sign */
-    skipSpace(pbp, endptr);
-    if (*pbp == endptr) {
-        /* nothing left */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (**pbp != C_EQUAL) {
-        /* should be an equal sign */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* skip over the equal sign */
-    (*pbp)++;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Returns the number of bytes in the value. 0 means failure. */
-static int
-scanVal(const char** pbp, const char* endptr, char* valBuf, int valBufSize)
-    const char* bp;
-    char* valBufp;
-    int vallen = 0;
-    PRBool isQuoted;
-    PORT_Assert(valBufSize > 0);
-    /* skip optional leading space */
-    skipSpace(pbp, endptr);
-    if (*pbp == endptr) {
-        /* nothing left */
-        return 0;
-    }
-    bp = *pbp;
-    /* quoted? */
-    if (*bp == C_DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
-        isQuoted = PR_TRUE;
-        /* skip over it */
-        bp++;
-    } else {
-        isQuoted = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    valBufp = valBuf;
-    while (bp < endptr) {
-        char c = *bp;
-        if (c == C_BACKSLASH) {
-            /* escape character */
-            bp++;
-            if (bp >= endptr) {
-                /* escape charater must appear with paired char */
-                *pbp = bp;
-                return 0;
-            }
-            c = *bp;
-            if (IS_HEX(c) && (endptr - bp) >= 2 && IS_HEX(bp[1])) {
-                bp++;
-                c = (char)((x2b[(PRUint8)c] << 4) | x2b[(PRUint8)*bp]);
-            }
-        } else if (c == '#' && bp == *pbp) {
-            /* ignore leading #, quotation not required for it. */
-        } else if (!isQuoted && SPECIAL_CHAR(c)) {
-            /* unescaped special and not within quoted value */
-            break;
-        } else if (c == C_DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
-            /* reached unescaped double quote */
-            break;
-        }
-        /* append character */
-        vallen++;
-        if (vallen >= valBufSize) {
-            *pbp = bp;
-            return 0;
-        }
-        *valBufp++ = c;
-        bp++;
-    }
-    /* strip trailing spaces from unquoted values */
-    if (!isQuoted) {
-        while (valBufp > valBuf) {
-            char c = valBufp[-1];
-            if (!OPTIONAL_SPACE(c))
-                break;
-            --valBufp;
-        }
-        vallen = valBufp - valBuf;
-    }
-    if (isQuoted) {
-        /* insist that we stopped on a double quote */
-        if (*bp != C_DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
-            *pbp = bp;
-            return 0;
-        }
-        /* skip over the quote and skip optional space */
-        bp++;
-        skipSpace(&bp, endptr);
-    }
-    *pbp = bp;
-    /* null-terminate valBuf -- guaranteed at least one space left */
-    *valBufp = 0;
-    return vallen;
-/* Caller must set error code upon failure */
-static SECStatus
-hexToBin(PLArenaPool* pool, SECItem* destItem, const char* src, int len)
-    PRUint8* dest;
-    destItem->data = NULL;
-    if (len <= 0 || (len & 1)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    len >>= 1;
-    if (!SECITEM_AllocItem(pool, destItem, len))
-        goto loser;
-    dest = destItem->data;
-    for (; len > 0; len--, src += 2) {
-        PRInt16 bin = (x2b[(PRUint8)src[0]] << 4) | x2b[(PRUint8)src[1]];
-        if (bin < 0)
-            goto loser;
-        *dest++ = (PRUint8)bin;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (!pool)
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(destItem, PR_FALSE);
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Parses one AVA, starting at *pbp.  Stops at endptr.
- * Advances *pbp past parsed AVA and trailing separator (if present).
- * On any error, returns NULL and *pbp is undefined.
- * On success, returns CERTAVA allocated from arena, and (*pbp)[-1] was
- * the last character parsed.  *pbp is either equal to endptr or
- * points to first character after separator.
- */
-static CERTAVA*
-ParseRFC1485AVA(PLArenaPool* arena, const char** pbp, const char* endptr)
-    CERTAVA* a;
-    const NameToKind* n2k;
-    const char* bp;
-    int vt = -1;
-    int valLen;
-    SECOidTag kind = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem derOid = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    SECItem derVal = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    char sep = 0;
-    char tagBuf[32];
-    char valBuf[1024];
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    if (SECSuccess != scanTag(pbp, endptr, tagBuf, sizeof tagBuf) ||
-        !(valLen = scanVal(pbp, endptr, valBuf, sizeof valBuf))) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    bp = *pbp;
-    if (bp < endptr) {
-        sep = *bp++; /* skip over separator */
-    }
-    *pbp = bp;
-    /* if we haven't finished, insist that we've stopped on a separator */
-    if (sep && sep != ',' && sep != ';' && sep != '+') {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* is this a dotted decimal OID attribute type ? */
-    if (!PL_strncasecmp("oid.", tagBuf, 4)) {
-        rv = SEC_StringToOID(arena, &derOid, tagBuf, strlen(tagBuf));
-    } else {
-        for (n2k = name2kinds; n2k->name; n2k++) {
-            SECOidData* oidrec;
-            if (PORT_Strcasecmp(n2k->name, tagBuf) == 0) {
-                kind = n2k->kind;
-                vt = n2k->valueType;
-                oidrec = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(kind);
-                if (oidrec == NULL)
-                    goto loser;
-                derOid = oidrec->oid;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (kind == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN && rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    /* Is this a hex encoding of a DER attribute value ? */
-    if ('#' == valBuf[0]) {
-        /* convert attribute value from hex to binary */
-        rv = hexToBin(arena, &derVal, valBuf + 1, valLen - 1);
-        if (rv)
-            goto loser;
-        a = CERT_CreateAVAFromRaw(arena, &derOid, &derVal);
-    } else {
-        if (kind == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)
-            goto loser;
-        if (kind == SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME && valLen != 2)
-            goto loser;
-        if (vt == SEC_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING &&
-            !IsPrintable((unsigned char*)valBuf, valLen))
-            goto loser;
-        if (vt == SEC_ASN1_DS) {
-            /* RFC 4630: choose PrintableString or UTF8String */
-            if (IsPrintable((unsigned char*)valBuf, valLen))
-                vt = SEC_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING;
-            else
-                vt = SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING;
-        }
- = (unsigned char*)valBuf;
-        derVal.len = valLen;
-        a = CERT_CreateAVAFromSECItem(arena, kind, vt, &derVal);
-    }
-    return a;
-    /* matched no kind -- invalid tag */
-    return 0;
-static CERTName*
-ParseRFC1485Name(const char* buf, int len)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTName* name;
-    const char *bp, *e;
-    CERTAVA* ava;
-    CERTRDN* rdn = NULL;
-    name = CERT_CreateName(NULL);
-    if (name == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    e = buf + len;
-    bp = buf;
-    while (bp < e) {
-        ava = ParseRFC1485AVA(name->arena, &bp, e);
-        if (ava == 0)
-            goto loser;
-        if (!rdn) {
-            rdn = CERT_CreateRDN(name->arena, ava, (CERTAVA*)0);
-            if (rdn == 0)
-                goto loser;
-            rv = CERT_AddRDN(name, rdn);
-        } else {
-            rv = CERT_AddAVA(name->arena, rdn, ava);
-        }
-        if (rv)
-            goto loser;
-        if (bp[-1] != '+')
-            rdn = NULL; /* done with this RDN */
-        skipSpace(&bp, e);
-    }
-    if (name->rdns[0] == 0) {
-        /* empty name -- illegal */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Reverse order of RDNS to comply with RFC */
-    {
-        CERTRDN** firstRdn;
-        CERTRDN** lastRdn;
-        CERTRDN* tmp;
-        /* get first one */
-        firstRdn = name->rdns;
-        /* find last one */
-        lastRdn = name->rdns;
-        while (*lastRdn)
-            lastRdn++;
-        lastRdn--;
-        /* reverse list */
-        for (; firstRdn < lastRdn; firstRdn++, lastRdn--) {
-            tmp = *firstRdn;
-            *firstRdn = *lastRdn;
-            *lastRdn = tmp;
-        }
-    }
-    /* return result */
-    return name;
-    CERT_DestroyName(name);
-    return NULL;
-CERT_AsciiToName(const char* string)
-    CERTName* name;
-    name = ParseRFC1485Name(string, PORT_Strlen(string));
-    return name;
-typedef struct stringBufStr {
-    char* buffer;
-    unsigned offset;
-    unsigned size;
-} stringBuf;
-static SECStatus
-AppendStr(stringBuf* bufp, char* str)
-    char* buf;
-    unsigned bufLen, bufSize, len;
-    int size = 0;
-    /* Figure out how much to grow buf by (add in the '\0') */
-    buf = bufp->buffer;
-    bufLen = bufp->offset;
-    len = PORT_Strlen(str);
-    bufSize = bufLen + len;
-    if (!buf) {
-        bufSize++;
-        size = PR_MAX(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, bufSize * 2);
-        buf = (char*)PORT_Alloc(size);
-        bufp->size = size;
-    } else if (bufp->size < bufSize) {
-        size = bufSize * 2;
-        buf = (char*)PORT_Realloc(buf, size);
-        bufp->size = size;
-    }
-    if (!buf) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    bufp->buffer = buf;
-    bufp->offset = bufSize;
-    /* Concatenate str onto buf */
-    buf = buf + bufLen;
-    if (bufLen)
-        buf--;                      /* stomp on old '\0' */
-    PORT_Memcpy(buf, str, len + 1); /* put in new null */
-    return SECSuccess;
-typedef enum {
-    minimalEscape = 0,     /* only hex escapes, and " and \ */
-    minimalEscapeAndQuote, /* as above, plus quoting        */
-    fullEscape             /* no quoting, full escaping     */
-} EQMode;
-/* Some characters must be escaped as a hex string, e.g. c -> \nn .
- * Others must be escaped by preceding with a '\', e.g. c -> \c , but
- * there are certain "special characters" that may be handled by either
- * escaping them, or by enclosing the entire attribute value in quotes.
- * A NULL value for pEQMode implies selecting minimalEscape mode.
- * Some callers will do quoting when needed, others will not.
- * If a caller selects minimalEscapeAndQuote, and the string does not
- * need quoting, then this function changes it to minimalEscape.
- */
-static int
-cert_RFC1485_GetRequiredLen(const char* src, int srclen, EQMode* pEQMode)
-    int i, reqLen = 0;
-    EQMode mode = pEQMode ? *pEQMode : minimalEscape;
-    PRBool needsQuoting = PR_FALSE;
-    char lastC = 0;
-    /* need to make an initial pass to determine if quoting is needed */
-    for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++) {
-        char c = src[i];
-        reqLen++;
-        if (NEEDS_HEX_ESCAPE(c)) { /* c -> \xx  */
-            reqLen += 2;
-        } else if (NEEDS_ESCAPE(c)) { /* c -> \c   */
-            reqLen++;
-        } else if (SPECIAL_CHAR(c)) {
-            if (mode == minimalEscapeAndQuote) /* quoting is allowed */
-                needsQuoting = PR_TRUE;        /* entirety will need quoting */
-            else if (mode == fullEscape)
-                reqLen++; /* MAY escape this character */
-        } else if (OPTIONAL_SPACE(c) && OPTIONAL_SPACE(lastC)) {
-            if (mode == minimalEscapeAndQuote) /* quoting is allowed */
-                needsQuoting = PR_TRUE;        /* entirety will need quoting */
-        }
-        lastC = c;
-    }
-    /* if it begins or ends in optional space it needs quoting */
-    if (!needsQuoting && srclen > 0 && mode == minimalEscapeAndQuote &&
-        (OPTIONAL_SPACE(src[srclen - 1]) || OPTIONAL_SPACE(src[0]))) {
-        needsQuoting = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (needsQuoting)
-        reqLen += 2;
-    if (pEQMode && mode == minimalEscapeAndQuote && !needsQuoting)
-        *pEQMode = minimalEscape;
-    return reqLen;
-static const char hexChars[16] = { "0123456789abcdef" };
-static SECStatus
-escapeAndQuote(char* dst, int dstlen, char* src, int srclen, EQMode* pEQMode)
-    int i, reqLen = 0;
-    EQMode mode = pEQMode ? *pEQMode : minimalEscape;
-    /* space for terminal null */
-    reqLen = cert_RFC1485_GetRequiredLen(src, srclen, &mode) + 1;
-    if (reqLen > dstlen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode == minimalEscapeAndQuote)
-        *dst++ = C_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
-    for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++) {
-        char c = src[i];
-        if (NEEDS_HEX_ESCAPE(c)) {
-            *dst++ = C_BACKSLASH;
-            *dst++ = hexChars[(c >> 4) & 0x0f];
-            *dst++ = hexChars[c & 0x0f];
-        } else {
-            if (NEEDS_ESCAPE(c) || (SPECIAL_CHAR(c) && mode == fullEscape)) {
-                *dst++ = C_BACKSLASH;
-            }
-            *dst++ = c;
-        }
-    }
-    if (mode == minimalEscapeAndQuote)
-        *dst++ = C_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
-    *dst++ = 0;
-    if (pEQMode)
-        *pEQMode = mode;
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote(char* dst, int dstlen, char* src, int srclen)
-    EQMode mode = minimalEscapeAndQuote;
-    return escapeAndQuote(dst, dstlen, src, srclen, &mode);
-/* convert an OID to dotted-decimal representation */
-/* Returns a string that must be freed with PR_smprintf_free(), */
-CERT_GetOidString(const SECItem* oid)
-    PRUint8* stop;  /* points to first byte after OID string */
-    PRUint8* first; /* byte of an OID component integer      */
-    PRUint8* last;  /* byte of an OID component integer      */
-    char* rvString = NULL;
-    char* prefix = NULL;
-#define MAX_OID_LEN 1024 /* bytes */
-    if (oid->len > MAX_OID_LEN) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* first will point to the next sequence of bytes to decode */
-    first = (PRUint8*)oid->data;
-    /* stop points to one past the legitimate data */
-    stop = &first[oid->len];
-    /*
-   * Check for our pseudo-encoded single-digit OIDs
-   */
-    if ((*first == 0x80) && (2 == oid->len)) {
-        /* Funky encoding.  The second byte is the number */
-        rvString = PR_smprintf("%lu", (PRUint32)first[1]);
-        if (!rvString) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        }
-        return rvString;
-    }
-    for (; first < stop; first = last + 1) {
-        unsigned int bytesBeforeLast;
-        for (last = first; last < stop; last++) {
-            if (0 == (*last & 0x80)) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        bytesBeforeLast = (unsigned int)(last - first);
-        if (bytesBeforeLast <= 3U) { /* 0-28 bit number */
-            PRUint32 n = 0;
-            PRUint32 c;
-#define CGET(i, m)    \
-    c = last[-i] & m; \
-    n |= c << (7 * i)
-#define CASE(i, m)  \
-    case i:         \
-        CGET(i, m); \
-        if (!n)     \
-        goto unsupported /* fall-through */
-            switch (bytesBeforeLast) {
-                CASE(3, 0x7f);
-                CASE(2, 0x7f);
-                CASE(1, 0x7f);
-                case 0:
-                    n |=
-                        last[0] & 0x7f;
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (last[0] & 0x80)
-                goto unsupported;
-            if (!rvString) {
-                /* This is the first number.. decompose it */
-                PRUint32 one = PR_MIN(n / 40, 2); /* never > 2 */
-                PRUint32 two = n - (one * 40);
-                rvString = PR_smprintf("OID.%lu.%lu", one, two);
-            } else {
-                prefix = rvString;
-                rvString = PR_smprintf("%s.%lu", prefix, n);
-            }
-        } else if (bytesBeforeLast <= 9U) { /* 29-64 bit number */
-            PRUint64 n = 0;
-            PRUint64 c;
-            switch (bytesBeforeLast) {
-                CASE(9, 0x01);
-                CASE(8, 0x7f);
-                CASE(7, 0x7f);
-                CASE(6, 0x7f);
-                CASE(5, 0x7f);
-                CASE(4, 0x7f);
-                CGET(3, 0x7f);
-                CGET(2, 0x7f);
-                CGET(1, 0x7f);
-                CGET(0, 0x7f);
-                break;
-            }
-            if (last[0] & 0x80)
-                goto unsupported;
-            if (!rvString) {
-                /* This is the first number.. decompose it */
-                PRUint64 one = PR_MIN(n / 40, 2); /* never > 2 */
-                PRUint64 two = n - (one * 40);
-                rvString = PR_smprintf("OID.%llu.%llu", one, two);
-            } else {
-                prefix = rvString;
-                rvString = PR_smprintf("%s.%llu", prefix, n);
-            }
-        } else {
-        /* More than a 64-bit number, or not minimal encoding. */
-        unsupported:
-            if (!rvString)
-                rvString = PR_smprintf("OID.UNSUPPORTED");
-            else {
-                prefix = rvString;
-                rvString = PR_smprintf("%s.UNSUPPORTED", prefix);
-            }
-        }
-        if (prefix) {
-            PR_smprintf_free(prefix);
-            prefix = NULL;
-        }
-        if (!rvString) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return rvString;
-/* convert DER-encoded hex to a string */
-static SECItem*
-get_hex_string(SECItem* data)
-    SECItem* rv;
-    unsigned int i, j;
-    static const char hex[] = { "0123456789ABCDEF" };
-    /* '#' + 2 chars per octet + terminator */
-    rv = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, data->len * 2 + 2);
-    if (!rv) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv->data[0] = '#';
-    rv->len = 1 + 2 * data->len;
-    for (i = 0; i < data->len; i++) {
-        j = data->data[i];
-        rv->data[2 * i + 1] = hex[j >> 4];
-        rv->data[2 * i + 2] = hex[j & 15];
-    }
-    rv->data[rv->len] = 0;
-    return rv;
-/* For compliance with RFC 2253, RFC 3280 and RFC 4630, we choose to
- * use the NAME=STRING form, rather than the OID.N.N=#hexXXXX form,
- * when both of these conditions are met:
- *  1) The attribute name OID (kind) has a known name string that is
- *     defined in one of those RFCs, or in RFCs that they cite, AND
- *  2) The attribute's value encoding is RFC compliant for the kind
- *     (e.g., the value's encoding tag is correct for the kind, and
- *     the value's length is in the range allowed for the kind, and
- *     the value's contents are appropriate for the encoding tag).
- *  Otherwise, we use the OID.N.N=#hexXXXX form.
- *
- *  If the caller prefers maximum human readability to RFC compliance,
- *  then
- *  - We print the kind in NAME= string form if we know the name
- *    string for the attribute type OID, regardless of whether the
- *    value is correctly encoded or not. else we use the OID.N.N= form.
- *  - We use the non-hex STRING form for the attribute value if the
- *    value can be represented in such a form.  Otherwise, we use
- *    the hex string form.
- *  This implies that, for maximum human readability, in addition to
- *  the two forms allowed by the RFC, we allow two other forms of output:
- *  - the OID.N.N=STRING form, and
- *  - the NAME=#hexXXXX form
- *  When the caller prefers maximum human readability, we do not allow
- *  the value of any attribute to exceed the length allowed by the RFC.
- *  If the attribute value exceeds the allowed length, we truncate it to
- *  the allowed length and append "...".
- *  Also in this case, we arbitrarily impose a limit on the length of the
- *  entire AVA encoding, regardless of the form, of 384 bytes per AVA.
- *  This limit includes the trailing NULL character.  If the encoded
- *  AVA length exceeds that limit, this function reports failure to encode
- *  the AVA.
- *
- *  An ASCII representation of an AVA is said to be "invertible" if
- *  conversion back to DER reproduces the original DER encoding exactly.
- *  The RFC 2253 rules do not ensure that all ASCII AVAs derived according
- *  to its rules are invertible. That is because the RFCs allow some
- *  attribute values to be encoded in any of a number of encodings,
- *  and the encoding type information is lost in the non-hex STRING form.
- *  This is particularly true of attributes of type DirectoryString.
- *  The encoding type information is always preserved in the hex string
- *  form, because the hex includes the entire DER encoding of the value.
- *
- *  So, when the caller perfers maximum invertibility, we apply the
- *  RFC compliance rules stated above, and add a third required
- *  condition on the use of the NAME=STRING form.
- *   3) The attribute's kind is not is allowed to be encoded in any of
- *      several different encodings, such as DirectoryStrings.
- *
- * The chief difference between CERT_N2A_STRICT and CERT_N2A_INVERTIBLE
- * is that the latter forces DirectoryStrings to be hex encoded.
- *
- * As a simplification, we assume the value is correctly encoded for
- * its encoding type.  That is, we do not test that all the characters
- * in a string encoded type are allowed by that type.  We assume it.
- */
-static SECStatus
-AppendAVA(stringBuf* bufp, CERTAVA* ava, CertStrictnessLevel strict)
-#define TMPBUF_LEN 2048
-    const NameToKind* pn2k = name2kinds;
-    SECItem* avaValue = NULL;
-    char* unknownTag = NULL;
-    char* encodedAVA = NULL;
-    PRBool useHex = PR_FALSE; /* use =#hexXXXX form */
-    PRBool truncateName = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool truncateValue = PR_FALSE;
-    SECOidTag endKind;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int len;
-    unsigned int nameLen, valueLen;
-    unsigned int maxName, maxValue;
-    EQMode mode = minimalEscapeAndQuote;
-    NameToKind n2k = { NULL, 32767, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, SEC_ASN1_DS };
-    char tmpBuf[TMPBUF_LEN];
-#define tagName /* non-NULL means use NAME= form */
-#define maxBytes n2k.maxLen
-#define tag n2k.kind
-#define vt n2k.valueType
-    /* READABLE mode recognizes more names from the name2kinds table
-   * than do STRICT or INVERTIBLE modes.  This assignment chooses the
-   * point in the table where the attribute type name scanning stops.
-   */
-    endKind = (strict == CERT_N2A_READABLE) ? SEC_OID_UNKNOWN
-                                            : SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_ADDRESS;
-    tag = CERT_GetAVATag(ava);
-    while (pn2k->kind != tag && pn2k->kind != endKind) {
-        ++pn2k;
-    }
-    if (pn2k->kind != endKind) {
-        n2k = *pn2k;
-    } else if (strict != CERT_N2A_READABLE) {
-        useHex = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* For invertable form, force Directory Strings to use hex form. */
-    if (strict == CERT_N2A_INVERTIBLE && vt == SEC_ASN1_DS) {
-        tagName = NULL;   /* must use OID.N form */
-        useHex = PR_TRUE; /* must use hex string */
-    }
-    if (!useHex) {
-        avaValue = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-        if (!avaValue) {
-            useHex = PR_TRUE;
-            if (strict != CERT_N2A_READABLE) {
-                tagName = NULL; /* must use OID.N form */
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (!tagName) {
-        /* handle unknown attribute types per RFC 2253 */
-        tagName = unknownTag = CERT_GetOidString(&ava->type);
-        if (!tagName) {
-            if (avaValue)
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(avaValue, PR_TRUE);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (useHex) {
-        avaValue = get_hex_string(&ava->value);
-        if (!avaValue) {
-            if (unknownTag)
-                PR_smprintf_free(unknownTag);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    nameLen = strlen(tagName);
-    valueLen =
-        (useHex ? avaValue->len : cert_RFC1485_GetRequiredLen(
-                                      (char*)avaValue->data, avaValue->len, &mode));
-    len = nameLen + valueLen + 2; /* Add 2 for '=' and trailing NUL */
-    maxName = nameLen;
-    maxValue = valueLen;
-    if (len <= sizeof(tmpBuf)) {
-        encodedAVA = tmpBuf;
-    } else if (strict != CERT_N2A_READABLE) {
-        encodedAVA = PORT_Alloc(len);
-        if (!encodedAVA) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(avaValue, PR_TRUE);
-            if (unknownTag)
-                PR_smprintf_free(unknownTag);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* Must make output fit in tmpbuf */
-        unsigned int fair = (sizeof tmpBuf) / 2 - 1; /* for = and \0 */
-        if (nameLen < fair) {
-            /* just truncate the value */
-            maxValue = (sizeof tmpBuf) - (nameLen + 6); /* for "=...\0",
-                                                     and possibly '"' */
-        } else if (valueLen < fair) {
-            /* just truncate the name */
-            maxName = (sizeof tmpBuf) - (valueLen + 5); /* for "=...\0" */
-        } else {
-            /* truncate both */
-            maxName = maxValue = fair - 3; /* for "..." */
-        }
-        if (nameLen > maxName) {
-            PORT_Assert(unknownTag && unknownTag == tagName);
-            truncateName = PR_TRUE;
-            nameLen = maxName;
-        }
-        encodedAVA = tmpBuf;
-    }
-    memcpy(encodedAVA, tagName, nameLen);
-    if (truncateName) {
-        /* If tag name is too long, we know it is an OID form that was
-     * allocated from the heap, so we can modify it in place
-     */
-        encodedAVA[nameLen - 1] = '.';
-        encodedAVA[nameLen - 2] = '.';
-        encodedAVA[nameLen - 3] = '.';
-    }
-    encodedAVA[nameLen++] = '=';
-    if (unknownTag)
-        PR_smprintf_free(unknownTag);
-    if (strict == CERT_N2A_READABLE && maxValue > maxBytes)
-        maxValue = maxBytes;
-    if (valueLen > maxValue) {
-        valueLen = maxValue;
-        truncateValue = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* escape and quote as necessary - don't quote hex strings */
-    if (useHex) {
-        char* end = encodedAVA + nameLen + valueLen;
-        memcpy(encodedAVA + nameLen, (char*)avaValue->data, valueLen);
-        end[0] = '\0';
-        if (truncateValue) {
-            end[-1] = '.';
-            end[-2] = '.';
-            end[-3] = '.';
-        }
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else if (!truncateValue) {
-        rv = escapeAndQuote(encodedAVA + nameLen, len - nameLen,
-                            (char*)avaValue->data, avaValue->len, &mode);
-    } else {
-        /* must truncate the escaped and quoted value */
-        char bigTmpBuf[TMPBUF_LEN * 3 + 3];
-        PORT_Assert(valueLen < sizeof tmpBuf);
-        rv = escapeAndQuote(bigTmpBuf, sizeof bigTmpBuf, (char*)avaValue->data,
-                            PR_MIN(avaValue->len, valueLen), &mode);
-        bigTmpBuf[valueLen--] = '\0'; /* hard stop here */
-        /* See if we're in the middle of a multi-byte UTF8 character */
-        while (((bigTmpBuf[valueLen] & 0xc0) == 0x80) && valueLen > 0) {
-            bigTmpBuf[valueLen--] = '\0';
-        }
-        /* add ellipsis to signify truncation. */
-        bigTmpBuf[++valueLen] = '.';
-        bigTmpBuf[++valueLen] = '.';
-        bigTmpBuf[++valueLen] = '.';
-        if (bigTmpBuf[0] == '"')
-            bigTmpBuf[++valueLen] = '"';
-        bigTmpBuf[++valueLen] = '\0';
-        PORT_Assert(nameLen + valueLen <= (sizeof tmpBuf) - 1);
-        memcpy(encodedAVA + nameLen, bigTmpBuf, valueLen + 1);
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(avaValue, PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-        rv = AppendStr(bufp, encodedAVA);
-    if (encodedAVA != tmpBuf)
-        PORT_Free(encodedAVA);
-    return rv;
-#undef tagName
-#undef maxBytes
-#undef tag
-#undef vt
-CERT_NameToAsciiInvertible(CERTName* name, CertStrictnessLevel strict)
-    CERTRDN** rdns;
-    CERTRDN** lastRdn;
-    CERTRDN** rdn;
-    PRBool first = PR_TRUE;
-    stringBuf strBuf = { NULL, 0, 0 };
-    rdns = name->rdns;
-    if (rdns == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* find last RDN */
-    lastRdn = rdns;
-    while (*lastRdn)
-        lastRdn++;
-    lastRdn--;
-    /*
-   * Loop over name contents in _reverse_ RDN order appending to string
-   */
-    for (rdn = lastRdn; rdn >= rdns; rdn--) {
-        CERTAVA** avas = (*rdn)->avas;
-        CERTAVA* ava;
-        PRBool newRDN = PR_TRUE;
-        /*
-     * XXX Do we need to traverse the AVAs in reverse order, too?
-     */
-        while (avas && (ava = *avas++) != NULL) {
-            SECStatus rv;
-            /* Put in comma or plus separator */
-            if (!first) {
-                /* Use of spaces is deprecated in RFC 2253. */
-                rv = AppendStr(&strBuf, newRDN ? "," : "+");
-                if (rv)
-                    goto loser;
-            } else {
-                first = PR_FALSE;
-            }
-            /* Add in tag type plus value into strBuf */
-            rv = AppendAVA(&strBuf, ava, strict);
-            if (rv)
-                goto loser;
-            newRDN = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return strBuf.buffer;
-    if (strBuf.buffer) {
-        PORT_Free(strBuf.buffer);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CERT_NameToAscii(CERTName* name)
-    return CERT_NameToAsciiInvertible(name, CERT_N2A_READABLE);
- * Return the string representation of a DER encoded distinguished name
- * "dername" - The DER encoded name to convert
- */
-CERT_DerNameToAscii(SECItem* dername)
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool* arena = NULL;
-    CERTName name;
-    char* retstr = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &name, CERT_NameTemplate, dername);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    retstr = CERT_NameToAscii(&name);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (retstr);
-static char*
-avaToString(PLArenaPool* arena, CERTAVA* ava)
-    char* buf = NULL;
-    SECItem* avaValue;
-    int valueLen;
-    avaValue = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-    if (!avaValue) {
-        return buf;
-    }
-    valueLen =
-        cert_RFC1485_GetRequiredLen((char*)avaValue->data, avaValue->len, NULL) + 1;
-    if (arena) {
-        buf = (char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, valueLen);
-    } else {
-        buf = (char*)PORT_ZAlloc(valueLen);
-    }
-    if (buf) {
-        SECStatus rv =
-            escapeAndQuote(buf, valueLen, (char*)avaValue->data, avaValue->len, NULL);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            if (!arena)
-                PORT_Free(buf);
-            buf = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(avaValue, PR_TRUE);
-    return buf;
-/* RDNs are sorted from most general to most specific.
- * This code returns the FIRST one found, the most general one found.
- */
-static char*
-CERT_GetNameElement(PLArenaPool* arena, const CERTName* name, int wantedTag)
-    CERTRDN** rdns = name->rdns;
-    CERTRDN* rdn;
-    CERTAVA* ava = NULL;
-    while (rdns && (rdn = *rdns++) != 0) {
-        CERTAVA** avas = rdn->avas;
-        while (avas && (ava = *avas++) != 0) {
-            int tag = CERT_GetAVATag(ava);
-            if (tag == wantedTag) {
-                avas = NULL;
-                rdns = NULL; /* break out of all loops */
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ava ? avaToString(arena, ava) : NULL;
-/* RDNs are sorted from most general to most specific.
- * This code returns the LAST one found, the most specific one found.
- * This is particularly appropriate for Common Name.  See RFC 2818.
- */
-static char*
-CERT_GetLastNameElement(PLArenaPool* arena, const CERTName* name, int wantedTag)
-    CERTRDN** rdns = name->rdns;
-    CERTRDN* rdn;
-    CERTAVA* lastAva = NULL;
-    while (rdns && (rdn = *rdns++) != 0) {
-        CERTAVA** avas = rdn->avas;
-        CERTAVA* ava;
-        while (avas && (ava = *avas++) != 0) {
-            int tag = CERT_GetAVATag(ava);
-            if (tag == wantedTag) {
-                lastAva = ava;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return lastAva ? avaToString(arena, lastAva) : NULL;
-CERT_GetCertificateEmailAddress(CERTCertificate* cert)
-    char* rawEmailAddr = NULL;
-    SECItem subAltName;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTGeneralName* nameList = NULL;
-    CERTGeneralName* current;
-    PLArenaPool* arena = NULL;
-    int i;
- = NULL;
-    rawEmailAddr = CERT_GetNameElement(cert->arena, &(cert->subject),
-                                       SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
-    if (rawEmailAddr == NULL) {
-        rawEmailAddr =
-            CERT_GetNameElement(cert->arena, &(cert->subject), SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL);
-    }
-    if (rawEmailAddr == NULL) {
-        rv =
-            CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME, &subAltName);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto finish;
-        }
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!arena) {
-            goto finish;
-        }
-        nameList = current = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(arena, &subAltName);
-        if (!nameList) {
-            goto finish;
-        }
-        if (nameList != NULL) {
-            do {
-                if (current->type == certDirectoryName) {
-                    rawEmailAddr =
-                        CERT_GetNameElement(cert->arena, &(current->name.directoryName),
-                                            SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
-                    if (rawEmailAddr ==
-                        NULL) {
-                        rawEmailAddr =
-                            CERT_GetNameElement(cert->arena, &(current->name.directoryName),
-                                                SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL);
-                    }
-                } else if (current->type == certRFC822Name) {
-                    rawEmailAddr =
-                        (char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cert->arena, current->name.other.len +
-                                                                 1);
-                    if (!rawEmailAddr) {
-                        goto finish;
-                    }
-                    PORT_Memcpy(rawEmailAddr, current->,
-                                current->name.other.len);
-                    rawEmailAddr[current->name.other.len] =
-                        '\0';
-                }
-                if (rawEmailAddr) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current);
-            } while (current != nameList);
-        }
-    }
-    if (rawEmailAddr) {
-        for (i = 0; i <= (int)PORT_Strlen(rawEmailAddr); i++) {
-            rawEmailAddr[i] = tolower(rawEmailAddr[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Don't free nameList, it's part of the arena. */
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&subAltName, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (rawEmailAddr);
-static char*
-appendStringToBuf(char* dest, char* src, PRUint32* pRemaining)
-    PRUint32 len;
-    if (dest && src && src[0] && *pRemaining > (len = PL_strlen(src))) {
-        PRUint32 i;
-        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-            dest[i] = tolower(src[i]);
-        dest[len] = 0;
-        dest += len + 1;
-        *pRemaining -= len + 1;
-    }
-    return dest;
-#define NEEDS_HEX_ESCAPE(c) (c < 0x20)
-static char*
-appendItemToBuf(char* dest, SECItem* src, PRUint32* pRemaining)
-    if (dest && src && src->data && src->len && src->data[0]) {
-        PRUint32 len = src->len;
-        PRUint32 i;
-        PRUint32 reqLen = len + 1;
-        /* are there any embedded control characters ? */
-        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-            if (NEEDS_HEX_ESCAPE(src->data[i]))
-                reqLen += 2;
-        }
-        if (*pRemaining > reqLen) {
-            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-                PRUint8 c = src->data[i];
-                if (NEEDS_HEX_ESCAPE(c)) {
-                    *dest++ =
-                        C_BACKSLASH;
-                    *dest++ =
-                        hexChars[(c >> 4) & 0x0f];
-                    *dest++ =
-                        hexChars[c & 0x0f];
-                } else {
-                    *dest++ =
-                        tolower(c);
-                }
-            }
-            *dest++ = '\0';
-            *pRemaining -= reqLen;
-        }
-    }
-    return dest;
-/* Returns a pointer to an environment-like string, a series of
-** null-terminated strings, terminated by a zero-length string.
-** This function is intended to be internal to NSS.
-cert_GetCertificateEmailAddresses(CERTCertificate* cert)
-    char* rawEmailAddr = NULL;
-    char* addrBuf = NULL;
-    char* pBuf = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool* tmpArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    PRUint32 maxLen = 0;
-    PRInt32 finalLen = 0;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem subAltName;
-    if (!tmpArena)
-        return addrBuf;
- = NULL;
-    maxLen = cert->derCert.len;
-    PORT_Assert(maxLen);
-    if (!maxLen)
-        maxLen = 2000; /* a guess, should never happen */
-    pBuf = addrBuf = (char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(tmpArena, maxLen + 1);
-    if (!addrBuf)
-        goto loser;
-    rawEmailAddr =
-        CERT_GetNameElement(tmpArena, &cert->subject, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
-    pBuf = appendStringToBuf(pBuf, rawEmailAddr, &maxLen);
-    rawEmailAddr =
-        CERT_GetNameElement(tmpArena, &cert->subject, SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL);
-    pBuf = appendStringToBuf(pBuf, rawEmailAddr, &maxLen);
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME, &subAltName);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && {
-        CERTGeneralName* nameList = NULL;
-        if (!!(nameList = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(tmpArena, &subAltName))) {
-            CERTGeneralName* current = nameList;
-            do {
-                if (current->type == certDirectoryName) {
-                    rawEmailAddr =
-                        CERT_GetNameElement(tmpArena, &current->name.directoryName,
-                                            SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
-                    pBuf =
-                        appendStringToBuf(pBuf, rawEmailAddr, &maxLen);
-                    rawEmailAddr =
-                        CERT_GetNameElement(
-                            tmpArena, &current->name.directoryName, SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL);
-                    pBuf =
-                        appendStringToBuf(pBuf, rawEmailAddr, &maxLen);
-                } else if (current->type == certRFC822Name) {
-                    pBuf =
-                        appendItemToBuf(pBuf, &current->name.other, &maxLen);
-                }
-                current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current);
-            } while (current != nameList);
-        }
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&subAltName, PR_FALSE);
-        /* Don't free nameList, it's part of the tmpArena. */
-    }
-    /* now copy superstring to cert's arena */
-    finalLen = (pBuf - addrBuf) + 1;
-    pBuf = NULL;
-    if (finalLen > 1) {
-        pBuf = PORT_ArenaAlloc(cert->arena, finalLen);
-        if (pBuf) {
-            PORT_Memcpy(pBuf, addrBuf, finalLen);
-        }
-    }
-    if (tmpArena)
-        PORT_FreeArena(tmpArena, PR_FALSE);
-    return pBuf;
-/* returns pointer to storage in cert's arena.  Storage remains valid
-** as long as cert's reference count doesn't go to zero.
-** Caller should strdup or otherwise copy.
-const char* /* const so caller won't muck with it. */
-    CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress(CERTCertificate* cert)
-    if (cert && cert->emailAddr && cert->emailAddr[0])
-        return (const char*)cert->emailAddr;
-    return NULL;
-/* returns pointer to storage in cert's arena.  Storage remains valid
-** as long as cert's reference count doesn't go to zero.
-** Caller should strdup or otherwise copy.
-const char* /* const so caller won't muck with it. */
-    CERT_GetNextEmailAddress(CERTCertificate* cert, const char* prev)
-    if (cert && prev && prev[0]) {
-        PRUint32 len = PL_strlen(prev);
-        prev += len + 1;
-        if (prev && prev[0])
-            return prev;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* This is seriously bogus, now that certs store their email addresses in
-** subject Alternative Name extensions.
-** Returns a string allocated by PORT_StrDup, which the caller must free.
-CERT_GetCertEmailAddress(const CERTName* name)
-    char* rawEmailAddr;
-    char* emailAddr;
-    rawEmailAddr = CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
-    if (rawEmailAddr == NULL) {
-        rawEmailAddr = CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL);
-    }
-    emailAddr = CERT_FixupEmailAddr(rawEmailAddr);
-    if (rawEmailAddr) {
-        PORT_Free(rawEmailAddr);
-    }
-    return (emailAddr);
-/* The return value must be freed with PORT_Free. */
-CERT_GetCommonName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetLastNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME));
-CERT_GetCountryName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME));
-CERT_GetLocalityName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY));
-CERT_GetStateName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE));
-CERT_GetOrgName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATION_NAME));
-CERT_GetDomainComponentName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_DC));
-CERT_GetOrgUnitName(const CERTName* name)
-    return (
-CERT_GetDnQualifier(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_AVA_DN_QUALIFIER));
-CERT_GetCertUid(const CERTName* name)
-    return (CERT_GetNameElement(NULL, name, SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID));
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/cert.h b/nss/lib/certdb/cert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0af65a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/cert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1584 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * cert.h - public data structures and prototypes for the certificate library
- */
-#ifndef _CERT_H_
-#define _CERT_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "plhash.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
- *
- * RFC1485 ascii to/from X.? RelativeDistinguishedName (aka CERTName)
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-** Convert an ascii RFC1485 encoded name into its CERTName equivalent.
-extern CERTName *CERT_AsciiToName(const char *string);
-** Convert an CERTName into its RFC1485 encoded equivalent.
-** Returns a string that must be freed with PORT_Free().
-** This version produces a string for maximum human readability,
-** not for strict RFC compliance.
-extern char *CERT_NameToAscii(CERTName *name);
-** Convert an CERTName into its RFC1485 encoded equivalent.
-** Returns a string that must be freed with PORT_Free().
-** Caller chooses encoding rules.
-extern char *CERT_NameToAsciiInvertible(CERTName *name,
-                                        CertStrictnessLevel strict);
-extern CERTAVA *CERT_CopyAVA(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAVA *src);
-/* convert an OID to dotted-decimal representation */
-/* Returns a string that must be freed with PR_smprintf_free(). */
-extern char *CERT_GetOidString(const SECItem *oid);
-** Examine an AVA and return the tag that refers to it. The AVA tags are
-** defined as SEC_OID_AVA*.
-extern SECOidTag CERT_GetAVATag(CERTAVA *ava);
-** Compare two AVA's, returning the difference between them.
-extern SECComparison CERT_CompareAVA(const CERTAVA *a, const CERTAVA *b);
-** Create an RDN (relative-distinguished-name). The argument list is a
-** NULL terminated list of AVA's.
-extern CERTRDN *CERT_CreateRDN(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAVA *avas, ...);
-** Make a copy of "src" storing it in "dest".
-extern SECStatus CERT_CopyRDN(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTRDN *dest, CERTRDN *src);
-** Add an AVA to an RDN.
-**	"rdn" the RDN to add to
-**	"ava" the AVA to add
-extern SECStatus CERT_AddAVA(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTRDN *rdn, CERTAVA *ava);
-** Compare two RDN's, returning the difference between them.
-extern SECComparison CERT_CompareRDN(const CERTRDN *a, const CERTRDN *b);
-** Create an X.500 style name using a NULL terminated list of RDN's.
-extern CERTName *CERT_CreateName(CERTRDN *rdn, ...);
-** Make a copy of "src" storing it in "dest". Memory is allocated in
-** "dest" for each of the appropriate sub objects. Memory is not freed in
-** "dest" before allocation is done (use CERT_DestroyName(dest, PR_FALSE) to
-** do that).
-extern SECStatus CERT_CopyName(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTName *dest,
-                               const CERTName *src);
-** Destroy a Name object.
-**	"name" the CERTName to destroy
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void CERT_DestroyName(CERTName *name);
-** Add an RDN to a name.
-**	"name" the name to add the RDN to
-**	"rdn" the RDN to add to name
-extern SECStatus CERT_AddRDN(CERTName *name, CERTRDN *rdn);
-** Compare two names, returning the difference between them.
-extern SECComparison CERT_CompareName(const CERTName *a, const CERTName *b);
-** Convert a CERTName into something readable
-extern char *CERT_FormatName(CERTName *name);
-** Convert a der-encoded integer to a hex printable string form.
-** Perhaps this should be a SEC function but it's only used for certs.
-extern char *CERT_Hexify(SECItem *i, int do_colon);
-** Converts DER string (with explicit length) into zString, if destination
-** buffer is big enough to receive it.  Does quoting and/or escaping as
-** specified in RFC 1485.  Input string must be single or multi-byte DER
-** character set, (ASCII, UTF8, or ISO 8851-x) not a wide character set.
-** Returns SECSuccess or SECFailure with error code set. If output buffer
-** is too small, sets error code SEC_ERROR_OUTPUT_LEN.
-extern SECStatus CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote(char *dst, int dstlen, char *src,
-                                             int srclen);
- *
- * Certificate handling operations
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** Create a new validity object given two unix time values.
-**	"notBefore" the time before which the validity is not valid
-**	"notAfter" the time after which the validity is not valid
-extern CERTValidity *CERT_CreateValidity(PRTime notBefore, PRTime notAfter);
-** Destroy a validity object.
-**	"v" the validity to destroy
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void CERT_DestroyValidity(CERTValidity *v);
-** Copy the "src" object to "dest". Memory is allocated in "dest" for
-** each of the appropriate sub-objects. Memory in "dest" is not freed
-** before memory is allocated (use CERT_DestroyValidity(v, PR_FALSE) to do
-** that).
-extern SECStatus CERT_CopyValidity(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTValidity *dest,
-                                   CERTValidity *src);
-** The cert lib considers a cert or CRL valid if the "notBefore" time is
-** in the not-too-distant future, e.g. within the next 24 hours. This
-** prevents freshly issued certificates from being considered invalid
-** because the local system's time zone is incorrectly set.
-** The amount of "pending slop time" is adjustable by the application.
-** Units of SlopTime are seconds.  Default is 86400  (24 hours).
-** Negative SlopTime values are not allowed.
-PRInt32 CERT_GetSlopTime(void);
-SECStatus CERT_SetSlopTime(PRInt32 slop);
-** Create a new certificate object. The result must be wrapped with an
-** CERTSignedData to create a signed certificate.
-**	"serialNumber" the serial number
-**	"issuer" the name of the certificate issuer
-**	"validity" the validity period of the certificate
-**	"req" the certificate request that prompted the certificate issuance
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_CreateCertificate(unsigned long serialNumber,
-                                               CERTName *issuer,
-                                               CERTValidity *validity,
-                                               CERTCertificateRequest *req);
-** Destroy a certificate object
-**	"cert" the certificate to destroy
-** NOTE: certificate's are reference counted. This call decrements the
-** reference count, and if the result is zero, then the object is destroyed
-** and optionally freed.
-extern void CERT_DestroyCertificate(CERTCertificate *cert);
-** Make a shallow copy of a certificate "c". Just increments the
-** reference count on "c".
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_DupCertificate(CERTCertificate *c);
-** Create a new certificate request. This result must be wrapped with an
-** CERTSignedData to create a signed certificate request.
-**	"name" the subject name (who the certificate request is from)
-**	"spki" describes/defines the public key the certificate is for
-**	"attributes" if non-zero, some optional attribute data
-extern CERTCertificateRequest *CERT_CreateCertificateRequest(
-    CERTName *name, CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki, SECItem **attributes);
-** Destroy a certificate-request object
-**	"r" the certificate-request to destroy
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest(CERTCertificateRequest *r);
-** Start adding extensions to a certificate request.
-void *CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes(CERTCertificateRequest *req);
-** Reformat the certificate extension list into a CertificateRequest
-** attribute list.
-SECStatus CERT_FinishCertificateRequestAttributes(CERTCertificateRequest *req);
-** Extract the Extension Requests from a DER CertRequest attribute list.
-SECStatus CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions(CERTCertificateRequest *req,
-                                               CERTCertExtension ***exts);
-** Extract a public key object from a certificate
-extern SECKEYPublicKey *CERT_ExtractPublicKey(CERTCertificate *cert);
-** Retrieve the Key Type associated with the cert we're dealing with
-extern KeyType CERT_GetCertKeyType(const CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki);
-** Initialize the certificate database.  This is called to create
-**  the initial list of certificates in the database.
-extern SECStatus CERT_InitCertDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-extern int CERT_GetDBContentVersion(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-** Default certificate database routines
-extern void CERT_SetDefaultCertDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-extern CERTCertDBHandle *CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(void);
-extern CERTCertList *CERT_GetCertChainFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                               PRTime time, SECCertUsage usage);
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                SECItem *derCert,
-                                                char *nickname, PRBool isperm,
-                                                PRBool copyDER);
- *
- * X.500 Name handling operations
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** Create an AVA (attribute-value-assertion)
-**	"arena" the memory arena to alloc from
-**	"kind" is one of SEC_OID_AVA_*
-**	"valueType" is one of DER_PRINTABLE_STRING, DER_IA5_STRING, or
-**	   DER_T61_STRING
-**	"value" is the null terminated string containing the value
-extern CERTAVA *CERT_CreateAVA(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag kind,
-                               int valueType, char *value);
-** Extract the Distinguished Name from a DER encoded certificate
-**	"derCert" is the DER encoded certificate
-**	"derName" is the SECItem that the name is returned in
-extern SECStatus CERT_NameFromDERCert(SECItem *derCert, SECItem *derName);
-** Extract the Issuers Distinguished Name from a DER encoded certificate
-**	"derCert" is the DER encoded certificate
-**	"derName" is the SECItem that the name is returned in
-extern SECStatus CERT_IssuerNameFromDERCert(SECItem *derCert, SECItem *derName);
-extern SECItem *CERT_EncodeGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *genName, SECItem *dest,
-                                       PLArenaPool *arena);
-extern CERTGeneralName *CERT_DecodeGeneralName(PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                                               SECItem *encodedName,
-                                               CERTGeneralName *genName);
-** Generate a database search key for a certificate, based on the
-** issuer and serial number.
-**	"arena" the memory arena to alloc from
-**	"derCert" the DER encoded certificate
-**	"key" the returned key
-extern SECStatus CERT_KeyFromDERCert(PLArenaPool *reqArena, SECItem *derCert,
-                                     SECItem *key);
-extern SECStatus CERT_KeyFromIssuerAndSN(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *issuer,
-                                         SECItem *sn, SECItem *key);
-extern SECStatus CERT_SerialNumberFromDERCert(SECItem *derCert,
-                                              SECItem *derName);
-** Generate a database search key for a crl, based on the
-** issuer.
-**	"arena" the memory arena to alloc from
-**	"derCrl" the DER encoded crl
-**	"key" the returned key
-extern SECStatus CERT_KeyFromDERCrl(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *derCrl,
-                                    SECItem *key);
-** Open the certificate database.  Use callback to get name of database.
-extern SECStatus CERT_OpenCertDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, PRBool readOnly,
-                                 CERTDBNameFunc namecb, void *cbarg);
-/* Open the certificate database.  Use given filename for database. */
-extern SECStatus CERT_OpenCertDBFilename(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                         char *certdbname, PRBool readOnly);
-** Open and initialize a cert database that is entirely in memory.  This
-** can be used when the permanent database can not be opened or created.
-extern SECStatus CERT_OpenVolatileCertDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-** Extract the list of host names, host name patters, IP address strings
-** this cert is valid for.
-** This function does NOT return nicknames.
-** Type CERTCertNicknames is being used because it's a convenient
-** data structure to carry a list of strings and its count.
-extern CERTCertNicknames *CERT_GetValidDNSPatternsFromCert(
-    CERTCertificate *cert);
-** Check the hostname to make sure that it matches the shexp that
-** is given in the common name of the certificate.
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifyCertName(const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                     const char *hostname);
-** Add a domain name to the list of names that the user has explicitly
-** allowed (despite cert name mismatches) for use with a server cert.
-extern SECStatus CERT_AddOKDomainName(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                      const char *hostname);
-** Decode a DER encoded certificate into an CERTCertificate structure
-**	"derSignedCert" is the DER encoded signed certificate
-**	"copyDER" is true if the DER should be copied, false if the
-**		existing copy should be referenced
-**	"nickname" is the nickname to use in the database.  If it is NULL
-**		then a temporary nickname is generated.
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(SECItem *derSignedCert,
-                                                  PRBool copyDER,
-                                                  char *nickname);
-** Decode a DER encoded CRL into a CERTSignedCrl structure
-**	"derSignedCrl" is the DER encoded signed CRL.
-**	"type" must be SEC_CRL_TYPE.
-#define SEC_CRL_TYPE 1
-#define SEC_KRL_TYPE 0 /* deprecated */
-extern CERTSignedCrl *CERT_DecodeDERCrl(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                        SECItem *derSignedCrl, int type);
- * same as CERT_DecodeDERCrl, plus allow options to be passed in
- */
-extern CERTSignedCrl *CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(PLArenaPool *narena,
-                                                 SECItem *derSignedCrl,
-                                                 int type, PRInt32 options);
-/* CRL options to pass */
-#define CRL_DECODE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS 0x00000000
-/* when CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER is set, the DER is not copied . The
-   application must then keep derSignedCrl until it destroys the
-   CRL . Ideally, it should allocate derSignedCrl in an arena
-   and pass that arena in as the first argument to
-   CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags */
-#define CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER 0x00000001
-#define CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES 0x00000002
-#define CRL_DECODE_KEEP_BAD_CRL 0x00000004
-#define CRL_DECODE_ADOPT_HEAP_DER 0x00000008
-/* complete the decoding of a partially decoded CRL, ie. decode the
-   entries. Note that entries is an optional field in a CRL, so the
-   "entries" pointer in CERTCrlStr may still be NULL even after
-   function returns SECSuccess */
-extern SECStatus CERT_CompleteCRLDecodeEntries(CERTSignedCrl *crl);
-/* Validate CRL then import it to the dbase.  If there is already a CRL with the
- * same CA in the dbase, it will be replaced if derCRL is more up to date.
- * If the process successes, a CRL will be returned.  Otherwise, a NULL will
- * be returned. The caller should call PORT_GetError() for the exactly error
- * code.
- */
-extern CERTSignedCrl *CERT_ImportCRL(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derCRL,
-                                     char *url, int type, void *wincx);
-extern void CERT_DestroyCrl(CERTSignedCrl *crl);
-/* this is a hint to flush the CRL cache. crlKey is the DER subject of
-   the issuer (CA). */
-void CERT_CRLCacheRefreshIssuer(CERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle, SECItem *crlKey);
-/* add the specified DER CRL object to the CRL cache. Doing so will allow
-   certificate verification functions (such as CERT_VerifyCertificate)
-   to automatically find and make use of this CRL object.
-   Once a CRL is added to the CRL cache, the application must hold on to
-   the object's memory, because the cache will reference it directly. The
-   application can only free the object after it calls CERT_UncacheCRL to
-   remove it from the CRL cache.
-SECStatus CERT_CacheCRL(CERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle, SECItem *newcrl);
-/* remove a previously added CRL object from the CRL cache. It is OK
-   for the application to free the memory after a successful removal
-SECStatus CERT_UncacheCRL(CERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle, SECItem *oldcrl);
-** Find a certificate in the database
-**	"key" is the database key to look for
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByKey(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                           SECItem *key);
-** Find a certificate in the database by name
-**	"name" is the distinguished name to look up
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByName(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                            SECItem *name);
-** Find a certificate in the database by name
-**	"name" is the distinguished name to look up (in ascii)
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByNameString(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                  char *name);
-** Find a certificate in the database by name and keyid
-**	"name" is the distinguished name to look up
-**	"keyID" is the value of the subjectKeyID to match
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByKeyID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                             SECItem *name, SECItem *keyID);
-** Generate a certificate key from the issuer and serialnumber, then look it
-** up in the database.  Return the cert if found.
-**	"issuerAndSN" is the issuer and serial number to look for
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN(
-    CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a subject key ID
-**	"subjKeyID" is the subject Key ID to look for
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertBySubjectKeyID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                    SECItem *subjKeyID);
-** Encode Certificate SKID (Subject Key ID) extension.
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                         const SECItem *srcString,
-                                         SECItem *encodedValue);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a nickname
-**	"nickname" is the ascii string nickname to look for
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByNickname(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                const char *nickname);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a DER encoded certificate
-**	"derCert" is the DER encoded certificate
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByDERCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                               SECItem *derCert);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a email address
-**	"emailAddr" is the email address to look up
-CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByEmailAddr(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                          char *emailAddr);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a email address or nickname
-**	"name" is the email address or nickname to look up
-CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                    const char *name);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a email address or nickname
-** and require it to have the given usage.
-**      "name" is the email address or nickname to look up
-CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrForUsage(
-    CERTCertDBHandle *handle, const char *name, SECCertUsage lookingForUsage);
-** Find a certificate in the database by a digest of a subject public key
-**	"spkDigest" is the digest to look up
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertBySPKDigest(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                 SECItem *spkDigest);
- * Find the issuer of a cert
- */
-CERTCertificate *CERT_FindCertIssuer(CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime validTime,
-                                     SECCertUsage usage);
-** Check the validity times of a certificate vs. time 't', allowing
-** some slop for broken clocks and stuff.
-**	"cert" is the certificate to be checked
-**	"t" is the time to check against
-**	"allowOverride" if true then check to see if the invalidity has
-**		been overridden by the user.
-extern SECCertTimeValidity CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                                    PRTime t,
-                                                    PRBool allowOverride);
-** WARNING - this function is deprecated, and will either go away or have
-**		a new API in the near future.
-** Check the validity times of a certificate vs. the current time, allowing
-** some slop for broken clocks and stuff.
-**	"cert" is the certificate to be checked
-extern SECStatus CERT_CertTimesValid(CERTCertificate *cert);
-** Extract the validity times from a certificate
-**	"c" is the certificate
-**	"notBefore" is the start of the validity period
-**	"notAfter" is the end of the validity period
-extern SECStatus CERT_GetCertTimes(const CERTCertificate *c, PRTime *notBefore,
-                                   PRTime *notAfter);
-** Extract the issuer and serial number from a certificate
-extern CERTIssuerAndSN *CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN(PLArenaPool *,
-                                                CERTCertificate *);
-** verify the signature of a signed data object with a given certificate
-**	"sd" the signed data object to be verified
-**	"cert" the certificate to use to check the signature
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifySignedData(CERTSignedData *sd,
-                                       CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime t,
-                                       void *wincx);
-** verify the signature of a signed data object with the given DER publickey
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo(
-    CERTSignedData *sd, CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *pubKeyInfo, void *wincx);
-** verify the signature of a signed data object with a SECKEYPublicKey.
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(const CERTSignedData *sd,
-                                                    SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
-                                                    void *wincx);
-** NEW FUNCTIONS with new bit-field-FIELD SECCertificateUsage - please use
-** verify a certificate by checking validity times against a certain time,
-** that we trust the issuer, and that the signature on the certificate is
-** valid.
-**	"cert" the certificate to verify
-**	"checkSig" only check signatures if true
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifyCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                        CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool checkSig,
-                                        SECCertificateUsage requiredUsages,
-                                        PRTime t, void *wincx,
-                                        CERTVerifyLog *log,
-                                        SECCertificateUsage *returnedUsages);
-/* same as above, but uses current time */
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifyCertificateNow(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                           CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                           PRBool checkSig,
-                                           SECCertificateUsage requiredUsages,
-                                           void *wincx,
-                                           SECCertificateUsage *returnedUsages);
-** Verify that a CA cert can certify some (unspecified) leaf cert for a given
-** purpose. This is used by UI code to help identify where a chain may be
-** broken and why. This takes identical parameters to CERT_VerifyCert
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifyCACertForUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                           CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                           PRBool checkSig,
-                                           SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
-                                           void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log);
-** verify a certificate by checking validity times against a certain time,
-** that we trust the issuer, and that the signature on the certificate is
-** valid.
-**	"cert" the certificate to verify
-**	"checkSig" only check signatures if true
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifyCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                 CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool checkSig,
-                                 SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t, void *wincx,
-                                 CERTVerifyLog *log);
-/* same as above, but uses current time */
-extern SECStatus CERT_VerifyCertNow(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                    CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool checkSig,
-                                    SECCertUsage certUsage, void *wincx);
-SECStatus CERT_VerifyCertChain(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                               PRBool checkSig, SECCertUsage certUsage,
-                               PRTime t, void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log);
-** Read a base64 ascii encoded DER certificate and convert it to our
-** internal format.
-**	"certstr" is a null-terminated string containing the certificate
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_ConvertAndDecodeCertificate(char *certstr);
-** Read a certificate in some foreign format, and convert it to our
-** internal format.
-**	"certbuf" is the buffer containing the certificate
-**	"certlen" is the length of the buffer
-** NOTE - currently supports netscape base64 ascii encoded raw certs
-**  and netscape binary DER typed files.
-extern CERTCertificate *CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage(char *certbuf, int certlen);
-extern SECStatus CERT_ImportCAChain(SECItem *certs, int numcerts,
-                                    SECCertUsage certUsage);
-extern SECStatus CERT_ImportCAChainTrusted(SECItem *certs, int numcerts,
-                                           SECCertUsage certUsage);
-** Read a certificate chain in some foreign format, and pass it to a
-** callback function.
-**	"certbuf" is the buffer containing the certificate
-**	"certlen" is the length of the buffer
-**	"f" is the callback function
-**	"arg" is the callback argument
-typedef SECStatus(PR_CALLBACK *CERTImportCertificateFunc)(void *arg,
-                                                          SECItem **certs,
-                                                          int numcerts);
-extern SECStatus CERT_DecodeCertPackage(char *certbuf, int certlen,
-                                        CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void *arg);
-** Returns the value of an AVA.  This was a formerly static
-** function that has been exposed due to the need to decode
-** and convert unicode strings to UTF8.
-** XXX This function resides in certhtml.c, should it be
-** moved elsewhere?
-extern SECItem *CERT_DecodeAVAValue(const SECItem *derAVAValue);
-** extract various element strings from a distinguished name.
-**	"name" the distinguished name
-extern char *CERT_GetCertificateEmailAddress(CERTCertificate *cert);
-extern char *CERT_GetCertEmailAddress(const CERTName *name);
-extern const char *CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress(CERTCertificate *cert);
-extern const char *CERT_GetNextEmailAddress(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                            const char *prev);
-/* The return value must be freed with PORT_Free. */
-extern char *CERT_GetCommonName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetCountryName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetLocalityName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetStateName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetOrgName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetOrgUnitName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetDomainComponentName(const CERTName *name);
-extern char *CERT_GetCertUid(const CERTName *name);
-/* manipulate the trust parameters of a certificate */
-extern SECStatus CERT_GetCertTrust(const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                   CERTCertTrust *trust);
-extern SECStatus CERT_ChangeCertTrust(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                      CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                      CERTCertTrust *trust);
-extern SECStatus CERT_ChangeCertTrustByUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-                                             CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                             SECCertUsage usage);
- *
- * manipulate the extensions of a certificate
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-** Set up a cert for adding X509v3 extensions.  Returns an opaque handle
-** used by the next two routines.
-**	"cert" is the certificate we are adding extensions to
-extern void *CERT_StartCertExtensions(CERTCertificate *cert);
-** Add an extension to a certificate.
-**	"exthandle" is the handle returned by the previous function
-**	"idtag" is the integer tag for the OID that should ID this extension
-**	"value" is the value of the extension
-**	"critical" is the critical extension flag
-**	"copyData" is a flag indicating whether the value data should be
-**		copied.
-extern SECStatus CERT_AddExtension(void *exthandle, int idtag, SECItem *value,
-                                   PRBool critical, PRBool copyData);
-extern SECStatus CERT_AddExtensionByOID(void *exthandle, SECItem *oid,
-                                        SECItem *value, PRBool critical,
-                                        PRBool copyData);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeAndAddExtension(void *exthandle, int idtag,
-                                            void *value, PRBool critical,
-                                            const SEC_ASN1Template *atemplate);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension(void *exthandle, int idtag,
-                                                  SECItem *value,
-                                                  PRBool critical);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeAltNameExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                             CERTGeneralName *value,
-                                             SECItem *encodedValue);
-** Finish adding cert extensions.  Does final processing on extension
-** data, putting it in the right format, and freeing any temporary
-** storage.
-**	"exthandle" is the handle used to add extensions to a certificate
-extern SECStatus CERT_FinishExtensions(void *exthandle);
-** Merge an external list of extensions into a cert's extension list, adding one
-** only when its OID matches none of the cert's existing extensions. Call this
-** immediately before calling CERT_FinishExtensions().
-SECStatus CERT_MergeExtensions(void *exthandle, CERTCertExtension **exts);
-/* If the extension is found, return its criticality and value.
-** This allocate storage for the returning extension value.
-extern SECStatus CERT_GetExtenCriticality(CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-                                          int tag, PRBool *isCritical);
-extern void CERT_DestroyOidSequence(CERTOidSequence *oidSeq);
- *
- * DER encode and decode extension values
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* Encode the value of the basicConstraint extension.
-**	arena - where to allocate memory for the encoded value.
-**	value - extension value to encode
-**	encodedValue - output encoded value
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeBasicConstraintValue(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                 CERTBasicConstraints *value,
-                                                 SECItem *encodedValue);
-** Encode the value of the authorityKeyIdentifier extension.
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeAuthKeyID(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAuthKeyID *value,
-                                      SECItem *encodedValue);
-** Encode the value of the crlDistributionPoints extension.
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeCRLDistributionPoints(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCrlDistributionPoints *value, SECItem *derValue);
-** Decodes a DER encoded basicConstaint extension value into a readable format
-**	value - decoded value
-**	encodedValue - value to decoded
-extern SECStatus CERT_DecodeBasicConstraintValue(CERTBasicConstraints *value,
-                                                 const SECItem *encodedValue);
-/* Decodes a DER encoded authorityKeyIdentifier extension value into a
-** readable format.
-**	arena - where to allocate memory for the decoded value
-**	encodedValue - value to be decoded
-**	Returns a CERTAuthKeyID structure which contains the decoded value
-extern CERTAuthKeyID *CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                           const SECItem *encodedValue);
-/* Decodes a DER encoded crlDistributionPoints extension value into a
-** readable format.
-**	arena - where to allocate memory for the decoded value
-**	der - value to be decoded
-**	Returns a CERTCrlDistributionPoints structure which contains the
-**          decoded value
-extern CERTCrlDistributionPoints *CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *der);
-/* Extract certain name type from a generalName */
-extern void *CERT_GetGeneralNameByType(CERTGeneralName *genNames,
-                                       CERTGeneralNameType type,
-                                       PRBool derFormat);
-extern CERTOidSequence *CERT_DecodeOidSequence(const SECItem *seqItem);
- *
- * Find extension values of a certificate
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindCertExtension(const CERTCertificate *cert, int tag,
-                                        SECItem *value);
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindNSCertTypeExtension(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                              SECItem *value);
-extern char *CERT_FindNSStringExtension(CERTCertificate *cert, int oidtag);
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindCertExtensionByOID(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                             SECItem *oid, SECItem *value);
-/* Returns the decoded value of the authKeyID extension.
-**   Note that this uses passed in the arena to allocate storage for the result
-extern CERTAuthKeyID *CERT_FindAuthKeyIDExten(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                              CERTCertificate *cert);
-/* Returns the decoded value of the basicConstraint extension.
- */
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                               CERTBasicConstraints *value);
-/* Returns the decoded value of the crlDistributionPoints extension.
-**  Note that the arena in cert is used to allocate storage for the result
-extern CERTCrlDistributionPoints *CERT_FindCRLDistributionPoints(
-    CERTCertificate *cert);
-/* Returns value of the keyUsage extension.  This uses PR_Alloc to allocate
-** buffer for the decoded value. The caller should free up the storage
-** allocated in value->data.
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                            SECItem *value);
-/* Return the decoded value of the subjectKeyID extension. The caller should
-** free up the storage allocated in retItem->data.
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                                SECItem *retItem);
-** If cert is a v3 certificate, and a critical keyUsage extension is included,
-** then check the usage against the extension value.  If a non-critical
-** keyUsage extension is included, this will return SECSuccess without
-** checking, since the extension is an advisory field, not a restriction.
-** If cert is not a v3 certificate, this will return SECSuccess.
-**	cert - certificate
-**	usage - one of the x.509 v3 the Key Usage Extension flags
-extern SECStatus CERT_CheckCertUsage(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                     unsigned char usage);
- *
- *  CRL v2 Extensions supported routines
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindCRLExtensionByOID(CERTCrl *crl, SECItem *oid,
-                                            SECItem *value);
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindCRLExtension(CERTCrl *crl, int tag, SECItem *value);
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindInvalidDateExten(CERTCrl *crl, PRTime *value);
-** Set up a crl for adding X509v3 extensions.  Returns an opaque handle
-** used by routines that take an exthandle (void*) argument .
-**	"crl" is the CRL we are adding extensions to
-extern void *CERT_StartCRLExtensions(CERTCrl *crl);
-** Set up a crl entry for adding X509v3 extensions.  Returns an opaque handle
-** used by routines that take an exthandle (void*) argument .
-**	"crl" is the crl we are adding certs entries to
-**      "entry" is the crl entry we are adding extensions to
-extern void *CERT_StartCRLEntryExtensions(CERTCrl *crl, CERTCrlEntry *entry);
-extern CERTCertNicknames *CERT_GetCertNicknames(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                int what, void *wincx);
-** Finds the crlNumber extension and decodes its value into 'value'
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindCRLNumberExten(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCrl *crl,
-                                         SECItem *value);
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindCRLEntryReasonExten(CERTCrlEntry *crlEntry,
-                                              CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *value);
-extern void CERT_FreeNicknames(CERTCertNicknames *nicknames);
-extern PRBool CERT_CompareCerts(const CERTCertificate *c1,
-                                const CERTCertificate *c2);
-extern PRBool CERT_CompareCertsForRedirection(CERTCertificate *c1,
-                                              CERTCertificate *c2);
-** Generate an array of the Distinguished Names that the given cert database
-** "trusts"
-extern CERTDistNames *CERT_GetSSLCACerts(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-extern void CERT_FreeDistNames(CERTDistNames *names);
-/* Duplicate distinguished name array */
-extern CERTDistNames *CERT_DupDistNames(CERTDistNames *orig);
-** Generate an array of Distinguished names from an array of nicknames
-extern CERTDistNames *CERT_DistNamesFromNicknames(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                  char **nicknames, int nnames);
-** Generate an array of Distinguished names from a list of certs.
-extern CERTDistNames *CERT_DistNamesFromCertList(CERTCertList *list);
-** Generate a certificate chain from a certificate.
-extern CERTCertificateList *CERT_CertChainFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                                   SECCertUsage usage,
-                                                   PRBool includeRoot);
-extern CERTCertificateList *CERT_CertListFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert);
-extern CERTCertificateList *CERT_DupCertList(
-    const CERTCertificateList *oldList);
-extern void CERT_DestroyCertificateList(CERTCertificateList *list);
-** is cert a user cert? i.e. does it have CERTDB_USER trust,
-** i.e. a private key?
-PRBool CERT_IsUserCert(CERTCertificate *cert);
-/* is cert a newer than cert b? */
-PRBool CERT_IsNewer(CERTCertificate *certa, CERTCertificate *certb);
-/* currently a stub for address book */
-PRBool CERT_IsCertRevoked(CERTCertificate *cert);
-void CERT_DestroyCertArray(CERTCertificate **certs, unsigned int ncerts);
-/* convert an email address to lower case */
-char *CERT_FixupEmailAddr(const char *emailAddr);
-/* decode string representation of trust flags into trust struct */
-SECStatus CERT_DecodeTrustString(CERTCertTrust *trust, const char *trusts);
-/* encode trust struct into string representation of trust flags */
-char *CERT_EncodeTrustString(CERTCertTrust *trust);
-/* find the next or prev cert in a subject list */
-CERTCertificate *CERT_PrevSubjectCert(CERTCertificate *cert);
-CERTCertificate *CERT_NextSubjectCert(CERTCertificate *cert);
- * import a collection of certs into the temporary or permanent cert
- * database
- */
-SECStatus CERT_ImportCerts(CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, SECCertUsage usage,
-                           unsigned int ncerts, SECItem **derCerts,
-                           CERTCertificate ***retCerts, PRBool keepCerts,
-                           PRBool caOnly, char *nickname);
-char *CERT_MakeCANickname(CERTCertificate *cert);
-PRBool CERT_IsCACert(CERTCertificate *cert, unsigned int *rettype);
-PRBool CERT_IsCADERCert(SECItem *derCert, unsigned int *rettype);
-PRBool CERT_IsRootDERCert(SECItem *derCert);
-SECStatus CERT_SaveSMimeProfile(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *emailProfile,
-                                SECItem *profileTime);
- * find the smime symmetric capabilities profile for a given cert
- */
-SECItem *CERT_FindSMimeProfile(CERTCertificate *cert);
-SECStatus CERT_AddNewCerts(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-CERTCertificatePolicies *CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension(
-    const SECItem *extnValue);
-void CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension(
-    CERTCertificatePolicies *policies);
-CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *CERT_DecodePolicyMappingsExtension(
-    SECItem *encodedCertPolicyMaps);
-SECStatus CERT_DestroyPolicyMappingsExtension(
-    CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *mappings);
-SECStatus CERT_DecodePolicyConstraintsExtension(
-    CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints *decodedValue,
-    const SECItem *encodedValue);
-SECStatus CERT_DecodeInhibitAnyExtension(
-    CERTCertificateInhibitAny *decodedValue, SECItem *extnValue);
-CERTUserNotice *CERT_DecodeUserNotice(SECItem *noticeItem);
-extern CERTGeneralName *CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                                                    SECItem *EncodedAltName);
-extern CERTNameConstraints *CERT_DecodeNameConstraintsExtension(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *encodedConstraints);
-/* returns addr of a NULL termainated array of pointers to CERTAuthInfoAccess */
-extern CERTAuthInfoAccess **CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension(
-    PLArenaPool *reqArena, const SECItem *encodedExtension);
-extern CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod *CERT_DecodePrivKeyUsagePeriodExtension(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *extnValue);
-extern CERTGeneralName *CERT_GetNextGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *current);
-extern CERTGeneralName *CERT_GetPrevGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *current);
- * Look up name constraints for some certs that do not include name constraints
- * (Most importantly, root certificates)
- *
- * If a matching subject is found, |extensions| will be populated with a copy of
- * the
- * DER-encoded name constraints extension. The data in |extensions| will point
- * to
- * memory that the caller owns.
- *
- * There is no mechanism to configure imposed name constraints right now.  All
- * imposed name constraints are built into NSS.
- */
-SECStatus CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints(const SECItem *derSubject,
-                                         SECItem *extensions);
-CERTNameConstraint *CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(CERTNameConstraint *current);
-CERTNameConstraint *CERT_GetPrevNameConstraint(CERTNameConstraint *current);
-void CERT_DestroyUserNotice(CERTUserNotice *userNotice);
-typedef char *(*CERTPolicyStringCallback)(char *org, unsigned long noticeNumber,
-                                          void *arg);
-void CERT_SetCAPolicyStringCallback(CERTPolicyStringCallback cb, void *cbarg);
-char *CERT_GetCertCommentString(CERTCertificate *cert);
-PRBool CERT_GovtApprovedBitSet(CERTCertificate *cert);
-SECStatus CERT_AddPermNickname(CERTCertificate *cert, char *nickname);
-CERTCertList *CERT_MatchUserCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECCertUsage usage,
-                                 int nCANames, char **caNames, void *proto_win);
-CERTCertList *CERT_NewCertList(void);
-/* free the cert list and all the certs in the list */
-void CERT_DestroyCertList(CERTCertList *certs);
-/* remove the node and free the cert */
-void CERT_RemoveCertListNode(CERTCertListNode *node);
-/* equivalent to CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(certs, cert, NULL) */
-SECStatus CERT_AddCertToListTail(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert);
-/* equivalent to CERT_AddCertToListHeadWithData(certs, cert, NULL) */
-SECStatus CERT_AddCertToListHead(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert);
- * The new cert list node takes ownership of "cert". "cert" is freed
- * when the list node is removed.
- */
-SECStatus CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(CERTCertList *certs,
-                                         CERTCertificate *cert, void *appData);
- * The new cert list node takes ownership of "cert". "cert" is freed
- * when the list node is removed.
- */
-SECStatus CERT_AddCertToListHeadWithData(CERTCertList *certs,
-                                         CERTCertificate *cert, void *appData);
-typedef PRBool (*CERTSortCallback)(CERTCertificate *certa,
-                                   CERTCertificate *certb, void *arg);
-SECStatus CERT_AddCertToListSorted(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                   CERTSortCallback f, void *arg);
-/* callback for CERT_AddCertToListSorted that sorts based on validity
- * period and a given time.
- */
-PRBool CERT_SortCBValidity(CERTCertificate *certa, CERTCertificate *certb,
-                           void *arg);
-SECStatus CERT_CheckForEvilCert(CERTCertificate *cert);
-CERTGeneralName *CERT_GetCertificateNames(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                          PLArenaPool *arena);
-CERTGeneralName *CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames(
-    const CERTCertificate *cert, PLArenaPool *arena,
-    PRBool includeSubjectCommonName);
- * Creates or adds to a list of all certs with a give subject name, sorted by
- * validity time, newest first.  Invalid certs are considered older than
- * valid certs. If validOnly is set, do not include invalid certs on list.
- */
-CERTCertList *CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(CERTCertList *certList,
-                                         CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                         const SECItem *name, PRTime sorttime,
-                                         PRBool validOnly);
- * remove certs from a list that don't have keyUsage and certType
- * that match the given usage.
- */
-SECStatus CERT_FilterCertListByUsage(CERTCertList *certList, SECCertUsage usage,
-                                     PRBool ca);
- * check the key usage of a cert against a set of required values
- */
-SECStatus CERT_CheckKeyUsage(CERTCertificate *cert, unsigned int requiredUsage);
- * return required key usage and cert type based on cert usage
- */
-SECStatus CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(SECCertUsage usage, PRBool ca,
-                                           unsigned int *retKeyUsage,
-                                           unsigned int *retCertType);
- * return required trust flags for various cert usages for CAs
- */
-SECStatus CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(SECCertUsage usage,
-                                        unsigned int *retFlags,
-                                        SECTrustType *retTrustType);
- * Find all user certificates that match the given criteria.
- *
- *	"handle" - database to search
- *	"usage" - certificate usage to match
- *	"oneCertPerName" - if set then only return the "best" cert per
- *			name
- *	"validOnly" - only return certs that are curently valid
- *	"proto_win" - window handle passed to pkcs11
- */
-CERTCertList *CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                        SECCertUsage usage,
-                                        PRBool oneCertPerName, PRBool validOnly,
-                                        void *proto_win);
- * Find a user certificate that matchs the given criteria.
- *
- *	"handle" - database to search
- *	"nickname" - nickname to match
- *	"usage" - certificate usage to match
- *	"validOnly" - only return certs that are curently valid
- *	"proto_win" - window handle passed to pkcs11
- */
-CERTCertificate *CERT_FindUserCertByUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                          const char *nickname,
-                                          SECCertUsage usage, PRBool validOnly,
-                                          void *proto_win);
- * Filter a list of certificates, removing those certs that do not have
- * one of the named CA certs somewhere in their cert chain.
- *
- *	"certList" - the list of certificates to filter
- *	"nCANames" - number of CA names
- *	"caNames" - array of CA names in string(rfc 1485) form
- *	"usage" - what use the certs are for, this is used when
- *		selecting CA certs
- */
-SECStatus CERT_FilterCertListByCANames(CERTCertList *certList, int nCANames,
-                                       char **caNames, SECCertUsage usage);
- * Filter a list of certificates, removing those certs that aren't user certs
- */
-SECStatus CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts(CERTCertList *certList);
- * Collect the nicknames from all certs in a CertList.  If the cert is not
- * valid, append a string to that nickname.
- *
- * "certList" - the list of certificates
- * "expiredString" - the string to append to the nickname of any expired cert
- * "notYetGoodString" - the string to append to the nickname of any cert
- *		that is not yet valid
- */
-CERTCertNicknames *CERT_NicknameStringsFromCertList(CERTCertList *certList,
-                                                    char *expiredString,
-                                                    char *notYetGoodString);
- * Extract the nickname from a nickmake string that may have either
- * expiredString or notYetGoodString appended.
- *
- * Args:
- *	"namestring" - the string containing the nickname, and possibly
- *		one of the validity label strings
- *	"expiredString" - the expired validity label string
- *	"notYetGoodString" - the not yet good validity label string
- *
- * Returns the raw nickname
- */
-char *CERT_ExtractNicknameString(char *namestring, char *expiredString,
-                                 char *notYetGoodString);
- * Given a certificate, return a string containing the nickname, and possibly
- * one of the validity strings, based on the current validity state of the
- * certificate.
- *
- * "arena" - arena to allocate returned string from.  If NULL, then heap
- *	is used.
- * "cert" - the cert to get nickname from
- * "expiredString" - the string to append to the nickname if the cert is
- *		expired.
- * "notYetGoodString" - the string to append to the nickname if the cert is
- *		not yet good.
- */
-char *CERT_GetCertNicknameWithValidity(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                       CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                       char *expiredString,
-                                       char *notYetGoodString);
- * Return the string representation of a DER encoded distinguished name
- * "dername" - The DER encoded name to convert
- */
-char *CERT_DerNameToAscii(SECItem *dername);
- * Supported usage values and types:
- *	certUsageSSLClient
- *	certUsageSSLServer
- *	certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp
- *	certUsageEmailSigner
- *	certUsageEmailRecipient
- *	certUsageObjectSigner
- */
-CERTCertificate *CERT_FindMatchingCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                       SECItem *derName, CERTCertOwner owner,
-                                       SECCertUsage usage, PRBool preferTrusted,
-                                       PRTime validTime, PRBool validOnly);
- * Acquire the global lock on the cert database.
- * This lock is currently used for the following operations:
- *	adding or deleting a cert to either the temp or perm databases
- *	converting a temp to perm or perm to temp
- *	changing(maybe just adding?) the trust of a cert
- *	adjusting the reference count of a cert
- */
-void CERT_LockDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
- * Free the global cert database lock.
- */
-void CERT_UnlockDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
- * Get the certificate status checking configuratino data for
- * the certificate database
- */
-CERTStatusConfig *CERT_GetStatusConfig(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
- * Set the certificate status checking information for the
- * database.  The input structure becomes part of the certificate
- * database and will be freed by calling the 'Destroy' function in
- * the configuration object.
- */
-void CERT_SetStatusConfig(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTStatusConfig *config);
- * Acquire the cert reference count lock
- * There is currently one global lock for all certs, but I'm putting a cert
- * arg here so that it will be easy to make it per-cert in the future if
- * that turns out to be necessary.
- */
-void CERT_LockCertRefCount(CERTCertificate *cert);
- * Free the cert reference count lock
- */
-void CERT_UnlockCertRefCount(CERTCertificate *cert);
- * Acquire the cert trust lock
- * There is currently one global lock for all certs, but I'm putting a cert
- * arg here so that it will be easy to make it per-cert in the future if
- * that turns out to be necessary.
- */
-void CERT_LockCertTrust(const CERTCertificate *cert);
- * Free the cert trust lock
- */
-void CERT_UnlockCertTrust(const CERTCertificate *cert);
- * Digest the cert's subject public key using the specified algorithm.
- * NOTE: this digests the value of the BIT STRING subjectPublicKey (excluding
- * the tag, length, and number of unused bits) rather than the whole
- * subjectPublicKeyInfo field.
- *
- * The necessary storage for the digest data is allocated.  If "fill" is
- * non-null, the data is put there, otherwise a SECItem is allocated.
- * Allocation from "arena" if it is non-null, heap otherwise.  Any problem
- * results in a NULL being returned (and an appropriate error set).
- */
-extern SECItem *CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                               const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                               SECOidTag digestAlg,
-                                               SECItem *fill);
- * Digest the cert's subject name using the specified algorithm.
- */
-extern SECItem *CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                          const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                          SECOidTag digestAlg, SECItem *fill);
-SECStatus CERT_CheckCRL(CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertificate *issuer,
-                        const SECItem *dp, PRTime t, void *wincx);
- * Add a CERTNameConstraint to the CERTNameConstraint list
- */
-extern CERTNameConstraint *CERT_AddNameConstraint(
-    CERTNameConstraint *list, CERTNameConstraint *constraint);
- * Allocate space and copy CERTNameConstraint from src to dest.
- * Arena is used to allocate result(if dest eq NULL) and its members
- * SECItem data.
- */
-extern CERTNameConstraint *CERT_CopyNameConstraint(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                   CERTNameConstraint *dest,
-                                                   CERTNameConstraint *src);
- * Verify name against all the constraints relevant to that type of
- * the name.
- */
-extern SECStatus CERT_CheckNameSpace(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                     const CERTNameConstraints *constraints,
-                                     const CERTGeneralName *currentName);
- * Extract and allocate the name constraints extension from the CA cert.
- * If the certificate contains no name constraints extension, but
- * CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints returns a name constraints extension
- * for the subject of the certificate, then that extension will be returned.
- */
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindNameConstraintsExten(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert,
-    CERTNameConstraints **constraints);
- * Initialize a new GERTGeneralName fields (link)
- */
-extern CERTGeneralName *CERT_NewGeneralName(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                            CERTGeneralNameType type);
- * Lookup a CERTGeneralNameType constant by its human readable string.
- */
-extern CERTGeneralNameType CERT_GetGeneralNameTypeFromString(
-    const char *string);
- * PKIX extension encoding routines
- */
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodePolicyConstraintsExtension(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints *constr,
-    SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeInhibitAnyExtension(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificateInhibitAny *inhibitAny, SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodePolicyMappingExtension(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *maps, SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeInfoAccessExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                CERTAuthInfoAccess **info,
-                                                SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeUserNotice(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                       CERTUserNotice *notice, SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeDisplayText(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *text,
-                                        SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeCertPoliciesExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                  CERTPolicyInfo **info,
-                                                  SECItem *dest);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeNoticeReference(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                            CERTNoticeReference *reference,
-                                            SECItem *dest);
- * Returns a pointer to a static structure.
- */
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *CERT_GetPKIXVerifyNistRevocationPolicy(void);
- * Returns a pointer to a static structure.
- */
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *CERT_GetClassicOCSPEnabledSoftFailurePolicy(
-    void);
- * Returns a pointer to a static structure.
- */
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *CERT_GetClassicOCSPEnabledHardFailurePolicy(
-    void);
- * Returns a pointer to a static structure.
- */
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *CERT_GetClassicOCSPDisabledPolicy(void);
- * Verify a Cert with libpkix
- *  paramsIn control the verification options. If a value isn't specified
- *   in paramsIn, it reverts to the application default.
- *  paramsOut specifies the parameters the caller would like to get back.
- *   the caller may pass NULL, in which case no parameters are returned.
- */
-extern SECStatus CERT_PKIXVerifyCert(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                     SECCertificateUsage usages,
-                                     CERTValInParam *paramsIn,
-                                     CERTValOutParam *paramsOut, void *wincx);
-/* Makes old cert validation APIs(CERT_VerifyCert, CERT_VerifyCertificate)
- * to use libpkix validation engine. The function should be called ones at
- * application initialization time.
- * Function is not thread safe.*/
-extern SECStatus CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation(PRBool enable);
-/* The function return PR_TRUE if cert validation should use
- * libpkix cert validation engine. */
-extern PRBool CERT_GetUsePKIXForValidation(void);
- * Allocate a parameter container of type CERTRevocationFlags,
- * and allocate the inner arrays of the given sizes.
- * To cleanup call CERT_DestroyCERTRevocationFlags.
- */
-extern CERTRevocationFlags *CERT_AllocCERTRevocationFlags(
-    PRUint32 number_leaf_methods, PRUint32 number_leaf_pref_methods,
-    PRUint32 number_chain_methods, PRUint32 number_chain_pref_methods);
- * Destroy the arrays inside flags,
- * and destroy the object pointed to by flags, too.
- */
-extern void CERT_DestroyCERTRevocationFlags(CERTRevocationFlags *flags);
-#endif /* _CERT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.c b/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b83ed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3245 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Certificate handling code
- */
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-#include "portreg.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "sslerr.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "xconst.h" /* for  CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension */
-#include "pki.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
- * Certificate database handling code
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertExtensionTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertExtension) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTCertExtension, id) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertExtension, critical) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(CERTCertExtension, value) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, CERT_CertExtensionTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(SECItem, type), 0, sizeof(SECItem) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME, 0, 0, siUTCTime },
-    { SEC_ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME, 0, 0, siGeneralizedTime },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_ValidityTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTValidity) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTValidity, notBefore),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate), 0 },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTValidity, notAfter),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate), 0 },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertificateTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertificate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificate, version),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(CERTCertificate, serialNumber) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTCertificate, signature),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, derIssuer) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, issuer), CERT_NameTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, validity),
-      CERT_ValidityTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, derSubject) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, subject), CERT_NameTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, derPublicKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, subjectPublicKeyInfo),
-      CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificate, issuerID),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_BitStringTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificate, subjectID),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_BitStringTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificate, extensions),
-      CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertificate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTCertificate, },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, 0, CERT_CertificateTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificate, signatureWrap.signatureAlgorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING, offsetof(CERTCertificate, signatureWrap.signature) },
-    { 0 }
- * Find the subjectName in a DER encoded certificate
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CertSubjectTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) },
-      0, SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SkipTemplate) }, /* version */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },                     /* serial number */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },                     /* signature algorithm */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },                     /* issuer */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },                     /* validity */
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, 0, NULL },             /* subject */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
- * Find the issuerName in a DER encoded certificate
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CertIssuerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) },
-      0, SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SkipTemplate) }, /* version */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },                     /* serial number */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },                     /* signature algorithm */
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, 0, NULL },             /* issuer */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
- * Find the subjectName in a DER encoded certificate
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CertSerialNumberTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) },
-      0, SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SkipTemplate) }, /* version */
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, 0, NULL },             /* serial number */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
- * Find the issuer and serialNumber in a DER encoded certificate.
- * This data is used as the database lookup key since its the unique
- * identifier of a certificate.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertKey) },
-      0, SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SkipTemplate) }, /* version */
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(CERTCertKey, serialNumber) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP }, /* signature algorithm */
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTCertKey, derIssuer) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
-CERT_KeyFromIssuerAndSN(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *issuer, SECItem *sn,
-                        SECItem *key)
-    key->len = sn->len + issuer->len;
-    if ((sn->data == NULL) || (issuer->data == NULL)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    key->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, key->len);
-    if (!key->data) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* copy the serialNumber */
-    PORT_Memcpy(key->data, sn->data, sn->len);
-    /* copy the issuer */
-    PORT_Memcpy(&key->data[sn->len], issuer->data, issuer->len);
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
- * Extract the subject name from a DER certificate
- */
-CERT_NameFromDERCert(SECItem *derCert, SECItem *derName)
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    void *tmpptr;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(CERTSignedData));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &sd, CERT_SignedDataTemplate, derCert);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(derName, 0, sizeof(SECItem));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, derName, SEC_CertSubjectTemplate,
-                                &;
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    tmpptr = derName->data;
-    derName->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(derName->len);
-    if (derName->data == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(derName->data, tmpptr, derName->len);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (SECFailure);
-CERT_IssuerNameFromDERCert(SECItem *derCert, SECItem *derName)
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    void *tmpptr;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(CERTSignedData));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &sd, CERT_SignedDataTemplate, derCert);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(derName, 0, sizeof(SECItem));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, derName, SEC_CertIssuerTemplate,
-                                &;
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    tmpptr = derName->data;
-    derName->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(derName->len);
-    if (derName->data == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(derName->data, tmpptr, derName->len);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (SECFailure);
-CERT_SerialNumberFromDERCert(SECItem *derCert, SECItem *derName)
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    void *tmpptr;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(CERTSignedData));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &sd, CERT_SignedDataTemplate, derCert);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(derName, 0, sizeof(SECItem));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, derName, SEC_CertSerialNumberTemplate,
-                                &;
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    tmpptr = derName->data;
-    derName->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(derName->len);
-    if (derName->data == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(derName->data, tmpptr, derName->len);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (SECFailure);
- * Generate a database key, based on serial number and issuer, from a
- * DER certificate.
- */
-CERT_KeyFromDERCert(PLArenaPool *reqArena, SECItem *derCert, SECItem *key)
-    int rv;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    CERTCertKey certkey;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(CERTSignedData));
-    rv =
-        SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, &sd, CERT_SignedDataTemplate, derCert);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&certkey, 0, sizeof(CERTCertKey));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, &certkey, CERT_CertKeyTemplate,
-                                &;
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return (CERT_KeyFromIssuerAndSN(reqArena, &certkey.derIssuer,
-                                    &certkey.serialNumber, key));
-    return (SECFailure);
- * fill in keyUsage field of the cert based on the cert extension
- * if the extension is not critical, then we allow all uses
- */
-static SECStatus
-GetKeyUsage(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem tmpitem;
-    rv = CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension(cert, &tmpitem);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* remember the actual value of the extension */
-        cert->rawKeyUsage =[0];
-        cert->keyUsagePresent = PR_TRUE;
-        cert->keyUsage =[0];
-        PORT_Free(;
- = NULL;
-    } else {
-        /* if the extension is not present, then we allow all uses */
-        cert->keyUsage = KU_ALL;
-        cert->rawKeyUsage = KU_ALL;
-        cert->keyUsagePresent = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GovtApprovedBitSet(cert)) {
-        cert->keyUsage |= KU_NS_GOVT_APPROVED;
-        cert->rawKeyUsage |= KU_NS_GOVT_APPROVED;
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-static SECStatus
-findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(CERTOidSequence *seq, SECOidTag tagnum)
-    SECItem **oids;
-    SECItem *oid;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (seq != NULL) {
-        oids = seq->oids;
-        while (oids != NULL && *oids != NULL) {
-            oid = *oids;
-            if (SECOID_FindOIDTag(oid) == tagnum) {
-                rv = SECSuccess;
-                break;
-            }
-            oids++;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * fill in nsCertType field of the cert based on the cert extension
- */
-cert_GetCertType(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PRUint32 nsCertType;
-    if (cert->nsCertType) {
-        /* once set, no need to recalculate */
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    nsCertType = cert_ComputeCertType(cert);
-    /* Assert that it is safe to cast &cert->nsCertType to "PRInt32 *" */
-    PORT_Assert(sizeof(cert->nsCertType) == sizeof(PRInt32));
-    PR_ATOMIC_SET((PRInt32 *)&cert->nsCertType, nsCertType);
-    return SECSuccess;
-cert_ComputeCertType(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem tmpitem;
-    SECItem encodedExtKeyUsage;
-    CERTOidSequence *extKeyUsage = NULL;
-    PRBool basicConstraintPresent = PR_FALSE;
-    CERTBasicConstraints basicConstraint;
-    PRUint32 nsCertType = 0;
- = NULL;
-    CERT_FindNSCertTypeExtension(cert, &tmpitem);
- = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE,
-                                &encodedExtKeyUsage);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        extKeyUsage = CERT_DecodeOidSequence(&encodedExtKeyUsage);
-    }
-    rv = CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten(cert, &basicConstraint);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        basicConstraintPresent = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL || extKeyUsage != NULL) {
-        if ( == NULL) {
-            nsCertType = 0;
-        } else {
-            nsCertType =[0];
-        }
-        /* free tmpitem data pointer to avoid memory leak */
-        PORT_Free(;
- = NULL;
-        /*
-         * for this release, we will allow SSL certs with an email address
-         * to be used for email
-         */
-        if ((nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CLIENT) && cert->emailAddr &&
-            cert->emailAddr[0]) {
-            nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL;
-        }
-        /*
-         * for this release, we will allow SSL intermediate CAs to be
-         * email intermediate CAs too.
-         */
-        if (nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) {
-            nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA;
-        }
-        /*
-         * allow a cert with the extended key usage of EMail Protect
-         * to be used for email or as an email CA, if basic constraints
-         * indicates that it is a CA.
-         */
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(extKeyUsage,
-                                    SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_EMAIL_PROTECT) ==
-            SECSuccess) {
-            if (basicConstraintPresent == PR_TRUE && (basicConstraint.isCA)) {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA;
-            } else {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL;
-            }
-        }
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(
-                extKeyUsage, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_SERVER_AUTH) == SECSuccess) {
-            if (basicConstraintPresent == PR_TRUE && (basicConstraint.isCA)) {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-            } else {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_SERVER;
-            }
-        }
-        /*
-         * Treat certs with step-up OID as also having SSL server type.
-         * COMODO needs this behaviour until June 2020.  See Bug 737802.
-         */
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(extKeyUsage,
-                                    SEC_OID_NS_KEY_USAGE_GOVT_APPROVED) ==
-            SECSuccess) {
-            if (basicConstraintPresent == PR_TRUE && (basicConstraint.isCA)) {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-            } else {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_SERVER;
-            }
-        }
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(
-                extKeyUsage, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CLIENT_AUTH) == SECSuccess) {
-            if (basicConstraintPresent == PR_TRUE && (basicConstraint.isCA)) {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-            } else {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CLIENT;
-            }
-        }
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(
-                extKeyUsage, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CODE_SIGN) == SECSuccess) {
-            if (basicConstraintPresent == PR_TRUE && (basicConstraint.isCA)) {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA;
-            } else {
-                nsCertType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING;
-            }
-        }
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(
-                extKeyUsage, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_TIME_STAMP) == SECSuccess) {
-            nsCertType |= EXT_KEY_USAGE_TIME_STAMP;
-        }
-        if (findOIDinOIDSeqByTagNum(extKeyUsage, SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER) ==
-            SECSuccess) {
-            nsCertType |= EXT_KEY_USAGE_STATUS_RESPONDER;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* If no NS Cert Type extension and no EKU extension, then */
-        nsCertType = 0;
-        if (CERT_IsCACert(cert, &nsCertType))
-            nsCertType |= EXT_KEY_USAGE_STATUS_RESPONDER;
-        /* if the basic constraint extension says the cert is a CA, then
-           allow SSL CA and EMAIL CA and Status Responder */
-        if (basicConstraintPresent && basicConstraint.isCA) {
-            nsCertType |= (NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA | NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA |
-                           EXT_KEY_USAGE_STATUS_RESPONDER);
-        }
-        /* allow any ssl or email (no ca or object signing. */
-                      NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if (extKeyUsage != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyOidSequence(extKeyUsage);
-    }
-    return nsCertType;
- * cert_GetKeyID() - extract or generate the subjectKeyID from a certificate
- */
-cert_GetKeyID(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECItem tmpitem;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cert->subjectKeyID.len = 0;
-    /* see of the cert has a key identifier extension */
-    rv = CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(cert, &tmpitem);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        cert-> =
-            (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cert->arena, tmpitem.len);
-        if (cert-> != NULL) {
-            PORT_Memcpy(cert->,, tmpitem.len);
-            cert->subjectKeyID.len = tmpitem.len;
-            cert->keyIDGenerated = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    /* if the cert doesn't have a key identifier extension, then generate one*/
-    if (cert->subjectKeyID.len == 0) {
-        /*
-         * pkix says that if the subjectKeyID is not present, then we should
-         * use the SHA-1 hash of the DER-encoded publicKeyInfo from the cert
-         */
-        cert-> =
-            (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cert->arena, SHA1_LENGTH);
-        if (cert-> != NULL) {
-            rv = PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA1, cert->,
-                              cert->, cert->derPublicKey.len);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                cert->subjectKeyID.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (cert->subjectKeyID.len == 0) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-static PRBool
-cert_IsRootCert(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem tmpitem;
-    /* cache the authKeyID extension, if present */
-    cert->authKeyID = CERT_FindAuthKeyIDExten(cert->arena, cert);
-    /* it MUST be self-issued to be a root */
-    if (cert->derIssuer.len == 0 ||
-        !SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&cert->derIssuer, &cert->derSubject)) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* check the authKeyID extension */
-    if (cert->authKeyID) {
-        /* authority key identifier is present */
-        if (cert->authKeyID->keyID.len > 0) {
-            /* the keyIdentifier field is set, look for subjectKeyID */
-            rv = CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(cert, &tmpitem);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                PRBool match;
-                /* also present, they MUST match for it to be a root */
-                match =
-                    SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&cert->authKeyID->keyID, &tmpitem);
-                PORT_Free(;
-                if (!match)
-                    return PR_FALSE; /* else fall through */
-            } else {
-                /* the subject key ID is required when AKI is present */
-                return PR_FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-        if (cert->authKeyID->authCertIssuer) {
-            SECItem *caName;
-            caName = (SECItem *)CERT_GetGeneralNameByType(
-                cert->authKeyID->authCertIssuer, certDirectoryName, PR_TRUE);
-            if (caName) {
-                if (!SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&cert->derIssuer, caName)) {
-                    return PR_FALSE;
-                } /* else fall through */
-            }     /* else ??? could not get general name as directory name? */
-        }
-        if (cert->authKeyID->authCertSerialNumber.len > 0) {
-            if (!SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(
-                    &cert->serialNumber,
-                    &cert->authKeyID->authCertSerialNumber)) {
-                return PR_FALSE;
-            } /* else fall through */
-        }
-        /* all of the AKI fields that were present passed the test */
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* else the AKI was not present, so this is a root */
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * take a DER certificate and decode it into a certificate structure
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(SECItem *derSignedCert, PRBool copyDER,
-                          char *nickname)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    void *data;
-    int rv;
-    int len;
-    char *tmpname;
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* allocate the certificate structure */
-    cert = (CERTCertificate *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertificate));
-    if (!cert) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    cert->arena = arena;
-    if (copyDER) {
-        /* copy the DER data for the cert into this arena */
-        data = (void *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, derSignedCert->len);
-        if (!data) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        cert-> = (unsigned char *)data;
-        cert->derCert.len = derSignedCert->len;
-        PORT_Memcpy(data, derSignedCert->data, derSignedCert->len);
-    } else {
-        /* point to passed in DER data */
-        cert->derCert = *derSignedCert;
-    }
-    /* decode the certificate info */
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, cert, SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate,
-                                &cert->derCert);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (cert_HasUnknownCriticalExten(cert->extensions) == PR_TRUE) {
-        cert->options.bits.hasUnsupportedCriticalExt = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* generate and save the database key for the cert */
-    rv = CERT_KeyFromIssuerAndSN(arena, &cert->derIssuer, &cert->serialNumber,
-                                 &cert->certKey);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* set the nickname */
-    if (nickname == NULL) {
-        cert->nickname = NULL;
-    } else {
-        /* copy and install the nickname */
-        len = PORT_Strlen(nickname) + 1;
-        cert->nickname = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len);
-        if (cert->nickname == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(cert->nickname, nickname, len);
-    }
-    /* set the email address */
-    cert->emailAddr = cert_GetCertificateEmailAddresses(cert);
-    /* initialize the subjectKeyID */
-    rv = cert_GetKeyID(cert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* initialize keyUsage */
-    rv = GetKeyUsage(cert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* determine if this is a root cert */
-    cert->isRoot = cert_IsRootCert(cert);
-    /* initialize the certType */
-    rv = cert_GetCertType(cert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    tmpname = CERT_NameToAscii(&cert->subject);
-    if (tmpname != NULL) {
-        cert->subjectName = PORT_ArenaStrdup(cert->arena, tmpname);
-        PORT_Free(tmpname);
-    }
-    tmpname = CERT_NameToAscii(&cert->issuer);
-    if (tmpname != NULL) {
-        cert->issuerName = PORT_ArenaStrdup(cert->arena, tmpname);
-        PORT_Free(tmpname);
-    }
-    cert->referenceCount = 1;
-    cert->slot = NULL;
-    cert->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    cert->dbnickname = NULL;
-    return (cert);
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (0);
-CERTCertificate *
-__CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(SECItem *derSignedCert, PRBool copyDER,
-                            char *nickname)
-    return CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(derSignedCert, copyDER, nickname);
-CERTValidity *
-CERT_CreateValidity(PRTime notBefore, PRTime notAfter)
-    CERTValidity *v;
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    if (notBefore > notAfter) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (0);
-    }
-    v = (CERTValidity *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTValidity));
-    if (v) {
-        v->arena = arena;
-        rv = DER_EncodeTimeChoice(arena, &v->notBefore, notBefore);
-        if (rv)
-            goto loser;
-        rv = DER_EncodeTimeChoice(arena, &v->notAfter, notAfter);
-        if (rv)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    return v;
-    CERT_DestroyValidity(v);
-    return 0;
-CERT_CopyValidity(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTValidity *to, CERTValidity *from)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERT_DestroyValidity(to);
-    to->arena = arena;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &to->notBefore, &from->notBefore);
-    if (rv)
-        return rv;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &to->notAfter, &from->notAfter);
-    return rv;
-CERT_DestroyValidity(CERTValidity *v)
-    if (v && v->arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(v->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return;
-** Amount of time that a certifiate is allowed good before it is actually
-** good. This is used for pending certificates, ones that are about to be
-** valid. The slop is designed to allow for some variance in the clocks
-** of the machine checking the certificate.
-#define PENDING_SLOP (24L * 60L * 60L)     /* seconds per day */
-static PRInt32 pendingSlop = PENDING_SLOP; /* seconds */
-    return pendingSlop; /* seconds */
-SECStatus CERT_SetSlopTime(PRInt32 slop) /* seconds */
-    if (slop < 0)
-        return SECFailure;
-    pendingSlop = slop;
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_GetCertTimes(const CERTCertificate *c, PRTime *notBefore, PRTime *notAfter)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!c || !notBefore || !notAfter) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* convert DER not-before time */
-    rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(notBefore, &c->validity.notBefore);
-    if (rv) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    /* convert DER not-after time */
-    rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(notAfter, &c->validity.notAfter);
-    if (rv) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
- * Check the validity times of a certificate
- */
-CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(const CERTCertificate *c, PRTime t,
-                         PRBool allowOverride)
-    PRTime notBefore, notAfter, llPendingSlop, tmp1;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!c) {
-        return (secCertTimeUndetermined);
-    }
-    /* if cert is already marked OK, then don't bother to check */
-    if (allowOverride && c->timeOK) {
-        return (secCertTimeValid);
-    }
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTimes(c, &notBefore, &notAfter);
-    if (rv) {
-        return (secCertTimeExpired); /*XXX is this the right thing to do here?*/
-    }
-    LL_I2L(llPendingSlop, pendingSlop);
-    /* convert to micro seconds */
-    LL_UI2L(tmp1, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_MUL(llPendingSlop, llPendingSlop, tmp1);
-    LL_SUB(notBefore, notBefore, llPendingSlop);
-    if (LL_CMP(t, <, notBefore)) {
-        return (secCertTimeNotValidYet);
-    }
-    if (LL_CMP(t, >, notAfter)) {
-        return (secCertTimeExpired);
-    }
-    return (secCertTimeValid);
-SEC_GetCrlTimes(CERTCrl *date, PRTime *notBefore, PRTime *notAfter)
-    int rv;
-    /* convert DER not-before time */
-    rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(notBefore, &date->lastUpdate);
-    if (rv) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    /* convert DER not-after time */
-    if (date-> {
-        rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(notAfter, &date->nextUpdate);
-        if (rv) {
-            return (SECFailure);
-        }
-    } else {
-        LL_I2L(*notAfter, 0L);
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-/* These routines should probably be combined with the cert
- * routines using an common extraction routine.
- */
-SEC_CheckCrlTimes(CERTCrl *crl, PRTime t)
-    PRTime notBefore, notAfter, llPendingSlop, tmp1;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!crl) {
-        return (secCertTimeUndetermined);
-    }
-    rv = SEC_GetCrlTimes(crl, &notBefore, &notAfter);
-    if (rv) {
-        return (secCertTimeExpired);
-    }
-    LL_I2L(llPendingSlop, pendingSlop);
-    /* convert to micro seconds */
-    LL_I2L(tmp1, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_MUL(llPendingSlop, llPendingSlop, tmp1);
-    LL_SUB(notBefore, notBefore, llPendingSlop);
-    if (LL_CMP(t, <, notBefore)) {
-        return (secCertTimeNotValidYet);
-    }
-    /* If next update is omitted and the test for notBefore passes, then
-       we assume that the crl is up to date.
-     */
-    if (LL_IS_ZERO(notAfter)) {
-        return (secCertTimeValid);
-    }
-    if (LL_CMP(t, >, notAfter)) {
-        return (secCertTimeExpired);
-    }
-    return (secCertTimeValid);
-SEC_CrlIsNewer(CERTCrl *inNew, CERTCrl *old)
-    PRTime newNotBefore, newNotAfter;
-    PRTime oldNotBefore, oldNotAfter;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* problems with the new CRL? reject it */
-    rv = SEC_GetCrlTimes(inNew, &newNotBefore, &newNotAfter);
-    if (rv)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    /* problems with the old CRL? replace it */
-    rv = SEC_GetCrlTimes(old, &oldNotBefore, &oldNotAfter);
-    if (rv)
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    /* Question: what about the notAfter's? */
-    return ((PRBool)LL_CMP(oldNotBefore, <, newNotBefore));
- * return required key usage and cert type based on cert usage
- */
-CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(SECCertUsage usage, PRBool ca,
-                                 unsigned int *retKeyUsage,
-                                 unsigned int *retCertType)
-    unsigned int requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-    unsigned int requiredCertType = 0;
-    if (ca) {
-        switch (usage) {
-            case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_NS_GOVT_APPROVED | KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLClient:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLServer:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLCA:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageEmailSigner:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageObjectSigner:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageAnyCA:
-            case certUsageVerifyCA:
-            case certUsageStatusResponder:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA |
-                                   NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA | NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-                break;
-            default:
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        switch (usage) {
-            case certUsageSSLClient:
-                /*
-                 * RFC 5280 lists digitalSignature and keyAgreement for
-                 * id-kp-clientAuth.  NSS does not support the *_fixed_dh and
-                 * *_fixed_ecdh client certificate types.
-                 */
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CLIENT;
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLServer:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_AGREEMENT_OR_ENCIPHERMENT;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_SERVER;
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-                requiredKeyUsage =
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_SERVER;
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLCA:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-                break;
-            case certUsageEmailSigner:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_OR_NON_REPUDIATION;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL;
-                break;
-            case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_AGREEMENT_OR_ENCIPHERMENT;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL;
-                break;
-            case certUsageObjectSigner:
-                /* RFC 5280 lists only digitalSignature for id-kp-codeSigning.
-                 */
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE;
-                requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING;
-                break;
-            case certUsageStatusResponder:
-                requiredKeyUsage = KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_OR_NON_REPUDIATION;
-                requiredCertType = EXT_KEY_USAGE_STATUS_RESPONDER;
-                break;
-            default:
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    if (retKeyUsage != NULL) {
-        *retKeyUsage = requiredKeyUsage;
-    }
-    if (retCertType != NULL) {
-        *retCertType = requiredCertType;
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
- * check the key usage of a cert against a set of required values
- */
-CERT_CheckKeyUsage(CERTCertificate *cert, unsigned int requiredUsage)
-    if (!cert) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* choose between key agreement or key encipherment based on key
-     * type in cert
-     */
-    if (requiredUsage & KU_KEY_AGREEMENT_OR_ENCIPHERMENT) {
-        KeyType keyType = CERT_GetCertKeyType(&cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo);
-        /* turn off the special bit */
-        requiredUsage &= (~KU_KEY_AGREEMENT_OR_ENCIPHERMENT);
-        switch (keyType) {
-            case rsaKey:
-                requiredUsage |= KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT;
-                break;
-            case dsaKey:
-                requiredUsage |= KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE;
-                break;
-            case dhKey:
-                requiredUsage |= KU_KEY_AGREEMENT;
-                break;
-            case ecKey:
-                /* Accept either signature or agreement. */
-                if (!(cert->keyUsage &
-                      (KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE | KU_KEY_AGREEMENT)))
-                    goto loser;
-                break;
-            default:
-                goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Allow either digital signature or non-repudiation */
-        /* turn off the special bit */
-        if (!(cert->keyUsage & (KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE | KU_NON_REPUDIATION)))
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((cert->keyUsage & requiredUsage) == requiredUsage)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_DupCertificate(CERTCertificate *c)
-    if (c) {
-        NSSCertificate *tmp = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(c);
-        nssCertificate_AddRef(tmp);
-    }
-    return c;
- * Allow use of default cert database, so that apps(such as mozilla) don't
- * have to pass the handle all over the place.
- */
-static CERTCertDBHandle *default_cert_db_handle = 0;
-CERT_SetDefaultCertDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    default_cert_db_handle = handle;
-    return;
-CERTCertDBHandle *
-    return (default_cert_db_handle);
-/* XXX this would probably be okay/better as an xp routine? */
-static void
-sec_lower_string(char *s)
-    if (s == NULL) {
-        return;
-    }
-    while (*s) {
-        *s = PORT_Tolower(*s);
-        s++;
-    }
-    return;
-static PRBool
-cert_IsIPAddr(const char *hn)
-    PRBool isIPaddr = PR_FALSE;
-    PRNetAddr netAddr;
-    isIPaddr = (PR_SUCCESS == PR_StringToNetAddr(hn, &netAddr));
-    return isIPaddr;
-** Add a domain name to the list of names that the user has explicitly
-** allowed (despite cert name mismatches) for use with a server cert.
-CERT_AddOKDomainName(CERTCertificate *cert, const char *hn)
-    CERTOKDomainName *domainOK;
-    int newNameLen;
-    if (!hn || !(newNameLen = strlen(hn))) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    domainOK = (CERTOKDomainName *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(
-        cert->arena, (sizeof *domainOK) + newNameLen);
-    if (!domainOK)
-        return SECFailure; /* error code is already set. */
-    PORT_Strcpy(domainOK->name, hn);
-    sec_lower_string(domainOK->name);
-    /* put at head of list. */
-    domainOK->next = cert->domainOK;
-    cert->domainOK = domainOK;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* returns SECSuccess if hn matches pattern cn,
-** returns SECFailure with SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN if no match,
-** returns SECFailure with some other error code if another error occurs.
-** This function may modify string cn, so caller must pass a modifiable copy.
-static SECStatus
-cert_TestHostName(char *cn, const char *hn)
-    static int useShellExp = -1;
-    if (useShellExp < 0) {
-        useShellExp = (NULL != PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_USE_SHEXP_IN_CERT_NAME"));
-    }
-    if (useShellExp) {
-        /* Backward compatible code, uses Shell Expressions (SHEXP). */
-        int regvalid = PORT_RegExpValid(cn);
-        if (regvalid != NON_SXP) {
-            SECStatus rv;
-            /* cn is a regular expression, try to match the shexp */
-            int match = PORT_RegExpCaseSearch(hn, cn);
-            if (match == 0) {
-                rv = SECSuccess;
-            } else {
-                PORT_SetError(SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-            return rv;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* New approach conforms to RFC 6125. */
-        char *wildcard = PORT_Strchr(cn, '*');
-        char *firstcndot = PORT_Strchr(cn, '.');
-        char *secondcndot =
-            firstcndot ? PORT_Strchr(firstcndot + 1, '.') : NULL;
-        char *firsthndot = PORT_Strchr(hn, '.');
-        /* For a cn pattern to be considered valid, the wildcard character...
-         * - may occur only in a DNS name with at least 3 components, and
-         * - may occur only as last character in the first component, and
-         * - may be preceded by additional characters, and
-         * - must not be preceded by an IDNA ACE prefix (xn--)
-         */
-        if (wildcard && secondcndot && secondcndot[1] && firsthndot &&
-            firstcndot - wildcard == 1           /* wildcard is last char in first component */
-            && secondcndot - firstcndot > 1      /* second component is non-empty */
-            && PORT_Strrchr(cn, '*') == wildcard /* only one wildcard in cn */
-            && !PORT_Strncasecmp(cn, hn, wildcard - cn) &&
-            !PORT_Strcasecmp(firstcndot, firsthndot)
-            /* If hn starts with xn--, then cn must start with wildcard */
-            && (PORT_Strncasecmp(hn, "xn--", 4) || wildcard == cn)) {
-            /* valid wildcard pattern match */
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    }
-    /* String cn has no wildcard or shell expression.
-     * Compare entire string hn with cert name.
-     */
-    if (PORT_Strcasecmp(hn, cn) == 0) {
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-cert_VerifySubjectAltName(const CERTCertificate *cert, const char *hn)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTGeneralName *nameList = NULL;
-    CERTGeneralName *current;
-    char *cn;
-    int cnBufLen;
-    int DNSextCount = 0;
-    int IPextCount = 0;
-    PRBool isIPaddr = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem subAltName;
-    PRNetAddr netAddr;
-    char cnbuf[128];
- = NULL;
-    cn = cnbuf;
-    cnBufLen = sizeof cnbuf;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME,
-                                &subAltName);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto fail;
-    }
-    isIPaddr = (PR_SUCCESS == PR_StringToNetAddr(hn, &netAddr));
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena)
-        goto fail;
-    nameList = current = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(arena, &subAltName);
-    if (!current)
-        goto fail;
-    do {
-        switch (current->type) {
-            case certDNSName:
-                if (!isIPaddr) {
-                    /* DNS name current-> is not null terminated.
-                    ** so must copy it.
-                    */
-                    int cnLen = current->name.other.len;
-                    rv = CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote(
-                        cn, cnBufLen, (char *)current->, cnLen);
-                    if (rv != SECSuccess &&
-                        PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_OUTPUT_LEN) {
-                        cnBufLen =
-                            cnLen * 3 + 3; /* big enough for worst case */
-                        cn = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, cnBufLen);
-                        if (!cn)
-                            goto fail;
-                        rv = CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote(
-                            cn, cnBufLen, (char *)current->,
-                            cnLen);
-                    }
-                    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                        rv = cert_TestHostName(cn, hn);
-                    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                        goto finish;
-                }
-                DNSextCount++;
-                break;
-            case certIPAddress:
-                if (isIPaddr) {
-                    int match = 0;
-                    PRIPv6Addr v6Addr;
-                    if (current->name.other.len == 4 && /* IP v4 address */
-               == PR_AF_INET) {
-                        match = !memcmp(&netAddr.inet.ip,
-                                        current->, 4);
-                    } else if (current->name.other.len ==
-                                   16 && /* IP v6 address */
-                      == PR_AF_INET6) {
-                        match = !memcmp(&netAddr.ipv6.ip,
-                                        current->, 16);
-                    } else if (current->name.other.len ==
-                                   16 && /* IP v6 address */
-                      == PR_AF_INET) {
-                        /* convert netAddr to ipv6, then compare. */
-                        /* ipv4 must be in Network Byte Order on input. */
-                        PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6(netAddr.inet.ip, &v6Addr);
-                        match = !memcmp(&v6Addr, current->, 16);
-                    } else if (current->name.other.len == 4 && /* IP v4 address */
-                      == PR_AF_INET6) {
-                        /* convert netAddr to ipv6, then compare. */
-                        PRUint32 ipv4 = (current->[0] << 24) |
-                                        (current->[1] << 16) |
-                                        (current->[2] << 8) |
-                                        current->[3];
-                        /* ipv4 must be in Network Byte Order on input. */
-                        PR_ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6(PR_htonl(ipv4), &v6Addr);
-                        match = !memcmp(&netAddr.ipv6.ip, &v6Addr, 16);
-                    }
-                    if (match) {
-                        rv = SECSuccess;
-                        goto finish;
-                    }
-                }
-                IPextCount++;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current);
-    } while (current != nameList);
-    if (!(isIPaddr ? IPextCount : DNSextCount)) {
-        /* no relevant value in the extension was found. */
-    } else {
-    }
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    /* Don't free nameList, it's part of the arena. */
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&subAltName, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * If found:
- *   - subAltName contains the extension (caller must free)
- *   - return value is the decoded namelist (allocated off arena)
- * if not found, or if failure to decode:
- *   - return value is NULL
- */
-CERTGeneralName *
-cert_GetSubjectAltNameList(const CERTCertificate *cert, PLArenaPool *arena)
-    CERTGeneralName *nameList = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem subAltName;
-    if (!cert || !arena)
-        return NULL;
- = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME,
-                                &subAltName);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    nameList = CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(arena, &subAltName);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&subAltName, PR_FALSE);
-    return nameList;
-cert_CountDNSPatterns(CERTGeneralName *firstName)
-    CERTGeneralName *current;
-    PRUint32 count = 0;
-    if (!firstName)
-        return 0;
-    current = firstName;
-    do {
-        switch (current->type) {
-            case certDNSName:
-            case certIPAddress:
-                ++count;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current);
-    } while (current != firstName);
-    return count;
-#define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN 46
-/* will fill nickNames,
- * will allocate all data from nickNames->arena,
- * numberOfGeneralNames should have been obtained from cert_CountDNSPatterns,
- * will ensure the numberOfGeneralNames matches the number of output entries.
- */
-cert_GetDNSPatternsFromGeneralNames(CERTGeneralName *firstName,
-                                    PRUint32 numberOfGeneralNames,
-                                    CERTCertNicknames *nickNames)
-    CERTGeneralName *currentInput;
-    char **currentOutput;
-    if (!firstName || !nickNames || !numberOfGeneralNames)
-        return SECFailure;
-    nickNames->numnicknames = numberOfGeneralNames;
-    nickNames->nicknames = PORT_ArenaAlloc(
-        nickNames->arena, sizeof(char *) * numberOfGeneralNames);
-    if (!nickNames->nicknames)
-        return SECFailure;
-    currentInput = firstName;
-    currentOutput = nickNames->nicknames;
-    do {
-        char *cn = NULL;
-        char ipbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
-        PRNetAddr addr;
-        if (numberOfGeneralNames < 1) {
-            /* internal consistency error */
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        switch (currentInput->type) {
-            case certDNSName:
-                /* DNS name currentInput-> is not null
-                *terminated.
-                ** so must copy it.
-                */
-                cn = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(nickNames->arena,
-                                             currentInput->name.other.len + 1);
-                if (!cn)
-                    return SECFailure;
-                PORT_Memcpy(cn, currentInput->,
-                            currentInput->name.other.len);
-                cn[currentInput->name.other.len] = 0;
-                break;
-            case certIPAddress:
-                if (currentInput->name.other.len == 4) {
-           = PR_AF_INET;
-                    memcpy(&addr.inet.ip, currentInput->,
-                           currentInput->name.other.len);
-                } else if (currentInput->name.other.len == 16) {
-           = PR_AF_INET6;
-                    memcpy(&addr.ipv6.ip, currentInput->,
-                           currentInput->name.other.len);
-                }
-                if (PR_NetAddrToString(&addr, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf)) ==
-                    PR_FAILURE)
-                    return SECFailure;
-                cn = PORT_ArenaStrdup(nickNames->arena, ipbuf);
-                if (!cn)
-                    return SECFailure;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        if (cn) {
-            *currentOutput = cn;
-            nickNames->totallen += PORT_Strlen(cn);
-            ++currentOutput;
-            --numberOfGeneralNames;
-        }
-        currentInput = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentInput);
-    } while (currentInput != firstName);
-    return (numberOfGeneralNames == 0) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
- * Collect all valid DNS names from the given cert.
- * The output arena will reference some temporaray data,
- * but this saves us from dealing with two arenas.
- * The caller may free all data by freeing CERTCertNicknames->arena.
- */
-CERTCertNicknames *
-CERT_GetValidDNSPatternsFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    CERTGeneralName *generalNames;
-    CERTCertNicknames *nickNames;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    char *singleName;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    nickNames = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertNicknames));
-    if (!nickNames) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* init the structure */
-    nickNames->arena = arena;
-    nickNames->head = NULL;
-    nickNames->numnicknames = 0;
-    nickNames->nicknames = NULL;
-    nickNames->totallen = 0;
-    generalNames = cert_GetSubjectAltNameList(cert, arena);
-    if (generalNames) {
-        SECStatus rv_getnames = SECFailure;
-        PRUint32 numNames = cert_CountDNSPatterns(generalNames);
-        if (numNames) {
-            rv_getnames = cert_GetDNSPatternsFromGeneralNames(
-                generalNames, numNames, nickNames);
-        }
-        /* if there were names, we'll exit now, either with success or failure
-         */
-        if (numNames) {
-            if (rv_getnames == SECSuccess) {
-                return nickNames;
-            }
-            /* failure to produce output */
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    /* no SAN extension or no names found in extension */
-    singleName = CERT_GetCommonName(&cert->subject);
-    if (singleName) {
-        nickNames->numnicknames = 1;
-        nickNames->nicknames = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(char *));
-        if (nickNames->nicknames) {
-            *nickNames->nicknames = PORT_ArenaStrdup(arena, singleName);
-        }
-        PORT_Free(singleName);
-        /* Did we allocate both the buffer of pointers and the string? */
-        if (nickNames->nicknames && *nickNames->nicknames) {
-            return nickNames;
-        }
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-/* Make sure that the name of the host we are connecting to matches the
- * name that is incoded in the common-name component of the certificate
- * that they are using.
- */
-CERT_VerifyCertName(const CERTCertificate *cert, const char *hn)
-    char *cn;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTOKDomainName *domainOK;
-    if (!hn || !strlen(hn)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if the name is one that the user has already approved, it's OK. */
-    for (domainOK = cert->domainOK; domainOK; domainOK = domainOK->next) {
-        if (0 == PORT_Strcasecmp(hn, domainOK->name)) {
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Per RFC 2818, if the SubjectAltName extension is present, it must
-    ** be used as the cert's identity.
-    */
-    rv = cert_VerifySubjectAltName(cert, hn);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess || PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND)
-        return rv;
-    cn = CERT_GetCommonName(&cert->subject);
-    if (cn) {
-        PRBool isIPaddr = cert_IsIPAddr(hn);
-        if (isIPaddr) {
-            if (PORT_Strcasecmp(hn, cn) == 0) {
-                rv = SECSuccess;
-            } else {
-                PORT_SetError(SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        } else {
-            rv = cert_TestHostName(cn, hn);
-        }
-        PORT_Free(cn);
-    } else
-    return rv;
-CERT_CompareCerts(const CERTCertificate *c1, const CERTCertificate *c2)
-    SECComparison comp;
-    comp = SECITEM_CompareItem(&c1->derCert, &c2->derCert);
-    if (comp == SECEqual) { /* certs are the same */
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    } else {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-static SECStatus
-StringsEqual(char *s1, char *s2)
-    if ((s1 == NULL) || (s2 == NULL)) {
-        if (s1 != s2) { /* only one is null */
-            return (SECFailure);
-        }
-        return (SECSuccess); /* both are null */
-    }
-    if (PORT_Strcmp(s1, s2) != 0) {
-        return (SECFailure); /* not equal */
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess); /* strings are equal */
-CERT_CompareCertsForRedirection(CERTCertificate *c1, CERTCertificate *c2)
-    SECComparison comp;
-    char *c1str, *c2str;
-    SECStatus eq;
-    comp = SECITEM_CompareItem(&c1->derCert, &c2->derCert);
-    if (comp == SECEqual) { /* certs are the same */
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    /* check if they are issued by the same CA */
-    comp = SECITEM_CompareItem(&c1->derIssuer, &c2->derIssuer);
-    if (comp != SECEqual) { /* different issuer */
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* check country name */
-    c1str = CERT_GetCountryName(&c1->subject);
-    c2str = CERT_GetCountryName(&c2->subject);
-    eq = StringsEqual(c1str, c2str);
-    PORT_Free(c1str);
-    PORT_Free(c2str);
-    if (eq != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* check locality name */
-    c1str = CERT_GetLocalityName(&c1->subject);
-    c2str = CERT_GetLocalityName(&c2->subject);
-    eq = StringsEqual(c1str, c2str);
-    PORT_Free(c1str);
-    PORT_Free(c2str);
-    if (eq != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* check state name */
-    c1str = CERT_GetStateName(&c1->subject);
-    c2str = CERT_GetStateName(&c2->subject);
-    eq = StringsEqual(c1str, c2str);
-    PORT_Free(c1str);
-    PORT_Free(c2str);
-    if (eq != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* check org name */
-    c1str = CERT_GetOrgName(&c1->subject);
-    c2str = CERT_GetOrgName(&c2->subject);
-    eq = StringsEqual(c1str, c2str);
-    PORT_Free(c1str);
-    PORT_Free(c2str);
-    if (eq != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-#ifdef NOTDEF
-    /* check orgUnit name */
-    /*
-     * We need to revisit this and decide which fields should be allowed to be
-     * different
-     */
-    c1str = CERT_GetOrgUnitName(&c1->subject);
-    c2str = CERT_GetOrgUnitName(&c2->subject);
-    eq = StringsEqual(c1str, c2str);
-    PORT_Free(c1str);
-    PORT_Free(c2str);
-    if (eq != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (PR_TRUE); /* all fields but common name are the same */
-/* CERT_CertChainFromCert and CERT_DestroyCertificateList moved
-   to certhigh.c */
-CERTIssuerAndSN *
-CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    CERTIssuerAndSN *result;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        arena = cert->arena;
-    }
-    result = (CERTIssuerAndSN *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(*result));
-    if (result == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &result->derIssuer, &cert->derIssuer);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &result->issuer, &cert->issuer);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &result->serialNumber, &cert->serialNumber);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    return result;
-char *
-CERT_MakeCANickname(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    char *firstname = NULL;
-    char *org = NULL;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    int count;
-    CERTCertificate *dummycert;
-    firstname = CERT_GetCommonName(&cert->subject);
-    if (firstname == NULL) {
-        firstname = CERT_GetOrgUnitName(&cert->subject);
-    }
-    org = CERT_GetOrgName(&cert->issuer);
-    if (org == NULL) {
-        org = CERT_GetDomainComponentName(&cert->issuer);
-        if (org == NULL) {
-            if (firstname) {
-                org = firstname;
-                firstname = NULL;
-            } else {
-                org = PORT_Strdup("Unknown CA");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* can only fail if PORT_Strdup fails, in which case
-     * we're having memory problems. */
-    if (org == NULL) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    count = 1;
-    while (1) {
-        if (firstname) {
-            if (count == 1) {
-                nickname = PR_smprintf("%s - %s", firstname, org);
-            } else {
-                nickname = PR_smprintf("%s - %s #%d", firstname, org, count);
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (count == 1) {
-                nickname = PR_smprintf("%s", org);
-            } else {
-                nickname = PR_smprintf("%s #%d", org, count);
-            }
-        }
-        if (nickname == NULL) {
-            goto done;
-        }
-        /* look up the nickname to make sure it isn't in use already */
-        dummycert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(cert->dbhandle, nickname);
-        if (dummycert == NULL) {
-            goto done;
-        }
-        /* found a cert, destroy it and loop */
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(dummycert);
-        /* free the nickname */
-        PORT_Free(nickname);
-        count++;
-    }
-    if (firstname) {
-        PORT_Free(firstname);
-    }
-    if (org) {
-        PORT_Free(org);
-    }
-    return (nickname);
-/* CERT_Import_CAChain moved to certhigh.c */
-CERT_DestroyCrl(CERTSignedCrl *crl)
-    SEC_DestroyCrl(crl);
-static int
-cert_Version(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    int version = 0;
-    if (cert && cert-> && cert->version.len) {
-        version = DER_GetInteger(&cert->version);
-        if (version < 0)
-            version = 0;
-    }
-    return version;
-static unsigned int
-cert_ComputeTrustOverrides(CERTCertificate *cert, unsigned int cType)
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess &&
-        (trust.sslFlags | trust.emailFlags | trust.objectSigningFlags)) {
-        if (trust.sslFlags & (CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD | CERTDB_TRUSTED))
-        if (trust.sslFlags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA))
-            cType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA;
-#if defined(CERTDB_NOT_TRUSTED)
-        if (trust.sslFlags & CERTDB_NOT_TRUSTED)
-                       NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA);
-        if (trust.emailFlags & (CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD | CERTDB_TRUSTED))
-            cType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL;
-        if (trust.emailFlags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA))
-            cType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA;
-#if defined(CERTDB_NOT_TRUSTED)
-        if (trust.emailFlags & CERTDB_NOT_TRUSTED)
-            cType &= ~(NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL | NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA);
-        if (trust.objectSigningFlags &
-            cType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING;
-        if (trust.objectSigningFlags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA))
-            cType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA;
-#if defined(CERTDB_NOT_TRUSTED)
-        if (trust.objectSigningFlags & CERTDB_NOT_TRUSTED)
-            cType &=
-    }
-    return cType;
- * Does a cert belong to a CA?  We decide based on perm database trust
- * flags, Netscape Cert Type Extension, and KeyUsage Extension.
- */
-CERT_IsCACert(CERTCertificate *cert, unsigned int *rettype)
-    unsigned int cType = cert->nsCertType;
-    PRBool ret = PR_FALSE;
-                 NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA)) {
-        ret = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        SECStatus rv;
-        CERTBasicConstraints constraints;
-        rv = CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten(cert, &constraints);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess && constraints.isCA) {
-            ret = PR_TRUE;
-            cType |= (NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA | NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA);
-        }
-    }
-    /* finally check if it's an X.509 v1 root CA */
-    if (!ret &&
-        (cert->isRoot && cert_Version(cert) < SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_3)) {
-        ret = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Now apply trust overrides, if any */
-    cType = cert_ComputeTrustOverrides(cert, cType);
-    ret = (cType & (NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA | NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA |
-                    NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA))
-              ? PR_TRUE
-              : PR_FALSE;
-    if (rettype != NULL) {
-        *rettype = cType;
-    }
-    return ret;
-CERT_IsCADERCert(SECItem *derCert, unsigned int *type)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    PRBool isCA;
-    /* This is okay -- only looks at extensions */
-    cert = CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(derCert, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-    if (cert == NULL)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    isCA = CERT_IsCACert(cert, type);
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    return isCA;
-CERT_IsRootDERCert(SECItem *derCert)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    PRBool isRoot;
-    /* This is okay -- only looks at extensions */
-    cert = CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(derCert, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-    if (cert == NULL)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    isRoot = cert->isRoot;
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    return isRoot;
-CERT_CompareValidityTimes(CERTValidity *val_a, CERTValidity *val_b)
-    PRTime notBeforeA, notBeforeB, notAfterA, notAfterB;
-    if (!val_a || !val_b) {
-        return certValidityUndetermined;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess != DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&notBeforeA, &val_a->notBefore) ||
-        SECSuccess != DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&notBeforeB, &val_b->notBefore) ||
-        SECSuccess != DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&notAfterA, &val_a->notAfter) ||
-        SECSuccess != DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&notAfterB, &val_b->notAfter)) {
-        return certValidityUndetermined;
-    }
-    /* sanity check */
-    if (LL_CMP(notBeforeA, >, notAfterA) || LL_CMP(notBeforeB, >, notAfterB)) {
-        return certValidityUndetermined;
-    }
-    if (LL_CMP(notAfterA, !=, notAfterB)) {
-        /* one cert validity goes farther into the future, select it */
-        return LL_CMP(notAfterA, <, notAfterB) ? certValidityChooseB
-                                               : certValidityChooseA;
-    }
-    /* the two certs have the same expiration date */
-    PORT_Assert(LL_CMP(notAfterA, ==, notAfterB));
-    /* do they also have the same start date ? */
-    if (LL_CMP(notBeforeA, ==, notBeforeB)) {
-        return certValidityEqual;
-    }
-    /* choose cert with the later start date */
-    return LL_CMP(notBeforeA, <, notBeforeB) ? certValidityChooseB
-                                             : certValidityChooseA;
- * is certa newer than certb?  If one is expired, pick the other one.
- */
-CERT_IsNewer(CERTCertificate *certa, CERTCertificate *certb)
-    PRTime notBeforeA, notAfterA, notBeforeB, notAfterB, now;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool newerbefore, newerafter;
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTimes(certa, &notBeforeA, &notAfterA);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTimes(certb, &notBeforeB, &notAfterB);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    newerbefore = PR_FALSE;
-    if (LL_CMP(notBeforeA, >, notBeforeB)) {
-        newerbefore = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    newerafter = PR_FALSE;
-    if (LL_CMP(notAfterA, >, notAfterB)) {
-        newerafter = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (newerbefore && newerafter) {
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if ((!newerbefore) && (!newerafter)) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* get current time */
-    now = PR_Now();
-    if (newerbefore) {
-        /* cert A was issued after cert B, but expires sooner */
-        /* if A is expired, then pick B */
-        if (LL_CMP(notAfterA, <, now)) {
-            return (PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    } else {
-        /* cert B was issued after cert A, but expires sooner */
-        /* if B is expired, then pick A */
-        if (LL_CMP(notAfterB, <, now)) {
-            return (PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-CERT_DestroyCertArray(CERTCertificate **certs, unsigned int ncerts)
-    unsigned int i;
-    if (certs) {
-        for (i = 0; i < ncerts; i++) {
-            if (certs[i]) {
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(certs[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        PORT_Free(certs);
-    }
-    return;
-char *
-CERT_FixupEmailAddr(const char *emailAddr)
-    char *retaddr;
-    char *str;
-    if (emailAddr == NULL) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    /* copy the string */
-    str = retaddr = PORT_Strdup(emailAddr);
-    if (str == NULL) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    /* make it lower case */
-    while (*str) {
-        *str = tolower(*str);
-        str++;
-    }
-    return (retaddr);
- * NOTE - don't allow encode of govt-approved or invisible bits
- */
-CERT_DecodeTrustString(CERTCertTrust *trust, const char *trusts)
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned int *pflags;
-    if (!trust) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    trust->sslFlags = 0;
-    trust->emailFlags = 0;
-    trust->objectSigningFlags = 0;
-    if (!trusts) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pflags = &trust->sslFlags;
-    for (i = 0; i < PORT_Strlen(trusts); i++) {
-        switch (trusts[i]) {
-            case 'p':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD;
-                break;
-            case 'P':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD;
-                break;
-            case 'w':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_SEND_WARN;
-                break;
-            case 'c':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                break;
-            case 'T':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA | CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                break;
-            case 'C':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA | CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                break;
-            case 'u':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_USER;
-                break;
-            case 'i':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_INVISIBLE_CA;
-                break;
-            case 'g':
-                *pflags = *pflags | CERTDB_GOVT_APPROVED_CA;
-                break;
-            case ',':
-                if (pflags == &trust->sslFlags) {
-                    pflags = &trust->emailFlags;
-                } else {
-                    pflags = &trust->objectSigningFlags;
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-EncodeFlags(char *trusts, unsigned int flags)
-    if (flags & CERTDB_VALID_CA)
-        if (!(flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA) && !(flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA))
-            PORT_Strcat(trusts, "c");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD)
-        if (!(flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED))
-            PORT_Strcat(trusts, "p");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "C");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "T");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "P");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_USER)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "u");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_SEND_WARN)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "w");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_INVISIBLE_CA)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "I");
-    if (flags & CERTDB_GOVT_APPROVED_CA)
-        PORT_Strcat(trusts, "G");
-    return;
-char *
-CERT_EncodeTrustString(CERTCertTrust *trust)
-    char tmpTrustSSL[32];
-    char tmpTrustEmail[32];
-    char tmpTrustSigning[32];
-    char *retstr = NULL;
-    if (trust) {
-        tmpTrustSSL[0] = '\0';
-        tmpTrustEmail[0] = '\0';
-        tmpTrustSigning[0] = '\0';
-        EncodeFlags(tmpTrustSSL, trust->sslFlags);
-        EncodeFlags(tmpTrustEmail, trust->emailFlags);
-        EncodeFlags(tmpTrustSigning, trust->objectSigningFlags);
-        retstr = PR_smprintf("%s,%s,%s", tmpTrustSSL, tmpTrustEmail,
-                             tmpTrustSigning);
-    }
-    return (retstr);
-CERT_ImportCerts(CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, SECCertUsage usage,
-                 unsigned int ncerts, SECItem **derCerts,
-                 CERTCertificate ***retCerts, PRBool keepCerts, PRBool caOnly,
-                 char *nickname)
-    unsigned int i;
-    CERTCertificate **certs = NULL;
-    unsigned int fcerts = 0;
-    if (ncerts) {
-        certs = PORT_ZNewArray(CERTCertificate *, ncerts);
-        if (certs == NULL) {
-            return (SECFailure);
-        }
-        /* decode all of the certs into the temporary DB */
-        for (i = 0, fcerts = 0; i < ncerts; i++) {
-            certs[fcerts] = CERT_NewTempCertificate(certdb, derCerts[i], NULL,
-                                                    PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-            if (certs[fcerts]) {
-                SECItem subjKeyID = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-                if (CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(certs[fcerts], &subjKeyID) ==
-                    SECSuccess) {
-                    if ( {
-                        cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping(&subjKeyID, certs[fcerts]);
-                    }
-                    SECITEM_FreeItem(&subjKeyID, PR_FALSE);
-                }
-                fcerts++;
-            }
-        }
-        if (keepCerts) {
-            for (i = 0; i < fcerts; i++) {
-                char *canickname = NULL;
-                PRBool isCA;
-                SECKEY_UpdateCertPQG(certs[i]);
-                isCA = CERT_IsCACert(certs[i], NULL);
-                if (isCA) {
-                    canickname = CERT_MakeCANickname(certs[i]);
-                }
-                if (isCA && (fcerts > 1)) {
-                    /* if we are importing only a single cert and specifying
-                     * a nickname, we want to use that nickname if it a CA,
-                     * otherwise if there are more than one cert, we don't
-                     * know which cert it belongs to. But we still may try
-                     * the individual canickname from the cert itself.
-                     */
-                    /* Bug 1192442 - propagate errors from these calls. */
-                    (void)CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(certs[i], canickname, NULL);
-                } else {
-                    (void)CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(
-                        certs[i], nickname ? nickname : canickname, NULL);
-                }
-                PORT_Free(canickname);
-                /* don't care if it fails - keep going */
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (retCerts) {
-        *retCerts = certs;
-    } else {
-        if (certs) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertArray(certs, fcerts);
-        }
-    }
-    return (fcerts || !ncerts) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
- * a real list of certificates - need to convert CERTCertificateList
- * stuff and ASN 1 encoder/decoder over to using this...
- */
-CERTCertList *
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTCertList *ret = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret = (CERTCertList *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertList));
-    if (ret == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret->arena = arena;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&ret->list);
-    return (ret);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-CERT_DestroyCertList(CERTCertList *certs)
-    PRCList *node;
-    while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&certs->list)) {
-        node = PR_LIST_HEAD(&certs->list);
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(((CERTCertListNode *)node)->cert);
-        PR_REMOVE_LINK(node);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(certs->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-CERT_RemoveCertListNode(CERTCertListNode *node)
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(node->cert);
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&node->links);
-    return;
-CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                               void *appData)
-    CERTCertListNode *node;
-    node = (CERTCertListNode *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(certs->arena,
-                                                sizeof(CERTCertListNode));
-    if (node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &certs->list);
-    /* certs->count++; */
-    node->cert = cert;
-    node->appData = appData;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-CERT_AddCertToListTail(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    return CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(certs, cert, NULL);
-CERT_AddCertToListHeadWithData(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                               void *appData)
-    CERTCertListNode *node;
-    CERTCertListNode *head;
-    head = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certs);
-    if (head == NULL)
-        return CERT_AddCertToListTail(certs, cert);
-    node = (CERTCertListNode *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(certs->arena,
-                                                sizeof(CERTCertListNode));
-    if (node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &head->links);
-    /* certs->count++; */
-    node->cert = cert;
-    node->appData = appData;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-CERT_AddCertToListHead(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    return CERT_AddCertToListHeadWithData(certs, cert, NULL);
- * Sort callback function to determine if cert a is newer than cert b.
- * Not valid certs are considered older than valid certs.
- */
-CERT_SortCBValidity(CERTCertificate *certa, CERTCertificate *certb, void *arg)
-    PRTime sorttime;
-    PRTime notBeforeA, notAfterA, notBeforeB, notAfterB;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool newerbefore, newerafter;
-    PRBool aNotValid = PR_FALSE, bNotValid = PR_FALSE;
-    sorttime = *(PRTime *)arg;
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTimes(certa, &notBeforeA, &notAfterA);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTimes(certb, &notBeforeB, &notAfterB);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    newerbefore = PR_FALSE;
-    if (LL_CMP(notBeforeA, >, notBeforeB)) {
-        newerbefore = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    newerafter = PR_FALSE;
-    if (LL_CMP(notAfterA, >, notAfterB)) {
-        newerafter = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* check if A is valid at sorttime */
-    if (CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(certa, sorttime, PR_FALSE) !=
-        secCertTimeValid) {
-        aNotValid = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* check if B is valid at sorttime */
-    if (CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(certb, sorttime, PR_FALSE) !=
-        secCertTimeValid) {
-        bNotValid = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* a is valid, b is not */
-    if (bNotValid && (!aNotValid)) {
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    /* b is valid, a is not */
-    if (aNotValid && (!bNotValid)) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* a and b are either valid or not valid */
-    if (newerbefore && newerafter) {
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if ((!newerbefore) && (!newerafter)) {
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (newerbefore) {
-        /* cert A was issued after cert B, but expires sooner */
-        return (PR_TRUE);
-    } else {
-        /* cert B was issued after cert A, but expires sooner */
-        return (PR_FALSE);
-    }
-CERT_AddCertToListSorted(CERTCertList *certs, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                         CERTSortCallback f, void *arg)
-    CERTCertListNode *node;
-    CERTCertListNode *head;
-    PRBool ret;
-    node = (CERTCertListNode *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(certs->arena,
-                                                sizeof(CERTCertListNode));
-    if (node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    head = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certs);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(head, certs)) {
-        /* if cert is already in the list, then don't add it again */
-        if (cert == head->cert) {
-            /*XXX*/
-            /* don't keep a reference */
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-            goto done;
-        }
-        ret = (*f)(cert, head->cert, arg);
-        /* if sort function succeeds, then insert before current node */
-        if (ret) {
-            PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &head->links);
-            goto done;
-        }
-        head = CERT_LIST_NEXT(head);
-    }
-    /* if we get to the end, then just insert it at the tail */
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &certs->list);
-    /* certs->count++; */
-    node->cert = cert;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-/* This routine is here because pcertdb.c still has a call to it.
- * The SMIME profile code in pcertdb.c should be split into high (find
- * the email cert) and low (store the profile) code.  At that point, we
- * can move this to certhigh.c where it belongs.
- *
- * remove certs from a list that don't have keyUsage and certType
- * that match the given usage.
- */
-CERT_FilterCertListByUsage(CERTCertList *certList, SECCertUsage usage,
-                           PRBool ca)
-    unsigned int requiredKeyUsage;
-    unsigned int requiredCertType;
-    CERTCertListNode *node, *savenode;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (certList == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(usage, ca, &requiredKeyUsage,
-                                          &requiredCertType);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        PRBool bad = (PRBool)(!node->cert);
-        /* bad key usage ? */
-        if (!bad &&
-            CERT_CheckKeyUsage(node->cert, requiredKeyUsage) != SECSuccess) {
-            bad = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        /* bad cert type ? */
-        if (!bad) {
-            unsigned int certType = 0;
-            if (ca) {
-                /* This function returns a more comprehensive cert type that
-                 * takes trust flags into consideration.  Should probably
-                 * fix the cert decoding code to do this.
-                 */
-                (void)CERT_IsCACert(node->cert, &certType);
-            } else {
-                certType = node->cert->nsCertType;
-            }
-            if (!(certType & requiredCertType)) {
-                bad = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        if (bad) {
-            /* remove the node if it is bad */
-            savenode = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-            CERT_RemoveCertListNode(node);
-            node = savenode;
-        } else {
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-        }
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-CERT_IsUserCert(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    rv = CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess &&
-        ((trust.sslFlags & CERTDB_USER) || (trust.emailFlags & CERTDB_USER) ||
-         (trust.objectSigningFlags & CERTDB_USER))) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts(CERTCertList *certList)
-    CERTCertListNode *node, *freenode;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    if (!certList) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        cert = node->cert;
-        if (PR_TRUE != CERT_IsUserCert(cert)) {
-            /* Not a User Cert, so remove this cert from the list */
-            freenode = node;
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-            CERT_RemoveCertListNode(freenode);
-        } else {
-            /* Is a User cert, so leave it in the list */
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-        }
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-static PZLock *certRefCountLock = NULL;
- * Acquire the cert reference count lock
- * There is currently one global lock for all certs, but I'm putting a cert
- * arg here so that it will be easy to make it per-cert in the future if
- * that turns out to be necessary.
- */
-CERT_LockCertRefCount(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PORT_Assert(certRefCountLock != NULL);
-    PZ_Lock(certRefCountLock);
-    return;
- * Free the cert reference count lock
- */
-CERT_UnlockCertRefCount(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PORT_Assert(certRefCountLock != NULL);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    {
-        PRStatus prstat = PZ_Unlock(certRefCountLock);
-        PORT_Assert(prstat == PR_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(certRefCountLock);
-static PZLock *certTrustLock = NULL;
- * Acquire the cert trust lock
- * There is currently one global lock for all certs, but I'm putting a cert
- * arg here so that it will be easy to make it per-cert in the future if
- * that turns out to be necessary.
- */
-CERT_LockCertTrust(const CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PORT_Assert(certTrustLock != NULL);
-    PZ_Lock(certTrustLock);
-    return;
-    if (certRefCountLock == NULL) {
-        certRefCountLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockRefLock);
-        PORT_Assert(certRefCountLock != NULL);
-        if (!certRefCountLock) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (certTrustLock == NULL) {
-        certTrustLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockCertDB);
-        PORT_Assert(certTrustLock != NULL);
-        if (!certTrustLock) {
-            PZ_DestroyLock(certRefCountLock);
-            certRefCountLock = NULL;
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(certRefCountLock != NULL);
-    if (certRefCountLock) {
-        PZ_DestroyLock(certRefCountLock);
-        certRefCountLock = NULL;
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(certTrustLock != NULL);
-    if (certTrustLock) {
-        PZ_DestroyLock(certTrustLock);
-        certTrustLock = NULL;
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Free the cert trust lock
- */
-CERT_UnlockCertTrust(const CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PORT_Assert(certTrustLock != NULL);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    {
-        PRStatus prstat = PZ_Unlock(certTrustLock);
-        PORT_Assert(prstat == PR_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(certTrustLock);
- * Get the StatusConfig data for this handle
- */
-CERTStatusConfig *
-CERT_GetStatusConfig(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    return handle->statusConfig;
- * Set the StatusConfig data for this handle.  There
- * should not be another configuration set.
- */
-CERT_SetStatusConfig(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig)
-    PORT_Assert(handle->statusConfig == NULL);
-    handle->statusConfig = statusConfig;
- * Code for dealing with subjKeyID to cert mappings.
- */
-static PLHashTable *gSubjKeyIDHash = NULL;
-static PRLock *gSubjKeyIDLock = NULL;
-static PLHashTable *gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash = NULL;
-static PRLock *gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock = NULL;
-static void *
-cert_AllocTable(void *pool, PRSize size)
-    return PORT_Alloc(size);
-static void
-cert_FreeTable(void *pool, void *item)
-    PORT_Free(item);
-static PLHashEntry *
-cert_AllocEntry(void *pool, const void *key)
-    return PORT_New(PLHashEntry);
-static void
-cert_FreeEntry(void *pool, PLHashEntry *he, PRUintn flag)
-    SECITEM_FreeItem((SECItem *)(he->value), PR_TRUE);
-    if (flag == HT_FREE_ENTRY) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem((SECItem *)(he->key), PR_TRUE);
-        PORT_Free(he);
-    }
-static PLHashAllocOps cert_AllocOps = { cert_AllocTable, cert_FreeTable,
-                                        cert_AllocEntry, cert_FreeEntry };
-    /*
-     * This hash is used to remember the series of a slot
-     * when we last checked for user certs
-     */
-    gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash =
-        PL_NewHashTable(0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare,
-                        SECITEM_HashCompare, &cert_AllocOps, NULL);
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock = PR_NewLock();
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock) {
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash);
-        gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash = NULL;
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    gSubjKeyIDHash = PL_NewHashTable(0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare,
-                                     SECITEM_HashCompare, &cert_AllocOps, NULL);
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDHash) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    gSubjKeyIDLock = PR_NewLock();
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDLock) {
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(gSubjKeyIDHash);
-        gSubjKeyIDHash = NULL;
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* initialize the companion hash (for remembering slot series) */
-    if (cert_CreateSubjectKeyIDSlotCheckHash() != SECSuccess) {
-        cert_DestroySubjectKeyIDHashTable();
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping(SECItem *subjKeyID, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECItem *newKeyID, *oldVal, *newVal;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDLock) {
-        /* If one is created, then both are there.  So only check for one. */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    newVal = SECITEM_DupItem(&cert->derCert);
-    if (!newVal) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    newKeyID = SECITEM_DupItem(subjKeyID);
-    if (!newKeyID) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(newVal, PR_TRUE);
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-    /* The hash table implementation does not free up the memory
-     * associated with the key of an already existing entry if we add a
-     * duplicate, so we would wind up leaking the previously allocated
-     * key if we don't remove before adding.
-     */
-    oldVal = (SECItem *)PL_HashTableLookup(gSubjKeyIDHash, subjKeyID);
-    if (oldVal) {
-        PL_HashTableRemove(gSubjKeyIDHash, subjKeyID);
-    }
-    rv = (PL_HashTableAdd(gSubjKeyIDHash, newKeyID, newVal)) ? SECSuccess
-                                                             : SECFailure;
-    PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-    return rv;
-cert_RemoveSubjectKeyIDMapping(SECItem *subjKeyID)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDLock)
-        return SECFailure;
-    PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-    rv = (PL_HashTableRemove(gSubjKeyIDHash, subjKeyID)) ? SECSuccess
-                                                         : SECFailure;
-    PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-    return rv;
-cert_UpdateSubjectKeyIDSlotCheck(SECItem *slotid, int series)
-    SECItem *oldSeries, *newSlotid, *newSeries;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    newSlotid = SECITEM_DupItem(slotid);
-    newSeries = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, sizeof(int));
-    if (!newSlotid || !newSeries) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(newSeries->data, &series, sizeof(int));
-    PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-    oldSeries = (SECItem *)PL_HashTableLookup(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash, slotid);
-    if (oldSeries) {
-        /*
-         * make sure we don't leak the key of an existing entry
-         * (similar to cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping, see comment there)
-         */
-        PL_HashTableRemove(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash, slotid);
-    }
-    rv = (PL_HashTableAdd(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash, newSlotid, newSeries))
-             ? SECSuccess
-             : SECFailure;
-    PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if (newSlotid) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(newSlotid, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (newSeries) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(newSeries, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-cert_SubjectKeyIDSlotCheckSeries(SECItem *slotid)
-    SECItem *seriesItem = NULL;
-    int series;
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-    seriesItem = (SECItem *)PL_HashTableLookup(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash, slotid);
-    PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-    /* getting a null series just means we haven't registered one yet,
-     * just return 0 */
-    if (seriesItem == NULL) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* if we got a series back, assert if it's not the proper length. */
-    PORT_Assert(seriesItem->len == sizeof(int));
-    if (seriesItem->len != sizeof(int)) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(&series, seriesItem->data, sizeof(int));
-    return series;
-    if (gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash) {
-        PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash);
-        gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckHash = NULL;
-        PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-        PR_DestroyLock(gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock);
-        gSubjKeyIDSlotCheckLock = NULL;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (gSubjKeyIDHash) {
-        PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(gSubjKeyIDHash);
-        gSubjKeyIDHash = NULL;
-        PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-        PR_DestroyLock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-        gSubjKeyIDLock = NULL;
-    }
-    cert_DestroySubjectKeyIDSlotCheckHash();
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECItem *
-cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID(SECItem *subjKeyID)
-    SECItem *val;
-    if (!gSubjKeyIDLock)
-        return NULL;
-    PR_Lock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-    val = (SECItem *)PL_HashTableLookup(gSubjKeyIDHash, subjKeyID);
-    if (val) {
-        val = SECITEM_DupItem(val);
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(gSubjKeyIDLock);
-    return val;
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertBySubjectKeyID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *subjKeyID)
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    SECItem *derCert;
-    derCert = cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID(subjKeyID);
-    if (derCert) {
-        cert = CERT_FindCertByDERCert(handle, derCert);
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(derCert, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return cert;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.h b/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb39b98..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _CERTDB_H_
-#define _CERTDB_H_
-/* common flags for all types of certificates */
-#define CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD (1u << 0)
-#define CERTDB_TRUSTED (1u << 1)
-#define CERTDB_SEND_WARN (1u << 2)
-#define CERTDB_VALID_CA (1u << 3)
-#define CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA (1u << 4) /* trusted for issuing server certs */
-#define CERTDB_NS_TRUSTED_CA (1u << 5)
-#define CERTDB_USER (1u << 6)
-#define CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA (1u << 7) /* trusted for issuing client certs */
-#define CERTDB_INVISIBLE_CA (1u << 8) /* don't show in UI */
-#define CERTDB_GOVT_APPROVED_CA (1u << 9) /* can do strong crypto in export ver */
-/* old usage, to keep old programs compiling */
-/* On Windows, Mac, and Linux (and other gcc platforms), we can give compile
- * time deprecation warnings when applications use the old CERTDB_VALID_PEER
- * define */
-#if __GNUC__ > 3
-#if (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 5)
-typedef unsigned int __CERTDB_VALID_PEER __attribute__((deprecated));
-typedef unsigned int __CERTDB_VALID_PEER __attribute__((
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma deprecated(CERTDB_VALID_PEER)
-CERTSignedCrl *SEC_FindCrlByKey(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *crlKey,
-                                int type);
-CERTSignedCrl *SEC_FindCrlByName(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *crlKey,
-                                 int type);
-CERTSignedCrl *SEC_FindCrlByDERCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derCrl,
-                                    int type);
-PRBool SEC_CertNicknameConflict(const char *nickname, const SECItem *derSubject,
-                                CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-CERTSignedCrl *SEC_NewCrl(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *url, SECItem *derCrl,
-                          int type);
-SECStatus SEC_DeletePermCRL(CERTSignedCrl *crl);
-SECStatus SEC_LookupCrls(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCrlHeadNode **nodes,
-                         int type);
-SECStatus SEC_DestroyCrl(CERTSignedCrl *crl);
-CERTSignedCrl *SEC_DupCrl(CERTSignedCrl *acrl);
-SECStatus CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(CERTCertificate *cert, char *nickname,
-                                 CERTCertTrust *trust);
-SECStatus SEC_DeletePermCertificate(CERTCertificate *cert);
-PRBool SEC_CrlIsNewer(CERTCrl *inNew, CERTCrl *old);
-** Extract the validity times from a CRL
-**	"crl" is the CRL
-**	"notBefore" is the start of the validity period (last update)
-**	"notAfter" is the end of the validity period (next update)
-SECStatus SEC_GetCrlTimes(CERTCrl *crl, PRTime *notBefore, PRTime *notAfter);
-** Check the validity times of a crl vs. time 't', allowing
-** some slop for broken clocks and stuff.
-**	"crl" is the certificate to be checked
-**	"t" is the time to check against
-SECCertTimeValidity SEC_CheckCrlTimes(CERTCrl *crl, PRTime t);
-#endif /* _CERTDB_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certi.h b/nss/lib/certdb/certi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index df0d7c5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * certi.h - private data structures for the certificate library
- */
-#ifndef _CERTI_H_
-#define _CERTI_H_
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "nssrwlkt.h"
-#define GLOBAL_RWLOCK 1
-#define DPC_RWLOCK 1
-/* all definitions in this file are subject to change */
-typedef struct OpaqueCRLFieldsStr OpaqueCRLFields;
-typedef struct CRLEntryCacheStr CRLEntryCache;
-typedef struct CRLDPCacheStr CRLDPCache;
-typedef struct CRLIssuerCacheStr CRLIssuerCache;
-typedef struct CRLCacheStr CRLCache;
-typedef struct CachedCrlStr CachedCrl;
-typedef struct NamedCRLCacheStr NamedCRLCache;
-typedef struct NamedCRLCacheEntryStr NamedCRLCacheEntry;
-struct OpaqueCRLFieldsStr {
-    PRBool partial;
-    PRBool decodingError;
-    PRBool badEntries;
-    PRBool badDER;
-    PRBool badExtensions;
-    PRBool heapDER;
-typedef struct PreAllocatorStr PreAllocator;
-struct PreAllocatorStr {
-    PRSize len;
-    void* data;
-    PRSize used;
-    PLArenaPool* arena;
-    PRSize extra;
-/*  CRL entry cache.
-    This is the same as an entry plus the next/prev pointers for the hash table
-struct CRLEntryCacheStr {
-    CERTCrlEntry entry;
-    CRLEntryCache *prev, *next;
-#define CRL_CACHE_INVALID_CRLS 0x0001 /* this state will be set
-            if we have CRL objects with an invalid DER or signature. Can be
-            cleared if the invalid objects are deleted from the token */
-#define CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED 0x0002 /* this state will be set
-            if the last CRL fetch encountered an error. Can be cleared if a
-            new fetch succeeds */
-#define CRL_CACHE_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x0004 /* this state will be set
-            if we don't have enough memory to build the hash table of entries */
-typedef enum {
-    CRL_OriginToken = 0,   /* CRL came from PKCS#11 token */
-    CRL_OriginExplicit = 1 /* CRL was explicitly added to the cache, from RAM */
-} CRLOrigin;
-typedef enum {
-    dpcacheNoEntry = 0,           /* no entry found for this SN */
-    dpcacheFoundEntry = 1,        /* entry found for this SN */
-    dpcacheCallerError = 2,       /* invalid args */
-    dpcacheInvalidCacheError = 3, /* CRL in cache may be bad DER */
-                                  /* or unverified */
-    dpcacheEmpty = 4,             /* no CRL in cache */
-    dpcacheLookupError = 5        /* internal error */
-} dpcacheStatus;
-struct CachedCrlStr {
-    CERTSignedCrl* crl;
-    CRLOrigin origin;
-    /* hash table of entries. We use a PLHashTable and pre-allocate the
-       required amount of memory in one shot, so that our allocator can
-       simply pass offsets into it when hashing.
-       This won't work anymore when we support delta CRLs and iCRLs, because
-       the size of the hash table will vary over time. At that point, the best
-       solution will be to allocate large CRLEntry structures by modifying
-       the DER decoding template. The extra space would be for next/prev
-       pointers. This would allow entries from different CRLs to be mixed in
-       the same hash table.
-    */
-    PLHashTable* entries;
-    PreAllocator* prebuffer; /* big pre-allocated buffer mentioned above */
-    PRBool sigChecked;       /* this CRL signature has already been checked */
-    PRBool sigValid;         /* signature verification status .
-                                Only meaningful if checked is PR_TRUE . */
-    PRBool unbuildable;      /* Avoid using assosiated CRL is it fails
-                              * a decoding step */
-/*  CRL distribution point cache object
-    This is a cache of CRL entries for a given distribution point of an issuer
-    It is built from a collection of one full and 0 or more delta CRLs.
-struct CRLDPCacheStr {
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-    NSSRWLock* lock;
-    PRLock* lock;
-    SECItem* issuerDERCert; /* issuer DER cert. Don't hold a reference
-                               to the actual cert so the trust can be
-                               updated on the cert automatically.
-                               XXX there may be multiple issuer certs,
-                               with different validity dates. Also
-                               need to deal with SKID/AKID . See
-                               bugzilla 217387, 233118 */
-    CERTCertDBHandle* dbHandle;
-    SECItem* subject;           /* DER of issuer subject */
-    SECItem* distributionPoint; /* DER of distribution point. This may be
-                                   NULL when distribution points aren't
-                                   in use (ie. the CA has a single CRL).
-                                   Currently not used. */
-    /* array of full CRLs matching this distribution point */
-    PRUint32 ncrls;   /* total number of CRLs in crls */
-    CachedCrl** crls; /* array of all matching CRLs */
-    /* XCRL With iCRLs and multiple DPs, the CRL can be shared accross several
-       issuers. In the future, we'll need to globally recycle the CRL in a
-       separate list in order to avoid extra lookups, decodes, and copies */
-    /* pointers to good decoded CRLs used to build the cache */
-    CachedCrl* selected; /* full CRL selected for use in the cache */
-#if 0
-    /* for future use */
-    PRInt32 numdeltas;      /* number of delta CRLs used for the cache */
-    CachedCrl** deltas;     /* delta CRLs used for the cache */
-    /* cache invalidity bitflag */
-    PRUint16 invalid;  /* this state will be set if either
-        In those cases, all certs are considered to have unknown status.
-        The invalid state can only be cleared during an update if all
-        error states are cleared */
-    PRBool refresh;    /* manual refresh from tokens has been forced */
-    PRBool mustchoose; /* trigger reselection algorithm, for case when
-                          RAM CRL objects are dropped from the cache */
-    PRTime lastfetch;  /* time a CRL token fetch was last performed */
-    PRTime lastcheck;  /* time CRL token objects were last checked for
-                          existence */
-/*  CRL issuer cache object
-    This object tracks all the distribution point caches for a given issuer.
-    XCRL once we support multiple issuing distribution points, this object
-    will be a hash table. For now, it just holds the single CRL distribution
-    point cache structure.
-struct CRLIssuerCacheStr {
-    SECItem* subject; /* DER of issuer subject */
-    CRLDPCache* dpp;
-/*  CRL revocation cache object
-    This object tracks all the issuer caches
-struct CRLCacheStr {
-    NSSRWLock* lock;
-    PRLock* lock;
-    /* hash table of issuer to CRLIssuerCacheStr,
-       indexed by issuer DER subject */
-    PLHashTable* issuers;
-SECStatus InitCRLCache(void);
-SECStatus ShutdownCRLCache(void);
-/* Returns a pointer to an environment-like string, a series of
-** null-terminated strings, terminated by a zero-length string.
-** This function is intended to be internal to NSS.
-extern char* cert_GetCertificateEmailAddresses(CERTCertificate* cert);
- * These functions are used to map subjectKeyID extension values to certs
- * and to keep track of the checks for user certificates in each slot
- */
-SECStatus cert_CreateSubjectKeyIDHashTable(void);
-SECStatus cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping(SECItem* subjKeyID,
-                                      CERTCertificate* cert);
-SECStatus cert_UpdateSubjectKeyIDSlotCheck(SECItem* slotid, int series);
-int cert_SubjectKeyIDSlotCheckSeries(SECItem* slotid);
- * Call this function to remove an entry from the mapping table.
- */
-SECStatus cert_RemoveSubjectKeyIDMapping(SECItem* subjKeyID);
-SECStatus cert_DestroySubjectKeyIDHashTable(void);
-SECItem* cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID(SECItem* subjKeyID);
-/* return maximum length of AVA value based on its type OID tag. */
-extern int cert_AVAOidTagToMaxLen(SECOidTag tag);
-/* Make an AVA, allocated from pool, from OID and DER encoded value */
-extern CERTAVA* CERT_CreateAVAFromRaw(PLArenaPool* pool, const SECItem* OID,
-                                      const SECItem* value);
-/* Make an AVA from binary input specified by SECItem */
-extern CERTAVA* CERT_CreateAVAFromSECItem(PLArenaPool* arena, SECOidTag kind,
-                                          int valueType, SECItem* value);
- * get a DPCache object for the given issuer subject and dp
- * Automatically creates the cache object if it doesn't exist yet.
- */
-SECStatus AcquireDPCache(CERTCertificate* issuer, const SECItem* subject,
-                         const SECItem* dp, PRTime t, void* wincx,
-                         CRLDPCache** dpcache, PRBool* writeLocked);
-/* check if a particular SN is in the CRL cache and return its entry */
-dpcacheStatus DPCache_Lookup(CRLDPCache* cache, const SECItem* sn,
-                             CERTCrlEntry** returned);
-/* release a DPCache object that was previously acquired */
-void ReleaseDPCache(CRLDPCache* dpcache, PRBool writeLocked);
- * map Stan errors into NSS errors
- * This function examines the stan error stack and automatically sets
- * PORT_SetError(); to the appropriate SEC_ERROR value.
- */
-void CERT_MapStanError();
-/* Like CERT_VerifyCert, except with an additional argument, flags. The
- * flags are defined immediately below.
- */
-SECStatus cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(CERTCertDBHandle* handle,
-                                   CERTCertificate* cert, PRBool checkSig,
-                                   SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
-                                   PRUint32 flags, void* wincx,
-                                   CERTVerifyLog* log);
-/* Use the default settings.
- * cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(..., CERT_VERIFYCERT_USE_DEFAULTS, ...) is
- * equivalent to CERT_VerifyCert(...);
- */
-/* Skip all the OCSP checks during certificate verification, regardless of
- * the global OCSP settings. By default, certificate |cert| will have its
- * revocation status checked via OCSP according to the global OCSP settings.
- *
- * OCSP checking is always skipped when certUsage is certUsageStatusResponder.
- */
-/* Interface function for libpkix cert validation engine:
- * cert_verify wrapper. */
-SECStatus cert_VerifyCertChainPkix(CERTCertificate* cert, PRBool checkSig,
-                                   SECCertUsage requiredUsage, PRTime time,
-                                   void* wincx, CERTVerifyLog* log,
-                                   PRBool* sigError, PRBool* revoked);
-SECStatus cert_InitLocks(void);
-SECStatus cert_DestroyLocks(void);
- * fill in nsCertType field of the cert based on the cert extension
- */
-extern SECStatus cert_GetCertType(CERTCertificate* cert);
- * compute and return the value of nsCertType for cert, but do not
- * update the CERTCertificate.
- */
-extern PRUint32 cert_ComputeCertType(CERTCertificate* cert);
-void cert_AddToVerifyLog(CERTVerifyLog* log, CERTCertificate* cert,
-                         long errorCode, unsigned int depth, void* arg);
-/* Insert a DER CRL into the CRL cache, and take ownership of it.
- *
- * cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName takes ownership of the memory in crl argument
- * completely.  crl must be freeable by SECITEM_FreeItem. It will be freed
- * immediately if it is rejected from the CRL cache, or later during cache
- * updates when a new crl is available, or at shutdown time.
- *
- * canonicalizedName represents the source of the CRL, a GeneralName.
- * The format of the encoding is not restricted, but all callers of
- * cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName and cert_FindCRLByGeneralName must use
- * the same encoding. To facilitate X.500 name matching, a canonicalized
- * encoding of the GeneralName should be used, if available.
- */
-SECStatus cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* crl,
-                                     const SECItem* canonicalizedName);
-struct NamedCRLCacheStr {
-    PRLock* lock;
-    PLHashTable* entries;
-/* NamedCRLCacheEntryStr is filled in by cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName,
- * and read by cert_FindCRLByGeneralName */
-struct NamedCRLCacheEntryStr {
-    SECItem* canonicalizedName;
-    SECItem* crl; /* DER, kept only if CRL
-                   * is successfully cached */
-    PRBool inCRLCache;
-    PRTime successfulInsertionTime; /* insertion time */
-    PRTime lastAttemptTime;         /* time of last call to
-                              cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName with this name */
-    PRBool badDER;                  /* ASN.1 error */
-    PRBool dupe;                    /* matching DER CRL already in CRL cache */
-    PRBool unsupported;             /* IDP, delta, any other reason */
-typedef enum {
-    certRevocationStatusRevoked = 0,
-    certRevocationStatusValid = 1,
-    certRevocationStatusUnknown = 2
-} CERTRevocationStatus;
-/* Returns detailed status of the cert(revStatus variable). Tells if
- * issuer cache has OriginFetchedWithTimeout crl in it. */
-SECStatus cert_CheckCertRevocationStatus(CERTCertificate* cert,
-                                         CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                                         const SECItem* dp, PRTime t,
-                                         void* wincx,
-                                         CERTRevocationStatus* revStatus,
-                                         CERTCRLEntryReasonCode* revReason);
-SECStatus cert_AcquireNamedCRLCache(NamedCRLCache** returned);
-/* cert_FindCRLByGeneralName must be called only while the named cache is
- * acquired, and the entry is only valid until cache is released.
- */
-SECStatus cert_FindCRLByGeneralName(NamedCRLCache* ncc,
-                                    const SECItem* canonicalizedName,
-                                    NamedCRLCacheEntry** retEntry);
-SECStatus cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(NamedCRLCache* ncc);
-/* This is private for now.  Maybe shoule be public. */
-CERTGeneralName* cert_GetSubjectAltNameList(const CERTCertificate* cert,
-                                            PLArenaPool* arena);
-/* Count DNS names and IP addresses in a list of GeneralNames */
-PRUint32 cert_CountDNSPatterns(CERTGeneralName* firstName);
- * returns the trust status of the leaf certificate based on usage.
- * If the leaf is explicitly untrusted, this function will fail and
- * failedFlags will be set to the trust bit value that lead to the failure.
- * If the leaf is trusted, isTrusted is set to true and the function returns
- * SECSuccess. This function does not check if the cert is fit for a
- * particular usage.
- */
-SECStatus cert_CheckLeafTrust(CERTCertificate* cert, SECCertUsage usage,
-                              unsigned int* failedFlags, PRBool* isTrusted);
-#endif /* _CERTI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certt.h b/nss/lib/certdb/certt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c31c29..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1328 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * certt.h - public data structures for the certificate library
- */
-#ifndef _CERTT_H_
-#define _CERTT_H_
-#include "prclist.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-/* Stan data types */
-struct NSSCertificateStr;
-struct NSSTrustDomainStr;
-/* Non-opaque objects */
-typedef struct CERTAVAStr CERTAVA;
-typedef struct CERTAttributeStr CERTAttribute;
-typedef struct CERTAuthInfoAccessStr CERTAuthInfoAccess;
-typedef struct CERTAuthKeyIDStr CERTAuthKeyID;
-typedef struct CERTBasicConstraintsStr CERTBasicConstraints;
-typedef struct NSSTrustDomainStr CERTCertDBHandle;
-typedef struct CERTCertExtensionStr CERTCertExtension;
-typedef struct CERTCertKeyStr CERTCertKey;
-typedef struct CERTCertListStr CERTCertList;
-typedef struct CERTCertListNodeStr CERTCertListNode;
-typedef struct CERTCertNicknamesStr CERTCertNicknames;
-typedef struct CERTCertTrustStr CERTCertTrust;
-typedef struct CERTCertificateStr CERTCertificate;
-typedef struct CERTCertificateListStr CERTCertificateList;
-typedef struct CERTCertificateRequestStr CERTCertificateRequest;
-typedef struct CERTCrlStr CERTCrl;
-typedef struct CERTCrlDistributionPointsStr CERTCrlDistributionPoints;
-typedef struct CERTCrlEntryStr CERTCrlEntry;
-typedef struct CERTCrlHeadNodeStr CERTCrlHeadNode;
-typedef struct CERTCrlKeyStr CERTCrlKey;
-typedef struct CERTCrlNodeStr CERTCrlNode;
-typedef struct CERTDERCertsStr CERTDERCerts;
-typedef struct CERTDistNamesStr CERTDistNames;
-typedef struct CERTGeneralNameStr CERTGeneralName;
-typedef struct CERTGeneralNameListStr CERTGeneralNameList;
-typedef struct CERTIssuerAndSNStr CERTIssuerAndSN;
-typedef struct CERTNameStr CERTName;
-typedef struct CERTNameConstraintStr CERTNameConstraint;
-typedef struct CERTNameConstraintsStr CERTNameConstraints;
-typedef struct CERTOKDomainNameStr CERTOKDomainName;
-typedef struct CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriodStr CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod;
-typedef struct CERTPublicKeyAndChallengeStr CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge;
-typedef struct CERTRDNStr CERTRDN;
-typedef struct CERTSignedCrlStr CERTSignedCrl;
-typedef struct CERTSignedDataStr CERTSignedData;
-typedef struct CERTStatusConfigStr CERTStatusConfig;
-typedef struct CERTSubjectListStr CERTSubjectList;
-typedef struct CERTSubjectNodeStr CERTSubjectNode;
-typedef struct CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfoStr CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo;
-typedef struct CERTValidityStr CERTValidity;
-typedef struct CERTVerifyLogStr CERTVerifyLog;
-typedef struct CERTVerifyLogNodeStr CERTVerifyLogNode;
-typedef struct CRLDistributionPointStr CRLDistributionPoint;
-/* CRL extensions type */
-typedef unsigned long CERTCrlNumber;
-** An X.500 AVA object
-struct CERTAVAStr {
-    SECItem type;
-    SECItem value;
-** An X.500 RDN object
-struct CERTRDNStr {
-    CERTAVA **avas;
-** An X.500 name object
-struct CERTNameStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTRDN **rdns;
-** An X.509 validity object
-struct CERTValidityStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem notBefore;
-    SECItem notAfter;
- * A serial number and issuer name, which is used as a database key
- */
-struct CERTCertKeyStr {
-    SECItem serialNumber;
-    SECItem derIssuer;
-** A signed data object. Used to implement the "signed" macro used
-** in the X.500 specs.
-struct CERTSignedDataStr {
-    SECItem data;
-    SECAlgorithmID signatureAlgorithm;
-    SECItem signature;
-** An X.509 subject-public-key-info object
-struct CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfoStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
-    SECItem subjectPublicKey;
-struct CERTPublicKeyAndChallengeStr {
-    SECItem spki;
-    SECItem challenge;
-struct CERTCertTrustStr {
-    unsigned int sslFlags;
-    unsigned int emailFlags;
-    unsigned int objectSigningFlags;
- * defined the types of trust that exist
- */
-typedef enum SECTrustTypeEnum {
-    trustSSL = 0,
-    trustEmail = 1,
-    trustObjectSigning = 2,
-    trustTypeNone = 3
-} SECTrustType;
-#define SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(trust, type)                                       \
-    (((type) == trustSSL)                                                      \
-         ? ((trust)->sslFlags)                                                 \
-         : (((type) == trustEmail) ? ((trust)->emailFlags)                     \
-                                   : (((type) == trustObjectSigning)           \
-                                          ? ((trust)->objectSigningFlags)      \
-                                          : 0)))
-** An X.509.3 certificate extension
-struct CERTCertExtensionStr {
-    SECItem id;
-    SECItem critical;
-    SECItem value;
-struct CERTSubjectNodeStr {
-    struct CERTSubjectNodeStr *next;
-    struct CERTSubjectNodeStr *prev;
-    SECItem certKey;
-    SECItem keyID;
-struct CERTSubjectListStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    int ncerts;
-    char *emailAddr;
-    CERTSubjectNode *head;
-    CERTSubjectNode *tail; /* do we need tail? */
-    void *entry;
-** An X.509 certificate object (the unsigned form)
-struct CERTCertificateStr {
-    /* the arena is used to allocate any data structures that have the same
-     * lifetime as the cert.  This is all stuff that hangs off of the cert
-     * structure, and is all freed at the same time.  It is used when the
-     * cert is decoded, destroyed, and at some times when it changes
-     * state
-     */
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    /* The following fields are static after the cert has been decoded */
-    char *subjectName;
-    char *issuerName;
-    CERTSignedData signatureWrap; /* XXX */
-    SECItem derCert;              /* original DER for the cert */
-    SECItem derIssuer;            /* DER for issuer name */
-    SECItem derSubject;           /* DER for subject name */
-    SECItem derPublicKey;         /* DER for the public key */
-    SECItem certKey;              /* database key for this cert */
-    SECItem version;
-    SECItem serialNumber;
-    SECAlgorithmID signature;
-    CERTName issuer;
-    CERTValidity validity;
-    CERTName subject;
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo;
-    SECItem issuerID;
-    SECItem subjectID;
-    CERTCertExtension **extensions;
-    char *emailAddr;
-    CERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle;
-    SECItem subjectKeyID;     /* x509v3 subject key identifier */
-    PRBool keyIDGenerated;    /* was the keyid generated? */
-    unsigned int keyUsage;    /* what uses are allowed for this cert */
-    unsigned int rawKeyUsage; /* value of the key usage extension */
-    PRBool keyUsagePresent;   /* was the key usage extension present */
-    PRUint32 nsCertType;      /* value of the ns cert type extension */
-                              /* must be 32-bit for PR_ATOMIC_SET */
-    /* these values can be set by the application to bypass certain checks
-     * or to keep the cert in memory for an entire session.
-     * XXX - need an api to set these
-     */
-    PRBool keepSession;         /* keep this cert for entire session*/
-    PRBool timeOK;              /* is the bad validity time ok? */
-    CERTOKDomainName *domainOK; /* these domain names are ok */
-    /*
-     * these values can change when the cert changes state.  These state
-     * changes include transitions from temp to perm or vice-versa, and
-     * changes of trust flags
-     */
-    PRBool isperm;
-    PRBool istemp;
-    char *nickname;
-    char *dbnickname;
-    struct NSSCertificateStr *nssCertificate; /* This is Stan stuff. */
-    CERTCertTrust *trust;
-    /* the reference count is modified whenever someone looks up, dups
-     * or destroys a certificate
-     */
-    int referenceCount;
-    /* The subject list is a list of all certs with the same subject name.
-     * It can be modified any time a cert is added or deleted from either
-     * the in-memory(temporary) or on-disk(permanent) database.
-     */
-    CERTSubjectList *subjectList;
-    /* these belong in the static section, but are here to maintain
-     * the structure's integrity
-     */
-    CERTAuthKeyID *authKeyID; /* x509v3 authority key identifier */
-    PRBool isRoot;            /* cert is the end of a chain */
-    /* these fields are used by client GUI code to keep track of ssl sockets
-     * that are blocked waiting on GUI feedback related to this cert.
-     * XXX - these should be moved into some sort of application specific
-     *       data structure.  They are only used by the browser right now.
-     */
-    union {
-        void *apointer; /* was struct SECSocketNode* authsocketlist */
-        struct {
-            unsigned int hasUnsupportedCriticalExt : 1;
-            /* add any new option bits needed here */
-        } bits;
-    } options;
-    int series; /* was int authsocketcount; record the series of the pkcs11ID */
-    /* This is PKCS #11 stuff. */
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;        /*if this cert came of a token, which is it*/
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE pkcs11ID; /*and which object on that token is it */
-    PRBool ownSlot;            /*true if the cert owns the slot reference */
-#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_1 0 /* default created */
-#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_2 1 /* v2 */
-#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_3 2 /* v3 extensions */
-#define SEC_CRL_VERSION_1 0 /* default */
-#define SEC_CRL_VERSION_2 1 /* v2 extensions */
- * used to identify class of cert in mime stream code
- */
-#define SEC_CERT_CLASS_CA 1
-struct CERTDERCertsStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    int numcerts;
-    SECItem *rawCerts;
-** A PKCS ? Attribute
-** XXX this is duplicated through out the code, it *should* be moved
-** to a central location.  Where would be appropriate?
-struct CERTAttributeStr {
-    SECItem attrType;
-    SECItem **attrValue;
-** A PKCS#10 certificate-request object (the unsigned form)
-struct CERTCertificateRequestStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem version;
-    CERTName subject;
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo;
-    CERTAttribute **attributes;
-#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_VERSION 0 /* what we *create* */
-** A certificate list object.
-struct CERTCertificateListStr {
-    SECItem *certs;
-    int len; /* number of certs */
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-struct CERTCertListNodeStr {
-    PRCList links;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    void *appData;
-struct CERTCertListStr {
-    PRCList list;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-#define CERT_LIST_HEAD(l) ((CERTCertListNode *)PR_LIST_HEAD(&l->list))
-#define CERT_LIST_TAIL(l) ((CERTCertListNode *)PR_LIST_TAIL(&l->list))
-#define CERT_LIST_NEXT(n) ((CERTCertListNode *)n->
-#define CERT_LIST_END(n, l) (((void *)n) == ((void *)&l->list))
-struct CERTCrlEntryStr {
-    SECItem serialNumber;
-    SECItem revocationDate;
-    CERTCertExtension **extensions;
-struct CERTCrlStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem version;
-    SECAlgorithmID signatureAlg;
-    SECItem derName;
-    CERTName name;
-    SECItem lastUpdate;
-    SECItem nextUpdate; /* optional for x.509 CRL  */
-    CERTCrlEntry **entries;
-    CERTCertExtension **extensions;
-    /* can't add anything there for binary backwards compatibility reasons */
-struct CERTCrlKeyStr {
-    SECItem derName;
-    SECItem dummy; /* The decoder can not skip a primitive,
-                      this serves as a place holder for the
-                      decoder to finish its task only
-                   */
-struct CERTSignedCrlStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTCrl crl;
-    void *reserved1;
-    PRBool reserved2;
-    PRBool isperm;
-    PRBool istemp;
-    int referenceCount;
-    CERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle;
-    CERTSignedData signatureWrap; /* XXX */
-    char *url;
-    SECItem *derCrl;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    void *opaque; /* do not touch */
-struct CERTCrlHeadNodeStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle;
-    CERTCrlNode *first;
-    CERTCrlNode *last;
-struct CERTCrlNodeStr {
-    CERTCrlNode *next;
-    int type;
-    CERTSignedCrl *crl;
- * Array of X.500 Distinguished Names
- */
-struct CERTDistNamesStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    int nnames;
-    SECItem *names;
-    void *head; /* private */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CLIENT (0x80)        /* bit 0 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_SERVER (0x40)        /* bit 1 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL (0x20)             /* bit 2 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING (0x10)    /* bit 3 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_RESERVED (0x08)          /* bit 4 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA (0x04)            /* bit 5 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA (0x02)          /* bit 6 */
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA (0x01) /* bit 7 */
-#define EXT_KEY_USAGE_TIME_STAMP (0x8000)
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_APP                                                       \
-#define NS_CERT_TYPE_CA                                                        \
-    (NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA | NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA |                             \
-typedef enum SECCertUsageEnum {
-    certUsageSSLClient = 0,
-    certUsageSSLServer = 1,
-    certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp = 2,
-    certUsageSSLCA = 3,
-    certUsageEmailSigner = 4,
-    certUsageEmailRecipient = 5,
-    certUsageObjectSigner = 6,
-    certUsageUserCertImport = 7,
-    certUsageVerifyCA = 8,
-    certUsageProtectedObjectSigner = 9,
-    certUsageStatusResponder = 10,
-    certUsageAnyCA = 11
-} SECCertUsage;
-typedef PRInt64 SECCertificateUsage;
-#define certificateUsageCheckAllUsages (0x0000)
-#define certificateUsageSSLClient (0x0001)
-#define certificateUsageSSLServer (0x0002)
-#define certificateUsageSSLServerWithStepUp (0x0004)
-#define certificateUsageSSLCA (0x0008)
-#define certificateUsageEmailSigner (0x0010)
-#define certificateUsageEmailRecipient (0x0020)
-#define certificateUsageObjectSigner (0x0040)
-#define certificateUsageUserCertImport (0x0080)
-#define certificateUsageVerifyCA (0x0100)
-#define certificateUsageProtectedObjectSigner (0x0200)
-#define certificateUsageStatusResponder (0x0400)
-#define certificateUsageAnyCA (0x0800)
-#define certificateUsageHighest certificateUsageAnyCA
- * Does the cert belong to the user, a peer, or a CA.
- */
-typedef enum CERTCertOwnerEnum {
-    certOwnerUser = 0,
-    certOwnerPeer = 1,
-    certOwnerCA = 2
-} CERTCertOwner;
- * This enum represents the state of validity times of a certificate
- */
-typedef enum SECCertTimeValidityEnum {
-    secCertTimeValid = 0,
-    secCertTimeExpired = 1,
-    secCertTimeNotValidYet = 2,
-    secCertTimeUndetermined = 3 /* validity could not be decoded from the
-                                   cert, most likely because it was NULL */
-} SECCertTimeValidity;
- * This is used as return status in functions that compare the validity
- * periods of two certificates A and B, currently only
- * CERT_CompareValidityTimes.
- */
-typedef enum CERTCompareValidityStatusEnum {
-    certValidityUndetermined = 0, /* the function is unable to select one cert
-                                     over another */
-    certValidityChooseB = 1,      /* cert B should be preferred */
-    certValidityEqual = 2,        /* both certs have the same validity period */
-    certValidityChooseA = 3       /* cert A should be preferred */
-} CERTCompareValidityStatus;
- * Interface for getting certificate nickname strings out of the database
- */
-/* these are values for the what argument below */
-struct CERTCertNicknamesStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    void *head;
-    int numnicknames;
-    char **nicknames;
-    int what;
-    int totallen;
-struct CERTIssuerAndSNStr {
-    SECItem derIssuer;
-    CERTName issuer;
-    SECItem serialNumber;
-/* X.509 v3 Key Usage Extension flags */
-#define KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE (0x80) /* bit 0 */
-#define KU_NON_REPUDIATION (0x40)   /* bit 1 */
-#define KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT (0x20)  /* bit 2 */
-#define KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT (0x10) /* bit 3 */
-#define KU_KEY_AGREEMENT (0x08)     /* bit 4 */
-#define KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN (0x04)     /* bit 5 */
-#define KU_CRL_SIGN (0x02)          /* bit 6 */
-#define KU_ENCIPHER_ONLY (0x01)     /* bit 7 */
-#define KU_ALL                                                                 \
-/* This value will not occur in certs.  It is used internally for the case
- * when either digital signature or non-repudiation is the correct value.
- */
-/* This value will not occur in certs.  It is used internally for the case
- * when the key type is not know ahead of time and either key agreement or
- * key encipherment are the correct value based on key type
- */
-/* internal bits that do not match bits in the x509v3 spec, but are used
- * for similar purposes
- */
-#define KU_NS_GOVT_APPROVED (0x8000) /*don't make part of KU_ALL!*/
-* x.509 v3 Basic Constraints Extension
-* If isCA is false, the pathLenConstraint is ignored.
-* Otherwise, the following pathLenConstraint values will apply:
-*	< 0 - there is no limit to the certificate path
-*	0   - CA can issues end-entity certificates only
-*	> 0 - the number of certificates in the certificate path is
-*	      limited to this number
-struct CERTBasicConstraintsStr {
-    PRBool isCA;           /* on if is CA */
-    int pathLenConstraint; /* maximum number of certificates that can be
-                              in the cert path.  Only applies to a CA
-                              certificate; otherwise, it's ignored.
-                            */
-/* Maximum length of a certificate chain */
-#define CERT_MAX_SERIAL_NUMBER_BYTES 20 /* from RFC 3280 */
-#define CERT_MAX_DN_BYTES 4096          /* arbitrary */
-/* x.509 v3 Reason Flags, used in CRLDistributionPoint Extension */
-#define RF_UNUSED (0x80)                 /* bit 0 */
-#define RF_KEY_COMPROMISE (0x40)         /* bit 1 */
-#define RF_CA_COMPROMISE (0x20)          /* bit 2 */
-#define RF_AFFILIATION_CHANGED (0x10)    /* bit 3 */
-#define RF_SUPERSEDED (0x08)             /* bit 4 */
-#define RF_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION (0x04) /* bit 5 */
-#define RF_CERTIFICATE_HOLD (0x02)       /* bit 6 */
-/* enum for CRL Entry Reason Code */
-typedef enum CERTCRLEntryReasonCodeEnum {
-    crlEntryReasonUnspecified = 0,
-    crlEntryReasonKeyCompromise = 1,
-    crlEntryReasonCaCompromise = 2,
-    crlEntryReasonAffiliationChanged = 3,
-    crlEntryReasonSuperseded = 4,
-    crlEntryReasonCessationOfOperation = 5,
-    crlEntryReasoncertificatedHold = 6,
-    crlEntryReasonRemoveFromCRL = 8,
-    crlEntryReasonPrivilegeWithdrawn = 9,
-    crlEntryReasonAaCompromise = 10
-} CERTCRLEntryReasonCode;
-/* If we needed to extract the general name field, use this */
-/* General Name types */
-typedef enum CERTGeneralNameTypeEnum {
-    certOtherName = 1,
-    certRFC822Name = 2,
-    certDNSName = 3,
-    certX400Address = 4,
-    certDirectoryName = 5,
-    certEDIPartyName = 6,
-    certURI = 7,
-    certIPAddress = 8,
-    certRegisterID = 9
-} CERTGeneralNameType;
-typedef struct OtherNameStr {
-    SECItem name;
-    SECItem oid;
-} OtherName;
-struct CERTGeneralNameStr {
-    CERTGeneralNameType type; /* name type */
-    union {
-        CERTName directoryName; /* distinguish name */
-        OtherName OthName;      /* Other Name */
-        SECItem other;          /* the rest of the name forms */
-    } name;
-    SECItem derDirectoryName; /* this is saved to simplify directory name
-                                 comparison */
-    PRCList l;
-struct CERTGeneralNameListStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTGeneralName *name;
-    int refCount;
-    int len;
-    PZLock *lock;
-struct CERTNameConstraintStr {
-    CERTGeneralName name;
-    SECItem DERName;
-    SECItem min;
-    SECItem max;
-    PRCList l;
-struct CERTNameConstraintsStr {
-    CERTNameConstraint *permited;
-    CERTNameConstraint *excluded;
-    SECItem **DERPermited;
-    SECItem **DERExcluded;
-/* Private Key Usage Period extension struct. */
-struct CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriodStr {
-    SECItem notBefore;
-    SECItem notAfter;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-/* X.509 v3 Authority Key Identifier extension.  For the authority certificate
-   issuer field, we only support URI now.
- */
-struct CERTAuthKeyIDStr {
-    SECItem keyID;                   /* unique key identifier */
-    CERTGeneralName *authCertIssuer; /* CA's issuer name.  End with a NULL */
-    SECItem authCertSerialNumber;    /* CA's certificate serial number */
-    SECItem **DERAuthCertIssuer;     /* This holds the DER encoded format of
-                                        the authCertIssuer field. It is used
-                                        by the encoding engine. It should be
-                                        used as a read only field by the caller.
-                                     */
-/* x.509 v3 CRL Distributeion Point */
- * defined the types of CRL Distribution points
- */
-typedef enum DistributionPointTypesEnum {
-    generalName = 1, /* only support this for now */
-    relativeDistinguishedName = 2
-} DistributionPointTypes;
-struct CRLDistributionPointStr {
-    DistributionPointTypes distPointType;
-    union {
-        CERTGeneralName *fullName;
-        CERTRDN relativeName;
-    } distPoint;
-    SECItem reasons;
-    CERTGeneralName *crlIssuer;
-    /* Reserved for internal use only*/
-    SECItem derDistPoint;
-    SECItem derRelativeName;
-    SECItem **derCrlIssuer;
-    SECItem **derFullName;
-    SECItem bitsmap;
-struct CERTCrlDistributionPointsStr {
-    CRLDistributionPoint **distPoints;
- * This structure is used to keep a log of errors when verifying
- * a cert chain.  This allows multiple errors to be reported all at
- * once.
- */
-struct CERTVerifyLogNodeStr {
-    CERTCertificate *cert;             /* what cert had the error */
-    long error;                        /* what error was it? */
-    unsigned int depth;                /* how far up the chain are we */
-    void *arg;                         /* error specific argument */
-    struct CERTVerifyLogNodeStr *next; /* next in the list */
-    struct CERTVerifyLogNodeStr *prev; /* next in the list */
-struct CERTVerifyLogStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    unsigned int count;
-    struct CERTVerifyLogNodeStr *head;
-    struct CERTVerifyLogNodeStr *tail;
-struct CERTOKDomainNameStr {
-    CERTOKDomainName *next;
-    char name[1]; /* actual length may be longer. */
-typedef SECStatus(PR_CALLBACK *CERTStatusChecker)(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                                  CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                                  PRTime time, void *pwArg);
-typedef SECStatus(PR_CALLBACK *CERTStatusDestroy)(CERTStatusConfig *handle);
-struct CERTStatusConfigStr {
-    CERTStatusChecker statusChecker; /* NULL means no checking enabled */
-    CERTStatusDestroy statusDestroy; /* enabled or no, will clean up */
-    void *statusContext;             /* cx specific to checking protocol */
-struct CERTAuthInfoAccessStr {
-    SECItem method;
-    SECItem derLocation;
-    CERTGeneralName *location; /* decoded location */
-/* This is the typedef for the callback passed to CERT_OpenCertDB() */
-/* callback to return database name based on version number */
-typedef char *(*CERTDBNameFunc)(void *arg, int dbVersion);
- * types of cert packages that we can decode
- */
-typedef enum CERTPackageTypeEnum {
-    certPackageNone = 0,
-    certPackageCert = 1,
-    certPackagePKCS7 = 2,
-    certPackageNSCertSeq = 3,
-    certPackageNSCertWrap = 4
-} CERTPackageType;
- * these types are for the PKIX Certificate Policies extension
- */
-typedef struct {
-    SECOidTag oid;
-    SECItem qualifierID;
-    SECItem qualifierValue;
-} CERTPolicyQualifier;
-typedef struct {
-    SECOidTag oid;
-    SECItem policyID;
-    CERTPolicyQualifier **policyQualifiers;
-} CERTPolicyInfo;
-typedef struct {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTPolicyInfo **policyInfos;
-} CERTCertificatePolicies;
-typedef struct {
-    SECItem organization;
-    SECItem **noticeNumbers;
-} CERTNoticeReference;
-typedef struct {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTNoticeReference noticeReference;
-    SECItem derNoticeReference;
-    SECItem displayText;
-} CERTUserNotice;
-typedef struct {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem **oids;
-} CERTOidSequence;
- * these types are for the PKIX Policy Mappings extension
- */
-typedef struct {
-    SECItem issuerDomainPolicy;
-    SECItem subjectDomainPolicy;
-} CERTPolicyMap;
-typedef struct {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTPolicyMap **policyMaps;
-} CERTCertificatePolicyMappings;
- * these types are for the PKIX inhibitAnyPolicy extension
- */
-typedef struct {
-    SECItem inhibitAnySkipCerts;
-} CERTCertificateInhibitAny;
- * these types are for the PKIX Policy Constraints extension
- */
-typedef struct {
-    SECItem explicitPolicySkipCerts;
-    SECItem inhibitMappingSkipCerts;
-} CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints;
- * These types are for the validate chain callback param.
- *
- * CERTChainVerifyCallback is an application-supplied callback that can be used
- * to augment libpkix's certificate chain validation with additional
- * application-specific checks. It may be called multiple times if there are
- * multiple potentially-valid paths for the certificate being validated. This
- * callback is called before revocation checking is done on the certificates in
- * the given chain.
- *
- * - isValidChainArg contains the application-provided opaque argument
- * - currentChain is the currently validated chain. It is ordered with the leaf
- *   certificate at the head and the trust anchor at the tail.
- *
- * The callback should set *chainOK = PR_TRUE and return SECSuccess if the
- * certificate chain is acceptable. It should set *chainOK = PR_FALSE and
- * return SECSuccess if the chain is unacceptable, to indicate that the given
- * chain is bad and path building should continue. It should return SECFailure
- * to indicate an fatal error that will cause path validation to fail
- * immediately.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*CERTChainVerifyCallbackFunc)(
-    void *isChainValidArg, const CERTCertList *currentChain, PRBool *chainOK);
- * Note: If extending this structure, it will be necessary to change the
- * associated CERTValParamInType
- */
-typedef struct {
-    CERTChainVerifyCallbackFunc isChainValid;
-    void *isChainValidArg;
-} CERTChainVerifyCallback;
- * these types are for the CERT_PKIX* Verification functions
- * These are all optional parameters.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    cert_pi_end = 0,         /* SPECIAL: signifies end of array of
-                              * CERTValParam* */
-    cert_pi_nbioContext = 1, /* specify a non-blocking IO context used to
-                              * resume a session. If this argument is
-                              * specified, no other arguments should be.
-                              * Specified in value.pointer.p. If the
-                              * operation completes the context will be
-                              * freed. */
-    cert_pi_nbioAbort = 2,   /* specify a non-blocking IO context for an
-                              * existing operation which the caller wants
-                              * to abort. If this argument is
-                              * specified, no other arguments should be.
-                              * Specified in value.pointer.p. If the
-                              * operation succeeds the context will be
-                              * freed. */
-    cert_pi_certList = 3,    /* specify the chain to validate against. If
-                              * this value is given, then the path
-                              * construction step in the validation is
-                              * skipped. Specified in value.pointer.chain */
-    cert_pi_policyOID = 4,   /* validate certificate for policy OID.
-                              * Specified in value.array.oids. Cert must
-                              * be good for at least one OID in order
-                              * to validate. Default is that the user is not
-                              * concerned about certificate policy. */
-    cert_pi_policyFlags = 5, /* flags for each policy specified in policyOID.
-                              * Specified in value.scalar.ul. Policy flags
-                              * apply to all specified oids.
-                              * Use CERT_POLICY_FLAG_* macros below. If not
-                              * specified policy flags default to 0 */
-    cert_pi_keyusage = 6,    /* specify what the keyusages the certificate
-                              * will be evaluated against, specified in
-                              * value.scalar.ui. The cert must validate for
-                              * at least one of the specified key usages.
-                              * Values match the KU_  bit flags defined
-                              * in this file. Default is derived from
-                              * the 'usages' function argument */
-    cert_pi_extendedKeyusage = 7, /* specify what the required extended key
-                                   * usage of the certificate. Specified as
-                                   * an array of oidTags in value.array.oids.
-                                   * The cert must validate for at least one
-                                   * of the specified extended key usages.
-                                   * If not specified, no extended key usages
-                                   * will be checked. */
-    cert_pi_date = 8,             /* validate certificate is valid as of date
-                                   * specified in value.scalar.time. A special
-                                   * value '0' indicates 'now'. default is '0' */
-    cert_pi_revocationFlags = 9,  /* Specify what revocation checking to do.
-                                   * See CERT_REV_FLAG_* macros below
-                                   * Set in value.pointer.revocation */
-    cert_pi_certStores = 10,      /* Bitmask of Cert Store flags (see below)
-                                   * Set in value.scalar.ui */
-    cert_pi_trustAnchors =
-        11,                       /* Specify the list of trusted roots to
-                                   * validate against.
-                                   * The default set of trusted roots, these are
-                                   * root CA certs from or CA
-                                   * certs trusted by user, are used in any of
-                                   * the following cases:
-                                   *      * when the parameter is not set.
-                                   *      * when the list of trust anchors is
-                                   *        empty.
-                                   * Note that this handling can be further
-                                   * altered by altering the
-                                   * cert_pi_useOnlyTrustAnchors flag
-                                   * Specified in value.pointer.chain */
-    cert_pi_useAIACertFetch = 12, /* Enables cert fetching using AIA extension.
-                                  * In NSS 3.12.1 or later. Default is off.
-                                  * Value is in value.scalar.b */
-    cert_pi_chainVerifyCallback = 13,
-    /* The callback container for doing extra
-     * validation on the currently calculated chain.
-     * Value is in value.pointer.chainVerifyCallback */
-    cert_pi_useOnlyTrustAnchors = 14,
-        /* If true, disables trusting any
-        * certificates other than the ones passed in via cert_pi_trustAnchors.
-        * If false, then the certificates specified via cert_pi_trustAnchors
-        * will be combined with the pre-existing trusted roots, but only
-        * for the certificate validation being performed.
-        * If no value has been supplied via cert_pi_trustAnchors, this has
-        * no effect.
-        * The default value is true, meaning if this is not supplied, only
-        * trust anchors supplied via cert_pi_trustAnchors are trusted.
-        * Specified in value.scalar.b */
-    cert_pi_max /* SPECIAL: signifies maximum allowed value,
-                 *  can increase in future releases */
-} CERTValParamInType;
- * for all out parameters:
- *  out parameters are only returned if the caller asks for them in
- *  the CERTValOutParam array. Caller is responsible for the CERTValOutParam
- *  array itself. The pkix verify function will allocate and other arrays
- *  pointers, or objects. The Caller is responsible for freeing those results.
- * If SECWouldBlock is returned, only cert_pi_nbioContext is returned.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    cert_po_end = 0,              /* SPECIAL: signifies end of array of
-                                   * CERTValParam* */
-    cert_po_nbioContext = 1,      /* Return a nonblocking context. If no
-                                   * non-blocking context is specified, then
-                                   * blocking IO will be used.
-                                   * Returned in value.pointer.p. The context is
-                                   * freed after an abort or a complete operation.
-                                   * This value is only returned on SECWouldBlock.
-                                   */
-    cert_po_trustAnchor = 2,      /* Return the trust anchor for the chain that
-                                   * was validated. Returned in
-                                   * value.pointer.cert, this value is only
-                                   * returned on SECSuccess. */
-    cert_po_certList = 3,         /* Return the entire chain that was validated.
-                                   * Returned in value.pointer.certList. If no
-                                   * chain could be constructed, this value
-                                   * would be NULL. */
-    cert_po_policyOID = 4,        /* Return the policies that were found to be
-                                   * valid. Returned in value.array.oids as an
-                                   * array. This is only returned on
-                                   * SECSuccess. */
-    cert_po_errorLog = 5,         /* Return a log of problems with the chain.
-                                   * Returned in value.pointer.log  */
-    cert_po_usages = 6,           /* Return what usages the certificate is valid
-                                     for. Returned in value.scalar.usages */
-    cert_po_keyUsage = 7,         /* Return what key usages the certificate
-                                   * is valid for.
-                                   * Returned in value.scalar.usage */
-    cert_po_extendedKeyusage = 8, /* Return what extended key usages the
-                                   * certificate is valid for.
-                                   * Returned in value.array.oids */
-    cert_po_max                   /* SPECIAL: signifies maximum allowed value,
-                                   *  can increase in future releases */
-} CERTValParamOutType;
-typedef enum {
-    cert_revocation_method_crl = 0,
-    cert_revocation_method_ocsp,
-    cert_revocation_method_count
-} CERTRevocationMethodIndex;
- * The following flags are supposed to be used to control bits in
- * each integer contained in the array pointed to be:
- *     CERTRevocationTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method
- * All Flags are prefixed by CERT_REV_M_, where _M_ indicates
- * this is a method dependent flag.
- */
- * Whether or not to use a method for revocation testing.
- * If set to "do not test", then all other flags are ignored.
- */
- * Whether or not NSS is allowed to attempt to fetch fresh information
- *         from the network.
- * (Although fetching will never happen if fresh information for the
- *           method is already locally available.)
- */
- * Example for an implicit default source:
- *         The globally configured default OCSP responder.
- * IGNORE means:
- *        ignore the implicit default source, whether it's configured or not.
- * ALLOW means:
- *       if an implicit default source is configured,
- *          then it overrides any available or missing source in the cert.
- *       if no implicit default source is configured,
- *          then we continue to use what's available (or not available)
- *          in the certs.
- */
- * Defines the behavior if no fresh information is available,
- *   fetching from the network is allowed, but the source of revocation
- *   information is unknown (even after considering implicit sources,
- *   if allowed by other flags).
- * SKIPT_TEST means:
- *          We ignore that no fresh information is available and
- *          skip this test.
- * REQUIRE_INFO means:
- *          We still require that fresh information is available.
- *          Other flags define what happens on missing fresh info.
- */
- * Defines the behavior if we are unable to obtain fresh information.
- * INGORE means:
- *      Return "cert status unknown"
- * FAIL means:
- *      Return "cert revoked".
- */
- * What should happen if we were able to find fresh information using
- * this method, and the data indicated the cert is good?
- * STOP_TESTING means:
- *              Our success is sufficient, do not continue testing
- *              other methods.
- *                  We will continue and test the next allowed
- *                  specified method.
- */
-/* When this flag is used, libpkix will never attempt to use the GET HTTP
- * method for OCSP requests; it will always use POST.
- */
- * The following flags are supposed to be used to control bits in
- *     CERTRevocationTests.cert_rev_method_independent_flags
- * All Flags are prefixed by CERT_REV_M_, where _M_ indicates
- * this is a method independent flag.
- */
- * This defines the order to checking.
- *      Do all tests related to a particular allowed method
- *      (both local information and network fetching) in a single step.
- *      Only after testing for a particular method is done,
- *      then switching to the next method will happen.
- *      Start by testing the information for all allowed methods
- *      which are already locally available. Only after that is done
- *      consider to fetch from the network (as allowed by other flags).
- */
- * Use this flag to specify that it's necessary that fresh information
- * is available for at least one of the allowed methods, but it's
- * irrelevant which of the mechanisms succeeded.
- *     We strictly follow the requirements for each individual method.
- *     After the individual tests have been executed, we must have
- *     been able to find fresh information using at least one method.
- *     If we were unable to find fresh info, it's a failure.
- *     This setting overrides the CERT_REV_M_FAIL_ON_MISSING_FRESH_INFO
- *     flag on all methods.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /*
-     * The size of the array that cert_rev_flags_per_method points to,
-     * meaning, the number of methods that are known and defined
-     * by the caller.
-     */
-    PRUint32 number_of_defined_methods;
-    /*
-     * A pointer to an array of integers.
-     * Each integer defines revocation checking for a single method,
-     *      by having individual CERT_REV_M_* bits set or not set.
-     * The meaning of index numbers into this array are defined by
-     *     enum CERTRevocationMethodIndex
-     * The size of the array must be specified by the caller in the separate
-     *     variable number_of_defined_methods.
-     * The size of the array may be smaller than
-     *     cert_revocation_method_count, it can happen if a caller
-     *     is not yet aware of the latest revocation methods
-     *     (or does not want to use them).
-     */
-    PRUint64 *cert_rev_flags_per_method;
-    /*
-     * How many preferred methods are specified?
-     * This is equivalent to the size of the array that
-     *      preferred_methods points to.
-     * It's allowed to set this value to zero,
-     *      then NSS will decide which methods to prefer.
-     */
-    PRUint32 number_of_preferred_methods;
-    /* Array that may specify an optional order of preferred methods.
-     * Each array entry shall contain a method identifier as defined
-     *   by CERTRevocationMethodIndex.
-     * The entry at index [0] specifies the method with highest preference.
-     * These methods will be tested first for locally available information.
-     * Methods allowed for downloading will be attempted in the same order.
-     */
-    CERTRevocationMethodIndex *preferred_methods;
-    /*
-     * An integer which defines certain aspects of revocation checking
-     * (independent of individual methods) by having individual
-     * CERT_REV_MI_* bits set or not set.
-     */
-    PRUint64 cert_rev_method_independent_flags;
-} CERTRevocationTests;
-typedef struct {
-    CERTRevocationTests leafTests;
-    CERTRevocationTests chainTests;
-} CERTRevocationFlags;
-typedef struct CERTValParamInValueStr {
-    union {
-        PRBool b;
-        PRInt32 i;
-        PRUint32 ui;
-        PRInt64 l;
-        PRUint64 ul;
-        PRTime time;
-    } scalar;
-    union {
-        const void *p;
-        const char *s;
-        const CERTCertificate *cert;
-        const CERTCertList *chain;
-        const CERTRevocationFlags *revocation;
-        const CERTChainVerifyCallback *chainVerifyCallback;
-    } pointer;
-    union {
-        const PRInt32 *pi;
-        const PRUint32 *pui;
-        const PRInt64 *pl;
-        const PRUint64 *pul;
-        const SECOidTag *oids;
-    } array;
-    int arraySize;
-} CERTValParamInValue;
-typedef struct CERTValParamOutValueStr {
-    union {
-        PRBool b;
-        PRInt32 i;
-        PRUint32 ui;
-        PRInt64 l;
-        PRUint64 ul;
-        SECCertificateUsage usages;
-    } scalar;
-    union {
-        void *p;
-        char *s;
-        CERTVerifyLog *log;
-        CERTCertificate *cert;
-        CERTCertList *chain;
-    } pointer;
-    union {
-        void *p;
-        SECOidTag *oids;
-    } array;
-    int arraySize;
-} CERTValParamOutValue;
-typedef struct {
-    CERTValParamInType type;
-    CERTValParamInValue value;
-} CERTValInParam;
-typedef struct {
-    CERTValParamOutType type;
-    CERTValParamOutValue value;
-} CERTValOutParam;
- * Levels of standards conformance strictness for CERT_NameToAsciiInvertible
- */
-typedef enum CertStrictnessLevels {
-    CERT_N2A_READABLE = 0,   /* maximum human readability */
-    CERT_N2A_STRICT = 10,    /* strict RFC compliance    */
-    CERT_N2A_INVERTIBLE = 20 /* maximum invertibility,
-                                all DirectoryStrings encoded in hex */
-} CertStrictnessLevel;
- * policy flag defines
- */
- * CertStore flags
- */
-/* This functin pointer type may be used for any function that takes
- * a CERTCertificate * and returns an allocated string, which must be
- * freed by a call to PORT_Free.
- */
-typedef char *(*CERT_StringFromCertFcn)(CERTCertificate *cert);
-/* XXX Lisa thinks the template declarations belong in cert.h, not here? */
-#include "secasn1t.h" /* way down here because I expect template stuff to
-                       * move out of here anyway */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertificateTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SignedCertificateTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertExtensionTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PublicKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_ValidityTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PublicKeyAndChallengeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CertSequenceTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_IssuerAndSNTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_NameTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SetOfSignedCrlTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_RDNTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SignedDataTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CrlTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SignedCrlTemplate[];
-** XXX should the attribute stuff be centralized for all of ns/security?
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_AttributeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SetOfAttributeTemplate[];
-/* These functions simply return the address of the above-declared templates.
-** This is necessary for Windows DLLs.  Sigh.
-#endif /* _CERTT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certv3.c b/nss/lib/certdb/certv3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4918ec1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certv3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Code for dealing with X509.V3 extensions.
- */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-CERT_FindCertExtensionByOID(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *oid, SECItem *value)
-    return (cert_FindExtensionByOID(cert->extensions, oid, value));
-CERT_FindCertExtension(const CERTCertificate *cert, int tag, SECItem *value)
-    return (cert_FindExtension(cert->extensions, tag, value));
-static void
-SetExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts)
-    CERTCertificate *cert = (CERTCertificate *)object;
-    cert->extensions = exts;
-    DER_SetUInteger(cert->arena, &(cert->version), SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_3);
-void *
-CERT_StartCertExtensions(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    return (cert_StartExtensions((void *)cert, cert->arena, SetExts));
- * get the value of the Netscape Certificate Type Extension
- */
-CERT_FindNSCertTypeExtension(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *retItem)
-    return (CERT_FindBitStringExtension(
-        cert->extensions, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_TYPE, retItem));
- * get the value of a string type extension
- */
-char *
-CERT_FindNSStringExtension(CERTCertificate *cert, int oidtag)
-    SECItem wrapperItem, tmpItem = { siBuffer, 0 };
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    char *retstring = NULL;
- = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(cert->extensions, oidtag, &wrapperItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(
-        arena, &tmpItem, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IA5StringTemplate), &wrapperItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    retstring = (char *)PORT_Alloc(tmpItem.len + 1);
-    if (retstring == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(retstring,, tmpItem.len);
-    retstring[tmpItem.len] = '\0';
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return (retstring);
- * get the value of the X.509 v3 Key Usage Extension
- */
-CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *retItem)
-    return (CERT_FindBitStringExtension(cert->extensions,
-                                        SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE, retItem));
- * get the value of the X.509 v3 Key Usage Extension
- */
-CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *retItem)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem encodedValue = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    SECItem decodedValue = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(cert->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_KEY_ID,
-                            &encodedValue);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        PLArenaPool *tmpArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (tmpArena) {
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(tmpArena, &decodedValue,
-                                        SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate),
-                                        &encodedValue);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, retItem, &decodedValue);
-            }
-            PORT_FreeArena(tmpArena, PR_FALSE);
-        } else {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&encodedValue, PR_FALSE);
-    return rv;
-CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                              CERTBasicConstraints *value)
-    SECItem encodedExtenValue;
-    SECStatus rv;
- = NULL;
-    encodedExtenValue.len = 0;
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(cert->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS,
-                            &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (rv);
-    }
-    rv = CERT_DecodeBasicConstraintValue(value, &encodedExtenValue);
-    /* free the raw extension data */
-    PORT_Free(;
- = NULL;
-    return (rv);
-CERTAuthKeyID *
-CERT_FindAuthKeyIDExten(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECItem encodedExtenValue;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTAuthKeyID *ret;
- = NULL;
-    encodedExtenValue.len = 0;
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(cert->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID,
-                            &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    ret = CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID(arena, &encodedExtenValue);
-    PORT_Free(;
- = NULL;
-    return (ret);
-CERT_CheckCertUsage(CERTCertificate *cert, unsigned char usage)
-    SECItem keyUsage;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* There is no extension, v1 or v2 certificate */
-    if (cert->extensions == NULL) {
-        return (SECSuccess);
-    }
- = NULL;
-    /* This code formerly ignored the Key Usage extension if it was
-    ** marked non-critical.  That was wrong.  Since we do understand it,
-    ** we are obligated to honor it, whether or not it is critical.
-    */
-    rv = CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension(cert, &keyUsage);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        rv = (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) ? SECSuccess
-                                                                : SECFailure;
-    } else if (!([0] & usage)) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return (rv);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.c b/nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1610da2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Certificate Extensions handling code
- *
- */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#ifdef OLD
-#include "ocspti.h" /* XXX a better extensions interface would not
-			 * require knowledge of data structures of callers */
-static CERTCertExtension *
-GetExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions, SECItem *oid)
-    CERTCertExtension **exts;
-    CERTCertExtension *ext = NULL;
-    SECComparison comp;
-    exts = extensions;
-    if (exts) {
-        while (*exts) {
-            ext = *exts;
-            comp = SECITEM_CompareItem(oid, &ext->id);
-            if (comp == SECEqual)
-                break;
-            exts++;
-        }
-        return (*exts ? ext : NULL);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-cert_FindExtensionByOID(CERTCertExtension **extensions, SECItem *oid,
-                        SECItem *value)
-    CERTCertExtension *ext;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    ext = GetExtension(extensions, oid);
-    if (ext == NULL) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    if (value)
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, value, &ext->value);
-    return (rv);
-CERT_GetExtenCriticality(CERTCertExtension **extensions, int tag,
-                         PRBool *isCritical)
-    CERTCertExtension *ext;
-    SECOidData *oid;
-    if (!isCritical)
-        return (SECSuccess);
-    /* find the extension in the extensions list */
-    oid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag((SECOidTag)tag);
-    if (!oid) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    ext = GetExtension(extensions, &oid->oid);
-    if (ext == NULL) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    /* If the criticality is omitted, then it is false by default.
-       ex-> is NULL */
-    if (ext-> == NULL)
-        *isCritical = PR_FALSE;
-    else
-        *isCritical = (ext->[0] == 0xff) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-cert_FindExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions, int tag, SECItem *value)
-    SECOidData *oid;
-    oid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag((SECOidTag)tag);
-    if (!oid) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    return (cert_FindExtensionByOID(extensions, &oid->oid, value));
-typedef struct _extNode {
-    struct _extNode *next;
-    CERTCertExtension *ext;
-} extNode;
-typedef struct {
-    void (*setExts)(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts);
-    void *object;
-    PLArenaPool *ownerArena;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    extNode *head;
-    int count;
-} extRec;
- * cert_StartExtensions
- *
- * NOTE: This interface changed significantly to remove knowledge
- *   about callers data structures (owner objects)
- */
-void *
-cert_StartExtensions(void *owner, PLArenaPool *ownerArena,
-                     void (*setExts)(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts))
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    extRec *handle;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (0);
-    }
-    handle = (extRec *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(extRec));
-    if (!handle) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return (0);
-    }
-    handle->object = owner;
-    handle->ownerArena = ownerArena;
-    handle->setExts = setExts;
-    handle->arena = arena;
-    handle->head = 0;
-    handle->count = 0;
-    return (handle);
-static unsigned char hextrue = 0xff;
- * Note - assumes that data pointed to by oid->data will not move
- */
-CERT_AddExtensionByOID(void *exthandle, SECItem *oid, SECItem *value,
-                       PRBool critical, PRBool copyData)
-    CERTCertExtension *ext;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    extNode *node;
-    extRec *handle;
-    handle = (extRec *)exthandle;
-    /* allocate space for extension and list node */
-    ext = (CERTCertExtension *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(handle->ownerArena,
-                                                sizeof(CERTCertExtension));
-    if (!ext) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    node = (extNode *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(handle->arena, sizeof(extNode));
-    if (!node) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    /* add to list */
-    node->next = handle->head;
-    handle->head = node;
-    /* point to ext struct */
-    node->ext = ext;
-    /* the object ID of the extension */
-    ext->id = *oid;
-    /* set critical field */
-    if (critical) {
-        ext-> = (unsigned char *)&hextrue;
-        ext->critical.len = 1;
-    }
-    /* set the value */
-    if (copyData) {
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(handle->ownerArena, &ext->value, value);
-        if (rv) {
-            return (SECFailure);
-        }
-    } else {
-        ext->value = *value;
-    }
-    handle->count++;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-CERT_AddExtension(void *exthandle, int idtag, SECItem *value, PRBool critical,
-                  PRBool copyData)
-    SECOidData *oid;
-    oid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag((SECOidTag)idtag);
-    if (!oid) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    return (CERT_AddExtensionByOID(exthandle, &oid->oid, value, critical,
-                                   copyData));
-CERT_EncodeAndAddExtension(void *exthandle, int idtag, void *value,
-                           PRBool critical, const SEC_ASN1Template *atemplate)
-    extRec *handle;
-    SECItem *encitem;
-    handle = (extRec *)exthandle;
-    encitem = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(handle->ownerArena, NULL, value, atemplate);
-    if (encitem == NULL) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    return CERT_AddExtension(exthandle, idtag, encitem, critical, PR_FALSE);
-PrepareBitStringForEncoding(SECItem *bitsmap, SECItem *value)
-    unsigned char onebyte;
-    unsigned int i, len = 0;
-    /* to prevent warning on some platform at compile time */
-    onebyte = '\0';
-    /* Get the position of the right-most turn-on bit */
-    for (i = 0; i < (value->len) * 8; ++i) {
-        if (i % 8 == 0)
-            onebyte = value->data[i / 8];
-        if (onebyte & 0x80)
-            len = i;
-        onebyte <<= 1;
-    }
-    bitsmap->data = value->data;
-    /* Add one here since we work with base 1 */
-    bitsmap->len = len + 1;
-CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension(void *exthandle, int idtag, SECItem *value,
-                                 PRBool critical)
-    SECItem bitsmap;
-    PrepareBitStringForEncoding(&bitsmap, value);
-    return (CERT_EncodeAndAddExtension(exthandle, idtag, &bitsmap, critical,
-                                       SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_BitStringTemplate)));
-CERT_FinishExtensions(void *exthandle)
-    extRec *handle;
-    extNode *node;
-    CERTCertExtension **exts;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    handle = (extRec *)exthandle;
-    /* allocate space for extensions array */
-    exts = PORT_ArenaNewArray(handle->ownerArena, CERTCertExtension *,
-                              handle->count + 1);
-    if (exts == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-/* put extensions in owner object and update its version number */
-#ifdef OLD
-    switch (handle->type) {
-        case CertificateExtensions:
-            handle->owner.cert->extensions = exts;
-            DER_SetUInteger(ownerArena, &(handle->owner.cert->version),
-                            SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_3);
-            break;
-        case CrlExtensions:
-            handle->owner.crl->extensions = exts;
-            DER_SetUInteger(ownerArena, &(handle->owner.crl->version),
-                            SEC_CRL_VERSION_2);
-            break;
-        case OCSPRequestExtensions:
-            handle->owner.request->tbsRequest->requestExtensions = exts;
-            break;
-        case OCSPSingleRequestExtensions:
-            handle->owner.singleRequest->singleRequestExtensions = exts;
-            break;
-        case OCSPResponseSingleExtensions:
-            handle->owner.singleResponse->singleExtensions = exts;
-            break;
-    }
-    handle->setExts(handle->object, exts);
-    /* update the version number */
-    /* copy each extension pointer */
-    node = handle->head;
-    while (node) {
-        *exts = node->ext;
-        node = node->next;
-        exts++;
-    }
-    /* terminate the array of extensions */
-    *exts = 0;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* free working arena */
-    PORT_FreeArena(handle->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return rv;
-CERT_MergeExtensions(void *exthandle, CERTCertExtension **extensions)
-    CERTCertExtension *ext;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECOidTag tag;
-    extNode *node;
-    extRec *handle = exthandle;
-    if (!exthandle || !extensions) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    while ((ext = *extensions++) != NULL) {
-        tag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&ext->id);
-        for (node = handle->head; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
-            if (tag == 0) {
-                if (SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&ext->id, &node->ext->id))
-                    break;
-            } else {
-                if (SECOID_FindOIDTag(&node->ext->id) == tag) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (node == NULL) {
-            PRBool critical = (ext->critical.len != 0 &&
-                               ext->[ext->critical.len - 1] != 0);
-            if (critical && tag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-            /* add to list */
-            rv = CERT_AddExtensionByOID(exthandle, &ext->id, &ext->value,
-                                        critical, PR_TRUE);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * get the value of the Netscape Certificate Type Extension
- */
-CERT_FindBitStringExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions, int tag,
-                            SECItem *retItem)
-    SECItem wrapperItem, tmpItem = { siBuffer, 0 };
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
- = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(extensions, tag, &wrapperItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(
-        arena, &tmpItem, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_BitStringTemplate), &wrapperItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    retItem->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc((tmpItem.len + 7) >> 3);
-    if (retItem->data == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(retItem->data,, (tmpItem.len + 7) >> 3);
-    retItem->len = tmpItem.len;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    goto done;
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-cert_HasCriticalExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions)
-    CERTCertExtension **exts;
-    CERTCertExtension *ext = NULL;
-    PRBool hasCriticalExten = PR_FALSE;
-    exts = extensions;
-    if (exts) {
-        while (*exts) {
-            ext = *exts;
-            /* If the criticality is omitted, it's non-critical */
-            if (ext-> && ext->[0] == 0xff) {
-                hasCriticalExten = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            exts++;
-        }
-    }
-    return (hasCriticalExten);
-cert_HasUnknownCriticalExten(CERTCertExtension **extensions)
-    CERTCertExtension **exts;
-    CERTCertExtension *ext = NULL;
-    PRBool hasUnknownCriticalExten = PR_FALSE;
-    exts = extensions;
-    if (exts) {
-        while (*exts) {
-            ext = *exts;
-            /* If the criticality is omitted, it's non-critical.
-               If an extension is critical, make sure that we know
-               how to process the extension.
-             */
-            if (ext-> && ext->[0] == 0xff) {
-                if (SECOID_KnownCertExtenOID(&ext->id) == PR_FALSE) {
-                    hasUnknownCriticalExten = PR_TRUE;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            exts++;
-        }
-    }
-    return (hasUnknownCriticalExten);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.h b/nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c76b5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/certxutl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * x.509 v3 certificate extension helper routines
- *
- */
-#ifndef _CERTXUTL_H_
-#define _CERTXUTL_H_
-#include "nspr.h"
-#ifdef OLD
-typedef enum {
-    CertificateExtensions,
-    CrlExtensions,
-    OCSPRequestExtensions,
-    OCSPSingleRequestExtensions,
-    OCSPResponseSingleExtensions
-} ExtensionsType;
-extern PRBool cert_HasCriticalExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions);
-extern SECStatus CERT_FindBitStringExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-                                             int tag, SECItem *retItem);
-extern void *cert_StartExtensions(void *owner, PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                  void (*setExts)(void *object,
-                                                  CERTCertExtension **exts));
-extern SECStatus cert_FindExtension(CERTCertExtension **extensions, int tag,
-                                    SECItem *value);
-extern SECStatus cert_FindExtensionByOID(CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-                                         SECItem *oid, SECItem *value);
-extern SECStatus cert_GetExtenCriticality(CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-                                          int tag, PRBool *isCritical);
-extern PRBool cert_HasUnknownCriticalExten(CERTCertExtension **extensions);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/crl.c b/nss/lib/certdb/crl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a7baf53..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/crl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3044 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Moved from secpkcs7.c
- */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "dev.h"
-#include "dev3hack.h"
-#include "nssbase.h"
-#if defined(DPC_RWLOCK) || defined(GLOBAL_RWLOCK)
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
-#include "pk11priv.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CERTExtensionTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertExtension) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTCertExtension, id) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertExtension, critical) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(CERTCertExtension, value) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CERTExtensionsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_CERTExtensionTemplate }
- * XXX Also, these templates need to be tested; Lisa did the obvious
- * translation but they still should be verified.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_IssuerAndSNTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTIssuerAndSN) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTIssuerAndSN, derIssuer) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTIssuerAndSN, issuer), CERT_NameTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(CERTIssuerAndSN, serialNumber) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template cert_CrlKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCrlKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER | SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, offsetof(CERTCrlKey, dummy) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTCrlKey, derName) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template cert_CrlEntryTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCrlEntry) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(CERTCrlEntry, serialNumber) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTCrlEntry, revocationDate),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCrlEntry, extensions), SEC_CERTExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CrlTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCrl) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER | SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, offsetof(CERTCrl, version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTCrl, signatureAlg),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTCrl, derName) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTCrl, name), CERT_NameTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTCrl, lastUpdate),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCrl, nextUpdate), SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL | SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(CERTCrl, entries),
-      cert_CrlEntryTemplate },
-          SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT | 0,
-      offsetof(CERTCrl, extensions), SEC_CERTExtensionsTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CrlTemplateNoEntries[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCrl) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER | SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, offsetof(CERTCrl, version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTCrl, signatureAlg),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTCrl, derName) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTCrl, name), CERT_NameTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTCrl, lastUpdate),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCrl, nextUpdate), SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-      SEC_ASN1_SKIP }, /* skip entries */
-          SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT | 0,
-      offsetof(CERTCrl, extensions), SEC_CERTExtensionsTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CrlTemplateEntriesOnly[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCrl) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP },
-      offsetof(CERTCrl, lastUpdate), SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCrl, nextUpdate), SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL | SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(CERTCrl, entries),
-      cert_CrlEntryTemplate }, /* decode entries */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SignedCrlTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTSignedCrl) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, crl), CERT_CrlTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, signatureWrap.signatureAlgorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING, offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, signatureWrap.signature) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template cert_SignedCrlTemplateNoEntries[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTSignedCrl) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE, offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, crl),
-      CERT_CrlTemplateNoEntries },
-      offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, signatureWrap.signatureAlgorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING, offsetof(CERTSignedCrl, signatureWrap.signature) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SetOfSignedCrlTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, CERT_SignedCrlTemplate },
-/* get CRL version */
-cert_get_crl_version(CERTCrl* crl)
-    /* CRL version is defaulted to v1 */
-    int version = SEC_CRL_VERSION_1;
-    if (crl && crl-> != 0) {
-        version = (int)DER_GetUInteger(&crl->version);
-    }
-    return version;
-/* check the entries in the CRL */
-cert_check_crl_entries(CERTCrl* crl)
-    CERTCrlEntry** entries;
-    CERTCrlEntry* entry;
-    PRBool hasCriticalExten = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!crl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (crl->entries == NULL) {
-        /* CRLs with no entries are valid */
-        return (SECSuccess);
-    }
-    /* Look in the crl entry extensions.  If there is a critical extension,
-       then the crl version must be v2; otherwise, it should be v1.
-     */
-    entries = crl->entries;
-    while (*entries) {
-        entry = *entries;
-        if (entry->extensions) {
-            /* If there is a critical extension in the entries, then the
-               CRL must be of version 2.  If we already saw a critical
-               extension,
-               there is no need to check the version again.
-            */
-            if (hasCriticalExten == PR_FALSE) {
-                hasCriticalExten = cert_HasCriticalExtension(entry->extensions);
-                if (hasCriticalExten) {
-                    if (cert_get_crl_version(crl) != SEC_CRL_VERSION_2) {
-                        /* only CRL v2 critical extensions are supported */
-                        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CRL_V1_CRITICAL_EXTENSION);
-                        rv = SECFailure;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            /* For each entry, make sure that it does not contain an unknown
-               critical extension.  If it does, we must reject the CRL since
-               we don't know how to process the extension.
-            */
-            if (cert_HasUnknownCriticalExten(entry->extensions) == PR_TRUE) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        ++entries;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-/* Check the version of the CRL.  If there is a critical extension in the crl
-   or crl entry, then the version must be v2. Otherwise, it should be v1. If
-   the crl contains critical extension(s), then we must recognized the
-   extension's OID.
-   */
-cert_check_crl_version(CERTCrl* crl)
-    PRBool hasCriticalExten = PR_FALSE;
-    int version = cert_get_crl_version(crl);
-    if (version > SEC_CRL_VERSION_2) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    /* Check the crl extensions for a critial extension.  If one is found,
-       and the version is not v2, then we are done.
-     */
-    if (crl->extensions) {
-        hasCriticalExten = cert_HasCriticalExtension(crl->extensions);
-        if (hasCriticalExten) {
-            if (version != SEC_CRL_VERSION_2) {
-                /* only CRL v2 critical extensions are supported */
-                return (SECFailure);
-            }
-            /* make sure that there is no unknown critical extension */
-            if (cert_HasUnknownCriticalExten(crl->extensions) == PR_TRUE) {
-                return (SECFailure);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
- * Generate a database key, based on the issuer name from a
- * DER crl.
- */
-CERT_KeyFromDERCrl(PLArenaPool* arena, SECItem* derCrl, SECItem* key)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    CERTCrlKey crlkey;
-    PLArenaPool* myArena;
-    if (!arena) {
-        /* arena needed for QuickDER */
-        myArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    } else {
-        myArena = arena;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(sd));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(myArena, &sd, CERT_SignedDataTemplate, derCrl);
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        PORT_Memset(&crlkey, 0, sizeof(crlkey));
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(myArena, &crlkey, cert_CrlKeyTemplate,
-                                    &;
-    }
-    /* make a copy so the data doesn't point to memory inside derCrl, which
-       may be temporary */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, key, &crlkey.derName);
-    }
-    if (myArena != arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(myArena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-#define GetOpaqueCRLFields(x) ((OpaqueCRLFields*)x->opaque)
-CERT_CompleteCRLDecodeEntries(CERTSignedCrl* crl)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem* crldata = NULL;
-    OpaqueCRLFields* extended = NULL;
-    if ((!crl) || (!(extended = (OpaqueCRLFields*)crl->opaque)) ||
-        (PR_TRUE == extended->decodingError)) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-        if (PR_FALSE == extended->partial) {
-            /* the CRL has already been fully decoded */
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == extended->badEntries) {
-            /* the entries decoding already failed */
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        crldata = &crl->;
-        if (!crldata) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(crl->arena, &crl->crl,
-                                    CERT_CrlTemplateEntriesOnly, crldata);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            extended->partial = PR_FALSE; /* successful decode, avoid
-                decoding again */
-        } else {
-            extended->decodingError = PR_TRUE;
-            extended->badEntries = PR_TRUE;
-            /* cache the decoding failure. If it fails the first time,
-               it will fail again, which will grow the arena and leak
-               memory, so we want to avoid it */
-        }
-        rv = cert_check_crl_entries(&crl->crl);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            extended->badExtensions = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * take a DER CRL and decode it into a CRL structure
- * allow reusing the input DER without making a copy
- */
-CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(PLArenaPool* narena, SECItem* derSignedCrl, int type,
-                           PRInt32 options)
-    PLArenaPool* arena;
-    CERTSignedCrl* crl;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    OpaqueCRLFields* extended = NULL;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* crlTemplate = CERT_SignedCrlTemplate;
-    PRInt32 testOptions = options;
-    PORT_Assert(derSignedCrl);
-    if (!derSignedCrl) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Adopting DER requires not copying it.  Code that sets ADOPT flag
-     * but doesn't set DONT_COPY probably doesn't know What it is doing.
-     * That condition is a programming error in the caller.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert(testOptions != CRL_DECODE_ADOPT_HEAP_DER);
-    if (testOptions == CRL_DECODE_ADOPT_HEAP_DER) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* make a new arena if needed */
-    if (narena == NULL) {
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!arena) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-        arena = narena;
-    }
-    /* allocate the CRL structure */
-    crl = (CERTSignedCrl*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTSignedCrl));
-    if (!crl) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    crl->arena = arena;
-    /* allocate opaque fields */
-    crl->opaque = (void*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(OpaqueCRLFields));
-    if (!crl->opaque) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    extended = (OpaqueCRLFields*)crl->opaque;
-    if (options & CRL_DECODE_ADOPT_HEAP_DER) {
-        extended->heapDER = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (options & CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER) {
-        crl->derCrl = derSignedCrl; /* DER is not copied . The application
-                                       must keep derSignedCrl until it
-                                       destroys the CRL */
-    } else {
-        crl->derCrl = (SECItem*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECItem));
-        if (crl->derCrl == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, crl->derCrl, derSignedCrl);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Save the arena in the inner crl for CRL extensions support */
-    crl->crl.arena = arena;
-    if (options & CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES) {
-        crlTemplate = cert_SignedCrlTemplateNoEntries;
-        extended->partial = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* decode the CRL info */
-    switch (type) {
-        case SEC_CRL_TYPE:
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, crl, crlTemplate, crl->derCrl);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                extended->badDER = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            /* check for critical extensions */
-            rv = cert_check_crl_version(&crl->crl);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                extended->badExtensions = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            }
-            if (PR_TRUE == extended->partial) {
-                /* partial decoding, don't verify entries */
-                break;
-            }
-            rv = cert_check_crl_entries(&crl->crl);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                extended->badExtensions = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    crl->referenceCount = 1;
-    return (crl);
-    if (options & CRL_DECODE_KEEP_BAD_CRL) {
-        if (extended) {
-            extended->decodingError = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (crl) {
-            crl->referenceCount = 1;
-            return (crl);
-        }
-    }
-    if ((narena == NULL) && arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (0);
- * take a DER CRL and decode it into a CRL structure
- */
-CERT_DecodeDERCrl(PLArenaPool* narena, SECItem* derSignedCrl, int type)
-    return CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(narena, derSignedCrl, type,
-                                      CRL_DECODE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
- * Lookup a CRL in the databases. We mirror the same fast caching data base
- *  caching stuff used by certificates....?
- * return values :
- *
- * SECSuccess means we got a valid decodable DER CRL, or no CRL at all.
- * Caller may distinguish those cases by the value returned in "decoded".
- * When DER CRL is not found, error code will be SEC_ERROR_CRL_NOT_FOUND.
- *
- * SECFailure means we got a fatal error - most likely, we found a CRL,
- * and it failed decoding, or there was an out of memory error. Do NOT ignore
- * it and specifically do NOT treat it the same as having no CRL, as this
- * can compromise security !!! Ideally, you should treat this case as if you
- * received a "catch-all" CRL where all certs you were looking up are
- * considered to be revoked
- */
-static SECStatus
-SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot(PK11SlotInfo* slot, SECItem* crlKey, int type,
-                       CERTSignedCrl** decoded, PRInt32 decodeoptions)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CERTSignedCrl* crl = NULL;
-    SECItem* derCrl = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE crlHandle = 0;
-    char* url = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(decoded);
-    if (!decoded) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    derCrl = PK11_FindCrlByName(&slot, &crlHandle, crlKey, type, &url);
-    if (derCrl == NULL) {
-        /* if we had a problem other than the CRL just didn't exist, return
-         * a failure to the upper level */
-        int nsserror = PORT_GetError();
-        if (nsserror != SEC_ERROR_CRL_NOT_FOUND) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(crlHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE);
-    /* PK11_FindCrlByName obtained a slot reference. */
-    /* derCRL is a fresh HEAP copy made for us by PK11_FindCrlByName.
-       Force adoption of the DER CRL from the heap - this will cause it
-       to be automatically freed when SEC_DestroyCrl is invoked */
-    crl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrl, type, decodeoptions);
-    if (crl) {
-        crl->slot = slot;
-        slot = NULL;   /* adopt it */
-        derCrl = NULL; /* adopted by the crl struct */
-        crl->pkcs11ID = crlHandle;
-        if (url) {
-            crl->url = PORT_ArenaStrdup(crl->arena, url);
-        }
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (url) {
-        PORT_Free(url);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-        PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (derCrl) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrl, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    *decoded = crl;
-    return rv;
-crl_storeCRL(PK11SlotInfo* slot, char* url, CERTSignedCrl* newCrl,
-             SECItem* derCrl, int type)
-    CERTSignedCrl *oldCrl = NULL, *crl = NULL;
-    PRBool deleteOldCrl = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Assert(newCrl);
-    PORT_Assert(derCrl);
-    PORT_Assert(type == SEC_CRL_TYPE);
-    if (type != SEC_CRL_TYPE) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* we can't use the cache here because we must look in the same
-       token */
-    (void)SEC_FindCrlByKeyOnSlot(slot, &newCrl->crl.derName, type, &oldCrl,
-                                 CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-    /* if there is an old crl on the token, make sure the one we are
-       installing is newer. If not, exit out, otherwise delete the
-       old crl.
-     */
-    if (oldCrl != NULL) {
-        /* if it's already there, quietly continue */
-        if (SECITEM_CompareItem(newCrl->derCrl, oldCrl->derCrl) == SECEqual) {
-            crl = newCrl;
-            crl->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-            crl->pkcs11ID = oldCrl->pkcs11ID;
-            if (oldCrl->url && !url)
-                url = oldCrl->url;
-            if (url)
-                crl->url = PORT_ArenaStrdup(crl->arena, url);
-            goto done;
-        }
-        if (!SEC_CrlIsNewer(&newCrl->crl, &oldCrl->crl)) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_OLD_CRL);
-            goto done;
-        }
-        /* if we have a url in the database, use that one */
-        if (oldCrl->url && !url) {
-            url = oldCrl->url;
-        }
-        /* really destroy this crl */
-        /* first drum it out of the permanment Data base */
-        deleteOldCrl = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* invalidate CRL cache for this issuer */
-    CERT_CRLCacheRefreshIssuer(NULL, &newCrl->crl.derName);
-    /* Write the new entry into the data base */
-    crlHandle = PK11_PutCrl(slot, derCrl, &newCrl->crl.derName, url, type);
-    if (crlHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-        crl = newCrl;
-        crl->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-        crl->pkcs11ID = crlHandle;
-        if (url) {
-            crl->url = PORT_ArenaStrdup(crl->arena, url);
-        }
-    }
-    if (oldCrl) {
-        if (deleteOldCrl && crlHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-            SEC_DeletePermCRL(oldCrl);
-        }
-        SEC_DestroyCrl(oldCrl);
-    }
-    return crl;
- *
- * create a new CRL from DER material.
- *
- * The signature on this CRL must be checked before you
- * load it. ???
- */
-SEC_NewCrl(CERTCertDBHandle* handle, char* url, SECItem* derCrl, int type)
-    CERTSignedCrl* retCrl = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo* slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    retCrl =
-        PK11_ImportCRL(slot, derCrl, url, type, NULL, CRL_IMPORT_BYPASS_CHECKS,
-                       NULL, CRL_DECODE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return retCrl;
-SEC_FindCrlByDERCert(CERTCertDBHandle* handle, SECItem* derCrl, int type)
-    PLArenaPool* arena;
-    SECItem crlKey;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTSignedCrl* crl = NULL;
-    /* create a scratch arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    /* extract the database key from the cert */
-    rv = CERT_KeyFromDERCrl(arena, derCrl, &crlKey);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* find the crl */
-    crl = SEC_FindCrlByName(handle, &crlKey, type);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (crl);
-SEC_DupCrl(CERTSignedCrl* acrl)
-    if (acrl) {
-        PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&acrl->referenceCount);
-        return acrl;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-SEC_DestroyCrl(CERTSignedCrl* crl)
-    if (crl) {
-        if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&crl->referenceCount) < 1) {
-            if (crl->slot) {
-                PK11_FreeSlot(crl->slot);
-            }
-            if (GetOpaqueCRLFields(crl) &&
-                PR_TRUE == GetOpaqueCRLFields(crl)->heapDER) {
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(crl->derCrl, PR_TRUE);
-            }
-            if (crl->arena) {
-                PORT_FreeArena(crl->arena, PR_FALSE);
-            }
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-SEC_LookupCrls(CERTCertDBHandle* handle, CERTCrlHeadNode** nodes, int type)
-    CERTCrlHeadNode* head;
-    PLArenaPool* arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    *nodes = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* build a head structure */
-    head = (CERTCrlHeadNode*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCrlHeadNode));
-    head->arena = arena;
-    head->first = NULL;
-    head->last = NULL;
-    head->dbhandle = handle;
-    /* Look up the proper crl types */
-    *nodes = head;
-    rv = PK11_LookupCrls(head, type, NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-            *nodes = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* These functions simply return the address of the above-declared templates.
-** This is necessary for Windows DLLs.  Sigh.
-/* CRL cache code starts here */
-/* constructor */
-static SECStatus CachedCrl_Create(CachedCrl** returned, CERTSignedCrl* crl,
-                                  CRLOrigin origin);
-/* destructor */
-static SECStatus CachedCrl_Destroy(CachedCrl* crl);
-/* create hash table of CRL entries */
-static SECStatus CachedCrl_Populate(CachedCrl* crlobject);
-/* empty the cache content */
-static SECStatus CachedCrl_Depopulate(CachedCrl* crl);
-/* are these CRLs the same, as far as the cache is concerned ?
-   Or are they the same token object, but with different DER ? */
-static SECStatus CachedCrl_Compare(CachedCrl* a, CachedCrl* b, PRBool* isDupe,
-                                   PRBool* isUpdated);
-/* create a DPCache object */
-static SECStatus DPCache_Create(CRLDPCache** returned, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                                const SECItem* subject, SECItem* dp);
-/* destructor for CRL DPCache object */
-static SECStatus DPCache_Destroy(CRLDPCache* cache);
-/* add a new CRL object to the dynamic array of CRLs of the DPCache, and
-   returns the cached CRL object . Needs write access to DPCache. */
-static SECStatus DPCache_AddCRL(CRLDPCache* cache, CachedCrl* crl,
-                                PRBool* added);
-/* fetch the CRL for this DP from the PKCS#11 tokens */
-static SECStatus DPCache_FetchFromTokens(CRLDPCache* cache, PRTime vfdate,
-                                         void* wincx);
-/* update the content of the CRL cache, including fetching of CRLs, and
-   reprocessing with specified issuer and date */
-static SECStatus DPCache_GetUpToDate(CRLDPCache* cache, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                                     PRBool readlocked, PRTime vfdate,
-                                     void* wincx);
-/* returns true if there are CRLs from PKCS#11 slots */
-static PRBool DPCache_HasTokenCRLs(CRLDPCache* cache);
-/* remove CRL at offset specified */
-static SECStatus DPCache_RemoveCRL(CRLDPCache* cache, PRUint32 offset);
-/* Pick best CRL to use . needs write access */
-static SECStatus DPCache_SelectCRL(CRLDPCache* cache);
-/* create an issuer cache object (per CA subject ) */
-static SECStatus IssuerCache_Create(CRLIssuerCache** returned,
-                                    CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                                    const SECItem* subject, const SECItem* dp);
-/* destructor for CRL IssuerCache object */
-SECStatus IssuerCache_Destroy(CRLIssuerCache* cache);
-/* add a DPCache to the issuer cache */
-static SECStatus IssuerCache_AddDP(CRLIssuerCache* cache,
-                                   CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                                   const SECItem* subject, const SECItem* dp,
-                                   CRLDPCache** newdpc);
-/* get a particular DPCache object from an IssuerCache */
-static CRLDPCache* IssuerCache_GetDPCache(CRLIssuerCache* cache,
-                                          const SECItem* dp);
-** Pre-allocator hash allocator ops.
-/* allocate memory for hash table */
-static void* PR_CALLBACK
-PreAllocTable(void* pool, PRSize size)
-    PreAllocator* alloc = (PreAllocator*)pool;
-    PORT_Assert(alloc);
-    if (!alloc) {
-        /* no allocator, or buffer full */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (size > (alloc->len - alloc->used)) {
-        /* initial buffer full, let's use the arena */
-        alloc->extra += size;
-        return PORT_ArenaAlloc(alloc->arena, size);
-    }
-    /* use the initial buffer */
-    alloc->used += size;
-    return (char*)alloc->data + alloc->used - size;
-/* free hash table memory.
-   Individual PreAllocator elements cannot be freed, so this is a no-op. */
-static void PR_CALLBACK
-PreFreeTable(void* pool, void* item)
-/* allocate memory for hash table */
-static PLHashEntry* PR_CALLBACK
-PreAllocEntry(void* pool, const void* key)
-    return PreAllocTable(pool, sizeof(PLHashEntry));
-/* free hash table entry.
-   Individual PreAllocator elements cannot be freed, so this is a no-op. */
-static void PR_CALLBACK
-PreFreeEntry(void* pool, PLHashEntry* he, PRUintn flag)
-/* methods required for PL hash table functions */
-static PLHashAllocOps preAllocOps = { PreAllocTable, PreFreeTable,
-                                      PreAllocEntry, PreFreeEntry };
-/* destructor for PreAllocator object */
-PreAllocator_Destroy(PreAllocator* PreAllocator)
-    if (!PreAllocator) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (PreAllocator->arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(PreAllocator->arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-/* constructor for PreAllocator object */
-PreAllocator_Create(PRSize size)
-    PLArenaPool* arena = NULL;
-    PreAllocator* prebuffer = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    prebuffer = (PreAllocator*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PreAllocator));
-    if (!prebuffer) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    prebuffer->arena = arena;
-    if (size) {
-        prebuffer->len = size;
-        prebuffer->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, size);
-        if (!prebuffer->data) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return prebuffer;
-/* global Named CRL cache object */
-static NamedCRLCache namedCRLCache = { NULL, NULL };
-/* global CRL cache object */
-static CRLCache crlcache = { NULL, NULL };
-/* initial state is off */
-static PRBool crlcache_initialized = PR_FALSE;
-PRTime CRLCache_Empty_TokenFetch_Interval = 60 * 1000000; /* how often
-    to query the tokens for CRL objects, in order to discover new objects, if
-    the cache does not contain any token CRLs . In microseconds */
-PRTime CRLCache_TokenRefetch_Interval = 600 * 1000000; /* how often
-   to query the tokens for CRL objects, in order to discover new objects, if
-   the cache already contains token CRLs In microseconds */
-PRTime CRLCache_ExistenceCheck_Interval = 60 * 1000000; /* how often to check
-    if a token CRL object still exists. In microseconds */
-/* this function is called at NSS initialization time */
-    if (PR_FALSE == crlcache_initialized) {
-        PORT_Assert(NULL == crlcache.lock);
-        PORT_Assert(NULL == crlcache.issuers);
-        PORT_Assert(NULL == namedCRLCache.lock);
-        PORT_Assert(NULL == namedCRLCache.entries);
-        if (crlcache.lock || crlcache.issuers || namedCRLCache.lock ||
-            namedCRLCache.entries) {
-            /* CRL cache already partially initialized */
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        crlcache.lock = NSSRWLock_New(NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, NULL);
-        crlcache.lock = PR_NewLock();
-        namedCRLCache.lock = PR_NewLock();
-        crlcache.issuers = PL_NewHashTable(0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare,
-                                           PL_CompareValues, NULL, NULL);
-        namedCRLCache.entries = PL_NewHashTable(
-            0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare, PL_CompareValues, NULL, NULL);
-        if (!crlcache.lock || !namedCRLCache.lock || !crlcache.issuers ||
-            !namedCRLCache.entries) {
-            if (crlcache.lock) {
-                NSSRWLock_Destroy(crlcache.lock);
-                PR_DestroyLock(crlcache.lock);
-                crlcache.lock = NULL;
-            }
-            if (namedCRLCache.lock) {
-                PR_DestroyLock(namedCRLCache.lock);
-                namedCRLCache.lock = NULL;
-            }
-            if (crlcache.issuers) {
-                PL_HashTableDestroy(crlcache.issuers);
-                crlcache.issuers = NULL;
-            }
-            if (namedCRLCache.entries) {
-                PL_HashTableDestroy(namedCRLCache.entries);
-                namedCRLCache.entries = NULL;
-            }
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        crlcache_initialized = PR_TRUE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-        PORT_Assert(crlcache.lock);
-        PORT_Assert(crlcache.issuers);
-        if ((NULL == crlcache.lock) || (NULL == crlcache.issuers)) {
-            /* CRL cache not fully initialized */
-            return SECFailure;
-        } else {
-            /* CRL cache already initialized */
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    }
-/* destructor for CRL DPCache object */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_Destroy(CRLDPCache* cache)
-    PRUint32 i = 0;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    if (!cache) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cache->lock) {
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-        NSSRWLock_Destroy(cache->lock);
-        PR_DestroyLock(cache->lock);
-    } else {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* destroy all our CRL objects */
-    for (i = 0; i < cache->ncrls; i++) {
-        if (!cache->crls || !cache->crls[i] ||
-            SECSuccess != CachedCrl_Destroy(cache->crls[i])) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    /* free the array of CRLs */
-    if (cache->crls) {
-        PORT_Free(cache->crls);
-    }
-    /* destroy the cert */
-    if (cache->issuerDERCert) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(cache->issuerDERCert, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    /* free the subject */
-    if (cache->subject) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(cache->subject, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    /* free the distribution points */
-    if (cache->distributionPoint) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(cache->distributionPoint, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(cache);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* destructor for CRL IssuerCache object */
-IssuerCache_Destroy(CRLIssuerCache* cache)
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    if (!cache) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-#ifdef XCRL
-    if (cache->lock) {
-        NSSRWLock_Destroy(cache->lock);
-    } else {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cache->issuer) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cache->issuer);
-    }
-    /* free the subject */
-    if (cache->subject) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(cache->subject, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess != DPCache_Destroy(cache->dpp)) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(cache);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* create a named CRL entry object */
-static SECStatus
-NamedCRLCacheEntry_Create(NamedCRLCacheEntry** returned)
-    NamedCRLCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
-    if (!returned) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *returned = NULL;
-    entry = (NamedCRLCacheEntry*)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(NamedCRLCacheEntry));
-    if (!entry) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *returned = entry;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* destroy a named CRL entry object */
-static SECStatus
-NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(NamedCRLCacheEntry* entry)
-    if (!entry) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (entry->crl) {
-        /* named CRL cache owns DER memory */
-        SECITEM_ZfreeItem(entry->crl, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (entry->canonicalizedName) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(entry->canonicalizedName, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(entry);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* callback function used in hash table destructor */
-static PRIntn PR_CALLBACK
-FreeIssuer(PLHashEntry* he, PRIntn i, void* arg)
-    CRLIssuerCache* issuer = NULL;
-    SECStatus* rv = (SECStatus*)arg;
-    PORT_Assert(he);
-    if (!he) {
-        return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-    }
-    issuer = (CRLIssuerCache*)he->value;
-    PORT_Assert(issuer);
-    if (issuer) {
-        if (SECSuccess != IssuerCache_Destroy(issuer)) {
-            PORT_Assert(rv);
-            if (rv) {
-                *rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-            return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-        }
-    }
-    return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-/* callback function used in hash table destructor */
-static PRIntn PR_CALLBACK
-FreeNamedEntries(PLHashEntry* he, PRIntn i, void* arg)
-    NamedCRLCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
-    SECStatus* rv = (SECStatus*)arg;
-    PORT_Assert(he);
-    if (!he) {
-        return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-    }
-    entry = (NamedCRLCacheEntry*)he->value;
-    PORT_Assert(entry);
-    if (entry) {
-        if (SECSuccess != NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(entry)) {
-            PORT_Assert(rv);
-            if (rv) {
-                *rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-            return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-        }
-    }
-    return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-/* needs to be called at NSS shutdown time
-   This will destroy the global CRL cache, including
-   - the hash table of issuer cache objects
-   - the issuer cache objects
-   - DPCache objects in issuer cache objects */
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (PR_FALSE == crlcache_initialized && !crlcache.lock &&
-        !crlcache.issuers) {
-        /* CRL cache has already been shut down */
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (PR_TRUE == crlcache_initialized &&
-        (!crlcache.lock || !crlcache.issuers || !namedCRLCache.lock ||
-         !namedCRLCache.entries)) {
-        /* CRL cache has partially been shut down */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* empty the CRL cache */
-    /* free the issuers */
-    PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(crlcache.issuers, &FreeIssuer, &rv);
-    /* free the hash table of issuers */
-    PL_HashTableDestroy(crlcache.issuers);
-    crlcache.issuers = NULL;
-/* free the global lock */
-    NSSRWLock_Destroy(crlcache.lock);
-    PR_DestroyLock(crlcache.lock);
-    crlcache.lock = NULL;
-    /* empty the named CRL cache. This must be done after freeing the CRL
-     * cache, since some CRLs in this cache are in the memory for the other  */
-    /* free the entries */
-    PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(namedCRLCache.entries, &FreeNamedEntries, &rv);
-    /* free the hash table of issuers */
-    PL_HashTableDestroy(namedCRLCache.entries);
-    namedCRLCache.entries = NULL;
-    /* free the global lock */
-    PR_DestroyLock(namedCRLCache.lock);
-    namedCRLCache.lock = NULL;
-    crlcache_initialized = PR_FALSE;
-    return rv;
-/* add a new CRL object to the dynamic array of CRLs of the DPCache, and
-   returns the cached CRL object . Needs write access to DPCache. */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_AddCRL(CRLDPCache* cache, CachedCrl* newcrl, PRBool* added)
-    CachedCrl** newcrls = NULL;
-    PRUint32 i = 0;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    PORT_Assert(newcrl);
-    PORT_Assert(added);
-    if (!cache || !newcrl || !added) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *added = PR_FALSE;
-    /* before adding a new CRL, check if it is a duplicate */
-    for (i = 0; i < cache->ncrls; i++) {
-        CachedCrl* existing = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-        PRBool dupe = PR_FALSE, updated = PR_FALSE;
-        if (!cache->crls) {
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        existing = cache->crls[i];
-        if (!existing) {
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        rv = CachedCrl_Compare(existing, newcrl, &dupe, &updated);
-        if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == dupe) {
-            /* dupe */
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == updated) {
-            /* this token CRL is in the same slot and has the same object ID,
-               but different content. We need to remove the old object */
-            if (SECSuccess != DPCache_RemoveCRL(cache, i)) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);
-                return PR_FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    newcrls = (CachedCrl**)PORT_Realloc(cache->crls, (cache->ncrls + 1) *
-                                                         sizeof(CachedCrl*));
-    if (!newcrls) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cache->crls = newcrls;
-    cache->ncrls++;
-    cache->crls[cache->ncrls - 1] = newcrl;
-    *added = PR_TRUE;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* remove CRL at offset specified */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_RemoveCRL(CRLDPCache* cache, PRUint32 offset)
-    CachedCrl* acrl = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    if (!cache || (!cache->crls) || (!(offset < cache->ncrls))) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    acrl = cache->crls[offset];
-    PORT_Assert(acrl);
-    if (!acrl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cache->crls[offset] = cache->crls[cache->ncrls - 1];
-    cache->crls[cache->ncrls - 1] = NULL;
-    cache->ncrls--;
-    if (cache->selected == acrl) {
-        cache->selected = NULL;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess != CachedCrl_Destroy(acrl)) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* check whether a CRL object stored in a PKCS#11 token still exists in
-   that token . This has to be efficient (the entire CRL value cannot be
-   transferred accross the token boundaries), so this is accomplished by
-   simply fetching the subject attribute and making sure it hasn't changed .
-   Note that technically, the CRL object could have been replaced with a new
-   PKCS#11 object of the same ID and subject (which actually happens in
-   softoken), but this function has no way of knowing that the object
-   value changed, since CKA_VALUE isn't checked. */
-static PRBool
-TokenCRLStillExists(CERTSignedCrl* crl)
-    NSSItem newsubject;
-    SECItem subject;
-    CK_ULONG crl_class;
-    PRStatus status;
-    PK11SlotInfo* slot = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObject instance;
-    NSSArena* arena;
-    PRBool xstatus = PR_TRUE;
-    SECItem* oldSubject = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(crl);
-    if (!crl) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    slot = crl->slot;
-    PORT_Assert(crl->slot);
-    if (!slot) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    oldSubject = &crl->crl.derName;
-    PORT_Assert(oldSubject);
-    if (!oldSubject) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* query subject and type attributes in order to determine if the
-       object has been deleted */
-    /* first, make an nssCryptokiObject */
-    instance.handle = crl->pkcs11ID;
-    PORT_Assert(instance.handle);
-    if (!instance.handle) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    instance.token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    PORT_Assert(instance.token);
-    if (!instance.token) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    instance.isTokenObject = PR_TRUE;
-    instance.label = NULL;
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    status =
-        nssCryptokiCRL_GetAttributes(&instance, NULL,          /* XXX sessionOpt */
-                                     arena, NULL, &newsubject, /* subject */
-                                     &crl_class,               /* class */
-                                     NULL, NULL);
-    if (PR_SUCCESS == status) {
- =;
-        subject.len = newsubject.size;
-        if (SECITEM_CompareItem(oldSubject, &subject) != SECEqual) {
-            xstatus = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (CKO_NETSCAPE_CRL != crl_class) {
-            xstatus = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    } else {
-        xstatus = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return xstatus;
-/* verify the signature of a CRL against its issuer at a given date */
-static SECStatus
-CERT_VerifyCRL(CERTSignedCrl* crlobject, CERTCertificate* issuer, PRTime vfdate,
-               void* wincx)
-    return CERT_VerifySignedData(&crlobject->signatureWrap, issuer, vfdate,
-                                 wincx);
-/* verify a CRL and update cache state */
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_Verify(CRLDPCache* cache, CachedCrl* crlobject, PRTime vfdate,
-                 void* wincx)
-    /*  Check if it is an invalid CRL
-        if we got a bad CRL, we want to cache it in order to avoid
-        subsequent fetches of this same identical bad CRL. We set
-        the cache to the invalid state to ensure that all certs on this
-        DP are considered to have unknown status from now on. The cache
-        object will remain in this state until the bad CRL object
-        is removed from the token it was fetched from. If the cause
-        of the failure is that we didn't have the issuer cert to
-        verify the signature, this state can be cleared when
-        the issuer certificate becomes available if that causes the
-        signature to verify */
-    if (!cache || !crlobject) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (PR_TRUE == GetOpaqueCRLFields(crlobject->crl)->decodingError) {
-        crlobject->sigChecked = PR_TRUE; /* we can never verify a CRL
-            with bogus DER. Mark it checked so we won't try again */
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-        return SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-        SECStatus signstatus = SECFailure;
-        if (cache->issuerDERCert) {
-            CERTCertificate* issuer = CERT_NewTempCertificate(
-                cache->dbHandle, cache->issuerDERCert, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-            if (issuer) {
-                signstatus =
-                    CERT_VerifyCRL(crlobject->crl, issuer, vfdate, wincx);
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuer);
-            }
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess != signstatus) {
-            if (!cache->issuerDERCert) {
-                /* we tried to verify without an issuer cert . This is
-                   because this CRL came through a call to SEC_FindCrlByName.
-                   So, we don't cache this verification failure. We'll try
-                   to verify the CRL again when a certificate from that issuer
-                   becomes available */
-            } else {
-                crlobject->sigChecked = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            return SECSuccess;
-        } else {
-            crlobject->sigChecked = PR_TRUE;
-            crlobject->sigValid = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* fetch the CRLs for this DP from the PKCS#11 tokens */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_FetchFromTokens(CRLDPCache* cache, PRTime vfdate, void* wincx)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CERTCrlHeadNode head;
-    if (!cache) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* first, initialize list */
-    memset(&head, 0, sizeof(head));
-    head.arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    rv = pk11_RetrieveCrls(&head, cache->subject, wincx);
-    /* if this function fails, something very wrong happened, such as an out
-       of memory error during CRL decoding. We don't want to proceed and must
-       mark the cache object invalid */
-    if (SECFailure == rv) {
-        /* fetch failed, add error bit */
-        cache->invalid |= CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED;
-    } else {
-        /* fetch was successful, clear this error bit */
-        cache->invalid &= (~CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED);
-    }
-    /* add any CRLs found to our array */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        CERTCrlNode* crlNode = NULL;
-        for (crlNode = head.first; crlNode; crlNode = crlNode->next) {
-            CachedCrl* returned = NULL;
-            CERTSignedCrl* crlobject = crlNode->crl;
-            if (!crlobject) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                continue;
-            }
-            rv = CachedCrl_Create(&returned, crlobject, CRL_OriginToken);
-            if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-                PRBool added = PR_FALSE;
-                rv = DPCache_AddCRL(cache, returned, &added);
-                if (PR_TRUE != added) {
-                    rv = CachedCrl_Destroy(returned);
-                    returned = NULL;
-                } else if (vfdate) {
-                    rv = CachedCrl_Verify(cache, returned, vfdate, wincx);
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* not enough memory to add the CRL to the cache. mark it
-                   invalid so we will try again . */
-                cache->invalid |= CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED;
-            }
-            if (SECFailure == rv) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (head.arena) {
-        CERTCrlNode* crlNode = NULL;
-        /* clean up the CRL list in case we got a partial one
-           during a failed fetch */
-        for (crlNode = head.first; crlNode; crlNode = crlNode->next) {
-            if (crlNode->crl) {
-                SEC_DestroyCrl(crlNode->crl); /* free the CRL. Either it got
-                   added to the cache and the refcount got bumped, or not, and
-                   thus we need to free its RAM */
-            }
-        }
-        PORT_FreeArena(head.arena, PR_FALSE); /* destroy CRL list */
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_GetEntry(CachedCrl* crl, const SECItem* sn, CERTCrlEntry** returned)
-    CERTCrlEntry* acrlEntry;
-    PORT_Assert(crl);
-    PORT_Assert(crl->entries);
-    PORT_Assert(sn);
-    PORT_Assert(returned);
-    if (!crl || !sn || !returned || !crl->entries) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    acrlEntry = PL_HashTableLookup(crl->entries, (void*)sn);
-    if (acrlEntry) {
-        *returned = acrlEntry;
-    } else {
-        *returned = NULL;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* check if a particular SN is in the CRL cache and return its entry */
-DPCache_Lookup(CRLDPCache* cache, const SECItem* sn, CERTCrlEntry** returned)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!cache || !sn || !returned) {
-        /* no cache or SN to look up, or no way to return entry */
-        return dpcacheCallerError;
-    }
-    *returned = NULL;
-    if (0 != cache->invalid) {
-        /* the cache contains a bad CRL, or there was a CRL fetching error. */
-        return dpcacheInvalidCacheError;
-    }
-    if (!cache->selected) {
-        /* no CRL means no entry to return. This is OK, except for
-         * NIST policy */
-        return dpcacheEmpty;
-    }
-    rv = CachedCrl_GetEntry(cache->selected, sn, returned);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        return dpcacheLookupError;
-    } else {
-        if (*returned) {
-            return dpcacheFoundEntry;
-        } else {
-            return dpcacheNoEntry;
-        }
-    }
-#if defined(DPC_RWLOCK)
-#define DPCache_LockWrite()                                                    \
-    {                                                                          \
-        if (readlocked) {                                                      \
-            NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(cache->lock);                                 \
-        }                                                                      \
-        NSSRWLock_LockWrite(cache->lock);                                      \
-    }
-#define DPCache_UnlockWrite()                                                  \
-    {                                                                          \
-        if (readlocked) {                                                      \
-            NSSRWLock_LockRead(cache->lock);                                   \
-        }                                                                      \
-        NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(cache->lock);                                    \
-    }
-/* with a global lock, we are always locked for read before we need write
-   access, so do nothing */
-#define DPCache_LockWrite()                                                    \
-    {                                                                          \
-    }
-#define DPCache_UnlockWrite()                                                  \
-    {                                                                          \
-    }
-/* update the content of the CRL cache, including fetching of CRLs, and
-   reprocessing with specified issuer and date . We are always holding
-   either the read or write lock on DPCache upon entry. */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_GetUpToDate(CRLDPCache* cache, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                    PRBool readlocked, PRTime vfdate, void* wincx)
-    /* Update the CRLDPCache now. We don't cache token CRL lookup misses
-       yet, as we have no way of getting notified of new PKCS#11 object
-       creation that happens in a token  */
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRUint32 i = 0;
-    PRBool forcedrefresh = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool dirty = PR_FALSE; /* whether something was changed in the
-                                cache state during this update cycle */
-    PRBool hastokenCRLs = PR_FALSE;
-    PRTime now = 0;
-    PRTime lastfetch = 0;
-    PRBool mustunlock = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!cache) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* first, make sure we have obtained all the CRLs we need.
-       We do an expensive token fetch in the following cases :
-       1) cache is empty because no fetch was ever performed yet
-       2) cache is explicitly set to refresh state
-       3) cache is in invalid state because last fetch failed
-       4) cache contains no token CRLs, and it's been more than one minute
-          since the last fetch
-       5) cache contains token CRLs, and it's been more than 10 minutes since
-          the last fetch
-    */
-    forcedrefresh = cache->refresh;
-    lastfetch = cache->lastfetch;
-    if (PR_TRUE != forcedrefresh &&
-        (!(cache->invalid & CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED))) {
-        now = PR_Now();
-        hastokenCRLs = DPCache_HasTokenCRLs(cache);
-    }
-    if ((0 == lastfetch) ||
-        (PR_TRUE == forcedrefresh) ||
-        (cache->invalid & CRL_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_FAILED) ||
-        ((PR_FALSE == hastokenCRLs) &&
-         ((now - cache->lastfetch > CRLCache_Empty_TokenFetch_Interval) ||
-          (now < cache->lastfetch))) ||
-        ((PR_TRUE == hastokenCRLs) &&
-         ((now - cache->lastfetch > CRLCache_TokenRefetch_Interval) ||
-          (now < cache->lastfetch)))) {
-        /* the cache needs to be refreshed, and/or we had zero CRL for this
-           DP. Try to get one from PKCS#11 tokens */
-        DPCache_LockWrite();
-        /* check if another thread updated before us, and skip update if so */
-        if (lastfetch == cache->lastfetch) {
-            /* we are the first */
-            rv = DPCache_FetchFromTokens(cache, vfdate, wincx);
-            if (PR_TRUE == cache->refresh) {
-                cache->refresh = PR_FALSE; /* clear refresh state */
-            }
-            dirty = PR_TRUE;
-            cache->lastfetch = PR_Now();
-        }
-        DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-    }
-    /* now, make sure we have no extraneous CRLs (deleted token objects)
-       we'll do this inexpensive existence check either
-       1) if there was a token object fetch
-       2) every minute */
-    if ((PR_TRUE != dirty) && (!now)) {
-        now = PR_Now();
-    }
-    if ((PR_TRUE == dirty) ||
-        ((now - cache->lastcheck > CRLCache_ExistenceCheck_Interval) ||
-         (now < cache->lastcheck))) {
-        PRTime lastcheck = cache->lastcheck;
-        mustunlock = PR_FALSE;
-        /* check if all CRLs still exist */
-        for (i = 0; (i < cache->ncrls); i++) {
-            CachedCrl* savcrl = cache->crls[i];
-            if ((!savcrl) || (savcrl && CRL_OriginToken != savcrl->origin)) {
-                /* we only want to check token CRLs */
-                continue;
-            }
-            if ((PR_TRUE != TokenCRLStillExists(savcrl->crl))) {
-                /* this CRL is gone */
-                if (PR_TRUE != mustunlock) {
-                    DPCache_LockWrite();
-                    mustunlock = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                /* first, we need to check if another thread did an update
-                   before we did */
-                if (lastcheck == cache->lastcheck) {
-                    /* the CRL is gone. And we are the one to do the update */
-                    DPCache_RemoveCRL(cache, i);
-                    dirty = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                /* stay locked here intentionally so we do all the other
-                   updates in this thread for the remaining CRLs */
-            }
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == mustunlock) {
-            cache->lastcheck = PR_Now();
-            DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-            mustunlock = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    /* add issuer certificate if it was previously unavailable */
-    if (issuer && (NULL == cache->issuerDERCert) &&
-        (SECSuccess == CERT_CheckCertUsage(issuer, KU_CRL_SIGN))) {
-        /* if we didn't have a valid issuer cert yet, but we do now. add it */
-        DPCache_LockWrite();
-        if (!cache->issuerDERCert) {
-            dirty = PR_TRUE;
-            cache->dbHandle = issuer->dbhandle;
-            cache->issuerDERCert = SECITEM_DupItem(&issuer->derCert);
-        }
-        DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-    }
-    /* verify CRLs that couldn't be checked when inserted into the cache
-       because the issuer cert or a verification date was unavailable.
-       These are CRLs that were inserted into the cache through
-       SEC_FindCrlByName, or through manual insertion, rather than through a
-       certificate verification (CERT_CheckCRL) */
-    if (cache->issuerDERCert && vfdate) {
-        mustunlock = PR_FALSE;
-        /* re-process all unverified CRLs */
-        for (i = 0; i < cache->ncrls; i++) {
-            CachedCrl* savcrl = cache->crls[i];
-            if (!savcrl) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (PR_TRUE != savcrl->sigChecked) {
-                if (!mustunlock) {
-                    DPCache_LockWrite();
-                    mustunlock = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                /* first, we need to check if another thread updated
-                   it before we did, and abort if it has been modified since
-                   we acquired the lock. Make sure first that the CRL is still
-                   in the array at the same position */
-                if ((i < cache->ncrls) && (savcrl == cache->crls[i]) &&
-                    (PR_TRUE != savcrl->sigChecked)) {
-                    /* the CRL is still there, unverified. Do it */
-                    CachedCrl_Verify(cache, savcrl, vfdate, wincx);
-                    dirty = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                /* stay locked here intentionally so we do all the other
-                   updates in this thread for the remaining CRLs */
-            }
-            if (mustunlock && !dirty) {
-                DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-                mustunlock = PR_FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (dirty || cache->mustchoose) {
-        /* changes to the content of the CRL cache necessitate examining all
-           CRLs for selection of the most appropriate one to cache */
-        if (!mustunlock) {
-            DPCache_LockWrite();
-            mustunlock = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        DPCache_SelectCRL(cache);
-        cache->mustchoose = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (mustunlock)
-        DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-    return rv;
-/* callback for qsort to sort by thisUpdate */
-static int
-SortCRLsByThisUpdate(const void* arg1, const void* arg2)
-    PRTime timea, timeb;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CachedCrl *a, *b;
-    a = *(CachedCrl**)arg1;
-    b = *(CachedCrl**)arg2;
-    if (!a || !b) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&timea, &a->crl->crl.lastUpdate);
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&timeb, &b->crl->crl.lastUpdate);
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        if (timea > timeb) {
-            return 1; /* a is better than b */
-        }
-        if (timea < timeb) {
-            return -1; /* a is not as good as b */
-        }
-    }
-    /* if they are equal, or if all else fails, use pointer differences */
-    PORT_Assert(a != b); /* they should never be equal */
-    return a > b ? 1 : -1;
-/* callback for qsort to sort a set of disparate CRLs, some of which are
-   invalid DER or failed signature check.
-   Validated CRLs are differentiated by thisUpdate .
-   Validated CRLs are preferred over non-validated CRLs .
-   Proper DER CRLs are preferred over non-DER data .
-static int
-SortImperfectCRLs(const void* arg1, const void* arg2)
-    CachedCrl *a, *b;
-    a = *(CachedCrl**)arg1;
-    b = *(CachedCrl**)arg2;
-    if (!a || !b) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-    } else {
-        PRBool aDecoded = PR_FALSE, bDecoded = PR_FALSE;
-        if ((PR_TRUE == a->sigValid) && (PR_TRUE == b->sigValid)) {
-            /* both CRLs have been validated, choose the latest one */
-            return SortCRLsByThisUpdate(arg1, arg2);
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == a->sigValid) {
-            return 1; /* a is greater than b */
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == b->sigValid) {
-            return -1; /* a is not as good as b */
-        }
-        aDecoded = GetOpaqueCRLFields(a->crl)->decodingError;
-        bDecoded = GetOpaqueCRLFields(b->crl)->decodingError;
-        /* neither CRL had its signature check pass */
-        if ((PR_FALSE == aDecoded) && (PR_FALSE == bDecoded)) {
-            /* both CRLs are proper DER, choose the latest one */
-            return SortCRLsByThisUpdate(arg1, arg2);
-        }
-        if (PR_FALSE == aDecoded) {
-            return 1; /* a is better than b */
-        }
-        if (PR_FALSE == bDecoded) {
-            return -1; /* a is not as good as b */
-        }
-        /* both are invalid DER. sigh. */
-    }
-    /* if they are equal, or if all else fails, use pointer differences */
-    PORT_Assert(a != b); /* they should never be equal */
-    return a > b ? 1 : -1;
-/* Pick best CRL to use . needs write access */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_SelectCRL(CRLDPCache* cache)
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRBool valid = PR_TRUE;
-    CachedCrl* selected = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    if (!cache) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if any invalid CRL is present, then the CRL cache is
-       considered invalid, for security reasons */
-    for (i = 0; i < cache->ncrls; i++) {
-        if (!cache->crls[i] || !cache->crls[i]->sigChecked ||
-            !cache->crls[i]->sigValid) {
-            valid = PR_FALSE;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (PR_TRUE == valid) {
-        /* all CRLs are valid, clear this error */
-        cache->invalid &= (~CRL_CACHE_INVALID_CRLS);
-    } else {
-        /* some CRLs are invalid, set this error */
-        cache->invalid |= CRL_CACHE_INVALID_CRLS;
-    }
-    if (cache->invalid) {
-        /* cache is in an invalid state, so reset it */
-        if (cache->selected) {
-            cache->selected = NULL;
-        }
-        /* also sort the CRLs imperfectly */
-        qsort(cache->crls, cache->ncrls, sizeof(CachedCrl*), SortImperfectCRLs);
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* all CRLs are good, sort them by thisUpdate */
-    qsort(cache->crls, cache->ncrls, sizeof(CachedCrl*), SortCRLsByThisUpdate);
-    if (cache->ncrls) {
-        /* pick the newest CRL */
-        selected = cache->crls[cache->ncrls - 1];
-        /* and populate the cache */
-        if (SECSuccess != CachedCrl_Populate(selected)) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    cache->selected = selected;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* initialize a DPCache object */
-static SECStatus
-DPCache_Create(CRLDPCache** returned, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-               const SECItem* subject, SECItem* dp)
-    CRLDPCache* cache = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(returned);
-    /* issuer and dp are allowed to be NULL */
-    if (!returned || !subject) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *returned = NULL;
-    cache = PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CRLDPCache));
-    if (!cache) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-    cache->lock = NSSRWLock_New(NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, NULL);
-    cache->lock = PR_NewLock();
-    if (!cache->lock) {
-        PORT_Free(cache);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (issuer) {
-        cache->dbHandle = issuer->dbhandle;
-        cache->issuerDERCert = SECITEM_DupItem(&issuer->derCert);
-    }
-    cache->distributionPoint = SECITEM_DupItem(dp);
-    cache->subject = SECITEM_DupItem(subject);
-    cache->lastfetch = 0;
-    cache->lastcheck = 0;
-    *returned = cache;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* create an issuer cache object (per CA subject ) */
-static SECStatus
-IssuerCache_Create(CRLIssuerCache** returned, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                   const SECItem* subject, const SECItem* dp)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CRLIssuerCache* cache = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(returned);
-    PORT_Assert(subject);
-    /* issuer and dp are allowed to be NULL */
-    if (!returned || !subject) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *returned = NULL;
-    cache = (CRLIssuerCache*)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CRLIssuerCache));
-    if (!cache) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cache->subject = SECITEM_DupItem(subject);
-#ifdef XCRL
-    cache->lock = NSSRWLock_New(NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, NULL);
-    if (!cache->lock) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv && issuer) {
-        cache->issuer = CERT_DupCertificate(issuer);
-        if (!cache->issuer) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == IssuerCache_Destroy(cache));
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *returned = cache;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* add a DPCache to the issuer cache */
-static SECStatus
-IssuerCache_AddDP(CRLIssuerCache* cache, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                  const SECItem* subject, const SECItem* dp,
-                  CRLDPCache** newdpc)
-    /* now create the required DP cache object */
-    if (!cache || !subject || !newdpc) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!dp) {
-        /* default distribution point */
-        SECStatus rv = DPCache_Create(&cache->dpp, issuer, subject, NULL);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            *newdpc = cache->dpp;
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* we should never hit this until we support multiple DPs */
-        PORT_Assert(dp);
-        /* XCRL allocate a new distribution point cache object, initialize it,
-           and add it to the hash table of DPs */
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-/* add an IssuerCache to the global hash table of issuers */
-static SECStatus
-CRLCache_AddIssuer(CRLIssuerCache* issuer)
-    PORT_Assert(issuer);
-    PORT_Assert(crlcache.issuers);
-    if (!issuer || !crlcache.issuers) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (NULL == PL_HashTableAdd(crlcache.issuers, (void*)issuer->subject,
-                                (void*)issuer)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* retrieve the issuer cache object for a given issuer subject */
-static SECStatus
-CRLCache_GetIssuerCache(CRLCache* cache, const SECItem* subject,
-                        CRLIssuerCache** returned)
-    /* we need to look up the issuer in the hash table */
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    PORT_Assert(subject);
-    PORT_Assert(returned);
-    PORT_Assert(crlcache.issuers);
-    if (!cache || !subject || !returned || !crlcache.issuers) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        *returned = (CRLIssuerCache*)PL_HashTableLookup(crlcache.issuers,
-                                                        (void*)subject);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* retrieve the full CRL object that best matches the content of a DPCache */
-static CERTSignedCrl*
-GetBestCRL(CRLDPCache* cache, PRBool entries)
-    CachedCrl* acrl = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    if (!cache) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (0 == cache->ncrls) {
-        /* empty cache*/
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* if we have a valid full CRL selected, return it */
-    if (cache->selected) {
-        return SEC_DupCrl(cache->selected->crl);
-    }
-    /* otherwise, use latest valid DER CRL */
-    acrl = cache->crls[cache->ncrls - 1];
-    if (acrl && (PR_FALSE == GetOpaqueCRLFields(acrl->crl)->decodingError)) {
-        SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-        if (PR_TRUE == entries) {
-            rv = CERT_CompleteCRLDecodeEntries(acrl->crl);
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            return SEC_DupCrl(acrl->crl);
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* get a particular DPCache object from an IssuerCache */
-static CRLDPCache*
-IssuerCache_GetDPCache(CRLIssuerCache* cache, const SECItem* dp)
-    CRLDPCache* dpp = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cache);
-    /* XCRL for now we only support the "default" DP, ie. the
-       full CRL. So we can return the global one without locking. In
-       the future we will have a lock */
-    PORT_Assert(NULL == dp);
-    if (!cache || dp) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef XCRL
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead(cache->lock);
-    dpp = cache->dpp;
-#ifdef XCRL
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(cache->lock);
-    return dpp;
-/* get a DPCache object for the given issuer subject and dp
-   Automatically creates the cache object if it doesn't exist yet.
-   */
-AcquireDPCache(CERTCertificate* issuer, const SECItem* subject,
-               const SECItem* dp, PRTime t, void* wincx, CRLDPCache** dpcache,
-               PRBool* writeLocked)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CRLIssuerCache* issuercache = NULL;
-    PRBool globalwrite = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Assert(crlcache.lock);
-    if (!crlcache.lock) {
-        /* CRL cache is not initialized */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead(crlcache.lock);
-    PR_Lock(crlcache.lock);
-    rv = CRLCache_GetIssuerCache(&crlcache, subject, &issuercache);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(crlcache.lock);
-        PR_Unlock(crlcache.lock);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!issuercache) {
-        /* there is no cache for this issuer yet. This means this is the
-           first time we look up a cert from that issuer, and we need to
-           create the cache. */
-        rv = IssuerCache_Create(&issuercache, issuer, subject, dp);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv && !issuercache) {
-            PORT_Assert(issuercache);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            /* This is the first time we look up a cert of this issuer.
-               Create the DPCache for this DP . */
-            rv = IssuerCache_AddDP(issuercache, issuer, subject, dp, dpcache);
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            /* lock the DPCache for write to ensure the update happens in this
-               thread */
-            *writeLocked = PR_TRUE;
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-            NSSRWLock_LockWrite((*dpcache)->lock);
-            PR_Lock((*dpcache)->lock);
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-/* now add the new issuer cache to the global hash table of
-   issuers */
-            CRLIssuerCache* existing = NULL;
-            NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(crlcache.lock);
-            /* when using a r/w lock for the global cache, check if the issuer
-               already exists before adding to the hash table */
-            NSSRWLock_LockWrite(crlcache.lock);
-            globalwrite = PR_TRUE;
-            rv = CRLCache_GetIssuerCache(&crlcache, subject, &existing);
-            if (!existing) {
-                rv = CRLCache_AddIssuer(issuercache);
-                if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                    /* failure */
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* somebody else updated before we did */
-                IssuerCache_Destroy(issuercache); /* destroy the new object */
-                issuercache = existing;           /* use the existing one */
-                *dpcache = IssuerCache_GetDPCache(issuercache, dp);
-            }
-        }
-/* now unlock the global cache. We only want to lock the issuer hash
-   table addition. Holding it longer would hurt scalability */
-        if (PR_TRUE == globalwrite) {
-            NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(crlcache.lock);
-            globalwrite = PR_FALSE;
-        } else {
-            NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(crlcache.lock);
-        }
-        PR_Unlock(crlcache.lock);
-        /* if there was a failure adding an issuer cache object, destroy it */
-        if (SECSuccess != rv && issuercache) {
-            if (PR_TRUE == *writeLocked) {
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-                NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite((*dpcache)->lock);
-                PR_Unlock((*dpcache)->lock);
-            }
-            IssuerCache_Destroy(issuercache);
-            issuercache = NULL;
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    } else {
-        NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(crlcache.lock);
-        PR_Unlock(crlcache.lock);
-        *dpcache = IssuerCache_GetDPCache(issuercache, dp);
-    }
-    /* we now have a DPCache that we can use for lookups */
-    /* lock it for read, unless we already locked for write */
-    if (PR_FALSE == *writeLocked) {
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-        NSSRWLock_LockRead((*dpcache)->lock);
-        PR_Lock((*dpcache)->lock);
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        /* currently there is always one and only one DPCache per issuer */
-        PORT_Assert(*dpcache);
-        if (*dpcache) {
-            /* make sure the DP cache is up to date before using it */
-            rv = DPCache_GetUpToDate(*dpcache, issuer, PR_FALSE == *writeLocked,
-                                     t, wincx);
-        } else {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* unlock access to the DPCache */
-ReleaseDPCache(CRLDPCache* dpcache, PRBool writeLocked)
-    if (!dpcache) {
-        return;
-    }
-#ifdef DPC_RWLOCK
-    if (PR_TRUE == writeLocked) {
-        NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(dpcache->lock);
-    } else {
-        NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(dpcache->lock);
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(dpcache->lock);
-cert_CheckCertRevocationStatus(CERTCertificate* cert, CERTCertificate* issuer,
-                               const SECItem* dp, PRTime t, void* wincx,
-                               CERTRevocationStatus* revStatus,
-                               CERTCRLEntryReasonCode* revReason)
-    PRBool lockedwrite = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CRLDPCache* dpcache = NULL;
-    CERTRevocationStatus status = certRevocationStatusRevoked;
-    CERTCRLEntryReasonCode reason = crlEntryReasonUnspecified;
-    CERTCrlEntry* entry = NULL;
-    dpcacheStatus ds;
-    if (!cert || !issuer) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (revStatus) {
-        *revStatus = status;
-    }
-    if (revReason) {
-        *revReason = reason;
-    }
-    if (t &&
-        secCertTimeValid != CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(issuer, t, PR_FALSE)) {
-        /* we won't be able to check the CRL's signature if the issuer cert
-           is expired as of the time we are verifying. This may cause a valid
-           CRL to be cached as bad. short-circuit to avoid this case. */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = AcquireDPCache(issuer, &issuer->derSubject, dp, t, wincx, &dpcache,
-                        &lockedwrite);
-    PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == rv);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* now look up the certificate SN in the DP cache's CRL */
-    ds = DPCache_Lookup(dpcache, &cert->serialNumber, &entry);
-    switch (ds) {
-        case dpcacheFoundEntry:
-            PORT_Assert(entry);
-            /* check the time if we have one */
-            if (entry-> && entry->revocationDate.len) {
-                PRTime revocationDate = 0;
-                if (SECSuccess ==
-                    DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&revocationDate,
-                                         &entry->revocationDate)) {
-                    /* we got a good revocation date, only consider the
-                       certificate revoked if the time we are inquiring about
-                       is past the revocation date */
-                    if (t >= revocationDate) {
-                        rv = SECFailure;
-                    } else {
-                        status = certRevocationStatusValid;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    /* invalid revocation date, consider the certificate
-                       permanently revoked */
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* no revocation date, certificate is permanently revoked */
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-            if (SECFailure == rv) {
-                (void)CERT_FindCRLEntryReasonExten(entry, &reason);
-            }
-            break;
-        case dpcacheEmpty:
-            /* useful for NIST policy */
-            status = certRevocationStatusUnknown;
-            break;
-        case dpcacheNoEntry:
-            status = certRevocationStatusValid;
-            break;
-        case dpcacheInvalidCacheError:
-            /* treat it as unknown and let the caller decide based on
-               the policy */
-            status = certRevocationStatusUnknown;
-            break;
-        default:
-            /* leave status as revoked */
-            break;
-    }
-    ReleaseDPCache(dpcache, lockedwrite);
-    if (revStatus) {
-        *revStatus = status;
-    }
-    if (revReason) {
-        *revReason = reason;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* check CRL revocation status of given certificate and issuer */
-CERT_CheckCRL(CERTCertificate* cert, CERTCertificate* issuer, const SECItem* dp,
-              PRTime t, void* wincx)
-    return cert_CheckCertRevocationStatus(cert, issuer, dp, t, wincx, NULL,
-                                          NULL);
-/* retrieve full CRL object that best matches the cache status */
-SEC_FindCrlByName(CERTCertDBHandle* handle, SECItem* crlKey, int type)
-    CERTSignedCrl* acrl = NULL;
-    CRLDPCache* dpcache = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRBool writeLocked = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!crlKey) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = AcquireDPCache(NULL, crlKey, NULL, 0, NULL, &dpcache, &writeLocked);
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        acrl = GetBestCRL(dpcache, PR_TRUE); /* decode entries, because
-        SEC_FindCrlByName always returned fully decoded CRLs in the past */
-        ReleaseDPCache(dpcache, writeLocked);
-    }
-    return acrl;
-/* invalidate the CRL cache for a given issuer, which forces a refetch of
-   CRL objects from PKCS#11 tokens */
-CERT_CRLCacheRefreshIssuer(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* crlKey)
-    CRLDPCache* cache = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRBool writeLocked = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool readlocked;
-    (void)dbhandle; /* silence compiler warnings */
-    /* XCRL we will need to refresh all the DPs of the issuer in the future,
-            not just the default one */
-    rv = AcquireDPCache(NULL, crlKey, NULL, 0, NULL, &cache, &writeLocked);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* we need to invalidate the DPCache here */
-    readlocked = (writeLocked == PR_TRUE ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE);
-    DPCache_LockWrite();
-    cache->refresh = PR_TRUE;
-    DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-    ReleaseDPCache(cache, writeLocked);
-    return;
-/* add the specified RAM CRL object to the cache */
-CERT_CacheCRL(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* newdercrl)
-    CRLDPCache* cache = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRBool writeLocked = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool readlocked;
-    CachedCrl* returned = NULL;
-    PRBool added = PR_FALSE;
-    CERTSignedCrl* newcrl = NULL;
-    int realerror = 0;
-    if (!dbhandle || !newdercrl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* first decode the DER CRL to make sure it's OK */
-    newcrl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, newdercrl, SEC_CRL_TYPE,
-                                        CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER |
-                                            CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-    if (!newcrl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* XXX check if it has IDP extension. If so, do not proceed and set error */
-    rv = AcquireDPCache(NULL, &newcrl->crl.derName, NULL, 0, NULL, &cache,
-                        &writeLocked);
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        readlocked = (writeLocked == PR_TRUE ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE);
-        rv = CachedCrl_Create(&returned, newcrl, CRL_OriginExplicit);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv && returned) {
-            DPCache_LockWrite();
-            rv = DPCache_AddCRL(cache, returned, &added);
-            if (PR_TRUE != added) {
-                realerror = PORT_GetError();
-                CachedCrl_Destroy(returned);
-                returned = NULL;
-            }
-            DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-        }
-        ReleaseDPCache(cache, writeLocked);
-        if (!added) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    SEC_DestroyCrl(newcrl); /* free the CRL. Either it got added to the cache
-        and the refcount got bumped, or not, and thus we need to free its
-        RAM */
-    if (realerror) {
-        PORT_SetError(realerror);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* remove the specified RAM CRL object from the cache */
-CERT_UncacheCRL(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* olddercrl)
-    CRLDPCache* cache = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRBool writeLocked = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool readlocked;
-    PRBool removed = PR_FALSE;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    CERTSignedCrl* oldcrl = NULL;
-    if (!dbhandle || !olddercrl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* first decode the DER CRL to make sure it's OK */
-    oldcrl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, olddercrl, SEC_CRL_TYPE,
-                                        CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER |
-                                            CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-    if (!oldcrl) {
-        /* if this DER CRL can't decode, it can't be in the cache */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = AcquireDPCache(NULL, &oldcrl->crl.derName, NULL, 0, NULL, &cache,
-                        &writeLocked);
-    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-        CachedCrl* returned = NULL;
-        readlocked = (writeLocked == PR_TRUE ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE);
-        rv = CachedCrl_Create(&returned, oldcrl, CRL_OriginExplicit);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv && returned) {
-            DPCache_LockWrite();
-            for (i = 0; i < cache->ncrls; i++) {
-                PRBool dupe = PR_FALSE, updated = PR_FALSE;
-                rv = CachedCrl_Compare(returned, cache->crls[i], &dupe,
-                                       &updated);
-                if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (PR_TRUE == dupe) {
-                    rv = DPCache_RemoveCRL(cache, i); /* got a match */
-                    if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-                        cache->mustchoose = PR_TRUE;
-                        removed = PR_TRUE;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            DPCache_UnlockWrite();
-            if (SECSuccess != CachedCrl_Destroy(returned)) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        }
-        ReleaseDPCache(cache, writeLocked);
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess != SEC_DestroyCrl(oldcrl)) {
-        /* need to do this because object is refcounted */
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv && PR_TRUE != removed) {
-    }
-    return rv;
-cert_AcquireNamedCRLCache(NamedCRLCache** returned)
-    PORT_Assert(returned);
-    if (!namedCRLCache.lock) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_Lock(namedCRLCache.lock);
-    *returned = &namedCRLCache;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* This must be called only while cache is acquired, and the entry is only
- * valid until cache is released.
- */
-cert_FindCRLByGeneralName(NamedCRLCache* ncc, const SECItem* canonicalizedName,
-                          NamedCRLCacheEntry** retEntry)
-    if (!ncc || !canonicalizedName || !retEntry) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *retEntry = (NamedCRLCacheEntry*)PL_HashTableLookup(
-        namedCRLCache.entries, (void*)canonicalizedName);
-    return SECSuccess;
-cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(NamedCRLCache* ncc)
-    if (!ncc) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!ncc->lock) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(namedCRLCache.lock);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* creates new named cache entry from CRL, and tries to add it to CRL cache */
-static SECStatus
-addCRLToCache(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* crl,
-              const SECItem* canonicalizedName, NamedCRLCacheEntry** newEntry)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    NamedCRLCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
-    /* create new named entry */
-    if (SECSuccess != NamedCRLCacheEntry_Create(newEntry) || !*newEntry) {
-        /* no need to keep unused CRL around */
-        SECITEM_ZfreeItem(crl, PR_TRUE);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    entry = *newEntry;
-    entry->crl = crl; /* named CRL cache owns DER */
-    entry->lastAttemptTime = PR_Now();
-    entry->canonicalizedName = SECITEM_DupItem(canonicalizedName);
-    if (!entry->canonicalizedName) {
-        rv = NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(entry); /* destroys CRL too */
-        PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == rv);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* now, attempt to insert CRL into CRL cache */
-    if (SECSuccess == CERT_CacheCRL(dbhandle, entry->crl)) {
-        entry->inCRLCache = PR_TRUE;
-        entry->successfulInsertionTime = entry->lastAttemptTime;
-    } else {
-        switch (PR_GetError()) {
-                entry->dupe = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            case SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER:
-                entry->badDER = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-            /* all other reasons */
-            default:
-                entry->unsupported = PR_TRUE;
-                break;
-        }
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        /* no need to keep unused CRL around */
-        SECITEM_ZfreeItem(entry->crl, PR_TRUE);
-        entry->crl = NULL;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* take ownership of CRL, and insert it into the named CRL cache
- * and indexed CRL cache
- */
-cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName(CERTCertDBHandle* dbhandle, SECItem* crl,
-                           const SECItem* canonicalizedName)
-    NamedCRLCacheEntry *oldEntry, *newEntry = NULL;
-    NamedCRLCache* ncc = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(namedCRLCache.lock);
-    PORT_Assert(namedCRLCache.entries);
-    if (!crl || !canonicalizedName) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = cert_AcquireNamedCRLCache(&ncc);
-    PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == rv);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        SECITEM_ZfreeItem(crl, PR_TRUE);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = cert_FindCRLByGeneralName(ncc, canonicalizedName, &oldEntry);
-    PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == rv);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        rv = cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(ncc);
-        SECITEM_ZfreeItem(crl, PR_TRUE);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess ==
-        addCRLToCache(dbhandle, crl, canonicalizedName, &newEntry)) {
-        if (!oldEntry) {
-            /* add new good entry to the hash table */
-            if (NULL == PL_HashTableAdd(namedCRLCache.entries,
-                                        (void*)newEntry->canonicalizedName,
-                                        (void*)newEntry)) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(newEntry);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        } else {
-            PRBool removed;
-            /* remove the old CRL from the cache if needed */
-            if (oldEntry->inCRLCache) {
-                rv = CERT_UncacheCRL(dbhandle, oldEntry->crl);
-                PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == rv);
-            }
-            removed = PL_HashTableRemove(namedCRLCache.entries,
-                                         (void*)oldEntry->canonicalizedName);
-            PORT_Assert(removed);
-            if (!removed) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                /* leak old entry since we couldn't remove it from the hash
-                 * table */
-            } else {
-                PORT_CheckSuccess(NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(oldEntry));
-            }
-            if (NULL == PL_HashTableAdd(namedCRLCache.entries,
-                                        (void*)newEntry->canonicalizedName,
-                                        (void*)newEntry)) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* error adding new CRL to cache */
-        if (!oldEntry) {
-            /* no old cache entry, use the new one even though it's bad */
-            if (NULL == PL_HashTableAdd(namedCRLCache.entries,
-                                        (void*)newEntry->canonicalizedName,
-                                        (void*)newEntry)) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (oldEntry->inCRLCache) {
-                /* previous cache entry was good, keep it and update time */
-                oldEntry->lastAttemptTime = newEntry->lastAttemptTime;
-                /* throw away new bad entry */
-                rv = NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(newEntry);
-                PORT_Assert(SECSuccess == rv);
-            } else {
-                /* previous cache entry was bad, just replace it */
-                PRBool removed = PL_HashTableRemove(
-                    namedCRLCache.entries, (void*)oldEntry->canonicalizedName);
-                PORT_Assert(removed);
-                if (!removed) {
-                    /* leak old entry since we couldn't remove it from the hash
-                     * table */
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                } else {
-                    PORT_CheckSuccess(NamedCRLCacheEntry_Destroy(oldEntry));
-                }
-                if (NULL == PL_HashTableAdd(namedCRLCache.entries,
-                                            (void*)newEntry->canonicalizedName,
-                                            (void*)newEntry)) {
-                    PORT_Assert(0);
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    PORT_CheckSuccess(cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(ncc));
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_Create(CachedCrl** returned, CERTSignedCrl* crl, CRLOrigin origin)
-    CachedCrl* newcrl = NULL;
-    if (!returned) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    newcrl = PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CachedCrl));
-    if (!newcrl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    newcrl->crl = SEC_DupCrl(crl);
-    newcrl->origin = origin;
-    *returned = newcrl;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* empty the cache content */
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_Depopulate(CachedCrl* crl)
-    if (!crl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* destroy the hash table */
-    if (crl->entries) {
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(crl->entries);
-        crl->entries = NULL;
-    }
-    /* free the pre buffer */
-    if (crl->prebuffer) {
-        PreAllocator_Destroy(crl->prebuffer);
-        crl->prebuffer = NULL;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_Destroy(CachedCrl* crl)
-    if (!crl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    CachedCrl_Depopulate(crl);
-    SEC_DestroyCrl(crl->crl);
-    PORT_Free(crl);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* create hash table of CRL entries */
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_Populate(CachedCrl* crlobject)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    CERTCrlEntry** crlEntry = NULL;
-    PRUint32 numEntries = 0;
-    if (!crlobject) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* complete the entry decoding . XXX thread-safety of CRL object */
-    rv = CERT_CompleteCRLDecodeEntries(crlobject->crl);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        crlobject->unbuildable = PR_TRUE; /* don't try to build this again */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (crlobject->entries && crlobject->prebuffer) {
-        /* cache is already built */
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* build the hash table from the full CRL */
-    /* count CRL entries so we can pre-allocate space for hash table entries */
-    for (crlEntry = crlobject->crl->crl.entries; crlEntry && *crlEntry;
-         crlEntry++) {
-        numEntries++;
-    }
-    crlobject->prebuffer =
-        PreAllocator_Create(numEntries * sizeof(PLHashEntry));
-    PORT_Assert(crlobject->prebuffer);
-    if (!crlobject->prebuffer) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* create a new hash table */
-    crlobject->entries =
-        PL_NewHashTable(0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare, PL_CompareValues,
-                        &preAllocOps, crlobject->prebuffer);
-    PORT_Assert(crlobject->entries);
-    if (!crlobject->entries) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* add all serial numbers to the hash table */
-    for (crlEntry = crlobject->crl->crl.entries; crlEntry && *crlEntry;
-         crlEntry++) {
-        PL_HashTableAdd(crlobject->entries, &(*crlEntry)->serialNumber,
-                        *crlEntry);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* returns true if there are CRLs from PKCS#11 slots */
-static PRBool
-DPCache_HasTokenCRLs(CRLDPCache* cache)
-    PRBool answer = PR_FALSE;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    for (i = 0; i < cache->ncrls; i++) {
-        if (cache->crls[i] && (CRL_OriginToken == cache->crls[i]->origin)) {
-            answer = PR_TRUE;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return answer;
-/* are these CRLs the same, as far as the cache is concerned ? */
-/* are these CRLs the same token object but with different DER ?
-   This can happen if the DER CRL got updated in the token, but the PKCS#11
-   object ID did not change. NSS softoken has the unfortunate property to
-   never change the object ID for CRL objects. */
-static SECStatus
-CachedCrl_Compare(CachedCrl* a, CachedCrl* b, PRBool* isDupe, PRBool* isUpdated)
-    PORT_Assert(a);
-    PORT_Assert(b);
-    PORT_Assert(isDupe);
-    PORT_Assert(isUpdated);
-    if (!a || !b || !isDupe || !isUpdated || !a->crl || !b->crl) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *isDupe = *isUpdated = PR_FALSE;
-    if (a == b) {
-        /* dupe */
-        *isDupe = PR_TRUE;
-        *isUpdated = PR_FALSE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (b->origin != a->origin) {
-        /* CRLs of different origins are not considered dupes,
-           and can't be updated either */
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (CRL_OriginToken == b->origin) {
-        /* for token CRLs, slot and PKCS#11 object handle must match for CRL
-           to truly be a dupe */
-        if ((b->crl->slot == a->crl->slot) &&
-            (b->crl->pkcs11ID == a->crl->pkcs11ID)) {
-            /* ASN.1 DER needs to match for dupe check */
-            /* could optimize by just checking a few fields like thisUpdate */
-            if (SECEqual ==
-                SECITEM_CompareItem(b->crl->derCrl, a->crl->derCrl)) {
-                *isDupe = PR_TRUE;
-            } else {
-                *isUpdated = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (CRL_OriginExplicit == b->origin) {
-        /* We need to make sure this is the same object that the user provided
-           to CERT_CacheCRL previously. That API takes a SECItem*, thus, we
-           just do a pointer comparison here.
-        */
-        if (b->crl->derCrl == a->crl->derCrl) {
-            *isDupe = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/genname.c b/nss/lib/certdb/genname.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fe48df8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/genname.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1986 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "xconst.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTNameConstraintTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTNameConstraint) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTNameConstraint, DERName) },
-      offsetof(CERTNameConstraint, min), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTNameConstraint, max), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_NameConstraintSubtreeSubTemplate[] = {
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTNameConstraintsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTNameConstraints) },
-      offsetof(CERTNameConstraints, DERPermited),
-      CERT_NameConstraintSubtreeSubTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTNameConstraints, DERExcluded),
-      CERT_NameConstraintSubtreeSubTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTOthNameTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(OtherName) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(OtherName, oid) },
-          SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0,
-      offsetof(OtherName, name), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTOtherNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.OthName), CERTOthNameTemplate,
-      sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_RFC822NameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IA5StringTemplate), sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_DNSNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IA5StringTemplate), sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_X400AddressTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate),
-      sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_DirectoryNameTemplate[] = {
-          SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 4,
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, derDirectoryName),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate), sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_EDIPartyNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate),
-      sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_URITemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IA5StringTemplate), sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_IPAddressTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_OctetStringTemplate), sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_RegisteredIDTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTGeneralName, name.other), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_ObjectIDTemplate),
-      sizeof(CERTGeneralName) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate[] = {
-static struct {
-    CERTGeneralNameType type;
-    char *name;
-} typesArray[] = { { certOtherName, "other" },
-                   { certRFC822Name, "email" },
-                   { certRFC822Name, "rfc822" },
-                   { certDNSName, "dns" },
-                   { certX400Address, "x400" },
-                   { certX400Address, "x400addr" },
-                   { certDirectoryName, "directory" },
-                   { certDirectoryName, "dn" },
-                   { certEDIPartyName, "edi" },
-                   { certEDIPartyName, "ediparty" },
-                   { certURI, "uri" },
-                   { certIPAddress, "ip" },
-                   { certIPAddress, "ipaddr" },
-                   { certRegisterID, "registerid" } };
-CERT_GetGeneralNameTypeFromString(const char *string)
-    int types_count = sizeof(typesArray) / sizeof(typesArray[0]);
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < types_count; i++) {
-        if (PORT_Strcasecmp(string, typesArray[i].name) == 0) {
-            return typesArray[i].type;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_NewGeneralName(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralNameType type)
-    CERTGeneralName *name = arena ? PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTGeneralName)
-                                  : PORT_ZNew(CERTGeneralName);
-    if (name) {
-        name->type = type;
-        name->l.prev = name-> = &name->l;
-    }
-    return name;
-/* Copy content of one General Name to another.
-** Caller has allocated destination general name.
-** This function does not change the destinate's GeneralName's list linkage.
-cert_CopyOneGeneralName(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName *dest,
-                        CERTGeneralName *src)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(dest != NULL);
-    dest->type = src->type;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    switch (src->type) {
-        case certDirectoryName:
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->derDirectoryName,
-                                  &src->derDirectoryName);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &dest->name.directoryName,
-                                   &src->name.directoryName);
-            break;
-        case certOtherName:
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->,
-                                  &src->;
-            if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->name.OthName.oid,
-                                      &src->name.OthName.oid);
-            break;
-        default:
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->name.other, &src->name.other);
-            break;
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    } else {
-        PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return rv;
-CERT_DestroyGeneralNameList(CERTGeneralNameList *list)
-    PZLock *lock;
-    if (list != NULL) {
-        lock = list->lock;
-        PZ_Lock(lock);
-        if (--list->refCount <= 0 && list->arena != NULL) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(list->arena, PR_FALSE);
-            PZ_Unlock(lock);
-            PZ_DestroyLock(lock);
-        } else {
-            PZ_Unlock(lock);
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-CERTGeneralNameList *
-CERT_CreateGeneralNameList(CERTGeneralName *name)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTGeneralNameList *list = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    list = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTGeneralNameList);
-    if (!list)
-        goto loser;
-    if (name != NULL) {
-        SECStatus rv;
-        list->name = CERT_NewGeneralName(arena, (CERTGeneralNameType)0);
-        if (!list->name)
-            goto loser;
-        rv = CERT_CopyGeneralName(arena, list->name, name);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    list->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockList);
-    if (!list->lock)
-        goto loser;
-    list->arena = arena;
-    list->refCount = 1;
-    return list;
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_GetNextGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *current)
-    PRCList *next;
-    next = current->;
-    return (CERTGeneralName *)(((char *)next) - offsetof(CERTGeneralName, l));
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_GetPrevGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *current)
-    PRCList *prev;
-    prev = current->l.prev;
-    return (CERTGeneralName *)(((char *)prev) - offsetof(CERTGeneralName, l));
-CERTNameConstraint *
-CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(CERTNameConstraint *current)
-    PRCList *next;
-    next = current->;
-    return (CERTNameConstraint *)(((char *)next) -
-                                  offsetof(CERTNameConstraint, l));
-CERTNameConstraint *
-CERT_GetPrevNameConstraint(CERTNameConstraint *current)
-    PRCList *prev;
-    prev = current->l.prev;
-    return (CERTNameConstraint *)(((char *)prev) -
-                                  offsetof(CERTNameConstraint, l));
-SECItem *
-CERT_EncodeGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *genName, SECItem *dest,
-                       PLArenaPool *arena)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *template;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    if (dest == NULL) {
-        dest = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECItem);
-        if (!dest)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if (genName->type == certDirectoryName) {
-        if (genName-> == NULL) {
-            /* The field hasn't been encoded yet. */
-            SECItem *pre_dest = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(
-                arena, &(genName->derDirectoryName),
-                &(genName->name.directoryName), CERT_NameTemplate);
-            if (!pre_dest)
-                goto loser;
-        }
-        if (genName-> == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    switch (genName->type) {
-        case certURI:
-            template = CERT_URITemplate;
-            break;
-        case certRFC822Name:
-            template = CERT_RFC822NameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certDNSName:
-            template = CERT_DNSNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certIPAddress:
-            template = CERT_IPAddressTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certOtherName:
-            template = CERTOtherNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-            template = CERT_RegisteredIDTemplate;
-            break;
-        /* for this type, we expect the value is already encoded */
-        case certEDIPartyName:
-            template = CERT_EDIPartyNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        /* for this type, we expect the value is already encoded */
-        case certX400Address:
-            template = CERT_X400AddressTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-            template = CERT_DirectoryNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    dest = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, genName, template);
-    if (!dest) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return dest;
-    /* TODO: release arena back to mark */
-    return NULL;
-SECItem **
-cert_EncodeGeneralNames(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName *names)
-    CERTGeneralName *current_name;
-    SECItem **items = NULL;
-    int count = 0;
-    int i;
-    PRCList *head;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    current_name = names;
-    if (names != NULL) {
-        count = 1;
-    }
-    head = &(names->l);
-    while (current_name-> != head) {
-        current_name = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current_name);
-        ++count;
-    }
-    current_name = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current_name);
-    items = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, SECItem *, count + 1);
-    if (items == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-        items[i] = CERT_EncodeGeneralName(current_name, (SECItem *)NULL, arena);
-        if (items[i] == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        current_name = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current_name);
-    }
-    items[i] = NULL;
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return items;
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return NULL;
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_DecodeGeneralName(PLArenaPool *reqArena, SECItem *encodedName,
-                       CERTGeneralName *genName)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *template;
-    CERTGeneralNameType genNameType;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem *newEncodedName;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* make a copy for decoding so the data decoded with QuickDER doesn't
-       point to temporary memory */
-    newEncodedName = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(reqArena, encodedName);
-    if (!newEncodedName) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    genNameType = (CERTGeneralNameType)((*(newEncodedName->data) & 0x0f) + 1);
-    if (genName == NULL) {
-        genName = CERT_NewGeneralName(reqArena, genNameType);
-        if (!genName)
-            goto loser;
-    } else {
-        genName->type = genNameType;
-        genName->l.prev = genName-> = &genName->l;
-    }
-    switch (genNameType) {
-        case certURI:
-            template = CERT_URITemplate;
-            break;
-        case certRFC822Name:
-            template = CERT_RFC822NameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certDNSName:
-            template = CERT_DNSNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certIPAddress:
-            template = CERT_IPAddressTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certOtherName:
-            template = CERTOtherNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-            template = CERT_RegisteredIDTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certEDIPartyName:
-            template = CERT_EDIPartyNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certX400Address:
-            template = CERT_X400AddressTemplate;
-            break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-            template = CERT_DirectoryNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        default:
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, genName, template, newEncodedName);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    if (genNameType == certDirectoryName) {
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, &(genName->name.directoryName),
-                                    CERT_NameTemplate,
-                                    &(genName->derDirectoryName));
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return genName;
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return NULL;
-CERTGeneralName *
-cert_DecodeGeneralNames(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem **encodedGenName)
-    PRCList *head = NULL;
-    PRCList *tail = NULL;
-    CERTGeneralName *currentName = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    if (!encodedGenName || !arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    while (*encodedGenName != NULL) {
-        currentName = CERT_DecodeGeneralName(arena, *encodedGenName, NULL);
-        if (currentName == NULL)
-            break;
-        if (head == NULL) {
-            head = &(currentName->l);
-            tail = head;
-        }
-        currentName-> = head;
-        currentName->l.prev = tail;
-        tail = head->prev = tail->next = &(currentName->l);
-        encodedGenName++;
-    }
-    if (currentName) {
-        /* TODO: unmark arena */
-        return CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentName);
-    }
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return NULL;
-CERT_DestroyGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *name)
-    cert_DestroyGeneralNames(name);
-cert_DestroyGeneralNames(CERTGeneralName *name)
-    CERTGeneralName *first;
-    CERTGeneralName *next = NULL;
-    first = name;
-    do {
-        next = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(name);
-        PORT_Free(name);
-        name = next;
-    } while (name != first);
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECItem *
-cert_EncodeNameConstraint(CERTNameConstraint *constraint, SECItem *dest,
-                          PLArenaPool *arena)
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    if (dest == NULL) {
-        dest = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECItem);
-        if (dest == NULL) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    CERT_EncodeGeneralName(&(constraint->name), &(constraint->DERName), arena);
-    dest =
-        SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, constraint, CERTNameConstraintTemplate);
-    return dest;
-cert_EncodeNameConstraintSubTree(CERTNameConstraint *constraints,
-                                 PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem ***dest,
-                                 PRBool permited)
-    CERTNameConstraint *current_constraint = constraints;
-    SECItem **items = NULL;
-    int count = 0;
-    int i;
-    PRCList *head;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    if (constraints != NULL) {
-        count = 1;
-    }
-    head = &constraints->l;
-    while (current_constraint-> != head) {
-        current_constraint = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(current_constraint);
-        ++count;
-    }
-    current_constraint = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(current_constraint);
-    items = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, SECItem *, count + 1);
-    if (items == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-        items[i] = cert_EncodeNameConstraint(current_constraint,
-                                             (SECItem *)NULL, arena);
-        if (items[i] == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        current_constraint = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(current_constraint);
-    }
-    *dest = items;
-    if (*dest == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return SECSuccess;
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return SECFailure;
-cert_EncodeNameConstraints(CERTNameConstraints *constraints, PLArenaPool *arena,
-                           SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    if (constraints->permited != NULL) {
-        rv = cert_EncodeNameConstraintSubTree(
-            constraints->permited, arena, &constraints->DERPermited, PR_TRUE);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    if (constraints->excluded != NULL) {
-        rv = cert_EncodeNameConstraintSubTree(
-            constraints->excluded, arena, &constraints->DERExcluded, PR_FALSE);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    dest = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, constraints,
-                              CERTNameConstraintsTemplate);
-    if (dest == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return SECSuccess;
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return SECFailure;
-CERTNameConstraint *
-cert_DecodeNameConstraint(PLArenaPool *reqArena, SECItem *encodedConstraint)
-    CERTNameConstraint *constraint;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CERTGeneralName *temp;
-    SECItem *newEncodedConstraint;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    newEncodedConstraint = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(reqArena, encodedConstraint);
-    if (!newEncodedConstraint) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    constraint = PORT_ArenaZNew(reqArena, CERTNameConstraint);
-    if (!constraint)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(
-        reqArena, constraint, CERTNameConstraintTemplate, newEncodedConstraint);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    temp = CERT_DecodeGeneralName(reqArena, &(constraint->DERName),
-                                  &(constraint->name));
-    if (temp != &(constraint->name)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* ### sjlee: since the name constraint contains only one
-     *            CERTGeneralName, the list within CERTGeneralName shouldn't
-     *            point anywhere else.  Otherwise, bad things will happen.
-     */
-    constraint->name.l.prev = constraint-> = &(constraint->name.l);
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return constraint;
-    /* TODO: release arena back to mark */
-    return NULL;
-static CERTNameConstraint *
-cert_DecodeNameConstraintSubTree(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem **subTree,
-                                 PRBool permited)
-    CERTNameConstraint *current = NULL;
-    CERTNameConstraint *first = NULL;
-    CERTNameConstraint *last = NULL;
-    int i = 0;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    while (subTree[i] != NULL) {
-        current = cert_DecodeNameConstraint(arena, subTree[i]);
-        if (current == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        if (first == NULL) {
-            first = current;
-        } else {
-            current->l.prev = &(last->l);
-            last-> = &(current->l);
-        }
-        last = current;
-        i++;
-    }
-    first->l.prev = &(last->l);
-    last-> = &(first->l);
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return first;
-    /* TODO: release arena back to mark */
-    return NULL;
-CERTNameConstraints *
-cert_DecodeNameConstraints(PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                           const SECItem *encodedConstraints)
-    CERTNameConstraints *constraints;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem *newEncodedConstraints;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(encodedConstraints);
-    newEncodedConstraints = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(reqArena, encodedConstraints);
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    constraints = PORT_ArenaZNew(reqArena, CERTNameConstraints);
-    if (constraints == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, constraints,
-                                CERTNameConstraintsTemplate,
-                                newEncodedConstraints);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (constraints->DERPermited != NULL &&
-        constraints->DERPermited[0] != NULL) {
-        constraints->permited = cert_DecodeNameConstraintSubTree(
-            reqArena, constraints->DERPermited, PR_TRUE);
-        if (constraints->permited == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    if (constraints->DERExcluded != NULL &&
-        constraints->DERExcluded[0] != NULL) {
-        constraints->excluded = cert_DecodeNameConstraintSubTree(
-            reqArena, constraints->DERExcluded, PR_FALSE);
-        if (constraints->excluded == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return constraints;
-    /* TODO: release arena back to mark */
-    return NULL;
-/* Copy a chain of one or more general names to a destination chain.
-** Caller has allocated at least the first destination GeneralName struct.
-** Both source and destination chains are circular doubly-linked lists.
-** The first source struct is copied to the first destination struct.
-** If the source chain has more than one member, and the destination chain
-** has only one member, then this function allocates new structs for all but
-** the first copy from the arena and links them into the destination list.
-** If the destination struct is part of a list with more than one member,
-** then this function traverses both the source and destination lists,
-** copying each source struct to the corresponding dest struct.
-** In that case, the destination list MUST contain at least as many
-** structs as the source list or some dest entries will be overwritten.
-CERT_CopyGeneralName(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName *dest,
-                     CERTGeneralName *src)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTGeneralName *destHead = dest;
-    CERTGeneralName *srcHead = src;
-    PORT_Assert(dest != NULL);
-    if (!dest) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    do {
-        rv = cert_CopyOneGeneralName(arena, dest, src);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto loser;
-        src = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(src);
-        /* if there is only one general name, we shouldn't do this */
-        if (src != srcHead) {
-            if (dest-> == &destHead->l) {
-                CERTGeneralName *temp;
-                temp = CERT_NewGeneralName(arena, (CERTGeneralNameType)0);
-                if (!temp)
-                    goto loser;
-                temp-> = &destHead->l;
-                temp->l.prev = &dest->l;
-                destHead->l.prev = &temp->l;
-                dest-> = &temp->l;
-                dest = temp;
-            } else {
-                dest = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(dest);
-            }
-        }
-    } while (src != srcHead && rv == SECSuccess);
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return rv;
-    /* TODO: release back to mark */
-    return SECFailure;
-CERTGeneralNameList *
-CERT_DupGeneralNameList(CERTGeneralNameList *list)
-    if (list != NULL) {
-        PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-        list->refCount++;
-        PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    }
-    return list;
-/* Allocate space and copy CERTNameConstraint from src to dest */
-CERTNameConstraint *
-CERT_CopyNameConstraint(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTNameConstraint *dest,
-                        CERTNameConstraint *src)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    if (dest == NULL) {
-        dest = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTNameConstraint);
-        if (!dest)
-            goto loser;
-        /* mark that it is not linked */
-        dest->name.l.prev = dest-> = &(dest->name.l);
-    }
-    rv = CERT_CopyGeneralName(arena, &dest->name, &src->name);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->DERName, &src->DERName);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->min, &src->min);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->max, &src->max);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    dest->l.prev = dest-> = &dest->l;
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return dest;
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return NULL;
-CERTGeneralName *
-cert_CombineNamesLists(CERTGeneralName *list1, CERTGeneralName *list2)
-    PRCList *begin1;
-    PRCList *begin2;
-    PRCList *end1;
-    PRCList *end2;
-    if (list1 == NULL) {
-        return list2;
-    } else if (list2 == NULL) {
-        return list1;
-    } else {
-        begin1 = &list1->l;
-        begin2 = &list2->l;
-        end1 = list1->l.prev;
-        end2 = list2->l.prev;
-        end1->next = begin2;
-        end2->next = begin1;
-        begin1->prev = end2;
-        begin2->prev = end1;
-        return list1;
-    }
-CERTNameConstraint *
-cert_CombineConstraintsLists(CERTNameConstraint *list1,
-                             CERTNameConstraint *list2)
-    PRCList *begin1;
-    PRCList *begin2;
-    PRCList *end1;
-    PRCList *end2;
-    if (list1 == NULL) {
-        return list2;
-    } else if (list2 == NULL) {
-        return list1;
-    } else {
-        begin1 = &list1->l;
-        begin2 = &list2->l;
-        end1 = list1->l.prev;
-        end2 = list2->l.prev;
-        end1->next = begin2;
-        end2->next = begin1;
-        begin1->prev = end2;
-        begin2->prev = end1;
-        return list1;
-    }
-/* Add a CERTNameConstraint to the CERTNameConstraint list */
-CERTNameConstraint *
-CERT_AddNameConstraint(CERTNameConstraint *list, CERTNameConstraint *constraint)
-    PORT_Assert(constraint != NULL);
-    constraint-> = constraint->l.prev = &constraint->l;
-    list = cert_CombineConstraintsLists(list, constraint);
-    return list;
-CERT_GetNameConstraintByType(CERTNameConstraint *constraints,
-                             CERTGeneralNameType type,
-                             CERTNameConstraint **returnList,
-                             PLArenaPool *arena)
-    CERTNameConstraint *current = NULL;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    *returnList = NULL;
-    if (!constraints)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    current = constraints;
-    do {
-        PORT_Assert(current->name.type);
-        if (current->name.type == type) {
-            CERTNameConstraint *temp;
-            temp = CERT_CopyNameConstraint(arena, NULL, current);
-            if (temp == NULL)
-                goto loser;
-            *returnList = CERT_AddNameConstraint(*returnList, temp);
-        }
-        current = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(current);
-    } while (current != constraints);
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    return SECFailure;
-void *
-CERT_GetGeneralNameByType(CERTGeneralName *genNames, CERTGeneralNameType type,
-                          PRBool derFormat)
-    CERTGeneralName *current;
-    if (!genNames)
-        return NULL;
-    current = genNames;
-    do {
-        if (current->type == type) {
-            switch (type) {
-                case certDNSName:
-                case certEDIPartyName:
-                case certIPAddress:
-                case certRegisterID:
-                case certRFC822Name:
-                case certX400Address:
-                case certURI:
-                    return (void *)&current->name.other; /* SECItem * */
-                case certOtherName:
-                    return (void *)&current->name.OthName; /* OthName * */
-                case certDirectoryName:
-                    return derFormat
-                               ? (void *)&current
-                                     ->derDirectoryName /* SECItem * */
-                               : (void *)&current->name
-                                     .directoryName; /* CERTName * */
-            }
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        current = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(current);
-    } while (current != genNames);
-    return NULL;
-CERT_GetNamesLength(CERTGeneralName *names)
-    int length = 0;
-    CERTGeneralName *first;
-    first = names;
-    if (names != NULL) {
-        do {
-            length++;
-            names = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(names);
-        } while (names != first);
-    }
-    return length;
-/* Creates new GeneralNames for any email addresses found in the
-** input DN, and links them onto the list for the DN.
-cert_ExtractDNEmailAddrs(CERTGeneralName *name, PLArenaPool *arena)
-    CERTGeneralName *nameList = NULL;
-    const CERTRDN **nRDNs = (const CERTRDN **)(name->name.directoryName.rdns);
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(name->type == certDirectoryName);
-    if (name->type != certDirectoryName) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    while (nRDNs && *nRDNs) { /* loop over RDNs */
-        const CERTRDN *nRDN = *nRDNs++;
-        CERTAVA **nAVAs = nRDN->avas;
-        while (nAVAs && *nAVAs) { /* loop over AVAs */
-            int tag;
-            CERTAVA *nAVA = *nAVAs++;
-            tag = CERT_GetAVATag(nAVA);
-            if (tag == SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS ||
-                tag == SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL) { /* email AVA */
-                CERTGeneralName *newName = NULL;
-                SECItem *avaValue = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&nAVA->value);
-                if (!avaValue)
-                    goto loser;
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                newName = CERT_NewGeneralName(arena, certRFC822Name);
-                if (newName) {
-                    rv =
-                        SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newName->name.other, avaValue);
-                }
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(avaValue, PR_TRUE);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    goto loser;
-                nameList = cert_CombineNamesLists(nameList, newName);
-            } /* handle one email AVA */
-        }     /* loop over AVAs */
-    }         /* loop over RDNs */
-    /* combine new names with old one. */
-    name = cert_CombineNamesLists(name, nameList);
-    /* TODO: unmark arena */
-    return SECSuccess;
-    /* TODO: release arena back to mark */
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Extract all names except Subject Common Name from a cert
-** in preparation for a name constraints test.
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_GetCertificateNames(CERTCertificate *cert, PLArenaPool *arena)
-    return CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames(cert, arena, PR_FALSE);
-/* This function is called by CERT_VerifyCertChain to extract all
-** names from a cert in preparation for a name constraints test.
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames(const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                    PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                    PRBool includeSubjectCommonName)
-    CERTGeneralName *DN;
-    CERTGeneralName *SAN;
-    PRUint32 numDNSNames = 0;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* TODO: mark arena */
-    DN = CERT_NewGeneralName(arena, certDirectoryName);
-    if (DN == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &DN->name.directoryName, &cert->subject);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &DN->derDirectoryName, &cert->derSubject);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Extract email addresses from DN, construct CERTGeneralName structs
-    ** for them, add them to the name list
-    */
-    rv = cert_ExtractDNEmailAddrs(DN, arena);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    /* Now extract any GeneralNames from the subject name names extension. */
-    SAN = cert_GetSubjectAltNameList(cert, arena);
-    if (SAN) {
-        numDNSNames = cert_CountDNSPatterns(SAN);
-        DN = cert_CombineNamesLists(DN, SAN);
-    }
-    if (!numDNSNames && includeSubjectCommonName) {
-        char *cn = CERT_GetCommonName(&cert->subject);
-        if (cn) {
-            CERTGeneralName *CN = CERT_NewGeneralName(arena, certDNSName);
-            if (CN) {
-                SECItem cnItem = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-       = (unsigned char *)cn;
-                cnItem.len = strlen(cn);
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &CN->name.other, &cnItem);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                    DN = cert_CombineNamesLists(DN, CN);
-                }
-            }
-            PORT_Free(cn);
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* TODO: unmark arena */
-        return DN;
-    }
-    /* TODO: release arena to mark */
-    return NULL;
-/* Returns SECSuccess if name matches constraint per RFC 3280 rules for
-** URI name constraints.  SECFailure otherwise.
-** If the constraint begins with a dot, it is a domain name, otherwise
-** It is a host name.  Examples:
-**  Constraint            Name             Result
-** ------------      ---------------      --------
-**      matches
-**          FoO.bAr.CoM      matches
-**      no match
-**      no match
-**      matches
-**      no match
-**      no match
-**      no match
-static SECStatus
-compareURIN2C(const SECItem *name, const SECItem *constraint)
-    int offset;
-    /* The spec is silent on intepreting zero-length constraints.
-    ** We interpret them as matching no URI names.
-    */
-    if (!constraint->len)
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (constraint->data[0] != '.') {
-        /* constraint is a host name. */
-        if (name->len != constraint->len ||
-            PL_strncasecmp((char *)name->data, (char *)constraint->data,
-                           constraint->len))
-            return SECFailure;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* constraint is a domain name. */
-    if (name->len < constraint->len)
-        return SECFailure;
-    offset = name->len - constraint->len;
-    if (PL_strncasecmp((char *)(name->data + offset), (char *)constraint->data,
-                       constraint->len))
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (!offset ||
-        (name->data[offset - 1] == '.') + (constraint->data[0] == '.') == 1)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* for DNSname constraints, RFC 3280 says, (section, page 38)
-** DNS name restrictions are expressed as  Any DNS name
-** that can be constructed by simply adding to the left hand side of the
-** name satisfies the name constraint.  For example,
-** would satisfy the constraint but would not.
-** But NIST's PKITS test suite requires that the constraint be treated
-** as a domain name, and requires that any name added to the left hand
-** side end in a dot ".".  Sensible, but not strictly following the RFC.
-**  Constraint            Name            RFC 3280  NIST PKITS
-** ------------      ---------------      --------  ----------
-**      matches    matches
-**          FoO.bAr.CoM      matches    matches
-**      matches    matches
-**      MATCHES    NO MATCH
-**      matches    matches? disallowed?
-**      no match   no match
-**      matches    probably not
-** We will try to conform to NIST's PKITS tests, and the unstated
-** rules they imply.
-static SECStatus
-compareDNSN2C(const SECItem *name, const SECItem *constraint)
-    int offset;
-    /* The spec is silent on intepreting zero-length constraints.
-    ** We interpret them as matching all DNSnames.
-    */
-    if (!constraint->len)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    if (name->len < constraint->len)
-        return SECFailure;
-    offset = name->len - constraint->len;
-    if (PL_strncasecmp((char *)(name->data + offset), (char *)constraint->data,
-                       constraint->len))
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (!offset ||
-        (name->data[offset - 1] == '.') + (constraint->data[0] == '.') == 1)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Returns SECSuccess if name matches constraint per RFC 3280 rules for
-** internet email addresses.  SECFailure otherwise.
-** If constraint contains a '@' then the two strings much match exactly.
-** Else if constraint starts with a '.'. then it must match the right-most
-** substring of the name,
-** else constraint string must match entire name after the name's '@'.
-** Empty constraint string matches all names. All comparisons case insensitive.
-static SECStatus
-compareRFC822N2C(const SECItem *name, const SECItem *constraint)
-    int offset;
-    if (!constraint->len)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    if (name->len < constraint->len)
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (constraint->len == 1 && constraint->data[0] == '.')
-        return SECSuccess;
-    for (offset = constraint->len - 1; offset >= 0; --offset) {
-        if (constraint->data[offset] == '@') {
-            return (name->len == constraint->len &&
-                    !PL_strncasecmp((char *)name->data,
-                                    (char *)constraint->data, constraint->len))
-                       ? SECSuccess
-                       : SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    offset = name->len - constraint->len;
-    if (PL_strncasecmp((char *)(name->data + offset), (char *)constraint->data,
-                       constraint->len))
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (constraint->data[0] == '.')
-        return SECSuccess;
-    if (offset > 0 && name->data[offset - 1] == '@')
-        return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* name contains either a 4 byte IPv4 address or a 16 byte IPv6 address.
-** constraint contains an address of the same length, and a subnet mask
-** of the same length.  Compare name's address to the constraint's
-** address, subject to the mask.
-** Return SECSuccess if they match, SECFailure if they don't.
-static SECStatus
-compareIPaddrN2C(const SECItem *name, const SECItem *constraint)
-    int i;
-    if (name->len == 4 && constraint->len == 8) { /* ipv4 addr */
-        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            if ((name->data[i] ^ constraint->data[i]) & constraint->data[i + 4])
-                goto loser;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (name->len == 16 && constraint->len == 32) { /* ipv6 addr */
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-            if ((name->data[i] ^ constraint->data[i]) &
-                constraint->data[i + 16])
-                goto loser;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-/* start with a SECItem that points to a URI.  Parse it lookingg for
-** a hostname.  Modify item->data and item->len to define the hostname,
-** but do not modify and data at item->data.
-** If anything goes wrong, the contents of *item are undefined.
-static SECStatus
-parseUriHostname(SECItem *item)
-    int i;
-    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    for (i = 0; (unsigned)(i + 2) < item->len; ++i) {
-        if (item->data[i] == ':' && item->data[i + 1] == '/' &&
-            item->data[i + 2] == '/') {
-            i += 3;
-            item->data += i;
-            item->len -= i;
-            found = PR_TRUE;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!found)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /* now look for a '/', which is an upper bound in the end of the name */
-    for (i = 0; (unsigned)i < item->len; ++i) {
-        if (item->data[i] == '/') {
-            item->len = i;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /* now look for a ':', which marks the end of the name */
-    for (i = item->len; --i >= 0;) {
-        if (item->data[i] == ':') {
-            item->len = i;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /* now look for an '@', which marks the beginning of the hostname */
-    for (i = 0; (unsigned)i < item->len; ++i) {
-        if (item->data[i] == '@') {
-            ++i;
-            item->data += i;
-            item->len -= i;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return item->len ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-/* This function takes one name, and a list of constraints.
-** It searches the constraints looking for a match.
-** It returns SECSuccess if the name satisfies the constraints, i.e.,
-** if excluded, then the name does not match any constraint,
-** if permitted, then the name matches at least one constraint.
-** It returns SECFailure if the name fails to satisfy the constraints,
-** or if some code fails (e.g. out of memory, or invalid constraint)
-cert_CompareNameWithConstraints(const CERTGeneralName *name,
-                                const CERTNameConstraint *constraints,
-                                PRBool excluded)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECStatus matched = SECFailure;
-    const CERTNameConstraint *current;
-    PORT_Assert(constraints); /* caller should not call with NULL */
-    if (!constraints) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    current = constraints;
-    do {
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-        matched = SECFailure;
-        PORT_Assert(name->type == current->name.type);
-        switch (name->type) {
-            case certDNSName:
-                matched =
-                    compareDNSN2C(&name->name.other, &current->;
-                break;
-            case certRFC822Name:
-                matched = compareRFC822N2C(&name->name.other,
-                                           &current->;
-                break;
-            case certURI: {
-                /* make a modifiable copy of the URI SECItem. */
-                SECItem uri = name->name.other;
-                /* find the hostname in the URI */
-                rv = parseUriHostname(&uri);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                    /* does our hostname meet the constraint? */
-                    matched = compareURIN2C(&uri, &current->;
-                }
-            } break;
-            case certDirectoryName:
-                /* Determine if the constraint directory name is a "prefix"
-                ** for the directory name being tested.
-                */
-                {
-                    /* status defaults to SECEqual, so that a constraint with
-                    ** no AVAs will be a wildcard, matching all directory names.
-                    */
-                    SECComparison status = SECEqual;
-                    const CERTRDN **cRDNs =
-                        (const CERTRDN **)current->;
-                    const CERTRDN **nRDNs =
-                        (const CERTRDN **)name->name.directoryName.rdns;
-                    while (cRDNs && *cRDNs && nRDNs && *nRDNs) {
-                        /* loop over name RDNs and constraint RDNs in lock step
-                         */
-                        const CERTRDN *cRDN = *cRDNs++;
-                        const CERTRDN *nRDN = *nRDNs++;
-                        CERTAVA **cAVAs = cRDN->avas;
-                        while (cAVAs &&
-                               *cAVAs) { /* loop over constraint AVAs */
-                            CERTAVA *cAVA = *cAVAs++;
-                            CERTAVA **nAVAs = nRDN->avas;
-                            while (nAVAs && *nAVAs) { /* loop over name AVAs */
-                                CERTAVA *nAVA = *nAVAs++;
-                                status = CERT_CompareAVA(cAVA, nAVA);
-                                if (status == SECEqual)
-                                    break;
-                            } /* loop over name AVAs */
-                            if (status != SECEqual)
-                                break;
-                        } /* loop over constraint AVAs */
-                        if (status != SECEqual)
-                            break;
-                    } /* loop over name RDNs and constraint RDNs */
-                    matched = (status == SECEqual) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-                    break;
-                }
-            case certIPAddress: /* type 8 */
-                matched = compareIPaddrN2C(&name->name.other,
-                                           &current->;
-                break;
-            /* NSS does not know how to compare these "Other" type names with
-            ** their respective constraints.  But it does know how to tell
-            ** if the constraint applies to the type of name (by comparing
-            ** the constraint OID to the name OID).  NSS makes no use of "Other"
-            ** type names at all, so NSS errs on the side of leniency for these
-            ** types, provided that their OIDs match.  So, when an "Other"
-            ** name constraint appears in an excluded subtree, it never causes
-            ** a name to fail.  When an "Other" name constraint appears in a
-            ** permitted subtree, AND the constraint's OID matches the name's
-            ** OID, then name is treated as if it matches the constraint.
-            */
-            case certOtherName: /* type 1 */
-                matched =
-                    (!excluded && name->type == current->name.type &&
-                     SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&name->name.OthName.oid,
-                                           &current->
-                        ? SECSuccess
-                        : SECFailure;
-                break;
-            /* NSS does not know how to compare these types of names with their
-            ** respective constraints.  But NSS makes no use of these types of
-            ** names at all, so it errs on the side of leniency for these types.
-            ** Constraints for these types of names never cause the name to
-            ** fail the constraints test.  NSS behaves as if the name matched
-            ** for permitted constraints, and did not match for excluded ones.
-            */
-            case certX400Address:  /* type 4 */
-            case certEDIPartyName: /* type 6 */
-            case certRegisterID:   /* type 9 */
-                matched = excluded ? SECFailure : SECSuccess;
-                break;
-            default: /* non-standard types are not supported */
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-        }
-        if (matched == SECSuccess || rv != SECSuccess)
-            break;
-        current = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint((CERTNameConstraint *)current);
-    } while (current != constraints);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        if (matched == SECSuccess)
-            rv = excluded ? SECFailure : SECSuccess;
-        else
-            rv = excluded ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Add and link a CERTGeneralName to a CERTNameConstraint list. Most
-** likely the CERTNameConstraint passed in is either the permitted
-** list or the excluded list of a CERTNameConstraints.
-CERT_AddNameConstraintByGeneralName(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                    CERTNameConstraint **constraints,
-                                    CERTGeneralName *name)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTNameConstraint *current = NULL;
-    CERTNameConstraint *first = *constraints;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    current = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTNameConstraint);
-    if (current == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    rv = cert_CopyOneGeneralName(arena, &current->name, name);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    current->name.l.prev = current-> = &(current->name.l);
-    if (first == NULL) {
-        *constraints = current;
-        PR_INIT_CLIST(&current->l);
-    } else {
-        PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&current->l, &first->l);
-    }
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    } else {
-        PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Here we define a list of name constraints to be imposed on
- * certain certificates, most importantly root certificates.
- *
- * Each entry in the name constraints list is constructed with this
- * macro.  An entry contains two SECItems, which have names in
- * specific forms to make the macro work:
- *
- *  * ${CA}_SUBJECT_DN - The subject DN for which the constraints
- *                       should be applied
- *  * ${CA}_NAME_CONSTRAINTS - The name constraints extension
- *
- * Entities subject to name constraints are identified by subject name
- * so that we can cover all certificates for that entity, including, e.g.,
- * cross-certificates.  We use subject rather than public key because
- * calling methods often have easy access to that field (vs., say, a key ID),
- * and in practice, subject names and public keys are usually in one-to-one
- * correspondence anyway.
- *
- */
-#define STRING_TO_SECITEM(str)                                                 \
-    {                                                                          \
-        siBuffer, (unsigned char *)str, sizeof(str) - 1                        \
-    }
-#define NAME_CONSTRAINTS_ENTRY(CA)                                             \
-    {                                                                          \
-        STRING_TO_SECITEM(CA##_SUBJECT_DN),                                    \
-        STRING_TO_SECITEM(CA##_NAME_CONSTRAINTS)                               \
-    }
-/* Agence Nationale de la Securite des Systemes d'Information (ANSSI) */
-/* clang-format off */
-#define ANSSI_SUBJECT_DN                                                       \
-    "\x30\x81\x85"                                                             \
-    "\x31\x0B\x30\x09\x06\x03\x55\x04\x06\x13\x02" "FR"       /* C */          \
-    "\x31\x0F\x30\x0D\x06\x03\x55\x04\x08\x13\x06" "France"   /* ST */         \
-    "\x31\x0E\x30\x0C\x06\x03\x55\x04\x07\x13\x05" "Paris"    /* L */          \
-    "\x31\x10\x30\x0E\x06\x03\x55\x04\x0A\x13\x07" "PM/SGDN"  /* O */          \
-    "\x31\x0E\x30\x0C\x06\x03\x55\x04\x0B\x13\x05" "DCSSI"    /* OU */         \
-    "\x31\x0E\x30\x0C\x06\x03\x55\x04\x03\x13\x05" "IGC/A"    /* CN */         \
-    "\x31\x23\x30\x21\x06\x09\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x0D\x01\x09\x01"             \
-    "\x16\x14" "" /* emailAddress */                       \
-#define ANSSI_NAME_CONSTRAINTS                                                 \
-    "\x30\x5D\xA0\x5B"                                                         \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".fr"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".gp"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".gf"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".mq"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".re"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".yt"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".pm"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".bl"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".mf"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".wf"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".pf"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".nc"                                                   \
-    "\x30\x05\x82\x03" ".tf"
-/* clang-format on */
-static const SECItem builtInNameConstraints[][2] = { NAME_CONSTRAINTS_ENTRY(
-    ANSSI) };
-CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints(const SECItem *derSubject, SECItem *extensions)
-    size_t i;
-    if (!extensions) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(builtInNameConstraints); ++i) {
-        if (SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(derSubject, &builtInNameConstraints[i][0])) {
-            return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, extensions,
-                                    &builtInNameConstraints[i][1]);
-        }
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * Extract the name constraints extension from the CA cert.
- * If the certificate contains no name constraints extension, but
- * CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints returns a name constraints extension
- * for the subject of the certificate, then that extension will be returned.
- */
-CERT_FindNameConstraintsExten(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                              CERTNameConstraints **constraints)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem constraintsExtension;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    *constraints = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_NAME_CONSTRAINTS,
-                                &constraintsExtension);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) {
-            return rv;
-        }
-        rv = CERT_GetImposedNameConstraints(&cert->derSubject,
-                                            &constraintsExtension);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) {
-                return SECSuccess;
-            }
-            return rv;
-        }
-    }
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    *constraints = cert_DecodeNameConstraints(arena, &constraintsExtension);
-    if (*constraints == NULL) { /* decode failed */
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(;
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    } else {
-        PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Verify name against all the constraints relevant to that type of
-** the name.
-CERT_CheckNameSpace(PLArenaPool *arena, const CERTNameConstraints *constraints,
-                    const CERTGeneralName *currentName)
-    CERTNameConstraint *matchingConstraints;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (constraints->excluded != NULL) {
-        rv = CERT_GetNameConstraintByType(constraints->excluded,
-                                          currentName->type,
-                                          &matchingConstraints, arena);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess && matchingConstraints != NULL) {
-            rv = cert_CompareNameWithConstraints(currentName,
-                                                 matchingConstraints, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return (rv);
-        }
-    }
-    if (constraints->permited != NULL) {
-        rv = CERT_GetNameConstraintByType(constraints->permited,
-                                          currentName->type,
-                                          &matchingConstraints, arena);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess && matchingConstraints != NULL) {
-            rv = cert_CompareNameWithConstraints(currentName,
-                                                 matchingConstraints, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return (rv);
-        }
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-/* Extract the name constraints extension from the CA cert.
-** Test each and every name in namesList against all the constraints
-** relevant to that type of name.
-** Returns NULL in pBadCert for success, if all names are acceptable.
-** If some name is not acceptable, returns a pointer to the cert that
-** contained that name.
-CERT_CompareNameSpace(CERTCertificate *cert, CERTGeneralName *namesList,
-                      CERTCertificate **certsList, PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                      CERTCertificate **pBadCert)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CERTNameConstraints *constraints;
-    CERTGeneralName *currentName;
-    int count = 0;
-    CERTCertificate *badCert = NULL;
-    /* If no names to check, then no names can be bad. */
-    if (!namesList)
-        goto done;
-    rv = CERT_FindNameConstraintsExten(reqArena, cert, &constraints);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        count = -1;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    currentName = namesList;
-    do {
-        if (constraints) {
-            rv = CERT_CheckNameSpace(reqArena, constraints, currentName);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        currentName = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentName);
-        count++;
-    } while (currentName != namesList);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        badCert = (count >= 0) ? certsList[count] : cert;
-    }
-    if (pBadCert)
-        *pBadCert = badCert;
-    return rv;
-#if 0
-/* not exported from shared libs, not used.  Turn on if we ever need it. */
-CERT_CompareGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *a, CERTGeneralName *b)
-    CERTGeneralName *currentA;
-    CERTGeneralName *currentB;
-    PRBool found;
-    currentA = a;
-    currentB = b;
-    if (a != NULL) {
-	do {
-	    if (currentB == NULL) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	    currentB = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentB);
-	    currentA = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentA);
-	} while (currentA != a);
-    }
-    if (currentB != b) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    currentA = a;
-    do {
-	currentB = b;
-	found = PR_FALSE;
-	do {
-	    if (currentB->type == currentA->type) {
-		switch (currentB->type) {
-		  case certDNSName:
-		  case certEDIPartyName:
-		  case certIPAddress:
-		  case certRegisterID:
-		  case certRFC822Name:
-		  case certX400Address:
-		  case certURI:
-		    if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&currentA->name.other,
-					    &currentB->name.other)
-			== SECEqual) {
-			found = PR_TRUE;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		  case certOtherName:
-		    if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&currentA->name.OthName.oid,
-					    &currentB->name.OthName.oid)
-			== SECEqual &&
-			SECITEM_CompareItem(&currentA->,
-					    &currentB->
-			== SECEqual) {
-			found = PR_TRUE;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		  case certDirectoryName:
-		    if (CERT_CompareName(&currentA->name.directoryName,
-					 &currentB->name.directoryName)
-			== SECEqual) {
-			found = PR_TRUE;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    currentB = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentB);
-	} while (currentB != b && found != PR_TRUE);
-	if (found != PR_TRUE) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	currentA = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(currentA);
-    } while (currentA != a);
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_CompareGeneralNameLists(CERTGeneralNameList *a, CERTGeneralNameList *b)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (a == b) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (a != NULL && b != NULL) {
-	PZ_Lock(a->lock);
-	PZ_Lock(b->lock);
-	rv = CERT_CompareGeneralName(a->name, b->name);
-	PZ_Unlock(a->lock);
-	PZ_Unlock(b->lock);
-    } else {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-#if 0
-/* This function is not exported from NSS shared libraries, and is not
-** used inside of NSS.
-** XXX it doesn't check for failed allocations. :-(
-void *
-CERT_GetGeneralNameFromListByType(CERTGeneralNameList *list,
-				  CERTGeneralNameType type,
-				  PLArenaPool *arena)
-    CERTName *name = NULL;
-    SECItem *item = NULL;
-    OtherName *other = NULL;
-    OtherName *tmpOther = NULL;
-    void *data;
-    PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-    data = CERT_GetGeneralNameByType(list->name, type, PR_FALSE);
-    if (data != NULL) {
-	switch (type) {
-	  case certDNSName:
-	  case certEDIPartyName:
-	  case certIPAddress:
-	  case certRegisterID:
-	  case certRFC822Name:
-	  case certX400Address:
-	  case certURI:
-	    if (arena != NULL) {
-		item = PORT_ArenaNew(arena, SECItem);
-		if (item != NULL) {
-XXX		    SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, item, (SECItem *) data);
-		}
-	    } else {
-		item = SECITEM_DupItem((SECItem *) data);
-	    }
-	    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-	    return item;
-	  case certOtherName:
-	    other = (OtherName *) data;
-	    if (arena != NULL) {
-		tmpOther = PORT_ArenaNew(arena, OtherName);
-	    } else {
-		tmpOther = PORT_New(OtherName);
-	    }
-	    if (tmpOther != NULL) {
-XXX		SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &tmpOther->oid, &other->oid);
-XXX		SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &tmpOther->name, &other->name);
-	    }
-	    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-	    return tmpOther;
-	  case certDirectoryName:
-	    if (arena) {
-		name = PORT_ArenaZNew(list->arena, CERTName);
-		if (name) {
-XXX		    CERT_CopyName(arena, name, (CERTName *) data);
-		}
-	    }
-	    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-	    return name;
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    return NULL;
-#if 0
-/* This function is not exported from NSS shared libraries, and is not
-** used inside of NSS.
-** XXX it should NOT be a void function, since it does allocations
-** that can fail.
-CERT_AddGeneralNameToList(CERTGeneralNameList *list,
-			  CERTGeneralNameType type,
-			  void *data, SECItem *oid)
-    CERTGeneralName *name;
-    if (list != NULL && data != NULL) {
-	PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-	name = CERT_NewGeneralName(list->arena, type);
-	if (!name)
-	    goto done;
-	switch (type) {
-	  case certDNSName:
-	  case certEDIPartyName:
-	  case certIPAddress:
-	  case certRegisterID:
-	  case certRFC822Name:
-	  case certX400Address:
-	  case certURI:
-XXX	    SECITEM_CopyItem(list->arena, &name->name.other, (SECItem *)data);
-	    break;
-	  case certOtherName:
-XXX	    SECITEM_CopyItem(list->arena, &name->,
-			     (SECItem *) data);
-XXX	    SECITEM_CopyItem(list->arena, &name->name.OthName.oid,
-			     oid);
-	    break;
-	  case certDirectoryName:
-XXX	    CERT_CopyName(list->arena, &name->name.directoryName,
-			  (CERTName *) data);
-	    break;
-	}
-	list->name = cert_CombineNamesLists(list->name, name);
-	list->len++;
-	PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    }
-    return;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/genname.h b/nss/lib/certdb/genname.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5824157..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/genname.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _GENAME_H_
-#define _GENAME_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate[];
-extern SECItem **cert_EncodeGeneralNames(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                         CERTGeneralName *names);
-extern CERTGeneralName *cert_DecodeGeneralNames(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                SECItem **encodedGenName);
-extern SECStatus cert_DestroyGeneralNames(CERTGeneralName *name);
-extern SECStatus cert_EncodeNameConstraints(CERTNameConstraints *constraints,
-                                            PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *dest);
-extern CERTNameConstraints *cert_DecodeNameConstraints(
-    PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *encodedConstraints);
-extern CERTGeneralName *cert_CombineNamesLists(CERTGeneralName *list1,
-                                               CERTGeneralName *list2);
-extern CERTNameConstraint *cert_CombineConstraintsLists(
-    CERTNameConstraint *list1, CERTNameConstraint *list2);
-/* A thread safe implementation of General Names                     */
-/* Destroy a Single CERTGeneralName */
-void CERT_DestroyGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *name);
-SECStatus CERT_CompareGeneralName(CERTGeneralName *a, CERTGeneralName *b);
-SECStatus CERT_CopyGeneralName(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName *dest,
-                               CERTGeneralName *src);
-/* General Name Lists are a thread safe, reference counting layer to
- * general names */
-/* Destroys a CERTGeneralNameList */
-void CERT_DestroyGeneralNameList(CERTGeneralNameList *list);
-/* Creates a CERTGeneralNameList */
-CERTGeneralNameList *CERT_CreateGeneralNameList(CERTGeneralName *name);
-/* Compares two CERTGeneralNameList */
-SECStatus CERT_CompareGeneralNameLists(CERTGeneralNameList *a,
-                                       CERTGeneralNameList *b);
-/* returns a copy of the first name of the type requested */
-void *CERT_GetGeneralNameFromListByType(CERTGeneralNameList *list,
-                                        CERTGeneralNameType type,
-                                        PLArenaPool *arena);
-/* Adds a name to the tail of the list */
-void CERT_AddGeneralNameToList(CERTGeneralNameList *list,
-                               CERTGeneralNameType type, void *data,
-                               SECItem *oid);
-/* returns a duplicate of the CERTGeneralNameList */
-CERTGeneralNameList *CERT_DupGeneralNameList(CERTGeneralNameList *list);
-/* returns the number of CERTGeneralName objects in the  doubly linked
-** list of which *names is a member.
-extern int CERT_GetNamesLength(CERTGeneralName *names);
-SECStatus CERT_CompareNameSpace(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                CERTGeneralName *namesList,
-                                CERTCertificate **certsList,
-                                PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                                CERTCertificate **pBadCert);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/polcyxtn.c b/nss/lib/certdb/polcyxtn.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aae34e2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/polcyxtn.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,806 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support for various policy related extensions
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_DisplayTextTypeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(SECItem, type), 0, sizeof(SECItem) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING, 0, 0, siAsciiString },
-    { SEC_ASN1_VISIBLE_STRING, 0, 0, siVisibleString },
-    { SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING, 0, 0, siBMPString },
-    { SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING, 0, 0, siUTF8String },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_NoticeReferenceTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTNoticeReference) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(CERTNoticeReference, organization),
-      CERT_DisplayTextTypeTemplate, 0 },
-      offsetof(CERTNoticeReference, noticeNumbers),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_UserNoticeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTUserNotice) },
-      offsetof(CERTUserNotice, noticeReference), CERT_NoticeReferenceTemplate,
-      0 },
-      offsetof(CERTUserNotice, displayText), CERT_DisplayTextTypeTemplate, 0 },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PolicyQualifierTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTPolicyQualifier) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTPolicyQualifier, qualifierID) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTPolicyQualifier, qualifierValue) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PolicyInfoTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTPolicyInfo) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTPolicyInfo, policyID) },
-      offsetof(CERTPolicyInfo, policyQualifiers),
-      CERT_PolicyQualifierTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertificatePoliciesTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(CERTCertificatePolicies, policyInfos),
-      CERT_PolicyInfoTemplate, sizeof(CERTCertificatePolicies) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PolicyMapTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTPolicyMap) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTPolicyMap, issuerDomainPolicy) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTPolicyMap, subjectDomainPolicy) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PolicyMappingsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(CERTCertificatePolicyMappings, policyMaps),
-      CERT_PolicyMapTemplate, sizeof(CERTPolicyMap) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PolicyConstraintsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints, explicitPolicySkipCerts),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints, inhibitMappingSkipCerts),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_InhibitAnyTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CERTCertificateInhibitAny, inhibitAnySkipCerts), NULL,
-      sizeof(CERTCertificateInhibitAny) }
-static void
-breakLines(char *string)
-    char *tmpstr;
-    char *lastspace = NULL;
-    int curlen = 0;
-    int c;
-    tmpstr = string;
-    while ((c = *tmpstr) != '\0') {
-        switch (c) {
-            case ' ':
-                lastspace = tmpstr;
-                break;
-            case '\n':
-                lastspace = NULL;
-                curlen = 0;
-                break;
-        }
-        if ((curlen >= 55) && (lastspace != NULL)) {
-            *lastspace = '\n';
-            curlen = (tmpstr - lastspace);
-            lastspace = NULL;
-        }
-        curlen++;
-        tmpstr++;
-    }
-    return;
-CERTCertificatePolicies *
-CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension(const SECItem *extnValue)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTCertificatePolicies *policies;
-    CERTPolicyInfo **policyInfos, *policyInfo;
-    CERTPolicyQualifier **policyQualifiers, *policyQualifier;
-    SECItem newExtnValue;
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* allocate the certificate policies structure */
-    policies = (CERTCertificatePolicies *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(
-        arena, sizeof(CERTCertificatePolicies));
-    if (policies == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    policies->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newExtnValue, extnValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the policy info */
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(
-        arena, policies, CERT_CertificatePoliciesTemplate, &newExtnValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* initialize the oid tags */
-    policyInfos = policies->policyInfos;
-    while (*policyInfos != NULL) {
-        policyInfo = *policyInfos;
-        policyInfo->oid = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&policyInfo->policyID);
-        policyQualifiers = policyInfo->policyQualifiers;
-        while (policyQualifiers != NULL && *policyQualifiers != NULL) {
-            policyQualifier = *policyQualifiers;
-            policyQualifier->oid =
-                SECOID_FindOIDTag(&policyQualifier->qualifierID);
-            policyQualifiers++;
-        }
-        policyInfos++;
-    }
-    return (policies);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension(CERTCertificatePolicies *policies)
-    if (policies != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(policies->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return;
-CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *
-CERT_DecodePolicyMappingsExtension(SECItem *extnValue)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *mappings;
-    SECItem newExtnValue;
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* allocate the policy mappings structure */
-    mappings = (CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(
-        arena, sizeof(CERTCertificatePolicyMappings));
-    if (mappings == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    mappings->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newExtnValue, extnValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the policy mappings */
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, mappings, CERT_PolicyMappingsTemplate,
-                                &newExtnValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return (mappings);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-CERT_DestroyPolicyMappingsExtension(CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *mappings)
-    if (mappings != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(mappings->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints *decodedValue, const SECItem *encodedValue)
-    CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints decodeContext;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* initialize so we can tell when an optional component is omitted */
-    PORT_Memset(&decodeContext, 0, sizeof(decodeContext));
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    do {
-        /* decode the policy constraints */
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &decodeContext,
-                                    CERT_PolicyConstraintsTemplate,
-                                    encodedValue);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (decodeContext.explicitPolicySkipCerts.len == 0) {
-            *(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> = -1;
-        } else {
-            *(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> =
-                DER_GetInteger(&decodeContext.explicitPolicySkipCerts);
-        }
-        if (decodeContext.inhibitMappingSkipCerts.len == 0) {
-            *(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> = -1;
-        } else {
-            *(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> =
-                DER_GetInteger(&decodeContext.inhibitMappingSkipCerts);
-        }
-        if ((*(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> ==
-             PR_INT32_MIN) ||
-            (*(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> ==
-             PR_INT32_MAX) ||
-            (*(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> ==
-             PR_INT32_MIN) ||
-            (*(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> ==
-             PR_INT32_MAX)) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    } while (0);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (rv);
-CERT_DecodeInhibitAnyExtension(CERTCertificateInhibitAny *decodedValue,
-                               SECItem *encodedValue)
-    CERTCertificateInhibitAny decodeContext;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    do {
-        /* decode the policy mappings */
-        decodeContext.inhibitAnySkipCerts.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &decodeContext,
-                                    CERT_InhibitAnyTemplate, encodedValue);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            break;
-        }
-        *(PRInt32 *)decodedValue-> =
-            DER_GetInteger(&decodeContext.inhibitAnySkipCerts);
-    } while (0);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (rv);
-CERTUserNotice *
-CERT_DecodeUserNotice(SECItem *noticeItem)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTUserNotice *userNotice;
-    SECItem newNoticeItem;
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* allocate the userNotice structure */
-    userNotice =
-        (CERTUserNotice *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTUserNotice));
-    if (userNotice == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    userNotice->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newNoticeItem, noticeItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the user notice */
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, userNotice, CERT_UserNoticeTemplate,
-                                &newNoticeItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (userNotice-> != NULL) {
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &userNotice->noticeReference,
-                                    CERT_NoticeReferenceTemplate,
-                                    &userNotice->derNoticeReference);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    return (userNotice);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-CERT_DestroyUserNotice(CERTUserNotice *userNotice)
-    if (userNotice != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(userNotice->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return;
-static CERTPolicyStringCallback policyStringCB = NULL;
-static void *policyStringCBArg = NULL;
-CERT_SetCAPolicyStringCallback(CERTPolicyStringCallback cb, void *cbarg)
-    policyStringCB = cb;
-    policyStringCBArg = cbarg;
-    return;
-char *
-stringFromUserNotice(SECItem *noticeItem)
-    SECItem *org;
-    unsigned int len, headerlen;
-    char *stringbuf;
-    CERTUserNotice *userNotice;
-    char *policystr;
-    char *retstr = NULL;
-    SECItem *displayText;
-    SECItem **noticeNumbers;
-    unsigned int strnum;
-    /* decode the user notice */
-    userNotice = CERT_DecodeUserNotice(noticeItem);
-    if (userNotice == NULL) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    org = &userNotice->noticeReference.organization;
-    if ((org->len != 0) && (policyStringCB != NULL)) {
-        /* has a noticeReference */
-        /* extract the org string */
-        len = org->len;
-        stringbuf = (char *)PORT_Alloc(len + 1);
-        if (stringbuf != NULL) {
-            PORT_Memcpy(stringbuf, org->data, len);
-            stringbuf[len] = '\0';
-            noticeNumbers = userNotice->noticeReference.noticeNumbers;
-            while (*noticeNumbers != NULL) {
-                /* XXX - only one byte integers right now*/
-                strnum = (*noticeNumbers)->data[0];
-                policystr =
-                    (*policyStringCB)(stringbuf, strnum, policyStringCBArg);
-                if (policystr != NULL) {
-                    if (retstr != NULL) {
-                        retstr = PR_sprintf_append(retstr, "\n%s", policystr);
-                    } else {
-                        retstr = PR_sprintf_append(retstr, "%s", policystr);
-                    }
-                    PORT_Free(policystr);
-                }
-                noticeNumbers++;
-            }
-            PORT_Free(stringbuf);
-        }
-    }
-    if (retstr == NULL) {
-        if (userNotice->displayText.len != 0) {
-            displayText = &userNotice->displayText;
-            if (displayText->len > 2) {
-                if (displayText->data[0] == SEC_ASN1_VISIBLE_STRING) {
-                    headerlen = 2;
-                    if (displayText->data[1] & 0x80) {
-                        /* multibyte length */
-                        headerlen += (displayText->data[1] & 0x7f);
-                    }
-                    len = displayText->len - headerlen;
-                    retstr = (char *)PORT_Alloc(len + 1);
-                    if (retstr != NULL) {
-                        PORT_Memcpy(retstr, &displayText->data[headerlen], len);
-                        retstr[len] = '\0';
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    CERT_DestroyUserNotice(userNotice);
-    return (retstr);
-char *
-CERT_GetCertCommentString(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    char *retstring = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem policyItem;
-    CERTCertificatePolicies *policies = NULL;
-    CERTPolicyInfo **policyInfos;
-    CERTPolicyQualifier **policyQualifiers, *qualifier;
- = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES,
-                                &policyItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto nopolicy;
-    }
-    policies = CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension(&policyItem);
-    if (policies == NULL) {
-        goto nopolicy;
-    }
-    policyInfos = policies->policyInfos;
-    /* search through policyInfos looking for the verisign policy */
-    while (*policyInfos != NULL) {
-        if ((*policyInfos)->oid == SEC_OID_VERISIGN_USER_NOTICES) {
-            policyQualifiers = (*policyInfos)->policyQualifiers;
-            /* search through the policy qualifiers looking for user notice */
-            while (policyQualifiers != NULL && *policyQualifiers != NULL) {
-                qualifier = *policyQualifiers;
-                if (qualifier->oid == SEC_OID_PKIX_USER_NOTICE_QUALIFIER) {
-                    retstring =
-                        stringFromUserNotice(&qualifier->qualifierValue);
-                    break;
-                }
-                policyQualifiers++;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        policyInfos++;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if (policies != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension(policies);
-    }
-    if (retstring == NULL) {
-        retstring =
-            CERT_FindNSStringExtension(cert, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_COMMENT);
-    }
-    if (retstring != NULL) {
-        breakLines(retstring);
-    }
-    return (retstring);
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_OidSeqTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTOidSequence, oids),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_ObjectIDTemplate) }
-CERTOidSequence *
-CERT_DecodeOidSequence(const SECItem *seqItem)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTOidSequence *oidSeq;
-    SECItem newSeqItem;
-    /* make a new arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* allocate the userNotice structure */
-    oidSeq =
-        (CERTOidSequence *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTOidSequence));
-    if (oidSeq == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    oidSeq->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newSeqItem, seqItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the user notice */
-    rv =
-        SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, oidSeq, CERT_OidSeqTemplate, &newSeqItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return (oidSeq);
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-CERT_DestroyOidSequence(CERTOidSequence *oidSeq)
-    if (oidSeq != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(oidSeq->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return;
-CERT_GovtApprovedBitSet(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem extItem;
-    CERTOidSequence *oidSeq = NULL;
-    PRBool ret;
-    SECItem **oids;
-    SECItem *oid;
-    SECOidTag oidTag;
- = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE, &extItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    oidSeq = CERT_DecodeOidSequence(&extItem);
-    if (oidSeq == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    oids = oidSeq->oids;
-    while (oids != NULL && *oids != NULL) {
-        oid = *oids;
-        oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(oid);
-        if (oidTag == SEC_OID_NS_KEY_USAGE_GOVT_APPROVED) {
-            goto success;
-        }
-        oids++;
-    }
-    ret = PR_FALSE;
-    goto done;
-    ret = PR_TRUE;
-    if (oidSeq != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyOidSequence(oidSeq);
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return (ret);
-CERT_EncodePolicyConstraintsExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                      CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints *constr,
-                                      SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(constr != NULL && dest != NULL);
-    if (constr == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, constr,
-                           CERT_PolicyConstraintsTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodePolicyMappingExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                  CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *mapping,
-                                  SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(mapping != NULL && dest != NULL);
-    if (mapping == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, mapping, CERT_PolicyMappingsTemplate) ==
-        NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodeCertPoliciesExtension(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTPolicyInfo **info,
-                                 SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(info != NULL && dest != NULL);
-    if (info == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, info,
-                           CERT_CertificatePoliciesTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodeUserNotice(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTUserNotice *notice, SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(notice != NULL && dest != NULL);
-    if (notice == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, notice, CERT_UserNoticeTemplate) ==
-        NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodeNoticeReference(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTNoticeReference *reference,
-                           SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(reference != NULL && dest != NULL);
-    if (reference == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, reference,
-                           CERT_NoticeReferenceTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodeInhibitAnyExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                               CERTCertificateInhibitAny *certInhibitAny,
-                               SECItem *dest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(certInhibitAny != NULL && dest != NULL);
-    if (certInhibitAny == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, certInhibitAny,
-                           CERT_InhibitAnyTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/secname.c b/nss/lib/certdb/secname.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fcae97..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/secname.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secder.h" /* XXX remove this when remove the DERTemplates */
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-static const SEC_ASN1Template cert_AVATemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTAVA) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTAVA, type) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTAVA, value) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_RDNTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, offsetof(CERTRDN, avas), cert_AVATemplate,
-      sizeof(CERTRDN) }
-static int
-CountArray(void **array)
-    int count = 0;
-    if (array) {
-        while (*array++) {
-            count++;
-        }
-    }
-    return count;
-static void **
-AddToArray(PLArenaPool *arena, void **array, void *element)
-    unsigned count;
-    void **ap;
-    /* Count up number of slots already in use in the array */
-    count = 0;
-    ap = array;
-    if (ap) {
-        while (*ap++) {
-            count++;
-        }
-    }
-    if (array) {
-        array =
-            (void **)PORT_ArenaGrow(arena, array, (count + 1) * sizeof(void *),
-                                    (count + 2) * sizeof(void *));
-    } else {
-        array = (void **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, (count + 2) * sizeof(void *));
-    }
-    if (array) {
-        array[count] = element;
-        array[count + 1] = 0;
-    }
-    return array;
-    SECOidData *oid;
-    if (!ava->
-        return (SECOidTag)-1;
-    oid = SECOID_FindOID(&ava->type);
-    if (oid) {
-        return (oid->offset);
-    }
-    return (SECOidTag)-1;
-static SECStatus
-SetupAVAType(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag type, SECItem *it, unsigned *maxLenp)
-    unsigned char *oid;
-    unsigned oidLen;
-    unsigned char *cp;
-    int maxLen;
-    SECOidData *oidrec;
-    oidrec = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(type);
-    if (oidrec == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    oid = oidrec->;
-    oidLen = oidrec->oid.len;
-    maxLen = cert_AVAOidTagToMaxLen(type);
-    if (maxLen < 0) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    it->data = cp = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, oidLen);
-    if (cp == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    it->len = oidLen;
-    PORT_Memcpy(cp, oid, oidLen);
-    *maxLenp = (unsigned)maxLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-SetupAVAValue(PLArenaPool *arena, int valueType, const SECItem *in,
-              SECItem *out, unsigned maxLen)
-    PRUint8 *value, *cp, *ucs4Val;
-    unsigned valueLen, valueLenLen, total;
-    unsigned ucs4Len = 0, ucs4MaxLen;
-    value = in->data;
-    valueLen = in->len;
-    switch (valueType) {
-        case SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING:
-        case SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING:
-        case SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING: /* no conversion required */
-            break;
-            ucs4MaxLen = valueLen * 6;
-            ucs4Val = (PRUint8 *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, ucs4MaxLen);
-            if (!ucs4Val ||
-                !PORT_UCS4_UTF8Conversion(PR_TRUE, value, valueLen, ucs4Val,
-                                          ucs4MaxLen, &ucs4Len)) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            value = ucs4Val;
-            valueLen = ucs4Len;
-            maxLen *= 4;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (valueLen > maxLen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    valueLenLen = DER_LengthLength(valueLen);
-    total = 1 + valueLenLen + valueLen;
-    cp = (PRUint8 *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, total);
-    if (!cp) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    out->data = cp;
-    out->len = total;
-    cp = (PRUint8 *)DER_StoreHeader(cp, valueType, valueLen);
-    PORT_Memcpy(cp, value, valueLen);
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_CreateAVAFromRaw(PLArenaPool *pool, const SECItem *OID,
-                      const SECItem *value)
-    CERTAVA *ava;
-    int rv;
-    ava = PORT_ArenaZNew(pool, CERTAVA);
-    if (ava) {
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(pool, &ava->type, OID);
-        if (rv)
-            return NULL;
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(pool, &ava->value, value);
-        if (rv)
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    return ava;
-CERT_CreateAVAFromSECItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag kind, int valueType,
-                          SECItem *value)
-    CERTAVA *ava;
-    int rv;
-    unsigned maxLen;
-    ava = (CERTAVA *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTAVA));
-    if (ava) {
-        rv = SetupAVAType(arena, kind, &ava->type, &maxLen);
-        if (rv) {
-            /* Illegal AVA type */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        rv = SetupAVAValue(arena, valueType, value, &ava->value, maxLen);
-        if (rv) {
-            /* Illegal value type */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return ava;
-CERT_CreateAVA(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag kind, int valueType, char *value)
-    SECItem item = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
- = (PRUint8 *)value;
-    item.len = PORT_Strlen(value);
-    return CERT_CreateAVAFromSECItem(arena, kind, valueType, &item);
-CERT_CopyAVA(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAVA *from)
-    CERTAVA *ava;
-    int rv;
-    ava = (CERTAVA *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTAVA));
-    if (ava) {
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &ava->type, &from->type);
-        if (rv)
-            goto loser;
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &ava->value, &from->value);
-        if (rv)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    return ava;
-    return 0;
-CERT_CreateRDN(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAVA *ava0, ...)
-    CERTAVA *ava;
-    CERTRDN *rdn;
-    va_list ap;
-    unsigned count;
-    CERTAVA **avap;
-    rdn = (CERTRDN *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTRDN));
-    if (rdn) {
-        /* Count number of avas going into the rdn */
-        count = 0;
-        if (ava0) {
-            count++;
-            va_start(ap, ava0);
-            while ((ava = va_arg(ap, CERTAVA *)) != 0) {
-                count++;
-            }
-            va_end(ap);
-        }
-        /* Now fill in the pointers */
-        rdn->avas = avap =
-            (CERTAVA **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, (count + 1) * sizeof(CERTAVA *));
-        if (!avap) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        if (ava0) {
-            *avap++ = ava0;
-            va_start(ap, ava0);
-            while ((ava = va_arg(ap, CERTAVA *)) != 0) {
-                *avap++ = ava;
-            }
-            va_end(ap);
-        }
-        *avap++ = 0;
-    }
-    return rdn;
-CERT_AddAVA(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTRDN *rdn, CERTAVA *ava)
-    rdn->avas = (CERTAVA **)AddToArray(arena, (void **)rdn->avas, ava);
-    return rdn->avas ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-CERT_CopyRDN(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTRDN *to, CERTRDN *from)
-    CERTAVA **avas, *fava, *tava;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* Copy each ava from from */
-    avas = from->avas;
-    if (avas) {
-        if (avas[0] == NULL) {
-            rv = CERT_AddAVA(arena, to, NULL);
-            return rv;
-        }
-        while ((fava = *avas++) != 0) {
-            tava = CERT_CopyAVA(arena, fava);
-            if (!tava) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-            rv = CERT_AddAVA(arena, to, tava);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_NameTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(CERTName, rdns), CERT_RDNTemplate,
-      sizeof(CERTName) }
-CERTName *
-CERT_CreateName(CERTRDN *rdn0, ...)
-    CERTRDN *rdn;
-    CERTName *name;
-    va_list ap;
-    unsigned count;
-    CERTRDN **rdnp;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (0);
-    }
-    name = (CERTName *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTName));
-    if (name) {
-        name->arena = arena;
-        /* Count number of RDNs going into the Name */
-        if (!rdn0) {
-            count = 0;
-        } else {
-            count = 1;
-            va_start(ap, rdn0);
-            while ((rdn = va_arg(ap, CERTRDN *)) != 0) {
-                count++;
-            }
-            va_end(ap);
-        }
-        /* Allocate space (including space for terminal null ptr) */
-        name->rdns = rdnp =
-            (CERTRDN **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, (count + 1) * sizeof(CERTRDN *));
-        if (!name->rdns) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* Now fill in the pointers */
-        if (count > 0) {
-            *rdnp++ = rdn0;
-            va_start(ap, rdn0);
-            while ((rdn = va_arg(ap, CERTRDN *)) != 0) {
-                *rdnp++ = rdn;
-            }
-            va_end(ap);
-        }
-        /* null terminate the list */
-        *rdnp++ = 0;
-    }
-    return name;
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (0);
-CERT_DestroyName(CERTName *name)
-    if (name) {
-        PLArenaPool *arena = name->arena;
-        name->rdns = NULL;
-        name->arena = NULL;
-        if (arena)
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-CERT_AddRDN(CERTName *name, CERTRDN *rdn)
-    name->rdns = (CERTRDN **)AddToArray(name->arena, (void **)name->rdns, rdn);
-    return name->rdns ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-CERT_CopyName(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTName *to, const CERTName *from)
-    CERTRDN **rdns, *frdn, *trdn;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!to || !from) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    CERT_DestroyName(to);
-    to->arena = arena;
-    /* Copy each rdn from from */
-    rdns = from->rdns;
-    if (rdns) {
-        if (rdns[0] == NULL) {
-            rv = CERT_AddRDN(to, NULL);
-            return rv;
-        }
-        while ((frdn = *rdns++) != NULL) {
-            trdn = CERT_CreateRDN(arena, NULL);
-            if (!trdn) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-            rv = CERT_CopyRDN(arena, trdn, frdn);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = CERT_AddRDN(to, trdn);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-static void
-canonicalize(SECItem *foo)
-    int ch, lastch, len, src, dest;
-    /* strip trailing whitespace. */
-    len = foo->len;
-    while (len > 0 && ((ch = foo->data[len - 1]) == ' ' || ch == '\t' ||
-                       ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')) {
-        len--;
-    }
-    src = 0;
-    /* strip leading whitespace. */
-    while (src < len && ((ch = foo->data[src]) == ' ' || ch == '\t' ||
-                         ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')) {
-        src++;
-    }
-    dest = 0;
-    lastch = ' ';
-    while (src < len) {
-        ch = foo->data[src++];
-        if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
-            ch = ' ';
-            if (ch == lastch)
-                continue;
-        } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
-            ch |= 0x20; /* downshift */
-        }
-        foo->data[dest++] = lastch = ch;
-    }
-    foo->len = dest;
-/* SECItems a and b contain DER-encoded printable strings. */
-CERT_CompareDERPrintableStrings(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b)
-    SECComparison rv = SECLessThan;
-    SECItem *aVal = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(a);
-    SECItem *bVal = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(b);
-    if (aVal && aVal->len && aVal->data && bVal && bVal->len && bVal->data) {
-        canonicalize(aVal);
-        canonicalize(bVal);
-        rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(aVal, bVal);
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(aVal, PR_TRUE);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(bVal, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-CERT_CompareAVA(const CERTAVA *a, const CERTAVA *b)
-    SECComparison rv;
-    rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(&a->type, &b->type);
-    if (SECEqual != rv)
-        return rv; /* Attribute types don't match. */
-    /* Let's be optimistic.  Maybe the values will just compare equal. */
-    rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(&a->value, &b->value);
-    if (SECEqual == rv)
-        return rv; /* values compared exactly. */
-    if (a->value.len && a-> && b->value.len && b-> {
-        /* Here, the values did not match.
-        ** If the values had different encodings, convert them to the same
-        ** encoding and compare that way.
-        */
-        if (a->[0] != b->[0]) {
-            /* encodings differ.  Convert both to UTF-8 and compare. */
-            SECItem *aVal = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&a->value);
-            SECItem *bVal = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&b->value);
-            if (aVal && aVal->len && aVal->data && bVal && bVal->len &&
-                bVal->data) {
-                rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(aVal, bVal);
-            }
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(aVal, PR_TRUE);
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(bVal, PR_TRUE);
-        } else if (a->[0] == 0x13) { /* both are printable strings. */
-            /* printable strings */
-            rv = CERT_CompareDERPrintableStrings(&a->value, &b->value);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-CERT_CompareRDN(const CERTRDN *a, const CERTRDN *b)
-    CERTAVA **aavas, *aava;
-    CERTAVA **bavas, *bava;
-    int ac, bc;
-    SECComparison rv = SECEqual;
-    aavas = a->avas;
-    bavas = b->avas;
-    /*
-    ** Make sure array of ava's are the same length. If not, then we are
-    ** not equal
-    */
-    ac = CountArray((void **)aavas);
-    bc = CountArray((void **)bavas);
-    if (ac < bc)
-        return SECLessThan;
-    if (ac > bc)
-        return SECGreaterThan;
-    while (NULL != (aava = *aavas++)) {
-        for (bavas = b->avas; NULL != (bava = *bavas++);) {
-            rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(&aava->type, &bava->type);
-            if (SECEqual == rv) {
-                rv = CERT_CompareAVA(aava, bava);
-                if (SECEqual != rv)
-                    return rv;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!bava) /* didn't find a match */
-            return SECGreaterThan;
-    }
-    return rv;
-CERT_CompareName(const CERTName *a, const CERTName *b)
-    CERTRDN **ardns, *ardn;
-    CERTRDN **brdns, *brdn;
-    int ac, bc;
-    SECComparison rv = SECEqual;
-    ardns = a->rdns;
-    brdns = b->rdns;
-    /*
-    ** Make sure array of rdn's are the same length. If not, then we are
-    ** not equal
-    */
-    ac = CountArray((void **)ardns);
-    bc = CountArray((void **)brdns);
-    if (ac < bc)
-        return SECLessThan;
-    if (ac > bc)
-        return SECGreaterThan;
-    for (;;) {
-        ardn = *ardns++;
-        brdn = *brdns++;
-        if (!ardn) {
-            break;
-        }
-        rv = CERT_CompareRDN(ardn, brdn);
-        if (rv)
-            return rv;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Moved from certhtml.c */
-SECItem *
-CERT_DecodeAVAValue(const SECItem *derAVAValue)
-    SECItem *retItem;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate = NULL;
-    enum { conv_none, conv_ucs4, conv_ucs2, conv_iso88591 } convert = conv_none;
-    SECItem avaValue = { siBuffer, 0 };
-    PLArenaPool *newarena = NULL;
-    if (!derAVAValue || !derAVAValue->len || !derAVAValue->data) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    switch (derAVAValue->data[0]) {
-            convert = conv_ucs4;
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_UniversalStringTemplate);
-            break;
-        case SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING:
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IA5StringTemplate);
-            break;
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_PrintableStringTemplate);
-            break;
-        case SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING:
-            /*
-             * Per common practice, we're not decoding actual T.61, but instead
-             * treating T61-labeled strings as containing ISO-8859-1.
-             */
-            convert = conv_iso88591;
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_T61StringTemplate);
-            break;
-        case SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING:
-            convert = conv_ucs2;
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_BMPStringTemplate);
-            break;
-        case SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING:
-            /* No conversion needed ! */
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_UTF8StringTemplate);
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA);
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&avaValue, 0, sizeof(SECItem));
-    newarena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!newarena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(newarena, &avaValue, theTemplate, derAVAValue) !=
-        SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(newarena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (convert != conv_none) {
-        unsigned int utf8ValLen = avaValue.len * 3;
-        unsigned char *utf8Val =
-            (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(newarena, utf8ValLen);
-        switch (convert) {
-            case conv_ucs4:
-                if (avaValue.len % 4 != 0 ||
-                    !PORT_UCS4_UTF8Conversion(PR_FALSE,,
-                                              avaValue.len, utf8Val, utf8ValLen,
-                                              &utf8ValLen)) {
-                    PORT_FreeArena(newarena, PR_FALSE);
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                break;
-            case conv_ucs2:
-                if (avaValue.len % 2 != 0 ||
-                    !PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion(PR_FALSE,,
-                                              avaValue.len, utf8Val, utf8ValLen,
-                                              &utf8ValLen)) {
-                    PORT_FreeArena(newarena, PR_FALSE);
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                break;
-            case conv_iso88591:
-                if (!PORT_ISO88591_UTF8Conversion(, avaValue.len,
-                                                  utf8Val, utf8ValLen,
-                                                  &utf8ValLen)) {
-                    PORT_FreeArena(newarena, PR_FALSE);
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA);
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                break;
-            case conv_none:
-                PORT_Assert(0); /* not reached */
-                break;
-        }
- = utf8Val;
-        avaValue.len = utf8ValLen;
-    }
-    retItem = SECITEM_DupItem(&avaValue);
-    PORT_FreeArena(newarena, PR_FALSE);
-    return retItem;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/stanpcertdb.c b/nss/lib/certdb/stanpcertdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a65ad5c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/stanpcertdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1041 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-/* Call to PK11_FreeSlot below */
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "base64.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "plhash.h"
-#include "pk11func.h" /* sigh */
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#include "pki.h"
-#include "pkim.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "ckhelper.h"
-#include "base.h"
-#include "pkistore.h"
-#include "dev3hack.h"
-#include "dev.h"
-SEC_CertNicknameConflict(const char *nickname, const SECItem *derSubject,
-                         CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    PRBool conflict = PR_FALSE;
-    cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(handle, nickname);
-    if (!cert) {
-        return conflict;
-    }
-    conflict = !SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(derSubject, &cert->derSubject);
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    return conflict;
-SEC_DeletePermCertificate(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSCertificate *c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    CERTCertTrust *certTrust;
-    if (c == NULL) {
-        /* error code is set */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    certTrust = nssTrust_GetCERTCertTrustForCert(c, cert);
-    if (certTrust) {
-        NSSTrust *nssTrust = nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate(td, c);
-        if (nssTrust) {
-            nssrv = STAN_DeleteCertTrustMatchingSlot(c);
-            if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-                CERT_MapStanError();
-            }
-            /* This call always returns PR_SUCCESS! */
-            (void)nssTrust_Destroy(nssTrust);
-        }
-    }
-    /* get rid of the token instances */
-    nssrv = NSSCertificate_DeleteStoredObject(c, NULL);
-    /* get rid of the cache entry */
-    nssTrustDomain_LockCertCache(td);
-    nssTrustDomain_RemoveCertFromCacheLOCKED(td, c);
-    nssTrustDomain_UnlockCertCache(td);
-    return (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-CERT_GetCertTrust(const CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertTrust *trust)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERT_LockCertTrust(cert);
-    if (cert->trust == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-        *trust = *cert->trust;
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    CERT_UnlockCertTrust(cert);
-    return (rv);
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_BASE64;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ITEM;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_BER;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ATAV;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_INVALID_UTF8;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_BUSY;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_PKCS11;
-/* Look at the stan error stack and map it to NSS 3 errors */
-#define STAN_MAP_ERROR(x, y)                                                   \
-    else if (error == (x)) { secError = y; }
- * map Stan errors into NSS errors
- * This function examines the stan error stack and automatically sets
- * PORT_SetError(); to the appropriate SEC_ERROR value.
- */
-    PRInt32 *errorStack;
-    NSSError error, prevError;
-    int secError;
-    int i;
-    error = 0;
-    errorStack = NSS_GetErrorStack();
-    if (errorStack == 0) {
-        PORT_SetError(0);
-        return;
-    }
-    error = prevError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    /* get the 'top 2' error codes from the stack */
-    for (i = 0; errorStack[i]; i++) {
-        prevError = error;
-        error = errorStack[i];
-    }
-    if (error == NSS_ERROR_PKCS11) {
-        /* map it */
-        secError = PK11_MapError(prevError);
-    }
-                   SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER)
-    /* these are library failure for lack of a better error code */
-                   SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE)
-    /* these are all invalid arguments */
-    else { secError = SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE; }
-    PORT_SetError(secError);
-CERT_ChangeCertTrust(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                     CERTCertTrust *trust)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRStatus ret;
-    ret = STAN_ChangeCertTrust(cert, trust);
-    if (ret != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-    }
-    return rv;
-__CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(CERTCertificate *cert, char *nickname,
-                         CERTCertTrust *trust)
-    NSSUTF8 *stanNick;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    NSSToken *internal;
-    NSSCryptoContext *context;
-    nssCryptokiObject *permInstance;
-    NSSCertificate *c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    nssCertificateStoreTrace lockTrace = { NULL, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE };
-    nssCertificateStoreTrace unlockTrace = { NULL, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE };
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRStatus ret;
-    if (c == NULL) {
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    context = c->object.cryptoContext;
-    if (!context) {
-        return SECFailure; /* wasn't a temp cert */
-    }
-    stanNick = nssCertificate_GetNickname(c, NULL);
-    if (stanNick && nickname && strcmp(nickname, stanNick) != 0) {
-        /* different: take the new nickname */
-        cert->nickname = NULL;
-        nss_ZFreeIf(stanNick);
-        stanNick = NULL;
-    }
-    if (!stanNick && nickname) {
-        /* Either there was no nickname yet, or we have a new nickname */
-        stanNick = nssUTF8_Duplicate((NSSUTF8 *)nickname, NULL);
-    } /* else: old stanNick is identical to new nickname */
-    /* Delete the temp instance */
-    nssCertificateStore_Lock(context->certStore, &lockTrace);
-    nssCertificateStore_RemoveCertLOCKED(context->certStore, c);
-    nssCertificateStore_Unlock(context->certStore, &lockTrace, &unlockTrace);
-    c->object.cryptoContext = NULL;
-    /* Import the perm instance onto the internal token */
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    internal = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    permInstance = nssToken_ImportCertificate(
-        internal, NULL, NSSCertificateType_PKIX, &c->id, stanNick, &c->encoding,
-        &c->issuer, &c->subject, &c->serial, cert->emailAddr, PR_TRUE);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(stanNick);
-    stanNick = NULL;
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if (!permInstance) {
-        if (NSS_GetError() == NSS_ERROR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE) {
-        }
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_AddInstance(&c->object, permInstance);
-    nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache(STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain(), &c, 1);
-    /* reset the CERTCertificate fields */
-    cert->nssCertificate = NULL;
-    cert = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c); /* should return same pointer */
-    if (!cert) {
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cert->istemp = PR_FALSE;
-    cert->isperm = PR_TRUE;
-    if (!trust) {
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    ret = STAN_ChangeCertTrust(cert, trust);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (ret != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-    }
-    return rv;
-CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(CERTCertificate *cert, char *nickname,
-                       CERTCertTrust *trust)
-    return __CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(cert, nickname, trust);
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derCert,
-                        char *nickname, PRBool isperm, PRBool copyDER)
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    CERTCertificate *cc;
-    NSSCertificate *tempCert = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject *pkio;
-    NSSCryptoContext *gCC = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    NSSTrustDomain *gTD = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    if (!isperm) {
-        NSSDER encoding;
-        NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&encoding, derCert);
-        /* First, see if it is already a temp cert */
-        c = NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(gCC,
-                                                                 &encoding);
-        if (!c) {
-            /* Then, see if it is already a perm cert */
-            c = NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(handle,
-                                                                   &encoding);
-        }
-        if (c) {
-            /* actually, that search ends up going by issuer/serial,
-             * so it is still possible to return a cert with the same
-             * issuer/serial but a different encoding, and we're
-             * going to reject that
-             */
-            if (!nssItem_Equal(&c->encoding, &encoding, NULL)) {
-                nssCertificate_Destroy(c);
-                cc = NULL;
-            } else {
-                cc = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c);
-                if (cc == NULL) {
-                    CERT_MapStanError();
-                }
-            }
-            return cc;
-        }
-    }
-    pkio = nssPKIObject_Create(NULL, NULL, gTD, gCC, nssPKIMonitor);
-    if (!pkio) {
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    c = nss_ZNEW(pkio->arena, NSSCertificate);
-    if (!c) {
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        nssPKIObject_Destroy(pkio);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    c->object = *pkio;
-    if (copyDER) {
-        nssItem_Create(c->object.arena, &c->encoding, derCert->len,
-                       derCert->data);
-    } else {
-        NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&c->encoding, derCert);
-    }
-    /* Forces a decoding of the cert in order to obtain the parts used
-     * below
-     */
-    /* 'c' is not adopted here, if we fail loser frees what has been
-     * allocated so far for 'c' */
-    cc = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-    if (!cc) {
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nssItem_Create(c->object.arena, &c->issuer, cc->derIssuer.len,
-                   cc->;
-    nssItem_Create(c->object.arena, &c->subject, cc->derSubject.len,
-                   cc->;
-    if (PR_TRUE) {
-        /* CERTCertificate stores serial numbers decoded.  I need the DER
-        * here.  sigh.
-        */
-        SECItem derSerial = { 0 };
-        CERT_SerialNumberFromDERCert(&cc->derCert, &derSerial);
-        if (!
-            goto loser;
-        nssItem_Create(c->object.arena, &c->serial, derSerial.len,
-             ;
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if (nickname) {
-        c->object.tempName =
-            nssUTF8_Create(c->object.arena, nssStringType_UTF8String,
-                           (NSSUTF8 *)nickname, PORT_Strlen(nickname));
-    }
-    if (cc->emailAddr && cc->emailAddr[0]) {
-        c->email = nssUTF8_Create(
-            c->object.arena, nssStringType_PrintableString,
-            (NSSUTF8 *)cc->emailAddr, PORT_Strlen(cc->emailAddr));
-    }
-    tempCert = NSSCryptoContext_FindOrImportCertificate(gCC, c);
-    if (!tempCert) {
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* destroy our copy */
-    NSSCertificate_Destroy(c);
-    /* and use the stored entry */
-    c = tempCert;
-    cc = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c);
-    if (!cc) {
-        /* STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease destroys c on failure. */
-        CERT_MapStanError();
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    cc->istemp = PR_TRUE;
-    cc->isperm = PR_FALSE;
-    return cc;
-    /* Perhaps this should be nssCertificate_Destroy(c) */
-    nssPKIObject_Destroy(&c->object);
-    return NULL;
-/* This symbol is exported for backward compatibility. */
-CERTCertificate *
-__CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derCert,
-                          char *nickname, PRBool isperm, PRBool copyDER)
-    return CERT_NewTempCertificate(handle, derCert, nickname, isperm, copyDER);
-/* maybe all the wincx's should be some const for internal token login? */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                           CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    cert = PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSN(&slot, issuerAndSN, NULL);
-    if (cert && slot) {
-        PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return cert;
-static NSSCertificate *
-get_best_temp_or_perm(NSSCertificate *ct, NSSCertificate *cp)
-    NSSUsage usage;
-    NSSCertificate *arr[3];
-    if (!ct) {
-        return nssCertificate_AddRef(cp);
-    } else if (!cp) {
-        return nssCertificate_AddRef(ct);
-    }
-    arr[0] = ct;
-    arr[1] = cp;
-    arr[2] = NULL;
-    usage.anyUsage = PR_TRUE;
-    return nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(arr, NULL, &usage, NULL);
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByName(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *name)
-    NSSCertificate *cp, *ct, *c;
-    NSSDER subject;
-    NSSUsage usage;
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&subject, name);
-    usage.anyUsage = PR_TRUE;
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    ct = NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateBySubject(cc, &subject, NULL,
-                                                       &usage, NULL);
-    cp = NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateBySubject(handle, &subject, NULL,
-                                                     &usage, NULL);
-    c = get_best_temp_or_perm(ct, cp);
-    if (ct) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(ct));
-    }
-    if (cp) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(cp));
-    }
-    return c ? STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c) : NULL;
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByKeyID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *name, SECItem *keyID)
-    CERTCertList *list;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    CERTCertListNode *node, *head;
-    list = CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(NULL, handle, name, 0, PR_FALSE);
-    if (list == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    node = head = CERT_LIST_HEAD(list);
-    if (head) {
-        do {
-            if (node->cert &&
-                SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&node->cert->subjectKeyID, keyID)) {
-                cert = CERT_DupCertificate(node->cert);
-                goto done;
-            }
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-        } while (node && head != node);
-    }
-    if (list) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(list);
-    }
-    return cert;
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByNickname(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, const char *nickname)
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    NSSCertificate *c, *ct;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    NSSUsage usage;
-    usage.anyUsage = PR_TRUE;
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    ct = NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByNickname(cc, nickname, NULL,
-                                                        &usage, NULL);
-    cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(nickname, NULL);
-    c = NULL;
-    if (cert) {
-        c = get_best_temp_or_perm(ct, STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert));
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        if (ct) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(ct));
-        }
-    } else {
-        c = ct;
-    }
-    return c ? STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c) : NULL;
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByDERCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derCert)
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    NSSDER encoding;
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&encoding, derCert);
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    c = NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(cc, &encoding);
-    if (!c) {
-        c = NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(handle,
-                                                               &encoding);
-        if (!c)
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    return STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c);
-static CERTCertificate *
-common_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrForUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                             const char *name, PRBool anyUsage,
-                                             SECCertUsage lookingForUsage)
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    NSSCertificate *c, *ct;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    NSSUsage usage;
-    CERTCertList *certlist;
-    if (NULL == name) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    usage.anyUsage = anyUsage;
-    if (!anyUsage) {
-        usage.nss3lookingForCA = PR_FALSE;
-        usage.nss3usage = lookingForUsage;
-    }
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    ct = NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByNickname(cc, name, NULL, &usage,
-                                                        NULL);
-    if (!ct && PORT_Strchr(name, '@') != NULL) {
-        char *lowercaseName = CERT_FixupEmailAddr(name);
-        if (lowercaseName) {
-            ct = NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByEmail(
-                cc, lowercaseName, NULL, &usage, NULL);
-            PORT_Free(lowercaseName);
-        }
-    }
-    if (anyUsage) {
-        cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(name, NULL);
-    } else {
-        if (ct) {
-            /* Does ct really have the required usage? */
-            nssDecodedCert *dc;
-            dc = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(ct);
-            if (!dc->matchUsage(dc, &usage)) {
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(ct));
-                ct = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-        certlist = PK11_FindCertsFromNickname(name, NULL);
-        if (certlist) {
-            SECStatus rv =
-                CERT_FilterCertListByUsage(certlist, lookingForUsage, PR_FALSE);
-            if (SECSuccess == rv &&
-                !CERT_LIST_END(CERT_LIST_HEAD(certlist), certlist)) {
-                cert = CERT_DupCertificate(CERT_LIST_HEAD(certlist)->cert);
-            }
-            CERT_DestroyCertList(certlist);
-        }
-    }
-    if (cert) {
-        c = get_best_temp_or_perm(ct, STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert));
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        if (ct) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(ct));
-        }
-    } else {
-        c = ct;
-    }
-    return c ? STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c) : NULL;
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, const char *name)
-    return common_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrForUsage(handle, name, PR_TRUE,
-                                                        0);
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrForUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                           const char *name,
-                                           SECCertUsage lookingForUsage)
-    return common_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddrForUsage(handle, name, PR_FALSE,
-                                                        lookingForUsage);
-static void
-add_to_subject_list(CERTCertList *certList, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                    PRBool validOnly, PRTime sorttime)
-    SECStatus secrv;
-    if (!validOnly ||
-        CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert, sorttime, PR_FALSE) ==
-            secCertTimeValid) {
-        secrv = CERT_AddCertToListSorted(certList, cert, CERT_SortCBValidity,
-                                         (void *)&sorttime);
-        if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        }
-    } else {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    }
-CERTCertList *
-CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(CERTCertList *certList, CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                           const SECItem *name, PRTime sorttime,
-                           PRBool validOnly)
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    NSSCertificate **tSubjectCerts, **pSubjectCerts;
-    NSSCertificate **ci;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    NSSDER subject;
-    PRBool myList = PR_FALSE;
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&subject, name);
-    /* Collect both temp and perm certs for the subject */
-    tSubjectCerts =
-        NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesBySubject(cc, &subject, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    pSubjectCerts = NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject(handle, &subject,
-                                                             NULL, 0, NULL);
-    if (!tSubjectCerts && !pSubjectCerts) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (certList == NULL) {
-        certList = CERT_NewCertList();
-        myList = PR_TRUE;
-        if (!certList)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Iterate over the matching temp certs.  Add them to the list */
-    ci = tSubjectCerts;
-    while (ci && *ci) {
-        cert = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(*ci);
-        /* *ci may be invalid at this point, don't reference it again */
-        if (cert) {
-            /* NOTE: add_to_subject_list adopts the incoming cert. */
-            add_to_subject_list(certList, cert, validOnly, sorttime);
-        }
-        ci++;
-    }
-    /* Iterate over the matching perm certs.  Add them to the list */
-    ci = pSubjectCerts;
-    while (ci && *ci) {
-        cert = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(*ci);
-        /* *ci may be invalid at this point, don't reference it again */
-        if (cert) {
-            /* NOTE: add_to_subject_list adopts the incoming cert. */
-            add_to_subject_list(certList, cert, validOnly, sorttime);
-        }
-        ci++;
-    }
-    /* all the references have been adopted or freed at this point, just
-     * free the arrays now */
-    nss_ZFreeIf(tSubjectCerts);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(pSubjectCerts);
-    return certList;
-    /* need to free the references in tSubjectCerts and pSubjectCerts! */
-    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(tSubjectCerts);
-    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(pSubjectCerts);
-    if (myList && certList != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CERT_DestroyCertificate(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    if (cert) {
-        /* don't use STAN_GetNSSCertificate because we don't want to
-         * go to the trouble of translating the CERTCertificate into
-         * an NSSCertificate just to destroy it.  If it hasn't been done
-         * yet, don't do it at all.
-         */
-        NSSCertificate *tmp = cert->nssCertificate;
-        if (tmp) {
-            /* delete the NSSCertificate */
-            NSSCertificate_Destroy(tmp);
-        } else if (cert->arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(cert->arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-CERT_GetDBContentVersion(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    /* should read the DB content version from the pkcs #11 device */
-    return 0;
-certdb_SaveSingleProfile(CERTCertificate *cert, const char *emailAddr,
-                         SECItem *emailProfile, SECItem *profileTime)
-    PRTime oldtime;
-    PRTime newtime;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PRBool saveit;
-    SECItem oldprof, oldproftime;
-    SECItem *oldProfile = NULL;
-    SECItem *oldProfileTime = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    nssSMIMEProfile *stanProfile = NULL;
-    PRBool freeOldProfile = PR_FALSE;
-    c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    if (!c)
-        return SECFailure;
-    cc = c->object.cryptoContext;
-    if (cc != NULL) {
-        stanProfile = nssCryptoContext_FindSMIMEProfileForCertificate(cc, c);
-        if (stanProfile) {
-            PORT_Assert(stanProfile->profileData);
-            SECITEM_FROM_NSSITEM(&oldprof, stanProfile->profileData);
-            oldProfile = &oldprof;
-            SECITEM_FROM_NSSITEM(&oldproftime, stanProfile->profileTime);
-            oldProfileTime = &oldproftime;
-        }
-    } else {
-        oldProfile = PK11_FindSMimeProfile(&slot, (char *)emailAddr,
-                                           &cert->derSubject, &oldProfileTime);
-        freeOldProfile = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    saveit = PR_FALSE;
-    /* both profileTime and emailProfile have to exist or not exist */
-    if (emailProfile == NULL) {
-        profileTime = NULL;
-    } else if (profileTime == NULL) {
-        emailProfile = NULL;
-    }
-    if (oldProfileTime == NULL) {
-        saveit = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        /* there was already a profile for this email addr */
-        if (profileTime) {
-            /* we have an old and new profile - save whichever is more recent*/
-            if (oldProfileTime->len == 0) {
-                /* always replace if old entry doesn't have a time */
-                oldtime = LL_MININT;
-            } else {
-                rv = DER_UTCTimeToTime(&oldtime, oldProfileTime);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    goto loser;
-                }
-            }
-            rv = DER_UTCTimeToTime(&newtime, profileTime);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                goto loser;
-            }
-            if (LL_CMP(newtime, >, oldtime)) {
-                /* this is a newer profile, save it and cert */
-                saveit = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        } else {
-            saveit = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    if (saveit) {
-        if (cc) {
-            if (stanProfile) {
-                /* stanProfile is already stored in the crypto context,
-                 * overwrite the data
-                 */
-                NSSArena *arena = stanProfile->object.arena;
-                stanProfile->profileTime = nssItem_Create(
-                    arena, NULL, profileTime->len, profileTime->data);
-                stanProfile->profileData = nssItem_Create(
-                    arena, NULL, emailProfile->len, emailProfile->data);
-            } else if (profileTime && emailProfile) {
-                PRStatus nssrv;
-                NSSItem profTime, profData;
-                NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&profTime, profileTime);
-                NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&profData, emailProfile);
-                stanProfile = nssSMIMEProfile_Create(c, &profTime, &profData);
-                if (!stanProfile)
-                    goto loser;
-                nssrv = nssCryptoContext_ImportSMIMEProfile(cc, stanProfile);
-                rv = (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-            }
-        } else {
-            rv = PK11_SaveSMimeProfile(slot, (char *)emailAddr,
-                                       &cert->derSubject, emailProfile,
-                                       profileTime);
-        }
-    } else {
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (oldProfile && freeOldProfile) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(oldProfile, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (oldProfileTime && freeOldProfile) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(oldProfileTime, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (stanProfile) {
-        nssSMIMEProfile_Destroy(stanProfile);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-        PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return (rv);
- *
- * Manage S/MIME profiles
- *
- */
-CERT_SaveSMimeProfile(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *emailProfile,
-                      SECItem *profileTime)
-    const char *emailAddr;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!cert) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cert->slot && !PK11_IsInternal(cert->slot)) {
-        /* this cert comes from an external source, we need to add it
-        to the cert db before creating an S/MIME profile */
-        PK11SlotInfo *internalslot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-        if (!internalslot) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        rv = PK11_ImportCert(internalslot, cert, CK_INVALID_HANDLE, NULL,
-                             PR_FALSE);
-        PK11_FreeSlot(internalslot);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (cert->slot && cert->isperm && CERT_IsUserCert(cert) &&
-        (!emailProfile || !emailProfile->len)) {
-        /* Don't clobber emailProfile for user certs. */
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    for (emailAddr = CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress(cert); emailAddr != NULL;
-         emailAddr = CERT_GetNextEmailAddress(cert, emailAddr)) {
-        rv = certdb_SaveSingleProfile(cert, emailAddr, emailProfile,
-                                      profileTime);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECItem *
-CERT_FindSMimeProfile(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    SECItem *rvItem = NULL;
-    if (!cert || !cert->emailAddr || !cert->emailAddr[0]) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    if (!c)
-        return NULL;
-    cc = c->object.cryptoContext;
-    if (cc != NULL) {
-        nssSMIMEProfile *stanProfile;
-        stanProfile = nssCryptoContext_FindSMIMEProfileForCertificate(cc, c);
-        if (stanProfile) {
-            rvItem =
-                SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, stanProfile->profileData->size);
-            if (rvItem) {
-                rvItem->data = stanProfile->profileData->data;
-            }
-            nssSMIMEProfile_Destroy(stanProfile);
-        }
-        return rvItem;
-    }
-    rvItem =
-        PK11_FindSMimeProfile(&slot, cert->emailAddr, &cert->derSubject, NULL);
-    if (slot) {
-        PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return rvItem;
- * deprecated functions that are now just stubs.
- */
- * Close the database
- */
-__CERT_ClosePermCertDB(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    PORT_Assert("CERT_ClosePermCertDB is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return;
-CERT_OpenCertDBFilename(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *certdbname,
-                        PRBool readOnly)
-    PORT_Assert("CERT_OpenCertDBFilename is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return SECFailure;
-SECItem *
-SECKEY_HashPassword(char *pw, SECItem *salt)
-    PORT_Assert("SECKEY_HashPassword is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return NULL;
-__CERT_TraversePermCertsForSubject(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                   SECItem *derSubject, void *cb, void *cbarg)
-    PORT_Assert("CERT_TraversePermCertsForSubject is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return SECFailure;
-__CERT_TraversePermCertsForNickname(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *nickname,
-                                    void *cb, void *cbarg)
-    PORT_Assert("CERT_TraversePermCertsForNickname is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return SECFailure;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/xauthkid.c b/nss/lib/certdb/xauthkid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c7ef046..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/xauthkid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * X.509 v3 Subject Key Usage Extension
- *
- */
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERTAuthKeyIDTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTAuthKeyID) },
-      offsetof(CERTAuthKeyID, keyID), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_OctetStringTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTAuthKeyID, DERAuthCertIssuer), CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTAuthKeyID, authCertSerialNumber),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-CERT_EncodeAuthKeyID(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAuthKeyID *value,
-                     SECItem *encodedValue)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(value);
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    PORT_Assert(value->DERAuthCertIssuer == NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(encodedValue);
-    do {
-        /* If both of the authCertIssuer and the serial number exist, encode
-           the name first.  Otherwise, it is an error if one exist and the other
-           is not.
-         */
-        if (value->authCertIssuer) {
-            if (!value-> {
-                break;
-            }
-            value->DERAuthCertIssuer =
-                cert_EncodeGeneralNames(arena, value->authCertIssuer);
-            if (!value->DERAuthCertIssuer) {
-                break;
-            }
-        } else if (value-> {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, encodedValue, value,
-                               CERTAuthKeyIDTemplate) == NULL)
-            break;
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    } while (0);
-    return (rv);
-CERTAuthKeyID *
-CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *encodedValue)
-    CERTAuthKeyID *value = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    void *mark;
-    SECItem newEncodedValue;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    do {
-        mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-        value = (CERTAuthKeyID *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(*value));
-        if (value == NULL)
-            break;
-        value->DERAuthCertIssuer = NULL;
-        /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-           into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newEncodedValue, encodedValue);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            break;
-        }
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, value, CERTAuthKeyIDTemplate,
-                                    &newEncodedValue);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            break;
-        value->authCertIssuer =
-            cert_DecodeGeneralNames(arena, value->DERAuthCertIssuer);
-        if (value->authCertIssuer == NULL)
-            break;
-        /* what if the general name contains other format but not URI ?
-           hl
-         */
-        if ((value-> && !value->authCertIssuer) ||
-            (!value-> && value->authCertIssuer)) {
-            break;
-        }
-    } while (0);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-        return ((CERTAuthKeyID *)NULL);
-    }
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    return (value);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/xbsconst.c b/nss/lib/certdb/xbsconst.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a448ed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/xbsconst.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * X.509 v3 Basic Constraints Extension
- */
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include <limits.h> /* for LONG_MAX */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-typedef struct EncodedContext {
-    SECItem isCA;
-    SECItem pathLenConstraint;
-    SECItem encodedValue;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-} EncodedContext;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTBasicConstraintsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(EncodedContext) },
-      offsetof(EncodedContext, isCA) },
-      offsetof(EncodedContext, pathLenConstraint) },
-    { 0 }
-static unsigned char hexTrue = 0xff;
-static unsigned char hexFalse = 0x00;
-#define GEN_BREAK(status)                                                      \
-    rv = status;                                                               \
-    break;
-CERT_EncodeBasicConstraintValue(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTBasicConstraints *value,
-                                SECItem *encodedValue)
-    EncodedContext encodeContext;
-    PLArenaPool *our_pool = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    do {
-        PORT_Memset(&encodeContext, 0, sizeof(encodeContext));
-        if (!value->isCA && value->pathLenConstraint >= 0) {
-            GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-        }
-        encodeContext.arena = arena;
-        if (value->isCA == PR_TRUE) {
-   = &hexTrue;
-            encodeContext.isCA.len = 1;
-        }
-        /* If the pathLenConstraint is less than 0, then it should be
-         * omitted from the encoding.
-         */
-        if (value->isCA && value->pathLenConstraint >= 0) {
-            our_pool = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-            if (our_pool == NULL) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-                GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-            }
-            if (SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger(
-                    our_pool, &encodeContext.pathLenConstraint,
-                    (unsigned long)value->pathLenConstraint) == NULL) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-                GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-            }
-        }
-        if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, encodedValue, &encodeContext,
-                               CERTBasicConstraintsTemplate) == NULL) {
-            GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-        }
-    } while (0);
-    if (our_pool)
-        PORT_FreeArena(our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-    return (rv);
-CERT_DecodeBasicConstraintValue(CERTBasicConstraints *value,
-                                const SECItem *encodedValue)
-    EncodedContext decodeContext;
-    PLArenaPool *our_pool;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    do {
-        PORT_Memset(&decodeContext, 0, sizeof(decodeContext));
-        /* initialize the value just in case we got "0x30 00", or when the
-           pathLenConstraint is omitted.
-         */
- = &hexFalse;
-        decodeContext.isCA.len = 1;
-        our_pool = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-        if (our_pool == NULL) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-            GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-        }
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(our_pool, &decodeContext,
-                                    CERTBasicConstraintsTemplate, encodedValue);
-        if (rv == SECFailure)
-            break;
-        value->isCA =
-                          ? (PRBool)([0] != 0)
-                          : PR_FALSE;
-        if ( == NULL) {
-            /* if the pathLenConstraint is not encoded, and the current setting
-              is CA, then the pathLenConstraint should be set to a negative
-              number
-              for unlimited certificate path.
-             */
-            if (value->isCA)
-                value->pathLenConstraint = CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-        } else if (value->isCA) {
-            long len = DER_GetInteger(&decodeContext.pathLenConstraint);
-            if (len < 0 || len == LONG_MAX) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-            }
-            value->pathLenConstraint = len;
-        } else {
-            /* here we get an error where the subject is not a CA, but
-               the pathLenConstraint is set */
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-            GEN_BREAK(SECFailure);
-            break;
-        }
-    } while (0);
-    PORT_FreeArena(our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-    return (rv);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/xconst.c b/nss/lib/certdb/xconst.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a5634a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/xconst.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * X.509 Extension Encoding
- */
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "xconst.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTSubjectKeyIDTemplate[] = {
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTIA5TypeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CERTPrivateKeyUsagePeriodTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod) },
-      offsetof(CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod, notBefore),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod, notAfter),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERTAltNameTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, offsetof(CERTAltNameEncodedContext, encodedGenName),
-      CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERTAuthInfoAccessItemTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTAuthInfoAccess) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTAuthInfoAccess, method) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTAuthInfoAccess, derLocation) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERTAuthInfoAccessTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, CERTAuthInfoAccessItemTemplate }
-CERT_EncodeSubjectKeyID(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *srcString,
-                        SECItem *encodedValue)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!srcString) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, encodedValue, srcString,
-                           CERTSubjectKeyIDTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodePrivateKeyUsagePeriod(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                 CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod *pkup,
-                                 SECItem *encodedValue)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, encodedValue, pkup,
-                           CERTPrivateKeyUsagePeriodTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod *
-CERT_DecodePrivKeyUsagePeriodExtension(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *extnValue)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod *pPeriod;
-    SECItem newExtnValue;
-    /* allocate the certificate policies structure */
-    pPeriod = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod);
-    if (pPeriod == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pPeriod->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newExtnValue, extnValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(
-        arena, pPeriod, CERTPrivateKeyUsagePeriodTemplate, &newExtnValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return pPeriod;
-    return NULL;
-CERT_EncodeIA5TypeExtension(PLArenaPool *arena, char *value,
-                            SECItem *encodedValue)
-    SECItem encodeContext;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Memset(&encodeContext, 0, sizeof(encodeContext));
-    if (value != NULL) {
- = (unsigned char *)value;
-        encodeContext.len = strlen(value);
-    }
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, encodedValue, &encodeContext,
-                           CERTIA5TypeTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_EncodeAltNameExtension(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName *value,
-                            SECItem *encodedValue)
-    SECItem **encodedGenName;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    encodedGenName = cert_EncodeGeneralNames(arena, value);
-    if (SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, encodedValue, &encodedGenName,
-                           CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate) == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-CERTGeneralName *
-CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension(PLArenaPool *reqArena, SECItem *EncodedAltName)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CERTAltNameEncodedContext encodedContext;
-    SECItem *newEncodedAltName;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    newEncodedAltName = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(reqArena, EncodedAltName);
-    if (!newEncodedAltName) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    encodedContext.encodedGenName = NULL;
-    PORT_Memset(&encodedContext, 0, sizeof(CERTAltNameEncodedContext));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, &encodedContext,
-                                CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate, newEncodedAltName);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (encodedContext.encodedGenName && encodedContext.encodedGenName[0])
-        return cert_DecodeGeneralNames(reqArena, encodedContext.encodedGenName);
-    /* Extension contained an empty GeneralNames sequence */
-    /* Treat as extension not found */
-    return NULL;
-CERT_EncodeNameConstraintsExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                    CERTNameConstraints *value,
-                                    SECItem *encodedValue)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    rv = cert_EncodeNameConstraints(value, arena, encodedValue);
-    return rv;
-CERTNameConstraints *
-CERT_DecodeNameConstraintsExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                    const SECItem *encodedConstraints)
-    return cert_DecodeNameConstraints(arena, encodedConstraints);
-CERTAuthInfoAccess **
-CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension(PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                                   const SECItem *encodedExtension)
-    CERTAuthInfoAccess **info = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int i;
-    SECItem *newEncodedExtension;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    newEncodedExtension = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(reqArena, encodedExtension);
-    if (!newEncodedExtension) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, &info, CERTAuthInfoAccessTemplate,
-                                newEncodedExtension);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess || info == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; info[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        info[i]->location =
-            CERT_DecodeGeneralName(reqArena, &(info[i]->derLocation), NULL);
-    }
-    return info;
-CERT_EncodeInfoAccessExtension(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTAuthInfoAccess **info,
-                               SECItem *dest)
-    SECItem *dummy;
-    int i;
-    PORT_Assert(info != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(dest != NULL);
-    if (info == NULL || dest == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; info[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        if (CERT_EncodeGeneralName(info[i]->location, &(info[i]->derLocation),
-                                   arena) == NULL)
-            /* Note that this may leave some of the locations filled in. */
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, dest, &info, CERTAuthInfoAccessTemplate);
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certdb/xconst.h b/nss/lib/certdb/xconst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf2e82..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certdb/xconst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _XCONST_H_
-#define _XCONST_H_
-#include "certt.h"
-typedef struct CERTAltNameEncodedContextStr {
-    SECItem **encodedGenName;
-} CERTAltNameEncodedContext;
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodePrivateKeyUsagePeriod(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                  CERTPrivKeyUsagePeriod *pkup,
-                                                  SECItem *encodedValue);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeNameConstraintsExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                     CERTNameConstraints *value,
-                                                     SECItem *encodedValue);
-extern SECStatus CERT_EncodeIA5TypeExtension(PLArenaPool *arena, char *value,
-                                             SECItem *encodedValue);
-SECStatus cert_EncodeAuthInfoAccessExtension(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                             CERTAuthInfoAccess **info,
-                                             SECItem *dest);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/certhigh.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/certhigh.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 35064b5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/certhigh.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1201 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#include "pki.h"
-#include "pkit.h"
-#include "pkitm.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-CERT_MatchNickname(char *name1, char *name2)
-    char *nickname1 = NULL;
-    char *nickname2 = NULL;
-    char *token1;
-    char *token2;
-    /* first deal with the straight comparison */
-    if (PORT_Strcmp(name1, name2) == 0) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* we need to handle the case where one name has an explicit token and the other
-     * doesn't */
-    token1 = PORT_Strchr(name1, ':');
-    token2 = PORT_Strchr(name2, ':');
-    if ((token1 && token2) || (!token1 && !token2)) {
-        /* either both token names are specified or neither are, not match */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (token1) {
-        nickname1 = token1;
-        nickname2 = name2;
-    } else {
-        nickname1 = token2;
-        nickname2 = name1;
-    }
-    nickname1++;
-    if (PORT_Strcmp(nickname1, nickname2) != 0) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* Bug 1192443 - compare the other token with the internal slot here */
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * Find all user certificates that match the given criteria.
- *
- *	"handle" - database to search
- *	"usage" - certificate usage to match
- *	"oneCertPerName" - if set then only return the "best" cert per
- *			name
- *	"validOnly" - only return certs that are curently valid
- *	"proto_win" - window handle passed to pkcs11
- */
-CERTCertList *
-CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                          SECCertUsage usage,
-                          PRBool oneCertPerName,
-                          PRBool validOnly,
-                          void *proto_win)
-    CERTCertNicknames *nicknames = NULL;
-    char **nnptr;
-    int nn;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRTime time;
-    CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-    CERTCertListNode *freenode = NULL;
-    int n;
-    time = PR_Now();
-    nicknames = CERT_GetCertNicknames(handle, SEC_CERT_NICKNAMES_USER,
-                                      proto_win);
-    if ((nicknames == NULL) || (nicknames->numnicknames == 0)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nnptr = nicknames->nicknames;
-    nn = nicknames->numnicknames;
-    while (nn > 0) {
-        cert = NULL;
-        /* use the pk11 call so that we pick up any certs on tokens,
-	 * which may require login
-	 */
-        if (proto_win != NULL) {
-            cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(*nnptr, proto_win);
-        }
-        /* Sigh, It turns out if the cert is already in the temp db, because
-	 * it's in the perm db, then the nickname lookup doesn't work.
-	 * since we already have the cert here, though, than we can just call
-	 * CERT_CreateSubjectCertList directly. For those cases where we didn't
-	 * find the cert in pkcs #11 (because we didn't have a password arg,
-	 * or because the nickname is for a peer, server, or CA cert, then we
-	 * go look the cert up.
-	 */
-        if (cert == NULL) {
-            cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(handle, *nnptr);
-        }
-        if (cert != NULL) {
-            /* collect certs for this nickname, sorting them into the list */
-            certList = CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(certList, handle,
-                                                  &cert->derSubject, time, validOnly);
-            CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts(certList);
-            /* drop the extra reference */
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        }
-        nnptr++;
-        nn--;
-    }
-    /* remove certs with incorrect usage */
-    rv = CERT_FilterCertListByUsage(certList, usage, PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* remove any extra certs for each name */
-    if (oneCertPerName) {
-        PRBool *flags;
-        nn = nicknames->numnicknames;
-        nnptr = nicknames->nicknames;
-        flags = (PRBool *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(PRBool) * nn);
-        if (flags == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-        /* treverse all certs in the list */
-        while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-            /* find matching nickname index */
-            for (n = 0; n < nn; n++) {
-                if (CERT_MatchNickname(nnptr[n], node->cert->nickname)) {
-                    /* We found a match.  If this is the first one, then
-		     * set the flag and move on to the next cert.  If this
-		     * is not the first one then delete it from the list.
-		     */
-                    if (flags[n]) {
-                        /* We have already seen a cert with this nickname,
-			 * so delete this one.
-			 */
-                        freenode = node;
-                        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-                        CERT_RemoveCertListNode(freenode);
-                    } else {
-                        /* keep the first cert for each nickname, but set the
-			 * flag so we know to delete any others with the same
-			 * nickname.
-			 */
-                        flags[n] = PR_TRUE;
-                        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (n == nn) {
-                /* if we get here it means that we didn't find a matching
-		 * nickname, which should not happen.
-		 */
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-            }
-        }
-        PORT_Free(flags);
-    }
-    goto done;
-    if (certList != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-        certList = NULL;
-    }
-    if (nicknames != NULL) {
-        CERT_FreeNicknames(nicknames);
-    }
-    return (certList);
- * Find a user certificate that matchs the given criteria.
- *
- *	"handle" - database to search
- *	"nickname" - nickname to match
- *	"usage" - certificate usage to match
- *	"validOnly" - only return certs that are curently valid
- *	"proto_win" - window handle passed to pkcs11
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindUserCertByUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                         const char *nickname,
-                         SECCertUsage usage,
-                         PRBool validOnly,
-                         void *proto_win)
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRTime time;
-    time = PR_Now();
-    /* use the pk11 call so that we pick up any certs on tokens,
-     * which may require login
-     */
-    /* XXX - why is this restricted? */
-    if (proto_win != NULL) {
-        cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(nickname, proto_win);
-    }
-    /* sigh, There are still problems find smart cards from the temp
-     * db. This will get smart cards working again. The real fix
-     * is to make sure we can search the temp db by their token nickname.
-     */
-    if (cert == NULL) {
-        cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(handle, nickname);
-    }
-    if (cert != NULL) {
-        unsigned int requiredKeyUsage;
-        unsigned int requiredCertType;
-        rv = CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(usage, PR_FALSE,
-                                              &requiredKeyUsage, &requiredCertType);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            /* drop the extra reference */
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-            cert = NULL;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* If we already found the right cert, just return it */
-        if ((!validOnly || CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert, time, PR_FALSE) ==
-                               secCertTimeValid) &&
-            (CERT_CheckKeyUsage(cert, requiredKeyUsage) == SECSuccess) &&
-            (cert->nsCertType & requiredCertType) &&
-            CERT_IsUserCert(cert)) {
-            return (cert);
-        }
-        /* collect certs for this nickname, sorting them into the list */
-        certList = CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(certList, handle,
-                                              &cert->derSubject, time, validOnly);
-        CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts(certList);
-        /* drop the extra reference */
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        cert = NULL;
-    }
-    if (certList == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* remove certs with incorrect usage */
-    rv = CERT_FilterCertListByUsage(certList, usage, PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!CERT_LIST_END(CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList), certList)) {
-        cert = CERT_DupCertificate(CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList)->cert);
-    }
-    if (certList != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-    }
-    return (cert);
-CERTCertList *
-CERT_MatchUserCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                   SECCertUsage usage,
-                   int nCANames, char **caNames,
-                   void *proto_win)
-    CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    certList = CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage(handle, usage, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE,
-                                         proto_win);
-    if (certList == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = CERT_FilterCertListByCANames(certList, nCANames, caNames, usage);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    goto done;
-    if (certList != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-        certList = NULL;
-    }
-    return (certList);
-typedef struct stringNode {
-    struct stringNode *next;
-    char *string;
-} stringNode;
-static PRStatus
-CollectNicknames(NSSCertificate *c, void *data)
-    CERTCertNicknames *names;
-    PRBool saveit = PR_FALSE;
-    stringNode *node;
-    int len;
-#ifdef notdef
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    NSSTrust *trust;
-    char *stanNickname;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    names = (CERTCertNicknames *)data;
-    stanNickname = nssCertificate_GetNickname(c, NULL);
-    if (stanNickname) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(stanNickname);
-        stanNickname = NULL;
-        if (names->what == SEC_CERT_NICKNAMES_USER) {
-            saveit = NSSCertificate_IsPrivateKeyAvailable(c, NULL, NULL);
-        }
-#ifdef notdef
-        else {
-            td = NSSCertificate_GetTrustDomain(c);
-            if (!td) {
-                return PR_SUCCESS;
-            }
-            trust = nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate(td, c);
-            switch (names->what) {
-                case SEC_CERT_NICKNAMES_ALL:
-                    if ((trust->sslFlags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_VALID_PEER)) ||
-                        (trust->emailFlags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_VALID_PEER)) ||
-                        (trust->objectSigningFlags &
-                         (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_VALID_PEER))) {
-                        saveit = PR_TRUE;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case SEC_CERT_NICKNAMES_SERVER:
-                    if (trust->sslFlags & CERTDB_VALID_PEER) {
-                        saveit = PR_TRUE;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case SEC_CERT_NICKNAMES_CA:
-                    if (((trust->sslFlags & CERTDB_VALID_CA) == CERTDB_VALID_CA) ||
-                        ((trust->emailFlags & CERTDB_VALID_CA) == CERTDB_VALID_CA) ||
-                        ((trust->objectSigningFlags & CERTDB_VALID_CA) ==
-                         CERTDB_VALID_CA)) {
-                        saveit = PR_TRUE;
-                    }
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* traverse the list of collected nicknames and make sure we don't make
-     * a duplicate
-     */
-    if (saveit) {
-        nickname = STAN_GetCERTCertificateName(NULL, c);
-        /* nickname can only be NULL here if we are having memory
-	 * alloc problems */
-        if (nickname == NULL) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        node = (stringNode *)names->head;
-        while (node != NULL) {
-            if (PORT_Strcmp(nickname, node->string) == 0) {
-                /* if the string matches, then don't save this one */
-                saveit = PR_FALSE;
-                break;
-            }
-            node = node->next;
-        }
-    }
-    if (saveit) {
-        /* allocate the node */
-        node = (stringNode *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(names->arena, sizeof(stringNode));
-        if (node == NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(nickname);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        /* copy the string */
-        len = PORT_Strlen(nickname) + 1;
-        node->string = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(names->arena, len);
-        if (node->string == NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(nickname);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(node->string, nickname, len);
-        /* link it into the list */
-        node->next = (stringNode *)names->head;
-        names->head = (void *)node;
-        /* bump the count */
-        names->numnicknames++;
-    }
-    if (nickname)
-        PORT_Free(nickname);
-    return (PR_SUCCESS);
-CERTCertNicknames *
-CERT_GetCertNicknames(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, int what, void *wincx)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTCertNicknames *names;
-    int i;
-    stringNode *node;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    names = (CERTCertNicknames *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertNicknames));
-    if (names == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    names->arena = arena;
-    names->head = NULL;
-    names->numnicknames = 0;
-    names->nicknames = NULL;
-    names->what = what;
-    names->totallen = 0;
-    /* make sure we are logged in */
-    (void)pk11_TraverseAllSlots(NULL, NULL, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    NSSTrustDomain_TraverseCertificates(handle,
-                                        CollectNicknames, (void *)names);
-    if (names->numnicknames) {
-        names->nicknames = (char **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,
-                                                    names->numnicknames *
-                                                        sizeof(char *));
-        if (names->nicknames == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        node = (stringNode *)names->head;
-        for (i = 0; i < names->numnicknames; i++) {
-            PORT_Assert(node != NULL);
-            names->nicknames[i] = node->string;
-            names->totallen += PORT_Strlen(node->string);
-            node = node->next;
-        }
-        PORT_Assert(node == NULL);
-    }
-    return (names);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (NULL);
-CERT_FreeNicknames(CERTCertNicknames *nicknames)
-    PORT_FreeArena(nicknames->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-/* [ FROM pcertdb.c ] */
-typedef struct dnameNode {
-    struct dnameNode *next;
-    SECItem name;
-} dnameNode;
-CERT_FreeDistNames(CERTDistNames *names)
-    PORT_FreeArena(names->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-static SECStatus
-CollectDistNames(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *k, void *data)
-    CERTDistNames *names;
-    PRBool saveit = PR_FALSE;
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    dnameNode *node;
-    int len;
-    names = (CERTDistNames *)data;
-    if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust) == SECSuccess) {
-        /* only collect names of CAs trusted for issuing SSL clients */
-        if (trust.sslFlags & CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA) {
-            saveit = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    if (saveit) {
-        /* allocate the node */
-        node = (dnameNode *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(names->arena, sizeof(dnameNode));
-        if (node == NULL) {
-            return (SECFailure);
-        }
-        /* copy the name */
-        node->name.len = len = cert->derSubject.len;
-        node->name.type = siBuffer;
-        node-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(names->arena, len);
-        if (node-> == NULL) {
-            return (SECFailure);
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(node->, cert->, len);
-        /* link it into the list */
-        node->next = (dnameNode *)names->head;
-        names->head = (void *)node;
-        /* bump the count */
-        names->nnames++;
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
- * Return all of the CAs that are "trusted" for SSL.
- */
-CERTDistNames *
-CERT_DupDistNames(CERTDistNames *orig)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTDistNames *names;
-    int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* allocate an arena to use */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    /* allocate the header structure */
-    names = (CERTDistNames *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTDistNames));
-    if (names == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* initialize the header struct */
-    names->arena = arena;
-    names->head = NULL;
-    names->nnames = orig->nnames;
-    names->names = NULL;
-    /* construct the array from the list */
-    if (orig->nnames) {
-        names->names = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, SECItem,
-                                                     orig->nnames);
-        if (names->names == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < orig->nnames; i++) {
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &names->names[i], &orig->names[i]);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                goto loser;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return (names);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (NULL);
-CERTDistNames *
-CERT_GetSSLCACerts(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTDistNames *names;
-    int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    dnameNode *node;
-    /* allocate an arena to use */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    /* allocate the header structure */
-    names = (CERTDistNames *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTDistNames));
-    if (names == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* initialize the header struct */
-    names->arena = arena;
-    names->head = NULL;
-    names->nnames = 0;
-    names->names = NULL;
-    /* collect the names from the database */
-    rv = PK11_TraverseSlotCerts(CollectDistNames, (void *)names, NULL);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* construct the array from the list */
-    if (names->nnames) {
-        names->names = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, names->nnames * sizeof(SECItem));
-        if (names->names == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        node = (dnameNode *)names->head;
-        for (i = 0; i < names->nnames; i++) {
-            PORT_Assert(node != NULL);
-            names->names[i] = node->name;
-            node = node->next;
-        }
-        PORT_Assert(node == NULL);
-    }
-    return (names);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (NULL);
-CERTDistNames *
-CERT_DistNamesFromCertList(CERTCertList *certList)
-    CERTDistNames *dnames = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-    SECItem *names = NULL;
-    int listLen = 0, i = 0;
-    if (certList == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        listLen += 1;
-        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    dnames = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTDistNames);
-    if (dnames == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    dnames->arena = arena;
-    dnames->nnames = listLen;
-    dnames->names = names = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, SECItem, listLen);
-    if (names == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        CERTCertificate *cert = node->cert;
-        SECStatus rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &names[i++], &cert->derSubject);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-    }
-    return dnames;
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CERTDistNames *
-CERT_DistNamesFromNicknames(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char **nicknames,
-                            int nnames)
-    CERTDistNames *dnames = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    int i, rv;
-    SECItem *names = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    dnames = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTDistNames);
-    if (dnames == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    dnames->arena = arena;
-    dnames->nnames = nnames;
-    dnames->names = names = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, SECItem, nnames);
-    if (names == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {
-        cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, nicknames[i]);
-        if (cert == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &names[i], &cert->derSubject);
-        if (rv == SECFailure)
-            goto loser;
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    }
-    return dnames;
-    if (cert != NULL)
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    if (arena != NULL)
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-/* [ from pcertdb.c - calls Ascii to Name ] */
- * Lookup a certificate in the database by name
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertByNameString(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *nameStr)
-    CERTName *name;
-    SECItem *nameItem;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    name = CERT_AsciiToName(nameStr);
-    if (name) {
-        nameItem = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, (void *)name,
-                                      CERT_NameTemplate);
-        if (nameItem != NULL) {
-            cert = CERT_FindCertByName(handle, nameItem);
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyName(name);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (cert);
-/* From certv3.c */
-CERTCrlDistributionPoints *
-CERT_FindCRLDistributionPoints(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECItem encodedExtenValue;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTCrlDistributionPoints *dps;
- = NULL;
-    encodedExtenValue.len = 0;
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(cert->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS,
-                            &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    dps = CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints(cert->arena, &encodedExtenValue);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return dps;
-/* From crl.c */
-CERTSignedCrl *
-CERT_ImportCRL(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derCRL, char *url, int type, void *wincx)
-    CERTSignedCrl *retCrl = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    retCrl = PK11_ImportCRL(slot, derCRL, url, type, wincx,
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return retCrl;
-/* From certdb.c */
-static SECStatus
-cert_ImportCAChain(SECItem *certs, int numcerts, SECCertUsage certUsage, PRBool trusted)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem *derCert;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *newcert = NULL;
-    CERTCertDBHandle *handle;
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    PRBool isca;
-    char *nickname;
-    unsigned int certtype;
-    handle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-    while (numcerts--) {
-        derCert = certs;
-        certs++;
-        /* decode my certificate */
-        /* This use is ok -- only looks at decoded parts, calls NewTemp later */
-        newcert = CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(derCert, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-        if (newcert == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        if (!trusted) {
-            /* make sure that cert is valid */
-            rv = CERT_CertTimesValid(newcert);
-            if (rv == SECFailure) {
-                goto endloop;
-            }
-        }
-        /* does it have the CA extension */
-        /*
-	 * Make sure that if this is an intermediate CA in the chain that
-	 * it was given permission by its signer to be a CA.
-	 */
-        isca = CERT_IsCACert(newcert, &certtype);
-        if (!isca) {
-            if (!trusted) {
-                goto endloop;
-            }
-            trust.sslFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-            trust.emailFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-            trust.objectSigningFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-        } else {
-            /* SSL ca's must have the ssl bit set */
-            if ((certUsage == certUsageSSLCA) &&
-                ((certtype & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) != NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA)) {
-                goto endloop;
-            }
-            /* it passed all of the tests, so lets add it to the database */
-            /* mark it as a CA */
-            PORT_Memset((void *)&trust, 0, sizeof(trust));
-            switch (certUsage) {
-                case certUsageSSLCA:
-                    trust.sslFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                    break;
-                case certUsageUserCertImport:
-                    if ((certtype & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) == NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) {
-                        trust.sslFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                    }
-                    if ((certtype & NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) ==
-                        NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) {
-                        trust.emailFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                    }
-                    if ((certtype & NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA) ==
-                        NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA) {
-                        trust.objectSigningFlags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    PORT_Assert(0);
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        cert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(handle, derCert, NULL,
-                                       PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-        if (cert == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* if the cert is temp, make it perm; otherwise we're done */
-        if (cert->istemp) {
-            /* get a default nickname for it */
-            nickname = CERT_MakeCANickname(cert);
-            rv = CERT_AddTempCertToPerm(cert, nickname, &trust);
-            /* free the nickname */
-            if (nickname) {
-                PORT_Free(nickname);
-            }
-        } else {
-            rv = SECSuccess;
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        cert = NULL;
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    endloop:
-        if (newcert) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(newcert);
-            newcert = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    goto done;
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if (newcert) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(newcert);
-        newcert = NULL;
-    }
-    if (cert) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        cert = NULL;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_ImportCAChain(SECItem *certs, int numcerts, SECCertUsage certUsage)
-    return cert_ImportCAChain(certs, numcerts, certUsage, PR_FALSE);
-CERT_ImportCAChainTrusted(SECItem *certs, int numcerts, SECCertUsage certUsage)
-    return cert_ImportCAChain(certs, numcerts, certUsage, PR_TRUE);
-/* Moved from certdb.c */
-** CERT_CertChainFromCert
-** Construct a CERTCertificateList consisting of the given certificate and all
-** of the issuer certs until we either get to a self-signed cert or can't find
-** an issuer.  Since we don't know how many certs are in the chain we have to
-** build a linked list first as we count them.
-typedef struct certNode {
-    struct certNode *next;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-} certNode;
-CERTCertificateList *
-CERT_CertChainFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage usage,
-                       PRBool includeRoot)
-    CERTCertificateList *chain = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate **stanChain;
-    NSSCertificate *stanCert;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    NSSUsage nssUsage;
-    int i, len;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    stanCert = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    if (!stanCert) {
-        /* error code is set */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    nssUsage.anyUsage = PR_FALSE;
-    nssUsage.nss3usage = usage;
-    nssUsage.nss3lookingForCA = PR_FALSE;
-    stanChain = NSSCertificate_BuildChain(stanCert, NULL, &nssUsage, NULL, NULL,
-                                          CERT_MAX_CERT_CHAIN, NULL, NULL, td, cc);
-    if (!stanChain) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    len = 0;
-    stanCert = stanChain[0];
-    while (stanCert) {
-        stanCert = stanChain[++len];
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(4096);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    chain = (CERTCertificateList *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,
-                                                   sizeof(CERTCertificateList));
-    if (!chain)
-        goto loser;
-    chain->certs = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len * sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (!chain->certs)
-        goto loser;
-    i = 0;
-    stanCert = stanChain[i];
-    while (stanCert) {
-        SECItem derCert;
-        CERTCertificate *cCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(stanCert);
-        if (!cCert) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        derCert.len = (unsigned int)stanCert->encoding.size;
- = (unsigned char *)stanCert->;
-        derCert.type = siBuffer;
-        SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &chain->certs[i], &derCert);
-        stanCert = stanChain[++i];
-        if (!stanCert && !cCert->isRoot) {
-            /* reached the end of the chain, but the final cert is
-	     * not a root.  Don't discard it.
-	     */
-            includeRoot = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cCert);
-    }
-    if (!includeRoot && len > 1) {
-        chain->len = len - 1;
-    } else {
-        chain->len = len;
-    }
-    chain->arena = arena;
-    nss_ZFreeIf(stanChain);
-    return chain;
-    i = 0;
-    stanCert = stanChain[i];
-    while (stanCert) {
-        CERTCertificate *cCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(stanCert);
-        if (cCert) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(cCert);
-        }
-        stanCert = stanChain[++i];
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(stanChain);
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/* Builds a CERTCertificateList holding just one DER-encoded cert, namely
-** the one for the cert passed as an argument.
-CERTCertificateList *
-CERT_CertListFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    CERTCertificateList *chain = NULL;
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    /* arena for SecCertificateList */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        goto no_memory;
-    /* build the CERTCertificateList */
-    chain = (CERTCertificateList *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertificateList));
-    if (chain == NULL)
-        goto no_memory;
-    chain->certs = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, 1 * sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (chain->certs == NULL)
-        goto no_memory;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, chain->certs, &(cert->derCert));
-    if (rv < 0)
-        goto loser;
-    chain->len = 1;
-    chain->arena = arena;
-    return chain;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CERTCertificateList *
-CERT_DupCertList(const CERTCertificateList *oldList)
-    CERTCertificateList *newList = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECItem *newItem;
-    SECItem *oldItem;
-    int len = oldList->len;
-    int rv;
-    /* arena for SecCertificateList */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        goto no_memory;
-    /* now build the CERTCertificateList */
-    newList = PORT_ArenaNew(arena, CERTCertificateList);
-    if (newList == NULL)
-        goto no_memory;
-    newList->arena = arena;
-    newItem = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len * sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (newItem == NULL)
-        goto no_memory;
-    newList->certs = newItem;
-    newList->len = len;
-    for (oldItem = oldList->certs; len > 0; --len, ++newItem, ++oldItem) {
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, newItem, oldItem);
-        if (rv < 0)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    return newList;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CERT_DestroyCertificateList(CERTCertificateList *list)
-    PORT_FreeArena(list->arena, PR_FALSE);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/certhtml.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/certhtml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a522f69..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/certhtml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * certhtml.c --- convert a cert to html
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-static char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-** Convert a der-encoded integer to a hex printable string form
-char *
-CERT_Hexify(SECItem *i, int do_colon)
-    unsigned char *cp, *end;
-    char *rv, *o;
-    if (!i->len) {
-        return PORT_Strdup("00");
-    }
-    rv = o = (char *)PORT_Alloc(i->len * 3);
-    if (!rv)
-        return rv;
-    cp = i->data;
-    end = cp + i->len;
-    while (cp < end) {
-        unsigned char ch = *cp++;
-        *o++ = hex[(ch >> 4) & 0xf];
-        *o++ = hex[ch & 0xf];
-        if (cp != end) {
-            if (do_colon) {
-                *o++ = ':';
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    *o = 0; /* Null terminate the string */
-    return rv;
-#define BREAK "<br>"
-#define BREAKLEN 4
-#define COMMA ", "
-#define COMMALEN 2
-#define MAX_OUS 20
-#define MAX_DC MAX_OUS
-char *
-CERT_FormatName(CERTName *name)
-    CERTRDN **rdns;
-    CERTRDN *rdn;
-    CERTAVA **avas;
-    CERTAVA *ava;
-    char *buf = 0;
-    char *tmpbuf = 0;
-    SECItem *cn = 0;
-    SECItem *email = 0;
-    SECItem *org = 0;
-    SECItem *loc = 0;
-    SECItem *state = 0;
-    SECItem *country = 0;
-    SECItem *dq = 0;
-    unsigned len = 0;
-    int tag;
-    int i;
-    int ou_count = 0;
-    int dc_count = 0;
-    PRBool first;
-    SECItem *orgunit[MAX_OUS];
-    SECItem *dc[MAX_DC];
-    /* Loop over name components and gather the interesting ones */
-    rdns = name->rdns;
-    while ((rdn = *rdns++) != 0) {
-        avas = rdn->avas;
-        while ((ava = *avas++) != 0) {
-            tag = CERT_GetAVATag(ava);
-            switch (tag) {
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME:
-                    if (cn) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    cn = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!cn) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += cn->len;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME:
-                    if (country) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    country = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!country) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += country->len;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY:
-                    if (loc) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    loc = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!loc) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += loc->len;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE:
-                    if (state) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    state = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!state) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += state->len;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATION_NAME:
-                    if (org) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    org = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!org) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += org->len;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_DN_QUALIFIER:
-                    if (dq) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    dq = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!dq) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += dq->len;
-                    break;
-                    if (ou_count < MAX_OUS) {
-                        orgunit[ou_count] = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                        if (!orgunit[ou_count]) {
-                            goto loser;
-                        }
-                        len += orgunit[ou_count++]->len;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_AVA_DC:
-                    if (dc_count < MAX_DC) {
-                        dc[dc_count] = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                        if (!dc[dc_count]) {
-                            goto loser;
-                        }
-                        len += dc[dc_count++]->len;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS:
-                case SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL:
-                    if (email) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    email = CERT_DecodeAVAValue(&ava->value);
-                    if (!email) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                    len += email->len;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* XXX - add some for formatting */
-    len += 128;
-    /* allocate buffer */
-    buf = (char *)PORT_Alloc(len);
-    if (!buf) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    tmpbuf = buf;
-    if (cn) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, cn->data, cn->len);
-        tmpbuf += cn->len;
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    if (email) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, email->data, email->len);
-        tmpbuf += (email->len);
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    for (i = ou_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, orgunit[i]->data, orgunit[i]->len);
-        tmpbuf += (orgunit[i]->len);
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    if (dq) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, dq->data, dq->len);
-        tmpbuf += (dq->len);
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    if (org) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, org->data, org->len);
-        tmpbuf += (org->len);
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    for (i = dc_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, dc[i]->data, dc[i]->len);
-        tmpbuf += (dc[i]->len);
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    first = PR_TRUE;
-    if (loc) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, loc->data, loc->len);
-        tmpbuf += (loc->len);
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (state) {
-        if (!first) {
-            PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, COMMA, COMMALEN);
-            tmpbuf += COMMALEN;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, state->data, state->len);
-        tmpbuf += (state->len);
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (country) {
-        if (!first) {
-            PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, COMMA, COMMALEN);
-            tmpbuf += COMMALEN;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, country->data, country->len);
-        tmpbuf += (country->len);
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (!first) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(tmpbuf, BREAK, BREAKLEN);
-        tmpbuf += BREAKLEN;
-    }
-    *tmpbuf = 0;
-/* fall through and clean */
-    if (cn) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(cn, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (email) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(email, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    for (i = ou_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(orgunit[i], PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (dq) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(dq, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (org) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(org, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    for (i = dc_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(dc[i], PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (loc) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(loc, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (state) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(state, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (country) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(country, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return (buf);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/certreq.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/certreq.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4087bc9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/certreq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_AttributeTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTAttribute) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(CERTAttribute, attrType) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(CERTAttribute, attrValue),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SetOfAttributeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, CERT_AttributeTemplate },
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertificateRequest) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificateRequest, version) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificateRequest, subject),
-      CERT_NameTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificateRequest, subjectPublicKeyInfo),
-      CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTCertificateRequest, attributes),
-      CERT_SetOfAttributeTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_CreateCertificate(unsigned long serialNumber,
-                       CERTName *issuer,
-                       CERTValidity *validity,
-                       CERTCertificateRequest *req)
-    CERTCertificate *c;
-    int rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (0);
-    }
-    c = (CERTCertificate *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertificate));
-    if (!c) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    c->referenceCount = 1;
-    c->arena = arena;
-    /*
-     * Default is a plain version 1.
-     * If extensions are added, it will get changed as appropriate.
-     */
-    rv = DER_SetUInteger(arena, &c->version, SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_1);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = DER_SetUInteger(arena, &c->serialNumber, serialNumber);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &c->issuer, issuer);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_CopyValidity(arena, &c->validity, validity);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &c->subject, &req->subject);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo(arena, &c->subjectPublicKeyInfo,
-                                         &req->subjectPublicKeyInfo);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    return c;
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(c);
-    return 0;
-/* It's clear from the comments that the original author of this
- * function expected the template for certificate requests to treat
- * the attributes as a SET OF ANY.  This function expected to be
- * passed an array of SECItems each of which contained an already encoded
- * Attribute.  But the cert request template does not treat the
- * Attributes as a SET OF ANY, and AFAIK never has.  Instead the template
- * encodes attributes as a SET OF xxxxxxx.  That is, it expects to encode
- * each of the Attributes, not have them pre-encoded.  Consequently an
- * array of SECItems containing encoded Attributes is of no value to this
- * function.  But we cannot change the signature of this public function.
- * It must continue to take SECItems.
- *
- * I have recoded this function so that each SECItem contains an
- * encoded cert extension.  The encoded cert extensions form the list for the
- * single attribute of the cert request. In this implementation there is at most
- * one attribute and it is always of type SEC_OID_PKCS9_EXTENSION_REQUEST.
- */
-CERTCertificateRequest *
-CERT_CreateCertificateRequest(CERTName *subject,
-                              CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki,
-                              SECItem **attributes)
-    CERTCertificateRequest *certreq;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTAttribute *attribute;
-    SECOidData *oidData;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int i = 0;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    certreq = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTCertificateRequest);
-    if (!certreq) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* below here it is safe to goto loser */
-    certreq->arena = arena;
-    rv = DER_SetUInteger(arena, &certreq->version,
-                         SEC_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_VERSION);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &certreq->subject, subject);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo(arena,
-                                         &certreq->subjectPublicKeyInfo,
-                                         spki);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    certreq->attributes = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, CERTAttribute *, 2);
-    if (!certreq->attributes)
-        goto loser;
-    /* Copy over attribute information */
-    if (!attributes || !attributes[0]) {
-        /*
-	 ** Invent empty attribute information. According to the
-	 ** pkcs#10 spec, attributes has this ASN.1 type:
-	 **
-	 ** attributes [0] IMPLICIT Attributes
-	 **
-	 ** Which means, we should create a NULL terminated list
-	 ** with the first entry being NULL;
-	 */
-        certreq->attributes[0] = NULL;
-        return certreq;
-    }
-    /* allocate space for attributes */
-    attribute = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTAttribute);
-    if (!attribute)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Assert(oidData);
-    if (!oidData)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &attribute->attrType, &oidData->oid);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    for (i = 0; attributes[i] != NULL; i++)
-        ;
-    attribute->attrValue = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, SECItem *, i + 1);
-    if (!attribute->attrValue)
-        goto loser;
-    /* copy attributes */
-    for (i = 0; attributes[i]; i++) {
-        /*
-	** Attributes are a SetOf Attribute which implies
-	** lexigraphical ordering.  It is assumes that the
-	** attributes are passed in sorted.  If we need to
-	** add functionality to sort them, there is an
-	** example in the PKCS 7 code.
-	*/
-        attribute->attrValue[i] = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, attributes[i]);
-        if (!attribute->attrValue[i])
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    certreq->attributes[0] = attribute;
-    return certreq;
-    CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest(certreq);
-    return NULL;
-CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest(CERTCertificateRequest *req)
-    if (req && req->arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(req->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return;
-static void
-setCRExt(void *o, CERTCertExtension **exts)
-    ((CERTCertificateRequest *)o)->attributes = (struct CERTAttributeStr **)exts;
-** Set up to start gathering cert extensions for a cert request.
-** The list is created as CertExtensions and converted to an
-** attribute list by CERT_FinishCRAttributes().
- */
-extern void *cert_StartExtensions(void *owner, PLArenaPool *ownerArena,
-                                  void (*setExts)(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts));
-void *
-CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes(CERTCertificateRequest *req)
-    return (cert_StartExtensions((void *)req, req->arena, setCRExt));
-** At entry req->attributes actually contains an list of cert extensions--
-** req-attributes is overloaded until the list is DER encoded (the first
-** ...EncodeItem() below).
-** We turn this into an attribute list by encapsulating it
-** in a PKCS 10 Attribute structure
- */
-CERT_FinishCertificateRequestAttributes(CERTCertificateRequest *req)
-    SECItem *extlist;
-    SECOidData *oidrec;
-    CERTAttribute *attribute;
-    if (!req || !req->arena) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (req->attributes == NULL || req->attributes[0] == NULL)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    extlist = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(req->arena, NULL, &req->attributes,
-                                 SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate));
-    if (extlist == NULL)
-        return (SECFailure);
-    if (oidrec == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /* now change the list of cert extensions into a list of attributes
-     */
-    req->attributes = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(req->arena, CERTAttribute *, 2);
-    attribute = PORT_ArenaZNew(req->arena, CERTAttribute);
-    if (req->attributes == NULL || attribute == NULL ||
-        SECITEM_CopyItem(req->arena, &attribute->attrType, &oidrec->oid) != 0) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    attribute->attrValue = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(req->arena, SECItem *, 2);
-    if (attribute->attrValue == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    attribute->attrValue[0] = extlist;
-    attribute->attrValue[1] = NULL;
-    req->attributes[0] = attribute;
-    req->attributes[1] = NULL;
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions(CERTCertificateRequest *req,
-                                     CERTCertExtension ***exts)
-    if (req == NULL || exts == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (req->attributes == NULL || *req->attributes == NULL)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    if ((*req->attributes)->attrValue == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(req->arena, exts,
-                               SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate),
-                               (*req->attributes)->attrValue[0]));
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eff77fc..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1978 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "pkix.h"
-/*#include "pkix_sample_modules.h" */
-#include "pkix_pl_cert.h"
-#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#include "pkitm.h"
-#include "pkim.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "base.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-    CERTCertificate *cert,
-    PRBool           checkSig,
-    SECCertUsage     requiredUsage,
-    PRTime           time,
-    void            *wincx,
-    CERTVerifyLog   *log,
-    PRBool          *pSigerror,
-    PRBool          *pRevoked)
-    return SECFailure;
-CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation(PRBool enable)
-    return SECFailure;
-    return PR_FALSE;
-SECStatus CERT_PKIXVerifyCert(
-    CERTCertificate *cert,
-    SECCertificateUsage usages,
-    CERTValInParam *paramsIn,
-    CERTValOutParam *paramsOut,
-    void *wincx)
-    return SECFailure;
-#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
- * Check the validity times of a certificate
- */
-CERT_CertTimesValid(CERTCertificate *c)
-    SECCertTimeValidity valid = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(c, PR_Now(), PR_TRUE);
-    return (valid == secCertTimeValid) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-checkKeyParams(const SECAlgorithmID *sigAlgorithm, const SECKEYPublicKey *key)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECOidTag sigAlg;
-    SECOidTag curve;
-    PRUint32 policyFlags = 0;
-    PRInt32 minLen, len;
-    sigAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(sigAlgorithm);
-    switch (sigAlg) {
-            if (key->keyType != ecKey) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            curve = SECKEY_GetECCOid(&key->;
-            if (curve != 0) {
-                if (NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy(curve, &policyFlags) == SECFailure ||
-                    !(policyFlags & NSS_USE_ALG_IN_CERT_SIGNATURE)) {
-                    return SECFailure;
-                } else {
-                    return SECSuccess;
-                }
-            } else {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            return SECSuccess;
-            if (key->keyType != rsaKey && key->keyType != rsaPssKey) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            len = 8 * key->u.rsa.modulus.len;
-            rv = NSS_OptionGet(NSS_RSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE, &minLen);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            if (len < minLen) {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            return SECSuccess;
-        case SEC_OID_SDN702_DSA_SIGNATURE:
-            if (key->keyType != dsaKey) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            len = 8 * key->;
-            rv = NSS_OptionGet(NSS_DSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE, &minLen);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            if (len < minLen) {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            return SECSuccess;
-        default:
-            return SECSuccess;
-    }
- * verify the signature of a signed data object with the given DER publickey
- */
-CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(const CERTSignedData *sd,
-                                   SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
-                                   void *wincx)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem sig;
-    SECOidTag hashAlg = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    if (!pubKey || !sd) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* check the signature */
-    sig = sd->signature;
-    /* convert sig->len from bit counts to byte count. */
-    DER_ConvertBitString(&sig);
-    rv = VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID(sd->, sd->data.len, pubKey,
-                                       &sig, &sd->signatureAlgorithm, &hashAlg, wincx);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* Are we honoring signatures for this algorithm?  */
-        PRUint32 policyFlags = 0;
-        rv = checkKeyParams(&sd->signatureAlgorithm, pubKey);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        rv = NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy(hashAlg, &policyFlags);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess &&
-            !(policyFlags & NSS_USE_ALG_IN_CERT_SIGNATURE)) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * verify the signature of a signed data object with the given DER publickey
- */
-CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo(CERTSignedData *sd,
-                                       CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *pubKeyInfo,
-                                       void *wincx)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    /* get cert's public key */
-    pubKey = SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(pubKeyInfo);
-    if (pubKey) {
-        rv = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(sd, pubKey, wincx);
-        SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * verify the signature of a signed data object with the given certificate
- */
-CERT_VerifySignedData(CERTSignedData *sd, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                      PRTime t, void *wincx)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey = 0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECCertTimeValidity validity;
-    /* check the certificate's validity */
-    validity = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert, t, PR_FALSE);
-    if (validity != secCertTimeValid) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    /* get cert's public key */
-    pubKey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(cert);
-    if (pubKey) {
-        rv = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(sd, pubKey, wincx);
-        SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-    }
-    return rv;
-SEC_CheckCRL(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-             CERTCertificate *caCert, PRTime t, void *wincx)
-    return CERT_CheckCRL(cert, caCert, NULL, t, wincx);
- * Find the issuer of a cert.  Use the authorityKeyID if it exists.
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindCertIssuer(CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime validTime, SECCertUsage usage)
-    NSSCertificate *me;
-    NSSTime *nssTime;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    NSSCertificate *chain[3];
-    NSSUsage nssUsage;
-    PRStatus status;
-    me = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    if (!me) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    nssTime = NSSTime_SetPRTime(NULL, validTime);
-    nssUsage.anyUsage = PR_FALSE;
-    nssUsage.nss3usage = usage;
-    nssUsage.nss3lookingForCA = PR_TRUE;
-    memset(chain, 0, 3 * sizeof(NSSCertificate *));
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    (void)NSSCertificate_BuildChain(me, nssTime, &nssUsage, NULL,
-                                    chain, 2, NULL, &status, td, cc);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(nssTime);
-    if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-        PORT_Assert(me == chain[0]);
-        /* if it's a root, the chain will only have one cert */
-        if (!chain[1]) {
-            /* already has a reference from the call to BuildChain */
-            return cert;
-        }
-        NSSCertificate_Destroy(chain[0]);         /* the first cert in the chain */
-        return STAN_GetCERTCertificate(chain[1]); /* return the 2nd */
-    }
-    if (chain[0]) {
-        PORT_Assert(me == chain[0]);
-        NSSCertificate_Destroy(chain[0]); /* the first cert in the chain */
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * return required trust flags for various cert usages for CAs
- */
-CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(SECCertUsage usage,
-                              unsigned int *retFlags,
-                              SECTrustType *retTrustType)
-    unsigned int requiredFlags;
-    SECTrustType trustType;
-    switch (usage) {
-        case certUsageSSLClient:
-            requiredFlags = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA;
-            trustType = trustSSL;
-            break;
-        case certUsageSSLServer:
-        case certUsageSSLCA:
-            requiredFlags = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA;
-            trustType = trustSSL;
-            break;
-        case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-            requiredFlags = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA | CERTDB_GOVT_APPROVED_CA;
-            trustType = trustSSL;
-            break;
-        case certUsageEmailSigner:
-        case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-            requiredFlags = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA;
-            trustType = trustEmail;
-            break;
-        case certUsageObjectSigner:
-            requiredFlags = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA;
-            trustType = trustObjectSigning;
-            break;
-        case certUsageVerifyCA:
-        case certUsageAnyCA:
-        case certUsageStatusResponder:
-            requiredFlags = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA;
-            trustType = trustTypeNone;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if (retFlags != NULL) {
-        *retFlags = requiredFlags;
-    }
-    if (retTrustType != NULL) {
-        *retTrustType = trustType;
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-cert_AddToVerifyLog(CERTVerifyLog *log, CERTCertificate *cert, long error,
-                    unsigned int depth, void *arg)
-    CERTVerifyLogNode *node, *tnode;
-    PORT_Assert(log != NULL);
-    node = (CERTVerifyLogNode *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(log->arena,
-                                                sizeof(CERTVerifyLogNode));
-    if (node != NULL) {
-        node->cert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-        node->error = error;
-        node->depth = depth;
-        node->arg = arg;
-        if (log->tail == NULL) {
-            /* empty list */
-            log->head = log->tail = node;
-            node->prev = NULL;
-            node->next = NULL;
-        } else if (depth >= log->tail->depth) {
-            /* add to tail */
-            node->prev = log->tail;
-            log->tail->next = node;
-            log->tail = node;
-            node->next = NULL;
-        } else if (depth < log->head->depth) {
-            /* add at head */
-            node->prev = NULL;
-            node->next = log->head;
-            log->head->prev = node;
-            log->head = node;
-        } else {
-            /* add in middle */
-            tnode = log->tail;
-            while (tnode != NULL) {
-                if (depth >= tnode->depth) {
-                    /* insert after tnode */
-                    node->prev = tnode;
-                    node->next = tnode->next;
-                    tnode->next->prev = node;
-                    tnode->next = node;
-                    break;
-                }
-                tnode = tnode->prev;
-            }
-        }
-        log->count++;
-    }
-    return;
-#define EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log) \
-    if (log == NULL) {           \
-        goto loser;              \
-    }
-#define LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, depth, arg)               \
-    if (log != NULL) {                                         \
-        cert_AddToVerifyLog(log, cert, PORT_GetError(), depth, \
-                            (void *)(PRWord)arg);              \
-    } else {                                                   \
-        goto loser;                                            \
-    }
-#define LOG_ERROR(log, cert, depth, arg)                       \
-    if (log != NULL) {                                         \
-        cert_AddToVerifyLog(log, cert, PORT_GetError(), depth, \
-                            (void *)(PRWord)arg);              \
-    }
-static SECStatus
-cert_VerifyCertChainOld(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                        PRBool checkSig, PRBool *sigerror,
-                        SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t, void *wincx,
-                        CERTVerifyLog *log, PRBool *revoked)
-    SECTrustType trustType;
-    CERTBasicConstraints basicConstraint;
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *subjectCert = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *badCert = NULL;
-    PRBool isca;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECStatus rvFinal = SECSuccess;
-    int count;
-    int currentPathLen = 0;
-    int pathLengthLimit = CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-    unsigned int caCertType;
-    unsigned int requiredCAKeyUsage;
-    unsigned int requiredFlags;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTGeneralName *namesList = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate **certsList = NULL;
-    int certsListLen = 16;
-    int namesCount = 0;
-    PRBool subjectCertIsSelfIssued;
-    CERTCertTrust issuerTrust;
-    if (revoked) {
-        *revoked = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(certUsage, PR_TRUE,
-                                         &requiredCAKeyUsage,
-                                         &caCertType) !=
-        SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-        requiredCAKeyUsage = 0;
-        caCertType = 0;
-    }
-    switch (certUsage) {
-        case certUsageSSLClient:
-        case certUsageSSLServer:
-        case certUsageSSLCA:
-        case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-        case certUsageEmailSigner:
-        case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-        case certUsageObjectSigner:
-        case certUsageVerifyCA:
-        case certUsageAnyCA:
-        case certUsageStatusResponder:
-            if (CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(certUsage, &requiredFlags,
-                                              &trustType) != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-                /* XXX continuing with requiredFlags = 0 seems wrong.  It'll
-                 * cause the following test to be true incorrectly:
-                 *   flags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(issuerCert->trust, trustType);
-                 *   if (( flags & requiredFlags ) == requiredFlags) {
-                 *       rv = rvFinal;
-                 *       goto done;
-                 *   }
-                 * There are three other instances of this problem.
-                 */
-                requiredFlags = 0;
-                trustType = trustSSL;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-            requiredFlags = 0;
-            trustType = trustSSL; /* This used to be 0, but we need something
-                                   * that matches the enumeration type.
-                                   */
-            caCertType = 0;
-    }
-    subjectCert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-    if (subjectCert == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    certsList = PORT_ZNewArray(CERTCertificate *, certsListLen);
-    if (certsList == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    /* RFC 3280 says that the name constraints will apply to the names
-    ** in the leaf (EE) cert, whether it is self issued or not, so
-    ** we pretend that it is not.
-    */
-    subjectCertIsSelfIssued = PR_FALSE;
-    for (count = 0; count < CERT_MAX_CERT_CHAIN; count++) {
-        PRBool validCAOverride = PR_FALSE;
-        /* Construct a list of names for the current and all previous
-         * certifcates (except leaf (EE) certs, root CAs, and self-issued
-         * intermediate CAs) to be verified against the name constraints
-         * extension of the issuer certificate.
-         */
-        if (subjectCertIsSelfIssued == PR_FALSE) {
-            CERTGeneralName *subjectNameList;
-            int subjectNameListLen;
-            int i;
-            PRBool getSubjectCN = (!count && certUsage == certUsageSSLServer);
-            subjectNameList =
-                CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames(subjectCert, arena,
-                                                    getSubjectCN);
-            if (!subjectNameList)
-                goto loser;
-            subjectNameListLen = CERT_GetNamesLength(subjectNameList);
-            if (!subjectNameListLen)
-                goto loser;
-            if (certsListLen <= namesCount + subjectNameListLen) {
-                CERTCertificate **tmpCertsList;
-                certsListLen = (namesCount + subjectNameListLen) * 2;
-                tmpCertsList =
-                    (CERTCertificate **)PORT_Realloc(certsList,
-                                                     certsListLen *
-                                                         sizeof(CERTCertificate *));
-                if (tmpCertsList == NULL) {
-                    goto loser;
-                }
-                certsList = tmpCertsList;
-            }
-            for (i = 0; i < subjectNameListLen; i++) {
-                certsList[namesCount + i] = subjectCert;
-            }
-            namesCount += subjectNameListLen;
-            namesList = cert_CombineNamesLists(namesList, subjectNameList);
-        }
-        /* check if the cert has an unsupported critical extension */
-        if (subjectCert->options.bits.hasUnsupportedCriticalExt) {
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, subjectCert, count, 0);
-        }
-        /* find the certificate of the issuer */
-        issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(subjectCert, t, certUsage);
-        if (!issuerCert) {
-            LOG_ERROR(log, subjectCert, count, 0);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* verify the signature on the cert */
-        if (checkSig) {
-            rv = CERT_VerifySignedData(&subjectCert->signatureWrap,
-                                       issuerCert, t, wincx);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                if (sigerror) {
-                    *sigerror = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE) {
-                    LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, 0);
-                } else {
-                    if (PORT_GetError() !=
-                        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                    }
-                    LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, subjectCert, count, 0);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /* If the basicConstraint extension is included in an immediate CA
-         * certificate, make sure that the isCA flag is on.  If the
-         * pathLenConstraint component exists, it must be greater than the
-         * number of CA certificates we have seen so far.  If the extension
-         * is omitted, we will assume that this is a CA certificate with
-         * an unlimited pathLenConstraint (since it already passes the
-         * netscape-cert-type extension checking).
-         */
-        rv = CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten(issuerCert, &basicConstraint);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) {
-                LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, 0);
-            }
-            pathLengthLimit = CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-            /* no basic constraints found, we aren't (yet) a CA. */
-            isca = PR_FALSE;
-        } else {
-            if (basicConstraint.isCA == PR_FALSE) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID);
-                LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, 0);
-            }
-            pathLengthLimit = basicConstraint.pathLenConstraint;
-            isca = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        /* make sure that the path len constraint is properly set.*/
-        if (pathLengthLimit >= 0 && currentPathLen > pathLengthLimit) {
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, pathLengthLimit);
-        }
-        /* make sure that the entire chain is within the name space of the
-         * current issuer certificate.
-         */
-        rv = CERT_CompareNameSpace(issuerCert, namesList, certsList,
-                                   arena, &badCert);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess || badCert != NULL) {
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, badCert, count + 1, 0);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* XXX - the error logging may need to go down into CRL stuff at some
-         * point
-         */
-        /* check revoked list (issuer) */
-        rv = SEC_CheckCRL(handle, subjectCert, issuerCert, t, wincx);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            if (revoked) {
-                *revoked = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, subjectCert, count, 0);
-        } else if (rv == SECWouldBlock) {
-            /* We found something fishy, so we intend to issue an
-             * error to the user, but the user may wish to continue
-             * processing, in which case we better make sure nothing
-             * worse has happened... so keep cranking the loop */
-            rvFinal = SECFailure;
-            if (revoked) {
-                *revoked = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-            LOG_ERROR(log, subjectCert, count, 0);
-        }
-        if (CERT_GetCertTrust(issuerCert, &issuerTrust) == SECSuccess) {
-            /* we have some trust info, but this does NOT imply that this
-             * cert is actually trusted for any purpose.  The cert may be
-             * explicitly UNtrusted.  We won't know until we examine the
-             * trust bits.
-             */
-            unsigned int flags;
-            if (certUsage != certUsageAnyCA &&
-                certUsage != certUsageStatusResponder) {
-                /*
-                 * XXX This choice of trustType seems arbitrary.
-                 */
-                if (certUsage == certUsageVerifyCA) {
-                    if (subjectCert->nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) {
-                        trustType = trustEmail;
-                    } else if (subjectCert->nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) {
-                        trustType = trustSSL;
-                    } else {
-                        trustType = trustObjectSigning;
-                    }
-                }
-                flags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&issuerTrust, trustType);
-                if ((flags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags) {
-                    /* we found a trusted one, so return */
-                    rv = rvFinal;
-                    goto done;
-                }
-                if (flags & CERTDB_VALID_CA) {
-                    validCAOverride = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                /* is it explicitly distrusted? */
-                if ((flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) &&
-                    ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0)) {
-                    /* untrusted -- the cert is explicitly untrusted, not
-                     * just that it doesn't chain to a trusted cert */
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER);
-                    LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, flags);
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* Check if we have any valid trust when cheching for
-                 * certUsageAnyCA or certUsageStatusResponder. */
-                for (trustType = trustSSL; trustType < trustTypeNone;
-                     trustType++) {
-                    flags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&issuerTrust, trustType);
-                    if ((flags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags) {
-                        rv = rvFinal;
-                        goto done;
-                    }
-                    if (flags & CERTDB_VALID_CA)
-                        validCAOverride = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-                /* We have 2 separate loops because we want any single trust
-                 * bit to allow this usage to return trusted. Only if none of
-                 * the trust bits are on do we check to see if the cert is
-                 * untrusted */
-                for (trustType = trustSSL; trustType < trustTypeNone;
-                     trustType++) {
-                    flags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&issuerTrust, trustType);
-                    /* is it explicitly distrusted? */
-                    if ((flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) &&
-                        ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0)) {
-                        /* untrusted -- the cert is explicitly untrusted, not
-                         * just that it doesn't chain to a trusted cert */
-                        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER);
-                        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, flags);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (!validCAOverride) {
-            /*
-             * Make sure that if this is an intermediate CA in the chain that
-             * it was given permission by its signer to be a CA.
-             */
-            /*
-             * if basicConstraints says it is a ca, then we check the
-             * nsCertType.  If the nsCertType has any CA bits set, then
-             * it must have the right one.
-             */
-            if (!isca || (issuerCert->nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_CA)) {
-                isca = (issuerCert->nsCertType & caCertType) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-            }
-            if (!isca) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID);
-                LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, 0);
-            }
-            /* make sure key usage allows cert signing */
-            if (CERT_CheckKeyUsage(issuerCert, requiredCAKeyUsage) != SECSuccess) {
-                LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, issuerCert, count + 1, requiredCAKeyUsage);
-            }
-        }
-        /* make sure that the issuer is not self signed.  If it is, then
-         * stop here to prevent looping.
-         */
-        if (issuerCert->isRoot) {
-            LOG_ERROR(log, issuerCert, count + 1, 0);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* The issuer cert will be the subject cert in the next loop.
-         * A cert is self-issued if its subject and issuer are equal and
-         * both are of non-zero length.
-         */
-        subjectCertIsSelfIssued = (PRBool)
-                                      SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&issuerCert->derIssuer,
-                                                            &issuerCert->derSubject) &&
-                                  issuerCert->derSubject.len >
-                                      0;
-        if (subjectCertIsSelfIssued == PR_FALSE) {
-            /* RFC 3280 says only non-self-issued intermediate CA certs
-             * count in path length.
-             */
-            ++currentPathLen;
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(subjectCert);
-        subjectCert = issuerCert;
-        issuerCert = NULL;
-    }
-    LOG_ERROR(log, subjectCert, count, 0);
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if (certsList != NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(certsList);
-    }
-    if (issuerCert) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-    }
-    if (subjectCert) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(subjectCert);
-    }
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-cert_VerifyCertChain(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                     PRBool checkSig, PRBool *sigerror,
-                     SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t, void *wincx,
-                     CERTVerifyLog *log, PRBool *revoked)
-    if (CERT_GetUsePKIXForValidation()) {
-        return cert_VerifyCertChainPkix(cert, checkSig, certUsage, t,
-                                        wincx, log, sigerror, revoked);
-    }
-    return cert_VerifyCertChainOld(handle, cert, checkSig, sigerror,
-                                   certUsage, t, wincx, log, revoked);
-CERT_VerifyCertChain(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                     PRBool checkSig, SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
-                     void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log)
-    return cert_VerifyCertChain(handle, cert, checkSig, NULL, certUsage, t,
-                                wincx, log, NULL);
- * verify that a CA can sign a certificate with the requested usage.
- */
-CERT_VerifyCACertForUsage(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                          PRBool checkSig, SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
-                          void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log)
-    SECTrustType trustType;
-    CERTBasicConstraints basicConstraint;
-    PRBool isca;
-    PRBool validCAOverride = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECStatus rvFinal = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int flags;
-    unsigned int caCertType;
-    unsigned int requiredCAKeyUsage;
-    unsigned int requiredFlags;
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert;
-    CERTCertTrust certTrust;
-    if (CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(certUsage, PR_TRUE,
-                                         &requiredCAKeyUsage,
-                                         &caCertType) != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-        requiredCAKeyUsage = 0;
-        caCertType = 0;
-    }
-    switch (certUsage) {
-        case certUsageSSLClient:
-        case certUsageSSLServer:
-        case certUsageSSLCA:
-        case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-        case certUsageEmailSigner:
-        case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-        case certUsageObjectSigner:
-        case certUsageVerifyCA:
-        case certUsageStatusResponder:
-            if (CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(certUsage, &requiredFlags,
-                                              &trustType) != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-                requiredFlags = 0;
-                trustType = trustSSL;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-            requiredFlags = 0;
-            trustType = trustSSL; /* This used to be 0, but we need something
-                                   * that matches the enumeration type.
-                                   */
-            caCertType = 0;
-    }
-    /* If the basicConstraint extension is included in an intermmediate CA
-     * certificate, make sure that the isCA flag is on.  If the
-     * pathLenConstraint component exists, it must be greater than the
-     * number of CA certificates we have seen so far.  If the extension
-     * is omitted, we will assume that this is a CA certificate with
-     * an unlimited pathLenConstraint (since it already passes the
-     * netscape-cert-type extension checking).
-     */
-    rv = CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten(cert, &basicConstraint);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND) {
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, 0);
-        }
-        /* no basic constraints found, we aren't (yet) a CA. */
-        isca = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        if (basicConstraint.isCA == PR_FALSE) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID);
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, 0);
-        }
-        /* can't check path length if we don't know the previous path */
-        isca = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &certTrust) == SECSuccess) {
-        /* we have some trust info, but this does NOT imply that this
-         * cert is actually trusted for any purpose.  The cert may be
-         * explicitly UNtrusted.  We won't know until we examine the
-         * trust bits.
-         */
-        if (certUsage == certUsageStatusResponder) {
-            /* Check the special case of certUsageStatusResponder */
-            issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(cert, t, certUsage);
-            if (issuerCert) {
-                if (SEC_CheckCRL(handle, cert, issuerCert, t, wincx) !=
-                    SECSuccess) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE);
-                    CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-                    goto loser;
-                }
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-            }
-            /* XXX We have NOT determined that this cert is trusted.
-             * For years, NSS has treated this as trusted,
-             * but it seems incorrect.
-             */
-            rv = rvFinal;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        /*
-         * check the trust params of the issuer
-         */
-        flags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&certTrust, trustType);
-        if ((flags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags) {
-            /* we found a trusted one, so return */
-            rv = rvFinal;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        if (flags & CERTDB_VALID_CA) {
-            validCAOverride = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        /* is it explicitly distrusted? */
-        if ((flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) &&
-            ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0)) {
-            /* untrusted -- the cert is explicitly untrusted, not
-             * just that it doesn't chain to a trusted cert */
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, flags);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!validCAOverride) {
-        /*
-         * Make sure that if this is an intermediate CA in the chain that
-         * it was given permission by its signer to be a CA.
-         */
-        /*
-         * if basicConstraints says it is a ca, then we check the
-         * nsCertType.  If the nsCertType has any CA bits set, then
-         * it must have the right one.
-         */
-        if (!isca || (cert->nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_CA)) {
-            isca = (cert->nsCertType & caCertType) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (!isca) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID);
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, 0);
-        }
-        /* make sure key usage allows cert signing */
-        if (CERT_CheckKeyUsage(cert, requiredCAKeyUsage) != SECSuccess) {
-            LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, requiredCAKeyUsage);
-        }
-    }
-    /* make sure that the issuer is not self signed.  If it is, then
-     * stop here to prevent looping.
-     */
-    if (cert->isRoot) {
-        LOG_ERROR(log, cert, 0, 0);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CERT_VerifyCertChain(handle, cert, checkSig, certUsage, t,
-                                wincx, log);
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    return rv;
-#define NEXT_USAGE() \
-    {                \
-        i *= 2;      \
-        certUsage++; \
-        continue;    \
-    }
-#define VALID_USAGE() \
-    {                 \
-        NEXT_USAGE(); \
-    }
-#define INVALID_USAGE()                 \
-    {                                   \
-        if (returnedUsages) {           \
-            *returnedUsages &= (~i);    \
-        }                               \
-        if (PR_TRUE == requiredUsage) { \
-            valid = SECFailure;         \
-        }                               \
-        NEXT_USAGE();                   \
-    }
- * check the leaf cert against trust and usage.
- *   returns success if the cert is not distrusted. If the cert is
- *       trusted, then the trusted bool will be true.
- *   returns failure if the cert is distrusted. If failure, flags
- *       will return the flag bits that indicated distrust.
- */
-cert_CheckLeafTrust(CERTCertificate *cert, SECCertUsage certUsage,
-                    unsigned int *failedFlags, PRBool *trusted)
-    unsigned int flags;
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    *failedFlags = 0;
-    *trusted = PR_FALSE;
-    /* check trust flags to see if this cert is directly trusted */
-    if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust) == SECSuccess) {
-        switch (certUsage) {
-            case certUsageSSLClient:
-            case certUsageSSLServer:
-                flags = trust.sslFlags;
-                /* is the cert directly trusted or not trusted ? */
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                            * authoritative */
-                    if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED) {     /* trust this cert */
-                        *trusted = PR_TRUE;
-                        return SECSuccess;
-                    } else { /* don't trust this cert */
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-                /* XXX - step up certs can't be directly trusted, only distrust */
-                flags = trust.sslFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                                                       * authoritative */
-                    if ((flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED) == 0) {
-                        /* don't trust this cert */
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case certUsageSSLCA:
-                flags = trust.sslFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                                                       * authoritative */
-                    if ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0) {
-                        /* don't trust this cert */
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case certUsageEmailSigner:
-            case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-                flags = trust.emailFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                                                       * authoritative */
-                    if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED) {     /* trust this cert */
-                        *trusted = PR_TRUE;
-                        return SECSuccess;
-                    } else { /* don't trust this cert */
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case certUsageObjectSigner:
-                flags = trust.objectSigningFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                                                       * authoritative */
-                    if (flags & CERTDB_TRUSTED) {     /* trust this cert */
-                        *trusted = PR_TRUE;
-                        return SECSuccess;
-                    } else { /* don't trust this cert */
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case certUsageVerifyCA:
-            case certUsageStatusResponder:
-                flags = trust.sslFlags;
-                /* is the cert directly trusted or not trusted ? */
-                if ((flags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) ==
-                    (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) {
-                    *trusted = PR_TRUE;
-                    return SECSuccess;
-                }
-                flags = trust.emailFlags;
-                /* is the cert directly trusted or not trusted ? */
-                if ((flags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) ==
-                    (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) {
-                    *trusted = PR_TRUE;
-                    return SECSuccess;
-                }
-                flags = trust.objectSigningFlags;
-                /* is the cert directly trusted or not trusted ? */
-                if ((flags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) ==
-                    (CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) {
-                    *trusted = PR_TRUE;
-                    return SECSuccess;
-                }
-                /* fall through to test distrust */
-            case certUsageAnyCA:
-            case certUsageUserCertImport:
-                /* do we distrust these certs explicitly */
-                flags = trust.sslFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                            * authoritative */
-                    if ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0) {
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                flags = trust.emailFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                            * authoritative */
-                    if ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0) {
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                /* fall through */
-            case certUsageProtectedObjectSigner:
-                flags = trust.objectSigningFlags;
-                if (flags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) { /* the trust record is
-                                                       * authoritative */
-                    if ((flags & (CERTDB_TRUSTED | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA)) == 0) {
-                        *failedFlags = flags;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * verify a certificate by checking if it's valid and that we
- * trust the issuer.
- *
- * certificateUsage contains a bitfield of all cert usages that are
- * required for verification to succeed
- *
- * a bitfield of cert usages is returned in *returnedUsages
- * if requiredUsages is non-zero, the returned bitmap is only
- * for those required usages, otherwise it is for all usages
- *
- */
-CERT_VerifyCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                       PRBool checkSig, SECCertificateUsage requiredUsages, PRTime t,
-                       void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log, SECCertificateUsage *returnedUsages)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECStatus valid;
-    unsigned int requiredKeyUsage;
-    unsigned int requiredCertType;
-    unsigned int flags;
-    unsigned int certType;
-    PRBool allowOverride;
-    SECCertTimeValidity validity;
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-    PRInt32 i;
-    SECCertUsage certUsage = 0;
-    PRBool checkedOCSP = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool checkAllUsages = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool revoked = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool sigerror = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool trusted = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!requiredUsages) {
-        /* there are no required usages, so the user probably wants to
-           get status for all usages */
-        checkAllUsages = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (returnedUsages) {
-        *returnedUsages = 0;
-    } else {
-        /* we don't have a place to return status for all usages,
-           so we can skip checks for usages that aren't required */
-        checkAllUsages = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    valid = SECSuccess; /* start off assuming cert is valid */
-    /* make sure that the cert is valid at time t */
-    allowOverride = (PRBool)((requiredUsages & certificateUsageSSLServer) ||
-                             (requiredUsages & certificateUsageSSLServerWithStepUp));
-    validity = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert, t, allowOverride);
-    if (validity != secCertTimeValid) {
-        valid = SECFailure;
-        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, validity);
-    }
-    /* check key usage and netscape cert type */
-    cert_GetCertType(cert);
-    certType = cert->nsCertType;
-    for (i = 1; i <= certificateUsageHighest &&
-                (SECSuccess == valid || returnedUsages || log);) {
-        PRBool requiredUsage = (i & requiredUsages) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-        if (PR_FALSE == requiredUsage && PR_FALSE == checkAllUsages) {
-            NEXT_USAGE();
-        }
-        if (returnedUsages) {
-            *returnedUsages |= i; /* start off assuming this usage is valid */
-        }
-        switch (certUsage) {
-            case certUsageSSLClient:
-            case certUsageSSLServer:
-            case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-            case certUsageSSLCA:
-            case certUsageEmailSigner:
-            case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-            case certUsageObjectSigner:
-            case certUsageStatusResponder:
-                rv = CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(certUsage, PR_FALSE,
-                                                      &requiredKeyUsage,
-                                                      &requiredCertType);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    PORT_Assert(0);
-                    /* EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log); XXX ??? */
-                    requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-                    requiredCertType = 0;
-                    INVALID_USAGE();
-                }
-                break;
-            case certUsageAnyCA:
-            case certUsageProtectedObjectSigner:
-            case certUsageUserCertImport:
-            case certUsageVerifyCA:
-                /* these usages cannot be verified */
-                NEXT_USAGE();
-            default:
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-                requiredCertType = 0;
-                INVALID_USAGE();
-        }
-        if (CERT_CheckKeyUsage(cert, requiredKeyUsage) != SECSuccess) {
-            if (PR_TRUE == requiredUsage) {
-            }
-            LOG_ERROR(log, cert, 0, requiredKeyUsage);
-            INVALID_USAGE();
-        }
-        if (!(certType & requiredCertType)) {
-            if (PR_TRUE == requiredUsage) {
-            }
-            LOG_ERROR(log, cert, 0, requiredCertType);
-            INVALID_USAGE();
-        }
-        rv = cert_CheckLeafTrust(cert, certUsage, &flags, &trusted);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            if (PR_TRUE == requiredUsage) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_CERT);
-            }
-            LOG_ERROR(log, cert, 0, flags);
-            INVALID_USAGE();
-        } else if (trusted) {
-            VALID_USAGE();
-        }
-        if (PR_TRUE == revoked || PR_TRUE == sigerror) {
-            INVALID_USAGE();
-        }
-        rv = cert_VerifyCertChain(handle, cert,
-                                  checkSig, &sigerror,
-                                  certUsage, t, wincx, log,
-                                  &revoked);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            /* EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log); XXX ???? */
-            INVALID_USAGE();
-        }
-        /*
-         * Check OCSP revocation status, but only if the cert we are checking
-         * is not a status responder itself. We only do this in the case
-         * where we checked the cert chain (above); explicit trust "wins"
-         * (avoids status checking, just as it avoids CRL checking) by
-         * bypassing this code.
-         */
-        if (PR_FALSE == checkedOCSP) {
-            checkedOCSP = PR_TRUE; /* only check OCSP once */
-            statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-            if (requiredUsages != certificateUsageStatusResponder &&
-                statusConfig != NULL) {
-                if (statusConfig->statusChecker != NULL) {
-                    rv = (*statusConfig->statusChecker)(handle, cert,
-                                                        t, wincx);
-                    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        LOG_ERROR(log, cert, 0, 0);
-                        revoked = PR_TRUE;
-                        INVALID_USAGE();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        NEXT_USAGE();
-    }
-    return (valid);
-CERT_VerifyCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                PRBool checkSig, SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
-                void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log)
-    return cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(handle, cert, checkSig, certUsage, t,
-                                    CERT_VERIFYCERT_USE_DEFAULTS, wincx, log);
-cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                         PRBool checkSig, SECCertUsage certUsage, PRTime t,
-                         PRUint32 flags, void *wincx, CERTVerifyLog *log)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int requiredKeyUsage;
-    unsigned int requiredCertType;
-    unsigned int failedFlags;
-    unsigned int certType;
-    PRBool trusted;
-    PRBool allowOverride;
-    SECCertTimeValidity validity;
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-#ifdef notdef
-    /* check if this cert is in the Evil list */
-    rv = CERT_CheckForEvilCert(cert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, 0);
-    }
-    /* make sure that the cert is valid at time t */
-    allowOverride = (PRBool)((certUsage == certUsageSSLServer) ||
-                             (certUsage == certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp));
-    validity = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert, t, allowOverride);
-    if (validity != secCertTimeValid) {
-        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, validity);
-    }
-    /* check key usage and netscape cert type */
-    cert_GetCertType(cert);
-    certType = cert->nsCertType;
-    switch (certUsage) {
-        case certUsageSSLClient:
-        case certUsageSSLServer:
-        case certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp:
-        case certUsageSSLCA:
-        case certUsageEmailSigner:
-        case certUsageEmailRecipient:
-        case certUsageObjectSigner:
-        case certUsageStatusResponder:
-            rv = CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(certUsage, PR_FALSE,
-                                                  &requiredKeyUsage,
-                                                  &requiredCertType);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_Assert(0);
-                EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-                requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-                requiredCertType = 0;
-            }
-            break;
-        case certUsageVerifyCA:
-        case certUsageAnyCA:
-            requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-            requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_CA;
-            if (!(certType & NS_CERT_TYPE_CA)) {
-                certType |= NS_CERT_TYPE_CA;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-            requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-            requiredCertType = 0;
-    }
-    if (CERT_CheckKeyUsage(cert, requiredKeyUsage) != SECSuccess) {
-        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, requiredKeyUsage);
-    }
-    if (!(certType & requiredCertType)) {
-        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, requiredCertType);
-    }
-    rv = cert_CheckLeafTrust(cert, certUsage, &failedFlags, &trusted);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, failedFlags);
-    } else if (trusted) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    rv = CERT_VerifyCertChain(handle, cert, checkSig, certUsage,
-                              t, wincx, log);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        EXIT_IF_NOT_LOGGING(log);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Check revocation status, but only if the cert we are checking is not a
-     * status responder itself and the caller did not ask us to skip the check.
-     * We only do this in the case where we checked the cert chain (above);
-     * explicit trust "wins" (avoids status checking, just as it avoids CRL
-     * checking, which is all done inside VerifyCertChain) by bypassing this
-     * code.
-     */
-    if (!(flags & CERT_VERIFYCERT_SKIP_OCSP) &&
-        certUsage != certUsageStatusResponder) {
-        statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-        if (statusConfig && statusConfig->statusChecker) {
-            rv = (*statusConfig->statusChecker)(handle, cert,
-                                                t, wincx);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                LOG_ERROR_OR_EXIT(log, cert, 0, 0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (log && log->head) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    return (rv);
- * verify a certificate by checking if its valid and that we
- * trust the issuer.  Verify time against now.
- */
-CERT_VerifyCertificateNow(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                          PRBool checkSig, SECCertificateUsage requiredUsages,
-                          void *wincx, SECCertificateUsage *returnedUsages)
-    return (CERT_VerifyCertificate(handle, cert, checkSig,
-                                   requiredUsages, PR_Now(), wincx, NULL, returnedUsages));
-/* obsolete, do not use for new code */
-CERT_VerifyCertNow(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                   PRBool checkSig, SECCertUsage certUsage, void *wincx)
-    return (CERT_VerifyCert(handle, cert, checkSig,
-                            certUsage, PR_Now(), wincx, NULL));
-/* [ FROM pcertdb.c ] */
- * Supported usage values and types:
- *  certUsageSSLClient
- *  certUsageSSLServer
- *  certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp
- *  certUsageEmailSigner
- *  certUsageEmailRecipient
- *  certUsageObjectSigner
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_FindMatchingCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, SECItem *derName,
-                      CERTCertOwner owner, SECCertUsage usage,
-                      PRBool preferTrusted, PRTime validTime, PRBool validOnly)
-    CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    CERTCertTrust certTrust;
-    unsigned int requiredTrustFlags;
-    SECTrustType requiredTrustType;
-    unsigned int flags;
-    PRBool lookingForCA = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTCertListNode *node;
-    CERTCertificate *saveUntrustedCA = NULL;
-    /* if preferTrusted is set, must be a CA cert */
-    PORT_Assert(!(preferTrusted && (owner != certOwnerCA)));
-    if (owner == certOwnerCA) {
-        lookingForCA = PR_TRUE;
-        if (preferTrusted) {
-            rv = CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(usage, &requiredTrustFlags,
-                                               &requiredTrustType);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                goto loser;
-            }
-            requiredTrustFlags |= CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-        }
-    }
-    certList = CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(NULL, handle, derName, validTime,
-                                          validOnly);
-    if (certList != NULL) {
-        rv = CERT_FilterCertListByUsage(certList, usage, lookingForCA);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-        while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-            cert = node->cert;
-            /* looking for a trusted CA cert */
-            if ((owner == certOwnerCA) && preferTrusted &&
-                (requiredTrustType != trustTypeNone)) {
-                if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &certTrust) != SECSuccess) {
-                    flags = 0;
-                } else {
-                    flags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&certTrust, requiredTrustType);
-                }
-                if ((flags & requiredTrustFlags) != requiredTrustFlags) {
-                    /* cert is not trusted */
-                    /* if this is the first cert to get this far, then save
-                     * it, so we can use it if we can't find a trusted one
-                     */
-                    if (saveUntrustedCA == NULL) {
-                        saveUntrustedCA = cert;
-                    }
-                    goto endloop;
-                }
-            }
-            /* if we got this far, then this cert meets all criteria */
-            break;
-        endloop:
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-            cert = NULL;
-        }
-        /* use the saved one if we have it */
-        if (cert == NULL) {
-            cert = saveUntrustedCA;
-        }
-        /* if we found one then bump the ref count before freeing the list */
-        if (cert != NULL) {
-            /* bump the ref count */
-            cert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-    }
-    return (cert);
-    if (certList != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-/* [ From certdb.c ] */
- * Filter a list of certificates, removing those certs that do not have
- * one of the named CA certs somewhere in their cert chain.
- *
- *  "certList" - the list of certificates to filter
- *  "nCANames" - number of CA names
- *  "caNames" - array of CA names in string(rfc 1485) form
- *  "usage" - what use the certs are for, this is used when
- *      selecting CA certs
- */
-CERT_FilterCertListByCANames(CERTCertList *certList, int nCANames,
-                             char **caNames, SECCertUsage usage)
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *subjectCert;
-    CERTCertListNode *node, *freenode;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    int n;
-    char **names;
-    PRBool found;
-    PRTime time;
-    if (nCANames <= 0) {
-        return (SECSuccess);
-    }
-    time = PR_Now();
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        cert = node->cert;
-        subjectCert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-        /* traverse the CA certs for this cert */
-        found = PR_FALSE;
-        while (subjectCert != NULL) {
-            n = nCANames;
-            names = caNames;
-            if (subjectCert->issuerName != NULL) {
-                while (n > 0) {
-                    if (PORT_Strcmp(*names, subjectCert->issuerName) == 0) {
-                        found = PR_TRUE;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    n--;
-                    names++;
-                }
-            }
-            if (found) {
-                break;
-            }
-            issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(subjectCert, time, usage);
-            if (issuerCert == subjectCert) {
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-                issuerCert = NULL;
-                break;
-            }
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(subjectCert);
-            subjectCert = issuerCert;
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(subjectCert);
-        if (!found) {
-            /* CA was not found, so remove this cert from the list */
-            freenode = node;
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-            CERT_RemoveCertListNode(freenode);
-        } else {
-            /* CA was found, so leave it in the list */
-            node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-        }
-    }
-    return (SECSuccess);
- * Given a certificate, return a string containing the nickname, and possibly
- * one of the validity strings, based on the current validity state of the
- * certificate.
- *
- * "arena" - arena to allocate returned string from.  If NULL, then heap
- *  is used.
- * "cert" - the cert to get nickname from
- * "expiredString" - the string to append to the nickname if the cert is
- *      expired.
- * "notYetGoodString" - the string to append to the nickname if the cert is
- *      not yet good.
- */
-char *
-CERT_GetCertNicknameWithValidity(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                 char *expiredString, char *notYetGoodString)
-    SECCertTimeValidity validity;
-    char *nickname = NULL, *tmpstr = NULL;
-    validity = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert, PR_Now(), PR_FALSE);
-    /* if the cert is good, then just use the nickname directly */
-    if (validity == secCertTimeValid) {
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-            nickname = PORT_Strdup(cert->nickname);
-        } else {
-            nickname = PORT_ArenaStrdup(arena, cert->nickname);
-        }
-        if (nickname == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* if the cert is not valid, then tack one of the strings on the
-         * end
-         */
-        if (validity == secCertTimeExpired) {
-            tmpstr = PR_smprintf("%s%s", cert->nickname,
-                                 expiredString);
-        } else if (validity == secCertTimeNotValidYet) {
-            /* not yet valid */
-            tmpstr = PR_smprintf("%s%s", cert->nickname,
-                                 notYetGoodString);
-        } else {
-            /* undetermined */
-            tmpstr = PR_smprintf("%s",
-                                 "(NULL) (Validity Unknown)");
-        }
-        if (tmpstr == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        if (arena) {
-            /* copy the string into the arena and free the malloc'd one */
-            nickname = PORT_ArenaStrdup(arena, tmpstr);
-            PORT_Free(tmpstr);
-        } else {
-            nickname = tmpstr;
-        }
-        if (nickname == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    return (nickname);
-    return (NULL);
- * Collect the nicknames from all certs in a CertList.  If the cert is not
- * valid, append a string to that nickname.
- *
- * "certList" - the list of certificates
- * "expiredString" - the string to append to the nickname of any expired cert
- * "notYetGoodString" - the string to append to the nickname of any cert
- *      that is not yet valid
- */
-CERTCertNicknames *
-CERT_NicknameStringsFromCertList(CERTCertList *certList, char *expiredString,
-                                 char *notYetGoodString)
-    CERTCertNicknames *names;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTCertListNode *node;
-    char **nn;
-    /* allocate an arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    /* allocate the structure */
-    names = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertNicknames));
-    if (names == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* init the structure */
-    names->arena = arena;
-    names->head = NULL;
-    names->numnicknames = 0;
-    names->nicknames = NULL;
-    names->totallen = 0;
-    /* count the certs in the list */
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        names->numnicknames++;
-        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-    }
-    /* allocate nicknames array */
-    names->nicknames = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,
-                                       sizeof(char *) * names->numnicknames);
-    if (names->nicknames == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* just in case printf can't deal with null strings */
-    if (expiredString == NULL) {
-        expiredString = "";
-    }
-    if (notYetGoodString == NULL) {
-        notYetGoodString = "";
-    }
-    /* traverse the list of certs and collect the nicknames */
-    nn = names->nicknames;
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    while (!CERT_LIST_END(node, certList)) {
-        *nn = CERT_GetCertNicknameWithValidity(arena, node->cert,
-                                               expiredString,
-                                               notYetGoodString);
-        if (*nn == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        names->totallen += PORT_Strlen(*nn);
-        nn++;
-        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-    }
-    return (names);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return (NULL);
- * Extract the nickname from a nickmake string that may have either
- * expiredString or notYetGoodString appended.
- *
- * Args:
- *  "namestring" - the string containing the nickname, and possibly
- *      one of the validity label strings
- *  "expiredString" - the expired validity label string
- *  "notYetGoodString" - the not yet good validity label string
- *
- * Returns the raw nickname
- */
-char *
-CERT_ExtractNicknameString(char *namestring, char *expiredString,
-                           char *notYetGoodString)
-    int explen, nyglen, namelen;
-    int retlen;
-    char *retstr;
-    namelen = PORT_Strlen(namestring);
-    explen = PORT_Strlen(expiredString);
-    nyglen = PORT_Strlen(notYetGoodString);
-    if (namelen > explen) {
-        if (PORT_Strcmp(expiredString, &namestring[namelen - explen]) == 0) {
-            retlen = namelen - explen;
-            retstr = (char *)PORT_Alloc(retlen + 1);
-            if (retstr == NULL) {
-                goto loser;
-            }
-            PORT_Memcpy(retstr, namestring, retlen);
-            retstr[retlen] = '\0';
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    if (namelen > nyglen) {
-        if (PORT_Strcmp(notYetGoodString, &namestring[namelen - nyglen]) == 0) {
-            retlen = namelen - nyglen;
-            retstr = (char *)PORT_Alloc(retlen + 1);
-            if (retstr == NULL) {
-                goto loser;
-            }
-            PORT_Memcpy(retstr, namestring, retlen);
-            retstr[retlen] = '\0';
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    /* if name string is shorter than either invalid string, then it must
-     * be a raw nickname
-     */
-    retstr = PORT_Strdup(namestring);
-    return (retstr);
-    return (NULL);
-CERTCertList *
-CERT_GetCertChainFromCert(CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime time, SECCertUsage usage)
-    CERTCertList *chain = NULL;
-    int count = 0;
-    if (NULL == cert) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    cert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-    if (NULL == cert) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    chain = CERT_NewCertList();
-    if (NULL == chain) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    while (cert != NULL && ++count <= CERT_MAX_CERT_CHAIN) {
-        if (SECSuccess != CERT_AddCertToListTail(chain, cert)) {
-            /* return partial chain */
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-            return chain;
-        }
-        if (cert->isRoot) {
-            /* return complete chain */
-            return chain;
-        }
-        cert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(cert, time, usage);
-    }
-    /* return partial chain */
-    return chain;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfypkix.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfypkix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c11d7f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfypkix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2244 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * nss_pkix_proxy.h
- *
- * PKIX - NSS proxy functions
- *
- * NOTE: All structures, functions, data types are parts of library private
- * api and are subjects to change in any following releases.
- *
- */
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "nssb64.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "pkit.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *pkixLog;
-extern PKIX_UInt32
-pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectLeakCheck(int *);
-extern SECStatus
-pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectTableUpdate(int *objCountTable);
-PRInt32 parallelFnInvocationCount;
-static PRBool usePKIXValidationEngine = PR_FALSE;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation
- *
- * Enables or disables use of libpkix for certificate validation
- *
- *  "enable"
- *      PR_TRUE: enables use of libpkix for cert validation.
- *      PR_FALSE: disables.
- *  NOT Thread Safe.
- *  Returns SECSuccess if successfully enabled
- */
-CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation(PRBool enable)
-    usePKIXValidationEngine = (enable > 0) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_GetUsePKIXForValidation
- *
- * Checks if libpkix building function should be use for certificate
- * chain building.
- *
- *  NONE
- *  NOT Thread Safe
- *  Returns PR_TRUE if libpkix should be used. PR_FALSE otherwise.
- */
-    return usePKIXValidationEngine;
-#ifdef NOTDEF
- * FUNCTION: cert_NssKeyUsagesToPkix
- *
- * Converts nss key usage bit field(PRUint32) to pkix key usage
- * bit field.
- *
- *  "nssKeyUsage"
- *      Nss key usage bit field.
- *  "pkixKeyUsage"
- *      Pkix key usage big field.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PRUint32 nssKeyUsage,
-    PKIX_UInt32 *pPkixKeyUsage,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_UInt32 pkixKeyUsage = 0;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_NssKeyUsagesToPkix");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pPkixKeyUsage);
-    *pPkixKeyUsage = 0;
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_NON_REPUDIATION) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_NON_REPUDIATION;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_KEY_AGREEMENT) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_KEY_AGREEMENT;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_CRL_SIGN) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_CRL_SIGN;
-    }
-    if (nssKeyUsage & KU_ENCIPHER_ONLY) {
-        pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_ENCIPHER_ONLY;
-    }
-    /* Not supported. XXX we should support this once it is
-     * fixed in NSS */
-    /* pkixKeyUsage |= PKIX_DECIPHER_ONLY; */
-    *pPkixKeyUsage = pkixKeyUsage;
-extern SECOidTag ekuOidStrings[];
-enum {
-    ekuIndexSSLServer = 0,
-    ekuIndexSSLClient,
-    ekuIndexCodeSigner,
-    ekuIndexEmail,
-    ekuIndexTimeStamp,
-    ekuIndexStatusResponder,
-    ekuIndexUnknown
-} ekuIndex;
-typedef struct {
-    SECCertUsage certUsage;
-    PRUint32 ekuStringIndex;
-} SECCertUsageToEku;
-const SECCertUsageToEku certUsageEkuStringMap[] = {
-    { certUsageSSLClient, ekuIndexSSLClient },
-    { certUsageSSLServer, ekuIndexSSLServer },
-    { certUsageSSLCA, ekuIndexSSLServer },
-    { certUsageEmailSigner, ekuIndexEmail },
-    { certUsageEmailRecipient, ekuIndexEmail },
-    { certUsageObjectSigner, ekuIndexCodeSigner },
-    { certUsageUserCertImport, ekuIndexUnknown },
-    { certUsageVerifyCA, ekuIndexUnknown },
-    { certUsageProtectedObjectSigner, ekuIndexUnknown },
-    { certUsageStatusResponder, ekuIndexStatusResponder },
-    { certUsageAnyCA, ekuIndexUnknown },
- * FUNCTION: cert_NssCertificateUsageToPkixKUAndEKU
- *
- * Converts nss CERTCertificateUsage bit field to pkix key and
- * extended key usages.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Pointer to CERTCertificate structure of validating cert.
- *  "requiredCertUsages"
- *      Required usage that will be converted to pkix eku and ku.
- *  "requiredKeyUsage",
- *      Additional key usages impose to cert.
- *  "isCA",
- *      it true, convert usages for cert that is a CA cert.
- *  "ppkixEKUList"
- *      Returned address of a list of pkix extended key usages.
- *  "ppkixKU"
- *      Returned address of pkix required key usages bit field.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    CERTCertificate *cert,
-    SECCertUsage requiredCertUsage,
-    PRUint32 requiredKeyUsages,
-    PRBool isCA,
-    PKIX_List **ppkixEKUList,
-    PKIX_UInt32 *ppkixKU,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_List *ekuOidsList = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_OID *ekuOid = NULL;
-    int i = 0;
-    int ekuIndex = ekuIndexUnknown;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_NssCertificateUsageToPkixEku");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(ppkixEKUList, ppkixKU);
-        PKIX_List_Create(&ekuOidsList, plContext),
-    for (; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(certUsageEkuStringMap); i++) {
-        const SECCertUsageToEku *usageToEkuElem =
-            &certUsageEkuStringMap[i];
-        if (usageToEkuElem->certUsage == requiredCertUsage) {
-            ekuIndex = usageToEkuElem->ekuStringIndex;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (ekuIndex != ekuIndexUnknown) {
-        PRUint32 reqKeyUsage = 0;
-        PRUint32 reqCertType = 0;
-        CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(requiredCertUsage, isCA,
-                                         &reqKeyUsage,
-                                         &reqCertType);
-        requiredKeyUsages |= reqKeyUsage;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_OID_Create(ekuOidStrings[ekuIndex], &ekuOid,
-                               plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_AppendItem(ekuOidsList, (PKIX_PL_Object *)ekuOid,
-                                 plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(ekuOid);
-    }
-        cert_NssKeyUsagesToPkix(requiredKeyUsages, ppkixKU, plContext),
-    *ppkixEKUList = ekuOidsList;
-    ekuOidsList = NULL;
-    PKIX_DECREF(ekuOid);
-    PKIX_DECREF(ekuOidsList);
- * FUNCTION: cert_ProcessingParamsSetKeyAndCertUsage
- *
- * Converts cert usage to pkix KU type and sets
- * converted data into PKIX_ProcessingParams object. It also sets
- * proper cert usage into nsscontext object.
- *
- *  "procParams"
- *      Pointer to PKIX_ProcessingParams used during validation.
- *  "requiredCertUsage"
- *      Required certificate usages the certificate and chain is built and
- *      validated for.
- *  "requiredKeyUsage"
- *      Request additional key usages the certificate should be validated for.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-    SECCertUsage requiredCertUsage,
-    PRUint32 requiredKeyUsages,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_ProcessingParamsSetKeyAndCertUsage");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(procParams, nssContext);
-        pkix_pl_NssContext_SetCertUsage(
-            ((SECCertificateUsage)1) << requiredCertUsage, nssContext),
-    if (requiredKeyUsages) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints(procParams,
-                                                           &certSelector, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams(certSelector,
-                                                          &certSelParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetKeyUsage(certSelParams, requiredKeyUsages,
-                                              plContext),
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(certSelector);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
- * Unused parameters:
- *
- *  CERTCertList *initialChain,
- *  CERTCertStores certStores,
- *  CERTCertRevCheckers certRevCheckers,
- *  CERTCertChainCheckers certChainCheckers,
- *  SECItem *initPolicies,
- *  PRBool policyQualifierRejected,
- *  PRBool anyPolicyInhibited,
- *  PRBool reqExplicitPolicy,
- *  PRBool policyMappingInhibited,
- *  PKIX_CertSelector certConstraints,
- */
- * FUNCTION: cert_CreatePkixProcessingParams
- *
- * Creates and fills in PKIX_ProcessingParams structure to be used
- * for certificate chain building.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Pointer to the CERTCertificate: the leaf certificate of a chain.
- *  "time"
- *      Validity time.
- *  "wincx"
- *      Nss db password token.
- *  "useArena"
- *      Flags to use arena for data allocation during chain building process.
- *  "pprocParams"
- *      Address to return created processing parameters.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    CERTCertificate *cert,
-    PRBool checkSig, /* not used yet. See bug 391476 */
-    PRTime time,
-    void *wincx,
-    PRBool useArena,
-    PRBool disableOCSPRemoteFetching,
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams **pprocParams,
-    void **pplContext)
-    PKIX_List *anchors = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *targetCert = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags = 0;
-    void *plContext = NULL;
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_CreatePkixProcessingParams");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pprocParams);
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create(0, useArena, wincx, &plContext),
-    *pplContext = plContext;
-    /* Functions should be implemented in patch for 390532 */
-        pkix_pl_NssContext_SetCertSignatureCheck(checkSig,
-                                                 (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext),
-#endif /* PKIX_NOTDEF */
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_Create(&procParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create(&certSelParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateFromCERTCertificate(cert, &targetCert, plContext),
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificate(certSelParams,
-                                             targetCert, plContext),
-        PKIX_CertSelector_Create(NULL, NULL, &certSelector, plContext),
-        PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams(certSelector,
-                                                      certSelParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTargetCertConstraints(procParams,
-                                                       certSelector, plContext),
-    /* Turn off quialification of target cert since leaf cert is
-     * already check for date validity, key usages and extended
-     * key usages. */
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetQualifyTargetCert(procParams, PKIX_FALSE,
-                                                   plContext),
-        PKIX_PL_Pk11CertStore_Create(&certStore, plContext),
-        PKIX_List_Create(&certStores, plContext),
-        PKIX_List_AppendItem(certStores, (PKIX_PL_Object *)certStore,
-                             plContext),
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertStores(procParams, certStores,
-                                            plContext),
-        PKIX_PL_Date_CreateFromPRTime(time, &date, plContext),
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetDate(procParams, date, plContext),
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker_Create(
-            &revChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetRevocationChecker(procParams, revChecker,
-                                                   plContext),
-    /* CRL method flags */
-    methodFlags =
-    /* add CRL revocation method to check the leaf certificate */
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod(revChecker, procParams,
-                                                  PKIX_RevocationMethod_CRL, methodFlags,
-                                                  0, NULL, PKIX_TRUE, plContext),
-    /* add CRL revocation method for other certs in the chain. */
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod(revChecker, procParams,
-                                                  PKIX_RevocationMethod_CRL, methodFlags,
-                                                  0, NULL, PKIX_FALSE, plContext),
-    /* For compatibility with the old code, need to check that
-     * statusConfig is set in the db handle and status checker
-     * is defined befor allow ocsp status check on the leaf cert.*/
-    statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB());
-    if (statusConfig != NULL && statusConfig->statusChecker != NULL) {
-        /* Enable OCSP revocation checking for the leaf cert. */
-        /* OCSP method flags */
-        methodFlags =
-            PKIX_REV_M_ALLOW_NETWORK_FETCHING |        /* 0 */
-            PKIX_REV_M_SKIP_TEST_ON_MISSING_SOURCE |   /* 0 */
-            PKIX_REV_M_IGNORE_MISSING_FRESH_INFO |     /* 0 */
-        /* Disabling ocsp fetching when checking the status
-         * of ocsp response signer. Here and in the next if,
-         * adjust flags for ocsp signer cert validation case. */
-        if (disableOCSPRemoteFetching) {
-            methodFlags |= PKIX_REV_M_FORBID_NETWORK_FETCHING;
-        }
-        if (ocsp_FetchingFailureIsVerificationFailure() &&
-            !disableOCSPRemoteFetching) {
-            methodFlags |=
-        }
-        /* add OCSP revocation method to check only the leaf certificate.*/
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod(revChecker, procParams,
-                                                      PKIX_RevocationMethod_OCSP, methodFlags,
-                                                      1, NULL, PKIX_TRUE, plContext),
-    }
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetAnyPolicyInhibited(procParams, PR_FALSE,
-                                                    plContext),
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetExplicitPolicyRequired(procParams, PR_FALSE,
-                                                        plContext),
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyMappingInhibited(procParams, PR_FALSE,
-                                                        plContext),
-    *pprocParams = procParams;
-    procParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_DECREF(anchors);
-    PKIX_DECREF(targetCert);
-    PKIX_DECREF(date);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certSelector);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certStores);
-    PKIX_DECREF(procParams);
-    PKIX_DECREF(revChecker);
- * FUNCTION: cert_PkixToNssCertsChain
- *
- * Converts pkix cert list into nss cert list.
- *
- *  "pkixCertChain"
- *      Pkix certificate list.
- *  "pvalidChain"
- *      An address of returned nss certificate list.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_List *pkixCertChain,
-    CERTCertList **pvalidChain,
-    void *plContext)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-    CERTCertList *validChain = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Object *certItem = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 length = 0;
-    PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_PkixToNssCertsChain");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pvalidChain);
-    if (pkixCertChain == NULL) {
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-    }
-    validChain = (CERTCertList *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertList));
-    if (validChain == NULL) {
-    }
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&validChain->list);
-    validChain->arena = arena;
-    arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_List_GetLength(pkixCertChain, &length, plContext),
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(pkixCertChain, i, &certItem, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCERTCertificate((PKIX_PL_Cert *)certItem, &nssCert,
-                                            plContext),
-        node =
-            (CERTCertListNode *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(validChain->arena,
-                                                 sizeof(CERTCertListNode));
-        if (node == NULL) {
-        }
-        PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &validChain->list);
-        node->cert = nssCert;
-        nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certItem);
-    }
-    *pvalidChain = validChain;
-        if (validChain) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertList(validChain);
-        } else if (arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        if (nssCert) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(nssCert);
-        }
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(certItem);
- * FUNCTION: cert_BuildAndValidateChain
- *
- * The function builds and validates a cert chain based on certificate
- * selection criterias from procParams. This function call PKIX_BuildChain
- * to accomplish chain building. If PKIX_BuildChain returns with incomplete
- * IO, the function waits with PR_Poll until the blocking IO is finished and
- * return control back to PKIX_BuildChain.
- *
- *  "procParams"
- *      Processing parameters to be used during chain building.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Returned build result.
- *  "pVerifyNode"
- *      Returned pointed to verify node structure: the tree-like structure
- *      that reports points of chain building failures.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-    PKIX_BuildResult **pResult,
-    PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyNode,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_BuildResult *result = NULL;
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode = NULL;
-    void *nbioContext = NULL;
-    void *state = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_BuildAndVerifyChain");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(procParams, pResult);
-    do {
-        if (nbioContext && state) {
-            /* PKIX-XXX: need to test functionality of NBIO handling in libPkix.
-             * See bug 391180 */
-            PRInt32 filesReady = 0;
-            PRPollDesc *pollDesc = (PRPollDesc *)nbioContext;
-            filesReady = PR_Poll(pollDesc, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-            if (filesReady <= 0) {
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_BuildChain(procParams, &nbioContext, &state,
-                            &result, &verifyNode, plContext),
-    } while (nbioContext && state);
-    *pResult = result;
-    if (pVerifyNode) {
-        *pVerifyNode = verifyNode;
-    }
- * FUNCTION: cert_PkixErrorToNssCode
- *
- * Converts pkix error(PKIX_Error) structure to PR error codes.
- *
- * PKIX-XXX to be implemented. See 391183.
- *
- *  "error"
- *      Pkix error that will be converted.
- *  "nssCode"
- *      Corresponding nss error code.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_Error *error,
-    SECErrorCodes *pNssErr,
-    void *plContext)
-    int errLevel = 0;
-    PKIX_Int32 nssErr = 0;
-    PKIX_Error *errPtr = error;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_PkixErrorToNssCode");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(error, pNssErr);
-    /* Loop until we find at least one error with non-null
-     * plErr code, that is going to be nss error code. */
-    while (errPtr) {
-        if (errPtr->plErr && !nssErr) {
-            nssErr = errPtr->plErr;
-            if (!pkixLog)
-                break;
-        }
-        if (pkixLog) {
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 2, ("Error at level %d: %s\n", errLevel,
-                                PKIX_ErrorText[errPtr->errCode]));
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 2, ("Error at level %d: Error code %d\n", errLevel,
-                                errPtr->errCode));
-        }
-        errPtr = errPtr->cause;
-        errLevel += 1;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(nssErr);
-    if (!nssErr) {
-    } else {
-        *pNssErr = nssErr;
-    }
- * FUNCTION: cert_GetLogFromVerifyNode
- *
- * Recursive function that converts verify node tree-like set of structures
- * to CERTVerifyLog.
- *
- *  "log"
- *      Pointed to already allocated CERTVerifyLog structure.
- *  "node"
- *      A node of PKIX_VerifyNode tree.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    CERTVerifyLog *log,
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_List *children = NULL;
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *childNode = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_GetLogFromVerifyNode");
-    children = node->children;
-    if (children == NULL) {
-        if (node->error && node->error->errCode != errCode) {
-            if (log != NULL) {
-                SECErrorCodes nssErrorCode = 0;
-                CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-                cert = node->verifyCert->nssCert;
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    cert_PkixErrorToNssCode(node->error, &nssErrorCode,
-                                            plContext),
-                cert_AddToVerifyLog(log, cert, nssErrorCode, node->depth, NULL);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        PRUint32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length = 0;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetLength(children, &length, plContext),
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_GetItem(children, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childNode,
-                                  plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                cert_GetLogFromVerifyNode(log, childNode, plContext),
-            PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-        }
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
- * FUNCTION: cert_GetBuildResults
- *
- * Converts pkix build results to nss results. This function is called
- * regardless of build result.
- *
- * If it called after chain was successfully constructed, then it will
- * convert:
- *   * pkix cert list that represent the chain to nss cert list
- *   * trusted root the chain was anchored to nss certificate.
- *
- * In case of failure it will convert:
- *   * pkix error to PR error code(will set it with PORT_SetError)
- *   * pkix validation log to nss CERTVerifyLog
- *
- *  "buildResult"
- *      Build results returned by PKIX_BuildChain.
- *  "verifyNode"
- *      Tree-like structure of chain building/validation failures
- *      returned by PKIX_BuildChain. Ignored in case of success.
- *  "error"
- *      Final error returned by PKIX_BuildChain. Should be NULL in
- *      case of success.
- *  "log"
- *      Address of pre-allocated(if not NULL) CERTVerifyLog structure.
- *  "ptrustedRoot"
- *      Address of returned trusted root the chain was anchored to.
- *  "pvalidChain"
- *      Address of returned valid chain.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Verify Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult,
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-    PKIX_Error *error,
-    CERTVerifyLog *log,
-    CERTCertificate **ptrustedRoot,
-    CERTCertList **pvalidChain,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ValidateResult *validResult = NULL;
-    CERTCertList *validChain = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *trustedRoot = NULL;
-    PKIX_TrustAnchor *trustAnchor = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *pkixCertChain = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTVFYPKIX, "cert_GetBuildResults");
-    if (buildResult == NULL && error == NULL) {
-    }
-    if (error) {
-        SECErrorCodes nssErrorCode = 0;
-        if (verifyNode) {
-            PKIX_Error *tmpError =
-                cert_GetLogFromVerifyNode(log, verifyNode, plContext);
-            if (tmpError) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)tmpError, plContext);
-            }
-        }
-        cert_PkixErrorToNssCode(error, &nssErrorCode, plContext);
-        PORT_SetError(nssErrorCode);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (pvalidChain) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_BuildResult_GetCertChain(buildResult, &pkixCertChain,
-                                          plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            cert_PkixToNssCertsChain(pkixCertChain, &validChain, plContext),
-    }
-    if (ptrustedRoot) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_BuildResult_GetValidateResult(buildResult, &validResult,
-                                               plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_ValidateResult_GetTrustAnchor(validResult, &trustAnchor,
-                                               plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert(trustAnchor, &trustedCert,
-                                            plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCERTCertificate(trustedCert, &trustedRoot,
-                                            plContext),
-    }
-    if (trustedRoot) {
-        *ptrustedRoot = trustedRoot;
-    }
-    if (validChain) {
-        *pvalidChain = validChain;
-    }
-        if (trustedRoot) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(trustedRoot);
-        }
-        if (validChain) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertList(validChain);
-        }
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(trustAnchor);
-    PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
-    PKIX_DECREF(pkixCertChain);
-    PKIX_DECREF(validResult);
-    PKIX_DECREF(error);
-    PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-    PKIX_DECREF(buildResult);
- * FUNCTION: cert_VerifyCertChainPkix
- *
- * The main wrapper function that is called from CERT_VerifyCert and
- * CERT_VerifyCACertForUsage functions to validate cert with libpkix.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Leaf certificate of a chain we want to build.
- *  "checkSig"
- *      Certificate signatures will not be verified if this
- *      flag is set to PR_FALSE.
- *  "requiredUsage"
- *      Required usage for certificate and chain.
- *  "time"
- *      Validity time.
- *  "wincx"
- *      Nss database password token.
- *  "log"
- *      Address of already allocated CERTVerifyLog structure. Not
- *      used if NULL;
- *  "pSigerror"
- *      Address of PRBool. If not NULL, returns true is cert chain
- *      was invalidated because of bad certificate signature.
- *  "pRevoked"
- *      Address of PRBool. If not NULL, returns true is cert chain
- *      was invalidated because a revoked certificate was found in
- *      the chain.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  SECFailure is chain building process has failed. SECSuccess otherwise.
- */
-    CERTCertificate *cert,
-    PRBool checkSig,
-    SECCertUsage requiredUsage,
-    PRTime time,
-    void *wincx,
-    CERTVerifyLog *log,
-    PRBool *pSigerror,
-    PRBool *pRevoked)
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_BuildResult *result = NULL;
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode = NULL;
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    void *plContext = NULL;
-    int leakedObjNum = 0;
-    int memLeakLoopCount = 0;
-    int objCountTable[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-    int fnInvLocalCount = 0;
-    PKIX_Boolean savedUsePkixEngFlag = usePKIXValidationEngine;
-    if (usePKIXValidationEngine) {
-        /* current memory leak testing implementation does not allow
-         * to run simultaneous tests one the same or a different threads.
-         * Setting the variable to false, to make additional chain
-         * validations be handled by old nss. */
-        usePKIXValidationEngine = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    testStartFnStackPosition = 2;
-    fnStackNameArr[0] = "cert_VerifyCertChainPkix";
-    fnStackInvCountArr[0] = 0;
-    PKIX_Boolean abortOnLeak =
-                                                                         : PKIX_TRUE;
-    runningLeakTest = PKIX_TRUE;
-    /* Prevent multi-threaded run of object leak test */
-    fnInvLocalCount = PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&parallelFnInvocationCount);
-    PORT_Assert(fnInvLocalCount == 1);
-    do {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        plContext = NULL;
-        procParams = NULL;
-        result = NULL;
-        verifyNode = NULL;
-        error = NULL;
-        errorGenerated = PKIX_FALSE;
-        stackPosition = 0;
-        if (leakedObjNum) {
-            pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectTableUpdate(objCountTable);
-        }
-        memLeakLoopCount += 1;
-        error =
-            cert_CreatePkixProcessingParams(cert, checkSig, time, wincx,
-                                            PR_FALSE /*use arena*/,
-                                            requiredUsage == certUsageStatusResponder,
-                                            &procParams, &plContext);
-        if (error) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error =
-            cert_ProcessingParamsSetKeyAndCertUsage(procParams, requiredUsage, 0,
-                                                    plContext);
-        if (error) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error =
-            cert_BuildAndValidateChain(procParams, &result, &verifyNode, plContext);
-        if (error) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (pRevoked) {
-            /* Currently always PR_FALSE. Will be fixed as a part of 394077 */
-            *pRevoked = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (pSigerror) {
-            /* Currently always PR_FALSE. Will be fixed as a part of 394077 */
-            *pSigerror = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    cleanup:
-        error = cert_GetBuildResults(result, verifyNode, error, log, NULL, NULL,
-                                     plContext);
-        if (error) {
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error, plContext);
-        }
-        if (procParams) {
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)procParams, plContext);
-        }
-        if (plContext) {
-            PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy(plContext);
-        }
-        leakedObjNum =
-            pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectLeakCheck(leakedObjNum ? objCountTable : NULL);
-        if (pkixLog && leakedObjNum) {
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 1, ("The generated error caused an object leaks. Loop %d."
-                                "Stack %s\n",
-                                memLeakLoopCount, errorFnStackString));
-        }
-        PR_Free(errorFnStackString);
-        errorFnStackString = NULL;
-        if (abortOnLeak) {
-            PORT_Assert(leakedObjNum == 0);
-        }
-    } while (errorGenerated);
-    runningLeakTest = PKIX_FALSE;
-    PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&parallelFnInvocationCount);
-    usePKIXValidationEngine = savedUsePkixEngFlag;
-    return rv;
-PKIX_CertSelector *
-cert_GetTargetCertConstraints(CERTCertificate *target, void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertSelector *r = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *eeCert = NULL;
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    error = PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateFromCERTCertificate(target, &eeCert, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_CertSelector_Create(NULL, NULL, &certSelector, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create(&certSelParams, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificate(
-        certSelParams, eeCert, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams(certSelector, certSelParams, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certSelector, plContext);
-    if (error == NULL)
-        r = certSelector;
-    if (certSelParams != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certSelParams, plContext);
-    if (eeCert != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)eeCert, plContext);
-    if (certSelector != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certSelector, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL) {
-        SECErrorCodes nssErr;
-        cert_PkixErrorToNssCode(error, &nssErr, plContext);
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error, plContext);
-        PORT_SetError(nssErr);
-    }
-    return r;
-static PKIX_List *
-cert_GetCertStores(void *plContext)
-    PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *r = NULL;
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    error = PKIX_PL_Pk11CertStore_Create(&certStore, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_List_Create(&certStores, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_List_AppendItem(certStores,
-                                 (PKIX_PL_Object *)certStore, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certStores, plContext);
-    if (error == NULL)
-        r = certStores;
-    if (certStores != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certStores, plContext);
-    if (certStore != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certStore, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL) {
-        SECErrorCodes nssErr;
-        cert_PkixErrorToNssCode(error, &nssErr, plContext);
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error, plContext);
-        PORT_SetError(nssErr);
-    }
-    return r;
-struct fake_PKIX_PL_CertStruct {
-    CERTCertificate *nssCert;
-/* This needs to be part of the PKIX_PL_* */
-/* This definitely needs to go away, and be replaced with
-   a real accessor function in PKIX */
-static CERTCertificate *
-cert_NSSCertFromPKIXCert(const PKIX_PL_Cert *pkix_cert)
-    struct fake_PKIX_PL_CertStruct *fcert = NULL;
-    fcert = (struct fake_PKIX_PL_CertStruct *)pkix_cert;
-    return CERT_DupCertificate(fcert->nssCert);
-PKIX_List *
-cert_PKIXMakeOIDList(const SECOidTag *oids, int oidCount, void *plContext)
-    PKIX_List *r = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *policyList = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID = NULL;
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    int i;
-    error = PKIX_List_Create(&policyList, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL) {
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < oidCount; i++) {
-        error = PKIX_PL_OID_Create(oids[i], &policyOID, plContext);
-        if (error) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_List_AppendItem(policyList,
-                                     (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID, plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID, plContext);
-        policyOID = NULL;
-    }
-    error = PKIX_List_SetImmutable(policyList, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL)
-        goto cleanup;
-    error = PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyList, plContext);
-    if (error == NULL)
-        r = policyList;
-    if (policyOID != NULL) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID, plContext);
-    }
-    if (policyList != NULL) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyList, plContext);
-    }
-    if (error != NULL) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error, plContext);
-    }
-    return r;
-CERTValOutParam *
-cert_pkix_FindOutputParam(CERTValOutParam *params, const CERTValParamOutType t)
-    CERTValOutParam *i;
-    if (params == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i = params; i->type != cert_po_end; i++) {
-        if (i->type == t) {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static PKIX_Error *
-setRevocationMethod(PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-                    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-                    const CERTRevocationTests *revTest,
-                    CERTRevocationMethodIndex certRevMethod,
-                    PKIX_RevocationMethodType pkixRevMethod,
-                    PKIX_Boolean verifyResponderUsages,
-                    PKIX_Boolean isLeafTest,
-                    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags = 0;
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 priority = 0;
-    if (revTest->number_of_defined_methods <= (PRUint32)certRevMethod) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (revTest->preferred_methods) {
-        unsigned int i = 0;
-        for (; i < revTest->number_of_preferred_methods; i++) {
-            if (revTest->preferred_methods[i] == certRevMethod)
-                break;
-        }
-        priority = i;
-    }
-    methodFlags = revTest->cert_rev_flags_per_method[certRevMethod];
-    if (verifyResponderUsages &&
-        pkixRevMethod == PKIX_RevocationMethod_OCSP) {
-    }
-    error =
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod(revChecker, procParams,
-                                                  pkixRevMethod, methodFlags,
-                                                  priority, NULL,
-                                                  isLeafTest, plContext);
-    return error;
-cert_pkixSetParam(PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-                  const CERTValInParam *param, void *plContext)
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    SECStatus r = SECSuccess;
-    PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *policyOIDList = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *certListPkix = NULL;
-    const CERTRevocationFlags *flags;
-    SECErrorCodes errCode = SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS;
-    const CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    CERTCertListNode *node;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *certPkix = NULL;
-    PKIX_TrustAnchor *trustAnchor = NULL;
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext;
-    /* XXX we need a way to map generic PKIX error to generic NSS errors */
-    switch (param->type) {
-        case cert_pi_policyOID:
-            /* needed? */
-            error = PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetExplicitPolicyRequired(
-                procParams, PKIX_TRUE, plContext);
-            if (error != NULL) {
-                break;
-            }
-            policyOIDList = cert_PKIXMakeOIDList(param->value.array.oids,
-                                                 param->value.arraySize, plContext);
-            if (policyOIDList == NULL) {
-                r = SECFailure;
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-                break;
-            }
-            error = PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetInitialPolicies(
-                procParams, policyOIDList, plContext);
-            break;
-        case cert_pi_date:
-            if (param->value.scalar.time == 0) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime(NULL, &date, plContext);
-                if (error != NULL) {
-                    errCode = SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME;
-                    break;
-                }
-            } else {
-                error = pkix_pl_Date_CreateFromPRTime(param->value.scalar.time,
-                                                      &date, plContext);
-                if (error != NULL) {
-                    errCode = SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            error = PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetDate(procParams, date, plContext);
-            if (error != NULL) {
-                errCode = SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME;
-            }
-            break;
-        case cert_pi_revocationFlags: {
-            PKIX_UInt32 leafIMFlags = 0;
-            PKIX_UInt32 chainIMFlags = 0;
-            PKIX_Boolean validatingResponderCert = PKIX_FALSE;
-            flags = param->value.pointer.revocation;
-            if (!flags) {
-                PORT_SetError(errCode);
-                r = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-            leafIMFlags =
-                flags->leafTests.cert_rev_method_independent_flags;
-            chainIMFlags =
-                flags->chainTests.cert_rev_method_independent_flags;
-            error =
-                PKIX_RevocationChecker_Create(leafIMFlags, chainIMFlags,
-                                              &revChecker, plContext);
-            if (error) {
-                break;
-            }
-            error =
-                PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetRevocationChecker(procParams,
-                                                           revChecker, plContext);
-            if (error) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (((PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext)->certificateUsage &
-                certificateUsageStatusResponder) {
-                validatingResponderCert = PKIX_TRUE;
-            }
-            error = setRevocationMethod(revChecker,
-                                        procParams, &flags->leafTests,
-                                        cert_revocation_method_crl,
-                                        PKIX_RevocationMethod_CRL,
-                                        validatingResponderCert,
-                                        PKIX_TRUE, plContext);
-            if (error) {
-                break;
-            }
-            error = setRevocationMethod(revChecker,
-                                        procParams, &flags->leafTests,
-                                        cert_revocation_method_ocsp,
-                                        PKIX_RevocationMethod_OCSP,
-                                        validatingResponderCert,
-                                        PKIX_TRUE, plContext);
-            if (error) {
-                break;
-            }
-            error = setRevocationMethod(revChecker,
-                                        procParams, &flags->chainTests,
-                                        cert_revocation_method_crl,
-                                        PKIX_RevocationMethod_CRL,
-                                        validatingResponderCert,
-                                        PKIX_FALSE, plContext);
-            if (error) {
-                break;
-            }
-            error = setRevocationMethod(revChecker,
-                                        procParams, &flags->chainTests,
-                                        cert_revocation_method_ocsp,
-                                        PKIX_RevocationMethod_OCSP,
-                                        validatingResponderCert,
-                                        PKIX_FALSE, plContext);
-            if (error) {
-                break;
-            }
-        } break;
-        case cert_pi_trustAnchors:
-            certList = param->value.pointer.chain;
-            if (!certList) {
-                PORT_SetError(errCode);
-                r = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-            error = PKIX_List_Create(&certListPkix, plContext);
-            if (error != NULL) {
-                break;
-            }
-            for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList); !CERT_LIST_END(node, certList);
-                 node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateFromCERTCertificate(node->cert,
-                                                               &certPkix, plContext);
-                if (error) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                error = PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithCert(certPkix, &trustAnchor,
-                                                        plContext);
-                if (error) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                error = PKIX_List_AppendItem(certListPkix,
-                                             (PKIX_PL_Object *)trustAnchor, plContext);
-                if (error) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)trustAnchor, plContext);
-                trustAnchor = NULL;
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certPkix, plContext);
-                certPkix = NULL;
-            }
-            error =
-                PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTrustAnchors(procParams, certListPkix,
-                                                      plContext);
-            break;
-        case cert_pi_useAIACertFetch:
-            error =
-                PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseAIAForCertFetching(procParams,
-                                                               (PRBool)(param->value.scalar.b !=
-                                                                        0),
-                                                               plContext);
-            break;
-        case cert_pi_chainVerifyCallback: {
-            const CERTChainVerifyCallback *chainVerifyCallback =
-                param->value.pointer.chainVerifyCallback;
-            if (!chainVerifyCallback || !chainVerifyCallback->isChainValid) {
-                PORT_SetError(errCode);
-                r = SECFailure;
-                break;
-            }
-            nssContext->chainVerifyCallback = *chainVerifyCallback;
-        } break;
-        case cert_pi_useOnlyTrustAnchors:
-            error =
-                PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseOnlyTrustAnchors(procParams,
-                                                             (PRBool)(param->value.scalar.b !=
-                                                                      0),
-                                                             plContext);
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(errCode);
-            r = SECFailure;
-            break;
-    }
-    if (policyOIDList != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOIDList, plContext);
-    if (date != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)date, plContext);
-    if (revChecker != NULL)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)revChecker, plContext);
-    if (certListPkix)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certListPkix, plContext);
-    if (trustAnchor)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)trustAnchor, plContext);
-    if (certPkix)
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certPkix, plContext);
-    if (error != NULL) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error, plContext);
-        PORT_SetError(errCode);
-        r = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return r;
-cert_pkixDestroyValOutParam(CERTValOutParam *params)
-    CERTValOutParam *i;
-    if (params == NULL) {
-        return;
-    }
-    for (i = params; i->type != cert_po_end; i++) {
-        switch (i->type) {
-            case cert_po_trustAnchor:
-                if (i->value.pointer.cert) {
-                    CERT_DestroyCertificate(i->value.pointer.cert);
-                    i->value.pointer.cert = NULL;
-                }
-                break;
-            case cert_po_certList:
-                if (i->value.pointer.chain) {
-                    CERT_DestroyCertList(i->value.pointer.chain);
-                    i->value.pointer.chain = NULL;
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-static PRUint64 certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy_LeafFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-static PRUint64 certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy_ChainFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-    0
-static CERTRevocationMethodIndex
-    certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy_Method_Preference = {
-        cert_revocation_method_crl
-    };
-static const CERTRevocationFlags certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy = {
-    { /* leafTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy_LeafFlags,
-      1,
-      &certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy_Method_Preference,
-      0 },
-    { /* chainTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy_ChainFlags,
-      0,
-      0,
-      0 }
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *
-    return &certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Soft_Policy;
-static PRUint64 certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy_LeafFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-static PRUint64 certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy_ChainFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-    0
-static CERTRevocationMethodIndex
-    certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy_Method_Preference = {
-        cert_revocation_method_crl
-    };
-static const CERTRevocationFlags certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy = {
-    { /* leafTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy_LeafFlags,
-      1,
-      &certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy_Method_Preference,
-      0 },
-    { /* chainTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy_ChainFlags,
-      0,
-      0,
-      0 }
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *
-    return &certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Enabled_Hard_Policy;
-static PRUint64 certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Disabled_Policy_LeafFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-    0
-static PRUint64 certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Disabled_Policy_ChainFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-    0
-static const CERTRevocationFlags certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Disabled_Policy = {
-    { /* leafTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Disabled_Policy_LeafFlags,
-      0,
-      0,
-      0 },
-    { /* chainTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Disabled_Policy_ChainFlags,
-      0,
-      0,
-      0 }
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *
-    return &certRev_NSS_3_11_Ocsp_Disabled_Policy;
-static PRUint64 certRev_PKIX_Verify_Nist_Policy_LeafFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-    0
-static PRUint64 certRev_PKIX_Verify_Nist_Policy_ChainFlags[2] = {
-    /* crl */
-    /* ocsp */
-    0
-static const CERTRevocationFlags certRev_PKIX_Verify_Nist_Policy = {
-    { /* leafTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_PKIX_Verify_Nist_Policy_LeafFlags,
-      0,
-      0,
-      0 },
-    { /* chainTests */
-      2,
-      certRev_PKIX_Verify_Nist_Policy_ChainFlags,
-      0,
-      0,
-      0 }
-extern const CERTRevocationFlags *
-    return &certRev_PKIX_Verify_Nist_Policy;
-CERTRevocationFlags *
-    PRUint32 number_leaf_methods, PRUint32 number_leaf_pref_methods,
-    PRUint32 number_chain_methods, PRUint32 number_chain_pref_methods)
-    CERTRevocationFlags *flags;
-    flags = PORT_New(CERTRevocationFlags);
-    if (!flags)
-        return (NULL);
-    flags->leafTests.number_of_defined_methods = number_leaf_methods;
-    flags->leafTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method =
-        PORT_NewArray(PRUint64, number_leaf_methods);
-    flags->leafTests.number_of_preferred_methods = number_leaf_pref_methods;
-    flags->leafTests.preferred_methods =
-        PORT_NewArray(CERTRevocationMethodIndex, number_leaf_pref_methods);
-    flags->chainTests.number_of_defined_methods = number_chain_methods;
-    flags->chainTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method =
-        PORT_NewArray(PRUint64, number_chain_methods);
-    flags->chainTests.number_of_preferred_methods = number_chain_pref_methods;
-    flags->chainTests.preferred_methods =
-        PORT_NewArray(CERTRevocationMethodIndex, number_chain_pref_methods);
-    if (!flags->leafTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method ||
-        !flags->leafTests.preferred_methods ||
-        !flags->chainTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method ||
-        !flags->chainTests.preferred_methods) {
-        CERT_DestroyCERTRevocationFlags(flags);
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    return flags;
-CERT_DestroyCERTRevocationFlags(CERTRevocationFlags *flags)
-    if (!flags)
-        return;
-    if (flags->leafTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method)
-        PORT_Free(flags->leafTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method);
-    if (flags->leafTests.preferred_methods)
-        PORT_Free(flags->leafTests.preferred_methods);
-    if (flags->chainTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method)
-        PORT_Free(flags->chainTests.cert_rev_flags_per_method);
-    if (flags->chainTests.preferred_methods)
-        PORT_Free(flags->chainTests.preferred_methods);
-    PORT_Free(flags);
- * CERT_PKIXVerifyCert
- *
- * Verify a Certificate using the PKIX library.
- *
- * Parameters:
- *  cert    - the target certificate to verify. Must be non-null
- *  params  - an array of type/value parameters which can be
- *            used to modify the behavior of the validation
- *            algorithm, or supply additional constraints.
- *
- *  outputTrustAnchor - the trust anchor which the certificate
- *                      chains to. The caller is responsible
- *                      for freeing this.
- *
- * Example Usage:
- *    CERTValParam args[3];
- *    args[0].type = cvpt_policyOID;
- *    args[0] = oid;
- *    args[1].type = revCheckRequired;
- *    args[1].value.b = PR_TRUE;
- *    args[2].type = cvpt_end;
- *
- *    CERT_PKIXVerifyCert(cert, &output, args
- */
-    CERTCertificate *cert,
-    SECCertificateUsage usages,
-    CERTValInParam *paramsIn,
-    CERTValOutParam *paramsOut,
-    void *wincx)
-    SECStatus r = SECFailure;
-    PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-    void *nbioContext = NULL; /* for non-blocking IO */
-    void *buildState = NULL;  /* for non-blocking IO */
-    PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-    PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode = NULL;
-    PKIX_TrustAnchor *trustAnchor = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *trustAnchorCert = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *builtCertList = NULL;
-    CERTValOutParam *oparam = NULL;
-    int i = 0;
-    void *plContext = NULL;
-    int leakedObjNum = 0;
-    int memLeakLoopCount = 0;
-    int objCountTable[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-    int fnInvLocalCount = 0;
-    PKIX_Boolean savedUsePkixEngFlag = usePKIXValidationEngine;
-    if (usePKIXValidationEngine) {
-        /* current memory leak testing implementation does not allow
-         * to run simultaneous tests one the same or a different threads.
-         * Setting the variable to false, to make additional chain
-         * validations be handled by old nss. */
-        usePKIXValidationEngine = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    testStartFnStackPosition = 1;
-    fnStackNameArr[0] = "CERT_PKIXVerifyCert";
-    fnStackInvCountArr[0] = 0;
-    PKIX_Boolean abortOnLeak =
-                                                                         : PKIX_TRUE;
-    runningLeakTest = PKIX_TRUE;
-    /* Prevent multi-threaded run of object leak test */
-    fnInvLocalCount = PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&parallelFnInvocationCount);
-    PORT_Assert(fnInvLocalCount == 1);
-    do {
-        r = SECFailure;
-        error = NULL;
-        procParams = NULL;
-        buildResult = NULL;
-        nbioContext = NULL; /* for non-blocking IO */
-        buildState = NULL;  /* for non-blocking IO */
-        certSelector = NULL;
-        certStores = NULL;
-        valResult = NULL;
-        verifyNode = NULL;
-        trustAnchor = NULL;
-        trustAnchorCert = NULL;
-        builtCertList = NULL;
-        oparam = NULL;
-        i = 0;
-        errorGenerated = PKIX_FALSE;
-        stackPosition = 0;
-        if (leakedObjNum) {
-            pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectTableUpdate(objCountTable);
-        }
-        memLeakLoopCount += 1;
-        error = PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create(
-            0, PR_FALSE /*use arena*/, wincx, &plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) { /* need pkix->nss error map */
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID);
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = pkix_pl_NssContext_SetCertUsage(usages, plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_ProcessingParams_Create(&procParams, plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) { /* need pkix->nss error map */
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID);
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* local cert store should be set into procParams before
-         * filling in revocation settings. */
-        certStores = cert_GetCertStores(plContext);
-        if (certStores == NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertStores(procParams, certStores, plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* now process the extensible input parameters structure */
-        if (paramsIn != NULL) {
-            i = 0;
-            while (paramsIn[i].type != cert_pi_end) {
-                if (paramsIn[i].type >= cert_pi_max) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-                if (cert_pkixSetParam(procParams,
-                                      &paramsIn[i], plContext) !=
-                    SECSuccess) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        certSelector = cert_GetTargetCertConstraints(cert, plContext);
-        if (certSelector == NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTargetCertConstraints(procParams, certSelector, plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_BuildChain(procParams, &nbioContext,
-                                &buildState, &buildResult, &verifyNode,
-                                plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_BuildResult_GetValidateResult(buildResult, &valResult,
-                                                   plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_ValidateResult_GetTrustAnchor(valResult, &trustAnchor,
-                                                   plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (trustAnchor != NULL) {
-            error = PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert(trustAnchor, &trustAnchorCert,
-                                                    plContext);
-            if (error != NULL) {
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-        }
-        /* Can not continue if error was generated but not returned.
-         * Jumping to cleanup. */
-        if (errorGenerated)
-            goto cleanup;
-        oparam = cert_pkix_FindOutputParam(paramsOut, cert_po_trustAnchor);
-        if (oparam != NULL) {
-            if (trustAnchorCert != NULL) {
-                oparam->value.pointer.cert =
-                    cert_NSSCertFromPKIXCert(trustAnchorCert);
-            } else {
-                oparam->value.pointer.cert = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-        error = PKIX_BuildResult_GetCertChain(buildResult, &builtCertList,
-                                              plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        oparam = cert_pkix_FindOutputParam(paramsOut, cert_po_certList);
-        if (oparam != NULL) {
-            error = cert_PkixToNssCertsChain(builtCertList,
-                                             &oparam->value.pointer.chain,
-                                             plContext);
-            if (error)
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        r = SECSuccess;
-    cleanup:
-        if (verifyNode) {
-            /* Return validation log only upon error. */
-            oparam = cert_pkix_FindOutputParam(paramsOut, cert_po_errorLog);
-            if (!errorGenerated)
-                if (r && oparam != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_Error *tmpError =
-                        cert_GetLogFromVerifyNode(oparam->value.pointer.log,
-                                                  verifyNode, plContext);
-                    if (tmpError) {
-                        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)tmpError, plContext);
-                    }
-                }
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)verifyNode, plContext);
-        }
-        if (procParams != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)procParams, plContext);
-        if (trustAnchorCert != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)trustAnchorCert, plContext);
-        if (trustAnchor != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)trustAnchor, plContext);
-        if (valResult != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)valResult, plContext);
-        if (buildResult != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)buildResult, plContext);
-        if (certStores != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certStores, plContext);
-        if (certSelector != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)certSelector, plContext);
-        if (builtCertList != NULL)
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)builtCertList, plContext);
-        if (error != NULL) {
-            SECErrorCodes nssErrorCode = 0;
-            cert_PkixErrorToNssCode(error, &nssErrorCode, plContext);
-            cert_pkixDestroyValOutParam(paramsOut);
-            PORT_SetError(nssErrorCode);
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error, plContext);
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy(plContext);
-        leakedObjNum =
-            pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectLeakCheck(leakedObjNum ? objCountTable : NULL);
-        if (pkixLog && leakedObjNum) {
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 1, ("The generated error caused an object leaks. Loop %d."
-                                "Stack %s\n",
-                                memLeakLoopCount, errorFnStackString));
-        }
-        PR_Free(errorFnStackString);
-        errorFnStackString = NULL;
-        if (abortOnLeak) {
-            PORT_Assert(leakedObjNum == 0);
-        }
-    } while (errorGenerated);
-    runningLeakTest = PKIX_FALSE;
-    PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&parallelFnInvocationCount);
-    usePKIXValidationEngine = savedUsePkixEngFlag;
-    return r;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/crlv2.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/crlv2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d58d4e0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/crlv2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Code for dealing with x.509 v3 crl and crl entries extensions.
- */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-CERT_FindCRLExtensionByOID(CERTCrl *crl, SECItem *oid, SECItem *value)
-    return (cert_FindExtensionByOID(crl->extensions, oid, value));
-CERT_FindCRLExtension(CERTCrl *crl, int tag, SECItem *value)
-    return (cert_FindExtension(crl->extensions, tag, value));
-/* Callback to set extensions and adjust verison */
-static void
-SetCrlExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts)
-    CERTCrl *crl = (CERTCrl *)object;
-    crl->extensions = exts;
-    DER_SetUInteger(crl->arena, &crl->version, SEC_CRL_VERSION_2);
-void *
-CERT_StartCRLExtensions(CERTCrl *crl)
-    return (cert_StartExtensions((void *)crl, crl->arena, SetCrlExts));
-static void
-SetCrlEntryExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts)
-    CERTCrlEntry *crlEntry = (CERTCrlEntry *)object;
-    crlEntry->extensions = exts;
-void *
-CERT_StartCRLEntryExtensions(CERTCrl *crl, CERTCrlEntry *entry)
-    return (cert_StartExtensions(entry, crl->arena, SetCrlEntryExts));
-CERT_FindCRLNumberExten(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCrl *crl,
-                        SECItem *value)
-    SECItem encodedExtenValue;
-    SECItem *tmpItem = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    void *mark = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    encodedExtenValue.len = 0;
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(crl->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_NUMBER,
-                            &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return (rv);
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    tmpItem = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (tmpItem) {
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, value,
-                                    SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IntegerTemplate),
-                                    tmpItem);
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(;
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    } else {
-        PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_FindCRLEntryReasonExten(CERTCrlEntry *crlEntry,
-                             CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *value)
-    SECItem wrapperItem = { siBuffer, 0 };
-    SECItem tmpItem = { siBuffer, 0 };
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(crlEntry->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_REASON_CODE,
-                            &wrapperItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &tmpItem,
-                                SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_EnumeratedTemplate),
-                                &wrapperItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *value = (CERTCRLEntryReasonCode)DER_GetInteger(&tmpItem);
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return (rv);
-CERT_FindInvalidDateExten(CERTCrl *crl, PRTime *value)
-    SECItem encodedExtenValue;
-    SECItem decodedExtenValue = { siBuffer, 0 };
-    SECStatus rv;
- = = NULL;
-    encodedExtenValue.len = decodedExtenValue.len = 0;
-    rv = cert_FindExtension(crl->extensions, SEC_OID_X509_INVALID_DATE, &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return (rv);
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(NULL, &decodedExtenValue,
-                            SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate),
-                            &encodedExtenValue);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-        rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(value, &encodedExtenValue);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return (rv);
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e7bb51..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6121 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Implementation of OCSP services, for both client and server.
- * (XXX, really, mostly just for client right now, but intended to do both.)
- */
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "prnetdb.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "xconst.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "plbase64.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "ocsp.h"
-#include "ocspti.h"
-#include "ocspi.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-#include "pk11func.h" /* for PK11_HashBuf */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <plhash.h>
-typedef struct OCSPCacheItemStr OCSPCacheItem;
-typedef struct OCSPCacheDataStr OCSPCacheData;
-struct OCSPCacheItemStr {
-    /* LRU linking */
-    OCSPCacheItem *moreRecent;
-    OCSPCacheItem *lessRecent;
-    /* key */
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
-    /* CertID's arena also used to allocate "this" cache item */
-    /* cache control information */
-    PRTime nextFetchAttemptTime;
-    /* Cached contents. Use a separate arena, because lifetime is different */
-    PLArenaPool *certStatusArena; /* NULL means: no cert status cached */
-    ocspCertStatus certStatus;
-    /* This may contain an error code when no OCSP response is available. */
-    SECErrorCodes missingResponseError;
-    PRPackedBool haveThisUpdate;
-    PRPackedBool haveNextUpdate;
-    PRTime thisUpdate;
-    PRTime nextUpdate;
-struct OCSPCacheDataStr {
-    PLHashTable *entries;
-    PRUint32 numberOfEntries;
-    OCSPCacheItem *MRUitem; /* most recently used cache item */
-    OCSPCacheItem *LRUitem; /* least recently used cache item */
-static struct OCSPGlobalStruct {
-    PRMonitor *monitor;
-    const SEC_HttpClientFcn *defaultHttpClientFcn;
-    PRInt32 maxCacheEntries;
-    PRUint32 minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt;
-    PRUint32 maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt;
-    PRUint32 timeoutSeconds;
-    OCSPCacheData cache;
-    SEC_OcspFailureMode ocspFailureMode;
-    CERT_StringFromCertFcn alternateOCSPAIAFcn;
-    PRBool forcePost;
-} OCSP_Global = { NULL,
-                  NULL,
-                  DEFAULT_OCSP_CACHE_SIZE,
-                  { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL },
-                  ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure,
-                  NULL,
-                  PR_FALSE };
-/* Forward declarations */
-static SECItem *
-ocsp_GetEncodedOCSPResponseFromRequest(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                       CERTOCSPRequest *request,
-                                       const char *location,
-                                       const char *method,
-                                       PRTime time,
-                                       PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                                       void *pwArg,
-                                       CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest);
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_GetOCSPStatusFromNetwork(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                              CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                              CERTCertificate *cert,
-                              PRTime time,
-                              void *pwArg,
-                              PRBool *certIDWasConsumed,
-                              SECStatus *rv_ocsp);
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_GetDecodedVerifiedSingleResponseForID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                           CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                           CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                           PRTime time,
-                                           void *pwArg,
-                                           const SECItem *encodedResponse,
-                                           CERTOCSPResponse **pDecodedResponse,
-                                           CERTOCSPSingleResponse **pSingle);
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_CertRevokedAfter(ocspRevokedInfo *revokedInfo, PRTime time);
-static CERTOCSPCertID *
-cert_DupOCSPCertID(const CERTOCSPCertID *src);
-#ifndef DEBUG
-#define OCSP_TRACE(msg)
-#define OCSP_TRACE_TIME(msg, time)
-#define OCSP_TRACE_CERT(cert)
-#define OCSP_TRACE_CERTID(certid)
-#define OCSP_TRACE(msg) ocsp_Trace msg
-#define OCSP_TRACE_TIME(msg, time) ocsp_dumpStringWithTime(msg, time)
-#define OCSP_TRACE_CERT(cert) dumpCertificate(cert)
-#define OCSP_TRACE_CERTID(certid) dumpCertID(certid)
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_WIN32) || defined(XP_BEOS) || \
-    defined(XP_MACOSX)
-#define NSS_HAVE_GETENV 1
-static PRBool
-    static PRBool firstTime = PR_TRUE;
-    static PRBool wantTrace = PR_FALSE;
-    if (firstTime) {
-        char *ev = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_TRACE_OCSP");
-        if (ev && ev[0]) {
-            wantTrace = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        firstTime = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return wantTrace;
-static void
-ocsp_Trace(const char *format, ...)
-    char buf[2000];
-    va_list args;
-    if (!wantOcspTrace())
-        return;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    PR_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    PR_LogPrint("%s", buf);
-static void
-ocsp_dumpStringWithTime(const char *str, PRTime time)
-    PRExplodedTime timePrintable;
-    char timestr[256];
-    if (!wantOcspTrace())
-        return;
-    PR_ExplodeTime(time, PR_GMTParameters, &timePrintable);
-    if (PR_FormatTime(timestr, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &timePrintable)) {
-        ocsp_Trace("OCSP %s %s\n", str, timestr);
-    }
-static void
-printHexString(const char *prefix, SECItem *hexval)
-    unsigned int i;
-    char *hexbuf = NULL;
-    for (i = 0; i < hexval->len; i++) {
-        if (i != hexval->len - 1) {
-            hexbuf = PR_sprintf_append(hexbuf, "%02x:", hexval->data[i]);
-        } else {
-            hexbuf = PR_sprintf_append(hexbuf, "%02x", hexval->data[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    if (hexbuf) {
-        ocsp_Trace("%s %s\n", prefix, hexbuf);
-        PR_smprintf_free(hexbuf);
-    }
-static void
-dumpCertificate(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    if (!wantOcspTrace())
-        return;
-    ocsp_Trace("OCSP ----------------\n");
-    ocsp_Trace("OCSP ## SUBJECT:  %s\n", cert->subjectName);
-    {
-        PRTime timeBefore, timeAfter;
-        PRExplodedTime beforePrintable, afterPrintable;
-        char beforestr[256], afterstr[256];
-        PRStatus rv1, rv2;
-        DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&timeBefore, &cert->validity.notBefore);
-        DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&timeAfter, &cert->validity.notAfter);
-        PR_ExplodeTime(timeBefore, PR_GMTParameters, &beforePrintable);
-        PR_ExplodeTime(timeAfter, PR_GMTParameters, &afterPrintable);
-        rv1 = PR_FormatTime(beforestr, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
-                            &beforePrintable);
-        rv2 = PR_FormatTime(afterstr, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
-                            &afterPrintable);
-        ocsp_Trace("OCSP ## VALIDITY:  %s to %s\n", rv1 ? beforestr : "",
-                   rv2 ? afterstr : "");
-    }
-    ocsp_Trace("OCSP ## ISSUER:  %s\n", cert->issuerName);
-    printHexString("OCSP ## SERIAL NUMBER:", &cert->serialNumber);
-static void
-dumpCertID(CERTOCSPCertID *certID)
-    if (!wantOcspTrace())
-        return;
-    printHexString("OCSP certID issuer", &certID->issuerNameHash);
-    printHexString("OCSP certID serial", &certID->serialNumber);
-SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient(const SEC_HttpClientFcn *fcnTable)
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    OCSP_Global.defaultHttpClientFcn = fcnTable;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    CERT_StringFromCertFcn newCallback,
-    CERT_StringFromCertFcn *oldCallback)
-    CERT_StringFromCertFcn old;
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    old = OCSP_Global.alternateOCSPAIAFcn;
-    OCSP_Global.alternateOCSPAIAFcn = newCallback;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (oldCallback)
-        *oldCallback = old;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static PLHashNumber PR_CALLBACK
-ocsp_CacheKeyHashFunction(const void *key)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *cid = (CERTOCSPCertID *)key;
-    PLHashNumber hash = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned char *walk;
-    /* a very simple hash calculation for the initial coding phase */
-    walk = (unsigned char *)cid->;
-    for (i = 0; i < cid->issuerNameHash.len; ++i, ++walk) {
-        hash += *walk;
-    }
-    walk = (unsigned char *)cid->;
-    for (i = 0; i < cid->issuerKeyHash.len; ++i, ++walk) {
-        hash += *walk;
-    }
-    walk = (unsigned char *)cid->;
-    for (i = 0; i < cid->serialNumber.len; ++i, ++walk) {
-        hash += *walk;
-    }
-    return hash;
-static PRIntn PR_CALLBACK
-ocsp_CacheKeyCompareFunction(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *cid1 = (CERTOCSPCertID *)v1;
-    CERTOCSPCertID *cid2 = (CERTOCSPCertID *)v2;
-    return (SECEqual == SECITEM_CompareItem(&cid1->issuerNameHash,
-                                            &cid2->issuerNameHash) &&
-            SECEqual == SECITEM_CompareItem(&cid1->issuerKeyHash,
-                                            &cid2->issuerKeyHash) &&
-            SECEqual == SECITEM_CompareItem(&cid1->serialNumber,
-                                            &cid2->serialNumber));
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_CopyRevokedInfo(PLArenaPool *arena, ocspCertStatus *dest,
-                     ocspRevokedInfo *src)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    void *mark;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    dest->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo =
-        (ocspRevokedInfo *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(ocspRevokedInfo));
-    if (!dest->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena,
-                          &dest->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationTime,
-                          &src->revocationTime);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (src->revocationReason) {
-        dest->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationReason =
-            SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, src->revocationReason);
-        if (!dest->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationReason) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        dest->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationReason = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    return SECFailure;
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_CopyCertStatus(PLArenaPool *arena, ocspCertStatus *dest,
-                    ocspCertStatus *src)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    dest->certStatusType = src->certStatusType;
-    switch (src->certStatusType) {
-        case ocspCertStatus_good:
-            dest->certStatusInfo.goodInfo =
-                SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, src->certStatusInfo.goodInfo);
-            if (dest->certStatusInfo.goodInfo != NULL) {
-                rv = SECSuccess;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_revoked:
-            rv = ocsp_CopyRevokedInfo(arena, dest,
-                                      src->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo);
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_unknown:
-            dest->certStatusInfo.unknownInfo =
-                SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, src->certStatusInfo.unknownInfo);
-            if (dest->certStatusInfo.unknownInfo != NULL) {
-                rv = SECSuccess;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_other:
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(src->certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_other);
-            dest->certStatusInfo.otherInfo =
-                SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, src->certStatusInfo.otherInfo);
-            if (dest->certStatusInfo.otherInfo != NULL) {
-                rv = SECSuccess;
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static void
-ocsp_AddCacheItemToLinkedList(OCSPCacheData *cache, OCSPCacheItem *new_most_recent)
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (!cache->LRUitem) {
-        cache->LRUitem = new_most_recent;
-    }
-    new_most_recent->lessRecent = cache->MRUitem;
-    new_most_recent->moreRecent = NULL;
-    if (cache->MRUitem) {
-        cache->MRUitem->moreRecent = new_most_recent;
-    }
-    cache->MRUitem = new_most_recent;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-static void
-ocsp_RemoveCacheItemFromLinkedList(OCSPCacheData *cache, OCSPCacheItem *item)
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (!item->lessRecent && !item->moreRecent) {
-        /*
-         * Fail gracefully on attempts to remove an item from the list,
-         * which is currently not part of the list.
-         * But check for the edge case it is the single entry in the list.
-         */
-        if (item == cache->LRUitem &&
-            item == cache->MRUitem) {
-            /* remove the single entry */
-            PORT_Assert(cache->numberOfEntries == 1);
-            PORT_Assert(item->moreRecent == NULL);
-            cache->MRUitem = NULL;
-            cache->LRUitem = NULL;
-        }
-        PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        return;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(cache->numberOfEntries > 1);
-    if (item == cache->LRUitem) {
-        PORT_Assert(item != cache->MRUitem);
-        PORT_Assert(item->lessRecent == NULL);
-        PORT_Assert(item->moreRecent != NULL);
-        PORT_Assert(item->moreRecent->lessRecent == item);
-        cache->LRUitem = item->moreRecent;
-        cache->LRUitem->lessRecent = NULL;
-    } else if (item == cache->MRUitem) {
-        PORT_Assert(item->moreRecent == NULL);
-        PORT_Assert(item->lessRecent != NULL);
-        PORT_Assert(item->lessRecent->moreRecent == item);
-        cache->MRUitem = item->lessRecent;
-        cache->MRUitem->moreRecent = NULL;
-    } else {
-        /* remove an entry in the middle of the list */
-        PORT_Assert(item->moreRecent != NULL);
-        PORT_Assert(item->lessRecent != NULL);
-        PORT_Assert(item->lessRecent->moreRecent == item);
-        PORT_Assert(item->moreRecent->lessRecent == item);
-        item->moreRecent->lessRecent = item->lessRecent;
-        item->lessRecent->moreRecent = item->moreRecent;
-    }
-    item->lessRecent = NULL;
-    item->moreRecent = NULL;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-static void
-ocsp_MakeCacheEntryMostRecent(OCSPCacheData *cache, OCSPCacheItem *new_most_recent)
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_MakeCacheEntryMostRecent THREADID %p\n",
-                PR_GetCurrentThread()));
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (cache->MRUitem == new_most_recent) {
-        OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_MakeCacheEntryMostRecent ALREADY MOST\n"));
-        PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        return;
-    }
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_MakeCacheEntryMostRecent NEW entry\n"));
-    ocsp_RemoveCacheItemFromLinkedList(cache, new_most_recent);
-    ocsp_AddCacheItemToLinkedList(cache, new_most_recent);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-static PRBool
-    /*
-     * maxCacheEntries == 0 means unlimited cache entries
-     * maxCacheEntries  < 0 means cache is disabled
-     */
-    PRBool retval;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    retval = (OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries < 0);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return retval;
-static OCSPCacheItem *
-ocsp_FindCacheEntry(OCSPCacheData *cache, CERTOCSPCertID *certID)
-    OCSPCacheItem *found_ocsp_item = NULL;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_FindCacheEntry\n"));
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (ocsp_IsCacheDisabled())
-        goto loser;
-    found_ocsp_item = (OCSPCacheItem *)PL_HashTableLookup(
-        cache->entries, certID);
-    if (!found_ocsp_item)
-        goto loser;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_FindCacheEntry FOUND!\n"));
-    ocsp_MakeCacheEntryMostRecent(cache, found_ocsp_item);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return found_ocsp_item;
-static void
-ocsp_FreeCacheItem(OCSPCacheItem *item)
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_FreeCacheItem\n"));
-    if (item->certStatusArena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(item->certStatusArena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (item->certID->poolp) {
-        /* freeing this poolp arena will also free item */
-        PORT_FreeArena(item->certID->poolp, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-static void
-ocsp_RemoveCacheItem(OCSPCacheData *cache, OCSPCacheItem *item)
-    /* The item we're removing could be either the least recently used item,
-     * or it could be an item that couldn't get updated with newer status info
-     * because of an allocation failure, or it could get removed because we're
-     * cleaning up.
-     */
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_RemoveCacheItem, THREADID %p\n", PR_GetCurrentThread()));
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    ocsp_RemoveCacheItemFromLinkedList(cache, item);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    {
-        PRBool couldRemoveFromHashTable = PL_HashTableRemove(cache->entries,
-                                                             item->certID);
-        PORT_Assert(couldRemoveFromHashTable);
-    }
-    PL_HashTableRemove(cache->entries, item->certID);
-    --cache->numberOfEntries;
-    ocsp_FreeCacheItem(item);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-static void
-ocsp_CheckCacheSize(OCSPCacheData *cache)
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_CheckCacheSize\n"));
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries > 0) {
-        /* Cache is not disabled. Number of cache entries is limited.
-         * The monitor ensures that maxCacheEntries remains positive.
-         */
-        while (cache->numberOfEntries >
-               (PRUint32)OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries) {
-            ocsp_RemoveCacheItem(cache, cache->LRUitem);
-        }
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP CERT_ClearOCSPCache\n"));
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    while (OCSP_Global.cache.numberOfEntries > 0) {
-        ocsp_RemoveCacheItem(&OCSP_Global.cache,
-                             OCSP_Global.cache.LRUitem);
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_CreateCacheItemAndConsumeCertID(OCSPCacheData *cache,
-                                     CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                     OCSPCacheItem **pCacheItem)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    void *mark;
-    PLHashEntry *new_hash_entry;
-    OCSPCacheItem *item;
-    PORT_Assert(pCacheItem != NULL);
-    *pCacheItem = NULL;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    arena = certID->poolp;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    /* ZAlloc will init all Bools to False and all Pointers to NULL
-       and all error codes to zero/good. */
-    item = (OCSPCacheItem *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(certID->poolp,
-                                             sizeof(OCSPCacheItem));
-    if (!item) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    item->certID = certID;
-    new_hash_entry = PL_HashTableAdd(cache->entries, item->certID,
-                                     item);
-    if (!new_hash_entry) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ++cache->numberOfEntries;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    ocsp_AddCacheItemToLinkedList(cache, item);
-    *pCacheItem = item;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECFailure;
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_SetCacheItemResponse(OCSPCacheItem *item,
-                          const CERTOCSPSingleResponse *response)
-    if (item->certStatusArena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(item->certStatusArena, PR_FALSE);
-        item->certStatusArena = NULL;
-    }
-    item->haveThisUpdate = item->haveNextUpdate = PR_FALSE;
-    if (response) {
-        SECStatus rv;
-        item->certStatusArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (item->certStatusArena == NULL) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        rv = ocsp_CopyCertStatus(item->certStatusArena, &item->certStatus,
-                                 response->certStatus);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(item->certStatusArena, PR_FALSE);
-            item->certStatusArena = NULL;
-            return rv;
-        }
-        item->missingResponseError = 0;
-        rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&item->thisUpdate,
-                                       &response->thisUpdate);
-        item->haveThisUpdate = (rv == SECSuccess);
-        if (response->nextUpdate) {
-            rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&item->nextUpdate,
-                                           response->nextUpdate);
-            item->haveNextUpdate = (rv == SECSuccess);
-        } else {
-            item->haveNextUpdate = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-ocsp_FreshenCacheItemNextFetchAttemptTime(OCSPCacheItem *cacheItem)
-    PRTime now;
-    PRTime earliestAllowedNextFetchAttemptTime;
-    PRTime latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_FreshenCacheItemNextFetchAttemptTime\n"));
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    now = PR_Now();
-    OCSP_TRACE_TIME("now:", now);
-    if (cacheItem->haveThisUpdate) {
-        OCSP_TRACE_TIME("thisUpdate:", cacheItem->thisUpdate);
-        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh = cacheItem->thisUpdate +
-                                                  OCSP_Global.maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt *
-                                                      MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
-        OCSP_TRACE_TIME("latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh:",
-                        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh);
-    } else {
-        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh = now +
-                                                  OCSP_Global.minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt *
-                                                      MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
-        OCSP_TRACE_TIME("no thisUpdate, "
-                        "latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh:",
-                        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh);
-    }
-    if (cacheItem->haveNextUpdate) {
-        OCSP_TRACE_TIME("have nextUpdate:", cacheItem->nextUpdate);
-    }
-    if (cacheItem->haveNextUpdate &&
-        cacheItem->nextUpdate < latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh) {
-        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh = cacheItem->nextUpdate;
-        OCSP_TRACE_TIME("nextUpdate is smaller than latestFresh, setting "
-                        "latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh:",
-                        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh);
-    }
-    earliestAllowedNextFetchAttemptTime = now +
-                                          OCSP_Global.minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt *
-                                              MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
-    OCSP_TRACE_TIME("earliestAllowedNextFetchAttemptTime:",
-                    earliestAllowedNextFetchAttemptTime);
-    if (latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh <
-        earliestAllowedNextFetchAttemptTime) {
-        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh =
-            earliestAllowedNextFetchAttemptTime;
-        OCSP_TRACE_TIME("latest < earliest, setting latest to:",
-                        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh);
-    }
-    cacheItem->nextFetchAttemptTime =
-        latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh;
-    OCSP_TRACE_TIME("nextFetchAttemptTime",
-                    latestTimeWhenResponseIsConsideredFresh);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-static PRBool
-ocsp_IsCacheItemFresh(OCSPCacheItem *cacheItem)
-    PRTime now;
-    PRBool fresh;
-    now = PR_Now();
-    fresh = cacheItem->nextFetchAttemptTime > now;
-    /* Work around broken OCSP responders that return unknown responses for
-     * certificates, especially certificates that were just recently issued.
-     */
-    if (fresh && cacheItem->certStatusArena &&
-        cacheItem->certStatus.certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_unknown) {
-        fresh = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_IsCacheItemFresh: %d\n", fresh));
-    return fresh;
- * Status in *certIDWasConsumed will always be correct, regardless of
- * return value.
- * If the caller is unable to transfer ownership of certID,
- * then the caller must set certIDWasConsumed to NULL,
- * and this function will potentially duplicate the certID object.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(OCSPCacheData *cache,
-                              CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                              CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single,
-                              PRBool *certIDWasConsumed)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    OCSPCacheItem *cacheItem;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry\n"));
-    if (certIDWasConsumed)
-        *certIDWasConsumed = PR_FALSE;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    PORT_Assert(OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries >= 0);
-    cacheItem = ocsp_FindCacheEntry(cache, certID);
-    /* Don't replace an unknown or revoked entry with an error entry, even if
-     * the existing entry is expired. Instead, we'll continue to use the
-     * existing (possibly expired) cache entry until we receive a valid signed
-     * response to replace it.
-     */
-    if (!single && cacheItem && cacheItem->certStatusArena &&
-        (cacheItem->certStatus.certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_revoked ||
-         cacheItem->certStatus.certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_unknown)) {
-        PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (!cacheItem) {
-        CERTOCSPCertID *myCertID;
-        if (certIDWasConsumed) {
-            myCertID = certID;
-            *certIDWasConsumed = PR_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            myCertID = cert_DupOCSPCertID(certID);
-            if (!myCertID) {
-                PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-                PORT_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-        }
-        rv = ocsp_CreateCacheItemAndConsumeCertID(cache, myCertID,
-                                                  &cacheItem);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-            return rv;
-        }
-    }
-    if (single) {
-        PRTime thisUpdate;
-        rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&thisUpdate, &single->thisUpdate);
-        if (!cacheItem->haveThisUpdate ||
-            (rv == SECSuccess && cacheItem->thisUpdate < thisUpdate)) {
-            rv = ocsp_SetCacheItemResponse(cacheItem, single);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                ocsp_RemoveCacheItem(cache, cacheItem);
-                PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-                return rv;
-            }
-        } else {
-            OCSP_TRACE(("Not caching response because the response is not "
-                        "newer than the cache"));
-        }
-    } else {
-        cacheItem->missingResponseError = PORT_GetError();
-        if (cacheItem->certStatusArena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(cacheItem->certStatusArena, PR_FALSE);
-            cacheItem->certStatusArena = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    ocsp_FreshenCacheItemNextFetchAttemptTime(cacheItem);
-    ocsp_CheckCacheSize(cache);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_SetOCSPFailureMode(SEC_OcspFailureMode ocspFailureMode)
-    switch (ocspFailureMode) {
-        case ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure:
-        case ocspMode_FailureIsNotAVerificationFailure:
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    OCSP_Global.ocspFailureMode = ocspFailureMode;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_OCSPCacheSettings(PRInt32 maxCacheEntries,
-                       PRUint32 minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt,
-                       PRUint32 maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt)
-    if (minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt > maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt ||
-        maxCacheEntries < -1) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (maxCacheEntries < 0) {
-        OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries = -1; /* disable cache */
-    } else if (maxCacheEntries == 0) {
-        OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries = 0; /* unlimited cache entries */
-    } else {
-        OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries = maxCacheEntries;
-    }
-    if (minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt <
-            OCSP_Global.minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt ||
-        maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt <
-            OCSP_Global.maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt) {
-        /*
-         * Ensure our existing cache entries are not used longer than the
-         * new settings allow, we're lazy and just clear the cache
-         */
-        CERT_ClearOCSPCache();
-    }
-    OCSP_Global.minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt =
-        minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt;
-    OCSP_Global.maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt =
-        maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt;
-    ocsp_CheckCacheSize(&OCSP_Global.cache);
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_SetOCSPTimeout(PRUint32 seconds)
-    /* no locking, see bug 406120 */
-    OCSP_Global.timeoutSeconds = seconds;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* this function is called at NSS initialization time */
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (OCSP_Global.monitor == NULL) {
-        OCSP_Global.monitor = PR_NewMonitor();
-    }
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor)
-        return SECFailure;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (!OCSP_Global.cache.entries) {
-        OCSP_Global.cache.entries =
-            PL_NewHashTable(0,
-                            ocsp_CacheKeyHashFunction,
-                            ocsp_CacheKeyCompareFunction,
-                            PL_CompareValues,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-        OCSP_Global.ocspFailureMode = ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure;
-        OCSP_Global.cache.numberOfEntries = 0;
-        OCSP_Global.cache.MRUitem = NULL;
-        OCSP_Global.cache.LRUitem = NULL;
-    } else {
-        /*
-         * NSS might call this function twice while attempting to init.
-         * But it's not allowed to call this again after any activity.
-         */
-        PORT_Assert(OCSP_Global.cache.numberOfEntries == 0);
-    }
-    if (OCSP_Global.cache.entries)
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return rv;
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (OCSP_Global.cache.entries) {
-        CERT_ClearOCSPCache();
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(OCSP_Global.cache.entries);
-        OCSP_Global.cache.entries = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(OCSP_Global.cache.numberOfEntries == 0);
-    OCSP_Global.cache.MRUitem = NULL;
-    OCSP_Global.cache.LRUitem = NULL;
-    OCSP_Global.defaultHttpClientFcn = NULL;
-    OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries = DEFAULT_OCSP_CACHE_SIZE;
-    OCSP_Global.minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt =
-    OCSP_Global.maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt =
-    OCSP_Global.ocspFailureMode =
-        ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    PR_DestroyMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    OCSP_Global.monitor = NULL;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * A return value of NULL means:
- *   The application did not register it's own HTTP client.
- */
-const SEC_HttpClientFcn *
-    const SEC_HttpClientFcn *retval;
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    retval = OCSP_Global.defaultHttpClientFcn;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return retval;
- * The following structure is only used internally.  It is allocated when
- * someone turns on OCSP checking, and hangs off of the status-configuration
- * structure in the certdb structure.  We use it to keep configuration
- * information specific to OCSP checking.
- */
-typedef struct ocspCheckingContextStr {
-    PRBool useDefaultResponder;
-    char *defaultResponderURI;
-    char *defaultResponderNickname;
-    CERTCertificate *defaultResponderCert;
-} ocspCheckingContext;
- * Forward declarations of sub-types, so I can lay out the types in the
- * same order as the ASN.1 is laid out in the OCSP spec itself.
- *
- * These are in alphabetical order (case-insensitive); please keep it that way!
- */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertIDTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_PointerToSignatureTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_PointerToResponseBytesTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponseDataTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_RevokedInfoTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_SingleRequestTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_SingleResponseTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_TBSRequestTemplate[];
- * Request-related templates...
- */
- * OCSPRequest	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	tbsRequest		TBSRequest,
- *	optionalSignature	[0] EXPLICIT Signature OPTIONAL }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_OCSPRequestTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPRequest) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPRequest, tbsRequest),
-      ocsp_TBSRequestTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPRequest, optionalSignature),
-      ocsp_PointerToSignatureTemplate },
-    { 0 }
- * TBSRequest	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	version			[0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
- *	requestorName		[1] EXPLICIT GeneralName OPTIONAL,
- *	requestList		SEQUENCE OF Request,
- *	requestExtensions	[2] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL }
- *
- * Version	::=	INTEGER { v1(0) }
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_TBSRequestTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspTBSRequest) },
-      offsetof(ocspTBSRequest, version),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-      offsetof(ocspTBSRequest, derRequestorName),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate) },
-      offsetof(ocspTBSRequest, requestList),
-      ocsp_SingleRequestTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspTBSRequest, requestExtensions),
-      CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
- * Signature	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	signatureAlgorithm	AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *	signature		BIT STRING,
- *	certs			[0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Certificate OPTIONAL }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_SignatureTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspSignature) },
-      offsetof(ocspSignature, signatureAlgorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-      offsetof(ocspSignature, signature) },
-      offsetof(ocspSignature, derCerts),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SequenceOfAnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
- * This template is just an extra level to use in an explicitly-tagged
- * reference to a Signature.
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_PointerToSignatureTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, ocsp_SignatureTemplate }
- * Request	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	reqCert			CertID,
- *	singleRequestExtensions	[0] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL }
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_SingleRequestTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspSingleRequest) },
-      offsetof(ocspSingleRequest, reqCert),
-      ocsp_CertIDTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspSingleRequest, singleRequestExtensions),
-      CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
- * This data structure and template (CertID) is used by both OCSP
- * requests and responses.  It is the only one that is shared.
- *
- * CertID	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	hashAlgorithm		AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *	issuerNameHash		OCTET STRING,	-- Hash of Issuer DN
- *	issuerKeyHash		OCTET STRING,	-- Hash of Issuer public key
- *	serialNumber		CertificateSerialNumber }
- *
- * CertificateSerialNumber ::=	INTEGER
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertIDTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPCertID) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, hashAlgorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, issuerNameHash) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, issuerKeyHash) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, serialNumber) },
-    { 0 }
- * Response-related templates...
- */
- * OCSPResponse	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	responseStatus		OCSPResponseStatus,
- *	responseBytes		[0] EXPLICIT ResponseBytes OPTIONAL }
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_OCSPResponseTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPResponse) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPResponse, responseStatus) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPResponse, responseBytes),
-      ocsp_PointerToResponseBytesTemplate },
-    { 0 }
- * ResponseBytes	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	responseType		OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *	response		OCTET STRING }
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponseBytesTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspResponseBytes) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseBytes, responseType) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseBytes, response) },
-    { 0 }
- * This template is just an extra level to use in an explicitly-tagged
- * reference to a ResponseBytes.
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_PointerToResponseBytesTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, ocsp_ResponseBytesTemplate }
- * BasicOCSPResponse	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	tbsResponseData		ResponseData,
- *	signatureAlgorithm	AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *	signature		BIT STRING,
- *	certs			[0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Certificate OPTIONAL }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_BasicOCSPResponseTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse) },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, tbsResponseDataDER) },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, tbsResponseData),
-      ocsp_ResponseDataTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, responseSignature.signatureAlgorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, responseSignature.signature) },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, responseSignature.derCerts),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SequenceOfAnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
- * ResponseData	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	version			[0] EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
- *	responderID		ResponderID,
- *	producedAt		GeneralizedTime,
- *	responses		SEQUENCE OF SingleResponse,
- *	responseExtensions	[1] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL }
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponseDataTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspResponseData) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, version),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY,
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, derResponderID) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, producedAt) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, responses),
-      ocsp_SingleResponseTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, responseExtensions),
-      CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
- * ResponderID	::=	CHOICE {
- *	byName			[1] EXPLICIT Name,
- *	byKey			[2] EXPLICIT KeyHash }
- *
- * KeyHash ::=	OCTET STRING -- SHA-1 hash of responder's public key
- * (excluding the tag and length fields)
- *
- * XXX Because the ASN.1 encoder and decoder currently do not provide
- * a way to automatically handle a CHOICE, we need to do it in two
- * steps, looking at the type tag and feeding the exact choice back
- * to the ASN.1 code.  Hopefully that will change someday and this
- * can all be simplified down into a single template.  Anyway, for
- * now we list each choice as its own template:
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponderIDByNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(ocspResponderID,,
-      CERT_NameTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponderIDByKeyTemplate[] = {
-          SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 2,
-      offsetof(ocspResponderID, responderIDValue.keyHash),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_OctetStringTemplate) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponderIDOtherTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY,
-      offsetof(ocspResponderID, responderIDValue.other) }
-/* Decode choice container, but leave x509 name object encoded */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponderIDDerNameTemplate[] = {
-          SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 1,
-      0, SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) }
- * SingleResponse	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	certID			CertID,
- *	certStatus		CertStatus,
- *	thisUpdate		GeneralizedTime,
- *	nextUpdate		[0] EXPLICIT GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
- *	singleExtensions	[1] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL }
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_SingleResponseTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, certID),
-      ocsp_CertIDTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY,
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, derCertStatus) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, thisUpdate) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, nextUpdate),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_PointerToGeneralizedTimeTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, singleExtensions),
-      CERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
- * CertStatus	::=	CHOICE {
- *	good			[0] IMPLICIT NULL,
- *	revoked			[1] IMPLICIT RevokedInfo,
- *	unknown			[2] IMPLICIT UnknownInfo }
- *
- * Because the ASN.1 encoder and decoder currently do not provide
- * a way to automatically handle a CHOICE, we need to do it in two
- * steps, looking at the type tag and feeding the exact choice back
- * to the ASN.1 code.  Hopefully that will change someday and this
- * can all be simplified down into a single template.  Anyway, for
- * now we list each choice as its own template:
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertStatusGoodTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(ocspCertStatus, certStatusInfo.goodInfo),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_NullTemplate) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertStatusRevokedTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(ocspCertStatus, certStatusInfo.revokedInfo),
-      ocsp_RevokedInfoTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertStatusUnknownTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(ocspCertStatus, certStatusInfo.unknownInfo),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_NullTemplate) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertStatusOtherTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(ocspCertStatus, certStatusInfo.otherInfo),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) }
- * RevokedInfo	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	revocationTime		GeneralizedTime,
- *	revocationReason	[0] EXPLICIT CRLReason OPTIONAL }
- *
- * Note: this should be static but the AIX compiler doesn't like it (because it
- * was forward-declared above); it is not meant to be exported, but this
- * is the only way it will compile.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_RevokedInfoTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspRevokedInfo) },
-      offsetof(ocspRevokedInfo, revocationTime) },
-          SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0,
-      offsetof(ocspRevokedInfo, revocationReason),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_PointerToEnumeratedTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
- * OCSP-specific extension templates:
- */
- * ServiceLocator	::=	SEQUENCE {
- *	issuer			Name,
- *	locator			AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax OPTIONAL }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ServiceLocatorTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspServiceLocator) },
-      offsetof(ocspServiceLocator, issuer),
-      CERT_NameTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspServiceLocator, locator) },
-    { 0 }
- * REQUEST SUPPORT FUNCTIONS (encode/create/decode/destroy):
- */
- * FUNCTION: CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest
- *   DER encodes an OCSP Request, possibly adding a signature as well.
- *   XXX Signing is not yet supported, however; see comments in code.
- *   PLArenaPool *arena
- *     The return value is allocated from here.
- *     If a NULL is passed in, allocation is done from the heap instead.
- *   CERTOCSPRequest *request
- *     The request to be encoded.
- *   void *pwArg
- *     Pointer to argument for password prompting, if needed.  (Definitely
- *     not needed if not signing.)
- *   Returns a NULL on error and a pointer to the SECItem with the
- *   encoded value otherwise.  Any error is likely to be low-level
- *   (e.g. no memory).
- */
-SECItem *
-CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTOCSPRequest *request,
-                       void *pwArg)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* XXX All of these should generate errors if they fail. */
-    PORT_Assert(request);
-    PORT_Assert(request->tbsRequest);
-    if (request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle != NULL) {
-        rv = CERT_FinishExtensions(request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle);
-        request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle = NULL;
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX When signed requests are supported and request->optionalSignature
-     * is not NULL:
-     *  - need to encode tbsRequest->requestorName
-     *  - need to encode tbsRequest
-     *  - need to sign that encoded result (using cert in sig), filling in the
-     *    request->optionalSignature structure with the result, the signing
-     *    algorithm and (perhaps?) the cert (and its chain?) in derCerts
-     */
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, request, ocsp_OCSPRequestTemplate);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DecodeOCSPRequest
- *   Decode a DER encoded OCSP Request.
- *   SECItem *src
- *     Pointer to a SECItem holding DER encoded OCSP Request.
- *   Returns a pointer to a CERTOCSPRequest containing the decoded request.
- *   On error, returns NULL.  Most likely error is trouble decoding
- *   (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_REQUEST), or low-level problem (no memory).
- */
-CERTOCSPRequest *
-CERT_DecodeOCSPRequest(const SECItem *src)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    CERTOCSPRequest *dest = NULL;
-    int i;
-    SECItem newSrc;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    dest = (CERTOCSPRequest *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-                                               sizeof(CERTOCSPRequest));
-    if (dest == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    dest->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newSrc, src);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, dest, ocsp_OCSPRequestTemplate, &newSrc);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX I would like to find a way to get rid of the necessity
-     * of doing this copying of the arena pointer.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; dest->tbsRequest->requestList[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        dest->tbsRequest->requestList[i]->arena = arena;
-    }
-    return dest;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-    if (certID && certID->poolp) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(certID->poolp, PR_FALSE);
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * Digest data using the specified algorithm.
- * The necessary storage for the digest data is allocated.  If "fill" is
- * non-null, the data is put there, otherwise a SECItem is allocated.
- * Allocation from "arena" if it is non-null, heap otherwise.  Any problem
- * results in a NULL being returned (and an appropriate error set).
- */
-SECItem *
-ocsp_DigestValue(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag digestAlg,
-                 SECItem *fill, const SECItem *src)
-    const SECHashObject *digestObject;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    void *digestBuff = NULL;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    }
-    digestObject = HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(digestAlg);
-    if (digestObject == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (fill == NULL || fill->data == NULL) {
-        result = SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, fill, digestObject->length);
-        if (result == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        digestBuff = result->data;
-    } else {
-        if (fill->len < digestObject->length) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        digestBuff = fill->data;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HashBuf(digestAlg, digestBuff,
-                     src->data, src->len) != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    if (result == NULL) {
-        result = fill;
-    }
-    return result;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    } else {
-        if (result != NULL) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(result, (fill == NULL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-        }
-    }
-    return (NULL);
- * Digest the cert's subject public key using the specified algorithm.
- * The necessary storage for the digest data is allocated.  If "fill" is
- * non-null, the data is put there, otherwise a SECItem is allocated.
- * Allocation from "arena" if it is non-null, heap otherwise.  Any problem
- * results in a NULL being returned (and an appropriate error set).
- */
-SECItem *
-CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(PLArenaPool *arena, const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                               SECOidTag digestAlg, SECItem *fill)
-    SECItem spk;
-    /*
-     * Copy just the length and data pointer (nothing needs to be freed)
-     * of the subject public key so we can convert the length from bits
-     * to bytes, which is what the digest function expects.
-     */
-    spk = cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey;
-    DER_ConvertBitString(&spk);
-    return ocsp_DigestValue(arena, digestAlg, fill, &spk);
- * Digest the cert's subject name using the specified algorithm.
- */
-SECItem *
-CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(PLArenaPool *arena, const CERTCertificate *cert,
-                          SECOidTag digestAlg, SECItem *fill)
-    SECItem name;
-    /*
-     * Copy just the length and data pointer (nothing needs to be freed)
-     * of the subject name
-     */
-    name = cert->derSubject;
-    return ocsp_DigestValue(arena, digestAlg, fill, &name);
- * Create and fill-in a CertID.  This function fills in the hash values
- * (issuerNameHash and issuerKeyHash), and is hardwired to use SHA1.
- * Someday it might need to be more flexible about hash algorithm, but
- * for now we have no intention/need to create anything else.
- *
- * Error causes a null to be returned; most likely cause is trouble
- * finding the certificate issuer (SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER).
- * Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-static CERTOCSPCertID *
-ocsp_CreateCertID(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime time)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
-    void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert(arena != NULL);
-    certID = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTOCSPCertID);
-    if (certID == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &certID->hashAlgorithm, SEC_OID_SHA1,
-                               NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(cert, time, certUsageAnyCA);
-    if (issuerCert == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(arena, issuerCert, SEC_OID_SHA1,
-                                  &(certID->issuerNameHash)) == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    certID-> = certID->;
-    certID->issuerSHA1NameHash.len = certID->issuerNameHash.len;
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(arena, issuerCert, SEC_OID_MD5,
-                                  &(certID->issuerMD5NameHash)) == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(arena, issuerCert, SEC_OID_MD2,
-                                  &(certID->issuerMD2NameHash)) == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(arena, issuerCert, SEC_OID_SHA1,
-                                       &certID->issuerKeyHash) == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    certID-> = certID->;
-    certID->issuerSHA1KeyHash.len = certID->issuerKeyHash.len;
-    /* cache the other two hash algorithms as well */
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(arena, issuerCert, SEC_OID_MD5,
-                                       &certID->issuerMD5KeyHash) == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(arena, issuerCert, SEC_OID_MD2,
-                                       &certID->issuerMD2KeyHash) == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* now we are done with issuerCert */
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-    issuerCert = NULL;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &certID->serialNumber, &cert->serialNumber);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    return certID;
-    if (issuerCert != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-    }
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    return NULL;
-CERT_CreateOCSPCertID(CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime time)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
-    PORT_Assert(arena != NULL);
-    if (!arena)
-        return NULL;
-    certID = ocsp_CreateCertID(arena, cert, time);
-    if (!certID) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    certID->poolp = arena;
-    return certID;
-static CERTOCSPCertID *
-cert_DupOCSPCertID(const CERTOCSPCertID *src)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *dest;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    if (!src) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena)
-        goto loser;
-    dest = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTOCSPCertID);
-    if (!dest)
-        goto loser;
-#define DUPHELP(element)                                          \
-    if (src-> &&                                      \
-        SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->element, &src->element) != \
-            SECSuccess) {                                         \
-        goto loser;                                               \
-    }
-    DUPHELP(hashAlgorithm.algorithm)
-    DUPHELP(hashAlgorithm.parameters)
-    DUPHELP(issuerNameHash)
-    DUPHELP(issuerKeyHash)
-    DUPHELP(serialNumber)
-    DUPHELP(issuerSHA1NameHash)
-    DUPHELP(issuerMD5NameHash)
-    DUPHELP(issuerMD2NameHash)
-    DUPHELP(issuerSHA1KeyHash)
-    DUPHELP(issuerMD5KeyHash)
-    DUPHELP(issuerMD2KeyHash)
-    dest->poolp = arena;
-    return dest;
-    if (arena)
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
- * Callback to set Extensions in request object
- */
-SetSingleReqExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts)
-    ocspSingleRequest *singleRequest =
-        (ocspSingleRequest *)object;
-    singleRequest->singleRequestExtensions = exts;
- * Add the Service Locator extension to the singleRequestExtensions
- * for the given singleRequest.
- *
- * All errors are internal or low-level problems (e.g. no memory).
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_AddServiceLocatorExtension(ocspSingleRequest *singleRequest,
-                                CERTCertificate *cert)
-    ocspServiceLocator *serviceLocator = NULL;
-    void *extensionHandle = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    serviceLocator = PORT_ZNew(ocspServiceLocator);
-    if (serviceLocator == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * Normally it would be a bad idea to do a direct reference like
-     * this rather than allocate and copy the name *or* at least dup
-     * a reference of the cert.  But all we need is to be able to read
-     * the issuer name during the encoding we are about to do, so a
-     * copy is just a waste of time.
-     */
-    serviceLocator->issuer = &cert->issuer;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS,
-                                &serviceLocator->locator);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    /* prepare for following loser gotos */
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_SetError(0);
-    extensionHandle = cert_StartExtensions(singleRequest,
-                                           singleRequest->arena, SetSingleReqExts);
-    if (extensionHandle == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_EncodeAndAddExtension(extensionHandle,
-                                    SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_SERVICE_LOCATOR,
-                                    serviceLocator, PR_FALSE,
-                                    ocsp_ServiceLocatorTemplate);
-    if (extensionHandle != NULL) {
-        /*
-	 * Either way we have to finish out the extension context (so it gets
-	 * freed).  But careful not to override any already-set bad status.
-	 */
-        SECStatus tmprv = CERT_FinishExtensions(extensionHandle);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess)
-            rv = tmprv;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Finally, free the serviceLocator structure itself and we are done.
-     */
-    if (serviceLocator != NULL) {
-        if (serviceLocator-> != NULL)
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(&serviceLocator->locator, PR_FALSE);
-        PORT_Free(serviceLocator);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Creates an array of ocspSingleRequest based on a list of certs.
- * Note that the code which later compares the request list with the
- * response expects this array to be in the exact same order as the
- * certs are found in the list.  It would be harder to change that
- * order than preserve it, but since the requirement is not obvious,
- * it deserves to be mentioned.
- *
- * Any problem causes a null return and error set:
- * Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-static ocspSingleRequest **
-ocsp_CreateSingleRequestList(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertList *certList,
-                             PRTime time, PRBool includeLocator)
-    ocspSingleRequest **requestList = NULL;
-    CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-    int i, count;
-    void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    for (count = 0; !CERT_LIST_END(node, certList); count++) {
-        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-    }
-    if (count == 0)
-        goto loser;
-    requestList = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, ocspSingleRequest *, count + 1);
-    if (requestList == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-    for (i = 0; !CERT_LIST_END(node, certList); i++) {
-        requestList[i] = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, ocspSingleRequest);
-        if (requestList[i] == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP CERT_CreateOCSPRequest %s\n", node->cert->subjectName));
-        requestList[i]->arena = arena;
-        requestList[i]->reqCert = ocsp_CreateCertID(arena, node->cert, time);
-        if (requestList[i]->reqCert == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        if (includeLocator == PR_TRUE) {
-            SECStatus rv;
-            rv = ocsp_AddServiceLocatorExtension(requestList[i], node->cert);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                goto loser;
-        }
-        node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node);
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(i == count);
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    requestList[i] = NULL;
-    return requestList;
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    return NULL;
-static ocspSingleRequest **
-ocsp_CreateRequestFromCert(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                           CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                           CERTCertificate *singleCert,
-                           PRTime time,
-                           PRBool includeLocator)
-    ocspSingleRequest **requestList = NULL;
-    void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    PORT_Assert(certID != NULL && singleCert != NULL);
-    /* meaning of value 2: one entry + one end marker */
-    requestList = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, ocspSingleRequest *, 2);
-    if (requestList == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    requestList[0] = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, ocspSingleRequest);
-    if (requestList[0] == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    requestList[0]->arena = arena;
-    /* certID will live longer than the request */
-    requestList[0]->reqCert = certID;
-    if (includeLocator == PR_TRUE) {
-        SECStatus rv;
-        rv = ocsp_AddServiceLocatorExtension(requestList[0], singleCert);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    requestList[1] = NULL;
-    return requestList;
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    return NULL;
-static CERTOCSPRequest *
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request = NULL;
-    ocspTBSRequest *tbsRequest = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    request = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTOCSPRequest);
-    if (request == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    request->arena = arena;
-    tbsRequest = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, ocspTBSRequest);
-    if (tbsRequest == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    request->tbsRequest = tbsRequest;
-    /* version 1 is the default, so we need not fill in a version number */
-    return request;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-CERTOCSPRequest *
-cert_CreateSingleCertOCSPRequest(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                 CERTCertificate *singleCert,
-                                 PRTime time,
-                                 PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                                 CERTCertificate *signerCert)
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP cert_CreateSingleCertOCSPRequest %s\n", singleCert->subjectName));
-    /* XXX Support for signerCert may be implemented later,
-     * see also the comment in CERT_CreateOCSPRequest.
-     */
-    if (signerCert != NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    request = ocsp_prepareEmptyOCSPRequest();
-    if (!request)
-        return NULL;
-    /*
-     * Version 1 is the default, so we need not fill in a version number.
-     * Now create the list of single requests, one for each cert.
-     */
-    request->tbsRequest->requestList =
-        ocsp_CreateRequestFromCert(request->arena,
-                                   certID,
-                                   singleCert,
-                                   time,
-                                   addServiceLocator);
-    if (request->tbsRequest->requestList == NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(request->arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return request;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_CreateOCSPRequest
- *   Creates a CERTOCSPRequest, requesting the status of the certs in
- *   the given list.
- *   CERTCertList *certList
- *     A list of certs for which status will be requested.
- *     Note that all of these certificates should have the same issuer,
- *     or it's expected the response will be signed by a trusted responder.
- *     If the certs need to be broken up into multiple requests, that
- *     must be handled by the caller (and thus by having multiple calls
- *     to this routine), who knows about where the request(s) are being
- *     sent and whether there are any trusted responders in place.
- *   PRTime time
- *     Indicates the time for which the certificate status is to be
- *     determined -- this may be used in the search for the cert's issuer
- *     but has no effect on the request itself.
- *   PRBool addServiceLocator
- *     If true, the Service Locator extension should be added to the
- *     single request(s) for each cert.
- *   CERTCertificate *signerCert
- *     If non-NULL, means sign the request using this cert.  Otherwise,
- *     do not sign.
- *     XXX note that request signing is not yet supported; see comment in code
- *   A pointer to a CERTOCSPRequest structure containing an OCSP request
- *   for the cert list.  On error, null is returned, with an error set
- *   indicating the reason.  This is likely SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER.
- *   (The issuer is needed to create a request for the certificate.)
- *   Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-CERTOCSPRequest *
-CERT_CreateOCSPRequest(CERTCertList *certList, PRTime time,
-                       PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                       CERTCertificate *signerCert)
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request = NULL;
-    if (!certList) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX When we are prepared to put signing of requests back in,
-     * we will need to allocate a signature
-     * structure for the request, fill in the "derCerts" field in it,
-     * save the signerCert there, as well as fill in the "requestorName"
-     * field of the tbsRequest.
-     */
-    if (signerCert != NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    request = ocsp_prepareEmptyOCSPRequest();
-    if (!request)
-        return NULL;
-    /*
-     * Now create the list of single requests, one for each cert.
-     */
-    request->tbsRequest->requestList =
-        ocsp_CreateSingleRequestList(request->arena,
-                                     certList,
-                                     time,
-                                     addServiceLocator);
-    if (request->tbsRequest->requestList == NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(request->arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return request;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses
- *   Add the AcceptableResponses extension to an OCSP Request.
- *   CERTOCSPRequest *request
- *     The request to which the extension should be added.
- *   ...
- *     A list (of one or more) of SECOidTag -- each of the response types
- *     to be added.  The last OID *must* be SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE.
- *     (This marks the end of the list, and it must be specified because a
- *     client conforming to the OCSP standard is required to handle the basic
- *     response type.)  The OIDs are not checked in any way.
- *   SECSuccess if the extension is added; SECFailure if anything goes wrong.
- *   All errors are internal or low-level problems (e.g. no memory).
- */
-SetRequestExts(void *object, CERTCertExtension **exts)
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request = (CERTOCSPRequest *)object;
-    request->tbsRequest->requestExtensions = exts;
-CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses(CERTOCSPRequest *request,
-                                SECOidTag responseType0, ...)
-    void *extHandle;
-    va_list ap;
-    int i, count;
-    SECOidTag responseType;
-    SECOidData *responseOid;
-    SECItem **acceptableResponses = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    extHandle = request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle;
-    if (extHandle == NULL) {
-        extHandle = cert_StartExtensions(request, request->arena, SetRequestExts);
-        if (extHandle == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Count number of OIDS going into the extension value. */
-    count = 1;
-    if (responseType0 != SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE) {
-        va_start(ap, responseType0);
-        do {
-            count++;
-            responseType = va_arg(ap, SECOidTag);
-        } while (responseType != SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE);
-        va_end(ap);
-    }
-    acceptableResponses = PORT_NewArray(SECItem *, count + 1);
-    if (acceptableResponses == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    i = 0;
-    responseOid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(responseType0);
-    acceptableResponses[i++] = &(responseOid->oid);
-    if (count > 1) {
-        va_start(ap, responseType0);
-        for (; i < count; i++) {
-            responseType = va_arg(ap, SECOidTag);
-            responseOid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(responseType);
-            acceptableResponses[i] = &(responseOid->oid);
-        }
-        va_end(ap);
-    }
-    acceptableResponses[i] = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_EncodeAndAddExtension(extHandle, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_RESPONSE,
-                                    &acceptableResponses, PR_FALSE,
-                                    SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_SequenceOfObjectIDTemplate));
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Free(acceptableResponses);
-    if (request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle == NULL)
-        request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle = extHandle;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (acceptableResponses != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(acceptableResponses);
-    if (extHandle != NULL)
-        (void)CERT_FinishExtensions(extHandle);
-    return rv;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest
- *   Frees an OCSP Request structure.
- *   CERTOCSPRequest *request
- *     Pointer to CERTOCSPRequest to be freed.
- *   No return value; no errors.
- */
-CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest(CERTOCSPRequest *request)
-    if (request == NULL)
-        return;
-    if (request->tbsRequest != NULL) {
-        if (request->tbsRequest->requestorName != NULL)
-            CERT_DestroyGeneralNameList(request->tbsRequest->requestorName);
-        if (request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle != NULL)
-            (void)CERT_FinishExtensions(request->tbsRequest->extensionHandle);
-    }
-    if (request->optionalSignature != NULL) {
-        if (request->optionalSignature->cert != NULL)
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(request->optionalSignature->cert);
-        /*
-	 * XXX Need to free derCerts?  Or do they come out of arena?
-	 * (Currently we never fill in derCerts, which is why the
-	 * answer is not obvious.  Once we do, add any necessary code
-	 * here and remove this comment.)
-	 */
-    }
-    /*
-     * We should actually never have a request without an arena,
-     * but check just in case.  (If there isn't one, there is not
-     * much we can do about it...)
-     */
-    PORT_Assert(request->arena != NULL);
-    if (request->arena != NULL)
-        PORT_FreeArena(request->arena, PR_FALSE);
- * RESPONSE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS (encode/create/decode/destroy):
- */
- * Helper function for encoding or decoding a ResponderID -- based on the
- * given type, return the associated template for that choice.
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-ocsp_ResponderIDTemplateByType(CERTOCSPResponderIDType responderIDType)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *responderIDTemplate;
-    switch (responderIDType) {
-        case ocspResponderID_byName:
-            responderIDTemplate = ocsp_ResponderIDByNameTemplate;
-            break;
-        case ocspResponderID_byKey:
-            responderIDTemplate = ocsp_ResponderIDByKeyTemplate;
-            break;
-        case ocspResponderID_other:
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(responderIDType == ocspResponderID_other);
-            responderIDTemplate = ocsp_ResponderIDOtherTemplate;
-            break;
-    }
-    return responderIDTemplate;
- * Helper function for encoding or decoding a CertStatus -- based on the
- * given type, return the associated template for that choice.
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-ocsp_CertStatusTemplateByType(ocspCertStatusType certStatusType)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *certStatusTemplate;
-    switch (certStatusType) {
-        case ocspCertStatus_good:
-            certStatusTemplate = ocsp_CertStatusGoodTemplate;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_revoked:
-            certStatusTemplate = ocsp_CertStatusRevokedTemplate;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_unknown:
-            certStatusTemplate = ocsp_CertStatusUnknownTemplate;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_other:
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_other);
-            certStatusTemplate = ocsp_CertStatusOtherTemplate;
-            break;
-    }
-    return certStatusTemplate;
- * Helper function for decoding a certStatus -- turn the actual DER tag
- * into our local translation.
- */
-static ocspCertStatusType
-ocsp_CertStatusTypeByTag(int derTag)
-    ocspCertStatusType certStatusType;
-    switch (derTag) {
-        case 0:
-            certStatusType = ocspCertStatus_good;
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            certStatusType = ocspCertStatus_revoked;
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            certStatusType = ocspCertStatus_unknown;
-            break;
-        default:
-            certStatusType = ocspCertStatus_other;
-            break;
-    }
-    return certStatusType;
- * Helper function for decoding SingleResponses -- they each contain
- * a status which is encoded as CHOICE, which needs to be decoded "by hand".
- *
- * Note -- on error, this routine does not release the memory it may
- * have allocated; it expects its caller to do that.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_FinishDecodingSingleResponses(PLArenaPool *reqArena,
-                                   CERTOCSPSingleResponse **responses)
-    ocspCertStatus *certStatus;
-    ocspCertStatusType certStatusType;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *certStatusTemplate;
-    int derTag;
-    int i;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!reqArena) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (responses == NULL) /* nothing to do */
-        return SECSuccess;
-    for (i = 0; responses[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        SECItem *newStatus;
-        /*
-	 * The following assert points out internal errors (problems in
-	 * the template definitions or in the ASN.1 decoder itself, etc.).
-	 */
-        PORT_Assert(responses[i]-> != NULL);
-        derTag = responses[i]->[0] & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-        certStatusType = ocsp_CertStatusTypeByTag(derTag);
-        certStatusTemplate = ocsp_CertStatusTemplateByType(certStatusType);
-        certStatus = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(reqArena, sizeof(ocspCertStatus));
-        if (certStatus == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        newStatus = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(reqArena, &responses[i]->derCertStatus);
-        if (!newStatus) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(reqArena, certStatus, certStatusTemplate,
-                                    newStatus);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        certStatus->certStatusType = certStatusType;
-        responses[i]->certStatus = certStatus;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return rv;
- * Helper function for decoding a responderID -- turn the actual DER tag
- * into our local translation.
- */
-static CERTOCSPResponderIDType
-ocsp_ResponderIDTypeByTag(int derTag)
-    CERTOCSPResponderIDType responderIDType;
-    switch (derTag) {
-        case 1:
-            responderIDType = ocspResponderID_byName;
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            responderIDType = ocspResponderID_byKey;
-            break;
-        default:
-            responderIDType = ocspResponderID_other;
-            break;
-    }
-    return responderIDType;
- * Decode "src" as a BasicOCSPResponse, returning the result.
- */
-static ocspBasicOCSPResponse *
-ocsp_DecodeBasicOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *src)
-    void *mark;
-    ocspBasicOCSPResponse *basicResponse;
-    ocspResponseData *responseData;
-    ocspResponderID *responderID;
-    CERTOCSPResponderIDType responderIDType;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *responderIDTemplate;
-    int derTag;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem newsrc;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    basicResponse = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse));
-    if (basicResponse == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newsrc, src);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, basicResponse,
-                                ocsp_BasicOCSPResponseTemplate, &newsrc);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    responseData = basicResponse->tbsResponseData;
-    /*
-     * The following asserts point out internal errors (problems in
-     * the template definitions or in the ASN.1 decoder itself, etc.).
-     */
-    PORT_Assert(responseData != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(responseData-> != NULL);
-    /*
-     * XXX Because responderID is a CHOICE, which is not currently handled
-     * by our ASN.1 decoder, we have to decode it "by hand".
-     */
-    derTag = responseData->[0] & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-    responderIDType = ocsp_ResponderIDTypeByTag(derTag);
-    responderIDTemplate = ocsp_ResponderIDTemplateByType(responderIDType);
-    responderID = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(ocspResponderID));
-    if (responderID == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, responderID, responderIDTemplate,
-                                &responseData->derResponderID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    responderID->responderIDType = responderIDType;
-    responseData->responderID = responderID;
-    /*
-     * XXX Each SingleResponse also contains a CHOICE, which has to be
-     * fixed up by hand.
-     */
-    rv = ocsp_FinishDecodingSingleResponses(arena, responseData->responses);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    return basicResponse;
-    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-    return NULL;
- * Decode the responseBytes based on the responseType found in "rbytes",
- * leaving the resulting translated/decoded information in there as well.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_DecodeResponseBytes(PLArenaPool *arena, ocspResponseBytes *rbytes)
-    if (rbytes == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rbytes->responseTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&rbytes->responseType);
-    switch (rbytes->responseTypeTag) {
-            ocspBasicOCSPResponse *basicResponse;
-            basicResponse = ocsp_DecodeBasicOCSPResponse(arena,
-                                                         &rbytes->response);
-            if (basicResponse == NULL)
-                return SECFailure;
-            rbytes->decodedResponse.basic = basicResponse;
-        } break;
-        /*
-	 * Add new/future response types here.
-	 */
-        default:
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse
- *   Decode a DER encoded OCSP Response.
- *   SECItem *src
- *     Pointer to a SECItem holding DER encoded OCSP Response.
- *   Returns a pointer to a CERTOCSPResponse (the decoded OCSP Response);
- *   the caller is responsible for destroying it.  Or NULL if error (either
- *   response could not be decoded (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE),
- *   it was of an unexpected type (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_TYPE),
- *   or a low-level or internal error occurred).
- */
-CERTOCSPResponse *
-CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse(const SECItem *src)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTOCSPResponse *response = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    ocspResponseStatus sv;
-    SECItem newSrc;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    response = (CERTOCSPResponse *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-                                                    sizeof(CERTOCSPResponse));
-    if (response == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    response->arena = arena;
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newSrc, src);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, response, ocsp_OCSPResponseTemplate, &newSrc);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    sv = (ocspResponseStatus)DER_GetInteger(&response->responseStatus);
-    response->statusValue = sv;
-    if (sv != ocspResponse_successful) {
-        /*
-	 * If the response status is anything but successful, then we
-	 * are all done with decoding; the status is all there is.
-	 */
-        return response;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A successful response contains much more information, still encoded.
-     * Now we need to decode that.
-     */
-    rv = ocsp_DecodeResponseBytes(arena, response->responseBytes);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return response;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * The way an OCSPResponse is defined, there are many levels to descend
- * before getting to the actual response information.  And along the way
- * we need to check that the response *type* is recognizable, which for
- * now means that it is a BasicOCSPResponse, because that is the only
- * type currently defined.  Rather than force all routines to perform
- * a bunch of sanity checking every time they want to work on a response,
- * this function isolates that and gives back the interesting part.
- * Note that no copying is done, this just returns a pointer into the
- * substructure of the response which is passed in.
- *
- * XXX This routine only works when a valid response structure is passed
- * into it; this is checked with many assertions.  Assuming the response
- * was creating by decoding, it wouldn't make it this far without being
- * okay.  That is a sufficient assumption since the entire OCSP interface
- * is only used internally.  When this interface is officially exported,
- * each assertion below will need to be followed-up with setting an error
- * and returning (null).
- *
- * FUNCTION: ocsp_GetResponseData
- *   Returns ocspResponseData structure and a pointer to tbs response
- *   data DER from a valid ocsp response.
- *   CERTOCSPResponse *response
- *     structure of a valid ocsp response
- *   Returns a pointer to ocspResponseData structure: decoded OCSP response
- *   data, and a pointer(tbsResponseDataDER) to its undecoded data DER.
- */
-ocspResponseData *
-ocsp_GetResponseData(CERTOCSPResponse *response, SECItem **tbsResponseDataDER)
-    ocspBasicOCSPResponse *basic;
-    ocspResponseData *responseData;
-    PORT_Assert(response != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(response->responseBytes != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(response->responseBytes->responseTypeTag ==
-    basic = response->responseBytes->decodedResponse.basic;
-    PORT_Assert(basic != NULL);
-    responseData = basic->tbsResponseData;
-    PORT_Assert(responseData != NULL);
-    if (tbsResponseDataDER) {
-        *tbsResponseDataDER = &basic->tbsResponseDataDER;
-        PORT_Assert((*tbsResponseDataDER)->data != NULL);
-        PORT_Assert((*tbsResponseDataDER)->len != 0);
-    }
-    return responseData;
- * Much like the routine above, except it returns the response signature.
- * Again, no copy is done.
- */
-ocspSignature *
-ocsp_GetResponseSignature(CERTOCSPResponse *response)
-    ocspBasicOCSPResponse *basic;
-    PORT_Assert(response != NULL);
-    if (NULL == response->responseBytes) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (response->responseBytes->responseTypeTag !=
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    basic = response->responseBytes->decodedResponse.basic;
-    PORT_Assert(basic != NULL);
-    return &(basic->responseSignature);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse
- *   Frees an OCSP Response structure.
- *   CERTOCSPResponse *request
- *     Pointer to CERTOCSPResponse to be freed.
- *   No return value; no errors.
- */
-CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse(CERTOCSPResponse *response)
-    if (response != NULL) {
-        ocspSignature *signature = ocsp_GetResponseSignature(response);
-        if (signature && signature->cert != NULL)
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(signature->cert);
-        /*
-	 * We should actually never have a response without an arena,
-	 * but check just in case.  (If there isn't one, there is not
-	 * much we can do about it...)
-	 */
-        PORT_Assert(response->arena != NULL);
-        if (response->arena != NULL) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(response->arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-    }
- * OVERALL OCSP CLIENT SUPPORT (make and send a request, verify a response):
- */
- * Pick apart a URL, saving the important things in the passed-in pointers.
- *
- * We expect to find "http://<hostname>[:<port>]/[path]", though we will
- * tolerate that final slash character missing, as well as beginning and
- * trailing whitespace, and any-case-characters for "http".  All of that
- * tolerance is what complicates this routine.  What we want is just to
- * pick out the hostname, the port, and the path.
- *
- * On a successful return, the caller will need to free the output pieces
- * of hostname and path, which are copies of the values found in the url.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_ParseURL(const char *url, char **pHostname, PRUint16 *pPort, char **pPath)
-    unsigned short port = 80; /* default, in case not in url */
-    char *hostname = NULL;
-    char *path = NULL;
-    const char *save;
-    char c;
-    int len;
-    if (url == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * Skip beginning whitespace.
-     */
-    c = *url;
-    while ((c == ' ' || c == '\t') && c != '\0') {
-        url++;
-        c = *url;
-    }
-    if (c == '\0')
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * Confirm, then skip, protocol.  (Since we only know how to do http,
-     * that is all we will accept).
-     */
-    if (PORT_Strncasecmp(url, "http://", 7) != 0)
-        goto loser;
-    url += 7;
-    /*
-     * Whatever comes next is the hostname (or host IP address).  We just
-     * save it aside and then search for its end so we can determine its
-     * length and copy it.
-     *
-     * XXX Note that because we treat a ':' as a terminator character
-     * (and below, we expect that to mean there is a port specification
-     * immediately following), we will not handle IPv6 addresses.  That is
-     * apparently an acceptable limitation, for the time being.  Some day,
-     * when there is a clear way to specify a URL with an IPv6 address that
-     * can be parsed unambiguously, this code should be made to do that.
-     */
-    save = url;
-    c = *url;
-    while (c != '/' && c != ':' && c != '\0' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') {
-        url++;
-        c = *url;
-    }
-    len = url - save;
-    hostname = PORT_Alloc(len + 1);
-    if (hostname == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Memcpy(hostname, save, len);
-    hostname[len] = '\0';
-    /*
-     * Now we figure out if there was a port specified or not.
-     * If so, we need to parse it (as a number) and skip it.
-     */
-    if (c == ':') {
-        url++;
-        port = (unsigned short)PORT_Atoi(url);
-        c = *url;
-        while (c != '/' && c != '\0' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') {
-            if (c < '0' || c > '9')
-                goto loser;
-            url++;
-            c = *url;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Last thing to find is a path.  There *should* be a slash,
-     * if nothing else -- but if there is not we provide one.
-     */
-    if (c == '/') {
-        save = url;
-        while (c != '\0' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') {
-            url++;
-            c = *url;
-        }
-        len = url - save;
-        path = PORT_Alloc(len + 1);
-        if (path == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        PORT_Memcpy(path, save, len);
-        path[len] = '\0';
-    } else {
-        path = PORT_Strdup("/");
-        if (path == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    *pHostname = hostname;
-    *pPort = port;
-    *pPath = path;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (hostname != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(hostname);
-    return SECFailure;
- * Open a socket to the specified host on the specified port, and return it.
- * The host is either a hostname or an IP address.
- */
-static PRFileDesc *
-ocsp_ConnectToHost(const char *host, PRUint16 port)
-    PRFileDesc *sock = NULL;
-    PRIntervalTime timeout;
-    PRNetAddr addr;
-    char *netdbbuf = NULL;
-    sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
-    if (sock == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    /* XXX Some day need a way to set (and get?) the following value */
-    timeout = PR_SecondsToInterval(30);
-    /*
-     * If the following converts an IP address string in "dot notation"
-     * into a PRNetAddr.  If it fails, we assume that is because we do not
-     * have such an address, but instead a host *name*.  In that case we
-     * then lookup the host by name.  Using the NSPR function this way
-     * means we do not have to have our own logic for distinguishing a
-     * valid numerical IP address from a hostname.
-     */
-    if (PR_StringToNetAddr(host, &addr) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        PRIntn hostIndex;
-        PRHostEnt hostEntry;
-        netdbbuf = PORT_Alloc(PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE);
-        if (netdbbuf == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        if (PR_GetHostByName(host, netdbbuf, PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE,
-                             &hostEntry) != PR_SUCCESS)
-            goto loser;
-        hostIndex = 0;
-        do {
-            hostIndex = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(hostIndex, &hostEntry, port, &addr);
-            if (hostIndex <= 0)
-                goto loser;
-        } while (PR_Connect(sock, &addr, timeout) != PR_SUCCESS);
-        PORT_Free(netdbbuf);
-    } else {
-        /*
-	 * First put the port into the address, then connect.
-	 */
-        if (PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrNull, port, &addr) != PR_SUCCESS)
-            goto loser;
-        if (PR_Connect(sock, &addr, timeout) != PR_SUCCESS)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    return sock;
-    if (sock != NULL)
-        PR_Close(sock);
-    if (netdbbuf != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(netdbbuf);
-    return NULL;
- * Sends an encoded OCSP request to the server identified by "location",
- * and returns the socket on which it was sent (so can listen for the reply).
- * "location" is expected to be a valid URL -- an error parsing it produces
- * SEC_ERROR_CERT_BAD_ACCESS_LOCATION.  Other errors are likely problems
- * connecting to it, or writing to it, or allocating memory, and the low-level
- * errors appropriate to the problem will be set.
- * if (encodedRequest == NULL)
- *   then location MUST already include the full request,
- *        including base64 and urlencode,
- *        and the request will be sent with GET
- * if (encodedRequest != NULL)
- *   then the request will be sent with POST
- */
-static PRFileDesc *
-ocsp_SendEncodedRequest(const char *location, const SECItem *encodedRequest)
-    char *hostname = NULL;
-    char *path = NULL;
-    PRUint16 port;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRFileDesc *sock = NULL;
-    PRFileDesc *returnSock = NULL;
-    char *header = NULL;
-    char portstr[16];
-    /*
-     * Take apart the location, getting the hostname, port, and path.
-     */
-    rv = ocsp_ParseURL(location, &hostname, &port, &path);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Assert(hostname != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(path != NULL);
-    sock = ocsp_ConnectToHost(hostname, port);
-    if (sock == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    portstr[0] = '\0';
-    if (port != 80) {
-        PR_snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), ":%d", port);
-    }
-    if (!encodedRequest) {
-        header = PR_smprintf("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
-                             "Host: %s%s\r\n\r\n",
-                             path, hostname, portstr);
-        if (header == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        /*
-         * The NSPR documentation promises that if it can, it will write the full
-         * amount; this will not return a partial value expecting us to loop.
-         */
-        if (PR_Write(sock, header, (PRInt32)PORT_Strlen(header)) < 0)
-            goto loser;
-    } else {
-        header = PR_smprintf("POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
-                             "Host: %s%s\r\n"
-                             "Content-Type: application/ocsp-request\r\n"
-                             "Content-Length: %u\r\n\r\n",
-                             path, hostname, portstr, encodedRequest->len);
-        if (header == NULL)
-            goto loser;
-        /*
-         * The NSPR documentation promises that if it can, it will write the full
-         * amount; this will not return a partial value expecting us to loop.
-         */
-        if (PR_Write(sock, header, (PRInt32)PORT_Strlen(header)) < 0)
-            goto loser;
-        if (PR_Write(sock, encodedRequest->data,
-                     (PRInt32)encodedRequest->len) < 0)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    returnSock = sock;
-    sock = NULL;
-    if (header != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(header);
-    if (sock != NULL)
-        PR_Close(sock);
-    if (path != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(path);
-    if (hostname != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(hostname);
-    return returnSock;
- * Read from "fd" into "buf" -- expect/attempt to read a given number of bytes
- * Obviously, stop if hit end-of-stream. Timeout is passed in.
- */
-static int
-ocsp_read(PRFileDesc *fd, char *buf, int toread, PRIntervalTime timeout)
-    int total = 0;
-    while (total < toread) {
-        PRInt32 got;
-        got = PR_Recv(fd, buf + total, (PRInt32)(toread - total), 0, timeout);
-        if (got < 0) {
-            if (0 == total) {
-                total = -1; /* report the error if we didn't read anything yet */
-            }
-            break;
-        } else if (got == 0) { /* EOS */
-            break;
-        }
-        total += got;
-    }
-    return total;
-#define OCSP_BUFSIZE 1024
-#define AbortHttpDecode(error)   \
-    {                            \
-        if (inBuffer)            \
-            PORT_Free(inBuffer); \
-        PORT_SetError(error);    \
-        return NULL;             \
-    }
- * Reads on the given socket and returns an encoded response when received.
- * Properly formatted HTTP/1.0 response headers are expected to be read
- * from the socket, preceding a binary-encoded OCSP response.  Problems
- * with parsing cause the error SEC_ERROR_OCSP_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE to be
- * set; any other problems are likely low-level i/o or memory allocation
- * errors.
- */
-static SECItem *
-ocsp_GetEncodedResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, PRFileDesc *sock)
-    /* first read HTTP status line and headers */
-    char *inBuffer = NULL;
-    PRInt32 offset = 0;
-    PRInt32 inBufsize = 0;
-    const PRInt32 bufSizeIncrement = OCSP_BUFSIZE;   /* 1 KB at a time */
-    const PRInt32 maxBufSize = 8 * bufSizeIncrement; /* 8 KB max */
-    const char *CRLF = "\r\n";
-    const PRInt32 CRLFlen = strlen(CRLF);
-    const char *headerEndMark = "\r\n\r\n";
-    const PRInt32 markLen = strlen(headerEndMark);
-    const PRIntervalTime ocsptimeout =
-        PR_SecondsToInterval(30); /* hardcoded to 30s for now */
-    char *headerEnd = NULL;
-    PRBool EOS = PR_FALSE;
-    const char *httpprotocol = "HTTP/";
-    const PRInt32 httplen = strlen(httpprotocol);
-    const char *httpcode = NULL;
-    const char *contenttype = NULL;
-    PRInt32 contentlength = 0;
-    PRInt32 bytesRead = 0;
-    char *statusLineEnd = NULL;
-    char *space = NULL;
-    char *nextHeader = NULL;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    /* read up to at least the end of the HTTP headers */
-    do {
-        inBufsize += bufSizeIncrement;
-        inBuffer = PORT_Realloc(inBuffer, inBufsize + 1);
-        if (NULL == inBuffer) {
-            AbortHttpDecode(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        }
-        bytesRead = ocsp_read(sock, inBuffer + offset, bufSizeIncrement,
-                              ocsptimeout);
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-            PRInt32 searchOffset = (offset - markLen) > 0 ? offset - markLen : 0;
-            offset += bytesRead;
-            *(inBuffer + offset) = '\0'; /* NULL termination */
-            headerEnd = strstr((const char *)inBuffer + searchOffset, headerEndMark);
-            if (bytesRead < bufSizeIncrement) {
-                /* we read less data than requested, therefore we are at
-                   EOS or there was a read error */
-                EOS = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* recv error or EOS */
-            EOS = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    } while ((!headerEnd) && (PR_FALSE == EOS) &&
-             (inBufsize < maxBufSize));
-    if (!headerEnd) {
-    }
-    /* parse the HTTP status line  */
-    statusLineEnd = strstr((const char *)inBuffer, CRLF);
-    if (!statusLineEnd) {
-    }
-    *statusLineEnd = '\0';
-    /* check for HTTP/ response */
-    space = strchr((const char *)inBuffer, ' ');
-    if (!space || PORT_Strncasecmp((const char *)inBuffer, httpprotocol, httplen) != 0) {
-    }
-    /* check the HTTP status code of 200 */
-    httpcode = space + 1;
-    space = strchr(httpcode, ' ');
-    if (!space) {
-    }
-    *space = 0;
-    if (0 != strcmp(httpcode, "200")) {
-    }
-    /* parse the HTTP headers in the buffer . We only care about
-       content-type and content-length
-    */
-    nextHeader = statusLineEnd + CRLFlen;
-    *headerEnd = '\0'; /* terminate */
-    do {
-        char *thisHeaderEnd = NULL;
-        char *value = NULL;
-        char *colon = strchr(nextHeader, ':');
-        if (!colon) {
-            AbortHttpDecode(SEC_ERROR_OCSP_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE);
-        }
-        *colon = '\0';
-        value = colon + 1;
-        /* jpierre - note : the following code will only handle the basic form
-           of HTTP/1.0 response headers, of the form "name: value" . Headers
-           split among multiple lines are not supported. This is not common
-           and should not be an issue, but it could become one in the
-           future */
-        if (*value != ' ') {
-            AbortHttpDecode(SEC_ERROR_OCSP_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE);
-        }
-        value++;
-        thisHeaderEnd = strstr(value, CRLF);
-        if (thisHeaderEnd) {
-            *thisHeaderEnd = '\0';
-        }
-        if (0 == PORT_Strcasecmp(nextHeader, "content-type")) {
-            contenttype = value;
-        } else if (0 == PORT_Strcasecmp(nextHeader, "content-length")) {
-            contentlength = atoi(value);
-        }
-        if (thisHeaderEnd) {
-            nextHeader = thisHeaderEnd + CRLFlen;
-        } else {
-            nextHeader = NULL;
-        }
-    } while (nextHeader && (nextHeader < (headerEnd + CRLFlen)));
-    /* check content-type */
-    if (!contenttype ||
-        (0 != PORT_Strcasecmp(contenttype, "application/ocsp-response"))) {
-    }
-    /* read the body of the OCSP response */
-    offset = offset - (PRInt32)(headerEnd - (const char *)inBuffer) - markLen;
-    if (offset) {
-        /* move all data to the beginning of the buffer */
-        PORT_Memmove(inBuffer, headerEnd + markLen, offset);
-    }
-    /* resize buffer to only what's needed to hold the current response */
-    inBufsize = (1 + (offset - 1) / bufSizeIncrement) * bufSizeIncrement;
-    while ((PR_FALSE == EOS) &&
-           ((contentlength == 0) || (offset < contentlength)) &&
-           (inBufsize < maxBufSize)) {
-        /* we still need to receive more body data */
-        inBufsize += bufSizeIncrement;
-        inBuffer = PORT_Realloc(inBuffer, inBufsize + 1);
-        if (NULL == inBuffer) {
-            AbortHttpDecode(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        }
-        bytesRead = ocsp_read(sock, inBuffer + offset, bufSizeIncrement,
-                              ocsptimeout);
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-            offset += bytesRead;
-            if (bytesRead < bufSizeIncrement) {
-                /* we read less data than requested, therefore we are at
-                   EOS or there was a read error */
-                EOS = PR_TRUE;
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* recv error or EOS */
-            EOS = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    if (0 == offset) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now allocate the item to hold the data.
-     */
-    result = SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, NULL, offset);
-    if (NULL == result) {
-        AbortHttpDecode(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    /*
-     * And copy the data left in the buffer.
-     */
-    PORT_Memcpy(result->data, inBuffer, offset);
-    /* and free the temporary buffer */
-    PORT_Free(inBuffer);
-    return result;
-CERT_ParseURL(const char *url, char **pHostname, PRUint16 *pPort, char **pPath)
-    return ocsp_ParseURL(url, pHostname, pPort, pPath);
- * Limit the size of http responses we are willing to accept.
- */
-/* if (encodedRequest == NULL)
- *   then location MUST already include the full request,
- *        including base64 and urlencode,
- *        and the request will be sent with GET
- * if (encodedRequest != NULL)
- *   then the request will be sent with POST
- */
-static SECItem *
-fetchOcspHttpClientV1(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                      const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1,
-                      const char *location,
-                      const SECItem *encodedRequest)
-    char *hostname = NULL;
-    char *path = NULL;
-    PRUint16 port;
-    SECItem *encodedResponse = NULL;
-    PRUint16 myHttpResponseCode;
-    const char *myHttpResponseData;
-    PRUint32 myHttpResponseDataLen;
-    if (ocsp_ParseURL(location, &hostname, &port, &path) == SECFailure) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(hostname != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(path != NULL);
-    if ((*hcv1->createSessionFcn)(
-            hostname,
-            port,
-            &pServerSession) != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* We use a non-zero timeout, which means:
-       - the client will use blocking I/O
-       - TryFcn will not return WOULD_BLOCK nor a poll descriptor
-       - it's sufficient to call TryFcn once
-       No lock for accessing OCSP_Global.timeoutSeconds, bug 406120
-    */
-    if ((*hcv1->createFcn)(
-            pServerSession,
-            "http",
-            path,
-            encodedRequest ? "POST" : "GET",
-            PR_TicksPerSecond() * OCSP_Global.timeoutSeconds,
-            &pRequestSession) != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (encodedRequest &&
-        (*hcv1->setPostDataFcn)(
-            pRequestSession,
-            (char *)encodedRequest->data,
-            encodedRequest->len,
-            "application/ocsp-request") != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* we don't want result objects larger than this: */
-    myHttpResponseDataLen = MAX_WANTED_OCSP_RESPONSE_LEN;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP trySendAndReceive %s\n", location));
-    if ((*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(
-            pRequestSession,
-            NULL,
-            &myHttpResponseCode,
-            NULL,
-            NULL,
-            &myHttpResponseData,
-            &myHttpResponseDataLen) != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP trySendAndReceive result http %d\n", myHttpResponseCode));
-    if (myHttpResponseCode != 200) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    encodedResponse = SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, NULL, myHttpResponseDataLen);
-    if (!encodedResponse) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(encodedResponse->data, myHttpResponseData, myHttpResponseDataLen);
-    if (pRequestSession != NULL)
-        (*hcv1->freeFcn)(pRequestSession);
-    if (pServerSession != NULL)
-        (*hcv1->freeSessionFcn)(pServerSession);
-    if (path != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(path);
-    if (hostname != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(hostname);
-    return encodedResponse;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponseByMethod
- *   Creates and sends a request to an OCSP responder, then reads and
- *   returns the (encoded) response.
- *   PLArenaPool *arena
- *     Pointer to arena from which return value will be allocated.
- *     If NULL, result will be allocated from the heap (and thus should
- *     be freed via SECITEM_FreeItem).
- *   CERTCertList *certList
- *     A list of certs for which status will be requested.
- *     Note that all of these certificates should have the same issuer,
- *     or it's expected the response will be signed by a trusted responder.
- *     If the certs need to be broken up into multiple requests, that
- *     must be handled by the caller (and thus by having multiple calls
- *     to this routine), who knows about where the request(s) are being
- *     sent and whether there are any trusted responders in place.
- *   const char *location
- *     The location of the OCSP responder (a URL).
- *   const char *method
- *     The protocol method used when retrieving the OCSP response.
- *     Currently support: "GET" (http GET) and "POST" (http POST).
- *     Additionals methods for http or other protocols might be added
- *     in the future.
- *   PRTime time
- *     Indicates the time for which the certificate status is to be
- *     determined -- this may be used in the search for the cert's issuer
- *     but has no other bearing on the operation.
- *   PRBool addServiceLocator
- *     If true, the Service Locator extension should be added to the
- *     single request(s) for each cert.
- *   CERTCertificate *signerCert
- *     If non-NULL, means sign the request using this cert.  Otherwise,
- *     do not sign.
- *   void *pwArg
- *     Pointer to argument for password prompting, if needed.  (Definitely
- *     not needed if not signing.)
- *   CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest
- *     Pointer in which to store the OCSP request created for the given
- *     list of certificates.  It is only filled in if the entire operation
- *     is successful and the pointer is not null -- and in that case the
- *     caller is then reponsible for destroying it.
- *   Returns a pointer to the SECItem holding the response.
- *   On error, returns null with error set describing the reason:
- *   Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-SECItem *
-CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponseByMethod(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertList *certList,
-                                    const char *location, const char *method,
-                                    PRTime time, PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                                    CERTCertificate *signerCert, void *pwArg,
-                                    CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest)
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request;
-    request = CERT_CreateOCSPRequest(certList, time, addServiceLocator,
-                                     signerCert);
-    if (!request)
-        return NULL;
-    return ocsp_GetEncodedOCSPResponseFromRequest(arena, request, location,
-                                                  method, time, addServiceLocator,
-                                                  pwArg, pRequest);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponse
- *   Creates and sends a request to an OCSP responder, then reads and
- *   returns the (encoded) response.
- *
- * This is a legacy API that behaves identically to
- * CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponseByMethod using the "POST" method.
- */
-SECItem *
-CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertList *certList,
-                            const char *location, PRTime time,
-                            PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                            CERTCertificate *signerCert, void *pwArg,
-                            CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest)
-    return CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponseByMethod(arena, certList, location,
-                                               "POST", time, addServiceLocator,
-                                               signerCert, pwArg, pRequest);
-/* URL encode a buffer that consists of base64-characters, only,
- * which means we can use a simple encoding logic.
- *
- * No output buffer size checking is performed.
- * You should call the function twice, to calculate the required buffer size.
- *
- * If the outpufBuf parameter is NULL, the function will calculate the
- * required size, including the trailing zero termination char.
- *
- * The function returns the number of bytes calculated or produced.
- */
-ocsp_UrlEncodeBase64Buf(const char *base64Buf, char *outputBuf)
-    const char *walkInput = NULL;
-    char *walkOutput = outputBuf;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    for (walkInput = base64Buf; *walkInput; ++walkInput) {
-        char c = *walkInput;
-        if (isspace(c))
-            continue;
-        switch (c) {
-            case '+':
-                if (outputBuf) {
-                    strcpy(walkOutput, "%2B");
-                    walkOutput += 3;
-                }
-                count += 3;
-                break;
-            case '/':
-                if (outputBuf) {
-                    strcpy(walkOutput, "%2F");
-                    walkOutput += 3;
-                }
-                count += 3;
-                break;
-            case '=':
-                if (outputBuf) {
-                    strcpy(walkOutput, "%3D");
-                    walkOutput += 3;
-                }
-                count += 3;
-                break;
-            default:
-                if (outputBuf) {
-                    *walkOutput = *walkInput;
-                    ++walkOutput;
-                }
-                ++count;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (outputBuf) {
-        *walkOutput = 0;
-    }
-    ++count;
-    return count;
-enum { max_get_request_size = 255 }; /* defined by RFC2560 */
-static SECItem *
-cert_GetOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *location,
-                     const SECItem *encodedRequest);
-static SECItem *
-ocsp_GetEncodedOCSPResponseFromRequest(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                       CERTOCSPRequest *request,
-                                       const char *location,
-                                       const char *method,
-                                       PRTime time,
-                                       PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                                       void *pwArg,
-                                       CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest)
-    SECItem *encodedRequest = NULL;
-    SECItem *encodedResponse = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!location || !*location) /* location should be at least one byte */
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses(request,
-                                         SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    encodedRequest = CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest(NULL, request, pwArg);
-    if (encodedRequest == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    if (!strcmp(method, "GET")) {
-        encodedResponse = cert_GetOCSPResponse(arena, location, encodedRequest);
-    } else if (!strcmp(method, "POST")) {
-        encodedResponse = CERT_PostOCSPRequest(arena, location, encodedRequest);
-    } else {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (encodedResponse != NULL && pRequest != NULL) {
-        *pRequest = request;
-        request = NULL; /* avoid destroying below */
-    }
-    if (request != NULL)
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest(request);
-    if (encodedRequest != NULL)
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(encodedRequest, PR_TRUE);
-    return encodedResponse;
-static SECItem *
-cert_FetchOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *location,
-                       const SECItem *encodedRequest);
-/* using HTTP GET method */
-static SECItem *
-cert_GetOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *location,
-                     const SECItem *encodedRequest)
-    char *walkOutput = NULL;
-    char *fullGetPath = NULL;
-    size_t pathLength;
-    PRInt32 urlEncodedBufLength;
-    size_t base64size;
-    char b64ReqBuf[max_get_request_size + 1];
-    size_t slashLengthIfNeeded = 0;
-    size_t getURLLength;
-    SECItem *item;
-    if (!location || !*location) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    pathLength = strlen(location);
-    if (location[pathLength - 1] != '/') {
-        slashLengthIfNeeded = 1;
-    }
-    /* Calculation as documented by PL_Base64Encode function.
-     * Use integer conversion to avoid having to use function ceil().
-     */
-    base64size = (((encodedRequest->len + 2) / 3) * 4);
-    if (base64size > max_get_request_size) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    memset(b64ReqBuf, 0, sizeof(b64ReqBuf));
-    PL_Base64Encode((const char *)encodedRequest->data, encodedRequest->len,
-                    b64ReqBuf);
-    urlEncodedBufLength = ocsp_UrlEncodeBase64Buf(b64ReqBuf, NULL);
-    getURLLength = pathLength + urlEncodedBufLength + slashLengthIfNeeded;
-    /* urlEncodedBufLength already contains room for the zero terminator.
-     * Add another if we must add the '/' char.
-     */
-    if (arena) {
-        fullGetPath = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, getURLLength);
-    } else {
-        fullGetPath = (char *)PORT_Alloc(getURLLength);
-    }
-    if (!fullGetPath) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    strcpy(fullGetPath, location);
-    walkOutput = fullGetPath + pathLength;
-    if (walkOutput > fullGetPath && slashLengthIfNeeded) {
-        strcpy(walkOutput, "/");
-        ++walkOutput;
-    }
-    ocsp_UrlEncodeBase64Buf(b64ReqBuf, walkOutput);
-    item = cert_FetchOCSPResponse(arena, fullGetPath, NULL);
-    if (!arena) {
-        PORT_Free(fullGetPath);
-    }
-    return item;
-SECItem *
-CERT_PostOCSPRequest(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *location,
-                     const SECItem *encodedRequest)
-    return cert_FetchOCSPResponse(arena, location, encodedRequest);
-SECItem *
-cert_FetchOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *location,
-                       const SECItem *encodedRequest)
-    const SEC_HttpClientFcn *registeredHttpClient;
-    SECItem *encodedResponse = NULL;
-    registeredHttpClient = SEC_GetRegisteredHttpClient();
-    if (registeredHttpClient && registeredHttpClient->version == 1) {
-        encodedResponse = fetchOcspHttpClientV1(
-            arena,
-            &registeredHttpClient->fcnTable.ftable1,
-            location,
-            encodedRequest);
-    } else {
-        /* use internal http client */
-        PRFileDesc *sock = ocsp_SendEncodedRequest(location, encodedRequest);
-        if (sock) {
-            encodedResponse = ocsp_GetEncodedResponse(arena, sock);
-            PR_Close(sock);
-        }
-    }
-    return encodedResponse;
-static SECItem *
-ocsp_GetEncodedOCSPResponseForSingleCert(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                         CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                         CERTCertificate *singleCert,
-                                         const char *location,
-                                         const char *method,
-                                         PRTime time,
-                                         PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                                         void *pwArg,
-                                         CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest)
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request;
-    request = cert_CreateSingleCertOCSPRequest(certID, singleCert, time,
-                                               addServiceLocator, NULL);
-    if (!request)
-        return NULL;
-    return ocsp_GetEncodedOCSPResponseFromRequest(arena, request, location,
-                                                  method, time, addServiceLocator,
-                                                  pwArg, pRequest);
-/* Checks a certificate for the key usage extension of OCSP signer. */
-static PRBool
-ocsp_CertIsOCSPDesignatedResponder(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem extItem;
-    SECItem **oids;
-    SECItem *oid;
-    SECOidTag oidTag;
-    PRBool retval;
-    CERTOidSequence *oidSeq = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE, &extItem);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    oidSeq = CERT_DecodeOidSequence(&extItem);
-    if (oidSeq == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    oids = oidSeq->oids;
-    while (*oids != NULL) {
-        oid = *oids;
-        oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(oid);
-        if (oidTag == SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER) {
-            goto success;
-        }
-        oids++;
-    }
-    retval = PR_FALSE;
-    goto done;
-    retval = PR_TRUE;
-    if ( != NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if (oidSeq != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyOidSequence(oidSeq);
-    }
-    return (retval);
-#ifdef LATER /*
-              * XXX This function is not currently used, but will
-              * be needed later when we do revocation checking of
-              * the responder certificate.  Of course, it may need
-              * revising then, if the cert extension interface has
-              * changed.  (Hopefully it will!)
-              */
-/* Checks a certificate to see if it has the OCSP no check extension. */
-static PRBool
-ocsp_CertHasNoCheckExtension(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_NO_CHECK,
-                                NULL);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-#endif /* LATER */
-static PRBool
-ocsp_matchcert(SECItem *certIndex, CERTCertificate *testCert)
-    SECItem item;
-    unsigned char buf[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
- = buf;
-    item.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(NULL, testCert, SEC_OID_SHA1,
-                                       &item) == NULL) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(certIndex, &item)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(NULL, testCert, SEC_OID_MD5,
-                                       &item) == NULL) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(certIndex, &item)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(NULL, testCert, SEC_OID_MD2,
-                                       &item) == NULL) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(certIndex, &item)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-static CERTCertificate *
-ocsp_CertGetDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTOCSPCertID *certID);
-CERTCertificate *
-ocsp_GetSignerCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, ocspResponseData *tbsData,
-                          ocspSignature *signature, CERTCertificate *issuer)
-    CERTCertificate **certs = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *signerCert = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PRBool lookupByName = PR_TRUE;
-    void *certIndex = NULL;
-    int certCount = 0;
-    PORT_Assert(tbsData->responderID != NULL);
-    switch (tbsData->responderID->responderIDType) {
-        case ocspResponderID_byName:
-            lookupByName = PR_TRUE;
-            certIndex = &tbsData->derResponderID;
-            break;
-        case ocspResponderID_byKey:
-            lookupByName = PR_FALSE;
-            certIndex = &tbsData->responderID->responderIDValue.keyHash;
-            break;
-        case ocspResponderID_other:
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If the signature contains some certificates as well, temporarily
-     * import them in case they are needed for verification.
-     *
-     * Note that the result of this is that each cert in "certs" needs
-     * to be destroyed.
-     */
-    if (signature->derCerts != NULL) {
-        for (; signature->derCerts[certCount] != NULL; certCount++) {
-            /* just counting */
-        }
-        rv = CERT_ImportCerts(handle, certUsageStatusResponder, certCount,
-                              signature->derCerts, &certs,
-                              PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto finish;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now look up the certificate that did the signing.
-     * The signer can be specified either by name or by key hash.
-     */
-    if (lookupByName) {
-        SECItem *crIndex = (SECItem *)certIndex;
-        SECItem encodedName;
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (arena != NULL) {
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &encodedName,
-                                        ocsp_ResponderIDDerNameTemplate,
-                                        crIndex);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE);
-            } else {
-                signerCert = CERT_FindCertByName(handle, &encodedName);
-            }
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-    } else {
-        /*
-    	 * The signer is either 1) a known issuer CA we passed in,
-    	 * 2) the default OCSP responder, or 3) an intermediate CA
-    	 * passed in the cert list to use. Figure out which it is.
-    	 */
-        int i;
-        CERTCertificate *responder =
-            ocsp_CertGetDefaultResponder(handle, NULL);
-        if (responder && ocsp_matchcert(certIndex, responder)) {
-            signerCert = CERT_DupCertificate(responder);
-        } else if (issuer && ocsp_matchcert(certIndex, issuer)) {
-            signerCert = CERT_DupCertificate(issuer);
-        }
-        for (i = 0; (signerCert == NULL) && (i < certCount); i++) {
-            if (ocsp_matchcert(certIndex, certs[i])) {
-                signerCert = CERT_DupCertificate(certs[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        if (signerCert == NULL) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT);
-        }
-    }
-    if (certs != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertArray(certs, certCount);
-    }
-    return signerCert;
-ocsp_VerifyResponseSignature(CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                             ocspSignature *signature,
-                             SECItem *tbsResponseDataDER,
-                             void *pwArg)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *signerKey = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    CERTSignedData signedData;
-    /*
-     * Now get the public key from the signer's certificate; we need
-     * it to perform the verification.
-     */
-    signerKey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(signerCert);
-    if (signerKey == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We copy the signature data *pointer* and length, so that we can
-     * modify the length without damaging the original copy.  This is a
-     * simple copy, not a dup, so no destroy/free is necessary.
-     */
-    signedData.signature = signature->signature;
-    signedData.signatureAlgorithm = signature->signatureAlgorithm;
- = *tbsResponseDataDER;
-    rv = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(&signedData, signerKey, pwArg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess &&
-        (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE ||
-    }
-    if (signerKey != NULL) {
-        SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(signerKey);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature
- *   Check the signature on an OCSP Response.  Will also perform a
- *   verification of the signer's certificate.  Note, however, that a
- *   successful verification does not make any statement about the
- *   signer's *authority* to provide status for the certificate(s),
- *   that must be checked individually for each certificate.
- *   CERTOCSPResponse *response
- *     Pointer to response structure with signature to be checked.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Pointer to CERTCertDBHandle for certificate DB to use for verification.
- *   void *pwArg
- *     Pointer to argument for password prompting, if needed.
- *   CERTCertificate **pSignerCert
- *     Pointer in which to store signer's certificate; only filled-in if
- *     non-null.
- *   Returns SECSuccess when signature is valid, anything else means invalid.
- *   Possible errors set:
- *	SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE - unknown type of ResponderID
- *	SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME - bad format of "ProducedAt" time
- *	SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SIGNER - signer's cert could not be found
- *	SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE - the signature did not verify
- *   Other errors are any of the many possible failures in cert verification
- *   verifying the signer's cert, or low-level problems (no memory, etc.)
- */
-CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature(CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                                 CERTCertDBHandle *handle, void *pwArg,
-                                 CERTCertificate **pSignerCert,
-                                 CERTCertificate *issuer)
-    SECItem *tbsResponseDataDER;
-    CERTCertificate *signerCert = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PRTime producedAt;
-    /* ocsp_DecodeBasicOCSPResponse will fail if asn1 decoder is unable
-     * to properly decode tbsData (see the function and
-     * ocsp_BasicOCSPResponseTemplate). Thus, tbsData can not be
-     * equal to null */
-    ocspResponseData *tbsData = ocsp_GetResponseData(response,
-                                                     &tbsResponseDataDER);
-    ocspSignature *signature = ocsp_GetResponseSignature(response);
-    if (!signature) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If this signature has already gone through verification, just
-     * return the cached result.
-     */
-    if (signature->wasChecked) {
-        if (signature->status == SECSuccess) {
-            if (pSignerCert != NULL)
-                *pSignerCert = CERT_DupCertificate(signature->cert);
-        } else {
-            PORT_SetError(signature->failureReason);
-        }
-        return signature->status;
-    }
-    signerCert = ocsp_GetSignerCertificate(handle, tbsData,
-                                           signature, issuer);
-    if (signerCert == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT) {
-            /* Make the error a little more specific. */
-        }
-        goto finish;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We could mark this true at the top of this function, or always
-     * below at "finish", but if the problem was just that we could not
-     * find the signer's cert, leave that as if the signature hasn't
-     * been checked in case a subsequent call might have better luck.
-     */
-    signature->wasChecked = PR_TRUE;
-    /*
-     * The function will also verify the signer certificate; we
-     * need to tell it *when* that certificate must be valid -- for our
-     * purposes we expect it to be valid when the response was signed.
-     * The value of "producedAt" is the signing time.
-     */
-    rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&producedAt, &tbsData->producedAt);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto finish;
-    /*
-     * Just because we have a cert does not mean it is any good; check
-     * it for validity, trust and usage.
-     */
-    if (ocsp_CertIsOCSPDefaultResponder(handle, signerCert)) {
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-        SECCertUsage certUsage;
-        if (CERT_IsCACert(signerCert, NULL)) {
-            certUsage = certUsageAnyCA;
-        } else {
-            certUsage = certUsageStatusResponder;
-        }
-        rv = cert_VerifyCertWithFlags(handle, signerCert, PR_TRUE, certUsage,
-                                      producedAt, CERT_VERIFYCERT_SKIP_OCSP,
-                                      pwArg, NULL);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto finish;
-        }
-    }
-    rv = ocsp_VerifyResponseSignature(signerCert, signature,
-                                      tbsResponseDataDER,
-                                      pwArg);
-    if (signature->wasChecked)
-        signature->status = rv;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        signature->failureReason = PORT_GetError();
-        if (signerCert != NULL)
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(signerCert);
-    } else {
-        /*
-    	 * Save signer's certificate in signature.
-    	 */
-        signature->cert = signerCert;
-        if (pSignerCert != NULL) {
-            /*
-    	     * Pass pointer to signer's certificate back to our caller,
-    	     * who is also now responsible for destroying it.
-    	     */
-            *pSignerCert = CERT_DupCertificate(signerCert);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * See if the request's certID and the single response's certID match.
- * This can be easy or difficult, depending on whether the same hash
- * algorithm was used.
- */
-static PRBool
-ocsp_CertIDsMatch(CERTOCSPCertID *requestCertID,
-                  CERTOCSPCertID *responseCertID)
-    PRBool match = PR_FALSE;
-    SECOidTag hashAlg;
-    SECItem *keyHash = NULL;
-    SECItem *nameHash = NULL;
-    /*
-     * In order to match, they must have the same issuer and the same
-     * serial number.
-     *
-     * We just compare the easier things first.
-     */
-    if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&requestCertID->serialNumber,
-                            &responseCertID->serialNumber) != SECEqual) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Make sure the "parameters" are not too bogus.  Since we encoded
-     * requestCertID->hashAlgorithm, we don't need to check it.
-     */
-    if (responseCertID->hashAlgorithm.parameters.len > 2) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&requestCertID->hashAlgorithm.algorithm,
-                            &responseCertID->hashAlgorithm.algorithm) ==
-        SECEqual) {
-        /*
-    	 * If the hash algorithms match then we can do a simple compare
-    	 * of the hash values themselves.
-    	 */
-        if ((SECITEM_CompareItem(&requestCertID->issuerNameHash,
-                                 &responseCertID->issuerNameHash) == SECEqual) &&
-            (SECITEM_CompareItem(&requestCertID->issuerKeyHash,
-                                 &responseCertID->issuerKeyHash) == SECEqual)) {
-            match = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    hashAlg = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&responseCertID->hashAlgorithm.algorithm);
-    switch (hashAlg) {
-        case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-            keyHash = &requestCertID->issuerSHA1KeyHash;
-            nameHash = &requestCertID->issuerSHA1NameHash;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MD5:
-            keyHash = &requestCertID->issuerMD5KeyHash;
-            nameHash = &requestCertID->issuerMD5NameHash;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MD2:
-            keyHash = &requestCertID->issuerMD2KeyHash;
-            nameHash = &requestCertID->issuerMD2NameHash;
-            break;
-        default:
-            return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((keyHash != NULL) &&
-        (SECITEM_CompareItem(nameHash,
-                             &responseCertID->issuerNameHash) == SECEqual) &&
-        (SECITEM_CompareItem(keyHash,
-                             &responseCertID->issuerKeyHash) == SECEqual)) {
-        match = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return match;
- * Find the single response for the cert specified by certID.
- * No copying is done; this just returns a pointer to the appropriate
- * response within responses, if it is found (and null otherwise).
- * This is fine, of course, since this function is internal-use only.
- */
-static CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-ocsp_GetSingleResponseForCertID(CERTOCSPSingleResponse **responses,
-                                CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                CERTOCSPCertID *certID)
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single;
-    int i;
-    if (responses == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    for (i = 0; responses[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        single = responses[i];
-        if (ocsp_CertIDsMatch(certID, single->certID)) {
-            return single;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * The OCSP server should have included a response even if it knew
-     * nothing about the certificate in question.  Since it did not,
-     * this will make it look as if it had.
-     *
-     * XXX Should we make this a separate error to notice the server's
-     * bad behavior?
-     */
-    return NULL;
-static ocspCheckingContext *
-ocsp_GetCheckingContext(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-    ocspCheckingContext *ocspcx = NULL;
-    statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-    if (statusConfig != NULL) {
-        ocspcx = statusConfig->statusContext;
-        /*
-    	 * This is actually an internal error, because we should never
-    	 * have a good statusConfig without a good statusContext, too.
-    	 * For lack of anything better, though, we just assert and use
-    	 * the same error as if there were no statusConfig (set below).
-    	 */
-        PORT_Assert(ocspcx != NULL);
-    }
-    if (ocspcx == NULL)
-    return ocspcx;
- * Return cert reference if the given signerCert is the default responder for
- * the given certID.  If not, or if any error, return NULL.
- */
-static CERTCertificate *
-ocsp_CertGetDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTOCSPCertID *certID)
-    ocspCheckingContext *ocspcx;
-    ocspcx = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    if (ocspcx == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * Right now we have only one default responder.  It applies to
-     * all certs when it is used, so the check is simple and certID
-     * has no bearing on the answer.  Someday in the future we may
-     * allow configuration of different responders for different
-     * issuers, and then we would have to use the issuer specified
-     * in certID to determine if signerCert is the right one.
-     */
-    if (ocspcx->useDefaultResponder) {
-        PORT_Assert(ocspcx->defaultResponderCert != NULL);
-        return ocspcx->defaultResponderCert;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * Return true if the cert is one of the default responders configured for
- * ocsp context. If not, or if any error, return false.
- */
-ocsp_CertIsOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    ocspCheckingContext *ocspcx;
-    ocspcx = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    if (ocspcx == NULL)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * Right now we have only one default responder.  It applies to
-     * all certs when it is used, so the check is simple and certID
-     * has no bearing on the answer.  Someday in the future we may
-     * allow configuration of different responders for different
-     * issuers, and then we would have to use the issuer specified
-     * in certID to determine if signerCert is the right one.
-     */
-    if (ocspcx->useDefaultResponder &&
-        CERT_CompareCerts(ocspcx->defaultResponderCert, cert)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * Check that the given signer certificate is authorized to sign status
- * information for the given certID.  Return true if it is, false if not
- * (or if there is any error along the way).  If false is returned because
- * the signer is not authorized, the following error will be set:
- * Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- *
- * There are three ways to be authorized.  In the order in which we check,
- * using the terms used in the OCSP spec, the signer must be one of:
- *  1.  A "trusted responder" -- it matches a local configuration
- *      of OCSP signing authority for the certificate in question.
- *  2.  The CA who issued the certificate in question.
- *  3.  A "CA designated responder", aka an "authorized responder" -- it
- *      must be represented by a special cert issued by the CA who issued
- *      the certificate in question.
- */
-static PRBool
-ocsp_AuthorizedResponderForCertID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                  CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                                  CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                  PRTime thisUpdate)
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL, *defRespCert;
-    SECItem *keyHash = NULL;
-    SECItem *nameHash = NULL;
-    SECOidTag hashAlg;
-    PRBool keyHashEQ = PR_FALSE, nameHashEQ = PR_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * Check first for a trusted responder, which overrides everything else.
-     */
-    if ((defRespCert = ocsp_CertGetDefaultResponder(handle, certID)) &&
-        CERT_CompareCerts(defRespCert, signerCert)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * In the other two cases, we need to do an issuer comparison.
-     * How we do it depends on whether the signer certificate has the
-     * special extension (for a designated responder) or not.
-     *
-     * First, lets check if signer of the response is the actual issuer
-     * of the cert. For that we will use signer cert key hash and cert subj
-     * name hash and will compare them with already calculated issuer key
-     * hash and issuer name hash. The hash algorithm is picked from response
-     * certID hash to avoid second hash calculation.
-     */
-    hashAlg = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&certID->hashAlgorithm.algorithm);
-    keyHash = CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(NULL, signerCert, hashAlg, NULL);
-    if (keyHash != NULL) {
-        keyHashEQ =
-            (SECITEM_CompareItem(keyHash,
-                                 &certID->issuerKeyHash) == SECEqual);
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(keyHash, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (keyHashEQ &&
-        (nameHash = CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(NULL, signerCert,
-                                              hashAlg, NULL))) {
-        nameHashEQ =
-            (SECITEM_CompareItem(nameHash,
-                                 &certID->issuerNameHash) == SECEqual);
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(nameHash, PR_TRUE);
-        if (nameHashEQ) {
-            /* The issuer of the cert is the the signer of the response */
-            return PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    keyHashEQ = PR_FALSE;
-    nameHashEQ = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!ocsp_CertIsOCSPDesignatedResponder(signerCert)) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * The signer is a designated responder.  Its issuer must match
-     * the issuer of the cert being checked.
-     */
-    issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(signerCert, thisUpdate,
-                                     certUsageAnyCA);
-    if (issuerCert == NULL) {
-        /*
-         * We could leave the SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER error alone,
-         * but the following will give slightly more information.
-         * Once we have an error stack, things will be much better.
-         */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    keyHash = CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(NULL, issuerCert, hashAlg, NULL);
-    nameHash = CERT_GetSubjectNameDigest(NULL, issuerCert, hashAlg, NULL);
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-    if (keyHash != NULL && nameHash != NULL) {
-        keyHashEQ =
-            (SECITEM_CompareItem(keyHash,
-                                 &certID->issuerKeyHash) == SECEqual);
-        nameHashEQ =
-            (SECITEM_CompareItem(nameHash,
-                                 &certID->issuerNameHash) == SECEqual);
-    }
-    if (keyHash) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(keyHash, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (nameHash) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(nameHash, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (keyHashEQ && nameHashEQ) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * We need to check that a responder gives us "recent" information.
- * Since a responder can pre-package responses, we need to pick an amount
- * of time that is acceptable to us, and reject any response that is
- * older than that.
- *
- * XXX This *should* be based on some configuration parameter, so that
- * different usages could specify exactly what constitutes "sufficiently
- * recent".  But that is not going to happen right away.  For now, we
- * want something from within the last 24 hours.  This macro defines that
- * number in seconds.
- */
-static PRBool
-ocsp_TimeIsRecent(PRTime checkTime)
-    PRTime now = PR_Now();
-    PRTime lapse, tmp;
-    LL_I2L(tmp, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_MUL(lapse, lapse, tmp); /* allowable lapse in microseconds */
-    LL_ADD(checkTime, checkTime, lapse);
-    if (LL_CMP(now, >, checkTime))
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-#define OCSP_SLOP (5L * 60L) /* OCSP responses are allowed to be 5 minutes \
-                                in the future by default */
-static PRUint32 ocspsloptime = OCSP_SLOP; /* seconds */
- * If an old response contains the revoked certificate status, we want
- * to return SECSuccess so the response will be used.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_HandleOldSingleResponse(CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single, PRTime time)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    ocspCertStatus *status = single->certStatus;
-    if (status->certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_revoked) {
-        rv = ocsp_CertRevokedAfter(status->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo, time);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess &&
-            PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE) {
-            /*
-             * Return SECSuccess now.  The subsequent ocsp_CertRevokedAfter
-             * call in ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus will cause
-             * ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus to fail with
-             */
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * Check that this single response is okay.  A return of SECSuccess means:
- *   1. The signer (represented by "signerCert") is authorized to give status
- *	for the cert represented by the individual response in "single".
- *   2. The value of thisUpdate is earlier than now.
- *   3. The value of producedAt is later than or the same as thisUpdate.
- *   4. If nextUpdate is given:
- *	- The value of nextUpdate is later than now.
- *	- The value of producedAt is earlier than nextUpdate.
- *	Else if no nextUpdate:
- *	- The value of thisUpdate is fairly recent.
- *	- The value of producedAt is fairly recent.
- *	However we do not need to perform an explicit check for this last
- *	constraint because it is already guaranteed by checking that
- *	producedAt is later than thisUpdate and thisUpdate is recent.
- * Oh, and any responder is "authorized" to say that a cert is unknown to it.
- *
- * If any of those checks fail, SECFailure is returned and an error is set:
- * Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_VerifySingleResponse(CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single,
-                          CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                          CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                          PRTime producedAt)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID = single->certID;
-    PRTime now, thisUpdate, nextUpdate, tmstamp, tmp;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    OCSP_TRACE(("OCSP ocsp_VerifySingleResponse, nextUpdate: %d\n",
-                ((single->nextUpdate) != 0)));
-    /*
-     * If all the responder said was that the given cert was unknown to it,
-     * that is a valid response.  Not very interesting to us, of course,
-     * but all this function is concerned with is validity of the response,
-     * not the status of the cert.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert(single->certStatus != NULL);
-    if (single->certStatus->certStatusType == ocspCertStatus_unknown)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * We need to extract "thisUpdate" for use below and to pass along
-     * to AuthorizedResponderForCertID in case it needs it for doing an
-     * issuer look-up.
-     */
-    rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&thisUpdate, &single->thisUpdate);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return rv;
-    /*
-     * First confirm that signerCert is authorized to give this status.
-     */
-    if (ocsp_AuthorizedResponderForCertID(handle, signerCert, certID,
-                                          thisUpdate) != PR_TRUE)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /*
-     * Now check the time stuff, as described above.
-     */
-    now = PR_Now();
-    /* allow slop time for future response */
-    LL_UI2L(tmstamp, ocspsloptime); /* get slop time in seconds */
-    LL_UI2L(tmp, PR_USEC_PER_SEC);
-    LL_MUL(tmp, tmstamp, tmp); /* convert the slop time to PRTime */
-    LL_ADD(tmstamp, tmp, now); /* add current time to it */
-    if (LL_CMP(thisUpdate, >, tmstamp) || LL_CMP(producedAt, <, thisUpdate)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (single->nextUpdate != NULL) {
-        rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&nextUpdate, single->nextUpdate);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            return rv;
-        LL_ADD(tmp, tmp, nextUpdate);
-        if (LL_CMP(tmp, <, now) || LL_CMP(producedAt, >, nextUpdate))
-            return ocsp_HandleOldSingleResponse(single, now);
-    } else if (ocsp_TimeIsRecent(thisUpdate) != PR_TRUE) {
-        return ocsp_HandleOldSingleResponse(single, now);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation
- *   Get the value of the URI of the OCSP responder for the given cert.
- *   This is found in the (optional) Authority Information Access extension
- *   in the cert.
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     The certificate being examined.
- *   char *
- *     A copy of the URI for the OCSP method, if found.  If either the
- *     extension is not present or it does not contain an entry for OCSP,
- *     SEC_ERROR_CERT_BAD_ACCESS_LOCATION will be set and a NULL returned.
- *     Any other error will also result in a NULL being returned.
- *
- *     This result should be freed (via PORT_Free) when no longer in use.
- */
-char *
-CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation(const CERTCertificate *cert)
-    CERTGeneralName *locname = NULL;
-    SECItem *location = NULL;
-    SECItem *encodedAuthInfoAccess = NULL;
-    CERTAuthInfoAccess **authInfoAccess = NULL;
-    char *locURI = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int i;
-    /*
-     * Allocate this one from the heap because it will get filled in
-     * by CERT_FindCertExtension which will also allocate from the heap,
-     * and we can free the entire thing on our way out.
-     */
-    encodedAuthInfoAccess = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, 0);
-    if (encodedAuthInfoAccess == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = CERT_FindCertExtension(cert, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS,
-                                encodedAuthInfoAccess);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * The rest of the things allocated in the routine will come out of
-     * this arena, which is temporary just for us to decode and get at the
-     * AIA extension.  The whole thing will be destroyed on our way out,
-     * after we have copied the location string (url) itself (if found).
-     */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    authInfoAccess = CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension(arena,
-                                                        encodedAuthInfoAccess);
-    if (authInfoAccess == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    for (i = 0; authInfoAccess[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        if (SECOID_FindOIDTag(&authInfoAccess[i]->method) == SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP)
-            locname = authInfoAccess[i]->location;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If we found an AIA extension, but it did not include an OCSP method,
-     * that should look to our caller as if we did not find the extension
-     * at all, because it is only an OCSP method that we care about.
-     * So set the same error that would be set if the AIA extension was
-     * not there at all.
-     */
-    if (locname == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * The following is just a pointer back into locname (i.e. not a copy);
-     * thus it should not be freed.
-     */
-    location = CERT_GetGeneralNameByType(locname, certURI, PR_FALSE);
-    if (location == NULL) {
-        /*
-    	 * XXX Appears that CERT_GetGeneralNameByType does not set an
-    	 * error if there is no name by that type.  For lack of anything
-    	 * better, act as if the extension was not found.  In the future
-    	 * this should probably be something more like the extension was
-    	 * badly formed.
-    	 */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * That location is really a string, but it has a specified length
-     * without a null-terminator.  We need a real string that does have
-     * a null-terminator, and we need a copy of it anyway to return to
-     * our caller -- so allocate and copy.
-     */
-    locURI = PORT_Alloc(location->len + 1);
-    if (locURI == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(locURI, location->data, location->len);
-    locURI[location->len] = '\0';
-    if (arena != NULL)
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    if (encodedAuthInfoAccess != NULL)
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(encodedAuthInfoAccess, PR_TRUE);
-    return locURI;
- * Figure out where we should go to find out the status of the given cert
- * via OCSP.  If allowed to use a default responder uri and a default
- * responder is set up, then that is our answer.
- * If not, see if the certificate has an Authority Information Access (AIA)
- * extension for OCSP, and return the value of that.  Otherwise return NULL.
- * We also let our caller know whether or not the responder chosen was
- * a default responder or not through the output variable isDefault;
- * its value has no meaning unless a good (non-null) value is returned
- * for the location.
- *
- * The result needs to be freed (PORT_Free) when no longer in use.
- */
-char *
-ocsp_GetResponderLocation(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                          PRBool canUseDefault, PRBool *isDefault)
-    ocspCheckingContext *ocspcx = NULL;
-    char *ocspUrl = NULL;
-    if (canUseDefault) {
-        ocspcx = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    }
-    if (ocspcx != NULL && ocspcx->useDefaultResponder) {
-        /*
-    	 * A default responder wins out, if specified.
-    	 * XXX Someday this may be a more complicated determination based
-    	 * on the cert's issuer.  (That is, we could have different default
-    	 * responders configured for different issuers.)
-    	 */
-        PORT_Assert(ocspcx->defaultResponderURI != NULL);
-        *isDefault = PR_TRUE;
-        return (PORT_Strdup(ocspcx->defaultResponderURI));
-    }
-    /*
-     * No default responder set up, so go see if we can find an AIA
-     * extension that has a value for OCSP, and get the url from that.
-     */
-    *isDefault = PR_FALSE;
-    ocspUrl = CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation(cert);
-    if (!ocspUrl) {
-        CERT_StringFromCertFcn altFcn;
-        PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        altFcn = OCSP_Global.alternateOCSPAIAFcn;
-        PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        if (altFcn) {
-            ocspUrl = (*altFcn)(cert);
-            if (ocspUrl)
-                *isDefault = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    return ocspUrl;
- * Return SECSuccess if the cert was revoked *after* "time",
- * SECFailure otherwise.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_CertRevokedAfter(ocspRevokedInfo *revokedInfo, PRTime time)
-    PRTime revokedTime;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&revokedTime, &revokedInfo->revocationTime);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return rv;
-    /*
-     * Set the error even if we will return success; someone might care.
-     */
-    if (LL_CMP(revokedTime, >, time))
-        return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
- * See if the cert represented in the single response had a good status
- * at the specified time.
- */
-ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus(ocspCertStatus *status, PRTime time)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    switch (status->certStatusType) {
-        case ocspCertStatus_good:
-            rv = SECSuccess;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_revoked:
-            rv = ocsp_CertRevokedAfter(status->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo, time);
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_unknown:
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_other:
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_SingleResponseCertHasGoodStatus(CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single,
-                                     PRTime time)
-    return ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus(single->certStatus, time);
-/* SECFailure means the arguments were invalid.
- * On SECSuccess, the out parameters contain the OCSP status.
- * rvOcsp contains the overall result of the OCSP operation.
- * Depending on input parameter ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting,
- * a soft failure might be converted into *rvOcsp=SECSuccess.
- * If the cached attempt to obtain OCSP information had resulted
- * in a failure, missingResponseError shows the error code of
- * that failure.
- * cacheFreshness is ocspMissing if no entry was found,
- *                   ocspFresh if a fresh entry was found, or
- *                   ocspStale if a stale entry was found.
- */
-ocsp_GetCachedOCSPResponseStatus(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                 PRTime time,
-                                 PRBool ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting,
-                                 SECStatus *rvOcsp,
-                                 SECErrorCodes *missingResponseError,
-                                 OCSPFreshness *cacheFreshness)
-    OCSPCacheItem *cacheItem = NULL;
-    if (!certID || !missingResponseError || !rvOcsp || !cacheFreshness) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *rvOcsp = SECFailure;
-    *missingResponseError = 0;
-    *cacheFreshness = ocspMissing;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    cacheItem = ocsp_FindCacheEntry(&OCSP_Global.cache, certID);
-    if (cacheItem) {
-        *cacheFreshness = ocsp_IsCacheItemFresh(cacheItem) ? ocspFresh
-                                                           : ocspStale;
-        /* having an arena means, we have a cached certStatus */
-        if (cacheItem->certStatusArena) {
-            *rvOcsp = ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus(&cacheItem->certStatus, time);
-            if (*rvOcsp != SECSuccess) {
-                *missingResponseError = PORT_GetError();
-            }
-        } else {
-            /*
-             * No status cached, the previous attempt failed.
-             * If OCSP is required, we never decide based on a failed attempt
-             * However, if OCSP is optional, a recent OCSP failure is
-             * an allowed good state.
-             */
-            if (*cacheFreshness == ocspFresh &&
-                !ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting &&
-                OCSP_Global.ocspFailureMode ==
-                    ocspMode_FailureIsNotAVerificationFailure) {
-                *rvOcsp = SECSuccess;
-            }
-            *missingResponseError = cacheItem->missingResponseError;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PRBool isFailure;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    isFailure =
-        OCSP_Global.ocspFailureMode == ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return isFailure;
- *   Checks the status of a certificate via OCSP.  Will only check status for
- *   a certificate that has an AIA (Authority Information Access) extension
- *   for OCSP *or* when a "default responder" is specified and enabled.
- *   (If no AIA extension for OCSP and no default responder in place, the
- *   cert is considered to have a good status and SECSuccess is returned.)
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     the certificate being checked
- *   XXX in the long term also need a boolean parameter that specifies
- *	whether to check the cert chain, as well; for now we check only
- *	the leaf (the specified certificate)
- *   PRTime time
- *     time for which status is to be determined
- *   void *pwArg
- *     argument for password prompting, if needed
- *   Returns SECSuccess if an approved OCSP responder "knows" the cert
- *   *and* returns a non-revoked status for it; SECFailure otherwise,
- *   with an error set describing the reason:
- *
- *
- *
- *   Other errors are any of the many possible failures in cert verification
- *   verifying the signer's cert, or low-level problems (error allocating
- *   memory, error performing ASN.1 decoding, etc.).
- */
-CERT_CheckOCSPStatus(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                     PRTime time, void *pwArg)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
-    PRBool certIDWasConsumed = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECStatus rvOcsp;
-    SECErrorCodes cachedErrorCode;
-    OCSPFreshness cachedResponseFreshness;
-    OCSP_TRACE_CERT(cert);
-    OCSP_TRACE_TIME("## requested validity time:", time);
-    certID = CERT_CreateOCSPCertID(cert, time);
-    if (!certID)
-        return SECFailure;
-    rv = ocsp_GetCachedOCSPResponseStatus(
-        certID, time, PR_FALSE, /* ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting */
-        &rvOcsp, &cachedErrorCode, &cachedResponseFreshness);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(certID);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cachedResponseFreshness == ocspFresh) {
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(certID);
-        if (rvOcsp != SECSuccess) {
-            PORT_SetError(cachedErrorCode);
-        }
-        return rvOcsp;
-    }
-    rv = ocsp_GetOCSPStatusFromNetwork(handle, certID, cert, time, pwArg,
-                                       &certIDWasConsumed,
-                                       &rvOcsp);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PRErrorCode err = PORT_GetError();
-        if (ocsp_FetchingFailureIsVerificationFailure()) {
-            PORT_SetError(err);
-            rvOcsp = SECFailure;
-        } else if (cachedResponseFreshness == ocspStale &&
-                   (cachedErrorCode == SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT ||
-                    cachedErrorCode == SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE)) {
-            /* If we couldn't get a response for a certificate that the OCSP
-             * responder previously told us was bad, then assume it is still
-             * bad until we hear otherwise, as it is very unlikely that the
-             * certificate status has changed from "revoked" to "good" and it
-             * is also unlikely that the certificate status has changed from
-             * "unknown" to "good", except for some buggy OCSP responders.
-             */
-            PORT_SetError(cachedErrorCode);
-            rvOcsp = SECFailure;
-        } else {
-            rvOcsp = SECSuccess;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!certIDWasConsumed) {
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(certID);
-    }
-    return rvOcsp;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_CacheOCSPResponseFromSideChannel
- *   First, this function checks the OCSP cache to see if a good response
- *   for the given certificate already exists. If it does, then the function
- *   returns successfully.
- *
- *   If not, then it validates that the given OCSP response is a valid,
- *   good response for the given certificate and inserts it into the
- *   cache.
- *
- *   This function is intended for use when OCSP responses are provided via a
- *   side-channel, i.e. TLS OCSP stapling (a.k.a. the status_request extension).
- *
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     the certificate being checked
- *   PRTime time
- *     time for which status is to be determined
- *   SECItem *encodedResponse
- *     the DER encoded bytes of the OCSP response
- *   void *pwArg
- *     argument for password prompting, if needed
- *   SECSuccess if the cert was found in the cache, or if the OCSP response was
- *   found to be valid and inserted into the cache. SECFailure otherwise.
- */
-CERT_CacheOCSPResponseFromSideChannel(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                      CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                      PRTime time,
-                                      const SECItem *encodedResponse,
-                                      void *pwArg)
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID = NULL;
-    PRBool certIDWasConsumed = PR_FALSE;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECStatus rvOcsp = SECFailure;
-    SECErrorCodes dummy_error_code; /* we ignore this */
-    CERTOCSPResponse *decodedResponse = NULL;
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse *singleResponse = NULL;
-    OCSPFreshness freshness;
-    /* The OCSP cache can be in three states regarding this certificate:
-     *    + Good (cached, timely, 'good' response, or revoked in the future)
-     *    + Revoked (cached, timely, but doesn't fit in the last category)
-     *    + Miss (no knowledge)
-     *
-     * Likewise, the side-channel information can be
-     *    + Good (timely, 'good' response, or revoked in the future)
-     *    + Revoked (timely, but doesn't fit in the last category)
-     *    + Invalid (bad syntax, bad signature, not timely etc)
-     *
-     * The common case is that the cache result is Good and so is the
-     * side-channel information. We want to save processing time in this case
-     * so we say that any time we see a Good result from the cache we return
-     * early.
-     *
-     *                       Cache result
-     *      | Good             Revoked               Miss
-     *   ---+--------------------------------------------
-     *    G |  noop           Cache more           Cache it
-     * S    |                 recent result
-     * i    |
-     * d    |
-     * e    |
-     *    R |  noop           Cache more           Cache it
-     * C    |                 recent result
-     * h    |
-     * a    |
-     * n    |
-     * n  I |  noop           Noop                  Noop
-     * e    |
-     * l    |
-     *
-     * When we fetch from the network we might choose to cache a negative
-     * result when the response is invalid. This saves us hammering, uselessly,
-     * at a broken responder. However, side channels are commonly attacker
-     * controlled and so we must not cache a negative result for an Invalid
-     * side channel.
-     */
-    if (!cert || !encodedResponse) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    certID = CERT_CreateOCSPCertID(cert, time);
-    if (!certID)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /* We pass PR_TRUE for ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting so that a cached
-     * error entry is not interpreted as being a 'Good' entry here.
-     */
-    rv = ocsp_GetCachedOCSPResponseStatus(
-        certID, time, PR_TRUE, /* ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting */
-        &rvOcsp, &dummy_error_code, &freshness);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && rvOcsp == SECSuccess && freshness == ocspFresh) {
-        /* The cached value is good. We don't want to waste time validating
-         * this OCSP response. This is the first column in the table above. */
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(certID);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    /* The logic for caching the more recent response is handled in
-     * ocsp_CacheSingleResponse. */
-    rv = ocsp_GetDecodedVerifiedSingleResponseForID(handle, certID, cert,
-                                                    time, pwArg,
-                                                    encodedResponse,
-                                                    &decodedResponse,
-                                                    &singleResponse);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        rvOcsp = ocsp_SingleResponseCertHasGoodStatus(singleResponse, time);
-        /* Cache any valid singleResponse, regardless of status. */
-        ocsp_CacheSingleResponse(certID, singleResponse, &certIDWasConsumed);
-    }
-    if (decodedResponse) {
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse(decodedResponse);
-    }
-    if (!certIDWasConsumed) {
-        CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(certID);
-    }
-    return rv == SECSuccess ? rvOcsp : rv;
- * Status in *certIDWasConsumed will always be correct, regardless of
- * return value.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_GetOCSPStatusFromNetwork(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                              CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                              CERTCertificate *cert,
-                              PRTime time,
-                              void *pwArg,
-                              PRBool *certIDWasConsumed,
-                              SECStatus *rv_ocsp)
-    char *location = NULL;
-    PRBool locationIsDefault;
-    SECItem *encodedResponse = NULL;
-    CERTOCSPRequest *request = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    CERTOCSPResponse *decodedResponse = NULL;
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse *singleResponse = NULL;
-    enum { stageGET,
-           stagePOST } currentStage;
-    PRBool retry = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!certIDWasConsumed || !rv_ocsp) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *certIDWasConsumed = PR_FALSE;
-    *rv_ocsp = SECFailure;
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (OCSP_Global.forcePost) {
-        currentStage = stagePOST;
-    } else {
-        currentStage = stageGET;
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    /*
-     * The first thing we need to do is find the location of the responder.
-     * This will be the value of the default responder (if enabled), else
-     * it will come out of the AIA extension in the cert (if present).
-     * If we have no such location, then this cert does not "deserve" to
-     * be checked -- that is, we consider it a success and just return.
-     * The way we tell that is by looking at the error number to see if
-     * the problem was no AIA extension was found; any other error was
-     * a true failure that we unfortunately have to treat as an overall
-     * failure here.
-     */
-    location = ocsp_GetResponderLocation(handle, cert, PR_TRUE,
-                                         &locationIsDefault);
-    if (location == NULL) {
-        int err = PORT_GetError();
-        if (err == SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND ||
-            PORT_SetError(0);
-            *rv_ocsp = SECSuccess;
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX In the fullness of time, we will want/need to handle a
-     * certificate chain.  This will be done either when a new parameter
-     * tells us to, or some configuration variable tells us to.  In any
-     * case, handling it is complicated because we may need to send as
-     * many requests (and receive as many responses) as we have certs
-     * in the chain.  If we are going to talk to a default responder,
-     * and we only support one default responder, we can put all of the
-     * certs together into one request.  Otherwise, we must break them up
-     * into multiple requests.  (Even if all of the requests will go to
-     * the same location, the signature on each response will be different,
-     * because each issuer is different.  Carefully read the OCSP spec
-     * if you do not understand this.)
-     */
-    /*
-     * XXX If/when signing of requests is supported, that second NULL
-     * should be changed to be the signer certificate.  Not sure if that
-     * should be passed into this function or retrieved via some operation
-     * on the handle/context.
-     */
-    do {
-        const char *method;
-        PRBool validResponseWithAccurateInfo = PR_FALSE;
-        retry = PR_FALSE;
-        *rv_ocsp = SECFailure;
-        if (currentStage == stageGET) {
-            method = "GET";
-        } else {
-            PORT_Assert(currentStage == stagePOST);
-            method = "POST";
-        }
-        encodedResponse =
-            ocsp_GetEncodedOCSPResponseForSingleCert(NULL, certID, cert,
-                                                     location, method,
-                                                     time, locationIsDefault,
-                                                     pwArg, &request);
-        if (encodedResponse) {
-            rv = ocsp_GetDecodedVerifiedSingleResponseForID(handle, certID, cert,
-                                                            time, pwArg,
-                                                            encodedResponse,
-                                                            &decodedResponse,
-                                                            &singleResponse);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                switch (singleResponse->certStatus->certStatusType) {
-                    case ocspCertStatus_good:
-                    case ocspCertStatus_revoked:
-                        validResponseWithAccurateInfo = PR_TRUE;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        break;
-                }
-                *rv_ocsp = ocsp_SingleResponseCertHasGoodStatus(singleResponse, time);
-            }
-        }
-        if (currentStage == stageGET) {
-            /* only accept GET response if good or revoked */
-            if (validResponseWithAccurateInfo) {
-                ocsp_CacheSingleResponse(certID, singleResponse,
-                                         certIDWasConsumed);
-            } else {
-                retry = PR_TRUE;
-                currentStage = stagePOST;
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* cache the POST respone, regardless of status */
-            if (!singleResponse) {
-                cert_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure(certID, certIDWasConsumed);
-            } else {
-                ocsp_CacheSingleResponse(certID, singleResponse,
-                                         certIDWasConsumed);
-            }
-        }
-        if (encodedResponse) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(encodedResponse, PR_TRUE);
-            encodedResponse = NULL;
-        }
-        if (request) {
-            CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest(request);
-            request = NULL;
-        }
-        if (decodedResponse) {
-            CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse(decodedResponse);
-            decodedResponse = NULL;
-        }
-        singleResponse = NULL;
-    } while (retry);
-    PORT_Free(location);
-    return rv;
- * FUNCTION: ocsp_GetDecodedVerifiedSingleResponseForID
- *   This function decodes an OCSP response and checks for a valid response
- *   concerning the given certificate.
- *
- *   Note: a 'valid' response is one that parses successfully, is not an OCSP
- *   exception (see RFC 2560 Section 2.3), is correctly signed and is current.
- *   A 'good' response is a valid response that attests that the certificate
- *   is not currently revoked (see RFC 2560 Section 2.2).
- *
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *   CERTOCSPCertID *certID
- *     the cert ID corresponding to |cert|
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     the certificate being checked
- *   PRTime time
- *     time for which status is to be determined
- *   void *pwArg
- *     the opaque argument to the password prompting function.
- *   SECItem *encodedResponse
- *     the DER encoded bytes of the OCSP response
- *   CERTOCSPResponse **pDecodedResponse
- *     (output) The caller must ALWAYS check for this output parameter,
- *     and if it's non-null, must destroy it using CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse.
- *   CERTOCSPSingleResponse **pSingle
- *     (output) on success, this points to the single response that corresponds
- *     to the certID parameter. Points to the inside of pDecodedResponse.
- *     It isn't a copy, don't free it.
- *   SECSuccess iff the response is valid.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_GetDecodedVerifiedSingleResponseForID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                           CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                           CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                           PRTime time,
-                                           void *pwArg,
-                                           const SECItem *encodedResponse,
-                                           CERTOCSPResponse **pDecodedResponse,
-                                           CERTOCSPSingleResponse **pSingle)
-    CERTCertificate *signerCert = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!pSingle || !pDecodedResponse) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *pSingle = NULL;
-    *pDecodedResponse = CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse(encodedResponse);
-    if (!*pDecodedResponse) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Okay, we at least have a response that *looks* like a response!
-     * Now see if the overall response status value is good or not.
-     * If not, we set an error and give up.  (It means that either the
-     * server had a problem, or it didn't like something about our
-     * request.  Either way there is nothing to do but give up.)
-     * Otherwise, we continue to find the actual per-cert status
-     * in the response.
-     */
-    if (CERT_GetOCSPResponseStatus(*pDecodedResponse) != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If we've made it this far, we expect a response with a good signature.
-     * So, check for that.
-     */
-    issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(cert, time, certUsageAnyCA);
-    rv = CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature(*pDecodedResponse, handle, pwArg,
-                                          &signerCert, issuerCert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(signerCert != NULL); /* internal consistency check */
-    /* XXX probably should set error, return failure if signerCert is null */
-    /*
-     * Again, we are only doing one request for one cert.
-     * XXX When we handle cert chains, the following code will obviously
-     * have to be modified, in coordation with the code above that will
-     * have to determine how to make multiple requests, etc.
-     */
-    rv = ocsp_GetVerifiedSingleResponseForCertID(handle, *pDecodedResponse, certID,
-                                                 signerCert, time, pSingle);
-    if (issuerCert != NULL)
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-    if (signerCert != NULL)
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(signerCert);
-    return rv;
- * FUNCTION: ocsp_CacheSingleResponse
- *   This function requires that the caller has checked that the response
- *   is valid and verified.
- *   The (positive or negative) valid response will be used to update the cache.
- *   CERTOCSPCertID *certID
- *     the cert ID corresponding to |cert|
- *   PRBool *certIDWasConsumed
- *     (output) on return, this is true iff |certID| was consumed by this
- *     function.
- */
-ocsp_CacheSingleResponse(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                         CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single,
-                         PRBool *certIDWasConsumed)
-    if (single != NULL) {
-        PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        if (OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries >= 0) {
-            ocsp_CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(&OCSP_Global.cache, certID, single,
-                                          certIDWasConsumed);
-            /* ignore cache update failures */
-        }
-        PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    }
-ocsp_GetVerifiedSingleResponseForCertID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                        CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                                        CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                        CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                                        PRTime time,
-                                        CERTOCSPSingleResponse
-                                            **pSingleResponse)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    ocspResponseData *responseData;
-    PRTime producedAt;
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single;
-    /*
-     * The ResponseData part is the real guts of the response.
-     */
-    responseData = ocsp_GetResponseData(response, NULL);
-    if (responseData == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * There is one producedAt time for the entire response (and a separate
-     * thisUpdate time for each individual single response).  We need to
-     * compare them, so get the overall time to pass into the check of each
-     * single response.
-     */
-    rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&producedAt, &responseData->producedAt);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    single = ocsp_GetSingleResponseForCertID(responseData->responses,
-                                             handle, certID);
-    if (single == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = ocsp_VerifySingleResponse(single, handle, signerCert, producedAt);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    *pSingleResponse = single;
-    return rv;
-CERT_GetOCSPStatusForCertID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                            CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                            CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                            CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                            PRTime time)
-    /*
-     * We do not update the cache, because:
-     *
-     * CERT_GetOCSPStatusForCertID is an old exported API that was introduced
-     * before the OCSP cache got implemented.
-     *
-     * The implementation of helper function cert_ProcessOCSPResponse
-     * requires the ability to transfer ownership of the the given certID to
-     * the cache. The external API doesn't allow us to prevent the caller from
-     * destroying the certID. We don't have the original certificate available,
-     * therefore we are unable to produce another certID object (that could
-     * be stored in the cache).
-     *
-     * Should we ever implement code to produce a deep copy of certID,
-     * then this could be changed to allow updating the cache.
-     * The duplication would have to be done in
-     * cert_ProcessOCSPResponse, if the out parameter to indicate
-     * a transfer of ownership is NULL.
-     */
-    return cert_ProcessOCSPResponse(handle, response, certID,
-                                    signerCert, time,
-                                    NULL, NULL);
- * The first 5 parameters match the definition of CERT_GetOCSPStatusForCertID.
- */
-cert_ProcessOCSPResponse(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                         CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                         CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                         CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                         PRTime time,
-                         PRBool *certIDWasConsumed,
-                         SECStatus *cacheUpdateStatus)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECStatus rv_cache = SECSuccess;
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single = NULL;
-    rv = ocsp_GetVerifiedSingleResponseForCertID(handle, response, certID,
-                                                 signerCert, time, &single);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /*
-         * Check whether the status says revoked, and if so
-         * how that compares to the time value passed into this routine.
-         */
-        rv = ocsp_SingleResponseCertHasGoodStatus(single, time);
-    }
-    if (certIDWasConsumed) {
-        /*
-         * We don't have copy-of-certid implemented. In order to update
-         * the cache, the caller must supply an out variable
-         * certIDWasConsumed, allowing us to return ownership status.
-         */
-        PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        if (OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries >= 0) {
-            /* single == NULL means: remember response failure */
-            rv_cache =
-                ocsp_CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(&OCSP_Global.cache, certID,
-                                              single, certIDWasConsumed);
-        }
-        PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-        if (cacheUpdateStatus) {
-            *cacheUpdateStatus = rv_cache;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-cert_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                   PRBool *certIDWasConsumed)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    if (OCSP_Global.maxCacheEntries >= 0) {
-        rv = ocsp_CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(&OCSP_Global.cache, certID, NULL,
-                                           certIDWasConsumed);
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return rv;
- * Disable status checking and destroy related structures/data.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_DestroyStatusChecking(CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig)
-    ocspCheckingContext *statusContext;
-    /*
-     * Disable OCSP checking
-     */
-    statusConfig->statusChecker = NULL;
-    statusContext = statusConfig->statusContext;
-    PORT_Assert(statusContext != NULL);
-    if (statusContext == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderURI != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(statusContext->defaultResponderURI);
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderNickname != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(statusContext->defaultResponderNickname);
-    PORT_Free(statusContext);
-    statusConfig->statusContext = NULL;
-    PORT_Free(statusConfig);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DisableOCSPChecking
- *   Turns off OCSP checking for the given certificate database.
- *   This routine disables OCSP checking.  Though it will return
- *   SECFailure if OCSP checking is not enabled, it is "safe" to
- *   call it that way and just ignore the return value, if it is
- *   easier to just call it than to "remember" whether it is enabled.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Certificate database for which OCSP checking will be disabled.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred (usually means that OCSP
- *   checking was not enabled or status contexts were not initialized --
- *   error set will be SEC_ERROR_OCSP_NOT_ENABLED); SECSuccess otherwise.
- */
-CERT_DisableOCSPChecking(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-    ocspCheckingContext *statusContext;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-    statusContext = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    if (statusContext == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (statusConfig->statusChecker != CERT_CheckOCSPStatus) {
-        /*
-    	 * Status configuration is present, but either not currently
-    	 * enabled or not for OCSP.
-    	 */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* cache no longer necessary */
-    CERT_ClearOCSPCache();
-    /*
-     * This is how we disable status checking.  Everything else remains
-     * in place in case we are enabled again.
-     */
-    statusConfig->statusChecker = NULL;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Allocate and initialize the informational structures for status checking.
- * This is done when some configuration of OCSP is being done or when OCSP
- * checking is being turned on, whichever comes first.
- */
-static SECStatus
-ocsp_InitStatusChecking(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig = NULL;
-    ocspCheckingContext *statusContext = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle) == NULL);
-    if (CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle) != NULL) {
-        /* XXX or call statusConfig->statusDestroy and continue? */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    statusConfig = PORT_ZNew(CERTStatusConfig);
-    if (statusConfig == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    statusContext = PORT_ZNew(ocspCheckingContext);
-    if (statusContext == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    statusConfig->statusDestroy = ocsp_DestroyStatusChecking;
-    statusConfig->statusContext = statusContext;
-    CERT_SetStatusConfig(handle, statusConfig);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (statusConfig != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(statusConfig);
-    return SECFailure;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_EnableOCSPChecking
- *   Turns on OCSP checking for the given certificate database.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Certificate database for which OCSP checking will be enabled.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred (likely only problem
- *   allocating memory); SECSuccess otherwise.
- */
-CERT_EnableOCSPChecking(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-    if (statusConfig == NULL) {
-        rv = ocsp_InitStatusChecking(handle);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            return rv;
-        /* Get newly established value */
-        statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-        PORT_Assert(statusConfig != NULL);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Setting the checker function is what really enables the checking
-     * when each cert verification is done.
-     */
-    statusConfig->statusChecker = CERT_CheckOCSPStatus;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_SetOCSPDefaultResponder
- *   Specify the location and cert of the default responder.
- *   If OCSP checking is already enabled *and* use of a default responder
- *   is also already enabled, all OCSP checking from now on will go directly
- *   to the specified responder.  If OCSP checking is not enabled, or if
- *   it is but use of a default responder is not enabled, the information
- *   will be recorded and take effect whenever both are enabled.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Cert database on which OCSP checking should use the default responder.
- *   char *url
- *     The location of the default responder (e.g. "")
- *     Note that the location will not be tested until the first attempt
- *     to send a request there.
- *   char *name
- *     The nickname of the cert to trust (expected) to sign the OCSP responses.
- *     If the corresponding cert cannot be found, SECFailure is returned.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred; SECSuccess otherwise.
- *   The most likely error is that the cert for "name" could not be found
- *   (probably SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT).  Other errors are low-level (no memory,
- *   bad database, etc.).
- */
-CERT_SetOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                             const char *url, const char *name)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    ocspCheckingContext *statusContext;
-    char *url_copy = NULL;
-    char *name_copy = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (handle == NULL || url == NULL || name == NULL) {
-        /*
-    	 * XXX When interface is exported, probably want better errors;
-    	 * perhaps different one for each parameter.
-    	 */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Find the certificate for the specified nickname.  Do this first
-     * because it seems the most likely to fail.
-     *
-     * XXX Shouldn't need that cast if the FindCertByNickname interface
-     * used const to convey that it does not modify the name.  Maybe someday.
-     */
-    cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(handle, (char *)name);
-    if (cert == NULL) {
-        /*
-         * look for the cert on an external token.
-         */
-        cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname((char *)name, NULL);
-    }
-    if (cert == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /*
-     * Make a copy of the url and nickname.
-     */
-    url_copy = PORT_Strdup(url);
-    name_copy = PORT_Strdup(name);
-    if (url_copy == NULL || name_copy == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    statusContext = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    /*
-     * Allocate and init the context if it doesn't already exist.
-     */
-    if (statusContext == NULL) {
-        rv = ocsp_InitStatusChecking(handle);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto loser;
-        statusContext = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-        PORT_Assert(statusContext != NULL); /* extreme paranoia */
-    }
-    /*
-     * Note -- we do not touch the status context until after all of
-     * the steps which could cause errors.  If something goes wrong,
-     * we want to leave things as they were.
-     */
-    /*
-     * Get rid of old url and name if there.
-     */
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderNickname != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(statusContext->defaultResponderNickname);
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderURI != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(statusContext->defaultResponderURI);
-    /*
-     * And replace them with the new ones.
-     */
-    statusContext->defaultResponderURI = url_copy;
-    statusContext->defaultResponderNickname = name_copy;
-    /*
-     * If there was already a cert in place, get rid of it and replace it.
-     * Otherwise, we are not currently enabled, so we don't want to save it;
-     * it will get re-found and set whenever use of a default responder is
-     * enabled.
-     */
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderCert != NULL) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(statusContext->defaultResponderCert);
-        statusContext->defaultResponderCert = cert;
-        /*OCSP enabled, switching responder: clear cache*/
-        CERT_ClearOCSPCache();
-    } else {
-        PORT_Assert(statusContext->useDefaultResponder == PR_FALSE);
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        /*OCSP currently not enabled, no need to clear cache*/
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    if (url_copy != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(url_copy);
-    if (name_copy != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(name_copy);
-    return rv;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_EnableOCSPDefaultResponder
- *   Turns on use of a default responder when OCSP checking.
- *   If OCSP checking is already enabled, this will make subsequent checks
- *   go directly to the default responder.  (The location of the responder
- *   and the nickname of the responder cert must already be specified.)
- *   If OCSP checking is not enabled, this will be recorded and take effect
- *   whenever it is enabled.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Cert database on which OCSP checking should use the default responder.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred; SECSuccess otherwise.
- *   No errors are especially likely unless the caller did not previously
- *   perform a successful call to SetOCSPDefaultResponder (in which case
- *   the error set will be SEC_ERROR_OCSP_NO_DEFAULT_RESPONDER).
- */
-CERT_EnableOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    ocspCheckingContext *statusContext;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECCertificateUsage usage;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    statusContext = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    if (statusContext == NULL) {
-        /*
-    	 * Strictly speaking, the error already set is "correct",
-    	 * but cover over it with one more helpful in this context.
-    	 */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderURI == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (statusContext->defaultResponderNickname == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Find the cert for the nickname.
-     */
-    cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(handle,
-                                   statusContext->defaultResponderNickname);
-    if (cert == NULL) {
-        cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(statusContext->defaultResponderNickname,
-                                         NULL);
-    }
-    /*
-     * We should never have trouble finding the cert, because its
-     * existence should have been proven by SetOCSPDefaultResponder.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert(cert != NULL);
-    if (cert == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /*
-     * Supplied cert should at least have  a signing capability in order for us
-     * to use it as a trusted responder cert. Ability to sign is guaranteed  if
-     * cert is validated to have any set of the usages below.
-     */
-    rv = CERT_VerifyCertificateNow(handle, cert, PR_TRUE,
-                                   certificateUsageCheckAllUsages,
-                                   NULL, &usage);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess || (usage & (certificateUsageSSLClient |
-                                      certificateUsageSSLServer |
-                                      certificateUsageSSLServerWithStepUp |
-                                      certificateUsageEmailSigner |
-                                      certificateUsageObjectSigner |
-                                      certificateUsageStatusResponder |
-                                      certificateUsageSSLCA)) == 0) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * And hang onto it.
-     */
-    statusContext->defaultResponderCert = cert;
-    /* we don't allow a mix of cache entries from different responders */
-    CERT_ClearOCSPCache();
-    /*
-     * Finally, record the fact that we now have a default responder enabled.
-     */
-    statusContext->useDefaultResponder = PR_TRUE;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder
- *   Turns off use of a default responder when OCSP checking.
- *   (Does nothing if use of a default responder is not enabled.)
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Cert database on which OCSP checking should stop using a default
- *     responder.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred; SECSuccess otherwise.
- *   Errors very unlikely (like random memory corruption...).
- */
-CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle)
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-    ocspCheckingContext *statusContext;
-    CERTCertificate *tmpCert;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    statusConfig = CERT_GetStatusConfig(handle);
-    if (statusConfig == NULL)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    statusContext = ocsp_GetCheckingContext(handle);
-    PORT_Assert(statusContext != NULL);
-    if (statusContext == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    tmpCert = statusContext->defaultResponderCert;
-    if (tmpCert) {
-        statusContext->defaultResponderCert = NULL;
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(tmpCert);
-        /* we don't allow a mix of cache entries from different responders */
-        CERT_ClearOCSPCache();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Finally, record the fact.
-     */
-    statusContext->useDefaultResponder = PR_FALSE;
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_ForcePostMethodForOCSP(PRBool forcePost)
-    if (!OCSP_Global.monitor) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PR_EnterMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    OCSP_Global.forcePost = forcePost;
-    PR_ExitMonitor(OCSP_Global.monitor);
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERT_GetOCSPResponseStatus(CERTOCSPResponse *response)
-    PORT_Assert(response);
-    if (response->statusValue == ocspResponse_successful)
-        return SECSuccess;
-    switch (response->statusValue) {
-        case ocspResponse_malformedRequest:
-            break;
-        case ocspResponse_internalError:
-            break;
-        case ocspResponse_tryLater:
-            break;
-        case ocspResponse_sigRequired:
-            /* XXX We *should* retry with a signature, if possible. */
-            break;
-        case ocspResponse_unauthorized:
-            break;
-        case ocspResponse_unused:
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.h b/nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9dd64..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocsp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,723 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Interface to the OCSP implementation.
- */
-#ifndef _OCSP_H_
-#define _OCSP_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "ocspt.h"
- * This function registers the HttpClient with whose functions the
- * HttpClientFcn structure has been populated as the default Http
- * client.
- *
- * The function table must be a global object.
- * The caller must ensure that NSS will be able to call
- * the registered functions for the lifetime of the process.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient(const SEC_HttpClientFcn *fcnTable);
- * This function obtains the HttpClient which has been registered
- * by an earlier call to SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient.
- */
-extern const SEC_HttpClientFcn *
- * Sets parameters that control NSS' internal OCSP cache.
- * maxCacheEntries, special varlues are:
- *   -1 disable cache
- *   0 unlimited cache entries
- * minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt:
- *   whenever an OCSP request was attempted or completed over the network,
- *   wait at least this number of seconds before trying to fetch again.
- * maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt:
- *   this is the maximum age of a cached response we allow, until we try
- *   to fetch an updated response, even if the OCSP responder expects
- *   that newer information update will not be available yet.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_OCSPCacheSettings(PRInt32 maxCacheEntries,
-                       PRUint32 minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt,
-                       PRUint32 maximumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt);
- * Set the desired behaviour on OCSP failures.
- * See definition of ocspFailureMode for allowed choices.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_SetOCSPFailureMode(SEC_OcspFailureMode ocspFailureMode);
- * Configure the maximum time NSS will wait for an OCSP response.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_SetOCSPTimeout(PRUint32 seconds);
- * Removes all items currently stored in the OCSP cache.
- */
-extern SECStatus
- * FUNCTION: CERT_EnableOCSPChecking
- *   Turns on OCSP checking for the given certificate database.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Certificate database for which OCSP checking will be enabled.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred (likely only problem
- *   allocating memory); SECSuccess otherwise.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_EnableOCSPChecking(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DisableOCSPChecking
- *   Turns off OCSP checking for the given certificate database.
- *   This routine disables OCSP checking.  Though it will return
- *   SECFailure if OCSP checking is not enabled, it is "safe" to
- *   call it that way and just ignore the return value, if it is
- *   easier to just call it than to "remember" whether it is enabled.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Certificate database for which OCSP checking will be disabled.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred (usually means that OCSP
- *   checking was not enabled or status contexts were not initialized --
- *   error set will be SEC_ERROR_OCSP_NOT_ENABLED); SECSuccess otherwise.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_DisableOCSPChecking(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_SetOCSPDefaultResponder
- *   Specify the location and cert of the default responder.
- *   If OCSP checking is already enabled *and* use of a default responder
- *   is also already enabled, all OCSP checking from now on will go directly
- *   to the specified responder.  If OCSP checking is not enabled, or if
- *   it is but use of a default responder is not enabled, the information
- *   will be recorded and take effect whenever both are enabled.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Cert database on which OCSP checking should use the default responder.
- *   const char *url
- *     The location of the default responder (e.g. "")
- *     Note that the location will not be tested until the first attempt
- *     to send a request there.
- *   const char *name
- *     The nickname of the cert to trust (expected) to sign the OCSP responses.
- *     If the corresponding cert cannot be found, SECFailure is returned.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred; SECSuccess otherwise.
- *   The most likely error is that the cert for "name" could not be found
- *   (probably SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT).  Other errors are low-level (no memory,
- *   bad database, etc.).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_SetOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                             const char *url, const char *name);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_EnableOCSPDefaultResponder
- *   Turns on use of a default responder when OCSP checking.
- *   If OCSP checking is already enabled, this will make subsequent checks
- *   go directly to the default responder.  (The location of the responder
- *   and the nickname of the responder cert must already be specified.)
- *   If OCSP checking is not enabled, this will be recorded and take effect
- *   whenever it is enabled.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Cert database on which OCSP checking should use the default responder.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred; SECSuccess otherwise.
- *   No errors are especially likely unless the caller did not previously
- *   perform a successful call to SetOCSPDefaultResponder (in which case
- *   the error set will be SEC_ERROR_OCSP_NO_DEFAULT_RESPONDER).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_EnableOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder
- *   Turns off use of a default responder when OCSP checking.
- *   (Does nothing if use of a default responder is not enabled.)
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Cert database on which OCSP checking should stop using a default
- *     responder.
- *   Returns SECFailure if an error occurred; SECSuccess otherwise.
- *   Errors very unlikely (like random memory corruption...).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_DisableOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle);
-/* If forcePost is set, OCSP requests will only be sent using the HTTP POST
- * method. When forcePost is not set, OCSP requests will be sent using the
- * HTTP GET method, with a fallback to POST when we fail to receive a response
- * and/or when we receive an uncacheable response like "Unknown."
- *
- * The default is to use GET and fallback to POST.
- */
-extern SECStatus CERT_ForcePostMethodForOCSP(PRBool forcePost);
- * -------------------------------------------------------
- * The Functions above are those expected to be used by a client
- * providing OCSP status checking along with every cert verification.
- * The functions below are for OCSP testing, debugging, or clients
- * or servers performing more specialized OCSP tasks.
- * -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * FUNCTION: CERT_CreateOCSPRequest
- *   Creates a CERTOCSPRequest, requesting the status of the certs in
- *   the given list.
- *   CERTCertList *certList
- *     A list of certs for which status will be requested.
- *     Note that all of these certificates should have the same issuer,
- *     or it's expected the response will be signed by a trusted responder.
- *     If the certs need to be broken up into multiple requests, that
- *     must be handled by the caller (and thus by having multiple calls
- *     to this routine), who knows about where the request(s) are being
- *     sent and whether there are any trusted responders in place.
- *   PRTime time
- *     Indicates the time for which the certificate status is to be
- *     determined -- this may be used in the search for the cert's issuer
- *     but has no effect on the request itself.
- *   PRBool addServiceLocator
- *     If true, the Service Locator extension should be added to the
- *     single request(s) for each cert.
- *   CERTCertificate *signerCert
- *     If non-NULL, means sign the request using this cert.  Otherwise,
- *     do not sign.
- *     XXX note that request signing is not yet supported; see comment in code
- *   A pointer to a CERTOCSPRequest structure containing an OCSP request
- *   for the cert list.  On error, null is returned, with an error set
- *   indicating the reason.  This is likely SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER.
- *   (The issuer is needed to create a request for the certificate.)
- *   Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-extern CERTOCSPRequest *
-CERT_CreateOCSPRequest(CERTCertList *certList, PRTime time,
-                       PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                       CERTCertificate *signerCert);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses
- *   Add the AcceptableResponses extension to an OCSP Request.
- *   CERTOCSPRequest *request
- *     The request to which the extension should be added.
- *   SECOidTag responseType0, ...
- *     A list (of one or more) of SECOidTag -- each of the response types
- *     to be added.  The last OID *must* be SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE.
- *     (This marks the end of the list, and it must be specified because a
- *     client conforming to the OCSP standard is required to handle the basic
- *     response type.)  The OIDs are not checked in any way.
- *   SECSuccess if the extension is added; SECFailure if anything goes wrong.
- *   All errors are internal or low-level problems (e.g. no memory).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses(CERTOCSPRequest *request,
-                                SECOidTag responseType0, ...);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest
- *   DER encodes an OCSP Request, possibly adding a signature as well.
- *   XXX Signing is not yet supported, however; see comments in code.
- *   PLArenaPool *arena
- *     The return value is allocated from here.
- *     If a NULL is passed in, allocation is done from the heap instead.
- *   CERTOCSPRequest *request
- *     The request to be encoded.
- *   void *pwArg
- *     Pointer to argument for password prompting, if needed.  (Definitely
- *     not needed if not signing.)
- *   Returns a NULL on error and a pointer to the SECItem with the
- *   encoded value otherwise.  Any error is likely to be low-level
- *   (e.g. no memory).
- */
-extern SECItem *
-CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTOCSPRequest *request,
-                       void *pwArg);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DecodeOCSPRequest
- *   Decode a DER encoded OCSP Request.
- *   SECItem *src
- *     Pointer to a SECItem holding DER encoded OCSP Request.
- *   Returns a pointer to a CERTOCSPRequest containing the decoded request.
- *   On error, returns NULL.  Most likely error is trouble decoding
- *   (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_REQUEST), or low-level problem (no memory).
- */
-extern CERTOCSPRequest *
-CERT_DecodeOCSPRequest(const SECItem *src);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest
- *   Frees an OCSP Request structure.
- *   CERTOCSPRequest *request
- *     Pointer to CERTOCSPRequest to be freed.
- *   No return value; no errors.
- */
-extern void
-CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest(CERTOCSPRequest *request);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse
- *   Decode a DER encoded OCSP Response.
- *   SECItem *src
- *     Pointer to a SECItem holding DER encoded OCSP Response.
- *   Returns a pointer to a CERTOCSPResponse (the decoded OCSP Response);
- *   the caller is responsible for destroying it.  Or NULL if error (either
- *   response could not be decoded (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE),
- *   it was of an unexpected type (SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_TYPE),
- *   or a low-level or internal error occurred).
- */
-extern CERTOCSPResponse *
-CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse(const SECItem *src);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse
- *   Frees an OCSP Response structure.
- *   CERTOCSPResponse *request
- *     Pointer to CERTOCSPResponse to be freed.
- *   No return value; no errors.
- */
-extern void
-CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse(CERTOCSPResponse *response);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponse
- *   Creates and sends a request to an OCSP responder, then reads and
- *   returns the (encoded) response.
- *   PLArenaPool *arena
- *     Pointer to arena from which return value will be allocated.
- *     If NULL, result will be allocated from the heap (and thus should
- *     be freed via SECITEM_FreeItem).
- *   CERTCertList *certList
- *     A list of certs for which status will be requested.
- *     Note that all of these certificates should have the same issuer,
- *     or it's expected the response will be signed by a trusted responder.
- *     If the certs need to be broken up into multiple requests, that
- *     must be handled by the caller (and thus by having multiple calls
- *     to this routine), who knows about where the request(s) are being
- *     sent and whether there are any trusted responders in place.
- *   const char *location
- *     The location of the OCSP responder (a URL).
- *   PRTime time
- *     Indicates the time for which the certificate status is to be
- *     determined -- this may be used in the search for the cert's issuer
- *     but has no other bearing on the operation.
- *   PRBool addServiceLocator
- *     If true, the Service Locator extension should be added to the
- *     single request(s) for each cert.
- *   CERTCertificate *signerCert
- *     If non-NULL, means sign the request using this cert.  Otherwise,
- *     do not sign.
- *   void *pwArg
- *     Pointer to argument for password prompting, if needed.  (Definitely
- *     not needed if not signing.)
- *   CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest
- *     Pointer in which to store the OCSP request created for the given
- *     list of certificates.  It is only filled in if the entire operation
- *     is successful and the pointer is not null -- and in that case the
- *     caller is then reponsible for destroying it.
- *   Returns a pointer to the SECItem holding the response.
- *   On error, returns null with error set describing the reason:
- *   Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-extern SECItem *
-CERT_GetEncodedOCSPResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, CERTCertList *certList,
-                            const char *location, PRTime time,
-                            PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                            CERTCertificate *signerCert, void *pwArg,
-                            CERTOCSPRequest **pRequest);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature
- *   Check the signature on an OCSP Response.  Will also perform a
- *   verification of the signer's certificate.  Note, however, that a
- *   successful verification does not make any statement about the
- *   signer's *authority* to provide status for the certificate(s),
- *   that must be checked individually for each certificate.
- *   CERTOCSPResponse *response
- *     Pointer to response structure with signature to be checked.
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     Pointer to CERTCertDBHandle for certificate DB to use for verification.
- *   void *pwArg
- *     Pointer to argument for password prompting, if needed.
- *   CERTCertificate *issuerCert
- *     Issuer of the certificate that generated the OCSP request.
- *   CERTCertificate **pSignerCert
- *     Pointer in which to store signer's certificate; only filled-in if
- *     non-null.
- *   Returns SECSuccess when signature is valid, anything else means invalid.
- *   Possible errors set:
- *	SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_RESPONSE - unknown type of ResponderID
- *	SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME - bad format of "ProducedAt" time
- *	SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SIGNER - signer's cert could not be found
- *	SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE - the signature did not verify
- *   Other errors are any of the many possible failures in cert verification
- *   verifying the signer's cert, or low-level problems (no memory, etc.)
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature(CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                                 CERTCertDBHandle *handle, void *pwArg,
-                                 CERTCertificate **pSignerCert,
-                                 CERTCertificate *issuerCert);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation
- *   Get the value of the URI of the OCSP responder for the given cert.
- *   This is found in the (optional) Authority Information Access extension
- *   in the cert.
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     The certificate being examined.
- *   char *
- *     A copy of the URI for the OCSP method, if found.  If either the
- *     extension is not present or it does not contain an entry for OCSP,
- *     SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND will be set and a NULL returned.
- *     Any other error will also result in a NULL being returned.
- *
- *     This result should be freed (via PORT_Free) when no longer in use.
- */
-extern char *
-CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation(const CERTCertificate *cert);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_RegisterAlternateOCSPAIAInfoCallBack
- *   This function serves two purposes.
- *   1) It registers the address of a callback function that will be
- *   called for certs that have no OCSP AIA extension, to see if the
- *   callback wishes to supply an alternative URL for such an OCSP inquiry.
- *   2) It outputs the previously registered function's address to the
- *   address supplied by the caller, unless that is NULL.
- *   The registered callback function returns NULL, or an allocated string
- *   that may be subsequently freed by calling PORT_Free().
- *   SECSuccess or SECFailure (if the library is not yet intialized)
- */
-extern SECStatus
-    CERT_StringFromCertFcn newCallback,
-    CERT_StringFromCertFcn *oldCallback);
- *   Parse a URI into hostname, port, and path.  The scheme in the URI must
- *   be "http".
- *   const char *url
- *     The URI to be parsed
- *   char **pHostname
- *     Pointer to store the hostname obtained from the URI.
- *     This result should be freed (via PORT_Free) when no longer in use.
- *   PRUint16 *pPort
- *     Pointer to store the port number obtained from the URI.
- *   char **pPath
- *     Pointer to store the path obtained from the URI.
- *     This result should be freed (via PORT_Free) when no longer in use.
- *   Returns SECSuccess when parsing was successful. Returns SECFailure when
- *   problems were encountered.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_ParseURL(const char *url, char **pHostname, PRUint16 *pPort, char **pPath);
- *   Checks the status of a certificate via OCSP.  Will only check status for
- *   a certificate that has an AIA (Authority Information Access) extension
- *   for OCSP *or* when a "default responder" is specified and enabled.
- *   (If no AIA extension for OCSP and no default responder in place, the
- *   cert is considered to have a good status and SECSuccess is returned.)
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     the certificate being checked
- *   XXX in the long term also need a boolean parameter that specifies
- *	whether to check the cert chain, as well; for now we check only
- *	the leaf (the specified certificate)
- *   PRTime time
- *     time for which status is to be determined
- *   void *pwArg
- *     argument for password prompting, if needed
- *   Returns SECSuccess if an approved OCSP responder "knows" the cert
- *   *and* returns a non-revoked status for it; SECFailure otherwise,
- *   with an error set describing the reason:
- *
- *
- *
- *   Other errors are any of the many possible failures in cert verification
- *   verifying the signer's cert, or low-level problems (error allocating
- *   memory, error performing ASN.1 decoding, etc.).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_CheckOCSPStatus(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                     PRTime time, void *pwArg);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_CacheOCSPResponseFromSideChannel
- *   First, this function checks the OCSP cache to see if a good response
- *   for the given certificate already exists. If it does, then the function
- *   returns successfully.
- *
- *   If not, then it validates that the given OCSP response is a valid,
- *   good response for the given certificate and inserts it into the
- *   cache.
- *
- *   This function is intended for use when OCSP responses are provided via a
- *   side-channel, i.e. TLS OCSP stapling (a.k.a. the status_request extension).
- *
- *   CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *     certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *   CERTCertificate *cert
- *     the certificate being checked
- *   PRTime time
- *     time for which status is to be determined
- *   SECItem *encodedResponse
- *     the DER encoded bytes of the OCSP response
- *   void *pwArg
- *     argument for password prompting, if needed
- *   SECSuccess if the cert was found in the cache, or if the OCSP response was
- *   found to be valid and inserted into the cache. SECFailure otherwise.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_CacheOCSPResponseFromSideChannel(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                      CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                      PRTime time,
-                                      const SECItem *encodedResponse,
-                                      void *pwArg);
- *  Returns the OCSP status contained in the passed in parameter response
- *  that corresponds to the certID passed in.
- *  CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *    certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *  CERTOCSPResponse *response
- *    the OCSP response we want to retrieve status from.
- *  CERTOCSPCertID *certID
- *    the ID we want to look for from the response.
- *  CERTCertificate *signerCert
- *    the certificate that was used to sign the OCSP response.
- *    must be obtained via a call to CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature.
- *  PRTime time
- *    The time at which we're checking the status for.
- *  RETURN:
- *    Return values are the same as those for CERT_CheckOCSPStatus
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_GetOCSPStatusForCertID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                            CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                            CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                            CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                            PRTime time);
- * FUNCTION CERT_GetOCSPResponseStatus
- *   Returns the response status for the response passed.
- *   CERTOCSPResponse *response
- *     The response to query for status
- *  RETURN:
- *    Returns SECSuccess if the response has a successful status value.
- *    Otherwise it returns SECFailure and sets one of the following error
- *    codes via PORT_SetError
- */
-extern SECStatus
-CERT_GetOCSPResponseStatus(CERTOCSPResponse *response);
- *  Returns the OCSP certID for the certificate passed in.
- *  CERTCertificate *cert
- *    The certificate for which to create the certID for.
- *  PRTime time
- *    The time at which the id is requested for.  This is used
- *    to determine the appropriate issuer for the cert since
- *    the issuing CA may be an older expired certificate.
- *  RETURN:
- *    A new copy of a CERTOCSPCertID*.  The memory for this certID
- *    should be freed by calling CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID when the
- *    certID is no longer necessary.
- */
-extern CERTOCSPCertID *
-CERT_CreateOCSPCertID(CERTCertificate *cert, PRTime time);
- *  Frees the memory associated with the certID passed in.
- *  CERTOCSPCertID* certID
- *    The certID that the caller no longer needs and wants to
- *    free the associated memory.
- *  SECSuccess if freeing the memory was successful.  Returns
- *  SECFailure if the memory passed in was not allocated with
- *  a call to CERT_CreateOCSPCertID.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-extern CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseGood(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                  CERTOCSPCertID *id,
-                                  PRTime thisUpdate,
-                                  const PRTime *nextUpdate);
-extern CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseUnknown(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                     CERTOCSPCertID *id,
-                                     PRTime thisUpdate,
-                                     const PRTime *nextUpdate);
-extern CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-    PLArenaPool *arena,
-    CERTOCSPCertID *id,
-    PRTime thisUpdate,
-    const PRTime *nextUpdate,
-    PRTime revocationTime,
-    const CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *revocationReason);
-extern SECItem *
-    PLArenaPool *arena,
-    CERTCertificate *responderCert,
-    CERTOCSPResponderIDType responderIDType,
-    PRTime producedAt,
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse **responses,
-    void *wincx);
- * FUNCTION: CERT_CreateEncodedOCSPErrorResponse
- *  Creates an encoded OCSP response with an error response status.
- *  PLArenaPool *arena
- *    The return value is allocated from here.
- *    If a NULL is passed in, allocation is done from the heap instead.
- *  int error
- *    An NSS error code indicating an error response status. The error
- *    code is mapped to an OCSP response status as follows:
- *        SEC_ERROR_OCSP_MALFORMED_REQUEST -> malformedRequest
- *        SEC_ERROR_OCSP_SERVER_ERROR -> internalError
- *        SEC_ERROR_OCSP_TRY_SERVER_LATER -> tryLater
- *        SEC_ERROR_OCSP_REQUEST_NEEDS_SIG -> sigRequired
- *        SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST -> unauthorized
- *    where the OCSP response status is an enumerated type defined in
- *    RFC 2560:
- *    OCSPResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
- *        successful           (0),     --Response has valid confirmations
- *        malformedRequest     (1),     --Illegal confirmation request
- *        internalError        (2),     --Internal error in issuer
- *        tryLater             (3),     --Try again later
- *                                      --(4) is not used
- *        sigRequired          (5),     --Must sign the request
- *        unauthorized         (6)      --Request unauthorized
- *    }
- *   Returns a pointer to the SECItem holding the response.
- *   On error, returns null with error set describing the reason:
- *   Other errors are low-level problems (no memory, bad database, etc.).
- */
-extern SECItem *
-CERT_CreateEncodedOCSPErrorResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, int error);
-/* Sends an OCSP request using the HTTP POST method to the location addressed
- * by the URL in |location| parameter. The request body will be
- * |encodedRequest|, which must be a valid encoded OCSP request. On success,
- * the server's response is returned and the caller must free it using
- * SECITEM_FreeItem. On failure, NULL is returned. No parsing or validation of
- * the HTTP response is done.
- *
- * If a default HTTP client has been registered with
- * SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient then that client is used. Otherwise, an
- * internal HTTP client is used.
- */
-SECItem *CERT_PostOCSPRequest(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *location,
-                              const SECItem *encodedRequest);
-#endif /* _OCSP_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspi.h b/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c946d9f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * ocspi.h - NSS internal interfaces to OCSP code
- */
-#ifndef _OCSPI_H_
-#define _OCSPI_H_
-SECStatus OCSP_InitGlobal(void);
-SECStatus OCSP_ShutdownGlobal(void);
-ocspResponseData *
-ocsp_GetResponseData(CERTOCSPResponse *response, SECItem **tbsResponseDataDER);
-ocspSignature *
-ocsp_GetResponseSignature(CERTOCSPResponse *response);
-SECItem *
-ocsp_DigestValue(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag digestAlg,
-                 SECItem *fill, const SECItem *src);
-ocsp_CertIsOCSPDefaultResponder(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert);
-CERTCertificate *
-ocsp_GetSignerCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, ocspResponseData *tbsData,
-                          ocspSignature *signature, CERTCertificate *issuer);
-ocsp_VerifyResponseSignature(CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                             ocspSignature *signature,
-                             SECItem *tbsResponseDataDER,
-                             void *pwArg);
-CERTOCSPRequest *
-cert_CreateSingleCertOCSPRequest(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                 CERTCertificate *singleCert,
-                                 PRTime time,
-                                 PRBool addServiceLocator,
-                                 CERTCertificate *signerCert);
-typedef enum { ocspMissing,
-               ocspFresh,
-               ocspStale } OCSPFreshness;
-ocsp_GetCachedOCSPResponseStatus(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                 PRTime time,
-                                 PRBool ignoreOcspFailureMode,
-                                 SECStatus *rvOcsp,
-                                 SECErrorCodes *missingResponseError,
-                                 OCSPFreshness *freshness);
- * FUNCTION: cert_ProcessOCSPResponse
- *  Same behavior and basic parameters as CERT_GetOCSPStatusForCertID.
- *  In addition it can update the OCSP cache (using information
- *  available internally to this function).
- *  CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *    certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *  CERTOCSPResponse *response
- *    the OCSP response we want to retrieve status from.
- *  CERTOCSPCertID *certID
- *    the ID we want to look for from the response.
- *  CERTCertificate *signerCert
- *    the certificate that was used to sign the OCSP response.
- *    must be obtained via a call to CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature.
- *  PRTime time
- *    The time at which we're checking the status for.
- *  PRBool *certIDWasConsumed
- *    In and Out parameter.
- *    If certIDWasConsumed is NULL on input,
- *    this function might produce a deep copy of cert ID
- *    for storing it in the cache.
- *    If out value is true, ownership of parameter certID was
- *    transferred to the OCSP cache.
- *  SECStatus *cacheUpdateStatus
- *    This optional out parameter will contain the result
- *    of the cache update operation (if requested).
- *  RETURN:
- *    The return value is not influenced by the cache operation,
- *    it matches the documentation for CERT_CheckOCSPStatus
- */
-cert_ProcessOCSPResponse(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                         CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                         CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                         CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                         PRTime time,
-                         PRBool *certIDWasConsumed,
-                         SECStatus *cacheUpdateStatus);
- * FUNCTION: cert_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure
- *  If an application notices a failure during OCSP processing,
- *  it should finally call this function. The failure will be recorded
- *  in the OCSP cache in order to avoid repetitive failures.
- *  CERTOCSPCertID *certID
- *    the ID that was used for the failed OCSP processing
- *  PRBool *certIDWasConsumed
- *    Out parameter, if set to true, ownership of parameter certID was
- *    transferred to the OCSP cache.
- *  RETURN:
- *    Status of the cache update operation.
- */
-cert_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                   PRBool *certIDWasConsumed);
- * FUNCTION: ocsp_GetResponderLocation
- *  Check ocspx context for user-designated responder URI first. If not
- *  found, checks cert AIA extension.
- *  CERTCertDBHandle *handle
- *    certificate DB of the cert that is being checked
- *  CERTCertificate *cert
- *     The certificate being examined.
- *  PRBool *certIDWasConsumed
- *    Out parameter, if set to true, URI of default responder is
- *    returned.
- *  RETURN:
- *    Responder URI.
- */
-char *
-ocsp_GetResponderLocation(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                          CERTCertificate *cert,
-                          PRBool canUseDefaultLocation,
-                          PRBool *isDefault);
-/* FUNCTION: ocsp_FetchingFailureIsVerificationFailure
- * The function checks the global ocsp settings and
- * tells how to treat an ocsp response fetching failure.
- *   if PR_TRUE is returned, then treat fetching as a
- *   revoked cert status.
- */
-ocsp_UrlEncodeBase64Buf(const char *base64Buf, char *outputBuf);
-ocsp_GetVerifiedSingleResponseForCertID(CERTCertDBHandle *handle,
-                                        CERTOCSPResponse *response,
-                                        CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                                        CERTCertificate *signerCert,
-                                        PRTime time,
-                                        CERTOCSPSingleResponse **pSingleResponse);
-ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus(ocspCertStatus *status, PRTime time);
-ocsp_CacheSingleResponse(CERTOCSPCertID *certID,
-                         CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single,
-                         PRBool *certIDWasConsumed);
-#endif /* _OCSPI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspsig.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspsig.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 94606ba..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspsig.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "ocsp.h"
-#include "ocspti.h"
-#include "ocspi.h"
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponderIDByNameTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_ResponderIDByKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_OCSPResponseTemplate[];
-ocspCertStatus *
-ocsp_CreateCertStatus(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                      ocspCertStatusType status,
-                      PRTime revocationTime)
-    ocspCertStatus *cs;
-    if (!arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    switch (status) {
-        case ocspCertStatus_good:
-        case ocspCertStatus_unknown:
-        case ocspCertStatus_revoked:
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    cs = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, ocspCertStatus);
-    if (!cs)
-        return NULL;
-    cs->certStatusType = status;
-    switch (status) {
-        case ocspCertStatus_good:
-            cs->certStatusInfo.goodInfo = SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, NULL, 0);
-            if (!cs->certStatusInfo.goodInfo)
-                return NULL;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_unknown:
-            cs->certStatusInfo.unknownInfo = SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, NULL, 0);
-            if (!cs->certStatusInfo.unknownInfo)
-                return NULL;
-            break;
-        case ocspCertStatus_revoked:
-            cs->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo =
-                PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, ocspRevokedInfo);
-            if (!cs->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo)
-                return NULL;
-            cs->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationReason =
-                SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, NULL, 0);
-            if (!cs->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationReason)
-                return NULL;
-            if (DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(arena,
-                                               &cs->certStatusInfo.revokedInfo->revocationTime,
-                                               revocationTime) !=
-                SECSuccess)
-                return NULL;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_Assert(PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return cs;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_EnumeratedTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_PointerToEnumeratedTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, mySEC_EnumeratedTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_EncodeRevokedInfoTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(ocspRevokedInfo, revocationTime) },
-      offsetof(ocspRevokedInfo, revocationReason),
-      mySEC_PointerToEnumeratedTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_PointerToEncodeRevokedInfoTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0,
-      ocsp_EncodeRevokedInfoTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_NullTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_NULL, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_CertStatusTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(ocspCertStatus, certStatusType),
-      0, sizeof(ocspCertStatus) },
-      0, mySEC_NullTemplate, ocspCertStatus_good },
-      offsetof(ocspCertStatus, certStatusInfo.revokedInfo),
-      ocsp_PointerToEncodeRevokedInfoTemplate, ocspCertStatus_revoked },
-      0, mySEC_NullTemplate, ocspCertStatus_unknown },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID) },
-      offsetof(SECAlgorithmID, algorithm) },
-      offsetof(SECAlgorithmID, parameters) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_AnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_SequenceOfAnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, mySEC_AnyTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_PointerToSequenceOfAnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, mySEC_SequenceOfAnyTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_IntegerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_PointerToIntegerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, mySEC_IntegerTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate[] = {
-static const SEC_ASN1Template mySEC_PointerToGeneralizedTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, mySEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_myCertIDTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPCertID) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, hashAlgorithm),
-      mySECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, issuerNameHash) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, issuerKeyHash) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPCertID, serialNumber) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template myCERT_CertExtensionTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTCertExtension) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertExtension, id) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertExtension, critical) },
-      offsetof(CERTCertExtension, value) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template myCERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, myCERT_CertExtensionTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template myCERT_PointerToSequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, myCERT_SequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_mySingleResponseTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, certID),
-      ocsp_myCertIDTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY,
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, derCertStatus) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, thisUpdate) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, nextUpdate),
-      mySEC_PointerToGeneralizedTimeTemplate },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPSingleResponse, singleExtensions),
-      myCERT_PointerToSequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_myResponseDataTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspResponseData) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, version),
-      mySEC_PointerToIntegerTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY,
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, derResponderID) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, producedAt) },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, responses),
-      ocsp_mySingleResponseTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspResponseData, responseExtensions),
-      myCERT_PointerToSequenceOfCertExtensionTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_EncodeBasicOCSPResponseTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse) },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, tbsResponseData),
-      ocsp_myResponseDataTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, responseSignature.signatureAlgorithm),
-      mySECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, responseSignature.signature) },
-      offsetof(ocspBasicOCSPResponse, responseSignature.derCerts),
-      mySEC_PointerToSequenceOfAnyTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-ocsp_CreateSingleResponse(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                          CERTOCSPCertID *id, ocspCertStatus *status,
-                          PRTime thisUpdate, const PRTime *nextUpdate)
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse *sr;
-    if (!arena || !id || !status) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    sr = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTOCSPSingleResponse);
-    if (!sr)
-        return NULL;
-    sr->arena = arena;
-    sr->certID = id;
-    sr->certStatus = status;
-    if (DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(arena, &sr->thisUpdate, thisUpdate) !=
-        SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    sr->nextUpdate = NULL;
-    if (nextUpdate) {
-        sr->nextUpdate = SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, NULL, 0);
-        if (!sr->nextUpdate)
-            return NULL;
-        if (DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(arena, sr->nextUpdate, *nextUpdate) !=
-            SECSuccess)
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    sr->singleExtensions = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, CERTCertExtension *, 1);
-    if (!sr->singleExtensions)
-        return NULL;
-    sr->singleExtensions[0] = NULL;
-    if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &sr->derCertStatus,
-                            status, ocsp_CertStatusTemplate))
-        return NULL;
-    return sr;
-CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseGood(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                  CERTOCSPCertID *id,
-                                  PRTime thisUpdate,
-                                  const PRTime *nextUpdate)
-    ocspCertStatus *cs;
-    if (!arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    cs = ocsp_CreateCertStatus(arena, ocspCertStatus_good, 0);
-    if (!cs)
-        return NULL;
-    return ocsp_CreateSingleResponse(arena, id, cs, thisUpdate, nextUpdate);
-CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-CERT_CreateOCSPSingleResponseUnknown(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                     CERTOCSPCertID *id,
-                                     PRTime thisUpdate,
-                                     const PRTime *nextUpdate)
-    ocspCertStatus *cs;
-    if (!arena) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    cs = ocsp_CreateCertStatus(arena, ocspCertStatus_unknown, 0);
-    if (!cs)
-        return NULL;
-    return ocsp_CreateSingleResponse(arena, id, cs, thisUpdate, nextUpdate);
-CERTOCSPSingleResponse *
-    PLArenaPool *arena,
-    CERTOCSPCertID *id,
-    PRTime thisUpdate,
-    const PRTime *nextUpdate,
-    PRTime revocationTime,
-    const CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *revocationReason)
-    ocspCertStatus *cs;
-    /* revocationReason is not yet supported, so it must be NULL. */
-    if (!arena || revocationReason) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    cs = ocsp_CreateCertStatus(arena, ocspCertStatus_revoked, revocationTime);
-    if (!cs)
-        return NULL;
-    return ocsp_CreateSingleResponse(arena, id, cs, thisUpdate, nextUpdate);
-/* responderCert == 0 means:
- * create a response with an invalid signature (for testing purposes) */
-SECItem *
-    PLArenaPool *arena,
-    CERTCertificate *responderCert,
-    CERTOCSPResponderIDType responderIDType,
-    PRTime producedAt,
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse **responses,
-    void *wincx)
-    PLArenaPool *tmpArena;
-    ocspResponseData *rd = NULL;
-    ocspResponderID *rid = NULL;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *responderIDTemplate = NULL;
-    ocspBasicOCSPResponse *br = NULL;
-    ocspResponseBytes *rb = NULL;
-    CERTOCSPResponse *response = NULL;
-    SECOidTag algID;
-    SECOidData *od = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = NULL;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    if (!arena || !responses) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (responderIDType != ocspResponderID_byName &&
-        responderIDType != ocspResponderID_byKey) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    tmpArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!tmpArena)
-        return NULL;
-    rd = PORT_ArenaZNew(tmpArena, ocspResponseData);
-    if (!rd)
-        goto done;
-    rid = PORT_ArenaZNew(tmpArena, ocspResponderID);
-    if (!rid)
-        goto done;
-    br = PORT_ArenaZNew(tmpArena, ocspBasicOCSPResponse);
-    if (!br)
-        goto done;
-    rb = PORT_ArenaZNew(tmpArena, ocspResponseBytes);
-    if (!rb)
-        goto done;
-    response = PORT_ArenaZNew(tmpArena, CERTOCSPResponse);
-    if (!response)
-        goto done;
-    rd-> = NULL;
-    rd->version.len = 0;
-    rd->responseExtensions = NULL;
-    rd->responses = responses;
-    if (DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(tmpArena, &rd->producedAt, producedAt) !=
-        SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    if (!responderCert) {
-        /* use invalid signature for testing purposes */
-        unsigned char dummyChar = 'd';
-        SECItem dummy;
-        dummy.len = 1;
- = &dummyChar;
-        /* it's easier to produdce a keyHash out of nowhere,
-    	 * than to produce an encoded subject,
-    	 * so for our dummy response we always use byKey
-    	 */
-        rid->responderIDType = ocspResponderID_byKey;
-        if (!ocsp_DigestValue(tmpArena, SEC_OID_SHA1, &rid->responderIDValue.keyHash,
-                              &dummy))
-            goto done;
-        if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(tmpArena, &rd->derResponderID, rid,
-                                ocsp_ResponderIDByKeyTemplate))
-            goto done;
-        br->tbsResponseData = rd;
-        if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(tmpArena, &br->tbsResponseDataDER, br->tbsResponseData,
-                                ocsp_myResponseDataTemplate))
-            goto done;
-        br->responseSignature.derCerts = PORT_ArenaNewArray(tmpArena, SECItem *, 1);
-        if (!br->responseSignature.derCerts)
-            goto done;
-        br->responseSignature.derCerts[0] = NULL;
-        algID = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(rsaKey, SEC_OID_SHA1);
-        if (algID == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)
-            goto done;
-        /* match the regular signature code, which doesn't use the arena */
-        if (!SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, &br->responseSignature.signature, 1))
-            goto done;
-        PORT_Memcpy(br->, &dummyChar, 1);
-        /* convert len-in-bytes to len-in-bits */
-        br->responseSignature.signature.len = br->responseSignature.signature.len << 3;
-    } else {
-        rid->responderIDType = responderIDType;
-        if (responderIDType == ocspResponderID_byName) {
-            responderIDTemplate = ocsp_ResponderIDByNameTemplate;
-            if (CERT_CopyName(tmpArena, &rid->,
-                              &responderCert->subject) != SECSuccess)
-                goto done;
-        } else {
-            responderIDTemplate = ocsp_ResponderIDByKeyTemplate;
-            if (!CERT_GetSubjectPublicKeyDigest(tmpArena, responderCert,
-                                                SEC_OID_SHA1, &rid->responderIDValue.keyHash))
-                goto done;
-        }
-        if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(tmpArena, &rd->derResponderID, rid,
-                                responderIDTemplate))
-            goto done;
-        br->tbsResponseData = rd;
-        if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(tmpArena, &br->tbsResponseDataDER, br->tbsResponseData,
-                                ocsp_myResponseDataTemplate))
-            goto done;
-        br->responseSignature.derCerts = PORT_ArenaNewArray(tmpArena, SECItem *, 1);
-        if (!br->responseSignature.derCerts)
-            goto done;
-        br->responseSignature.derCerts[0] = NULL;
-        privKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(responderCert, wincx);
-        if (!privKey)
-            goto done;
-        algID = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(privKey->keyType, SEC_OID_SHA1);
-        if (algID == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)
-            goto done;
-        if (SEC_SignData(&br->responseSignature.signature,
-                         br->, br->tbsResponseDataDER.len,
-                         privKey, algID) !=
-            SECSuccess)
-            goto done;
-        /* convert len-in-bytes to len-in-bits */
-        br->responseSignature.signature.len = br->responseSignature.signature.len << 3;
-        /* br->responseSignature.signature wasn't allocated from arena,
-	     * we must free it when done. */
-    }
-    if (SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(tmpArena, &br->responseSignature.signatureAlgorithm, algID, 0) !=
-        SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(tmpArena, &rb->response, br,
-                            ocsp_EncodeBasicOCSPResponseTemplate))
-        goto done;
-    rb->responseTypeTag = SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE;
-    od = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(rb->responseTypeTag);
-    if (!od)
-        goto done;
-    rb->responseType = od->oid;
-    rb->decodedResponse.basic = br;
-    response->arena = tmpArena;
-    response->responseBytes = rb;
-    response->statusValue = ocspResponse_successful;
-    if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(tmpArena, &response->responseStatus,
-                               response->statusValue))
-        goto done;
-    result = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, response, ocsp_OCSPResponseTemplate);
-    if (privKey)
-        SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-    if (br && br->
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&br->responseSignature.signature, PR_FALSE);
-    PORT_FreeArena(tmpArena, PR_FALSE);
-    return result;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ocsp_OCSPErrorResponseTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTOCSPResponse) },
-      offsetof(CERTOCSPResponse, responseStatus) },
-    { 0, 0,
-      mySEC_NullTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-SECItem *
-CERT_CreateEncodedOCSPErrorResponse(PLArenaPool *arena, int error)
-    CERTOCSPResponse response;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    switch (error) {
-            response.statusValue = ocspResponse_malformedRequest;
-            break;
-            response.statusValue = ocspResponse_internalError;
-            break;
-            response.statusValue = ocspResponse_tryLater;
-            break;
-            response.statusValue = ocspResponse_sigRequired;
-            break;
-            response.statusValue = ocspResponse_unauthorized;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(NULL, &response.responseStatus,
-                               response.statusValue))
-        return NULL;
-    result = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, &response,
-                                ocsp_OCSPErrorResponseTemplate);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&response.responseStatus, PR_FALSE);
-    return result;
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspt.h b/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db429ff..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Public header for exported OCSP types.
- */
-#ifndef _OCSPT_H_
-#define _OCSPT_H_
- * The following are all opaque types.  If someone needs to get at
- * a field within, then we need to fix the API.  Try very hard not
- * make the type available to them.
- */
-typedef struct CERTOCSPRequestStr CERTOCSPRequest;
-typedef struct CERTOCSPResponseStr CERTOCSPResponse;
- * XXX I think only those first two above should need to be exported,
- * but until I know for certain I am leaving the rest of these here, too.
- */
-typedef struct CERTOCSPCertIDStr CERTOCSPCertID;
-typedef struct CERTOCSPSingleResponseStr CERTOCSPSingleResponse;
- * This interface is described in terms of an HttpClient which
- * supports at least a specified set of functions. (An implementer may
- * provide HttpClients with additional functionality accessible only to
- * users with a particular implementation in mind.) The basic behavior
- * is provided by defining a set of functions, listed in an
- * SEC_HttpServerFcnStruct. If the implementor of a SpecificHttpClient
- * registers his SpecificHttpClient as the default HttpClient, then his
- * functions will be called by the user of an HttpClient, such as an
- * OCSPChecker.
- *
- * The implementer of a specific HttpClient (e.g., the NSS-provided
- * DefaultHttpClient), populates an SEC_HttpClientFcnStruct, uses it to
- * register his client, and waits for his functions to be called.
- *
- * For future expandability, the SEC_HttpClientFcnStruct is defined as a
- * union, with the version field acting as a selector. The proposed
- * initial version of the structure is given following the definition
- * of the union. The HttpClientState structure is implementation-
- * dependent, and should be opaque to the user.
- */
- * This function creates a SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION object. The implementer of a
- * specific HttpClient will allocate the necessary space, when this
- * function is called, and will free it when the corresponding FreeFcn
- * is called. The SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION object is passed, as an opaque object,
- * to subsequent calls.
- *
- * If the function returns SECSuccess, the returned SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION
- * must be cleaned up with a call to SEC_HttpServer_FreeSession,
- * after processing is finished.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpServer_CreateSessionFcn)(
-    const char *host,
-    PRUint16 portnum,
- * This function is called to allow the implementation to attempt to keep
- * the connection alive. Depending on the underlying platform, it might
- * immediately return SECSuccess without having performed any operations.
- * (If a connection has not been kept alive, a subsequent call to
- * SEC_HttpRequest_TrySendAndReceiveFcn should reopen the connection
- * automatically.)
- *
- * If the connection uses nonblocking I/O, this function may return
- * SECWouldBlock and store a nonzero value at "pPollDesc". In that case
- * the caller may wait on the poll descriptor, and should call this function
- * again until SECSuccess (and a zero value at "pPollDesc") is obtained.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpServer_KeepAliveSessionFcn)(
-    PRPollDesc **pPollDesc);
- * This function frees the client SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION object, closes all
- * SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSIONs created for that server, discards all partial results,
- * frees any memory that was allocated by the client, and invalidates any
- * response pointers that might have been returned by prior server or request
- * functions.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpServer_FreeSessionFcn)(
- * This function creates a SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION object. The implementer of a
- * specific HttpClient will allocate the necessary space, when this
- * function is called, and will free it when the corresponding FreeFcn
- * is called. The SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION object is passed, as an opaque object,
- * to subsequent calls.
- *
- * An implementation that does not support the requested protocol variant
- * (usually "http", but could eventually allow "https") or request method
- * should return SECFailure.
- *
- * Timeout values may include the constants PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT (wait
- * forever) or PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT (nonblocking I/O).
- *
- * If the function returns SECSuccess, the returned SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION
- * must be cleaned up with a call to SEC_HttpRequest_FreeSession,
- * after processing is finished.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpRequest_CreateFcn)(
-    const char *http_protocol_variant, /* usually "http" */
-    const char *path_and_query_string,
-    const char *http_request_method,
-    const PRIntervalTime timeout,
- * This function sets data to be sent to the server for an HTTP request
- * of http_request_method == POST. If a particular implementation
- * supports it, the details for the POST request can be set by calling
- * this function, prior to activating the request with TrySendAndReceiveFcn.
- *
- * An implementation that does not support the POST method should
- * implement a SetPostDataFcn function that returns immediately.
- *
- * Setting http_content_type is optional, the parameter may
- * by NULL or the empty string.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpRequest_SetPostDataFcn)(
-    const char *http_data,
-    const PRUint32 http_data_len,
-    const char *http_content_type);
- * This function sets an additional HTTP protocol request header.
- * If a particular implementation supports it, one or multiple headers
- * can be added to the request by calling this function once or multiple
- * times, prior to activating the request with TryFcn.
- *
- * An implementation that does not support setting additional headers
- * should implement an AddRequestHeaderFcn function that returns immediately.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpRequest_AddHeaderFcn)(
-    const char *http_header_name,
-    const char *http_header_value);
- * This function initiates or continues an HTTP request. After
- * parameters have been set with the Create function and, optionally,
- * modified or enhanced with the AddParams function, this call creates
- * the socket connection and initiates the communication.
- *
- * If a timeout value of zero is specified, indicating non-blocking
- * I/O, the client creates a non-blocking socket, and returns a status
- * of SECWouldBlock and a non-NULL PRPollDesc if the operation is not
- * complete. In that case all other return parameters are undefined.
- * The caller is expected to repeat the call, possibly after using
- * PRPoll to determine that a completion has occurred, until a return
- * value of SECSuccess (and a NULL value for pPollDesc) or a return
- * value of SECFailure (indicating failure on the network level)
- * is obtained.
- *
- * http_response_data_len is both input and output parameter.
- * If a pointer to a PRUint32 is supplied, the http client is
- * expected to check the given integer value and always set an out
- * value, even on failure.
- * An input value of zero means, the caller will accept any response len.
- * A different input value indicates the maximum response value acceptable
- * to the caller.
- * If data is successfully read and the size is acceptable to the caller,
- * the function will return SECSuccess and set http_response_data_len to
- * the size of the block returned in http_response_data.
- * If the data read from the http server is larger than the acceptable
- * size, the function will return SECFailure.
- * http_response_data_len will be set to a value different from zero to
- * indicate the reason of the failure.
- * An out value of "0" means, the failure was unrelated to the
- * acceptable size.
- * An out value of "1" means, the result data is larger than the
- * accpeptable size, but the real size is not yet known to the http client
- * implementation and it stopped retrieving it,
- * Any other out value combined with a return value of SECFailure
- * will indicate the actual size of the server data.
- *
- * The caller is permitted to provide NULL values for any of the
- * http_response arguments, indicating the caller is not interested in
- * those values. If the caller does provide an address, the HttpClient
- * stores at that address a pointer to the corresponding argument, at
- * the completion of the operation.
- *
- * All returned pointers will be owned by the the HttpClient
- * implementation and will remain valid until the call to
- * SEC_HttpRequest_FreeFcn.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpRequest_TrySendAndReceiveFcn)(
-    PRPollDesc **pPollDesc,
-    PRUint16 *http_response_code,
-    const char **http_response_content_type,
-    const char **http_response_headers,
-    const char **http_response_data,
-    PRUint32 *http_response_data_len);
- * Calling CancelFcn asks for premature termination of the request.
- *
- * Future calls to SEC_HttpRequest_TrySendAndReceive should
- * by avoided, but in this case the HttpClient implementation
- * is expected to return immediately with SECFailure.
- *
- * After calling CancelFcn, a separate call to SEC_HttpRequest_FreeFcn
- * is still necessary to free resources.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpRequest_CancelFcn)(
- * Before calling this function, it must be assured the request
- * has been completed, i.e. either SEC_HttpRequest_TrySendAndReceiveFcn has
- * returned SECSuccess, or the request has been canceled with
- * a call to SEC_HttpRequest_CancelFcn.
- *
- * This function frees the client state object, closes all sockets,
- * discards all partial results, frees any memory that was allocated
- * by the client, and invalidates all response pointers that might
- * have been returned by SEC_HttpRequest_TrySendAndReceiveFcn
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*SEC_HttpRequest_FreeFcn)(
-typedef struct SEC_HttpClientFcnV1Struct {
-    SEC_HttpServer_CreateSessionFcn createSessionFcn;
-    SEC_HttpServer_KeepAliveSessionFcn keepAliveSessionFcn;
-    SEC_HttpServer_FreeSessionFcn freeSessionFcn;
-    SEC_HttpRequest_CreateFcn createFcn;
-    SEC_HttpRequest_SetPostDataFcn setPostDataFcn;
-    SEC_HttpRequest_AddHeaderFcn addHeaderFcn;
-    SEC_HttpRequest_TrySendAndReceiveFcn trySendAndReceiveFcn;
-    SEC_HttpRequest_CancelFcn cancelFcn;
-    SEC_HttpRequest_FreeFcn freeFcn;
-} SEC_HttpClientFcnV1;
-typedef struct SEC_HttpClientFcnStruct {
-    PRInt16 version;
-    union {
-        SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 ftable1;
-        /* SEC_HttpClientFcnV2 ftable2; */
-        /* ...                      */
-    } fcnTable;
-} SEC_HttpClientFcn;
- * ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure:
- * This is the classic behaviour of NSS.
- * Any OCSP failure is a verification failure (classic mode, default).
- * Without a good response, OCSP networking will be retried each time
- * it is required for verifying a cert.
- *
- * ocspMode_FailureIsNotAVerificationFailure:
- * If we fail to obtain a valid OCSP response, consider the
- * cert as good.
- * Failed OCSP attempts might get cached and not retried until
- * minimumSecondsToNextFetchAttempt.
- * If we are able to obtain a valid response, the cert
- * will be considered good, if either status is "good"
- * or the cert was not yet revoked at verification time.
- *
- * Additional failure modes might be added in the future.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    ocspMode_FailureIsVerificationFailure = 0,
-    ocspMode_FailureIsNotAVerificationFailure = 1
-} SEC_OcspFailureMode;
- * A ResponderID identifies the responder -- or more correctly, the
- * signer of the response.  The ASN.1 definition of a ResponderID is:
- *
- * ResponderID	::=	CHOICE {
- *	byName			[1] EXPLICIT Name,
- *	byKey			[2] EXPLICIT KeyHash }
- *
- * Because it is CHOICE, the type of identification used and the
- * identification itself are actually encoded together.  To represent
- * this same information internally, we explicitly define a type and
- * save it, along with the value, into a data structure.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    ocspResponderID_other = -1, /* unknown kind of responderID */
-    ocspResponderID_byName = 1,
-    ocspResponderID_byKey = 2
-} CERTOCSPResponderIDType;
-#endif /* _OCSPT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspti.h b/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9297db..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/ocspti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Private header defining OCSP types.
- */
-#ifndef _OCSPTI_H_
-#define _OCSPTI_H_
-#include "ocspt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
- * Some notes about naming conventions...
- *
- * The public data types all start with "CERTOCSP" (e.g. CERTOCSPRequest).
- * (Even the public types are opaque, however.  Only their names are
- * "exported".)
- *
- * Internal-only data types drop the "CERT" prefix and use only the
- * lower-case "ocsp" (e.g. ocspTBSRequest), for brevity sake.
- *
- * In either case, the base/suffix of the type name usually matches the
- * name as defined in the OCSP specification.  The exceptions to this are:
- *  - When there is overlap between the "OCSP" or "ocsp" prefix and
- *    the name used in the standard.  That is, you cannot strip off the
- *    "CERTOCSP" or "ocsp" prefix and necessarily get the name of the
- *    type as it is defined in the standard; the "real" name will be
- *    *either* "OCSPSuffix" or just "Suffix".
- *  - When the name in the standard was a little too generic.  (e.g. The
- *    standard defines "Request" but we call it a "SingleRequest".)
- *    In this case a comment above the type definition calls attention
- *    to the difference.
- *
- * The definitions laid out in this header file are intended to follow
- * the same order as the definitions in the OCSP specification itself.
- * With the OCSP standard in hand, you should be able to move through
- * this file and follow along.  To future modifiers of this file: please
- * try to keep it that way.  The only exceptions are the few cases where
- * we need to define a type before it is referenced (e.g. enumerations),
- * whereas in the OCSP specification these are usually defined the other
- * way around (reference before definition).
- */
- * Forward-declarations of internal-only data structures.
- *
- * These are in alphabetical order (case-insensitive); please keep it that way!
- */
-typedef struct ocspBasicOCSPResponseStr ocspBasicOCSPResponse;
-typedef struct ocspCertStatusStr ocspCertStatus;
-typedef struct ocspResponderIDStr ocspResponderID;
-typedef struct ocspResponseBytesStr ocspResponseBytes;
-typedef struct ocspResponseDataStr ocspResponseData;
-typedef struct ocspRevokedInfoStr ocspRevokedInfo;
-typedef struct ocspServiceLocatorStr ocspServiceLocator;
-typedef struct ocspSignatureStr ocspSignature;
-typedef struct ocspSingleRequestStr ocspSingleRequest;
-typedef struct ocspSingleResponseStr ocspSingleResponse;
-typedef struct ocspTBSRequestStr ocspTBSRequest;
- * An OCSPRequest; this is what is sent (encoded) to an OCSP responder.
- */
-struct CERTOCSPRequestStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    ocspTBSRequest *tbsRequest;
-    ocspSignature *optionalSignature;
- * A TBSRequest; when an OCSPRequest is signed, the encoding of this
- * is what the signature is actually applied to.  ("TBS" == To Be Signed)
- * Whether signed or not, however, this structure will be present, and
- * is the "meat" of the OCSPRequest.
- *
- * Note that the "requestorName" field cannot be encoded/decoded in the
- * same pass as the entire request -- it needs to be handled with a special
- * call to convert to/from our internal form of a GeneralName.  Thus the
- * "derRequestorName" field, which is the actual DER-encoded bytes.
- *
- * The "extensionHandle" field is used on creation only; it holds
- * in-progress extensions as they are optionally added to the request.
- */
-struct ocspTBSRequestStr {
-    SECItem version;                    /* an INTEGER */
-    SECItem *derRequestorName;          /* encoded GeneralName; see above */
-    CERTGeneralNameList *requestorName; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    ocspSingleRequest **requestList;
-    CERTCertExtension **requestExtensions;
-    void *extensionHandle; /* local; not part of encoding */
- * This is the actual signature information for an OCSPRequest (applied to
- * the TBSRequest structure) or for a BasicOCSPResponse (applied to a
- * ResponseData structure).
- *
- * Note that the "signature" field itself is a BIT STRING; operations on
- * it need to keep that in mind, converting the length to bytes as needed
- * and back again afterward (so that the length is usually expressing bits).
- *
- * The "cert" field is the signer's certificate.  In the case of a received
- * signature, it will be filled in when the signature is verified.  In the
- * case of a created signature, it is filled in on creation and will be the
- * cert used to create the signature when the signing-and-encoding occurs,
- * as well as the cert (and its chain) to fill in derCerts if requested.
- *
- * The extra fields cache information about the signature after we have
- * attempted a verification.  "wasChecked", if true, means the signature
- * has been checked against the appropriate data and thus that "status"
- * contains the result of that verification.  If "status" is not SECSuccess,
- * "failureReason" is a copy of the error code that was set at the time;
- * presumably it tells why the signature verification failed.
- */
-struct ocspSignatureStr {
-    SECAlgorithmID signatureAlgorithm;
-    SECItem signature;     /* a BIT STRING */
-    SECItem **derCerts;    /* a SEQUENCE OF Certificate */
-    CERTCertificate *cert; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    PRBool wasChecked;     /* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECStatus status;      /* local; not part of encoding */
-    int failureReason;     /* local; not part of encoding */
- * An OCSPRequest contains a SEQUENCE OF these, one for each certificate
- * whose status is being checked.
- *
- * Note that in the OCSP specification this is just called "Request",
- * but since that seemed confusing (vs. an OCSPRequest) and to be more
- * consistent with the parallel type "SingleResponse", I called it a
- * "SingleRequest".
- *
- * XXX figure out how to get rid of that arena -- there must be a way
- */
-struct ocspSingleRequestStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena; /* just a copy of the response arena,
-					 * needed here for extension handling
-					 * routines, on creation only */
-    CERTOCSPCertID *reqCert;
-    CERTCertExtension **singleRequestExtensions;
- * A CertID is the means of identifying a certificate, used both in requests
- * and in responses.
- *
- * When in a SingleRequest it specifies the certificate to be checked.
- * When in a SingleResponse it is the cert whose status is being given.
- */
-struct CERTOCSPCertIDStr {
-    SECAlgorithmID hashAlgorithm;
-    SECItem issuerNameHash;     /* an OCTET STRING */
-    SECItem issuerKeyHash;      /* an OCTET STRING */
-    SECItem serialNumber;       /* an INTEGER */
-    SECItem issuerSHA1NameHash; /* keep other hashes around when */
-    SECItem issuerMD5NameHash;  /* we have them */
-    SECItem issuerMD2NameHash;
-    SECItem issuerSHA1KeyHash; /* keep other hashes around when */
-    SECItem issuerMD5KeyHash;  /* we have them */
-    SECItem issuerMD2KeyHash;
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
- * This describes the value of the responseStatus field in an OCSPResponse.
- * The corresponding ASN.1 definition is:
- *
- * OCSPResponseStatus	::=	ENUMERATED {
- *	successful		(0),	--Response has valid confirmations
- *	malformedRequest	(1),	--Illegal confirmation request
- *	internalError		(2),	--Internal error in issuer
- *	tryLater		(3),	--Try again later
- *					--(4) is not used
- *	sigRequired		(5),	--Must sign the request
- *	unauthorized		(6),	--Request unauthorized
- * }
- */
-typedef enum {
-    ocspResponse_min = 0,
-    ocspResponse_successful = 0,
-    ocspResponse_malformedRequest = 1,
-    ocspResponse_internalError = 2,
-    ocspResponse_tryLater = 3,
-    ocspResponse_unused = 4,
-    ocspResponse_sigRequired = 5,
-    ocspResponse_unauthorized = 6,
-    ocspResponse_max = 6 /* Please update max when adding values.
-                          * Remember to also update arrays, e.g.
-                          * "responseStatusNames" in ocspclnt.c
-                          * and potentially other places. */
-} ocspResponseStatus;
- * An OCSPResponse is what is sent (encoded) by an OCSP responder.
- *
- * The field "responseStatus" is the ASN.1 encoded value; the field
- * "statusValue" is simply that same value translated into our local
- * type ocspResponseStatus.
- */
-struct CERTOCSPResponseStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;               /* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem responseStatus;           /* an ENUMERATED, see above */
-    ocspResponseStatus statusValue;   /* local; not part of encoding */
-    ocspResponseBytes *responseBytes; /* only when status is successful */
- * A ResponseBytes (despite appearances) is what contains the meat
- * of a successful response -- but still in encoded form.  The type
- * given as "responseType" tells you how to decode the string.
- *
- * We look at the OID and translate it into our local OID representation
- * "responseTypeTag", and use that value to tell us how to decode the
- * actual response itself.  For now the only kind of OCSP response we
- * know about is a BasicOCSPResponse.  However, the intention in the
- * OCSP specification is to allow for other response types, so we are
- * building in that flexibility from the start and thus put a pointer
- * to that data structure inside of a union.  Whenever OCSP adds more
- * response types, just add them to the union.
- */
-struct ocspResponseBytesStr {
-    SECItem responseType;      /* an OBJECT IDENTIFIER */
-    SECOidTag responseTypeTag; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem response;          /* an OCTET STRING */
-    union {
-        ocspBasicOCSPResponse *basic; /* when type is id-pkix-ocsp-basic */
-    } decodedResponse;                /* local; not part of encoding */
- * A BasicOCSPResponse -- when the responseType in a ResponseBytes is
- * id-pkix-ocsp-basic, the "response" OCTET STRING above is the DER
- * encoding of one of these.
- *
- * Note that in the OCSP specification, the signature fields are not
- * part of a separate sub-structure.  But since they are the same fields
- * as we define for the signature in a request, it made sense to share
- * the C data structure here and in some shared code to operate on them.
- */
-struct ocspBasicOCSPResponseStr {
-    SECItem tbsResponseDataDER;
-    ocspResponseData *tbsResponseData; /* "tbs" == To Be Signed */
-    ocspSignature responseSignature;
- * A ResponseData is the part of a BasicOCSPResponse that is signed
- * (after it is DER encoded).  It contains the real details of the response
- * (a per-certificate status).
- */
-struct ocspResponseDataStr {
-    SECItem version; /* an INTEGER */
-    SECItem derResponderID;
-    ocspResponderID *responderID; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem producedAt;           /* a GeneralizedTime */
-    CERTOCSPSingleResponse **responses;
-    CERTCertExtension **responseExtensions;
-struct ocspResponderIDStr {
-    CERTOCSPResponderIDType responderIDType; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    union {
-        CERTName name;   /* when ocspResponderID_byName */
-        SECItem keyHash; /* when ocspResponderID_byKey */
-        SECItem other;   /* when ocspResponderID_other */
-    } responderIDValue;
- * The ResponseData in a BasicOCSPResponse contains a SEQUENCE OF
- * SingleResponse -- one for each certificate whose status is being supplied.
- *
- * XXX figure out how to get rid of that arena -- there must be a way
- */
-struct CERTOCSPSingleResponseStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena; /* just a copy of the response arena,
-					 * needed here for extension handling
-					 * routines, on creation only */
-    CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
-    SECItem derCertStatus;
-    ocspCertStatus *certStatus; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem thisUpdate;         /* a GeneralizedTime */
-    SECItem *nextUpdate;        /* a GeneralizedTime */
-    CERTCertExtension **singleExtensions;
- * A CertStatus is the actual per-certificate status.  Its ASN.1 definition:
- *
- * CertStatus	::=	CHOICE {
- *	good			[0] IMPLICIT NULL,
- *	revoked			[1] IMPLICIT RevokedInfo,
- *	unknown			[2] IMPLICIT UnknownInfo }
- *
- * (where for now UnknownInfo is defined to be NULL but in the
- * future may be replaced with an enumeration).
- *
- * Because it is CHOICE, the status value and its associated information
- * (if any) are actually encoded together.  To represent this same
- * information internally, we explicitly define a type and save it,
- * along with the value, into a data structure.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    ocspCertStatus_good,    /* cert is not revoked */
-    ocspCertStatus_revoked, /* cert is revoked */
-    ocspCertStatus_unknown, /* cert was unknown to the responder */
-    ocspCertStatus_other    /* status was not an expected value */
-} ocspCertStatusType;
- * This is the actual per-certificate status.
- *
- * The "goodInfo" and "unknownInfo" items are only place-holders for a NULL.
- * (Though someday OCSP may replace UnknownInfo with an enumeration that
- * gives more detailed information.)
- */
-struct ocspCertStatusStr {
-    ocspCertStatusType certStatusType; /* local; not part of encoding */
-    union {
-        SECItem *goodInfo;            /* when ocspCertStatus_good */
-        ocspRevokedInfo *revokedInfo; /* when ocspCertStatus_revoked */
-        SECItem *unknownInfo;         /* when ocspCertStatus_unknown */
-        SECItem *otherInfo;           /* when ocspCertStatus_other */
-    } certStatusInfo;
- * A RevokedInfo gives information about a revoked certificate -- when it
- * was revoked and why.
- */
-struct ocspRevokedInfoStr {
-    SECItem revocationTime;    /* a GeneralizedTime */
-    SECItem *revocationReason; /* a CRLReason; ignored for now */
- * ServiceLocator can be included as one of the singleRequestExtensions.
- * When added, it specifies the (name of the) issuer of the cert being
- * checked, and optionally the value of the AuthorityInfoAccess extension
- * if the cert has one.
- */
-struct ocspServiceLocatorStr {
-    CERTName *issuer;
-    SECItem locator; /* DER encoded authInfoAccess extension from cert */
-#endif /* _OCSPTI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/xcrldist.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/xcrldist.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f74cdb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/certhigh/xcrldist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Code for dealing with x.509 v3 CRL Distribution Point extension.
- */
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-extern void PrepareBitStringForEncoding(SECItem *bitMap, SECItem *value);
-static const SEC_ASN1Template FullNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, derFullName),
-      CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template RelativeNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, distPoint.relativeName),
-      CERT_RDNTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template DistributionPointNameTemplate[] = {
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, distPointType), NULL,
-      sizeof(CRLDistributionPoint) },
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, derFullName),
-      CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate, generalName },
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, distPoint.relativeName),
-      CERT_RDNTemplate, relativeDistinguishedName },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template CRLDistributionPointTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CRLDistributionPoint) },
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, derDistPoint),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, bitsmap),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_BitStringTemplate) },
-          SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | 2,
-      offsetof(CRLDistributionPoint, derCrlIssuer),
-      CERT_GeneralNamesTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERTCRLDistributionPointsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, CRLDistributionPointTemplate }
-CERT_EncodeCRLDistributionPoints(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                 CERTCrlDistributionPoints *value,
-                                 SECItem *derValue)
-    CRLDistributionPoint **pointList, *point;
-    PLArenaPool *ourPool = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(derValue);
-    PORT_Assert(value && value->distPoints);
-    do {
-        ourPool = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-        if (ourPool == NULL) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        }
-        pointList = value->distPoints;
-        while (*pointList) {
-            point = *pointList;
-            point->derFullName = NULL;
-            point-> = NULL;
-            switch (point->distPointType) {
-                case generalName:
-                    point->derFullName = cert_EncodeGeneralNames(ourPool, point->distPoint.fullName);
-                    if (!point->derFullName ||
-                        !SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(ourPool, &point->derDistPoint,
-                                            point, FullNameTemplate))
-                        rv = SECFailure;
-                    break;
-                case relativeDistinguishedName:
-                    if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(ourPool, &point->derDistPoint,
-                                            point, RelativeNameTemplate))
-                        rv = SECFailure;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_VALUE_INVALID);
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            if (point->
-                PrepareBitStringForEncoding(&point->bitsmap, &point->reasons);
-            if (point->crlIssuer) {
-                point->derCrlIssuer = cert_EncodeGeneralNames(ourPool, point->crlIssuer);
-                if (!point->derCrlIssuer) {
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            ++pointList;
-        }
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            break;
-        if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, derValue, value,
-                                CERTCRLDistributionPointsTemplate)) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        }
-    } while (0);
-    PORT_FreeArena(ourPool, PR_FALSE);
-    return rv;
-CERTCrlDistributionPoints *
-CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *encodedValue)
-    CERTCrlDistributionPoints *value = NULL;
-    CRLDistributionPoint **pointList, *point;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem newEncodedValue;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    do {
-        value = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTCrlDistributionPoints);
-        if (value == NULL) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        }
-        /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-           into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newEncodedValue, encodedValue);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            break;
-        rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &value->distPoints,
-                                    CERTCRLDistributionPointsTemplate, &newEncodedValue);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            break;
-        pointList = value->distPoints;
-        while (NULL != (point = *pointList)) {
-            /* get the data if the distributionPointName is not omitted */
-            if (point-> != NULL) {
-                rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, point,
-                                            DistributionPointNameTemplate, &(point->derDistPoint));
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                switch (point->distPointType) {
-                    case generalName:
-                        point->distPoint.fullName =
-                            cert_DecodeGeneralNames(arena, point->derFullName);
-                        rv = point->distPoint.fullName ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-                        break;
-                    case relativeDistinguishedName:
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_VALUE_INVALID);
-                        rv = SECFailure;
-                        break;
-                } /* end switch */
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-            } /* end if */
-            /* Get the reason code if it's not omitted in the encoding */
-            if (point-> != NULL) {
-                SECItem bitsmap = point->bitsmap;
-                DER_ConvertBitString(&bitsmap);
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &point->reasons, &bitsmap);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-            }
-            /* Get the crl issuer name if it's not omitted in the encoding */
-            if (point->derCrlIssuer != NULL) {
-                point->crlIssuer = cert_DecodeGeneralNames(arena,
-                                                           point->derCrlIssuer);
-                if (!point->crlIssuer)
-                    break;
-            }
-            ++pointList;
-        } /* end while points remain */
-    } while (0);
-    return (rv == SECSuccess ? value : NULL);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/anchor.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/anchor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index af21c6a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/anchor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * builtins/anchor.c
- *
- * This file "anchors" the actual cryptoki entry points in this module's
- * shared library, which is required for dynamic loading.  See the
- * comments in nssck.api for more information.
- */
-#include "builtins.h"
-#define MODULE_NAME builtins
-#define INSTANCE_NAME (NSSCKMDInstance *)&nss_builtins_mdInstance
-#include "nssck.api"
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bfind.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bfind.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e5da1a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bfind.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef BUILTINS_H
-#include "builtins.h"
-#endif /* BUILTINS_H */
- * builtins/find.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKMDFindObjects object for the
- * "builtin objects" cryptoki module.
- */
-struct builtinsFOStr {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    CK_ULONG n;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    builtinsInternalObject **objs;
-static void
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    struct builtinsFOStr *fo = (struct builtinsFOStr *)mdFindObjects->etc;
-    NSSArena *arena = fo->arena;
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fo->objs);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fo);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(mdFindObjects);
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arena) {
-        NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return;
-static NSSCKMDObject *
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    struct builtinsFOStr *fo = (struct builtinsFOStr *)mdFindObjects->etc;
-    builtinsInternalObject *io;
-    if (fo->i == fo->n) {
-        *pError = CKR_OK;
-        return (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    io = fo->objs[fo->i];
-    fo->i++;
-    return nss_builtins_CreateMDObject(arena, io, pError);
-static int
-builtins_derUnwrapInt(unsigned char *src, int size, unsigned char **dest)
-    unsigned char *start = src;
-    int len = 0;
-    if (*src++ != 2) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    len = *src++;
-    if (len & 0x80) {
-        int count = len & 0x7f;
-        len = 0;
-        if (count + 2 > size) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        while (count-- > 0) {
-            len = (len << 8) | *src++;
-        }
-    }
-    if (len + (src - start) != size) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    *dest = src;
-    return len;
-static CK_BBOOL
-    const NSSItem *b)
-    PRBool prb;
-    if (a->ulValueLen != b->size) {
-        /* match a decoded serial number */
-        if ((a->type == CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER) && (a->ulValueLen < b->size)) {
-            int len;
-            unsigned char *data = NULL;
-            len = builtins_derUnwrapInt(b->data, b->size, &data);
-            if (data &&
-                (len == a->ulValueLen) &&
-                nsslibc_memequal(a->pValue, data, len, (PRStatus *)NULL)) {
-                return CK_TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    prb = nsslibc_memequal(a->pValue, b->data, b->size, (PRStatus *)NULL);
-    if (PR_TRUE == prb) {
-        return CK_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-static CK_BBOOL
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    builtinsInternalObject *o)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    for (i = 0; i < ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-        CK_ULONG j;
-        for (j = 0; j < o->n; j++) {
-            if (o->types[j] == pTemplate[i].type) {
-                if (CK_FALSE == builtins_attrmatch(&pTemplate[i], &o->items[j])) {
-                    return CK_FALSE;
-                } else {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (j == o->n) {
-            /* Loop ran to the end: no matching attribute */
-            return CK_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Every attribute passed */
-    return CK_TRUE;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    /* This could be made more efficient.  I'm rather rushed. */
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *rv = (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    struct builtinsFOStr *fo = (struct builtinsFOStr *)NULL;
-   * 99% of the time we get 0 or 1 matches. So we start with a small
-   * stack-allocated array to hold the matches and switch to a heap-allocated
-   * array later if the number of matches exceeds STACK_BUF_LENGTH.
-   */
-    builtinsInternalObject *stackTemp[STACK_BUF_LENGTH];
-    builtinsInternalObject **temp = stackTemp;
-    PRBool tempIsHeapAllocated = PR_FALSE;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL == arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKMDFindObjects);
-    if ((NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL == rv) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fo = nss_ZNEW(arena, struct builtinsFOStr);
-    if ((struct builtinsFOStr *)NULL == fo) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fo->arena = arena;
-    /* fo->n and fo->i are already zero */
-    rv->etc = (void *)fo;
-    rv->Final = builtins_mdFindObjects_Final;
-    rv->Next = builtins_mdFindObjects_Next;
-    rv->null = (void *)NULL;
-    for (i = 0; i < nss_builtins_nObjects; i++) {
-        builtinsInternalObject *o = (builtinsInternalObject *)&nss_builtins_data[i];
-        if (CK_TRUE == builtins_match(pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, o)) {
-            if (fo->n == STACK_BUF_LENGTH) {
-                /* Switch from the small stack array to a heap-allocated array large
-         * enough to handle matches in all remaining cases. */
-                temp = nss_ZNEWARRAY((NSSArena *)NULL, builtinsInternalObject *,
-                                     fo->n + nss_builtins_nObjects - i);
-                if ((builtinsInternalObject **)NULL == temp) {
-                    *pError =
-                        CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-                    goto loser;
-                }
-                tempIsHeapAllocated = PR_TRUE;
-                (void)nsslibc_memcpy(temp, stackTemp,
-                                     sizeof(builtinsInternalObject *) * fo->n);
-            }
-            temp[fo->n] = o;
-            fo->n++;
-        }
-    }
-    fo->objs = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, builtinsInternalObject *, fo->n);
-    if ((builtinsInternalObject **)NULL == fo->objs) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    (void)nsslibc_memcpy(fo->objs, temp, sizeof(builtinsInternalObject *) * fo->n);
-    if (tempIsHeapAllocated) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(temp);
-        temp = (builtinsInternalObject **)NULL;
-    }
-    return rv;
-    if (tempIsHeapAllocated) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(temp);
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fo);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL != arena) {
-        NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/binst.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/binst.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ca1dac8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/binst.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "builtins.h"
- * builtins/instance.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKMDInstance object for the
- * "builtin objects" cryptoki module.
- */
- * NSSCKMDInstance methods
- */
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (CK_ULONG)1;
-static CK_VERSION
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return nss_builtins_CryptokiVersion;
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_ManufacturerID;
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_LibraryDescription;
-static CK_VERSION
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#define NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE __nss_builtins_version
-#include "verref.h"
-    return nss_builtins_LibraryVersion;
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDSlot *slots[])
-    slots[0] = (NSSCKMDSlot *)&nss_builtins_mdSlot;
-    return CKR_OK;
-const NSSCKMDInstance
-    nss_builtins_mdInstance = {
-        (void *)NULL, /* etc */
-        NULL,         /* Initialize */
-        NULL,         /* Finalize */
-        builtins_mdInstance_GetNSlots,
-        builtins_mdInstance_GetCryptokiVersion,
-        builtins_mdInstance_GetManufacturerID,
-        builtins_mdInstance_GetLibraryDescription,
-        builtins_mdInstance_GetLibraryVersion,
-        NULL, /* ModuleHandlesSessionObjects -- defaults to false */
-        builtins_mdInstance_GetSlots,
-        NULL,        /* WaitForSlotEvent */
-        (void *)NULL /* null terminator */
-    };
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bobject.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bobject.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c0babd..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bobject.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "builtins.h"
- * builtins/object.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKMDObject object for the
- * "builtin objects" cryptoki module.
- */
- * Finalize - unneeded
- * IsTokenObject - CK_TRUE
- * GetAttributeCount
- * GetAttributeTypes
- * GetAttributeSize
- * GetAttribute
- * SetAttribute - unneeded
- * GetObjectSize
- */
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-static CK_BBOOL
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return CK_TRUE;
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    builtinsInternalObject *io = (builtinsInternalObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    return io->n;
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    builtinsInternalObject *io = (builtinsInternalObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    if (io->n != ulCount) {
-        return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < io->n; i++) {
-        typeArray[i] = io->types[i];
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    builtinsInternalObject *io = (builtinsInternalObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    for (i = 0; i < io->n; i++) {
-        if (attribute == io->types[i]) {
-            return (CK_ULONG)(io->items[i].size);
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-static NSSCKFWItem
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWItem mdItem;
-    builtinsInternalObject *io = (builtinsInternalObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    mdItem.needsFreeing = PR_FALSE;
-    mdItem.item = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    for (i = 0; i < io->n; i++) {
-        if (attribute == io->types[i]) {
-            mdItem.item = (NSSItem *)&io->items[i];
-            return mdItem;
-        }
-    }
-    return mdItem;
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    builtinsInternalObject *io = (builtinsInternalObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CK_ULONG rv = sizeof(CK_ULONG);
-    for (i = 0; i < io->n; i++) {
-        rv += sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE) + sizeof(NSSItem) + io->items[i].size;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static const NSSCKMDObject
-    builtins_prototype_mdObject = {
-        (void *)NULL, /* etc */
-        NULL,         /* Finalize */
-        builtins_mdObject_Destroy,
-        builtins_mdObject_IsTokenObject,
-        builtins_mdObject_GetAttributeCount,
-        builtins_mdObject_GetAttributeTypes,
-        builtins_mdObject_GetAttributeSize,
-        builtins_mdObject_GetAttribute,
-        NULL, /* FreeAttribute */
-        NULL, /* SetAttribute */
-        builtins_mdObject_GetObjectSize,
-        (void *)NULL /* null terminator */
-    };
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    builtinsInternalObject *io,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if ((void *)NULL == io->mdObject.etc) {
-        (void)nsslibc_memcpy(&io->mdObject, &builtins_prototype_mdObject,
-                             sizeof(builtins_prototype_mdObject));
-        io->mdObject.etc = (void *)io;
-    }
-    return &io->mdObject;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bsession.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bsession.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6828a49..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bsession.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "builtins.h"
- * builtins/session.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKMDSession object for the
- * "builtin objects" cryptoki module.
- */
-static NSSCKMDFindObjects *
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return nss_builtins_FindObjectsInit(fwSession, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDSession *rv;
-    arena = NSSCKFWSession_GetArena(fwSession, pError);
-    if ((NSSArena *)NULL == arena) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    rv = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKMDSession);
-    if ((NSSCKMDSession *)NULL == rv) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * rv was zeroed when allocated, so we only
-     * need to set the non-zero members.
-     */
-    rv->etc = (void *)fwSession;
-    /* rv->Close */
-    /* rv->GetDeviceError */
-    /* rv->Login */
-    /* rv->Logout */
-    /* rv->InitPIN */
-    /* rv->SetPIN */
-    /* rv->GetOperationStateLen */
-    /* rv->GetOperationState */
-    /* rv->SetOperationState */
-    /* rv->CreateObject */
-    /* rv->CopyObject */
-    rv->FindObjectsInit = builtins_mdSession_FindObjectsInit;
-    /* rv->SeedRandom */
-    /* rv->GetRandom */
-    /* rv->null */
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bslot.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bslot.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f2ef1ef..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/bslot.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "builtins.h"
- * builtins/slot.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKMDSlot object for the
- * "builtin objects" cryptoki module.
- */
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_SlotDescription;
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_ManufacturerID;
-static CK_VERSION
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return nss_builtins_HardwareVersion;
-static CK_VERSION
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return nss_builtins_FirmwareVersion;
-static NSSCKMDToken *
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSCKMDToken *)&nss_builtins_mdToken;
-const NSSCKMDSlot
-    nss_builtins_mdSlot = {
-        (void *)NULL, /* etc */
-        NULL,         /* Initialize */
-        NULL,         /* Destroy */
-        builtins_mdSlot_GetSlotDescription,
-        builtins_mdSlot_GetManufacturerID,
-        NULL, /* GetTokenPresent -- defaults to true */
-        NULL, /* GetRemovableDevice -- defaults to false */
-        NULL, /* GetHardwareSlot -- defaults to false */
-        builtins_mdSlot_GetHardwareVersion,
-        builtins_mdSlot_GetFirmwareVersion,
-        builtins_mdSlot_GetToken,
-        (void *)NULL /* null terminator */
-    };
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/btoken.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/btoken.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae1e138..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/btoken.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "builtins.h"
- * builtins/token.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKMDToken object for the
- * "builtin objects" cryptoki module.
- */
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_TokenLabel;
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_ManufacturerID;
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_TokenModel;
-static NSSUTF8 *
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return (NSSUTF8 *)nss_builtins_TokenSerialNumber;
-static CK_BBOOL
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return CK_TRUE;
-static CK_VERSION
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return nss_builtins_HardwareVersion;
-static CK_VERSION
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return nss_builtins_FirmwareVersion;
-static NSSCKMDSession *
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_BBOOL rw,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    return nss_builtins_CreateSession(fwSession, pError);
-const NSSCKMDToken
-    nss_builtins_mdToken = {
-        (void *)NULL, /* etc */
-        NULL,         /* Setup */
-        NULL,         /* Invalidate */
-        NULL,         /* InitToken -- default errs */
-        builtins_mdToken_GetLabel,
-        builtins_mdToken_GetManufacturerID,
-        builtins_mdToken_GetModel,
-        builtins_mdToken_GetSerialNumber,
-        NULL, /* GetHasRNG -- default is false */
-        builtins_mdToken_GetIsWriteProtected,
-        NULL, /* GetLoginRequired -- default is false */
-        NULL, /* GetUserPinInitialized -- default is false */
-        NULL, /* GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded -- irrelevant */
-        NULL, /* GetHasClockOnToken -- default is false */
-        NULL, /* GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath -- default is false */
-        NULL, /* GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations -- default is false */
-        NULL, /* GetMaxSessionCount -- default is CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-        NULL, /* GetMaxRwSessionCount -- default is CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-        NULL, /* GetMaxPinLen -- irrelevant */
-        NULL, /* GetMinPinLen -- irrelevant */
-        NULL, /* GetTotalPublicMemory -- default is CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-        NULL, /* GetFreePublicMemory -- default is CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-        NULL, /* GetTotalPrivateMemory -- default is CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-        NULL, /* GetFreePrivateMemory -- default is CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-        builtins_mdToken_GetHardwareVersion,
-        builtins_mdToken_GetFirmwareVersion,
-        NULL, /* GetUTCTime -- no clock */
-        builtins_mdToken_OpenSession,
-        NULL,        /* GetMechanismCount -- default is zero */
-        NULL,        /* GetMechanismTypes -- irrelevant */
-        NULL,        /* GetMechanism -- irrelevant */
-        (void *)NULL /* null terminator */
-    };
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/builtins.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/builtins.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a1693c2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/builtins.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "nssckmdt.h"
-#include "nssckfw.h"
- * I'm including this for access to the arena functions.
- * Looks like we should publish that API.
- */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
- * This is where the Netscape extensions live, at least for now.
- */
-#ifndef CKT_H
-#include "ckt.h"
-#endif /* CKT_H */
-struct builtinsInternalObjectStr {
-    CK_ULONG n;
-    const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *types;
-    const NSSItem *items;
-    NSSCKMDObject mdObject;
-typedef struct builtinsInternalObjectStr builtinsInternalObject;
-extern builtinsInternalObject nss_builtins_data[];
-extern const PRUint32 nss_builtins_nObjects;
-extern const CK_VERSION nss_builtins_CryptokiVersion;
-extern const CK_VERSION nss_builtins_LibraryVersion;
-extern const CK_VERSION nss_builtins_HardwareVersion;
-extern const CK_VERSION nss_builtins_FirmwareVersion;
-extern const NSSUTF8 nss_builtins_ManufacturerID[];
-extern const NSSUTF8 nss_builtins_LibraryDescription[];
-extern const NSSUTF8 nss_builtins_SlotDescription[];
-extern const NSSUTF8 nss_builtins_TokenLabel[];
-extern const NSSUTF8 nss_builtins_TokenModel[];
-extern const NSSUTF8 nss_builtins_TokenSerialNumber[];
-extern const NSSCKMDInstance nss_builtins_mdInstance;
-extern const NSSCKMDSlot nss_builtins_mdSlot;
-extern const NSSCKMDToken nss_builtins_mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    builtinsInternalObject *io,
-    CK_RV *pError);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8586385..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26149 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef BUILTINS_H
-#include "builtins.h"
-#endif /* BUILTINS_H */
-static const CK_BBOOL ck_false = CK_FALSE;
-static const CK_BBOOL ck_true = CK_TRUE;
-static const CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE ckc_x_509 = CKC_X_509;
-static const CK_OBJECT_CLASS cko_certificate = CKO_CERTIFICATE;
-static const CK_OBJECT_CLASS cko_nss_builtin_root_list = CKO_NSS_BUILTIN_ROOT_LIST;
-static const CK_OBJECT_CLASS cko_nss_trust = CKO_NSS_TRUST;
-static const CK_TRUST ckt_nss_must_verify_trust = CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST;
-static const CK_TRUST ckt_nss_not_trusted = CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED;
-static const CK_TRUST ckt_nss_trusted_delegator = CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR;
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_1 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_2 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_3 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_4 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_5 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_6 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_7 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_8 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_9 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_10 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_11 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_12 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_13 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_14 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_15 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_16 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_17 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_18 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_19 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_20 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_21 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_22 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_23 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_24 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_25 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_26 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_27 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_28 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_29 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_30 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_31 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_32 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_33 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_34 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_35 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_36 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_37 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_38 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_39 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_40 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_41 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_42 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_43 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_44 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_45 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_46 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_47 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_48 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_49 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_50 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_51 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_52 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_53 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_54 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_55 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_56 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_57 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_58 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_59 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_60 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_61 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_62 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_63 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_64 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_65 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_66 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_67 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_68 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_69 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_70 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_71 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_72 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_73 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_74 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_75 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_76 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_77 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_78 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_79 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_80 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_81 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_82 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_83 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_84 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_85 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_86 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_87 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_88 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_89 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_90 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_91 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_92 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_93 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_94 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_95 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_96 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_97 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_98 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_99 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_100 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_101 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_102 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_103 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_104 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_105 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_106 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_107 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_108 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_109 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_110 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_111 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_112 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_113 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_114 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_115 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_116 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_117 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_118 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_119 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_120 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_121 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_122 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_123 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_124 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_125 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_126 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_127 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_128 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_129 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_130 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_131 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_132 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_133 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_134 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_135 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_136 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_137 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_138 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_139 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_140 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_141 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_142 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_143 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_144 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_145 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_146 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_147 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_148 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_149 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_150 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_151 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_152 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_153 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_154 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_155 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_156 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_157 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_158 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_159 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_160 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_161 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_162 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_163 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_164 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_165 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_166 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_167 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_168 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_169 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_170 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_171 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_172 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_173 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_174 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_175 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_176 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_177 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_178 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_179 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_180 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_181 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_182 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_183 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_184 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_185 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_186 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_187 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_188 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_189 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_190 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_191 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_192 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_193 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_194 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_195 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_196 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_197 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_198 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_199 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_200 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_201 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_202 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_203 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_204 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_205 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_206 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_207 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_208 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_209 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_210 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_211 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_212 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_213 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_214 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_215 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_216 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_217 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_218 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_219 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_220 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_221 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_222 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_223 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_224 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_225 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_226 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_227 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_228 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_229 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_230 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_231 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_232 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_233 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_234 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_235 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_236 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_237 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_238 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_239 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_240 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_241 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_242 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_243 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_244 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_245 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_246 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_247 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_248 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_249 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_250 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_251 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_252 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_253 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_254 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_255 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_256 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_257 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_258 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_259 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_260 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_261 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_262 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_263 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_264 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_265 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_266 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_267 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_268 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_269 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_270 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_271 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_272 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_273 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_274 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_275 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_276 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_277 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_278 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_279 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_280 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_281 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_282 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_283 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_284 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_285 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_286 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_287 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_288 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_289 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_290 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_291 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_292 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_293 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_294 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_295 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_296 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_297 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_298 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_299 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_300 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_301 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_302 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_303 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_304 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_305 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_306 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_307 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_308 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_309 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_310 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_311 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_312 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_313 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_314 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_315 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_316 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_317 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_318 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_319 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_320 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_321 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_322 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_323 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_324 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_325 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_326 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_327 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_328 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_329 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_330 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_331 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_332 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_333 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_334 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_335 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_336 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_337 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_338 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_339 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_340 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_341 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_342 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_343 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_344 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_345 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_346 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_347 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_348 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_349 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_350 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_351 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_352 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_353 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_354 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_355 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_356 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_357 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_358 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_359 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_360 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_361 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_362 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_363 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_364 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_365 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_366 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_367 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_368 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_369 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_370 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_371 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_372 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_373 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_374 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_375 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_376 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_377 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_378 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_379 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_380 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_381 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_382 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_383 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_384 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_385 [] = {
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE nss_builtins_types_386 [] = {
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_1 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_builtin_root_list, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Mozilla Builtin Roots", (PRUint32)22 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_2 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Equifax Secure CA", (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\065\336\364\317"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\040\060\202\002\211\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\065"
-, (PRUint32)804 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_3 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Equifax Secure CA", (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\322\062\011\255\043\323\024\043\041\164\344\015\177\235\142\023"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\147\313\235\300\023\044\212\202\233\262\027\036\321\033\354\324"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\065\336\364\317"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_4 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Distrust a certificate that does not comply with the baseline requirements.", (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\025\171\024"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_5 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\160\272\344\035\020\331\051\064\266\070\312\173\003\314"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\074\060\202\001\245\002\020\160\272\344\035\020\331"
-, (PRUint32)576 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_6 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)"\164\054\061\222\346\007\344\044\353\105\111\124\053\341\273\305"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\020\374\143\135\366\046\076\015\363\045\276\137\171\315\147\147"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\160\272\344\035\020\331\051\064\266\070\312\173\003\314"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_7 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\301\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)196 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\301\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)196 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\271\057\140\314\210\237\241\172\106\011\270\133\160"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\003\060\202\002\154\002\021\000\271\057\140\314\210"
-, (PRUint32)775 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_8 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\263\352\304\107\166\311\310\034\352\362\235\225\266\314\240\010"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\055\273\345\045\323\321\145\202\072\267\016\372\346\353\342\341"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\301\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)196 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\271\057\140\314\210\237\241\172\106\011\270\133\160"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_9 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign Root CA", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\127\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)89 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\127\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)89 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\025\113\132\303\224"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\165\060\202\002\135\240\003\002\001\002\002\013\004"
-, (PRUint32)889 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_10 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign Root CA", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\261\274\226\213\324\364\235\142\052\250\232\201\362\025\001\122"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\076\105\122\025\011\121\222\341\267\135\067\237\261\207\051\212"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\127\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)89 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\025\113\132\303\224"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_11 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign Root CA - R2", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\114\061\040\060\036\006\003\125\004\013\023\027\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)78 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\114\061\040\060\036\006\003\125\004\013\023\027\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)78 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\017\206\046\346\015"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\272\060\202\002\242\240\003\002\001\002\002\013\004"
-, (PRUint32)958 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_12 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign Root CA - R2", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\165\340\253\266\023\205\022\047\034\004\370\137\335\336\070\344"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\224\024\167\176\076\136\375\217\060\275\101\260\317\347\320\060"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\114\061\040\060\036\006\003\125\004\013\023\027\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)78 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\017\206\046\346\015"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_13 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\213\133\165\126\204\124\205\013\000\317\257\070\110"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\032\060\202\003\002\002\021\000\213\133\165\126\204"
-, (PRUint32)1054 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_14 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\040\102\205\334\367\353\166\101\225\127\216\023\153\324\267\321"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\261\107\274\030\127\321\030\240\170\055\354\161\350\052\225\163"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\213\133\165\126\204\124\205\013\000\317\257\070\110"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_15 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\141\160\313\111\214\137\230\105\051\347\260\246\331\120"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\031\060\202\003\001\002\020\141\160\313\111\214\137"
-, (PRUint32)1053 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_16 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\141\357\103\327\177\312\324\141\121\274\230\340\303\131\022\257"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\370\276\304\143\042\311\250\106\164\213\270\035\036\112\053\366"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\141\160\313\111\214\137\230\105\051\347\260\246\331\120"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_17 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\233\176\006\111\243\076\142\271\325\356\220\110\161"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\032\060\202\003\002\002\021\000\233\176\006\111\243"
-, (PRUint32)1054 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_18 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\023\055\015\105\123\113\151\227\315\262\325\303\071\342\125\166"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\315\150\266\247\307\304\316\165\340\035\117\127\104\141\222\011"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\233\176\006\111\243\076\142\271\325\356\220\110\161"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_19 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Distrust: O=Egypt Trust, OU=VeriSign Trust Network (cert 1/3)", (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\114\000\066\033\345\010\053\251\252\316\164\012\005\076"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_20 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Distrust: O=Egypt Trust, OU=VeriSign Trust Network (cert 2/3)", (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\076\014\236\207\151\252\225\134\352\043\330\105\236\324"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_21 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Distrust: O=Egypt Trust, OU=VeriSign Trust Network (cert 3/3)", (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\022\275\046\242\256\063\300\177\044\173\152\130\151\362"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_22 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)" Premium 2048 Secure Server CA", (PRUint32)42 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\264\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\023\013\105\156"
-, (PRUint32)183 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\264\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\023\013\105\156"
-, (PRUint32)183 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\070\143\336\370"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\052\060\202\003\022\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\070"
-, (PRUint32)1070 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_23 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)" Premium 2048 Secure Server CA", (PRUint32)42 },
-  { (void *)"\120\060\006\011\035\227\324\365\256\071\367\313\347\222\175\175"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\356\051\061\274\062\176\232\346\350\265\367\121\264\064\161\220"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\264\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\023\013\105\156"
-, (PRUint32)183 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\070\143\336\370"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_24 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Baltimore CyberTrust Root", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\002\000\000\271"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\167\060\202\002\137\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\002"
-, (PRUint32)891 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_25 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Baltimore CyberTrust Root", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)"\324\336\040\320\136\146\374\123\376\032\120\210\054\170\333\050"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\254\266\224\245\234\027\340\327\221\122\233\261\227\006\246\344"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\002\000\000\271"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_26 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\220\060\202\001\371\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)660 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_27 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)"\176\170\112\020\034\202\145\314\055\341\361\155\107\264\100\312"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\217\135\167\006\047\304\230\074\133\223\170\347\327\175\233\314"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_28 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 1", (PRUint32)30 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\123\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)85 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\123\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)85 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\004"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\202\060\202\001\353\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\004"
-, (PRUint32)646 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_29 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 1", (PRUint32)30 },
-  { (void *)"\332\100\030\213\221\211\243\355\356\256\332\227\376\057\235\365"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\144\234\357\056\104\374\306\217\122\007\320\121\163\217\313\075"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\123\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)85 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\004"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_30 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust Low-Value Services Root", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\030\060\202\003\000\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1052 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_31 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust Low-Value Services Root", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)"\314\253\016\240\114\043\001\326\151\173\335\067\237\315\022\353"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\036\102\225\002\063\222\153\271\137\300\177\332\326\262\113\374"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_32 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust External Root", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\157\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)113 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\157\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)113 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\066\060\202\003\036\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1082 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_33 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust External Root", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\002\372\363\342\221\103\124\150\140\170\127\151\115\365\344\133"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\035\065\124\004\205\170\260\077\102\102\115\277\040\163\012\077"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\157\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)113 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_34 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust Public Services Root", (PRUint32)30 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\025\060\202\002\375\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1049 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_35 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust Public Services Root", (PRUint32)30 },
-  { (void *)"\052\266\050\110\136\170\373\363\255\236\171\020\335\153\337\231"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\301\142\076\043\305\202\163\234\003\131\113\053\351\167\111\177"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_36 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust Qualified Certificates Root", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\147\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)105 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\147\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)105 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\036\060\202\003\006\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1058 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_37 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AddTrust Qualified Certificates Root", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)"\115\043\170\354\221\225\071\265\000\177\165\217\003\073\041\036"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\047\354\071\107\315\332\132\257\342\232\001\145\041\251\114\273"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\147\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)105 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_38 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Entrust Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\260\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)179 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\260\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)179 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\105\153\120\124"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\221\060\202\003\171\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\105"
-, (PRUint32)1173 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_39 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Entrust Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)"\263\036\261\267\100\343\154\204\002\332\334\067\324\115\365\324"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\326\245\303\355\135\335\076\000\301\075\207\222\037\035\077\344"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\260\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)179 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\105\153\120\124"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_40 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"RSA Security 2048 v3", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\072\061\031\060\027\006\003\125\004\012\023\020\122\123\101"
-, (PRUint32)60 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\072\061\031\060\027\006\003\125\004\012\023\020\122\123\101"
-, (PRUint32)60 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\012\001\001\001\000\000\002\174\000\000\000\012\000\000"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\141\060\202\002\111\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\012"
-, (PRUint32)869 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_41 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"RSA Security 2048 v3", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\045\001\220\031\317\373\331\231\034\267\150\045\164\215\224\137"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\167\015\031\261\041\375\000\102\234\076\014\245\335\013\002\216"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\072\061\031\060\027\006\003\125\004\012\023\020\122\123\101"
-, (PRUint32)60 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\012\001\001\001\000\000\002\174\000\000\000\012\000\000"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_42 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Global CA", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\102\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)68 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\102\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)68 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\002\064\126"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\124\060\202\002\074\240\003\002\001\002\002\003\002"
-, (PRUint32)856 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_43 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Global CA", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\336\050\364\244\377\345\271\057\243\305\003\321\243\111\247\371"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\367\165\253\051\373\121\116\267\167\136\377\005\074\231\216\365"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\102\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)68 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\002\064\126"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_44 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Global CA 2", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\146\060\202\002\116\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)874 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_45 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Global CA 2", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\251\351\170\010\024\067\130\210\362\005\031\260\155\053\015\053"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\016\100\247\154\336\003\135\217\321\017\344\321\215\371\154\251"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_46 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Universal CA", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\150\060\202\003\120\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1388 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_47 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Universal CA", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\346\041\363\065\103\171\005\232\113\150\060\235\212\057\164\042"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\222\145\130\213\242\032\061\162\163\150\134\264\245\172\007\110"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_48 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Universal CA 2", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\154\060\202\003\124\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1392 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_49 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Universal CA 2", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\067\232\031\173\101\205\105\065\014\246\003\151\363\074\056\257"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\064\374\270\320\066\333\236\024\263\302\362\333\217\344\224\307"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_50 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Visa eCommerce Root", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\153\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)109 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\153\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)109 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\023\206\065\115\035\077\006\362\301\371\145\005\325\220"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\242\060\202\002\212\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\023"
-, (PRUint32)934 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_51 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Visa eCommerce Root", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\160\027\233\206\214\000\244\372\140\221\122\042\077\237\076\062"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\374\021\270\330\010\223\060\000\155\043\371\176\353\122\036\002"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\153\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)109 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\023\206\065\115\035\077\006\362\301\371\145\005\325\220"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_52 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certum Root CA", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\076\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)64 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\076\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)64 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\001\000\040"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\014\060\202\001\364\240\003\002\001\002\002\003\001"
-, (PRUint32)784 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_53 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certum Root CA", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)"\142\122\334\100\367\021\103\242\057\336\236\367\064\216\006\102"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\054\217\237\146\035\030\220\261\107\046\235\216\206\202\214\251"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\076\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)64 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\001\000\040"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_54 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Comodo AAA Services root", (PRUint32)25 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\173\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)125 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\173\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)125 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\062\060\202\003\032\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1078 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_55 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Comodo AAA Services root", (PRUint32)25 },
-  { (void *)"\321\353\043\244\155\027\326\217\331\045\144\302\361\361\140\027"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\111\171\004\260\353\207\031\254\107\260\274\021\121\233\164\320"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\173\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)125 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_56 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Comodo Secure Services root", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\176\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)128 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\176\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)128 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\077\060\202\003\047\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1091 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_57 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Comodo Secure Services root", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\112\145\325\364\035\357\071\270\270\220\112\112\323\144\201\063"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\323\331\275\256\237\254\147\044\263\310\033\122\341\271\251\275"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\176\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)128 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_58 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Comodo Trusted Services root", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\103\060\202\003\053\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1095 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_59 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Comodo Trusted Services root", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)"\341\237\343\016\213\204\140\236\200\233\027\015\162\250\305\272"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\221\033\077\156\315\236\253\356\007\376\037\161\322\263\141\047"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_60 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\072\266\120\213"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\320\060\202\004\270\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\072"
-, (PRUint32)1492 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_61 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)"\336\077\100\275\120\223\323\233\154\140\366\332\274\007\142\001"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\047\336\066\376\162\267\000\003\000\235\364\360\036\154\004\044"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\072\266\120\213"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_62 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 2", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\005\011"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\267\060\202\003\237\240\003\002\001\002\002\002\005"
-, (PRUint32)1467 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_63 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 2", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\312\072\373\317\022\100\066\113\104\262\026\040\210\200\110\071"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\136\071\173\335\370\272\354\202\351\254\142\272\014\124\000\053"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\005\011"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_64 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 3", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\005\306"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\235\060\202\004\205\240\003\002\001\002\002\002\005"
-, (PRUint32)1697 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_65 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 3", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\037\111\024\367\330\164\225\035\335\256\002\300\276\375\072\055"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\061\205\074\142\224\227\143\271\252\375\211\116\257\157\340\317"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\005\306"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_66 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Security Communication Root CA", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\132\060\202\002\102\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)862 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_67 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Security Communication Root CA", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\066\261\053\111\371\201\236\327\114\236\274\070\017\306\126\217"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\361\274\143\152\124\340\265\047\365\315\347\032\343\115\156\112"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_68 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Sonera Class 1 Root CA", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\071\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\111\061"
-, (PRUint32)59 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\071\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\111\061"
-, (PRUint32)59 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\044"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\040\060\202\002\010\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\044"
-, (PRUint32)804 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_69 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Sonera Class 1 Root CA", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\007\107\042\001\231\316\164\271\174\260\075\171\262\144\242\310"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\063\267\204\365\137\047\327\150\047\336\024\336\022\052\355\157"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\071\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\111\061"
-, (PRUint32)59 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\044"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_70 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Sonera Class 2 Root CA", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\071\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\111\061"
-, (PRUint32)59 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\071\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\111\061"
-, (PRUint32)59 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\035"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\040\060\202\002\010\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\035"
-, (PRUint32)804 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_71 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Sonera Class 2 Root CA", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\067\367\155\346\007\174\220\305\261\076\223\032\267\101\020\264"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\243\354\165\017\056\210\337\372\110\001\116\013\134\110\157\373"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\071\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\111\061"
-, (PRUint32)59 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\035"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_72 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"UTN USERFirst Email Root CA", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\276\014\213\120\000\044\264\021\323\066\045\045\147"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\242\060\202\003\212\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\104"
-, (PRUint32)1190 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"UTN USERFirst Email Root CA", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\261\162\261\245\155\225\371\037\345\002\207\341\115\067\352\152"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\327\064\075\357\035\047\011\050\341\061\002\133\023\053\335\367"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\276\014\213\120\000\044\264\021\323\066\045\045\147"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_74 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"UTN USERFirst Hardware Root CA", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\276\014\213\120\000\044\264\021\323\066\052\376\145"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\164\060\202\003\134\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\104"
-, (PRUint32)1144 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_75 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"UTN USERFirst Hardware Root CA", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\004\203\355\063\231\254\066\010\005\207\042\355\274\136\106\000"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\114\126\101\345\015\273\053\350\312\243\355\030\010\255\103\071"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\276\014\213\120\000\044\264\021\323\066\052\376\145"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_76 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"UTN USERFirst Object Root CA", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\225\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)152 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\225\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)152 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\276\014\213\120\000\044\264\021\323\066\055\340\263"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\146\060\202\003\116\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\104"
-, (PRUint32)1130 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_77 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"UTN USERFirst Object Root CA", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)"\341\055\373\113\101\327\331\303\053\060\121\113\254\035\201\330"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\247\362\344\026\006\101\021\120\060\153\234\343\264\234\260\311"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\225\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)152 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\276\014\213\120\000\044\264\021\323\066\055\340\263"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_78 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Camerfirma Chambers of Commerce Root", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\275\060\202\003\245\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)1217 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_79 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Camerfirma Chambers of Commerce Root", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)"\156\072\125\244\031\014\031\134\223\204\074\300\333\162\056\061"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\260\001\356\024\331\257\051\030\224\166\216\361\151\063\052\204"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\177\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)129 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_80 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Camerfirma Global Chambersign Root", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\305\060\202\003\255\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)1225 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_81 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Camerfirma Global Chambersign Root", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)"\063\233\153\024\120\044\233\125\172\001\207\162\204\331\340\057"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\305\346\173\277\006\320\117\103\355\304\172\145\212\373\153\031"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_82 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"XRamp Global CA Root", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\120\224\154\354\030\352\325\234\115\325\227\357\165\217"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\060\060\202\003\030\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\120"
-, (PRUint32)1076 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_83 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"XRamp Global CA Root", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\270\001\206\321\353\234\206\245\101\004\317\060\124\363\114\122"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\241\013\104\263\312\020\330\000\156\235\017\330\017\222\012\321"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\120\224\154\354\030\352\325\234\115\325\227\357\165\217"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_84 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Go Daddy Class 2 CA", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\000\060\202\002\350\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)1028 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_85 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Go Daddy Class 2 CA", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\047\226\272\346\077\030\001\342\167\046\033\240\327\167\160\002"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\221\336\006\045\253\332\375\062\027\014\273\045\027\052\204\147"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_86 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Starfield Class 2 CA", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\017\060\202\002\367\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)1043 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_87 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Starfield Class 2 CA", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\255\176\034\050\260\144\357\217\140\003\100\040\024\303\320\343"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\062\112\113\273\310\143\151\233\276\164\232\306\335\035\106\044"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_88 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"StartCom Certification Authority", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\007\311\060\202\005\261\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1997 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)"\076\053\367\362\003\033\226\363\214\346\304\330\250\135\076\055"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\042\115\217\212\374\367\065\302\273\127\064\220\173\213\042\026"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
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-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Taiwan GRCA", (PRUint32)12 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\077\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)65 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
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-  { (void *)"\002\020\037\235\131\132\327\057\302\006\104\245\200\010\151\343"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\162\060\202\003\132\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\037"
-, (PRUint32)1398 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Taiwan GRCA", (PRUint32)12 },
-  { (void *)"\364\213\021\277\336\253\276\224\124\040\161\346\101\336\153\276"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\067\205\104\123\062\105\037\040\360\363\225\341\045\304\103\116"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\077\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)65 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\037\235\131\132\327\057\302\006\104\245\200\010\151\343"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Swisscom Root CA 1", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\134\013\205\134\013\347\131\101\337\127\314\077\177\235"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\331\060\202\003\301\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\134"
-, (PRUint32)1501 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Swisscom Root CA 1", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\137\072\374\012\213\144\366\206\147\064\164\337\176\251\242\376"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\370\070\174\167\210\337\054\026\150\056\302\342\122\113\270\371"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\134\013\205\134\013\347\131\101\337\127\314\077\177\235"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Assured ID Root CA", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\014\347\340\345\027\330\106\376\217\345\140\374\033\360"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\267\060\202\002\237\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\014"
-, (PRUint32)955 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Assured ID Root CA", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\005\143\270\143\015\142\327\132\273\310\253\036\113\337\265\250"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\207\316\013\173\052\016\111\000\341\130\161\233\067\250\223\162"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\014\347\340\345\027\330\106\376\217\345\140\374\033\360"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Global Root CA", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\010\073\340\126\220\102\106\261\241\165\152\311\131\221"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\257\060\202\002\227\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\010"
-, (PRUint32)947 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Global Root CA", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\250\230\135\072\145\345\345\304\262\327\326\155\100\306\335\057"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\171\344\251\204\015\175\072\226\327\300\117\342\103\114\211\056"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\010\073\340\126\220\102\106\261\241\165\152\311\131\221"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\154\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)110 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\154\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)110 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\002\254\134\046\152\013\100\233\217\013\171\362\256\106"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\305\060\202\002\255\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\002"
-, (PRUint32)969 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)"\137\267\356\006\063\342\131\333\255\014\114\232\346\323\217\032"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\324\164\336\127\134\071\262\323\234\205\203\305\300\145\111\212"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\154\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)110 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\002\254\134\046\152\013\100\233\217\013\171\362\256\106"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certplus Class 2 Primary CA", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\075\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\075\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\205\275\113\363\330\332\343\151\366\224\327\137\303"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\222\060\202\002\172\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)918 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certplus Class 2 Primary CA", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\164\040\164\101\162\234\335\222\354\171\061\330\043\020\215\302"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\210\054\214\122\270\242\074\363\367\273\003\352\256\254\102\013"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\075\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\205\275\113\363\330\332\343\151\366\224\327\137\303"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DST Root CA X3", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\077\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\012\023\033\104\151\147"
-, (PRUint32)65 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\077\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\012\023\033\104\151\147"
-, (PRUint32)65 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\257\260\200\326\243\047\272\211\060\071\206\056\370"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\112\060\202\002\062\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\104"
-, (PRUint32)846 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DST Root CA X3", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)"\332\311\002\117\124\330\366\337\224\223\137\261\163\046\070\312"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\101\003\122\334\017\367\120\033\026\360\002\216\272\157\105\305"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\077\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\012\023\033\104\151\147"
-, (PRUint32)65 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\104\257\260\200\326\243\047\272\211\060\071\206\056\370"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DST ACES CA X6", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\133\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)93 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\133\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)93 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\015\136\231\012\326\235\267\170\354\330\007\126\073\206"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\011\060\202\002\361\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\015"
-, (PRUint32)1037 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DST ACES CA X6", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)"\100\124\332\157\034\077\100\164\254\355\017\354\315\333\171\321"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\041\330\114\202\053\231\011\063\242\353\024\044\215\216\137\350"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\133\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)93 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\015\136\231\012\326\235\267\170\354\330\007\126\073\206"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SwissSign Platinum CA - G2", (PRUint32)27 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\111\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)75 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\111\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)75 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\116\262\000\147\014\003\135\117"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\301\060\202\003\251\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\116"
-, (PRUint32)1477 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SwissSign Platinum CA - G2", (PRUint32)27 },
-  { (void *)"\126\340\372\300\073\217\030\043\125\030\345\323\021\312\350\302"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\311\230\047\167\050\036\075\016\025\074\204\000\270\205\003\346"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\111\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)75 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\116\262\000\147\014\003\135\117"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SwissSign Gold CA - G2", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\273\100\034\103\365\136\117\260"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\272\060\202\003\242\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)1470 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SwissSign Gold CA - G2", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\330\305\070\212\267\060\033\033\156\324\172\346\105\045\072\157"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\044\167\331\250\221\321\073\372\210\055\302\377\370\315\063\223"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\273\100\034\103\365\136\117\260"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_110 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SwissSign Silver CA - G2", (PRUint32)25 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\117\033\324\057\124\273\057\113"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\275\060\202\003\245\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\117"
-, (PRUint32)1473 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_111 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SwissSign Silver CA - G2", (PRUint32)25 },
-  { (void *)"\233\252\345\237\126\356\041\313\103\132\276\045\223\337\247\360"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\340\006\241\311\175\317\311\374\015\300\126\165\226\330\142\023"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\117\033\324\057\124\273\057\113"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_112 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority", (PRUint32)41 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\030\254\265\152\375\151\266\025\072\143\154\257\332\372"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\174\060\202\002\144\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\030"
-, (PRUint32)896 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_113 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority", (PRUint32)41 },
-  { (void *)"\062\074\021\216\033\367\270\266\122\124\342\342\020\015\326\002"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\002\046\303\001\136\010\060\067\103\251\320\175\317\067\346\277"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\030\254\265\152\375\151\266\025\072\143\154\257\332\372"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_114 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"thawte Primary Root CA", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\251\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)172 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\251\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)172 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\064\116\325\127\040\325\355\354\111\364\057\316\067\333"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\040\060\202\003\010\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\064"
-, (PRUint32)1060 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_115 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"thawte Primary Root CA", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\221\306\326\356\076\212\310\143\204\345\110\302\231\051\134\165"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\214\312\334\013\042\316\365\276\162\254\101\032\021\250\330\022"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\251\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)172 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\064\116\325\127\040\325\355\354\111\364\057\316\067\333"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_116 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\030\332\321\236\046\175\350\273\112\041\130\315\314\153"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\323\060\202\003\273\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\030"
-, (PRUint32)1239 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_117 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\116\266\325\170\111\233\034\317\137\130\036\255\126\276\075\233"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\313\027\344\061\147\076\342\011\376\105\127\223\363\012\372\034"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\030\332\321\236\046\175\350\273\112\041\130\315\314\153"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_118 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SecureTrust CA", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\014\360\216\134\010\026\245\255\102\177\360\353\047\030"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\270\060\202\002\240\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\014"
-, (PRUint32)956 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SecureTrust CA", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)"\207\202\306\303\004\065\073\317\322\226\222\322\131\076\175\104"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\334\062\303\247\155\045\127\307\150\011\235\352\055\251\242\321"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\014\360\216\134\010\026\245\255\102\177\360\353\047\030"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_120 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Secure Global CA", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\112\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)76 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\112\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)76 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\007\126\042\244\350\324\212\211\115\364\023\310\360\370"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\274\060\202\002\244\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\007"
-, (PRUint32)960 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Secure Global CA", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)"\072\104\163\132\345\201\220\037\044\206\141\106\036\073\234\304"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\317\364\047\015\324\355\334\145\026\111\155\075\332\277\156\336"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\112\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)76 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\007\126\042\244\350\324\212\211\115\364\023\310\360\370"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_122 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"COMODO Certification Authority", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\201\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)132 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\201\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)132 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\116\201\055\212\202\145\340\013\002\356\076\065\002\106"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\035\060\202\003\005\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\116"
-, (PRUint32)1057 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_123 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"COMODO Certification Authority", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\146\061\277\236\367\117\236\266\311\325\246\014\272\152\276\321"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\134\110\334\367\102\162\354\126\224\155\034\314\161\065\200\165"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\201\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)132 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\116\201\055\212\202\145\340\013\002\356\076\065\002\106"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_124 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Network Solutions Certificate Authority", (PRUint32)40 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\142\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)100 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\142\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)100 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\127\313\063\157\302\134\026\346\107\026\027\343\220\061"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\346\060\202\002\316\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\127"
-, (PRUint32)1002 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Network Solutions Certificate Authority", (PRUint32)40 },
-  { (void *)"\164\370\243\303\357\347\263\220\006\113\203\220\074\041\144\140"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\323\363\246\026\300\372\153\035\131\261\055\226\115\016\021\056"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
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-, (PRUint32)100 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\127\313\063\157\302\134\026\346\107\026\027\343\220\061"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority", (PRUint32)46 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\275\060\202\003\245\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1217 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority", (PRUint32)46 },
-  { (void *)"\347\264\366\235\141\354\220\151\333\176\220\247\100\032\074\364"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\025\254\245\302\222\055\171\274\350\177\313\147\355\002\317\066"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"COMODO ECC Certification Authority", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\037\107\257\252\142\000\160\120\124\114\001\236\233\143"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\211\060\202\002\017\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\037"
-, (PRUint32)653 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"COMODO ECC Certification Authority", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)"\237\164\116\237\053\115\272\354\017\061\054\120\266\126\073\216"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\174\142\377\164\235\061\123\136\150\112\325\170\252\036\277\043"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\037\107\257\252\142\000\160\120\124\114\001\236\233\143"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"MD5 Collisions Forged Rogue CA 25c3", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\072\060\070\006\003\125\004\003\023\061\115\104\065"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\102"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\062\060\202\003\233\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\102"
-, (PRUint32)1078 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"MD5 Collisions Forged Rogue CA 25c3", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)"\144\043\023\176\134\123\326\112\246\144\205\355\066\124\365\253"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\026\172\023\025\271\027\071\243\361\005\152\346\076\331\072\070"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\102"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_132 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"IGC/A", (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\005\071\021\105\020\224"
-, (PRUint32)7 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\002\060\202\002\352\240\003\002\001\002\002\005\071"
-, (PRUint32)1030 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"IGC/A", (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\140\326\211\164\265\302\145\236\212\017\301\210\174\210\322\106"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\014\177\335\152\364\052\271\310\233\275\040\176\251\333\134\067"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\005\071\021\105\020\224"
-, (PRUint32)7 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_134 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Distrusted AC DG Tresor SSL", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\060\113\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)77 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\003\035\247"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_135 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Security Communication EV RootCA1", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\140\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)98 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\140\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)98 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\175\060\202\002\145\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)897 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Security Communication EV RootCA1", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)"\376\270\304\062\334\371\166\232\316\256\075\330\220\217\375\050"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\042\055\246\001\352\174\012\367\360\154\126\103\077\167\166\323"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\140\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)98 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_137 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"OISTE WISeKey Global Root GA CA", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\212\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110"
-, (PRUint32)141 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\212\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110"
-, (PRUint32)141 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\101\075\162\307\364\153\037\201\103\175\361\322\050\124"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\361\060\202\002\331\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\101"
-, (PRUint32)1013 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"OISTE WISeKey Global Root GA CA", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)"\131\042\241\341\132\352\026\065\041\370\230\071\152\106\106\260"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\274\154\121\063\247\351\323\146\143\124\025\162\033\041\222\223"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\212\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110"
-, (PRUint32)141 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\101\075\162\307\364\153\037\201\103\175\361\322\050\124"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"S-TRUST Authentication and Encryption Root CA 2005 PN", (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\067\031\030\346\123\124\174\032\265\270\313\131\132\333"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\173\060\202\003\143\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\067"
-, (PRUint32)1151 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"S-TRUST Authentication and Encryption Root CA 2005 PN", (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"\276\265\251\225\164\153\236\337\163\213\126\346\337\103\172\167"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\004\113\375\311\154\332\052\062\205\174\131\204\141\106\212\144"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\067\031\030\346\123\124\174\032\265\270\313\131\132\333"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Microsec e-Szigno Root CA", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\162\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)116 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\162\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)116 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\314\270\347\277\116\051\032\375\242\334\146\245\034"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\007\250\060\202\006\220\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1964 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Microsec e-Szigno Root CA", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)"\043\210\311\323\161\314\236\226\075\377\175\074\247\316\374\326"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\360\226\266\057\305\020\325\147\216\203\045\062\350\136\056\345"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\162\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125\061"
-, (PRUint32)116 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\314\270\347\277\116\051\032\375\242\334\146\245\034"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certigna", (PRUint32)9 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\064\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\064\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\376\334\343\001\017\311\110\377"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\250\060\202\002\220\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)940 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_144 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certigna", (PRUint32)9 },
-  { (void *)"\261\056\023\143\105\206\244\157\032\262\140\150\067\130\055\304"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\253\127\246\133\175\102\202\031\265\330\130\046\050\136\375\377"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\064\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\376\334\343\001\017\311\110\377"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_145 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AC Ra\xC3\xADz Certic\xC3\xA1mara S.A.", (PRUint32)27 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\173\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)125 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\173\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)125 },
-  { (void *)"\002\017\007\176\122\223\173\340\025\343\127\360\151\214\313\354"
-, (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\146\060\202\004\116\240\003\002\001\002\002\017\007"
-, (PRUint32)1642 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AC Ra\xC3\xADz Certic\xC3\xA1mara S.A.", (PRUint32)27 },
-  { (void *)"\313\241\305\370\260\343\136\270\271\105\022\323\371\064\242\351"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\223\052\076\366\375\043\151\015\161\040\324\053\107\231\053\246"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\173\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)125 },
-  { (void *)"\002\017\007\176\122\223\173\340\025\343\127\360\151\214\313\354"
-, (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TC TrustCenter Class 3 CA II", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\166\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)120 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\166\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)120 },
-  { (void *)"\002\016\112\107\000\001\000\002\345\240\135\326\077\000\121\277"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\252\060\202\003\222\240\003\002\001\002\002\016\112"
-, (PRUint32)1198 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TC TrustCenter Class 3 CA II", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)"\200\045\357\364\156\160\310\324\162\044\145\204\376\100\073\212"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\126\137\252\200\141\022\027\366\147\041\346\053\155\141\126\216"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\166\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)120 },
-  { (void *)"\002\016\112\107\000\001\000\002\345\240\135\326\077\000\121\277"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2", (PRUint32)27 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\161\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)115 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\161\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)115 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\046"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\237\060\202\002\207\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\046"
-, (PRUint32)931 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2", (PRUint32)27 },
-  { (void *)"\205\244\010\300\234\031\076\135\121\130\175\315\326\023\060\375"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\164\001\112\221\261\010\304\130\316\107\315\360\335\021\123\010"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\161\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)115 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\046"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ComSign CA", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\064\061\023\060\021\006\003\125\004\003\023\012\103\157\155"
-, (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\064\061\023\060\021\006\003\125\004\003\023\012\103\157\155"
-, (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\024\023\226\203\024\125\214\352\173\143\345\374\064\207"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\223\060\202\002\173\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\024"
-, (PRUint32)919 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ComSign CA", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\341\244\133\024\032\041\332\032\171\364\032\102\251\141\326\151"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\315\364\071\363\265\030\120\327\076\244\305\221\240\076\041\113"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\064\061\023\060\021\006\003\125\004\003\023\012\103\157\155"
-, (PRUint32)54 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\024\023\226\203\024\125\214\352\173\143\345\374\064\207"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ComSign Secured CA", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\033\060\031\006\003\125\004\003\023\022\103\157\155"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\033\060\031\006\003\125\004\003\023\022\103\157\155"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\307\050\107\011\263\270\154\105\214\035\372\044\365"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\253\060\202\002\223\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)943 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ComSign Secured CA", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\371\315\016\054\332\166\044\301\217\275\360\360\253\266\105\270"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\100\001\045\006\215\041\103\152\016\103\000\234\347\103\363\325"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\033\060\031\006\003\125\004\003\023\022\103\157\155"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\307\050\107\011\263\270\154\105\214\035\372\044\365"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_155 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Cybertrust Global Root", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\073\061\030\060\026\006\003\125\004\012\023\017\103\171\142"
-, (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\073\061\030\060\026\006\003\125\004\012\023\017\103\171\142"
-, (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\017\205\252\055\110"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\241\060\202\002\211\240\003\002\001\002\002\013\004"
-, (PRUint32)933 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Cybertrust Global Root", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\137\103\345\261\277\370\170\214\254\034\307\312\112\232\306\042"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\162\344\112\207\343\151\100\200\167\352\274\343\364\377\360\341"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\073\061\030\060\026\006\003\125\004\012\023\017\103\171\142"
-, (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\017\205\252\055\110"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ePKI Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\136\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)96 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\136\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)96 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\025\310\275\145\107\134\257\270\227\000\136\344\006\322"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\260\060\202\003\230\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\025"
-, (PRUint32)1460 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ePKI Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)"\147\145\015\361\176\216\176\133\202\100\244\364\126\113\317\342"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\033\056\000\312\046\006\220\075\255\376\157\025\150\323\153\263"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\136\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)96 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\025\310\275\145\107\134\257\270\227\000\136\344\006\322"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"T\xc3\x9c\x42\xC4\xB0TAK UEKAE K\xC3\xB6k Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xc4\xb1\x63\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1 - S\xC3\xBCr\xC3\xBCm 3", (PRUint32)66 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\001\053\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124"
-, (PRUint32)303 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\001\053\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124"
-, (PRUint32)303 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\021"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\027\060\202\003\377\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\021"
-, (PRUint32)1307 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"T\xc3\x9c\x42\xC4\xB0TAK UEKAE K\xC3\xB6k Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xc4\xb1\x63\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1 - S\xC3\xBCr\xC3\xBCm 3", (PRUint32)66 },
-  { (void *)"\033\113\071\141\046\047\153\144\221\242\150\155\327\002\103\041"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\355\101\365\214\120\305\053\234\163\346\356\154\353\302\250\046"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\001\053\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124"
-, (PRUint32)303 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\021"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Buypass Class 2 CA 1", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\113\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)77 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\113\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)77 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\123\060\202\002\073\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)855 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_162 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Buypass Class 2 CA 1", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\240\241\253\220\311\374\204\173\073\022\141\350\227\175\137\323"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\270\010\232\360\003\314\033\015\310\154\013\166\241\165\144\043"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\113\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)77 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_163 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"EBG Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xc4\xb1\x63\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1", (PRUint32)48 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\200\061\070\060\066\006\003\125\004\003\014\057\105\102"
-, (PRUint32)131 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\200\061\070\060\066\006\003\125\004\003\014\057\105\102"
-, (PRUint32)131 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\114\257\163\102\034\216\164\002"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\347\060\202\003\317\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\114"
-, (PRUint32)1515 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"EBG Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xc4\xb1\x63\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1", (PRUint32)48 },
-  { (void *)"\214\226\272\353\335\053\007\007\110\356\060\062\146\240\363\230"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\054\040\046\235\313\032\112\000\205\265\267\132\256\302\001\067"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\200\061\070\060\066\006\003\125\004\003\014\057\105\102"
-, (PRUint32)131 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\114\257\163\102\034\216\164\002"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"certSIGN ROOT CA", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\073\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\122\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\073\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\122\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\040\006\005\026\160\002"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\070\060\202\002\040\240\003\002\001\002\002\006\040"
-, (PRUint32)828 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"certSIGN ROOT CA", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)"\372\267\356\066\227\046\142\373\055\260\052\366\277\003\375\350"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\030\230\300\326\351\072\374\371\260\365\014\367\113\001\104\027"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\073\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\122\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\040\006\005\026\160\002"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_167 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CNNIC ROOT", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\062\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)52 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\062\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)52 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\111\063\000\001"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\125\060\202\002\075\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\111"
-, (PRUint32)857 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CNNIC ROOT", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\213\257\114\233\035\360\052\222\367\332\022\216\271\033\254\364"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\041\274\202\253\111\304\023\073\113\262\053\134\153\220\234\031"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\062\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)52 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\111\063\000\001"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_169 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ApplicationCA - Japanese Government", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\103\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)69 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\103\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)69 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\061"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\240\060\202\002\210\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\061"
-, (PRUint32)932 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ApplicationCA - Japanese Government", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)"\177\212\260\317\320\121\207\152\146\363\066\017\107\310\215\214"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\176\043\116\133\247\245\264\045\351\000\007\164\021\142\256\326"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\103\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)69 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\061"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)46 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\025\254\156\224\031\262\171\113\101\366\047\251\303\030"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\376\060\202\002\346\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\025"
-, (PRUint32)1026 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3", (PRUint32)46 },
-  { (void *)"\003\236\355\270\013\347\240\074\151\123\211\073\040\322\331\062"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\265\350\064\066\311\020\104\130\110\160\155\056\203\324\270\005"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\025\254\156\224\031\262\171\113\101\366\047\251\303\030"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"thawte Primary Root CA - G2", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\204\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)135 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\204\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)135 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\065\374\046\134\331\204\117\311\075\046\075\127\233\256"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\210\060\202\002\015\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\065"
-, (PRUint32)652 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"thawte Primary Root CA - G2", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\252\333\274\042\043\217\304\001\241\047\273\070\335\364\035\333"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\164\235\352\140\044\304\375\042\123\076\314\072\162\331\051\117"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\204\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)135 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\065\374\046\134\331\204\117\311\075\046\075\127\233\256"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_175 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"thawte Primary Root CA - G3", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\140\001\227\267\106\247\352\264\264\232\326\113\057\367"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\052\060\202\003\022\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\140"
-, (PRUint32)1070 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"thawte Primary Root CA - G3", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\361\213\123\215\033\351\003\266\246\360\126\103\133\027\025\211"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\373\033\135\103\212\224\315\104\306\166\362\103\113\107\347\061"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\140\001\227\267\106\247\352\264\264\232\326\113\057\367"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2", (PRUint32)46 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\074\262\364\110\012\000\342\376\353\044\073\136\140\076"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\256\060\202\002\065\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\074"
-, (PRUint32)690 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2", (PRUint32)46 },
-  { (void *)"\215\027\204\325\067\363\003\175\354\160\376\127\213\121\232\231"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\001\136\330\153\275\157\075\216\241\061\370\022\340\230\163\152"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\074\262\364\110\012\000\342\376\353\044\073\136\140\076"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_179 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)48 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\275\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)192 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\275\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)192 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\100\032\304\144\041\263\023\041\003\016\273\344\022\032"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\271\060\202\003\241\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\100"
-, (PRUint32)1213 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)48 },
-  { (void *)"\066\171\312\065\146\207\162\060\115\060\245\373\207\073\017\247"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\216\255\265\001\252\115\201\344\214\035\321\341\024\000\225\031"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\275\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)192 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\100\032\304\144\041\263\023\041\003\016\273\344\022\032"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\057\200\376\043\214\016\042\017\110\147\022\050\221\207"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\204\060\202\003\012\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\057"
-, (PRUint32)904 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4", (PRUint32)61 },
-  { (void *)"\042\325\330\337\217\002\061\321\215\367\235\267\317\212\055\144"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\072\122\341\347\375\157\072\343\157\363\157\231\033\371\042\101"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\057\200\376\043\214\016\042\017\110\147\022\050\221\207"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_183 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"NetLock Arany (Class Gold) FÅ‘tanúsítvány", (PRUint32)45 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\247\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125"
-, (PRUint32)170 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\247\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125"
-, (PRUint32)170 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\111\101\054\344\000\020"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\025\060\202\002\375\240\003\002\001\002\002\006\111"
-, (PRUint32)1049 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"NetLock Arany (Class Gold) FÅ‘tanúsítvány", (PRUint32)45 },
-  { (void *)"\006\010\077\131\077\025\241\004\240\151\244\153\251\003\320\006"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\305\241\267\377\163\335\326\327\064\062\030\337\374\074\255\210"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\247\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125"
-, (PRUint32)170 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\111\101\054\344\000\020"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_185 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\000\230\226\214"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\312\060\202\003\262\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\000"
-, (PRUint32)1486 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_186 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)"\131\257\202\171\221\206\307\264\165\007\313\317\003\127\106\353"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\174\245\017\370\133\232\175\155\060\256\124\132\343\102\242\212"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\000\230\226\214"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_187 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Juur-SK", (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\135\061\030\060\026\006\011\052\206\110\206\367\015\001\011"
-, (PRUint32)95 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\135\061\030\060\026\006\011\052\206\110\206\367\015\001\011"
-, (PRUint32)95 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\073\216\113\374"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\346\060\202\003\316\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\073"
-, (PRUint32)1258 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_188 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Juur-SK", (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)"\100\235\113\331\027\265\134\047\266\233\144\313\230\042\104\015"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\252\216\135\331\370\333\012\130\267\215\046\207\154\202\065\125"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\135\061\030\060\026\006\011\052\206\110\206\367\015\001\011"
-, (PRUint32)95 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\073\216\113\374"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_189 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Hongkong Post Root CA 1", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\113\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\113\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\003\350"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\060\060\202\002\030\240\003\002\001\002\002\002\003"
-, (PRUint32)820 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_190 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Hongkong Post Root CA 1", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\326\332\250\040\215\011\322\025\115\044\265\057\313\064\156\262"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\250\015\157\071\170\271\103\155\167\102\155\230\132\314\043\312"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\107\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\113\061"
-, (PRUint32)73 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\003\350"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_191 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SecureSign RootCA11", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\155\060\202\002\125\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)881 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_192 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SecureSign RootCA11", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\073\304\237\110\370\363\163\240\234\036\275\370\133\261\303\145"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\267\122\164\342\222\264\200\223\362\165\344\314\327\362\352\046"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_193 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ACEDICOM Root", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\026\060\024\006\003\125\004\003\014\015\101\103\105"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\026\060\024\006\003\125\004\003\014\015\101\103\105"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\141\215\307\206\073\001\202\005"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\265\060\202\003\235\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\141"
-, (PRUint32)1465 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ACEDICOM Root", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)"\340\264\062\056\262\366\245\150\266\124\123\204\110\030\112\120"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\102\201\240\342\034\343\125\020\336\125\211\102\145\226\042\346"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\026\060\024\006\003\125\004\003\014\015\101\103\105"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\141\215\307\206\073\001\202\005"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_195 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\077\151\036\201\234\360\232\112\363\163\377\271\110\242"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\074\060\202\001\245\002\020\077\151\036\201\234\360"
-, (PRUint32)576 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_196 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)"\316\152\144\243\011\344\057\273\331\205\034\105\076\144\011\352"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\206\254\336\053\305\155\303\331\214\050\210\323\215\026\023\036"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\077\151\036\201\234\360\232\112\363\163\377\271\110\242"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_197 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\302\176\103\004\116\107\077\031"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\012\060\202\002\362\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)1038 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_198 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\211\337\164\376\134\364\017\112\200\371\343\067\175\124\332\221"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\370\111\364\003\274\104\055\203\276\110\151\175\051\144\374\261"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\110\125"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\302\176\103\004\116\107\077\031"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign Root CA - R3", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\114\061\040\060\036\006\003\125\004\013\023\027\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)78 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\114\061\040\060\036\006\003\125\004\013\023\027\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)78 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\041\130\123\010\242"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\137\060\202\002\107\240\003\002\001\002\002\013\004"
-, (PRUint32)867 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign Root CA - R3", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\326\233\126\021\110\360\034\167\305\105\170\301\011\046\337\133"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\305\337\270\111\312\005\023\125\356\055\272\032\303\076\260\050"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\114\061\040\060\036\006\003\125\004\013\023\027\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)78 },
-  { (void *)"\002\013\004\000\000\000\000\001\041\130\123\010\242"
-, (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_201 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068", (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\123\354\073\356\373\262\110\137"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\024\060\202\003\374\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\123"
-, (PRUint32)1560 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068", (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)"\256\305\373\077\310\341\277\304\345\117\003\007\132\232\350\000"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\163\072\164\172\354\273\243\226\246\302\344\342\310\233\300\303"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\123\354\073\356\373\262\110\137"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_203 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\070\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\070\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\000\260\267\132\026\110\137\277\341\313\365\213\327\031"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\361\060\202\003\331\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\000"
-, (PRUint32)1525 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\057\170\075\045\122\030\247\112\145\071\161\265\054\242\234\105"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\246\260\315\205\200\332\134\120\064\243\071\220\057\125\147\163"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\070\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\000\260\267\132\026\110\137\277\341\313\365\213\327\031"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_205 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\243\332\102\176\244\261\256\332"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\007\117\060\202\005\067\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)1875 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_206 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)"\170\152\164\254\166\253\024\177\234\152\060\120\272\236\250\176"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\136\200\236\204\132\016\145\013\027\002\363\125\030\052\076\327"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\256\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125"
-, (PRUint32)177 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\243\332\102\176\244\261\256\332"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_207 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Global Chambersign Root - 2008", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\254\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125"
-, (PRUint32)175 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\254\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125"
-, (PRUint32)175 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\311\315\323\351\325\175\043\316"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\007\111\060\202\005\061\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)1869 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Global Chambersign Root - 2008", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\112\275\356\354\225\015\065\234\211\256\307\122\241\054\133\051"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\236\200\377\170\001\014\056\301\066\275\376\226\220\156\010\363"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\254\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\125"
-, (PRUint32)175 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\311\315\323\351\325\175\043\316"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Mozilla Addons", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\342\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)229 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\222\071\325\064\217\100\321\151\132\164\124\160\341"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\370\060\202\004\340\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1532 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Mozilla Addons", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\213\321\172\242\313\304\203\244\304\033\031\243\232\014"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\204\305\030\147\037\052\032\220\276\342\261\030\117\003\000\062"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\222\071\325\064\217\100\321\151\132\164\124\160\341"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Global Trustee", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\343\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)230 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\330\363\137\116\267\207\053\055\253\006\222\343\025"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\335\060\202\005\305\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1761 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Global Trustee", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\141\171\077\313\372\117\220\010\060\233\272\137\361\055\054\262"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\376\015\001\156\161\313\214\330\077\016\014\315\111\065\270\127"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\330\363\137\116\267\207\053\055\253\006\222\343\025"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_213 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus GMail", (PRUint32)12 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\337\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)226 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\004\176\313\351\374\245\137\173\320\236\256\066\341\014"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\356\060\202\004\326\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\004"
-, (PRUint32)1522 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus GMail", (PRUint32)12 },
-  { (void *)"\144\061\162\060\066\375\046\336\245\002\171\057\245\225\222\044"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\114\167\037\353\312\061\301\051\230\351\054\020\263\257\111\034"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\004\176\313\351\374\245\137\173\320\236\256\066\341\014"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_215 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Google", (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\336\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)225 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\365\310\152\363\141\142\361\072\144\365\117\155\311"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\344\060\202\004\314\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1512 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_216 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Google", (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\031\026\242\257\064\155\071\237\120\061\074\071\062\000\361\101"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\001\163\251\130\360\274\311\276\224\053\032\114\230\044\343\270"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\365\310\152\363\141\142\361\072\144\365\117\155\311"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_217 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Skype", (PRUint32)12 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\337\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)226 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\351\002\213\225\170\344\025\334\032\161\012\053\210"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\357\060\202\004\327\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1523 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_218 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Skype", (PRUint32)12 },
-  { (void *)"\107\034\224\232\201\103\333\132\325\315\361\311\162\206\112\045"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\205\244\264\304\151\041\337\241\152\015\130\126\130\113\063\104"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\351\002\213\225\170\344\025\334\032\161\012\053\210"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_219 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Yahoo 1", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\337\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)226 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\327\125\217\332\365\361\020\133\262\023\050\053\160"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\357\060\202\004\327\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1523 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_220 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Yahoo 1", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)"\143\376\256\226\013\252\221\343\103\316\053\330\267\027\230\307"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\014\037\276\323\374\011\156\346\156\302\146\071\165\206\153\353"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\327\125\217\332\365\361\020\133\262\023\050\053\160"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_221 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Yahoo 2", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\337\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)226 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\071\052\103\117\016\007\337\037\212\243\005\336\064\340"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\331\060\202\004\301\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\071"
-, (PRUint32)1501 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_222 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Yahoo 2", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)"\320\030\266\055\305\030\220\162\107\337\120\222\133\260\232\317"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\162\334\310\162\154\123\073\262\375\314\135\031\275\257\246\061"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\071\052\103\117\016\007\337\037\212\243\005\336\064\340"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_223 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Yahoo 3", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\337\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)226 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\076\165\316\324\153\151\060\041\041\210\060\256\206\250"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\331\060\202\004\301\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\076"
-, (PRUint32)1501 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_224 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus Yahoo 3", (PRUint32)14 },
-  { (void *)"\200\226\052\344\326\305\264\102\211\116\225\241\076\112\151\236"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\112\334\074\147\355\041\315\133\316\135\310\021\344\236\317\075"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\076\165\316\324\153\151\060\041\041\210\060\256\206\250"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_225 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\336\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)225 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\260\267\023\076\320\226\371\265\157\256\221\310\164"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\354\060\202\004\324\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1520 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_226 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Bogus", (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)"\316\245\206\262\316\131\076\307\331\071\211\203\067\305\170\024"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\320\324\071\343\314\134\122\335\010\315\351\253\350\021\131\324"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\227\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)154 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\260\267\023\076\320\226\371\265\157\256\221\310\164"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_227 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2", (PRUint32)41 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\203\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)134 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\203\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)134 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\305\060\202\002\255\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)969 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_228 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2", (PRUint32)41 },
-  { (void *)"\107\276\253\311\042\352\350\016\170\170\064\142\247\237\105\302"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\200\072\274\042\301\346\373\215\233\073\047\112\062\033\232\001"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\203\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)134 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_229 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2", (PRUint32)42 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\217\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)146 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\217\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)146 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\335\060\202\002\305\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)993 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_230 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2", (PRUint32)42 },
-  { (void *)"\265\034\006\174\356\053\014\075\370\125\253\055\222\364\376\071"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\326\071\201\306\122\176\226\151\374\374\312\146\355\005\362\226"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\217\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)146 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_231 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2", (PRUint32)51 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\357\060\202\002\327\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)1011 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_232 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2", (PRUint32)51 },
-  { (void *)"\222\132\217\215\054\155\004\340\146\137\131\152\377\042\330\143"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\027\065\164\257\173\141\034\353\364\371\074\342\356\100\371\242"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\230\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)155 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_233 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Commercial", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\167\167\006\047\046\251\261\174"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\114\060\202\002\064\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\167"
-, (PRUint32)848 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_234 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Commercial", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\371\265\266\062\105\137\234\276\354\127\137\200\334\351\156\054"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\202\222\272\133\357\315\212\157\246\075\125\371\204\366\326\267"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\167\167\006\047\046\251\261\174"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_235 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Networking", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\174\117\004\071\034\324\231\055"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\114\060\202\002\064\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\174"
-, (PRUint32)848 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_236 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Networking", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\051\066\041\002\213\040\355\002\365\146\305\062\321\326\355\220"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\102\145\312\276\001\232\232\114\251\214\101\111\315\300\325\177"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\104\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)70 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\174\117\004\071\034\324\231\055"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_237 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Premium", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\101\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)67 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\101\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)67 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\155\214\024\106\261\246\012\356"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\106\060\202\003\056\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\155"
-, (PRUint32)1354 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_238 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Premium", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\330\246\063\054\340\003\157\261\205\366\143\117\175\152\006\145"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\304\135\016\110\266\254\050\060\116\012\274\371\070\026\207\127"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\101\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)67 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\155\214\024\106\261\246\012\356"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_239 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Premium ECC", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\164\227\045\212\307\077\172\124"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\001\376\060\202\001\205\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\164"
-, (PRUint32)514 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_240 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"AffirmTrust Premium ECC", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\270\043\153\000\057\035\026\206\123\001\125\154\021\244\067\312"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\144\260\011\125\317\261\325\231\342\276\023\253\246\135\352\115"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\164\227\045\212\307\077\172\124"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_241 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certum Trusted Network CA", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\176\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)128 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\176\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)128 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\004\104\300"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\273\060\202\002\243\240\003\002\001\002\002\003\004"
-, (PRUint32)959 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_242 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certum Trusted Network CA", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)"\007\340\062\340\040\267\054\077\031\057\006\050\242\131\072\031"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\325\351\201\100\305\030\151\374\106\054\211\165\142\017\252\170"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\176\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)128 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\004\104\300"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_243 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certinomis - Autorité Racine", (PRUint32)30 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\234\060\202\003\204\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1440 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_244 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certinomis - Autorité Racine", (PRUint32)30 },
-  { (void *)"\056\024\332\354\050\360\372\036\216\070\232\116\253\353\046\300"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\177\060\170\214\003\343\312\311\012\342\311\352\036\252\125\032"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_245 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Root CA Generalitat Valenciana", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\073\105\345\150"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\213\060\202\005\163\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\073"
-, (PRUint32)1679 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_246 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Root CA Generalitat Valenciana", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\240\163\345\305\275\103\141\015\206\114\041\023\012\205\130\127"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\054\214\027\136\261\124\253\223\027\265\066\132\333\321\306\362"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\073\105\345\150"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_247 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TWCA Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\173\060\202\002\143\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)895 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_248 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TWCA Root Certification Authority", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)"\317\236\207\155\323\353\374\102\046\227\243\265\243\172\240\166"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\252\010\217\366\371\173\267\362\261\247\036\233\352\352\275\171"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_249 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Root CA", (PRUint32)38 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\017\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\212\060\202\003\162\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\017"
-, (PRUint32)1422 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_250 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Root CA", (PRUint32)38 },
-  { (void *)"\301\167\313\113\340\264\046\216\365\307\317\105\231\042\271\260"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\012\244\325\314\272\264\373\243\131\343\346\001\335\123\331\116"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\017\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_251 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Services 1024 CA", (PRUint32)47 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\161\060\202\002\332\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\017"
-, (PRUint32)885 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_252 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Services 1024 CA", (PRUint32)47 },
-  { (void *)"\022\073\352\312\146\147\167\141\340\353\150\362\376\355\242\017"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\057\026\150\227\114\150\117\316\122\212\354\123\217\223\111\370"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\150\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)106 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_253 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Cyber CA", (PRUint32)39 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\140\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)98 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\140\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)98 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\105\060\202\004\256\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\017"
-, (PRUint32)1353 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_254 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Cyber CA", (PRUint32)39 },
-  { (void *)"\245\216\240\354\366\104\126\065\031\035\150\133\307\240\344\034"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\274\275\211\022\264\377\345\371\046\107\310\140\066\133\331\124"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\140\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)98 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Cyber CA 2nd", (PRUint32)43 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\076\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)64 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\076\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)64 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\001\060\202\004\152\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\017"
-, (PRUint32)1285 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrust DigiNotar Cyber CA 2nd", (PRUint32)43 },
-  { (void *)"\210\036\105\005\017\230\331\131\373\012\065\371\114\016\050\227"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\360\256\251\075\362\054\210\334\174\205\033\226\175\132\034\021"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\076\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)64 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted DigiNotar PKIoverheid", (PRUint32)44 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\216\060\202\003\166\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\017"
-, (PRUint32)1170 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted DigiNotar PKIoverheid", (PRUint32)44 },
-  { (void *)"\247\250\311\254\364\137\220\222\166\206\270\300\242\016\223\130"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\243\317\263\377\371\117\247\261\353\072\165\130\116\056\237\352"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\137\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)97 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_259 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted DigiNotar PKIoverheid G2", (PRUint32)47 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\225\060\202\004\175\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\017"
-, (PRUint32)1689 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_260 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted DigiNotar PKIoverheid G2", (PRUint32)47 },
-  { (void *)"\325\362\127\251\277\055\320\077\213\106\127\371\053\311\244\306"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\056\141\242\321\170\316\356\277\131\063\260\043\024\017\224\034"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\017\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_261 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted Malaysian Digicert Sdn. Bhd. (cyb)", (PRUint32)57 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\143\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\115\131\061"
-, (PRUint32)101 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\165\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)119 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\007\377\377\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\315\060\202\003\066\240\003\002\001\002\002\006\007"
-, (PRUint32)977 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_262 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted Malaysian Digicert Sdn. Bhd. (cyb)", (PRUint32)57 },
-  { (void *)"\125\120\257\354\277\350\303\255\304\013\343\255\014\247\344\025"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\322\336\256\120\244\230\055\157\067\267\206\122\310\055\113\152"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\165\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)119 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\007\377\377\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_263 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted Malaysian Digicert Sdn. Bhd. (en)", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\115\131\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\264\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\023\013\105\156"
-, (PRUint32)183 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\007\377\377\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\320\060\202\003\270\240\003\002\001\002\002\006\007"
-, (PRUint32)1236 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_264 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted Malaysian Digicert Sdn. Bhd. (en)", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)"\153\074\073\200\255\312\246\272\212\237\124\246\172\355\022\151"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\327\151\141\177\065\017\234\106\243\252\353\370\125\374\204\362"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\264\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\023\013\105\156"
-, (PRUint32)183 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\007\377\377\377\377\377"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_265 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Security Communication RootCA2", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\135\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)95 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\135\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)95 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\167\060\202\002\137\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)891 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_266 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Security Communication RootCA2", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\137\073\214\362\370\020\263\175\170\264\316\354\031\031\303\163"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\154\071\175\244\016\125\131\262\077\326\101\261\022\120\336\103"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\135\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\112\120\061"
-, (PRUint32)95 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_267 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"EC-ACC", (PRUint32)7 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\363\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123"
-, (PRUint32)246 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\363\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123"
-, (PRUint32)246 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\356\053\075\353\324\041\336\024\250\142\254\004\363\335"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\126\060\202\004\076\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\356"
-, (PRUint32)1370 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_268 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"EC-ACC", (PRUint32)7 },
-  { (void *)"\050\220\072\143\133\122\200\372\346\167\114\013\155\247\326\272"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\353\365\235\051\015\141\371\102\037\174\302\272\155\343\025\011"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\363\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\123"
-, (PRUint32)246 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\356\053\075\353\324\041\336\024\250\142\254\004\363\335"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_269 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\225\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\122"
-, (PRUint32)152 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\225\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\122"
-, (PRUint32)152 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\061\060\202\003\031\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)1077 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_270 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011", (PRUint32)56 },
-  { (void *)"\376\105\145\233\171\003\133\230\241\141\265\121\056\254\332\130"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\163\237\114\113\163\133\171\351\372\272\034\357\156\313\325\311"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\225\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\122"
-, (PRUint32)152 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\000"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_271 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"MITM subCA 1 issued by Trustwave", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\253\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)174 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\153\111\322\005"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_272 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"MITM subCA 2 issued by Trustwave", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\253\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)174 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\153\111\322\006"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_273 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Actalis Authentication Root CA", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\153\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\124\061"
-, (PRUint32)109 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\153\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\124\061"
-, (PRUint32)109 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\127\012\021\227\102\304\343\314"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\273\060\202\003\243\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\127"
-, (PRUint32)1471 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_274 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Actalis Authentication Root CA", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\363\163\263\207\006\132\050\204\212\362\363\112\316\031\053\335"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\151\301\015\117\007\243\033\303\376\126\075\004\274\021\366\246"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\153\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\124\061"
-, (PRUint32)109 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\127\012\021\227\102\304\343\314"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_275 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Trustis FPS Root CA", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\033\037\255\266\040\371\044\323\066\153\367\307\361\214"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\147\060\202\002\117\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\033"
-, (PRUint32)875 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_276 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Trustis FPS Root CA", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\073\300\070\013\063\303\366\246\014\206\025\042\223\331\337\365"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\060\311\347\036\153\346\024\353\145\262\026\151\040\061\147\115"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\105\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102\061"
-, (PRUint32)71 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\033\037\255\266\040\371\044\323\066\153\367\307\361\214"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_277 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"StartCom Certification Authority", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\055"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\007\207\060\202\005\157\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\055"
-, (PRUint32)1931 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_278 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"StartCom Certification Authority", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)"\243\361\063\077\342\102\277\317\305\321\116\217\071\102\230\100"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\311\073\015\204\101\374\244\166\171\043\010\127\336\020\031\026"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\175\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)127 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\055"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_279 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"StartCom Certification Authority G2", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\123\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)85 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\123\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)85 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\073"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\143\060\202\003\113\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\073"
-, (PRUint32)1383 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_280 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"StartCom Certification Authority G2", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)"\061\361\375\150\042\143\040\356\306\073\077\235\352\112\076\123"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\170\113\373\236\144\202\012\323\270\114\142\363\144\362\220\144"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\123\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\111\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)85 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\073"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_281 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Buypass Class 2 Root CA", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\002"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\131\060\202\003\101\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\002"
-, (PRUint32)1373 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_282 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Buypass Class 2 Root CA", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\111\012\165\164\336\207\012\107\376\130\356\366\307\153\353\306"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\106\247\322\376\105\373\144\132\250\131\220\233\170\104\233\051"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\002"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_283 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Buypass Class 3 Root CA", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\002"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\131\060\202\003\101\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\002"
-, (PRUint32)1373 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_284 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Buypass Class 3 Root CA", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\332\372\367\372\146\204\354\006\217\024\120\275\307\302\201\245"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\075\073\030\236\054\144\132\350\325\210\316\016\371\067\302\354"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\116\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\117\061"
-, (PRUint32)80 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\002"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_285 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\303\060\202\002\253\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)967 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_286 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)"\125\246\162\076\313\362\354\315\303\043\164\160\031\235\052\276"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\312\373\100\250\116\071\222\212\035\376\216\057\304\047\352\357"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_287 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"EE Certification Centre Root CA", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\165\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)119 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\165\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)119 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\124\200\371\240\163\355\077\000\114\312\211\330\343\161"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\003\060\202\002\353\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\124"
-, (PRUint32)1031 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_288 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"EE Certification Centre Root CA", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)"\311\250\271\347\125\200\136\130\343\123\167\247\045\353\257\303"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\103\136\210\324\175\032\112\176\375\204\056\122\353\001\324\157"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\165\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)119 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\124\200\371\240\163\355\077\000\114\312\211\330\343\161"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_289 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TURKTRUST Mis-issued Intermediate CA 1", (PRUint32)39 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\254\061\075\060\073\006\003\125\004\003\014\064\124\303"
-, (PRUint32)175 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\010\047"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_290 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TURKTRUST Mis-issued Intermediate CA 2", (PRUint32)39 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\254\061\075\060\073\006\003\125\004\003\014\064\124\303"
-, (PRUint32)175 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\010\144"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_291 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 2007", (PRUint32)50 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\277\061\077\060\075\006\003\125\004\003\014\066\124\303"
-, (PRUint32)194 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\277\061\077\060\075\006\003\125\004\003\014\066\124\303"
-, (PRUint32)194 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\075\060\202\003\045\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1089 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_292 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 2007", (PRUint32)50 },
-  { (void *)"\361\177\157\266\061\334\231\343\243\310\177\376\034\361\201\020"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\053\160\040\126\206\202\240\030\310\007\123\022\050\160\041\162"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
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-, (PRUint32)79 },
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-, (PRUint32)5 },
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-, (PRUint32)1079 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)"\002\003\011\203\363"
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
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-  { (void *)"\002\003\011\203\364"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\103\060\202\003\053\240\003\002\001\002\002\003\011"
-, (PRUint32)1095 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)"\226\311\033\013\225\264\020\230\102\372\320\330\042\171\376\140"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\252\306\103\054\136\055\315\304\064\300\120\117\021\002\117\266"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105\061"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"\002\003\011\203\364"
-, (PRUint32)5 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"PSCProcert", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\321\061\046\060\044\006\011\052\206\110\206\367\015\001"
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-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
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-, (PRUint32)290 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\013"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\011\206\060\202\007\156\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\013"
-, (PRUint32)2442 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"PSCProcert", (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\160\301\215\164\264\050\201\012\344\375\245\165\327\001\237\231"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\346\044\351\022\001\256\014\336\216\205\304\316\243\022\335\354"
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-  { (void *)"\002\001\013"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"China Internet Network Information Center EV Certificates Root", (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\212\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116"
-, (PRUint32)141 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
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-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\367\060\202\002\337\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\110"
-, (PRUint32)1019 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"China Internet Network Information Center EV Certificates Root", (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)"\117\231\252\223\373\053\321\067\046\241\231\112\316\177\360\005"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\125\135\143\000\227\275\152\227\365\147\253\113\373\156\143\025"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
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-, (PRUint32)141 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\110\237\000\001"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Swisscom Root CA 2", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
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-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\331\060\202\003\301\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\036"
-, (PRUint32)1501 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Swisscom Root CA 2", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\167\107\117\306\060\344\017\114\107\144\077\204\272\270\306\225"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\133\004\151\354\245\203\224\143\030\247\206\320\344\362\156\031"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\144\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)102 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\036\236\050\350\110\362\345\357\303\174\112\036\132\030"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Swisscom Root EV CA 2", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\147\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)105 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\147\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\143\150\061"
-, (PRUint32)105 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\362\372\144\342\164\143\323\215\375\020\035\004\037"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\340\060\202\003\310\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1508 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Swisscom Root EV CA 2", (PRUint32)22 },
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-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\173\060\064\237\335\012\113\153\065\312\061\121\050\135\256\354"
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-, (PRUint32)105 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\362\372\144\342\164\143\323\215\375\020\035\004\037"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CA Disig Root R1", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\122\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\113\061"
-, (PRUint32)84 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\122\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\113\061"
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-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\151\060\202\003\121\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)1389 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CA Disig Root R1", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)"\216\034\164\370\246\040\271\345\212\364\141\372\354\053\107\126"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\276\354\021\223\232\365\151\041\274\327\301\300\147\211\314\052"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
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-, (PRUint32)84 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\303\003\232\356\120\220\156\050"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CA Disig Root R2", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\122\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\113\061"
-, (PRUint32)84 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\122\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\113\061"
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-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\222\270\210\333\260\212\301\143"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\151\060\202\003\121\240\003\002\001\002\002\011\000"
-, (PRUint32)1389 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CA Disig Root R2", (PRUint32)17 },
-  { (void *)"\265\141\353\352\244\336\344\045\113\151\032\230\245\127\107\302"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\046\001\373\330\047\247\027\232\105\124\070\032\103\001\073\003"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\122\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\123\113\061"
-, (PRUint32)84 },
-  { (void *)"\002\011\000\222\270\210\333\260\212\301\143"
-, (PRUint32)11 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ACCVRAIZ1", (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\102\061\022\060\020\006\003\125\004\003\014\011\101\103\103"
-, (PRUint32)68 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\102\061\022\060\020\006\003\125\004\003\014\011\101\103\103"
-, (PRUint32)68 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\136\303\267\246\103\177\244\340"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\007\323\060\202\005\273\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\136"
-, (PRUint32)2007 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"ACCVRAIZ1", (PRUint32)10 },
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-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\320\240\132\356\005\266\011\224\041\241\175\361\262\051\202\002"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\102\061\022\060\020\006\003\125\004\003\014\011\101\103\103"
-, (PRUint32)68 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\136\303\267\246\103\177\244\340"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_311 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TWCA Global Root CA", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\014\276"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\101\060\202\003\051\240\003\002\001\002\002\002\014"
-, (PRUint32)1349 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_312 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TWCA Global Root CA", (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\234\273\110\123\366\244\366\323\122\244\350\062\122\125\140\023"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\371\003\176\317\346\236\074\163\172\052\220\007\151\377\053\226"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\127\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\002\002\014\276"
-, (PRUint32)4 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_313 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TeliaSonera Root CA v1", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\067\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\014\013\124\145\154"
-, (PRUint32)57 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\067\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\014\013\124\145\154"
-, (PRUint32)57 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\225\276\026\240\367\056\106\361\173\071\202\162\372"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\070\060\202\003\040\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\000"
-, (PRUint32)1340 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_314 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TeliaSonera Root CA v1", (PRUint32)23 },
-  { (void *)"\103\023\273\226\361\325\206\233\301\116\152\222\366\317\366\064"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\067\101\111\033\030\126\232\046\365\255\302\146\373\100\245\114"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\067\061\024\060\022\006\003\125\004\012\014\013\124\145\154"
-, (PRUint32)57 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\000\225\276\026\240\367\056\106\361\173\071\202\162\372"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_315 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"E-Tugra Certification Authority", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\262\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)181 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\262\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)181 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\152\150\076\234\121\233\313\123"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\006\113\060\202\004\063\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\152"
-, (PRUint32)1615 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_316 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"E-Tugra Certification Authority", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)"\121\306\347\010\111\006\156\363\222\324\134\240\015\155\243\142"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\270\241\003\143\260\275\041\161\160\212\157\023\072\273\171\111"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\262\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)181 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\152\150\076\234\121\233\313\123"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_317 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\303\060\202\002\253\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)967 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_318 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2", (PRUint32)29 },
-  { (void *)"\131\015\055\175\210\117\100\056\141\176\245\142\062\027\145\317"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\053\233\236\344\173\154\037\000\162\032\314\301\167\171\337\152"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\202\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)133 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_319 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Atos TrustedRoot 2011", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\036\060\034\006\003\125\004\003\014\025\101\164\157"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\036\060\034\006\003\125\004\003\014\025\101\164\157"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\134\063\313\142\054\137\263\062"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\167\060\202\002\137\240\003\002\001\002\002\010\134"
-, (PRUint32)891 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_320 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Atos TrustedRoot 2011", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\053\261\365\076\125\014\035\305\361\324\346\267\152\106\113\125"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\256\271\304\062\113\254\177\135\146\314\167\224\273\052\167\126"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\036\060\034\006\003\125\004\003\014\025\101\164\157"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"\002\010\134\063\313\142\054\137\263\062"
-, (PRUint32)10 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_321 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\170\130\137\056\255\054\031\113\343\067\007\065\064\023"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\140\060\202\003\110\240\003\002\001\002\002\024\170"
-, (PRUint32)1380 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_322 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\033\216\352\127\226\051\032\311\071\352\270\012\201\032\163\163"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\244\274\133\077\376\067\232\372\144\360\342\372\005\075\013\253"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\170\130\137\056\255\054\031\113\343\067\007\065\064\023"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_323 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\104\127\064\044\133\201\211\233\065\362\316\270\053\073"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\140\060\202\003\110\240\003\002\001\002\002\024\104"
-, (PRUint32)1380 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_324 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\011\074\141\363\213\213\334\175\125\337\165\070\002\005\000\341"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\257\014\206\156\277\100\055\177\013\076\022\120\272\022\075\006"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\104\127\064\044\133\201\211\233\065\362\316\270\053\073"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_325 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\056\365\233\002\050\247\333\172\377\325\243\251\356\275"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\140\060\202\003\110\240\003\002\001\002\002\024\056"
-, (PRUint32)1380 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3", (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\110\022\275\222\074\250\304\071\006\347\060\155\047\226\346\244"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\337\175\271\255\124\157\150\241\337\211\127\003\227\103\260\327"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\110\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\102\115\061"
-, (PRUint32)74 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\056\365\233\002\050\247\333\172\377\325\243\251\356\275"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_327 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Assured ID Root G2", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\013\223\034\072\326\071\147\352\147\043\277\303\257\232"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\226\060\202\002\176\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\013"
-, (PRUint32)922 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_328 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Assured ID Root G2", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\241\113\110\331\103\356\012\016\100\220\117\074\340\244\300\221"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\222\070\271\370\143\044\202\145\054\127\063\346\376\201\217\235"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\013\223\034\072\326\071\147\352\147\043\277\303\257\232"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_329 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Assured ID Root G3", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\013\241\132\372\035\337\240\265\111\104\257\315\044\240"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\106\060\202\001\315\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\013"
-, (PRUint32)586 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Assured ID Root G3", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\365\027\242\117\232\110\306\311\370\242\000\046\237\334\017\110"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\174\177\145\061\014\201\337\215\272\076\231\342\134\255\156\373"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\145\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)103 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\013\241\132\372\035\337\240\265\111\104\257\315\044\240"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Global Root G2", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\003\072\361\346\247\021\251\240\273\050\144\261\035\011"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\216\060\202\002\166\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\003"
-, (PRUint32)914 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Global Root G2", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\337\074\044\371\277\326\146\166\033\046\200\163\376\006\321\314"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\344\246\212\310\124\254\122\102\106\012\375\162\110\033\052\104"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\003\072\361\346\247\021\251\240\273\050\144\261\035\011"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Global Root G3", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\005\125\126\274\362\136\244\065\065\303\244\017\325\253"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\077\060\202\001\305\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\005"
-, (PRUint32)579 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Global Root G3", (PRUint32)24 },
-  { (void *)"\176\004\336\211\152\076\146\155\000\346\207\323\077\372\331\073"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\365\135\244\120\245\373\050\176\036\017\015\314\226\127\126\312"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\141\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)99 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\005\125\126\274\362\136\244\065\065\303\244\017\325\253"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Trusted Root G4", (PRUint32)25 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\142\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)100 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\142\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)100 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\005\233\033\127\236\216\041\062\342\071\007\275\247\167"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\220\060\202\003\170\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\005"
-, (PRUint32)1428 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"DigiCert Trusted Root G4", (PRUint32)25 },
-  { (void *)"\335\373\026\315\111\061\311\163\242\003\175\077\310\072\115\175"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\170\362\374\252\140\037\057\264\353\311\067\272\123\056\165\111"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\142\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)100 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\005\233\033\127\236\216\041\062\342\071\007\275\247\167"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"WoSign", (PRUint32)7 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\125\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)87 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\125\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)87 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\136\150\326\021\161\224\143\120\126\000\150\363\076\311"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\166\060\202\003\136\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\136"
-, (PRUint32)1402 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"WoSign", (PRUint32)7 },
-  { (void *)"\271\102\224\277\221\352\217\266\113\346\020\227\307\373\000\023"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\241\362\371\265\322\310\172\164\270\363\005\361\327\341\204\215"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\125\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)87 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\136\150\326\021\161\224\143\120\126\000\150\363\076\311"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"WoSign China", (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\106\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)72 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\106\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)72 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\120\160\153\315\330\023\374\033\116\073\063\162\322\021"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\130\060\202\003\100\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\120"
-, (PRUint32)1372 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"WoSign China", (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\026\062\107\215\211\371\041\072\222\000\205\143\365\244\247\323"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\170\203\133\122\026\166\304\044\073\203\170\350\254\332\232\223"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\106\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)72 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\120\160\153\315\330\023\374\033\116\073\063\162\322\021"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"COMODO RSA Certification Authority", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\114\252\371\312\333\143\157\340\037\367\116\330\133\003"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\330\060\202\003\300\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\114"
-, (PRUint32)1500 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)"\257\345\322\104\250\321\031\102\060\377\107\237\342\370\227\273"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\033\061\260\161\100\066\314\024\066\221\255\304\076\375\354\030"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\107\102"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\114\252\371\312\333\143\157\340\037\367\116\330\133\003"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"USERTrust RSA Certification Authority", (PRUint32)38 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\210\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)139 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\210\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)139 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\001\375\155\060\374\243\312\121\250\033\274\144\016\065"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\336\060\202\003\306\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\001"
-, (PRUint32)1506 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"USERTrust RSA Certification Authority", (PRUint32)38 },
-  { (void *)"\053\217\033\127\063\015\273\242\320\172\154\121\367\016\351\015"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\033\376\151\321\221\267\031\063\243\162\250\017\341\125\345\265"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\210\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)139 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\001\375\155\060\374\243\312\121\250\033\274\144\016\065"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"USERTrust ECC Certification Authority", (PRUint32)38 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\210\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)139 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\210\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)139 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\134\213\231\305\132\224\305\322\161\126\336\315\211\200"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\217\060\202\002\025\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\134"
-, (PRUint32)659 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"USERTrust ECC Certification Authority", (PRUint32)38 },
-  { (void *)"\321\313\312\135\262\325\052\177\151\073\147\115\345\360\132\035"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\372\150\274\331\265\177\255\375\311\035\006\203\050\314\044\301"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\210\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)139 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\134\213\231\305\132\224\305\322\161\126\336\315\211\200"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
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-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
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-, (PRUint32)19 },
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-, (PRUint32)485 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)"\151\151\126\056\100\200\364\044\241\347\031\237\024\272\363\356"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\040\360\047\150\321\176\240\235\016\346\052\312\337\134\211\216"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\013\023\033\107\154\157"
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-  { (void *)"\002\021\052\070\244\034\226\012\004\336\102\262\050\245\013\350"
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
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-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\013\023\033\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\013\023\033\107\154\157"
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-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\036\060\202\001\244\240\003\002\001\002\002\021\140"
-, (PRUint32)546 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\037\044\306\060\315\244\030\357\040\151\377\255\117\335\137\106"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\237\255\073\034\002\036\212\272\027\164\070\201\014\242\274\010"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\120\061\044\060\042\006\003\125\004\013\023\033\107\154\157"
-, (PRUint32)82 },
-  { (void *)"\002\021\140\131\111\340\046\056\273\125\371\012\167\212\161\371"
-, (PRUint32)19 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign-C3SSA-G2-temporary-intermediate-after-1024bit-removal", (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\265\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)184 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\057\000\156\315\027\160\146\347\137\243\202\012\171\037"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\071\060\202\004\041\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\057"
-, (PRUint32)1341 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"VeriSign-C3SSA-G2-temporary-intermediate-after-1024bit-removal", (PRUint32)63 },
-  { (void *)"\166\104\131\170\033\254\260\107\143\245\320\241\130\221\145\046"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\277\022\155\372\174\325\133\046\171\072\215\252\021\357\057\134"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\312\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)205 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\057\000\156\315\027\160\146\347\137\243\202\012\171\037"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
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-  { (void *)"\002\004\000\230\242\071"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\164\060\202\003\134\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\000"
-, (PRUint32)1400 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3", (PRUint32)35 },
-  { (void *)"\330\353\153\101\121\222\131\340\363\347\205\000\300\075\266\210"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\013\106\147\007\333\020\057\031\214\065\120\140\321\013\364\067"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\000\230\242\071"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\000\230\226\215"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\160\060\202\003\130\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\000"
-, (PRUint32)1396 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA", (PRUint32)33 },
-  { (void *)"\166\342\176\301\117\333\202\301\300\246\165\265\005\276\075\051"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\374\006\257\173\350\032\361\232\264\350\322\160\037\300\365\272"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\116\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\000\230\226\215"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\112\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)76 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\112\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)76 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\012\001\102\200\000\000\001\105\043\310\104\265\000\000"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\140\060\202\003\110\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\012"
-, (PRUint32)1380 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1", (PRUint32)31 },
-  { (void *)"\337\161\176\252\112\331\116\311\125\204\231\140\055\110\336\137"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\263\076\167\163\165\356\240\323\343\176\111\143\111\131\273\307"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\112\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)76 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\012\001\102\200\000\000\001\105\043\310\104\265\000\000"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\115\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)79 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\115\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)79 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\012\001\102\200\000\000\001\105\043\317\106\174\000\000"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\146\060\202\003\116\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\012"
-, (PRUint32)1386 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1", (PRUint32)34 },
-  { (void *)"\272\051\101\140\167\230\077\364\363\357\362\061\005\073\056\352"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\067\006\245\260\374\211\235\272\364\153\214\032\144\315\325\272"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\115\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123\061"
-, (PRUint32)79 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\012\001\102\200\000\000\001\105\043\317\106\174\000\000"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"S-TRUST Universal Root CA", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\140\126\305\113\043\100\133\144\324\355\045\332\331\326"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\330\060\202\002\300\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\140"
-, (PRUint32)988 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"S-TRUST Universal Root CA", (PRUint32)26 },
-  { (void *)"\033\075\021\024\352\172\017\225\130\124\101\225\277\153\045\202"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\130\366\101\001\256\365\133\121\231\116\134\041\350\117\324\146"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\205\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\104\105"
-, (PRUint32)136 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\140\126\305\113\043\100\133\144\324\355\045\332\331\326"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2", (PRUint32)42 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\276\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)193 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\276\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)193 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\112\123\214\050"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\076\060\202\003\046\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\112"
-, (PRUint32)1090 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2", (PRUint32)42 },
-  { (void *)"\214\364\047\375\171\014\072\321\146\006\215\350\036\127\357\273"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\113\342\311\221\226\145\014\364\016\132\223\222\240\012\376\262"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\276\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)193 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\112\123\214\050"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1", (PRUint32)43 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\277\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)194 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\277\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)194 },
-  { (void *)"\002\015\000\246\213\171\051\000\000\000\000\120\320\221\371"
-, (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\371\060\202\002\200\240\003\002\001\002\002\015\000"
-, (PRUint32)765 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1", (PRUint32)43 },
-  { (void *)"\040\330\006\100\337\233\045\365\022\045\072\021\352\367\131\212"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\266\176\035\360\130\305\111\154\044\073\075\355\230\030\355\274"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\277\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\125\123"
-, (PRUint32)194 },
-  { (void *)"\002\015\000\246\213\171\051\000\000\000\000\120\320\221\371"
-, (PRUint32)15 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CFCA EV ROOT", (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\126\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)88 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\126\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)88 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\030\112\314\326"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\215\060\202\003\165\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\030"
-, (PRUint32)1425 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CFCA EV ROOT", (PRUint32)13 },
-  { (void *)"\342\270\051\113\125\204\253\153\130\302\220\106\154\254\077\270"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\164\341\266\355\046\172\172\104\060\063\224\253\173\047\201\060"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\126\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)88 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\030\112\314\326"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted MCSHOLDING CA", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\074\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\105\107\061"
-, (PRUint32)62 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\062\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)52 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\111\063\000\216"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\222\060\202\003\172\240\003\002\001\002\002\004\111"
-, (PRUint32)1174 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Explicitly Distrusted MCSHOLDING CA", (PRUint32)36 },
-  { (void *)"\341\363\131\036\166\230\145\304\344\107\254\303\176\257\311\342"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\366\212\253\024\076\326\060\045\267\111\015\167\205\160\231\313"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\062\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)52 },
-  { (void *)"\002\004\111\063\000\216"
-, (PRUint32)6 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_not_trusted, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet SaÄŸlayıcısı H5", (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\261\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)180 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\261\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)180 },
-  { (void *)"\002\007\000\216\027\376\044\040\201"
-, (PRUint32)9 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\047\060\202\003\017\240\003\002\001\002\002\007\000"
-, (PRUint32)1067 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet SaÄŸlayıcısı H5", (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)"\304\030\366\115\106\321\337\000\075\047\060\023\162\103\251\022"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\332\160\216\360\042\337\223\046\366\137\237\323\025\006\122\116"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\261\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)180 },
-  { (void *)"\002\007\000\216\027\376\044\040\201"
-, (PRUint32)9 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet SaÄŸlayıcısı H6", (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\261\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)180 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\261\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)180 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\175\241\362\145\354\212"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\004\046\060\202\003\016\240\003\002\001\002\002\006\175"
-, (PRUint32)1066 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet SaÄŸlayıcısı H6", (PRUint32)58 },
-  { (void *)"\212\134\214\356\245\003\346\005\126\272\330\033\324\366\311\260"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\370\305\356\052\153\276\225\215\010\367\045\112\352\161\076\106"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\261\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\124\122"
-, (PRUint32)180 },
-  { (void *)"\002\006\175\241\362\145\354\212"
-, (PRUint32)8 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_375 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certinomis - Root CA", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\222\060\202\003\172\240\003\002\001\002\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)1430 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certinomis - Root CA", (PRUint32)21 },
-  { (void *)"\235\160\273\001\245\244\240\030\021\056\367\034\001\271\062\305"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\024\012\375\215\250\050\265\070\151\333\126\176\141\042\003\077"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\132\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\106\122\061"
-, (PRUint32)92 },
-  { (void *)"\002\001\001"
-, (PRUint32)3 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\155\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)111 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\155\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)111 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\166\261\040\122\164\360\205\207\106\263\370\043\032\366"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\265\060\202\002\235\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\166"
-, (PRUint32)953 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA", (PRUint32)32 },
-  { (void *)"\017\371\100\166\030\323\327\152\113\230\360\250\065\236\014\375"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\244\353\271\141\050\056\267\057\230\260\065\046\220\231\121\035"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\155\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\110\061"
-, (PRUint32)111 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\166\261\040\122\164\360\205\207\106\263\370\043\032\366"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certification Authority of WoSign G2", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\153\045\332\212\210\235\174\274\017\005\263\261\172\141"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\174\060\202\002\144\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\153"
-, (PRUint32)896 }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certification Authority of WoSign G2", (PRUint32)37 },
-  { (void *)"\373\355\334\220\145\267\047\040\067\274\125\014\234\126\336\273"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\310\034\175\031\252\313\161\223\362\120\370\122\250\036\272\140"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\130\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)90 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\153\045\332\212\210\235\174\274\017\005\263\261\172\141"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CA WoSign ECC Root", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\106\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)72 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\106\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)72 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\150\112\130\160\200\153\360\217\002\372\366\336\350\260"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\002\011\060\202\001\217\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\150"
-, (PRUint32)525 }
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-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"CA WoSign ECC Root", (PRUint32)19 },
-  { (void *)"\322\172\322\276\355\224\300\241\074\307\045\041\352\135\161\276"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\200\306\123\356\141\202\050\162\360\377\041\271\027\312\262\040"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\106\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\103\116\061"
-, (PRUint32)72 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\150\112\130\160\200\153\360\217\002\372\366\336\350\260"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
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-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
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-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SZAFIR ROOT CA2", (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\076\212\135\007\354\125\322\062\325\267\343\266\137\001"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\003\162\060\202\002\132\240\003\002\001\002\002\024\076"
-, (PRUint32)886 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_384 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"SZAFIR ROOT CA2", (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\342\122\372\225\077\355\333\044\140\275\156\050\363\234\314\317"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\021\144\301\211\260\044\261\214\261\007\176\211\236\121\236\231"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\121\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114\061"
-, (PRUint32)83 },
-  { (void *)"\002\024\076\212\135\007\354\125\322\062\325\267\343\266\137\001"
-, (PRUint32)22 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_385 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_certificate, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certum Trusted Network CA 2", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)&ckc_x_509, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\200\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114"
-, (PRUint32)131 },
-  { (void *)"0", (PRUint32)2 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\200\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114"
-, (PRUint32)131 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\041\326\320\112\117\045\017\311\062\067\374\252\136\022"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)"\060\202\005\322\060\202\003\272\240\003\002\001\002\002\020\041"
-, (PRUint32)1494 }
-static const NSSItem nss_builtins_items_386 [] = {
-  { (void *)&cko_nss_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) },
-  { (void *)&ck_true, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) },
-  { (void *)"Certum Trusted Network CA 2", (PRUint32)28 },
-  { (void *)"\323\335\110\076\053\277\114\005\350\257\020\365\372\166\046\317"
-, (PRUint32)20 },
-  { (void *)"\155\106\236\331\045\155\010\043\133\136\164\175\036\047\333\362"
-, (PRUint32)16 },
-  { (void *)"\060\201\200\061\013\060\011\006\003\125\004\006\023\002\120\114"
-, (PRUint32)131 },
-  { (void *)"\002\020\041\326\320\112\117\045\017\311\062\067\374\252\136\022"
-, (PRUint32)18 },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_trusted_delegator, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ckt_nss_must_verify_trust, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_TRUST) },
-  { (void *)&ck_false, (PRUint32)sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
-nss_builtins_data[] = {
-  { 5, nss_builtins_types_1, nss_builtins_items_1, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_2, nss_builtins_items_2, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_3, nss_builtins_items_3, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_4, nss_builtins_items_4, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_5, nss_builtins_items_5, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_6, nss_builtins_items_6, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_7, nss_builtins_items_7, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_8, nss_builtins_items_8, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_9, nss_builtins_items_9, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_10, nss_builtins_items_10, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_11, nss_builtins_items_11, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_12, nss_builtins_items_12, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_13, nss_builtins_items_13, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_14, nss_builtins_items_14, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_15, nss_builtins_items_15, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_16, nss_builtins_items_16, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_17, nss_builtins_items_17, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_18, nss_builtins_items_18, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_19, nss_builtins_items_19, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_20, nss_builtins_items_20, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_21, nss_builtins_items_21, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_22, nss_builtins_items_22, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_26, nss_builtins_items_26, {NULL} },
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-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_31, nss_builtins_items_31, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_32, nss_builtins_items_32, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_34, nss_builtins_items_34, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_36, nss_builtins_items_36, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_37, nss_builtins_items_37, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_38, nss_builtins_items_38, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_39, nss_builtins_items_39, {NULL} },
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-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_85, nss_builtins_items_85, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_86, nss_builtins_items_86, {NULL} },
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-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_103, nss_builtins_items_103, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_179, nss_builtins_items_179, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_195, nss_builtins_items_195, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_207, nss_builtins_items_207, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_209, nss_builtins_items_209, {NULL} },
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-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_211, nss_builtins_items_211, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_212, nss_builtins_items_212, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_213, nss_builtins_items_213, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_214, nss_builtins_items_214, {NULL} },
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-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_216, nss_builtins_items_216, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_217, nss_builtins_items_217, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_218, nss_builtins_items_218, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_219, nss_builtins_items_219, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_220, nss_builtins_items_220, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_221, nss_builtins_items_221, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_222, nss_builtins_items_222, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_223, nss_builtins_items_223, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_224, nss_builtins_items_224, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_225, nss_builtins_items_225, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_226, nss_builtins_items_226, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_227, nss_builtins_items_227, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_228, nss_builtins_items_228, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_229, nss_builtins_items_229, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_230, nss_builtins_items_230, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_231, nss_builtins_items_231, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_232, nss_builtins_items_232, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_233, nss_builtins_items_233, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_234, nss_builtins_items_234, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_235, nss_builtins_items_235, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_236, nss_builtins_items_236, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_237, nss_builtins_items_237, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_238, nss_builtins_items_238, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_239, nss_builtins_items_239, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_240, nss_builtins_items_240, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_241, nss_builtins_items_241, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_242, nss_builtins_items_242, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_243, nss_builtins_items_243, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_244, nss_builtins_items_244, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_245, nss_builtins_items_245, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_246, nss_builtins_items_246, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_247, nss_builtins_items_247, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_248, nss_builtins_items_248, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_249, nss_builtins_items_249, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_250, nss_builtins_items_250, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_251, nss_builtins_items_251, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_252, nss_builtins_items_252, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_253, nss_builtins_items_253, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_254, nss_builtins_items_254, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_255, nss_builtins_items_255, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_256, nss_builtins_items_256, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_257, nss_builtins_items_257, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_258, nss_builtins_items_258, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_259, nss_builtins_items_259, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_260, nss_builtins_items_260, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_261, nss_builtins_items_261, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_262, nss_builtins_items_262, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_263, nss_builtins_items_263, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_264, nss_builtins_items_264, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_265, nss_builtins_items_265, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_266, nss_builtins_items_266, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_267, nss_builtins_items_267, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_268, nss_builtins_items_268, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_269, nss_builtins_items_269, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_270, nss_builtins_items_270, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_271, nss_builtins_items_271, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_272, nss_builtins_items_272, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_273, nss_builtins_items_273, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_274, nss_builtins_items_274, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_275, nss_builtins_items_275, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_276, nss_builtins_items_276, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_277, nss_builtins_items_277, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_278, nss_builtins_items_278, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_279, nss_builtins_items_279, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_280, nss_builtins_items_280, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_281, nss_builtins_items_281, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_282, nss_builtins_items_282, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_283, nss_builtins_items_283, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_284, nss_builtins_items_284, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_285, nss_builtins_items_285, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_286, nss_builtins_items_286, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_287, nss_builtins_items_287, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_288, nss_builtins_items_288, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_289, nss_builtins_items_289, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_290, nss_builtins_items_290, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_291, nss_builtins_items_291, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_292, nss_builtins_items_292, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_293, nss_builtins_items_293, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_294, nss_builtins_items_294, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_295, nss_builtins_items_295, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_296, nss_builtins_items_296, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_297, nss_builtins_items_297, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_298, nss_builtins_items_298, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_299, nss_builtins_items_299, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_300, nss_builtins_items_300, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_301, nss_builtins_items_301, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_302, nss_builtins_items_302, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_303, nss_builtins_items_303, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_304, nss_builtins_items_304, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_305, nss_builtins_items_305, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_306, nss_builtins_items_306, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_307, nss_builtins_items_307, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_308, nss_builtins_items_308, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_309, nss_builtins_items_309, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_310, nss_builtins_items_310, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_311, nss_builtins_items_311, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_312, nss_builtins_items_312, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_313, nss_builtins_items_313, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_314, nss_builtins_items_314, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_315, nss_builtins_items_315, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_316, nss_builtins_items_316, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_317, nss_builtins_items_317, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_318, nss_builtins_items_318, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_319, nss_builtins_items_319, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_320, nss_builtins_items_320, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_321, nss_builtins_items_321, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_322, nss_builtins_items_322, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_323, nss_builtins_items_323, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_324, nss_builtins_items_324, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_325, nss_builtins_items_325, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_326, nss_builtins_items_326, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_327, nss_builtins_items_327, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_328, nss_builtins_items_328, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_329, nss_builtins_items_329, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_330, nss_builtins_items_330, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_331, nss_builtins_items_331, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_332, nss_builtins_items_332, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_333, nss_builtins_items_333, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_334, nss_builtins_items_334, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_335, nss_builtins_items_335, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_336, nss_builtins_items_336, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_337, nss_builtins_items_337, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_338, nss_builtins_items_338, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_339, nss_builtins_items_339, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_340, nss_builtins_items_340, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_341, nss_builtins_items_341, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_342, nss_builtins_items_342, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_343, nss_builtins_items_343, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_344, nss_builtins_items_344, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_345, nss_builtins_items_345, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_346, nss_builtins_items_346, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_347, nss_builtins_items_347, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_348, nss_builtins_items_348, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_349, nss_builtins_items_349, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_350, nss_builtins_items_350, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_351, nss_builtins_items_351, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_352, nss_builtins_items_352, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_353, nss_builtins_items_353, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_354, nss_builtins_items_354, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_355, nss_builtins_items_355, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_356, nss_builtins_items_356, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_357, nss_builtins_items_357, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_358, nss_builtins_items_358, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_359, nss_builtins_items_359, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_360, nss_builtins_items_360, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_361, nss_builtins_items_361, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_362, nss_builtins_items_362, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_363, nss_builtins_items_363, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_364, nss_builtins_items_364, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_365, nss_builtins_items_365, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_366, nss_builtins_items_366, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_367, nss_builtins_items_367, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_368, nss_builtins_items_368, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_369, nss_builtins_items_369, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_370, nss_builtins_items_370, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_371, nss_builtins_items_371, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_372, nss_builtins_items_372, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_373, nss_builtins_items_373, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_374, nss_builtins_items_374, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_375, nss_builtins_items_375, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_376, nss_builtins_items_376, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_377, nss_builtins_items_377, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_378, nss_builtins_items_378, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_379, nss_builtins_items_379, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_380, nss_builtins_items_380, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_381, nss_builtins_items_381, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_382, nss_builtins_items_382, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_383, nss_builtins_items_383, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_384, nss_builtins_items_384, {NULL} },
-  { 11, nss_builtins_types_385, nss_builtins_items_385, {NULL} },
-  { 13, nss_builtins_types_386, nss_builtins_items_386, {NULL} }
-const PRUint32
-nss_builtins_nObjects = 386;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/ckbiver.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/ckbiver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 208066c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/ckbiver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Library identity and versioning */
-#include "nssckbi.h"
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-#define _DEBUG_STRING " (debug)"
-#define _DEBUG_STRING ""
- * Version information
- */
-const char __nss_builtins_version[] = "Version: NSS Builtin Trusted Root CAs " NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION _DEBUG_STRING;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/constants.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/constants.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d267b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/constants.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * builtins/constants.c
- *
- * Identification and other constants, all collected here in one place.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKBI_H
-#include "nssckbi.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKBI_H */
-    nss_builtins_CryptokiVersion = {
-    };
-    nss_builtins_LibraryVersion = {
-    };
-    nss_builtins_HardwareVersion = {
-    };
-    nss_builtins_FirmwareVersion = {
-    };
-const NSSUTF8
-    nss_builtins_ManufacturerID[] = { "Mozilla Foundation" };
-const NSSUTF8
-    nss_builtins_LibraryDescription[] = { "NSS Builtin Object Cryptoki Module" };
-const NSSUTF8
-    nss_builtins_SlotDescription[] = { "NSS Builtin Objects" };
-const NSSUTF8
-    nss_builtins_TokenLabel[] = { "Builtin Object Token" };
-const NSSUTF8
-    nss_builtins_TokenModel[] = { "1" };
-/* should this be e.g. the certdata.txt RCS revision number? */
-const NSSUTF8
-    nss_builtins_TokenSerialNumber[] = { "1" };
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 613f6eb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKBI_H
-#define NSSCKBI_H
- * NSS BUILTINS Version numbers.
- *
- * These are the version numbers for the builtins module packaged with
- * this release on NSS. To determine the version numbers of the builtin
- * module you are using, use the appropriate PKCS #11 calls.
- *
- * These version numbers detail changes to the PKCS #11 interface. They map
- * to the PKCS #11 spec versions.
- */
-/* These version numbers detail the changes
- * to the list of trusted certificates.
- *
- * The NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR macro needs to be bumped
- * for each NSS minor release AND whenever we change the list of
- * trusted certificates.  10 minor versions are allocated for each
- * NSS 3.x branch as follows, allowing us to change the list of
- * trusted certificates up to 9 times on each branch.
- *   - NSS 3.5 branch:  3-9
- *   - NSS 3.6 branch:  10-19
- *   - NSS 3.7 branch:  20-29
- *   - NSS 3.8 branch:  30-39
- *   - NSS 3.9 branch:  40-49
- *   - NSS 3.10 branch: 50-59
- *   - NSS 3.11 branch: 60-69
- *     ...
- *   - NSS 3.12 branch: 70-89
- *   - NSS 3.13 branch: 90-99
- *   - NSS 3.14 branch: 100-109
- *     ...
- *   - NSS 3.29 branch: 250-255
- *
- * whether we may use its full range (0-255) or only 0-99 because
- * of the comment in the CK_VERSION type definition.
- */
-/* These version numbers detail the semantic changes to the ckfw engine. */
-/* These version numbers detail the semantic changes to ckbi itself
- * (new PKCS #11 objects), etc. */
-#endif /* NSSCKBI_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/ck.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/ck.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f0237b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/ck.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CK_H
-#define CK_H
- * ck.h
- *
- * This header file consolidates all header files needed by the source
- * files implementing the NSS Cryptoki Framework.  This makes managing
- * the source files a bit easier.
- */
-/* Types */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFT_H
-#include "nssckft.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKEPV_H
-#include "nssckepv.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKEPV_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKMDT_H
-#include "nssckmdt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKMDT_H */
-#ifndef CKT_H
-#include "ckt.h"
-#endif /* CKT_H */
-#ifndef CKFWTM_H
-#include "ckfwtm.h"
-#endif /* CKFWTM_H */
-/* Prototypes */
-#ifndef NSSBASE_H
-#include "nssbase.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASE_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKG_H
-#include "nssckg.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKG_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFW_H
-#include "nssckfw.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFW_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWC_H
-#include "nssckfwc.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWC_H */
-#ifndef CKFW_H
-#include "ckfw.h"
-#endif /* CKFW_H */
-#ifndef CKFWM_H
-#include "ckfwm.h"
-#endif /* CKFWM_H */
-#ifndef CKMD_H
-#include "ckmd.h"
-#endif /* CKMD_H */
-/* NSS-private */
-/* nss_ZNEW and the like.  We might want to publish the memory APIs.. */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#endif /* CK_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfw.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a2ead..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2049 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CKFW_H
-#define CKFW_H
- * ckfw.h
- *
- * This file prototypes the private calls of the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKMDT_H
-#include "nssckmdt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKMDT_H */
- * NSSCKFWInstance
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_Create
- *  nssCKFWInstance_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *  nssCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *  nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_CreateSessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_DestroySessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_FindSessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_DestroyObjectHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_FindObjectHandle
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetCryptokiVersion
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetManufacturerID
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetFlags
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryDescription
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryVersion
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots
- *  nssCKFWInstance_WaitForSlotEvent
- *
- *  -- debugging versions only --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer
- */
- * nssCKFWInstance_Create
- *
- */
-    CryptokiLockingState LockingState,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_CreateSessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * nssCKFWInstance_DestroySessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * nssCKFWInstance_FindSessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject);
- * nssCKFWInstance_ReassignObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWInstance_DestroyObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject);
- * nssCKFWInstance_FindObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetCryptokiVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetManufacturerID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_CHAR manufacturerID[32]);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetFlags
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryDescription
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_CHAR libraryDescription[32]);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_WaitForSlotEvent
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_BBOOL block,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer
- *
- */
-    const NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_Create
- *  nssCKFWSlot_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotID
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotDescription
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetManufacturerID
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetRemovableDevice
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareSlot
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetFirmwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetToken
- */
- * nssCKFWSlot_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSlot_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotDescription
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    CK_CHAR slotDescription[64]);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetManufacturerID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    CK_CHAR manufacturerID[32]);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetRemovableDevice
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetFirmwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSlot_ClearToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * NSSCKFWToken
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWToken_Create
- *  nssCKFWToken_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWToken_SetSessionState
- *  nssCKFWToken_RemoveSession
- *  nssCKFWToken_CloseAllSessions
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetRwSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetRoSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSessionObjectHash
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetObjectHandleHash
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWToken_InitToken
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetLabel
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetManufacturerID
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetModel
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSerialNumber
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHasRNG
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetIsWriteProtected
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetLoginRequired
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetUserPinInitialized
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHasClockOnToken
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMaxSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMaxRwSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMaxPinLen
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMinPinLen
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPublicMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFreePublicMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPrivateMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFreePrivateMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHardwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFirmwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetUTCTime
- *  nssCKFWToken_OpenSession
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismTypes
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism
- */
- * nssCKFWToken_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWToken_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_InitToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSItem *pin,
-    NSSUTF8 *label);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetLabel
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR label[32]);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetManufacturerID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR manufacturerID[32]);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetModel
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR model[16]);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSerialNumber
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR serialNumber[16]);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHasRNG
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetIsWriteProtected
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetLoginRequired
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetUserPinInitialized
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHasClockOnToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMaxSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMaxRwSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMaxPinLen
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMinPinLen
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPublicMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFreePublicMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPrivateMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFreePrivateMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHardwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFirmwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetUTCTime
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR utcTime[16]);
- * nssCKFWToken_OpenSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_BBOOL rw,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismTypes
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE types[]);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWToken_SetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_STATE newState);
- * nssCKFWToken_RemoveSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWToken_CloseAllSessions
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetRwSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetRoSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSessionObjectHash
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetObjectHandleHash
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWMechanism
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_Create
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetMDMechanism
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetMinKeySize
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetMaxKeySize
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetInHardware
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanEncrypt
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDecrypt
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDigest
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSignRecover
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerify
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerifyRecover
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerate
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerateKeyPair
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanWrap
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanUnwrap
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDerive
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_EncryptInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DecryptInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DigestInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_SignInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_SignRecoverInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyRecoverInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKey
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKeyPair
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetWrapKeyLength
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_WrapKey
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_UnwrapKey
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DeriveKey
- */
- * nssCKFWMechanism_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetMDMechanism
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetMinKeySize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetMaxKeySize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetInHardware
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * the following are determined automatically by which of the cryptographic
- * functions are defined for this mechanism.
- */
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanEncrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDecrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDigest
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSign
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSignRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerify
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerifyRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerateKeyPair
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanWrap
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanUnwrap
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDerive
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_EncryptInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DecryptInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DigestInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_SignInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_SignRecoverInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyRecoverInit
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKeyPair
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-    NSSCKFWObject **fwPublicKeyObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject **fwPrivateKeyObject);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetWrapKeyLength
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_WrapKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSItem *wrappedKey);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_UnwrapKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject,
-    NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_DeriveKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwBaseKeyObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWCryptoOperation
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetMDCryptoOperation
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetFinalLength
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Final
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestKey
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateFinal
- */
- *  nssCKFWCrytoOperation_Create
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation);
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetMDCryptoOperation
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation);
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetFinalLength
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Final
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwKey);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateFinal
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateCombo
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwPeerOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer);
- * NSSCKFWSession
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWSession_Create
- *  nssCKFWSession_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetArena
- *  nssCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *  nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *  nssCKFWSession_IsSO
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetSessionState
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetFWFindObjects
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetMDSession
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetHandle
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetHandle
- *  nssCKFWSession_RegisterSessionObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_DeregisterSessionObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetDeviceError
- *  nssCKFWSession_Login
- *  nssCKFWSession_Logout
- *  nssCKFWSession_InitPIN
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetPIN
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetOperationStateLen
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetOperationState
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetOperationState
- *  nssCKFWSession_CreateObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_CopyObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_FindObjectsInit
- *  nssCKFWSession_SeedRandom
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetRandom
- *  nssCKFWSession_Final
- *  nssCKFWSession_Update
- *  nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate
- *  nssCKFWSession_DigestKey
- *  nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal
- *  nssCKFWSession_UpdateCombo
- */
- * nssCKFWSession_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_BBOOL rw,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_BBOOL removeFromTokenHash);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_NOTIFICATION event);
- * nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_IsSO
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCFKWSession_GetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetFWFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSesssion,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetMDSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_RegisterSessionObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWSession_DeregisterSessionObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetDeviceError
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_Login
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-    NSSItem *pin);
- * nssCKFWSession_Logout
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * nssCKFWSession_InitPIN
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *pin);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetPIN
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *newPin,
-    NSSItem *oldPin);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetOperationStateLen
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *buffer);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *state,
-    NSSCKFWObject *encryptionKey,
-    NSSCKFWObject *authenticationKey);
- * nssCKFWSession_CreateObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_CopyObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_FindObjectsInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state);
- * nssCKFWSession_Final
- * (terminate a cryptographic operation and get the result)
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen);
- * nssCKFWSession_Update
- * (get the next step of an encrypt/decrypt operation)
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen);
- * nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate
- * (do the next step of an digest/sign/verify operation)
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen);
- * nssCKFWSession_DigestKey
- * (do the next step of an digest/sign/verify operation)
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwKey);
- * nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal
- * (do a single-step of a cryptographic operation and get the result)
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen);
- * nssCKFWSession_UpdateCombo
- * (do a combination encrypt/decrypt and sign/digest/verify operation)
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType encryptType,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType digestType,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState digestState,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen);
- * nssCKFWSession_SeedRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *seed);
- * nssCKFWSession_GetRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *buffer);
- * NSSCKFWObject
- *
- * -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWObject_Create
- *  nssCKFWObject_Finalize
- *  nssCKFWObject_Destroy
- *
- * -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetArena
- *
- * -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWObject_SetHandle
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetHandle
- *
- * -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *  nssCKFWObject_SetAttribute
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- */
- * nssCKFWObject_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWObject_Finalize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    PRBool removeFromHash);
- * nssCKFWObject_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWObject_SetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *
- * Usual NSS allocation rules:
- * If itemOpt is not NULL, it will be returned; otherwise an NSSItem
- * will be allocated.  If itemOpt is not NULL but itemOpt->data is,
- * the buffer will be allocated; otherwise, the buffer will be used.
- * Any allocations will come from the optional arena, if one is
- * specified.
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *itemOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWObject_SetAttribute
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *value);
- * nssCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWFindObjects
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_Create
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_Next
- */
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects1,
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects2,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects);
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects);
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_Next
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWMutex
- *
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Create
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Lock
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- */
- * nssCKFWMutex_Create
- *
- */
-    CryptokiLockingState LockingState,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex);
- * nssCKFWMutex_Lock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex);
- * nssCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex);
-#endif /* CKFW_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwm.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b14d20..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CKFWM_H
-#define CKFWM_H
- * ckfwm.h
- *
- * This file prototypes the module-private calls of the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
- * nssCKFWHash
- *
- *  nssCKFWHash_Create
- *  nssCKFWHash_Destroy
- *  nssCKFWHash_Add
- *  nssCKFWHash_Remove
- *  nssCKFWHash_Count
- *  nssCKFWHash_Exists
- *  nssCKFWHash_Lookup
- *  nssCKFWHash_Iterate
- */
- * nssCKFWHash_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKFWHash_Destroy
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash);
- * nssCKFWHash_Add
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *key,
-    const void *value);
- * nssCKFWHash_Remove
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *it);
- * nssCKFWHash_Count
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash);
- * nssCKFWHash_Exists
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *it);
- * nssCKFWHash_Lookup
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void *
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *it);
- * nssCKFWHash_Iterate
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    nssCKFWHashIterator fcn,
-    void *closure);
-#endif /* CKFWM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwtm.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwtm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6702984..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckfwtm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CKFWTM_H
-#define CKFWTM_H
- * ckfwtm.h
- *
- * This file declares the module-private types of the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-struct nssCKFWHashStr;
-typedef struct nssCKFWHashStr nssCKFWHash;
-typedef void(PR_CALLBACK *nssCKFWHashIterator)(const void *key, void *value, void *closure);
-#endif /* CKFWTM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckmd.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/ckmd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 820cf90..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckmd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CKMD_H
-#define CKMD_H
- * ckmd.h
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-#endif /* CKMD_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckt.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/ckt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c43a5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/ckt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* get back to just one set of PKCS #11 headers. Use the onese that
- * are easiest to maintain from the RSA website */
-/* this one is the one that defines NSS specific data */
-#include "pkcs11n.h"
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/crypto.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/crypto.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 66afb77..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/crypto.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * crypto.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWCryptoOperation type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWCryptoOperation
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWCrytoOperation_Create
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetMDCryptoOperation
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetFinalLength
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Final
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateFinal
- */
-struct NSSCKFWCryptoOperationStr {
-    /* NSSArena *arena; */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type;
- *  nssCKFWCrytoOperation_Create
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    fwOperation = nss_ZNEW(NULL, NSSCKFWCryptoOperation);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwOperation->mdOperation = mdOperation;
-    fwOperation->mdSession = mdSession;
-    fwOperation->fwSession = fwSession;
-    fwOperation->mdToken = mdToken;
-    fwOperation->fwToken = fwToken;
-    fwOperation->mdInstance = mdInstance;
-    fwOperation->fwInstance = fwInstance;
-    fwOperation->type = type;
-    return fwOperation;
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation)
-    if ((NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *)NULL != fwOperation->mdOperation) {
-        if (fwOperation->mdOperation->Destroy) {
-            fwOperation->mdOperation->Destroy(
-                fwOperation->mdOperation,
-                fwOperation,
-                fwOperation->mdInstance,
-                fwOperation->fwInstance);
-        }
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fwOperation);
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetMDCryptoOperation
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation)
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation;
- *  nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation)
-    return fwOperation->type;
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetFinalLength
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->GetFinalLength) {
-        *pError = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->GetFinalLength(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        pError);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->GetOperationLength) {
-        *pError = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->GetOperationLength(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        inputBuffer,
-        pError);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Final
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->Final) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->Final(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->Update) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->Update(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        inputBuffer,
-        outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->DigestUpdate) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->DigestUpdate(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        inputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject /* Key */
-    )
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->DigestKey) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->DigestKey(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateFinal
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->UpdateFinal) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->UpdateFinal(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        inputBuffer,
-        outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateCombo
- */
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwPeerOperation,
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-    NSSItem *outputBuffer)
-    if (!fwOperation->mdOperation->UpdateCombo) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    return fwOperation->mdOperation->UpdateCombo(
-        fwOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwOperation,
-        fwPeerOperation->mdOperation,
-        fwPeerOperation,
-        fwOperation->mdSession,
-        fwOperation->fwSession,
-        fwOperation->mdToken,
-        fwOperation->fwToken,
-        fwOperation->mdInstance,
-        fwOperation->fwInstance,
-        inputBuffer,
-        outputBuffer);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/find.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/find.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 55732e6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/find.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * find.c
- *
- * This file implements the nssCKFWFindObjects type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_H
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_H */
- * NSSCKFWFindObjects
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_Create
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_Destroy
- *
- *  -- public accessors --
- *  NSSCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWFindObjects_Next
- */
-struct NSSCKFWFindObjectsStr {
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex; /* merely to serialise the MDObject calls */
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdfo1;
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdfo2;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects; /* varies */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do these routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects1,
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects2,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects = NULL;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdToken = nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken(fwToken);
-    mdInstance = nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance(fwInstance);
-    fwFindObjects = nss_ZNEW(NULL, NSSCKFWFindObjects);
-    if (!fwFindObjects) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwFindObjects->mdfo1 = mdFindObjects1;
-    fwFindObjects->mdfo2 = mdFindObjects2;
-    fwFindObjects->fwSession = fwSession;
-    fwFindObjects->mdSession = mdSession;
-    fwFindObjects->fwToken = fwToken;
-    fwFindObjects->mdToken = mdToken;
-    fwFindObjects->fwInstance = fwInstance;
-    fwFindObjects->mdInstance = mdInstance;
-    fwFindObjects->mutex = nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex(fwInstance, NULL, pError);
-    if (!fwFindObjects->mutex) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = findObjects_add_pointer(fwFindObjects);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return fwFindObjects;
-    if (fwFindObjects) {
-        if (NULL != mdFindObjects1) {
-            if (NULL != mdFindObjects1->Final) {
-                fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects = mdFindObjects1;
-                mdFindObjects1->Final(mdFindObjects1, fwFindObjects, mdSession,
-                                      fwSession, mdToken, fwToken, mdInstance, fwInstance);
-            }
-        }
-        if (NULL != mdFindObjects2) {
-            if (NULL != mdFindObjects2->Final) {
-                fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects = mdFindObjects2;
-                mdFindObjects2->Final(mdFindObjects2, fwFindObjects, mdSession,
-                                      fwSession, mdToken, fwToken, mdInstance, fwInstance);
-            }
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(fwFindObjects);
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWFindObjects_verifyPointer(fwFindObjects)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwFindObjects->mutex);
-    if (fwFindObjects->mdfo1) {
-        if (fwFindObjects->mdfo1->Final) {
-            fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects = fwFindObjects->mdfo1;
-            fwFindObjects->mdfo1->Final(fwFindObjects->mdfo1, fwFindObjects,
-                                        fwFindObjects->mdSession, fwFindObjects->fwSession,
-                                        fwFindObjects->mdToken, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                        fwFindObjects->mdInstance, fwFindObjects->fwInstance);
-        }
-    }
-    if (fwFindObjects->mdfo2) {
-        if (fwFindObjects->mdfo2->Final) {
-            fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects = fwFindObjects->mdfo2;
-            fwFindObjects->mdfo2->Final(fwFindObjects->mdfo2, fwFindObjects,
-                                        fwFindObjects->mdSession, fwFindObjects->fwSession,
-                                        fwFindObjects->mdToken, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                        fwFindObjects->mdInstance, fwFindObjects->fwInstance);
-        }
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fwFindObjects);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)findObjects_remove_pointer(fwFindObjects);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return;
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWFindObjects_verifyPointer(fwFindObjects)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects;
- * nssCKFWFindObjects_Next
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    NSSArena *objArena;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWFindObjects_verifyPointer(fwFindObjects);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwFindObjects->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (fwFindObjects->mdfo1) {
-        if (fwFindObjects->mdfo1->Next) {
-            fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects = fwFindObjects->mdfo1;
-            mdObject = fwFindObjects->mdfo1->Next(fwFindObjects->mdfo1,
-                                                  fwFindObjects, fwFindObjects->mdSession, fwFindObjects->fwSession,
-                                                  fwFindObjects->mdToken, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                                  fwFindObjects->mdInstance, fwFindObjects->fwInstance,
-                                                  arenaOpt, pError);
-            if (!mdObject) {
-                if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-                    goto done;
-                }
-                /* All done. */
-                fwFindObjects->mdfo1->Final(fwFindObjects->mdfo1, fwFindObjects,
-                                            fwFindObjects->mdSession, fwFindObjects->fwSession,
-                                            fwFindObjects->mdToken, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                            fwFindObjects->mdInstance, fwFindObjects->fwInstance);
-                fwFindObjects->mdfo1 = (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-            } else {
-                goto wrap;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (fwFindObjects->mdfo2) {
-        if (fwFindObjects->mdfo2->Next) {
-            fwFindObjects->mdFindObjects = fwFindObjects->mdfo2;
-            mdObject = fwFindObjects->mdfo2->Next(fwFindObjects->mdfo2,
-                                                  fwFindObjects, fwFindObjects->mdSession, fwFindObjects->fwSession,
-                                                  fwFindObjects->mdToken, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                                  fwFindObjects->mdInstance, fwFindObjects->fwInstance,
-                                                  arenaOpt, pError);
-            if (!mdObject) {
-                if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-                    goto done;
-                }
-                /* All done. */
-                fwFindObjects->mdfo2->Final(fwFindObjects->mdfo2, fwFindObjects,
-                                            fwFindObjects->mdSession, fwFindObjects->fwSession,
-                                            fwFindObjects->mdToken, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                            fwFindObjects->mdInstance, fwFindObjects->fwInstance);
-                fwFindObjects->mdfo2 = (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-            } else {
-                goto wrap;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* No more objects */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    goto done;
-    /*
-   * This seems is less than ideal-- we should determine if it's a token
-   * object or a session object, and use the appropriate arena.
-   * But that duplicates logic in nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject.
-   * Also we should lookup the real session the object was created on
-   * if the object was a session object... however this code is actually
-   * correct because nssCKFWObject_Create will return a cached version of
-   * the object from it's hash. This is necessary because 1) we don't want
-   * to create an arena style leak (where our arena grows with every search),
-   * and 2) we want the same object to always have the same ID. This means
-   * the only case the nssCKFWObject_Create() will need the objArena and the
-   * Session is in the case of token objects (session objects should already
-   * exist in the cache from their initial creation). So this code is correct,
-   * but it depends on nssCKFWObject_Create caching all objects.
-   */
-    objArena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwFindObjects->fwToken, pError);
-    if (!objArena) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(objArena, mdObject,
-                                    NULL, fwFindObjects->fwToken,
-                                    fwFindObjects->fwInstance, pError);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwFindObjects->mutex);
-    return fwObject;
- * NSSCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWFindObjects_verifyPointer(fwFindObjects)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects(fwFindObjects);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/hash.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/hash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 50de4ce..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * hash.c
- *
- * This is merely a couple wrappers around NSPR's PLHashTable, using
- * the identity hash and arena-aware allocators.  The reason I did
- * this is that hash tables are used in a few places throughout the
- * NSS Cryptoki Framework in a fairly stereotyped way, and this allows
- * me to pull the commonalities into one place.  Should we ever want
- * to change the implementation, it's all right here.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * nssCKFWHash
- *
- *  nssCKFWHash_Create
- *  nssCKFWHash_Destroy
- *  nssCKFWHash_Add
- *  nssCKFWHash_Remove
- *  nssCKFWHash_Count
- *  nssCKFWHash_Exists
- *  nssCKFWHash_Lookup
- *  nssCKFWHash_Iterate
- */
-struct nssCKFWHashStr {
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex;
-    /*
-     * The invariant that mutex protects is:
-     *   The count accurately reflects the hashtable state.
-     */
-    PLHashTable *plHashTable;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-static PLHashNumber
-    const void *key)
-    return (PLHashNumber)((char *)key - (char *)NULL);
- * nssCKFWHash_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    nssCKFWHash *rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    rv = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssCKFWHash);
-    if (!rv) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-    rv->mutex = nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex(fwInstance, arena, pError);
-    if (!rv->mutex) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-    rv->plHashTable = PL_NewHashTable(0, nss_ckfw_identity_hash,
-                                      PL_CompareValues, PL_CompareValues, &nssArenaHashAllocOps, arena);
-    if (!rv->plHashTable) {
-        (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(rv->mutex);
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-    rv->count = 0;
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWHash_Destroy
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash)
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(hash->mutex);
-    PL_HashTableDestroy(hash->plHashTable);
-    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(hash);
- * nssCKFWHash_Add
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *key,
-    const void *value)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    PLHashEntry *he;
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(hash->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    he = PL_HashTableAdd(hash->plHashTable, key, (void *)value);
-    if (!he) {
-        error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    } else {
-        hash->count++;
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWHash_Remove
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *it)
-    PRBool found;
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(hash->mutex)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    found = PL_HashTableRemove(hash->plHashTable, it);
-    if (found) {
-        hash->count--;
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return;
- * nssCKFWHash_Count
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash)
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(hash->mutex)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    count = hash->count;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return count;
- * nssCKFWHash_Exists
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *it)
-    void *value;
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(hash->mutex)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    value = PL_HashTableLookup(hash->plHashTable, it);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    if (!value) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        return CK_TRUE;
-    }
- * nssCKFWHash_Lookup
- *
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    const void *it)
-    void *rv;
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(hash->mutex)) {
-        return (void *)NULL;
-    }
-    rv = PL_HashTableLookup(hash->plHashTable, it);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return rv;
-struct arg_str {
-    nssCKFWHashIterator fcn;
-    void *closure;
-static PRIntn
-    PLHashEntry *he,
-    PRIntn index,
-    void *arg)
-    struct arg_str *as = (struct arg_str *)arg;
-    as->fcn(he->key, he->value, as->closure);
-    return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
- * nssCKFWHash_Iterate
- *
- * NOTE that the iteration function will be called with the hashtable locked.
- */
-    nssCKFWHash *hash,
-    nssCKFWHashIterator fcn,
-    void *closure)
-    struct arg_str as;
-    as.fcn = fcn;
-    as.closure = closure;
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(hash->mutex)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(hash->plHashTable, nss_ckfwhash_enumerator, &as);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(hash->mutex);
-    return;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/instance.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/instance.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f585eb5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/instance.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1268 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * instance.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWInstance type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWInstance
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_Create
- *  nssCKFWInstance_Destroy
- *
- *  -- public accessors --
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *  nssCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *  nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_CreateSessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_DestroySessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_FindSessionHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle
- *  nssCKFWInstance_DestroyObjectHandle
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetCryptokiVersion
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetManufacturerID
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetFlags
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryDescription
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryVersion
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects
- *  nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots
- *  nssCKFWInstance_WaitForSlotEvent
- *
- *  -- debugging versions only --
- *  nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer
- */
-struct NSSCKFWInstanceStr {
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    CryptokiLockingState LockingState;
-    CK_BBOOL mayCreatePthreads;
-    NSSUTF8 *configurationData;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **fwSlotList;
-    NSSCKMDSlot **mdSlotList;
-    CK_BBOOL moduleHandlesSessionObjects;
-    /*
-     * Everything above is set at creation time, and then not modified.
-     * The invariants the mutex protects are:
-     *
-     *  1) Each of the cached descriptions (versions, etc.) are in an
-     *     internally consistant state.
-     *
-     *  2) The session handle hashes and count are consistant
-     *
-     *  3) The object handle hashes and count are consistant.
-     *
-     * I could use multiple locks, but let's wait to see if that's
-     * really necessary.
-     *
-     * Note that the calls accessing the cached descriptions will
-     * call the NSSCKMDInstance methods with the mutex locked.  Those
-     * methods may then call the public NSSCKFWInstance routines.
-     * Those public routines only access the constant data above, so
-     * there's no problem.  But be careful if you add to this object;
-     * mutexes are in general not reentrant, so don't create deadlock
-     * situations.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION cryptokiVersion;
-    NSSUTF8 *manufacturerID;
-    NSSUTF8 *libraryDescription;
-    CK_VERSION libraryVersion;
-    CK_ULONG lastSessionHandle;
-    nssCKFWHash *sessionHandleHash;
-    CK_ULONG lastObjectHandle;
-    nssCKFWHash *objectHandleHash;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWInstance_Create
- *
- */
-    CryptokiLockingState LockingState,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    NSSArena *arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CK_BBOOL called_Initialize = CK_FALSE;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_RV)NULL == pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!mdInstance) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwInstance = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKFWInstance);
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto nomem;
-    }
-    fwInstance->arena = arena;
-    fwInstance->mdInstance = mdInstance;
-    fwInstance->LockingState = LockingState;
-    if ((CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS_PTR)NULL != pInitArgs) {
-        fwInstance->initArgs = *pInitArgs;
-        fwInstance->pInitArgs = &fwInstance->initArgs;
-        if (pInitArgs->flags & CKF_LIBRARY_CANT_CREATE_OS_THREADS) {
-            fwInstance->mayCreatePthreads = CK_FALSE;
-        } else {
-            fwInstance->mayCreatePthreads = CK_TRUE;
-        }
-        fwInstance->configurationData = (NSSUTF8 *)(pInitArgs->pReserved);
-    } else {
-        fwInstance->mayCreatePthreads = CK_TRUE;
-    }
-    fwInstance->mutex = nssCKFWMutex_Create(pInitArgs, LockingState, arena,
-                                            pError);
-    if (!fwInstance->mutex) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (mdInstance->Initialize) {
-        *pError = mdInstance->Initialize(mdInstance, fwInstance, fwInstance->configurationData);
-        if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        called_Initialize = CK_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (mdInstance->ModuleHandlesSessionObjects) {
-        fwInstance->moduleHandlesSessionObjects =
-            mdInstance->ModuleHandlesSessionObjects(mdInstance, fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwInstance->moduleHandlesSessionObjects = CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (!mdInstance->GetNSlots) {
-        /* That routine is required */
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwInstance->nSlots = mdInstance->GetNSlots(mdInstance, fwInstance, pError);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == fwInstance->nSlots) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            /* Zero is not a legitimate answer */
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwInstance->fwSlotList = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, NSSCKFWSlot *, fwInstance->nSlots);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == fwInstance->fwSlotList) {
-        goto nomem;
-    }
-    fwInstance->mdSlotList = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, NSSCKMDSlot *, fwInstance->nSlots);
-    if ((NSSCKMDSlot **)NULL == fwInstance->mdSlotList) {
-        goto nomem;
-    }
-    fwInstance->sessionHandleHash = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwInstance,
-                                                       fwInstance->arena, pError);
-    if (!fwInstance->sessionHandleHash) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwInstance->objectHandleHash = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwInstance,
-                                                      fwInstance->arena, pError);
-    if (!fwInstance->objectHandleHash) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!mdInstance->GetSlots) {
-        /* That routine is required */
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *pError = mdInstance->GetSlots(mdInstance, fwInstance, fwInstance->mdSlotList);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < fwInstance->nSlots; i++) {
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot = fwInstance->mdSlotList[i];
-        if (!mdSlot) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        fwInstance->fwSlotList[i] = nssCKFWSlot_Create(fwInstance, mdSlot, i, pError);
-        if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-            CK_ULONG j;
-            for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-                (void)nssCKFWSlot_Destroy(fwInstance->fwSlotList[j]);
-            }
-            for (j = i; j < fwInstance->nSlots; j++) {
-                NSSCKMDSlot *mds = fwInstance->mdSlotList[j];
-                if (mds->Destroy) {
-                    mds->Destroy(mds, (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL, mdInstance, fwInstance);
-                }
-            }
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = instance_add_pointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        for (i = 0; i < fwInstance->nSlots; i++) {
-            (void)nssCKFWSlot_Destroy(fwInstance->fwSlotList[i]);
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    return fwInstance;
-    *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    if (CK_TRUE == called_Initialize) {
-        if (mdInstance->Finalize) {
-            mdInstance->Finalize(mdInstance, fwInstance);
-        }
-    }
-    if (fwInstance && fwInstance->mutex) {
-        nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwInstance->mutex);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-        (void)NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
- * nssCKFWInstance_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    CK_ULONG i;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwInstance->mutex);
-    for (i = 0; i < fwInstance->nSlots; i++) {
-        (void)nssCKFWSlot_Destroy(fwInstance->fwSlotList[i]);
-    }
-    if (fwInstance->mdInstance->Finalize) {
-        fwInstance->mdInstance->Finalize(fwInstance->mdInstance, fwInstance);
-    }
-    if (fwInstance->sessionHandleHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwInstance->sessionHandleHash);
-    }
-    if (fwInstance->objectHandleHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwInstance->objectHandleHash);
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)instance_remove_pointer(fwInstance);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    (void)NSSArena_Destroy(fwInstance->arena);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwInstance->mdInstance;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    return fwInstance->arena;
- * nssCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwInstance->mayCreatePthreads;
- * nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    mutex = nssCKFWMutex_Create(fwInstance->pInitArgs, fwInstance->LockingState,
-                                arena, pError);
-    if (!mutex) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-    return mutex;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwInstance->configurationData;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwInstance->pInitArgs;
- * nssCKFWInstance_CreateSessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-    hSession = ++(fwInstance->lastSessionHandle);
-    /* Alan would say I should unlock for this call. */
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_SetHandle(fwSession, hSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwInstance->sessionHandleHash,
-                              (const void *)hSession, (const void *)fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        hSession = (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return hSession;
- * nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwSession = (NSSCKFWSession *)nssCKFWHash_Lookup(
-        fwInstance->sessionHandleHash, (const void *)hSession);
-    /* Assert(hSession == nssCKFWSession_GetHandle(fwSession)) */
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return fwSession;
- * nssCKFWInstance_DestroySessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    fwSession = (NSSCKFWSession *)nssCKFWHash_Lookup(
-        fwInstance->sessionHandleHash, (const void *)hSession);
-    if (fwSession) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Remove(fwInstance->sessionHandleHash, (const void *)hSession);
-        nssCKFWSession_SetHandle(fwSession, (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0);
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return;
- * nssCKFWInstance_FindSessionHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_GetHandle(fwSession);
-    /* look it up and assert? */
- * nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-    hObject = ++(fwInstance->lastObjectHandle);
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_SetHandle(fwObject, hObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        hObject = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwInstance->objectHandleHash,
-                              (const void *)hObject, (const void *)fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        hObject = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return hObject;
- * nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject)
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwObject = (NSSCKFWObject *)nssCKFWHash_Lookup(
-        fwInstance->objectHandleHash, (const void *)hObject);
-    /* Assert(hObject == nssCKFWObject_GetHandle(fwObject)) */
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return fwObject;
- * nssCKFWInstance_ReassignObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWObject *oldObject;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    oldObject = (NSSCKFWObject *)nssCKFWHash_Lookup(
-        fwInstance->objectHandleHash, (const void *)hObject);
-    if (oldObject) {
-        /* Assert(hObject == nssCKFWObject_GetHandle(oldObject) */
-        (void)nssCKFWObject_SetHandle(oldObject, (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0);
-        nssCKFWHash_Remove(fwInstance->objectHandleHash, (const void *)hObject);
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWObject_SetHandle(fwObject, hObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwInstance->objectHandleHash,
-                            (const void *)hObject, (const void *)fwObject);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWInstance_DestroyObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject)
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    fwObject = (NSSCKFWObject *)nssCKFWHash_Lookup(
-        fwInstance->objectHandleHash, (const void *)hObject);
-    if (fwObject) {
-        /* Assert(hObject = nssCKFWObject_GetHandle(fwObject)) */
-        nssCKFWHash_Remove(fwInstance->objectHandleHash, (const void *)hObject);
-        (void)nssCKFWObject_SetHandle(fwObject, (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0);
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return;
- * nssCKFWInstance_FindObjectHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetHandle(fwObject);
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    return fwInstance->nSlots;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetCryptokiVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    CK_VERSION rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if ((0 != fwInstance->cryptokiVersion.major) ||
-        (0 != fwInstance->cryptokiVersion.minor)) {
-        rv = fwInstance->cryptokiVersion;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (fwInstance->mdInstance->GetCryptokiVersion) {
-        fwInstance->cryptokiVersion = fwInstance->mdInstance->GetCryptokiVersion(
-            fwInstance->mdInstance, fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwInstance->cryptokiVersion.major = 2;
-        fwInstance->cryptokiVersion.minor = 1;
-    }
-    rv = fwInstance->cryptokiVersion;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetManufacturerID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_CHAR manufacturerID[32])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == manufacturerID) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwInstance->manufacturerID) {
-        if (fwInstance->mdInstance->GetManufacturerID) {
-            fwInstance->manufacturerID = fwInstance->mdInstance->GetManufacturerID(
-                fwInstance->mdInstance, fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwInstance->manufacturerID) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwInstance->manufacturerID = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwInstance->manufacturerID, (char *)manufacturerID, 32, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetFlags
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* No "instance flags" are yet defined by Cryptoki. */
-    return (CK_ULONG)0;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryDescription
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_CHAR libraryDescription[32])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == libraryDescription) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwInstance->libraryDescription) {
-        if (fwInstance->mdInstance->GetLibraryDescription) {
-            fwInstance->libraryDescription = fwInstance->mdInstance->GetLibraryDescription(
-                fwInstance->mdInstance, fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwInstance->libraryDescription) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwInstance->libraryDescription = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwInstance->libraryDescription, (char *)libraryDescription, 32, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    CK_VERSION rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwInstance->mutex)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if ((0 != fwInstance->libraryVersion.major) ||
-        (0 != fwInstance->libraryVersion.minor)) {
-        rv = fwInstance->libraryVersion;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (fwInstance->mdInstance->GetLibraryVersion) {
-        fwInstance->libraryVersion = fwInstance->mdInstance->GetLibraryVersion(
-            fwInstance->mdInstance, fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwInstance->libraryVersion.major = 0;
-        fwInstance->libraryVersion.minor = 3;
-    }
-    rv = fwInstance->libraryVersion;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwInstance->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwInstance->moduleHandlesSessionObjects;
- * nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwInstance->fwSlotList;
- * nssCKFWInstance_WaitForSlotEvent
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_BBOOL block,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot = (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot;
-    CK_ULONG i, n;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    switch (block) {
-        case CK_TRUE:
-        case CK_FALSE:
-            break;
-        default:
-            *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-            return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwInstance->mdInstance->WaitForSlotEvent) {
-        *pError = CKR_NO_EVENT;
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdSlot = fwInstance->mdInstance->WaitForSlotEvent(
-        fwInstance->mdInstance,
-        fwInstance,
-        block,
-        pError);
-    if (!mdSlot) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    n = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, pError);
-    if (((CK_ULONG)0 == n) && (CKR_OK != *pError)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        if (fwInstance->mdSlotList[i] == mdSlot) {
-            fwSlot = fwInstance->fwSlotList[i];
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        /* Internal error */
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    return fwSlot;
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance(fwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWInstance_GetArena(fwInstance, pError);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads(fwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex(fwInstance, arena, pError);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-        return (NSSUTF8 *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData(fwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance)) {
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs(fwInstance);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/mechanism.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/mechanism.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e5ac6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/mechanism.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1102 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * mechanism.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWMechanism type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWMechanism
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_Create
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetMDMechanism
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetParameter
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetMinKeySize
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetMaxKeySize
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetInHardware
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanEncrypt
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDecrypt
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDigest
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSign
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSignRecover
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerify
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerate
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerateKeyPair
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanUnwrap
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanWrap
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDerive
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_EncryptInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DecryptInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DigestInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_SignInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_SignRecoverInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyRecoverInit
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKey
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKeyPair
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_GetWrapKeyLength
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_WrapKey
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_UnwrapKey
- *  nssCKFWMechanism_DeriveKey
- */
-struct NSSCKFWMechanismStr {
-    NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    fwMechanism = nss_ZNEW(NULL, NSSCKFWMechanism);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        return (NSSCKFWMechanism *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwMechanism->mdMechanism = mdMechanism;
-    fwMechanism->mdToken = mdToken;
-    fwMechanism->fwToken = fwToken;
-    fwMechanism->mdInstance = mdInstance;
-    fwMechanism->fwInstance = fwInstance;
-    return fwMechanism;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism)
-    /* destroy any fw resources held by nssCKFWMechanism (currently none) */
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->Destroy) {
-        /* destroys it's parent as well */
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism->Destroy(
-            fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-            fwMechanism,
-            fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-            fwMechanism->fwInstance);
-    }
-    /* if the Destroy function wasn't supplied, then the mechanism is 'static',
-     * and there is nothing to destroy */
-    return;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetMDMechanism
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism)
-    return fwMechanism->mdMechanism;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetMinKeySize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetMinKeySize) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetMinKeySize(fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-                                                   fwMechanism, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                   fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance, pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetMaxKeySize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetMaxKeySize) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetMaxKeySize(fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-                                                   fwMechanism, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                   fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance, pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetInHardware
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetInHardware) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetInHardware(fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-                                                   fwMechanism, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                   fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance, pError);
- * the following are determined automatically by which of the cryptographic
- * functions are defined for this mechanism.
- */
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanEncrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->EncryptInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDecrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DecryptInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDigest
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DigestInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSign
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->SignInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSignRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->SignRecoverInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerify
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->VerifyInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerifyRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->VerifyRecoverInit) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GenerateKey) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerateKeyPair
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GenerateKeyPair) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanUnwrap
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->UnwrapKey) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanWrap
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->WrapKey) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDerive
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DeriveKey) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return CK_TRUE;
- * These are the actual crypto operations
- */
- * nssCKFWMechanism_EncryptInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->EncryptInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->EncryptInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_DecryptInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DecryptInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DecryptInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_DigestInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DigestInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DigestInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_SignInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->SignInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->SignInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Sign, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->VerifyInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->VerifyInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_SignRecoverInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->SignRecoverInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->SignRecoverInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_SignRecover, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyRecoverInit
- *  Start an encryption session.
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM *pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdOperation;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->VerifyRecoverInit) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-    mdOperation = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->VerifyRecoverInit(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdObject,
-        fwObject,
-        &error);
-    if (!mdOperation) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Create(mdOperation,
-                                                mdSession, fwSession, fwMechanism->mdToken, fwMechanism->fwToken,
-                                                fwMechanism->mdInstance, fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-                                                NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_VerifyRecover, &error);
-    if (fwOperation) {
-        nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, fwOperation,
-                                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify);
-    }
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = NULL;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GenerateKey) {
-        *pError = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    arena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwMechanism->fwToken, pError);
-    if (!arena) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdObject = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GenerateKey(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        pTemplate,
-        ulAttributeCount,
-        pError);
-    if (!mdObject) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdObject,
-                                    fwSession, fwMechanism->fwToken, fwMechanism->fwInstance, pError);
-    return fwObject;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKeyPair
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-    NSSCKFWObject **fwPublicKeyObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject **fwPrivateKeyObject)
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdPublicKeyObject;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdPrivateKeyObject;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GenerateKeyPair) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    arena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwMechanism->fwToken, &error);
-    if (!arena) {
-        if (CKR_OK == error) {
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        return error;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    error = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GenerateKeyPair(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        pPublicKeyTemplate,
-        ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-        pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-        ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-        &mdPublicKeyObject,
-        &mdPrivateKeyObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    *fwPublicKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdPublicKeyObject,
-                                              fwSession, fwMechanism->fwToken, fwMechanism->fwInstance, &error);
-    if (!*fwPublicKeyObject) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    *fwPrivateKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdPrivateKeyObject,
-                                               fwSession, fwMechanism->fwToken, fwMechanism->fwInstance, &error);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_GetWrapKeyLength
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwKeyObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappingKeyObject;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdKeyObject;
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->WrapKey) {
-        *pError = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdWrappingKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwWrappingKeyObject);
-    mdKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwKeyObject);
-    return fwMechanism->mdMechanism->GetWrapKeyLength(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdWrappingKeyObject,
-        fwWrappingKeyObject,
-        mdKeyObject,
-        fwKeyObject,
-        pError);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_WrapKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwKeyObject,
-    NSSItem *wrappedKey)
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappingKeyObject;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdKeyObject;
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->WrapKey) {
-        return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdWrappingKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwWrappingKeyObject);
-    mdKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwKeyObject);
-    return fwMechanism->mdMechanism->WrapKey(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdWrappingKeyObject,
-        fwWrappingKeyObject,
-        mdKeyObject,
-        fwKeyObject,
-        wrappedKey);
- * nssCKFWMechanism_UnwrapKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject,
-    NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappingKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = NULL;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->UnwrapKey) {
-        /* we could simulate UnwrapKey using Decrypt and Create object, but
-     * 1) it's not clear that would work well, and 2) the low level token
-     * may want to restrict unwrap key for a reason, so just fail it it
-     * can't be done */
-        *pError = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    arena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwMechanism->fwToken, pError);
-    if (!arena) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdWrappingKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwWrappingKeyObject);
-    mdObject = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->UnwrapKey(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdWrappingKeyObject,
-        fwWrappingKeyObject,
-        wrappedKey,
-        pTemplate,
-        ulAttributeCount,
-        pError);
-    if (!mdObject) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdObject,
-                                    fwSession, fwMechanism->fwToken, fwMechanism->fwInstance, pError);
-    return fwObject;
- * nssCKFWMechanism_DeriveKey
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwBaseKeyObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdBaseKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = NULL;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    if (!fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DeriveKey) {
-        *pError = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    arena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwMechanism->fwToken, pError);
-    if (!arena) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    mdBaseKeyObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwBaseKeyObject);
-    mdObject = fwMechanism->mdMechanism->DeriveKey(
-        fwMechanism->mdMechanism,
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        mdSession,
-        fwSession,
-        fwMechanism->mdToken,
-        fwMechanism->fwToken,
-        fwMechanism->mdInstance,
-        fwMechanism->fwInstance,
-        mdBaseKeyObject,
-        fwBaseKeyObject,
-        pTemplate,
-        ulAttributeCount,
-        pError);
-    if (!mdObject) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdObject,
-                                    fwSession, fwMechanism->fwToken, fwMechanism->fwInstance, pError);
-    return fwObject;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/mutex.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/mutex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index be569e1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/mutex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * mutex.c
- *
- * This file implements a mutual-exclusion locking facility for Modules
- * using the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWMutex
- *
- *  NSSCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *  NSSCKFWMutex_Lock
- *  NSSCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Create
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Lock
- *  nssCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- *  -- debugging versions only --
- *  nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWMutexStr {
-    PRLock *lock;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWMutex *fwMutex)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWMutex *fwMutex)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWMutex *fwMutex)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWMutex_Create
- *
- */
-    CryptokiLockingState LockingState,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex;
-    mutex = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKFWMutex);
-    if (!mutex) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    mutex->lock = NULL;
-    if (LockingState == MultiThreaded) {
-        mutex->lock = PR_NewLock();
-        if (!mutex->lock) {
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; /* we couldn't get the resource */
-        }
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(mutex);
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = mutex_add_pointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        if (mutex->lock) {
-            PR_DestroyLock(mutex->lock);
-        }
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(mutex);
-        return (NSSCKFWMutex *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return mutex;
- * nssCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex)
-    CK_RV rv = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    rv = nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (mutex->lock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(mutex->lock);
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)mutex_remove_pointer(mutex);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWMutex_Lock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV rv = nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (mutex->lock) {
-        PR_Lock(mutex->lock);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex)
-    PRStatus nrv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV rv = nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!mutex->lock)
-        return CKR_OK;
-    nrv = PR_Unlock(mutex->lock);
-    /* if unlock fails, either we have a programming error, or we have
-     * some sort of hardware failure... in either case return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR.
-     */
-    return nrv == PR_SUCCESS ? CKR_OK : CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
- * NSSCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    CK_RV rv = nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(mutex);
- * NSSCKFWMutex_Lock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    CK_RV rv = nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWMutex_Lock(mutex);
- * NSSCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    CK_RV rv = nssCKFWMutex_verifyPointer(mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != rv) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(mutex);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api
deleted file mode 100644
index 8364258..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1856 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * nssck.api
- *
- * This automatically-generated file is used to generate a set of
- * Cryptoki entry points within the object space of a Module using
- * the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- *
- * The Module should have a .c file with the following:
- *
- *  #define MODULE_NAME name
- *  #define INSTANCE_NAME instance
- *  #include "nssck.api"
- *
- * where "name" is some module-specific name that can be used to
- * disambiguate various modules.  This included file will then
- * define the actual Cryptoki routines which pass through to the
- * Framework calls.  All routines, except C_GetFunctionList, will
- * be prefixed with the name; C_GetFunctionList will be generated
- * to return an entry-point vector with these routines.  The
- * instance specified should be the basic instance of NSSCKMDInstance.
- *
- * If, prior to including nssck.api, the .c file also specifies
- *
- *
- * Then a set of "stub" routines not prefixed with the name will
- * be included.  This would allow the combined module and framework
- * to be used in applications which are hard-coded to use the
- * PKCS#11 names (instead of going through the EPV).  Please note
- * that such applications should be careful resolving symbols when
- * more than one PKCS#11 module is loaded.
- */
-#ifndef MODULE_NAME
-#error "Error: MODULE_NAME must be defined."
-#endif /* MODULE_NAME */
-#error "Error: INSTANCE_NAME must be defined."
-#endif /* INSTANCE_NAME */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWC_H
-#include "nssckfwc.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWC_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKEPV_H
-#include "nssckepv.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKEPV_H */
-#define ADJOIN(x,y) x##y
-#define __ADJOIN(x,y) ADJOIN(x,y)
- * The anchor.  This object is used to store an "anchor" pointer in
- * the Module's object space, so the wrapper functions can relate
- * back to this instance.
- */
-static NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance = (NSSCKFWInstance *)0;
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs
-  return NSSCKFWC_Initialize(&fwInstance, INSTANCE_NAME, pInitArgs);
-  CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Initialize)(pInitArgs);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
-  return NSSCKFWC_Finalize(&fwInstance);
-  CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Finalize)(pReserved);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_INFO_PTR pInfo
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetInfo(fwInstance, pInfo);
-  CK_INFO_PTR pInfo
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetInfo)(pInfo);
- * C_GetFunctionList is defined at the end.
- */
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetSlotList(fwInstance, tokenPresent, pSlotList, pulCount);
-  CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetSlotList)(tokenPresent, pSlotList, pulCount);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetSlotInfo(fwInstance, slotID, pInfo);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetSlotInfo)(slotID, pInfo);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetTokenInfo(fwInstance, slotID, pInfo);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetTokenInfo)(slotID, pInfo);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismList(fwInstance, slotID, pMechanismList, pulCount);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetMechanismList)(slotID, pMechanismList, pulCount);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismInfo(fwInstance, slotID, type, pInfo);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetMechanismInfo)(slotID, type, pInfo);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulPinLen,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel
-  return NSSCKFWC_InitToken(fwInstance, slotID, pPin, ulPinLen, pLabel);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulPinLen,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_InitToken)(slotID, pPin, ulPinLen, pLabel);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulPinLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_InitPIN(fwInstance, hSession, pPin, ulPinLen);
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulPinLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_InitPIN)(hSession, pPin, ulPinLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pOldPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulOldLen,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pNewPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulNewLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_SetPIN(fwInstance, hSession, pOldPin, ulOldLen, pNewPin, ulNewLen);
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pOldPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulOldLen,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pNewPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulNewLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SetPIN)(hSession, pOldPin, ulOldLen, pNewPin, ulNewLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  CK_FLAGS flags,
-  CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-  CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-  return NSSCKFWC_OpenSession(fwInstance, slotID, flags, pApplication, Notify, phSession);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-  CK_FLAGS flags,
-  CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-  CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_OpenSession)(slotID, flags, pApplication, Notify, phSession);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_CloseSession(fwInstance, hSession);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_CloseSession)(hSession);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID
-  return NSSCKFWC_CloseAllSessions(fwInstance, slotID);
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_CloseAllSessions)(slotID);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetSessionInfo(fwInstance, hSession, pInfo);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetSessionInfo)(hSession, pInfo);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetOperationState(fwInstance, hSession, pOperationState, pulOperationStateLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetOperationState)(hSession, pOperationState, pulOperationStateLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-  CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey
-  return NSSCKFWC_SetOperationState(fwInstance, hSession, pOperationState, ulOperationStateLen, hEncryptionKey, hAuthenticationKey);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-  CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SetOperationState)(hSession, pOperationState, ulOperationStateLen, hEncryptionKey, hAuthenticationKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulPinLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_Login(fwInstance, hSession, userType, pPin, ulPinLen);
-  CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG ulPinLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Login)(hSession, userType, pPin, ulPinLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_Logout(fwInstance, hSession);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Logout)(hSession);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount,
-  return NSSCKFWC_CreateObject(fwInstance, hSession, pTemplate, ulCount, phObject);
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_CreateObject)(hSession, pTemplate, ulCount, phObject);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount,
-  return NSSCKFWC_CopyObject(fwInstance, hSession, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount, phNewObject);
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_CopyObject)(hSession, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount, phNewObject);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_DestroyObject(fwInstance, hSession, hObject);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DestroyObject)(hSession, hObject);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetObjectSize(fwInstance, hSession, hObject, pulSize);
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetObjectSize)(hSession, hObject, pulSize);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetAttributeValue(fwInstance, hSession, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount);
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetAttributeValue)(hSession, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount
-  return NSSCKFWC_SetAttributeValue(fwInstance, hSession, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount);
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SetAttributeValue)(hSession, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount
-  return NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsInit(fwInstance, hSession, pTemplate, ulCount);
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_FindObjectsInit)(hSession, pTemplate, ulCount);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount
-  return NSSCKFWC_FindObjects(fwInstance, hSession, phObject, ulMaxObjectCount, pulObjectCount);
-  CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_FindObjects)(hSession, phObject, ulMaxObjectCount, pulObjectCount);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsFinal(fwInstance, hSession);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_FindObjectsFinal)(hSession);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return NSSCKFWC_EncryptInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_EncryptInit)(hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_Encrypt(fwInstance, hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pEncryptedData, pulEncryptedDataLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Encrypt)(hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pEncryptedData, pulEncryptedDataLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_EncryptUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_EncryptUpdate)(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_EncryptFinal(fwInstance, hSession, pLastEncryptedPart, pulLastEncryptedPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_EncryptFinal)(hSession, pLastEncryptedPart, pulLastEncryptedPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return NSSCKFWC_DecryptInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DecryptInit)(hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_Decrypt(fwInstance, hSession, pEncryptedData, ulEncryptedDataLen, pData, pulDataLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Decrypt)(hSession, pEncryptedData, ulEncryptedDataLen, pData, pulDataLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DecryptUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DecryptUpdate)(hSession, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DecryptFinal(fwInstance, hSession, pLastPart, pulLastPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DecryptFinal)(hSession, pLastPart, pulLastPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism
-  return NSSCKFWC_DigestInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DigestInit)(hSession, pMechanism);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_Digest(fwInstance, hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pDigest, pulDigestLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Digest)(hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pDigest, pulDigestLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DigestUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pPart, ulPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DigestUpdate)(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_DigestKey(fwInstance, hSession, hKey);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DigestKey)(hSession, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DigestFinal(fwInstance, hSession, pDigest, pulDigestLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DigestFinal)(hSession, pDigest, pulDigestLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return NSSCKFWC_SignInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SignInit)(hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_Sign(fwInstance, hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Sign)(hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_SignUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pPart, ulPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SignUpdate)(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_SignFinal(fwInstance, hSession, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SignFinal)(hSession, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return NSSCKFWC_SignRecoverInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SignRecoverInit)(hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_SignRecover(fwInstance, hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SignRecover)(hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return NSSCKFWC_VerifyInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_VerifyInit)(hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_Verify(fwInstance, hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, ulSignatureLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_Verify)(hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, ulSignatureLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_VerifyUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pPart, ulPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_VerifyUpdate)(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_VerifyFinal(fwInstance, hSession, pSignature, ulSignatureLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_VerifyFinal)(hSession, pSignature, ulSignatureLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecoverInit(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_VerifyRecoverInit)(hSession, pMechanism, hKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecover(fwInstance, hSession, pSignature, ulSignatureLen, pData, pulDataLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_VerifyRecover)(hSession, pSignature, ulSignatureLen, pData, pulDataLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DigestEncryptUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DigestEncryptUpdate)(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DecryptDigestUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DecryptDigestUpdate)(hSession, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_SignEncryptUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SignEncryptUpdate)(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_DecryptVerifyUpdate(fwInstance, hSession, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DecryptVerifyUpdate)(hSession, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount,
-  return NSSCKFWC_GenerateKey(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, pTemplate, ulCount, phKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulCount,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GenerateKey)(hSession, pMechanism, pTemplate, ulCount, phKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-  return NSSCKFWC_GenerateKeyPair(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, pPublicKeyTemplate, ulPublicKeyAttributeCount, pPrivateKeyTemplate, ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount, phPublicKey, phPrivateKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GenerateKeyPair)(hSession, pMechanism, pPublicKeyTemplate, ulPublicKeyAttributeCount, pPrivateKeyTemplate, ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount, phPublicKey, phPrivateKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_WrapKey(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hWrappingKey, hKey, pWrappedKey, pulWrappedKeyLen);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_WrapKey)(hSession, pMechanism, hWrappingKey, hKey, pWrappedKey, pulWrappedKeyLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-  CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-  return NSSCKFWC_UnwrapKey(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hUnwrappingKey, pWrappedKey, ulWrappedKeyLen, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, phKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-  CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_UnwrapKey)(hSession, pMechanism, hUnwrappingKey, pWrappedKey, ulWrappedKeyLen, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, phKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-  return NSSCKFWC_DeriveKey(fwInstance, hSession, pMechanism, hBaseKey, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, phKey);
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_DeriveKey)(hSession, pMechanism, hBaseKey, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, phKey);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed,
-  CK_ULONG ulSeedLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_SeedRandom(fwInstance, hSession, pSeed, ulSeedLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed,
-  CK_ULONG ulSeedLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_SeedRandom)(hSession, pSeed, ulSeedLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_BYTE_PTR RandomData,
-  CK_ULONG ulRandomLen
-  return NSSCKFWC_GenerateRandom(fwInstance, hSession, RandomData, ulRandomLen);
-  CK_BYTE_PTR RandomData,
-  CK_ULONG ulRandomLen
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GenerateRandom)(hSession, RandomData, ulRandomLen);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionStatus(fwInstance, hSession);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionStatus)(hSession);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  return NSSCKFWC_CancelFunction(fwInstance, hSession);
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_CancelFunction)(hSession);
-static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
-  CK_FLAGS flags,
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-  CK_VOID_PTR pRserved
-  return NSSCKFWC_WaitForSlotEvent(fwInstance, flags, pSlot, pRserved);
-  CK_FLAGS flags,
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-  CK_VOID_PTR pRserved
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_WaitForSlotEvent)(flags, pSlot, pRserved);
-static CK_FUNCTION_LIST FunctionList = {
-  { 2, 1 },
-  *ppFunctionList = &FunctionList;
-  return CKR_OK;
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-/* This one is always present */
-  return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionList)(ppFunctionList);
-#undef __ADJOIN
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckepv.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckepv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 042845d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckepv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKEPV_H
-#define NSSCKEPV_H
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKEPV_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckft.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckft.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ee292..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckft.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _NSSCKFT_H_
-#define _NSSCKFT_H_ 1
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#endif /* _NSSCKFT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfw.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8807ac8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKFW_H
-#define NSSCKFW_H
- * nssckfw.h
- *
- * This file prototypes the publicly available calls of the
- * NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
- * NSSCKFWInstance
- *
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *  NSSCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- */
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_MayCreatePthreads
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_CreateMutex
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetConfigurationData
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWInstance_GetInitArgs
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
- *
- *  NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *  NSSCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *  NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
- * NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * NSSCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot);
- * NSSCKFWToken
- *
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- */
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWMechanism
- *
- *  NSSKCFWMechanism_GetMDMechanism
- *  NSSCKFWMechanism_GetParameter
- *
- */
- * NSSKCFWMechanism_GetMDMechanism
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism);
- * NSSCKFWMechanism_GetParameter
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism);
- * NSSCKFWSession
- *
- *  NSSCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *  NSSCKFWSession_GetArena
- *  NSSCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *  NSSCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *  NSSCKFWSession_IsSO
- *  NSSCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation
- *
- */
- * NSSCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * NSSCKFWSession_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_NOTIFICATION event);
- * NSSCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * NSSCKFWSession_IsSO
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession);
- * NSSCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state);
- * NSSCKFWObject
- *
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetArena
- *  NSSCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- */
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *itemOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * NSSCKFWFindObjects
- *
- *  NSSCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- */
- * NSSCKFWFindObjects_GetMDFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *);
- * NSSCKFWMutex
- *
- *  NSSCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *  NSSCKFWMutex_Lock
- *  NSSCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- */
- * NSSCKFWMutex_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex);
- * NSSCKFWMutex_Lock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex);
- * NSSCKFWMutex_Unlock
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex);
-#endif /* NSSCKFW_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwc.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 734a67c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,879 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWC_H
-#define NSSCKFWC_H
- * nssckfwc.h
- *
- * This file prototypes all of the NSS Cryptoki Framework "wrapper"
- * which implement the PKCS#11 API.  Technically, these are public
- * routines (with capital "NSS" prefixes), since they are called
- * from (generated) code within a Module using the Framework.
- * However, they should not be called except from those generated
- * calls.  Hence, the prototypes have been split out into this file.
- */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKMDT_H
-#include "nssckmdt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKMDT_H */
- * NSSCKFWC_Initialize
- * NSSCKFWC_Finalize
- * NSSCKFWC_GetInfo
- * -- NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionList -- see the API insert file
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotList
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_GetTokenInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_WaitForSlotEvent
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismList
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_InitToken
- * NSSCKFWC_OpenSession
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseSession
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseAllSessions
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSessionInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_GetOperationState
- * NSSCKFWC_SetOperationState
- * NSSCKFWC_Login
- * NSSCKFWC_Logout
- * NSSCKFWC_CreateObject
- * NSSCKFWC_CopyObject
- * NSSCKFWC_DestroyObject
- * NSSCKFWC_GetObjectSize
- * NSSCKFWC_GetAttributeValue
- * NSSCKFWC_SetAttributeValue
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsInit
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjects
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Encrypt
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Decrypt
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Digest
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestKey
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_SignInit
- * NSSCKFWC_SignUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_SignFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecoverInit
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecover
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Verify
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecoverInit
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecover
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestEncryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptDigestUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_SignEncryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptVerifyUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKey
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKeyPair
- * NSSCKFWC_WrapKey
- * NSSCKFWC_UnwrapKey
- * NSSCKFWC_DeriveKey
- * NSSCKFWC_SeedRandom
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateRandom
- * NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionStatus
- * NSSCKFWC_CancelFunction
- */
- * NSSCKFWC_Initialize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance **pFwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs);
- * NSSCKFWC_Finalize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance **pFwInstance);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_INFO_PTR pInfo);
- * C_GetFunctionList is implemented entirely in the Module's file which
- * includes the Framework API insert file.  It requires no "actual"
- * NSSCKFW routine.
- */
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotList
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
-    CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR pInfo);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetTokenInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR pInfo);
- * NSSCKFWC_WaitForSlotEvent
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_FLAGS flags,
-    CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pReserved);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismList
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
- * NSSCKFWC_InitToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulPinLen,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel);
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulPinLen);
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pOldPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulOldLen,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pNewPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulNewLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_OpenSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_FLAGS flags,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession);
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseAllSessions
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSessionInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
- * NSSCKFWC_GetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_SetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-    CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey);
- * NSSCKFWC_Login
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulPinLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_Logout
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * NSSCKFWC_CreateObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject);
- * NSSCKFWC_CopyObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject);
- * NSSCKFWC_DestroyObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetAttributeValue
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount);
- * NSSCKFWC_SetAttributeValue
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount);
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount);
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount);
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
- * NSSCKFWC_Encrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
- * NSSCKFWC_Decrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism);
- * NSSCKFWC_Digest
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_SignInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_SignUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_SignFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecoverInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
- * NSSCKFWC_Verify
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecoverInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestEncryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptDigestUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_SignEncryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptVerifyUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKeyPair
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey);
- * NSSCKFWC_WrapKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_UnwrapKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-    CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
- * NSSCKFWC_DeriveKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
- * NSSCKFWC_SeedRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed,
-    CK_ULONG ulSeedLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pRandomData,
-    CK_ULONG ulRandomLen);
- * NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionStatus
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
- * NSSCKFWC_CancelFunction
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession);
-#endif /* NSSCKFWC_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwt.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd015d5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckfwt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#define NSSCKFWT_H
- * nssckfwt.h
- *
- * This file declares the public types used by the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
- * NSSCKFWInstance
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWInstanceStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWInstanceStr NSSCKFWInstance;
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWSlotStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWSlotStr NSSCKFWSlot;
- * NSSCKFWToken
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWTokenStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWTokenStr NSSCKFWToken;
- * NSSCKFWMechanism
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWMechanismStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWMechanismStr NSSCKFWMechanism;
- * NSSCKFWCryptoOperation
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWCryptoOperationStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWCryptoOperationStr NSSCKFWCryptoOperation;
- * NSSCKFWSession
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWSessionStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWSessionStr NSSCKFWSession;
- * NSSCKFWObject
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWObjectStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWObjectStr NSSCKFWObject;
- * NSSCKFWFindObjects
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWFindObjectsStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWFindObjectsStr NSSCKFWFindObjects;
- * NSSCKFWMutex
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKFWMutexStr;
-typedef struct NSSCKFWMutexStr NSSCKFWMutex;
-typedef enum {
-    SingleThreaded,
-    MultiThreaded
-} CryptokiLockingState;
-/* used as an index into an array, make sure it starts at '0' */
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt = 0,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Max
-} NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState;
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Sign,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_SignRecover,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_VerifyRecover
-} NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType;
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckg.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0d43f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKG_H
-#define NSSCKG_H
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKG_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckmdt.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckmdt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d98f9b0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckmdt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1904 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSCKMDT_H
-#define NSSCKMDT_H
- * nssckmdt.h
- *
- * This file specifies the basic types that must be implemented by
- * any Module using the NSS Cryptoki Framework.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKT_H
-#include "nssckt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKT_H */
-#ifndef NSSCKFWT_H
-#include "nssckfwt.h"
-#endif /* NSSCKFWT_H */
-typedef struct NSSCKMDInstanceStr NSSCKMDInstance;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDSlotStr NSSCKMDSlot;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDTokenStr NSSCKMDToken;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDSessionStr NSSCKMDSession;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDCryptoOperationStr NSSCKMDCryptoOperation;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDFindObjectsStr NSSCKMDFindObjects;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDMechanismStr NSSCKMDMechanism;
-typedef struct NSSCKMDObjectStr NSSCKMDObject;
- *
- * This is a structure used by modules to return object attributes.
- * The needsFreeing bit indicates whether the object needs to be freed.
- * If so, the framework will call the FreeAttribute function on the item
- * after it is done using it.
- *
- */
-typedef struct {
-    PRBool needsFreeing;
-    NSSItem *item;
- * NSSCKMDInstance
- *
- * This is the basic handle for an instance of a PKCS#11 Module.
- * It is returned by the Module's CreateInstance routine, and
- * may be obtained from the corresponding NSSCKFWInstance object.
- * It contains a pointer for use by the Module, to store any
- * instance-related data, and it contains the EPV for a set of
- * routines which the Module may implement for use by the Framework.
- * Some of these routines are optional; others are mandatory.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDInstanceStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to initialize
-     * the Module.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * it won't be called.  If this routine returns an error,
-     * then the initialization will fail.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Initialize)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSUTF8 *configurationData);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called when the Framework is finalizing
-     * the PKCS#11 Module.  It is the last thing called before
-     * the NSSCKFWInstance's NSSArena is destroyed.  This routine
-     * is optional; if unimplemented, it merely won't be called.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Finalize)(
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-   * This routine gets the number of slots.  This value must
-   * never change, once the instance is initialized.  This
-   * routine must be implemented.  It may return zero on error.
-   */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the version of the Cryptoki standard
-     * to which this Module conforms.  This routine is optional;
-     * if unimplemented, the Framework uses the version to which
-     * ~it~ was implemented.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION(PR_CALLBACK *GetCryptokiVersion)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing the manufacturer ID for this Module.  Only
-     * the characters completely encoded in the first thirty-
-     * two bytes are significant.  This routine is optional.
-     * The string returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetManufacturerID)(
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing a description of this Module library.  Only
-     * the characters completely encoded in the first thirty-
-     * two bytes are significant.  This routine is optional.
-     * The string returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetLibraryDescription)(
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the version of this Module library.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the Framework
-     * will assume a Module library version of 0.1.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION(PR_CALLBACK *GetLibraryVersion)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the Module wishes to
-     * handle session objects.  This routine is optional.
-     * If this routine is NULL, or if it exists but returns
-     * CK_FALSE, the Framework will assume responsibility
-     * for managing session objects.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *ModuleHandlesSessionObjects)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine stuffs pointers to NSSCKMDSlot objects into
-     * the specified array; one for each slot supported by this
-     * instance.  The Framework will determine the size needed
-     * for the array by calling GetNSlots.  This routine is
-     * required.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *GetSlots)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDSlot *slots[]);
-    /*
-     * This call returns a pointer to the slot in which an event
-     * has occurred.  If the block argument is CK_TRUE, the call
-     * should block until a slot event occurs; if CK_FALSE, it
-     * should check to see if an event has occurred, occurred,
-     * but return NULL (and set *pError to CK_NO_EVENT) if one
-     * hasn't.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the
-     * Framework will assume that no event has happened.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDSlot *(PR_CALLBACK *WaitForSlotEvent)(
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_BBOOL block,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- *
- * This is the basic handle for a PKCS#11 Module Slot.  It is
- * created by the NSSCKMDInstance->GetSlots call, and may be
- * obtained from the Framework's corresponding NSSCKFWSlot
- * object.  It contains a pointer for use by the Module, to
- * store any slot-related data, and it contains the EPV for
- * a set of routines which the Module may implement for use
- * by the Framework.  Some of these routines are optional.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDSlotStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is called during the Framework initialization
-     * step, after the Framework Instance has obtained the list
-     * of slots (by calling NSSCKMDInstance->GetSlots).  Any slot-
-     * specific initialization can be done here.  This routine is
-     * optional; if unimplemented, it won't be called.  Note that
-     * if this routine returns an error, the entire Framework
-     * initialization for this Module will fail.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Initialize)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called when the Framework is finalizing
-     * the PKCS#11 Module.  This call (for each of the slots)
-     * is the last thing called before NSSCKMDInstance->Finalize.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, it merely
-     * won't be called.  Note: In the rare circumstance that
-     * the Framework initialization cannot complete (due to,
-     * for example, memory limitations), this can be called with
-     * a NULL value for fwSlot.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Destroy)(
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing a description of this slot.  Only the characters
-     * completely encoded in the first sixty-four bytes are
-     * significant.  This routine is optional.  The string
-     * returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetSlotDescription)(
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing a description of the manufacturer of this slot.
-     * Only the characters completely encoded in the first thirty-
-     * two bytes are significant.  This routine is optional.
-     * The string  returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetManufacturerID)(
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if a token is present in this
-     * slot.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_TRUE
-     * is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetTokenPresent)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the slot supports removable
-     * tokens.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_FALSE
-     * is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetRemovableDevice)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if this slot is a hardware
-     * device, or CK_FALSE if this slot is a software device.  This
-     * routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetHardwareSlot)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the version of this slot's hardware.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the Framework
-     * will assume a hardware version of 0.1.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION(PR_CALLBACK *GetHardwareVersion)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the version of this slot's firmware.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the Framework
-     * will assume a hardware version of 0.1.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION(PR_CALLBACK *GetFirmwareVersion)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine should return a pointer to an NSSCKMDToken
-     * object corresponding to the token in the specified slot.
-     * The NSSCKFWToken object passed in has an NSSArena
-     * available which is dedicated for this token.  This routine
-     * must be implemented.  This routine may return NULL upon
-     * error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDToken *(PR_CALLBACK *GetToken)(
-        NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-        NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- * NSSCKMDToken
- *
- * This is the basic handle for a PKCS#11 Token.  It is created by
- * the NSSCKMDSlot->GetToken call, and may be obtained from the
- * Framework's corresponding NSSCKFWToken object.  It contains a
- * pointer for use by the Module, to store any token-related
- * data, and it contains the EPV for a set of routines which the
- * Module may implement for use by the Framework.  Some of these
- * routines are optional.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDTokenStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to prepare a Module token object for
-     * use.  It is called after the NSSCKMDToken object is obtained
-     * from NSSCKMDSlot->GetToken.  It is named "Setup" here because
-     * Cryptoki already defines "InitToken" to do the process of
-     * wiping out any existing state on a token and preparing it for
-     * a new use.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, it
-     * merely won't be called.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Setup)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework whenever it notices
-     * that the token object is invalid.  (Typically this is when a
-     * routine indicates an error such as CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED).  This
-     * call is the last thing called before the NSSArena in the
-     * corresponding NSSCKFWToken is destroyed.  This routine is
-     * optional; if unimplemented, it merely won't be called.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Invalidate)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine initialises the token in the specified slot.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the Framework
-     * will fail this operation with an error of CKR_DEVICE_ERROR.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *InitToken)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *pin,
-        NSSUTF8 *label);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing this token's label.  Only the characters
-     * completely encoded in the first thirty-two bytes are
-     * significant.  This routine is optional.  The string
-     * returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetLabel)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing this token's manufacturer ID.  Only the characters
-     * completely encoded in the first thirty-two bytes are
-     * significant.  This routine is optional.  The string
-     * returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetManufacturerID)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing this token's model name.  Only the characters
-     * completely encoded in the first thirty-two bytes are
-     * significant.  This routine is optional.  The string
-     * returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetModel)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a UTF8-encoded string
-     * containing this token's serial number.  Only the characters
-     * completely encoded in the first thirty-two bytes are
-     * significant.  This routine is optional.  The string
-     * returned is never freed; if dynamically generated,
-     * the space for it should be allocated from the NSSArena
-     * that may be obtained from the NSSCKFWInstance.  This
-     * routine may return NULL upon error; however if *pError
-     * is CKR_OK, the NULL will be considered the valid response.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *(PR_CALLBACK *GetSerialNumber)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the token has its own
-     * random number generator.  This routine is optional; if
-     * unimplemented, CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if this token is write-protected.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_FALSE is
-     * assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetIsWriteProtected)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if this token requires a login.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_FALSE is
-     * assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetLoginRequired)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the normal user's PIN on this
-     * token has been initialised.  This routine is optional; if
-     * unimplemented, CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetUserPinInitialized)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if a successful save of a
-     * session's cryptographic operations state ~always~ contains
-     * all keys needed to restore the state of the session.  This
-     * routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the token has its own
-     * hardware clock.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetHasClockOnToken)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the token has a protected
-     * authentication path.  This routine is optional; if
-     * unimplemented, CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CK_TRUE if the token supports dual
-     * cryptographic operations within a single session.  This
-     * routine is optional; if unimplemented, CK_FALSE is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * XXX fgmr-- should we have a call to return all the flags
-     * at once, for folks who already know about Cryptoki?
-     */
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the maximum number of sessions that
-     * may be opened on this token.  This routine is optional;
-     * if unimplemented, the special value CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION
-     * is assumed.  XXX fgmr-- or CK_EFFECTIVELY_INFINITE?
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetMaxSessionCount)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the maximum number of read/write
-     * sesisons that may be opened on this token.  This routine
-     * is optional; if unimplemented, the special value
-     * CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION is assumed.  XXX fgmr-- or
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetMaxRwSessionCount)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the maximum PIN code length that is
-     * supported on this token.  This routine is optional;
-     * if unimplemented, the special value CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION
-     * is assumed.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the minimum PIN code length that is
-     * supported on this token.  This routine is optional; if
-     * unimplemented, the special value CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION
-     *  is assumed.  XXX fgmr-- or 0?
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the total amount of memory on the token
-     * in which public objects may be stored.  This routine is
-     * optional; if unimplemented, the special value
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetTotalPublicMemory)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the amount of unused memory on the
-     * token in which public objects may be stored.  This routine
-     * is optional; if unimplemented, the special value
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetFreePublicMemory)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the total amount of memory on the token
-     * in which private objects may be stored.  This routine is
-     * optional; if unimplemented, the special value
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetTotalPrivateMemory)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the amount of unused memory on the
-     * token in which private objects may be stored.  This routine
-     * is optional; if unimplemented, the special value
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetFreePrivateMemory)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the version number of this token's
-     * hardware.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * the value 0.1 is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION(PR_CALLBACK *GetHardwareVersion)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the version number of this token's
-     * firmware.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * the value 0.1 is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_VERSION(PR_CALLBACK *GetFirmwareVersion)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine stuffs the current UTC time, as obtained from
-     * the token, into the sixteen-byte buffer in the form
-     * YYYYMMDDhhmmss00.  This routine need only be implemented
-     * by token which indicate that they have a real-time clock.
-     * XXX fgmr-- think about time formats.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_CHAR utcTime[16]);
-    /*
-     * This routine creates a session on the token, and returns
-     * the corresponding NSSCKMDSession object.  The value of
-     * rw will be CK_TRUE if the session is to be a read/write
-     * session, or CK_FALSE otherwise.  An NSSArena dedicated to
-     * the new session is available from the specified NSSCKFWSession.
-     * This routine may return NULL upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDSession *(PR_CALLBACK *OpenSession)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        CK_BBOOL rw,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the number of PKCS#11 Mechanisms
-     * supported by this token.  This routine is optional; if
-     * unimplemented, zero is assumed.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetMechanismCount)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine stuffs into the specified array the types
-     * of the mechanisms supported by this token.  The Framework
-     * determines the size of the array by calling GetMechanismCount.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *GetMechanismTypes)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE types[]);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns a pointer to a Module mechanism
-     * object corresponding to a specified type.  This routine
-     * need only exist for tokens implementing at least one
-     * mechanism.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDMechanism *(PR_CALLBACK *GetMechanism)(
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE which,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- * NSSCKMDSession
- *
- * This is the basic handle for a session on a PKCS#11 Token.  It
- * is created by NSSCKMDToken->OpenSession, and may be obtained
- * from the Framework's corresponding NSSCKFWSession object.  It
- * contains a pointer for use by the Module, to store any session-
- * realted data, and it contains the EPV for a set of routines
- * which the Module may implement for use by the Framework.  Some
- * of these routines are optional.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDSessionStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework when a session is
-     * closed.  This call is the last thing called before the
-     * NSSArena in the correspoinding NSSCKFWSession is destroyed.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, it merely won't
-     * be called.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Close)(
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to get any device-specific error.
-     * This routine is optional.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetDeviceError)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to log in a user to the token.  This
-     * routine is optional, since the Framework's NSSCKFWSession
-     * object keeps track of the login state.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Login)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-        NSSItem *pin,
-        CK_STATE oldState,
-        CK_STATE newState);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to log out a user from the token.  This
-     * routine is optional, since the Framework's NSSCKFWSession
-     * object keeps track of the login state.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Logout)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_STATE oldState,
-        CK_STATE newState);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to initialize the normal user's PIN or
-     * password.  This will only be called in the "read/write
-     * security officer functions" state.  If this token has a
-     * protected authentication path, then the pin argument will
-     * be NULL.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the
-     * Framework will return the error CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *pin);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to modify a user's PIN or password.  This
-     * routine will only be called in the "read/write security officer
-     * functions" or "read/write user functions" state.  If this token
-     * has a protected authentication path, then the pin arguments
-     * will be NULL.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the
-     * Framework will return the error CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *oldPin,
-        NSSItem *newPin);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to find out how much space would be required
-     * to save the current operational state.  This routine is optional;
-     * if unimplemented, the Framework will reject any attempts to save
-     * the operational state with the error CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE.  This
-     * routine may return zero on error.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetOperationStateLen)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to store the current operational state.  This
-     * routine is only required if GetOperationStateLen is implemented
-     * and can return a nonzero value.  The buffer in the specified item
-     * will be pre-allocated, and the length will specify the amount of
-     * space available (which may be more than GetOperationStateLen
-     * asked for, but which will not be smaller).
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *GetOperationState)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *buffer);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to restore an operational state previously
-     * obtained with GetOperationState.  The Framework will take pains
-     * to be sure that the state is (or was at one point) valid; if the
-     * Module notices that the state is invalid, it should return an
-     * error, but it is not required to be paranoid about the issue.
-     * [XXX fgmr-- should (can?) the framework verify the keys match up?]
-     * This routine is required only if GetOperationState is implemented.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *SetOperationState)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *state,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdEncryptionKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwEncryptionKey,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdAuthenticationKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwAuthenticationKey);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to create an object.  The specified template
-     * will only specify a session object if the Module has indicated
-     * that it wishes to handle its own session objects.  This routine
-     * is optional; if unimplemented, the Framework will reject the
-     * operation with the error CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED.  Space for
-     * token objects should come from the NSSArena available from the
-     * NSSCKFWToken object; space for session objects (if supported)
-     * should come from the NSSArena available from the NSSCKFWSession
-     * object.  The appropriate NSSArena pointer will, as a convenience,
-     * be passed as the handyArenaPointer argument.  This routine may
-     * return NULL upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDObject *(PR_CALLBACK *CreateObject)(
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSArena *handyArenaPointer,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to make a copy of an object.  It is entirely
-     * optional; if unimplemented, the Framework will try to use
-     * CreateObject instead.  If the Module has indicated that it does
-     * not wish to handle session objects, then this routine will only
-     * be called to copy a token object to another token object.
-     * Otherwise, either the original object or the new may be of
-     * either the token or session variety.  As with CreateObject, the
-     * handyArenaPointer will point to the appropriate arena for the
-     * new object.  This routine may return NULL upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDObject *(PR_CALLBACK *CopyObject)(
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdOldObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwOldObject,
-        NSSArena *handyArenaPointer,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to begin an object search.  This routine may
-     * be unimplemented only if the Module does not handle session
-     * objects, and if none of its tokens have token objects.  The
-     * NSSCKFWFindObjects pointer has an NSSArena that may be used for
-     * storage for the life of this "find" operation.  This routine may
-     * return NULL upon error.  If the Module can determine immediately
-     * that the search will not find any matching objects, it may return
-     * NULL, and specify CKR_OK as the error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *(PR_CALLBACK *FindObjectsInit)(
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine seeds the random-number generator.  It is
-     * optional, even if GetRandom is implemented.  If unimplemented,
-     * the Framework will issue the error CKR_RANDOM_SEED_NOT_SUPPORTED.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *SeedRandom)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *seed);
-    /*
-     * This routine gets random data.  It is optional.  If unimplemented,
-     * the Framework will issue the error CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *GetRandom)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *buffer);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- * NSSCKMDFindObjects
- *
- * This is the basic handle for an object search.  It is
- * created by NSSCKMDSession->FindObjectsInit, and may be
- * obtained from the Framework's corresponding object.
- * It contains a pointer for use by the Module, to store
- * any search-related data, and it contains the EPV for a
- * set of routines which the Module may implement for use
- * by the Framework.  Some of these routines are optional.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDFindObjectsStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to finish a
-     * search operation.  Note that the Framework may finish
-     * a search before it has completed.  This routine is
-     * optional; if unimplemented, it merely won't be called.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Final)(
-        NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-        NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to obtain another pointer to an
-     * object matching the search criteria.  This routine is
-     * required.  If no (more) objects match the search, it
-     * should return NULL and set the error to CKR_OK.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDObject *(PR_CALLBACK *Next)(
-        NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-        NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSArena *arena,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- * NSSCKMDCryptoOperaion
- *
- * This is the basic handle for an encryption, decryption,
- * sign, verify, or hash opertion.
- * created by NSSCKMDMechanism->XXXXInit, and may be
- * obtained from the Framework's corresponding object.
- * It contains a pointer for use by the Module, to store
- * any intermediate data, and it contains the EPV for a
- * set of routines which the Module may implement for use
- * by the Framework.  Some of these routines are optional.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDCryptoOperationStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework clean up the mdCryptoOperation
-     * structure.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, it will be ignored.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Destroy)(
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * how many bytes do we need to finish this buffer?
-     * must be implemented if Final is implemented.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetFinalLength)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * how many bytes do we need to complete the next operation.
-     * used in both Update and UpdateFinal.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetOperationLength)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        const NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to finish a
-     * search operation.  Note that the Framework may finish
-     * a search before it has completed.  This routine is
-     * optional; if unimplemented, it merely won't be called.
-     * The respective final call with fail with CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED
-     * Final should not free the mdCryptoOperation.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Final)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSItem *outputBuffer);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to complete the
-     * next step in an encryption/decryption operation.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the respective
-     * update call with fail with CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED.
-     * Update should not be implemented for signing/verification/digest
-     * mechanisms.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Update)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        const NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-        NSSItem *outputBuffer);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to complete the
-     * next step in a signing/verification/digest operation.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the respective
-     * update call with fail with CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED
-     * Update should not be implemented for encryption/decryption
-     * mechanisms.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *DigestUpdate)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        const NSSItem *inputBuffer);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to complete a
-     * single step operation. This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * the framework will use the Update and Final functions to complete
-     * the operation.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *UpdateFinal)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        const NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-        NSSItem *outputBuffer);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework to complete next
-     * step in a combined operation. The Decrypt/Encrypt mechanism
-     * should define and drive the combo step.
-     * This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * the framework will use the appropriate Update functions to complete
-     * the operation.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *UpdateCombo)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdPeerCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwPeerCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        const NSSItem *inputBuffer,
-        NSSItem *outputBuffer);
-    /*
-     * Hash a key directly into the digest
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *DigestKey)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *mdCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwCryptoOperation,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- * NSSCKMDMechanism
- *
- */
-struct NSSCKMDMechanismStr {
-    /*
-     * The Module may use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This also frees the fwMechanism if appropriate.
-     * If it is not supplied, the Framework will assume that the Token
-     * Manages a static list of mechanisms and the function will not be called.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Destroy)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the minimum key size allowed for
-     * this mechanism.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * zero will be assumed.  This routine may return zero on
-     * error; if the error is CKR_OK, zero will be accepted as
-     * a valid response.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the maximum key size allowed for
-     * this mechanism.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented,
-     * zero will be assumed.  This routine may return zero on
-     * error; if the error is CKR_OK, zero will be accepted as
-     * a valid response.
-     */
-    (
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine is called to determine if the mechanism is
-     * implemented in hardware or software.  It returns CK_TRUE
-     * if it is done in hardware.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *GetInHardware)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * The crypto routines themselves.  Most crypto operations may
-     * be performed in two ways, streaming and single-part.  The
-     * streaming operations involve the use of (typically) three
-     * calls-- an Init method to set up the operation, an Update
-     * method to feed data to the operation, and a Final method to
-     * obtain the final result.  Single-part operations involve
-     * one method, to perform the crypto operation all at once.
-     *
-     * The NSS Cryptoki Framework can implement the single-part
-     * operations in terms of the streaming operations on behalf
-     * of the Module.  There are a few variances.
-     *
-     * Only the Init Functions are defined by the mechanism. Each
-     * init function will return a NSSCKFWCryptoOperation which
-     * can supply update, final, the single part updateFinal, and
-     * the combo updateCombo functions.
-     *
-     * For simplicity, the routines are listed in summary here:
-     *
-     *  EncryptInit,
-     *  DecryptInit,
-     *  DigestInit,
-     *  SignInit,
-     *  SignRecoverInit;
-     *  VerifyInit,
-     *  VerifyRecoverInit;
-     *
-     * The key-management routines are
-     *
-     *  GenerateKey
-     *  GenerateKeyPair
-     *  WrapKey
-     *  UnwrapKey
-     *  DeriveKey
-     *
-     * All of these routines based on the Cryptoki API;
-     * see PKCS#11 for further information.
-     */
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *EncryptInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *DecryptInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *DigestInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *SignInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *VerifyInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *SignRecoverInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     */
-    NSSCKMDCryptoOperation *(PR_CALLBACK *VerifyRecoverInit)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * Key management operations.
-     */
-    /*
-     * This routine generates a key.  This routine may return NULL
-     * upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDObject *(PR_CALLBACK *GenerateKey)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine generates a key pair.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *GenerateKeyPair)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-        NSSCKMDObject **pPublicKey,
-        NSSCKMDObject **pPrivateKey);
-    /*
-     * This routine wraps a key.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetWrapKeyLength)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappingKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKey,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappedKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappedKey,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine wraps a key.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *WrapKey)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappingKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKey,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdKeyObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwKeyObject,
-        NSSItem *wrappedKey);
-    /*
-     * This routine unwraps a key.  This routine may return NULL
-     * upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDObject *(PR_CALLBACK *UnwrapKey)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdWrappingKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKey,
-        NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine derives a key.  This routine may return NULL
-     * upon error.
-     */
-    NSSCKMDObject *(PR_CALLBACK *DeriveKey)(
-        NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism,
-        NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism,
-        CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdBaseKey,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwBaseKey,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-        CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
- * NSSCKMDObject
- *
- * This is the basic handle for any object used by a PKCS#11 Module.
- * Modules must implement it if they support their own objects, and
- * the Framework supports it for Modules that do not handle session
- * objects.  This type contains a pointer for use by the implementor,
- * to store any object-specific data, and it contains an EPV for a
- * set of routines used to access the object.
- */
-struct NSSCKMDObjectStr {
-    /*
-     * The implementation my use this pointer for its own purposes.
-     */
-    void *etc;
-    /*
-     * This routine is called by the Framework when it is letting
-     * go of an object handle.  It can be used by the Module to
-     * free any resources tied up by an object "in use."  It is
-     * optional.
-     */
-    void(PR_CALLBACK *Finalize)(
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine is used to completely destroy an object.
-     * It is optional.  The parameter fwObject might be NULL
-     * if the framework runs out of memory at the wrong moment.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *Destroy)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This helper routine is used by the Framework, and is especially
-     * useful when it is managing session objects on behalf of the
-     * Module.  This routine is optional; if unimplemented, the
-     * Framework will actually look up the CKA_TOKEN attribute.  In the
-     * event of an error, just make something up-- the Framework will
-     * find out soon enough anyway.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL(PR_CALLBACK *IsTokenObject)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the number of attributes of which this
-     * object consists.  It is mandatory.  It can return zero on
-     * error.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetAttributeCount)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine stuffs the attribute types into the provided array.
-     * The array size (as obtained from GetAttributeCount) is passed in
-     * as a check; return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the count is wrong
-     * (either too big or too small).
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *GetAttributeTypes)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PTR typeArray,
-        CK_ULONG ulCount);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the size (in bytes) of the specified
-     * attribute.  It can return zero on error.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetAttributeSize)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns an NSSCKFWItem structure.
-     * The item pointer points to an NSSItem containing the attribute value.
-     * The needsFreeing bit tells the framework whether to call the
-     * FreeAttribute function . Upon error, an NSSCKFWItem structure
-     * with a NULL NSSItem item pointer will be returned
-     */
-    NSSCKFWItem(PR_CALLBACK *GetAttribute)(
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns CKR_OK if the attribute could be freed.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *FreeAttribute)
-    (
-        NSSCKFWItem *item);
-    /*
-     * This routine changes the specified attribute.  If unimplemented,
-     * the object will be considered read-only.
-     */
-    CK_RV(PR_CALLBACK *SetAttribute)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-        NSSItem *value);
-    /*
-     * This routine returns the storage requirements of this object,
-     * in bytes.  Cryptoki doesn't strictly define the definition,
-     * but it should relate to the values returned by the "Get Memory"
-     * routines of the NSSCKMDToken.  This routine is optional; if
-     * unimplemented, the Framework will consider this information
-     * sensitive.  This routine may return zero on error.  If the
-     * specified error is CKR_OK, zero will be accepted as a valid
-     * response.
-     */
-    CK_ULONG(PR_CALLBACK *GetObjectSize)
-    (
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-        NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-        NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-        NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-        NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-        NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-        NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-        CK_RV *pError);
-    /*
-     * This object may be extended in future versions of the
-     * NSS Cryptoki Framework.  To allow for some flexibility
-     * in the area of binary compatibility, this field should
-     * be NULL.
-     */
-    void *null;
-#endif /* NSSCKMDT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckt.h b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b50a88f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssckt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _NSSCKT_H_
-#define _NSSCKT_H_ 1
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#define CK_ENTRY
-#endif /* _NSSCKT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/object.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/object.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0542e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/object.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,973 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * object.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWObject type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWObject
- *
- * -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWObject_Create
- *  nssCKFWObject_Finalize
- *  nssCKFWObject_Destroy
- *
- * -- public accessors --
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetArena
- *  NSSCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *  NSSCKFWObject_SetAttribute
- *  NSSCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- *
- * -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetArena
- *
- * -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWObject_SetHandle
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetHandle
- *
- * -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *  nssCKFWObject_SetAttribute
- *  nssCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- */
-struct NSSCKFWObjectStr {
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex; /* merely to serialise the MDObject calls */
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWObject_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    nssCKFWHash *mdObjectHash;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssArena_verifyPointer(arena)) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdObjectHash = nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash(fwToken);
-    if (!mdObjectHash) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWHash_Exists(mdObjectHash, mdObject)) {
-        fwObject = nssCKFWHash_Lookup(mdObjectHash, mdObject);
-        return fwObject;
-    }
-    fwObject = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKFWObject);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwObject->arena = arena;
-    fwObject->mdObject = mdObject;
-    fwObject->fwSession = fwSession;
-    if (fwSession) {
-        fwObject->mdSession = nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
-    }
-    fwObject->fwToken = fwToken;
-    fwObject->mdToken = nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken(fwToken);
-    fwObject->fwInstance = fwInstance;
-    fwObject->mdInstance = nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance(fwInstance);
-    fwObject->mutex = nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex(fwInstance, arena, pError);
-    if (!fwObject->mutex) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(fwObject);
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(mdObjectHash, mdObject, fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(fwObject);
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = object_add_pointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Remove(mdObjectHash, mdObject);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(fwObject);
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    return fwObject;
- * nssCKFWObject_Finalize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    PRBool removeFromHash)
-    nssCKFWHash *mdObjectHash;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (fwObject->mdObject->Finalize) {
-        fwObject->mdObject->Finalize(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                     fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                     fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance);
-    }
-    if (removeFromHash) {
-        mdObjectHash = nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash(fwObject->fwToken);
-        if (mdObjectHash) {
-            nssCKFWHash_Remove(mdObjectHash, fwObject->mdObject);
-        }
-    }
-    if (fwObject->fwSession) {
-        nssCKFWSession_DeregisterSessionObject(fwObject->fwSession, fwObject);
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fwObject);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)object_remove_pointer(fwObject);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return;
- * nssCKFWObject_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    nssCKFWHash *mdObjectHash;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (fwObject->mdObject->Destroy) {
-        fwObject->mdObject->Destroy(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                    fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                    fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance);
-    }
-    mdObjectHash = nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash(fwObject->fwToken);
-    if (mdObjectHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Remove(mdObjectHash, fwObject->mdObject);
-    }
-    if (fwObject->fwSession) {
-        nssCKFWSession_DeregisterSessionObject(fwObject->fwSession, fwObject);
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(fwObject);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)object_remove_pointer(fwObject);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwObject->mdObject;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwObject->arena;
- * nssCKFWObject_SetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 != fwObject->hObject) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    fwObject->hObject = hObject;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwObject->hObject;
- * nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwObject->mdObject->IsTokenObject) {
-        NSSItem item;
-        NSSItem *pItem;
-        CK_RV rv = CKR_OK;
- = (void *)&b;
-        item.size = sizeof(b);
-        pItem = nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute(fwObject, CKA_TOKEN, &item,
-                                           (NSSArena *)NULL, &rv);
-        if (!pItem) {
-            /* Error of some type */
-            b = CK_FALSE;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    b = fwObject->mdObject->IsTokenObject(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                          fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                          fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance);
-    return b;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_ULONG rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwObject->mdObject->GetAttributeCount) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    rv = fwObject->mdObject->GetAttributeCount(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                               fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                               fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance,
-                                               pError);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PTR)NULL == typeArray) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwObject->mdObject->GetAttributeTypes) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    error = fwObject->mdObject->GetAttributeTypes(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                                  fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                                  fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance,
-                                                  typeArray, ulCount);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_ULONG rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwObject->mdObject->GetAttributeSize) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    rv = fwObject->mdObject->GetAttributeSize(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                              fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                              fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance,
-                                              attribute, pError);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *
- * Usual NSS allocation rules:
- * If itemOpt is not NULL, it will be returned; otherwise an NSSItem
- * will be allocated.  If itemOpt is not NULL but itemOpt->data is,
- * the buffer will be allocated; otherwise, the buffer will be used.
- * Any allocations will come from the optional arena, if one is
- * specified.
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *itemOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSItem *rv = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    NSSCKFWItem mdItem;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwObject->mdObject->GetAttribute) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdItem = fwObject->mdObject->GetAttribute(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                              fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                              fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance,
-                                              attribute, pError);
-    if (!mdItem.item) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (!itemOpt) {
-        rv = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, NSSItem);
-        if (!rv) {
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    } else {
-        rv = itemOpt;
-    }
-    if (!rv->data) {
-        rv->size = mdItem.item->size;
-        rv->data = nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, rv->size);
-        if (!rv->data) {
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-            if (!itemOpt) {
-                nss_ZFreeIf(rv);
-            }
-            rv = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (rv->size >= mdItem.item->size) {
-            rv->size = mdItem.item->size;
-        } else {
-            *pError = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-            /* Should we set rv->size to mdItem->size? */
-            /* rv can't have been allocated */
-            rv = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nsslibc_memcpy(rv->data, mdItem.item->data, rv->size);
-    if (PR_TRUE == mdItem.needsFreeing) {
-        PR_ASSERT(fwObject->mdObject->FreeAttribute);
-        if (fwObject->mdObject->FreeAttribute) {
-            *pError = fwObject->mdObject->FreeAttribute(&mdItem);
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWObject_SetAttribute
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *value)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKA_TOKEN == attribute) {
-        /*
-         * We're changing from a session object to a token object or
-         * vice-versa.
-         */
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE a;
-        NSSCKFWObject *newFwObject;
-        NSSCKFWObject swab;
-        a.type = CKA_TOKEN;
-        a.pValue = value->data;
-        a.ulValueLen = value->size;
-        newFwObject = nssCKFWSession_CopyObject(fwSession, fwObject,
-                                                &a, 1, &error);
-        if (!newFwObject) {
-            if (CKR_OK == error) {
-                error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return error;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Actually, I bet the locking is worse than this.. this part of
-         * the code could probably use some scrutiny and reworking.
-         */
-        error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            nssCKFWObject_Destroy(newFwObject);
-            return error;
-        }
-        error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(newFwObject->mutex);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-            nssCKFWObject_Destroy(newFwObject);
-            return error;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Now, we have our new object, but it has a new fwObject pointer,
-         * while we have to keep the existing one.  So quick swap the contents.
-         */
-        swab = *fwObject;
-        *fwObject = *newFwObject;
-        *newFwObject = swab;
-        /* But keep the mutexes the same */
-        swab.mutex = fwObject->mutex;
-        fwObject->mutex = newFwObject->mutex;
-        newFwObject->mutex = swab.mutex;
-        (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(newFwObject->mutex);
-        (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-        /*
-         * Either remove or add this to the list of session objects
-         */
-        if (CK_FALSE == *(CK_BBOOL *)value->data) {
-            /*
-             * New one is a session object, except since we "stole" the fwObject, it's
-             * not in the list.  Add it.
-             */
-            nssCKFWSession_RegisterSessionObject(fwSession, fwObject);
-        } else {
-            /*
-             * New one is a token object, except since we "stole" the fwObject, it's
-             * in the list.  Remove it.
-             */
-            if (fwObject->fwSession) {
-                nssCKFWSession_DeregisterSessionObject(fwObject->fwSession, fwObject);
-            }
-        }
-        /*
-         * Now delete the old object.  Remember the names have changed.
-         */
-        nssCKFWObject_Destroy(newFwObject);
-        return CKR_OK;
-    } else {
-        /*
-         * An "ordinary" change.
-         */
-        if (!fwObject->mdObject->SetAttribute) {
-            /* We could fake it with copying, like above.. later */
-            return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY;
-        }
-        error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            return error;
-        }
-        error = fwObject->mdObject->SetAttribute(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                                 fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                                 fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance,
-                                                 attribute, value);
-        (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-        return error;
-    }
- * nssCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_ULONG rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwObject->mdObject->GetObjectSize) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwObject->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    rv = fwObject->mdObject->GetObjectSize(fwObject->mdObject, fwObject,
-                                           fwObject->mdSession, fwObject->fwSession, fwObject->mdToken,
-                                           fwObject->fwToken, fwObject->mdInstance, fwObject->fwInstance,
-                                           pError);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwObject->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetMDObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetArena(fwObject, pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_IsTokenObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject(fwObject);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount(fwObject, pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    error = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PTR)NULL == typeArray) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes(fwObject, typeArray, ulCount);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize(fwObject, attribute, pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetAttribute
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *itemOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute(fwObject, attribute, itemOpt, arenaOpt, pError);
- * NSSCKFWObject_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWObject_GetObjectSize(fwObject, pError);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/session.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/session.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4320a39..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/session.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2377 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * session.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWSession type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWSession
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWSession_Create
- *  nssCKFWSession_Destroy
- *
- *  -- public accessors --
- *  NSSCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *  NSSCKFWSession_GetArena
- *  NSSCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *  NSSCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *  NSSCKFWSession_IsSO
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetArena
- *  nssCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *  nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *  nssCKFWSession_IsSO
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetSlot
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetSessionState
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetFWFindObjects
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetMDSession
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetHandle
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetHandle
- *  nssCKFWSession_RegisterSessionObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_DeegisterSessionObject
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetDeviceError
- *  nssCKFWSession_Login
- *  nssCKFWSession_Logout
- *  nssCKFWSession_InitPIN
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetPIN
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetOperationStateLen
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetOperationState
- *  nssCKFWSession_SetOperationState
- *  nssCKFWSession_CreateObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_CopyObject
- *  nssCKFWSession_FindObjectsInit
- *  nssCKFWSession_SeedRandom
- *  nssCKFWSession_GetRandom
- */
-struct NSSCKFWSessionStr {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication;
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify;
-    /*
-     * Everything above is set at creation time, and then not modified.
-     * The items below are atomic.  No locking required.  If we fear
-     * about pointer-copies being nonatomic, we'll lock fwFindObjects.
-     */
-    CK_BBOOL rw;
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects;
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperationArray[NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Max];
-    nssCKFWHash *sessionObjectHash;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWSession_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_BBOOL rw,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSArena *arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwSession = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKFWSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession->arena = arena;
-    fwSession->mdSession = (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL; /* set later */
-    fwSession->fwToken = fwToken;
-    fwSession->mdToken = nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken(fwToken);
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot(fwToken);
-    fwSession->fwInstance = nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance(fwSlot);
-    fwSession->mdInstance = nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance(fwSlot);
-    fwSession->rw = rw;
-    fwSession->pApplication = pApplication;
-    fwSession->Notify = Notify;
-    fwSession->fwFindObjects = (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    fwSession->sessionObjectHash = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwSession->fwInstance, arena, pError);
-    if (!fwSession->sessionObjectHash) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = session_add_pointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return fwSession;
-    if (arena) {
-        if (fwSession && fwSession->sessionObjectHash) {
-            (void)nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwSession->sessionObjectHash);
-        }
-        NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-static void
-    const void *key,
-    void *value,
-    void *closure)
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = (NSSCKFWObject *)value;
-    nssCKFWObject_Finalize(fwObject, PR_TRUE);
- * nssCKFWSession_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_BBOOL removeFromTokenHash)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    nssCKFWHash *sessionObjectHash;
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState i;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (removeFromTokenHash) {
-        error = nssCKFWToken_RemoveSession(fwSession->fwToken, fwSession);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Invalidate session objects
-     */
-    sessionObjectHash = fwSession->sessionObjectHash;
-    fwSession->sessionObjectHash = (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    nssCKFWHash_Iterate(sessionObjectHash,
-                        nss_ckfw_session_object_destroy_iterator,
-                        (void *)NULL);
-    for (i = 0; i < NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Max; i++) {
-        if (fwSession->fwOperationArray[i]) {
-            nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy(fwSession->fwOperationArray[i]);
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)session_remove_pointer(fwSession);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    (void)nssCKFWHash_Destroy(sessionObjectHash);
-    NSSArena_Destroy(fwSession->arena);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSession->mdSession;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSession->arena;
- * nssCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((CK_NOTIFY)NULL == fwSession->Notify) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    handle = nssCKFWInstance_FindSessionHandle(fwSession->fwInstance, fwSession);
-    if ((CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0 == handle) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    error = fwSession->Notify(handle, event, fwSession->pApplication);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSession->rw;
- * nssCKFWSession_IsSO
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    CK_STATE state;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    state = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken);
-    switch (state) {
-        case CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-        case CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-        case CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-        case CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-            return CK_FALSE;
-        case CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS:
-            return CK_TRUE;
-        default:
-            return CK_FALSE;
-    }
- * nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot(fwSession->fwToken);
- * nssCFKWSession_GetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION; /* whatever */
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken);
- * nssCKFWSession_SetFWFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-/* fwFindObjects may be null */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((fwSession->fwFindObjects) &&
-        (fwFindObjects)) {
-        return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    fwSession->fwFindObjects = fwFindObjects;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSession->fwFindObjects) {
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    return fwSession->fwFindObjects;
- * nssCKFWSession_SetMDSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!mdSession) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    fwSession->mdSession = mdSession;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWSession_SetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if ((CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0 != fwSession->hSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    fwSession->hSession = hSession;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetHandle
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSession->hSession;
- * nssCKFWSession_RegisterSessionObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-    CK_RV rv = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (fwSession->sessionObjectHash) {
-        rv = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwSession->sessionObjectHash, fwObject, fwObject);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWSession_DeregisterSessionObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (fwSession->sessionObjectHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Remove(fwSession->sessionObjectHash, fwObject);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetDeviceError
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->GetDeviceError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    return fwSession->mdSession->GetDeviceError(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWSession_Login
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-    NSSItem *pin)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_STATE oldState;
-    CK_STATE newState;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    switch (userType) {
-        case CKU_SO:
-        case CKU_USER:
-            break;
-        default:
-            return CKR_USER_TYPE_INVALID;
-    }
-    if (!pin) {
-        if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwSession->fwToken)) {
-            return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    oldState = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken);
-    /*
-     * It's not clear what happens when you're already logged in.
-     * I'll just fail; but if we decide to change, the logic is
-     * all right here.
-     */
-    if (CKU_SO == userType) {
-        switch (oldState) {
-            case CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-                /*
-                 * There's no such thing as a read-only security officer
-                 * session, so fail.  The error should be CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY,
-                 * except that C_Login isn't defined to return that.  So we'll
-                 * do CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY_EXISTS, which is what is documented.
-                 */
-                return CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY_EXISTS;
-            case CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-                return CKR_USER_ANOTHER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-            case CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-                newState =
-                    CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS;
-                break;
-            case CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-                return CKR_USER_ANOTHER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-            case CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS:
-                return CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-            default:
-                return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-    } else /* CKU_USER == userType */ {
-        switch (oldState) {
-            case CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-                newState =
-                    CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS;
-                break;
-            case CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-                return CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-            case CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-                newState =
-                    CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS;
-                break;
-            case CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-                return CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-            case CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS:
-                return CKR_USER_ANOTHER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-            default:
-                return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * So now we're in one of three cases:
-     *
-     */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->Login) {
-        /*
-         * The Module doesn't want to be informed (or check the pin)
-         * it'll just rely on the Framework as needed.
-         */
-        ;
-    } else {
-        error = fwSession->mdSession->Login(fwSession->mdSession, fwSession,
-                                            fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                            fwSession->fwInstance, userType, pin, oldState, newState);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            return error;
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWToken_SetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken, newState);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWSession_Logout
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_STATE oldState;
-    CK_STATE newState;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    oldState = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken);
-    switch (oldState) {
-        case CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-            return CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN;
-        case CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-            newState = CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION;
-            break;
-        case CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-            return CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN;
-        case CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-            newState = CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION;
-            break;
-        case CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS:
-            newState = CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION;
-            break;
-        default:
-            return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    /*
-     * So now we're in one of three cases:
-     *
-     */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->Logout) {
-        /*
-         * The Module doesn't want to be informed.  Okay.
-         */
-        ;
-    } else {
-        error = fwSession->mdSession->Logout(fwSession->mdSession, fwSession,
-                                             fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                             fwSession->fwInstance, oldState, newState);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            /*
-             * Now what?!  A failure really should end up with the Framework
-             * considering it logged out, right?
-             */
-            ;
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWToken_SetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken, newState);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_InitPIN
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *pin)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_STATE state;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    state = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwSession->fwToken);
-    if (CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS != state) {
-        return CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN;
-    }
-    if (!pin) {
-        CK_BBOOL has = nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwSession->fwToken);
-        if (CK_TRUE != has) {
-            return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->InitPIN) {
-    }
-    error = fwSession->mdSession->InitPIN(fwSession->mdSession, fwSession,
-                                          fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                          fwSession->fwInstance, pin);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_SetPIN
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *oldPin,
-    NSSItem *newPin)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!newPin) {
-        CK_BBOOL has = nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwSession->fwToken);
-        if (CK_TRUE != has) {
-            return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!oldPin) {
-        CK_BBOOL has = nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwSession->fwToken);
-        if (CK_TRUE != has) {
-            return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->SetPIN) {
-    }
-    error = fwSession->mdSession->SetPIN(fwSession->mdSession, fwSession,
-                                         fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                         fwSession->fwInstance, oldPin, newPin);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetOperationStateLen
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_ULONG mdAmt;
-    CK_ULONG fwAmt;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->GetOperationStateLen) {
-        *pError = CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE;
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We could check that the session is actually in some state..
-     */
-    mdAmt = fwSession->mdSession->GetOperationStateLen(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                       fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                                       fwSession->fwInstance, pError);
-    if (((CK_ULONG)0 == mdAmt) && (CKR_OK != *pError)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Add a bit of sanity-checking
-     */
-    fwAmt = mdAmt + 2 * sizeof(CK_ULONG);
-    return fwAmt;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *buffer)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG fwAmt;
-    CK_ULONG *ulBuffer;
-    NSSItem i2;
-    CK_ULONG n, i;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!buffer) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!buffer->data) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->GetOperationState) {
-        return CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Sanity-check the caller's buffer.
-     */
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    fwAmt = nssCKFWSession_GetOperationStateLen(fwSession, &error);
-    if (((CK_ULONG)0 == fwAmt) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (buffer->size < fwAmt) {
-        return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-    }
-    ulBuffer = (CK_ULONG *)buffer->data;
-    i2.size = buffer->size - 2 * sizeof(CK_ULONG);
- = (void *)&ulBuffer[2];
-    error = fwSession->mdSession->GetOperationState(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                    fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                    fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance, &i2);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Add a little integrety/identity check.
-     * NOTE: right now, it's pretty stupid.
-     * A CRC or something would be better.
-     */
-    ulBuffer[0] = 0x434b4657; /* CKFW */
-    ulBuffer[1] = 0;
-    n = i2.size / sizeof(CK_ULONG);
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        ulBuffer[1] ^= ulBuffer[2 + i];
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWSession_SetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *state,
-    NSSCKFWObject *encryptionKey,
-    NSSCKFWObject *authenticationKey)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG *ulBuffer;
-    CK_ULONG n, i;
-    CK_ULONG x;
-    NSSItem s;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdek;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdak;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!state) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!state->data) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (encryptionKey) {
-        error = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(encryptionKey);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            return error;
-        }
-    }
-    if (authenticationKey) {
-        error = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(authenticationKey);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            return error;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    ulBuffer = (CK_ULONG *)state->data;
-    if (0x43b4657 != ulBuffer[0]) {
-        return CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID;
-    }
-    n = (state->size / sizeof(CK_ULONG)) - 2;
-    x = (CK_ULONG)0;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        x ^= ulBuffer[2 + i];
-    }
-    if (x != ulBuffer[1]) {
-        return CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->SetOperationState) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    s.size = state->size - 2 * sizeof(CK_ULONG);
- = (void *)&ulBuffer[2];
-    if (encryptionKey) {
-        mdek = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(encryptionKey);
-    } else {
-        mdek = (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (authenticationKey) {
-        mdak = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(authenticationKey);
-    } else {
-        mdak = (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    error = fwSession->mdSession->SetOperationState(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                    fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                                    fwSession->fwInstance, &s, mdek, encryptionKey, mdak, authenticationKey);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Here'd we restore any session data
-     */
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_BBOOL
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CK_BBOOL rv;
-    for (i = 0; i < ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-        if (CKA_TOKEN == pTemplate[i].type) {
-            /* If we sanity-check, we can remove this sizeof check */
-            if (sizeof(CK_BBOOL) == pTemplate[i].ulValueLen) {
-                (void)nsslibc_memcpy(&rv, pTemplate[i].pValue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-                return rv;
-            } else {
-                return CK_FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return CK_FALSE;
- * nssCKFWSession_CreateObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    CK_BBOOL isTokenObject;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)NULL == pTemplate) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /*
-     * Here would be an excellent place to sanity-check the object.
-     */
-    isTokenObject = nss_attributes_form_token_object(pTemplate, ulAttributeCount);
-    if (CK_TRUE == isTokenObject) {
-        /* === TOKEN OBJECT === */
-        if (!fwSession->mdSession->CreateObject) {
-            *pError = CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED;
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        arena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwSession->fwToken, pError);
-        if (!arena) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        goto callmdcreateobject;
-    } else {
-        /* === SESSION OBJECT === */
-        arena = nssCKFWSession_GetArena(fwSession, pError);
-        if (!arena) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        if (CK_TRUE == nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects(
-                           fwSession->fwInstance)) {
-            /* --- module handles the session object -- */
-            if (!fwSession->mdSession->CreateObject) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-                return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-            }
-            goto callmdcreateobject;
-        } else {
-            /* --- framework handles the session object -- */
-            mdObject = nssCKMDSessionObject_Create(fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                   arena, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-            goto gotmdobject;
-        }
-    }
-    mdObject = fwSession->mdSession->CreateObject(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                  fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                  fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance, arena, pTemplate,
-                                                  ulAttributeCount, pError);
-    if (!mdObject) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdObject,
-                                    isTokenObject ? NULL
-                                                  : fwSession,
-                                    fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->fwInstance, pError);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        if (mdObject->Destroy) {
-            (void)mdObject->Destroy(mdObject, (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL,
-                                    fwSession->mdSession, fwSession, fwSession->mdToken,
-                                    fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance);
-        }
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (CK_FALSE == isTokenObject) {
-        if (CK_FALSE == nssCKFWHash_Exists(fwSession->sessionObjectHash, fwObject)) {
-            *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwSession->sessionObjectHash, fwObject, fwObject);
-            if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-                nssCKFWObject_Finalize(fwObject, PR_TRUE);
-                return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return fwObject;
- * nssCKFWSession_CopyObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    CK_BBOOL oldIsToken;
-    CK_BBOOL newIsToken;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    NSSCKFWObject *rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWObject_verifyPointer(fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /*
-     * Sanity-check object
-     */
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    oldIsToken = nssCKFWObject_IsTokenObject(fwObject);
-    newIsToken = oldIsToken;
-    for (i = 0; i < ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-        if (CKA_TOKEN == pTemplate[i].type) {
-            /* Since we sanity-checked the object, we know this is the right size. */
-            (void)nsslibc_memcpy(&newIsToken, pTemplate[i].pValue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * If the Module handles its session objects, or if both the new
-     * and old object are token objects, use CopyObject if it exists.
-     */
-    if ((fwSession->mdSession->CopyObject) &&
-        (((CK_TRUE == oldIsToken) && (CK_TRUE == newIsToken)) ||
-         (CK_TRUE == nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects(
-                         fwSession->fwInstance)))) {
-        /* use copy object */
-        NSSArena *arena;
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdOldObject;
-        NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-        mdOldObject = nssCKFWObject_GetMDObject(fwObject);
-        if (CK_TRUE == newIsToken) {
-            arena = nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwSession->fwToken, pError);
-        } else {
-            arena = nssCKFWSession_GetArena(fwSession, pError);
-        }
-        if (!arena) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        mdObject = fwSession->mdSession->CopyObject(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                    fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                    fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance, mdOldObject,
-                                                    fwObject, arena, pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-        if (!mdObject) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        rv = nssCKFWObject_Create(arena, mdObject,
-                                  newIsToken ? NULL
-                                             : fwSession,
-                                  fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->fwInstance, pError);
-        if (CK_FALSE == newIsToken) {
-            if (CK_FALSE == nssCKFWHash_Exists(fwSession->sessionObjectHash, rv)) {
-                *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwSession->sessionObjectHash, rv, rv);
-                if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-                    nssCKFWObject_Finalize(rv, PR_TRUE);
-                    return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return rv;
-    } else {
-        /* use create object */
-        NSSArena *tmpArena;
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR newTemplate;
-        CK_ULONG i, j, n, newLength, k;
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PTR oldTypes;
-        NSSCKFWObject *rv;
-        n = nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeCount(fwObject, pError);
-        if ((0 == n) && (CKR_OK != *pError)) {
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        tmpArena = NSSArena_Create();
-        if (!tmpArena) {
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        oldTypes = nss_ZNEWARRAY(tmpArena, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, n);
-        if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PTR)NULL == oldTypes) {
-            NSSArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        *pError = nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeTypes(fwObject, oldTypes, n);
-        if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-            NSSArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        newLength = n;
-        for (i = 0; i < ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-            for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
-                if (oldTypes[j] == pTemplate[i].type) {
-                    if ((CK_VOID_PTR)NULL ==
-                        pTemplate[i].pValue) {
-                        /* Removing the attribute */
-                        newLength--;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (j == n) {
-                /* Not found */
-                newLength++;
-            }
-        }
-        newTemplate = nss_ZNEWARRAY(tmpArena, CK_ATTRIBUTE, newLength);
-        if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)NULL == newTemplate) {
-            NSSArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-            *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        k = 0;
-        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
-            for (i = 0; i < ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-                if (oldTypes[j] == pTemplate[i].type) {
-                    if ((CK_VOID_PTR)NULL ==
-                        pTemplate[i].pValue) {
-                        /* This attribute is being deleted */
-                        ;
-                    } else {
-                        /* This attribute is being replaced */
-                        newTemplate[k].type =
-                            pTemplate[i].type;
-                        newTemplate[k].pValue =
-                            pTemplate[i].pValue;
-                        newTemplate[k].ulValueLen =
-                            pTemplate[i].ulValueLen;
-                        k++;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (i == ulAttributeCount) {
-                /* This attribute is being copied over from the old object */
-                NSSItem item, *it;
-                item.size = 0;
-       = (void *)NULL;
-                it = nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute(fwObject, oldTypes[j],
-                                                &item, tmpArena, pError);
-                if (!it) {
-                    if (CKR_OK ==
-                        *pError) {
-                        *pError =
-                            CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-                    }
-                    NSSArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-                    return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-                }
-                newTemplate[k].type = oldTypes[j];
-                newTemplate[k].pValue = it->data;
-                newTemplate[k].ulValueLen = it->size;
-                k++;
-            }
-        }
-        /* assert that k == newLength */
-        rv = nssCKFWSession_CreateObject(fwSession, newTemplate, newLength, pError);
-        if (!rv) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            NSSArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-            return (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        NSSArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-        return rv;
-    }
- * nssCKFWSession_FindObjectsInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdfo1 = (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdfo2 = (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)NULL == pTemplate) && (ulAttributeCount != 0)) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects(
-                       fwSession->fwInstance)) {
-        CK_ULONG i;
-        /*
-         * Does the search criteria restrict us to token or session
-         * objects?
-         */
-        for (i = 0; i < ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-            if (CKA_TOKEN == pTemplate[i].type) {
-                /* Yes, it does. */
-                CK_BBOOL isToken;
-                if (sizeof(CK_BBOOL) != pTemplate[i].ulValueLen) {
-                    *pError =
-                        CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID;
-                    return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-                }
-                (void)nsslibc_memcpy(&isToken, pTemplate[i].pValue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-                if (CK_TRUE == isToken) {
-                    /* Pass it on to the module's search routine */
-                    if (!fwSession->mdSession->FindObjectsInit) {
-                        goto wrap;
-                    }
-                    mdfo1 =
-                        fwSession->mdSession->FindObjectsInit(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                              fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                              fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance,
-                                                              pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-                } else {
-                    /* Do the search ourselves */
-                    mdfo1 =
-                        nssCKMDFindSessionObjects_Create(fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                         pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-                }
-                if (!mdfo1) {
-                    if (CKR_OK ==
-                        *pError) {
-                        *pError =
-                            CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-                    }
-                    return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-                }
-                goto wrap;
-            }
-        }
-        if (i == ulAttributeCount) {
-            /* No, it doesn't.  Do a hybrid search. */
-            mdfo1 = fwSession->mdSession->FindObjectsInit(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                          fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                          fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance,
-                                                          pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-            if (!mdfo1) {
-                if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                    *pError =
-                        CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-                }
-                return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-            }
-            mdfo2 = nssCKMDFindSessionObjects_Create(fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                     pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-            if (!mdfo2) {
-                if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                    *pError =
-                        CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-                }
-                if (mdfo1->Final) {
-                    mdfo1->Final(mdfo1, (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL, fwSession->mdSession,
-                                 fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                 fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance);
-                }
-                return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-            }
-            goto wrap;
-        }
-        /*NOTREACHED*/
-    } else {
-        /* Module handles all its own objects.  Pass on to module's search */
-        mdfo1 = fwSession->mdSession->FindObjectsInit(fwSession->mdSession,
-                                                      fwSession, fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                                      fwSession->mdInstance, fwSession->fwInstance,
-                                                      pTemplate, ulAttributeCount, pError);
-        if (!mdfo1) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL;
-        }
-        goto wrap;
-    }
-    return nssCKFWFindObjects_Create(fwSession, fwSession->fwToken,
-                                     fwSession->fwInstance, mdfo1, mdfo2, pError);
- * nssCKFWSession_SeedRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *seed)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!seed) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!seed->data) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (0 == seed->size) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->SeedRandom) {
-    }
-    error = fwSession->mdSession->SeedRandom(fwSession->mdSession, fwSession,
-                                             fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                             fwSession->fwInstance, seed);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSItem *buffer)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!buffer) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!buffer->data) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession->GetRandom) {
-        if (CK_TRUE == nssCKFWToken_GetHasRNG(fwSession->fwToken)) {
-            return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        } else {
-            return CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG;
-        }
-    }
-    if (0 == buffer->size) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    error = fwSession->mdSession->GetRandom(fwSession->mdSession, fwSession,
-                                            fwSession->mdToken, fwSession->fwToken, fwSession->mdInstance,
-                                            fwSession->fwInstance, buffer);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (state >= NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Max) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    fwSession->fwOperationArray[state] = fwOperation;
-    return;
- * nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return (NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (state >= NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Max) {
-        return (NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return (NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSession->fwOperationArray[state];
- * nssCKFWSession_Final
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSItem outputBuffer;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, state);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (type != nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
-    /* handle buffer issues, note for Verify, the type is an input buffer. */
-    if (NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify == type) {
-        if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == outBuf) {
-            error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    } else {
-        CK_ULONG len = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetFinalLength(fwOperation, &error);
-        CK_ULONG maxBufLen = *outBufLen;
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            goto done;
-        }
-        *outBufLen = len;
-        if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == outBuf) {
-            return CKR_OK;
-        }
-        if (len > maxBufLen) {
-            return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        }
-    }
- = outBuf;
-    outputBuffer.size = *outBufLen;
-    error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Final(fwOperation, &outputBuffer);
-    if (CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    /* clean up our state */
-    nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy(fwOperation);
-    nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, NULL, state);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_Update
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSItem inputBuffer;
-    NSSItem outputBuffer;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_ULONG maxBufLen;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, state);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (type != nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
- = inBuf;
-    inputBuffer.size = inBufLen;
-    /* handle buffer issues, note for Verify, the type is an input buffer. */
-    len = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength(fwOperation, &inputBuffer,
-                                                    &error);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    maxBufLen = *outBufLen;
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == outBuf) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (len > maxBufLen) {
-        return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-    }
- = outBuf;
-    outputBuffer.size = *outBufLen;
-    return nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update(fwOperation,
-                                         &inputBuffer, &outputBuffer);
- * nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSItem inputBuffer;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, state);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (type != nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
- = inBuf;
-    inputBuffer.size = inBufLen;
-    error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate(fwOperation, &inputBuffer);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwKey)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSItem *inputBuffer;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest !=
-        nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestKey(fwOperation, fwKey);
-    if (CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    /* no machine depended way for this to happen, do it by hand */
-    inputBuffer = nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute(fwKey, CKA_VALUE, NULL, NULL, &error);
-    if (!inputBuffer) {
-        /* couldn't get the value, just fail then */
-        return error;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate(fwOperation, inputBuffer);
-    nssItem_Destroy(inputBuffer);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType type,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSItem inputBuffer;
-    NSSItem outputBuffer;
-    PRBool isEncryptDecrypt;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, state);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (type != nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
- = inBuf;
-    inputBuffer.size = inBufLen;
-    isEncryptDecrypt = (PRBool)((NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt == type) ||
-                                (NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt == type));
-    /* handle buffer issues, note for Verify, the type is an input buffer. */
-    if (NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify == type) {
-        if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == outBuf) {
-            error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    } else {
-        CK_ULONG maxBufLen = *outBufLen;
-        CK_ULONG len;
-        len = (isEncryptDecrypt) ? nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength(fwOperation,
-                                                                             &inputBuffer, &error)
-                                 : nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetFinalLength(fwOperation, &error);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            goto done;
-        }
-        *outBufLen = len;
-        if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == outBuf) {
-            return CKR_OK;
-        }
-        if (len > maxBufLen) {
-            return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        }
-    }
- = outBuf;
-    outputBuffer.size = *outBufLen;
-    error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateFinal(fwOperation,
-                                               &inputBuffer, &outputBuffer);
-    /* UpdateFinal isn't support, manually use Update and Final */
-    if (CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED == error) {
-        error = isEncryptDecrypt ? nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update(fwOperation, &inputBuffer, &outputBuffer)
-                                 : nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate(fwOperation, &inputBuffer);
-        if (CKR_OK == error) {
-            error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Final(fwOperation, &outputBuffer);
-        }
-    }
-    if (CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == error) {
-        /* if we return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, we the caller is not expecting.
-         * the crypto state to be freed */
-        return error;
-    }
-    /* clean up our state */
-    nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Destroy(fwOperation);
-    nssCKFWSession_SetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, NULL, state);
-    return error;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType encryptType,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType digestType,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState digestState,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR inBuf,
-    CK_ULONG inBufLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR outBuf,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR outBufLen)
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwOperation;
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *fwPeerOperation;
-    NSSItem inputBuffer;
-    NSSItem outputBuffer;
-    CK_ULONG maxBufLen = *outBufLen;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSession->mdSession) {
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                           NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt);
-    if (!fwOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (encryptType != nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
-    /* make sure we have a valid operation initialized */
-    fwPeerOperation = nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession,
-                                                               digestState);
-    if (!fwPeerOperation) {
-    }
-    /* make sure it's the correct type */
-    if (digestType != nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetType(fwOperation)) {
-    }
- = inBuf;
-    inputBuffer.size = inBufLen;
-    len = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_GetOperationLength(fwOperation,
-                                                    &inputBuffer, &error);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == outBuf) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (len > maxBufLen) {
-        return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-    }
- = outBuf;
-    outputBuffer.size = *outBufLen;
-    error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_UpdateCombo(fwOperation, fwPeerOperation,
-                                               &inputBuffer, &outputBuffer);
-    if (CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED == error) {
-        PRBool isEncrypt =
-            (PRBool)(NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt == encryptType);
-        if (isEncrypt) {
-            error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate(fwPeerOperation,
-                                                        &inputBuffer);
-            if (CKR_OK != error) {
-                return error;
-            }
-        }
-        error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_Update(fwOperation,
-                                              &inputBuffer, &outputBuffer);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            return error;
-        }
-        if (!isEncrypt) {
-            error = nssCKFWCryptoOperation_DigestUpdate(fwPeerOperation,
-                                                        &outputBuffer);
-        }
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWSession_GetMDSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSession *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_GetMDSession(fwSession);
- * NSSCKFWSession_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_GetArena(fwSession, pError);
- * NSSCKFWSession_CallNotification
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_CallNotification(fwSession, event);
- * NSSCKFWSession_IsRWSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession(fwSession);
- * NSSCKFWSession_IsSO
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_IsSO(fwSession);
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState state)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return (NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (state >= NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Max) {
-        return (NSSCKFWCryptoOperation *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSession_GetCurrentCryptoOperation(fwSession, state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/sessobj.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/sessobj.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 11721b8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/sessobj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1012 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * sessobj.c
- *
- * This file contains an NSSCKMDObject implementation for session
- * objects.  The framework uses this implementation to manage
- * session objects when a Module doesn't wish to be bothered.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * nssCKMDSessionObject
- *
- *  -- create --
- *  nssCKMDSessionObject_Create
- *
- *  -- EPV calls --
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_Finalize
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_IsTokenObject
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeCount
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeSize
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttribute
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_SetAttribute
- *  nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetObjectSize
- */
-struct nssCKMDSessionObjectStr {
-    CK_ULONG n;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSItem *attributes;
-    nssCKFWHash *hash;
-typedef struct nssCKMDSessionObjectStr nssCKMDSessionObject;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKMDObject *mdObject)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKMDObject *mdObject)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSS_DEBUG
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKMDObject *mdObject)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * We must forward-declare these routines
- */
-static void
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-static CK_BBOOL
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount);
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-static NSSCKFWItem
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *value);
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError);
- * nssCKMDSessionObject_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject = (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *mdso = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)NULL;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    nssCKFWHash *hash;
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    mdso = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssCKMDSessionObject);
-    if (!mdso) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    mdso->arena = arena;
-    mdso->n = ulCount;
-    mdso->attributes = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, NSSItem, ulCount);
-    if (!mdso->attributes) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    mdso->types = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, ulCount);
-    if (!mdso->types) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < ulCount; i++) {
-        mdso->types[i] = attributes[i].type;
-        mdso->attributes[i].size = attributes[i].ulValueLen;
-        mdso->attributes[i].data = nss_ZAlloc(arena, attributes[i].ulValueLen);
-        if (!mdso->attributes[i].data) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        (void)nsslibc_memcpy(mdso->attributes[i].data, attributes[i].pValue,
-                             attributes[i].ulValueLen);
-    }
-    mdObject = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKMDObject);
-    if (!mdObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    mdObject->etc = (void *)mdso;
-    mdObject->Finalize = nss_ckmdSessionObject_Finalize;
-    mdObject->Destroy = nss_ckmdSessionObject_Destroy;
-    mdObject->IsTokenObject = nss_ckmdSessionObject_IsTokenObject;
-    mdObject->GetAttributeCount = nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeCount;
-    mdObject->GetAttributeTypes = nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeTypes;
-    mdObject->GetAttributeSize = nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeSize;
-    mdObject->GetAttribute = nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttribute;
-    mdObject->SetAttribute = nss_ckmdSessionObject_SetAttribute;
-    mdObject->GetObjectSize = nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetObjectSize;
-    hash = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionObjectHash(fwToken);
-    if (!hash) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    mdso->hash = hash;
-    *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(hash, mdObject, mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if ((*pError = nss_ckmdSessionObject_add_pointer(mdObject)) != CKR_OK) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return mdObject;
-    if (mdso) {
-        if (mdso->attributes) {
-            for (i = 0; i < ulCount; i++) {
-                nss_ZFreeIf(mdso->attributes[i].data);
-            }
-            nss_ZFreeIf(mdso->attributes);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(mdso->types);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(mdso);
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(mdObject);
-    if (*pError == CKR_OK) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-    return (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_Finalize
- *
- */
-static void
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    /* This shouldn't ever be called */
-    return;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_Destroy
- *
- */
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *mdso;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    mdso = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    nssCKFWHash_Remove(mdso->hash, mdObject);
-    for (i = 0; i < mdso->n; i++) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(mdso->attributes[i].data);
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(mdso->attributes);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(mdso->types);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(mdso);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(mdObject);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)nss_ckmdSessionObject_remove_pointer(mdObject);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_IsTokenObject
- *
- */
-static CK_BBOOL
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /*
-     * This implementation is only ever used for session objects.
-     */
-    return CK_FALSE;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeCount
- *
- */
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *obj;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    *pError = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-/* We could even check all the other arguments, for sanity. */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    obj = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    return obj->n;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeTypes
- *
- */
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *obj;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-/* We could even check all the other arguments, for sanity. */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    obj = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    if (ulCount < obj->n) {
-        return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-    }
-    (void)nsslibc_memcpy(typeArray, obj->types,
-                         sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE) *
-                             obj->n);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttributeSize
- *
- */
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *obj;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    *pError = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-/* We could even check all the other arguments, for sanity. */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    obj = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    for (i = 0; i < obj->n; i++) {
-        if (attribute == obj->types[i]) {
-            return (CK_ULONG)(obj->attributes[i].size);
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetAttribute
- *
- */
-static NSSCKFWItem
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWItem item;
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *obj;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    item.needsFreeing = PR_FALSE;
-    item.item = NULL;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return item;
-    }
-    *pError = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return item;
-    }
-/* We could even check all the other arguments, for sanity. */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    obj = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    for (i = 0; i < obj->n; i++) {
-        if (attribute == obj->types[i]) {
-            item.item = &obj->attributes[i];
-            return item;
-        }
-    }
-    return item;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_SetAttribute
- *
- */
- * Okay, so this implementation sucks.  It doesn't support removing
- * an attribute (if value == NULL), and could be more graceful about
- * memory.  It should allow "blank" slots in the arrays, with some
- * invalid attribute type, and then it could support removal much
- * more easily.  Do this later.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSItem *value)
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *obj;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    NSSItem n;
-    NSSItem *ra;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    CK_RV error;
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-/* We could even check all the other arguments, for sanity. */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    obj = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    n.size = value->size;
- = nss_ZAlloc(obj->arena, n.size);
-    if (! {
-        return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-    (void)nsslibc_memcpy(, value->data, n.size);
-    for (i = 0; i < obj->n; i++) {
-        if (attribute == obj->types[i]) {
-            nss_ZFreeIf(obj->attributes[i].data);
-            obj->attributes[i] = n;
-            return CKR_OK;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * It's new.
-     */
-    ra = (NSSItem *)nss_ZRealloc(obj->attributes, sizeof(NSSItem) * (obj->n + 1));
-    if (!ra) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(;
-        return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-    obj->attributes = ra;
-    rt = (CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PTR)nss_ZRealloc(obj->types,
-                                             sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE) * (obj->n + 1));
-    if (!rt) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(;
-        return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-    obj->types = rt;
-    obj->attributes[obj->n] = n;
-    obj->types[obj->n] = attribute;
-    obj->n++;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nss_ckmdSessionObject_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-static CK_ULONG
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject,
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *obj;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CK_ULONG rv = (CK_ULONG)0;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    *pError = nss_ckmdSessionObject_verifyPointer(mdObject);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-/* We could even check all the other arguments, for sanity. */
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    obj = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    for (i = 0; i < obj->n; i++) {
-        rv += obj->attributes[i].size;
-    }
-    rv += sizeof(NSSItem) * obj->n;
-    rv += sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE) * obj->n;
-    rv += sizeof(nssCKMDSessionObject);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKMDFindSessionObjects
- *
- *  -- create --
- *  nssCKMDFindSessionObjects_Create
- *
- *  -- EPV calls --
- *  nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_Final
- *  nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_Next
- */
-struct nodeStr {
-    struct nodeStr *next;
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject;
-struct nssCKMDFindSessionObjectsStr {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    CK_RV error;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate;
-    CK_ULONG ulCount;
-    struct nodeStr *list;
-    nssCKFWHash *hash;
-typedef struct nssCKMDFindSessionObjectsStr nssCKMDFindSessionObjects;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSS_DEBUG
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * We must forward-declare these routines.
- */
-static void
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance);
-static NSSCKMDObject *
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError);
-static CK_BBOOL
-    NSSItem *a,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pValue,
-    CK_ULONG ulValueLen)
-    if (a->size != ulValueLen) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (PR_TRUE == nsslibc_memequal(a->data, pValue, ulValueLen, (PRStatus *)NULL)) {
-        return CK_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
- * Our hashtable iterator
- */
-static void
-    const void *key,
-    void *value,
-    void *closure)
-    NSSCKMDObject *mdObject = (NSSCKMDObject *)value;
-    nssCKMDSessionObject *mdso = (nssCKMDSessionObject *)mdObject->etc;
-    nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *mdfso = (nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *)closure;
-    CK_ULONG i, j;
-    struct nodeStr *node;
-    if (CKR_OK != mdfso->error) {
-        return;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < mdfso->ulCount; i++) {
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR p = &mdfso->pTemplate[i];
-        for (j = 0; j < mdso->n; j++) {
-            if (mdso->types[j] == p->type) {
-                if (!items_match(&mdso->attributes[j], p->pValue, p->ulValueLen)) {
-                    return;
-                } else {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (j == mdso->n) {
-            /* Attribute not found */
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Matches */
-    node = nss_ZNEW(mdfso->arena, struct nodeStr);
-    if ((struct nodeStr *)NULL == node) {
-        mdfso->error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return;
-    }
-    node->mdObject = mdObject;
-    node->next = mdfso->list;
-    mdfso->list = node;
-    return;
- * nssCKMDFindSessionObjects_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *mdfso;
-    nssCKFWHash *hash;
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)NULL == pTemplate) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    hash = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionObjectHash(fwToken);
-    if (!hash) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKMDFindObjects *)NULL;
-    }
-    mdfso = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssCKMDFindSessionObjects);
-    if (!mdfso) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKMDFindObjects);
-    if (rv == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    mdfso->error = CKR_OK;
-    mdfso->pTemplate = pTemplate;
-    mdfso->ulCount = ulCount;
-    mdfso->hash = hash;
-    nssCKFWHash_Iterate(hash, findfcn, mdfso);
-    if (CKR_OK != mdfso->error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv->etc = (void *)mdfso;
-    rv->Final = nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_Final;
-    rv->Next = nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_Next;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if ((*pError = nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_add_pointer(rv)) != CKR_OK) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    mdfso->arena = arena;
-    return rv;
-    if (arena) {
-        NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    if (*pError == CKR_OK) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static void
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance)
-    nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *mdfso;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_verifyPointer(mdFindObjects)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    mdfso = (nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *)mdFindObjects->etc;
-    if (mdfso->arena)
-        NSSArena_Destroy(mdfso->arena);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    (void)nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_remove_pointer(mdFindObjects);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return;
-static NSSCKMDObject *
-    NSSCKMDFindObjects *mdFindObjects,
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects,
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSArena *arena,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *mdfso;
-    NSSCKMDObject *rv = (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nss_ckmdFindSessionObjects_verifyPointer(mdFindObjects)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    mdfso = (nssCKMDFindSessionObjects *)mdFindObjects->etc;
-    while (!rv) {
-        if ((struct nodeStr *)NULL == mdfso->list) {
-            *pError = CKR_OK;
-            return (NSSCKMDObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        if (nssCKFWHash_Exists(mdfso->hash, mdfso->list->mdObject)) {
-            rv = mdfso->list->mdObject;
-        }
-        mdfso->list = mdfso->list->next;
-    }
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/slot.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/slot.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 495e546..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/slot.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * slot.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWSlot type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_Create
- *  nssCKFWSlot_Destroy
- *
- *  -- public accessors --
- *  NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *  NSSCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *  NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotID
- *  nssCKFWSlot_ClearToken
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotDescription
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetManufacturerID
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetRemovableDevice
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareSlot
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetFirmwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWSlot_InitToken
- *  nssCKFWSlot_GetToken
- */
-struct NSSCKFWSlotStr {
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex;
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID;
-    /*
-     * Everything above is set at creation time, and then not modified.
-     * The invariants the mutex protects are:
-     *
-     * 1) Each of the cached descriptions (versions, etc.) are in an
-     *    internally consistant state.
-     *
-     * 2) The fwToken points to the token currently in the slot, and
-     *    it is in a consistant state.
-     *
-     * Note that the calls accessing the cached descriptions will
-     * call the NSSCKMDSlot methods with the mutex locked.  Those
-     * methods may then call the public NSSCKFWSlot routines.  Those
-     * public routines only access the constant data above, so there's
-     * no problem.  But be careful if you add to this object; mutexes
-     * are in general not reentrant, so don't create deadlock situations.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *slotDescription;
-    NSSUTF8 *manufacturerID;
-    CK_VERSION hardwareVersion;
-    CK_VERSION firmwareVersion;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWSlot_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWInstance_verifyPointer(fwInstance);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    mdInstance = nssCKFWInstance_GetMDInstance(fwInstance);
-    if (!mdInstance) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    arena = nssCKFWInstance_GetArena(fwInstance, pError);
-    if (!arena) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-    fwSlot = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKFWSlot);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    fwSlot->mdSlot = mdSlot;
-    fwSlot->fwInstance = fwInstance;
-    fwSlot->mdInstance = mdInstance;
-    fwSlot->slotID = slotID;
-    fwSlot->mutex = nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex(fwInstance, arena, pError);
-    if (!fwSlot->mutex) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(fwSlot);
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (mdSlot->Initialize) {
-        *pError = CKR_OK;
-        *pError = mdSlot->Initialize(mdSlot, fwSlot, mdInstance, fwInstance);
-        if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-            (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwSlot->mutex);
-            (void)nss_ZFreeIf(fwSlot);
-            return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = slot_add_pointer(fwSlot);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        if (mdSlot->Destroy) {
-            mdSlot->Destroy(mdSlot, fwSlot, mdInstance, fwInstance);
-        }
-        (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwSlot->mutex);
-        (void)nss_ZFreeIf(fwSlot);
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return fwSlot;
- * nssCKFWSlot_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (fwSlot->fwToken) {
-        nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwSlot->fwToken);
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwSlot->mutex);
-    if (fwSlot->mdSlot->Destroy) {
-        fwSlot->mdSlot->Destroy(fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot,
-                                fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance);
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    error = slot_remove_pointer(fwSlot);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    (void)nss_ZFreeIf(fwSlot);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSlot->mdSlot;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSlot->fwInstance;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSlot->mdInstance;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (CK_SLOT_ID)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwSlot->slotID;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotDescription
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    CK_CHAR slotDescription[64])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == slotDescription) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSlot->slotDescription) {
-        if (fwSlot->mdSlot->GetSlotDescription) {
-            fwSlot->slotDescription = fwSlot->mdSlot->GetSlotDescription(
-                fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot, fwSlot->mdInstance,
-                fwSlot->fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwSlot->slotDescription) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwSlot->slotDescription = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwSlot->slotDescription, (char *)slotDescription, 64, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetManufacturerID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    CK_CHAR manufacturerID[32])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == manufacturerID) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwSlot->manufacturerID) {
-        if (fwSlot->mdSlot->GetManufacturerID) {
-            fwSlot->manufacturerID = fwSlot->mdSlot->GetManufacturerID(
-                fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot, fwSlot->mdInstance,
-                fwSlot->fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwSlot->manufacturerID) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwSlot->manufacturerID = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwSlot->manufacturerID, (char *)manufacturerID, 32, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSlot->mdSlot->GetTokenPresent) {
-        return CK_TRUE;
-    }
-    return fwSlot->mdSlot->GetTokenPresent(fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot,
-                                           fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetRemovableDevice
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSlot->mdSlot->GetRemovableDevice) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwSlot->mdSlot->GetRemovableDevice(fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot,
-                                              fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwSlot->mdSlot->GetHardwareSlot) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwSlot->mdSlot->GetHardwareSlot(fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot,
-                                           fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-    CK_VERSION rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwSlot->mutex)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if ((0 != fwSlot->hardwareVersion.major) ||
-        (0 != fwSlot->hardwareVersion.minor)) {
-        rv = fwSlot->hardwareVersion;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (fwSlot->mdSlot->GetHardwareVersion) {
-        fwSlot->hardwareVersion = fwSlot->mdSlot->GetHardwareVersion(
-            fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot, fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwSlot->hardwareVersion.major = 0;
-        fwSlot->hardwareVersion.minor = 1;
-    }
-    rv = fwSlot->hardwareVersion;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetFirmwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-    CK_VERSION rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwSlot->mutex)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if ((0 != fwSlot->firmwareVersion.major) ||
-        (0 != fwSlot->firmwareVersion.minor)) {
-        rv = fwSlot->firmwareVersion;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (fwSlot->mdSlot->GetFirmwareVersion) {
-        fwSlot->firmwareVersion = fwSlot->mdSlot->GetFirmwareVersion(
-            fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot, fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwSlot->firmwareVersion.major = 0;
-        fwSlot->firmwareVersion.minor = 1;
-    }
-    rv = fwSlot->firmwareVersion;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWSlot_GetToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!fwSlot->fwToken) {
-        if (!fwSlot->mdSlot->GetToken) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-            goto done;
-        }
-        mdToken = fwSlot->mdSlot->GetToken(fwSlot->mdSlot, fwSlot,
-                                           fwSlot->mdInstance, fwSlot->fwInstance, pError);
-        if (!mdToken) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            return (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-        }
-        fwToken = nssCKFWToken_Create(fwSlot, mdToken, pError);
-        fwSlot->fwToken = fwToken;
-    } else {
-        fwToken = fwSlot->fwToken;
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    return fwToken;
- * nssCKFWSlot_ClearToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwSlot->mutex)) {
-        /* Now what? */
-        return;
-    }
-    fwSlot->fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwSlot->mutex);
-    return;
- * NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSlot_GetMDSlot(fwSlot);
- * NSSCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance(fwSlot);
- * NSSCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWSlot_verifyPointer(fwSlot)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDInstance *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance(fwSlot);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/token.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/token.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4483bb5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/token.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1791 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * token.c
- *
- * This file implements the NSSCKFWToken type and methods.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWToken
- *
- *  -- create/destroy --
- *  nssCKFWToken_Create
- *  nssCKFWToken_Destroy
- *
- *  -- public accessors --
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *  NSSCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- *  -- implement public accessors --
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *  nssCKFWToken_SetSessionState
- *
- *  -- private accessors --
- *  nssCKFWToken_SetSessionState
- *  nssCKFWToken_RemoveSession
- *  nssCKFWToken_CloseAllSessions
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetRwSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetRoSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSessionObjectHash
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetObjectHandleHash
- *
- *  -- module fronts --
- *  nssCKFWToken_InitToken
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetLabel
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetManufacturerID
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetModel
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSerialNumber
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHasRNG
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetIsWriteProtected
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetLoginRequired
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetUserPinInitialized
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHasClockOnToken
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMaxSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMaxRwSessionCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMaxPinLen
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMinPinLen
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPublicMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFreePublicMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPrivateMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFreePrivateMemory
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetHardwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetFirmwareVersion
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetUTCTime
- *  nssCKFWToken_OpenSession
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismCount
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismTypes
- *  nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism
- */
-struct NSSCKFWTokenStr {
-    NSSCKFWMutex *mutex;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKMDSlot *mdSlot;
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance;
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance;
-    /*
-     * Everything above is set at creation time, and then not modified.
-     * The invariants the mutex protects are:
-     *
-     * 1) Each of the cached descriptions (versions, etc.) are in an
-     *    internally consistant state.
-     *
-     * 2) The session counts and hashes are consistant.
-     *
-     * 3) The object hashes are consistant.
-     *
-     * Note that the calls accessing the cached descriptions will call
-     * the NSSCKMDToken methods with the mutex locked.  Those methods
-     * may then call the public NSSCKFWToken routines.  Those public
-     * routines only access the constant data above and the atomic
-     * CK_STATE session state variable below, so there's no problem.
-     * But be careful if you add to this object; mutexes are in
-     * general not reentrant, so don't create deadlock situations.
-     */
-    NSSUTF8 *label;
-    NSSUTF8 *manufacturerID;
-    NSSUTF8 *model;
-    NSSUTF8 *serialNumber;
-    CK_VERSION hardwareVersion;
-    CK_VERSION firmwareVersion;
-    CK_ULONG sessionCount;
-    CK_ULONG rwSessionCount;
-    nssCKFWHash *sessions;
-    nssCKFWHash *sessionObjectHash;
-    nssCKFWHash *mdObjectHash;
-    nssCKFWHash *mdMechanismHash;
-    CK_STATE state;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- * But first, the pointer-tracking stuff.
- *
- * NOTE: the pointer-tracking support in NSS/base currently relies
- * upon NSPR's CallOnce support.  That, however, relies upon NSPR's
- * locking, which is tied into the runtime.  We need a pointer-tracker
- * implementation that uses the locks supplied through C_Initialize.
- * That support, however, can be filled in later.  So for now, I'll
- * just do this routines as no-ops.
- */
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-    const NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    return CKR_OK;
-    const NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    return CKR_OK;
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * nssCKFWToken_Create
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot,
-    NSSCKMDToken *mdToken,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSArena *arena = (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    CK_BBOOL called_setup = CK_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * We have already verified the arguments in nssCKFWSlot_GetToken.
-     */
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCKFWToken);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        *pError = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken->arena = arena;
-    fwToken->mdToken = mdToken;
-    fwToken->fwSlot = fwSlot;
-    fwToken->fwInstance = nssCKFWSlot_GetFWInstance(fwSlot);
-    fwToken->mdInstance = nssCKFWSlot_GetMDInstance(fwSlot);
-    fwToken->state = CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION; /* some default */
-    fwToken->sessionCount = 0;
-    fwToken->rwSessionCount = 0;
-    fwToken->mutex = nssCKFWInstance_CreateMutex(fwToken->fwInstance, arena, pError);
-    if (!fwToken->mutex) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken->sessions = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwToken->fwInstance, arena, pError);
-    if (!fwToken->sessions) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWInstance_GetModuleHandlesSessionObjects(
-                       fwToken->fwInstance)) {
-        fwToken->sessionObjectHash = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwToken->fwInstance,
-                                                        arena, pError);
-        if (!fwToken->sessionObjectHash) {
-            if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-                *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            }
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    fwToken->mdObjectHash = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwToken->fwInstance,
-                                               arena, pError);
-    if (!fwToken->mdObjectHash) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken->mdMechanismHash = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwToken->fwInstance,
-                                                  arena, pError);
-    if (!fwToken->mdMechanismHash) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* More here */
-    if (mdToken->Setup) {
-        *pError = mdToken->Setup(mdToken, fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-        if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    called_setup = CK_TRUE;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    *pError = token_add_pointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    *pError = CKR_OK;
-    return fwToken;
-    if (CK_TRUE == called_setup) {
-        if (mdToken->Invalidate) {
-            mdToken->Invalidate(mdToken, fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-        }
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-        (void)NSSArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-static void
-    const void *key,
-    void *value,
-    void *closure)
-    /*
-     * Remember that the fwToken->mutex is locked
-     */
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession = (NSSCKFWSession *)value;
-    (void)nssCKFWSession_Destroy(fwSession, CK_FALSE);
-    return;
-static void
-    const void *key,
-    void *value,
-    void *closure)
-    /*
-     * Remember that the fwToken->mutex is locked
-     */
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = (NSSCKFWObject *)value;
-    (void)nssCKFWObject_Finalize(fwObject, CK_FALSE);
-    return;
- * nssCKFWToken_Destroy
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Destroy(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (fwToken->mdToken->Invalidate) {
-        fwToken->mdToken->Invalidate(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                     fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-    }
-    /* we can destroy the list without locking now because no one else is
-     * referencing us (or _Destroy was invalidly called!)
-     */
-    nssCKFWHash_Iterate(fwToken->sessions, nss_ckfwtoken_session_iterator,
-                        (void *)NULL);
-    nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwToken->sessions);
-    /* session objects go away when their sessions are removed */
-    if (fwToken->sessionObjectHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwToken->sessionObjectHash);
-    }
-    /* free up the token objects */
-    if (fwToken->mdObjectHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Iterate(fwToken->mdObjectHash, nss_ckfwtoken_object_iterator,
-                            (void *)NULL);
-        nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwToken->mdObjectHash);
-    }
-    if (fwToken->mdMechanismHash) {
-        nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwToken->mdMechanismHash);
-    }
-    nssCKFWSlot_ClearToken(fwToken->fwSlot);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    error = token_remove_pointer(fwToken);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    (void)NSSArena_Destroy(fwToken->arena);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDToken *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->mdToken;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->arena;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->fwSlot;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->mdSlot;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION; /* whatever */
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    /*
-     * BTW, do not lock the token in this method.
-     */
-    /*
-     * Theoretically, there is no state if there aren't any
-     * sessions open.  But then we'd need to worry about
-     * reporting an error, etc.  What the heck-- let's just
-     * revert to CKR_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION as the "default."
-     */
-    return fwToken->state;
- * nssCKFWToken_InitToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSItem *pin,
-    NSSUTF8 *label)
-    CK_RV error;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (fwToken->sessionCount > 0) {
-        error = CKR_SESSION_EXISTS;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->InitToken) {
-        error = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (!pin) {
-        if (nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwToken)) {
-            ; /* okay */
-        } else {
-            error = CKR_PIN_INCORRECT;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!label) {
-        label = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-    }
-    error = fwToken->mdToken->InitToken(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                        fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, pin, label);
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetLabel
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR label[32])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == label) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->label) {
-        if (fwToken->mdToken->GetLabel) {
-            fwToken->label = fwToken->mdToken->GetLabel(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                        fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwToken->label) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwToken->label = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwToken->label, (char *)label, 32, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetManufacturerID
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR manufacturerID[32])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == manufacturerID) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->manufacturerID) {
-        if (fwToken->mdToken->GetManufacturerID) {
-            fwToken->manufacturerID = fwToken->mdToken->GetManufacturerID(fwToken->mdToken,
-                                                                          fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwToken->manufacturerID) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwToken->manufacturerID = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwToken->manufacturerID, (char *)manufacturerID, 32, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetModel
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR model[16])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == model) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->model) {
-        if (fwToken->mdToken->GetModel) {
-            fwToken->model = fwToken->mdToken->GetModel(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                        fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwToken->model) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwToken->model = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwToken->model, (char *)model, 16, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSerialNumber
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR serialNumber[16])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == serialNumber) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->serialNumber) {
-        if (fwToken->mdToken->GetSerialNumber) {
-            fwToken->serialNumber = fwToken->mdToken->GetSerialNumber(fwToken->mdToken,
-                                                                      fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, &error);
-            if ((!fwToken->serialNumber) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-                goto done;
-            }
-        } else {
-            fwToken->serialNumber = (NSSUTF8 *)"";
-        }
-    }
-    (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer(fwToken->serialNumber, (char *)serialNumber, 16, ' ');
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHasRNG
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetHasRNG) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetHasRNG(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                       fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetIsWriteProtected
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetIsWriteProtected) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetIsWriteProtected(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                 fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetLoginRequired
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetLoginRequired) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetLoginRequired(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                              fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetUserPinInitialized
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetUserPinInitialized) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetUserPinInitialized(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                   fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                    fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHasClockOnToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetHasClockOnToken) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetHasClockOnToken(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwToken->mdToken,
-                                                               fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations) {
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations(fwToken->mdToken,
-                                                             fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMaxSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMaxSessionCount) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetMaxSessionCount(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMaxRwSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMaxRwSessionCount) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetMaxRwSessionCount(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                  fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMaxPinLen
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMaxPinLen) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetMaxPinLen(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                          fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMinPinLen
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMinPinLen) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetMinPinLen(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                          fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPublicMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetTotalPublicMemory) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetTotalPublicMemory(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                  fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFreePublicMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetFreePublicMemory) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetFreePublicMemory(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                 fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPrivateMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetTotalPrivateMemory) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetTotalPrivateMemory(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                   fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFreePrivateMemory
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetFreePrivateMemory) {
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetFreePrivateMemory(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                  fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetHardwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_VERSION rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if ((0 != fwToken->hardwareVersion.major) ||
-        (0 != fwToken->hardwareVersion.minor)) {
-        rv = fwToken->hardwareVersion;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (fwToken->mdToken->GetHardwareVersion) {
-        fwToken->hardwareVersion = fwToken->mdToken->GetHardwareVersion(
-            fwToken->mdToken, fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwToken->hardwareVersion.major = 0;
-        fwToken->hardwareVersion.minor = 1;
-    }
-    rv = fwToken->hardwareVersion;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetFirmwareVersion
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_VERSION rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex)) {
-        rv.major = rv.minor = 0;
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if ((0 != fwToken->firmwareVersion.major) ||
-        (0 != fwToken->firmwareVersion.minor)) {
-        rv = fwToken->firmwareVersion;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (fwToken->mdToken->GetFirmwareVersion) {
-        fwToken->firmwareVersion = fwToken->mdToken->GetFirmwareVersion(
-            fwToken->mdToken, fwToken, fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-    } else {
-        fwToken->firmwareVersion.major = 0;
-        fwToken->firmwareVersion.minor = 1;
-    }
-    rv = fwToken->firmwareVersion;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetUTCTime
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_CHAR utcTime[16])
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)NULL == utcTime) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWToken_GetHasClockOnToken(fwToken)) {
-        /* return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; */
-        (void)nssUTF8_CopyIntoFixedBuffer((NSSUTF8 *)NULL, (char *)utcTime, 16, ' ');
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetUTCTime) {
-        /* It said it had one! */
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    error = fwToken->mdToken->GetUTCTime(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                         fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, utcTime);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    /* Sanity-check the data */
-    {
-        /* Format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss00 */
-        int i;
-        int Y, M, D, h, m, s;
-        static int dims[] = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-            if ((utcTime[i] < '0') || (utcTime[i] > '9')) {
-                goto badtime;
-            }
-        }
-        Y = ((utcTime[0] - '0') * 1000) + ((utcTime[1] - '0') * 100) +
-            ((utcTime[2] - '0') * 10) + (utcTime[3] - '0');
-        M = ((utcTime[4] - '0') * 10) + (utcTime[5] - '0');
-        D = ((utcTime[6] - '0') * 10) + (utcTime[7] - '0');
-        h = ((utcTime[8] - '0') * 10) + (utcTime[9] - '0');
-        m = ((utcTime[10] - '0') * 10) + (utcTime[11] - '0');
-        s = ((utcTime[12] - '0') * 10) + (utcTime[13] - '0');
-        if ((Y < 1990) || (Y > 3000))
-            goto badtime; /* Y3K problem.  heh heh heh */
-        if ((M < 1) || (M > 12))
-            goto badtime;
-        if ((D < 1) || (D > 31))
-            goto badtime;
-        if (D > dims[M - 1])
-            goto badtime; /* per-month check */
-        if ((2 == M) && (((Y % 4) || !(Y % 100)) &&
-                         (Y % 400)) &&
-            (D > 28))
-            goto badtime; /* leap years */
-        if ((h < 0) || (h > 23))
-            goto badtime;
-        if ((m < 0) || (m > 60))
-            goto badtime;
-        if ((s < 0) || (s > 61))
-            goto badtime;
-        /* 60m and 60 or 61s is only allowed for leap seconds. */
-        if ((60 == m) || (s >= 60)) {
-            if ((23 != h) || (60 != m) || (s < 60))
-                goto badtime;
-            /* leap seconds can only happen on June 30 or Dec 31.. I think */
-            /* if( ((6 != M) || (30 != D)) && ((12 != M) || (31 != D)) ) goto badtime; */
-        }
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
- * nssCKFWToken_OpenSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_BBOOL rw,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession = (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    NSSCKMDSession *mdSession;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    switch (rw) {
-        case CK_TRUE:
-        case CK_FALSE:
-            break;
-        default:
-            *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-            return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    *pError = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE == rw) {
-        /* Read-write session desired */
-        if (CK_TRUE == nssCKFWToken_GetIsWriteProtected(fwToken)) {
-            *pError = CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* Read-only session desired */
-        if (CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS == nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwToken)) {
-            *pError = CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS;
-            goto done;
-        }
-    }
-    /* We could compare sesion counts to any limits we know of, I guess.. */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->OpenSession) {
-        /*
-         * I'm not sure that the Module actually needs to implement
-         * mdSessions -- the Framework can keep track of everything
-         * needed, really.  But I'll sort out that detail later..
-         */
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWSession_Create(fwToken, rw, pApplication, Notify, pError);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    mdSession = fwToken->mdToken->OpenSession(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                              fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, fwSession,
-                                              rw, pError);
-    if (!mdSession) {
-        (void)nssCKFWSession_Destroy(fwSession, CK_FALSE);
-        if (CKR_OK == *pError) {
-            *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWSession_SetMDSession(fwSession, mdSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        if (mdSession->Close) {
-            mdSession->Close(mdSession, fwSession, fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                             fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-        }
-        (void)nssCKFWSession_Destroy(fwSession, CK_FALSE);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    *pError = nssCKFWHash_Add(fwToken->sessions, fwSession, fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != *pError) {
-        (void)nssCKFWSession_Destroy(fwSession, CK_FALSE);
-        fwSession = (NSSCKFWSession *)NULL;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return fwSession;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMechanismCount) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetMechanismCount(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                               fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismTypes
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE types[])
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    if (!types) {
-        return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMechanismTypes) {
-        /*
-         * This should only be called with a sufficiently-large
-         * "types" array, which can only be done if GetMechanismCount
-         * is implemented.  If that's implemented (and returns nonzero),
-         * then this should be too.  So return an error.
-         */
-        return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    return fwToken->mdToken->GetMechanismTypes(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                               fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, types);
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-    NSSCKMDMechanism *mdMechanism;
-    if (!fwToken->mdMechanismHash) {
-        *pError = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        return (NSSCKFWMechanism *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (!fwToken->mdToken->GetMechanism) {
-        /*
-         * If we don't implement any GetMechanism function, then we must
-         * not support any.
-         */
-        *pError = CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID;
-        return (NSSCKFWMechanism *)NULL;
-    }
-    /* lookup in hash table */
-    mdMechanism = fwToken->mdToken->GetMechanism(fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                                 fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance, which, pError);
-    if (!mdMechanism) {
-        return (NSSCKFWMechanism *)NULL;
-    }
-    /* store in hash table */
-    return nssCKFWMechanism_Create(mdMechanism, fwToken->mdToken, fwToken,
-                                   fwToken->mdInstance, fwToken->fwInstance);
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_STATE newState)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    switch (newState) {
-        case CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-        case CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-        case CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION:
-        case CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS:
-        case CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS:
-            break;
-        default:
-            return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    fwToken->state = newState;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * nssCKFWToken_RemoveSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_verifyPointer(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWHash_Exists(fwToken->sessions, fwSession)) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    nssCKFWHash_Remove(fwToken->sessions, fwSession);
-    fwToken->sessionCount--;
-    if (nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession(fwSession)) {
-        fwToken->rwSessionCount--;
-    }
-    if (0 == fwToken->sessionCount) {
-        fwToken->rwSessionCount = 0;            /* sanity */
-        fwToken->state = CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION; /* some default */
-    }
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_CloseAllSessions
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    error = nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    error = nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        return error;
-    }
-    nssCKFWHash_Iterate(fwToken->sessions, nss_ckfwtoken_session_iterator, (void *)NULL);
-    nssCKFWHash_Destroy(fwToken->sessions);
-    fwToken->sessions = nssCKFWHash_Create(fwToken->fwInstance, fwToken->arena, &error);
-    if (!fwToken->sessions) {
-        if (CKR_OK == error) {
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        }
-        goto done;
-    }
-    fwToken->state = CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION; /* some default */
-    fwToken->sessionCount = 0;
-    fwToken->rwSessionCount = 0;
-    error = CKR_OK;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return error;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_ULONG rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    rv = fwToken->sessionCount;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetRwSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_ULONG rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    rv = fwToken->rwSessionCount;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetRoSessionCount
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-    CK_ULONG rv;
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWMutex_Lock(fwToken->mutex)) {
-        return (CK_ULONG)0;
-    }
-    rv = fwToken->sessionCount - fwToken->rwSessionCount;
-    (void)nssCKFWMutex_Unlock(fwToken->mutex);
-    return rv;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetSessionObjectHash
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->sessionObjectHash;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetMDObjectHash
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->mdObjectHash;
- * nssCKFWToken_GetObjectHandleHash
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef NSSDEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (nssCKFWHash *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* NSSDEBUG */
-    return fwToken->mdObjectHash;
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetMDToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDToken *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetMDToken(fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetArena
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken,
-    CK_RV *pError)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (!pError) {
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        *pError = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        return (NSSArena *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetArena(fwToken, pError);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetFWSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (NSSCKFWSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetFWSlot(fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetMDSlot
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return (NSSCKMDSlot *)NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetMDSlot(fwToken);
- * NSSCKFWToken_GetSessionState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (CKR_OK != nssCKFWToken_verifyPointer(fwToken)) {
-        return CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION;
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return nssCKFWToken_GetSessionState(fwToken);
diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/wrap.c b/nss/lib/ckfw/wrap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c2e8e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ckfw/wrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5550 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * wrap.c
- *
- * This file contains the routines that actually implement the cryptoki
- * API, using the internal APIs of the NSS Cryptoki Framework.  There is
- * one routine here for every cryptoki routine.  For linking reasons
- * the actual entry points passed back with C_GetFunctionList have to
- * exist in one of the Module's source files; however, those are merely
- * simple wrappers that call these routines.  The intelligence of the
- * implementations is here.
- */
-#ifndef CK_T
-#include "ck.h"
-#endif /* CK_T */
- * NSSCKFWC_Initialize
- * NSSCKFWC_Finalize
- * NSSCKFWC_GetInfo
- * -- NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionList -- see the API insert file
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotList
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_GetTokenInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_WaitForSlotEvent
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismList
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_InitToken
- * NSSCKFWC_OpenSession
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseSession
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseAllSessions
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSessionInfo
- * NSSCKFWC_GetOperationState
- * NSSCKFWC_SetOperationState
- * NSSCKFWC_Login
- * NSSCKFWC_Logout
- * NSSCKFWC_CreateObject
- * NSSCKFWC_CopyObject
- * NSSCKFWC_DestroyObject
- * NSSCKFWC_GetObjectSize
- * NSSCKFWC_GetAttributeValue
- * NSSCKFWC_SetAttributeValue
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsInit
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjects
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Encrypt
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Decrypt
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Digest
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestKey
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_SignInit
- * NSSCKFWC_SignUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_SignFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecoverInit
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecover
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyInit
- * NSSCKFWC_Verify
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyFinal
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecoverInit
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecover
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestEncryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptDigestUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_SignEncryptUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptVerifyUpdate
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKey
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKeyPair
- * NSSCKFWC_WrapKey
- * NSSCKFWC_UnwrapKey
- * NSSCKFWC_DeriveKey
- * NSSCKFWC_SeedRandom
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateRandom
- * NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionStatus
- * NSSCKFWC_CancelFunction
- */
-/* figure out out locking semantics */
-static CK_RV
-nssCKFW_GetThreadSafeState(CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS_PTR pInitArgs,
-                           CryptokiLockingState *pLocking_state)
-    int functionCount = 0;
-    /* parsed according to (PKCS #11 Section 11.4) */
-    /* no args, the degenerate version of case 1 */
-    if (!pInitArgs) {
-        *pLocking_state = SingleThreaded;
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK set, Cases 2 and 4 */
-    if (pInitArgs->flags & CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK) {
-        *pLocking_state = MultiThreaded;
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if ((CK_CREATEMUTEX)NULL != pInitArgs->CreateMutex)
-        functionCount++;
-    if ((CK_DESTROYMUTEX)NULL != pInitArgs->DestroyMutex)
-        functionCount++;
-    if ((CK_LOCKMUTEX)NULL != pInitArgs->LockMutex)
-        functionCount++;
-    if ((CK_UNLOCKMUTEX)NULL != pInitArgs->UnlockMutex)
-        functionCount++;
-    /* CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK is not set, and not functions supplied,
-     * explicit case 1 */
-    if (0 == functionCount) {
-        *pLocking_state = SingleThreaded;
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* OS_LOCKING_OK is not set and functions have been supplied. Since
-     * ckfw uses nssbase library which explicitly calls NSPR, and since
-     * there is no way to reliably override these explicit calls to NSPR,
-     * therefore we can't support applications which have their own threading
-     * module.  Return CKR_CANT_LOCK if they supplied the correct number of
-     * arguments, or CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD if they did not in either case we will
-     * fail the initialize */
-    return (4 == functionCount) ? CKR_CANT_LOCK : CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-static PRInt32 liveInstances;
- * NSSCKFWC_Initialize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance **pFwInstance,
-    NSSCKMDInstance *mdInstance,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CryptokiLockingState locking_state;
-    if ((NSSCKFWInstance **)NULL == pFwInstance) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (*pFwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!mdInstance) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFW_GetThreadSafeState(pInitArgs, &locking_state);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *pFwInstance = nssCKFWInstance_Create(pInitArgs, locking_state, mdInstance, &error);
-    if (!*pFwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&liveInstances);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_CANT_LOCK:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Finalize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance **pFwInstance)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    if ((NSSCKFWInstance **)NULL == pFwInstance) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!*pFwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_Destroy(*pFwInstance);
-    /* In any case */
-    *pFwInstance = (NSSCKFWInstance *)NULL;
-    switch (error) {
-        PRInt32 remainingInstances;
-        case CKR_OK:
-            remainingInstances = PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&liveInstances);
-            if (!remainingInstances) {
-                nssArena_Shutdown();
-            }
-            break;
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A thread's error stack is automatically destroyed when the thread
-     * terminates or, for the primordial thread, by PR_Cleanup.  On
-     * Windows with MinGW, the thread private data destructor PR_Free
-     * registered by this module is actually a thunk for PR_Free defined
-     * in this module.  When the thread that unloads this module terminates
-     * or calls PR_Cleanup, the thunk for PR_Free is already gone with the
-     * module.  Therefore we need to destroy the error stack before the
-     * module is unloaded.
-     */
-    nss_DestroyErrorStack();
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_INFO_PTR pInfo)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    if ((CK_INFO_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pInfo) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here means a caller error
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(CK_INFO));
-    pInfo->cryptokiVersion = nssCKFWInstance_GetCryptokiVersion(fwInstance);
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_GetManufacturerID(fwInstance, pInfo->manufacturerID);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pInfo->flags = nssCKFWInstance_GetFlags(fwInstance);
-    error = nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryDescription(fwInstance, pInfo->libraryDescription);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pInfo->libraryVersion = nssCKFWInstance_GetLibraryVersion(fwInstance);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * C_GetFunctionList is implemented entirely in the Module's file which
- * includes the Framework API insert file.  It requires no "actual"
- * NSSCKFW routine.
- */
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotList
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
-    CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    switch (tokenPresent) {
-        case CK_TRUE:
-        case CK_FALSE:
-            break;
-        default:
-            error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ULONG_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pulCount) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_SLOT_ID_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pSlotList) {
-        *pulCount = nSlots;
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pSlotList, 0, *pulCount * sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
-    if (*pulCount < nSlots) {
-        *pulCount = nSlots;
-        error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        goto loser;
-    } else {
-        CK_ULONG i;
-        *pulCount = nSlots;
-        /*
-         * Our secret "mapping": CK_SLOT_IDs are integers [1,N], and we
-         * just index one when we need it.
-         */
-        for (i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) {
-            pSlotList[i] = i + 1;
-        }
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSlotInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR pInfo)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pInfo) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(CK_SLOT_INFO));
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    error = nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotDescription(fwSlot, pInfo->slotDescription);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSlot_GetManufacturerID(fwSlot, pInfo->manufacturerID);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWSlot_GetRemovableDevice(fwSlot)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareSlot(fwSlot)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_HW_SLOT;
-    }
-    pInfo->hardwareVersion = nssCKFWSlot_GetHardwareVersion(fwSlot);
-    pInfo->firmwareVersion = nssCKFWSlot_GetFirmwareVersion(fwSlot);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetTokenInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pInfo) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(CK_TOKEN_INFO));
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_GetLabel(fwToken, pInfo->label);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_GetManufacturerID(fwToken, pInfo->manufacturerID);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_GetModel(fwToken, pInfo->model);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_GetSerialNumber(fwToken, pInfo->serialNumber);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetHasRNG(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_RNG;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetIsWriteProtected(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetLoginRequired(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetUserPinInitialized(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetRestoreKeyNotNeeded(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_RESTORE_KEY_NOT_NEEDED;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetHasClockOnToken(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_CLOCK_ON_TOKEN;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetHasProtectedAuthenticationPath(fwToken)) {
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWToken_GetSupportsDualCryptoOperations(fwToken)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_DUAL_CRYPTO_OPERATIONS;
-    }
-    pInfo->ulMaxSessionCount = nssCKFWToken_GetMaxSessionCount(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulSessionCount = nssCKFWToken_GetSessionCount(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulMaxRwSessionCount = nssCKFWToken_GetMaxRwSessionCount(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulRwSessionCount = nssCKFWToken_GetRwSessionCount(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulMaxPinLen = nssCKFWToken_GetMaxPinLen(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulMinPinLen = nssCKFWToken_GetMinPinLen(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulTotalPublicMemory = nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPublicMemory(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulFreePublicMemory = nssCKFWToken_GetFreePublicMemory(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulTotalPrivateMemory = nssCKFWToken_GetTotalPrivateMemory(fwToken);
-    pInfo->ulFreePrivateMemory = nssCKFWToken_GetFreePrivateMemory(fwToken);
-    pInfo->hardwareVersion = nssCKFWToken_GetHardwareVersion(fwToken);
-    pInfo->firmwareVersion = nssCKFWToken_GetFirmwareVersion(fwToken);
-    error = nssCKFWToken_GetUTCTime(fwToken, pInfo->utcTime);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT:
-            if (fwToken)
-                nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken);
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_WaitForSlotEvent
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_FLAGS flags,
-    CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pReserved)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    CK_BBOOL block;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (flags & ~CKF_DONT_BLOCK) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    block = (flags & CKF_DONT_BLOCK) ? CK_TRUE : CK_FALSE;
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_SLOT_ID_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pSlot) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_VOID_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR != pReserved) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWInstance_WaitForSlotEvent(fwInstance, block, &error);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) {
-        if (fwSlot == slots[i]) {
-            *pSlot = (CK_SLOT_ID)(CK_ULONG)(i + 1);
-            return CKR_OK;
-        }
-    }
-    error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* returned something not in the slot list */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_NO_EVENT:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismList
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ULONG_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pulCount) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    count = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismCount(fwToken);
-    if ((CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pMechanismList) {
-        *pulCount = count;
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (*pulCount < count) {
-        *pulCount = count;
-        error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pMechanismList, 0, *pulCount * sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE));
-    *pulCount = count;
-    if (0 != count) {
-        error = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanismTypes(fwToken, pMechanismList);
-    } else {
-        error = CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT:
-            if (fwToken)
-                nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken);
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetMechanismInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_INFO));
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, type, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pInfo->ulMinKeySize = nssCKFWMechanism_GetMinKeySize(fwMechanism, &error);
-    pInfo->ulMaxKeySize = nssCKFWMechanism_GetMaxKeySize(fwMechanism, &error);
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetInHardware(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_HW;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanEncrypt(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_ENCRYPT;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDecrypt(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_DECRYPT;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDigest(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_DIGEST;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSign(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_SIGN;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanSignRecover(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_SIGN_RECOVER;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerify(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_VERIFY;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanVerifyRecover(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerate(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_GENERATE;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanGenerateKeyPair(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanWrap(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_WRAP;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanUnwrap(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_UNWRAP;
-    }
-    if (nssCKFWMechanism_GetCanDerive(fwMechanism, &error)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_DERIVE;
-    }
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    return error;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT:
-            if (fwToken)
-                nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken);
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_InitToken
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulPinLen,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    NSSItem pin;
-    NSSUTF8 *label;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pin.size = (PRUint32)ulPinLen;
- = (void *)pPin;
-    label = (NSSUTF8 *)pLabel; /* identity conversion */
-    error = nssCKFWToken_InitToken(fwToken, &pin, label);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT:
-            if (fwToken)
-                nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken);
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_INCORRECT:
-        case CKR_PIN_LOCKED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_EXISTS:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulPinLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSItem pin, *arg;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pPin) {
-        arg = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    } else {
-        arg = &pin;
-        pin.size = (PRUint32)ulPinLen;
- = (void *)pPin;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_InitPIN(fwSession, arg);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_INVALID:
-        case CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pOldPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulOldLen,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pNewPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulNewLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSItem oldPin, newPin, *oldArg, *newArg;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pOldPin) {
-        oldArg = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    } else {
-        oldArg = &oldPin;
-        oldPin.size = (PRUint32)ulOldLen;
- = (void *)pOldPin;
-    }
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pNewPin) {
-        newArg = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    } else {
-        newArg = &newPin;
-        newPin.size = (PRUint32)ulNewLen;
- = (void *)pNewPin;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_SetPIN(fwSession, oldArg, newArg);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_INCORRECT:
-        case CKR_PIN_INVALID:
-        case CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_LOCKED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_OpenSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    CK_FLAGS flags,
-    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-    CK_NOTIFY Notify,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    CK_BBOOL rw;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) {
-        rw = CK_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        rw = CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (flags & CKF_SERIAL_SESSION) {
-        ;
-    } else {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (flags & ~(CKF_RW_SESSION | CKF_SERIAL_SESSION)) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == phSession) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    *phSession = (CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0;
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWToken_OpenSession(fwToken, rw, pApplication,
-                                         Notify, &error);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phSession = nssCKFWInstance_CreateSessionHandle(fwInstance,
-                                                     fwSession, &error);
-    if ((CK_SESSION_HANDLE)0 == *phSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_COUNT:
-        case CKR_SESSION_EXISTS:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-        case CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseSession
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nssCKFWInstance_DestroySessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Destroy(fwSession, CK_TRUE);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_CloseAllSessions
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG nSlots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot **slots;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken = (NSSCKFWToken *)NULL;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nSlots = nssCKFWInstance_GetNSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == nSlots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((slotID < 1) || (slotID > nSlots)) {
-        error = CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    slots = nssCKFWInstance_GetSlots(fwInstance, &error);
-    if ((NSSCKFWSlot **)NULL == slots) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = slots[slotID - 1];
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWToken_CloseAllSessions(fwToken);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID:
-        case CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetSessionInfo
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pInfo) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(CK_SESSION_INFO));
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pInfo->slotID = nssCKFWSlot_GetSlotID(fwSlot);
-    pInfo->state = nssCKFWSession_GetSessionState(fwSession);
-    if (CK_TRUE == nssCKFWSession_IsRWSession(fwSession)) {
-        pInfo->flags |= CKF_RW_SESSION;
-    }
-    pInfo->flags |= CKF_SERIAL_SESSION; /* Always true */
-    pInfo->ulDeviceError = nssCKFWSession_GetDeviceError(fwSession);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    NSSItem buf;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ULONG_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pulOperationStateLen) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    len = nssCKFWSession_GetOperationStateLen(fwSession, &error);
-    if (((CK_ULONG)0 == len) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pOperationState) {
-        *pulOperationStateLen = len;
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (*pulOperationStateLen < len) {
-        *pulOperationStateLen = len;
-        error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    buf.size = (PRUint32)*pulOperationStateLen;
- = (void *)pOperationState;
-    *pulOperationStateLen = len;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_GetOperationState(fwSession, &buf);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SetOperationState
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
-    CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *eKey;
-    NSSCKFWObject *aKey;
-    NSSItem state;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pOperationState) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We could loop through the buffer, to catch any purify errors
-     * in a place with a "user error" note.
-     */
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 == hEncryptionKey) {
-        eKey = (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    } else {
-        eKey = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hEncryptionKey);
-        if (!eKey) {
-            error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 == hAuthenticationKey) {
-        aKey = (NSSCKFWObject *)NULL;
-    } else {
-        aKey = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hAuthenticationKey);
-        if (!aKey) {
-            error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
- = pOperationState;
-    state.size = ulOperationStateLen;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_SetOperationState(fwSession, &state, eKey, aKey);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_CHANGED:
-        case CKR_KEY_NEEDED:
-        case CKR_KEY_NOT_NEEDED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Login
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_USER_TYPE userType,
-    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-    CK_ULONG ulPinLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSItem pin, *arg;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_CHAR_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pPin) {
-        arg = (NSSItem *)NULL;
-    } else {
-        arg = &pin;
-        pin.size = (PRUint32)ulPinLen;
- = (void *)pPin;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Login(fwSession, userType, arg);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_PIN_INCORRECT:
-        case CKR_PIN_LOCKED:
-        case CKR_USER_TOO_MANY_TYPES:
-        case CKR_USER_TYPE_INVALID:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Logout
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Logout(fwSession);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_CreateObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == phObject) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    *phObject = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    fwObject = nssCKFWSession_CreateObject(fwSession, pTemplate,
-                                           ulCount, &error);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phObject = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance, fwObject, &error);
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 == *phObject) {
-        nssCKFWObject_Destroy(fwObject);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_CopyObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwNewObject;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == phNewObject) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    *phNewObject = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0;
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hObject);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwNewObject = nssCKFWSession_CopyObject(fwSession, fwObject,
-                                            pTemplate, ulCount, &error);
-    if (!fwNewObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phNewObject = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance,
-                                                      fwNewObject, &error);
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 == *phNewObject) {
-        nssCKFWObject_Destroy(fwNewObject);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DestroyObject
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hObject);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nssCKFWInstance_DestroyObjectHandle(fwInstance, hObject);
-    nssCKFWObject_Destroy(fwObject);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetObjectSize
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hObject);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ULONG_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pulSize) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    *pulSize = (CK_ULONG)0;
-    *pulSize = nssCKFWObject_GetObjectSize(fwObject, &error);
-    if (((CK_ULONG)0 == *pulSize) && (CKR_OK != error)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetAttributeValue
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    CK_BBOOL sensitive = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL invalid = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL tooSmall = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hObject);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pTemplate) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < ulCount; i++) {
-        CK_ULONG size = nssCKFWObject_GetAttributeSize(fwObject,
-                                                       pTemplate[i].type, &error);
-        if ((CK_ULONG)0 == size) {
-            switch (error) {
-                case CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE:
-                case CKR_INFORMATION_SENSITIVE:
-                    sensitive =
-                        CK_TRUE;
-                    pTemplate[i].ulValueLen =
-                        (CK_ULONG)(-1);
-                    continue;
-                case CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID:
-                    invalid =
-                        CK_TRUE;
-                    pTemplate[i].ulValueLen =
-                        (CK_ULONG)(-1);
-                    continue;
-                case CKR_OK:
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    goto loser;
-            }
-        }
-        if ((CK_VOID_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pTemplate[i].pValue) {
-            pTemplate[i].ulValueLen = size;
-        } else {
-            NSSItem it, *p;
-            if (pTemplate[i].ulValueLen < size) {
-                tooSmall = CK_TRUE;
-                continue;
-            }
-            it.size = (PRUint32)pTemplate[i].ulValueLen;
-   = (void *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-            p = nssCKFWObject_GetAttribute(fwObject, pTemplate[i].type, &it,
-                                           (NSSArena *)NULL, &error);
-            if (!p) {
-                switch (error) {
-                    case CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE:
-                    case CKR_INFORMATION_SENSITIVE:
-                        sensitive =
-                            CK_TRUE;
-                        pTemplate[i].ulValueLen =
-                            (CK_ULONG)(-1);
-                        continue;
-                    case CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID:
-                        invalid =
-                            CK_TRUE;
-                        pTemplate[i].ulValueLen =
-                            (CK_ULONG)(-1);
-                        continue;
-                    default:
-                        goto loser;
-                }
-            }
-            pTemplate[i].ulValueLen = size;
-        }
-    }
-    if (sensitive) {
-        goto loser;
-    } else if (invalid) {
-        goto loser;
-    } else if (tooSmall) {
-        error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SetAttributeValue
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hObject);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pTemplate) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < ulCount; i++) {
-        NSSItem value;
- = pTemplate[i].pValue;
-        value.size = pTemplate[i].ulValueLen;
-        error = nssCKFWObject_SetAttribute(fwObject, fwSession,
-                                           pTemplate[i].type, &value);
-        if (CKR_OK != error) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (((CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pTemplate) && (ulCount != 0)) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwFindObjects = nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects(fwSession, &error);
-    if (fwFindObjects) {
-        error = CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwFindObjects = nssCKFWSession_FindObjectsInit(fwSession,
-                                                   pTemplate, ulCount, &error);
-    if (!fwFindObjects) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_SetFWFindObjects(fwSession, fwFindObjects);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        nssCKFWFindObjects_Destroy(fwFindObjects);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjects
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == phObject) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-     */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(phObject, 0, sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE) * ulMaxObjectCount);
-    *pulObjectCount = (CK_ULONG)0;
-    fwFindObjects = nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects(fwSession, &error);
-    if (!fwFindObjects) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < ulMaxObjectCount; i++) {
-        NSSCKFWObject *fwObject = nssCKFWFindObjects_Next(fwFindObjects,
-                                                          NULL, &error);
-        if (!fwObject) {
-            break;
-        }
-        phObject[i] = nssCKFWInstance_FindObjectHandle(fwInstance, fwObject);
-        if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 == phObject[i]) {
-            phObject[i] = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance, fwObject, &error);
-        }
-        if ((CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)0 == phObject[i]) {
-            /* This isn't right either, is it? */
-            nssCKFWObject_Destroy(fwObject);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    *pulObjectCount = i;
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_FindObjectsFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWFindObjects *fwFindObjects;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwFindObjects = nssCKFWSession_GetFWFindObjects(fwSession, &error);
-    if (!fwFindObjects) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nssCKFWFindObjects_Destroy(fwFindObjects);
-    error = nssCKFWSession_SetFWFindObjects(fwSession,
-                                            (NSSCKFWFindObjects *)NULL);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_EncryptInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism,
-                                         fwSession, fwObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Encrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt,
-                                       pData, ulDataLen, pEncryptedData, pulEncryptedDataLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Update(fwSession,
-                                  NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt,
-                                  NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt,
-                                  pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_EncryptFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Final(fwSession,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt,
-                                 pLastEncryptedPart, pulLastEncryptedPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_DecryptInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism,
-                                         fwSession, fwObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Decrypt
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt,
-                                       pEncryptedData, ulEncryptedDataLen, pData, pulDataLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE;
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Update(fwSession,
-                                  NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt,
-                                  NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt,
-                                  pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE;
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Final(fwSession,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_EncryptDecrypt,
-                                 pLastPart, pulLastPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE;
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_DigestInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism, fwSession);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Digest
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest,
-                                       pData, ulDataLen, pDigest, pulDigestLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate(fwSession,
-                                        NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest,
-                                        NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest,
-                                        pData, ulDataLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_DigestKey(fwSession, fwObject);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Final(fwSession,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest,
-                                 pDigest, pulDigestLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SignInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_SignInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism, fwSession,
-                                      fwObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Sign,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                       pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SignUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate(fwSession,
-                                        NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Sign,
-                                        NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                        pPart, ulPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SignFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Final(fwSession,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Sign,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                 pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecoverInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_SignRecoverInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism, fwSession,
-                                             fwObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SignRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_SignRecover,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                       pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism, fwSession,
-                                        fwObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_Verify
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                       pData, ulDataLen, pSignature, &ulSignatureLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_DigestUpdate(fwSession,
-                                        NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify,
-                                        NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                        pPart, ulPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyFinal
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_Final(fwSession,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify,
-                                 NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                 pSignature, &ulSignatureLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecoverInit
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_VerifyRecoverInit(fwMechanism, pMechanism,
-                                               fwSession, fwObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_VerifyRecover
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateFinal(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_VerifyRecover,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                       pSignature, ulSignatureLen, pData, pulDataLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DigestEncryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateCombo(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest,
-                                       pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptDigestUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateCombo(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Digest,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_Digest,
-                                       pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID;
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SignEncryptUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateCombo(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Encrypt,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Sign,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                       pPart, ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart, pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DecryptVerifyUpdate
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,
-    CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWSession_UpdateCombo(fwSession,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Decrypt,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationType_Verify,
-                                       NSSCKFWCryptoOperationState_SignVerify,
-                                       pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, pPart, pulPartLen);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-        case CKR_DATA_INVALID:
-            error = CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKey(
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        fwSession,
-        pTemplate,
-        ulCount,
-        &error);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phKey = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance, fwObject, &error);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateKeyPair
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwPrivateKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwPublicKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_GenerateKeyPair(
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        fwSession,
-        pPublicKeyTemplate,
-        ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-        pPublicKeyTemplate,
-        ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-        &fwPublicKeyObject,
-        &fwPrivateKeyObject);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phPublicKey = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance,
-                                                      fwPublicKeyObject,
-                                                      &error);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phPrivateKey = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance,
-                                                       fwPrivateKeyObject,
-                                                       &error);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_WrapKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    NSSItem wrappedKey;
-    CK_ULONG wrappedKeyLength = 0;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwWrappingKeyObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance,
-                                                              hWrappingKey);
-    if (!fwWrappingKeyObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwKeyObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hKey);
-    if (!fwKeyObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-   * first get the length...
-   */
-    wrappedKeyLength = nssCKFWMechanism_GetWrapKeyLength(
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        fwSession,
-        fwWrappingKeyObject,
-        fwKeyObject,
-        &error);
-    if ((CK_ULONG)0 == wrappedKeyLength) {
-        nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)NULL == pWrappedKey) {
-        *pulWrappedKeyLen = wrappedKeyLength;
-        nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (wrappedKeyLength > *pulWrappedKeyLen) {
-        *pulWrappedKeyLen = wrappedKeyLength;
-        nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-        error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        goto loser;
-    }
- = pWrappedKey;
-    wrappedKey.size = wrappedKeyLength;
-    error = nssCKFWMechanism_WrapKey(
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        fwSession,
-        fwWrappingKeyObject,
-        fwKeyObject,
-        &wrappedKey);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    *pulWrappedKeyLen = wrappedKey.size;
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_NOT_WRAPPABLE:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            break;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_UnwrapKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-    CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwWrappingKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    NSSItem wrappedKey;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwWrappingKeyObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance,
-                                                              hUnwrappingKey);
-    if (!fwWrappingKeyObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
- = pWrappedKey;
-    wrappedKey.size = ulWrappedKeyLen;
-    fwObject = nssCKFWMechanism_UnwrapKey(
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        fwSession,
-        fwWrappingKeyObject,
-        &wrappedKey,
-        pTemplate,
-        ulAttributeCount,
-        &error);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phKey = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance, fwObject, &error);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-            break;
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-            error = CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-            break;
-            break;
-            error = CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_INVALID;
-            break;
-            error = CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN_RANGE;
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_DeriveKey
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwObject;
-    NSSCKFWObject *fwBaseKeyObject;
-    NSSCKFWSlot *fwSlot;
-    NSSCKFWToken *fwToken;
-    NSSCKFWMechanism *fwMechanism;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwBaseKeyObject = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveObjectHandle(fwInstance, hBaseKey);
-    if (!fwBaseKeyObject) {
-        error = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSlot = nssCKFWSession_GetFWSlot(fwSession);
-    if (!fwSlot) {
-        error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* should never happen! */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (CK_TRUE != nssCKFWSlot_GetTokenPresent(fwSlot)) {
-        error = CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwToken = nssCKFWSlot_GetToken(fwSlot, &error);
-    if (!fwToken) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwMechanism = nssCKFWToken_GetMechanism(fwToken, pMechanism->mechanism, &error);
-    if (!fwMechanism) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwObject = nssCKFWMechanism_DeriveKey(
-        fwMechanism,
-        pMechanism,
-        fwSession,
-        fwBaseKeyObject,
-        pTemplate,
-        ulAttributeCount,
-        &error);
-    nssCKFWMechanism_Destroy(fwMechanism);
-    if (!fwObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *phKey = nssCKFWInstance_CreateObjectHandle(fwInstance, fwObject, &error);
-    if (CKR_OK == error) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* verify error */
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE:
-        case CKR_PIN_EXPIRED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-        case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_SeedRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed,
-    CK_ULONG ulSeedLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSItem seed;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pSeed) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* We could read through the buffer in a Purify trap */
-    seed.size = (PRUint32)ulSeedLen;
- = (void *)pSeed;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_SeedRandom(fwSession, &seed);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GenerateRandom
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pRandomData,
-    CK_ULONG ulRandomLen)
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    NSSCKFWSession *fwSession;
-    NSSItem buffer;
-    if (!fwInstance) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    fwSession = nssCKFWInstance_ResolveSessionHandle(fwInstance, hSession);
-    if (!fwSession) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((CK_BYTE_PTR)CK_NULL_PTR == pRandomData) {
-        error = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-   * A purify error here indicates caller error.
-   */
-    (void)nsslibc_memset(pRandomData, 0, ulRandomLen);
-    buffer.size = (PRUint32)ulRandomLen;
- = (void *)pRandomData;
-    error = nssCKFWSession_GetRandom(fwSession, &buffer);
-    if (CKR_OK != error) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    switch (error) {
-        case CKR_SESSION_CLOSED:
-            /* destroy session? */
-            break;
-        case CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED:
-            /* (void)nssCKFWToken_Destroy(fwToken); */
-            break;
-        case CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_ERROR:
-        case CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED:
-        case CKR_GENERAL_ERROR:
-        case CKR_HOST_MEMORY:
-        case CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG:
-        case CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN:
-            break;
-        default:
-        case CKR_OK:
-            error = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-            break;
-    }
-    return error;
- * NSSCKFWC_GetFunctionStatus
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
- * NSSCKFWC_CancelFunction
- *
- */
-    NSSCKFWInstance *fwInstance,
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptohi.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptohi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f658daa..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptohi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
- * cryptohi.h - public prototypes for the crypto library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _CRYPTOHI_H_
-#define _CRYPTOHI_H_
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "cryptoht.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-** DER encode/decode (EC)DSA signatures
-/* ANSI X9.57 defines DSA signatures as DER encoded data.  Our DSA1 code (and
- * most of the rest of the world) just generates 40 bytes of raw data.  These
- * functions convert between formats.
- */
-extern SECStatus DSAU_EncodeDerSig(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src);
-extern SECItem *DSAU_DecodeDerSig(const SECItem *item);
- * Unlike DSA1, raw DSA2 and ECDSA signatures do not have a fixed length.
- * Rather they contain two integers r and s whose length depends
- * on the size of q or the EC key used for signing.
- *
- * We can reuse the DSAU_EncodeDerSig interface to DER encode
- * raw ECDSA signature keeping in mind that the length of r
- * is the same as that of s and exactly half of src->len.
- *
- * For decoding, we need to pass the length of the desired
- * raw signature (twice the key size) explicitly.
- */
-extern SECStatus DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src,
-                                          unsigned int len);
-extern SECItem *DSAU_DecodeDerSigToLen(const SECItem *item, unsigned int len);
-** Signature creation operations
-** Create a new signature context used for signing a data stream.
-**      "alg" the signature algorithm to use (e.g. SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION)
-**	"privKey" the private key to use
-extern SGNContext *SGN_NewContext(SECOidTag alg, SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-** Destroy a signature-context object
-**	"cx" the object
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void SGN_DestroyContext(SGNContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Reset the signing context "cx" to its initial state, preparing it for
-** another stream of data.
-extern SECStatus SGN_Begin(SGNContext *cx);
-** Update the signing context with more data to sign.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"input" the input data to sign
-**	"inputLen" the length of the input data
-extern SECStatus SGN_Update(SGNContext *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-                            unsigned int inputLen);
-** Finish the signature process. Use either k0 or k1 to sign the data
-** stream that was input using SGN_Update. The resulting signature is
-** formatted using PKCS#1 and then encrypted using RSA private or public
-** encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"result" the final signature data (memory is allocated)
-extern SECStatus SGN_End(SGNContext *cx, SECItem *result);
-** Sign a single block of data using private key encryption and given
-** signature/hash algorithm.
-**	"result" the final signature data (memory is allocated)
-**	"buf" the input data to sign
-**	"len" the amount of data to sign
-**	"pk" the private key to encrypt with
-**	"algid" the signature/hash algorithm to sign with
-**		(must be compatible with the key type).
-extern SECStatus SEC_SignData(SECItem *result,
-                              const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-                              SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, SECOidTag algid);
-** Sign a pre-digested block of data using private key encryption, encoding
-**  The given signature/hash algorithm.
-**	"result" the final signature data (memory is allocated)
-**	"digest" the digest to sign
-**	"privKey" the private key to encrypt with
-**	"algtag" The algorithm tag to encode (need for RSA only)
-extern SECStatus SGN_Digest(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey,
-                            SECOidTag algtag, SECItem *result, SECItem *digest);
-** DER sign a single block of data using private key encryption and the
-** MD5 hashing algorithm. This routine first computes a digital signature
-** using SEC_SignData, then wraps it with an CERTSignedData and then der
-** encodes the result.
-**	"arena" is the memory arena to use to allocate data from
-** 	"result" the final der encoded data (memory is allocated)
-** 	"buf" the input data to sign
-** 	"len" the amount of data to sign
-** 	"pk" the private key to encrypt with
-extern SECStatus SEC_DerSignData(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *result,
-                                 const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-                                 SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, SECOidTag algid);
-** Destroy a signed-data object.
-**	"sd" the object
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void SEC_DestroySignedData(CERTSignedData *sd, PRBool freeit);
-** Get the signature algorithm tag number for the given key type and hash
-** algorithm tag. Returns SEC_OID_UNKNOWN if key type and hash algorithm
-** do not match or are not supported.
-extern SECOidTag SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(KeyType keyType,
-                                                 SECOidTag hashAlgTag);
-** Signature verification operations
-** Create a signature verification context. This version is deprecated,
-**  This function is deprecated. Use VFY_CreateContextDirect or
-**  VFY_CreateContextWithAlgorithmID instead.
-**	"key" the public key to verify with
-**	"sig" the encrypted signature data if sig is NULL then
-**	   VFY_EndWithSignature must be called with the correct signature at
-**	   the end of the processing.
-**	"sigAlg" specifies the signing algorithm to use (including the
-**         hash algorthim).  This must match the key type.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern VFYContext *VFY_CreateContext(SECKEYPublicKey *key, SECItem *sig,
-                                     SECOidTag sigAlg, void *wincx);
-** Create a signature verification context.
-**	"key" the public key to verify with
-**	"sig" the encrypted signature data if sig is NULL then
-**	   VFY_EndWithSignature must be called with the correct signature at
-**	   the end of the processing.
-**	"pubkAlg" specifies the cryptographic signing algorithm to use (the
-**         raw algorithm without any hash specified.  This must match the key
-**         type.
-**	"hashAlg" specifies the hashing algorithm used. If the key is an
-**	   RSA key, and sig is not NULL, then hashAlg can be SEC_OID_UNKNOWN.
-**	   the hash is selected from data in the sig.
-**	"hash" optional pointer to return the actual hash algorithm used.
-**	   in practice this should always match the passed in hashAlg (the
-**	   exception is the case where hashAlg is SEC_OID_UNKNOWN above).
-**         If this value is NULL no, hash oid is returned.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern VFYContext *VFY_CreateContextDirect(const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                           const SECItem *sig,
-                                           SECOidTag pubkAlg,
-                                           SECOidTag hashAlg,
-                                           SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx);
-** Create a signature verification context from a algorithm ID.
-**	"key" the public key to verify with
-**	"sig" the encrypted signature data if sig is NULL then
-**	   VFY_EndWithSignature must be called with the correct signature at
-**	   the end of the processing.
-**	"algid" specifies the signing algorithm and parameters to use.
-**         This must match the key type.
-**      "hash" optional pointer to return the oid of the actual hash used in
-**         the signature. If this value is NULL no, hash oid is returned.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern VFYContext *VFY_CreateContextWithAlgorithmID(const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                                    const SECItem *sig,
-                                                    const SECAlgorithmID *algid,
-                                                    SECOidTag *hash,
-                                                    void *wincx);
-** Destroy a verification-context object.
-**	"cx" the context to destroy
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void VFY_DestroyContext(VFYContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-extern SECStatus VFY_Begin(VFYContext *cx);
-** Update a verification context with more input data. The input data
-** is fed to a secure hash function (depending on what was in the
-** encrypted signature data).
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus VFY_Update(VFYContext *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-                            unsigned int inputLen);
-** Finish the verification process. The return value is a status which
-** indicates success or failure. On success, the SECSuccess value is
-** returned. Otherwise, SECFailure is returned and the error code found
-** using PORT_GetError() indicates what failure occurred.
-** 	"cx" the context
-extern SECStatus VFY_End(VFYContext *cx);
-** Finish the verification process. The return value is a status which
-** indicates success or failure. On success, the SECSuccess value is
-** returned. Otherwise, SECFailure is returned and the error code found
-** using PORT_GetError() indicates what failure occurred. If signature is
-** supplied the verification uses this signature to verify, otherwise the
-** signature passed in VFY_CreateContext() is used.
-** VFY_EndWithSignature(cx,NULL); is identical to VFY_End(cx);.
-** 	"cx" the context
-** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
-extern SECStatus VFY_EndWithSignature(VFYContext *cx, SECItem *sig);
-** Verify the signature on a block of data for which we already have
-** the digest. The signature data is an RSA private key encrypted
-** block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
-**  This function is deprecated. Use VFY_VerifyDigestDirect or
-**  VFY_VerifyDigestWithAlgorithmID instead.
-** 	"dig" the digest
-** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
-** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
-**	"sigAlg" specifies the signing algorithm to use.  This must match
-**	    the key type.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyDigest(SECItem *dig, SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                  SECItem *sig, SECOidTag sigAlg, void *wincx);
-** Verify the signature on a block of data for which we already have
-** the digest. The signature data is an RSA private key encrypted
-** block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
-** 	"dig" the digest
-** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
-** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
-**	"pubkAlg" specifies the cryptographic signing algorithm to use (the
-**         raw algorithm without any hash specified.  This must match the key
-**         type.
-**	"hashAlg" specifies the hashing algorithm used.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyDigestDirect(const SECItem *dig,
-                                        const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                        const SECItem *sig, SECOidTag pubkAlg,
-                                        SECOidTag hashAlg, void *wincx);
-** Verify the signature on a block of data for which we already have
-** the digest. The signature data is an RSA private key encrypted
-** block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
-**	"key" the public key to verify with
-**	"sig" the encrypted signature data if sig is NULL then
-**	   VFY_EndWithSignature must be called with the correct signature at
-**	   the end of the processing.
-**	"algid" specifies the signing algorithm and parameters to use.
-**         This must match the key type.
-**      "hash" oid of the actual hash used to create digest. If this  value is
-**         not set to SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, it must match the hash of the signature.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyDigestWithAlgorithmID(const SECItem *dig,
-                                                 const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                                                 const SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECOidTag hash,
-                                                 void *wincx);
-** Verify the signature on a block of data. The signature data is an RSA
-** private key encrypted block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
-**   This function is deprecated. Use VFY_VerifyDataDirect or
-**   VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID instead.
-** 	"buf" the input data
-** 	"len" the length of the input data
-** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
-** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
-**	"sigAlg" specifies the signing algorithm to use.  This must match
-**	    the key type.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyData(const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-                                const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                                SECOidTag sigAlg, void *wincx);
-** Verify the signature on a block of data. The signature data is an RSA
-** private key encrypted block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
-** 	"buf" the input data
-** 	"len" the length of the input data
-** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
-** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
-**	"pubkAlg" specifies the cryptographic signing algorithm to use (the
-**         raw algorithm without any hash specified.  This must match the key
-**         type.
-**	"hashAlg" specifies the hashing algorithm used. If the key is an
-**	   RSA key, and sig is not NULL, then hashAlg can be SEC_OID_UNKNOWN.
-**	   the hash is selected from data in the sig.
-**	"hash" optional pointer to return the actual hash algorithm used.
-**	   in practice this should always match the passed in hashAlg (the
-**	   exception is the case where hashAlg is SEC_OID_UNKNOWN above).
-**         If this value is NULL no, hash oid is returned.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyDataDirect(const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-                                      const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                      const SECItem *sig,
-                                      SECOidTag pubkAlg, SECOidTag hashAlg,
-                                      SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx);
-** Verify the signature on a block of data. The signature data is an RSA
-** private key encrypted block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
-** 	"buf" the input data
-** 	"len" the length of the input data
-** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
-** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
-**	"algid" specifies the signing algorithm and parameters to use.
-**         This must match the key type.
-**      "hash" optional pointer to return the oid of the actual hash used in
-**         the signature. If this value is NULL no, hash oid is returned.
-**	"wincx" void pointer to the window context
-extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID(const unsigned char *buf,
-                                               int len, const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                               const SECItem *sig,
-                                               const SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECOidTag *hash,
-                                               void *wincx);
-#endif /* _CRYPTOHI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptoht.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptoht.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5780bf4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/cryptoht.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- * cryptoht.h - public data structures for the crypto library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _CRYPTOHT_H_
-#define _CRYPTOHT_H_
-typedef struct SGNContextStr SGNContext;
-typedef struct VFYContextStr VFYContext;
-#endif /* _CRYPTOHT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/dsautil.c b/nss/lib/cryptohi/dsautil.c
deleted file mode 100644
index db397df..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/dsautil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#define DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN 20 /* bytes */
-typedef struct {
-    SECItem r;
-    SECItem s;
-} DSA_ASN1Signature;
-const SEC_ASN1Template DSA_SignatureTemplate[] =
-    {
-      { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(DSA_ASN1Signature) },
-      { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(DSA_ASN1Signature, r) },
-      { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(DSA_ASN1Signature, s) },
-      { 0 }
-    };
-/* Input is variable length multi-byte integer, MSB first (big endian).
-** Most signficant bit of first byte is NOT treated as a sign bit.
-** May be one or more leading bytes of zeros.
-** Output is variable length multi-byte integer, MSB first (big endian).
-** Most significant bit of first byte will be zero (positive sign bit)
-** No more than one leading zero byte.
-** Caller supplies dest buffer, and assures that it is long enough,
-** e.g. at least one byte longer that src's buffer.
-DSAU_ConvertUnsignedToSigned(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src)
-    unsigned char *pSrc = src->data;
-    unsigned char *pDst = dest->data;
-    unsigned int cntSrc = src->len;
-    /* skip any leading zeros. */
-    while (cntSrc && !(*pSrc)) {
-        pSrc++;
-        cntSrc--;
-    }
-    if (!cntSrc) {
-        *pDst = 0;
-        dest->len = 1;
-        return;
-    }
-    if (*pSrc & 0x80)
-        *pDst++ = 0;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pDst, pSrc, cntSrc);
-    dest->len = (pDst - dest->data) + cntSrc;
-** src is a buffer holding a signed variable length integer.
-** dest is a buffer which will be filled with an unsigned integer,
-** MSB first (big endian) with leading zeros, so that the last byte
-** of src will be the LSB of the integer.  The result will be exactly
-** the length specified by the caller in dest->len.
-** src can be shorter than dest.  src can be longer than dst, but only
-** if the extra leading bytes are zeros.
-DSAU_ConvertSignedToFixedUnsigned(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src)
-    unsigned char *pSrc = src->data;
-    unsigned char *pDst = dest->data;
-    unsigned int cntSrc = src->len;
-    unsigned int cntDst = dest->len;
-    int zCount = cntDst - cntSrc;
-    if (zCount > 0) {
-        PORT_Memset(pDst, 0, zCount);
-        PORT_Memcpy(pDst + zCount, pSrc, cntSrc);
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (zCount <= 0) {
-        /* Source is longer than destination.  Check for leading zeros. */
-        while (zCount++ < 0) {
-            if (*pSrc++ != 0)
-                goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(pDst, pSrc, cntDst);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* src is a "raw" ECDSA or DSA signature, the first half contains r
- * and the second half contains s. dest is the DER encoded signature.
-static SECStatus
-common_EncodeDerSig(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src)
-    SECItem *item;
-    SECItem srcItem;
-    DSA_ASN1Signature sig;
-    unsigned char *signedR;
-    unsigned char *signedS;
-    unsigned int len;
-    /* Allocate memory with room for an extra byte that
-     * may be required if the top bit in the first byte
-     * is already set.
-     */
-    len = src->len / 2;
-    signedR = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(len + 1);
-    if (!signedR)
-        return SECFailure;
-    signedS = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(len + 1);
-    if (!signedS) {
-        if (signedR)
-            PORT_Free(signedR);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
-    /* Must convert r and s from "unsigned" integers to "signed" integers.
-    ** If the high order bit of the first byte (MSB) is 1, then must
-    ** prepend with leading zero.
-    ** Must remove all but one leading zero byte from numbers.
-    */
-    sig.r.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = signedR;
-    sig.r.len = sizeof signedR;
-    sig.s.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = signedS;
-    sig.s.len = sizeof signedR;
- = src->data;
-    srcItem.len = len;
-    DSAU_ConvertUnsignedToSigned(&sig.r, &srcItem);
- += len;
-    DSAU_ConvertUnsignedToSigned(&sig.s, &srcItem);
-    item = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, dest, &sig, DSA_SignatureTemplate);
-    if (signedR)
-        PORT_Free(signedR);
-    if (signedS)
-        PORT_Free(signedS);
-    if (item == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    /* XXX leak item? */
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* src is a DER-encoded ECDSA or DSA signature.
-** Returns a newly-allocated SECItem structure, pointing at a newly allocated
-** buffer containing the "raw" signature, which is len bytes of r,
-** followed by len bytes of s. For DSA, len is the length of q.
-** For ECDSA, len depends on the key size used to create the signature.
-static SECItem *
-common_DecodeDerSig(const SECItem *item, unsigned int len)
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    SECStatus status;
-    DSA_ASN1Signature sig;
-    SECItem dst;
-    PORT_Memset(&sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
-    result = PORT_ZNew(SECItem);
-    if (result == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    result->len = 2 * len;
-    result->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(2 * len);
-    if (result->data == NULL)
-        goto loser;
-    sig.r.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    sig.s.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    status = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(NULL, &sig, DSA_SignatureTemplate, item);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    /* Convert sig.r and sig.s from variable  length signed integers to
-    ** fixed length unsigned integers.
-    */
- = result->data;
-    dst.len = len;
-    status = DSAU_ConvertSignedToFixedUnsigned(&dst, &sig.r);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
- += len;
-    status = DSAU_ConvertSignedToFixedUnsigned(&dst, &sig.s);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    if ( != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(;
-    if ( != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(;
-    return result;
-    if (result != NULL) {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(result, PR_TRUE);
-        result = NULL;
-    }
-    goto done;
-/* src is a "raw" DSA1 signature, 20 bytes of r followed by 20 bytes of s.
-** dest is the signature DER encoded. ?
-DSAU_EncodeDerSig(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src)
-    PORT_Assert(src->len == 2 * DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN);
-    if (src->len != 2 * DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return common_EncodeDerSig(dest, src);
-/* src is a "raw" DSA signature of length len (len/2 bytes of r followed
-** by len/2 bytes of s). dest is the signature DER encoded.
-DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen(SECItem *dest, SECItem *src, unsigned int len)
-    PORT_Assert((src->len == len) && (len % 2 == 0));
-    if ((src->len != len) || (src->len % 2 != 0)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return common_EncodeDerSig(dest, src);
-/* src is a DER-encoded DSA signature.
-** Returns a newly-allocated SECItem structure, pointing at a newly allocated
-** buffer containing the "raw" DSA1 signature, which is 20 bytes of r,
-** followed by 20 bytes of s.
-SECItem *
-DSAU_DecodeDerSig(const SECItem *item)
-    return common_DecodeDerSig(item, DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN);
-/* src is a DER-encoded ECDSA signature.
-** Returns a newly-allocated SECItem structure, pointing at a newly allocated
-** buffer containing the "raw" ECDSA signature of length len containing
-** r followed by s (both padded to take up exactly len/2 bytes).
-SECItem *
-DSAU_DecodeDerSigToLen(const SECItem *item, unsigned int len)
-    return common_DecodeDerSig(item, len / 2);
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/key.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/key.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e89b74..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/key.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This header is deprecated.  Please include keyhi.h instead. */
-#ifndef _KEY_H_
-#define _KEY_H_
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#endif /* _KEY_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyhi.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyhi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1809900..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyhi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _KEYHI_H_
-#define _KEYHI_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "keythi.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-/*#include "secpkcs5.h" */
-** Destroy a subject-public-key-info object.
-extern void SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki);
-** Copy subject-public-key-info "src" to "dst". "dst" is filled in
-** appropriately (memory is allocated for each of the sub objects).
-extern SECStatus SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                                 CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *dst,
-                                                 CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *src);
-** Update the PQG parameters for a cert's public key.
-** Only done for DSA certs
-extern SECStatus
-SECKEY_UpdateCertPQG(CERTCertificate *subjectCert);
-** Return the number of bits in the provided big integer.  This assumes that the
-** SECItem contains a big-endian number and counts from the first non-zero bit.
-extern unsigned SECKEY_BigIntegerBitLength(const SECItem *number);
-** Return the strength of the public key in bytes
-extern unsigned SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
-** Return the strength of the public key in bits
-extern unsigned SECKEY_PublicKeyStrengthInBits(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
-** Return the length of the signature in bytes
-extern unsigned SECKEY_SignatureLen(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
-** Make a copy of the private key "privKey"
-extern SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey(const SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-** Make a copy of the public key "pubKey"
-extern SECKEYPublicKey *SECKEY_CopyPublicKey(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
-** Convert a private key "privateKey" into a public key
-extern SECKEYPublicKey *SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privateKey);
- * create a new RSA key pair. The private Key is returned...
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CreateRSAPrivateKey(int keySizeInBits,
-                                             SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx);
- * create a new DH key pair. The private Key is returned...
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CreateDHPrivateKey(SECKEYDHParams *param,
-                                            SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx);
- * create a new EC key pair. The private Key is returned...
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *SECKEY_CreateECPrivateKey(SECKEYECParams *param,
-                                            SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx);
-** Create a subject-public-key-info based on a public key.
-extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECKEYPublicKey *k);
-** Convert a base64 ascii encoded DER public key and challenge to spki,
-** and verify the signature and challenge data are correct
-extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodePublicKeyAndChallenge(char *pkacstr, char *challenge,
-                                             void *cx);
-** Encode a  CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo structure. into a
-** DER encoded subject public key info.
-SECItem *
-SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
-** Decode a DER encoded subject public key info into a
-** CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo structure.
-extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECItem *spkider);
-** Convert a base64 ascii encoded DER subject public key info to our
-** internal format.
-extern CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const char *spkistr);
- * extract the public key from a subject Public Key info structure.
- * (used by JSS).
- */
-extern SECKEYPublicKey *
-SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(const CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *);
-** Destroy a private key object.
-**	"key" the object
-extern void SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
-** Destroy a public key object.
-**	"key" the object
-extern void SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(SECKEYPublicKey *key);
-/* Destroy and zero out a private key info structure.  for now this
- * function zero's out memory allocated in an arena for the key
- * since PORT_FreeArena does not currently do this.
- *
- * NOTE -- If a private key info is allocated in an arena, one should
- * not call this function with freeit = PR_FALSE.  The function should
- * destroy the arena.
- */
-extern void
-SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pvk, PRBool freeit);
-/* Destroy and zero out an encrypted private key info.
- *
- * NOTE -- If a encrypted private key info is allocated in an arena, one should
- * not call this function with freeit = PR_FALSE.  The function should
- * destroy the arena.
- */
-extern void
-SECKEY_DestroyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki,
-                                      PRBool freeit);
-/* Copy private key info structure.
- *  poolp is the arena into which the contents of from is to be copied.
- *	NULL is a valid entry.
- *  to is the destination private key info
- *  from is the source private key info
- * if either from or to is NULL or an error occurs, SECFailure is
- * returned.  otherwise, SECSuccess is returned.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-SECKEY_CopyPrivateKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-                          SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *to,
-                          const SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *from);
-extern SECStatus
-SECKEY_CacheStaticFlags(SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
-/* Copy encrypted private key info structure.
- *  poolp is the arena into which the contents of from is to be copied.
- *	NULL is a valid entry.
- *  to is the destination encrypted private key info
- *  from is the source encrypted private key info
- * if either from or to is NULL or an error occurs, SECFailure is
- * returned.  otherwise, SECSuccess is returned.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-SECKEY_CopyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-                                   SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *to,
-                                   const SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *from);
- * Accessor functions for key type of public and private keys.
- */
-KeyType SECKEY_GetPrivateKeyType(const SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-KeyType SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
- * Creates a PublicKey from its DER encoding.
- * Currently only supports RSA, DSA, and DH keys.
- */
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-SECKEY_ImportDERPublicKey(const SECItem *derKey, CK_KEY_TYPE type);
-SECKEYPrivateKeyList *
-SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList(SECKEYPrivateKeyList *keys);
-SECKEY_RemovePrivateKeyListNode(SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node);
-SECKEY_AddPrivateKeyToListTail(SECKEYPrivateKeyList *list,
-                               SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
-#define PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD(l) ((SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *)PR_LIST_HEAD(&l->list))
-#define PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT(n) ((SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *)n->
-#define PRIVKEY_LIST_END(n, l) (((void *)n) == ((void *)&l->list))
-SECKEYPublicKeyList *
-SECKEY_DestroyPublicKeyList(SECKEYPublicKeyList *keys);
-SECKEY_RemovePublicKeyListNode(SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *node);
-SECKEY_AddPublicKeyToListTail(SECKEYPublicKeyList *list,
-                              SECKEYPublicKey *key);
-#define PUBKEY_LIST_HEAD(l) ((SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *)PR_LIST_HEAD(&l->list))
-#define PUBKEY_LIST_NEXT(n) ((SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *)n->
-#define PUBKEY_LIST_END(n, l) (((void *)n) == ((void *)&l->list))
- * Length in bits of the EC's field size.  This is also the length of
- * the x and y coordinates of EC points, such as EC public keys and
- * base points.
- *
- * Return 0 on failure (unknown EC domain parameters).
- */
-extern int SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize(const SECItem *params);
- * Length in bits of the EC base point order, usually denoted n.  This
- * is also the length of EC private keys and ECDSA signature components
- * r and s.
- *
- * Return 0 on failure (unknown EC domain parameters).
- */
-extern int SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen(const SECItem *params);
- * Returns the object identifier of the curve, of the provided
- * elliptic curve parameters structures.
- *
- * Return 0 on failure (unknown EC domain parameters).
- */
-SECOidTag SECKEY_GetECCOid(const SECKEYECParams *params);
-#endif /* _KEYHI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyi.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f5f7f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _KEYI_H_
-#define _KEYI_H_
-/* NSS private functions */
-/* map an oid to a keytype... actually this function and it's converse
- *  are good candidates for public functions..  */
-KeyType seckey_GetKeyType(SECOidTag pubKeyOid);
-/* extract the 'encryption' (could be signing) and hash oids from and
- * algorithm, key and parameters (parameters is the parameters field
- * of a algorithm ID structure (SECAlgorithmID)*/
-SECStatus sec_DecodeSigAlg(const SECKEYPublicKey *key, SECOidTag sigAlg,
-                           const SECItem *param, SECOidTag *encalg, SECOidTag *hashalg);
-#endif /* _KEYHI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyt.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 99da312..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keyt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _KEYT_H_
-#define _KEYT_H_
-#include "keythi.h"
-#endif /* _KEYT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keythi.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/keythi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a9215..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/keythi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _KEYTHI_H_
-#define _KEYTHI_H_ 1
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
-** RFC 4055 Section 1.2 specifies three different RSA key types.
-** rsaKey maps to keys with SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION and can be used for
-** both encryption and signatures with old (PKCS #1 v1.5) and new (PKCS #1
-** v2.1) padding schemes.
-** rsaPssKey maps to keys with SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_PSS_SIGNATURE and may only
-** be used for signatures with PSS padding (PKCS #1 v2.1).
-** rsaOaepKey maps to keys with SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_OAEP_ENCRYPTION and may only
-** be used for encryption with OAEP padding (PKCS #1 v2.1).
-typedef enum {
-    nullKey = 0,
-    rsaKey = 1,
-    dsaKey = 2,
-    fortezzaKey = 3, /* deprecated */
-    dhKey = 4,
-    keaKey = 5, /* deprecated */
-    ecKey = 6,
-    rsaPssKey = 7,
-    rsaOaepKey = 8
-} KeyType;
-** Template Definitions
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_RSAPublicKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_RSAPSSParamsTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DSAPublicKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DHPublicKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DHParamKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PQGParamsTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate[];
-/* Windows DLL accessor functions */
-** RSA Public Key structures
-** member names from PKCS#1, section 7.1
-struct SECKEYRSAPublicKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem modulus;
-    SECItem publicExponent;
-typedef struct SECKEYRSAPublicKeyStr SECKEYRSAPublicKey;
-** RSA-PSS parameters
-struct SECKEYRSAPSSParamsStr {
-    SECAlgorithmID *hashAlg;
-    SECAlgorithmID *maskAlg;
-    SECItem saltLength;
-    SECItem trailerField;
-typedef struct SECKEYRSAPSSParamsStr SECKEYRSAPSSParams;
-** DSA Public Key and related structures
-struct SECKEYPQGParamsStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem prime;    /* p */
-    SECItem subPrime; /* q */
-    SECItem base;     /* g */
-    /* XXX chrisk: this needs to be expanded to hold j and validationParms (RFC2459 7.3.2) */
-typedef struct SECKEYPQGParamsStr SECKEYPQGParams;
-struct SECKEYDSAPublicKeyStr {
-    SECKEYPQGParams params;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-typedef struct SECKEYDSAPublicKeyStr SECKEYDSAPublicKey;
-** Diffie-Hellman Public Key structure
-** Structure member names suggested by PKCS#3.
-struct SECKEYDHParamsStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem prime; /* p */
-    SECItem base;  /* g */
-typedef struct SECKEYDHParamsStr SECKEYDHParams;
-struct SECKEYDHPublicKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem prime;
-    SECItem base;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-typedef struct SECKEYDHPublicKeyStr SECKEYDHPublicKey;
-** Elliptic curve Public Key structure
-** The PKCS#11 layer needs DER encoding of ANSI X9.62
-** parameters value
-typedef SECItem SECKEYECParams;
-struct SECKEYECPublicKeyStr {
-    SECKEYECParams DEREncodedParams;
-    int size;            /* size in bits */
-    SECItem publicValue; /* encoded point */
-    /* XXX Even though the PKCS#11 interface takes encoded parameters,
-     * we may still wish to decode them above PKCS#11 for things like
-     * printing key information. For named curves, which is what
-     * we initially support, we ought to have the curve name at the
-     * very least.
-     */
-typedef struct SECKEYECPublicKeyStr SECKEYECPublicKey;
-** FORTEZZA Public Key structures
-struct SECKEYFortezzaPublicKeyStr {
-    int KEAversion;
-    int DSSversion;
-    unsigned char KMID[8];
-    SECItem clearance;
-    SECItem KEApriviledge;
-    SECItem DSSpriviledge;
-    SECItem KEAKey;
-    SECItem DSSKey;
-    SECKEYPQGParams params;
-    SECKEYPQGParams keaParams;
-typedef struct SECKEYFortezzaPublicKeyStr SECKEYFortezzaPublicKey;
-#define KEAprivilege KEApriviledge /* corrected spelling */
-#define DSSprivilege DSSpriviledge /* corrected spelling */
-struct SECKEYDiffPQGParamsStr {
-    SECKEYPQGParams DiffKEAParams;
-    SECKEYPQGParams DiffDSAParams;
-typedef struct SECKEYDiffPQGParamsStr SECKEYDiffPQGParams;
-struct SECKEYPQGDualParamsStr {
-    SECKEYPQGParams CommParams;
-    SECKEYDiffPQGParams DiffParams;
-typedef struct SECKEYPQGDualParamsStr SECKEYPQGDualParams;
-struct SECKEYKEAParamsStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem hash;
-typedef struct SECKEYKEAParamsStr SECKEYKEAParams;
-struct SECKEYKEAPublicKeyStr {
-    SECKEYKEAParams params;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-typedef struct SECKEYKEAPublicKeyStr SECKEYKEAPublicKey;
-** A Generic  public key object.
-struct SECKEYPublicKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    KeyType keyType;
-    PK11SlotInfo *pkcs11Slot;
-    union {
-        SECKEYRSAPublicKey rsa;
-        SECKEYDSAPublicKey dsa;
-        SECKEYDHPublicKey dh;
-        SECKEYKEAPublicKey kea;
-        SECKEYFortezzaPublicKey fortezza;
-        SECKEYECPublicKey ec;
-    } u;
-typedef struct SECKEYPublicKeyStr SECKEYPublicKey;
-/* bit flag definitions for staticflags */
-#define SECKEY_Attributes_Cached 0x1 /* bit 0 states \
-                                        whether attributes are cached */
-#define SECKEY_CKA_PRIVATE (1U << 1) /* bit 1 is the value of CKA_PRIVATE */
-    (0 != (key->staticflags & SECKEY_Attributes_Cached))
-#define SECKEY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE(key,attribute) \
-    (0 != (key->staticflags & SECKEY_##attribute))
-#define SECKEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE_SET(key,attribute) \
-    (0 != (key->staticflags & SECKEY_Attributes_Cached)) ? \
-    (0 != (key->staticflags & SECKEY_##attribute)) : \
-    PK11_HasAttributeSet(key->pkcs11Slot,key->pkcs11ID,attribute, PR_FALSE)
-#define SECKEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE_SET_LOCK(key,attribute, haslock) \
-    (0 != (key->staticflags & SECKEY_Attributes_Cached)) ? \
-    (0 != (key->staticflags & SECKEY_##attribute)) : \
-    PK11_HasAttributeSet(key->pkcs11Slot,key->pkcs11ID,attribute, haslock)
-** A generic key structure
-struct SECKEYPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    KeyType keyType;
-    PK11SlotInfo *pkcs11Slot;  /* pkcs11 slot this key lives in */
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE pkcs11ID; /* ID of pkcs11 object */
-    PRBool pkcs11IsTemp;       /* temp pkcs11 object, delete it when done */
-    void *wincx;               /* context for errors and pw prompts */
-    PRUint32 staticflags;      /* bit flag of cached PKCS#11 attributes */
-typedef struct SECKEYPrivateKeyStr SECKEYPrivateKey;
-typedef struct {
-    PRCList links;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *key;
-} SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode;
-typedef struct {
-    PRCList list;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-} SECKEYPrivateKeyList;
-typedef struct {
-    PRCList links;
-    SECKEYPublicKey *key;
-} SECKEYPublicKeyListNode;
-typedef struct {
-    PRCList list;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-} SECKEYPublicKeyList;
-#endif /* _KEYTHI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.c b/nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b126211..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "pk11func.h" /* for the PK11_ calls below. */
-static void *
-    return NULL;
-static void *
-null_hash_clone_context(void *v)
-    PORT_Assert(v == NULL);
-    return NULL;
-static void
-null_hash_begin(void *v)
-static void
-null_hash_update(void *v, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int length)
-static void
-null_hash_end(void *v, unsigned char *output, unsigned int *outLen,
-              unsigned int maxOut)
-    *outLen = 0;
-static void
-null_hash_destroy_context(void *v, PRBool b)
-    PORT_Assert(v == NULL);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_MD2);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_MD5);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_SHA1);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_SHA224);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_SHA256);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_SHA384);
-static void *
-    return (void *)PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_SHA512);
-const SECHashObject SECHashObjects[] = {
-    { 0,
-      (void *(*)(void))null_hash_new_context,
-      (void *(*)(void *))null_hash_clone_context,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))null_hash_destroy_context,
-      (void (*)(void *))null_hash_begin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))null_hash_update,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-                unsigned int))null_hash_end,
-      0,
-      HASH_AlgNULL },
-    { MD2_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))md2_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgMD2 },
-    { MD5_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))md5_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgMD5 },
-    { SHA1_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))sha1_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgSHA1 },
-    { SHA256_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))sha256_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgSHA256 },
-    { SHA384_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))sha384_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgSHA384 },
-    { SHA512_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))sha512_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgSHA512 },
-    { SHA224_LENGTH,
-      (void *(*)(void))sha224_NewContext,
-      (void *(*)(void *))PK11_CloneContext,
-      (void (*)(void *, PRBool))PK11_DestroyContext,
-      (void (*)(void *))PK11_DigestBegin,
-      (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int))PK11_DigestOp,
-      (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-          PK11_DigestFinal,
-      HASH_AlgSHA224 },
-const SECHashObject *
-HASH_GetHashObject(HASH_HashType type)
-    return &SECHashObjects[type];
-HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid)
-    HASH_HashType ht = HASH_AlgNULL;
-    switch (hashOid) {
-        case SEC_OID_MD2:
-            ht = HASH_AlgMD2;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MD5:
-            ht = HASH_AlgMD5;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-            ht = HASH_AlgSHA1;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-            ht = HASH_AlgSHA224;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-            ht = HASH_AlgSHA256;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA384:
-            ht = HASH_AlgSHA384;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA512:
-            ht = HASH_AlgSHA512;
-            break;
-        default:
-            ht = HASH_AlgNULL;
-            break;
-    }
-    return ht;
-HASH_GetHashOidTagByHMACOidTag(SECOidTag hmacOid)
-    SECOidTag hashOid = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    switch (hmacOid) {
-        /* no oid exists for HMAC_MD2 */
-        /* NSS does not define a oid for HMAC_MD4 */
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1:
-            hashOid = SEC_OID_SHA1;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA224:
-            hashOid = SEC_OID_SHA224;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256:
-            hashOid = SEC_OID_SHA256;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA384:
-            hashOid = SEC_OID_SHA384;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA512:
-            hashOid = SEC_OID_SHA512;
-            break;
-        default:
-            hashOid = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-            break;
-    }
-    return hashOid;
-HASH_GetHMACOidTagByHashOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid)
-    SECOidTag hmacOid = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    switch (hashOid) {
-        /* no oid exists for HMAC_MD2 */
-        /* NSS does not define a oid for HMAC_MD4 */
-        case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-            hmacOid = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-            hmacOid = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA224;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-            hmacOid = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA384:
-            hmacOid = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA384;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_SHA512:
-            hmacOid = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA512;
-            break;
-        default:
-            hmacOid = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-            break;
-    }
-    return hmacOid;
-const SECHashObject *
-HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid)
-    HASH_HashType ht = HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(hashOid);
-    return (ht == HASH_AlgNULL) ? NULL : &SECHashObjects[ht];
-/* returns zero for unknown hash OID */
-unsigned int
-HASH_ResultLenByOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid)
-    const SECHashObject *hashObject = HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(hashOid);
-    unsigned int resultLen = 0;
-    if (hashObject)
-        resultLen = hashObject->length;
-    return resultLen;
-/* returns zero if hash type invalid. */
-unsigned int
-HASH_ResultLen(HASH_HashType type)
-    if ((type < HASH_AlgNULL) || (type >= HASH_AlgTOTAL)) {
-        return (0);
-    }
-    return (SECHashObjects[type].length);
-unsigned int
-HASH_ResultLenContext(HASHContext *context)
-    return (context->hashobj->length);
-HASH_HashBuf(HASH_HashType type,
-             unsigned char *dest,
-             const unsigned char *src,
-             PRUint32 src_len)
-    HASHContext *cx;
-    unsigned int part;
-    if ((type < HASH_AlgNULL) || (type >= HASH_AlgTOTAL)) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    cx = HASH_Create(type);
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-        return (SECFailure);
-    }
-    HASH_Begin(cx);
-    HASH_Update(cx, src, src_len);
-    HASH_End(cx, dest, &part, HASH_ResultLenContext(cx));
-    HASH_Destroy(cx);
-    return (SECSuccess);
-HASHContext *
-HASH_Create(HASH_HashType type)
-    void *hash_context = NULL;
-    HASHContext *ret = NULL;
-    if ((type < HASH_AlgNULL) || (type >= HASH_AlgTOTAL)) {
-        return (NULL);
-    }
-    hash_context = (*SECHashObjects[type].create)();
-    if (hash_context == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret = (HASHContext *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(HASHContext));
-    if (ret == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret->hash_context = hash_context;
-    ret->hashobj = &SECHashObjects[type];
-    return (ret);
-    if (hash_context != NULL) {
-        (*SECHashObjects[type].destroy)(hash_context, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-HASHContext *
-HASH_Clone(HASHContext *context)
-    void *hash_context = NULL;
-    HASHContext *ret = NULL;
-    hash_context = (*context->hashobj->clone)(context->hash_context);
-    if (hash_context == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret = (HASHContext *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(HASHContext));
-    if (ret == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret->hash_context = hash_context;
-    ret->hashobj = context->hashobj;
-    return (ret);
-    if (hash_context != NULL) {
-        (*context->hashobj->destroy)(hash_context, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-HASH_Destroy(HASHContext *context)
-    (*context->hashobj->destroy)(context->hash_context, PR_TRUE);
-    PORT_Free(context);
-    return;
-HASH_Begin(HASHContext *context)
-    (*context->hashobj->begin)(context->hash_context);
-    return;
-HASH_Update(HASHContext *context,
-            const unsigned char *src,
-            unsigned int len)
-    (*context->hashobj->update)(context->hash_context, src, len);
-    return;
-HASH_End(HASHContext *context,
-         unsigned char *result,
-         unsigned int *result_len,
-         unsigned int max_result_len)
-    (*context->hashobj->end)(context->hash_context, result, result_len,
-                             max_result_len);
-    return;
-HASH_GetType(HASHContext *context)
-    return (context->hashobj->type);
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.h b/nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ff7ed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/sechash.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _HASH_H_
-#define _HASH_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-** Generic hash api.
-extern unsigned int HASH_ResultLen(HASH_HashType type);
-extern unsigned int HASH_ResultLenContext(HASHContext *context);
-extern unsigned int HASH_ResultLenByOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid);
-extern SECStatus HASH_HashBuf(HASH_HashType type,
-                              unsigned char *dest,
-                              const unsigned char *src,
-                              PRUint32 src_len);
-extern HASHContext *HASH_Create(HASH_HashType type);
-extern HASHContext *HASH_Clone(HASHContext *context);
-extern void HASH_Destroy(HASHContext *context);
-extern void HASH_Begin(HASHContext *context);
-extern void HASH_Update(HASHContext *context,
-                        const unsigned char *src,
-                        unsigned int len);
-extern void HASH_End(HASHContext *context,
-                     unsigned char *result,
-                     unsigned int *result_len,
-                     unsigned int max_result_len);
-extern HASH_HashType HASH_GetType(HASHContext *context);
-extern const SECHashObject *HASH_GetHashObject(HASH_HashType type);
-extern const SECHashObject *HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid);
-extern HASH_HashType HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid);
-extern SECOidTag HASH_GetHashOidTagByHMACOidTag(SECOidTag hmacOid);
-extern SECOidTag HASH_GetHMACOidTagByHashOidTag(SECOidTag hashOid);
-#endif /* _HASH_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/seckey.c b/nss/lib/cryptohi/seckey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 827413a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/seckey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1939 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "base64.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secdig.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "keyi.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo) },
-      offsetof(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo, algorithm),
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-      offsetof(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo, subjectPublicKey) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_PublicKeyAndChallengeTemplate[] =
-    {
-      { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge) },
-      { SEC_ASN1_ANY, offsetof(CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge, spki) },
-      { SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING, offsetof(CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge, challenge) },
-      { 0 }
-    };
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_RSAPublicKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPublicKey, u.rsa.modulus) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPublicKey, u.rsa.publicExponent) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template seckey_PointerToAlgorithmIDTemplate[] = {
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) }
-/* Parameters for SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_PSS_SIGNATURE */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_RSAPSSParamsTemplate[] =
-    {
-      { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYRSAPSSParams) },
-            SEC_ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0,
-        offsetof(SECKEYRSAPSSParams, hashAlg),
-        seckey_PointerToAlgorithmIDTemplate },
-            SEC_ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 1,
-        offsetof(SECKEYRSAPSSParams, maskAlg),
-        seckey_PointerToAlgorithmIDTemplate },
-        offsetof(SECKEYRSAPSSParams, saltLength),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-        offsetof(SECKEYRSAPSSParams, trailerField),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_IntegerTemplate) },
-      { 0 }
-    };
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DSAPublicKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPublicKey, u.dsa.publicValue) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PQGParamsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYPQGParams) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPQGParams, prime) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPQGParams, subPrime) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPQGParams, base) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DHPublicKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPublicKey, u.dh.publicValue) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DHParamKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPublicKey, },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPublicKey, u.dh.base) },
-    /* XXX chrisk: this needs to be expanded for decoding of j and validationParms (RFC2459 7.3.2) */
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-    { 0 }
- * See bugzilla bug 125359
- * Since NSS (via PKCS#11) wants to handle big integers as unsigned ints,
- * all of the templates above that en/decode into integers must be converted
- * from ASN.1's signed integer type.  This is done by marking either the
- * source or destination (encoding or decoding, respectively) type as
- * siUnsignedInteger.
- */
-static void
-prepare_rsa_pub_key_for_asn1(SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    pubk->u.rsa.modulus.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    pubk->u.rsa.publicExponent.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-static void
-prepare_dsa_pub_key_for_asn1(SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    pubk->u.dsa.publicValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-static void
-prepare_pqg_params_for_asn1(SECKEYPQGParams *params)
-    params->prime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params->subPrime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params->base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-static void
-prepare_dh_pub_key_for_asn1(SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    pubk-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    pubk->u.dh.base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    pubk->u.dh.publicValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-/* Create an RSA key pair is any slot able to do so.
-** The created keys are "session" (temporary), not "token" (permanent),
-** and they are "sensitive", which makes them costly to move to another token.
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-SECKEY_CreateRSAPrivateKey(int keySizeInBits, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx)
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privk;
-    PK11RSAGenParams param;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, cx);
-    if (!slot) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    param.keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits;
- = 65537L;
-    privk = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, &param, pubk,
-                                 PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, cx);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return (privk);
-/* Create a DH key pair in any slot able to do so,
-** This is a "session" (temporary), not "token" (permanent) key.
-** Because of the high probability that this key will need to be moved to
-** another token, and the high cost of moving "sensitive" keys, we attempt
-** to create this key pair without the "sensitive" attribute, but revert to
-** creating a "sensitive" key if necessary.
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-SECKEY_CreateDHPrivateKey(SECKEYDHParams *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx)
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privk;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    if (!param || !param-> || !param-> ||
-        SECKEY_BigIntegerBitLength(&param->prime) < DH_MIN_P_BITS ||
-        param->base.len == 0 || param->base.len > param->prime.len + 1 ||
-        (param->base.len == 1 && param->[0] == 0)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, cx);
-    if (!slot) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    privk = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, param,
-                                 pubk, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, cx);
-    if (!privk)
-        privk = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, param,
-                                     pubk, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, cx);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return (privk);
-/* Create an EC key pair in any slot able to do so,
-** This is a "session" (temporary), not "token" (permanent) key.
-** Because of the high probability that this key will need to be moved to
-** another token, and the high cost of moving "sensitive" keys, we attempt
-** to create this key pair without the "sensitive" attribute, but revert to
-** creating a "sensitive" key if necessary.
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-SECKEY_CreateECPrivateKey(SECKEYECParams *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk, void *cx)
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privk;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, cx);
-    if (!slot) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    privk = PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags(slot, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN,
-                                            param, pubk,
-                                            PK11_ATTR_SESSION |
-                                                PK11_ATTR_INSENSITIVE |
-                                                PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC,
-                                            CKF_DERIVE, CKF_DERIVE |
-                                                            CKF_SIGN,
-                                            cx);
-    if (!privk)
-        privk = PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags(slot, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN,
-                                                param, pubk,
-                                                PK11_ATTR_SESSION |
-                                                    PK11_ATTR_SENSITIVE |
-                                                    PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE,
-                                                CKF_DERIVE, CKF_DERIVE |
-                                                                CKF_SIGN,
-                                                cx);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return (privk);
-SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privk)
-    if (privk) {
-        if (privk->pkcs11Slot) {
-            if (privk->pkcs11IsTemp) {
-                PK11_DestroyObject(privk->pkcs11Slot, privk->pkcs11ID);
-            }
-            PK11_FreeSlot(privk->pkcs11Slot);
-        }
-        if (privk->arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(privk->arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-    }
-SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    if (pubk) {
-        if (pubk->pkcs11Slot) {
-            if (!PK11_IsPermObject(pubk->pkcs11Slot, pubk->pkcs11ID)) {
-                PK11_DestroyObject(pubk->pkcs11Slot, pubk->pkcs11ID);
-            }
-            PK11_FreeSlot(pubk->pkcs11Slot);
-        }
-        if (pubk->arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(pubk->arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-    }
-SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *to,
-                                CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *from)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem spk;
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(arena, &to->algorithm, &from->algorithm);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /*
-         * subjectPublicKey is a bit string, whose length is in bits.
-         * Convert the length from bits to bytes for SECITEM_CopyItem.
-         */
-        spk = from->subjectPublicKey;
-        DER_ConvertBitString(&spk);
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &to->subjectPublicKey, &spk);
-        /* Set the length back to bits. */
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-            to->subjectPublicKey.len = from->subjectPublicKey.len;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Procedure to update the pqg parameters for a cert's public key.
- * pqg parameters only need to be updated for DSA certificates.
- * The procedure uses calls to itself recursively to update a certificate
- * issuer's pqg parameters.  Some important rules are:
- *    - Do nothing if the cert already has PQG parameters.
- *    - If the cert does not have PQG parameters, obtain them from the issuer.
- *    - A valid cert chain cannot have a DSA cert without
- *      pqg parameters that has a parent that is not a DSA cert.  */
-static SECStatus
-seckey_UpdateCertPQGChain(CERTCertificate *subjectCert, int count)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECOidData *oid = NULL;
-    int tag;
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *subjectSpki = NULL;
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *issuerSpki = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* increment cert chain length counter*/
-    count++;
-    /* check if cert chain length exceeds the maximum length*/
-    if (count > CERT_MAX_CERT_CHAIN) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    oid = SECOID_FindOID(&subjectCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm);
-    if (oid != NULL) {
-        tag = oid->offset;
-        /* Check if cert has a DSA or EC public key. If not, return
-         * success since no PQG params need to be updated.
-         *
-         * Question: do we really need to do this for EC keys. They don't have
-         * PQG parameters, but they do have parameters. The question is does
-         * the child cert inherit thost parameters for EC from the parent, or
-         * do we always include those parameters in each cert.
-         */
-        if ((tag != SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA224_DIGEST) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA256_DIGEST) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_SDN702_DSA_SIGNATURE) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY)) {
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    } else {
-        return SECFailure; /* return failure if oid is NULL */
-    }
-    /* if cert has PQG parameters, return success */
-    subjectSpki = &subjectCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo;
-    if (subjectSpki->algorithm.parameters.len != 0) {
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* check if the cert is self-signed */
-    if (subjectCert->isRoot) {
-        /* fail since cert is self-signed and has no pqg params. */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* get issuer cert */
-    issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(subjectCert, PR_Now(), certUsageAnyCA);
-    if (!issuerCert) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if parent is not DSA, return failure since
-       we don't allow this case. */
-    oid = SECOID_FindOID(&issuerCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm);
-    if (oid != NULL) {
-        tag = oid->offset;
-        /* Check if issuer cert has a DSA public key. If not,
-         * return failure.   */
-        if ((tag != SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA224_DIGEST) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA256_DIGEST) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_SDN702_DSA_SIGNATURE) &&
-            (tag != SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY)) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure; /* return failure if oid is NULL */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* at this point the subject cert has no pqg parameters and the
-     * issuer cert has a DSA public key.  Update the issuer's
-     * pqg parameters with a recursive call to this same function. */
-    rv = seckey_UpdateCertPQGChain(issuerCert, count);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* ensure issuer has pqg parameters */
-    issuerSpki = &issuerCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo;
-    if (issuerSpki->algorithm.parameters.len == 0) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if update was successful and pqg params present, then copy the
-     * parameters to the subject cert's key. */
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(subjectCert->arena,
-                              &subjectSpki->algorithm.parameters,
-                              &issuerSpki->algorithm.parameters);
-    }
-    if (issuerCert) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
-    }
-    return rv;
-SECKEY_UpdateCertPQG(CERTCertificate *subjectCert)
-    if (!subjectCert) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return seckey_UpdateCertPQGChain(subjectCert, 0);
-/* Decode the DSA PQG parameters.  The params could be stored in two
- * possible formats, the old fortezza-only wrapped format or
- * the normal standard format.  Store the decoded parameters in
- * a V3 certificate data structure.  */
-static SECStatus
-seckey_DSADecodePQG(PLArenaPool *arena, SECKEYPublicKey *pubk,
-                    const SECItem *params)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem newparams;
-    if (params == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (params->data == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(arena);
-    /* make a copy of the data into the arena so QuickDER output is valid */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newparams, params);
-    /* Check if params use the standard format.
-     * The value 0xa1 will appear in the first byte of the parameter data
-     * if the PQG parameters are not using the standard format.  This
-     * code should be changed to use a better method to detect non-standard
-     * parameters.    */
-    if (([0] != 0xa1) &&
-        ([0] != 0xa0)) {
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            /* PQG params are in the standard format */
-            prepare_pqg_params_for_asn1(&pubk->u.dsa.params);
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &pubk->u.dsa.params,
-                                        SECKEY_PQGParamsTemplate,
-                                        &newparams);
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-            /* else the old fortezza-only wrapped format is used. */
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Function used to make an oid tag to a key type */
-seckey_GetKeyType(SECOidTag tag)
-    KeyType keyType;
-    switch (tag) {
-        case SEC_OID_X500_RSA_ENCRYPTION:
-            keyType = rsaKey;
-            break;
-            keyType = rsaPssKey;
-            break;
-            keyType = rsaOaepKey;
-            break;
-            keyType = dsaKey;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS_OLD:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS_OLD:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS:
-            keyType = fortezzaKey;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_ALT_KEA:
-            keyType = keaKey;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_X942_DIFFIE_HELMAN_KEY:
-            keyType = dhKey;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY:
-            keyType = ecKey;
-            break;
-        /* accommodate applications that hand us a signature type when they
-         * should be handing us a cipher type */
-            keyType = rsaKey;
-            break;
-        default:
-            keyType = nullKey;
-    }
-    return keyType;
-/* Function used to determine what kind of cert we are dealing with. */
-CERT_GetCertKeyType(const CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki)
-    return seckey_GetKeyType(SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&spki->algorithm));
-static SECKEYPublicKey *
-seckey_ExtractPublicKey(const CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubk;
-    SECItem os, newOs, newParms;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECOidTag tag;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    pubk = (SECKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey));
-    if (pubk == NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    pubk->arena = arena;
-    pubk->pkcs11Slot = 0;
-    pubk->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    /* Convert bit string length from bits to bytes */
-    os = spki->subjectPublicKey;
-    DER_ConvertBitString(&os);
-    tag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&spki->algorithm);
-    /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-       into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newOs, &os);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-        switch (tag) {
-            case SEC_OID_X500_RSA_ENCRYPTION:
-            case SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION:
-                pubk->keyType = rsaKey;
-                prepare_rsa_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-                rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, pubk, SECKEY_RSAPublicKeyTemplate, &newOs);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                    return pubk;
-                break;
-            case SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE:
-            case SEC_OID_SDN702_DSA_SIGNATURE:
-                pubk->keyType = dsaKey;
-                prepare_dsa_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-                rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, pubk, SECKEY_DSAPublicKeyTemplate, &newOs);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                rv = seckey_DSADecodePQG(arena, pubk,
-                                         &spki->algorithm.parameters);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                    return pubk;
-                break;
-            case SEC_OID_X942_DIFFIE_HELMAN_KEY:
-                pubk->keyType = dhKey;
-                prepare_dh_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-                rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, pubk, SECKEY_DHPublicKeyTemplate, &newOs);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-                   into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newParms, &spki->algorithm.parameters);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, pubk, SECKEY_DHParamKeyTemplate,
-                                            &newParms);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                    return pubk;
-                break;
-            case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY:
-                pubk->keyType = ecKey;
-                pubk-> = 0;
-                /* Since PKCS#11 directly takes the DER encoding of EC params
-                 * and public value, we don't need any decoding here.
-                 */
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->,
-                                      &spki->algorithm.parameters);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->, &newOs);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                    return pubk;
-                break;
-            default:
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-        }
-    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubk);
-    return NULL;
-/* required for JSS */
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(const CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki)
-    return seckey_ExtractPublicKey(spki);
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-CERT_ExtractPublicKey(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!cert) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = SECKEY_UpdateCertPQG(cert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    return seckey_ExtractPublicKey(&cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo);
-SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize(const SECItem *encodedParams)
-    SECOidTag tag;
-    SECItem oid = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    /* The encodedParams data contains 0x06 (SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID),
-     * followed by the length of the curve oid and the curve oid.
-     */
-    oid.len = encodedParams->data[1];
- = encodedParams->data + 2;
-    if ((tag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&oid)) == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)
-        return 0;
-    switch (tag) {
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2:
-            return 112;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2:
-            return 113;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2:
-            return 128;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2:
-            return 131;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2:
-            return 160;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3:
-            return 163;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1:
-            return 176;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V4:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V5:
-            return 191;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3:
-            return 192;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2:
-            return 193;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1:
-            return 208;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1:
-            return 224;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1:
-            return 233;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V4:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V5:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3:
-            return 239;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1:
-            return 256;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1:
-            return 272;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1:
-            return 283;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1:
-            return 304;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1:
-            return 359;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1:
-            return 368;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1:
-            return 384;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1:
-            return 409;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1:
-            return 431;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1:
-            return 521;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1:
-            return 571;
-        default:
-            return 0;
-    }
-SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen(const SECItem *encodedParams)
-    SECOidTag tag;
-    SECItem oid = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    /* The encodedParams data contains 0x06 (SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID),
-     * followed by the length of the curve oid and the curve oid.
-     */
-    oid.len = encodedParams->data[1];
- = encodedParams->data + 2;
-    if ((tag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&oid)) == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)
-        return 0;
-    switch (tag) {
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1:
-            return 112;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2:
-            return 110;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2:
-            return 113;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1:
-            return 128;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2:
-            return 126;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2:
-            return 131;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2:
-            return 161;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1:
-            return 163;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1:
-            return 162;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1:
-            return 163;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3:
-            return 162;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1:
-            return 161;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1:
-            return 191;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2:
-            return 190;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3:
-            return 189;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V4:
-            return 191;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V5:
-            return 188;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3:
-            return 192;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2:
-            return 193;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1:
-            return 193;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1:
-            return 225;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1:
-            return 224;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1:
-            return 232;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1:
-            return 233;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1:
-            return 238;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2:
-            return 237;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3:
-            return 236;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V4:
-            return 238;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V5:
-            return 237;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3:
-            return 239;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1:
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1:
-            return 256;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1:
-            return 257;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1:
-            return 281;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1:
-            return 282;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1:
-            return 289;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1:
-            return 353;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1:
-            return 353;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1:
-            return 384;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1:
-            return 407;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1:
-            return 409;
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1:
-            return 418;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1:
-            return 521;
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1:
-        case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1:
-            return 570;
-        default:
-            return 0;
-    }
-/* The number of bits in the number from the first non-zero bit onward. */
-SECKEY_BigIntegerBitLength(const SECItem *number)
-    const unsigned char *p;
-    unsigned octets;
-    unsigned bits;
-    if (!number || !number->data) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    p = number->data;
-    octets = number->len;
-    while (octets > 0 && !*p) {
-        ++p;
-        --octets;
-    }
-    if (octets == 0) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* bits = 7..1 because we know at least one bit is set already */
-    /* Note: This could do a binary search, but this is faster for keys if we
-     * assume that good keys will have the MSB set. */
-    for (bits = 7; bits > 0; --bits) {
-        if (*p & (1 << bits)) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return octets * 8 + bits - 7;
-/* returns key strength in bytes (not bits) */
-SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    return (SECKEY_PublicKeyStrengthInBits(pubk) + 7) / 8;
-/* returns key strength in bits */
-SECKEY_PublicKeyStrengthInBits(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    unsigned bitSize = 0;
-    if (!pubk) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* interpret modulus length as key strength */
-    switch (pubk->keyType) {
-        case rsaKey:
-            bitSize = SECKEY_BigIntegerBitLength(&pubk->u.rsa.modulus);
-            break;
-        case dsaKey:
-            bitSize = SECKEY_BigIntegerBitLength(&pubk->;
-            break;
-        case dhKey:
-            bitSize = SECKEY_BigIntegerBitLength(&pubk->;
-            break;
-        case ecKey:
-            bitSize = SECKEY_ECParamsToKeySize(&pubk->;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_KEY);
-            break;
-    }
-    return bitSize;
-/* returns signature length in bytes (not bits) */
-SECKEY_SignatureLen(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    unsigned char b0;
-    unsigned size;
-    switch (pubk->keyType) {
-        case rsaKey:
-            b0 = pubk->[0];
-            return b0 ? pubk->u.rsa.modulus.len : pubk->u.rsa.modulus.len - 1;
-        case dsaKey:
-            return pubk->u.dsa.params.subPrime.len * 2;
-        case ecKey:
-            /* Get the base point order length in bits and adjust */
-            size = SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen(
-                &pubk->;
-            return ((size + 7) / 8) * 2;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey(const SECKEYPrivateKey *privk)
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *copyk;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    if (!privk || !privk->pkcs11Slot) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    copyk = (SECKEYPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECKEYPrivateKey));
-    if (copyk) {
-        copyk->arena = arena;
-        copyk->keyType = privk->keyType;
-        /* copy the PKCS #11 parameters */
-        copyk->pkcs11Slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(privk->pkcs11Slot);
-        /* if the key we're referencing was a temparary key we have just
-         * created, that we want to go away when we're through, we need
-         * to make a copy of it */
-        if (privk->pkcs11IsTemp) {
-            copyk->pkcs11ID =
-                PK11_CopyKey(privk->pkcs11Slot, privk->pkcs11ID);
-            if (copyk->pkcs11ID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE)
-                goto fail;
-        } else {
-            copyk->pkcs11ID = privk->pkcs11ID;
-        }
-        copyk->pkcs11IsTemp = privk->pkcs11IsTemp;
-        copyk->wincx = privk->wincx;
-        copyk->staticflags = privk->staticflags;
-        return copyk;
-    } else {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-SECKEY_CopyPublicKey(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *copyk;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    copyk = (SECKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey));
-    if (!copyk) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    copyk->arena = arena;
-    copyk->keyType = pubk->keyType;
-    if (pubk->pkcs11Slot &&
-        PK11_IsPermObject(pubk->pkcs11Slot, pubk->pkcs11ID)) {
-        copyk->pkcs11Slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(pubk->pkcs11Slot);
-        copyk->pkcs11ID = pubk->pkcs11ID;
-    } else {
-        copyk->pkcs11Slot = NULL; /* go get own reference */
-        copyk->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    }
-    switch (pubk->keyType) {
-        case rsaKey:
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.rsa.modulus,
-                                  &pubk->u.rsa.modulus);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.rsa.publicExponent,
-                                      &pubk->u.rsa.publicExponent);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess)
-                    return copyk;
-            }
-            break;
-        case dsaKey:
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.dsa.publicValue,
-                                  &pubk->u.dsa.publicValue);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->,
-                                  &pubk->;
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.dsa.params.subPrime,
-                                  &pubk->u.dsa.params.subPrime);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.dsa.params.base,
-                                  &pubk->u.dsa.params.base);
-            break;
-        case dhKey:
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->, &pubk->;
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.dh.base, &pubk->u.dh.base);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->u.dh.publicValue,
-                                  &pubk->u.dh.publicValue);
-            break;
-        case ecKey:
-            copyk-> = pubk->;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->,
-                                  &pubk->;
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &copyk->,
-                                  &pubk->;
-            break;
-        case nullKey:
-            return copyk;
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_KEY);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-        return copyk;
-    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(copyk);
-    return NULL;
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privk)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubk;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /*
-     * First try to look up the cert.
-     */
-    cert = PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey(privk);
-    if (cert) {
-        pubk = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(cert);
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-        return pubk;
-    }
-    /* couldn't find the cert, build pub key by hand */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    pubk = (SECKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-                                               sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey));
-    if (pubk == NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    pubk->keyType = privk->keyType;
-    pubk->pkcs11Slot = NULL;
-    pubk->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    pubk->arena = arena;
-    switch (privk->keyType) {
-        case nullKey:
-        case dhKey:
-        case dsaKey:
-            /* Nothing to query, if the cert isn't there, we're done -- no way
-             * to get the public key */
-            break;
-        case rsaKey:
-            rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(privk->pkcs11Slot, privk->pkcs11ID,
-                                    CKA_MODULUS, arena, &pubk->u.rsa.modulus);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(privk->pkcs11Slot, privk->pkcs11ID,
-                                    CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, arena, &pubk->u.rsa.publicExponent);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                break;
-            return pubk;
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-static CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-seckey_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo_helper(SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem params = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    spki = (CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(*spki));
-    if (spki != NULL) {
-        SECStatus rv;
-        SECItem *rv_item;
-        spki->arena = arena;
-        switch (pubk->keyType) {
-            case rsaKey:
-                rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &spki->algorithm,
-                                           SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION, 0);
-                if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                    /*
-                     * DER encode the public key into the subjectPublicKeyInfo.
-                     */
-                    prepare_rsa_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-                    rv_item = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &spki->subjectPublicKey,
-                                                 pubk, SECKEY_RSAPublicKeyTemplate);
-                    if (rv_item != NULL) {
-                        /*
-                         * The stored value is supposed to be a BIT_STRING,
-                         * so convert the length.
-                         */
-                        spki->subjectPublicKey.len <<= 3;
-                        /*
-                         * We got a good one; return it.
-                         */
-                        return spki;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case dsaKey:
-                /* DER encode the params. */
-                prepare_pqg_params_for_asn1(&pubk->u.dsa.params);
-                rv_item = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &params, &pubk->u.dsa.params,
-                                             SECKEY_PQGParamsTemplate);
-                if (rv_item != NULL) {
-                    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &spki->algorithm,
-                                               SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE,
-                                               &params);
-                    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                        /*
-                         * DER encode the public key into the subjectPublicKeyInfo.
-                         */
-                        prepare_dsa_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-                        rv_item = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &spki->subjectPublicKey,
-                                                     pubk,
-                                                     SECKEY_DSAPublicKeyTemplate);
-                        if (rv_item != NULL) {
-                            /*
-                             * The stored value is supposed to be a BIT_STRING,
-                             * so convert the length.
-                             */
-                            spki->subjectPublicKey.len <<= 3;
-                            /*
-                             * We got a good one; return it.
-                             */
-                            return spki;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&params, PR_FALSE);
-                break;
-            case ecKey:
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &params,
-                                      &pubk->;
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &spki->algorithm,
-                                           SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY,
-                                           &params);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                    break;
-                rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &spki->subjectPublicKey,
-                                      &pubk->;
-                if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                    /*
-                     * The stored value is supposed to be a BIT_STRING,
-                     * so convert the length.
-                     */
-                    spki->subjectPublicKey.len <<= 3;
-                    /*
-                     * We got a good one; return it.
-                     */
-                    return spki;
-                }
-                break;
-            case dhKey: /* later... */
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    } else {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki;
-    SECKEYPublicKey *tempKey;
-    if (!pubk) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    tempKey = SECKEY_CopyPublicKey(pubk);
-    if (!tempKey) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    spki = seckey_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo_helper(tempKey);
-    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(tempKey);
-    return spki;
-SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki)
-    if (spki && spki->arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(spki->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-SECItem *
-SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki = NULL;
-    SECItem *spkiDER = NULL;
-    /* get the subjectpublickeyinfo */
-    spki = SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(pubk);
-    if (spki == NULL) {
-        goto finish;
-    }
-    /* DER-encode the subjectpublickeyinfo */
-    spkiDER = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL /*arena*/, NULL /*dest*/, spki,
-                                 CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate);
-    SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(spki);
-    return spkiDER;
-CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const SECItem *spkider)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem newSpkider;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    spki = (CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *)
-        PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo));
-    if (spki != NULL) {
-        spki->arena = arena;
-        /* copy the DER into the arena, since Quick DER returns data that points
-           into the DER input, which may get freed by the caller */
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &newSpkider, spkider);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, spki,
-                                        CERT_SubjectPublicKeyInfoTemplate, &newSpkider);
-        }
-        if (rv == SECSuccess)
-            return spki;
-    } else {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
- * Decode a base64 ascii encoded DER encoded subject public key info.
- */
-CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodeSubjectPublicKeyInfo(const char *spkistr)
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem der;
-    rv = ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(&der, spkistr);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        return NULL;
-    spki = SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(&der);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return spki;
- * Decode a base64 ascii encoded DER encoded public key and challenge
- * Verify digital signature and make sure challenge matches
- */
-CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *
-SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodePublicKeyAndChallenge(char *pkacstr, char *challenge,
-                                             void *wincx)
-    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki = NULL;
-    CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge pkac;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem signedItem;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    SECItem sig;
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey = NULL;
-    unsigned int len;
- = NULL;
-    /* convert the base64 encoded data to binary */
-    rv = ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(&signedItem, pkacstr);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* create an arena */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the outer wrapping of signed data */
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(CERTSignedData));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &sd, CERT_SignedDataTemplate, &signedItem);
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the public key and challenge wrapper */
-    PORT_Memset(&pkac, 0, sizeof(CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge));
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &pkac, CERT_PublicKeyAndChallengeTemplate,
-                                &;
-    if (rv) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the subject public key info */
-    spki = SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(&pkac.spki);
-    if (spki == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* get the public key */
-    pubKey = seckey_ExtractPublicKey(spki);
-    if (pubKey == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* check the signature */
-    sig = sd.signature;
-    DER_ConvertBitString(&sig);
-    rv = VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID(,, pubKey, &sig,
-                                       &(sd.signatureAlgorithm), NULL, wincx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* check the challenge */
-    if (challenge) {
-        len = PORT_Strlen(challenge);
-        /* length is right */
-        if (len != pkac.challenge.len) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* actual data is right */
-        if (PORT_Memcmp(challenge,, len) != 0) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    goto done;
-    /* make sure that we return null if we got an error */
-    if (spki) {
-        SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(spki);
-    }
-    spki = NULL;
-    if ( {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (pubKey) {
-        SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-    }
-    return spki;
-SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pvk,
-                             PRBool freeit)
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    if (pvk != NULL) {
-        if (pvk->arena) {
-            poolp = pvk->arena;
-            /* zero structure since PORT_FreeArena does not support
-             * this yet.
-             */
-            PORT_Memset(pvk->, 0, pvk->privateKey.len);
-            PORT_Memset(pvk, 0, sizeof(*pvk));
-            if (freeit == PR_TRUE) {
-                PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_TRUE);
-            } else {
-                pvk->arena = poolp;
-            }
-        } else {
-            SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&pvk->version, PR_FALSE);
-            SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&pvk->privateKey, PR_FALSE);
-            SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(&pvk->algorithm, PR_FALSE);
-            PORT_Memset(pvk, 0, sizeof(*pvk));
-            if (freeit == PR_TRUE) {
-                PORT_Free(pvk);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-SECKEY_DestroyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki,
-                                      PRBool freeit)
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    if (epki != NULL) {
-        if (epki->arena) {
-            poolp = epki->arena;
-            /* zero structure since PORT_FreeArena does not support
-             * this yet.
-             */
-            PORT_Memset(epki->, 0, epki->encryptedData.len);
-            PORT_Memset(epki, 0, sizeof(*epki));
-            if (freeit == PR_TRUE) {
-                PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_TRUE);
-            } else {
-                epki->arena = poolp;
-            }
-        } else {
-            SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&epki->encryptedData, PR_FALSE);
-            SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(&epki->algorithm, PR_FALSE);
-            PORT_Memset(epki, 0, sizeof(*epki));
-            if (freeit == PR_TRUE) {
-                PORT_Free(epki);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-SECKEY_CopyPrivateKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-                          SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *to,
-                          const SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *from)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if ((to == NULL) || (from == NULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(poolp, &to->algorithm, &from->algorithm);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &to->privateKey, &from->privateKey);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &to->version, &from->version);
-    return rv;
-SECKEY_CopyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-                                   SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *to,
-                                   const SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *from)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if ((to == NULL) || (from == NULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(poolp, &to->algorithm, &from->algorithm);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &to->encryptedData, &from->encryptedData);
-    return rv;
-SECKEY_GetPrivateKeyType(const SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    return privKey->keyType;
-SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey)
-    return pubKey->keyType;
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-SECKEY_ImportDERPublicKey(const SECItem *derKey, CK_KEY_TYPE type)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubk = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem newDerKey;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    if (!derKey) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto finish;
-    }
-    pubk = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECKEYPublicKey);
-    if (pubk == NULL) {
-        goto finish;
-    }
-    pubk->arena = arena;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(pubk->arena, &newDerKey, derKey);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        goto finish;
-    }
-    pubk->pkcs11Slot = NULL;
-    pubk->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    switch (type) {
-        case CKK_RSA:
-            prepare_rsa_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(pubk->arena, pubk, SECKEY_RSAPublicKeyTemplate, &newDerKey);
-            pubk->keyType = rsaKey;
-            break;
-        case CKK_DSA:
-            prepare_dsa_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(pubk->arena, pubk, SECKEY_DSAPublicKeyTemplate, &newDerKey);
-            pubk->keyType = dsaKey;
-            break;
-        case CKK_DH:
-            prepare_dh_pub_key_for_asn1(pubk);
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(pubk->arena, pubk, SECKEY_DHPublicKeyTemplate, &newDerKey);
-            pubk->keyType = dhKey;
-            break;
-        default:
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        if (arena != NULL) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        pubk = NULL;
-    }
-    return pubk;
-SECKEYPrivateKeyList *
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyList *ret = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret = (SECKEYPrivateKeyList *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-                                                   sizeof(SECKEYPrivateKeyList));
-    if (ret == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret->arena = arena;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&ret->list);
-    return (ret);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList(SECKEYPrivateKeyList *keys)
-    while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&keys->list)) {
-        SECKEY_RemovePrivateKeyListNode(
-            (SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *)(PR_LIST_HEAD(&keys->list)));
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(keys->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-SECKEY_RemovePrivateKeyListNode(SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node)
-    PR_ASSERT(node->key);
-    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(node->key);
-    node->key = NULL;
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&node->links);
-    return;
-SECKEY_AddPrivateKeyToListTail(SECKEYPrivateKeyList *list,
-                               SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node;
-    node = (SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(list->arena,
-                                                        sizeof(SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode));
-    if (node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &list->list);
-    node->key = key;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-SECKEYPublicKeyList *
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECKEYPublicKeyList *ret = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret = (SECKEYPublicKeyList *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-                                                  sizeof(SECKEYPublicKeyList));
-    if (ret == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ret->arena = arena;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&ret->list);
-    return (ret);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return (NULL);
-SECKEY_DestroyPublicKeyList(SECKEYPublicKeyList *keys)
-    while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&keys->list)) {
-        SECKEY_RemovePublicKeyListNode(
-            (SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *)(PR_LIST_HEAD(&keys->list)));
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(keys->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return;
-SECKEY_RemovePublicKeyListNode(SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *node)
-    PR_ASSERT(node->key);
-    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(node->key);
-    node->key = NULL;
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&node->links);
-    return;
-SECKEY_AddPublicKeyToListTail(SECKEYPublicKeyList *list,
-                              SECKEYPublicKey *key)
-    SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *node;
-    node = (SECKEYPublicKeyListNode *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(list->arena,
-                                                       sizeof(SECKEYPublicKeyListNode));
-    if (node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->links, &list->list);
-    node->key = key;
-    return (SECSuccess);
-    return (SECFailure);
-#define SECKEY_CacheAttribute(key, attribute)                                                   \
-    if (CK_TRUE == PK11_HasAttributeSet(key->pkcs11Slot, key->pkcs11ID, attribute, PR_FALSE)) { \
-        key->staticflags |= SECKEY_##attribute;                                                 \
-    } else {                                                                                    \
-        key->staticflags &= (~SECKEY_##attribute);                                              \
-    }
-SECKEY_CacheStaticFlags(SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (key && key->pkcs11Slot && key->pkcs11ID) {
-        key->staticflags |= SECKEY_Attributes_Cached;
-        SECKEY_CacheAttribute(key, CKA_PRIVATE);
-        SECKEY_CacheAttribute(key, CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE);
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return rv;
-SECKEY_GetECCOid(const SECKEYECParams *params)
-    SECItem oid = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    SECOidData *oidData = NULL;
-    /*
-     * params->data needs to contain the ASN encoding of an object ID (OID)
-     * representing a named curve. Here, we strip away everything
-     * before the actual OID and use the OID to look up a named curve.
-     */
-    if (params->data[0] != SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID)
-        return 0;
-    oid.len = params->len - 2;
- = params->data + 2;
-    if ((oidData = SECOID_FindOID(&oid)) == NULL)
-        return 0;
-    return oidData->offset;
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/secsign.c b/nss/lib/cryptohi/secsign.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0243c26..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/secsign.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- * Signature stuff.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secdig.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "keyi.h"
-struct SGNContextStr {
-    SECOidTag signalg;
-    SECOidTag hashalg;
-    void *hashcx;
-    const SECHashObject *hashobj;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *key;
-SGNContext *
-SGN_NewContext(SECOidTag alg, SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    SGNContext *cx;
-    SECOidTag hashalg, signalg;
-    KeyType keyType;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* OK, map a PKCS #7 hash and encrypt algorithm into
-     * a standard hashing algorithm. Why did we pass in the whole
-     * PKCS #7 algTag if we were just going to change here you might
-     * ask. Well the answer is for some cards we may have to do the
-     * hashing on card. It may not support CKM_RSA_PKCS sign algorithm,
-     * it may just support CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS and/or CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS.
-     */
-    /* we have a private key, not a public key, so don't pass it in */
-    rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(NULL, alg, NULL, &signalg, &hashalg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    keyType = seckey_GetKeyType(signalg);
-    /* verify our key type */
-    if (key->keyType != keyType &&
-        !((key->keyType == dsaKey) && (keyType == fortezzaKey))) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    cx = (SGNContext *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SGNContext));
-    if (cx) {
-        cx->hashalg = hashalg;
-        cx->signalg = signalg;
-        cx->key = key;
-    }
-    return cx;
-SGN_DestroyContext(SGNContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx) {
-        if (cx->hashcx != NULL) {
-            (*cx->hashobj->destroy)(cx->hashcx, PR_TRUE);
-            cx->hashcx = NULL;
-        }
-        if (freeit) {
-            PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof(SGNContext));
-        }
-    }
-SGN_Begin(SGNContext *cx)
-    if (cx->hashcx != NULL) {
-        (*cx->hashobj->destroy)(cx->hashcx, PR_TRUE);
-        cx->hashcx = NULL;
-    }
-    cx->hashobj = HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(cx->hashalg);
-    if (!cx->hashobj)
-        return SECFailure; /* error code is already set */
-    cx->hashcx = (*cx->hashobj->create)();
-    if (cx->hashcx == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    (*cx->hashobj->begin)(cx->hashcx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SGN_Update(SGNContext *cx, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    if (cx->hashcx == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*cx->hashobj->update)(cx->hashcx, input, inputLen);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* XXX Old template; want to expunge it eventually. */
-static DERTemplate SECAlgorithmIDTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID) },
-      offsetof(SECAlgorithmID, algorithm) },
-      offsetof(SECAlgorithmID, parameters) },
-    { 0 }
- * XXX OLD Template.  Once all uses have been switched over to new one,
- * remove this.
- */
-static DERTemplate SGNDigestInfoTemplate[] = {
-      0, NULL, sizeof(SGNDigestInfo) },
-    { DER_INLINE,
-      offsetof(SGNDigestInfo, digestAlgorithm),
-      SECAlgorithmIDTemplate },
-      offsetof(SGNDigestInfo, digest) },
-    { 0 }
-SGN_End(SGNContext *cx, SECItem *result)
-    unsigned char digest[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned part1;
-    int signatureLen;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem digder, sigitem;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = 0;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = cx->key;
-    SGNDigestInfo *di = 0;
-    result->data = 0;
- = 0;
-    /* Finish up digest function */
-    if (cx->hashcx == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*cx->hashobj->end)(cx->hashcx, digest, &part1, sizeof(digest));
-    if (privKey->keyType == rsaKey) {
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!arena) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* Construct digest info */
-        di = SGN_CreateDigestInfo(cx->hashalg, digest, part1);
-        if (!di) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* Der encode the digest as a DigestInfo */
-        rv = DER_Encode(arena, &digder, SGNDigestInfoTemplate,
-                        di);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
- = digest;
-        digder.len = part1;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Encrypt signature after constructing appropriate PKCS#1 signature
-    ** block
-    */
-    signatureLen = PK11_SignatureLen(privKey);
-    if (signatureLen <= 0) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    sigitem.len = signatureLen;
- = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(signatureLen);
-    if ( == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_Sign(privKey, &sigitem, &digder);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Free(;
- = NULL;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((cx->signalg == SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE) ||
-        (cx->signalg == SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY)) {
-        /* DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen works for DSA and ECDSA */
-        rv = DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen(result, &sigitem, sigitem.len);
-        PORT_Free(;
-        if (rv != SECSuccess)
-            goto loser;
-    } else {
-        result->len = sigitem.len;
-        result->data =;
-    }
-    SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(di);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-** Sign a block of data returning in result a bunch of bytes that are the
-** signature. Returns zero on success, an error code on failure.
-SEC_SignData(SECItem *res, const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-             SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, SECOidTag algid)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SGNContext *sgn;
-    sgn = SGN_NewContext(algid, pk);
-    if (sgn == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    rv = SGN_Begin(sgn);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = SGN_Update(sgn, buf, len);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    rv = SGN_End(sgn, res);
-    SGN_DestroyContext(sgn, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-DERTemplate CERTSignedDataTemplate[] =
-    {
-      { DER_SEQUENCE,
-        0, NULL, sizeof(CERTSignedData) },
-      { DER_ANY,
-        offsetof(CERTSignedData, data) },
-      { DER_INLINE,
-        offsetof(CERTSignedData, signatureAlgorithm),
-        SECAlgorithmIDTemplate },
-      { DER_BIT_STRING,
-        offsetof(CERTSignedData, signature) },
-      { 0 }
-    };
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_SignedDataTemplate[] =
-    {
-        0, NULL, sizeof(CERTSignedData) },
-      { SEC_ASN1_ANY,
-        offsetof(CERTSignedData, data) },
-        offsetof(CERTSignedData, signatureAlgorithm),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-        offsetof(CERTSignedData, signature) },
-      { 0 }
-    };
-SEC_DerSignData(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *result,
-                const unsigned char *buf, int len, SECKEYPrivateKey *pk,
-                SECOidTag algID)
-    SECItem it;
-    CERTSignedData sd;
-    SECStatus rv;
- = 0;
-    /* XXX We should probably have some asserts here to make sure the key type
-     * and algID match
-     */
-    if (algID == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-        switch (pk->keyType) {
-            case rsaKey:
-                algID = SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                break;
-            case dsaKey:
-                /* get Signature length (= q_len*2) and work from there */
-                switch (PK11_SignatureLen(pk)) {
-                    case 448:
-                        algID = SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA224_DIGEST;
-                        break;
-                    case 512:
-                        algID = SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA256_DIGEST;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        algID = SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST;
-                        break;
-                }
-                break;
-            case ecKey:
-                break;
-            default:
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_KEY);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Sign input buffer */
-    rv = SEC_SignData(&it, buf, len, pk, algID);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    /* Fill out SignedData object */
-    PORT_Memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(sd));
- = (unsigned char *)buf;
- = len;
- =;
-    sd.signature.len = it.len << 3; /* convert to bit string */
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &sd.signatureAlgorithm, algID, 0);
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    /* DER encode the signed data object */
-    rv = DER_Encode(arena, result, CERTSignedDataTemplate, &sd);
-    /* FALL THROUGH */
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return rv;
-SGN_Digest(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey,
-           SECOidTag algtag, SECItem *result, SECItem *digest)
-    int modulusLen;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem digder;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = 0;
-    SGNDigestInfo *di = 0;
-    result->data = 0;
-    if (privKey->keyType == rsaKey) {
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!arena) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* Construct digest info */
-        di = SGN_CreateDigestInfo(algtag, digest->data, digest->len);
-        if (!di) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* Der encode the digest as a DigestInfo */
-        rv = DER_Encode(arena, &digder, SGNDigestInfoTemplate,
-                        di);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
- = digest->data;
-        digder.len = digest->len;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Encrypt signature after constructing appropriate PKCS#1 signature
-    ** block
-    */
-    modulusLen = PK11_SignatureLen(privKey);
-    if (modulusLen <= 0) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    result->len = modulusLen;
-    result->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
-    result->type = siBuffer;
-    if (result->data == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_Sign(privKey, result, &digder);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Free(result->data);
-        result->data = NULL;
-    }
-    SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(di);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(KeyType keyType, SECOidTag hashAlgTag)
-    SECOidTag sigTag = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    switch (keyType) {
-        case rsaKey:
-            switch (hashAlgTag) {
-                case SEC_OID_MD2:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD2_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_MD5:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA224_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_UNKNOWN: /* default for RSA if not specified */
-                case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA384:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA384_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA512:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA512_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case dsaKey:
-            switch (hashAlgTag) {
-                case SEC_OID_UNKNOWN: /* default for DSA if not specified */
-                case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA224_DIGEST;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_NIST_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA256_DIGEST;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ecKey:
-            switch (hashAlgTag) {
-                case SEC_OID_UNKNOWN: /* default for ECDSA if not specified */
-                case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA1_SIGNATURE;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA224_SIGNATURE;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA256_SIGNATURE;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA384:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA384_SIGNATURE;
-                    break;
-                case SEC_OID_SHA512:
-                    sigTag = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA512_SIGNATURE;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break;
-            }
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    return sigTag;
diff --git a/nss/lib/cryptohi/secvfy.c b/nss/lib/cryptohi/secvfy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac21ab..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/cryptohi/secvfy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,781 +0,0 @@
- * Verification stuff.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "pkcs1sig.h"
-#include "secdig.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "keyi.h"
-** Recover the DigestInfo from an RSA PKCS#1 signature.
-** If givenDigestAlg != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, copy givenDigestAlg to digestAlgOut.
-** Otherwise, parse the DigestInfo structure and store the decoded digest
-** algorithm into digestAlgOut.
-** Store the encoded DigestInfo into digestInfo.
-** Store the DigestInfo length into digestInfoLen.
-** This function does *not* verify that the AlgorithmIdentifier in the
-** DigestInfo identifies givenDigestAlg or that the DigestInfo is encoded
-** correctly; verifyPKCS1DigestInfo does that.
-** XXX this is assuming that the signature algorithm has WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION
-static SECStatus
-recoverPKCS1DigestInfo(SECOidTag givenDigestAlg,
-                       /*out*/ SECOidTag *digestAlgOut,
-                       /*out*/ unsigned char **digestInfo,
-                       /*out*/ unsigned int *digestInfoLen,
-                       SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                       const SECItem *sig, void *wincx)
-    SGNDigestInfo *di = NULL;
-    SECItem it;
-    PRBool rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(digestAlgOut);
-    PORT_Assert(digestInfo);
-    PORT_Assert(digestInfoLen);
-    PORT_Assert(key);
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
-    PORT_Assert(sig);
- = NULL;
-    it.len = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(key);
-    if (it.len != 0) {
- = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(it.len);
-    }
-    if (it.len == 0 || == NULL) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* decrypt the block */
-        rv = PK11_VerifyRecover(key, sig, &it, wincx);
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        if (givenDigestAlg != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-            /* We don't need to parse the DigestInfo if the caller gave us the
-             * digest algorithm to use. Later verifyPKCS1DigestInfo will verify
-             * that the DigestInfo identifies the given digest algorithm and
-             * that the DigestInfo is encoded absolutely correctly.
-             */
-            *digestInfoLen = it.len;
-            *digestInfo = (unsigned char *);
-            *digestAlgOut = givenDigestAlg;
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* The caller didn't specify a digest algorithm to use, so choose the
-         * digest algorithm by parsing the AlgorithmIdentifier within the
-         * DigestInfo.
-         */
-        di = SGN_DecodeDigestInfo(&it);
-        if (!di) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        *digestAlgOut = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&di->digestAlgorithm);
-        if (*digestAlgOut == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (di) {
-        SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(di);
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        *digestInfoLen = it.len;
-        *digestInfo = (unsigned char *);
-    } else {
-        if ( {
-            PORT_Free(;
-        }
-        *digestInfo = NULL;
-        *digestInfoLen = 0;
-    }
-    return rv;
-struct VFYContextStr {
-    SECOidTag hashAlg; /* the hash algorithm */
-    SECKEYPublicKey *key;
-    /*
-     * This buffer holds either the digest or the full signature
-     * depending on the type of the signature (key->keyType).  It is
-     * defined as a union to make sure it always has enough space.
-     *
-     * Use the "buffer" union member to reference the buffer.
-     * Note: do not take the size of the "buffer" union member.  Take
-     * the size of the union or some other union member instead.
-     */
-    union {
-        unsigned char buffer[1];
-        /* the full DSA signature... 40 bytes */
-        unsigned char dsasig[DSA_MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN];
-        /* the full ECDSA signature */
-        unsigned char ecdsasig[2 * MAX_ECKEY_LEN];
-    } u;
-    unsigned int pkcs1RSADigestInfoLen;
-    /* the encoded DigestInfo from a RSA PKCS#1 signature */
-    unsigned char *pkcs1RSADigestInfo;
-    void *wincx;
-    void *hashcx;
-    const SECHashObject *hashobj;
-    SECOidTag encAlg;    /* enc alg */
-    PRBool hasSignature; /* true if the signature was provided in the
-                          * VFY_CreateContext call.  If false, the
-                          * signature must be provided with a
-                          * VFY_EndWithSignature call. */
-static SECStatus
-verifyPKCS1DigestInfo(const VFYContext *cx, const SECItem *digest)
-    SECItem pkcs1DigestInfo;
- = cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfo;
-    pkcs1DigestInfo.len = cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfoLen;
-    return _SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo(
-        cx->hashAlg, digest, &pkcs1DigestInfo,
-        PR_TRUE /*XXX: unsafeAllowMissingParameters*/);
- * decode the ECDSA or DSA signature from it's DER wrapping.
- * The unwrapped/raw signature is placed in the buffer pointed
- * to by dsig and has enough room for len bytes.
- */
-static SECStatus
-decodeECorDSASignature(SECOidTag algid, const SECItem *sig, unsigned char *dsig,
-                       unsigned int len)
-    SECItem *dsasig = NULL; /* also used for ECDSA */
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if ((algid != SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE) &&
-        (algid != SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY)) {
-        if (sig->len != len) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(dsig, sig->data, sig->len);
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (algid == SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY) {
-        if (len > MAX_ECKEY_LEN * 2) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    dsasig = DSAU_DecodeDerSigToLen((SECItem *)sig, len);
-    if ((dsasig == NULL) || (dsasig->len != len)) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-        PORT_Memcpy(dsig, dsasig->data, dsasig->len);
-    }
-    if (dsasig != NULL)
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(dsasig, PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv == SECFailure)
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-    return rv;
-const SEC_ASN1Template hashParameterTemplate[] =
-    {
-      { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) },
-      { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, 0 },
-      { SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST },
-      { 0 }
-    };
- * Pulls the hash algorithm, signing algorithm, and key type out of a
- * composite algorithm.
- *
- * sigAlg: the composite algorithm to dissect.
- * hashalg: address of a SECOidTag which will be set with the hash algorithm.
- * encalg: address of a SECOidTag which will be set with the signing alg.
- *
- * Returns: SECSuccess if the algorithm was acceptable, SECFailure if the
- *	algorithm was not found or was not a signing algorithm.
- */
-sec_DecodeSigAlg(const SECKEYPublicKey *key, SECOidTag sigAlg,
-                 const SECItem *param, SECOidTag *encalg, SECOidTag *hashalg)
-    int len;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem oid;
-    PR_ASSERT(hashalg != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(encalg != NULL);
-    switch (sigAlg) {
-        /* We probably shouldn't be generating MD2 signatures either */
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_MD2;
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_MD5;
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA1;
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN; /* get it from the RSA signature */
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA224;
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA256;
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA384;
-            break;
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA512;
-            break;
-        /* what about normal DSA? */
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA1;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS_OLD:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS_OLD:
-            *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA1;
-            break;
-            /* This is an EC algorithm. Recommended means the largest
-             * hash algorithm that is not reduced by the keysize of
-             * the EC algorithm. Note that key strength is in bytes and
-             * algorithms are specified in bits. Never use an algorithm
-             * weaker than sha1. */
-            len = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(key);
-            if (len < 28) { /* 28 bytes == 224 bits */
-                *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA1;
-            } else if (len < 32) { /* 32 bytes == 256 bits */
-                *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA224;
-            } else if (len < 48) { /* 48 bytes == 384 bits */
-                *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA256;
-            } else if (len < 64) { /* 48 bytes == 512 bits */
-                *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA384;
-            } else {
-                /* use the largest in this case */
-                *hashalg = SEC_OID_SHA512;
-            }
-            break;
-            if (param == NULL) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-            if (arena == NULL) {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &oid, hashParameterTemplate, param);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                *hashalg = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&oid);
-            }
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                return rv;
-            }
-            /* only accept hash algorithms */
-            if (HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(*hashalg) == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-                /* error set by HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag */
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            break;
-        /* we don't implement MD4 hashes */
-        default:
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* get the "encryption" algorithm */
-    switch (sigAlg) {
-            *encalg = SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-            break;
-            *encalg = SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_PSS_SIGNATURE;
-            break;
-        /* what about normal DSA? */
-            *encalg = SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS_OLD:
-        case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS_OLD:
-            *encalg = SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS;
-            break;
-            *encalg = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY;
-            break;
-        /* we don't implement MD4 hashes */
-        default:
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * we can verify signatures that come from 2 different sources:
- *  one in with the signature contains a signature oid, and the other
- *  in which the signature is managed by a Public key (encAlg) oid
- *  and a hash oid. The latter is the more basic, so that's what
- *  our base vfyCreate function takes.
- *
- * There is one noteworthy corner case, if we are using an RSA key, and the
- * signature block is provided, then the hashAlg can be specified as
- * SEC_OID_UNKNOWN. In this case, verify will use the hash oid supplied
- * in the RSA signature block.
- */
-static VFYContext *
-vfy_CreateContext(const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                  SECOidTag encAlg, SECOidTag hashAlg, SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx)
-    VFYContext *cx;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int sigLen;
-    KeyType type;
-    /* make sure the encryption algorithm matches the key type */
-    /* RSA-PSS algorithm can be used with both rsaKey and rsaPssKey */
-    type = seckey_GetKeyType(encAlg);
-    if ((key->keyType != type) &&
-        ((key->keyType != rsaKey) || (type != rsaPssKey))) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    cx = (VFYContext *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(VFYContext));
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    cx->wincx = wincx;
-    cx->hasSignature = (sig != NULL);
-    cx->encAlg = encAlg;
-    cx->hashAlg = hashAlg;
-    cx->key = SECKEY_CopyPublicKey(key);
-    cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfo = NULL;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (sig) {
-        switch (type) {
-            case rsaKey:
-                rv = recoverPKCS1DigestInfo(hashAlg, &cx->hashAlg,
-                                            &cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfo,
-                                            &cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfoLen,
-                                            cx->key,
-                                            sig, wincx);
-                break;
-            case dsaKey:
-            case ecKey:
-                sigLen = SECKEY_SignatureLen(key);
-                if (sigLen == 0) {
-                    /* error set by SECKEY_SignatureLen */
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                    break;
-                }
-                rv = decodeECorDSASignature(encAlg, sig, cx->u.buffer, sigLen);
-                break;
-            default:
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv)
-        goto loser;
-    /* check hash alg again, RSA may have changed it.*/
-    if (HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(cx->hashAlg) == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-        /* error set by HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag */
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (hash) {
-        *hash = cx->hashAlg;
-    }
-    return cx;
-    if (cx) {
-        VFY_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return 0;
-VFYContext *
-VFY_CreateContext(SECKEYPublicKey *key, SECItem *sig, SECOidTag sigAlg,
-                  void *wincx)
-    SECOidTag encAlg, hashAlg;
-    SECStatus rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(key, sigAlg, NULL, &encAlg, &hashAlg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return vfy_CreateContext(key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, NULL, wincx);
-VFYContext *
-VFY_CreateContextDirect(const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                        SECOidTag encAlg, SECOidTag hashAlg,
-                        SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx)
-    return vfy_CreateContext(key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, hash, wincx);
-VFYContext *
-VFY_CreateContextWithAlgorithmID(const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                                 const SECAlgorithmID *sigAlgorithm, SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx)
-    SECOidTag encAlg, hashAlg;
-    SECStatus rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(key,
-                                    SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag((SECAlgorithmID *)sigAlgorithm),
-                                    &sigAlgorithm->parameters, &encAlg, &hashAlg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return vfy_CreateContext(key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, hash, wincx);
-VFY_DestroyContext(VFYContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx) {
-        if (cx->hashcx != NULL) {
-            (*cx->hashobj->destroy)(cx->hashcx, PR_TRUE);
-            cx->hashcx = NULL;
-        }
-        if (cx->key) {
-            SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(cx->key);
-        }
-        if (cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfo) {
-            PORT_Free(cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfo);
-        }
-        if (freeit) {
-            PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof(VFYContext));
-        }
-    }
-VFY_Begin(VFYContext *cx)
-    if (cx->hashcx != NULL) {
-        (*cx->hashobj->destroy)(cx->hashcx, PR_TRUE);
-        cx->hashcx = NULL;
-    }
-    cx->hashobj = HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(cx->hashAlg);
-    if (!cx->hashobj)
-        return SECFailure; /* error code is set */
-    cx->hashcx = (*cx->hashobj->create)();
-    if (cx->hashcx == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    (*cx->hashobj->begin)(cx->hashcx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-VFY_Update(VFYContext *cx, const unsigned char *input, unsigned inputLen)
-    if (cx->hashcx == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*cx->hashobj->update)(cx->hashcx, input, inputLen);
-    return SECSuccess;
-VFY_EndWithSignature(VFYContext *cx, SECItem *sig)
-    unsigned char final[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned part;
-    SECItem hash, dsasig; /* dsasig is also used for ECDSA */
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if ((cx->hasSignature == PR_FALSE) && (sig == NULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cx->hashcx == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*cx->hashobj->end)(cx->hashcx, final, &part, sizeof(final));
-    switch (cx->key->keyType) {
-        case ecKey:
-        case dsaKey:
-   = cx->u.buffer;
-            dsasig.len = SECKEY_SignatureLen(cx->key);
-            if (dsasig.len == 0) {
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            if (sig) {
-                rv = decodeECorDSASignature(cx->encAlg, sig,,
-                                            dsasig.len);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                    return SECFailure;
-                }
-            }
-   = final;
-            hash.len = part;
-            if (PK11_Verify(cx->key, &dsasig, &hash, cx->wincx) != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            break;
-        case rsaKey: {
-            SECItem digest;
-   = final;
-            digest.len = part;
-            if (sig) {
-                SECOidTag hashid;
-                PORT_Assert(cx->hashAlg != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN);
-                rv = recoverPKCS1DigestInfo(cx->hashAlg, &hashid,
-                                            &cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfo,
-                                            &cx->pkcs1RSADigestInfoLen,
-                                            cx->key,
-                                            sig, cx->wincx);
-                PORT_Assert(cx->hashAlg == hashid);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    return SECFailure;
-                }
-            }
-            return verifyPKCS1DigestInfo(cx, &digest);
-        }
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-            return SECFailure; /* shouldn't happen */
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-VFY_End(VFYContext *cx)
-    return VFY_EndWithSignature(cx, NULL);
- * Verify that a previously-computed digest matches a signature.
- */
-static SECStatus
-vfy_VerifyDigest(const SECItem *digest, const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                 const SECItem *sig, SECOidTag encAlg, SECOidTag hashAlg,
-                 void *wincx)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    VFYContext *cx;
-    SECItem dsasig; /* also used for ECDSA */
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    cx = vfy_CreateContext(key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, NULL, wincx);
-    if (cx != NULL) {
-        switch (key->keyType) {
-            case rsaKey:
-                rv = verifyPKCS1DigestInfo(cx, digest);
-                break;
-            case dsaKey:
-            case ecKey:
-       = cx->u.buffer;
-                dsasig.len = SECKEY_SignatureLen(cx->key);
-                if (dsasig.len == 0) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (PK11_Verify(cx->key, &dsasig, (SECItem *)digest, cx->wincx) !=
-                    SECSuccess) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                } else {
-                    rv = SECSuccess;
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        VFY_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-VFY_VerifyDigestDirect(const SECItem *digest, const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                       const SECItem *sig, SECOidTag encAlg,
-                       SECOidTag hashAlg, void *wincx)
-    return vfy_VerifyDigest(digest, key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, wincx);
-VFY_VerifyDigest(SECItem *digest, SECKEYPublicKey *key, SECItem *sig,
-                 SECOidTag algid, void *wincx)
-    SECOidTag encAlg, hashAlg;
-    SECStatus rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(key, algid, NULL, &encAlg, &hashAlg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return vfy_VerifyDigest(digest, key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, wincx);
- * this function takes an optional hash oid, which the digest function
- * will be compared with our target hash value.
- */
-VFY_VerifyDigestWithAlgorithmID(const SECItem *digest,
-                                const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                                const SECAlgorithmID *sigAlgorithm,
-                                SECOidTag hashCmp, void *wincx)
-    SECOidTag encAlg, hashAlg;
-    SECStatus rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(key,
-                                    SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag((SECAlgorithmID *)sigAlgorithm),
-                                    &sigAlgorithm->parameters, &encAlg, &hashAlg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    if (hashCmp != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN &&
-        hashAlg != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN &&
-        hashCmp != hashAlg) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return vfy_VerifyDigest(digest, key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, wincx);
-static SECStatus
-vfy_VerifyData(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-               const SECItem *sig, SECOidTag encAlg, SECOidTag hashAlg,
-               SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    VFYContext *cx;
-    cx = vfy_CreateContext(key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, hash, wincx);
-    if (cx == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    rv = VFY_Begin(cx);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        rv = VFY_Update(cx, (unsigned char *)buf, len);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess)
-            rv = VFY_End(cx);
-    }
-    VFY_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-VFY_VerifyDataDirect(const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-                     const SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-                     SECOidTag encAlg, SECOidTag hashAlg,
-                     SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx)
-    return vfy_VerifyData(buf, len, key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, hash, wincx);
-VFY_VerifyData(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-               const SECItem *sig, SECOidTag algid, void *wincx)
-    SECOidTag encAlg, hashAlg;
-    SECStatus rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(key, algid, NULL, &encAlg, &hashAlg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    return vfy_VerifyData(buf, len, key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, NULL, wincx);
-VFY_VerifyDataWithAlgorithmID(const unsigned char *buf, int len,
-                              const SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                              const SECItem *sig,
-                              const SECAlgorithmID *sigAlgorithm,
-                              SECOidTag *hash, void *wincx)
-    SECOidTag encAlg, hashAlg;
-    SECOidTag sigAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag((SECAlgorithmID *)sigAlgorithm);
-    SECStatus rv = sec_DecodeSigAlg(key, sigAlg,
-                                    &sigAlgorithm->parameters, &encAlg, &hashAlg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    return vfy_VerifyData(buf, len, key, sig, encAlg, hashAlg, hash, wincx);
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.c b/nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f39726..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#ifndef DEVM_H
-#include "devm.h"
-#endif /* DEVM_H */
-#ifndef CKHELPER_H
-#include "ckhelper.h"
-#endif /* CKHELPER_H */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-static const CK_BBOOL s_true = CK_TRUE;
-    g_ck_true = { (CK_VOID_PTR)&s_true, sizeof(s_true) };
-static const CK_BBOOL s_false = CK_FALSE;
-    g_ck_false = { (CK_VOID_PTR)&s_false, sizeof(s_false) };
-static const CK_OBJECT_CLASS s_class_cert = CKO_CERTIFICATE;
-    g_ck_class_cert = { (CK_VOID_PTR)&s_class_cert, sizeof(s_class_cert) };
-static const CK_OBJECT_CLASS s_class_pubkey = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY;
-    g_ck_class_pubkey = { (CK_VOID_PTR)&s_class_pubkey, sizeof(s_class_pubkey) };
-static const CK_OBJECT_CLASS s_class_privkey = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY;
-    g_ck_class_privkey = { (CK_VOID_PTR)&s_class_privkey, sizeof(s_class_privkey) };
-static PRBool
-    PRBool isString;
-    switch (aType) {
-        case CKA_LABEL:
-        case CKA_NSS_EMAIL:
-            isString = PR_TRUE;
-            break;
-        default:
-            isString = PR_FALSE;
-            break;
-    }
-    return isString;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR obj_template,
-    CK_ULONG count,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    nssArenaMark *mark = NULL;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession;
-    CK_ULONG i = 0;
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    PRBool alloced = PR_FALSE;
-    void *epv = nssSlot_GetCryptokiEPV(slot);
-    hSession = session->handle;
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-        mark = nssArena_Mark(arenaOpt);
-        if (!mark) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    /* XXX kinda hacky, if the storage size is already in the first template
-     * item, then skip the alloc portion
-     */
-    if (obj_template[0].ulValueLen == 0) {
-        /* Get the storage size needed for each attribute */
-        ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_GetAttributeValue(hSession,
-                                               object, obj_template, count);
-        if (ckrv != CKR_OK &&
-            ckrv != CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID &&
-            ckrv != CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* Allocate memory for each attribute. */
-        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-            CK_ULONG ulValueLen = obj_template[i].ulValueLen;
-            if (ulValueLen == 0 || ulValueLen == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-                obj_template[i].pValue = NULL;
-                obj_template[i].ulValueLen = 0;
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (is_string_attribute(obj_template[i].type)) {
-                ulValueLen++;
-            }
-            obj_template[i].pValue = nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, ulValueLen);
-            if (!obj_template[i].pValue) {
-                nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-                goto loser;
-            }
-        }
-        alloced = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Obtain the actual attribute values. */
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_GetAttributeValue(hSession,
-                                           object, obj_template, count);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK &&
-        ckrv != CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID &&
-        ckrv != CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (alloced && arenaOpt) {
-        nssrv = nssArena_Unmark(arenaOpt, mark);
-        if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    if (count > 1 && ((ckrv == CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID) ||
-                      (ckrv == CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE))) {
-        /* old tokens would keep the length of '0' and not deal with any
-         * of the attributes we passed. For those tokens read them one at
-         * a time */
-        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-            if ((obj_template[i].ulValueLen == 0) ||
-                (obj_template[i].ulValueLen == -1)) {
-                obj_template[i].ulValueLen = 0;
-                (void)nssCKObject_GetAttributes(object, &obj_template[i], 1,
-                                                arenaOpt, session, slot);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (alloced) {
-        if (arenaOpt) {
-            /* release all arena memory allocated before the failure. */
-            (void)nssArena_Release(arenaOpt, mark);
-        } else {
-            CK_ULONG j;
-            /* free each heap object that was allocated before the failure. */
-            for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-                nss_ZFreeIf(obj_template[j].pValue);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    NSSItem *rvItem)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE attr = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    attr.type = attribute;
-    nssrv = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(object, &attr, 1,
-                                      arenaOpt, session, slot);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        return nssrv;
-    }
-    rvItem->data = (void *)attr.pValue;
-    rvItem->size = (PRUint32)attr.ulValueLen;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    PRStatus *rvStatus)
-    CK_BBOOL bool;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE atemplate = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    void *epv = nssSlot_GetCryptokiEPV(slot);
-    attr = &atemplate;
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VAR(attr, attribute, bool);
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_GetAttributeValue(session->handle, object,
-                                           &atemplate, 1);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        *rvStatus = PR_FAILURE;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    *rvStatus = PR_SUCCESS;
-    return (PRBool)(bool == CK_TRUE);
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR obj_template,
-    CK_ULONG count,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    void *epv = nssSlot_GetCryptokiEPV(slot);
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_SetAttributeValue(session->handle, object,
-                                           obj_template, count);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (ckrv == CKR_OK) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR objectTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG otsize)
-    CK_ULONG ul;
-    for (ul = 0; ul < otsize; ul++) {
-        if (objectTemplate[ul].type == CKA_TOKEN) {
-            return (*((CK_BBOOL *)objectTemplate[ul].pValue) == CK_TRUE);
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-static NSSCertificateType
-nss_cert_type_from_ck_attrib(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attrib)
-    if (!attrib->pValue) {
-        /* default to PKIX */
-        return NSSCertificateType_PKIX;
-    }
-    ckCertType = *((CK_ULONG *)attrib->pValue);
-    switch (ckCertType) {
-        case CKC_X_509:
-            return NSSCertificateType_PKIX;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    return NSSCertificateType_Unknown;
-/* incoming pointers must be valid */
-    nssCryptokiObject *certObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    NSSCertificateType *certTypeOpt,
-    NSSItem *idOpt,
-    NSSDER *encodingOpt,
-    NSSDER *issuerOpt,
-    NSSDER *serialOpt,
-    NSSDER *subjectOpt)
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    nssSession *session;
-    NSSSlot *slot;
-    CK_ULONG template_size;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE cert_template[6];
-    /* Set up a template of all options chosen by caller */
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_template, attr, template_size);
-    if (certTypeOpt) {
-    }
-    if (idOpt) {
-    }
-    if (encodingOpt) {
-    }
-    if (issuerOpt) {
-    }
-    if (serialOpt) {
-    }
-    if (subjectOpt) {
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_template, attr, template_size);
-    if (template_size == 0) {
-        /* caller didn't want anything */
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    status = nssToken_GetCachedObjectAttributes(certObject->token, arenaOpt,
-                                                certObject, CKO_CERTIFICATE,
-                                                cert_template, template_size);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        session = sessionOpt ? sessionOpt
-                             : nssToken_GetDefaultSession(certObject->token);
-        if (!session) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        slot = nssToken_GetSlot(certObject->token);
-        status = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(certObject->handle,
-                                           cert_template, template_size,
-                                           arenaOpt, session, slot);
-        nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            return status;
-        }
-    }
-    i = 0;
-    if (certTypeOpt) {
-        *certTypeOpt = nss_cert_type_from_ck_attrib(&cert_template[i]);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (idOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&cert_template[i], idOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (encodingOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&cert_template[i], encodingOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (issuerOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&cert_template[i], issuerOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (serialOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&cert_template[i], serialOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (subjectOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&cert_template[i], subjectOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static nssTrustLevel
-    CK_TRUST ckt)
-    nssTrustLevel t;
-    switch (ckt) {
-        case CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED:
-            t = nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted;
-            break;
-            t = nssTrustLevel_TrustedDelegator;
-            break;
-            t = nssTrustLevel_ValidDelegator;
-            break;
-        case CKT_NSS_TRUSTED:
-            t = nssTrustLevel_Trusted;
-            break;
-            t = nssTrustLevel_MustVerify;
-            break;
-        case CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN:
-        default:
-            t = nssTrustLevel_Unknown;
-            break;
-    }
-    return t;
-    nssCryptokiObject *trustObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *sha1_hash,
-    nssTrustLevel *serverAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel *clientAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel *codeSigning,
-    nssTrustLevel *emailProtection,
-    PRBool *stepUpApproved)
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSSlot *slot;
-    nssSession *session;
-    CK_BBOOL isToken = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL stepUp = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE trust_template[7];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR sha1_hash_attr;
-    CK_ULONG trust_size;
-    /* Use the trust object to find the trust settings */
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(trust_template, attr, trust_size);
-    sha1_hash_attr = attr;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(trust_template, attr, trust_size);
-    status = nssToken_GetCachedObjectAttributes(trustObject->token, NULL,
-                                                trustObject,
-                                                CKO_NSS_TRUST,
-                                                trust_template, trust_size);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        session = sessionOpt ? sessionOpt
-                             : nssToken_GetDefaultSession(trustObject->token);
-        if (!session) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        slot = nssToken_GetSlot(trustObject->token);
-        status = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(trustObject->handle,
-                                           trust_template, trust_size,
-                                           NULL, session, slot);
-        nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            return status;
-        }
-    }
-    if (sha1_hash_attr->ulValueLen == -1) {
-        /* The trust object does not have the CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH attribute. */
-        sha1_hash_attr->ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    sha1_hash->size = sha1_hash_attr->ulValueLen;
-    *serverAuth = get_nss_trust(saTrust);
-    *clientAuth = get_nss_trust(caTrust);
-    *emailProtection = get_nss_trust(epTrust);
-    *codeSigning = get_nss_trust(csTrust);
-    *stepUpApproved = stepUp;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssCryptokiObject *crlObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    NSSItem *encodingOpt,
-    NSSItem *subjectOpt,
-    CK_ULONG *crl_class,
-    NSSUTF8 **urlOpt,
-    PRBool *isKRLOpt)
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSSlot *slot;
-    nssSession *session;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE crl_template[7];
-    CK_ULONG crl_size;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(crl_template, attr, crl_size);
-    if (crl_class) {
-    }
-    if (encodingOpt) {
-    }
-    if (urlOpt) {
-    }
-    if (isKRLOpt) {
-    }
-    if (subjectOpt) {
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(crl_template, attr, crl_size);
-    status = nssToken_GetCachedObjectAttributes(crlObject->token, NULL,
-                                                crlObject,
-                                                CKO_NSS_CRL,
-                                                crl_template, crl_size);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        session = sessionOpt ? sessionOpt
-                             : nssToken_GetDefaultSession(crlObject->token);
-        if (session == NULL) {
-            nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        slot = nssToken_GetSlot(crlObject->token);
-        status = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(crlObject->handle,
-                                           crl_template, crl_size,
-                                           arenaOpt, session, slot);
-        nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            return status;
-        }
-    }
-    i = 0;
-    if (crl_class) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ULONG(&crl_template[i], *crl_class);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (encodingOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&crl_template[i], encodingOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (urlOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_UTF8(&crl_template[i], *urlOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (isKRLOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_BOOL(&crl_template[i], *isKRLOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    if (subjectOpt) {
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(&crl_template[i], subjectOpt);
-        i++;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssCryptokiObject *keyObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-    NSSItem *id,
-    NSSDER *subject)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE key_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG key_size;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(keyObject->token);
-    nssSession *session;
-    NSSToken *token = keyObject->token;
-    nssSession *defaultSession = nssToken_GetDefaultSession(token);
-    PRBool createdSession = PR_FALSE;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(key_template, attr, key_size);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_UTF8(attr, CKA_LABEL, nickname);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(key_template, attr, key_size);
-    if (sessionOpt) {
-        if (!nssSession_IsReadWrite(sessionOpt)) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        session = sessionOpt;
-    } else if (defaultSession && nssSession_IsReadWrite(defaultSession)) {
-        session = defaultSession;
-    } else {
-        NSSSlot *slot = nssToken_GetSlot(token);
-        session = nssSlot_CreateSession(token->slot, NULL, PR_TRUE);
-        nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-        if (!session) {
-            return PR_FAILURE;
-        }
-        createdSession = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_SetAttributeValue(session->handle,
-                                           keyObject->handle,
-                                           key_template,
-                                           key_size);
-    if (createdSession) {
-        nssSession_Destroy(session);
-    }
-    return (ckrv == CKR_OK) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.h b/nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 169fc20..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/ckhelper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * ckhelper.h
- *
- * This file contains some helper utilities for interaction with cryptoki.
- */
-#ifndef CKHELPER_H
-#define CKHELPER_H
-/* Some globals to keep from constantly redeclaring common cryptoki
- * attribute types on the stack.
- */
-/* Boolean values */
-NSS_EXTERN_DATA const NSSItem g_ck_true;
-NSS_EXTERN_DATA const NSSItem g_ck_false;
-/* Object classes */
-NSS_EXTERN_DATA const NSSItem g_ck_class_cert;
-NSS_EXTERN_DATA const NSSItem g_ck_class_pubkey;
-NSS_EXTERN_DATA const NSSItem g_ck_class_privkey;
-#define NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(_template, attr, size) \
-    attr = _template;                                \
-    size = 0;
-#define NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(pattr, kind, item) \
-    (pattr)->type = kind;                            \
-    (pattr)->pValue = (CK_VOID_PTR)(item)->data;     \
-    (pattr)->ulValueLen = (CK_ULONG)(item)->size;    \
-    (pattr)++;
-#define NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_UTF8(pattr, kind, utf8)          \
-    (pattr)->type = kind;                                     \
-    (pattr)->pValue = (CK_VOID_PTR)utf8;                      \
-    (pattr)->ulValueLen = (CK_ULONG)nssUTF8_Size(utf8, NULL); \
-    if ((pattr)->ulValueLen)                                  \
-        ((pattr)->ulValueLen)--;                              \
-    (pattr)++;
-#define NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VAR(pattr, kind, var) \
-    (pattr)->type = kind;                          \
-    (pattr)->pValue = (CK_VOID_PTR)&var;           \
-    (pattr)->ulValueLen = (CK_ULONG)sizeof(var);   \
-    (pattr)++;
-#define NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_NULL(pattr, kind) \
-    (pattr)->type = kind;                      \
-    (pattr)->pValue = (CK_VOID_PTR)NULL;       \
-    (pattr)->ulValueLen = 0;                   \
-    (pattr)++;
-#define NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(_template, attr, size) \
-    size = (attr) - (_template);                      \
-    PR_ASSERT(size <= sizeof(_template) / sizeof(_template[0]));
-/* NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(attrib, item)
- *
- * Convert a CK_ATTRIBUTE to an NSSItem.
- */
-#define NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(attrib, item)         \
-    if ((CK_LONG)(attrib)->ulValueLen > 0) {           \
-        (item)->data = (void *)(attrib)->pValue;       \
-        (item)->size = (PRUint32)(attrib)->ulValueLen; \
-    } else {                                           \
-        (item)->data = 0;                              \
-        (item)->size = 0;                              \
-    }
-#define NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_BOOL(attrib, boolvar)         \
-    if ((attrib)->ulValueLen > 0) {                       \
-        if (*((CK_BBOOL *)(attrib)->pValue) == CK_TRUE) { \
-            boolvar = PR_TRUE;                            \
-        } else {                                          \
-            boolvar = PR_FALSE;                           \
-        }                                                 \
-    }
-#define NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ULONG(attrib, ulongvar) \
-    if ((attrib)->ulValueLen > 0) {                 \
-        ulongvar = *((CK_ULONG *)(attrib)->pValue); \
-    }
-/* NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_UTF8(attrib, str)
- *
- * Convert a CK_ATTRIBUTE to a string.
- */
-#define NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_UTF8(attrib, str) \
-    str = (NSSUTF8 *)((attrib)->pValue);
-/* NSS_CK_ITEM_TO_ATTRIBUTE(item, attrib)
- *
- * Convert an NSSItem to a  CK_ATTRIBUTE.
- */
-#define NSS_CK_ITEM_TO_ATTRIBUTE(item, attrib)    \
-    (attrib)->pValue = (CK_VOID_PTR)(item)->data; \
-    (attrib)->ulValueLen = (CK_ULONG)(item)->size;
-/* Get an array of attributes from an object. */
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR obj_template,
-    CK_ULONG count,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-/* Get a single attribute as an item. */
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    NSSItem *rvItem);
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    PRStatus *rvStatus);
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR obj_template,
-    CK_ULONG count,
-    nssSession *session,
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR objectTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG otsize);
-#endif /* CKHELPER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/dev.h b/nss/lib/dev/dev.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e64e76..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/dev.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#define DEV_H
- * dev.h
- *
- * Low-level methods for interaction with cryptoki devices
- */
-#ifndef NSSDEV_H
-#include "nssdev.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEV_H */
-#ifndef DEVT_H
-#include "devt.h"
-#endif /* DEVT_H */
-/* the global module list
- *
- * These functions are for managing the global set of modules.  Trust Domains,
- * etc., will draw from this set.  These functions are completely internal
- * and only invoked when there are changes to the global module state
- * (load or unload).
- *
- * nss_InitializeGlobalModuleList
- * nss_DestroyGlobalModuleList
- * nss_GetLoadedModules
- *
- * nssGlobalModuleList_Add
- * nssGlobalModuleList_Remove
- * nssGlobalModuleList_FindModuleByName
- * nssGlobalModuleList_FindSlotByName
- * nssGlobalModuleList_FindTokenByName
- */
-    void);
-    void);
-    void);
-    NSSModule *module);
-    NSSModule *module);
-    NSSUTF8 *moduleName);
-    NSSUTF8 *slotName);
-    NSSUTF8 *tokenName);
-    void);
-    void);
- *  |-----------|<---> NSSSlot <--> NSSToken
- *  | NSSModule |<---> NSSSlot <--> NSSToken
- *  |-----------|<---> NSSSlot <--> NSSToken
- */
-/* NSSModule
- *
- * nssModule_Create
- * nssModule_CreateFromSpec
- * nssModule_AddRef
- * nssModule_GetName
- * nssModule_GetSlots
- * nssModule_FindSlotByName
- * nssModule_FindTokenByName
- * nssModule_GetCertOrder
- */
-    NSSUTF8 *moduleOpt,
-    NSSUTF8 *uriOpt,
-    NSSUTF8 *opaqueOpt,
-    void *reserved);
-/* This is to use the new loading mechanism. */
-    NSSUTF8 *moduleSpec,
-    NSSModule *parent,
-    PRBool loadSubModules);
-    NSSModule *mod);
-    NSSModule *mod);
-    NSSModule *mod);
-    NSSModule *mod);
-    NSSModule *mod,
-    NSSUTF8 *slotName);
-    NSSModule *mod,
-    NSSUTF8 *tokenName);
-    NSSModule *module);
-/* NSSSlot
- *
- * nssSlot_Destroy
- * nssSlot_AddRef
- * nssSlot_GetName
- * nssSlot_GetTokenName
- * nssSlot_IsTokenPresent
- * nssSlot_IsPermanent
- * nssSlot_IsFriendly
- * nssSlot_IsHardware
- * nssSlot_Refresh
- * nssSlot_GetModule
- * nssSlot_GetToken
- * nssSlot_Login
- * nssSlot_Logout
- * nssSlot_SetPassword
- * nssSlot_CreateSession
- */
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    NSSCallback *pwcb);
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    PRInt32 askPasswordTimeout);
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    NSSUTF8 *oldPasswordOpt,
-    NSSUTF8 *newPassword);
- * nssSlot_IsLoggedIn
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssSession *
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    PRBool readWrite /* so far, this is the only flag used */
-    );
-/* NSSToken
- *
- * nssToken_Destroy
- * nssToken_AddRef
- * nssToken_GetName
- * nssToken_GetModule
- * nssToken_GetSlot
- * nssToken_NeedsPINInitialization
- * nssToken_ImportCertificate
- * nssToken_ImportTrust
- * nssToken_ImportCRL
- * nssToken_GenerateKeyPair
- * nssToken_GenerateSymmetricKey
- * nssToken_DeleteStoredObject
- * nssToken_FindObjects
- * nssToken_FindCertificatesBySubject
- * nssToken_FindCertificatesByNickname
- * nssToken_FindCertificatesByEmail
- * nssToken_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber
- * nssToken_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate
- * nssToken_FindTrustForCertificate
- * nssToken_FindCRLsBySubject
- * nssToken_FindPrivateKeys
- * nssToken_FindPrivateKeyByID
- * nssToken_Digest
- * nssToken_BeginDigest
- * nssToken_ContinueDigest
- * nssToken_FinishDigest
- */
-    NSSToken *tok);
-    NSSToken *tok);
-    NSSToken *tok);
-    NSSToken *token);
-    NSSToken *tok);
-    NSSToken *token);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSCertificateType certType,
-    NSSItem *id,
-    const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-    NSSDER *encoding,
-    NSSDER *issuer,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    NSSDER *serial,
-    NSSASCII7 *emailAddr,
-    PRBool asTokenObject);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *certEncoding,
-    NSSDER *certIssuer,
-    NSSDER *certSerial,
-    nssTrustLevel serverAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel clientAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel codeSigning,
-    nssTrustLevel emailProtection,
-    PRBool stepUpApproved,
-    PRBool asTokenObject);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    NSSDER *encoding,
-    PRBool isKRL,
-    NSSUTF8 *url,
-    PRBool asTokenObject);
-/* Permanently remove an object from the token. */
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    const NSSUTF8 *name,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSASCII7 *email,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *id,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *issuer,
-    NSSDER *serial,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSBER *encodedCertificate,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *certEncoding,
-    NSSDER *certIssuer,
-    NSSDER *certSerial,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *keyID);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *keyID);
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-    NSSItem *data,
-    NSSItem *rvOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt);
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap);
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *item);
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *rvOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt);
-/* nssSession
- *
- * nssSession_Destroy
- * nssSession_EnterMonitor
- * nssSession_ExitMonitor
- * nssSession_IsReadWrite
- */
-    nssSession *s);
-/* would like to inline */
-    nssSession *s);
-/* would like to inline */
-    nssSession *s);
-/* would like to inline */
-    nssSession *s);
-/* nssCryptokiObject
- *
- * An object living on a cryptoki token.
- * Not really proper to mix up the object types just because
- * nssCryptokiObject itself is generic, but doing so anyway.
- *
- * nssCryptokiObject_Destroy
- * nssCryptokiObject_Equal
- * nssCryptokiObject_Clone
- * nssCryptokiCertificate_GetAttributes
- * nssCryptokiPrivateKey_GetAttributes
- * nssCryptokiPublicKey_GetAttributes
- * nssCryptokiTrust_GetAttributes
- * nssCryptokiCRL_GetAttributes
- */
-    nssCryptokiObject *object);
-    nssCryptokiObject *object1,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object2);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object);
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    NSSCertificateType *certTypeOpt,
-    NSSItem *idOpt,
-    NSSDER *encodingOpt,
-    NSSDER *issuerOpt,
-    NSSDER *serialOpt,
-    NSSDER *subjectOpt);
-    nssCryptokiObject *trustObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *sha1_hash,
-    nssTrustLevel *serverAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel *clientAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel *codeSigning,
-    nssTrustLevel *emailProtection,
-    PRBool *stepUpApproved);
-    nssCryptokiObject *crlObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    NSSItem *encodingOpt,
-    NSSItem *subjectOpt,
-    CK_ULONG *crl_class,
-    NSSUTF8 **urlOpt,
-    PRBool *isKRLOpt);
-/* I'm including this to handle import of certificates in NSS 3.5.  This
- * function will set the cert-related attributes of a key, in order to
- * associate it with a cert.  Does it stay like this for 4.0?
- */
-    nssCryptokiObject *keyObject,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-    NSSItem *id,
-    NSSDER *subject);
-    NSSModule **modules);
-/* nssSlotArray
- *
- * nssSlotArray_Destroy
- */
-    NSSSlot **slots);
-/* nssTokenArray
- *
- * nssTokenArray_Destroy
- */
-    NSSToken **tokens);
-/* nssCryptokiObjectArray
- *
- * nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy
- */
-    nssCryptokiObject **object);
-/* nssSlotList
- *
- * An ordered list of slots.  The order can be anything, it is set in the
- * Add methods.  Perhaps it should be CreateInCertOrder, ...?
- *
- * nssSlotList_Create
- * nssSlotList_Destroy
- * nssSlotList_Add
- * nssSlotList_AddModuleSlots
- * nssSlotList_GetSlots
- * nssSlotList_FindSlotByName
- * nssSlotList_FindTokenByName
- * nssSlotList_GetBestSlot
- * nssSlotList_GetBestSlotForAlgorithmAndParameters
- * nssSlotList_GetBestSlotForAlgorithmsAndParameters
- */
-/* nssSlotList_Create
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssSlotList *
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt);
-/* nssSlotList_Destroy
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList);
-/* nssSlotList_Add
- *
- * Add the given slot in the given order.
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList,
-    NSSSlot *slot,
-    PRUint32 order);
-/* nssSlotList_AddModuleSlots
- *
- * Add all slots in the module, in the given order (the slots will have
- * equal weight).
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList,
-    NSSModule *module,
-    PRUint32 order);
-/* nssSlotList_GetSlots
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList);
-/* nssSlotList_FindSlotByName
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList,
-    NSSUTF8 *slotName);
-/* nssSlotList_FindTokenByName
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList,
-    NSSUTF8 *tokenName);
-/* nssSlotList_GetBestSlot
- *
- * The best slot is the highest ranking in order, i.e., the first in the
- * list.
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList);
-/* nssSlotList_GetBestSlotForAlgorithmAndParameters
- *
- * Highest-ranking slot than can handle algorithm/parameters.
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList,
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap);
-/* nssSlotList_GetBestSlotForAlgorithmsAndParameters
- *
- * Highest-ranking slot than can handle all algorithms/parameters.
- */
-    nssSlotList *slotList,
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters **ap);
-    NSSToken *token);
-NSS_EXTERN nssSession *
-    NSSToken *token);
-    NSSToken *tok);
-    NSSToken *tok);
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRStatus (*callback)(nssCryptokiObject *instance, void *arg),
-    void *arg);
-    NSSToken *token,
-    NSSCertificate *c,
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance);
-#endif /* DEV_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/devm.h b/nss/lib/dev/devm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16acf64..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/devm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEVM_H
-#define DEVM_H
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#include "dev.h"
-#endif /* DEV_H */
-#ifndef DEVTM_H
-#include "devtm.h"
-#endif /* DEVTM_H */
-/* Shortcut to cryptoki API functions. */
-#define CKAPI(epv) \
-    ((CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR)(epv))
-    struct nssDeviceBaseStr *device);
-    struct nssDeviceBaseStr *device);
-    NSSModule *module);
-    NSSModule *mod);
-    NSSModule *mod);
-NSS_EXTERN void *
-    NSSModule *mod);
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotId,
-    NSSModule *parent);
-NSS_EXTERN void *
-    NSSSlot *slot);
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-    NSSSlot *peer);
-NSS_EXTERN void *
-    NSSToken *token);
-NSS_EXTERN nssSession *
-    NSSToken *token);
-    NSSToken *token);
-    NSSToken *token);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *t,
-    nssSession *session,
-NSS_EXTERN nssTokenObjectCache *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    PRBool cacheCerts,
-    PRBool cacheTrust,
-    PRBool cacheCRLs);
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache);
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache);
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass);
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR otemplate,
-    CK_ULONG otlen,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt);
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR atemplate,
-    CK_ULONG atlen);
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ULONG otlen);
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object);
-/* XXX allows peek back into token */
-    NSSToken *token,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR atemplate,
-    CK_ULONG atlen);
-/* PKCS#11 stores strings in a fixed-length buffer padded with spaces.  This
- * function gets the length of the actual string.
- */
-    CK_CHAR *pkcs11str,
-    PRUint32 bufLen);
-#endif /* DEV_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/devslot.c b/nss/lib/dev/devslot.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0bb37..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/devslot.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#ifndef DEVM_H
-#include "devm.h"
-#endif /* DEVM_H */
-#ifndef CKHELPER_H
-#include "ckhelper.h"
-#endif /* CKHELPER_H */
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-/* measured in seconds */
-/* this should track global and per-transaction login information */
-#define NSSSLOT_IS_FRIENDLY(slot) \
-    (slot->base.flags & NSSSLOT_FLAGS_FRIENDLY)
-/* measured as interval */
-static PRIntervalTime s_token_delay_time = 0;
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    if (slot) {
-        if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&slot->base.refCount) == 0) {
-            PZ_DestroyLock(slot->base.lock);
-            return nssArena_Destroy(slot->base.arena);
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssSlot_EnterMonitor(NSSSlot *slot)
-    if (slot->lock) {
-        PZ_Lock(slot->lock);
-    }
-nssSlot_ExitMonitor(NSSSlot *slot)
-    if (slot->lock) {
-        PZ_Unlock(slot->lock);
-    }
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    (void)nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&slot->base.refCount);
-    return slot;
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    return slot->;
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    return nssToken_GetName(slot->token);
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    slot->lastTokenPing = 0;
-static PRBool
-within_token_delay_period(NSSSlot *slot)
-    PRIntervalTime time, lastTime;
-    /* Set the delay time for checking the token presence */
-    if (s_token_delay_time == 0) {
-        s_token_delay_time = PR_SecondsToInterval(NSSSLOT_TOKEN_DELAY_TIME);
-    }
-    time = PR_IntervalNow();
-    lastTime = slot->lastTokenPing;
-    if ((lastTime) && ((time - lastTime) < s_token_delay_time)) {
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    slot->lastTokenPing = time;
-    return PR_FALSE;
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    /* XXX */
-    nssSession *session;
-    CK_SLOT_INFO slotInfo;
-    void *epv;
-    /* permanent slots are always present unless they're disabled */
-    if (nssSlot_IsPermanent(slot)) {
-        return !PK11_IsDisabled(slot->pk11slot);
-    }
-    /* avoid repeated calls to check token status within set interval */
-    if (within_token_delay_period(slot)) {
-        return ((slot->ckFlags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT) != 0);
-    }
-    /* First obtain the slot info */
-    epv = slot->epv;
-    if (!epv) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    nssSlot_EnterMonitor(slot);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_GetSlotInfo(slot->slotID, &slotInfo);
-    nssSlot_ExitMonitor(slot);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        slot->token->[0] = 0; /* XXX */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    slot->ckFlags = slotInfo.flags;
-    /* check for the presence of the token */
-    if ((slot->ckFlags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT) == 0) {
-        if (!slot->token) {
-            /* token was never present */
-            return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        session = nssToken_GetDefaultSession(slot->token);
-        if (session) {
-            nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-            /* token is not present */
-            if (session->handle != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-                /* session is valid, close and invalidate it */
-                CKAPI(epv)
-                    ->C_CloseSession(session->handle);
-                session->handle = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-            }
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-        }
-        if (slot->token->[0] != 0) {
-            /* notify the high-level cache that the token is removed */
-            slot->token->[0] = 0; /* XXX */
-            nssToken_NotifyCertsNotVisible(slot->token);
-        }
-        slot->token->[0] = 0; /* XXX */
-        /* clear the token cache */
-        nssToken_Remove(slot->token);
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* token is present, use the session info to determine if the card
-     * has been removed and reinserted.
-     */
-    session = nssToken_GetDefaultSession(slot->token);
-    if (session) {
-        PRBool isPresent = PR_FALSE;
-        nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-        if (session->handle != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-            CK_SESSION_INFO sessionInfo;
-            ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_GetSessionInfo(session->handle, &sessionInfo);
-            if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-                /* session is screwy, close and invalidate it */
-                CKAPI(epv)
-                    ->C_CloseSession(session->handle);
-                session->handle = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-            }
-        }
-        isPresent = session->handle != CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-        nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-        /* token not removed, finished */
-        if (isPresent)
-            return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* the token has been removed, and reinserted, or the slot contains
-     * a token it doesn't recognize. invalidate all the old
-     * information we had on this token, if we can't refresh, clear
-     * the present flag */
-    nssToken_NotifyCertsNotVisible(slot->token);
-    nssToken_Remove(slot->token);
-    /* token has been removed, need to refresh with new session */
-    nssrv = nssSlot_Refresh(slot);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        slot->token->[0] = 0; /* XXX */
-        slot->ckFlags &= ~CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    return slot->epv;
-    NSSSlot *slot)
-    if (nssSlot_IsTokenPresent(slot)) {
-        return nssToken_AddRef(slot->token);
-    }
-    return (NSSToken *)NULL;
-    nssSession *s)
-    if (s->lock)
-        PZ_Lock(s->lock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssSession *s)
-    return (s->lock) ? PZ_Unlock(s->lock) : PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssSession *s)
-    return s->isRW;
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/devt.h b/nss/lib/dev/devt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db93deb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/devt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEVT_H
-#define DEVT_H
- * devt.h
- *
- * This file contains definitions for the low-level cryptoki devices.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#include "nsspkit.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
-#ifndef BASET_H
-#include "baset.h"
-#endif /* BASET_H */
-#include "secmodt.h"
-typedef struct nssSessionStr nssSession;
-/* XXX until NSSTokenStr is moved */
-struct nssDeviceBaseStr {
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    PRInt32 refCount;
-    NSSUTF8 *name;
-    PRUint32 flags;
-typedef struct nssTokenObjectCacheStr nssTokenObjectCache;
-/* XXX until devobject.c goes away */
-struct NSSTokenStr {
-    struct nssDeviceBaseStr base;
-    NSSSlot *slot;    /* Parent (or peer, if you will) */
-    CK_FLAGS ckFlags; /* from CK_TOKEN_INFO.flags */
-    PRUint32 flags;
-    void *epv;
-    nssSession *defaultSession;
-    NSSTrustDomain *trustDomain;
-    PRIntervalTime lastTime;
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache;
-    PK11SlotInfo *pk11slot;
-typedef enum {
-    nssSlotAskPasswordTimes_FirstTime = 0,
-    nssSlotAskPasswordTimes_EveryTime = 1,
-    nssSlotAskPasswordTimes_Timeout = 2
-} nssSlotAskPasswordTimes;
-struct nssSlotAuthInfoStr {
-    PRTime lastLogin;
-    nssSlotAskPasswordTimes askTimes;
-    PRIntervalTime askPasswordTimeout;
-struct NSSSlotStr {
-    struct nssDeviceBaseStr base;
-    NSSModule *module; /* Parent */
-    NSSToken *token;   /* Peer */
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID;
-    CK_FLAGS ckFlags; /* from CK_SLOT_INFO.flags */
-    struct nssSlotAuthInfoStr authInfo;
-    PRIntervalTime lastTokenPing;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    void *epv;
-    PK11SlotInfo *pk11slot;
-struct nssSessionStr {
-    PZLock *lock;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle;
-    NSSSlot *slot;
-    PRBool isRW;
-    PRBool ownLock;
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCertificateType_Unknown = 0,
-    NSSCertificateType_PKIX = 1
-} NSSCertificateType;
-typedef enum {
-    nssTrustLevel_Unknown = 0,
-    nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted = 1,
-    nssTrustLevel_Trusted = 2,
-    nssTrustLevel_TrustedDelegator = 3,
-    nssTrustLevel_MustVerify = 4,
-    nssTrustLevel_ValidDelegator = 5
-} nssTrustLevel;
-typedef struct nssCryptokiInstanceStr nssCryptokiInstance;
-struct nssCryptokiInstanceStr {
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    PRBool isTokenObject;
-    NSSUTF8 *label;
-typedef struct nssCryptokiInstanceStr nssCryptokiObject;
-typedef struct nssTokenCertSearchStr nssTokenCertSearch;
-typedef enum {
-    nssTokenSearchType_AllObjects = 0,
-    nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly = 1,
-    nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly = 2,
-    nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced = 3
-} nssTokenSearchType;
-struct nssTokenCertSearchStr {
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType;
-    PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg);
-    void *cbarg;
-    nssList *cached;
-    /* TODO: add a cache query callback if the list would be large
-     *       (traversal)
-     */
-struct nssSlotListStr;
-typedef struct nssSlotListStr nssSlotList;
-struct NSSAlgorithmAndParametersStr {
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-#endif /* DEVT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/devtm.h b/nss/lib/dev/devtm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3c4c0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/devtm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEVTM_H
-#define DEVTM_H
- * devtm.h
- *
- * This file contains module-private definitions for the low-level
- * cryptoki devices.
- */
-#ifndef DEVT_H
-#include "devt.h"
-#endif /* DEVT_H */
-#endif /* DEVTM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/devtoken.c b/nss/lib/dev/devtoken.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0adbca8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/devtoken.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1558 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#ifndef DEVM_H
-#include "devm.h"
-#endif /* DEVM_H */
-#ifndef CKHELPER_H
-#include "ckhelper.h"
-#endif /* CKHELPER_H */
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "dev3hack.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_PKCS11;
-/* The number of object handles to grab during each call to C_FindObjects */
-    NSSToken *tok)
-    if (tok) {
-        if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&tok->base.refCount) == 0) {
-            PZ_DestroyLock(tok->base.lock);
-            nssTokenObjectCache_Destroy(tok->cache);
-            /* The token holds the first/last reference to the slot.
-             * When the token is actually destroyed, that ref must go too.
-             */
-            (void)nssSlot_Destroy(tok->slot);
-            return nssArena_Destroy(tok->base.arena);
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    NSSToken *tok)
-    nssTokenObjectCache_Clear(tok->cache);
-    NSSToken *tok)
-    (void)nssToken_Destroy(tok);
-    NSSToken *tok)
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&tok->base.refCount);
-    return tok;
-    NSSToken *tok)
-    return nssSlot_AddRef(tok->slot);
-    NSSToken *token)
-    return nssSlot_GetCryptokiEPV(token->slot);
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssSession *
-    NSSToken *token)
-    return token->defaultSession;
-    NSSToken *tok)
-    if (tok == NULL) {
-        return "";
-    }
-    if (tok->[0] == 0) {
-        (void)nssSlot_IsTokenPresent(tok->slot);
-    }
-    return tok->;
-    NSSToken *token)
-    return nssToken_GetName(token);
-    NSSToken *token)
-    return (token->ckFlags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED);
-    NSSToken *token)
-    return (!(token->ckFlags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED));
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRBool createdSession = PR_FALSE;
-    NSSToken *token = instance->token;
-    nssSession *session = NULL;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(instance->token);
-    if (token->cache) {
-        nssTokenObjectCache_RemoveObject(token->cache, instance);
-    }
-    if (instance->isTokenObject) {
-        if (token->defaultSession &&
-            nssSession_IsReadWrite(token->defaultSession)) {
-            session = token->defaultSession;
-        } else {
-            session = nssSlot_CreateSession(token->slot, NULL, PR_TRUE);
-            createdSession = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    if (session == NULL) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_DestroyObject(session->handle, instance->handle);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (createdSession) {
-        nssSession_Destroy(session);
-    }
-    status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        status = PR_FAILURE;
-        /* use the error stack to pass the PKCS #11 error out  */
-        nss_SetError(ckrv);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_PKCS11);
-    }
-    return status;
-static nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR objectTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG otsize)
-    nssSession *session = NULL;
-    PRBool createdSession = PR_FALSE;
-    nssCryptokiObject *object = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle;
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(tok);
-    if (nssCKObject_IsTokenObjectTemplate(objectTemplate, otsize)) {
-        if (sessionOpt) {
-            if (!nssSession_IsReadWrite(sessionOpt)) {
-                nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            session = sessionOpt;
-        } else if (tok->defaultSession &&
-                   nssSession_IsReadWrite(tok->defaultSession)) {
-            session = tok->defaultSession;
-        } else {
-            session = nssSlot_CreateSession(tok->slot, NULL, PR_TRUE);
-            createdSession = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    } else {
-        session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : tok->defaultSession;
-    }
-    if (session == NULL) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_CreateObject(session->handle,
-                                      objectTemplate, otsize,
-                                      &handle);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (ckrv == CKR_OK) {
-        object = nssCryptokiObject_Create(tok, session, handle);
-    } else {
-        nss_SetError(ckrv);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_PKCS11);
-    }
-    if (createdSession) {
-        nssSession_Destroy(session);
-    }
-    return object;
-static nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *session,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *handles,
-    PRUint32 numH)
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    objects = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, nssCryptokiObject *, numH + 1);
-    if (objects) {
-        PRInt32 i;
-        for (i = 0; i < (PRInt32)numH; i++) {
-            objects[i] = nssCryptokiObject_Create(tok, session, handles[i]);
-            if (!objects[i]) {
-                for (--i; i > 0; --i) {
-                    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(objects[i]);
-                }
-                nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-                objects = NULL;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return objects;
-static nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR obj_template,
-    CK_ULONG otsize,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_RV ckrv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectHandles = NULL;
-    PRUint32 arraySize, numHandles;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(tok);
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    nssSession *session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : tok->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* the arena is only for the array of object handles */
-    if (maximumOpt > 0) {
-        arraySize = maximumOpt;
-    } else {
-        arraySize = OBJECT_STACK_SIZE;
-    }
-    numHandles = 0;
-    if (arraySize <= OBJECT_STACK_SIZE) {
-        objectHandles = staticObjects;
-    } else {
-        objectHandles = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, arraySize);
-    }
-    if (!objectHandles) {
-        ckrv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session); /* ==== session lock === */
-    /* Initialize the find with the template */
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_FindObjectsInit(session->handle,
-                                         obj_template, otsize);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    while (PR_TRUE) {
-        /* Issue the find for up to arraySize - numHandles objects */
-        ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_FindObjects(session->handle,
-                                         objectHandles + numHandles,
-                                         arraySize - numHandles,
-                                         &count);
-        if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* bump the number of found objects */
-        numHandles += count;
-        if (maximumOpt > 0 || numHandles < arraySize) {
-            /* When a maximum is provided, the search is done all at once,
-             * so the search is finished.  If the number returned was less
-             * than the number sought, the search is finished.
-             */
-            break;
-        }
-        /* the array is filled, double it and continue */
-        arraySize *= 2;
-        if (objectHandles == staticObjects) {
-            objectHandles = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, arraySize);
-            if (objectHandles) {
-                PORT_Memcpy(objectHandles, staticObjects,
-                            OBJECT_STACK_SIZE * sizeof(objectHandles[1]));
-            }
-        } else {
-            objectHandles = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(objectHandles,
-                                              CK_OBJECT_HANDLE,
-                                              arraySize);
-        }
-        if (!objectHandles) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            ckrv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_FindObjectsFinal(session->handle);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session); /* ==== end session lock === */
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (numHandles > 0) {
-        objects = create_objects_from_handles(tok, session,
-                                              objectHandles, numHandles);
-    } else {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-        objects = NULL;
-    }
-    if (objectHandles && objectHandles != staticObjects) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objectHandles);
-    }
-    if (statusOpt)
-        *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    return objects;
-    if (objectHandles && objectHandles != staticObjects) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objectHandles);
-    }
-    /*
-     * These errors should be treated the same as if the objects just weren't
-     * found..
-     */
-    if ((ckrv == CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID) ||
-        (ckrv == CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID) ||
-        (ckrv == CKR_DATA_INVALID) ||
-        (ckrv == CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE) ||
-        (ckrv == CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED) ||
-        (ckrv == CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE) ||
-        (ckrv == CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT)) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-        if (statusOpt)
-            *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        nss_SetError(ckrv);
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_PKCS11);
-        if (statusOpt)
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return (nssCryptokiObject **)NULL;
-static nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR obj_template,
-    CK_ULONG otsize,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass = (CK_OBJECT_CLASS)-1;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects = NULL;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    if (!token) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        if (statusOpt)
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < otsize; i++) {
-        if (obj_template[i].type == CKA_CLASS) {
-            objclass = *(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)obj_template[i].pValue;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(i < otsize);
-    if (i == otsize) {
-        if (statusOpt)
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* If these objects are being cached, try looking there first */
-    if (token->cache &&
-        nssTokenObjectCache_HaveObjectClass(token->cache, objclass)) {
-        PRStatus status;
-        objects = nssTokenObjectCache_FindObjectsByTemplate(token->cache,
-                                                            objclass,
-                                                            obj_template,
-                                                            otsize,
-                                                            maximumOpt,
-                                                            &status);
-        if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            if (statusOpt)
-                *statusOpt = status;
-            return objects;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Either they are not cached, or cache failed; look on token. */
-    objects = find_objects(token, sessionOpt,
-                           obj_template, otsize,
-                           maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    return objects;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSCertificateType certType,
-    NSSItem *id,
-    const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-    NSSDER *encoding,
-    NSSDER *issuer,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    NSSDER *serial,
-    NSSASCII7 *email,
-    PRBool asTokenObject)
-    PRStatus status;
-    CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE cert_type;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE cert_tmpl[10];
-    CK_ULONG ctsize;
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType;
-    nssCryptokiObject *rvObject = NULL;
-    if (!tok) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (certType == NSSCertificateType_PKIX) {
-        cert_type = CKC_X_509;
-    } else {
-        return (nssCryptokiObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_tmpl, attr, ctsize);
-    if (asTokenObject) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-        searchType = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-    } else {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-        searchType = nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly;
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_UTF8(attr, CKA_LABEL, nickname);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_VALUE, encoding);
-    if (email) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_UTF8(attr, CKA_NSS_EMAIL, email);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_tmpl, attr, ctsize);
-    /* see if the cert is already there */
-    rvObject = nssToken_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(tok,
-                                                               sessionOpt,
-                                                               issuer,
-                                                               serial,
-                                                               searchType,
-                                                               NULL);
-    if (rvObject) {
-        NSSItem existingDER;
-        NSSSlot *slot = nssToken_GetSlot(tok);
-        nssSession *session = nssSlot_CreateSession(slot, NULL, PR_TRUE);
-        if (!session) {
-            nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(rvObject);
-            nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-            return (nssCryptokiObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        /* Reject any attempt to import a new cert that has the same
-         * issuer/serial as an existing cert, but does not have the
-         * same encoding
-         */
-        NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_tmpl, attr, ctsize);
-        NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_tmpl, attr, ctsize);
-        status = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(rvObject->handle,
-                                           cert_tmpl, ctsize, NULL,
-                                           session, slot);
-        NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_ITEM(cert_tmpl, &existingDER);
-        if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            if (!nssItem_Equal(encoding, &existingDER, NULL)) {
-                nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_CERTIFICATE);
-                status = PR_FAILURE;
-            }
-            nss_ZFreeIf(;
-        }
-        if (status == PR_FAILURE) {
-            nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(rvObject);
-            nssSession_Destroy(session);
-            nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-            return (nssCryptokiObject *)NULL;
-        }
-        /* according to PKCS#11, label, ID, issuer, and serial number
-         * may change after the object has been created.  For PKIX, the
-         * last two attributes can't change, so for now we'll only worry
-         * about the first two.
-         */
-        NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_tmpl, attr, ctsize);
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_ID, id);
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_UTF8(attr, CKA_LABEL, nickname);
-        NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_tmpl, attr, ctsize);
-        /* reset the mutable attributes on the token */
-        nssCKObject_SetAttributes(rvObject->handle,
-                                  cert_tmpl, ctsize,
-                                  session, slot);
-        if (!rvObject->label && nickname) {
-            rvObject->label = nssUTF8_Duplicate(nickname, NULL);
-        }
-        nssSession_Destroy(session);
-        nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    } else {
-        /* Import the certificate onto the token */
-        rvObject = import_object(tok, sessionOpt, cert_tmpl, ctsize);
-    }
-    if (rvObject && tok->cache) {
-        /* The cache will overwrite the attributes if the object already
-         * exists.
-         */
-        nssTokenObjectCache_ImportObject(tok->cache, rvObject,
-                                         CKO_CERTIFICATE,
-                                         cert_tmpl, ctsize);
-    }
-    return rvObject;
-/* traverse all objects of the given class - this should only happen
- * if the token has been marked as "traversable"
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE obj_template[2];
-    CK_ULONG obj_size;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(obj_template, attr, obj_size);
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly ||
-               searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VAR(attr, CKA_CLASS, objclass);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(obj_template, attr, obj_size);
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced) {
-        objects = find_objects(token, sessionOpt,
-                               obj_template, obj_size,
-                               maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    } else {
-        objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                           obj_template, obj_size,
-                                           maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    }
-    return objects;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE subj_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG stsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(subj_template, attr, stsize);
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(subj_template, attr, stsize);
-    /* now locate the token certs matching this template */
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       subj_template, stsize,
-                                       maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    return objects;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    const NSSUTF8 *name,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE nick_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG ntsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(nick_template, attr, ntsize);
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(nick_template, attr, ntsize);
-    /* now locate the token certs matching this template */
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       nick_template, ntsize,
-                                       maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    if (!objects) {
-        /* This is to workaround the fact that PKCS#11 doesn't specify
-         * whether the '\0' should be included.  XXX Is that still true?
-         * im - this is not needed by the current softoken.  However, I'm
-         * leaving it in until I have surveyed more tokens to see if it needed.
-         * well, its needed by the builtin token...
-         */
-        nick_template[0].ulValueLen++;
-        objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                           nick_template, ntsize,
-                                           maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    }
-    return objects;
-/* XXX
- * This function *does not* use the token object cache, because not even
- * the softoken will return a value for CKA_NSS_EMAIL from a call
- * to GetAttributes.  The softoken does allow searches with that attribute,
- * it just won't return a value for it.
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSASCII7 *email,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE email_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG etsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(email_template, attr, etsize);
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(email_template, attr, etsize);
-    /* now locate the token certs matching this template */
-    objects = find_objects(token, sessionOpt,
-                           email_template, etsize,
-                           maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    if (!objects) {
-        /* This is to workaround the fact that PKCS#11 doesn't specify
-         * whether the '\0' should be included.  XXX Is that still true?
-         * im - this is not needed by the current softoken.  However, I'm
-         * leaving it in until I have surveyed more tokens to see if it needed.
-         * well, its needed by the builtin token...
-         */
-        email_template[0].ulValueLen++;
-        objects = find_objects(token, sessionOpt,
-                               email_template, etsize,
-                               maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    }
-    return objects;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *id,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE id_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG idtsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(id_template, attr, idtsize);
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(id_template, attr, idtsize);
-    /* now locate the token certs matching this template */
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       id_template, idtsize,
-                                       maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    return objects;
- * decode the serial item and return our result.
- * NOTE serialDecode's data is really stored in serial. Don't free it.
- */
-static PRStatus
-nssToken_decodeSerialItem(NSSItem *serial, NSSItem *serialDecode)
-    unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)serial->data;
-    int data_left, data_len, index;
-    if ((serial->size >= 3) && (data[0] == 0x2)) {
-        /* remove the der encoding of the serial number before generating the
-         * key.. */
-        data_left = serial->size - 2;
-        data_len = data[1];
-        index = 2;
-        /* extended length ? (not very likely for a serial number) */
-        if (data_len & 0x80) {
-            int len_count = data_len & 0x7f;
-            data_len = 0;
-            data_left -= len_count;
-            if (data_left > 0) {
-                while (len_count--) {
-                    data_len = (data_len << 8) | data[index++];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /* XXX leaving any leading zeros on the serial number for backwards
-         * compatibility
-         */
-        /* not a valid der, must be just an unlucky serial number value */
-        if (data_len == data_left) {
-            serialDecode->size = data_len;
-            serialDecode->data = &data[index];
-            return PR_SUCCESS;
-        }
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *issuer,
-    NSSDER *serial,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR serialAttr;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE cert_template[4];
-    CK_ULONG ctsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    nssCryptokiObject *rvObject = NULL;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_template, attr, ctsize);
-    if (!token) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        if (statusOpt)
-            *statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if ((searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) ||
-               (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced)) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    /* Set the unique id */
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    serialAttr = attr;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_template, attr, ctsize);
-    /* get the object handle */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced) {
-        objects = find_objects(token, sessionOpt,
-                               cert_template, ctsize,
-                               1, statusOpt);
-    } else {
-        objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                           cert_template, ctsize,
-                                           1, statusOpt);
-    }
-    if (objects) {
-        rvObject = objects[0];
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    }
-    /*
-     * NSS used to incorrectly store serial numbers in their decoded form.
-     * because of this old tokens have decoded serial numbers.
-     */
-    if (!objects) {
-        NSSItem serialDecode;
-        PRStatus status;
-        status = nssToken_decodeSerialItem(serial, &serialDecode);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(serialAttr, CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER, &serialDecode);
-        if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced) {
-            objects = find_objects(token, sessionOpt,
-                                   cert_template, ctsize,
-                                   1, statusOpt);
-        } else {
-            objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                               cert_template, ctsize,
-                                               1, statusOpt);
-        }
-        if (objects) {
-            rvObject = objects[0];
-            nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-        }
-    }
-    return rvObject;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSBER *encodedCertificate,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE cert_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG ctsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    nssCryptokiObject *rvObject = NULL;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_template, attr, ctsize);
-    /* Set the search to token/session only if provided */
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_VALUE, encodedCertificate);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_template, attr, ctsize);
-    /* get the object handle */
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       cert_template, ctsize,
-                                       1, statusOpt);
-    if (objects) {
-        rvObject = objects[0];
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    }
-    return rvObject;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE key_template[2];
-    CK_ULONG ktsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(key_template, attr, ktsize);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_privkey);
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(key_template, attr, ktsize);
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       key_template, ktsize,
-                                       maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    return objects;
-/* XXX ?there are no session cert objects, so only search token objects */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *keyID)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE key_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG ktsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    nssCryptokiObject *rvKey = NULL;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(key_template, attr, ktsize);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_privkey);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(key_template, attr, ktsize);
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       key_template, ktsize,
-                                       1, NULL);
-    if (objects) {
-        rvKey = objects[0];
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    }
-    return rvKey;
-/* XXX ?there are no session cert objects, so only search token objects */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *keyID)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE key_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG ktsize;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    nssCryptokiObject *rvKey = NULL;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(key_template, attr, ktsize);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_pubkey);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(key_template, attr, ktsize);
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, sessionOpt,
-                                       key_template, ktsize,
-                                       1, NULL);
-    if (objects) {
-        rvKey = objects[0];
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    }
-    return rvKey;
-static void
-sha1_hash(NSSItem *input, NSSItem *output)
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap;
-    PK11SlotInfo *internal = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    NSSToken *token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(internal);
-    ap = NSSAlgorithmAndParameters_CreateSHA1Digest(NULL);
-    (void)nssToken_Digest(token, NULL, ap, input, output, NULL);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(token->pk11slot);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(ap);
-static void
-md5_hash(NSSItem *input, NSSItem *output)
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap;
-    PK11SlotInfo *internal = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    NSSToken *token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(internal);
-    ap = NSSAlgorithmAndParameters_CreateMD5Digest(NULL);
-    (void)nssToken_Digest(token, NULL, ap, input, output, NULL);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(token->pk11slot);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(ap);
-static CK_TRUST
-    nssTrustLevel nssTrust)
-    CK_TRUST t;
-    switch (nssTrust) {
-        case nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted:
-            t = CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED;
-            break;
-        case nssTrustLevel_TrustedDelegator:
-            break;
-        case nssTrustLevel_ValidDelegator:
-            t = CKT_NSS_VALID_DELEGATOR;
-            break;
-        case nssTrustLevel_Trusted:
-            t = CKT_NSS_TRUSTED;
-            break;
-        case nssTrustLevel_MustVerify:
-            t = CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST;
-            break;
-        case nssTrustLevel_Unknown:
-        default:
-            t = CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN;
-            break;
-    }
-    return t;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *certEncoding,
-    NSSDER *certIssuer,
-    NSSDER *certSerial,
-    nssTrustLevel serverAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel clientAuth,
-    nssTrustLevel codeSigning,
-    nssTrustLevel emailProtection,
-    PRBool stepUpApproved,
-    PRBool asTokenObject)
-    nssCryptokiObject *object;
-    CK_TRUST ckSA, ckCA, ckCS, ckEP;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE trust_tmpl[11];
-    CK_ULONG tsize;
-    PRUint8 sha1[20]; /* this is cheating... */
-    PRUint8 md5[16];
-    NSSItem sha1_result, md5_result;
- = sha1;
-    sha1_result.size = sizeof sha1;
- = md5;
-    md5_result.size = sizeof md5;
-    sha1_hash(certEncoding, &sha1_result);
-    md5_hash(certEncoding, &md5_result);
-    ckSA = get_ck_trust(serverAuth);
-    ckCA = get_ck_trust(clientAuth);
-    ckCS = get_ck_trust(codeSigning);
-    ckEP = get_ck_trust(emailProtection);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(trust_tmpl, attr, tsize);
-    if (asTokenObject) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    } else {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH, &sha1_result);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH, &md5_result);
-    /* now set the trust values */
-    if (stepUpApproved) {
-                                  &g_ck_true);
-    } else {
-                                  &g_ck_false);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(trust_tmpl, attr, tsize);
-    /* import the trust object onto the token */
-    object = import_object(tok, sessionOpt, trust_tmpl, tsize);
-    if (object && tok->cache) {
-        nssTokenObjectCache_ImportObject(tok->cache, object, tobjc,
-                                         trust_tmpl, tsize);
-    }
-    return object;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *certEncoding,
-    NSSDER *certIssuer,
-    NSSDER *certSerial,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE tobj_template[5];
-    CK_ULONG tobj_size;
-    nssSession *session = sessionOpt ? sessionOpt : token->defaultSession;
-    nssCryptokiObject *object = NULL, **objects;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return object;
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(tobj_template, attr, tobj_size);
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(tobj_template, attr, tobj_size);
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, session,
-                                       tobj_template, tobj_size,
-                                       1, NULL);
-    if (objects) {
-        object = objects[0];
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    }
-    return object;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    NSSDER *encoding,
-    PRBool isKRL,
-    NSSUTF8 *url,
-    PRBool asTokenObject)
-    nssCryptokiObject *object;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE crl_tmpl[6];
-    CK_ULONG crlsize;
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(crl_tmpl, attr, crlsize);
-    if (asTokenObject) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    } else {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VAR(attr, CKA_CLASS, crlobjc);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_VALUE, encoding);
-    if (isKRL) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_NSS_KRL, &g_ck_true);
-    } else {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_NSS_KRL, &g_ck_false);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(crl_tmpl, attr, crlsize);
-    /* import the crl object onto the token */
-    object = import_object(token, sessionOpt, crl_tmpl, crlsize);
-    if (object && token->cache) {
-        nssTokenObjectCache_ImportObject(token->cache, object, crlobjc,
-                                         crl_tmpl, crlsize);
-    }
-    return object;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSDER *subject,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE crlobj_template[3];
-    CK_ULONG crlobj_size;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects = NULL;
-    nssSession *session = sessionOpt ? sessionOpt : token->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return objects;
-    }
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(crlobj_template, attr, crlobj_size);
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly ||
-               searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VAR(attr, CKA_CLASS, crlobjc);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(crlobj_template, attr, crlobj_size);
-    objects = find_objects_by_template(token, session,
-                                       crlobj_template, crlobj_size,
-                                       maximumOpt, statusOpt);
-    return objects;
-    NSSToken *token,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR atemplate,
-    CK_ULONG atlen)
-    if (!token->cache) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return nssTokenObjectCache_GetObjectAttributes(token->cache, arenaOpt,
-                                                   object, objclass,
-                                                   atemplate, atlen);
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-    NSSItem *data,
-    NSSItem *rvOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    CK_ULONG digestLen;
-    CK_BYTE_PTR digest;
-    NSSItem *rvItem = NULL;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(tok);
-    nssSession *session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : tok->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return rvItem;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_DigestInit(session->handle, &ap->mechanism);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-#if 0
-    /* XXX the standard says this should work, but it doesn't */
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_Digest(session->handle, NULL, 0, NULL, &digestLen);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-	nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    digestLen = 0; /* XXX for now */
-    digest = NULL;
-    if (rvOpt) {
-        if (rvOpt->size > 0 && rvOpt->size < digestLen) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            /* the error should be bad args */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (rvOpt->data) {
-            digest = rvOpt->data;
-        }
-        digestLen = rvOpt->size;
-    }
-    if (!digest) {
-        digest = (CK_BYTE_PTR)nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, digestLen);
-        if (!digest) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_Digest(session->handle,
-                                (CK_BYTE_PTR)data->data,
-                                (CK_ULONG)data->size,
-                                (CK_BYTE_PTR)digest,
-                                &digestLen);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(digest);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!rvOpt) {
-        rvItem = nssItem_Create(arenaOpt, NULL, digestLen, (void *)digest);
-    }
-    return rvItem;
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(tok);
-    nssSession *session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : tok->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_DigestInit(session->handle, &ap->mechanism);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    return (ckrv == CKR_OK) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *item)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(tok);
-    nssSession *session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : tok->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_DigestUpdate(session->handle,
-                                      (CK_BYTE_PTR)item->data,
-                                      (CK_ULONG)item->size);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    return (ckrv == CKR_OK) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-    NSSToken *tok,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    NSSItem *rvOpt,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    CK_ULONG digestLen;
-    CK_BYTE_PTR digest;
-    NSSItem *rvItem = NULL;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(tok);
-    nssSession *session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : tok->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session);
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_DigestFinal(session->handle, NULL, &digestLen);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK || digestLen == 0) {
-        nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    digest = NULL;
-    if (rvOpt) {
-        if (rvOpt->size > 0 && rvOpt->size < digestLen) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            /* the error should be bad args */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (rvOpt->data) {
-            digest = rvOpt->data;
-        }
-        digestLen = rvOpt->size;
-    }
-    if (!digest) {
-        digest = (CK_BYTE_PTR)nss_ZAlloc(arenaOpt, digestLen);
-        if (!digest) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_DigestFinal(session->handle, digest, &digestLen);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(digest);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!rvOpt) {
-        rvItem = nssItem_Create(arenaOpt, NULL, digestLen, (void *)digest);
-    }
-    return rvItem;
-    NSSToken *token)
-    return nssSlot_IsTokenPresent(token->slot);
-/* Sigh.  The methods to find objects declared above cause problems with
- * the low-level object cache in the softoken -- the objects are found in
- * toto, then one wave of GetAttributes is done, then another.  Having a
- * large number of objects causes the cache to be thrashed, as the objects
- * are gone before there's any chance to ask for their attributes.
- * So, for now, bringing back traversal methods for certs.  This way all of
- * the cert's attributes can be grabbed immediately after finding it,
- * increasing the likelihood that the cache takes care of it.
- */
-    NSSToken *token,
-    nssSession *sessionOpt,
-    nssTokenSearchType searchType,
-    PRStatus (*callback)(nssCryptokiObject *instance, void *arg),
-    void *arg)
-    CK_RV ckrv;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectHandles;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE cert_template[2];
-    CK_ULONG ctsize;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PRUint32 arraySize, numHandles;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    void *epv = nssToken_GetCryptokiEPV(token);
-    nssSession *session = (sessionOpt) ? sessionOpt : token->defaultSession;
-    /* Don't ask the module to use an invalid session handle. */
-    if (!session || session->handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /* template for all certs */
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_START(cert_template, attr, ctsize);
-    if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_SessionOnly) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_false);
-    } else if (searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly ||
-               searchType == nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced) {
-        NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_TOKEN, &g_ck_true);
-    }
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(attr, CKA_CLASS, &g_ck_class_cert);
-    NSS_CK_TEMPLATE_FINISH(cert_template, attr, ctsize);
-    /* the arena is only for the array of object handles */
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    arraySize = OBJECT_STACK_SIZE;
-    numHandles = 0;
-    objectHandles = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, arraySize);
-    if (!objectHandles) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    nssSession_EnterMonitor(session); /* ==== session lock === */
-    /* Initialize the find with the template */
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_FindObjectsInit(session->handle,
-                                         cert_template, ctsize);
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    while (PR_TRUE) {
-        /* Issue the find for up to arraySize - numHandles objects */
-        ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_FindObjects(session->handle,
-                                         objectHandles + numHandles,
-                                         arraySize - numHandles,
-                                         &count);
-        if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        /* bump the number of found objects */
-        numHandles += count;
-        if (numHandles < arraySize) {
-            break;
-        }
-        /* the array is filled, double it and continue */
-        arraySize *= 2;
-        objectHandles = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(objectHandles,
-                                          CK_OBJECT_HANDLE,
-                                          arraySize);
-        if (!objectHandles) {
-            nssSession_ExitMonitor(session);
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    }
-    ckrv = CKAPI(epv)->C_FindObjectsFinal(session->handle);
-    nssSession_ExitMonitor(session); /* ==== end session lock === */
-    if (ckrv != CKR_OK) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (numHandles > 0) {
-        objects = create_objects_from_handles(token, session,
-                                              objectHandles, numHandles);
-        if (objects) {
-            nssCryptokiObject **op;
-            for (op = objects; *op; op++) {
-                (void)(*callback)(*op, arg);
-            }
-            nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-        }
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    NSSToken *token,
-    NSSCertificate *c,
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance)
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS theClass;
-    if (token == NULL)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    if (c == NULL)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    theClass = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY;
-    if (!nssSlot_IsLoggedIn(token->slot)) {
-        theClass = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY;
-    }
-    if (PK11_MatchItem(token->pk11slot, instance->handle, theClass) !=
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/devutil.c b/nss/lib/dev/devutil.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b8f82c8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/devutil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEVM_H
-#include "devm.h"
-#endif /* DEVM_H */
-#ifndef CKHELPER_H
-#include "ckhelper.h"
-#endif /* CKHELPER_H */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    NSSToken *t,
-    nssSession *session,
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSSlot *slot;
-    nssCryptokiObject *object;
-    CK_BBOOL *isTokenObject;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE cert_template[] = {
-        { CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-        { CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    slot = nssToken_GetSlot(t);
-    status = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(h, cert_template, 2,
-                                       NULL, session, slot);
-    nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        /* a failure here indicates a device error */
-        return (nssCryptokiObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    object = nss_ZNEW(NULL, nssCryptokiObject);
-    if (!object) {
-        return (nssCryptokiObject *)NULL;
-    }
-    object->handle = h;
-    object->token = nssToken_AddRef(t);
-    isTokenObject = (CK_BBOOL *)cert_template[0].pValue;
-    object->isTokenObject = *isTokenObject;
-    nss_ZFreeIf(isTokenObject);
-    NSS_CK_ATTRIBUTE_TO_UTF8(&cert_template[1], object->label);
-    return object;
-    nssCryptokiObject *object)
-    if (object) {
-        nssToken_Destroy(object->token);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(object->label);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(object);
-    }
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object)
-    nssCryptokiObject *rvObject;
-    rvObject = nss_ZNEW(NULL, nssCryptokiObject);
-    if (rvObject) {
-        rvObject->handle = object->handle;
-        rvObject->token = nssToken_AddRef(object->token);
-        rvObject->isTokenObject = object->isTokenObject;
-        if (object->label) {
-            rvObject->label = nssUTF8_Duplicate(object->label, NULL);
-        }
-    }
-    return rvObject;
-    nssCryptokiObject *o1,
-    nssCryptokiObject *o2)
-    return (o1->token == o2->token && o1->handle == o2->handle);
-nssPKCS11String_Length(CK_CHAR *pkcs11Str, PRUint32 bufLen)
-    PRInt32 i;
-    for (i = bufLen - 1; i >= 0;) {
-        if (pkcs11Str[i] != ' ' && pkcs11Str[i] != '\0')
-            break;
-        --i;
-    }
-    return (PRUint32)(i + 1);
- * Slot arrays
- */
-    NSSSlot **slots)
-    NSSSlot **rvSlots = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **sp = slots;
-    PRUint32 count = 0;
-    while (sp && *sp)
-        count++;
-    if (count > 0) {
-        rvSlots = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSSlot *, count + 1);
-        if (rvSlots) {
-            for (sp = slots, count = 0; *sp; sp++) {
-                rvSlots[count++] = nssSlot_AddRef(*sp);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rvSlots;
-    NSSSlot **slots)
-    if (slots) {
-        NSSSlot **slotp;
-        for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-            nssSlot_Destroy(*slotp);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(slots);
-    }
-    NSSSlot **slots)
-    nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    NSSToken **tokens)
-    if (tokens) {
-        NSSToken **tokenp;
-        for (tokenp = tokens; *tokenp; tokenp++) {
-            nssToken_Destroy(*tokenp);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(tokens);
-    }
-    NSSToken **tokens)
-    nssTokenArray_Destroy(tokens);
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects)
-    if (objects) {
-        nssCryptokiObject **op;
-        for (op = objects; *op; op++) {
-            nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(*op);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    }
-/* object cache for token */
-typedef struct
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssCryptokiObject *object;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes;
-    CK_ULONG numAttributes;
-} nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes;
-enum {
-    cachedCerts = 0,
-    cachedTrust = 1,
-    cachedCRLs = 2
-} cachedObjectType;
-struct nssTokenObjectCacheStr {
-    NSSToken *token;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    PRBool loggedIn;
-    PRBool doObjectType[3];
-    PRBool searchedObjectType[3];
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **objects[3];
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssTokenObjectCache *
-    NSSToken *token,
-    PRBool cacheCerts,
-    PRBool cacheTrust,
-    PRBool cacheCRLs)
-    nssTokenObjectCache *rvCache;
-    rvCache = nss_ZNEW(NULL, nssTokenObjectCache);
-    if (!rvCache) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rvCache->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther); /* XXX */
-    if (!rvCache->lock) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rvCache->doObjectType[cachedCerts] = cacheCerts;
-    rvCache->doObjectType[cachedTrust] = cacheTrust;
-    rvCache->doObjectType[cachedCRLs] = cacheCRLs;
-    rvCache->token = token; /* cache goes away with token */
-    return rvCache;
-    nssTokenObjectCache_Destroy(rvCache);
-    return (nssTokenObjectCache *)NULL;
-static void
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache)
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **oa;
-    PRUint32 objectType;
-    for (objectType = cachedCerts; objectType <= cachedCRLs; objectType++) {
-        cache->searchedObjectType[objectType] = PR_FALSE;
-        if (!cache->objects[objectType]) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        for (oa = cache->objects[objectType]; *oa; oa++) {
-            /* prevent the token from being destroyed */
-            (*oa)->object->token = NULL;
-            nssCryptokiObject_Destroy((*oa)->object);
-            nssArena_Destroy((*oa)->arena);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(cache->objects[objectType]);
-        cache->objects[objectType] = NULL;
-    }
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache)
-    if (cache) {
-        PZ_Lock(cache->lock);
-        clear_cache(cache);
-        PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-    }
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache)
-    if (cache) {
-        clear_cache(cache);
-        if (cache->lock) {
-            PZ_DestroyLock(cache->lock);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(cache);
-    }
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass)
-    PRBool haveIt;
-    PZ_Lock(cache->lock);
-    switch (objclass) {
-        case CKO_CERTIFICATE:
-            haveIt = cache->doObjectType[cachedCerts];
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_TRUST:
-            haveIt = cache->doObjectType[cachedTrust];
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_CRL:
-            haveIt = cache->doObjectType[cachedCRLs];
-            break;
-        default:
-            haveIt = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-    return haveIt;
-static nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects,
-    PRBool *doObjects,
-    PRUint32 *numObjects,
-    PRStatus *status)
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **rvOandA = NULL;
-    *numObjects = 0;
-    /* There are no objects for this type */
-    if (!objects || !*objects) {
-        *status = PR_SUCCESS;
-        return rvOandA;
-    }
-    while (*objects++)
-        (*numObjects)++;
-    if (*numObjects >= MAX_LOCAL_CACHE_OBJECTS) {
-        /* Hit the maximum allowed, so don't use a cache (there are
-         * too many objects to make caching worthwhile, presumably, if
-         * the token can handle that many objects, it can handle searching.
-         */
-        *doObjects = PR_FALSE;
-        *status = PR_FAILURE;
-        *numObjects = 0;
-    } else {
-        rvOandA = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL,
-                                nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *,
-                                *numObjects + 1);
-        *status = rvOandA ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return rvOandA;
-static nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *types,
-    PRUint32 numTypes,
-    PRStatus *status)
-    PRUint32 j;
-    NSSArena *arena = NULL;
-    NSSSlot *slot = NULL;
-    nssSession *session = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *rvCachedObject = NULL;
-    slot = nssToken_GetSlot(object->token);
-    if (!slot) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    session = nssToken_GetDefaultSession(object->token);
-    if (!session) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rvCachedObject = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes);
-    if (!rvCachedObject) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rvCachedObject->arena = arena;
-    /* The cache is tied to the token, and therefore the objects
-     * in it should not hold references to the token.
-     */
-    nssToken_Destroy(object->token);
-    rvCachedObject->object = object;
-    rvCachedObject->attributes = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE, numTypes);
-    if (!rvCachedObject->attributes) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (j = 0; j < numTypes; j++) {
-        rvCachedObject->attributes[j].type = types[j];
-    }
-    *status = nssCKObject_GetAttributes(object->handle,
-                                        rvCachedObject->attributes,
-                                        numTypes,
-                                        arena,
-                                        session,
-                                        slot);
-    if (*status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rvCachedObject->numAttributes = numTypes;
-    *status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    return rvCachedObject;
-    *status = PR_FAILURE;
-    if (slot) {
-        nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    }
-    if (arena)
-        nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return (nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *)NULL;
- *
- * State diagram for cache:
- *
- *            token !present            token removed
- *        +-------------------------+<----------------------+
- *        |                         ^                       |
- *        v                         |                       |
- *  +----------+   slot friendly    |  token present   +----------+
- *  |   cache  | -----------------> % ---------------> |   cache  |
- *  | unloaded |                                       |  loaded  |
- *  +----------+                                       +----------+
- *    ^   |                                                 ^   |
- *    |   |   slot !friendly           slot logged in       |   |
- *    |   +-----------------------> % ----------------------+   |
- *    |                             |                           |
- *    | slot logged out             v  slot !friendly           |
- *    +-----------------------------+<--------------------------+
- *
- */
-/* This function must not be called with cache->lock locked. */
-static PRBool
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache)
-    NSSSlot *slot = nssToken_GetSlot(cache->token);
-    PRBool tokenPresent = nssSlot_IsTokenPresent(slot);
-    nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    return tokenPresent;
-static PRBool
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache)
-    PRBool doSearch = PR_FALSE;
-    NSSSlot *slot = nssToken_GetSlot(cache->token);
-    /* Handle non-friendly slots (slots which require login for objects) */
-    if (!nssSlot_IsFriendly(slot)) {
-        if (nssSlot_IsLoggedIn(slot)) {
-            /* Either no state change, or went from !logged in -> logged in */
-            cache->loggedIn = PR_TRUE;
-            doSearch = PR_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            if (cache->loggedIn) {
-                /* went from logged in -> !logged in, destroy cached objects */
-                clear_cache(cache);
-                cache->loggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-            } /* else no state change, still not logged in, so exit */
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* slot is friendly, thus always available for search */
-        doSearch = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-    return doSearch;
-static nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    PRStatus *status)
-    static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE certAttr[] = {
-        CKA_CLASS,
-        CKA_TOKEN,
-        CKA_LABEL,
-        CKA_ID,
-        CKA_VALUE,
-        CKA_ISSUER,
-        CKA_SUBJECT,
-    };
-    static const PRUint32 numCertAttr = sizeof(certAttr) / sizeof(certAttr[0]);
-    return create_object(object, certAttr, numCertAttr, status);
-static nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    PRStatus *status)
-    static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE trustAttr[] = {
-        CKA_CLASS,
-        CKA_TOKEN,
-        CKA_LABEL,
-        CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH,
-        CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH,
-        CKA_ISSUER,
-        CKA_SUBJECT,
-    };
-    static const PRUint32 numTrustAttr = sizeof(trustAttr) / sizeof(trustAttr[0]);
-    return create_object(object, trustAttr, numTrustAttr, status);
-static nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    PRStatus *status)
-    static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE crlAttr[] = {
-        CKA_CLASS,
-        CKA_TOKEN,
-        CKA_LABEL,
-        CKA_VALUE,
-        CKA_SUBJECT,
-    };
-    static const PRUint32 numCRLAttr = sizeof(crlAttr) / sizeof(crlAttr[0]);
-    return create_object(object, crlAttr, numCRLAttr, status);
-/* Dispatch to the create function for the object type */
-static nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    PRUint32 objectType,
-    PRStatus *status)
-    if (objectType == cachedCerts) {
-        return create_cert(object, status);
-    }
-    if (objectType == cachedTrust) {
-        return create_trust(object, status);
-    }
-    if (objectType == cachedCRLs) {
-        return create_crl(object, status);
-    }
-    return (nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *)NULL;
-static PRStatus
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    PRUint32 objectType,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass)
-    PRStatus status;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects;
-    PRBool *doIt = &cache->doObjectType[objectType];
-    PRUint32 i, numObjects;
-    if (!search_for_objects(cache) ||
-        cache->searchedObjectType[objectType] ||
-        !cache->doObjectType[objectType]) {
-        /* Either there was a state change that prevents a search
-         * (token logged out), or the search was already done,
-         * or objects of this type are not being cached.
-         */
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    objects = nssToken_FindObjects(cache->token, NULL, objclass,
-                                   nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced,
-                                   MAX_LOCAL_CACHE_OBJECTS, &status);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        return status;
-    }
-    cache->objects[objectType] = create_object_array(objects,
-                                                     doIt,
-                                                     &numObjects,
-                                                     &status);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-        return status;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
-        cache->objects[objectType][i] = create_object_of_type(objects[i],
-                                                              objectType,
-                                                              &status);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(objects);
-    } else {
-        PRUint32 j;
-        for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-            /* sigh */
-            nssToken_AddRef(cache->objects[objectType][j]->object->token);
-            nssArena_Destroy(cache->objects[objectType][j]->arena);
-        }
-        nss_ZFreeIf(cache->objects[objectType]);
-        cache->objects[objectType] = NULL;
-        nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(objects);
-    }
-    cache->searchedObjectType[objectType] = PR_TRUE;
-    return status;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *obj,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType)
-    PRUint32 j;
-    for (j = 0; j < obj->numAttributes; j++) {
-        if (attrType == obj->attributes[j].type) {
-            return &obj->attributes[j];
-        }
-    }
-/* Find all objects in the array that match the supplied template */
-static nssCryptokiObject **
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **objArray,
-    CK_ULONG otlen,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt)
-    PRIntn oi = 0;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PRUint32 size = 8;
-    PRUint32 numMatches = 0;
-    nssCryptokiObject **objects = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **matches = NULL;
-    if (!objArray) {
-        return (nssCryptokiObject **)NULL;
-    }
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-        return (nssCryptokiObject **)NULL;
-    }
-    matches = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arena, nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *, size);
-    if (!matches) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (maximumOpt == 0)
-        maximumOpt = ~0;
-    /* loop over the cached objects */
-    for (; *objArray && numMatches < maximumOpt; objArray++) {
-        nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *obj = *objArray;
-        /* loop over the test template */
-        for (i = 0; i < otlen; i++) {
-            /* see if the object has the attribute */
-            attr = find_attribute_in_object(obj, ot[i].type);
-            if (!attr) {
-                /* nope, match failed */
-                break;
-            }
-            /* compare the attribute against the test value */
-            if (ot[i].ulValueLen != attr->ulValueLen ||
-                !nsslibc_memequal(ot[i].pValue,
-                                  attr->pValue,
-                                  attr->ulValueLen, NULL)) {
-                /* nope, match failed */
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (i == otlen) {
-            /* all of the attributes in the test template were found
-             * in the object's template, and they all matched
-             */
-            matches[numMatches++] = obj;
-            if (numMatches == size) {
-                size *= 2;
-                matches = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(matches,
-                                            nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *,
-                                            size);
-                if (!matches) {
-                    goto loser;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (numMatches > 0) {
-        objects = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, nssCryptokiObject *, numMatches + 1);
-        if (!objects) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        for (oi = 0; oi < (PRIntn)numMatches; oi++) {
-            objects[oi] = nssCryptokiObject_Clone(matches[oi]->object);
-            if (!objects[oi]) {
-                goto loser;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return objects;
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(objects);
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return (nssCryptokiObject **)NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR otemplate,
-    CK_ULONG otlen,
-    PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-    PRStatus *statusOpt)
-    PRStatus status = PR_FAILURE;
-    nssCryptokiObject **rvObjects = NULL;
-    PRUint32 objectType;
-    if (!token_is_present(cache)) {
-        status = PR_SUCCESS;
-        goto finish;
-    }
-    switch (objclass) {
-        case CKO_CERTIFICATE:
-            objectType = cachedCerts;
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_TRUST:
-            objectType = cachedTrust;
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_CRL:
-            objectType = cachedCRLs;
-            break;
-        default:
-            goto finish;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(cache->lock);
-    if (cache->doObjectType[objectType]) {
-        status = get_token_objects_for_cache(cache, objectType, objclass);
-        if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-            rvObjects = find_objects_in_array(cache->objects[objectType],
-                                              otemplate, otlen, maximumOpt);
-        }
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-    if (statusOpt) {
-        *statusOpt = status;
-    }
-    return rvObjects;
-static PRBool
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    PRUint32 objectType)
-    if (!cache->doObjectType[objectType]) {
-        /* not caching this object kind */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (!cache->searchedObjectType[objectType]) {
-        /* objects are not cached yet */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (!search_for_objects(cache)) {
-        /* not logged in */
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR atemplate,
-    CK_ULONG atlen)
-    PRUint32 i, j;
-    NSSArena *arena = NULL;
-    nssArenaMark *mark = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *cachedOA = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **oa = NULL;
-    PRUint32 objectType;
-    if (!token_is_present(cache)) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(cache->lock);
-    switch (objclass) {
-        case CKO_CERTIFICATE:
-            objectType = cachedCerts;
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_TRUST:
-            objectType = cachedTrust;
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_CRL:
-            objectType = cachedCRLs;
-            break;
-        default:
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!cache_available_for_object_type(cache, objectType)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    oa = cache->objects[objectType];
-    if (!oa) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (; *oa; oa++) {
-        if (nssCryptokiObject_Equal((*oa)->object, object)) {
-            cachedOA = *oa;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!cachedOA) {
-        goto loser; /* don't have this object */
-    }
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-        arena = arenaOpt;
-        mark = nssArena_Mark(arena);
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < atlen; i++) {
-        for (j = 0; j < cachedOA->numAttributes; j++) {
-            if (atemplate[i].type == cachedOA->attributes[j].type) {
-                CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attr = &cachedOA->attributes[j];
-                if (cachedOA->attributes[j].ulValueLen == 0 ||
-                    cachedOA->attributes[j].ulValueLen == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-                    break; /* invalid attribute */
-                }
-                if (atemplate[i].ulValueLen > 0) {
-                    if (atemplate[i].pValue == NULL ||
-                        atemplate[i].ulValueLen < attr->ulValueLen) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    atemplate[i].pValue = nss_ZAlloc(arena, attr->ulValueLen);
-                    if (!atemplate[i].pValue) {
-                        goto loser;
-                    }
-                }
-                nsslibc_memcpy(atemplate[i].pValue,
-                               attr->pValue, attr->ulValueLen);
-                atemplate[i].ulValueLen = attr->ulValueLen;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (j == cachedOA->numAttributes) {
-            atemplate[i].ulValueLen = (CK_ULONG)-1;
-        }
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-    if (mark) {
-        nssArena_Unmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-    if (mark) {
-        nssArena_Release(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass,
-    CK_ULONG otlen)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRUint32 count;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **oa, ***otype;
-    PRUint32 objectType;
-    PRBool haveIt = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!token_is_present(cache)) {
-        return PR_SUCCESS; /* cache not active, ignored */
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(cache->lock);
-    switch (objclass) {
-        case CKO_CERTIFICATE:
-            objectType = cachedCerts;
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_TRUST:
-            objectType = cachedTrust;
-            break;
-        case CKO_NETSCAPE_CRL:
-            objectType = cachedCRLs;
-            break;
-        default:
-            PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-            return PR_SUCCESS; /* don't need to import it here */
-    }
-    if (!cache_available_for_object_type(cache, objectType)) {
-        PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-        return PR_SUCCESS; /* cache not active, ignored */
-    }
-    count = 0;
-    otype = &cache->objects[objectType]; /* index into array of types */
-    oa = *otype;                         /* the array of objects for this type */
-    while (oa && *oa) {
-        if (nssCryptokiObject_Equal((*oa)->object, object)) {
-            haveIt = PR_TRUE;
-            break;
-        }
-        count++;
-        oa++;
-    }
-    if (haveIt) {
-        /* Destroy the old entry */
-        (*oa)->object->token = NULL;
-        nssCryptokiObject_Destroy((*oa)->object);
-        nssArena_Destroy((*oa)->arena);
-    } else {
-        /* Create space for a new entry */
-        if (count > 0) {
-            *otype = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(*otype,
-                                       nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *,
-                                       count + 2);
-        } else {
-            *otype = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes *, 2);
-        }
-    }
-    if (*otype) {
-        nssCryptokiObject *copyObject = nssCryptokiObject_Clone(object);
-        (*otype)[count] = create_object_of_type(copyObject, objectType,
-                                                &status);
-    } else {
-        status = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-    return status;
-    nssTokenObjectCache *cache,
-    nssCryptokiObject *object)
-    PRUint32 oType;
-    nssCryptokiObjectAndAttributes **oa, **swp = NULL;
-    if (!token_is_present(cache)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(cache->lock);
-    for (oType = 0; oType < 3; oType++) {
-        if (!cache_available_for_object_type(cache, oType) ||
-            !cache->objects[oType]) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        for (oa = cache->objects[oType]; *oa; oa++) {
-            if (nssCryptokiObject_Equal((*oa)->object, object)) {
-                swp = oa; /* the entry to remove */
-                while (oa[1])
-                    oa++; /* go to the tail */
-                (*swp)->object->token = NULL;
-                nssCryptokiObject_Destroy((*swp)->object);
-                nssArena_Destroy((*swp)->arena); /* destroy it */
-                *swp = *oa;                      /* swap the last with the removed */
-                *oa = NULL;                      /* null-terminate the array */
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (swp) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((oType < 3) &&
-        cache->objects[oType] && cache->objects[oType][0] == NULL) {
-        nss_ZFreeIf(cache->objects[oType]); /* no entries remaining */
-        cache->objects[oType] = NULL;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(cache->lock);
-/* These two hash algorithms are presently sufficient.
-** They are used for fingerprints of certs which are stored as the
-** CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH and CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH attributes.
-** We don't need to add SHAxxx to these now.
-/* XXX of course this doesn't belong here */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt)
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *rvAP = NULL;
-    rvAP = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, NSSAlgorithmAndParameters);
-    if (rvAP) {
-        rvAP->mechanism.mechanism = CKM_SHA_1;
-        rvAP->mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-        rvAP->mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    return rvAP;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt)
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *rvAP = NULL;
-    rvAP = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, NSSAlgorithmAndParameters);
-    if (rvAP) {
-        rvAP->mechanism.mechanism = CKM_MD5;
-        rvAP->mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-        rvAP->mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    return rvAP;
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/nssdev.h b/nss/lib/dev/nssdev.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1066ec6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/nssdev.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSDEV_H
-#define NSSDEV_H
- * nssdev.h
- *
- * High-level methods for interaction with cryptoki devices
- */
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
-/* NSSAlgorithmAndParameters
- *
- * NSSAlgorithmAndParameters_CreateSHA1Digest
- * NSSAlgorithmAndParameters_CreateMD5Digest
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt);
-NSS_EXTERN NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *
-    NSSArena *arenaOpt);
-#endif /* DEV_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/dev/nssdevt.h b/nss/lib/dev/nssdevt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b7b1e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/dev/nssdevt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#define NSSDEVT_H
- * nssdevt.h
- *
- * This file contains definitions for the low-level cryptoki devices.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#include "nsspkit.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
- * NSSModule and NSSSlot -- placeholders for the PKCS#11 types
- */
-typedef struct NSSModuleStr NSSModule;
-typedef struct NSSSlotStr NSSSlot;
-typedef struct NSSTokenStr NSSToken;
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/aeskeywrap.c b/nss/lib/freebl/aeskeywrap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c95b3..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/aeskeywrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
- * aeskeywrap.c - implement AES Key Wrap algorithm from RFC 3394
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prcpucfg.h"
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) || defined(SHA_NO_LONG_LONG)
-#include "prtypes.h"	/* for PRUintXX */
-#include "secport.h"	/* for PORT_XXX */
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapi.h"	/* for AES_ functions */
-#include "rijndael.h"
-struct AESKeyWrapContextStr {
-     unsigned char iv[AES_KEY_WRAP_IV_BYTES];
-     AESContext    aescx;
-** AES key wrap algorithm, RFC 3394
-AESKeyWrapContext * 
-    AESKeyWrapContext * cx = PORT_New(AESKeyWrapContext);
-    return cx;
-AESKeyWrap_InitContext(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, 
-		       const unsigned char *key, 
-		       unsigned int keylen,
-		       const unsigned char *iv, 
-		       int x1,
-		       unsigned int encrypt,
-		       unsigned int x2)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!cx) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (iv) {
-    	memcpy(cx->iv, iv, sizeof cx->iv);
-    } else {
-	memset(cx->iv, 0xA6, sizeof cx->iv);
-    }
-    rv = AES_InitContext(&cx->aescx, key, keylen, NULL, NSS_AES, encrypt, 
-                                  AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    return rv;
-** Create a new AES context suitable for AES encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-** 	"keylen" the number of bytes of key data (16, 24, or 32)
-extern AESKeyWrapContext *
-AESKeyWrap_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-                         int encrypt, unsigned int keylen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    AESKeyWrapContext * cx = AESKeyWrap_AllocateContext();
-    if (!cx) 
-    	return NULL;	/* error is already set */
-    rv = AESKeyWrap_InitContext(cx, key, keylen, iv, 0, encrypt, 0);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Free(cx);
-	cx = NULL; 	/* error should already be set */
-    }
-    return cx;
-** Destroy a AES KeyWrap context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void 
-AESKeyWrap_DestroyContext(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx) {
-	AES_DestroyContext(&cx->aescx, PR_FALSE);
-/*	memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx); */
-	if (freeit)
-	    PORT_Free(cx);
-    }
-/* The AES Key Wrap algorithm has 64-bit values that are ALWAYS big-endian
-** (Most significant byte first) in memory.  The only ALU operations done
-** on them are increment, decrement, and XOR.  So, on little-endian CPUs,
-** and on CPUs that lack 64-bit registers, these big-endian 64-bit operations
-** are simulated in the following code.  This is thought to be faster and
-** simpler than trying to convert the data to little-endian and back.
-/* A and T point to two 64-bit values stored most signficant byte first
-** (big endian).  This function increments the 64-bit value T, and then
-** XORs it with A, changing A.
-static void
-increment_and_xor(unsigned char *A, unsigned char *T)
-    if (!++T[7])
-        if (!++T[6])
-	    if (!++T[5])
-		if (!++T[4])
-		    if (!++T[3])
-			if (!++T[2])
-			    if (!++T[1])
-				 ++T[0];
-    A[0] ^= T[0];
-    A[1] ^= T[1];
-    A[2] ^= T[2];
-    A[3] ^= T[3];
-    A[4] ^= T[4];
-    A[5] ^= T[5];
-    A[6] ^= T[6];
-    A[7] ^= T[7];
-/* A and T point to two 64-bit values stored most signficant byte first
-** (big endian).  This function XORs T with A, giving a new A, then 
-** decrements the 64-bit value T.
-static void
-xor_and_decrement(unsigned char *A, unsigned char *T)
-    A[0] ^= T[0];
-    A[1] ^= T[1];
-    A[2] ^= T[2];
-    A[3] ^= T[3];
-    A[4] ^= T[4];
-    A[5] ^= T[5];
-    A[6] ^= T[6];
-    A[7] ^= T[7];
-    if (!T[7]--)
-        if (!T[6]--)
-	    if (!T[5]--)
-		if (!T[4]--)
-		    if (!T[3]--)
-			if (!T[2]--)
-			    if (!T[1]--)
-				 T[0]--;
-/* Given an unsigned long t (in host byte order), store this value as a
-** 64-bit big-endian value (MSB first) in *pt.
-static void
-set_t(unsigned char *pt, unsigned long t)
-    pt[7] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[6] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[5] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[4] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[3] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[2] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[1] = (unsigned char)t; t >>= 8;
-    pt[0] = (unsigned char)t;
-** Perform AES key wrap.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-AESKeyWrap_Encrypt(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *pOutputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    PRUint64 *     R          = NULL;
-    unsigned int   nBlocks;
-    unsigned int   i, j;
-    unsigned int   aesLen     = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    unsigned int   outLen     = inputLen + AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    SECStatus      s          = SECFailure;
-    /* These PRUint64s are ALWAYS big endian, regardless of CPU orientation. */
-    PRUint64       t;
-    PRUint64       B[2];
-#define A B[0]
-    /* Check args */
-    if (!inputLen || 0 != inputLen % AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	return s;
-    }
-#ifdef maybe
-    if (!output && pOutputLen) {	/* caller is asking for output size */
-    	*pOutputLen = outLen;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (maxOutputLen < outLen) {
-	return s;
-    }
-    if (cx == NULL || output == NULL || input == NULL) {
-	return s;
-    }
-    nBlocks = inputLen / AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    R = PORT_NewArray(PRUint64, nBlocks + 1);
-    if (!R)
-    	return s;	/* error is already set. */
-    /* 
-    ** 1) Initialize variables.
-    */
-    memcpy(&A, cx->iv, AES_KEY_WRAP_IV_BYTES);
-    memcpy(&R[1], input, inputLen);
-    t = 0;
-    memset(&t, 0, sizeof t);
-    /* 
-    ** 2) Calculate intermediate values.
-    */
-    for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
-    	for (i = 1; i <= nBlocks; ++i) {
-	    B[1] = R[i];
-	    s = AES_Encrypt(&cx->aescx, (unsigned char *)B, &aesLen, 
-	                    sizeof B,  (unsigned char *)B, sizeof B);
-	    if (s != SECSuccess) 
-	        break;
-	    R[i] = B[1];
-	    /* here, increment t and XOR A with t (in big endian order); */
-   	    A ^= ++t; 
-	    increment_and_xor((unsigned char *)&A, (unsigned char *)&t);
-	}
-    }
-    /* 
-    ** 3) Output the results.
-    */
-    if (s == SECSuccess) {
-    	R[0] =  A;
-	memcpy(output, &R[0], outLen);
-	if (pOutputLen)
-	    *pOutputLen = outLen;
-    } else if (pOutputLen) {
-    	*pOutputLen = 0;
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(R, outLen);
-    return s;
-#undef A
-** Perform AES key unwrap.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-AESKeyWrap_Decrypt(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *pOutputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    PRUint64 *     R          = NULL;
-    unsigned int   nBlocks;
-    unsigned int   i, j;
-    unsigned int   aesLen     = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    unsigned int   outLen;
-    SECStatus      s          = SECFailure;
-    /* These PRUint64s are ALWAYS big endian, regardless of CPU orientation. */
-    PRUint64       t;
-    PRUint64       B[2];
-#define A B[0]
-    /* Check args */
-    if (inputLen < 3 * AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE || 
-        0 != inputLen % AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	return s;
-    }
-    outLen = inputLen - AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE;
-#ifdef maybe
-    if (!output && pOutputLen) {	/* caller is asking for output size */
-    	*pOutputLen = outLen;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (maxOutputLen < outLen) {
-	return s;
-    }
-    if (cx == NULL || output == NULL || input == NULL) {
-	return s;
-    }
-    nBlocks = inputLen / AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    R = PORT_NewArray(PRUint64, nBlocks);
-    if (!R)
-    	return s;	/* error is already set. */
-    nBlocks--;
-    /* 
-    ** 1) Initialize variables.
-    */
-    memcpy(&R[0], input, inputLen);
-    A = R[0];
-    t = 6UL * nBlocks;
-    set_t((unsigned char *)&t, 6UL * nBlocks);
-    /* 
-    ** 2) Calculate intermediate values.
-    */
-    for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
-    	for (i = nBlocks; i; --i) {
-	    /* here, XOR A with t (in big endian order) and decrement t; */
-   	    A ^= t--; 
-	    xor_and_decrement((unsigned char *)&A, (unsigned char *)&t);
-	    B[1] = R[i];
-	    s = AES_Decrypt(&cx->aescx, (unsigned char *)B, &aesLen, 
-	                    sizeof B,  (unsigned char *)B, sizeof B);
-	    if (s != SECSuccess) 
-	        break;
-	    R[i] = B[1];
-	}
-    }
-    /* 
-    ** 3) Output the results.
-    */
-    if (s == SECSuccess) {
-	int bad = memcmp(&A, cx->iv, AES_KEY_WRAP_IV_BYTES);
-	if (!bad) {
-	    memcpy(output, &R[1], outLen);
-	    if (pOutputLen)
-		*pOutputLen = outLen;
-	} else {
-	    s = SECFailure;
-	    if (pOutputLen) 
-		*pOutputLen = 0;
-    	}
-    } else if (pOutputLen) {
-    	*pOutputLen = 0;
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(R, inputLen);
-    return s;
-#undef A
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/alg2268.c b/nss/lib/freebl/alg2268.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ea97f52..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/alg2268.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
- * alg2268.c - implementation of the algorithm in RFC 2268
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#ifdef XP_UNIX_XXX
-#include <stddef.h>	/* for ptrdiff_t */
-** RC2 symmetric block cypher
-typedef SECStatus (rc2Func)(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-		           const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-/* forward declarations */
-static rc2Func rc2_EncryptECB;
-static rc2Func rc2_DecryptECB;
-static rc2Func rc2_EncryptCBC;
-static rc2Func rc2_DecryptCBC;
-typedef union {
-    PRUint32	l[2];
-    PRUint16	s[4];
-    PRUint8	b[8];
-} RC2Block;
-struct RC2ContextStr {
-    union {
-    	PRUint8  Kb[128];
-	PRUint16 Kw[64];
-    } u;
-    RC2Block     iv;
-    rc2Func      *enc;
-    rc2Func      *dec;
-#define B u.Kb
-#define K u.Kw
-#define BYTESWAP(x) ((x) << 8 | (x) >> 8)
-#define SWAPK(i)  cx->K[i] = (tmpS = cx->K[i], BYTESWAP(tmpS))
-#define RC2_BLOCK_SIZE 8
-#define LOAD_HARD(R) \
-    R[0] = (PRUint16)input[1] << 8 | input[0]; \
-    R[1] = (PRUint16)input[3] << 8 | input[2]; \
-    R[2] = (PRUint16)input[5] << 8 | input[4]; \
-    R[3] = (PRUint16)input[7] << 8 | input[6];
-#define LOAD_EASY(R) \
-    R[0] = ((PRUint16 *)input)[0]; \
-    R[1] = ((PRUint16 *)input)[1]; \
-    R[2] = ((PRUint16 *)input)[2]; \
-    R[3] = ((PRUint16 *)input)[3];
-#define STORE_HARD(R) \
-    output[0] =  (PRUint8)(R[0]);   output[1] = (PRUint8)(R[0] >> 8); \
-    output[2] =  (PRUint8)(R[1]);   output[3] = (PRUint8)(R[1] >> 8); \
-    output[4] =  (PRUint8)(R[2]);   output[5] = (PRUint8)(R[2] >> 8); \
-    output[6] =  (PRUint8)(R[3]);   output[7] = (PRUint8)(R[3] >> 8);
-#define STORE_EASY(R) \
-    ((PRUint16 *)output)[0] =  R[0]; \
-    ((PRUint16 *)output)[1] =  R[1]; \
-    ((PRUint16 *)output)[2] =  R[2]; \
-    ((PRUint16 *)output)[3] =  R[3];   
-#if defined (NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#define LOAD(R)  LOAD_EASY(R)
-#elif !defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#define LOAD(R)  LOAD_HARD(R)
-#define LOAD(R) if ((ptrdiff_t)input & 1) { LOAD_HARD(R) } else { LOAD_EASY(R) }
-#define STORE(R) if ((ptrdiff_t)input & 1) { STORE_HARD(R) } else { STORE_EASY(R) }
-static const PRUint8 S[256] = {
-RC2Context * RC2_AllocateContext(void)
-    return PORT_ZNew(RC2Context);
-RC2_InitContext(RC2Context *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len,
-	        const unsigned char *input, int mode, unsigned int efLen8, 
-		unsigned int unused)
-    PRUint8    *L,*L2;
-    int         i;
-#if !defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    PRUint16    tmpS;
-    PRUint8     tmpB;
-    if (!key || !cx || !len || len > (sizeof cx->B) || 
-	efLen8 > (sizeof cx->B)) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode == NSS_RC2) {
-    	/* groovy */
-    } else if (mode == NSS_RC2_CBC) {
-    	if (!input) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    } else {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode == NSS_RC2_CBC) {
-    	cx->enc = & rc2_EncryptCBC;
-	cx->dec = & rc2_DecryptCBC;
-	LOAD(cx->iv.s);
-    } else {
-    	cx->enc = & rc2_EncryptECB;
-	cx->dec = & rc2_DecryptECB;
-    }
-    /* Step 0. Copy key into table. */
-    memcpy(cx->B, key, len);
-    /* Step 1. Compute all values to the right of the key. */
-    L2 = cx->B;
-    L = L2 + len;
-    tmpB = L[-1];
-    for (i = (sizeof cx->B) - len; i > 0; --i) {
-	*L++ = tmpB = S[ (PRUint8)(tmpB + *L2++) ];
-    }
-    /* step 2. Adjust left most byte of effective key. */
-    i = (sizeof cx->B) - efLen8;
-    L = cx->B + i;
-    *L = tmpB = S[*L];				/* mask is always 0xff */
-    /* step 3. Recompute all values to the left of effective key. */
-    L2 = --L + efLen8;
-    while(L >= cx->B) {
-	*L-- = tmpB = S[ tmpB ^ *L2-- ];
-    }
-#if !defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    for (i = 63; i >= 0; --i) {
-        SWAPK(i);		/* candidate for unrolling */
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-** Create a new RC2 context suitable for RC2 encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-** 	"len" the number of bytes of key data
-** 	"iv" is the CBC initialization vector (if mode is NSS_RC2_CBC)
-** 	"mode" one of NSS_RC2 or NSS_RC2_CBC
-**	"effectiveKeyLen" in bytes, not bits.
-** When mode is set to NSS_RC2_CBC the RC2 cipher is run in "cipher block
-** chaining" mode.
-RC2Context *
-RC2_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len,
-		  const unsigned char *iv, int mode, unsigned efLen8)
-    RC2Context *cx = PORT_ZNew(RC2Context);
-    if (cx) {
-	SECStatus rv = RC2_InitContext(cx, key, len, iv, mode, efLen8, 0);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    RC2_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-	    cx = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return cx;
-** Destroy an RC2 encryption/decryption context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-RC2_DestroyContext(RC2Context *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx) {
-	memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-	if (freeit) {
-	    PORT_Free(cx);
-	}
-    }
-#define ROL(x,k) (x << k | x >> (16-k))
-#define MIX(j) \
-    R0 = R0 + cx->K[ 4*j+0] + (R3 & R2) + (~R3 & R1);  R0 = ROL(R0,1);\
-    R1 = R1 + cx->K[ 4*j+1] + (R0 & R3) + (~R0 & R2);  R1 = ROL(R1,2);\
-    R2 = R2 + cx->K[ 4*j+2] + (R1 & R0) + (~R1 & R3);  R2 = ROL(R2,3);\
-    R3 = R3 + cx->K[ 4*j+3] + (R2 & R1) + (~R2 & R0);  R3 = ROL(R3,5)
-#define MASH \
-    R0 = R0 + cx->K[R3 & 63];\
-    R1 = R1 + cx->K[R0 & 63];\
-    R2 = R2 + cx->K[R1 & 63];\
-    R3 = R3 + cx->K[R2 & 63]
-/* Encrypt one block */
-static void 
-rc2_Encrypt1Block(RC2Context *cx, RC2Block *output, RC2Block *input)
-    register PRUint16 R0, R1, R2, R3;
-    /* step 1. Initialize input. */
-    R0 = input->s[0];
-    R1 = input->s[1];
-    R2 = input->s[2];
-    R3 = input->s[3];
-    /* step 2.  Expand Key (already done, in context) */
-    /* step 3.  j = 0 */
-    /* step 4.  Perform 5 mixing rounds. */
-    MIX(0);
-    MIX(1);
-    MIX(2);
-    MIX(3);
-    MIX(4);
-    /* step 5. Perform 1 mashing round. */
-    MASH;
-    /* step 6. Perform 6 mixing rounds. */
-    MIX(5);
-    MIX(6);
-    MIX(7);
-    MIX(8);
-    MIX(9);
-    MIX(10);
-    /* step 7. Perform 1 mashing round. */
-    MASH;
-    /* step 8. Perform 5 mixing rounds. */
-    MIX(11);
-    MIX(12);
-    MIX(13);
-    MIX(14);
-    MIX(15);
-    /* output results */
-    output->s[0] = R0;
-    output->s[1] = R1;
-    output->s[2] = R2;
-    output->s[3] = R3;
-#define ROR(x,k) (x >> k | x << (16-k))
-#define R_MIX(j) \
-    R3 = ROR(R3,5); R3 = R3 - cx->K[ 4*j+3] - (R2 & R1) - (~R2 & R0);  \
-    R2 = ROR(R2,3); R2 = R2 - cx->K[ 4*j+2] - (R1 & R0) - (~R1 & R3);  \
-    R1 = ROR(R1,2); R1 = R1 - cx->K[ 4*j+1] - (R0 & R3) - (~R0 & R2);  \
-    R0 = ROR(R0,1); R0 = R0 - cx->K[ 4*j+0] - (R3 & R2) - (~R3 & R1)
-#define R_MASH \
-    R3 = R3 - cx->K[R2 & 63];\
-    R2 = R2 - cx->K[R1 & 63];\
-    R1 = R1 - cx->K[R0 & 63];\
-    R0 = R0 - cx->K[R3 & 63]
-/* Encrypt one block */
-static void 
-rc2_Decrypt1Block(RC2Context *cx, RC2Block *output, RC2Block *input)
-    register PRUint16 R0, R1, R2, R3;
-    /* step 1. Initialize input. */
-    R0 = input->s[0];
-    R1 = input->s[1];
-    R2 = input->s[2];
-    R3 = input->s[3];
-    /* step 2.  Expand Key (already done, in context) */
-    /* step 3.  j = 63 */
-    /* step 4.  Perform 5 r_mixing rounds. */
-    R_MIX(15);
-    R_MIX(14);
-    R_MIX(13);
-    R_MIX(12);
-    R_MIX(11);
-    /* step 5.  Perform 1 r_mashing round. */
-    R_MASH;
-    /* step 6.  Perform 6 r_mixing rounds. */
-    R_MIX(10);
-    R_MIX(9);
-    R_MIX(8);
-    R_MIX(7);
-    R_MIX(6);
-    R_MIX(5);
-    /* step 7.  Perform 1 r_mashing round. */
-    R_MASH;
-    /* step 8.  Perform 5 r_mixing rounds. */
-    R_MIX(4);
-    R_MIX(3);
-    R_MIX(2);
-    R_MIX(1);
-    R_MIX(0);
-    /* output results */
-    output->s[0] = R0;
-    output->s[1] = R1;
-    output->s[2] = R2;
-    output->s[3] = R3;
-static SECStatus
-rc2_EncryptECB(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-	       const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    RC2Block  iBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-    	LOAD(iBlock.s)
-	rc2_Encrypt1Block(cx, &iBlock, &iBlock);
-	STORE(iBlock.s)
-	output   += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	input    += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	inputLen -= RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-rc2_DecryptECB(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-	       const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    RC2Block  iBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-    	LOAD(iBlock.s)
-	rc2_Decrypt1Block(cx, &iBlock, &iBlock);
-	STORE(iBlock.s)
-	output   += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	input    += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	inputLen -= RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-rc2_EncryptCBC(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-	       const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    RC2Block  iBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-	LOAD(iBlock.s)
-	iBlock.l[0] ^= cx->iv.l[0];
-	iBlock.l[1] ^= cx->iv.l[1];
-	rc2_Encrypt1Block(cx, &iBlock, &iBlock);
-	cx->iv = iBlock;
-	STORE(iBlock.s)
-	output   += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	input    += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	inputLen -= RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-rc2_DecryptCBC(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-	       const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    RC2Block  iBlock;
-    RC2Block  oBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-	LOAD(iBlock.s)
-	rc2_Decrypt1Block(cx, &oBlock, &iBlock);
-	oBlock.l[0] ^= cx->iv.l[0];
-	oBlock.l[1] ^= cx->iv.l[1];
-	cx->iv = iBlock;
-	STORE(oBlock.s)
-	output   += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	input    += RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	inputLen -= RC2_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-** Perform RC2 encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-SECStatus RC2_Encrypt(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-		      unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-		      const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (inputLen) {
-	if (inputLen % RC2_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	rv = (*cx->enc)(cx, output, input, inputLen);
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-    	*outputLen = inputLen;
-    }
-    return rv;
-** Perform RC2 decryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-SECStatus RC2_Decrypt(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-		      unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-		      const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (inputLen) {
-	if (inputLen % RC2_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	rv = (*cx->dec)(cx, output, input, inputLen);
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	*outputLen = inputLen;
-    }
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.c b/nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b845cf..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "alghmac.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-struct HMACContextStr {
-    void *hash;
-    const SECHashObject *hashobj;
-    PRBool        wasAllocated;
-    unsigned char ipad[HMAC_PAD_SIZE];
-    unsigned char opad[HMAC_PAD_SIZE];
-HMAC_Destroy(HMACContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx == NULL)
-	return;
-    PORT_Assert(!freeit == !cx->wasAllocated);
-    if (cx->hash != NULL) {
-	cx->hashobj->destroy(cx->hash, PR_TRUE);
-	PORT_Memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-    }
-    if (freeit)
-	PORT_Free(cx);
-HMAC_Init( HMACContext * cx, const SECHashObject *hash_obj, 
-	   const unsigned char *secret, unsigned int secret_len, PRBool isFIPS)
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned char hashed_secret[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    /* required by FIPS 198 Section 3 */
-    if (isFIPS && secret_len < hash_obj->length/2) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cx->wasAllocated = PR_FALSE;
-    cx->hashobj = hash_obj;
-    cx->hash = cx->hashobj->create();
-    if (cx->hash == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    if (secret_len > cx->hashobj->blocklength) {
-	cx->hashobj->begin( cx->hash);
-	cx->hashobj->update(cx->hash, secret, secret_len);
-	PORT_Assert(cx->hashobj->length <= sizeof hashed_secret);
-	cx->hashobj->end(   cx->hash, hashed_secret, &secret_len, 
-	                 sizeof hashed_secret);
-	if (secret_len != cx->hashobj->length) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	secret = (const unsigned char *)&hashed_secret[0];
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(cx->ipad, 0x36, cx->hashobj->blocklength);
-    PORT_Memset(cx->opad, 0x5c, cx->hashobj->blocklength);
-    /* fold secret into padding */
-    for (i = 0; i < secret_len; i++) {
-	cx->ipad[i] ^= secret[i];
-	cx->opad[i] ^= secret[i];
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(hashed_secret, 0, sizeof hashed_secret);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Memset(hashed_secret, 0, sizeof hashed_secret);
-    if (cx->hash != NULL)
-	cx->hashobj->destroy(cx->hash, PR_TRUE);
-    return SECFailure;
-HMACContext *
-HMAC_Create(const SECHashObject *hash_obj, const unsigned char *secret, 
-            unsigned int secret_len, PRBool isFIPS)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    HMACContext * cx = PORT_ZNew(HMACContext);
-    if (cx == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    rv = HMAC_Init(cx, hash_obj, secret, secret_len, isFIPS);
-    cx->wasAllocated = PR_TRUE;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_Free(cx); /* contains no secret info */
-	cx = NULL;
-    }
-    return cx;
-HMAC_Begin(HMACContext *cx)
-    /* start inner hash */
-    cx->hashobj->begin(cx->hash);
-    cx->hashobj->update(cx->hash, cx->ipad, cx->hashobj->blocklength);
-HMAC_Update(HMACContext *cx, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_len)
-    cx->hashobj->update(cx->hash, data, data_len);
-HMAC_Finish(HMACContext *cx, unsigned char *result, unsigned int *result_len,
-	    unsigned int max_result_len)
-    if (max_result_len < cx->hashobj->length) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cx->hashobj->end(cx->hash, result, result_len, max_result_len);
-    if (*result_len != cx->hashobj->length)
-	return SECFailure;
-    cx->hashobj->begin(cx->hash);
-    cx->hashobj->update(cx->hash, cx->opad, cx->hashobj->blocklength);
-    cx->hashobj->update(cx->hash, result, *result_len);
-    cx->hashobj->end(cx->hash, result, result_len, max_result_len);
-    return SECSuccess;
-HMACContext *
-HMAC_Clone(HMACContext *cx)
-    HMACContext *newcx;
-    newcx = (HMACContext*)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(HMACContext));
-    if (newcx == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    newcx->wasAllocated = PR_TRUE;
-    newcx->hashobj = cx->hashobj;
-    newcx->hash = cx->hashobj->clone(cx->hash);
-    if (newcx->hash == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    PORT_Memcpy(newcx->ipad, cx->ipad, cx->hashobj->blocklength);
-    PORT_Memcpy(newcx->opad, cx->opad, cx->hashobj->blocklength);
-    return newcx;
-    HMAC_Destroy(newcx, PR_TRUE);
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.h b/nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e77b311..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/alghmac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _ALGHMAC_H_
-#define _ALGHMAC_H_
-typedef struct HMACContextStr HMACContext;
-/* destroy HMAC context */
-extern void
-HMAC_Destroy(HMACContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-/* create HMAC context
- *  hash_obj    hash object from SECRawHashObjects[]
- *  secret	the secret with which the HMAC is performed.
- *  secret_len	the length of the secret.
- *  isFIPS	true if conforming to FIPS 198.
- *
- * NULL is returned if an error occurs.
- */
-extern HMACContext *
-HMAC_Create(const SECHashObject *hash_obj, const unsigned char *secret, 
-	    unsigned int secret_len, PRBool isFIPS);
-/* like HMAC_Create, except caller allocates HMACContext. */
-HMAC_Init(HMACContext *cx, const SECHashObject *hash_obj, 
-	  const unsigned char *secret, unsigned int secret_len, PRBool isFIPS);
-/* reset HMAC for a fresh round */
-extern void
-HMAC_Begin(HMACContext *cx);
-/* update HMAC 
- *  cx		HMAC Context
- *  data	the data to perform HMAC on
- *  data_len	the length of the data to process
- */
-extern void 
-HMAC_Update(HMACContext *cx, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_len);
-/* Finish HMAC -- place the results within result
- *  cx		HMAC context
- *  result	buffer for resulting hmac'd data
- *  result_len	where the resultant hmac length is stored
- *  max_result_len  maximum possible length that can be stored in result
- */
-extern SECStatus
-HMAC_Finish(HMACContext *cx, unsigned char *result, unsigned int *result_len,
-	    unsigned int max_result_len);
-/* clone a copy of the HMAC state.  this is usefult when you would
- * need to keep a running hmac but also need to extract portions 
- * partway through the process.
- */
-extern HMACContext *
-HMAC_Clone(HMACContext *cx);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/arcfive.c b/nss/lib/freebl/arcfive.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 410cbed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/arcfive.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * arcfive.c - stubs for RC5 - NOT a working implementation!
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-** RC5 symmetric block cypher -- 64-bit block size
-** Create a new RC5 context suitable for RC5 encryption/decryption.
-**      "key" raw key data
-**      "len" the number of bytes of key data
-**      "iv" is the CBC initialization vector (if mode is NSS_RC5_CBC)
-**      "mode" one of NSS_RC5 or NSS_RC5_CBC
-** When mode is set to NSS_RC5_CBC the RC5 cipher is run in "cipher block
-** chaining" mode.
-RC5Context *
-RC5_CreateContext(const SECItem *key, unsigned int rounds,
-                  unsigned int wordSize, const unsigned char *iv, int mode)
-    return NULL;
-** Destroy an RC5 encryption/decryption context.
-**      "cx" the context
-**      "freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-RC5_DestroyContext(RC5Context *cx, PRBool freeit) 
-** Perform RC5 encryption.
-**      "cx" the context
-**      "output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**      "outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**         after some data is stored in output.
-**      "maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**         stored in "output"
-**      "input" the input data
-**      "inputLen" the amount of input data
-RC5_Encrypt(RC5Context *cx, unsigned char *output, unsigned int *outputLen, 
-	    unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
-	    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    return SECFailure;
-** Perform RC5 decryption.
-**      "cx" the context
-**      "output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**      "outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**         after some data is stored in output.
-**      "maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**         stored in "output"
-**      "input" the input data
-**      "inputLen" the amount of input data
-RC5_Decrypt(RC5Context *cx, unsigned char *output, unsigned int *outputLen, 
-	    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    return SECFailure;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/arcfour.c b/nss/lib/freebl/arcfour.c
deleted file mode 100644
index abc9857..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/arcfour.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-/* arcfour.c - the arc four algorithm.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-/* Architecture-dependent defines */
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(HPUX) || defined(NSS_X86) || \
-    defined(_WIN64)
-/* Convert the byte-stream to a word-stream */
-#if defined(AIX) || defined(OSF1) || defined(NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR)
-/* Treat array variables as words, not bytes, on CPUs that take 
- * much longer to write bytes than to write words, or when using 
- * assembler code that required it.
- */
-#define USE_WORD
-#if defined(IS_64) || defined(NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR)
-typedef PRUint64 WORD;
-typedef PRUint32 WORD;
-#define WORDSIZE sizeof(WORD)
-#if defined(USE_WORD)
-typedef WORD Stype;
-typedef PRUint8 Stype;
-#define MASK1BYTE (WORD)(0xff)
-#define SWAP(a, b) \
-	tmp = a; \
-	a = b; \
-	b = tmp;
- * State information for stream cipher.
- */
-struct RC4ContextStr
-#if defined(NSS_ARCFOUR_IJ_B4_S) || defined(NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR)
-	Stype i;
-	Stype j;
-	Stype i;
-	Stype j;
- * array indices [0..255] to initialize cx->S array (faster than loop).
- */
-static const Stype Kinit[256] = {
-	0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
-	0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
-	0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
-	0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,
-	0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27,
-	0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f,
-	0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,
-	0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f,
-	0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,
-	0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
-	0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,
-	0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f,
-	0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67,
-	0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f,
-	0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77,
-	0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f,
-	0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87,
-	0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
-	0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97,
-	0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
-	0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7,
-	0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
-	0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7,
-	0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
-	0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7,
-	0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,
-	0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7,
-	0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
-	0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7,
-	0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
-	0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7,
-	0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
-RC4Context *
-    return PORT_ZNew(RC4Context);
-RC4_InitContext(RC4Context *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len,
-	        const unsigned char * unused1, int unused2, 
-		unsigned int unused3, unsigned int unused4)
-	unsigned int i;
-	PRUint8 j, tmp;
-	PRUint8 K[256];
-	PRUint8 *L;
-	/* verify the key length. */
-	PORT_Assert(len > 0 && len < ARCFOUR_STATE_SIZE);
-	if (len == 0 || len >= ARCFOUR_STATE_SIZE) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	if (cx == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/* Initialize the state using array indices. */
-	memcpy(cx->S, Kinit, sizeof cx->S);
-	/* Fill in K repeatedly with values from key. */
-	L = K;
-	for (i = sizeof K; i > len; i-= len) {
-		memcpy(L, key, len);
-		L += len;
-	}
-	memcpy(L, key, i);
-	/* Stir the state of the generator.  At this point it is assumed
-	 * that the key is the size of the state buffer.  If this is not
-	 * the case, the key bytes are repeated to fill the buffer.
-	 */
-	j = 0;
-#define ARCFOUR_STATE_STIR(ii) \
-	j = j + cx->S[ii] + K[ii]; \
-	SWAP(cx->S[ii], cx->S[j]);
-	for (i=0; i<ARCFOUR_STATE_SIZE; i++) {
-	}
-	cx->i = 0;
-	cx->j = 0;
-	return SECSuccess;
- * Initialize a new generator.
- */
-RC4Context *
-RC4_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, int len)
-    RC4Context *cx = RC4_AllocateContext();
-    if (cx) {
-	SECStatus rv = RC4_InitContext(cx, key, len, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof(*cx));
-	    cx = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return cx;
-RC4_DestroyContext(RC4Context *cx, PRBool freeit)
-	if (freeit)
-		PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof(*cx));
-#if defined(NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR)
-extern void ARCFOUR(RC4Context *cx, WORD inputLen, 
-	const unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output);
- * Generate the next byte in the stream.
- */
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE() \
-	tmpSi = cx->S[++tmpi]; \
-	tmpj += tmpSi; \
-	tmpSj = cx->S[tmpj]; \
-	cx->S[tmpi] = tmpSj; \
-	cx->S[tmpj] = tmpSi; \
-	t = tmpSi + tmpSj;
- * Straight ARCFOUR op.  No optimization.
- */
-static SECStatus 
-rc4_no_opt(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-           unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-           const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    PRUint8 t;
-	Stype tmpSi, tmpSj;
-	register PRUint8 tmpi = cx->i;
-	register PRUint8 tmpj = cx->j;
-	unsigned int index;
-	PORT_Assert(maxOutputLen >= inputLen);
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	for (index=0; index < inputLen; index++) {
-		/* Generate next byte from stream. */
-		/* output = next stream byte XOR next input byte */
-		output[index] = cx->S[t] ^ input[index];
-	}
-	*outputLen = inputLen;
-	cx->i = tmpi;
-	cx->j = tmpj;
-	return SECSuccess;
- * Byte-at-a-time ARCFOUR, unrolling the loop into 8 pieces.
- */
-static SECStatus 
-rc4_unrolled(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-             unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-             const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-	PRUint8 t;
-	Stype tmpSi, tmpSj;
-	register PRUint8 tmpi = cx->i;
-	register PRUint8 tmpj = cx->j;
-	int index;
-	PORT_Assert(maxOutputLen >= inputLen);
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	for (index = inputLen / 8; index-- > 0; input += 8, output += 8) {
-		output[0] = cx->S[t] ^ input[0];
-		output[1] = cx->S[t] ^ input[1];
-		output[2] = cx->S[t] ^ input[2];
-		output[3] = cx->S[t] ^ input[3];
-		output[4] = cx->S[t] ^ input[4];
-		output[5] = cx->S[t] ^ input[5];
-		output[6] = cx->S[t] ^ input[6];
-		output[7] = cx->S[t] ^ input[7];
-	}
-	index = inputLen % 8;
-	if (index) {
-		input += index;
-		output += index;
-		switch (index) {
-		case 7:
-			output[-7] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-7]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		case 6:
-			output[-6] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-6]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		case 5:
-			output[-5] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-5]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		case 4:
-			output[-4] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-4]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		case 3:
-			output[-3] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-3]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		case 2:
-			output[-2] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-2]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		case 1:
-			output[-1] = cx->S[t] ^ input[-1]; /* FALLTHRU */
-		default:
-			/* FALLTHRU */
-			; /* hp-ux build breaks without this */
-		}
-	}
-	cx->i = tmpi;
-	cx->j = tmpj;
-	*outputLen = inputLen;
-	return SECSuccess;
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_L(n) \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n     ); \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n +  8); \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n + 16); \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n + 24);
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_B(n) \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n + 24); \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n + 16); \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n +  8); \
-	ARCFOUR_NEXT_BYTE(); streamWord |= (WORD)cx->S[t] << (n     );
-#if (defined(IS_64) && !defined(__sparc)) || defined(NSS_USE_64)
-/* 64-bit wordsize */
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT_WORD() \
-	{ streamWord = 0; ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_L(0); ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_L(32); }
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT_WORD() \
-	{ streamWord = 0; ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_B(32); ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_B(0); }
-/* 32-bit wordsize */
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT_WORD() \
-	{ streamWord = 0; ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_L(0); }
-#define ARCFOUR_NEXT_WORD() \
-	{ streamWord = 0; ARCFOUR_NEXT4BYTES_B(0); }
-#define RSH <<
-#define LSH >>
-#define RSH >>
-#define LSH <<
-#define NEXT_BYTE_SHIFT(shift) shift + 8
-#define NEXT_BYTE_SHIFT(shift) shift - 8
-static SECStatus 
-rc4_wordconv(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-             unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-             const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-	PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(PRUword) == sizeof(ptrdiff_t));
-	unsigned int inOffset = (PRUword)input % WORDSIZE;
-	unsigned int outOffset = (PRUword)output % WORDSIZE;
-	register WORD streamWord;
-	register const WORD *pInWord;
-	register WORD *pOutWord;
-	register WORD inWord, nextInWord;
-	PRUint8 t;
-	register Stype tmpSi, tmpSj;
-	register PRUint8 tmpi = cx->i;
-	register PRUint8 tmpj = cx->j;
-	unsigned int bufShift, invBufShift;
-	unsigned int i;
-	const unsigned char *finalIn;
-	unsigned char *finalOut;
-	PORT_Assert(maxOutputLen >= inputLen);
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	if (inputLen < 2*WORDSIZE) {
-		/* Ignore word conversion, do byte-at-a-time */
-		return rc4_no_opt(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input, inputLen);
-	}
-	*outputLen = inputLen;
-	pInWord = (const WORD *)(input - inOffset);
-	pOutWord = (WORD *)(output - outOffset);
-	if (inOffset <= outOffset) {
-		bufShift = 8*(outOffset - inOffset);
-		invBufShift = 8*WORDSIZE - bufShift;
-	} else {
-		invBufShift = 8*(inOffset - outOffset);
-		bufShift = 8*WORDSIZE - invBufShift;
-	}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/* Step 1:                                                       */
-	/* If the first output word is partial, consume the bytes in the */
-	/* first partial output word by loading one or two words of      */
-	/* input and shifting them accordingly.  Otherwise, just load    */
-	/* in the first word of input.  At the end of this block, at     */
-	/* least one partial word of input should ALWAYS be loaded.      */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	if (outOffset) {
-		unsigned int byteCount = WORDSIZE - outOffset; 
-		for (i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {
-			output[i] = cx->S[t] ^ input[i];
-		}
-		/* Consumed byteCount bytes of input */
-		inputLen -= byteCount;
-		pInWord++;
-		/* move to next word of output */
-		pOutWord++;
-		/* If buffers are relatively misaligned, shift the bytes in inWord
-		 * to be aligned to the output buffer.
-		 */
-		if (inOffset < outOffset) {
-			/* The first input word (which may be partial) has more bytes
-			 * than needed.  Copy the remainder to inWord.
-			 */
-			unsigned int shift = LEFTMOST_BYTE_SHIFT;
-			inWord = 0;
-			for (i = 0; i < outOffset - inOffset; i++) {
-				inWord |= (WORD)input[byteCount + i] << shift;
-				shift = NEXT_BYTE_SHIFT(shift);
-			}
-		} else if (inOffset > outOffset) {
-			/* Consumed some bytes in the second input word.  Copy the
-			 * remainder to inWord.
-			 */
-			inWord = *pInWord++;
-			inWord = inWord LSH invBufShift;
-		} else {
-			inWord = 0;
-		}
-	} else {
-		/* output is word-aligned */
-		if (inOffset) {
-			/* Input is not word-aligned.  The first word load of input 
-			 * will not produce a full word of input bytes, so one word
-			 * must be pre-loaded.  The main loop below will load in the
-			 * next input word and shift some of its bytes into inWord
-			 * in order to create a full input word.  Note that the main
-			 * loop must execute at least once because the input must
-			 * be at least two words.
-			 */
-			unsigned int shift = LEFTMOST_BYTE_SHIFT;
-			inWord = 0;
-			for (i = 0; i < WORDSIZE - inOffset; i++) {
-				inWord |= (WORD)input[i] << shift;
-				shift = NEXT_BYTE_SHIFT(shift);
-			}
-			pInWord++;
-		} else {
-			/* Input is word-aligned.  The first word load of input 
-			 * will produce a full word of input bytes, so nothing
-			 * needs to be loaded here.
-			 */
-			inWord = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/* Step 2: main loop                                             */
-	/* At this point the output buffer is word-aligned.  Any unused  */
-	/* bytes from above will be in inWord (shifted correctly).  If   */
-	/* the input buffer is unaligned relative to the output buffer,  */
-	/* shifting has to be done.                                      */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	if (bufShift) {
-		/* preloadedByteCount is the number of input bytes pre-loaded
-		 * in inWord.
-		 */
-		unsigned int preloadedByteCount = bufShift/8;
-		for (; inputLen >= preloadedByteCount + WORDSIZE;
-		     inputLen -= WORDSIZE) {
-			nextInWord = *pInWord++;
-			inWord |= nextInWord RSH bufShift;
-			nextInWord = nextInWord LSH invBufShift;
-			*pOutWord++ = inWord ^ streamWord;
-			inWord = nextInWord;
-		}
-		if (inputLen == 0) {
-			/* Nothing left to do. */
-			cx->i = tmpi;
-			cx->j = tmpj;
-			return SECSuccess;
-		}
-		finalIn = (const unsigned char *)pInWord - preloadedByteCount;
-	} else {
-		for (; inputLen >= WORDSIZE; inputLen -= WORDSIZE) {
-			inWord = *pInWord++;
-			*pOutWord++ = inWord ^ streamWord;
-		}
-		if (inputLen == 0) {
-			/* Nothing left to do. */
-			cx->i = tmpi;
-			cx->j = tmpj;
-			return SECSuccess;
-		}
-		finalIn = (const unsigned char *)pInWord;
-	}
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	/* Step 3:                                                       */
-	/* Do the remaining partial word of input one byte at a time.    */
-	/*****************************************************************/
-	finalOut = (unsigned char *)pOutWord;
-	for (i = 0; i < inputLen; i++) {
-		finalOut[i] = cx->S[t] ^ finalIn[i];
-	}
-	cx->i = tmpi;
-	cx->j = tmpj;
-	return SECSuccess;
-#endif /* NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR */
-RC4_Encrypt(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-	PORT_Assert(maxOutputLen >= inputLen);
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-#if defined(NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR)
-	ARCFOUR(cx, inputLen, input, output);
-        *outputLen = inputLen;
-	return SECSuccess;
-#elif defined( CONVERT_TO_WORDS )
-	/* Convert the byte-stream to a word-stream */
-	return rc4_wordconv(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input, inputLen);
-	/* Operate on bytes, but unroll the main loop */
-	return rc4_unrolled(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input, inputLen);
-SECStatus RC4_Decrypt(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                      unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                      const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-	PORT_Assert(maxOutputLen >= inputLen);
-	if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/* decrypt and encrypt are same operation. */
-#if defined(NSS_BEVAND_ARCFOUR)
-	ARCFOUR(cx, inputLen, input, output);
-        *outputLen = inputLen;
-	return SECSuccess;
-#elif defined( CONVERT_TO_WORDS )
-	/* Convert the byte-stream to a word-stream */
-	return rc4_wordconv(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input, inputLen);
-	/* Operate on bytes, but unroll the main loop */
-	return rc4_unrolled(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input, inputLen);
-#undef USE_WORD
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/blapi.h b/nss/lib/freebl/blapi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b20901..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/blapi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1622 +0,0 @@
- * blapi.h - public prototypes for the freebl library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _BLAPI_H_
-#define _BLAPI_H_
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "alghmac.h"
-** RSA encryption/decryption. When encrypting/decrypting the output
-** buffer must be at least the size of the public key modulus.
-extern SECStatus BL_Init(void);
-** Generate and return a new RSA public and private key.
-**	Both keys are encoded in a single RSAPrivateKey structure.
-**	"cx" is the random number generator context
-**	"keySizeInBits" is the size of the key to be generated, in bits.
-**	   512, 1024, etc.
-**	"publicExponent" when not NULL is a pointer to some data that
-**	   represents the public exponent to use. The data is a byte
-**	   encoded integer, in "big endian" order.
-extern RSAPrivateKey *RSA_NewKey(int         keySizeInBits,
-				 SECItem *   publicExponent);
-** Perform a raw public-key operation 
-**	Length of input and output buffers are equal to key's modulus len.
-extern SECStatus RSA_PublicKeyOp(RSAPublicKey *   key,
-				 unsigned char *  output,
-				 const unsigned char *  input);
-** Perform a raw private-key operation 
-**	Length of input and output buffers are equal to key's modulus len.
-extern SECStatus RSA_PrivateKeyOp(RSAPrivateKey *  key,
-				  unsigned char *  output,
-				  const unsigned char *  input);
-** Perform a raw private-key operation, and check the parameters used in
-** the operation for validity by performing a test operation first.
-**	Length of input and output buffers are equal to key's modulus len.
-extern SECStatus RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(RSAPrivateKey *  key,
-				               unsigned char *  output,
-				               const unsigned char *  input);
-** Perform a check of private key parameters for consistency.
-extern SECStatus RSA_PrivateKeyCheck(const RSAPrivateKey *key);
-** Given only minimal private key parameters, fill in the rest of the
-** parameters.
-** All the entries, including those supplied by the caller, will be 
-** overwritten with data alocated out of the arena.
-** If no arena is supplied, one will be created.
-** The following fields must be supplied in order for this function
-** to succeed:
-**   one of either publicExponent or privateExponent
-**   two more of the following 5 parameters (not counting the above).
-**      modulus (n)
-**      prime1  (p)
-**      prime2  (q)
-**      publicExponent (e)
-**      privateExponent (d)
-** NOTE: if only the publicExponent, privateExponent, and one prime is given,
-** then there may be more than one RSA key that matches that combination. If
-** we find 2 possible valid keys that meet this criteria, we return an error.
-** If we return the wrong key, and the original modulus is compared to the
-** new modulus, both can be factored by calculateing gcd(n_old,n_new) to get
-** the common prime.
-** NOTE: in some cases the publicExponent must be less than 2^23 for this
-** function to work correctly. (The case where we have only one of: modulus
-** prime1 and prime2).
-** All parameters will be replaced in the key structure with new parameters
-** allocated out of the arena. There is no attempt to free the old structures.
-** prime1 will always be greater than prime2 (even if the caller supplies the
-** smaller prime as prime1 or the larger prime as prime2). The parameters are
-** not overwritten on failure.
-** While the remaining Chinese remainder theorem parameters (dp,dp, and qinv)
-** can also be used in reconstructing the private key, they are currently
-** ignored in this implementation.
-extern SECStatus RSA_PopulatePrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey *key);
-** RSA algorithm
-** Raw signing/encryption/decryption operations.
-** No padding or formatting will be applied.
-** inputLen MUST be equivalent to the modulus size (in bytes).
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_SignRaw(RSAPrivateKey       * key,
-            unsigned char       * output,
-            unsigned int        * outputLen,
-            unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char * input,
-            unsigned int          inputLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_CheckSignRaw(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-                 const unsigned char * sig,
-                 unsigned int          sigLen,
-                 const unsigned char * hash,
-                 unsigned int          hashLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_CheckSignRecoverRaw(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-                        unsigned char       * data,
-                        unsigned int        * dataLen,
-                        unsigned int          maxDataLen,
-                        const unsigned char * sig,
-                        unsigned int          sigLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_EncryptRaw(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-               unsigned char       * output,
-               unsigned int        * outputLen,
-               unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-               const unsigned char * input,
-               unsigned int          inputLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_DecryptRaw(RSAPrivateKey       * key,
-               unsigned char       * output,
-               unsigned int        * outputLen,
-               unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-               const unsigned char * input,
-               unsigned int          inputLen);
-** RSAES-OAEP encryption/decryption, as defined in RFC 3447, Section 7.1.
-** Note: Only MGF1 is supported as the mask generation function. It will be
-** used with maskHashAlg as the inner hash function.
-** Unless performing Known Answer Tests, "seed" should be NULL, indicating that
-** freebl should generate a random value. Otherwise, it should be an octet
-** string of seedLen bytes, which should be the same size as the output of
-** hashAlg.
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_EncryptOAEP(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-                HASH_HashType         hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType         maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * label,
-                unsigned int          labelLen,
-                const unsigned char * seed,
-                unsigned int          seedLen,
-                unsigned char       * output,
-                unsigned int        * outputLen,
-                unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-                const unsigned char * input,
-                unsigned int          inputLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_DecryptOAEP(RSAPrivateKey       * key,
-                HASH_HashType         hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType         maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * label,
-                unsigned int          labelLen,
-                unsigned char       * output,
-                unsigned int        * outputLen,
-                unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-                const unsigned char * input,
-                unsigned int          inputLen);
-** RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 encryption/decryption, as defined in RFC 3447, Section 7.2.
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_EncryptBlock(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-                 unsigned char       * output,
-                 unsigned int        * outputLen,
-                 unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-                 const unsigned char * input,
-                 unsigned int          inputLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_DecryptBlock(RSAPrivateKey       * key,
-                 unsigned char       * output,
-                 unsigned int        * outputLen,
-                 unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-                 const unsigned char * input,
-                 unsigned int          inputLen);
-** RSASSA-PSS signing/verifying, as defined in RFC 3447, Section 8.1.
-** Note: Only MGF1 is supported as the mask generation function. It will be
-** used with maskHashAlg as the inner hash function.
-** Unless performing Known Answer Tests, "salt" should be NULL, indicating that
-** freebl should generate a random value.
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_SignPSS(RSAPrivateKey       * key,
-            HASH_HashType         hashAlg,
-            HASH_HashType         maskHashAlg,
-            const unsigned char * salt,
-            unsigned int          saltLen,
-            unsigned char       * output,
-            unsigned int        * outputLen,
-            unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char * input,
-            unsigned int          inputLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_CheckSignPSS(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-                 HASH_HashType         hashAlg,
-                 HASH_HashType         maskHashAlg,
-                 unsigned int          saltLen,
-                 const unsigned char * sig,
-                 unsigned int          sigLen,
-                 const unsigned char * hash,
-                 unsigned int          hashLen);
-** RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signing/verifying, as defined in RFC 3447, Section 8.2.
-** These functions expect as input to be the raw value to be signed. For most
-** cases using PKCS1-v1_5, this should be the value of T, the DER-encoded
-** DigestInfo structure defined in Section 9.2, Step 2.
-** Note: This can also be used for signatures that use PKCS1-v1_5 padding, such
-** as the signatures used in SSL/TLS, which sign a raw hash.
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_Sign(RSAPrivateKey       * key,
-         unsigned char       * output,
-         unsigned int        * outputLen,
-         unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-         const unsigned char * data,
-         unsigned int          dataLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_CheckSign(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-              const unsigned char * sig,
-              unsigned int          sigLen,
-              const unsigned char * data,
-              unsigned int          dataLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_CheckSignRecover(RSAPublicKey        * key,
-                     unsigned char       * output,
-                     unsigned int        * outputLen,
-                     unsigned int          maxOutputLen,
-                     const unsigned char * sig,
-                     unsigned int          sigLen);
-** DSA signing algorithm
-/* Generate a new random value within the interval [2, q-1].
-extern SECStatus DSA_NewRandom(PLArenaPool * arena, const SECItem * q,
-                               SECItem * random);
-** Generate and return a new DSA public and private key pair,
-**	both of which are encoded into a single DSAPrivateKey struct.
-**	"params" is a pointer to the PQG parameters for the domain
-**	Uses a random seed.
-extern SECStatus DSA_NewKey(const PQGParams *     params, 
-		            DSAPrivateKey **      privKey);
-/* signature is caller-supplied buffer of at least 20 bytes.
-** On input,  signature->len == size of buffer to hold signature.
-**            digest->len    == size of digest.
-** On output, signature->len == size of signature in buffer.
-** Uses a random seed.
-extern SECStatus DSA_SignDigest(DSAPrivateKey *   key,
-				SECItem *         signature,
-				const SECItem *   digest);
-/* signature is caller-supplied buffer of at least 20 bytes.
-** On input,  signature->len == size of buffer to hold signature.
-**            digest->len    == size of digest.
-extern SECStatus DSA_VerifyDigest(DSAPublicKey *  key,
-				  const SECItem * signature,
-				  const SECItem * digest);
-/* For FIPS compliance testing. Seed must be exactly 20 bytes long */
-extern SECStatus DSA_NewKeyFromSeed(const PQGParams *params, 
-                                    const unsigned char * seed,
-                                    DSAPrivateKey **privKey);
-/* For FIPS compliance testing. Seed must be exactly 20 bytes. */
-extern SECStatus DSA_SignDigestWithSeed(DSAPrivateKey * key,
-                                        SECItem *       signature,
-                                        const SECItem * digest,
-                                        const unsigned char * seed);
-** Diffie Helman key exchange algorithm 
-/* Generates parameters for Diffie-Helman key generation.
-**	primeLen is the length in bytes of prime P to be generated.
-extern SECStatus DH_GenParam(int primeLen, DHParams ** params);
-/* Generates a public and private key, both of which are encoded in a single
-**	DHPrivateKey struct. Params is input, privKey are output.  
-**	This is Phase 1 of Diffie Hellman.
-extern SECStatus DH_NewKey(DHParams *           params, 
-                           DHPrivateKey **	privKey);
-** DH_Derive does the Diffie-Hellman phase 2 calculation, using the 
-** other party's publicValue, and the prime and our privateValue.
-** maxOutBytes is the requested length of the generated secret in bytes.  
-** A zero value means produce a value of any length up to the size of 
-** the prime.   If successful, derivedSecret->data is set 
-** to the address of the newly allocated buffer containing the derived 
-** secret, and derivedSecret->len is the size of the secret produced.
-** The size of the secret produced will depend on the value of outBytes.
-** If outBytes is 0, the key length will be all the significant bytes of
-** the derived secret (leading zeros are dropped). This length could be less
-** than the length of the prime. If outBytes is nonzero, the length of the
-** produced key will be outBytes long. If the key is truncated, the most
-** significant bytes are truncated. If it is expanded, zero bytes are added
-** at the beginning.
-** It is the caller's responsibility to free the allocated buffer 
-** containing the derived secret.
-extern SECStatus DH_Derive(SECItem *    publicValue, 
-		           SECItem *    prime, 
-			   SECItem *    privateValue, 
-			   SECItem *    derivedSecret,
-			   unsigned int outBytes);
-** KEA_CalcKey returns octet string with the private key for a dual
-** Diffie-Helman  key generation as specified for government key exchange.
-extern SECStatus KEA_Derive(SECItem *prime, 
-                            SECItem *public1, 
-                            SECItem *public2, 
-			    SECItem *private1, 
-			    SECItem *private2,
-			    SECItem *derivedSecret);
- * verify that a KEA or DSA public key is a valid key for this prime and
- * subprime domain.
- */
-extern PRBool KEA_Verify(SECItem *Y, SECItem *prime, SECItem *subPrime);
- * J-PAKE key transport
- */
-/* Given gx == g^x, create a Schnorr zero-knowledge proof for the value x
- * using the specified hash algorithm and signer ID. The signature is
- * returned in the values gv and r. testRandom must be NULL for a PRNG
- * generated random committment to be used in the sigature. When testRandom
- * is non-NULL, that value must contain a value in the subgroup q; that
- * value will be used instead of a PRNG-generated committment in order to
- * facilitate known-answer tests.
- *
- * If gxIn is non-NULL then it must contain a pre-computed value of g^x that
- * will be used by the function; in this case, the gxOut parameter must be NULL.
- * If the gxIn parameter is NULL then gxOut must be non-NULL; in this case
- * gxOut will contain the value g^x on output.
- *
- * gx (if not supplied by the caller), gv, and r will be allocated in the arena.
- * The arena is *not* optional so do not pass NULL for the arena parameter.
- * The arena should be zeroed when it is freed.
- */
-JPAKE_Sign(PLArenaPool * arena, const PQGParams * pqg, HASH_HashType hashType,
-           const SECItem * signerID, const SECItem * x,
-           const SECItem * testRandom, const SECItem * gxIn, SECItem * gxOut,
-           SECItem * gv, SECItem * r);
-/* Given gx == g^x, verify the Schnorr zero-knowledge proof (gv, r) for the
- * value x using the specified hash algorithm and signer ID.
- *
- * The arena is *not* optional so do not pass NULL for the arena parameter. 
- */
-JPAKE_Verify(PLArenaPool * arena, const PQGParams * pqg,
-             HASH_HashType hashType, const SECItem * signerID,
-             const SECItem * peerID, const SECItem * gx,
-             const SECItem * gv, const SECItem * r);
-/* Call before round 2 with x2, s, and x2s all non-NULL. This will calculate
- * base = g^(x1+x3+x4) (mod p) and x2s = x2*s (mod q). The values to send in 
- * round 2 (A and the proof of knowledge of x2s) can then be calculated with
- * JPAKE_Sign using pqg->base = base and x = x2s.
- *
- * Call after round 2 with x2, s, and x2s all NULL, and passing (gx1, gx2, gx3)
- * instead of (gx1, gx3, gx4). This will calculate base = g^(x1+x2+x3). Then call
- * JPAKE_Verify with pqg->base = base and then JPAKE_Final.
- *
- * base and x2s will be allocated in the arena. The arena is *not* optional so
- * do not pass NULL for the arena parameter. The arena should be zeroed when it
- * is freed.
-JPAKE_Round2(PLArenaPool * arena, const SECItem * p, const SECItem  *q,
-             const SECItem * gx1, const SECItem * gx3, const SECItem * gx4,
-             SECItem * base, const SECItem * x2, const SECItem * s, SECItem * x2s);
-/* K = (B/g^(x2*x4*s))^x2 (mod p)
- *
- * K will be allocated in the arena. The arena is *not* optional so do not pass
- * NULL for the arena parameter. The arena should be zeroed when it is freed.
- */
-JPAKE_Final(PLArenaPool * arena, const SECItem * p, const SECItem  *q,
-            const SECItem * x2, const SECItem * gx4, const SECItem * x2s,
-            const SECItem * B, SECItem * K);
-** Elliptic Curve algorithms
-/* Generates a public and private key, both of which are encoded 
-** in a single ECPrivateKey struct. Params is input, privKey are
-** output.
-extern SECStatus EC_NewKey(ECParams *          params, 
-                           ECPrivateKey **     privKey);
-extern SECStatus EC_NewKeyFromSeed(ECParams *  params, 
-                           ECPrivateKey **     privKey,
-                           const unsigned char* seed,
-                           int                 seedlen);
-/* Validates an EC public key as described in Section 5.2.2 of
- * X9.62. Such validation prevents against small subgroup attacks
- * when the ECDH primitive is used with the cofactor.
- */
-extern SECStatus EC_ValidatePublicKey(ECParams * params, 
-                           SECItem *           publicValue);
-** ECDH_Derive performs a scalar point multiplication of a point
-** representing a (peer's) public key and a large integer representing
-** a private key (its own). Both keys must use the same elliptic curve
-** parameters. If the withCofactor parameter is true, the
-** multiplication also uses the cofactor associated with the curve
-** parameters.  The output of this scheme is the x-coordinate of the
-** resulting point. If successful, derivedSecret->data is set to the
-** address of the newly allocated buffer containing the derived
-** secret, and derivedSecret->len is the size of the secret
-** produced. It is the caller's responsibility to free the allocated
-** buffer containing the derived secret.
-extern SECStatus ECDH_Derive(SECItem *       publicValue,
-                             ECParams *      params,
-                             SECItem *       privateValue,
-                             PRBool          withCofactor,
-                             SECItem *       derivedSecret);
-/* On input,  signature->len == size of buffer to hold signature.
-**            digest->len    == size of digest.
-** On output, signature->len == size of signature in buffer.
-** Uses a random seed.
-extern SECStatus ECDSA_SignDigest(ECPrivateKey  *key, 
-                                  SECItem       *signature, 
-                                  const SECItem *digest);
-/* On input,  signature->len == size of buffer to hold signature.
-**            digest->len    == size of digest.
-extern SECStatus ECDSA_VerifyDigest(ECPublicKey   *key, 
-                                    const SECItem *signature, 
-                                    const SECItem *digest);
-/* Uses the provided seed. */
-extern SECStatus ECDSA_SignDigestWithSeed(ECPrivateKey        *key,
-                                          SECItem             *signature,
-                                          const SECItem       *digest,
-                                          const unsigned char *seed, 
-                                          const int           seedlen);
-** RC4 symmetric stream cypher
-** Create a new RC4 context suitable for RC4 encryption/decryption.
-**	"key" raw key data
-**	"len" the number of bytes of key data
-extern RC4Context *RC4_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, int len);
-extern RC4Context *RC4_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   RC4_InitContext(RC4Context *cx, 
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen,
-				   const unsigned char *, 
-				   int, 
-				   unsigned int ,
-				   unsigned int );
-** Destroy an RC4 encryption/decryption context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void RC4_DestroyContext(RC4Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform RC4 encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus RC4_Encrypt(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform RC4 decryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus RC4_Decrypt(RC4Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** RC2 symmetric block cypher
-** Create a new RC2 context suitable for RC2 encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-** 	"len" the number of bytes of key data
-** 	"iv" is the CBC initialization vector (if mode is NSS_RC2_CBC)
-** 	"mode" one of NSS_RC2 or NSS_RC2_CBC
-**	"effectiveKeyLen" is the effective key length (as specified in 
-**	    RFC 2268) in bytes (not bits).
-** When mode is set to NSS_RC2_CBC the RC2 cipher is run in "cipher block
-** chaining" mode.
-extern RC2Context *RC2_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len,
-				     const unsigned char *iv, int mode, 
-				     unsigned effectiveKeyLen);
-extern RC2Context *RC2_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   RC2_InitContext(RC2Context *cx,
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen,
-				   const unsigned char *iv, 
-				   int mode, 
-				   unsigned int effectiveKeyLen,
-				   unsigned int );
-** Destroy an RC2 encryption/decryption context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void RC2_DestroyContext(RC2Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform RC2 encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus RC2_Encrypt(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform RC2 decryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus RC2_Decrypt(RC2Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** RC5 symmetric block cypher -- 64-bit block size
-** Create a new RC5 context suitable for RC5 encryption/decryption.
-**      "key" raw key data
-**      "len" the number of bytes of key data
-**      "iv" is the CBC initialization vector (if mode is NSS_RC5_CBC)
-**      "mode" one of NSS_RC5 or NSS_RC5_CBC
-** When mode is set to NSS_RC5_CBC the RC5 cipher is run in "cipher block
-** chaining" mode.
-extern RC5Context *RC5_CreateContext(const SECItem *key, unsigned int rounds,
-                     unsigned int wordSize, const unsigned char *iv, int mode);
-extern RC5Context *RC5_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   RC5_InitContext(RC5Context *cx, 
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen,
-				   const unsigned char *iv, 
-				   int mode,
-				   unsigned int rounds, 
-				   unsigned int wordSize);
-** Destroy an RC5 encryption/decryption context.
-**      "cx" the context
-**      "freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void RC5_DestroyContext(RC5Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform RC5 encryption.
-**      "cx" the context
-**      "output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**      "outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**         after some data is stored in output.
-**      "maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**         stored in "output"
-**      "input" the input data
-**      "inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus RC5_Encrypt(RC5Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform RC5 decryption.
-**      "cx" the context
-**      "output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**      "outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**         after some data is stored in output.
-**      "maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**         stored in "output"
-**      "input" the input data
-**      "inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus RC5_Decrypt(RC5Context *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** DES symmetric block cypher
-** Create a new DES context suitable for DES encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-** 	"len" the number of bytes of key data
-** 	"iv" is the CBC initialization vector (if mode is NSS_DES_CBC or
-** 	   mode is DES_EDE3_CBC)
-** 	"mode" one of NSS_DES, NSS_DES_CBC, NSS_DES_EDE3 or NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC
-**	"encrypt" is PR_TRUE if the context will be used for encryption
-** When mode is set to NSS_DES_CBC or NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC then the DES
-** cipher is run in "cipher block chaining" mode.
-extern DESContext *DES_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, 
-                                     const unsigned char *iv,
-				     int mode, PRBool encrypt);
-extern DESContext *DES_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   DES_InitContext(DESContext *cx,
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen,
-				   const unsigned char *iv, 
-				   int mode,
-				   unsigned int encrypt,
-				   unsigned int );
-** Destroy an DES encryption/decryption context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void DES_DestroyContext(DESContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform DES encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-** NOTE: the inputLen must be a multiple of DES_KEY_LENGTH
-extern SECStatus DES_Encrypt(DESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform DES decryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-** NOTE: the inputLen must be a multiple of DES_KEY_LENGTH
-extern SECStatus DES_Decrypt(DESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** SEED symmetric block cypher		  
-extern SEEDContext *
-SEED_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-		   int mode, PRBool encrypt);
-extern SEEDContext *SEED_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   SEED_InitContext(SEEDContext *cx, 
-				    const unsigned char *key, 
-				    unsigned int keylen, 
-				    const unsigned char *iv, 
-				    int mode, unsigned int encrypt, 
-				    unsigned int );
-extern void SEED_DestroyContext(SEEDContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-extern SECStatus 
-SEED_Encrypt(SEEDContext *cx, unsigned char *output, 
-	     unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
-	     const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-extern SECStatus 
-SEED_Decrypt(SEEDContext *cx, unsigned char *output, 
-	     unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
-             const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** AES symmetric block cypher (Rijndael)
-** Create a new AES context suitable for AES encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-** 	"keylen" the number of bytes of key data (16, 24, or 32)
-**      "blocklen" is the blocksize to use (16, 24, or 32)
-**                        XXX currently only blocksize==16 has been tested!
-extern AESContext *
-AES_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-                  int mode, int encrypt,
-                  unsigned int keylen, unsigned int blocklen);
-extern AESContext *AES_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   AES_InitContext(AESContext *cx,
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen, 
-				   const unsigned char *iv, 
-				   int mode, 
-				   unsigned int encrypt,
-				   unsigned int blocklen);
-** Destroy a AES encryption/decryption context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void 
-AES_DestroyContext(AESContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform AES encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-AES_Encrypt(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform AES decryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-AES_Decrypt(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** AES key wrap algorithm, RFC 3394
-** Create a new AES context suitable for AES encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-**      "iv"  The 8 byte "initial value"
-**      "encrypt", a boolean, true for key wrapping, false for unwrapping.
-** 	"keylen" the number of bytes of key data (16, 24, or 32)
-extern AESKeyWrapContext *
-AESKeyWrap_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-                         int encrypt, unsigned int keylen);
-extern AESKeyWrapContext * AESKeyWrap_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus  
-     AESKeyWrap_InitContext(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, 
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen,
-				   const unsigned char *iv, 
-				   int ,
-				   unsigned int encrypt,
-				   unsigned int );
-** Destroy a AES KeyWrap context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void 
-AESKeyWrap_DestroyContext(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform AES key wrap.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-AESKeyWrap_Encrypt(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform AES key unwrap.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-AESKeyWrap_Decrypt(AESKeyWrapContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
- /******************************************/
-** Camellia symmetric block cypher
-** Create a new Camellia context suitable for Camellia encryption/decryption.
-** 	"key" raw key data
-** 	"keylen" the number of bytes of key data (16, 24, or 32)
-extern CamelliaContext *
-Camellia_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-		       int mode, int encrypt, unsigned int keylen);
-extern CamelliaContext *Camellia_AllocateContext(void);
-extern SECStatus   Camellia_InitContext(CamelliaContext *cx,
-					const unsigned char *key, 
-					unsigned int keylen, 
-					const unsigned char *iv, 
-					int mode, 
-					unsigned int encrypt,
-					unsigned int unused);
-** Destroy a Camellia encryption/decryption context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void 
-Camellia_DestroyContext(CamelliaContext *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Perform Camellia encryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the encrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-Camellia_Encrypt(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-		 unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-		 const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Perform Camellia decryption.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"output" the output buffer to store the decrypted data.
-**	"outputLen" how much data is stored in "output". Set by the routine
-**	   after some data is stored in output.
-**	"maxOutputLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "output"
-**	"input" the input data
-**	"inputLen" the amount of input data
-extern SECStatus 
-Camellia_Decrypt(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-		 unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-		 const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD
-extern SECStatus ChaCha20Poly1305_InitContext(ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx,
-                                              const unsigned char *key,
-                                              unsigned int keyLen,
-                                              unsigned int tagLen);
-extern ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ChaCha20Poly1305_CreateContext(
-    const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keyLen, unsigned int tagLen);
-extern void ChaCha20Poly1305_DestroyContext(ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx,
-                                            PRBool freeit);
-extern SECStatus ChaCha20Poly1305_Seal(
-    const ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx, unsigned char *output,
-    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen,
-    const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned int nonceLen,
-    const unsigned char *ad, unsigned int adLen);
-extern SECStatus ChaCha20Poly1305_Open(
-    const ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx, unsigned char *output,
-    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen,
-    const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned int nonceLen,
-    const unsigned char *ad, unsigned int adLen);
-** MD5 secure hash function
-** Hash a null terminated string "src" into "dest" using MD5
-extern SECStatus MD5_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-** Hash a non-null terminated string "src" into "dest" using MD5
-extern SECStatus MD5_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-			     PRUint32 src_length);
-** Create a new MD5 context
-extern MD5Context *MD5_NewContext(void);
-** Destroy an MD5 secure hash context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void MD5_DestroyContext(MD5Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Reset an MD5 context, preparing it for a fresh round of hashing
-extern void MD5_Begin(MD5Context *cx);
-** Update the MD5 hash function with more data.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"input" the data to hash
-**	"inputLen" the amount of data to hash
-extern void MD5_Update(MD5Context *cx,
-		       const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Finish the MD5 hash function. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 16 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (16) is stored
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void MD5_End(MD5Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		    unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-** Export the current state of the MD5 hash without appending the standard
-** padding and length bytes. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 16 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (16) is stored (optional)
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void MD5_EndRaw(MD5Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		       unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
- * Return the the size of a buffer needed to flatten the MD5 Context into
- *    "cx" the context
- *  returns size;
- */
-extern unsigned int MD5_FlattenSize(MD5Context *cx);
- * Flatten the MD5 Context into a buffer:
- *    "cx" the context
- *    "space" the buffer to flatten to
- *  returns status;
- */
-extern SECStatus MD5_Flatten(MD5Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
- * Resurrect a flattened context into a MD5 Context
- *    "space" the buffer of the flattend buffer
- *    "arg" ptr to void used by cryptographic resurrect
- *  returns resurected context;
- */
-extern MD5Context * MD5_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void MD5_Clone(MD5Context *dest, MD5Context *src);
-** trace the intermediate state info of the MD5 hash.
-extern void MD5_TraceState(MD5Context *cx);
-** MD2 secure hash function
-** Hash a null terminated string "src" into "dest" using MD2
-extern SECStatus MD2_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-** Create a new MD2 context
-extern MD2Context *MD2_NewContext(void);
-** Destroy an MD2 secure hash context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void MD2_DestroyContext(MD2Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Reset an MD2 context, preparing it for a fresh round of hashing
-extern void MD2_Begin(MD2Context *cx);
-** Update the MD2 hash function with more data.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"input" the data to hash
-**	"inputLen" the amount of data to hash
-extern void MD2_Update(MD2Context *cx,
-		       const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
-** Finish the MD2 hash function. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 16 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (16) is stored
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void MD2_End(MD2Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		    unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
- * Return the the size of a buffer needed to flatten the MD2 Context into
- *    "cx" the context
- *  returns size;
- */
-extern unsigned int MD2_FlattenSize(MD2Context *cx);
- * Flatten the MD2 Context into a buffer:
- *    "cx" the context
- *    "space" the buffer to flatten to
- *  returns status;
- */
-extern SECStatus MD2_Flatten(MD2Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
- * Resurrect a flattened context into a MD2 Context
- *    "space" the buffer of the flattend buffer
- *    "arg" ptr to void used by cryptographic resurrect
- *  returns resurected context;
- */
-extern MD2Context * MD2_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void MD2_Clone(MD2Context *dest, MD2Context *src);
-** SHA-1 secure hash function
-** Hash a null terminated string "src" into "dest" using SHA-1
-extern SECStatus SHA1_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-** Hash a non-null terminated string "src" into "dest" using SHA-1
-extern SECStatus SHA1_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-			      PRUint32 src_length);
-** Create a new SHA-1 context
-extern SHA1Context *SHA1_NewContext(void);
-** Destroy a SHA-1 secure hash context.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void SHA1_DestroyContext(SHA1Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-** Reset a SHA-1 context, preparing it for a fresh round of hashing
-extern void SHA1_Begin(SHA1Context *cx);
-** Update the SHA-1 hash function with more data.
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"input" the data to hash
-**	"inputLen" the amount of data to hash
-extern void SHA1_Update(SHA1Context *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-			unsigned int inputLen);
-** Finish the SHA-1 hash function. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 16 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (20) is stored
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void SHA1_End(SHA1Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		     unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-** Export the current state of the SHA-1 hash without appending the standard
-** padding and length bytes. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 20 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (20) is stored (optional)
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void SHA1_EndRaw(SHA1Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-			unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-** trace the intermediate state info of the SHA1 hash.
-extern void SHA1_TraceState(SHA1Context *cx);
- * Return the the size of a buffer needed to flatten the SHA-1 Context into
- *    "cx" the context
- *  returns size;
- */
-extern unsigned int SHA1_FlattenSize(SHA1Context *cx);
- * Flatten the SHA-1 Context into a buffer:
- *    "cx" the context
- *    "space" the buffer to flatten to
- *  returns status;
- */
-extern SECStatus SHA1_Flatten(SHA1Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
- * Resurrect a flattened context into a SHA-1 Context
- *    "space" the buffer of the flattend buffer
- *    "arg" ptr to void used by cryptographic resurrect
- *  returns resurected context;
- */
-extern SHA1Context * SHA1_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void SHA1_Clone(SHA1Context *dest, SHA1Context *src);
-extern SHA224Context *SHA224_NewContext(void);
-extern void SHA224_DestroyContext(SHA224Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-extern void SHA224_Begin(SHA224Context *cx);
-extern void SHA224_Update(SHA224Context *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-			unsigned int inputLen);
-extern void SHA224_End(SHA224Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		     unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-** Export the current state of the SHA-224 hash without appending the standard
-** padding and length bytes. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 28 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (28) is stored (optional)
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void SHA224_EndRaw(SHA224Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-			  unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-extern SECStatus SHA224_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-				PRUint32 src_length);
-extern SECStatus SHA224_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-extern void SHA224_TraceState(SHA224Context *cx);
-extern unsigned int SHA224_FlattenSize(SHA224Context *cx);
-extern SECStatus SHA224_Flatten(SHA224Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
-extern SHA224Context * SHA224_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void SHA224_Clone(SHA224Context *dest, SHA224Context *src);
-extern SHA256Context *SHA256_NewContext(void);
-extern void SHA256_DestroyContext(SHA256Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-extern void SHA256_Begin(SHA256Context *cx);
-extern void SHA256_Update(SHA256Context *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-			unsigned int inputLen);
-extern void SHA256_End(SHA256Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		     unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-** Export the current state of the SHA-256 hash without appending the standard
-** padding and length bytes. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 32 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (32) is stored (optional)
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void SHA256_EndRaw(SHA256Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-			  unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-extern SECStatus SHA256_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-				PRUint32 src_length);
-extern SECStatus SHA256_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-extern void SHA256_TraceState(SHA256Context *cx);
-extern unsigned int SHA256_FlattenSize(SHA256Context *cx);
-extern SECStatus SHA256_Flatten(SHA256Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
-extern SHA256Context * SHA256_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void SHA256_Clone(SHA256Context *dest, SHA256Context *src);
-extern SHA512Context *SHA512_NewContext(void);
-extern void SHA512_DestroyContext(SHA512Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-extern void SHA512_Begin(SHA512Context *cx);
-extern void SHA512_Update(SHA512Context *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-			unsigned int inputLen);
-** Export the current state of the SHA-512 hash without appending the standard
-** padding and length bytes. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 64 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (64) is stored (optional)
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void SHA512_EndRaw(SHA512Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-			  unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-extern void SHA512_End(SHA512Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		     unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-extern SECStatus SHA512_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-				PRUint32 src_length);
-extern SECStatus SHA512_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-extern void SHA512_TraceState(SHA512Context *cx);
-extern unsigned int SHA512_FlattenSize(SHA512Context *cx);
-extern SECStatus SHA512_Flatten(SHA512Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
-extern SHA512Context * SHA512_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void SHA512_Clone(SHA512Context *dest, SHA512Context *src);
-extern SHA384Context *SHA384_NewContext(void);
-extern void SHA384_DestroyContext(SHA384Context *cx, PRBool freeit);
-extern void SHA384_Begin(SHA384Context *cx);
-extern void SHA384_Update(SHA384Context *cx, const unsigned char *input,
-			unsigned int inputLen);
-extern void SHA384_End(SHA384Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-		     unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-** Export the current state of the SHA-384 hash without appending the standard
-** padding and length bytes. Produce the digested results in "digest"
-**	"cx" the context
-**	"digest" where the 48 bytes of digest data are stored
-**	"digestLen" where the digest length (48) is stored (optional)
-**	"maxDigestLen" the maximum amount of data that can ever be
-**	   stored in "digest"
-extern void SHA384_EndRaw(SHA384Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-			  unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen);
-extern SECStatus SHA384_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-				PRUint32 src_length);
-extern SECStatus SHA384_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src);
-extern void SHA384_TraceState(SHA384Context *cx);
-extern unsigned int SHA384_FlattenSize(SHA384Context *cx);
-extern SECStatus SHA384_Flatten(SHA384Context *cx,unsigned char *space);
-extern SHA384Context * SHA384_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg);
-extern void SHA384_Clone(SHA384Context *dest, SHA384Context *src);
- * implement TLS 1.0 Pseudo Random Function (PRF) and TLS P_hash function
- */
-extern SECStatus
-TLS_PRF(const SECItem *secret, const char *label, SECItem *seed, 
-         SECItem *result, PRBool isFIPS);
-extern SECStatus
-TLS_P_hash(HASH_HashType hashAlg, const SECItem *secret, const char *label,
-           SECItem *seed, SECItem *result, PRBool isFIPS);
-** Pseudo Random Number Generation.  FIPS compliance desirable.
-** Initialize the global RNG context and give it some seed input taken
-** from the system.  This function is thread-safe and will only allow
-** the global context to be initialized once.  The seed input is likely
-** small, so it is imperative that RNG_RandomUpdate() be called with
-** additional seed data before the generator is used.  A good way to
-** provide the generator with additional entropy is to call
-** RNG_SystemInfoForRNG().  Note that NSS_Init() does exactly that.
-extern SECStatus RNG_RNGInit(void);
-** Update the global random number generator with more seeding
-** material
-extern SECStatus RNG_RandomUpdate(const void *data, size_t bytes);
-** Generate some random bytes, using the global random number generator
-** object.
-extern SECStatus RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(void *dest, size_t len);
-/* Destroy the global RNG context.  After a call to RNG_RNGShutdown()
-** a call to RNG_RNGInit() is required in order to use the generator again,
-** along with seed data (see the comment above RNG_RNGInit()).
-extern void  RNG_RNGShutdown(void);
-extern void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void);
- * FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1 RNG Algorithm 1, used both to
- * generate the DSA X parameter and as a generic purpose RNG.
- *
- * The following two FIPS186Change functions are needed for
- * NIST RNG Validation System.
- */
- * FIPS186Change_GenerateX is now deprecated. It will return SECFailure with
- * the error set to PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-FIPS186Change_GenerateX(unsigned char *XKEY,
-                        const unsigned char *XSEEDj,
-                        unsigned char *x_j);
- * When generating the DSA X parameter, we generate 2*GSIZE bytes
- * of random output and reduce it mod q.
- *
- * Input: w, 2*GSIZE bytes
- *        q, DSA_SUBPRIME_LEN bytes
- * Output: xj, DSA_SUBPRIME_LEN bytes
- */
-extern SECStatus
-FIPS186Change_ReduceModQForDSA(const unsigned char *w,
-                               const unsigned char *q,
-                               unsigned char *xj);
- * The following functions are for FIPS poweron self test and FIPS algorithm
- * testing.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PRNGTEST_Instantiate(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len, 
-		const PRUint8 *nonce, unsigned int nonce_len,
-		const PRUint8 *personal_string, unsigned int ps_len);
-extern SECStatus
-PRNGTEST_Reseed(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len, 
-		  const PRUint8 *additional, unsigned int additional_len);
-extern SECStatus
-PRNGTEST_Generate(PRUint8 *bytes, unsigned int bytes_len, 
-		  const PRUint8 *additional, unsigned int additional_len);
-extern SECStatus
-extern SECStatus
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of seed and length of h both equal length of P. 
- * All lengths are specified by "j", according to the table above.
- *
- * The verify parameters will conform to FIPS186-1.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PQG_ParamGen(unsigned int j, 	   /* input : determines length of P. */
-             PQGParams **pParams,  /* output: P Q and G returned here */
-	     PQGVerify **pVfy);    /* output: counter and seed. */
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of P specified by j.  Length of h will match length of P.
- * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
- * seedBbytes must be in the range [20..255] or an error will result.
- *
- * The verify parameters will conform to FIPS186-1.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-             unsigned int j, 	     /* input : determines length of P. */
-	     unsigned int seedBytes, /* input : length of seed in bytes.*/
-             PQGParams **pParams,    /* output: P Q and G returned here */
-	     PQGVerify **pVfy);      /* output: counter and seed. */
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of P specified by L in bits.  
- * Length of Q specified by N in bits.  
- * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
- * seedBbytes must be in the range [N..L*2] or an error will result.
- *
- * Not that J uses the above table, L is the length exact. L and N must
- * match the table below or an error will result:
- *
- *  L            N
- * 1024         160
- * 2048         224
- * 2048         256
- * 3072         256
- *
- * If N or seedBytes are set to zero, then PQG_ParamGenSeedLen will
- * pick a default value (typically the smallest secure value for these
- * variables).
- *
- * The verify parameters will conform to FIPS186-3 using the smallest 
- * permissible hash for the key strength.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-             unsigned int L, 	     /* input : determines length of P. */
-             unsigned int N, 	     /* input : determines length of Q. */
-	     unsigned int seedBytes, /* input : length of seed in bytes.*/
-             PQGParams **pParams,    /* output: P Q and G returned here */
-	     PQGVerify **pVfy);      /* output: counter and seed. */
-/*  Test PQGParams for validity as DSS PQG values.
- *  If vfy is non-NULL, test PQGParams to make sure they were generated
- *       using the specified seed, counter, and h values.
- *
- *  Return value indicates whether Verification operation ran successfully
- *  to completion, but does not indicate if PQGParams are valid or not.
- *  If return value is SECSuccess, then *pResult has these meanings:
- *       SECSuccess: PQGParams are valid.
- *       SECFailure: PQGParams are invalid.
- *
- * Verify the PQG againts the counter, SEED and h.
- * These tests are specified in FIPS 186-3 Appendix A.1.1.1, A.1.1.3, and A.2.2
- * PQG_VerifyParams will automatically choose the appropriate test.
- */
-extern SECStatus   PQG_VerifyParams(const PQGParams *params, 
-                                    const PQGVerify *vfy, SECStatus *result);
-extern void PQG_DestroyParams(PQGParams *params);
-extern void PQG_DestroyVerify(PQGVerify *vfy);
- * clean-up any global tables freebl may have allocated after it starts up.
- * This function is not thread safe and should be called only after the
- * library has been quiessed.
- */
-extern void BL_Cleanup(void);
-/* unload freebl shared library from memory */
-extern void BL_Unload(void);
- *  Verify a given Shared library signature                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-PRBool BLAPI_SHVerify(const char *name, PRFuncPtr addr);
- *  Verify a given filename's signature                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-PRBool BLAPI_SHVerifyFile(const char *shName);
- *  Verify Are Own Shared library signature                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-PRBool BLAPI_VerifySelf(const char *name);
-extern const SECHashObject * HASH_GetRawHashObject(HASH_HashType hashType);
-extern void BL_SetForkState(PRBool forked);
-** pepare an ECParam structure from DEREncoded params
- */
-extern SECStatus EC_FillParams(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                               const SECItem *encodedParams, ECParams *params);
-extern SECStatus EC_DecodeParams(const SECItem *encodedParams,
-                                 ECParams **ecparams);
-extern SECStatus EC_CopyParams(PLArenaPool *arena, ECParams *dstParams,
-                               const ECParams *srcParams);
-#endif /* _BLAPI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/blapii.h b/nss/lib/freebl/blapii.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4840fc7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/blapii.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * blapii.h - private data structures and prototypes for the freebl library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _BLAPII_H_
-#define _BLAPII_H_
-#include "blapit.h"
-/* max block size of supported block ciphers */
-#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 16
-typedef SECStatus (*freeblCipherFunc)(void *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                          unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                          const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen,
-			  unsigned int blocksize);
-typedef void (*freeblDestroyFunc)(void *cx, PRBool freeit);
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(NO_FORK_CHECK)
-extern PRBool bl_parentForkedAfterC_Initialize;
-#define SKIP_AFTER_FORK(x) if (!bl_parentForkedAfterC_Initialize) x
-#define SKIP_AFTER_FORK(x) x
-#endif /* _BLAPII_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/blapit.h b/nss/lib/freebl/blapit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eacf48a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/blapit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
- * blapit.h - public data structures for the freebl library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _BLAPIT_H_
-#define _BLAPIT_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "prlink.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "ecl-exp.h"
-/* RC2 operation modes */
-#define NSS_RC2			0
-#define NSS_RC2_CBC		1
-/* RC5 operation modes */
-#define NSS_RC5                 0
-#define NSS_RC5_CBC             1
-/* DES operation modes */
-#define NSS_DES			0
-#define NSS_DES_CBC		1
-#define NSS_DES_EDE3		2
-#define NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC	3
-#define DES_KEY_LENGTH		8	/* Bytes */
-/* AES operation modes */
-#define NSS_AES                 0
-#define NSS_AES_CBC             1
-#define NSS_AES_CTS             2
-#define NSS_AES_CTR             3
-#define NSS_AES_GCM             4
-/* Camellia operation modes */
-#define NSS_CAMELLIA                 0
-#define NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC             1
-/* SEED operation modes */
-#define NSS_SEED		0
-#define NSS_SEED_CBC		1
-#define DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN	20			/* Bytes */
-#define DSA1_SIGNATURE_LEN 	(DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN*2)	/* Bytes */
-#define DSA_MAX_SUBPRIME_LEN	32			/* Bytes */
- * Mark the old defines as deprecated. This will warn code that expected
- * DSA1 only that they need to change if the are to support DSA2.
- */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3)
-/* make GCC warn when we use these #defines */
-typedef int __BLAPI_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated));
-#ifdef _WIN32
-/* This magic gets the windows compiler to give us a deprecation
- * warning */
-#define DSA_Q_BITS 	  (DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN*8)
-/* XXX We shouldn't have to hard code this limit. For
- * now, this is the quickest way to support ECDSA signature
- * processing (ECDSA signature lengths depend on curve
- * size). This limit is sufficient for curves upto
- * 576 bits.
- */
-#define MAX_ECKEY_LEN 	        72	/* Bytes */
-#define EC_MAX_KEY_BITS		571     /* in bits */
-#define EC_MIN_KEY_BITS		112     /* in bits */
-#define EC_MAX_KEY_BITS		521     /* in bits */
-#define EC_MIN_KEY_BITS		256     /* in bits */
-/* EC point compression format */
-#define EC_POINT_FORM_COMPRESSED_Y0    0x02
-#define EC_POINT_FORM_COMPRESSED_Y1    0x03
-#define EC_POINT_FORM_HYBRID_Y0        0x06
-#define EC_POINT_FORM_HYBRID_Y1        0x07
- * Number of bytes each hash algorithm produces
- */
-#define MD2_LENGTH		16	/* Bytes */
-#define MD5_LENGTH		16	/* Bytes */
-#define SHA1_LENGTH		20	/* Bytes */
-#define SHA256_LENGTH 		32 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA384_LENGTH 		48 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA512_LENGTH 		64 	/* bytes */
-#define HASH_LENGTH_MAX         SHA512_LENGTH
- * Input block size for each hash algorithm.
- */
-#define MD2_BLOCK_LENGTH 	 64 	/* bytes */
-#define MD5_BLOCK_LENGTH 	 64 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA1_BLOCK_LENGTH 	 64 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA224_BLOCK_LENGTH 	 64 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH 	 64 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA384_BLOCK_LENGTH 	128 	/* bytes */
-#define SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH 	128 	/* bytes */
-#define AES_KEY_WRAP_IV_BYTES    8
-#define AES_KEY_WRAP_BLOCK_SIZE  8  /* bytes */
-#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE          16  /* bytes */
-#define AES_128_KEY_LENGTH      16  /* bytes */
-#define AES_192_KEY_LENGTH      24  /* bytes */
-#define AES_256_KEY_LENGTH      32  /* bytes */
-#define CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE          16  /* bytes */
-#define SEED_BLOCK_SIZE 16              /* bytes */
-#define SEED_KEY_LENGTH 16              /* bytes */
- * These values come from the initial key size limits from the PKCS #11
- * module. They may be arbitrarily adjusted to any value freebl supports.
- */
-#define RSA_MIN_MODULUS_BITS   128
-#define RSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS 16384
-#define DH_MIN_P_BITS	       128
-#define DH_MAX_P_BITS        16384
- * The FIPS 186-1 algorithm for generating primes P and Q allows only 9
- * distinct values for the length of P, and only one value for the
- * length of Q.
- * The algorithm uses a variable j to indicate which of the 9 lengths
- * of P is to be used.
- * The following table relates j to the lengths of P and Q in bits.
- *
- *	j	bits in P	bits in Q
- *	_	_________	_________
- *	0	 512		160
- *	1	 576		160
- *	2	 640		160
- *	3	 704		160
- *	4	 768		160
- *	5	 832		160
- *	6	 896		160
- *	7	 960		160
- *	8	1024		160
- *
- * The FIPS-186-1 compliant PQG generator takes j as an input parameter.
- *
- * FIPS 186-3 algorithm specifies 4 distinct P and Q sizes:
- *
- *     bits in P       bits in Q
- *     _________       _________
- *      1024           160
- *      2048           224
- *      2048           256
- *      3072           256
- *
- * The FIPS-186-3 complaiant PQG generator (PQG V2) takes arbitrary p and q
- * lengths as input and returns an error if they aren't in this list.
- */
-#define DSA1_Q_BITS      160
-#define DSA_MAX_P_BITS	3072
-#define DSA_MIN_P_BITS	 512
-#define DSA_MAX_Q_BITS   256
-#define DSA_MIN_Q_BITS   160
-#error "Inconsistent declaration of DSA SUBPRIME/Q parameters in blapit.h"
- * function takes desired number of bits in P,
- * returns index (0..8) or -1 if number of bits is invalid.
- */
-#define PQG_PBITS_TO_INDEX(bits) \
-    (((bits) < 512 || (bits) > 1024 || (bits) % 64) ? \
-    -1 : (int)((bits)-512)/64)
- * function takes index (0-8)
- * returns number of bits in P for that index, or -1 if index is invalid.
- */
-#define PQG_INDEX_TO_PBITS(j) (((unsigned)(j) > 8) ? -1 : (512 + 64 * (j)))
-** Opaque objects 
-struct DESContextStr        ;
-struct RC2ContextStr        ;
-struct RC4ContextStr        ;
-struct RC5ContextStr        ;
-struct AESContextStr        ;
-struct CamelliaContextStr   ;
-struct MD2ContextStr        ;
-struct MD5ContextStr        ;
-struct SHA1ContextStr       ;
-struct SHA256ContextStr     ;
-struct SHA512ContextStr     ;
-struct AESKeyWrapContextStr ;
-struct SEEDContextStr       ;	
-struct ChaCha20Poly1305ContextStr;
-typedef struct DESContextStr        DESContext;
-typedef struct RC2ContextStr        RC2Context;
-typedef struct RC4ContextStr        RC4Context;
-typedef struct RC5ContextStr        RC5Context;
-typedef struct AESContextStr        AESContext;
-typedef struct CamelliaContextStr   CamelliaContext;
-typedef struct MD2ContextStr        MD2Context;
-typedef struct MD5ContextStr        MD5Context;
-typedef struct SHA1ContextStr       SHA1Context;
-typedef struct SHA256ContextStr     SHA256Context;
-/* SHA224Context is really a SHA256ContextStr.  This is not a mistake. */
-typedef struct SHA256ContextStr     SHA224Context;
-typedef struct SHA512ContextStr     SHA512Context;
-/* SHA384Context is really a SHA512ContextStr.  This is not a mistake. */
-typedef struct SHA512ContextStr     SHA384Context;
-typedef struct AESKeyWrapContextStr AESKeyWrapContext;
-typedef struct SEEDContextStr	    SEEDContext;	
-typedef struct ChaCha20Poly1305ContextStr ChaCha20Poly1305Context;
-** RSA Public and Private Key structures
-/* member names from PKCS#1, section 7.1 */
-struct RSAPublicKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem modulus;
-    SECItem publicExponent;
-typedef struct RSAPublicKeyStr RSAPublicKey;
-/* member names from PKCS#1, section 7.2 */
-struct RSAPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem version;
-    SECItem modulus;
-    SECItem publicExponent;
-    SECItem privateExponent;
-    SECItem prime1;
-    SECItem prime2;
-    SECItem exponent1;
-    SECItem exponent2;
-    SECItem coefficient;
-typedef struct RSAPrivateKeyStr RSAPrivateKey;
-** DSA Public and Private Key and related structures
-struct PQGParamsStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem prime;    /* p */
-    SECItem subPrime; /* q */
-    SECItem base;     /* g */
-    /* XXX chrisk: this needs to be expanded to hold j and validationParms (RFC2459 7.3.2) */
-typedef struct PQGParamsStr PQGParams;
-struct PQGVerifyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;	/* includes this struct, seed, & h. */
-    unsigned int  counter;
-    SECItem       seed;
-    SECItem       h;
-typedef struct PQGVerifyStr PQGVerify;
-struct DSAPublicKeyStr {
-    PQGParams params;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-typedef struct DSAPublicKeyStr DSAPublicKey;
-struct DSAPrivateKeyStr {
-    PQGParams params;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-    SECItem privateValue;
-typedef struct DSAPrivateKeyStr DSAPrivateKey;
-** Diffie-Hellman Public and Private Key and related structures
-** Structure member names suggested by PKCS#3.
-struct DHParamsStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem prime; /* p */
-    SECItem base; /* g */
-typedef struct DHParamsStr DHParams;
-struct DHPublicKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem prime;
-    SECItem base;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-typedef struct DHPublicKeyStr DHPublicKey;
-struct DHPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem prime;
-    SECItem base;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-    SECItem privateValue;
-typedef struct DHPrivateKeyStr DHPrivateKey;
-** Data structures used for elliptic curve parameters and
-** public and private keys.
-** The ECParams data structures can encode elliptic curve 
-** parameters for both GFp and GF2m curves.
-typedef enum { ec_params_explicit,
-	       ec_params_named
-} ECParamsType;
-typedef enum { ec_field_GFp = 1,
-               ec_field_GF2m
-} ECFieldType;
-struct ECFieldIDStr {
-    int         size;   /* field size in bits */
-    ECFieldType type;
-    union {
-        SECItem  prime; /* prime p for (GFp) */
-        SECItem  poly;  /* irreducible binary polynomial for (GF2m) */
-    } u;
-    int         k1;     /* first coefficient of pentanomial or
-                         * the only coefficient of trinomial 
-                         */
-    int         k2;     /* two remaining coefficients of pentanomial */
-    int         k3;
-typedef struct ECFieldIDStr ECFieldID;
-struct ECCurveStr {
-    SECItem a;          /* contains octet stream encoding of
-                         * field element (X9.62 section 4.3.3) 
-			 */
-    SECItem b;
-    SECItem seed;
-typedef struct ECCurveStr ECCurve;
-struct ECParamsStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    ECParamsType  type;
-    ECFieldID     fieldID;
-    ECCurve       curve; 
-    SECItem       base;
-    SECItem       order; 
-    int           cofactor;
-    SECItem       DEREncoding;
-    ECCurveName   name;
-    SECItem       curveOID;
-typedef struct ECParamsStr ECParams;
-struct ECPublicKeyStr {
-    ECParams ecParams;   
-    SECItem publicValue;   /* elliptic curve point encoded as 
-			    * octet stream.
-			    */
-typedef struct ECPublicKeyStr ECPublicKey;
-struct ECPrivateKeyStr {
-    ECParams ecParams;   
-    SECItem publicValue;   /* encoded ec point */
-    SECItem privateValue;  /* private big integer */
-    SECItem version;       /* As per SEC 1, Appendix C, Section C.4 */
-typedef struct ECPrivateKeyStr ECPrivateKey;
-typedef void * (*BLapiAllocateFunc)(void);
-typedef void (*BLapiDestroyContextFunc)(void *cx, PRBool freeit);
-typedef SECStatus (*BLapiInitContextFunc)(void *cx, 
-				   const unsigned char *key, 
-				   unsigned int keylen,
-				   const unsigned char *, 
-				   int, 
-				   unsigned int ,
-				   unsigned int );
-typedef SECStatus (*BLapiEncrypt)(void *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				unsigned int *outputLen, 
-				unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				const unsigned char *input, 
-				unsigned int inputLen);
-#endif /* _BLAPIT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/camellia.c b/nss/lib/freebl/camellia.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ae425..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/camellia.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1782 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "camellia.h"
-#include "sha_fast.h" /* for SHA_HTONL and related configuration macros */
-/* key constants */
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA1L (0xA09E667FL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA1R (0x3BCC908BL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA2L (0xB67AE858L)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA2R (0x4CAA73B2L)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA3L (0xC6EF372FL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA3R (0xE94F82BEL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA4L (0x54FF53A5L)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA4R (0xF1D36F1CL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA5L (0x10E527FAL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA5R (0xDE682D1DL)
-#define CAMELLIA_SIGMA6L (0xB05688C2L)
- *  macros
- */
-/* require a CPU that allows unaligned access */
-# define GETU32(p) SHA_HTONL(*((PRUint32 *)(p)))
-# define PUTU32(ct, st) {*((PRUint32 *)(ct)) = SHA_HTONL(st);}
-#else /* no unaligned access */
-# define GETU32(pt)					\
-    (((PRUint32)(pt)[0] << 24)				\
-     ^ ((PRUint32)(pt)[1] << 16)			\
-     ^ ((PRUint32)(pt)[2] <<  8)			\
-     ^ ((PRUint32)(pt)[3]))
-# define PUTU32(ct, st)  {				\
-	(ct)[0] = (PRUint8)((st) >> 24);		\
-	(ct)[1] = (PRUint8)((st) >> 16);		\
-	(ct)[2] = (PRUint8)((st) >>  8);		\
-	(ct)[3] = (PRUint8)(st); }
-#define CamelliaSubkeyL(INDEX) (subkey[(INDEX)*2])
-#define CamelliaSubkeyR(INDEX) (subkey[(INDEX)*2 + 1])
-/* rotation right shift 1byte */
-#define CAMELLIA_RR8(x) (((x) >> 8) + ((x) << 24))
-/* rotation left shift 1bit */
-#define CAMELLIA_RL1(x) (((x) << 1) + ((x) >> 31))
-/* rotation left shift 1byte */
-#define CAMELLIA_RL8(x) (((x) << 8) + ((x) >> 24))
-#define CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(ll, lr, rl, rr, w0, w1, bits)	\
-    do {						\
-	w0 = ll;					\
-	ll = (ll << bits) + (lr >> (32 - bits));	\
-	lr = (lr << bits) + (rl >> (32 - bits));	\
-	rl = (rl << bits) + (rr >> (32 - bits));	\
-	rr = (rr << bits) + (w0 >> (32 - bits));	\
-    } while(0)
-#define CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(ll, lr, rl, rr, w0, w1, bits)	\
-    do {						\
-	w0 = ll;					\
-	w1 = lr;					\
-	ll = (lr << (bits - 32)) + (rl >> (64 - bits));	\
-	lr = (rl << (bits - 32)) + (rr >> (64 - bits));	\
-	rl = (rr << (bits - 32)) + (w0 >> (64 - bits));	\
-	rr = (w0 << (bits - 32)) + (w1 >> (64 - bits));	\
-    } while(0)
-#define CAMELLIA_SP1110(INDEX) (camellia_sp1110[(INDEX)])
-#define CAMELLIA_SP0222(INDEX) (camellia_sp0222[(INDEX)])
-#define CAMELLIA_SP3033(INDEX) (camellia_sp3033[(INDEX)])
-#define CAMELLIA_SP4404(INDEX) (camellia_sp4404[(INDEX)])
-#define CAMELLIA_F(xl, xr, kl, kr, yl, yr, il, ir, t0, t1)	\
-    do {							\
-	il = xl ^ kl;						\
-	ir = xr ^ kr;						\
-	t0 = il >> 16;						\
-	t1 = ir >> 16;						\
-	yl = CAMELLIA_SP1110(ir & 0xff)				\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP0222((t1 >> 8) & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP3033(t1 & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP4404((ir >> 8) & 0xff);		\
-	yr = CAMELLIA_SP1110((t0 >> 8) & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP0222(t0 & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP3033((il >> 8) & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP4404(il & 0xff);			\
-	yl ^= yr;						\
-	yr = CAMELLIA_RR8(yr);					\
-	yr ^= yl;						\
-    } while(0)
- * for speed up
- *
- */
-#define CAMELLIA_FLS(ll, lr, rl, rr, kll, klr, krl, krr, t0, t1, t2, t3) \
-    do {								\
-	t0 = kll;							\
-	t0 &= ll;							\
-	lr ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(t0);						\
-	t1 = klr;							\
-	t1 |= lr;							\
-	ll ^= t1;							\
-									\
-	t2 = krr;							\
-	t2 |= rr;							\
-	rl ^= t2;							\
-	t3 = krl;							\
-	t3 &= rl;							\
-	rr ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(t3);						\
-    } while(0)
-#define CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(xl, xr, kl, kr, yl, yr, il, ir, t0, t1)	\
-    do {								\
-	ir = CAMELLIA_SP1110(xr & 0xff)					\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP0222((xr >> 24) & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP3033((xr >> 16) & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP4404((xr >> 8) & 0xff);			\
-	il = CAMELLIA_SP1110((xl >> 24) & 0xff)				\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP0222((xl >> 16) & 0xff)			\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP3033((xl >> 8) & 0xff)				\
-	    ^ CAMELLIA_SP4404(xl & 0xff);				\
-	il ^= kl;							\
-	ir ^= kr;							\
-	ir ^= il;							\
-	il = CAMELLIA_RR8(il);						\
-	il ^= ir;							\
-	yl ^= ir;							\
-	yr ^= il;							\
-    } while(0)
-static const PRUint32 camellia_sp1110[256] = {
-    0x70707000,0x82828200,0x2c2c2c00,0xececec00,
-    0xb3b3b300,0x27272700,0xc0c0c000,0xe5e5e500,
-    0xe4e4e400,0x85858500,0x57575700,0x35353500,
-    0xeaeaea00,0x0c0c0c00,0xaeaeae00,0x41414100,
-    0x23232300,0xefefef00,0x6b6b6b00,0x93939300,
-    0x45454500,0x19191900,0xa5a5a500,0x21212100,
-    0xededed00,0x0e0e0e00,0x4f4f4f00,0x4e4e4e00,
-    0x1d1d1d00,0x65656500,0x92929200,0xbdbdbd00,
-    0x86868600,0xb8b8b800,0xafafaf00,0x8f8f8f00,
-    0x7c7c7c00,0xebebeb00,0x1f1f1f00,0xcecece00,
-    0x3e3e3e00,0x30303000,0xdcdcdc00,0x5f5f5f00,
-    0x5e5e5e00,0xc5c5c500,0x0b0b0b00,0x1a1a1a00,
-    0xa6a6a600,0xe1e1e100,0x39393900,0xcacaca00,
-    0xd5d5d500,0x47474700,0x5d5d5d00,0x3d3d3d00,
-    0xd9d9d900,0x01010100,0x5a5a5a00,0xd6d6d600,
-    0x51515100,0x56565600,0x6c6c6c00,0x4d4d4d00,
-    0x8b8b8b00,0x0d0d0d00,0x9a9a9a00,0x66666600,
-    0xfbfbfb00,0xcccccc00,0xb0b0b000,0x2d2d2d00,
-    0x74747400,0x12121200,0x2b2b2b00,0x20202000,
-    0xf0f0f000,0xb1b1b100,0x84848400,0x99999900,
-    0xdfdfdf00,0x4c4c4c00,0xcbcbcb00,0xc2c2c200,
-    0x34343400,0x7e7e7e00,0x76767600,0x05050500,
-    0x6d6d6d00,0xb7b7b700,0xa9a9a900,0x31313100,
-    0xd1d1d100,0x17171700,0x04040400,0xd7d7d700,
-    0x14141400,0x58585800,0x3a3a3a00,0x61616100,
-    0xdedede00,0x1b1b1b00,0x11111100,0x1c1c1c00,
-    0x32323200,0x0f0f0f00,0x9c9c9c00,0x16161600,
-    0x53535300,0x18181800,0xf2f2f200,0x22222200,
-    0xfefefe00,0x44444400,0xcfcfcf00,0xb2b2b200,
-    0xc3c3c300,0xb5b5b500,0x7a7a7a00,0x91919100,
-    0x24242400,0x08080800,0xe8e8e800,0xa8a8a800,
-    0x60606000,0xfcfcfc00,0x69696900,0x50505000,
-    0xaaaaaa00,0xd0d0d000,0xa0a0a000,0x7d7d7d00,
-    0xa1a1a100,0x89898900,0x62626200,0x97979700,
-    0x54545400,0x5b5b5b00,0x1e1e1e00,0x95959500,
-    0xe0e0e000,0xffffff00,0x64646400,0xd2d2d200,
-    0x10101000,0xc4c4c400,0x00000000,0x48484800,
-    0xa3a3a300,0xf7f7f700,0x75757500,0xdbdbdb00,
-    0x8a8a8a00,0x03030300,0xe6e6e600,0xdadada00,
-    0x09090900,0x3f3f3f00,0xdddddd00,0x94949400,
-    0x87878700,0x5c5c5c00,0x83838300,0x02020200,
-    0xcdcdcd00,0x4a4a4a00,0x90909000,0x33333300,
-    0x73737300,0x67676700,0xf6f6f600,0xf3f3f300,
-    0x9d9d9d00,0x7f7f7f00,0xbfbfbf00,0xe2e2e200,
-    0x52525200,0x9b9b9b00,0xd8d8d800,0x26262600,
-    0xc8c8c800,0x37373700,0xc6c6c600,0x3b3b3b00,
-    0x81818100,0x96969600,0x6f6f6f00,0x4b4b4b00,
-    0x13131300,0xbebebe00,0x63636300,0x2e2e2e00,
-    0xe9e9e900,0x79797900,0xa7a7a700,0x8c8c8c00,
-    0x9f9f9f00,0x6e6e6e00,0xbcbcbc00,0x8e8e8e00,
-    0x29292900,0xf5f5f500,0xf9f9f900,0xb6b6b600,
-    0x2f2f2f00,0xfdfdfd00,0xb4b4b400,0x59595900,
-    0x78787800,0x98989800,0x06060600,0x6a6a6a00,
-    0xe7e7e700,0x46464600,0x71717100,0xbababa00,
-    0xd4d4d400,0x25252500,0xababab00,0x42424200,
-    0x88888800,0xa2a2a200,0x8d8d8d00,0xfafafa00,
-    0x72727200,0x07070700,0xb9b9b900,0x55555500,
-    0xf8f8f800,0xeeeeee00,0xacacac00,0x0a0a0a00,
-    0x36363600,0x49494900,0x2a2a2a00,0x68686800,
-    0x3c3c3c00,0x38383800,0xf1f1f100,0xa4a4a400,
-    0x40404000,0x28282800,0xd3d3d300,0x7b7b7b00,
-    0xbbbbbb00,0xc9c9c900,0x43434300,0xc1c1c100,
-    0x15151500,0xe3e3e300,0xadadad00,0xf4f4f400,
-    0x77777700,0xc7c7c700,0x80808000,0x9e9e9e00,
-static const PRUint32 camellia_sp0222[256] = {
-    0x00e0e0e0,0x00050505,0x00585858,0x00d9d9d9,
-    0x00676767,0x004e4e4e,0x00818181,0x00cbcbcb,
-    0x00c9c9c9,0x000b0b0b,0x00aeaeae,0x006a6a6a,
-    0x00d5d5d5,0x00181818,0x005d5d5d,0x00828282,
-    0x00464646,0x00dfdfdf,0x00d6d6d6,0x00272727,
-    0x008a8a8a,0x00323232,0x004b4b4b,0x00424242,
-    0x00dbdbdb,0x001c1c1c,0x009e9e9e,0x009c9c9c,
-    0x003a3a3a,0x00cacaca,0x00252525,0x007b7b7b,
-    0x000d0d0d,0x00717171,0x005f5f5f,0x001f1f1f,
-    0x00f8f8f8,0x00d7d7d7,0x003e3e3e,0x009d9d9d,
-    0x007c7c7c,0x00606060,0x00b9b9b9,0x00bebebe,
-    0x00bcbcbc,0x008b8b8b,0x00161616,0x00343434,
-    0x004d4d4d,0x00c3c3c3,0x00727272,0x00959595,
-    0x00ababab,0x008e8e8e,0x00bababa,0x007a7a7a,
-    0x00b3b3b3,0x00020202,0x00b4b4b4,0x00adadad,
-    0x00a2a2a2,0x00acacac,0x00d8d8d8,0x009a9a9a,
-    0x00171717,0x001a1a1a,0x00353535,0x00cccccc,
-    0x00f7f7f7,0x00999999,0x00616161,0x005a5a5a,
-    0x00e8e8e8,0x00242424,0x00565656,0x00404040,
-    0x00e1e1e1,0x00636363,0x00090909,0x00333333,
-    0x00bfbfbf,0x00989898,0x00979797,0x00858585,
-    0x00686868,0x00fcfcfc,0x00ececec,0x000a0a0a,
-    0x00dadada,0x006f6f6f,0x00535353,0x00626262,
-    0x00a3a3a3,0x002e2e2e,0x00080808,0x00afafaf,
-    0x00282828,0x00b0b0b0,0x00747474,0x00c2c2c2,
-    0x00bdbdbd,0x00363636,0x00222222,0x00383838,
-    0x00646464,0x001e1e1e,0x00393939,0x002c2c2c,
-    0x00a6a6a6,0x00303030,0x00e5e5e5,0x00444444,
-    0x00fdfdfd,0x00888888,0x009f9f9f,0x00656565,
-    0x00878787,0x006b6b6b,0x00f4f4f4,0x00232323,
-    0x00484848,0x00101010,0x00d1d1d1,0x00515151,
-    0x00c0c0c0,0x00f9f9f9,0x00d2d2d2,0x00a0a0a0,
-    0x00555555,0x00a1a1a1,0x00414141,0x00fafafa,
-    0x00434343,0x00131313,0x00c4c4c4,0x002f2f2f,
-    0x00a8a8a8,0x00b6b6b6,0x003c3c3c,0x002b2b2b,
-    0x00c1c1c1,0x00ffffff,0x00c8c8c8,0x00a5a5a5,
-    0x00202020,0x00898989,0x00000000,0x00909090,
-    0x00474747,0x00efefef,0x00eaeaea,0x00b7b7b7,
-    0x00151515,0x00060606,0x00cdcdcd,0x00b5b5b5,
-    0x00121212,0x007e7e7e,0x00bbbbbb,0x00292929,
-    0x000f0f0f,0x00b8b8b8,0x00070707,0x00040404,
-    0x009b9b9b,0x00949494,0x00212121,0x00666666,
-    0x00e6e6e6,0x00cecece,0x00ededed,0x00e7e7e7,
-    0x003b3b3b,0x00fefefe,0x007f7f7f,0x00c5c5c5,
-    0x00a4a4a4,0x00373737,0x00b1b1b1,0x004c4c4c,
-    0x00919191,0x006e6e6e,0x008d8d8d,0x00767676,
-    0x00030303,0x002d2d2d,0x00dedede,0x00969696,
-    0x00262626,0x007d7d7d,0x00c6c6c6,0x005c5c5c,
-    0x00d3d3d3,0x00f2f2f2,0x004f4f4f,0x00191919,
-    0x003f3f3f,0x00dcdcdc,0x00797979,0x001d1d1d,
-    0x00525252,0x00ebebeb,0x00f3f3f3,0x006d6d6d,
-    0x005e5e5e,0x00fbfbfb,0x00696969,0x00b2b2b2,
-    0x00f0f0f0,0x00313131,0x000c0c0c,0x00d4d4d4,
-    0x00cfcfcf,0x008c8c8c,0x00e2e2e2,0x00757575,
-    0x00a9a9a9,0x004a4a4a,0x00575757,0x00848484,
-    0x00111111,0x00454545,0x001b1b1b,0x00f5f5f5,
-    0x00e4e4e4,0x000e0e0e,0x00737373,0x00aaaaaa,
-    0x00f1f1f1,0x00dddddd,0x00595959,0x00141414,
-    0x006c6c6c,0x00929292,0x00545454,0x00d0d0d0,
-    0x00787878,0x00707070,0x00e3e3e3,0x00494949,
-    0x00808080,0x00505050,0x00a7a7a7,0x00f6f6f6,
-    0x00777777,0x00939393,0x00868686,0x00838383,
-    0x002a2a2a,0x00c7c7c7,0x005b5b5b,0x00e9e9e9,
-    0x00eeeeee,0x008f8f8f,0x00010101,0x003d3d3d,
-static const PRUint32 camellia_sp3033[256] = {
-    0x38003838,0x41004141,0x16001616,0x76007676,
-    0xd900d9d9,0x93009393,0x60006060,0xf200f2f2,
-    0x72007272,0xc200c2c2,0xab00abab,0x9a009a9a,
-    0x75007575,0x06000606,0x57005757,0xa000a0a0,
-    0x91009191,0xf700f7f7,0xb500b5b5,0xc900c9c9,
-    0xa200a2a2,0x8c008c8c,0xd200d2d2,0x90009090,
-    0xf600f6f6,0x07000707,0xa700a7a7,0x27002727,
-    0x8e008e8e,0xb200b2b2,0x49004949,0xde00dede,
-    0x43004343,0x5c005c5c,0xd700d7d7,0xc700c7c7,
-    0x3e003e3e,0xf500f5f5,0x8f008f8f,0x67006767,
-    0x1f001f1f,0x18001818,0x6e006e6e,0xaf00afaf,
-    0x2f002f2f,0xe200e2e2,0x85008585,0x0d000d0d,
-    0x53005353,0xf000f0f0,0x9c009c9c,0x65006565,
-    0xea00eaea,0xa300a3a3,0xae00aeae,0x9e009e9e,
-    0xec00ecec,0x80008080,0x2d002d2d,0x6b006b6b,
-    0xa800a8a8,0x2b002b2b,0x36003636,0xa600a6a6,
-    0xc500c5c5,0x86008686,0x4d004d4d,0x33003333,
-    0xfd00fdfd,0x66006666,0x58005858,0x96009696,
-    0x3a003a3a,0x09000909,0x95009595,0x10001010,
-    0x78007878,0xd800d8d8,0x42004242,0xcc00cccc,
-    0xef00efef,0x26002626,0xe500e5e5,0x61006161,
-    0x1a001a1a,0x3f003f3f,0x3b003b3b,0x82008282,
-    0xb600b6b6,0xdb00dbdb,0xd400d4d4,0x98009898,
-    0xe800e8e8,0x8b008b8b,0x02000202,0xeb00ebeb,
-    0x0a000a0a,0x2c002c2c,0x1d001d1d,0xb000b0b0,
-    0x6f006f6f,0x8d008d8d,0x88008888,0x0e000e0e,
-    0x19001919,0x87008787,0x4e004e4e,0x0b000b0b,
-    0xa900a9a9,0x0c000c0c,0x79007979,0x11001111,
-    0x7f007f7f,0x22002222,0xe700e7e7,0x59005959,
-    0xe100e1e1,0xda00dada,0x3d003d3d,0xc800c8c8,
-    0x12001212,0x04000404,0x74007474,0x54005454,
-    0x30003030,0x7e007e7e,0xb400b4b4,0x28002828,
-    0x55005555,0x68006868,0x50005050,0xbe00bebe,
-    0xd000d0d0,0xc400c4c4,0x31003131,0xcb00cbcb,
-    0x2a002a2a,0xad00adad,0x0f000f0f,0xca00caca,
-    0x70007070,0xff00ffff,0x32003232,0x69006969,
-    0x08000808,0x62006262,0x00000000,0x24002424,
-    0xd100d1d1,0xfb00fbfb,0xba00baba,0xed00eded,
-    0x45004545,0x81008181,0x73007373,0x6d006d6d,
-    0x84008484,0x9f009f9f,0xee00eeee,0x4a004a4a,
-    0xc300c3c3,0x2e002e2e,0xc100c1c1,0x01000101,
-    0xe600e6e6,0x25002525,0x48004848,0x99009999,
-    0xb900b9b9,0xb300b3b3,0x7b007b7b,0xf900f9f9,
-    0xce00cece,0xbf00bfbf,0xdf00dfdf,0x71007171,
-    0x29002929,0xcd00cdcd,0x6c006c6c,0x13001313,
-    0x64006464,0x9b009b9b,0x63006363,0x9d009d9d,
-    0xc000c0c0,0x4b004b4b,0xb700b7b7,0xa500a5a5,
-    0x89008989,0x5f005f5f,0xb100b1b1,0x17001717,
-    0xf400f4f4,0xbc00bcbc,0xd300d3d3,0x46004646,
-    0xcf00cfcf,0x37003737,0x5e005e5e,0x47004747,
-    0x94009494,0xfa00fafa,0xfc00fcfc,0x5b005b5b,
-    0x97009797,0xfe00fefe,0x5a005a5a,0xac00acac,
-    0x3c003c3c,0x4c004c4c,0x03000303,0x35003535,
-    0xf300f3f3,0x23002323,0xb800b8b8,0x5d005d5d,
-    0x6a006a6a,0x92009292,0xd500d5d5,0x21002121,
-    0x44004444,0x51005151,0xc600c6c6,0x7d007d7d,
-    0x39003939,0x83008383,0xdc00dcdc,0xaa00aaaa,
-    0x7c007c7c,0x77007777,0x56005656,0x05000505,
-    0x1b001b1b,0xa400a4a4,0x15001515,0x34003434,
-    0x1e001e1e,0x1c001c1c,0xf800f8f8,0x52005252,
-    0x20002020,0x14001414,0xe900e9e9,0xbd00bdbd,
-    0xdd00dddd,0xe400e4e4,0xa100a1a1,0xe000e0e0,
-    0x8a008a8a,0xf100f1f1,0xd600d6d6,0x7a007a7a,
-    0xbb00bbbb,0xe300e3e3,0x40004040,0x4f004f4f,
-static const PRUint32 camellia_sp4404[256] = {
-    0x70700070,0x2c2c002c,0xb3b300b3,0xc0c000c0,
-    0xe4e400e4,0x57570057,0xeaea00ea,0xaeae00ae,
-    0x23230023,0x6b6b006b,0x45450045,0xa5a500a5,
-    0xeded00ed,0x4f4f004f,0x1d1d001d,0x92920092,
-    0x86860086,0xafaf00af,0x7c7c007c,0x1f1f001f,
-    0x3e3e003e,0xdcdc00dc,0x5e5e005e,0x0b0b000b,
-    0xa6a600a6,0x39390039,0xd5d500d5,0x5d5d005d,
-    0xd9d900d9,0x5a5a005a,0x51510051,0x6c6c006c,
-    0x8b8b008b,0x9a9a009a,0xfbfb00fb,0xb0b000b0,
-    0x74740074,0x2b2b002b,0xf0f000f0,0x84840084,
-    0xdfdf00df,0xcbcb00cb,0x34340034,0x76760076,
-    0x6d6d006d,0xa9a900a9,0xd1d100d1,0x04040004,
-    0x14140014,0x3a3a003a,0xdede00de,0x11110011,
-    0x32320032,0x9c9c009c,0x53530053,0xf2f200f2,
-    0xfefe00fe,0xcfcf00cf,0xc3c300c3,0x7a7a007a,
-    0x24240024,0xe8e800e8,0x60600060,0x69690069,
-    0xaaaa00aa,0xa0a000a0,0xa1a100a1,0x62620062,
-    0x54540054,0x1e1e001e,0xe0e000e0,0x64640064,
-    0x10100010,0x00000000,0xa3a300a3,0x75750075,
-    0x8a8a008a,0xe6e600e6,0x09090009,0xdddd00dd,
-    0x87870087,0x83830083,0xcdcd00cd,0x90900090,
-    0x73730073,0xf6f600f6,0x9d9d009d,0xbfbf00bf,
-    0x52520052,0xd8d800d8,0xc8c800c8,0xc6c600c6,
-    0x81810081,0x6f6f006f,0x13130013,0x63630063,
-    0xe9e900e9,0xa7a700a7,0x9f9f009f,0xbcbc00bc,
-    0x29290029,0xf9f900f9,0x2f2f002f,0xb4b400b4,
-    0x78780078,0x06060006,0xe7e700e7,0x71710071,
-    0xd4d400d4,0xabab00ab,0x88880088,0x8d8d008d,
-    0x72720072,0xb9b900b9,0xf8f800f8,0xacac00ac,
-    0x36360036,0x2a2a002a,0x3c3c003c,0xf1f100f1,
-    0x40400040,0xd3d300d3,0xbbbb00bb,0x43430043,
-    0x15150015,0xadad00ad,0x77770077,0x80800080,
-    0x82820082,0xecec00ec,0x27270027,0xe5e500e5,
-    0x85850085,0x35350035,0x0c0c000c,0x41410041,
-    0xefef00ef,0x93930093,0x19190019,0x21210021,
-    0x0e0e000e,0x4e4e004e,0x65650065,0xbdbd00bd,
-    0xb8b800b8,0x8f8f008f,0xebeb00eb,0xcece00ce,
-    0x30300030,0x5f5f005f,0xc5c500c5,0x1a1a001a,
-    0xe1e100e1,0xcaca00ca,0x47470047,0x3d3d003d,
-    0x01010001,0xd6d600d6,0x56560056,0x4d4d004d,
-    0x0d0d000d,0x66660066,0xcccc00cc,0x2d2d002d,
-    0x12120012,0x20200020,0xb1b100b1,0x99990099,
-    0x4c4c004c,0xc2c200c2,0x7e7e007e,0x05050005,
-    0xb7b700b7,0x31310031,0x17170017,0xd7d700d7,
-    0x58580058,0x61610061,0x1b1b001b,0x1c1c001c,
-    0x0f0f000f,0x16160016,0x18180018,0x22220022,
-    0x44440044,0xb2b200b2,0xb5b500b5,0x91910091,
-    0x08080008,0xa8a800a8,0xfcfc00fc,0x50500050,
-    0xd0d000d0,0x7d7d007d,0x89890089,0x97970097,
-    0x5b5b005b,0x95950095,0xffff00ff,0xd2d200d2,
-    0xc4c400c4,0x48480048,0xf7f700f7,0xdbdb00db,
-    0x03030003,0xdada00da,0x3f3f003f,0x94940094,
-    0x5c5c005c,0x02020002,0x4a4a004a,0x33330033,
-    0x67670067,0xf3f300f3,0x7f7f007f,0xe2e200e2,
-    0x9b9b009b,0x26260026,0x37370037,0x3b3b003b,
-    0x96960096,0x4b4b004b,0xbebe00be,0x2e2e002e,
-    0x79790079,0x8c8c008c,0x6e6e006e,0x8e8e008e,
-    0xf5f500f5,0xb6b600b6,0xfdfd00fd,0x59590059,
-    0x98980098,0x6a6a006a,0x46460046,0xbaba00ba,
-    0x25250025,0x42420042,0xa2a200a2,0xfafa00fa,
-    0x07070007,0x55550055,0xeeee00ee,0x0a0a000a,
-    0x49490049,0x68680068,0x38380038,0xa4a400a4,
-    0x28280028,0x7b7b007b,0xc9c900c9,0xc1c100c1,
-    0xe3e300e3,0xf4f400f4,0xc7c700c7,0x9e9e009e,
- * Stuff related to the Camellia key schedule
- */
-#define subl(x) subL[(x)]
-#define subr(x) subR[(x)]
-void camellia_setup128(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *subkey)
-    PRUint32 kll, klr, krl, krr;
-    PRUint32 il, ir, t0, t1, w0, w1;
-    PRUint32 kw4l, kw4r, dw, tl, tr;
-    PRUint32 subL[26];
-    PRUint32 subR[26];
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    /**
-     *  k == kll || klr || krl || krr (|| is concatination)
-     */
-    kll = GETU32(key     );
-    klr = GETU32(key +  4);
-    krl = GETU32(key +  8);
-    krr = GETU32(key + 12);
-    /**
-     * generate KL dependent subkeys
-     */
-    subl(0) = kll; subr(0) = klr;
-    subl(1) = krl; subr(1) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(4) = kll; subr(4) = klr;
-    subl(5) = krl; subr(5) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 30);
-    subl(10) = kll; subr(10) = klr;
-    subl(11) = krl; subr(11) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(13) = krl; subr(13) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 17);
-    subl(16) = kll; subr(16) = klr;
-    subl(17) = krl; subr(17) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 17);
-    subl(18) = kll; subr(18) = klr;
-    subl(19) = krl; subr(19) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 17);
-    subl(22) = kll; subr(22) = klr;
-    subl(23) = krl; subr(23) = krr;
-    /* generate KA */
-    kll = subl(0); klr = subr(0);
-    krl = subl(1); krr = subr(1);
-    CAMELLIA_F(kll, klr,
-	       w0, w1, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    krl ^= w0; krr ^= w1;
-    CAMELLIA_F(krl, krr,
-	       kll, klr, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    CAMELLIA_F(kll, klr,
-	       krl, krr, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    krl ^= w0; krr ^= w1;
-    CAMELLIA_F(krl, krr,
-	       w0, w1, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    kll ^= w0; klr ^= w1;
-    /* generate KA dependent subkeys */
-    subl(2) = kll; subr(2) = klr;
-    subl(3) = krl; subr(3) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(6) = kll; subr(6) = klr;
-    subl(7) = krl; subr(7) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(8) = kll; subr(8) = klr;
-    subl(9) = krl; subr(9) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(12) = kll; subr(12) = klr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(14) = kll; subr(14) = klr;
-    subl(15) = krl; subr(15) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 34);
-    subl(20) = kll; subr(20) = klr;
-    subl(21) = krl; subr(21) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 17);
-    subl(24) = kll; subr(24) = klr;
-    subl(25) = krl; subr(25) = krr;
-    /* absorb kw2 to other subkeys */
-    subl(3) ^= subl(1); subr(3) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(5) ^= subl(1); subr(5) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(7) ^= subl(1); subr(7) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(1) ^= subr(1) & ~subr(9);
-    dw = subl(1) & subl(9), subr(1) ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(11) ^= subl(1); subr(11) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(13) ^= subl(1); subr(13) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(15) ^= subl(1); subr(15) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(1) ^= subr(1) & ~subr(17);
-    dw = subl(1) & subl(17), subr(1) ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(19) ^= subl(1); subr(19) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(21) ^= subl(1); subr(21) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(23) ^= subl(1); subr(23) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(24) ^= subl(1); subr(24) ^= subr(1);
-    /* absorb kw4 to other subkeys */
-    kw4l = subl(25); kw4r = subr(25);
-    subl(22) ^= kw4l; subr(22) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(20) ^= kw4l; subr(20) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(18) ^= kw4l; subr(18) ^= kw4r;
-    kw4l ^= kw4r & ~subr(16);
-    dw = kw4l & subl(16), kw4r ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(14) ^= kw4l; subr(14) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(12) ^= kw4l; subr(12) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(10) ^= kw4l; subr(10) ^= kw4r;
-    kw4l ^= kw4r & ~subr(8);
-    dw = kw4l & subl(8), kw4r ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(6) ^= kw4l; subr(6) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(4) ^= kw4l; subr(4) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(2) ^= kw4l; subr(2) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(0) ^= kw4l; subr(0) ^= kw4r;
-    /* key XOR is end of F-function */
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(0) = subl(0) ^ subl(2);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(0) = subr(0) ^ subr(2);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(2) = subl(3);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(2) = subr(3);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(3) = subl(2) ^ subl(4);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(3) = subr(2) ^ subr(4);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(4) = subl(3) ^ subl(5);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(4) = subr(3) ^ subr(5);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(5) = subl(4) ^ subl(6);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(5) = subr(4) ^ subr(6);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(6) = subl(5) ^ subl(7);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(6) = subr(5) ^ subr(7);
-    tl = subl(10) ^ (subr(10) & ~subr(8));
-    dw = tl & subl(8), tr = subr(10) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(7) = subl(6) ^ tl;
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(7) = subr(6) ^ tr;
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(8) = subl(8);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(8) = subr(8);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(9) = subl(9);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(9) = subr(9);
-    tl = subl(7) ^ (subr(7) & ~subr(9));
-    dw = tl & subl(9), tr = subr(7) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(10) = tl ^ subl(11);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(10) = tr ^ subr(11);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(11) = subl(10) ^ subl(12);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(11) = subr(10) ^ subr(12);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(12) = subl(11) ^ subl(13);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(12) = subr(11) ^ subr(13);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(13) = subl(12) ^ subl(14);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(13) = subr(12) ^ subr(14);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(14) = subl(13) ^ subl(15);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(14) = subr(13) ^ subr(15);
-    tl = subl(18) ^ (subr(18) & ~subr(16));
-    dw = tl & subl(16),	tr = subr(18) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(15) = subl(14) ^ tl;
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(15) = subr(14) ^ tr;
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(16) = subl(16);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(16) = subr(16);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(17) = subl(17);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(17) = subr(17);
-    tl = subl(15) ^ (subr(15) & ~subr(17));
-    dw = tl & subl(17),	tr = subr(15) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(18) = tl ^ subl(19);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(18) = tr ^ subr(19);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(19) = subl(18) ^ subl(20);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(19) = subr(18) ^ subr(20);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(20) = subl(19) ^ subl(21);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(20) = subr(19) ^ subr(21);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(21) = subl(20) ^ subl(22);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(21) = subr(20) ^ subr(22);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(22) = subl(21) ^ subl(23);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(22) = subr(21) ^ subr(23);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(23) = subl(22);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(23) = subr(22);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(24) = subl(24) ^ subl(23);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(24) = subr(24) ^ subr(23);
-    /* apply the inverse of the last half of P-function */
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(2) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(2), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(2) = CamelliaSubkeyL(2) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(2) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(3) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(3), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(3) = CamelliaSubkeyL(3) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(3) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(4) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(4), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(4) = CamelliaSubkeyL(4) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(4) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(5) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(5), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(5) = CamelliaSubkeyL(5) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(5) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(6) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(6), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(6) = CamelliaSubkeyL(6) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(6) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(7) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(7), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(7) = CamelliaSubkeyL(7) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(7) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(10) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(10), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(10) = CamelliaSubkeyL(10) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(10) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(11) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(11), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(11) = CamelliaSubkeyL(11) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(11) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(12) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(12), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(12) = CamelliaSubkeyL(12) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(12) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(13) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(13), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(13) = CamelliaSubkeyL(13) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(13) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(14) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(14), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(14) = CamelliaSubkeyL(14) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(14) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(15) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(15), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(15) = CamelliaSubkeyL(15) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(15) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(18) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(18), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(18) = CamelliaSubkeyL(18) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(18) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(19) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(19), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(19) = CamelliaSubkeyL(19) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(19) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(20) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(20), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(20) = CamelliaSubkeyL(20) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(20) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(21) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(21), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(21) = CamelliaSubkeyL(21) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(21) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(22) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(22), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(22) = CamelliaSubkeyL(22) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(22) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(23) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(23), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(23) = CamelliaSubkeyL(23) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(23) = dw;
-    return;
-void camellia_setup256(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *subkey)
-    PRUint32 kll,klr,krl,krr;           /* left half of key */
-    PRUint32 krll,krlr,krrl,krrr;       /* right half of key */
-    PRUint32 il, ir, t0, t1, w0, w1;    /* temporary variables */
-    PRUint32 kw4l, kw4r, dw, tl, tr;
-    PRUint32 subL[34];
-    PRUint32 subR[34];
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    /**
-     *  key = (kll || klr || krl || krr || krll || krlr || krrl || krrr)
-     *  (|| is concatination)
-     */
-    kll  = GETU32(key     );
-    klr  = GETU32(key +  4);
-    krl  = GETU32(key +  8);
-    krr  = GETU32(key + 12);
-    krll = GETU32(key + 16);
-    krlr = GETU32(key + 20);
-    krrl = GETU32(key + 24);
-    krrr = GETU32(key + 28);
-    /* generate KL dependent subkeys */
-    subl(0) = kll; subr(0) = klr;
-    subl(1) = krl; subr(1) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 45);
-    subl(12) = kll; subr(12) = klr;
-    subl(13) = krl; subr(13) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(16) = kll; subr(16) = klr;
-    subl(17) = krl; subr(17) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 17);
-    subl(22) = kll; subr(22) = klr;
-    subl(23) = krl; subr(23) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 34);
-    subl(30) = kll; subr(30) = klr;
-    subl(31) = krl; subr(31) = krr;
-    /* generate KR dependent subkeys */
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(4) = krll; subr(4) = krlr;
-    subl(5) = krrl; subr(5) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(8) = krll; subr(8) = krlr;
-    subl(9) = krrl; subr(9) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 30);
-    subl(18) = krll; subr(18) = krlr;
-    subl(19) = krrl; subr(19) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 34);
-    subl(26) = krll; subr(26) = krlr;
-    subl(27) = krrl; subr(27) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 34);
-    /* generate KA */
-    kll = subl(0) ^ krll; klr = subr(0) ^ krlr;
-    krl = subl(1) ^ krrl; krr = subr(1) ^ krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_F(kll, klr,
-	       w0, w1, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    krl ^= w0; krr ^= w1;
-    CAMELLIA_F(krl, krr,
-	       kll, klr, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    kll ^= krll; klr ^= krlr;
-    CAMELLIA_F(kll, klr,
-	       krl, krr, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    krl ^= w0 ^ krrl; krr ^= w1 ^ krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_F(krl, krr,
-	       w0, w1, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    kll ^= w0; klr ^= w1;
-    /* generate KB */
-    krll ^= kll; krlr ^= klr;
-    krrl ^= krl; krrr ^= krr;
-    CAMELLIA_F(krll, krlr,
-	       w0, w1, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    krrl ^= w0; krrr ^= w1;
-    CAMELLIA_F(krrl, krrr,
-	       w0, w1, il, ir, t0, t1);
-    krll ^= w0; krlr ^= w1;
-    /* generate KA dependent subkeys */
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 15);
-    subl(6) = kll; subr(6) = klr;
-    subl(7) = krl; subr(7) = krr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 30);
-    subl(14) = kll; subr(14) = klr;
-    subl(15) = krl; subr(15) = krr;
-    subl(24) = klr; subr(24) = krl;
-    subl(25) = krr; subr(25) = kll;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(kll, klr, krl, krr, w0, w1, 49);
-    subl(28) = kll; subr(28) = klr;
-    subl(29) = krl; subr(29) = krr;
-    /* generate KB dependent subkeys */
-    subl(2) = krll; subr(2) = krlr;
-    subl(3) = krrl; subr(3) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 30);
-    subl(10) = krll; subr(10) = krlr;
-    subl(11) = krrl; subr(11) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQ(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 30);
-    subl(20) = krll; subr(20) = krlr;
-    subl(21) = krrl; subr(21) = krrr;
-    CAMELLIA_ROLDQo32(krll, krlr, krrl, krrr, w0, w1, 51);
-    subl(32) = krll; subr(32) = krlr;
-    subl(33) = krrl; subr(33) = krrr;
-    /* absorb kw2 to other subkeys */
-    subl(3) ^= subl(1); subr(3) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(5) ^= subl(1); subr(5) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(7) ^= subl(1); subr(7) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(1) ^= subr(1) & ~subr(9);
-    dw = subl(1) & subl(9), subr(1) ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(11) ^= subl(1); subr(11) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(13) ^= subl(1); subr(13) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(15) ^= subl(1); subr(15) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(1) ^= subr(1) & ~subr(17);
-    dw = subl(1) & subl(17), subr(1) ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(19) ^= subl(1); subr(19) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(21) ^= subl(1); subr(21) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(23) ^= subl(1); subr(23) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(1) ^= subr(1) & ~subr(25);
-    dw = subl(1) & subl(25), subr(1) ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(27) ^= subl(1); subr(27) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(29) ^= subl(1); subr(29) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(31) ^= subl(1); subr(31) ^= subr(1);
-    subl(32) ^= subl(1); subr(32) ^= subr(1);
-    /* absorb kw4 to other subkeys */
-    kw4l = subl(33); kw4r = subr(33);
-    subl(30) ^= kw4l; subr(30) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(28) ^= kw4l; subr(28) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(26) ^= kw4l; subr(26) ^= kw4r;
-    kw4l ^= kw4r & ~subr(24);
-    dw = kw4l & subl(24), kw4r ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(22) ^= kw4l; subr(22) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(20) ^= kw4l; subr(20) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(18) ^= kw4l; subr(18) ^= kw4r;
-    kw4l ^= kw4r & ~subr(16);
-    dw = kw4l & subl(16), kw4r ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(14) ^= kw4l; subr(14) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(12) ^= kw4l; subr(12) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(10) ^= kw4l; subr(10) ^= kw4r;
-    kw4l ^= kw4r & ~subr(8);
-    dw = kw4l & subl(8), kw4r ^= CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    subl(6) ^= kw4l; subr(6) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(4) ^= kw4l; subr(4) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(2) ^= kw4l; subr(2) ^= kw4r;
-    subl(0) ^= kw4l; subr(0) ^= kw4r;
-    /* key XOR is end of F-function */
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(0) = subl(0) ^ subl(2);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(0) = subr(0) ^ subr(2);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(2) = subl(3);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(2) = subr(3);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(3) = subl(2) ^ subl(4);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(3) = subr(2) ^ subr(4);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(4) = subl(3) ^ subl(5);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(4) = subr(3) ^ subr(5);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(5) = subl(4) ^ subl(6);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(5) = subr(4) ^ subr(6);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(6) = subl(5) ^ subl(7);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(6) = subr(5) ^ subr(7);
-    tl = subl(10) ^ (subr(10) & ~subr(8));
-    dw = tl & subl(8), tr = subr(10) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(7) = subl(6) ^ tl;
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(7) = subr(6) ^ tr;
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(8) = subl(8);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(8) = subr(8);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(9) = subl(9);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(9) = subr(9);
-    tl = subl(7) ^ (subr(7) & ~subr(9));
-    dw = tl & subl(9), tr = subr(7) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(10) = tl ^ subl(11);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(10) = tr ^ subr(11);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(11) = subl(10) ^ subl(12);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(11) = subr(10) ^ subr(12);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(12) = subl(11) ^ subl(13);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(12) = subr(11) ^ subr(13);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(13) = subl(12) ^ subl(14);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(13) = subr(12) ^ subr(14);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(14) = subl(13) ^ subl(15);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(14) = subr(13) ^ subr(15);
-    tl = subl(18) ^ (subr(18) & ~subr(16));
-    dw = tl & subl(16), tr = subr(18) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(15) = subl(14) ^ tl;
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(15) = subr(14) ^ tr;
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(16) = subl(16);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(16) = subr(16);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(17) = subl(17);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(17) = subr(17);
-    tl = subl(15) ^ (subr(15) & ~subr(17));
-    dw = tl & subl(17), tr = subr(15) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(18) = tl ^ subl(19);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(18) = tr ^ subr(19);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(19) = subl(18) ^ subl(20);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(19) = subr(18) ^ subr(20);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(20) = subl(19) ^ subl(21);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(20) = subr(19) ^ subr(21);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(21) = subl(20) ^ subl(22);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(21) = subr(20) ^ subr(22);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(22) = subl(21) ^ subl(23);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(22) = subr(21) ^ subr(23);
-    tl = subl(26) ^ (subr(26) & ~subr(24));
-    dw = tl & subl(24), tr = subr(26) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(23) = subl(22) ^ tl;
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(23) = subr(22) ^ tr;
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(24) = subl(24);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(24) = subr(24);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(25) = subl(25);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(25) = subr(25);
-    tl = subl(23) ^ (subr(23) &  ~subr(25));
-    dw = tl & subl(25), tr = subr(23) ^ CAMELLIA_RL1(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(26) = tl ^ subl(27);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(26) = tr ^ subr(27);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(27) = subl(26) ^ subl(28);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(27) = subr(26) ^ subr(28);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(28) = subl(27) ^ subl(29);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(28) = subr(27) ^ subr(29);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(29) = subl(28) ^ subl(30);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(29) = subr(28) ^ subr(30);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(30) = subl(29) ^ subl(31);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(30) = subr(29) ^ subr(31);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(31) = subl(30);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(31) = subr(30);
-    CamelliaSubkeyL(32) = subl(32) ^ subl(31);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(32) = subr(32) ^ subr(31);
-    /* apply the inverse of the last half of P-function */
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(2) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(2), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(2) = CamelliaSubkeyL(2) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(2) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(3) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(3), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(3) = CamelliaSubkeyL(3) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(3) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(4) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(4), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(4) = CamelliaSubkeyL(4) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(4) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(5) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(5), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(5) = CamelliaSubkeyL(5) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(5) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(6) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(6), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(6) = CamelliaSubkeyL(6) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(6) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(7) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(7), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(7) = CamelliaSubkeyL(7) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(7) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(10) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(10), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(10) = CamelliaSubkeyL(10) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(10) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(11) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(11), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(11) = CamelliaSubkeyL(11) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(11) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(12) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(12), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(12) = CamelliaSubkeyL(12) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(12) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(13) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(13), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(13) = CamelliaSubkeyL(13) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(13) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(14) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(14), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(14) = CamelliaSubkeyL(14) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(14) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(15) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(15), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(15) = CamelliaSubkeyL(15) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(15) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(18) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(18), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(18) = CamelliaSubkeyL(18) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(18) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(19) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(19), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(19) = CamelliaSubkeyL(19) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(19) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(20) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(20), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(20) = CamelliaSubkeyL(20) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(20) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(21) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(21), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(21) = CamelliaSubkeyL(21) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(21) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(22) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(22), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(22) = CamelliaSubkeyL(22) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(22) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(23) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(23), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(23) = CamelliaSubkeyL(23) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(23) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(26) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(26), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(26) = CamelliaSubkeyL(26) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(26) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(27) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(27), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(27) = CamelliaSubkeyL(27) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(27) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(28) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(28), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(28) = CamelliaSubkeyL(28) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(28) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(29) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(29), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(29) = CamelliaSubkeyL(29) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(29) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(30) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(30), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(30) = CamelliaSubkeyL(30) ^ dw, CamelliaSubkeyL(30) = dw;
-    dw = CamelliaSubkeyL(31) ^ CamelliaSubkeyR(31), dw = CAMELLIA_RL8(dw);
-    CamelliaSubkeyR(31) = CamelliaSubkeyL(31) ^ dw,CamelliaSubkeyL(31) = dw;
-    return;
-void camellia_setup192(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *subkey)
-    unsigned char kk[32];
-    PRUint32 krll, krlr, krrl,krrr;
-    memcpy(kk, key, 24);
-    memcpy((unsigned char *)&krll, key+16,4);
-    memcpy((unsigned char *)&krlr, key+20,4);
-    krrl = ~krll;
-    krrr = ~krlr;
-    memcpy(kk+24, (unsigned char *)&krrl, 4);
-    memcpy(kk+28, (unsigned char *)&krrr, 4);
-    camellia_setup256(kk, subkey);
-    return;
- * Stuff related to camellia encryption/decryption
- *
- */
-camellia_encrypt128(const PRUint32 *subkey,
-		    unsigned char *output,
-		    const unsigned char *input)
-    PRUint32 il, ir, t0, t1;
-    PRUint32 io[4];
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    io[0] = GETU32(input);
-    io[1] = GETU32(input+4);
-    io[2] = GETU32(input+8);
-    io[3] = GETU32(input+12);
-    /* pre whitening but absorb kw2*/
-    io[0] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(0);
-    io[1] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(0);
-    /* main iteration */
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(2),CamelliaSubkeyR(2),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(3),CamelliaSubkeyR(3),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(4),CamelliaSubkeyR(4),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(5),CamelliaSubkeyR(5),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(6),CamelliaSubkeyR(6),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(7),CamelliaSubkeyR(7),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(8),CamelliaSubkeyR(8),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(9),CamelliaSubkeyR(9),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(10),CamelliaSubkeyR(10),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(11),CamelliaSubkeyR(11),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(12),CamelliaSubkeyR(12),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(13),CamelliaSubkeyR(13),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(14),CamelliaSubkeyR(14),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(15),CamelliaSubkeyR(15),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(16),CamelliaSubkeyR(16),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(17),CamelliaSubkeyR(17),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(18),CamelliaSubkeyR(18),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(19),CamelliaSubkeyR(19),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(20),CamelliaSubkeyR(20),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(21),CamelliaSubkeyR(21),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(22),CamelliaSubkeyR(22),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(23),CamelliaSubkeyR(23),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    /* post whitening but kw4 */
-    io[2] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(24);
-    io[3] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(24);
-    t0 = io[0];
-    t1 = io[1];
-    io[0] = io[2];
-    io[1] = io[3];
-    io[2] = t0;
-    io[3] = t1;
-    PUTU32(output, io[0]);
-    PUTU32(output+4, io[1]);
-    PUTU32(output+8, io[2]);
-    PUTU32(output+12, io[3]);
-    return SECSuccess;
-camellia_decrypt128(const PRUint32 *subkey,
-		    unsigned char *output,
-		    const unsigned char *input)
-    PRUint32 il,ir,t0,t1;               /* temporary valiables */
-    PRUint32 io[4];
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    io[0] = GETU32(input);
-    io[1] = GETU32(input+4);
-    io[2] = GETU32(input+8);
-    io[3] = GETU32(input+12);
-    /* pre whitening but absorb kw2*/
-    io[0] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(24);
-    io[1] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(24);
-    /* main iteration */
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(23),CamelliaSubkeyR(23),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(22),CamelliaSubkeyR(22),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(21),CamelliaSubkeyR(21),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(20),CamelliaSubkeyR(20),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(19),CamelliaSubkeyR(19),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(18),CamelliaSubkeyR(18),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(17),CamelliaSubkeyR(17),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(16),CamelliaSubkeyR(16),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(15),CamelliaSubkeyR(15),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(14),CamelliaSubkeyR(14),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(13),CamelliaSubkeyR(13),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(12),CamelliaSubkeyR(12),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(11),CamelliaSubkeyR(11),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(10),CamelliaSubkeyR(10),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(9),CamelliaSubkeyR(9),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(8),CamelliaSubkeyR(8),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(7),CamelliaSubkeyR(7),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(6),CamelliaSubkeyR(6),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(5),CamelliaSubkeyR(5),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(4),CamelliaSubkeyR(4),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(3),CamelliaSubkeyR(3),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(2),CamelliaSubkeyR(2),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    /* post whitening but kw4 */
-    io[2] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(0);
-    io[3] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(0);
-    t0 = io[0];
-    t1 = io[1];
-    io[0] = io[2];
-    io[1] = io[3];
-    io[2] = t0;
-    io[3] = t1;
-    PUTU32(output, io[0]);
-    PUTU32(output+4, io[1]);
-    PUTU32(output+8, io[2]);
-    PUTU32(output+12, io[3]);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * stuff for 192 and 256bit encryption/decryption
- */
-camellia_encrypt256(const PRUint32 *subkey,
-		    unsigned char *output,
-		    const unsigned char *input)
-    PRUint32 il,ir,t0,t1;           /* temporary valiables */
-    PRUint32 io[4];
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    io[0] = GETU32(input);
-    io[1] = GETU32(input+4);
-    io[2] = GETU32(input+8);
-    io[3] = GETU32(input+12);
-    /* pre whitening but absorb kw2*/
-    io[0] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(0);
-    io[1] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(0);
-    /* main iteration */
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(2),CamelliaSubkeyR(2),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(3),CamelliaSubkeyR(3),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(4),CamelliaSubkeyR(4),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(5),CamelliaSubkeyR(5),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(6),CamelliaSubkeyR(6),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(7),CamelliaSubkeyR(7),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(8),CamelliaSubkeyR(8),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(9),CamelliaSubkeyR(9),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(10),CamelliaSubkeyR(10),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(11),CamelliaSubkeyR(11),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(12),CamelliaSubkeyR(12),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(13),CamelliaSubkeyR(13),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(14),CamelliaSubkeyR(14),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(15),CamelliaSubkeyR(15),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(16),CamelliaSubkeyR(16),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(17),CamelliaSubkeyR(17),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(18),CamelliaSubkeyR(18),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(19),CamelliaSubkeyR(19),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(20),CamelliaSubkeyR(20),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(21),CamelliaSubkeyR(21),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(22),CamelliaSubkeyR(22),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(23),CamelliaSubkeyR(23),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(24),CamelliaSubkeyR(24),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(25),CamelliaSubkeyR(25),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(26),CamelliaSubkeyR(26),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(27),CamelliaSubkeyR(27),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(28),CamelliaSubkeyR(28),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(29),CamelliaSubkeyR(29),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(30),CamelliaSubkeyR(30),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(31),CamelliaSubkeyR(31),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    /* post whitening but kw4 */
-    io[2] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(32);
-    io[3] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(32);
-    t0 = io[0];
-    t1 = io[1];
-    io[0] = io[2];
-    io[1] = io[3];
-    io[2] = t0;
-    io[3] = t1;
-    PUTU32(output, io[0]);
-    PUTU32(output+4, io[1]);
-    PUTU32(output+8, io[2]);
-    PUTU32(output+12, io[3]);
-    return SECSuccess;
-camellia_decrypt256(const PRUint32 *subkey,
-		    unsigned char *output,
-		    const unsigned char *input)
-    PRUint32 il,ir,t0,t1;           /* temporary valiables */
-    PRUint32 io[4];
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    io[0] = GETU32(input);
-    io[1] = GETU32(input+4);
-    io[2] = GETU32(input+8);
-    io[3] = GETU32(input+12);
-    /* pre whitening but absorb kw2*/
-    io[0] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(32);
-    io[1] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(32);
-    /* main iteration */
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(31),CamelliaSubkeyR(31),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(30),CamelliaSubkeyR(30),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(29),CamelliaSubkeyR(29),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(28),CamelliaSubkeyR(28),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(27),CamelliaSubkeyR(27),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(26),CamelliaSubkeyR(26),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(25),CamelliaSubkeyR(25),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(24),CamelliaSubkeyR(24),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(23),CamelliaSubkeyR(23),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(22),CamelliaSubkeyR(22),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(21),CamelliaSubkeyR(21),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(20),CamelliaSubkeyR(20),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(19),CamelliaSubkeyR(19),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(18),CamelliaSubkeyR(18),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(17),CamelliaSubkeyR(17),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(16),CamelliaSubkeyR(16),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(15),CamelliaSubkeyR(15),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(14),CamelliaSubkeyR(14),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(13),CamelliaSubkeyR(13),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(12),CamelliaSubkeyR(12),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(11),CamelliaSubkeyR(11),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(10),CamelliaSubkeyR(10),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_FLS(io[0],io[1],io[2],io[3],
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(9),CamelliaSubkeyR(9),
-		 CamelliaSubkeyL(8),CamelliaSubkeyR(8),
-		 t0,t1,il,ir);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(7),CamelliaSubkeyR(7),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(6),CamelliaSubkeyR(6),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(5),CamelliaSubkeyR(5),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(4),CamelliaSubkeyR(4),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[0],io[1],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(3),CamelliaSubkeyR(3),
-		     io[2],io[3],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    CAMELLIA_ROUNDSM(io[2],io[3],
-		     CamelliaSubkeyL(2),CamelliaSubkeyR(2),
-		     io[0],io[1],il,ir,t0,t1);
-    /* post whitening but kw4 */
-    io[2] ^= CamelliaSubkeyL(0);
-    io[3] ^= CamelliaSubkeyR(0);
-    t0 = io[0];
-    t1 = io[1];
-    io[0] = io[2];
-    io[1] = io[3];
-    io[2] = t0;
-    io[3] = t1;
-    PUTU32(output, io[0]);
-    PUTU32(output+4, io[1]);
-    PUTU32(output+8, io[2]);
-    PUTU32(output+12, io[3]);
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- * Stuff related to the Camellia key schedule
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-camellia_key_expansion(CamelliaContext *cx, 
-                       const unsigned char *key, 
-                       const unsigned int keysize)
-    cx->keysize = keysize;
-    switch(keysize) {
-    case 16:
-	camellia_setup128(key, cx->expandedKey);
-	break;
-    case 24:
-	camellia_setup192(key, cx->expandedKey);
-	break;
-    case 32:
-	camellia_setup256(key, cx->expandedKey);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- *  Camellia modes of operation (ECB and CBC)
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-camellia_encryptECB(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    CamelliaBlockFunc *encryptor;
-    encryptor = (cx->keysize == 16)
-	? &camellia_encrypt128
-	: &camellia_encrypt256;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-	(*encryptor)(cx->expandedKey, output, input);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-camellia_encryptCBC(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    unsigned int j;
-    unsigned char *lastblock;
-    unsigned char inblock[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    CamelliaBlockFunc *encryptor;
-    if (!inputLen)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    lastblock = cx->iv;
-    encryptor = (cx->keysize == 16)
-	? &camellia_encrypt128
-	: &camellia_encrypt256;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-	/* XOR with the last block (IV if first block) */
-	for (j=0; j<CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j)
-	    inblock[j] = input[j] ^ lastblock[j];
-	/* encrypt */
-	(*encryptor)(cx->expandedKey, output, inblock);
-	/* move to the next block */
-	lastblock = output;
-    }
-    memcpy(cx->iv, lastblock, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    return SECSuccess;
-camellia_decryptECB(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    CamelliaBlockFunc *decryptor;
-    decryptor = (cx->keysize == 16)
-	? &camellia_decrypt128
-	: &camellia_decrypt256;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-	(*decryptor)(cx->expandedKey, output, input);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-camellia_decryptCBC(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    const unsigned char *in;
-    unsigned char *out;
-    unsigned int j;
-    unsigned char newIV[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    CamelliaBlockFunc *decryptor;
-    if (!inputLen) 
-	return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(output - input >= 0 || input - output >= (int)inputLen );
-    in  = input  + (inputLen - CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    memcpy(newIV, in, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    out = output + (inputLen - CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    decryptor = (cx->keysize == 16)
-	? &camellia_decrypt128
-	: &camellia_decrypt256;
-    while (inputLen > CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	(*decryptor)(cx->expandedKey, out, in);
-	for (j=0; j<CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j)
-	    out[j] ^= in[(int)(j - CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE)];
-    }
-    if (in == input) {
-	(*decryptor)(cx->expandedKey, out, in);
-	for (j=0; j<CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j)
-	    out[j] ^= cx->iv[j];
-    }
-    memcpy(cx->iv, newIV, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- * BLAPI Interface functions
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-CamelliaContext *
-    return PORT_ZNew(CamelliaContext);
-Camellia_InitContext(CamelliaContext *cx, const unsigned char *key,
-		     unsigned int keysize, 
-		     const unsigned char *iv, int mode, unsigned int encrypt,
-		     unsigned int unused)
-    if (key == NULL ||
-	(keysize != 16 && keysize != 24 && keysize != 32)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode != NSS_CAMELLIA && mode != NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode == NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC && iv == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!cx) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode == NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC) {
-	memcpy(cx->iv, iv, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	cx->worker = (encrypt) ? &camellia_encryptCBC : &camellia_decryptCBC;
-    } else {
-	cx->worker = (encrypt) ? &camellia_encryptECB : &camellia_decryptECB;
-    }
-    /* Generate expanded key */
-    if (camellia_key_expansion(cx, key, keysize) != SECSuccess)
-	goto cleanup;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
- * Camellia_CreateContext
- * create a new context for Camellia operations
- */
-CamelliaContext *
-Camellia_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-                       int mode, int encrypt,
-                       unsigned int keysize)
-    CamelliaContext *cx;
-    if (key == NULL ||
-	(keysize != 16 && keysize != 24 && keysize != 32)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (mode != NSS_CAMELLIA && mode != NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (mode == NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC && iv == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cx = PORT_ZNew(CamelliaContext);
-    if (!cx) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* copy in the iv, if neccessary */
-    if (mode == NSS_CAMELLIA_CBC) {
-	memcpy(cx->iv, iv, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	cx->worker = (encrypt) ? &camellia_encryptCBC : &camellia_decryptCBC;
-    } else {
-	cx->worker = (encrypt) ? &camellia_encryptECB : &camellia_decryptECB;
-    }
-    /* copy keysize */
-    cx->keysize = keysize;
-    /* Generate expanded key */
-    if (camellia_key_expansion(cx, key, keysize) != SECSuccess)
-	goto cleanup;
-    return cx;
-  cleanup:
-    PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof *cx);
-    return NULL;
- * Camellia_DestroyContext
- * 
- * Zero an Camellia cipher context.  If freeit is true, also free the pointer
- * to the context.
- */
-Camellia_DestroyContext(CamelliaContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx)
-	memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-    if (freeit)
-	PORT_Free(cx);
- * Camellia_Encrypt
- *
- * Encrypt an arbitrary-length buffer.  The output buffer must already be
- * allocated to at least inputLen.
- */
-Camellia_Encrypt(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                 unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                 const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    /* Check args */
-    if (cx == NULL || output == NULL || input == NULL ||
-	outputLen == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (inputLen % CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outputLen = inputLen;
-    return (*cx->worker)(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen,	
-			 input, inputLen);
- * Camellia_Decrypt
- *
- * Decrypt and arbitrary-length buffer.  The output buffer must already be
- * allocated to at least inputLen.
- */
-Camellia_Decrypt(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                 unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                 const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    /* Check args */
-    if (cx == NULL || output == NULL || input == NULL
-	|| outputLen == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (inputLen % CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outputLen = inputLen;
-    return (*cx->worker)(cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen,	
-			 input, inputLen);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/camellia.h b/nss/lib/freebl/camellia.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f76005..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/camellia.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _CAMELLIA_H_
-#define _CAMELLIA_H_ 1
-#define CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE 16  /* bytes */
-#define CAMELLIA_MIN_KEYSIZE 16 /* bytes */
-#define CAMELLIA_MAX_KEYSIZE 32 /* bytes */
-#define CAMELLIA_MAX_EXPANDEDKEY (34*2) /* 32bit unit */
-typedef SECStatus CamelliaFunc(CamelliaContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-			       unsigned int *outputLen,
-			       unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-			       const unsigned char *input,
-			       unsigned int inputLen);
-typedef SECStatus CamelliaBlockFunc(const PRUint32 *subkey, 
-				    unsigned char *output,
-				    const unsigned char *input);
-/* CamelliaContextStr
- *
- * Values which maintain the state for Camellia encryption/decryption.
- *
- * keysize     - the number of key bits
- * worker      - the encryption/decryption function to use with this context
- * iv          - initialization vector for CBC mode
- * expandedKey - the round keys in 4-byte words
- */
-struct CamelliaContextStr
-    PRUint32  keysize; /* bytes */
-    CamelliaFunc  *worker;
-    PRUint32      expandedKey[CAMELLIA_MAX_EXPANDEDKEY];
-#endif /* _CAMELLIA_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.c b/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 687be66..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Adopted from the public domain code in NaCl by djb. */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "chacha20.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma intrinsic(_lrotl)
-#define ROTL32(x, n) _lrotl(x, n)
-#define ROTL32(x, n) ((x << n) | (x >> ((8 * sizeof x) - n)))
-#define ROTATE(v, c) ROTL32((v), (c))
-#define U32TO8_LITTLE(p, v)                                                    \
-    { (p)[0] = ((v)      ) & 0xff; (p)[1] = ((v) >>  8) & 0xff;                \
-      (p)[2] = ((v) >> 16) & 0xff; (p)[3] = ((v) >> 24) & 0xff; }
-#define U8TO32_LITTLE(p)                                                       \
-    (((PRUint32)((p)[0])      ) | ((PRUint32)((p)[1]) <<  8) |                 \
-     ((PRUint32)((p)[2]) << 16) | ((PRUint32)((p)[3]) << 24))
-#define QUARTERROUND(x, a, b, c, d)                                            \
-    x[a] = x[a] + x[b]; x[d] = ROTATE(x[d] ^ x[a], 16);                        \
-    x[c] = x[c] + x[d]; x[b] = ROTATE(x[b] ^ x[c], 12);                        \
-    x[a] = x[a] + x[b]; x[d] = ROTATE(x[d] ^ x[a],  8);                        \
-    x[c] = x[c] + x[d]; x[b] = ROTATE(x[b] ^ x[c],  7);
-static void
-ChaChaCore(unsigned char output[64], const PRUint32 input[16], int num_rounds)
-    PRUint32 x[16];
-    int i;
-    PORT_Memcpy(x, input, sizeof(PRUint32) * 16);
-    for (i = num_rounds; i > 0; i -= 2) {
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 0, 4, 8, 12)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 1, 5, 9, 13)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 2, 6, 10, 14)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 3, 7, 11, 15)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 0, 5, 10, 15)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 1, 6, 11, 12)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 2, 7, 8, 13)
-        QUARTERROUND(x, 3, 4, 9, 14)
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
-        x[i] = x[i] + input[i];
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
-        U32TO8_LITTLE(output + 4 * i, x[i]);
-    }
-static const unsigned char sigma[16] = "expand 32-byte k";
-ChaCha20XOR(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inLen,
-            const unsigned char key[32], const unsigned char nonce[12],
-            uint32_t counter)
-    unsigned char block[64];
-    PRUint32 input[16];
-    unsigned int i;
-    input[4] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 0);
-    input[5] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 4);
-    input[6] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 8);
-    input[7] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 12);
-    input[8] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 16);
-    input[9] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 20);
-    input[10] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 24);
-    input[11] = U8TO32_LITTLE(key + 28);
-    input[0] = U8TO32_LITTLE(sigma + 0);
-    input[1] = U8TO32_LITTLE(sigma + 4);
-    input[2] = U8TO32_LITTLE(sigma + 8);
-    input[3] = U8TO32_LITTLE(sigma + 12);
-    input[12] = counter;
-    input[13] = U8TO32_LITTLE(nonce + 0);
-    input[14] = U8TO32_LITTLE(nonce + 4);
-    input[15] = U8TO32_LITTLE(nonce + 8);
-    while (inLen >= 64) {
-        ChaChaCore(block, input, 20);
-        for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-            out[i] = in[i] ^ block[i];
-        }
-        input[12]++;
-        inLen -= 64;
-        in += 64;
-        out += 64;
-    }
-    if (inLen > 0) {
-        ChaChaCore(block, input, 20);
-        for (i = 0; i < inLen; i++) {
-            out[i] = in[i] ^ block[i];
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.h b/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e396fa..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * chacha20.h - header file for ChaCha20 implementation.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef FREEBL_CHACHA20_H_
-#define FREEBL_CHACHA20_H_
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1600
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef PRUint32 uint32_t;
-typedef PRUint64 uint64_t;
-#include <stdint.h>
-/* ChaCha20XOR encrypts |inLen| bytes from |in| with the given key and
- * nonce and writes the result to |out|, which may be equal to |in|. The
- * initial block counter is specified by |counter|. */
-extern void ChaCha20XOR(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in,
-                        unsigned int inLen, const unsigned char key[32],
-                        const unsigned char nonce[12], uint32_t counter);
-#endif /* FREEBL_CHACHA20_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20_vec.c b/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20_vec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 352b70d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20_vec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This implementation is by Ted Krovetz and was submitted to SUPERCOP and
- * marked as public domain. It was been altered to allow for non-aligned inputs
- * and to allow the block counter to be passed in specifically. */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "chacha20.h"
-#ifndef CHACHA_RNDS
-#define CHACHA_RNDS 20    /* 8 (high speed), 20 (conservative), 12 (middle) */
-/* Architecture-neutral way to specify 16-byte vector of ints              */
-typedef unsigned vec __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
-/* This implementation is designed for Neon, SSE and AltiVec machines. The
- * following specify how to do certain vector operations efficiently on
- * each architecture, using intrinsics.
- * This implementation supports parallel processing of multiple blocks,
- * including potentially using general-purpose registers.
- */
-#if __ARM_NEON__
-#include <arm_neon.h>
-#define GPR_TOO   1
-#define VBPI      2
-#define ONE       (vec)vsetq_lane_u32(1,vdupq_n_u32(0),0)
-#define LOAD(m)   (vec)(*((vec*)(m)))
-#define STORE(m,r) (*((vec*)(m))) = (r)
-#define ROTV1(x)  (vec)vextq_u32((uint32x4_t)x,(uint32x4_t)x,1)
-#define ROTV2(x)  (vec)vextq_u32((uint32x4_t)x,(uint32x4_t)x,2)
-#define ROTV3(x)  (vec)vextq_u32((uint32x4_t)x,(uint32x4_t)x,3)
-#define ROTW16(x) (vec)vrev32q_u16((uint16x8_t)x)
-#if __clang__
-#define ROTW7(x)  (x << ((vec){ 7, 7, 7, 7})) ^ (x >> ((vec){25,25,25,25}))
-#define ROTW8(x)  (x << ((vec){ 8, 8, 8, 8})) ^ (x >> ((vec){24,24,24,24}))
-#define ROTW12(x) (x << ((vec){12,12,12,12})) ^ (x >> ((vec){20,20,20,20}))
-#define ROTW7(x)  (vec)vsriq_n_u32(vshlq_n_u32((uint32x4_t)x,7),(uint32x4_t)x,25)
-#define ROTW8(x)  (vec)vsriq_n_u32(vshlq_n_u32((uint32x4_t)x,8),(uint32x4_t)x,24)
-#define ROTW12(x) (vec)vsriq_n_u32(vshlq_n_u32((uint32x4_t)x,12),(uint32x4_t)x,20)
-#elif __SSE2__
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-#define GPR_TOO   0
-#if __clang__
-#define VBPI      4
-#define VBPI      3
-#define ONE       (vec)_mm_set_epi32(0,0,0,1)
-#define LOAD(m)   (vec)_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(m))
-#define STORE(m,r) _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(m), (__m128i) (r))
-#define ROTV1(x)  (vec)_mm_shuffle_epi32((__m128i)x,_MM_SHUFFLE(0,3,2,1))
-#define ROTV2(x)  (vec)_mm_shuffle_epi32((__m128i)x,_MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2))
-#define ROTV3(x)  (vec)_mm_shuffle_epi32((__m128i)x,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,3))
-#define ROTW7(x)  (vec)(_mm_slli_epi32((__m128i)x, 7) ^ _mm_srli_epi32((__m128i)x,25))
-#define ROTW12(x) (vec)(_mm_slli_epi32((__m128i)x,12) ^ _mm_srli_epi32((__m128i)x,20))
-#if __SSSE3__
-#include <tmmintrin.h>
-#define ROTW8(x)  (vec)_mm_shuffle_epi8((__m128i)x,_mm_set_epi8(14,13,12,15,10,9,8,11,6,5,4,7,2,1,0,3))
-#define ROTW16(x) (vec)_mm_shuffle_epi8((__m128i)x,_mm_set_epi8(13,12,15,14,9,8,11,10,5,4,7,6,1,0,3,2))
-#define ROTW8(x)  (vec)(_mm_slli_epi32((__m128i)x, 8) ^ _mm_srli_epi32((__m128i)x,24))
-#define ROTW16(x) (vec)(_mm_slli_epi32((__m128i)x,16) ^ _mm_srli_epi32((__m128i)x,16))
-#error -- Implementation supports only machines with neon or SSE2
-#ifndef REVV_BE
-#define REVV_BE(x)  (x)
-#ifndef REVW_BE
-#define REVW_BE(x)  (x)
-#define BPI      (VBPI + GPR_TOO)  /* Blocks computed per loop iteration   */
-#define DQROUND_VECTORS(a,b,c,d)                \
-    a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);              \
-    c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);              \
-    a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);               \
-    c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b);               \
-    b = ROTV1(b); c = ROTV2(c);  d = ROTV3(d);  \
-    a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW16(d);              \
-    c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW12(b);              \
-    a += b; d ^= a; d = ROTW8(d);               \
-    c += d; b ^= c; b = ROTW7(b);               \
-    b = ROTV3(b); c = ROTV2(c); d = ROTV1(d);
-#define QROUND_WORDS(a,b,c,d) \
-  a = a+b; d ^= a; d = d<<16 | d>>16; \
-  c = c+d; b ^= c; b = b<<12 | b>>20; \
-  a = a+b; d ^= a; d = d<< 8 | d>>24; \
-  c = c+d; b ^= c; b = b<< 7 | b>>25;
-#define WRITE_XOR(in, op, d, v0, v1, v2, v3)                \
-    STORE(op + d + 0, LOAD(in + d + 0) ^ REVV_BE(v0));      \
-    STORE(op + d + 4, LOAD(in + d + 4) ^ REVV_BE(v1));      \
-    STORE(op + d + 8, LOAD(in + d + 8) ^ REVV_BE(v2));      \
-    STORE(op + d +12, LOAD(in + d +12) ^ REVV_BE(v3));
-ChaCha20XOR(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inlen,
-            const unsigned char key[32], const unsigned char nonce[12],
-            uint32_t counter)
-    unsigned iters, i, *op=(unsigned *)out, *ip=(unsigned *)in, *kp;
-#if defined(__ARM_NEON__)
-    unsigned *np;
-    vec s0, s1, s2, s3;
-#if !defined(__ARM_NEON__) && !defined(__SSE2__)
-    __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) unsigned key[8], nonce[4];
-    __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) unsigned chacha_const[] =
-        {0x61707865,0x3320646E,0x79622D32,0x6B206574};
-#if defined(__ARM_NEON__) || defined(__SSE2__)
-    kp = (unsigned *)key;
-    ((vec *)key)[0] = REVV_BE(((vec *)key)[0]);
-    ((vec *)key)[1] = REVV_BE(((vec *)key)[1]);
-    ((unsigned *)nonce)[0] = REVW_BE(((unsigned *)nonce)[0]);
-    ((unsigned *)nonce)[1] = REVW_BE(((unsigned *)nonce)[1]);
-    ((unsigned *)nonce)[2] = REVW_BE(((unsigned *)nonce)[2]);
-    ((unsigned *)nonce)[3] = REVW_BE(((unsigned *)nonce)[3]);
-    kp = (unsigned *)key;
-    np = (unsigned *)nonce;
-#if defined(__ARM_NEON__)
-    np = (unsigned*) nonce;
-    s0 = LOAD(chacha_const);
-    s1 = LOAD(&((vec*)kp)[0]);
-    s2 = LOAD(&((vec*)kp)[1]);
-    s3 = (vec) {
-        counter,
-        ((uint32_t*)nonce)[0],
-        ((uint32_t*)nonce)[1],
-        ((uint32_t*)nonce)[2]
-    };
-    for (iters = 0; iters < inlen/(BPI*64); iters++) {
-#if GPR_TOO
-        register unsigned x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8,
-                  x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15;
-#if VBPI > 2
-        vec v8,v9,v10,v11;
-#if VBPI > 3
-        vec v12,v13,v14,v15;
-        vec v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7;
-        v4 = v0 = s0; v5 = v1 = s1; v6 = v2 = s2; v3 = s3;
-        v7 = v3 + ONE;
-#if VBPI > 2
-        v8 = v4; v9 = v5; v10 = v6;
-        v11 =  v7 + ONE;
-#if VBPI > 3
-        v12 = v8; v13 = v9; v14 = v10;
-        v15 = v11 + ONE;
-#if GPR_TOO
-        x0 = chacha_const[0]; x1 = chacha_const[1];
-        x2 = chacha_const[2]; x3 = chacha_const[3];
-        x4 = kp[0]; x5 = kp[1]; x6  = kp[2]; x7  = kp[3];
-        x8 = kp[4]; x9 = kp[5]; x10 = kp[6]; x11 = kp[7];
-        x12 = counter+BPI*iters+(BPI-1); x13 = np[0];
-        x14 = np[1]; x15 = np[2];
-        for (i = CHACHA_RNDS/2; i; i--) {
-            DQROUND_VECTORS(v0,v1,v2,v3)
-            DQROUND_VECTORS(v4,v5,v6,v7)
-#if VBPI > 2
-            DQROUND_VECTORS(v8,v9,v10,v11)
-#if VBPI > 3
-            DQROUND_VECTORS(v12,v13,v14,v15)
-#if GPR_TOO
-            QROUND_WORDS( x0, x4, x8,x12)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x1, x5, x9,x13)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x2, x6,x10,x14)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x3, x7,x11,x15)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x0, x5,x10,x15)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x1, x6,x11,x12)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x2, x7, x8,x13)
-            QROUND_WORDS( x3, x4, x9,x14)
-        }
-        WRITE_XOR(ip, op, 0, v0+s0, v1+s1, v2+s2, v3+s3)
-        s3 += ONE;
-        WRITE_XOR(ip, op, 16, v4+s0, v5+s1, v6+s2, v7+s3)
-        s3 += ONE;
-#if VBPI > 2
-        WRITE_XOR(ip, op, 32, v8+s0, v9+s1, v10+s2, v11+s3)
-        s3 += ONE;
-#if VBPI > 3
-        WRITE_XOR(ip, op, 48, v12+s0, v13+s1, v14+s2, v15+s3)
-        s3 += ONE;
-        ip += VBPI*16;
-        op += VBPI*16;
-#if GPR_TOO
-        op[0]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[0])  ^ (x0  + chacha_const[0]));
-        op[1]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[1])  ^ (x1  + chacha_const[1]));
-        op[2]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[2])  ^ (x2  + chacha_const[2]));
-        op[3]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[3])  ^ (x3  + chacha_const[3]));
-        op[4]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[4])  ^ (x4  + kp[0]));
-        op[5]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[5])  ^ (x5  + kp[1]));
-        op[6]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[6])  ^ (x6  + kp[2]));
-        op[7]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[7])  ^ (x7  + kp[3]));
-        op[8]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[8])  ^ (x8  + kp[4]));
-        op[9]  = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[9])  ^ (x9  + kp[5]));
-        op[10] = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[10]) ^ (x10 + kp[6]));
-        op[11] = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[11]) ^ (x11 + kp[7]));
-        op[12] = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[12]) ^ (x12 + counter+BPI*iters+(BPI-1)));
-        op[13] = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[13]) ^ (x13 + np[0]));
-        op[14] = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[14]) ^ (x14 + np[1]));
-        op[15] = REVW_BE(REVW_BE(ip[15]) ^ (x15 + np[2]));
-        s3 += ONE;
-        ip += 16;
-        op += 16;
-    }
-    for (iters = inlen%(BPI*64)/64; iters != 0; iters--) {
-        vec v0 = s0, v1 = s1, v2 = s2, v3 = s3;
-        for (i = CHACHA_RNDS/2; i; i--) {
-            DQROUND_VECTORS(v0,v1,v2,v3);
-        }
-        WRITE_XOR(ip, op, 0, v0+s0, v1+s1, v2+s2, v3+s3)
-        s3 += ONE;
-        ip += 16;
-        op += 16;
-    }
-    inlen = inlen % 64;
-    if (inlen) {
-        __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) vec buf[4];
-        vec v0,v1,v2,v3;
-        v0 = s0; v1 = s1; v2 = s2; v3 = s3;
-        for (i = CHACHA_RNDS/2; i; i--) {
-            DQROUND_VECTORS(v0,v1,v2,v3);
-        }
-        if (inlen >= 16) {
-            STORE(op + 0, LOAD(ip + 0) ^ REVV_BE(v0 + s0));
-            if (inlen >= 32) {
-                STORE(op + 4, LOAD(ip + 4) ^ REVV_BE(v1 + s1));
-                if (inlen >= 48) {
-                    STORE(op + 8, LOAD(ip + 8) ^ REVV_BE(v2 + s2));
-                    buf[3] = REVV_BE(v3 + s3);
-                } else {
-                    buf[2] = REVV_BE(v2 + s2);
-                }
-            } else {
-                buf[1] = REVV_BE(v1 + s1);
-            }
-        } else {
-            buf[0] = REVV_BE(v0 + s0);
-        }
-        for (i=inlen & ~15; i<inlen; i++) {
-            ((char *)op)[i] = ((char *)ip)[i] ^ ((char *)buf)[i];
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.c b/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd265e1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "poly1305.h"
-#include "chacha20.h"
-#include "chacha20poly1305.h"
-/* Poly1305Do writes the Poly1305 authenticator of the given additional data
- * and ciphertext to |out|. */
-static void
-Poly1305Do(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *ad, unsigned int adLen,
-           const unsigned char *ciphertext, unsigned int ciphertextLen,
-           const unsigned char key[32])
-    poly1305_state state;
-    unsigned int j;
-    unsigned char lengthBytes[8];
-    static const unsigned char zeros[15];
-    unsigned int i;
-    Poly1305Init(&state, key);
-    Poly1305Update(&state, ad, adLen);
-    if (adLen % 16 > 0) {
-        Poly1305Update(&state, zeros, 16 - adLen % 16);
-    }
-    Poly1305Update(&state, ciphertext, ciphertextLen);
-    if (ciphertextLen % 16 > 0) {
-        Poly1305Update(&state, zeros, 16 - ciphertextLen % 16);
-    }
-    j = adLen;
-    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(lengthBytes); i++) {
-        lengthBytes[i] = j;
-        j >>= 8;
-    }
-    Poly1305Update(&state, lengthBytes, sizeof(lengthBytes));
-    j = ciphertextLen;
-    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(lengthBytes); i++) {
-        lengthBytes[i] = j;
-        j >>= 8;
-    }
-    Poly1305Update(&state, lengthBytes, sizeof(lengthBytes));
-    Poly1305Finish(&state, out);
-ChaCha20Poly1305_InitContext(ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx,
-                             const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keyLen,
-                             unsigned int tagLen)
-    return SECFailure;
-    if (keyLen != 32) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (tagLen == 0 || tagLen > 16) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(ctx->key, key, sizeof(ctx->key));
-    ctx->tagLen = tagLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-ChaCha20Poly1305Context *
-ChaCha20Poly1305_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keyLen,
-                               unsigned int tagLen)
-    return NULL;
-    ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx;
-    ctx = PORT_New(ChaCha20Poly1305Context);
-    if (ctx == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (ChaCha20Poly1305_InitContext(ctx, key, keyLen, tagLen) != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx);
-        ctx = NULL;
-    }
-    return ctx;
-ChaCha20Poly1305_DestroyContext(ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx, PRBool freeit)
-    PORT_Memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
-    if (freeit) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx);
-    }
-ChaCha20Poly1305_Seal(const ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx, unsigned char *output,
-                      unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                      const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen,
-                      const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned int nonceLen,
-                      const unsigned char *ad, unsigned int adLen)
-    return SECFailure;
-    unsigned char block[64];
-    unsigned char tag[16];
-    if (nonceLen != 12) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outputLen = inputLen + ctx->tagLen;
-    if (maxOutputLen < *outputLen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
-    // Generate a block of keystream. The first 32 bytes will be the poly1305
-    // key. The remainder of the block is discarded.
-    ChaCha20XOR(block, block, sizeof(block), ctx->key, nonce, 0);
-    ChaCha20XOR(output, input, inputLen, ctx->key, nonce, 1);
-    Poly1305Do(tag, ad, adLen, output, inputLen, block);
-    PORT_Memcpy(output + inputLen, tag, ctx->tagLen);
-    return SECSuccess;
-ChaCha20Poly1305_Open(const ChaCha20Poly1305Context *ctx, unsigned char *output,
-                      unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                      const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen,
-                      const unsigned char *nonce, unsigned int nonceLen,
-                      const unsigned char *ad, unsigned int adLen)
-    return SECFailure;
-    unsigned char block[64];
-    unsigned char tag[16];
-    unsigned int ciphertextLen;
-    if (nonceLen != 12) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (inputLen < ctx->tagLen) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    ciphertextLen = inputLen - ctx->tagLen;
-    *outputLen = ciphertextLen;
-    if (maxOutputLen < *outputLen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
-    // Generate a block of keystream. The first 32 bytes will be the poly1305
-    // key. The remainder of the block is discarded.
-    ChaCha20XOR(block, block, sizeof(block), ctx->key, nonce, 0);
-    Poly1305Do(tag, ad, adLen, input, ciphertextLen, block);
-    if (NSS_SecureMemcmp(tag, &input[ciphertextLen], ctx->tagLen) != 0) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    ChaCha20XOR(output, input, ciphertextLen, ctx->key, nonce, 1);
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.h b/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c77632a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/chacha20poly1305.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _CHACHA20_POLY1305_H_
-#define _CHACHA20_POLY1305_H_ 1
-/* ChaCha20Poly1305ContextStr saves the key and tag length for a
- * ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD operation. */
-struct ChaCha20Poly1305ContextStr {
-    unsigned char key[32];
-    unsigned char tagLen;
-#endif /* _CHACHA20_POLY1305_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ctr.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ctr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cbf30c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ctr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-#include "ctr.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-#include "intel-aes.h"
-#include "rijndael.h"
-CTR_InitContext(CTRContext *ctr, void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-		const unsigned char *param, unsigned int blocksize)
-    const CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS *ctrParams = (const CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS *)param;
-    if (ctrParams->ulCounterBits == 0 ||
-	ctrParams->ulCounterBits > blocksize * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Invariant: 0 < ctr->bufPtr <= blocksize */
-    ctr->bufPtr = blocksize; /* no unused data in the buffer */
-    ctr->cipher = cipher;
-    ctr->context = context;
-    ctr->counterBits = ctrParams->ulCounterBits;
-    if (blocksize > sizeof(ctr->counter) ||
-	blocksize > sizeof(ctrParams->cb)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(ctr->counter, ctrParams->cb, blocksize);
-    return SECSuccess;
-CTRContext *
-CTR_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-		  const unsigned char *param, unsigned int blocksize)
-    CTRContext *ctr;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* first fill in the Counter context */
-    ctr = PORT_ZNew(CTRContext);
-    if (ctr == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = CTR_InitContext(ctr, context, cipher, param, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	CTR_DestroyContext(ctr, PR_TRUE);
-	ctr = NULL;
-    }
-    return ctr;
-CTR_DestroyContext(CTRContext *ctr, PRBool freeit)
-    PORT_Memset(ctr, 0, sizeof(CTRContext));
-    if (freeit) {
-	PORT_Free(ctr);
-    }
- * Used by counter mode. Increment the counter block. Not all bits in the
- * counter block are part of the counter, counterBits tells how many bits
- * are part of the counter. The counter block is blocksize long. It's a
- * big endian value.
- *
- * XXX Does not handle counter rollover.
- */
-static void
-ctr_GetNextCtr(unsigned char *counter, unsigned int counterBits,
-	       unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned char *counterPtr = counter + blocksize - 1;
-    unsigned char mask, count;
-    PORT_Assert(counterBits <= blocksize*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE);
-    while (counterBits >= PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) {
-	if (++(*(counterPtr--))) {
-	    return;
-	}
-	counterBits -= PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    }
-    if (counterBits == 0) {
-	return;
-    }
-    /* increment the final partial byte */
-    mask = (1 << counterBits)-1;
-    count = ++(*counterPtr) & mask;
-    *counterPtr = ((*counterPtr) & ~mask) | count;
-    return;
-static void
-ctr_xor(unsigned char *target, const unsigned char *x,
-	const unsigned char *y, unsigned int count)
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	*target++ = *x++ ^ *y++;
-    }
-CTR_Update(CTRContext *ctr, unsigned char *outbuf,
-	   unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-	   const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-	   unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int tmp;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (maxout < inlen) {
-	*outlen = inlen;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outlen = 0;
-    if (ctr->bufPtr != blocksize) {
-	unsigned int needed = PR_MIN(blocksize-ctr->bufPtr, inlen);
-	ctr_xor(outbuf, inbuf, ctr->buffer + ctr->bufPtr, needed);
-	ctr->bufPtr += needed;
-	outbuf += needed;
-	inbuf += needed;
-	*outlen += needed;
-	inlen -= needed;
-	if (inlen == 0) {
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(ctr->bufPtr == blocksize);
-    }
-    while (inlen >= blocksize) {
-	rv = (*ctr->cipher)(ctr->context, ctr->buffer, &tmp, blocksize,
-			ctr->counter, blocksize, blocksize);
-	ctr_GetNextCtr(ctr->counter, ctr->counterBits, blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	ctr_xor(outbuf, inbuf, ctr->buffer, blocksize);
-	outbuf += blocksize;
-	inbuf += blocksize;
-	*outlen += blocksize;
-	inlen -= blocksize;
-    }
-    if (inlen == 0) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    rv = (*ctr->cipher)(ctr->context, ctr->buffer, &tmp, blocksize,
-			ctr->counter, blocksize, blocksize);
-    ctr_GetNextCtr(ctr->counter, ctr->counterBits, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    ctr_xor(outbuf, inbuf, ctr->buffer, inlen);
-    ctr->bufPtr = inlen;
-    *outlen += inlen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-#if defined(USE_HW_AES) && defined(_MSC_VER)
-CTR_Update_HW_AES(CTRContext *ctr, unsigned char *outbuf,
-		  unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-		  const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-		  unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int fullblocks;
-    unsigned int tmp;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (maxout < inlen) {
-	*outlen = inlen;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outlen = 0;
-    if (ctr->bufPtr != blocksize) {
-	unsigned int needed = PR_MIN(blocksize-ctr->bufPtr, inlen);
-	ctr_xor(outbuf, inbuf, ctr->buffer + ctr->bufPtr, needed);
-	ctr->bufPtr += needed;
-	outbuf += needed;
-	inbuf += needed;
-	*outlen += needed;
-	inlen -= needed;
-	if (inlen == 0) {
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(ctr->bufPtr == blocksize);
-    }
-    intel_aes_ctr_worker(((AESContext*)(ctr->context))->Nr)(
-	ctr, outbuf, outlen, maxout, inbuf, inlen, blocksize);
-    /* XXX intel_aes_ctr_worker should set *outlen. */
-    PORT_Assert(*outlen == 0);
-    fullblocks = (inlen/blocksize)*blocksize;
-    *outlen += fullblocks;
-    outbuf += fullblocks;
-    inbuf += fullblocks;
-    inlen -= fullblocks;
-    if (inlen == 0) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    rv = (*ctr->cipher)(ctr->context, ctr->buffer, &tmp, blocksize,
-			ctr->counter, blocksize, blocksize);
-    ctr_GetNextCtr(ctr->counter, ctr->counterBits, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    ctr_xor(outbuf, inbuf, ctr->buffer, inlen);
-    ctr->bufPtr = inlen;
-    *outlen += inlen;
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ctr.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ctr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7645a2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ctr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CTR_H
-#define CTR_H 1
-#include "blapii.h"
-/* This structure is defined in this header because both ctr.c and gcm.c
- * need it. */
-struct CTRContextStr {
-   freeblCipherFunc cipher;
-   void *context;
-   unsigned char counter[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-   unsigned char buffer[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-   unsigned long counterBits;
-   unsigned int bufPtr;
-typedef struct CTRContextStr CTRContext;
-SECStatus CTR_InitContext(CTRContext *ctr, void *context,
-			freeblCipherFunc cipher, const unsigned char *param,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
- * The context argument is the inner cipher context to use with cipher. The
- * CTRContext does not own context. context needs to remain valid for as long
- * as the CTRContext is valid.
- *
- * The cipher argument is a block cipher in the ECB encrypt mode.
- */
-CTRContext * CTR_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-			const unsigned char *param, unsigned int blocksize);
-void CTR_DestroyContext(CTRContext *ctr, PRBool freeit);
-SECStatus CTR_Update(CTRContext *ctr, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-SECStatus CTR_Update_HW_AES(CTRContext *ctr, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/cts.c b/nss/lib/freebl/cts.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 984e05b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/cts.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-#include "cts.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-struct CTSContextStr {
-    freeblCipherFunc cipher;
-    void *context;
-    /* iv stores the last ciphertext block of the previous message.
-     * Only used by decrypt. */
-    unsigned char iv[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-CTSContext *
-CTS_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-		  const unsigned char *iv, unsigned int blocksize)
-    CTSContext  *cts;
-    if (blocksize > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cts = PORT_ZNew(CTSContext);
-    if (cts == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(cts->iv, iv, blocksize);
-    cts->cipher = cipher;
-    cts->context = context;
-    return cts;
-CTS_DestroyContext(CTSContext *cts, PRBool freeit)
-    if (freeit) {
-	PORT_Free(cts);
-    }
- * See addemdum to NIST SP 800-38A
- * Generically handle cipher text stealing. Basically this is doing CBC
- * operations except someone can pass us a partial block.
- *
- *  Output Order:
- *  CS-1:  C1||C2||C3..Cn-1(could be partial)||Cn   (NIST)
- *  CS-2: pad == 0 C1||C2||C3...Cn-1(is full)||Cn   (Schneier)
- *  CS-2: pad != 0 C1||C2||C3...Cn||Cn-1(is partial)(Schneier)
- *  CS-3: C1||C2||C3...Cn||Cn-1(could be partial)   (Kerberos)
- *
- * The characteristics of these three options:
- *  - NIST & Schneier (CS-1 & CS-2) are identical to CBC if there are no
- * partial blocks on input.
- *  - Scheier and Kerberos (CS-2 and CS-3) have no embedded partial blocks,
- * which make decoding easier.
- *  - NIST & Kerberos (CS-1 and CS-3) have consistent block order independent
- * of padding.
- *
- * PKCS #11 did not specify which version to implement, but points to the NIST
- * spec, so this code implements CTS-CS-1 from NIST.
- *
- * To convert the returned buffer to:
- *   CS-2 (Schneier): do
- *       unsigned char tmp[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
- *       pad = *outlen % blocksize;
- *       if (pad) {
- *          memcpy(tmp, outbuf+*outlen-blocksize, blocksize);
- *          memcpy(outbuf+*outlen-pad,outbuf+*outlen-blocksize-pad, pad);
- *	    memcpy(outbuf+*outlen-blocksize-pad, tmp, blocksize);
- *       }
- *   CS-3 (Kerberos): do
- *       unsigned char tmp[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
- *       pad = *outlen % blocksize;
- *       if (pad == 0) {
- *           pad = blocksize;
- *       }
- *       memcpy(tmp, outbuf+*outlen-blocksize, blocksize);
- *       memcpy(outbuf+*outlen-pad,outbuf+*outlen-blocksize-pad, pad);
- *	 memcpy(outbuf+*outlen-blocksize-pad, tmp, blocksize);
- */
-CTS_EncryptUpdate(CTSContext *cts, unsigned char *outbuf,
-		unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-		const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-		unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned char lastBlock[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned int tmp;
-    int fullblocks;
-    int written;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (inlen < blocksize) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxout < inlen) {
-	*outlen = inlen;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    fullblocks = (inlen/blocksize)*blocksize;
-    rv = (*cts->cipher)(cts->context, outbuf, outlen, maxout, inbuf,
-	 fullblocks, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outlen = fullblocks; /* AES low level doesn't set outlen */
-    inbuf += fullblocks;
-    inlen -= fullblocks;
-    if (inlen == 0) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    written = *outlen - (blocksize - inlen);
-    outbuf += written;
-    maxout -= written;
-    /*
-     * here's the CTS magic, we pad our final block with zeros,
-     * then do a CBC encrypt. CBC will xor our plain text with
-     * the previous block (Cn-1), capturing part of that block (Cn-1**) as it
-     * xors with the zero pad. We then write this full block, overwritting
-     * (Cn-1**) in our buffer. This allows us to have input data == output
-     * data since Cn contains enough information to reconver Cn-1** when
-     * we decrypt (at the cost of some complexity as you can see in decrypt
-     * below */
-    PORT_Memcpy(lastBlock, inbuf, inlen);
-    PORT_Memset(lastBlock + inlen, 0, blocksize - inlen);
-    rv = (*cts->cipher)(cts->context, outbuf, &tmp, maxout, lastBlock,
-			blocksize, blocksize);
-    PORT_Memset(lastBlock, 0, blocksize);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	*outlen = written + blocksize;
-    }
-    return rv;
-#define XOR_BLOCK(x,y,count) for(i=0; i < count; i++) x[i] = x[i] ^ y[i]
- * See addemdum to NIST SP 800-38A
- * Decrypt, Expect CS-1: input. See the comment on the encrypt side
- * to understand what CS-2 and CS-3 mean.
- *
- * To convert the input buffer to CS-1 from ...
- *   CS-2 (Schneier): do
- *       unsigned char tmp[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
- *       pad = inlen % blocksize;
- *       if (pad) {
- *          memcpy(tmp, inbuf+inlen-blocksize-pad, blocksize);
- *          memcpy(inbuf+inlen-blocksize-pad,inbuf+inlen-pad, pad);
- *	    memcpy(inbuf+inlen-blocksize, tmp, blocksize);
- *       }
- *   CS-3 (Kerberos): do
- *       unsigned char tmp[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
- *       pad = inlen % blocksize;
- *       if (pad == 0) {
- *           pad = blocksize;
- *       }
- *       memcpy(tmp, inbuf+inlen-blocksize-pad, blocksize);
- *       memcpy(inbuf+inlen-blocksize-pad,inbuf+inlen-pad, pad);
- *	 memcpy(inbuf+inlen-blocksize, tmp, blocksize);
- */
-CTS_DecryptUpdate(CTSContext *cts, unsigned char *outbuf,
-		unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-		const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-		unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned char *Pn;
-    unsigned char Cn_2[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* block Cn-2 */
-    unsigned char Cn_1[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* block Cn-1 */
-    unsigned char Cn[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];   /* block Cn   */
-    unsigned char lastBlock[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    const unsigned char *tmp;
-    unsigned int tmpLen;
-    unsigned int fullblocks, pad;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (inlen < blocksize) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxout < inlen) {
-	*outlen = inlen;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    fullblocks = (inlen/blocksize)*blocksize;
-    /* even though we expect the input to be CS-1, CS-2 is easier to parse,
-     * so convert to CS-2 immediately. NOTE: this is the same code as in
-     * the comment for encrypt. NOTE2: since we can't modify inbuf unless
-     * inbuf and outbuf overlap, just copy inbuf to outbuf and modify it there
-     */
-    pad = inlen - fullblocks;
-    if (pad != 0) {
-	if (inbuf != outbuf) {
-	    memcpy(outbuf, inbuf, inlen);
-	    /* keep the names so we logically know how we are using the
-	     * buffers */
-	    inbuf = outbuf;
-	}
-	memcpy(lastBlock, inbuf+inlen-blocksize, blocksize);
-	/* we know inbuf == outbuf now, inbuf is declared const and can't
-	 * be the target, so use outbuf for the target here */
-	memcpy(outbuf+inlen-pad, inbuf+inlen-blocksize-pad, pad);
-	memcpy(outbuf+inlen-blocksize-pad, lastBlock, blocksize);
-    }
-    /* save the previous to last block so we can undo the misordered
-     * chaining */
-    tmp =  (fullblocks < blocksize*2) ? cts->iv :
-			inbuf+fullblocks-blocksize*2;
-    PORT_Memcpy(Cn_2, tmp, blocksize);
-    PORT_Memcpy(Cn, inbuf+fullblocks-blocksize, blocksize);
-    rv = (*cts->cipher)(cts->context, outbuf, outlen, maxout, inbuf,
-	 fullblocks, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outlen = fullblocks; /* AES low level doesn't set outlen */
-    inbuf += fullblocks;
-    inlen -= fullblocks;
-    if (inlen == 0) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    outbuf += fullblocks;
-    /* recover the stolen text */
-    PORT_Memset(lastBlock, 0, blocksize);
-    PORT_Memcpy(lastBlock, inbuf, inlen);
-    PORT_Memcpy(Cn_1, inbuf, inlen);
-    Pn = outbuf-blocksize;
-    /* inbuf points to Cn-1* in the input buffer */
-    /* NOTE: below there are 2 sections marked "make up for the out of order
-     * cbc decryption". You may ask, what is going on here.
-     *   Short answer: CBC automatically xors the plain text with the previous
-     * encrypted block. We are decrypting the last 2 blocks out of order, so
-     * we have to 'back out' the decrypt xor and 'add back' the encrypt xor.
-     *   Long answer: When we encrypted, we encrypted as follows:
-     *       Pn-2, Pn-1, (Pn || 0), but on decryption we can't
-     *  decrypt Cn-1 until we decrypt Cn because part of Cn-1 is stored in
-     *  Cn (see below).  So above we decrypted all the full blocks:
-     *       Cn-2, Cn,
-     *  to get:
-     *       Pn-2, Pn, Except that Pn is not yet corect. On encrypt, we
-     *  xor'd Pn || 0  with Cn-1, but on decrypt we xor'd it with Cn-2
-     *  To recover Pn, we xor the block with Cn-1* || 0 (in last block) and
-     *  Cn-2 to get Pn || Cn-1**. Pn can then be written to the output buffer
-     *  and we can now reunite Cn-1. With the full Cn-1 we can decrypt it,
-     *  but now decrypt is going to xor the decrypted data with Cn instead of
-     *  Cn-2. xoring Cn and Cn-2 restores the original Pn-1 and we can now
-     *  write that oout to the buffer */
-    /* make up for the out of order CBC decryption */
-    XOR_BLOCK(lastBlock, Cn_2, blocksize);
-    XOR_BLOCK(lastBlock, Pn, blocksize);
-    /* last buf now has Pn || Cn-1**, copy out Pn */
-    PORT_Memcpy(outbuf, lastBlock, inlen);
-    *outlen += inlen;
-    /* copy Cn-1* into last buf to recover Cn-1 */
-    PORT_Memcpy(lastBlock, Cn_1, inlen);
-    /* note: because Cn and Cn-1 were out of order, our pointer to Pn also
-     * points to where Pn-1 needs to reside. From here on out read Pn in
-     * the code as really Pn-1. */
-    rv = (*cts->cipher)(cts->context, Pn, &tmpLen, blocksize, lastBlock,
-	 blocksize, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* make up for the out of order CBC decryption */
-    XOR_BLOCK(Pn, Cn_2, blocksize);
-    XOR_BLOCK(Pn, Cn, blocksize);
-    /* reset iv to Cn  */
-    PORT_Memcpy(cts->iv, Cn, blocksize);
-    /* This makes Cn the last block for the next decrypt operation, which
-     * matches the encrypt. We don't care about the contexts of last block,
-     * only the side effect of setting the internal IV */
-    (void) (*cts->cipher)(cts->context, lastBlock, &tmpLen, blocksize, Cn,
-		blocksize, blocksize);
-    /* clear last block. At this point last block contains Pn xor Cn_1 xor
-     * Cn_2, both of with an attacker would know, so we need to clear this
-     * buffer out */
-    PORT_Memset(lastBlock, 0, blocksize);
-    /* Cn, Cn_1, and Cn_2 have encrypted data, so no need to clear them */
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/cts.h b/nss/lib/freebl/cts.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b385f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/cts.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef CTS_H
-#define CTS_H 1
-#include "blapii.h"
-typedef struct CTSContextStr CTSContext;
- * The context argument is the inner cipher context to use with cipher. The
- * CTSContext does not own context. context needs to remain valid for as long
- * as the CTSContext is valid.
- *
- * The cipher argument is a block cipher in the CBC mode.
- */
-CTSContext *CTS_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-			const unsigned char *iv, unsigned int blocksize);
-void CTS_DestroyContext(CTSContext *cts, PRBool freeit);
-SECStatus CTS_EncryptUpdate(CTSContext *cts, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus CTS_DecryptUpdate(CTSContext *cts, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/des.c b/nss/lib/freebl/des.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bcfcaba..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/des.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
- *  des.c
- *
- *  core source file for DES-150 library
- *  Make key schedule from DES key.
- *  Encrypt/Decrypt one 8-byte block.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "des.h"
-#include <stddef.h>	/* for ptrdiff_t */
-/* #define USE_INDEXING 1 */
-/* Some processors automatically fix up unaligned memory access, so they can
- * read or write a HALF (4 bytes) at a time whether the address is 4-byte
- * aligned or not. */
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
- * The tables below are the 8 sbox functions, with the 6-bit input permutation 
- * and the 32-bit output permutation pre-computed.
- * They are shifted circularly to the left 3 bits, which removes 2 shifts
- * and an or from each round by reducing the number of sboxes whose
- * indices cross word broundaries from 2 to 1.  
- */
-static const HALF SP[8][64] = {
-/* Box S1 */ { 
-	0x04041000, 0x00000000, 0x00040000, 0x04041010, 
-	0x04040010, 0x00041010, 0x00000010, 0x00040000, 
-	0x00001000, 0x04041000, 0x04041010, 0x00001000, 
-	0x04001010, 0x04040010, 0x04000000, 0x00000010, 
-	0x00001010, 0x04001000, 0x04001000, 0x00041000, 
-	0x00041000, 0x04040000, 0x04040000, 0x04001010, 
-	0x00040010, 0x04000010, 0x04000010, 0x00040010, 
-	0x00000000, 0x00001010, 0x00041010, 0x04000000, 
-	0x00040000, 0x04041010, 0x00000010, 0x04040000, 
-	0x04041000, 0x04000000, 0x04000000, 0x00001000, 
-	0x04040010, 0x00040000, 0x00041000, 0x04000010, 
-	0x00001000, 0x00000010, 0x04001010, 0x00041010, 
-	0x04041010, 0x00040010, 0x04040000, 0x04001010, 
-	0x04000010, 0x00001010, 0x00041010, 0x04041000, 
-	0x00001010, 0x04001000, 0x04001000, 0x00000000, 
-	0x00040010, 0x00041000, 0x00000000, 0x04040010
-    },
-/* Box S2 */ { 
-	0x00420082, 0x00020002, 0x00020000, 0x00420080, 
-	0x00400000, 0x00000080, 0x00400082, 0x00020082, 
-	0x00000082, 0x00420082, 0x00420002, 0x00000002, 
-	0x00020002, 0x00400000, 0x00000080, 0x00400082, 
-	0x00420000, 0x00400080, 0x00020082, 0x00000000, 
-	0x00000002, 0x00020000, 0x00420080, 0x00400002, 
-	0x00400080, 0x00000082, 0x00000000, 0x00420000, 
-	0x00020080, 0x00420002, 0x00400002, 0x00020080, 
-	0x00000000, 0x00420080, 0x00400082, 0x00400000, 
-	0x00020082, 0x00400002, 0x00420002, 0x00020000, 
-	0x00400002, 0x00020002, 0x00000080, 0x00420082, 
-	0x00420080, 0x00000080, 0x00020000, 0x00000002, 
-	0x00020080, 0x00420002, 0x00400000, 0x00000082, 
-	0x00400080, 0x00020082, 0x00000082, 0x00400080, 
-	0x00420000, 0x00000000, 0x00020002, 0x00020080, 
-	0x00000002, 0x00400082, 0x00420082, 0x00420000 
-    },
-/* Box S3 */ { 
-	0x00000820, 0x20080800, 0x00000000, 0x20080020, 
-	0x20000800, 0x00000000, 0x00080820, 0x20000800, 
-	0x00080020, 0x20000020, 0x20000020, 0x00080000, 
-	0x20080820, 0x00080020, 0x20080000, 0x00000820, 
-	0x20000000, 0x00000020, 0x20080800, 0x00000800, 
-	0x00080800, 0x20080000, 0x20080020, 0x00080820, 
-	0x20000820, 0x00080800, 0x00080000, 0x20000820, 
-	0x00000020, 0x20080820, 0x00000800, 0x20000000, 
-	0x20080800, 0x20000000, 0x00080020, 0x00000820, 
-	0x00080000, 0x20080800, 0x20000800, 0x00000000, 
-	0x00000800, 0x00080020, 0x20080820, 0x20000800, 
-	0x20000020, 0x00000800, 0x00000000, 0x20080020, 
-	0x20000820, 0x00080000, 0x20000000, 0x20080820, 
-	0x00000020, 0x00080820, 0x00080800, 0x20000020, 
-	0x20080000, 0x20000820, 0x00000820, 0x20080000, 
-	0x00080820, 0x00000020, 0x20080020, 0x00080800 
-    },
-/* Box S4 */ { 
-	0x02008004, 0x00008204, 0x00008204, 0x00000200, 
-	0x02008200, 0x02000204, 0x02000004, 0x00008004, 
-	0x00000000, 0x02008000, 0x02008000, 0x02008204, 
-	0x00000204, 0x00000000, 0x02000200, 0x02000004, 
-	0x00000004, 0x00008000, 0x02000000, 0x02008004, 
-	0x00000200, 0x02000000, 0x00008004, 0x00008200, 
-	0x02000204, 0x00000004, 0x00008200, 0x02000200, 
-	0x00008000, 0x02008200, 0x02008204, 0x00000204, 
-	0x02000200, 0x02000004, 0x02008000, 0x02008204, 
-	0x00000204, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x02008000, 
-	0x00008200, 0x02000200, 0x02000204, 0x00000004, 
-	0x02008004, 0x00008204, 0x00008204, 0x00000200, 
-	0x02008204, 0x00000204, 0x00000004, 0x00008000, 
-	0x02000004, 0x00008004, 0x02008200, 0x02000204, 
-	0x00008004, 0x00008200, 0x02000000, 0x02008004, 
-	0x00000200, 0x02000000, 0x00008000, 0x02008200 
-    },
-/* Box S5 */ { 
-	0x00000400, 0x08200400, 0x08200000, 0x08000401, 
-	0x00200000, 0x00000400, 0x00000001, 0x08200000, 
-	0x00200401, 0x00200000, 0x08000400, 0x00200401, 
-	0x08000401, 0x08200001, 0x00200400, 0x00000001, 
-	0x08000000, 0x00200001, 0x00200001, 0x00000000, 
-	0x00000401, 0x08200401, 0x08200401, 0x08000400, 
-	0x08200001, 0x00000401, 0x00000000, 0x08000001, 
-	0x08200400, 0x08000000, 0x08000001, 0x00200400, 
-	0x00200000, 0x08000401, 0x00000400, 0x08000000, 
-	0x00000001, 0x08200000, 0x08000401, 0x00200401, 
-	0x08000400, 0x00000001, 0x08200001, 0x08200400, 
-	0x00200401, 0x00000400, 0x08000000, 0x08200001, 
-	0x08200401, 0x00200400, 0x08000001, 0x08200401, 
-	0x08200000, 0x00000000, 0x00200001, 0x08000001, 
-	0x00200400, 0x08000400, 0x00000401, 0x00200000, 
-	0x00000000, 0x00200001, 0x08200400, 0x00000401
-    },
-/* Box S6 */ { 
-	0x80000040, 0x81000000, 0x00010000, 0x81010040, 
-	0x81000000, 0x00000040, 0x81010040, 0x01000000, 
-	0x80010000, 0x01010040, 0x01000000, 0x80000040, 
-	0x01000040, 0x80010000, 0x80000000, 0x00010040, 
-	0x00000000, 0x01000040, 0x80010040, 0x00010000, 
-	0x01010000, 0x80010040, 0x00000040, 0x81000040, 
-	0x81000040, 0x00000000, 0x01010040, 0x81010000, 
-	0x00010040, 0x01010000, 0x81010000, 0x80000000, 
-	0x80010000, 0x00000040, 0x81000040, 0x01010000, 
-	0x81010040, 0x01000000, 0x00010040, 0x80000040, 
-	0x01000000, 0x80010000, 0x80000000, 0x00010040, 
-	0x80000040, 0x81010040, 0x01010000, 0x81000000, 
-	0x01010040, 0x81010000, 0x00000000, 0x81000040, 
-	0x00000040, 0x00010000, 0x81000000, 0x01010040, 
-	0x00010000, 0x01000040, 0x80010040, 0x00000000, 
-	0x81010000, 0x80000000, 0x01000040, 0x80010040 
-    },
-/* Box S7 */ { 
-	0x00800000, 0x10800008, 0x10002008, 0x00000000, 
-	0x00002000, 0x10002008, 0x00802008, 0x10802000, 
-	0x10802008, 0x00800000, 0x00000000, 0x10000008, 
-	0x00000008, 0x10000000, 0x10800008, 0x00002008, 
-	0x10002000, 0x00802008, 0x00800008, 0x10002000, 
-	0x10000008, 0x10800000, 0x10802000, 0x00800008, 
-	0x10800000, 0x00002000, 0x00002008, 0x10802008, 
-	0x00802000, 0x00000008, 0x10000000, 0x00802000, 
-	0x10000000, 0x00802000, 0x00800000, 0x10002008, 
-	0x10002008, 0x10800008, 0x10800008, 0x00000008, 
-	0x00800008, 0x10000000, 0x10002000, 0x00800000, 
-	0x10802000, 0x00002008, 0x00802008, 0x10802000, 
-	0x00002008, 0x10000008, 0x10802008, 0x10800000, 
-	0x00802000, 0x00000000, 0x00000008, 0x10802008, 
-	0x00000000, 0x00802008, 0x10800000, 0x00002000, 
-	0x10000008, 0x10002000, 0x00002000, 0x00800008 
-    },
-/* Box S8 */ { 
-	0x40004100, 0x00004000, 0x00100000, 0x40104100, 
-	0x40000000, 0x40004100, 0x00000100, 0x40000000, 
-	0x00100100, 0x40100000, 0x40104100, 0x00104000, 
-	0x40104000, 0x00104100, 0x00004000, 0x00000100, 
-	0x40100000, 0x40000100, 0x40004000, 0x00004100, 
-	0x00104000, 0x00100100, 0x40100100, 0x40104000, 
-	0x00004100, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x40100100, 
-	0x40000100, 0x40004000, 0x00104100, 0x00100000, 
-	0x00104100, 0x00100000, 0x40104000, 0x00004000, 
-	0x00000100, 0x40100100, 0x00004000, 0x00104100, 
-	0x40004000, 0x00000100, 0x40000100, 0x40100000, 
-	0x40100100, 0x40000000, 0x00100000, 0x40004100, 
-	0x00000000, 0x40104100, 0x00100100, 0x40000100, 
-	0x40100000, 0x40004000, 0x40004100, 0x00000000, 
-	0x40104100, 0x00104000, 0x00104000, 0x00004100, 
-	0x00004100, 0x00100100, 0x40000000, 0x40104000 
-    }
-static const HALF PC2[8][64] = {
-/* table 0 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00001000, 0x04000000, 0x04001000, 
-    0x00100000, 0x00101000, 0x04100000, 0x04101000, 
-    0x00008000, 0x00009000, 0x04008000, 0x04009000, 
-    0x00108000, 0x00109000, 0x04108000, 0x04109000, 
-    0x00000004, 0x00001004, 0x04000004, 0x04001004, 
-    0x00100004, 0x00101004, 0x04100004, 0x04101004, 
-    0x00008004, 0x00009004, 0x04008004, 0x04009004, 
-    0x00108004, 0x00109004, 0x04108004, 0x04109004, 
-    0x08000000, 0x08001000, 0x0c000000, 0x0c001000, 
-    0x08100000, 0x08101000, 0x0c100000, 0x0c101000, 
-    0x08008000, 0x08009000, 0x0c008000, 0x0c009000, 
-    0x08108000, 0x08109000, 0x0c108000, 0x0c109000, 
-    0x08000004, 0x08001004, 0x0c000004, 0x0c001004, 
-    0x08100004, 0x08101004, 0x0c100004, 0x0c101004, 
-    0x08008004, 0x08009004, 0x0c008004, 0x0c009004, 
-    0x08108004, 0x08109004, 0x0c108004, 0x0c109004
-  },
-/* table 1 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00002000, 0x80000000, 0x80002000, 
-    0x00000008, 0x00002008, 0x80000008, 0x80002008, 
-    0x00200000, 0x00202000, 0x80200000, 0x80202000, 
-    0x00200008, 0x00202008, 0x80200008, 0x80202008, 
-    0x20000000, 0x20002000, 0xa0000000, 0xa0002000, 
-    0x20000008, 0x20002008, 0xa0000008, 0xa0002008, 
-    0x20200000, 0x20202000, 0xa0200000, 0xa0202000, 
-    0x20200008, 0x20202008, 0xa0200008, 0xa0202008, 
-    0x00000400, 0x00002400, 0x80000400, 0x80002400, 
-    0x00000408, 0x00002408, 0x80000408, 0x80002408, 
-    0x00200400, 0x00202400, 0x80200400, 0x80202400, 
-    0x00200408, 0x00202408, 0x80200408, 0x80202408, 
-    0x20000400, 0x20002400, 0xa0000400, 0xa0002400, 
-    0x20000408, 0x20002408, 0xa0000408, 0xa0002408, 
-    0x20200400, 0x20202400, 0xa0200400, 0xa0202400, 
-    0x20200408, 0x20202408, 0xa0200408, 0xa0202408
-  },
-/* table 2 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00004000, 0x00000020, 0x00004020, 
-    0x00080000, 0x00084000, 0x00080020, 0x00084020, 
-    0x00000800, 0x00004800, 0x00000820, 0x00004820, 
-    0x00080800, 0x00084800, 0x00080820, 0x00084820, 
-    0x00000010, 0x00004010, 0x00000030, 0x00004030, 
-    0x00080010, 0x00084010, 0x00080030, 0x00084030, 
-    0x00000810, 0x00004810, 0x00000830, 0x00004830, 
-    0x00080810, 0x00084810, 0x00080830, 0x00084830, 
-    0x00400000, 0x00404000, 0x00400020, 0x00404020, 
-    0x00480000, 0x00484000, 0x00480020, 0x00484020, 
-    0x00400800, 0x00404800, 0x00400820, 0x00404820, 
-    0x00480800, 0x00484800, 0x00480820, 0x00484820, 
-    0x00400010, 0x00404010, 0x00400030, 0x00404030, 
-    0x00480010, 0x00484010, 0x00480030, 0x00484030, 
-    0x00400810, 0x00404810, 0x00400830, 0x00404830, 
-    0x00480810, 0x00484810, 0x00480830, 0x00484830 
-  },
-/* table 3 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00000080, 0x40000080, 
-    0x00040000, 0x40040000, 0x00040080, 0x40040080, 
-    0x00000040, 0x40000040, 0x000000c0, 0x400000c0, 
-    0x00040040, 0x40040040, 0x000400c0, 0x400400c0, 
-    0x10000000, 0x50000000, 0x10000080, 0x50000080, 
-    0x10040000, 0x50040000, 0x10040080, 0x50040080, 
-    0x10000040, 0x50000040, 0x100000c0, 0x500000c0, 
-    0x10040040, 0x50040040, 0x100400c0, 0x500400c0, 
-    0x00800000, 0x40800000, 0x00800080, 0x40800080, 
-    0x00840000, 0x40840000, 0x00840080, 0x40840080, 
-    0x00800040, 0x40800040, 0x008000c0, 0x408000c0, 
-    0x00840040, 0x40840040, 0x008400c0, 0x408400c0, 
-    0x10800000, 0x50800000, 0x10800080, 0x50800080, 
-    0x10840000, 0x50840000, 0x10840080, 0x50840080, 
-    0x10800040, 0x50800040, 0x108000c0, 0x508000c0, 
-    0x10840040, 0x50840040, 0x108400c0, 0x508400c0 
-  },
-/* table 4 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00000008, 0x08000000, 0x08000008, 
-    0x00040000, 0x00040008, 0x08040000, 0x08040008, 
-    0x00002000, 0x00002008, 0x08002000, 0x08002008, 
-    0x00042000, 0x00042008, 0x08042000, 0x08042008, 
-    0x80000000, 0x80000008, 0x88000000, 0x88000008, 
-    0x80040000, 0x80040008, 0x88040000, 0x88040008, 
-    0x80002000, 0x80002008, 0x88002000, 0x88002008, 
-    0x80042000, 0x80042008, 0x88042000, 0x88042008, 
-    0x00080000, 0x00080008, 0x08080000, 0x08080008, 
-    0x000c0000, 0x000c0008, 0x080c0000, 0x080c0008, 
-    0x00082000, 0x00082008, 0x08082000, 0x08082008, 
-    0x000c2000, 0x000c2008, 0x080c2000, 0x080c2008, 
-    0x80080000, 0x80080008, 0x88080000, 0x88080008, 
-    0x800c0000, 0x800c0008, 0x880c0000, 0x880c0008, 
-    0x80082000, 0x80082008, 0x88082000, 0x88082008, 
-    0x800c2000, 0x800c2008, 0x880c2000, 0x880c2008 
-  },
-/* table 5 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00400000, 0x00008000, 0x00408000, 
-    0x40000000, 0x40400000, 0x40008000, 0x40408000, 
-    0x00000020, 0x00400020, 0x00008020, 0x00408020, 
-    0x40000020, 0x40400020, 0x40008020, 0x40408020, 
-    0x00001000, 0x00401000, 0x00009000, 0x00409000, 
-    0x40001000, 0x40401000, 0x40009000, 0x40409000, 
-    0x00001020, 0x00401020, 0x00009020, 0x00409020, 
-    0x40001020, 0x40401020, 0x40009020, 0x40409020, 
-    0x00100000, 0x00500000, 0x00108000, 0x00508000, 
-    0x40100000, 0x40500000, 0x40108000, 0x40508000, 
-    0x00100020, 0x00500020, 0x00108020, 0x00508020, 
-    0x40100020, 0x40500020, 0x40108020, 0x40508020, 
-    0x00101000, 0x00501000, 0x00109000, 0x00509000, 
-    0x40101000, 0x40501000, 0x40109000, 0x40509000, 
-    0x00101020, 0x00501020, 0x00109020, 0x00509020, 
-    0x40101020, 0x40501020, 0x40109020, 0x40509020 
-  },
-/* table 6 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00000040, 0x04000000, 0x04000040, 
-    0x00000800, 0x00000840, 0x04000800, 0x04000840, 
-    0x00800000, 0x00800040, 0x04800000, 0x04800040, 
-    0x00800800, 0x00800840, 0x04800800, 0x04800840, 
-    0x10000000, 0x10000040, 0x14000000, 0x14000040, 
-    0x10000800, 0x10000840, 0x14000800, 0x14000840, 
-    0x10800000, 0x10800040, 0x14800000, 0x14800040, 
-    0x10800800, 0x10800840, 0x14800800, 0x14800840, 
-    0x00000080, 0x000000c0, 0x04000080, 0x040000c0, 
-    0x00000880, 0x000008c0, 0x04000880, 0x040008c0, 
-    0x00800080, 0x008000c0, 0x04800080, 0x048000c0, 
-    0x00800880, 0x008008c0, 0x04800880, 0x048008c0, 
-    0x10000080, 0x100000c0, 0x14000080, 0x140000c0, 
-    0x10000880, 0x100008c0, 0x14000880, 0x140008c0, 
-    0x10800080, 0x108000c0, 0x14800080, 0x148000c0, 
-    0x10800880, 0x108008c0, 0x14800880, 0x148008c0 
-  },
-/* table 7 */ {
-    0x00000000, 0x00000010, 0x00000400, 0x00000410, 
-    0x00000004, 0x00000014, 0x00000404, 0x00000414, 
-    0x00004000, 0x00004010, 0x00004400, 0x00004410, 
-    0x00004004, 0x00004014, 0x00004404, 0x00004414, 
-    0x20000000, 0x20000010, 0x20000400, 0x20000410, 
-    0x20000004, 0x20000014, 0x20000404, 0x20000414, 
-    0x20004000, 0x20004010, 0x20004400, 0x20004410, 
-    0x20004004, 0x20004014, 0x20004404, 0x20004414, 
-    0x00200000, 0x00200010, 0x00200400, 0x00200410, 
-    0x00200004, 0x00200014, 0x00200404, 0x00200414, 
-    0x00204000, 0x00204010, 0x00204400, 0x00204410, 
-    0x00204004, 0x00204014, 0x00204404, 0x00204414, 
-    0x20200000, 0x20200010, 0x20200400, 0x20200410, 
-    0x20200004, 0x20200014, 0x20200404, 0x20200414, 
-    0x20204000, 0x20204010, 0x20204400, 0x20204410, 
-    0x20204004, 0x20204014, 0x20204404, 0x20204414 
-  }
- * The PC-1 Permutation
- * If we number the bits of the 8 bytes of key input like this (in octal):
- *     00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 
- *     10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 
- *     20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 
- *     30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 
- *     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 
- *     50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 
- *     60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 
- *     70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 
- * then after the PC-1 permutation, 
- * C0 is
- *     70 60 50 40 30 20 10 00 
- *     71 61 51 41 31 21 11 01 
- *     72 62 52 42 32 22 12 02 
- *     73 63 53 43 
- * D0 is
- *     76 66 56 46 36 26 16 06 
- *     75 65 55 45 35 25 15 05 
- *     74 64 54 44 34 24 14 04 
- *                 33 23 13 03 
- * and these parity bits have been discarded:
- *     77 67 57 47 37 27 17 07 
- * 
- * We achieve this by flipping the input matrix about the diagonal from 70-07,
- * getting left = 
- *     77 67 57 47 37 27 17 07 	(these are the parity bits)
- *     76 66 56 46 36 26 16 06 
- *     75 65 55 45 35 25 15 05 
- *     74 64 54 44 34 24 14 04 
- * right = 
- *     73 63 53 43 33 23 13 03 
- *     72 62 52 42 32 22 12 02 
- *     71 61 51 41 31 21 11 01 
- *     70 60 50 40 30 20 10 00 
- * then byte swap right, ala htonl() on a little endian machine.
- * right = 
- *     70 60 50 40 30 20 10 00 
- *     71 67 57 47 37 27 11 07 
- *     72 62 52 42 32 22 12 02 
- *     73 63 53 43 33 23 13 03 
- * then
- *     c0 = right >> 4;
- *     d0 = ((left & 0x00ffffff) << 4) | (right & 0xf);
-#define FLIP_RIGHT_DIAGONAL(word, temp) \
-    temp  = (word ^ (word >> 18)) & 0x00003333; \
-    word ^=  temp | (temp << 18); \
-    temp  = (word ^ (word >> 9)) & 0x00550055; \
-    word ^=  temp | (temp << 9);
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#define BYTESWAP(word, temp) \
-    __asm("bswap	%0" : "+r" (word));
-#elif (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_ulong)
-#define BYTESWAP(word, temp) \
-    word = _byteswap_ulong(word);
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__thumb2__) || \
-      (!defined(__thumb__) && \
-      (defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_7__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__))))
-#define BYTESWAP(word, temp) \
-    __asm("rev %0, %0" : "+r" (word));
-#define BYTESWAP(word, temp) \
-    word = (word >> 16) | (word << 16); \
-    temp = 0x00ff00ff; \
-    word = ((word & temp) << 8) | ((word >> 8) & temp); 
-#define PC1(left, right, c0, d0, temp) \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 4) ^ right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; \
-    left  ^= temp << 4; \
-    FLIP_RIGHT_DIAGONAL(left, temp); \
-    FLIP_RIGHT_DIAGONAL(right, temp); \
-    BYTESWAP(right, temp); \
-    c0 = right >> 4; \
-    d0 = ((left & 0x00ffffff) << 4) | (right & 0xf); 
-#define LEFT_SHIFT_1( reg ) (((reg << 1) | (reg >> 27)) & 0x0FFFFFFF)
-#define LEFT_SHIFT_2( reg ) (((reg << 2) | (reg >> 26)) & 0x0FFFFFFF)
- *   setup key schedules from key
- */
-DES_MakeSchedule( HALF * ks, const BYTE * key,   DESDirection direction)
-    register HALF left, right;
-    register HALF c0, d0;
-    register HALF temp;
-    int           delta;
-    unsigned int  ls;
-    left  = HALFPTR(key)[0]; 
-    right = HALFPTR(key)[1]; 
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP(left, temp);
-    BYTESWAP(right, temp);
-    if (((ptrdiff_t)key & 0x03) == 0) {
-	left  = HALFPTR(key)[0]; 
-	right = HALFPTR(key)[1]; 
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-	BYTESWAP(left, temp);
-	BYTESWAP(right, temp);
-    } else {
-	left    = ((HALF)key[0] << 24) | ((HALF)key[1] << 16) | 
-		  ((HALF)key[2] << 8)  | key[3];
-	right   = ((HALF)key[4] << 24) | ((HALF)key[5] << 16) | 
-		  ((HALF)key[6] << 8)  | key[7];
-    }
-    PC1(left, right, c0, d0, temp);
-    if (direction == DES_ENCRYPT) {
-	delta = 2 * (int)sizeof(HALF);
-    } else {
-	ks += 30;
-	delta = (-2) * (int)sizeof(HALF);
-    }
-    for (ls = 0x8103; ls; ls >>= 1) {
-	if ( ls & 1 ) {
-	    c0 = LEFT_SHIFT_1( c0 );
-	    d0 = LEFT_SHIFT_1( d0 );
-	} else {
-	    c0 = LEFT_SHIFT_2( c0 );
-	    d0 = LEFT_SHIFT_2( d0 );
-	}
-#define PC2LOOKUP(b,c) PC2[b][c]
-	left   = PC2LOOKUP(0, ((c0 >> 22) & 0x3F) );
-	left  |= PC2LOOKUP(1, ((c0 >> 13) & 0x3F) );
-	left  |= PC2LOOKUP(2, ((c0 >>  4) & 0x38) | (c0 & 0x7) );
-	left  |= PC2LOOKUP(3, ((c0>>18)&0xC) | ((c0>>11)&0x3) | (c0&0x30));
-	right  = PC2LOOKUP(4, ((d0 >> 22) & 0x3F) );
-	right |= PC2LOOKUP(5, ((d0 >> 15) & 0x30) | ((d0 >> 14) & 0xf) );
-	right |= PC2LOOKUP(6, ((d0 >>  7) & 0x3F) );
-	right |= PC2LOOKUP(7, ((d0 >>  1) & 0x3C) | (d0 & 0x3));
-#define PC2LOOKUP(b,c) *(HALF *)((BYTE *)&PC2[b][0]+(c))
-	left   = PC2LOOKUP(0, ((c0 >> 20) & 0xFC) );
-	left  |= PC2LOOKUP(1, ((c0 >> 11) & 0xFC) );
-	left  |= PC2LOOKUP(2, ((c0 >>  2) & 0xE0) | ((c0 <<  2) & 0x1C) );
-	left  |= PC2LOOKUP(3, ((c0>>16)&0x30)|((c0>>9)&0xC)|((c0<<2)&0xC0));
-	right  = PC2LOOKUP(4, ((d0 >> 20) & 0xFC) );
-	right |= PC2LOOKUP(5, ((d0 >> 13) & 0xC0) | ((d0 >> 12) & 0x3C) );
-	right |= PC2LOOKUP(6, ((d0 >>  5) & 0xFC) );
-	right |= PC2LOOKUP(7, ((d0 <<  1) & 0xF0) | ((d0 << 2) & 0x0C));
-	/* left  contains key bits for S1 S3 S2 S4 */
-	/* right contains key bits for S6 S8 S5 S7 */
-	temp = (left  << 16)        /* S2 S4 XX XX */
-	     | (right >> 16);       /* XX XX S6 S8 */
-	ks[0] = temp;
-	temp = (left  & 0xffff0000) /* S1 S3 XX XX */
-	     | (right & 0x0000ffff);/* XX XX S5 S7 */
-	ks[1] = temp;
-	ks = (HALF*)((BYTE *)ks + delta);
-    }
- * The DES Initial Permutation
- * if we number the bits of the 8 bytes of input like this (in octal):
- *     00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 
- *     10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 
- *     20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 
- *     30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 
- *     40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 
- *     50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 
- *     60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 
- *     70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 
- * then after the initial permutation, they will be in this order. 
- *     71 61 51 41 31 21 11 01 
- *     73 63 53 43 33 23 13 03 
- *     75 65 55 45 35 25 15 05 
- *     77 67 57 47 37 27 17 07 
- *     70 60 50 40 30 20 10 00 
- *     72 62 52 42 32 22 12 02 
- *     74 64 54 44 34 24 14 04 
- *     76 66 56 46 36 26 16 06 
- *
- * One way to do this is in two steps:
- * 1. Flip this matrix about the diagonal from 70-07 as done for PC1.
- * 2. Rearrange the bytes (rows in the matrix above) with the following code.
- *
- * #define swapHiLo(word, temp) \
- *   temp  = (word ^ (word >> 24)) & 0x000000ff; \
- *   word ^=  temp | (temp << 24); 
- *
- *   right ^= temp = ((left << 8) ^ right) & 0xff00ff00; 
- *   left  ^= temp >> 8; 
- *   swapHiLo(left, temp);
- *   swapHiLo(right,temp);
- *
- * However, the two steps can be combined, so that the rows are rearranged
- * while the matrix is being flipped, reducing the number of bit exchange
- * operations from 8 ot 5.  
- *
- * Initial Permutation */
-#define IP(left, right, temp) \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 4) ^  right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; \
-    left  ^= temp << 4; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 16) ^ right) & 0x0000ffff; \
-    left  ^= temp << 16; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left << 2) ^ right) & 0xcccccccc; \
-    left  ^= temp >> 2; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left << 8) ^ right) & 0xff00ff00; \
-    left  ^= temp >> 8; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 1) ^ right) & 0x55555555; \
-    left  ^= temp << 1; 
-/* The Final (Inverse Initial) permutation is done by reversing the 
-** steps of the Initital Permutation 
-#define FP(left, right, temp) \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 1) ^ right) & 0x55555555; \
-    left  ^= temp << 1; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left << 8) ^ right) & 0xff00ff00; \
-    left  ^= temp >> 8; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left << 2) ^ right) & 0xcccccccc; \
-    left  ^= temp >> 2; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 16) ^ right) & 0x0000ffff; \
-    left  ^= temp << 16; \
-    right ^= temp = ((left >> 4) ^  right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; \
-    left  ^= temp << 4; 
-DES_Do1Block(HALF * ks, const BYTE * inbuf, BYTE * outbuf)
-    register HALF left, right;
-    register HALF temp;
-    left  = HALFPTR(inbuf)[0]; 
-    right = HALFPTR(inbuf)[1]; 
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP(left, temp);
-    BYTESWAP(right, temp);
-    if (((ptrdiff_t)inbuf & 0x03) == 0) {
-	left  = HALFPTR(inbuf)[0]; 
-	right = HALFPTR(inbuf)[1]; 
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-	BYTESWAP(left, temp);
-	BYTESWAP(right, temp);
-    } else {
-	left    = ((HALF)inbuf[0] << 24) | ((HALF)inbuf[1] << 16) | 
-		  ((HALF)inbuf[2] << 8)  | inbuf[3];
-	right   = ((HALF)inbuf[4] << 24) | ((HALF)inbuf[5] << 16) | 
-		  ((HALF)inbuf[6] << 8)  | inbuf[7];
-    }
-    IP(left, right, temp);
-    /* shift the values left circularly 3 bits. */
-    left  = (left  << 3) | (left  >> 29);
-    right = (right << 3) | (right >> 29);
-#define KSLOOKUP(s,b) SP[s][((temp >> (b+2)) & 0x3f)]
-#define KSLOOKUP(s,b) *(HALF*)((BYTE*)&SP[s][0]+((temp >> b) & 0xFC))
-#define ROUND(out, in, r) \
-    temp  = in ^ ks[2*r]; \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 1,  24 ); \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 3,  16 ); \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 5,   8 ); \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 7,   0 ); \
-    temp  = ((in >> 4) | (in << 28)) ^ ks[2*r+1]; \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 0,  24 ); \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 2,  16 ); \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 4,   8 ); \
-    out ^= KSLOOKUP( 6,   0 ); 
-    /* Do the 16 Feistel rounds */
-    ROUND(left, right, 0)
-    ROUND(right, left, 1)
-    ROUND(left, right, 2)
-    ROUND(right, left, 3)
-    ROUND(left, right, 4)
-    ROUND(right, left, 5)
-    ROUND(left, right, 6)
-    ROUND(right, left, 7)
-    ROUND(left, right, 8)
-    ROUND(right, left, 9)
-    ROUND(left, right, 10)
-    ROUND(right, left, 11)
-    ROUND(left, right, 12)
-    ROUND(right, left, 13)
-    ROUND(left, right, 14)
-    ROUND(right, left, 15)
-    /* now shift circularly right 3 bits to undo the shifting done 
-    ** above.  switch left and right here. 
-    */
-    temp  = (left >> 3) | (left << 29); 
-    left  = (right >> 3) | (right << 29); 
-    right = temp;
-    FP(left, right, temp);
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP(left, temp);
-    BYTESWAP(right, temp);
-    HALFPTR(outbuf)[0]  = left; 
-    HALFPTR(outbuf)[1]  = right; 
-    if (((ptrdiff_t)outbuf & 0x03) == 0) {
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-	BYTESWAP(left, temp);
-	BYTESWAP(right, temp);
-	HALFPTR(outbuf)[0]  = left; 
-	HALFPTR(outbuf)[1]  = right; 
-    } else {
-	outbuf[0] = (BYTE)(left >> 24);
-	outbuf[1] = (BYTE)(left >> 16);
-	outbuf[2] = (BYTE)(left >>  8);
-	outbuf[3] = (BYTE)(left      );
-	outbuf[4] = (BYTE)(right >> 24);
-	outbuf[5] = (BYTE)(right >> 16);
-	outbuf[6] = (BYTE)(right >>  8);
-	outbuf[7] = (BYTE)(right      );
-    }
-/* Ackowledgements:
-** Two ideas used in this implementation were shown to me by Dennis Ferguson 
-** in 1990.  He credits them to Richard Outerbridge and Dan Hoey.  They were:
-** 1. The method of computing the Initial and Final permutations.
-** 2. Circularly rotating the SP tables and the initial values of left and 
-**	right to reduce the number of shifts required during the 16 rounds.
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/des.h b/nss/lib/freebl/des.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 10dba12..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/des.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- *  des.h
- *
- *  header file for DES-150 library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _DES_H_
-#define _DES_H_ 1
-#include "blapi.h"
-typedef unsigned char BYTE;
-typedef unsigned int  HALF;
-#define HALFPTR(x) ((HALF *)(x))
-#define SHORTPTR(x) ((unsigned short *)(x))
-#define BYTEPTR(x) ((BYTE *)(x))
-typedef enum {
-    DES_ENCRYPT = 0x5555,
-} DESDirection;
-typedef void DESFunc(struct DESContextStr *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, 
-                     unsigned int len);
-struct DESContextStr {
-    /* key schedule, 16 internal keys, each with 8 6-bit parts */
-    HALF ks0 [32];
-    HALF ks1 [32];
-    HALF ks2 [32];
-    HALF iv  [2];
-    DESDirection direction;
-    DESFunc  *worker;
-void DES_MakeSchedule( HALF * ks, const BYTE * key,   DESDirection direction);
-void DES_Do1Block(     HALF * ks, const BYTE * inbuf, BYTE * outbuf);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/desblapi.c b/nss/lib/freebl/desblapi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a07ca..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/desblapi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
- *  desblapi.c
- *
- *  core source file for DES-150 library
- *  Implement DES Modes of Operation and Triple-DES.
- *  Adapt DES-150 to blapi API.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "des.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "secerr.h"
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-/* Intel X86 CPUs do unaligned loads and stores without complaint. */
-#define COPY8B(to, from, ptr) \
-    	HALFPTR(to)[0] = HALFPTR(from)[0]; \
-    	HALFPTR(to)[1] = HALFPTR(from)[1]; 
-#define COPY8B(to, from, ptr) memcpy(to, from, 8)
-#define COPY8BTOHALF(to, from) COPY8B(to, from, from)
-#define COPY8BFROMHALF(to, from) COPY8B(to, from, to)
-static void 
-DES_ECB(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, unsigned int len)
-    while (len) {
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks0, in, out);
-	len -= 8;
-	in  += 8;
-	out += 8;
-    }
-static void 
-DES_EDE3_ECB(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, unsigned int len)
-    while (len) {
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks0,  in, out);
-	len -= 8;
-	in  += 8;
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks1, out, out);
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks2, out, out);
-	out += 8;
-    }
-static void 
-DES_CBCEn(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, unsigned int len)
-    const BYTE * bufend = in + len;
-    HALF  vec[2];
-    while (in != bufend) {
-	COPY8BTOHALF(vec, in);
-	in += 8;
-	vec[0] ^= cx->iv[0];
-	vec[1] ^= cx->iv[1];
-	DES_Do1Block( cx->ks0, (BYTE *)vec, (BYTE *)cx->iv);
-	COPY8BFROMHALF(out, cx->iv);
-	out += 8;
-    }
-static void 
-DES_CBCDe(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, unsigned int len)
-    const BYTE * bufend;
-    HALF oldciphertext[2];
-    HALF plaintext    [2];
-    for (bufend = in + len; in != bufend; ) {
-	oldciphertext[0] = cx->iv[0];
-	oldciphertext[1] = cx->iv[1];
-	COPY8BTOHALF(cx->iv, in);
-	in += 8;
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks0, (BYTE *)cx->iv, (BYTE *)plaintext);
-	plaintext[0] ^= oldciphertext[0];
-	plaintext[1] ^= oldciphertext[1];
-	COPY8BFROMHALF(out, plaintext);
-	out += 8;
-    }
-static void 
-DES_EDE3CBCEn(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, unsigned int len)
-    const BYTE * bufend = in + len;
-    HALF  vec[2];
-    while (in != bufend) {
-	COPY8BTOHALF(vec, in);
-	in += 8;
-	vec[0] ^= cx->iv[0];
-	vec[1] ^= cx->iv[1];
-	DES_Do1Block( cx->ks0, (BYTE *)vec,    (BYTE *)cx->iv);
-	DES_Do1Block( cx->ks1, (BYTE *)cx->iv, (BYTE *)cx->iv);
-	DES_Do1Block( cx->ks2, (BYTE *)cx->iv, (BYTE *)cx->iv);
-	COPY8BFROMHALF(out, cx->iv);
-	out += 8;
-    }
-static void 
-DES_EDE3CBCDe(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, const BYTE *in, unsigned int len)
-    const BYTE * bufend;
-    HALF oldciphertext[2];
-    HALF plaintext    [2];
-    for (bufend = in + len; in != bufend; ) {
-	oldciphertext[0] = cx->iv[0];
-	oldciphertext[1] = cx->iv[1];
-	COPY8BTOHALF(cx->iv, in);
-	in += 8;
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks0, (BYTE *)cx->iv,    (BYTE *)plaintext);
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks1, (BYTE *)plaintext, (BYTE *)plaintext);
-	DES_Do1Block(cx->ks2, (BYTE *)plaintext, (BYTE *)plaintext);
-	plaintext[0] ^= oldciphertext[0];
-	plaintext[1] ^= oldciphertext[1];
-	COPY8BFROMHALF(out, plaintext);
-	out += 8;
-    }
-DESContext *
-    return PORT_ZNew(DESContext);
-DES_InitContext(DESContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keylen,
-	        const unsigned char *iv, int mode, unsigned int encrypt,
-	        unsigned int unused)
-    DESDirection opposite;
-    if (!cx) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cx->direction = encrypt ? DES_ENCRYPT : DES_DECRYPT;
-    opposite      = encrypt ? DES_DECRYPT : DES_ENCRYPT;
-    switch (mode) {
-    case NSS_DES:	/* DES ECB */
-	DES_MakeSchedule( cx->ks0, key, cx->direction);
-	cx->worker = &DES_ECB;
-	break;
-    case NSS_DES_EDE3:	/* DES EDE ECB */
-	cx->worker = &DES_EDE3_ECB;
-	if (encrypt) {
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks0, key,      cx->direction);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks1, key +  8, opposite);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks2, key + 16, cx->direction);
-	} else {
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks2, key,      cx->direction);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks1, key +  8, opposite);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks0, key + 16, cx->direction);
-	}
-	break;
-    case NSS_DES_CBC:	/* DES CBC */
-	COPY8BTOHALF(cx->iv, iv);
-	cx->worker = encrypt ? &DES_CBCEn : &DES_CBCDe;
-	DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks0, key, cx->direction);
-	break;
-    case NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC:	/* DES EDE CBC */
-	COPY8BTOHALF(cx->iv, iv);
-	if (encrypt) {
-	    cx->worker = &DES_EDE3CBCEn;
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks0, key,      cx->direction);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks1, key +  8, opposite);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks2, key + 16, cx->direction);
-	} else {
-	    cx->worker = &DES_EDE3CBCDe;
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks2, key,      cx->direction);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks1, key +  8, opposite);
-	    DES_MakeSchedule(cx->ks0, key + 16, cx->direction);
-	}
-	break;
-    default:
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-DESContext *
-DES_CreateContext(const BYTE * key, const BYTE *iv, int mode, PRBool encrypt)
-    DESContext *cx = PORT_ZNew(DESContext);
-    SECStatus rv   = DES_InitContext(cx, key, 0, iv, mode, encrypt, 0);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    	PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof *cx);
-	cx = NULL;
-    }
-    return cx;
-DES_DestroyContext(DESContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx) {
-    	memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-	if (freeit)
-	    PORT_Free(cx);
-    }
-DES_Encrypt(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-            unsigned int maxOutLen, const BYTE *in, unsigned int inLen)
-    if ((inLen % 8) != 0 || maxOutLen < inLen || !cx || 
-        cx->direction != DES_ENCRYPT) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cx->worker(cx, out, in, inLen);
-    if (outLen)
-	*outLen = inLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-DES_Decrypt(DESContext *cx, BYTE *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-            unsigned int maxOutLen, const BYTE *in, unsigned int inLen)
-    if ((inLen % 8) != 0 || maxOutLen < inLen || !cx || 
-        cx->direction != DES_DECRYPT) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cx->worker(cx, out, in, inLen);
-    if (outLen)
-	*outLen = inLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/dh.c b/nss/lib/freebl/dh.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c1101..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/dh.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Diffie-Hellman parameter generation, key generation, and secret derivation.
- * KEA secret generation and verification.
- */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mpprime.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-/* Lengths are in bytes. */
-static unsigned int
-dh_GetSecretKeyLen(unsigned int primeLen)
-    /* Based on Table 2 in NIST SP 800-57. */
-    if (primeLen >= 1920) { /* 15360 bits */
-        return 64;  /* 512 bits */
-    }
-    if (primeLen >= 960) { /* 7680 bits */
-        return 48;  /* 384 bits */
-    }
-    if (primeLen >= 384) { /* 3072 bits */
-        return 32;  /* 256 bits */
-    }
-    if (primeLen >= 256) { /* 2048 bits */
-        return 28;  /* 224 bits */
-    }
-    return 20;  /* 160 bits */
-DH_GenParam(int primeLen, DHParams **params)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    DHParams *dhparams;
-    unsigned char *pb = NULL;
-    unsigned char *ab = NULL;
-    unsigned long counter = 0;
-    mp_int p, q, a, h, psub1, test;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!params || primeLen < 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!arena) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dhparams = (DHParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(DHParams));
-    if (!dhparams) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dhparams->arena = arena;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&a) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&h) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&psub1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&test) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&a) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&h) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&psub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&test) );
-    /* generate prime with MPI, uses Miller-Rabin to generate strong prime. */
-    pb = PORT_Alloc(primeLen);
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(pb, primeLen) );
-    pb[0]          |= 0x80; /* set high-order bit */
-    pb[primeLen-1] |= 0x01; /* set low-order bit  */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&p, pb, primeLen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mpp_make_prime(&p, primeLen * 8, PR_TRUE, &counter) );
-    /* construct Sophie-Germain prime q = (p-1)/2. */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&p, 1, &psub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div_2(&psub1, &q)    );
-    /* construct a generator from the prime. */
-    ab = PORT_Alloc(primeLen);
-    /* generate a candidate number a in p's field */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(ab, primeLen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&a, ab, primeLen) );
-    /* force a < p (note that quot(a/p) <= 1) */
-    if ( mp_cmp(&a, &p) > 0 )
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(&a, &p, &a) );
-    do {
-	/* check that a is in the range [2..p-1] */
-	if ( mp_cmp_d(&a, 2) < 0 || mp_cmp(&a, &psub1) >= 0) {
-	    /* a is outside of the allowed range.  Set a=3 and keep going. */
-            mp_set(&a, 3);
-	}
-	/* if a**q mod p != 1 then a is a generator */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&a, &q, &p, &test) );
-	if ( mp_cmp_d(&test, 1) != 0 )
-	    break;
-	/* increment the candidate and try again. */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&a, 1, &a) );
-    } while (PR_TRUE);
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&p, &dhparams->prime, arena);
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&a, &dhparams->base, arena);
-    *params = dhparams;
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&a);
-    mp_clear(&h);
-    mp_clear(&psub1);
-    mp_clear(&test);
-    if (pb) PORT_ZFree(pb, primeLen);
-    if (ab) PORT_ZFree(ab, primeLen);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv)
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-DH_NewKey(DHParams *params, DHPrivateKey **privKey)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    DHPrivateKey *key;
-    mp_int g, xa, p, Ya;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!params || !privKey) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!arena) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    key = (DHPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(DHPrivateKey));
-    if (!key) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    key->arena = arena;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&xa) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Ya) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&xa) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Ya) );
-    /* Set private key's p */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->prime, &params->prime) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime, &p);
-    /* Set private key's g */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->base, &params->base) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->base, &g);
-    /* Generate private key xa */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &key->privateValue,
-                      dh_GetSecretKeyLen(params->prime.len));
-    RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(key->, 
-                                  key->privateValue.len);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT( key->privateValue, &xa );
-    /* xa < p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&xa, &p, &xa) );
-    /* Compute public key Ya = g ** xa mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &xa, &p, &Ya) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&Ya, &key->publicValue, key->arena);
-    *privKey = key;
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    mp_clear(&xa);
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&Ya);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv)
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-DH_Derive(SECItem *publicValue, 
-          SECItem *prime, 
-          SECItem *privateValue, 
-          SECItem *derivedSecret, 
-          unsigned int outBytes)
-    mp_int p, Xa, Yb, ZZ, psub1;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    unsigned int nb;
-    unsigned char *secret = NULL;
-    if (!publicValue || !prime || !privateValue || !derivedSecret) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    memset(derivedSecret, 0, sizeof *derivedSecret);
-    MP_DIGITS(&p)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Xa) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Yb) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&ZZ) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&psub1) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Xa) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Yb) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&ZZ) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&psub1) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*publicValue,  &Yb);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*privateValue, &Xa);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*prime,        &p);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&p, 1, &psub1) );
-    /* We assume that the modulus, p, is a safe prime. That is, p = 2q+1 where
-     * q is also a prime. Thus the orders of the subgroups are factors of 2q:
-     * namely 1, 2, q and 2q.
-     *
-     * We check that the peer's public value isn't zero (which isn't in the
-     * group), one (subgroup of order one) or p-1 (subgroup of order 2). We
-     * also check that the public value is less than p, to avoid being fooled
-     * by values like p+1 or 2*p-1.
-     *
-     * Thus we must be operating in the subgroup of size q or 2q. */
-    if (mp_cmp_d(&Yb, 1) <= 0 ||
-	mp_cmp(&Yb, &psub1) >= 0) {
-	err = MP_BADARG;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* ZZ = (Yb)**Xa mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&Yb, &Xa, &p, &ZZ) );
-    /* number of bytes in the derived secret */
-    len = mp_unsigned_octet_size(&ZZ);
-    if (len <= 0) {
-        err = MP_BADARG;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We check to make sure that ZZ is not equal to 1 or -1 mod p.
-     * This helps guard against small subgroup attacks, since an attacker
-     * using a subgroup of size N will produce 1 or -1 with probability 1/N.
-     * When the protocol is executed within a properly large subgroup, the
-     * probability of this result will be negligibly small.  For example,
-     * with a strong prime of the form 2p+1, the probability will be 1/p.
-     *
-     * We return MP_BADARG because this is probably the result of a bad
-     * public value or a bad prime having been provided.
-     */
-    if (mp_cmp_d(&ZZ, 1) == 0 ||
-        mp_cmp(&ZZ, &psub1) == 0) {
-        err = MP_BADARG;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* allocate a buffer which can hold the entire derived secret. */
-    secret = PORT_Alloc(len);
-    /* grab the derived secret */
-    err = mp_to_unsigned_octets(&ZZ, secret, len);
-    if (err >= 0) err = MP_OKAY;
-    /* 
-    ** if outBytes is 0 take all of the bytes from the derived secret.
-    ** if outBytes is not 0 take exactly outBytes from the derived secret, zero
-    ** pad at the beginning if necessary, and truncate beginning bytes 
-    ** if necessary.
-    */
-    if (outBytes > 0)
-	nb = outBytes;
-    else
-	nb = len;
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, derivedSecret, nb);
-    if (len < nb) {
-	unsigned int offset = nb - len;
-	memset(derivedSecret->data, 0, offset);
-	memcpy(derivedSecret->data + offset, secret, len);
-    } else {
-	memcpy(derivedSecret->data, secret + len - nb, nb);
-    }
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&Xa);
-    mp_clear(&Yb);
-    mp_clear(&ZZ);
-    mp_clear(&psub1);
-    if (secret) {
-	/* free the buffer allocated for the full secret. */
-	PORT_ZFree(secret, len);
-    }
-    if (err) {
-	if (derivedSecret->data) 
-	    PORT_ZFree(derivedSecret->data, derivedSecret->len);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-KEA_Derive(SECItem *prime, 
-           SECItem *public1, 
-           SECItem *public2, 
-           SECItem *private1, 
-           SECItem *private2,
-           SECItem *derivedSecret)
-    mp_int p, Y, R, r, x, t, u, w;
-    mp_err err;
-    unsigned char *secret = NULL;
-    unsigned int len = 0, offset;
-    if (!prime || !public1 || !public2 || !private1 || !private2 ||
-        !derivedSecret) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    memset(derivedSecret, 0, sizeof *derivedSecret);
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Y) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&R) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&t) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&u) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&w) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Y) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&R) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&x) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&t) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&u) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&w) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*prime,    &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*public1,  &Y);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*public2,  &R);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*private1, &r);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*private2, &x);
-    /* t = DH(Y, r, p) = Y ** r mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&Y, &r, &p, &t) );
-    /* u = DH(R, x, p) = R ** x mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&R, &x, &p, &u) );
-    /* w = (t + u) mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_addmod(&t, &u, &p, &w) );
-    /* allocate a buffer for the full derived secret */
-    len = mp_unsigned_octet_size(&w);
-    secret = PORT_Alloc(len);
-    /* grab the secret */
-    err = mp_to_unsigned_octets(&w, secret, len);
-    if (err > 0) err = MP_OKAY;
-    /* allocate output buffer */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, derivedSecret, KEA_DERIVED_SECRET_LEN);
-    memset(derivedSecret->data, 0, derivedSecret->len);
-    /* copy in the 128 lsb of the secret */
-    if (len >= KEA_DERIVED_SECRET_LEN) {
-	memcpy(derivedSecret->data, secret + (len - KEA_DERIVED_SECRET_LEN),
-    } else {
-	offset = KEA_DERIVED_SECRET_LEN - len;
-	memcpy(derivedSecret->data + offset, secret, len);
-    }
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&Y);
-    mp_clear(&R);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    mp_clear(&x);
-    mp_clear(&t);
-    mp_clear(&u);
-    mp_clear(&w);
-    if (secret)
-	PORT_ZFree(secret, len);
-    if (err) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-KEA_Verify(SECItem *Y, SECItem *prime, SECItem *subPrime)
-    mp_int p, q, y, r;
-    mp_err err;
-    int cmp = 1;  /* default is false */
-    if (!Y || !prime || !subPrime) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&y) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&y) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*prime,    &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*subPrime, &q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*Y,        &y);
-    /* compute r = y**q mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&y, &q, &p, &r) );
-    /* compare to 1 */
-    cmp = mp_cmp_d(&r, 1);
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&y);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    if (err) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return (cmp == 0) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/drbg.c b/nss/lib/freebl/drbg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 391d456..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/drbg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "sha_fast.h"
-#include "sha256.h"
-#include "secrng.h"	/* for RNG_SystemRNG() */
-#include "secmpi.h"
-/* PRNG_SEEDLEN defined in NIST SP 800-90 section 10.1 
- * for SHA-1, SHA-224, and SHA-256 it's 440 bits.
- * for SHA-384 and SHA-512 it's 888 bits */
-#define PRNG_SEEDLEN      (440/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE)
-#define PRNG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_BYTES PR_INT64(0x100000000)
-						/* 2^35 bits or 2^32 bytes */
-#define PRNG_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE 0x10000		/* 2^19 bits or 2^16 bytes */
-#define PRNG_ADDITONAL_DATA_CACHE_SIZE (8*1024) /* must be less than
-						 */
-/* RESEED_COUNT is how many calls to the prng before we need to reseed 
- * under normal NIST rules, you must return an error. In the NSS case, we
- * self-reseed with RNG_SystemRNG(). Count can be a large number. For code
- * simplicity, we specify count with 2 components: RESEED_BYTE (which is 
- * the same as LOG256(RESEED_COUNT)) and RESEED_VALUE (which is the same as
- * RESEED_COUNT / (256 ^ RESEED_BYTE)). Another way to look at this is
- * we use the maximum count value, 2^48, or RESEED_BYTE=6 and RESEED_VALUE=1
- */
-#define RESEED_BYTE 6
-#define RESEED_VALUE 1
-	PORT_Memset((rng)->reseed_counter, 0, sizeof (rng)->reseed_counter); \
-	(rng)->reseed_counter[RESEED_BYTE] = 1;
- * The actual values of this enum are specified in SP 800-90, 10.1.1.*
- * The spec does not name the types, it only uses bare values 
- */
-typedef enum {
-   prngCGenerateType = 0,   	/* used when creating a new 'C' */
-   prngReseedType = 1,	    	/* used in reseeding */
-   prngAdditionalDataType = 2,  /* used in mixing additional data */
-   prngGenerateByteType = 3	/* used when mixing internal state while
-				 * generating bytes */
-} prngVTypes;
- * Global RNG context
- */ 
-struct RNGContextStr {
-    PZLock   *lock;        /* Lock to serialize access to global rng */
-    /*
-     * NOTE, a number of steps in the drbg algorithm need to hash 
-     * V_type || V. The code, therefore, depends on the V array following 
-     * immediately after V_type to avoid extra copies. To accomplish this
-     * in a way that compiliers can't perturb, we declare V_type and V
-     * as a V_Data array and reference them by macros */
-    PRUint8  V_Data[PRNG_SEEDLEN+1]; /* internal state variables */
-#define  V_type  V_Data[0]
-#define  V(rng)       (((rng)->V_Data)+1)
-#define  VSize(rng)   ((sizeof (rng)->V_Data) -1)
-    PRUint8  C[PRNG_SEEDLEN];        /* internal state variables */
-    PRUint8  oldV[PRNG_SEEDLEN];     /* for continuous rng checking */
-    /* If we get calls for the PRNG to return less than the length of our
-     * hash, we extend the request for a full hash (since we'll be doing
-     * the full hash anyway). Future requests for random numbers are fulfilled
-     * from the remainder of the bytes we generated. Requests for bytes longer
-     * than the hash size are fulfilled directly from the HashGen function
-     * of the random number generator. */
-    PRUint8  reseed_counter[RESEED_BYTE+1]; /* number of requests since the 
-					     * last reseed. Need only be
-					     * big enough to hold the whole
-					     * reseed count */
-    PRUint8  data[SHA256_LENGTH];	/* when we request less than a block
-					 * save the rest of the rng output for 
-					 * another partial block */
-    PRUint8  dataAvail;            /* # bytes of output available in our cache,
-	                            * [0...SHA256_LENGTH] */
-    /* store additional data that has been shovelled off to us by
-     * RNG_RandomUpdate. */
-    PRUint8  additionalDataCache[PRNG_ADDITONAL_DATA_CACHE_SIZE];
-    PRUint32 additionalAvail;
-    PRBool   isValid;          /* false if RNG reaches an invalid state */
-typedef struct RNGContextStr RNGContext;
-static RNGContext *globalrng = NULL;
-static RNGContext theGlobalRng;
- * The next several functions are derived from the NIST SP 800-90
- * spec. In these functions, an attempt was made to use names consistent
- * with the names in the spec, even if they differ from normal NSS usage.
- */
- * Hash Derive function defined in NISP SP 800-90 Section 10.4.1.
- * This function is used in the Instantiate and Reseed functions.
- * 
- * NOTE: requested_bytes cannot overlap with input_string_1 or input_string_2.
- * input_string_1 and input_string_2 are logically concatentated. 
- * input_string_1 must be supplied.
- * if input_string_2 is not supplied, NULL should be passed for this parameter.
- */
-static SECStatus
-prng_Hash_df(PRUint8 *requested_bytes, unsigned int no_of_bytes_to_return, 
-	const PRUint8 *input_string_1, unsigned int input_string_1_len, 
-	const PRUint8 *input_string_2, unsigned int input_string_2_len)
-    SHA256Context ctx;
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    PRUint8 counter;
-    tmp=SHA_HTONL(no_of_bytes_to_return*8);
-    for (counter = 1 ; no_of_bytes_to_return > 0; counter++) {
-	unsigned int hash_return_len;
- 	SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
- 	SHA256_Update(&ctx, &counter, 1);
- 	SHA256_Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *)&tmp, sizeof tmp);
- 	SHA256_Update(&ctx, input_string_1, input_string_1_len);
-	if (input_string_2) {
- 	    SHA256_Update(&ctx, input_string_2, input_string_2_len);
-	}
-	SHA256_End(&ctx, requested_bytes, &hash_return_len,
-		no_of_bytes_to_return);
-	requested_bytes += hash_return_len;
-	no_of_bytes_to_return -= hash_return_len;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Hash_DRBG Instantiate NIST SP 800-80
- *
- * NOTE: bytes & len are entropy || nonce || personalization_string. In
- * normal operation, NSS calculates them all together in a single call.
- */
-static SECStatus
-prng_instantiate(RNGContext *rng, const PRUint8 *bytes, unsigned int len)
-    if (len < PRNG_SEEDLEN) {
-	/* if the seedlen is to small, it's probably because we failed to get
-	 * enough random data */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    prng_Hash_df(V(rng), VSize(rng), bytes, len, NULL, 0);
-    rng->V_type = prngCGenerateType;
-    prng_Hash_df(rng->C,sizeof rng->C,rng->V_Data,sizeof rng->V_Data,NULL,0);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Update the global random number generator with more seeding
- * material. Use the Hash_DRBG reseed algorithm from NIST SP-800-90
- * section
- *
- * If entropy is NULL, it is fetched from the noise generator.
- */
-static SECStatus
-prng_reseed(RNGContext *rng, const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len,
-	const PRUint8 *additional_input, unsigned int additional_input_len)
-    PRUint8 noiseData[(sizeof rng->V_Data)+PRNG_SEEDLEN];
-    PRUint8 *noise = &noiseData[0];
-    /* if entropy wasn't supplied, fetch it. (normal operation case) */
-    if (entropy == NULL) {
-    	entropy_len = (unsigned int) RNG_SystemRNG(
-			&noiseData[sizeof rng->V_Data], PRNG_SEEDLEN);
-    } else {
-	/* NOTE: this code is only available for testing, not to applications */
-	/* if entropy was too big for the stack variable, get it from malloc */
-	if (entropy_len > PRNG_SEEDLEN) {
-	    noise = PORT_Alloc(entropy_len + (sizeof rng->V_Data));
-	    if (noise == NULL) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(&noise[sizeof rng->V_Data],entropy, entropy_len);
-    }
-    if (entropy_len < 256/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) {
-	/* noise == &noiseData[0] at this point, so nothing to free */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rng->V_type = prngReseedType;
-    PORT_Memcpy(noise, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data);
-    prng_Hash_df(V(rng), VSize(rng), noise, (sizeof rng->V_Data) + entropy_len,
-		additional_input, additional_input_len);
-    /* clear potential CSP */
-    PORT_Memset(noise, 0, (sizeof rng->V_Data) + entropy_len); 
-    rng->V_type = prngCGenerateType;
-    prng_Hash_df(rng->C,sizeof rng->C,rng->V_Data,sizeof rng->V_Data,NULL,0);
-    if (noise != &noiseData[0]) {
-	PORT_Free(noise);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * SP 800-90 requires we rerun our health tests on reseed
- */
-static SECStatus
-prng_reseed_test(RNGContext *rng, const PRUint8 *entropy, 
-	unsigned int entropy_len, const PRUint8 *additional_input, 
-	unsigned int additional_input_len)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* do health checks in FIPS mode */
-    rv = PRNGTEST_RunHealthTests();
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	/* error set by PRNGTEST_RunHealTests() */
-	rng->isValid = PR_FALSE;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return prng_reseed(rng, entropy, entropy_len, 
-				additional_input, additional_input_len);
- * build some fast inline functions for adding.
- */
-#define PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(dest, start, carry) \
-    { \
-        int k1; \
-        for (k1 = start; carry && k1 >= 0; k1--) { \
-            carry = !(++dest[k1]); \
-        } \
-    }
- * NOTE: dest must be an array for the following to work.
- */
-#define PRNG_ADD_BITS(dest, dest_len, add, len, carry) \
-    carry = 0; \
-    PORT_Assert((dest_len) >= (len)); \
-    { \
-        int k1, k2; \
-        for (k1 = dest_len - 1, k2 = len - 1; k2 >= 0; --k1, --k2) { \
-            carry += dest[k1] + add[k2]; \
-            dest[k1] = (PRUint8) carry; \
-            carry >>= 8; \
-        } \
-    }
-#define PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(dest, dest_len, add, len, carry) \
-    PRNG_ADD_BITS(dest, dest_len, add, len, carry) \
-    PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(dest, dest_len - len, carry)
- * This function expands the internal state of the prng to fulfill any number
- * of bytes we need for this request. We only use this call if we need more
- * than can be supplied by a single call to SHA256_HashBuf. 
- *
- * This function is specified in NIST SP 800-90 section, Hashgen
- */
-static void
-prng_Hashgen(RNGContext *rng, PRUint8 *returned_bytes, 
-	     unsigned int no_of_returned_bytes)
-    PRUint8 data[VSize(rng)];
-    PORT_Memcpy(data, V(rng), VSize(rng));
-    while (no_of_returned_bytes) {
-	SHA256Context ctx;
-	unsigned int len;
-	unsigned int carry;
- 	SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
- 	SHA256_Update(&ctx, data, sizeof data);
-	SHA256_End(&ctx, returned_bytes, &len, no_of_returned_bytes);
-	returned_bytes += len;
-	no_of_returned_bytes -= len;
-	/* The carry parameter is a bool (increment or not). 
-	 * This increments data if no_of_returned_bytes is not zero */
-        carry = no_of_returned_bytes;
-	PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(data, (sizeof data)- 1, carry);
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(data, 0, sizeof data); 
- * Generates new random bytes and advances the internal prng state.	
- * additional bytes are only used in algorithm testing.
- * 
- * This function is specified in NIST SP 800-90 section
- */
-static SECStatus
-prng_generateNewBytes(RNGContext *rng, 
-		PRUint8 *returned_bytes, unsigned int no_of_returned_bytes,
-		const PRUint8 *additional_input,
-		unsigned int additional_input_len)
-    PRUint8 H[SHA256_LENGTH]; /* both H and w since they 
-			       * aren't used concurrently */
-    unsigned int carry;
-    if (!rng->isValid) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* This code only triggers during tests, normal
-     * prng operation does not use additional_input */
-    if (additional_input){
-	SHA256Context ctx;
-	/* NIST SP 800-90 defines two temporaries in their calculations,
-	 * w and H. These temporaries are the same lengths, and used
-	 * at different times, so we use the following macro to collapse
-	 * them to the same variable, but keeping their unique names for
-	 * easy comparison to the spec */
-#define w H
-	rng->V_type = prngAdditionalDataType;
- 	SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
- 	SHA256_Update(&ctx, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data);
- 	SHA256_Update(&ctx, additional_input, additional_input_len);
-	SHA256_End(&ctx, w, NULL, sizeof w);
-	PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(V(rng), VSize(rng), w, sizeof w, carry)
-	PORT_Memset(w, 0, sizeof w);
-#undef w 
-    }
-    if (no_of_returned_bytes == SHA256_LENGTH) {
-	/* short_cut to hashbuf and save a copy and a clear */
-	SHA256_HashBuf(returned_bytes, V(rng), VSize(rng) );
-    } else {
-    	prng_Hashgen(rng, returned_bytes, no_of_returned_bytes);
-    }
-    /* advance our internal state... */
-    rng->V_type = prngGenerateByteType;
-    SHA256_HashBuf(H, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data);
-    PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(V(rng), VSize(rng), H, sizeof H, carry)
-    PRNG_ADD_BITS(V(rng), VSize(rng), rng->C, sizeof rng->C, carry);
-    PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(V(rng), VSize(rng), rng->reseed_counter, 
-					sizeof rng->reseed_counter, carry)
-    carry = 1;
-    PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(rng->reseed_counter,(sizeof rng->reseed_counter)-1, carry);
-    /* continuous rng check */
-    if (memcmp(V(rng), rng->oldV, sizeof rng->oldV) == 0) {
-	rng->isValid = PR_FALSE;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(rng->oldV, V(rng), sizeof rng->oldV);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Use NSPR to prevent RNG_RNGInit from being called from separate
- * threads, creating a race condition.
- */
-static const PRCallOnceType pristineCallOnce;
-static PRCallOnceType coRNGInit;
-static PRStatus rng_init(void)
-    PRUint8 bytes[PRNG_SEEDLEN*2]; /* entropy + nonce */
-    unsigned int numBytes;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (globalrng == NULL) {
-	/* bytes needs to have enough space to hold
-	 * a SHA256 hash value. Blow up at compile time if this isn't true */
-	PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bytes) >= SHA256_LENGTH);
-	/* create a new global RNG context */
-	globalrng = &theGlobalRng;
-        PORT_Assert(NULL == globalrng->lock);
-	/* create a lock for it */
-	globalrng->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-	if (globalrng->lock == NULL) {
-	    globalrng = NULL;
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	/* Try to get some seed data for the RNG */
-	numBytes = (unsigned int) RNG_SystemRNG(bytes, sizeof bytes);
-	PORT_Assert(numBytes == 0 || numBytes == sizeof bytes);
-	if (numBytes != 0) {
-	    /* if this is our first call,  instantiate, otherwise reseed 
-	     * prng_instantiate gets a new clean state, we want to mix
-	     * any previous entropy we may have collected */
-	    if (V(globalrng)[0] == 0) {
-		rv = prng_instantiate(globalrng, bytes, numBytes);
-	    } else {
-		rv = prng_reseed_test(globalrng, bytes, numBytes, NULL, 0);
-	    }
-	    memset(bytes, 0, numBytes);
-	} else {
-	    PZ_DestroyLock(globalrng->lock);
-	    globalrng->lock = NULL;
-	    globalrng = NULL;
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	/* the RNG is in a valid state */
-	globalrng->isValid = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fetch one random value so that we can populate rng->oldV for our
-	 * continous random number test. */
-	prng_generateNewBytes(globalrng, bytes, SHA256_LENGTH, NULL, 0);
-	/* Fetch more entropy into the PRNG */
-	RNG_SystemInfoForRNG();
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * Clean up the global RNG context
- */
-static void
-prng_freeRNGContext(RNGContext *rng)
-    PRUint8 inputhash[VSize(rng) + (sizeof rng->C)];
-    /* destroy context lock */
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(globalrng->lock));
-    /* zero global RNG context except for C & V to preserve entropy */
-    prng_Hash_df(inputhash, sizeof rng->C, rng->C, sizeof rng->C, NULL, 0); 
-    prng_Hash_df(&inputhash[sizeof rng->C], VSize(rng), V(rng), VSize(rng), 
-								  NULL, 0); 
-    memset(rng, 0, sizeof *rng);
-    memcpy(rng->C, inputhash, sizeof rng->C); 
-    memcpy(V(rng), &inputhash[sizeof rng->C], VSize(rng)); 
-    memset(inputhash, 0, sizeof inputhash);
- * Public functions
- */
- * Initialize the global RNG context and give it some seed input taken
- * from the system.  This function is thread-safe and will only allow
- * the global context to be initialized once.  The seed input is likely
- * small, so it is imperative that RNG_RandomUpdate() be called with
- * additional seed data before the generator is used.  A good way to
- * provide the generator with additional entropy is to call
- * RNG_SystemInfoForRNG().  Note that C_Initialize() does exactly that.
- */
-    /* Allow only one call to initialize the context */
-    PR_CallOnce(&coRNGInit, rng_init);
-    /* Make sure there is a context */
-    return (globalrng != NULL) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-** Update the global random number generator with more seeding
-** material.
-RNG_RandomUpdate(const void *data, size_t bytes)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* Make sure our assumption that size_t is unsigned is true */
-    PR_STATIC_ASSERT(((size_t)-1) > (size_t)1);
-#if defined(NS_PTR_GT_32) || (defined(NSS_USE_64) && !defined(NS_PTR_LE_32))
-    /*
-     * NIST 800-90 requires us to verify our inputs. This value can
-     * come from the application, so we need to make sure it's within the
-     * spec. The spec says it must be less than 2^32 bytes (2^35 bits).
-     * This can only happen if size_t is greater than 32 bits (i.e. on
-     * most 64 bit platforms). The 90% case (perhaps 100% case), size_t
-     * is less than or equal to 32 bits if the platform is not 64 bits, and
-     * greater than 32 bits if it is a 64 bit platform. The corner
-     * cases are handled with explicit defines NS_PTR_GT_32 and NS_PTR_LE_32.
-     *
-     * In general, neither NS_PTR_GT_32 nor NS_PTR_LE_32 will need to be 
-     * defined. If you trip over the next two size ASSERTS at compile time,
-     * you will need to define them for your platform.
-     *
-     * if 'sizeof(size_t) > 4' is triggered it means that we were expecting
-     *   sizeof(size_t) to be greater than 4, but it wasn't. Setting 
-     *   NS_PTR_LE_32 will correct that mistake.
-     *
-     * if 'sizeof(size_t) <= 4' is triggered, it means that we were expecting
-     *   sizeof(size_t) to be less than or equal to 4, but it wasn't. Setting 
-     *   NS_PTR_GT_32 will correct that mistake.
-     */
-    PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(size_t) > 4);
-    if (bytes > (size_t)PRNG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_BYTES) {
-    }
-    PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(size_t) <= 4);
-    PZ_Lock(globalrng->lock);
-    /* if we're passed more than our additionalDataCache, simply
-     * call reseed with that data */
-    if (bytes > sizeof (globalrng->additionalDataCache)) {
-	rv = prng_reseed_test(globalrng, NULL, 0, data, (unsigned int) bytes);
-    /* if we aren't going to fill or overflow the buffer, just cache it */
-    } else if (bytes < ((sizeof globalrng->additionalDataCache)
-				- globalrng->additionalAvail)) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->additionalDataCache+globalrng->additionalAvail,
-		    data, bytes);
-	globalrng->additionalAvail += (PRUint32) bytes;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-	/* we are going to fill or overflow the buffer. In this case we will
-	 * fill the entropy buffer, reseed with it, start a new buffer with the
-	 * remainder. We know the remainder will fit in the buffer because
-	 * we already handled the case where bytes > the size of the buffer.
-	 */
-	size_t bufRemain = (sizeof globalrng->additionalDataCache) 
-					- globalrng->additionalAvail;
-	/* fill the rest of the buffer */
-	if (bufRemain) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->additionalDataCache
-			+globalrng->additionalAvail, 
-			data, bufRemain);
-	    data = ((unsigned char *)data) + bufRemain;
-	    bytes -= bufRemain;
-	}
-	/* reseed from buffer */
-	rv = prng_reseed_test(globalrng, NULL, 0, 
-				        globalrng->additionalDataCache, 
-					sizeof globalrng->additionalDataCache);
-	/* copy the rest into the cache */
-	PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->additionalDataCache, data, bytes);
-	globalrng->additionalAvail = (PRUint32) bytes;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(globalrng->lock);
-    return rv;
-** Generate some random bytes, using the global random number generator
-** object.
-static SECStatus 
-prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(RNGContext *rng,
-                               void *dest, size_t len)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRUint8 *output = dest;
-    /* check for a valid global RNG context */
-    PORT_Assert(rng != NULL);
-    if (rng == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* FIPS limits the amount of entropy available in a single request */
-    if (len > PRNG_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* --- LOCKED --- */
-    PZ_Lock(rng->lock);
-    /* Check the amount of seed data in the generator.  If not enough,
-     * don't produce any data.
-     */
-    if (rng->reseed_counter[0] >= RESEED_VALUE) {
-	rv = prng_reseed_test(rng, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-	PZ_Unlock(rng->lock);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-	RNG_SystemInfoForRNG();
-	PZ_Lock(rng->lock);
-    }
-    /*
-     * see if we have enough bytes to fulfill the request.
-     */
-    if (len <= rng->dataAvail) {
-	memcpy(output, rng->data + ((sizeof rng->data) - rng->dataAvail), len);
-	memset(rng->data + ((sizeof rng->data) - rng->dataAvail), 0, len);
-	rng->dataAvail -= len;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* if we are asking for a small number of bytes, cache the rest of 
-     * the bytes */
-    } else if (len < sizeof rng->data) {
-	rv = prng_generateNewBytes(rng, rng->data, sizeof rng->data, 
-			rng->additionalAvail ? rng->additionalDataCache : NULL,
-			rng->additionalAvail);
-	rng->additionalAvail = 0;
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    memcpy(output, rng->data, len);
-	    memset(rng->data, 0, len); 
-	    rng->dataAvail = (sizeof rng->data) - len;
-	}
-    /* we are asking for lots of bytes, just ask the generator to pass them */
-    } else {
-	rv = prng_generateNewBytes(rng, output, len,
-			rng->additionalAvail ? rng->additionalDataCache : NULL,
-			rng->additionalAvail);
-	rng->additionalAvail = 0;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(rng->lock);
-    /* --- UNLOCKED --- */
-    return rv;
-** Generate some random bytes, using the global random number generator
-** object.
-RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(void *dest, size_t len)
-    return prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(globalrng, dest, len);
-    /* check for a valid global RNG context */
-    PORT_Assert(globalrng != NULL);
-    if (globalrng == NULL) {
-	/* Should set a "not initialized" error code. */
-	return;
-    }
-    /* clear */
-    prng_freeRNGContext(globalrng);
-    globalrng = NULL;
-    /* reset the callonce struct to allow a new call to RNG_RNGInit() */
-    coRNGInit = pristineCallOnce;
- * Test case interface. used by fips testing and power on self test
- */
- /* make sure the test context is separate from the global context, This
-  * allows us to test the internal random number generator without losing
-  * entropy we may have previously collected. */
-RNGContext testContext;
- * Test vector API. Use NIST SP 800-90 general interface so one of the
- * other NIST SP 800-90 algorithms may be used in the future.
- */
-PRNGTEST_Instantiate(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len, 
-		const PRUint8 *nonce, unsigned int nonce_len,
-		const PRUint8 *personal_string, unsigned int ps_len)
-   int bytes_len = entropy_len + nonce_len + ps_len;
-   PRUint8 *bytes = NULL;
-   SECStatus rv;
-   if (entropy_len < 256/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) {
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   bytes = PORT_Alloc(bytes_len);
-   if (bytes == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   /* concatenate the various inputs, internally NSS only instantiates with
-    * a single long string */
-   PORT_Memcpy(bytes, entropy, entropy_len);
-   if (nonce) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(&bytes[entropy_len], nonce, nonce_len);
-   } else {
-	PORT_Assert(nonce_len == 0);
-   }
-   if (personal_string) {
-       PORT_Memcpy(&bytes[entropy_len+nonce_len], personal_string, ps_len);
-   } else {
-	PORT_Assert(ps_len == 0);
-   }
-   rv = prng_instantiate(&testContext, bytes, bytes_len);
-   PORT_ZFree(bytes, bytes_len);
-   if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   testContext.isValid = PR_TRUE;
-   return SECSuccess;
-PRNGTEST_Reseed(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len, 
-		  const PRUint8 *additional, unsigned int additional_len)
-    if (!testContext.isValid) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-   /* This magic input tells us to set the reseed count to it's max count, 
-    * so we can simulate PRNGTEST_Generate reaching max reseed count */
-    if ((entropy == NULL) && (entropy_len == 0) && 
-		(additional == NULL) && (additional_len == 0)) {
-	testContext.reseed_counter[0] = RESEED_VALUE;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return prng_reseed(&testContext, entropy, entropy_len, additional,
-			additional_len);
-PRNGTEST_Generate(PRUint8 *bytes, unsigned int bytes_len, 
-		  const PRUint8 *additional, unsigned int additional_len)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!testContext.isValid) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* replicate reseed test from prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes */
-    if (testContext.reseed_counter[0] >= RESEED_VALUE) {
-	rv = prng_reseed(&testContext, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    return prng_generateNewBytes(&testContext, bytes, bytes_len,
-			additional, additional_len);
-    if (!testContext.isValid) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-   PORT_Memset(&testContext, 0, sizeof testContext);
-   return SECSuccess;
-   static const PRUint8 entropy[] = {
-			0x8e,0x9c,0x0d,0x25,0x75,0x22,0x04,0xf9,
-			0xc5,0x79,0x10,0x8b,0x23,0x79,0x37,0x14,
-			0x9f,0x2c,0xc7,0x0b,0x39,0xf8,0xee,0xef,
-			0x95,0x0c,0x97,0x59,0xfc,0x0a,0x85,0x41,
-			0x76,0x9d,0x6d,0x67,0x00,0x4e,0x19,0x12,
-			0x02,0x16,0x53,0xea,0xf2,0x73,0xd7,0xd6,
-			0x7f,0x7e,0xc8,0xae,0x9c,0x09,0x99,0x7d,
-			0xbb,0x9e,0x48,0x7f,0xbb,0x96,0x46,0xb3,
-			0x03,0x75,0xf8,0xc8,0x69,0x45,0x3f,0x97,
-			0x5e,0x2e,0x48,0xe1,0x5d,0x58,0x97,0x4c };
-   static const PRUint8 rng_known_result[] = {
-			0x16,0xe1,0x8c,0x57,0x21,0xd8,0xf1,0x7e,
-			0x5a,0xa0,0x16,0x0b,0x7e,0xa6,0x25,0xb4,
-			0x24,0x19,0xdb,0x54,0xfa,0x35,0x13,0x66,
-			0xbb,0xaa,0x2a,0x1b,0x22,0x33,0x2e,0x4a,
-			0x14,0x07,0x9d,0x52,0xfc,0x73,0x61,0x48,
-			0xac,0xc1,0x22,0xfc,0xa4,0xfc,0xac,0xa4,
-			0xdb,0xda,0x5b,0x27,0x33,0xc4,0xb3 };
-   static const PRUint8 reseed_entropy[] = {
-			0xc6,0x0b,0x0a,0x30,0x67,0x07,0xf4,0xe2,
-			0x24,0xa7,0x51,0x6f,0x5f,0x85,0x3e,0x5d,
-			0x67,0x97,0xb8,0x3b,0x30,0x9c,0x7a,0xb1,
-			0x52,0xc6,0x1b,0xc9,0x46,0xa8,0x62,0x79 };
-   static const PRUint8 additional_input[] = {
-			0x86,0x82,0x28,0x98,0xe7,0xcb,0x01,0x14,
-			0xae,0x87,0x4b,0x1d,0x99,0x1b,0xc7,0x41,
-			0x33,0xff,0x33,0x66,0x40,0x95,0x54,0xc6,
-			0x67,0x4d,0x40,0x2a,0x1f,0xf9,0xeb,0x65 };
-   static const PRUint8 rng_reseed_result[] = {
-			0x02,0x0c,0xc6,0x17,0x86,0x49,0xba,0xc4,
-			0x7b,0x71,0x35,0x05,0xf0,0xdb,0x4a,0xc2,
-			0x2c,0x38,0xc1,0xa4,0x42,0xe5,0x46,0x4a,
-			0x7d,0xf0,0xbe,0x47,0x88,0xb8,0x0e,0xc6,
-			0x25,0x2b,0x1d,0x13,0xef,0xa6,0x87,0x96,
-			0xa3,0x7d,0x5b,0x80,0xc2,0x38,0x76,0x61,
-			0xc7,0x80,0x5d,0x0f,0x05,0x76,0x85 };
-   static const PRUint8 rng_no_reseed_result[] = {
-			0xc4,0x40,0x41,0x8c,0xbf,0x2f,0x70,0x23,
-			0x88,0xf2,0x7b,0x30,0xc3,0xca,0x1e,0xf3,
-			0xef,0x53,0x81,0x5d,0x30,0xed,0x4c,0xf1,
-			0xff,0x89,0xa5,0xee,0x92,0xf8,0xc0,0x0f,
-			0x88,0x53,0xdf,0xb6,0x76,0xf0,0xaa,0xd3,
-			0x2e,0x1d,0x64,0x37,0x3e,0xe8,0x4a,0x02,
-			0xff,0x0a,0x7f,0xe5,0xe9,0x2b,0x6d };
-   SECStatus rng_status = SECSuccess;
-   PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(rng_known_result) >= sizeof(rng_reseed_result));
-   PRUint8 result[sizeof(rng_known_result)];
-   /********************************************/
-   /*   First test instantiate error path.     */
-   /*   In this case we supply enough entropy, */
-   /*   but not enough seed. This will trigger */
-   /*   the code that checks for a entropy     */
-   /*   source failure.                        */
-   /********************************************/
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Instantiate(entropy, 256/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE, 
-				     NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-   if (rng_status == SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM) {
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   /* we failed with the proper error code, we can continue */
-   /********************************************/
-   /* Generate random bytes with a known seed. */
-   /********************************************/
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Instantiate(entropy, sizeof entropy, 
-				     NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-   if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
-	/* Error set by PRNGTEST_Instantiate */
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Generate(result, sizeof rng_known_result, NULL, 0);
-   if ( ( rng_status != SECSuccess)  ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( result, rng_known_result,
-                       sizeof rng_known_result ) != 0 ) ) {
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Reseed(reseed_entropy, sizeof reseed_entropy,
-				additional_input, sizeof additional_input);
-   if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
-	/* Error set by PRNG_Reseed */
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Generate(result, sizeof rng_reseed_result, NULL, 0);
-   if ( ( rng_status != SECSuccess)  ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( result, rng_reseed_result,
-                       sizeof rng_reseed_result ) != 0 ) ) {
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   /* This magic forces the reseed count to it's max count, so we can see if
-    * PRNGTEST_Generate will actually when it reaches it's count */
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Reseed(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-   if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	/* Error set by PRNG_Reseed */
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   /* This generate should now reseed */
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Generate(result, sizeof rng_reseed_result, NULL, 0);
-   if ( ( rng_status != SECSuccess)  ||
-	/* NOTE we fail if the result is equal to the no_reseed_result. 
-         * no_reseed_result is the value we would have gotten if we didn't
-	 * do an automatic reseed in PRNGTEST_Generate */
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( result, rng_no_reseed_result,
-                       sizeof rng_no_reseed_result ) == 0 ) ) {
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   /* make sure reseed fails when we don't supply enough entropy */
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Reseed(reseed_entropy, 4, NULL, 0);
-   if (rng_status == SECSuccess) {
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM) {
-	PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-   if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
-	/* Error set by PRNG_Uninstantiate */
-	return rng_status;
-   }
-   /* make sure uninstantiate fails if the contest is not initiated (also tests
-    * if the context was cleared in the previous Uninstantiate) */
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
-   if (rng_status == SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-   }
-	return rng_status;
-   }
-   return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/dsa.c b/nss/lib/freebl/dsa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da63ed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/dsa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-#include "pqg.h"
- /* XXX to be replaced by define in blapit.h */
- * FIPS 186-2 requires result from random output to be reduced mod q when 
- * generating random numbers for DSA. 
- *
- * Input: w, 2*qLen bytes
- *        q, qLen bytes
- * Output: xj, qLen bytes
- */
-static SECStatus
-fips186Change_ReduceModQForDSA(const PRUint8 *w, const PRUint8 *q,
-                               unsigned int qLen, PRUint8 * xj)
-    mp_int W, Q, Xj;
-    mp_err err;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* Initialize MPI integers. */
-    MP_DIGITS(&W) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Xj) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&W) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Xj) );
-    /*
-     * Convert input arguments into MPI integers.
-     */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&W, w, 2*qLen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Q, q, qLen) );
-    /*
-     * Algorithm 1 of FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1, Step 3.3
-     *
-     * xj = (w0 || w1) mod q
-     */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&W, &Q, &Xj) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_to_fixlen_octets(&Xj, xj, qLen) );
-    mp_clear(&W);
-    mp_clear(&Q);
-    mp_clear(&Xj);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
- * FIPS 186-2 requires result from random output to be reduced mod q when 
- * generating random numbers for DSA. 
- */
-FIPS186Change_ReduceModQForDSA(const unsigned char *w,
-                               const unsigned char *q,
-                               unsigned char *xj) {
-    return fips186Change_ReduceModQForDSA(w, q, DSA1_SUBPRIME_LEN, xj);
- * The core of Algorithm 1 of FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1.
- *
- * We no longer support FIPS 186-2 RNG. This function was exported
- * for power-up self tests and FIPS tests. Keep this stub, which fails,
- * to prevent crashes, but also to signal to test code that FIPS 186-2
- * RNG is no longer supported.
- */
-FIPS186Change_GenerateX(PRUint8 *XKEY, const PRUint8 *XSEEDj,
-                        PRUint8 *x_j)
-    return SECFailure;
- * Specialized RNG for DSA
- *
- * As per Algorithm 1 of FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1, in step 3.3 the value
- * Xj should be reduced mod q, a 160-bit prime number.  Since this parameter
- * is only meaningful in the context of DSA, the above RNG functions
- * were implemented without it.  They are re-implemented below for use
- * with DSA.
- */
-** Generate some random bytes, using the global random number generator
-** object.  In DSA mode, so there is a q.
-static SECStatus 
-dsa_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(const SECItem * qItem, PRUint8 * dest,
-                              unsigned int * destLen, unsigned int maxDestLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem w;
-    const PRUint8 * q = qItem->data;
-    unsigned int qLen = qItem->len;
-    if (*q == 0) {
-        ++q;
-        --qLen;
-    }
-    if (maxDestLen < qLen) {
-        /* This condition can occur when DSA_SignDigest is passed a group
-           with a subprime that is larger than DSA_MAX_SUBPRIME_LEN. */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
- = NULL; /* otherwise SECITEM_AllocItem asserts */
-    if (!SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, &w, 2*qLen)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *destLen = qLen;
-    rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(, w.len);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        rv = fips186Change_ReduceModQForDSA(, q, qLen, dest);
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&w, PR_FALSE);
-    return rv;
-static void translate_mpi_error(mp_err err)
-    MP_TO_SEC_ERROR(err);
-static SECStatus 
-dsa_NewKeyExtended(const PQGParams *params, const SECItem * seed,
-                   DSAPrivateKey **privKey)
-    mp_int p, g;
-    mp_int x, y;
-    mp_err err;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    DSAPrivateKey *key;
-    /* Check args. */
-    if (!params || !privKey || !seed || !seed->data) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Initialize an arena for the DSA key. */
-    if (!arena) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    key = (DSAPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(DSAPrivateKey));
-    if (!key) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    key->params.arena = arena;
-    /* Initialize MPI integers. */
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&y) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&x) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&y) );
-    /* Copy over the PQG params */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->,
-                                          &params->prime) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->params.subPrime,
-                                          &params->subPrime) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->params.base, &params->base) );
-    /* Convert stored p, g, and received x into MPI integers. */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(params->prime, &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(params->base,  &g);
-    OCTETS_TO_MPINT(seed->data, &x, seed->len);
-    /* Store x in private key */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &key->privateValue, seed->len);
-    PORT_Memcpy(key->, seed->data, seed->len);
-    /* Compute public key y = g**x mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &x, &p, &y) );
-    /* Store y in public key */
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&y, &key->publicValue, arena);
-    *privKey = key;
-    key = NULL;
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    mp_clear(&x);
-    mp_clear(&y);
-    if (key)
-	PORT_FreeArena(key->params.arena, PR_TRUE);
-    if (err) {
-	translate_mpi_error(err);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-DSA_NewRandom(PLArenaPool * arena, const SECItem * q, SECItem * seed)
-    int retries = 10;
-    unsigned int i;
-    PRBool good;
-    if (q == NULL || q->data == NULL || q->len == 0 ||
-        (q->data[0] == 0 && q->len == 1)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, seed, q->len)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    do {
-	/* Generate seed bytes for x according to FIPS 186-1 appendix 3 */
-        if (dsa_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(q, seed->data, &seed->len,
-                                          seed->len)) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-	/* Disallow values of 0 and 1 for x. */
-	good = PR_FALSE;
-	for (i = 0; i < seed->len-1; i++) {
-	    if (seed->data[i] != 0) {
-		good = PR_TRUE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (!good && seed->data[i] > 1) {
-	    good = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    } while (!good && --retries > 0);
-    if (!good) {
-loser:	if (arena != NULL) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(seed, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-** Generate and return a new DSA public and private key pair,
-**	both of which are encoded into a single DSAPrivateKey struct.
-**	"params" is a pointer to the PQG parameters for the domain
-**	Uses a random seed.
-DSA_NewKey(const PQGParams *params, DSAPrivateKey **privKey)
-    SECItem seed;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = PQG_Check(params);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
- = NULL;
-    rv = DSA_NewRandom(NULL, &params->subPrime, &seed);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        if (seed.len != PQG_GetLength(&params->subPrime)) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        } else {
-            rv = dsa_NewKeyExtended(params, &seed, privKey);
-        }
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&seed, PR_FALSE);
-    return rv;
-/* For FIPS compliance testing. Seed must be exactly the size of subPrime  */
-DSA_NewKeyFromSeed(const PQGParams *params, 
-                   const unsigned char *seed,
-                   DSAPrivateKey **privKey)
-    SECItem seedItem;
- = (unsigned char*) seed;
-    seedItem.len = PQG_GetLength(&params->subPrime);
-    return dsa_NewKeyExtended(params, &seedItem, privKey);
-static SECStatus 
-dsa_SignDigest(DSAPrivateKey *key, SECItem *signature, const SECItem *digest,
-               const unsigned char *kb)
-    mp_int p, q, g;  /* PQG parameters */
-    mp_int x, k;     /* private key & pseudo-random integer */
-    mp_int r, s;     /* tuple (r, s) is signature) */
-    mp_err err   = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int dsa_subprime_len, dsa_signature_len, offset;
-    SECItem localDigest;
-    unsigned char localDigestData[DSA_MAX_SUBPRIME_LEN];
-    /* FIPS-compliance dictates that digest is a SHA hash. */
-    /* Check args. */
-    if (!key || !signature || !digest) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dsa_subprime_len = PQG_GetLength(&key->params.subPrime);
-    dsa_signature_len = dsa_subprime_len*2;
-    if ((signature->len < dsa_signature_len) ||
-	(digest->len > HASH_LENGTH_MAX)  ||
-	(digest->len < SHA1_LENGTH)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* DSA accepts digests not equal to dsa_subprime_len, if the 
-     * digests are greater, then they are truncated to the size of 
-     * dsa_subprime_len, using the left most bits. If they are less
-     * then they are padded on the left.*/
-    PORT_Memset(localDigestData, 0, dsa_subprime_len);
-    offset = (digest->len < dsa_subprime_len) ? 
-			(dsa_subprime_len - digest->len) : 0;
-    PORT_Memcpy(localDigestData+offset, digest->data, 
-		dsa_subprime_len - offset);
- = localDigestData;
-    localDigest.len = dsa_subprime_len;
-    /* Initialize MPI integers. */
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&s) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&x) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&k) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&s) );
-    /*
-    ** Convert stored PQG and private key into MPI integers.
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->,    &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->params.subPrime, &q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->params.base,     &g);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->privateValue,    &x);
-    OCTETS_TO_MPINT(kb, &k, dsa_subprime_len);
-    /*
-    ** FIPS 186-1, Section 5, Step 1
-    **
-    ** r = (g**k mod p) mod q
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &k, &p, &r) ); /* r = g**k mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK(     mp_mod(&r, &q, &r) );     /* r = r mod q    */
-    /*                                  
-    ** FIPS 186-1, Section 5, Step 2
-    **
-    ** s = (k**-1 * (HASH(M) + x*r)) mod q
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(localDigest, &s);          /* s = HASH(M)     */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_invmod(&k, &q, &k) );      /* k = k**-1 mod q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&x, &r, &q, &x) );  /* x = x * r mod q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_addmod(&s, &x, &q, &s) );  /* s = s + x mod q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&s, &k, &q, &s) );  /* s = s * k mod q */
-    /*
-    ** verify r != 0 and s != 0
-    ** mentioned as optional in FIPS 186-1.
-    */
-    if (mp_cmp_z(&r) == 0 || mp_cmp_z(&s) == 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Step 4
-    **
-    ** Signature is tuple (r, s)
-    */
-    err = mp_to_fixlen_octets(&r, signature->data, dsa_subprime_len);
-    if (err < 0) goto cleanup; 
-    err = mp_to_fixlen_octets(&s, signature->data + dsa_subprime_len, 
-                                  dsa_subprime_len);
-    if (err < 0) goto cleanup; 
-    err = MP_OKAY;
-    signature->len = dsa_signature_len;
-    PORT_Memset(localDigestData, 0, DSA_MAX_SUBPRIME_LEN);
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    mp_clear(&x);
-    mp_clear(&k);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    mp_clear(&s);
-    if (err) {
-	translate_mpi_error(err);
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* signature is caller-supplied buffer of at least 40 bytes.
-** On input,  signature->len == size of buffer to hold signature.
-**            digest->len    == size of digest.
-** On output, signature->len == size of signature in buffer.
-** Uses a random seed.
-DSA_SignDigest(DSAPrivateKey *key, SECItem *signature, const SECItem *digest)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int       retries = 10;
-    unsigned char kSeed[DSA_MAX_SUBPRIME_LEN];
-    unsigned int kSeedLen = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned int dsa_subprime_len = PQG_GetLength(&key->params.subPrime);
-    PRBool    good;
-    PORT_SetError(0);
-    do {
-	rv = dsa_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(&key->params.subPrime,
-                                           kSeed, &kSeedLen, sizeof kSeed);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) 
-	    break;
-        if (kSeedLen != dsa_subprime_len) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        }
-	/* Disallow a value of 0 for k. */
-	good = PR_FALSE;
-	for (i = 0; i < kSeedLen; i++) {
-	    if (kSeed[i] != 0) {
-		good = PR_TRUE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (!good) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	rv = dsa_SignDigest(key, signature, digest, kSeed);
-    } while (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM &&
-	     --retries > 0);
-    return rv;
-/* For FIPS compliance testing. Seed must be exactly 20 bytes. */
-DSA_SignDigestWithSeed(DSAPrivateKey * key,
-                       SECItem *       signature,
-                       const SECItem * digest,
-                       const unsigned char * seed)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = dsa_SignDigest(key, signature, digest, seed);
-    return rv;
-/* signature is caller-supplied buffer of at least 20 bytes.
-** On input,  signature->len == size of buffer to hold signature.
-**            digest->len    == size of digest.
-DSA_VerifyDigest(DSAPublicKey *key, const SECItem *signature, 
-                 const SECItem *digest)
-    /* FIPS-compliance dictates that digest is a SHA hash. */
-    mp_int p, q, g;      /* PQG parameters */
-    mp_int r_, s_;       /* tuple (r', s') is received signature) */
-    mp_int u1, u2, v, w; /* intermediate values used in verification */
-    mp_int y;            /* public key */
-    mp_err err;
-    unsigned int dsa_subprime_len, dsa_signature_len, offset;
-    SECItem localDigest;
-    unsigned char localDigestData[DSA_MAX_SUBPRIME_LEN];
-    SECStatus verified = SECFailure;
-    /* Check args. */
-    if (!key || !signature || !digest ) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dsa_subprime_len = PQG_GetLength(&key->params.subPrime);
-    dsa_signature_len = dsa_subprime_len*2;
-    if ((signature->len != dsa_signature_len) ||
-	(digest->len > HASH_LENGTH_MAX)  ||
-	(digest->len < SHA1_LENGTH)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* DSA accepts digests not equal to dsa_subprime_len, if the 
-     * digests are greater, than they are truncated to the size of 
-     * dsa_subprime_len, using the left most bits. If they are less
-     * then they are padded on the left.*/
-    PORT_Memset(localDigestData, 0, dsa_subprime_len);
-    offset = (digest->len < dsa_subprime_len) ? 
-			(dsa_subprime_len - digest->len) : 0;
-    PORT_Memcpy(localDigestData+offset, digest->data, 
-		dsa_subprime_len - offset);
- = localDigestData;
-    localDigest.len = dsa_subprime_len;
-    /* Initialize MPI integers. */
-    MP_DIGITS(&p)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&y)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&s_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&u1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&u2) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&v)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&w)  = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&y)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&s_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&u1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&u2) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&v)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&w)  );
-    /*
-    ** Convert stored PQG and public key into MPI integers.
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->,    &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->params.subPrime, &q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->params.base,     &g);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->publicValue,     &y);
-    /*
-    ** Convert received signature (r', s') into MPI integers.
-    */
-    OCTETS_TO_MPINT(signature->data, &r_, dsa_subprime_len);
-    OCTETS_TO_MPINT(signature->data + dsa_subprime_len, &s_, dsa_subprime_len);
-    /*
-    ** Verify that 0 < r' < q and 0 < s' < q
-    */
-    if (mp_cmp_z(&r_) <= 0 || mp_cmp_z(&s_) <= 0 ||
-        mp_cmp(&r_, &q) >= 0 || mp_cmp(&s_, &q) >= 0) {
-	/* err is zero here. */
-	goto cleanup; /* will return verified == SECFailure */
-    }
-    /*
-    ** FIPS 186-1, Section 6, Step 1
-    **
-    ** w = (s')**-1 mod q
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_invmod(&s_, &q, &w) );      /* w = (s')**-1 mod q */
-    /*
-    ** FIPS 186-1, Section 6, Step 2
-    **
-    ** u1 = ((Hash(M')) * w) mod q
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(localDigest, &u1);              /* u1 = HASH(M')     */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&u1, &w, &q, &u1) ); /* u1 = u1 * w mod q */
-    /*
-    ** FIPS 186-1, Section 6, Step 3
-    **
-    ** u2 = ((r') * w) mod q
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&r_, &w, &q, &u2) );
-    /*
-    ** FIPS 186-1, Section 6, Step 4
-    **
-    ** v = ((g**u1 * y**u2) mod p) mod q
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &u1, &p, &g) ); /* g = g**u1 mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&y, &u2, &p, &y) ); /* y = y**u2 mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK(  mp_mulmod(&g, &y, &p, &v)  ); /* v = g * y mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK(     mp_mod(&v, &q, &v)      ); /* v = v mod q     */
-    /*
-    ** Verification:  v == r'
-    */
-    if (mp_cmp(&v, &r_)) {
-	verified = SECFailure; /* Signature failed to verify. */
-    } else {
-	verified = SECSuccess; /* Signature verified. */
-    }
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    mp_clear(&y);
-    mp_clear(&r_);
-    mp_clear(&s_);
-    mp_clear(&u1);
-    mp_clear(&u2);
-    mp_clear(&v);
-    mp_clear(&w);
-    if (err) {
-	translate_mpi_error(err);
-    }
-    return verified;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ec.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4435f91..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1094 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "ec.h"
-#include "ecl.h"
- * Returns true if pointP is the point at infinity, false otherwise
- */
-ec_point_at_infinity(SECItem *pointP)
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 1; i < pointP->len; i++) {
-	if (pointP->data[i] != 0x00) return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * Computes scalar point multiplication pointQ = k1 * G + k2 * pointP for
- * the curve whose parameters are encoded in params with base point G.
- */
-ec_points_mul(const ECParams *params, const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2,
-             const SECItem *pointP, SECItem *pointQ)
-    mp_int Px, Py, Qx, Qy;
-    mp_int Gx, Gy, order, irreducible, a, b;
-#if 0 /* currently don't support non-named curves */
-    unsigned int irr_arr[5];
-    ECGroup *group = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int len;
-    int i;
-    char mpstr[256];
-    printf("ec_points_mul: params [len=%d]:", params->DEREncoding.len);
-    for (i = 0; i < params->DEREncoding.len; i++) 
-	    printf("%02x:", params->[i]);
-    printf("\n");
-	if (k1 != NULL) {
-		mp_tohex(k1, mpstr);
-		printf("ec_points_mul: scalar k1: %s\n", mpstr);
-		mp_todecimal(k1, mpstr);
-		printf("ec_points_mul: scalar k1: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-	}
-	if (k2 != NULL) {
-		mp_tohex(k2, mpstr);
-		printf("ec_points_mul: scalar k2: %s\n", mpstr);
-		mp_todecimal(k2, mpstr);
-		printf("ec_points_mul: scalar k2: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-	}
-	if (pointP != NULL) {
-		printf("ec_points_mul: pointP [len=%d]:", pointP->len);
-		for (i = 0; i < pointP->len; i++) 
-			printf("%02x:", pointP->data[i]);
-		printf("\n");
-	}
-	/* NOTE: We only support uncompressed points for now */
-	len = (params->fieldID.size + 7) >> 3;
-	if (pointP != NULL) {
-		if ((pointP->data[0] != EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED) ||
-			(pointP->len != (2 * len + 1))) {
-			return SECFailure;
-		};
-	}
-	MP_DIGITS(&Px) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&Py) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&Qx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&Qy) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&Gx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&Gy) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&order) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&irreducible) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&a) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&b) = 0;
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Px) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Py) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Qx) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Qy) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Gx) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Gy) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&order) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&irreducible) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&a) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&b) );
-	if ((k2 != NULL) && (pointP != NULL)) {
-		/* Initialize Px and Py */
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Px, pointP->data + 1, (mp_size) len) );
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Py, pointP->data + 1 + len, (mp_size) len) );
-	}
-	/* construct from named params, if possible */
-	if (params->name != ECCurve_noName) {
-		group = ECGroup_fromName(params->name);
-	}
-#if 0 /* currently don't support non-named curves */
-	if (group == NULL) {
-		/* Set up mp_ints containing the curve coefficients */
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Gx, params-> + 1, 
-										  (mp_size) len) );
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Gy, params-> + 1 + len, 
-										  (mp_size) len) );
-		SECITEM_TO_MPINT( params->order, &order );
-		SECITEM_TO_MPINT( params->curve.a, &a );
-		SECITEM_TO_MPINT( params->curve.b, &b );
-		if (params->fieldID.type == ec_field_GFp) {
-			SECITEM_TO_MPINT( params->, &irreducible );
-			group = ECGroup_consGFp(&irreducible, &a, &b, &Gx, &Gy, &order, params->cofactor);
-		} else {
-			SECITEM_TO_MPINT( params->fieldID.u.poly, &irreducible );
-			irr_arr[0] = params->fieldID.size;
-			irr_arr[1] = params->fieldID.k1;
-			irr_arr[2] = params->fieldID.k2;
-			irr_arr[3] = params->fieldID.k3;
-			irr_arr[4] = 0;
-			group = ECGroup_consGF2m(&irreducible, irr_arr, &a, &b, &Gx, &Gy, &order, params->cofactor);
-		}
-	}
-	if (group == NULL)
-		goto cleanup;
-	if ((k2 != NULL) && (pointP != NULL)) {
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( ECPoints_mul(group, k1, k2, &Px, &Py, &Qx, &Qy) );
-	} else {
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( ECPoints_mul(group, k1, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Qx, &Qy) );
-    }
-    /* Construct the SECItem representation of point Q */
-    pointQ->data[0] = EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_to_fixlen_octets(&Qx, pointQ->data + 1,
-	                              (mp_size) len) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_to_fixlen_octets(&Qy, pointQ->data + 1 + len,
-	                              (mp_size) len) );
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    printf("ec_points_mul: pointQ [len=%d]:", pointQ->len);
-    for (i = 0; i < pointQ->len; i++) 
-	    printf("%02x:", pointQ->data[i]);
-    printf("\n");
-    ECGroup_free(group);
-    mp_clear(&Px);
-    mp_clear(&Py);
-    mp_clear(&Qx);
-    mp_clear(&Qy);
-    mp_clear(&Gx);
-    mp_clear(&Gy);
-    mp_clear(&order);
-    mp_clear(&irreducible);
-    mp_clear(&a);
-    mp_clear(&b);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-/* Generates a new EC key pair. The private key is a supplied
- * value and the public key is the result of performing a scalar 
- * point multiplication of that value with the curve's base point.
- */
-ec_NewKey(ECParams *ecParams, ECPrivateKey **privKey, 
-    const unsigned char *privKeyBytes, int privKeyLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    ECPrivateKey *key;
-    mp_int k;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int len;
-    printf("ec_NewKey called\n");
-    MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-    if (!ecParams || !privKey || !privKeyBytes || (privKeyLen < 0)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Initialize an arena for the EC key. */
-    if (!(arena = PORT_NewArena(NSS_FREEBL_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)))
-	return SECFailure;
-    key = (ECPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(ECPrivateKey));
-    if (!key) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Set the version number (SEC 1 section C.4 says it should be 1) */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &key->version, 1);
-    key->[0] = 1;
-    /* Copy all of the fields from the ECParams argument to the
-     * ECParams structure within the private key.
-     */
-    key->ecParams.arena = arena;
-    key->ecParams.type = ecParams->type;
-    key->ecParams.fieldID.size = ecParams->fieldID.size;
-    key->ecParams.fieldID.type = ecParams->fieldID.type;
-    if (ecParams->fieldID.type == ec_field_GFp) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->,
-	    &ecParams->;
-    } else {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.fieldID.u.poly,
-	    &ecParams->fieldID.u.poly));
-    }
-    key->ecParams.fieldID.k1 = ecParams->fieldID.k1;
-    key->ecParams.fieldID.k2 = ecParams->fieldID.k2;
-    key->ecParams.fieldID.k3 = ecParams->fieldID.k3;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.curve.a,
-	&ecParams->curve.a));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.curve.b,
-	&ecParams->curve.b));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.curve.seed,
-	&ecParams->curve.seed));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.base,
-	&ecParams->base));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.order,
-	&ecParams->order));
-    key->ecParams.cofactor = ecParams->cofactor;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.DEREncoding,
-	&ecParams->DEREncoding));
-    key-> = ecParams->name;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &key->ecParams.curveOID,
-	&ecParams->curveOID));
-    len = (ecParams->fieldID.size + 7) >> 3;
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &key->publicValue, 2*len + 1);
-    len = ecParams->order.len;
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &key->privateValue, len);
-    /* Copy private key */
-    if (privKeyLen >= len) {
-	memcpy(key->, privKeyBytes, len);
-    } else {
-	memset(key->, 0, (len - privKeyLen));
-	memcpy(key-> + (len - privKeyLen), privKeyBytes, privKeyLen);
-    }
-    /* Compute corresponding public key */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&k) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&k, key->, 
-	(mp_size) len) );
-    rv = ec_points_mul(ecParams, &k, NULL, NULL, &(key->publicValue));
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) goto cleanup;
-    *privKey = key;
-    mp_clear(&k);
-    if (rv)
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    printf("ec_NewKey returning %s\n", 
-	(rv == SECSuccess) ? "success" : "failure");
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    return rv;
-/* Generates a new EC key pair. The private key is a supplied
- * random value (in seed) and the public key is the result of 
- * performing a scalar point multiplication of that value with 
- * the curve's base point.
- */
-EC_NewKeyFromSeed(ECParams *ecParams, ECPrivateKey **privKey, 
-    const unsigned char *seed, int seedlen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    rv = ec_NewKey(ecParams, privKey, seed, seedlen);
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    return rv;
-/* Generate a random private key using the algorithm A.4.1 of ANSI X9.62,
- * modified a la FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1 to eliminate the bias in the
- * random number generator.
- *
- * Parameters
- * - order: a buffer that holds the curve's group order
- * - len: the length in octets of the order buffer
- *
- * Return Value
- * Returns a buffer of len octets that holds the private key. The caller
- * is responsible for freeing the buffer with PORT_ZFree.
- */
-static unsigned char *
-ec_GenerateRandomPrivateKey(const unsigned char *order, int len)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err err;
-    unsigned char *privKeyBytes = NULL;
-    mp_int privKeyVal, order_1, one;
-    MP_DIGITS(&privKeyVal) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&order_1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&one) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&privKeyVal) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&order_1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&one) );
-    /* Generates 2*len random bytes using the global random bit generator
-     * (which implements Algorithm 1 of FIPS 186-2 Change Notice 1) then
-     * reduces modulo the group order.
-     */
-    if ((privKeyBytes = PORT_Alloc(2*len)) == NULL) goto cleanup;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(privKeyBytes, 2*len) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&privKeyVal, privKeyBytes, 2*len) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&order_1, order, len) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_set_int(&one, 1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(&order_1, &one, &order_1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&privKeyVal, &order_1, &privKeyVal) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&privKeyVal, &one, &privKeyVal) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_to_fixlen_octets(&privKeyVal, privKeyBytes, len) );
-    memset(privKeyBytes+len, 0, len);
-    mp_clear(&privKeyVal);
-    mp_clear(&order_1);
-    mp_clear(&one);
-    if (err < MP_OKAY) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && privKeyBytes) {
-	PORT_Free(privKeyBytes);
-	privKeyBytes = NULL;
-    }
-    return privKeyBytes;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-/* Generates a new EC key pair. The private key is a random value and
- * the public key is the result of performing a scalar point multiplication
- * of that value with the curve's base point.
- */
-EC_NewKey(ECParams *ecParams, ECPrivateKey **privKey)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int len;
-    unsigned char *privKeyBytes = NULL;
-    if (!ecParams) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    len = ecParams->order.len;
-    privKeyBytes = ec_GenerateRandomPrivateKey(ecParams->, len);
-    if (privKeyBytes == NULL) goto cleanup;
-    /* generate public key */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( ec_NewKey(ecParams, privKey, privKeyBytes, len) );
-    if (privKeyBytes) {
-	PORT_ZFree(privKeyBytes, len);
-    }
-    printf("EC_NewKey returning %s\n", 
-	(rv == SECSuccess) ? "success" : "failure");
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    return rv;
-/* Validates an EC public key as described in Section 5.2.2 of
- * X9.62. The ECDH primitive when used without the cofactor does
- * not address small subgroup attacks, which may occur when the
- * public key is not valid. These attacks can be prevented by 
- * validating the public key before using ECDH.
- */
-EC_ValidatePublicKey(ECParams *ecParams, SECItem *publicValue)
-    mp_int Px, Py;
-    ECGroup *group = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int len;
-    if (!ecParams || !publicValue) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* NOTE: We only support uncompressed points for now */
-    len = (ecParams->fieldID.size + 7) >> 3;
-    if (publicValue->data[0] != EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    } else if (publicValue->len != (2 * len + 1)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&Px) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Py) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Px) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Py) );
-    /* Initialize Px and Py */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Px, publicValue->data + 1, (mp_size) len) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&Py, publicValue->data + 1 + len, (mp_size) len) );
-    /* construct from named params */
-    group = ECGroup_fromName(ecParams->name);
-    if (group == NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * ECGroup_fromName fails if ecParams->name is not a valid
-	 * ECCurveName value, or if we run out of memory, or perhaps
-	 * for other reasons.  Unfortunately if ecParams->name is a
-	 * valid ECCurveName value, we don't know what the right error
-	 * code should be because ECGroup_fromName doesn't return an
-	 * error code to the caller.  Set err to MP_UNDEF because
-	 * that's what ECGroup_fromName uses internally.
-	 */
-	if ((ecParams->name <= ECCurve_noName) ||
-	    (ecParams->name >= ECCurve_pastLastCurve)) {
-	    err = MP_BADARG;
-	} else {
-	    err = MP_UNDEF;
-	}
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* validate public point */
-    if ((err = ECPoint_validate(group, &Px, &Py)) < MP_YES) {
-	if (err == MP_NO) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    err = MP_OKAY;  /* don't change the error code */
-	}
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    ECGroup_free(group);
-    mp_clear(&Px);
-    mp_clear(&Py);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-    return SECFailure;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-** Performs an ECDH key derivation by computing the scalar point
-** multiplication of privateValue and publicValue (with or without the
-** cofactor) and returns the x-coordinate of the resulting elliptic
-** curve point in derived secret.  If successful, derivedSecret->data
-** is set to the address of the newly allocated buffer containing the
-** derived secret, and derivedSecret->len is the size of the secret
-** produced. It is the caller's responsibility to free the allocated
-** buffer containing the derived secret.
-ECDH_Derive(SECItem  *publicValue, 
-            ECParams *ecParams,
-            SECItem  *privateValue,
-            PRBool    withCofactor,
-            SECItem  *derivedSecret)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    SECItem pointQ = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    mp_int k; /* to hold the private value */
-    mp_int cofactor;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int i;
-    if (!publicValue || !ecParams || !privateValue || 
-	!derivedSecret) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We fail if the public value is the point at infinity, since
-     * this produces predictable results.
-     */
-    if (ec_point_at_infinity(publicValue)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-    memset(derivedSecret, 0, sizeof *derivedSecret);
-    len = (ecParams->fieldID.size + 7) >> 3;  
-    pointQ.len = 2*len + 1;
-    if (( = PORT_Alloc(2*len + 1)) == NULL) goto cleanup;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&k) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&k, privateValue->data, 
-	                                  (mp_size) privateValue->len) );
-    if (withCofactor && (ecParams->cofactor != 1)) {
-	    /* multiply k with the cofactor */
-	    MP_DIGITS(&cofactor) = 0;
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&cofactor) );
-	    mp_set(&cofactor, ecParams->cofactor);
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&k, &cofactor, &k) );
-    }
-    /* Multiply our private key and peer's public point */
-    if (ec_points_mul(ecParams, NULL, &k, publicValue, &pointQ) != SECSuccess)
-	goto cleanup;
-    if (ec_point_at_infinity(&pointQ)) {
-	PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY);  /* XXX better error code? */
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* Allocate memory for the derived secret and copy
-     * the x co-ordinate of pointQ into it.
-     */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, derivedSecret, len);
-    memcpy(derivedSecret->data, + 1, len);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    printf("derived_secret:\n");
-    for (i = 0; i < derivedSecret->len; i++) 
-	printf("%02x:", derivedSecret->data[i]);
-    printf("\n");
-    mp_clear(&k);
-    if (err) {
-    }
-    if ( {
-	PORT_ZFree(, 2*len + 1);
-    }
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    return rv;
-/* Computes the ECDSA signature (a concatenation of two values r and s)
- * on the digest using the given key and the random value kb (used in
- * computing s).
- */
-ECDSA_SignDigestWithSeed(ECPrivateKey *key, SECItem *signature, 
-    const SECItem *digest, const unsigned char *kb, const int kblen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    mp_int x1;
-    mp_int d, k;     /* private key, random integer */
-    mp_int r, s;     /* tuple (r, s) is the signature */
-    mp_int n;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    ECParams *ecParams = NULL;
-    SECItem kGpoint = { siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    int flen = 0;    /* length in bytes of the field size */
-    unsigned olen;   /* length in bytes of the base point order */
-    unsigned obits;  /* length in bits  of the base point order */
-    char mpstr[256];
-    /* Initialize MPI integers. */
-    /* must happen before the first potential call to cleanup */
-    MP_DIGITS(&x1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&s) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&n) = 0;
-    /* Check args */
-    if (!key || !signature || !digest || !kb || (kblen < 0)) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ecParams = &(key->ecParams);
-    flen = (ecParams->fieldID.size + 7) >> 3;
-    olen = ecParams->order.len;  
-    if (signature->data == NULL) {
-	/* a call to get the signature length only */
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    if (signature->len < 2*olen) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&x1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&k) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&s) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT( ecParams->order, &n );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT( key->privateValue, &d );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&k, kb, kblen) );
-    /* Make sure k is in the interval [1, n-1] */
-    if ((mp_cmp_z(&k) <= 0) || (mp_cmp(&k, &n) >= 0)) {
-        printf("k is outside [1, n-1]\n");
-        mp_tohex(&k, mpstr);
-	printf("k : %s \n", mpstr);
-        mp_tohex(&n, mpstr);
-	printf("n : %s \n", mpstr);
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** We do not want timing information to leak the length of k,
-    ** so we compute k*G using an equivalent scalar of fixed
-    ** bit-length.
-    ** Fix based on patch for ECDSA timing attack in the paper
-    ** by Billy Bob Brumley and Nicola Tuveri at
-    **
-    **
-    ** How do we convert k to a value of a fixed bit-length?
-    ** k starts off as an integer satisfying 0 <= k < n.  Hence,
-    ** n <= k+n < 2n, which means k+n has either the same number
-    ** of bits as n or one more bit than n.  If k+n has the same
-    ** number of bits as n, the second addition ensures that the
-    ** final value has exactly one more bit than n.  Thus, we
-    ** always end up with a value that exactly one more bit than n.
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&k, &n, &k) );
-    if (mpl_significant_bits(&k) <= mpl_significant_bits(&n)) {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&k, &n, &k) );
-    }
-    /* 
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.3.2, Step 2
-    **
-    ** Compute kG
-    */
-    kGpoint.len = 2*flen + 1;
- = PORT_Alloc(2*flen + 1);
-    if (( == NULL) ||
-	(ec_points_mul(ecParams, &k, NULL, NULL, &kGpoint)
-	    != SECSuccess))
-	goto cleanup;
-    /* 
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.3.3, Step 1
-    **
-    ** Extract the x co-ordinate of kG into x1
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&x1, + 1, 
-	                                  (mp_size) flen) );
-    /* 
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.3.3, Step 2
-    **
-    ** r = x1 mod n  NOTE: n is the order of the curve
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&x1, &n, &r) );
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.3.3, Step 3
-    **
-    ** verify r != 0 
-    */
-    if (mp_cmp_z(&r) == 0) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*                                  
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.3.3, Step 4
-    **
-    ** s = (k**-1 * (HASH(M) + d*r)) mod n 
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*digest, &s);        /* s = HASH(M)     */
-    /* In the definition of EC signing, digests are truncated
-     * to the length of n in bits. 
-     * (see SEC 1 "Elliptic Curve Digit Signature Algorithm" section 4.1.*/
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( (obits = mpl_significant_bits(&n)) );
-    if (digest->len*8 > obits) {
-	mpl_rsh(&s,&s,digest->len*8 - obits);
-    }
-    mp_todecimal(&n, mpstr);
-    printf("n : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&d, mpstr);
-    printf("d : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_tohex(&x1, mpstr);
-    printf("x1: %s\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&s, mpstr);
-    printf("digest: %s (decimal)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&r, mpstr);
-    printf("r : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_tohex(&r, mpstr);
-    printf("r : %s\n", mpstr);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_invmod(&k, &n, &k) );      /* k = k**-1 mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&d, &r, &n, &d) );  /* d = d * r mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_addmod(&s, &d, &n, &s) );  /* s = s + d mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&s, &k, &n, &s) );  /* s = s * k mod n */
-    mp_todecimal(&s, mpstr);
-    printf("s : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_tohex(&s, mpstr);
-    printf("s : %s\n", mpstr);
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.3.3, Step 5
-    **
-    ** verify s != 0
-    */
-    if (mp_cmp_z(&s) == 0) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-   /*
-    **
-    ** Signature is tuple (r, s)
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_to_fixlen_octets(&r, signature->data, olen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_to_fixlen_octets(&s, signature->data + olen, olen) );
-    signature->len = 2*olen;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    err = MP_OKAY;
-    mp_clear(&x1);
-    mp_clear(&d);
-    mp_clear(&k);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    mp_clear(&s);
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    if ( {
-	PORT_ZFree(, 2*flen + 1);
-    }
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    printf("ECDSA signing with seed %s\n",
-	(rv == SECSuccess) ? "succeeded" : "failed");
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-   return rv;
-** Computes the ECDSA signature on the digest using the given key 
-** and a random seed.
-ECDSA_SignDigest(ECPrivateKey *key, SECItem *signature, const SECItem *digest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int len;
-    unsigned char *kBytes= NULL;
-    if (!key) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Generate random value k */
-    len = key->ecParams.order.len;
-    kBytes = ec_GenerateRandomPrivateKey(key->, len);
-    if (kBytes == NULL) goto cleanup;
-    /* Generate ECDSA signature with the specified k value */
-    rv = ECDSA_SignDigestWithSeed(key, signature, digest, kBytes, len);
-    if (kBytes) {
-	PORT_ZFree(kBytes, len);
-    }
-    printf("ECDSA signing %s\n",
-	(rv == SECSuccess) ? "succeeded" : "failed");
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    return rv;
-** Checks the signature on the given digest using the key provided.
-** The key argument must represent a valid EC public key (a point on
-** the relevant curve).  If it is not a valid point, then the behavior
-** of this function is undefined.  In cases where a public key might
-** not be valid, use EC_ValidatePublicKey to check.
-ECDSA_VerifyDigest(ECPublicKey *key, const SECItem *signature, 
-                 const SECItem *digest)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    mp_int r_, s_;           /* tuple (r', s') is received signature) */
-    mp_int c, u1, u2, v;     /* intermediate values used in verification */
-    mp_int x1;
-    mp_int n;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    ECParams *ecParams = NULL;
-    SECItem pointC = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-    int slen;       /* length in bytes of a half signature (r or s) */
-    int flen;       /* length in bytes of the field size */
-    unsigned olen;  /* length in bytes of the base point order */
-    unsigned obits; /* length in bits  of the base point order */
-    char mpstr[256];
-    printf("ECDSA verification called\n");
-    /* Initialize MPI integers. */
-    /* must happen before the first potential call to cleanup */
-    MP_DIGITS(&r_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&s_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&u1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&u2) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&x1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&v)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&n)  = 0;
-    /* Check args */
-    if (!key || !signature || !digest) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ecParams = &(key->ecParams);
-    flen = (ecParams->fieldID.size + 7) >> 3;  
-    olen = ecParams->order.len;  
-    if (signature->len == 0 || signature->len%2 != 0 ||
-	signature->len > 2*olen) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    slen = signature->len/2;
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, &pointC, 2*flen + 1);
-    if ( == NULL)
-	goto cleanup;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&s_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&u1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&u2) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&x1)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&v)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n)  );
-    /*
-    ** Convert received signature (r', s') into MPI integers.
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&r_, signature->data, slen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&s_, signature->data + slen, slen) );
-    /* 
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.2, Steps 1 and 2
-    **
-    ** Verify that 0 < r' < n and 0 < s' < n
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(ecParams->order, &n);
-    if (mp_cmp_z(&r_) <= 0 || mp_cmp_z(&s_) <= 0 ||
-        mp_cmp(&r_, &n) >= 0 || mp_cmp(&s_, &n) >= 0) {
-	goto cleanup; /* will return rv == SECFailure */
-    }
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.2, Step 3
-    **
-    ** c = (s')**-1 mod n
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_invmod(&s_, &n, &c) );      /* c = (s')**-1 mod n */
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.2, Step 4
-    **
-    ** u1 = ((HASH(M')) * c) mod n
-    */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*digest, &u1);                  /* u1 = HASH(M)     */
-    /* In the definition of EC signing, digests are truncated
-     * to the length of n in bits. 
-     * (see SEC 1 "Elliptic Curve Digit Signature Algorithm" section 4.1.*/
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( (obits = mpl_significant_bits(&n)) );
-    if (digest->len*8 > obits) {  /* u1 = HASH(M')     */
-	mpl_rsh(&u1,&u1,digest->len*8 - obits);
-    }
-    mp_todecimal(&r_, mpstr);
-    printf("r_: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&s_, mpstr);
-    printf("s_: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&c, mpstr);
-    printf("c : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&u1, mpstr);
-    printf("digest: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&u1, &c, &n, &u1) );  /* u1 = u1 * c mod n */
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.2, Step 4
-    **
-    ** u2 = ((r') * c) mod n
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&r_, &c, &n, &u2) );
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.3, Step 1
-    **
-    ** Compute u1*G + u2*Q
-    ** Here, A = u1.G     B = u2.Q    and   C = A + B
-    ** If the result, C, is the point at infinity, reject the signature
-    */
-    if (ec_points_mul(ecParams, &u1, &u2, &key->publicValue, &pointC)
-	!= SECSuccess) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (ec_point_at_infinity(&pointC)) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&x1, + 1, flen) );
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.4, Step 2
-    **
-    ** v = x1 mod n
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&x1, &n, &v) );
-    mp_todecimal(&r_, mpstr);
-    printf("r_: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&v, mpstr);
-    printf("v : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    /*
-    ** ANSI X9.62, Section 5.4.4, Step 3
-    **
-    ** Verification:  v == r'
-    */
-    if (mp_cmp(&v, &r_)) {
-	rv = SECFailure; /* Signature failed to verify. */
-    } else {
-	rv = SECSuccess; /* Signature verified. */
-    }
-    mp_todecimal(&u1, mpstr);
-    printf("u1: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&u2, mpstr);
-    printf("u2: %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_tohex(&x1, mpstr);
-    printf("x1: %s\n", mpstr);
-    mp_todecimal(&v, mpstr);
-    printf("v : %s (dec)\n", mpstr);
-    mp_clear(&r_);
-    mp_clear(&s_);
-    mp_clear(&c);
-    mp_clear(&u1);
-    mp_clear(&u2);
-    mp_clear(&x1);
-    mp_clear(&v);
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    if ( SECITEM_FreeItem(&pointC, PR_FALSE);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    printf("ECDSA verification %s\n",
-	(rv == SECSuccess) ? "succeeded" : "failed");
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ec.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ec.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a694d3..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __ec_h_
-#define __ec_h_
-#define EC_DEBUG                          0
-#define ANSI_X962_CURVE_OID_TOTAL_LEN    10
-#define SECG_CURVE_OID_TOTAL_LEN          7
-#endif /* __ec_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecdecode.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecdecode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c0294d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecdecode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "ec.h"
-#include "ecl-curve.h"
-#define CHECK_OK(func) if (func == NULL) goto cleanup
-#define CHECK_SEC_OK(func) if (SECSuccess != (rv = func)) goto cleanup
- * Initializes a SECItem from a hexadecimal string
- *
- * Warning: This function ignores leading 00's, so any leading 00's
- * in the hexadecimal string must be optional.
- */
-static SECItem *
-hexString2SECItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item, const char *str)
-    int i = 0;
-    int byteval = 0;
-    int tmp = PORT_Strlen(str);
-    if ((tmp % 2) != 0) return NULL;
-    /* skip leading 00's unless the hex string is "00" */
-    while ((tmp > 2) && (str[0] == '0') && (str[1] == '0')) {
-        str += 2;
-        tmp -= 2;
-    }
-    item->data = (unsigned char *) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, tmp/2);
-    if (item->data == NULL) return NULL;
-    item->len = tmp/2;
-    while (str[i]) {
-        if ((str[i] >= '0') && (str[i] <= '9'))
-	    tmp = str[i] - '0';
-	else if ((str[i] >= 'a') && (str[i] <= 'f'))
-	    tmp = str[i] - 'a' + 10;
-	else if ((str[i] >= 'A') && (str[i] <= 'F'))
-	    tmp = str[i] - 'A' + 10;
-	else
-	    return NULL;
-	byteval = byteval * 16 + tmp;
-	if ((i % 2) != 0) {
-	    item->data[i/2] = byteval;
-	    byteval = 0;
-	}
-	i++;
-    }
-    return item;
-/* Copy all of the fields from srcParams into dstParams
- */
-EC_CopyParams(PLArenaPool *arena, ECParams *dstParams,
-	      const ECParams *srcParams)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    dstParams->arena = arena;
-    dstParams->type = srcParams->type;
-    dstParams->fieldID.size = srcParams->fieldID.size;
-    dstParams->fieldID.type = srcParams->fieldID.type;
-    if (srcParams->fieldID.type == ec_field_GFp) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->,
-	    &srcParams->;
-    } else {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->fieldID.u.poly,
-	    &srcParams->fieldID.u.poly));
-    }
-    dstParams->fieldID.k1 = srcParams->fieldID.k1;
-    dstParams->fieldID.k2 = srcParams->fieldID.k2;
-    dstParams->fieldID.k3 = srcParams->fieldID.k3;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->curve.a,
-	&srcParams->curve.a));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->curve.b,
-	&srcParams->curve.b));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->curve.seed,
-	&srcParams->curve.seed));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->base,
-	&srcParams->base));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->order,
-	&srcParams->order));
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->DEREncoding,
-	&srcParams->DEREncoding));
-	dstParams->name = srcParams->name;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dstParams->curveOID,
- 	&srcParams->curveOID));
-    dstParams->cofactor = srcParams->cofactor;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-static SECStatus
-gf_populate_params(ECCurveName name, ECFieldType field_type, ECParams *params)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    const ECCurveParams *curveParams;
-    /* 2 ['0'+'4'] + MAX_ECKEY_LEN * 2 [x,y] * 2 [hex string] + 1 ['\0'] */
-    char genenc[3 + 2 * 2 * MAX_ECKEY_LEN];
-    if ((name < ECCurve_noName) || (name > ECCurve_pastLastCurve)) goto cleanup;
-    params->name = name;
-    curveParams = ecCurve_map[params->name];
-    CHECK_OK(curveParams);
-    params->fieldID.size = curveParams->size;
-    params->fieldID.type = field_type;
-    if (field_type == ec_field_GFp) {
-	CHECK_OK(hexString2SECItem(params->arena, &params->, 
-	    curveParams->irr));
-    } else {
-	CHECK_OK(hexString2SECItem(params->arena, &params->fieldID.u.poly, 
-	    curveParams->irr));
-    }
-    CHECK_OK(hexString2SECItem(params->arena, &params->curve.a, 
-	curveParams->curvea));
-    CHECK_OK(hexString2SECItem(params->arena, &params->curve.b, 
-	curveParams->curveb));
-    genenc[0] = '0';
-    genenc[1] = '4';
-    genenc[2] = '\0';
-    strcat(genenc, curveParams->genx);
-    strcat(genenc, curveParams->geny);
-    CHECK_OK(hexString2SECItem(params->arena, &params->base, genenc));
-    CHECK_OK(hexString2SECItem(params->arena, &params->order, 
-    	curveParams->order));
-    params->cofactor = curveParams->cofactor;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    return rv;
-EC_FillParams(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *encodedParams,
-    ECParams *params)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECOidTag tag;
-    SECItem oid = { siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    int i;
-    printf("Encoded params in EC_DecodeParams: ");
-    for (i = 0; i < encodedParams->len; i++) {
-	    printf("%02x:", encodedParams->data[i]);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    if ((encodedParams->len != ANSI_X962_CURVE_OID_TOTAL_LEN) &&
-	(encodedParams->len != SECG_CURVE_OID_TOTAL_LEN)) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-    };
-    oid.len = encodedParams->len - 2;
- = encodedParams->data + 2;
-    if ((encodedParams->data[0] != SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID) ||
-	((tag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&oid)) == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)) { 
-	    return SECFailure;
-    }
-    params->arena = arena;
-    params->cofactor = 0;
-    params->type = ec_params_named;
-    params->name = ECCurve_noName;
-    /* For named curves, fill out curveOID */
-    params->curveOID.len = oid.len;
-    params-> = (unsigned char *) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, oid.len);
-    if (params-> == NULL) goto cleanup;
-    memcpy(params->,, oid.len);
-    printf("Curve: %s\n", SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription(tag));
-    switch (tag) {
-    /* Binary curves */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb163v1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb163v2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb163v3 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V3, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb176v1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB176V1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb191v1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb191v2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb191v3 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V3, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb208w1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB208W1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb239v1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb239v2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb239v3 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V3, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb272w1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB272W1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb304w1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB304W1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb359v1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB359V1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1:
-	/* Populate params for c2pnb368w1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB368W1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1:
-	/* Populate params for c2tnb431r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB431R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect113r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2:
-	/* Populate params for sect113r2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect131r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_131R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2:
-	/* Populate params for sect131r2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_131R2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1:
-	/* Populate params for sect163k1
-	 * (the NIST K-163 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163K1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect163r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2:
-	/* Populate params for sect163r2
-	 * (the NIST B-163 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect193r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2:
-	/* Populate params for sect193r2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R2, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1:
-	/* Populate params for sect233k1
-	 * (the NIST K-233 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_233K1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect233r1
-	 * (the NIST B-233 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_233R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1:
-	/* Populate params for sect239k1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_239K1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1:
-        /* Populate params for sect283k1
-	 * (the NIST K-283 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_283K1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect283r1
-	 * (the NIST B-283 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_283R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1:
-	/* Populate params for sect409k1
-	 * (the NIST K-409 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_409K1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect409r1
-	 * (the NIST B-409 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_409R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1:
-	/* Populate params for sect571k1
-	 * (the NIST K-571 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_571K1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1:
-	/* Populate params for sect571r1
-	 * (the NIST B-571 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_571R1, ec_field_GF2m,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    /* Prime curves */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1:
-	/* Populate params for prime192v1 aka secp192r1 
-	 * (the NIST P-192 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2:
-	/* Populate params for prime192v2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V2, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3:
-	/* Populate params for prime192v3 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V3, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1:
-	/* Populate params for prime239v1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2:
-	/* Populate params for prime239v2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V2, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3:
-	/* Populate params for prime239v3 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V3, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1:
-	/* Populate params for prime256v1 aka secp256r1
-	 * (the NIST P-256 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_256V1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1:
-        /* Populate params for secp112r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2:
-        /* Populate params for secp112r2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R2, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1:
-        /* Populate params for secp128r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_128R1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2:
-        /* Populate params for secp128r2 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_128R2, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1:
-        /* Populate params for secp160k1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160K1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1:
-        /* Populate params for secp160r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2:
-	/* Populate params for secp160r1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R2, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1:
-	/* Populate params for secp192k1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_192K1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1:
-	/* Populate params for secp224k1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224K1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1:
-	/* Populate params for secp224r1 
-	 * (the NIST P-224 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224R1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1:
-	/* Populate params for secp256k1 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_256K1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1:
-	/* Populate params for secp384r1
-	 * (the NIST P-384 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_384R1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1:
-	/* Populate params for secp521r1 
-	 * (the NIST P-521 curve)
-	 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( gf_populate_params(ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_521R1, ec_field_GFp,
-	    params) );
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    };
-    if (!params->cofactor) {
-	printf("Unrecognized curve, returning NULL params\n");
-    }
-    return rv;
-EC_DecodeParams(const SECItem *encodedParams, ECParams **ecparams)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    ECParams *params;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    /* Initialize an arena for the ECParams structure */
-    if (!(arena = PORT_NewArena(NSS_FREEBL_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)))
-	return SECFailure;
-    params = (ECParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(ECParams));
-    if (!params) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Copy the encoded params */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &(params->DEREncoding),
-	encodedParams->len);
-    memcpy(params->, encodedParams->data, encodedParams->len);
-    /* Fill out the rest of the ECParams structure based on 
-     * the encoded params 
-     */
-    rv = EC_FillParams(arena, encodedParams, params);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);	
-	return SECFailure;
-    } else {
-	*ecparams = params;;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec2.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d75d48..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __ec2_h_
-#define __ec2_h_
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-/* Checks if point P(px, py) is at infinity.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_is_inf_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py);
-/* Sets P(px, py) to be the point at infinity.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_set_inf_aff(mp_int *px, mp_int *py);
-/* Computes R = P + Q where R is (rx, ry), P is (px, py) and Q is (qx,
- * qy). Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_add_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						  const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-						  mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = P - Q.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_sub_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						  const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-						  mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = 2P.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_dbl_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						  mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Validates a point on a GF2m curve. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_validate_point(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const ECGroup *group);
-/* by default, this routine is unused and thus doesn't need to be compiled */
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is (px, py). The parameters
- * a, b and p are the elliptic curve coefficients and the irreducible that 
- * determines the field GF2m.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_mul_aff(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px,
-						  const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						  const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is (px, py). The parameters
- * a, b and p are the elliptic curve coefficients and the irreducible that 
- * determines the field GF2m.  Uses Montgomery projective coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_mul_mont(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px,
-						   const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						   const ECGroup *group);
-/* Converts a point P(px, py) from affine coordinates to projective
- * coordinates R(rx, ry, rz). */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_aff2proj(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						   mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Converts a point P(px, py, pz) from projective coordinates to affine
- * coordinates R(rx, ry). */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_proj2aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						   const mp_int *pz, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						   const ECGroup *group);
-/* Checks if point P(px, py, pz) is at infinity.  Uses projective
- * coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_is_inf_proj(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-							  const mp_int *pz);
-/* Sets P(px, py, pz) to be the point at infinity.  Uses projective
- * coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_set_inf_proj(mp_int *px, mp_int *py, mp_int *pz);
-/* Computes R = P + Q where R is (rx, ry, rz), P is (px, py, pz) and Q is
- * (qx, qy, qz).  Uses projective coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_add_proj(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						   const mp_int *pz, const mp_int *qx,
-						   const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						   mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = 2P.  Uses projective coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_dbl_proj(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						   const mp_int *pz, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						   mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is (px, py). The parameters
- * a, b and p are the elliptic curve coefficients and the prime that
- * determines the field GF2m.  Uses projective coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_pt_mul_proj(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px,
-						   const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						   const ECGroup *group);
-#endif							/* __ec2_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec_naf.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec_naf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 20892f0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ec_naf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-/* Returns 2^e as an integer. This is meant to be used for small powers of 
- * two. */
-ec_twoTo(int e)
-	int a = 1;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
-		a *= 2;
-	}
-	return a;
-/* Computes the windowed non-adjacent-form (NAF) of a scalar. Out should
- * be an array of signed char's to output to, bitsize should be the number 
- * of bits of out, in is the original scalar, and w is the window size.
- * NAF is discussed in the paper: D. Hankerson, J. Hernandez and A.
- * Menezes, "Software implementation of elliptic curve cryptography over
- * binary fields", Proc. CHES 2000. */
-ec_compute_wNAF(signed char *out, int bitsize, const mp_int *in, int w)
-	mp_int k;
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	int i, twowm1, mask;
-	twowm1 = ec_twoTo(w - 1);
-	mask = 2 * twowm1 - 1;
-	MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init_copy(&k, in));
-	i = 0;
-	/* Compute wNAF form */
-	while (mp_cmp_z(&k) > 0) {
-		if (mp_isodd(&k)) {
-			out[i] = MP_DIGIT(&k, 0) & mask;
-			if (out[i] >= twowm1)
-				out[i] -= 2 * twowm1;
-			/* Subtract off out[i].  Note mp_sub_d only works with
-			 * unsigned digits */
-			if (out[i] >= 0) {
-				MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub_d(&k, out[i], &k));
-			} else {
-				MP_CHECKOK(mp_add_d(&k, -(out[i]), &k));
-			}
-		} else {
-			out[i] = 0;
-		}
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_div_2(&k, &k));
-		i++;
-	}
-	/* Zero out the remaining elements of the out array. */
-	for (; i < bitsize + 1; i++) {
-		out[i] = 0;
-	}
-	mp_clear(&k);
-	return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-curve.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-curve.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d81d6df..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-curve.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecl-exp.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifndef __ecl_curve_h_
-#define __ecl_curve_h_
-#error This source file is for Basic ECC only .
-static const ECCurveParams ecCurve_NIST_P256 = {
-	"NIST-P256", ECField_GFp, 256,
-	"FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",
-	"FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC",
-	"5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B",
-	"6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296",
-	"4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5",
-static const ECCurveParams ecCurve_NIST_P384 = {
-	"NIST-P384", ECField_GFp, 384,
-	"B3312FA7E23EE7E4988E056BE3F82D19181D9C6EFE8141120314088F5013875AC656398D8A2ED19D2A85C8EDD3EC2AEF",
-	"AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7",
-	"3617DE4A96262C6F5D9E98BF9292DC29F8F41DBD289A147CE9DA3113B5F0B8C00A60B1CE1D7E819D7A431D7C90EA0E5F",
-	1
-static const ECCurveParams ecCurve_NIST_P521 = {
-	"NIST-P521", ECField_GFp, 521,
-	"0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF109E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B503F00",
-	"00C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2FFA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66",
-	"011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650",
-	1
-/* mapping between ECCurveName enum and pointers to ECCurveParams */
-static const ECCurveParams *ecCurve_map[] = {
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_noName */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_P192 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_P224 */
-	&ecCurve_NIST_P256,	/* ECCurve_NIST_P256 */
-	&ecCurve_NIST_P384,	/* ECCurve_NIST_P384 */
-	&ecCurve_NIST_P521,	/* ECCurve_NIST_P521 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_K163 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_B163 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_K233 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_B233 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_K283 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_B283 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_K409 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_B409 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_K571 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_NIST_B571 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V3 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V3 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V3 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB176V1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V3 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB208W1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V3 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB272W1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB304W1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB359V1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB368W1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB431R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_128R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_128R2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160K1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_192K1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224K1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_256K1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_131R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_131R2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R2 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_239K1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_WTLS_1 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_WTLS_8 */
-	NULL,			/* ECCurve_WTLS_9 */
-	NULL			/* ECCurve_pastLastCurve */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-exp.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-exp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b79eb30..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-exp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __ecl_exp_h_
-#define __ecl_exp_h_
-/* Curve field type */
-typedef enum {
-	ECField_GFp,
-	ECField_GF2m
-} ECField;
-/* Hexadecimal encoding of curve parameters */
-struct ECCurveParamsStr {
-	char *text;
-	ECField field;
-	unsigned int size;
-	char *irr;
-	char *curvea;
-	char *curveb;
-	char *genx;
-	char *geny;
-	char *order;
-	int cofactor;
-typedef struct ECCurveParamsStr ECCurveParams;
-/* Named curve parameters */
-typedef enum {
-	ECCurve_noName = 0,
-	/* NIST prime curves */
-	ECCurve_NIST_P192,
-	ECCurve_NIST_P224,
-	ECCurve_NIST_P256,
-	ECCurve_NIST_P384,
-	ECCurve_NIST_P521,
-	/* NIST binary curves */
-	ECCurve_NIST_K163,
-	ECCurve_NIST_B163,
-	ECCurve_NIST_K233,
-	ECCurve_NIST_B233,
-	ECCurve_NIST_K283,
-	ECCurve_NIST_B283,
-	ECCurve_NIST_K409,
-	ECCurve_NIST_B409,
-	ECCurve_NIST_K571,
-	ECCurve_NIST_B571,
-	/* ANSI X9.62 prime curves */
-	/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V1 == ECCurve_NIST_P192 */
-	ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V2,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V3,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V2,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_239V3,
-	/* ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_256V1 == ECCurve_NIST_P256 */
-	/* ANSI X9.62 binary curves */
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V2,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V3,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB176V1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V2,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB191V3,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB208W1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V2,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB239V3,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB272W1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB304W1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB359V1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB368W1,
-	ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_TNB431R1,
-	/* SEC2 prime curves */
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R2,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_128R1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_128R2,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160K1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R2,
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_192K1,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_192R1 == ECCurve_NIST_P192 */
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224K1,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224R1 == ECCurve_NIST_P224 */
-	ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_256K1,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_256R1 == ECCurve_NIST_P256 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_384R1 == ECCurve_NIST_P384 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_521R1 == ECCurve_NIST_P521 */
-	/* SEC2 binary curves */
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R2,
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_131R1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_131R2,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163K1 == ECCurve_NIST_K163 */
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R1,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R2 == ECCurve_NIST_B163 */
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R1,
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R2,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_233K1 == ECCurve_NIST_K233 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_233R1 == ECCurve_NIST_B233 */
-	ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_239K1,
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_283K1 == ECCurve_NIST_K283 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_283R1 == ECCurve_NIST_B283 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_409K1 == ECCurve_NIST_K409 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_409R1 == ECCurve_NIST_B409 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_571K1 == ECCurve_NIST_K571 */
-	/* ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_571R1 == ECCurve_NIST_B571 */
-	/* WTLS curves */
-	ECCurve_WTLS_1,
-	/* there is no WTLS 2 curve */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_3 == ECCurve_NIST_K163 */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_4 == ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R1 */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_5 == ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V1 */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_6 == ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R1 */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_7 == ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R1 */
-	ECCurve_WTLS_8,
-	ECCurve_WTLS_9,
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_10 == ECCurve_NIST_K233 */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_11 == ECCurve_NIST_B233 */
-	/* ECCurve_WTLS_12 == ECCurve_NIST_P224 */
-	ECCurve_pastLastCurve
-} ECCurveName;
-/* Aliased named curves */
-#define ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_192V1 ECCurve_NIST_P192
-#define ECCurve_X9_62_PRIME_256V1 ECCurve_NIST_P256
-#define ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_192R1 ECCurve_NIST_P192
-#define ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224R1 ECCurve_NIST_P224
-#define ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_256R1 ECCurve_NIST_P256
-#define ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_384R1 ECCurve_NIST_P384
-#define ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_521R1 ECCurve_NIST_P521
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163K1 ECCurve_NIST_K163
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R2 ECCurve_NIST_B163
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_233K1 ECCurve_NIST_K233
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_233R1 ECCurve_NIST_B233
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_283K1 ECCurve_NIST_K283
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_283R1 ECCurve_NIST_B283
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_409K1 ECCurve_NIST_K409
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_409R1 ECCurve_NIST_B409
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_571K1 ECCurve_NIST_K571
-#define ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_571R1 ECCurve_NIST_B571
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_3 ECCurve_NIST_K163
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_4 ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_113R1
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_5 ECCurve_X9_62_CHAR2_PNB163V1
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_6 ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_112R1
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_7 ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R1
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_10 ECCurve_NIST_K233
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_11 ECCurve_NIST_B233
-#define ECCurve_WTLS_12 ECCurve_NIST_P224
-#endif							/* __ecl_exp_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-priv.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-priv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f80a4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl-priv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __ecl_priv_h_
-#define __ecl_priv_h_
-#include "ecl.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-/* MAX_FIELD_SIZE_DIGITS is the maximum size of field element supported */
-/* the following needs to go away... */
-#if defined(MP_USE_LONG_LONG_DIGIT) || defined(MP_USE_LONG_DIGIT)
-#define ECL_CURVE_DIGITS(curve_size_in_bits) \
-	(((curve_size_in_bits)+(sizeof(mp_digit)*8-1))/(sizeof(mp_digit)*8))
-#define ECL_BITS (sizeof(mp_digit)*8)
-#define ECL_MAX_FIELD_SIZE_DIGITS (80/sizeof(mp_digit))
-/* Gets the i'th bit in the binary representation of a. If i >= length(a), 
- * then return 0. (The above behaviour differs from mpl_get_bit, which
- * causes an error if i >= length(a).) */
-#define MP_GET_BIT(a, i) \
-	((i) >= mpl_significant_bits((a))) ? 0 : mpl_get_bit((a), (i))
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-#define MP_ADD_CARRY(a1, a2, s, carry)   \
-    { mp_word w; \
-    w = ((mp_word)carry) + (a1) + (a2); \
-    s = ACCUM(w); \
-    carry = CARRYOUT(w); }
-#define MP_SUB_BORROW(a1, a2, s, borrow)   \
-    { mp_word w; \
-    w = ((mp_word)(a1)) - (a2) - borrow; \
-    s = ACCUM(w); \
-    borrow = (w >> MP_DIGIT_BIT) & 1; }
-/* NOTE, 
- * carry and borrow are both read and written.
- * a1 or a2 and s could be the same variable.
- * don't trash those outputs until their respective inputs have
- * been read. */
-#define MP_ADD_CARRY(a1, a2, s, carry)   \
-    { mp_digit tmp,sum; \
-    tmp = (a1); \
-    sum = tmp + (a2); \
-    tmp = (sum < tmp);                     /* detect overflow */ \
-    s = sum += carry; \
-    carry = tmp + (sum < carry); }
-#define MP_SUB_BORROW(a1, a2, s, borrow)   \
-    { mp_digit tmp; \
-    tmp = (a1); \
-    s = tmp - (a2); \
-    tmp = (s > tmp);                    /* detect borrow */ \
-    if (borrow && !s--) tmp++;	\
-    borrow = tmp; }
-struct GFMethodStr;
-typedef struct GFMethodStr GFMethod;
-struct GFMethodStr {
-	/* Indicates whether the structure was constructed from dynamic memory 
-	 * or statically created. */
-	int constructed;
-	/* Irreducible that defines the field. For prime fields, this is the
-	 * prime p. For binary polynomial fields, this is the bitstring
-	 * representation of the irreducible polynomial. */
-	mp_int irr;
-	/* For prime fields, the value irr_arr[0] is the number of bits in the 
-	 * field. For binary polynomial fields, the irreducible polynomial
-	 * f(t) is represented as an array of unsigned int[], where f(t) is
-	 * of the form: f(t) = t^p[0] + t^p[1] + ... + t^p[4] where m = p[0]
-	 * > p[1] > ... > p[4] = 0. */
-	unsigned int irr_arr[5];
-	/* Field arithmetic methods. All methods (except field_enc and
-	 * field_dec) are assumed to take field-encoded parameters and return
-	 * field-encoded values. All methods (except field_enc and field_dec)
-	 * are required to be implemented. */
-	mp_err (*field_add) (const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-						 const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_neg) (const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_sub) (const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-						 const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_mod) (const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_mul) (const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-						 const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_sqr) (const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_div) (const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-						 const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_enc) (const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-	mp_err (*field_dec) (const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-	/* Extra storage for implementation-specific data.  Any memory
-	 * allocated to these extra fields will be cleared by extra_free. */
-	void *extra1;
-	void *extra2;
-	void (*extra_free) (GFMethod *meth);
-/* Construct generic GFMethods. */
-GFMethod *GFMethod_consGFp(const mp_int *irr);
-GFMethod *GFMethod_consGFp_mont(const mp_int *irr);
-GFMethod *GFMethod_consGF2m(const mp_int *irr,
-							const unsigned int irr_arr[5]);
-/* Free the memory allocated (if any) to a GFMethod object. */
-void GFMethod_free(GFMethod *meth);
-struct ECGroupStr {
-	/* Indicates whether the structure was constructed from dynamic memory 
-	 * or statically created. */
-	int constructed;
-	/* Field definition and arithmetic. */
-	GFMethod *meth;
-	/* Textual representation of curve name, if any. */
-	char *text;
-	/* Curve parameters, field-encoded. */
-	mp_int curvea, curveb;
-	/* x and y coordinates of the base point, field-encoded. */
-	mp_int genx, geny;
-	/* Order and cofactor of the base point. */
-	mp_int order;
-	int cofactor;
-	/* Point arithmetic methods. All methods are assumed to take
-	 * field-encoded parameters and return field-encoded values. All
-	 * methods (except base_point_mul and points_mul) are required to be
-	 * implemented. */
-	mp_err (*point_add) (const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						 const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-	mp_err (*point_sub) (const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						 const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-	mp_err (*point_dbl) (const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-	mp_err (*point_mul) (const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px,
-						 const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						 const ECGroup *group);
-	mp_err (*base_point_mul) (const mp_int *n, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-							  const ECGroup *group);
-	mp_err (*points_mul) (const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2,
-						  const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						  mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-	mp_err (*validate_point) (const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const ECGroup *group);
-	/* Extra storage for implementation-specific data.  Any memory
-	 * allocated to these extra fields will be cleared by extra_free. */
-	void *extra1;
-	void *extra2;
-	void (*extra_free) (ECGroup *group);
-/* Wrapper functions for generic prime field arithmetic. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_add(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_neg(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sub(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-/* fixed length in-line adds. Count is in words */
-mp_err ec_GFp_add_3(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_add_4(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_add_5(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_add_6(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sub_3(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sub_4(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sub_5(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sub_6(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				  const GFMethod *meth);
-/* Wrapper functions for generic binary polynomial field arithmetic. */
-mp_err ec_GF2m_add(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				   const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GF2m_neg(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GF2m_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GF2m_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				   const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GF2m_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GF2m_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				   const GFMethod *meth);
-/* Montgomery prime field arithmetic. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_mul_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-					   const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_sqr_mont(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_div_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-					   const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_enc_mont(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-mp_err ec_GFp_dec_mont(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth);
-void ec_GFp_extra_free_mont(GFMethod *meth);
-/* point multiplication */
-mp_err ec_pts_mul_basic(const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2,
-						const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-mp_err ec_pts_mul_simul_w2(const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2,
-						   const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						   mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes the windowed non-adjacent-form (NAF) of a scalar. Out should
- * be an array of signed char's to output to, bitsize should be the number 
- * of bits of out, in is the original scalar, and w is the window size.
- * NAF is discussed in the paper: D. Hankerson, J. Hernandez and A.
- * Menezes, "Software implementation of elliptic curve cryptography over
- * binary fields", Proc. CHES 2000. */
-mp_err ec_compute_wNAF(signed char *out, int bitsize, const mp_int *in,
-					   int w);
-/* Optimized field arithmetic */
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp192(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp224(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp256(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp384(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp521(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gf2m163(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gf2m193(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name);
-mp_err ec_group_set_gf2m233(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name);
-/* Optimized point multiplication */
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp256_32(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name);
-/* Optimized floating-point arithmetic */
-#ifdef ECL_USE_FP
-mp_err ec_group_set_secp160r1_fp(ECGroup *group);
-mp_err ec_group_set_nistp192_fp(ECGroup *group);
-mp_err ec_group_set_nistp224_fp(ECGroup *group);
-#endif							/* __ecl_priv_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d55e593..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "ecl.h"
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-#include "ec2.h"
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Allocate memory for a new ECGroup object. */
-ECGroup *
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	ECGroup *group;
-	group = (ECGroup *) malloc(sizeof(ECGroup));
-	if (group == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	group->constructed = MP_YES;
-        group->meth = NULL;
-	group->text = NULL;
-	MP_DIGITS(&group->curvea) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&group->curveb) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&group->genx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&group->geny) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&group->order) = 0;
-	group->base_point_mul = NULL;
-	group->points_mul = NULL;
-	group->validate_point = NULL;
-	group->extra1 = NULL;
-	group->extra2 = NULL;
-	group->extra_free = NULL;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&group->curvea));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&group->curveb));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&group->genx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&group->geny));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&group->order));
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		ECGroup_free(group);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return group;
-/* Construct a generic ECGroup for elliptic curves over prime fields. */
-ECGroup *
-ECGroup_consGFp(const mp_int *irr, const mp_int *curvea,
-				const mp_int *curveb, const mp_int *genx,
-				const mp_int *geny, const mp_int *order, int cofactor)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	ECGroup *group = NULL;
-	group = ECGroup_new();
-	if (group == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	group->meth = GFMethod_consGFp(irr);
-	if (group->meth == NULL) {
-		res = MP_MEM;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(curvea, &group->curvea));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(curveb, &group->curveb));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(genx, &group->genx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(geny, &group->geny));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(order, &group->order));
-	group->cofactor = cofactor;
-	group->point_add = &ec_GFp_pt_add_aff;
-	group->point_sub = &ec_GFp_pt_sub_aff;
-	group->point_dbl = &ec_GFp_pt_dbl_aff;
-	group->point_mul = &ec_GFp_pt_mul_jm_wNAF;
-	group->base_point_mul = NULL;
-	group->points_mul = &ec_GFp_pts_mul_jac;
-	group->validate_point = &ec_GFp_validate_point;
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		ECGroup_free(group);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return group;
-/* Construct a generic ECGroup for elliptic curves over prime fields with
- * field arithmetic implemented in Montgomery coordinates. */
-ECGroup *
-ECGroup_consGFp_mont(const mp_int *irr, const mp_int *curvea,
-					 const mp_int *curveb, const mp_int *genx,
-					 const mp_int *geny, const mp_int *order, int cofactor)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	ECGroup *group = NULL;
-	group = ECGroup_new();
-	if (group == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	group->meth = GFMethod_consGFp_mont(irr);
-	if (group->meth == NULL) {
-		res = MP_MEM;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-			   field_enc(curvea, &group->curvea, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-			   field_enc(curveb, &group->curveb, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(genx, &group->genx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(geny, &group->geny, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(order, &group->order));
-	group->cofactor = cofactor;
-	group->point_add = &ec_GFp_pt_add_aff;
-	group->point_sub = &ec_GFp_pt_sub_aff;
-	group->point_dbl = &ec_GFp_pt_dbl_aff;
-	group->point_mul = &ec_GFp_pt_mul_jm_wNAF;
-	group->base_point_mul = NULL;
-	group->points_mul = &ec_GFp_pts_mul_jac;
-	group->validate_point = &ec_GFp_validate_point;
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		ECGroup_free(group);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return group;
-/* Construct a generic ECGroup for elliptic curves over binary polynomial
- * fields. */
-ECGroup *
-ECGroup_consGF2m(const mp_int *irr, const unsigned int irr_arr[5],
-				 const mp_int *curvea, const mp_int *curveb,
-				 const mp_int *genx, const mp_int *geny,
-				 const mp_int *order, int cofactor)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	ECGroup *group = NULL;
-	group = ECGroup_new();
-	if (group == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	group->meth = GFMethod_consGF2m(irr, irr_arr);
-	if (group->meth == NULL) {
-		res = MP_MEM;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(curvea, &group->curvea));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(curveb, &group->curveb));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(genx, &group->genx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(geny, &group->geny));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(order, &group->order));
-	group->cofactor = cofactor;
-	group->point_add = &ec_GF2m_pt_add_aff;
-	group->point_sub = &ec_GF2m_pt_sub_aff;
-	group->point_dbl = &ec_GF2m_pt_dbl_aff;
-	group->point_mul = &ec_GF2m_pt_mul_mont;
-	group->base_point_mul = NULL;
-	group->points_mul = &ec_pts_mul_basic;
-	group->validate_point = &ec_GF2m_validate_point;
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		ECGroup_free(group);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return group;
-/* Construct ECGroup from hex parameters and name, if any. Called by
- * ECGroup_fromHex and ECGroup_fromName. */
-ECGroup *
-ecgroup_fromNameAndHex(const ECCurveName name,
-					   const ECCurveParams * params)
-	mp_int irr, curvea, curveb, genx, geny, order;
-	int bits;
-	ECGroup *group = NULL;
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	/* initialize values */
-	MP_DIGITS(&irr) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&curvea) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&curveb) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&genx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&geny) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&order) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&irr));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&curvea));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&curveb));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&genx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&geny));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&order));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_read_radix(&irr, params->irr, 16));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_read_radix(&curvea, params->curvea, 16));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_read_radix(&curveb, params->curveb, 16));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_read_radix(&genx, params->genx, 16));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_read_radix(&geny, params->geny, 16));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_read_radix(&order, params->order, 16));
-	/* determine number of bits */
-	bits = mpl_significant_bits(&irr) - 1;
-	if (bits < MP_OKAY) {
-		res = bits;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* determine which optimizations (if any) to use */
-	if (params->field == ECField_GFp) {
-	    switch (name) {
-#ifdef ECL_USE_FP
-		case ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_160R1:
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_secp160r1_fp(group));
-			break;
-		case ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_192R1:
-#ifdef ECL_USE_FP
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_nistp192_fp(group));
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gfp192(group, name));
-			break;
-		case ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_224R1:
-#ifdef ECL_USE_FP
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_nistp224_fp(group));
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gfp224(group, name));
-			break;
-		case ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_256R1:
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gfp256(group, name));
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gfp256_32(group, name));
-			break;
-		case ECCurve_SECG_PRIME_521R1:
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-								&order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gfp521(group, name));
-			break;
-		default:
-			/* use generic arithmetic */
-			group =
-				ECGroup_consGFp_mont(&irr, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny,
-									 &order, params->cofactor);
-			if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-		}
-	} else if (params->field == ECField_GF2m) {
-		group = ECGroup_consGF2m(&irr, NULL, &curvea, &curveb, &genx, &geny, &order, params->cofactor);
-		if (group == NULL) { res = MP_UNDEF; goto CLEANUP; }
-		if ((name == ECCurve_NIST_K163) ||
-		    (name == ECCurve_NIST_B163) ||
-		    (name == ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_163R1)) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gf2m163(group, name));
-		} else if ((name == ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R1) ||
-		           (name == ECCurve_SECG_CHAR2_193R2)) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gf2m193(group, name));
-		} else if ((name == ECCurve_NIST_K233) ||
-		           (name == ECCurve_NIST_B233)) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_group_set_gf2m233(group, name));
-		}
-	} else {
-		res = MP_UNDEF;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* set name, if any */
-	if ((group != NULL) && (params->text != NULL)) {
-		group->text = strdup(params->text);
-		if (group->text == NULL) {
-			res = MP_MEM;
-		}
-	}
-	mp_clear(&irr);
-	mp_clear(&curvea);
-	mp_clear(&curveb);
-	mp_clear(&genx);
-	mp_clear(&geny);
-	mp_clear(&order);
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		ECGroup_free(group);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return group;
-/* Construct ECGroup from hexadecimal representations of parameters. */
-ECGroup *
-ECGroup_fromHex(const ECCurveParams * params)
-	return ecgroup_fromNameAndHex(ECCurve_noName, params);
-/* Construct ECGroup from named parameters. */
-ECGroup *
-ECGroup_fromName(const ECCurveName name)
-	ECGroup *group = NULL;
-	ECCurveParams *params = NULL;
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	params = EC_GetNamedCurveParams(name);
-	if (params == NULL) {
-		res = MP_UNDEF;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* construct actual group */
-	group = ecgroup_fromNameAndHex(name, params);
-	if (group == NULL) {
-		res = MP_UNDEF;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	EC_FreeCurveParams(params);
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		ECGroup_free(group);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return group;
-/* Validates an EC public key as described in Section 5.2.2 of X9.62. */
-mp_err ECPoint_validate(const ECGroup *group, const mp_int *px, const 
-					mp_int *py)
-    /* 1: Verify that publicValue is not the point at infinity */
-    /* 2: Verify that the coordinates of publicValue are elements 
-     *    of the field.
-     */
-    /* 3: Verify that publicValue is on the curve. */
-    /* 4: Verify that the order of the curve times the publicValue
-     *    is the point at infinity.
-     */
-	return group->validate_point(px, py, group);
-/* Free the memory allocated (if any) to an ECGroup object. */
-ECGroup_free(ECGroup *group)
-	if (group == NULL)
-		return;
-	GFMethod_free(group->meth);
-	if (group->constructed == MP_NO)
-		return;
-	mp_clear(&group->curvea);
-	mp_clear(&group->curveb);
-	mp_clear(&group->genx);
-	mp_clear(&group->geny);
-	mp_clear(&group->order);
-	if (group->text != NULL)
-		free(group->text);
-	if (group->extra_free != NULL)
-		group->extra_free(group);
-	free(group);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e44803..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Although this is not an exported header file, code which uses elliptic
- * curve point operations will need to include it. */
-#ifndef __ecl_h_
-#define __ecl_h_
-#include "ecl-exp.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-struct ECGroupStr;
-typedef struct ECGroupStr ECGroup;
-/* Construct ECGroup from hexadecimal representations of parameters. */
-ECGroup *ECGroup_fromHex(const ECCurveParams * params);
-/* Construct ECGroup from named parameters. */
-ECGroup *ECGroup_fromName(const ECCurveName name);
-/* Free an allocated ECGroup. */
-void ECGroup_free(ECGroup *group);
-/* Construct ECCurveParams from an ECCurveName */
-ECCurveParams *EC_GetNamedCurveParams(const ECCurveName name);
-/* Duplicates an ECCurveParams */
-ECCurveParams *ECCurveParams_dup(const ECCurveParams * params);
-/* Free an allocated ECCurveParams */
-void EC_FreeCurveParams(ECCurveParams * params);
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes Q(x, y) = k * P(x, 
- * y).  If x, y = NULL, then P is assumed to be the generator (base point) 
- * of the group of points on the elliptic curve. Input and output values
- * are assumed to be NOT field-encoded. */
-mp_err ECPoint_mul(const ECGroup *group, const mp_int *k, const mp_int *px,
-				   const mp_int *py, mp_int *qx, mp_int *qy);
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes Q(x, y) = k1 * G + 
- * k2 * P(x, y), where G is the generator (base point) of the group of
- * points on the elliptic curve. Input and output values are assumed to
- * be NOT field-encoded. */
-mp_err ECPoints_mul(const ECGroup *group, const mp_int *k1,
-					const mp_int *k2, const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-					mp_int *qx, mp_int *qy);
-/* Validates an EC public key as described in Section 5.2.2 of X9.62.
- * Returns MP_YES if the public key is valid, MP_NO if the public key
- * is invalid, or an error code if the validation could not be
- * performed. */
-mp_err ECPoint_validate(const ECGroup *group, const mp_int *px, const 
-					mp_int *py);
-#endif							/* __ecl_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_curve.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_curve.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 192dab1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_curve.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecl.h"
-#include "ecl-curve.h"
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define CHECK(func) if ((func) == NULL) { res = 0; goto CLEANUP; }
-/* Duplicates an ECCurveParams */
-ECCurveParams *
-ECCurveParams_dup(const ECCurveParams * params)
-	int res = 1;
-	ECCurveParams *ret = NULL;
-	CHECK(ret = (ECCurveParams *) calloc(1, sizeof(ECCurveParams)));
-	if (params->text != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->text = strdup(params->text));
-	}
-	ret->field = params->field;
-	ret->size = params->size;
-	if (params->irr != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->irr = strdup(params->irr));
-	}
-	if (params->curvea != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->curvea = strdup(params->curvea));
-	}
-	if (params->curveb != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->curveb = strdup(params->curveb));
-	}
-	if (params->genx != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->genx = strdup(params->genx));
-	}
-	if (params->geny != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->geny = strdup(params->geny));
-	}
-	if (params->order != NULL) {
-		CHECK(ret->order = strdup(params->order));
-	}
-	ret->cofactor = params->cofactor;
-	if (res != 1) {
-		EC_FreeCurveParams(ret);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return ret;
-#undef CHECK
-/* Construct ECCurveParams from an ECCurveName */
-ECCurveParams *
-EC_GetNamedCurveParams(const ECCurveName name)
-	if ((name <= ECCurve_noName) || (ECCurve_pastLastCurve <= name) ||
-					(ecCurve_map[name] == NULL)) {
-		return NULL;
-	} else {
-		return ECCurveParams_dup(ecCurve_map[name]);
-	}
-/* Free the memory allocated (if any) to an ECCurveParams object. */
-EC_FreeCurveParams(ECCurveParams * params)
-	if (params == NULL)
-		return;
-	if (params->text != NULL)
-		free(params->text);
-	if (params->irr != NULL)
-		free(params->irr);
-	if (params->curvea != NULL)
-		free(params->curvea);
-	if (params->curveb != NULL)
-		free(params->curveb);
-	if (params->genx != NULL)
-		free(params->genx);
-	if (params->geny != NULL)
-		free(params->geny);
-	if (params->order != NULL)
-		free(params->order);
-	free(params);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_gf.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_gf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d250d78..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_gf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mp_gf2m.h"
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Allocate memory for a new GFMethod object. */
-GFMethod *
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	GFMethod *meth;
-	meth = (GFMethod *) malloc(sizeof(GFMethod));
-	if (meth == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	meth->constructed = MP_YES;
-	MP_DIGITS(&meth->irr) = 0;
-	meth->extra_free = NULL;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&meth->irr));
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		GFMethod_free(meth);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return meth;
-/* Construct a generic GFMethod for arithmetic over prime fields with
- * irreducible irr. */
-GFMethod *
-GFMethod_consGFp(const mp_int *irr)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	GFMethod *meth = NULL;
-	meth = GFMethod_new();
-	if (meth == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(irr, &meth->irr));
-	meth->irr_arr[0] = mpl_significant_bits(irr);
-	meth->irr_arr[1] = meth->irr_arr[2] = meth->irr_arr[3] =
-		meth->irr_arr[4] = 0;
-	switch(MP_USED(&meth->irr)) {
-	/* maybe we need 1 and 2 words here as well?*/
-	case 3:
-		meth->field_add = &ec_GFp_add_3;
-		meth->field_sub = &ec_GFp_sub_3;
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		meth->field_add = &ec_GFp_add_4;
-		meth->field_sub = &ec_GFp_sub_4;
-		break;
-	case 5:
-		meth->field_add = &ec_GFp_add_5;
-		meth->field_sub = &ec_GFp_sub_5;
-		break;
-	case 6:
-		meth->field_add = &ec_GFp_add_6;
-		meth->field_sub = &ec_GFp_sub_6;
-		break;
-	default:
-		meth->field_add = &ec_GFp_add;
-		meth->field_sub = &ec_GFp_sub;
-	}
-	meth->field_neg = &ec_GFp_neg;
-	meth->field_mod = &ec_GFp_mod;
-	meth->field_mul = &ec_GFp_mul;
-	meth->field_sqr = &ec_GFp_sqr;
-	meth->field_div = &ec_GFp_div;
-	meth->field_enc = NULL;
-	meth->field_dec = NULL;
-	meth->extra1 = NULL;
-	meth->extra2 = NULL;
-	meth->extra_free = NULL;
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		GFMethod_free(meth);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return meth;
-/* Construct a generic GFMethod for arithmetic over binary polynomial
- * fields with irreducible irr that has array representation irr_arr (see
- * ecl-priv.h for description of the representation).  If irr_arr is NULL, 
- * then it is constructed from the bitstring representation. */
-GFMethod *
-GFMethod_consGF2m(const mp_int *irr, const unsigned int irr_arr[5])
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	int ret;
-	GFMethod *meth = NULL;
-	meth = GFMethod_new();
-	if (meth == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(irr, &meth->irr));
-	if (irr_arr != NULL) {
-		/* Irreducible polynomials are either trinomials or pentanomials. */
-		meth->irr_arr[0] = irr_arr[0];
-		meth->irr_arr[1] = irr_arr[1];
-		meth->irr_arr[2] = irr_arr[2];
-		if (irr_arr[2] > 0) {
-			meth->irr_arr[3] = irr_arr[3];
-			meth->irr_arr[4] = irr_arr[4];
-		} else {
-			meth->irr_arr[3] = meth->irr_arr[4] = 0;
-		}
-	} else {
-		ret = mp_bpoly2arr(irr, meth->irr_arr, 5);
-		/* Irreducible polynomials are either trinomials or pentanomials. */
-		if ((ret != 5) && (ret != 3)) {
-			res = MP_UNDEF;
-			goto CLEANUP;
-		}
-	}
-	meth->field_add = &ec_GF2m_add;
-	meth->field_neg = &ec_GF2m_neg;
-	meth->field_sub = &ec_GF2m_add;
-	meth->field_mod = &ec_GF2m_mod;
-	meth->field_mul = &ec_GF2m_mul;
-	meth->field_sqr = &ec_GF2m_sqr;
-	meth->field_div = &ec_GF2m_div;
-	meth->field_enc = NULL;
-	meth->field_dec = NULL;
-	meth->extra1 = NULL;
-	meth->extra2 = NULL;
-	meth->extra_free = NULL;
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		GFMethod_free(meth);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return meth;
-/* Free the memory allocated (if any) to a GFMethod object. */
-GFMethod_free(GFMethod *meth)
-	if (meth == NULL)
-		return;
-	if (meth->constructed == MP_NO)
-		return;
-	mp_clear(&meth->irr);
-	if (meth->extra_free != NULL)
-		meth->extra_free(meth);
-	free(meth);
-/* Wrapper functions for generic prime field arithmetic. */
-/* Add two field elements.  Assumes that 0 <= a, b < meth->irr */
-ec_GFp_add(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-		   const GFMethod *meth)
-	/* PRE: 0 <= a, b < p = meth->irr POST: 0 <= r < p, r = a + b (mod p) */
-	mp_err res;
-	if ((res = mp_add(a, b, r)) != MP_OKAY) {
-		return res;
-	}
-	if (mp_cmp(r, &meth->irr) >= 0) {
-		return mp_sub(r, &meth->irr, r);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Negates a field element.  Assumes that 0 <= a < meth->irr */
-ec_GFp_neg(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	/* PRE: 0 <= a < p = meth->irr POST: 0 <= r < p, r = -a (mod p) */
-	if (mp_cmp_z(a) == 0) {
-		mp_zero(r);
-		return MP_OKAY;
-	}
-	return mp_sub(&meth->irr, a, r);
-/* Subtracts two field elements.  Assumes that 0 <= a, b < meth->irr */
-ec_GFp_sub(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-		   const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	/* PRE: 0 <= a, b < p = meth->irr POST: 0 <= r < p, r = a - b (mod p) */
-	res = mp_sub(a, b, r);
-	if (res == MP_RANGE) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(b, a, r));
-		if (mp_cmp_z(r) < 0) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &meth->irr, r));
-		}
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_neg(r, r, meth));
-	}
-	if (mp_cmp_z(r) < 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &meth->irr, r));
-	}
-	return res;
- * Inline adds for small curve lengths.
- */
-/* 3 words */
-ec_GFp_add_3(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0;
-	mp_digit carry;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 3:
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-        carry = 0;
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a0, r0, r0, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a1, r1, r1, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a2, r2, r2, carry);
-	__asm__ (
-                "xorq   %3,%3           \n\t"
-                "addq   %4,%0           \n\t"
-                "adcq   %5,%1           \n\t"
-                "adcq   %6,%2           \n\t"
-                "adcq   $0,%3           \n\t"
-                : "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2), "=r"(carry)
-                : "r" (a0), "r" (a1), "r" (a2),
-		  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2)
-                : "%cc" );
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 3));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 3;
-	/* Do quick 'subract' if we've gone over 
-	 * (add the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	 a2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-	if (carry ||  r2 >  a2 ||
-		((r2 == a2) && mp_cmp(r,&meth->irr) != MP_LT)) {
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-                carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a0, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a1, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a2, r2, carry);
-		__asm__ (
-			"subq   %3,%0           \n\t"
-			"sbbq   %4,%1           \n\t"
-			"sbbq   %5,%2           \n\t"
-			: "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2)
-			: "r" (a0), "r" (a1), "r" (a2),
-			  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2)
-			: "%cc" );
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	}
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* 4 words */
-ec_GFp_add_4(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0;
-	mp_digit carry;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 4:
-		a3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-	case 3:
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 4:
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(b,3);
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-        carry = 0;
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a0, r0, r0, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a1, r1, r1, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a2, r2, r2, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a3, r3, r3, carry);
-	__asm__ (
-                "xorq   %4,%4           \n\t"
-                "addq   %5,%0           \n\t"
-                "adcq   %6,%1           \n\t"
-                "adcq   %7,%2           \n\t"
-                "adcq   %8,%3           \n\t"
-                "adcq   $0,%4           \n\t"
-                : "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2), "=r"(r3), "=r"(carry)
-                : "r" (a0), "r" (a1), "r" (a2), "r" (a3),
-		  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2), "3" (r3)
-                : "%cc" );
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 4));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 4;
-	/* Do quick 'subract' if we've gone over 
-	 * (add the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	 a3 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,3);
-	if (carry ||  r3 >  a3 ||
-		((r3 == a3) && mp_cmp(r,&meth->irr) != MP_LT)) {
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-                carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a0, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a1, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a2, r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a3, r3, carry);
-		__asm__ (
-			"subq   %4,%0           \n\t"
-			"sbbq   %5,%1           \n\t"
-			"sbbq   %6,%2           \n\t"
-			"sbbq   %7,%3           \n\t"
-			: "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2), "=r"(r3)
-			: "r" (a0), "r" (a1), "r" (a2), "r" (a3),
-			  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2), "3" (r3)
-			: "%cc" );
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	}
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* 5 words */
-ec_GFp_add_5(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, r4 = 0;
-	mp_digit carry;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 5:
-		a4 = MP_DIGIT(a,4);
-	case 4:
-		a3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-	case 3:
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 5:
-		r4 = MP_DIGIT(b,4);
-	case 4:
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(b,3);
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-        carry = 0;
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a0, r0, r0, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a1, r1, r1, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a2, r2, r2, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a3, r3, r3, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a4, r4, r4, carry);
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 5));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 4) = r4;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 5;
-	/* Do quick 'subract' if we've gone over 
-	 * (add the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	 a4 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,4);
-	if (carry ||  r4 >  a4 ||
-		((r4 == a4) && mp_cmp(r,&meth->irr) != MP_LT)) {
-		a3 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,3);
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-                carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a0, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a1, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a2, r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a3, r3, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, a4, r4, carry);
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 4) = r4;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	}
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* 6 words */
-ec_GFp_add_6(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0, a5 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, r4 = 0, r5 = 0;
-	mp_digit carry;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 6:
-		a5 = MP_DIGIT(a,5);
-	case 5:
-		a4 = MP_DIGIT(a,4);
-	case 4:
-		a3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-	case 3:
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 6:
-		r5 = MP_DIGIT(b,5);
-	case 5:
-		r4 = MP_DIGIT(b,4);
-	case 4:
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(b,3);
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-        carry = 0;
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a0, r0, r0, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a1, r1, r1, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a2, r2, r2, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a3, r3, r3, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a4, r4, r4, carry);
-	MP_ADD_CARRY(a5, r5, r5, carry);
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 6));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 5) = r5;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 4) = r4;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 6;
-	/* Do quick 'subract' if we've gone over 
-	 * (add the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	a5 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,5);
-	if (carry ||  r5 >  a5 ||
-		((r5 == a5) && mp_cmp(r,&meth->irr) != MP_LT)) {
-		a4 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,4);
-		a3 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,3);
-		a2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		a1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		a0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-                carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a0, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a1, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a2, r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a3, r3, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, a4, r4, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r5, a5, r5, carry);
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 5) = r5;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 4) = r4;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-		MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	}
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
- * The following subraction functions do in-line subractions based
- * on our curve size.
- *
- * ... 3 words
- */
-ec_GFp_sub_3(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0;
-	mp_digit borrow;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 3:
-		b2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-        borrow = 0;
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, b0, r0, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, b1, r1, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, b2, r2, borrow);
-	__asm__ (
-                "xorq   %3,%3           \n\t"
-                "subq   %4,%0           \n\t"
-                "sbbq   %5,%1           \n\t"
-                "sbbq   %6,%2           \n\t"
-                "adcq   $0,%3           \n\t"
-                : "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2), "=r" (borrow)
-                : "r" (b0), "r" (b1), "r" (b2), 
-		  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2)
-                : "%cc" );
-	/* Do quick 'add' if we've gone under 0
-	 * (subtract the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	if (borrow) {
-	 	b2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-                borrow = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b0, r0, r0, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b1, r1, r1, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b2, r2, r2, borrow);
-		__asm__ (
-			"addq   %3,%0           \n\t"
-			"adcq   %4,%1           \n\t"
-			"adcq   %5,%2           \n\t"
-			: "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2)
-			: "r" (b0), "r" (b1), "r" (b2),
-  			  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2)
-			: "%cc" );
-	}
-#ifdef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-	/* compiler fakeout? */
-	if ((r2 == b0) && (r1 == b0) && (r0 == b0)) { 
-		MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 4));
-	} 
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 3));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 3;
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* 4 words */
-ec_GFp_sub_4(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0;
-	mp_digit borrow;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 4:
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 4:
-		b3 = MP_DIGIT(b,3);
-	case 3:
-		b2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-        borrow = 0;
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, b0, r0, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, b1, r1, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, b2, r2, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, b3, r3, borrow);
-	__asm__ (
-                "xorq   %4,%4           \n\t"
-                "subq   %5,%0           \n\t"
-                "sbbq   %6,%1           \n\t"
-                "sbbq   %7,%2           \n\t"
-                "sbbq   %8,%3           \n\t"
-                "adcq   $0,%4           \n\t"
-                : "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2), "=r"(r3), "=r" (borrow)
-                : "r" (b0), "r" (b1), "r" (b2), "r" (b3),
-		  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2), "3" (r3)
-                : "%cc" );
-	/* Do quick 'add' if we've gone under 0
-	 * (subtract the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	if (borrow) {
-	 	b3 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,3);
-	 	b2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-                borrow = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b0, r0, r0, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b1, r1, r1, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b2, r2, r2, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b3, r3, r3, borrow);
-		__asm__ (
-			"addq   %4,%0           \n\t"
-			"adcq   %5,%1           \n\t"
-			"adcq   %6,%2           \n\t"
-			"adcq   %7,%3           \n\t"
-			: "=r"(r0), "=r"(r1), "=r"(r2), "=r"(r3)
-			: "r" (b0), "r" (b1), "r" (b2), "r" (b3),
-  			  "0" (r0), "1" (r1), "2" (r2), "3" (r3)
-			: "%cc" );
-	}
-#ifdef MPI_AMD64_ADD
-	/* compiler fakeout? */
-	if ((r3 == b0) && (r1 == b0) && (r0 == b0)) { 
-		MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 4));
-	} 
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 4));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 4;
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* 5 words */
-ec_GFp_sub_5(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0, b4 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, r4 = 0;
-	mp_digit borrow;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 5:
-		r4 = MP_DIGIT(a,4);
-	case 4:
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 5:
-		b4 = MP_DIGIT(b,4);
-	case 4:
-		b3 = MP_DIGIT(b,3);
-	case 3:
-		b2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-        borrow = 0;
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, b0, r0, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, b1, r1, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, b2, r2, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, b3, r3, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, b4, r4, borrow);
-	/* Do quick 'add' if we've gone under 0
-	 * (subtract the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	if (borrow) {
-	 	b4 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,4);
-	 	b3 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,3);
-	 	b2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-                borrow = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b0, r0, r0, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b1, r1, r1, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b2, r2, r2, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b3, r3, r3, borrow);
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 5));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 4) = r4;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 5;
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* 6 words */
-ec_GFp_sub_6(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r, 
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_digit b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0, b3 = 0, b4 = 0, b5 = 0;
-	mp_digit r0 = 0, r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, r4 = 0, r5 = 0;
-	mp_digit borrow;
-	switch(MP_USED(a)) {
-	case 6:
-		r5 = MP_DIGIT(a,5);
-	case 5:
-		r4 = MP_DIGIT(a,4);
-	case 4:
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-	case 3:
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-	case 2:
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-	case 1:
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-	}
-	switch(MP_USED(b)) {
-	case 6:
-		b5 = MP_DIGIT(b,5);
-	case 5:
-		b4 = MP_DIGIT(b,4);
-	case 4:
-		b3 = MP_DIGIT(b,3);
-	case 3:
-		b2 = MP_DIGIT(b,2);
-	case 2:
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(b,1);
-	case 1:
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(b,0);
-	}
-        borrow = 0;
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, b0, r0, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, b1, r1, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, b2, r2, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, b3, r3, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, b4, r4, borrow);
-	MP_SUB_BORROW(r5, b5, r5, borrow);
-	/* Do quick 'add' if we've gone under 0
-	 * (subtract the 2's complement of the curve field) */
-	if (borrow) {
-	 	b5 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,5);
-	 	b4 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,4);
-	 	b3 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,3);
-	 	b2 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,2);
-		b1 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,1);
-		b0 = MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr,0);
-                borrow = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b0, r0, r0, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b1, r1, r1, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b2, r2, r2, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b3, r3, r3, borrow);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(b4, r4, r4, borrow);
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r, 6));
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 5) = r5;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 4) = r4;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 3) = r3;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 2) = r2;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 1) = r1;
-	MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = r0;
-	MP_USED(r) = 6;
-	s_mp_clamp(r);
-	return res;
-/* Reduces an integer to a field element. */
-ec_GFp_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_mod(a, &meth->irr, r);
-/* Multiplies two field elements. */
-ec_GFp_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-		   const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_mulmod(a, b, &meth->irr, r);
-/* Squares a field element. */
-ec_GFp_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_sqrmod(a, &meth->irr, r);
-/* Divides two field elements. If a is NULL, then returns the inverse of
- * b. */
-ec_GFp_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-		   const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int t;
-	/* If a is NULL, then return the inverse of b, otherwise return a/b. */
-	if (a == NULL) {
-		return mp_invmod(b, &meth->irr, r);
-	} else {
-		/* MPI doesn't support divmod, so we implement it using invmod and 
-		 * mulmod. */
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&t));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_invmod(b, &meth->irr, &t));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mulmod(a, &t, &meth->irr, r));
-		mp_clear(&t);
-		return res;
-	}
-/* Wrapper functions for generic binary polynomial field arithmetic. */
-/* Adds two field elements. */
-ec_GF2m_add(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_badd(a, b, r);
-/* Negates a field element. Note that for binary polynomial fields, the
- * negation of a field element is the field element itself. */
-ec_GF2m_neg(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	if (a == r) {
-		return MP_OKAY;
-	} else {
-		return mp_copy(a, r);
-	}
-/* Reduces a binary polynomial to a field element. */
-ec_GF2m_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_bmod(a, meth->irr_arr, r);
-/* Multiplies two field elements. */
-ec_GF2m_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_bmulmod(a, b, meth->irr_arr, r);
-/* Squares a field element. */
-ec_GF2m_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	return mp_bsqrmod(a, meth->irr_arr, r);
-/* Divides two field elements. If a is NULL, then returns the inverse of
- * b. */
-ec_GF2m_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-			const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int t;
-	/* If a is NULL, then return the inverse of b, otherwise return a/b. */
-	if (a == NULL) {
-		/* The GF(2^m) portion of MPI doesn't support invmod, so we
-		 * compute 1/b. */
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&t));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_set_int(&t, 1));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_bdivmod(&t, b, &meth->irr, meth->irr_arr, r));
-		mp_clear(&t);
-		return res;
-	} else {
-		return mp_bdivmod(a, b, &meth->irr, meth->irr_arr, r);
-	}
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_mult.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_mult.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5932828..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecl_mult.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "ecl.h"
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes R(x, y) = k * P(x, 
- * y).  If x, y = NULL, then P is assumed to be the generator (base point) 
- * of the group of points on the elliptic curve. Input and output values
- * are assumed to be NOT field-encoded. */
-ECPoint_mul(const ECGroup *group, const mp_int *k, const mp_int *px,
-			const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int kt;
-	ARGCHK((k != NULL) && (group != NULL), MP_BADARG);
-	MP_DIGITS(&kt) = 0;
-	/* want scalar to be less than or equal to group order */
-	if (mp_cmp(k, &group->order) > 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&kt));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(k, &group->order, &kt));
-	} else {
-		MP_SIGN(&kt) = MP_ZPOS;
-		MP_USED(&kt) = MP_USED(k);
-		MP_ALLOC(&kt) = MP_ALLOC(k);
-		MP_DIGITS(&kt) = MP_DIGITS(k);
-	}
-	if ((px == NULL) || (py == NULL)) {
-		if (group->base_point_mul) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->base_point_mul(&kt, rx, ry, group));
-		} else {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->
-					   point_mul(&kt, &group->genx, &group->geny, rx, ry,
-								 group));
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(px, rx, group->meth));
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(py, ry, group->meth));
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->point_mul(&kt, rx, ry, rx, ry, group));
-		} else {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->point_mul(&kt, px, py, rx, ry, group));
-		}
-	}
-	if (group->meth->field_dec) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(rx, rx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(ry, ry, group->meth));
-	}
-	if (MP_DIGITS(&kt) != MP_DIGITS(k)) {
-		mp_clear(&kt);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes R(x, y) = k1 * G + 
- * k2 * P(x, y), where G is the generator (base point) of the group of
- * points on the elliptic curve. Allows k1 = NULL or { k2, P } = NULL.
- * Input and output values are assumed to be NOT field-encoded. */
-ec_pts_mul_basic(const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2, const mp_int *px,
-				 const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-				 const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int sx, sy;
-	ARGCHK(!((k1 == NULL)
-			 && ((k2 == NULL) || (px == NULL)
-				 || (py == NULL))), MP_BADARG);
-	/* if some arguments are not defined used ECPoint_mul */
-	if (k1 == NULL) {
-		return ECPoint_mul(group, k2, px, py, rx, ry);
-	} else if ((k2 == NULL) || (px == NULL) || (py == NULL)) {
-		return ECPoint_mul(group, k1, NULL, NULL, rx, ry);
-	}
-	MP_DIGITS(&sx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&sy) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&sx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&sy));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ECPoint_mul(group, k1, NULL, NULL, &sx, &sy));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ECPoint_mul(group, k2, px, py, rx, ry));
-	if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(&sx, &sx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(&sy, &sy, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(rx, rx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(ry, ry, group->meth));
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->point_add(&sx, &sy, rx, ry, rx, ry, group));
-	if (group->meth->field_dec) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(rx, rx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(ry, ry, group->meth));
-	}
-	mp_clear(&sx);
-	mp_clear(&sy);
-	return res;
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes R(x, y) = k1 * G + 
- * k2 * P(x, y), where G is the generator (base point) of the group of
- * points on the elliptic curve. Allows k1 = NULL or { k2, P } = NULL.
- * Input and output values are assumed to be NOT field-encoded. Uses
- * algorithm 15 (simultaneous multiple point multiplication) from Brown,
- * Hankerson, Lopez, Menezes. Software Implementation of the NIST
- * Elliptic Curves over Prime Fields. */
-ec_pts_mul_simul_w2(const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2, const mp_int *px,
-					const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-					const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int precomp[4][4][2];
-	const mp_int *a, *b;
-        unsigned int i, j;
-	int ai, bi, d;
-	ARGCHK(!((k1 == NULL)
-			 && ((k2 == NULL) || (px == NULL)
-				 || (py == NULL))), MP_BADARG);
-	/* if some arguments are not defined used ECPoint_mul */
-	if (k1 == NULL) {
-		return ECPoint_mul(group, k2, px, py, rx, ry);
-	} else if ((k2 == NULL) || (px == NULL) || (py == NULL)) {
-		return ECPoint_mul(group, k1, NULL, NULL, rx, ry);
-	}
-	/* initialize precomputation table */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][j][0]) = 0;
-			MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][j][1]) = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			 MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&precomp[i][j][0],
-			 MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&precomp[i][j][1],
-		}
-	}
-	/* fill precomputation table */
-	/* assign {k1, k2} = {a, b} such that len(a) >= len(b) */
-	if (mpl_significant_bits(k1) < mpl_significant_bits(k2)) {
-		a = k2;
-		b = k1;
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(px, &precomp[1][0][0], group->meth));
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(py, &precomp[1][0][1], group->meth));
-		} else {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &precomp[1][0][0]));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &precomp[1][0][1]));
-		}
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->genx, &precomp[0][1][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->geny, &precomp[0][1][1]));
-	} else {
-		a = k1;
-		b = k2;
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->genx, &precomp[1][0][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->geny, &precomp[1][0][1]));
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(px, &precomp[0][1][0], group->meth));
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(py, &precomp[0][1][1], group->meth));
-		} else {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &precomp[0][1][0]));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &precomp[0][1][1]));
-		}
-	}
-	/* precompute [*][0][*] */
-	mp_zero(&precomp[0][0][0]);
-	mp_zero(&precomp[0][0][1]);
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_dbl(&precomp[1][0][0], &precomp[1][0][1],
-						 &precomp[2][0][0], &precomp[2][0][1], group));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_add(&precomp[1][0][0], &precomp[1][0][1],
-						 &precomp[2][0][0], &precomp[2][0][1],
-						 &precomp[3][0][0], &precomp[3][0][1], group));
-	/* precompute [*][1][*] */
-	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[0][1][0], &precomp[0][1][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0][0], &precomp[i][0][1],
-							 &precomp[i][1][0], &precomp[i][1][1], group));
-	}
-	/* precompute [*][2][*] */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_dbl(&precomp[0][1][0], &precomp[0][1][1],
-						 &precomp[0][2][0], &precomp[0][2][1], group));
-	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[0][2][0], &precomp[0][2][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0][0], &precomp[i][0][1],
-							 &precomp[i][2][0], &precomp[i][2][1], group));
-	}
-	/* precompute [*][3][*] */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_add(&precomp[0][1][0], &precomp[0][1][1],
-						 &precomp[0][2][0], &precomp[0][2][1],
-						 &precomp[0][3][0], &precomp[0][3][1], group));
-	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[0][3][0], &precomp[0][3][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0][0], &precomp[i][0][1],
-							 &precomp[i][3][0], &precomp[i][3][1], group));
-	}
-	d = (mpl_significant_bits(a) + 1) / 2;
-	/* R = inf */
-	mp_zero(rx);
-	mp_zero(ry);
-        for (i = d; i-- > 0;) {
-		ai = MP_GET_BIT(a, 2 * i + 1);
-		ai <<= 1;
-		ai |= MP_GET_BIT(a, 2 * i);
-		bi = MP_GET_BIT(b, 2 * i + 1);
-		bi <<= 1;
-		bi |= MP_GET_BIT(b, 2 * i);
-		/* R = 2^2 * R */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->point_dbl(rx, ry, rx, ry, group));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->point_dbl(rx, ry, rx, ry, group));
-		/* R = R + (ai * A + bi * B) */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(rx, ry, &precomp[ai][bi][0],
-							 &precomp[ai][bi][1], rx, ry, group));
-	}
-	if (group->meth->field_dec) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(rx, rx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(ry, ry, group->meth));
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			mp_clear(&precomp[i][j][0]);
-			mp_clear(&precomp[i][j][1]);
-		}
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes R(x, y) = k1 * G + 
- * k2 * P(x, y), where G is the generator (base point) of the group of
- * points on the elliptic curve. Allows k1 = NULL or { k2, P } = NULL.
- * Input and output values are assumed to be NOT field-encoded. */
-ECPoints_mul(const ECGroup *group, const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2,
-			 const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int k1t, k2t;
-	const mp_int *k1p, *k2p;
-	MP_DIGITS(&k1t) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&k2t) = 0;
-	/* want scalar to be less than or equal to group order */
-	if (k1 != NULL) {
-		if (mp_cmp(k1, &group->order) >= 0) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&k1t));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(k1, &group->order, &k1t));
-			k1p = &k1t;
-		} else {
-			k1p = k1;
-		}
-	} else {
-		k1p = k1;
-	}
-	if (k2 != NULL) {
-		if (mp_cmp(k2, &group->order) >= 0) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&k2t));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(k2, &group->order, &k2t));
-			k2p = &k2t;
-		} else {
-			k2p = k2;
-		}
-	} else {
-		k2p = k2;
-	}
-	/* if points_mul is defined, then use it */
-	if (group->points_mul) {
-		res = group->points_mul(k1p, k2p, px, py, rx, ry, group);
-	} else {
-		res = ec_pts_mul_simul_w2(k1p, k2p, px, py, rx, ry, group);
-	}
-	mp_clear(&k1t);
-	mp_clear(&k2t);
-	return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp.h b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4784b02..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __ecp_h_
-#define __ecp_h_
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-/* Checks if point P(px, py) is at infinity.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py);
-/* Sets P(px, py) to be the point at infinity.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_aff(mp_int *px, mp_int *py);
-/* Computes R = P + Q where R is (rx, ry), P is (px, py) and Q is (qx,
- * qy). Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_add_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						 const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = P - Q.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_sub_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						 const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = 2P.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_dbl_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Validates a point on a GFp curve. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_validate_point(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is (px, py). The parameters
- * a, b and p are the elliptic curve coefficients and the prime that
- * determines the field GFp.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_mul_aff(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px,
-						 const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						 const ECGroup *group);
-/* Converts a point P(px, py) from affine coordinates to Jacobian
- * projective coordinates R(rx, ry, rz). */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_aff2jac(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-						 mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Converts a point P(px, py, pz) from Jacobian projective coordinates to
- * affine coordinates R(rx, ry). */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_jac2aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						 const mp_int *pz, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						 const ECGroup *group);
-/* Checks if point P(px, py, pz) is at infinity.  Uses Jacobian
- * coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-							const mp_int *pz);
-/* Sets P(px, py, pz) to be the point at infinity.  Uses Jacobian
- * coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(mp_int *px, mp_int *py, mp_int *pz);
-/* Computes R = P + Q where R is (rx, ry, rz), P is (px, py, pz) and Q is
- * (qx, qy, qz).  Uses Jacobian coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_add_jac_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-							 const mp_int *pz, const mp_int *qx,
-							 const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-							 mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = 2P.  Uses Jacobian coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-						 const mp_int *pz, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						 mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is (px, py). The parameters
- * a, b and p are the elliptic curve coefficients and the prime that
- * determines the field GFp.  Uses Jacobian coordinates. */
-mp_err ec_GFp_pt_mul_jac(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px,
-						 const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-						 const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R(x, y) = k1 * G + k2 * P(x, y), where G is the generator
- * (base point) of the group of points on the elliptic curve. Allows k1 =
- * NULL or { k2, P } = NULL.  Implemented using mixed Jacobian-affine
- * coordinates. Input and output values are assumed to be NOT
- * field-encoded and are in affine form. */
- ec_GFp_pts_mul_jac(const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2, const mp_int *px,
-					const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-					const ECGroup *group);
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is the base point. Elliptic
- * curve points P and R can be identical. Uses mixed Modified-Jacobian
- * co-ordinates for doubling and Chudnovsky Jacobian coordinates for
- * additions. Assumes input is already field-encoded using field_enc, and
- * returns output that is still field-encoded. Uses 5-bit window NAF
- * method (algorithm 11) for scalar-point multiplication from Brown,
- * Hankerson, Lopez, Menezes. Software Implementation of the NIST Elliptic 
- * Curves Over Prime Fields. */
- ec_GFp_pt_mul_jm_wNAF(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-					   mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group);
-#endif							/* __ecp_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 936ee6d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-/* Fast modular reduction for p256 = 2^256 - 2^224 + 2^192+ 2^96 - 1.  a can be r. 
- * Uses algorithm 2.29 from Hankerson, Menezes, Vanstone. Guide to 
- * Elliptic Curve Cryptography. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp256_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_size a_used = MP_USED(a);
-	int a_bits = mpl_significant_bits(a);
-	mp_digit carry;
-	mp_digit a8=0, a9=0, a10=0, a11=0, a12=0, a13=0, a14=0, a15=0;
-	mp_digit r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;
-	int r8; /* must be a signed value ! */
-	mp_digit a4=0, a5=0, a6=0, a7=0;
-	mp_digit a4h, a4l, a5h, a5l, a6h, a6l, a7h, a7l;
-	mp_digit r0, r1, r2, r3;
-	int r4; /* must be a signed value ! */
-	/* for polynomials larger than twice the field size 
-	 * use regular reduction */
-	if (a_bits < 256) {
-		if (a == r) return MP_OKAY;
-		return mp_copy(a,r);
-	}
-	if (a_bits > 512)  {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(a, &meth->irr, r));
-	} else {
-		switch (a_used) {
-		case 16:
-			a15 = MP_DIGIT(a,15);
-		case 15:
-			a14 = MP_DIGIT(a,14);
-		case 14:
-			a13 = MP_DIGIT(a,13);
-		case 13:
-			a12 = MP_DIGIT(a,12);
-		case 12:
-			a11 = MP_DIGIT(a,11);
-		case 11:
-			a10 = MP_DIGIT(a,10);
-		case 10:
-			a9 = MP_DIGIT(a,9);
-		case 9:
-			a8 = MP_DIGIT(a,8);
-		}
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-		r4 = MP_DIGIT(a,4);
-		r5 = MP_DIGIT(a,5);
-		r6 = MP_DIGIT(a,6);
-		r7 = MP_DIGIT(a,7);
-		/* sum 1 */
-                carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a11, r3, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r4, a12, r4, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r5, a13, r5, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, a14, r6, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r7, a15, r7, carry);
-		r8 = carry; carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a11, r3, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r4, a12, r4, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r5, a13, r5, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, a14, r6, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r7, a15, r7, carry);
-		r8 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* sum 2 */
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a12, r3, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r4, a13, r4, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r5, a14, r5, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, a15, r6, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r7,   0, r7, carry);
-		r8 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* combine last bottom of sum 3 with second sum 2 */
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r0, a8,  r0, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a9,  r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a10, r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a12, r3, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r4, a13, r4, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r5, a14, r5, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, a15, r6, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r7, a15, r7, carry); /* from sum 3 */
-		r8 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* sum 3 (rest of it)*/
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, a14, r6, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r7,   0, r7, carry);
-		r8 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* sum 4 (rest of it)*/
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r0, a9,  r0, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a10, r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a11, r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a13, r3, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r4, a14, r4, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r5, a15, r5, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, a13, r6, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r7, a8,  r7, carry);
-		r8 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* diff 5 */
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a11, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a12, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a13, r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3,   0, r3, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r4,   0, r4, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r5,   0, r5, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r6, a8,  r6, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r7, a10, r7, carry);
-		r8 -= carry; carry = 0;
-		/* diff 6 */
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a12, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a13, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a14, r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a15, r3, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r4,   0, r4, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r5,   0, r5, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r6, a9,  r6, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r7, a11, r7, carry);
-		r8 -= carry; carry = 0;
-		/* diff 7 */
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a13, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a14, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a15, r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a8,  r3, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, a9,  r4, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r5, a10, r5, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r6, 0,   r6, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r7, a12, r7, carry);
-		r8 -= carry; carry = 0;
-		/* diff 8 */
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a14, r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a15, r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, 0,   r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a9,  r3, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, a10, r4, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r5, a11, r5, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r6, 0,   r6, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r7, a13, r7, carry);
-		r8 -= carry;
-		/* reduce the overflows */
-		while (r8 > 0) {
-			mp_digit r8_d = r8; carry = 0;
-			carry = 0;
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r0, r8_d,         r0, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, 0,            r1, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, 0,            r2, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, 0-r8_d,       r3, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r4, MP_DIGIT_MAX, r4, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r5, MP_DIGIT_MAX, r5, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r6, 0-(r8_d+1),   r6, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r7, (r8_d-1),     r7, carry);
-			r8 = carry;
-		}
-		/* reduce the underflows */
-		while (r8 < 0) {
-			mp_digit r8_d = -r8;
-			carry = 0;
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, r8_d,         r0, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, 0,            r1, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, 0,            r2, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, 0-r8_d,       r3, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r4, MP_DIGIT_MAX, r4, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r5, MP_DIGIT_MAX, r5, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r6, 0-(r8_d+1),   r6, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r7, (r8_d-1),     r7, carry);
-			r8 = 0-carry;
-		}
-		if (a != r) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r,8));
-		}
-		MP_SIGN(r) = MP_ZPOS;
-		MP_USED(r) = 8;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,7) = r7;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,6) = r6;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,5) = r5;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,4) = r4;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,3) = r3;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,2) = r2;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,1) = r1;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,0) = r0;
-		/* final reduction if necessary */
-		if ((r7 == MP_DIGIT_MAX) &&
-			((r6 > 1) || ((r6 == 1) &&
-			(r5 || r4 || r3 || 
-				((r2 == MP_DIGIT_MAX) && (r1 == MP_DIGIT_MAX)
-				  && (r0 == MP_DIGIT_MAX)))))) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(r, &meth->irr, r));
-		}
-		s_mp_clamp(r);
-		switch (a_used) {
-		case 8:
-			a7 = MP_DIGIT(a,7);
-		case 7:
-			a6 = MP_DIGIT(a,6);
-		case 6:
-			a5 = MP_DIGIT(a,5);
-		case 5:
-			a4 = MP_DIGIT(a,4);
-		}
-		a7l = a7 << 32;
-		a7h = a7 >> 32;
-		a6l = a6 << 32;
-		a6h = a6 >> 32;
-		a5l = a5 << 32;
-		a5h = a5 >> 32;
-		a4l = a4 << 32;
-		a4h = a4 >> 32;
-		r3 = MP_DIGIT(a,3);
-		r2 = MP_DIGIT(a,2);
-		r1 = MP_DIGIT(a,1);
-		r0 = MP_DIGIT(a,0);
-		/* sum 1 */
-                carry = 0;
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a5h << 32, r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a6,        r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a7,        r3, carry);
-		r4 = carry; carry = 0;
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a5h << 32, r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a6,        r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a7,        r3, carry);
-		r4 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* sum 2 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a6l,       r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a6h | a7l, r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a7h,       r3, carry);
-		r4 += carry; carry = 0;
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a6l,       r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a6h | a7l, r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a7h,       r3, carry);
-		r4 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* sum 3 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r0, a4,        r0, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a5l >> 32, r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, 0,         r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a7,        r3, carry);
-		r4 += carry; carry = 0;
-		/* sum 4 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r0, a4h | a5l,     r0, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, a5h|(a6h<<32), r1, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, a7,            r2, carry);
-		MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, a6h | a4l,     r3, carry);
-		r4 += carry;
-		/* diff 5 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a5h | a6l,    r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a6h,          r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, 0,            r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, (a4l>>32)|a5l,r3, carry);
-		r4 -= carry;
-		/* diff 6 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a6,  		r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a7,           r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, 0,            r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a4h|(a5h<<32),r3, carry);
-		r4 -= carry;
-		/* diff 7 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a6h|a7l,	r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a7h|a4l,      r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a4h|a5l,      r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a6l,          r3, carry);
-		r4 -= carry;
-		/* diff 8 */
-		carry = 0;
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, a7,	        r0, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, a4h<<32,      r1, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, a5,           r2, carry);
-		MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, a6h<<32,      r3, carry);
-		r4 -= carry;
-		/* reduce the overflows */
-		while (r4 > 0) {
-			mp_digit r4_long = r4;
-			mp_digit r4l = (r4_long << 32);
-                        carry = 0;
-			carry = 0;
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r0, r4_long,      r0, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r1, 0-r4l,        r1, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r2, MP_DIGIT_MAX, r2, carry);
-			MP_ADD_CARRY(r3, r4l-r4_long-1,r3, carry);
-			r4 = carry;
-		}
-		/* reduce the underflows */
-		while (r4 < 0) {
-			mp_digit r4_long = -r4;
-			mp_digit r4l = (r4_long << 32);
-			carry = 0;
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r0, r4_long,      r0, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r1, 0-r4l,        r1, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r2, MP_DIGIT_MAX, r2, carry);
-			MP_SUB_BORROW(r3, r4l-r4_long-1,r3, carry);
-			r4 = 0-carry;
-		}
-		if (a != r) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r,4));
-		}
-		MP_SIGN(r) = MP_ZPOS;
-		MP_USED(r) = 4;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,3) = r3;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,2) = r2;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,1) = r1;
-		MP_DIGIT(r,0) = r0;
-		/* final reduction if necessary */
-		if ((r3 > 0xFFFFFFFF00000001ULL) ||
-			((r3 == 0xFFFFFFFF00000001ULL) && 
-			(r2 || (r1 >> 32)|| 
-			       (r1 == 0xFFFFFFFFULL && r0 == MP_DIGIT_MAX)))) {
-			/* very rare, just use mp_sub */
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(r, &meth->irr, r));
-		}
-		s_mp_clamp(r);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Compute the square of polynomial a, reduce modulo p256. Store the
- * result in r.  r could be a.  Uses optimized modular reduction for p256. 
- */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp256_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_sqr(a, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp256_mod(r, r, meth));
-	return res;
-/* Compute the product of two polynomials a and b, reduce modulo p256.
- * Store the result in r.  r could be a or b; a could be b.  Uses
- * optimized modular reduction for p256. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp256_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-					const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(a, b, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp256_mod(r, r, meth));
-	return res;
-/* Wire in fast field arithmetic and precomputation of base point for
- * named curves. */
-ec_group_set_gfp256(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name)
-	if (name == ECCurve_NIST_P256) {
-		group->meth->field_mod = &ec_GFp_nistp256_mod;
-		group->meth->field_mul = &ec_GFp_nistp256_mul;
-		group->meth->field_sqr = &ec_GFp_nistp256_sqr;
-	}
-	return MP_OKAY;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256_32.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256_32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eb7a4be..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_256_32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1504 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* A 32-bit implementation of the NIST P-256 elliptic curve. */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#include "ecp.h"
-typedef PRUint8 u8;
-typedef PRUint32 u32;
-typedef PRUint64 u64;
-/* Our field elements are represented as nine, unsigned 32-bit words. Freebl's
- * MPI library calls them digits, but here they are called limbs, which is
- * GMP's terminology.
- *
- * The value of an felem (field element) is:
- *   x[0] + (x[1] * 2**29) + (x[2] * 2**57) + ... + (x[8] * 2**228)
- *
- * That is, each limb is alternately 29 or 28-bits wide in little-endian
- * order.
- *
- * This means that an felem hits 2**257, rather than 2**256 as we would like. A
- * 28, 29, ... pattern would cause us to hit 2**256, but that causes problems
- * when multiplying as terms end up one bit short of a limb which would require
- * much bit-shifting to correct.
- *
- * Finally, the values stored in an felem are in Montgomery form. So the value
- * |y| is stored as (y*R) mod p, where p is the P-256 prime and R is 2**257.
- */
-typedef u32 limb;
-#define NLIMBS 9
-typedef limb felem[NLIMBS];
-static const limb kBottom28Bits = 0xfffffff;
-static const limb kBottom29Bits = 0x1fffffff;
-/* kOne is the number 1 as an felem. It's 2**257 mod p split up into 29 and
- * 28-bit words.
- */
-static const felem kOne = {
-    2, 0, 0, 0xffff800,
-    0x1fffffff, 0xfffffff, 0x1fbfffff, 0x1ffffff,
-    0
-static const felem kZero = {0};
-static const felem kP = {
-    0x1fffffff, 0xfffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3ff,
-    0, 0, 0x200000, 0xf000000,
-    0xfffffff
-static const felem k2P = {
-    0x1ffffffe, 0xfffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x7ff,
-    0, 0, 0x400000, 0xe000000,
-    0x1fffffff
-/* kPrecomputed contains precomputed values to aid the calculation of scalar
- * multiples of the base point, G. It's actually two, equal length, tables
- * concatenated.
- *
- * The first table contains (x,y) felem pairs for 16 multiples of the base
- * point, G.
- *
- *   Index  |  Index (binary) | Value
- *       0  |           0000  | 0G (all zeros, omitted)
- *       1  |           0001  | G
- *       2  |           0010  | 2**64G
- *       3  |           0011  | 2**64G + G
- *       4  |           0100  | 2**128G
- *       5  |           0101  | 2**128G + G
- *       6  |           0110  | 2**128G + 2**64G
- *       7  |           0111  | 2**128G + 2**64G + G
- *       8  |           1000  | 2**192G
- *       9  |           1001  | 2**192G + G
- *      10  |           1010  | 2**192G + 2**64G
- *      11  |           1011  | 2**192G + 2**64G + G
- *      12  |           1100  | 2**192G + 2**128G
- *      13  |           1101  | 2**192G + 2**128G + G
- *      14  |           1110  | 2**192G + 2**128G + 2**64G
- *      15  |           1111  | 2**192G + 2**128G + 2**64G + G
- *
- * The second table follows the same style, but the terms are 2**32G,
- * 2**96G, 2**160G, 2**224G.
- *
- * This is ~2KB of data.
- */
-static const limb kPrecomputed[NLIMBS * 2 * 15 * 2] = {
-    0x11522878, 0xe730d41, 0xdb60179, 0x4afe2ff, 0x12883add, 0xcaddd88, 0x119e7edc, 0xd4a6eab, 0x3120bee,
-    0x1d2aac15, 0xf25357c, 0x19e45cdd, 0x5c721d0, 0x1992c5a5, 0xa237487, 0x154ba21, 0x14b10bb, 0xae3fe3,
-    0xd41a576, 0x922fc51, 0x234994f, 0x60b60d3, 0x164586ae, 0xce95f18, 0x1fe49073, 0x3fa36cc, 0x5ebcd2c,
-    0xb402f2f, 0x15c70bf, 0x1561925c, 0x5a26704, 0xda91e90, 0xcdc1c7f, 0x1ea12446, 0xe1ade1e, 0xec91f22,
-    0x26f7778, 0x566847e, 0xa0bec9e, 0x234f453, 0x1a31f21a, 0xd85e75c, 0x56c7109, 0xa267a00, 0xb57c050,
-    0x98fb57, 0xaa837cc, 0x60c0792, 0xcfa5e19, 0x61bab9e, 0x589e39b, 0xa324c5, 0x7d6dee7, 0x2976e4b,
-    0x1fc4124a, 0xa8c244b, 0x1ce86762, 0xcd61c7e, 0x1831c8e0, 0x75774e1, 0x1d96a5a9, 0x843a649, 0xc3ab0fa,
-    0x6e2e7d5, 0x7673a2a, 0x178b65e8, 0x4003e9b, 0x1a1f11c2, 0x7816ea, 0xf643e11, 0x58c43df, 0xf423fc2,
-    0x19633ffa, 0x891f2b2, 0x123c231c, 0x46add8c, 0x54700dd, 0x59e2b17, 0x172db40f, 0x83e277d, 0xb0dd609,
-    0xfd1da12, 0x35c6e52, 0x19ede20c, 0xd19e0c0, 0x97d0f40, 0xb015b19, 0x449e3f5, 0xe10c9e, 0x33ab581,
-    0x56a67ab, 0x577734d, 0x1dddc062, 0xc57b10d, 0x149b39d, 0x26a9e7b, 0xc35df9f, 0x48764cd, 0x76dbcca,
-    0xca4b366, 0xe9303ab, 0x1a7480e7, 0x57e9e81, 0x1e13eb50, 0xf466cf3, 0x6f16b20, 0x4ba3173, 0xc168c33,
-    0x15cb5439, 0x6a38e11, 0x73658bd, 0xb29564f, 0x3f6dc5b, 0x53b97e, 0x1322c4c0, 0x65dd7ff, 0x3a1e4f6,
-    0x14e614aa, 0x9246317, 0x1bc83aca, 0xad97eed, 0xd38ce4a, 0xf82b006, 0x341f077, 0xa6add89, 0x4894acd,
-    0x9f162d5, 0xf8410ef, 0x1b266a56, 0xd7f223, 0x3e0cb92, 0xe39b672, 0x6a2901a, 0x69a8556, 0x7e7c0,
-    0x9b7d8d3, 0x309a80, 0x1ad05f7f, 0xc2fb5dd, 0xcbfd41d, 0x9ceb638, 0x1051825c, 0xda0cf5b, 0x812e881,
-    0x6f35669, 0x6a56f2c, 0x1df8d184, 0x345820, 0x1477d477, 0x1645db1, 0xbe80c51, 0xc22be3e, 0xe35e65a,
-    0x1aeb7aa0, 0xc375315, 0xf67bc99, 0x7fdd7b9, 0x191fc1be, 0x61235d, 0x2c184e9, 0x1c5a839, 0x47a1e26,
-    0xb7cb456, 0x93e225d, 0x14f3c6ed, 0xccc1ac9, 0x17fe37f3, 0x4988989, 0x1a90c502, 0x2f32042, 0xa17769b,
-    0xafd8c7c, 0x8191c6e, 0x1dcdb237, 0x16200c0, 0x107b32a1, 0x66c08db, 0x10d06a02, 0x3fc93, 0x5620023,
-    0x16722b27, 0x68b5c59, 0x270fcfc, 0xfad0ecc, 0xe5de1c2, 0xeab466b, 0x2fc513c, 0x407f75c, 0xbaab133,
-    0x9705fe9, 0xb88b8e7, 0x734c993, 0x1e1ff8f, 0x19156970, 0xabd0f00, 0x10469ea7, 0x3293ac0, 0xcdc98aa,
-    0x1d843fd, 0xe14bfe8, 0x15be825f, 0x8b5212, 0xeb3fb67, 0x81cbd29, 0xbc62f16, 0x2b6fcc7, 0xf5a4e29,
-    0x13560b66, 0xc0b6ac2, 0x51ae690, 0xd41e271, 0xf3e9bd4, 0x1d70aab, 0x1029f72, 0x73e1c35, 0xee70fbc,
-    0xad81baf, 0x9ecc49a, 0x86c741e, 0xfe6be30, 0x176752e7, 0x23d416, 0x1f83de85, 0x27de188, 0x66f70b8,
-    0x181cd51f, 0x96b6e4c, 0x188f2335, 0xa5df759, 0x17a77eb6, 0xfeb0e73, 0x154ae914, 0x2f3ec51, 0x3826b59,
-    0xb91f17d, 0x1c72949, 0x1362bf0a, 0xe23fddf, 0xa5614b0, 0xf7d8f, 0x79061, 0x823d9d2, 0x8213f39,
-    0x1128ae0b, 0xd095d05, 0xb85c0c2, 0x1ecb2ef, 0x24ddc84, 0xe35e901, 0x18411a4a, 0xf5ddc3d, 0x3786689,
-    0x52260e8, 0x5ae3564, 0x542b10d, 0x8d93a45, 0x19952aa4, 0x996cc41, 0x1051a729, 0x4be3499, 0x52b23aa,
-    0x109f307e, 0x6f5b6bb, 0x1f84e1e7, 0x77a0cfa, 0x10c4df3f, 0x25a02ea, 0xb048035, 0xe31de66, 0xc6ecaa3,
-    0x28ea335, 0x2886024, 0x1372f020, 0xf55d35, 0x15e4684c, 0xf2a9e17, 0x1a4a7529, 0xcb7beb1, 0xb2a78a1,
-    0x1ab21f1f, 0x6361ccf, 0x6c9179d, 0xb135627, 0x1267b974, 0x4408bad, 0x1cbff658, 0xe3d6511, 0xc7d76f,
-    0x1cc7a69, 0xe7ee31b, 0x54fab4f, 0x2b914f, 0x1ad27a30, 0xcd3579e, 0xc50124c, 0x50daa90, 0xb13f72,
-    0xb06aa75, 0x70f5cc6, 0x1649e5aa, 0x84a5312, 0x329043c, 0x41c4011, 0x13d32411, 0xb04a838, 0xd760d2d,
-    0x1713b532, 0xbaa0c03, 0x84022ab, 0x6bcf5c1, 0x2f45379, 0x18ae070, 0x18c9e11e, 0x20bca9a, 0x66f496b,
-    0x3eef294, 0x67500d2, 0xd7f613c, 0x2dbbeb, 0xb741038, 0xe04133f, 0x1582968d, 0xbe985f7, 0x1acbc1a,
-    0x1a6a939f, 0x33e50f6, 0xd665ed4, 0xb4b7bd6, 0x1e5a3799, 0x6b33847, 0x17fa56ff, 0x65ef930, 0x21dc4a,
-    0x2b37659, 0x450fe17, 0xb357b65, 0xdf5efac, 0x15397bef, 0x9d35a7f, 0x112ac15f, 0x624e62e, 0xa90ae2f,
-    0x107eecd2, 0x1f69bbe, 0x77d6bce, 0x5741394, 0x13c684fc, 0x950c910, 0x725522b, 0xdc78583, 0x40eeabb,
-    0x1fde328a, 0xbd61d96, 0xd28c387, 0x9e77d89, 0x12550c40, 0x759cb7d, 0x367ef34, 0xae2a960, 0x91b8bdc,
-    0x93462a9, 0xf469ef, 0xb2e9aef, 0xd2ca771, 0x54e1f42, 0x7aaa49, 0x6316abb, 0x2413c8e, 0x5425bf9,
-    0x1bed3e3a, 0xf272274, 0x1f5e7326, 0x6416517, 0xea27072, 0x9cedea7, 0x6e7633, 0x7c91952, 0xd806dce,
-    0x8e2a7e1, 0xe421e1a, 0x418c9e1, 0x1dbc890, 0x1b395c36, 0xa1dc175, 0x1dc4ef73, 0x8956f34, 0xe4b5cf2,
-    0x1b0d3a18, 0x3194a36, 0x6c2641f, 0xe44124c, 0xa2f4eaa, 0xa8c25ba, 0xf927ed7, 0x627b614, 0x7371cca,
-    0xba16694, 0x417bc03, 0x7c0a7e3, 0x9c35c19, 0x1168a205, 0x8b6b00d, 0x10e3edc9, 0x9c19bf2, 0x5882229,
-    0x1b2b4162, 0xa5cef1a, 0x1543622b, 0x9bd433e, 0x364e04d, 0x7480792, 0x5c9b5b3, 0xe85ff25, 0x408ef57,
-    0x1814cfa4, 0x121b41b, 0xd248a0f, 0x3b05222, 0x39bb16a, 0xc75966d, 0xa038113, 0xa4a1769, 0x11fbc6c,
-    0x917e50e, 0xeec3da8, 0x169d6eac, 0x10c1699, 0xa416153, 0xf724912, 0x15cd60b7, 0x4acbad9, 0x5efc5fa,
-    0xf150ed7, 0x122b51, 0x1104b40a, 0xcb7f442, 0xfbb28ff, 0x6ac53ca, 0x196142cc, 0x7bf0fa9, 0x957651,
-    0x4e0f215, 0xed439f8, 0x3f46bd5, 0x5ace82f, 0x110916b6, 0x6db078, 0xffd7d57, 0xf2ecaac, 0xca86dec,
-    0x15d6b2da, 0x965ecc9, 0x1c92b4c2, 0x1f3811, 0x1cb080f5, 0x2d8b804, 0x19d1c12d, 0xf20bd46, 0x1951fa7,
-    0xa3656c3, 0x523a425, 0xfcd0692, 0xd44ddc8, 0x131f0f5b, 0xaf80e4a, 0xcd9fc74, 0x99bb618, 0x2db944c,
-    0xa673090, 0x1c210e1, 0x178c8d23, 0x1474383, 0x10b8743d, 0x985a55b, 0x2e74779, 0x576138, 0x9587927,
-    0x133130fa, 0xbe05516, 0x9f4d619, 0xbb62570, 0x99ec591, 0xd9468fe, 0x1d07782d, 0xfc72e0b, 0x701b298,
-    0x1863863b, 0x85954b8, 0x121a0c36, 0x9e7fedf, 0xf64b429, 0x9b9d71e, 0x14e2f5d8, 0xf858d3a, 0x942eea8,
-    0xda5b765, 0x6edafff, 0xa9d18cc, 0xc65e4ba, 0x1c747e86, 0xe4ea915, 0x1981d7a1, 0x8395659, 0x52ed4e2,
-    0x87d43b7, 0x37ab11b, 0x19d292ce, 0xf8d4692, 0x18c3053f, 0x8863e13, 0x4c146c0, 0x6bdf55a, 0x4e4457d,
-    0x16152289, 0xac78ec2, 0x1a59c5a2, 0x2028b97, 0x71c2d01, 0x295851f, 0x404747b, 0x878558d, 0x7d29aa4,
-    0x13d8341f, 0x8daefd7, 0x139c972d, 0x6b7ea75, 0xd4a9dde, 0xff163d8, 0x81d55d7, 0xa5bef68, 0xb7b30d8,
-    0xbe73d6f, 0xaa88141, 0xd976c81, 0x7e7a9cc, 0x18beb771, 0xd773cbd, 0x13f51951, 0x9d0c177, 0x1c49a78,
-/* Field element operations:
- */
-/* NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES returns:
- *   0xffffffff for 0 < x <= 2**31
- *   0 for x == 0 or x > 2**31.
- *
- * x must be a u32 or an equivalent type such as limb.
- */
-#define NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES(x) ((((u32)(x) - 1) >> 31) - 1)
-/* felem_reduce_carry adds a multiple of p in order to cancel |carry|,
- * which is a term at 2**257.
- *
- * On entry: carry < 2**3, inout[0,2,...] < 2**29, inout[1,3,...] < 2**28.
- * On exit: inout[0,2,..] < 2**30, inout[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_reduce_carry(felem inout, limb carry)
-    const u32 carry_mask = NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES(carry);
-    inout[0] += carry << 1;
-    inout[3] += 0x10000000 & carry_mask;
-    /* carry < 2**3 thus (carry << 11) < 2**14 and we added 2**28 in the
-     * previous line therefore this doesn't underflow.
-     */
-    inout[3] -= carry << 11;
-    inout[4] += (0x20000000 - 1) & carry_mask;
-    inout[5] += (0x10000000 - 1) & carry_mask;
-    inout[6] += (0x20000000 - 1) & carry_mask;
-    inout[6] -= carry << 22;
-    /* This may underflow if carry is non-zero but, if so, we'll fix it in the
-     * next line.
-     */
-    inout[7] -= 1 & carry_mask;
-    inout[7] += carry << 25;
-/* felem_sum sets out = in+in2.
- *
- * On entry, in[i]+in2[i] must not overflow a 32-bit word.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29
- */
-static void felem_sum(felem out, const felem in, const felem in2)
-    limb carry = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	out[i] = in[i] + in2[i];
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 29;
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	if (i == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	out[i] = in[i] + in2[i];
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 28;
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    felem_reduce_carry(out, carry);
-#define two31m3 (((limb)1) << 31) - (((limb)1) << 3)
-#define two30m2 (((limb)1) << 30) - (((limb)1) << 2)
-#define two30p13m2 (((limb)1) << 30) + (((limb)1) << 13) - (((limb)1) << 2)
-#define two31m2 (((limb)1) << 31) - (((limb)1) << 2)
-#define two31p24m2 (((limb)1) << 31) + (((limb)1) << 24) - (((limb)1) << 2)
-#define two30m27m2 (((limb)1) << 30) - (((limb)1) << 27) - (((limb)1) << 2)
-/* zero31 is 0 mod p.
- */
-static const felem zero31 = {
-    two31m3, two30m2, two31m2, two30p13m2,
-    two31m2, two30m2, two31p24m2, two30m27m2,
-    two31m2
-/* felem_diff sets out = in-in2.
- *
- * On entry: in[0,2,...] < 2**30, in[1,3,...] < 2**29 and
- *           in2[0,2,...] < 2**30, in2[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_diff(felem out, const felem in, const felem in2)
-    limb carry = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	out[i] = in[i] - in2[i];
-	out[i] += zero31[i];
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 29;
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	if (i == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	out[i] = in[i] - in2[i];
-	out[i] += zero31[i];
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 28;
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    felem_reduce_carry(out, carry);
-/* felem_reduce_degree sets out = tmp/R mod p where tmp contains 64-bit words
- * with the same 29,28,... bit positions as an felem.
- *
- * The values in felems are in Montgomery form: x*R mod p where R = 2**257.
- * Since we just multiplied two Montgomery values together, the result is
- * x*y*R*R mod p. We wish to divide by R in order for the result also to be
- * in Montgomery form.
- *
- * On entry: tmp[i] < 2**64
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29
- */
-static void felem_reduce_degree(felem out, u64 tmp[17])
-    /* The following table may be helpful when reading this code:
-     *
-     * Limb number:   0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10...
-     * Width (bits):  29| 28| 29| 28| 29| 28| 29| 28| 29| 28| 29
-     * Start bit:     0 | 29| 57| 86|114|143|171|200|228|257|285
-     *   (odd phase): 0 | 28| 57| 85|114|142|171|199|228|256|285
-     */
-    limb tmp2[18], carry, x, xMask;
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* tmp contains 64-bit words with the same 29,28,29-bit positions as an
-     * felem. So the top of an element of tmp might overlap with another
-     * element two positions down. The following loop eliminates this
-     * overlap.
-     */
-    tmp2[0] = tmp[0] & kBottom29Bits;
-    /* In the following we use "(limb) tmp[x]" and "(limb) (tmp[x]>>32)" to try
-     * and hint to the compiler that it can do a single-word shift by selecting
-     * the right register rather than doing a double-word shift and truncating
-     * afterwards.
-     */
-    tmp2[1] = ((limb) tmp[0]) >> 29;
-    tmp2[1] |= (((limb) (tmp[0] >> 32)) << 3) & kBottom28Bits;
-    tmp2[1] += ((limb) tmp[1]) & kBottom28Bits;
-    carry = tmp2[1] >> 28;
-    tmp2[1] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    for (i = 2; i < 17; i++) {
-	tmp2[i] = ((limb) (tmp[i - 2] >> 32)) >> 25;
-	tmp2[i] += ((limb) (tmp[i - 1])) >> 28;
-	tmp2[i] += (((limb) (tmp[i - 1] >> 32)) << 4) & kBottom29Bits;
-	tmp2[i] += ((limb) tmp[i]) & kBottom29Bits;
-	tmp2[i] += carry;
-	carry = tmp2[i] >> 29;
-	tmp2[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	if (i == 17)
-	    break;
-	tmp2[i] = ((limb) (tmp[i - 2] >> 32)) >> 25;
-	tmp2[i] += ((limb) (tmp[i - 1])) >> 29;
-	tmp2[i] += (((limb) (tmp[i - 1] >> 32)) << 3) & kBottom28Bits;
-	tmp2[i] += ((limb) tmp[i]) & kBottom28Bits;
-	tmp2[i] += carry;
-	carry = tmp2[i] >> 28;
-	tmp2[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    tmp2[17] = ((limb) (tmp[15] >> 32)) >> 25;
-    tmp2[17] += ((limb) (tmp[16])) >> 29;
-    tmp2[17] += (((limb) (tmp[16] >> 32)) << 3);
-    tmp2[17] += carry;
-    /* Montgomery elimination of terms:
-     *
-     * Since R is 2**257, we can divide by R with a bitwise shift if we can
-     * ensure that the right-most 257 bits are all zero. We can make that true
-     * by adding multiplies of p without affecting the value.
-     *
-     * So we eliminate limbs from right to left. Since the bottom 29 bits of p
-     * are all ones, then by adding tmp2[0]*p to tmp2 we'll make tmp2[0] == 0.
-     * We can do that for 8 further limbs and then right shift to eliminate the
-     * extra factor of R.
-     */
-    for (i = 0;; i += 2) {
-	tmp2[i + 1] += tmp2[i] >> 29;
-	x = tmp2[i] & kBottom29Bits;
-	xMask = NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES(x);
-	tmp2[i] = 0;
-	/* The bounds calculations for this loop are tricky. Each iteration of
-	 * the loop eliminates two words by adding values to words to their
-	 * right.
-	 *
-	 * The following table contains the amounts added to each word (as an
-	 * offset from the value of i at the top of the loop). The amounts are
-	 * accounted for from the first and second half of the loop separately
-	 * and are written as, for example, 28 to mean a value <2**28.
-	 *
-	 * Word:                   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
-	 * Added in top half:     28  11      29  21  29  28
-	 *                                        28  29
-	 *                                            29
-	 * Added in bottom half:      29  10      28  21  28   28
-	 *                                            29
-	 *
-	 * The value that is currently offset 7 will be offset 5 for the next
-	 * iteration and then offset 3 for the iteration after that. Therefore
-	 * the total value added will be the values added at 7, 5 and 3.
-	 *
-	 * The following table accumulates these values. The sums at the bottom
-	 * are written as, for example, 29+28, to mean a value < 2**29+2**28.
-	 *
-	 * Word:                   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13
-	 *                        28  11  10  29  21  29  28  28  28  28  28
-	 *                            29  28  11  28  29  28  29  28  29  28
-	 *                                    29  28  21  21  29  21  29  21
-	 *                                        10  29  28  21  28  21  28
-	 *                                        28  29  28  29  28  29  28
-	 *                                            11  10  29  10  29  10
-	 *                                            29  28  11  28  11
-	 *                                                    29      29
-	 *                        --------------------------------------------
-	 *                                                30+ 31+ 30+ 31+ 30+
-	 *                                                28+ 29+ 28+ 29+ 21+
-	 *                                                21+ 28+ 21+ 28+ 10
-	 *                                                10  21+ 10  21+
-	 *                                                    11      11
-	 *
-	 * So the greatest amount is added to tmp2[10] and tmp2[12]. If
-	 * tmp2[10/12] has an initial value of <2**29, then the maximum value
-	 * will be < 2**31 + 2**30 + 2**28 + 2**21 + 2**11, which is < 2**32,
-	 * as required.
-         */
-	tmp2[i + 3] += (x << 10) & kBottom28Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 4] += (x >> 18);
-	tmp2[i + 6] += (x << 21) & kBottom29Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 7] += x >> 8;
-	/* At position 200, which is the starting bit position for word 7, we
-	 * have a factor of 0xf000000 = 2**28 - 2**24.
-	 */
-	tmp2[i + 7] += 0x10000000 & xMask;
-	/* Word 7 is 28 bits wide, so the 2**28 term exactly hits word 8. */
-	tmp2[i + 8] += (x - 1) & xMask;
-	tmp2[i + 7] -= (x << 24) & kBottom28Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 8] -= x >> 4;
-	tmp2[i + 8] += 0x20000000 & xMask;
-	tmp2[i + 8] -= x;
-	tmp2[i + 8] += (x << 28) & kBottom29Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 9] += ((x >> 1) - 1) & xMask;
-	if (i+1 == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	tmp2[i + 2] += tmp2[i + 1] >> 28;
-	x = tmp2[i + 1] & kBottom28Bits;
-	xMask = NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES(x);
-	tmp2[i + 1] = 0;
-	tmp2[i + 4] += (x << 11) & kBottom29Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 5] += (x >> 18);
-	tmp2[i + 7] += (x << 21) & kBottom28Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 8] += x >> 7;
-	/* At position 199, which is the starting bit of the 8th word when
-	 * dealing with a context starting on an odd word, we have a factor of
-	 * 0x1e000000 = 2**29 - 2**25. Since we have not updated i, the 8th
-	 * word from i+1 is i+8.
-	 */
-	tmp2[i + 8] += 0x20000000 & xMask;
-	tmp2[i + 9] += (x - 1) & xMask;
-	tmp2[i + 8] -= (x << 25) & kBottom29Bits;
-	tmp2[i + 9] -= x >> 4;
-	tmp2[i + 9] += 0x10000000 & xMask;
-	tmp2[i + 9] -= x;
-	tmp2[i + 10] += (x - 1) & xMask;
-    }
-    /* We merge the right shift with a carry chain. The words above 2**257 have
-     * widths of 28,29,... which we need to correct when copying them down.
-     */
-    carry = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-	/* The maximum value of tmp2[i + 9] occurs on the first iteration and
-	 * is < 2**30+2**29+2**28. Adding 2**29 (from tmp2[i + 10]) is
-	 * therefore safe.
-	 */
-	out[i] = tmp2[i + 9];
-	out[i] += carry;
-	out[i] += (tmp2[i + 10] << 28) & kBottom29Bits;
-	carry = out[i] >> 29;
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	out[i] = tmp2[i + 9] >> 1;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 28;
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    out[8] = tmp2[17];
-    out[8] += carry;
-    carry = out[8] >> 29;
-    out[8] &= kBottom29Bits;
-    felem_reduce_carry(out, carry);
-/* felem_square sets out=in*in.
- *
- * On entry: in[0,2,...] < 2**30, in[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_square(felem out, const felem in)
-    u64 tmp[17];
-    tmp[0] = ((u64) in[0]) * in[0];
-    tmp[1] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[1] << 1);
-    tmp[2] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[2] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[1] << 1);
-    tmp[3] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[3] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[2] << 1);
-    tmp[4] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[4] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[3] << 2) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * in[2];
-    tmp[5] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[5] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[4] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in[3] << 1);
-    tmp[6] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[6] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[5] << 2) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in[4] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in[3] << 1);
-    tmp[7] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[7] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[6] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in[5] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in[4] << 1);
-    /* tmp[8] has the greatest value of 2**61 + 2**60 + 2**61 + 2**60 + 2**60,
-     * which is < 2**64 as required.
-     */
-    tmp[8] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in[7] << 2) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in[6] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in[5] << 2) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * in[4];
-    tmp[9] = ((u64) in[1]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in[7] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in[6] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in[5] << 1);
-    tmp[10] = ((u64) in[2]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[3]) * (in[7] << 2) +
-	      ((u64) in[4]) * (in[6] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[5]) * (in[5] << 1);
-    tmp[11] = ((u64) in[3]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[4]) * (in[7] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[5]) * (in[6] << 1);
-    tmp[12] = ((u64) in[4]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[5]) * (in[7] << 2) +
-	      ((u64) in[6]) * in[6];
-    tmp[13] = ((u64) in[5]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[6]) * (in[7] << 1);
-    tmp[14] = ((u64) in[6]) * (in[8] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[7]) * (in[7] << 1);
-    tmp[15] = ((u64) in[7]) * (in[8] << 1);
-    tmp[16] = ((u64) in[8]) * in[8];
-    felem_reduce_degree(out, tmp);
-/* felem_mul sets out=in*in2.
- *
- * On entry: in[0,2,...] < 2**30, in[1,3,...] < 2**29 and
- *           in2[0,2,...] < 2**30, in2[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_mul(felem out, const felem in, const felem in2)
-    u64 tmp[17];
-    tmp[0] = ((u64) in[0]) * in2[0];
-    tmp[1] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[1] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[2] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[1] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[3] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[3] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[1] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[4] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[3] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[1] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[5] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[5] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[3] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[1] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[6] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[5] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[3] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[1] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[7] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[7] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[5] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[3] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[1] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    /* tmp[8] has the greatest value but doesn't overflow. See logic in
-     * felem_square.
-     */
-    tmp[8] = ((u64) in[0]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[7] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[5] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[3] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[1] << 1) +
-	     ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[0] << 0);
-    tmp[9] = ((u64) in[1]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[7] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[5] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[3] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[2] << 0) +
-	     ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[1] << 0);
-    tmp[10] = ((u64) in[2]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[7] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[5] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[3] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[2] << 0);
-    tmp[11] = ((u64) in[3]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[7] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[5] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[4] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[3] << 0);
-    tmp[12] = ((u64) in[4]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[7] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[5] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[4] << 0);
-    tmp[13] = ((u64) in[5]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[7] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[6] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[5] << 0);
-    tmp[14] = ((u64) in[6]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[7] << 1) +
-	      ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[6] << 0);
-    tmp[15] = ((u64) in[7]) * (in2[8] << 0) +
-	      ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[7] << 0);
-    tmp[16] = ((u64) in[8]) * (in2[8] << 0);
-    felem_reduce_degree(out, tmp);
-static void felem_assign(felem out, const felem in)
-    memcpy(out, in, sizeof(felem));
-/* felem_inv calculates |out| = |in|^{-1}
- *
- * Based on Fermat's Little Theorem:
- *   a^p = a (mod p)
- *   a^{p-1} = 1 (mod p)
- *   a^{p-2} = a^{-1} (mod p)
- */
-static void felem_inv(felem out, const felem in)
-    felem ftmp, ftmp2;
-    /* each e_I will hold |in|^{2^I - 1} */
-    felem e2, e4, e8, e16, e32, e64;
-    unsigned int i;
-    felem_square(ftmp, in);		/* 2^1 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp, in, ftmp);		/* 2^2 - 2^0 */
-    felem_assign(e2, ftmp);
-    felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);		/* 2^3 - 2^1 */
-    felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);		/* 2^4 - 2^2 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp, ftmp, e2);		/* 2^4 - 2^0 */
-    felem_assign(e4, ftmp);
-    felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);		/* 2^5 - 2^1 */
-    felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);		/* 2^6 - 2^2 */
-    felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);		/* 2^7 - 2^3 */
-    felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);		/* 2^8 - 2^4 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp, ftmp, e4);		/* 2^8 - 2^0 */
-    felem_assign(e8, ftmp);
-    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);
-    }					/* 2^16 - 2^8 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp, ftmp, e8);		/* 2^16 - 2^0 */
-    felem_assign(e16, ftmp);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);
-    }					/* 2^32 - 2^16 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp, ftmp, e16);		/* 2^32 - 2^0 */
-    felem_assign(e32, ftmp);
-    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);
-    }					/* 2^64 - 2^32 */
-    felem_assign(e64, ftmp);
-    felem_mul(ftmp, ftmp, in);		/* 2^64 - 2^32 + 2^0 */
-    for (i = 0; i < 192; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp, ftmp);
-    }					/* 2^256 - 2^224 + 2^192 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp2, e64, e32);		/* 2^64 - 2^0 */
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);
-    }					/* 2^80 - 2^16 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e16);	/* 2^80 - 2^0 */
-    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);
-    }					/* 2^88 - 2^8 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e8);	/* 2^88 - 2^0 */
-    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);
-    }					/* 2^92 - 2^4 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e4);	/* 2^92 - 2^0 */
-    felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);		/* 2^93 - 2^1 */
-    felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);		/* 2^94 - 2^2 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, e2);	/* 2^94 - 2^0 */
-    felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);		/* 2^95 - 2^1 */
-    felem_square(ftmp2, ftmp2);		/* 2^96 - 2^2 */
-    felem_mul(ftmp2, ftmp2, in);	/* 2^96 - 3 */
-    felem_mul(out, ftmp2, ftmp);	/* 2^256 - 2^224 + 2^192 + 2^96 - 3 */
-/* felem_scalar_3 sets out=3*out.
- *
- * On entry: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_scalar_3(felem out)
-    limb carry = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	out[i] *= 3;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 29;
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	if (i == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	out[i] *= 3;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = out[i] >> 28;
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    felem_reduce_carry(out, carry);
-/* felem_scalar_4 sets out=4*out.
- *
- * On entry: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_scalar_4(felem out)
-    limb carry = 0, next_carry;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	next_carry = out[i] >> 27;
-	out[i] <<= 2;
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = next_carry + (out[i] >> 29);
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	if (i == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	next_carry = out[i] >> 26;
-	out[i] <<= 2;
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = next_carry + (out[i] >> 28);
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    felem_reduce_carry(out, carry);
-/* felem_scalar_8 sets out=8*out.
- *
- * On entry: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- * On exit: out[0,2,...] < 2**30, out[1,3,...] < 2**29.
- */
-static void felem_scalar_8(felem out)
-    limb carry = 0, next_carry;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	next_carry = out[i] >> 26;
-	out[i] <<= 3;
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = next_carry + (out[i] >> 29);
-	out[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	i++;
-	if (i == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	next_carry = out[i] >> 25;
-	out[i] <<= 3;
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-	out[i] += carry;
-	carry = next_carry + (out[i] >> 28);
-	out[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-    }
-    felem_reduce_carry(out, carry);
-/* felem_is_zero_vartime returns 1 iff |in| == 0. It takes a variable amount of
- * time depending on the value of |in|.
- */
-static char felem_is_zero_vartime(const felem in)
-    limb carry;
-    int i;
-    limb tmp[NLIMBS];
-    felem_assign(tmp, in);
-    /* First, reduce tmp to a minimal form.
-     */
-    do {
-	carry = 0;
-	for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	    tmp[i] += carry;
-	    carry = tmp[i] >> 29;
-	    tmp[i] &= kBottom29Bits;
-	    i++;
-	    if (i == NLIMBS)
-		break;
-	    tmp[i] += carry;
-	    carry = tmp[i] >> 28;
-	    tmp[i] &= kBottom28Bits;
-	}
-	felem_reduce_carry(tmp, carry);
-    } while (carry);
-    /* tmp < 2**257, so the only possible zero values are 0, p and 2p.
-     */
-    return memcmp(tmp, kZero, sizeof(tmp)) == 0 ||
-	   memcmp(tmp, kP, sizeof(tmp)) == 0 ||
-	   memcmp(tmp, k2P, sizeof(tmp)) == 0;
-/* Group operations:
- *
- * Elements of the elliptic curve group are represented in Jacobian
- * coordinates: (x, y, z). An affine point (x', y') is x'=x/z**2, y'=y/z**3 in
- * Jacobian form.
- */
-/* point_double sets {x_out,y_out,z_out} = 2*{x,y,z}.
- *
- * See
- */
-static void point_double(felem x_out, felem y_out, felem z_out,
-			 const felem x, const felem y, const felem z)
-    felem delta, gamma, alpha, beta, tmp, tmp2;
-    felem_square(delta, z);
-    felem_square(gamma, y);
-    felem_mul(beta, x, gamma);
-    felem_sum(tmp, x, delta);
-    felem_diff(tmp2, x, delta);
-    felem_mul(alpha, tmp, tmp2);
-    felem_scalar_3(alpha);
-    felem_sum(tmp, y, z);
-    felem_square(tmp, tmp);
-    felem_diff(tmp, tmp, gamma);
-    felem_diff(z_out, tmp, delta);
-    felem_scalar_4(beta);
-    felem_square(x_out, alpha);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, beta);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, beta);
-    felem_diff(tmp, beta, x_out);
-    felem_mul(tmp, alpha, tmp);
-    felem_square(tmp2, gamma);
-    felem_scalar_8(tmp2);
-    felem_diff(y_out, tmp, tmp2);
-/* point_add_mixed sets {x_out,y_out,z_out} = {x1,y1,z1} + {x2,y2,1}.
- * (i.e. the second point is affine.)
- *
- * See
- *
- * Note that this function does not handle P+P, infinity+P nor P+infinity
- * correctly.
- */
-static void point_add_mixed(felem x_out, felem y_out, felem z_out,
-			    const felem x1, const felem y1, const felem z1,
-			    const felem x2, const felem y2)
-    felem z1z1, z1z1z1, s2, u2, h, i, j, r, rr, v, tmp;
-    felem_square(z1z1, z1);
-    felem_sum(tmp, z1, z1);
-    felem_mul(u2, x2, z1z1);
-    felem_mul(z1z1z1, z1, z1z1);
-    felem_mul(s2, y2, z1z1z1);
-    felem_diff(h, u2, x1);
-    felem_sum(i, h, h);
-    felem_square(i, i);
-    felem_mul(j, h, i);
-    felem_diff(r, s2, y1);
-    felem_sum(r, r, r);
-    felem_mul(v, x1, i);
-    felem_mul(z_out, tmp, h);
-    felem_square(rr, r);
-    felem_diff(x_out, rr, j);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, v);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, v);
-    felem_diff(tmp, v, x_out);
-    felem_mul(y_out, tmp, r);
-    felem_mul(tmp, y1, j);
-    felem_diff(y_out, y_out, tmp);
-    felem_diff(y_out, y_out, tmp);
-/* point_add sets {x_out,y_out,z_out} = {x1,y1,z1} + {x2,y2,z2}.
- *
- * See
- *
- * Note that this function does not handle P+P, infinity+P nor P+infinity
- * correctly.
- */
-static void point_add(felem x_out, felem y_out, felem z_out,
-		      const felem x1, const felem y1, const felem z1,
-		      const felem x2, const felem y2, const felem z2)
-    felem z1z1, z1z1z1, z2z2, z2z2z2, s1, s2, u1, u2, h, i, j, r, rr, v, tmp;
-    felem_square(z1z1, z1);
-    felem_square(z2z2, z2);
-    felem_mul(u1, x1, z2z2);
-    felem_sum(tmp, z1, z2);
-    felem_square(tmp, tmp);
-    felem_diff(tmp, tmp, z1z1);
-    felem_diff(tmp, tmp, z2z2);
-    felem_mul(z2z2z2, z2, z2z2);
-    felem_mul(s1, y1, z2z2z2);
-    felem_mul(u2, x2, z1z1);
-    felem_mul(z1z1z1, z1, z1z1);
-    felem_mul(s2, y2, z1z1z1);
-    felem_diff(h, u2, u1);
-    felem_sum(i, h, h);
-    felem_square(i, i);
-    felem_mul(j, h, i);
-    felem_diff(r, s2, s1);
-    felem_sum(r, r, r);
-    felem_mul(v, u1, i);
-    felem_mul(z_out, tmp, h);
-    felem_square(rr, r);
-    felem_diff(x_out, rr, j);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, v);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, v);
-    felem_diff(tmp, v, x_out);
-    felem_mul(y_out, tmp, r);
-    felem_mul(tmp, s1, j);
-    felem_diff(y_out, y_out, tmp);
-    felem_diff(y_out, y_out, tmp);
-/* point_add_or_double_vartime sets {x_out,y_out,z_out} = {x1,y1,z1} +
- *                                                        {x2,y2,z2}.
- *
- * See
- *
- * This function handles the case where {x1,y1,z1}={x2,y2,z2}.
- */
-static void point_add_or_double_vartime(
-    felem x_out, felem y_out, felem z_out,
-    const felem x1, const felem y1, const felem z1,
-    const felem x2, const felem y2, const felem z2)
-    felem z1z1, z1z1z1, z2z2, z2z2z2, s1, s2, u1, u2, h, i, j, r, rr, v, tmp;
-    char x_equal, y_equal;
-    felem_square(z1z1, z1);
-    felem_square(z2z2, z2);
-    felem_mul(u1, x1, z2z2);
-    felem_sum(tmp, z1, z2);
-    felem_square(tmp, tmp);
-    felem_diff(tmp, tmp, z1z1);
-    felem_diff(tmp, tmp, z2z2);
-    felem_mul(z2z2z2, z2, z2z2);
-    felem_mul(s1, y1, z2z2z2);
-    felem_mul(u2, x2, z1z1);
-    felem_mul(z1z1z1, z1, z1z1);
-    felem_mul(s2, y2, z1z1z1);
-    felem_diff(h, u2, u1);
-    x_equal = felem_is_zero_vartime(h);
-    felem_sum(i, h, h);
-    felem_square(i, i);
-    felem_mul(j, h, i);
-    felem_diff(r, s2, s1);
-    y_equal = felem_is_zero_vartime(r);
-    if (x_equal && y_equal) {
-	point_double(x_out, y_out, z_out, x1, y1, z1);
-	return;
-    }
-    felem_sum(r, r, r);
-    felem_mul(v, u1, i);
-    felem_mul(z_out, tmp, h);
-    felem_square(rr, r);
-    felem_diff(x_out, rr, j);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, v);
-    felem_diff(x_out, x_out, v);
-    felem_diff(tmp, v, x_out);
-    felem_mul(y_out, tmp, r);
-    felem_mul(tmp, s1, j);
-    felem_diff(y_out, y_out, tmp);
-    felem_diff(y_out, y_out, tmp);
-/* copy_conditional sets out=in if mask = 0xffffffff in constant time.
- *
- * On entry: mask is either 0 or 0xffffffff.
- */
-static void copy_conditional(felem out, const felem in, limb mask)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < NLIMBS; i++) {
-	const limb tmp = mask & (in[i] ^ out[i]);
-	out[i] ^= tmp;
-    }
-/* select_affine_point sets {out_x,out_y} to the index'th entry of table.
- * On entry: index < 16, table[0] must be zero.
- */
-static void select_affine_point(felem out_x, felem out_y,
-				const limb *table, limb index)
-    limb i, j;
-    memset(out_x, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(out_y, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) {
-	limb mask = i ^ index;
-	mask |= mask >> 2;
-	mask |= mask >> 1;
-	mask &= 1;
-	mask--;
-	for (j = 0; j < NLIMBS; j++, table++) {
-	    out_x[j] |= *table & mask;
-	}
-	for (j = 0; j < NLIMBS; j++, table++) {
-	    out_y[j] |= *table & mask;
-	}
-    }
-/* select_jacobian_point sets {out_x,out_y,out_z} to the index'th entry of
- * table.  On entry: index < 16, table[0] must be zero.
- */
-static void select_jacobian_point(felem out_x, felem out_y, felem out_z,
-				  const limb *table, limb index)
-    limb i, j;
-    memset(out_x, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(out_y, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(out_z, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    /* The implicit value at index 0 is all zero. We don't need to perform that
-     * iteration of the loop because we already set out_* to zero.
-     */
-    table += 3*NLIMBS;
-    for (i = 1; i < 16; i++) {
-	limb mask = i ^ index;
-	mask |= mask >> 2;
-	mask |= mask >> 1;
-	mask &= 1;
-	mask--;
-	for (j = 0; j < NLIMBS; j++, table++) {
-	    out_x[j] |= *table & mask;
-	}
-	for (j = 0; j < NLIMBS; j++, table++) {
-	    out_y[j] |= *table & mask;
-	}
-	for (j = 0; j < NLIMBS; j++, table++) {
-	    out_z[j] |= *table & mask;
-	}
-    }
-/* get_bit returns the bit'th bit of scalar. */
-static char get_bit(const u8 scalar[32], int bit)
-    return ((scalar[bit >> 3]) >> (bit & 7)) & 1;
-/* scalar_base_mult sets {nx,ny,nz} = scalar*G where scalar is a little-endian
- * number. Note that the value of scalar must be less than the order of the
- * group.
- */
-static void scalar_base_mult(felem nx, felem ny, felem nz, const u8 scalar[32])
-    int i, j;
-    limb n_is_infinity_mask = -1, p_is_noninfinite_mask, mask;
-    u32 table_offset;
-    felem px, py;
-    felem tx, ty, tz;
-    memset(nx, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(ny, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(nz, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    /* The loop adds bits at positions 0, 64, 128 and 192, followed by
-     * positions 32,96,160 and 224 and does this 32 times.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-	if (i) {
-	    point_double(nx, ny, nz, nx, ny, nz);
-	}
-	table_offset = 0;
-	for (j = 0; j <= 32; j += 32) {
-	    char bit0 = get_bit(scalar, 31 - i + j);
-	    char bit1 = get_bit(scalar, 95 - i + j);
-	    char bit2 = get_bit(scalar, 159 - i + j);
-	    char bit3 = get_bit(scalar, 223 - i + j);
-	    limb index = bit0 | (bit1 << 1) | (bit2 << 2) | (bit3 << 3);
-	    select_affine_point(px, py, kPrecomputed + table_offset, index);
-	    table_offset += 30 * NLIMBS;
-	    /* Since scalar is less than the order of the group, we know that
-	     * {nx,ny,nz} != {px,py,1}, unless both are zero, which we handle
-	     * below.
-	     */
-	    point_add_mixed(tx, ty, tz, nx, ny, nz, px, py);
-	    /* The result of point_add_mixed is incorrect if {nx,ny,nz} is zero
-	     * (a.k.a.  the point at infinity). We handle that situation by
-	     * copying the point from the table.
-	     */
-	    copy_conditional(nx, px, n_is_infinity_mask);
-	    copy_conditional(ny, py, n_is_infinity_mask);
-	    copy_conditional(nz, kOne, n_is_infinity_mask);
-	    /* Equally, the result is also wrong if the point from the table is
-	     * zero, which happens when the index is zero. We handle that by
-	     * only copying from {tx,ty,tz} to {nx,ny,nz} if index != 0.
-	     */
-	    p_is_noninfinite_mask = NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES(index);
-	    mask = p_is_noninfinite_mask & ~n_is_infinity_mask;
-	    copy_conditional(nx, tx, mask);
-	    copy_conditional(ny, ty, mask);
-	    copy_conditional(nz, tz, mask);
-	    /* If p was not zero, then n is now non-zero. */
-	    n_is_infinity_mask &= ~p_is_noninfinite_mask;
-	}
-    }
-/* point_to_affine converts a Jacobian point to an affine point. If the input
- * is the point at infinity then it returns (0, 0) in constant time.
- */
-static void point_to_affine(felem x_out, felem y_out,
-			    const felem nx, const felem ny, const felem nz) {
-    felem z_inv, z_inv_sq;
-    felem_inv(z_inv, nz);
-    felem_square(z_inv_sq, z_inv);
-    felem_mul(x_out, nx, z_inv_sq);
-    felem_mul(z_inv, z_inv, z_inv_sq);
-    felem_mul(y_out, ny, z_inv);
-/* scalar_mult sets {nx,ny,nz} = scalar*{x,y}. */
-static void scalar_mult(felem nx, felem ny, felem nz,
-			const felem x, const felem y, const u8 scalar[32])
-    int i;
-    felem px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz;
-    felem precomp[16][3];
-    limb n_is_infinity_mask, index, p_is_noninfinite_mask, mask;
-    /* We precompute 0,1,2,... times {x,y}. */
-    memset(precomp, 0, sizeof(felem) * 3);
-    memcpy(&precomp[1][0], x, sizeof(felem));
-    memcpy(&precomp[1][1], y, sizeof(felem));
-    memcpy(&precomp[1][2], kOne, sizeof(felem));
-    for (i = 2; i < 16; i += 2) {
-	point_double(precomp[i][0], precomp[i][1], precomp[i][2],
-		     precomp[i / 2][0], precomp[i / 2][1], precomp[i / 2][2]);
-	point_add_mixed(precomp[i + 1][0], precomp[i + 1][1], precomp[i + 1][2],
-			precomp[i][0], precomp[i][1], precomp[i][2], x, y);
-    }
-    memset(nx, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(ny, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    memset(nz, 0, sizeof(felem));
-    n_is_infinity_mask = -1;
-    /* We add in a window of four bits each iteration and do this 64 times. */
-    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-	if (i) {
-	    point_double(nx, ny, nz, nx, ny, nz);
-	    point_double(nx, ny, nz, nx, ny, nz);
-	    point_double(nx, ny, nz, nx, ny, nz);
-	    point_double(nx, ny, nz, nx, ny, nz);
-	}
-	index = scalar[31 - i / 2];
-	if ((i & 1) == 1) {
-	    index &= 15;
-	} else {
-	    index >>= 4;
-	}
-	/* See the comments in scalar_base_mult about handling infinities. */
-	select_jacobian_point(px, py, pz, precomp[0][0], index);
-	point_add(tx, ty, tz, nx, ny, nz, px, py, pz);
-	copy_conditional(nx, px, n_is_infinity_mask);
-	copy_conditional(ny, py, n_is_infinity_mask);
-	copy_conditional(nz, pz, n_is_infinity_mask);
-	p_is_noninfinite_mask = NON_ZERO_TO_ALL_ONES(index);
-	mask = p_is_noninfinite_mask & ~n_is_infinity_mask;
-	copy_conditional(nx, tx, mask);
-	copy_conditional(ny, ty, mask);
-	copy_conditional(nz, tz, mask);
-	n_is_infinity_mask &= ~p_is_noninfinite_mask;
-    }
-/* Interface with Freebl: */
-/* BYTESWAP_MP_DIGIT_TO_LE swaps the bytes of a mp_digit to
- * little-endian order.
- */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
-#define BYTESWAP32(x) OSSwapInt32(x)
-#define BYTESWAP64(x) OSSwapInt64(x)
-#define BYTESWAP32(x) \
-    (((x) >> 24) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xff00) | (((x) & 0xff00) << 8) | ((x) << 24))
-#define BYTESWAP64(x) \
-    (((x) >> 56) | (((x) >> 40) & 0xff00) | \
-     (((x) >> 24) & 0xff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xff000000) | \
-     (((x) & 0xff000000) << 8) | (((x) & 0xff0000) << 24) | \
-     (((x) & 0xff00) << 40) | ((x) << 56))
-#endif /* IS_BIG_ENDIAN */
-static const mp_digit kRInvDigits[8] = {
-    0x80000000, 1, 0xffffffff, 0,
-    0x80000001, 0xfffffffe, 1, 0x7fffffff
-static const mp_digit kRInvDigits[4] = {
-    PR_UINT64(0x180000000),  0xffffffff,
-    PR_UINT64(0xfffffffe80000001), PR_UINT64(0x7fffffff00000001)
-#define MP_DIGITS_IN_256_BITS (32/sizeof(mp_digit))
-static const mp_int kRInv = {
-    MP_ZPOS,
-    (mp_digit*) kRInvDigits
-static const limb kTwo28 = 0x10000000;
-static const limb kTwo29 = 0x20000000;
-/* to_montgomery sets out = R*in. */
-static mp_err to_montgomery(felem out, const mp_int *in, const ECGroup *group)
-    /* There are no MPI functions for bitshift operations and we wish to shift
-     * in 257 bits left so we move the digits 256-bits left and then multiply
-     * by two.
-     */
-    mp_int in_shifted;
-    int i;
-    mp_err res;
-    MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&in_shifted));
-    MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(&in_shifted, MP_USED(in) + MP_DIGITS_IN_256_BITS));
-    memcpy(&MP_DIGIT(&in_shifted, MP_DIGITS_IN_256_BITS),
-	   MP_DIGITS(in),
-	   MP_USED(in)*sizeof(mp_digit));
-    MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul_2(&in_shifted, &in_shifted));
-    MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mod(&in_shifted, &in_shifted, group->meth));
-    for (i = 0;; i++) {
-	out[i] = MP_DIGIT(&in_shifted, 0) & kBottom29Bits;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_div_d(&in_shifted, kTwo29, &in_shifted, NULL));
-	i++;
-	if (i == NLIMBS)
-	    break;
-	out[i] = MP_DIGIT(&in_shifted, 0) & kBottom28Bits;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_div_d(&in_shifted, kTwo28, &in_shifted, NULL));
-    }
-    mp_clear(&in_shifted);
-    return res;
-/* from_montgomery sets out=in/R. */
-static mp_err from_montgomery(mp_int *out, const felem in,
-			      const ECGroup *group)
-    mp_int result, tmp;
-    mp_err res;
-    int i;
-    MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&result));
-    MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&tmp));
-    MP_CHECKOK(mp_add_d(&tmp, in[NLIMBS-1], &result));
-    for (i = NLIMBS-2; i >= 0; i--) {
-	if ((i & 1) == 0) {
-	    MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul_d(&result, kTwo29, &tmp));
-	} else {
-	    MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul_d(&result, kTwo28, &tmp));
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_add_d(&tmp, in[i], &result));
-    }
-    MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(&result, &kRInv, out));
-    MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mod(out, out, group->meth));
-    mp_clear(&result);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    return res;
-/* scalar_from_mp_int sets out_scalar=n, where n < the group order. */
-static void scalar_from_mp_int(u8 out_scalar[32], const mp_int *n)
-    /* We require that |n| is less than the order of the group and therefore it
-     * will fit into |out_scalar|. However, these is a timing side-channel here
-     * that we cannot avoid: if |n| is sufficiently small it may be one or more
-     * words too short and we'll copy less data.
-     */
-    memset(out_scalar, 0, 32);
-    memcpy(out_scalar, MP_DIGITS(n), MP_USED(n) * sizeof(mp_digit));
-    {
-	mp_size i;
-	mp_digit swapped[MP_DIGITS_IN_256_BITS];
-	for (i = 0; i < MP_USED(n); i++) {
-	    swapped[i] = BYTESWAP_MP_DIGIT_TO_LE(MP_DIGIT(n, i));
-	}
-	memcpy(out_scalar, swapped, MP_USED(n) * sizeof(mp_digit));
-    }
-/* ec_GFp_nistp256_base_point_mul sets {out_x,out_y} = nG, where n is < the
- * order of the group.
- */
-static mp_err ec_GFp_nistp256_base_point_mul(const mp_int *n,
-				             mp_int *out_x, mp_int *out_y,
-				             const ECGroup *group)
-    u8 scalar[32];
-    felem x, y, z, x_affine, y_affine;
-    mp_err res;
-    /* FIXME(agl): test that n < order. */
-    scalar_from_mp_int(scalar, n);
-    scalar_base_mult(x, y, z, scalar);
-    point_to_affine(x_affine, y_affine, x, y, z);
-    MP_CHECKOK(from_montgomery(out_x, x_affine, group));
-    MP_CHECKOK(from_montgomery(out_y, y_affine, group));
-    return res;
-/* ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul sets {out_x,out_y} = n*{in_x,in_y}, where n is <
- * the order of the group.
- */
-static mp_err ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul(const mp_int *n,
-				        const mp_int *in_x, const mp_int *in_y,
-				        mp_int *out_x, mp_int *out_y,
-				        const ECGroup *group)
-    u8 scalar[32];
-    felem x, y, z, x_affine, y_affine, px, py;
-    mp_err res;
-    scalar_from_mp_int(scalar, n);
-    MP_CHECKOK(to_montgomery(px, in_x, group));
-    MP_CHECKOK(to_montgomery(py, in_y, group));
-    scalar_mult(x, y, z, px, py, scalar);
-    point_to_affine(x_affine, y_affine, x, y, z);
-    MP_CHECKOK(from_montgomery(out_x, x_affine, group));
-    MP_CHECKOK(from_montgomery(out_y, y_affine, group));
-    return res;
-/* ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul_vartime sets {out_x,out_y} = n1*G +
- * n2*{in_x,in_y}, where n1 and n2 are < the order of the group.
- *
- * As indicated by the name, this function operates in variable time. This
- * is safe because it's used for signature validation which doesn't deal
- * with secrets.
- */
-static mp_err ec_GFp_nistp256_points_mul_vartime(
-	const mp_int *n1, const mp_int *n2,
-	const mp_int *in_x, const mp_int *in_y,
-	mp_int *out_x, mp_int *out_y,
-	const ECGroup *group)
-    u8 scalar1[32], scalar2[32];
-    felem x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x_affine, y_affine, px, py;
-    mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-    /* If n2 == NULL, this is just a base-point multiplication. */
-    if (n2 == NULL) {
-	return ec_GFp_nistp256_base_point_mul(n1, out_x, out_y, group);
-    }
-    /* If n1 == nULL, this is just an arbitary-point multiplication. */
-    if (n1 == NULL) {
-	return ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul(n2, in_x, in_y, out_x, out_y, group);
-    }
-    /* If both scalars are zero, then the result is the point at infinity. */
-    if (mp_cmp_z(n1) == 0 && mp_cmp_z(n2) == 0) {
-	mp_zero(out_x);
-	mp_zero(out_y);
-	return res;
-    }
-    scalar_from_mp_int(scalar1, n1);
-    scalar_from_mp_int(scalar2, n2);
-    MP_CHECKOK(to_montgomery(px, in_x, group));
-    MP_CHECKOK(to_montgomery(py, in_y, group));
-    scalar_base_mult(x1, y1, z1, scalar1);
-    scalar_mult(x2, y2, z2, px, py, scalar2);
-    if (mp_cmp_z(n2) == 0) {
-	/* If n2 == 0, then {x2,y2,z2} is zero and the result is just
-	 * {x1,y1,z1}. */
-    } else if (mp_cmp_z(n1) == 0) {
-	/* If n1 == 0, then {x1,y1,z1} is zero and the result is just
-	 * {x2,y2,z2}. */
-	memcpy(x1, x2, sizeof(x2));
-	memcpy(y1, y2, sizeof(y2));
-	memcpy(z1, z2, sizeof(z2));
-    } else {
-	/* This function handles the case where {x1,y1,z1} == {x2,y2,z2}. */
-	point_add_or_double_vartime(x1, y1, z1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);
-    }
-    point_to_affine(x_affine, y_affine, x1, y1, z1);
-    MP_CHECKOK(from_montgomery(out_x, x_affine, group));
-    MP_CHECKOK(from_montgomery(out_y, y_affine, group));
-    return res;
-/* Wire in fast point multiplication for named curves. */
-mp_err ec_group_set_gfp256_32(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name)
-    if (name == ECCurve_NIST_P256) {
-        group->base_point_mul = &ec_GFp_nistp256_base_point_mul;
-        group->point_mul = &ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul;
-        group->points_mul = &ec_GFp_nistp256_points_mul_vartime;
-    }
-    return MP_OKAY;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_384.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_384.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c1e85e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_384.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-/* Fast modular reduction for p384 = 2^384 - 2^128 - 2^96 + 2^32 - 1.  a can be r. 
- * Uses algorithm 2.30 from Hankerson, Menezes, Vanstone. Guide to 
- * Elliptic Curve Cryptography. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp384_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	int a_bits = mpl_significant_bits(a);
-	int i;
-	/* m1, m2 are statically-allocated mp_int of exactly the size we need */
-	mp_int m[10];
-	mp_digit s[10][12];
-	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		MP_SIGN(&m[i]) = MP_ZPOS;
-		MP_ALLOC(&m[i]) = 12;
-		MP_USED(&m[i]) = 12;
-		MP_DIGITS(&m[i]) = s[i];
-	}
-	mp_digit s[10][6];
-	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		MP_SIGN(&m[i]) = MP_ZPOS;
-		MP_ALLOC(&m[i]) = 6;
-		MP_USED(&m[i]) = 6;
-		MP_DIGITS(&m[i]) = s[i];
-	}
-	/* for polynomials larger than twice the field size or polynomials 
-	 * not using all words, use regular reduction */
-	if ((a_bits > 768) || (a_bits <= 736)) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(a, &meth->irr, r));
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
-			s[0][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i);
-		}
-		s[1][0] = 0;
-		s[1][1] = 0;
-		s[1][2] = 0;
-		s[1][3] = 0;
-		s[1][4] = MP_DIGIT(a, 21);
-		s[1][5] = MP_DIGIT(a, 22);
-		s[1][6] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[1][7] = 0;
-		s[1][8] = 0;
-		s[1][9] = 0;
-		s[1][10] = 0;
-		s[1][11] = 0;
-		for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
-			s[2][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i+12);
-		}
-		s[3][0] = MP_DIGIT(a, 21);
-		s[3][1] = MP_DIGIT(a, 22);
-		s[3][2] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		for (i = 3; i < 12; i++) {
-			s[3][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i+9);
-		}
-		s[4][0] = 0;
-		s[4][1] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[4][2] = 0;
-		s[4][3] = MP_DIGIT(a, 20);
-		for (i = 4; i < 12; i++) {
-			s[4][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i+8);
-		}
-		s[5][0] = 0;
-		s[5][1] = 0;
-		s[5][2] = 0;
-		s[5][3] = 0;
-		s[5][4] = MP_DIGIT(a, 20);
-		s[5][5] = MP_DIGIT(a, 21);
-		s[5][6] = MP_DIGIT(a, 22);
-		s[5][7] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[5][8] = 0;
-		s[5][9] = 0;
-		s[5][10] = 0;
-		s[5][11] = 0;
-		s[6][0] = MP_DIGIT(a, 20);
-		s[6][1] = 0;
-		s[6][2] = 0;
-		s[6][3] = MP_DIGIT(a, 21);
-		s[6][4] = MP_DIGIT(a, 22);
-		s[6][5] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[6][6] = 0;
-		s[6][7] = 0;
-		s[6][8] = 0;
-		s[6][9] = 0;
-		s[6][10] = 0;
-		s[6][11] = 0;
-		s[7][0] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
-			s[7][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i+11);
-		}
-		s[8][0] = 0;
-		s[8][1] = MP_DIGIT(a, 20);
-		s[8][2] = MP_DIGIT(a, 21);
-		s[8][3] = MP_DIGIT(a, 22);
-		s[8][4] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[8][5] = 0;
-		s[8][6] = 0;
-		s[8][7] = 0;
-		s[8][8] = 0;
-		s[8][9] = 0;
-		s[8][10] = 0;
-		s[8][11] = 0;
-		s[9][0] = 0;
-		s[9][1] = 0;
-		s[9][2] = 0;
-		s[9][3] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[9][4] = MP_DIGIT(a, 23);
-		s[9][5] = 0;
-		s[9][6] = 0;
-		s[9][7] = 0;
-		s[9][8] = 0;
-		s[9][9] = 0;
-		s[9][10] = 0;
-		s[9][11] = 0;
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(&m[0], &m[1], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[1], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[2], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[3], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[4], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[5], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[6], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(r, &m[7], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(r, &m[8], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_submod(r, &m[9], &meth->irr, r));
-		s_mp_clamp(r);
-	}
-	/* for polynomials larger than twice the field size or polynomials 
-	 * not using all words, use regular reduction */
-	if ((a_bits > 768) || (a_bits <= 736)) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(a, &meth->irr, r));
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-			s[0][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i);
-		}
-		s[1][0] = 0;
-		s[1][1] = 0;
-		s[1][2] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 10) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) << 32);
-		s[1][3] = MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32;
-		s[1][4] = 0;
-		s[1][5] = 0;
-		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-			s[2][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i+6);
-		}
-		s[3][0] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 10) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) << 32);
-		s[3][1] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, 6) << 32);
-		for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
-			s[3][i] = (MP_DIGIT(a, i+4) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, i+5) << 32);
-		}
-		s[4][0] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32) << 32;
-		s[4][1] = MP_DIGIT(a, 10) << 32;
-		for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
-			s[4][i] = MP_DIGIT(a, i+4);
-		}
-		s[5][0] = 0;
-		s[5][1] = 0;
-		s[5][2] = MP_DIGIT(a, 10);
-		s[5][3] = MP_DIGIT(a, 11);
-		s[5][4] = 0;
-		s[5][5] = 0;
-		s[6][0] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 10) << 32) >> 32;
-		s[6][1] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 10) >> 32) << 32;
-		s[6][2] = MP_DIGIT(a, 11);
-		s[6][3] = 0;
-		s[6][4] = 0;
-		s[6][5] = 0;
-		s[7][0] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, 6) << 32);
-		for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
-			s[7][i] = (MP_DIGIT(a, i+5) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, i+6) << 32);
-		}
-		s[8][0] = MP_DIGIT(a, 10) << 32;
-		s[8][1] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 10) >> 32) | (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) << 32);
-		s[8][2] = MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32;
-		s[8][3] = 0;
-		s[8][4] = 0;
-		s[8][5] = 0;
-		s[9][0] = 0;
-		s[9][1] = (MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32) << 32;
-		s[9][2] = MP_DIGIT(a, 11) >> 32;
-		s[9][3] = 0;
-		s[9][4] = 0;
-		s[9][5] = 0;
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(&m[0], &m[1], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[1], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[2], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[3], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[4], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[5], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(r, &m[6], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(r, &m[7], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub(r, &m[8], r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_submod(r, &m[9], &meth->irr, r));
-		s_mp_clamp(r);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Compute the square of polynomial a, reduce modulo p384. Store the
- * result in r.  r could be a.  Uses optimized modular reduction for p384. 
- */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp384_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_sqr(a, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp384_mod(r, r, meth));
-	return res;
-/* Compute the product of two polynomials a and b, reduce modulo p384.
- * Store the result in r.  r could be a or b; a could be b.  Uses
- * optimized modular reduction for p384. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp384_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-					const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(a, b, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp384_mod(r, r, meth));
-	return res;
-/* Wire in fast field arithmetic and precomputation of base point for
- * named curves. */
-ec_group_set_gfp384(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name)
-	if (name == ECCurve_NIST_P384) {
-		group->meth->field_mod = &ec_GFp_nistp384_mod;
-		group->meth->field_mul = &ec_GFp_nistp384_mul;
-		group->meth->field_sqr = &ec_GFp_nistp384_sqr;
-	}
-	return MP_OKAY;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_521.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_521.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f70c2f4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_521.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-/* Fast modular reduction for p521 = 2^521 - 1.  a can be r. Uses
- * algorithm 2.31 from Hankerson, Menezes, Vanstone. Guide to 
- * Elliptic Curve Cryptography. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp521_mod(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	int a_bits = mpl_significant_bits(a);
-	unsigned int i;
-	/* m1, m2 are statically-allocated mp_int of exactly the size we need */
-	mp_int m1;
-	mp_digit s1[ECP521_DIGITS] = { 0 };
-	MP_SIGN(&m1) = MP_ZPOS;
-	MP_ALLOC(&m1) = ECP521_DIGITS;
-	MP_USED(&m1) = ECP521_DIGITS;
-	MP_DIGITS(&m1) = s1;
-	if (a_bits < 521) {
-		if (a==r) return MP_OKAY;
-		return mp_copy(a, r);
-	}
-	/* for polynomials larger than twice the field size or polynomials 
-	 * not using all words, use regular reduction */
-	if (a_bits > (521*2)) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(a, &meth->irr, r));
-	} else {
-#define FIRST_DIGIT (ECP521_DIGITS-1)
-		for (i = FIRST_DIGIT; i < MP_USED(a)-1; i++) {
-			s1[i-FIRST_DIGIT] = (MP_DIGIT(a, i) >> 9) 
-				| (MP_DIGIT(a, 1+i) << (MP_DIGIT_BIT-9));
-		}
-		s1[i-FIRST_DIGIT] = MP_DIGIT(a, i) >> 9;
-		if ( a != r ) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_pad(r,ECP521_DIGITS));
-			for (i = 0; i < ECP521_DIGITS; i++) {
-				MP_DIGIT(r,i) = MP_DIGIT(a, i);
-			}
-		}
-		MP_USED(r) = ECP521_DIGITS;
-		MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_add(r, &m1));
-		if (MP_DIGIT(r, FIRST_DIGIT) & 0x200) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_add_d(r,1));
-			MP_DIGIT(r,FIRST_DIGIT) &=  0x1FF;
-		} else if (s_mp_cmp(r, &meth->irr) == 0) {
-			mp_zero(r);
-		}
-		s_mp_clamp(r);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Compute the square of polynomial a, reduce modulo p521. Store the
- * result in r.  r could be a.  Uses optimized modular reduction for p521. 
- */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp521_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_sqr(a, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp521_mod(r, r, meth));
-	return res;
-/* Compute the product of two polynomials a and b, reduce modulo p521.
- * Store the result in r.  r could be a or b; a could be b.  Uses
- * optimized modular reduction for p521. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp521_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-					const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(a, b, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp521_mod(r, r, meth));
-	return res;
-/* Divides two field elements. If a is NULL, then returns the inverse of
- * b. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_nistp521_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-		   const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int t;
-	/* If a is NULL, then return the inverse of b, otherwise return a/b. */
-	if (a == NULL) {
-		return mp_invmod(b, &meth->irr, r);
-	} else {
-		/* MPI doesn't support divmod, so we implement it using invmod and 
-		 * mulmod. */
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&t));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_invmod(b, &meth->irr, &t));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(a, &t, r));
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_nistp521_mod(r, r, meth));
-		mp_clear(&t);
-		return res;
-	}
-/* Wire in fast field arithmetic and precomputation of base point for
- * named curves. */
-ec_group_set_gfp521(ECGroup *group, ECCurveName name)
-	if (name == ECCurve_NIST_P521) {
-		group->meth->field_mod = &ec_GFp_nistp521_mod;
-		group->meth->field_mul = &ec_GFp_nistp521_mul;
-		group->meth->field_sqr = &ec_GFp_nistp521_sqr;
-		group->meth->field_div = &ec_GFp_nistp521_div;
-	}
-	return MP_OKAY;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_aff.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_aff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4138107..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_aff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Checks if point P(px, py) is at infinity.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py)
-	if ((mp_cmp_z(px) == 0) && (mp_cmp_z(py) == 0)) {
-		return MP_YES;
-	} else {
-		return MP_NO;
-	}
-/* Sets P(px, py) to be the point at infinity.  Uses affine coordinates. */
-ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_aff(mp_int *px, mp_int *py)
-	mp_zero(px);
-	mp_zero(py);
-	return MP_OKAY;
-/* Computes R = P + Q based on IEEE P1363 A.10.1. Elliptic curve points P, 
- * Q, and R can all be identical. Uses affine coordinates. Assumes input
- * is already field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is
- * still field-encoded. */
-ec_GFp_pt_add_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *qx,
-				  const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-				  const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int lambda, temp, tempx, tempy;
-	MP_DIGITS(&lambda) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&temp) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&tempx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&tempy) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&lambda));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&temp));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&tempx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&tempy));
-	/* if P = inf, then R = Q */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(px, py) == 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(qx, rx));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(qy, ry));
-		res = MP_OKAY;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* if Q = inf, then R = P */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(qx, qy) == 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, rx));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, ry));
-		res = MP_OKAY;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* if px != qx, then lambda = (py-qy) / (px-qx) */
-	if (mp_cmp(px, qx) != 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(py, qy, &tempy, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(px, qx, &tempx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_div(&tempy, &tempx, &lambda, group->meth));
-	} else {
-		/* if py != qy or qy = 0, then R = inf */
-		if (((mp_cmp(py, qy) != 0)) || (mp_cmp_z(qy) == 0)) {
-			mp_zero(rx);
-			mp_zero(ry);
-			res = MP_OKAY;
-			goto CLEANUP;
-		}
-		/* lambda = (3qx^2+a) / (2qy) */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(qx, &tempx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_set_int(&temp, 3));
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(&temp, &temp, group->meth));
-		}
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_mul(&tempx, &temp, &tempx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_add(&tempx, &group->curvea, &tempx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_set_int(&temp, 2));
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(&temp, &temp, group->meth));
-		}
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(qy, &temp, &tempy, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_div(&tempx, &tempy, &lambda, group->meth));
-	}
-	/* rx = lambda^2 - px - qx */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&lambda, &tempx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&tempx, px, &tempx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&tempx, qx, &tempx, group->meth));
-	/* ry = (x1-x2) * lambda - y1 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(qx, &tempx, &tempy, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-			   field_mul(&tempy, &lambda, &tempy, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&tempy, qy, &tempy, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&tempx, rx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&tempy, ry));
-	mp_clear(&lambda);
-	mp_clear(&temp);
-	mp_clear(&tempx);
-	mp_clear(&tempy);
-	return res;
-/* Computes R = P - Q. Elliptic curve points P, Q, and R can all be
- * identical. Uses affine coordinates. Assumes input is already
- * field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is still
- * field-encoded. */
-ec_GFp_pt_sub_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *qx,
-				  const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-				  const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int nqy;
-	MP_DIGITS(&nqy) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&nqy));
-	/* nqy = -qy */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_neg(qy, &nqy, group->meth));
-	res = group->point_add(px, py, qx, &nqy, rx, ry, group);
-	mp_clear(&nqy);
-	return res;
-/* Computes R = 2P. Elliptic curve points P and R can be identical. Uses
- * affine coordinates. Assumes input is already field-encoded using
- * field_enc, and returns output that is still field-encoded. */
-ec_GFp_pt_dbl_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-				  mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group)
-	return ec_GFp_pt_add_aff(px, py, px, py, rx, ry, group);
-/* by default, this routine is unused and thus doesn't need to be compiled */
-/* Computes R = nP based on IEEE P1363 A.10.3. Elliptic curve points P and 
- * R can be identical. Uses affine coordinates. Assumes input is already
- * field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is still
- * field-encoded. */
-ec_GFp_pt_mul_aff(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-				  mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int k, k3, qx, qy, sx, sy;
-	int b1, b3, i, l;
-	MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&k3) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&qx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&qy) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&sx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&sy) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&k));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&k3));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&qx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&qy));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&sx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&sy));
-	/* if n = 0 then r = inf */
-	if (mp_cmp_z(n) == 0) {
-		mp_zero(rx);
-		mp_zero(ry);
-		res = MP_OKAY;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* Q = P, k = n */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &qx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &qy));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(n, &k));
-	/* if n < 0 then Q = -Q, k = -k */
-	if (mp_cmp_z(n) < 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_neg(&qy, &qy, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_neg(&k, &k));
-	}
-#ifdef ECL_DEBUG				/* basic double and add method */
-	l = mpl_significant_bits(&k) - 1;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&qx, &sx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&qy, &sy));
-	for (i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		/* S = 2S */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->point_dbl(&sx, &sy, &sx, &sy, group));
-		/* if k_i = 1, then S = S + Q */
-		if (mpl_get_bit(&k, i) != 0) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->
-					   point_add(&sx, &sy, &qx, &qy, &sx, &sy, group));
-		}
-	}
-#else							/* double and add/subtract method from
-								 * standard */
-	/* k3 = 3 * k */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_set_int(&k3, 3));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(&k, &k3, &k3));
-	/* S = Q */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&qx, &sx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&qy, &sy));
-	/* l = index of high order bit in binary representation of 3*k */
-	l = mpl_significant_bits(&k3) - 1;
-	/* for i = l-1 downto 1 */
-	for (i = l - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
-		/* S = 2S */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->point_dbl(&sx, &sy, &sx, &sy, group));
-		b3 = MP_GET_BIT(&k3, i);
-		b1 = MP_GET_BIT(&k, i);
-		/* if k3_i = 1 and k_i = 0, then S = S + Q */
-		if ((b3 == 1) && (b1 == 0)) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->
-					   point_add(&sx, &sy, &qx, &qy, &sx, &sy, group));
-			/* if k3_i = 0 and k_i = 1, then S = S - Q */
-		} else if ((b3 == 0) && (b1 == 1)) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->
-					   point_sub(&sx, &sy, &qx, &qy, &sx, &sy, group));
-		}
-	}
-	/* output S */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&sx, rx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&sy, ry));
-	mp_clear(&k);
-	mp_clear(&k3);
-	mp_clear(&qx);
-	mp_clear(&qy);
-	mp_clear(&sx);
-	mp_clear(&sy);
-	return res;
-/* Validates a point on a GFp curve. */
-ec_GFp_validate_point(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_NO;
-	mp_int accl, accr, tmp, pxt, pyt;
-	MP_DIGITS(&accl) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&accr) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&pxt) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&pyt) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&accl));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&accr));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&tmp));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&pxt));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&pyt));
-    /* 1: Verify that publicValue is not the point at infinity */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(px, py) == MP_YES) {
-		res = MP_NO;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-    /* 2: Verify that the coordinates of publicValue are elements 
-     *    of the field.
-     */
-	if ((MP_SIGN(px) == MP_NEG) || (mp_cmp(px, &group->meth->irr) >= 0) || 
-		(MP_SIGN(py) == MP_NEG) || (mp_cmp(py, &group->meth->irr) >= 0)) {
-		res = MP_NO;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-    /* 3: Verify that publicValue is on the curve. */
-	if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-		group->meth->field_enc(px, &pxt, group->meth);
-		group->meth->field_enc(py, &pyt, group->meth);
-	} else {
-		MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(px, &pxt) );
-		MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(py, &pyt) );
-	}
-	/* left-hand side: y^2  */
-	MP_CHECKOK( group->meth->field_sqr(&pyt, &accl, group->meth) );
-	/* right-hand side: x^3 + a*x + b = (x^2 + a)*x + b by Horner's rule */
-	MP_CHECKOK( group->meth->field_sqr(&pxt, &tmp, group->meth) );
-	MP_CHECKOK( group->meth->field_add(&tmp, &group->curvea, &tmp, group->meth) );
-	MP_CHECKOK( group->meth->field_mul(&tmp, &pxt, &accr, group->meth) );
-	MP_CHECKOK( group->meth->field_add(&accr, &group->curveb, &accr, group->meth) );
-	/* check LHS - RHS == 0 */
-	MP_CHECKOK( group->meth->field_sub(&accl, &accr, &accr, group->meth) );
-	if (mp_cmp_z(&accr) != 0) {
-		res = MP_NO;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-    /* 4: Verify that the order of the curve times the publicValue
-     *    is the point at infinity.
-     */
-	MP_CHECKOK( ECPoint_mul(group, &group->order, px, py, &pxt, &pyt) );
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(&pxt, &pyt) != MP_YES) {
-		res = MP_NO;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	res = MP_YES;
-	mp_clear(&accl);
-	mp_clear(&accr);
-	mp_clear(&tmp);
-	mp_clear(&pxt);
-	mp_clear(&pyt);
-	return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jac.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jac.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f174b16..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jac.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef ECL_DEBUG
-#include <assert.h>
-/* Converts a point P(px, py) from affine coordinates to Jacobian
- * projective coordinates R(rx, ry, rz). Assumes input is already
- * field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is still
- * field-encoded. */
-ec_GFp_pt_aff2jac(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx,
-				  mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(px, py) == MP_YES) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, rz));
-	} else {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, rx));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, ry));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_set_int(rz, 1));
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_enc(rz, rz, group->meth));
-		}
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Converts a point P(px, py, pz) from Jacobian projective coordinates to
- * affine coordinates R(rx, ry).  P and R can share x and y coordinates.
- * Assumes input is already field-encoded using field_enc, and returns
- * output that is still field-encoded. */
-ec_GFp_pt_jac2aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *pz,
-				  mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int z1, z2, z3;
-	MP_DIGITS(&z1) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&z2) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&z3) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&z1));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&z2));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&z3));
-	/* if point at infinity, then set point at infinity and exit */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(px, py, pz) == MP_YES) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_aff(rx, ry));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* transform (px, py, pz) into (px / pz^2, py / pz^3) */
-	if (mp_cmp_d(pz, 1) == 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, rx));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, ry));
-	} else {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_div(NULL, pz, &z1, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&z1, &z2, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&z1, &z2, &z3, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(px, &z2, rx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(py, &z3, ry, group->meth));
-	}
-	mp_clear(&z1);
-	mp_clear(&z2);
-	mp_clear(&z3);
-	return res;
-/* Checks if point P(px, py, pz) is at infinity. Uses Jacobian
- * coordinates. */
-ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *pz)
-	return mp_cmp_z(pz);
-/* Sets P(px, py, pz) to be the point at infinity.  Uses Jacobian
- * coordinates. */
-ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(mp_int *px, mp_int *py, mp_int *pz)
-	mp_zero(pz);
-	return MP_OKAY;
-/* Computes R = P + Q where R is (rx, ry, rz), P is (px, py, pz) and Q is
- * (qx, qy, 1).  Elliptic curve points P, Q, and R can all be identical.
- * Uses mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates. Assumes input is already
- * field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is still
- * field-encoded. Uses equation (2) from Brown, Hankerson, Lopez, and
- * Menezes. Software Implementation of the NIST Elliptic Curves Over Prime
- * Fields. */
-ec_GFp_pt_add_jac_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *pz,
-					  const mp_int *qx, const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx,
-					  mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int A, B, C, D, C2, C3;
-	MP_DIGITS(&A) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&B) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&C) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&D) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&C2) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&C3) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&A));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&B));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&C));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&D));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&C2));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&C3));
-	/* If either P or Q is the point at infinity, then return the other
-	 * point */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(px, py, pz) == MP_YES) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_aff2jac(qx, qy, rx, ry, rz, group));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(qx, qy) == MP_YES) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, rx));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, ry));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(pz, rz));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* A = qx * pz^2, B = qy * pz^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(pz, &A, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&A, pz, &B, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&A, qx, &A, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&B, qy, &B, group->meth));
-	/* C = A - px, D = B - py */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&A, px, &C, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&B, py, &D, group->meth));
-	if (mp_cmp_z(&C) == 0) {
-		/* P == Q or P == -Q */
-		if (mp_cmp_z(&D) == 0) {
-			/* P == Q */
-			/* It is cheaper to double (qx, qy, 1) than (px, py, pz). */
-			MP_DIGIT(&D, 0) = 1; /* Set D to 1. */
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(qx, qy, &D, rx, ry, rz, group));
-		} else {
-			/* P == -Q */
-			MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, rz));
-		}
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* C2 = C^2, C3 = C^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&C, &C2, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&C, &C2, &C3, group->meth));
-	/* rz = pz * C */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(pz, &C, rz, group->meth));
-	/* C = px * C^2 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(px, &C2, &C, group->meth));
-	/* A = D^2 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&D, &A, group->meth));
-	/* rx = D^2 - (C^3 + 2 * (px * C^2)) */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&C, &C, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&C3, rx, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&A, rx, rx, group->meth));
-	/* C3 = py * C^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(py, &C3, &C3, group->meth));
-	/* ry = D * (px * C^2 - rx) - py * C^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&C, rx, ry, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&D, ry, ry, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(ry, &C3, ry, group->meth));
-	mp_clear(&A);
-	mp_clear(&B);
-	mp_clear(&C);
-	mp_clear(&D);
-	mp_clear(&C2);
-	mp_clear(&C3);
-	return res;
-/* Computes R = 2P.  Elliptic curve points P and R can be identical.  Uses 
- * Jacobian coordinates.
- *
- * Assumes input is already field-encoded using field_enc, and returns 
- * output that is still field-encoded.
- *
- * This routine implements Point Doubling in the Jacobian Projective 
- * space as described in the paper "Efficient elliptic curve exponentiation 
- * using mixed coordinates", by H. Cohen, A Miyaji, T. Ono.
- */
-ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *pz,
-				  mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int t0, t1, M, S;
-	MP_DIGITS(&t0) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&t1) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&M) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&S) = 0;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&t0));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&t1));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&M));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&S));
-	/* P == inf or P == -P */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(px, py, pz) == MP_YES || mp_cmp_z(py) == 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, rz));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	if (mp_cmp_d(pz, 1) == 0) {
-		/* M = 3 * px^2 + a */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(px, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&t0, &t0, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&t0, &M, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_add(&t0, &group->curvea, &M, group->meth));
-	} else if (mp_cmp_int(&group->curvea, -3) == 0) {
-		/* M = 3 * (px + pz^2) * (px - pz^2) */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(pz, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(px, &M, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(px, &M, &t1, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&t0, &t1, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&M, &M, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&t0, &M, &M, group->meth));
-	} else {
-		/* M = 3 * (px^2) + a * (pz^4) */
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(px, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&t0, &t0, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&t0, &M, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(pz, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&M, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_mul(&M, &group->curvea, &M, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&M, &t0, &M, group->meth));
-	}
-	/* rz = 2 * py * pz */
-	/* t0 = 4 * py^2 */
-	if (mp_cmp_d(pz, 1) == 0) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(py, py, rz, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(rz, &t0, group->meth));
-	} else {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(py, py, &t0, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&t0, pz, rz, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&t0, &t0, group->meth));
-	}
-	/* S = 4 * px * py^2 = px * (2 * py)^2 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(px, &t0, &S, group->meth));
-	/* rx = M^2 - 2 * S */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(&S, &S, &t1, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&M, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(rx, &t1, rx, group->meth));
-	/* ry = M * (S - rx) - 8 * py^4 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(&t0, &t1, group->meth));
-	if (mp_isodd(&t1)) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_add(&t1, &group->meth->irr, &t1));
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_div_2(&t1, &t1));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&S, rx, &S, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(&M, &S, &M, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(&M, &t1, ry, group->meth));
-	mp_clear(&t0);
-	mp_clear(&t1);
-	mp_clear(&M);
-	mp_clear(&S);
-	return res;
-/* by default, this routine is unused and thus doesn't need to be compiled */
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is (px, py). The parameters
- * a, b and p are the elliptic curve coefficients and the prime that
- * determines the field GFp.  Elliptic curve points P and R can be
- * identical.  Uses mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates. Assumes input is
- * already field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is still 
- * field-encoded. Uses 4-bit window method. */
-ec_GFp_pt_mul_jac(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-				  mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int precomp[16][2], rz;
-	int i, ni, d;
-	MP_DIGITS(&rz) = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][0]) = 0;
-		MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][1]) = 0;
-	}
-	ARGCHK((n != NULL) && (px != NULL) && (py != NULL), MP_BADARG);
-	/* initialize precomputation table */
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&precomp[i][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&precomp[i][1]));
-	}
-	/* fill precomputation table */
-	mp_zero(&precomp[0][0]);
-	mp_zero(&precomp[0][1]);
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &precomp[1][0]));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &precomp[1][1]));
-	for (i = 2; i < 16; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[1][0], &precomp[1][1],
-							 &precomp[i - 1][0], &precomp[i - 1][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0], &precomp[i][1], group));
-	}
-	d = (mpl_significant_bits(n) + 3) / 4;
-	/* R = inf */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&rz));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, &rz));
-	for (i = d - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		/* compute window ni */
-		ni = MP_GET_BIT(n, 4 * i + 3);
-		ni <<= 1;
-		ni |= MP_GET_BIT(n, 4 * i + 2);
-		ni <<= 1;
-		ni |= MP_GET_BIT(n, 4 * i + 1);
-		ni <<= 1;
-		ni |= MP_GET_BIT(n, 4 * i);
-		/* R = 2^4 * R */
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, &rz, group));
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, &rz, group));
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, &rz, group));
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, &rz, group));
-		/* R = R + (ni * P) */
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_add_jac_aff
-				   (rx, ry, &rz, &precomp[ni][0], &precomp[ni][1], rx, ry,
-					&rz, group));
-	}
-	/* convert result S to affine coordinates */
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_jac2aff(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, group));
-	mp_clear(&rz);
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		mp_clear(&precomp[i][0]);
-		mp_clear(&precomp[i][1]);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Elliptic curve scalar-point multiplication. Computes R(x, y) = k1 * G + 
- * k2 * P(x, y), where G is the generator (base point) of the group of
- * points on the elliptic curve. Allows k1 = NULL or { k2, P } = NULL.
- * Uses mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates. Input and output values are
- * assumed to be NOT field-encoded. Uses algorithm 15 (simultaneous
- * multiple point multiplication) from Brown, Hankerson, Lopez, Menezes.
- * Software Implementation of the NIST Elliptic Curves over Prime Fields. */
-ec_GFp_pts_mul_jac(const mp_int *k1, const mp_int *k2, const mp_int *px,
-				   const mp_int *py, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry,
-				   const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int precomp[4][4][2];
-	mp_int rz;
-	const mp_int *a, *b;
-	unsigned int i, j;
-	int ai, bi, d;
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][j][0]) = 0;
-			MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][j][1]) = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	MP_DIGITS(&rz) = 0;
-	ARGCHK(!((k1 == NULL)
-			 && ((k2 == NULL) || (px == NULL)
-				 || (py == NULL))), MP_BADARG);
-	/* if some arguments are not defined used ECPoint_mul */
-	if (k1 == NULL) {
-		return ECPoint_mul(group, k2, px, py, rx, ry);
-	} else if ((k2 == NULL) || (px == NULL) || (py == NULL)) {
-		return ECPoint_mul(group, k1, NULL, NULL, rx, ry);
-	}
-	/* initialize precomputation table */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&precomp[i][j][0]));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&precomp[i][j][1]));
-		}
-	}
-	/* fill precomputation table */
-	/* assign {k1, k2} = {a, b} such that len(a) >= len(b) */
-	if (mpl_significant_bits(k1) < mpl_significant_bits(k2)) {
-		a = k2;
-		b = k1;
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(px, &precomp[1][0][0], group->meth));
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(py, &precomp[1][0][1], group->meth));
-		} else {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &precomp[1][0][0]));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &precomp[1][0][1]));
-		}
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->genx, &precomp[0][1][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->geny, &precomp[0][1][1]));
-	} else {
-		a = k1;
-		b = k2;
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->genx, &precomp[1][0][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&group->geny, &precomp[1][0][1]));
-		if (group->meth->field_enc) {
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(px, &precomp[0][1][0], group->meth));
-			MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-					   field_enc(py, &precomp[0][1][1], group->meth));
-		} else {
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &precomp[0][1][0]));
-			MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &precomp[0][1][1]));
-		}
-	}
-	/* precompute [*][0][*] */
-	mp_zero(&precomp[0][0][0]);
-	mp_zero(&precomp[0][0][1]);
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_dbl(&precomp[1][0][0], &precomp[1][0][1],
-						 &precomp[2][0][0], &precomp[2][0][1], group));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_add(&precomp[1][0][0], &precomp[1][0][1],
-						 &precomp[2][0][0], &precomp[2][0][1],
-						 &precomp[3][0][0], &precomp[3][0][1], group));
-	/* precompute [*][1][*] */
-	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[0][1][0], &precomp[0][1][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0][0], &precomp[i][0][1],
-							 &precomp[i][1][0], &precomp[i][1][1], group));
-	}
-	/* precompute [*][2][*] */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_dbl(&precomp[0][1][0], &precomp[0][1][1],
-						 &precomp[0][2][0], &precomp[0][2][1], group));
-	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[0][2][0], &precomp[0][2][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0][0], &precomp[i][0][1],
-							 &precomp[i][2][0], &precomp[i][2][1], group));
-	}
-	/* precompute [*][3][*] */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_add(&precomp[0][1][0], &precomp[0][1][1],
-						 &precomp[0][2][0], &precomp[0][2][1],
-						 &precomp[0][3][0], &precomp[0][3][1], group));
-	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[0][3][0], &precomp[0][3][1],
-							 &precomp[i][0][0], &precomp[i][0][1],
-							 &precomp[i][3][0], &precomp[i][3][1], group));
-	}
-	d = (mpl_significant_bits(a) + 1) / 2;
-	/* R = inf */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&rz));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, &rz));
-        for (i = d; i-- > 0;) {
-		ai = MP_GET_BIT(a, 2 * i + 1);
-		ai <<= 1;
-		ai |= MP_GET_BIT(a, 2 * i);
-		bi = MP_GET_BIT(b, 2 * i + 1);
-		bi <<= 1;
-		bi |= MP_GET_BIT(b, 2 * i);
-		/* R = 2^2 * R */
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, &rz, group));
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jac(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, &rz, group));
-		/* R = R + (ai * A + bi * B) */
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_add_jac_aff
-				   (rx, ry, &rz, &precomp[ai][bi][0], &precomp[ai][bi][1],
-					rx, ry, &rz, group));
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_jac2aff(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, group));
-	if (group->meth->field_dec) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(rx, rx, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_dec(ry, ry, group->meth));
-	}
-	mp_clear(&rz);
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			mp_clear(&precomp[i][j][0]);
-			mp_clear(&precomp[i][j][1]);
-		}
-	}
-	return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jm.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d56412..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_jm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define MAX_SCRATCH 6
-/* Computes R = 2P.  Elliptic curve points P and R can be identical.  Uses 
- * Modified Jacobian coordinates.
- *
- * Assumes input is already field-encoded using field_enc, and returns 
- * output that is still field-encoded.
- *
- */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jm(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *pz,
-				 const mp_int *paz4, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz,
-				 mp_int *raz4, mp_int scratch[], const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int *t0, *t1, *M, *S;
-	t0 = &scratch[0];
-	t1 = &scratch[1];
-	M = &scratch[2];
-	S = &scratch[3];
-#if MAX_SCRATCH < 4
-#error "Scratch array defined too small "
-	/* Check for point at infinity */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(px, py, pz) == MP_YES) {
-		/* Set r = pt at infinity by setting rz = 0 */
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, rz));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* M = 3 (px^2) + a*(pz^4) */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(px, t0, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(t0, t0, M, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(t0, M, t0, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(t0, paz4, M, group->meth));
-	/* rz = 2 * py * pz */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(py, pz, S, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(S, S, rz, group->meth));
-	/* t0 = 2y^2 , t1 = 8y^4 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(py, t0, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(t0, t0, t0, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(t0, t1, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(t1, t1, t1, group->meth));
-	/* S = 4 * px * py^2 = 2 * px * t0 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(px, t0, S, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(S, S, S, group->meth));
-	/* rx = M^2 - 2S */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(M, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(rx, S, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(rx, S, rx, group->meth));
-	/* ry = M * (S - rx) - t1 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(S, rx, S, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(S, M, ry, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(ry, t1, ry, group->meth));
-	/* ra*z^4 = 2*t1*(apz4) */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(paz4, t1, raz4, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(raz4, raz4, raz4, group->meth));
-	return res;
-/* Computes R = P + Q where R is (rx, ry, rz), P is (px, py, pz) and Q is
- * (qx, qy, 1).  Elliptic curve points P, Q, and R can all be identical.
- * Uses mixed Modified_Jacobian-affine coordinates. Assumes input is
- * already field-encoded using field_enc, and returns output that is still
- * field-encoded. */
-static mp_err
-ec_GFp_pt_add_jm_aff(const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py, const mp_int *pz,
-					 const mp_int *paz4, const mp_int *qx,
-					 const mp_int *qy, mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, mp_int *rz,
-					 mp_int *raz4, mp_int scratch[], const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int *A, *B, *C, *D, *C2, *C3;
-	A = &scratch[0];
-	B = &scratch[1];
-	C = &scratch[2];
-	D = &scratch[3];
-	C2 = &scratch[4];
-	C3 = &scratch[5];
-#if MAX_SCRATCH < 6
-#error "Scratch array defined too small "
-	/* If either P or Q is the point at infinity, then return the other
-	 * point */
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_jac(px, py, pz) == MP_YES) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_aff2jac(qx, qy, rx, ry, rz, group));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(rz, raz4, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(raz4, raz4, group->meth));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_mul(raz4, &group->curvea, raz4, group->meth));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	if (ec_GFp_pt_is_inf_aff(qx, qy) == MP_YES) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, rx));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, ry));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(pz, rz));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(paz4, raz4));
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* A = qx * pz^2, B = qy * pz^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(pz, A, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(A, pz, B, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(A, qx, A, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(B, qy, B, group->meth));
-	/* C = A - px, D = B - py */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(A, px, C, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(B, py, D, group->meth));
-	/* C2 = C^2, C3 = C^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(C, C2, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(C, C2, C3, group->meth));
-	/* rz = pz * C */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(pz, C, rz, group->meth));
-	/* C = px * C^2 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(px, C2, C, group->meth));
-	/* A = D^2 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(D, A, group->meth));
-	/* rx = D^2 - (C^3 + 2 * (px * C^2)) */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(C, C, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_add(C3, rx, rx, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(A, rx, rx, group->meth));
-	/* C3 = py * C^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(py, C3, C3, group->meth));
-	/* ry = D * (px * C^2 - rx) - py * C^3 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(C, rx, ry, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_mul(D, ry, ry, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sub(ry, C3, ry, group->meth));
-	/* raz4 = a * rz^4 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(rz, raz4, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->field_sqr(raz4, raz4, group->meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-			   field_mul(raz4, &group->curvea, raz4, group->meth));
-	return res;
-/* Computes R = nP where R is (rx, ry) and P is the base point. Elliptic
- * curve points P and R can be identical. Uses mixed Modified-Jacobian
- * co-ordinates for doubling and Chudnovsky Jacobian coordinates for
- * additions. Assumes input is already field-encoded using field_enc, and
- * returns output that is still field-encoded. Uses 5-bit window NAF
- * method (algorithm 11) for scalar-point multiplication from Brown,
- * Hankerson, Lopez, Menezes. Software Implementation of the NIST Elliptic 
- * Curves Over Prime Fields. */
-ec_GFp_pt_mul_jm_wNAF(const mp_int *n, const mp_int *px, const mp_int *py,
-					  mp_int *rx, mp_int *ry, const ECGroup *group)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mp_int precomp[16][2], rz, tpx, tpy;
-	mp_int raz4;
-	mp_int scratch[MAX_SCRATCH];
-	signed char *naf = NULL;
-	int i, orderBitSize;
-	MP_DIGITS(&rz) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&raz4) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&tpx) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&tpy) = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][0]) = 0;
-		MP_DIGITS(&precomp[i][1]) = 0;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRATCH; i++) {
-		MP_DIGITS(&scratch[i]) = 0;
-	}
-	ARGCHK((n != NULL) && (px != NULL) && (py != NULL), MP_BADARG);
-	/* initialize precomputation table */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&tpx));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&tpy));;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&rz));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&raz4));
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&precomp[i][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&precomp[i][1]));
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRATCH; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&scratch[i]));
-	}
-	/* Set out[8] = P */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(px, &precomp[8][0]));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(py, &precomp[8][1]));
-	/* Set (tpx, tpy) = 2P */
-	MP_CHECKOK(group->
-			   point_dbl(&precomp[8][0], &precomp[8][1], &tpx, &tpy,
-						 group));
-	/* Set 3P, 5P, ..., 15P */
-	for (i = 8; i < 15; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->
-				   point_add(&precomp[i][0], &precomp[i][1], &tpx, &tpy,
-							 &precomp[i + 1][0], &precomp[i + 1][1],
-							 group));
-	}
-	/* Set -15P, -13P, ..., -P */
-	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&precomp[15 - i][0], &precomp[i][0]));
-		MP_CHECKOK(group->meth->
-				   field_neg(&precomp[15 - i][1], &precomp[i][1],
-							 group->meth));
-	}
-	/* R = inf */
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_set_inf_jac(rx, ry, &rz));
-	orderBitSize = mpl_significant_bits(&group->order);
-	/* Allocate memory for NAF */
-	naf = (signed char *) malloc(sizeof(signed char) * (orderBitSize + 1));
-	if (naf == NULL) {
-		res = MP_MEM;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	/* Compute 5NAF */
-	ec_compute_wNAF(naf, orderBitSize, n, 5);
-	/* wNAF method */
-	for (i = orderBitSize; i >= 0; i--) {
-		/* R = 2R */
-		ec_GFp_pt_dbl_jm(rx, ry, &rz, &raz4, rx, ry, &rz, 
-					     &raz4, scratch, group);
-		if (naf[i] != 0) {
-			ec_GFp_pt_add_jm_aff(rx, ry, &rz, &raz4,
-								 &precomp[(naf[i] + 15) / 2][0],
-								 &precomp[(naf[i] + 15) / 2][1], rx, ry,
-								 &rz, &raz4, scratch, group);
-		}
-	}
-	/* convert result S to affine coordinates */
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_pt_jac2aff(rx, ry, &rz, rx, ry, group));
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRATCH; i++) {
-		mp_clear(&scratch[i]);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-		mp_clear(&precomp[i][0]);
-		mp_clear(&precomp[i][1]);
-	}
-	mp_clear(&tpx);
-	mp_clear(&tpy);
-	mp_clear(&rz);
-	mp_clear(&raz4);
-	free(naf);
-	return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_mont.c b/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_mont.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b8462e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_mont.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Uses Montgomery reduction for field arithmetic.  See mpi/mpmontg.c for
- * code implementation. */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#include "ecl-priv.h"
-#include "ecp.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* Construct a generic GFMethod for arithmetic over prime fields with
- * irreducible irr. */
-GFMethod *
-GFMethod_consGFp_mont(const mp_int *irr)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	GFMethod *meth = NULL;
-	mp_mont_modulus *mmm;
-	meth = GFMethod_consGFp(irr);
-	if (meth == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	mmm = (mp_mont_modulus *) malloc(sizeof(mp_mont_modulus));
-	if (mmm == NULL) {
-		res = MP_MEM;
-		goto CLEANUP;
-	}
-	meth->field_mul = &ec_GFp_mul_mont;
-	meth->field_sqr = &ec_GFp_sqr_mont;
-	meth->field_div = &ec_GFp_div_mont;
-	meth->field_enc = &ec_GFp_enc_mont;
-	meth->field_dec = &ec_GFp_dec_mont;
-	meth->extra1 = mmm;
-	meth->extra2 = NULL;
-	meth->extra_free = &ec_GFp_extra_free_mont;
-	mmm->N = meth->irr;
-	mmm->n0prime = 0 - s_mp_invmod_radix(MP_DIGIT(&meth->irr, 0));
-	if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-		GFMethod_free(meth);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return meth;
-/* Wrapper functions for generic prime field arithmetic. */
-/* Field multiplication using Montgomery reduction. */
-ec_GFp_mul_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	/* if MP_MONT_USE_MP_MUL is defined, then the function s_mp_mul_mont
-	 * is not implemented and we have to use mp_mul and s_mp_redc directly 
-	 */
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_mul(a, b, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_redc(r, (mp_mont_modulus *) meth->extra1));
-	mp_int s;
-	MP_DIGITS(&s) = 0;
-	/* s_mp_mul_mont doesn't allow source and destination to be the same */
-	if ((a == r) || (b == r)) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_init(&s));
-		MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_mul_mont
-				   (a, b, &s, (mp_mont_modulus *) meth->extra1));
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&s, r));
-		mp_clear(&s);
-	} else {
-		return s_mp_mul_mont(a, b, r, (mp_mont_modulus *) meth->extra1);
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Field squaring using Montgomery reduction. */
-ec_GFp_sqr_mont(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	return ec_GFp_mul_mont(a, a, r, meth);
-/* Field division using Montgomery reduction. */
-ec_GFp_div_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *r,
-				const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	/* if A=aZ represents a encoded in montgomery coordinates with Z and # 
-	 * and \ respectively represent multiplication and division in
-	 * montgomery coordinates, then A\B = (a/b)Z = (A/B)Z and Binv =
-	 * (1/b)Z = (1/B)(Z^2) where B # Binv = Z */
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_div(a, b, r, meth));
-	MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_enc_mont(r, r, meth));
-	if (a == NULL) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(ec_GFp_enc_mont(r, r, meth));
-	}
-	return res;
-/* Encode a field element in Montgomery form. See s_mp_to_mont in
- * mpi/mpmontg.c */
-ec_GFp_enc_mont(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_mont_modulus *mmm;
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	mmm = (mp_mont_modulus *) meth->extra1;
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(a, r));
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_lshd(r, MP_USED(&mmm->N)));
-	MP_CHECKOK(mp_mod(r, &mmm->N, r));
-	return res;
-/* Decode a field element from Montgomery form. */
-ec_GFp_dec_mont(const mp_int *a, mp_int *r, const GFMethod *meth)
-	mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-	if (a != r) {
-		MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(a, r));
-	}
-	MP_CHECKOK(s_mp_redc(r, (mp_mont_modulus *) meth->extra1));
-	return res;
-/* Free the memory allocated to the extra fields of Montgomery GFMethod
- * object. */
-ec_GFp_extra_free_mont(GFMethod *meth)
-	if (meth->extra1 != NULL) {
-		free(meth->extra1);
-		meth->extra1 = NULL;
-	}
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/gcm.c b/nss/lib/freebl/gcm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ba738..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/gcm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,846 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "gcm.h"
-#include "ctr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include <limits.h>
- *          First implement the Galois hash function of GCM (gcmHash)     *
- **************************************************************************/
-#define GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN 8 /* gcm hash defines lengths to be 64 bits */
-typedef struct gcmHashContextStr gcmHashContext;
-static SECStatus gcmHash_InitContext(gcmHashContext *hash,
-				     const unsigned char *H,
-				     unsigned int blocksize);
-static void gcmHash_DestroyContext(gcmHashContext *ghash, PRBool freeit);
-static SECStatus gcmHash_Update(gcmHashContext *ghash,
-				const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len,
-				unsigned int blocksize);
-static SECStatus gcmHash_Sync(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned int blocksize);
-static SECStatus gcmHash_Final(gcmHashContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			       unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			       unsigned int blocksize);
-static SECStatus gcmHash_Reset(gcmHashContext *ghash,
-			       const unsigned char *inbuf,
-			       unsigned int inbufLen, unsigned int blocksize);
-/* compile time defines to select how the GF2 multiply is calculated.
- * There are currently 2 algorithms implemented here: MPI and ALGORITHM_1.
- *
- * MPI uses the GF2m implemented in mpi to support GF2 ECC.
- * ALGORITHM_1 is the Algorithm 1 in both NIST SP 800-38D and
- * "The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation (GCM)", McGrew & Viega.
- */
-#if !defined(GCM_USE_ALGORITHM_1) && !defined(GCM_USE_MPI)
-#define GCM_USE_MPI 1 /* MPI is about 5x faster with the
-		       * same or less complexity. It's possible to use
-		       * tables to speed things up even more */
-/* GCM defines the bit string to be LSB first, which is exactly
- * opposite everyone else, including hardware. build array
- * to reverse everything. */
-static const unsigned char gcm_byte_rev[256] = {
-    0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0,
-    0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0,
-    0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8,
-    0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8,
-    0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4,
-    0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4,
-    0x0c, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec,
-    0x1c, 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc,
-    0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2,
-    0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2,
-    0x0a, 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea,
-    0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa,
-    0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6,
-    0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6,
-    0x0e, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee,
-    0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe,
-    0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1,
-    0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1,
-    0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9,
-    0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9,
-    0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5,
-    0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5,
-    0x0d, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed,
-    0x1d, 0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd,
-    0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3,
-    0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3,
-    0x0b, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb,
-    0x1b, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb,
-    0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7,
-    0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7,
-    0x0f, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef,
-    0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff
-#ifdef GCM_TRACE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define GCM_TRACE_X(ghash,label) { \
-	unsigned char _X[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; int i; \
-	gcm_getX(ghash, _X, blocksize); \
-	printf(label,(ghash)->m); \
-	for (i=0; i < blocksize; i++) printf("%02x",_X[i]); \
-	printf("\n"); }
-#define GCM_TRACE_BLOCK(label,buf,blocksize) {\
-	printf(label); \
-	for (i=0; i < blocksize; i++) printf("%02x",buf[i]); \
-	printf("\n"); }
-#define GCM_TRACE_X(ghash,label)
-#define GCM_TRACE_BLOCK(label,buf,blocksize)
-#ifdef GCM_USE_MPI
-#error "Only define one of GCM_USE_MPI, GCM_USE_ALGORITHM_1"
-/* use the MPI functions to calculate Xn = (Xn-1^C_i)*H mod poly */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mp_gf2m.h"
-/* state needed to handle GCM Hash function */
-struct gcmHashContextStr {
-     mp_int H;
-     mp_int X;
-     mp_int C_i;
-     const unsigned int *poly;
-     unsigned char buffer[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-     unsigned int bufLen;
-     int m; /* XXX what is m? */
-     unsigned char counterBuf[2*GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN];
-     PRUint64 cLen;
-/* f = x^128 + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1 */
-static const unsigned int poly_128[] = { 128, 7, 2, 1, 0 };
-/* sigh, GCM defines the bit strings exactly backwards from everything else */
-static void
-gcm_reverse(unsigned char *target, const unsigned char *src,
-							unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i < blocksize; i++) {
-	target[blocksize-i-1] = gcm_byte_rev[src[i]];
-    }
-/* Initialize a gcmHashContext */
-static SECStatus
-gcmHash_InitContext(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *H,
-		    unsigned int blocksize)
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    unsigned char H_rev[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    MP_DIGITS(&ghash->H) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&ghash->X) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&ghash->C_i) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&ghash->H) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&ghash->X) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&ghash->C_i) );
-    mp_zero(&ghash->X);
-    gcm_reverse(H_rev, H, blocksize);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&ghash->H, H_rev, blocksize) );
-    /* set the irreducible polynomial. Each blocksize has its own polynomial.
-     * for now only blocksize 16 (=128 bits) is defined */
-    switch (blocksize) {
-    case 16: /* 128 bits */
-	ghash->poly = poly_128;
-	break;
-    default:
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ghash->cLen = 0;
-    ghash->bufLen = 0;
-    ghash->m = 0;
-    PORT_Memset(ghash->counterBuf, 0, sizeof(ghash->counterBuf));
-    return SECSuccess;
-    gcmHash_DestroyContext(ghash, PR_FALSE);
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Destroy a HashContext (Note we zero the digits so this function
- * is idempotent if called with freeit == PR_FALSE */
-static void
-gcmHash_DestroyContext(gcmHashContext *ghash, PRBool freeit)
-    mp_clear(&ghash->H);
-    mp_clear(&ghash->X);
-    mp_clear(&ghash->C_i);
-    MP_DIGITS(&ghash->H) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&ghash->X) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&ghash->C_i) = 0;
-    if (freeit) {
-	PORT_Free(ghash);
-    }
-static SECStatus
-gcm_getX(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned char *T, unsigned int blocksize)
-    int len;
-    mp_err err;
-    unsigned char tmp_buf[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned char *X;
-    len = mp_unsigned_octet_size(&ghash->X);
-    if (len <= 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    X = tmp_buf;
-    PORT_Assert((unsigned int)len <= blocksize);
-    if ((unsigned int)len > blocksize) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* zero pad the result */
-    if (len != blocksize) {
-	PORT_Memset(X,0,blocksize-len);
-	X += blocksize-len;
-    }
-    err = mp_to_unsigned_octets(&ghash->X, X, len);
-    if (err < 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    gcm_reverse(T, tmp_buf, blocksize);
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-gcm_HashMult(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
-		unsigned int count, unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    unsigned char tmp_buf[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++, buf += blocksize) {
-	ghash->m++;
-	gcm_reverse(tmp_buf, buf, blocksize);
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_read_unsigned_octets(&ghash->C_i, tmp_buf, blocksize));
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_badd(&ghash->X, &ghash->C_i, &ghash->C_i));
-	/*
-	 * Looking to speed up GCM, this the the place to do it.
-	 * There are two areas that can be exploited to speed up this code.
-	 *
-	 * 1) H is a constant in this multiply. We can precompute H * (0 - 255)
-	 * at init time and this becomes an blockize xors of our table lookup.
-	 *
-	 * 2) poly is a constant for each blocksize. We can calculate the
-	 * modulo reduction by a series of adds and shifts.
-	 *
-	 * For now we are after functionality, so we will go ahead and use
-	 * the builtin bmulmod from mpi
-	 */
-        CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_bmulmod(&ghash->C_i, &ghash->H,
-					ghash->poly, &ghash->X));
-	GCM_TRACE_X(ghash, "X%d = ")
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    }
-    return rv;
-static void
-gcm_zeroX(gcmHashContext *ghash)
-    mp_zero(&ghash->X);
-    ghash->m = 0;
-/* use algorithm 1 of McGrew & Viega "The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation" */
-#define GCM_ARRAY_SIZE (MAX_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(unsigned long))
-struct gcmHashContextStr {
-     unsigned long H[GCM_ARRAY_SIZE];
-     unsigned long X[GCM_ARRAY_SIZE];
-     unsigned long R;
-     unsigned char buffer[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-     unsigned int bufLen;
-     int m;
-     unsigned char counterBuf[2*GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN];
-     PRUint64 cLen;
-static void
-gcm_bytes_to_longs(unsigned long *l, const unsigned char *c, unsigned int len)
-    int i,j;
-    int array_size = len/sizeof(unsigned long);
-    PORT_Assert(len % sizeof(unsigned long) == 0);
-    for (i=0; i < array_size; i++) {
-	unsigned long tmp = 0;
-	int byte_offset = i * sizeof(unsigned long);
-	for (j=sizeof(unsigned long)-1; j >= 0; j--) {
-	    tmp = (tmp << PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) | gcm_byte_rev[c[byte_offset+j]];
-	}
-	l[i] = tmp;
-    }
-static void
-gcm_longs_to_bytes(const unsigned long *l, unsigned char *c, unsigned int len)
-    int i,j;
-    int array_size = len/sizeof(unsigned long);
-    PORT_Assert(len % sizeof(unsigned long) == 0);
-    for (i=0; i < array_size; i++) {
-	unsigned long tmp = l[i];
-	int byte_offset = i * sizeof(unsigned long);
-	for (j=0; j < sizeof(unsigned long); j++) {
-	    c[byte_offset+j] = gcm_byte_rev[tmp & 0xff];
-	    tmp = (tmp >> PR_BITS_PER_BYTE);
-	}
-    }
-/* Initialize a gcmHashContext */
-static SECStatus
-gcmHash_InitContext(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *H,
-		    unsigned int blocksize)
-    PORT_Memset(ghash->X, 0, sizeof(ghash->X));
-    PORT_Memset(ghash->H, 0, sizeof(ghash->H));
-    gcm_bytes_to_longs(ghash->H, H, blocksize);
-    /* set the irreducible polynomial. Each blocksize has its own polynommial
-     * for now only blocksize 16 (=128 bits) is defined */
-    switch (blocksize) {
-    case 16: /* 128 bits */
-	ghash->R = (unsigned long) 0x87; /* x^7 + x^2 + x +1 */
-	break;
-    default:
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    ghash->cLen = 0;
-    ghash->bufLen = 0;
-    ghash->m = 0;
-    PORT_Memset(ghash->counterBuf, 0, sizeof(ghash->counterBuf));
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Destroy a HashContext (Note we zero the digits so this function
- * is idempotent if called with freeit == PR_FALSE */
-static void
-gcmHash_DestroyContext(gcmHashContext *ghash, PRBool freeit)
-    if (freeit) {
-	PORT_Free(ghash);
-    }
-static unsigned long
-gcm_shift_one(unsigned long *t, unsigned int count)
-    unsigned long carry = 0;
-    unsigned long nextcarry = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	nextcarry = t[i] >> ((sizeof(unsigned long)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE)-1);
-	t[i] = (t[i] << 1) | carry;
-	carry = nextcarry;
-    }
-    return carry;
-static SECStatus
-gcm_getX(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned char *T, unsigned int blocksize)
-    gcm_longs_to_bytes(ghash->X, T, blocksize);
-    return SECSuccess;
-#define GCM_XOR(t, s, len) \
-	for (l=0; l < len; l++) t[l] ^= s[l]
-static SECStatus
-gcm_HashMult(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
-		unsigned int count, unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned long C_i[GCM_ARRAY_SIZE];
-    unsigned int arraysize = blocksize/sizeof(unsigned long);
-    unsigned int i, j, k, l;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++, buf += blocksize) {
-	ghash->m++;
-	gcm_bytes_to_longs(C_i, buf, blocksize);
-	GCM_XOR(C_i, ghash->X, arraysize);
-	/* multiply X = C_i * H */
-	PORT_Memset(ghash->X, 0, sizeof(ghash->X));
-	for (j=0; j < arraysize; j++) {
-	    unsigned long H = ghash->H[j];
-	    for (k=0; k < sizeof(unsigned long)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE; k++) {
-		if (H & 1) {
-		    GCM_XOR(ghash->X, C_i, arraysize);
-		}
-		if (gcm_shift_one(C_i, arraysize)) {
-		    C_i[0] = C_i[0] ^ ghash->R;
-		}
-		H = H >> 1;
-	    }
-	}
-	GCM_TRACE_X(ghash, "X%d = ")
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-gcm_zeroX(gcmHashContext *ghash)
-    PORT_Memset(ghash->X, 0, sizeof(ghash->X));
-    ghash->m = 0;
- * implement GCM GHASH using the freebl GHASH function. The gcm_HashMult
- * function always takes blocksize lengths of data. gcmHash_Update will
- * format the data properly.
- */
-static SECStatus
-gcmHash_Update(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *buf,
-	       unsigned int len, unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int blocks;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    ghash->cLen += (len*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE);
-    /* first deal with the current buffer of data. Try to fill it out so
-     * we can hash it */
-    if (ghash->bufLen) {
-	unsigned int needed = PR_MIN(len, blocksize - ghash->bufLen);
-	if (needed != 0) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(ghash->buffer+ghash->bufLen, buf, needed);
-	}
-	buf += needed;
-	len -= needed;
-	ghash->bufLen += needed;
-	if (len == 0) {
-	    /* didn't add enough to hash the data, nothing more do do */
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(ghash->bufLen == blocksize);
-	/* hash the buffer and clear it */
-	rv = gcm_HashMult(ghash, ghash->buffer, 1, blocksize);
-	PORT_Memset(ghash->buffer, 0, blocksize);
-	ghash->bufLen = 0;
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    /* now hash any full blocks remaining in the data stream */
-    blocks = len/blocksize;
-    if (blocks) {
-	rv = gcm_HashMult(ghash, buf, blocks, blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	buf += blocks*blocksize;
-	len -= blocks*blocksize;
-    }
-    /* save any remainder in the buffer to be hashed with the next call */
-    if (len != 0) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(ghash->buffer, buf, len);
-	ghash->bufLen = len;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * write out any partial blocks zero padded through the GHASH engine,
- * save the lengths for the final completion of the hash
- */
-static SECStatus
-gcmHash_Sync(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned int blocksize)
-    int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* copy the previous counter to the upper block */
-    PORT_Memcpy(ghash->counterBuf, &ghash->counterBuf[GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN],
-							GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN);
-    /* copy the current counter in the lower block */
-    for (i=0; i < GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN; i++) {
-	ghash->counterBuf[GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN+i] =
-	    (ghash->cLen >> ((GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN-1-i)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE)) & 0xff;
-    }
-    ghash->cLen = 0;
-    /* now zero fill the buffer and hash the last block */
-    if (ghash->bufLen) {
-	PORT_Memset(ghash->buffer+ghash->bufLen, 0, blocksize - ghash->bufLen);
-	rv = gcm_HashMult(ghash, ghash->buffer, 1, blocksize);
-	PORT_Memset(ghash->buffer, 0, blocksize);
-	ghash->bufLen = 0;
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * This does the final sync, hashes the lengths, then returns
- * "T", the hashed output.
- */
-static SECStatus
-gcmHash_Final(gcmHashContext *ghash, unsigned char *outbuf,
-		unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-		unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned char T[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = gcmHash_Sync(ghash, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = gcm_HashMult(ghash, ghash->counterBuf, (GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN*2)/blocksize,
-								blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    GCM_TRACE_X(ghash, "GHASH(H,A,C) = ")
-    rv = gcm_getX(ghash, T, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxout > blocksize) maxout = blocksize;
-    PORT_Memcpy(outbuf, T, maxout);
-    *outlen = maxout;
-    return SECSuccess;
-gcmHash_Reset(gcmHashContext *ghash, const unsigned char *AAD,
-	      unsigned int AADLen, unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    ghash->cLen = 0;
-    PORT_Memset(ghash->counterBuf, 0, GCM_HASH_LEN_LEN*2);
-    ghash->bufLen = 0;
-    gcm_zeroX(ghash);
-    /* now kick things off by hashing the Additional Authenticated Data */
-    if (AADLen != 0) {
-	rv = gcmHash_Update(ghash, AAD, AADLen, blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	rv = gcmHash_Sync(ghash, blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- *           Now implement the GCM using gcmHash and CTR                  *
- **************************************************************************/
-/* state to handle the full GCM operation (hash and counter) */
-struct GCMContextStr {
-    gcmHashContext ghash_context;
-    CTRContext ctr_context;
-    unsigned long tagBits;
-    unsigned char tagKey[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-GCMContext *
-GCM_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-		  const unsigned char *params, unsigned int blocksize)
-    GCMContext *gcm = NULL;
-    gcmHashContext *ghash;
-    unsigned char H[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned int tmp;
-    PRBool freeCtr = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool freeHash = PR_FALSE;
-    const CK_GCM_PARAMS *gcmParams = (const CK_GCM_PARAMS *)params;
-    CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS ctrParams;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (blocksize > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE || blocksize > sizeof(ctrParams.cb)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    gcm = PORT_ZNew(GCMContext);
-    if (gcm == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* first fill in the ghash context */
-    ghash = &gcm->ghash_context;
-    PORT_Memset(H, 0, blocksize);
-    rv = (*cipher)(context, H, &tmp, blocksize, H, blocksize, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = gcmHash_InitContext(ghash, H, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    freeHash = PR_TRUE;
-    /* fill in the Counter context */
-    ctrParams.ulCounterBits = 32;
-    PORT_Memset(ctrParams.cb, 0, sizeof(ctrParams.cb));
-    if ((blocksize == 16) && (gcmParams->ulIvLen == 12)) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(ctrParams.cb, gcmParams->pIv, gcmParams->ulIvLen);
-	ctrParams.cb[blocksize-1] = 1;
-    } else {
-	rv = gcmHash_Update(ghash, gcmParams->pIv, gcmParams->ulIvLen,
-			    blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rv = gcmHash_Final(ghash, ctrParams.cb, &tmp, blocksize, blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    rv = CTR_InitContext(&gcm->ctr_context, context, cipher,
-				(unsigned char *)&ctrParams, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    freeCtr = PR_TRUE;
-    /* fill in the gcm structure */
-    gcm->tagBits = gcmParams->ulTagBits; /* save for final step */
-    /* calculate the final tag key. NOTE: gcm->tagKey is zero to start with.
-     * if this assumption changes, we would need to explicitly clear it here */
-    rv = CTR_Update(&gcm->ctr_context, gcm->tagKey, &tmp, blocksize,
-		    gcm->tagKey, blocksize, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* finally mix in the AAD data */
-    rv = gcmHash_Reset(ghash, gcmParams->pAAD, gcmParams->ulAADLen, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    return gcm;
-    if (freeCtr) {
-	CTR_DestroyContext(&gcm->ctr_context, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (freeHash) {
-	gcmHash_DestroyContext(&gcm->ghash_context, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (gcm) {
-	PORT_Free(gcm);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-GCM_DestroyContext(GCMContext *gcm, PRBool freeit)
-    /* these two are statically allocated and will be freed when we free
-     * gcm. call their destroy functions to free up any locally
-     * allocated data (like mp_int's) */
-    CTR_DestroyContext(&gcm->ctr_context, PR_FALSE);
-    gcmHash_DestroyContext(&gcm->ghash_context, PR_FALSE);
-    if (freeit) {
-	PORT_Free(gcm);
-    }
-static SECStatus
-gcm_GetTag(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-	unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-	unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int tagBytes;
-    unsigned int extra;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE-1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    extra = tagBytes*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - gcm->tagBits;
-    if (outbuf == NULL) {
-	*outlen = tagBytes;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxout < tagBytes) {
-	*outlen = tagBytes;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    maxout = tagBytes;
-    rv = gcmHash_Final(&gcm->ghash_context, outbuf, outlen, maxout, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    GCM_TRACE_BLOCK("GHASH=", outbuf, blocksize);
-    GCM_TRACE_BLOCK("Y0=", gcm->tagKey, blocksize);
-    for (i=0; i < *outlen; i++) {
-	outbuf[i] ^= gcm->tagKey[i];
-    }
-    GCM_TRACE_BLOCK("Y0=", gcm->tagKey, blocksize);
-    GCM_TRACE_BLOCK("T=", outbuf, blocksize);
-    /* mask off any extra bits we got */
-    if (extra) {
-	outbuf[tagBytes-1] &= ~((1 << extra)-1);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * See The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation, McGrew and Viega.
- *  GCM is basically counter mode with a specific initialization and
- *  built in macing operation.
- */
-GCM_EncryptUpdate(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-		unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-		const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-		unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int tagBytes;
-    unsigned int len;
-    tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE-1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    if (UINT_MAX - inlen < tagBytes) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxout < inlen + tagBytes) {
-	*outlen = inlen + tagBytes;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = CTR_Update(&gcm->ctr_context, outbuf, outlen, maxout,
-			inbuf, inlen, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = gcmHash_Update(&gcm->ghash_context, outbuf, *outlen, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_Memset(outbuf, 0, *outlen); /* clear the output buffer */
-	*outlen = 0;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = gcm_GetTag(gcm, outbuf + *outlen, &len, maxout - *outlen, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_Memset(outbuf, 0, *outlen); /* clear the output buffer */
-	*outlen = 0;
-	return SECFailure;
-    };
-    *outlen += len;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * See The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation, McGrew and Viega.
- *  GCM is basically counter mode with a specific initialization and
- *  built in macing operation. NOTE: the only difference between Encrypt
- *  and Decrypt is when we calculate the mac. That is because the mac must
- *  always be calculated on the cipher text, not the plain text, so for
- *  encrypt, we do the CTR update first and for decrypt we do the mac first.
- */
-GCM_DecryptUpdate(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-		unsigned int *outlen, unsigned  int maxout,
-		const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-		unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int tagBytes;
-    unsigned char tag[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    const unsigned char *intag;
-    unsigned int len;
-    tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE-1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    /* get the authentication block */
-    if (inlen < tagBytes) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    inlen -= tagBytes;
-    intag = inbuf + inlen;
-    /* verify the block */
-    rv = gcmHash_Update(&gcm->ghash_context, inbuf, inlen, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = gcm_GetTag(gcm, tag, &len, blocksize, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Don't decrypt if we can't authenticate the encrypted data!
-     * This assumes that if tagBits is not a multiple of 8, intag will
-     * preserve the masked off missing bits.  */
-    if (NSS_SecureMemcmp(tag, intag, tagBytes) != 0) {
-	/* force a CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID error at in softoken */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* finish the decryption */
-    return CTR_Update(&gcm->ctr_context, outbuf, outlen, maxout,
-			  inbuf, inlen, blocksize);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/gcm.h b/nss/lib/freebl/gcm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dd71b4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/gcm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef GCM_H
-#define GCM_H 1
-#include "blapii.h"
-typedef struct GCMContextStr GCMContext;
- * The context argument is the inner cipher context to use with cipher. The
- * GCMContext does not own context. context needs to remain valid for as long
- * as the GCMContext is valid.
- *
- * The cipher argument is a block cipher in the ECB encrypt mode.
- */
-GCMContext * GCM_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-			const unsigned char *params, unsigned int blocksize);
-void GCM_DestroyContext(GCMContext *gcm, PRBool freeit);
-SECStatus GCM_EncryptUpdate(GCMContext  *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus GCM_DecryptUpdate(GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.c b/nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3ba41..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "hmacct.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-/* MAX_HASH_BIT_COUNT_BYTES is the maximum number of bytes in the hash's length
- * field. (SHA-384/512 have 128-bit length.) */
-/* Some utility functions are needed:
- *
- * These macros return the given value with the MSB copied to all the other
- * bits. They use the fact that an arithmetic shift shifts-in the sign bit.
- * However, this is not ensured by the C standard so you may need to replace
- * them with something else on odd CPUs.
- *
- * Note: the argument to these macros must be an unsigned int.
- * */
-#define DUPLICATE_MSB_TO_ALL(x) ( (unsigned int)( (int)(x) >> (sizeof(int)*8-1) ) )
-#define DUPLICATE_MSB_TO_ALL_8(x) ( (unsigned char)(DUPLICATE_MSB_TO_ALL(x)) )
-/* constantTimeGE returns 0xff if a>=b and 0x00 otherwise, where a, b <
- * MAX_UINT/2. */
-static unsigned char
-constantTimeGE(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
-    a -= b;
-    return DUPLICATE_MSB_TO_ALL(~a);
-/* constantTimeEQ8 returns 0xff if a==b and 0x00 otherwise. */
-static unsigned char
-constantTimeEQ8(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
-    unsigned int c = a ^ b;
-    c--;
-    return DUPLICATE_MSB_TO_ALL_8(c);
-/* MAC performs a constant time SSLv3/TLS MAC of |dataLen| bytes of |data|,
- * where |dataLen| includes both the authenticated bytes and the MAC tag from
- * the sender. |dataLen| must be >= the length of the MAC tag.
- *
- * |dataTotalLen| is >= |dataLen| and also accounts for any padding bytes
- * that may follow the sender's MAC. (Only a single block of padding may
- * follow in SSLv3, or up to 255 bytes in TLS.)
- *
- * Since the results of decryption are secret information (otherwise a
- * padding-oracle is created), this function is constant-time with respect to
- * |dataLen|.
- *
- * |header| contains either the 13-byte TLS header (containing the sequence
- * number, record type etc), or it contains the SSLv3 header with the SSLv3
- * padding bytes etc. */
-static SECStatus
-MAC(unsigned char *mdOut,
-    unsigned int *mdOutLen,
-    unsigned int mdOutMax,
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj,
-    const unsigned char *macSecret,
-    unsigned int macSecretLen,
-    const unsigned char *header,
-    unsigned int headerLen,
-    const unsigned char *data,
-    unsigned int dataLen,
-    unsigned int dataTotalLen,
-    unsigned char isSSLv3)
-    void *mdState = hashObj->create();
-    const unsigned int mdSize = hashObj->length;
-    const unsigned int mdBlockSize = hashObj->blocklength;
-    /* mdLengthSize is the number of bytes in the length field that terminates
-     * the hash.
-     *
-     * This assumes that hash functions with a 64 byte block size use a 64-bit
-     * length, and otherwise they use a 128-bit length. This is true of {MD5,
-     * SHA*} (which are all of the hash functions specified for use with TLS
-     * today). */
-    const unsigned int mdLengthSize = mdBlockSize == 64 ? 8 : 16;
-    const unsigned int sslv3PadLen = hashObj->type == HASH_AlgMD5 ? 48 : 40;
-    /* varianceBlocks is the number of blocks of the hash that we have to
-     * calculate in constant time because they could be altered by the
-     * padding value.
-     *
-     * In SSLv3, the padding must be minimal so the end of the plaintext
-     * varies by, at most, 15+20 = 35 bytes. (We conservatively assume that
-     * the MAC size varies from 0..20 bytes.) In case the 9 bytes of hash
-     * termination (0x80 + 64-bit length) don't fit in the final block, we
-     * say that the final two blocks can vary based on the padding.
-     *
-     * TLSv1 has MACs up to 48 bytes long (SHA-384) and the padding is not
-     * required to be minimal. Therefore we say that the final six blocks
-     * can vary based on the padding.
-     *
-     * Later in the function, if the message is short and there obviously
-     * cannot be this many blocks then varianceBlocks can be reduced. */
-    unsigned int varianceBlocks = isSSLv3 ? 2 : 6;
-    /* From now on we're dealing with the MAC, which conceptually has 13
-     * bytes of `header' before the start of the data (TLS) or 71/75 bytes
-     * (SSLv3) */
-    const unsigned int len = dataTotalLen + headerLen;
-    /* maxMACBytes contains the maximum bytes of bytes in the MAC, including
-     * |header|, assuming that there's no padding. */
-    const unsigned int maxMACBytes = len - mdSize - 1;
-    /* numBlocks is the maximum number of hash blocks. */
-    const unsigned int numBlocks =
-	(maxMACBytes + 1 + mdLengthSize + mdBlockSize - 1) / mdBlockSize;
-    /* macEndOffset is the index just past the end of the data to be
-     * MACed. */
-    const unsigned int macEndOffset = dataLen + headerLen - mdSize;
-    /* c is the index of the 0x80 byte in the final hash block that
-     * contains application data. */
-    const unsigned int c = macEndOffset % mdBlockSize;
-    /* indexA is the hash block number that contains the 0x80 terminating
-     * value. */
-    const unsigned int indexA = macEndOffset / mdBlockSize;
-    /* indexB is the hash block number that contains the 64-bit hash
-     * length, in bits. */
-    const unsigned int indexB = (macEndOffset + mdLengthSize) / mdBlockSize;
-    /* bits is the hash-length in bits. It includes the additional hash
-     * block for the masked HMAC key, or whole of |header| in the case of
-     * SSLv3. */
-    unsigned int bits;
-    /* In order to calculate the MAC in constant time we have to handle
-     * the final blocks specially because the padding value could cause the
-     * end to appear somewhere in the final |varianceBlocks| blocks and we
-     * can't leak where. However, |numStartingBlocks| worth of data can
-     * be hashed right away because no padding value can affect whether
-     * they are plaintext. */
-    unsigned int numStartingBlocks = 0;
-    /* k is the starting byte offset into the conceptual header||data where
-     * we start processing. */
-    unsigned int k = 0;
-    unsigned char lengthBytes[MAX_HASH_BIT_COUNT_BYTES];
-    /* hmacPad is the masked HMAC key. */
-    unsigned char hmacPad[HASH_BLOCK_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned char firstBlock[HASH_BLOCK_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned char macOut[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned i, j;
-    /* For SSLv3, if we're going to have any starting blocks then we need
-     * at least two because the header is larger than a single block. */
-    if (numBlocks > varianceBlocks + (isSSLv3 ? 1 : 0)) {
-	numStartingBlocks = numBlocks - varianceBlocks;
-	k = mdBlockSize*numStartingBlocks;
-    }
-    bits = 8*macEndOffset;
-    hashObj->begin(mdState);
-    if (!isSSLv3) {
-	/* Compute the initial HMAC block. For SSLv3, the padding and
-	 * secret bytes are included in |header| because they take more
-	 * than a single block. */
-	bits += 8*mdBlockSize;
-	memset(hmacPad, 0, mdBlockSize);
-	PORT_Assert(macSecretLen <= sizeof(hmacPad));
-	memcpy(hmacPad, macSecret, macSecretLen);
-	for (i = 0; i < mdBlockSize; i++)
-	    hmacPad[i] ^= 0x36;
-	hashObj->update(mdState, hmacPad, mdBlockSize);
-    }
-    j = 0;
-    memset(lengthBytes, 0, sizeof(lengthBytes));
-    if (mdLengthSize == 16) {
-	j = 8;
-    }
-    if (hashObj->type == HASH_AlgMD5) {
-	/* MD5 appends a little-endian length. */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	    lengthBytes[i+j] = bits >> (8*i);
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* All other TLS hash functions use a big-endian length. */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	    lengthBytes[4+i+j] = bits >> (8*(3-i));
-	}
-    }
-    if (k > 0) {
-	if (isSSLv3) {
-	    /* The SSLv3 header is larger than a single block.
-	     * overhang is the number of bytes beyond a single
-	     * block that the header consumes: either 7 bytes
-	     * (SHA1) or 11 bytes (MD5). */
-	    const unsigned int overhang = headerLen-mdBlockSize;
-	    hashObj->update(mdState, header, mdBlockSize);
-	    memcpy(firstBlock, header + mdBlockSize, overhang);
-	    memcpy(firstBlock + overhang, data, mdBlockSize-overhang);
-	    hashObj->update(mdState, firstBlock, mdBlockSize);
-	    for (i = 1; i < k/mdBlockSize - 1; i++) {
-		hashObj->update(mdState, data + mdBlockSize*i - overhang,
-				mdBlockSize);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* k is a multiple of mdBlockSize. */
-	    memcpy(firstBlock, header, 13);
-	    memcpy(firstBlock+13, data, mdBlockSize-13);
-	    hashObj->update(mdState, firstBlock, mdBlockSize);
-	    for (i = 1; i < k/mdBlockSize; i++) {
-		hashObj->update(mdState, data + mdBlockSize*i - 13,
-				mdBlockSize);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    memset(macOut, 0, sizeof(macOut));
-    /* We now process the final hash blocks. For each block, we construct
-     * it in constant time. If i == indexA then we'll include the 0x80
-     * bytes and zero pad etc. For each block we selectively copy it, in
-     * constant time, to |macOut|. */
-    for (i = numStartingBlocks; i <= numStartingBlocks+varianceBlocks; i++) {
-	unsigned char block[HASH_BLOCK_LENGTH_MAX];
-	unsigned char isBlockA = constantTimeEQ8(i, indexA);
-	unsigned char isBlockB = constantTimeEQ8(i, indexB);
-	for (j = 0; j < mdBlockSize; j++) {
-	    unsigned char isPastC = isBlockA & constantTimeGE(j, c);
-	    unsigned char isPastCPlus1 = isBlockA & constantTimeGE(j, c+1);
-	    unsigned char b = 0;
-	    if (k < headerLen) {
-		b = header[k];
-	    } else if (k < dataTotalLen + headerLen) {
-		b = data[k-headerLen];
-	    }
-	    k++;
-	    /* If this is the block containing the end of the
-	     * application data, and we are at the offset for the
-	     * 0x80 value, then overwrite b with 0x80. */
-	    b = (b&~isPastC) | (0x80&isPastC);
-	    /* If this the the block containing the end of the
-	     * application data and we're past the 0x80 value then
-	     * just write zero. */
-	    b = b&~isPastCPlus1;
-	    /* If this is indexB (the final block), but not
-	     * indexA (the end of the data), then the 64-bit
-	     * length didn't fit into indexA and we're having to
-	     * add an extra block of zeros. */
-	    b &= ~isBlockB | isBlockA;
-	    /* The final bytes of one of the blocks contains the length. */
-	    if (j >= mdBlockSize - mdLengthSize) {
-		/* If this is indexB, write a length byte. */
-		b = (b&~isBlockB) |
-		    (isBlockB&lengthBytes[j-(mdBlockSize-mdLengthSize)]);
-	    }
-	    block[j] = b;
-	}
-	hashObj->update(mdState, block, mdBlockSize);
-	hashObj->end_raw(mdState, block, NULL, mdSize);
-	/* If this is indexB, copy the hash value to |macOut|. */
-	for (j = 0; j < mdSize; j++) {
-	    macOut[j] |= block[j]&isBlockB;
-	}
-    }
-    hashObj->begin(mdState);
-    if (isSSLv3) {
-	/* We repurpose |hmacPad| to contain the SSLv3 pad2 block. */
-	for (i = 0; i < sslv3PadLen; i++)
-	    hmacPad[i] = 0x5c;
-	hashObj->update(mdState, macSecret, macSecretLen);
-	hashObj->update(mdState, hmacPad, sslv3PadLen);
-	hashObj->update(mdState, macOut, mdSize);
-    } else {
-	/* Complete the HMAC in the standard manner. */
-	for (i = 0; i < mdBlockSize; i++)
-	    hmacPad[i] ^= 0x6a;
-	hashObj->update(mdState, hmacPad, mdBlockSize);
-	hashObj->update(mdState, macOut, mdSize);
-    }
-    hashObj->end(mdState, mdOut, mdOutLen, mdOutMax);
-    hashObj->destroy(mdState, PR_TRUE);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    unsigned char *result,
-    unsigned int *resultLen,
-    unsigned int maxResultLen,
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj,
-    const unsigned char *secret,
-    unsigned int secretLen,
-    const unsigned char *header,
-    unsigned int headerLen,
-    const unsigned char *body,
-    unsigned int bodyLen,
-    unsigned int bodyTotalLen)
-    if (hashObj->end_raw == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return MAC(result, resultLen, maxResultLen, hashObj, secret, secretLen,
-	       header, headerLen, body, bodyLen, bodyTotalLen,
-	       0 /* not SSLv3 */);
-    unsigned char *result,
-    unsigned int *resultLen,
-    unsigned int maxResultLen,
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj,
-    const unsigned char *secret,
-    unsigned int secretLen,
-    const unsigned char *header,
-    unsigned int headerLen,
-    const unsigned char *body,
-    unsigned int bodyLen,
-    unsigned int bodyTotalLen)
-    if (hashObj->end_raw == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return MAC(result, resultLen, maxResultLen, hashObj, secret, secretLen,
-	       header, headerLen, body, bodyLen, bodyTotalLen,
-	       1 /* SSLv3 */);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.h b/nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a773ea8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/hmacct.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _HMACCT_H_
-#define _HMACCT_H_
-extern SECStatus HMAC_ConstantTime(
-    unsigned char *result,
-    unsigned int *resultLen,
-    unsigned int maxResultLen,
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj,
-    const unsigned char *secret,
-    unsigned int secretLen,
-    const unsigned char *header,
-    unsigned int headerLen,
-    const unsigned char *body,
-    unsigned int bodyLen,
-    unsigned int bodyTotalLen);
-extern SECStatus SSLv3_MAC_ConstantTime(
-    unsigned char *result,
-    unsigned int *resultLen,
-    unsigned int maxResultLen,
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj,
-    const unsigned char *secret,
-    unsigned int secretLen,
-    const unsigned char *header,
-    unsigned int headerLen,
-    const unsigned char *body,
-    unsigned int bodyLen,
-    unsigned int bodyTotalLen);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes-x64-masm.asm b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes-x64-masm.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5c76b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes-x64-masm.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,971 +0,0 @@
-; This submission to NSS is to be made available under the terms of the
-; Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. You can obtain one at http:
-; //
-; Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Corp.
-; Developers and authors:
-; Shay Gueron and Vlad Krasnov
-; Intel Corporation, Israel Development Centre, Haifa, Israel
-; Please send feedback directly to
-Lmask dd 0c0f0e0dh,0c0f0e0dh,0c0f0e0dh,0c0f0e0dh
-Lmask192 dd 004070605h, 004070605h, 004070605h, 004070605h
-Lmask256 dd 00c0f0e0dh, 00c0f0e0dh, 00c0f0e0dh, 00c0f0e0dh
-Lcon1 dd 1,1,1,1
-Lcon2 dd 1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh
-ctx     textequ <rcx>
-output  textequ <rdx>
-input   textequ <r8>
-inputLen textequ <r9d>
-aes_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm8, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesenc  xmm0, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm1, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm2, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm3, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm4, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm5, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm6, xmm8
-    aesenc  xmm7, xmm8
-    ENDM
-aes_last_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm8, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesenclast  xmm0, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm1, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm3, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm4, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm5, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm6, xmm8
-    aesenclast  xmm7, xmm8
-    ENDM
-aes_dec_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm8, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesdec  xmm0, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm1, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm2, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm3, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm4, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm5, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm6, xmm8
-    aesdec  xmm7, xmm8
-    ENDM
-aes_dec_last_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm8, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesdeclast  xmm0, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm1, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm2, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm3, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm4, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm5, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm6, xmm8
-    aesdeclast  xmm7, xmm8
-    ENDM
-gen_aes_ecb_func MACRO enc, rnds
-LOCAL   loop8
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   bail
-        xor     inputLen, inputLen
-        mov     input,      [rsp + 1*8 + 8*4]
-        mov     inputLen,   [rsp + 1*8 + 8*5]
-        sub     rsp, 3*16
-        movdqu  [rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-        movdqu  [rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-        movdqu  [rsp + 2*16], xmm8
-        lea     ctx, [48+ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 8*16
-        jb      loop1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [1*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [2*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [3*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [4*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [5*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [6*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [7*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm8, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm7, xmm8
-IF enc eq 1
-        rnd textequ <aes_rnd>
-        lastrnd textequ <aes_last_rnd>
-        aesinst textequ <aesenc>
-        aeslastinst textequ <aesenclast>
-        rnd textequ <aes_dec_rnd>
-        lastrnd textequ <aes_dec_last_rnd>
-        aesinst textequ <aesdec>
-        aeslastinst textequ <aesdeclast>
-        i = 1
-        WHILE i LT rnds
-            rnd i
-            i = i+1
-            ENDM
-        lastrnd rnds
-        movdqu  [0*16 + output], xmm0
-        movdqu  [1*16 + output], xmm1
-        movdqu  [2*16 + output], xmm2
-        movdqu  [3*16 + output], xmm3
-        movdqu  [4*16 + output], xmm4
-        movdqu  [5*16 + output], xmm5
-        movdqu  [6*16 + output], xmm6
-        movdqu  [7*16 + output], xmm7
-        lea input, [8*16 + input]
-        lea output, [8*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 8*16
-        jmp loop8
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm0, [input]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        i = 1
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesinst  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aeslastinst xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  [output], xmm0
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        xor rax, rax
-        movdqu  xmm6, [rsp + 0*16]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rsp + 1*16]
-        movdqu  xmm8, [rsp + 2*16]
-        add     rsp, 3*16
-        ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_128 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 1, 10
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_192 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 1, 12
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_256 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 1, 14
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_256 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_128 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 0, 10
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_192 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 0, 12
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_256 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 0, 14
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_256 ENDP
-KEY textequ <rcx>
-KS  textequ <rdx>
-ITR textequ <r8>
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_128  PROC
-    movdqu  xmm1, [KEY]
-    movdqu  [KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-    lea ITR, Lcon1
-    movdqa  xmm0, [ITR]
-    lea ITR, Lmask
-    movdqa  xmm4, [ITR]
-    mov ITR, 8
-        lea KS, [16 + KS]
-        dec ITR
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm3, xmm1
-        pslldq  xmm3, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm3, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm3, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        movdqu  [KS], xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-        jne Lenc_128_ks_loop
-    lea ITR, Lcon2
-    movdqa  xmm0, [ITR]
-    pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-    pslld   xmm0, 1
-    movdqa  xmm3, xmm1
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-    movdqu  [16 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-    pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-    movdqa  xmm3, xmm1
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-    movdqu  [32 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-    ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_128  ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_128  PROC
-    push    KS
-    push    KEY
-    call    intel_aes_encrypt_init_128
-    pop     KEY
-    pop     KS
-    movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [10*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  [10*16 + KS], xmm0
-    movdqu  [0*16 + KS], xmm1
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 5
-        movdqu  xmm0, [i*16 + KS]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [(10-i)*16 + KS]
-        aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-        aesimc  xmm1, xmm1
-        movdqu  [(10-i)*16 + KS], xmm0
-        movdqu  [i*16 + KS], xmm1
-        i = i+1
-    ENDM
-    movdqu  xmm0, [5*16 + KS]
-    aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-    movdqu  [5*16 + KS], xmm0
-    ret
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_128  ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_192  PROC
-    sub     rsp, 16*2
-    movdqu  [16*0 + rsp], xmm6
-    movdqu  [16*1 + rsp], xmm7
-    movdqu  xmm1, [KEY]
-    mov     ITR, [16 + KEY]
-    movd    xmm3, ITR
-    movdqu  [KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm5, xmm3
-    lea ITR, Lcon1
-    movdqu  xmm0, [ITR]
-    lea ITR, Lmask192
-    movdqu  xmm4, [ITR]
-    mov ITR, 4
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-        aesenclast xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm6, xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm7, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pslldq  xmm7, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        pshufd  xmm2, xmm1, 0ffh
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm2
-        movdqa  xmm6, xmm1
-        shufpd  xmm5, xmm1, 00h
-        shufpd  xmm6, xmm3, 01h
-        movdqu  [16 + KS], xmm5
-        movdqu  [32 + KS], xmm6
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm6, xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm7, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pslldq  xmm7, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        pshufd  xmm2, xmm1, 0ffh
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm2
-        movdqu  [48 + KS], xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm5, xmm3
-        lea KS, [48 + KS]
-        dec ITR
-        jnz Lenc_192_ks_loop
-    movdqu  [16 + KS], xmm5
-    movdqu  xmm7, [16*1 + rsp]
-    movdqu  xmm6, [16*0 + rsp]
-    add rsp, 16*2
-    ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_192  ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_192  PROC
-    push    KS
-    push    KEY
-    call    intel_aes_encrypt_init_192
-    pop     KEY
-    pop     KS
-    movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [12*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  [12*16 + KS], xmm0
-    movdqu  [0*16 + KS], xmm1
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 6
-        movdqu  xmm0, [i*16 + KS]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [(12-i)*16 + KS]
-        aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-        aesimc  xmm1, xmm1
-        movdqu  [(12-i)*16 + KS], xmm0
-        movdqu  [i*16 + KS], xmm1
-        i = i+1
-    ENDM
-    movdqu  xmm0, [6*16 + KS]
-    aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-    movdqu  [6*16 + KS], xmm0
-    ret
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_192  ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_256  PROC
-    sub     rsp, 16*2
-    movdqu  [16*0 + rsp], xmm6
-    movdqu  [16*1 + rsp], xmm7
-    movdqu  xmm1, [16*0 + KEY]
-    movdqu  xmm3, [16*1 + KEY]
-    movdqu  [16*0 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqu  [16*1 + KS], xmm3
-    lea ITR, Lcon1
-    movdqu  xmm0, [ITR]
-    lea ITR, Lmask256
-    movdqu  xmm5, [ITR]
-    pxor    xmm6, xmm6
-    mov ITR, 6
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm5
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm4, xmm1
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        movdqu  [16*2 + KS], xmm1
-        pshufd  xmm2, xmm1, 0ffh
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm6
-        movdqa  xmm4, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm2
-        movdqu  [16*3 + KS], xmm3
-        lea KS, [32 + KS]
-        dec ITR
-        jnz Lenc_256_ks_loop
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-    pshufb  xmm2, xmm5
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-    movdqa  xmm4, xmm1
-    pslldq  xmm4, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-    pslldq  xmm4, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-    pslldq  xmm4, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-    movdqu  [16*2 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqu  xmm7, [16*1 + rsp]
-    movdqu  xmm6, [16*0 + rsp]
-    add rsp, 16*2
-    ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_256  ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_256  PROC
-    push    KS
-    push    KEY
-    call    intel_aes_encrypt_init_256
-    pop     KEY
-    pop     KS
-    movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [14*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  [14*16 + KS], xmm0
-    movdqu  [0*16 + KS], xmm1
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 7
-        movdqu  xmm0, [i*16 + KS]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [(14-i)*16 + KS]
-        aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-        aesimc  xmm1, xmm1
-        movdqu  [(14-i)*16 + KS], xmm0
-        movdqu  [i*16 + KS], xmm1
-        i = i+1
-    ENDM
-    movdqu  xmm0, [7*16 + KS]
-    aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-    movdqu  [7*16 + KS], xmm0
-    ret
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_256  ENDP
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func MACRO rnds
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   bail
-        mov     input,      [rsp + 1*8 + 8*4]
-        mov     inputLen,   [rsp + 1*8 + 8*5]
-        sub     rsp, 3*16
-        movdqu  [rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-        movdqu  [rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-        movdqu  [rsp + 2*16], xmm8
-        lea     ctx, [48+ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm0, [-32+ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [0*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [1*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [2*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [3*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [4*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [5*16 + ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm1, [input]
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm1
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm3
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm4
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm5
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm6
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm7
-        i = 6
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm8, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesenc  xmm0, xmm8
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm8, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aesenclast xmm0, xmm8
-        movdqu  [output], xmm0
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        movdqu  [-32+ctx], xmm0
-        xor rax, rax
-        movdqu  xmm6, [rsp + 0*16]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rsp + 1*16]
-        movdqu  xmm8, [rsp + 2*16]
-        add     rsp, 3*16
-        ret
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func MACRO rnds
-LOCAL   loop8
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   dec1
-LOCAL   bail
-        mov     input,      [rsp + 1*8 + 8*4]
-        mov     inputLen,   [rsp + 1*8 + 8*5]
-        sub     rsp, 3*16
-        movdqu  [rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-        movdqu  [rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-        movdqu  [rsp + 2*16], xmm8
-        lea     ctx, [48+ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 8*16
-        jb      dec1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [1*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [2*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [3*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [4*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [5*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [6*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [7*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm8, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm8
-        pxor    xmm7, xmm8
-        i = 1
-        WHILE i LT rnds
-            aes_dec_rnd i
-            i = i+1
-            ENDM
-        aes_dec_last_rnd rnds
-        movdqu  xmm8, [-32 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [0*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [1*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [2*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [3*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [4*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [5*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [6*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm7, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [7*16 + input]
-        movdqu  [0*16 + output], xmm0
-        movdqu  [1*16 + output], xmm1
-        movdqu  [2*16 + output], xmm2
-        movdqu  [3*16 + output], xmm3
-        movdqu  [4*16 + output], xmm4
-        movdqu  [5*16 + output], xmm5
-        movdqu  [6*16 + output], xmm6
-        movdqu  [7*16 + output], xmm7
-        movdqu  [-32 + ctx], xmm8
-        lea input, [8*16 + input]
-        lea output, [8*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 8*16
-        jmp loop8
-        movdqu  xmm3, [-32 + ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm0, [input]
-        movdqa  xmm4, xmm0
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        i = 1
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesdec  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aesdeclast xmm0, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm0
-        movdqu  [output], xmm3
-        movdqa  xmm3, xmm4
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        movdqu  [-32 + ctx], xmm3
-        xor rax, rax
-        movdqu  xmm6, [rsp + 0*16]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rsp + 1*16]
-        movdqu  xmm8, [rsp + 2*16]
-        add     rsp, 3*16
-        ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_128 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func  10
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_192 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func  12
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_256 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func  14
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_256 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_128 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func  10
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_192 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func  12
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_256 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func  14
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_256 ENDP
-ctrCtx textequ <r10>
-CTR textequ <r11d>
-CTRSave textequ <eax>
-gen_aes_ctr_func MACRO rnds
-LOCAL   loop8
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   enc1
-LOCAL   bail
-        mov     input,      [rsp + 8*1 + 4*8]
-        mov     inputLen,   [rsp + 8*1 + 5*8]
-        mov     ctrCtx, ctx
-        mov     ctx, [8+ctrCtx]
-        lea     ctx, [48+ctx]
-        sub     rsp, 3*16
-        movdqu  [rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-        movdqu  [rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-        movdqu  [rsp + 2*16], xmm8
-        push    rbp
-        mov     rbp, rsp
-        sub     rsp, 8*16
-        and     rsp, -16
-        movdqu  xmm0, [16+ctrCtx]
-        mov     CTRSave, DWORD PTR [ctrCtx + 16 + 3*4]
-        bswap   CTRSave
-        movdqu  xmm1, [ctx + 0*16]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm1
-        movdqa  [rsp + 0*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 1*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 2*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 3*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 4*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 5*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 6*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [rsp + 7*16], xmm0
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 1*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 2*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 3*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 4*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 5*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 6*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     CTRSave
-        mov     CTR, CTRSave
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + 7*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        cmp     inputLen, 8*16
-        jb      loop1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [1*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [2*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [3*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [4*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [5*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [6*16 + rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [7*16 + rsp]
-        i = 1
-        WHILE i LE 8
-            aes_rnd i
-            inc     CTRSave
-            mov     CTR, CTRSave
-            bswap   CTR
-            xor     CTR, DWORD PTR [ctx + 3*4]
-            mov     DWORD PTR [rsp + (i-1)*16 + 3*4], CTR
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        WHILE i LT rnds
-            aes_rnd i
-            i = i+1
-            ENDM
-        aes_last_rnd rnds
-        movdqu  xmm8, [0*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [1*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [2*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [3*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [4*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [5*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [6*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm8
-        movdqu  xmm8, [7*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm7, xmm8
-        movdqu  [0*16 + output], xmm0
-        movdqu  [1*16 + output], xmm1
-        movdqu  [2*16 + output], xmm2
-        movdqu  [3*16 + output], xmm3
-        movdqu  [4*16 + output], xmm4
-        movdqu  [5*16 + output], xmm5
-        movdqu  [6*16 + output], xmm6
-        movdqu  [7*16 + output], xmm7
-        lea input, [8*16 + input]
-        lea output, [8*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 8*16
-        jmp loop8
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm0, [rsp]
-        add     rsp, 16
-        i = 1
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesenc  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aesenclast xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [input]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  [output], xmm0
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [rsp]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [ctx + 0*16]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm1
-        movdqu  [16+ctrCtx], xmm0
-        xor     rax, rax
-        mov     rsp, rbp
-        pop     rbp
-        movdqu  xmm6, [rsp + 0*16]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rsp + 1*16]
-        movdqu  xmm8, [rsp + 2*16]
-        add     rsp, 3*16
-        ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_128 PROC
-gen_aes_ctr_func  10
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_192 PROC
-gen_aes_ctr_func  12
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_256 PROC
-gen_aes_ctr_func  14
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_256 ENDP
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes-x86-masm.asm b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes-x86-masm.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d805e7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes-x86-masm.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
-; This submission to NSS is to be made available under the terms of the
-; Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. You can obtain one at http:
-; //
-; Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Corp.
-; Developers and authors:
-; Shay Gueron and Vlad Krasnov
-; Intel Corporation, Israel Development Centre, Haifa, Israel
-; Please send feedback directly to
-Lmask dd 0c0f0e0dh,0c0f0e0dh,0c0f0e0dh,0c0f0e0dh
-Lmask192 dd 004070605h, 004070605h, 004070605h, 004070605h
-Lmask256 dd 00c0f0e0dh, 00c0f0e0dh, 00c0f0e0dh, 00c0f0e0dh
-Lcon1 dd 1,1,1,1
-Lcon2 dd 1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh
-ctx     textequ <ecx>
-output  textequ <edx>
-input   textequ <eax>
-inputLen textequ <edi>
-aes_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesenc  xmm0, xmm7
-    aesenc  xmm1, xmm7
-    aesenc  xmm2, xmm7
-    aesenc  xmm3, xmm7
-    aesenc  xmm4, xmm7
-    aesenc  xmm5, xmm7
-    aesenc  xmm6, xmm7
-    ENDM
-aes_last_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesenclast  xmm0, xmm7
-    aesenclast  xmm1, xmm7
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm7
-    aesenclast  xmm3, xmm7
-    aesenclast  xmm4, xmm7
-    aesenclast  xmm5, xmm7
-    aesenclast  xmm6, xmm7
-    ENDM
-aes_dec_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesdec  xmm0, xmm7
-    aesdec  xmm1, xmm7
-    aesdec  xmm2, xmm7
-    aesdec  xmm3, xmm7
-    aesdec  xmm4, xmm7
-    aesdec  xmm5, xmm7
-    aesdec  xmm6, xmm7
-    ENDM
-aes_dec_last_rnd MACRO i
-    movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-    aesdeclast  xmm0, xmm7
-    aesdeclast  xmm1, xmm7
-    aesdeclast  xmm2, xmm7
-    aesdeclast  xmm3, xmm7
-    aesdeclast  xmm4, xmm7
-    aesdeclast  xmm5, xmm7
-    aesdeclast  xmm6, xmm7
-    ENDM
-gen_aes_ecb_func MACRO enc, rnds
-LOCAL   loop7
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   bail
-        push    inputLen
-        mov     ctx,    [esp + 2*4 + 0*4]
-        mov     output,     [esp + 2*4 + 1*4]
-        mov     input,      [esp + 2*4 + 4*4]
-        mov     inputLen,   [esp + 2*4 + 5*4]
-        lea     ctx, [44+ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 7*16
-        jb      loop1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [1*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [2*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [3*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [4*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [5*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [6*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm7
-IF enc eq 1
-        rnd textequ <aes_rnd>
-        lastrnd textequ <aes_last_rnd>
-        aesinst textequ <aesenc>
-        aeslastinst textequ <aesenclast>
-        rnd textequ <aes_dec_rnd>
-        lastrnd textequ <aes_dec_last_rnd>
-        aesinst textequ <aesdec>
-        aeslastinst textequ <aesdeclast>
-        i = 1
-        WHILE i LT rnds
-            rnd i
-            i = i+1
-            ENDM
-        lastrnd rnds
-        movdqu  [0*16 + output], xmm0
-        movdqu  [1*16 + output], xmm1
-        movdqu  [2*16 + output], xmm2
-        movdqu  [3*16 + output], xmm3
-        movdqu  [4*16 + output], xmm4
-        movdqu  [5*16 + output], xmm5
-        movdqu  [6*16 + output], xmm6
-        lea input, [7*16 + input]
-        lea output, [7*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 7*16
-        jmp loop7
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm0, [input]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        i = 1
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesinst  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aeslastinst xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  [output], xmm0
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        xor eax, eax
-        pop     inputLen
-        ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_128 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 1, 10
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_192 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 1, 12
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_256 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 1, 14
-intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_256 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_128 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 0, 10
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_192 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 0, 12
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_256 PROC
-gen_aes_ecb_func 0, 14
-intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_256 ENDP
-KEY textequ <ecx>
-KS  textequ <edx>
-ITR textequ <eax>
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_128  PROC
-    mov     KEY,        [esp + 1*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,         [esp + 1*4 + 1*4]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [KEY]
-    movdqu  [KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-    lea ITR, Lcon1
-    movdqa  xmm0, [ITR]
-    lea ITR, Lmask
-    movdqa  xmm4, [ITR]
-    mov ITR, 8
-        lea KS, [16 + KS]
-        dec ITR
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm3, xmm1
-        pslldq  xmm3, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm3, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm3, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        movdqu  [KS], xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-        jne Lenc_128_ks_loop
-    lea ITR, Lcon2
-    movdqa  xmm0, [ITR]
-    pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-    pslld   xmm0, 1
-    movdqa  xmm3, xmm1
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-    movdqu  [16 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-    pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-    movdqa  xmm3, xmm1
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pslldq  xmm3, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm3
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-    movdqu  [32 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm1
-    ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_128  ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_128  PROC
-    mov     KEY,        [esp + 1*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,         [esp + 1*4 + 1*4]
-    push    KS
-    push    KEY
-    call    intel_aes_encrypt_init_128
-    pop     KEY
-    pop     KS
-    movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [10*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  [10*16 + KS], xmm0
-    movdqu  [0*16 + KS], xmm1
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 5
-        movdqu  xmm0, [i*16 + KS]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [(10-i)*16 + KS]
-        aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-        aesimc  xmm1, xmm1
-        movdqu  [(10-i)*16 + KS], xmm0
-        movdqu  [i*16 + KS], xmm1
-        i = i+1
-    ENDM
-    movdqu  xmm0, [5*16 + KS]
-    aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-    movdqu  [5*16 + KS], xmm0
-    ret
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_128  ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_192  PROC
-    mov     KEY, [esp + 1*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,  [esp + 1*4 + 1*4]
-    pxor    xmm3, xmm3
-    movdqu  xmm1, [KEY]
-    pinsrd  xmm3, DWORD PTR [16 + KEY], 0
-    pinsrd  xmm3, DWORD PTR [20 + KEY], 1
-    movdqu  [KS], xmm1
-    movdqa  xmm5, xmm3
-    lea ITR, Lcon1
-    movdqu  xmm0, [ITR]
-    lea ITR, Lmask192
-    movdqu  xmm4, [ITR]
-    mov ITR, 4
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-        aesenclast xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm6, xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm7, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pslldq  xmm7, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        pshufd  xmm2, xmm1, 0ffh
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm2
-        movdqa  xmm6, xmm1
-        shufpd  xmm5, xmm1, 00h
-        shufpd  xmm6, xmm3, 01h
-        movdqu  [16 + KS], xmm5
-        movdqu  [32 + KS], xmm6
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm4
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm6, xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm7, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pslldq  xmm7, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pslldq  xmm6, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm6
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        pshufd  xmm2, xmm1, 0ffh
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm2
-        movdqu  [48 + KS], xmm1
-        movdqa  xmm5, xmm3
-        lea KS, [48 + KS]
-        dec ITR
-        jnz Lenc_192_ks_loop
-    movdqu  [16 + KS], xmm5
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_192  ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_192  PROC
-    mov     KEY,        [esp + 1*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,         [esp + 1*4 + 1*4]
-    push    KS
-    push    KEY
-    call    intel_aes_encrypt_init_192
-    pop     KEY
-    pop     KS
-    movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [12*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  [12*16 + KS], xmm0
-    movdqu  [0*16 + KS], xmm1
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 6
-        movdqu  xmm0, [i*16 + KS]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [(12-i)*16 + KS]
-        aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-        aesimc  xmm1, xmm1
-        movdqu  [(12-i)*16 + KS], xmm0
-        movdqu  [i*16 + KS], xmm1
-        i = i+1
-    ENDM
-    movdqu  xmm0, [6*16 + KS]
-    aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-    movdqu  [6*16 + KS], xmm0
-    ret
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_192  ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_256  PROC
-    mov     KEY,    [esp + 1*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,     [esp + 1*4 + 1*4]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [16*0 + KEY]
-    movdqu  xmm3, [16*1 + KEY]
-    movdqu  [16*0 + KS], xmm1
-    movdqu  [16*1 + KS], xmm3
-    lea ITR, Lcon1
-    movdqu  xmm0, [ITR]
-    lea ITR, Lmask256
-    movdqu  xmm5, [ITR]
-    pxor    xmm6, xmm6
-    mov ITR, 6
-        movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-        pshufb  xmm2, xmm5
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-        pslld   xmm0, 1
-        movdqa  xmm4, xmm1
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        movdqu  [16*2 + KS], xmm1
-        pshufd  xmm2, xmm1, 0ffh
-        aesenclast  xmm2, xmm6
-        movdqa  xmm4, xmm3
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm4
-        pslldq  xmm4, 4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm4
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm2
-        movdqu  [16*3 + KS], xmm3
-        lea KS, [32 + KS]
-        dec ITR
-        jnz Lenc_256_ks_loop
-    movdqa  xmm2, xmm3
-    pshufb  xmm2, xmm5
-    aesenclast  xmm2, xmm0
-    movdqa  xmm4, xmm1
-    pslldq  xmm4, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-    pslldq  xmm4, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-    pslldq  xmm4, 4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm4
-    pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-    movdqu  [16*2 + KS], xmm1
-    ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_init_256  ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_256  PROC
-    mov     KEY,        [esp + 1*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,         [esp + 1*4 + 1*4]
-    push    KS
-    push    KEY
-    call    intel_aes_encrypt_init_256
-    pop     KEY
-    pop     KS
-    movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  xmm1, [14*16 + KS]
-    movdqu  [14*16 + KS], xmm0
-    movdqu  [0*16 + KS], xmm1
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 7
-        movdqu  xmm0, [i*16 + KS]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [(14-i)*16 + KS]
-        aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-        aesimc  xmm1, xmm1
-        movdqu  [(14-i)*16 + KS], xmm0
-        movdqu  [i*16 + KS], xmm1
-        i = i+1
-    ENDM
-    movdqu  xmm0, [7*16 + KS]
-    aesimc  xmm0, xmm0
-    movdqu  [7*16 + KS], xmm0
-    ret
-intel_aes_decrypt_init_256  ENDP
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func MACRO rnds
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   bail
-        push    inputLen
-        mov     ctx,    [esp + 2*4 + 0*4]
-        mov     output,     [esp + 2*4 + 1*4]
-        mov     input,      [esp + 2*4 + 4*4]
-        mov     inputLen,   [esp + 2*4 + 5*4]
-        lea     ctx, [44+ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm0, [-32+ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [0*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [1*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [2*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [3*16 + ctx]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [4*16 + ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm1, [input]
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm2
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm1
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm3
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm4
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm5
-        aesenc  xmm0, xmm6
-        i = 5
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesenc  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aesenclast xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  [output], xmm0
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        movdqu  [-32+ctx], xmm0
-        xor eax, eax
-        pop inputLen
-        ret
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func MACRO rnds
-LOCAL   loop7
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   dec1
-LOCAL   bail
-        push    inputLen
-        mov     ctx,    [esp + 2*4 + 0*4]
-        mov     output,     [esp + 2*4 + 1*4]
-        mov     input,      [esp + 2*4 + 4*4]
-        mov     inputLen,   [esp + 2*4 + 5*4]
-        lea     ctx, [44+ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 7*16
-        jb      dec1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [1*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [2*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [3*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [4*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [5*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [6*16 + input]
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm7
-        i = 1
-        WHILE i LT rnds
-            aes_dec_rnd i
-            i = i+1
-            ENDM
-        aes_dec_last_rnd rnds
-        movdqu  xmm7, [-32 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [1*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [2*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [3*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [4*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [5*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [6*16 + input]
-        movdqu  [0*16 + output], xmm0
-        movdqu  [1*16 + output], xmm1
-        movdqu  [2*16 + output], xmm2
-        movdqu  [3*16 + output], xmm3
-        movdqu  [4*16 + output], xmm4
-        movdqu  [5*16 + output], xmm5
-        movdqu  [6*16 + output], xmm6
-        movdqu  [-32 + ctx], xmm7
-        lea input, [7*16 + input]
-        lea output, [7*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 7*16
-        jmp loop7
-        movdqu  xmm3, [-32 + ctx]
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm0, [input]
-        movdqa  xmm4, xmm0
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + ctx]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        i = 1
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesdec  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aesdeclast xmm0, xmm7
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm0
-        movdqu  [output], xmm3
-        movdqa  xmm3, xmm4
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        movdqu  [-32 + ctx], xmm3
-        xor eax, eax
-        pop     inputLen
-        ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_128 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func  10
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_192 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func  12
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_256 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_enc_func  14
-intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_256 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_128 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func  10
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_192 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func  12
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_256 PROC
-gen_aes_cbc_dec_func  14
-intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_256 ENDP
-ctrCtx textequ <esi>
-CTR textequ <ebx>
-gen_aes_ctr_func MACRO rnds
-LOCAL   loop7
-LOCAL   loop1
-LOCAL   enc1
-LOCAL   bail
-        push    inputLen
-        push    ctrCtx
-        push    CTR
-        push    ebp
-        mov     ctrCtx, [esp + 4*5 + 0*4]
-        mov     output, [esp + 4*5 + 1*4]
-        mov     input,  [esp + 4*5 + 4*4]
-        mov     inputLen, [esp + 4*5 + 5*4]
-        mov     ctx, [4+ctrCtx]
-        lea     ctx, [44+ctx]
-        mov     ebp, esp
-        sub     esp, 7*16
-        and     esp, -16
-        movdqu  xmm0, [8+ctrCtx]
-        mov     ctrCtx, [ctrCtx + 8 + 3*4]
-        bswap   ctrCtx
-        movdqu  xmm1, [ctx + 0*16]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm1
-        movdqa  [esp + 0*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [esp + 1*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [esp + 2*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [esp + 3*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [esp + 4*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [esp + 5*16], xmm0
-        movdqa  [esp + 6*16], xmm0
-        inc     ctrCtx
-        mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     [esp + 1*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     ctrCtx
-        mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     [esp + 2*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     ctrCtx
-        mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     [esp + 3*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     ctrCtx
-        mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     [esp + 4*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     ctrCtx
-        mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     [esp + 5*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        inc     ctrCtx
-        mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-        bswap   CTR
-        xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-        mov     [esp + 6*16 + 3*4], CTR
-        cmp     inputLen, 7*16
-        jb      loop1
-        movdqu  xmm0, [0*16 + esp]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [1*16 + esp]
-        movdqu  xmm2, [2*16 + esp]
-        movdqu  xmm3, [3*16 + esp]
-        movdqu  xmm4, [4*16 + esp]
-        movdqu  xmm5, [5*16 + esp]
-        movdqu  xmm6, [6*16 + esp]
-        i = 1
-        WHILE i LE 7
-            aes_rnd i
-            inc     ctrCtx
-            mov     CTR, ctrCtx
-            bswap   CTR
-            xor     CTR, [ctx + 3*4]
-            mov     [esp + (i-1)*16 + 3*4], CTR
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        WHILE i LT rnds
-            aes_rnd i
-            i = i+1
-            ENDM
-        aes_last_rnd rnds
-        movdqu  xmm7, [0*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [1*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm1, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [2*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm2, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [3*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm3, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [4*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm4, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [5*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm5, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [6*16 + input]
-        pxor    xmm6, xmm7
-        movdqu  [0*16 + output], xmm0
-        movdqu  [1*16 + output], xmm1
-        movdqu  [2*16 + output], xmm2
-        movdqu  [3*16 + output], xmm3
-        movdqu  [4*16 + output], xmm4
-        movdqu  [5*16 + output], xmm5
-        movdqu  [6*16 + output], xmm6
-        lea input, [7*16 + input]
-        lea output, [7*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 7*16
-        jmp loop7
-        cmp     inputLen, 1*16
-        jb      bail
-        movdqu  xmm0, [esp]
-        add     esp, 16
-        i = 1
-    WHILE i LT rnds
-            movdqu  xmm7, [i*16 + ctx]
-            aesenc  xmm0, xmm7
-            i = i+1
-        ENDM
-        movdqu  xmm7, [rnds*16 + ctx]
-        aesenclast xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  xmm7, [input]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm7
-        movdqu  [output], xmm0
-        lea input, [1*16 + input]
-        lea output, [1*16 + output]
-        sub inputLen, 1*16
-        jmp loop1
-        mov     ctrCtx, [ebp + 4*5 + 0*4]
-        movdqu  xmm0, [esp]
-        movdqu  xmm1, [ctx + 0*16]
-        pxor    xmm0, xmm1
-        movdqu  [8+ctrCtx], xmm0
-        xor     eax, eax
-        mov     esp, ebp
-        pop     ebp
-        pop     CTR
-        pop     ctrCtx
-        pop     inputLen
-        ret
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_128 PROC
-gen_aes_ctr_func  10
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_128 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_192 PROC
-gen_aes_ctr_func  12
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_192 ENDP
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_256 PROC
-gen_aes_ctr_func  14
-intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_256 ENDP
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes.h b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b71e5f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-aes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Prototypes of the functions defined in the assembler file.  */
-void intel_aes_encrypt_init_128(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *expanded);
-void intel_aes_encrypt_init_192(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *expanded);
-void intel_aes_encrypt_init_256(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *expanded);
-void intel_aes_decrypt_init_128(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *expanded);
-void intel_aes_decrypt_init_192(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *expanded);
-void intel_aes_decrypt_init_256(const unsigned char *key, PRUint32 *expanded);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_128(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_128(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_128(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_128(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_128(CTRContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_192(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_192(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_192(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_192(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_192(CTRContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_256(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_256(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_256(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_256(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_256(CTRContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-				    unsigned int *outputLen,
-				    unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-				    const unsigned char *input,
-				    unsigned int inputLen,
-				    unsigned int blocksize);
-#define intel_aes_ecb_worker(encrypt, keysize) \
-  ((encrypt)						\
-   ? ((keysize) == 16 ? intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_128 :	\
-      (keysize) == 24 ? intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_192 :	\
-      intel_aes_encrypt_ecb_256)			\
-   : ((keysize) == 16 ? intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_128 :	\
-      (keysize) == 24 ? intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_192 :	\
-      intel_aes_decrypt_ecb_256))
-#define intel_aes_cbc_worker(encrypt, keysize) \
-  ((encrypt)						\
-   ? ((keysize) == 16 ? intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_128 :	\
-      (keysize) == 24 ? intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_192 :	\
-      intel_aes_encrypt_cbc_256)			\
-   : ((keysize) == 16 ? intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_128 :	\
-      (keysize) == 24 ? intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_192 :	\
-      intel_aes_decrypt_cbc_256))
-#define intel_aes_ctr_worker(nr) \
-   ((nr) == 10 ? intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_128 :	\
-    (nr) == 12 ? intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_192 :	\
-    intel_aes_encrypt_ctr_256)
-#define intel_aes_init(encrypt, keysize) \
-  do {					 			\
-      if (encrypt) {			 			\
-	  if (keysize == 16)					\
-	      intel_aes_encrypt_init_128(key, cx->expandedKey);	\
-	  else if (keysize == 24)				\
-	      intel_aes_encrypt_init_192(key, cx->expandedKey);	\
-	  else							\
-	      intel_aes_encrypt_init_256(key, cx->expandedKey);	\
-      } else {							\
-	  if (keysize == 16)					\
-	      intel_aes_decrypt_init_128(key, cx->expandedKey);	\
-	  else if (keysize == 24)				\
-	      intel_aes_decrypt_init_192(key, cx->expandedKey);	\
-	  else							\
-	      intel_aes_decrypt_init_256(key, cx->expandedKey);	\
-      }								\
-  } while (0)
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-wrap.c b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-wrap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0a542..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-wrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Copyright(c) 2013, Intel Corp. */
-/* Wrapper functions for Intel optimized implementation of AES-GCM */
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "gcm.h"
-#include "ctr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "intel-gcm.h"
-#include "rijndael.h"
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-#include <tmmintrin.h>
-struct intel_AES_GCMContextStr{
-    unsigned char Htbl[16*AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned char X0[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned char T[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned char CTR[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    AESContext *aes_context;
-    unsigned long tagBits;
-    unsigned long Alen;
-    unsigned long Mlen;
-intel_AES_GCMContext *intel_AES_GCM_CreateContext(void *context,
-               freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-               const unsigned char *params,
-               unsigned int blocksize)
-    intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm = NULL;
-    AESContext *aes = (AESContext*)context;
-    const CK_GCM_PARAMS *gcmParams = (const CK_GCM_PARAMS *)params;
-    unsigned char buff[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* aux buffer */
-    unsigned long IV_whole_len = gcmParams->ulIvLen & (~0xful);
-    unsigned int IV_remainder_len = gcmParams->ulIvLen & 0xful;
-    unsigned long AAD_whole_len = gcmParams->ulAADLen & (~0xful);
-    unsigned int AAD_remainder_len = gcmParams->ulAADLen & 0xful;
-    __m128i BSWAP_MASK = _mm_setr_epi8(15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0);
-    __m128i ONE = _mm_set_epi32(0,0,0,1);
-    unsigned int j;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (blocksize != AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    gcm = PORT_ZNew(intel_AES_GCMContext);
-    if (gcm == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* initialize context fields */
-    gcm->aes_context = aes;
-    gcm->tagBits = gcmParams->ulTagBits;
-    gcm->Alen = 0;
-    gcm->Mlen = 0;
-    /* first prepare H and its derivatives for ghash */
-    intel_aes_gcmINIT(gcm->Htbl, (unsigned char*)aes->expandedKey, aes->Nr);
-    /* Initial TAG value is zero */
-    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)gcm->T, _mm_setzero_si128());
-    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)gcm->X0, _mm_setzero_si128());
-    /* Init the counter */
-    if (gcmParams->ulIvLen == 12) {
-        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)gcm->CTR,
-                         _mm_setr_epi32(((unsigned int*)gcmParams->pIv)[0],
-                                        ((unsigned int*)gcmParams->pIv)[1],
-                                        ((unsigned int*)gcmParams->pIv)[2],
-                                        0x01000000));
-    } else {
-        /* If IV size is not 96 bits, then the initial counter value is GHASH
-         * of the IV */
-        intel_aes_gcmAAD(gcm->Htbl, gcmParams->pIv, IV_whole_len, gcm->T);
-        /* Partial block */
-        if (IV_remainder_len) {
-            PORT_Memset(buff, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-            PORT_Memcpy(buff, gcmParams->pIv + IV_whole_len, IV_remainder_len);
-            intel_aes_gcmAAD(gcm->Htbl, buff, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, gcm->T);
-        }
-        intel_aes_gcmTAG(
-            gcm->Htbl,
-            gcm->T,
-            gcmParams->ulIvLen,
-            0,
-            gcm->X0,
-            gcm->CTR);
-        /* TAG should be zero again */
-        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)gcm->T, _mm_setzero_si128());
-    }
-    /* Encrypt the initial counter, will be used to encrypt the GHASH value,
-     * in the end */
-    rv = (*cipher)(context, gcm->X0, &j, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, gcm->CTR,
-                   AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Promote the counter by 1 */
-    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)gcm->CTR, _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_add_epi32(ONE, _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)gcm->CTR), BSWAP_MASK)), BSWAP_MASK));
-    /* Now hash AAD - it would actually make sense to seperate the context
-     * creation from the AAD, because that would allow to reuse the H, which
-     * only changes when the AES key changes, and not every package, like the
-     * IV and AAD */
-    intel_aes_gcmAAD(gcm->Htbl, gcmParams->pAAD, AAD_whole_len, gcm->T);
-    if (AAD_remainder_len) {
-        PORT_Memset(buff, 0, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-        PORT_Memcpy(buff, gcmParams->pAAD + AAD_whole_len, AAD_remainder_len);
-        intel_aes_gcmAAD(gcm->Htbl, buff, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, gcm->T);
-    }
-    gcm->Alen += gcmParams->ulAADLen;
-    return gcm;
-    if (gcm) {
-        PORT_Free(gcm);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-void intel_AES_GCM_DestroyContext(intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm, PRBool freeit)
-    if (freeit) {
-        PORT_Free(gcm);
-    }
-SECStatus intel_AES_GCM_EncryptUpdate(intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm,
-            unsigned char *outbuf,
-            unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-            const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-            unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int tagBytes;
-    unsigned char T[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    unsigned int j;
-    tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - 1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    if (UINT_MAX - inlen < tagBytes) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxout < inlen + tagBytes) {
-        *outlen = inlen + tagBytes;
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    intel_aes_gcmENC(
-        inbuf,
-        outbuf,
-        gcm,
-        inlen);
-    gcm->Mlen += inlen;
-    intel_aes_gcmTAG(
-        gcm->Htbl,
-        gcm->T,
-        gcm->Mlen,
-        gcm->Alen,
-        gcm->X0,
-        T);
-    *outlen = inlen + tagBytes;
-    for (j = 0; j < tagBytes; j++) {
-        outbuf[inlen + j] = T[j];
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECStatus intel_AES_GCM_DecryptUpdate(intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm,
-            unsigned char *outbuf,
-            unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-            const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-            unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int tagBytes;
-    unsigned char T[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    const unsigned char *intag;
-    tagBytes = (gcm->tagBits + (PR_BITS_PER_BYTE - 1)) / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    /* get the authentication block */
-    if (inlen < tagBytes) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    inlen -= tagBytes;
-    intag = inbuf + inlen;
-    if (maxout < inlen) {
-        *outlen = inlen;
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    intel_aes_gcmDEC(
-         inbuf,
-         outbuf,
-         gcm,
-         inlen);
-    gcm->Mlen += inlen;
-    intel_aes_gcmTAG(
-         gcm->Htbl,
-         gcm->T,
-         gcm->Mlen,
-         gcm->Alen,
-         gcm->X0,
-         T);
-    if (NSS_SecureMemcmp(T, intag, tagBytes) != 0) {
-        memset(outbuf, 0, inlen);
-        *outlen = 0;
-        /* force a CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID error at in softoken */
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outlen = inlen;
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-x64-masm.asm b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-x64-masm.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b68b76..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-x64-masm.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1295 +0,0 @@
-; This submission to NSS is to be made available under the terms of the
-; Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. You can obtain one at http:
-; //
-; Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Corp.
-; Developers and authors:
-; Shay Gueron and Vlad Krasnov
-; Intel Corporation, Israel Development Centre, Haifa, Israel
-; Please send feedback directly to
-Lone            dq 1,0
-Ltwo            dq 2,0
-Lbswap_mask     db 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
-Lshuff_mask     dq 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fh, 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fh
-Lpoly           dq 01h, 0c200000000000000h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, SRC2, SRC1, 0h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP4, SRC2, SRC1, 011h
-    vpshufd     TMP2, SRC2, 78
-    vpshufd     TMP3, SRC1, 78
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, SRC2
-    vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, SRC1
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP2, TMP3, 0h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP1
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP4
-    vpslldq     TMP3, TMP2, 8
-    vpsrldq     TMP2, TMP2, 8
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpxor       TMP4, TMP4, TMP2
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP1, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpshufd     TMP3, TMP1, 78
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP1, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpshufd     TMP3, TMP1, 78
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpxor       DST, TMP1, TMP4
-    ENDM
-; Generates the final GCM tag
-; void intel_aes_gcmTAG(unsigned char Htbl[16*16],
-;                       unsigned char *Tp,
-;                       unsigned int Mlen,
-;                       unsigned int Alen,
-;                       unsigned char *X0,
-;                       unsigned char *TAG);
-intel_aes_gcmTAG PROC
-Htbl    textequ <rcx>
-Tp      textequ <rdx>
-Mlen    textequ <r8>
-Alen    textequ <r9>
-X0      textequ <r10>
-TAG     textequ <r11>
-T       textequ <xmm0>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm1>
-    mov     X0, [rsp + 1*8 + 4*8]
-    mov     TAG, [rsp + 1*8 + 5*8]
-    vzeroupper
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[Tp]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP0
-    shl     Mlen, 3
-    shl     Alen, 3
-    ;vpinsrq    TMP0, TMP0, Mlen, 0
-    ;vpinsrq    TMP0, TMP0, Alen, 1
-    ; workaround the ml64.exe vpinsrq issue
-    vpinsrd TMP0, TMP0, r8d, 0
-    vpinsrd TMP0, TMP0, r9d, 2
-    shr Mlen, 32
-    shr Alen, 32
-    vpinsrd TMP0, TMP0, r8d, 1
-    vpinsrd TMP0, TMP0, r9d, 3
-    vpxor   T, T, TMP0
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-    GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
-    vpshufb T, T, [Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   T, T, [X0]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[TAG], T
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmTAG ENDP
-; Generates the H table
-; void intel_aes_gcmINIT(unsigned char Htbl[16*16], unsigned char *KS, int NR);
-intel_aes_gcmINIT PROC
-Htbl    textequ <rcx>
-KS      textequ <rdx>
-NR      textequ <r8d>
-T       textequ <xmm0>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm1>
-    vzeroupper
-    ; AES-ENC(0)
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[KS]
-    lea KS, [16 + KS]
-    dec NR
-        vaesenc T, T, [KS]
-        lea KS, [16 + KS]
-        dec NR
-        jnz Lenc_loop
-    vaesenclast T, T, [KS]
-    vpshufb T, T, [Lbswap_mask]
-    ;Calculate H` = GFMUL(H, 2)
-    vpsrad  xmm3, T, 31
-    vpshufd xmm3, xmm3, 0ffh
-    vpand   xmm5, xmm3, [Lpoly]
-    vpsrld  xmm3, T, 31
-    vpslld  xmm4, T, 1
-    vpslldq xmm3, xmm3, 4
-    vpxor   T, xmm4, xmm3
-    vpxor   T, T, xmm5
-    vmovdqu TMP0, T
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 0*16], T
-    vpshufd xmm2, T, 78
-    vpxor   xmm2, xmm2, T
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + 0*16], xmm2
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 8
-        GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + i*16], T
-        vpshufd xmm2, T, 78
-        vpxor   xmm2, xmm2, T
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + i*16], xmm2
-        i = i+1
-        ENDM
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmINIT ENDP
-; Authenticate only
-; void intel_aes_gcmAAD(unsigned char Htbl[16*16], unsigned char *AAD, unsigned int Alen, unsigned char *Tp);
-intel_aes_gcmAAD PROC
-Htbl    textequ <rcx>
-inp     textequ <rdx>
-len     textequ <r8>
-Tp      textequ <r9>
-hlp0    textequ <r10>
-DATA    textequ <xmm0>
-T       textequ <xmm1>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm2>
-TMP1    textequ <xmm3>
-TMP2    textequ <xmm4>
-TMP3    textequ <xmm5>
-TMP4    textequ <xmm6>
-Xhi     textequ <xmm7>
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, [Htbl + i*16], 0h
-    vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, [Htbl + i*16], 011h
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-    vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP3, [Htbl + 8*16 + i*16], 0h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-    test  len, len
-    jnz   LbeginAAD
-    ret
-    vzeroupper
-    sub rsp, 2*16
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-    vpxor   Xhi, Xhi, Xhi
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[Tp]
-    ;we hash 8 block each iteration, if the total amount of blocks is not a multiple of 8, we hash the first n%8 blocks first
-    mov hlp0, len
-    and hlp0, 128-1
-    jz  Lmod_loop
-    and len, -128
-    sub hlp0, 16
-    ; Prefix block
-    vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp]
-    vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   DATA, DATA, T
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP0, DATA, [Htbl + hlp0], 0h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, DATA, [Htbl + hlp0], 011h
-    vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-    vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP3, [Htbl + 8*16 + hlp0], 0h
-    lea     inp, [inp+16]
-    test    hlp0, hlp0
-    jnz     Lpre_loop
-    jmp     Lred1
-    ;hash remaining prefix bocks (up to 7 total prefix blocks)
-        sub hlp0, 16
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, [Htbl + hlp0], 0h
-        vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, [Htbl + hlp0], 011h
-        vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-        vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP3, [Htbl + 8*16 + hlp0], 0h
-        vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-        test    hlp0, hlp0
-        lea     inp, [inp+16]
-        jnz     Lpre_loop
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP0
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP1
-    vpsrldq     TMP3, TMP2, 8
-    vpslldq     TMP2, TMP2, 8
-    vpxor       Xhi, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpxor       T, TMP0, TMP2
-        sub len, 16*8
-        jb  Ldone
-        ; Block #0
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*7]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP0, DATA, [Htbl + 0*16], 0h
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, DATA, [Htbl + 0*16], 011h
-        vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-        vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP3, [Htbl + 8*16 + 0*16], 0h
-        ; Block #1
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*6]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 1
-        ; Block #2
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*5]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h         ;reduction stage 1a
-        vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 2
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP4                          ;reduction stage 1b
-        ; Block #3
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*4]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 3
-        ; Block #4
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*3]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h        ;reduction stage 2a
-        vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 4
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP4                          ;reduction stage 2b
-        ; Block #5
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*2]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 5
-        vpxor   T, T, Xhi                               ;reduction finalize
-        ; Block #6
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*1]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 6
-        ; Block #7
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*0]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpxor   DATA, DATA, T
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 7
-        ; Aggregated 8 blocks, now karatsuba fixup
-        vpxor   TMP2, TMP2, TMP0
-        vpxor   TMP2, TMP2, TMP1
-        vpsrldq TMP3, TMP2, 8
-        vpslldq TMP2, TMP2, 8
-        vpxor   Xhi, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpxor   T, TMP0, TMP2
-        lea inp, [inp + 16*8]
-        jmp Lmod_loop
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP4
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP4
-    vpxor       T, T, Xhi
-    vmovdqu     XMMWORD PTR[Tp], T
-    vzeroupper
-    vmovdqu xmm6, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 0*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 1*16]
-    add rsp, 16*2
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmAAD ENDP
-; Encrypt and Authenticate
-; void intel_aes_gcmENC(unsigned char* PT, unsigned char* CT, void *Gctx, unsigned int len);
-intel_aes_gcmENC PROC
-PT      textequ <rcx>
-CT      textequ <rdx>
-Htbl    textequ <r8>
-Gctx    textequ <r8>
-len     textequ <r9>
-KS      textequ <r10>
-NR      textequ <eax>
-aluCTR  textequ <r11d>
-aluKSl  textequ <r12d>
-aluTMP  textequ <r13d>
-T       textequ <xmm0>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm1>
-TMP1    textequ <xmm2>
-TMP2    textequ <xmm3>
-TMP3    textequ <xmm4>
-TMP4    textequ <xmm5>
-TMP5    textequ <xmm6>
-CTR0    textequ <xmm7>
-CTR1    textequ <xmm8>
-CTR2    textequ <xmm9>
-CTR3    textequ <xmm10>
-CTR4    textequ <xmm11>
-CTR5    textequ <xmm12>
-CTR6    textequ <xmm13>
-CTR7    textequ <xmm14>
-BSWAPMASK   textequ <xmm15>
-    vmovdqu TMP3, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc CTR0, CTR0, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR1, CTR1, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR2, CTR2, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR3, CTR3, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR4, CTR4, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR5, CTR5, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR6, CTR6, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR7, CTR7, TMP3
-    vmovdqu TMP3, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc CTR0, CTR0, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR1, CTR1, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR2, CTR2, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR3, CTR3, TMP3
-    vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-    vaesenc CTR4, CTR4, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR5, CTR5, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR6, CTR6, TMP3
-    vaesenc CTR7, CTR7, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-    vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-    vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + Htbl]
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-    vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-    vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + Htbl]
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-    add aluCTR, 1
-    mov aluTMP, aluCTR
-    xor aluTMP, aluKSl
-    bswap   aluTMP
-    mov [3*4 + 8*16 + i*16 + rsp], aluTMP
-    test  len, len
-    jnz   LbeginENC
-    ret
-    vzeroupper
-    push    r11
-    push    r12
-    push    r13
-    push    rbp
-    sub rsp, 10*16
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 2*16], xmm8
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 3*16], xmm9
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 4*16], xmm10
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 5*16], xmm11
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 6*16], xmm12
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 7*16], xmm13
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 8*16], xmm14
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 9*16], xmm15
-    mov rbp, rsp
-    sub rsp, 16*16
-    and rsp, -16
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 1*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu BSWAPMASK, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    mov     KS, [16*16 + 3*16 + Gctx]
-    mov     NR, [4 + KS]
-    lea     KS, [48 + KS]
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, BSWAPMASK
-    mov aluCTR, [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx]
-    mov aluKSl, [3*4 + KS]
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    bswap   aluKSl
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    cmp len, 128
-    jb  LEncDataSingles
-; Prepare the "top" counters
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 1*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 2*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 3*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 4*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 5*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 6*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 7*16 + rsp], TMP0
-; Encrypt the initial 8 blocks
-    sub len, 128
-    vpaddd  CTR1, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpaddd  CTR2, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Ltwo]
-    vpaddd  CTR3, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpaddd  CTR4, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Ltwo]
-    vpaddd  CTR5, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpaddd  CTR6, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Ltwo]
-    vpaddd  CTR7, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR1, CTR1, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR2, CTR2, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR3, CTR3, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR4, CTR4, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR5, CTR5, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR6, CTR6, BSWAPMASK
-    vpshufb CTR7, CTR7, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu TMP3, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   CTR0, CTR0, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR1, CTR1, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR2, CTR2, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR3, CTR3, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR4, CTR4, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR5, CTR5, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR6, CTR6, TMP3
-    vpxor   CTR7, CTR7, TMP3
-    ROUND   1
-    add aluCTR, 8
-    mov aluTMP, aluCTR
-    xor aluTMP, aluKSl
-    bswap   aluTMP
-    mov [8*16 + 0*16 + 3*4 + rsp], aluTMP
-    ROUND   2
-    NEXTCTR 1
-    ROUND   3
-    NEXTCTR 2
-    ROUND   4
-    NEXTCTR 3
-    ROUND   5
-    NEXTCTR 4
-    ROUND   6
-    NEXTCTR 5
-    ROUND   7
-    NEXTCTR 6
-    ROUND   8
-    NEXTCTR 7
-    ROUND   9
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp     NR, 10
-    je      @f
-    ROUND   10
-    ROUND   11
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp     NR, 12
-    je      @f
-    ROUND   12
-    ROUND   13
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR0, CTR0, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR1, CTR1, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR2, CTR2, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR3, CTR3, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR4, CTR4, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR5, CTR5, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR6, CTR6, TMP3
-    vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + PT]
-    vaesenclast CTR7, CTR7, TMP3
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT], CTR0
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT], CTR1
-    vpshufb CTR1, CTR1, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT], CTR2
-    vpshufb CTR2, CTR2, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT], CTR3
-    vpshufb CTR3, CTR3, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT], CTR4
-    vpshufb CTR4, CTR4, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT], CTR5
-    vpshufb CTR5, CTR5, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT], CTR6
-    vpshufb CTR6, CTR6, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + CT], CTR7
-    vpshufb TMP5, CTR7, BSWAPMASK
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + rsp], CTR6
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + rsp], CTR5
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + rsp], CTR4
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + rsp], CTR3
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + rsp], CTR2
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + rsp], CTR1
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + rsp], CTR0
-    lea CT, [8*16 + CT]
-    lea PT, [8*16 + PT]
-    jmp LEncDataOctets
-        cmp len, 128
-        jb  LEndEncOctets
-        sub len, 128
-        vmovdqa CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 1*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 2*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 3*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 4*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 5*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 6*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR7, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 7*16 + rsp]
-        vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-        vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP0, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-        vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + Htbl]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 1
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 2
-        NEXTCTR 1
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 3
-        NEXTCTR 2
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 4
-        NEXTCTR 3
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 5
-        NEXTCTR 4
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 6
-        NEXTCTR 5
-        vpxor   TMP5, T, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + rsp]
-        ROUNDMUL 7
-        NEXTCTR 6
-        ROUND 8
-        NEXTCTR 7
-        vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP1
-        vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP2
-        vpsrldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-        vpxor   TMP4, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpslldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-        vpxor   T, TMP2, TMP3
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, T, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-        vpalignr    T,T,T,8
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP1
-        ROUND 9
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, T, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-        vpalignr    T,T,T,8
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP1
-        vmovdqu     TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp         NR, 10
-        je          @f
-        ROUND 10
-        ROUND 11
-        vmovdqu     TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp         NR, 12
-        je          @f
-        ROUND 12
-        ROUND 13
-        vmovdqu     TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR0, CTR0, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR1, CTR1, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR2, CTR2, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR3, CTR3, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR4, CTR4, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR5, CTR5, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR6, CTR6, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + PT]
-        vaesenclast CTR7, CTR7, TMP3
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT], CTR0
-        vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT], CTR1
-        vpshufb CTR1, CTR1, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT], CTR2
-        vpshufb CTR2, CTR2, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT], CTR3
-        vpshufb CTR3, CTR3, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT], CTR4
-        vpshufb CTR4, CTR4, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT], CTR5
-        vpshufb CTR5, CTR5, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT], CTR6
-        vpshufb CTR6, CTR6, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + CT], CTR7
-        vpshufb TMP5, CTR7, BSWAPMASK
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + rsp], CTR6
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + rsp], CTR5
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + rsp], CTR4
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + rsp], CTR3
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + rsp], CTR2
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + rsp], CTR1
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + rsp], CTR0
-        vpxor   T, T, TMP4
-        lea CT, [8*16 + CT]
-        lea PT, [8*16 + PT]
-        jmp LEncDataOctets
-    vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP0, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-    vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + Htbl]
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + rsp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + rsp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + rsp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + rsp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + rsp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + rsp]
-    vpxor   TMP5, T, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + rsp]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP1
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP2
-    vpsrldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpslldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-    vpxor   T, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, T, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    T,T,T,8
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP1
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, T, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    T,T,T,8
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP1
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP4
-    sub aluCTR, 7
-        cmp len, 16
-        jb  LEncDataTail
-        sub len, 16
-        vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + rsp]
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 10
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 12
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-        vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[PT]
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[CT], TMP1
-        lea PT, [16+PT]
-        lea CT, [16+CT]
-        vpshufb TMP1, TMP1, BSWAPMASK
-        vpxor   T, T, TMP1
-        vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-        GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, TMP1, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-        jmp LEncDataSingles
-    test    len, len
-    jz  LEncDataEnd
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + rsp]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 10
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 12
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-; zero a temp location
-    vpxor   TMP2, TMP2, TMP2
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[rsp], TMP2
-; copy as many bytes as needed
-    xor KS, KS
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov al, [PT + KS]
-        mov [rsp + KS], al
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[rsp]
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[rsp], TMP1
-    xor KS, KS
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov al, [rsp + KS]
-        mov [CT + KS], al
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-        cmp KS, 16
-        je  @f
-        mov BYTE PTR[rsp + KS], 0
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[rsp]
-    vpshufb TMP1, TMP1, BSWAPMASK
-    vpxor   T, T, TMP1
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-    GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, TMP1, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 1*16 + Gctx], T
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    mov     [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx], aluCTR
-    mov rsp, rbp
-    vmovdqu xmm6, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 0*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 1*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm8, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 2*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm9, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 3*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm10, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 4*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm11, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 5*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm12, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 6*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm13, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 7*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm14, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 8*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm15, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 9*16]
-    add rsp, 10*16
-    pop rbp
-    pop r13
-    pop r12
-    pop r11
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmENC ENDP
-; Decrypt and Authenticate
-; void intel_aes_gcmDEC(uint8_t* PT, uint8_t* CT, void *Gctx, unsigned int len);
-intel_aes_gcmDEC PROC
-    add aluCTR, 1
-    mov aluTMP, aluCTR
-    xor aluTMP, aluKSl
-    bswap   aluTMP
-    mov [3*4 + i*16 + rsp], aluTMP
-PT      textequ <rdx>
-CT      textequ <rcx>
-    test  len, len
-    jnz   LbeginDEC
-    ret
-    vzeroupper
-    push    r11
-    push    r12
-    push    r13
-    push    rbp
-    sub rsp, 10*16
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 0*16], xmm6
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 1*16], xmm7
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 2*16], xmm8
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 3*16], xmm9
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 4*16], xmm10
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 5*16], xmm11
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 6*16], xmm12
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 7*16], xmm13
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 8*16], xmm14
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 9*16], xmm15
-    mov rbp, rsp
-    sub rsp, 8*16
-    and rsp, -16
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 1*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu BSWAPMASK, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    mov     KS, [16*16 + 3*16 + Gctx]
-    mov     NR, [4 + KS]
-    lea     KS, [48 + KS]
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, BSWAPMASK
-    mov aluCTR, [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx]
-    mov aluKSl, [3*4 + KS]
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    bswap   aluKSl
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    cmp len, 128
-    jb  LDecDataSingles
-; Prepare the "top" counters
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + rsp], TMP0
-    NEXTCTR 1
-    NEXTCTR 2
-    NEXTCTR 3
-    NEXTCTR 4
-    NEXTCTR 5
-    NEXTCTR 6
-    NEXTCTR 7
-        cmp len, 128
-        jb  LEndDecOctets
-        sub len, 128
-        vmovdqa CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqa CTR7, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + rsp]
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-        vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP0, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-        vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + Htbl]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        ROUNDMUL 1
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        ROUNDMUL 2
-        NEXTCTR 1
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        ROUNDMUL 3
-        NEXTCTR 2
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        ROUNDMUL 4
-        NEXTCTR 3
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        ROUNDMUL 5
-        NEXTCTR 4
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        ROUNDMUL 6
-        NEXTCTR 5
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT]
-        vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, BSWAPMASK
-        vpxor   TMP5, TMP5, T
-        ROUNDMUL 7
-        NEXTCTR 6
-        ROUND 8
-        NEXTCTR 7
-        vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP1
-        vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP2
-        vpsrldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-        vpxor   TMP4, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpslldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-        vpxor   T, TMP2, TMP3
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, T, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-        vpalignr    T,T,T,8
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP1
-        ROUND 9
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, T, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-        vpalignr    T,T,T,8
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP1
-        vmovdqu     TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp         NR, 10
-        je          @f
-        ROUND 10
-        ROUND 11
-        vmovdqu     TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp         NR, 12
-        je          @f
-        ROUND 12
-        ROUND 13
-        vmovdqu     TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR0, CTR0, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR1, CTR1, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR2, CTR2, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR3, CTR3, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR4, CTR4, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR5, CTR5, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR6, CTR6, TMP3
-        vpxor   TMP3, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + CT]
-        vaesenclast CTR7, CTR7, TMP3
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + PT], CTR0
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + PT], CTR1
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + PT], CTR2
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + PT], CTR3
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + PT], CTR4
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + PT], CTR5
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + PT], CTR6
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + PT], CTR7
-        vpxor   T, T, TMP4
-        lea CT, [8*16 + CT]
-        lea PT, [8*16 + PT]
-        jmp LDecDataOctets
-    sub aluCTR, 7
-        cmp len, 16
-        jb  LDecDataTail
-        sub len, 16
-        vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + rsp]
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 10
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 12
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[CT]
-        vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[PT], TMP1
-        lea PT, [16+PT]
-        lea CT, [16+CT]
-        vpshufb TMP2, TMP2, BSWAPMASK
-        vpxor   T, T, TMP2
-        vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-        GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, TMP1, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-        jmp LDecDataSingles
-    test    len, len
-    jz      LDecDataEnd
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + rsp]
-    inc aluCTR
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 10
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 12
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-; copy as many bytes as needed
-    xor KS, KS
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov al, [CT + KS]
-        mov [rsp + KS], al
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-        cmp KS, 16
-        je  @f
-        mov BYTE PTR[rsp + KS], 0
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    vmovdqa TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[rsp]
-    vpshufb TMP2, TMP2, BSWAPMASK
-    vpxor   T, T, TMP2
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-    GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, TMP5, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-    vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[rsp]
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[rsp], TMP1
-    xor KS, KS
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov al, [rsp + KS]
-        mov [PT + KS], al
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 1*16 + Gctx], T
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    mov     [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx], aluCTR
-    mov rsp, rbp
-    vmovdqu xmm6, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 0*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 1*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm8, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 2*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm9, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 3*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm10, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 4*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm11, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 5*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm12, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 6*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm13, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 7*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm14, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 8*16]
-    vmovdqu xmm15, XMMWORD PTR[rsp + 9*16]
-    add rsp, 10*16
-    pop rbp
-    pop r13
-    pop r12
-    pop r11
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmDEC ENDP
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-x86-masm.asm b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-x86-masm.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6362ad8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm-x86-masm.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1209 +0,0 @@
-; This submission to NSS is to be made available under the terms of the
-; Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. You can obtain one at http:
-; //
-; Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Corp.
-; Developers and authors:
-; Shay Gueron and Vlad Krasnov
-; Intel Corporation, Israel Development Centre, Haifa, Israel
-; Please send feedback directly to
-Lone            dq 1,0
-Ltwo            dq 2,0
-Lbswap_mask     db 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
-Lshuff_mask     dq 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fh, 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fh
-Lpoly           dq 01h, 0c200000000000000h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, SRC2, SRC1, 0h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP4, SRC2, SRC1, 011h
-    vpshufd     TMP2, SRC2, 78
-    vpshufd     TMP3, SRC1, 78
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, SRC2
-    vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, SRC1
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP2, TMP3, 0h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP1
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP4
-    vpslldq     TMP3, TMP2, 8
-    vpsrldq     TMP2, TMP2, 8
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpxor       TMP4, TMP4, TMP2
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP1, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpshufd     TMP3, TMP1, 78
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP1, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpshufd     TMP3, TMP1, 78
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpxor       DST, TMP1, TMP4
-    ENDM
-; Generates the final GCM tag
-; void intel_aes_gcmTAG(unsigned char Htbl[16*16],
-;                       unsigned char *Tp,
-;                       unsigned int Mlen,
-;                       unsigned int Alen,
-;                       unsigned char* X0,
-;                       unsigned char* TAG);
-intel_aes_gcmTAG PROC
-Htbl    textequ <eax>
-Tp      textequ <ecx>
-X0      textequ <edx>
-TAG     textequ <ebx>
-T       textequ <xmm0>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm1>
-    push    ebx
-    mov     Htbl,   [esp + 2*4 + 0*4]
-    mov     Tp,     [esp + 2*4 + 1*4]
-    mov     X0,     [esp + 2*4 + 4*4]
-    mov     TAG,    [esp + 2*4 + 5*4]
-    vzeroupper
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[Tp]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP0
-    vpinsrd TMP0, TMP0, DWORD PTR[esp + 2*4 + 2*4], 0
-    vpinsrd TMP0, TMP0, DWORD PTR[esp + 2*4 + 3*4], 2
-    vpsllq  TMP0, TMP0, 3
-    vpxor   T, T, TMP0
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-    GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
-    vpshufb T, T, [Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   T, T, [X0]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[TAG], T
-    vzeroupper
-    pop ebx
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmTAG ENDP
-; Generates the H table
-; void intel_aes_gcmINIT(unsigned char Htbl[16*16], unsigned char *KS, int NR);
-intel_aes_gcmINIT PROC
-Htbl    textequ <eax>
-KS      textequ <ecx>
-NR      textequ <edx>
-T       textequ <xmm0>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm1>
-    mov     Htbl,   [esp + 4*1 + 0*4]
-    mov     KS,     [esp + 4*1 + 1*4]
-    mov     NR,     [esp + 4*1 + 2*4]
-    vzeroupper
-    ; AES-ENC(0)
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[KS]
-    lea KS, [16 + KS]
-    dec NR
-        vaesenc T, T, [KS]
-        lea KS, [16 + KS]
-        dec NR
-        jnz Lenc_loop
-    vaesenclast T, T, [KS]
-    vpshufb T, T, [Lbswap_mask]
-    ;Calculate H` = GFMUL(H, 2)
-    vpsrad  xmm3, T, 31
-    vpshufd xmm3, xmm3, 0ffh
-    vpand   xmm5, xmm3, [Lpoly]
-    vpsrld  xmm3, T, 31
-    vpslld  xmm4, T, 1
-    vpslldq xmm3, xmm3, 4
-    vpxor   T, xmm4, xmm3
-    vpxor   T, T, xmm5
-    vmovdqu TMP0, T
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 0*16], T
-    vpshufd xmm2, T, 78
-    vpxor   xmm2, xmm2, T
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + 0*16], xmm2
-    i = 1
-    WHILE i LT 8
-        GFMUL   T, T, TMP0, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + i*16], T
-        vpshufd xmm2, T, 78
-        vpxor   xmm2, xmm2, T
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + i*16], xmm2
-        i = i+1
-        ENDM
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmINIT ENDP
-; Authenticate only
-; void intel_aes_gcmAAD(unsigned char Htbl[16*16], unsigned char *AAD, unsigned int Alen, unsigned char *Tp);
-intel_aes_gcmAAD PROC
-Htbl    textequ <eax>
-inp     textequ <ecx>
-len     textequ <edx>
-Tp      textequ <ebx>
-hlp0    textequ <esi>
-DATA    textequ <xmm0>
-T       textequ <xmm1>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm2>
-TMP1    textequ <xmm3>
-TMP2    textequ <xmm4>
-TMP3    textequ <xmm5>
-TMP4    textequ <xmm6>
-Xhi     textequ <xmm7>
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, [Htbl + i*16], 0h
-    vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, [Htbl + i*16], 011h
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-    vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP3, [Htbl + 8*16 + i*16], 0h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-    cmp   DWORD PTR[esp + 1*3 + 2*4], 0
-    jnz   LbeginAAD
-    ret
-    push    ebx
-    push    esi
-    mov     Htbl,   [esp + 4*3 + 0*4]
-    mov     inp,    [esp + 4*3 + 1*4]
-    mov     len,    [esp + 4*3 + 2*4]
-    mov     Tp,     [esp + 4*3 + 3*4]
-    vzeroupper
-    vpxor   Xhi, Xhi, Xhi
-    vmovdqu T, XMMWORD PTR[Tp]
-    ;we hash 8 block each iteration, if the total amount of blocks is not a multiple of 8, we hash the first n%8 blocks first
-    mov hlp0, len
-    and hlp0, 128-1
-    jz  Lmod_loop
-    and len, -128
-    sub hlp0, 16
-    ; Prefix block
-    vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp]
-    vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   DATA, DATA, T
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP0, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + hlp0], 0h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + hlp0], 011h
-    vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-    vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP3, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + hlp0], 0h
-    lea     inp, [inp+16]
-    test    hlp0, hlp0
-    jnz     Lpre_loop
-    jmp     Lred1
-    ;hash remaining prefix bocks (up to 7 total prefix blocks)
-        sub hlp0, 16
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + hlp0], 0h
-        vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP3, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + hlp0], 011h
-        vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-        vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP3, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + hlp0], 0h
-        vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-        test    hlp0, hlp0
-        lea     inp, [inp+16]
-        jnz     Lpre_loop
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP0
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP1
-    vpsrldq     TMP3, TMP2, 8
-    vpslldq     TMP2, TMP2, 8
-    vpxor       Xhi, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpxor       T, TMP0, TMP2
-        sub len, 16*8
-        jb  Ldone
-        ; Block #0
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*7]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP0, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 0*16], 0h
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, DATA, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 0*16], 011h
-        vpshufd     TMP3, DATA, 78
-        vpxor       TMP3, TMP3, DATA
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP3, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl + 8*16 + 0*16], 0h
-        ; Block #1
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*6]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 1
-        ; Block #2
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*5]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h         ;reduction stage 1a
-        vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 2
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP4                          ;reduction stage 1b
-        ; Block #3
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*4]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 3
-        ; Block #4
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*3]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h        ;reduction stage 2a
-        vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 4
-        vpxor       T, T, TMP4                          ;reduction stage 2b
-        ; Block #5
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*2]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 5
-        vpxor   T, T, Xhi                               ;reduction finalize
-        ; Block #6
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*1]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 6
-        ; Block #7
-        vmovdqu DATA, XMMWORD PTR[inp + 16*0]
-        vpshufb DATA, DATA, [Lbswap_mask]
-        vpxor   DATA, DATA, T
-        KARATSUBA_AAD 7
-        ; Aggregated 8 blocks, now karatsuba fixup
-        vpxor   TMP2, TMP2, TMP0
-        vpxor   TMP2, TMP2, TMP1
-        vpsrldq TMP3, TMP2, 8
-        vpslldq TMP2, TMP2, 8
-        vpxor   Xhi, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpxor   T, TMP0, TMP2
-        lea inp, [inp + 16*8]
-        jmp Lmod_loop
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP4
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP4, T, [Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    T, T, T, 8
-    vpxor       T, T, TMP4
-    vpxor       T, T, Xhi
-    vmovdqu     XMMWORD PTR[Tp], T
-    vzeroupper
-    pop esi
-    pop ebx
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmAAD ENDP
-; Encrypt and Authenticate
-; void intel_aes_gcmENC(unsigned char* PT, unsigned char* CT, void *Gctx, unsigned int len);
-intel_aes_gcmENC PROC
-PT      textequ <eax>
-CT      textequ <ecx>
-Htbl    textequ <edx>
-Gctx    textequ <edx>
-len     textequ <DWORD PTR[ebp + 5*4 + 3*4]>
-KS      textequ <esi>
-NR      textequ <DWORD PTR[-40 + KS]>
-aluCTR  textequ <ebx>
-aluTMP  textequ <edi>
-T       textequ <XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 1*16 + Gctx]>
-TMP0    textequ <xmm1>
-TMP1    textequ <xmm2>
-TMP2    textequ <xmm3>
-TMP3    textequ <xmm4>
-TMP4    textequ <xmm5>
-TMP5    textequ <xmm6>
-CTR0    textequ <xmm0>
-CTR1    textequ <xmm1>
-CTR2    textequ <xmm2>
-CTR3    textequ <xmm3>
-CTR4    textequ <xmm4>
-CTR5    textequ <xmm5>
-CTR6    textequ <xmm6>
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc CTR0, CTR0, xmm7
-    vaesenc CTR1, CTR1, xmm7
-    vaesenc CTR2, CTR2, xmm7
-    vaesenc CTR3, CTR3, xmm7
-    vaesenc CTR4, CTR4, xmm7
-    vaesenc CTR5, CTR5, xmm7
-    vaesenc CTR6, CTR6, xmm7
-    vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-    vpxor       TMP0, TMP0, TMP3
-    vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[i*16 + Htbl]
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-    vpxor       TMP1, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP3, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-    vpxor       TMP2, TMP2, TMP3
-    add     aluCTR, 1
-    mov     aluTMP, aluCTR
-    bswap   aluTMP
-    xor     aluTMP, [3*4 + KS]
-    mov     [3*4 + 8*16 + i*16 + esp], aluTMP
-    cmp DWORD PTR[1*4 + 3*4 + esp], 0
-    jne LbeginENC
-    ret
-    vzeroupper
-    push    ebp
-    push    ebx
-    push    esi
-    push    edi
-    mov ebp, esp
-    sub esp, 16*16
-    and esp, -16
-    mov PT, [ebp + 5*4 + 0*4]
-    mov CT, [ebp + 5*4 + 1*4]
-    mov Gctx, [ebp + 5*4 + 2*4]
-    mov     KS, [16*16 + 3*16 + Gctx]
-    lea     KS, [44 + KS]
-    mov     aluCTR, [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx]
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + esp], TMP0
-    cmp len, 16*7
-    jb  LEncDataSingles
-; Prepare the "top" counters
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 1*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 2*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 3*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 4*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 5*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 6*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-; Encrypt the initial 7 blocks
-    sub len, 16*7
-    vpaddd  CTR1, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpaddd  CTR2, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Ltwo]
-    vpaddd  CTR3, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpaddd  CTR4, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Ltwo]
-    vpaddd  CTR5, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Lone]
-    vpaddd  CTR6, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Ltwo]
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR1, CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR2, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR3, CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR4, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR5, CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR6, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   CTR0, CTR0, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR1, CTR1, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR2, CTR2, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR3, CTR3, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR4, CTR4, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR5, CTR5, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR6, CTR6, xmm7
-    ROUND   1
-    add aluCTR, 7
-    mov aluTMP, aluCTR
-    bswap   aluTMP
-    xor aluTMP, [KS + 3*4]
-    mov [8*16 + 0*16 + 3*4 + esp], aluTMP
-    ROUND   2
-    NEXTCTR 1
-    ROUND   3
-    NEXTCTR 2
-    ROUND   4
-    NEXTCTR 3
-    ROUND   5
-    NEXTCTR 4
-    ROUND   6
-    NEXTCTR 5
-    ROUND   7
-    NEXTCTR 6
-    ROUND   8
-    ROUND   9
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp     NR, 10
-    je      @f
-    ROUND   10
-    ROUND   11
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp     NR, 12
-    je      @f
-    ROUND   12
-    ROUND   13
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vaesenclast CTR0, CTR0, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR1, CTR1, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR2, CTR2, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR3, CTR3, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR4, CTR4, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR5, CTR5, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR6, CTR6, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + PT]
-    vpxor   CTR1, CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + PT]
-    vpxor   CTR2, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + PT]
-    vpxor   CTR3, CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + PT]
-    vpxor   CTR4, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + PT]
-    vpxor   CTR5, CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + PT]
-    vpxor   CTR6, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + PT]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT], CTR0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT], CTR1
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT], CTR2
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT], CTR3
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT], CTR4
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT], CTR5
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT], CTR6
-    vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR1, CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR2, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR3, CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR4, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb CTR5, CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpshufb TMP5, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + esp], CTR5
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + esp], CTR4
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + esp], CTR3
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + esp], CTR2
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + esp], CTR1
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + esp], CTR0
-    lea CT, [7*16 + CT]
-    lea PT, [7*16 + PT]
-    jmp LEncData7
-        cmp len, 16*7
-        jb  LEndEnc7
-        sub len, 16*7
-        vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-        vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP0, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-        vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + Htbl]
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + esp]
-        KARATSUBA 1
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + esp]
-        KARATSUBA 2
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + esp]
-        KARATSUBA 3
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + esp]
-        KARATSUBA 4
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + esp]
-        KARATSUBA 5
-        vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + esp]
-        vpxor   TMP5, TMP5, T
-        KARATSUBA 6
-        vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP1
-        vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP2
-        vpsrldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-        vpxor   TMP4, TMP1, TMP3
-        vpslldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-        vpxor   TMP5, TMP2, TMP3
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-        vpalignr    TMP5,TMP5,TMP5,8
-        vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP1
-        vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-        vpalignr    TMP5,TMP5,TMP5,8
-        vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP1
-        vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP4
-        vmovdqu     T, TMP5
-        vmovdqa CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + esp]
-        vmovdqa CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 1*16 + esp]
-        vmovdqa CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 2*16 + esp]
-        vmovdqa CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 3*16 + esp]
-        vmovdqa CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 4*16 + esp]
-        vmovdqa CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 5*16 + esp]
-        vmovdqa CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 6*16 + esp]
-        ROUND 1
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        ROUND 2
-        NEXTCTR 1
-        ROUND 3
-        NEXTCTR 2
-        ROUND 4
-        NEXTCTR 3
-        ROUND 5
-        NEXTCTR 4
-        ROUND 6
-        NEXTCTR 5
-        ROUND 7
-        NEXTCTR 6
-        ROUND 8
-        ROUND 9
-        vmovdqu     xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp         NR, 10
-        je          @f
-        ROUND 10
-        ROUND 11
-        vmovdqu     xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp         NR, 12
-        je          @f
-        ROUND 12
-        ROUND 13
-        vmovdqu     xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vaesenclast CTR0, CTR0, xmm7
-        vaesenclast CTR1, CTR1, xmm7
-        vaesenclast CTR2, CTR2, xmm7
-        vaesenclast CTR3, CTR3, xmm7
-        vaesenclast CTR4, CTR4, xmm7
-        vaesenclast CTR5, CTR5, xmm7
-        vaesenclast CTR6, CTR6, xmm7
-        vpxor   CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + PT]
-        vpxor   CTR1, CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + PT]
-        vpxor   CTR2, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + PT]
-        vpxor   CTR3, CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + PT]
-        vpxor   CTR4, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + PT]
-        vpxor   CTR5, CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + PT]
-        vpxor   CTR6, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + PT]
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT], CTR0
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT], CTR1
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT], CTR2
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT], CTR3
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT], CTR4
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT], CTR5
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT], CTR6
-        vpshufb CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpshufb CTR1, CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpshufb CTR2, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpshufb CTR3, CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpshufb CTR4, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpshufb CTR5, CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpshufb TMP5, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + esp], CTR5
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + esp], CTR4
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + esp], CTR3
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + esp], CTR2
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + esp], CTR1
-        vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + esp], CTR0
-        lea CT, [7*16 + CT]
-        lea PT, [7*16 + PT]
-        jmp LEncData7
-    vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP0, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-    vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + Htbl]
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + esp]
-    vpxor   TMP5, TMP5, T
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP1
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP2
-    vpsrldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpslldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-    vpxor   TMP5, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    TMP5,TMP5,TMP5,8
-    vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP1
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    TMP5,TMP5,TMP5,8
-    vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP1
-    vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP4
-    vmovdqu     T, TMP5
-    sub aluCTR, 6
-        cmp len, 16
-        jb  LEncDataTail
-        sub len, 16
-        vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + esp]
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 10
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 12
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-        vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[PT]
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[CT], TMP1
-        lea PT, [16+PT]
-        lea CT, [16+CT]
-        vpshufb TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, T
-        vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-        GFMUL   TMP1, TMP1, TMP0, TMP5, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-        vmovdqu T, TMP1
-        jmp LEncDataSingles
-    cmp len, 0
-    je  LEncDataEnd
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + 0*16 + esp]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 10
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 12
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-; zero a temp location
-    vpxor   TMP2, TMP2, TMP2
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[esp], TMP2
-; copy as many bytes as needed
-    xor KS, KS
-    mov aluTMP, edx
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov dl, BYTE PTR[PT + KS]
-        mov BYTE PTR[esp + KS], dl
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[esp]
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[esp], TMP1
-    xor KS, KS
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov dl, BYTE PTR[esp + KS]
-        mov BYTE PTR[CT + KS], dl
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-        cmp KS, 16
-        je  @f
-        mov BYTE PTR[esp + KS], 0
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    mov edx, aluTMP
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[esp]
-    vpshufb TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, T
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-    GFMUL   TMP1, TMP1, TMP0, TMP5, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-    vmovdqu T, TMP1
-    inc     aluCTR
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    mov     [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx], aluCTR
-    mov esp, ebp
-    pop edi
-    pop esi
-    pop ebx
-    pop ebp
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmENC ENDP
-; Decrypt and Authenticate
-; void intel_aes_gcmDEC(uint8_t* PT, uint8_t* CT, void *Gctx, unsigned int len);
-    add     aluCTR, 1
-    mov     aluTMP, aluCTR
-    bswap   aluTMP
-    xor     aluTMP, [3*4 + KS]
-    mov     [3*4 + i*16 + esp], aluTMP
-intel_aes_gcmDEC PROC
-    cmp DWORD PTR[1*4 + 3*4 + esp], 0
-    jne LbeginDEC
-    ret
-    vzeroupper
-    push    ebp
-    push    ebx
-    push    esi
-    push    edi
-    mov ebp, esp
-    sub esp, 8*16
-    and esp, -16
-    mov CT, [ebp + 5*4 + 0*4]
-    mov PT, [ebp + 5*4 + 1*4]
-    mov Gctx, [ebp + 5*4 + 2*4]
-    mov     KS, [16*16 + 3*16 + Gctx]
-    lea     KS, [44 + KS]
-    mov     aluCTR, [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx]
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + KS]
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[16*16 + 2*16 + Gctx]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + esp], TMP0
-    cmp len, 16*7
-    jb  LDecDataSingles
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + esp], TMP0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + esp], TMP0
-    dec aluCTR
-    cmp len, 16*7
-    jb  LDecData7End
-    sub len, 16*7
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   TMP5, TMP5, T
-    vpshufd TMP4, TMP5, 78
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP4, TMP5
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP0, TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + 8*16 + Htbl], 000h
-    vmovdqu     TMP4, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + Htbl]
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, TMP4, 011h
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP2, TMP5, TMP4, 000h
-    NEXTCTR 0
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    NEXTCTR 1
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    NEXTCTR 2
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    NEXTCTR 3
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    NEXTCTR 4
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    NEXTCTR 5
-    vmovdqu TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT]
-    vpshufb TMP5, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    NEXTCTR 6
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP1
-    vpxor   TMP0, TMP0, TMP2
-    vpsrldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-    vpxor   TMP4, TMP1, TMP3
-    vpslldq TMP3, TMP0, 8
-    vpxor   TMP5, TMP2, TMP3
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    TMP5,TMP5,TMP5,8
-    vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP1
-    vpclmulqdq  TMP1, TMP5, XMMWORD PTR[Lpoly], 010h
-    vpalignr    TMP5,TMP5,TMP5,8
-    vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP1
-    vpxor       TMP5, TMP5, TMP4
-    vmovdqu     T, TMP5
-    vmovdqa CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqa CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqa CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqa CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqa CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqa CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + esp]
-    vmovdqa CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + esp]
-    ROUND   1
-    ROUND   2
-    ROUND   3
-    ROUND   4
-    ROUND   5
-    ROUND   6
-    ROUND   7
-    ROUND   8
-    ROUND   9
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp     NR, 10
-    je      @f
-    ROUND   10
-    ROUND   11
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp     NR, 12
-    je      @f
-    ROUND   12
-    ROUND   13
-    vmovdqu xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vaesenclast CTR0, CTR0, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR1, CTR1, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR2, CTR2, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR3, CTR3, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR4, CTR4, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR5, CTR5, xmm7
-    vaesenclast CTR6, CTR6, xmm7
-    vpxor   CTR0, CTR0, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + CT]
-    vpxor   CTR1, CTR1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + CT]
-    vpxor   CTR2, CTR2, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + CT]
-    vpxor   CTR3, CTR3, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + CT]
-    vpxor   CTR4, CTR4, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + CT]
-    vpxor   CTR5, CTR5, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + CT]
-    vpxor   CTR6, CTR6, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + CT]
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + PT], CTR0
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + PT], CTR1
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + PT], CTR2
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + PT], CTR3
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + PT], CTR4
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + PT], CTR5
-    vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + PT], CTR6
-    lea CT, [7*16 + CT]
-    lea PT, [7*16 + PT]
-    jmp LDecData7
-    NEXTCTR 0
-        cmp len, 16
-        jb  LDecDataTail
-        sub len, 16
-        vmovdqu TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[CT]
-        vpshufb TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-        vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, T
-        vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-        GFMUL   TMP1, TMP1, TMP0, TMP5, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-        vmovdqu T, TMP1
-        vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + esp]
-        NEXTCTR 0
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 10
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        cmp NR, 12
-        je  @f
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-        vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-        vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-        vaesenclast TMP1, TMP1, TMP2
-        vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[CT]
-        vmovdqu XMMWORD PTR[PT], TMP1
-        lea PT, [16+PT]
-        lea CT, [16+CT]
-        jmp LDecDataSingles
-    cmp len, 0
-    je  LDecDataEnd
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[0*16 + esp]
-    inc aluCTR
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[1*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[2*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[3*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[4*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[5*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[6*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[7*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[8*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[9*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 10
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[10*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[11*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    cmp NR, 12
-    je  @f
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[12*16 + KS]
-    vaesenc TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[13*16 + KS]
-    vmovdqu TMP2, XMMWORD PTR[14*16 + KS]
-    vaesenclast xmm7, TMP1, TMP2
-; copy as many bytes as needed
-    xor KS, KS
-    mov aluTMP, edx
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov dl, BYTE PTR[CT + KS]
-        mov BYTE PTR[esp + KS], dl
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-        cmp KS, 16
-        je  @f
-        mov BYTE PTR[esp + KS], 0
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    mov edx, aluTMP
-    vmovdqa TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[esp]
-    vpshufb TMP1, TMP1, XMMWORD PTR[Lbswap_mask]
-    vpxor   TMP1, TMP1, T
-    vmovdqu TMP0, XMMWORD PTR[Htbl]
-    GFMUL   TMP1, TMP1, TMP0, TMP5, TMP2, TMP3, TMP4
-    vmovdqu T, TMP1
-    vpxor   xmm7, xmm7, XMMWORD PTR[esp]
-    vmovdqa XMMWORD PTR[esp], xmm7
-    xor     KS, KS
-    mov aluTMP, edx
-        cmp len, KS
-        je  @f
-        mov dl, BYTE PTR[esp + KS]
-        mov BYTE PTR[PT + KS], dl
-        inc KS
-        jmp @b
-    mov edx, aluTMP
-    bswap   aluCTR
-    mov     [16*16 + 2*16 + 3*4 + Gctx], aluCTR
-    mov esp, ebp
-    pop edi
-    pop esi
-    pop ebx
-    pop ebp
-    vzeroupper
-    ret
-intel_aes_gcmDEC ENDP
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm.h b/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dfbc3c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/intel-gcm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* LICENSE:                                                                   */
-/* This submission to NSS is to be made available under the terms of the      */
-/* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. You can obtain one at http:                */
-/* //                                                    */
-/* Copyright(c) 2013, Intel Corp.                                             */
-/* Reference:                                                                 */
-/* [1] Shay Gueron, Michael E. Kounavis: Intel(R) Carry-Less Multiplication   */
-/*     Instruction and its Usage for Computing the GCM Mode (Rev. 2.01)       */
-/*ev-2.01-2012-09-21.pdf                                                      */
-/* [2] S. Gueron, M. E. Kounavis: Efficient Implementation of the Galois      */
-/*     Counter Mode Using a Carry-less Multiplier and a Fast Reduction        */
-/*     Algorithm. Information Processing Letters 110: 549-553 (2010).         */
-/* [3] S. Gueron: AES Performance on the 2nd Generation Intel(R) Core(TM)     */
-/*     Processor Family (to be posted) (2012).                                */
-/* [4] S. Gueron: Fast GHASH computations for speeding up AES-GCM (to be      */
-/*     published) (2012).                                                     */
-#ifndef INTEL_GCM_H
-#define INTEL_GCM_H 1
-#include "blapii.h"
-typedef struct intel_AES_GCMContextStr intel_AES_GCMContext;
-intel_AES_GCMContext *intel_AES_GCM_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher,
-			const unsigned char *params, unsigned int blocksize);
-void intel_AES_GCM_DestroyContext(intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm, PRBool freeit);
-SECStatus intel_AES_GCM_EncryptUpdate(intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
-SECStatus intel_AES_GCM_DecryptUpdate(intel_AES_GCMContext *gcm, unsigned char *outbuf,
-			unsigned int *outlen, unsigned int maxout,
-			const unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-			unsigned int blocksize);
-/* Prototypes of functions in the assembler file for fast AES-GCM, using 
-   Intel AES-NI and CLMUL-NI, as described in [1]
-   [1] Shay Gueron, Michael E. Kounavis: Intel(R) Carry-Less Multiplication
-       Instruction and its Usage for Computing the GCM Mode                */
-/* Prepares the constants used in the aggregated reduction method */
-void intel_aes_gcmINIT(unsigned char Htbl[16*16],
-                       unsigned char *KS,
-                       int NR);
-/* Produces the final GHASH value */
-void intel_aes_gcmTAG(unsigned char Htbl[16*16], 
-                      unsigned char *Tp, 
-                      unsigned long Mlen, 
-                      unsigned long Alen, 
-                      unsigned char* X0, 
-                      unsigned char* TAG);
-/* Hashes the Additional Authenticated Data, should be used before enc/dec.
-   Operates on whole blocks only. Partial blocks should be padded externally. */
-void intel_aes_gcmAAD(unsigned char Htbl[16*16], 
-                      unsigned char *AAD, 
-                      unsigned long Alen, 
-                      unsigned char *Tp);
-/* Encrypts and hashes the Plaintext. 
-   Operates on any length of data, however partial block should only be encrypted
-   at the last call, otherwise the result will be incorrect. */
-void intel_aes_gcmENC(const unsigned char* PT, 
-                      unsigned char* CT, 
-                      void *Gctx, 
-                      unsigned long len);
-/* Similar to ENC, but decrypts the Ciphertext. */
-void intel_aes_gcmDEC(const unsigned char* CT, 
-                      unsigned char* PT, 
-                      void *Gctx, 
-                      unsigned long len);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/jpake.c b/nss/lib/freebl/jpake.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 88cdc6e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/jpake.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-/* Hash an item's length and then its value. Only items smaller than 2^16 bytes
- * are allowed. Lengths are hashed in network byte order. This is designed
- * to match the OpenSSL J-PAKE implementation.
- */
-static mp_err
-hashSECItem(HASHContext * hash, const SECItem * it)
-    unsigned char length[2];
-    if (it->len > 0xffff)
-        return MP_BADARG;
-    length[0] = (unsigned char) (it->len >> 8);
-    length[1] = (unsigned char) (it->len);
-    hash->hashobj->update(hash->hash_context, length, 2);
-    hash->hashobj->update(hash->hash_context, it->data, it->len);
-    return MP_OKAY;
-/* Hash all public components of the signature, each prefixed with its
-   length, and then convert the hash to an mp_int. */
-static mp_err
-hashPublicParams(HASH_HashType hashType, const SECItem * g,
-                 const SECItem * gv, const SECItem * gx,
-                 const SECItem * signerID, mp_int * h)
-    mp_err err;
-    unsigned char hBuf[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    SECItem hItem;
-    HASHContext hash;
-    hash.hashobj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashType);
-    if (hash.hashobj == NULL || hash.hashobj->length > sizeof hBuf) {
-        return MP_BADARG;
-    }
-    hash.hash_context = hash.hashobj->create();
-    if (hash.hash_context == NULL) {
-        return MP_MEM;
-    }
- = hBuf;
-    hItem.len = hash.hashobj->length;
-    hash.hashobj->begin(hash.hash_context);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( hashSECItem(&hash, g) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( hashSECItem(&hash, gv) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( hashSECItem(&hash, gx) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( hashSECItem(&hash, signerID) );
-    hash.hashobj->end(hash.hash_context,, &hItem.len,
-                      sizeof hBuf);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(hItem, h);
-    if (hash.hash_context != NULL) {
-        hash.hashobj->destroy(hash.hash_context, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return err;
-/* Generate a Schnorr signature for round 1 or round 2 */
-JPAKE_Sign(PLArenaPool * arena, const PQGParams * pqg, HASH_HashType hashType,
-           const SECItem * signerID, const SECItem * x,
-           const SECItem * testRandom, const SECItem * gxIn, SECItem * gxOut,
-           SECItem * gv, SECItem * r)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err err;
-    mp_int p;
-    mp_int q;
-    mp_int g;
-    mp_int X;
-    mp_int GX;
-    mp_int V;
-    mp_int GV;
-    mp_int h;
-    mp_int tmp;
-    mp_int R;
-    SECItem v;
-    if (!arena    ||
-        !pqg      || !pqg->     || pqg->prime.len == 0 ||
-                     !pqg->  || pqg->subPrime.len == 0 ||
-                     !pqg->      || pqg->base.len == 0 ||
-        !signerID || !signerID->data      || signerID->len == 0 ||
-        !x        || !x->data             || x->len == 0 ||
-        (testRandom && (!testRandom->data || testRandom->len == 0)) ||
-        (gxIn == NULL && (!gxOut || gxOut->data != NULL)) ||
-        (gxIn != NULL && (!gxIn->data || gxIn->len == 0 || gxOut != NULL)) ||
-        !gv       || gv->data != NULL ||
-        !r        || r->data != NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&X) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&GX) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&V) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&GV) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&h) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&R) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&X) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&GX) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&V) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&GV) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&h) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&R) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(pqg->prime, &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(pqg->subPrime, &q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(pqg->base, &g);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*x,  &X);
-    /* gx = g^x */
-    if (gxIn == NULL) {
-        CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &X, &p, &GX) );
-        MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&GX, gxOut, arena);
-        gxIn = gxOut;
-    } else {
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*gxIn, &GX);
-    }
-    /* v is a random value in the q subgroup */
-    if (testRandom == NULL) {
- = NULL;
-        rv = DSA_NewRandom(arena, &pqg->subPrime, &v);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-    } else {
- = testRandom->data;
-        v.len = testRandom->len;
-    }
-    /* gv = g^v (mod q), random v, 1 <= v < q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &V, &p, &GV) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&GV, gv, arena);
-    /* h = H(g, gv, gx, signerID) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( hashPublicParams(hashType, &pqg->base, gv, gxIn, signerID,
-                                   &h) );
-    /* r = v - x*h (mod q) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&X, &h, &q, &tmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_submod(&V, &tmp, &q, &R) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&R, r, arena);
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    mp_clear(&X);
-    mp_clear(&GX);
-    mp_clear(&V);
-    mp_clear(&GV);
-    mp_clear(&h);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    mp_clear(&R);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && err != MP_OKAY) {
-        MP_TO_SEC_ERROR(err);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Verify a Schnorr signature generated by the peer in round 1 or round 2. */
-JPAKE_Verify(PLArenaPool * arena, const PQGParams * pqg, HASH_HashType hashType,
-             const SECItem * signerID, const SECItem * peerID,
-             const SECItem * gx, const SECItem * gv, const SECItem * r)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err err;
-    mp_int p;
-    mp_int q;
-    mp_int g;
-    mp_int p_minus_1;
-    mp_int GX;
-    mp_int h;
-    mp_int one;
-    mp_int R;
-    mp_int gr;
-    mp_int gxh;
-    mp_int gr_gxh;
-    SECItem calculated;
-    if (!arena    ||
-        !pqg      || !pqg->    || pqg->prime.len == 0 ||
-                     !pqg-> || pqg->subPrime.len == 0 ||
-                     !pqg->     || pqg->base.len == 0 ||
-        !signerID || !signerID->data  || signerID->len == 0 ||
-        !peerID   || !peerID->data    || peerID->len == 0 ||
-        !gx       || !gx->data        || gx->len == 0 ||
-        !gv       || !gv->data        || gv->len == 0 ||
-        !r        || !r->data         || r->len == 0 ||
-        SECITEM_CompareItem(signerID, peerID) == SECEqual) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p_minus_1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&GX) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&h) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&one) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&R) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&gr) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&gxh) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&gr_gxh) = 0;
- = NULL;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p_minus_1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&GX) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&h) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&one) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&R) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&gr) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&gxh) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&gr_gxh) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(pqg->prime, &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(pqg->subPrime, &q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(pqg->base, &g);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*gx, &GX);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*r, &R);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&p, 1, &p_minus_1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&GX, &q, &p, &one) );
-    /* Check g^x is in [1, p-2], R is in [0, q-1], and (g^x)^q mod p == 1 */
-    if (!(mp_cmp_z(&GX) > 0 && 
-          mp_cmp(&GX, &p_minus_1) < 0 && 
-          mp_cmp(&R, &q) < 0 &&
-          mp_cmp_d(&one, 1) == 0)) {
-        goto badSig;
-    }
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( hashPublicParams(hashType, &pqg->base, gv, gx, peerID,
-                                   &h) );
-    /* Calculate g^v = g^r * g^x^h */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&g, &R, &p, &gr) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&GX, &h, &p, &gxh) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&gr, &gxh, &p, &gr_gxh) );
-    /* Compare calculated g^v to given g^v */
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&gr_gxh, &calculated, arena);
-    if (calculated.len == gv->len &&
-        NSS_SecureMemcmp(, gv->data, calculated.len) == 0) {
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    mp_clear(&p_minus_1);
-    mp_clear(&GX);
-    mp_clear(&h);
-    mp_clear(&one);
-    mp_clear(&R);
-    mp_clear(&gr);
-    mp_clear(&gxh);
-    mp_clear(&gr_gxh);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && err != MP_OKAY) {
-        MP_TO_SEC_ERROR(err);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Calculate base = gx1*gx3*gx4 (mod p), i.e. g^(x1+x3+x4) (mod p) */
-static mp_err
-jpake_Round2Base(const SECItem * gx1, const SECItem * gx3,
-                 const SECItem * gx4, const mp_int * p, mp_int * base)
-    mp_err err;
-    mp_int GX1;
-    mp_int GX3;
-    mp_int GX4;
-    mp_int tmp;
-    MP_DIGITS(&GX1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&GX3) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&GX4) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&GX1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&GX3) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&GX4) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*gx1, &GX1);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*gx3, &GX3);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*gx4, &GX4);
-    /* In round 2, the peer/attacker sends us g^x3 and g^x4 and the protocol
-       requires that these values are distinct. */
-    if (mp_cmp(&GX3, &GX4) == 0) {
-        return MP_BADARG;
-    }
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&GX1, &GX3, &tmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&tmp, &GX4, &tmp) ); 
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&tmp, p, base) );
-    mp_clear(&GX1);
-    mp_clear(&GX3);
-    mp_clear(&GX4);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    return err;
-JPAKE_Round2(PLArenaPool * arena,
-             const SECItem * p, const SECItem  *q, const SECItem * gx1,
-             const SECItem * gx3, const SECItem * gx4, SECItem * base,
-             const SECItem * x2, const SECItem * s, SECItem * x2s)
-    mp_err err;
-    mp_int P;
-    mp_int Q;
-    mp_int X2;
-    mp_int S;
-    mp_int result;
-    if (!arena ||
-        !p     || !p->data    || p->len == 0   ||
-        !q     || !q->data    || q->len == 0   ||
-        !gx1   || !gx1->data  || gx1->len == 0 ||
-        !gx3   || !gx3->data  || gx3->len == 0 ||
-        !gx4   || !gx4->data  || gx4->len == 0 ||
-        !base  || base->data != NULL ||
-        (x2s != NULL && (x2s->data != NULL ||
-           !x2 || !x2->data   || x2->len == 0 ||
-           !s  || !s->data    || s->len == 0))) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&P) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&X2) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&S) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&result) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&P) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&result) );
-    if (x2s != NULL) {
-        CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&X2) );
-        CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&S) );
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*q, &Q);
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*x2, &X2);
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*s, &S);
-        /* S must be in [1, Q-1] */
-        if (mp_cmp_z(&S) <= 0 || mp_cmp(&S, &Q) >= 0) {
-            err = MP_BADARG;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&X2, &S, &Q, &result) );
-        MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&result, x2s, arena);
-    }
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*p, &P);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( jpake_Round2Base(gx1, gx3, gx4, &P, &result) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&result, base, arena);
-    mp_clear(&P);
-    mp_clear(&Q);
-    mp_clear(&X2);
-    mp_clear(&S);
-    mp_clear(&result);
-    if (err != MP_OKAY) {
-        MP_TO_SEC_ERROR(err);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-JPAKE_Final(PLArenaPool * arena, const SECItem * p, const SECItem * q,
-            const SECItem * x2, const SECItem * gx4, const SECItem * x2s,
-            const SECItem * B, SECItem * K)
-    mp_err err;
-    mp_int P;
-    mp_int Q;
-    mp_int tmp;
-    mp_int exponent;
-    mp_int divisor;
-    mp_int base;
-    if (!arena ||
-        !p     || !p->data    || p->len == 0   ||
-        !q     || !q->data    || q->len == 0   ||
-        !x2    || !x2->data   || x2->len == 0  ||
-        !gx4   || !gx4->data  || gx4->len == 0 ||
-        !x2s   || !x2s->data  || x2s->len == 0 ||
-        !B     || !B->data    || B->len == 0 ||
-        !K     || K->data != NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&P) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&exponent) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&divisor) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&base) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&P) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&exponent) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&divisor) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&base) );
-    /* exponent = -x2s (mod q) */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*q, &Q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*x2s, &tmp);
-    /*  q == 0 (mod q), so q - x2s == -x2s (mod q) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(&Q, &tmp, &exponent) );
-    /* divisor = gx4^-x2s = 1/(gx4^x2s) (mod p) */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*p, &P);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*gx4, &tmp);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&tmp, &exponent, &P, &divisor) );
-    /* base = B*divisor = B/(gx4^x2s) (mod p) */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*B, &tmp);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&divisor, &tmp, &P, &base) );
-    /* tmp = base^x2 (mod p) */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*x2, &exponent);
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&base, &exponent, &P, &tmp) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&tmp, K, arena);
-    mp_clear(&P);
-    mp_clear(&Q);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    mp_clear(&exponent);
-    mp_clear(&divisor);
-    mp_clear(&base);
-    if (err != MP_OKAY) {
-        MP_TO_SEC_ERROR(err);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/md2.c b/nss/lib/freebl/md2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d069eca..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/md2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#define MD2_DIGEST_LEN    16
-#define MD2_BUFSIZE       16
-#define MD2_X_SIZE        48  /* The X array, [CV | INPUT | TMP VARS] */
-#define MD2_CV             0  /* index into X for chaining variables */
-#define MD2_INPUT         16  /* index into X for input */
-#define MD2_TMPVARS       32  /* index into X for temporary variables */
-#define MD2_CHECKSUM_SIZE 16
-struct MD2ContextStr {
-	unsigned char checksum[MD2_BUFSIZE];
-	unsigned char X[MD2_X_SIZE];
-	PRUint8 unusedBuffer;
-static const PRUint8 MD2S[256] = {
- 0051, 0056, 0103, 0311, 0242, 0330, 0174, 0001,
- 0075, 0066, 0124, 0241, 0354, 0360, 0006, 0023,
- 0142, 0247, 0005, 0363, 0300, 0307, 0163, 0214,
- 0230, 0223, 0053, 0331, 0274, 0114, 0202, 0312,
- 0036, 0233, 0127, 0074, 0375, 0324, 0340, 0026,
- 0147, 0102, 0157, 0030, 0212, 0027, 0345, 0022,
- 0276, 0116, 0304, 0326, 0332, 0236, 0336, 0111,
- 0240, 0373, 0365, 0216, 0273, 0057, 0356, 0172,
- 0251, 0150, 0171, 0221, 0025, 0262, 0007, 0077,
- 0224, 0302, 0020, 0211, 0013, 0042, 0137, 0041,
- 0200, 0177, 0135, 0232, 0132, 0220, 0062, 0047,
- 0065, 0076, 0314, 0347, 0277, 0367, 0227, 0003,
- 0377, 0031, 0060, 0263, 0110, 0245, 0265, 0321,
- 0327, 0136, 0222, 0052, 0254, 0126, 0252, 0306,
- 0117, 0270, 0070, 0322, 0226, 0244, 0175, 0266,
- 0166, 0374, 0153, 0342, 0234, 0164, 0004, 0361,
- 0105, 0235, 0160, 0131, 0144, 0161, 0207, 0040,
- 0206, 0133, 0317, 0145, 0346, 0055, 0250, 0002,
- 0033, 0140, 0045, 0255, 0256, 0260, 0271, 0366,
- 0034, 0106, 0141, 0151, 0064, 0100, 0176, 0017,
- 0125, 0107, 0243, 0043, 0335, 0121, 0257, 0072,
- 0303, 0134, 0371, 0316, 0272, 0305, 0352, 0046,
- 0054, 0123, 0015, 0156, 0205, 0050, 0204, 0011,
- 0323, 0337, 0315, 0364, 0101, 0201, 0115, 0122,
- 0152, 0334, 0067, 0310, 0154, 0301, 0253, 0372,
- 0044, 0341, 0173, 0010, 0014, 0275, 0261, 0112,
- 0170, 0210, 0225, 0213, 0343, 0143, 0350, 0155,
- 0351, 0313, 0325, 0376, 0073, 0000, 0035, 0071,
- 0362, 0357, 0267, 0016, 0146, 0130, 0320, 0344,
- 0246, 0167, 0162, 0370, 0353, 0165, 0113, 0012,
- 0061, 0104, 0120, 0264, 0217, 0355, 0037, 0032,
- 0333, 0231, 0215, 0063, 0237, 0021, 0203, 0024
-MD2_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-	unsigned int len;
-	MD2Context *cx = MD2_NewContext();
-	if (!cx) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	MD2_Begin(cx);
-	MD2_Update(cx, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen(src));
-	MD2_End(cx, dest, &len, MD2_DIGEST_LEN);
-	MD2_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECSuccess;
-MD2Context *
-	MD2Context *cx = (MD2Context *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(MD2Context));
-	if (cx == NULL) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return cx;
-MD2_DestroyContext(MD2Context *cx, PRBool freeit)
-	if (freeit)
-		PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof(*cx));
-MD2_Begin(MD2Context *cx)
-	memset(cx, 0, sizeof(*cx));
-	cx->unusedBuffer = MD2_BUFSIZE;
-static void
-md2_compress(MD2Context *cx)
-	int j;
-	unsigned char P;
-	P = cx->checksum[MD2_CHECKSUM_SIZE-1];
-	/* Compute the running checksum, and set the tmp variables to be 
-	 * CV[i] XOR input[i] 
-	 */
-#define CKSUMFN(n) \
-	P = cx->checksum[n] ^ MD2S[cx->X[MD2_INPUT+n] ^ P]; \
-	cx->checksum[n] = P; \
-	cx->X[MD2_TMPVARS+n] = cx->X[n] ^ cx->X[MD2_INPUT+n];
-	CKSUMFN(10);
-	CKSUMFN(11);
-	CKSUMFN(12);
-	CKSUMFN(13);
-	CKSUMFN(14);
-	CKSUMFN(15);
-	/* The compression function. */
-#define COMPRESS(n) \
-	P = cx->X[n] ^ MD2S[P]; \
-	cx->X[n] = P;
-	P = 0x00;
-	for (j=0; j<18; j++) {
-		COMPRESS(10);
-		COMPRESS(11);
-		COMPRESS(12);
-		COMPRESS(13);
-		COMPRESS(14);
-		COMPRESS(15);
-		COMPRESS(16);
-		COMPRESS(17);
-		COMPRESS(18);
-		COMPRESS(19);
-		COMPRESS(20);
-		COMPRESS(21);
-		COMPRESS(22);
-		COMPRESS(23);
-		COMPRESS(24);
-		COMPRESS(25);
-		COMPRESS(26);
-		COMPRESS(27);
-		COMPRESS(28);
-		COMPRESS(29);
-		COMPRESS(30);
-		COMPRESS(31);
-		COMPRESS(32);
-		COMPRESS(33);
-		COMPRESS(34);
-		COMPRESS(35);
-		COMPRESS(36);
-		COMPRESS(37);
-		COMPRESS(38);
-		COMPRESS(39);
-		COMPRESS(40);
-		COMPRESS(41);
-		COMPRESS(42);
-		COMPRESS(43);
-		COMPRESS(44);
-		COMPRESS(45);
-		COMPRESS(46);
-		COMPRESS(47);
-		P = (P + j) % 256;
-	}
-	cx->unusedBuffer = MD2_BUFSIZE;
-MD2_Update(MD2Context *cx, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-	PRUint32 bytesToConsume;
-	/* Fill the remaining input buffer. */
-	if (cx->unusedBuffer != MD2_BUFSIZE) {
-		bytesToConsume = PR_MIN(inputLen, cx->unusedBuffer);
-		memcpy(&cx->X[MD2_INPUT + (MD2_BUFSIZE - cx->unusedBuffer)],
-		            input, bytesToConsume);
-		if (cx->unusedBuffer + bytesToConsume >= MD2_BUFSIZE)
-			md2_compress(cx);
-		inputLen -= bytesToConsume;
-		input += bytesToConsume;
-	}
-	/* Iterate over 16-byte chunks of the input. */
-	while (inputLen >= MD2_BUFSIZE) {
-		memcpy(&cx->X[MD2_INPUT], input, MD2_BUFSIZE);
-		md2_compress(cx);
-		inputLen -= MD2_BUFSIZE;
-		input += MD2_BUFSIZE;
-	}
-	/* Copy any input that remains into the buffer. */
-	if (inputLen)
-		memcpy(&cx->X[MD2_INPUT], input, inputLen);
-	cx->unusedBuffer = MD2_BUFSIZE - inputLen;
-MD2_End(MD2Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-        unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-	PRUint8 padStart;
-	if (maxDigestLen < MD2_BUFSIZE) {
-		return;
-	}
-	padStart = MD2_BUFSIZE - cx->unusedBuffer;
-	memset(&cx->X[MD2_INPUT + padStart], cx->unusedBuffer, 
-	            cx->unusedBuffer);
-	md2_compress(cx);
-	memcpy(&cx->X[MD2_INPUT], cx->checksum, MD2_BUFSIZE);
-	md2_compress(cx);
-	*digestLen = MD2_DIGEST_LEN;
-	memcpy(digest, &cx->X[MD2_CV], MD2_DIGEST_LEN);
-unsigned int 
-MD2_FlattenSize(MD2Context *cx)
-	return sizeof(*cx);
-MD2_Flatten(MD2Context *cx, unsigned char *space)
-	memcpy(space, cx, sizeof(*cx));
-	return SECSuccess;
-MD2Context * 
-MD2_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg)
-	MD2Context *cx = MD2_NewContext();
-	if (cx)
-		memcpy(cx, space, sizeof(*cx));
-	return cx;
-void MD2_Clone(MD2Context *dest, MD2Context *src) 
-	memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/md5.c b/nss/lib/freebl/md5.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ac15b6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/md5.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#define MD5_HASH_LEN 16
-#define MD5_BUFFER_SIZE 64
-#define CV0_1 0x67452301
-#define CV0_2 0xefcdab89
-#define CV0_3 0x98badcfe
-#define CV0_4 0x10325476
-#define T1_0  0xd76aa478
-#define T1_1  0xe8c7b756
-#define T1_2  0x242070db
-#define T1_3  0xc1bdceee
-#define T1_4  0xf57c0faf
-#define T1_5  0x4787c62a
-#define T1_6  0xa8304613
-#define T1_7  0xfd469501
-#define T1_8  0x698098d8
-#define T1_9  0x8b44f7af
-#define T1_10 0xffff5bb1
-#define T1_11 0x895cd7be
-#define T1_12 0x6b901122
-#define T1_13 0xfd987193
-#define T1_14 0xa679438e
-#define T1_15 0x49b40821
-#define T2_0  0xf61e2562
-#define T2_1  0xc040b340
-#define T2_2  0x265e5a51
-#define T2_3  0xe9b6c7aa
-#define T2_4  0xd62f105d
-#define T2_5  0x02441453
-#define T2_6  0xd8a1e681
-#define T2_7  0xe7d3fbc8
-#define T2_8  0x21e1cde6
-#define T2_9  0xc33707d6
-#define T2_10 0xf4d50d87
-#define T2_11 0x455a14ed
-#define T2_12 0xa9e3e905
-#define T2_13 0xfcefa3f8
-#define T2_14 0x676f02d9
-#define T2_15 0x8d2a4c8a
-#define T3_0  0xfffa3942
-#define T3_1  0x8771f681
-#define T3_2  0x6d9d6122
-#define T3_3  0xfde5380c
-#define T3_4  0xa4beea44
-#define T3_5  0x4bdecfa9
-#define T3_6  0xf6bb4b60
-#define T3_7  0xbebfbc70
-#define T3_8  0x289b7ec6
-#define T3_9  0xeaa127fa
-#define T3_10 0xd4ef3085
-#define T3_11 0x04881d05
-#define T3_12 0xd9d4d039
-#define T3_13 0xe6db99e5
-#define T3_14 0x1fa27cf8
-#define T3_15 0xc4ac5665
-#define T4_0  0xf4292244
-#define T4_1  0x432aff97
-#define T4_2  0xab9423a7
-#define T4_3  0xfc93a039
-#define T4_4  0x655b59c3
-#define T4_5  0x8f0ccc92
-#define T4_6  0xffeff47d
-#define T4_7  0x85845dd1
-#define T4_8  0x6fa87e4f
-#define T4_9  0xfe2ce6e0
-#define T4_10 0xa3014314
-#define T4_11 0x4e0811a1
-#define T4_12 0xf7537e82
-#define T4_13 0xbd3af235
-#define T4_14 0x2ad7d2bb
-#define T4_15 0xeb86d391
-#define R1B0  0
-#define R1B1  1
-#define R1B2  2
-#define R1B3  3
-#define R1B4  4
-#define R1B5  5
-#define R1B6  6
-#define R1B7  7
-#define R1B8  8
-#define R1B9  9
-#define R1B10 10
-#define R1B11 11
-#define R1B12 12
-#define R1B13 13
-#define R1B14 14
-#define R1B15 15
-#define R2B0  1
-#define R2B1  6
-#define R2B2  11
-#define R2B3  0
-#define R2B4  5
-#define R2B5  10
-#define R2B6  15
-#define R2B7  4
-#define R2B8  9
-#define R2B9  14
-#define R2B10 3 
-#define R2B11 8 
-#define R2B12 13
-#define R2B13 2 
-#define R2B14 7 
-#define R2B15 12
-#define R3B0  5
-#define R3B1  8
-#define R3B2  11
-#define R3B3  14
-#define R3B4  1
-#define R3B5  4
-#define R3B6  7
-#define R3B7  10
-#define R3B8  13
-#define R3B9  0
-#define R3B10 3 
-#define R3B11 6 
-#define R3B12 9 
-#define R3B13 12
-#define R3B14 15
-#define R3B15 2 
-#define R4B0  0
-#define R4B1  7
-#define R4B2  14
-#define R4B3  5
-#define R4B4  12
-#define R4B5  3
-#define R4B6  10
-#define R4B7  1
-#define R4B8  8
-#define R4B9  15
-#define R4B10 6 
-#define R4B11 13
-#define R4B12 4 
-#define R4B13 11
-#define R4B14 2 
-#define R4B15 9 
-#define S1_0 7
-#define S1_1 12
-#define S1_2 17
-#define S1_3 22
-#define S2_0 5
-#define S2_1 9
-#define S2_2 14
-#define S2_3 20
-#define S3_0 4
-#define S3_1 11
-#define S3_2 16
-#define S3_3 23
-#define S4_0 6
-#define S4_1 10
-#define S4_2 15
-#define S4_3 21
-struct MD5ContextStr {
-	PRUint32      lsbInput;
-	PRUint32      msbInput;
-	PRUint32      cv[4];
-	union {
-		PRUint8 b[64];
-		PRUint32 w[16];
-	} u;
-#define inBuf u.b
-MD5_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-	return MD5_HashBuf(dest, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen(src));
-MD5_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, PRUint32 src_length)
-	unsigned int len;
-	MD5Context cx;
-	MD5_Begin(&cx);
-	MD5_Update(&cx, src, src_length);
-	MD5_End(&cx, dest, &len, MD5_HASH_LEN);
-	memset(&cx, 0, sizeof cx);
-	return SECSuccess;
-MD5Context *
-	/* no need to ZAlloc, MD5_Begin will init the context */
-	MD5Context *cx = (MD5Context *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(MD5Context));
-	if (cx == NULL) {
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return cx;
-MD5_DestroyContext(MD5Context *cx, PRBool freeit)
-	memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-	if (freeit) {
-	    PORT_Free(cx);
-	}
-MD5_Begin(MD5Context *cx)
-	cx->lsbInput = 0;
-	cx->msbInput = 0;
-/*	memset(cx->inBuf, 0, sizeof(cx->inBuf)); */
-	cx->cv[0] = CV0_1;
-	cx->cv[1] = CV0_2;
-	cx->cv[2] = CV0_3;
-	cx->cv[3] = CV0_4;
-#define cls(i32, s) (tmp = i32, tmp << s | tmp >> (32 - s))
-#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(HPUX)
-#define addto64(sumhigh, sumlow, addend) \
-	sumlow += addend; sumhigh += (sumlow < addend);
-#define addto64(sumhigh, sumlow, addend) \
-	sumlow += addend; if (sumlow < addend) ++sumhigh;
-#define MASK 0x00ff00ff
-#define lendian(i32) \
-	(i32)
-#define lendian(i32) \
-	(tmp = (i32 >> 16) | (i32 << 16), ((tmp & MASK) << 8) | ((tmp >> 8) & MASK))
-#define lebytes(b4) \
-	((b4)[3] << 24 | (b4)[2] << 16 | (b4)[1] << 8 | (b4)[0])
-static void
-md5_prep_state_le(MD5Context *cx)
-	PRUint32 tmp;
-	cx->u.w[0] = lendian(cx->u.w[0]);
-	cx->u.w[1] = lendian(cx->u.w[1]);
-	cx->u.w[2] = lendian(cx->u.w[2]);
-	cx->u.w[3] = lendian(cx->u.w[3]);
-	cx->u.w[4] = lendian(cx->u.w[4]);
-	cx->u.w[5] = lendian(cx->u.w[5]);
-	cx->u.w[6] = lendian(cx->u.w[6]);
-	cx->u.w[7] = lendian(cx->u.w[7]);
-	cx->u.w[8] = lendian(cx->u.w[8]);
-	cx->u.w[9] = lendian(cx->u.w[9]);
-	cx->u.w[10] = lendian(cx->u.w[10]);
-	cx->u.w[11] = lendian(cx->u.w[11]);
-	cx->u.w[12] = lendian(cx->u.w[12]);
-	cx->u.w[13] = lendian(cx->u.w[13]);
-	cx->u.w[14] = lendian(cx->u.w[14]);
-	cx->u.w[15] = lendian(cx->u.w[15]);
-static void
-md5_prep_buffer_le(MD5Context *cx, const PRUint8 *beBuf)
-	cx->u.w[0] = lebytes(&beBuf[0]);
-	cx->u.w[1] = lebytes(&beBuf[4]);
-	cx->u.w[2] = lebytes(&beBuf[8]);
-	cx->u.w[3] = lebytes(&beBuf[12]);
-	cx->u.w[4] = lebytes(&beBuf[16]);
-	cx->u.w[5] = lebytes(&beBuf[20]);
-	cx->u.w[6] = lebytes(&beBuf[24]);
-	cx->u.w[7] = lebytes(&beBuf[28]);
-	cx->u.w[8] = lebytes(&beBuf[32]);
-	cx->u.w[9] = lebytes(&beBuf[36]);
-	cx->u.w[10] = lebytes(&beBuf[40]);
-	cx->u.w[11] = lebytes(&beBuf[44]);
-	cx->u.w[12] = lebytes(&beBuf[48]);
-	cx->u.w[13] = lebytes(&beBuf[52]);
-	cx->u.w[14] = lebytes(&beBuf[56]);
-	cx->u.w[15] = lebytes(&beBuf[60]);
-#define F(X, Y, Z) \
-	((X & Y) | ((~X) & Z))
-#define G(X, Y, Z) \
-	((X & Z) | (Y & (~Z)))
-#define H(X, Y, Z) \
-	(X ^ Y ^ Z)
-#define I(X, Y, Z) \
-	(Y ^ (X | (~Z)))
-#define FF(a, b, c, d, bufint, s, ti) \
-	a = b + cls(a + F(b, c, d) + bufint + ti, s)
-#define GG(a, b, c, d, bufint, s, ti) \
-	a = b + cls(a + G(b, c, d) + bufint + ti, s)
-#define HH(a, b, c, d, bufint, s, ti) \
-	a = b + cls(a + H(b, c, d) + bufint + ti, s)
-#define II(a, b, c, d, bufint, s, ti) \
-	a = b + cls(a + I(b, c, d) + bufint + ti, s)
-static void
-md5_compress(MD5Context *cx, const PRUint32 *wBuf)
-	PRUint32 a, b, c, d;
-	PRUint32 tmp;
-	a = cx->cv[0];
-	b = cx->cv[1];
-	c = cx->cv[2];
-	d = cx->cv[3];
-	FF(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R1B0 ], S1_0, T1_0);
-	FF(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R1B1 ], S1_1, T1_1);
-	FF(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R1B2 ], S1_2, T1_2);
-	FF(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R1B3 ], S1_3, T1_3);
-	FF(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R1B4 ], S1_0, T1_4);
-	FF(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R1B5 ], S1_1, T1_5);
-	FF(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R1B6 ], S1_2, T1_6);
-	FF(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R1B7 ], S1_3, T1_7);
-	FF(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R1B8 ], S1_0, T1_8);
-	FF(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R1B9 ], S1_1, T1_9);
-	FF(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R1B10], S1_2, T1_10);
-	FF(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R1B11], S1_3, T1_11);
-	FF(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R1B12], S1_0, T1_12);
-	FF(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R1B13], S1_1, T1_13);
-	FF(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R1B14], S1_2, T1_14);
-	FF(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R1B15], S1_3, T1_15);
-	GG(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R2B0 ], S2_0, T2_0);
-	GG(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R2B1 ], S2_1, T2_1);
-	GG(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R2B2 ], S2_2, T2_2);
-	GG(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R2B3 ], S2_3, T2_3);
-	GG(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R2B4 ], S2_0, T2_4);
-	GG(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R2B5 ], S2_1, T2_5);
-	GG(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R2B6 ], S2_2, T2_6);
-	GG(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R2B7 ], S2_3, T2_7);
-	GG(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R2B8 ], S2_0, T2_8);
-	GG(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R2B9 ], S2_1, T2_9);
-	GG(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R2B10], S2_2, T2_10);
-	GG(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R2B11], S2_3, T2_11);
-	GG(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R2B12], S2_0, T2_12);
-	GG(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R2B13], S2_1, T2_13);
-	GG(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R2B14], S2_2, T2_14);
-	GG(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R2B15], S2_3, T2_15);
-	HH(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R3B0 ], S3_0, T3_0);
-	HH(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R3B1 ], S3_1, T3_1);
-	HH(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R3B2 ], S3_2, T3_2);
-	HH(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R3B3 ], S3_3, T3_3);
-	HH(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R3B4 ], S3_0, T3_4);
-	HH(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R3B5 ], S3_1, T3_5);
-	HH(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R3B6 ], S3_2, T3_6);
-	HH(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R3B7 ], S3_3, T3_7);
-	HH(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R3B8 ], S3_0, T3_8);
-	HH(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R3B9 ], S3_1, T3_9);
-	HH(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R3B10], S3_2, T3_10);
-	HH(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R3B11], S3_3, T3_11);
-	HH(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R3B12], S3_0, T3_12);
-	HH(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R3B13], S3_1, T3_13);
-	HH(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R3B14], S3_2, T3_14);
-	HH(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R3B15], S3_3, T3_15);
-	II(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R4B0 ], S4_0, T4_0);
-	II(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R4B1 ], S4_1, T4_1);
-	II(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R4B2 ], S4_2, T4_2);
-	II(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R4B3 ], S4_3, T4_3);
-	II(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R4B4 ], S4_0, T4_4);
-	II(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R4B5 ], S4_1, T4_5);
-	II(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R4B6 ], S4_2, T4_6);
-	II(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R4B7 ], S4_3, T4_7);
-	II(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R4B8 ], S4_0, T4_8);
-	II(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R4B9 ], S4_1, T4_9);
-	II(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R4B10], S4_2, T4_10);
-	II(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R4B11], S4_3, T4_11);
-	II(a, b, c, d, wBuf[R4B12], S4_0, T4_12);
-	II(d, a, b, c, wBuf[R4B13], S4_1, T4_13);
-	II(c, d, a, b, wBuf[R4B14], S4_2, T4_14);
-	II(b, c, d, a, wBuf[R4B15], S4_3, T4_15);
-	cx->cv[0] += a;
-	cx->cv[1] += b;
-	cx->cv[2] += c;
-	cx->cv[3] += d;
-MD5_Update(MD5Context *cx, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-	PRUint32 bytesToConsume;
-	PRUint32 inBufIndex = cx->lsbInput & 63;
-	const PRUint32 *wBuf;
-	/* Add the number of input bytes to the 64-bit input counter. */
-	addto64(cx->msbInput, cx->lsbInput, inputLen);
-	if (inBufIndex) {
-		/* There is already data in the buffer.  Fill with input. */
-		bytesToConsume = PR_MIN(inputLen, MD5_BUFFER_SIZE - inBufIndex);
-		memcpy(&cx->inBuf[inBufIndex], input, bytesToConsume);
-		if (inBufIndex + bytesToConsume >= MD5_BUFFER_SIZE) {
-			/* The buffer is filled.  Run the compression function. */
-			md5_prep_state_le(cx);
-			md5_compress(cx, cx->u.w);
-		}
-		/* Remaining input. */
-		inputLen -= bytesToConsume;
-		input += bytesToConsume;
-	}
-	/* Iterate over 64-byte chunks of the message. */
-	while (inputLen >= MD5_BUFFER_SIZE) {
-#ifdef NSS_X86_OR_X64
-		/* x86 can handle arithmetic on non-word-aligned buffers */
-		wBuf = (PRUint32 *)input;
-		if ((ptrdiff_t)input & 0x3) {
-			/* buffer not aligned, copy it to force alignment */
-			memcpy(cx->inBuf, input, MD5_BUFFER_SIZE);
-			wBuf = cx->u.w;
-		} else {
-			/* buffer is aligned */
-			wBuf = (PRUint32 *)input;
-		}
-		md5_prep_buffer_le(cx, input);
-		wBuf = cx->u.w;
-		md5_compress(cx, wBuf);
-		inputLen -= MD5_BUFFER_SIZE;
-		input += MD5_BUFFER_SIZE;
-	}
-	/* Tail of message (message bytes mod 64). */
-	if (inputLen)
-		memcpy(cx->inBuf, input, inputLen);
-static const unsigned char padbytes[] = {
-	0x80, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,
-	0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00,  0x00
-MD5_End(MD5Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-        unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-	PRUint32 tmp;
-	PRUint32 lowInput, highInput;
-	PRUint32 inBufIndex = cx->lsbInput & 63;
-	if (maxDigestLen < MD5_HASH_LEN) {
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Copy out the length of bits input before padding. */
-	lowInput = cx->lsbInput; 
-	highInput = (cx->msbInput << 3) | (lowInput >> 29);
-	lowInput <<= 3;
-	if (inBufIndex < MD5_END_BUFFER) {
-		MD5_Update(cx, padbytes, MD5_END_BUFFER - inBufIndex);
-	} else {
-		MD5_Update(cx, padbytes, 
-		           MD5_END_BUFFER + MD5_BUFFER_SIZE - inBufIndex);
-	}
-	/* Store the number of bytes input (before padding) in final 64 bits. */
-	cx->u.w[14] = lendian(lowInput);
-	cx->u.w[15] = lendian(highInput);
-	/* Final call to compress. */
-	md5_prep_state_le(cx);
-	md5_compress(cx, cx->u.w);
-	/* Copy the resulting values out of the chain variables into return buf. */
-	if (digestLen)
-		*digestLen = MD5_HASH_LEN;
-	cx->cv[0] = lendian(cx->cv[0]);
-	cx->cv[1] = lendian(cx->cv[1]);
-	cx->cv[2] = lendian(cx->cv[2]);
-	cx->cv[3] = lendian(cx->cv[3]);
-	memcpy(digest, cx->cv, MD5_HASH_LEN);
-MD5_EndRaw(MD5Context *cx, unsigned char *digest,
-           unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-	PRUint32 tmp;
-	PRUint32 cv[4];
-	if (maxDigestLen < MD5_HASH_LEN) {
-		return;
-	}
-	memcpy(cv, cx->cv, sizeof(cv));
-	cv[0] = lendian(cv[0]);
-	cv[1] = lendian(cv[1]);
-	cv[2] = lendian(cv[2]);
-	cv[3] = lendian(cv[3]);
-	memcpy(digest, cv, MD5_HASH_LEN);
-	if (digestLen)
-		*digestLen = MD5_HASH_LEN;
-unsigned int 
-MD5_FlattenSize(MD5Context *cx)
-	return sizeof(*cx);
-MD5_Flatten(MD5Context *cx, unsigned char *space)
-	memcpy(space, cx, sizeof(*cx));
-	return SECSuccess;
-MD5Context * 
-MD5_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg)
-	MD5Context *cx = MD5_NewContext();
-	if (cx)
-		memcpy(cx, space, sizeof(*cx));
-	return cx;
-void MD5_Clone(MD5Context *dest, MD5Context *src) 
-	memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
-MD5_TraceState(MD5Context *cx)
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/logtab.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/logtab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2660e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/logtab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- *  logtab.h
- *
- *  Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const float s_logv_2[] = {
-   0.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.630929754f,  /*  0  1  2  3 */
-   0.500000000f, 0.430676558f, 0.386852807f, 0.356207187f,  /*  4  5  6  7 */
-   0.333333333f, 0.315464877f, 0.301029996f, 0.289064826f,  /*  8  9 10 11 */
-   0.278942946f, 0.270238154f, 0.262649535f, 0.255958025f,  /* 12 13 14 15 */
-   0.250000000f, 0.244650542f, 0.239812467f, 0.235408913f,  /* 16 17 18 19 */
-   0.231378213f, 0.227670249f, 0.224243824f, 0.221064729f,  /* 20 21 22 23 */
-   0.218104292f, 0.215338279f, 0.212746054f, 0.210309918f,  /* 24 25 26 27 */
-   0.208014598f, 0.205846832f, 0.203795047f, 0.201849087f,  /* 28 29 30 31 */
-   0.200000000f, 0.198239863f, 0.196561632f, 0.194959022f,  /* 32 33 34 35 */
-   0.193426404f, 0.191958720f, 0.190551412f, 0.189200360f,  /* 36 37 38 39 */
-   0.187901825f, 0.186652411f, 0.185449023f, 0.184288833f,  /* 40 41 42 43 */
-   0.183169251f, 0.182087900f, 0.181042597f, 0.180031327f,  /* 44 45 46 47 */
-   0.179052232f, 0.178103594f, 0.177183820f, 0.176291434f,  /* 48 49 50 51 */
-   0.175425064f, 0.174583430f, 0.173765343f, 0.172969690f,  /* 52 53 54 55 */
-   0.172195434f, 0.171441601f, 0.170707280f, 0.169991616f,  /* 56 57 58 59 */
-   0.169293808f, 0.168613099f, 0.167948779f, 0.167300179f,  /* 60 61 62 63 */
-   0.166666667f
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m-priv.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m-priv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c2f3b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m-priv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _MP_GF2M_PRIV_H_
-#define _MP_GF2M_PRIV_H_
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-extern const mp_digit mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[16];
-#if defined(MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT)
-#define MP_DIGIT_BITS 32
-/* enable fast divide and mod operations on MP_DIGIT_BITS */
-#define MP_DIGIT_BITS_LOG_2 5
-#define MP_DIGIT_BITS_MASK 0x1f
-#define MP_DIGIT_BITS 64
-/* enable fast divide and mod operations on MP_DIGIT_BITS */
-#define MP_DIGIT_BITS_LOG_2 6
-#define MP_DIGIT_BITS_MASK 0x3f
-/* Platform-specific macros for fast binary polynomial squaring. */
-#if MP_DIGIT_BITS == 32
-#define gf2m_SQR1(w) \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 28 & 0xF] << 24 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 24 & 0xF] << 16 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 20 & 0xF] <<  8 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 16 & 0xF]
-#define gf2m_SQR0(w) \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 12 & 0xF] << 24 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >>  8 & 0xF] << 16 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >>  4 & 0xF] <<  8 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w)       & 0xF]
-#define gf2m_SQR1(w) \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 60 & 0xF] << 56 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 56 & 0xF] << 48 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 52 & 0xF] << 40 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 48 & 0xF] << 32 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 44 & 0xF] << 24 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 40 & 0xF] << 16 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 36 & 0xF] <<  8 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 32 & 0xF]
-#define gf2m_SQR0(w) \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 28 & 0xF] << 56 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 24 & 0xF] << 48 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 20 & 0xF] << 40 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 16 & 0xF] << 32 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >> 12 & 0xF] << 24 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >>  8 & 0xF] << 16 | \
-    mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w) >>  4 & 0xF] <<  8 | mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[(w)       & 0xF]
-/* Multiply two binary polynomials mp_digits a, b.
- * Result is a polynomial with degree < 2 * MP_DIGIT_BITS - 1.
- * Output in two mp_digits rh, rl.
- */
-void s_bmul_1x1(mp_digit *rh, mp_digit *rl, const mp_digit a, const mp_digit b);
-/* Compute xor-multiply of two binary polynomials  (a1, a0) x (b1, b0)  
- * result is a binary polynomial in 4 mp_digits r[4].
- * The caller MUST ensure that r has the right amount of space allocated.
- */
-void s_bmul_2x2(mp_digit *r, const mp_digit a1, const mp_digit a0, const mp_digit b1,
-	const mp_digit b0);
-/* Compute xor-multiply of two binary polynomials  (a2, a1, a0) x (b2, b1, b0)  
- * result is a binary polynomial in 6 mp_digits r[6].
- * The caller MUST ensure that r has the right amount of space allocated.
- */
-void s_bmul_3x3(mp_digit *r, const mp_digit a2, const mp_digit a1, const mp_digit a0, 
-	const mp_digit b2, const mp_digit b1, const mp_digit b0);
-/* Compute xor-multiply of two binary polynomials  (a3, a2, a1, a0) x (b3, b2, b1, b0)  
- * result is a binary polynomial in 8 mp_digits r[8].
- * The caller MUST ensure that r has the right amount of space allocated.
- */
-void s_bmul_4x4(mp_digit *r, const mp_digit a3, const mp_digit a2, const mp_digit a1, 
-	const mp_digit a0, const mp_digit b3, const mp_digit b2, const mp_digit b1, 
-	const mp_digit b0);
-#endif /* _MP_GF2M_PRIV_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e84f3a0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mp_gf2m.h"
-#include "mp_gf2m-priv.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-const mp_digit mp_gf2m_sqr_tb[16] =
-      0,     1,     4,     5,    16,    17,    20,    21,
-     64,    65,    68,    69,    80,    81,    84,    85
-/* Multiply two binary polynomials mp_digits a, b.
- * Result is a polynomial with degree < 2 * MP_DIGIT_BITS - 1.
- * Output in two mp_digits rh, rl.
- */
-#if MP_DIGIT_BITS == 32
-s_bmul_1x1(mp_digit *rh, mp_digit *rl, const mp_digit a, const mp_digit b)
-    register mp_digit h, l, s;
-    mp_digit tab[8], top2b = a >> 30; 
-    register mp_digit a1, a2, a4;
-    a1 = a & (0x3FFFFFFF); a2 = a1 << 1; a4 = a2 << 1;
-    tab[0] =  0; tab[1] = a1;    tab[2] = a2;    tab[3] = a1^a2;
-    tab[4] = a4; tab[5] = a1^a4; tab[6] = a2^a4; tab[7] = a1^a2^a4;
-    s = tab[b       & 0x7]; l  = s;
-    s = tab[b >>  3 & 0x7]; l ^= s <<  3; h  = s >> 29;
-    s = tab[b >>  6 & 0x7]; l ^= s <<  6; h ^= s >> 26;
-    s = tab[b >>  9 & 0x7]; l ^= s <<  9; h ^= s >> 23;
-    s = tab[b >> 12 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 12; h ^= s >> 20;
-    s = tab[b >> 15 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 15; h ^= s >> 17;
-    s = tab[b >> 18 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 18; h ^= s >> 14;
-    s = tab[b >> 21 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 21; h ^= s >> 11;
-    s = tab[b >> 24 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 24; h ^= s >>  8;
-    s = tab[b >> 27 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 27; h ^= s >>  5;
-    s = tab[b >> 30      ]; l ^= s << 30; h ^= s >>  2;
-    /* compensate for the top two bits of a */
-    if (top2b & 01) { l ^= b << 30; h ^= b >> 2; } 
-    if (top2b & 02) { l ^= b << 31; h ^= b >> 1; } 
-    *rh = h; *rl = l;
-s_bmul_1x1(mp_digit *rh, mp_digit *rl, const mp_digit a, const mp_digit b)
-    register mp_digit h, l, s;
-    mp_digit tab[16], top3b = a >> 61;
-    register mp_digit a1, a2, a4, a8;
-    a1 = a & (0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL); a2 = a1 << 1; 
-    a4 = a2 << 1; a8 = a4 << 1;
-    tab[ 0] = 0;     tab[ 1] = a1;       tab[ 2] = a2;       tab[ 3] = a1^a2;
-    tab[ 4] = a4;    tab[ 5] = a1^a4;    tab[ 6] = a2^a4;    tab[ 7] = a1^a2^a4;
-    tab[ 8] = a8;    tab[ 9] = a1^a8;    tab[10] = a2^a8;    tab[11] = a1^a2^a8;
-    tab[12] = a4^a8; tab[13] = a1^a4^a8; tab[14] = a2^a4^a8; tab[15] = a1^a2^a4^a8;
-    s = tab[b       & 0xF]; l  = s;
-    s = tab[b >>  4 & 0xF]; l ^= s <<  4; h  = s >> 60;
-    s = tab[b >>  8 & 0xF]; l ^= s <<  8; h ^= s >> 56;
-    s = tab[b >> 12 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 12; h ^= s >> 52;
-    s = tab[b >> 16 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 16; h ^= s >> 48;
-    s = tab[b >> 20 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 20; h ^= s >> 44;
-    s = tab[b >> 24 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 24; h ^= s >> 40;
-    s = tab[b >> 28 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 28; h ^= s >> 36;
-    s = tab[b >> 32 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 32; h ^= s >> 32;
-    s = tab[b >> 36 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 36; h ^= s >> 28;
-    s = tab[b >> 40 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 40; h ^= s >> 24;
-    s = tab[b >> 44 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 44; h ^= s >> 20;
-    s = tab[b >> 48 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 48; h ^= s >> 16;
-    s = tab[b >> 52 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 52; h ^= s >> 12;
-    s = tab[b >> 56 & 0xF]; l ^= s << 56; h ^= s >>  8;
-    s = tab[b >> 60      ]; l ^= s << 60; h ^= s >>  4;
-    /* compensate for the top three bits of a */
-    if (top3b & 01) { l ^= b << 61; h ^= b >> 3; } 
-    if (top3b & 02) { l ^= b << 62; h ^= b >> 2; } 
-    if (top3b & 04) { l ^= b << 63; h ^= b >> 1; } 
-    *rh = h; *rl = l;
-/* Compute xor-multiply of two binary polynomials  (a1, a0) x (b1, b0)  
- * result is a binary polynomial in 4 mp_digits r[4].
- * The caller MUST ensure that r has the right amount of space allocated.
- */
-s_bmul_2x2(mp_digit *r, const mp_digit a1, const mp_digit a0, const mp_digit b1,
-           const mp_digit b0)
-    mp_digit m1, m0;
-    /* r[3] = h1, r[2] = h0; r[1] = l1; r[0] = l0 */
-    s_bmul_1x1(r+3, r+2, a1, b1);
-    s_bmul_1x1(r+1, r, a0, b0);
-    s_bmul_1x1(&m1, &m0, a0 ^ a1, b0 ^ b1);
-    /* Correction on m1 ^= l1 ^ h1; m0 ^= l0 ^ h0; */
-    r[2] ^= m1 ^ r[1] ^ r[3];  /* h0 ^= m1 ^ l1 ^ h1; */
-    r[1]  = r[3] ^ r[2] ^ r[0] ^ m1 ^ m0;  /* l1 ^= l0 ^ h0 ^ m0; */
-/* Compute xor-multiply of two binary polynomials  (a2, a1, a0) x (b2, b1, b0)  
- * result is a binary polynomial in 6 mp_digits r[6].
- * The caller MUST ensure that r has the right amount of space allocated.
- */
-s_bmul_3x3(mp_digit *r, const mp_digit a2, const mp_digit a1, const mp_digit a0, 
-	const mp_digit b2, const mp_digit b1, const mp_digit b0)
-	mp_digit zm[4];
-	s_bmul_1x1(r+5, r+4, a2, b2);         /* fill top 2 words */
-	s_bmul_2x2(zm, a1, a2^a0, b1, b2^b0); /* fill middle 4 words */
-	s_bmul_2x2(r, a1, a0, b1, b0);        /* fill bottom 4 words */
-	zm[3] ^= r[3];
-	zm[2] ^= r[2]; 
-	zm[1] ^= r[1] ^ r[5];
-	zm[0] ^= r[0] ^ r[4];
-	r[5]  ^= zm[3];
-	r[4]  ^= zm[2];
-	r[3]  ^= zm[1];
-	r[2]  ^= zm[0];
-/* Compute xor-multiply of two binary polynomials  (a3, a2, a1, a0) x (b3, b2, b1, b0)  
- * result is a binary polynomial in 8 mp_digits r[8].
- * The caller MUST ensure that r has the right amount of space allocated.
- */
-void s_bmul_4x4(mp_digit *r, const mp_digit a3, const mp_digit a2, const mp_digit a1, 
-	const mp_digit a0, const mp_digit b3, const mp_digit b2, const mp_digit b1, 
-	const mp_digit b0)
-	mp_digit zm[4];
-	s_bmul_2x2(r+4, a3, a2, b3, b2);            /* fill top 4 words */
-	s_bmul_2x2(zm, a3^a1, a2^a0, b3^b1, b2^b0); /* fill middle 4 words */
-	s_bmul_2x2(r, a1, a0, b1, b0);              /* fill bottom 4 words */
-	zm[3] ^= r[3] ^ r[7]; 
-	zm[2] ^= r[2] ^ r[6]; 
-	zm[1] ^= r[1] ^ r[5]; 
-	zm[0] ^= r[0] ^ r[4]; 
-	r[5]  ^= zm[3];    
-	r[4]  ^= zm[2];
-	r[3]  ^= zm[1];    
-	r[2]  ^= zm[0];
-/* Compute addition of two binary polynomials a and b,
- * store result in c; c could be a or b, a and b could be equal; 
- * c is the bitwise XOR of a and b.
- */
-mp_badd(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-    mp_digit *pa, *pb, *pc;
-    mp_size ix;
-    mp_size used_pa, used_pb;
-    mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-    /* Add all digits up to the precision of b.  If b had more
-     * precision than a initially, swap a, b first
-     */
-    if (MP_USED(a) >= MP_USED(b)) {
-        pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-        pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-        used_pa = MP_USED(a);
-        used_pb = MP_USED(b);
-    } else {
-        pa = MP_DIGITS(b);
-        pb = MP_DIGITS(a);
-        used_pa = MP_USED(b);
-        used_pb = MP_USED(a);
-    }
-    /* Make sure c has enough precision for the output value */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(c, used_pa) );
-    /* Do word-by-word xor */
-    pc = MP_DIGITS(c);
-    for (ix = 0; ix < used_pb; ix++) {
-        (*pc++) = (*pa++) ^ (*pb++);
-    }
-    /* Finish the rest of digits until we're actually done */
-    for (; ix < used_pa; ++ix) {
-        *pc++ = *pa++;
-    }
-    MP_USED(c) = used_pa;
-    MP_SIGN(c) = ZPOS;
-    s_mp_clamp(c);
-    return res;
-#define s_mp_div2(a) MP_CHECKOK( mpl_rsh((a), (a), 1) );
-/* Compute binary polynomial multiply d = a * b */
-static void 
-s_bmul_d(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *d)
-    mp_digit a_i, a0b0, a1b1, carry = 0;
-    while (a_len--) {
-        a_i = *a++;
-        s_bmul_1x1(&a1b1, &a0b0, a_i, b);
-        *d++ = a0b0 ^ carry;
-        carry = a1b1;
-    }
-    *d = carry;
-/* Compute binary polynomial xor multiply accumulate d ^= a * b */
-static void 
-s_bmul_d_add(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *d)
-    mp_digit a_i, a0b0, a1b1, carry = 0;
-    while (a_len--) {
-        a_i = *a++;
-        s_bmul_1x1(&a1b1, &a0b0, a_i, b);
-        *d++ ^= a0b0 ^ carry;
-        carry = a1b1;
-    }
-    *d ^= carry;
-/* Compute binary polynomial xor multiply c = a * b.  
- * All parameters may be identical.
- */
-mp_bmul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-    mp_digit *pb, b_i;
-    mp_int tmp;
-    mp_size ib, a_used, b_used;
-    mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-    if (a == c) {
-        MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&tmp, a) );
-        if (a == b)
-            b = &tmp;
-        a = &tmp;
-    } else if (b == c) {
-        MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&tmp, b) );
-        b = &tmp;
-    }
-    if (MP_USED(a) < MP_USED(b)) {
-        const mp_int *xch = b;      /* switch a and b if b longer */
-        b = a;
-        a = xch;
-    }
-    MP_USED(c) = 1; MP_DIGIT(c, 0) = 0;
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(c, USED(a) + USED(b)) );
-    pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-    s_bmul_d(MP_DIGITS(a), MP_USED(a), *pb++, MP_DIGITS(c));
-    /* Outer loop:  Digits of b */
-    a_used = MP_USED(a);
-    b_used = MP_USED(b);
-	MP_USED(c) = a_used + b_used;
-    for (ib = 1; ib < b_used; ib++) {
-        b_i = *pb++;
-        /* Inner product:  Digits of a */
-        if (b_i)
-            s_bmul_d_add(MP_DIGITS(a), a_used, b_i, MP_DIGITS(c) + ib);
-        else
-            MP_DIGIT(c, ib + a_used) = b_i;
-    }
-    s_mp_clamp(c);
-    SIGN(c) = ZPOS;
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    return res;
-/* Compute modular reduction of a and store result in r.  
- * r could be a. 
- * For modular arithmetic, the irreducible polynomial f(t) is represented 
- * as an array of int[], where f(t) is of the form: 
- *     f(t) = t^p[0] + t^p[1] + ... + t^p[k]
- * where m = p[0] > p[1] > ... > p[k] = 0.
- */
-mp_bmod(const mp_int *a, const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r)
-    int j, k;
-    int n, dN, d0, d1;
-    mp_digit zz, *z, tmp;
-    mp_size used;
-    mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-    /* The algorithm does the reduction in place in r, 
-     * if a != r, copy a into r first so reduction can be done in r
-     */
-    if (a != r) {
-        MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(a, r) );
-    }
-    z = MP_DIGITS(r);
-    /* start reduction */
-    /*dN = p[0] / MP_DIGIT_BITS; */
-    dN = p[0] >> MP_DIGIT_BITS_LOG_2;
-    used = MP_USED(r);
-    for (j = used - 1; j > dN;) {
-        zz = z[j];
-        if (zz == 0) {
-            j--; continue;
-        }
-        z[j] = 0;
-        for (k = 1; p[k] > 0; k++) {
-            /* reducing component t^p[k] */
-            n = p[0] - p[k];
-            /*d0 = n % MP_DIGIT_BITS;   */
-            d0 = n & MP_DIGIT_BITS_MASK;
-            d1 = MP_DIGIT_BITS - d0;
-            /*n /= MP_DIGIT_BITS; */
-            n >>= MP_DIGIT_BITS_LOG_2;
-            z[j-n] ^= (zz>>d0);
-            if (d0) 
-                z[j-n-1] ^= (zz<<d1);
-        }
-        /* reducing component t^0 */
-        n = dN;  
-        /*d0 = p[0] % MP_DIGIT_BITS;*/
-        d0 = p[0] & MP_DIGIT_BITS_MASK;
-        d1 = MP_DIGIT_BITS - d0;
-        z[j-n] ^= (zz >> d0);
-        if (d0) 
-            z[j-n-1] ^= (zz << d1);
-    }
-    /* final round of reduction */
-    while (j == dN) {
-        /* d0 = p[0] % MP_DIGIT_BITS; */
-        d0 = p[0] & MP_DIGIT_BITS_MASK;
-        zz = z[dN] >> d0;  
-        if (zz == 0) break;
-        d1 = MP_DIGIT_BITS - d0;
-        /* clear up the top d1 bits */
-        if (d0) {
-	    z[dN] = (z[dN] << d1) >> d1; 
-	} else {
-	    z[dN] = 0;
-	}
-        *z ^= zz; /* reduction t^0 component */
-        for (k = 1; p[k] > 0; k++) {
-            /* reducing component t^p[k]*/
-            /* n = p[k] / MP_DIGIT_BITS; */
-            n = p[k] >> MP_DIGIT_BITS_LOG_2;
-            /* d0 = p[k] % MP_DIGIT_BITS; */
-            d0 = p[k] & MP_DIGIT_BITS_MASK;
-            d1 = MP_DIGIT_BITS - d0;
-            z[n] ^= (zz << d0);
-            tmp = zz >> d1;
-            if (d0 && tmp)
-                z[n+1] ^= tmp;
-        }
-    }
-    s_mp_clamp(r);
-    return res;
-/* Compute the product of two polynomials a and b, reduce modulo p, 
- * Store the result in r.  r could be a or b; a could be b.
- */
-mp_bmulmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r)
-    mp_err res;
-    if (a == b) return mp_bsqrmod(a, p, r);
-    if ((res = mp_bmul(a, b, r) ) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    return mp_bmod(r, p, r);
-/* Compute binary polynomial squaring c = a*a mod p .  
- * Parameter r and a can be identical.
- */
-mp_bsqrmod(const mp_int *a, const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r)
-    mp_digit *pa, *pr, a_i;
-    mp_int tmp;
-    mp_size ia, a_used;
-    mp_err res;
-    ARGCHK(a != NULL && r != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    if (a == r) {
-        MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&tmp, a) );
-        a = &tmp;
-    }
-    MP_USED(r) = 1; MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = 0;
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(r, 2*USED(a)) );
-    pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-    pr = MP_DIGITS(r);
-    a_used = MP_USED(a);
-	MP_USED(r) = 2 * a_used;
-    for (ia = 0; ia < a_used; ia++) {
-        a_i = *pa++;
-        *pr++ = gf2m_SQR0(a_i);
-        *pr++ = gf2m_SQR1(a_i);
-    }
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_bmod(r, p, r) );
-    s_mp_clamp(r);
-    SIGN(r) = ZPOS;
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    return res;
-/* Compute binary polynomial y/x mod p, y divided by x, reduce modulo p.
- * Store the result in r. r could be x or y, and x could equal y.
- * Uses algorithm Modular_Division_GF(2^m) from 
- *     Chang-Shantz, S.  "From Euclid's GCD to Montgomery Multiplication to 
- *     the Great Divide".
- */
-mp_bdivmod(const mp_int *y, const mp_int *x, const mp_int *pp, 
-    const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r)
-    mp_int aa, bb, uu;
-    mp_int *a, *b, *u, *v;
-    mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-    MP_DIGITS(&aa) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&bb) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&uu) = 0;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&aa, x) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&uu, y) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&bb, pp) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(r, USED(pp)) );
-    MP_USED(r) = 1; MP_DIGIT(r, 0) = 0;
-    a = &aa; b= &bb; u=&uu; v=r;
-    /* reduce x and y mod p */
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_bmod(a, p, a) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_bmod(u, p, u) );
-    while (!mp_isodd(a)) {
-        s_mp_div2(a);
-        if (mp_isodd(u)) {
-            MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(u, pp, u) );
-        }
-        s_mp_div2(u);
-    }
-    do {
-        if (mp_cmp_mag(b, a) > 0) {
-            MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(b, a, b) );
-            MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(v, u, v) );
-            do {
-                s_mp_div2(b);
-                if (mp_isodd(v)) {
-                    MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(v, pp, v) );
-                }
-                s_mp_div2(v);
-            } while (!mp_isodd(b));
-        }
-        else if ((MP_DIGIT(a,0) == 1) && (MP_USED(a) == 1))
-            break;
-        else {
-            MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(a, b, a) );
-            MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(u, v, u) );
-            do {
-                s_mp_div2(a);
-                if (mp_isodd(u)) {
-                    MP_CHECKOK( mp_badd(u, pp, u) );
-                }
-                s_mp_div2(u);
-            } while (!mp_isodd(a));
-        }
-    } while (1);
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(u, r) );
-    mp_clear(&aa);
-    mp_clear(&bb);
-    mp_clear(&uu);
-    return res;
-/* Convert the bit-string representation of a polynomial a into an array
- * of integers corresponding to the bits with non-zero coefficient.
- * Up to max elements of the array will be filled.  Return value is total
- * number of coefficients that would be extracted if array was large enough.
- */
-mp_bpoly2arr(const mp_int *a, unsigned int p[], int max)
-    int i, j, k;
-    mp_digit top_bit, mask;
-    top_bit = 1;
-    top_bit <<= MP_DIGIT_BIT - 1;
-    for (k = 0; k < max; k++) p[k] = 0;
-    k = 0;
-    for (i = MP_USED(a) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        mask = top_bit;
-        for (j = MP_DIGIT_BIT - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
-            if (MP_DIGITS(a)[i] & mask) {
-                if (k < max) p[k] = MP_DIGIT_BIT * i + j;
-                k++;
-            }
-            mask >>= 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return k;
-/* Convert the coefficient array representation of a polynomial to a 
- * bit-string.  The array must be terminated by 0.
- */
-mp_barr2poly(const unsigned int p[], mp_int *a)
-    mp_err res = MP_OKAY;
-    int i;
-    mp_zero(a);
-    for (i = 0; p[i] > 0; i++) {
-	MP_CHECKOK( mpl_set_bit(a, p[i], 1) );
-    }
-    MP_CHECKOK( mpl_set_bit(a, 0, 1) );
-    return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9faa026..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_gf2m.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _MP_GF2M_H_
-#define _MP_GF2M_H_
-#include "mpi.h"
-mp_err mp_badd(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_bmul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-/* For modular arithmetic, the irreducible polynomial f(t) is represented 
- * as an array of int[], where f(t) is of the form: 
- *     f(t) = t^p[0] + t^p[1] + ... + t^p[k]
- * where m = p[0] > p[1] > ... > p[k] = 0.
- */
-mp_err mp_bmod(const mp_int *a, const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r);
-mp_err mp_bmulmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const unsigned int p[], 
-    mp_int *r);
-mp_err mp_bsqrmod(const mp_int *a, const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r);
-mp_err mp_bdivmod(const mp_int *y, const mp_int *x, const mp_int *pp, 
-    const unsigned int p[], mp_int *r);
-int mp_bpoly2arr(const mp_int *a, unsigned int p[], int max);
-mp_err mp_barr2poly(const unsigned int p[], mp_int *a);
-#endif /* _MP_GF2M_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpcpucache.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpcpucache.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9250061..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpcpucache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
- * This file implements a single function: s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize();
- * s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize() returns the size in bytes of the cache line
- * if a cache exists, or zero if there is no cache. If more than one
- * cache line exists, it should return the smallest line size (which is 
- * usually the L1 cache).
- *
- * mp_modexp uses this information to make sure that private key information
- * isn't being leaked through the cache.
- *
- * Currently the file returns good data for most modern x86 processors, and
- * reasonable data on 64-bit ppc processors. All other processors are assumed
- * to have a cache line size of 32 bytes unless modified by
- * 
- */
-#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386) || defined(__X86__) || defined (_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
-/* X86 processors have special instructions that tell us about the cache */
-#include "string.h"
-#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64)
-#define AMD_64 1
-/* Generic CPUID function */
-#if defined(AMD_64)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-void freebl_cpuid(unsigned long op, unsigned long *eax, 
-	                 unsigned long *ebx, unsigned long *ecx, 
-                         unsigned long *edx)
-	__asm__("cpuid\n\t"
-		: "=a" (*eax),
-		  "=b" (*ebx),
-		  "=c" (*ecx),
-		  "=d" (*edx)
-		: "0" (op));
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#include <intrin.h>
-void freebl_cpuid(unsigned long op, unsigned long *eax, 
-           unsigned long *ebx, unsigned long *ecx, 
-           unsigned long *edx)
-    int intrinsic_out[4];
-    __cpuid(intrinsic_out, op);
-    *eax = intrinsic_out[0];
-    *ebx = intrinsic_out[1];
-    *ecx = intrinsic_out[2];
-    *edx = intrinsic_out[3];
-#else /* !defined(AMD_64) */
-/* x86 */
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-void freebl_cpuid(unsigned long op, unsigned long *eax, 
-	                 unsigned long *ebx, unsigned long *ecx, 
-                         unsigned long *edx)
-/* sigh GCC isn't smart enough to save the ebx PIC register on it's own
- * in this case, so do it by hand. Use edi to store ebx and pass the
- * value returned in ebx from cpuid through edi. */
-	__asm__("mov %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
-		  "cpuid\n\t"
-		  "xchgl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
-		: "=a" (*eax),
-		  "=D" (*ebx),
-		  "=c" (*ecx),
-		  "=d" (*edx)
-		: "0" (op));
- * try flipping a processor flag to determine CPU type
- */
-static unsigned long changeFlag(unsigned long flag)
-	unsigned long changedFlags, originalFlags;
-	__asm__("pushfl\n\t"            /* get the flags */
-	        "popl %0\n\t"
-	        "movl %0,%1\n\t"	/* save the original flags */
-	        "xorl %2,%0\n\t" 	/* flip the bit */
-		"pushl %0\n\t"  	/* set the flags */
-	        "popfl\n\t"
-		"pushfl\n\t"		/* get the flags again (for return) */
-		"popl %0\n\t"
-		"pushl %1\n\t"		/* restore the original flags */
-		 "popfl\n\t"
-		: "=r" (changedFlags),
-		  "=r" (originalFlags),
-		  "=r" (flag)
-		: "2" (flag));
-	return changedFlags ^ originalFlags;
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
- * windows versions of the above assembler
- */
-#define wcpuid __asm __emit 0fh __asm __emit 0a2h
-void freebl_cpuid(unsigned long op,    unsigned long *Reax, 
-    unsigned long *Rebx, unsigned long *Recx, unsigned long *Redx)
-        unsigned long  Leax, Lebx, Lecx, Ledx;
-        __asm {
-        pushad
-        mov     eax,op
-        wcpuid
-        mov     Leax,eax
-        mov     Lebx,ebx
-        mov     Lecx,ecx
-        mov     Ledx,edx
-        popad
-        }
-        *Reax = Leax;
-        *Rebx = Lebx;
-        *Recx = Lecx;
-        *Redx = Ledx;
-static unsigned long changeFlag(unsigned long flag)
-	unsigned long changedFlags, originalFlags;
-	__asm {
-		push eax
-		push ebx
-		pushfd 	                /* get the flags */
-	        pop  eax
-		push eax		/* save the flags on the stack */
-	        mov  originalFlags,eax  /* save the original flags */
-		mov  ebx,flag
-	        xor  eax,ebx            /* flip the bit */
-		push eax                /* set the flags */
-	        popfd
-		pushfd                  /* get the flags again (for return) */
-		pop  eax	
-		popfd                   /* restore the original flags */
-		mov changedFlags,eax
-		pop ebx
-		pop eax
-	}
-	return changedFlags ^ originalFlags;
-#if !defined(AMD_64)
-#define AC_FLAG 0x40000
-#define ID_FLAG 0x200000
-/* 386 processors can't flip the AC_FLAG, intel AP Note AP-485 */
-static int is386()
-    return changeFlag(AC_FLAG) == 0;
-/* 486 processors can't flip the ID_FLAG, intel AP Note AP-485 */
-static int is486()
-    return changeFlag(ID_FLAG) == 0;
- * table for Intel Cache.
- * See Intel Application Note AP-485 for more information 
- */
-typedef unsigned char CacheTypeEntry;
-typedef enum {
-    Cache_NONE    = 0,
-    Cache_UNKNOWN = 1,
-    Cache_TLB     = 2,
-    Cache_TLBi    = 3,
-    Cache_TLBd    = 4,
-    Cache_Trace   = 5,
-    Cache_L1      = 6,
-    Cache_L1i     = 7,
-    Cache_L1d     = 8,
-    Cache_L2      = 9 ,
-    Cache_L2i     = 10 ,
-    Cache_L2d     = 11 ,
-    Cache_L3      = 12 ,
-    Cache_L3i     = 13,
-    Cache_L3d     = 14
-} CacheType;
-struct _cache {
-    CacheTypeEntry type;
-    unsigned char lineSize;
-static const struct _cache CacheMap[256] = {
-/* 00 */ {Cache_NONE,    0   },
-/* 01 */ {Cache_TLBi,    0   },
-/* 02 */ {Cache_TLBi,    0   },
-/* 03 */ {Cache_TLBd,    0   },
-/* 04 */ {Cache_TLBd,        },
-/* 05 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 06 */ {Cache_L1i,     32  },
-/* 07 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 08 */ {Cache_L1i,     32  },
-/* 09 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 0a */ {Cache_L1d,     32  },
-/* 0b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 0c */ {Cache_L1d,     32  },
-/* 0d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 0e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 0f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 10 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 11 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 12 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 13 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 14 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 15 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 16 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 17 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 18 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 19 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 1a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 1b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 1c */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 1d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 1e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 1f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 20 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 21 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 22 */ {Cache_L3,      64  },
-/* 23 */ {Cache_L3,      64  },
-/* 24 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 25 */ {Cache_L3,      64  },
-/* 26 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 27 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 28 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 29 */ {Cache_L3,      64  },
-/* 2a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 2b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 2c */ {Cache_L1d,     64  },
-/* 2d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 2e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 2f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 30 */ {Cache_L1i,     64  },
-/* 31 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 32 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 33 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 34 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 35 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 36 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 37 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 38 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 39 */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 3a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 3b */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 3c */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 3d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 3e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 3f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 40 */ {Cache_L2,      0   },
-/* 41 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 42 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 43 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 44 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 45 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 46 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 47 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 48 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 49 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 4a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 4b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 4c */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 4d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 4e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 4f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 50 */ {Cache_TLBi,    0   },
-/* 51 */ {Cache_TLBi,    0   },
-/* 52 */ {Cache_TLBi,    0   },
-/* 53 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 54 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 55 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 56 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 57 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 58 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 59 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 5a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 5b */ {Cache_TLBd,    0   },
-/* 5c */ {Cache_TLBd,    0   },
-/* 5d */ {Cache_TLBd,    0   },
-/* 5e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 5f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 60 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 61 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 62 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 63 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 64 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 65 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 66 */ {Cache_L1d,     64  },
-/* 67 */ {Cache_L1d,     64  },
-/* 68 */ {Cache_L1d,     64  },
-/* 69 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 6a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 6b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 6c */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 6d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 6e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 6f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 70 */ {Cache_Trace,   1   },
-/* 71 */ {Cache_Trace,   1   },
-/* 72 */ {Cache_Trace,   1   },
-/* 73 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 74 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 75 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 76 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 77 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 78 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 79 */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 7a */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 7b */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 7c */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 7d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 7e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 7f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 80 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 81 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 82 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 83 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 84 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 85 */ {Cache_L2,      32  },
-/* 86 */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 87 */ {Cache_L2,      64  },
-/* 88 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 89 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 8a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 8b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 8c */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 8d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 8e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 8f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 90 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 91 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 92 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 93 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 94 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 95 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 96 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 97 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 98 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 99 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 9a */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 9b */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 9c */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 9d */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 9e */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* 9f */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a0 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a1 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a2 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a3 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a4 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a5 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a6 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a7 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a8 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* a9 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* aa */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ab */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ac */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ad */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ae */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* af */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b0 */ {Cache_TLBi,    0   },
-/* b1 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b2 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b3 */ {Cache_TLBd,    0   },
-/* b4 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b5 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b6 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b7 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b8 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* b9 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ba */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* bb */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* bc */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* bd */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* be */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* bf */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c0 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c1 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c2 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c3 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c4 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c5 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c6 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c7 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c8 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* c9 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ca */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* cb */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* cc */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* cd */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ce */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* cf */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d0 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d1 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d2 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d3 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d4 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d5 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d6 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d7 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d8 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* d9 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* da */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* db */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* dc */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* dd */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* de */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* df */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e0 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e1 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e2 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e3 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e4 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e5 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e6 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e7 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e8 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* e9 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ea */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* eb */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ec */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ed */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ee */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ef */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f0 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f1 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f2 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f3 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f4 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f5 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f6 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f7 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f8 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* f9 */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* fa */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* fb */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* fc */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* fd */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* fe */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   },
-/* ff */ {Cache_UNKNOWN, 0   }
- * use the above table to determine the CacheEntryLineSize.
- */
-static void
-getIntelCacheEntryLineSize(unsigned long val, int *level, 
-						unsigned long *lineSize)
-    CacheType type;
-    type = CacheMap[val].type;
-    /* only interested in data caches */
-    /* NOTE val = 0x40 is a special value that means no L2 or L3 cache.
-     * this data check has the side effect of rejecting that entry. If
-     * that wasn't the case, we could have to reject it explicitly */
-    if (CacheMap[val].lineSize == 0) {
-	return;
-    }
-    /* look at the caches, skip types we aren't interested in.
-     * if we already have a value for a lower level cache, skip the
-     * current entry */
-    if ((type == Cache_L1)|| (type == Cache_L1d)) {
-	*level = 1;
-	*lineSize = CacheMap[val].lineSize;
-    } else if ((*level >= 2) && ((type == Cache_L2) || (type == Cache_L2d))) {
-	*level = 2;
-	*lineSize = CacheMap[val].lineSize;
-    } else if ((*level >= 3) && ((type == Cache_L3) || (type == Cache_L3d))) {
-	*level = 3;
-	*lineSize = CacheMap[val].lineSize;
-    }
-    return;
-static void
-getIntelRegisterCacheLineSize(unsigned long val, 
-			int *level, unsigned long *lineSize)
-    getIntelCacheEntryLineSize(val >> 24 & 0xff, level, lineSize);
-    getIntelCacheEntryLineSize(val >> 16 & 0xff, level, lineSize);
-    getIntelCacheEntryLineSize(val >> 8 & 0xff, level, lineSize);
-    getIntelCacheEntryLineSize(val & 0xff, level, lineSize);
- * returns '0' if no recognized cache is found, or if the cache
- * information is supported by this processor 
- */
-static unsigned long
-getIntelCacheLineSize(int cpuidLevel)
-    int level = 4;
-    unsigned long lineSize = 0;
-    unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
-    int repeat, count;
-    if (cpuidLevel < 2) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* command '2' of the cpuid is intel's cache info call. Each byte of the
-     * 4 registers contain a potential descriptor for the cache. The CacheMap	
-     * table maps the cache entry with the processor cache. Register 'al'
-     * contains a count value that cpuid '2' needs to be called in order to 
-     * find all the cache descriptors. Only registers with the high bit set
-     * to 'zero' have valid descriptors. This code loops through all the
-     * required calls to cpuid '2' and passes any valid descriptors it finds
-     * to the getIntelRegisterCacheLineSize code, which breaks the registers
-     * down into their component descriptors. In the end the lineSize of the
-     * lowest level cache data cache is returned. */
-    freebl_cpuid(2, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-    repeat = eax & 0xf;
-    for (count = 0; count < repeat; count++) {
-	if ((eax & 0x80000000) == 0) {
-	    getIntelRegisterCacheLineSize(eax & 0xffffff00, &level, &lineSize);
-	}
-	if ((ebx & 0x80000000) == 0) {
-	    getIntelRegisterCacheLineSize(ebx, &level, &lineSize);
-	}
-	if ((ecx & 0x80000000) == 0) {
-	    getIntelRegisterCacheLineSize(ecx, &level, &lineSize);
-	}
-	if ((edx & 0x80000000) == 0) {
-	    getIntelRegisterCacheLineSize(edx, &level, &lineSize);
-	}
-	if (count+1 != repeat) {
-	    freebl_cpuid(2, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-	}
-    }
-    return lineSize;
- * returns '0' if the cache info is not supported by this processor.
- * This is based on the AMD extended cache commands for cpuid. 
- * (see "AMD Processor Recognition Application Note" Publication 20734).
- * Some other processors use the identical scheme.
- * (see "Processor Recognition, Transmeta Corporation").
- */
-static unsigned long
-getOtherCacheLineSize(unsigned long cpuidLevel)
-    unsigned long lineSize = 0;
-    unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
-    /* get the Extended CPUID level */
-    freebl_cpuid(0x80000000, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-    cpuidLevel = eax;
-    if (cpuidLevel >= 0x80000005) {
-	freebl_cpuid(0x80000005, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-	lineSize = ecx & 0xff; /* line Size, L1 Data Cache */
-    }
-    return lineSize;
-static const char * const manMap[] = {
-#define INTEL     0
-    "GenuineIntel",
-#define AMD       1
-    "AuthenticAMD",
-#define CYRIX     2
-    "CyrixInstead",
-#define CENTAUR   2
-    "CentaurHauls",
-#define NEXGEN    3
-    "NexGenDriven",
-#define TRANSMETA 4
-    "GenuineTMx86",
-#define RISE      5
-    "RiseRiseRise",
-#define UMC       6
-    "UMC UMC UMC ",
-#define SIS       7
-    "Sis Sis Sis ",
-#define NATIONAL  8
-    "Geode by NSC",
-static const int n_manufacturers = sizeof(manMap)/sizeof(manMap[0]);
-#define MAN_UNKNOWN 9
-#if !defined(AMD_64)
-#define SSE2_FLAG (1<<26)
-unsigned long
-    unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
-    if (is386() || is486()) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    freebl_cpuid(0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-    /* has no SSE2 extensions */
-    if (eax == 0) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    freebl_cpuid(1,&eax,&ebx,&ecx,&edx);
-    return (edx & SSE2_FLAG) == SSE2_FLAG;
-unsigned long
-    unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
-    PRUint32 cpuid[3];
-    unsigned long cpuidLevel;
-    unsigned long cacheLineSize = 0;
-    int manufacturer = MAN_UNKNOWN;
-    int i;
-    char string[13];
-#if !defined(AMD_64)
-    if (is386()) {
-	return 0; /* 386 had no cache */
-    } if (is486()) {
-	return 32; /* really? need more info */
-    }
-    /* Pentium, cpuid command is available */
-    freebl_cpuid(0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-    cpuidLevel = eax;
-    /* string holds the CPU's manufacturer ID string - a twelve
-     * character ASCII string stored in ebx, edx, ecx, and
-     * the 32-bit extended feature flags are in edx, ecx.
-     */
-    cpuid[0] = ebx;
-    cpuid[1] = ecx;
-    cpuid[2] = edx;
-    memcpy(string, cpuid, sizeof(cpuid));
-    string[12] = 0;
-    manufacturer = MAN_UNKNOWN;
-    for (i=0; i < n_manufacturers; i++) {
-	if ( strcmp(manMap[i],string) == 0) {
-	    manufacturer = i;
-	}
-    }
-    if (manufacturer == INTEL) {
-	cacheLineSize = getIntelCacheLineSize(cpuidLevel);
-    } else {
-	cacheLineSize = getOtherCacheLineSize(cpuidLevel);
-    }
-    /* doesn't support cache info based on cpuid. This means
-     * an old pentium class processor, which have cache lines of
-     * 32. If we learn differently, we can use a switch based on
-     * the Manufacturer id  */
-    if (cacheLineSize == 0) {
-	cacheLineSize = 32;
-    }
-    return cacheLineSize;
-#if defined(__ppc64__) 
- *  Sigh, The PPC has some really nice features to help us determine cache
- *  size, since it had lots of direct control functions to do so. The POWER
- *  processor even has an instruction to do this, but it was dropped in
- *  PowerPC. Unfortunately most of them are not available in user mode.
- *
- *  The dcbz function would be a great way to determine cache line size except
- *  1) it only works on write-back memory (it throws an exception otherwise), 
- *  and 2) because so many mac programs 'knew' the processor cache size was
- *  32 bytes, they used this instruction as a fast 'zero 32 bytes'. Now the new
- *  G5 processor has 128 byte cache, but dcbz only clears 32 bytes to keep
- *  these programs happy. dcbzl work if 64 bit instructions are supported.
- *  If you know 64 bit instructions are supported, and that stack is 
- *  write-back, you can use this code.
- */
-#include "memory.h"
-/* clear the cache line that contains 'array' */
-static inline void dcbzl(char *array)
-	register char *a asm("r2") = array;
-	__asm__ __volatile__( "dcbzl %0,r0" : "=r" (a): "0"(a) );
-#define PPC_DO_ALIGN(x,y) ((char *)\
-			((((long long) (x))+((y)-1))&~((y)-1)))
-#define PPC_MAX_LINE_SIZE 256
-unsigned long
-    char testArray[2*PPC_MAX_LINE_SIZE+1];
-    char *test;
-    int i;
-    /* align the array on a maximum line size boundary, so we
-     * know we are starting to clear from the first address */
-    test = PPC_DO_ALIGN(testArray, PPC_MAX_LINE_SIZE); 
-    /* set all the values to 1's */
-    memset(test, 0xff, PPC_MAX_LINE_SIZE);
-    /* clear one cache block starting at 'test' */
-    dcbzl(test);
-    /* find the size of the cleared area, that's our block size */
-    for (i=PPC_MAX_LINE_SIZE; i != 0; i = i/2) {
-	if (test[i-1] == 0) {
-	    return i;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
- * put other processor and platform specific cache code here
- * return the smallest cache line size in bytes on the processor 
- * (usually the L1 cache). If the OS has a call, this would be
- * a greate place to put it.
- *
- * If there is no cache, return 0;
- * 
- * define MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_LINE_SIZE_DEFINED so the generic functions
- * below aren't compiled.
- *
- */
-/* can define MPI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE if it's common for the family or 
- * OS */
-unsigned long
-/* If no way to get the processor cache line size has been defined, assume
- * it's 32 bytes (most common value, does not significantly impact performance)
- */ 
-unsigned long
-   return 32;
-#ifdef TEST_IT
-#include <stdio.h>
-    printf("line size = %d\n", s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize());
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-config.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d35028..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* Default configuration for MPI library 
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef MPI_CONFIG_H_
-#define MPI_CONFIG_H_
-  For boolean options, 
-  0 = no
-  1 = yes
-  Other options are documented individually.
- */
-#ifndef MP_IOFUNC
-#define MP_IOFUNC     0  /* include mp_print() ?                */
-#ifndef MP_MODARITH
-#define MP_MODARITH   1  /* include modular arithmetic ?        */
-#ifndef MP_NUMTH
-#define MP_NUMTH      1  /* include number theoretic functions? */
-#ifndef MP_LOGTAB
-#define MP_LOGTAB     1  /* use table of logs instead of log()? */
-#ifndef MP_MEMSET
-#define MP_MEMSET     1  /* use memset() to zero buffers?       */
-#ifndef MP_MEMCPY
-#define MP_MEMCPY     1  /* use memcpy() to copy buffers?       */
-#ifndef MP_CRYPTO
-#define MP_CRYPTO     1  /* erase memory on free?               */
-#ifndef MP_ARGCHK
-  0 = no parameter checks
-  1 = runtime checks, continue execution and return an error to caller
-  2 = assertions; dump core on parameter errors
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define MP_ARGCHK     2  /* how to check input arguments        */
-#define MP_ARGCHK     1  /* how to check input arguments        */
-#ifndef MP_DEBUG
-#define MP_DEBUG      0  /* print diagnostic output?            */
-#ifndef MP_DEFPREC
-#define MP_DEFPREC    64 /* default precision, in digits        */
-#ifndef MP_MACRO
-#define MP_MACRO      1  /* use macros for frequent calls?      */
-#ifndef MP_SQUARE
-#define MP_SQUARE     1  /* use separate squaring code?         */
-#endif /* ifndef MPI_CONFIG_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-priv.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-priv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a0725f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi-priv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
- *  mpi-priv.h	- Private header file for MPI 
- *  Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
- *
- *  NOTE WELL: the content of this header file is NOT part of the "public"
- *  API for the MPI library, and may change at any time.  
- *  Application programs that use libmpi should NOT include this header file.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _MPI_PRIV_H_
-#define _MPI_PRIV_H_ 1
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define DIAG(T,V) {fprintf(stderr,T);mp_print(V,stderr);fputc('\n',stderr);}
-#define DIAG(T,V)
-/* If we aren't using a wired-in logarithm table, we need to include
-   the math library to get the log() function
- */
-/* {{{ s_logv_2[] - log table for 2 in various bases */
-  A table of the logs of 2 for various bases (the 0 and 1 entries of
-  this table are meaningless and should not be referenced).  
-  This table is used to compute output lengths for the mp_toradix()
-  function.  Since a number n in radix r takes up about log_r(n)
-  digits, we estimate the output size by taking the least integer
-  greater than log_r(n), where:
-  log_r(n) = log_2(n) * log_r(2)
-  This table, therefore, is a table of log_r(2) for 2 <= r <= 36,
-  which are the output bases supported.  
- */
-extern const float s_logv_2[];
-#define LOG_V_2(R)  s_logv_2[(R)]
-   If MP_LOGTAB is not defined, use the math library to compute the
-   logarithms on the fly.  Otherwise, use the table.
-   Pick which works best for your system.
- */
-#include <math.h>
-#define LOG_V_2(R)  (log(2.0)/log(R))
-#endif /* if MP_LOGTAB */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Digit arithmetic macros */
-  When adding and multiplying digits, the results can be larger than
-  can be contained in an mp_digit.  Thus, an mp_word is used.  These
-  macros mask off the upper and lower digits of the mp_word (the
-  mp_word may be more than 2 mp_digits wide, but we only concern
-  ourselves with the low-order 2 mp_digits)
- */
-#define  CARRYOUT(W)  (mp_digit)((W)>>DIGIT_BIT)
-#define  ACCUM(W)     (mp_digit)(W)
-#define MP_MIN(a,b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MP_MAX(a,b)   (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MP_HOWMANY(a,b) (((a) + (b) - 1)/(b))
-#define MP_ROUNDUP(a,b) (MP_HOWMANY(a,b) * (b))
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Comparison constants */
-#define  MP_LT       -1
-#define  MP_EQ        0
-#define  MP_GT        1
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ private function declarations */
-   If MP_MACRO is false, these will be defined as actual functions;
-   otherwise, suitable macro definitions will be used.  This works
-   around the fact that ANSI C89 doesn't support an 'inline' keyword
-   (although I hear C9x will ... about bloody time).  At present, the
-   macro definitions are identical to the function bodies, but they'll
-   expand in place, instead of generating a function call.
-   I chose these particular functions to be made into macros because
-   some profiling showed they are called a lot on a typical workload,
-   and yet they are primarily housekeeping.
- */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
- void     s_mp_setz(mp_digit *dp, mp_size count); /* zero digits           */
- void     s_mp_copy(const mp_digit *sp, mp_digit *dp, mp_size count); /* copy */
- void    *s_mp_alloc(size_t nb, size_t ni);       /* general allocator     */
- void     s_mp_free(void *ptr);                   /* general free function */
-extern unsigned long mp_allocs;
-extern unsigned long mp_frees;
-extern unsigned long mp_copies;
- /* Even if these are defined as macros, we need to respect the settings
-    of the MP_MEMSET and MP_MEMCPY configuration options...
-  */
- #if MP_MEMSET == 0
-  #define  s_mp_setz(dp, count) \
-       {int ix;for(ix=0;ix<(count);ix++)(dp)[ix]=0;}
- #else
-  #define  s_mp_setz(dp, count) memset(dp, 0, (count) * sizeof(mp_digit))
- #endif /* MP_MEMSET */
- #if MP_MEMCPY == 0
-  #define  s_mp_copy(sp, dp, count) \
-       {int ix;for(ix=0;ix<(count);ix++)(dp)[ix]=(sp)[ix];}
- #else
-  #define  s_mp_copy(sp, dp, count) memcpy(dp, sp, (count) * sizeof(mp_digit))
- #endif /* MP_MEMCPY */
- #define  s_mp_alloc(nb, ni)  calloc(nb, ni)
- #define  s_mp_free(ptr) {if(ptr) free(ptr);}
-#endif /* MP_MACRO */
-mp_err   s_mp_grow(mp_int *mp, mp_size min);   /* increase allocated size */
-mp_err   s_mp_pad(mp_int *mp, mp_size min);    /* left pad with zeroes    */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
- void     s_mp_clamp(mp_int *mp);               /* clip leading zeroes     */
- #define  s_mp_clamp(mp)\
-  { mp_size used = MP_USED(mp); \
-    while (used > 1 && DIGIT(mp, used - 1) == 0) --used; \
-    MP_USED(mp) = used; \
-  } 
-#endif /* MP_MACRO */
-void     s_mp_exch(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);      /* swap a and b in place   */
-mp_err   s_mp_lshd(mp_int *mp, mp_size p);     /* left-shift by p digits  */
-void     s_mp_rshd(mp_int *mp, mp_size p);     /* right-shift by p digits */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);  /* multiply by 2^d in place */
-void     s_mp_div_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);  /* divide by 2^d in place  */
-void     s_mp_mod_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);  /* modulo 2^d in place     */
-void     s_mp_div_2(mp_int *mp);               /* divide by 2 in place    */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul_2(mp_int *mp);               /* multiply by 2 in place  */
-mp_err   s_mp_norm(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit *pd); 
-                                               /* normalize for division  */
-mp_err   s_mp_add_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);   /* unsigned digit addition */
-mp_err   s_mp_sub_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);   /* unsigned digit subtract */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);   /* unsigned digit multiply */
-mp_err   s_mp_div_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d, mp_digit *r);
-		                               /* unsigned digit divide   */
-mp_err   s_mp_reduce(mp_int *x, const mp_int *m, const mp_int *mu);
-                                               /* Barrett reduction       */
-mp_err   s_mp_add(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude addition      */
-mp_err   s_mp_add_3arg(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err   s_mp_sub(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude subtract      */
-mp_err   s_mp_sub_3arg(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err   s_mp_add_offset(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_size offset);
-                                               /* a += b * RADIX^offset   */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude multiply      */
-mp_err   s_mp_sqr(mp_int *a);                  /* magnitude square        */
-#define  s_mp_sqr(a) s_mp_mul(a, a)
-mp_err   s_mp_div(mp_int *rem, mp_int *div, mp_int *quot); /* magnitude div */
-mp_err   s_mp_exptmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err   s_mp_2expt(mp_int *a, mp_digit k);    /* a = 2^k                 */
-int      s_mp_cmp(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b); /* magnitude comparison */
-int      s_mp_cmp_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d); /* magnitude digit compare */
-int      s_mp_ispow2(const mp_int *v);         /* is v a power of 2?      */
-int      s_mp_ispow2d(mp_digit d);             /* is d a power of 2?      */
-int      s_mp_tovalue(char ch, int r);          /* convert ch to value    */
-char     s_mp_todigit(mp_digit val, int r, int low); /* convert val to digit */
-int      s_mp_outlen(int bits, int r);          /* output length in bytes */
-mp_digit s_mp_invmod_radix(mp_digit P);   /* returns (P ** -1) mod RADIX */
-mp_err   s_mp_invmod_odd_m( const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err   s_mp_invmod_2d(    const mp_int *a, mp_size k,       mp_int *c);
-mp_err   s_mp_invmod_even_m(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-#define IS_POWER_OF_2(a) ((a) && !((a) & ((a)-1)))
-void s_mp_mul_comba_4(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
-void s_mp_mul_comba_8(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
-void s_mp_mul_comba_16(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
-void s_mp_mul_comba_32(const mp_int *A, const mp_int *B, mp_int *C);
-void s_mp_sqr_comba_4(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
-void s_mp_sqr_comba_8(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
-void s_mp_sqr_comba_16(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
-void s_mp_sqr_comba_32(const mp_int *A, mp_int *B);
-#endif /* end NSS_USE_COMBA */
-/* ------ mpv functions, operate on arrays of digits, not on mp_int's ------ */
-#if defined (__OS2__) && defined (__IBMC__)
-#define MPI_ASM_DECL __cdecl
-#define MPI_ASM_DECL
-#ifdef MPI_AMD64
-mp_digit MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_set_vec64(mp_digit*, mp_digit *, mp_size, mp_digit);
-mp_digit MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_add_vec64(mp_digit*, const mp_digit*, mp_size, mp_digit);
-/* c = a * b */
-#define s_mpv_mul_d(a, a_len, b, c) \
-	((mp_digit *)c)[a_len] = s_mpv_mul_set_vec64(c, a, a_len, b)
-/* c += a * b */
-#define s_mpv_mul_d_add(a, a_len, b, c) \
-	((mp_digit *)c)[a_len] = s_mpv_mul_add_vec64(c, a, a_len, b)
-void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len,
-                                        mp_digit b, mp_digit *c);
-void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d_add(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len,
-                                            mp_digit b, mp_digit *c);
-void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(const mp_digit *a,
-                                                mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, 
-			                        mp_digit *c);
-void     MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_sqr_add_prop(const mp_digit *a,
-                                                mp_size a_len,
-                                                mp_digit *sqrs);
-mp_err   MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_div_2dx1d(mp_digit Nhi, mp_digit Nlo,
-                            mp_digit divisor, mp_digit *quot, mp_digit *rem);
-/* c += a * b * (MP_RADIX ** offset);  */
-/* Callers of this macro should be aware that the return type might vary;
- * it should be treated as a void function. */
-#define s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(a, b, c, off) \
-  s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(MP_DIGITS(a), MP_USED(a), b, MP_DIGITS(c) + off)
-typedef struct {
-  mp_int       N;	/* modulus N */
-  mp_digit     n0prime; /* n0' = - (n0 ** -1) mod MP_RADIX */
-} mp_mont_modulus;
-mp_err s_mp_mul_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c, 
-	               mp_mont_modulus *mmm);
-mp_err s_mp_redc(mp_int *T, mp_mont_modulus *mmm);
- * s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize() returns the size in bytes of the cache line
- * if a cache exists, or zero if there is no cache. If more than one
- * cache line exists, it should return the smallest line size (which is
- * usually the L1 cache).
- *
- * mp_modexp uses this information to make sure that private key information
- * isn't being leaked through the cache.
- *
- * see mpcpucache.c for the implementation.
- */
-unsigned long s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize();
-/* }}} */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ac19ead..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4833 +0,0 @@
- *  mpi.c
- *
- *  Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#if defined(OSF1)
-#include <c_asm.h>
-#if defined(__arm__) && \
-    ((defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__thumb2__)) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_3__))
-/* 16-bit thumb or ARM v3 doesn't work inlined assember version */
-  A table of the logs of 2 for various bases (the 0 and 1 entries of
-  this table are meaningless and should not be referenced).  
-  This table is used to compute output lengths for the mp_toradix()
-  function.  Since a number n in radix r takes up about log_r(n)
-  digits, we estimate the output size by taking the least integer
-  greater than log_r(n), where:
-  log_r(n) = log_2(n) * log_r(2)
-  This table, therefore, is a table of log_r(2) for 2 <= r <= 36,
-  which are the output bases supported.  
- */
-#include "logtab.h"
-/* {{{ Constant strings */
-/* Constant strings returned by mp_strerror() */
-static const char *mp_err_string[] = {
-  "unknown result code",     /* say what?            */
-  "boolean true",            /* MP_OKAY, MP_YES      */
-  "boolean false",           /* MP_NO                */
-  "out of memory",           /* MP_MEM               */
-  "argument out of range",   /* MP_RANGE             */
-  "invalid input parameter", /* MP_BADARG            */
-  "result is undefined"      /* MP_UNDEF             */
-/* Value to digit maps for radix conversion   */
-/* s_dmap_1 - standard digits and letters */
-static const char *s_dmap_1 = 
-  "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+/";
-/* }}} */
-unsigned long mp_allocs;
-unsigned long mp_frees;
-unsigned long mp_copies;
-/* {{{ Default precision manipulation */
-/* Default precision for newly created mp_int's      */
-static mp_size s_mp_defprec = MP_DEFPREC;
-mp_size mp_get_prec(void)
-  return s_mp_defprec;
-} /* end mp_get_prec() */
-void         mp_set_prec(mp_size prec)
-  if(prec == 0)
-    s_mp_defprec = MP_DEFPREC;
-  else
-    s_mp_defprec = prec;
-} /* end mp_set_prec() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_init(mp) */
-  mp_init(mp)
-  Initialize a new zero-valued mp_int.  Returns MP_OKAY if successful,
-  MP_MEM if memory could not be allocated for the structure.
- */
-mp_err mp_init(mp_int *mp)
-  return mp_init_size(mp, s_mp_defprec);
-} /* end mp_init() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_init_size(mp, prec) */
-  mp_init_size(mp, prec)
-  Initialize a new zero-valued mp_int with at least the given
-  precision; returns MP_OKAY if successful, or MP_MEM if memory could
-  not be allocated for the structure.
- */
-mp_err mp_init_size(mp_int *mp, mp_size prec)
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && prec > 0, MP_BADARG);
-  prec = MP_ROUNDUP(prec, s_mp_defprec);
-  if((DIGITS(mp) = s_mp_alloc(prec, sizeof(mp_digit))) == NULL)
-    return MP_MEM;
-  SIGN(mp) = ZPOS;
-  USED(mp) = 1;
-  ALLOC(mp) = prec;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_init_size() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_init_copy(mp, from) */
-  mp_init_copy(mp, from)
-  Initialize mp as an exact copy of from.  Returns MP_OKAY if
-  successful, MP_MEM if memory could not be allocated for the new
-  structure.
- */
-mp_err mp_init_copy(mp_int *mp, const mp_int *from)
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && from != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp == from)
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  if((DIGITS(mp) = s_mp_alloc(ALLOC(from), sizeof(mp_digit))) == NULL)
-    return MP_MEM;
-  s_mp_copy(DIGITS(from), DIGITS(mp), USED(from));
-  USED(mp) = USED(from);
-  ALLOC(mp) = ALLOC(from);
-  SIGN(mp) = SIGN(from);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_init_copy() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_copy(from, to) */
-  mp_copy(from, to)
-  Copies the mp_int 'from' to the mp_int 'to'.  It is presumed that
-  'to' has already been initialized (if not, use mp_init_copy()
-  instead). If 'from' and 'to' are identical, nothing happens.
- */
-mp_err mp_copy(const mp_int *from, mp_int *to)
-  ARGCHK(from != NULL && to != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(from == to)
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  { /* copy */
-    mp_digit   *tmp;
-    /*
-      If the allocated buffer in 'to' already has enough space to hold
-      all the used digits of 'from', we'll re-use it to avoid hitting
-      the memory allocater more than necessary; otherwise, we'd have
-      to grow anyway, so we just allocate a hunk and make the copy as
-      usual
-     */
-    if(ALLOC(to) >= USED(from)) {
-      s_mp_setz(DIGITS(to) + USED(from), ALLOC(to) - USED(from));
-      s_mp_copy(DIGITS(from), DIGITS(to), USED(from));
-    } else {
-      if((tmp = s_mp_alloc(ALLOC(from), sizeof(mp_digit))) == NULL)
-	return MP_MEM;
-      s_mp_copy(DIGITS(from), tmp, USED(from));
-      if(DIGITS(to) != NULL) {
-	s_mp_setz(DIGITS(to), ALLOC(to));
-	s_mp_free(DIGITS(to));
-      }
-      DIGITS(to) = tmp;
-      ALLOC(to) = ALLOC(from);
-    }
-    /* Copy the precision and sign from the original */
-    USED(to) = USED(from);
-    SIGN(to) = SIGN(from);
-  } /* end copy */
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_copy() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_exch(mp1, mp2) */
-  mp_exch(mp1, mp2)
-  Exchange mp1 and mp2 without allocating any intermediate memory
-  (well, unless you count the stack space needed for this call and the
-  locals it creates...).  This cannot fail.
- */
-void mp_exch(mp_int *mp1, mp_int *mp2)
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 2
-  assert(mp1 != NULL && mp2 != NULL);
-  if(mp1 == NULL || mp2 == NULL)
-    return;
-  s_mp_exch(mp1, mp2);
-} /* end mp_exch() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_clear(mp) */
-  mp_clear(mp)
-  Release the storage used by an mp_int, and void its fields so that
-  if someone calls mp_clear() again for the same int later, we won't
-  get tollchocked.
- */
-void   mp_clear(mp_int *mp)
-  if(mp == NULL)
-    return;
-  if(DIGITS(mp) != NULL) {
-    s_mp_setz(DIGITS(mp), ALLOC(mp));
-    s_mp_free(DIGITS(mp));
-    DIGITS(mp) = NULL;
-  }
-  USED(mp) = 0;
-  ALLOC(mp) = 0;
-} /* end mp_clear() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_zero(mp) */
-  mp_zero(mp) 
-  Set mp to zero.  Does not change the allocated size of the structure,
-  and therefore cannot fail (except on a bad argument, which we ignore)
- */
-void   mp_zero(mp_int *mp)
-  if(mp == NULL)
-    return;
-  s_mp_setz(DIGITS(mp), ALLOC(mp));
-  USED(mp) = 1;
-  SIGN(mp) = ZPOS;
-} /* end mp_zero() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_set(mp, d) */
-void   mp_set(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d)
-  if(mp == NULL)
-    return;
-  mp_zero(mp);
-  DIGIT(mp, 0) = d;
-} /* end mp_set() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_set_int(mp, z) */
-mp_err mp_set_int(mp_int *mp, long z)
-  int            ix;
-  unsigned long  v = labs(z);
-  mp_err         res;
-  mp_zero(mp);
-  if(z == 0)
-    return MP_OKAY;  /* shortcut for zero */
-  if (sizeof v <= sizeof(mp_digit)) {
-    DIGIT(mp,0) = v;
-  } else {
-    for (ix = sizeof(long) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-      if ((res = s_mp_mul_d(mp, (UCHAR_MAX + 1))) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-      res = s_mp_add_d(mp, (mp_digit)((v >> (ix * CHAR_BIT)) & UCHAR_MAX));
-      if (res != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    }
-  }
-  if(z < 0)
-    SIGN(mp) = NEG;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_set_int() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_set_ulong(mp, z) */
-mp_err mp_set_ulong(mp_int *mp, unsigned long z)
-  int            ix;
-  mp_err         res;
-  mp_zero(mp);
-  if(z == 0)
-    return MP_OKAY;  /* shortcut for zero */
-  if (sizeof z <= sizeof(mp_digit)) {
-    DIGIT(mp,0) = z;
-  } else {
-    for (ix = sizeof(long) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-      if ((res = s_mp_mul_d(mp, (UCHAR_MAX + 1))) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-      res = s_mp_add_d(mp, (mp_digit)((z >> (ix * CHAR_BIT)) & UCHAR_MAX));
-      if (res != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    }
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_set_ulong() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Digit arithmetic */
-/* {{{ mp_add_d(a, d, b) */
-  mp_add_d(a, d, b)
-  Compute the sum b = a + d, for a single digit d.  Respects the sign of
-  its primary addend (single digits are unsigned anyway).
- */
-mp_err mp_add_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *b)
-  mp_int   tmp;
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&tmp, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if(SIGN(&tmp) == ZPOS) {
-    if((res = s_mp_add_d(&tmp, d)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  } else if(s_mp_cmp_d(&tmp, d) >= 0) {
-    if((res = s_mp_sub_d(&tmp, d)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  } else {
-    mp_neg(&tmp, &tmp);
-    DIGIT(&tmp, 0) = d - DIGIT(&tmp, 0);
-  }
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(&tmp, 0) == 0)
-    SIGN(&tmp) = ZPOS;
-  s_mp_exch(&tmp, b);
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_add_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_sub_d(a, d, b) */
-  mp_sub_d(a, d, b)
-  Compute the difference b = a - d, for a single digit d.  Respects the
-  sign of its subtrahend (single digits are unsigned anyway).
- */
-mp_err mp_sub_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *b)
-  mp_int   tmp;
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&tmp, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if(SIGN(&tmp) == NEG) {
-    if((res = s_mp_add_d(&tmp, d)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  } else if(s_mp_cmp_d(&tmp, d) >= 0) {
-    if((res = s_mp_sub_d(&tmp, d)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  } else {
-    mp_neg(&tmp, &tmp);
-    DIGIT(&tmp, 0) = d - DIGIT(&tmp, 0);
-    SIGN(&tmp) = NEG;
-  }
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(&tmp, 0) == 0)
-    SIGN(&tmp) = ZPOS;
-  s_mp_exch(&tmp, b);
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_sub_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_mul_d(a, d, b) */
-  mp_mul_d(a, d, b)
-  Compute the product b = a * d, for a single digit d.  Respects the sign
-  of its multiplicand (single digits are unsigned anyway)
- */
-mp_err mp_mul_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *b)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(d == 0) {
-    mp_zero(b);
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  res = s_mp_mul_d(b, d);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_mul_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_mul_2(a, c) */
-mp_err mp_mul_2(const mp_int *a, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return s_mp_mul_2(c);
-} /* end mp_mul_2() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_div_d(a, d, q, r) */
-  mp_div_d(a, d, q, r)
-  Compute the quotient q = a / d and remainder r = a mod d, for a
-  single digit d.  Respects the sign of its divisor (single digits are
-  unsigned anyway).
- */
-mp_err mp_div_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *q, mp_digit *r)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_int   qp;
-  mp_digit rem;
-  int      pow;
-  if(d == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  /* Shortcut for powers of two ... */
-  if((pow = s_mp_ispow2d(d)) >= 0) {
-    mp_digit  mask;
-    mask = ((mp_digit)1 << pow) - 1;
-    rem = DIGIT(a, 0) & mask;
-    if(q) {
-      mp_copy(a, q);
-      s_mp_div_2d(q, pow);
-    }
-    if(r)
-      *r = rem;
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&qp, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  res = s_mp_div_d(&qp, d, &rem);
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(&qp, 0) == 0)
-    SIGN(q) = ZPOS;
-  if(r)
-    *r = rem;
-  if(q)
-    s_mp_exch(&qp, q);
-  mp_clear(&qp);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_div_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_div_2(a, c) */
-  mp_div_2(a, c)
-  Compute c = a / 2, disregarding the remainder.
- */
-mp_err mp_div_2(const mp_int *a, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  s_mp_div_2(c);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_div_2() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_expt_d(a, d, b) */
-mp_err mp_expt_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int   s, x;
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_init(&s)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto X;
-  DIGIT(&s, 0) = 1;
-  while(d != 0) {
-    if(d & 1) {
-      if((res = s_mp_mul(&s, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    d /= 2;
-    if((res = s_mp_sqr(&x)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  s_mp_exch(&s, c);
-  mp_clear(&x);
-  mp_clear(&s);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_expt_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Full arithmetic */
-/* {{{ mp_abs(a, b) */
-  mp_abs(a, b)
-  Compute b = |a|.  'a' and 'b' may be identical.
- */
-mp_err mp_abs(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  SIGN(b) = ZPOS;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_abs() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_neg(a, b) */
-  mp_neg(a, b)
-  Compute b = -a.  'a' and 'b' may be identical.
- */
-mp_err mp_neg(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(b, 0) == MP_EQ) 
-    SIGN(b) = ZPOS;
-  else 
-    SIGN(b) = (SIGN(b) == NEG) ? ZPOS : NEG;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_neg() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_add(a, b, c) */
-  mp_add(a, b, c)
-  Compute c = a + b.  All parameters may be identical.
- */
-mp_err mp_add(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(SIGN(a) == SIGN(b)) { /* same sign:  add values, keep sign */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_add_3arg(a, b, c) );
-  } else if(s_mp_cmp(a, b) >= 0) {  /* different sign: |a| >= |b|   */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub_3arg(a, b, c) );
-  } else {                          /* different sign: |a|  < |b|   */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub_3arg(b, a, c) );
-  }
-  if (s_mp_cmp_d(c, 0) == MP_EQ)
-    SIGN(c) = ZPOS;
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_add() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_sub(a, b, c) */
-  mp_sub(a, b, c)
-  Compute c = a - b.  All parameters may be identical.
- */
-mp_err mp_sub(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  int     magDiff;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if (a == b) {
-    mp_zero(c);
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  if (MP_SIGN(a) != MP_SIGN(b)) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_add_3arg(a, b, c) );
-  } else if (!(magDiff = s_mp_cmp(a, b))) {
-    mp_zero(c);
-    res = MP_OKAY;
-  } else if (magDiff > 0) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub_3arg(a, b, c) );
-  } else {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub_3arg(b, a, c) );
-    MP_SIGN(c) = !MP_SIGN(a);
-  }
-  if (s_mp_cmp_d(c, 0) == MP_EQ)
-    MP_SIGN(c) = MP_ZPOS;
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_sub() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_mul(a, b, c) */
-  mp_mul(a, b, c)
-  Compute c = a * b.  All parameters may be identical.
- */
-mp_err   mp_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int * c)
-  mp_digit *pb;
-  mp_int   tmp;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_size  ib;
-  mp_size  useda, usedb;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if (a == c) {
-    if ((res = mp_init_copy(&tmp, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    if (a == b) 
-      b = &tmp;
-    a = &tmp;
-  } else if (b == c) {
-    if ((res = mp_init_copy(&tmp, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    b = &tmp;
-  } else {
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-  }
-  if (MP_USED(a) < MP_USED(b)) {
-    const mp_int *xch = b;	/* switch a and b, to do fewer outer loops */
-    b = a;
-    a = xch;
-  }
-  MP_USED(c) = 1; MP_DIGIT(c, 0) = 0;
-  if((res = s_mp_pad(c, USED(a) + USED(b))) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  if ((MP_USED(a) == MP_USED(b)) && IS_POWER_OF_2(MP_USED(b))) {
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 4) {
-          s_mp_mul_comba_4(a, b, c);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 8) {
-          s_mp_mul_comba_8(a, b, c);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 16) {
-          s_mp_mul_comba_16(a, b, c);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 32) {
-          s_mp_mul_comba_32(a, b, c);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      } 
-  }
-  pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-  s_mpv_mul_d(MP_DIGITS(a), MP_USED(a), *pb++, MP_DIGITS(c));
-  /* Outer loop:  Digits of b */
-  useda = MP_USED(a);
-  usedb = MP_USED(b);
-  for (ib = 1; ib < usedb; ib++) {
-    mp_digit b_i    = *pb++;
-    /* Inner product:  Digits of a */
-    if (b_i)
-      s_mpv_mul_d_add(MP_DIGITS(a), useda, b_i, MP_DIGITS(c) + ib);
-    else
-      MP_DIGIT(c, ib + useda) = b_i;
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(c);
-  if(SIGN(a) == SIGN(b) || s_mp_cmp_d(c, 0) == MP_EQ)
-    SIGN(c) = ZPOS;
-  else
-    SIGN(c) = NEG;
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_mul() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_sqr(a, sqr) */
-  Computes the square of a.  This can be done more
-  efficiently than a general multiplication, because many of the
-  computation steps are redundant when squaring.  The inner product
-  step is a bit more complicated, but we save a fair number of
-  iterations of the multiplication loop.
- */
-/* sqr = a^2;   Caller provides both a and tmp; */
-mp_err   mp_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *sqr)
-  mp_digit *pa;
-  mp_digit d;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_size  ix;
-  mp_int   tmp;
-  int      count;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && sqr != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if (a == sqr) {
-    if((res = mp_init_copy(&tmp, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    a = &tmp;
-  } else {
-    DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    res = MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  ix = 2 * MP_USED(a);
-  if (ix > MP_ALLOC(sqr)) {
-    MP_USED(sqr) = 1; 
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_grow(sqr, ix) );
-  } 
-  MP_USED(sqr) = ix;
-  MP_DIGIT(sqr, 0) = 0;
-  if (IS_POWER_OF_2(MP_USED(a))) {
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 4) {
-          s_mp_sqr_comba_4(a, sqr);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 8) {
-          s_mp_sqr_comba_8(a, sqr);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 16) {
-          s_mp_sqr_comba_16(a, sqr);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      if (MP_USED(a) == 32) {
-          s_mp_sqr_comba_32(a, sqr);
-          goto CLEANUP;
-      } 
-  }
-  pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-  count = MP_USED(a) - 1;
-  if (count > 0) {
-    d = *pa++;
-    s_mpv_mul_d(pa, count, d, MP_DIGITS(sqr) + 1);
-    for (ix = 3; --count > 0; ix += 2) {
-      d = *pa++;
-      s_mpv_mul_d_add(pa, count, d, MP_DIGITS(sqr) + ix);
-    } /* for(ix ...) */
-    MP_DIGIT(sqr, MP_USED(sqr)-1) = 0; /* above loop stopped short of this. */
-    /* now sqr *= 2 */
-    s_mp_mul_2(sqr);
-  } else {
-    MP_DIGIT(sqr, 1) = 0;
-  }
-  /* now add the squares of the digits of a to sqr. */
-  s_mpv_sqr_add_prop(MP_DIGITS(a), MP_USED(a), MP_DIGITS(sqr));
-  SIGN(sqr) = ZPOS;
-  s_mp_clamp(sqr);
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_sqr() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_div(a, b, q, r) */
-  mp_div(a, b, q, r)
-  Compute q = a / b and r = a mod b.  Input parameters may be re-used
-  as output parameters.  If q or r is NULL, that portion of the
-  computation will be discarded (although it will still be computed)
- */
-mp_err mp_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *q, mp_int *r)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_int   *pQ, *pR;
-  mp_int   qtmp, rtmp, btmp;
-  int      cmp;
-  mp_sign  signA;
-  mp_sign  signB;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  signA = MP_SIGN(a);
-  signB = MP_SIGN(b);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(b) == MP_EQ)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  DIGITS(&qtmp) = 0;
-  DIGITS(&rtmp) = 0;
-  DIGITS(&btmp) = 0;
-  /* Set up some temporaries... */
-  if (!r || r == a || r == b) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&rtmp, a) );
-    pR = &rtmp;
-  } else {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(a, r) );
-    pR = r;
-  }
-  if (!q || q == a || q == b) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&qtmp, MP_USED(a)) );
-    pQ = &qtmp;
-  } else {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(q, MP_USED(a)) );
-    pQ = q;
-    mp_zero(pQ);
-  }
-  /*
-    If |a| <= |b|, we can compute the solution without division;
-    otherwise, we actually do the work required.
-   */
-  if ((cmp = s_mp_cmp(a, b)) <= 0) {
-    if (cmp) {
-      /* r was set to a above. */
-      mp_zero(pQ);
-    } else {
-      mp_set(pQ, 1);
-      mp_zero(pR);
-    }
-  } else {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&btmp, b) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_div(pR, &btmp, pQ) );
-  }
-  /* Compute the signs for the output  */
-  MP_SIGN(pR) = signA;   /* Sr = Sa              */
-  /* Sq = ZPOS if Sa == Sb */ /* Sq = NEG if Sa != Sb */
-  MP_SIGN(pQ) = (signA == signB) ? ZPOS : NEG;
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(pQ, 0) == MP_EQ)
-    SIGN(pQ) = ZPOS;
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(pR, 0) == MP_EQ)
-    SIGN(pR) = ZPOS;
-  /* Copy output, if it is needed      */
-  if(q && q != pQ) 
-    s_mp_exch(pQ, q);
-  if(r && r != pR) 
-    s_mp_exch(pR, r);
-  mp_clear(&btmp);
-  mp_clear(&rtmp);
-  mp_clear(&qtmp);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_div() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_div_2d(a, d, q, r) */
-mp_err mp_div_2d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *q, mp_int *r)
-  mp_err  res;
-  if(q) {
-    if((res = mp_copy(a, q)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-  }
-  if(r) {
-    if((res = mp_copy(a, r)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-  }
-  if(q) {
-    s_mp_div_2d(q, d);
-  }
-  if(r) {
-    s_mp_mod_2d(r, d);
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_div_2d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_expt(a, b, c) */
-  mp_expt(a, b, c)
-  Compute c = a ** b, that is, raise a to the b power.  Uses a
-  standard iterative square-and-multiply technique.
- */
-mp_err mp_expt(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int   s, x;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_digit d;
-  unsigned int      dig, bit;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(b) < 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  if((res = mp_init(&s)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  mp_set(&s, 1);
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto X;
-  /* Loop over low-order digits in ascending order */
-  for(dig = 0; dig < (USED(b) - 1); dig++) {
-    d = DIGIT(b, dig);
-    /* Loop over bits of each non-maximal digit */
-    for(bit = 0; bit < DIGIT_BIT; bit++) {
-      if(d & 1) {
-	if((res = s_mp_mul(&s, &x)) != MP_OKAY) 
-	  goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      d >>= 1;
-      if((res = s_mp_sqr(&x)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Consider now the last digit... */
-  d = DIGIT(b, dig);
-  while(d) {
-    if(d & 1) {
-      if((res = s_mp_mul(&s, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    d >>= 1;
-    if((res = s_mp_sqr(&x)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  if(mp_iseven(b))
-    SIGN(&s) = SIGN(a);
-  res = mp_copy(&s, c);
-  mp_clear(&x);
-  mp_clear(&s);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_expt() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_2expt(a, k) */
-/* Compute a = 2^k */
-mp_err mp_2expt(mp_int *a, mp_digit k)
-  return s_mp_2expt(a, k);
-} /* end mp_2expt() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_mod(a, m, c) */
-  mp_mod(a, m, c)
-  Compute c = a (mod m).  Result will always be 0 <= c < m.
- */
-mp_err mp_mod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  int     mag;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && m != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(SIGN(m) == NEG)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  /*
-     If |a| > m, we need to divide to get the remainder and take the
-     absolute value.  
-     If |a| < m, we don't need to do any division, just copy and adjust
-     the sign (if a is negative).
-     If |a| == m, we can simply set the result to zero.
-     This order is intended to minimize the average path length of the
-     comparison chain on common workloads -- the most frequent cases are
-     that |a| != m, so we do those first.
-   */
-  if((mag = s_mp_cmp(a, m)) > 0) {
-    if((res = mp_div(a, m, NULL, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    if(SIGN(c) == NEG) {
-      if((res = mp_add(c, m, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    }
-  } else if(mag < 0) {
-    if((res = mp_copy(a, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    if(mp_cmp_z(a) < 0) {
-      if((res = mp_add(c, m, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    }
-  } else {
-    mp_zero(c);
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_mod() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_mod_d(a, d, c) */
-  mp_mod_d(a, d, c)
-  Compute c = a (mod d).  Result will always be 0 <= c < d
- */
-mp_err mp_mod_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_digit *c)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_digit rem;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(a, d) > 0) {
-    if((res = mp_div_d(a, d, NULL, &rem)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-  } else {
-    if(SIGN(a) == NEG)
-      rem = d - DIGIT(a, 0);
-    else
-      rem = DIGIT(a, 0);
-  }
-  if(c)
-    *c = rem;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_mod_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_sqrt(a, b) */
-  mp_sqrt(a, b)
-  Compute the integer square root of a, and store the result in b.
-  Uses an integer-arithmetic version of Newton's iterative linear
-  approximation technique to determine this value; the result has the
-  following two properties:
-     b^2 <= a
-     (b+1)^2 >= a
-  It is a range error to pass a negative value.
- */
-mp_err mp_sqrt(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  mp_int   x, t;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_size  used;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  /* Cannot take square root of a negative value */
-  if(SIGN(a) == NEG)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  /* Special cases for zero and one, trivial     */
-  if(mp_cmp_d(a, 1) <= 0)
-    return mp_copy(a, b);
-  /* Initialize the temporaries we'll use below  */
-  if((res = mp_init_size(&t, USED(a))) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  /* Compute an initial guess for the iteration as a itself */
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto X;
-  used = MP_USED(&x);
-  if (used > 1) {
-    s_mp_rshd(&x, used / 2);
-  }
-  for(;;) {
-    /* t = (x * x) - a */
-    mp_copy(&x, &t);      /* can't fail, t is big enough for original x */
-    if((res = mp_sqr(&t, &t)) != MP_OKAY ||
-       (res = mp_sub(&t, a, &t)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    /* t = t / 2x       */
-    s_mp_mul_2(&x);
-    if((res = mp_div(&t, &x, &t, NULL)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    s_mp_div_2(&x);
-    /* Terminate the loop, if the quotient is zero */
-    if(mp_cmp_z(&t) == MP_EQ)
-      break;
-    /* x = x - t       */
-    if((res = mp_sub(&x, &t, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  /* Copy result to output parameter */
-  MP_CHECKOK(mp_sub_d(&x, 1, &x));
-  s_mp_exch(&x, b);
-  mp_clear(&x);
- X:
-  mp_clear(&t); 
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_sqrt() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Modular arithmetic */
-/* {{{ mp_addmod(a, b, m, c) */
-  mp_addmod(a, b, m, c)
-  Compute c = (a + b) mod m
- */
-mp_err mp_addmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && m != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_add(a, b, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_mod(c, m, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_submod(a, b, m, c) */
-  mp_submod(a, b, m, c)
-  Compute c = (a - b) mod m
- */
-mp_err mp_submod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && m != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_sub(a, b, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_mod(c, m, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_mulmod(a, b, m, c) */
-  mp_mulmod(a, b, m, c)
-  Compute c = (a * b) mod m
- */
-mp_err mp_mulmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && m != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_mul(a, b, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_mod(c, m, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_sqrmod(a, m, c) */
-mp_err mp_sqrmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && m != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_sqr(a, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_mod(c, m, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_sqrmod() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_exptmod(a, b, m, c) */
-  s_mp_exptmod(a, b, m, c)
-  Compute c = (a ** b) mod m.  Uses a standard square-and-multiply
-  method with modular reductions at each step. (This is basically the
-  same code as mp_expt(), except for the addition of the reductions)
-  The modular reductions are done using Barrett's algorithm (see
-  s_mp_reduce() below for details)
- */
-mp_err s_mp_exptmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int   s, x, mu;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_digit d;
-  unsigned int      dig, bit;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(b) < 0 || mp_cmp_z(m) <= 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  if((res = mp_init(&s)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY ||
-     (res = mp_mod(&x, m, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto X;
-  if((res = mp_init(&mu)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto MU;
-  mp_set(&s, 1);
-  /* mu = b^2k / m */
-  s_mp_add_d(&mu, 1); 
-  s_mp_lshd(&mu, 2 * USED(m));
-  if((res = mp_div(&mu, m, &mu, NULL)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  /* Loop over digits of b in ascending order, except highest order */
-  for(dig = 0; dig < (USED(b) - 1); dig++) {
-    d = DIGIT(b, dig);
-    /* Loop over the bits of the lower-order digits */
-    for(bit = 0; bit < DIGIT_BIT; bit++) {
-      if(d & 1) {
-	if((res = s_mp_mul(&s, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-	  goto CLEANUP;
-	if((res = s_mp_reduce(&s, m, &mu)) != MP_OKAY)
-	  goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      d >>= 1;
-      if((res = s_mp_sqr(&x)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-      if((res = s_mp_reduce(&x, m, &mu)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Now do the last digit... */
-  d = DIGIT(b, dig);
-  while(d) {
-    if(d & 1) {
-      if((res = s_mp_mul(&s, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-      if((res = s_mp_reduce(&s, m, &mu)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    d >>= 1;
-    if((res = s_mp_sqr(&x)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    if((res = s_mp_reduce(&x, m, &mu)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  s_mp_exch(&s, c);
-  mp_clear(&mu);
- MU:
-  mp_clear(&x);
- X:
-  mp_clear(&s);
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_exptmod() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_exptmod_d(a, d, m, c) */
-mp_err mp_exptmod_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int   s, x;
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_init(&s)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto X;
-  mp_set(&s, 1);
-  while(d != 0) {
-    if(d & 1) {
-      if((res = s_mp_mul(&s, &x)) != MP_OKAY ||
-	 (res = mp_mod(&s, m, &s)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    d /= 2;
-    if((res = s_mp_sqr(&x)) != MP_OKAY ||
-       (res = mp_mod(&x, m, &x)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  s_mp_exch(&s, c);
-  mp_clear(&x);
-  mp_clear(&s);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_exptmod_d() */
-/* }}} */
-#endif /* if MP_MODARITH */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Comparison functions */
-/* {{{ mp_cmp_z(a) */
-  mp_cmp_z(a)
-  Compare a <=> 0.  Returns <0 if a<0, 0 if a=0, >0 if a>0.
- */
-int    mp_cmp_z(const mp_int *a)
-  if(SIGN(a) == NEG)
-    return MP_LT;
-  else if(USED(a) == 1 && DIGIT(a, 0) == 0)
-    return MP_EQ;
-  else
-    return MP_GT;
-} /* end mp_cmp_z() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_cmp_d(a, d) */
-  mp_cmp_d(a, d)
-  Compare a <=> d.  Returns <0 if a<d, 0 if a=d, >0 if a>d
- */
-int    mp_cmp_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d)
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL, MP_EQ);
-  if(SIGN(a) == NEG)
-    return MP_LT;
-  return s_mp_cmp_d(a, d);
-} /* end mp_cmp_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_cmp(a, b) */
-int    mp_cmp(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b)
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_EQ);
-  if(SIGN(a) == SIGN(b)) {
-    int  mag;
-    if((mag = s_mp_cmp(a, b)) == MP_EQ)
-      return MP_EQ;
-    if(SIGN(a) == ZPOS)
-      return mag;
-    else
-      return -mag;
-  } else if(SIGN(a) == ZPOS) {
-    return MP_GT;
-  } else {
-    return MP_LT;
-  }
-} /* end mp_cmp() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_cmp_mag(a, b) */
-  mp_cmp_mag(a, b)
-  Compares |a| <=> |b|, and returns an appropriate comparison result
- */
-int    mp_cmp_mag(mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_EQ);
-  return s_mp_cmp(a, b);
-} /* end mp_cmp_mag() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_cmp_int(a, z) */
-  This just converts z to an mp_int, and uses the existing comparison
-  routines.  This is sort of inefficient, but it's not clear to me how
-  frequently this wil get used anyway.  For small positive constants,
-  you can always use mp_cmp_d(), and for zero, there is mp_cmp_z().
- */
-int    mp_cmp_int(const mp_int *a, long z)
-  mp_int  tmp;
-  int     out;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL, MP_EQ);
-  mp_init(&tmp); mp_set_int(&tmp, z);
-  out = mp_cmp(a, &tmp);
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  return out;
-} /* end mp_cmp_int() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_isodd(a) */
-  mp_isodd(a)
-  Returns a true (non-zero) value if a is odd, false (zero) otherwise.
- */
-int    mp_isodd(const mp_int *a)
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL, 0);
-  return (int)(DIGIT(a, 0) & 1);
-} /* end mp_isodd() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_iseven(a) */
-int    mp_iseven(const mp_int *a)
-  return !mp_isodd(a);
-} /* end mp_iseven() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Number theoretic functions */
-/* {{{ mp_gcd(a, b, c) */
-  Like the old mp_gcd() function, except computes the GCD using the
-  binary algorithm due to Josef Stein in 1961 (via Knuth).
- */
-mp_err mp_gcd(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_int   u, v, t;
-  mp_size  k = 0;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(a) == MP_EQ && mp_cmp_z(b) == MP_EQ)
-      return MP_RANGE;
-  if(mp_cmp_z(a) == MP_EQ) {
-    return mp_copy(b, c);
-  } else if(mp_cmp_z(b) == MP_EQ) {
-    return mp_copy(a, c);
-  }
-  if((res = mp_init(&t)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&u, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto U;
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&v, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto V;
-  SIGN(&u) = ZPOS;
-  SIGN(&v) = ZPOS;
-  /* Divide out common factors of 2 until at least 1 of a, b is even */
-  while(mp_iseven(&u) && mp_iseven(&v)) {
-    s_mp_div_2(&u);
-    s_mp_div_2(&v);
-    ++k;
-  }
-  /* Initialize t */
-  if(mp_isodd(&u)) {
-    if((res = mp_copy(&v, &t)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    /* t = -v */
-    if(SIGN(&v) == ZPOS)
-      SIGN(&t) = NEG;
-    else
-      SIGN(&t) = ZPOS;
-  } else {
-    if((res = mp_copy(&u, &t)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  for(;;) {
-    while(mp_iseven(&t)) {
-      s_mp_div_2(&t);
-    }
-    if(mp_cmp_z(&t) == MP_GT) {
-      if((res = mp_copy(&t, &u)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-    } else {
-      if((res = mp_copy(&t, &v)) != MP_OKAY)
-	goto CLEANUP;
-      /* v = -t */
-      if(SIGN(&t) == ZPOS)
-	SIGN(&v) = NEG;
-      else
-	SIGN(&v) = ZPOS;
-    }
-    if((res = mp_sub(&u, &v, &t)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    if(s_mp_cmp_d(&t, 0) == MP_EQ)
-      break;
-  }
-  s_mp_2expt(&v, k);       /* v = 2^k   */
-  res = mp_mul(&u, &v, c); /* c = u * v */
-  mp_clear(&v);
- V:
-  mp_clear(&u);
- U:
-  mp_clear(&t);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_gcd() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_lcm(a, b, c) */
-/* We compute the least common multiple using the rule:
-   ab = [a, b](a, b)
-   ... by computing the product, and dividing out the gcd.
- */
-mp_err mp_lcm(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int  gcd, prod;
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  /* Set up temporaries */
-  if((res = mp_init(&gcd)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_init(&prod)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto GCD;
-  if((res = mp_mul(a, b, &prod)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  if((res = mp_gcd(a, b, &gcd)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  res = mp_div(&prod, &gcd, c, NULL);
-  mp_clear(&prod);
- GCD:
-  mp_clear(&gcd);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_lcm() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_xgcd(a, b, g, x, y) */
-  mp_xgcd(a, b, g, x, y)
-  Compute g = (a, b) and values x and y satisfying Bezout's identity
-  (that is, ax + by = g).  This uses the binary extended GCD algorithm
-  based on the Stein algorithm used for mp_gcd()
-  See algorithm 14.61 in Handbook of Applied Cryptogrpahy.
- */
-mp_err mp_xgcd(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *g, mp_int *x, mp_int *y)
-  mp_int   gx, xc, yc, u, v, A, B, C, D;
-  mp_int  *clean[9];
-  mp_err   res;
-  int      last = -1;
-  if(mp_cmp_z(b) == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  /* Initialize all these variables we need */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&u) );
-  clean[++last] = &u;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&v) );
-  clean[++last] = &v;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&gx) );
-  clean[++last] = &gx;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&A) );
-  clean[++last] = &A;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&B) );
-  clean[++last] = &B;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&C) );
-  clean[++last] = &C;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&D) );
-  clean[++last] = &D;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&xc, a) );
-  clean[++last] = &xc;
-  mp_abs(&xc, &xc);
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&yc, b) );
-  clean[++last] = &yc;
-  mp_abs(&yc, &yc);
-  mp_set(&gx, 1);
-  /* Divide by two until at least one of them is odd */
-  while(mp_iseven(&xc) && mp_iseven(&yc)) {
-    mp_size nx = mp_trailing_zeros(&xc);
-    mp_size ny = mp_trailing_zeros(&yc);
-    mp_size n  = MP_MIN(nx, ny);
-    s_mp_div_2d(&xc,n);
-    s_mp_div_2d(&yc,n);
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_2d(&gx,n) );
-  }
-  mp_copy(&xc, &u);
-  mp_copy(&yc, &v);
-  mp_set(&A, 1); mp_set(&D, 1);
-  /* Loop through binary GCD algorithm */
-  do {
-    while(mp_iseven(&u)) {
-      s_mp_div_2(&u);
-      if(mp_iseven(&A) && mp_iseven(&B)) {
-	s_mp_div_2(&A); s_mp_div_2(&B);
-      } else {
-	MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(&A, &yc, &A) );
-	s_mp_div_2(&A);
-	MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&B, &xc, &B) );
-	s_mp_div_2(&B);
-      }
-    }
-    while(mp_iseven(&v)) {
-      s_mp_div_2(&v);
-      if(mp_iseven(&C) && mp_iseven(&D)) {
-	s_mp_div_2(&C); s_mp_div_2(&D);
-      } else {
-	MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(&C, &yc, &C) );
-	s_mp_div_2(&C);
-	MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&D, &xc, &D) );
-	s_mp_div_2(&D);
-      }
-    }
-    if(mp_cmp(&u, &v) >= 0) {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&u, &v, &u) );
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&A, &C, &A) );
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&B, &D, &B) );
-    } else {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&v, &u, &v) );
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&C, &A, &C) );
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&D, &B, &D) );
-    }
-  } while (mp_cmp_z(&u) != 0);
-  /* copy results to output */
-  if(x)
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(&C, x) );
-  if(y)
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(&D, y) );
-  if(g)
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(&gx, &v, g) );
-  while(last >= 0)
-    mp_clear(clean[last--]);
-  return res;
-} /* end mp_xgcd() */
-/* }}} */
-mp_size mp_trailing_zeros(const mp_int *mp)
-  mp_digit d;
-  mp_size  n = 0;
-  unsigned int      ix;
-  if (!mp || !MP_DIGITS(mp) || !mp_cmp_z(mp))
-    return n;
-  for (ix = 0; !(d = MP_DIGIT(mp,ix)) && (ix < MP_USED(mp)); ++ix)
-    n += MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  if (!d)
-    return 0;	/* shouldn't happen, but ... */
-#if !defined(MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT)
-  if (!(d & 0xffffffffU)) {
-    d >>= 32;
-    n  += 32;
-  }
-  if (!(d & 0xffffU)) {
-    d >>= 16;
-    n  += 16;
-  }
-  if (!(d & 0xffU)) {
-    d >>= 8;
-    n  += 8;
-  }
-  if (!(d & 0xfU)) {
-    d >>= 4;
-    n  += 4;
-  }
-  if (!(d & 0x3U)) {
-    d >>= 2;
-    n  += 2;
-  }
-  if (!(d & 0x1U)) {
-    d >>= 1;
-    n  += 1;
-  }
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 2
-  assert(0 != (d & 1));
-  return n;
-/* Given a and prime p, computes c and k such that a*c == 2**k (mod p).
-** Returns k (positive) or error (negative).
-** This technique from the paper "Fast Modular Reciprocals" (unpublished)
-** by Richard Schroeppel (a.k.a. Captain Nemo).
-mp_err s_mp_almost_inverse(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *p, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err res;
-  mp_err k    = 0;
-  mp_int d, f, g;
-  ARGCHK(a && p && c, MP_BADARG);
-  MP_DIGITS(&d) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&f) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&d) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&f, a) );	/* f = a */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&g, p) );	/* g = p */
-  mp_set(c, 1);
-  mp_zero(&d);
-  if (mp_cmp_z(&f) == 0) {
-    res = MP_UNDEF;
-  } else 
-  for (;;) {
-    int diff_sign;
-    while (mp_iseven(&f)) {
-      mp_size n = mp_trailing_zeros(&f);
-      if (!n) {
-	res = MP_UNDEF;
-	goto CLEANUP;
-      }
-      s_mp_div_2d(&f, n);
-      MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_2d(&d, n) );
-      k += n;
-    }
-    if (mp_cmp_d(&f, 1) == MP_EQ) {	/* f == 1 */
-      res = k;
-      break;
-    }
-    diff_sign = mp_cmp(&f, &g);
-    if (diff_sign < 0) {		/* f < g */
-      s_mp_exch(&f, &g);
-      s_mp_exch(c, &d);
-    } else if (diff_sign == 0) {		/* f == g */
-      res = MP_UNDEF;		/* a and p are not relatively prime */
-      break;
-    }
-    if ((MP_DIGIT(&f,0) % 4) == (MP_DIGIT(&g,0) % 4)) {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&f, &g, &f) );	/* f = f - g */
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(c,  &d,  c) );	/* c = c - d */
-    } else {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(&f, &g, &f) );	/* f = f + g */
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(c,  &d,  c) );	/* c = c + d */
-    }
-  }
-  if (res >= 0) {
-    while (MP_SIGN(c) != MP_ZPOS) {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(c, p, c) );
-    }
-    res = k;
-  }
-  mp_clear(&d);
-  mp_clear(&f);
-  mp_clear(&g);
-  return res;
-/* Compute T = (P ** -1) mod MP_RADIX.  Also works for 16-bit mp_digits.
-** This technique from the paper "Fast Modular Reciprocals" (unpublished)
-** by Richard Schroeppel (a.k.a. Captain Nemo).
-mp_digit  s_mp_invmod_radix(mp_digit P)
-  mp_digit T = P;
-  T *= 2 - (P * T);
-  T *= 2 - (P * T);
-  T *= 2 - (P * T);
-  T *= 2 - (P * T);
-#if !defined(MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT)
-  T *= 2 - (P * T);
-  T *= 2 - (P * T);
-  return T;
-/* Given c, k, and prime p, where a*c == 2**k (mod p), 
-** Compute x = (a ** -1) mod p.  This is similar to Montgomery reduction.
-** This technique from the paper "Fast Modular Reciprocals" (unpublished)
-** by Richard Schroeppel (a.k.a. Captain Nemo).
-mp_err  s_mp_fixup_reciprocal(const mp_int *c, const mp_int *p, int k, mp_int *x)
-  int      k_orig = k;
-  mp_digit r;
-  mp_size  ix;
-  mp_err   res;
-  if (mp_cmp_z(c) < 0) {		/* c < 0 */
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(c, p, x) );	/* x = c + p */
-  } else {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(c, x) );	/* x = c */
-  }
-  /* make sure x is large enough */
-  ix = MP_HOWMANY(k, MP_DIGIT_BIT) + MP_USED(p) + 1;
-  ix = MP_MAX(ix, MP_USED(x));
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(x, ix) );
-  r = 0 - s_mp_invmod_radix(MP_DIGIT(p,0));
-  for (ix = 0; k > 0; ix++) {
-    int      j = MP_MIN(k, MP_DIGIT_BIT);
-    mp_digit v = r * MP_DIGIT(x, ix);
-    if (j < MP_DIGIT_BIT) {
-      v &= ((mp_digit)1 << j) - 1;	/* v = v mod (2 ** j) */
-    }
-    s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(p, v, x, ix); /* x += p * v * (RADIX ** ix) */
-    k -= j;
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(x);
-  s_mp_div_2d(x, k_orig);
-  res = MP_OKAY;
-  return res;
-/* compute mod inverse using Schroeppel's method, only if m is odd */
-mp_err s_mp_invmod_odd_m(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  int k;
-  mp_err  res;
-  mp_int  x;
-  ARGCHK(a && m && c, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(a) == 0 || mp_cmp_z(m) == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  if (mp_iseven(m))
-    return MP_UNDEF;
-  MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-  if (a == c) {
-    if ((res = mp_init_copy(&x, a)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    if (a == m) 
-      m = &x;
-    a = &x;
-  } else if (m == c) {
-    if ((res = mp_init_copy(&x, m)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    m = &x;
-  } else {
-    MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-  }
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_almost_inverse(a, m, c) );
-  k = res;
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_fixup_reciprocal(c, m, k, c) );
-  mp_clear(&x);
-  return res;
-/* Known good algorithm for computing modular inverse.  But slow. */
-mp_err mp_invmod_xgcd(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int  g, x;
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a && m && c, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(a) == 0 || mp_cmp_z(m) == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&x) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&g) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_xgcd(a, m, &g, &x, NULL) );
-  if (mp_cmp_d(&g, 1) != MP_EQ) {
-    res = MP_UNDEF;
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  res = mp_mod(&x, m, c);
-  SIGN(c) = SIGN(a);
-  mp_clear(&x);
-  mp_clear(&g);
-  return res;
-/* modular inverse where modulus is 2**k. */
-/* c = a**-1 mod 2**k */
-mp_err s_mp_invmod_2d(const mp_int *a, mp_size k, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err res;
-  mp_size ix = k + 4;
-  mp_int t0, t1, val, tmp, two2k;
-  static const mp_digit d2 = 2;
-  static const mp_int two = { MP_ZPOS, 1, 1, (mp_digit *)&d2 };
-  if (mp_iseven(a))
-    return MP_UNDEF;
-  if (k <= MP_DIGIT_BIT) {
-    mp_digit i = s_mp_invmod_radix(MP_DIGIT(a,0));
-    if (k < MP_DIGIT_BIT)
-      i &= ((mp_digit)1 << k) - (mp_digit)1;
-    mp_set(c, i);
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  MP_DIGITS(&t0) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&t1) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&val) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&two2k) = 0;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&val, a) );
-  s_mp_mod_2d(&val, k);
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&t0, &val) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&t1, &t0)  );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&tmp) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&two2k) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_2expt(&two2k, k) );
-  do {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(&val, &t1, &tmp)  );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&two, &tmp, &tmp) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(&t1, &tmp, &t1)   );
-    s_mp_mod_2d(&t1, k);
-    while (MP_SIGN(&t1) != MP_ZPOS) {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(&t1, &two2k, &t1) );
-    }
-    if (mp_cmp(&t1, &t0) == MP_EQ) 
-      break;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(&t1, &t0) );
-  } while (--ix > 0);
-  if (!ix) {
-    res = MP_UNDEF;
-  } else {
-    mp_exch(c, &t1);
-  }
-  mp_clear(&t0);
-  mp_clear(&t1);
-  mp_clear(&val);
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  mp_clear(&two2k);
-  return res;
-mp_err s_mp_invmod_even_m(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  mp_err res;
-  mp_size k;
-  mp_int oddFactor, evenFactor;	/* factors of the modulus */
-  mp_int oddPart, evenPart;	/* parts to combine via CRT. */
-  mp_int C2, tmp1, tmp2;
-  /*static const mp_digit d1 = 1; */
-  /*static const mp_int one = { MP_ZPOS, 1, 1, (mp_digit *)&d1 }; */
-  if ((res = s_mp_ispow2(m)) >= 0) {
-    k = res;
-    return s_mp_invmod_2d(a, k, c);
-  }
-  MP_DIGITS(&oddFactor) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&evenFactor) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&oddPart) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&evenPart) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&C2)     = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&tmp1)   = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&tmp2)   = 0;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&oddFactor, m) );    /* oddFactor = m */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&evenFactor) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&oddPart) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&evenPart) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&C2)     );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&tmp1)   );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&tmp2)   );
-  k = mp_trailing_zeros(m);
-  s_mp_div_2d(&oddFactor, k);
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_2expt(&evenFactor, k) );
-  /* compute a**-1 mod oddFactor. */
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_invmod_odd_m(a, &oddFactor, &oddPart) );
-  /* compute a**-1 mod evenFactor, where evenFactor == 2**k. */
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_invmod_2d(   a,       k,    &evenPart) );
-  /* Use Chinese Remainer theorem to compute a**-1 mod m. */
-  /* let m1 = oddFactor,  v1 = oddPart, 
-   * let m2 = evenFactor, v2 = evenPart.
-   */
-  /* Compute C2 = m1**-1 mod m2. */
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_invmod_2d(&oddFactor, k,    &C2) );
-  /* compute u = (v2 - v1)*C2 mod m2 */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub(&evenPart, &oddPart,   &tmp1) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(&tmp1,     &C2,        &tmp2) );
-  s_mp_mod_2d(&tmp2, k);
-  while (MP_SIGN(&tmp2) != MP_ZPOS) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(&tmp2, &evenFactor, &tmp2) );
-  }
-  /* compute answer = v1 + u*m1 */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(&tmp2,     &oddFactor, c) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_add(&oddPart,  c,          c) );
-  /* not sure this is necessary, but it's low cost if not. */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_mod(c,         m,          c) );
-  mp_clear(&oddFactor);
-  mp_clear(&evenFactor);
-  mp_clear(&oddPart);
-  mp_clear(&evenPart);
-  mp_clear(&C2);
-  mp_clear(&tmp1);
-  mp_clear(&tmp2);
-  return res;
-/* {{{ mp_invmod(a, m, c) */
-  mp_invmod(a, m, c)
-  Compute c = a^-1 (mod m), if there is an inverse for a (mod m).
-  This is equivalent to the question of whether (a, m) = 1.  If not,
-  MP_UNDEF is returned, and there is no inverse.
- */
-mp_err mp_invmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-  ARGCHK(a && m && c, MP_BADARG);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(a) == 0 || mp_cmp_z(m) == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  if (mp_isodd(m)) {
-    return s_mp_invmod_odd_m(a, m, c);
-  }
-  if (mp_iseven(a))
-    return MP_UNDEF;	/* not invertable */
-  return s_mp_invmod_even_m(a, m, c);
-} /* end mp_invmod() */
-/* }}} */
-#endif /* if MP_NUMTH */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_print(mp, ofp) */
-  mp_print(mp, ofp)
-  Print a textual representation of the given mp_int on the output
-  stream 'ofp'.  Output is generated using the internal radix.
- */
-void   mp_print(mp_int *mp, FILE *ofp)
-  int   ix;
-  if(mp == NULL || ofp == NULL)
-    return;
-  fputc((SIGN(mp) == NEG) ? '-' : '+', ofp);
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    fprintf(ofp, DIGIT_FMT, DIGIT(mp, ix));
-  }
-} /* end mp_print() */
-#endif /* if MP_IOFUNC */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ More I/O Functions */
-/* {{{ mp_read_raw(mp, str, len) */
-   mp_read_raw(mp, str, len)
-   Read in a raw value (base 256) into the given mp_int
- */
-mp_err  mp_read_raw(mp_int *mp, char *str, int len)
-  int            ix;
-  mp_err         res;
-  unsigned char *ustr = (unsigned char *)str;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL && len > 0, MP_BADARG);
-  mp_zero(mp);
-  /* Get sign from first byte */
-  if(ustr[0])
-    SIGN(mp) = NEG;
-  else
-    SIGN(mp) = ZPOS;
-  /* Read the rest of the digits */
-  for(ix = 1; ix < len; ix++) {
-    if((res = mp_mul_d(mp, 256, mp)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    if((res = mp_add_d(mp, ustr[ix], mp)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_read_raw() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_raw_size(mp) */
-int    mp_raw_size(mp_int *mp)
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL, 0);
-  return (USED(mp) * sizeof(mp_digit)) + 1;
-} /* end mp_raw_size() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_toraw(mp, str) */
-mp_err mp_toraw(mp_int *mp, char *str)
-  int  ix, jx, pos = 1;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  str[0] = (char)SIGN(mp);
-  /* Iterate over each digit... */
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    mp_digit  d = DIGIT(mp, ix);
-    /* Unpack digit bytes, high order first */
-    for(jx = sizeof(mp_digit) - 1; jx >= 0; jx--) {
-      str[pos++] = (char)(d >> (jx * CHAR_BIT));
-    }
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_toraw() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_read_radix(mp, str, radix) */
-  mp_read_radix(mp, str, radix)
-  Read an integer from the given string, and set mp to the resulting
-  value.  The input is presumed to be in base 10.  Leading non-digit
-  characters are ignored, and the function reads until a non-digit
-  character or the end of the string.
- */
-mp_err  mp_read_radix(mp_int *mp, const char *str, int radix)
-  int     ix = 0, val = 0;
-  mp_err  res;
-  mp_sign sig = ZPOS;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL && radix >= 2 && radix <= MAX_RADIX, 
-  mp_zero(mp);
-  /* Skip leading non-digit characters until a digit or '-' or '+' */
-  while(str[ix] && 
-	(s_mp_tovalue(str[ix], radix) < 0) && 
-	str[ix] != '-' &&
-	str[ix] != '+') {
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  if(str[ix] == '-') {
-    sig = NEG;
-    ++ix;
-  } else if(str[ix] == '+') {
-    sig = ZPOS; /* this is the default anyway... */
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  while((val = s_mp_tovalue(str[ix], radix)) >= 0) {
-    if((res = s_mp_mul_d(mp, radix)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    if((res = s_mp_add_d(mp, val)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  if(s_mp_cmp_d(mp, 0) == MP_EQ)
-    SIGN(mp) = ZPOS;
-  else
-    SIGN(mp) = sig;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_read_radix() */
-mp_err mp_read_variable_radix(mp_int *a, const char * str, int default_radix)
-  int     radix = default_radix;
-  int     cx;
-  mp_sign sig   = ZPOS;
-  mp_err  res;
-  /* Skip leading non-digit characters until a digit or '-' or '+' */
-  while ((cx = *str) != 0 && 
-	(s_mp_tovalue(cx, radix) < 0) && 
-	cx != '-' &&
-	cx != '+') {
-    ++str;
-  }
-  if (cx == '-') {
-    sig = NEG;
-    ++str;
-  } else if (cx == '+') {
-    sig = ZPOS; /* this is the default anyway... */
-    ++str;
-  }
-  if (str[0] == '0') {
-    if ((str[1] | 0x20) == 'x') {
-      radix = 16;
-      str += 2;
-    } else {
-      radix = 8;
-      str++;
-    }
-  }
-  res = mp_read_radix(a, str, radix);
-  if (res == MP_OKAY) {
-    MP_SIGN(a) = (s_mp_cmp_d(a, 0) == MP_EQ) ? ZPOS : sig;
-  }
-  return res;
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_radix_size(mp, radix) */
-int    mp_radix_size(mp_int *mp, int radix)
-  int  bits;
-  if(!mp || radix < 2 || radix > MAX_RADIX)
-    return 0;
-  bits = USED(mp) * DIGIT_BIT - 1;
-  return s_mp_outlen(bits, radix);
-} /* end mp_radix_size() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_toradix(mp, str, radix) */
-mp_err mp_toradix(mp_int *mp, char *str, int radix)
-  int  ix, pos = 0;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  ARGCHK(radix > 1 && radix <= MAX_RADIX, MP_RANGE);
-  if(mp_cmp_z(mp) == MP_EQ) {
-    str[0] = '0';
-    str[1] = '\0';
-  } else {
-    mp_err   res;
-    mp_int   tmp;
-    mp_sign  sgn;
-    mp_digit rem, rdx = (mp_digit)radix;
-    char     ch;
-    if((res = mp_init_copy(&tmp, mp)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    /* Save sign for later, and take absolute value */
-    sgn = SIGN(&tmp); SIGN(&tmp) = ZPOS;
-    /* Generate output digits in reverse order      */
-    while(mp_cmp_z(&tmp) != 0) {
-      if((res = mp_div_d(&tmp, rdx, &tmp, &rem)) != MP_OKAY) {
-	mp_clear(&tmp);
-	return res;
-      }
-      /* Generate digits, use capital letters */
-      ch = s_mp_todigit(rem, radix, 0);
-      str[pos++] = ch;
-    }
-    /* Add - sign if original value was negative */
-    if(sgn == NEG)
-      str[pos++] = '-';
-    /* Add trailing NUL to end the string        */
-    str[pos--] = '\0';
-    /* Reverse the digits and sign indicator     */
-    ix = 0;
-    while(ix < pos) {
-      char tmp = str[ix];
-      str[ix] = str[pos];
-      str[pos] = tmp;
-      ++ix;
-      --pos;
-    }
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_toradix() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_tovalue(ch, r) */
-int    mp_tovalue(char ch, int r)
-  return s_mp_tovalue(ch, r);
-} /* end mp_tovalue() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_strerror(ec) */
-  mp_strerror(ec)
-  Return a string describing the meaning of error code 'ec'.  The
-  string returned is allocated in static memory, so the caller should
-  not attempt to modify or free the memory associated with this
-  string.
- */
-const char  *mp_strerror(mp_err ec)
-  int   aec = (ec < 0) ? -ec : ec;
-  /* Code values are negative, so the senses of these comparisons
-     are accurate */
-  if(ec < MP_LAST_CODE || ec > MP_OKAY) {
-    return mp_err_string[0];  /* unknown error code */
-  } else {
-    return mp_err_string[aec + 1];
-  }
-} /* end mp_strerror() */
-/* }}} */
-/* Static function definitions (internal use only)                        */
-/* {{{ Memory management */
-/* {{{ s_mp_grow(mp, min) */
-/* Make sure there are at least 'min' digits allocated to mp              */
-mp_err   s_mp_grow(mp_int *mp, mp_size min)
-  if(min > ALLOC(mp)) {
-    mp_digit   *tmp;
-    /* Set min to next nearest default precision block size */
-    min = MP_ROUNDUP(min, s_mp_defprec);
-    if((tmp = s_mp_alloc(min, sizeof(mp_digit))) == NULL)
-      return MP_MEM;
-    s_mp_copy(DIGITS(mp), tmp, USED(mp));
-    s_mp_setz(DIGITS(mp), ALLOC(mp));
-    s_mp_free(DIGITS(mp));
-    DIGITS(mp) = tmp;
-    ALLOC(mp) = min;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_grow() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_pad(mp, min) */
-/* Make sure the used size of mp is at least 'min', growing if needed     */
-mp_err   s_mp_pad(mp_int *mp, mp_size min)
-  if(min > USED(mp)) {
-    mp_err  res;
-    /* Make sure there is room to increase precision  */
-    if (min > ALLOC(mp)) {
-      if ((res = s_mp_grow(mp, min)) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    } else {
-      s_mp_setz(DIGITS(mp) + USED(mp), min - USED(mp));
-    }
-    /* Increase precision; should already be 0-filled */
-    USED(mp) = min;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_pad() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_setz(dp, count) */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
-/* Set 'count' digits pointed to by dp to be zeroes                       */
-void s_mp_setz(mp_digit *dp, mp_size count)
-#if MP_MEMSET == 0
-  int  ix;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
-    dp[ix] = 0;
-  memset(dp, 0, count * sizeof(mp_digit));
-} /* end s_mp_setz() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_copy(sp, dp, count) */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
-/* Copy 'count' digits from sp to dp                                      */
-void s_mp_copy(const mp_digit *sp, mp_digit *dp, mp_size count)
-#if MP_MEMCPY == 0
-  int  ix;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < count; ix++)
-    dp[ix] = sp[ix];
-  memcpy(dp, sp, count * sizeof(mp_digit));
-  ++mp_copies;
-} /* end s_mp_copy() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_alloc(nb, ni) */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
-/* Allocate ni records of nb bytes each, and return a pointer to that     */
-void    *s_mp_alloc(size_t nb, size_t ni)
-  ++mp_allocs;
-  return calloc(nb, ni);
-} /* end s_mp_alloc() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_free(ptr) */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
-/* Free the memory pointed to by ptr                                      */
-void     s_mp_free(void *ptr)
-  if(ptr) {
-    ++mp_frees;
-    free(ptr);
-  }
-} /* end s_mp_free() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_clamp(mp) */
-#if MP_MACRO == 0
-/* Remove leading zeroes from the given value                             */
-void     s_mp_clamp(mp_int *mp)
-  mp_size used = MP_USED(mp);
-  while (used > 1 && DIGIT(mp, used - 1) == 0)
-    --used;
-  MP_USED(mp) = used;
-} /* end s_mp_clamp() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_exch(a, b) */
-/* Exchange the data for a and b; (b, a) = (a, b)                         */
-void     s_mp_exch(mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  mp_int   tmp;
-  tmp = *a;
-  *a = *b;
-  *b = tmp;
-} /* end s_mp_exch() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Arithmetic helpers */
-/* {{{ s_mp_lshd(mp, p) */
-   Shift mp leftward by p digits, growing if needed, and zero-filling
-   the in-shifted digits at the right end.  This is a convenient
-   alternative to multiplication by powers of the radix
- */   
-mp_err   s_mp_lshd(mp_int *mp, mp_size p)
-  mp_err  res;
-  unsigned int     ix;
-  if(p == 0)
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  if (MP_USED(mp) == 1 && MP_DIGIT(mp, 0) == 0)
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  if((res = s_mp_pad(mp, USED(mp) + p)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  /* Shift all the significant figures over as needed */
-  for (ix = USED(mp) - p; ix-- > 0;) {
-    DIGIT(mp, ix + p) = DIGIT(mp, ix);
-  }
-  /* Fill the bottom digits with zeroes */
-  for(ix = 0; (mp_size)ix < p; ix++)
-    DIGIT(mp, ix) = 0;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_lshd() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_mul_2d(mp, d) */
-  Multiply the integer by 2^d, where d is a number of bits.  This
-  amounts to a bitwise shift of the value.
- */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_digit dshift, bshift;
-  mp_digit mask;
-  dshift = d / MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  bshift = d % MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  /* bits to be shifted out of the top word */
-  if (bshift) {
-    mask = (mp_digit)~0 << (MP_DIGIT_BIT - bshift);
-    mask &= MP_DIGIT(mp, MP_USED(mp) - 1);
-  } else {
-    mask = 0;
-  }
-  if (MP_OKAY != (res = s_mp_pad(mp, MP_USED(mp) + dshift + (mask != 0) )))
-    return res;
-  if (dshift && MP_OKAY != (res = s_mp_lshd(mp, dshift)))
-    return res;
-  if (bshift) { 
-    mp_digit *pa = MP_DIGITS(mp);
-    mp_digit *alim = pa + MP_USED(mp);
-    mp_digit  prev = 0;
-    for (pa += dshift; pa < alim; ) {
-      mp_digit x = *pa;
-      *pa++ = (x << bshift) | prev;
-      prev = x >> (DIGIT_BIT - bshift);
-    }
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(mp);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_mul_2d() */
-/* {{{ s_mp_rshd(mp, p) */
-   Shift mp rightward by p digits.  Maintains the invariant that
-   digits above the precision are all zero.  Digits shifted off the
-   end are lost.  Cannot fail.
- */
-void     s_mp_rshd(mp_int *mp, mp_size p)
-  mp_size  ix;
-  mp_digit *src, *dst;
-  if(p == 0)
-    return;
-  /* Shortcut when all digits are to be shifted off */
-  if(p >= USED(mp)) {
-    s_mp_setz(DIGITS(mp), ALLOC(mp));
-    USED(mp) = 1;
-    SIGN(mp) = ZPOS;
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Shift all the significant figures over as needed */
-  dst = MP_DIGITS(mp);
-  src = dst + p;
-  for (ix = USED(mp) - p; ix > 0; ix--)
-    *dst++ = *src++;
-  MP_USED(mp) -= p;
-  /* Fill the top digits with zeroes */
-  while (p-- > 0)
-    *dst++ = 0;
-#if 0
-  /* Strip off any leading zeroes    */
-  s_mp_clamp(mp);
-} /* end s_mp_rshd() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_div_2(mp) */
-/* Divide by two -- take advantage of radix properties to do it fast      */
-void     s_mp_div_2(mp_int *mp)
-  s_mp_div_2d(mp, 1);
-} /* end s_mp_div_2() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_mul_2(mp) */
-mp_err s_mp_mul_2(mp_int *mp)
-  mp_digit *pd;
-  unsigned int ix, used;
-  mp_digit kin = 0;
-  /* Shift digits leftward by 1 bit */
-  used = MP_USED(mp);
-  pd = MP_DIGITS(mp);
-  for (ix = 0; ix < used; ix++) {
-    mp_digit d = *pd;
-    *pd++ = (d << 1) | kin;
-    kin = (d >> (DIGIT_BIT - 1));
-  }
-  /* Deal with rollover from last digit */
-  if (kin) {
-    if (ix >= ALLOC(mp)) {
-      mp_err res;
-      if((res = s_mp_grow(mp, ALLOC(mp) + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    }
-    DIGIT(mp, ix) = kin;
-    USED(mp) += 1;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_mul_2() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_mod_2d(mp, d) */
-  Remainder the integer by 2^d, where d is a number of bits.  This
-  amounts to a bitwise AND of the value, and does not require the full
-  division code
- */
-void     s_mp_mod_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d)
-  mp_size  ndig = (d / DIGIT_BIT), nbit = (d % DIGIT_BIT);
-  mp_size  ix;
-  mp_digit dmask;
-  if(ndig >= USED(mp))
-    return;
-  /* Flush all the bits above 2^d in its digit */
-  dmask = ((mp_digit)1 << nbit) - 1;
-  DIGIT(mp, ndig) &= dmask;
-  /* Flush all digits above the one with 2^d in it */
-  for(ix = ndig + 1; ix < USED(mp); ix++)
-    DIGIT(mp, ix) = 0;
-  s_mp_clamp(mp);
-} /* end s_mp_mod_2d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_div_2d(mp, d) */
-  Divide the integer by 2^d, where d is a number of bits.  This
-  amounts to a bitwise shift of the value, and does not require the
-  full division code (used in Barrett reduction, see below)
- */
-void     s_mp_div_2d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d)
-  int       ix;
-  mp_digit  save, next, mask;
-  s_mp_rshd(mp, d / DIGIT_BIT);
-  d %= DIGIT_BIT;
-  if (d) {
-    mask = ((mp_digit)1 << d) - 1;
-    save = 0;
-    for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-      next = DIGIT(mp, ix) & mask;
-      DIGIT(mp, ix) = (DIGIT(mp, ix) >> d) | (save << (DIGIT_BIT - d));
-      save = next;
-    }
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(mp);
-} /* end s_mp_div_2d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_norm(a, b, *d) */
-  s_mp_norm(a, b, *d)
-  Normalize a and b for division, where b is the divisor.  In order
-  that we might make good guesses for quotient digits, we want the
-  leading digit of b to be at least half the radix, which we
-  accomplish by multiplying a and b by a power of 2.  The exponent 
-  (shift count) is placed in *pd, so that the remainder can be shifted 
-  back at the end of the division process.
- */
-mp_err   s_mp_norm(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit *pd)
-  mp_digit  d;
-  mp_digit  mask;
-  mp_digit  b_msd;
-  mp_err    res    = MP_OKAY;
-  d = 0;
-  mask  = DIGIT_MAX & ~(DIGIT_MAX >> 1);	/* mask is msb of digit */
-  b_msd = DIGIT(b, USED(b) - 1);
-  while (!(b_msd & mask)) {
-    b_msd <<= 1;
-    ++d;
-  }
-  if (d) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_2d(a, d) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_2d(b, d) );
-  }
-  *pd = d;
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_norm() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Primitive digit arithmetic */
-/* {{{ s_mp_add_d(mp, d) */
-/* Add d to |mp| in place                                                 */
-mp_err   s_mp_add_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d)    /* unsigned digit addition */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  mp_word   w, k = 0;
-  mp_size   ix = 1;
-  w = (mp_word)DIGIT(mp, 0) + d;
-  DIGIT(mp, 0) = ACCUM(w);
-  k = CARRYOUT(w);
-  while(ix < USED(mp) && k) {
-    w = (mp_word)DIGIT(mp, ix) + k;
-    DIGIT(mp, ix) = ACCUM(w);
-    k = CARRYOUT(w);
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  if(k != 0) {
-    mp_err  res;
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(mp, USED(mp) + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(mp, ix) = (mp_digit)k;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-  mp_digit * pmp = MP_DIGITS(mp);
-  mp_digit sum, mp_i, carry = 0;
-  mp_err   res = MP_OKAY;
-  int used = (int)MP_USED(mp);
-  mp_i = *pmp;
-  *pmp++ = sum = d + mp_i;
-  carry = (sum < d);
-  while (carry && --used > 0) {
-    mp_i = *pmp;
-    *pmp++ = sum = carry + mp_i;
-    carry = !sum;
-  }
-  if (carry && !used) {
-    /* mp is growing */
-    used = MP_USED(mp);
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(mp, used + 1) );
-    MP_DIGIT(mp, used) = carry;
-  }
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_add_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_sub_d(mp, d) */
-/* Subtract d from |mp| in place, assumes |mp| > d                        */
-mp_err   s_mp_sub_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d)    /* unsigned digit subtract */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-  mp_word   w, b = 0;
-  mp_size   ix = 1;
-  /* Compute initial subtraction    */
-  w = (RADIX + (mp_word)DIGIT(mp, 0)) - d;
-  b = CARRYOUT(w) ? 0 : 1;
-  DIGIT(mp, 0) = ACCUM(w);
-  /* Propagate borrows leftward     */
-  while(b && ix < USED(mp)) {
-    w = (RADIX + (mp_word)DIGIT(mp, ix)) - b;
-    b = CARRYOUT(w) ? 0 : 1;
-    DIGIT(mp, ix) = ACCUM(w);
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  /* Remove leading zeroes          */
-  s_mp_clamp(mp);
-  /* If we have a borrow out, it's a violation of the input invariant */
-  if(b)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  else
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  mp_digit *pmp = MP_DIGITS(mp);
-  mp_digit mp_i, diff, borrow;
-  mp_size  used = MP_USED(mp);
-  mp_i = *pmp;
-  *pmp++ = diff = mp_i - d;
-  borrow = (diff > mp_i);
-  while (borrow && --used) {
-    mp_i = *pmp;
-    *pmp++ = diff = mp_i - borrow;
-    borrow = (diff > mp_i);
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(mp);
-  return (borrow && !used) ? MP_RANGE : MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_sub_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_mul_d(a, d) */
-/* Compute a = a * d, single digit multiplication                         */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit d)
-  mp_err  res;
-  mp_size used;
-  int     pow;
-  if (!d) {
-    mp_zero(a);
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  if (d == 1)
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  if (0 <= (pow = s_mp_ispow2d(d))) {
-    return s_mp_mul_2d(a, (mp_digit)pow);
-  }
-  used = MP_USED(a);
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(a, used + 1) );
-  s_mpv_mul_d(MP_DIGITS(a), used, d, MP_DIGITS(a));
-  s_mp_clamp(a);
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_mul_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_div_d(mp, d, r) */
-  s_mp_div_d(mp, d, r)
-  Compute the quotient mp = mp / d and remainder r = mp mod d, for a
-  single digit d.  If r is null, the remainder will be discarded.
- */
-mp_err   s_mp_div_d(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d, mp_digit *r)
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_DIV_WORD)
-  mp_word   w = 0, q;
-  mp_digit  w, q;
-  int       ix;
-  mp_err    res;
-  mp_int    quot;
-  mp_int    rem;
-  if(d == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  if (d == 1) {
-    if (r)
-      *r = 0;
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  /* could check for power of 2 here, but mp_div_d does that. */
-  if (MP_USED(mp) == 1) {
-    mp_digit n   = MP_DIGIT(mp,0);
-    mp_digit rem;
-    q   = n / d;
-    rem = n % d;
-    MP_DIGIT(mp,0) = q;
-    if (r)
-      *r = rem;
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  MP_DIGITS(&rem)  = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&quot) = 0;
-  /* Make room for the quotient */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&quot, USED(mp)) );
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_DIV_WORD)
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    w = (w << DIGIT_BIT) | DIGIT(mp, ix);
-    if(w >= d) {
-      q = w / d;
-      w = w % d;
-    } else {
-      q = 0;
-    }
-    s_mp_lshd(&quot, 1);
-    DIGIT(&quot, 0) = (mp_digit)q;
-  }
-  {
-    mp_digit p;
-#if !defined(MP_ASSEMBLY_DIV_2DX1D)
-    mp_digit norm;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&rem, mp) );
-#if !defined(MP_ASSEMBLY_DIV_2DX1D)
-    MP_DIGIT(&quot, 0) = d;
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_norm(&rem, &quot, &norm) );
-    if (norm)
-      d <<= norm;
-    MP_DIGIT(&quot, 0) = 0;
-    p = 0;
-    for (ix = USED(&rem) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-      w = DIGIT(&rem, ix);
-      if (p) {
-        MP_CHECKOK( s_mpv_div_2dx1d(p, w, d, &q, &w) );
-      } else if (w >= d) {
-	q = w / d;
-	w = w % d;
-      } else {
-	q = 0;
-      }
-      MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_lshd(&quot, 1) );
-      DIGIT(&quot, 0) = q;
-      p = w;
-    }
-#if !defined(MP_ASSEMBLY_DIV_2DX1D)
-    if (norm)
-      w >>= norm;
-  }
-  /* Deliver the remainder, if desired */
-  if(r)
-    *r = (mp_digit)w;
-  s_mp_clamp(&quot);
-  mp_exch(&quot, mp);
-  mp_clear(&quot);
-  mp_clear(&rem);
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_div_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Primitive full arithmetic */
-/* {{{ s_mp_add(a, b) */
-/* Compute a = |a| + |b|                                                  */
-mp_err   s_mp_add(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b)  /* magnitude addition      */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  mp_word   w = 0;
-  mp_digit  d, sum, carry = 0;
-  mp_digit *pa, *pb;
-  mp_size   ix;
-  mp_size   used;
-  mp_err    res;
-  /* Make sure a has enough precision for the output value */
-  if((USED(b) > USED(a)) && (res = s_mp_pad(a, USED(b))) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  /*
-    Add up all digits up to the precision of b.  If b had initially
-    the same precision as a, or greater, we took care of it by the
-    padding step above, so there is no problem.  If b had initially
-    less precision, we'll have to make sure the carry out is duly
-    propagated upward among the higher-order digits of the sum.
-   */
-  pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-  pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-  used = MP_USED(b);
-  for(ix = 0; ix < used; ix++) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-    w = w + *pa + *pb++;
-    *pa++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w = CARRYOUT(w);
-    d = *pa;
-    sum = d + *pb++;
-    d = (sum < d);			/* detect overflow */
-    *pa++ = sum += carry;
-    carry = d + (sum < carry);		/* detect overflow */
-  }
-  /* If we run out of 'b' digits before we're actually done, make
-     sure the carries get propagated upward...  
-   */
-  used = MP_USED(a);
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  while (w && ix < used) {
-    w = w + *pa;
-    *pa++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w = CARRYOUT(w);
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  while (carry && ix < used) {
-    sum = carry + *pa;
-    *pa++ = sum;
-    carry = !sum;
-    ++ix;
-  }
-  /* If there's an overall carry out, increase precision and include
-     it.  We could have done this initially, but why touch the memory
-     allocator unless we're sure we have to?
-   */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  if (w) {
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(a, used + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(a, ix) = (mp_digit)w;
-  }
-  if (carry) {
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(a, used + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(a, used) = carry;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_add() */
-/* }}} */
-/* Compute c = |a| + |b|         */ /* magnitude addition      */
-mp_err   s_mp_add_3arg(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c)  
-  mp_digit *pa, *pb, *pc;
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  mp_word   w = 0;
-  mp_digit  sum, carry = 0, d;
-  mp_size   ix;
-  mp_size   used;
-  mp_err    res;
-  MP_SIGN(c) = MP_SIGN(a);
-  if (MP_USED(a) < MP_USED(b)) {
-    const mp_int *xch = a;
-    a = b;
-    b = xch;
-  }
-  /* Make sure a has enough precision for the output value */
-  if (MP_OKAY != (res = s_mp_pad(c, MP_USED(a))))
-    return res;
-  /*
-    Add up all digits up to the precision of b.  If b had initially
-    the same precision as a, or greater, we took care of it by the
-    exchange step above, so there is no problem.  If b had initially
-    less precision, we'll have to make sure the carry out is duly
-    propagated upward among the higher-order digits of the sum.
-   */
-  pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-  pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-  pc = MP_DIGITS(c);
-  used = MP_USED(b);
-  for (ix = 0; ix < used; ix++) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-    w = w + *pa++ + *pb++;
-    *pc++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w = CARRYOUT(w);
-    d = *pa++;
-    sum = d + *pb++;
-    d = (sum < d);			/* detect overflow */
-    *pc++ = sum += carry;
-    carry = d + (sum < carry);		/* detect overflow */
-  }
-  /* If we run out of 'b' digits before we're actually done, make
-     sure the carries get propagated upward...  
-   */
-  for (used = MP_USED(a); ix < used; ++ix) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-    w = w + *pa++;
-    *pc++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w = CARRYOUT(w);
-    *pc++ = sum = carry + *pa++;
-    carry = (sum < carry);
-  }
-  /* If there's an overall carry out, increase precision and include
-     it.  We could have done this initially, but why touch the memory
-     allocator unless we're sure we have to?
-   */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  if (w) {
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(c, used + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(c, used) = (mp_digit)w;
-    ++used;
-  }
-  if (carry) {
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(c, used + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(c, used) = carry;
-    ++used;
-  }
-  MP_USED(c) = used;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* {{{ s_mp_add_offset(a, b, offset) */
-/* Compute a = |a| + ( |b| * (RADIX ** offset) )             */
-mp_err   s_mp_add_offset(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_size offset)   
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  mp_word   w, k = 0;
-  mp_digit  d, sum, carry = 0;
-  mp_size   ib;
-  mp_size   ia;
-  mp_size   lim;
-  mp_err    res;
-  /* Make sure a has enough precision for the output value */
-  lim = MP_USED(b) + offset;
-  if((lim > USED(a)) && (res = s_mp_pad(a, lim)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  /*
-    Add up all digits up to the precision of b.  If b had initially
-    the same precision as a, or greater, we took care of it by the
-    padding step above, so there is no problem.  If b had initially
-    less precision, we'll have to make sure the carry out is duly
-    propagated upward among the higher-order digits of the sum.
-   */
-  lim = USED(b);
-  for(ib = 0, ia = offset; ib < lim; ib++, ia++) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-    w = (mp_word)DIGIT(a, ia) + DIGIT(b, ib) + k;
-    DIGIT(a, ia) = ACCUM(w);
-    k = CARRYOUT(w);
-    d = MP_DIGIT(a, ia);
-    sum = d + MP_DIGIT(b, ib);
-    d = (sum < d);
-    MP_DIGIT(a,ia) = sum += carry;
-    carry = d + (sum < carry);
-  }
-  /* If we run out of 'b' digits before we're actually done, make
-     sure the carries get propagated upward...  
-   */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  for (lim = MP_USED(a); k && (ia < lim); ++ia) {
-    w = (mp_word)DIGIT(a, ia) + k;
-    DIGIT(a, ia) = ACCUM(w);
-    k = CARRYOUT(w);
-  }
-  for (lim = MP_USED(a); carry && (ia < lim); ++ia) {
-    d = MP_DIGIT(a, ia);
-    MP_DIGIT(a,ia) = sum = d + carry;
-    carry = (sum < d);
-  }
-  /* If there's an overall carry out, increase precision and include
-     it.  We could have done this initially, but why touch the memory
-     allocator unless we're sure we have to?
-   */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_ADD_WORD)
-  if(k) {
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(a, USED(a) + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(a, ia) = (mp_digit)k;
-  }
-  if (carry) {
-    if((res = s_mp_pad(a, lim + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      return res;
-    DIGIT(a, lim) = carry;
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(a);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_add_offset() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_sub(a, b) */
-/* Compute a = |a| - |b|, assumes |a| >= |b|                              */
-mp_err   s_mp_sub(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b)  /* magnitude subtract      */
-  mp_digit *pa, *pb, *limit;
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-  mp_sword  w = 0;
-  mp_digit  d, diff, borrow = 0;
-  /*
-    Subtract and propagate borrow.  Up to the precision of b, this
-    accounts for the digits of b; after that, we just make sure the
-    carries get to the right place.  This saves having to pad b out to
-    the precision of a just to make the loops work right...
-   */
-  pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-  pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-  limit = pb + MP_USED(b);
-  while (pb < limit) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-    w = w + *pa - *pb++;
-    *pa++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w >>= MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-    d = *pa;
-    diff = d - *pb++;
-    d = (diff > d);				/* detect borrow */
-    if (borrow && --diff == MP_DIGIT_MAX)
-      ++d;
-    *pa++ = diff;
-    borrow = d;	
-  }
-  limit = MP_DIGITS(a) + MP_USED(a);
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-  while (w && pa < limit) {
-    w = w + *pa;
-    *pa++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w >>= MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  }
-  while (borrow && pa < limit) {
-    d = *pa;
-    *pa++ = diff = d - borrow;
-    borrow = (diff > d);
-  }
-  /* Clobber any leading zeroes we created    */
-  s_mp_clamp(a);
-  /* 
-     If there was a borrow out, then |b| > |a| in violation
-     of our input invariant.  We've already done the work,
-     but we'll at least complain about it...
-   */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-  return w ? MP_RANGE : MP_OKAY;
-  return borrow ? MP_RANGE : MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_sub() */
-/* }}} */
-/* Compute c = |a| - |b|, assumes |a| >= |b| */ /* magnitude subtract      */
-mp_err   s_mp_sub_3arg(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c)  
-  mp_digit *pa, *pb, *pc;
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-  mp_sword  w = 0;
-  mp_digit  d, diff, borrow = 0;
-  int       ix, limit;
-  mp_err    res;
-  MP_SIGN(c) = MP_SIGN(a);
-  /* Make sure a has enough precision for the output value */
-  if (MP_OKAY != (res = s_mp_pad(c, MP_USED(a))))
-    return res;
-  /*
-    Subtract and propagate borrow.  Up to the precision of b, this
-    accounts for the digits of b; after that, we just make sure the
-    carries get to the right place.  This saves having to pad b out to
-    the precision of a just to make the loops work right...
-   */
-  pa = MP_DIGITS(a);
-  pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-  pc = MP_DIGITS(c);
-  limit = MP_USED(b);
-  for (ix = 0; ix < limit; ++ix) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-    w = w + *pa++ - *pb++;
-    *pc++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w >>= MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-    d = *pa++;
-    diff = d - *pb++;
-    d = (diff > d);
-    if (borrow && --diff == MP_DIGIT_MAX)
-      ++d;
-    *pc++ = diff;
-    borrow = d;
-  }
-  for (limit = MP_USED(a); ix < limit; ++ix) {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-    w = w + *pa++;
-    *pc++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w >>= MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-    d = *pa++;
-    *pc++ = diff = d - borrow;
-    borrow = (diff > d);
-  }
-  /* Clobber any leading zeroes we created    */
-  MP_USED(c) = ix;
-  s_mp_clamp(c);
-  /* 
-     If there was a borrow out, then |b| > |a| in violation
-     of our input invariant.  We've already done the work,
-     but we'll at least complain about it...
-   */
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_SUB_WORD)
-  return w ? MP_RANGE : MP_OKAY;
-  return borrow ? MP_RANGE : MP_OKAY;
-/* {{{ s_mp_mul(a, b) */
-/* Compute a = |a| * |b|                                                  */
-mp_err   s_mp_mul(mp_int *a, const mp_int *b)
-  return mp_mul(a, b, a);
-} /* end s_mp_mul() */
-/* }}} */
-/* This trick works on Sparc V8 CPUs with the Workshop compilers. */
-#define MP_MUL_DxD(a, b, Phi, Plo) \
-  { unsigned long long product = (unsigned long long)a * b; \
-    Plo = (mp_digit)product; \
-    Phi = (mp_digit)(product >> MP_DIGIT_BIT); }
-#elif defined(OSF1)
-#define MP_MUL_DxD(a, b, Phi, Plo) \
-  { Plo = asm ("mulq %a0, %a1, %v0", a, b);\
-    Phi = asm ("umulh %a0, %a1, %v0", a, b); }
-#define MP_MUL_DxD(a, b, Phi, Plo) \
-  { mp_digit a0b1, a1b0; \
-    Plo = (a & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX) * (b & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX); \
-    Phi = (a >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT) * (b >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT); \
-    a0b1 = (a & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX) * (b >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT); \
-    a1b0 = (a >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT) * (b & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX); \
-    a1b0 += a0b1; \
-    Phi += a1b0 >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT; \
-    if (a1b0 < a0b1)  \
-      Phi += MP_HALF_RADIX; \
-    a1b0 <<= MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT; \
-    Plo += a1b0; \
-    if (Plo < a1b0) \
-      ++Phi; \
-  }
-/* c = a * b */
-void s_mpv_mul_d(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_MUL_WORD)
-  mp_digit   d = 0;
-  /* Inner product:  Digits of a */
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_word w = ((mp_word)b * *a++) + d;
-    *c++ = ACCUM(w);
-    d = CARRYOUT(w);
-  }
-  *c = d;
-  mp_digit carry = 0;
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_digit a_i = *a++;
-    mp_digit a0b0, a1b1;
-    MP_MUL_DxD(a_i, b, a1b1, a0b0);
-    a0b0 += carry;
-    if (a0b0 < carry)
-      ++a1b1;
-    *c++ = a0b0;
-    carry = a1b1;
-  }
-  *c = carry;
-/* c += a * b */
-void s_mpv_mul_d_add(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, 
-			      mp_digit *c)
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_MUL_WORD)
-  mp_digit   d = 0;
-  /* Inner product:  Digits of a */
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_word w = ((mp_word)b * *a++) + *c + d;
-    *c++ = ACCUM(w);
-    d = CARRYOUT(w);
-  }
-  *c = d;
-  mp_digit carry = 0;
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_digit a_i = *a++;
-    mp_digit a0b0, a1b1;
-    MP_MUL_DxD(a_i, b, a1b1, a0b0);
-    a0b0 += carry;
-    if (a0b0 < carry)
-      ++a1b1;
-    a0b0 += a_i = *c;
-    if (a0b0 < a_i)
-      ++a1b1;
-    *c++ = a0b0;
-    carry = a1b1;
-  }
-  *c = carry;
-/* Presently, this is only used by the Montgomery arithmetic code. */
-/* c += a * b */
-void s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_MUL_WORD)
-  mp_digit   d = 0;
-  /* Inner product:  Digits of a */
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_word w = ((mp_word)b * *a++) + *c + d;
-    *c++ = ACCUM(w);
-    d = CARRYOUT(w);
-  }
-  while (d) {
-    mp_word w = (mp_word)*c + d;
-    *c++ = ACCUM(w);
-    d = CARRYOUT(w);
-  }
-  mp_digit carry = 0;
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_digit a_i = *a++;
-    mp_digit a0b0, a1b1;
-    MP_MUL_DxD(a_i, b, a1b1, a0b0);
-    a0b0 += carry;
-    if (a0b0 < carry)
-      ++a1b1;
-    a0b0 += a_i = *c;
-    if (a0b0 < a_i)
-      ++a1b1;
-    *c++ = a0b0;
-    carry = a1b1;
-  }
-  while (carry) {
-    mp_digit c_i = *c;
-    carry += c_i;
-    *c++ = carry;
-    carry = carry < c_i;
-  }
-/* This trick works on Sparc V8 CPUs with the Workshop compilers. */
-#define MP_SQR_D(a, Phi, Plo) \
-  { unsigned long long square = (unsigned long long)a * a; \
-    Plo = (mp_digit)square; \
-    Phi = (mp_digit)(square >> MP_DIGIT_BIT); }
-#elif defined(OSF1)
-#define MP_SQR_D(a, Phi, Plo) \
-  { Plo = asm ("mulq  %a0, %a0, %v0", a);\
-    Phi = asm ("umulh %a0, %a0, %v0", a); }
-#define MP_SQR_D(a, Phi, Plo) \
-  { mp_digit Pmid; \
-    Plo  = (a  & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX) * (a  & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX); \
-    Phi  = (a >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT) * (a >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT); \
-    Pmid = (a  & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX) * (a >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT); \
-    Phi += Pmid >> (MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT - 1);  \
-    Pmid <<= (MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT + 1);  \
-    Plo += Pmid;  \
-    if (Plo < Pmid)  \
-      ++Phi;  \
-  }
-#if !defined(MP_ASSEMBLY_SQUARE)
-/* Add the squares of the digits of a to the digits of b. */
-void s_mpv_sqr_add_prop(const mp_digit *pa, mp_size a_len, mp_digit *ps)
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_MUL_WORD)
-  mp_word  w;
-  mp_digit d;
-  mp_size  ix;
-  w  = 0;
-#define ADD_SQUARE(n) \
-    d = pa[n]; \
-    w += (d * (mp_word)d) + ps[2*n]; \
-    ps[2*n] = ACCUM(w); \
-    w = (w >> DIGIT_BIT) + ps[2*n+1]; \
-    ps[2*n+1] = ACCUM(w); \
-    w = (w >> DIGIT_BIT)
-  for (ix = a_len; ix >= 4; ix -= 4) {
-    ADD_SQUARE(0);
-    ADD_SQUARE(1);
-    ADD_SQUARE(2);
-    ADD_SQUARE(3);
-    pa += 4;
-    ps += 8;
-  }
-  if (ix) {
-    ps += 2*ix;
-    pa += ix;
-    switch (ix) {
-    case 3: ADD_SQUARE(-3); /* FALLTHRU */
-    case 2: ADD_SQUARE(-2); /* FALLTHRU */
-    case 1: ADD_SQUARE(-1); /* FALLTHRU */
-    case 0: break;
-    }
-  }
-  while (w) {
-    w += *ps;
-    *ps++ = ACCUM(w);
-    w = (w >> DIGIT_BIT);
-  }
-  mp_digit carry = 0;
-  while (a_len--) {
-    mp_digit a_i = *pa++;
-    mp_digit a0a0, a1a1;
-    MP_SQR_D(a_i, a1a1, a0a0);
-    /* here a1a1 and a0a0 constitute a_i ** 2 */
-    a0a0 += carry;
-    if (a0a0 < carry)
-      ++a1a1;
-    /* now add to ps */
-    a0a0 += a_i = *ps;
-    if (a0a0 < a_i)
-      ++a1a1;
-    *ps++ = a0a0;
-    a1a1 += a_i = *ps;
-    carry = (a1a1 < a_i);
-    *ps++ = a1a1;
-  }
-  while (carry) {
-    mp_digit s_i = *ps;
-    carry += s_i;
-    *ps++ = carry;
-    carry = carry < s_i;
-  }
-#if (defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) || defined(MP_NO_DIV_WORD)) \
-&& !defined(MP_ASSEMBLY_DIV_2DX1D)
-** Divide 64-bit (Nhi,Nlo) by 32-bit divisor, which must be normalized 
-** so its high bit is 1.   This code is from NSPR.
-mp_err s_mpv_div_2dx1d(mp_digit Nhi, mp_digit Nlo, mp_digit divisor, 
-		       mp_digit *qp, mp_digit *rp)
-    mp_digit d1, d0, q1, q0;
-    mp_digit r1, r0, m;
-    d1 = divisor >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT;
-    d0 = divisor & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX;
-    r1 = Nhi % d1;
-    q1 = Nhi / d1;
-    m = q1 * d0;
-    r1 = (r1 << MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT) | (Nlo >> MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT);
-    if (r1 < m) {
-        q1--, r1 += divisor;
-        if (r1 >= divisor && r1 < m) {
-	    q1--, r1 += divisor;
-	}
-    }
-    r1 -= m;
-    r0 = r1 % d1;
-    q0 = r1 / d1;
-    m = q0 * d0;
-    r0 = (r0 << MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT) | (Nlo & MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX);
-    if (r0 < m) {
-        q0--, r0 += divisor;
-        if (r0 >= divisor && r0 < m) {
-	    q0--, r0 += divisor;
-	}
-    }
-    if (qp)
-	*qp = (q1 << MP_HALF_DIGIT_BIT) | q0;
-    if (rp)
-	*rp = r0 - m;
-    return MP_OKAY;
-/* {{{ s_mp_sqr(a) */
-mp_err   s_mp_sqr(mp_int *a)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_int   tmp;
-  if((res = mp_init_size(&tmp, 2 * USED(a))) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  res = mp_sqr(a, &tmp);
-  if (res == MP_OKAY) {
-    s_mp_exch(&tmp, a);
-  }
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  return res;
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_div(a, b) */
-  s_mp_div(a, b)
-  Compute a = a / b and b = a mod b.  Assumes b > a.
- */
-mp_err   s_mp_div(mp_int *rem, 	/* i: dividend, o: remainder */
-                  mp_int *div, 	/* i: divisor                */
-		  mp_int *quot)	/* i: 0;        o: quotient  */
-  mp_int   part, t;
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_DIV_WORD)
-  mp_word  q_msd;
-  mp_digit q_msd;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_digit d;
-  mp_digit div_msd;
-  int      ix;
-  if(mp_cmp_z(div) == 0)
-    return MP_RANGE;
-  DIGITS(&t) = 0;
-  /* Shortcut if divisor is power of two */
-  if((ix = s_mp_ispow2(div)) >= 0) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(rem, quot) );
-    s_mp_div_2d(quot, (mp_digit)ix);
-    s_mp_mod_2d(rem,  (mp_digit)ix);
-    return MP_OKAY;
-  }
-  MP_SIGN(rem) = ZPOS;
-  MP_SIGN(div) = ZPOS;
-  MP_SIGN(&part) = ZPOS;
-  /* A working temporary for division     */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&t, MP_ALLOC(rem)));
-  /* Normalize to optimize guessing       */
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_norm(rem, div, &d) );
-  /* Perform the division itself...woo!   */
-  MP_USED(quot) = MP_ALLOC(quot);
-  /* Find a partial substring of rem which is at least div */
-  /* If we didn't find one, we're finished dividing    */
-  while (MP_USED(rem) > MP_USED(div) || s_mp_cmp(rem, div) >= 0) {
-    int i;
-    int unusedRem;
-    int partExtended = 0;  /* set to true if we need to extend part */
-    unusedRem = MP_USED(rem) - MP_USED(div);
-    MP_DIGITS(&part) = MP_DIGITS(rem) + unusedRem;
-    MP_ALLOC(&part)  = MP_ALLOC(rem)  - unusedRem;
-    MP_USED(&part)   = MP_USED(div);
-    /* We have now truncated the part of the remainder to the same length as
-     * the divisor. If part is smaller than div, extend part by one digit. */
-    if (s_mp_cmp(&part, div) < 0) {
-      -- unusedRem;
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 2
-      assert(unusedRem >= 0);
-      -- MP_DIGITS(&part);
-      ++ MP_USED(&part);
-      ++ MP_ALLOC(&part);
-      partExtended = 1;
-    }
-    /* Compute a guess for the next quotient digit       */
-    q_msd = MP_DIGIT(&part, MP_USED(&part) - 1);
-    div_msd = MP_DIGIT(div, MP_USED(div) - 1);
-    if (!partExtended) {
-      /* In this case, q_msd /= div_msd is always 1. First, since div_msd is
-       * normalized to have the high bit set, 2*div_msd > MP_DIGIT_MAX. Since
-       * we didn't extend part, q_msd >= div_msd. Therefore we know that
-       * div_msd <= q_msd <= MP_DIGIT_MAX < 2*div_msd. Dividing by div_msd we
-       * get 1 <= q_msd/div_msd < 2. So q_msd /= div_msd must be 1. */
-      q_msd = 1;
-    } else {
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) && !defined(MP_NO_DIV_WORD)
-      q_msd = (q_msd << MP_DIGIT_BIT) | MP_DIGIT(&part, MP_USED(&part) - 2);
-      q_msd /= div_msd;
-      if (q_msd == RADIX)
-        --q_msd;
-      if (q_msd == div_msd) {
-        q_msd = MP_DIGIT_MAX;
-      } else {
-        mp_digit r;
-        MP_CHECKOK( s_mpv_div_2dx1d(q_msd, MP_DIGIT(&part, MP_USED(&part) - 2),
-				    div_msd, &q_msd, &r) );
-      }
-    }
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 2
-    assert(q_msd > 0); /* This case should never occur any more. */
-    if (q_msd <= 0)
-      break;
-    /* See what that multiplies out to                   */
-    mp_copy(div, &t);
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_d(&t, (mp_digit)q_msd) );
-    /* 
-       If it's too big, back it off.  We should not have to do this
-       more than once, or, in rare cases, twice.  Knuth describes a
-       method by which this could be reduced to a maximum of once, but
-       I didn't implement that here.
-     * When using s_mpv_div_2dx1d, we may have to do this 3 times.
-     */
-    for (i = 4; s_mp_cmp(&t, &part) > 0 && i > 0; --i) {
-      --q_msd;
-      s_mp_sub(&t, div);	/* t -= div */
-    }
-    if (i < 0) {
-      res = MP_RANGE;
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    /* At this point, q_msd should be the right next digit   */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub(&part, &t) );	/* part -= t */
-    s_mp_clamp(rem);
-    /*
-      Include the digit in the quotient.  We allocated enough memory
-      for any quotient we could ever possibly get, so we should not
-      have to check for failures here
-     */
-    MP_DIGIT(quot, unusedRem) = (mp_digit)q_msd;
-  }
-  /* Denormalize remainder                */
-  if (d) {
-    s_mp_div_2d(rem, d);
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(quot);
-  mp_clear(&t);
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_div() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_2expt(a, k) */
-mp_err   s_mp_2expt(mp_int *a, mp_digit k)
-  mp_err    res;
-  mp_size   dig, bit;
-  dig = k / DIGIT_BIT;
-  bit = k % DIGIT_BIT;
-  mp_zero(a);
-  if((res = s_mp_pad(a, dig + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  DIGIT(a, dig) |= ((mp_digit)1 << bit);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end s_mp_2expt() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_reduce(x, m, mu) */
-  Compute Barrett reduction, x (mod m), given a precomputed value for
-  mu = b^2k / m, where b = RADIX and k = #digits(m).  This should be
-  faster than straight division, when many reductions by the same
-  value of m are required (such as in modular exponentiation).  This
-  can nearly halve the time required to do modular exponentiation,
-  as compared to using the full integer divide to reduce.
-  This algorithm was derived from the _Handbook of Applied
-  Cryptography_ by Menezes, Oorschot and VanStone, Ch. 14,
-  pp. 603-604.  
- */
-mp_err   s_mp_reduce(mp_int *x, const mp_int *m, const mp_int *mu)
-  mp_int   q;
-  mp_err   res;
-  if((res = mp_init_copy(&q, x)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  s_mp_rshd(&q, USED(m) - 1);  /* q1 = x / b^(k-1)  */
-  s_mp_mul(&q, mu);            /* q2 = q1 * mu      */
-  s_mp_rshd(&q, USED(m) + 1);  /* q3 = q2 / b^(k+1) */
-  /* x = x mod b^(k+1), quick (no division) */
-  s_mp_mod_2d(x, DIGIT_BIT * (USED(m) + 1));
-  /* q = q * m mod b^(k+1), quick (no division) */
-  s_mp_mul(&q, m);
-  s_mp_mod_2d(&q, DIGIT_BIT * (USED(m) + 1));
-  /* x = x - q */
-  if((res = mp_sub(x, &q, x)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  /* If x < 0, add b^(k+1) to it */
-  if(mp_cmp_z(x) < 0) {
-    mp_set(&q, 1);
-    if((res = s_mp_lshd(&q, USED(m) + 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    if((res = mp_add(x, &q, x)) != MP_OKAY)
-      goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  /* Back off if it's too big */
-  while(mp_cmp(x, m) >= 0) {
-    if((res = s_mp_sub(x, m)) != MP_OKAY)
-      break;
-  }
-  mp_clear(&q);
-  return res;
-} /* end s_mp_reduce() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Primitive comparisons */
-/* {{{ s_mp_cmp(a, b) */
-/* Compare |a| <=> |b|, return 0 if equal, <0 if a<b, >0 if a>b           */
-int      s_mp_cmp(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b)
-  mp_size used_a = MP_USED(a);
-  {
-    mp_size used_b = MP_USED(b);
-    if (used_a > used_b)
-      goto IS_GT;
-    if (used_a < used_b)
-      goto IS_LT;
-  }
-  {
-    mp_digit *pa, *pb;
-    mp_digit da = 0, db = 0;
-#define CMP_AB(n) if ((da = pa[n]) != (db = pb[n])) goto done
-    pa = MP_DIGITS(a) + used_a;
-    pb = MP_DIGITS(b) + used_a;
-    while (used_a >= 4) {
-      pa     -= 4;
-      pb     -= 4;
-      used_a -= 4;
-      CMP_AB(3);
-      CMP_AB(2);
-      CMP_AB(1);
-      CMP_AB(0);
-    }
-    while (used_a-- > 0 && ((da = *--pa) == (db = *--pb))) 
-      /* do nothing */;
-    if (da > db)
-      goto IS_GT;
-    if (da < db) 
-      goto IS_LT;
-  }
-  return MP_EQ;
-  return MP_LT;
-  return MP_GT;
-} /* end s_mp_cmp() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_cmp_d(a, d) */
-/* Compare |a| <=> d, return 0 if equal, <0 if a<d, >0 if a>d             */
-int      s_mp_cmp_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d)
-  if(USED(a) > 1)
-    return MP_GT;
-  if(DIGIT(a, 0) < d)
-    return MP_LT;
-  else if(DIGIT(a, 0) > d)
-    return MP_GT;
-  else
-    return MP_EQ;
-} /* end s_mp_cmp_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_ispow2(v) */
-  Returns -1 if the value is not a power of two; otherwise, it returns
-  k such that v = 2^k, i.e. lg(v).
- */
-int      s_mp_ispow2(const mp_int *v)
-  mp_digit d;
-  int      extra = 0, ix;
-  ix = MP_USED(v) - 1;
-  d = MP_DIGIT(v, ix); /* most significant digit of v */
-  extra = s_mp_ispow2d(d);
-  if (extra < 0 || ix == 0)
-    return extra;
-  while (--ix >= 0) {
-    if (DIGIT(v, ix) != 0)
-      return -1; /* not a power of two */
-    extra += MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  }
-  return extra;
-} /* end s_mp_ispow2() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_ispow2d(d) */
-int      s_mp_ispow2d(mp_digit d)
-  if ((d != 0) && ((d & (d-1)) == 0)) { /* d is a power of 2 */
-    int pow = 0;
-#if defined (MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT)
-    if (d & 0xffff0000U)
-      pow += 16;
-    if (d & 0xff00ff00U)
-      pow += 8;
-    if (d & 0xf0f0f0f0U)
-      pow += 4;
-    if (d & 0xccccccccU)
-      pow += 2;
-    if (d & 0xaaaaaaaaU)
-      pow += 1;
-#elif defined(MP_USE_LONG_LONG_DIGIT)
-    if (d & 0xffffffff00000000ULL)
-      pow += 32;
-    if (d & 0xffff0000ffff0000ULL)
-      pow += 16;
-    if (d & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00ULL)
-      pow += 8;
-    if (d & 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ULL)
-      pow += 4;
-    if (d & 0xccccccccccccccccULL)
-      pow += 2;
-    if (d & 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaULL)
-      pow += 1;
-#elif defined(MP_USE_LONG_DIGIT)
-    if (d & 0xffffffff00000000UL)
-      pow += 32;
-    if (d & 0xffff0000ffff0000UL)
-      pow += 16;
-    if (d & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00UL)
-      pow += 8;
-    if (d & 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0UL)
-      pow += 4;
-    if (d & 0xccccccccccccccccUL)
-      pow += 2;
-    if (d & 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaUL)
-      pow += 1;
-#error "unknown type for mp_digit"
-    return pow;
-  }
-  return -1;
-} /* end s_mp_ispow2d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ Primitive I/O helpers */
-/* {{{ s_mp_tovalue(ch, r) */
-  Convert the given character to its digit value, in the given radix.
-  If the given character is not understood in the given radix, -1 is
-  returned.  Otherwise the digit's numeric value is returned.
-  The results will be odd if you use a radix < 2 or > 62, you are
-  expected to know what you're up to.
- */
-int      s_mp_tovalue(char ch, int r)
-  int    val, xch;
-  if(r > 36)
-    xch = ch;
-  else
-    xch = toupper(ch);
-  if(isdigit(xch))
-    val = xch - '0';
-  else if(isupper(xch))
-    val = xch - 'A' + 10;
-  else if(islower(xch))
-    val = xch - 'a' + 36;
-  else if(xch == '+')
-    val = 62;
-  else if(xch == '/')
-    val = 63;
-  else 
-    return -1;
-  if(val < 0 || val >= r)
-    return -1;
-  return val;
-} /* end s_mp_tovalue() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_todigit(val, r, low) */
-  Convert val to a radix-r digit, if possible.  If val is out of range
-  for r, returns zero.  Otherwise, returns an ASCII character denoting
-  the value in the given radix.
-  The results may be odd if you use a radix < 2 or > 64, you are
-  expected to know what you're doing.
- */
-char     s_mp_todigit(mp_digit val, int r, int low)
-  char   ch;
-  if(val >= r)
-    return 0;
-  ch = s_dmap_1[val];
-  if(r <= 36 && low)
-    ch = tolower(ch);
-  return ch;
-} /* end s_mp_todigit() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ s_mp_outlen(bits, radix) */
-   Return an estimate for how long a string is needed to hold a radix
-   r representation of a number with 'bits' significant bits, plus an
-   extra for a zero terminator (assuming C style strings here)
- */
-int      s_mp_outlen(int bits, int r)
-  return (int)((double)bits * LOG_V_2(r) + 1.5) + 1;
-} /* end s_mp_outlen() */
-/* }}} */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_read_unsigned_octets(mp, str, len) */
-/* mp_read_unsigned_octets(mp, str, len)
-   Read in a raw value (base 256) into the given mp_int
-   No sign bit, number is positive.  Leading zeros ignored.
- */
-mp_read_unsigned_octets(mp_int *mp, const unsigned char *str, mp_size len)
-  int            count;
-  mp_err         res;
-  mp_digit       d;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL && len > 0, MP_BADARG);
-  mp_zero(mp);
-  count = len % sizeof(mp_digit);
-  if (count) {
-    for (d = 0; count-- > 0; --len) {
-      d = (d << 8) | *str++;
-    }
-    MP_DIGIT(mp, 0) = d;
-  }
-  /* Read the rest of the digits */
-  for(; len > 0; len -= sizeof(mp_digit)) {
-    for (d = 0, count = sizeof(mp_digit); count > 0; --count) {
-      d = (d << 8) | *str++;
-    }
-    if (MP_EQ == mp_cmp_z(mp)) {
-      if (!d)
-	continue;
-    } else {
-      if((res = s_mp_lshd(mp, 1)) != MP_OKAY)
-	return res;
-    }
-    MP_DIGIT(mp, 0) = d;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_read_unsigned_octets() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_unsigned_octet_size(mp) */
-unsigned int
-mp_unsigned_octet_size(const mp_int *mp)
-  unsigned int bytes;
-  int  ix;
-  mp_digit  d = 0;
-  bytes = (USED(mp) * sizeof(mp_digit));
-  /* subtract leading zeros. */
-  /* Iterate over each digit... */
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    d = DIGIT(mp, ix);
-    if (d) 
-	break;
-    bytes -= sizeof(d);
-  }
-  if (!bytes)
-    return 1;
-  /* Have MSD, check digit bytes, high order first */
-  for(ix = sizeof(mp_digit) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    unsigned char x = (unsigned char)(d >> (ix * CHAR_BIT));
-    if (x) 
-	break;
-    --bytes;
-  }
-  return bytes;
-} /* end mp_unsigned_octet_size() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_to_unsigned_octets(mp, str) */
-/* output a buffer of big endian octets no longer than specified. */
-mp_to_unsigned_octets(const mp_int *mp, unsigned char *str, mp_size maxlen)
-  int  ix, pos = 0;
-  unsigned int  bytes;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL && !SIGN(mp), MP_BADARG);
-  bytes = mp_unsigned_octet_size(mp);
-  ARGCHK(bytes <= maxlen, MP_BADARG);
-  /* Iterate over each digit... */
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    mp_digit  d = DIGIT(mp, ix);
-    int       jx;
-    /* Unpack digit bytes, high order first */
-    for(jx = sizeof(mp_digit) - 1; jx >= 0; jx--) {
-      unsigned char x = (unsigned char)(d >> (jx * CHAR_BIT));
-      if (!pos && !x)	/* suppress leading zeros */
-	continue;
-      str[pos++] = x;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!pos)
-    str[pos++] = 0;
-  return pos;
-} /* end mp_to_unsigned_octets() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_to_signed_octets(mp, str) */
-/* output a buffer of big endian octets no longer than specified. */
-mp_to_signed_octets(const mp_int *mp, unsigned char *str, mp_size maxlen)
-  int  ix, pos = 0;
-  unsigned int  bytes;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL && !SIGN(mp), MP_BADARG);
-  bytes = mp_unsigned_octet_size(mp);
-  ARGCHK(bytes <= maxlen, MP_BADARG);
-  /* Iterate over each digit... */
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    mp_digit  d = DIGIT(mp, ix);
-    int       jx;
-    /* Unpack digit bytes, high order first */
-    for(jx = sizeof(mp_digit) - 1; jx >= 0; jx--) {
-      unsigned char x = (unsigned char)(d >> (jx * CHAR_BIT));
-      if (!pos) {
-	if (!x)		/* suppress leading zeros */
-	  continue;
-	if (x & 0x80) { /* add one leading zero to make output positive.  */
-	  ARGCHK(bytes + 1 <= maxlen, MP_BADARG);
-	  if (bytes + 1 > maxlen)
-	    return MP_BADARG;
-	  str[pos++] = 0;
-	}
-      }
-      str[pos++] = x;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!pos)
-    str[pos++] = 0;
-  return pos;
-} /* end mp_to_signed_octets() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mp_to_fixlen_octets(mp, str) */
-/* output a buffer of big endian octets exactly as long as requested. */
-mp_to_fixlen_octets(const mp_int *mp, unsigned char *str, mp_size length)
-  int  ix, pos = 0;
-  unsigned int  bytes;
-  ARGCHK(mp != NULL && str != NULL && !SIGN(mp), MP_BADARG);
-  bytes = mp_unsigned_octet_size(mp);
-  ARGCHK(bytes <= length, MP_BADARG);
-  /* place any needed leading zeros */
-  for (;length > bytes; --length) {
-	*str++ = 0;
-  }
-  /* Iterate over each digit... */
-  for(ix = USED(mp) - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
-    mp_digit  d = DIGIT(mp, ix);
-    int       jx;
-    /* Unpack digit bytes, high order first */
-    for(jx = sizeof(mp_digit) - 1; jx >= 0; jx--) {
-      unsigned char x = (unsigned char)(d >> (jx * CHAR_BIT));
-      if (!pos && !x)	/* suppress leading zeros */
-	continue;
-      str[pos++] = x;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!pos)
-    str[pos++] = 0;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mp_to_fixlen_octets() */
-/* }}} */
-/* HERE THERE BE DRAGONS                                                  */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b45d2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
- *  mpi.h
- *
- *  Arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _H_MPI_
-#define _H_MPI_
-#include "mpi-config.h"
-#undef MP_IOFUNC
-#define MP_IOFUNC 1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#if defined(BSDI)
-#undef ULLONG_MAX
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define  MP_NEG    1
-#define  MP_ZPOS   0
-#define  MP_OKAY          0 /* no error, all is well */
-#define  MP_YES           0 /* yes (boolean result)  */
-#define  MP_NO           -1 /* no (boolean result)   */
-#define  MP_MEM          -2 /* out of memory         */
-#define  MP_RANGE        -3 /* argument out of range */
-#define  MP_BADARG       -4 /* invalid parameter     */
-#define  MP_UNDEF        -5 /* answer is undefined   */
-#define  MP_LAST_CODE    MP_UNDEF
-typedef unsigned int      mp_sign;
-typedef unsigned int      mp_size;
-typedef int               mp_err;
-#define MP_32BIT_MAX 4294967295U
-#if !defined(ULONG_MAX) 
-#error "ULONG_MAX not defined"
-#elif !defined(UINT_MAX)
-#error "UINT_MAX not defined"
-#elif !defined(USHRT_MAX)
-#error "USHRT_MAX not defined"
-#if defined(ULLONG_MAX)				/* C99, Solaris */
-/* MP_ULONG_LONG_MAX was defined to be ULLONG_MAX */
-#elif defined(ULONG_LONG_MAX)			/* HPUX */
-#elif defined(ULONGLONG_MAX)			/* IRIX, AIX */
-/* We only use unsigned long for mp_digit iff long is more than 32 bits. */
-#if !defined(MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT) && ULONG_MAX > MP_32BIT_MAX
-typedef unsigned long     mp_digit;
-#define MP_DIGIT_MAX      ULONG_MAX
-#define MP_DIGIT_FMT      "%016lX"   /* printf() format for 1 digit */
-#undef  MP_NO_MP_WORD
-#define MP_NO_MP_WORD 1
-#define MP_USE_LONG_DIGIT 1
-#elif !defined(MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT) && defined(MP_ULONG_LONG_MAX) 
-typedef unsigned long long mp_digit;
-#define MP_DIGIT_FMT      "%016llX"  /* printf() format for 1 digit */
-#undef  MP_NO_MP_WORD
-#define MP_NO_MP_WORD 1
-typedef unsigned int      mp_digit;
-#define MP_DIGIT_MAX      UINT_MAX
-#define MP_DIGIT_FMT      "%08X"     /* printf() format for 1 digit */
-#define MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT 1
-#if !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) 
-#if  defined(MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT) && \
-    (defined(MP_ULONG_LONG_MAX) || (ULONG_MAX > UINT_MAX))
-typedef unsigned long     mp_word;
-typedef          long     mp_sword;
-#define MP_WORD_MAX       ULONG_MAX
-typedef unsigned long long mp_word;
-typedef          long long mp_sword;
-#define MP_NO_MP_WORD 1
-#endif /* !defined(MP_NO_MP_WORD) */
-#if !defined(MP_WORD_MAX) && defined(MP_DEFINE_SMALL_WORD)
-typedef unsigned int      mp_word;
-typedef          int      mp_sword;
-#define MP_WORD_MAX       UINT_MAX
-#define MP_DIGIT_BIT      (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(mp_digit))
-#define MP_WORD_BIT       (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(mp_word))
-#define MP_RADIX          (1+(mp_word)MP_DIGIT_MAX)
-#define MP_HALF_RADIX     (1+(mp_digit)MP_HALF_DIGIT_MAX)
-/* MP_HALF_RADIX really ought to be called MP_SQRT_RADIX, but it's named 
-** MP_HALF_RADIX because it's the radix for MP_HALF_DIGITs, and it's 
-** consistent with the other _HALF_ names.
-/* Macros for accessing the mp_int internals           */
-#define  MP_SIGN(MP)     ((MP)->sign)
-#define  MP_USED(MP)     ((MP)->used)
-#define  MP_ALLOC(MP)    ((MP)->alloc)
-#define  MP_DIGITS(MP)   ((MP)->dp)
-#define  MP_DIGIT(MP,N)  (MP)->dp[(N)]
-/* This defines the maximum I/O base (minimum is 2)   */
-#define MP_MAX_RADIX         64
-typedef struct {
-  mp_sign       sign;    /* sign of this quantity      */
-  mp_size       alloc;   /* how many digits allocated  */
-  mp_size       used;    /* how many digits used       */
-  mp_digit     *dp;      /* the digits themselves      */
-} mp_int;
-/* Default precision       */
-mp_size mp_get_prec(void);
-void    mp_set_prec(mp_size prec);
-/* Memory management       */
-mp_err mp_init(mp_int *mp);
-mp_err mp_init_size(mp_int *mp, mp_size prec);
-mp_err mp_init_copy(mp_int *mp, const mp_int *from);
-mp_err mp_copy(const mp_int *from, mp_int *to);
-void   mp_exch(mp_int *mp1, mp_int *mp2);
-void   mp_clear(mp_int *mp);
-void   mp_zero(mp_int *mp);
-void   mp_set(mp_int *mp, mp_digit d);
-mp_err mp_set_int(mp_int *mp, long z);
-#define mp_set_long(mp,z) mp_set_int(mp,z)
-mp_err mp_set_ulong(mp_int *mp, unsigned long z);
-/* Single digit arithmetic */
-mp_err mp_add_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *b);
-mp_err mp_sub_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *b);
-mp_err mp_mul_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *b);
-mp_err mp_mul_2(const mp_int *a, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_div_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *q, mp_digit *r);
-mp_err mp_div_2(const mp_int *a, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_expt_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *c);
-/* Sign manipulations      */
-mp_err mp_abs(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
-mp_err mp_neg(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
-/* Full arithmetic         */
-mp_err mp_add(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_sub(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_mul(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_sqr(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
-#define mp_sqr(a, b) mp_mul(a, a, b)
-mp_err mp_div(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *q, mp_int *r);
-mp_err mp_div_2d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_int *q, mp_int *r);
-mp_err mp_expt(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_2expt(mp_int *a, mp_digit k);
-mp_err mp_sqrt(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
-/* Modular arithmetic      */
-mp_err mp_mod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_mod_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, mp_digit *c);
-mp_err mp_addmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_submod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_mulmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_sqrmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-#define mp_sqrmod(a, m, c) mp_mulmod(a, a, m, c)
-mp_err mp_exptmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_exptmod_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-#endif /* MP_MODARITH */
-/* Comparisons             */
-int    mp_cmp_z(const mp_int *a);
-int    mp_cmp_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit d);
-int    mp_cmp(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b);
-int    mp_cmp_mag(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
-int    mp_cmp_int(const mp_int *a, long z);
-int    mp_isodd(const mp_int *a);
-int    mp_iseven(const mp_int *a);
-/* Number theoretic        */
-mp_err mp_gcd(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_lcm(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_xgcd(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *g, mp_int *x, mp_int *y);
-mp_err mp_invmod(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-mp_err mp_invmod_xgcd(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *m, mp_int *c);
-#endif /* end MP_NUMTH */
-/* Input and output        */
-void   mp_print(mp_int *mp, FILE *ofp);
-#endif /* end MP_IOFUNC */
-/* Base conversion         */
-mp_err mp_read_raw(mp_int *mp, char *str, int len);
-int    mp_raw_size(mp_int *mp);
-mp_err mp_toraw(mp_int *mp, char *str);
-mp_err mp_read_radix(mp_int *mp, const char *str, int radix);
-mp_err mp_read_variable_radix(mp_int *a, const char * str, int default_radix);
-int    mp_radix_size(mp_int *mp, int radix);
-mp_err mp_toradix(mp_int *mp, char *str, int radix);
-int    mp_tovalue(char ch, int r);
-#define mp_tobinary(M, S)  mp_toradix((M), (S), 2)
-#define mp_tooctal(M, S)   mp_toradix((M), (S), 8)
-#define mp_todecimal(M, S) mp_toradix((M), (S), 10)
-#define mp_tohex(M, S)     mp_toradix((M), (S), 16)
-/* Error strings           */
-const  char  *mp_strerror(mp_err ec);
-/* Octet string conversion functions */
-mp_err mp_read_unsigned_octets(mp_int *mp, const unsigned char *str, mp_size len);
-unsigned int mp_unsigned_octet_size(const mp_int *mp);
-mp_err mp_to_unsigned_octets(const mp_int *mp, unsigned char *str, mp_size maxlen);
-mp_err mp_to_signed_octets(const mp_int *mp, unsigned char *str, mp_size maxlen);
-mp_err mp_to_fixlen_octets(const mp_int *mp, unsigned char *str, mp_size len);
-/* Miscellaneous */
-mp_size mp_trailing_zeros(const mp_int *mp);
-void freebl_cpuid(unsigned long op, unsigned long *eax,
-                         unsigned long *ebx, unsigned long *ecx,
-                         unsigned long *edx);
-#define MP_CHECKOK(x)  if (MP_OKAY > (res = (x))) goto CLEANUP
-#define MP_CHECKERR(x) if (MP_OKAY > (res = (x))) goto CLEANUP
-#if defined(MP_API_COMPATIBLE)
-#define NEG             MP_NEG
-#define ZPOS            MP_ZPOS
-#define DIGIT_MAX       MP_DIGIT_MAX
-#define DIGIT_BIT       MP_DIGIT_BIT
-#define DIGIT_FMT       MP_DIGIT_FMT
-#define RADIX           MP_RADIX
-#define MAX_RADIX       MP_MAX_RADIX
-#define SIGN(MP)        MP_SIGN(MP)
-#define USED(MP)        MP_USED(MP)
-#define ALLOC(MP)       MP_ALLOC(MP)
-#define DIGITS(MP)      MP_DIGITS(MP)
-#define DIGIT(MP,N)     MP_DIGIT(MP,N)
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 1
-#define  ARGCHK(X,Y)  {if(!(X)){return (Y);}}
-#elif MP_ARGCHK == 2
-#include <assert.h>
-#define  ARGCHK(X,Y)  assert(X)
-#define  ARGCHK(X,Y)  /*  */
-#endif /* defined MP_API_COMPATIBLE */
-#endif /* end _H_MPI_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_amd64.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_amd64.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c9b1f9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_amd64.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef MPI_AMD64
-#error This file only works on AMD64 platforms.
-#include <mpi-priv.h>
- * MPI glue
- *
- */
-/* Presently, this is only used by the Montgomery arithmetic code. */
-/* c += a * b */
-void MPI_ASM_DECL s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len,
-                                       mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  mp_digit w;
-  mp_digit d;
-  d = s_mpv_mul_add_vec64(c, a, a_len, b);
-  c += a_len;
-  while (d) {
-    w = c[0] + d;
-    d = (w < c[0] || w < d);
-    *c++ = w;
-  }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9199aab..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This inlined version is for 32-bit ARM platform only */
-#if !defined(__arm__)
-#error "This is for ARM only"
-/* 16-bit thumb doesn't work inlined assember version */
-#if (!defined(__thumb__) || defined(__thumb2__)) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_3__)
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-void s_mpv_mul_d(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  __asm__ __volatile__(
-    "mov     r5, #0\n"
-#ifdef __thumb2__
-    "cbz     %1, 2f\n"
-    "cmp     %1, r5\n" /* r5 is 0 now */
-    "beq     2f\n"
-    "1:\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%0], #4\n"
-    "umlal   r5, r4, r6, %2\n"
-    "str     r5, [%3], #4\n"
-    "mov     r5, r4\n"
-    "subs    %1, #1\n"
-    "bne     1b\n"
-    "2:\n"
-    "str     r5, [%3]\n"
-  :
-  : "r"(a), "r"(a_len), "r"(b), "r"(c)
-  : "memory", "cc", "%r4", "%r5", "%r6");
-void s_mpv_mul_d_add(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  __asm__ __volatile__(
-    "mov     r5, #0\n"
-#ifdef __thumb2__
-    "cbz     %1, 2f\n"
-    "cmp     %1, r5\n" /* r5 is 0 now */
-    "beq     2f\n"
-    "1:\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%3]\n"
-    "adds    r5, r6\n"
-    "adc     r4, r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%0], #4\n"
-    "umlal   r5, r4, r6, %2\n"
-    "str     r5, [%3], #4\n"
-    "mov     r5, r4\n"
-    "subs    %1, #1\n"
-    "bne     1b\n"
-    "2:\n"
-    "str     r5, [%3]\n"
-    :
-    : "r"(a), "r"(a_len), "r"(b), "r"(c)
-    : "memory", "cc", "%r4", "%r5", "%r6");
-void s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  if (!a_len)
-    return;
-  __asm__ __volatile__(
-    "mov     r5, #0\n"
-    "1:\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%3]\n"
-    "adds    r5, r6\n"
-    "adc     r4, r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%0], #4\n"
-    "umlal   r5, r4, r6, %2\n"
-    "str     r5, [%3], #4\n"
-    "mov     r5, r4\n"
-    "subs    %1, #1\n"
-    "bne     1b\n"
-#ifdef __thumb2__
-    "cbz     r4, 3f\n"
-    "cmp     r4, #0\n"
-    "beq     3f\n"
-    "2:\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%3]\n"
-    "adds    r5, r6\n"
-    "adc     r4, r4, #0\n"
-    "str     r5, [%3], #4\n"
-    "movs    r5, r4\n"
-    "bne     2b\n"
-    "3:\n"
-    :
-    : "r"(a), "r"(a_len), "r"(b), "r"(c)
-    : "memory", "cc", "%r4", "%r5", "%r6");
-void s_mpv_sqr_add_prop(const mp_digit *pa, mp_size a_len, mp_digit *ps)
-  if (!a_len)
-    return;
-  __asm__ __volatile__(
-    "mov     r3, #0\n"
-    "1:\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r6, [%0], #4\n"
-    "ldr     r5, [%2]\n"
-    "adds    r3, r5\n"
-    "adc     r4, r4, #0\n"
-    "umlal   r3, r4, r6, r6\n" /* w = r3:r4 */
-    "str     r3, [%2], #4\n"
-    "ldr     r5, [%2]\n"
-    "adds    r3, r4, r5\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "adc     r4, r4, #0\n"
-    "str     r3, [%2], #4\n"
-    "mov     r3, r4\n"
-    "subs    %1, #1\n"
-    "bne     1b\n"
-#ifdef __thumb2__
-    "cbz     r3, 3f\n"
-    "cmp     r3, #0\n"
-    "beq     3f\n"
-    "2:\n"
-    "mov     r4, #0\n"
-    "ldr     r5, [%2]\n"
-    "adds    r3, r5\n"
-    "adc     r4, r4, #0\n"
-    "str     r3, [%2], #4\n"
-    "movs    r3, r4\n"
-    "bne     2b\n"
-    "3:"
-    :
-    : "r"(pa), "r"(a_len), "r"(ps)
-    : "memory", "cc", "%r3", "%r4", "%r5", "%r6");
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm_mac.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm_mac.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dafc11..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_arm_mac.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * A wrapper file for mpi_arm.c on iOS and Mac OS X.
- *
- * Xcode does not support target arch specific source files. This
- * wrapper file allows Xcode to compile mpi_arm.c only when the
- * target arch is arm.
- */
-#if !defined(__APPLE__)
-#error This file is intended for iOS and Mac OS X only
-#if defined(__arm__)
-#include "mpi_arm.c"
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86_asm.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86_asm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e25166e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpi_x86_asm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
- *  mpi_x86_asm.c - MSVC inline assembly implementation of s_mpv_ functions.
- * 
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-static int is_sse = -1;
-extern unsigned long s_mpi_is_sse2();
- *   ebp - 36:	caller's esi
- *   ebp - 32:	caller's edi
- *   ebp - 28:	
- *   ebp - 24:	
- *   ebp - 20:	
- *   ebp - 16:	
- *   ebp - 12:	
- *   ebp - 8:	
- *   ebp - 4:	
- *   ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
- *   ebp + 4:	return address
- *   ebp + 8:	a	argument
- *   ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
- *   ebp + 16:	b	argument
- *   ebp + 20:	c	argument
- *   registers:
- *  	eax:
- * 	ebx:	carry
- * 	ecx:	a_len
- * 	edx:
- * 	esi:	a ptr
- * 	edi:	c ptr
- */
-__declspec(naked) void
-s_mpv_mul_d(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  __asm {
-    mov    eax, is_sse
-    cmp    eax, 0
-    je     s_mpv_mul_d_x86
-    jg     s_mpv_mul_d_sse2
-    call   s_mpi_is_sse2
-    mov    is_sse, eax
-    cmp    eax, 0
-    jg     s_mpv_mul_d_sse2
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp,esp
-    sub    esp,28
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    push   ebx
-    mov    ebx,0		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx,[ebp+12]		; ecx = a_len
-    mov    edi,[ebp+20]
-    cmp    ecx,0
-    je     L_2			; jmp if a_len == 0
-    mov    esi,[ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    cld
-    lodsd			; eax = [ds:esi]; esi += 4
-    mov    edx,[ebp+16]		; edx = b
-    mul    edx			; edx:eax = Phi:Plo = a_i * b
-    add    eax,ebx		; add carry (ebx) to edx:eax
-    adc    edx,0
-    mov    ebx,edx		; high half of product becomes next carry
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_1			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    mov    [edi],ebx		; *c = carry
-    pop    ebx
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp, esp
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    psubq  mm2, mm2		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx, [ebp+12]	; ecx = a_len
-    movd   mm1, [ebp+16]	; mm1 = b
-    mov    edi, [ebp+20]
-    cmp    ecx, 0
-    je     L_6			; jmp if a_len == 0
-    mov    esi, [ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    cld
-    movd   mm0, [esi]		; mm0 = *a++
-    add    esi, 4
-    pmuludq mm0, mm1		; mm0 = b * *a++
-    paddq  mm2, mm0		; add the carry
-    movd   [edi], mm2		; store the 32bit result
-    add    edi, 4
-    psrlq  mm2, 32		; save the carry
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_5			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    movd   [edi], mm2		; *c = carry
-    emms
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-  }
- *   ebp - 36:	caller's esi
- *   ebp - 32:	caller's edi
- *   ebp - 28:	
- *   ebp - 24:	
- *   ebp - 20:	
- *   ebp - 16:	
- *   ebp - 12:	
- *   ebp - 8:	
- *   ebp - 4:	
- *   ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
- *   ebp + 4:	return address
- *   ebp + 8:	a	argument
- *   ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
- *   ebp + 16:	b	argument
- *   ebp + 20:	c	argument
- *   registers:
- *  	eax:
- * 	ebx:	carry
- * 	ecx:	a_len
- * 	edx:
- * 	esi:	a ptr
- * 	edi:	c ptr
- */
-__declspec(naked) void
-s_mpv_mul_d_add(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  __asm {
-    mov    eax, is_sse
-    cmp    eax, 0
-    je     s_mpv_mul_d_add_x86
-    jg     s_mpv_mul_d_add_sse2
-    call   s_mpi_is_sse2
-    mov    is_sse, eax
-    cmp    eax, 0
-    jg     s_mpv_mul_d_add_sse2
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp,esp
-    sub    esp,28
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    push   ebx
-    mov    ebx,0		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx,[ebp+12]		; ecx = a_len
-    mov    edi,[ebp+20]
-    cmp    ecx,0
-    je     L_11			; jmp if a_len == 0
-    mov    esi,[ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    cld
-    lodsd			; eax = [ds:esi]; esi += 4
-    mov    edx,[ebp+16]		; edx = b
-    mul    edx			; edx:eax = Phi:Plo = a_i * b
-    add    eax,ebx		; add carry (ebx) to edx:eax
-    adc    edx,0
-    mov    ebx,[edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    add    eax,ebx		
-    adc    edx,0
-    mov    ebx,edx		; high half of product becomes next carry
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_10			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    mov    [edi],ebx		; *c = carry
-    pop    ebx
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp, esp
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    psubq  mm2, mm2		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx, [ebp+12]	; ecx = a_len
-    movd   mm1, [ebp+16]	; mm1 = b
-    mov    edi, [ebp+20]
-    cmp    ecx, 0
-    je     L_16			; jmp if a_len == 0
-    mov    esi, [ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    cld
-    movd   mm0, [esi]		; mm0 = *a++
-    add    esi, 4
-    pmuludq mm0, mm1		; mm0 = b * *a++
-    paddq  mm2, mm0		; add the carry
-    movd   mm0, [edi]
-    paddq  mm2, mm0		; add the carry
-    movd   [edi], mm2		; store the 32bit result
-    add    edi, 4
-    psrlq  mm2, 32		; save the carry
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_15			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    movd   [edi], mm2		; *c = carry
-    emms
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-  }
- *   ebp - 36:	caller's esi
- *   ebp - 32:	caller's edi
- *   ebp - 28:	
- *   ebp - 24:	
- *   ebp - 20:	
- *   ebp - 16:	
- *   ebp - 12:	
- *   ebp - 8:	
- *   ebp - 4:	
- *   ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
- *   ebp + 4:	return address
- *   ebp + 8:	a	argument
- *   ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
- *   ebp + 16:	b	argument
- *   ebp + 20:	c	argument
- *   registers:
- *  	eax:
- * 	ebx:	carry
- * 	ecx:	a_len
- * 	edx:
- * 	esi:	a ptr
- * 	edi:	c ptr
- */
-__declspec(naked) void
-s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c)
-  __asm {
-    mov    eax, is_sse
-    cmp    eax, 0
-    je     s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop_x86
-    jg     s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop_sse2
-    call   s_mpi_is_sse2
-    mov    is_sse, eax
-    cmp    eax, 0
-    jg     s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop_sse2
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp,esp
-    sub    esp,28
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    push   ebx
-    mov    ebx,0		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx,[ebp+12]		; ecx = a_len
-    mov    edi,[ebp+20]
-    cmp    ecx,0
-    je     L_21			; jmp if a_len == 0
-    cld
-    mov    esi,[ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    lodsd			; eax = [ds:esi]; esi += 4
-    mov    edx,[ebp+16]		; edx = b
-    mul    edx			; edx:eax = Phi:Plo = a_i * b
-    add    eax,ebx		; add carry (ebx) to edx:eax
-    adc    edx,0
-    mov    ebx,[edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    add    eax,ebx		
-    adc    edx,0
-    mov    ebx,edx		; high half of product becomes next carry
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_20			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    cmp    ebx,0		; is carry zero?
-    jz     L_23
-    mov    eax,[edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    add    eax,ebx
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    jnc    L_23
-    mov    eax,[edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    adc    eax,0
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    jc     L_22
-    pop    ebx
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp, esp
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    push   ebx
-    psubq  mm2, mm2		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx, [ebp+12]	; ecx = a_len
-    movd   mm1, [ebp+16]	; mm1 = b
-    mov    edi, [ebp+20]
-    cmp    ecx, 0
-    je     L_26			; jmp if a_len == 0
-    mov    esi, [ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    cld
-    movd   mm0, [esi]		; mm0 = *a++
-    movd   mm3, [edi]		; fetch the sum
-    add    esi, 4
-    pmuludq mm0, mm1		; mm0 = b * *a++
-    paddq  mm2, mm0		; add the carry
-    paddq  mm2, mm3		; add *c++
-    movd   [edi], mm2		; store the 32bit result
-    add    edi, 4
-    psrlq  mm2, 32		; save the carry
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_25			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    movd   ebx, mm2
-    cmp    ebx, 0		; is carry zero?
-    jz     L_28
-    mov    eax, [edi]
-    add    eax, ebx
-    stosd
-    jnc    L_28
-    mov    eax, [edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    adc	   eax, 0
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    jc     L_27
-    emms
-    pop    ebx
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-  }
- *   ebp - 20:	caller's esi
- *   ebp - 16:	caller's edi
- *   ebp - 12:	
- *   ebp - 8:	carry
- *   ebp - 4:	a_len	local
- *   ebp + 0:	caller's ebp
- *   ebp + 4:	return address
- *   ebp + 8:	pa	argument
- *   ebp + 12:	a_len	argument
- *   ebp + 16:	ps	argument
- *   ebp + 20:	
- *   registers:
- *  	eax:
- * 	ebx:	carry
- * 	ecx:	a_len
- * 	edx:
- * 	esi:	a ptr
- * 	edi:	c ptr
- */
-__declspec(naked) void
-s_mpv_sqr_add_prop(const mp_digit *a, mp_size a_len, mp_digit *sqrs)
-  __asm {
-     mov    eax, is_sse
-     cmp    eax, 0
-     je     s_mpv_sqr_add_prop_x86
-     jg     s_mpv_sqr_add_prop_sse2
-     call   s_mpi_is_sse2
-     mov    is_sse, eax
-     cmp    eax, 0
-     jg     s_mpv_sqr_add_prop_sse2
-     push   ebp
-     mov    ebp,esp
-     sub    esp,12
-     push   edi
-     push   esi
-     push   ebx
-     mov    ebx,0		; carry = 0
-     mov    ecx,[ebp+12]	; a_len
-     mov    edi,[ebp+16]	; edi = ps
-     cmp    ecx,0
-     je     L_31		; jump if a_len == 0
-     cld
-     mov    esi,[ebp+8]		; esi = pa
-     lodsd			; eax = [ds:si]; si += 4;
-     mul    eax
-     add    eax,ebx		; add "carry"
-     adc    edx,0
-     mov    ebx,[edi]
-     add    eax,ebx		; add low word from result
-     mov    ebx,[edi+4]
-     stosd			; [es:di] = eax; di += 4;
-     adc    edx,ebx		; add high word from result
-     mov    ebx,0
-     mov    eax,edx
-     adc    ebx,0
-     stosd			; [es:di] = eax; di += 4;
-     dec    ecx			; --a_len
-     jnz    L_30		; jmp if a_len != 0
-    cmp    ebx,0		; is carry zero?
-    jz     L_34
-    mov    eax,[edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    add    eax,ebx
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    jnc    L_34
-    mov    eax,[edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    adc    eax,0
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    jc     L_32
-    pop    ebx
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-    push   ebp
-    mov    ebp, esp
-    push   edi
-    push   esi
-    push   ebx
-    psubq  mm2, mm2		; carry = 0
-    mov    ecx, [ebp+12]	; ecx = a_len
-    mov    edi, [ebp+16]
-    cmp    ecx, 0
-    je     L_36		; jmp if a_len == 0
-    mov    esi, [ebp+8]		; esi = a
-    cld
-    movd   mm0, [esi]		; mm0 = *a
-    movd   mm3, [edi]		; fetch the sum
-    add	   esi, 4
-    pmuludq mm0, mm0		; mm0 = sqr(a)
-    paddq  mm2, mm0		; add the carry
-    paddq  mm2, mm3		; add the low word
-    movd   mm3, [edi+4]
-    movd   [edi], mm2		; store the 32bit result
-    psrlq  mm2, 32	
-    paddq  mm2, mm3		; add the high word
-    movd   [edi+4], mm2		; store the 32bit result
-    psrlq  mm2, 32		; save the carry.
-    add    edi, 8
-    dec    ecx			; --a_len
-    jnz    L_35			; jmp if a_len != 0
-    movd   ebx, mm2
-    cmp    ebx, 0		; is carry zero?
-    jz     L_38
-    mov    eax, [edi]
-    add    eax, ebx
-    stosd
-    jnc    L_38
-    mov    eax, [edi]		; add in current word from *c
-    adc	   eax, 0
-    stosd			; [es:edi] = ax; edi += 4;
-    jc     L_37
-    emms
-    pop    ebx
-    pop    esi
-    pop    edi
-    leave  
-    ret    
-    nop
-  }
- *  Divide 64-bit (Nhi,Nlo) by 32-bit divisor, which must be normalized
- *  so its high bit is 1.   This code is from NSPR.
- *
- *  Dump of assembler code for function s_mpv_div_2dx1d:
- *  
- *   esp +  0:   Caller's ebx
- *   esp +  4:	return address
- *   esp +  8:	Nhi	argument
- *   esp + 12:	Nlo	argument
- *   esp + 16:	divisor	argument
- *   esp + 20:	qp	argument
- *   esp + 24:   rp	argument
- *   registers:
- *  	eax:
- * 	ebx:	carry
- * 	ecx:	a_len
- * 	edx:
- * 	esi:	a ptr
- * 	edi:	c ptr
- */  
-__declspec(naked) mp_err
-s_mpv_div_2dx1d(mp_digit Nhi, mp_digit Nlo, mp_digit divisor,
-		mp_digit *qp, mp_digit *rp)
-  __asm {
-       push   ebx
-       mov    edx,[esp+8]
-       mov    eax,[esp+12]
-       mov    ebx,[esp+16]
-       div    ebx
-       mov    ebx,[esp+20]
-       mov    [ebx],eax
-       mov    ebx,[esp+24]
-       mov    [ebx],edx
-       xor    eax,eax		; return zero
-       pop    ebx
-       ret    
-       nop
-  }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.c
deleted file mode 100644
index df0aad0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
- *  mplogic.c
- *
- *  Bitwise logical operations on MPI values
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-/* {{{ Lookup table for population count */
-static unsigned char bitc[] = {
-   0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 
-   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
-   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
-   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
-   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
-   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
-   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
-   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
-   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
-   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
-   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
-   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
-   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
-   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
-   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
-   4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8
-/* }}} */
-  mpl_not(a, b)    - compute b = ~a
-  mpl_and(a, b, c) - compute c = a & b
-  mpl_or(a, b, c)  - compute c = a | b
-  mpl_xor(a, b, c) - compute c = a ^ b
- */
-/* {{{ mpl_not(a, b) */
-mp_err mpl_not(mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  mp_err   res;
-  unsigned int      ix;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  /* This relies on the fact that the digit type is unsigned */
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(b); ix++) 
-    DIGIT(b, ix) = ~DIGIT(b, ix);
-  s_mp_clamp(b);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_not() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpl_and(a, b, c) */
-mp_err mpl_and(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int  *which, *other;
-  mp_err   res;
-  unsigned int      ix;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(USED(a) <= USED(b)) {
-    which = a;
-    other = b;
-  } else {
-    which = b;
-    other = a;
-  }
-  if((res = mp_copy(which, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(which); ix++)
-    DIGIT(c, ix) &= DIGIT(other, ix);
-  s_mp_clamp(c);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_and() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpl_or(a, b, c) */
-mp_err mpl_or(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int  *which, *other;
-  mp_err   res;
-  unsigned int      ix;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(USED(a) >= USED(b)) {
-    which = a;
-    other = b;
-  } else {
-    which = b;
-    other = a;
-  }
-  if((res = mp_copy(which, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(which); ix++)
-    DIGIT(c, ix) |= DIGIT(other, ix);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_or() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpl_xor(a, b, c) */
-mp_err mpl_xor(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c)
-  mp_int  *which, *other;
-  mp_err   res;
-  unsigned int      ix;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if(USED(a) >= USED(b)) {
-    which = a;
-    other = b;
-  } else {
-    which = b;
-    other = a;
-  }
-  if((res = mp_copy(which, c)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(which); ix++)
-    DIGIT(c, ix) ^= DIGIT(other, ix);
-  s_mp_clamp(c);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_xor() */
-/* }}} */
-  mpl_rsh(a, b, d)     - b = a >> d
-  mpl_lsh(a, b, d)     - b = a << d
- */
-/* {{{ mpl_rsh(a, b, d) */
-mp_err mpl_rsh(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit d)
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  s_mp_div_2d(b, d);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_rsh() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpl_lsh(a, b, d) */
-mp_err mpl_lsh(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit d)
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = mp_copy(a, b)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return s_mp_mul_2d(b, d);
-} /* end mpl_lsh() */
-/* }}} */
-  mpl_num_set(a, num)
-  Count the number of set bits in the binary representation of a.
-  Returns MP_OKAY and sets 'num' to be the number of such bits, if
-  possible.  If num is NULL, the result is thrown away, but it is
-  not considered an error.
-  mpl_num_clear() does basically the same thing for clear bits.
- */
-/* {{{ mpl_num_set(a, num) */
-mp_err mpl_num_set(mp_int *a, int *num)
-  unsigned int   ix;
-  int            db, nset = 0;
-  mp_digit       cur;
-  unsigned char  reg;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(a); ix++) {
-    cur = DIGIT(a, ix);
-    for(db = 0; db < sizeof(mp_digit); db++) {
-      reg = (unsigned char)(cur >> (CHAR_BIT * db));
-      nset += bitc[reg];
-    }
-  }
-  if(num)
-    *num = nset;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_num_set() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpl_num_clear(a, num) */
-mp_err mpl_num_clear(mp_int *a, int *num)
-  unsigned int   ix;
-  int            db, nset = 0;
-  mp_digit       cur;
-  unsigned char  reg;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(a); ix++) {
-    cur = DIGIT(a, ix);
-    for(db = 0; db < sizeof(mp_digit); db++) {
-      reg = (unsigned char)(cur >> (CHAR_BIT * db));
-      nset += bitc[UCHAR_MAX - reg];
-    }
-  }
-  if(num)
-    *num = nset;
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpl_num_clear() */
-/* }}} */
-  mpl_parity(a)
-  Determines the bitwise parity of the value given.  Returns MP_EVEN
-  if an even number of digits are set, MP_ODD if an odd number are
-  set.
- */
-/* {{{ mpl_parity(a) */
-mp_err mpl_parity(mp_int *a)
-  unsigned int ix;
-  int      par = 0;
-  mp_digit cur;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(a); ix++) {
-    int   shft = (sizeof(mp_digit) * CHAR_BIT) / 2;
-    cur = DIGIT(a, ix);
-    /* Compute parity for current digit */
-    while(shft != 0) {
-      cur ^= (cur >> shft);
-      shft >>= 1;
-    }
-    cur &= 1;
-    /* XOR with running parity so far   */
-    par ^= cur;
-  }
-  if(par)
-    return MP_ODD;
-  else
-    return MP_EVEN;
-} /* end mpl_parity() */
-/* }}} */
-  mpl_set_bit
-  Returns MP_OKAY or some error code.
-  Grows a if needed to set a bit to 1.
- */
-mp_err mpl_set_bit(mp_int *a, mp_size bitNum, mp_size value)
-  mp_size      ix;
-  mp_err       rv;
-  mp_digit     mask;
-  ix = bitNum / MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  if (ix + 1 > MP_USED(a)) {
-    rv = s_mp_pad(a, ix + 1);
-    if (rv != MP_OKAY)
-      return rv;
-  }
-  bitNum = bitNum % MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  mask = (mp_digit)1 << bitNum;
-  if (value)
-    MP_DIGIT(a,ix) |= mask;
-  else
-    MP_DIGIT(a,ix) &= ~mask;
-  s_mp_clamp(a);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-  mpl_get_bit
-  returns 0 or 1 or some (negative) error code.
- */
-mp_err mpl_get_bit(const mp_int *a, mp_size bitNum)
-  mp_size      bit, ix;
-  mp_err       rv;
-  ix = bitNum / MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  ARGCHK(ix <= MP_USED(a) - 1, MP_RANGE);
-  bit   = bitNum % MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  rv = (mp_err)(MP_DIGIT(a, ix) >> bit) & 1;
-  return rv;
-  mpl_get_bits
-  - Extracts numBits bits from a, where the least significant extracted bit
-  is bit lsbNum.  Returns a negative value if error occurs.
-  - Because sign bit is used to indicate error, maximum number of bits to 
-  be returned is the lesser of (a) the number of bits in an mp_digit, or
-  (b) one less than the number of bits in an mp_err.
-  - lsbNum + numbits can be greater than the number of significant bits in
-  integer a, as long as bit lsbNum is in the high order digit of a.
- */
-mp_err mpl_get_bits(const mp_int *a, mp_size lsbNum, mp_size numBits) 
-  mp_size    rshift = (lsbNum % MP_DIGIT_BIT);
-  mp_size    lsWndx = (lsbNum / MP_DIGIT_BIT);
-  mp_digit * digit  = MP_DIGITS(a) + lsWndx;
-  mp_digit   mask   = ((1 << numBits) - 1);
-  ARGCHK(numBits < CHAR_BIT * sizeof mask, MP_BADARG);
-  if ((numBits + lsbNum % MP_DIGIT_BIT <= MP_DIGIT_BIT) ||
-      (lsWndx + 1 >= MP_USED(a))) {
-    mask &= (digit[0] >> rshift);
-  } else {
-    mask &= ((digit[0] >> rshift) | (digit[1] << (MP_DIGIT_BIT - rshift)));
-  }
-  return (mp_err)mask;
-  mpl_significant_bits
-  returns number of significnant bits in abs(a).
-  returns 1 if value is zero.
- */
-mp_size mpl_significant_bits(const mp_int *a)
-  mp_size bits = 0;
-  int    ix;
-  ix = MP_USED(a);
-  for (ix = MP_USED(a); ix > 0; ) {
-    mp_digit d;
-    d = MP_DIGIT(a, --ix);
-    if (d) {
-      while (d) {
-	++bits;
-	d >>= 1;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  bits += ix * MP_DIGIT_BIT;
-  if (!bits)
-    bits = 1;
-  return bits;
-/* HERE THERE BE DRAGONS                                                  */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e05374a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mplogic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- *  mplogic.h
- *
- *  Bitwise logical operations on MPI values
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _H_MPLOGIC_
-#define _H_MPLOGIC_
-#include "mpi.h"
-  The logical operations treat an mp_int as if it were a bit vector,
-  without regard to its sign (an mp_int is represented in a signed
-  magnitude format).  Values are treated as if they had an infinite
-  string of zeros left of the most-significant bit.
- */
-/* Parity results                    */
-#define MP_EVEN       MP_YES
-#define MP_ODD        MP_NO
-/* Bitwise functions                 */
-mp_err mpl_not(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);            /* one's complement  */
-mp_err mpl_and(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c); /* bitwise AND       */
-mp_err mpl_or(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);  /* bitwise OR        */
-mp_err mpl_xor(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c); /* bitwise XOR       */
-/* Shift functions                   */
-mp_err mpl_rsh(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit d);   /* right shift    */
-mp_err mpl_lsh(const mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit d);   /* left shift     */
-/* Bit count and parity              */
-mp_err mpl_num_set(mp_int *a, int *num);         /* count set bits    */
-mp_err mpl_num_clear(mp_int *a, int *num);       /* count clear bits  */
-mp_err mpl_parity(mp_int *a);                    /* determine parity  */
-/* Get & Set the value of a bit */
-mp_err mpl_set_bit(mp_int *a, mp_size bitNum, mp_size value);
-mp_err mpl_get_bit(const mp_int *a, mp_size bitNum);
-mp_err mpl_get_bits(const mp_int *a, mp_size lsbNum, mp_size numBits);
-mp_size mpl_significant_bits(const mp_int *a);
-#endif /* end _H_MPLOGIC_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpmontg.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpmontg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c14b104..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpmontg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1178 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This file implements moduluar exponentiation using Montgomery's
- * method for modular reduction.  This file implements the method
- * described as "Improvement 2" in the paper "A Cryptogrpahic Library for
- * the Motorola DSP56000" by Stephen R. Dusse' and Burton S. Kaliski Jr.
- * published in "Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of EUROCRYPT '90"
- * "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" volume 473, 1991, pg 230-244,
- * published by Springer Verlag.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "mpprime.h"
-#include "montmulf.h"
-#include <stddef.h> /* ptrdiff_t */
-/* if MP_CHAR_STORE_SLOW is defined, we  */
-/* need to know endianness of this platform. */
-#if !defined(MP_IS_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(MP_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#error "You must define MP_IS_BIG_ENDIAN or MP_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN\n" \
-       "  if you define MP_CHAR_STORE_SLOW."
-#define STATIC
-#define MAX_ODD_INTS    32   /* 2 ** (WINDOW_BITS - 1) */
-/*! computes T = REDC(T), 2^b == R 
-    \param T < RN
-mp_err s_mp_redc(mp_int *T, mp_mont_modulus *mmm)
-  mp_err res;
-  mp_size i;
-  i = (MP_USED(&mmm->N) << 1) + 1;
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(T, i) );
-  for (i = 0; i < MP_USED(&mmm->N); ++i ) {
-    mp_digit m_i = MP_DIGIT(T, i) * mmm->n0prime;
-    /* T += N * m_i * (MP_RADIX ** i); */
-    s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(&mmm->N, m_i, T, i);
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(T);
-  /* T /= R */
-  s_mp_rshd( T, MP_USED(&mmm->N) );
-  if ((res = s_mp_cmp(T, &mmm->N)) >= 0) {
-    /* T = T - N */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub(T, &mmm->N) );
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if ((res = mp_cmp(T, &mmm->N)) >= 0) {
-      res = MP_UNDEF;
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-  }
-  res = MP_OKAY;
-  return res;
-#if !defined(MP_MONT_USE_MP_MUL)
-/*! c <- REDC( a * b ) mod N
-    \param a < N  i.e. "reduced"
-    \param b < N  i.e. "reduced"
-    \param mmm modulus N and n0' of N
-mp_err s_mp_mul_mont(const mp_int *a, const mp_int *b, mp_int *c, 
-	           mp_mont_modulus *mmm)
-  mp_digit *pb;
-  mp_digit m_i;
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_size  ib; /* "index b": index of current digit of B */
-  mp_size  useda, usedb;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && b != NULL && c != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  if (MP_USED(a) < MP_USED(b)) {
-    const mp_int *xch = b;	/* switch a and b, to do fewer outer loops */
-    b = a;
-    a = xch;
-  }
-  MP_USED(c) = 1; MP_DIGIT(c, 0) = 0;
-  ib = (MP_USED(&mmm->N) << 1) + 1;
-  if((res = s_mp_pad(c, ib)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  useda = MP_USED(a);
-  pb = MP_DIGITS(b);
-  s_mpv_mul_d(MP_DIGITS(a), useda, *pb++, MP_DIGITS(c));
-  s_mp_setz(MP_DIGITS(c) + useda + 1, ib - (useda + 1));
-  m_i = MP_DIGIT(c, 0) * mmm->n0prime;
-  s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(&mmm->N, m_i, c, 0);
-  /* Outer loop:  Digits of b */
-  usedb = MP_USED(b);
-  for (ib = 1; ib < usedb; ib++) {
-    mp_digit b_i    = *pb++;
-    /* Inner product:  Digits of a */
-    if (b_i)
-      s_mpv_mul_d_add_prop(MP_DIGITS(a), useda, b_i, MP_DIGITS(c) + ib);
-    m_i = MP_DIGIT(c, ib) * mmm->n0prime;
-    s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(&mmm->N, m_i, c, ib);
-  }
-  if (usedb < MP_USED(&mmm->N)) {
-    for (usedb = MP_USED(&mmm->N); ib < usedb; ++ib ) {
-      m_i = MP_DIGIT(c, ib) * mmm->n0prime;
-      s_mp_mul_d_add_offset(&mmm->N, m_i, c, ib);
-    }
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(c);
-  s_mp_rshd( c, MP_USED(&mmm->N) ); /* c /= R */
-  if (s_mp_cmp(c, &mmm->N) >= 0) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_sub(c, &mmm->N) );
-  }
-  res = MP_OKAY;
-  return res;
-mp_err s_mp_to_mont(const mp_int *x, mp_mont_modulus *mmm, mp_int *xMont)
-  mp_err res;
-  /* xMont = x * R mod N   where  N is modulus */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy( x, xMont ) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_lshd( xMont, MP_USED(&mmm->N) ) );	/* xMont = x << b */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_div(xMont, &mmm->N, 0, xMont) );	/*         mod N */
-  return res;
-/* the floating point multiply is already cache safe,
- * don't turn on cache safe unless we specifically
- * force it */
-unsigned int mp_using_mont_mulf = 1;
-/* computes montgomery square of the integer in mResult */
-#define SQR \
-  conv_i32_to_d32_and_d16(dm1, d16Tmp, mResult, nLen); \
-  mont_mulf_noconv(mResult, dm1, d16Tmp, \
-		   dTmp, dn, MP_DIGITS(modulus), nLen, dn0)
-/* computes montgomery product of x and the integer in mResult */
-#define MUL(x) \
-  conv_i32_to_d32(dm1, mResult, nLen); \
-  mont_mulf_noconv(mResult, dm1, oddPowers[x], \
-		   dTmp, dn, MP_DIGITS(modulus), nLen, dn0)
-/* Do modular exponentiation using floating point multiply code. */
-mp_err mp_exptmod_f(const mp_int *   montBase, 
-                    const mp_int *   exponent, 
-		    const mp_int *   modulus, 
-		    mp_int *         result, 
-		    mp_mont_modulus *mmm, 
-		    int              nLen, 
-		    mp_size          bits_in_exponent, 
-		    mp_size          window_bits,
-		    mp_size          odd_ints)
-  mp_digit *mResult;
-  double   *dBuf = 0, *dm1, *dn, *dSqr, *d16Tmp, *dTmp;
-  double    dn0;
-  mp_size   i;
-  mp_err    res;
-  int       expOff;
-  int       dSize = 0, oddPowSize, dTmpSize;
-  mp_int    accum1;
-  double   *oddPowers[MAX_ODD_INTS];
-  /* function for computing n0prime only works if n0 is odd */
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum1) = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_ODD_INTS; ++i)
-    oddPowers[i] = 0;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum1, 3 * nLen + 2) );
-  mp_set(&accum1, 1);
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_to_mont(&accum1, mmm, &accum1) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(&accum1, nLen) );
-  oddPowSize = 2 * nLen + 1;
-  dTmpSize   = 2 * oddPowSize;
-  dSize = sizeof(double) * (nLen * 4 + 1 + 
-			    ((odd_ints + 1) * oddPowSize) + dTmpSize);
-  dBuf   = (double *)malloc(dSize);
-  dm1    = dBuf;		/* array of d32 */
-  dn     = dBuf   + nLen;	/* array of d32 */
-  dSqr   = dn     + nLen;    	/* array of d32 */
-  d16Tmp = dSqr   + nLen;	/* array of d16 */
-  dTmp   = d16Tmp + oddPowSize;
-  for (i = 0; i < odd_ints; ++i) {
-      oddPowers[i] = dTmp;
-      dTmp += oddPowSize;
-  }
-  mResult = (mp_digit *)(dTmp + dTmpSize);	/* size is nLen + 1 */
-  /* Make dn and dn0 */
-  conv_i32_to_d32(dn, MP_DIGITS(modulus), nLen);
-  dn0 = (double)(mmm->n0prime & 0xffff);
-  /* Make dSqr */
-  conv_i32_to_d32_and_d16(dm1, oddPowers[0], MP_DIGITS(montBase), nLen);
-  mont_mulf_noconv(mResult, dm1, oddPowers[0], 
-		   dTmp, dn, MP_DIGITS(modulus), nLen, dn0);
-  conv_i32_to_d32(dSqr, mResult, nLen);
-  for (i = 1; i < odd_ints; ++i) {
-    mont_mulf_noconv(mResult, dSqr, oddPowers[i - 1], 
-		     dTmp, dn, MP_DIGITS(modulus), nLen, dn0);
-    conv_i32_to_d16(oddPowers[i], mResult, nLen);
-  }
-  s_mp_copy(MP_DIGITS(&accum1), mResult, nLen); /* from, to, len */
-  for (expOff = bits_in_exponent - window_bits; expOff >= 0; expOff -= window_bits) {
-    mp_size smallExp;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mpl_get_bits(exponent, expOff, window_bits) );
-    smallExp = (mp_size)res;
-    if (window_bits == 1) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-	SQR;
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR; MUL(0); 
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else if (window_bits == 4) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/2); 
-      } else if (smallExp & 2) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/4); SQR; 
-      } else if (smallExp & 4) {
-	SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/8); SQR; SQR; 
-      } else if (smallExp & 8) {
-	SQR; MUL(smallExp/16); SQR; SQR; SQR; 
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else if (window_bits == 5) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/2);
-      } else if (smallExp & 2) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/4); SQR;
-      } else if (smallExp & 4) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/8); SQR; SQR;
-      } else if (smallExp & 8) {
-	SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/16); SQR; SQR; SQR;
-      } else if (smallExp & 0x10) {
-	SQR; MUL(smallExp/32); SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR;
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else if (window_bits == 6) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/2); 
-      } else if (smallExp & 2) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/4); SQR; 
-      } else if (smallExp & 4) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/8); SQR; SQR; 
-      } else if (smallExp & 8) {
-	SQR; SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/16); SQR; SQR; SQR; 
-      } else if (smallExp & 0x10) {
-	SQR; SQR; MUL(smallExp/32); SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; 
-      } else if (smallExp & 0x20) {
-	SQR; MUL(smallExp/64); SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; SQR; 
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else {
-      abort();
-    }
-  }
-  s_mp_copy(mResult, MP_DIGITS(&accum1), nLen); /* from, to, len */
-  res = s_mp_redc(&accum1, mmm);
-  mp_exch(&accum1, result);
-  mp_clear(&accum1);
-  if (dBuf) {
-    if (dSize)
-      memset(dBuf, 0, dSize);
-    free(dBuf);
-  }
-  return res;
-#undef SQR
-#undef MUL
-#define SQR(a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_sqr(a, b) );\
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_redc(b, mmm) )
-#if defined(MP_MONT_USE_MP_MUL)
-#define MUL(x,a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(a, oddPowers + (x), b) ); \
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_redc(b, mmm) ) 
-#define MUL(x,a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_mont(a, oddPowers + (x), b, mmm) )
-#define SWAPPA ptmp = pa1; pa1 = pa2; pa2 = ptmp
-/* Do modular exponentiation using integer multiply code. */
-mp_err mp_exptmod_i(const mp_int *   montBase, 
-                    const mp_int *   exponent, 
-		    const mp_int *   modulus, 
-		    mp_int *         result, 
-		    mp_mont_modulus *mmm, 
-		    int              nLen, 
-		    mp_size          bits_in_exponent, 
-		    mp_size          window_bits,
-		    mp_size          odd_ints)
-  mp_int *pa1, *pa2, *ptmp;
-  mp_size i;
-  mp_err  res;
-  int     expOff;
-  mp_int  accum1, accum2, power2, oddPowers[MAX_ODD_INTS];
-  /* power2 = base ** 2; oddPowers[i] = base ** (2*i + 1); */
-  /* oddPowers[i] = base ** (2*i + 1); */
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum1) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum2) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&power2) = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_ODD_INTS; ++i) {
-    MP_DIGITS(oddPowers + i) = 0;
-  }
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum1, 3 * nLen + 2) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum2, 3 * nLen + 2) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_copy(&oddPowers[0], montBase) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&power2, nLen + 2 * MP_USED(montBase) + 2) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_sqr(montBase, &power2) );	/* power2 = montBase ** 2 */
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_redc(&power2, mmm) );
-  for (i = 1; i < odd_ints; ++i) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(oddPowers + i, nLen + 2 * MP_USED(&power2) + 2) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(oddPowers + (i - 1), &power2, oddPowers + i) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_redc(oddPowers + i, mmm) );
-  }
-  /* set accumulator to montgomery residue of 1 */
-  mp_set(&accum1, 1);
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_to_mont(&accum1, mmm, &accum1) );
-  pa1 = &accum1;
-  pa2 = &accum2;
-  for (expOff = bits_in_exponent - window_bits; expOff >= 0; expOff -= window_bits) {
-    mp_size smallExp;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mpl_get_bits(exponent, expOff, window_bits) );
-    smallExp = (mp_size)res;
-    if (window_bits == 1) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(0,pa2,pa1);
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else if (window_bits == 4) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	MUL(smallExp/2, pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 2) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); 
-	MUL(smallExp/4,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 4) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); MUL(smallExp/8,pa1,pa2); 
-	SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 8) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(smallExp/16,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); 
-	SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else if (window_bits == 5) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(smallExp/2,pa2,pa1);
-      } else if (smallExp & 2) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	MUL(smallExp/4,pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-      } else if (smallExp & 4) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); 
-	MUL(smallExp/8,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-      } else if (smallExp & 8) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); MUL(smallExp/16,pa1,pa2); 
-	SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-      } else if (smallExp & 0x10) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(smallExp/32,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); 
-	SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else if (window_bits == 6) {
-      if (!smallExp) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-      } else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); MUL(smallExp/2,pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 2) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(smallExp/4,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 4) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	MUL(smallExp/8,pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 8) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); 
-	MUL(smallExp/16,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 0x10) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); MUL(smallExp/32,pa1,pa2); 
-	SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else if (smallExp & 0x20) {
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(smallExp/64,pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); 
-	SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-      } else {
-	abort();
-      }
-    } else {
-      abort();
-    }
-  }
-  res = s_mp_redc(pa1, mmm);
-  mp_exch(pa1, result);
-  mp_clear(&accum1);
-  mp_clear(&accum2);
-  mp_clear(&power2);
-  for (i = 0; i < odd_ints; ++i) {
-    mp_clear(oddPowers + i);
-  }
-  return res;
-#undef SQR
-#undef MUL
-unsigned int mp_using_cache_safe_exp = 1;
-mp_err mp_set_safe_modexp(int value) 
- mp_using_cache_safe_exp = value;
- return MP_OKAY;
- if (value == 0) {
-   return MP_OKAY;
- }
- return MP_BADARG;
-#define WEAVE_WORD_SIZE 4
- * mpi_to_weave takes an array of bignums, a matrix in which each bignum 
- * occupies all the columns of a row, and transposes it into a matrix in 
- * which each bignum occupies a column of every row.  The first row of the
- * input matrix becomes the first column of the output matrix.  The n'th
- * row of input becomes the n'th column of output.  The input data is said
- * to be "interleaved" or "woven" into the output matrix.
- *
- * The array of bignums is left in this woven form.  Each time a single
- * bignum value is needed, it is recreated by fetching the n'th column, 
- * forming a single row which is the new bignum.
- *
- * The purpose of this interleaving is make it impossible to determine which
- * of the bignums is being used in any one operation by examining the pattern
- * of cache misses.
- *
- * The weaving function does not transpose the entire input matrix in one call.
- * It transposes 4 rows of mp_ints into their respective columns of output.
- *
- * There are two different implementations of the weaving and unweaving code
- * in this file.  One uses byte loads and stores.  The second uses loads and
- * stores of mp_weave_word size values.  The weaved forms of these two 
- * implementations differ.  Consequently, each one has its own explanation.
- *
- * Here is the explanation for the byte-at-a-time implementation.
- *
- * This implementation treats each mp_int bignum as an array of bytes, 
- * rather than as an array of mp_digits.  It stores those bytes as a 
- * column of bytes in the output matrix.  It doesn't care if the machine
- * uses big-endian or little-endian byte ordering within mp_digits.
- * The first byte of the mp_digit array becomes the first byte in the output
- * column, regardless of whether that byte is the MSB or LSB of the mp_digit.
- *
- * "bignums" is an array of mp_ints.
- * It points to four rows, four mp_ints, a subset of a larger array of mp_ints.
- *
- * "weaved" is the weaved output matrix. 
- * The first byte of bignums[0] is stored in weaved[0].
- * 
- * "nBignums" is the total number of bignums in the array of which "bignums" 
- * is a part.  
- *
- * "nDigits" is the size in mp_digits of each mp_int in the "bignums" array. 
- * mp_ints that use less than nDigits digits are logically padded with zeros 
- * while being stored in the weaved array.
- */
-mp_err mpi_to_weave(const mp_int  *bignums, 
-                    unsigned char *weaved, 
-		    mp_size nDigits,  /* in each mp_int of input */
-		    mp_size nBignums) /* in the entire source array */
-  mp_size i;
-  unsigned char * endDest = weaved + (nDigits * nBignums * sizeof(mp_digit));
-  for (i=0; i < WEAVE_WORD_SIZE; i++) {
-    mp_size used = MP_USED(&bignums[i]);
-    unsigned char *pSrc   = (unsigned char *)MP_DIGITS(&bignums[i]);
-    unsigned char *endSrc = pSrc + (used * sizeof(mp_digit));
-    unsigned char *pDest  = weaved + i;
-    ARGCHK(MP_SIGN(&bignums[i]) == MP_ZPOS, MP_BADARG);
-    ARGCHK(used <= nDigits, MP_BADARG);
-    for (; pSrc < endSrc; pSrc++) {
-      *pDest = *pSrc;
-      pDest += nBignums;
-    }
-    while (pDest < endDest) {
-      *pDest = 0;
-      pDest += nBignums;
-    }
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* Reverse the operation above for one mp_int.
- * Reconstruct one mp_int from its column in the weaved array.
- * "pSrc" points to the offset into the weave array of the bignum we 
- * are going to reconstruct.
- */
-mp_err weave_to_mpi(mp_int *a,                /* output, result */
-                    const unsigned char *pSrc, /* input, byte matrix */
-		    mp_size nDigits,          /* per mp_int output */
-		    mp_size nBignums)         /* bignums in weaved matrix */
-  unsigned char *pDest   = (unsigned char *)MP_DIGITS(a);
-  unsigned char *endDest = pDest + (nDigits * sizeof(mp_digit));
-  MP_SIGN(a) = MP_ZPOS;
-  MP_USED(a) = nDigits;
-  for (; pDest < endDest; pSrc += nBignums, pDest++) {
-    *pDest = *pSrc;
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(a);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* Need a primitive that we know is 32 bits long... */
-/* this is true on all modern processors we know of today*/
-typedef unsigned int mp_weave_word;
- * on some platforms character stores into memory is very expensive since they
- * generate a read/modify/write operation on the bus. On those platforms
- * we need to do integer writes to the bus. Because of some unrolled code,
- * in this current code the size of mp_weave_word must be four. The code that
- * makes this assumption explicity is called out. (on some platforms a write
- * of 4 bytes still requires a single read-modify-write operation.
- *
- * This function is takes the identical parameters as the function above, 
- * however it lays out the final array differently. Where the previous function
- * treats the mpi_int as an byte array, this function treats it as an array of
- * mp_digits where each digit is stored in big endian order.
- * 
- * since we need to interleave on a byte by byte basis, we need to collect 
- * several mpi structures together into a single PRUint32 before we write. We
- * also need to make sure the PRUint32 is arranged so that the first value of
- * the first array winds up in b[0]. This means construction of that PRUint32
- * is endian specific (even though the layout of the mp_digits in the array 
- * is always big endian).
- *
- * The final data is stored as follows :
- *
- * Our same logical array p array, m is sizeof(mp_digit),
- * N is still count and n is now b_size. If we define p[i].digit[j]0 as the 
- * most significant byte of the word p[i].digit[j], p[i].digit[j]1 as 
- * the next most significant byte of p[i].digit[j], ...  and p[i].digit[j]m-1
- * is the least significant byte. 
- * Our array would look like:
- * p[0].digit[0]0     p[1].digit[0]0    ...  p[N-2].digit[0]0    p[N-1].digit[0]0
- * p[0].digit[0]1     p[1].digit[0]1    ...  p[N-2].digit[0]1    p[N-1].digit[0]1
- *                .                                         .
- * p[0].digit[0]m-1   p[1].digit[0]m-1  ...  p[N-2].digit[0]m-1  p[N-1].digit[0]m-1
- * p[0].digit[1]0     p[1].digit[1]0    ...  p[N-2].digit[1]0    p[N-1].digit[1]0
- *                .                                         .
- *                .                                         .
- * p[0].digit[n-1]m-2 p[1].digit[n-1]m-2 ... p[N-2].digit[n-1]m-2 p[N-1].digit[n-1]m-2
- * p[0].digit[n-1]m-1 p[1].digit[n-1]m-1 ... p[N-2].digit[n-1]m-1 p[N-1].digit[n-1]m-1 
- *
- */
-mp_err mpi_to_weave(const mp_int *a, unsigned char *b, 
-					mp_size b_size, mp_size count)
-  mp_size i;
-  mp_digit *digitsa0;
-  mp_digit *digitsa1;
-  mp_digit *digitsa2;
-  mp_digit *digitsa3;
-  mp_size   useda0;
-  mp_size   useda1;
-  mp_size   useda2;
-  mp_size   useda3;
-  mp_weave_word *weaved = (mp_weave_word *)b;
-  count = count/sizeof(mp_weave_word);
-  /* this code pretty much depends on this ! */
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 2
-  assert(WEAVE_WORD_SIZE == 4); 
-  assert(sizeof(mp_weave_word) == 4);
-  digitsa0 = MP_DIGITS(&a[0]);
-  digitsa1 = MP_DIGITS(&a[1]);
-  digitsa2 = MP_DIGITS(&a[2]);
-  digitsa3 = MP_DIGITS(&a[3]);
-  useda0 = MP_USED(&a[0]);
-  useda1 = MP_USED(&a[1]);
-  useda2 = MP_USED(&a[2]);
-  useda3 = MP_USED(&a[3]);
-  ARGCHK(useda0 <= b_size, MP_BADARG);
-  ARGCHK(useda1 <= b_size, MP_BADARG);
-  ARGCHK(useda2 <= b_size, MP_BADARG);
-  ARGCHK(useda3 <= b_size, MP_BADARG);
-#define SAFE_FETCH(digit, used, word) ((word) < (used) ? (digit[word]) : 0)
-  for (i=0; i < b_size; i++) {
-    mp_digit d0 = SAFE_FETCH(digitsa0,useda0,i);
-    mp_digit d1 = SAFE_FETCH(digitsa1,useda1,i);
-    mp_digit d2 = SAFE_FETCH(digitsa2,useda2,i);
-    mp_digit d3 = SAFE_FETCH(digitsa3,useda3,i);
-    register mp_weave_word acc;
- * ONE_STEP takes the MSB of each of our current digits and places that
- * byte in the appropriate position for writing to the weaved array.
- *  On little endian:
- *   b3 b2 b1 b0
- *  On big endian:
- *   b0 b1 b2 b3
- *  When the data is written it would always wind up:
- *   b[0] = b0
- *   b[1] = b1
- *   b[2] = b2
- *   b[3] = b3
- *
- * Once we've written the MSB, we shift the whole digit up left one
- * byte, putting the Next Most Significant Byte in the MSB position,
- * so we we repeat the next one step that byte will be written.
- * NOTE: This code assumes sizeof(mp_weave_word) and MP_WEAVE_WORD_SIZE
- * is 4.
- */
-    acc  = (d0 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-8))  & 0x000000ff; d0 <<= 8; /*b0*/ \
-    acc |= (d1 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-16)) & 0x0000ff00; d1 <<= 8; /*b1*/ \
-    acc |= (d2 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-24)) & 0x00ff0000; d2 <<= 8; /*b2*/ \
-    acc |= (d3 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-32)) & 0xff000000; d3 <<= 8; /*b3*/ \
-    *weaved = acc; weaved += count;
-    acc  = (d0 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-32)) & 0xff000000; d0 <<= 8; /*b0*/ \
-    acc |= (d1 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-24)) & 0x00ff0000; d1 <<= 8; /*b1*/ \
-    acc |= (d2 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-16)) & 0x0000ff00; d2 <<= 8; /*b2*/ \
-    acc |= (d3 >> (MP_DIGIT_BIT-8))  & 0x000000ff; d3 <<= 8; /*b3*/ \
-    *weaved = acc; weaved += count;
-   switch (sizeof(mp_digit)) {
-   case 32:
-   case 16:
-   case 8:
-   case 4:
-   case 2:
-   case 1:
-    break;
-   }
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-/* reverse the operation above for one entry.
- * b points to the offset into the weave array of the power we are
- * calculating */
-mp_err weave_to_mpi(mp_int *a, const unsigned char *b, 
-					mp_size b_size, mp_size count)
-  mp_digit *pb = MP_DIGITS(a);
-  mp_digit *end = &pb[b_size];
-  MP_SIGN(a) = MP_ZPOS;
-  MP_USED(a) = b_size;
-  for (; pb < end; pb++) {
-    register mp_digit digit;
-    digit = *b << 8; b += count;
-#define MPI_UNWEAVE_ONE_STEP  digit |= *b; b += count; digit = digit << 8;
-    switch (sizeof(mp_digit)) {
-    case 32:
-    case 16:
-    case 8:
-    case 4:
-    case 2:
-	break;
-    }
-    digit |= *b; b += count; 
-    *pb = digit;
-  }
-  s_mp_clamp(a);
-  return MP_OKAY;
-#define SQR(a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_sqr(a, b) );\
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_redc(b, mmm) )
-#if defined(MP_MONT_USE_MP_MUL)
-#define MUL_NOWEAVE(x,a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul(a, x, b) ); \
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_redc(b, mmm) ) 
-#define MUL_NOWEAVE(x,a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_mul_mont(a, x, b, mmm) )
-#define MUL(x,a,b) \
-  MP_CHECKOK( weave_to_mpi(&tmp, powers + (x), nLen, num_powers) ); \
-  MUL_NOWEAVE(&tmp,a,b)
-#define SWAPPA ptmp = pa1; pa1 = pa2; pa2 = ptmp
-#define MP_ALIGN(x,y) ((((ptrdiff_t)(x))+((y)-1))&(((ptrdiff_t)0)-(y)))
-/* Do modular exponentiation using integer multiply code. */
-mp_err mp_exptmod_safe_i(const mp_int *   montBase, 
-                    const mp_int *   exponent, 
-		    const mp_int *   modulus, 
-		    mp_int *         result, 
-		    mp_mont_modulus *mmm, 
-		    int              nLen, 
-		    mp_size          bits_in_exponent, 
-		    mp_size          window_bits,
-		    mp_size          num_powers)
-  mp_int *pa1, *pa2, *ptmp;
-  mp_size i;
-  mp_size first_window;
-  mp_err  res;
-  int     expOff;
-  mp_int  accum1, accum2, accum[WEAVE_WORD_SIZE];
-  mp_int  tmp;
-  unsigned char *powersArray = NULL;
-  unsigned char *powers = NULL;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum1) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum2) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum[0]) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum[1]) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum[2]) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&accum[3]) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-  /* grab the first window value. This allows us to preload accumulator1
-   * and save a conversion, some squares and a multiple*/
-  MP_CHECKOK( mpl_get_bits(exponent, 
-				bits_in_exponent-window_bits, window_bits) );
-  first_window = (mp_size)res;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum1, 3 * nLen + 2) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum2, 3 * nLen + 2) );
-  /* build the first WEAVE_WORD powers inline */
-  /* if WEAVE_WORD_SIZE is not 4, this code will have to change */
-  if (num_powers > 2) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum[0], 3 * nLen + 2) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum[1], 3 * nLen + 2) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum[2], 3 * nLen + 2) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&accum[3], 3 * nLen + 2) );
-    mp_set(&accum[0], 1);
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_to_mont(&accum[0], mmm, &accum[0]) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(montBase, &accum[1]) );
-    SQR(montBase, &accum[2]);
-    MUL_NOWEAVE(montBase, &accum[2], &accum[3]);
-    powersArray = (unsigned char *)malloc(num_powers*(nLen*sizeof(mp_digit)+1));
-    if (!powersArray) {
-      res = MP_MEM;
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    /* powers[i] = base ** (i); */ \
-    powers = (unsigned char *)MP_ALIGN(powersArray,num_powers); \
-    MP_CHECKOK( mpi_to_weave(accum, powers, nLen, num_powers) );
-    if (first_window < 4) {
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(&accum[first_window], &accum1) );
-      first_window = num_powers;
-    }
-  } else {
-      if (first_window == 0) {
-        mp_set(&accum1, 1);
-        MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_to_mont(&accum1, mmm, &accum1) );
-      } else {
-        /* assert first_window == 1? */
-        MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(montBase, &accum1) );
-      }
-  }
-  /*
-   * calculate all the powers in the powers array.
-   * this adds 2**(k-1)-2 square operations over just calculating the
-   * odd powers where k is the window size in the two other mp_modexpt
-   * implementations in this file. We will get some of that
-   * back by not needing the first 'k' squares and one multiply for the 
-   * first window.
-   * Given the value of 4 for WEAVE_WORD_SIZE, this loop will only execute if
-   * num_powers > 2, in which case powers will have been allocated.
-   */
-  for (i = WEAVE_WORD_SIZE; i < num_powers; i++) {
-    int acc_index = i & (WEAVE_WORD_SIZE-1); /* i % WEAVE_WORD_SIZE */
-    if ( i & 1 ) {
-      MUL_NOWEAVE(montBase, &accum[acc_index-1] , &accum[acc_index]);
-      /* we've filled the array do our 'per array' processing */
-      if (acc_index == (WEAVE_WORD_SIZE-1)) {
-        MP_CHECKOK( mpi_to_weave(accum, powers + i - (WEAVE_WORD_SIZE-1),
-							 nLen, num_powers) );
-        if (first_window <= i) {
-          MP_CHECKOK( mp_copy(&accum[first_window & (WEAVE_WORD_SIZE-1)], 
-								&accum1) );
-          first_window = num_powers;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      /* up to 8 we can find 2^i-1 in the accum array, but at 8 we our source
-       * and target are the same so we need to copy.. After that, the
-       * value is overwritten, so we need to fetch it from the stored
-       * weave array */
-      if (i > 2* WEAVE_WORD_SIZE) {
-        MP_CHECKOK(weave_to_mpi(&accum2, powers+i/2, nLen, num_powers));
-        SQR(&accum2, &accum[acc_index]);
-      } else {
-	int half_power_index = (i/2) & (WEAVE_WORD_SIZE-1);
-	if (half_power_index == acc_index) {
-	   /* copy is cheaper than weave_to_mpi */
-	   MP_CHECKOK(mp_copy(&accum[half_power_index], &accum2));
-	   SQR(&accum2,&accum[acc_index]);
-	} else {
-	   SQR(&accum[half_power_index],&accum[acc_index]);
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* if the accum1 isn't set, Then there is something wrong with our logic 
-   * above and is an internal programming error. 
-   */
-#if MP_ARGCHK == 2
-  assert(MP_USED(&accum1) != 0);
-  /* set accumulator to montgomery residue of 1 */
-  pa1 = &accum1;
-  pa2 = &accum2;
-  /* tmp is not used if window_bits == 1. */
-  if (window_bits != 1) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&tmp, 3 * nLen + 2) );
-  }
-  for (expOff = bits_in_exponent - window_bits*2; expOff >= 0; expOff -= window_bits) {
-    mp_size smallExp;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mpl_get_bits(exponent, expOff, window_bits) );
-    smallExp = (mp_size)res;
-    /* handle unroll the loops */
-    switch (window_bits) {
-    case 1:
-	if (!smallExp) {
-	    SQR(pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-	} else if (smallExp & 1) {
-	    SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL_NOWEAVE(montBase,pa2,pa1);
-	} else {
-	    abort();
-	}
-	break;
-    case 6:
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	/* fall through */
-    case 4:
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1);
-	MUL(smallExp, pa1,pa2); SWAPPA;
-	break;
-    case 5:
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); SQR(pa1,pa2); SQR(pa2,pa1); 
-	SQR(pa1,pa2); MUL(smallExp,pa2,pa1);
-	break;
-    default:
-	abort(); /* could do a loop? */
-    }
-  }
-  res = s_mp_redc(pa1, mmm);
-  mp_exch(pa1, result);
-  mp_clear(&accum1);
-  mp_clear(&accum2);
-  mp_clear(&accum[0]);
-  mp_clear(&accum[1]);
-  mp_clear(&accum[2]);
-  mp_clear(&accum[3]);
-  mp_clear(&tmp);
-  /* PORT_Memset(powers,0,num_powers*nLen*sizeof(mp_digit)); */
-  free(powersArray);
-  return res;
-#undef SQR
-#undef MUL
-mp_err mp_exptmod(const mp_int *inBase, const mp_int *exponent, 
-		  const mp_int *modulus, mp_int *result)
-  const mp_int *base;
-  mp_size bits_in_exponent, i, window_bits, odd_ints;
-  mp_err  res;
-  int     nLen;
-  mp_int  montBase, goodBase;
-  mp_mont_modulus mmm;
-  static unsigned int max_window_bits;
-  /* function for computing n0prime only works if n0 is odd */
-  if (!mp_isodd(modulus))
-    return s_mp_exptmod(inBase, exponent, modulus, result);
-  MP_DIGITS(&montBase) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&goodBase) = 0;
-  if (mp_cmp(inBase, modulus) < 0) {
-    base = inBase;
-  } else {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&goodBase) );
-    base = &goodBase;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mod(inBase, modulus, &goodBase) );
-  }
-  nLen  = MP_USED(modulus);
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&montBase, 2 * nLen + 2) );
-  mmm.N = *modulus;			/* a copy of the mp_int struct */
-  /* compute n0', given n0, n0' = -(n0 ** -1) mod MP_RADIX
-  **		where n0 = least significant mp_digit of N, the modulus.
-  */
-  mmm.n0prime = 0 - s_mp_invmod_radix( MP_DIGIT(modulus, 0) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_to_mont(base, &mmm, &montBase) );
-  bits_in_exponent = mpl_significant_bits(exponent);
-  if (mp_using_cache_safe_exp) {
-    if (bits_in_exponent > 780)
-	window_bits = 6;
-    else if (bits_in_exponent > 256)
-	window_bits = 5;
-    else if (bits_in_exponent > 20)
-	window_bits = 4;
-       /* RSA public key exponents are typically under 20 bits (common values 
-        * are: 3, 17, 65537) and a 4-bit window is inefficient
-        */
-    else 
-	window_bits = 1;
-  } else
-  if (bits_in_exponent > 480)
-    window_bits = 6;
-  else if (bits_in_exponent > 160)
-    window_bits = 5;
-  else if (bits_in_exponent > 20)
-    window_bits = 4;
-  /* RSA public key exponents are typically under 20 bits (common values 
-   * are: 3, 17, 65537) and a 4-bit window is inefficient
-   */
-  else 
-    window_bits = 1;
-  /*
-   * clamp the window size based on
-   * the cache line size.
-   */
-  if (!max_window_bits) {
-    unsigned long cache_size = s_mpi_getProcessorLineSize();
-    /* processor has no cache, use 'fast' code always */
-    if (cache_size == 0) {
-      mp_using_cache_safe_exp = 0;
-    } 
-    if ((cache_size == 0) || (cache_size >= 64)) {
-      max_window_bits = 6;
-    } else if (cache_size >= 32) {
-      max_window_bits = 5;
-    } else if (cache_size >= 16) {
-      max_window_bits = 4;
-    } else max_window_bits = 1; /* should this be an assert? */
-  }
-  /* clamp the window size down before we caclulate bits_in_exponent */
-  if (mp_using_cache_safe_exp) {
-    if (window_bits > max_window_bits) {
-      window_bits = max_window_bits;
-    }
-  }
-  odd_ints = 1 << (window_bits - 1);
-  i = bits_in_exponent % window_bits;
-  if (i != 0) {
-    bits_in_exponent += window_bits - i;
-  } 
-  if (mp_using_mont_mulf) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(&montBase, nLen) );
-    res = mp_exptmod_f(&montBase, exponent, modulus, result, &mmm, nLen, 
-		     bits_in_exponent, window_bits, odd_ints);
-  } else
-  if (mp_using_cache_safe_exp) {
-    res = mp_exptmod_safe_i(&montBase, exponent, modulus, result, &mmm, nLen, 
-		     bits_in_exponent, window_bits, 1 << window_bits);
-  } else
-  res = mp_exptmod_i(&montBase, exponent, modulus, result, &mmm, nLen, 
-		     bits_in_exponent, window_bits, odd_ints);
-  mp_clear(&montBase);
-  mp_clear(&goodBase);
-  /* Don't mp_clear mmm.N because it is merely a copy of modulus.
-  ** Just zap it.
-  */
-  memset(&mmm, 0, sizeof mmm);
-  return res;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e6f0099..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
- *  mpprime.c
- *
- *  Utilities for finding and working with prime and pseudo-prime
- *  integers
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi-priv.h"
-#include "mpprime.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define SMALL_TABLE 0 /* determines size of hard-wired prime table */
-#define RANDOM() rand()
-#include "primes.c"  /* pull in the prime digit table */
-   Test if any of a given vector of digits divides a.  If not, MP_NO
-   is returned; otherwise, MP_YES is returned and 'which' is set to
-   the index of the integer in the vector which divided a.
- */
-mp_err    s_mpp_divp(mp_int *a, const mp_digit *vec, int size, int *which);
-/* {{{ mpp_divis(a, b) */
-  mpp_divis(a, b)
-  Returns MP_YES if a is divisible by b, or MP_NO if it is not.
- */
-mp_err  mpp_divis(mp_int *a, mp_int *b)
-  mp_err  res;
-  mp_int  rem;
-  if((res = mp_init(&rem)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if((res = mp_mod(a, b, &rem)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  if(mp_cmp_z(&rem) == 0)
-    res = MP_YES;
-  else
-    res = MP_NO;
-  mp_clear(&rem);
-  return res;
-} /* end mpp_divis() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpp_divis_d(a, d) */
-  mpp_divis_d(a, d)
-  Return MP_YES if a is divisible by d, or MP_NO if it is not.
- */
-mp_err  mpp_divis_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit d)
-  mp_err     res;
-  mp_digit   rem;
-  if(d == 0)
-    return MP_NO;
-  if((res = mp_mod_d(a, d, &rem)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  if(rem == 0)
-    return MP_YES;
-  else
-    return MP_NO;
-} /* end mpp_divis_d() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpp_random(a) */
-  mpp_random(a)
-  Assigns a random value to a.  This value is generated using the
-  standard C library's rand() function, so it should not be used for
-  cryptographic purposes, but it should be fine for primality testing,
-  since all we really care about there is good statistical properties.
-  As many digits as a currently has are filled with random digits.
- */
-mp_err  mpp_random(mp_int *a)
-  mp_digit  next = 0;
-  unsigned int       ix, jx;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < USED(a); ix++) {
-    for(jx = 0; jx < sizeof(mp_digit); jx++) {
-      next = (next << CHAR_BIT) | (RANDOM() & UCHAR_MAX);
-    }
-    DIGIT(a, ix) = next;
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-} /* end mpp_random() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpp_random_size(a, prec) */
-mp_err  mpp_random_size(mp_int *a, mp_size prec)
-  mp_err   res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && prec > 0, MP_BADARG);
-  if((res = s_mp_pad(a, prec)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  return mpp_random(a);
-} /* end mpp_random_size() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpp_divis_vector(a, vec, size, which) */
-  mpp_divis_vector(a, vec, size, which)
-  Determines if a is divisible by any of the 'size' digits in vec.
-  Returns MP_YES and sets 'which' to the index of the offending digit,
-  if it is; returns MP_NO if it is not.
- */
-mp_err  mpp_divis_vector(mp_int *a, const mp_digit *vec, int size, int *which)
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && vec != NULL && size > 0, MP_BADARG);
-  return s_mpp_divp(a, vec, size, which);
-} /* end mpp_divis_vector() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpp_divis_primes(a, np) */
-  mpp_divis_primes(a, np)
-  Test whether a is divisible by any of the first 'np' primes.  If it
-  is, returns MP_YES and sets *np to the value of the digit that did
-  it.  If not, returns MP_NO.
- */
-mp_err  mpp_divis_primes(mp_int *a, mp_digit *np)
-  int     size, which;
-  mp_err  res;
-  ARGCHK(a != NULL && np != NULL, MP_BADARG);
-  size = (int)*np;
-  if(size > prime_tab_size)
-    size = prime_tab_size;
-  res = mpp_divis_vector(a, prime_tab, size, &which);
-  if(res == MP_YES) 
-    *np = prime_tab[which];
-  return res;
-} /* end mpp_divis_primes() */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ mpp_fermat(a, w) */
-  Using w as a witness, try pseudo-primality testing based on Fermat's
-  little theorem.  If a is prime, and (w, a) = 1, then w^a == w (mod
-  a).  So, we compute z = w^a (mod a) and compare z to w; if they are
-  equal, the test passes and we return MP_YES.  Otherwise, we return
-  MP_NO.
- */
-mp_err  mpp_fermat(mp_int *a, mp_digit w)
-  mp_int  base, test;
-  mp_err  res;
-  if((res = mp_init(&base)) != MP_OKAY)
-    return res;
-  mp_set(&base, w);
-  if((res = mp_init(&test)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto TEST;
-  /* Compute test = base^a (mod a) */
-  if((res = mp_exptmod(&base, a, a, &test)) != MP_OKAY)
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  if(mp_cmp(&base, &test) == 0)
-    res = MP_YES;
-  else
-    res = MP_NO;
-  mp_clear(&test);
-  mp_clear(&base);
-  return res;
-} /* end mpp_fermat() */
-/* }}} */
-  Perform the fermat test on each of the primes in a list until
-  a) one of them shows a is not prime, or 
-  b) the list is exhausted.
-  Returns:  MP_YES if it passes tests.
-	    MP_NO  if fermat test reveals it is composite
-	    Some MP error code if some other error occurs.
- */
-mp_err mpp_fermat_list(mp_int *a, const mp_digit *primes, mp_size nPrimes)
-  mp_err rv = MP_YES;
-  while (nPrimes-- > 0 && rv == MP_YES) {
-    rv = mpp_fermat(a, *primes++);
-  }
-  return rv;
-/* {{{ mpp_pprime(a, nt) */
-  mpp_pprime(a, nt)
-  Performs nt iteration of the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality
-  test on a.  Returns MP_YES if the tests pass, MP_NO if one fails.
-  If MP_NO is returned, the number is definitely composite.  If MP_YES
-  is returned, it is probably prime (but that is not guaranteed).
- */
-mp_err  mpp_pprime(mp_int *a, int nt)
-  mp_err   res;
-  mp_int   x, amo, m, z;	/* "amo" = "a minus one" */
-  int      iter;
-  unsigned int jx;
-  mp_size  b;
-  MP_DIGITS(&x) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&amo) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&m) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&z) = 0;
-  /* Initialize temporaries... */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&amo));
-  /* Compute amo = a - 1 for what follows...    */
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_sub_d(a, 1, &amo) );
-  b = mp_trailing_zeros(&amo);
-  if (!b) { /* a was even ? */
-    res = MP_NO;
-    goto CLEANUP;
-  }
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init_size(&x, MP_USED(a)) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&z) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&m) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_div_2d(&amo, b, &m, 0) );
-  /* Do the test nt times... */
-  for(iter = 0; iter < nt; iter++) {
-    /* Choose a random value for 1 < x < a      */
-    MP_CHECKOK( s_mp_pad(&x, USED(a)) );
-    mpp_random(&x);
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mod(&x, a, &x) );
-    if(mp_cmp_d(&x, 1) <= 0) {
-      iter--;    /* don't count this iteration */
-      continue;  /* choose a new x */
-    }
-    /* Compute z = (x ** m) mod a               */
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_exptmod(&x, &m, a, &z) );
-    if(mp_cmp_d(&z, 1) == 0 || mp_cmp(&z, &amo) == 0) {
-      res = MP_YES;
-      continue;
-    }
-    res = MP_NO;  /* just in case the following for loop never executes. */
-    for (jx = 1; jx < b; jx++) {
-      /* z = z^2 (mod a) */
-      MP_CHECKOK( mp_sqrmod(&z, a, &z) );
-      res = MP_NO;	/* previous line set res to MP_YES */
-      if(mp_cmp_d(&z, 1) == 0) {
-	break;
-      }
-      if(mp_cmp(&z, &amo) == 0) {
-	res = MP_YES;
-	break;
-      } 
-    } /* end testing loop */
-    /* If the test passes, we will continue iterating, but a failed
-       test means the candidate is definitely NOT prime, so we will
-       immediately break out of this loop
-     */
-    if(res == MP_NO)
-      break;
-  } /* end iterations loop */
-  mp_clear(&m);
-  mp_clear(&z);
-  mp_clear(&x);
-  mp_clear(&amo);
-  return res;
-} /* end mpp_pprime() */
-/* }}} */
-/* Produce table of composites from list of primes and trial value.  
-** trial must be odd. List of primes must not include 2.
-** sieve should have dimension >= MAXPRIME/2, where MAXPRIME is largest 
-** prime in list of primes.  After this function is finished,
-** if sieve[i] is non-zero, then (trial + 2*i) is composite.
-** Each prime used in the sieve costs one division of trial, and eliminates
-** one or more values from the search space. (3 eliminates 1/3 of the values
-** alone!)  Each value left in the search space costs 1 or more modular 
-** exponentations.  So, these divisions are a bargain!
-mp_err mpp_sieve(mp_int *trial, const mp_digit *primes, mp_size nPrimes, 
-		 unsigned char *sieve, mp_size nSieve)
-  mp_err       res;
-  mp_digit     rem;
-  mp_size      ix;
-  unsigned long offset;
-  memset(sieve, 0, nSieve);
-  for(ix = 0; ix < nPrimes; ix++) {
-    mp_digit prime = primes[ix];
-    mp_size  i;
-    if((res = mp_mod_d(trial, prime, &rem)) != MP_OKAY) 
-      return res;
-    if (rem == 0) {
-      offset = 0;
-    } else {
-      offset = prime - (rem / 2);
-    }
-    for (i = offset; i < nSieve ; i += prime) {
-      sieve[i] = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return MP_OKAY;
-#define SIEVE_SIZE 32*1024
-mp_err mpp_make_prime(mp_int *start, mp_size nBits, mp_size strong,
-		      unsigned long * nTries)
-  mp_digit      np;
-  mp_err        res;
-  unsigned int i = 0;
-  mp_int        trial;
-  mp_int        q;
-  mp_size       num_tests;
-  unsigned char *sieve;
-  ARGCHK(start != 0, MP_BADARG);
-  ARGCHK(nBits > 16, MP_RANGE);
-  sieve = malloc(SIEVE_SIZE);
-  ARGCHK(sieve != NULL, MP_MEM);
-  MP_DIGITS(&trial) = 0;
-  MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&trial) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mp_init(&q)     );
-  /* values taken from table 4.4, HandBook of Applied Cryptography */
-  if (nBits >= 1300) {
-    num_tests = 2;
-  } else if (nBits >= 850) {
-    num_tests = 3;
-  } else if (nBits >= 650) {
-    num_tests = 4;
-  } else if (nBits >= 550) {
-    num_tests = 5;
-  } else if (nBits >= 450) {
-    num_tests = 6;
-  } else if (nBits >= 400) {
-    num_tests = 7;
-  } else if (nBits >= 350) {
-    num_tests = 8;
-  } else if (nBits >= 300) {
-    num_tests = 9;
-  } else if (nBits >= 250) {
-    num_tests = 12;
-  } else if (nBits >= 200) {
-    num_tests = 15;
-  } else if (nBits >= 150) {
-    num_tests = 18;
-  } else if (nBits >= 100) {
-    num_tests = 27;
-  } else
-    num_tests = 50;
-  if (strong) 
-    --nBits;
-  MP_CHECKOK( mpl_set_bit(start, nBits - 1, 1) );
-  MP_CHECKOK( mpl_set_bit(start,         0, 1) );
-  for (i = mpl_significant_bits(start) - 1; i >= nBits; --i) {
-    MP_CHECKOK( mpl_set_bit(start, i, 0) );
-  }
-  /* start sieveing with prime value of 3. */
-  MP_CHECKOK(mpp_sieve(start, prime_tab + 1, prime_tab_size - 1, 
-		       sieve, SIEVE_SIZE) );
-  res = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < SIEVE_SIZE; ++i) {
-    if (!sieve[i])
-      ++res;
-  }
-  fprintf(stderr,"sieve found %d potential primes.\n", res);
-#define FPUTC(x,y) fputc(x,y)
-#define FPUTC(x,y) 
-  res = MP_NO;
-  for(i = 0; i < SIEVE_SIZE; ++i) {
-    if (sieve[i])	/* this number is composite */
-      continue;
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_add_d(start, 2 * i, &trial) );
-    FPUTC('.', stderr);
-    /* run a Fermat test */
-    res = mpp_fermat(&trial, 2);
-    if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-      if (res == MP_NO)
-	continue;	/* was composite */
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    FPUTC('+', stderr);
-    /* If that passed, run some Miller-Rabin tests	*/
-    res = mpp_pprime(&trial, num_tests);
-    if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-      if (res == MP_NO)
-	continue;	/* was composite */
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    FPUTC('!', stderr);
-    if (!strong) 
-      break;	/* success !! */
-    /* At this point, we have strong evidence that our candidate
-       is itself prime.  If we want a strong prime, we need now
-       to test q = 2p + 1 for primality...
-     */
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_mul_2(&trial, &q) );
-    MP_CHECKOK( mp_add_d(&q, 1, &q)  );
-    /* Test q for small prime divisors ... */
-    np = prime_tab_size;
-    res = mpp_divis_primes(&q, &np);
-    if (res == MP_YES) { /* is composite */
-      mp_clear(&q);
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (res != MP_NO) 
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    /* And test with Fermat, as with its parent ... */
-    res = mpp_fermat(&q, 2);
-    if (res != MP_YES) {
-      mp_clear(&q);
-      if (res == MP_NO)
-	continue;	/* was composite */
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    /* And test with Miller-Rabin, as with its parent ... */
-    res = mpp_pprime(&q, num_tests);
-    if (res != MP_YES) {
-      mp_clear(&q);
-      if (res == MP_NO)
-	continue;	/* was composite */
-      goto CLEANUP;
-    }
-    /* If it passed, we've got a winner */
-    mp_exch(&q, &trial);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    break;
-  } /* end of loop through sieved values */
-  if (res == MP_YES) 
-    mp_exch(&trial, start);
-  mp_clear(&trial);
-  mp_clear(&q);
-  if (nTries)
-    *nTries += i;
-  if (sieve != NULL) {
-  	memset(sieve, 0, SIEVE_SIZE);
-  	free (sieve);
-  }
-  return res;
-/* Static functions visible only to the library internally                */
-/* {{{ s_mpp_divp(a, vec, size, which) */
-   Test for divisibility by members of a vector of digits.  Returns
-   MP_NO if a is not divisible by any of them; returns MP_YES and sets
-   'which' to the index of the offender, if it is.  Will stop on the
-   first digit against which a is divisible.
- */
-mp_err    s_mpp_divp(mp_int *a, const mp_digit *vec, int size, int *which)
-  mp_err    res;
-  mp_digit  rem;
-  int     ix;
-  for(ix = 0; ix < size; ix++) {
-    if((res = mp_mod_d(a, vec[ix], &rem)) != MP_OKAY) 
-      return res;
-    if(rem == 0) {
-      if(which)
-	*which = ix;
-      return MP_YES;
-    }
-  }
-  return MP_NO;
-} /* end s_mpp_divp() */
-/* }}} */
-/* HERE THERE BE DRAGONS                                                  */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.h b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 805e0db..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mpprime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- *  mpprime.h
- *
- *  Utilities for finding and working with prime and pseudo-prime
- *  integers
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _H_MP_PRIME_
-#define _H_MP_PRIME_
-#include "mpi.h"
-extern const int prime_tab_size;   /* number of primes available */
-extern const mp_digit prime_tab[];
-/* Tests for divisibility    */
-mp_err  mpp_divis(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
-mp_err  mpp_divis_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit d);
-/* Random selection          */
-mp_err  mpp_random(mp_int *a);
-mp_err  mpp_random_size(mp_int *a, mp_size prec);
-/* Pseudo-primality testing  */
-mp_err  mpp_divis_vector(mp_int *a, const mp_digit *vec, int size, int *which);
-mp_err  mpp_divis_primes(mp_int *a, mp_digit *np);
-mp_err  mpp_fermat(mp_int *a, mp_digit w);
-mp_err mpp_fermat_list(mp_int *a, const mp_digit *primes, mp_size nPrimes);
-mp_err  mpp_pprime(mp_int *a, int nt);
-mp_err mpp_sieve(mp_int *trial, const mp_digit *primes, mp_size nPrimes, 
-		 unsigned char *sieve, mp_size nSieve);
-mp_err mpp_make_prime(mp_int *start, mp_size nBits, mp_size strong,
-		      unsigned long * nTries);
-#endif /* end _H_MP_PRIME_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/primes.c b/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/primes.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 58536ad..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/primes.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
- * These tables of primes wwere generated using the 'sieve' program
- * (sieve.c) and converted to this format with ''.  
- *
- * The 'small' table is just the first 128 primes.  The 'large' table
- * is a table of all the prime values that will fit into a single
- * mp_digit (given the current size of an mp_digit, which is two bytes).
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#define MP_PRIME_TAB_SIZE 128
-#define MP_PRIME_TAB_SIZE 6542
-const int prime_tab_size = MP_PRIME_TAB_SIZE;
-const mp_digit  prime_tab[] = {
-	0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0005, 0x0007, 0x000B, 0x000D, 0x0011, 0x0013, 
-	0x0017, 0x001D, 0x001F, 0x0025, 0x0029, 0x002B, 0x002F, 0x0035, 
-	0x003B, 0x003D, 0x0043, 0x0047, 0x0049, 0x004F, 0x0053, 0x0059, 
-	0x0061, 0x0065, 0x0067, 0x006B, 0x006D, 0x0071, 0x007F, 0x0083, 
-	0x0089, 0x008B, 0x0095, 0x0097, 0x009D, 0x00A3, 0x00A7, 0x00AD, 
-	0x00B3, 0x00B5, 0x00BF, 0x00C1, 0x00C5, 0x00C7, 0x00D3, 0x00DF, 
-	0x00E3, 0x00E5, 0x00E9, 0x00EF, 0x00F1, 0x00FB, 0x0101, 0x0107, 
-	0x010D, 0x010F, 0x0115, 0x0119, 0x011B, 0x0125, 0x0133, 0x0137, 
-	0x0139, 0x013D, 0x014B, 0x0151, 0x015B, 0x015D, 0x0161, 0x0167, 
-	0x016F, 0x0175, 0x017B, 0x017F, 0x0185, 0x018D, 0x0191, 0x0199, 
-	0x01A3, 0x01A5, 0x01AF, 0x01B1, 0x01B7, 0x01BB, 0x01C1, 0x01C9, 
-	0x01CD, 0x01CF, 0x01D3, 0x01DF, 0x01E7, 0x01EB, 0x01F3, 0x01F7, 
-	0x01FD, 0x0209, 0x020B, 0x021D, 0x0223, 0x022D, 0x0233, 0x0239, 
-	0x023B, 0x0241, 0x024B, 0x0251, 0x0257, 0x0259, 0x025F, 0x0265, 
-	0x0269, 0x026B, 0x0277, 0x0281, 0x0283, 0x0287, 0x028D, 0x0293, 
-	0x0295, 0x02A1, 0x02A5, 0x02AB, 0x02B3, 0x02BD, 0x02C5, 0x02CF, 
-	0x02D7, 0x02DD, 0x02E3, 0x02E7, 0x02EF, 0x02F5, 0x02F9, 0x0301, 
-	0x0305, 0x0313, 0x031D, 0x0329, 0x032B, 0x0335, 0x0337, 0x033B, 
-	0x033D, 0x0347, 0x0355, 0x0359, 0x035B, 0x035F, 0x036D, 0x0371, 
-	0x0373, 0x0377, 0x038B, 0x038F, 0x0397, 0x03A1, 0x03A9, 0x03AD, 
-	0x03B3, 0x03B9, 0x03C7, 0x03CB, 0x03D1, 0x03D7, 0x03DF, 0x03E5, 
-	0x03F1, 0x03F5, 0x03FB, 0x03FD, 0x0407, 0x0409, 0x040F, 0x0419, 
-	0x041B, 0x0425, 0x0427, 0x042D, 0x043F, 0x0443, 0x0445, 0x0449, 
-	0x044F, 0x0455, 0x045D, 0x0463, 0x0469, 0x047F, 0x0481, 0x048B, 
-	0x0493, 0x049D, 0x04A3, 0x04A9, 0x04B1, 0x04BD, 0x04C1, 0x04C7, 
-	0x04CD, 0x04CF, 0x04D5, 0x04E1, 0x04EB, 0x04FD, 0x04FF, 0x0503, 
-	0x0509, 0x050B, 0x0511, 0x0515, 0x0517, 0x051B, 0x0527, 0x0529, 
-	0x052F, 0x0551, 0x0557, 0x055D, 0x0565, 0x0577, 0x0581, 0x058F, 
-	0x0593, 0x0595, 0x0599, 0x059F, 0x05A7, 0x05AB, 0x05AD, 0x05B3, 
-	0x05BF, 0x05C9, 0x05CB, 0x05CF, 0x05D1, 0x05D5, 0x05DB, 0x05E7, 
-	0x05F3, 0x05FB, 0x0607, 0x060D, 0x0611, 0x0617, 0x061F, 0x0623, 
-	0x062B, 0x062F, 0x063D, 0x0641, 0x0647, 0x0649, 0x064D, 0x0653, 
-	0x0655, 0x065B, 0x0665, 0x0679, 0x067F, 0x0683, 0x0685, 0x069D, 
-	0x06A1, 0x06A3, 0x06AD, 0x06B9, 0x06BB, 0x06C5, 0x06CD, 0x06D3, 
-	0x06D9, 0x06DF, 0x06F1, 0x06F7, 0x06FB, 0x06FD, 0x0709, 0x0713, 
-	0x071F, 0x0727, 0x0737, 0x0745, 0x074B, 0x074F, 0x0751, 0x0755, 
-	0x0757, 0x0761, 0x076D, 0x0773, 0x0779, 0x078B, 0x078D, 0x079D, 
-	0x079F, 0x07B5, 0x07BB, 0x07C3, 0x07C9, 0x07CD, 0x07CF, 0x07D3, 
-	0x07DB, 0x07E1, 0x07EB, 0x07ED, 0x07F7, 0x0805, 0x080F, 0x0815, 
-	0x0821, 0x0823, 0x0827, 0x0829, 0x0833, 0x083F, 0x0841, 0x0851, 
-	0x0853, 0x0859, 0x085D, 0x085F, 0x0869, 0x0871, 0x0883, 0x089B, 
-	0x089F, 0x08A5, 0x08AD, 0x08BD, 0x08BF, 0x08C3, 0x08CB, 0x08DB, 
-	0x08DD, 0x08E1, 0x08E9, 0x08EF, 0x08F5, 0x08F9, 0x0905, 0x0907, 
-	0x091D, 0x0923, 0x0925, 0x092B, 0x092F, 0x0935, 0x0943, 0x0949, 
-	0x094D, 0x094F, 0x0955, 0x0959, 0x095F, 0x096B, 0x0971, 0x0977, 
-	0x0985, 0x0989, 0x098F, 0x099B, 0x09A3, 0x09A9, 0x09AD, 0x09C7, 
-	0x09D9, 0x09E3, 0x09EB, 0x09EF, 0x09F5, 0x09F7, 0x09FD, 0x0A13, 
-	0x0A1F, 0x0A21, 0x0A31, 0x0A39, 0x0A3D, 0x0A49, 0x0A57, 0x0A61, 
-	0x0A63, 0x0A67, 0x0A6F, 0x0A75, 0x0A7B, 0x0A7F, 0x0A81, 0x0A85, 
-	0x0A8B, 0x0A93, 0x0A97, 0x0A99, 0x0A9F, 0x0AA9, 0x0AAB, 0x0AB5, 
-	0x0ABD, 0x0AC1, 0x0ACF, 0x0AD9, 0x0AE5, 0x0AE7, 0x0AED, 0x0AF1, 
-	0x0AF3, 0x0B03, 0x0B11, 0x0B15, 0x0B1B, 0x0B23, 0x0B29, 0x0B2D, 
-	0x0B3F, 0x0B47, 0x0B51, 0x0B57, 0x0B5D, 0x0B65, 0x0B6F, 0x0B7B, 
-	0x0B89, 0x0B8D, 0x0B93, 0x0B99, 0x0B9B, 0x0BB7, 0x0BB9, 0x0BC3, 
-	0x0BCB, 0x0BCF, 0x0BDD, 0x0BE1, 0x0BE9, 0x0BF5, 0x0BFB, 0x0C07, 
-	0x0C0B, 0x0C11, 0x0C25, 0x0C2F, 0x0C31, 0x0C41, 0x0C5B, 0x0C5F, 
-	0x0C61, 0x0C6D, 0x0C73, 0x0C77, 0x0C83, 0x0C89, 0x0C91, 0x0C95, 
-	0x0C9D, 0x0CB3, 0x0CB5, 0x0CB9, 0x0CBB, 0x0CC7, 0x0CE3, 0x0CE5, 
-	0x0CEB, 0x0CF1, 0x0CF7, 0x0CFB, 0x0D01, 0x0D03, 0x0D0F, 0x0D13, 
-	0x0D1F, 0x0D21, 0x0D2B, 0x0D2D, 0x0D3D, 0x0D3F, 0x0D4F, 0x0D55, 
-	0x0D69, 0x0D79, 0x0D81, 0x0D85, 0x0D87, 0x0D8B, 0x0D8D, 0x0DA3, 
-	0x0DAB, 0x0DB7, 0x0DBD, 0x0DC7, 0x0DC9, 0x0DCD, 0x0DD3, 0x0DD5, 
-	0x0DDB, 0x0DE5, 0x0DE7, 0x0DF3, 0x0DFD, 0x0DFF, 0x0E09, 0x0E17, 
-	0x0E1D, 0x0E21, 0x0E27, 0x0E2F, 0x0E35, 0x0E3B, 0x0E4B, 0x0E57, 
-	0x0E59, 0x0E5D, 0x0E6B, 0x0E71, 0x0E75, 0x0E7D, 0x0E87, 0x0E8F, 
-	0x0E95, 0x0E9B, 0x0EB1, 0x0EB7, 0x0EB9, 0x0EC3, 0x0ED1, 0x0ED5, 
-	0x0EDB, 0x0EED, 0x0EEF, 0x0EF9, 0x0F07, 0x0F0B, 0x0F0D, 0x0F17, 
-	0x0F25, 0x0F29, 0x0F31, 0x0F43, 0x0F47, 0x0F4D, 0x0F4F, 0x0F53, 
-	0x0F59, 0x0F5B, 0x0F67, 0x0F6B, 0x0F7F, 0x0F95, 0x0FA1, 0x0FA3, 
-	0x0FA7, 0x0FAD, 0x0FB3, 0x0FB5, 0x0FBB, 0x0FD1, 0x0FD3, 0x0FD9, 
-	0x0FE9, 0x0FEF, 0x0FFB, 0x0FFD, 0x1003, 0x100F, 0x101F, 0x1021, 
-	0x1025, 0x102B, 0x1039, 0x103D, 0x103F, 0x1051, 0x1069, 0x1073, 
-	0x1079, 0x107B, 0x1085, 0x1087, 0x1091, 0x1093, 0x109D, 0x10A3, 
-	0x10A5, 0x10AF, 0x10B1, 0x10BB, 0x10C1, 0x10C9, 0x10E7, 0x10F1, 
-	0x10F3, 0x10FD, 0x1105, 0x110B, 0x1115, 0x1127, 0x112D, 0x1139, 
-	0x1145, 0x1147, 0x1159, 0x115F, 0x1163, 0x1169, 0x116F, 0x1181, 
-	0x1183, 0x118D, 0x119B, 0x11A1, 0x11A5, 0x11A7, 0x11AB, 0x11C3, 
-	0x11C5, 0x11D1, 0x11D7, 0x11E7, 0x11EF, 0x11F5, 0x11FB, 0x120D, 
-	0x121D, 0x121F, 0x1223, 0x1229, 0x122B, 0x1231, 0x1237, 0x1241, 
-	0x1247, 0x1253, 0x125F, 0x1271, 0x1273, 0x1279, 0x127D, 0x128F, 
-	0x1297, 0x12AF, 0x12B3, 0x12B5, 0x12B9, 0x12BF, 0x12C1, 0x12CD, 
-	0x12D1, 0x12DF, 0x12FD, 0x1307, 0x130D, 0x1319, 0x1327, 0x132D, 
-	0x1337, 0x1343, 0x1345, 0x1349, 0x134F, 0x1357, 0x135D, 0x1367, 
-	0x1369, 0x136D, 0x137B, 0x1381, 0x1387, 0x138B, 0x1391, 0x1393, 
-	0x139D, 0x139F, 0x13AF, 0x13BB, 0x13C3, 0x13D5, 0x13D9, 0x13DF, 
-	0x13EB, 0x13ED, 0x13F3, 0x13F9, 0x13FF, 0x141B, 0x1421, 0x142F, 
-	0x1433, 0x143B, 0x1445, 0x144D, 0x1459, 0x146B, 0x146F, 0x1471, 
-	0x1475, 0x148D, 0x1499, 0x149F, 0x14A1, 0x14B1, 0x14B7, 0x14BD, 
-	0x14CB, 0x14D5, 0x14E3, 0x14E7, 0x1505, 0x150B, 0x1511, 0x1517, 
-	0x151F, 0x1525, 0x1529, 0x152B, 0x1537, 0x153D, 0x1541, 0x1543, 
-	0x1549, 0x155F, 0x1565, 0x1567, 0x156B, 0x157D, 0x157F, 0x1583, 
-	0x158F, 0x1591, 0x1597, 0x159B, 0x15B5, 0x15BB, 0x15C1, 0x15C5, 
-	0x15CD, 0x15D7, 0x15F7, 0x1607, 0x1609, 0x160F, 0x1613, 0x1615, 
-	0x1619, 0x161B, 0x1625, 0x1633, 0x1639, 0x163D, 0x1645, 0x164F, 
-	0x1655, 0x1669, 0x166D, 0x166F, 0x1675, 0x1693, 0x1697, 0x169F, 
-	0x16A9, 0x16AF, 0x16B5, 0x16BD, 0x16C3, 0x16CF, 0x16D3, 0x16D9, 
-	0x16DB, 0x16E1, 0x16E5, 0x16EB, 0x16ED, 0x16F7, 0x16F9, 0x1709, 
-	0x170F, 0x1723, 0x1727, 0x1733, 0x1741, 0x175D, 0x1763, 0x1777, 
-	0x177B, 0x178D, 0x1795, 0x179B, 0x179F, 0x17A5, 0x17B3, 0x17B9, 
-	0x17BF, 0x17C9, 0x17CB, 0x17D5, 0x17E1, 0x17E9, 0x17F3, 0x17F5, 
-	0x17FF, 0x1807, 0x1813, 0x181D, 0x1835, 0x1837, 0x183B, 0x1843, 
-	0x1849, 0x184D, 0x1855, 0x1867, 0x1871, 0x1877, 0x187D, 0x187F, 
-	0x1885, 0x188F, 0x189B, 0x189D, 0x18A7, 0x18AD, 0x18B3, 0x18B9, 
-	0x18C1, 0x18C7, 0x18D1, 0x18D7, 0x18D9, 0x18DF, 0x18E5, 0x18EB, 
-	0x18F5, 0x18FD, 0x1915, 0x191B, 0x1931, 0x1933, 0x1945, 0x1949, 
-	0x1951, 0x195B, 0x1979, 0x1981, 0x1993, 0x1997, 0x1999, 0x19A3, 
-	0x19A9, 0x19AB, 0x19B1, 0x19B5, 0x19C7, 0x19CF, 0x19DB, 0x19ED, 
-	0x19FD, 0x1A03, 0x1A05, 0x1A11, 0x1A17, 0x1A21, 0x1A23, 0x1A2D, 
-	0x1A2F, 0x1A35, 0x1A3F, 0x1A4D, 0x1A51, 0x1A69, 0x1A6B, 0x1A7B, 
-	0x1A7D, 0x1A87, 0x1A89, 0x1A93, 0x1AA7, 0x1AAB, 0x1AAD, 0x1AB1, 
-	0x1AB9, 0x1AC9, 0x1ACF, 0x1AD5, 0x1AD7, 0x1AE3, 0x1AF3, 0x1AFB, 
-	0x1AFF, 0x1B05, 0x1B23, 0x1B25, 0x1B2F, 0x1B31, 0x1B37, 0x1B3B, 
-	0x1B41, 0x1B47, 0x1B4F, 0x1B55, 0x1B59, 0x1B65, 0x1B6B, 0x1B73, 
-	0x1B7F, 0x1B83, 0x1B91, 0x1B9D, 0x1BA7, 0x1BBF, 0x1BC5, 0x1BD1, 
-	0x1BD7, 0x1BD9, 0x1BEF, 0x1BF7, 0x1C09, 0x1C13, 0x1C19, 0x1C27, 
-	0x1C2B, 0x1C2D, 0x1C33, 0x1C3D, 0x1C45, 0x1C4B, 0x1C4F, 0x1C55, 
-	0x1C73, 0x1C81, 0x1C8B, 0x1C8D, 0x1C99, 0x1CA3, 0x1CA5, 0x1CB5, 
-	0x1CB7, 0x1CC9, 0x1CE1, 0x1CF3, 0x1CF9, 0x1D09, 0x1D1B, 0x1D21, 
-	0x1D23, 0x1D35, 0x1D39, 0x1D3F, 0x1D41, 0x1D4B, 0x1D53, 0x1D5D, 
-	0x1D63, 0x1D69, 0x1D71, 0x1D75, 0x1D7B, 0x1D7D, 0x1D87, 0x1D89, 
-	0x1D95, 0x1D99, 0x1D9F, 0x1DA5, 0x1DA7, 0x1DB3, 0x1DB7, 0x1DC5, 
-	0x1DD7, 0x1DDB, 0x1DE1, 0x1DF5, 0x1DF9, 0x1E01, 0x1E07, 0x1E0B, 
-	0x1E13, 0x1E17, 0x1E25, 0x1E2B, 0x1E2F, 0x1E3D, 0x1E49, 0x1E4D, 
-	0x1E4F, 0x1E6D, 0x1E71, 0x1E89, 0x1E8F, 0x1E95, 0x1EA1, 0x1EAD, 
-	0x1EBB, 0x1EC1, 0x1EC5, 0x1EC7, 0x1ECB, 0x1EDD, 0x1EE3, 0x1EEF, 
-	0x1EF7, 0x1EFD, 0x1F01, 0x1F0D, 0x1F0F, 0x1F1B, 0x1F39, 0x1F49, 
-	0x1F4B, 0x1F51, 0x1F67, 0x1F75, 0x1F7B, 0x1F85, 0x1F91, 0x1F97, 
-	0x1F99, 0x1F9D, 0x1FA5, 0x1FAF, 0x1FB5, 0x1FBB, 0x1FD3, 0x1FE1, 
-	0x1FE7, 0x1FEB, 0x1FF3, 0x1FFF, 0x2011, 0x201B, 0x201D, 0x2027, 
-	0x2029, 0x202D, 0x2033, 0x2047, 0x204D, 0x2051, 0x205F, 0x2063, 
-	0x2065, 0x2069, 0x2077, 0x207D, 0x2089, 0x20A1, 0x20AB, 0x20B1, 
-	0x20B9, 0x20C3, 0x20C5, 0x20E3, 0x20E7, 0x20ED, 0x20EF, 0x20FB, 
-	0x20FF, 0x210D, 0x2113, 0x2135, 0x2141, 0x2149, 0x214F, 0x2159, 
-	0x215B, 0x215F, 0x2173, 0x217D, 0x2185, 0x2195, 0x2197, 0x21A1, 
-	0x21AF, 0x21B3, 0x21B5, 0x21C1, 0x21C7, 0x21D7, 0x21DD, 0x21E5, 
-	0x21E9, 0x21F1, 0x21F5, 0x21FB, 0x2203, 0x2209, 0x220F, 0x221B, 
-	0x2221, 0x2225, 0x222B, 0x2231, 0x2239, 0x224B, 0x224F, 0x2263, 
-	0x2267, 0x2273, 0x2275, 0x227F, 0x2285, 0x2287, 0x2291, 0x229D, 
-	0x229F, 0x22A3, 0x22B7, 0x22BD, 0x22DB, 0x22E1, 0x22E5, 0x22ED, 
-	0x22F7, 0x2303, 0x2309, 0x230B, 0x2327, 0x2329, 0x232F, 0x2333, 
-	0x2335, 0x2345, 0x2351, 0x2353, 0x2359, 0x2363, 0x236B, 0x2383, 
-	0x238F, 0x2395, 0x23A7, 0x23AD, 0x23B1, 0x23BF, 0x23C5, 0x23C9, 
-	0x23D5, 0x23DD, 0x23E3, 0x23EF, 0x23F3, 0x23F9, 0x2405, 0x240B, 
-	0x2417, 0x2419, 0x2429, 0x243D, 0x2441, 0x2443, 0x244D, 0x245F, 
-	0x2467, 0x246B, 0x2479, 0x247D, 0x247F, 0x2485, 0x249B, 0x24A1, 
-	0x24AF, 0x24B5, 0x24BB, 0x24C5, 0x24CB, 0x24CD, 0x24D7, 0x24D9, 
-	0x24DD, 0x24DF, 0x24F5, 0x24F7, 0x24FB, 0x2501, 0x2507, 0x2513, 
-	0x2519, 0x2527, 0x2531, 0x253D, 0x2543, 0x254B, 0x254F, 0x2573, 
-	0x2581, 0x258D, 0x2593, 0x2597, 0x259D, 0x259F, 0x25AB, 0x25B1, 
-	0x25BD, 0x25CD, 0x25CF, 0x25D9, 0x25E1, 0x25F7, 0x25F9, 0x2605, 
-	0x260B, 0x260F, 0x2615, 0x2627, 0x2629, 0x2635, 0x263B, 0x263F, 
-	0x264B, 0x2653, 0x2659, 0x2665, 0x2669, 0x266F, 0x267B, 0x2681, 
-	0x2683, 0x268F, 0x269B, 0x269F, 0x26AD, 0x26B3, 0x26C3, 0x26C9, 
-	0x26CB, 0x26D5, 0x26DD, 0x26EF, 0x26F5, 0x2717, 0x2719, 0x2735, 
-	0x2737, 0x274D, 0x2753, 0x2755, 0x275F, 0x276B, 0x276D, 0x2773, 
-	0x2777, 0x277F, 0x2795, 0x279B, 0x279D, 0x27A7, 0x27AF, 0x27B3, 
-	0x27B9, 0x27C1, 0x27C5, 0x27D1, 0x27E3, 0x27EF, 0x2803, 0x2807, 
-	0x280D, 0x2813, 0x281B, 0x281F, 0x2821, 0x2831, 0x283D, 0x283F, 
-	0x2849, 0x2851, 0x285B, 0x285D, 0x2861, 0x2867, 0x2875, 0x2881, 
-	0x2897, 0x289F, 0x28BB, 0x28BD, 0x28C1, 0x28D5, 0x28D9, 0x28DB, 
-	0x28DF, 0x28ED, 0x28F7, 0x2903, 0x2905, 0x2911, 0x2921, 0x2923, 
-	0x293F, 0x2947, 0x295D, 0x2965, 0x2969, 0x296F, 0x2975, 0x2983, 
-	0x2987, 0x298F, 0x299B, 0x29A1, 0x29A7, 0x29AB, 0x29BF, 0x29C3, 
-	0x29D5, 0x29D7, 0x29E3, 0x29E9, 0x29ED, 0x29F3, 0x2A01, 0x2A13, 
-	0x2A1D, 0x2A25, 0x2A2F, 0x2A4F, 0x2A55, 0x2A5F, 0x2A65, 0x2A6B, 
-	0x2A6D, 0x2A73, 0x2A83, 0x2A89, 0x2A8B, 0x2A97, 0x2A9D, 0x2AB9, 
-	0x2ABB, 0x2AC5, 0x2ACD, 0x2ADD, 0x2AE3, 0x2AEB, 0x2AF1, 0x2AFB, 
-	0x2B13, 0x2B27, 0x2B31, 0x2B33, 0x2B3D, 0x2B3F, 0x2B4B, 0x2B4F, 
-	0x2B55, 0x2B69, 0x2B6D, 0x2B6F, 0x2B7B, 0x2B8D, 0x2B97, 0x2B99, 
-	0x2BA3, 0x2BA5, 0x2BA9, 0x2BBD, 0x2BCD, 0x2BE7, 0x2BEB, 0x2BF3, 
-	0x2BF9, 0x2BFD, 0x2C09, 0x2C0F, 0x2C17, 0x2C23, 0x2C2F, 0x2C35, 
-	0x2C39, 0x2C41, 0x2C57, 0x2C59, 0x2C69, 0x2C77, 0x2C81, 0x2C87, 
-	0x2C93, 0x2C9F, 0x2CAD, 0x2CB3, 0x2CB7, 0x2CCB, 0x2CCF, 0x2CDB, 
-	0x2CE1, 0x2CE3, 0x2CE9, 0x2CEF, 0x2CFF, 0x2D07, 0x2D1D, 0x2D1F, 
-	0x2D3B, 0x2D43, 0x2D49, 0x2D4D, 0x2D61, 0x2D65, 0x2D71, 0x2D89, 
-	0x2D9D, 0x2DA1, 0x2DA9, 0x2DB3, 0x2DB5, 0x2DC5, 0x2DC7, 0x2DD3, 
-	0x2DDF, 0x2E01, 0x2E03, 0x2E07, 0x2E0D, 0x2E19, 0x2E1F, 0x2E25, 
-	0x2E2D, 0x2E33, 0x2E37, 0x2E39, 0x2E3F, 0x2E57, 0x2E5B, 0x2E6F, 
-	0x2E79, 0x2E7F, 0x2E85, 0x2E93, 0x2E97, 0x2E9D, 0x2EA3, 0x2EA5, 
-	0x2EB1, 0x2EB7, 0x2EC1, 0x2EC3, 0x2ECD, 0x2ED3, 0x2EE7, 0x2EEB, 
-	0x2F05, 0x2F09, 0x2F0B, 0x2F11, 0x2F27, 0x2F29, 0x2F41, 0x2F45, 
-	0x2F4B, 0x2F4D, 0x2F51, 0x2F57, 0x2F6F, 0x2F75, 0x2F7D, 0x2F81, 
-	0x2F83, 0x2FA5, 0x2FAB, 0x2FB3, 0x2FC3, 0x2FCF, 0x2FD1, 0x2FDB, 
-	0x2FDD, 0x2FE7, 0x2FED, 0x2FF5, 0x2FF9, 0x3001, 0x300D, 0x3023, 
-	0x3029, 0x3037, 0x303B, 0x3055, 0x3059, 0x305B, 0x3067, 0x3071, 
-	0x3079, 0x307D, 0x3085, 0x3091, 0x3095, 0x30A3, 0x30A9, 0x30B9, 
-	0x30BF, 0x30C7, 0x30CB, 0x30D1, 0x30D7, 0x30DF, 0x30E5, 0x30EF, 
-	0x30FB, 0x30FD, 0x3103, 0x3109, 0x3119, 0x3121, 0x3127, 0x312D, 
-	0x3139, 0x3143, 0x3145, 0x314B, 0x315D, 0x3161, 0x3167, 0x316D, 
-	0x3173, 0x317F, 0x3191, 0x3199, 0x319F, 0x31A9, 0x31B1, 0x31C3, 
-	0x31C7, 0x31D5, 0x31DB, 0x31ED, 0x31F7, 0x31FF, 0x3209, 0x3215, 
-	0x3217, 0x321D, 0x3229, 0x3235, 0x3259, 0x325D, 0x3263, 0x326B, 
-	0x326F, 0x3275, 0x3277, 0x327B, 0x328D, 0x3299, 0x329F, 0x32A7, 
-	0x32AD, 0x32B3, 0x32B7, 0x32C9, 0x32CB, 0x32CF, 0x32D1, 0x32E9, 
-	0x32ED, 0x32F3, 0x32F9, 0x3307, 0x3325, 0x332B, 0x332F, 0x3335, 
-	0x3341, 0x3347, 0x335B, 0x335F, 0x3367, 0x336B, 0x3373, 0x3379, 
-	0x337F, 0x3383, 0x33A1, 0x33A3, 0x33AD, 0x33B9, 0x33C1, 0x33CB, 
-	0x33D3, 0x33EB, 0x33F1, 0x33FD, 0x3401, 0x340F, 0x3413, 0x3419, 
-	0x341B, 0x3437, 0x3445, 0x3455, 0x3457, 0x3463, 0x3469, 0x346D, 
-	0x3481, 0x348B, 0x3491, 0x3497, 0x349D, 0x34A5, 0x34AF, 0x34BB, 
-	0x34C9, 0x34D3, 0x34E1, 0x34F1, 0x34FF, 0x3509, 0x3517, 0x351D, 
-	0x352D, 0x3533, 0x353B, 0x3541, 0x3551, 0x3565, 0x356F, 0x3571, 
-	0x3577, 0x357B, 0x357D, 0x3581, 0x358D, 0x358F, 0x3599, 0x359B, 
-	0x35A1, 0x35B7, 0x35BD, 0x35BF, 0x35C3, 0x35D5, 0x35DD, 0x35E7, 
-	0x35EF, 0x3605, 0x3607, 0x3611, 0x3623, 0x3631, 0x3635, 0x3637, 
-	0x363B, 0x364D, 0x364F, 0x3653, 0x3659, 0x3661, 0x366B, 0x366D, 
-	0x368B, 0x368F, 0x36AD, 0x36AF, 0x36B9, 0x36BB, 0x36CD, 0x36D1, 
-	0x36E3, 0x36E9, 0x36F7, 0x3701, 0x3703, 0x3707, 0x371B, 0x373F, 
-	0x3745, 0x3749, 0x374F, 0x375D, 0x3761, 0x3775, 0x377F, 0x378D, 
-	0x37A3, 0x37A9, 0x37AB, 0x37C9, 0x37D5, 0x37DF, 0x37F1, 0x37F3, 
-	0x37F7, 0x3805, 0x380B, 0x3821, 0x3833, 0x3835, 0x3841, 0x3847, 
-	0x384B, 0x3853, 0x3857, 0x385F, 0x3865, 0x386F, 0x3871, 0x387D, 
-	0x388F, 0x3899, 0x38A7, 0x38B7, 0x38C5, 0x38C9, 0x38CF, 0x38D5, 
-	0x38D7, 0x38DD, 0x38E1, 0x38E3, 0x38FF, 0x3901, 0x391D, 0x3923, 
-	0x3925, 0x3929, 0x392F, 0x393D, 0x3941, 0x394D, 0x395B, 0x396B, 
-	0x3979, 0x397D, 0x3983, 0x398B, 0x3991, 0x3995, 0x399B, 0x39A1, 
-	0x39A7, 0x39AF, 0x39B3, 0x39BB, 0x39BF, 0x39CD, 0x39DD, 0x39E5, 
-	0x39EB, 0x39EF, 0x39FB, 0x3A03, 0x3A13, 0x3A15, 0x3A1F, 0x3A27, 
-	0x3A2B, 0x3A31, 0x3A4B, 0x3A51, 0x3A5B, 0x3A63, 0x3A67, 0x3A6D, 
-	0x3A79, 0x3A87, 0x3AA5, 0x3AA9, 0x3AB7, 0x3ACD, 0x3AD5, 0x3AE1, 
-	0x3AE5, 0x3AEB, 0x3AF3, 0x3AFD, 0x3B03, 0x3B11, 0x3B1B, 0x3B21, 
-	0x3B23, 0x3B2D, 0x3B39, 0x3B45, 0x3B53, 0x3B59, 0x3B5F, 0x3B71, 
-	0x3B7B, 0x3B81, 0x3B89, 0x3B9B, 0x3B9F, 0x3BA5, 0x3BA7, 0x3BAD, 
-	0x3BB7, 0x3BB9, 0x3BC3, 0x3BCB, 0x3BD1, 0x3BD7, 0x3BE1, 0x3BE3, 
-	0x3BF5, 0x3BFF, 0x3C01, 0x3C0D, 0x3C11, 0x3C17, 0x3C1F, 0x3C29, 
-	0x3C35, 0x3C43, 0x3C4F, 0x3C53, 0x3C5B, 0x3C65, 0x3C6B, 0x3C71, 
-	0x3C85, 0x3C89, 0x3C97, 0x3CA7, 0x3CB5, 0x3CBF, 0x3CC7, 0x3CD1, 
-	0x3CDD, 0x3CDF, 0x3CF1, 0x3CF7, 0x3D03, 0x3D0D, 0x3D19, 0x3D1B, 
-	0x3D1F, 0x3D21, 0x3D2D, 0x3D33, 0x3D37, 0x3D3F, 0x3D43, 0x3D6F, 
-	0x3D73, 0x3D75, 0x3D79, 0x3D7B, 0x3D85, 0x3D91, 0x3D97, 0x3D9D, 
-	0x3DAB, 0x3DAF, 0x3DB5, 0x3DBB, 0x3DC1, 0x3DC9, 0x3DCF, 0x3DF3, 
-	0x3E05, 0x3E09, 0x3E0F, 0x3E11, 0x3E1D, 0x3E23, 0x3E29, 0x3E2F, 
-	0x3E33, 0x3E41, 0x3E57, 0x3E63, 0x3E65, 0x3E77, 0x3E81, 0x3E87, 
-	0x3EA1, 0x3EB9, 0x3EBD, 0x3EBF, 0x3EC3, 0x3EC5, 0x3EC9, 0x3ED7, 
-	0x3EDB, 0x3EE1, 0x3EE7, 0x3EEF, 0x3EFF, 0x3F0B, 0x3F0D, 0x3F37, 
-	0x3F3B, 0x3F3D, 0x3F41, 0x3F59, 0x3F5F, 0x3F65, 0x3F67, 0x3F79, 
-	0x3F7D, 0x3F8B, 0x3F91, 0x3FAD, 0x3FBF, 0x3FCD, 0x3FD3, 0x3FDD, 
-	0x3FE9, 0x3FEB, 0x3FF1, 0x3FFD, 0x401B, 0x4021, 0x4025, 0x402B, 
-	0x4031, 0x403F, 0x4043, 0x4045, 0x405D, 0x4061, 0x4067, 0x406D, 
-	0x4087, 0x4091, 0x40A3, 0x40A9, 0x40B1, 0x40B7, 0x40BD, 0x40DB, 
-	0x40DF, 0x40EB, 0x40F7, 0x40F9, 0x4109, 0x410B, 0x4111, 0x4115, 
-	0x4121, 0x4133, 0x4135, 0x413B, 0x413F, 0x4159, 0x4165, 0x416B, 
-	0x4177, 0x417B, 0x4193, 0x41AB, 0x41B7, 0x41BD, 0x41BF, 0x41CB, 
-	0x41E7, 0x41EF, 0x41F3, 0x41F9, 0x4205, 0x4207, 0x4219, 0x421F, 
-	0x4223, 0x4229, 0x422F, 0x4243, 0x4253, 0x4255, 0x425B, 0x4261, 
-	0x4273, 0x427D, 0x4283, 0x4285, 0x4289, 0x4291, 0x4297, 0x429D, 
-	0x42B5, 0x42C5, 0x42CB, 0x42D3, 0x42DD, 0x42E3, 0x42F1, 0x4307, 
-	0x430F, 0x431F, 0x4325, 0x4327, 0x4333, 0x4337, 0x4339, 0x434F, 
-	0x4357, 0x4369, 0x438B, 0x438D, 0x4393, 0x43A5, 0x43A9, 0x43AF, 
-	0x43B5, 0x43BD, 0x43C7, 0x43CF, 0x43E1, 0x43E7, 0x43EB, 0x43ED, 
-	0x43F1, 0x43F9, 0x4409, 0x440B, 0x4417, 0x4423, 0x4429, 0x443B, 
-	0x443F, 0x4445, 0x444B, 0x4451, 0x4453, 0x4459, 0x4465, 0x446F, 
-	0x4483, 0x448F, 0x44A1, 0x44A5, 0x44AB, 0x44AD, 0x44BD, 0x44BF, 
-	0x44C9, 0x44D7, 0x44DB, 0x44F9, 0x44FB, 0x4505, 0x4511, 0x4513, 
-	0x452B, 0x4531, 0x4541, 0x4549, 0x4553, 0x4555, 0x4561, 0x4577, 
-	0x457D, 0x457F, 0x458F, 0x45A3, 0x45AD, 0x45AF, 0x45BB, 0x45C7, 
-	0x45D9, 0x45E3, 0x45EF, 0x45F5, 0x45F7, 0x4601, 0x4603, 0x4609, 
-	0x4613, 0x4625, 0x4627, 0x4633, 0x4639, 0x463D, 0x4643, 0x4645, 
-	0x465D, 0x4679, 0x467B, 0x467F, 0x4681, 0x468B, 0x468D, 0x469D, 
-	0x46A9, 0x46B1, 0x46C7, 0x46C9, 0x46CF, 0x46D3, 0x46D5, 0x46DF, 
-	0x46E5, 0x46F9, 0x4705, 0x470F, 0x4717, 0x4723, 0x4729, 0x472F, 
-	0x4735, 0x4739, 0x474B, 0x474D, 0x4751, 0x475D, 0x476F, 0x4771, 
-	0x477D, 0x4783, 0x4787, 0x4789, 0x4799, 0x47A5, 0x47B1, 0x47BF, 
-	0x47C3, 0x47CB, 0x47DD, 0x47E1, 0x47ED, 0x47FB, 0x4801, 0x4807, 
-	0x480B, 0x4813, 0x4819, 0x481D, 0x4831, 0x483D, 0x4847, 0x4855, 
-	0x4859, 0x485B, 0x486B, 0x486D, 0x4879, 0x4897, 0x489B, 0x48A1, 
-	0x48B9, 0x48CD, 0x48E5, 0x48EF, 0x48F7, 0x4903, 0x490D, 0x4919, 
-	0x491F, 0x492B, 0x4937, 0x493D, 0x4945, 0x4955, 0x4963, 0x4969, 
-	0x496D, 0x4973, 0x4997, 0x49AB, 0x49B5, 0x49D3, 0x49DF, 0x49E1, 
-	0x49E5, 0x49E7, 0x4A03, 0x4A0F, 0x4A1D, 0x4A23, 0x4A39, 0x4A41, 
-	0x4A45, 0x4A57, 0x4A5D, 0x4A6B, 0x4A7D, 0x4A81, 0x4A87, 0x4A89, 
-	0x4A8F, 0x4AB1, 0x4AC3, 0x4AC5, 0x4AD5, 0x4ADB, 0x4AED, 0x4AEF, 
-	0x4B07, 0x4B0B, 0x4B0D, 0x4B13, 0x4B1F, 0x4B25, 0x4B31, 0x4B3B, 
-	0x4B43, 0x4B49, 0x4B59, 0x4B65, 0x4B6D, 0x4B77, 0x4B85, 0x4BAD, 
-	0x4BB3, 0x4BB5, 0x4BBB, 0x4BBF, 0x4BCB, 0x4BD9, 0x4BDD, 0x4BDF, 
-	0x4BE3, 0x4BE5, 0x4BE9, 0x4BF1, 0x4BF7, 0x4C01, 0x4C07, 0x4C0D, 
-	0x4C0F, 0x4C15, 0x4C1B, 0x4C21, 0x4C2D, 0x4C33, 0x4C4B, 0x4C55, 
-	0x4C57, 0x4C61, 0x4C67, 0x4C73, 0x4C79, 0x4C7F, 0x4C8D, 0x4C93, 
-	0x4C99, 0x4CCD, 0x4CE1, 0x4CE7, 0x4CF1, 0x4CF3, 0x4CFD, 0x4D05, 
-	0x4D0F, 0x4D1B, 0x4D27, 0x4D29, 0x4D2F, 0x4D33, 0x4D41, 0x4D51, 
-	0x4D59, 0x4D65, 0x4D6B, 0x4D81, 0x4D83, 0x4D8D, 0x4D95, 0x4D9B, 
-	0x4DB1, 0x4DB3, 0x4DC9, 0x4DCF, 0x4DD7, 0x4DE1, 0x4DED, 0x4DF9, 
-	0x4DFB, 0x4E05, 0x4E0B, 0x4E17, 0x4E19, 0x4E1D, 0x4E2B, 0x4E35, 
-	0x4E37, 0x4E3D, 0x4E4F, 0x4E53, 0x4E5F, 0x4E67, 0x4E79, 0x4E85, 
-	0x4E8B, 0x4E91, 0x4E95, 0x4E9B, 0x4EA1, 0x4EAF, 0x4EB3, 0x4EB5, 
-	0x4EC1, 0x4ECD, 0x4ED1, 0x4ED7, 0x4EE9, 0x4EFB, 0x4F07, 0x4F09, 
-	0x4F19, 0x4F25, 0x4F2D, 0x4F3F, 0x4F49, 0x4F63, 0x4F67, 0x4F6D, 
-	0x4F75, 0x4F7B, 0x4F81, 0x4F85, 0x4F87, 0x4F91, 0x4FA5, 0x4FA9, 
-	0x4FAF, 0x4FB7, 0x4FBB, 0x4FCF, 0x4FD9, 0x4FDB, 0x4FFD, 0x4FFF, 
-	0x5003, 0x501B, 0x501D, 0x5029, 0x5035, 0x503F, 0x5045, 0x5047, 
-	0x5053, 0x5071, 0x5077, 0x5083, 0x5093, 0x509F, 0x50A1, 0x50B7, 
-	0x50C9, 0x50D5, 0x50E3, 0x50ED, 0x50EF, 0x50FB, 0x5107, 0x510B, 
-	0x510D, 0x5111, 0x5117, 0x5123, 0x5125, 0x5135, 0x5147, 0x5149, 
-	0x5171, 0x5179, 0x5189, 0x518F, 0x5197, 0x51A1, 0x51A3, 0x51A7, 
-	0x51B9, 0x51C1, 0x51CB, 0x51D3, 0x51DF, 0x51E3, 0x51F5, 0x51F7, 
-	0x5209, 0x5213, 0x5215, 0x5219, 0x521B, 0x521F, 0x5227, 0x5243, 
-	0x5245, 0x524B, 0x5261, 0x526D, 0x5273, 0x5281, 0x5293, 0x5297, 
-	0x529D, 0x52A5, 0x52AB, 0x52B1, 0x52BB, 0x52C3, 0x52C7, 0x52C9, 
-	0x52DB, 0x52E5, 0x52EB, 0x52FF, 0x5315, 0x531D, 0x5323, 0x5341, 
-	0x5345, 0x5347, 0x534B, 0x535D, 0x5363, 0x5381, 0x5383, 0x5387, 
-	0x538F, 0x5395, 0x5399, 0x539F, 0x53AB, 0x53B9, 0x53DB, 0x53E9, 
-	0x53EF, 0x53F3, 0x53F5, 0x53FB, 0x53FF, 0x540D, 0x5411, 0x5413, 
-	0x5419, 0x5435, 0x5437, 0x543B, 0x5441, 0x5449, 0x5453, 0x5455, 
-	0x545F, 0x5461, 0x546B, 0x546D, 0x5471, 0x548F, 0x5491, 0x549D, 
-	0x54A9, 0x54B3, 0x54C5, 0x54D1, 0x54DF, 0x54E9, 0x54EB, 0x54F7, 
-	0x54FD, 0x5507, 0x550D, 0x551B, 0x5527, 0x552B, 0x5539, 0x553D, 
-	0x554F, 0x5551, 0x555B, 0x5563, 0x5567, 0x556F, 0x5579, 0x5585, 
-	0x5597, 0x55A9, 0x55B1, 0x55B7, 0x55C9, 0x55D9, 0x55E7, 0x55ED, 
-	0x55F3, 0x55FD, 0x560B, 0x560F, 0x5615, 0x5617, 0x5623, 0x562F, 
-	0x5633, 0x5639, 0x563F, 0x564B, 0x564D, 0x565D, 0x565F, 0x566B, 
-	0x5671, 0x5675, 0x5683, 0x5689, 0x568D, 0x568F, 0x569B, 0x56AD, 
-	0x56B1, 0x56D5, 0x56E7, 0x56F3, 0x56FF, 0x5701, 0x5705, 0x5707, 
-	0x570B, 0x5713, 0x571F, 0x5723, 0x5747, 0x574D, 0x575F, 0x5761, 
-	0x576D, 0x5777, 0x577D, 0x5789, 0x57A1, 0x57A9, 0x57AF, 0x57B5, 
-	0x57C5, 0x57D1, 0x57D3, 0x57E5, 0x57EF, 0x5803, 0x580D, 0x580F, 
-	0x5815, 0x5827, 0x582B, 0x582D, 0x5855, 0x585B, 0x585D, 0x586D, 
-	0x586F, 0x5873, 0x587B, 0x588D, 0x5897, 0x58A3, 0x58A9, 0x58AB, 
-	0x58B5, 0x58BD, 0x58C1, 0x58C7, 0x58D3, 0x58D5, 0x58DF, 0x58F1, 
-	0x58F9, 0x58FF, 0x5903, 0x5917, 0x591B, 0x5921, 0x5945, 0x594B, 
-	0x594D, 0x5957, 0x595D, 0x5975, 0x597B, 0x5989, 0x5999, 0x599F, 
-	0x59B1, 0x59B3, 0x59BD, 0x59D1, 0x59DB, 0x59E3, 0x59E9, 0x59ED, 
-	0x59F3, 0x59F5, 0x59FF, 0x5A01, 0x5A0D, 0x5A11, 0x5A13, 0x5A17, 
-	0x5A1F, 0x5A29, 0x5A2F, 0x5A3B, 0x5A4D, 0x5A5B, 0x5A67, 0x5A77, 
-	0x5A7F, 0x5A85, 0x5A95, 0x5A9D, 0x5AA1, 0x5AA3, 0x5AA9, 0x5ABB, 
-	0x5AD3, 0x5AE5, 0x5AEF, 0x5AFB, 0x5AFD, 0x5B01, 0x5B0F, 0x5B19, 
-	0x5B1F, 0x5B25, 0x5B2B, 0x5B3D, 0x5B49, 0x5B4B, 0x5B67, 0x5B79, 
-	0x5B87, 0x5B97, 0x5BA3, 0x5BB1, 0x5BC9, 0x5BD5, 0x5BEB, 0x5BF1, 
-	0x5BF3, 0x5BFD, 0x5C05, 0x5C09, 0x5C0B, 0x5C0F, 0x5C1D, 0x5C29, 
-	0x5C2F, 0x5C33, 0x5C39, 0x5C47, 0x5C4B, 0x5C4D, 0x5C51, 0x5C6F, 
-	0x5C75, 0x5C77, 0x5C7D, 0x5C87, 0x5C89, 0x5CA7, 0x5CBD, 0x5CBF, 
-	0x5CC3, 0x5CC9, 0x5CD1, 0x5CD7, 0x5CDD, 0x5CED, 0x5CF9, 0x5D05, 
-	0x5D0B, 0x5D13, 0x5D17, 0x5D19, 0x5D31, 0x5D3D, 0x5D41, 0x5D47, 
-	0x5D4F, 0x5D55, 0x5D5B, 0x5D65, 0x5D67, 0x5D6D, 0x5D79, 0x5D95, 
-	0x5DA3, 0x5DA9, 0x5DAD, 0x5DB9, 0x5DC1, 0x5DC7, 0x5DD3, 0x5DD7, 
-	0x5DDD, 0x5DEB, 0x5DF1, 0x5DFD, 0x5E07, 0x5E0D, 0x5E13, 0x5E1B, 
-	0x5E21, 0x5E27, 0x5E2B, 0x5E2D, 0x5E31, 0x5E39, 0x5E45, 0x5E49, 
-	0x5E57, 0x5E69, 0x5E73, 0x5E75, 0x5E85, 0x5E8B, 0x5E9F, 0x5EA5, 
-	0x5EAF, 0x5EB7, 0x5EBB, 0x5ED9, 0x5EFD, 0x5F09, 0x5F11, 0x5F27, 
-	0x5F33, 0x5F35, 0x5F3B, 0x5F47, 0x5F57, 0x5F5D, 0x5F63, 0x5F65, 
-	0x5F77, 0x5F7B, 0x5F95, 0x5F99, 0x5FA1, 0x5FB3, 0x5FBD, 0x5FC5, 
-	0x5FCF, 0x5FD5, 0x5FE3, 0x5FE7, 0x5FFB, 0x6011, 0x6023, 0x602F, 
-	0x6037, 0x6053, 0x605F, 0x6065, 0x606B, 0x6073, 0x6079, 0x6085, 
-	0x609D, 0x60AD, 0x60BB, 0x60BF, 0x60CD, 0x60D9, 0x60DF, 0x60E9, 
-	0x60F5, 0x6109, 0x610F, 0x6113, 0x611B, 0x612D, 0x6139, 0x614B, 
-	0x6155, 0x6157, 0x615B, 0x616F, 0x6179, 0x6187, 0x618B, 0x6191, 
-	0x6193, 0x619D, 0x61B5, 0x61C7, 0x61C9, 0x61CD, 0x61E1, 0x61F1, 
-	0x61FF, 0x6209, 0x6217, 0x621D, 0x6221, 0x6227, 0x623B, 0x6241, 
-	0x624B, 0x6251, 0x6253, 0x625F, 0x6265, 0x6283, 0x628D, 0x6295, 
-	0x629B, 0x629F, 0x62A5, 0x62AD, 0x62D5, 0x62D7, 0x62DB, 0x62DD, 
-	0x62E9, 0x62FB, 0x62FF, 0x6305, 0x630D, 0x6317, 0x631D, 0x632F, 
-	0x6341, 0x6343, 0x634F, 0x635F, 0x6367, 0x636D, 0x6371, 0x6377, 
-	0x637D, 0x637F, 0x63B3, 0x63C1, 0x63C5, 0x63D9, 0x63E9, 0x63EB, 
-	0x63EF, 0x63F5, 0x6401, 0x6403, 0x6409, 0x6415, 0x6421, 0x6427, 
-	0x642B, 0x6439, 0x6443, 0x6449, 0x644F, 0x645D, 0x6467, 0x6475, 
-	0x6485, 0x648D, 0x6493, 0x649F, 0x64A3, 0x64AB, 0x64C1, 0x64C7, 
-	0x64C9, 0x64DB, 0x64F1, 0x64F7, 0x64F9, 0x650B, 0x6511, 0x6521, 
-	0x652F, 0x6539, 0x653F, 0x654B, 0x654D, 0x6553, 0x6557, 0x655F, 
-	0x6571, 0x657D, 0x658D, 0x658F, 0x6593, 0x65A1, 0x65A5, 0x65AD, 
-	0x65B9, 0x65C5, 0x65E3, 0x65F3, 0x65FB, 0x65FF, 0x6601, 0x6607, 
-	0x661D, 0x6629, 0x6631, 0x663B, 0x6641, 0x6647, 0x664D, 0x665B, 
-	0x6661, 0x6673, 0x667D, 0x6689, 0x668B, 0x6695, 0x6697, 0x669B, 
-	0x66B5, 0x66B9, 0x66C5, 0x66CD, 0x66D1, 0x66E3, 0x66EB, 0x66F5, 
-	0x6703, 0x6713, 0x6719, 0x671F, 0x6727, 0x6731, 0x6737, 0x673F, 
-	0x6745, 0x6751, 0x675B, 0x676F, 0x6779, 0x6781, 0x6785, 0x6791, 
-	0x67AB, 0x67BD, 0x67C1, 0x67CD, 0x67DF, 0x67E5, 0x6803, 0x6809, 
-	0x6811, 0x6817, 0x682D, 0x6839, 0x683B, 0x683F, 0x6845, 0x684B, 
-	0x684D, 0x6857, 0x6859, 0x685D, 0x6863, 0x6869, 0x686B, 0x6871, 
-	0x6887, 0x6899, 0x689F, 0x68B1, 0x68BD, 0x68C5, 0x68D1, 0x68D7, 
-	0x68E1, 0x68ED, 0x68EF, 0x68FF, 0x6901, 0x690B, 0x690D, 0x6917, 
-	0x6929, 0x692F, 0x6943, 0x6947, 0x6949, 0x694F, 0x6965, 0x696B, 
-	0x6971, 0x6983, 0x6989, 0x6997, 0x69A3, 0x69B3, 0x69B5, 0x69BB, 
-	0x69C1, 0x69C5, 0x69D3, 0x69DF, 0x69E3, 0x69E5, 0x69F7, 0x6A07, 
-	0x6A2B, 0x6A37, 0x6A3D, 0x6A4B, 0x6A67, 0x6A69, 0x6A75, 0x6A7B, 
-	0x6A87, 0x6A8D, 0x6A91, 0x6A93, 0x6AA3, 0x6AC1, 0x6AC9, 0x6AE1, 
-	0x6AE7, 0x6B05, 0x6B0F, 0x6B11, 0x6B23, 0x6B27, 0x6B2D, 0x6B39, 
-	0x6B41, 0x6B57, 0x6B59, 0x6B5F, 0x6B75, 0x6B87, 0x6B89, 0x6B93, 
-	0x6B95, 0x6B9F, 0x6BBD, 0x6BBF, 0x6BDB, 0x6BE1, 0x6BEF, 0x6BFF, 
-	0x6C05, 0x6C19, 0x6C29, 0x6C2B, 0x6C31, 0x6C35, 0x6C55, 0x6C59, 
-	0x6C5B, 0x6C5F, 0x6C65, 0x6C67, 0x6C73, 0x6C77, 0x6C7D, 0x6C83, 
-	0x6C8F, 0x6C91, 0x6C97, 0x6C9B, 0x6CA1, 0x6CA9, 0x6CAF, 0x6CB3, 
-	0x6CC7, 0x6CCB, 0x6CEB, 0x6CF5, 0x6CFD, 0x6D0D, 0x6D0F, 0x6D25, 
-	0x6D27, 0x6D2B, 0x6D31, 0x6D39, 0x6D3F, 0x6D4F, 0x6D5D, 0x6D61, 
-	0x6D73, 0x6D7B, 0x6D7F, 0x6D93, 0x6D99, 0x6DA5, 0x6DB1, 0x6DB7, 
-	0x6DC1, 0x6DC3, 0x6DCD, 0x6DCF, 0x6DDB, 0x6DF7, 0x6E03, 0x6E15, 
-	0x6E17, 0x6E29, 0x6E33, 0x6E3B, 0x6E45, 0x6E75, 0x6E77, 0x6E7B, 
-	0x6E81, 0x6E89, 0x6E93, 0x6E95, 0x6E9F, 0x6EBD, 0x6EBF, 0x6EE3, 
-	0x6EE9, 0x6EF3, 0x6EF9, 0x6EFB, 0x6F0D, 0x6F11, 0x6F17, 0x6F1F, 
-	0x6F2F, 0x6F3D, 0x6F4D, 0x6F53, 0x6F61, 0x6F65, 0x6F79, 0x6F7D, 
-	0x6F83, 0x6F85, 0x6F8F, 0x6F9B, 0x6F9D, 0x6FA3, 0x6FAF, 0x6FB5, 
-	0x6FBB, 0x6FBF, 0x6FCB, 0x6FCD, 0x6FD3, 0x6FD7, 0x6FE3, 0x6FE9, 
-	0x6FF1, 0x6FF5, 0x6FF7, 0x6FFD, 0x700F, 0x7019, 0x701F, 0x7027, 
-	0x7033, 0x7039, 0x704F, 0x7051, 0x7057, 0x7063, 0x7075, 0x7079, 
-	0x7087, 0x708D, 0x7091, 0x70A5, 0x70AB, 0x70BB, 0x70C3, 0x70C7, 
-	0x70CF, 0x70E5, 0x70ED, 0x70F9, 0x70FF, 0x7105, 0x7115, 0x7121, 
-	0x7133, 0x7151, 0x7159, 0x715D, 0x715F, 0x7163, 0x7169, 0x7183, 
-	0x7187, 0x7195, 0x71AD, 0x71C3, 0x71C9, 0x71CB, 0x71D1, 0x71DB, 
-	0x71E1, 0x71EF, 0x71F5, 0x71FB, 0x7207, 0x7211, 0x7217, 0x7219, 
-	0x7225, 0x722F, 0x723B, 0x7243, 0x7255, 0x7267, 0x7271, 0x7277, 
-	0x727F, 0x728F, 0x7295, 0x729B, 0x72A3, 0x72B3, 0x72C7, 0x72CB, 
-	0x72CD, 0x72D7, 0x72D9, 0x72E3, 0x72EF, 0x72F5, 0x72FD, 0x7303, 
-	0x730D, 0x7321, 0x732B, 0x733D, 0x7357, 0x735B, 0x7361, 0x737F, 
-	0x7381, 0x7385, 0x738D, 0x7393, 0x739F, 0x73AB, 0x73BD, 0x73C1, 
-	0x73C9, 0x73DF, 0x73E5, 0x73E7, 0x73F3, 0x7415, 0x741B, 0x742D, 
-	0x7439, 0x743F, 0x7441, 0x745D, 0x746B, 0x747B, 0x7489, 0x748D, 
-	0x749B, 0x74A7, 0x74AB, 0x74B1, 0x74B7, 0x74B9, 0x74DD, 0x74E1, 
-	0x74E7, 0x74FB, 0x7507, 0x751F, 0x7525, 0x753B, 0x753D, 0x754D, 
-	0x755F, 0x756B, 0x7577, 0x7589, 0x758B, 0x7591, 0x7597, 0x759D, 
-	0x75A1, 0x75A7, 0x75B5, 0x75B9, 0x75BB, 0x75D1, 0x75D9, 0x75E5, 
-	0x75EB, 0x75F5, 0x75FB, 0x7603, 0x760F, 0x7621, 0x762D, 0x7633, 
-	0x763D, 0x763F, 0x7655, 0x7663, 0x7669, 0x766F, 0x7673, 0x7685, 
-	0x768B, 0x769F, 0x76B5, 0x76B7, 0x76C3, 0x76DB, 0x76DF, 0x76F1, 
-	0x7703, 0x7705, 0x771B, 0x771D, 0x7721, 0x772D, 0x7735, 0x7741, 
-	0x774B, 0x7759, 0x775D, 0x775F, 0x7771, 0x7781, 0x77A7, 0x77AD, 
-	0x77B3, 0x77B9, 0x77C5, 0x77CF, 0x77D5, 0x77E1, 0x77E9, 0x77EF, 
-	0x77F3, 0x77F9, 0x7807, 0x7825, 0x782B, 0x7835, 0x783D, 0x7853, 
-	0x7859, 0x7861, 0x786D, 0x7877, 0x7879, 0x7883, 0x7885, 0x788B, 
-	0x7895, 0x7897, 0x78A1, 0x78AD, 0x78BF, 0x78D3, 0x78D9, 0x78DD, 
-	0x78E5, 0x78FB, 0x7901, 0x7907, 0x7925, 0x792B, 0x7939, 0x793F, 
-	0x794B, 0x7957, 0x795D, 0x7967, 0x7969, 0x7973, 0x7991, 0x7993, 
-	0x79A3, 0x79AB, 0x79AF, 0x79B1, 0x79B7, 0x79C9, 0x79CD, 0x79CF, 
-	0x79D5, 0x79D9, 0x79F3, 0x79F7, 0x79FF, 0x7A05, 0x7A0F, 0x7A11, 
-	0x7A15, 0x7A1B, 0x7A23, 0x7A27, 0x7A2D, 0x7A4B, 0x7A57, 0x7A59, 
-	0x7A5F, 0x7A65, 0x7A69, 0x7A7D, 0x7A93, 0x7A9B, 0x7A9F, 0x7AA1, 
-	0x7AA5, 0x7AED, 0x7AF5, 0x7AF9, 0x7B01, 0x7B17, 0x7B19, 0x7B1D, 
-	0x7B2B, 0x7B35, 0x7B37, 0x7B3B, 0x7B4F, 0x7B55, 0x7B5F, 0x7B71, 
-	0x7B77, 0x7B8B, 0x7B9B, 0x7BA1, 0x7BA9, 0x7BAF, 0x7BB3, 0x7BC7, 
-	0x7BD3, 0x7BE9, 0x7BEB, 0x7BEF, 0x7BF1, 0x7BFD, 0x7C07, 0x7C19, 
-	0x7C1B, 0x7C31, 0x7C37, 0x7C49, 0x7C67, 0x7C69, 0x7C73, 0x7C81, 
-	0x7C8B, 0x7C93, 0x7CA3, 0x7CD5, 0x7CDB, 0x7CE5, 0x7CED, 0x7CF7, 
-	0x7D03, 0x7D09, 0x7D1B, 0x7D1D, 0x7D33, 0x7D39, 0x7D3B, 0x7D3F, 
-	0x7D45, 0x7D4D, 0x7D53, 0x7D59, 0x7D63, 0x7D75, 0x7D77, 0x7D8D, 
-	0x7D8F, 0x7D9F, 0x7DAD, 0x7DB7, 0x7DBD, 0x7DBF, 0x7DCB, 0x7DD5, 
-	0x7DE9, 0x7DED, 0x7DFB, 0x7E01, 0x7E05, 0x7E29, 0x7E2B, 0x7E2F, 
-	0x7E35, 0x7E41, 0x7E43, 0x7E47, 0x7E55, 0x7E61, 0x7E67, 0x7E6B, 
-	0x7E71, 0x7E73, 0x7E79, 0x7E7D, 0x7E91, 0x7E9B, 0x7E9D, 0x7EA7, 
-	0x7EAD, 0x7EB9, 0x7EBB, 0x7ED3, 0x7EDF, 0x7EEB, 0x7EF1, 0x7EF7, 
-	0x7EFB, 0x7F13, 0x7F15, 0x7F19, 0x7F31, 0x7F33, 0x7F39, 0x7F3D, 
-	0x7F43, 0x7F4B, 0x7F5B, 0x7F61, 0x7F63, 0x7F6D, 0x7F79, 0x7F87, 
-	0x7F8D, 0x7FAF, 0x7FB5, 0x7FC3, 0x7FC9, 0x7FCD, 0x7FCF, 0x7FED, 
-	0x8003, 0x800B, 0x800F, 0x8015, 0x801D, 0x8021, 0x8023, 0x803F, 
-	0x8041, 0x8047, 0x804B, 0x8065, 0x8077, 0x808D, 0x808F, 0x8095, 
-	0x80A5, 0x80AB, 0x80AD, 0x80BD, 0x80C9, 0x80CB, 0x80D7, 0x80DB, 
-	0x80E1, 0x80E7, 0x80F5, 0x80FF, 0x8105, 0x810D, 0x8119, 0x811D, 
-	0x812F, 0x8131, 0x813B, 0x8143, 0x8153, 0x8159, 0x815F, 0x817D, 
-	0x817F, 0x8189, 0x819B, 0x819D, 0x81A7, 0x81AF, 0x81B3, 0x81BB, 
-	0x81C7, 0x81DF, 0x8207, 0x8209, 0x8215, 0x821F, 0x8225, 0x8231, 
-	0x8233, 0x823F, 0x8243, 0x8245, 0x8249, 0x824F, 0x8261, 0x826F, 
-	0x827B, 0x8281, 0x8285, 0x8293, 0x82B1, 0x82B5, 0x82BD, 0x82C7, 
-	0x82CF, 0x82D5, 0x82DF, 0x82F1, 0x82F9, 0x82FD, 0x830B, 0x831B, 
-	0x8321, 0x8329, 0x832D, 0x8333, 0x8335, 0x833F, 0x8341, 0x834D, 
-	0x8351, 0x8353, 0x8357, 0x835D, 0x8365, 0x8369, 0x836F, 0x838F, 
-	0x83A7, 0x83B1, 0x83B9, 0x83CB, 0x83D5, 0x83D7, 0x83DD, 0x83E7, 
-	0x83E9, 0x83ED, 0x83FF, 0x8405, 0x8411, 0x8413, 0x8423, 0x8425, 
-	0x843B, 0x8441, 0x8447, 0x844F, 0x8461, 0x8465, 0x8477, 0x8483, 
-	0x848B, 0x8491, 0x8495, 0x84A9, 0x84AF, 0x84CD, 0x84E3, 0x84EF, 
-	0x84F1, 0x84F7, 0x8509, 0x850D, 0x854B, 0x854F, 0x8551, 0x855D, 
-	0x8563, 0x856D, 0x856F, 0x857B, 0x8587, 0x85A3, 0x85A5, 0x85A9, 
-	0x85B7, 0x85CD, 0x85D3, 0x85D5, 0x85DB, 0x85E1, 0x85EB, 0x85F9, 
-	0x85FD, 0x85FF, 0x8609, 0x860F, 0x8617, 0x8621, 0x862F, 0x8639, 
-	0x863F, 0x8641, 0x864D, 0x8663, 0x8675, 0x867D, 0x8687, 0x8699, 
-	0x86A5, 0x86A7, 0x86B3, 0x86B7, 0x86C3, 0x86C5, 0x86CF, 0x86D1, 
-	0x86D7, 0x86E9, 0x86EF, 0x86F5, 0x8717, 0x871D, 0x871F, 0x872B, 
-	0x872F, 0x8735, 0x8747, 0x8759, 0x875B, 0x876B, 0x8771, 0x8777, 
-	0x877F, 0x8785, 0x878F, 0x87A1, 0x87A9, 0x87B3, 0x87BB, 0x87C5, 
-	0x87C7, 0x87CB, 0x87DD, 0x87F7, 0x8803, 0x8819, 0x881B, 0x881F, 
-	0x8821, 0x8837, 0x883D, 0x8843, 0x8851, 0x8861, 0x8867, 0x887B, 
-	0x8885, 0x8891, 0x8893, 0x88A5, 0x88CF, 0x88D3, 0x88EB, 0x88ED, 
-	0x88F3, 0x88FD, 0x8909, 0x890B, 0x8911, 0x891B, 0x8923, 0x8927, 
-	0x892D, 0x8939, 0x8945, 0x894D, 0x8951, 0x8957, 0x8963, 0x8981, 
-	0x8995, 0x899B, 0x89B3, 0x89B9, 0x89C3, 0x89CF, 0x89D1, 0x89DB, 
-	0x89EF, 0x89F5, 0x89FB, 0x89FF, 0x8A0B, 0x8A19, 0x8A23, 0x8A35, 
-	0x8A41, 0x8A49, 0x8A4F, 0x8A5B, 0x8A5F, 0x8A6D, 0x8A77, 0x8A79, 
-	0x8A85, 0x8AA3, 0x8AB3, 0x8AB5, 0x8AC1, 0x8AC7, 0x8ACB, 0x8ACD, 
-	0x8AD1, 0x8AD7, 0x8AF1, 0x8AF5, 0x8B07, 0x8B09, 0x8B0D, 0x8B13, 
-	0x8B21, 0x8B57, 0x8B5D, 0x8B91, 0x8B93, 0x8BA3, 0x8BA9, 0x8BAF, 
-	0x8BBB, 0x8BD5, 0x8BD9, 0x8BDB, 0x8BE1, 0x8BF7, 0x8BFD, 0x8BFF, 
-	0x8C0B, 0x8C17, 0x8C1D, 0x8C27, 0x8C39, 0x8C3B, 0x8C47, 0x8C53, 
-	0x8C5D, 0x8C6F, 0x8C7B, 0x8C81, 0x8C89, 0x8C8F, 0x8C99, 0x8C9F, 
-	0x8CA7, 0x8CAB, 0x8CAD, 0x8CB1, 0x8CC5, 0x8CDD, 0x8CE3, 0x8CE9, 
-	0x8CF3, 0x8D01, 0x8D0B, 0x8D0D, 0x8D23, 0x8D29, 0x8D37, 0x8D41, 
-	0x8D5B, 0x8D5F, 0x8D71, 0x8D79, 0x8D85, 0x8D91, 0x8D9B, 0x8DA7, 
-	0x8DAD, 0x8DB5, 0x8DC5, 0x8DCB, 0x8DD3, 0x8DD9, 0x8DDF, 0x8DF5, 
-	0x8DF7, 0x8E01, 0x8E15, 0x8E1F, 0x8E25, 0x8E51, 0x8E63, 0x8E69, 
-	0x8E73, 0x8E75, 0x8E79, 0x8E7F, 0x8E8D, 0x8E91, 0x8EAB, 0x8EAF, 
-	0x8EB1, 0x8EBD, 0x8EC7, 0x8ECF, 0x8ED3, 0x8EDB, 0x8EE7, 0x8EEB, 
-	0x8EF7, 0x8EFF, 0x8F15, 0x8F1D, 0x8F23, 0x8F2D, 0x8F3F, 0x8F45, 
-	0x8F4B, 0x8F53, 0x8F59, 0x8F65, 0x8F69, 0x8F71, 0x8F83, 0x8F8D, 
-	0x8F99, 0x8F9F, 0x8FAB, 0x8FAD, 0x8FB3, 0x8FB7, 0x8FB9, 0x8FC9, 
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-	0x90B9, 0x90C1, 0x90C5, 0x90DF, 0x90E9, 0x90FD, 0x9103, 0x9113, 
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-	0x92B9, 0x92BF, 0x92C3, 0x92C5, 0x92CB, 0x92D5, 0x92D7, 0x92E7, 
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-	0x93C7, 0x93D7, 0x93DD, 0x93E5, 0x93EF, 0x93F7, 0x9401, 0x9409, 
-	0x9413, 0x943F, 0x9445, 0x944B, 0x944F, 0x9463, 0x9467, 0x9469, 
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-	0x94E7, 0x9505, 0x9509, 0x9517, 0x9521, 0x9527, 0x952D, 0x9535, 
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-	0x958F, 0x959B, 0x959F, 0x95AD, 0x95B1, 0x95B7, 0x95B9, 0x95BD, 
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-	0x96C1, 0x96CB, 0x96D1, 0x96D3, 0x96E5, 0x96EF, 0x96FB, 0x96FD, 
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-	0x983B, 0x9841, 0x9851, 0x986B, 0x986F, 0x9881, 0x9883, 0x9887, 
-	0x98A7, 0x98B1, 0x98B9, 0x98BF, 0x98C3, 0x98C9, 0x98CF, 0x98DD, 
-	0x98E3, 0x98F5, 0x98F9, 0x98FB, 0x990D, 0x9917, 0x991F, 0x9929, 
-	0x9931, 0x993B, 0x993D, 0x9941, 0x9947, 0x9949, 0x9953, 0x997D, 
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-	0x99CB, 0x99CD, 0x99D7, 0x99E5, 0x99F1, 0x99FB, 0x9A0F, 0x9A13, 
-	0x9A1B, 0x9A25, 0x9A4B, 0x9A4F, 0x9A55, 0x9A57, 0x9A61, 0x9A75, 
-	0x9A7F, 0x9A8B, 0x9A91, 0x9A9D, 0x9AB7, 0x9AC3, 0x9AC7, 0x9ACF, 
-	0x9AEB, 0x9AF3, 0x9AF7, 0x9AFF, 0x9B17, 0x9B1D, 0x9B27, 0x9B2F, 
-	0x9B35, 0x9B45, 0x9B51, 0x9B59, 0x9B63, 0x9B6F, 0x9B77, 0x9B8D, 
-	0x9B93, 0x9B95, 0x9B9F, 0x9BA1, 0x9BA7, 0x9BB1, 0x9BB7, 0x9BBD, 
-	0x9BC5, 0x9BCB, 0x9BCF, 0x9BDD, 0x9BF9, 0x9C01, 0x9C11, 0x9C23, 
-	0x9C2B, 0x9C2F, 0x9C35, 0x9C49, 0x9C4D, 0x9C5F, 0x9C65, 0x9C67, 
-	0x9C7F, 0x9C97, 0x9C9D, 0x9CA3, 0x9CAF, 0x9CBB, 0x9CBF, 0x9CC1, 
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-	0x9D27, 0x9D2D, 0x9D31, 0x9D3D, 0x9D55, 0x9D5B, 0x9D61, 0x9D97, 
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-	0x9F23, 0x9F2F, 0x9F37, 0x9F3B, 0x9F43, 0x9F53, 0x9F61, 0x9F6D, 
-	0x9F73, 0x9F77, 0x9F7D, 0x9F89, 0x9F8F, 0x9F91, 0x9F95, 0x9FA3, 
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-	0xA0B7, 0xA0BD, 0xA0C9, 0xA0D9, 0xA0DB, 0xA0DF, 0xA0E5, 0xA0F1, 
-	0xA0F3, 0xA0FD, 0xA105, 0xA10B, 0xA10F, 0xA111, 0xA11B, 0xA129, 
-	0xA12F, 0xA135, 0xA141, 0xA153, 0xA175, 0xA17D, 0xA187, 0xA18D, 
-	0xA1A5, 0xA1AB, 0xA1AD, 0xA1B7, 0xA1C3, 0xA1C5, 0xA1E3, 0xA1ED, 
-	0xA1FB, 0xA207, 0xA213, 0xA223, 0xA229, 0xA22F, 0xA231, 0xA243, 
-	0xA247, 0xA24D, 0xA26B, 0xA279, 0xA27D, 0xA283, 0xA289, 0xA28B, 
-	0xA291, 0xA295, 0xA29B, 0xA2A9, 0xA2AF, 0xA2B3, 0xA2BB, 0xA2C5, 
-	0xA2D1, 0xA2D7, 0xA2F7, 0xA301, 0xA309, 0xA31F, 0xA321, 0xA32B, 
-	0xA331, 0xA349, 0xA351, 0xA355, 0xA373, 0xA379, 0xA37B, 0xA387, 
-	0xA397, 0xA39F, 0xA3A5, 0xA3A9, 0xA3AF, 0xA3B7, 0xA3C7, 0xA3D5, 
-	0xA3DB, 0xA3E1, 0xA3E5, 0xA3E7, 0xA3F1, 0xA3FD, 0xA3FF, 0xA40F, 
-	0xA41D, 0xA421, 0xA423, 0xA427, 0xA43B, 0xA44D, 0xA457, 0xA459, 
-	0xA463, 0xA469, 0xA475, 0xA493, 0xA49B, 0xA4AD, 0xA4B9, 0xA4C3, 
-	0xA4C5, 0xA4CB, 0xA4D1, 0xA4D5, 0xA4E1, 0xA4ED, 0xA4EF, 0xA4F3, 
-	0xA4FF, 0xA511, 0xA529, 0xA52B, 0xA535, 0xA53B, 0xA543, 0xA553, 
-	0xA55B, 0xA561, 0xA56D, 0xA577, 0xA585, 0xA58B, 0xA597, 0xA59D, 
-	0xA5A3, 0xA5A7, 0xA5A9, 0xA5C1, 0xA5C5, 0xA5CB, 0xA5D3, 0xA5D9, 
-	0xA5DD, 0xA5DF, 0xA5E3, 0xA5E9, 0xA5F7, 0xA5FB, 0xA603, 0xA60D, 
-	0xA625, 0xA63D, 0xA649, 0xA64B, 0xA651, 0xA65D, 0xA673, 0xA691, 
-	0xA693, 0xA699, 0xA6AB, 0xA6B5, 0xA6BB, 0xA6C1, 0xA6C9, 0xA6CD, 
-	0xA6CF, 0xA6D5, 0xA6DF, 0xA6E7, 0xA6F1, 0xA6F7, 0xA6FF, 0xA70F, 
-	0xA715, 0xA723, 0xA729, 0xA72D, 0xA745, 0xA74D, 0xA757, 0xA759, 
-	0xA765, 0xA76B, 0xA76F, 0xA793, 0xA795, 0xA7AB, 0xA7B1, 0xA7B9, 
-	0xA7BF, 0xA7C9, 0xA7D1, 0xA7D7, 0xA7E3, 0xA7ED, 0xA7FB, 0xA805, 
-	0xA80B, 0xA81D, 0xA829, 0xA82B, 0xA837, 0xA83B, 0xA855, 0xA85F, 
-	0xA86D, 0xA87D, 0xA88F, 0xA897, 0xA8A9, 0xA8B5, 0xA8C1, 0xA8C7, 
-	0xA8D7, 0xA8E5, 0xA8FD, 0xA907, 0xA913, 0xA91B, 0xA931, 0xA937, 
-	0xA939, 0xA943, 0xA97F, 0xA985, 0xA987, 0xA98B, 0xA993, 0xA9A3, 
-	0xA9B1, 0xA9BB, 0xA9C1, 0xA9D9, 0xA9DF, 0xA9EB, 0xA9FD, 0xAA15, 
-	0xAA17, 0xAA35, 0xAA39, 0xAA3B, 0xAA47, 0xAA4D, 0xAA57, 0xAA59, 
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-	0xAABF, 0xAAC5, 0xAAC9, 0xAAE9, 0xAAEF, 0xAB01, 0xAB05, 0xAB07, 
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-	0xABD3, 0xABD7, 0xABDD, 0xABF1, 0xABF5, 0xABFB, 0xABFD, 0xAC09, 
-	0xAC15, 0xAC1B, 0xAC27, 0xAC37, 0xAC39, 0xAC45, 0xAC4F, 0xAC57, 
-	0xAC5B, 0xAC61, 0xAC63, 0xAC7F, 0xAC8B, 0xAC93, 0xAC9D, 0xACA9, 
-	0xACAB, 0xACAF, 0xACBD, 0xACD9, 0xACE1, 0xACE7, 0xACEB, 0xACED, 
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-	0xAD5F, 0xAD65, 0xAD81, 0xADA1, 0xADA5, 0xADC3, 0xADCB, 0xADD1, 
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-	0xAFAB, 0xAFB7, 0xAFBB, 0xAFCF, 0xAFD5, 0xAFFD, 0xB005, 0xB015, 
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-	0xB0E1, 0xB0E9, 0xB0ED, 0xB0FB, 0xB105, 0xB107, 0xB111, 0xB119, 
-	0xB11D, 0xB11F, 0xB131, 0xB141, 0xB14D, 0xB15B, 0xB165, 0xB173, 
-	0xB179, 0xB17F, 0xB1A9, 0xB1B3, 0xB1B9, 0xB1BF, 0xB1D3, 0xB1DD, 
-	0xB1E5, 0xB1F1, 0xB1F5, 0xB201, 0xB213, 0xB215, 0xB21F, 0xB22D, 
-	0xB23F, 0xB249, 0xB25B, 0xB263, 0xB269, 0xB26D, 0xB27B, 0xB281, 
-	0xB28B, 0xB2A9, 0xB2B7, 0xB2BD, 0xB2C3, 0xB2C7, 0xB2D3, 0xB2F9, 
-	0xB2FD, 0xB2FF, 0xB303, 0xB309, 0xB311, 0xB31D, 0xB327, 0xB32D, 
-	0xB33F, 0xB345, 0xB377, 0xB37D, 0xB381, 0xB387, 0xB393, 0xB39B, 
-	0xB3A5, 0xB3C5, 0xB3CB, 0xB3E1, 0xB3E3, 0xB3ED, 0xB3F9, 0xB40B, 
-	0xB40D, 0xB413, 0xB417, 0xB435, 0xB43D, 0xB443, 0xB449, 0xB45B, 
-	0xB465, 0xB467, 0xB46B, 0xB477, 0xB48B, 0xB495, 0xB49D, 0xB4B5, 
-	0xB4BF, 0xB4C1, 0xB4C7, 0xB4DD, 0xB4E3, 0xB4E5, 0xB4F7, 0xB501, 
-	0xB50D, 0xB50F, 0xB52D, 0xB53F, 0xB54B, 0xB567, 0xB569, 0xB56F, 
-	0xB573, 0xB579, 0xB587, 0xB58D, 0xB599, 0xB5A3, 0xB5AB, 0xB5AF, 
-	0xB5BB, 0xB5D5, 0xB5DF, 0xB5E7, 0xB5ED, 0xB5FD, 0xB5FF, 0xB609, 
-	0xB61B, 0xB629, 0xB62F, 0xB633, 0xB639, 0xB647, 0xB657, 0xB659, 
-	0xB65F, 0xB663, 0xB66F, 0xB683, 0xB687, 0xB69B, 0xB69F, 0xB6A5, 
-	0xB6B1, 0xB6B3, 0xB6D7, 0xB6DB, 0xB6E1, 0xB6E3, 0xB6ED, 0xB6EF, 
-	0xB705, 0xB70D, 0xB713, 0xB71D, 0xB729, 0xB735, 0xB747, 0xB755, 
-	0xB76D, 0xB791, 0xB795, 0xB7A9, 0xB7C1, 0xB7CB, 0xB7D1, 0xB7D3, 
-	0xB7EF, 0xB7F5, 0xB807, 0xB80F, 0xB813, 0xB819, 0xB821, 0xB827, 
-	0xB82B, 0xB82D, 0xB839, 0xB855, 0xB867, 0xB875, 0xB885, 0xB893, 
-	0xB8A5, 0xB8AF, 0xB8B7, 0xB8BD, 0xB8C1, 0xB8C7, 0xB8CD, 0xB8D5, 
-	0xB8EB, 0xB8F7, 0xB8F9, 0xB903, 0xB915, 0xB91B, 0xB91D, 0xB92F, 
-	0xB939, 0xB93B, 0xB947, 0xB951, 0xB963, 0xB983, 0xB989, 0xB98D, 
-	0xB993, 0xB999, 0xB9A1, 0xB9A7, 0xB9AD, 0xB9B7, 0xB9CB, 0xB9D1, 
-	0xB9DD, 0xB9E7, 0xB9EF, 0xB9F9, 0xBA07, 0xBA0D, 0xBA17, 0xBA25, 
-	0xBA29, 0xBA2B, 0xBA41, 0xBA53, 0xBA55, 0xBA5F, 0xBA61, 0xBA65, 
-	0xBA79, 0xBA7D, 0xBA7F, 0xBAA1, 0xBAA3, 0xBAAF, 0xBAB5, 0xBABF, 
-	0xBAC1, 0xBACB, 0xBADD, 0xBAE3, 0xBAF1, 0xBAFD, 0xBB09, 0xBB1F, 
-	0xBB27, 0xBB2D, 0xBB3D, 0xBB43, 0xBB4B, 0xBB4F, 0xBB5B, 0xBB61, 
-	0xBB69, 0xBB6D, 0xBB91, 0xBB97, 0xBB9D, 0xBBB1, 0xBBC9, 0xBBCF, 
-	0xBBDB, 0xBBED, 0xBBF7, 0xBBF9, 0xBC03, 0xBC1D, 0xBC23, 0xBC33, 
-	0xBC3B, 0xBC41, 0xBC45, 0xBC5D, 0xBC6F, 0xBC77, 0xBC83, 0xBC8F, 
-	0xBC99, 0xBCAB, 0xBCB7, 0xBCB9, 0xBCD1, 0xBCD5, 0xBCE1, 0xBCF3, 
-	0xBCFF, 0xBD0D, 0xBD17, 0xBD19, 0xBD1D, 0xBD35, 0xBD41, 0xBD4F, 
-	0xBD59, 0xBD5F, 0xBD61, 0xBD67, 0xBD6B, 0xBD71, 0xBD8B, 0xBD8F, 
-	0xBD95, 0xBD9B, 0xBD9D, 0xBDB3, 0xBDBB, 0xBDCD, 0xBDD1, 0xBDE3, 
-	0xBDEB, 0xBDEF, 0xBE07, 0xBE09, 0xBE15, 0xBE21, 0xBE25, 0xBE27, 
-	0xBE5B, 0xBE5D, 0xBE6F, 0xBE75, 0xBE79, 0xBE7F, 0xBE8B, 0xBE8D, 
-	0xBE93, 0xBE9F, 0xBEA9, 0xBEB1, 0xBEB5, 0xBEB7, 0xBECF, 0xBED9, 
-	0xBEDB, 0xBEE5, 0xBEE7, 0xBEF3, 0xBEF9, 0xBF0B, 0xBF33, 0xBF39, 
-	0xBF4D, 0xBF5D, 0xBF5F, 0xBF6B, 0xBF71, 0xBF7B, 0xBF87, 0xBF89, 
-	0xBF8D, 0xBF93, 0xBFA1, 0xBFAD, 0xBFB9, 0xBFCF, 0xBFD5, 0xBFDD, 
-	0xBFE1, 0xBFE3, 0xBFF3, 0xC005, 0xC011, 0xC013, 0xC019, 0xC029, 
-	0xC02F, 0xC031, 0xC037, 0xC03B, 0xC047, 0xC065, 0xC06D, 0xC07D, 
-	0xC07F, 0xC091, 0xC09B, 0xC0B3, 0xC0B5, 0xC0BB, 0xC0D3, 0xC0D7, 
-	0xC0D9, 0xC0EF, 0xC0F1, 0xC101, 0xC103, 0xC109, 0xC115, 0xC119, 
-	0xC12B, 0xC133, 0xC137, 0xC145, 0xC149, 0xC15B, 0xC173, 0xC179, 
-	0xC17B, 0xC181, 0xC18B, 0xC18D, 0xC197, 0xC1BD, 0xC1C3, 0xC1CD, 
-	0xC1DB, 0xC1E1, 0xC1E7, 0xC1FF, 0xC203, 0xC205, 0xC211, 0xC221, 
-	0xC22F, 0xC23F, 0xC24B, 0xC24D, 0xC253, 0xC25D, 0xC277, 0xC27B, 
-	0xC27D, 0xC289, 0xC28F, 0xC293, 0xC29F, 0xC2A7, 0xC2B3, 0xC2BD, 
-	0xC2CF, 0xC2D5, 0xC2E3, 0xC2FF, 0xC301, 0xC307, 0xC311, 0xC313, 
-	0xC317, 0xC325, 0xC347, 0xC349, 0xC34F, 0xC365, 0xC367, 0xC371, 
-	0xC37F, 0xC383, 0xC385, 0xC395, 0xC39D, 0xC3A7, 0xC3AD, 0xC3B5, 
-	0xC3BF, 0xC3C7, 0xC3CB, 0xC3D1, 0xC3D3, 0xC3E3, 0xC3E9, 0xC3EF, 
-	0xC401, 0xC41F, 0xC42D, 0xC433, 0xC437, 0xC455, 0xC457, 0xC461, 
-	0xC46F, 0xC473, 0xC487, 0xC491, 0xC499, 0xC49D, 0xC4A5, 0xC4B7, 
-	0xC4BB, 0xC4C9, 0xC4CF, 0xC4D3, 0xC4EB, 0xC4F1, 0xC4F7, 0xC509, 
-	0xC51B, 0xC51D, 0xC541, 0xC547, 0xC551, 0xC55F, 0xC56B, 0xC56F, 
-	0xC575, 0xC577, 0xC595, 0xC59B, 0xC59F, 0xC5A1, 0xC5A7, 0xC5C3, 
-	0xC5D7, 0xC5DB, 0xC5EF, 0xC5FB, 0xC613, 0xC623, 0xC635, 0xC641, 
-	0xC64F, 0xC655, 0xC659, 0xC665, 0xC685, 0xC691, 0xC697, 0xC6A1, 
-	0xC6A9, 0xC6B3, 0xC6B9, 0xC6CB, 0xC6CD, 0xC6DD, 0xC6EB, 0xC6F1, 
-	0xC707, 0xC70D, 0xC719, 0xC71B, 0xC72D, 0xC731, 0xC739, 0xC757, 
-	0xC763, 0xC767, 0xC773, 0xC775, 0xC77F, 0xC7A5, 0xC7BB, 0xC7BD, 
-	0xC7C1, 0xC7CF, 0xC7D5, 0xC7E1, 0xC7F9, 0xC7FD, 0xC7FF, 0xC803, 
-	0xC811, 0xC81D, 0xC827, 0xC829, 0xC839, 0xC83F, 0xC853, 0xC857, 
-	0xC86B, 0xC881, 0xC88D, 0xC88F, 0xC893, 0xC895, 0xC8A1, 0xC8B7, 
-	0xC8CF, 0xC8D5, 0xC8DB, 0xC8DD, 0xC8E3, 0xC8E7, 0xC8ED, 0xC8EF, 
-	0xC8F9, 0xC905, 0xC911, 0xC917, 0xC919, 0xC91F, 0xC92F, 0xC937, 
-	0xC93D, 0xC941, 0xC953, 0xC95F, 0xC96B, 0xC979, 0xC97D, 0xC989, 
-	0xC98F, 0xC997, 0xC99D, 0xC9AF, 0xC9B5, 0xC9BF, 0xC9CB, 0xC9D9, 
-	0xC9DF, 0xC9E3, 0xC9EB, 0xCA01, 0xCA07, 0xCA09, 0xCA25, 0xCA37, 
-	0xCA39, 0xCA4B, 0xCA55, 0xCA5B, 0xCA69, 0xCA73, 0xCA75, 0xCA7F, 
-	0xCA8D, 0xCA93, 0xCA9D, 0xCA9F, 0xCAB5, 0xCABB, 0xCAC3, 0xCAC9, 
-	0xCAD9, 0xCAE5, 0xCAED, 0xCB03, 0xCB05, 0xCB09, 0xCB17, 0xCB29, 
-	0xCB35, 0xCB3B, 0xCB53, 0xCB59, 0xCB63, 0xCB65, 0xCB71, 0xCB87, 
-	0xCB99, 0xCB9F, 0xCBB3, 0xCBB9, 0xCBC3, 0xCBD1, 0xCBD5, 0xCBD7, 
-	0xCBDD, 0xCBE9, 0xCBFF, 0xCC0D, 0xCC19, 0xCC1D, 0xCC23, 0xCC2B, 
-	0xCC41, 0xCC43, 0xCC4D, 0xCC59, 0xCC61, 0xCC89, 0xCC8B, 0xCC91, 
-	0xCC9B, 0xCCA3, 0xCCA7, 0xCCD1, 0xCCE5, 0xCCE9, 0xCD09, 0xCD15, 
-	0xCD1F, 0xCD25, 0xCD31, 0xCD3D, 0xCD3F, 0xCD49, 0xCD51, 0xCD57, 
-	0xCD5B, 0xCD63, 0xCD67, 0xCD81, 0xCD93, 0xCD97, 0xCD9F, 0xCDBB, 
-	0xCDC1, 0xCDD3, 0xCDD9, 0xCDE5, 0xCDE7, 0xCDF1, 0xCDF7, 0xCDFD, 
-	0xCE0B, 0xCE15, 0xCE21, 0xCE2F, 0xCE47, 0xCE4D, 0xCE51, 0xCE65, 
-	0xCE7B, 0xCE7D, 0xCE8F, 0xCE93, 0xCE99, 0xCEA5, 0xCEA7, 0xCEB7, 
-	0xCEC9, 0xCED7, 0xCEDD, 0xCEE3, 0xCEE7, 0xCEED, 0xCEF5, 0xCF07, 
-	0xCF0B, 0xCF19, 0xCF37, 0xCF3B, 0xCF4D, 0xCF55, 0xCF5F, 0xCF61, 
-	0xCF65, 0xCF6D, 0xCF79, 0xCF7D, 0xCF89, 0xCF9B, 0xCF9D, 0xCFA9, 
-	0xCFB3, 0xCFB5, 0xCFC5, 0xCFCD, 0xCFD1, 0xCFEF, 0xCFF1, 0xCFF7, 
-	0xD013, 0xD015, 0xD01F, 0xD021, 0xD033, 0xD03D, 0xD04B, 0xD04F, 
-	0xD069, 0xD06F, 0xD081, 0xD085, 0xD099, 0xD09F, 0xD0A3, 0xD0AB, 
-	0xD0BD, 0xD0C1, 0xD0CD, 0xD0E7, 0xD0FF, 0xD103, 0xD117, 0xD12D, 
-	0xD12F, 0xD141, 0xD157, 0xD159, 0xD15D, 0xD169, 0xD16B, 0xD171, 
-	0xD177, 0xD17D, 0xD181, 0xD187, 0xD195, 0xD199, 0xD1B1, 0xD1BD, 
-	0xD1C3, 0xD1D5, 0xD1D7, 0xD1E3, 0xD1FF, 0xD20D, 0xD211, 0xD217, 
-	0xD21F, 0xD235, 0xD23B, 0xD247, 0xD259, 0xD261, 0xD265, 0xD279, 
-	0xD27F, 0xD283, 0xD289, 0xD28B, 0xD29D, 0xD2A3, 0xD2A7, 0xD2B3, 
-	0xD2BF, 0xD2C7, 0xD2E3, 0xD2E9, 0xD2F1, 0xD2FB, 0xD2FD, 0xD315, 
-	0xD321, 0xD32B, 0xD343, 0xD34B, 0xD355, 0xD369, 0xD375, 0xD37B, 
-	0xD387, 0xD393, 0xD397, 0xD3A5, 0xD3B1, 0xD3C9, 0xD3EB, 0xD3FD, 
-	0xD405, 0xD40F, 0xD415, 0xD427, 0xD42F, 0xD433, 0xD43B, 0xD44B, 
-	0xD459, 0xD45F, 0xD463, 0xD469, 0xD481, 0xD483, 0xD489, 0xD48D, 
-	0xD493, 0xD495, 0xD4A5, 0xD4AB, 0xD4B1, 0xD4C5, 0xD4DD, 0xD4E1, 
-	0xD4E3, 0xD4E7, 0xD4F5, 0xD4F9, 0xD50B, 0xD50D, 0xD513, 0xD51F, 
-	0xD523, 0xD531, 0xD535, 0xD537, 0xD549, 0xD559, 0xD55F, 0xD565, 
-	0xD567, 0xD577, 0xD58B, 0xD591, 0xD597, 0xD5B5, 0xD5B9, 0xD5C1, 
-	0xD5C7, 0xD5DF, 0xD5EF, 0xD5F5, 0xD5FB, 0xD603, 0xD60F, 0xD62D, 
-	0xD631, 0xD643, 0xD655, 0xD65D, 0xD661, 0xD67B, 0xD685, 0xD687, 
-	0xD69D, 0xD6A5, 0xD6AF, 0xD6BD, 0xD6C3, 0xD6C7, 0xD6D9, 0xD6E1, 
-	0xD6ED, 0xD709, 0xD70B, 0xD711, 0xD715, 0xD721, 0xD727, 0xD73F, 
-	0xD745, 0xD74D, 0xD757, 0xD76B, 0xD77B, 0xD783, 0xD7A1, 0xD7A7, 
-	0xD7AD, 0xD7B1, 0xD7B3, 0xD7BD, 0xD7CB, 0xD7D1, 0xD7DB, 0xD7FB, 
-	0xD811, 0xD823, 0xD825, 0xD829, 0xD82B, 0xD82F, 0xD837, 0xD84D, 
-	0xD855, 0xD867, 0xD873, 0xD88F, 0xD891, 0xD8A1, 0xD8AD, 0xD8BF, 
-	0xD8CD, 0xD8D7, 0xD8E9, 0xD8F5, 0xD8FB, 0xD91B, 0xD925, 0xD933, 
-	0xD939, 0xD943, 0xD945, 0xD94F, 0xD951, 0xD957, 0xD96D, 0xD96F, 
-	0xD973, 0xD979, 0xD981, 0xD98B, 0xD991, 0xD99F, 0xD9A5, 0xD9A9, 
-	0xD9B5, 0xD9D3, 0xD9EB, 0xD9F1, 0xD9F7, 0xD9FF, 0xDA05, 0xDA09, 
-	0xDA0B, 0xDA0F, 0xDA15, 0xDA1D, 0xDA23, 0xDA29, 0xDA3F, 0xDA51, 
-	0xDA59, 0xDA5D, 0xDA5F, 0xDA71, 0xDA77, 0xDA7B, 0xDA7D, 0xDA8D, 
-	0xDA9F, 0xDAB3, 0xDABD, 0xDAC3, 0xDAC9, 0xDAE7, 0xDAE9, 0xDAF5, 
-	0xDB11, 0xDB17, 0xDB1D, 0xDB23, 0xDB25, 0xDB31, 0xDB3B, 0xDB43, 
-	0xDB55, 0xDB67, 0xDB6B, 0xDB73, 0xDB85, 0xDB8F, 0xDB91, 0xDBAD, 
-	0xDBAF, 0xDBB9, 0xDBC7, 0xDBCB, 0xDBCD, 0xDBEB, 0xDBF7, 0xDC0D, 
-	0xDC27, 0xDC31, 0xDC39, 0xDC3F, 0xDC49, 0xDC51, 0xDC61, 0xDC6F, 
-	0xDC75, 0xDC7B, 0xDC85, 0xDC93, 0xDC99, 0xDC9D, 0xDC9F, 0xDCA9, 
-	0xDCB5, 0xDCB7, 0xDCBD, 0xDCC7, 0xDCCF, 0xDCD3, 0xDCD5, 0xDCDF, 
-	0xDCF9, 0xDD0F, 0xDD15, 0xDD17, 0xDD23, 0xDD35, 0xDD39, 0xDD53, 
-	0xDD57, 0xDD5F, 0xDD69, 0xDD6F, 0xDD7D, 0xDD87, 0xDD89, 0xDD9B, 
-	0xDDA1, 0xDDAB, 0xDDBF, 0xDDC5, 0xDDCB, 0xDDCF, 0xDDE7, 0xDDE9, 
-	0xDDED, 0xDDF5, 0xDDFB, 0xDE0B, 0xDE19, 0xDE29, 0xDE3B, 0xDE3D, 
-	0xDE41, 0xDE4D, 0xDE4F, 0xDE59, 0xDE5B, 0xDE61, 0xDE6D, 0xDE77, 
-	0xDE7D, 0xDE83, 0xDE97, 0xDE9D, 0xDEA1, 0xDEA7, 0xDECD, 0xDED1, 
-	0xDED7, 0xDEE3, 0xDEF1, 0xDEF5, 0xDF01, 0xDF09, 0xDF13, 0xDF1F, 
-	0xDF2B, 0xDF33, 0xDF37, 0xDF3D, 0xDF4B, 0xDF55, 0xDF5B, 0xDF67, 
-	0xDF69, 0xDF73, 0xDF85, 0xDF87, 0xDF99, 0xDFA3, 0xDFAB, 0xDFB5, 
-	0xDFB7, 0xDFC3, 0xDFC7, 0xDFD5, 0xDFF1, 0xDFF3, 0xE003, 0xE005, 
-	0xE017, 0xE01D, 0xE027, 0xE02D, 0xE035, 0xE045, 0xE053, 0xE071, 
-	0xE07B, 0xE08F, 0xE095, 0xE09F, 0xE0B7, 0xE0B9, 0xE0D5, 0xE0D7, 
-	0xE0E3, 0xE0F3, 0xE0F9, 0xE101, 0xE125, 0xE129, 0xE131, 0xE135, 
-	0xE143, 0xE14F, 0xE159, 0xE161, 0xE16D, 0xE171, 0xE177, 0xE17F, 
-	0xE183, 0xE189, 0xE197, 0xE1AD, 0xE1B5, 0xE1BB, 0xE1BF, 0xE1C1, 
-	0xE1CB, 0xE1D1, 0xE1E5, 0xE1EF, 0xE1F7, 0xE1FD, 0xE203, 0xE219, 
-	0xE22B, 0xE22D, 0xE23D, 0xE243, 0xE257, 0xE25B, 0xE275, 0xE279, 
-	0xE287, 0xE29D, 0xE2AB, 0xE2AF, 0xE2BB, 0xE2C1, 0xE2C9, 0xE2CD, 
-	0xE2D3, 0xE2D9, 0xE2F3, 0xE2FD, 0xE2FF, 0xE311, 0xE323, 0xE327, 
-	0xE329, 0xE339, 0xE33B, 0xE34D, 0xE351, 0xE357, 0xE35F, 0xE363, 
-	0xE369, 0xE375, 0xE377, 0xE37D, 0xE383, 0xE39F, 0xE3C5, 0xE3C9, 
-	0xE3D1, 0xE3E1, 0xE3FB, 0xE3FF, 0xE401, 0xE40B, 0xE417, 0xE419, 
-	0xE423, 0xE42B, 0xE431, 0xE43B, 0xE447, 0xE449, 0xE453, 0xE455, 
-	0xE46D, 0xE471, 0xE48F, 0xE4A9, 0xE4AF, 0xE4B5, 0xE4C7, 0xE4CD, 
-	0xE4D3, 0xE4E9, 0xE4EB, 0xE4F5, 0xE507, 0xE521, 0xE525, 0xE537, 
-	0xE53F, 0xE545, 0xE54B, 0xE557, 0xE567, 0xE56D, 0xE575, 0xE585, 
-	0xE58B, 0xE593, 0xE5A3, 0xE5A5, 0xE5CF, 0xE609, 0xE611, 0xE615, 
-	0xE61B, 0xE61D, 0xE621, 0xE629, 0xE639, 0xE63F, 0xE653, 0xE657, 
-	0xE663, 0xE66F, 0xE675, 0xE681, 0xE683, 0xE68D, 0xE68F, 0xE695, 
-	0xE6AB, 0xE6AD, 0xE6B7, 0xE6BD, 0xE6C5, 0xE6CB, 0xE6D5, 0xE6E3, 
-	0xE6E9, 0xE6EF, 0xE6F3, 0xE705, 0xE70D, 0xE717, 0xE71F, 0xE72F, 
-	0xE73D, 0xE747, 0xE749, 0xE753, 0xE755, 0xE761, 0xE767, 0xE76B, 
-	0xE77F, 0xE789, 0xE791, 0xE7C5, 0xE7CD, 0xE7D7, 0xE7DD, 0xE7DF, 
-	0xE7E9, 0xE7F1, 0xE7FB, 0xE801, 0xE807, 0xE80F, 0xE819, 0xE81B, 
-	0xE831, 0xE833, 0xE837, 0xE83D, 0xE84B, 0xE84F, 0xE851, 0xE869, 
-	0xE875, 0xE879, 0xE893, 0xE8A5, 0xE8A9, 0xE8AF, 0xE8BD, 0xE8DB, 
-	0xE8E1, 0xE8E5, 0xE8EB, 0xE8ED, 0xE903, 0xE90B, 0xE90F, 0xE915, 
-	0xE917, 0xE92D, 0xE933, 0xE93B, 0xE94B, 0xE951, 0xE95F, 0xE963, 
-	0xE969, 0xE97B, 0xE983, 0xE98F, 0xE995, 0xE9A1, 0xE9B9, 0xE9D7, 
-	0xE9E7, 0xE9EF, 0xEA11, 0xEA19, 0xEA2F, 0xEA35, 0xEA43, 0xEA4D, 
-	0xEA5F, 0xEA6D, 0xEA71, 0xEA7D, 0xEA85, 0xEA89, 0xEAAD, 0xEAB3, 
-	0xEAB9, 0xEABB, 0xEAC5, 0xEAC7, 0xEACB, 0xEADF, 0xEAE5, 0xEAEB, 
-	0xEAF5, 0xEB01, 0xEB07, 0xEB09, 0xEB31, 0xEB39, 0xEB3F, 0xEB5B, 
-	0xEB61, 0xEB63, 0xEB6F, 0xEB81, 0xEB85, 0xEB9D, 0xEBAB, 0xEBB1, 
-	0xEBB7, 0xEBC1, 0xEBD5, 0xEBDF, 0xEBED, 0xEBFD, 0xEC0B, 0xEC1B, 
-	0xEC21, 0xEC29, 0xEC4D, 0xEC51, 0xEC5D, 0xEC69, 0xEC6F, 0xEC7B, 
-	0xECAD, 0xECB9, 0xECBF, 0xECC3, 0xECC9, 0xECCF, 0xECD7, 0xECDD, 
-	0xECE7, 0xECE9, 0xECF3, 0xECF5, 0xED07, 0xED11, 0xED1F, 0xED2F, 
-	0xED37, 0xED3D, 0xED41, 0xED55, 0xED59, 0xED5B, 0xED65, 0xED6B, 
-	0xED79, 0xED8B, 0xED95, 0xEDBB, 0xEDC5, 0xEDD7, 0xEDD9, 0xEDE3, 
-	0xEDE5, 0xEDF1, 0xEDF5, 0xEDF7, 0xEDFB, 0xEE09, 0xEE0F, 0xEE19, 
-	0xEE21, 0xEE49, 0xEE4F, 0xEE63, 0xEE67, 0xEE73, 0xEE7B, 0xEE81, 
-	0xEEA3, 0xEEAB, 0xEEC1, 0xEEC9, 0xEED5, 0xEEDF, 0xEEE1, 0xEEF1, 
-	0xEF1B, 0xEF27, 0xEF2F, 0xEF45, 0xEF4D, 0xEF63, 0xEF6B, 0xEF71, 
-	0xEF93, 0xEF95, 0xEF9B, 0xEF9F, 0xEFAD, 0xEFB3, 0xEFC3, 0xEFC5, 
-	0xEFDB, 0xEFE1, 0xEFE9, 0xF001, 0xF017, 0xF01D, 0xF01F, 0xF02B, 
-	0xF02F, 0xF035, 0xF043, 0xF047, 0xF04F, 0xF067, 0xF06B, 0xF071, 
-	0xF077, 0xF079, 0xF08F, 0xF0A3, 0xF0A9, 0xF0AD, 0xF0BB, 0xF0BF, 
-	0xF0C5, 0xF0CB, 0xF0D3, 0xF0D9, 0xF0E3, 0xF0E9, 0xF0F1, 0xF0F7, 
-	0xF107, 0xF115, 0xF11B, 0xF121, 0xF137, 0xF13D, 0xF155, 0xF175, 
-	0xF17B, 0xF18D, 0xF193, 0xF1A5, 0xF1AF, 0xF1B7, 0xF1D5, 0xF1E7, 
-	0xF1ED, 0xF1FD, 0xF209, 0xF20F, 0xF21B, 0xF21D, 0xF223, 0xF227, 
-	0xF233, 0xF23B, 0xF241, 0xF257, 0xF25F, 0xF265, 0xF269, 0xF277, 
-	0xF281, 0xF293, 0xF2A7, 0xF2B1, 0xF2B3, 0xF2B9, 0xF2BD, 0xF2BF, 
-	0xF2DB, 0xF2ED, 0xF2EF, 0xF2F9, 0xF2FF, 0xF305, 0xF30B, 0xF319, 
-	0xF341, 0xF359, 0xF35B, 0xF35F, 0xF367, 0xF373, 0xF377, 0xF38B, 
-	0xF38F, 0xF3AF, 0xF3C1, 0xF3D1, 0xF3D7, 0xF3FB, 0xF403, 0xF409, 
-	0xF40D, 0xF413, 0xF421, 0xF425, 0xF42B, 0xF445, 0xF44B, 0xF455, 
-	0xF463, 0xF475, 0xF47F, 0xF485, 0xF48B, 0xF499, 0xF4A3, 0xF4A9, 
-	0xF4AF, 0xF4BD, 0xF4C3, 0xF4DB, 0xF4DF, 0xF4ED, 0xF503, 0xF50B, 
-	0xF517, 0xF521, 0xF529, 0xF535, 0xF547, 0xF551, 0xF563, 0xF56B, 
-	0xF583, 0xF58D, 0xF595, 0xF599, 0xF5B1, 0xF5B7, 0xF5C9, 0xF5CF, 
-	0xF5D1, 0xF5DB, 0xF5F9, 0xF5FB, 0xF605, 0xF607, 0xF60B, 0xF60D, 
-	0xF635, 0xF637, 0xF653, 0xF65B, 0xF661, 0xF667, 0xF679, 0xF67F, 
-	0xF689, 0xF697, 0xF69B, 0xF6AD, 0xF6CB, 0xF6DD, 0xF6DF, 0xF6EB, 
-	0xF709, 0xF70F, 0xF72D, 0xF731, 0xF743, 0xF74F, 0xF751, 0xF755, 
-	0xF763, 0xF769, 0xF773, 0xF779, 0xF781, 0xF787, 0xF791, 0xF79D, 
-	0xF79F, 0xF7A5, 0xF7B1, 0xF7BB, 0xF7BD, 0xF7CF, 0xF7D3, 0xF7E7, 
-	0xF7EB, 0xF7F1, 0xF7FF, 0xF805, 0xF80B, 0xF821, 0xF827, 0xF82D, 
-	0xF835, 0xF847, 0xF859, 0xF863, 0xF865, 0xF86F, 0xF871, 0xF877, 
-	0xF87B, 0xF881, 0xF88D, 0xF89F, 0xF8A1, 0xF8AB, 0xF8B3, 0xF8B7, 
-	0xF8C9, 0xF8CB, 0xF8D1, 0xF8D7, 0xF8DD, 0xF8E7, 0xF8EF, 0xF8F9, 
-	0xF8FF, 0xF911, 0xF91D, 0xF925, 0xF931, 0xF937, 0xF93B, 0xF941, 
-	0xF94F, 0xF95F, 0xF961, 0xF96D, 0xF971, 0xF977, 0xF99D, 0xF9A3, 
-	0xF9A9, 0xF9B9, 0xF9CD, 0xF9E9, 0xF9FD, 0xFA07, 0xFA0D, 0xFA13, 
-	0xFA21, 0xFA25, 0xFA3F, 0xFA43, 0xFA51, 0xFA5B, 0xFA6D, 0xFA7B, 
-	0xFA97, 0xFA99, 0xFA9D, 0xFAAB, 0xFABB, 0xFABD, 0xFAD9, 0xFADF, 
-	0xFAE7, 0xFAED, 0xFB0F, 0xFB17, 0xFB1B, 0xFB2D, 0xFB2F, 0xFB3F, 
-	0xFB47, 0xFB4D, 0xFB75, 0xFB7D, 0xFB8F, 0xFB93, 0xFBB1, 0xFBB7, 
-	0xFBC3, 0xFBC5, 0xFBE3, 0xFBE9, 0xFBF3, 0xFC01, 0xFC29, 0xFC37, 
-	0xFC41, 0xFC43, 0xFC4F, 0xFC59, 0xFC61, 0xFC65, 0xFC6D, 0xFC73, 
-	0xFC79, 0xFC95, 0xFC97, 0xFC9B, 0xFCA7, 0xFCB5, 0xFCC5, 0xFCCD, 
-	0xFCEB, 0xFCFB, 0xFD0D, 0xFD0F, 0xFD19, 0xFD2B, 0xFD31, 0xFD51, 
-	0xFD55, 0xFD67, 0xFD6D, 0xFD6F, 0xFD7B, 0xFD85, 0xFD97, 0xFD99, 
-	0xFD9F, 0xFDA9, 0xFDB7, 0xFDC9, 0xFDE5, 0xFDEB, 0xFDF3, 0xFE03, 
-	0xFE05, 0xFE09, 0xFE1D, 0xFE27, 0xFE2F, 0xFE41, 0xFE4B, 0xFE4D, 
-	0xFE57, 0xFE5F, 0xFE63, 0xFE69, 0xFE75, 0xFE7B, 0xFE8F, 0xFE93, 
-	0xFE95, 0xFE9B, 0xFE9F, 0xFEB3, 0xFEBD, 0xFED7, 0xFEE9, 0xFEF3, 
-	0xFEF5, 0xFF07, 0xFF0D, 0xFF1D, 0xFF2B, 0xFF2F, 0xFF49, 0xFF4D, 
-	0xFF5B, 0xFF65, 0xFF71, 0xFF7F, 0xFF85, 0xFF8B, 0xFF8F, 0xFF9D, 
-	0xFFA7, 0xFFA9, 0xFFC7, 0xFFD9, 0xFFEF, 0xFFF1, 
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/nss_build_config_mac.h b/nss/lib/freebl/nss_build_config_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index de95cf9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/nss_build_config_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This header defines the configuration macros used by lib/freebl files
- * for iOS and Mac OS X. It is included with the -include compiler flag.
- */
-#if !defined(__APPLE__)
-#error This file is intended for iOS and Mac OS X only
-#if defined(__i386__)
-#define NSS_X86_OR_X64 1
-#define NSS_X86 1
-#define i386 1
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
-#define NSS_USE_64 1
-#define NSS_X86_OR_X64 1
-#define NSS_X64 1
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-#define MP_USE_UINT_DIGIT 1
-#define SHA_NO_LONG_LONG 1
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
-#define NSS_USE_64 1
-#error unknown processor architecture
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305-donna-x64-sse2-incremental-source.c b/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305-donna-x64-sse2-incremental-source.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cbf35..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305-donna-x64-sse2-incremental-source.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This implementation of poly1305 is by Andrew Moon
- * ( and released as public
- * domain. It implements SIMD vectorization based on the algorithm described in
- * Unrolled to 2 powers, i.e. 64 byte
- * block size. */
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "poly1305.h"
-#define ALIGN(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
-#define INLINE inline
-#define U8TO64_LE(m) (*(uint64_t*)(m))
-#define U8TO32_LE(m) (*(uint32_t*)(m))
-#define U64TO8_LE(m,v) (*(uint64_t*)(m)) = v
-typedef __m128i xmmi;
-typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;
-static const uint32_t ALIGN(16) poly1305_x64_sse2_message_mask[4] = {(1 << 26) - 1, 0, (1 << 26) - 1, 0};
-static const uint32_t ALIGN(16) poly1305_x64_sse2_5[4] = {5, 0, 5, 0};
-static const uint32_t ALIGN(16) poly1305_x64_sse2_1shl128[4] = {(1 << 24), 0, (1 << 24), 0};
-static uint128_t INLINE
-add128(uint128_t a, uint128_t b) {
-	return a + b;
-static uint128_t INLINE
-add128_64(uint128_t a, uint64_t b) {
-	return a + b;
-static uint128_t INLINE
-mul64x64_128(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
-	return (uint128_t)a * b;
-static uint64_t INLINE
-lo128(uint128_t a) {
-	return (uint64_t)a;
-static uint64_t INLINE
-shr128(uint128_t v, const int shift) {
-	return (uint64_t)(v >> shift);
-static uint64_t INLINE
-shr128_pair(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo, const int shift) {
-	return (uint64_t)((((uint128_t)hi << 64) | lo) >> shift);
-typedef struct poly1305_power_t {
-	union {
-		xmmi v;
-		uint64_t u[2];
-		uint32_t d[4];
-	} R20,R21,R22,R23,R24,S21,S22,S23,S24;
-} poly1305_power;
-typedef struct poly1305_state_internal_t {
-	poly1305_power P[2];     /* 288 bytes, top 32 bit halves unused = 144 bytes of free storage */
-	union {
-		xmmi H[5];           /*  80 bytes  */
-		uint64_t HH[10];
-	};
-	/* uint64_t r0,r1,r2;       [24 bytes] */
-	/* uint64_t pad0,pad1;      [16 bytes] */
-	uint64_t started;        /*   8 bytes  */
-	uint64_t leftover;       /*   8 bytes  */
-	uint8_t buffer[64];      /*  64 bytes  */
-} poly1305_state_internal;   /* 448 bytes total + 63 bytes for alignment = 511 bytes raw */
-static poly1305_state_internal INLINE
-*poly1305_aligned_state(poly1305_state *state) {
-	return (poly1305_state_internal *)(((uint64_t)state + 63) & ~63);
-/* copy 0-63 bytes */
-static void INLINE
-poly1305_block_copy(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, size_t bytes) {
-	size_t offset = src - dst;
-	if (bytes & 32) {
-		_mm_storeu_si128((xmmi *)(dst + 0), _mm_loadu_si128((xmmi *)(dst + offset + 0)));
-		_mm_storeu_si128((xmmi *)(dst + 16), _mm_loadu_si128((xmmi *)(dst + offset + 16)));
-		dst += 32;
-	}
-	if (bytes & 16) { _mm_storeu_si128((xmmi *)dst, _mm_loadu_si128((xmmi *)(dst + offset))); dst += 16; }
-	if (bytes &  8) { *(uint64_t *)dst = *(uint64_t *)(dst + offset); dst += 8; }
-	if (bytes &  4) { *(uint32_t *)dst = *(uint32_t *)(dst + offset); dst += 4; }
-	if (bytes &  2) { *(uint16_t *)dst = *(uint16_t *)(dst + offset); dst += 2; }
-	if (bytes &  1) { *( uint8_t *)dst = *( uint8_t *)(dst + offset);           }
-/* zero 0-15 bytes */
-static void INLINE
-poly1305_block_zero(uint8_t *dst, size_t bytes) {
-	if (bytes &  8) { *(uint64_t *)dst = 0; dst += 8; }
-	if (bytes &  4) { *(uint32_t *)dst = 0; dst += 4; }
-	if (bytes &  2) { *(uint16_t *)dst = 0; dst += 2; }
-	if (bytes &  1) { *( uint8_t *)dst = 0; }
-static size_t INLINE
-poly1305_min(size_t a, size_t b) {
-	return (a < b) ? a : b;
-Poly1305Init(poly1305_state *state, const unsigned char key[32]) {
-	poly1305_state_internal *st = poly1305_aligned_state(state);
-	poly1305_power *p;
-	uint64_t r0,r1,r2;
-	uint64_t t0,t1;
-	/* clamp key */
-	t0 = U8TO64_LE(key + 0);
-	t1 = U8TO64_LE(key + 8);
-	r0 = t0 & 0xffc0fffffff; t0 >>= 44; t0 |= t1 << 20;
-	r1 = t0 & 0xfffffc0ffff; t1 >>= 24;
-	r2 = t1 & 0x00ffffffc0f;
-	/* store r in un-used space of st->P[1] */
-	p = &st->P[1];
-	p->R20.d[1] = (uint32_t)(r0      );
-	p->R20.d[3] = (uint32_t)(r0 >> 32);
-	p->R21.d[1] = (uint32_t)(r1      );
-	p->R21.d[3] = (uint32_t)(r1 >> 32);
-	p->R22.d[1] = (uint32_t)(r2      );
-	p->R22.d[3] = (uint32_t)(r2 >> 32);
-	/* store pad */
-	p->R23.d[1] = U8TO32_LE(key + 16);
-	p->R23.d[3] = U8TO32_LE(key + 20);
-	p->R24.d[1] = U8TO32_LE(key + 24);
-	p->R24.d[3] = U8TO32_LE(key + 28);
-	/* H = 0 */
-	st->H[0] = _mm_setzero_si128();
-	st->H[1] = _mm_setzero_si128();
-	st->H[2] = _mm_setzero_si128();
-	st->H[3] = _mm_setzero_si128();
-	st->H[4] = _mm_setzero_si128();
-	st->started = 0;
-	st->leftover = 0;
-static void
-poly1305_first_block(poly1305_state_internal *st, const uint8_t *m) {
-	const xmmi MMASK = _mm_load_si128((xmmi *)poly1305_x64_sse2_message_mask);
-	const xmmi FIVE = _mm_load_si128((xmmi*)poly1305_x64_sse2_5);
-	const xmmi HIBIT = _mm_load_si128((xmmi*)poly1305_x64_sse2_1shl128);
-	xmmi T5,T6;
-	poly1305_power *p;
-	uint128_t d[3];
-	uint64_t r0,r1,r2;
-	uint64_t r20,r21,r22,s22;
-	uint64_t pad0,pad1;
-	uint64_t c;
-	uint64_t i;
-	/* pull out stored info */
-	p = &st->P[1];
-	r0   = ((uint64_t)p->R20.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R20.d[1];
-	r1   = ((uint64_t)p->R21.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R21.d[1];
-	r2   = ((uint64_t)p->R22.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R22.d[1];
-	pad0 = ((uint64_t)p->R23.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R23.d[1];
-	pad1 = ((uint64_t)p->R24.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R24.d[1];
-	/* compute powers r^2,r^4 */
-	r20 = r0;
-	r21 = r1;
-	r22 = r2;
-	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-		s22 = r22 * (5 << 2);
-		d[0] = add128(mul64x64_128(r20, r20), mul64x64_128(r21 * 2, s22));
-		d[1] = add128(mul64x64_128(r22, s22), mul64x64_128(r20 * 2, r21));
-		d[2] = add128(mul64x64_128(r21, r21), mul64x64_128(r22 * 2, r20));
-		                           r20 = lo128(d[0]) & 0xfffffffffff; c = shr128(d[0], 44);
-		d[1] = add128_64(d[1], c); r21 = lo128(d[1]) & 0xfffffffffff; c = shr128(d[1], 44);
-		d[2] = add128_64(d[2], c); r22 = lo128(d[2]) & 0x3ffffffffff; c = shr128(d[2], 42);
-		r20 += c * 5; c = (r20 >> 44); r20 = r20 & 0xfffffffffff;
-		r21 += c;
-		p->R20.v = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128((uint32_t)( r20                     ) & 0x3ffffff), _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,1,0));
-		p->R21.v = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128((uint32_t)((r20 >> 26) | (r21 << 18)) & 0x3ffffff), _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,1,0));
-		p->R22.v = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128((uint32_t)((r21 >> 8)               ) & 0x3ffffff), _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,1,0));
-		p->R23.v = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128((uint32_t)((r21 >> 34) | (r22 << 10)) & 0x3ffffff), _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,1,0));
-		p->R24.v = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128((uint32_t)((r22 >> 16)              )            ), _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,1,0));
-		p->S21.v = _mm_mul_epu32(p->R21.v, FIVE);
-		p->S22.v = _mm_mul_epu32(p->R22.v, FIVE);
-		p->S23.v = _mm_mul_epu32(p->R23.v, FIVE);
-		p->S24.v = _mm_mul_epu32(p->R24.v, FIVE);
-		p--;
-	}
-	/* put saved info back */
-	p = &st->P[1];
-	p->R20.d[1] = (uint32_t)(r0        );
-	p->R20.d[3] = (uint32_t)(r0   >> 32);
-	p->R21.d[1] = (uint32_t)(r1        );
-	p->R21.d[3] = (uint32_t)(r1   >> 32);
-	p->R22.d[1] = (uint32_t)(r2        );
-	p->R22.d[3] = (uint32_t)(r2   >> 32);
-	p->R23.d[1] = (uint32_t)(pad0      );
-	p->R23.d[3] = (uint32_t)(pad0 >> 32);
-	p->R24.d[1] = (uint32_t)(pad1      );
-	p->R24.d[3] = (uint32_t)(pad1 >> 32);
-	/* H = [Mx,My] */
-	T5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 0)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 16)));
-	T6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 8)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 24)));
-	st->H[0] = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-	st->H[1] = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-	T5 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T5, 52), _mm_slli_epi64(T6, 12));
-	st->H[2] = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-	st->H[3] = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-	st->H[4] = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T6, 40), HIBIT);
-static void
-poly1305_blocks(poly1305_state_internal *st, const uint8_t *m, size_t bytes) {
-	const xmmi MMASK = _mm_load_si128((xmmi *)poly1305_x64_sse2_message_mask);
-	const xmmi FIVE = _mm_load_si128((xmmi*)poly1305_x64_sse2_5);
-	const xmmi HIBIT = _mm_load_si128((xmmi*)poly1305_x64_sse2_1shl128);
-	poly1305_power *p;
-	xmmi H0,H1,H2,H3,H4;
-	xmmi T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6;
-	xmmi M0,M1,M2,M3,M4;
-	xmmi C1,C2;
-	H0 = st->H[0];
-	H1 = st->H[1];
-	H2 = st->H[2];
-	H3 = st->H[3];
-	H4 = st->H[4];
-	while (bytes >= 64) {
-		/* H *= [r^4,r^4] */
-		p = &st->P[0];
-		T0 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R20.v);
-		T1 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R21.v);
-		T2 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R22.v);
-		T3 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R23.v);
-		T4 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R24.v);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R20.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->S24.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S22.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S23.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S22.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R22.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R20.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R21.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->R20.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S24.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R23.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R22.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->R21.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->R20.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		/* H += [Mx,My]*[r^2,r^2] */
-		T5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 0)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 16)));
-		T6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 8)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 24)));
-		M0 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-		M1 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-		T5 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T5, 52), _mm_slli_epi64(T6, 12));
-		M2 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-		M3 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-		M4 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T6, 40), HIBIT);
-		p = &st->P[1];
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M0, p->R20.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M0, p->R21.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M1, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M1, p->R20.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M2, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M2, p->S24.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M3, p->S22.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M3, p->S23.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M4, p->S21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M4, p->S22.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M0, p->R22.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M0, p->R23.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M1, p->R21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M1, p->R22.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M2, p->R20.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M2, p->R21.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M3, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M3, p->R20.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M4, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(M4, p->S24.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M0, p->R24.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M1, p->R23.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M2, p->R22.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M3, p->R21.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(M4, p->R20.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		/* H += [Mx,My] */
-		T5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 32)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 48)));
-		T6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 40)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 56)));
-		M0 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-		M1 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-		T5 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T5, 52), _mm_slli_epi64(T6, 12));
-		M2 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-		M3 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-		M4 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T6, 40), HIBIT);
-		T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, M0);
-		T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, M1);
-		T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, M2);
-		T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, M3);
-		T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, M4);
-		/* reduce */
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T0, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T3, 26); T0 = _mm_and_si128(T0, MMASK); T3 = _mm_and_si128(T3, MMASK); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, C1); T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, C2);
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T1, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T4, 26); T1 = _mm_and_si128(T1, MMASK); T4 = _mm_and_si128(T4, MMASK); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, C1); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, _mm_mul_epu32(C2, FIVE));
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T2, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T0, 26); T2 = _mm_and_si128(T2, MMASK); T0 = _mm_and_si128(T0, MMASK); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, C1); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, C2);
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T3, 26);                              T3 = _mm_and_si128(T3, MMASK);                                T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, C1);
-		/* H = (H*[r^4,r^4] + [Mx,My]*[r^2,r^2] + [Mx,My]) */
-		H0 = T0;
-		H1 = T1;
-		H2 = T2;
-		H3 = T3;
-		H4 = T4;
-		m += 64;
-		bytes -= 64;
-	}
-	st->H[0] = H0;
-	st->H[1] = H1;
-	st->H[2] = H2;
-	st->H[3] = H3;
-	st->H[4] = H4;
-static size_t
-poly1305_combine(poly1305_state_internal *st, const uint8_t *m, size_t bytes) {
-	const xmmi MMASK = _mm_load_si128((xmmi *)poly1305_x64_sse2_message_mask);
-	const xmmi HIBIT = _mm_load_si128((xmmi*)poly1305_x64_sse2_1shl128);
-	const xmmi FIVE = _mm_load_si128((xmmi*)poly1305_x64_sse2_5);
-	poly1305_power *p;
-	xmmi H0,H1,H2,H3,H4;
-	xmmi M0,M1,M2,M3,M4;
-	xmmi T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6;
-	xmmi C1,C2;
-	uint64_t r0,r1,r2;
-	uint64_t t0,t1,t2,t3,t4;
-	uint64_t c;
-	size_t consumed = 0;
-	H0 = st->H[0];
-	H1 = st->H[1];
-	H2 = st->H[2];
-	H3 = st->H[3];
-	H4 = st->H[4];
-	/* p = [r^2,r^2] */
-	p = &st->P[1];
-	if (bytes >= 32) {
-		/* H *= [r^2,r^2] */
-		T0 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R20.v);
-		T1 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R21.v);
-		T2 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R22.v);
-		T3 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R23.v);
-		T4 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R24.v);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R20.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->S24.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S22.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S23.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S22.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R22.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R20.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R21.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->R20.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S24.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R23.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R22.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->R21.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->R20.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-		/* H += [Mx,My] */
-		T5 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 0)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 16)));
-		T6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 8)), _mm_loadl_epi64((xmmi *)(m + 24)));
-		M0 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-		M1 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-		T5 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T5, 52), _mm_slli_epi64(T6, 12));
-		M2 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, T5);
-		M3 = _mm_and_si128(MMASK, _mm_srli_epi64(T5, 26));
-		M4 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(T6, 40), HIBIT);
-		T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, M0);
-		T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, M1);
-		T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, M2);
-		T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, M3);
-		T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, M4);
-		/* reduce */
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T0, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T3, 26); T0 = _mm_and_si128(T0, MMASK); T3 = _mm_and_si128(T3, MMASK); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, C1); T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, C2);
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T1, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T4, 26); T1 = _mm_and_si128(T1, MMASK); T4 = _mm_and_si128(T4, MMASK); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, C1); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, _mm_mul_epu32(C2, FIVE));
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T2, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T0, 26); T2 = _mm_and_si128(T2, MMASK); T0 = _mm_and_si128(T0, MMASK); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, C1); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, C2);
-		C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T3, 26);                              T3 = _mm_and_si128(T3, MMASK);                                T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, C1);
-		/* H = (H*[r^2,r^2] + [Mx,My]) */
-		H0 = T0;
-		H1 = T1;
-		H2 = T2;
-		H3 = T3;
-		H4 = T4;
-		consumed = 32;
-	}
-	/* finalize, H *= [r^2,r] */
-	r0 = ((uint64_t)p->R20.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R20.d[1];
-	r1 = ((uint64_t)p->R21.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R21.d[1];
-	r2 = ((uint64_t)p->R22.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R22.d[1];
-	p->R20.d[2] = (uint32_t)( r0                    ) & 0x3ffffff;
-	p->R21.d[2] = (uint32_t)((r0 >> 26) | (r1 << 18)) & 0x3ffffff;
-	p->R22.d[2] = (uint32_t)((r1 >> 8)              ) & 0x3ffffff;
-	p->R23.d[2] = (uint32_t)((r1 >> 34) | (r2 << 10)) & 0x3ffffff;
-	p->R24.d[2] = (uint32_t)((r2 >> 16)             )            ;
-	p->S21.d[2] = p->R21.d[2] * 5;
-	p->S22.d[2] = p->R22.d[2] * 5;
-	p->S23.d[2] = p->R23.d[2] * 5;
-	p->S24.d[2] = p->R24.d[2] * 5;
-	/* H *= [r^2,r] */
-	T0 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R20.v);
-	T1 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R21.v);
-	T2 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R22.v);
-	T3 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R23.v);
-	T4 = _mm_mul_epu32(H0, p->R24.v);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R20.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->S24.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S22.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S23.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S22.v); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, T5); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R21.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R22.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R20.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R21.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->S24.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->R20.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S23.v); T6 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->S24.v); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, T5); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, T6);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H1, p->R23.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H2, p->R22.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H3, p->R21.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-	T5 = _mm_mul_epu32(H4, p->R20.v);                                   T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, T5);
-	C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T0, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T3, 26); T0 = _mm_and_si128(T0, MMASK); T3 = _mm_and_si128(T3, MMASK); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, C1); T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, C2);
-	C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T1, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T4, 26); T1 = _mm_and_si128(T1, MMASK); T4 = _mm_and_si128(T4, MMASK); T2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, C1); T0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, _mm_mul_epu32(C2, FIVE));
-	C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T2, 26); C2 = _mm_srli_epi64(T0, 26); T2 = _mm_and_si128(T2, MMASK); T0 = _mm_and_si128(T0, MMASK); T3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, C1); T1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, C2);
-	C1 = _mm_srli_epi64(T3, 26);                              T3 = _mm_and_si128(T3, MMASK);                                T4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, C1);
-	/* H = H[0]+H[1] */
-	H0 = _mm_add_epi64(T0, _mm_srli_si128(T0, 8));
-	H1 = _mm_add_epi64(T1, _mm_srli_si128(T1, 8));
-	H2 = _mm_add_epi64(T2, _mm_srli_si128(T2, 8));
-	H3 = _mm_add_epi64(T3, _mm_srli_si128(T3, 8));
-	H4 = _mm_add_epi64(T4, _mm_srli_si128(T4, 8));
-	t0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(H0)    ; c = (t0 >> 26); t0 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	t1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(H1) + c; c = (t1 >> 26); t1 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	t2 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(H2) + c; c = (t2 >> 26); t2 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	t3 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(H3) + c; c = (t3 >> 26); t3 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	t4 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(H4) + c; c = (t4 >> 26); t4 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	t0 =              t0 + (c * 5); c = (t0 >> 26); t0 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	t1 =              t1 + c;
-	st->HH[0] =  ((t0      ) | (t1 << 26)             ) & 0xfffffffffffull;
-	st->HH[1] =  ((t1 >> 18) | (t2 <<  8) | (t3 << 34)) & 0xfffffffffffull;
-	st->HH[2] =  ((t3 >> 10) | (t4 << 16)             ) & 0x3ffffffffffull;
-	return consumed;
-Poly1305Update(poly1305_state *state, const unsigned char *m, size_t bytes) {
-	poly1305_state_internal *st = poly1305_aligned_state(state);
-	size_t want;
-	/* need at least 32 initial bytes to start the accelerated branch */
-	if (!st->started) {
-		if ((st->leftover == 0) && (bytes > 32)) {
-			poly1305_first_block(st, m);
-			m += 32;
-			bytes -= 32;
-		} else {
-			want = poly1305_min(32 - st->leftover, bytes);
-			poly1305_block_copy(st->buffer + st->leftover, m, want);
-			bytes -= want;
-			m += want;
-			st->leftover += want;
-			if ((st->leftover < 32) || (bytes == 0))
-				return;
-			poly1305_first_block(st, st->buffer);
-			st->leftover = 0;
-		}
-		st->started = 1;
-	}
-	/* handle leftover */
-	if (st->leftover) {
-		want = poly1305_min(64 - st->leftover, bytes);
-		poly1305_block_copy(st->buffer + st->leftover, m, want);
-		bytes -= want;
-		m += want;
-		st->leftover += want;
-		if (st->leftover < 64)
-			return;
-		poly1305_blocks(st, st->buffer, 64);
-		st->leftover = 0;
-	}
-	/* process 64 byte blocks */
-	if (bytes >= 64) {
-		want = (bytes & ~63);
-		poly1305_blocks(st, m, want);
-		m += want;
-		bytes -= want;
-	}
-	if (bytes) {
-		poly1305_block_copy(st->buffer + st->leftover, m, bytes);
-		st->leftover += bytes;
-	}
-Poly1305Finish(poly1305_state *state, unsigned char mac[16]) {
-	poly1305_state_internal *st = poly1305_aligned_state(state);
-	size_t leftover = st->leftover;
-	uint8_t *m = st->buffer;
-	uint128_t d[3];
-	uint64_t h0,h1,h2;
-	uint64_t t0,t1;
-	uint64_t g0,g1,g2,c,nc;
-	uint64_t r0,r1,r2,s1,s2;
-	poly1305_power *p;
-	if (st->started) {
-		size_t consumed = poly1305_combine(st, m, leftover);
-		leftover -= consumed;
-		m += consumed;
-	}
-	/* st->HH will either be 0 or have the combined result */
-	h0 = st->HH[0];
-	h1 = st->HH[1];
-	h2 = st->HH[2];
-	p = &st->P[1];
-	r0 = ((uint64_t)p->R20.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R20.d[1];
-	r1 = ((uint64_t)p->R21.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R21.d[1];
-	r2 = ((uint64_t)p->R22.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R22.d[1];
-	s1 = r1 * (5 << 2);
-	s2 = r2 * (5 << 2);
-	if (leftover < 16)
-		goto poly1305_donna_atmost15bytes;
-	t0 = U8TO64_LE(m + 0);
-	t1 = U8TO64_LE(m + 8);
-	h0 += t0 & 0xfffffffffff;
-	t0 = shr128_pair(t1, t0, 44);
-	h1 += t0 & 0xfffffffffff;
-	h2 += (t1 >> 24) | ((uint64_t)1 << 40);
-	d[0] = add128(add128(mul64x64_128(h0, r0), mul64x64_128(h1, s2)), mul64x64_128(h2, s1));
-	d[1] = add128(add128(mul64x64_128(h0, r1), mul64x64_128(h1, r0)), mul64x64_128(h2, s2));
-	d[2] = add128(add128(mul64x64_128(h0, r2), mul64x64_128(h1, r1)), mul64x64_128(h2, r0));
-	                           h0 = lo128(d[0]) & 0xfffffffffff; c = shr128(d[0], 44);
-	d[1] = add128_64(d[1], c); h1 = lo128(d[1]) & 0xfffffffffff; c = shr128(d[1], 44);
-	d[2] = add128_64(d[2], c); h2 = lo128(d[2]) & 0x3ffffffffff; c = shr128(d[2], 42);
-	h0   += c * 5;
-	m += 16;
-	leftover -= 16;
-	if (leftover >= 16) goto poly1305_donna_atleast16bytes;
-	/* final bytes */
-	if (!leftover) goto poly1305_donna_finish;
-	m[leftover++] = 1;
-	poly1305_block_zero(m + leftover, 16 - leftover);
-	leftover = 16;
-	t0 = U8TO64_LE(m+0);
-	t1 = U8TO64_LE(m+8);
-	h0 += t0 & 0xfffffffffff; t0 = shr128_pair(t1, t0, 44);
-	h1 += t0 & 0xfffffffffff;
-	h2 += (t1 >> 24);
-	goto poly1305_donna_mul;
-	             c = (h0 >> 44); h0 &= 0xfffffffffff;
-	h1 += c;     c = (h1 >> 44); h1 &= 0xfffffffffff;
-	h2 += c;     c = (h2 >> 42); h2 &= 0x3ffffffffff;
-	h0 += c * 5;
-	g0 = h0 + 5; c = (g0 >> 44); g0 &= 0xfffffffffff;
-	g1 = h1 + c; c = (g1 >> 44); g1 &= 0xfffffffffff;
-	g2 = h2 + c - ((uint64_t)1 << 42);
-	c = (g2 >> 63) - 1;
-	nc = ~c;
-	h0 = (h0 & nc) | (g0 & c);
-	h1 = (h1 & nc) | (g1 & c);
-	h2 = (h2 & nc) | (g2 & c);
-	/* pad */
-	t0 = ((uint64_t)p->R23.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R23.d[1];
-	t1 = ((uint64_t)p->R24.d[3] << 32) | (uint64_t)p->R24.d[1];
-	h0 += (t0 & 0xfffffffffff)    ; c = (h0 >> 44); h0 &= 0xfffffffffff; t0 = shr128_pair(t1, t0, 44);
-	h1 += (t0 & 0xfffffffffff) + c; c = (h1 >> 44); h1 &= 0xfffffffffff; t1 = (t1 >> 24);
-	h2 += (t1                ) + c;
-	U64TO8_LE(mac + 0, ((h0      ) | (h1 << 44)));
-	U64TO8_LE(mac + 8, ((h1 >> 20) | (h2 << 24)));
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.c b/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.c
deleted file mode 100644
index da0ab6d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This implementation of poly1305 is by Andrew Moon
- * ( and released as public
- * domain. */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "poly1305.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1600
-#include "prtypes.h"
-typedef PRUint32 uint32_t;
-typedef PRUint64 uint64_t;
-#include <stdint.h>
-#if defined(NSS_X86) || defined(NSS_X64)
-/* We can assume little-endian. */
-static uint32_t U8TO32_LE(const unsigned char *m) {
-	uint32_t r;
-	memcpy(&r, m, sizeof(r));
-	return r;
-static void U32TO8_LE(unsigned char *m, uint32_t v) {
-	memcpy(m, &v, sizeof(v));
-static uint32_t U8TO32_LE(const unsigned char *m) {
-	return (uint32_t)m[0] |
-	       (uint32_t)m[1] << 8 |
-	       (uint32_t)m[2] << 16 |
-	       (uint32_t)m[3] << 24;
-static void U32TO8_LE(unsigned char *m, uint32_t v) {
-	m[0] = v;
-	m[1] = v >> 8;
-	m[2] = v >> 16;
-	m[3] = v >> 24;
-static uint64_t
-mul32x32_64(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
-	return (uint64_t)a * b;
-struct poly1305_state_st {
-	uint32_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4;
-	uint32_t s1,s2,s3,s4;
-	uint32_t h0,h1,h2,h3,h4;
-	unsigned char buf[16];
-	unsigned int buf_used;
-	unsigned char key[16];
-/* update updates |state| given some amount of input data. This function may
- * only be called with a |len| that is not a multiple of 16 at the end of the
- * data. Otherwise the input must be buffered into 16 byte blocks. */
-static void update(struct poly1305_state_st *state, const unsigned char *in,
-		   size_t len) {
-	uint32_t t0,t1,t2,t3;
-	uint64_t t[5];
-	uint32_t b;
-	uint64_t c;
-	size_t j;
-	unsigned char mp[16];
-	if (len < 16)
-		goto poly1305_donna_atmost15bytes;
-	t0 = U8TO32_LE(in);
-	t1 = U8TO32_LE(in+4);
-	t2 = U8TO32_LE(in+8);
-	t3 = U8TO32_LE(in+12);
-	in += 16;
-	len -= 16;
-	state->h0 += t0 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h1 += ((((uint64_t)t1 << 32) | t0) >> 26) & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h2 += ((((uint64_t)t2 << 32) | t1) >> 20) & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h3 += ((((uint64_t)t3 << 32) | t2) >> 14) & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h4 += (t3 >> 8) | (1 << 24);
-	t[0] = mul32x32_64(state->h0,state->r0) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h1,state->s4) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h2,state->s3) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h3,state->s2) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h4,state->s1);
-	t[1] = mul32x32_64(state->h0,state->r1) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h1,state->r0) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h2,state->s4) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h3,state->s3) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h4,state->s2);
-	t[2] = mul32x32_64(state->h0,state->r2) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h1,state->r1) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h2,state->r0) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h3,state->s4) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h4,state->s3);
-	t[3] = mul32x32_64(state->h0,state->r3) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h1,state->r2) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h2,state->r1) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h3,state->r0) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h4,state->s4);
-	t[4] = mul32x32_64(state->h0,state->r4) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h1,state->r3) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h2,state->r2) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h3,state->r1) +
-	       mul32x32_64(state->h4,state->r0);
-	           state->h0 = (uint32_t)t[0] & 0x3ffffff; c =           (t[0] >> 26);
-	t[1] += c; state->h1 = (uint32_t)t[1] & 0x3ffffff; b = (uint32_t)(t[1] >> 26);
-	t[2] += b; state->h2 = (uint32_t)t[2] & 0x3ffffff; b = (uint32_t)(t[2] >> 26);
-	t[3] += b; state->h3 = (uint32_t)t[3] & 0x3ffffff; b = (uint32_t)(t[3] >> 26);
-	t[4] += b; state->h4 = (uint32_t)t[4] & 0x3ffffff; b = (uint32_t)(t[4] >> 26);
-	state->h0 += b * 5;
-	if (len >= 16)
-		goto poly1305_donna_16bytes;
-	/* final bytes */
-	if (!len)
-		return;
-	for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
-		mp[j] = in[j];
-	mp[j++] = 1;
-	for (; j < 16; j++)
-		mp[j] = 0;
-	len = 0;
-	t0 = U8TO32_LE(mp+0);
-	t1 = U8TO32_LE(mp+4);
-	t2 = U8TO32_LE(mp+8);
-	t3 = U8TO32_LE(mp+12);
-	state->h0 += t0 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h1 += ((((uint64_t)t1 << 32) | t0) >> 26) & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h2 += ((((uint64_t)t2 << 32) | t1) >> 20) & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h3 += ((((uint64_t)t3 << 32) | t2) >> 14) & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h4 += (t3 >> 8);
-	goto poly1305_donna_mul;
-void Poly1305Init(poly1305_state *statep, const unsigned char key[32]) {
-	struct poly1305_state_st *state = (struct poly1305_state_st*) statep;
-	uint32_t t0,t1,t2,t3;
-	t0 = U8TO32_LE(key+0);
-	t1 = U8TO32_LE(key+4);
-	t2 = U8TO32_LE(key+8);
-	t3 = U8TO32_LE(key+12);
-	/* precompute multipliers */
-	state->r0 = t0 & 0x3ffffff; t0 >>= 26; t0 |= t1 << 6;
-	state->r1 = t0 & 0x3ffff03; t1 >>= 20; t1 |= t2 << 12;
-	state->r2 = t1 & 0x3ffc0ff; t2 >>= 14; t2 |= t3 << 18;
-	state->r3 = t2 & 0x3f03fff; t3 >>= 8;
-	state->r4 = t3 & 0x00fffff;
-	state->s1 = state->r1 * 5;
-	state->s2 = state->r2 * 5;
-	state->s3 = state->r3 * 5;
-	state->s4 = state->r4 * 5;
-	/* init state */
-	state->h0 = 0;
-	state->h1 = 0;
-	state->h2 = 0;
-	state->h3 = 0;
-	state->h4 = 0;
-	state->buf_used = 0;
-	memcpy(state->key, key + 16, sizeof(state->key));
-void Poly1305Update(poly1305_state *statep, const unsigned char *in,
-		     size_t in_len) {
-	unsigned int i;
-	struct poly1305_state_st *state = (struct poly1305_state_st*) statep;
-	if (state->buf_used) {
-		unsigned int todo = 16 - state->buf_used;
-		if (todo > in_len)
-			todo = in_len;
-		for (i = 0; i < todo; i++)
-			state->buf[state->buf_used + i] = in[i];
-		state->buf_used += todo;
-		in_len -= todo;
-		in += todo;
-		if (state->buf_used == 16) {
-			update(state, state->buf, 16);
-			state->buf_used = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (in_len >= 16) {
-		size_t todo = in_len & ~0xf;
-		update(state, in, todo);
-		in += todo;
-		in_len &= 0xf;
-	}
-	if (in_len) {
-		for (i = 0; i < in_len; i++)
-			state->buf[i] = in[i];
-		state->buf_used = in_len;
-	}
-void Poly1305Finish(poly1305_state *statep, unsigned char mac[16]) {
-	struct poly1305_state_st *state = (struct poly1305_state_st*) statep;
-	uint64_t f0,f1,f2,f3;
-	uint32_t g0,g1,g2,g3,g4;
-	uint32_t b, nb;
-	if (state->buf_used)
-		update(state, state->buf, state->buf_used);
-	                    b = state->h0 >> 26; state->h0 = state->h0 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h1 +=     b; b = state->h1 >> 26; state->h1 = state->h1 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h2 +=     b; b = state->h2 >> 26; state->h2 = state->h2 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h3 +=     b; b = state->h3 >> 26; state->h3 = state->h3 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h4 +=     b; b = state->h4 >> 26; state->h4 = state->h4 & 0x3ffffff;
-	state->h0 += b * 5;
-	g0 = state->h0 + 5; b = g0 >> 26; g0 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	g1 = state->h1 + b; b = g1 >> 26; g1 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	g2 = state->h2 + b; b = g2 >> 26; g2 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	g3 = state->h3 + b; b = g3 >> 26; g3 &= 0x3ffffff;
-	g4 = state->h4 + b - (1 << 26);
-	b = (g4 >> 31) - 1;
-	nb = ~b;
-	state->h0 = (state->h0 & nb) | (g0 & b);
-	state->h1 = (state->h1 & nb) | (g1 & b);
-	state->h2 = (state->h2 & nb) | (g2 & b);
-	state->h3 = (state->h3 & nb) | (g3 & b);
-	state->h4 = (state->h4 & nb) | (g4 & b);
-	f0 = ((state->h0      ) | (state->h1 << 26)) + (uint64_t)U8TO32_LE(&state->key[0]);
-	f1 = ((state->h1 >>  6) | (state->h2 << 20)) + (uint64_t)U8TO32_LE(&state->key[4]);
-	f2 = ((state->h2 >> 12) | (state->h3 << 14)) + (uint64_t)U8TO32_LE(&state->key[8]);
-	f3 = ((state->h3 >> 18) | (state->h4 <<  8)) + (uint64_t)U8TO32_LE(&state->key[12]);
-	U32TO8_LE(&mac[ 0], (uint32_t)f0); f1 += (f0 >> 32);
-	U32TO8_LE(&mac[ 4], (uint32_t)f1); f2 += (f1 >> 32);
-	U32TO8_LE(&mac[ 8], (uint32_t)f2); f3 += (f2 >> 32);
-	U32TO8_LE(&mac[12], (uint32_t)f3);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.h b/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a46348..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/poly1305.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * poly1305.h - header file for Poly1305 implementation.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef FREEBL_POLY1305_H_
-#define FREEBL_POLY1305_H_
-typedef unsigned char poly1305_state[512];
-/* Poly1305Init sets up |state| so that it can be used to calculate an
- * authentication tag with the one-time key |key|. Note that |key| is a
- * one-time key and therefore there is no `reset' method because that would
- * enable several messages to be authenticated with the same key. */
-extern void Poly1305Init(poly1305_state* state, const unsigned char key[32]);
-/* Poly1305Update processes |in_len| bytes from |in|. It can be called zero or
- * more times after poly1305_init. */
-extern void Poly1305Update(poly1305_state* state, const unsigned char* in,
-                           size_t inLen);
-/* Poly1305Finish completes the poly1305 calculation and writes a 16 byte
- * authentication tag to |mac|. */
-extern void Poly1305Finish(poly1305_state* state, unsigned char mac[16]);
-#endif /* FREEBL_POLY1305_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/pqg.c b/nss/lib/freebl/pqg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd1351e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/pqg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1845 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * PQG parameter generation/verification.  Based on FIPS 186-3.
- */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mpprime.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-#define MAX_ITERATIONS 1000  /* Maximum number of iterations of primegen */
-typedef enum {
-    FIPS186_1_TYPE,		/* Probablistic */
-    FIPS186_3_TYPE,		/* Probablistic */
-    FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE		/* Shawe-Taylor provable */
-} pqgGenType;
- * These test iterations are quite a bit larger than we previously had.
- * This is because FIPS 186-3 is worried about the primes in PQG generation.
- * It may be possible to purposefully construct composites which more 
- * iterations of Miller-Rabin than the for your normal randomly selected 
- * numbers.There are 3 ways to counter this: 1) use one of the cool provably 
- * prime algorithms (which would require a lot more work than DSA-2 deservers.
- * 2) add a Lucas primality test (which requires coding a Lucas primality test,
- * or 3) use a larger M-R test count. I chose the latter. It increases the time
- * that it takes to prove the selected prime, but it shouldn't increase the
- * overall time to run the algorithm (non-primes should still faile M-R
- * realively quickly). If you want to get that last bit of performance,
- * implement Lucas and adjust these two functions.  See FIPS 186-3 Appendix C
- * and F for more information.
- */
-int prime_testcount_p(int L, int N)
-    switch (L) {
-    case 1024:
-	return 40;
-    case 2048:
-	return 56;
-    case 3072:
-	return 64;
-    default:
- 	break;
-    }
-    return 50; /* L = 512-960 */
-/* The q numbers are different if you run M-R followd by Lucas. I created
- * a separate function so if someone wanted to add the Lucas check, they
- * could do so fairly easily */
-int prime_testcount_q(int L, int N)
-    return prime_testcount_p(L,N);
- * generic function to make sure our input matches DSA2 requirements 
- * this gives us one place to go if we need to bump the requirements in the
- * future.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pqg_validate_dsa2(unsigned int L, unsigned int N)
-    switch (L) {
-    case 1024:
-	if (N != DSA1_Q_BITS) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	break;
-    case 2048:
-	if ((N != 224) && (N != 256)) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	break;
-    case 3072:
-	if (N != 256) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	break;
-    default:
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static unsigned int
-pqg_get_default_N(unsigned int L)
-    unsigned int N = 0;
-    switch (L) {
-    case 1024:
-	N = DSA1_Q_BITS;
-	break;
-    case 2048:
-	N = 224;
-	break;
-    case 3072:
-	N = 256;
-	break;
-    default:
-	break; /* N already set to zero */
-    }
-    return N;
- * Select the lowest hash algorithm usable
- */
-static HASH_HashType
-getFirstHash(unsigned int L, unsigned int N)
-    if (N < 224) {
-	return HASH_AlgSHA1;
-    }
-    if (N < 256) {
-	return HASH_AlgSHA224;
-    }
-    if (N < 384) {
-	return HASH_AlgSHA256;
-    }
-    if (N < 512) {
-	return HASH_AlgSHA384;
-    }
-    return HASH_AlgSHA512;
- * find the next usable hash algorthim
- */
-static HASH_HashType
-getNextHash(HASH_HashType hashtype)
-    switch (hashtype) {
-    case HASH_AlgSHA1:
-	hashtype = HASH_AlgSHA224;
-	break;
-    case HASH_AlgSHA224:
-	hashtype = HASH_AlgSHA256;
-	break;
-    case HASH_AlgSHA256:
-	hashtype = HASH_AlgSHA384;
-	break;
-    case HASH_AlgSHA384:
-	hashtype = HASH_AlgSHA512;
-	break;
-    case HASH_AlgSHA512:
-    default:
-	hashtype = HASH_AlgTOTAL;
-	break;
-    }
-    return hashtype;
-static unsigned int
-HASH_ResultLen(HASH_HashType type)
-    const SECHashObject *hash_obj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(type);
-    if (hash_obj == NULL) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return hash_obj->length;
-static SECStatus
-HASH_HashBuf(HASH_HashType type, unsigned char *dest,
-	     const unsigned char *src, PRUint32 src_len)
-    const SECHashObject *hash_obj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(type);
-    void *hashcx = NULL;
-    unsigned int dummy;
-    if (hash_obj == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashcx = hash_obj->create();
-    if (hashcx == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hash_obj->begin(hashcx);
-    hash_obj->update(hashcx,src,src_len);
-    hash_obj->end(hashcx,dest, &dummy, hash_obj->length);
-    hash_obj->destroy(hashcx, PR_TRUE);
-    return SECSuccess;
-unsigned int
-PQG_GetLength(const SECItem *obj)
-    unsigned int len = obj->len;
-    if (obj->data == NULL) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (len > 1 && obj->data[0] == 0) {
-	len--;
-    }
-    return len;
-PQG_Check(const PQGParams *params)
-    unsigned int L,N;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (params == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    L = PQG_GetLength(&params->prime)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    N = PQG_GetLength(&params->subPrime)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    if (L < 1024) {
-	int j;
-	/* handle DSA1 pqg parameters with less thatn 1024 bits*/
-	if ( N != DSA1_Q_BITS ) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	if ( j < 0 ) { 
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* handle DSA2 parameters (includes DSA1, 1024 bits) */
-	rv = pqg_validate_dsa2(L, N);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PQG_GetHashType(const PQGParams *params)
-    unsigned int L,N;
-    if (params == NULL) {
-	return HASH_AlgNULL;
-    }
-    L = PQG_GetLength(&params->prime)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    N = PQG_GetLength(&params->subPrime)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    return getFirstHash(L, N);
-/* Get a seed for generating P and Q.  If in testing mode, copy in the
-** seed from FIPS 186-1 appendix 5.  Otherwise, obtain bytes from the
-** global random number generator.
-static SECStatus
-getPQseed(SECItem *seed, PLArenaPool* arena)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!seed->data) {
-        seed->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, seed->len);
-    }
-    if (!seed->data) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(seed->data, seed->len);
-    /*
-     * NIST CMVP disallows a sequence of 20 bytes with the most
-     * significant byte equal to 0.  Perhaps they interpret
-     * "a sequence of at least 160 bits" as "a number >= 2^159".
-     * So we always set the most significant bit to 1. (bug 334533)
-     */
-    seed->data[0] |= 0x80;
-    return rv;
-/* Generate a candidate h value.  If in testing mode, use the h value
-** specified in FIPS 186-1 appendix 5, h = 2.  Otherwise, obtain bytes
-** from the global random number generator.
-static SECStatus
-generate_h_candidate(SECItem *hit, mp_int *H)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-#ifdef FIPS_186_1_A5_TEST
-    memset(hit->data, 0, hit->len);
-    hit->data[hit->len-1] = 0x02;
-    rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(hit->data, hit->len);
-    if (rv)
-	return SECFailure;
-    err = mp_read_unsigned_octets(H, hit->data, hit->len);
-    if (err) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-addToSeed(const SECItem * seed,
-          unsigned long   addend,
-          int             seedlen, /* g in 186-1 */
-          SECItem * seedout)
-    mp_int s, sum, modulus, tmp;
-    mp_err    err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv  = SECSuccess;
-    MP_DIGITS(&s)       = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&sum)     = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&modulus) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp)     = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&s) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&sum) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&modulus) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*seed, &s); /* s = seed */
-    /* seed += addend */
-    if (addend < MP_DIGIT_MAX) {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&s, (mp_digit)addend, &s) );
-    } else {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_set_ulong(&tmp, addend) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&s, &tmp, &s) );
-    }
-    /*sum = s mod 2**seedlen */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div_2d(&s, (mp_digit)seedlen, NULL, &sum) );
-    if (seedout->data != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(seedout, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&sum, seedout, NULL);
-    mp_clear(&s);
-    mp_clear(&sum);
-    mp_clear(&modulus);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    if (err) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Compute Hash[(SEED + addend) mod 2**g]
-** Result is placed in shaOutBuf.
-** This computation is used in steps 2 and 7 of FIPS 186 Appendix 2.2  and
-** step 11.2 of FIPS 186-3 Appendix A.1.1.2 .
-static SECStatus
-addToSeedThenHash(HASH_HashType   hashtype,
-                  const SECItem * seed,
-                  unsigned long   addend,
-                  int             seedlen, /* g in 186-1 */
-                  unsigned char * hashOutBuf)
-    SECItem str = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = addToSeed(seed, addend, seedlen, &str);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    rv = HASH_HashBuf(hashtype, hashOutBuf,, str.len);/* hash result */
-    if (
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&str, PR_FALSE);
-    return rv;
-**  Perform steps 2 and 3 of FIPS 186-1, appendix 2.2.
-**  Generate Q from seed.
-static SECStatus
-      unsigned int  g,          /* input.  Length of seed in bits. */
-const SECItem   *   seed,       /* input.  */
-      mp_int    *   Q)          /* output. */
-    unsigned char sha1[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    unsigned char sha2[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    unsigned char U[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    SECStatus rv  = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err    err = MP_OKAY;
-    int i;
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 2.
-    ** "Compute U = SHA[SEED] XOR SHA[(SEED+1) mod 2**g]."
-    **/
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( SHA1_HashBuf(sha1, seed->data, seed->len) );
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( addToSeedThenHash(HASH_AlgSHA1, seed, 1, g, sha2) );
-    for (i=0; i<SHA1_LENGTH; ++i) 
-	U[i] = sha1[i] ^ sha2[i];
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 3.
-    ** "Form Q from U by setting the most signficant bit (the 2**159 bit)
-    **  and the least signficant bit to 1.  In terms of boolean operations,
-    **  Q = U OR 2**159 OR 1.  Note that 2**159 < Q < 2**160."
-    */
-    U[0]             |= 0x80;  /* U is MSB first */
-    U[SHA1_LENGTH-1] |= 0x01;
-    err = mp_read_unsigned_octets(Q, U, SHA1_LENGTH);
-     memset(U, 0, SHA1_LENGTH);
-     memset(sha1, 0, SHA1_LENGTH);
-     memset(sha2, 0, SHA1_LENGTH);
-     if (err) {
-	return SECFailure;
-     }
-     return rv;
-**  Perform steps 6 and 7 of FIPS 186-3, appendix A.1.1.2.
-**  Generate Q from seed.
-static SECStatus
-      HASH_HashType hashtype,	/* selected Hashing algorithm */
-      unsigned int  N,          /* input.  Length of q in bits. */
-const SECItem   *   seed,       /* input.  */
-      mp_int    *   Q)          /* output. */
-    unsigned char U[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    SECStatus rv  = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err    err = MP_OKAY;
-    int N_bytes = N/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE; /* length of N in bytes rather than bits */
-    int hashLen = HASH_ResultLen(hashtype);
-    int offset = 0;
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 6.
-    ** "Compute U = hash[SEED] mod 2**N-1]."
-    **/
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( HASH_HashBuf(hashtype, U, seed->data, seed->len) );
-    /* mod 2**N . Step 7 will explicitly set the top bit to 1, so no need
-     * to handle mod 2**N-1 */
-    if 	(hashLen > N_bytes) {
-	offset = hashLen - N_bytes;
-    }
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 7.
-    ** computed_q = 2**(N-1) + U + 1 - (U mod 2)
-    ** 
-    ** This is the same as:
-    ** computed_q = 2**(N-1) | U | 1;
-    */
-    U[offset]    |= 0x80;  /* U is MSB first */
-    U[hashLen-1] |= 0x01;
-    err = mp_read_unsigned_octets(Q, &U[offset], N_bytes);
-     memset(U, 0, HASH_LENGTH_MAX);
-     if (err) {
-	return SECFailure;
-     }
-     return rv;
-**  Perform steps from  FIPS 186-3, Appendix A.1.2.1 and Appendix C.6
-**  This generates a provable prime from two smaller prime. The resulting
-**  prime p will have q0 as a multiple of p-1. q0 can be 1.
-** This implments steps 4 thorough 22 of FIPS 186-3 A.1.2.1 and
-**                steps 16 through 34 of FIPS 186-2 C.6
-      HASH_HashType hashtype,	/* selected Hashing algorithm */
-      unsigned int  length,     /* input. Length of prime in bits. */
-      mp_int    *   c0,         /* seed prime */
-      mp_int    *   q,          /* sub prime, can be 1 */
-      mp_int    *   prime,      /* output.  */
-      SECItem   *   prime_seed, /* input/output.  */
-      unsigned int *prime_gen_counter) /* input/output.  */
-    mp_int c;
-    mp_int c0_2;
-    mp_int t;
-    mp_int a;
-    mp_int z;
-    mp_int two_length_minus_1;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int hashlen = HASH_ResultLen(hashtype);
-    int outlen = hashlen*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    int offset;
-    unsigned char bit, mask;
-    /* x needs to hold roundup(L/outlen)*outlen.
-     * This can be no larger than L+outlen-1, So we set it's size to
-     * our max L + max outlen and know we are safe */
-    unsigned char x[DSA_MAX_P_BITS/8+HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int i;
-    int iterations;
-    int old_counter;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c0_2) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&t) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&a) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&z) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&two_length_minus_1) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c0_2) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&t) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&a) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&z) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&two_length_minus_1) );
-    /*
-    ** There is a slight mapping of variable names depending on which
-    ** FIPS 186 steps are being carried out. The mapping is as follows:
-    **  variable          A.1.2.1           C.6
-    **    c0                p0               c0
-    **    q                 q                1
-    **    c                 p                c
-    **    c0_2            2*p0*q            2*c0
-    **    length            L               length
-    **    prime_seed       pseed            prime_seed
-    **  prime_gen_counter pgen_counter     prime_gen_counter
-    **
-    ** Also note: or iterations variable is actually iterations+1, since
-    ** iterations+1 works better in C.
-    */
-    /* Step 4/16 iterations = ceiling(length/outlen)-1 */
-    iterations = (length+outlen-1)/outlen;  /* NOTE: iterations +1 */
-    /* Step 5/17 old_counter = prime_gen_counter */
-    old_counter = *prime_gen_counter;
-    /* 
-    ** Comment: Generate a pseudorandom integer x in the interval
-    ** [2**(lenght-1), 2**length].
-    **
-    ** Step 6/18 x = 0
-    */
-    PORT_Memset(x, 0, sizeof(x));
-    /*
-    ** Step 7/19 for i = 0 to iterations do
-    **  x = x + (HASH(prime_seed + i) * 2^(i*outlen))
-    */
-    for (i=0; i < iterations; i++) {
-	/* is bigger than prime_seed should get to */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( addToSeedThenHash(hashtype, prime_seed, i, 
-		MAX_ST_SEED_BITS,&x[(iterations - i - 1)*hashlen]));
-    }
-    /* Step 8/20 prime_seed = prime_seed + iterations + 1 */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(addToSeed(prime_seed, iterations, MAX_ST_SEED_BITS, 
-					prime_seed));
-    /*
-    ** Step 9/21 x = 2 ** (length-1) + x mod 2 ** (length-1) 
-    **
-    **   This step mathematically sets the high bit and clears out
-    **  all the other bits higher than length. 'x' is stored
-    **  in the x array, MSB first. The above formula gives us an 'x' 
-    **  which is length bytes long and has the high bit set. We also know 
-    **  that length <= iterations*outlen since 
-    **  iterations=ceiling(length/outlen). First we find the offset in 
-    **  bytes into the array where the high bit is.
-    */
-    offset = (outlen*iterations - length)/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    /* now we want to set the 'high bit', since length may not be a 
-     * multiple of 8,*/
-    bit = 1 << ((length-1) & 0x7); /* select the proper bit in the byte */
-    /* we need to zero out the rest of the bits in the byte above */
-    mask = (bit-1);
-    /* now we set it */
-    x[offset] = (mask & x[offset]) | bit;
-    /*
-    ** Comment: Generate a candidate prime c in the interval
-    ** [2**(lenght-1), 2**length].
-    **
-    ** Step 10 t = ceiling(x/(2q(p0)))
-    ** Step 22 t = ceiling(x/(2(c0)))
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&t, &x[offset], 
-			hashlen*iterations - offset ) ); /* t = x */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(c0, q, &c0_2) );        /* c0_2 is now c0*q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&c0_2, &c0_2, &c0_2) ); /* c0_2 is now 2*q*c0 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&t, &c0_2, &t) );       /* t = x+2*q*c0 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&t, (mp_digit) 1, &t) ); /* t = x+2*q*c0 -1 */
-    /* t = floor((x+2qc0-1)/2qc0) = ceil(x/2qc0) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div(&t, &c0_2, &t, NULL) );
-    /* 
-    ** step 11: if (2tqp0 +1 > 2**length), then t = ceiling(2**(length-1)/2qp0)
-    ** step 12: t = 2tqp0 +1.
-    **
-    ** step 23: if (2tc0 +1 > 2**length), then t = ceiling(2**(length-1)/2c0)
-    ** step 24: t = 2tc0 +1.
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_2expt(&two_length_minus_1, length-1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&t, &c0_2, &c) );               /* c = t*2qc0 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&c, (mp_digit)1, &c) );       /* c= 2tqc0 + 1*/
-    if (mpl_significant_bits(&c) > length) {     /* if c > 2**length */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&c0_2, (mp_digit) 1, &t) ); /* t = 2qc0-1 */
-	    /* t = 2**(length-1) + 2qc0 -1 */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&two_length_minus_1,&t, &t) );
-	    /* t = floor((2**(length-1)+2qc0 -1)/2qco) 
-	     *   = ceil(2**(lenght-2)/2qc0) */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div(&t, &c0_2, &t, NULL) );
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&t, &c0_2, &c) );         
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&c, (mp_digit)1, &c) );  /* c= 2tqc0 + 1*/
-    }
-    /* Step 13/25 prime_gen_counter = prime_gen_counter + 1*/
-    (*prime_gen_counter)++;
-    /*
-    ** Comment: Test the candidate prime c for primality; first pick an
-    ** integer a between 2 and c-2.
-    **
-    ** Step 14/26 a=0
-    */
-    PORT_Memset(x, 0, sizeof(x));    /* use x for a */
-    /*
-    ** Step 15/27 for i = 0 to iterations do
-    **  a = a + (HASH(prime_seed + i) * 2^(i*outlen))
-    **
-    ** NOTE: we reuse the x array for 'a' initially.
-    */
-    for (i=0; i < iterations; i++) {
-	/* MAX_ST_SEED_BITS is bigger than prime_seed should get to */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(addToSeedThenHash(hashtype, prime_seed, i, 
-			MAX_ST_SEED_BITS,&x[(iterations - i - 1)*hashlen]));
-    }
-    /* Step 16/28 prime_seed = prime_seed + iterations + 1 */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(addToSeed(prime_seed, iterations, MAX_ST_SEED_BITS, 
-					prime_seed));
-    /* Step 17/29 a = 2 + (a mod (c-3)). */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&a, x, iterations*hashlen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&c, (mp_digit) 3, &z) ); /* z = c -3 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&a, &z, &a) );             /* a = a mod c -3 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&a, (mp_digit) 2, &a) ); /* a = 2 + a mod c -3 */
-    /*
-    ** Step 18 z = a**(2tq) mod p.
-    ** Step 30 z = a**(2t) mod c.
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&t, q, &z) );              /* z = tq */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&z, &z, &z) );             /* z = 2tq */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&a, &z, &c, &z) );     /* z = a**(2tq) mod c */
-    /*
-    ** Step 19 if (( 1 == GCD(z-1,p)) and ( 1 == z**p0 mod p )), then 
-    ** Step 31 if (( 1 == GCD(z-1,c)) and ( 1 == z**c0 mod c )), then
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&z, (mp_digit) 1, &a) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_gcd(&a,&c,&a ));
-    if (mp_cmp_d(&a, (mp_digit)1) == 0) {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&z, c0, &c, &a) );
-	if (mp_cmp_d(&a, (mp_digit)1) == 0) {
-	    /* Step 31.1 prime = c */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_copy(&c, prime) );
-	    /*
-	    ** Step 31.2 return Success, prime, prime_seed, 
-	    **    prime_gen_counter 
-	    */
-	    rv = SECSuccess;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Step 20/32 If (prime_gen_counter > 4 * length + old_counter then
-    **   return (FAILURE, 0, 0, 0).
-    ** NOTE: the test is reversed, so we fall through on failure to the
-    ** cleanup routine
-    */
-    if (*prime_gen_counter < (4*length + old_counter)) {
-	/* Step 21/33 t = t + 1 */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&t, (mp_digit) 1, &t) );
-	/* Step 22/34 Go to step 23/11 */
-	goto step_23;
-    }
-    /* if (prime_gencont > (4*length + old_counter), fall through to failure */
-    rv = SECFailure; /* really is already set, but paranoia is good */
-    mp_clear(&c);
-    mp_clear(&c0_2);
-    mp_clear(&t);
-    mp_clear(&a);
-    mp_clear(&z);
-    mp_clear(&two_length_minus_1);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	mp_zero(prime);
-	if (prime_seed->data) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(prime_seed, PR_FALSE);
-	}
-	*prime_gen_counter = 0;
-    }
-    return rv;
-**  Perform steps from  FIPS 186-3, Appendix C.6
-**  This generates a provable prime from a seed
-      HASH_HashType hashtype,	/* selected Hashing algorithm */
-      unsigned int  length,     /* input.  Length of prime in bits. */
-const SECItem   *   input_seed,       /* input.  */
-      mp_int    *   prime,      /* output.  */
-      SECItem   *   prime_seed, /* output.  */
-      unsigned int *prime_gen_counter) /* output.  */
-    mp_int c;
-    mp_int c0;
-    mp_int one;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int hashlen = HASH_ResultLen(hashtype);
-    int outlen = hashlen*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    int offset;
-    unsigned char bit, mask;
-    unsigned char x[HASH_LENGTH_MAX*2];
-    mp_digit dummy;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int i;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c0) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&one) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c0) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&one) );
-    /* Step 1. if length < 2 then return (FAILURE, 0, 0, 0) */
-    if (length < 2) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* Step 2. if length >= 33 then goto step 14 */
-    if (length >= 33) {
-	mp_zero(&one);
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(&one, (mp_digit) 1, &one) );
-	/* Step 14 (status, c0, prime_seed, prime_gen_counter) =
-	** (ST_Random_Prime((ceil(length/2)+1, input_seed)
-	*/
-	rv = makePrimefromSeedShaweTaylor(hashtype, (length+1)/2+1,
-			input_seed, &c0, prime_seed, prime_gen_counter);
-	/* Step 15 if FAILURE is returned, return (FAILURE, 0, 0, 0). */
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto cleanup;
-	}
-	/* Steps 16-34 */
-	rv = makePrimefromPrimesShaweTaylor(hashtype,length, &c0, &one,
-		prime, prime_seed, prime_gen_counter);
-	goto cleanup; /* we're done, one way or the other */
-    }
-    /* Step 3 prime_seed = input_seed */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, prime_seed, input_seed));
-    /* Step 4 prime_gen_count = 0 */
-    *prime_gen_counter = 0;
-    /* Step 5 c = Hash(prime_seed) xor Hash(prime_seed+1). */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(HASH_HashBuf(hashtype, x, prime_seed->data, prime_seed->len) );
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(addToSeedThenHash(hashtype, prime_seed, 1, 
-					MAX_ST_SEED_BITS, &x[hashlen]) );
-    for (i=0; i < hashlen; i++) {
-	x[i] = x[i] ^ x[i+hashlen];
-    }
-    /* Step 6 c = 2**length-1 + c mod 2**length-1 */
-    /*   This step mathematically sets the high bit and clears out
-    **  all the other bits higher than length. Right now c is stored
-    **  in the x array, MSB first. The above formula gives us a c which
-    **  is length bytes long and has the high bit set. We also know that
-    **  length < outlen since the smallest outlen is 160 bits and the largest
-    **  length at this point is 32 bits. So first we find the offset in bytes
-    **  into the array where the high bit is.
-    */
-    offset = (outlen - length)/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    /* now we want to set the 'high bit'. We have to calculate this since 
-     * length may not be a multiple of 8.*/
-    bit = 1 << ((length-1) & 0x7); /* select the proper bit in the byte */
-    /* we need to zero out the rest of the bits  in the byte above */
-    mask = (bit-1);
-    /* now we set it */
-    x[offset] = (mask & x[offset]) | bit;
-    /* Step 7 c = c*floor(c/2) + 1 */
-    /* set the low bit. much easier to find (the end of the array) */
-    x[hashlen-1] |= 1;
-    /* now that we've set our bits, we can create our candidate "c" */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&c, &x[offset], hashlen-offset) );
-    /* Step 8 prime_gen_counter = prime_gen_counter + 1 */
-    (*prime_gen_counter)++;
-    /* Step 9 prime_seed = prime_seed + 2 */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK(addToSeed(prime_seed, 2, MAX_ST_SEED_BITS, prime_seed));
-    /* Step 10 Perform deterministic primality test on c. For example, since
-    ** c is small, it's primality can be tested by trial division, See
-    ** See Appendic C.7.
-    **
-    ** We in fact test with trial division. mpi has a built int trial divider
-    ** that divides all divisors up to 2^16.
-    */
-    if (prime_tab[prime_tab_size-1] < 0xFFF1) {
- 	/* we aren't testing all the primes between 0 and 2^16, we really
-	 * can't use this construction. Just fail. */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    dummy = prime_tab_size;
-    err = mpp_divis_primes(&c, &dummy);
-    /* Step 11 if c is prime then */
-    if (err == MP_NO) {
-	/* Step 11.1 prime = c */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_copy(&c, prime) );
-	/* Step 11.2 return SUCCESS prime, prime_seed, prime_gen_counter */
-	err = MP_OKAY;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } else if (err != MP_YES) {
-	goto cleanup;  /* function failed, bail out */
-    } else {
-	/* reset mp_err */
-	err = MP_OKAY;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Step 12 if (prime_gen_counter > (4*len)) 
-    ** then return (FAILURE, 0, 0, 0)) 
-    ** Step 13 goto step 5
-    */
-    if (*prime_gen_counter <= (4*length)) {
-	goto step_5;
-    }
-    /* if (prime_gencont > 4*length), fall through to failure */
-    rv = SECFailure; /* really is already set, but paranoia is good */
-    mp_clear(&c);
-    mp_clear(&c0);
-    mp_clear(&one);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	mp_zero(prime);
-	if (prime_seed->data) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(prime_seed, PR_FALSE);
-	}
-	*prime_gen_counter = 0;
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Find a Q and algorithm from Seed.
- */
-static SECStatus
-      unsigned int  L,          /* input.  Length of p in bits. */
-      unsigned int  N,          /* input.  Length of q in bits. */
-      unsigned int  g,          /* input.  Length of seed in bits. */
-const SECItem   *   seed,       /* input.  */
-      mp_int    *   Q,          /* input. */
-      mp_int    *   Q_,         /* output. */
-      unsigned int *qseed_len,   /* output */
-      HASH_HashType *hashtypePtr,  /* output. Hash uses */
-      pqgGenType    *typePtr)      /* output. Generation Type used */
-    HASH_HashType hashtype;
-    SECItem  firstseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    SECItem  qseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    SECStatus rv;
-    *qseed_len = 0; /* only set if FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE */
-    /* handle legacy small DSA first can only be FIPS186_1_TYPE */
-    if (L < 1024) {
-	rv =makeQfromSeed(g,seed,Q_);
-	if ((rv == SECSuccess) && (mp_cmp(Q,Q_) == 0)) {
-	    *hashtypePtr = HASH_AlgSHA1;
-	    *typePtr = FIPS186_1_TYPE;
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	return SECFailure;
-    } 
-    /* 1024 could use FIPS186_1 or FIPS186_3 algorithms, we need to try 
-     * them both */
-    if (L == 1024) {
-	rv = makeQfromSeed(g,seed,Q_);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    if (mp_cmp(Q,Q_) == 0) {
-		*hashtypePtr = HASH_AlgSHA1;
-		*typePtr = FIPS186_1_TYPE;
-		return SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* fall through for FIPS186_3 types */
-    }
-    /* at this point we know we aren't using FIPS186_1, start trying FIPS186_3
-     * with appropriate hash types */
-    for (hashtype = getFirstHash(L,N); hashtype != HASH_AlgTOTAL; 
-					hashtype=getNextHash(hashtype)) {
-	rv = makeQ2fromSeed(hashtype, N, seed, Q_);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (mp_cmp(Q,Q_) == 0) {
-	    *hashtypePtr = hashtype;
-	    *typePtr = FIPS186_3_TYPE;
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * OK finally try FIPS186_3 Shawe-Taylor 
-     */
-    firstseed = *seed;
-    firstseed.len = seed->len/3;
-    for (hashtype = getFirstHash(L,N); hashtype != HASH_AlgTOTAL; 
-					hashtype=getNextHash(hashtype)) {
-	unsigned int count;
-	rv = makePrimefromSeedShaweTaylor(hashtype, N, &firstseed, Q_, 
-		&qseed, &count);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (mp_cmp(Q,Q_) == 0) {
-	    /* check qseed as well... */
-	    int offset = seed->len - qseed.len;
-	    if ((offset < 0) || 
-	       (PORT_Memcmp(&seed->data[offset],,qseed.len) != 0)) {
-		/* we found q, but the seeds don't match. This isn't an
-		 * accident, someone has been tweeking with the seeds, just
-		 * fail a this point. */
-		SECITEM_FreeItem(&qseed,PR_FALSE);
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	    *qseed_len = qseed.len;
-	    *hashtypePtr = hashtype;
-	    *typePtr = FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE;
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(&qseed, PR_FALSE);
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&qseed, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* no hash algorithms found which match seed to Q, fail */
-    return SECFailure;
-**  Perform steps 7, 8 and 9 of FIPS 186, appendix 2.2.
-**  which are the same as steps 11.1-11.5 of FIPS 186-2, App A.1.1.2
-**  Generate P from Q, seed, L, and offset.
-static SECStatus
-      HASH_HashType hashtype,	/* selected Hashing algorithm */
-      unsigned int  L,          /* Length of P in bits.  Per FIPS 186. */
-      unsigned int  N,          /* Length of Q in bits.  Per FIPS 186. */
-      unsigned int  offset,     /* Per FIPS 186, App 2.2. & 186-3 App A.1.1.2 */
-      unsigned int  seedlen,    /* input. Length of seed in bits. (g in 186-1)*/
-const SECItem   *   seed,       /* input.  */
-const mp_int    *   Q,          /* input.  */
-      mp_int    *   P)          /* output. */
-    unsigned int  j;            /* Per FIPS 186-3 App. A.1.1.2  (k in 186-1)*/
-    unsigned int  n;            /* Per FIPS 186, appendix 2.2. */
-    mp_digit      b;            /* Per FIPS 186, appendix 2.2. */
-    unsigned int outlen;        /* Per FIPS 186-3 App. A.1.1.2 */
-    unsigned int hashlen;       /* outlen in bytes */
-    unsigned char V_j[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    mp_int        W, X, c, twoQ, V_n, tmp;
-    mp_err    err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv  = SECSuccess;
-    /* Initialize bignums */
-    MP_DIGITS(&W)     = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&X)     = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c)     = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&twoQ)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&V_n)   = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp)   = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&W)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&X)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&twoQ) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&V_n)  );
-    hashlen = HASH_ResultLen(hashtype);
-    outlen = hashlen*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    /* L - 1 = n*outlen + b */
-    n = (L - 1) / outlen;
-    b = (L - 1) % outlen;
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 11.1 (Step 7 in 186-1)
-    **  "for j = 0 ... n let
-    **           V_j = SHA[(SEED + offset + j) mod 2**seedlen]."
-    **
-    ** Step 11.2 (Step 8 in 186-1)
-    **   "W = V_0 + (V_1 * 2**outlen) + ... + (V_n-1 * 2**((n-1)*outlen)) 
-    **         + ((V_n mod 2**b) * 2**(n*outlen))
-    */
-    for (j=0; j<n; ++j) { /* Do the first n terms of V_j */
-	/* Do step 11.1 for iteration j.
-	** V_j = HASH[(seed + offset + j) mod 2**g]
-	*/
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( addToSeedThenHash(hashtype,seed,offset+j, seedlen, V_j) );
-	/* Do step 11.2 for iteration j.
-	** W += V_j * 2**(j*outlen)
-	*/
-	OCTETS_TO_MPINT(V_j, &tmp, hashlen);          /* get bignum V_j     */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_lsh(&tmp, &tmp, j*outlen) );/* tmp=V_j << j*outlen */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&W, &tmp, &W) );         /* W += tmp           */
-    }
-    /* Step 11.2, continued.
-    **   [W += ((V_n mod 2**b) * 2**(n*outlen))] 
-    */
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( addToSeedThenHash(hashtype, seed, offset + n, seedlen, V_j) );
-    OCTETS_TO_MPINT(V_j, &V_n, hashlen);          /* get bignum V_n     */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div_2d(&V_n, b, NULL, &tmp) ); /* tmp = V_n mod 2**b */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_lsh(&tmp, &tmp, n*outlen) );  /* tmp = tmp << n*outlen */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&W, &tmp, &W) );           /* W += tmp           */
-    /* Step 11.3, (Step 8 in 186-1) 
-    ** "X = W + 2**(L-1).
-    **  Note that 0 <= W < 2**(L-1) and hence 2**(L-1) <= X < 2**L."
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_set_bit(&X, (mp_size)(L-1), 1) );    /* X = 2**(L-1) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(&X, &W, &X) );                    /* X += W       */
-    /*************************************************************
-    ** Step 11.4. (Step 9 in 186-1)
-    ** "c = X mod 2q"
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul_2(Q, &twoQ) );                    /* 2q           */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&X, &twoQ, &c) );                 /* c = X mod 2q */
-    /*************************************************************
-    ** Step 11.5. (Step 9 in 186-1)
-    ** "p = X - (c - 1).
-    **  Note that p is congruent to 1 mod 2q."
-    */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&c, 1, &c) );                   /* c -= 1       */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(&X, &c, P) );                     /* P = X - c    */
-    mp_clear(&W);
-    mp_clear(&X);
-    mp_clear(&c);
-    mp_clear(&twoQ);
-    mp_clear(&V_n);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    if (err) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-** Generate G from h, P, and Q.
-static SECStatus
-makeGfromH(const mp_int *P,     /* input.  */
-           const mp_int *Q,     /* input.  */
-                 mp_int *H,     /* input and output. */
-                 mp_int *G,     /* output. */
-                 PRBool *passed)
-    mp_int exp, pm1;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    *passed = PR_FALSE;
-    MP_DIGITS(&exp) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&pm1) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&exp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&pm1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(P, 1, &pm1) );        /* P - 1            */
-    if ( mp_cmp(H, &pm1) >= 0)                   /* H >= P-1         */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(H, &pm1, H) );      /* H = H mod (P-1)  */
-    /* Let b = 2**n (smallest power of 2 greater than P).
-    ** Since P-1 >= b/2, and H < b, quotient(H/(P-1)) = 0 or 1
-    ** so the above operation safely computes H mod (P-1)
-    */
-    /* Check for H = to 0 or 1.  Regen H if so.  (Regen means return error). */
-    if (mp_cmp_d(H, 1) <= 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* Compute G, according to the equation  G = (H ** ((P-1)/Q)) mod P */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div(&pm1, Q, &exp, NULL) );  /* exp = (P-1)/Q      */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(H, &exp, P, G) );    /* G = H ** exp mod P */
-    /* Check for G == 0 or G == 1, return error if so. */
-    if (mp_cmp_d(G, 1) <= 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    *passed = PR_TRUE;
-    mp_clear(&exp);
-    mp_clear(&pm1);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-** Generate G from seed, index, P, and Q.
-static SECStatus
-makeGfromIndex(HASH_HashType hashtype,
-		const mp_int *P,	/* input.  */
-           	const mp_int *Q,	/* input.  */
-                const SECItem *seed,	/* input. */
-		unsigned char index,	/* input. */
-		mp_int *G)		/* input/output */
-    mp_int e, pm1, W;
-    unsigned int count;
-    unsigned char data[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned int len;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    const SECHashObject *hashobj = NULL;
-    void *hashcx = NULL;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&pm1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&W) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&pm1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&W) );
-    /* initialize our hash stuff */
-    hashobj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashtype);
-    if (hashobj == NULL) {
-	/* shouldn't happen */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    hashcx = hashobj->create();
-    if (hashcx == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(P, 1, &pm1) );        /* P - 1            */
-    /* Step 3 e = (p-1)/q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div(&pm1, Q, &e, NULL) );  /* e = (P-1)/Q      */
-    /* Steps 4, 5, and 6 */
-    /* count is a 16 bit value in the spec. We actually represent count
-     * as more than 16 bits so we can easily detect the 16 bit overflow */
-#define MAX_COUNT 0x10000
-    for (count = 1; count < MAX_COUNT; count++) {
-	/* step 7
-	 * U = domain_param_seed || "ggen" || index || count
-         * step 8
-	 * W = HASH(U)
-	 */
-	hashobj->begin(hashcx);
-	hashobj->update(hashcx,seed->data,seed->len);
-	hashobj->update(hashcx, (unsigned char *)"ggen", 4);
-	hashobj->update(hashcx,&index, 1);
-	data[0] = (count >> 8) & 0xff;
-	data[1] = count & 0xff;
-	hashobj->update(hashcx, data, 2);
-	hashobj->end(hashcx, data, &len, sizeof(data));
-	OCTETS_TO_MPINT(data, &W, len);
-	/* step 9. g = W**e mod p */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&W, &e, P, G) );
-	/* step 10. if (g < 2) then goto step 5 */
-	/* NOTE: this weird construct is to keep the flow according to the spec.
-	 * the continue puts us back to step 5 of the for loop */
-    	if (mp_cmp_d(G, 2) < 0) {
-	     continue;
-	}
-	break; /* step 11 follows step 10 if the test condition is false */
-    }
-    if (count >= MAX_COUNT) { 
-	rv = SECFailure; /* last part of step 6 */
-    }
-    /* step 11. 
-     * return valid G */
-    PORT_Memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
-    if (hashcx) {
-	hashobj->destroy(hashcx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    mp_clear(&pm1);
-    mp_clear(&W);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* This code uses labels and gotos, so that it can follow the numbered
-** steps in the algorithms from FIPS 186-3 appendix A.1.1.2 very closely,
-** and so that the correctness of this code can be easily verified.
-** So, please forgive the ugly c code.
-static SECStatus
-pqg_ParamGen(unsigned int L, unsigned int N, pqgGenType type,
-	 unsigned int seedBytes, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    unsigned int  n;        /* Per FIPS 186, app 2.2. 186-3 app A.1.1.2 */
-    unsigned int  seedlen;  /* Per FIPS 186-3 app A.1.1.2  (was 'g' 186-1)*/
-    unsigned int  counter;  /* Per FIPS 186, app 2.2. 186-3 app A.1.1.2 */
-    unsigned int  offset;   /* Per FIPS 186, app 2.2. 186-3 app A.1.1.2 */
-    unsigned int  outlen;   /* Per FIPS 186-3, appendix A.1.1.2. */
-    unsigned int  maxCount;
-    HASH_HashType hashtype;
-    SECItem      *seed;     /* Per FIPS 186, app 2.2. 186-3 app A.1.1.2 */
-    PLArenaPool  *arena  = NULL;
-    PQGParams    *params = NULL;
-    PQGVerify    *verify = NULL;
-    PRBool passed;
-    SECItem hit = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    SECItem firstseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    SECItem qseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    SECItem pseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    mp_int P, Q, G, H, l, p0;
-    mp_err    err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv  = SECFailure;
-    int iterations = 0;
-    /* Step 1. L and N already checked by caller*/
-    /* Step 2. if (seedlen < N) return INVALID; */
-    if (seedBytes < N/PR_BITS_PER_BYTE || !pParams || !pVfy) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Initialize an arena for the params. */
-    if (!arena) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    params = (PQGParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGParams));
-    if (!params) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    params->arena = arena;
-    /* Initialize an arena for the verify. */
-    if (!arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(params->arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    verify = (PQGVerify *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGVerify));
-    if (!verify) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	PORT_FreeArena(params->arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    verify->arena = arena;
-    seed = &verify->seed;
-    arena = NULL;
-    /* Initialize bignums */
-    MP_DIGITS(&P) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&G) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&H) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&l) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p0) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&P) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&G) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&H) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&l) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p0) );
-    /* Select Hash and Compute lengths. */
-    /* getFirstHash gives us the smallest acceptable hash for this key
-     * strength */
-    hashtype = getFirstHash(L,N);
-    outlen = HASH_ResultLen(hashtype)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-    /* Step 3: n = Ceil(L/outlen)-1; (same as n = Floor((L-1)/outlen)) */
-    n = (L - 1) / outlen; 
-    /* Step 4: (skipped since we don't use b): b = L -1 - (n*outlen); */
-    seedlen = seedBytes * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;    /* bits in seed */
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 5. (Step 1 in 186-1)
-    ** "Choose an abitrary sequence of at least N bits and call it SEED.
-    **  Let g be the length of SEED in bits."
-    */
-    if (++iterations > MAX_ITERATIONS) {        /* give up after a while */
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    seed->len = seedBytes;
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( getPQseed(seed, verify->arena) );
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 6. (Step 2 in 186-1)
-    **
-    ** "Compute U = SHA[SEED] XOR SHA[(SEED+1) mod 2**g].  (186-1)"
-    ** "Compute U = HASH[SEED] 2**(N-1).  (186-3)"
-    **
-    ** Step 7. (Step 3 in 186-1)
-    ** "Form Q from U by setting the most signficant bit (the 2**159 bit) 
-    **  and the least signficant bit to 1.  In terms of boolean operations,
-    **  Q = U OR 2**159 OR 1.  Note that 2**159 < Q < 2**160. (186-1)"
-    **
-    ** "q = 2**(N-1) + U + 1 - (U mod 2) (186-3)
-    **
-    ** Note: Both formulations are the same for U < 2**(N-1) and N=160
-    **
-    ** If using Shawe-Taylor, We do the entire A. setps in the block
-    ** FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE. 
-    */
-    if (type == FIPS186_1_TYPE) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makeQfromSeed(seedlen, seed, &Q) );
-    } else if (type == FIPS186_3_TYPE) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makeQ2fromSeed(hashtype, N, seed, &Q) );
-    } else {
-	/* FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE */
-	unsigned int qgen_counter, pgen_counter;
-        /* Step 1 (L,N) already checked for acceptability */
-	firstseed = *seed;
-	qgen_counter = 0;
-	/* Step 2. Use N and firstseed to  generate random prime q
-	 * using Apendix C.6 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePrimefromSeedShaweTaylor(hashtype, N, &firstseed, &Q,
-		&qseed, &qgen_counter) );
-	/* Step 3. Use floor(L/2+1) and qseed to generate random prime p0
-	 * using Appendix C.6 */
-	pgen_counter = 0;
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePrimefromSeedShaweTaylor(hashtype, (L+1)/2+1,
-			&qseed, &p0, &pseed, &pgen_counter) );
-	/* Steps 4-22 FIPS 186-3 appendix A. */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePrimefromPrimesShaweTaylor(hashtype, L, 
-		&p0, &Q, &P, &pseed, &pgen_counter) );
-	/* combine all the seeds */
-	seed->len = firstseed.len +qseed.len + pseed.len;
-	seed->data = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(verify->arena, seed->len);
-	if (seed->data == NULL) {
-	    goto cleanup;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(seed->data,, firstseed.len);
-	PORT_Memcpy(seed->data+firstseed.len,, pseed.len);
-	PORT_Memcpy(seed->data+firstseed.len+pseed.len,, qseed.len);
-	counter = 0 ; /* (qgen_counter << 16) | pgen_counter; */
-	/* we've generated both P and Q now, skip to generating G */
-	goto generate_G;
-    }
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 8. (Step 4 in 186-1)
-    ** "Use a robust primality testing algorithm to test whether q is prime."
-    **
-    ** Appendix 2.1 states that a Rabin test with at least 50 iterations
-    ** "will give an acceptable probability of error."
-    */
-    /*CHECK_SEC_OK( prm_RabinTest(&Q, &passed) );*/
-    err = mpp_pprime(&Q, prime_testcount_q(L,N));
-    passed = (err == MP_YES) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 9. (Step 5 in 186-1) "If q is not prime, goto step 5 (1 in 186-1)."
-    */
-    if (passed != SECSuccess)
-        goto step_5;
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 10. 
-    **      offset = 1;
-    **(     Step 6b 186-1)"Let counter = 0 and offset = 2."
-    */
-    offset = (type == FIPS186_1_TYPE) ? 2 : 1;
-    /*
-    ** Step 11. (Step 6a,13a,14 in 186-1)
-    **  For counter - 0 to (4L-1) do
-    **
-    */
-    maxCount = L >= 1024 ? (4*L - 1) : 4095;
-    for (counter = 0; counter <= maxCount; counter++) {
-	/* ******************************************************************
-	** Step 11.1  (Step 7 in 186-1)
-	** "for j = 0 ... n let
-	**          V_j = HASH[(SEED + offset + j) mod 2**seedlen]."
-	**
-	** Step 11.2 (Step 8 in 186-1)
-	** "W = V_0 + V_1*2**outlen+...+ V_n-1 * 2**((n-1)*outlen) + 
-	**                               ((Vn* mod 2**b)*2**(n*outlen))"
-	** Step 11.3 (Step 8 in 186-1)
-	** "X = W + 2**(L-1)
-	**  Note that 0 <= W < 2**(L-1) and hence 2**(L-1) <= X < 2**L."
-	**
-	** Step 11.4 (Step 9 in 186-1).
-	** "c = X mod 2q"
-	**
-	** Step 11.5 (Step 9 in 186-1).
-	** " p = X - (c - 1).
-	**  Note that p is congruent to 1 mod 2q."
-	*/
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePfromQandSeed(hashtype, L, N, offset, seedlen, 
-					seed, &Q, &P) );
-	/*************************************************************
-	** Step 11.6. (Step 10 in 186-1)
-	** "if p < 2**(L-1), then goto step 11.9. (step 13 in 186-1)"
-	*/
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_set_bit(&l, (mp_size)(L-1), 1) ); /* l = 2**(L-1) */
-	if (mp_cmp(&P, &l) < 0)
-            goto step_11_9;
-	/************************************************************
-	** Step 11.7 (step 11 in 186-1)
-	** "Perform a robust primality test on p."
-	*/
-	/*CHECK_SEC_OK( prm_RabinTest(&P, &passed) );*/
-	err = mpp_pprime(&P, prime_testcount_p(L, N));
-	passed = (err == MP_YES) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-	/* ******************************************************************
-	** Step 11.8. "If p is determined to be primed return VALID 
-        ** values of p, q, seed and counter."
-	*/
-	if (passed == SECSuccess)
-	    break;
-	/* ******************************************************************
-	** Step 11.9.  "offset = offset + n + 1."
-	*/
-	offset += n + 1;
-    }
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** Step 12.  "goto step 5."
-    **
-    ** NOTE: if counter <= maxCount, then we exited the loop at Step 11.8
-    ** and now need to return p,q, seed, and counter.
-    */
-    if (counter > maxCount) 
-	     goto step_5;
-    /* ******************************************************************
-    ** returning p, q, seed and counter
-    */
-    if (type == FIPS186_1_TYPE) {
-	/* Generate g, This is called the "Unverifiable Generation of g
-	 * in FIPA186-3 Appedix A.2.1. For compatibility we maintain
-	 * this version of the code */
-	SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, &hit, L/8); /* h is no longer than p */
-	if (! goto cleanup;
- 	do {
-	    /* loop generate h until 1<h<p-1 and (h**[(p-1)/q])mod p > 1 */
-	    CHECK_SEC_OK( generate_h_candidate(&hit, &H) );
-            CHECK_SEC_OK( makeGfromH(&P, &Q, &H, &G, &passed) );
-	} while (passed != PR_TRUE);
-        MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&H, &verify->h,        verify->arena);
-    } else {
-	unsigned char index = 1; /* default to 1 */
-	verify-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(verify->arena, 1);
-	if (verify-> == NULL) { goto cleanup; }
-	verify->h.len = 1;
-	verify->[0] = index;
-	/* Generate g, using the FIPS 186-3 Appendix A.23 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(makeGfromIndex(hashtype, &P, &Q, seed, index, &G) );
-    }
-    /* All generation is done.  Now, save the PQG params.  */
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&P, &params->prime,    params->arena);
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&Q, &params->subPrime, params->arena);
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&G, &params->base,     params->arena);
-    verify->counter = counter;
-    *pParams = params;
-    *pVfy = verify;
-    if ( {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if ( {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    mp_clear(&P);
-    mp_clear(&Q);
-    mp_clear(&G);
-    mp_clear(&H);
-    mp_clear(&l);
-    mp_clear(&p0);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(params->arena, PR_TRUE);
-	PORT_FreeArena(verify->arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if ( {
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&hit, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PQG_ParamGen(unsigned int j, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    unsigned int L;            /* Length of P in bits.  Per FIPS 186. */
-    unsigned int seedBytes;
-    if (j > 8 || !pParams || !pVfy) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    L = 512 + (j * 64);         /* bits in P */
-    seedBytes = L/8;
-    return pqg_ParamGen(L, DSA1_Q_BITS, FIPS186_1_TYPE, seedBytes, 
-                        pParams, pVfy);
-PQG_ParamGenSeedLen(unsigned int j, unsigned int seedBytes,
-                    PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    unsigned int L;            /* Length of P in bits.  Per FIPS 186. */
-    if (j > 8 || !pParams || !pVfy) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    L = 512 + (j * 64);         /* bits in P */
-    return pqg_ParamGen(L, DSA1_Q_BITS, FIPS186_1_TYPE, seedBytes,
-                        pParams, pVfy);
-PQG_ParamGenV2(unsigned int L, unsigned int N, unsigned int seedBytes,
-                    PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    if (N == 0) {
-	N = pqg_get_default_N(L);
-    }
-    if (seedBytes == 0) {
-	/* seedBytes == L/8 for probable primes, N/8 for Shawe-Taylor Primes */
-	seedBytes = N/8;
-    }
-    if (pqg_validate_dsa2(L,N) != SECSuccess) {
-	/* error code already set */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return pqg_ParamGen(L, N, FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE, seedBytes, pParams, pVfy);
- * verify can use vfy structures returned from either FIPS186-1 or
- * FIPS186-2, and can handle differences in selected Hash functions to
- * generate the parameters.
- */
-PQG_VerifyParams(const PQGParams *params, 
-                 const PQGVerify *vfy, SECStatus *result)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int g, n, L, N, offset, outlen;
-    mp_int p0, P, Q, G, P_, Q_, G_, r, h;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    int j;
-    unsigned int counter_max = 0; /* handle legacy L < 1024 */
-    unsigned int qseed_len;
-    SECItem pseed_ = {0, 0, 0};
-    HASH_HashType hashtype;
-    pqgGenType type;
-#define CHECKPARAM(cond)      \
-    if (!(cond)) {            \
-	*result = SECFailure; \
-	goto cleanup;         \
-    }
-    if (!params || !vfy || !result) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* always need at least p, q, and seed for any meaningful check */
-    if ((params->prime.len == 0) || (params->subPrime.len == 0) ||
-        (vfy->seed.len == 0)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* we want to either check PQ or G or both. If we don't have G, make
-     * sure we have count so we can check P. */
-    if ((params->base.len == 0) && (vfy->counter == -1)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&p0) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&P) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&G) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&P_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&Q_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&G_) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&h) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p0) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&P) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&G) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&P_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&Q_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&G_) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&h) );
-    *result = SECSuccess;
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(params->prime,    &P);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(params->subPrime, &Q);
-    /* if G isn't specified, just check P and Q */
-    if (params->base.len != 0) {
-	SECITEM_TO_MPINT(params->base,     &G);
-    }
-    /* 1.  Check (L,N) pair */
-    N = mpl_significant_bits(&Q);
-    L = mpl_significant_bits(&P);
-    if (L < 1024) {
-	/* handle DSA1 pqg parameters with less thatn 1024 bits*/
-	CHECKPARAM( j >= 0 && j <= 8 );
-	counter_max = 4096;
-    } else {
-	/* handle DSA2 parameters (includes DSA1, 1024 bits) */
-	CHECKPARAM(pqg_validate_dsa2(L, N) == SECSuccess);
-	counter_max = 4*L;
-    }
-    /* 3.  G < P */
-    if (params->base.len != 0) {
-	CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp(&G, &P) < 0 );
-    }
-    /* 4.  P % Q == 1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&P, &Q, &r) );
-    CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp_d(&r, 1) == 0 );
-    /* 5.  Q is prime */
-    CHECKPARAM( mpp_pprime(&Q, prime_testcount_q(L,N)) == MP_YES );
-    /* 6.  P is prime */
-    CHECKPARAM( mpp_pprime(&P, prime_testcount_p(L,N)) == MP_YES );
-    /* Steps 7-12 are done only if the optional PQGVerify is supplied. */
-    /* continue processing P */
-    /* 7.  counter < 4*L */
-    CHECKPARAM( (vfy->counter == -1) || (vfy->counter < counter_max) );
-    /* 8.  g >= N and g < 2*L   (g is length of seed in bits) */
-    g = vfy->seed.len * 8;
-    CHECKPARAM( g >= N && g < counter_max/2 );
-    /* 9.  Q generated from SEED matches Q in PQGParams. */
-    /* This function checks all possible hash and generation types to
-     * find a Q_ which matches Q. */
-    CHECKPARAM( findQfromSeed(L, N, g, &vfy->seed, &Q, &Q_, &qseed_len,
-					&hashtype, &type) == SECSuccess );
-    CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp(&Q, &Q_) == 0 );
-    if (type == FIPS186_3_ST_TYPE) {
-	SECItem qseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-	SECItem pseed = { 0, 0, 0 };
-	unsigned int first_seed_len;
-	unsigned int pgen_counter = 0;
-	/* extract pseed and qseed from domain_parameter_seed, which is
-	 * first_seed || pseed || qseed. qseed is first_seed + small_integer
-	 * pseed is qseed + small_integer. This means most of the time 
-	 * first_seed.len == qseed.len == pseed.len. Rarely qseed.len and/or
-	 * pseed.len will be one greater than first_seed.len, so we can
-	 * depend on the fact that 
-	 *   first_seed.len = floor(domain_parameter_seed.len/3).
-	 * findQfromSeed returned qseed.len, so we can calculate pseed.len as
-	 *   pseed.len = domain_parameter_seed.len - first_seed.len - qseed.len
-	 * this is probably over kill, since 99.999% of the time they will all
-	 * be equal.
-	 *
-	 * With the lengths, we can now find the offsets;
-	 * = + 0
-	 * = + first_seed.len
-	 * = 
-	 *         + domain_paramter_seed.len - qseed.len
-	 *
-	 */
-	first_seed_len = vfy->seed.len/3;
-	CHECKPARAM(qseed_len < vfy->seed.len);
-	CHECKPARAM(first_seed_len*8 > N-1);
-	CHECKPARAM(first_seed_len+qseed_len < vfy->seed.len);
-	qseed.len = qseed_len;
- = vfy-> + vfy->seed.len - qseed.len;
-	pseed.len = vfy->seed.len - (first_seed_len+qseed_len);
- = vfy-> + first_seed_len;
-	/*
-	 * now complete FIPS 186-3 A. Step 1 was completed
-	 * above in our initial checks, Step 2 was completed by
-	 * findQfromSeed */
-	/* Step 3 (status, c0, prime_seed, prime_gen_counter) =
-	** (ST_Random_Prime((ceil(length/2)+1, input_seed)
-	*/
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePrimefromSeedShaweTaylor(hashtype, (L+1)/2+1,
-			&qseed, &p0, &pseed_, &pgen_counter) );
-	/* Steps 4-22 FIPS 186-3 appendix A. */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePrimefromPrimesShaweTaylor(hashtype, L, 
-		&p0, &Q_, &P_, &pseed_, &pgen_counter) );
-	CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp(&P, &P_) == 0 );
-	/* make sure pseed wasn't tampered with (since it is part of 
-	 * calculating G) */
-	CHECKPARAM( SECITEM_CompareItem(&pseed, &pseed_) == SECEqual );
-    } else if (vfy->counter == -1) {
-	/* If counter is set to -1, we are really only verifying G, skip
-	 * the remainder of the checks for P */
-	CHECKPARAM(type != FIPS186_1_TYPE); /* we only do this for DSA2 */
-    } else {
-	/* 10. P generated from (L, counter, g, SEED, Q) matches P 
-	 * in PQGParams. */
-	outlen = HASH_ResultLen(hashtype)*PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-	n = (L - 1) / outlen;
-	offset = vfy->counter * (n + 1) + ((type == FIPS186_1_TYPE) ? 2 : 1);
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( makePfromQandSeed(hashtype, L, N, offset, g, &vfy->seed, 
-				    	&Q, &P_) );
-	CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp(&P, &P_) == 0 );
-    }
-    /* now check G, skip if don't have a g */
-    if (params->base.len == 0) goto cleanup;
-    /* first Always check that G is OK  FIPS186-3 A.2.2  & A.2.4*/
-    /* 1. 2 < G < P-1 */
-    /* P is prime, p-1 == zero 1st bit */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_set_bit(&P, 0, 0) );
-    CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp_d(&G, 2) > 0 && mp_cmp(&G, &P) < 0 );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_set_bit(&P, 0, 1) ); /* set it back */
-    /* 2. verify g**q mod p == 1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&G, &Q, &P, &h) );    /* h = G ** Q mod P */
-    CHECKPARAM(mp_cmp_d(&h, 1) == 0);
-    /* no h, the above is the best we can do */
-    if (vfy->h.len == 0) {
-	if (type != FIPS186_1_TYPE) {
-	    *result = SECWouldBlock;
-	}
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If h is one byte and FIPS186-3 was used to generate Q (we've verified
-     * Q was generated from seed already, then we assume that FIPS 186-3
-     * appendix A.2.3 was used to generate G. Otherwise we assume A.2.1 was
-     * used to generate G.
-     */
-    if ((vfy->h.len == 1) && (type != FIPS186_1_TYPE)) {
-	/* A.2.3 */
-	CHECK_SEC_OK(makeGfromIndex(hashtype, &P, &Q, &vfy->seed,
-				 vfy->[0], &G_) );
-	CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp(&G, &G_) == 0 );
-    } else {
-	int passed;
-	/* A.2.1 */
-	SECITEM_TO_MPINT(vfy->h, &h);
-	/* 11. 1 < h < P-1 */
-	/* P is prime, p-1 == zero 1st bit */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_set_bit(&P, 0, 0) );
-	CHECKPARAM( mp_cmp_d(&G, 2) > 0 && mp_cmp(&G, &P) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mpl_set_bit(&P, 0, 1) ); /* set it back */
-	/* 12. G generated from h matches G in PQGParams. */
- 	CHECK_SEC_OK( makeGfromH(&P, &Q, &h, &G_, &passed) );
-	CHECKPARAM( passed && mp_cmp(&G, &G_) == 0 );
-    }
-    mp_clear(&p0);
-    mp_clear(&P);
-    mp_clear(&Q);
-    mp_clear(&G);
-    mp_clear(&P_);
-    mp_clear(&Q_);
-    mp_clear(&G_);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    mp_clear(&h);
-    if ( {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&pseed_,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
- *  Free the PQGParams struct and the things it points to.                *
- **************************************************************************/
-PQG_DestroyParams(PQGParams *params)
-    if (params == NULL) 
-    	return;
-    if (params->arena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(params->arena, PR_FALSE);	/* don't zero it */
-    } else {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->prime,    PR_FALSE); /* don't free prime */
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->subPrime, PR_FALSE); /* don't free subPrime */
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->base,     PR_FALSE); /* don't free base */
-	PORT_Free(params);
-    }
- *  Free the PQGVerify struct and the things it points to.                *
- **************************************************************************/
-PQG_DestroyVerify(PQGVerify *vfy)
-    if (vfy == NULL) 
-    	return;
-    if (vfy->arena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(vfy->arena, PR_FALSE);	/* don't zero it */
-    } else {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&vfy->seed,   PR_FALSE); /* don't free seed */
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&vfy->h,      PR_FALSE); /* don't free h */
-	PORT_Free(vfy);
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/pqg.h b/nss/lib/freebl/pqg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 097f360..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/pqg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  pqg.h
- *
- *  header file for pqg functions exported just to freebl
- */
-#ifndef _PQG_H_
-#define _PQG_H_ 1
-/* PQG_GetLength returns the significant bytes in the SECItem object (that is 
- * the length of the object minus any leading zeros. Any SECItem may be used,
- * though this function is usually used for P, Q, or G values */
-unsigned int PQG_GetLength(const SECItem *obj);
-/* Check to see the PQG parameters patch a NIST defined DSA size,
- * returns SECFaillure and sets SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS if it doesn't.
- * See blapi.h for legal DSA PQG sizes. */
-SECStatus PQG_Check(const PQGParams *params);
-/* Return the prefered hash algorithm for the given PQGParameters. */
-HASH_HashType PQG_GetHashType(const PQGParams *params);
-#endif /* _PQG_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/rawhash.c b/nss/lib/freebl/rawhash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7962b1f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/rawhash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "blapi.h"	/* below the line */
-#include "secerr.h"
-static void *
-    return NULL;
-static void *
-null_hash_clone_context(void *v)
-    PORT_Assert(v == NULL);
-    return NULL;
-static void
-null_hash_begin(void *v)
-static void
-null_hash_update(void *v, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int length)
-static void
-null_hash_end(void *v, unsigned char *output, unsigned int *outLen,
-	      unsigned int maxOut)
-    *outLen = 0;
-static void
-null_hash_destroy_context(void *v, PRBool b)
-    PORT_Assert(v == NULL);
-const SECHashObject SECRawHashObjects[] = {
-  { 0,
-    (void * (*)(void)) null_hash_new_context,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) null_hash_destroy_context,
-    (void (*)(void *)) null_hash_begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) null_hash_update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) null_hash_end,
-    0,
-    HASH_AlgNULL,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) null_hash_end
-  },
-  { MD2_LENGTH,
-    (void * (*)(void)) MD2_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) MD2_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) MD2_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) MD2_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int)) MD2_End,
-    HASH_AlgMD2,
-    NULL /* end_raw */
-  },
-  { MD5_LENGTH,
-    (void * (*)(void)) MD5_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) MD5_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) MD5_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) MD5_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int)) MD5_End,
-    HASH_AlgMD5,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int)) MD5_EndRaw
-  },
-    (void * (*)(void)) SHA1_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) SHA1_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) SHA1_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) SHA1_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int)) SHA1_End,
-    HASH_AlgSHA1,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int))
-	SHA1_EndRaw
-  },
-  { SHA256_LENGTH,
-    (void * (*)(void)) SHA256_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) SHA256_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) SHA256_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) SHA256_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA256_End,
-    HASH_AlgSHA256,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA256_EndRaw
-  },
-  { SHA384_LENGTH,
-    (void * (*)(void)) SHA384_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) SHA384_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) SHA384_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) SHA384_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA384_End,
-    HASH_AlgSHA384,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA384_EndRaw
-  },
-  { SHA512_LENGTH,
-    (void * (*)(void)) SHA512_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) SHA512_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) SHA512_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) SHA512_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA512_End,
-    HASH_AlgSHA512,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA512_EndRaw
-  },
-  { SHA224_LENGTH,
-    (void * (*)(void)) SHA224_NewContext,
-    (void * (*)(void *)) null_hash_clone_context,
-    (void (*)(void *, PRBool)) SHA224_DestroyContext,
-    (void (*)(void *)) SHA224_Begin,
-    (void (*)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int)) SHA224_Update,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA224_End,
-    HASH_AlgSHA224,
-    (void (*)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *,
-	      unsigned int)) SHA224_EndRaw
-  },
-const SECHashObject *
-HASH_GetRawHashObject(HASH_HashType hashType)
-    if (hashType < HASH_AlgNULL || hashType >= HASH_AlgTOTAL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return &SECRawHashObjects[hashType];
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.c b/nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e38f6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1327 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "prerr.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "rijndael.h"
-#include "cts.h"
-#include "ctr.h"
-#include "gcm.h"
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-#include "intel-aes.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-static int has_intel_aes = 0;
-static PRBool use_hw_aes = PR_FALSE;
-#ifdef INTEL_GCM
-#include "intel-gcm.h"
-static int has_intel_avx = 0;
-static int has_intel_clmul = 0;
-static PRBool use_hw_gcm = PR_FALSE;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_M_IX86)
-#include <intrin.h>  /* for _xgetbv() */
-#endif  /* USE_HW_AES */
- * There are currently five ways to build this code, varying in performance
- * and code size.
- *
- * RIJNDAEL_INCLUDE_TABLES         Include all tables from
- * RIJNDAEL_GENERATE_TABLES        Generate tables on first 
- *                                 encryption/decryption, then store them;
- *                                 use the function gfm
- * RIJNDAEL_GENERATE_TABLES_MACRO  Same as above, but use macros to do
- *                                 the generation
- * RIJNDAEL_GENERATE_VALUES        Do not store tables, generate the table
- *                                 values "on-the-fly", using gfm
- * RIJNDAEL_GENERATE_VALUES_MACRO  Same as above, but use macros
- *
- */
- * When building RIJNDAEL_INCLUDE_TABLES, includes S**-1, Rcon, T[0..4], 
- *                                                 T**-1[0..4], IMXC[0..4]
- * When building anything else, includes S, S**-1, Rcon
- */
-#include ""
- */
-#define T0(i)    _T0[i]
-#define T1(i)    _T1[i]
-#define T2(i)    _T2[i]
-#define T3(i)    _T3[i]
-#define TInv0(i) _TInv0[i]
-#define TInv1(i) _TInv1[i]
-#define TInv2(i) _TInv2[i]
-#define TInv3(i) _TInv3[i]
-#define IMXC0(b) _IMXC0[b]
-#define IMXC1(b) _IMXC1[b]
-#define IMXC2(b) _IMXC2[b]
-#define IMXC3(b) _IMXC3[b]
-/* The S-box can be recovered from the T-tables */
-#define SBOX(b)    ((PRUint8)_T3[b])
-#define SBOX(b)    ((PRUint8)_T1[b])
-#define SINV(b) (_SInv[b])
- * Code for generating T-table values.
- */
-#define WORD4(b0, b1, b2, b3) \
-    (((b3) << 24) | ((b2) << 16) | ((b1) << 8) | (b0))
-#define WORD4(b0, b1, b2, b3) \
-    (((b0) << 24) | ((b1) << 16) | ((b2) << 8) | (b3))
- * Define the S and S**-1 tables (both have been stored)
- */
-#define SBOX(b)    (_S[b])
-#define SINV(b) (_SInv[b])
- * The function xtime, used for Galois field multiplication
- */
-#define XTIME(a) \
-    ((a & 0x80) ? ((a << 1) ^ 0x1b) : (a << 1))
-/* Choose GFM method (macros or function) */
- * Galois field GF(2**8) multipliers, in macro form
- */
-#define GFM01(a) \
-    (a)                                 /* a * 01 = a, the identity */
-#define GFM02(a) \
-    (XTIME(a) & 0xff)                   /* a * 02 = xtime(a) */
-#define GFM04(a) \
-    (GFM02(GFM02(a)))                   /* a * 04 = xtime**2(a) */
-#define GFM08(a) \
-    (GFM02(GFM04(a)))                   /* a * 08 = xtime**3(a) */
-#define GFM03(a) \
-    (GFM01(a) ^ GFM02(a))               /* a * 03 = a * (01 + 02) */
-#define GFM09(a) \
-    (GFM01(a) ^ GFM08(a))               /* a * 09 = a * (01 + 08) */
-#define GFM0B(a) \
-    (GFM01(a) ^ GFM02(a) ^ GFM08(a))    /* a * 0B = a * (01 + 02 + 08) */
-#define GFM0D(a) \
-    (GFM01(a) ^ GFM04(a) ^ GFM08(a))    /* a * 0D = a * (01 + 04 + 08) */
-#define GFM0E(a) \
-    (GFM02(a) ^ GFM04(a) ^ GFM08(a))    /* a * 0E = a * (02 + 04 + 08) */
- *
- * multiply two bytes represented in GF(2**8), mod (x**4 + 1)
- */
-PRUint8 gfm(PRUint8 a, PRUint8 b)
-    PRUint8 res = 0;
-    while (b > 0) {
-	res = (b & 0x01) ? res ^ a : res;
-	a = XTIME(a);
-	b >>= 1;
-    }
-    return res;
-#define GFM01(a) \
-    (a)                                 /* a * 01 = a, the identity */
-#define GFM02(a) \
-    (XTIME(a) & 0xff)                   /* a * 02 = xtime(a) */
-#define GFM03(a) \
-    (gfm(a, 0x03))                      /* a * 03 */
-#define GFM09(a) \
-    (gfm(a, 0x09))                      /* a * 09 */
-#define GFM0B(a) \
-    (gfm(a, 0x0B))                      /* a * 0B */
-#define GFM0D(a) \
-    (gfm(a, 0x0D))                      /* a * 0D */
-#define GFM0E(a) \
-    (gfm(a, 0x0E))                      /* a * 0E */
-#endif /* choosing GFM function */
- * The T-tables
- */
-#define G_T0(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM02(SBOX(i)), GFM01(SBOX(i)), GFM01(SBOX(i)), GFM03(SBOX(i)) ) )
-#define G_T1(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM03(SBOX(i)), GFM02(SBOX(i)), GFM01(SBOX(i)), GFM01(SBOX(i)) ) )
-#define G_T2(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM01(SBOX(i)), GFM03(SBOX(i)), GFM02(SBOX(i)), GFM01(SBOX(i)) ) )
-#define G_T3(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM01(SBOX(i)), GFM01(SBOX(i)), GFM03(SBOX(i)), GFM02(SBOX(i)) ) )
- * The inverse T-tables
- */
-#define G_TInv0(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM0E(SINV(i)), GFM09(SINV(i)), GFM0D(SINV(i)), GFM0B(SINV(i)) ) )
-#define G_TInv1(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM0B(SINV(i)), GFM0E(SINV(i)), GFM09(SINV(i)), GFM0D(SINV(i)) ) )
-#define G_TInv2(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM0D(SINV(i)), GFM0B(SINV(i)), GFM0E(SINV(i)), GFM09(SINV(i)) ) )
-#define G_TInv3(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM09(SINV(i)), GFM0D(SINV(i)), GFM0B(SINV(i)), GFM0E(SINV(i)) ) )
- * The inverse mix column tables
- */
-#define G_IMXC0(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM0E(i), GFM09(i), GFM0D(i), GFM0B(i) ) )
-#define G_IMXC1(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM0B(i), GFM0E(i), GFM09(i), GFM0D(i) ) )
-#define G_IMXC2(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM0D(i), GFM0B(i), GFM0E(i), GFM09(i) ) )
-#define G_IMXC3(i) \
-    ( WORD4( GFM09(i), GFM0D(i), GFM0B(i), GFM0E(i) ) )
-/* Now choose the T-table indexing method */
-/* generate values for the tables with a function*/
-static PRUint32 gen_TInvXi(PRUint8 tx, PRUint8 i)
-    PRUint8 si01, si02, si03, si04, si08, si09, si0B, si0D, si0E;
-    si01 = SINV(i);
-    si02 = XTIME(si01);
-    si04 = XTIME(si02);
-    si08 = XTIME(si04);
-    si03 = si02 ^ si01;
-    si09 = si08 ^ si01;
-    si0B = si08 ^ si03;
-    si0D = si09 ^ si04;
-    si0E = si08 ^ si04 ^ si02;
-    switch (tx) {
-    case 0:
-	return WORD4(si0E, si09, si0D, si0B);
-    case 1:
-	return WORD4(si0B, si0E, si09, si0D);
-    case 2:
-	return WORD4(si0D, si0B, si0E, si09);
-    case 3:
-	return WORD4(si09, si0D, si0B, si0E);
-    }
-    return -1;
-#define T0(i)    G_T0(i)
-#define T1(i)    G_T1(i)
-#define T2(i)    G_T2(i)
-#define T3(i)    G_T3(i)
-#define TInv0(i) gen_TInvXi(0, i)
-#define TInv1(i) gen_TInvXi(1, i)
-#define TInv2(i) gen_TInvXi(2, i)
-#define TInv3(i) gen_TInvXi(3, i)
-#define IMXC0(b) G_IMXC0(b)
-#define IMXC1(b) G_IMXC1(b)
-#define IMXC2(b) G_IMXC2(b)
-#define IMXC3(b) G_IMXC3(b)
-/* generate values for the tables with macros */
-#define T0(i)    G_T0(i)
-#define T1(i)    G_T1(i)
-#define T2(i)    G_T2(i)
-#define T3(i)    G_T3(i)
-#define TInv0(i) G_TInv0(i)
-#define TInv1(i) G_TInv1(i)
-#define TInv2(i) G_TInv2(i)
-#define TInv3(i) G_TInv3(i)
-#define IMXC0(b) G_IMXC0(b)
-#define IMXC1(b) G_IMXC1(b)
-#define IMXC2(b) G_IMXC2(b)
-#define IMXC3(b) G_IMXC3(b)
-/* Generate T and T**-1 table values and store, then index */
-/* The inverse mix column tables are still generated */
-#define T0(i)    rijndaelTables->T0[i]
-#define T1(i)    rijndaelTables->T1[i]
-#define T2(i)    rijndaelTables->T2[i]
-#define T3(i)    rijndaelTables->T3[i]
-#define TInv0(i) rijndaelTables->TInv0[i]
-#define TInv1(i) rijndaelTables->TInv1[i]
-#define TInv2(i) rijndaelTables->TInv2[i]
-#define TInv3(i) rijndaelTables->TInv3[i]
-#define IMXC0(b) G_IMXC0(b)
-#define IMXC1(b) G_IMXC1(b)
-#define IMXC2(b) G_IMXC2(b)
-#define IMXC3(b) G_IMXC3(b)
-#endif /* choose T-table indexing method */
-#if defined(RIJNDAEL_GENERATE_TABLES) ||  \
-/* Code to generate and store the tables */
-struct rijndael_tables_str {
-    PRUint32 T0[256];
-    PRUint32 T1[256];
-    PRUint32 T2[256];
-    PRUint32 T3[256];
-    PRUint32 TInv0[256];
-    PRUint32 TInv1[256];
-    PRUint32 TInv2[256];
-    PRUint32 TInv3[256];
-static struct rijndael_tables_str *rijndaelTables = NULL;
-static PRCallOnceType coRTInit = { 0, 0, 0 };
-static PRStatus 
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRUint8 si01, si02, si03, si04, si08, si09, si0B, si0D, si0E;
-    struct rijndael_tables_str *rts;
-    rts = (struct rijndael_tables_str *)
-                   PORT_Alloc(sizeof(struct rijndael_tables_str));
-    if (!rts) return PR_FAILURE;
-    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
-	/* The forward values */
-	si01 = SBOX(i);
-	si02 = XTIME(si01);
-	si03 = si02 ^ si01;
-	rts->T0[i] = WORD4(si02, si01, si01, si03);
-	rts->T1[i] = WORD4(si03, si02, si01, si01);
-	rts->T2[i] = WORD4(si01, si03, si02, si01);
-	rts->T3[i] = WORD4(si01, si01, si03, si02);
-	/* The inverse values */
-	si01 = SINV(i);
-	si02 = XTIME(si01);
-	si04 = XTIME(si02);
-	si08 = XTIME(si04);
-	si03 = si02 ^ si01;
-	si09 = si08 ^ si01;
-	si0B = si08 ^ si03;
-	si0D = si09 ^ si04;
-	si0E = si08 ^ si04 ^ si02;
-	rts->TInv0[i] = WORD4(si0E, si09, si0D, si0B);
-	rts->TInv1[i] = WORD4(si0B, si0E, si09, si0D);
-	rts->TInv2[i] = WORD4(si0D, si0B, si0E, si09);
-	rts->TInv3[i] = WORD4(si09, si0D, si0B, si0E);
-    }
-    /* wait until all the values are in to set */
-    rijndaelTables = rts;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-#endif /* code to generate tables */
- *
- * Stuff related to the Rijndael key schedule
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-#define SUBBYTE(w) \
-    ((SBOX((w >> 24) & 0xff) << 24) | \
-     (SBOX((w >> 16) & 0xff) << 16) | \
-     (SBOX((w >>  8) & 0xff) <<  8) | \
-     (SBOX((w      ) & 0xff)         ))
-#define ROTBYTE(b) \
-    ((b >> 8) | (b << 24))
-#define ROTBYTE(b) \
-    ((b << 8) | (b >> 24))
-/* rijndael_key_expansion7
- *
- * Generate the expanded key from the key input by the user.
- * XXX
- * Nk == 7 (224 key bits) is a weird case.  Since Nk > 6, an added SubByte
- * transformation is done periodically.  The period is every 4 bytes, and
- * since 7%4 != 0 this happens at different times for each key word (unlike
- * Nk == 8 where it happens twice in every key word, in the same positions).
- * For now, I'm implementing this case "dumbly", w/o any unrolling.
- */
-static SECStatus
-rijndael_key_expansion7(AESContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int Nk)
-    unsigned int i;
-    PRUint32 *W;
-    PRUint32 *pW;
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    W = cx->expandedKey;
-    /* 1.  the first Nk words contain the cipher key */
-    memcpy(W, key, Nk * 4);
-    i = Nk;
-    /* 2.  loop until full expanded key is obtained */
-    pW = W + i - 1;
-    for (; i < cx->Nb * (cx->Nr + 1); ++i) {
-	tmp = *pW++;
-	if (i % Nk == 0)
-	    tmp = SUBBYTE(ROTBYTE(tmp)) ^ Rcon[i / Nk - 1];
-	else if (i % Nk == 4)
-	    tmp = SUBBYTE(tmp);
-	*pW = W[i - Nk] ^ tmp;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* rijndael_key_expansion
- *
- * Generate the expanded key from the key input by the user.
- */
-static SECStatus
-rijndael_key_expansion(AESContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int Nk)
-    unsigned int i;
-    PRUint32 *W;
-    PRUint32 *pW;
-    PRUint32 tmp;
-    unsigned int round_key_words = cx->Nb * (cx->Nr + 1);
-    if (Nk == 7)
-	return rijndael_key_expansion7(cx, key, Nk);
-    W = cx->expandedKey;
-    /* The first Nk words contain the input cipher key */
-    memcpy(W, key, Nk * 4);
-    i = Nk;
-    pW = W + i - 1;
-    /* Loop over all sets of Nk words, except the last */
-    while (i < round_key_words - Nk) {
-	tmp = *pW++;
-	tmp = SUBBYTE(ROTBYTE(tmp)) ^ Rcon[i / Nk - 1];
-	*pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	tmp = *pW++; *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	tmp = *pW++; *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	tmp = *pW++; *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	if (Nk == 4)
-	    continue;
-	switch (Nk) {
-	case 8: tmp = *pW++; tmp = SUBBYTE(tmp); *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	case 7: tmp = *pW++; *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	case 6: tmp = *pW++; *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	case 5: tmp = *pW++; *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Generate the last word */
-    tmp = *pW++;
-    tmp = SUBBYTE(ROTBYTE(tmp)) ^ Rcon[i / Nk - 1];
-    *pW = W[i++ - Nk] ^ tmp;
-    /* There may be overflow here, if Nk % (Nb * (Nr + 1)) > 0.  However,
-     * since the above loop generated all but the last Nk key words, there
-     * is no more need for the SubByte transformation.
-     */
-    if (Nk < 8) {
-	for (; i < round_key_words; ++i) {
-	    tmp = *pW++; 
-	    *pW = W[i - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* except in the case when Nk == 8.  Then one more SubByte may have
-	 * to be performed, at i % Nk == 4.
-	 */
-	for (; i < round_key_words; ++i) {
-	    tmp = *pW++;
-	    if (i % Nk == 4)
-		tmp = SUBBYTE(tmp);
-	    *pW = W[i - Nk] ^ tmp;
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* rijndael_invkey_expansion
- *
- * Generate the expanded key for the inverse cipher from the key input by 
- * the user.
- */
-static SECStatus
-rijndael_invkey_expansion(AESContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int Nk)
-    unsigned int r;
-    PRUint32 *roundkeyw;
-    PRUint8 *b;
-    int Nb = cx->Nb;
-    /* begins like usual key expansion ... */
-    if (rijndael_key_expansion(cx, key, Nk) != SECSuccess)
-	return SECFailure;
-    /* ... but has the additional step of InvMixColumn,
-     * excepting the first and last round keys.
-     */
-    roundkeyw = cx->expandedKey + cx->Nb;
-    for (r=1; r<cx->Nr; ++r) {
-	/* each key word, roundkeyw, represents a column in the key
-	 * matrix.  Each column is multiplied by the InvMixColumn matrix.
-	 *   [ 0E 0B 0D 09 ]   [ b0 ]
-	 *   [ 09 0E 0B 0D ] * [ b1 ]
-	 *   [ 0D 09 0E 0B ]   [ b2 ]
-	 *   [ 0B 0D 09 0E ]   [ b3 ]
-	 */
-	b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	*roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	*roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	*roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	*roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	if (Nb <= 4)
-	    continue;
-	switch (Nb) {
-	case 8: b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	        *roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ 
-	                       IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	case 7: b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	        *roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ 
-	                       IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	case 6: b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	        *roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ 
-	                       IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	case 5: b = (PRUint8 *)roundkeyw;
-	        *roundkeyw++ = IMXC0(b[0]) ^ IMXC1(b[1]) ^ 
-	                       IMXC2(b[2]) ^ IMXC3(b[3]);
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- * Stuff related to Rijndael encryption/decryption, optimized for
- * a 128-bit blocksize.
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-#define BYTE0WORD(w) ((w) & 0x000000ff)
-#define BYTE1WORD(w) ((w) & 0x0000ff00)
-#define BYTE2WORD(w) ((w) & 0x00ff0000)
-#define BYTE3WORD(w) ((w) & 0xff000000)
-#define BYTE0WORD(w) ((w) & 0xff000000)
-#define BYTE1WORD(w) ((w) & 0x00ff0000)
-#define BYTE2WORD(w) ((w) & 0x0000ff00)
-#define BYTE3WORD(w) ((w) & 0x000000ff)
-typedef union {
-    PRUint32 w[4];
-    PRUint8  b[16];
-} rijndael_state;
-#define COLUMN_0(state) state.w[0]
-#define COLUMN_1(state) state.w[1]
-#define COLUMN_2(state) state.w[2]
-#define COLUMN_3(state) state.w[3]
-#define STATE_BYTE(i) state.b[i]
-static SECStatus 
-rijndael_encryptBlock128(AESContext *cx, 
-                         unsigned char *output,
-                         const unsigned char *input)
-    unsigned int r;
-    PRUint32 *roundkeyw;
-    rijndael_state state;
-    PRUint32 C0, C1, C2, C3;
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#define pIn input
-#define pOut output
-    unsigned char *pIn, *pOut;
-    PRUint32 inBuf[4], outBuf[4];
-    if ((ptrdiff_t)input & 0x3) {
-	memcpy(inBuf, input, sizeof inBuf);
-	pIn = (unsigned char *)inBuf;
-    } else {
-	pIn = (unsigned char *)input;
-    }
-    if ((ptrdiff_t)output & 0x3) {
-	pOut = (unsigned char *)outBuf;
-    } else {
-	pOut = (unsigned char *)output;
-    }
-    roundkeyw = cx->expandedKey;
-    /* Step 1: Add Round Key 0 to initial state */
-    COLUMN_0(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn     )) ^ *roundkeyw++;
-    COLUMN_1(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 4 )) ^ *roundkeyw++;
-    COLUMN_2(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 8 )) ^ *roundkeyw++;
-    COLUMN_3(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 12)) ^ *roundkeyw++;
-    /* Step 2: Loop over rounds [1..NR-1] */
-    for (r=1; r<cx->Nr; ++r) {
-        /* Do ShiftRow, ByteSub, and MixColumn all at once */
-	C0 = T0(STATE_BYTE(0))  ^
-	     T1(STATE_BYTE(5))  ^
-	     T2(STATE_BYTE(10)) ^
-	     T3(STATE_BYTE(15));
-	C1 = T0(STATE_BYTE(4))  ^
-	     T1(STATE_BYTE(9))  ^
-	     T2(STATE_BYTE(14)) ^
-	     T3(STATE_BYTE(3));
-	C2 = T0(STATE_BYTE(8))  ^
-	     T1(STATE_BYTE(13)) ^
-	     T2(STATE_BYTE(2))  ^
-	     T3(STATE_BYTE(7));
-	C3 = T0(STATE_BYTE(12)) ^
-	     T1(STATE_BYTE(1))  ^
-	     T2(STATE_BYTE(6))  ^
-	     T3(STATE_BYTE(11));
-	/* Round key addition */
-	COLUMN_0(state) = C0 ^ *roundkeyw++;
-	COLUMN_1(state) = C1 ^ *roundkeyw++;
-	COLUMN_2(state) = C2 ^ *roundkeyw++;
-	COLUMN_3(state) = C3 ^ *roundkeyw++;
-    }
-    /* Step 3: Do the last round */
-    /* Final round does not employ MixColumn */
-    C0 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(0))))   |
-          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(5))))   |
-          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(10))))  |
-          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(15)))))  ^
-          *roundkeyw++;
-    C1 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(4))))   |
-          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(9))))   |
-          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(14))))  |
-          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(3)))))   ^
-          *roundkeyw++;
-    C2 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(8))))   |
-          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(13))))  |
-          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(2))))   |
-          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(7)))))   ^
-          *roundkeyw++;
-    C3 = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(12))))  |
-          (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(1))))   |
-          (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(6))))   |
-          (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(11)))))  ^
-          *roundkeyw++;
-    *((PRUint32 *) pOut     )  = C0;
-    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 4))  = C1;
-    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 8))  = C2;
-    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 12)) = C3;
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#undef pIn
-#undef pOut
-    if ((ptrdiff_t)output & 0x3) {
-	memcpy(output, outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus 
-rijndael_decryptBlock128(AESContext *cx, 
-                         unsigned char *output,
-                         const unsigned char *input)
-    int r;
-    PRUint32 *roundkeyw;
-    rijndael_state state;
-    PRUint32 C0, C1, C2, C3;
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#define pIn input
-#define pOut output
-    unsigned char *pIn, *pOut;
-    PRUint32 inBuf[4], outBuf[4];
-    if ((ptrdiff_t)input & 0x3) {
-	memcpy(inBuf, input, sizeof inBuf);
-	pIn = (unsigned char *)inBuf;
-    } else {
-	pIn = (unsigned char *)input;
-    }
-    if ((ptrdiff_t)output & 0x3) {
-	pOut = (unsigned char *)outBuf;
-    } else {
-	pOut = (unsigned char *)output;
-    }
-    roundkeyw = cx->expandedKey + cx->Nb * cx->Nr + 3;
-    /* reverse the final key addition */
-    COLUMN_3(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn + 12)) ^ *roundkeyw--;
-    COLUMN_2(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn +  8)) ^ *roundkeyw--;
-    COLUMN_1(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn +  4)) ^ *roundkeyw--;
-    COLUMN_0(state) = *((PRUint32 *)(pIn     )) ^ *roundkeyw--;
-    /* Loop over rounds in reverse [NR..1] */
-    for (r=cx->Nr; r>1; --r) {
-	/* Invert the (InvByteSub*InvMixColumn)(InvShiftRow(state)) */
-	C0 = TInv0(STATE_BYTE(0))  ^
-	     TInv1(STATE_BYTE(13)) ^
-	     TInv2(STATE_BYTE(10)) ^
-	     TInv3(STATE_BYTE(7));
-	C1 = TInv0(STATE_BYTE(4))  ^
-	     TInv1(STATE_BYTE(1))  ^
-	     TInv2(STATE_BYTE(14)) ^
-	     TInv3(STATE_BYTE(11));
-	C2 = TInv0(STATE_BYTE(8))  ^
-	     TInv1(STATE_BYTE(5))  ^
-	     TInv2(STATE_BYTE(2))  ^
-	     TInv3(STATE_BYTE(15));
-	C3 = TInv0(STATE_BYTE(12)) ^
-	     TInv1(STATE_BYTE(9))  ^
-	     TInv2(STATE_BYTE(6))  ^
-	     TInv3(STATE_BYTE(3));
-	/* Invert the key addition step */
-	COLUMN_3(state) = C3 ^ *roundkeyw--;
-	COLUMN_2(state) = C2 ^ *roundkeyw--;
-	COLUMN_1(state) = C1 ^ *roundkeyw--;
-	COLUMN_0(state) = C0 ^ *roundkeyw--;
-    }
-    /* inverse sub */
-    pOut[ 0] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 0));
-    pOut[ 1] = SINV(STATE_BYTE(13));
-    pOut[ 2] = SINV(STATE_BYTE(10));
-    pOut[ 3] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 7));
-    pOut[ 4] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 4));
-    pOut[ 5] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 1));
-    pOut[ 6] = SINV(STATE_BYTE(14));
-    pOut[ 7] = SINV(STATE_BYTE(11));
-    pOut[ 8] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 8));
-    pOut[ 9] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 5));
-    pOut[10] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 2));
-    pOut[11] = SINV(STATE_BYTE(15));
-    pOut[12] = SINV(STATE_BYTE(12));
-    pOut[13] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 9));
-    pOut[14] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 6));
-    pOut[15] = SINV(STATE_BYTE( 3));
-    /* final key addition */
-    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut + 12)) ^= *roundkeyw--;
-    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut +  8)) ^= *roundkeyw--;
-    *((PRUint32 *)(pOut +  4)) ^= *roundkeyw--;
-    *((PRUint32 *) pOut      ) ^= *roundkeyw--;
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#undef pIn
-#undef pOut
-    if ((ptrdiff_t)output & 0x3) {
-	memcpy(output, outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- * Stuff related to general Rijndael encryption/decryption, for blocksizes
- * greater than 128 bits.
- *
- * XXX This code is currently untested!  So far, AES specs have only been
- *     released for 128 bit blocksizes.  This will be tested, but for now
- *     only the code above has been tested using known values.
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-#define COLUMN(array, j) *((PRUint32 *)(array + j))
-rijndael_encryptBlock(AESContext *cx, 
-                      unsigned char *output,
-                      const unsigned char *input)
-    return SECFailure;
-#ifdef rijndael_large_blocks_fixed
-    unsigned int j, r, Nb;
-    unsigned int c2=0, c3=0;
-    PRUint32 *roundkeyw;
-    Nb = cx->Nb;
-    roundkeyw = cx->expandedKey;
-    /* Step 1: Add Round Key 0 to initial state */
-    for (j=0; j<4*Nb; j+=4) {
-	COLUMN(clone, j) = COLUMN(input, j) ^ *roundkeyw++;
-    }
-    /* Step 2: Loop over rounds [1..NR-1] */
-    for (r=1; r<cx->Nr; ++r) {
-	for (j=0; j<Nb; ++j) {
-	    COLUMN(output, j) = T0(STATE_BYTE(4*  j          )) ^
-	                        T1(STATE_BYTE(4*((j+ 1)%Nb)+1)) ^
-	                        T2(STATE_BYTE(4*((j+c2)%Nb)+2)) ^
-	                        T3(STATE_BYTE(4*((j+c3)%Nb)+3));
-	}
-	for (j=0; j<4*Nb; j+=4) {
-	    COLUMN(clone, j) = COLUMN(output, j) ^ *roundkeyw++;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Step 3: Do the last round */
-    /* Final round does not employ MixColumn */
-    for (j=0; j<Nb; ++j) {
-	COLUMN(output, j) = ((BYTE0WORD(T2(STATE_BYTE(4* j         ))))  |
-                             (BYTE1WORD(T3(STATE_BYTE(4*(j+ 1)%Nb)+1)))  |
-                             (BYTE2WORD(T0(STATE_BYTE(4*(j+c2)%Nb)+2)))  |
-                             (BYTE3WORD(T1(STATE_BYTE(4*(j+c3)%Nb)+3)))) ^
-	                     *roundkeyw++;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-rijndael_decryptBlock(AESContext *cx, 
-                      unsigned char *output,
-                      const unsigned char *input)
-    return SECFailure;
-#ifdef rijndael_large_blocks_fixed
-    int j, r, Nb;
-    int c2=0, c3=0;
-    PRUint32 *roundkeyw;
-    Nb = cx->Nb;
-    roundkeyw = cx->expandedKey + cx->Nb * cx->Nr + 3;
-    /* reverse key addition */
-    for (j=4*Nb; j>=0; j-=4) {
-	COLUMN(clone, j) = COLUMN(input, j) ^ *roundkeyw--;
-    }
-    /* Loop over rounds in reverse [NR..1] */
-    for (r=cx->Nr; r>1; --r) {
-	/* Invert the (InvByteSub*InvMixColumn)(InvShiftRow(state)) */
-	for (j=0; j<Nb; ++j) {
-	    COLUMN(output, 4*j) = TInv0(STATE_BYTE(4* j            )) ^
-	                          TInv1(STATE_BYTE(4*(j+Nb- 1)%Nb)+1) ^
-	                          TInv2(STATE_BYTE(4*(j+Nb-c2)%Nb)+2) ^
-	                          TInv3(STATE_BYTE(4*(j+Nb-c3)%Nb)+3);
-	}
-	/* Invert the key addition step */
-	for (j=4*Nb; j>=0; j-=4) {
-	    COLUMN(clone, j) = COLUMN(output, j) ^ *roundkeyw--;
-	}
-    }
-    /* inverse sub */
-    for (j=0; j<4*Nb; ++j) {
-	output[j] = SINV(clone[j]);
-    }
-    /* final key addition */
-    for (j=4*Nb; j>=0; j-=4) {
-	COLUMN(output, j) ^= *roundkeyw--;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- *  Rijndael modes of operation (ECB and CBC)
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-static SECStatus 
-rijndael_encryptECB(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen, 
-                    unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    AESBlockFunc *encryptor;
-    encryptor = (blocksize == RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE) 
-				  ? &rijndael_encryptBlock128 
-				  : &rijndael_encryptBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-        rv = (*encryptor)(cx, output, input);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	output += blocksize;
-	input += blocksize;
-	inputLen -= blocksize;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus 
-rijndael_encryptCBC(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen, 
-                    unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int j;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    AESBlockFunc *encryptor;
-    unsigned char *lastblock;
-    unsigned char inblock[RIJNDAEL_MAX_STATE_SIZE * 8];
-    if (!inputLen)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    lastblock = cx->iv;
-    encryptor = (blocksize == RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE) 
-				  ? &rijndael_encryptBlock128 
-				  : &rijndael_encryptBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-	/* XOR with the last block (IV if first block) */
-	for (j=0; j<blocksize; ++j)
-	    inblock[j] = input[j] ^ lastblock[j];
-	/* encrypt */
-        rv = (*encryptor)(cx, output, inblock);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	/* move to the next block */
-	lastblock = output;
-	output += blocksize;
-	input += blocksize;
-	inputLen -= blocksize;
-    }
-    memcpy(cx->iv, lastblock, blocksize);
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus 
-rijndael_decryptECB(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen, 
-                    unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    AESBlockFunc *decryptor;
-    decryptor = (blocksize == RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE) 
-				  ? &rijndael_decryptBlock128 
-				  : &rijndael_decryptBlock;
-    while (inputLen > 0) {
-        rv = (*decryptor)(cx, output, input);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	output += blocksize;
-	input += blocksize;
-	inputLen -= blocksize;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus 
-rijndael_decryptCBC(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen, 
-                    unsigned int blocksize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    AESBlockFunc *decryptor;
-    const unsigned char *in;
-    unsigned char *out;
-    unsigned int j;
-    unsigned char newIV[RIJNDAEL_MAX_BLOCKSIZE];
-    if (!inputLen) 
-	return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(output - input >= 0 || input - output >= (int)inputLen );
-    decryptor = (blocksize == RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE) 
-                                  ? &rijndael_decryptBlock128 
-				  : &rijndael_decryptBlock;
-    in  = input  + (inputLen - blocksize);
-    memcpy(newIV, in, blocksize);
-    out = output + (inputLen - blocksize);
-    while (inputLen > blocksize) {
-        rv = (*decryptor)(cx, out, in);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	for (j=0; j<blocksize; ++j)
-	    out[j] ^= in[(int)(j - blocksize)];
-	out -= blocksize;
-	in -= blocksize;
-	inputLen -= blocksize;
-    }
-    if (in == input) {
-        rv = (*decryptor)(cx, out, in);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	for (j=0; j<blocksize; ++j)
-	    out[j] ^= cx->iv[j];
-    }
-    memcpy(cx->iv, newIV, blocksize);
-    return SECSuccess;
- *
- * BLAPI Interface functions
- *
- * The following functions implement the encryption routines defined in
- * BLAPI for the AES cipher, Rijndael.
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
-AESContext * AES_AllocateContext(void)
-    return PORT_ZNew(AESContext);
-#ifdef INTEL_GCM
- * Adapted from the example code in "How to detect New Instruction support in
- * the 4th generation Intel Core processor family" by Max Locktyukhin.
- *
- *   Reads an extended control register (XCR) specified by ECX into EDX:EAX.
- */
-static PRBool
-    PRUint32 xcr0;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if defined(_M_IX86)
-    __asm {
-        mov ecx, 0
-        xgetbv
-        mov xcr0, eax
-    }
-    xcr0 = (PRUint32)_xgetbv(0);  /* Requires VS2010 SP1 or later. */
-    __asm__ ("xgetbv" : "=a" (xcr0) : "c" (0) : "%edx");
-    /* Check if xmm and ymm state are enabled in XCR0. */
-    return (xcr0 & 6) == 6;
-** Initialize a new AES context suitable for AES encryption/decryption in
-** the ECB or CBC mode.
-** 	"mode" the mode of operation, which must be NSS_AES or NSS_AES_CBC
-static SECStatus   
-aes_InitContext(AESContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keysize, 
-	        const unsigned char *iv, int mode, unsigned int encrypt,
-	        unsigned int blocksize)
-    unsigned int Nk;
-    /* According to Rijndael AES Proposal, section 12.1, block and key
-     * lengths between 128 and 256 bits are supported, as long as the
-     * length in bytes is divisible by 4.
-     */
-    if (key == NULL || 
-        keysize < RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE   || 
-	keysize > RIJNDAEL_MAX_BLOCKSIZE   || 
-	keysize % 4 != 0 ||
-        blocksize < RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE || 
-	blocksize > RIJNDAEL_MAX_BLOCKSIZE || 
-	blocksize % 4 != 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode != NSS_AES && mode != NSS_AES_CBC) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mode == NSS_AES_CBC && iv == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!cx) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-    if (has_intel_aes == 0) {
-	unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
-	char *disable_hw_aes = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_HW_AES");
-	if (disable_hw_aes == NULL) {
-	    freebl_cpuid(1, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-	    has_intel_aes = (ecx & (1 << 25)) != 0 ? 1 : -1;
-#ifdef INTEL_GCM
-	    has_intel_clmul = (ecx & (1 << 1)) != 0 ? 1 : -1;
-	    if ((ecx & (1 << 27)) != 0 && (ecx & (1 << 28)) != 0 &&
-		check_xcr0_ymm()) {
-		has_intel_avx = 1;
-	    } else {
-		has_intel_avx = -1;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    has_intel_aes = -1;
-#ifdef INTEL_GCM
-	    has_intel_avx = -1;
-	    has_intel_clmul = -1;
-	}
-    }
-    use_hw_aes = (PRBool)
-		(has_intel_aes > 0 && (keysize % 8) == 0 && blocksize == 16);
-#ifdef INTEL_GCM
-    use_hw_gcm = (PRBool)
-		(use_hw_aes && has_intel_avx>0 && has_intel_clmul>0);
-#endif  /* USE_HW_AES */
-    /* Nb = (block size in bits) / 32 */
-    cx->Nb = blocksize / 4;
-    /* Nk = (key size in bits) / 32 */
-    Nk = keysize / 4;
-    /* Obtain number of rounds from "table" */
-    cx->Nr = RIJNDAEL_NUM_ROUNDS(Nk, cx->Nb);
-    /* copy in the iv, if neccessary */
-    if (mode == NSS_AES_CBC) {
-	memcpy(cx->iv, iv, blocksize);
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-	if (use_hw_aes) {
-	    cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc)
-				intel_aes_cbc_worker(encrypt, keysize);
-	} else
-	{
-	    cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc) (encrypt
-			  ? &rijndael_encryptCBC : &rijndael_decryptCBC);
-	}
-    } else {
-#ifdef  USE_HW_AES
-	if (use_hw_aes) {
-	    cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc) 
-				intel_aes_ecb_worker(encrypt, keysize);
-	} else
-	{
-	    cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc) (encrypt
-			  ? &rijndael_encryptECB : &rijndael_decryptECB);
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Assert((cx->Nb * (cx->Nr + 1)) <= RIJNDAEL_MAX_EXP_KEY_SIZE);
-    if ((cx->Nb * (cx->Nr + 1)) > RIJNDAEL_MAX_EXP_KEY_SIZE) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-#ifdef USE_HW_AES
-    if (use_hw_aes) {
-	intel_aes_init(encrypt, keysize);
-    } else
-    {
-#if defined(RIJNDAEL_GENERATE_TABLES) ||  \
-	if (rijndaelTables == NULL) {
-	    if (PR_CallOnce(&coRTInit, init_rijndael_tables)
-	      != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		return SecFailure;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Generate expanded key */
-	if (encrypt) {
-	    if (rijndael_key_expansion(cx, key, Nk) != SECSuccess)
-		goto cleanup;
-	} else {
-	    if (rijndael_invkey_expansion(cx, key, Nk) != SECSuccess)
-		goto cleanup;
-	}
-    }
-    cx->worker_cx = cx;
-    cx->destroy = NULL;
-    cx->isBlock = PR_TRUE;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-AES_InitContext(AESContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int keysize, 
-	        const unsigned char *iv, int mode, unsigned int encrypt,
-	        unsigned int blocksize)
-    int basemode = mode;
-    PRBool baseencrypt = encrypt;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    switch (mode) {
-    case NSS_AES_CTS:
-	basemode = NSS_AES_CBC;
-	break;
-    case NSS_AES_GCM:
-    case NSS_AES_CTR:
-	basemode = NSS_AES;
-	baseencrypt = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    }
-    /* make sure enough is initializes so we can safely call Destroy */
-    cx->worker_cx = NULL;
-    cx->destroy = NULL;
-    rv = aes_InitContext(cx, key, keysize, iv, basemode, 
-					baseencrypt, blocksize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	AES_DestroyContext(cx, PR_FALSE);
-	return rv;
-    }
-    /* finally, set up any mode specific contexts */
-    switch (mode) {
-    case NSS_AES_CTS:
-	cx->worker_cx = CTS_CreateContext(cx, cx->worker, iv, blocksize);
-	cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc) 
-			(encrypt ?  CTS_EncryptUpdate : CTS_DecryptUpdate);
-	cx->destroy = (freeblDestroyFunc) CTS_DestroyContext;
-	cx->isBlock = PR_FALSE;
-	break;
-    case NSS_AES_GCM:
-#ifdef INTEL_GCM
-	if(use_hw_gcm) {
-        	cx->worker_cx = intel_AES_GCM_CreateContext(cx, cx->worker, iv, blocksize);
-		cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc)
-			(encrypt ? intel_AES_GCM_EncryptUpdate : intel_AES_GCM_DecryptUpdate);
-		cx->destroy = (freeblDestroyFunc) intel_AES_GCM_DestroyContext;
-		cx->isBlock = PR_FALSE;
-    	} else
-	{
-	cx->worker_cx = GCM_CreateContext(cx, cx->worker, iv, blocksize);
-	cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc)
-			(encrypt ? GCM_EncryptUpdate : GCM_DecryptUpdate);
-	cx->destroy = (freeblDestroyFunc) GCM_DestroyContext;
-	cx->isBlock = PR_FALSE;
-	}
-	break;
-    case NSS_AES_CTR:
-	cx->worker_cx = CTR_CreateContext(cx, cx->worker, iv, blocksize);
-#if defined(USE_HW_AES) && defined(_MSC_VER)
-	if (use_hw_aes) {
-	    cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc) CTR_Update_HW_AES;
-	} else
-	{
-	    cx->worker = (freeblCipherFunc) CTR_Update;
-	}
-	cx->destroy = (freeblDestroyFunc) CTR_DestroyContext;
-	cx->isBlock = PR_FALSE;
-	break;
-    default:
-	/* everything has already been set up by aes_InitContext, just
-	 * return */
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* check to see if we succeeded in getting the worker context */
-    if (cx->worker_cx == NULL) {
-	/* no, just destroy the existing context */
-	cx->destroy = NULL; /* paranoia, though you can see a dozen lines */
-			    /* below that this isn't necessary */
-	AES_DestroyContext(cx, PR_FALSE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* AES_CreateContext
- *
- * create a new context for Rijndael operations
- */
-AESContext *
-AES_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, 
-                  int mode, int encrypt,
-                  unsigned int keysize, unsigned int blocksize)
-    AESContext *cx = AES_AllocateContext();
-    if (cx) {
-	SECStatus rv = AES_InitContext(cx, key, keysize, iv, mode, encrypt,
-				       blocksize);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    AES_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-	    cx = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return cx;
- * AES_DestroyContext
- * 
- * Zero an AES cipher context.  If freeit is true, also free the pointer
- * to the context.
- */
-AES_DestroyContext(AESContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx->worker_cx && cx->destroy) {
-	(*cx->destroy)(cx->worker_cx, PR_TRUE);
-	cx->worker_cx = NULL;
-	cx->destroy = NULL;
-    }
-    if (freeit)
-	PORT_Free(cx);
- * AES_Encrypt
- *
- * Encrypt an arbitrary-length buffer.  The output buffer must already be
- * allocated to at least inputLen.
- */
-AES_Encrypt(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    int blocksize;
-    /* Check args */
-    if (cx == NULL || output == NULL || (input == NULL && inputLen != 0)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    blocksize = 4 * cx->Nb;
-    if (cx->isBlock && (inputLen % blocksize != 0)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outputLen = inputLen;
-    return (*cx->worker)(cx->worker_cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen,	
-                             input, inputLen, blocksize);
- * AES_Decrypt
- *
- * Decrypt and arbitrary-length buffer.  The output buffer must already be
- * allocated to at least inputLen.
- */
-AES_Decrypt(AESContext *cx, unsigned char *output,
-            unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    int blocksize;
-    /* Check args */
-    if (cx == NULL || output == NULL || (input == NULL && inputLen != 0)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    blocksize = 4 * cx->Nb;
-    if (cx->isBlock && (inputLen % blocksize != 0)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (maxOutputLen < inputLen) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *outputLen = inputLen;
-    return (*cx->worker)(cx->worker_cx, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen,	
-                             input, inputLen, blocksize);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.h b/nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f79058..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/rijndael.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _RIJNDAEL_H_
-#define _RIJNDAEL_H_ 1
-#include "blapii.h"
-#define RIJNDAEL_MIN_BLOCKSIZE 16 /* bytes */
-#define RIJNDAEL_MAX_BLOCKSIZE 32 /* bytes */
-typedef SECStatus AESBlockFunc(AESContext *cx, 
-                               unsigned char *output,
-                               const unsigned char *input);
- *
- * Number of rounds per execution
- * Nk - number of key bytes
- * Nb - blocksize (in bytes)
- */
-#define RIJNDAEL_NUM_ROUNDS(Nk, Nb) \
-    (PR_MAX(Nk, Nb) + 6)
- *
- * Maximum number of bytes in the state (spec includes up to 256-bit block
- * size)
- */
- * This magic number is (Nb_max * (Nr_max + 1))
- * where Nb_max is the maximum block size in 32-bit words,
- *       Nr_max is the maximum number of rounds, which is Nb_max + 6
- */
-#define RIJNDAEL_MAX_EXP_KEY_SIZE (8 * 15)
-/* AESContextStr
- *
- * Values which maintain the state for Rijndael encryption/decryption.
- *
- * iv          - initialization vector for CBC mode
- * Nb          - the number of bytes in a block, specified by user
- * Nr          - the number of rounds, specified by a table
- * expandedKey - the round keys in 4-byte words, the length is Nr * Nb
- * worker      - the encryption/decryption function to use with worker_cx
- * destroy     - if not NULL, the destroy function to use with worker_cx
- * worker_cx   - the context for worker and destroy
- * isBlock     - is the mode of operation a block cipher or a stream cipher?
- */
-struct AESContextStr
-    unsigned int   Nb;
-    unsigned int   Nr;
-    freeblCipherFunc worker;
-    /* NOTE: The offsets of iv and expandedKey are hardcoded in intel-aes.s.
-     * Don't add new members before them without updating intel-aes.s. */
-    unsigned char iv[RIJNDAEL_MAX_BLOCKSIZE];
-    PRUint32      expandedKey[RIJNDAEL_MAX_EXP_KEY_SIZE];
-    freeblDestroyFunc destroy;
-    void	      *worker_cx;
-    PRBool	      isBlock;
-#endif /* _RIJNDAEL_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/ b/nss/lib/freebl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59be7c2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-static const PRUint8 _S[256] = 
- 99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197,  48,   1, 103,  43, 254, 215, 171, 118,
-202, 130, 201, 125, 250,  89,  71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192,
-183, 253, 147,  38,  54,  63, 247, 204,  52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216,  49,  21,
-  4, 199,  35, 195,  24, 150,   5, 154,   7,  18, 128, 226, 235,  39, 178, 117,
-  9, 131,  44,  26,  27, 110,  90, 160,  82,  59, 214, 179,  41, 227,  47, 132,
- 83, 209,   0, 237,  32, 252, 177,  91, 106, 203, 190,  57,  74,  76,  88, 207,
-208, 239, 170, 251,  67,  77,  51, 133,  69, 249,   2, 127,  80,  60, 159, 168,
- 81, 163,  64, 143, 146, 157,  56, 245, 188, 182, 218,  33,  16, 255, 243, 210,
-205,  12,  19, 236,  95, 151,  68,  23, 196, 167, 126,  61, 100,  93,  25, 115,
- 96, 129,  79, 220,  34,  42, 144, 136,  70, 238, 184,  20, 222,  94,  11, 219,
-224,  50,  58,  10,  73,   6,  36,  92, 194, 211, 172,  98, 145, 149, 228, 121,
-231, 200,  55, 109, 141, 213,  78, 169, 108,  86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174,   8,
-186, 120,  37,  46,  28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116,  31,  75, 189, 139, 138,
-112,  62, 181, 102,  72,   3, 246,  14,  97,  53,  87, 185, 134, 193,  29, 158,
-225, 248, 152,  17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155,  30, 135, 233, 206,  85,  40, 223,
-140, 161, 137,  13, 191, 230,  66, 104,  65, 153,  45,  15, 176,  84, 187,  22 
-static const PRUint8 _SInv[256] = 
- 82,   9, 106, 213,  48,  54, 165,  56, 191,  64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251,
-124, 227,  57, 130, 155,  47, 255, 135,  52, 142,  67,  68, 196, 222, 233, 203,
- 84, 123, 148,  50, 166, 194,  35,  61, 238,  76, 149,  11,  66, 250, 195,  78,
-  8,  46, 161, 102,  40, 217,  36, 178, 118,  91, 162,  73, 109, 139, 209,  37,
-114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152,  22, 212, 164,  92, 204,  93, 101, 182, 146,
-108, 112,  72,  80, 253, 237, 185, 218,  94,  21,  70,  87, 167, 141, 157, 132,
-144, 216, 171,   0, 140, 188, 211,  10, 247, 228,  88,   5, 184, 179,  69,   6,
-208,  44,  30, 143, 202,  63,  15,   2, 193, 175, 189,   3,   1,  19, 138, 107,
- 58, 145,  17,  65,  79, 103, 220, 234, 151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115,
-150, 172, 116,  34, 231, 173,  53, 133, 226, 249,  55, 232,  28, 117, 223, 110,
- 71, 241,  26, 113,  29,  41, 197, 137, 111, 183,  98,  14, 170,  24, 190,  27,
-252,  86,  62,  75, 198, 210, 121,  32, 154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205,  90, 244,
- 31, 221, 168,  51, 136,   7, 199,  49, 177,  18,  16,  89,  39, 128, 236,  95,
- 96,  81, 127, 169,  25, 181,  74,  13,  45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239,
-160, 224,  59,  77, 174,  42, 245, 176, 200, 235, 187,  60, 131,  83, 153,  97,
- 23,  43,   4, 126, 186, 119, 214,  38, 225, 105,  20,  99,  85,  33,  12, 125 
-static const PRUint32 _T0[256] = 
-0xa56363c6, 0x847c7cf8, 0x997777ee, 0x8d7b7bf6, 0x0df2f2ff, 0xbd6b6bd6,
-0xb16f6fde, 0x54c5c591, 0x50303060, 0x03010102, 0xa96767ce, 0x7d2b2b56,
-0x19fefee7, 0x62d7d7b5, 0xe6abab4d, 0x9a7676ec, 0x45caca8f, 0x9d82821f,
-0x40c9c989, 0x877d7dfa, 0x15fafaef, 0xeb5959b2, 0xc947478e, 0x0bf0f0fb,
-0xecadad41, 0x67d4d4b3, 0xfda2a25f, 0xeaafaf45, 0xbf9c9c23, 0xf7a4a453,
-0x967272e4, 0x5bc0c09b, 0xc2b7b775, 0x1cfdfde1, 0xae93933d, 0x6a26264c,
-0x5a36366c, 0x413f3f7e, 0x02f7f7f5, 0x4fcccc83, 0x5c343468, 0xf4a5a551,
-0x34e5e5d1, 0x08f1f1f9, 0x937171e2, 0x73d8d8ab, 0x53313162, 0x3f15152a,
-0x0c040408, 0x52c7c795, 0x65232346, 0x5ec3c39d, 0x28181830, 0xa1969637,
-0x0f05050a, 0xb59a9a2f, 0x0907070e, 0x36121224, 0x9b80801b, 0x3de2e2df,
-0x26ebebcd, 0x6927274e, 0xcdb2b27f, 0x9f7575ea, 0x1b090912, 0x9e83831d,
-0x742c2c58, 0x2e1a1a34, 0x2d1b1b36, 0xb26e6edc, 0xee5a5ab4, 0xfba0a05b,
-0xf65252a4, 0x4d3b3b76, 0x61d6d6b7, 0xceb3b37d, 0x7b292952, 0x3ee3e3dd,
-0x712f2f5e, 0x97848413, 0xf55353a6, 0x68d1d1b9, 0x00000000, 0x2cededc1,
-0x60202040, 0x1ffcfce3, 0xc8b1b179, 0xed5b5bb6, 0xbe6a6ad4, 0x46cbcb8d,
-0xd9bebe67, 0x4b393972, 0xde4a4a94, 0xd44c4c98, 0xe85858b0, 0x4acfcf85,
-0x6bd0d0bb, 0x2aefefc5, 0xe5aaaa4f, 0x16fbfbed, 0xc5434386, 0xd74d4d9a,
-0x55333366, 0x94858511, 0xcf45458a, 0x10f9f9e9, 0x06020204, 0x817f7ffe,
-0xf05050a0, 0x443c3c78, 0xba9f9f25, 0xe3a8a84b, 0xf35151a2, 0xfea3a35d,
-0xc0404080, 0x8a8f8f05, 0xad92923f, 0xbc9d9d21, 0x48383870, 0x04f5f5f1,
-0xdfbcbc63, 0xc1b6b677, 0x75dadaaf, 0x63212142, 0x30101020, 0x1affffe5,
-0x0ef3f3fd, 0x6dd2d2bf, 0x4ccdcd81, 0x140c0c18, 0x35131326, 0x2fececc3,
-0xe15f5fbe, 0xa2979735, 0xcc444488, 0x3917172e, 0x57c4c493, 0xf2a7a755,
-0x827e7efc, 0x473d3d7a, 0xac6464c8, 0xe75d5dba, 0x2b191932, 0x957373e6,
-0xa06060c0, 0x98818119, 0xd14f4f9e, 0x7fdcdca3, 0x66222244, 0x7e2a2a54,
-0xab90903b, 0x8388880b, 0xca46468c, 0x29eeeec7, 0xd3b8b86b, 0x3c141428,
-0x79dedea7, 0xe25e5ebc, 0x1d0b0b16, 0x76dbdbad, 0x3be0e0db, 0x56323264,
-0x4e3a3a74, 0x1e0a0a14, 0xdb494992, 0x0a06060c, 0x6c242448, 0xe45c5cb8,
-0x5dc2c29f, 0x6ed3d3bd, 0xefacac43, 0xa66262c4, 0xa8919139, 0xa4959531,
-0x37e4e4d3, 0x8b7979f2, 0x32e7e7d5, 0x43c8c88b, 0x5937376e, 0xb76d6dda,
-0x8c8d8d01, 0x64d5d5b1, 0xd24e4e9c, 0xe0a9a949, 0xb46c6cd8, 0xfa5656ac,
-0x07f4f4f3, 0x25eaeacf, 0xaf6565ca, 0x8e7a7af4, 0xe9aeae47, 0x18080810,
-0xd5baba6f, 0x887878f0, 0x6f25254a, 0x722e2e5c, 0x241c1c38, 0xf1a6a657,
-0xc7b4b473, 0x51c6c697, 0x23e8e8cb, 0x7cdddda1, 0x9c7474e8, 0x211f1f3e,
-0xdd4b4b96, 0xdcbdbd61, 0x868b8b0d, 0x858a8a0f, 0x907070e0, 0x423e3e7c,
-0xc4b5b571, 0xaa6666cc, 0xd8484890, 0x05030306, 0x01f6f6f7, 0x120e0e1c,
-0xa36161c2, 0x5f35356a, 0xf95757ae, 0xd0b9b969, 0x91868617, 0x58c1c199,
-0x271d1d3a, 0xb99e9e27, 0x38e1e1d9, 0x13f8f8eb, 0xb398982b, 0x33111122,
-0xbb6969d2, 0x70d9d9a9, 0x898e8e07, 0xa7949433, 0xb69b9b2d, 0x221e1e3c,
-0x92878715, 0x20e9e9c9, 0x49cece87, 0xff5555aa, 0x78282850, 0x7adfdfa5,
-0x8f8c8c03, 0xf8a1a159, 0x80898909, 0x170d0d1a, 0xdabfbf65, 0x31e6e6d7,
-0xc6424284, 0xb86868d0, 0xc3414182, 0xb0999929, 0x772d2d5a, 0x110f0f1e,
-0xcbb0b07b, 0xfc5454a8, 0xd6bbbb6d, 0x3a16162c  
-static const PRUint32 _T0[256] = 
-0xc66363a5, 0xf87c7c84, 0xee777799, 0xf67b7b8d, 0xfff2f20d, 0xd66b6bbd,
-0xde6f6fb1, 0x91c5c554, 0x60303050, 0x02010103, 0xce6767a9, 0x562b2b7d,
-0xe7fefe19, 0xb5d7d762, 0x4dababe6, 0xec76769a, 0x8fcaca45, 0x1f82829d,
-0x89c9c940, 0xfa7d7d87, 0xeffafa15, 0xb25959eb, 0x8e4747c9, 0xfbf0f00b,
-0x41adadec, 0xb3d4d467, 0x5fa2a2fd, 0x45afafea, 0x239c9cbf, 0x53a4a4f7,
-0xe4727296, 0x9bc0c05b, 0x75b7b7c2, 0xe1fdfd1c, 0x3d9393ae, 0x4c26266a,
-0x6c36365a, 0x7e3f3f41, 0xf5f7f702, 0x83cccc4f, 0x6834345c, 0x51a5a5f4,
-0xd1e5e534, 0xf9f1f108, 0xe2717193, 0xabd8d873, 0x62313153, 0x2a15153f,
-0x0804040c, 0x95c7c752, 0x46232365, 0x9dc3c35e, 0x30181828, 0x379696a1,
-0x0a05050f, 0x2f9a9ab5, 0x0e070709, 0x24121236, 0x1b80809b, 0xdfe2e23d,
-0xcdebeb26, 0x4e272769, 0x7fb2b2cd, 0xea75759f, 0x1209091b, 0x1d83839e,
-0x582c2c74, 0x341a1a2e, 0x361b1b2d, 0xdc6e6eb2, 0xb45a5aee, 0x5ba0a0fb,
-0xa45252f6, 0x763b3b4d, 0xb7d6d661, 0x7db3b3ce, 0x5229297b, 0xdde3e33e,
-0x5e2f2f71, 0x13848497, 0xa65353f5, 0xb9d1d168, 0x00000000, 0xc1eded2c,
-0x40202060, 0xe3fcfc1f, 0x79b1b1c8, 0xb65b5bed, 0xd46a6abe, 0x8dcbcb46,
-0x67bebed9, 0x7239394b, 0x944a4ade, 0x984c4cd4, 0xb05858e8, 0x85cfcf4a,
-0xbbd0d06b, 0xc5efef2a, 0x4faaaae5, 0xedfbfb16, 0x864343c5, 0x9a4d4dd7,
-0x66333355, 0x11858594, 0x8a4545cf, 0xe9f9f910, 0x04020206, 0xfe7f7f81,
-0xa05050f0, 0x783c3c44, 0x259f9fba, 0x4ba8a8e3, 0xa25151f3, 0x5da3a3fe,
-0x804040c0, 0x058f8f8a, 0x3f9292ad, 0x219d9dbc, 0x70383848, 0xf1f5f504,
-0x63bcbcdf, 0x77b6b6c1, 0xafdada75, 0x42212163, 0x20101030, 0xe5ffff1a,
-0xfdf3f30e, 0xbfd2d26d, 0x81cdcd4c, 0x180c0c14, 0x26131335, 0xc3ecec2f,
-0xbe5f5fe1, 0x359797a2, 0x884444cc, 0x2e171739, 0x93c4c457, 0x55a7a7f2,
-0xfc7e7e82, 0x7a3d3d47, 0xc86464ac, 0xba5d5de7, 0x3219192b, 0xe6737395,
-0xc06060a0, 0x19818198, 0x9e4f4fd1, 0xa3dcdc7f, 0x44222266, 0x542a2a7e,
-0x3b9090ab, 0x0b888883, 0x8c4646ca, 0xc7eeee29, 0x6bb8b8d3, 0x2814143c,
-0xa7dede79, 0xbc5e5ee2, 0x160b0b1d, 0xaddbdb76, 0xdbe0e03b, 0x64323256,
-0x743a3a4e, 0x140a0a1e, 0x924949db, 0x0c06060a, 0x4824246c, 0xb85c5ce4,
-0x9fc2c25d, 0xbdd3d36e, 0x43acacef, 0xc46262a6, 0x399191a8, 0x319595a4,
-0xd3e4e437, 0xf279798b, 0xd5e7e732, 0x8bc8c843, 0x6e373759, 0xda6d6db7,
-0x018d8d8c, 0xb1d5d564, 0x9c4e4ed2, 0x49a9a9e0, 0xd86c6cb4, 0xac5656fa,
-0xf3f4f407, 0xcfeaea25, 0xca6565af, 0xf47a7a8e, 0x47aeaee9, 0x10080818,
-0x6fbabad5, 0xf0787888, 0x4a25256f, 0x5c2e2e72, 0x381c1c24, 0x57a6a6f1,
-0x73b4b4c7, 0x97c6c651, 0xcbe8e823, 0xa1dddd7c, 0xe874749c, 0x3e1f1f21,
-0x964b4bdd, 0x61bdbddc, 0x0d8b8b86, 0x0f8a8a85, 0xe0707090, 0x7c3e3e42,
-0x71b5b5c4, 0xcc6666aa, 0x904848d8, 0x06030305, 0xf7f6f601, 0x1c0e0e12,
-0xc26161a3, 0x6a35355f, 0xae5757f9, 0x69b9b9d0, 0x17868691, 0x99c1c158,
-0x3a1d1d27, 0x279e9eb9, 0xd9e1e138, 0xebf8f813, 0x2b9898b3, 0x22111133,
-0xd26969bb, 0xa9d9d970, 0x078e8e89, 0x339494a7, 0x2d9b9bb6, 0x3c1e1e22,
-0x15878792, 0xc9e9e920, 0x87cece49, 0xaa5555ff, 0x50282878, 0xa5dfdf7a,
-0x038c8c8f, 0x59a1a1f8, 0x09898980, 0x1a0d0d17, 0x65bfbfda, 0xd7e6e631,
-0x844242c6, 0xd06868b8, 0x824141c3, 0x299999b0, 0x5a2d2d77, 0x1e0f0f11,
-0x7bb0b0cb, 0xa85454fc, 0x6dbbbbd6, 0x2c16163a  
-static const PRUint32 _T1[256] = 
-0x6363c6a5, 0x7c7cf884, 0x7777ee99, 0x7b7bf68d, 0xf2f2ff0d, 0x6b6bd6bd,
-0x6f6fdeb1, 0xc5c59154, 0x30306050, 0x01010203, 0x6767cea9, 0x2b2b567d,
-0xfefee719, 0xd7d7b562, 0xabab4de6, 0x7676ec9a, 0xcaca8f45, 0x82821f9d,
-0xc9c98940, 0x7d7dfa87, 0xfafaef15, 0x5959b2eb, 0x47478ec9, 0xf0f0fb0b,
-0xadad41ec, 0xd4d4b367, 0xa2a25ffd, 0xafaf45ea, 0x9c9c23bf, 0xa4a453f7,
-0x7272e496, 0xc0c09b5b, 0xb7b775c2, 0xfdfde11c, 0x93933dae, 0x26264c6a,
-0x36366c5a, 0x3f3f7e41, 0xf7f7f502, 0xcccc834f, 0x3434685c, 0xa5a551f4,
-0xe5e5d134, 0xf1f1f908, 0x7171e293, 0xd8d8ab73, 0x31316253, 0x15152a3f,
-0x0404080c, 0xc7c79552, 0x23234665, 0xc3c39d5e, 0x18183028, 0x969637a1,
-0x05050a0f, 0x9a9a2fb5, 0x07070e09, 0x12122436, 0x80801b9b, 0xe2e2df3d,
-0xebebcd26, 0x27274e69, 0xb2b27fcd, 0x7575ea9f, 0x0909121b, 0x83831d9e,
-0x2c2c5874, 0x1a1a342e, 0x1b1b362d, 0x6e6edcb2, 0x5a5ab4ee, 0xa0a05bfb,
-0x5252a4f6, 0x3b3b764d, 0xd6d6b761, 0xb3b37dce, 0x2929527b, 0xe3e3dd3e,
-0x2f2f5e71, 0x84841397, 0x5353a6f5, 0xd1d1b968, 0x00000000, 0xededc12c,
-0x20204060, 0xfcfce31f, 0xb1b179c8, 0x5b5bb6ed, 0x6a6ad4be, 0xcbcb8d46,
-0xbebe67d9, 0x3939724b, 0x4a4a94de, 0x4c4c98d4, 0x5858b0e8, 0xcfcf854a,
-0xd0d0bb6b, 0xefefc52a, 0xaaaa4fe5, 0xfbfbed16, 0x434386c5, 0x4d4d9ad7,
-0x33336655, 0x85851194, 0x45458acf, 0xf9f9e910, 0x02020406, 0x7f7ffe81,
-0x5050a0f0, 0x3c3c7844, 0x9f9f25ba, 0xa8a84be3, 0x5151a2f3, 0xa3a35dfe,
-0x404080c0, 0x8f8f058a, 0x92923fad, 0x9d9d21bc, 0x38387048, 0xf5f5f104,
-0xbcbc63df, 0xb6b677c1, 0xdadaaf75, 0x21214263, 0x10102030, 0xffffe51a,
-0xf3f3fd0e, 0xd2d2bf6d, 0xcdcd814c, 0x0c0c1814, 0x13132635, 0xececc32f,
-0x5f5fbee1, 0x979735a2, 0x444488cc, 0x17172e39, 0xc4c49357, 0xa7a755f2,
-0x7e7efc82, 0x3d3d7a47, 0x6464c8ac, 0x5d5dbae7, 0x1919322b, 0x7373e695,
-0x6060c0a0, 0x81811998, 0x4f4f9ed1, 0xdcdca37f, 0x22224466, 0x2a2a547e,
-0x90903bab, 0x88880b83, 0x46468cca, 0xeeeec729, 0xb8b86bd3, 0x1414283c,
-0xdedea779, 0x5e5ebce2, 0x0b0b161d, 0xdbdbad76, 0xe0e0db3b, 0x32326456,
-0x3a3a744e, 0x0a0a141e, 0x494992db, 0x06060c0a, 0x2424486c, 0x5c5cb8e4,
-0xc2c29f5d, 0xd3d3bd6e, 0xacac43ef, 0x6262c4a6, 0x919139a8, 0x959531a4,
-0xe4e4d337, 0x7979f28b, 0xe7e7d532, 0xc8c88b43, 0x37376e59, 0x6d6ddab7,
-0x8d8d018c, 0xd5d5b164, 0x4e4e9cd2, 0xa9a949e0, 0x6c6cd8b4, 0x5656acfa,
-0xf4f4f307, 0xeaeacf25, 0x6565caaf, 0x7a7af48e, 0xaeae47e9, 0x08081018,
-0xbaba6fd5, 0x7878f088, 0x25254a6f, 0x2e2e5c72, 0x1c1c3824, 0xa6a657f1,
-0xb4b473c7, 0xc6c69751, 0xe8e8cb23, 0xdddda17c, 0x7474e89c, 0x1f1f3e21,
-0x4b4b96dd, 0xbdbd61dc, 0x8b8b0d86, 0x8a8a0f85, 0x7070e090, 0x3e3e7c42,
-0xb5b571c4, 0x6666ccaa, 0x484890d8, 0x03030605, 0xf6f6f701, 0x0e0e1c12,
-0x6161c2a3, 0x35356a5f, 0x5757aef9, 0xb9b969d0, 0x86861791, 0xc1c19958,
-0x1d1d3a27, 0x9e9e27b9, 0xe1e1d938, 0xf8f8eb13, 0x98982bb3, 0x11112233,
-0x6969d2bb, 0xd9d9a970, 0x8e8e0789, 0x949433a7, 0x9b9b2db6, 0x1e1e3c22,
-0x87871592, 0xe9e9c920, 0xcece8749, 0x5555aaff, 0x28285078, 0xdfdfa57a,
-0x8c8c038f, 0xa1a159f8, 0x89890980, 0x0d0d1a17, 0xbfbf65da, 0xe6e6d731,
-0x424284c6, 0x6868d0b8, 0x414182c3, 0x999929b0, 0x2d2d5a77, 0x0f0f1e11,
-0xb0b07bcb, 0x5454a8fc, 0xbbbb6dd6, 0x16162c3a  
-static const PRUint32 _T1[256] = 
-0xa5c66363, 0x84f87c7c, 0x99ee7777, 0x8df67b7b, 0x0dfff2f2, 0xbdd66b6b,
-0xb1de6f6f, 0x5491c5c5, 0x50603030, 0x03020101, 0xa9ce6767, 0x7d562b2b,
-0x19e7fefe, 0x62b5d7d7, 0xe64dabab, 0x9aec7676, 0x458fcaca, 0x9d1f8282,
-0x4089c9c9, 0x87fa7d7d, 0x15effafa, 0xebb25959, 0xc98e4747, 0x0bfbf0f0,
-0xec41adad, 0x67b3d4d4, 0xfd5fa2a2, 0xea45afaf, 0xbf239c9c, 0xf753a4a4,
-0x96e47272, 0x5b9bc0c0, 0xc275b7b7, 0x1ce1fdfd, 0xae3d9393, 0x6a4c2626,
-0x5a6c3636, 0x417e3f3f, 0x02f5f7f7, 0x4f83cccc, 0x5c683434, 0xf451a5a5,
-0x34d1e5e5, 0x08f9f1f1, 0x93e27171, 0x73abd8d8, 0x53623131, 0x3f2a1515,
-0x0c080404, 0x5295c7c7, 0x65462323, 0x5e9dc3c3, 0x28301818, 0xa1379696,
-0x0f0a0505, 0xb52f9a9a, 0x090e0707, 0x36241212, 0x9b1b8080, 0x3ddfe2e2,
-0x26cdebeb, 0x694e2727, 0xcd7fb2b2, 0x9fea7575, 0x1b120909, 0x9e1d8383,
-0x74582c2c, 0x2e341a1a, 0x2d361b1b, 0xb2dc6e6e, 0xeeb45a5a, 0xfb5ba0a0,
-0xf6a45252, 0x4d763b3b, 0x61b7d6d6, 0xce7db3b3, 0x7b522929, 0x3edde3e3,
-0x715e2f2f, 0x97138484, 0xf5a65353, 0x68b9d1d1, 0x00000000, 0x2cc1eded,
-0x60402020, 0x1fe3fcfc, 0xc879b1b1, 0xedb65b5b, 0xbed46a6a, 0x468dcbcb,
-0xd967bebe, 0x4b723939, 0xde944a4a, 0xd4984c4c, 0xe8b05858, 0x4a85cfcf,
-0x6bbbd0d0, 0x2ac5efef, 0xe54faaaa, 0x16edfbfb, 0xc5864343, 0xd79a4d4d,
-0x55663333, 0x94118585, 0xcf8a4545, 0x10e9f9f9, 0x06040202, 0x81fe7f7f,
-0xf0a05050, 0x44783c3c, 0xba259f9f, 0xe34ba8a8, 0xf3a25151, 0xfe5da3a3,
-0xc0804040, 0x8a058f8f, 0xad3f9292, 0xbc219d9d, 0x48703838, 0x04f1f5f5,
-0xdf63bcbc, 0xc177b6b6, 0x75afdada, 0x63422121, 0x30201010, 0x1ae5ffff,
-0x0efdf3f3, 0x6dbfd2d2, 0x4c81cdcd, 0x14180c0c, 0x35261313, 0x2fc3ecec,
-0xe1be5f5f, 0xa2359797, 0xcc884444, 0x392e1717, 0x5793c4c4, 0xf255a7a7,
-0x82fc7e7e, 0x477a3d3d, 0xacc86464, 0xe7ba5d5d, 0x2b321919, 0x95e67373,
-0xa0c06060, 0x98198181, 0xd19e4f4f, 0x7fa3dcdc, 0x66442222, 0x7e542a2a,
-0xab3b9090, 0x830b8888, 0xca8c4646, 0x29c7eeee, 0xd36bb8b8, 0x3c281414,
-0x79a7dede, 0xe2bc5e5e, 0x1d160b0b, 0x76addbdb, 0x3bdbe0e0, 0x56643232,
-0x4e743a3a, 0x1e140a0a, 0xdb924949, 0x0a0c0606, 0x6c482424, 0xe4b85c5c,
-0x5d9fc2c2, 0x6ebdd3d3, 0xef43acac, 0xa6c46262, 0xa8399191, 0xa4319595,
-0x37d3e4e4, 0x8bf27979, 0x32d5e7e7, 0x438bc8c8, 0x596e3737, 0xb7da6d6d,
-0x8c018d8d, 0x64b1d5d5, 0xd29c4e4e, 0xe049a9a9, 0xb4d86c6c, 0xfaac5656,
-0x07f3f4f4, 0x25cfeaea, 0xafca6565, 0x8ef47a7a, 0xe947aeae, 0x18100808,
-0xd56fbaba, 0x88f07878, 0x6f4a2525, 0x725c2e2e, 0x24381c1c, 0xf157a6a6,
-0xc773b4b4, 0x5197c6c6, 0x23cbe8e8, 0x7ca1dddd, 0x9ce87474, 0x213e1f1f,
-0xdd964b4b, 0xdc61bdbd, 0x860d8b8b, 0x850f8a8a, 0x90e07070, 0x427c3e3e,
-0xc471b5b5, 0xaacc6666, 0xd8904848, 0x05060303, 0x01f7f6f6, 0x121c0e0e,
-0xa3c26161, 0x5f6a3535, 0xf9ae5757, 0xd069b9b9, 0x91178686, 0x5899c1c1,
-0x273a1d1d, 0xb9279e9e, 0x38d9e1e1, 0x13ebf8f8, 0xb32b9898, 0x33221111,
-0xbbd26969, 0x70a9d9d9, 0x89078e8e, 0xa7339494, 0xb62d9b9b, 0x223c1e1e,
-0x92158787, 0x20c9e9e9, 0x4987cece, 0xffaa5555, 0x78502828, 0x7aa5dfdf,
-0x8f038c8c, 0xf859a1a1, 0x80098989, 0x171a0d0d, 0xda65bfbf, 0x31d7e6e6,
-0xc6844242, 0xb8d06868, 0xc3824141, 0xb0299999, 0x775a2d2d, 0x111e0f0f,
-0xcb7bb0b0, 0xfca85454, 0xd66dbbbb, 0x3a2c1616  
-static const PRUint32 _T2[256] = 
-0x63c6a563, 0x7cf8847c, 0x77ee9977, 0x7bf68d7b, 0xf2ff0df2, 0x6bd6bd6b,
-0x6fdeb16f, 0xc59154c5, 0x30605030, 0x01020301, 0x67cea967, 0x2b567d2b,
-0xfee719fe, 0xd7b562d7, 0xab4de6ab, 0x76ec9a76, 0xca8f45ca, 0x821f9d82,
-0xc98940c9, 0x7dfa877d, 0xfaef15fa, 0x59b2eb59, 0x478ec947, 0xf0fb0bf0,
-0xad41ecad, 0xd4b367d4, 0xa25ffda2, 0xaf45eaaf, 0x9c23bf9c, 0xa453f7a4,
-0x72e49672, 0xc09b5bc0, 0xb775c2b7, 0xfde11cfd, 0x933dae93, 0x264c6a26,
-0x366c5a36, 0x3f7e413f, 0xf7f502f7, 0xcc834fcc, 0x34685c34, 0xa551f4a5,
-0xe5d134e5, 0xf1f908f1, 0x71e29371, 0xd8ab73d8, 0x31625331, 0x152a3f15,
-0x04080c04, 0xc79552c7, 0x23466523, 0xc39d5ec3, 0x18302818, 0x9637a196,
-0x050a0f05, 0x9a2fb59a, 0x070e0907, 0x12243612, 0x801b9b80, 0xe2df3de2,
-0xebcd26eb, 0x274e6927, 0xb27fcdb2, 0x75ea9f75, 0x09121b09, 0x831d9e83,
-0x2c58742c, 0x1a342e1a, 0x1b362d1b, 0x6edcb26e, 0x5ab4ee5a, 0xa05bfba0,
-0x52a4f652, 0x3b764d3b, 0xd6b761d6, 0xb37dceb3, 0x29527b29, 0xe3dd3ee3,
-0x2f5e712f, 0x84139784, 0x53a6f553, 0xd1b968d1, 0x00000000, 0xedc12ced,
-0x20406020, 0xfce31ffc, 0xb179c8b1, 0x5bb6ed5b, 0x6ad4be6a, 0xcb8d46cb,
-0xbe67d9be, 0x39724b39, 0x4a94de4a, 0x4c98d44c, 0x58b0e858, 0xcf854acf,
-0xd0bb6bd0, 0xefc52aef, 0xaa4fe5aa, 0xfbed16fb, 0x4386c543, 0x4d9ad74d,
-0x33665533, 0x85119485, 0x458acf45, 0xf9e910f9, 0x02040602, 0x7ffe817f,
-0x50a0f050, 0x3c78443c, 0x9f25ba9f, 0xa84be3a8, 0x51a2f351, 0xa35dfea3,
-0x4080c040, 0x8f058a8f, 0x923fad92, 0x9d21bc9d, 0x38704838, 0xf5f104f5,
-0xbc63dfbc, 0xb677c1b6, 0xdaaf75da, 0x21426321, 0x10203010, 0xffe51aff,
-0xf3fd0ef3, 0xd2bf6dd2, 0xcd814ccd, 0x0c18140c, 0x13263513, 0xecc32fec,
-0x5fbee15f, 0x9735a297, 0x4488cc44, 0x172e3917, 0xc49357c4, 0xa755f2a7,
-0x7efc827e, 0x3d7a473d, 0x64c8ac64, 0x5dbae75d, 0x19322b19, 0x73e69573,
-0x60c0a060, 0x81199881, 0x4f9ed14f, 0xdca37fdc, 0x22446622, 0x2a547e2a,
-0x903bab90, 0x880b8388, 0x468cca46, 0xeec729ee, 0xb86bd3b8, 0x14283c14,
-0xdea779de, 0x5ebce25e, 0x0b161d0b, 0xdbad76db, 0xe0db3be0, 0x32645632,
-0x3a744e3a, 0x0a141e0a, 0x4992db49, 0x060c0a06, 0x24486c24, 0x5cb8e45c,
-0xc29f5dc2, 0xd3bd6ed3, 0xac43efac, 0x62c4a662, 0x9139a891, 0x9531a495,
-0xe4d337e4, 0x79f28b79, 0xe7d532e7, 0xc88b43c8, 0x376e5937, 0x6ddab76d,
-0x8d018c8d, 0xd5b164d5, 0x4e9cd24e, 0xa949e0a9, 0x6cd8b46c, 0x56acfa56,
-0xf4f307f4, 0xeacf25ea, 0x65caaf65, 0x7af48e7a, 0xae47e9ae, 0x08101808,
-0xba6fd5ba, 0x78f08878, 0x254a6f25, 0x2e5c722e, 0x1c38241c, 0xa657f1a6,
-0xb473c7b4, 0xc69751c6, 0xe8cb23e8, 0xdda17cdd, 0x74e89c74, 0x1f3e211f,
-0x4b96dd4b, 0xbd61dcbd, 0x8b0d868b, 0x8a0f858a, 0x70e09070, 0x3e7c423e,
-0xb571c4b5, 0x66ccaa66, 0x4890d848, 0x03060503, 0xf6f701f6, 0x0e1c120e,
-0x61c2a361, 0x356a5f35, 0x57aef957, 0xb969d0b9, 0x86179186, 0xc19958c1,
-0x1d3a271d, 0x9e27b99e, 0xe1d938e1, 0xf8eb13f8, 0x982bb398, 0x11223311,
-0x69d2bb69, 0xd9a970d9, 0x8e07898e, 0x9433a794, 0x9b2db69b, 0x1e3c221e,
-0x87159287, 0xe9c920e9, 0xce8749ce, 0x55aaff55, 0x28507828, 0xdfa57adf,
-0x8c038f8c, 0xa159f8a1, 0x89098089, 0x0d1a170d, 0xbf65dabf, 0xe6d731e6,
-0x4284c642, 0x68d0b868, 0x4182c341, 0x9929b099, 0x2d5a772d, 0x0f1e110f,
-0xb07bcbb0, 0x54a8fc54, 0xbb6dd6bb, 0x162c3a16  
-static const PRUint32 _T2[256] = 
-0x63a5c663, 0x7c84f87c, 0x7799ee77, 0x7b8df67b, 0xf20dfff2, 0x6bbdd66b,
-0x6fb1de6f, 0xc55491c5, 0x30506030, 0x01030201, 0x67a9ce67, 0x2b7d562b,
-0xfe19e7fe, 0xd762b5d7, 0xabe64dab, 0x769aec76, 0xca458fca, 0x829d1f82,
-0xc94089c9, 0x7d87fa7d, 0xfa15effa, 0x59ebb259, 0x47c98e47, 0xf00bfbf0,
-0xadec41ad, 0xd467b3d4, 0xa2fd5fa2, 0xafea45af, 0x9cbf239c, 0xa4f753a4,
-0x7296e472, 0xc05b9bc0, 0xb7c275b7, 0xfd1ce1fd, 0x93ae3d93, 0x266a4c26,
-0x365a6c36, 0x3f417e3f, 0xf702f5f7, 0xcc4f83cc, 0x345c6834, 0xa5f451a5,
-0xe534d1e5, 0xf108f9f1, 0x7193e271, 0xd873abd8, 0x31536231, 0x153f2a15,
-0x040c0804, 0xc75295c7, 0x23654623, 0xc35e9dc3, 0x18283018, 0x96a13796,
-0x050f0a05, 0x9ab52f9a, 0x07090e07, 0x12362412, 0x809b1b80, 0xe23ddfe2,
-0xeb26cdeb, 0x27694e27, 0xb2cd7fb2, 0x759fea75, 0x091b1209, 0x839e1d83,
-0x2c74582c, 0x1a2e341a, 0x1b2d361b, 0x6eb2dc6e, 0x5aeeb45a, 0xa0fb5ba0,
-0x52f6a452, 0x3b4d763b, 0xd661b7d6, 0xb3ce7db3, 0x297b5229, 0xe33edde3,
-0x2f715e2f, 0x84971384, 0x53f5a653, 0xd168b9d1, 0x00000000, 0xed2cc1ed,
-0x20604020, 0xfc1fe3fc, 0xb1c879b1, 0x5bedb65b, 0x6abed46a, 0xcb468dcb,
-0xbed967be, 0x394b7239, 0x4ade944a, 0x4cd4984c, 0x58e8b058, 0xcf4a85cf,
-0xd06bbbd0, 0xef2ac5ef, 0xaae54faa, 0xfb16edfb, 0x43c58643, 0x4dd79a4d,
-0x33556633, 0x85941185, 0x45cf8a45, 0xf910e9f9, 0x02060402, 0x7f81fe7f,
-0x50f0a050, 0x3c44783c, 0x9fba259f, 0xa8e34ba8, 0x51f3a251, 0xa3fe5da3,
-0x40c08040, 0x8f8a058f, 0x92ad3f92, 0x9dbc219d, 0x38487038, 0xf504f1f5,
-0xbcdf63bc, 0xb6c177b6, 0xda75afda, 0x21634221, 0x10302010, 0xff1ae5ff,
-0xf30efdf3, 0xd26dbfd2, 0xcd4c81cd, 0x0c14180c, 0x13352613, 0xec2fc3ec,
-0x5fe1be5f, 0x97a23597, 0x44cc8844, 0x17392e17, 0xc45793c4, 0xa7f255a7,
-0x7e82fc7e, 0x3d477a3d, 0x64acc864, 0x5de7ba5d, 0x192b3219, 0x7395e673,
-0x60a0c060, 0x81981981, 0x4fd19e4f, 0xdc7fa3dc, 0x22664422, 0x2a7e542a,
-0x90ab3b90, 0x88830b88, 0x46ca8c46, 0xee29c7ee, 0xb8d36bb8, 0x143c2814,
-0xde79a7de, 0x5ee2bc5e, 0x0b1d160b, 0xdb76addb, 0xe03bdbe0, 0x32566432,
-0x3a4e743a, 0x0a1e140a, 0x49db9249, 0x060a0c06, 0x246c4824, 0x5ce4b85c,
-0xc25d9fc2, 0xd36ebdd3, 0xacef43ac, 0x62a6c462, 0x91a83991, 0x95a43195,
-0xe437d3e4, 0x798bf279, 0xe732d5e7, 0xc8438bc8, 0x37596e37, 0x6db7da6d,
-0x8d8c018d, 0xd564b1d5, 0x4ed29c4e, 0xa9e049a9, 0x6cb4d86c, 0x56faac56,
-0xf407f3f4, 0xea25cfea, 0x65afca65, 0x7a8ef47a, 0xaee947ae, 0x08181008,
-0xbad56fba, 0x7888f078, 0x256f4a25, 0x2e725c2e, 0x1c24381c, 0xa6f157a6,
-0xb4c773b4, 0xc65197c6, 0xe823cbe8, 0xdd7ca1dd, 0x749ce874, 0x1f213e1f,
-0x4bdd964b, 0xbddc61bd, 0x8b860d8b, 0x8a850f8a, 0x7090e070, 0x3e427c3e,
-0xb5c471b5, 0x66aacc66, 0x48d89048, 0x03050603, 0xf601f7f6, 0x0e121c0e,
-0x61a3c261, 0x355f6a35, 0x57f9ae57, 0xb9d069b9, 0x86911786, 0xc15899c1,
-0x1d273a1d, 0x9eb9279e, 0xe138d9e1, 0xf813ebf8, 0x98b32b98, 0x11332211,
-0x69bbd269, 0xd970a9d9, 0x8e89078e, 0x94a73394, 0x9bb62d9b, 0x1e223c1e,
-0x87921587, 0xe920c9e9, 0xce4987ce, 0x55ffaa55, 0x28785028, 0xdf7aa5df,
-0x8c8f038c, 0xa1f859a1, 0x89800989, 0x0d171a0d, 0xbfda65bf, 0xe631d7e6,
-0x42c68442, 0x68b8d068, 0x41c38241, 0x99b02999, 0x2d775a2d, 0x0f111e0f,
-0xb0cb7bb0, 0x54fca854, 0xbbd66dbb, 0x163a2c16  
-static const PRUint32 _T3[256] = 
-0xc6a56363, 0xf8847c7c, 0xee997777, 0xf68d7b7b, 0xff0df2f2, 0xd6bd6b6b,
-0xdeb16f6f, 0x9154c5c5, 0x60503030, 0x02030101, 0xcea96767, 0x567d2b2b,
-0xe719fefe, 0xb562d7d7, 0x4de6abab, 0xec9a7676, 0x8f45caca, 0x1f9d8282,
-0x8940c9c9, 0xfa877d7d, 0xef15fafa, 0xb2eb5959, 0x8ec94747, 0xfb0bf0f0,
-0x41ecadad, 0xb367d4d4, 0x5ffda2a2, 0x45eaafaf, 0x23bf9c9c, 0x53f7a4a4,
-0xe4967272, 0x9b5bc0c0, 0x75c2b7b7, 0xe11cfdfd, 0x3dae9393, 0x4c6a2626,
-0x6c5a3636, 0x7e413f3f, 0xf502f7f7, 0x834fcccc, 0x685c3434, 0x51f4a5a5,
-0xd134e5e5, 0xf908f1f1, 0xe2937171, 0xab73d8d8, 0x62533131, 0x2a3f1515,
-0x080c0404, 0x9552c7c7, 0x46652323, 0x9d5ec3c3, 0x30281818, 0x37a19696,
-0x0a0f0505, 0x2fb59a9a, 0x0e090707, 0x24361212, 0x1b9b8080, 0xdf3de2e2,
-0xcd26ebeb, 0x4e692727, 0x7fcdb2b2, 0xea9f7575, 0x121b0909, 0x1d9e8383,
-0x58742c2c, 0x342e1a1a, 0x362d1b1b, 0xdcb26e6e, 0xb4ee5a5a, 0x5bfba0a0,
-0xa4f65252, 0x764d3b3b, 0xb761d6d6, 0x7dceb3b3, 0x527b2929, 0xdd3ee3e3,
-0x5e712f2f, 0x13978484, 0xa6f55353, 0xb968d1d1, 0x00000000, 0xc12ceded,
-0x40602020, 0xe31ffcfc, 0x79c8b1b1, 0xb6ed5b5b, 0xd4be6a6a, 0x8d46cbcb,
-0x67d9bebe, 0x724b3939, 0x94de4a4a, 0x98d44c4c, 0xb0e85858, 0x854acfcf,
-0xbb6bd0d0, 0xc52aefef, 0x4fe5aaaa, 0xed16fbfb, 0x86c54343, 0x9ad74d4d,
-0x66553333, 0x11948585, 0x8acf4545, 0xe910f9f9, 0x04060202, 0xfe817f7f,
-0xa0f05050, 0x78443c3c, 0x25ba9f9f, 0x4be3a8a8, 0xa2f35151, 0x5dfea3a3,
-0x80c04040, 0x058a8f8f, 0x3fad9292, 0x21bc9d9d, 0x70483838, 0xf104f5f5,
-0x63dfbcbc, 0x77c1b6b6, 0xaf75dada, 0x42632121, 0x20301010, 0xe51affff,
-0xfd0ef3f3, 0xbf6dd2d2, 0x814ccdcd, 0x18140c0c, 0x26351313, 0xc32fecec,
-0xbee15f5f, 0x35a29797, 0x88cc4444, 0x2e391717, 0x9357c4c4, 0x55f2a7a7,
-0xfc827e7e, 0x7a473d3d, 0xc8ac6464, 0xbae75d5d, 0x322b1919, 0xe6957373,
-0xc0a06060, 0x19988181, 0x9ed14f4f, 0xa37fdcdc, 0x44662222, 0x547e2a2a,
-0x3bab9090, 0x0b838888, 0x8cca4646, 0xc729eeee, 0x6bd3b8b8, 0x283c1414,
-0xa779dede, 0xbce25e5e, 0x161d0b0b, 0xad76dbdb, 0xdb3be0e0, 0x64563232,
-0x744e3a3a, 0x141e0a0a, 0x92db4949, 0x0c0a0606, 0x486c2424, 0xb8e45c5c,
-0x9f5dc2c2, 0xbd6ed3d3, 0x43efacac, 0xc4a66262, 0x39a89191, 0x31a49595,
-0xd337e4e4, 0xf28b7979, 0xd532e7e7, 0x8b43c8c8, 0x6e593737, 0xdab76d6d,
-0x018c8d8d, 0xb164d5d5, 0x9cd24e4e, 0x49e0a9a9, 0xd8b46c6c, 0xacfa5656,
-0xf307f4f4, 0xcf25eaea, 0xcaaf6565, 0xf48e7a7a, 0x47e9aeae, 0x10180808,
-0x6fd5baba, 0xf0887878, 0x4a6f2525, 0x5c722e2e, 0x38241c1c, 0x57f1a6a6,
-0x73c7b4b4, 0x9751c6c6, 0xcb23e8e8, 0xa17cdddd, 0xe89c7474, 0x3e211f1f,
-0x96dd4b4b, 0x61dcbdbd, 0x0d868b8b, 0x0f858a8a, 0xe0907070, 0x7c423e3e,
-0x71c4b5b5, 0xccaa6666, 0x90d84848, 0x06050303, 0xf701f6f6, 0x1c120e0e,
-0xc2a36161, 0x6a5f3535, 0xaef95757, 0x69d0b9b9, 0x17918686, 0x9958c1c1,
-0x3a271d1d, 0x27b99e9e, 0xd938e1e1, 0xeb13f8f8, 0x2bb39898, 0x22331111,
-0xd2bb6969, 0xa970d9d9, 0x07898e8e, 0x33a79494, 0x2db69b9b, 0x3c221e1e,
-0x15928787, 0xc920e9e9, 0x8749cece, 0xaaff5555, 0x50782828, 0xa57adfdf,
-0x038f8c8c, 0x59f8a1a1, 0x09808989, 0x1a170d0d, 0x65dabfbf, 0xd731e6e6,
-0x84c64242, 0xd0b86868, 0x82c34141, 0x29b09999, 0x5a772d2d, 0x1e110f0f,
-0x7bcbb0b0, 0xa8fc5454, 0x6dd6bbbb, 0x2c3a1616  
-static const PRUint32 _T3[256] = 
-0x6363a5c6, 0x7c7c84f8, 0x777799ee, 0x7b7b8df6, 0xf2f20dff, 0x6b6bbdd6,
-0x6f6fb1de, 0xc5c55491, 0x30305060, 0x01010302, 0x6767a9ce, 0x2b2b7d56,
-0xfefe19e7, 0xd7d762b5, 0xababe64d, 0x76769aec, 0xcaca458f, 0x82829d1f,
-0xc9c94089, 0x7d7d87fa, 0xfafa15ef, 0x5959ebb2, 0x4747c98e, 0xf0f00bfb,
-0xadadec41, 0xd4d467b3, 0xa2a2fd5f, 0xafafea45, 0x9c9cbf23, 0xa4a4f753,
-0x727296e4, 0xc0c05b9b, 0xb7b7c275, 0xfdfd1ce1, 0x9393ae3d, 0x26266a4c,
-0x36365a6c, 0x3f3f417e, 0xf7f702f5, 0xcccc4f83, 0x34345c68, 0xa5a5f451,
-0xe5e534d1, 0xf1f108f9, 0x717193e2, 0xd8d873ab, 0x31315362, 0x15153f2a,
-0x04040c08, 0xc7c75295, 0x23236546, 0xc3c35e9d, 0x18182830, 0x9696a137,
-0x05050f0a, 0x9a9ab52f, 0x0707090e, 0x12123624, 0x80809b1b, 0xe2e23ddf,
-0xebeb26cd, 0x2727694e, 0xb2b2cd7f, 0x75759fea, 0x09091b12, 0x83839e1d,
-0x2c2c7458, 0x1a1a2e34, 0x1b1b2d36, 0x6e6eb2dc, 0x5a5aeeb4, 0xa0a0fb5b,
-0x5252f6a4, 0x3b3b4d76, 0xd6d661b7, 0xb3b3ce7d, 0x29297b52, 0xe3e33edd,
-0x2f2f715e, 0x84849713, 0x5353f5a6, 0xd1d168b9, 0x00000000, 0xeded2cc1,
-0x20206040, 0xfcfc1fe3, 0xb1b1c879, 0x5b5bedb6, 0x6a6abed4, 0xcbcb468d,
-0xbebed967, 0x39394b72, 0x4a4ade94, 0x4c4cd498, 0x5858e8b0, 0xcfcf4a85,
-0xd0d06bbb, 0xefef2ac5, 0xaaaae54f, 0xfbfb16ed, 0x4343c586, 0x4d4dd79a,
-0x33335566, 0x85859411, 0x4545cf8a, 0xf9f910e9, 0x02020604, 0x7f7f81fe,
-0x5050f0a0, 0x3c3c4478, 0x9f9fba25, 0xa8a8e34b, 0x5151f3a2, 0xa3a3fe5d,
-0x4040c080, 0x8f8f8a05, 0x9292ad3f, 0x9d9dbc21, 0x38384870, 0xf5f504f1,
-0xbcbcdf63, 0xb6b6c177, 0xdada75af, 0x21216342, 0x10103020, 0xffff1ae5,
-0xf3f30efd, 0xd2d26dbf, 0xcdcd4c81, 0x0c0c1418, 0x13133526, 0xecec2fc3,
-0x5f5fe1be, 0x9797a235, 0x4444cc88, 0x1717392e, 0xc4c45793, 0xa7a7f255,
-0x7e7e82fc, 0x3d3d477a, 0x6464acc8, 0x5d5de7ba, 0x19192b32, 0x737395e6,
-0x6060a0c0, 0x81819819, 0x4f4fd19e, 0xdcdc7fa3, 0x22226644, 0x2a2a7e54,
-0x9090ab3b, 0x8888830b, 0x4646ca8c, 0xeeee29c7, 0xb8b8d36b, 0x14143c28,
-0xdede79a7, 0x5e5ee2bc, 0x0b0b1d16, 0xdbdb76ad, 0xe0e03bdb, 0x32325664,
-0x3a3a4e74, 0x0a0a1e14, 0x4949db92, 0x06060a0c, 0x24246c48, 0x5c5ce4b8,
-0xc2c25d9f, 0xd3d36ebd, 0xacacef43, 0x6262a6c4, 0x9191a839, 0x9595a431,
-0xe4e437d3, 0x79798bf2, 0xe7e732d5, 0xc8c8438b, 0x3737596e, 0x6d6db7da,
-0x8d8d8c01, 0xd5d564b1, 0x4e4ed29c, 0xa9a9e049, 0x6c6cb4d8, 0x5656faac,
-0xf4f407f3, 0xeaea25cf, 0x6565afca, 0x7a7a8ef4, 0xaeaee947, 0x08081810,
-0xbabad56f, 0x787888f0, 0x25256f4a, 0x2e2e725c, 0x1c1c2438, 0xa6a6f157,
-0xb4b4c773, 0xc6c65197, 0xe8e823cb, 0xdddd7ca1, 0x74749ce8, 0x1f1f213e,
-0x4b4bdd96, 0xbdbddc61, 0x8b8b860d, 0x8a8a850f, 0x707090e0, 0x3e3e427c,
-0xb5b5c471, 0x6666aacc, 0x4848d890, 0x03030506, 0xf6f601f7, 0x0e0e121c,
-0x6161a3c2, 0x35355f6a, 0x5757f9ae, 0xb9b9d069, 0x86869117, 0xc1c15899,
-0x1d1d273a, 0x9e9eb927, 0xe1e138d9, 0xf8f813eb, 0x9898b32b, 0x11113322,
-0x6969bbd2, 0xd9d970a9, 0x8e8e8907, 0x9494a733, 0x9b9bb62d, 0x1e1e223c,
-0x87879215, 0xe9e920c9, 0xcece4987, 0x5555ffaa, 0x28287850, 0xdfdf7aa5,
-0x8c8c8f03, 0xa1a1f859, 0x89898009, 0x0d0d171a, 0xbfbfda65, 0xe6e631d7,
-0x4242c684, 0x6868b8d0, 0x4141c382, 0x9999b029, 0x2d2d775a, 0x0f0f111e,
-0xb0b0cb7b, 0x5454fca8, 0xbbbbd66d, 0x16163a2c  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv0[256] = 
-0x50a7f451, 0x5365417e, 0xc3a4171a, 0x965e273a, 0xcb6bab3b, 0xf1459d1f,
-0xab58faac, 0x9303e34b, 0x55fa3020, 0xf66d76ad, 0x9176cc88, 0x254c02f5,
-0xfcd7e54f, 0xd7cb2ac5, 0x80443526, 0x8fa362b5, 0x495ab1de, 0x671bba25,
-0x980eea45, 0xe1c0fe5d, 0x02752fc3, 0x12f04c81, 0xa397468d, 0xc6f9d36b,
-0xe75f8f03, 0x959c9215, 0xeb7a6dbf, 0xda595295, 0x2d83bed4, 0xd3217458,
-0x2969e049, 0x44c8c98e, 0x6a89c275, 0x78798ef4, 0x6b3e5899, 0xdd71b927,
-0xb64fe1be, 0x17ad88f0, 0x66ac20c9, 0xb43ace7d, 0x184adf63, 0x82311ae5,
-0x60335197, 0x457f5362, 0xe07764b1, 0x84ae6bbb, 0x1ca081fe, 0x942b08f9,
-0x58684870, 0x19fd458f, 0x876cde94, 0xb7f87b52, 0x23d373ab, 0xe2024b72,
-0x578f1fe3, 0x2aab5566, 0x0728ebb2, 0x03c2b52f, 0x9a7bc586, 0xa50837d3,
-0xf2872830, 0xb2a5bf23, 0xba6a0302, 0x5c8216ed, 0x2b1ccf8a, 0x92b479a7,
-0xf0f207f3, 0xa1e2694e, 0xcdf4da65, 0xd5be0506, 0x1f6234d1, 0x8afea6c4,
-0x9d532e34, 0xa055f3a2, 0x32e18a05, 0x75ebf6a4, 0x39ec830b, 0xaaef6040,
-0x069f715e, 0x51106ebd, 0xf98a213e, 0x3d06dd96, 0xae053edd, 0x46bde64d,
-0xb58d5491, 0x055dc471, 0x6fd40604, 0xff155060, 0x24fb9819, 0x97e9bdd6,
-0xcc434089, 0x779ed967, 0xbd42e8b0, 0x888b8907, 0x385b19e7, 0xdbeec879,
-0x470a7ca1, 0xe90f427c, 0xc91e84f8, 0x00000000, 0x83868009, 0x48ed2b32,
-0xac70111e, 0x4e725a6c, 0xfbff0efd, 0x5638850f, 0x1ed5ae3d, 0x27392d36,
-0x64d90f0a, 0x21a65c68, 0xd1545b9b, 0x3a2e3624, 0xb1670a0c, 0x0fe75793,
-0xd296eeb4, 0x9e919b1b, 0x4fc5c080, 0xa220dc61, 0x694b775a, 0x161a121c,
-0x0aba93e2, 0xe52aa0c0, 0x43e0223c, 0x1d171b12, 0x0b0d090e, 0xadc78bf2,
-0xb9a8b62d, 0xc8a91e14, 0x8519f157, 0x4c0775af, 0xbbdd99ee, 0xfd607fa3,
-0x9f2601f7, 0xbcf5725c, 0xc53b6644, 0x347efb5b, 0x7629438b, 0xdcc623cb,
-0x68fcedb6, 0x63f1e4b8, 0xcadc31d7, 0x10856342, 0x40229713, 0x2011c684,
-0x7d244a85, 0xf83dbbd2, 0x1132f9ae, 0x6da129c7, 0x4b2f9e1d, 0xf330b2dc,
-0xec52860d, 0xd0e3c177, 0x6c16b32b, 0x99b970a9, 0xfa489411, 0x2264e947,
-0xc48cfca8, 0x1a3ff0a0, 0xd82c7d56, 0xef903322, 0xc74e4987, 0xc1d138d9,
-0xfea2ca8c, 0x360bd498, 0xcf81f5a6, 0x28de7aa5, 0x268eb7da, 0xa4bfad3f,
-0xe49d3a2c, 0x0d927850, 0x9bcc5f6a, 0x62467e54, 0xc2138df6, 0xe8b8d890,
-0x5ef7392e, 0xf5afc382, 0xbe805d9f, 0x7c93d069, 0xa92dd56f, 0xb31225cf,
-0x3b99acc8, 0xa77d1810, 0x6e639ce8, 0x7bbb3bdb, 0x097826cd, 0xf418596e,
-0x01b79aec, 0xa89a4f83, 0x656e95e6, 0x7ee6ffaa, 0x08cfbc21, 0xe6e815ef,
-0xd99be7ba, 0xce366f4a, 0xd4099fea, 0xd67cb029, 0xafb2a431, 0x31233f2a,
-0x3094a5c6, 0xc066a235, 0x37bc4e74, 0xa6ca82fc, 0xb0d090e0, 0x15d8a733,
-0x4a9804f1, 0xf7daec41, 0x0e50cd7f, 0x2ff69117, 0x8dd64d76, 0x4db0ef43,
-0x544daacc, 0xdf0496e4, 0xe3b5d19e, 0x1b886a4c, 0xb81f2cc1, 0x7f516546,
-0x04ea5e9d, 0x5d358c01, 0x737487fa, 0x2e410bfb, 0x5a1d67b3, 0x52d2db92,
-0x335610e9, 0x1347d66d, 0x8c61d79a, 0x7a0ca137, 0x8e14f859, 0x893c13eb,
-0xee27a9ce, 0x35c961b7, 0xede51ce1, 0x3cb1477a, 0x59dfd29c, 0x3f73f255,
-0x79ce1418, 0xbf37c773, 0xeacdf753, 0x5baafd5f, 0x146f3ddf, 0x86db4478,
-0x81f3afca, 0x3ec468b9, 0x2c342438, 0x5f40a3c2, 0x72c31d16, 0x0c25e2bc,
-0x8b493c28, 0x41950dff, 0x7101a839, 0xdeb30c08, 0x9ce4b4d8, 0x90c15664,
-0x6184cb7b, 0x70b632d5, 0x745c6c48, 0x4257b8d0  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv0[256] = 
-0x51f4a750, 0x7e416553, 0x1a17a4c3, 0x3a275e96, 0x3bab6bcb, 0x1f9d45f1,
-0xacfa58ab, 0x4be30393, 0x2030fa55, 0xad766df6, 0x88cc7691, 0xf5024c25,
-0x4fe5d7fc, 0xc52acbd7, 0x26354480, 0xb562a38f, 0xdeb15a49, 0x25ba1b67,
-0x45ea0e98, 0x5dfec0e1, 0xc32f7502, 0x814cf012, 0x8d4697a3, 0x6bd3f9c6,
-0x038f5fe7, 0x15929c95, 0xbf6d7aeb, 0x955259da, 0xd4be832d, 0x587421d3,
-0x49e06929, 0x8ec9c844, 0x75c2896a, 0xf48e7978, 0x99583e6b, 0x27b971dd,
-0xbee14fb6, 0xf088ad17, 0xc920ac66, 0x7dce3ab4, 0x63df4a18, 0xe51a3182,
-0x97513360, 0x62537f45, 0xb16477e0, 0xbb6bae84, 0xfe81a01c, 0xf9082b94,
-0x70486858, 0x8f45fd19, 0x94de6c87, 0x527bf8b7, 0xab73d323, 0x724b02e2,
-0xe31f8f57, 0x6655ab2a, 0xb2eb2807, 0x2fb5c203, 0x86c57b9a, 0xd33708a5,
-0x302887f2, 0x23bfa5b2, 0x02036aba, 0xed16825c, 0x8acf1c2b, 0xa779b492,
-0xf307f2f0, 0x4e69e2a1, 0x65daf4cd, 0x0605bed5, 0xd134621f, 0xc4a6fe8a,
-0x342e539d, 0xa2f355a0, 0x058ae132, 0xa4f6eb75, 0x0b83ec39, 0x4060efaa,
-0x5e719f06, 0xbd6e1051, 0x3e218af9, 0x96dd063d, 0xdd3e05ae, 0x4de6bd46,
-0x91548db5, 0x71c45d05, 0x0406d46f, 0x605015ff, 0x1998fb24, 0xd6bde997,
-0x894043cc, 0x67d99e77, 0xb0e842bd, 0x07898b88, 0xe7195b38, 0x79c8eedb,
-0xa17c0a47, 0x7c420fe9, 0xf8841ec9, 0x00000000, 0x09808683, 0x322bed48,
-0x1e1170ac, 0x6c5a724e, 0xfd0efffb, 0x0f853856, 0x3daed51e, 0x362d3927,
-0x0a0fd964, 0x685ca621, 0x9b5b54d1, 0x24362e3a, 0x0c0a67b1, 0x9357e70f,
-0xb4ee96d2, 0x1b9b919e, 0x80c0c54f, 0x61dc20a2, 0x5a774b69, 0x1c121a16,
-0xe293ba0a, 0xc0a02ae5, 0x3c22e043, 0x121b171d, 0x0e090d0b, 0xf28bc7ad,
-0x2db6a8b9, 0x141ea9c8, 0x57f11985, 0xaf75074c, 0xee99ddbb, 0xa37f60fd,
-0xf701269f, 0x5c72f5bc, 0x44663bc5, 0x5bfb7e34, 0x8b432976, 0xcb23c6dc,
-0xb6edfc68, 0xb8e4f163, 0xd731dcca, 0x42638510, 0x13972240, 0x84c61120,
-0x854a247d, 0xd2bb3df8, 0xaef93211, 0xc729a16d, 0x1d9e2f4b, 0xdcb230f3,
-0x0d8652ec, 0x77c1e3d0, 0x2bb3166c, 0xa970b999, 0x119448fa, 0x47e96422,
-0xa8fc8cc4, 0xa0f03f1a, 0x567d2cd8, 0x223390ef, 0x87494ec7, 0xd938d1c1,
-0x8ccaa2fe, 0x98d40b36, 0xa6f581cf, 0xa57ade28, 0xdab78e26, 0x3fadbfa4,
-0x2c3a9de4, 0x5078920d, 0x6a5fcc9b, 0x547e4662, 0xf68d13c2, 0x90d8b8e8,
-0x2e39f75e, 0x82c3aff5, 0x9f5d80be, 0x69d0937c, 0x6fd52da9, 0xcf2512b3,
-0xc8ac993b, 0x10187da7, 0xe89c636e, 0xdb3bbb7b, 0xcd267809, 0x6e5918f4,
-0xec9ab701, 0x834f9aa8, 0xe6956e65, 0xaaffe67e, 0x21bccf08, 0xef15e8e6,
-0xbae79bd9, 0x4a6f36ce, 0xea9f09d4, 0x29b07cd6, 0x31a4b2af, 0x2a3f2331,
-0xc6a59430, 0x35a266c0, 0x744ebc37, 0xfc82caa6, 0xe090d0b0, 0x33a7d815,
-0xf104984a, 0x41ecdaf7, 0x7fcd500e, 0x1791f62f, 0x764dd68d, 0x43efb04d,
-0xccaa4d54, 0xe49604df, 0x9ed1b5e3, 0x4c6a881b, 0xc12c1fb8, 0x4665517f,
-0x9d5eea04, 0x018c355d, 0xfa877473, 0xfb0b412e, 0xb3671d5a, 0x92dbd252,
-0xe9105633, 0x6dd64713, 0x9ad7618c, 0x37a10c7a, 0x59f8148e, 0xeb133c89,
-0xcea927ee, 0xb761c935, 0xe11ce5ed, 0x7a47b13c, 0x9cd2df59, 0x55f2733f,
-0x1814ce79, 0x73c737bf, 0x53f7cdea, 0x5ffdaa5b, 0xdf3d6f14, 0x7844db86,
-0xcaaff381, 0xb968c43e, 0x3824342c, 0xc2a3405f, 0x161dc372, 0xbce2250c,
-0x283c498b, 0xff0d9541, 0x39a80171, 0x080cb3de, 0xd8b4e49c, 0x6456c190,
-0x7bcb8461, 0xd532b670, 0x486c5c74, 0xd0b85742  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv1[256] = 
-0xa7f45150, 0x65417e53, 0xa4171ac3, 0x5e273a96, 0x6bab3bcb, 0x459d1ff1,
-0x58faacab, 0x03e34b93, 0xfa302055, 0x6d76adf6, 0x76cc8891, 0x4c02f525,
-0xd7e54ffc, 0xcb2ac5d7, 0x44352680, 0xa362b58f, 0x5ab1de49, 0x1bba2567,
-0x0eea4598, 0xc0fe5de1, 0x752fc302, 0xf04c8112, 0x97468da3, 0xf9d36bc6,
-0x5f8f03e7, 0x9c921595, 0x7a6dbfeb, 0x595295da, 0x83bed42d, 0x217458d3,
-0x69e04929, 0xc8c98e44, 0x89c2756a, 0x798ef478, 0x3e58996b, 0x71b927dd,
-0x4fe1beb6, 0xad88f017, 0xac20c966, 0x3ace7db4, 0x4adf6318, 0x311ae582,
-0x33519760, 0x7f536245, 0x7764b1e0, 0xae6bbb84, 0xa081fe1c, 0x2b08f994,
-0x68487058, 0xfd458f19, 0x6cde9487, 0xf87b52b7, 0xd373ab23, 0x024b72e2,
-0x8f1fe357, 0xab55662a, 0x28ebb207, 0xc2b52f03, 0x7bc5869a, 0x0837d3a5,
-0x872830f2, 0xa5bf23b2, 0x6a0302ba, 0x8216ed5c, 0x1ccf8a2b, 0xb479a792,
-0xf207f3f0, 0xe2694ea1, 0xf4da65cd, 0xbe0506d5, 0x6234d11f, 0xfea6c48a,
-0x532e349d, 0x55f3a2a0, 0xe18a0532, 0xebf6a475, 0xec830b39, 0xef6040aa,
-0x9f715e06, 0x106ebd51, 0x8a213ef9, 0x06dd963d, 0x053eddae, 0xbde64d46,
-0x8d5491b5, 0x5dc47105, 0xd406046f, 0x155060ff, 0xfb981924, 0xe9bdd697,
-0x434089cc, 0x9ed96777, 0x42e8b0bd, 0x8b890788, 0x5b19e738, 0xeec879db,
-0x0a7ca147, 0x0f427ce9, 0x1e84f8c9, 0x00000000, 0x86800983, 0xed2b3248,
-0x70111eac, 0x725a6c4e, 0xff0efdfb, 0x38850f56, 0xd5ae3d1e, 0x392d3627,
-0xd90f0a64, 0xa65c6821, 0x545b9bd1, 0x2e36243a, 0x670a0cb1, 0xe757930f,
-0x96eeb4d2, 0x919b1b9e, 0xc5c0804f, 0x20dc61a2, 0x4b775a69, 0x1a121c16,
-0xba93e20a, 0x2aa0c0e5, 0xe0223c43, 0x171b121d, 0x0d090e0b, 0xc78bf2ad,
-0xa8b62db9, 0xa91e14c8, 0x19f15785, 0x0775af4c, 0xdd99eebb, 0x607fa3fd,
-0x2601f79f, 0xf5725cbc, 0x3b6644c5, 0x7efb5b34, 0x29438b76, 0xc623cbdc,
-0xfcedb668, 0xf1e4b863, 0xdc31d7ca, 0x85634210, 0x22971340, 0x11c68420,
-0x244a857d, 0x3dbbd2f8, 0x32f9ae11, 0xa129c76d, 0x2f9e1d4b, 0x30b2dcf3,
-0x52860dec, 0xe3c177d0, 0x16b32b6c, 0xb970a999, 0x489411fa, 0x64e94722,
-0x8cfca8c4, 0x3ff0a01a, 0x2c7d56d8, 0x903322ef, 0x4e4987c7, 0xd138d9c1,
-0xa2ca8cfe, 0x0bd49836, 0x81f5a6cf, 0xde7aa528, 0x8eb7da26, 0xbfad3fa4,
-0x9d3a2ce4, 0x9278500d, 0xcc5f6a9b, 0x467e5462, 0x138df6c2, 0xb8d890e8,
-0xf7392e5e, 0xafc382f5, 0x805d9fbe, 0x93d0697c, 0x2dd56fa9, 0x1225cfb3,
-0x99acc83b, 0x7d1810a7, 0x639ce86e, 0xbb3bdb7b, 0x7826cd09, 0x18596ef4,
-0xb79aec01, 0x9a4f83a8, 0x6e95e665, 0xe6ffaa7e, 0xcfbc2108, 0xe815efe6,
-0x9be7bad9, 0x366f4ace, 0x099fead4, 0x7cb029d6, 0xb2a431af, 0x233f2a31,
-0x94a5c630, 0x66a235c0, 0xbc4e7437, 0xca82fca6, 0xd090e0b0, 0xd8a73315,
-0x9804f14a, 0xdaec41f7, 0x50cd7f0e, 0xf691172f, 0xd64d768d, 0xb0ef434d,
-0x4daacc54, 0x0496e4df, 0xb5d19ee3, 0x886a4c1b, 0x1f2cc1b8, 0x5165467f,
-0xea5e9d04, 0x358c015d, 0x7487fa73, 0x410bfb2e, 0x1d67b35a, 0xd2db9252,
-0x5610e933, 0x47d66d13, 0x61d79a8c, 0x0ca1377a, 0x14f8598e, 0x3c13eb89,
-0x27a9ceee, 0xc961b735, 0xe51ce1ed, 0xb1477a3c, 0xdfd29c59, 0x73f2553f,
-0xce141879, 0x37c773bf, 0xcdf753ea, 0xaafd5f5b, 0x6f3ddf14, 0xdb447886,
-0xf3afca81, 0xc468b93e, 0x3424382c, 0x40a3c25f, 0xc31d1672, 0x25e2bc0c,
-0x493c288b, 0x950dff41, 0x01a83971, 0xb30c08de, 0xe4b4d89c, 0xc1566490,
-0x84cb7b61, 0xb632d570, 0x5c6c4874, 0x57b8d042  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv1[256] = 
-0x5051f4a7, 0x537e4165, 0xc31a17a4, 0x963a275e, 0xcb3bab6b, 0xf11f9d45,
-0xabacfa58, 0x934be303, 0x552030fa, 0xf6ad766d, 0x9188cc76, 0x25f5024c,
-0xfc4fe5d7, 0xd7c52acb, 0x80263544, 0x8fb562a3, 0x49deb15a, 0x6725ba1b,
-0x9845ea0e, 0xe15dfec0, 0x02c32f75, 0x12814cf0, 0xa38d4697, 0xc66bd3f9,
-0xe7038f5f, 0x9515929c, 0xebbf6d7a, 0xda955259, 0x2dd4be83, 0xd3587421,
-0x2949e069, 0x448ec9c8, 0x6a75c289, 0x78f48e79, 0x6b99583e, 0xdd27b971,
-0xb6bee14f, 0x17f088ad, 0x66c920ac, 0xb47dce3a, 0x1863df4a, 0x82e51a31,
-0x60975133, 0x4562537f, 0xe0b16477, 0x84bb6bae, 0x1cfe81a0, 0x94f9082b,
-0x58704868, 0x198f45fd, 0x8794de6c, 0xb7527bf8, 0x23ab73d3, 0xe2724b02,
-0x57e31f8f, 0x2a6655ab, 0x07b2eb28, 0x032fb5c2, 0x9a86c57b, 0xa5d33708,
-0xf2302887, 0xb223bfa5, 0xba02036a, 0x5ced1682, 0x2b8acf1c, 0x92a779b4,
-0xf0f307f2, 0xa14e69e2, 0xcd65daf4, 0xd50605be, 0x1fd13462, 0x8ac4a6fe,
-0x9d342e53, 0xa0a2f355, 0x32058ae1, 0x75a4f6eb, 0x390b83ec, 0xaa4060ef,
-0x065e719f, 0x51bd6e10, 0xf93e218a, 0x3d96dd06, 0xaedd3e05, 0x464de6bd,
-0xb591548d, 0x0571c45d, 0x6f0406d4, 0xff605015, 0x241998fb, 0x97d6bde9,
-0xcc894043, 0x7767d99e, 0xbdb0e842, 0x8807898b, 0x38e7195b, 0xdb79c8ee,
-0x47a17c0a, 0xe97c420f, 0xc9f8841e, 0x00000000, 0x83098086, 0x48322bed,
-0xac1e1170, 0x4e6c5a72, 0xfbfd0eff, 0x560f8538, 0x1e3daed5, 0x27362d39,
-0x640a0fd9, 0x21685ca6, 0xd19b5b54, 0x3a24362e, 0xb10c0a67, 0x0f9357e7,
-0xd2b4ee96, 0x9e1b9b91, 0x4f80c0c5, 0xa261dc20, 0x695a774b, 0x161c121a,
-0x0ae293ba, 0xe5c0a02a, 0x433c22e0, 0x1d121b17, 0x0b0e090d, 0xadf28bc7,
-0xb92db6a8, 0xc8141ea9, 0x8557f119, 0x4caf7507, 0xbbee99dd, 0xfda37f60,
-0x9ff70126, 0xbc5c72f5, 0xc544663b, 0x345bfb7e, 0x768b4329, 0xdccb23c6,
-0x68b6edfc, 0x63b8e4f1, 0xcad731dc, 0x10426385, 0x40139722, 0x2084c611,
-0x7d854a24, 0xf8d2bb3d, 0x11aef932, 0x6dc729a1, 0x4b1d9e2f, 0xf3dcb230,
-0xec0d8652, 0xd077c1e3, 0x6c2bb316, 0x99a970b9, 0xfa119448, 0x2247e964,
-0xc4a8fc8c, 0x1aa0f03f, 0xd8567d2c, 0xef223390, 0xc787494e, 0xc1d938d1,
-0xfe8ccaa2, 0x3698d40b, 0xcfa6f581, 0x28a57ade, 0x26dab78e, 0xa43fadbf,
-0xe42c3a9d, 0x0d507892, 0x9b6a5fcc, 0x62547e46, 0xc2f68d13, 0xe890d8b8,
-0x5e2e39f7, 0xf582c3af, 0xbe9f5d80, 0x7c69d093, 0xa96fd52d, 0xb3cf2512,
-0x3bc8ac99, 0xa710187d, 0x6ee89c63, 0x7bdb3bbb, 0x09cd2678, 0xf46e5918,
-0x01ec9ab7, 0xa8834f9a, 0x65e6956e, 0x7eaaffe6, 0x0821bccf, 0xe6ef15e8,
-0xd9bae79b, 0xce4a6f36, 0xd4ea9f09, 0xd629b07c, 0xaf31a4b2, 0x312a3f23,
-0x30c6a594, 0xc035a266, 0x37744ebc, 0xa6fc82ca, 0xb0e090d0, 0x1533a7d8,
-0x4af10498, 0xf741ecda, 0x0e7fcd50, 0x2f1791f6, 0x8d764dd6, 0x4d43efb0,
-0x54ccaa4d, 0xdfe49604, 0xe39ed1b5, 0x1b4c6a88, 0xb8c12c1f, 0x7f466551,
-0x049d5eea, 0x5d018c35, 0x73fa8774, 0x2efb0b41, 0x5ab3671d, 0x5292dbd2,
-0x33e91056, 0x136dd647, 0x8c9ad761, 0x7a37a10c, 0x8e59f814, 0x89eb133c,
-0xeecea927, 0x35b761c9, 0xede11ce5, 0x3c7a47b1, 0x599cd2df, 0x3f55f273,
-0x791814ce, 0xbf73c737, 0xea53f7cd, 0x5b5ffdaa, 0x14df3d6f, 0x867844db,
-0x81caaff3, 0x3eb968c4, 0x2c382434, 0x5fc2a340, 0x72161dc3, 0x0cbce225,
-0x8b283c49, 0x41ff0d95, 0x7139a801, 0xde080cb3, 0x9cd8b4e4, 0x906456c1,
-0x617bcb84, 0x70d532b6, 0x74486c5c, 0x42d0b857  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv2[256] = 
-0xf45150a7, 0x417e5365, 0x171ac3a4, 0x273a965e, 0xab3bcb6b, 0x9d1ff145,
-0xfaacab58, 0xe34b9303, 0x302055fa, 0x76adf66d, 0xcc889176, 0x02f5254c,
-0xe54ffcd7, 0x2ac5d7cb, 0x35268044, 0x62b58fa3, 0xb1de495a, 0xba25671b,
-0xea45980e, 0xfe5de1c0, 0x2fc30275, 0x4c8112f0, 0x468da397, 0xd36bc6f9,
-0x8f03e75f, 0x9215959c, 0x6dbfeb7a, 0x5295da59, 0xbed42d83, 0x7458d321,
-0xe0492969, 0xc98e44c8, 0xc2756a89, 0x8ef47879, 0x58996b3e, 0xb927dd71,
-0xe1beb64f, 0x88f017ad, 0x20c966ac, 0xce7db43a, 0xdf63184a, 0x1ae58231,
-0x51976033, 0x5362457f, 0x64b1e077, 0x6bbb84ae, 0x81fe1ca0, 0x08f9942b,
-0x48705868, 0x458f19fd, 0xde94876c, 0x7b52b7f8, 0x73ab23d3, 0x4b72e202,
-0x1fe3578f, 0x55662aab, 0xebb20728, 0xb52f03c2, 0xc5869a7b, 0x37d3a508,
-0x2830f287, 0xbf23b2a5, 0x0302ba6a, 0x16ed5c82, 0xcf8a2b1c, 0x79a792b4,
-0x07f3f0f2, 0x694ea1e2, 0xda65cdf4, 0x0506d5be, 0x34d11f62, 0xa6c48afe,
-0x2e349d53, 0xf3a2a055, 0x8a0532e1, 0xf6a475eb, 0x830b39ec, 0x6040aaef,
-0x715e069f, 0x6ebd5110, 0x213ef98a, 0xdd963d06, 0x3eddae05, 0xe64d46bd,
-0x5491b58d, 0xc471055d, 0x06046fd4, 0x5060ff15, 0x981924fb, 0xbdd697e9,
-0x4089cc43, 0xd967779e, 0xe8b0bd42, 0x8907888b, 0x19e7385b, 0xc879dbee,
-0x7ca1470a, 0x427ce90f, 0x84f8c91e, 0x00000000, 0x80098386, 0x2b3248ed,
-0x111eac70, 0x5a6c4e72, 0x0efdfbff, 0x850f5638, 0xae3d1ed5, 0x2d362739,
-0x0f0a64d9, 0x5c6821a6, 0x5b9bd154, 0x36243a2e, 0x0a0cb167, 0x57930fe7,
-0xeeb4d296, 0x9b1b9e91, 0xc0804fc5, 0xdc61a220, 0x775a694b, 0x121c161a,
-0x93e20aba, 0xa0c0e52a, 0x223c43e0, 0x1b121d17, 0x090e0b0d, 0x8bf2adc7,
-0xb62db9a8, 0x1e14c8a9, 0xf1578519, 0x75af4c07, 0x99eebbdd, 0x7fa3fd60,
-0x01f79f26, 0x725cbcf5, 0x6644c53b, 0xfb5b347e, 0x438b7629, 0x23cbdcc6,
-0xedb668fc, 0xe4b863f1, 0x31d7cadc, 0x63421085, 0x97134022, 0xc6842011,
-0x4a857d24, 0xbbd2f83d, 0xf9ae1132, 0x29c76da1, 0x9e1d4b2f, 0xb2dcf330,
-0x860dec52, 0xc177d0e3, 0xb32b6c16, 0x70a999b9, 0x9411fa48, 0xe9472264,
-0xfca8c48c, 0xf0a01a3f, 0x7d56d82c, 0x3322ef90, 0x4987c74e, 0x38d9c1d1,
-0xca8cfea2, 0xd498360b, 0xf5a6cf81, 0x7aa528de, 0xb7da268e, 0xad3fa4bf,
-0x3a2ce49d, 0x78500d92, 0x5f6a9bcc, 0x7e546246, 0x8df6c213, 0xd890e8b8,
-0x392e5ef7, 0xc382f5af, 0x5d9fbe80, 0xd0697c93, 0xd56fa92d, 0x25cfb312,
-0xacc83b99, 0x1810a77d, 0x9ce86e63, 0x3bdb7bbb, 0x26cd0978, 0x596ef418,
-0x9aec01b7, 0x4f83a89a, 0x95e6656e, 0xffaa7ee6, 0xbc2108cf, 0x15efe6e8,
-0xe7bad99b, 0x6f4ace36, 0x9fead409, 0xb029d67c, 0xa431afb2, 0x3f2a3123,
-0xa5c63094, 0xa235c066, 0x4e7437bc, 0x82fca6ca, 0x90e0b0d0, 0xa73315d8,
-0x04f14a98, 0xec41f7da, 0xcd7f0e50, 0x91172ff6, 0x4d768dd6, 0xef434db0,
-0xaacc544d, 0x96e4df04, 0xd19ee3b5, 0x6a4c1b88, 0x2cc1b81f, 0x65467f51,
-0x5e9d04ea, 0x8c015d35, 0x87fa7374, 0x0bfb2e41, 0x67b35a1d, 0xdb9252d2,
-0x10e93356, 0xd66d1347, 0xd79a8c61, 0xa1377a0c, 0xf8598e14, 0x13eb893c,
-0xa9ceee27, 0x61b735c9, 0x1ce1ede5, 0x477a3cb1, 0xd29c59df, 0xf2553f73,
-0x141879ce, 0xc773bf37, 0xf753eacd, 0xfd5f5baa, 0x3ddf146f, 0x447886db,
-0xafca81f3, 0x68b93ec4, 0x24382c34, 0xa3c25f40, 0x1d1672c3, 0xe2bc0c25,
-0x3c288b49, 0x0dff4195, 0xa8397101, 0x0c08deb3, 0xb4d89ce4, 0x566490c1,
-0xcb7b6184, 0x32d570b6, 0x6c48745c, 0xb8d04257  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv2[256] = 
-0xa75051f4, 0x65537e41, 0xa4c31a17, 0x5e963a27, 0x6bcb3bab, 0x45f11f9d,
-0x58abacfa, 0x03934be3, 0xfa552030, 0x6df6ad76, 0x769188cc, 0x4c25f502,
-0xd7fc4fe5, 0xcbd7c52a, 0x44802635, 0xa38fb562, 0x5a49deb1, 0x1b6725ba,
-0x0e9845ea, 0xc0e15dfe, 0x7502c32f, 0xf012814c, 0x97a38d46, 0xf9c66bd3,
-0x5fe7038f, 0x9c951592, 0x7aebbf6d, 0x59da9552, 0x832dd4be, 0x21d35874,
-0x692949e0, 0xc8448ec9, 0x896a75c2, 0x7978f48e, 0x3e6b9958, 0x71dd27b9,
-0x4fb6bee1, 0xad17f088, 0xac66c920, 0x3ab47dce, 0x4a1863df, 0x3182e51a,
-0x33609751, 0x7f456253, 0x77e0b164, 0xae84bb6b, 0xa01cfe81, 0x2b94f908,
-0x68587048, 0xfd198f45, 0x6c8794de, 0xf8b7527b, 0xd323ab73, 0x02e2724b,
-0x8f57e31f, 0xab2a6655, 0x2807b2eb, 0xc2032fb5, 0x7b9a86c5, 0x08a5d337,
-0x87f23028, 0xa5b223bf, 0x6aba0203, 0x825ced16, 0x1c2b8acf, 0xb492a779,
-0xf2f0f307, 0xe2a14e69, 0xf4cd65da, 0xbed50605, 0x621fd134, 0xfe8ac4a6,
-0x539d342e, 0x55a0a2f3, 0xe132058a, 0xeb75a4f6, 0xec390b83, 0xefaa4060,
-0x9f065e71, 0x1051bd6e, 0x8af93e21, 0x063d96dd, 0x05aedd3e, 0xbd464de6,
-0x8db59154, 0x5d0571c4, 0xd46f0406, 0x15ff6050, 0xfb241998, 0xe997d6bd,
-0x43cc8940, 0x9e7767d9, 0x42bdb0e8, 0x8b880789, 0x5b38e719, 0xeedb79c8,
-0x0a47a17c, 0x0fe97c42, 0x1ec9f884, 0x00000000, 0x86830980, 0xed48322b,
-0x70ac1e11, 0x724e6c5a, 0xfffbfd0e, 0x38560f85, 0xd51e3dae, 0x3927362d,
-0xd9640a0f, 0xa621685c, 0x54d19b5b, 0x2e3a2436, 0x67b10c0a, 0xe70f9357,
-0x96d2b4ee, 0x919e1b9b, 0xc54f80c0, 0x20a261dc, 0x4b695a77, 0x1a161c12,
-0xba0ae293, 0x2ae5c0a0, 0xe0433c22, 0x171d121b, 0x0d0b0e09, 0xc7adf28b,
-0xa8b92db6, 0xa9c8141e, 0x198557f1, 0x074caf75, 0xddbbee99, 0x60fda37f,
-0x269ff701, 0xf5bc5c72, 0x3bc54466, 0x7e345bfb, 0x29768b43, 0xc6dccb23,
-0xfc68b6ed, 0xf163b8e4, 0xdccad731, 0x85104263, 0x22401397, 0x112084c6,
-0x247d854a, 0x3df8d2bb, 0x3211aef9, 0xa16dc729, 0x2f4b1d9e, 0x30f3dcb2,
-0x52ec0d86, 0xe3d077c1, 0x166c2bb3, 0xb999a970, 0x48fa1194, 0x642247e9,
-0x8cc4a8fc, 0x3f1aa0f0, 0x2cd8567d, 0x90ef2233, 0x4ec78749, 0xd1c1d938,
-0xa2fe8cca, 0x0b3698d4, 0x81cfa6f5, 0xde28a57a, 0x8e26dab7, 0xbfa43fad,
-0x9de42c3a, 0x920d5078, 0xcc9b6a5f, 0x4662547e, 0x13c2f68d, 0xb8e890d8,
-0xf75e2e39, 0xaff582c3, 0x80be9f5d, 0x937c69d0, 0x2da96fd5, 0x12b3cf25,
-0x993bc8ac, 0x7da71018, 0x636ee89c, 0xbb7bdb3b, 0x7809cd26, 0x18f46e59,
-0xb701ec9a, 0x9aa8834f, 0x6e65e695, 0xe67eaaff, 0xcf0821bc, 0xe8e6ef15,
-0x9bd9bae7, 0x36ce4a6f, 0x09d4ea9f, 0x7cd629b0, 0xb2af31a4, 0x23312a3f,
-0x9430c6a5, 0x66c035a2, 0xbc37744e, 0xcaa6fc82, 0xd0b0e090, 0xd81533a7,
-0x984af104, 0xdaf741ec, 0x500e7fcd, 0xf62f1791, 0xd68d764d, 0xb04d43ef,
-0x4d54ccaa, 0x04dfe496, 0xb5e39ed1, 0x881b4c6a, 0x1fb8c12c, 0x517f4665,
-0xea049d5e, 0x355d018c, 0x7473fa87, 0x412efb0b, 0x1d5ab367, 0xd25292db,
-0x5633e910, 0x47136dd6, 0x618c9ad7, 0x0c7a37a1, 0x148e59f8, 0x3c89eb13,
-0x27eecea9, 0xc935b761, 0xe5ede11c, 0xb13c7a47, 0xdf599cd2, 0x733f55f2,
-0xce791814, 0x37bf73c7, 0xcdea53f7, 0xaa5b5ffd, 0x6f14df3d, 0xdb867844,
-0xf381caaf, 0xc43eb968, 0x342c3824, 0x405fc2a3, 0xc372161d, 0x250cbce2,
-0x498b283c, 0x9541ff0d, 0x017139a8, 0xb3de080c, 0xe49cd8b4, 0xc1906456,
-0x84617bcb, 0xb670d532, 0x5c74486c, 0x5742d0b8  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv3[256] = 
-0x5150a7f4, 0x7e536541, 0x1ac3a417, 0x3a965e27, 0x3bcb6bab, 0x1ff1459d,
-0xacab58fa, 0x4b9303e3, 0x2055fa30, 0xadf66d76, 0x889176cc, 0xf5254c02,
-0x4ffcd7e5, 0xc5d7cb2a, 0x26804435, 0xb58fa362, 0xde495ab1, 0x25671bba,
-0x45980eea, 0x5de1c0fe, 0xc302752f, 0x8112f04c, 0x8da39746, 0x6bc6f9d3,
-0x03e75f8f, 0x15959c92, 0xbfeb7a6d, 0x95da5952, 0xd42d83be, 0x58d32174,
-0x492969e0, 0x8e44c8c9, 0x756a89c2, 0xf478798e, 0x996b3e58, 0x27dd71b9,
-0xbeb64fe1, 0xf017ad88, 0xc966ac20, 0x7db43ace, 0x63184adf, 0xe582311a,
-0x97603351, 0x62457f53, 0xb1e07764, 0xbb84ae6b, 0xfe1ca081, 0xf9942b08,
-0x70586848, 0x8f19fd45, 0x94876cde, 0x52b7f87b, 0xab23d373, 0x72e2024b,
-0xe3578f1f, 0x662aab55, 0xb20728eb, 0x2f03c2b5, 0x869a7bc5, 0xd3a50837,
-0x30f28728, 0x23b2a5bf, 0x02ba6a03, 0xed5c8216, 0x8a2b1ccf, 0xa792b479,
-0xf3f0f207, 0x4ea1e269, 0x65cdf4da, 0x06d5be05, 0xd11f6234, 0xc48afea6,
-0x349d532e, 0xa2a055f3, 0x0532e18a, 0xa475ebf6, 0x0b39ec83, 0x40aaef60,
-0x5e069f71, 0xbd51106e, 0x3ef98a21, 0x963d06dd, 0xddae053e, 0x4d46bde6,
-0x91b58d54, 0x71055dc4, 0x046fd406, 0x60ff1550, 0x1924fb98, 0xd697e9bd,
-0x89cc4340, 0x67779ed9, 0xb0bd42e8, 0x07888b89, 0xe7385b19, 0x79dbeec8,
-0xa1470a7c, 0x7ce90f42, 0xf8c91e84, 0x00000000, 0x09838680, 0x3248ed2b,
-0x1eac7011, 0x6c4e725a, 0xfdfbff0e, 0x0f563885, 0x3d1ed5ae, 0x3627392d,
-0x0a64d90f, 0x6821a65c, 0x9bd1545b, 0x243a2e36, 0x0cb1670a, 0x930fe757,
-0xb4d296ee, 0x1b9e919b, 0x804fc5c0, 0x61a220dc, 0x5a694b77, 0x1c161a12,
-0xe20aba93, 0xc0e52aa0, 0x3c43e022, 0x121d171b, 0x0e0b0d09, 0xf2adc78b,
-0x2db9a8b6, 0x14c8a91e, 0x578519f1, 0xaf4c0775, 0xeebbdd99, 0xa3fd607f,
-0xf79f2601, 0x5cbcf572, 0x44c53b66, 0x5b347efb, 0x8b762943, 0xcbdcc623,
-0xb668fced, 0xb863f1e4, 0xd7cadc31, 0x42108563, 0x13402297, 0x842011c6,
-0x857d244a, 0xd2f83dbb, 0xae1132f9, 0xc76da129, 0x1d4b2f9e, 0xdcf330b2,
-0x0dec5286, 0x77d0e3c1, 0x2b6c16b3, 0xa999b970, 0x11fa4894, 0x472264e9,
-0xa8c48cfc, 0xa01a3ff0, 0x56d82c7d, 0x22ef9033, 0x87c74e49, 0xd9c1d138,
-0x8cfea2ca, 0x98360bd4, 0xa6cf81f5, 0xa528de7a, 0xda268eb7, 0x3fa4bfad,
-0x2ce49d3a, 0x500d9278, 0x6a9bcc5f, 0x5462467e, 0xf6c2138d, 0x90e8b8d8,
-0x2e5ef739, 0x82f5afc3, 0x9fbe805d, 0x697c93d0, 0x6fa92dd5, 0xcfb31225,
-0xc83b99ac, 0x10a77d18, 0xe86e639c, 0xdb7bbb3b, 0xcd097826, 0x6ef41859,
-0xec01b79a, 0x83a89a4f, 0xe6656e95, 0xaa7ee6ff, 0x2108cfbc, 0xefe6e815,
-0xbad99be7, 0x4ace366f, 0xead4099f, 0x29d67cb0, 0x31afb2a4, 0x2a31233f,
-0xc63094a5, 0x35c066a2, 0x7437bc4e, 0xfca6ca82, 0xe0b0d090, 0x3315d8a7,
-0xf14a9804, 0x41f7daec, 0x7f0e50cd, 0x172ff691, 0x768dd64d, 0x434db0ef,
-0xcc544daa, 0xe4df0496, 0x9ee3b5d1, 0x4c1b886a, 0xc1b81f2c, 0x467f5165,
-0x9d04ea5e, 0x015d358c, 0xfa737487, 0xfb2e410b, 0xb35a1d67, 0x9252d2db,
-0xe9335610, 0x6d1347d6, 0x9a8c61d7, 0x377a0ca1, 0x598e14f8, 0xeb893c13,
-0xceee27a9, 0xb735c961, 0xe1ede51c, 0x7a3cb147, 0x9c59dfd2, 0x553f73f2,
-0x1879ce14, 0x73bf37c7, 0x53eacdf7, 0x5f5baafd, 0xdf146f3d, 0x7886db44,
-0xca81f3af, 0xb93ec468, 0x382c3424, 0xc25f40a3, 0x1672c31d, 0xbc0c25e2,
-0x288b493c, 0xff41950d, 0x397101a8, 0x08deb30c, 0xd89ce4b4, 0x6490c156,
-0x7b6184cb, 0xd570b632, 0x48745c6c, 0xd04257b8  
-static const PRUint32 _TInv3[256] = 
-0xf4a75051, 0x4165537e, 0x17a4c31a, 0x275e963a, 0xab6bcb3b, 0x9d45f11f,
-0xfa58abac, 0xe303934b, 0x30fa5520, 0x766df6ad, 0xcc769188, 0x024c25f5,
-0xe5d7fc4f, 0x2acbd7c5, 0x35448026, 0x62a38fb5, 0xb15a49de, 0xba1b6725,
-0xea0e9845, 0xfec0e15d, 0x2f7502c3, 0x4cf01281, 0x4697a38d, 0xd3f9c66b,
-0x8f5fe703, 0x929c9515, 0x6d7aebbf, 0x5259da95, 0xbe832dd4, 0x7421d358,
-0xe0692949, 0xc9c8448e, 0xc2896a75, 0x8e7978f4, 0x583e6b99, 0xb971dd27,
-0xe14fb6be, 0x88ad17f0, 0x20ac66c9, 0xce3ab47d, 0xdf4a1863, 0x1a3182e5,
-0x51336097, 0x537f4562, 0x6477e0b1, 0x6bae84bb, 0x81a01cfe, 0x082b94f9,
-0x48685870, 0x45fd198f, 0xde6c8794, 0x7bf8b752, 0x73d323ab, 0x4b02e272,
-0x1f8f57e3, 0x55ab2a66, 0xeb2807b2, 0xb5c2032f, 0xc57b9a86, 0x3708a5d3,
-0x2887f230, 0xbfa5b223, 0x036aba02, 0x16825ced, 0xcf1c2b8a, 0x79b492a7,
-0x07f2f0f3, 0x69e2a14e, 0xdaf4cd65, 0x05bed506, 0x34621fd1, 0xa6fe8ac4,
-0x2e539d34, 0xf355a0a2, 0x8ae13205, 0xf6eb75a4, 0x83ec390b, 0x60efaa40,
-0x719f065e, 0x6e1051bd, 0x218af93e, 0xdd063d96, 0x3e05aedd, 0xe6bd464d,
-0x548db591, 0xc45d0571, 0x06d46f04, 0x5015ff60, 0x98fb2419, 0xbde997d6,
-0x4043cc89, 0xd99e7767, 0xe842bdb0, 0x898b8807, 0x195b38e7, 0xc8eedb79,
-0x7c0a47a1, 0x420fe97c, 0x841ec9f8, 0x00000000, 0x80868309, 0x2bed4832,
-0x1170ac1e, 0x5a724e6c, 0x0efffbfd, 0x8538560f, 0xaed51e3d, 0x2d392736,
-0x0fd9640a, 0x5ca62168, 0x5b54d19b, 0x362e3a24, 0x0a67b10c, 0x57e70f93,
-0xee96d2b4, 0x9b919e1b, 0xc0c54f80, 0xdc20a261, 0x774b695a, 0x121a161c,
-0x93ba0ae2, 0xa02ae5c0, 0x22e0433c, 0x1b171d12, 0x090d0b0e, 0x8bc7adf2,
-0xb6a8b92d, 0x1ea9c814, 0xf1198557, 0x75074caf, 0x99ddbbee, 0x7f60fda3,
-0x01269ff7, 0x72f5bc5c, 0x663bc544, 0xfb7e345b, 0x4329768b, 0x23c6dccb,
-0xedfc68b6, 0xe4f163b8, 0x31dccad7, 0x63851042, 0x97224013, 0xc6112084,
-0x4a247d85, 0xbb3df8d2, 0xf93211ae, 0x29a16dc7, 0x9e2f4b1d, 0xb230f3dc,
-0x8652ec0d, 0xc1e3d077, 0xb3166c2b, 0x70b999a9, 0x9448fa11, 0xe9642247,
-0xfc8cc4a8, 0xf03f1aa0, 0x7d2cd856, 0x3390ef22, 0x494ec787, 0x38d1c1d9,
-0xcaa2fe8c, 0xd40b3698, 0xf581cfa6, 0x7ade28a5, 0xb78e26da, 0xadbfa43f,
-0x3a9de42c, 0x78920d50, 0x5fcc9b6a, 0x7e466254, 0x8d13c2f6, 0xd8b8e890,
-0x39f75e2e, 0xc3aff582, 0x5d80be9f, 0xd0937c69, 0xd52da96f, 0x2512b3cf,
-0xac993bc8, 0x187da710, 0x9c636ee8, 0x3bbb7bdb, 0x267809cd, 0x5918f46e,
-0x9ab701ec, 0x4f9aa883, 0x956e65e6, 0xffe67eaa, 0xbccf0821, 0x15e8e6ef,
-0xe79bd9ba, 0x6f36ce4a, 0x9f09d4ea, 0xb07cd629, 0xa4b2af31, 0x3f23312a,
-0xa59430c6, 0xa266c035, 0x4ebc3774, 0x82caa6fc, 0x90d0b0e0, 0xa7d81533,
-0x04984af1, 0xecdaf741, 0xcd500e7f, 0x91f62f17, 0x4dd68d76, 0xefb04d43,
-0xaa4d54cc, 0x9604dfe4, 0xd1b5e39e, 0x6a881b4c, 0x2c1fb8c1, 0x65517f46,
-0x5eea049d, 0x8c355d01, 0x877473fa, 0x0b412efb, 0x671d5ab3, 0xdbd25292,
-0x105633e9, 0xd647136d, 0xd7618c9a, 0xa10c7a37, 0xf8148e59, 0x133c89eb,
-0xa927eece, 0x61c935b7, 0x1ce5ede1, 0x47b13c7a, 0xd2df599c, 0xf2733f55,
-0x14ce7918, 0xc737bf73, 0xf7cdea53, 0xfdaa5b5f, 0x3d6f14df, 0x44db8678,
-0xaff381ca, 0x68c43eb9, 0x24342c38, 0xa3405fc2, 0x1dc37216, 0xe2250cbc,
-0x3c498b28, 0x0d9541ff, 0xa8017139, 0x0cb3de08, 0xb4e49cd8, 0x56c19064,
-0xcb84617b, 0x32b670d5, 0x6c5c7448, 0xb85742d0  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC0[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x0b0d090e, 0x161a121c, 0x1d171b12, 0x2c342438, 0x27392d36,
-0x3a2e3624, 0x31233f2a, 0x58684870, 0x5365417e, 0x4e725a6c, 0x457f5362,
-0x745c6c48, 0x7f516546, 0x62467e54, 0x694b775a, 0xb0d090e0, 0xbbdd99ee,
-0xa6ca82fc, 0xadc78bf2, 0x9ce4b4d8, 0x97e9bdd6, 0x8afea6c4, 0x81f3afca,
-0xe8b8d890, 0xe3b5d19e, 0xfea2ca8c, 0xf5afc382, 0xc48cfca8, 0xcf81f5a6,
-0xd296eeb4, 0xd99be7ba, 0x7bbb3bdb, 0x70b632d5, 0x6da129c7, 0x66ac20c9,
-0x578f1fe3, 0x5c8216ed, 0x41950dff, 0x4a9804f1, 0x23d373ab, 0x28de7aa5,
-0x35c961b7, 0x3ec468b9, 0x0fe75793, 0x04ea5e9d, 0x19fd458f, 0x12f04c81,
-0xcb6bab3b, 0xc066a235, 0xdd71b927, 0xd67cb029, 0xe75f8f03, 0xec52860d,
-0xf1459d1f, 0xfa489411, 0x9303e34b, 0x980eea45, 0x8519f157, 0x8e14f859,
-0xbf37c773, 0xb43ace7d, 0xa92dd56f, 0xa220dc61, 0xf66d76ad, 0xfd607fa3,
-0xe07764b1, 0xeb7a6dbf, 0xda595295, 0xd1545b9b, 0xcc434089, 0xc74e4987,
-0xae053edd, 0xa50837d3, 0xb81f2cc1, 0xb31225cf, 0x82311ae5, 0x893c13eb,
-0x942b08f9, 0x9f2601f7, 0x46bde64d, 0x4db0ef43, 0x50a7f451, 0x5baafd5f,
-0x6a89c275, 0x6184cb7b, 0x7c93d069, 0x779ed967, 0x1ed5ae3d, 0x15d8a733,
-0x08cfbc21, 0x03c2b52f, 0x32e18a05, 0x39ec830b, 0x24fb9819, 0x2ff69117,
-0x8dd64d76, 0x86db4478, 0x9bcc5f6a, 0x90c15664, 0xa1e2694e, 0xaaef6040,
-0xb7f87b52, 0xbcf5725c, 0xd5be0506, 0xdeb30c08, 0xc3a4171a, 0xc8a91e14,
-0xf98a213e, 0xf2872830, 0xef903322, 0xe49d3a2c, 0x3d06dd96, 0x360bd498,
-0x2b1ccf8a, 0x2011c684, 0x1132f9ae, 0x1a3ff0a0, 0x0728ebb2, 0x0c25e2bc,
-0x656e95e6, 0x6e639ce8, 0x737487fa, 0x78798ef4, 0x495ab1de, 0x4257b8d0,
-0x5f40a3c2, 0x544daacc, 0xf7daec41, 0xfcd7e54f, 0xe1c0fe5d, 0xeacdf753,
-0xdbeec879, 0xd0e3c177, 0xcdf4da65, 0xc6f9d36b, 0xafb2a431, 0xa4bfad3f,
-0xb9a8b62d, 0xb2a5bf23, 0x83868009, 0x888b8907, 0x959c9215, 0x9e919b1b,
-0x470a7ca1, 0x4c0775af, 0x51106ebd, 0x5a1d67b3, 0x6b3e5899, 0x60335197,
-0x7d244a85, 0x7629438b, 0x1f6234d1, 0x146f3ddf, 0x097826cd, 0x02752fc3,
-0x335610e9, 0x385b19e7, 0x254c02f5, 0x2e410bfb, 0x8c61d79a, 0x876cde94,
-0x9a7bc586, 0x9176cc88, 0xa055f3a2, 0xab58faac, 0xb64fe1be, 0xbd42e8b0,
-0xd4099fea, 0xdf0496e4, 0xc2138df6, 0xc91e84f8, 0xf83dbbd2, 0xf330b2dc,
-0xee27a9ce, 0xe52aa0c0, 0x3cb1477a, 0x37bc4e74, 0x2aab5566, 0x21a65c68,
-0x10856342, 0x1b886a4c, 0x069f715e, 0x0d927850, 0x64d90f0a, 0x6fd40604,
-0x72c31d16, 0x79ce1418, 0x48ed2b32, 0x43e0223c, 0x5ef7392e, 0x55fa3020,
-0x01b79aec, 0x0aba93e2, 0x17ad88f0, 0x1ca081fe, 0x2d83bed4, 0x268eb7da,
-0x3b99acc8, 0x3094a5c6, 0x59dfd29c, 0x52d2db92, 0x4fc5c080, 0x44c8c98e,
-0x75ebf6a4, 0x7ee6ffaa, 0x63f1e4b8, 0x68fcedb6, 0xb1670a0c, 0xba6a0302,
-0xa77d1810, 0xac70111e, 0x9d532e34, 0x965e273a, 0x8b493c28, 0x80443526,
-0xe90f427c, 0xe2024b72, 0xff155060, 0xf418596e, 0xc53b6644, 0xce366f4a,
-0xd3217458, 0xd82c7d56, 0x7a0ca137, 0x7101a839, 0x6c16b32b, 0x671bba25,
-0x5638850f, 0x5d358c01, 0x40229713, 0x4b2f9e1d, 0x2264e947, 0x2969e049,
-0x347efb5b, 0x3f73f255, 0x0e50cd7f, 0x055dc471, 0x184adf63, 0x1347d66d,
-0xcadc31d7, 0xc1d138d9, 0xdcc623cb, 0xd7cb2ac5, 0xe6e815ef, 0xede51ce1,
-0xf0f207f3, 0xfbff0efd, 0x92b479a7, 0x99b970a9, 0x84ae6bbb, 0x8fa362b5,
-0xbe805d9f, 0xb58d5491, 0xa89a4f83, 0xa397468d  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC0[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x0e090d0b, 0x1c121a16, 0x121b171d, 0x3824342c, 0x362d3927,
-0x24362e3a, 0x2a3f2331, 0x70486858, 0x7e416553, 0x6c5a724e, 0x62537f45,
-0x486c5c74, 0x4665517f, 0x547e4662, 0x5a774b69, 0xe090d0b0, 0xee99ddbb,
-0xfc82caa6, 0xf28bc7ad, 0xd8b4e49c, 0xd6bde997, 0xc4a6fe8a, 0xcaaff381,
-0x90d8b8e8, 0x9ed1b5e3, 0x8ccaa2fe, 0x82c3aff5, 0xa8fc8cc4, 0xa6f581cf,
-0xb4ee96d2, 0xbae79bd9, 0xdb3bbb7b, 0xd532b670, 0xc729a16d, 0xc920ac66,
-0xe31f8f57, 0xed16825c, 0xff0d9541, 0xf104984a, 0xab73d323, 0xa57ade28,
-0xb761c935, 0xb968c43e, 0x9357e70f, 0x9d5eea04, 0x8f45fd19, 0x814cf012,
-0x3bab6bcb, 0x35a266c0, 0x27b971dd, 0x29b07cd6, 0x038f5fe7, 0x0d8652ec,
-0x1f9d45f1, 0x119448fa, 0x4be30393, 0x45ea0e98, 0x57f11985, 0x59f8148e,
-0x73c737bf, 0x7dce3ab4, 0x6fd52da9, 0x61dc20a2, 0xad766df6, 0xa37f60fd,
-0xb16477e0, 0xbf6d7aeb, 0x955259da, 0x9b5b54d1, 0x894043cc, 0x87494ec7,
-0xdd3e05ae, 0xd33708a5, 0xc12c1fb8, 0xcf2512b3, 0xe51a3182, 0xeb133c89,
-0xf9082b94, 0xf701269f, 0x4de6bd46, 0x43efb04d, 0x51f4a750, 0x5ffdaa5b,
-0x75c2896a, 0x7bcb8461, 0x69d0937c, 0x67d99e77, 0x3daed51e, 0x33a7d815,
-0x21bccf08, 0x2fb5c203, 0x058ae132, 0x0b83ec39, 0x1998fb24, 0x1791f62f,
-0x764dd68d, 0x7844db86, 0x6a5fcc9b, 0x6456c190, 0x4e69e2a1, 0x4060efaa,
-0x527bf8b7, 0x5c72f5bc, 0x0605bed5, 0x080cb3de, 0x1a17a4c3, 0x141ea9c8,
-0x3e218af9, 0x302887f2, 0x223390ef, 0x2c3a9de4, 0x96dd063d, 0x98d40b36,
-0x8acf1c2b, 0x84c61120, 0xaef93211, 0xa0f03f1a, 0xb2eb2807, 0xbce2250c,
-0xe6956e65, 0xe89c636e, 0xfa877473, 0xf48e7978, 0xdeb15a49, 0xd0b85742,
-0xc2a3405f, 0xccaa4d54, 0x41ecdaf7, 0x4fe5d7fc, 0x5dfec0e1, 0x53f7cdea,
-0x79c8eedb, 0x77c1e3d0, 0x65daf4cd, 0x6bd3f9c6, 0x31a4b2af, 0x3fadbfa4,
-0x2db6a8b9, 0x23bfa5b2, 0x09808683, 0x07898b88, 0x15929c95, 0x1b9b919e,
-0xa17c0a47, 0xaf75074c, 0xbd6e1051, 0xb3671d5a, 0x99583e6b, 0x97513360,
-0x854a247d, 0x8b432976, 0xd134621f, 0xdf3d6f14, 0xcd267809, 0xc32f7502,
-0xe9105633, 0xe7195b38, 0xf5024c25, 0xfb0b412e, 0x9ad7618c, 0x94de6c87,
-0x86c57b9a, 0x88cc7691, 0xa2f355a0, 0xacfa58ab, 0xbee14fb6, 0xb0e842bd,
-0xea9f09d4, 0xe49604df, 0xf68d13c2, 0xf8841ec9, 0xd2bb3df8, 0xdcb230f3,
-0xcea927ee, 0xc0a02ae5, 0x7a47b13c, 0x744ebc37, 0x6655ab2a, 0x685ca621,
-0x42638510, 0x4c6a881b, 0x5e719f06, 0x5078920d, 0x0a0fd964, 0x0406d46f,
-0x161dc372, 0x1814ce79, 0x322bed48, 0x3c22e043, 0x2e39f75e, 0x2030fa55,
-0xec9ab701, 0xe293ba0a, 0xf088ad17, 0xfe81a01c, 0xd4be832d, 0xdab78e26,
-0xc8ac993b, 0xc6a59430, 0x9cd2df59, 0x92dbd252, 0x80c0c54f, 0x8ec9c844,
-0xa4f6eb75, 0xaaffe67e, 0xb8e4f163, 0xb6edfc68, 0x0c0a67b1, 0x02036aba,
-0x10187da7, 0x1e1170ac, 0x342e539d, 0x3a275e96, 0x283c498b, 0x26354480,
-0x7c420fe9, 0x724b02e2, 0x605015ff, 0x6e5918f4, 0x44663bc5, 0x4a6f36ce,
-0x587421d3, 0x567d2cd8, 0x37a10c7a, 0x39a80171, 0x2bb3166c, 0x25ba1b67,
-0x0f853856, 0x018c355d, 0x13972240, 0x1d9e2f4b, 0x47e96422, 0x49e06929,
-0x5bfb7e34, 0x55f2733f, 0x7fcd500e, 0x71c45d05, 0x63df4a18, 0x6dd64713,
-0xd731dcca, 0xd938d1c1, 0xcb23c6dc, 0xc52acbd7, 0xef15e8e6, 0xe11ce5ed,
-0xf307f2f0, 0xfd0efffb, 0xa779b492, 0xa970b999, 0xbb6bae84, 0xb562a38f,
-0x9f5d80be, 0x91548db5, 0x834f9aa8, 0x8d4697a3  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC1[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x0d090e0b, 0x1a121c16, 0x171b121d, 0x3424382c, 0x392d3627,
-0x2e36243a, 0x233f2a31, 0x68487058, 0x65417e53, 0x725a6c4e, 0x7f536245,
-0x5c6c4874, 0x5165467f, 0x467e5462, 0x4b775a69, 0xd090e0b0, 0xdd99eebb,
-0xca82fca6, 0xc78bf2ad, 0xe4b4d89c, 0xe9bdd697, 0xfea6c48a, 0xf3afca81,
-0xb8d890e8, 0xb5d19ee3, 0xa2ca8cfe, 0xafc382f5, 0x8cfca8c4, 0x81f5a6cf,
-0x96eeb4d2, 0x9be7bad9, 0xbb3bdb7b, 0xb632d570, 0xa129c76d, 0xac20c966,
-0x8f1fe357, 0x8216ed5c, 0x950dff41, 0x9804f14a, 0xd373ab23, 0xde7aa528,
-0xc961b735, 0xc468b93e, 0xe757930f, 0xea5e9d04, 0xfd458f19, 0xf04c8112,
-0x6bab3bcb, 0x66a235c0, 0x71b927dd, 0x7cb029d6, 0x5f8f03e7, 0x52860dec,
-0x459d1ff1, 0x489411fa, 0x03e34b93, 0x0eea4598, 0x19f15785, 0x14f8598e,
-0x37c773bf, 0x3ace7db4, 0x2dd56fa9, 0x20dc61a2, 0x6d76adf6, 0x607fa3fd,
-0x7764b1e0, 0x7a6dbfeb, 0x595295da, 0x545b9bd1, 0x434089cc, 0x4e4987c7,
-0x053eddae, 0x0837d3a5, 0x1f2cc1b8, 0x1225cfb3, 0x311ae582, 0x3c13eb89,
-0x2b08f994, 0x2601f79f, 0xbde64d46, 0xb0ef434d, 0xa7f45150, 0xaafd5f5b,
-0x89c2756a, 0x84cb7b61, 0x93d0697c, 0x9ed96777, 0xd5ae3d1e, 0xd8a73315,
-0xcfbc2108, 0xc2b52f03, 0xe18a0532, 0xec830b39, 0xfb981924, 0xf691172f,
-0xd64d768d, 0xdb447886, 0xcc5f6a9b, 0xc1566490, 0xe2694ea1, 0xef6040aa,
-0xf87b52b7, 0xf5725cbc, 0xbe0506d5, 0xb30c08de, 0xa4171ac3, 0xa91e14c8,
-0x8a213ef9, 0x872830f2, 0x903322ef, 0x9d3a2ce4, 0x06dd963d, 0x0bd49836,
-0x1ccf8a2b, 0x11c68420, 0x32f9ae11, 0x3ff0a01a, 0x28ebb207, 0x25e2bc0c,
-0x6e95e665, 0x639ce86e, 0x7487fa73, 0x798ef478, 0x5ab1de49, 0x57b8d042,
-0x40a3c25f, 0x4daacc54, 0xdaec41f7, 0xd7e54ffc, 0xc0fe5de1, 0xcdf753ea,
-0xeec879db, 0xe3c177d0, 0xf4da65cd, 0xf9d36bc6, 0xb2a431af, 0xbfad3fa4,
-0xa8b62db9, 0xa5bf23b2, 0x86800983, 0x8b890788, 0x9c921595, 0x919b1b9e,
-0x0a7ca147, 0x0775af4c, 0x106ebd51, 0x1d67b35a, 0x3e58996b, 0x33519760,
-0x244a857d, 0x29438b76, 0x6234d11f, 0x6f3ddf14, 0x7826cd09, 0x752fc302,
-0x5610e933, 0x5b19e738, 0x4c02f525, 0x410bfb2e, 0x61d79a8c, 0x6cde9487,
-0x7bc5869a, 0x76cc8891, 0x55f3a2a0, 0x58faacab, 0x4fe1beb6, 0x42e8b0bd,
-0x099fead4, 0x0496e4df, 0x138df6c2, 0x1e84f8c9, 0x3dbbd2f8, 0x30b2dcf3,
-0x27a9ceee, 0x2aa0c0e5, 0xb1477a3c, 0xbc4e7437, 0xab55662a, 0xa65c6821,
-0x85634210, 0x886a4c1b, 0x9f715e06, 0x9278500d, 0xd90f0a64, 0xd406046f,
-0xc31d1672, 0xce141879, 0xed2b3248, 0xe0223c43, 0xf7392e5e, 0xfa302055,
-0xb79aec01, 0xba93e20a, 0xad88f017, 0xa081fe1c, 0x83bed42d, 0x8eb7da26,
-0x99acc83b, 0x94a5c630, 0xdfd29c59, 0xd2db9252, 0xc5c0804f, 0xc8c98e44,
-0xebf6a475, 0xe6ffaa7e, 0xf1e4b863, 0xfcedb668, 0x670a0cb1, 0x6a0302ba,
-0x7d1810a7, 0x70111eac, 0x532e349d, 0x5e273a96, 0x493c288b, 0x44352680,
-0x0f427ce9, 0x024b72e2, 0x155060ff, 0x18596ef4, 0x3b6644c5, 0x366f4ace,
-0x217458d3, 0x2c7d56d8, 0x0ca1377a, 0x01a83971, 0x16b32b6c, 0x1bba2567,
-0x38850f56, 0x358c015d, 0x22971340, 0x2f9e1d4b, 0x64e94722, 0x69e04929,
-0x7efb5b34, 0x73f2553f, 0x50cd7f0e, 0x5dc47105, 0x4adf6318, 0x47d66d13,
-0xdc31d7ca, 0xd138d9c1, 0xc623cbdc, 0xcb2ac5d7, 0xe815efe6, 0xe51ce1ed,
-0xf207f3f0, 0xff0efdfb, 0xb479a792, 0xb970a999, 0xae6bbb84, 0xa362b58f,
-0x805d9fbe, 0x8d5491b5, 0x9a4f83a8, 0x97468da3  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC1[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x0b0e090d, 0x161c121a, 0x1d121b17, 0x2c382434, 0x27362d39,
-0x3a24362e, 0x312a3f23, 0x58704868, 0x537e4165, 0x4e6c5a72, 0x4562537f,
-0x74486c5c, 0x7f466551, 0x62547e46, 0x695a774b, 0xb0e090d0, 0xbbee99dd,
-0xa6fc82ca, 0xadf28bc7, 0x9cd8b4e4, 0x97d6bde9, 0x8ac4a6fe, 0x81caaff3,
-0xe890d8b8, 0xe39ed1b5, 0xfe8ccaa2, 0xf582c3af, 0xc4a8fc8c, 0xcfa6f581,
-0xd2b4ee96, 0xd9bae79b, 0x7bdb3bbb, 0x70d532b6, 0x6dc729a1, 0x66c920ac,
-0x57e31f8f, 0x5ced1682, 0x41ff0d95, 0x4af10498, 0x23ab73d3, 0x28a57ade,
-0x35b761c9, 0x3eb968c4, 0x0f9357e7, 0x049d5eea, 0x198f45fd, 0x12814cf0,
-0xcb3bab6b, 0xc035a266, 0xdd27b971, 0xd629b07c, 0xe7038f5f, 0xec0d8652,
-0xf11f9d45, 0xfa119448, 0x934be303, 0x9845ea0e, 0x8557f119, 0x8e59f814,
-0xbf73c737, 0xb47dce3a, 0xa96fd52d, 0xa261dc20, 0xf6ad766d, 0xfda37f60,
-0xe0b16477, 0xebbf6d7a, 0xda955259, 0xd19b5b54, 0xcc894043, 0xc787494e,
-0xaedd3e05, 0xa5d33708, 0xb8c12c1f, 0xb3cf2512, 0x82e51a31, 0x89eb133c,
-0x94f9082b, 0x9ff70126, 0x464de6bd, 0x4d43efb0, 0x5051f4a7, 0x5b5ffdaa,
-0x6a75c289, 0x617bcb84, 0x7c69d093, 0x7767d99e, 0x1e3daed5, 0x1533a7d8,
-0x0821bccf, 0x032fb5c2, 0x32058ae1, 0x390b83ec, 0x241998fb, 0x2f1791f6,
-0x8d764dd6, 0x867844db, 0x9b6a5fcc, 0x906456c1, 0xa14e69e2, 0xaa4060ef,
-0xb7527bf8, 0xbc5c72f5, 0xd50605be, 0xde080cb3, 0xc31a17a4, 0xc8141ea9,
-0xf93e218a, 0xf2302887, 0xef223390, 0xe42c3a9d, 0x3d96dd06, 0x3698d40b,
-0x2b8acf1c, 0x2084c611, 0x11aef932, 0x1aa0f03f, 0x07b2eb28, 0x0cbce225,
-0x65e6956e, 0x6ee89c63, 0x73fa8774, 0x78f48e79, 0x49deb15a, 0x42d0b857,
-0x5fc2a340, 0x54ccaa4d, 0xf741ecda, 0xfc4fe5d7, 0xe15dfec0, 0xea53f7cd,
-0xdb79c8ee, 0xd077c1e3, 0xcd65daf4, 0xc66bd3f9, 0xaf31a4b2, 0xa43fadbf,
-0xb92db6a8, 0xb223bfa5, 0x83098086, 0x8807898b, 0x9515929c, 0x9e1b9b91,
-0x47a17c0a, 0x4caf7507, 0x51bd6e10, 0x5ab3671d, 0x6b99583e, 0x60975133,
-0x7d854a24, 0x768b4329, 0x1fd13462, 0x14df3d6f, 0x09cd2678, 0x02c32f75,
-0x33e91056, 0x38e7195b, 0x25f5024c, 0x2efb0b41, 0x8c9ad761, 0x8794de6c,
-0x9a86c57b, 0x9188cc76, 0xa0a2f355, 0xabacfa58, 0xb6bee14f, 0xbdb0e842,
-0xd4ea9f09, 0xdfe49604, 0xc2f68d13, 0xc9f8841e, 0xf8d2bb3d, 0xf3dcb230,
-0xeecea927, 0xe5c0a02a, 0x3c7a47b1, 0x37744ebc, 0x2a6655ab, 0x21685ca6,
-0x10426385, 0x1b4c6a88, 0x065e719f, 0x0d507892, 0x640a0fd9, 0x6f0406d4,
-0x72161dc3, 0x791814ce, 0x48322bed, 0x433c22e0, 0x5e2e39f7, 0x552030fa,
-0x01ec9ab7, 0x0ae293ba, 0x17f088ad, 0x1cfe81a0, 0x2dd4be83, 0x26dab78e,
-0x3bc8ac99, 0x30c6a594, 0x599cd2df, 0x5292dbd2, 0x4f80c0c5, 0x448ec9c8,
-0x75a4f6eb, 0x7eaaffe6, 0x63b8e4f1, 0x68b6edfc, 0xb10c0a67, 0xba02036a,
-0xa710187d, 0xac1e1170, 0x9d342e53, 0x963a275e, 0x8b283c49, 0x80263544,
-0xe97c420f, 0xe2724b02, 0xff605015, 0xf46e5918, 0xc544663b, 0xce4a6f36,
-0xd3587421, 0xd8567d2c, 0x7a37a10c, 0x7139a801, 0x6c2bb316, 0x6725ba1b,
-0x560f8538, 0x5d018c35, 0x40139722, 0x4b1d9e2f, 0x2247e964, 0x2949e069,
-0x345bfb7e, 0x3f55f273, 0x0e7fcd50, 0x0571c45d, 0x1863df4a, 0x136dd647,
-0xcad731dc, 0xc1d938d1, 0xdccb23c6, 0xd7c52acb, 0xe6ef15e8, 0xede11ce5,
-0xf0f307f2, 0xfbfd0eff, 0x92a779b4, 0x99a970b9, 0x84bb6bae, 0x8fb562a3,
-0xbe9f5d80, 0xb591548d, 0xa8834f9a, 0xa38d4697  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC2[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x090e0b0d, 0x121c161a, 0x1b121d17, 0x24382c34, 0x2d362739,
-0x36243a2e, 0x3f2a3123, 0x48705868, 0x417e5365, 0x5a6c4e72, 0x5362457f,
-0x6c48745c, 0x65467f51, 0x7e546246, 0x775a694b, 0x90e0b0d0, 0x99eebbdd,
-0x82fca6ca, 0x8bf2adc7, 0xb4d89ce4, 0xbdd697e9, 0xa6c48afe, 0xafca81f3,
-0xd890e8b8, 0xd19ee3b5, 0xca8cfea2, 0xc382f5af, 0xfca8c48c, 0xf5a6cf81,
-0xeeb4d296, 0xe7bad99b, 0x3bdb7bbb, 0x32d570b6, 0x29c76da1, 0x20c966ac,
-0x1fe3578f, 0x16ed5c82, 0x0dff4195, 0x04f14a98, 0x73ab23d3, 0x7aa528de,
-0x61b735c9, 0x68b93ec4, 0x57930fe7, 0x5e9d04ea, 0x458f19fd, 0x4c8112f0,
-0xab3bcb6b, 0xa235c066, 0xb927dd71, 0xb029d67c, 0x8f03e75f, 0x860dec52,
-0x9d1ff145, 0x9411fa48, 0xe34b9303, 0xea45980e, 0xf1578519, 0xf8598e14,
-0xc773bf37, 0xce7db43a, 0xd56fa92d, 0xdc61a220, 0x76adf66d, 0x7fa3fd60,
-0x64b1e077, 0x6dbfeb7a, 0x5295da59, 0x5b9bd154, 0x4089cc43, 0x4987c74e,
-0x3eddae05, 0x37d3a508, 0x2cc1b81f, 0x25cfb312, 0x1ae58231, 0x13eb893c,
-0x08f9942b, 0x01f79f26, 0xe64d46bd, 0xef434db0, 0xf45150a7, 0xfd5f5baa,
-0xc2756a89, 0xcb7b6184, 0xd0697c93, 0xd967779e, 0xae3d1ed5, 0xa73315d8,
-0xbc2108cf, 0xb52f03c2, 0x8a0532e1, 0x830b39ec, 0x981924fb, 0x91172ff6,
-0x4d768dd6, 0x447886db, 0x5f6a9bcc, 0x566490c1, 0x694ea1e2, 0x6040aaef,
-0x7b52b7f8, 0x725cbcf5, 0x0506d5be, 0x0c08deb3, 0x171ac3a4, 0x1e14c8a9,
-0x213ef98a, 0x2830f287, 0x3322ef90, 0x3a2ce49d, 0xdd963d06, 0xd498360b,
-0xcf8a2b1c, 0xc6842011, 0xf9ae1132, 0xf0a01a3f, 0xebb20728, 0xe2bc0c25,
-0x95e6656e, 0x9ce86e63, 0x87fa7374, 0x8ef47879, 0xb1de495a, 0xb8d04257,
-0xa3c25f40, 0xaacc544d, 0xec41f7da, 0xe54ffcd7, 0xfe5de1c0, 0xf753eacd,
-0xc879dbee, 0xc177d0e3, 0xda65cdf4, 0xd36bc6f9, 0xa431afb2, 0xad3fa4bf,
-0xb62db9a8, 0xbf23b2a5, 0x80098386, 0x8907888b, 0x9215959c, 0x9b1b9e91,
-0x7ca1470a, 0x75af4c07, 0x6ebd5110, 0x67b35a1d, 0x58996b3e, 0x51976033,
-0x4a857d24, 0x438b7629, 0x34d11f62, 0x3ddf146f, 0x26cd0978, 0x2fc30275,
-0x10e93356, 0x19e7385b, 0x02f5254c, 0x0bfb2e41, 0xd79a8c61, 0xde94876c,
-0xc5869a7b, 0xcc889176, 0xf3a2a055, 0xfaacab58, 0xe1beb64f, 0xe8b0bd42,
-0x9fead409, 0x96e4df04, 0x8df6c213, 0x84f8c91e, 0xbbd2f83d, 0xb2dcf330,
-0xa9ceee27, 0xa0c0e52a, 0x477a3cb1, 0x4e7437bc, 0x55662aab, 0x5c6821a6,
-0x63421085, 0x6a4c1b88, 0x715e069f, 0x78500d92, 0x0f0a64d9, 0x06046fd4,
-0x1d1672c3, 0x141879ce, 0x2b3248ed, 0x223c43e0, 0x392e5ef7, 0x302055fa,
-0x9aec01b7, 0x93e20aba, 0x88f017ad, 0x81fe1ca0, 0xbed42d83, 0xb7da268e,
-0xacc83b99, 0xa5c63094, 0xd29c59df, 0xdb9252d2, 0xc0804fc5, 0xc98e44c8,
-0xf6a475eb, 0xffaa7ee6, 0xe4b863f1, 0xedb668fc, 0x0a0cb167, 0x0302ba6a,
-0x1810a77d, 0x111eac70, 0x2e349d53, 0x273a965e, 0x3c288b49, 0x35268044,
-0x427ce90f, 0x4b72e202, 0x5060ff15, 0x596ef418, 0x6644c53b, 0x6f4ace36,
-0x7458d321, 0x7d56d82c, 0xa1377a0c, 0xa8397101, 0xb32b6c16, 0xba25671b,
-0x850f5638, 0x8c015d35, 0x97134022, 0x9e1d4b2f, 0xe9472264, 0xe0492969,
-0xfb5b347e, 0xf2553f73, 0xcd7f0e50, 0xc471055d, 0xdf63184a, 0xd66d1347,
-0x31d7cadc, 0x38d9c1d1, 0x23cbdcc6, 0x2ac5d7cb, 0x15efe6e8, 0x1ce1ede5,
-0x07f3f0f2, 0x0efdfbff, 0x79a792b4, 0x70a999b9, 0x6bbb84ae, 0x62b58fa3,
-0x5d9fbe80, 0x5491b58d, 0x4f83a89a, 0x468da397  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC2[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x0d0b0e09, 0x1a161c12, 0x171d121b, 0x342c3824, 0x3927362d,
-0x2e3a2436, 0x23312a3f, 0x68587048, 0x65537e41, 0x724e6c5a, 0x7f456253,
-0x5c74486c, 0x517f4665, 0x4662547e, 0x4b695a77, 0xd0b0e090, 0xddbbee99,
-0xcaa6fc82, 0xc7adf28b, 0xe49cd8b4, 0xe997d6bd, 0xfe8ac4a6, 0xf381caaf,
-0xb8e890d8, 0xb5e39ed1, 0xa2fe8cca, 0xaff582c3, 0x8cc4a8fc, 0x81cfa6f5,
-0x96d2b4ee, 0x9bd9bae7, 0xbb7bdb3b, 0xb670d532, 0xa16dc729, 0xac66c920,
-0x8f57e31f, 0x825ced16, 0x9541ff0d, 0x984af104, 0xd323ab73, 0xde28a57a,
-0xc935b761, 0xc43eb968, 0xe70f9357, 0xea049d5e, 0xfd198f45, 0xf012814c,
-0x6bcb3bab, 0x66c035a2, 0x71dd27b9, 0x7cd629b0, 0x5fe7038f, 0x52ec0d86,
-0x45f11f9d, 0x48fa1194, 0x03934be3, 0x0e9845ea, 0x198557f1, 0x148e59f8,
-0x37bf73c7, 0x3ab47dce, 0x2da96fd5, 0x20a261dc, 0x6df6ad76, 0x60fda37f,
-0x77e0b164, 0x7aebbf6d, 0x59da9552, 0x54d19b5b, 0x43cc8940, 0x4ec78749,
-0x05aedd3e, 0x08a5d337, 0x1fb8c12c, 0x12b3cf25, 0x3182e51a, 0x3c89eb13,
-0x2b94f908, 0x269ff701, 0xbd464de6, 0xb04d43ef, 0xa75051f4, 0xaa5b5ffd,
-0x896a75c2, 0x84617bcb, 0x937c69d0, 0x9e7767d9, 0xd51e3dae, 0xd81533a7,
-0xcf0821bc, 0xc2032fb5, 0xe132058a, 0xec390b83, 0xfb241998, 0xf62f1791,
-0xd68d764d, 0xdb867844, 0xcc9b6a5f, 0xc1906456, 0xe2a14e69, 0xefaa4060,
-0xf8b7527b, 0xf5bc5c72, 0xbed50605, 0xb3de080c, 0xa4c31a17, 0xa9c8141e,
-0x8af93e21, 0x87f23028, 0x90ef2233, 0x9de42c3a, 0x063d96dd, 0x0b3698d4,
-0x1c2b8acf, 0x112084c6, 0x3211aef9, 0x3f1aa0f0, 0x2807b2eb, 0x250cbce2,
-0x6e65e695, 0x636ee89c, 0x7473fa87, 0x7978f48e, 0x5a49deb1, 0x5742d0b8,
-0x405fc2a3, 0x4d54ccaa, 0xdaf741ec, 0xd7fc4fe5, 0xc0e15dfe, 0xcdea53f7,
-0xeedb79c8, 0xe3d077c1, 0xf4cd65da, 0xf9c66bd3, 0xb2af31a4, 0xbfa43fad,
-0xa8b92db6, 0xa5b223bf, 0x86830980, 0x8b880789, 0x9c951592, 0x919e1b9b,
-0x0a47a17c, 0x074caf75, 0x1051bd6e, 0x1d5ab367, 0x3e6b9958, 0x33609751,
-0x247d854a, 0x29768b43, 0x621fd134, 0x6f14df3d, 0x7809cd26, 0x7502c32f,
-0x5633e910, 0x5b38e719, 0x4c25f502, 0x412efb0b, 0x618c9ad7, 0x6c8794de,
-0x7b9a86c5, 0x769188cc, 0x55a0a2f3, 0x58abacfa, 0x4fb6bee1, 0x42bdb0e8,
-0x09d4ea9f, 0x04dfe496, 0x13c2f68d, 0x1ec9f884, 0x3df8d2bb, 0x30f3dcb2,
-0x27eecea9, 0x2ae5c0a0, 0xb13c7a47, 0xbc37744e, 0xab2a6655, 0xa621685c,
-0x85104263, 0x881b4c6a, 0x9f065e71, 0x920d5078, 0xd9640a0f, 0xd46f0406,
-0xc372161d, 0xce791814, 0xed48322b, 0xe0433c22, 0xf75e2e39, 0xfa552030,
-0xb701ec9a, 0xba0ae293, 0xad17f088, 0xa01cfe81, 0x832dd4be, 0x8e26dab7,
-0x993bc8ac, 0x9430c6a5, 0xdf599cd2, 0xd25292db, 0xc54f80c0, 0xc8448ec9,
-0xeb75a4f6, 0xe67eaaff, 0xf163b8e4, 0xfc68b6ed, 0x67b10c0a, 0x6aba0203,
-0x7da71018, 0x70ac1e11, 0x539d342e, 0x5e963a27, 0x498b283c, 0x44802635,
-0x0fe97c42, 0x02e2724b, 0x15ff6050, 0x18f46e59, 0x3bc54466, 0x36ce4a6f,
-0x21d35874, 0x2cd8567d, 0x0c7a37a1, 0x017139a8, 0x166c2bb3, 0x1b6725ba,
-0x38560f85, 0x355d018c, 0x22401397, 0x2f4b1d9e, 0x642247e9, 0x692949e0,
-0x7e345bfb, 0x733f55f2, 0x500e7fcd, 0x5d0571c4, 0x4a1863df, 0x47136dd6,
-0xdccad731, 0xd1c1d938, 0xc6dccb23, 0xcbd7c52a, 0xe8e6ef15, 0xe5ede11c,
-0xf2f0f307, 0xfffbfd0e, 0xb492a779, 0xb999a970, 0xae84bb6b, 0xa38fb562,
-0x80be9f5d, 0x8db59154, 0x9aa8834f, 0x97a38d46  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC3[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x0e0b0d09, 0x1c161a12, 0x121d171b, 0x382c3424, 0x3627392d,
-0x243a2e36, 0x2a31233f, 0x70586848, 0x7e536541, 0x6c4e725a, 0x62457f53,
-0x48745c6c, 0x467f5165, 0x5462467e, 0x5a694b77, 0xe0b0d090, 0xeebbdd99,
-0xfca6ca82, 0xf2adc78b, 0xd89ce4b4, 0xd697e9bd, 0xc48afea6, 0xca81f3af,
-0x90e8b8d8, 0x9ee3b5d1, 0x8cfea2ca, 0x82f5afc3, 0xa8c48cfc, 0xa6cf81f5,
-0xb4d296ee, 0xbad99be7, 0xdb7bbb3b, 0xd570b632, 0xc76da129, 0xc966ac20,
-0xe3578f1f, 0xed5c8216, 0xff41950d, 0xf14a9804, 0xab23d373, 0xa528de7a,
-0xb735c961, 0xb93ec468, 0x930fe757, 0x9d04ea5e, 0x8f19fd45, 0x8112f04c,
-0x3bcb6bab, 0x35c066a2, 0x27dd71b9, 0x29d67cb0, 0x03e75f8f, 0x0dec5286,
-0x1ff1459d, 0x11fa4894, 0x4b9303e3, 0x45980eea, 0x578519f1, 0x598e14f8,
-0x73bf37c7, 0x7db43ace, 0x6fa92dd5, 0x61a220dc, 0xadf66d76, 0xa3fd607f,
-0xb1e07764, 0xbfeb7a6d, 0x95da5952, 0x9bd1545b, 0x89cc4340, 0x87c74e49,
-0xddae053e, 0xd3a50837, 0xc1b81f2c, 0xcfb31225, 0xe582311a, 0xeb893c13,
-0xf9942b08, 0xf79f2601, 0x4d46bde6, 0x434db0ef, 0x5150a7f4, 0x5f5baafd,
-0x756a89c2, 0x7b6184cb, 0x697c93d0, 0x67779ed9, 0x3d1ed5ae, 0x3315d8a7,
-0x2108cfbc, 0x2f03c2b5, 0x0532e18a, 0x0b39ec83, 0x1924fb98, 0x172ff691,
-0x768dd64d, 0x7886db44, 0x6a9bcc5f, 0x6490c156, 0x4ea1e269, 0x40aaef60,
-0x52b7f87b, 0x5cbcf572, 0x06d5be05, 0x08deb30c, 0x1ac3a417, 0x14c8a91e,
-0x3ef98a21, 0x30f28728, 0x22ef9033, 0x2ce49d3a, 0x963d06dd, 0x98360bd4,
-0x8a2b1ccf, 0x842011c6, 0xae1132f9, 0xa01a3ff0, 0xb20728eb, 0xbc0c25e2,
-0xe6656e95, 0xe86e639c, 0xfa737487, 0xf478798e, 0xde495ab1, 0xd04257b8,
-0xc25f40a3, 0xcc544daa, 0x41f7daec, 0x4ffcd7e5, 0x5de1c0fe, 0x53eacdf7,
-0x79dbeec8, 0x77d0e3c1, 0x65cdf4da, 0x6bc6f9d3, 0x31afb2a4, 0x3fa4bfad,
-0x2db9a8b6, 0x23b2a5bf, 0x09838680, 0x07888b89, 0x15959c92, 0x1b9e919b,
-0xa1470a7c, 0xaf4c0775, 0xbd51106e, 0xb35a1d67, 0x996b3e58, 0x97603351,
-0x857d244a, 0x8b762943, 0xd11f6234, 0xdf146f3d, 0xcd097826, 0xc302752f,
-0xe9335610, 0xe7385b19, 0xf5254c02, 0xfb2e410b, 0x9a8c61d7, 0x94876cde,
-0x869a7bc5, 0x889176cc, 0xa2a055f3, 0xacab58fa, 0xbeb64fe1, 0xb0bd42e8,
-0xead4099f, 0xe4df0496, 0xf6c2138d, 0xf8c91e84, 0xd2f83dbb, 0xdcf330b2,
-0xceee27a9, 0xc0e52aa0, 0x7a3cb147, 0x7437bc4e, 0x662aab55, 0x6821a65c,
-0x42108563, 0x4c1b886a, 0x5e069f71, 0x500d9278, 0x0a64d90f, 0x046fd406,
-0x1672c31d, 0x1879ce14, 0x3248ed2b, 0x3c43e022, 0x2e5ef739, 0x2055fa30,
-0xec01b79a, 0xe20aba93, 0xf017ad88, 0xfe1ca081, 0xd42d83be, 0xda268eb7,
-0xc83b99ac, 0xc63094a5, 0x9c59dfd2, 0x9252d2db, 0x804fc5c0, 0x8e44c8c9,
-0xa475ebf6, 0xaa7ee6ff, 0xb863f1e4, 0xb668fced, 0x0cb1670a, 0x02ba6a03,
-0x10a77d18, 0x1eac7011, 0x349d532e, 0x3a965e27, 0x288b493c, 0x26804435,
-0x7ce90f42, 0x72e2024b, 0x60ff1550, 0x6ef41859, 0x44c53b66, 0x4ace366f,
-0x58d32174, 0x56d82c7d, 0x377a0ca1, 0x397101a8, 0x2b6c16b3, 0x25671bba,
-0x0f563885, 0x015d358c, 0x13402297, 0x1d4b2f9e, 0x472264e9, 0x492969e0,
-0x5b347efb, 0x553f73f2, 0x7f0e50cd, 0x71055dc4, 0x63184adf, 0x6d1347d6,
-0xd7cadc31, 0xd9c1d138, 0xcbdcc623, 0xc5d7cb2a, 0xefe6e815, 0xe1ede51c,
-0xf3f0f207, 0xfdfbff0e, 0xa792b479, 0xa999b970, 0xbb84ae6b, 0xb58fa362,
-0x9fbe805d, 0x91b58d54, 0x83a89a4f, 0x8da39746  
-static const PRUint32 _IMXC3[256] = 
-0x00000000, 0x090d0b0e, 0x121a161c, 0x1b171d12, 0x24342c38, 0x2d392736,
-0x362e3a24, 0x3f23312a, 0x48685870, 0x4165537e, 0x5a724e6c, 0x537f4562,
-0x6c5c7448, 0x65517f46, 0x7e466254, 0x774b695a, 0x90d0b0e0, 0x99ddbbee,
-0x82caa6fc, 0x8bc7adf2, 0xb4e49cd8, 0xbde997d6, 0xa6fe8ac4, 0xaff381ca,
-0xd8b8e890, 0xd1b5e39e, 0xcaa2fe8c, 0xc3aff582, 0xfc8cc4a8, 0xf581cfa6,
-0xee96d2b4, 0xe79bd9ba, 0x3bbb7bdb, 0x32b670d5, 0x29a16dc7, 0x20ac66c9,
-0x1f8f57e3, 0x16825ced, 0x0d9541ff, 0x04984af1, 0x73d323ab, 0x7ade28a5,
-0x61c935b7, 0x68c43eb9, 0x57e70f93, 0x5eea049d, 0x45fd198f, 0x4cf01281,
-0xab6bcb3b, 0xa266c035, 0xb971dd27, 0xb07cd629, 0x8f5fe703, 0x8652ec0d,
-0x9d45f11f, 0x9448fa11, 0xe303934b, 0xea0e9845, 0xf1198557, 0xf8148e59,
-0xc737bf73, 0xce3ab47d, 0xd52da96f, 0xdc20a261, 0x766df6ad, 0x7f60fda3,
-0x6477e0b1, 0x6d7aebbf, 0x5259da95, 0x5b54d19b, 0x4043cc89, 0x494ec787,
-0x3e05aedd, 0x3708a5d3, 0x2c1fb8c1, 0x2512b3cf, 0x1a3182e5, 0x133c89eb,
-0x082b94f9, 0x01269ff7, 0xe6bd464d, 0xefb04d43, 0xf4a75051, 0xfdaa5b5f,
-0xc2896a75, 0xcb84617b, 0xd0937c69, 0xd99e7767, 0xaed51e3d, 0xa7d81533,
-0xbccf0821, 0xb5c2032f, 0x8ae13205, 0x83ec390b, 0x98fb2419, 0x91f62f17,
-0x4dd68d76, 0x44db8678, 0x5fcc9b6a, 0x56c19064, 0x69e2a14e, 0x60efaa40,
-0x7bf8b752, 0x72f5bc5c, 0x05bed506, 0x0cb3de08, 0x17a4c31a, 0x1ea9c814,
-0x218af93e, 0x2887f230, 0x3390ef22, 0x3a9de42c, 0xdd063d96, 0xd40b3698,
-0xcf1c2b8a, 0xc6112084, 0xf93211ae, 0xf03f1aa0, 0xeb2807b2, 0xe2250cbc,
-0x956e65e6, 0x9c636ee8, 0x877473fa, 0x8e7978f4, 0xb15a49de, 0xb85742d0,
-0xa3405fc2, 0xaa4d54cc, 0xecdaf741, 0xe5d7fc4f, 0xfec0e15d, 0xf7cdea53,
-0xc8eedb79, 0xc1e3d077, 0xdaf4cd65, 0xd3f9c66b, 0xa4b2af31, 0xadbfa43f,
-0xb6a8b92d, 0xbfa5b223, 0x80868309, 0x898b8807, 0x929c9515, 0x9b919e1b,
-0x7c0a47a1, 0x75074caf, 0x6e1051bd, 0x671d5ab3, 0x583e6b99, 0x51336097,
-0x4a247d85, 0x4329768b, 0x34621fd1, 0x3d6f14df, 0x267809cd, 0x2f7502c3,
-0x105633e9, 0x195b38e7, 0x024c25f5, 0x0b412efb, 0xd7618c9a, 0xde6c8794,
-0xc57b9a86, 0xcc769188, 0xf355a0a2, 0xfa58abac, 0xe14fb6be, 0xe842bdb0,
-0x9f09d4ea, 0x9604dfe4, 0x8d13c2f6, 0x841ec9f8, 0xbb3df8d2, 0xb230f3dc,
-0xa927eece, 0xa02ae5c0, 0x47b13c7a, 0x4ebc3774, 0x55ab2a66, 0x5ca62168,
-0x63851042, 0x6a881b4c, 0x719f065e, 0x78920d50, 0x0fd9640a, 0x06d46f04,
-0x1dc37216, 0x14ce7918, 0x2bed4832, 0x22e0433c, 0x39f75e2e, 0x30fa5520,
-0x9ab701ec, 0x93ba0ae2, 0x88ad17f0, 0x81a01cfe, 0xbe832dd4, 0xb78e26da,
-0xac993bc8, 0xa59430c6, 0xd2df599c, 0xdbd25292, 0xc0c54f80, 0xc9c8448e,
-0xf6eb75a4, 0xffe67eaa, 0xe4f163b8, 0xedfc68b6, 0x0a67b10c, 0x036aba02,
-0x187da710, 0x1170ac1e, 0x2e539d34, 0x275e963a, 0x3c498b28, 0x35448026,
-0x420fe97c, 0x4b02e272, 0x5015ff60, 0x5918f46e, 0x663bc544, 0x6f36ce4a,
-0x7421d358, 0x7d2cd856, 0xa10c7a37, 0xa8017139, 0xb3166c2b, 0xba1b6725,
-0x8538560f, 0x8c355d01, 0x97224013, 0x9e2f4b1d, 0xe9642247, 0xe0692949,
-0xfb7e345b, 0xf2733f55, 0xcd500e7f, 0xc45d0571, 0xdf4a1863, 0xd647136d,
-0x31dccad7, 0x38d1c1d9, 0x23c6dccb, 0x2acbd7c5, 0x15e8e6ef, 0x1ce5ede1,
-0x07f2f0f3, 0x0efffbfd, 0x79b492a7, 0x70b999a9, 0x6bae84bb, 0x62a38fb5,
-0x5d80be9f, 0x548db591, 0x4f9aa883, 0x4697a38d  
-static const PRUint32 Rcon[30] = {
-0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000004, 0x00000008, 0x00000010, 0x00000020,
-0x00000040, 0x00000080, 0x0000001b, 0x00000036, 0x0000006c, 0x000000d8,
-0x000000ab, 0x0000004d, 0x0000009a, 0x0000002f, 0x0000005e, 0x000000bc,
-0x00000063, 0x000000c6, 0x00000097, 0x00000035, 0x0000006a, 0x000000d4,
-0x000000b3, 0x0000007d, 0x000000fa, 0x000000ef, 0x000000c5, 0x00000091 
-static const PRUint32 Rcon[30] = {
-0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000,
-0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x1b000000, 0x36000000, 0x6c000000, 0xd8000000,
-0xab000000, 0x4d000000, 0x9a000000, 0x2f000000, 0x5e000000, 0xbc000000,
-0x63000000, 0xc6000000, 0x97000000, 0x35000000, 0x6a000000, 0xd4000000,
-0xb3000000, 0x7d000000, 0xfa000000, 0xef000000, 0xc5000000, 0x91000000 
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c b/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b557b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1551 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * RSA key generation, public key op, private key op.
- */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prclist.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#include "mpprime.h"
-#include "mplogic.h"
-#include "secmpi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-** Number of times to attempt to generate a prime (p or q) from a random
-** seed (the seed changes for each iteration).
-** Number of times to attempt to generate a key.  The primes p and q change
-** for each attempt.
-/* Blinding Parameters max cache size  */
-/* exponent should not be greater than modulus */
-#define BAD_RSA_KEY_SIZE(modLen, expLen) \
-    ((expLen) > (modLen) || (modLen) > RSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS/8 || \
-    (expLen) > RSA_MAX_EXPONENT_BITS/8)
-struct blindingParamsStr;
-typedef struct blindingParamsStr blindingParams;
-struct blindingParamsStr {
-    blindingParams *next;
-    mp_int         f, g;             /* blinding parameter                 */
-    int            counter;          /* number of remaining uses of (f, g) */
-** RSABlindingParamsStr
-** For discussion of Paul Kocher's timing attack against an RSA private key
-** operation, see  The 
-** countermeasure to this attack, known as blinding, is also discussed in 
-** the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, 11.118-11.119.
-struct RSABlindingParamsStr
-    /* Blinding-specific parameters */
-    PRCList   link;                  /* link to list of structs            */
-    SECItem   modulus;               /* list element "key"                 */
-    blindingParams *free, *bp;       /* Blinding parameters queue          */
-    blindingParams array[RSA_BLINDING_PARAMS_MAX_CACHE_SIZE];
-typedef struct RSABlindingParamsStr RSABlindingParams;
-** RSABlindingParamsListStr
-** List of key-specific blinding params.  The arena holds the volatile pool
-** of memory for each entry and the list itself.  The lock is for list
-** operations, in this case insertions and iterations, as well as control
-** of the counter for each set of blinding parameters.
-struct RSABlindingParamsListStr
-    PZLock  *lock;   /* Lock for the list   */
-    PRCondVar *cVar; /* Condidtion Variable */
-    int  waitCount;  /* Number of threads waiting on cVar */
-    PRCList  head;   /* Pointer to the list */
-** The master blinding params list.
-static struct RSABlindingParamsListStr blindingParamsList = { 0 };
-/* Number of times to reuse (f, g).  Suggested by Paul Kocher */
-/* Global, allows optional use of blinding.  On by default. */
-/* Cannot be changed at the moment, due to thread-safety issues. */
-static PRBool nssRSAUseBlinding = PR_TRUE;
-static SECStatus
-rsa_build_from_primes(const mp_int *p, const mp_int *q,
-		mp_int *e, PRBool needPublicExponent,
-		mp_int *d, PRBool needPrivateExponent,
-		RSAPrivateKey *key, unsigned int keySizeInBits)
-    mp_int n, phi;
-    mp_int psub1, qsub1, tmp;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    MP_DIGITS(&n)     = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&phi)   = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&psub1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&qsub1) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp)   = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n)     );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&phi)   );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&psub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&qsub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp)   );
-    /* p and q must be distinct. */
-    if (mp_cmp(p, q) == 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* 1.  Compute n = p*q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(p, q, &n) );
-    /*     verify that the modulus has the desired number of bits */
-    if ((unsigned)mpl_significant_bits(&n) != keySizeInBits) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* at least one exponent must be given */
-    PORT_Assert(!(needPublicExponent && needPrivateExponent));
-    /* 2.  Compute phi = (p-1)*(q-1) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(p, 1, &psub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(q, 1, &qsub1) );
-    if (needPublicExponent || needPrivateExponent) {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&psub1, &qsub1, &phi) );
-	/* 3.  Compute d = e**-1 mod(phi) */
-	/*     or      e = d**-1 mod(phi) as necessary */
-	if (needPublicExponent) {
-	    err = mp_invmod(d, &phi, e);
-	} else {
-	    err = mp_invmod(e, &phi, d);
-	}
-    } else {
-	err = MP_OKAY;
-    }
-    /*     Verify that phi(n) and e have no common divisors */
-    if (err != MP_OKAY) {
-	if (err == MP_UNDEF) {
-	    err = MP_OKAY; /* to keep PORT_SetError from being called again */
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* 4.  Compute exponent1 = d mod (p-1) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(d, &psub1, &tmp) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&tmp, &key->exponent1, key->arena);
-    /* 5.  Compute exponent2 = d mod (q-1) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(d, &qsub1, &tmp) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&tmp, &key->exponent2, key->arena);
-    /* 6.  Compute coefficient = q**-1 mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_invmod(q, p, &tmp) );
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&tmp, &key->coefficient, key->arena);
-    /* copy our calculated results, overwrite what is there */
-    key-> = NULL;
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(&n, &key->modulus, key->arena);
-    key-> = NULL;
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(d, &key->privateExponent, key->arena);
-    key-> = NULL;
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(e, &key->publicExponent, key->arena);
-    key-> = NULL;
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(p, &key->prime1, key->arena);
-    key-> = NULL;
-    MPINT_TO_SECITEM(q, &key->prime2, key->arena);
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    mp_clear(&phi);
-    mp_clear(&psub1);
-    mp_clear(&qsub1);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-generate_prime(mp_int *prime, int primeLen)
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned long counter = 0;
-    int piter;
-    unsigned char *pb = NULL;
-    pb = PORT_Alloc(primeLen);
-    if (!pb) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    for (piter = 0; piter < MAX_PRIME_GEN_ATTEMPTS; piter++) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(pb, primeLen) );
-	pb[0]          |= 0xC0; /* set two high-order bits */
-	pb[primeLen-1] |= 0x01; /* set low-order bit       */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(prime, pb, primeLen) );
-	err = mpp_make_prime(prime, primeLen * 8, PR_FALSE, &counter);
-	if (err != MP_NO)
-	    goto cleanup;
-	/* keep going while err == MP_NO */
-    }
-    if (pb)
-	PORT_ZFree(pb, primeLen);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-** Generate and return a new RSA public and private key.
-**	Both keys are encoded in a single RSAPrivateKey structure.
-**	"cx" is the random number generator context
-**	"keySizeInBits" is the size of the key to be generated, in bits.
-**	   512, 1024, etc.
-**	"publicExponent" when not NULL is a pointer to some data that
-**	   represents the public exponent to use. The data is a byte
-**	   encoded integer, in "big endian" order.
-RSAPrivateKey *
-RSA_NewKey(int keySizeInBits, SECItem *publicExponent)
-    unsigned int primeLen;
-    mp_int p, q, e, d;
-    int kiter;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    int prerr = 0;
-    RSAPrivateKey *key = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    /* Require key size to be a multiple of 16 bits. */
-    if (!publicExponent || keySizeInBits % 16 != 0 ||
-	    BAD_RSA_KEY_SIZE((unsigned int)keySizeInBits/8, publicExponent->len)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* 1. Allocate arena & key */
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    key = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, RSAPrivateKey);
-    if (!key) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    key->arena = arena;
-    /* length of primes p and q (in bytes) */
-    primeLen = keySizeInBits / (2 * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE);
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d) );
-    /* 2.  Set the version number (PKCS1 v1.5 says it should be zero) */
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &key->version, 1);
-    key->[0] = 0;
-    /* 3.  Set the public exponent */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(*publicExponent, &e);
-    kiter = 0;
-    do {
-	prerr = 0;
-	PORT_SetError(0);
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( generate_prime(&p, primeLen) );
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( generate_prime(&q, primeLen) );
-	/* Assure p > q */
-	/* NOTE: PKCS #1 does not require p > q, and NSS doesn't use any
-	 * implementation optimization that requires p > q. We can remove
-	 * this code in the future.
-	 */
-	if (mp_cmp(&p, &q) < 0)
-	    mp_exch(&p, &q);
-	/* Attempt to use these primes to generate a key */
-	rv = rsa_build_from_primes(&p, &q, 
-			&e, PR_FALSE,  /* needPublicExponent=false */
-			&d, PR_TRUE,   /* needPrivateExponent=true */
-			key, keySizeInBits);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess)
-	    break; /* generated two good primes */
-	prerr = PORT_GetError();
-	kiter++;
-	/* loop until have primes */
-    } while (prerr == SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM && kiter < MAX_KEY_GEN_ATTEMPTS);
-    if (prerr)
-	goto cleanup;
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    mp_clear(&d);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv && arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	key = NULL;
-    }
-    return key;
-rsa_is_prime(mp_int *p) {
-    int res;
-    /* run a Fermat test */
-    res = mpp_fermat(p, 2);
-    if (res != MP_OKAY) {
-	return res;
-    }
-    /* If that passed, run some Miller-Rabin tests */
-    res = mpp_pprime(p, 2);
-    return res;
- * Try to find the two primes based on 2 exponents plus either a prime
- *   or a modulus.
- *
- * In: e, d and either p or n (depending on the setting of hasModulus).
- * Out: p,q.
- * 
- * Step 1, Since d = e**-1 mod phi, we know that d*e == 1 mod phi, or
- *	d*e = 1+k*phi, or d*e-1 = k*phi. since d is less than phi and e is
- *	usually less than d, then k must be an integer between e-1 and 1 
- *	(probably on the order of e).
- * Step 1a, If we were passed just a prime, we can divide k*phi by that
- *      prime-1 and get k*(q-1). This will reduce the size of our division
- *      through the rest of the loop.
- * Step 2, Loop through the values k=e-1 to 1 looking for k. k should be on
- *	the order or e, and e is typically small. This may take a while for
- *	a large random e. We are looking for a k that divides kphi
- *	evenly. Once we find a k that divides kphi evenly, we assume it 
- *	is the true k. It's possible this k is not the 'true' k but has 
- *	swapped factors of p-1 and/or q-1. Because of this, we 
- *	tentatively continue Steps 3-6 inside this loop, and may return looking
- *	for another k on failure.
- * Step 3, Calculate are tentative phi=kphi/k. Note: real phi is (p-1)*(q-1).
- * Step 4a, if we have a prime, kphi is already k*(q-1), so phi is or tenative
- *      q-1. q = phi+1. If k is correct, q should be the right length and 
- *      prime.
- * Step 4b, It's possible q-1 and k could have swapped factors. We now have a
- * 	possible solution that meets our criteria. It may not be the only 
- *      solution, however, so we keep looking. If we find more than one, 
- *      we will fail since we cannot determine which is the correct
- *      solution, and returning the wrong modulus will compromise both
- *      moduli. If no other solution is found, we return the unique solution.
- * Step 5a, If we have the modulus (n=pq), then use the following formula to 
- * 	calculate  s=(p+q): , phi = (p-1)(q-1) = pq  -p-q +1 = n-s+1. so
- *	s=n-phi+1.
- * Step 5b, Use n=pq and s=p+q to solve for p and q as follows:
- *	since q=s-p, then n=p*(s-p)= sp - p^2, rearranging p^2-s*p+n = 0.
- *	from the quadratic equation we have p=1/2*(s+sqrt(s*s-4*n)) and
- *	q=1/2*(s-sqrt(s*s-4*n)) if s*s-4*n is a perfect square, we are DONE.
- *	If it is not, continue in our look looking for another k. NOTE: the
- *	code actually distributes the 1/2 and results in the equations:
- *	sqrt = sqrt(s/2*s/2-n), p=s/2+sqrt, q=s/2-sqrt. The algebra saves us
- *	and extra divide by 2 and a multiply by 4.
- * 
- * This will return p & q. q may be larger than p in the case that p was given
- * and it was the smaller prime.
- */
-static mp_err
-rsa_get_primes_from_exponents(mp_int *e, mp_int *d, mp_int *p, mp_int *q,
-			      mp_int *n, PRBool hasModulus, 
-			      unsigned int keySizeInBits)
-    mp_int kphi; /* k*phi */
-    mp_int k;    /* current guess at 'k' */
-    mp_int phi;  /* (p-1)(q-1) */
-    mp_int s;    /* p+q/2 (s/2 in the algebra) */
-    mp_int r;    /* remainder */
-    mp_int tmp; /* p-1 if p is given, n+1 is modulus is given */
-    mp_int sqrt; /* sqrt(s/2*s/2-n) */
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    unsigned int order_k;
-    MP_DIGITS(&kphi) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&phi) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&s) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&sqrt) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&kphi) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&phi) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&s) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&k) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&tmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&sqrt) );
-    /* our algorithm looks for a factor k whose maximum size is dependent
-     * on the size of our smallest exponent, which had better be the public
-     * exponent (if it's the private, the key is vulnerable to a brute force
-     * attack).
-     * 
-     * since our factor search is linear, we need to limit the maximum
-     * size of the public key. this should not be a problem normally, since 
-     * public keys are usually small. 
-     *
-     * if we want to handle larger public key sizes, we should have
-     * a version which tries to 'completely' factor k*phi (where completely
-     * means 'factor into primes, or composites with which are products of
-     * large primes). Once we have all the factors, we can sort them out and
-     * try different combinations to form our phi. The risk is if (p-1)/2,
-     * (q-1)/2, and k are all large primes. In any case if the public key
-     * is small (order of 20 some bits), then a linear search for k is 
-     * manageable.
-     */
-    if (mpl_significant_bits(e) > 23) {
-	err=MP_RANGE;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* calculate k*phi = e*d - 1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(e, d, &kphi) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&kphi, 1, &kphi) );
-    /* kphi is (e*d)-1, which is the same as k*(p-1)(q-1)
-     * d < (p-1)(q-1), therefor k must be less than e-1
-     * We can narrow down k even more, though. Since p and q are odd and both 
-     * have their high bit set, then we know that phi must be on order of 
-     * keySizeBits.
-     */
-    order_k = (unsigned)mpl_significant_bits(&kphi) - keySizeInBits;
-    /* for (k=kinit; order(k) >= order_k; k--) { */
-    /* k=kinit: k can't be bigger than  kphi/2^(keySizeInBits -1) */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_2expt(&k,keySizeInBits-1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div(&kphi, &k, &k, NULL));
-    if (mp_cmp(&k,e) >= 0) {
-	/* also can't be bigger then e-1 */
-        CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(e, 1, &k) );
-    }
-    /* calculate our temp value */
-    /* This saves recalculating this value when the k guess is wrong, which
-     * is reasonably frequent. */
-    /* for the modulus case, tmp = n+1 (used to calculate p+q = tmp - phi) */
-    /* for the prime case, tmp = p-1 (used to calculate q-1= phi/tmp) */
-    if (hasModulus) {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add_d(n, 1, &tmp) );
-    } else {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(p, 1, &tmp) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_div(&kphi,&tmp,&kphi,&r));
-	if (mp_cmp_z(&r) != 0) {
-	    /* p-1 doesn't divide kphi, some parameter wasn't correct */
-	    err=MP_RANGE;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	}
-	mp_zero(q);
-	/* kphi is now k*(q-1) */
-    }
-    /* rest of the for loop */
-    for (; (err == MP_OKAY) && (mpl_significant_bits(&k) >= order_k); 
-						err = mp_sub_d(&k, 1, &k)) {
-	/* looking for k as a factor of kphi */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_div(&kphi,&k,&phi,&r));
-	if (mp_cmp_z(&r) != 0) {
-	    /* not a factor, try the next one */
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* we have a possible phi, see if it works */
-	if (!hasModulus) {
-	    if ((unsigned)mpl_significant_bits(&phi) != keySizeInBits/2) {
-		/* phi is not the right size */
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* phi should be divisible by 2, since
-	     * q is odd and phi=(q-1). */
-	    if (mpp_divis_d(&phi,2) == MP_NO) {
-		/* phi is not divisible by 4 */
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* we now have a candidate for the second prime */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_add_d(&phi, 1, &tmp));
-	    /* check to make sure it is prime */
-	    err = rsa_is_prime(&tmp);
-	    if (err != MP_OKAY) {
-		if (err == MP_NO) {
-		    /* No, then we still have the wrong phi */
-		    err = MP_OKAY;
-        	    continue;
-		}
-		goto cleanup;
-	    }
-	    /*
-	     * It is possible that we have the wrong phi if 
-	     * k_guess*(q_guess-1) = k*(q-1) (k and q-1 have swapped factors).
-	     * since our q_quess is prime, however. We have found a valid
-	     * rsa key because:
-	     *   q is the correct order of magnitude.
-	     *   phi = (p-1)(q-1) where p and q are both primes.
-	     *   e*d mod phi = 1.
-	     * There is no way to know from the info given if this is the 
-	     * original key. We never want to return the wrong key because if
-	     * two moduli with the same factor is known, then euclid's gcd
-	     * algorithm can be used to find that factor. Even though the 
-	     * caller didn't pass the original modulus, it doesn't mean the
-	     * modulus wasn't known or isn't available somewhere. So to be safe
-	     * if we can't be sure we have the right q, we don't return any.
-	     * 
-	     * So to make sure we continue looking for other valid q's. If none
-	     * are found, then we can safely return this one, otherwise we just
-	     * fail */
-	    if (mp_cmp_z(q) != 0) {
-		/* this is the second valid q, don't return either, 
-		 * just fail */
-		err = MP_RANGE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* we only have one q so far, save it and if no others are found,
-	     * it's safe to return it */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_copy(&tmp, q));
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* test our tentative phi */
-	/* phi should be the correct order */
-	if ((unsigned)mpl_significant_bits(&phi) != keySizeInBits) {
-	    /* phi is not the right size */
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* phi should be divisible by 4, since
-	 * p and q are odd and phi=(p-1)(q-1). */
-	if (mpp_divis_d(&phi,4) == MP_NO) {
-	    /* phi is not divisible by 4 */
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* n was given, calculate s/2=(p+q)/2 */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub(&tmp, &phi, &s) );
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_div_2(&s, &s) );
-	/* calculate sqrt(s/2*s/2-n) */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_sqr(&s,&sqrt));
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_sub(&sqrt,n,&r));  /* r as a tmp */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_sqrt(&r,&sqrt));
-	/* make sure it's a perfect square */
-	/* r is our original value we took the square root of */
-	/* q is the square of our tentative square root. They should be equal*/
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_sqr(&sqrt,q)); /* q as a tmp */
-	if (mp_cmp(&r,q) != 0) {
-	    /* sigh according to the doc, mp_sqrt could return sqrt-1 */
-	   CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_add_d(&sqrt,1,&sqrt));
-	   CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_sqr(&sqrt,q));
-	   if (mp_cmp(&r,q) != 0) {
-		/* s*s-n not a perfect square, this phi isn't valid, find 			 * another.*/
-		continue;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* NOTE: In this case we know we have the one and only answer.
-	 * "Why?", you ask. Because:
-	 *    1) n is a composite of two large primes (or it wasn't a
-	 *       valid RSA modulus).
-	 *    2) If we know any number such that x^2-n is a perfect square 
-	 *       and x is not (n+1)/2, then we can calculate 2 non-trivial
-	 *       factors of n.
-	 *    3) Since we know that n has only 2 non-trivial prime factors, 
-	 *       we know the two factors we have are the only possible factors.
-	 */
-	/* Now we are home free to calculate p and q */
-	/* p = s/2 + sqrt, q= s/2 - sqrt */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_add(&s,&sqrt,p));
-	CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_sub(&s,&sqrt,q));
-	break;
-    }
-    if ((unsigned)mpl_significant_bits(&k) < order_k) {
-	if (hasModulus || (mp_cmp_z(q) == 0)) {
-	    /* If we get here, something was wrong with the parameters we 
-	     * were given */
-	    err = MP_RANGE; 
-	}
-    }
-    mp_clear(&kphi);
-    mp_clear(&phi);
-    mp_clear(&s);
-    mp_clear(&k);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    mp_clear(&tmp);
-    mp_clear(&sqrt);
-    return err;
- * take a private key with only a few elements and fill out the missing pieces.
- *
- * All the entries will be overwritten with data allocated out of the arena
- * If no arena is supplied, one will be created.
- *
- * The following fields must be supplied in order for this function
- * to succeed:
- *   one of either publicExponent or privateExponent
- *   two more of the following 5 parameters.
- *      modulus (n)
- *      prime1  (p)
- *      prime2  (q)
- *      publicExponent (e)
- *      privateExponent (d)
- *
- * NOTE: if only the publicExponent, privateExponent, and one prime is given,
- * then there may be more than one RSA key that matches that combination.
- *
- * All parameters will be replaced in the key structure with new parameters
- * Allocated out of the arena. There is no attempt to free the old structures.
- * Prime1 will always be greater than prime2 (even if the caller supplies the
- * smaller prime as prime1 or the larger prime as prime2). The parameters are
- * not overwritten on failure.
- *
- *  How it works:
- *     We can generate all the parameters from:
- *        one of the exponents, plus the two primes. (rsa_build_key_from_primes) *
- *     If we are given one of the exponents and both primes, we are done.
- *     If we are given one of the exponents, the modulus and one prime, we 
- *        caclulate the second prime by dividing the modulus by the given 
- *        prime, giving us and exponent and 2 primes.
- *     If we are given 2 exponents and either the modulus or one of the primes
- *        we calculate k*phi = d*e-1, where k is an integer less than d which 
- *        divides d*e-1. We find factor k so we can isolate phi.
- *            phi = (p-1)(q-1)
- *       If one of the primes are given, we can use phi to find the other prime
- *        as follows: q = (phi/(p-1)) + 1. We now have 2 primes and an 
- *        exponent. (NOTE: if more then one prime meets this condition, the
- *        operation will fail. See comments elsewhere in this file about this).
- *       If the modulus is given, then we can calculate the sum of the primes
- *        as follows: s := (p+q), phi = (p-1)(q-1) = pq -p - q +1, pq = n ->
- *        phi = n - s + 1, s = n - phi +1.  Now that we have s = p+q and n=pq,
- *	  we can solve our 2 equations and 2 unknowns as follows: q=s-p ->
- *        n=p*(s-p)= sp -p^2 -> p^2-sp+n = 0. Using the quadratic to solve for
- *        p, p=1/2*(s+ sqrt(s*s-4*n)) [q=1/2*(s-sqrt(s*s-4*n)]. We again have
- *        2 primes and an exponent.
- *
- */
-RSA_PopulatePrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey *key)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    PRBool needPublicExponent = PR_TRUE;
-    PRBool needPrivateExponent = PR_TRUE;
-    PRBool hasModulus = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned int keySizeInBits = 0;
-    int prime_count = 0;
-    /* standard RSA nominclature */
-    mp_int p, q, e, d, n;
-    /* remainder */
-    mp_int r;
-    mp_err err = 0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&n) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&r) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&r) );
-    /* if the key didn't already have an arena, create one. */
-    if (key->arena == NULL) {
-	if (!arena) {
-	    goto cleanup;
-	}
-	key->arena = arena;
-    }
-    /* load up the known exponents */
-    if (key-> {
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->publicExponent, &e);
-	needPublicExponent = PR_FALSE;
-    } 
-    if (key-> {
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->privateExponent, &d);
-	needPrivateExponent = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (needPrivateExponent && needPublicExponent) {
-	/* Not enough information, we need at least one exponent */
-	err = MP_BADARG;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* load up the known primes. If only one prime is given, it will be
-     * assigned 'p'. Once we have both primes, well make sure p is the larger.
-     * The value prime_count tells us howe many we have acquired.
-     */
-    if (key-> {
-	int primeLen = key->prime1.len;
-	if (key->[0] == 0) {
-	   primeLen--;
-	}
-	keySizeInBits = primeLen * 2 * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime1, &p);
-	prime_count++;
-    }
-    if (key-> {
-	int primeLen = key->prime2.len;
-	if (key->[0] == 0) {
-	   primeLen--;
-	}
-	keySizeInBits = primeLen * 2 * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-        SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime2, prime_count ? &q : &p);
-	prime_count++;
-    }
-    /* load up the modulus */
-    if (key-> {
-	int modLen = key->modulus.len;
-	if (key->[0] == 0) {
-	   modLen--;
-	}
-	keySizeInBits = modLen * PR_BITS_PER_BYTE;
-	SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->modulus, &n);
-	hasModulus = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* if we have the modulus and one prime, calculate the second. */
-    if ((prime_count == 1) && (hasModulus)) {
-	if (mp_div(&n,&p,&q,&r) != MP_OKAY || mp_cmp_z(&r) != 0) {
-	   /* p is not a factor or n, fail */
-	   err = MP_BADARG;
-	   goto cleanup;
-	}
-	prime_count++;
-    }
-    /* If we didn't have enough primes try to calculate the primes from
-     * the exponents */
-    if (prime_count < 2) {
-	/* if we don't have at least 2 primes at this point, then we need both
-	 * exponents and one prime or a modulus*/
-	if (!needPublicExponent && !needPrivateExponent &&
-		((prime_count > 0) || hasModulus)) {
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK(rsa_get_primes_from_exponents(&e,&d,&p,&q,
-			&n,hasModulus,keySizeInBits));
-	} else {
-	    /* not enough given parameters to get both primes */
-	    err = MP_BADARG;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	}
-     }
-     /* Assure p > q */
-     /* NOTE: PKCS #1 does not require p > q, and NSS doesn't use any
-      * implementation optimization that requires p > q. We can remove
-      * this code in the future.
-      */
-     if (mp_cmp(&p, &q) < 0)
-	mp_exch(&p, &q);
-     /* we now have our 2 primes and at least one exponent, we can fill
-      * in the key */
-     rv = rsa_build_from_primes(&p, &q, 
-			&e, needPublicExponent,
-			&d, needPrivateExponent,
-			key, keySizeInBits);
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    mp_clear(&d);
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    mp_clear(&r);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv && arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	key->arena = NULL;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static unsigned int
-rsa_modulusLen(SECItem *modulus)
-    unsigned char byteZero = modulus->data[0];
-    unsigned int modLen = modulus->len - !byteZero;
-    return modLen;
-** Perform a raw public-key operation 
-**	Length of input and output buffers are equal to key's modulus len.
-RSA_PublicKeyOp(RSAPublicKey  *key, 
-                unsigned char *output, 
-                const unsigned char *input)
-    unsigned int modLen, expLen, offset;
-    mp_int n, e, m, c;
-    mp_err err   = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!key || !output || !input) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&n) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&m) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&m) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c) );
-    modLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    expLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->publicExponent);
-    /* 1.  Obtain public key (n, e) */
-    if (BAD_RSA_KEY_SIZE(modLen, expLen)) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->modulus, &n);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->publicExponent, &e);
-    if (e.used > n.used) {
-	/* exponent should not be greater than modulus */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* 2. check input out of range (needs to be in range [0..n-1]) */
-    offset = (key->[0] == 0) ? 1 : 0; /* may be leading 0 */
-    if (memcmp(input, key-> + offset, modLen) >= 0) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /* 2 bis.  Represent message as integer in range [0..n-1] */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&m, input, modLen) );
-    /* 3.  Compute c = m**e mod n */
-#ifdef USE_MPI_EXPT_D
-    /* XXX see which is faster */
-    if (MP_USED(&e) == 1) {
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod_d(&m, MP_DIGIT(&e, 0), &n, &c) );
-    } else
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&m, &e, &n, &c) );
-    /* 4.  result c is ciphertext */
-    err = mp_to_fixlen_octets(&c, output, modLen);
-    if (err >= 0) err = MP_OKAY;
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    mp_clear(&m);
-    mp_clear(&c);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-**  RSA Private key operation (no CRT).
-static SECStatus 
-rsa_PrivateKeyOpNoCRT(RSAPrivateKey *key, mp_int *m, mp_int *c, mp_int *n,
-                      unsigned int modLen)
-    mp_int d;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->privateExponent, &d);
-    /* 1. m = c**d mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(c, &d, n, m) );
-    mp_clear(&d);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-**  RSA Private key operation using CRT.
-static SECStatus 
-rsa_PrivateKeyOpCRTNoCheck(RSAPrivateKey *key, mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-    mp_int p, q, d_p, d_q, qInv;
-    mp_int m1, m2, h, ctmp;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d_p)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d_q)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&qInv) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&m1)   = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&m2)   = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&h)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&ctmp) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d_p)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d_q)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&qInv) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&m1)   );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&m2)   );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&h)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&ctmp) );
-    /* copy private key parameters into mp integers */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime1,      &p);    /* p */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime2,      &q);    /* q */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->exponent1,   &d_p);  /* d_p  = d mod (p-1) */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->exponent2,   &d_q);  /* d_q  = d mod (q-1) */
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->coefficient, &qInv); /* qInv = q**-1 mod p */
-    /* 1. m1 = c**d_p mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(c, &p, &ctmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&ctmp, &d_p, &p, &m1) );
-    /* 2. m2 = c**d_q mod q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(c, &q, &ctmp) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&ctmp, &d_q, &q, &m2) );
-    /* 3.  h = (m1 - m2) * qInv mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_submod(&m1, &m2, &p, &h) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&h, &qInv, &p, &h)  );
-    /* 4.  m = m2 + h * q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&h, &q, m) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_add(m, &m2, m) );
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&d_p);
-    mp_clear(&d_q);
-    mp_clear(&qInv);
-    mp_clear(&m1);
-    mp_clear(&m2);
-    mp_clear(&h);
-    mp_clear(&ctmp);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-** An attack against RSA CRT was described by Boneh, DeMillo, and Lipton in:
-** "On the Importance of Eliminating Errors in Cryptographic Computations",
-** As a defense against the attack, carry out the private key operation, 
-** followed up with a public key operation to invert the result.  
-** Verify that result against the input.
-static SECStatus 
-rsa_PrivateKeyOpCRTCheckedPubKey(RSAPrivateKey *key, mp_int *m, mp_int *c)
-    mp_int n, e, v;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    MP_DIGITS(&n) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&v) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&v) );
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( rsa_PrivateKeyOpCRTNoCheck(key, m, c) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->modulus,        &n);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->publicExponent, &e);
-    /* Perform a public key operation v = m ** e mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(m, &e, &n, &v) );
-    if (mp_cmp(&v, c) != 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    mp_clear(&v);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static PRCallOnceType coBPInit = { 0, 0, 0 };
-static PRStatus 
-    blindingParamsList.lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if (!blindingParamsList.lock) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    blindingParamsList.cVar = PR_NewCondVar( blindingParamsList.lock );
-    if (!blindingParamsList.cVar) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    blindingParamsList.waitCount = 0;
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&blindingParamsList.head);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static SECStatus
-generate_blinding_params(RSAPrivateKey *key, mp_int* f, mp_int* g, mp_int *n, 
-                         unsigned int modLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    mp_int e, k;
-    mp_err err = MP_OKAY;
-    unsigned char *kb = NULL;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&k) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&k) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->publicExponent, &e);
-    /* generate random k < n */
-    kb = PORT_Alloc(modLen);
-    if (!kb) {
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-    CHECK_SEC_OK( RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(kb, modLen) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_read_unsigned_octets(&k, kb, modLen) );
-    /* k < n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&k, n, &k) );
-    /* f = k**e mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_exptmod(&k, &e, n, f) );
-    /* g = k**-1 mod n */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_invmod(&k, n, g) );
-    if (kb)
-	PORT_ZFree(kb, modLen);
-    mp_clear(&k);
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-init_blinding_params(RSABlindingParams *rsabp, RSAPrivateKey *key,
-                     mp_int *n, unsigned int modLen)
-    blindingParams * bp = rsabp->array;
-    int i = 0;
-    /* Initialize the list pointer for the element */
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&rsabp->link);
-    for (i = 0; i < RSA_BLINDING_PARAMS_MAX_CACHE_SIZE; ++i, ++bp) {
-    	bp->next = bp + 1;
-	MP_DIGITS(&bp->f) = 0;
-	MP_DIGITS(&bp->g) = 0;
-	bp->counter = 0;
-    }
-    /* The last bp->next value was initialized with out
-     * of rsabp->array pointer and must be set to NULL 
-     */ 
-    rsabp->array[RSA_BLINDING_PARAMS_MAX_CACHE_SIZE - 1].next = NULL;
-    bp          = rsabp->array;
-    rsabp->bp   = NULL;
-    rsabp->free = bp;
-    /* List elements are keyed using the modulus */
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &rsabp->modulus, &key->modulus);
-static SECStatus
-get_blinding_params(RSAPrivateKey *key, mp_int *n, unsigned int modLen,
-                    mp_int *f, mp_int *g)
-    RSABlindingParams *rsabp           = NULL;
-    blindingParams    *bpUnlinked      = NULL;
-    blindingParams    *bp;
-    PRCList           *el;
-    SECStatus          rv              = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err             err             = MP_OKAY;
-    int                cmp             = -1;
-    PRBool             holdingLock     = PR_FALSE;
-    do {
-	if (blindingParamsList.lock == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/* Acquire the list lock */
-	PZ_Lock(blindingParamsList.lock);
-	holdingLock = PR_TRUE;
-	/* Walk the list looking for the private key */
-	for (el = PR_NEXT_LINK(&blindingParamsList.head);
-	     el != &blindingParamsList.head;
-	     el = PR_NEXT_LINK(el)) {
-	    rsabp = (RSABlindingParams *)el;
-	    cmp = SECITEM_CompareItem(&rsabp->modulus, &key->modulus);
-	    if (cmp >= 0) {
-		/* The key is found or not in the list. */
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (cmp) {
-	    /* At this point, the key is not in the list.  el should point to 
-	    ** the list element before which this key should be inserted. 
-	    */
-	    rsabp = PORT_ZNew(RSABlindingParams);
-	    if (!rsabp) {
-		goto cleanup;
-	    }
-	    rv = init_blinding_params(rsabp, key, n, modLen);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		PORT_ZFree(rsabp, sizeof(RSABlindingParams));
-		goto cleanup;
-	    }
-	    /* Insert the new element into the list
-	    ** If inserting in the middle of the list, el points to the link
-	    ** to insert before.  Otherwise, the link needs to be appended to
-	    ** the end of the list, which is the same as inserting before the
-	    ** head (since el would have looped back to the head).
-	    */
-	    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&rsabp->link, el);
-	}
-	/* We've found (or created) the RSAblindingParams struct for this key.
-	 * Now, search its list of ready blinding params for a usable one.
-	 */
-	while (0 != (bp = rsabp->bp)) {
-	    if (--(bp->counter) > 0) {
-		/* Found a match and there are still remaining uses left */
-		/* Return the parameters */
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_copy(&bp->f, f) );
-		CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_copy(&bp->g, g) );
-		PZ_Unlock(blindingParamsList.lock); 
-		return SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    /* exhausted this one, give its values to caller, and
-	     * then retire it.
-	     */
-	    mp_exch(&bp->f, f);
-	    mp_exch(&bp->g, g);
-	    mp_clear( &bp->f );
-	    mp_clear( &bp->g );
-	    bp->counter = 0;
-	    /* Move to free list */
-	    rsabp->bp   = bp->next;
-	    bp->next    = rsabp->free;
-	    rsabp->free = bp;
-	    /* In case there're threads waiting for new blinding
-	     * value - notify 1 thread the value is ready
-	     */
-	    if (blindingParamsList.waitCount > 0) {
-		PR_NotifyCondVar( blindingParamsList.cVar );
-		blindingParamsList.waitCount--;
-	    }
-	    PZ_Unlock(blindingParamsList.lock); 
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	/* We did not find a usable set of blinding params.  Can we make one? */
-	/* Find a free bp struct. */
-	if ((bp = rsabp->free) != NULL) {
-	    /* unlink this bp */
-	    rsabp->free  = bp->next;
-	    bp->next     = NULL;
-	    bpUnlinked   = bp;  /* In case we fail */
-	    PZ_Unlock(blindingParamsList.lock); 
-	    holdingLock = PR_FALSE;
-	    /* generate blinding parameter values for the current thread */
-	    CHECK_SEC_OK( generate_blinding_params(key, f, g, n, modLen ) );
-	    /* put the blinding parameter values into cache */
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init( &bp->f) );
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init( &bp->g) );
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_copy( f, &bp->f) );
-	    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_copy( g, &bp->g) );
-	    /* Put this at head of queue of usable params. */
-	    PZ_Lock(blindingParamsList.lock);
-	    holdingLock = PR_TRUE;
-	    /* initialize RSABlindingParamsStr */
-	    bp->counter = RSA_BLINDING_PARAMS_MAX_REUSE;
-	    bp->next    = rsabp->bp;
-	    rsabp->bp   = bp;
-	    bpUnlinked  = NULL;
-	    /* In case there're threads waiting for new blinding value
-	     * just notify them the value is ready
-	     */
-	    if (blindingParamsList.waitCount > 0) {
-		PR_NotifyAllCondVar( blindingParamsList.cVar );
-		blindingParamsList.waitCount = 0;
-	    }
-	    PZ_Unlock(blindingParamsList.lock);
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	/* Here, there are no usable blinding parameters available,
-	 * and no free bp blocks, presumably because they're all 
-	 * actively having parameters generated for them.
-	 * So, we need to wait here and not eat up CPU until some 
-	 * change happens. 
-	 */
-	blindingParamsList.waitCount++;
-	PR_WaitCondVar( blindingParamsList.cVar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT );
-	PZ_Unlock(blindingParamsList.lock); 
-	holdingLock = PR_FALSE;
-    } while (1);
-    /* It is possible to reach this after the lock is already released.  */
-    if (bpUnlinked) {
-	if (!holdingLock) {
-	    PZ_Lock(blindingParamsList.lock);
-	    holdingLock = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	bp = bpUnlinked;
-	mp_clear( &bp->f );
-	mp_clear( &bp->g );
-	bp->counter = 0;
-    	/* Must put the unlinked bp back on the free list */
-	bp->next    = rsabp->free;
-	rsabp->free = bp;
-    }
-    if (holdingLock) {
-	PZ_Unlock(blindingParamsList.lock);
-	holdingLock = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (err) {
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-** Perform a raw private-key operation 
-**	Length of input and output buffers are equal to key's modulus len.
-static SECStatus 
-rsa_PrivateKeyOp(RSAPrivateKey *key, 
-                 unsigned char *output, 
-                 const unsigned char *input,
-                 PRBool check)
-    unsigned int modLen;
-    unsigned int offset;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    mp_err err;
-    mp_int n, c, m;
-    mp_int f, g;
-    if (!key || !output || !input) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* check input out of range (needs to be in range [0..n-1]) */
-    modLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    offset = (key->[0] == 0) ? 1 : 0; /* may be leading 0 */
-    if (memcmp(input, key-> + offset, modLen) >= 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MP_DIGITS(&n) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&c) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&m) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&f) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&g) = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&c) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&m) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&f) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&g) );
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->modulus, &n);
-    OCTETS_TO_MPINT(input, &c, modLen);
-    /* If blinding, compute pre-image of ciphertext by multiplying by
-    ** blinding factor
-    */
-    if (nssRSAUseBlinding) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( get_blinding_params(key, &n, modLen, &f, &g) );
-	/* c' = c*f mod n */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&c, &f, &n, &c) );
-    }
-    /* Do the private key operation m = c**d mod n */
-    if ( key->prime1.len      == 0 ||
-         key->prime2.len      == 0 ||
-         key->exponent1.len   == 0 ||
-         key->exponent2.len   == 0 ||
-         key->coefficient.len == 0) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( rsa_PrivateKeyOpNoCRT(key, &m, &c, &n, modLen) );
-    } else if (check) {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( rsa_PrivateKeyOpCRTCheckedPubKey(key, &m, &c) );
-    } else {
-	CHECK_SEC_OK( rsa_PrivateKeyOpCRTNoCheck(key, &m, &c) );
-    }
-    /* If blinding, compute post-image of plaintext by multiplying by
-    ** blinding factor
-    */
-    if (nssRSAUseBlinding) {
-	/* m = m'*g mod n */
-	CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&m, &g, &n, &m) );
-    }
-    err = mp_to_fixlen_octets(&m, output, modLen);
-    if (err >= 0) err = MP_OKAY;
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    mp_clear(&c);
-    mp_clear(&m);
-    mp_clear(&f);
-    mp_clear(&g);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-RSA_PrivateKeyOp(RSAPrivateKey *key, 
-                 unsigned char *output, 
-                 const unsigned char *input)
-    return rsa_PrivateKeyOp(key, output, input, PR_FALSE);
-RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(RSAPrivateKey *key, 
-                              unsigned char *output, 
-                              const unsigned char *input)
-    return rsa_PrivateKeyOp(key, output, input, PR_TRUE);
-RSA_PrivateKeyCheck(const RSAPrivateKey *key)
-    mp_int p, q, n, psub1, qsub1, e, d, d_p, d_q, qInv, res;
-    mp_err   err = MP_OKAY;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    MP_DIGITS(&p)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&q)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&n)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&psub1)= 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&qsub1)= 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&e)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d)    = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d_p)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&d_q)  = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&qInv) = 0;
-    MP_DIGITS(&res)  = 0;
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&p)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&q)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&n)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&psub1));
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&qsub1));
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&e)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d)    );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d_p)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&d_q)  );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&qInv) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_init(&res)  );
-    if (!key-> || !key-> || !key-> ||
-        !key-> || !key-> ||
-        !key-> || !key-> ||
-        !key-> {
-        /* call RSA_PopulatePrivateKey first, if the application wishes to
-         * recover these parameters */
-        err = MP_BADARG;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->modulus,         &n);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime1,          &p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->prime2,          &q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->publicExponent,  &e);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->privateExponent, &d);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->exponent1,       &d_p);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->exponent2,       &d_q);
-    SECITEM_TO_MPINT(key->coefficient,     &qInv);
-    /* p and q must be distinct. */
-    if (mp_cmp(&p, &q) == 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto cleanup;
-    }
-#define VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL(m1, m2) \
-    if (mp_cmp(m1, m2) != 0) {   \
-	rv = SECFailure;         \
-	goto cleanup;            \
-    }
-#define VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL_1(m)    \
-    if (mp_cmp_d(m, 1) != 0) {   \
-	rv = SECFailure;         \
-	goto cleanup;            \
-    }
-    /* n == p * q */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mul(&p, &q, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL(&res, &n);
-    /* gcd(e, p-1) == 1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&p, 1, &psub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_gcd(&e, &psub1, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL_1(&res);
-    /* gcd(e, q-1) == 1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_sub_d(&q, 1, &qsub1) );
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_gcd(&e, &qsub1, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL_1(&res);
-    /* d*e == 1 mod p-1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&d, &e, &psub1, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL_1(&res);
-    /* d*e == 1 mod q-1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&d, &e, &qsub1, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL_1(&res);
-    /* d_p == d mod p-1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&d, &psub1, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL(&res, &d_p);
-    /* d_q == d mod q-1 */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mod(&d, &qsub1, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL(&res, &d_q);
-    /* q * q**-1 == 1 mod p */
-    CHECK_MPI_OK( mp_mulmod(&q, &qInv, &p, &res) );
-    VERIFY_MPI_EQUAL_1(&res);
-    mp_clear(&n);
-    mp_clear(&p);
-    mp_clear(&q);
-    mp_clear(&psub1);
-    mp_clear(&qsub1);
-    mp_clear(&e);
-    mp_clear(&d);
-    mp_clear(&d_p);
-    mp_clear(&d_q);
-    mp_clear(&qInv);
-    mp_clear(&res);
-    if (err) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus RSA_Init(void)
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&coBPInit, init_blinding_params_list) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECStatus BL_Init(void)
-    return RSA_Init();
-/* cleanup at shutdown */
-void RSA_Cleanup(void)
-    blindingParams * bp = NULL;
-    if (!coBPInit.initialized)
-	return;
-    while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&blindingParamsList.head)) {
-	RSABlindingParams *rsabp = 
-	    (RSABlindingParams *)PR_LIST_HEAD(&blindingParamsList.head);
-	PR_REMOVE_LINK(&rsabp->link);
-	/* clear parameters cache */
-	while (rsabp->bp != NULL) {
-	    bp = rsabp->bp;
-	    rsabp->bp = rsabp->bp->next;
-	    mp_clear( &bp->f );
-	    mp_clear( &bp->g );
-	}
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&rsabp->modulus,PR_FALSE);
-	PORT_Free(rsabp);
-    }
-    if (blindingParamsList.cVar) {
-	PR_DestroyCondVar(blindingParamsList.cVar);
-	blindingParamsList.cVar = NULL;
-    }
-    if (blindingParamsList.lock) {
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(blindingParamsList.lock));
-	blindingParamsList.lock = NULL;
-    }
-    coBPInit.initialized = 0;
-    coBPInit.inProgress = 0;
-    coBPInit.status = 0;
- * need a central place for this function to free up all the memory that
- * free_bl may have allocated along the way. Currently only RSA does this,
- * so I've put it here for now.
- */
-void BL_Cleanup(void)
-    RSA_Cleanup();
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-PRBool bl_parentForkedAfterC_Initialize;
- * Set fork flag so it can be tested in SKIP_AFTER_FORK on relevant platforms.
- */
-void BL_SetForkState(PRBool forked)
-    bl_parentForkedAfterC_Initialize = forked;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/rsapkcs.c b/nss/lib/freebl/rsapkcs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c1e3d54..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/rsapkcs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1380 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * RSA PKCS#1 v2.1 (RFC 3447) operations
- */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "blapii.h"
-#define RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN            8
-#define RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET            0x00
-#define RSA_BLOCK_PRIVATE_PAD_OCTET      0xff
-#define RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET        0x00
- * RSA block types
- *
- * The values of RSA_BlockPrivate and RSA_BlockPublic are fixed.
- * The value of RSA_BlockRaw isn't fixed by definition, but we are keeping
- * the value that NSS has been using in the past.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    RSA_BlockPrivate = 1,   /* pad for a private-key operation */
-    RSA_BlockPublic = 2,    /* pad for a public-key operation */
-    RSA_BlockRaw = 4        /* simply justify the block appropriately */
-} RSA_BlockType;
-/* Needed for RSA-PSS functions */
-static const unsigned char eightZeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-/* Constant time comparison of a single byte.
- * Returns 1 iff a == b, otherwise returns 0.
- * Note: For ranges of bytes, use constantTimeCompare.
- */
-static unsigned char constantTimeEQ8(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
-    unsigned char c = ~((a - b) | (b - a));
-    c >>= 7;
-    return c;
-/* Constant time comparison of a range of bytes.
- * Returns 1 iff len bytes of a are identical to len bytes of b, otherwise
- * returns 0.
- */
-static unsigned char constantTimeCompare(const unsigned char *a,
-                                         const unsigned char *b,
-                                         unsigned int len) {
-    unsigned char tmp = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++a, ++b)
-        tmp |= *a ^ *b;
-    return constantTimeEQ8(0x00, tmp);
-/* Constant time conditional.
- * Returns a if c is 1, or b if c is 0. The result is undefined if c is
- * not 0 or 1.
- */
-static unsigned int constantTimeCondition(unsigned int c,
-                                          unsigned int a,
-                                          unsigned int b)
-    return (~(c - 1) & a) | ((c - 1) & b);
-static unsigned int
-rsa_modulusLen(SECItem * modulus)
-    unsigned char byteZero = modulus->data[0];
-    unsigned int modLen = modulus->len - !byteZero;
-    return modLen;
- * Format one block of data for public/private key encryption using
- * the rules defined in PKCS #1.
- */
-static unsigned char *
-rsa_FormatOneBlock(unsigned modulusLen,
-                   RSA_BlockType blockType,
-                   SECItem * data)
-    unsigned char *block;
-    unsigned char *bp;
-    int padLen;
-    int i, j;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    block = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
-    if (block == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    bp = block;
-    /*
-     * All RSA blocks start with two octets:
-     *	0x00 || BlockType
-     */
-    *bp++ = (unsigned char) blockType;
-    switch (blockType) {
-      /*
-       * Blocks intended for private-key operation.
-       */
-      case RSA_BlockPrivate:	 /* preferred method */
-        /*
-         * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-         *   1      1   padLen    1      data->len
-         * Pad is either all 0x00 or all 0xff bytes, depending on blockType.
-         */
-        padLen = modulusLen - data->len - 3;
-        PORT_Assert(padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
-        if (padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN) {
-            PORT_Free(block);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        PORT_Memset(bp, RSA_BLOCK_PRIVATE_PAD_OCTET, padLen);
-        bp += padLen;
-        *bp++ = RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET;
-        PORT_Memcpy(bp, data->data, data->len);
-        break;
-      /*
-       * Blocks intended for public-key operation.
-       */
-      case RSA_BlockPublic:
-        /*
-         * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-         *   1      1   padLen    1      data->len
-         * Pad is all non-zero random bytes.
-         *
-         * Build the block left to right.
-         * Fill the entire block from Pad to the end with random bytes.
-         * Use the bytes after Pad as a supply of extra random bytes from
-         * which to find replacements for the zero bytes in Pad.
-         * If we need more than that, refill the bytes after Pad with
-         * new random bytes as necessary.
-         */
-        padLen = modulusLen - (data->len + 3);
-        PORT_Assert(padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
-        if (padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN) {
-            PORT_Free(block);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        j = modulusLen - 2;
-        rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp, j);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-            for (i = 0; i < padLen; ) {
-                unsigned char repl;
-                /* Pad with non-zero random data. */
-                if (bp[i] != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET) {
-                    ++i;
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (j <= padLen) {
-                    rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp + padLen,
-                                          modulusLen - (2 + padLen));
-                    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-                        break;
-                    j = modulusLen - 2;
-                }
-                do {
-                    repl = bp[--j];
-                } while (repl == RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET && j > padLen);
-                if (repl != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET) {
-                    bp[i++] = repl;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            PORT_Free(block);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        bp += padLen;
-        *bp++ = RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET;
-        PORT_Memcpy(bp, data->data, data->len);
-        break;
-      default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        PORT_Free(block);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return block;
-static SECStatus
-rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result,
-                unsigned modulusLen,
-                RSA_BlockType blockType,
-                SECItem * data)
-    switch (blockType) {
-      case RSA_BlockPrivate:
-      case RSA_BlockPublic:
-        /*
-         * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-         *
-         * The "3" below is the first octet + the second octet + the 0x00
-         * octet that always comes just before the ActualData.
-         */
-        PORT_Assert(data->len <= (modulusLen - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN)));
-        result->data = rsa_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
-        if (result->data == NULL) {
-            result->len = 0;
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        result->len = modulusLen;
-        break;
-      case RSA_BlockRaw:
-        /*
-         * Pad || ActualData
-         * Pad is zeros. The application is responsible for recovering
-         * the actual data.
-         */
-        if (data->len > modulusLen ) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        result->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ZAlloc(modulusLen);
-        result->len = modulusLen;
-        PORT_Memcpy(result->data + (modulusLen - data->len),
-                    data->data, data->len);
-        break;
-      default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        result->data = NULL;
-        result->len = 0;
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Mask generation function MGF1 as defined in PKCS #1 v2.1 / RFC 3447.
- */
-static SECStatus
-MGF1(HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-     unsigned char * mask,
-     unsigned int maskLen,
-     const unsigned char * mgfSeed,
-     unsigned int mgfSeedLen)
-    unsigned int digestLen;
-    PRUint32 counter;
-    PRUint32 rounds;
-    unsigned char * tempHash;
-    unsigned char * temp;
-    const SECHashObject * hash;
-    void * hashContext;
-    unsigned char C[4];
-    hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashAlg);
-    if (hash == NULL)
-        return SECFailure;
-    hashContext = (*hash->create)();
-    rounds = (maskLen + hash->length - 1) / hash->length;
-    for (counter = 0; counter < rounds; counter++) {
-        C[0] = (unsigned char)((counter >> 24) & 0xff);
-        C[1] = (unsigned char)((counter >> 16) & 0xff);
-        C[2] = (unsigned char)((counter >> 8) & 0xff);
-        C[3] = (unsigned char)(counter & 0xff);
-        /* This could be optimized when the clone functions in
-         * rawhash.c are implemented. */
-        (*hash->begin)(hashContext);
-        (*hash->update)(hashContext, mgfSeed, mgfSeedLen);
-        (*hash->update)(hashContext, C, sizeof C);
-        tempHash = mask + counter * hash->length;
-        if (counter != (rounds - 1)) {
-            (*hash->end)(hashContext, tempHash, &digestLen, hash->length);
-        } else { /* we're in the last round and need to cut the hash */
-            temp = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(hash->length);
-            (*hash->end)(hashContext, temp, &digestLen, hash->length);
-            PORT_Memcpy(tempHash, temp, maskLen - counter * hash->length);
-            PORT_Free(temp);
-        }
-    }
-    (*hash->destroy)(hashContext, PR_TRUE);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_SignRaw(RSAPrivateKey * key,
-            unsigned char * output,
-            unsigned int * outputLen,
-            unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char * data,
-            unsigned int dataLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    SECItem formatted;
-    SECItem unformatted;
-    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-        return SECFailure;
-    unformatted.len  = dataLen;
- = (unsigned char*)data;
-   = NULL;
-    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockRaw, &unformatted);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(key, output,;
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    if ( != NULL)
-        PORT_ZFree(, modulusLen);
-    return rv;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_CheckSignRaw(RSAPublicKey * key,
-                 const unsigned char * sig,
-                 unsigned int sigLen,
-                 const unsigned char * hash,
-                 unsigned int hashLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned char * buffer;
-    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    if (hashLen > modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen + 1);
-    if (!buffer)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, buffer, sig);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * make sure we get the same results
-     */
-    /* XXX(rsleevi): Constant time */
-    /* NOTE: should we verify the leading zeros? */
-    if (PORT_Memcmp(buffer + (modulusLen - hashLen), hash, hashLen) != 0)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECFailure;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_CheckSignRecoverRaw(RSAPublicKey * key,
-                        unsigned char * data,
-                        unsigned int * dataLen,
-                        unsigned int maxDataLen,
-                        const unsigned char * sig,
-                        unsigned int sigLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    if (maxDataLen < modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, data, sig);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto failure;
-    *dataLen = modulusLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_EncryptRaw(RSAPublicKey * key,
-               unsigned char * output,
-               unsigned int * outputLen,
-               unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-               const unsigned char * input,
-               unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    SECItem formatted;
-    SECItem unformatted;
- = NULL;
-    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    unformatted.len  = inputLen;
- = (unsigned char*)input;
-   = NULL;
-    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockRaw, &unformatted);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, output,;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto failure;
-    PORT_ZFree(, modulusLen);
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if ( != NULL)
-        PORT_ZFree(, modulusLen);
-    return SECFailure;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_DecryptRaw(RSAPrivateKey * key,
-               unsigned char * output,
-               unsigned int * outputLen,
-               unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-               const unsigned char * input,
-               unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    if (modulusLen > maxOutputLen)
-        goto failure;
-    if (inputLen != modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(key, output, input);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto failure;
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
- * Decodes an EME-OAEP encoded block, validating the encoding in constant
- * time.
- * Described in RFC 3447, section 7.1.2.
- * input contains the encoded block, after decryption.
- * label is the optional value L that was associated with the message.
- * On success, the original message and message length will be stored in
- * output and outputLen.
- */
-static SECStatus
-eme_oaep_decode(unsigned char * output,
-                unsigned int * outputLen,
-                unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                const unsigned char * input,
-                unsigned int inputLen,
-                HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * label,
-                unsigned int labelLen)
-    const SECHashObject * hash;
-    void * hashContext;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned char labelHash[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned int maskLen;
-    unsigned int paddingOffset;
-    unsigned char * mask = NULL;
-    unsigned char * tmpOutput = NULL;
-    unsigned char isGood;
-    unsigned char foundPaddingEnd;
-    hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashAlg);
-    /* 1.c */
-    if (inputLen < (hash->length * 2) + 2) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Step 3.a - Generate lHash */
-    hashContext = (*hash->create)();
-    if (hashContext == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*hash->begin)(hashContext);
-    if (labelLen > 0)
-        (*hash->update)(hashContext, label, labelLen);
-    (*hash->end)(hashContext, labelHash, &i, sizeof(labelHash));
-    (*hash->destroy)(hashContext, PR_TRUE);
-    tmpOutput = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(inputLen);
-    if (tmpOutput == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    maskLen = inputLen - hash->length - 1;
-    mask = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(maskLen);
-    if (mask == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(tmpOutput, input, inputLen);
-    /* 3.c - Generate seedMask */
-    MGF1(maskHashAlg, mask, hash->length, &tmpOutput[1 + hash->length],
-         inputLen - hash->length - 1);
-    /* 3.d - Unmask seed */
-    for (i = 0; i < hash->length; ++i)
-        tmpOutput[1 + i] ^= mask[i];
-    /* 3.e - Generate dbMask */
-    MGF1(maskHashAlg, mask, maskLen, &tmpOutput[1], hash->length);
-    /* 3.f - Unmask DB */
-    for (i = 0; i < maskLen; ++i)
-        tmpOutput[1 + hash->length + i] ^= mask[i];
-    /* 3.g - Compare Y, lHash, and PS in constant time
-     * Warning: This code is timing dependent and must not disclose which of
-     * these were invalid.
-     */
-    paddingOffset = 0;
-    isGood = 1;
-    foundPaddingEnd = 0;
-    /* Compare Y */
-    isGood &= constantTimeEQ8(0x00, tmpOutput[0]);
-    /* Compare lHash and lHash' */
-    isGood &= constantTimeCompare(&labelHash[0],
-                                  &tmpOutput[1 + hash->length],
-                                  hash->length);
-    /* Compare that the padding is zero or more zero octets, followed by a
-     * 0x01 octet */
-    for (i = 1 + (hash->length * 2); i < inputLen; ++i) {
-        unsigned char isZero = constantTimeEQ8(0x00, tmpOutput[i]);
-        unsigned char isOne = constantTimeEQ8(0x01, tmpOutput[i]);
-        /* non-constant time equivalent:
-         * if (tmpOutput[i] == 0x01 && !foundPaddingEnd)
-         *     paddingOffset = i;
-         */
-        paddingOffset = constantTimeCondition(isOne & ~foundPaddingEnd, i,
-                                              paddingOffset);
-        /* non-constant time equivalent:
-         * if (tmpOutput[i] == 0x01)
-         *    foundPaddingEnd = true;
-         *
-         * Note: This may yield false positives, as it will be set whenever
-         * a 0x01 byte is encountered. If there was bad padding (eg:
-         * 0x03 0x02 0x01), foundPaddingEnd will still be set to true, and
-         * paddingOffset will still be set to 2.
-         */
-        foundPaddingEnd = constantTimeCondition(isOne, 1, foundPaddingEnd);
-        /* non-constant time equivalent:
-         * if (tmpOutput[i] != 0x00 && tmpOutput[i] != 0x01 &&
-         *     !foundPaddingEnd) {
-         *    isGood = false;
-         * }
-         *
-         * Note: This may yield false positives, as a message (and padding)
-         * that is entirely zeros will result in isGood still being true. Thus
-         * it's necessary to check foundPaddingEnd is positive below.
-         */
-        isGood = constantTimeCondition(~foundPaddingEnd & ~isZero, 0, isGood);
-    }
-    /* While both isGood and foundPaddingEnd may have false positives, they
-     * cannot BOTH have false positives. If both are not true, then an invalid
-     * message was received. Note, this comparison must still be done in constant
-     * time so as not to leak either condition.
-     */
-    if (!(isGood & foundPaddingEnd)) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    /* End timing dependent code */
-    ++paddingOffset; /* Skip the 0x01 following the end of PS */
-    *outputLen = inputLen - paddingOffset;
-    if (*outputLen > maxOutputLen) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (*outputLen)
-        PORT_Memcpy(output, &tmpOutput[paddingOffset], *outputLen);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (mask)
-        PORT_ZFree(mask, maskLen);
-    if (tmpOutput)
-        PORT_ZFree(tmpOutput, inputLen);
-    return rv;
- * Generate an EME-OAEP encoded block for encryption
- * Described in RFC 3447, section 7.1.1
- * We use input instead of M for the message to be encrypted
- * label is the optional value L to be associated with the message.
- */
-static SECStatus
-eme_oaep_encode(unsigned char * em,
-                unsigned int emLen,
-                const unsigned char * input,
-                unsigned int inputLen,
-                HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * label,
-                unsigned int labelLen,
-                const unsigned char * seed,
-                unsigned int seedLen)
-    const SECHashObject * hash;
-    void * hashContext;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned char * mask;
-    unsigned int reservedLen;
-    unsigned int dbMaskLen;
-    unsigned int i;
-    hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashAlg);
-    PORT_Assert(seed == NULL || seedLen == hash->length);
-    /* Step 1.b */
-    reservedLen = (2 * hash->length) + 2;
-    if (emLen < reservedLen || inputLen > (emLen - reservedLen)) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * From RFC 3447, Section 7.1
-     *                      +----------+---------+-------+
-     *                 DB = |  lHash   |    PS   |   M   |
-     *                      +----------+---------+-------+
-     *                                     |
-     *           +----------+              V
-     *           |   seed   |--> MGF ---> xor
-     *           +----------+              |
-     *                 |                   |
-     *        +--+     V                   |
-     *        |00|    xor <----- MGF <-----|
-     *        +--+     |                   |
-     *          |      |                   |
-     *          V      V                   V
-     *        +--+----------+----------------------------+
-     *  EM =  |00|maskedSeed|          maskedDB          |
-     *        +--+----------+----------------------------+
-     *
-     * We use mask to hold the result of the MGF functions, and all other
-     * values are generated in their final resting place.
-     */
-    *em = 0x00;
-    /* Step 2.a - Generate lHash */
-    hashContext = (*hash->create)();
-    if (hashContext == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*hash->begin)(hashContext);
-    if (labelLen > 0)
-        (*hash->update)(hashContext, label, labelLen);
-    (*hash->end)(hashContext, &em[1 + hash->length], &i, hash->length);
-    (*hash->destroy)(hashContext, PR_TRUE);
-    /* Step 2.b - Generate PS */
-    if (emLen - reservedLen - inputLen > 0) {
-        PORT_Memset(em + 1 + (hash->length * 2), 0x00,
-                    emLen - reservedLen - inputLen);
-    }
-    /* Step 2.c. - Generate DB
-     * DB = lHash || PS || 0x01 || M
-     * Note that PS and lHash have already been placed into em at their
-     * appropriate offsets. This just copies M into place
-     */
-    em[emLen - inputLen - 1] = 0x01;
-    if (inputLen)
-        PORT_Memcpy(em + emLen - inputLen, input, inputLen);
-    if (seed == NULL) {
-        /* Step 2.d - Generate seed */
-        rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(em + 1, hash->length);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return rv;
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* For Known Answer Tests, copy the supplied seed. */
-        PORT_Memcpy(em + 1, seed, seedLen);
-    }
-    /* Step 2.e - Generate dbMask*/
-    dbMaskLen = emLen - hash->length - 1;
-    mask = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(dbMaskLen);
-    if (mask == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MGF1(maskHashAlg, mask, dbMaskLen, em + 1, hash->length);
-    /* Step 2.f - Compute maskedDB*/
-    for (i = 0; i < dbMaskLen; ++i)
-        em[1 + hash->length + i] ^= mask[i];
-    /* Step 2.g - Generate seedMask */
-    MGF1(maskHashAlg, mask, hash->length, &em[1 + hash->length], dbMaskLen);
-    /* Step 2.h - Compute maskedSeed */
-    for (i = 0; i < hash->length; ++i)
-        em[1 + i] ^= mask[i];
-    PORT_ZFree(mask, dbMaskLen);
-    return SECSuccess;
-RSA_EncryptOAEP(RSAPublicKey * key,
-                HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * label,
-                unsigned int labelLen,
-                const unsigned char * seed,
-                unsigned int seedLen,
-                unsigned char * output,
-                unsigned int * outputLen,
-                unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                const unsigned char * input,
-                unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned char * oaepEncoded = NULL;
-    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((hashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL) || (maskHashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((labelLen == 0 && label != NULL) ||
-        (labelLen > 0 && label == NULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    oaepEncoded = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
-    if (oaepEncoded == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = eme_oaep_encode(oaepEncoded, modulusLen, input, inputLen,
-                         hashAlg, maskHashAlg, label, labelLen, seed, seedLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, output, oaepEncoded);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    PORT_Free(oaepEncoded);
-    return rv;
-RSA_DecryptOAEP(RSAPrivateKey * key,
-                HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * label,
-                unsigned int labelLen,
-                unsigned char * output,
-                unsigned int * outputLen,
-                unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                const unsigned char * input,
-                unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned char * oaepEncoded = NULL;
-    if ((hashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL) || (maskHashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (inputLen != modulusLen) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((labelLen == 0 && label != NULL) ||
-        (labelLen > 0 && label == NULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    oaepEncoded = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
-    if (oaepEncoded == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(key, oaepEncoded, input);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    rv = eme_oaep_decode(output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, oaepEncoded,
-                         modulusLen, hashAlg, maskHashAlg, label,
-                         labelLen);
-    if (oaepEncoded)
-        PORT_ZFree(oaepEncoded, modulusLen);
-    return rv;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_EncryptBlock(RSAPublicKey * key,
-                 unsigned char * output,
-                 unsigned int * outputLen,
-                 unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                 const unsigned char * input,
-                 unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    SECItem formatted;
-    SECItem unformatted;
- = NULL;
-    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    unformatted.len  = inputLen;
- = (unsigned char*)input;
-   = NULL;
-    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockPublic,
-                         &unformatted);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, output,;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto failure;
-    PORT_ZFree(, modulusLen);
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if ( != NULL)
-        PORT_ZFree(, modulusLen);
-    return SECFailure;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_DecryptBlock(RSAPrivateKey * key,
-                 unsigned char * output,
-                 unsigned int * outputLen,
-                 unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                 const unsigned char * input,
-                 unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned char * buffer;
-    if (inputLen != modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen + 1);
-    if (!buffer)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(key, buffer, input);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    /* XXX(rsleevi): Constant time */
-    if (buffer[0] != RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET ||
-        buffer[1] != (unsigned char)RSA_BlockPublic) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    *outputLen = 0;
-    for (i = 2; i < modulusLen; i++) {
-        if (buffer[i] == RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET) {
-            *outputLen = modulusLen - i - 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (*outputLen == 0)
-        goto loser;
-    if (*outputLen > maxOutputLen)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Memcpy(output, buffer + modulusLen - *outputLen, *outputLen);
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECFailure;
- * Encode a RSA-PSS signature.
- * Described in RFC 3447, section 9.1.1.
- * We use mHash instead of M as input.
- * emBits from the RFC is just modBits - 1, see section 8.1.1.
- * We only support MGF1 as the MGF.
- *
- * NOTE: this code assumes modBits is a multiple of 8.
- */
-static SECStatus
-emsa_pss_encode(unsigned char * em,
-                unsigned int emLen,
-                const unsigned char * mHash,
-                HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                const unsigned char * salt,
-                unsigned int saltLen)
-    const SECHashObject * hash;
-    void * hash_context;
-    unsigned char * dbMask;
-    unsigned int dbMaskLen;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashAlg);
-    dbMaskLen = emLen - hash->length - 1;
-    /* Step 3 */
-    if (emLen < hash->length + saltLen + 2) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Step 4 */
-    if (salt == NULL) {
-        rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(&em[dbMaskLen - saltLen], saltLen);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            return rv;
-        }
-    } else {
-        PORT_Memcpy(&em[dbMaskLen - saltLen], salt, saltLen);
-    }
-    /* Step 5 + 6 */
-    /* Compute H and store it at its final location &em[dbMaskLen]. */
-    hash_context = (*hash->create)();
-    if (hash_context == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*hash->begin)(hash_context);
-    (*hash->update)(hash_context, eightZeros, 8);
-    (*hash->update)(hash_context, mHash, hash->length);
-    (*hash->update)(hash_context, &em[dbMaskLen - saltLen], saltLen);
-    (*hash->end)(hash_context, &em[dbMaskLen], &i, hash->length);
-    (*hash->destroy)(hash_context, PR_TRUE);
-    /* Step 7 + 8 */
-    PORT_Memset(em, 0, dbMaskLen - saltLen - 1);
-    em[dbMaskLen - saltLen - 1] = 0x01;
-    /* Step 9 */
-    dbMask = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(dbMaskLen);
-    if (dbMask == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    MGF1(maskHashAlg, dbMask, dbMaskLen, &em[dbMaskLen], hash->length);
-    /* Step 10 */
-    for (i = 0; i < dbMaskLen; i++)
-        em[i] ^= dbMask[i];
-    PORT_Free(dbMask);
-    /* Step 11 */
-    em[0] &= 0x7f;
-    /* Step 12 */
-    em[emLen - 1] = 0xbc;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Verify a RSA-PSS signature.
- * Described in RFC 3447, section 9.1.2.
- * We use mHash instead of M as input.
- * emBits from the RFC is just modBits - 1, see section 8.1.2.
- * We only support MGF1 as the MGF.
- *
- * NOTE: this code assumes modBits is a multiple of 8.
- */
-static SECStatus
-emsa_pss_verify(const unsigned char * mHash,
-                const unsigned char * em,
-                unsigned int emLen,
-                HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                unsigned int saltLen)
-    const SECHashObject * hash;
-    void * hash_context;
-    unsigned char * db;
-    unsigned char * H_;  /* H' from the RFC */
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned int dbMaskLen;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashAlg);
-    dbMaskLen = emLen - hash->length - 1;
-    /* Step 3 + 4 + 6 */
-    if ((emLen < (hash->length + saltLen + 2)) ||
-        (em[emLen - 1] != 0xbc) ||
-        ((em[0] & 0x80) != 0)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Step 7 */
-    db = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(dbMaskLen);
-    if (db == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* &em[dbMaskLen] points to H, used as mgfSeed */
-    MGF1(maskHashAlg, db, dbMaskLen, &em[dbMaskLen], hash->length);
-    /* Step 8 */
-    for (i = 0; i < dbMaskLen; i++) {
-        db[i] ^= em[i];
-    }
-    /* Step 9 */
-    db[0] &= 0x7f;
-    /* Step 10 */
-    for (i = 0; i < (dbMaskLen - saltLen - 1); i++) {
-        if (db[i] != 0) {
-            PORT_Free(db);
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (db[dbMaskLen - saltLen - 1] != 0x01) {
-        PORT_Free(db);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Step 12 + 13 */
-    H_ = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(hash->length);
-    if (H_ == NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(db);
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hash_context = (*hash->create)();
-    if (hash_context == NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(db);
-        PORT_Free(H_);
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (*hash->begin)(hash_context);
-    (*hash->update)(hash_context, eightZeros, 8);
-    (*hash->update)(hash_context, mHash, hash->length);
-    (*hash->update)(hash_context, &db[dbMaskLen - saltLen], saltLen);
-    (*hash->end)(hash_context, H_, &i, hash->length);
-    (*hash->destroy)(hash_context, PR_TRUE);
-    PORT_Free(db);
-    /* Step 14 */
-    if (PORT_Memcmp(H_, &em[dbMaskLen], hash->length) != 0) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(H_);
-    return rv;
-RSA_SignPSS(RSAPrivateKey * key,
-            HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-            HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-            const unsigned char * salt,
-            unsigned int saltLength,
-            unsigned char * output,
-            unsigned int * outputLen,
-            unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-            const unsigned char * input,
-            unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned char *pssEncoded = NULL;
-    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((hashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL) || (maskHashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pssEncoded = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
-    if (pssEncoded == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = emsa_pss_encode(pssEncoded, modulusLen, input, hashAlg,
-                         maskHashAlg, salt, saltLength);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(key, output, pssEncoded);
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    PORT_Free(pssEncoded);
-    return rv;
-RSA_CheckSignPSS(RSAPublicKey * key,
-                 HASH_HashType hashAlg,
-                 HASH_HashType maskHashAlg,
-                 unsigned int saltLength,
-                 const unsigned char * sig,
-                 unsigned int sigLen,
-                 const unsigned char * hash,
-                 unsigned int hashLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned char * buffer;
-    if (sigLen != modulusLen) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((hashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL) || (maskHashAlg == HASH_AlgNULL)) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
-    if (!buffer) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, buffer, sig);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Free(buffer);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = emsa_pss_verify(hash, buffer, modulusLen, hashAlg,
-                         maskHashAlg, saltLength);
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return rv;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_Sign(RSAPrivateKey * key,
-         unsigned char * output,
-         unsigned int * outputLen,
-         unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-         const unsigned char * input,
-         unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    SECItem formatted;
-    SECItem unformatted;
-    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-        return SECFailure;
-    unformatted.len  = inputLen;
- = (unsigned char*)input;
-   = NULL;
-    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockPrivate,
-                         &unformatted);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto done;
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(key, output,;
-    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-    goto done;
-    if ( != NULL)
-        PORT_ZFree(, modulusLen);
-    return rv;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_CheckSign(RSAPublicKey * key,
-              const unsigned char * sig,
-              unsigned int sigLen,
-              const unsigned char * data,
-              unsigned int dataLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned char * buffer;
-    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    /*
-     * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-     *
-     * The "3" below is the first octet + the second octet + the 0x00
-     * octet that always comes just before the ActualData.
-     */
-    if (dataLen > modulusLen - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN))
-        goto failure;
-    buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen + 1);
-    if (!buffer)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, buffer, sig);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * check the padding that was used
-     */
-    if (buffer[0] != RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET ||
-        buffer[1] != (unsigned char)RSA_BlockPrivate) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 2; i < modulusLen - dataLen - 1; i++) {
-        if (buffer[i] != RSA_BLOCK_PRIVATE_PAD_OCTET)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if (buffer[i] != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET)
-        goto loser;
-    /*
-     * make sure we get the same results
-     */
-    if (PORT_Memcmp(buffer + modulusLen - dataLen, data, dataLen) != 0)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECFailure;
-/* XXX Doesn't set error code */
-RSA_CheckSignRecover(RSAPublicKey * key,
-                     unsigned char * output,
-                     unsigned int * outputLen,
-                     unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                     const unsigned char * sig,
-                     unsigned int sigLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int modulusLen = rsa_modulusLen(&key->modulus);
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned char * buffer;
-    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-        goto failure;
-    buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulusLen + 1);
-    if (!buffer)
-        goto failure;
-    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(key, buffer, sig);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-        goto loser;
-    *outputLen = 0;
-    /*
-     * check the padding that was used
-     */
-    if (buffer[0] != RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET ||
-        buffer[1] != (unsigned char)RSA_BlockPrivate) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i = 2; i < modulusLen; i++) {
-        if (buffer[i] == RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET) {
-            *outputLen = modulusLen - i - 1;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (buffer[i] != RSA_BLOCK_PRIVATE_PAD_OCTET)
-            goto loser;
-    }
-    if (*outputLen == 0)
-        goto loser;
-    if (*outputLen > maxOutputLen)
-        goto loser;
-    PORT_Memcpy(output, buffer + modulusLen - *outputLen, *outputLen);
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Free(buffer);
-    return SECFailure;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/secmpi.h b/nss/lib/freebl/secmpi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 92ab612..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/secmpi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "mpi.h"
-#define CHECK_SEC_OK(func) if (SECSuccess != (rv = func)) goto cleanup
-#define CHECK_MPI_OK(func) if (MP_OKAY > (err = func)) goto cleanup
-#define OCTETS_TO_MPINT(oc, mp, len) \
-    CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_read_unsigned_octets((mp), oc, len))
-#define SECITEM_TO_MPINT(it, mp) \
-    CHECK_MPI_OK(mp_read_unsigned_octets((mp), (it).data, (it).len))
-#define MPINT_TO_SECITEM(mp, it, arena)                         \
- do { int mpintLen = mp_unsigned_octet_size(mp);                \
-    if (mpintLen <= 0) {err = MP_RANGE; goto cleanup;}          \
-    SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, (it), mpintLen);                   \
-    if ((it)->data == NULL) {err = MP_MEM; goto cleanup;}       \
-    err = mp_to_unsigned_octets(mp, (it)->data, (it)->len);     \
-    if (err < 0) goto cleanup; else err = MP_OKAY;              \
-  } while (0)
-#define MP_TO_SEC_ERROR(err)                                          \
-    switch (err) {                                                    \
-    case MP_MEM:    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);       break;  \
-    case MP_RANGE:  PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA);        break;  \
-    case MP_BADARG: PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);    break;  \
-    default:        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); break;  \
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/secrng.h b/nss/lib/freebl/secrng.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e6dd2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/secrng.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECRNG_H_
-#define _SECRNG_H_
- * secrng.h - public data structures and prototypes for the secure random
- *	      number generator
- */
-** Random number generation. A cryptographically strong random number
-** generator.
-#include "blapi.h"
-/* the number of bytes to read from the system random number generator */
-** The following functions are provided by the security library
-** but are differently implemented for the UNIX, Win, and OS/2
-** versions
-** Get the "noisiest" information available on the system.
-** The amount of data returned depends on the system implementation.
-** It will not exceed maxbytes, but may be (much) less.
-** Returns number of noise bytes copied into buf, or zero if error.
-extern size_t RNG_GetNoise(void *buf, size_t maxbytes);
-** RNG_SystemInfoForRNG should be called before any use of SSL. It
-** gathers up the system specific information to help seed the
-** state of the global random number generator.
-extern void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void);
-** Use the contents (and stat) of a file to help seed the
-** global random number generator.
-extern void RNG_FileForRNG(const char *filename);
-** Get maxbytes bytes of random data from the system random number
-** generator.
-** Returns the number of bytes copied into buf -- maxbytes if success
-** or zero if error.
-** Errors:
-**   PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR   There is no system RNG on the platform.
-**   SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM      The system RNG failed.
-extern size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *buf, size_t maxbytes);
-#endif /* _SECRNG_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/seed.c b/nss/lib/freebl/seed.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e1639e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/seed.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <memory.h>
-#include "seed.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-static const seed_word SS[4][256] = {	
-    {
-        0x2989a1a8, 0x05858184, 0x16c6d2d4, 0x13c3d3d0, 
-        0x14445054, 0x1d0d111c, 0x2c8ca0ac, 0x25052124,
-        0x1d4d515c, 0x03434340, 0x18081018, 0x1e0e121c, 
-        0x11415150, 0x3cccf0fc, 0x0acac2c8, 0x23436360,
-        0x28082028, 0x04444044, 0x20002020, 0x1d8d919c, 
-        0x20c0e0e0, 0x22c2e2e0, 0x08c8c0c8, 0x17071314,
-        0x2585a1a4, 0x0f8f838c, 0x03030300, 0x3b4b7378, 
-        0x3b8bb3b8, 0x13031310, 0x12c2d2d0, 0x2ecee2ec,
-        0x30407070, 0x0c8c808c, 0x3f0f333c, 0x2888a0a8, 
-        0x32023230, 0x1dcdd1dc, 0x36c6f2f4, 0x34447074,
-        0x2ccce0ec, 0x15859194, 0x0b0b0308, 0x17475354, 
-        0x1c4c505c, 0x1b4b5358, 0x3d8db1bc, 0x01010100,
-        0x24042024, 0x1c0c101c, 0x33437370, 0x18889098, 
-        0x10001010, 0x0cccc0cc, 0x32c2f2f0, 0x19c9d1d8,
-        0x2c0c202c, 0x27c7e3e4, 0x32427270, 0x03838380, 
-        0x1b8b9398, 0x11c1d1d0, 0x06868284, 0x09c9c1c8,
-        0x20406060, 0x10405050, 0x2383a3a0, 0x2bcbe3e8, 
-        0x0d0d010c, 0x3686b2b4, 0x1e8e929c, 0x0f4f434c,
-        0x3787b3b4, 0x1a4a5258, 0x06c6c2c4, 0x38487078, 
-        0x2686a2a4, 0x12021210, 0x2f8fa3ac, 0x15c5d1d4,
-        0x21416160, 0x03c3c3c0, 0x3484b0b4, 0x01414140, 
-        0x12425250, 0x3d4d717c, 0x0d8d818c, 0x08080008,
-        0x1f0f131c, 0x19899198, 0x00000000, 0x19091118, 
-        0x04040004, 0x13435350, 0x37c7f3f4, 0x21c1e1e0,
-        0x3dcdf1fc, 0x36467274, 0x2f0f232c, 0x27072324, 
-        0x3080b0b0, 0x0b8b8388, 0x0e0e020c, 0x2b8ba3a8,
-        0x2282a2a0, 0x2e4e626c, 0x13839390, 0x0d4d414c, 
-        0x29496168, 0x3c4c707c, 0x09090108, 0x0a0a0208,
-        0x3f8fb3bc, 0x2fcfe3ec, 0x33c3f3f0, 0x05c5c1c4, 
-        0x07878384, 0x14041014, 0x3ecef2fc, 0x24446064,
-        0x1eced2dc, 0x2e0e222c, 0x0b4b4348, 0x1a0a1218, 
-        0x06060204, 0x21012120, 0x2b4b6368, 0x26466264,
-        0x02020200, 0x35c5f1f4, 0x12829290, 0x0a8a8288, 
-        0x0c0c000c, 0x3383b3b0, 0x3e4e727c, 0x10c0d0d0,
-        0x3a4a7278, 0x07474344, 0x16869294, 0x25c5e1e4, 
-        0x26062224, 0x00808080, 0x2d8da1ac, 0x1fcfd3dc,
-        0x2181a1a0, 0x30003030, 0x37073334, 0x2e8ea2ac, 
-        0x36063234, 0x15051114, 0x22022220, 0x38083038,
-        0x34c4f0f4, 0x2787a3a4, 0x05454144, 0x0c4c404c, 
-        0x01818180, 0x29c9e1e8, 0x04848084, 0x17879394,
-        0x35053134, 0x0bcbc3c8, 0x0ecec2cc, 0x3c0c303c, 
-        0x31417170, 0x11011110, 0x07c7c3c4, 0x09898188,
-        0x35457174, 0x3bcbf3f8, 0x1acad2d8, 0x38c8f0f8, 
-        0x14849094, 0x19495158, 0x02828280, 0x04c4c0c4,
-        0x3fcff3fc, 0x09494148, 0x39093138, 0x27476364, 
-        0x00c0c0c0, 0x0fcfc3cc, 0x17c7d3d4, 0x3888b0b8,
-        0x0f0f030c, 0x0e8e828c, 0x02424240, 0x23032320, 
-        0x11819190, 0x2c4c606c, 0x1bcbd3d8, 0x2484a0a4,
-        0x34043034, 0x31c1f1f0, 0x08484048, 0x02c2c2c0, 
-        0x2f4f636c, 0x3d0d313c, 0x2d0d212c, 0x00404040,
-        0x3e8eb2bc, 0x3e0e323c, 0x3c8cb0bc, 0x01c1c1c0, 
-        0x2a8aa2a8, 0x3a8ab2b8, 0x0e4e424c, 0x15455154,
-        0x3b0b3338, 0x1cccd0dc, 0x28486068, 0x3f4f737c, 
-        0x1c8c909c, 0x18c8d0d8, 0x0a4a4248, 0x16465254,
-        0x37477374, 0x2080a0a0, 0x2dcde1ec, 0x06464244, 
-        0x3585b1b4, 0x2b0b2328, 0x25456164, 0x3acaf2f8,
-        0x23c3e3e0, 0x3989b1b8, 0x3181b1b0, 0x1f8f939c, 
-        0x1e4e525c, 0x39c9f1f8, 0x26c6e2e4, 0x3282b2b0,
-        0x31013130, 0x2acae2e8, 0x2d4d616c, 0x1f4f535c, 
-        0x24c4e0e4, 0x30c0f0f0, 0x0dcdc1cc, 0x08888088,
-        0x16061214, 0x3a0a3238, 0x18485058, 0x14c4d0d4, 
-        0x22426260, 0x29092128, 0x07070304, 0x33033330,
-        0x28c8e0e8, 0x1b0b1318, 0x05050104, 0x39497178, 
-        0x10809090, 0x2a4a6268, 0x2a0a2228, 0x1a8a9298
-    },    
-    {
-        0x38380830, 0xe828c8e0, 0x2c2d0d21, 0xa42686a2, 
-        0xcc0fcfc3, 0xdc1eced2, 0xb03383b3, 0xb83888b0,
-        0xac2f8fa3, 0x60204060, 0x54154551, 0xc407c7c3, 
-        0x44044440, 0x6c2f4f63, 0x682b4b63, 0x581b4b53,
-        0xc003c3c3, 0x60224262, 0x30330333, 0xb43585b1, 
-        0x28290921, 0xa02080a0, 0xe022c2e2, 0xa42787a3,
-        0xd013c3d3, 0x90118191, 0x10110111, 0x04060602, 
-        0x1c1c0c10, 0xbc3c8cb0, 0x34360632, 0x480b4b43,
-        0xec2fcfe3, 0x88088880, 0x6c2c4c60, 0xa82888a0, 
-        0x14170713, 0xc404c4c0, 0x14160612, 0xf434c4f0,
-        0xc002c2c2, 0x44054541, 0xe021c1e1, 0xd416c6d2, 
-        0x3c3f0f33, 0x3c3d0d31, 0x8c0e8e82, 0x98188890,
-        0x28280820, 0x4c0e4e42, 0xf436c6f2, 0x3c3e0e32, 
-        0xa42585a1, 0xf839c9f1, 0x0c0d0d01, 0xdc1fcfd3,
-        0xd818c8d0, 0x282b0b23, 0x64264662, 0x783a4a72, 
-        0x24270723, 0x2c2f0f23, 0xf031c1f1, 0x70324272,
-        0x40024242, 0xd414c4d0, 0x40014141, 0xc000c0c0, 
-        0x70334373, 0x64274763, 0xac2c8ca0, 0x880b8b83,
-        0xf437c7f3, 0xac2d8da1, 0x80008080, 0x1c1f0f13, 
-        0xc80acac2, 0x2c2c0c20, 0xa82a8aa2, 0x34340430,
-        0xd012c2d2, 0x080b0b03, 0xec2ecee2, 0xe829c9e1, 
-        0x5c1d4d51, 0x94148490, 0x18180810, 0xf838c8f0,
-        0x54174753, 0xac2e8ea2, 0x08080800, 0xc405c5c1, 
-        0x10130313, 0xcc0dcdc1, 0x84068682, 0xb83989b1,
-        0xfc3fcff3, 0x7c3d4d71, 0xc001c1c1, 0x30310131, 
-        0xf435c5f1, 0x880a8a82, 0x682a4a62, 0xb03181b1,
-        0xd011c1d1, 0x20200020, 0xd417c7d3, 0x00020202, 
-        0x20220222, 0x04040400, 0x68284860, 0x70314171,
-        0x04070703, 0xd81bcbd3, 0x9c1d8d91, 0x98198991, 
-        0x60214161, 0xbc3e8eb2, 0xe426c6e2, 0x58194951,
-        0xdc1dcdd1, 0x50114151, 0x90108090, 0xdc1cccd0, 
-        0x981a8a92, 0xa02383a3, 0xa82b8ba3, 0xd010c0d0,
-        0x80018181, 0x0c0f0f03, 0x44074743, 0x181a0a12, 
-        0xe023c3e3, 0xec2ccce0, 0x8c0d8d81, 0xbc3f8fb3,
-        0x94168692, 0x783b4b73, 0x5c1c4c50, 0xa02282a2, 
-        0xa02181a1, 0x60234363, 0x20230323, 0x4c0d4d41,
-        0xc808c8c0, 0x9c1e8e92, 0x9c1c8c90, 0x383a0a32, 
-        0x0c0c0c00, 0x2c2e0e22, 0xb83a8ab2, 0x6c2e4e62,
-        0x9c1f8f93, 0x581a4a52, 0xf032c2f2, 0x90128292, 
-        0xf033c3f3, 0x48094941, 0x78384870, 0xcc0cccc0,
-        0x14150511, 0xf83bcbf3, 0x70304070, 0x74354571, 
-        0x7c3f4f73, 0x34350531, 0x10100010, 0x00030303,
-        0x64244460, 0x6c2d4d61, 0xc406c6c2, 0x74344470, 
-        0xd415c5d1, 0xb43484b0, 0xe82acae2, 0x08090901,
-        0x74364672, 0x18190911, 0xfc3ecef2, 0x40004040, 
-        0x10120212, 0xe020c0e0, 0xbc3d8db1, 0x04050501,
-        0xf83acaf2, 0x00010101, 0xf030c0f0, 0x282a0a22, 
-        0x5c1e4e52, 0xa82989a1, 0x54164652, 0x40034343,
-        0x84058581, 0x14140410, 0x88098981, 0x981b8b93, 
-        0xb03080b0, 0xe425c5e1, 0x48084840, 0x78394971,
-        0x94178793, 0xfc3cccf0, 0x1c1e0e12, 0x80028282, 
-        0x20210121, 0x8c0c8c80, 0x181b0b13, 0x5c1f4f53,
-        0x74374773, 0x54144450, 0xb03282b2, 0x1c1d0d11, 
-        0x24250521, 0x4c0f4f43, 0x00000000, 0x44064642,
-        0xec2dcde1, 0x58184850, 0x50124252, 0xe82bcbe3, 
-        0x7c3e4e72, 0xd81acad2, 0xc809c9c1, 0xfc3dcdf1,
-        0x30300030, 0x94158591, 0x64254561, 0x3c3c0c30, 
-        0xb43686b2, 0xe424c4e0, 0xb83b8bb3, 0x7c3c4c70,
-        0x0c0e0e02, 0x50104050, 0x38390931, 0x24260622, 
-        0x30320232, 0x84048480, 0x68294961, 0x90138393,
-        0x34370733, 0xe427c7e3, 0x24240420, 0xa42484a0, 
-        0xc80bcbc3, 0x50134353, 0x080a0a02, 0x84078783,
-        0xd819c9d1, 0x4c0c4c40, 0x80038383, 0x8c0f8f83, 
-        0xcc0ecec2, 0x383b0b33, 0x480a4a42, 0xb43787b3
-    },    
-    {
-        0xa1a82989, 0x81840585, 0xd2d416c6, 0xd3d013c3, 
-        0x50541444, 0x111c1d0d, 0xa0ac2c8c, 0x21242505,
-        0x515c1d4d, 0x43400343, 0x10181808, 0x121c1e0e, 
-        0x51501141, 0xf0fc3ccc, 0xc2c80aca, 0x63602343,
-        0x20282808, 0x40440444, 0x20202000, 0x919c1d8d, 
-        0xe0e020c0, 0xe2e022c2, 0xc0c808c8, 0x13141707,
-        0xa1a42585, 0x838c0f8f, 0x03000303, 0x73783b4b, 
-        0xb3b83b8b, 0x13101303, 0xd2d012c2, 0xe2ec2ece,
-        0x70703040, 0x808c0c8c, 0x333c3f0f, 0xa0a82888, 
-        0x32303202, 0xd1dc1dcd, 0xf2f436c6, 0x70743444,
-        0xe0ec2ccc, 0x91941585, 0x03080b0b, 0x53541747, 
-        0x505c1c4c, 0x53581b4b, 0xb1bc3d8d, 0x01000101,
-        0x20242404, 0x101c1c0c, 0x73703343, 0x90981888, 
-        0x10101000, 0xc0cc0ccc, 0xf2f032c2, 0xd1d819c9,
-        0x202c2c0c, 0xe3e427c7, 0x72703242, 0x83800383, 
-        0x93981b8b, 0xd1d011c1, 0x82840686, 0xc1c809c9,
-        0x60602040, 0x50501040, 0xa3a02383, 0xe3e82bcb, 
-        0x010c0d0d, 0xb2b43686, 0x929c1e8e, 0x434c0f4f,
-        0xb3b43787, 0x52581a4a, 0xc2c406c6, 0x70783848, 
-        0xa2a42686, 0x12101202, 0xa3ac2f8f, 0xd1d415c5,
-        0x61602141, 0xc3c003c3, 0xb0b43484, 0x41400141, 
-        0x52501242, 0x717c3d4d, 0x818c0d8d, 0x00080808,
-        0x131c1f0f, 0x91981989, 0x00000000, 0x11181909, 
-        0x00040404, 0x53501343, 0xf3f437c7, 0xe1e021c1,
-        0xf1fc3dcd, 0x72743646, 0x232c2f0f, 0x23242707, 
-        0xb0b03080, 0x83880b8b, 0x020c0e0e, 0xa3a82b8b,
-        0xa2a02282, 0x626c2e4e, 0x93901383, 0x414c0d4d, 
-        0x61682949, 0x707c3c4c, 0x01080909, 0x02080a0a,
-        0xb3bc3f8f, 0xe3ec2fcf, 0xf3f033c3, 0xc1c405c5, 
-        0x83840787, 0x10141404, 0xf2fc3ece, 0x60642444,
-        0xd2dc1ece, 0x222c2e0e, 0x43480b4b, 0x12181a0a, 
-        0x02040606, 0x21202101, 0x63682b4b, 0x62642646,
-        0x02000202, 0xf1f435c5, 0x92901282, 0x82880a8a, 
-        0x000c0c0c, 0xb3b03383, 0x727c3e4e, 0xd0d010c0,
-        0x72783a4a, 0x43440747, 0x92941686, 0xe1e425c5, 
-        0x22242606, 0x80800080, 0xa1ac2d8d, 0xd3dc1fcf,
-        0xa1a02181, 0x30303000, 0x33343707, 0xa2ac2e8e, 
-        0x32343606, 0x11141505, 0x22202202, 0x30383808,
-        0xf0f434c4, 0xa3a42787, 0x41440545, 0x404c0c4c, 
-        0x81800181, 0xe1e829c9, 0x80840484, 0x93941787,
-        0x31343505, 0xc3c80bcb, 0xc2cc0ece, 0x303c3c0c, 
-        0x71703141, 0x11101101, 0xc3c407c7, 0x81880989,
-        0x71743545, 0xf3f83bcb, 0xd2d81aca, 0xf0f838c8, 
-        0x90941484, 0x51581949, 0x82800282, 0xc0c404c4,
-        0xf3fc3fcf, 0x41480949, 0x31383909, 0x63642747, 
-        0xc0c000c0, 0xc3cc0fcf, 0xd3d417c7, 0xb0b83888,
-        0x030c0f0f, 0x828c0e8e, 0x42400242, 0x23202303, 
-        0x91901181, 0x606c2c4c, 0xd3d81bcb, 0xa0a42484,
-        0x30343404, 0xf1f031c1, 0x40480848, 0xc2c002c2, 
-        0x636c2f4f, 0x313c3d0d, 0x212c2d0d, 0x40400040,
-        0xb2bc3e8e, 0x323c3e0e, 0xb0bc3c8c, 0xc1c001c1, 
-        0xa2a82a8a, 0xb2b83a8a, 0x424c0e4e, 0x51541545,
-        0x33383b0b, 0xd0dc1ccc, 0x60682848, 0x737c3f4f, 
-        0x909c1c8c, 0xd0d818c8, 0x42480a4a, 0x52541646,
-        0x73743747, 0xa0a02080, 0xe1ec2dcd, 0x42440646, 
-        0xb1b43585, 0x23282b0b, 0x61642545, 0xf2f83aca,
-        0xe3e023c3, 0xb1b83989, 0xb1b03181, 0x939c1f8f, 
-        0x525c1e4e, 0xf1f839c9, 0xe2e426c6, 0xb2b03282,
-        0x31303101, 0xe2e82aca, 0x616c2d4d, 0x535c1f4f, 
-        0xe0e424c4, 0xf0f030c0, 0xc1cc0dcd, 0x80880888,
-        0x12141606, 0x32383a0a, 0x50581848, 0xd0d414c4, 
-        0x62602242, 0x21282909, 0x03040707, 0x33303303,
-        0xe0e828c8, 0x13181b0b, 0x01040505, 0x71783949, 
-        0x90901080, 0x62682a4a, 0x22282a0a, 0x92981a8a
-    },    
-    {
-        0x08303838, 0xc8e0e828, 0x0d212c2d, 0x86a2a426, 
-        0xcfc3cc0f, 0xced2dc1e, 0x83b3b033, 0x88b0b838,
-        0x8fa3ac2f, 0x40606020, 0x45515415, 0xc7c3c407, 
-        0x44404404, 0x4f636c2f, 0x4b63682b, 0x4b53581b,
-        0xc3c3c003, 0x42626022, 0x03333033, 0x85b1b435, 
-        0x09212829, 0x80a0a020, 0xc2e2e022, 0x87a3a427,
-        0xc3d3d013, 0x81919011, 0x01111011, 0x06020406, 
-        0x0c101c1c, 0x8cb0bc3c, 0x06323436, 0x4b43480b,
-        0xcfe3ec2f, 0x88808808, 0x4c606c2c, 0x88a0a828, 
-        0x07131417, 0xc4c0c404, 0x06121416, 0xc4f0f434,
-        0xc2c2c002, 0x45414405, 0xc1e1e021, 0xc6d2d416, 
-        0x0f333c3f, 0x0d313c3d, 0x8e828c0e, 0x88909818,
-        0x08202828, 0x4e424c0e, 0xc6f2f436, 0x0e323c3e, 
-        0x85a1a425, 0xc9f1f839, 0x0d010c0d, 0xcfd3dc1f,
-        0xc8d0d818, 0x0b23282b, 0x46626426, 0x4a72783a, 
-        0x07232427, 0x0f232c2f, 0xc1f1f031, 0x42727032,
-        0x42424002, 0xc4d0d414, 0x41414001, 0xc0c0c000, 
-        0x43737033, 0x47636427, 0x8ca0ac2c, 0x8b83880b,
-        0xc7f3f437, 0x8da1ac2d, 0x80808000, 0x0f131c1f, 
-        0xcac2c80a, 0x0c202c2c, 0x8aa2a82a, 0x04303434,
-        0xc2d2d012, 0x0b03080b, 0xcee2ec2e, 0xc9e1e829, 
-        0x4d515c1d, 0x84909414, 0x08101818, 0xc8f0f838,
-        0x47535417, 0x8ea2ac2e, 0x08000808, 0xc5c1c405, 
-        0x03131013, 0xcdc1cc0d, 0x86828406, 0x89b1b839,
-        0xcff3fc3f, 0x4d717c3d, 0xc1c1c001, 0x01313031, 
-        0xc5f1f435, 0x8a82880a, 0x4a62682a, 0x81b1b031,
-        0xc1d1d011, 0x00202020, 0xc7d3d417, 0x02020002, 
-        0x02222022, 0x04000404, 0x48606828, 0x41717031,
-        0x07030407, 0xcbd3d81b, 0x8d919c1d, 0x89919819, 
-        0x41616021, 0x8eb2bc3e, 0xc6e2e426, 0x49515819,
-        0xcdd1dc1d, 0x41515011, 0x80909010, 0xccd0dc1c, 
-        0x8a92981a, 0x83a3a023, 0x8ba3a82b, 0xc0d0d010,
-        0x81818001, 0x0f030c0f, 0x47434407, 0x0a12181a, 
-        0xc3e3e023, 0xcce0ec2c, 0x8d818c0d, 0x8fb3bc3f,
-        0x86929416, 0x4b73783b, 0x4c505c1c, 0x82a2a022, 
-        0x81a1a021, 0x43636023, 0x03232023, 0x4d414c0d,
-        0xc8c0c808, 0x8e929c1e, 0x8c909c1c, 0x0a32383a, 
-        0x0c000c0c, 0x0e222c2e, 0x8ab2b83a, 0x4e626c2e,
-        0x8f939c1f, 0x4a52581a, 0xc2f2f032, 0x82929012, 
-        0xc3f3f033, 0x49414809, 0x48707838, 0xccc0cc0c,
-        0x05111415, 0xcbf3f83b, 0x40707030, 0x45717435, 
-        0x4f737c3f, 0x05313435, 0x00101010, 0x03030003,
-        0x44606424, 0x4d616c2d, 0xc6c2c406, 0x44707434, 
-        0xc5d1d415, 0x84b0b434, 0xcae2e82a, 0x09010809,
-        0x46727436, 0x09111819, 0xcef2fc3e, 0x40404000, 
-        0x02121012, 0xc0e0e020, 0x8db1bc3d, 0x05010405,
-        0xcaf2f83a, 0x01010001, 0xc0f0f030, 0x0a22282a, 
-        0x4e525c1e, 0x89a1a829, 0x46525416, 0x43434003,
-        0x85818405, 0x04101414, 0x89818809, 0x8b93981b, 
-        0x80b0b030, 0xc5e1e425, 0x48404808, 0x49717839,
-        0x87939417, 0xccf0fc3c, 0x0e121c1e, 0x82828002, 
-        0x01212021, 0x8c808c0c, 0x0b13181b, 0x4f535c1f,
-        0x47737437, 0x44505414, 0x82b2b032, 0x0d111c1d, 
-        0x05212425, 0x4f434c0f, 0x00000000, 0x46424406,
-        0xcde1ec2d, 0x48505818, 0x42525012, 0xcbe3e82b, 
-        0x4e727c3e, 0xcad2d81a, 0xc9c1c809, 0xcdf1fc3d,
-        0x00303030, 0x85919415, 0x45616425, 0x0c303c3c, 
-        0x86b2b436, 0xc4e0e424, 0x8bb3b83b, 0x4c707c3c,
-        0x0e020c0e, 0x40505010, 0x09313839, 0x06222426, 
-        0x02323032, 0x84808404, 0x49616829, 0x83939013,
-        0x07333437, 0xc7e3e427, 0x04202424, 0x84a0a424, 
-        0xcbc3c80b, 0x43535013, 0x0a02080a, 0x87838407,
-        0xc9d1d819, 0x4c404c0c, 0x83838003, 0x8f838c0f, 
-        0xcec2cc0e, 0x0b33383b, 0x4a42480a, 0x87b3b437
-    }    
-/* key schedule constants - golden ratio */
-#define KC0     0x9e3779b9
-#define KC1     0x3c6ef373
-#define KC2     0x78dde6e6
-#define KC3     0xf1bbcdcc
-#define KC4     0xe3779b99
-#define KC5     0xc6ef3733
-#define KC6     0x8dde6e67
-#define KC7     0x1bbcdccf
-#define KC8     0x3779b99e
-#define KC9     0x6ef3733c
-#define KC10    0xdde6e678
-#define KC11    0xbbcdccf1
-#define KC12    0x779b99e3
-#define KC13    0xef3733c6
-#define KC14    0xde6e678d
-#define KC15    0xbcdccf1b
-void SEED_set_key(const unsigned char rawkey[SEED_KEY_LENGTH], 
-                  SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks)
-    seed_word K0, K1, K2, K3;
-    seed_word t0, t1;
-    char2word(rawkey   , K0);
-    char2word(rawkey+4 , K1);
-    char2word(rawkey+8 , K2);
-    char2word(rawkey+12, K3);
-    t0 = (K0 + K2 - KC0);
-    t1 = (K1 - K3 + KC0);                     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[0]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC1);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[2]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC2);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[4]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC3);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[6]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC4);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[8]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC5);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[10]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC6);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[12]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC7);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[14]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC8);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[16]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC9);      
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[18]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC10);     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[20]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC11);     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[22]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC12);     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[24]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC13);     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[26]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC14);     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[28]);
-    KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(t0, t1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC15);     
-    KEYUPDATE_TEMP(t0, t1, &ks->data[30]);
-void SEED_encrypt(const unsigned char s[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  unsigned char d[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks)
-    seed_word L0, L1, R0, R1;
-    seed_word t0, t1;
-    char2word(s,    L0);
-    char2word(s+4,  L1);
-    char2word(s+8,  R0);
-    char2word(s+12, R1);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 0);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 2);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 4);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 6);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 8);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 10);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 12);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 14);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 16);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 18);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 20);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 22);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 24);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 26);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 28);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 30);
-    word2char(R0, d);
-    word2char(R1, d+4);
-    word2char(L0, d+8);
-    word2char(L1, d+12);
-void SEED_decrypt(const unsigned char s[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  unsigned char d[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks)
-    seed_word L0, L1, R0, R1;
-    seed_word t0, t1;
-    char2word(s,    L0);
-    char2word(s+4,  L1);
-    char2word(s+8,  R0);
-    char2word(s+12, R1);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 30);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 28);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 26);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 24);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 22);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 20);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 18);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 16);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 14);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 12);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 10);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 8);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 6);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 4);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, L0, L1, R0, R1, 2);
-    E_SEED(t0, t1, R0, R1, L0, L1, 0);
-    word2char(R0, d);
-    word2char(R1, d+4);
-    word2char(L0, d+8);
-    word2char(L1, d+12);
-void SEED_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, 
-                      unsigned char *out, 
-                      const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks, int enc) 
-    if (enc) {
-        SEED_encrypt(in, out, ks);
-    } else {
-        SEED_decrypt(in, out, ks);
-    }
-void SEED_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
-                      size_t len, const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks,
-                      unsigned char ivec[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], int enc)
-    size_t n;
-    unsigned char tmp[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    const unsigned char *iv = ivec;
-    if (enc) {
-        while (len >= SEED_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-            for (n = 0; n < SEED_BLOCK_SIZE; ++n)
-                out[n] = in[n] ^ iv[n];
-            SEED_encrypt(out, out, ks);
-            iv = out;
-            len -= SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            in  += SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            out += SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-        }
-        if (len) {
-            for (n = 0; n < len; ++n)
-                out[n] = in[n] ^ iv[n];
-            for (n = len; n < SEED_BLOCK_SIZE; ++n)
-                out[n] = iv[n];
-            SEED_encrypt(out, out, ks);
-            iv = out;
-        }
-        memcpy(ivec, iv, SEED_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    } else if (in != out) {
-        while (len >= SEED_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-            SEED_decrypt(in, out, ks);
-            for (n = 0; n < SEED_BLOCK_SIZE; ++n)
-                out[n] ^= iv[n];
-            iv = in;
-            len -= SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            in  += SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            out += SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-        }
-        if (len) {
-            SEED_decrypt(in, tmp, ks);
-            for (n = 0; n < len; ++n)
-                out[n] = tmp[n] ^ iv[n];
-            iv = in;
-        }
-        memcpy(ivec, iv, SEED_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    } else {
-        while (len >= SEED_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-            memcpy(tmp, in, SEED_BLOCK_SIZE);
-            SEED_decrypt(in, out, ks);
-            for (n = 0; n < SEED_BLOCK_SIZE; ++n)
-                out[n] ^= ivec[n];
-            memcpy(ivec, tmp, SEED_BLOCK_SIZE);
-            len -= SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            in  += SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-            out += SEED_BLOCK_SIZE;
-        }
-        if (len) {
-            memcpy(tmp, in, SEED_BLOCK_SIZE);
-            SEED_decrypt(tmp, tmp, ks);
-            for (n = 0; n < len; ++n)
-                out[n] = tmp[n] ^ ivec[n];
-            memcpy(ivec, tmp, SEED_BLOCK_SIZE);
-        }
-    }
-SEEDContext *
-    return PORT_ZNew(SEEDContext);
-SEED_InitContext(SEEDContext *cx, const unsigned char *key, 
-                 unsigned int keylen, const unsigned char *iv, 
-                 int mode, unsigned int encrypt,unsigned int unused)
-    if (!cx) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    switch (mode) {
-    case NSS_SEED:    
-        SEED_set_key(key, &cx->ks);
-        cx->mode = NSS_SEED;
-        cx->encrypt = encrypt;
-        break;
-    case NSS_SEED_CBC:
-        memcpy(cx->iv, iv, 16);
-        SEED_set_key(key, &cx->ks);
-        cx->mode = NSS_SEED_CBC;
-        cx->encrypt = encrypt;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SEEDContext *
-SEED_CreateContext(const unsigned char * key, const unsigned char *iv,
-                   int mode, PRBool encrypt)
-    SEEDContext *cx = PORT_ZNew(SEEDContext);
-    SECStatus rv   = SEED_InitContext(cx, key, SEED_KEY_LENGTH, iv, mode, 
-                                      encrypt, 0);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof *cx);
-        cx = NULL;
-    }
-    return cx;
-SEED_DestroyContext(SEEDContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (cx) {
-        memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-        if (freeit)
-            PORT_Free(cx);
-    }
-SEED_Encrypt(SEEDContext *cx, unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-             unsigned int maxOutLen, const unsigned char *in, 
-             unsigned int inLen)
-    if (!cx) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!cx->encrypt) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    switch (cx->mode) {
-    case NSS_SEED:
-        SEED_ecb_encrypt(in, out, &cx->ks, 1);
-        *outLen = inLen;
-        break;
-    case NSS_SEED_CBC:
-        SEED_cbc_encrypt(in, out, inLen, &cx->ks, cx->iv, 1);
-        *outLen = inLen;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SEED_Decrypt(SEEDContext *cx, unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-             unsigned int maxOutLen, const unsigned char *in, 
-             unsigned int inLen)
-    if (!cx) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cx->encrypt) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    switch (cx->mode) {
-    case NSS_SEED:
-        SEED_ecb_encrypt(in, out, &cx->ks, 0);
-        *outLen = inLen;
-        break;
-    case NSS_SEED_CBC:
-        SEED_cbc_encrypt(in, out, inLen, &cx->ks, cx->iv, 0);
-        *outLen = inLen;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/seed.h b/nss/lib/freebl/seed.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e09dbf..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/seed.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef HEADER_SEED_H
-#define HEADER_SEED_H
-#include <string.h>
-#include "blapi.h"
-#if !defined(NO_SYS_TYPES_H)
-# include <sys/types.h>
-typedef PRUint32 seed_word;
-#define G_FUNC(v) \
-    SS[0][((v)     & 0xff)] ^ \
-    SS[1][((v)>> 8 & 0xff)] ^ \
-    SS[2][((v)>>16 & 0xff)] ^ \
-    SS[3][((v)>>24 & 0xff)]
-#define char2word(c, i)  \
-    (i) = ((((seed_word)((c)[0])) << 24) | \
-           (((seed_word)((c)[1])) << 16) | \
-           (((seed_word)((c)[2])) <<  8) | \
-            ((seed_word)((c)[3])))
-#define word2char(l, c)  \
-    *((c)+0) = (unsigned char)((l)>>24); \
-    *((c)+1) = (unsigned char)((l)>>16); \
-    *((c)+2) = (unsigned char)((l)>> 8); \
-    *((c)+3) = (unsigned char)((l)    )
-#define KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE0(T0, T1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC)  \
-    (T0) = (K2);                                          \
-    (K2) = (((K2)<<8) ^ ((K3)>>24));                     \
-    (K3) = (((K3)<<8) ^ ((T0)>>24));                     \
-    (T0) = ((K0) + (K2) - (KC));                         \
-    (T1) = ((K1) + (KC) - (K3))
-#define KEYSCHEDULE_UPDATE1(T0, T1, K0, K1, K2, K3, KC) \
-    (T0) = (K0);                                         \
-    (K0) = (((K0)>>8) ^ ((K1)<<24));                    \
-    (K1) = (((K1)>>8) ^ ((T0)<<24));                    \
-    (T0) = ((K0) + (K2) - (KC));                         \
-    (T1) = ((K1) + (KC) - (K3))
-#define KEYUPDATE_TEMP(T0, T1, K)   \
-    (K)[0] = G_FUNC((T0));          \
-    (K)[1] = G_FUNC((T1))
-    (DST)[0] ^= (SRC)[0];    \
-    (DST)[1] ^= (SRC)[1];    \
-    (DST)[2] ^= (SRC)[2];    \
-    (DST)[3] ^= (SRC)[3]
-    (DST)[0] = (SRC)[0];     \
-    (DST)[1] = (SRC)[1];     \
-    (DST)[2] = (SRC)[2];     \
-    (DST)[3] = (SRC)[3]
-# define CHAR2WORD(C, I)          \
-    char2word((C),    (I)[0]);    \
-    char2word((C)+4,  (I)[1]);    \
-    char2word((C)+8,  (I)[2]);    \
-    char2word((C)+12, (I)[3])
-# define WORD2CHAR(I, C)          \
-    word2char((I)[0], (C));       \
-    word2char((I)[1], (C+4));     \
-    word2char((I)[2], (C+8));     \
-    word2char((I)[3], (C+12))
-# define E_SEED(T0, T1, X1, X2, X3, X4, rbase)  \
-    (T0)  = (X3) ^ (ks->data)[(rbase)];         \
-    (T1)  = (X4) ^ (ks->data)[(rbase)+1];       \
-    (T1) ^= (T0);       \
-    (T1)  = G_FUNC(T1); \
-    (T0) += (T1);       \
-    (T0)  = G_FUNC(T0); \
-    (T1) += (T0);       \
-    (T1)  = G_FUNC(T1); \
-    (T0) += (T1);       \
-    (X1) ^= (T0);       \
-    (X2) ^= (T1)
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct seed_key_st {
-    PRUint32 data[32];
-struct SEEDContextStr {
-    unsigned char iv[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    int mode;
-    unsigned int encrypt;
-void SEED_set_key(const unsigned char rawkey[SEED_KEY_LENGTH], 
-                  SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks);
-void SEED_encrypt(const unsigned char s[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  unsigned char d[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks);
-void SEED_decrypt(const unsigned char s[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  unsigned char d[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], 
-                  const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks);
-void SEED_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, 
-                      const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks, int enc);
-void SEED_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, 
-                      size_t len, const SEED_KEY_SCHEDULE *ks, 
-                      unsigned char ivec[SEED_BLOCK_SIZE], int enc);
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
-#endif /* HEADER_SEED_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/sha256.h b/nss/lib/freebl/sha256.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86bec7c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/sha256.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SHA_256_H_
-#define _SHA_256_H_
-#include "prtypes.h"
-struct SHA256ContextStr {
-    union {
-	PRUint32 w[64];	    /* message schedule, input buffer, plus 48 words */
-	PRUint8  b[256];
-    } u;
-    PRUint32 h[8];		/* 8 state variables */
-    PRUint32 sizeHi,sizeLo;	/* 64-bit count of hashed bytes. */
-#endif /* _SHA_256_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/sha512.c b/nss/lib/freebl/sha512.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e7c04..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/sha512.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1585 +0,0 @@
- * sha512.c - implementation of SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "prcpucfg.h"
-#if defined(NSS_X86) || defined(SHA_NO_LONG_LONG)
-#define NOUNROLL512 1
-#include "prtypes.h"	/* for PRUintXX */
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "secport.h"	/* for PORT_XXX */
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "sha256.h"	/* for struct SHA256ContextStr */
-/* ============= Common constants and defines ======================= */
-#define W ctx->u.w
-#define B ctx->u.b
-#define H ctx->h
-#define SHR(x,n) (x >> n)
-#define SHL(x,n) (x << n)
-#define Ch(x,y,z)  ((x & y) ^ (~x & z))
-#define Maj(x,y,z) ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z))
-#define SHA_MIN(a,b) (a < b ? a : b)
-/* Padding used with all flavors of SHA */
-static const PRUint8 pad[240] = { 
-   0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
-   /* compiler will fill the rest in with zeros */
-/* ============= SHA256 implementation ================================== */
-/* SHA-256 constants, K256. */
-static const PRUint32 K256[64] = {
-    0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 
-    0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
-    0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 
-    0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
-    0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 
-    0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
-    0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 
-    0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
-    0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 
-    0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
-    0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 
-    0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
-    0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 
-    0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
-    0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 
-    0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
-/* SHA-256 initial hash values */
-static const PRUint32 H256[8] = {
-    0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 
-    0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1300)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_ulong)
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) _byteswap_ulong(x)
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
-#define FORCEINLINE __inline
-#define FASTCALL __fastcall
-swap4b(PRUint32 dwd) 
-    __asm {
-    	mov   eax,dwd
-	bswap eax
-    }
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-static __inline__ PRUint32 swap4b(PRUint32 value)
-    __asm__("bswap %0" : "+r" (value));
-    return (value);
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__thumb2__) || \
-      (!defined(__thumb__) && \
-      (defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_7__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) || \
-       defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__))))
-static __inline__ PRUint32 swap4b(PRUint32 value)
-    PRUint32 ret;
-    __asm__("rev %0, %1" : "=r" (ret) : "r"(value));
-    return ret;
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#define SWAP4MASK  0x00FF00FF
-static PRUint32 swap4b(PRUint32 value)
-    PRUint32 t1 = (value << 16) | (value >> 16);
-    return ((t1 & SWAP4MASK) << 8) | ((t1 >> 8) & SWAP4MASK);
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#define BYTESWAP4(x) x = SHA_HTONL(x)
-#endif /* defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma intrinsic (_lrotr, _lrotl) 
-#define ROTR32(x,n) _lrotr(x,n)
-#define ROTL32(x,n) _lrotl(x,n)
-#define ROTR32(x,n) ((x >> n) | (x << ((8 * sizeof x) - n)))
-#define ROTL32(x,n) ((x << n) | (x >> ((8 * sizeof x) - n)))
-/* Capitol Sigma and lower case sigma functions */
-#define S0(x) (ROTR32(x, 2) ^ ROTR32(x,13) ^ ROTR32(x,22))
-#define S1(x) (ROTR32(x, 6) ^ ROTR32(x,11) ^ ROTR32(x,25))
-#define s0(x) (ROTR32(x, 7) ^ ROTR32(x,18) ^ SHR(x, 3))
-#define s1(x) (ROTR32(x,17) ^ ROTR32(x,19) ^ SHR(x,10))
-SHA256Context *
-    SHA256Context *ctx = PORT_New(SHA256Context);
-    return ctx;
-SHA256_DestroyContext(SHA256Context *ctx, PRBool freeit)
-    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
-    if (freeit) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx);
-    }
-SHA256_Begin(SHA256Context *ctx)
-    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
-    memcpy(H, H256, sizeof H256);
-static void
-SHA256_Compress(SHA256Context *ctx)
-  {
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP4(W[0]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[1]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[2]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[3]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[4]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[5]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[6]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[7]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[8]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[9]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[10]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[11]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[12]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[13]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[14]);
-    BYTESWAP4(W[15]);
-#define INITW(t) W[t] = (s1(W[t-2]) + W[t-7] + s0(W[t-15]) + W[t-16])
-    /* prepare the "message schedule"   */
-#ifdef NOUNROLL256
-    {
-	int t;
-	for (t = 16; t < 64; ++t) {
-	    INITW(t);
-	}
-    }
-    INITW(16);
-    INITW(17);
-    INITW(18);
-    INITW(19);
-    INITW(20);
-    INITW(21);
-    INITW(22);
-    INITW(23);
-    INITW(24);
-    INITW(25);
-    INITW(26);
-    INITW(27);
-    INITW(28);
-    INITW(29);
-    INITW(30);
-    INITW(31);
-    INITW(32);
-    INITW(33);
-    INITW(34);
-    INITW(35);
-    INITW(36);
-    INITW(37);
-    INITW(38);
-    INITW(39);
-    INITW(40);
-    INITW(41);
-    INITW(42);
-    INITW(43);
-    INITW(44);
-    INITW(45);
-    INITW(46);
-    INITW(47);
-    INITW(48);
-    INITW(49);
-    INITW(50);
-    INITW(51);
-    INITW(52);
-    INITW(53);
-    INITW(54);
-    INITW(55);
-    INITW(56);
-    INITW(57);
-    INITW(58);
-    INITW(59);
-    INITW(60);
-    INITW(61);
-    INITW(62);
-    INITW(63);
-#undef INITW
-  }
-  {
-    PRUint32 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
-    a = H[0];
-    b = H[1];
-    c = H[2];
-    d = H[3];
-    e = H[4];
-    f = H[5];
-    g = H[6];
-    h = H[7];
-#define ROUND(n,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
-    h += S1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + K256[n] + W[n]; \
-    d += h; \
-    h += S0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); 
-#ifdef NOUNROLL256
-    {
-	int t;
-	for (t = 0; t < 64; t+= 8) {
-	    ROUND(t+0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-	    ROUND(t+1,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-	    ROUND(t+2,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-	    ROUND(t+3,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-	    ROUND(t+4,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-	    ROUND(t+5,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-	    ROUND(t+6,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-	    ROUND(t+7,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-	}
-    }
-    ROUND( 0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND( 1,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND( 2,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND( 3,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND( 4,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND( 5,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND( 6,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND( 7,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND( 8,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND( 9,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(10,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(11,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(12,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(13,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(14,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(15,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(16,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(17,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(18,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(19,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(20,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(21,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(22,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(23,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(24,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(25,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(26,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(27,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(28,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(29,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(30,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(31,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(32,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(33,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(34,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(35,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(36,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(37,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(38,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(39,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(40,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(41,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(42,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(43,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(44,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(45,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(46,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(47,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(48,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(49,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(50,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(51,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(52,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(53,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(54,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(55,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(56,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(57,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(58,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(59,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(60,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(61,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(62,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(63,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    H[0] += a;
-    H[1] += b;
-    H[2] += c;
-    H[3] += d;
-    H[4] += e;
-    H[5] += f;
-    H[6] += g;
-    H[7] += h;
-  }
-#undef ROUND
-#undef s0
-#undef s1
-#undef S0
-#undef S1
-SHA256_Update(SHA256Context *ctx, const unsigned char *input,
-		    unsigned int inputLen)
-    unsigned int inBuf = ctx->sizeLo & 0x3f;
-    if (!inputLen)
-    	return;
-    /* Add inputLen into the count of bytes processed, before processing */
-    if ((ctx->sizeLo += inputLen) < inputLen)
-    	ctx->sizeHi++;
-    /* if data already in buffer, attemp to fill rest of buffer */
-    if (inBuf) {
-    	unsigned int todo = SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH - inBuf;
-	if (inputLen < todo)
-	    todo = inputLen;
-	memcpy(B + inBuf, input, todo);
-	input    += todo;
-	inputLen -= todo;
-	if (inBuf + todo == SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH)
-	    SHA256_Compress(ctx);
-    }
-    /* if enough data to fill one or more whole buffers, process them. */
-    while (inputLen >= SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
-    	memcpy(B, input, SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH);
-	input    += SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH;
-	inputLen -= SHA256_BLOCK_LENGTH;
-	SHA256_Compress(ctx);
-    }
-    /* if data left over, fill it into buffer */
-    if (inputLen) 
-    	memcpy(B, input, inputLen);
-SHA256_End(SHA256Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-           unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    unsigned int inBuf = ctx->sizeLo & 0x3f;
-    unsigned int padLen = (inBuf < 56) ? (56 - inBuf) : (56 + 64 - inBuf);
-    PRUint32 hi, lo;
-    hi = (ctx->sizeHi << 3) | (ctx->sizeLo >> 29);
-    lo = (ctx->sizeLo << 3);
-    SHA256_Update(ctx, pad, padLen);
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    W[14] = SHA_HTONL(hi);
-    W[15] = SHA_HTONL(lo);
-    W[14] = hi;
-    W[15] = lo;
-    SHA256_Compress(ctx);
-    /* now output the answer */
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP4(H[0]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[1]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[2]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[3]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[4]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[5]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[6]);
-    BYTESWAP4(H[7]);
-    padLen = PR_MIN(SHA256_LENGTH, maxDigestLen);
-    memcpy(digest, H, padLen);
-    if (digestLen)
-	*digestLen = padLen;
-SHA256_EndRaw(SHA256Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-	      unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    PRUint32 h[8];
-    unsigned int len;
-    memcpy(h, ctx->h, sizeof(h));
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP4(h[0]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[1]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[2]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[3]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[4]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[5]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[6]);
-    BYTESWAP4(h[7]);
-    len = PR_MIN(SHA256_LENGTH, maxDigestLen);
-    memcpy(digest, h, len);
-    if (digestLen)
-	*digestLen = len;
-SHA256_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, 
-               PRUint32 src_length)
-    SHA256Context ctx;
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
-    SHA256_Update(&ctx, src, src_length);
-    SHA256_End(&ctx, dest, &outLen, SHA256_LENGTH);
-    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA256_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-    return SHA256_HashBuf(dest, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen(src));
-void SHA256_TraceState(SHA256Context *ctx) { }
-unsigned int 
-SHA256_FlattenSize(SHA256Context *ctx)
-    return sizeof *ctx;
-SHA256_Flatten(SHA256Context *ctx,unsigned char *space)
-    PORT_Memcpy(space, ctx, sizeof *ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA256Context * 
-SHA256_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg)
-    SHA256Context *ctx = SHA256_NewContext();
-    if (ctx) 
-	PORT_Memcpy(ctx, space, sizeof *ctx);
-    return ctx;
-void SHA256_Clone(SHA256Context *dest, SHA256Context *src) 
-    memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
-/* ============= SHA224 implementation ================================== */
-/* SHA-224 initial hash values */
-static const PRUint32 H224[8] = {
-    0xc1059ed8, 0x367cd507, 0x3070dd17, 0xf70e5939, 
-    0xffc00b31, 0x68581511, 0x64f98fa7, 0xbefa4fa4
-SHA224Context *
-    return SHA256_NewContext();
-SHA224_DestroyContext(SHA224Context *ctx, PRBool freeit)
-    SHA256_DestroyContext(ctx, freeit);
-SHA224_Begin(SHA224Context *ctx)
-    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
-    memcpy(H, H224, sizeof H224);
-SHA224_Update(SHA224Context *ctx, const unsigned char *input,
-		    unsigned int inputLen)
-    SHA256_Update(ctx, input, inputLen);
-SHA224_End(SHA256Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-           unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    unsigned int maxLen = SHA_MIN(maxDigestLen, SHA224_LENGTH);
-    SHA256_End(ctx, digest, digestLen, maxLen);
-SHA224_EndRaw(SHA256Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-	      unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    unsigned int maxLen = SHA_MIN(maxDigestLen, SHA224_LENGTH);
-    SHA256_EndRaw(ctx, digest, digestLen, maxLen);
-SHA224_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-               PRUint32 src_length)
-    SHA256Context ctx;
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    SHA224_Begin(&ctx);
-    SHA256_Update(&ctx, src, src_length);
-    SHA256_End(&ctx, dest, &outLen, SHA224_LENGTH);
-    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA224_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-    return SHA224_HashBuf(dest, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen(src));
-void SHA224_TraceState(SHA224Context *ctx) { }
-unsigned int
-SHA224_FlattenSize(SHA224Context *ctx)
-    return SHA256_FlattenSize(ctx);
-SHA224_Flatten(SHA224Context *ctx, unsigned char *space)
-    return SHA256_Flatten(ctx, space);
-SHA224Context *
-SHA224_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg)
-    return SHA256_Resurrect(space, arg);
-void SHA224_Clone(SHA224Context *dest, SHA224Context *src) 
-    SHA256_Clone(dest, src);
-/* ======= SHA512 and SHA384 common constants and defines ================= */
-/* common #defines for SHA512 and SHA384 */
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma intrinsic(_rotr64,_rotl64)
-#define ROTR64(x,n) _rotr64(x,n)
-#define ROTL64(x,n) _rotl64(x,n)
-#define ROTR64(x,n) ((x >> n) | (x << (64 - n)))
-#define ROTL64(x,n) ((x << n) | (x >> (64 - n)))
-#define S0(x) (ROTR64(x,28) ^ ROTR64(x,34) ^ ROTR64(x,39))
-#define S1(x) (ROTR64(x,14) ^ ROTR64(x,18) ^ ROTR64(x,41))
-#define s0(x) (ROTR64(x, 1) ^ ROTR64(x, 8) ^ SHR(x,7))
-#define s1(x) (ROTR64(x,19) ^ ROTR64(x,61) ^ SHR(x,6))
-#define ULLC(hi,lo) 0x ## hi ## lo ## UL
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define ULLC(hi,lo) 0x ## hi ## lo ## ui64
-#define ULLC(hi,lo) 0x ## hi ## lo ## ULL
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_uint64)
-#define SHA_HTONLL(x) _byteswap_uint64(x)
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__x86_64))
-static __inline__ PRUint64 swap8b(PRUint64 value)
-    __asm__("bswapq %0" : "+r" (value));
-    return (value);
-#define SHA_HTONLL(x) swap8b(x)
-#define SHA_MASK16 ULLC(0000FFFF,0000FFFF)
-#define SHA_MASK8  ULLC(00FF00FF,00FF00FF)
-static PRUint64 swap8b(PRUint64 x)
-    PRUint64 t1 = x;
-    t1 = ((t1 & SHA_MASK8 ) <<  8) | ((t1 >>  8) & SHA_MASK8 );
-    t1 = ((t1 & SHA_MASK16) << 16) | ((t1 >> 16) & SHA_MASK16);
-    return (t1 >> 32) | (t1 << 32);
-#define SHA_HTONLL(x) swap8b(x)
-#define BYTESWAP8(x)  x = SHA_HTONLL(x)
-#endif /* defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) */
-#else /* no long long */
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#define ULLC(hi,lo) { 0x ## lo ## U, 0x ## hi ## U }
-#define SHA_HTONLL(x) ( BYTESWAP4(x.lo), BYTESWAP4(x.hi), \
-   x.hi ^= x.lo ^= x.hi ^= x.lo, x)
-#define BYTESWAP8(x)  do { PRUint32 tmp; BYTESWAP4(x.lo); BYTESWAP4(x.hi); \
-   tmp = x.lo; x.lo = x.hi; x.hi = tmp; } while (0)
-#define ULLC(hi,lo) { 0x ## hi ## U, 0x ## lo ## U }
-/* SHA-384 and SHA-512 constants, K512. */
-static const PRUint64 K512[80] = {
-     0x428a2f98d728ae22UL ,  0x7137449123ef65cdUL , 
-     0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2fUL ,  0xe9b5dba58189dbbcUL ,
-     0x3956c25bf348b538UL ,  0x59f111f1b605d019UL , 
-     0x923f82a4af194f9bUL ,  0xab1c5ed5da6d8118UL ,
-     0xd807aa98a3030242UL ,  0x12835b0145706fbeUL , 
-     0x243185be4ee4b28cUL ,  0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2UL ,
-     0x72be5d74f27b896fUL ,  0x80deb1fe3b1696b1UL , 
-     0x9bdc06a725c71235UL ,  0xc19bf174cf692694UL ,
-     0xe49b69c19ef14ad2UL ,  0xefbe4786384f25e3UL , 
-     0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5UL ,  0x240ca1cc77ac9c65UL ,
-     0x2de92c6f592b0275UL ,  0x4a7484aa6ea6e483UL , 
-     0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4UL ,  0x76f988da831153b5UL ,
-     0x983e5152ee66dfabUL ,  0xa831c66d2db43210UL , 
-     0xb00327c898fb213fUL ,  0xbf597fc7beef0ee4UL ,
-     0xc6e00bf33da88fc2UL ,  0xd5a79147930aa725UL , 
-     0x06ca6351e003826fUL ,  0x142929670a0e6e70UL ,
-     0x27b70a8546d22ffcUL ,  0x2e1b21385c26c926UL , 
-     0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aedUL ,  0x53380d139d95b3dfUL ,
-     0x650a73548baf63deUL ,  0x766a0abb3c77b2a8UL , 
-     0x81c2c92e47edaee6UL ,  0x92722c851482353bUL ,
-     0xa2bfe8a14cf10364UL ,  0xa81a664bbc423001UL , 
-     0xc24b8b70d0f89791UL ,  0xc76c51a30654be30UL ,
-     0xd192e819d6ef5218UL ,  0xd69906245565a910UL , 
-     0xf40e35855771202aUL ,  0x106aa07032bbd1b8UL ,
-     0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8UL ,  0x1e376c085141ab53UL , 
-     0x2748774cdf8eeb99UL ,  0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8UL ,
-     0x391c0cb3c5c95a63UL ,  0x4ed8aa4ae3418acbUL , 
-     0x5b9cca4f7763e373UL ,  0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3UL ,
-     0x748f82ee5defb2fcUL ,  0x78a5636f43172f60UL , 
-     0x84c87814a1f0ab72UL ,  0x8cc702081a6439ecUL ,
-     0x90befffa23631e28UL ,  0xa4506cebde82bde9UL , 
-     0xbef9a3f7b2c67915UL ,  0xc67178f2e372532bUL ,
-     0xca273eceea26619cUL ,  0xd186b8c721c0c207UL , 
-     0xeada7dd6cde0eb1eUL ,  0xf57d4f7fee6ed178UL ,
-     0x06f067aa72176fbaUL ,  0x0a637dc5a2c898a6UL , 
-     0x113f9804bef90daeUL ,  0x1b710b35131c471bUL ,
-     0x28db77f523047d84UL ,  0x32caab7b40c72493UL , 
-     0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebcUL ,  0x431d67c49c100d4cUL ,
-     0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6UL ,  0x597f299cfc657e2aUL , 
-     0x5fcb6fab3ad6faecUL ,  0x6c44198c4a475817UL 
-    ULLC(428a2f98,d728ae22), ULLC(71374491,23ef65cd), 
-    ULLC(b5c0fbcf,ec4d3b2f), ULLC(e9b5dba5,8189dbbc),
-    ULLC(3956c25b,f348b538), ULLC(59f111f1,b605d019), 
-    ULLC(923f82a4,af194f9b), ULLC(ab1c5ed5,da6d8118),
-    ULLC(d807aa98,a3030242), ULLC(12835b01,45706fbe), 
-    ULLC(243185be,4ee4b28c), ULLC(550c7dc3,d5ffb4e2),
-    ULLC(72be5d74,f27b896f), ULLC(80deb1fe,3b1696b1), 
-    ULLC(9bdc06a7,25c71235), ULLC(c19bf174,cf692694),
-    ULLC(e49b69c1,9ef14ad2), ULLC(efbe4786,384f25e3), 
-    ULLC(0fc19dc6,8b8cd5b5), ULLC(240ca1cc,77ac9c65),
-    ULLC(2de92c6f,592b0275), ULLC(4a7484aa,6ea6e483), 
-    ULLC(5cb0a9dc,bd41fbd4), ULLC(76f988da,831153b5),
-    ULLC(983e5152,ee66dfab), ULLC(a831c66d,2db43210), 
-    ULLC(b00327c8,98fb213f), ULLC(bf597fc7,beef0ee4),
-    ULLC(c6e00bf3,3da88fc2), ULLC(d5a79147,930aa725), 
-    ULLC(06ca6351,e003826f), ULLC(14292967,0a0e6e70),
-    ULLC(27b70a85,46d22ffc), ULLC(2e1b2138,5c26c926), 
-    ULLC(4d2c6dfc,5ac42aed), ULLC(53380d13,9d95b3df),
-    ULLC(650a7354,8baf63de), ULLC(766a0abb,3c77b2a8), 
-    ULLC(81c2c92e,47edaee6), ULLC(92722c85,1482353b),
-    ULLC(a2bfe8a1,4cf10364), ULLC(a81a664b,bc423001), 
-    ULLC(c24b8b70,d0f89791), ULLC(c76c51a3,0654be30),
-    ULLC(d192e819,d6ef5218), ULLC(d6990624,5565a910), 
-    ULLC(f40e3585,5771202a), ULLC(106aa070,32bbd1b8),
-    ULLC(19a4c116,b8d2d0c8), ULLC(1e376c08,5141ab53), 
-    ULLC(2748774c,df8eeb99), ULLC(34b0bcb5,e19b48a8),
-    ULLC(391c0cb3,c5c95a63), ULLC(4ed8aa4a,e3418acb), 
-    ULLC(5b9cca4f,7763e373), ULLC(682e6ff3,d6b2b8a3),
-    ULLC(748f82ee,5defb2fc), ULLC(78a5636f,43172f60), 
-    ULLC(84c87814,a1f0ab72), ULLC(8cc70208,1a6439ec),
-    ULLC(90befffa,23631e28), ULLC(a4506ceb,de82bde9), 
-    ULLC(bef9a3f7,b2c67915), ULLC(c67178f2,e372532b),
-    ULLC(ca273ece,ea26619c), ULLC(d186b8c7,21c0c207), 
-    ULLC(eada7dd6,cde0eb1e), ULLC(f57d4f7f,ee6ed178),
-    ULLC(06f067aa,72176fba), ULLC(0a637dc5,a2c898a6), 
-    ULLC(113f9804,bef90dae), ULLC(1b710b35,131c471b),
-    ULLC(28db77f5,23047d84), ULLC(32caab7b,40c72493), 
-    ULLC(3c9ebe0a,15c9bebc), ULLC(431d67c4,9c100d4c),
-    ULLC(4cc5d4be,cb3e42b6), ULLC(597f299c,fc657e2a), 
-    ULLC(5fcb6fab,3ad6faec), ULLC(6c44198c,4a475817)
-struct SHA512ContextStr {
-    union {
-	PRUint64 w[80];	    /* message schedule, input buffer, plus 64 words */
-	PRUint32 l[160];
-	PRUint8  b[640];
-    } u;
-    PRUint64 h[8];	    /* 8 state variables */
-    PRUint64 sizeLo;	    /* 64-bit count of hashed bytes. */
-/* =========== SHA512 implementation ===================================== */
-/* SHA-512 initial hash values */
-static const PRUint64 H512[8] = {
-     0x6a09e667f3bcc908UL ,  0xbb67ae8584caa73bUL , 
-     0x3c6ef372fe94f82bUL ,  0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1UL , 
-     0x510e527fade682d1UL ,  0x9b05688c2b3e6c1fUL , 
-     0x1f83d9abfb41bd6bUL ,  0x5be0cd19137e2179UL 
-    ULLC(6a09e667,f3bcc908), ULLC(bb67ae85,84caa73b), 
-    ULLC(3c6ef372,fe94f82b), ULLC(a54ff53a,5f1d36f1), 
-    ULLC(510e527f,ade682d1), ULLC(9b05688c,2b3e6c1f), 
-    ULLC(1f83d9ab,fb41bd6b), ULLC(5be0cd19,137e2179)
-SHA512Context *
-    SHA512Context *ctx = PORT_New(SHA512Context);
-    return ctx;
-SHA512_DestroyContext(SHA512Context *ctx, PRBool freeit)
-    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
-    if (freeit) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx);
-    }
-SHA512_Begin(SHA512Context *ctx)
-    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
-    memcpy(H, H512, sizeof H512);
-#if defined(SHA512_TRACE)
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-#define DUMP(n,a,d,e,h) printf(" t = %2d, %s = %016lx, %s = %016lx\n", \
-			       n, #e, d, #a, h);
-#define DUMP(n,a,d,e,h) printf(" t = %2d, %s = %08x%08x, %s = %08x%08x\n", \
-			       n, #e, d.hi, d.lo, #a, h.hi, h.lo);
-#define DUMP(n,a,d,e,h)
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-#define ADDTO(x,y) y += x
-#define INITW(t) W[t] = (s1(W[t-2]) + W[t-7] + s0(W[t-15]) + W[t-16])
-#define ROUND(n,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
-    h += S1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + K512[n] + W[n]; \
-    d += h; \
-    h += S0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); \
-    DUMP(n,a,d,e,h)
-#else /* use only 32-bit variables, and don't unroll loops */
-#undef  NOUNROLL512
-#define NOUNROLL512 1
-#define ADDTO(x,y) y.lo += x.lo; y.hi += x.hi + (x.lo > y.lo)
-#define ROTR64a(x,n,lo,hi) (x.lo >> n | x.hi << (32-n))
-#define ROTR64A(x,n,lo,hi) (x.lo << (64-n) | x.hi >> (n-32))
-#define  SHR64a(x,n,lo,hi) (x.lo >> n | x.hi << (32-n))
-/* Capitol Sigma and lower case sigma functions */
-#define s0lo(x) (ROTR64a(x,1,lo,hi) ^ ROTR64a(x,8,lo,hi) ^ SHR64a(x,7,lo,hi))
-#define s0hi(x) (ROTR64a(x,1,hi,lo) ^ ROTR64a(x,8,hi,lo) ^ (x.hi >> 7))
-#define s1lo(x) (ROTR64a(x,19,lo,hi) ^ ROTR64A(x,61,lo,hi) ^ SHR64a(x,6,lo,hi))
-#define s1hi(x) (ROTR64a(x,19,hi,lo) ^ ROTR64A(x,61,hi,lo) ^ (x.hi >> 6))
-#define S0lo(x)(ROTR64a(x,28,lo,hi) ^ ROTR64A(x,34,lo,hi) ^ ROTR64A(x,39,lo,hi))
-#define S0hi(x)(ROTR64a(x,28,hi,lo) ^ ROTR64A(x,34,hi,lo) ^ ROTR64A(x,39,hi,lo))
-#define S1lo(x)(ROTR64a(x,14,lo,hi) ^ ROTR64a(x,18,lo,hi) ^ ROTR64A(x,41,lo,hi))
-#define S1hi(x)(ROTR64a(x,14,hi,lo) ^ ROTR64a(x,18,hi,lo) ^ ROTR64A(x,41,hi,lo))
-/* 32-bit versions of Ch and Maj */
-#define Chxx(x,y,z,lo) ((x.lo & y.lo) ^ (~x.lo & z.lo))
-#define Majx(x,y,z,lo) ((x.lo & y.lo) ^ (x.lo & z.lo) ^ (y.lo & z.lo))
-#define INITW(t) \
-    do { \
-	PRUint32 lo, tm; \
-	PRUint32 cy = 0; \
-	lo = s1lo(W[t-2]); \
-	lo += (tm = W[t-7].lo);     if (lo < tm) cy++; \
-	lo += (tm = s0lo(W[t-15])); if (lo < tm) cy++; \
-	lo += (tm = W[t-16].lo);    if (lo < tm) cy++; \
-	W[t].lo = lo; \
-	W[t].hi = cy + s1hi(W[t-2]) + W[t-7].hi + s0hi(W[t-15]) + W[t-16].hi; \
-    } while (0)
-#define ROUND(n,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
-    { \
-	PRUint32 lo, tm, cy; \
-	lo  = S1lo(e); \
-	lo += (tm = Chxx(e,f,g,lo));    cy = (lo < tm); \
-	lo += (tm = K512[n].lo);	if (lo < tm) cy++; \
-	lo += (tm =    W[n].lo);	if (lo < tm) cy++; \
-	h.lo += lo;			if (h.lo < lo) cy++; \
-	h.hi += cy + S1hi(e) + Chxx(e,f,g,hi) + K512[n].hi + W[n].hi; \
-	d.lo += h.lo; \
-	d.hi += h.hi + (d.lo < h.lo); \
-	lo  = S0lo(a);  \
-	lo += (tm = Majx(a,b,c,lo));	cy = (lo < tm); \
-	h.lo += lo;			if (h.lo < lo) cy++; \
-	h.hi += cy + S0hi(a) + Majx(a,b,c,hi); \
-	DUMP(n,a,d,e,h) \
-    }
-static void
-SHA512_Compress(SHA512Context *ctx)
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-  {
-    BYTESWAP8(W[0]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[1]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[2]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[3]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[4]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[5]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[6]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[7]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[8]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[9]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[10]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[11]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[12]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[13]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[14]);
-    BYTESWAP8(W[15]);
-  }
-  {
-#ifdef NOUNROLL512
-    {
-	/* prepare the "message schedule"   */
-	int t;
-	for (t = 16; t < 80; ++t) {
-	    INITW(t);
-	}
-    }
-    INITW(16);
-    INITW(17);
-    INITW(18);
-    INITW(19);
-    INITW(20);
-    INITW(21);
-    INITW(22);
-    INITW(23);
-    INITW(24);
-    INITW(25);
-    INITW(26);
-    INITW(27);
-    INITW(28);
-    INITW(29);
-    INITW(30);
-    INITW(31);
-    INITW(32);
-    INITW(33);
-    INITW(34);
-    INITW(35);
-    INITW(36);
-    INITW(37);
-    INITW(38);
-    INITW(39);
-    INITW(40);
-    INITW(41);
-    INITW(42);
-    INITW(43);
-    INITW(44);
-    INITW(45);
-    INITW(46);
-    INITW(47);
-    INITW(48);
-    INITW(49);
-    INITW(50);
-    INITW(51);
-    INITW(52);
-    INITW(53);
-    INITW(54);
-    INITW(55);
-    INITW(56);
-    INITW(57);
-    INITW(58);
-    INITW(59);
-    INITW(60);
-    INITW(61);
-    INITW(62);
-    INITW(63);
-    INITW(64);
-    INITW(65);
-    INITW(66);
-    INITW(67);
-    INITW(68);
-    INITW(69);
-    INITW(70);
-    INITW(71);
-    INITW(72);
-    INITW(73);
-    INITW(74);
-    INITW(75);
-    INITW(76);
-    INITW(77);
-    INITW(78);
-    INITW(79);
-  }
-#ifdef SHA512_TRACE
-  {
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
-	printf("W[%2d] = %016lx\n", i, W[i]);
-	printf("W[%2d] = %08x%08x\n", i, W[i].hi, W[i].lo);
-    }
-  }
-  {
-    PRUint64 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
-    a = H[0];
-    b = H[1];
-    c = H[2];
-    d = H[3];
-    e = H[4];
-    f = H[5];
-    g = H[6];
-    h = H[7];
-#ifdef NOUNROLL512
-    {
-	int t;
-	for (t = 0; t < 80; t+= 8) {
-	    ROUND(t+0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-	    ROUND(t+1,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-	    ROUND(t+2,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-	    ROUND(t+3,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-	    ROUND(t+4,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-	    ROUND(t+5,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-	    ROUND(t+6,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-	    ROUND(t+7,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-	}
-    }
-    ROUND( 0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND( 1,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND( 2,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND( 3,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND( 4,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND( 5,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND( 6,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND( 7,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND( 8,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND( 9,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(10,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(11,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(12,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(13,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(14,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(15,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(16,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(17,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(18,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(19,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(20,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(21,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(22,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(23,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(24,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(25,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(26,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(27,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(28,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(29,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(30,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(31,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(32,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(33,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(34,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(35,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(36,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(37,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(38,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(39,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(40,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(41,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(42,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(43,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(44,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(45,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(46,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(47,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(48,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(49,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(50,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(51,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(52,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(53,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(54,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(55,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(56,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(57,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(58,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(59,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(60,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(61,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(62,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(63,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(64,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(65,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(66,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(67,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(68,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(69,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(70,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(71,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ROUND(72,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
-    ROUND(73,h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-    ROUND(74,g,h,a,b,c,d,e,f)
-    ROUND(75,f,g,h,a,b,c,d,e)
-    ROUND(76,e,f,g,h,a,b,c,d)
-    ROUND(77,d,e,f,g,h,a,b,c)
-    ROUND(78,c,d,e,f,g,h,a,b)
-    ROUND(79,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,a)
-    ADDTO(a,H[0]);
-    ADDTO(b,H[1]);
-    ADDTO(c,H[2]);
-    ADDTO(d,H[3]);
-    ADDTO(e,H[4]);
-    ADDTO(f,H[5]);
-    ADDTO(g,H[6]);
-    ADDTO(h,H[7]);
-  }
-SHA512_Update(SHA512Context *ctx, const unsigned char *input,
-              unsigned int inputLen)
-    unsigned int inBuf;
-    if (!inputLen)
-    	return;
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-    inBuf = (unsigned int)ctx->sizeLo & 0x7f;
-    /* Add inputLen into the count of bytes processed, before processing */
-    ctx->sizeLo += inputLen;
-    inBuf = (unsigned int)ctx->sizeLo.lo & 0x7f;
-    ctx->sizeLo.lo += inputLen;
-    if (ctx->sizeLo.lo < inputLen) ctx->sizeLo.hi++;
-    /* if data already in buffer, attemp to fill rest of buffer */
-    if (inBuf) {
-    	unsigned int todo = SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH - inBuf;
-	if (inputLen < todo)
-	    todo = inputLen;
-	memcpy(B + inBuf, input, todo);
-	input    += todo;
-	inputLen -= todo;
-	if (inBuf + todo == SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH)
-	    SHA512_Compress(ctx);
-    }
-    /* if enough data to fill one or more whole buffers, process them. */
-    while (inputLen >= SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH) {
-    	memcpy(B, input, SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH);
-	input    += SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH;
-	inputLen -= SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH;
-	SHA512_Compress(ctx);
-    }
-    /* if data left over, fill it into buffer */
-    if (inputLen) 
-    	memcpy(B, input, inputLen);
-SHA512_End(SHA512Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-           unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-    unsigned int inBuf  = (unsigned int)ctx->sizeLo & 0x7f;
-    unsigned int inBuf  = (unsigned int)ctx->sizeLo.lo & 0x7f;
-    unsigned int padLen = (inBuf < 112) ? (112 - inBuf) : (112 + 128 - inBuf);
-    PRUint64 lo;
-    LL_SHL(lo, ctx->sizeLo, 3);
-    SHA512_Update(ctx, pad, padLen);
-#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
-    W[14] = 0;
-    W[14].lo = 0;
-    W[14].hi = 0;
-    W[15] = lo;
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP8(W[15]);
-    SHA512_Compress(ctx);
-    /* now output the answer */
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP8(H[0]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[1]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[2]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[3]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[4]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[5]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[6]);
-    BYTESWAP8(H[7]);
-    padLen = PR_MIN(SHA512_LENGTH, maxDigestLen);
-    memcpy(digest, H, padLen);
-    if (digestLen)
-	*digestLen = padLen;
-SHA512_EndRaw(SHA512Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-              unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    PRUint64 h[8];
-    unsigned int len;
-    memcpy(h, ctx->h, sizeof(h));
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-    BYTESWAP8(h[0]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[1]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[2]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[3]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[4]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[5]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[6]);
-    BYTESWAP8(h[7]);
-    len = PR_MIN(SHA512_LENGTH, maxDigestLen);
-    memcpy(digest, h, len);
-    if (digestLen)
-	*digestLen = len;
-SHA512_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, 
-               PRUint32 src_length)
-    SHA512Context ctx;
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    SHA512_Begin(&ctx);
-    SHA512_Update(&ctx, src, src_length);
-    SHA512_End(&ctx, dest, &outLen, SHA512_LENGTH);
-    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA512_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-    return SHA512_HashBuf(dest, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen(src));
-void SHA512_TraceState(SHA512Context *ctx) { }
-unsigned int 
-SHA512_FlattenSize(SHA512Context *ctx)
-    return sizeof *ctx;
-SHA512_Flatten(SHA512Context *ctx,unsigned char *space)
-    PORT_Memcpy(space, ctx, sizeof *ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA512Context * 
-SHA512_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg)
-    SHA512Context *ctx = SHA512_NewContext();
-    if (ctx) 
-	PORT_Memcpy(ctx, space, sizeof *ctx);
-    return ctx;
-void SHA512_Clone(SHA512Context *dest, SHA512Context *src) 
-    memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
-/* ======================================================================= */
-/* SHA384 uses a SHA512Context as the real context. 
-** The only differences between SHA384 an SHA512 are:
-** a) the intialization values for the context, and
-** b) the number of bytes of data produced as output.
-/* SHA-384 initial hash values */
-static const PRUint64 H384[8] = {
-     0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8UL ,  0x629a292a367cd507UL , 
-     0x9159015a3070dd17UL ,  0x152fecd8f70e5939UL , 
-     0x67332667ffc00b31UL ,  0x8eb44a8768581511UL , 
-     0xdb0c2e0d64f98fa7UL ,  0x47b5481dbefa4fa4UL 
-    ULLC(cbbb9d5d,c1059ed8), ULLC(629a292a,367cd507), 
-    ULLC(9159015a,3070dd17), ULLC(152fecd8,f70e5939), 
-    ULLC(67332667,ffc00b31), ULLC(8eb44a87,68581511), 
-    ULLC(db0c2e0d,64f98fa7), ULLC(47b5481d,befa4fa4)
-SHA384Context *
-    return SHA512_NewContext();
-SHA384_DestroyContext(SHA384Context *ctx, PRBool freeit)
-    SHA512_DestroyContext(ctx, freeit);
-SHA384_Begin(SHA384Context *ctx)
-    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
-    memcpy(H, H384, sizeof H384);
-SHA384_Update(SHA384Context *ctx, const unsigned char *input,
-		    unsigned int inputLen)
-    SHA512_Update(ctx, input, inputLen);
-SHA384_End(SHA384Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-		 unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    unsigned int maxLen = SHA_MIN(maxDigestLen, SHA384_LENGTH);
-    SHA512_End(ctx, digest, digestLen, maxLen);
-SHA384_EndRaw(SHA384Context *ctx, unsigned char *digest,
-	      unsigned int *digestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    unsigned int maxLen = SHA_MIN(maxDigestLen, SHA384_LENGTH);
-    SHA512_EndRaw(ctx, digest, digestLen, maxLen);
-SHA384_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src,
-	       PRUint32 src_length)
-    SHA512Context ctx;
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    SHA384_Begin(&ctx);
-    SHA512_Update(&ctx, src, src_length);
-    SHA512_End(&ctx, dest, &outLen, SHA384_LENGTH);
-    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA384_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-    return SHA384_HashBuf(dest, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen(src));
-void SHA384_TraceState(SHA384Context *ctx) { }
-unsigned int 
-SHA384_FlattenSize(SHA384Context *ctx)
-    return sizeof(SHA384Context);
-SHA384_Flatten(SHA384Context *ctx,unsigned char *space)
-    return SHA512_Flatten(ctx, space);
-SHA384Context * 
-SHA384_Resurrect(unsigned char *space, void *arg)
-    return SHA512_Resurrect(space, arg);
-void SHA384_Clone(SHA384Context *dest, SHA384Context *src) 
-    memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
-/* ======================================================================= */
-#ifdef SELFTEST
-#include <stdio.h>
-static const char abc[] = { "abc" };
-static const char abcdbc[] = { 
-    "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq"
-static const char abcdef[] = { 
-    "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmn"
-    "hijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu" 
-dumpHash32(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int bufLen)
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < bufLen; i += 4) {
-	printf(" %02x%02x%02x%02x", buf[i], buf[i+1], buf[i+2], buf[i+3]);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-void test256(void)
-    unsigned char outBuf[SHA256_LENGTH];
-    printf("SHA256, input = %s\n", abc);
-    SHA256_Hash(outBuf, abc);
-    dumpHash32(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    printf("SHA256, input = %s\n", abcdbc);
-    SHA256_Hash(outBuf, abcdbc);
-    dumpHash32(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-void test224(void)
-    SHA224Context ctx;
-    unsigned char a1000times[1000];
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    unsigned char outBuf[SHA224_LENGTH];
-    int i;
-    /* Test Vector 1 */
-    printf("SHA224, input = %s\n", abc);
-    SHA224_Hash(outBuf, abc);
-    dumpHash32(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    /* Test Vector 2 */
-    printf("SHA224, input = %s\n", abcdbc);
-    SHA224_Hash(outBuf, abcdbc);
-    dumpHash32(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    /* Test Vector 3 */
-    /* to hash one million 'a's perform 1000
-     * sha224 updates on a buffer with 1000 'a's 
-     */
-    memset(a1000times, 'a', 1000);
-    printf("SHA224, input = %s\n", "a one million times");
-    SHA224_Begin(&ctx);
-    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
-        SHA224_Update(&ctx, a1000times, 1000);
-    SHA224_End(&ctx, outBuf, &outLen, SHA224_LENGTH);
-    dumpHash32(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-dumpHash64(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int bufLen)
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < bufLen; i += 8) {
-    	if (i % 32 == 0)
-	    printf("\n");
-	printf(" %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", 
-	       buf[i  ], buf[i+1], buf[i+2], buf[i+3],
-	       buf[i+4], buf[i+5], buf[i+6], buf[i+7]);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-void test512(void)
-    unsigned char outBuf[SHA512_LENGTH];
-    printf("SHA512, input = %s\n", abc);
-    SHA512_Hash(outBuf, abc);
-    dumpHash64(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    printf("SHA512, input = %s\n", abcdef);
-    SHA512_Hash(outBuf, abcdef);
-    dumpHash64(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-void time512(void)
-    unsigned char outBuf[SHA512_LENGTH];
-    SHA512_Hash(outBuf, abc);
-    SHA512_Hash(outBuf, abcdef);
-void test384(void)
-    unsigned char outBuf[SHA384_LENGTH];
-    printf("SHA384, input = %s\n", abc);
-    SHA384_Hash(outBuf, abc);
-    dumpHash64(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-    printf("SHA384, input = %s\n", abcdef);
-    SHA384_Hash(outBuf, abcdef);
-    dumpHash64(outBuf, sizeof outBuf);
-int main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
-    int i = 1;
-    if (argc > 1) {
-    	i = atoi(argv[1]);
-    }
-    if (i < 2) {
-	test224();
-	test256();
-	test384();
-	test512();
-    } else {
-    	while (i-- > 0) {
-	    time512();
-	}
-	printf("done\n");
-    }
-    return 0;
-void *PORT_Alloc(size_t len) 		{ return malloc(len); }
-void PORT_Free(void *ptr)		{ free(ptr); }
-void PORT_ZFree(void *ptr, size_t len)  { memset(ptr, 0, len); free(ptr); }
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.c b/nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2901949..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include <memory.h>
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "sha_fast.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "ssl.h"
-#include "ssltrace.h"
-static void shaCompress(volatile SHA_HW_t *X, const PRUint32 * datain);
-#define W u.w
-#define B u.b
-#define SHA_F1(X,Y,Z) ((((Y)^(Z))&(X))^(Z))
-#define SHA_F2(X,Y,Z) ((X)^(Y)^(Z))
-#define SHA_F3(X,Y,Z) (((X)&(Y))|((Z)&((X)|(Y))))
-#define SHA_F4(X,Y,Z) ((X)^(Y)^(Z))
-#define SHA_MIX(n,a,b,c)    XW(n) = SHA_ROTL(XW(a)^XW(b)^XW(c)^XW(n), 1)
- *  SHA: initialize context
- */
-SHA1_Begin(SHA1Context *ctx)
-  ctx->size = 0;
-  /*
-   *  Initialize H with constants from FIPS180-1.
-   */
-  ctx->H[0] = 0x67452301L;
-  ctx->H[1] = 0xefcdab89L;
-  ctx->H[2] = 0x98badcfeL;
-  ctx->H[3] = 0x10325476L;
-  ctx->H[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0L;
-/* Explanation of H array and index values:
- * The context's H array is actually the concatenation of two arrays 
- * defined by SHA1, the H array of state variables (5 elements),
- * and the W array of intermediate values, of which there are 16 elements.
- * The W array starts at H[5], that is W[0] is H[5].
- * Although these values are defined as 32-bit values, we use 64-bit
- * variables to hold them because the AMD64 stores 64 bit values in
- * memory MUCH faster than it stores any smaller values.
- *
- * Rather than passing the context structure to shaCompress, we pass
- * this combined array of H and W values.  We do not pass the address
- * of the first element of this array, but rather pass the address of an
- * element in the middle of the array, element X.  Presently X[0] is H[11].
- * So we pass the address of H[11] as the address of array X to shaCompress.
- * Then shaCompress accesses the members of the array using positive AND 
- * negative indexes.  
- *
- * Pictorially: (each element is 8 bytes)
- * H | H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 W0 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf |
- * X |-11-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 |
- * 
- * The byte offset from X[0] to any member of H and W is always 
- * representable in a signed 8-bit value, which will be encoded 
- * as a single byte offset in the X86-64 instruction set.  
- * If we didn't pass the address of H[11], and instead passed the 
- * address of H[0], the offsets to elements H[16] and above would be
- * greater than 127, not representable in a signed 8-bit value, and the 
- * x86-64 instruction set would encode every such offset as a 32-bit 
- * signed number in each instruction that accessed element H[16] or 
- * higher.  This results in much bigger and slower code. 
- */
-#if !defined(SHA_PUT_W_IN_STACK)
-#define H2X 11 /* X[0] is H[11], and H[0] is X[-11] */
-#define W2X  6 /* X[0] is W[6],  and W[0] is X[-6]  */
-#define H2X 0
- *  SHA: Add data to context.
- */
-SHA1_Update(SHA1Context *ctx, const unsigned char *dataIn, unsigned int len) 
-  register unsigned int lenB;
-  register unsigned int togo;
-  if (!len)
-    return;
-  /* accumulate the byte count. */
-  lenB = (unsigned int)(ctx->size) & 63U;
-  ctx->size += len;
-  /*
-   *  Read the data into W and process blocks as they get full
-   */
-  if (lenB > 0) {
-    togo = 64U - lenB;
-    if (len < togo)
-      togo = len;
-    memcpy(ctx->B + lenB, dataIn, togo);
-    len    -= togo;
-    dataIn += togo;
-    lenB    = (lenB + togo) & 63U;
-    if (!lenB) {
-      shaCompress(&ctx->H[H2X], ctx->W);
-    }
-  }
-  if ((ptrdiff_t)dataIn % sizeof(PRUint32)) {
-    while (len >= 64U) {
-      memcpy(ctx->B, dataIn, 64);
-      len    -= 64U;
-      shaCompress(&ctx->H[H2X], ctx->W);
-      dataIn += 64U;
-    }
-  } else 
-  {
-    while (len >= 64U) {
-      len    -= 64U;
-      shaCompress(&ctx->H[H2X], (PRUint32 *)dataIn);
-      dataIn += 64U;
-    }
-  }
-  if (len) {
-    memcpy(ctx->B, dataIn, len);
-  }
- *  SHA: Generate hash value from context
- */
-SHA1_End(SHA1Context *ctx, unsigned char *hashout,
-         unsigned int *pDigestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-  register PRUint64 size;
-  register PRUint32 lenB;
-  static const unsigned char bulk_pad[64] = { 0x80,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-          0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-          0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  };
-#define tmp lenB
-  PORT_Assert (maxDigestLen >= SHA1_LENGTH);
-  /*
-   *  Pad with a binary 1 (e.g. 0x80), then zeroes, then length in bits
-   */
-  size = ctx->size;
-  lenB = (PRUint32)size & 63;
-  SHA1_Update(ctx, bulk_pad, (((55+64) - lenB) & 63) + 1);
-  PORT_Assert(((PRUint32)ctx->size & 63) == 56);
-  /* Convert size from bytes to bits. */
-  size <<= 3;
-  ctx->W[14] = SHA_HTONL((PRUint32)(size >> 32));
-  ctx->W[15] = SHA_HTONL((PRUint32)size);
-  shaCompress(&ctx->H[H2X], ctx->W);
-  /*
-   *  Output hash
-   */
-  if (pDigestLen) {
-    *pDigestLen = SHA1_LENGTH;
-  }
-#undef tmp
-SHA1_EndRaw(SHA1Context *ctx, unsigned char *hashout,
-            unsigned int *pDigestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-  register PRUint32 tmp;
-  PORT_Assert (maxDigestLen >= SHA1_LENGTH);
-  if (pDigestLen)
-    *pDigestLen = SHA1_LENGTH;
-#undef B
- *  SHA: Compression function, unrolled.
- *
- * Some operations in shaCompress are done as 5 groups of 16 operations.
- * Others are done as 4 groups of 20 operations.
- * The code below shows that structure.
- *
- * The functions that compute the new values of the 5 state variables
- * A-E are done in 4 groups of 20 operations (or you may also think
- * of them as being done in 16 groups of 5 operations).  They are
- * done by the SHA_RNDx macros below, in the right column.
- *
- * The functions that set the 16 values of the W array are done in 
- * 5 groups of 16 operations.  The first group is done by the 
- * LOAD macros below, the latter 4 groups are done by SHA_MIX below,
- * in the left column.
- *
- * gcc's optimizer observes that each member of the W array is assigned
- * a value 5 times in this code.  It reduces the number of store 
- * operations done to the W array in the context (that is, in the X array)
- * by creating a W array on the stack, and storing the W values there for 
- * the first 4 groups of operations on W, and storing the values in the 
- * context's W array only in the fifth group.  This is undesirable.
- * It is MUCH bigger code than simply using the context's W array, because 
- * all the offsets to the W array in the stack are 32-bit signed offsets, 
- * and it is no faster than storing the values in the context's W array. 
- *
- * The original code for sha_fast.c prevented this creation of a separate 
- * W array in the stack by creating a W array of 80 members, each of
- * whose elements is assigned only once. It also separated the computations
- * of the W array values and the computations of the values for the 5
- * state variables into two separate passes, W's, then A-E's so that the 
- * second pass could be done all in registers (except for accessing the W
- * array) on machines with fewer registers.  The method is suboptimal
- * for machines with enough registers to do it all in one pass, and it
- * necessitates using many instructions with 32-bit offsets.
- *
- * This code eliminates the separate W array on the stack by a completely
- * different means: by declaring the X array volatile.  This prevents
- * the optimizer from trying to reduce the use of the X array by the
- * creation of a MORE expensive W array on the stack. The result is
- * that all instructions use signed 8-bit offsets and not 32-bit offsets.
- *
- * The combination of this code and the -O3 optimizer flag on GCC 3.4.3
- * results in code that is 3 times faster than the previous NSS sha_fast
- * code on AMD64.
- */
-static void 
-shaCompress(volatile SHA_HW_t *X, const PRUint32 *inbuf) 
-  register SHA_HW_t A, B, C, D, E;
-  register PRUint32 tmp;
-#if !defined(SHA_PUT_W_IN_STACK)
-#define XH(n) X[n-H2X]
-#define XW(n) X[n-W2X]
-  SHA_HW_t w_0, w_1, w_2, w_3, w_4, w_5, w_6, w_7,
-           w_8, w_9, w_10, w_11, w_12, w_13, w_14, w_15;
-#define XW(n) w_ ## n
-#define XH(n) X[n]
-#define K0 0x5a827999L
-#define K1 0x6ed9eba1L
-#define K2 0x8f1bbcdcL
-#define K3 0xca62c1d6L
-#define SHA_RND1(a,b,c,d,e,n) \
-  a = SHA_ROTL(b,5)+SHA_F1(c,d,e)+a+XW(n)+K0; c=SHA_ROTL(c,30) 
-#define SHA_RND2(a,b,c,d,e,n) \
-  a = SHA_ROTL(b,5)+SHA_F2(c,d,e)+a+XW(n)+K1; c=SHA_ROTL(c,30) 
-#define SHA_RND3(a,b,c,d,e,n) \
-  a = SHA_ROTL(b,5)+SHA_F3(c,d,e)+a+XW(n)+K2; c=SHA_ROTL(c,30) 
-#define SHA_RND4(a,b,c,d,e,n) \
-  a = SHA_ROTL(b,5)+SHA_F4(c,d,e)+a+XW(n)+K3; c=SHA_ROTL(c,30) 
-#define LOAD(n) XW(n) = SHA_HTONL(inbuf[n])
-  A = XH(0);
-  B = XH(1);
-  C = XH(2);
-  D = XH(3);
-  E = XH(4);
-  LOAD(0);		   SHA_RND1(E,A,B,C,D, 0);
-  LOAD(1);		   SHA_RND1(D,E,A,B,C, 1);
-  LOAD(2);		   SHA_RND1(C,D,E,A,B, 2);
-  LOAD(3);		   SHA_RND1(B,C,D,E,A, 3);
-  LOAD(4);		   SHA_RND1(A,B,C,D,E, 4);
-  LOAD(5);		   SHA_RND1(E,A,B,C,D, 5);
-  LOAD(6);		   SHA_RND1(D,E,A,B,C, 6);
-  LOAD(7);		   SHA_RND1(C,D,E,A,B, 7);
-  LOAD(8);		   SHA_RND1(B,C,D,E,A, 8);
-  LOAD(9);		   SHA_RND1(A,B,C,D,E, 9);
-  LOAD(10);		   SHA_RND1(E,A,B,C,D,10);
-  LOAD(11);		   SHA_RND1(D,E,A,B,C,11);
-  LOAD(12);		   SHA_RND1(C,D,E,A,B,12);
-  LOAD(13);		   SHA_RND1(B,C,D,E,A,13);
-  LOAD(14);		   SHA_RND1(A,B,C,D,E,14);
-  LOAD(15);		   SHA_RND1(E,A,B,C,D,15);
-  SHA_MIX( 0, 13,  8,  2); SHA_RND1(D,E,A,B,C, 0);
-  SHA_MIX( 1, 14,  9,  3); SHA_RND1(C,D,E,A,B, 1);
-  SHA_MIX( 2, 15, 10,  4); SHA_RND1(B,C,D,E,A, 2);
-  SHA_MIX( 3,  0, 11,  5); SHA_RND1(A,B,C,D,E, 3);
-  SHA_MIX( 4,  1, 12,  6); SHA_RND2(E,A,B,C,D, 4);
-  SHA_MIX( 5,  2, 13,  7); SHA_RND2(D,E,A,B,C, 5);
-  SHA_MIX( 6,  3, 14,  8); SHA_RND2(C,D,E,A,B, 6);
-  SHA_MIX( 7,  4, 15,  9); SHA_RND2(B,C,D,E,A, 7);
-  SHA_MIX( 8,  5,  0, 10); SHA_RND2(A,B,C,D,E, 8);
-  SHA_MIX( 9,  6,  1, 11); SHA_RND2(E,A,B,C,D, 9);
-  SHA_MIX(10,  7,  2, 12); SHA_RND2(D,E,A,B,C,10);
-  SHA_MIX(11,  8,  3, 13); SHA_RND2(C,D,E,A,B,11);
-  SHA_MIX(12,  9,  4, 14); SHA_RND2(B,C,D,E,A,12);
-  SHA_MIX(13, 10,  5, 15); SHA_RND2(A,B,C,D,E,13);
-  SHA_MIX(14, 11,  6,  0); SHA_RND2(E,A,B,C,D,14);
-  SHA_MIX(15, 12,  7,  1); SHA_RND2(D,E,A,B,C,15);
-  SHA_MIX( 0, 13,  8,  2); SHA_RND2(C,D,E,A,B, 0);
-  SHA_MIX( 1, 14,  9,  3); SHA_RND2(B,C,D,E,A, 1);
-  SHA_MIX( 2, 15, 10,  4); SHA_RND2(A,B,C,D,E, 2);
-  SHA_MIX( 3,  0, 11,  5); SHA_RND2(E,A,B,C,D, 3);
-  SHA_MIX( 4,  1, 12,  6); SHA_RND2(D,E,A,B,C, 4);
-  SHA_MIX( 5,  2, 13,  7); SHA_RND2(C,D,E,A,B, 5);
-  SHA_MIX( 6,  3, 14,  8); SHA_RND2(B,C,D,E,A, 6);
-  SHA_MIX( 7,  4, 15,  9); SHA_RND2(A,B,C,D,E, 7);
-  SHA_MIX( 8,  5,  0, 10); SHA_RND3(E,A,B,C,D, 8);
-  SHA_MIX( 9,  6,  1, 11); SHA_RND3(D,E,A,B,C, 9);
-  SHA_MIX(10,  7,  2, 12); SHA_RND3(C,D,E,A,B,10);
-  SHA_MIX(11,  8,  3, 13); SHA_RND3(B,C,D,E,A,11);
-  SHA_MIX(12,  9,  4, 14); SHA_RND3(A,B,C,D,E,12);
-  SHA_MIX(13, 10,  5, 15); SHA_RND3(E,A,B,C,D,13);
-  SHA_MIX(14, 11,  6,  0); SHA_RND3(D,E,A,B,C,14);
-  SHA_MIX(15, 12,  7,  1); SHA_RND3(C,D,E,A,B,15);
-  SHA_MIX( 0, 13,  8,  2); SHA_RND3(B,C,D,E,A, 0);
-  SHA_MIX( 1, 14,  9,  3); SHA_RND3(A,B,C,D,E, 1);
-  SHA_MIX( 2, 15, 10,  4); SHA_RND3(E,A,B,C,D, 2);
-  SHA_MIX( 3,  0, 11,  5); SHA_RND3(D,E,A,B,C, 3);
-  SHA_MIX( 4,  1, 12,  6); SHA_RND3(C,D,E,A,B, 4);
-  SHA_MIX( 5,  2, 13,  7); SHA_RND3(B,C,D,E,A, 5);
-  SHA_MIX( 6,  3, 14,  8); SHA_RND3(A,B,C,D,E, 6);
-  SHA_MIX( 7,  4, 15,  9); SHA_RND3(E,A,B,C,D, 7);
-  SHA_MIX( 8,  5,  0, 10); SHA_RND3(D,E,A,B,C, 8);
-  SHA_MIX( 9,  6,  1, 11); SHA_RND3(C,D,E,A,B, 9);
-  SHA_MIX(10,  7,  2, 12); SHA_RND3(B,C,D,E,A,10);
-  SHA_MIX(11,  8,  3, 13); SHA_RND3(A,B,C,D,E,11);
-  SHA_MIX(12,  9,  4, 14); SHA_RND4(E,A,B,C,D,12);
-  SHA_MIX(13, 10,  5, 15); SHA_RND4(D,E,A,B,C,13);
-  SHA_MIX(14, 11,  6,  0); SHA_RND4(C,D,E,A,B,14);
-  SHA_MIX(15, 12,  7,  1); SHA_RND4(B,C,D,E,A,15);
-  SHA_MIX( 0, 13,  8,  2); SHA_RND4(A,B,C,D,E, 0);
-  SHA_MIX( 1, 14,  9,  3); SHA_RND4(E,A,B,C,D, 1);
-  SHA_MIX( 2, 15, 10,  4); SHA_RND4(D,E,A,B,C, 2);
-  SHA_MIX( 3,  0, 11,  5); SHA_RND4(C,D,E,A,B, 3);
-  SHA_MIX( 4,  1, 12,  6); SHA_RND4(B,C,D,E,A, 4);
-  SHA_MIX( 5,  2, 13,  7); SHA_RND4(A,B,C,D,E, 5);
-  SHA_MIX( 6,  3, 14,  8); SHA_RND4(E,A,B,C,D, 6);
-  SHA_MIX( 7,  4, 15,  9); SHA_RND4(D,E,A,B,C, 7);
-  SHA_MIX( 8,  5,  0, 10); SHA_RND4(C,D,E,A,B, 8);
-  SHA_MIX( 9,  6,  1, 11); SHA_RND4(B,C,D,E,A, 9);
-  SHA_MIX(10,  7,  2, 12); SHA_RND4(A,B,C,D,E,10);
-  SHA_MIX(11,  8,  3, 13); SHA_RND4(E,A,B,C,D,11);
-  SHA_MIX(12,  9,  4, 14); SHA_RND4(D,E,A,B,C,12);
-  SHA_MIX(13, 10,  5, 15); SHA_RND4(C,D,E,A,B,13);
-  SHA_MIX(14, 11,  6,  0); SHA_RND4(B,C,D,E,A,14);
-  SHA_MIX(15, 12,  7,  1); SHA_RND4(A,B,C,D,E,15);
-  XH(0) += A;
-  XH(1) += B;
-  XH(2) += C;
-  XH(3) += D;
-  XH(4) += E;
-** Code below this line added to make SHA code support BLAPI interface
-SHA1Context *
-    SHA1Context *cx;
-    /* no need to ZNew, SHA1_Begin will init the context */
-    cx = PORT_New(SHA1Context);
-    return cx;
-/* Zero and free the context */
-SHA1_DestroyContext(SHA1Context *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    memset(cx, 0, sizeof *cx);
-    if (freeit) {
-        PORT_Free(cx);
-    }
-SHA1_HashBuf(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, PRUint32 src_length)
-    SHA1Context ctx;
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    SHA1_Begin(&ctx);
-    SHA1_Update(&ctx, src, src_length);
-    SHA1_End(&ctx, dest, &outLen, SHA1_LENGTH);
-    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof ctx);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Hash a null-terminated character string. */
-SHA1_Hash(unsigned char *dest, const char *src)
-    return SHA1_HashBuf(dest, (const unsigned char *)src, PORT_Strlen (src));
- * need to support save/restore state in pkcs11. Stores all the info necessary
- * for a structure into just a stream of bytes.
- */
-unsigned int
-SHA1_FlattenSize(SHA1Context *cx)
-    return sizeof(SHA1Context);
-SHA1_Flatten(SHA1Context *cx,unsigned char *space)
-    PORT_Memcpy(space,cx, sizeof(SHA1Context));
-    return SECSuccess;
-SHA1Context *
-SHA1_Resurrect(unsigned char *space,void *arg)
-    SHA1Context *cx = SHA1_NewContext();
-    if (cx == NULL) return NULL;
-    PORT_Memcpy(cx,space, sizeof(SHA1Context));
-    return cx;
-void SHA1_Clone(SHA1Context *dest, SHA1Context *src) 
-    memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
-SHA1_TraceState(SHA1Context *ctx)
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.h b/nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 256e190..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/sha_fast.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SHA_FAST_H_
-#define _SHA_FAST_H_
-#include "prlong.h"
-#define SHA1_INPUT_LEN 64
-#if defined(IS_64) && !defined(__sparc) 
-typedef PRUint64 SHA_HW_t;
-#define SHA1_USING_64_BIT 1
-typedef PRUint32 SHA_HW_t;
-struct SHA1ContextStr {
-  union {
-    PRUint32 w[16];		/* input buffer */
-    PRUint8  b[64];
-  } u;
-  PRUint64 size;          	/* count of hashed bytes. */
-  SHA_HW_t H[22];		/* 5 state variables, 16 tmp values, 1 extra */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) 
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1300)
-#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_ulong)
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) _byteswap_ulong(x)
-#elif defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
-#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
-#define FORCEINLINE __inline
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#endif /* !defined FORCEINLINE */
-#define FASTCALL __fastcall
-swap4b(PRUint32 dwd) 
-    __asm {
-    	mov   eax,dwd
-	bswap eax
-    }
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#endif /* NSS_X86_OR_X64 */
-#endif /* IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-#pragma intrinsic (_lrotr, _lrotl) 
-#define SHA_ROTL(x,n) _lrotl(x,n)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) 
-/* __x86_64__  and __x86_64 are defined by GCC on x86_64 CPUs */
-#if defined( SHA1_USING_64_BIT )
-static __inline__ PRUint64 SHA_ROTL(PRUint64 x, PRUint32 n)
-    PRUint32 t = (PRUint32)x;
-    return ((t << n) | (t >> (32 - n)));
-static __inline__ PRUint32 SHA_ROTL(PRUint32 t, PRUint32 n)
-    return ((t << n) | (t >> (32 - n)));
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-static __inline__ PRUint32 swap4b(PRUint32 value)
-    __asm__("bswap %0" : "+r" (value));
-    return (value);
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#elif defined(__thumb2__) || \
-      (!defined(__thumb__) && \
-       (defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_7__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) || \
-        defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__)))
-static __inline__ PRUint32 swap4b(PRUint32 value)
-    PRUint32 ret;
-    __asm__("rev %0, %1" : "=r" (ret) : "r"(value));
-    return ret;
-#define SHA_HTONL(x) swap4b(x)
-#endif /* x86 family */
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#if !defined(SHA_ROTL_IS_DEFINED)
-#define SHA_ROTL(X,n) (tmp = (X), ((tmp) << (n)) | ((tmp) >> (32-(n))))
-#if defined(NSS_X86_OR_X64)
-#if !defined(SHA_HTONL)
-#define SHA_MASK      0x00FF00FF
-#if defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#define SHA_HTONL(x)  (tmp = (x), tmp = (tmp << 16) | (tmp >> 16), \
-                       ((tmp & SHA_MASK) << 8) | ((tmp >> 8) & SHA_MASK))
-#define SHA_HTONL(x)  (x)
-#define SHA_BYTESWAP(x) x = SHA_HTONL(x)
-#define SHA_STORE(n) ((PRUint32*)hashout)[n] = SHA_HTONL(ctx->H[n])
-  SHA_STORE(0); \
-  SHA_STORE(1); \
-  SHA_STORE(2); \
-  SHA_STORE(3); \
-  SHA_STORE(4);
-#elif defined(IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) || defined( SHA1_USING_64_BIT )
-  if (!((ptrdiff_t)hashout % sizeof(PRUint32))) { \
-    SHA_STORE(0); \
-    SHA_STORE(1); \
-    SHA_STORE(2); \
-    SHA_STORE(3); \
-    SHA_STORE(4); \
-  } else { \
-    PRUint32 tmpbuf[5]; \
-    tmpbuf[0] = SHA_HTONL(ctx->H[0]); \
-    tmpbuf[1] = SHA_HTONL(ctx->H[1]); \
-    tmpbuf[2] = SHA_HTONL(ctx->H[2]); \
-    tmpbuf[3] = SHA_HTONL(ctx->H[3]); \
-    tmpbuf[4] = SHA_HTONL(ctx->H[4]); \
-    memcpy(hashout, tmpbuf, SHA1_LENGTH); \
-  }
-  if (!((ptrdiff_t)hashout % sizeof(PRUint32))) { \
-    SHA_STORE(0); \
-    SHA_STORE(1); \
-    SHA_STORE(2); \
-    SHA_STORE(3); \
-    SHA_STORE(4); \
-  } else { \
-    memcpy(hashout, ctx->H, SHA1_LENGTH); \
-  }
-#endif /* _SHA_FAST_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/shsign.h b/nss/lib/freebl/shsign.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a3d2f1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/shsign.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SHSIGN_H_
-#define _SHSIGN_H_
-#define SGN_SUFFIX ".chk"
-#define  NSS_SIGN_CHK_MAGIC1 0xf1
-#define  NSS_SIGN_CHK_MAGIC2 0xc5
-#endif /* _SHSIGN_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c b/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 33714b8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "shsign.h"
-#include "prlink.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "pqg.h"
- * Most modern version of Linux support a speed optimization scheme where an
- * application called prelink modifies programs and shared libraries to quickly
- * load if they fit into an already designed address space. In short, prelink
- * scans the list of programs and libraries on your system, assigns them a
- * predefined space in the the address space, then provides the fixups to the
- * library.
- * The modification of the shared library is correctly detected by the freebl
- * FIPS checksum scheme where we check a signed hash of the library against the
- * library itself.
- * 
- * The prelink command itself can reverse the process of modification and
- * output the prestine shared library as it was before prelink made it's
- * changes. If FREEBL_USE_PRELINK is set Freebl uses prelink to output the
- * original copy of the shared library before prelink modified it.
- */
-#define FREEBL_PRELINK_COMMAND "/usr/sbin/prelink -u -o -"
-#include "private/pprio.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
- * This function returns an NSPR PRFileDesc * which the caller can read to
- * obtain the prestine value of the shared library, before any OS related
- * changes to it (usually address fixups). 
- *
- * If prelink is installed, this
- * file descriptor is a pipe connecting the output of 
- *            /usr/sbin/prelink -u -o - {Library}
- * and *pid returns the process id of the prelink child.
- *
- * If prelink is not installed, it returns a normal readonly handle to the
- * library itself and *pid is set to '0'.
- */
-PRFileDesc *
-bl_OpenUnPrelink(const char *shName, int *pid)
-    char *command= strdup(FREEBL_PRELINK_COMMAND);
-    char *argString = NULL;
-    char  **argv = NULL;
-    char *shNameArg = NULL;
-    char *cp;
-    pid_t child;
-    int argc = 0, argNext = 0;
-    struct stat statBuf;
-    int pipefd[2] = {-1,-1};
-    int ret;
-    *pid = 0;
-    /* make sure the prelink command exists first. If not, fall back to
-     * just reading the file */
-    for (cp = command; *cp ; cp++) {
-	if (*cp == ' ') {
-	    *cp++ = 0;
-	    argString = cp;
-	    break;
-        }
-    }
-    memset (&statBuf, 0, sizeof(statBuf));
-    /* stat the file, follow the link */
-    ret = stat(command, &statBuf);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-	free(command);
-	return PR_Open(shName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
-    }
-    /* file exits, make sure it's an executable */
-    if (!S_ISREG(statBuf.st_mode) || 
-			((statBuf.st_mode & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)) == 0)) {
-	free(command);
-	return PR_Open(shName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
-    }
-    /* OK, the prelink command exists and looks correct, use it */
-    /* build the arglist while we can still malloc */
-    /* count the args if any */
-    if (argString && *argString) {
-	/* argString may have leading spaces, strip them off*/
-	for (cp = argString; *cp && *cp == ' '; cp++);
-	argString = cp;
-	if (*cp) {
-	    /* there is at least one arg.. */
-	    argc = 1;
-	}
-        /* count the rest: Note there is no provision for escaped
-         * spaces here */
-	for (cp = argString; *cp ; cp++) {
-	    if (*cp == ' ') {
-		while (*cp && *cp == ' ') cp++;
-		if (*cp) argc++;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* add the additional args: argv[0] (command), shName, NULL*/
-    argc += 3;
-    argv = PORT_NewArray(char *, argc);
-    if (argv == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* fill in the arglist */
-    argv[argNext++] = command;
-    if (argString && *argString) {
-	argv[argNext++] = argString;
-	for (cp = argString; *cp; cp++) {
-	    if (*cp == ' ') {
-		*cp++ = 0;
-		while (*cp && *cp == ' ') cp++;
-		if (*cp) argv[argNext++] = cp;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* exec doesn't advertise taking const char **argv, do the paranoid
-     * copy */
-    shNameArg = strdup(shName);
-    if (shNameArg == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    argv[argNext++] = shNameArg;
-    argv[argNext++] = 0;
-    ret = pipe(pipefd);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* use vfork() so we don't trigger the pthread_at_fork() handlers */
-    child = vfork();
-    if (child < 0) goto loser;
-    if (child == 0) {
-	/* set up the file descriptors */
-	/* if we need to support BSD, this will need to be an open of 
-	 * /dev/null and dup2(nullFD, 0)*/
-	close(0);
-	/* associate pipefd[1] with stdout */
-	if (pipefd[1] != 1) dup2(pipefd[1], 1);
-	close(2);
-	close(pipefd[0]);
-	/* should probably close the other file descriptors? */
-	execv(command, argv);
-	/* avoid at_exit() handlers */
-	_exit(1); /* shouldn't reach here except on an error */
-    }
-    close(pipefd[1]);
-    pipefd[1] = -1;
-    /* this is safe because either vfork() as full fork() semantics, and thus
-     * already has it's own address space, or because vfork() has paused
-     * the parent util the exec or exit */
-    free(command);
-    free(shNameArg);
-    PORT_Free(argv);
-    *pid = child;
-    return PR_ImportPipe(pipefd[0]);
-    if (pipefd[0] != -1) {
-	close(pipefd[0]);
-    }
-    if (pipefd[1] != -1) {
-	close(pipefd[1]);
-    }
-    free(command);
-    free(shNameArg);
-    PORT_Free(argv);
-    return NULL;
- * bl_CloseUnPrelink -
- *
- * This closes the file descripter and reaps and children openned and crated by
- * b;_OpenUnprelink. It's primary difference between it and just close is
- * that it calls wait on the pid if one is supplied, preventing zombie children
- * from hanging around.
- */
-bl_CloseUnPrelink( PRFileDesc *file, int pid)
-    /* close the file descriptor */
-    PR_Close(file);
-    /* reap the child */
-    if (pid) {
-	waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
-    }
-/* #define DEBUG_SHVERIFY 1 */
-static char *
-mkCheckFileName(const char *libName)
-    int ln_len = PORT_Strlen(libName);
-    char *output = PORT_Alloc(ln_len+sizeof(SGN_SUFFIX));
-    int index = ln_len + 1 - sizeof("."SHLIB_SUFFIX);
-    if ((index > 0) &&
-        (PORT_Strncmp(&libName[index],
-                        "."SHLIB_SUFFIX,sizeof("."SHLIB_SUFFIX)) == 0)) {
-        ln_len = index;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(output,libName,ln_len);
-    PORT_Memcpy(&output[ln_len],SGN_SUFFIX,sizeof(SGN_SUFFIX));
-    return output;
-static int
-decodeInt(unsigned char *buf)
-    return (buf[3]) | (buf[2] << 8) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[0] << 24);
-static SECStatus
-readItem(PRFileDesc *fd, SECItem *item)
-    unsigned char buf[4];
-    int bytesRead;
-    bytesRead = PR_Read(fd, buf, 4);
-    if (bytesRead != 4) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    item->len = decodeInt(buf);
-    item->data = PORT_Alloc(item->len);
-    if (item->data == NULL) {
-	item->len = 0;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    bytesRead = PR_Read(fd, item->data, item->len);
-    if (bytesRead != item->len) {
-	PORT_Free(item->data);
-	item->data = NULL;
-	item->len = 0;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Define PSEUDO_FIPS if you can't do FIPS software integrity test (e.g.,
- * if you're using NSS as static libraries), but want to conform to the
- * rest of the FIPS requirements.
- */
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-#define PSEUDO_FIPS
-BLAPI_SHVerify(const char *name, PRFuncPtr addr)
-    return PR_TRUE;  /* a lie, hence *pseudo* FIPS */
-    PRBool result = PR_FALSE; /* if anything goes wrong,
-			       * the signature does not verify */
-    /* find our shared library name */
-    char *shName = PR_GetLibraryFilePathname(name, addr);
-    if (!shName) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    result = BLAPI_SHVerifyFile(shName);
-    if (shName != NULL) {
-	PR_Free(shName);
-    }
-    return result;
-#endif  /* PSEUDO_FIPS */
-BLAPI_SHVerifyFile(const char *shName)
-    return PR_TRUE;  /* a lie, hence *pseudo* FIPS */
-    char *checkName = NULL;
-    PRFileDesc *checkFD = NULL;
-    PRFileDesc *shFD = NULL;
-    void  *hashcx = NULL;
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj = NULL;
-    SECItem signature = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    SECItem hash;
-    int bytesRead, offset;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    DSAPublicKey key;
-    int count;
-    int pid = 0;
-    PRBool result = PR_FALSE; /* if anything goes wrong,
-			       * the signature does not verify */
-    unsigned char buf[4096];
-    unsigned char hashBuf[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    PORT_Memset(&key,0,sizeof(key));
- = hashBuf;
-    hash.len = sizeof(hashBuf);
-    if (!shName) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* figure out the name of our check file */
-    checkName = mkCheckFileName(shName);
-    if (!checkName) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* open the check File */
-    checkFD = PR_Open(checkName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
-    if (checkFD == NULL) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open the check file %s: (%d, %d)\n",
-                checkName, (int)PR_GetError(), (int)PR_GetOSError());
-#endif /* DEBUG_SHVERIFY */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* read and Verify the headerthe header */
-    bytesRead = PR_Read(checkFD, buf, 12);
-    if (bytesRead != 12) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((buf[0] != NSS_SIGN_CHK_MAGIC1) || (buf[1] != NSS_SIGN_CHK_MAGIC2)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((buf[2] != NSS_SIGN_CHK_MAJOR_VERSION) || 
-				(buf[3] < NSS_SIGN_CHK_MINOR_VERSION)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-#ifdef notdef
-    if (decodeInt(&buf[8]) != CKK_DSA) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* seek past any future header extensions */
-    offset = decodeInt(&buf[4]);
-    PR_Seek(checkFD, offset, PR_SEEK_SET);
-    /* read the key */
-    rv = readItem(checkFD,&;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = readItem(checkFD,&key.params.subPrime);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = readItem(checkFD,&key.params.base);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = readItem(checkFD,&key.publicValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* read the siganture */
-    rv = readItem(checkFD,&signature);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* done with the check file */
-    PR_Close(checkFD);
-    checkFD = NULL;
-    hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(PQG_GetHashType(&key.params));
-    if (hashObj == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* open our library file */
-    shFD = bl_OpenUnPrelink(shName,&pid);
-    shFD = PR_Open(shName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
-    if (shFD == NULL) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open the library file %s: (%d, %d)\n",
-                shName, (int)PR_GetError(), (int)PR_GetOSError());
-#endif /* DEBUG_SHVERIFY */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* hash our library file with SHA1 */
-    hashcx = hashObj->create();
-    if (hashcx == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    hashObj->begin(hashcx);
-    count = 0;
-    while ((bytesRead = PR_Read(shFD, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
-	hashObj->update(hashcx, buf, bytesRead);
-	count += bytesRead;
-    }
-    bl_CloseUnPrelink(shFD, pid);
-    PR_Close(shFD);
-    shFD = NULL;
-    hashObj->end(hashcx,, &hash.len, hash.len);
-    /* verify the hash against the check file */
-    if (DSA_VerifyDigest(&key, &signature, &hash) == SECSuccess) {
-	result = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-  {
-        int i,j;
-        fprintf(stderr,"File %s: %d bytes\n",shName, count);
-        fprintf(stderr,"  hash: %d bytes\n", hash.len);
-#define STEP 10
-        for (i=0; i < hash.len; i += STEP) {
-           fprintf(stderr,"   ");
-           for (j=0; j < STEP && (i+j) < hash.len; j++) {
-                fprintf(stderr," %02x",[i+j]);
-           }
-           fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-        }
-        fprintf(stderr,"  signature: %d bytes\n", signature.len);
-        for (i=0; i < signature.len; i += STEP) {
-           fprintf(stderr,"   ");
-           for (j=0; j < STEP && (i+j) < signature.len; j++) {
-                fprintf(stderr," %02x",[i+j]);
-           }
-           fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-        }
-	fprintf(stderr,"Verified : %s\n",result?"TRUE": "FALSE");
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG_SHVERIFY */
-    if (checkName != NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(checkName);
-    }
-    if (checkFD != NULL) {
-	PR_Close(checkFD);
-    }
-    if (shFD != NULL) {
-	PR_Close(shFD);
-    }
-    if (hashcx != NULL) {
-	if (hashObj) {
-	    hashObj->destroy(hashcx,PR_TRUE);
-	}
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return result;
-#endif  /* PSEUDO_FIPS */
-BLAPI_VerifySelf(const char *name)
-    if (name == NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * If name is NULL, freebl is statically linked into softoken.
-	 * softoken will call BLAPI_SHVerify next to verify itself.
-	 */
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return BLAPI_SHVerify(name, (PRFuncPtr) decodeInt);
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/sysrand.c b/nss/lib/freebl/sysrand.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e6dd56a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/sysrand.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#ifndef XP_WIN
-static size_t rng_systemFromNoise(unsigned char *dest, size_t maxLen);
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-#include "unix_rand.c"
-#ifdef XP_WIN
-#include "win_rand.c"
-#ifdef XP_OS2
-#include "os2_rand.c"
-#ifndef XP_WIN
- * Normal RNG_SystemRNG() isn't available, use the system noise to collect
- * the required amount of entropy.
- */
-static size_t 
-rng_systemFromNoise(unsigned char *dest, size_t maxLen) 
-   size_t retBytes = maxLen;
-   while (maxLen) {
-	size_t nbytes = RNG_GetNoise(dest, maxLen);
-	PORT_Assert(nbytes != 0);
-	dest += nbytes;
-	maxLen -= nbytes;
-	/* some hw op to try to introduce more entropy into the next
-	 * RNG_GetNoise call */
-	rng_systemJitter();
-   }
-   return retBytes;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/tlsprfalg.c b/nss/lib/freebl/tlsprfalg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f2db803..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/tlsprfalg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* tlsprfalg.c - TLS Pseudo Random Function (PRF) implementation
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "stubs.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "alghmac.h"
-/* TLS P_hash function */
-TLS_P_hash(HASH_HashType hashType, const SECItem *secret, const char *label, 
-	SECItem *seed, SECItem *result, PRBool isFIPS)
-    unsigned char state[PHASH_STATE_MAX_LEN];
-    unsigned char outbuf[PHASH_STATE_MAX_LEN];
-    unsigned int state_len = 0, label_len = 0, outbuf_len = 0, chunk_size;
-    unsigned int remaining;
-    unsigned char *res;
-    SECStatus status;
-    HMACContext *cx;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashType);
-    PORT_Assert((secret != NULL) && (secret->data != NULL || !secret->len));
-    PORT_Assert((seed != NULL) && (seed->data != NULL));
-    PORT_Assert((result != NULL) && (result->data != NULL));
-    remaining = result->len;
-    res = result->data;
-    if (label != NULL)
-	label_len = PORT_Strlen(label);
-    cx = HMAC_Create(hashObj, secret->data, secret->len, isFIPS);
-    if (cx == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    /* initialize the state = A(1) = HMAC_hash(secret, seed) */
-    HMAC_Begin(cx);
-    HMAC_Update(cx, (unsigned char *)label, label_len);
-    HMAC_Update(cx, seed->data, seed->len);
-    status = HMAC_Finish(cx, state, &state_len, sizeof(state));
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    /* generate a block at a time until we're done */
-    while (remaining > 0) {
-	HMAC_Begin(cx);
-	HMAC_Update(cx, state, state_len);
-	if (label_len)
-	    HMAC_Update(cx, (unsigned char *)label, label_len);
-	HMAC_Update(cx, seed->data, seed->len);
-	status = HMAC_Finish(cx, outbuf, &outbuf_len, sizeof(outbuf));
-	if (status != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-        /* Update the state = A(i) = HMAC_hash(secret, A(i-1)) */
-	HMAC_Begin(cx); 
-	HMAC_Update(cx, state, state_len); 
-	status = HMAC_Finish(cx, state, &state_len, sizeof(state));
-	if (status != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-	chunk_size = PR_MIN(outbuf_len, remaining);
-	PORT_Memcpy(res, &outbuf, chunk_size);
-	res += chunk_size;
-	remaining -= chunk_size;
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* clear out state so it's not left on the stack */
-    if (cx) 
-    	HMAC_Destroy(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    PORT_Memset(state, 0, sizeof(state));
-    PORT_Memset(outbuf, 0, sizeof(outbuf));
-    return rv;
-TLS_PRF(const SECItem *secret, const char *label, SECItem *seed, 
-         SECItem *result, PRBool isFIPS)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure, status;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SECItem tmp = { siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    SECItem S1;
-    SECItem S2;
-    PORT_Assert((secret != NULL) && (secret->data != NULL || !secret->len));
-    PORT_Assert((seed != NULL) && (seed->data != NULL));
-    PORT_Assert((result != NULL) && (result->data != NULL));
-    S1.type = siBuffer;
-    S1.len  = (secret->len / 2) + (secret->len & 1);
- = secret->data;
-    S2.type = siBuffer;
-    S2.len  = S1.len;
- = secret->data + (secret->len - S2.len);
- = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(result->len);
-    if ( == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    tmp.len = result->len;
-    status = TLS_P_hash(HASH_AlgMD5, &S1, label, seed, result, isFIPS);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    status = TLS_P_hash(HASH_AlgSHA1, &S2, label, seed, &tmp, isFIPS);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    for (i = 0; i < result->len; i++)
-	result->data[i] ^=[i];
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if ( != NULL)
-	PORT_ZFree(, tmp.len);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c b/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d8f58..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1193 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "secrng.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-size_t RNG_FileUpdate(const char *fileName, size_t limit);
- * When copying data to the buffer we want the least signicant bytes
- * from the input since those bits are changing the fastest. The address
- * of least significant byte depends upon whether we are running on
- * a big-endian or little-endian machine.
- *
- * Does this mean the least signicant bytes are the most significant
- * to us? :-)
- */
-static size_t CopyLowBits(void *dst, size_t dstlen, void *src, size_t srclen)
-    union endianness {
-	PRInt32 i;
-	char c[4];
-    } u;
-    if (srclen <= dstlen) {
-	memcpy(dst, src, srclen);
-	return srclen;
-    }
-    u.i = 0x01020304;
-    if (u.c[0] == 0x01) {
-	/* big-endian case */
-	memcpy(dst, (char*)src + (srclen - dstlen), dstlen);
-    } else {
-	/* little-endian case */
-	memcpy(dst, src, dstlen);
-    }
-    return dstlen;
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-#include <kstat.h>
-static const PRUint32 entropy_buf_len = 4096; /* buffer up to 4 KB */
-/* Buffer entropy data, and feed it to the RNG, entropy_buf_len bytes at a time.
- * Returns error if RNG_RandomUpdate fails. Also increments *total_fed
- * by the number of bytes successfully buffered.
- */
-static SECStatus BufferEntropy(char* inbuf, PRUint32 inlen,
-                                char* entropy_buf, PRUint32* entropy_buffered,
-                                PRUint32* total_fed)
-    PRUint32 tocopy = 0;
-    PRUint32 avail = 0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    while (inlen) {
-        avail = entropy_buf_len - *entropy_buffered;
-        if (!avail) {
-            /* Buffer is full, time to feed it to the RNG. */
-            rv = RNG_RandomUpdate(entropy_buf, entropy_buf_len);
-            if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                break;
-            }
-            *entropy_buffered = 0;
-            avail = entropy_buf_len;
-        }
-        tocopy = PR_MIN(avail, inlen);
-        memcpy(entropy_buf + *entropy_buffered, inbuf, tocopy);
-        *entropy_buffered += tocopy;
-        inlen -= tocopy;
-        inbuf += tocopy;
-        *total_fed += tocopy;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Feed kernel statistics structures and ks_data field to the RNG.
- * Returns status as well as the number of bytes successfully fed to the RNG.
- */
-static SECStatus RNG_kstat(PRUint32* fed)
-    kstat_ctl_t*    kc = NULL;
-    kstat_t*        ksp = NULL;
-    PRUint32        entropy_buffered = 0;
-    char*           entropy_buf = NULL;
-    SECStatus       rv = SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Assert(fed);
-    if (!fed) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *fed = 0;
-    kc = kstat_open();
-    PORT_Assert(kc);
-    if (!kc) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    entropy_buf = (char*) PORT_Alloc(entropy_buf_len);
-    PORT_Assert(entropy_buf);
-    if (entropy_buf) {
-        for (ksp = kc->kc_chain; ksp != NULL; ksp = ksp->ks_next) {
-            if (-1 == kstat_read(kc, ksp, NULL)) {
-                /* missing data from a single kstat shouldn't be fatal */
-                continue;
-            }
-            rv = BufferEntropy((char*)ksp, sizeof(kstat_t),
-                                    entropy_buf, &entropy_buffered,
-                                    fed);
-            if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (ksp->ks_data && ksp->ks_data_size>0 && ksp->ks_ndata>0) {
-                rv = BufferEntropy((char*)ksp->ks_data, ksp->ks_data_size,
-                                        entropy_buf, &entropy_buffered,
-                                        fed);
-                if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (SECSuccess == rv && entropy_buffered) {
-            /* Buffer is not empty, time to feed it to the RNG */
-            rv = RNG_RandomUpdate(entropy_buf, entropy_buffered);
-        }
-        PORT_Free(entropy_buf);
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (kstat_close(kc)) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-#if defined(SCO) || defined(UNIXWARE) || defined(BSDI) || defined(FREEBSD) \
-    || defined(NETBSD) || defined(DARWIN) || defined(OPENBSD) \
-    || defined(NTO) || defined(__riscos__)
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    int ticks;
-    struct tms buffer;
-    ticks=times(&buffer);
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &ticks, sizeof(ticks));
-static void
-    long si;
-    /* 
-     * Is this really necessary?  Why not use rand48 or something?
-     */
-    si = sysconf(_SC_CHILD_MAX);
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-    si = sysconf(_SC_STREAM_MAX);
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-    si = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-#if defined(__sun)
-#if defined(__svr4) || defined(SVR4)
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-static void
-    int rv;
-    char buf[2000];
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    hrtime_t t;
-    t = gethrtime();
-    if (t) {
-	return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &t, sizeof(t));
-    }
-    return 0;
-#else /* SunOS (Sun, but not SVR4) */
-extern long sysconf(int name);
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-static void
-    long si;
-    /* This is not very good */
-    si = sysconf(_SC_CHILD_MAX);
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-#endif /* Sun */
-#if defined(__hpux)
-#include <sys/unistd.h>
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-#if defined(__ia64)
-#include <ia64/sys/inline.h>
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    PRUint64 t;
-    t = _Asm_mov_from_ar(_AREG44);
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &t, sizeof(t));
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    extern int ret_cr16();
-    int cr16val;
-    cr16val = ret_cr16();
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &cr16val, sizeof(cr16val));
-static void
-    long si;
-    /* This is not very good */
-    si = sysconf(_AES_OS_VERSION);
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-    si = sysconf(_SC_CPU_VERSION);
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-#endif /* HPUX */
-#if defined(OSF1)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#include <c_asm.h>
-static void
-    char buf[BUFSIZ];
-    int rv;
-    int off = 0;
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
- * Use the "get the cycle counter" instruction on the alpha.
- * The low 32 bits completely turn over in less than a minute.
- * The high 32 bits are some non-counter gunk that changes sometimes.
- */
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    unsigned long t;
-    t = asm("rpcc %v0");
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &t, sizeof(t));
-#endif /* Alpha */
-#if defined(_IBMR2)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-static void
-    /* XXX haven't found any yet! */
-#endif /* IBM R2 */
-#if defined(LINUX)
-#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-static void
-#ifndef NO_SYSINFO
-    struct sysinfo si;
-    if (sysinfo(&si) == 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(&si, sizeof(si));
-    }
-#endif /* LINUX */
-#if defined(NCR)
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-static void
-    int rv;
-    char buf[2000];
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-#endif /* NCR */
-#if defined(sgi)
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#undef PRIVATE
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/syssgi.h>
-#include <sys/immu.h>
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#include <wait.h>
-static void
-    int rv;
-    char buf[4096];
-    rv = syssgi(SGI_SYSID, &buf[0]);
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, MAXSYSIDSIZE);
-    }
-#ifdef SGI_RDUBLK
-    rv = syssgi(SGI_RDUBLK, getpid(), &buf[0], sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    }
-#endif /* SGI_RDUBLK */
-    rv = syssgi(SGI_INVENT, SGI_INV_READ, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-static size_t GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbuf)
-    unsigned phys_addr, raddr, cycleval;
-    static volatile unsigned *iotimer_addr = NULL;
-    static int tries = 0;
-    static int cntr_size;
-    int mfd;
-    long s0[2];
-    struct timeval tv;
-#define SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE      165     /* Size user needs to use to read CC */
-    if (iotimer_addr == NULL) {
-	if (tries++ > 1) {
-	    /* Don't keep trying if it didn't work */
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	** For SGI machines we can use the cycle counter, if it has one,
-	** to generate some truly random numbers
-	*/
-	phys_addr = syssgi(SGI_QUERY_CYCLECNTR, &cycleval);
-	if (phys_addr) {
-	    int pgsz = getpagesize();
-	    int pgoffmask = pgsz - 1;
-	    raddr = phys_addr & ~pgoffmask;
-	    mfd = open("/dev/mmem", O_RDONLY);
-	    if (mfd < 0) {
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	    iotimer_addr = (unsigned *)
-		mmap(0, pgoffmask, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, mfd, (int)raddr);
-	    if (iotimer_addr == (void*)-1) {
-		close(mfd);
-		iotimer_addr = NULL;
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	    iotimer_addr = (unsigned*)
-		((__psint_t)iotimer_addr | (phys_addr & pgoffmask));
-	    /*
-	     * The file 'mfd' is purposefully not closed.
-	     */
-	    cntr_size = syssgi(SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE);
-	    if (cntr_size < 0) {
-		struct utsname utsinfo;
-		/* 
-		 * We must be executing on a 6.0 or earlier system, since the
-		 * SGI_CYCLECNTR_SIZE call is not supported.
-		 * 
-		 * The only pre-6.1 platforms with 64-bit counters are
-		 * IP19 and IP21 (Challenge, PowerChallenge, Onyx).
-		 */
-		uname(&utsinfo);
-		if (!strncmp(utsinfo.machine, "IP19", 4) ||
-		    !strncmp(utsinfo.machine, "IP21", 4))
-			cntr_size = 64;
-		else
-			cntr_size = 32;
-	    }
-	    cntr_size /= 8;	/* Convert from bits to bytes */
-	}
-    }
-    s0[0] = *iotimer_addr;
-    if (cntr_size > 4)
-	s0[1] = *(iotimer_addr + 1);
-    memcpy(buf, (char *)&s0[0], cntr_size);
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbuf, &s0, cntr_size);
-#if defined(sony)
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-static void
-    int rv;
-    char buf[2000];
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-#endif /* sony */
-#if defined(sinix)
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-int gettimeofday(struct timeval *, struct timezone *);
-int gethostname(char *, int);
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    int ticks;
-    struct tms buffer;
-    ticks=times(&buffer);
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &ticks, sizeof(ticks));
-static void
-    int rv;
-    char buf[2000];
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-#endif /* sinix */
-#ifdef BEOS
-#include <be/kernel/OS.h>
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    bigtime_t bigtime; /* Actually a int64 */
-    bigtime = real_time_clock_usecs();
-    return CopyLowBits(buf, maxbytes, &bigtime, sizeof(bigtime));
-static void
-    system_info *info = NULL;
-    PRInt32 val;
-    get_system_info(info);
-    if (info) {
-        val = info->boot_time;
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&val, sizeof(val));
-        val = info->used_pages;
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&val, sizeof(val));
-        val = info->used_ports;
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&val, sizeof(val));
-        val = info->used_threads;
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&val, sizeof(val));
-        val = info->used_teams;
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&val, sizeof(val));
-    }
-#endif /* BEOS */
-#if defined(nec_ews)
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
-static size_t
-GetHighResClock(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    return 0;
-static void
-    int rv;
-    char buf[2000];
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_MACHINE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-    rv = sysinfo(SI_HW_SERIAL, buf, sizeof(buf));
-    if (rv > 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, rv);
-    }
-#endif /* nec_ews */
-size_t RNG_GetNoise(void *buf, size_t maxbytes)
-    struct timeval tv;
-    int n = 0;
-    int c;
-    n = GetHighResClock(buf, maxbytes);
-    maxbytes -= n;
-    (void)gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
-    c = CopyLowBits((char*)buf+n, maxbytes, &tv.tv_usec, sizeof(tv.tv_usec));
-    n += c;
-    maxbytes -= c;
-    c = CopyLowBits((char*)buf+n, maxbytes, &tv.tv_sec, sizeof(tv.tv_sec));
-    n += c;
-    return n;
-#define SAFE_POPEN_MAXARGS	10	/* must be at least 2 */
- * safe_popen is static to this module and we know what arguments it is
- * called with. Note that this version only supports a single open child
- * process at any time.
- */
-static pid_t safe_popen_pid;
-static struct sigaction oldact;
-static FILE *
-safe_popen(char *cmd)
-    int p[2], fd, argc;
-    pid_t pid;
-    char *argv[SAFE_POPEN_MAXARGS + 1];
-    FILE *fp;
-    static char blank[] = " \t";
-    static struct sigaction newact;
-    if (pipe(p) < 0)
-	return 0;
-    fp = fdopen(p[0], "r");
-    if (fp == 0) {
-	close(p[0]);
-	close(p[1]);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Setup signals so that SIGCHLD is ignored as we want to do waitpid */
-    newact.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
-    newact.sa_flags = 0;
-    sigfillset(&newact.sa_mask);
-    sigaction (SIGCHLD, &newact, &oldact);
-    pid = fork();
-    switch (pid) {
-      int ndesc;
-      case -1:
-	fclose(fp); /* this closes p[0], the fd associated with fp */
-	close(p[1]);
-	sigaction (SIGCHLD, &oldact, NULL);
-	return 0;
-      case 0:
-	/* dup write-side of pipe to stderr and stdout */
-	if (p[1] != 1) dup2(p[1], 1);
-	if (p[1] != 2) dup2(p[1], 2);
-	/* 
-	 * close the other file descriptors, except stdin which we
-	 * try reassociating with /dev/null, first (bug 174993)
-	 */
-	if (!freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin))
-	    close(0);
-	ndesc = getdtablesize();
-	for (fd = PR_MIN(65536, ndesc); --fd > 2; close(fd));
-	/* clean up environment in the child process */
-	putenv("PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/etc:/usr/etc");
-	putenv("SHELL=/bin/sh");
-	putenv("IFS= \t");
-	/*
-	 * The caller may have passed us a string that is in text
-	 * space. It may be illegal to modify the string
-	 */
-	cmd = strdup(cmd);
-	/* format argv */
-	argv[0] = strtok(cmd, blank);
-	argc = 1;
-	while ((argv[argc] = strtok(0, blank)) != 0) {
-	    if (++argc == SAFE_POPEN_MAXARGS) {
-		argv[argc] = 0;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* and away we go */
-	execvp(argv[0], argv);
-	exit(127);
-	break;
-      default:
-	close(p[1]);
-	break;
-    }
-    /* non-zero means there's a cmd running */
-    safe_popen_pid = pid;
-    return fp;
-static int
-safe_pclose(FILE *fp)
-    pid_t pid;
-    int status = -1, rv;
-    if ((pid = safe_popen_pid) == 0)
-	return -1;
-    safe_popen_pid = 0;
-    fclose(fp);
-    /* yield the processor so the child gets some time to exit normally */
-    /* if the child hasn't exited, kill it -- we're done with its output */
-    while ((rv = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
-	;
-    if (rv == 0) {
-	kill(pid, SIGKILL);
-	while ((rv = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
-	    ;
-    }
-    /* Reset SIGCHLD signal hander before returning */
-    sigaction(SIGCHLD, &oldact, NULL);
-    return status;
-#ifdef DARWIN
-#include <TargetConditionals.h>
-#include <crt_externs.h>
-/* Fork netstat to collect its output by default. Do not unset this unless
- * another source of entropy is available
- */
-#define DO_NETSTAT 1
-void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void)
-    FILE *fp;
-    char buf[BUFSIZ];
-    size_t bytes;
-    const char * const *cp;
-    char *randfile;
-#ifdef DARWIN
-    /* iOS does not expose a way to access environ. */
-    char **environ = NULL;
-    char **environ = *_NSGetEnviron();
-    extern char **environ;
-#ifdef BEOS
-    static const char * const files[] = {
-	"/boot/var/swap",
-	"/boot/var/log/syslog",
-	"/boot/var/tmp",
-	"/boot/home/config/settings",
-	"/boot/home",
-	0
-    };
-    static const char * const files[] = {
-	"/etc/passwd",
-	"/etc/utmp",
-	"/tmp",
-	"/var/tmp",
-	"/usr/tmp",
-	0
-    };
-#if defined(BSDI)
-    static char netstat_ni_cmd[] = "netstat -nis";
-    static char netstat_ni_cmd[] = "netstat -ni";
-    GiveSystemInfo();
-    bytes = RNG_GetNoise(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, bytes);
-    /*
-     * Pass the C environment and the addresses of the pointers to the
-     * hash function. This makes the random number function depend on the
-     * execution environment of the user and on the platform the program
-     * is running on.
-     */
-    if (environ != NULL) {
-        cp = (const char * const *) environ;
-        while (*cp) {
-	    RNG_RandomUpdate(*cp, strlen(*cp));
-	    cp++;
-        }
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(environ, (char*)cp - (char*)environ);
-    }
-    /* Give in system information */
-    if (gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0) {
-	RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, strlen(buf));
-    }
-    GiveSystemInfo();
-    /* grab some data from system's PRNG before any other files. */
-    bytes = RNG_FileUpdate("/dev/urandom", SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT);
-    /* If the user points us to a random file, pass it through the rng */
-    randfile = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSRANDFILE");
-    if ( ( randfile != NULL ) && ( randfile[0] != '\0') ) {
-	char *randCountString = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSRANDCOUNT");
-	int randCount = randCountString ? atoi(randCountString) : 0;
-	if (randCount != 0) {
-	    RNG_FileUpdate(randfile, randCount);
-	} else {
-	    RNG_FileForRNG(randfile);
-	}
-    }
-    /* pass other files through */
-    for (cp = files; *cp; cp++)
-	RNG_FileForRNG(*cp);
- * Bug 100447: On BSD/OS 4.2 and 4.3, we have problem calling safe_popen
- * in a pthreads environment.  Therefore, we call safe_popen last and on
- * BSD/OS we do not call safe_popen when we succeeded in getting data
- * from /dev/urandom.
- *
- * Bug 174993: On platforms providing /dev/urandom, don't fork netstat
- * either, if data has been gathered successfully.
- */
-#if defined(BSDI) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) \
-    || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(DARWIN) || defined(LINUX) \
-    || defined(HPUX)
-    if (bytes == SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT)
-        return;
-    /*
-     * Modified to abort the process if it failed to read from /dev/urandom.
-     *
-     * See for details.
-     */
-    fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS read %zu bytes (expected %d bytes) "
-            "from /dev/urandom. Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
-            bytes, SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT);
-    fflush(stderr);
-    abort();
-#ifdef SOLARIS
- * On Solaris, NSS may be initialized automatically from libldap in
- * applications that are unaware of the use of NSS. safe_popen forks, and
- * sometimes creates issues with some applications' pthread_atfork handlers.
- * We always have /dev/urandom on Solaris 9 and above as an entropy source,
- * and for Solaris 8 we have the libkstat interface, so we don't need to
- * fork netstat.
- */
-#undef DO_NETSTAT
-    if (!bytes) {
-        /* On Solaris 8, /dev/urandom isn't available, so we use libkstat. */
-        PRUint32 kstat_bytes = 0;
-        if (SECSuccess != RNG_kstat(&kstat_bytes)) {
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-        }
-        bytes += kstat_bytes;
-        PORT_Assert(bytes);
-    }
-#ifdef DO_NETSTAT
-    fp = safe_popen(netstat_ni_cmd);
-    if (fp != NULL) {
-	while ((bytes = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)) > 0)
-	    RNG_RandomUpdate(buf, bytes);
-	safe_pclose(fp);
-    }
-#define TOTAL_FILE_LIMIT 1000000	/* one million */
-size_t RNG_FileUpdate(const char *fileName, size_t limit)
-    FILE *        file;
-    int           fd;
-    int           bytes;
-    size_t        fileBytes = 0;
-    struct stat   stat_buf;
-    unsigned char buffer[BUFSIZ];
-    static size_t totalFileBytes = 0;
-    /* suppress valgrind warnings due to holes in struct stat */
-    memset(&stat_buf, 0, sizeof(stat_buf));
-    if (stat((char *)fileName, &stat_buf) < 0)
-	return fileBytes;
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&stat_buf, sizeof(stat_buf));
-    file = fopen(fileName, "r");
-    if (file != NULL) {
-	/* Read from the underlying file descriptor directly to bypass stdio
-	 * buffering and avoid reading more bytes than we need from
-	 * /dev/urandom. NOTE: we can't use fread with unbuffered I/O because
-	 * fread may return EOF in unbuffered I/O mode on Android.
-	 *
-	 * Moreover, we read into a buffer of size BUFSIZ, so buffered I/O
-	 * has no performance advantage. */
-	fd = fileno(file);
-	/* 'file' was just opened, so this should not fail. */
-	PORT_Assert(fd != -1);
-	while (limit > fileBytes) {
-	    bytes = PR_MIN(sizeof buffer, limit - fileBytes);
-	    bytes = read(fd, buffer, bytes);
-	    if (bytes <= 0)
-		break;
-	    RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, bytes);
-	    fileBytes      += bytes;
-	    totalFileBytes += bytes;
-	    /* after TOTAL_FILE_LIMIT has been reached, only read in first
-	    ** buffer of data from each subsequent file.
-	    */
-	    if (totalFileBytes > TOTAL_FILE_LIMIT) 
-		break;
-	}
-	fclose(file);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Pass yet another snapshot of our highest resolution clock into
-     * the hash function.
-     */
-    bytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, bytes);
-    return fileBytes;
-void RNG_FileForRNG(const char *fileName)
-    RNG_FileUpdate(fileName, TOTAL_FILE_LIMIT);
-void ReadSingleFile(const char *fileName)
-    FILE *        file;
-    unsigned char buffer[BUFSIZ];
-    file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
-    if (file != NULL) {
-	while (fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file) > 0)
-	    ;
-	fclose(file);
-    } 
-#include <dirent.h>
-ReadFileOK(char *dir, char *file)
-    struct stat   stat_buf;
-    char filename[PATH_MAX];
-    int count = snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s/%s",dir, file);
-    if (count <= 0) {
-	return PR_FALSE; /* name too long, can't read it anyway */
-    }
-    if (stat(filename, &stat_buf) < 0)
-	return PR_FALSE; /* can't stat, probably can't read it then as well */
-    return S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
- * read one file out of either /etc or the user's home directory.
- * fileToRead tells which file to read.
- *
- * return 1 if it's time to reset the fileToRead (no more files to read).
- */
-int ReadOneFile(int fileToRead)
-    char *dir = "/etc";
-    DIR *fd = opendir(dir);
-    int resetCount = 0;
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-     /* grumble, Solaris does not define struct dirent to be the full length */
-    typedef union {
-	unsigned char space[sizeof(struct dirent) + MAXNAMELEN];
-	struct dirent dir;
-    } dirent_hack;
-    dirent_hack entry, firstEntry;
-#define entry_dir entry.dir
-    struct dirent entry, firstEntry;
-#define entry_dir entry
-    int i, error = -1;
-    if (fd == NULL) {
-	dir = PR_GetEnvSecure("HOME");
-	if (dir) {
-	    fd = opendir(dir);
-	}
-    }
-    if (fd == NULL) {
-	return 1;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i <= fileToRead; i++) {
-	struct dirent *result = NULL;
-	do {
-	    error = readdir_r(fd, &entry_dir, &result);
-	} while (error == 0 && result != NULL  &&
-					!ReadFileOK(dir,&result->d_name[0]));
-	if (error != 0 || result == NULL)  {
-	    resetCount = 1; /* read to the end, start again at the beginning */
-	    if (i != 0) {
-		/* ran out of entries in the directory, use the first one */
-	 	entry = firstEntry;
-	 	error = 0;
-	 	break;
-	    }
-	    /* if i== 0, there were no readable entries in the directory */
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (i==0) {
-	    /* save the first entry in case we run out of entries */
-	    firstEntry = entry;
-	}
-    }
-    if (error == 0) {
-	char filename[PATH_MAX];
-	int count = snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, 
-				"%s/%s",dir, &entry_dir.d_name[0]);
-	if (count >= 1) {
-	    ReadSingleFile(filename);
-	}
-    } 
-    closedir(fd);
-    return resetCount;
- * do something to try to introduce more noise into the 'GetNoise' call
- */
-static void rng_systemJitter(void)
-   static int fileToRead = 1;
-   if (ReadOneFile(fileToRead)) {
-	fileToRead = 1;
-   } else {
-	fileToRead++;
-   }
- * Modified to abort the process if it failed to read from /dev/urandom.
- *
- * See for details.
- */
-size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
-    FILE *file;
-    int fd;
-    int bytes;
-    size_t fileBytes = 0;
-    unsigned char *buffer = dest;
-    file = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
-    if (file == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS failed to read from /dev/urandom. "
-		"Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	fflush(stderr);
-	abort();
-    }
-    /* Read from the underlying file descriptor directly to bypass stdio
-     * buffering and avoid reading more bytes than we need from /dev/urandom.
-     * NOTE: we can't use fread with unbuffered I/O because fread may return
-     * EOF in unbuffered I/O mode on Android.
-     */
-    fd = fileno(file);
-    /* 'file' was just opened, so this should not fail. */
-    PORT_Assert(fd != -1);
-    while (maxLen > fileBytes) {
-	bytes = maxLen - fileBytes;
-	bytes = read(fd, buffer, bytes);
-	if (bytes <= 0)
-	    break;
-	fileBytes += bytes;
-	buffer += bytes;
-    }
-    fclose(file);
-    if (fileBytes != maxLen) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS failed to read from /dev/urandom. "
-		"Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	fflush(stderr);
-	abort();
-    }
-    return fileBytes;
diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/win_rand.c b/nss/lib/freebl/win_rand.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2918d58..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/freebl/win_rand.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secrng.h"
-#ifdef XP_WIN
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <time.h>
-static BOOL
-CurrentClockTickTime(LPDWORD lpdwHigh, LPDWORD lpdwLow)
-    LARGE_INTEGER   liCount;
-    if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&liCount))
-        return FALSE;
-    *lpdwHigh = liCount.u.HighPart;
-    *lpdwLow = liCount.u.LowPart;
-    return TRUE;
-size_t RNG_GetNoise(void *buf, size_t maxbuf)
-    DWORD   dwHigh, dwLow, dwVal;
-    int     n = 0;
-    int     nBytes;
-    time_t  sTime;
-    if (maxbuf <= 0)
-        return 0;
-    CurrentClockTickTime(&dwHigh, &dwLow);
-    // get the maximally changing bits first
-    nBytes = sizeof(dwLow) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(dwLow);
-    memcpy((char *)buf, &dwLow, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    maxbuf -= nBytes;
-    if (maxbuf <= 0)
-        return n;
-    nBytes = sizeof(dwHigh) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(dwHigh);
-    memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &dwHigh, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    maxbuf -= nBytes;
-    if (maxbuf <= 0)
-        return n;
-    // get the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows started
-    dwVal = GetTickCount();
-    nBytes = sizeof(dwVal) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(dwVal);
-    memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &dwVal, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    maxbuf -= nBytes;
-    if (maxbuf <= 0)
-        return n;
-    // get the time in seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970
-    time(&sTime);
-    nBytes = sizeof(sTime) > maxbuf ? maxbuf : sizeof(sTime);
-    memcpy(((char *)buf) + n, &sTime, nBytes);
-    n += nBytes;
-    return n;
-void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void)
-    DWORD           dwVal;
-    char            buffer[256];
-    int             nBytes;
-    MEMORYSTATUS    sMem;
-    HANDLE          hVal;
-    DWORD           dwSerialNum;
-    DWORD           dwComponentLen;
-    DWORD           dwSysFlags;
-    char            volName[128];
-    DWORD           dwSectors, dwBytes, dwFreeClusters, dwNumClusters;
-    nBytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, 20);  // get up to 20 bytes
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, nBytes);
-    sMem.dwLength = sizeof(sMem);
-    GlobalMemoryStatus(&sMem);                // assorted memory stats
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&sMem, sizeof(sMem));
-    dwVal = GetLogicalDrives();
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal));  // bitfields in bits 0-25
-    dwVal = sizeof(buffer);
-    if (GetComputerName(buffer, &dwVal))
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, dwVal);
-    hVal = GetCurrentProcess();               // 4 or 8 byte pseudo handle (a
-                                              // constant!) of current process
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&hVal, sizeof(hVal));
-    dwVal = GetCurrentProcessId();            // process ID (4 bytes)
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal));
-    dwVal = GetCurrentThreadId();             // thread ID (4 bytes)
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal));
-    volName[0] = '\0';
-    buffer[0] = '\0';
-    GetVolumeInformation(NULL,
-                         volName,
-                         sizeof(volName),
-                         &dwSerialNum,
-                         &dwComponentLen,
-                         &dwSysFlags,
-                         buffer,
-                         sizeof(buffer));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(volName,         strlen(volName));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwSerialNum,    sizeof(dwSerialNum));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwComponentLen, sizeof(dwComponentLen));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwSysFlags,     sizeof(dwSysFlags));
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer,          strlen(buffer));
-    if (GetDiskFreeSpace(NULL, &dwSectors, &dwBytes, &dwFreeClusters, 
-                         &dwNumClusters)) {
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwSectors,      sizeof(dwSectors));
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwBytes,        sizeof(dwBytes));
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwFreeClusters, sizeof(dwFreeClusters));
-        RNG_RandomUpdate(&dwNumClusters,  sizeof(dwNumClusters));
-    }
-    nBytes = RNG_GetNoise(buffer, 20);  // get up to 20 bytes
-    RNG_RandomUpdate(buffer, nBytes);
- * The RtlGenRandom function is declared in <ntsecapi.h>, but the
- * declaration is missing a calling convention specifier. So we
- * declare it manually here.
- */
-#define RtlGenRandom SystemFunction036
-    PVOID RandomBuffer,
-    ULONG RandomBufferLength);
-size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
-    size_t bytes = 0;
-    if (RtlGenRandom(dest, maxLen)) {
-	bytes = maxLen;
-    }
-    return bytes;
-#endif  /* is XP_WIN */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ef3cf1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines the public API for libpkix. These are the top-level
- * functions in the library. They perform the primary operations of this
- * library: building and validating chains of X.509 certificates.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_H
-#define _PKIX_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "pkix_util.h"
-#include "pkix_results.h"
-#include "pkix_certstore.h"
-#include "pkix_certsel.h"
-#include "pkix_crlsel.h"
-#include "pkix_checker.h"
-#include "pkix_revchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_system.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_pki.h"
-#include "pkix_params.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Initialize
- *
- * No PKIX_* types and functions should be used before this function is called
- * and returns successfully. This function should only be called once. If it
- * is called more than once, the behavior is undefined.
- *
- * NSS applications are expected to call NSS_Init, and need not know that
- * NSS will call this function (with "platformInitNeeded" set to PKIX_FALSE).
- * PKIX applications are expected instead to call this function with
- * "platformInitNeeded" set to PKIX_TRUE.
- *
- * This function initializes data structures critical to the operation of
- * libpkix. It also ensures that the API version (major.minor) desired by the
- * caller (the "desiredMajorVersion", "minDesiredMinorVersion", and
- * "maxDesiredMinorVersion") is compatible with the API version supported by
- * the library. As such, the library must support the "desiredMajorVersion"
- * of the API and must support a minor version that falls between
- * "minDesiredMinorVersion" and "maxDesiredMinorVersion", inclusive. If
- * compatibility exists, the function returns NULL and stores the library's
- * actual minor version at "pActualMinorVersion" (which may be greater than
- * "desiredMinorVersion"). If no compatibility exists, the function returns a
- * PKIX_Error pointer. If the caller wishes to specify that the largest
- * minor version available should be used, then maxDesiredMinorVersion should
- * be set to the macro PKIX_MAX_MINOR_VERSION (defined in pkixt.h).
- *
- *  "platformInitNeeded"
- *      Boolean indicating whether the platform layer initialization code
- *      has previously been run, or should be called from this function.
- *  "desiredMajorVersion"
- *      The major version of the libpkix API the application wishes to use.
- *  "minDesiredMinorVersion"
- *      The minimum minor version of the libpkix API the application wishes
- *      to use.
- *  "maxDesiredMinorVersion"
- *      The maximum minor version of the libpkix API the application wishes
- *      to use.
- *  "pActualMinorVersion"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPlContext"
- *      Address at which platform-specific context pointer is stored. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Initialize Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean platformInitNeeded,
-        PKIX_UInt32 desiredMajorVersion,
-        PKIX_UInt32 minDesiredMinorVersion,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxDesiredMinorVersion,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pActualMinorVersion,
-        void **pPlContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Shutdown
- *
- *  This function deallocates any memory used by libpkix and shuts down any
- *  ongoing operations. This function should only be called once. If it is
- *  called more than once, the behavior is undefined.
- *
- *  No PKIX_* types and functions should be used after this function is called
- *  and returns successfully.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_Shutdown(void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateChain
- *
- *  This function attempts to validate the CertChain that has been set in the
- *  ValidateParams pointed to by "params" using an RFC 3280-compliant
- *  algorithm. If successful, this function returns NULL and stores the
- *  ValidateResult at "pResult", which holds additional information, such as
- *  the policy tree and the target's public key. If unsuccessful, an Error is
- *  returned. Note: This function does not currently support non-blocking I/O.
- *
- *  If "pVerifyTree" is non-NULL, a chain of VerifyNodes is created which
- *  tracks the results of the validation. That is, either each node in the
- *  chain has a NULL Error component, or the last node contains an Error
- *  which indicates why the validation failed.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ValidateParams used to validate CertChain. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVerifyTree"
- *      Address where a VerifyTree is stored, if non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (See Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *params,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-	PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateChain_NB
- *
- *  This function is the equivalent of PKIX_ValidateChain, except that it
- *  supports non-blocking I/O. When called with "pNBIOContext" pointing to NULL
- *  it initiates a new chain validation as in PKIX_ValidateChain, ignoring the
- *  value in all input variables except "params". If forced to suspend
- *  processing by a WOULDBLOCK return from some operation, such as a CertStore
- *  request, it stores the platform-dependent I/O context at "pNBIOContext" and
- *  stores other intermediate variables at "pCertIndex", "pAnchorIndex", 
- *  "pCheckerIndex", "pRevChecking", and "pCheckers".
- *
- *  When called subsequently with that non-NULL value at "pNBIOContext", it
- *  relies on those intermediate values to be untouched, and it resumes chain
- *  validation where it left off. Its behavior is undefined if any of the
- *  intermediate values was not preserved.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ValidateParams used to validate CertChain. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertIndex"
- *      The UInt32 value of the index to the Cert chain, indicating which Cert
- *      is currently being processed.
- *  "pAnchorIndex"
- *      The UInt32 value of the index to the Anchor chain, indicating which
- *      Trust Anchor is currently being processed.
- *  "pCheckerIndex"
- *      The UInt32 value of the index to the List of CertChainCheckers,
- *      indicating which Checker is currently processing.
- *  "pRevChecking"
- *      The Boolean flag indicating whether normal checking or revocation
- *      checking is occurring for the Cert indicated by "pCertIndex".
- *  "pCheckers"
- *      The address of the List of CertChainCheckers. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      The address of the platform-dependend I/O context. Must be a non-NULL
- *      pointer to a NULL value for the call to initiate chain validation.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where ValidateResult object pointer will be stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pVerifyTree"
- *      Address where a VerifyTree is stored, if non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a VALIDATE Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */PKIX_Error *
-	PKIX_ValidateParams *params,
-	PKIX_UInt32 *pCertIndex,
-	PKIX_UInt32 *pAnchorIndex,
-	PKIX_UInt32 *pCheckerIndex,
-	PKIX_Boolean *pRevChecking,
-	PKIX_List **pCheckers,
-	void **pNBIOContext,
-	PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-	PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-	void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_BuildChain
- *
- *  If called with a NULL "state", this function attempts to build and validate
- *  a CertChain according to the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params", using
- *  an RFC 3280-compliant validation algorithm. If successful, this function
- *  returns NULL and stores the BuildResult at "pResult", which holds the built
- *  CertChain, as well as additional information, such as the policy tree and
- *  the target's public key. If unsuccessful, an Error is returned.
- *
- *  If the chain building is blocked by a CertStore using non-blocking I/O, this
- *  function stores platform-dependent non-blocking I/O context at
- *  "pNBIOContext", its state at "pState", and NULL at "pResult". The caller
- *  may be able to determine, in a platform-dependent way, when the I/O has
- *  completed. In any case, calling the function again with "pState" containing
- *  the returned value will allow the chain building to resume.
- *
- *  If chain building is completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully, NULL
- *  is stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  If "pVerifyTree" is non-NULL, a tree of VerifyNodes is created which
- *  tracks the results of the building. That is, each node of the tree either
- *  has a NULL Error component, or it is a leaf node and it contains an Error
- *  which indicates why the chain building could not proceed on this branch.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to build and validate CertChain.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address where platform-dependent information is store if the build
- *      is suspended waiting for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pState"
- *      Address of BuildChain state. Must be NULL on initial call, and the
- *      value previously returned on subsequent calls.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVerifyTree"
- *      Address where a VerifyTree is stored, if non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (See Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void **pState,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pResult,
-	PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyNode,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certsel.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certsel.h
deleted file mode 100755
index e6b20c8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certsel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1826 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the PKIX_CertSelector and the
- * PKIX_ComCertSelParams types.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_CERTSEL_H
-#define _PKIX_CERTSEL_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_CertSelector
- *
- * PKIX_CertSelectors provide a standard way for the caller to select
- * certificates based on particular criteria. A CertSelector is typically used
- * by the caller to specify the constraints they wish to impose on the target
- * certificate in a chain. (see pkix_params.h) A CertSelector is also often
- * used to retrieve certificates from a CertStore that match the selector's
- * criteria. (See pkix_certstore.h) For example, the caller may wish to only
- * select those certificates that have a particular Subject Distinguished Name
- * and a particular value for a private certificate extension. The
- * MatchCallback allows the caller to specify the custom matching logic to be
- * used by a CertSelector.
- *
- * By default, the MatchCallback is set to point to the default implementation
- * provided by libpkix, which understands how to process the most common
- * parameters. If the default implementation is used, the caller should set
- * these common parameters using PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams.
- * Any common parameter that is not set is assumed to be disabled, which means
- * the default MatchCallback implementation will select all certificates
- * without regard to that particular disabled parameter. For example, if the
- * SerialNumber parameter is not set, MatchCallback will not filter out any
- * certificate based on its serial number. As such, if no parameters are set,
- * all are disabled and any certificate will match. If a parameter is
- * disabled, its associated PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Get* function returns a
- * default value of NULL, or -1 for PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints
- * and PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetVersion, or 0 for
- * PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage.
- *
- * If a custom implementation is desired, the default implementation can be
- * overridden by calling PKIX_CertSelector_SetMatchCallback. In this case, the
- * CertSelector can be initialized with a certSelectorContext, which is where
- * the caller can specify the desired parameters the caller wishes to match
- * against. Note that this certSelectorContext must be an Object (although any
- * object type), allowing it to be reference-counted and allowing it to
- * provide the standard Object functions (Equals, Hashcode, ToString, Compare,
- * Duplicate).
- *
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback
- *
- *  This callback function determines whether the specified Cert pointed to by
- *  "cert" matches the criteria of the CertSelector pointed to by "selector".
- *  If the Cert does not matches the CertSelector's criteria, an exception will
- *  be thrown.
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose MatchCallback logic and parameters are
- *      to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched using "selector".
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CertSelector using the Object pointed to by
- *  "certSelectorContext" (if any) and stores it at "pSelector". As noted
- *  above, by default, the MatchCallback is set to point to the default
- *  implementation provided by libpkix, which understands how to process
- *  ComCertSelParams objects. This is overridden if the MatchCallback pointed
- *  to by "callback" is not NULL, in which case the parameters are specified
- *  using the certSelectorContext.
- *
- *  "callback"
- *      The MatchCallback function to be used.
- *  "certSelectorContext"
- *      Address of Object representing the CertSelector's context (if any).
- *  "pSelector"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback callback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certSelectorContext,
-        PKIX_CertSelector **pSelector,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "selector's" Match callback function and puts it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      The CertSelector whose Match callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where Match callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_GetCertSelectorContext
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a PKIX_PL_Object representing the context (if any)
- *  of the CertSelector pointed to by "selector" and stores it at
- *  "pCertSelectorContext".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose context is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertSelectorContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pCertSelectorContext,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ComCertSelParams object that represent the
- *  common parameters of the CertSelector pointed to by "selector" and stores
- *  it at "pCommonCertSelectorParams". If there are no common parameters
- *  stored with the CertSelector, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pCommonCertSelectorParams".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose ComCertSelParams object is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCommonCertSelectorParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams **pCommonCertSelectorParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams
- *
- *  Sets the common parameters for the CertSelector pointed to by "selector"
- *  using the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by "commonCertSelectorParams".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose common parameters are to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "commonCertSelectorParams"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object representing the common parameters.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "selector"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *commonCertSelectorParams,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_ComCertSelParams
- *
- * PKIX_ComCertSelParams objects are X.509 parameters commonly used with
- * CertSelectors, especially when enforcing constraints on a target
- * certificate or determining which certificates to retrieve from a CertStore.
- * ComCertSelParams objects are typically used with those CertSelectors that
- * use the default implementation of MatchCallback, which understands how to
- * process ComCertSelParams objects.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ComCertSelParams object and stores it at "pParams".
- *
- *  "pParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjAltNames
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of GeneralNames (if any) representing the
- *  subject alternative names criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams
- *  object pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pNames". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate must contain all or at least one of
- *  the criterion's subject alternative names (depending on the result of
- *  PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames). The default behavior
- *  requires a certificate to contain all of the criterion's subject
- *  alternative names in order to match.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pNames", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject alternative names
- *      criterion (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNames"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pNames, /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjAltNames
- *
- *  Sets the subject alternative names criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" using a List of GeneralNames pointed to by "names".
- *  In order to match against this criterion, a certificate must contain all or
- *  at least one of the criterion's subject alternative names (depending on the
- *  result of PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames). The default
- *  behavior requires a certificate to contain all of the criterion's subject
- *  alternative names in order to match.
- *
- *  If "names" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject alternative
- *      names criterion is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "names"
- *      Address of List of GeneralNames used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *names,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_AddSubjAltName
- *
- *  Adds to the subject alternative names criterion of the ComCertSelParams
- *  object pointed to by "params" using the GeneralName pointed to by "name".
- *  In order to match against this criterion, a certificate must contain all
- *  or at least one of the criterion's subject alternative names (depending on
- *  the result of PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames). The default
- *  behavior requires a certificate to contain all of the criterion's subject
- *  alternative names in order to match.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject alternative names
- *      criterion is to be added to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "name"
- *      Address of GeneralName to be added.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPathToNames
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of GeneralNames (if any) representing the
- *  path to names criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed
- *  to by "params" and stores it at "pNames". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate must not include name constraints that would
- *  prohibit building a path to the criterion's specified names.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pNames", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose path to names criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNames"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPathToNames
- *
- *  Sets the path to names criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to
- *  by "params" using a List of GeneralNames pointed to by "names". In order to
- *  match against this criterion, a certificate must not include name
- *  constraints that would prohibit building a path to the criterion's
- *  specified names.
- *
- *  If "names" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose path to names criterion
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "names"
- *      Address of List of GeneralNames used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *names,    /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_AddPathToName
- *
- *  Adds to the path to names criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed
- *  to by "params" using the GeneralName pointed to by "pathToName". In order
- *  to match against this criterion, a certificate must not include name
- *  constraints that would prohibit building a path to the criterion's
- *  specified names.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose path to names criterion is to
- *      be added to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pathToName"
- *      Address of GeneralName to be added.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *pathToName,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ByteArray (if any) representing the authority
- *  key identifier criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pAuthKeyId". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate must contain an
- *  AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension whose value matches the criterion's
- *  authority key identifier value.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pAuthKeyId", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose authority key identifier
- *      criterion (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAuthKeyId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pAuthKeyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- *
- *  Sets the authority key identifier criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" to the ByteArray pointed to by "authKeyId". In
- *  order to match against this criterion, a certificate must contain an
- *  AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension whose value matches the criterion's
- *  authority key identifier value.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose authority key identifier
- *      criterion is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "authKeyId"
- *      Address of ByteArray used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjKeyIdentifier
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ByteArray (if any) representing the subject key
- *  identifier criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to
- *  by "params" and stores it at "pSubjKeyId". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate must contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier extension
- *  whose value matches the criterion's subject key identifier value.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pSubjKeyId", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject key identifier
- *      criterion (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubjKeyId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pSubjKeyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjKeyIdentifier
- *
- *  Sets the subject key identifier criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" using a ByteArray pointed to by "subjKeyId". In
- *  order to match against this criterion, a certificate must contain an
- *  SubjectKeyIdentifier extension whose value matches the criterion's subject
- *  key identifier value.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject key identifier
- *      criterion is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "subjKeyId"
- *      Address of ByteArray used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subKeyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPubKey
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the PublicKey (if any) representing the subject
- *  public key criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to
- *  by "params" and stores it at "pPubKey". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate must contain a SubjectPublicKey that matches the
- *  criterion's public key.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pPubKey", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject public key criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPubKey"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPubKey,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjPubKey
- *
- *  Sets the subject public key criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" using a PublicKey pointed to by "pubKey". In order
- *  to match against this criterion, a certificate must contain a
- *  SubjectPublicKey that matches the criterion's public key.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject public key
- *      criterion is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pubKey"
- *      Address of PublicKey used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPKAlgId
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the OID (if any) representing the subject public key
- *  algorithm identifier criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pPubKey". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate must contain a SubjectPublicKey with
- *  an algorithm that matches the criterion's algorithm.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pAlgId", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject public key algorithm
- *      identifier (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAlgId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pAlgId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjPKAlgId
- *
- *  Sets the subject public key algorithm identifier criterion of the
- *  ComCertSelParams object pointed to by "params" using an OID pointed to by
- *  "algId". In order to match against this criterion, a certificate must
- *  contain a SubjectPublicKey with an algorithm that matches the criterion's
- *  algorithm.
- *
- *  If "algId" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject public key
- *      algorithm identifier criterion is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "algId"
- *      Address of OID used to set criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *algId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the minimum path length (if any) representing the
- *  basic constraints criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pMinPathLength". In order to
- *  match against this criterion, there are several possibilities.
- *
- *  1) If the criterion's minimum path length is greater than or equal to zero,
- *  a certificate must include a BasicConstraints extension with a pathLen of
- *  at least this value.
- *
- *  2) If the criterion's minimum path length is -2, a certificate must be an
- *  end-entity certificate.
- *
- *  3) If the criterion's minimum path length is -1, no basic constraints check
- *  is done and all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  The semantics of other values of the criterion's minimum path length are
- *  undefined but may be defined in future versions of the API.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores -1 at
- *  "pMinPathLength", in which case all certificates are considered to match
- *  this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose basic constraints criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMinPathLength"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pMinPathLength,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetBasicConstraints
- *
- *  Sets the basic constraints criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" using the integer value of "minPathLength". In
- *  order to match against this criterion, there are several possibilities.
- *
- *  1) If the criterion's minimum path length is greater than or equal to zero,
- *  a certificate must include a BasicConstraints extension with a pathLen of
- *  at least this value.
- *
- *  2) If the criterion's minimum path length is -2, a certificate must be an
- *  end-entity certificate.
- *
- *  3) If the criterion's minimum path length is -1, no basic constraints check
- *  is done and all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  The semantics of other values of the criterion's minimum path length are
- *  undefined but may be defined in future versions of the API.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose basic constraints
- *      criterion is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "minPathLength"
- *      Value of PKIX_Int32 used to set the criterion
- *      (or -1 to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Int32 minPathLength,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificate
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Cert (if any) representing the certificate
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pCert". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate must be equal to the criterion's certificate. If
- *  this criterion is specified, it is usually not necessary to specify any
- *  other criteria, since this criterion requires an exact certificate match.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pCert", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose certificate criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCert"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificate
- *
- *  Sets the certificate criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- * "params" using a Cert pointed to by "cert". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate must be equal to the criterion's certificate.
- *  If this criterion is specified, it is usually not necessary to specify
- *  any other criteria, since this criterion requires an exact certificate
- *  match.
- *
- *  If "cert" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose certificate criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificateValid
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Date (if any) representing the certificate
- *  validity criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pDate". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate's validity period must include the criterion's
- *  Date.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pDate", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose certificate validity criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificateValid
- *
- *  Sets the certificate validity criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" using a Date pointed to by "date". In order to
- *  match against this criterion, a certificate's validity period must include
- *  the criterion's Date.
- *
- *  If "date" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose certificate validity criterion
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSerialNumber
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the BigInt (if any) representing the serial number
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pSerialNumber". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate must have a serial number equal to the
- *  criterion's serial number.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pSerialNumber", in which case all certificates are considered to match
- *  this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose serial number criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSerialNumber"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pSerialNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSerialNumber
- *
- *  Sets the serial number criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to
- *  by "params" using a BigInt pointed to by "serialNumber". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate must have a serial number equal to
- *  the criterion's serial number.
- *
- *  If "serialNumber" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose serial number criterion is to
- *      be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "serialNumber"
- *      Address of BigInt used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetVersion
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the version criterion that is
- *  set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by "params" and stores it at
- *  "pVersion". In order to match against this criterion, a certificate's
- *  version must be equal to the criterion's version.
- *
- *  The version number will either be 0, 1, or 2 (corresponding to
- *  v1, v2, or v3, respectively).
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores
- *  0xFFFFFFFF at "pVersion", in which case all certificates are considered
- *  to match this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose version criterion (if any) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVersion"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pVersion,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetVersion
- *
- *  Sets the version criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" using the integer value of "version". In order to match against
- *  this criterion, a certificate's version must be equal to the criterion's
- *  version. If the criterion's version is -1, no version check is done and
- *  all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose version criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "version"
- *      Value of PKIX_Int32 used to set the criterion
- *      (or -1 to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Int32 version,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the key usage criterion that
- *  is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by "params" and stores it
- *  at "pKeyUsage". In order to match against this criterion, a certificate
- *  must allow the criterion's key usage values. Note that a certificate that
- *  has no KeyUsage extension implicity allows all key usages. Note also that
- *  this functions supports a maximum of 32 key usage bits.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores zero at
- *  "pKeyUsage", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose key usage criterion (if any)
- *      is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeyUsage"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must not be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pKeyUsage,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetKeyUsage
- *
- *  Sets the key usage criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" using the integer value of "keyUsage". In order to match against
- *  this criterion, a certificate must allow the criterion's key usage values.
- *  Note that a certificate that has no KeyUsage extension implicity allows
- *  all key usages. Note also that this functions supports a maximum of 32 key
- *  usage bits.
- *
- *  If the criterion's key usage value is zero, no key usage check is done and
- *  all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose key usage criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "keyUsage"
- *      Value of PKIX_Int32 used to set the criterion
- *      (or zero to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_UInt32 keyUsage,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of OIDs (if any) representing the extended
- *  key usage criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to
- *  by "params" and stores it at "pExtKeyUsage". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage extension must allow the
- *  criterion's extended key usages. Note that a certificate that has no
- *  ExtendedKeyUsage extension implicity allows all key purposes.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pExtKeyUsage", in which case all certificates are considered to match
- *  this criterion.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose extended key usage criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pExtKeyUsage"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pExtKeyUsage, /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetExtendedKeyUsage
- *
- *  Sets the extended key usage criterion of the ComCertSelParams object
- *  pointed to by "params" using a List of OIDs pointed to by "extKeyUsage".
- *  In order to match against this criterion, a certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage
- *  extension must allow the criterion's extended key usages. Note that a
- *  certificate that has no ExtendedKeyUsage extension implicitly allows all
- *  key purposes.
- *
- *  If "extKeyUsage" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose extended key usage criterion
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "extKeyUsage"
- *      Address of List of OIDs used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsage,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPolicy
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of OIDs (if any) representing the policy
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pPolicy". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate's CertificatePolicies extension must include at
- *  least one of the criterion's policies. If "params" has this criterion set,
- *  but the List of OIDs is empty, then a certificate's CertificatePolicies
- *  extension must include at least some policy.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pPolicy", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose policy criterion (if any) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicy"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicy,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPolicy
- *
- *  Sets the policy criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" using a List of OIDs pointed to by "policy". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate's CertificatePolicies extension must
- *  include at least one of the criterion's policies. If "params" has this
- *  criterion set, but the List of OIDs is empty, then a certificate's
- *  CertificatePolicies extension must include at least some policy.
- *
- *  If "policy" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose policy criterion is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "policy"
- *      Address of List of OIDs used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *policy,    /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetIssuer
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the X500Name (if any) representing the issuer
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pIssuer". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate's IssuerName must match the criterion's issuer
- *  name.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pIssuer", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose issuer criterion (if any) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pIssuer"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pIssuer,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetIssuer
- *
- *  Sets the issuer criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" using an X500Name pointed to by "issuer". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate's IssuerName must match the
- *  criterion's issuer name.
- *
- *  If "issuer" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose issuer criterion is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "issuer"
- *      Address of X500Name used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the X500Name (if any) representing the subject
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pSubject". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate's SubjectName must match the criterion's subject
- *  name.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pSubject", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject criterion (if any) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pSubject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubject
- *
- *  Sets the subject criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" using an X500Name pointed to by "subject". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate's SubjectName must match the
- *  criterion's subject name.
- *
- *  If "subject" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "subject"
- *      Address of X500Name used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjectAsByteArray
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ByteArray (if any) representing the subject
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pSubject". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a certificate's SubjectName must match the criterion's subject
- *  name.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pSubject", in which case all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject criterion (if any) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pSubject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjectAsByteArray
- *
- *  Sets the subject criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by
- *  "params" using a ByteArray pointed to by "subject". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a certificate's SubjectName must match the
- *  criterion's subject name.
- *
- *  If "subject" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose subject criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "subject"
- *      Address of ByteArray used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetNameConstraints
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the X500Name (if any) representing the name
- *  constraints criterion that is set in the ComCertSelParams object pointed
- *  to by "params" and stores it at "pConstraints". In order to match against
- *  this criterion, a certificate's subject and subject alternative names must
- *  be allowed by the criterion's name constraints.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pConstraints", in which case all certificates are considered to match
- *  this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose name constraints criterion
- *      (if any) is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetNameConstraints
- *
- *  Sets the name constraints criterion of the ComCertSelParams object pointed
- *  to by "params" using the CertNameConstraints pointed to by "constraints".
- *  In order to match against this criterion, a certificate's subject and
- *  subject alternative names must be allowed by the criterion's name
- *  constraints.
- *
- *  If "constraints" is NULL, all certificates are considered to match this
- *  criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose name constraints criterion is
- *      to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "constraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints used to set the criterion
- *      (or NULL to disable the criterion).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *constraints,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames
- *
- *  Checks whether the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by "params" indicate
- *  that all subject alternative names are to be matched and stores the Boolean
- *  result at "pMatch". This Boolean value determines the behavior of the
- *  subject alternative names criterion.
- *
- *  In order to match against the subject alternative names criterion, if the
- *  Boolean value at "pMatch" is PKIX_TRUE, a certificate must contain all of
- *  the criterion's subject alternative names. If the Boolean value at
- *  "pMatch" is PKIX_FALSE, a certificate must contain at least one of the
- *  criterion's subject alternative names. The default behavior is as if the
- *  Boolean value at "pMatch" is PKIX_TRUE.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object used to determine whether all
- *      subject alternative names must be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMatch"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pMatch,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetMatchAllSubjAltNames
- *
- *  Sets the match flag of the ComCertSelParams object pointed to by "params"
- *  using the Boolean value of "match". This Boolean value determines the
- *  behavior of the subject alternative names criterion.
- *
- *  In order to match against the subject alternative names criterion, if the
- *  "match" is PKIX_TRUE, a certificate must contain all of the criterion's
- *  subject alternative names. If the "match" is PKIX_FALSE, a certificate
- *  must contain at least one of the criterion's subject alternative names.
- *  The default behavior is as if "match" is PKIX_TRUE.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose match flag is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "match"
- *      Boolean value used to set the match flag.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean match,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetLeafCertFlag
- *
- * Return "leafCert" flag of the ComCertSelParams structure. If set to true,
- * the flag indicates that a selector should filter out all cert that are not
- * qualified to be a leaf cert according to the specified key/ekey usages.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object used to determine whether all
- *      subject alternative names must be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLeafFlag"
- *      Address of returned value.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pLeafFlag,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetLeafCertFlag
- *
- * Sets a flag that if its value is true, indicates that the selector
- * should only pick certs that qualifies to be leaf for this cert path
- * validation.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams object whose match flag is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "leafFlag"
- *      Boolean value used to set the leaf flag.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean leafFlag,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CERTSEL_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certstore.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certstore.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fb70564..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_certstore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the PKIX_CertStore type.
- *
- */
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_CertStore
- *
- * A PKIX_CertStore provides a standard way for the caller to retrieve
- * certificates and CRLs from a particular repository (or "store") of
- * certificates and CRLs, including LDAP directories, flat files, local
- * databases, etc. The CertCallback allows custom certificate retrieval logic
- * to be used while the CRLCallback allows custom CRL retrieval logic to be
- * used. Additionally, a CertStore can be initialized with a certStoreContext,
- * which is where the caller can specify configuration data such as the host
- * name of an LDAP server. Note that this certStoreContext must be an
- * Object (although any object type), allowing it to be reference-counted and
- * allowing it to provide the standard Object functions (Equals, Hashcode,
- * ToString, Compare, Duplicate). Please note that each certStoreContext must
- * provide Equals and Hashcode functions in order for the caching (on Cert and
- * CertChain) to work correctly. When providing those two functions, it is not
- * required that all the components of the object be hashed or checked for 
- * equality, but merely that the functions distinguish between unique
- * instances of the certStoreContext.
- *
- * Once the caller has created the CertStore object, the caller then specifies
- * these CertStore objects in a ProcessingParams object and passes that object
- * to PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain, which uses the objects to call the
- * user's callback functions as needed during the validation or building
- * process.
- *
- * The order of CertStores stored (as a list) at ProcessingParams determines
- * the order in which certificates are retrieved. Trusted CertStores should
- * precede non-trusted ones on the list of CertStores so their certificates
- * are evaluated ahead of other certificates selected on the basis of the same
- * selector criteria.
- *
- * The CheckTrustCallback function is used when the CertStore object
- * supports trust status, which means a Cert's trust status can be altered
- * dynamically. When a CertStore object is created, if the
- * CheckTrustCallback is initialized to be non-NULL, this CertStore is
- * defaulted as supporting trust. Then whenever a Cert needs to (re)check its
- * trust status, this callback can be invoked. When a Cert is retrieved by
- * a CertStore supports trust, at its GetCertCallback, the CertStore
- * information should be updated in Cert's data structure so the link between
- * the Cert and CertStore exists.
- *
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback
- *
- *  This callback function retrieves from the CertStore pointed to by "store"
- *  all the certificates that match the CertSelector pointed to by "selector".
- *  It places these certificates in a List and stores a pointer to the List at
- *  "pCerts". If no certificates are found which match the CertSelector's
- *  criteria, this function stores an empty List at "pCerts". In either case, if
- *  the operation is completed, NULL is stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  A CertStore which uses non-blocking I/O may store platform-dependent
- *  information at "pNBIOContext" and NULL at "pCerts" to indicate that I/O is
- *  pending. A subsequent call to PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue is required to
- *  finish the operation and to obtain the List of Certs.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which Certs are to be retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose criteria must be satisfied.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "verifyNode"
- *      Parent log node for tracking of filtered out certs.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is stored if the
- *      operation is suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,  /* list of PKIX_PL_Cert */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue
- *
- *  This function continues the non-blocking operation initiated by an earlier
- *  call to the CertCallback function, for the CertStore pointed to by "store". 
- *  If an earlier call did not terminate with the WOULDBLOCK indication (non-NULL
- *  value returned in "pNBIOContext") calling this function will return a fatal
- *  error. If the operation is completed the certificates found are placed in a
- *  List, a pointer to which is stored at "pCerts". If no certificates are found
- *  which match the CertSelector's criteria, this function stores an empty List
- *  at "pCerts". In either case, if the operation is completed, NULL is stored
- *  at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  If non-blocking I/O is still pending this function stores platform-dependent
- *  information at "pNBIOContext" and NULL at "pCerts". A subsequent call to
- *  PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue is required to finish the operation and to
- *  obtain the List of Certs.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which Certs are to be retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose criteria must be satisfied.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "verifyNode"
- *      Parent log node for tracking of filtered out certs.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is stored if the
- *      operation is suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,  /* list of PKIX_PL_Cert */
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,  /* list of PKIX_PL_Cert */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback
- *
- *  This callback function retrieves from the CertStore pointed to by "store"
- *  all the CRLs that match the CRLSelector pointed to by "selector". It
- *  places these CRLs in a List and stores a pointer to the List at "pCRLs".
- *  If no CRLs are found which match the CRLSelector's criteria, this function
- *  stores an empty List at "pCRLs". In either case, if the operation is
- *  completed, NULL is stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  A CertStore which uses non-blocking I/O may store platform-dependent
- *  information at "pNBIOContext" and NULL at "pCrls" to indicate that I/O is
- *  pending. A subsequent call to PKIX_CertStore_CRLContinue is required to
- *  finish the operation and to obtain the List of Crls.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which CRLs are to be retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose criteria must be satisfied.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrls"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrls,  /* list of PKIX_PL_CRL */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback
- *
- * The function imports crl list into a cert store. Stores that
- * have local cache may only have that function defined.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which CRLs are to be retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "issuerName"
- *      Name of the issuer that will be used to track bad der crls.
- *  "crlList"
- *      Address on the importing crl list.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuerName,
-        PKIX_List *crlList,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback
- *
- * The function checks revocation status of a cert with specified
- * issuer, date. It returns revocation status of a cert and
- * a reason code(if any) if a cert was revoked.
- * 
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which CRLs are to be retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Certificate which revocation status will be checked.
- *  "issuer"
- *      Issuer certificate of the "crl".
- *  "date"
- *      Date of the revocation check.
- *  "crlDownloadDone"
- *      Indicates, that all needed crl downloads are done by the time of
- *      the revocation check.
- *  "reasonCode"
- *      If cert is revoked, returned reason code for  which a cert was revoked.
- *  "revStatus"
- *      Returned revocation status of the cert. See PKIX_RevocationStatus
- *      for more details
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PKIX_Boolean  crlDownloadDone,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *revStatus,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinue
- *
- *  This function continues the non-blocking operation initiated by an earlier
- *  call to the CRLCallback function, for the CertStore pointed to by "store". 
- *  If an earlier call did not terminate with the WOULDBLOCK indication (non-NULL
- *  value returned in "pNBIOContext") calling this function will return a fatal
- *  error. If the operation is completed the crls found are placed in a List, a
- *  pointer to which is stored at "pCrls". If no crls are found which match the
- *  CRLSelector's criteria, this function stores an empty List at "pCrls". In
- *  either case, if the operation is completed, NULL is stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  If non-blocking I/O is still pending this function stores platform-dependent
- *  information at "pNBIOContext" and NULL at "pCrls". A subsequent call to
- *  PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinue is required to finish the operation and to
- *  obtain the List of Crls.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which Crls are to be retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose criteria must be satisfied.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is stored if the
- *      operation is suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrls"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrls,  /* list of PKIX_PL_CRL */
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrls,  /* list of PKIX_PL_CRL */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback
- *
- *  This callback function rechecks "cert's" trust status from the CertStore
- *  pointed to by "store".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore from which Certs are to be checked.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose trust status needs to be rechecked.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pTrusted"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean where the trust status is returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CertStore and stores it at "pStore". The new CertStore uses
- *  the CertCallback pointed to by "certCallback" and the CRLCallback pointed
- *  to by "crlCallback" as its callback functions and uses the Object pointed
- *  to by "certStoreContext" as its context . Note that this certStoreContext
- *  must be an Object (although any object type), allowing it to be
- *  reference-counted and allowing it to provide the standard Object functions
- *  (Equals, Hashcode, ToString, Compare, Duplicate). Once created, a
- *  CertStore object is immutable, although the underlying repository can
- *  change. For example, a CertStore will often be a front-end for a database
- *  or directory. The contents of that directory can change after the
- *  CertStore object is created, but the CertStore object remains immutable.
- *
- *  "certCallback"
- *      The CertCallback function to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "crlCallback"
- *      The CRLCallback function to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certContinue"
- *      The function to be used to resume a certCallback that returned with a
- *      WOULDBLOCK condition. Must be non-NULL if certStore supports non-blocking
- *      I/O.
- *  "crlContinue"
- *      The function to be used to resume a crlCallback that returned with a
- *      WOULDBLOCK condition. Must be non-NULL if certStore supports non-blocking
- *      I/O.
- *  "trustCallback"
- *      Address of PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback which is called to
- *      verify the trust status of Certs in this CertStore.
- *  "certStoreContext"
- *      Address of Object representing the CertStore's context (if any).
- *  "cachedFlag"
- *      If TRUE indicates data retrieved from CertStore should be cached.
- *  "localFlag"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether this CertStore is local.
- *  "pStore"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback certCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback crlCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertContinueFunction certContinue,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinueFunction crlContinue,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback importCrlCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback checkRevByCrlCallback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certStoreContext,
-        PKIX_Boolean cachedFlag,
-        PKIX_Boolean localFlag,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pStore,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCertCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "store's" Cert callback function and put it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      The CertStore whose Cert callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where Cert callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCRLCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "store's" CRL callback function and put it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      The CertStore whose CRL callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where CRL callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetImportCrlCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "store's" Import CRL callback function and put it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      The CertStore whose CRL callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where CRL callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCheckRevByCrl
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "store's" CRL revocation checker callback function
- *  and put it in "pCallback".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      The CertStore whose CRL callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where CRL callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves the function pointer to the CheckTrust callback function of the
- *  CertStore pointed to by "store" and stores it at "pCallback".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      The CertStore whose CheckTrust callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where CheckTrust callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Object representing the context (if any)
- *  of the CertStore pointed to by "store" and stores it at
- *  "pCertStoreContext".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore whose context is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertStoreContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pCertStoreContext,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag
- *
- *  Retrieves the Boolean cache flag of the CertStore pointed to by "store" and
- *  stores it at "pCachedFlag".
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore whose cache flag is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCacheFlag"
- *      Address where the result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCacheFlag,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetLocalFlag
- *
- *  Retrieves the Boolean localFlag for the CertStore pointed to by "store" and
- *  stores it at "pLocalFlag". The localFlag is TRUE if the CertStore can
- *  fulfill a request without performing network I/O.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      The CertStore whose Local flag is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where the Boolean LocalFlag will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pLocalFlag,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CERTSTORE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_checker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_checker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 97e29a8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_checker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the PKIX_CertChainChecker type.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_CHECKER_H
-#define _PKIX_CHECKER_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_CertChainChecker
- *
- * PKIX_CertChainCheckers provide a standard way for the caller to insert their
- * own custom checks to validate certificates. This may be useful in many
- * scenarios, including when the caller wishes to validate private certificate
- * extensions. The CheckCallback allows custom certificate processing to take
- * place. Additionally, a CertChainChecker can optionally maintain state
- * between successive calls to the CheckCallback. This certChainCheckerState
- * must be an Object (although any object type), allowing it to be
- * reference-counted and allowing it to provide the standard Object functions
- * (Equals, Hashcode, ToString, Compare, Duplicate). If the caller wishes
- * their CertChainChecker to be used during chain building, their
- * certChainCheckerState object must implement an appropriate Duplicate
- * function. The builder uses this Duplicate function when backtracking.
- *
- * Once the caller has created a CertChainChecker object, the caller then
- * specifies a CertChainChecker object in a ProcessingParams object
- * and passes the ProcessingParams object to PKIX_ValidateChain or
- * PKIX_BuildChain, which uses the objects to call the user's callback
- * functions as needed during the validation or building process.
- *
- * A CertChainChecker may be presented certificates in the "reverse" direction
- * (from trust anchor to target) or in the "forward" direction (from target to
- * trust anchor). All CertChainCheckers must support "reverse checking", while
- * support for "forward checking" is optional, but recommended. If "forward
- * checking" is not supported, building chains may be much less efficient. The
- * PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported function is used to
- * determine whether forward checking is supported, and the
- * PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardDirectionExpected function is used to
- * determine whether the CertChainChecker has been initialized to expect the
- * certificates to be presented in the "forward" direction.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback
- *
- *  This callback function checks whether the specified Cert pointed to by
- *  "cert" is valid using "checker's" internal certChainCheckerState (if any)
- *  and removes the critical extensions that it processes (if any) from the
- *  List of OIDs (possibly empty) pointed to by "unresolvedCriticalExtensions".
- *  If the checker finds that the certificate is not valid, an Error pointer is
- *  returned.
- *
- *  If the checker uses non-blocking I/O, the address of a platform-dependent
- *  non-blocking I/O context ("nbioContext") will be stored at "pNBIOContext",
- *  which the caller may use, in a platform-dependent way, to wait, poll, or
- *  otherwise determine when to try again. If the checker does not use
- *  non-blocking I/O, NULL will always be stored at "pNBIOContext". If a non-NULL
- *  value was stored, on a subsequent call the checker will attempt to complete
- *  the pending I/O and, if successful, NULL will be stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker whose certChainCheckerState and
- *      CheckCallback logic is to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be validated using "checker".
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "unresolvedCriticalExtensions"
- *      Address of List of OIDs that represents the critical certificate
- *      extensions that have yet to be resolved. This parameter may be
- *      modified during the function call. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which is stored a platform-dependent structure indicating
- *      whether checking was suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CertChainChecker and stores it at "pChecker". The new
- *  CertChainChecker uses the CheckCallback pointed to by "callback" as its
- *  callback function. It uses the Object pointed to by "initialState" (if
- *  any) as its initial state. As noted above, the initial state Object must
- *  provide a custom implementation of PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate if the
- *  CertChainChecker is to be used during certificate chain building.
- *
- *  A CertChainChecker may be presented certificates in the "reverse"
- *  direction (from trust anchor to target) or in the "forward" direction
- *  (from target to trust anchor). All CertChainCheckers must support
- *  "reverse checking", while support for "forward checking" is optional. The
- *  CertChainChecker is initialized with two Boolean flags that deal with this
- *  distinction: "forwardCheckingSupported" and "forwardDirectionExpected".
- *  If the "forwardCheckingSupported" Boolean flag is TRUE, it indicates that
- *  this CertChainChecker is capable of checking certificates in the "forward"
- *  direction (as well as the "reverse" direction, which all CertChainCheckers
- *  MUST support). The "forwardDirectionExpected" Boolean flag indicates in
- *  which direction the CertChainChecker should expect the certificates to be
- *  presented. This is particularly useful for CertChainCheckers that are
- *  capable of checking in either the "forward" direction or the "reverse"
- *  direction, but have different processing steps depending on the direction.
- *
- *  The CertChainChecker also uses the List of OIDs pointed to by "extensions"
- *  as the supported certificate extensions. All certificate extensions that
- *  the CertChainChecker might possibly recognize and be able to process
- *  should be included in the List of supported extensions. If "checker" does
- *  not recognize or process any certificate extensions, "extensions" should
- *  be set to NULL.
- *
- *  "callback"
- *      The CheckCallback function to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "forwardCheckingSupported"
- *      A Boolean value indicating whether or not this CertChainChecker is
- *      capable of checking certificates in the "forward" direction.
- *  "forwardDirectionExpected"
- *      A Boolean value indicating whether or not this CertChainChecker should
- *      be used to check in the "forward" direction.
- *  "extensions"
- *      Address of List of OIDs representing the supported extensions.
- *  "initialState"
- *      Address of Object representing the CertChainChecker's initial state
- *      (if any).
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback callback,
-    PKIX_Boolean forwardCheckingSupported,
-    PKIX_Boolean forwardDirectionExpected,
-    PKIX_List *extensions,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-    PKIX_PL_Object *initialState,
-    PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-    void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCheckCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "checker's" Check callback function and puts it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      The CertChainChecker whose Check callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where Check callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported
- *
- *  Checks whether forward checking is supported by the CertChainChecker
- *  pointed to by "checker" and stores the Boolean result at
- *  "pForwardCheckingSupported".
- *
- *  A CertChainChecker may be presented certificates in the "reverse"
- *  direction (from trust anchor to target) or in the "forward" direction
- *  (from target to trust anchor). All CertChainCheckers must support
- *  "reverse checking", while support for "forward checking" is optional. This
- *  function is used to determine whether forward checking is supported.
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      The CertChainChecker whose ability to validate certificates in the
- *      "forward" direction is to be checked. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pForwardCheckingSupported"
- *      Destination of the Boolean result. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pForwardCheckingSupported,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardDirectionExpected
- *
- *  Checks whether the CertChainChecker pointed to by "checker" has been
- *  initialized to expect the certificates to be presented in the "forward"
- *  direction and stores the Boolean result at "pForwardDirectionExpected".
- *
- *  A CertChainChecker may be presented certificates in the "reverse"
- *  direction (from trust anchor to target) or in the "forward" direction
- *  (from target to trust anchor). All CertChainCheckers must support
- *  "reverse checking", while support for "forward checking" is optional. This
- *  function is used to determine in which direction the CertChainChecker
- *  expects the certificates to be presented.
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      The CertChainChecker that has been initialized to expect certificates
- *      in either the "forward" or "reverse" directions. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pForwardDirectionExpected"
- *      Destination of the Boolean result. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pForwardDirectionExpected,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetSupportedExtensions
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a List of OIDs (each OID corresponding to a
- *  certificate extension supported by the CertChainChecker pointed to by
- *  "checker") and stores it at "pExtensions". All certificate extensions that
- *  the CertChainChecker might possibly recognize and be able to process
- *  should be included in the List of supported extensions. If "checker" does
- *  not recognize or process any certificate extensions, this function stores
- *  NULL at "pExtensions".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker whose supported extension OIDs are to be
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pExtensions"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_List **pExtensions, /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a PKIX_PL_Object representing the internal state
- *  (if any) of the CertChainChecker pointed to by "checker" and stores it at
- *  "pCertChainCheckerState".
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker whose state is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertChainCheckerState"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pCertChainCheckerState,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
- *
- *  Sets the internal state of the CertChainChecker pointed to by "checker"
- *  using the Object pointed to by "certChainCheckerState". If "checker" needs
- *  a NULL internal state, "certChainCheckerState" should be set to NULL.
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker whose state is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certChainCheckerState"
- *      Address of Object representing internal state.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "checker"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certChainCheckerState,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CHECKER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_crlsel.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_crlsel.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 491e72f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_crlsel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the PKIX_CRLSelector and the
- * PKIX_ComCRLSelParams types.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_CRLSEL_H
-#define _PKIX_CRLSEL_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_CRLSelector
- *
- * PKIX_CRLSelectors provide a standard way for the caller to select CRLs
- * based on particular criteria. A CRLSelector is typically used by libpkix
- * to retrieve CRLs from a CertStore during certificate chain validation or
- * building. (see pkix_certstore.h) For example, the caller may wish to only
- * select those CRLs that have a particular issuer or a particular value for a
- * private CRL extension. The MatchCallback allows the caller to specify the
- * custom matching logic to be used by a CRLSelector.
- * By default, the MatchCallback is set to point to the default implementation
- * provided by libpkix, which understands how to process the most common
- * parameters. If the default implementation is used, the caller should set
- * these common parameters using PKIX_CRLSelector_SetCommonCRLSelectorParams.
- * Any common parameter that is not set is assumed to be disabled, which means
- * the default MatchCallback implementation will select all CRLs without
- * regard to that particular disabled parameter. For example, if the
- * MaxCRLNumber parameter is not set, MatchCallback will not filter out any
- * CRL based on its CRL number. As such, if no parameters are set, all are
- * disabled and any CRL will match. If a parameter is disabled, its associated
- * PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_Get* function returns a default value of NULL.
- *
- * If a custom implementation is desired, the default implementation can be
- * overridden by calling PKIX_CRLSelector_SetMatchCallback. In this case, the
- * CRLSelector can be initialized with a crlSelectorContext, which is where
- * the caller can specify the desired parameters the caller wishes to match
- * against. Note that this crlSelectorContext must be a PKIX_PL_Object,
- * allowing it to be reference-counted and allowing it to provide the standard
- * PKIX_PL_Object functions (Equals, Hashcode, ToString, Compare, Duplicate).
- *
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_MatchCallback
- *
- *  This callback function determines whether the specified CRL pointed to by
- *  "crl" matches the criteria of the CRLSelector pointed to by "selector".
- *  If the CRL matches the CRLSelector's criteria, PKIX_TRUE is stored at
- *  "pMatch". Otherwise PKIX_FALSE is stored at "pMatch".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose MatchCallback logic and parameters are
- *      to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL that is to be matched using "selector". Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMatch"
- *      Address at which Boolean result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pMatch,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CRLSelector using the Object pointed to by
- *  "crlSelectorContext" (if any) and stores it at "pSelector". As noted
- *  above, by default, the MatchCallback is set to point to the default
- *  implementation provided by libpkix, which understands how to process
- *  ComCRLSelParams. This is overridden if the MatchCallback pointed to by
- *  "callback" is not NULL, in which case the parameters are specified using
- *  the Object pointed to by "crlSelectorContext".
- *
- *  "issue"
- *      crl issuer.
- *  "crlDpList"
- *      distribution points list
- *  "callback"
- *      The MatchCallback function to be used.
- *  "pSelector"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_List *crlDpList,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector **pSelector,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_GetMatchCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "selector's" Match callback function and puts it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      The CRLSelector whose Match callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where Match callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_MatchCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCRLSelectorContext
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a PKIX_PL_Object representing the context (if any)
- *  of the CRLSelector pointed to by "selector" and stores it at
- *  "pCRLSelectorContext".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose context is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCRLSelectorContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pCRLSelectorContext,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCommonCRLSelectorParams
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ComCRLSelParams object that represent the common
- *  parameters of the CRLSelector pointed to by "selector" and stores it at
- *  "pCommonCRLSelectorParams". If there are no common parameters stored with
- *  the CRLSelector, this function stores NULL at "pCommonCRLSelectorParams".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose ComCRLSelParams are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCommonCRLSelectorParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams **pCommonCRLSelectorParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_SetCommonCRLSelectorParams
- *
- *  Sets the common parameters for the CRLSelector pointed to by "selector"
- *  using the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by "commonCRLSelectorParams".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose common parameters are to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "commonCRLSelectorParams"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams representing the common parameters.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "selector"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *commonCRLSelectorParams,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_ComCRLSelParams
- *
- * PKIX_ComCRLSelParams are X.509 parameters commonly used with CRLSelectors,
- * especially determining which CRLs to retrieve from a CertStore.
- * PKIX_ComCRLSelParams are typically used with those CRLSelectors that use
- * the default implementation of MatchCallback, which understands how to
- * process ComCRLSelParams.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ComCRLSelParams object and stores it at "pParams".
- *
- *  "pParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of X500Names (if any) representing the
- *  issuer names criterion that is set in the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" and stores it at "pNames". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a CRL's IssuerName must match at least one of the criterion's
- *  issuer names.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pNames", in which case all CRLs are considered to match.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose issuer names criterion (if any) is to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNames"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_X500Name */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetIssuerNames
- *
- *  Sets the issuer names criterion of the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" using a List of X500Names pointed to by "names". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a CRL's IssuerName must match at least one of the
- *  criterion's issuer names.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParamsParams whose issuer names criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "names"
- *      Address of List of X500Names used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *names,   /* list of PKIX_PL_X500Name */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_AddIssuerName
- *
- *  Adds to the issuer names criterion of the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" using the X500Name pointed to by "name". In order to match
- *  against this criterion, a CRL's IssuerName must match at least one of the
- *  criterion's issuer names.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose issuer names criterion is to be added
- *      to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "name"
- *      Address of X500Name to be added.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetCertificateChecking
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Cert (if any) representing the certificate whose
- *  revocation status is being checked. This is not a criterion. It is simply
- *  optional information that may help a CertStore find relevant CRLs.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have a certificate set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pCert", in which case there is no optional information to provide.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose certificate being checked (if any) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCert"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetCertificateChecking
- *
- *  Sets the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by "params" with the certificate
- *  (pointed to by "cert") whose revocation status is being checked. This is
- *  not a criterion. It is simply optional information that may help a
- *  CertStore find relevant CRLs.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose certificate being checked is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose revocation status is being checked
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetDateAndTime
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Date (if any) representing the dateAndTime
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by "params" and
- *  stores it at "pDate". In order to match against this criterion, a CRL's
- *  thisUpdate component must be less than or equal to the criterion's
- *  dateAndTime and the CRL's nextUpdate component must be later than the
- *  criterion's dateAndTime. There is no match if the CRL does not contain a
- *  nextUpdate component.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pDate", in which case all CRLs are considered to match.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose dateAndTime criterion (if any) is to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetDateAndTime
- *
- *  Sets the dateAndTime criterion of the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" using a Date pointed to by "date". In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a CRL's thisUpdate component must be less than or equal to the
- *  criterion's dateAndTime and the CRL's nextUpdate component must be later
- *  than the criterion's dateAndTime. There is no match if the CRL does not
- *  contain a nextUpdate component.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParamsParams whose dateAndTime criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetNISTPolicyEnabled
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Boolean representing the NIST CRL policy
- *  activation flag that is set in the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by "params"
- *  and stores it at "enabled". If enabled, a CRL must have nextUpdate field.
- *
- *  Default value for this flag is TRUE.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose NIST CRL policy criterion  is to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pEnabled"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pEnabled,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetNISTPolicyEnabled
- *
- *  Sets the NIST crl policy criterion of the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" using a "enabled" flag. In order to match against this
- *  criterion, a CRL's nextUpdate must be available and criterion's
- *  dataAndTime must be within thisUpdate and nextUpdate time period.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParamsParams whose NIST CRL policy criterion
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "enabled"
- *      Address of Bollean used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean enabled,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMaxCRLNumber
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the BigInt (if any) representing the maxCRLNumber
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by "params" and
- *  stores it at "pNumber". In order to match against this criterion, a CRL
- *  must have a CRL number extension whose value is less than or equal to the
- *  criterion's value.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pNumber", in which case all CRLs are considered to match.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose maxCRLNumber criterion (if any) is to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNumber"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetMaxCRLNumber
- *
- *  Sets the maxCRLNumber criterion of the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" using a BigInt pointed to by "number". In order to match against
- *  this criterion, a CRL must have a CRL number extension whose value is less
- *  than or equal to the criterion's value.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParamsParams whose maxCRLNumber criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "number"
- *      Address of BigInt used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *number,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMinCRLNumber
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the BigInt (if any) representing the minCRLNumber
- *  criterion that is set in the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by "params" and
- *  stores it at "pNumber". In order to match against this criterion, a CRL
- *  must have a CRL number extension whose value is greater than or equal to
- *  the criterion's value.
- *
- *  If "params" does not have this criterion set, this function stores NULL at
- *  "pNumber", in which case all CRLs are considered to match.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose minCRLNumber criterion (if any) is to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNumber"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetMinCRLNumber
- *
- *  Sets the minCRLNumber criterion of the ComCRLSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params" using a BigInt pointed to by "number". In order to match against
- *  this criterion, a CRL must have a CRL number extension whose value is
- *  greater than or equal to the criterion's value.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParamsParams whose minCRLNumber criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "number"
- *      Address of BigInt used to set the criterion
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *number,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetCrlDp
- *
- * Sets crldp list that can be used to download a crls.
- * 
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParamsParams whose minCRLNumber criterion is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "crldpList"
- *      A list of CRLDPs. Can be an emptry list.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-         PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-         PKIX_List *crldpList,
-         void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CRLSEL_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_errorstrings.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_errorstrings.h
deleted file mode 100755
index d3fea94..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_errorstrings.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1098 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file is intended to be included after different definitions of
- * PKIX_ERRORENTRY. It is included in pkixt.h to define a number for each error
- * by defining PKIX_ERRORENTRY(x,y) as PKIX_ ## x  and then listing thim within
- * an enum. It is included in pkix_error.c to define an array of error strings
- * by defining PKIX_ERRORENTRY(x,y) #y and then listing thim within an array
- * const char * const PKIX_ErrorText[]
- */
-/* ALLOCERROR should always be the first */
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(ALGORITHMBYTESLENGTH0,Algorithm bytes length is 0,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(BUILDANDVALIDATECHAINFAILED,Failed to build and validate a chain,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CANTLOADLIBSMIME,Cannot load smime3 library,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTCHAINTONSSCHAINFAILED,Fail to convert pkix cert chain to nss cert chain,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTCHAINTOPKIXCERTLISTFAILED,Failed to convert nss cert chain to pkix cert chain,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTCHECKCRLFAILED,Fail to get crl cache issued by cert,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTEQUALSFAILED,pkix_pl_Cert_Equals failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTGETCRLDPFAILED,Failed to get cert crldp extension, 0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTSELECTORCHECKFAILED,Validation failed: CertSelector check failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CERTSTORECRLCHECKFAILED,Fail to check cert crl revocation,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CONTENTTYPENOTPKCS7MIME,Content type is not application/pkcs7-mime,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL,Could not test whether keys are equal,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CREATEPROCESSINGPARAMSFAILED,Failed to create processing parameters,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(CANNOTSORTIMMUTABLELIST,pkix_List_BubbleSort can not sort immutable list,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(ERRORINOBJECTDEFINEDESTROY,Error in object-defined destroy callback,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(FAILEDTOGETTRUST, failed to get trust from the cert,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(FAILTOREMOVEDPFROMLIST, failed to remove dp from the list,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(FAILTOSELECTCERTSFROMANCHORS,failed to select certs from anchors,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(GETREQCERTIFICATEUSAGESFAILED,Fail to get required certificate usages,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(GETRETCERTIFICATEUSAGESFAILED,Fail to get returned certificate usages,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(HASHFAILED,pkix_hash failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(HELPERBYTES2ASCIIFAILED,pkix_pl_helperBytes2Ascii failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(HELPERBYTES2ASCIINUMTOKENSZERO,pkix_pl_helperBytes2Ascii: numTokens is zero,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(IPADDRBYTES2ASCIIDATALENGTHZERO,pkix_pl_ipAddrBytes2Ascii: data length is zero,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(KEYUSAGEKEYCRLSIGNBITNOTON,Validation failed: KeyUsage CRLSign bit is not on,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(MINORVERSIONNOTBETWEENDESIREDMINANDMAX,Minor version does not fall between desired minimum and maximum,SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(NOTCONFORMINGCRLDP,Cert CRL DP does not conform to the rfc, 0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(NSSCERTIFICATEUSAGETOPKIXKUANDEKUFAILED,Failed to convert nss certificate usage to pkix ku and eku data structures,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(NSSTRUSTEDLISTISEMPTY,nss trusted roots list is empty,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTANX500NAME,Object is not an X500Name,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTBASICCONSTRAINTSCHECKERSTATE,Object is not a basic constraints checker state,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTCERTCHAINCHECKER,Object is not a cert chain checker,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTCERTSELECTOR,Object is not a cert selector,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTNAMECONSTRAINTSCHECKERSTATE,Object is not a name constraints checker state,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTREVOCATIONCHECKER,Object is not a revocation checker,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTSIGNATURECHECKERSTATE,Object is not a signature checker state,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OBJECTNOTTARGETCERTCHECKERSTATE,Object is not a target cert checker state,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OIDBYTES2ASCIIFAILED,pkix_pl_oidBytes2Ascii failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OIDBYTESLENGTH0,Oid bytes length is 0,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(OIDCOMPONENTTOOBIG,Overflow error: OID component > 2^32,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(POLICYTREETOOIDSFAILED,Failed to convert policy tree to oid,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SECERRORUNKNOWNISSUER,Nss legacy err code: build failed. Issuer is unknown.,SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SECONDKEYDSAPUBLICKEY,Second key is a DSA public key but has null parameters,SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SETPOLICIESFAILED,Fail to set cert validation policies,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SOCKETCONNECTFAILED,pkix_pl_Socket_Connect failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SOCKETCREATEFAILED,pkix_pl_Socket_Create failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SOCKETPOLLFAILED,pkix_pl_Socket_Poll failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SOCKETRECVFAILED,pkix_pl_Socket_Recv failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SOCKETSENDFAILED,pkix_pl_Socket_Send failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(STRINGCOMPARATORFAILED,pkix_pl_String_Comparator failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(STRINGEQUALSFAILED,pkix_pl_String_Equals failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(STRINGHASHCODEFAILED,pkix_pl_String_Hashcode failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(SUBJALTNAMECHECKFAILED,Validation failed: SubjAltNamecheck failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(TRUSTANCHORTOCERTFAILED,Fail to convert trust anchor to cert,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(X500NAMECREATEFROMUTF8FAILED,pkix_pl_X500Name_CreateFromUtf8 failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(X500NAMEGETCOMMONNAMEFAILED,pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCommonName failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(X500NAMEGETCOUNTRYNAMEFAILED,pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCountryName failed,0),
-PKIX_ERRORENTRY(X500NAMEGETORGNAMEFAILED,pkix_pl_X500Name_GetOrgName failed,0),
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_params.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_params.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a4d8e48..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_params.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1793 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the various parameters used
- * by the top-level functions.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PARAMS_H
-#define _PKIX_PARAMS_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_ProcessingParams
- *
- * PKIX_ProcessingParams are parameters used when validating or building a
- * chain of certificates. Using the parameters, the caller can specify several
- * things, including the various inputs to the PKIX chain validation
- * algorithm (such as trust anchors, initial policies, etc), any customized
- * functionality (such as CertChainCheckers, RevocationCheckers, CertStores),
- * and whether revocation checking should be disabled.
- *
- * Once the caller has created the ProcessingParams object, the caller then
- * passes it to PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain, which uses it to call
- * the user's callback functions as needed during the validation or building
- * process.
- *
- * If a parameter is not set (or is set to NULL), it will be set to the
- * default value for that parameter. The default value for the Date parameter
- * is NULL, which indicates the current time when the path is validated. The
- * default for the remaining parameters is the least constrained.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ProcessingParams object. Trust anchor list is set to
- *  newly created empty list of trust. In this case trust anchors will
- *  be taken from provided cert store. Pointed to the created
- *  ProcessingParams object is stored in "pParams".
- *
- *  "anchors"
- *      Address of List of (non-empty) TrustAnchors to be used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of CertChainCheckers (if any) that are set
- *  in the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at
- *  "pCheckers". Each CertChainChecker represents a custom certificate
- *  validation check used by PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain as needed
- *  during the validation or building process. If "params" does not have any
- *  CertChainCheckers, this function stores an empty List at "pCheckers".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of CertChainCheckers (if any)
- *      are to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCheckers"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pCheckers, /* list of PKIX_CertChainChecker */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertChainCheckers
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a List of
- *  CertChainCheckers pointed to by "checkers". Each CertChainChecker
- *  represents a custom certificate validation check used by
- *  PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain as needed during the validation or
- *  building process. If "checkers" is NULL, no CertChainCheckers will be used.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of CertChainCheckers is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "checkers"
- *      Address of List of CertChainCheckers to be set. If NULL, no
- *      CertChainCheckers will be used.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params" and "checkers"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *checkers,  /* list of PKIX_CertChainChecker */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_AddCertChainChecker
- *
- *  Adds the CertChainChecker pointed to by "checker" to the ProcessingParams
- *  pointed to by "params". The CertChainChecker represents a custom
- *  certificate validation check used by PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain
- *  as needed during the validation or building process.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be added to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker to be added. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetRevocationChecker
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the RevocationChecker that are set
- *  in the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at
- *  "pRevChecker". Each RevocationChecker represents a revocation
- *  check used by PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain as needed during the
- *  validation or building process. If "params" does not have any
- *  RevocationCheckers, this function stores an empty List at "pRevChecker".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of RevocationCheckers
- *      is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRevChecker"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetRevocationChecker
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a 
- *  RevocationChecker pointed to by "revChecker". Revocation
- *  checker object should be created and assigned to processing
- *  parameters before chain build or validation can begin.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of RevocationCheckers is to be
- *      set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "revChecker"
- *      Address of RevocationChecker to be set. Must be set before chain
- *      building or validation.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of CertStores (if any) that are set in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pStores". Each
- *  CertStore represents a particular repository from which certificates and
- *  CRLs can be retrieved by PKIX_ValidateChain or PKIX_BuildChain as needed
- *  during the validation or building process. If "params" does not have any
- *  CertStores, this function stores an empty List at "pStores".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of CertStores (if any) are to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pStores"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pStores,  /* list of PKIX_CertStore */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertStores
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a List of CertStores
- *  pointed to by "stores". Each CertStore represents a particular repository
- *  from which certificates and CRLs can be retrieved by PKIX_ValidateChain or
- *  PKIX_BuildChain as needed during the validation or building process. If
- *  "stores" is NULL, no CertStores will be used.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of CertStores is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "stores"
- *      Address of List of CertStores to be set. If NULL, no CertStores will
- *      be used.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *stores,  /* list of PKIX_CertStore */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_AddCertStore
- *
- *  Adds the CertStore pointed to by "store" to the ProcessingParams pointed
- *  to by "params". The CertStore represents a particular repository from
- *  which certificates and CRLs can be retrieved by PKIX_ValidateChain or
- *  PKIX_BuildChain as needed during the validation or building process.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be added to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore to be added.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetDate
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Date (if any) that is set in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pDate". The
- *  Date represents the time for which the validation of the certificate chain
- *  should be determined. If "params" does not have any Date set, this function
- *  stores NULL at "pDate".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose Date (if any) is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetDate
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a Date pointed to by
- *  "date". The Date represents the time for which the validation of the
- *  certificate chain should be determined. If "date" is NULL, the current
- *  time is used during validation.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose Date is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date to be set. If NULL, current time is used.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetInitialPolicies
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of OIDs (if any) that are set in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pInitPolicies".
- *  Each OID represents an initial policy identifier, indicating that any
- *  one of these policies would be acceptable to the certificate user for
- *  the purposes of certification path processing. If "params" does not have
- *  any initial policies, this function stores an empty List at
- *  "pInitPolicies".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of OIDs (if any) are to be
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pInitPolicies"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pInitPolicies,    /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetInitialPolicies
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a List of OIDs
- *  pointed to by "initPolicies".
- *
- *  Each OID represents an initial policy identifier, indicating that any
- *  one of these policies would be acceptable to the certificate user for
- *  the purposes of certification path processing. By default, any policy
- *  is acceptable (i.e. all policies), so a user that wants to allow any
- *  policy as acceptable does not need to call this method. Similarly, if
- *  initPolicies is NULL or points to an empty List, all policies are
- *  acceptable.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of OIDs is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "initPolicies"
- *      Address of List of OIDs to be set. If NULL or if pointing to an empty
- *      List, all policies are acceptable.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *initPolicies,    /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetPolicyQualifiersRejected
- *
- *  Checks whether the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" indicate that
- *  policy qualifiers should be rejected and stores the Boolean result at
- *  "pRejected".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to determine whether or not policy
- *      qualifiers should be rejected. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRejected"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRejected,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyQualifiersRejected
- *
- *  Specifies in the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" whether policy
- *  qualifiers are rejected using the Boolean value of "rejected".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "rejected"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether policy qualifiers are to be rejected.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean rejected,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the CertSelector (if any) that is set in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pConstraints".
- *  The CertSelector represents the constraints to be placed on the target
- *  certificate. If "params" does not have any CertSelector set, this function
- *  stores NULL at "pConstraints".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose CertSelector (if any) is to be
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertSelector **pConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTargetCertConstraints
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a CertSelector
- *  pointed to by "constraints". The CertSelector represents the constraints
- *  to be placed on the target certificate. If "constraints" is NULL, no
- *  constraints are defined.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose CertSelector is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "constraints"
- *      Address of CertSelector to be set. If NULL, no constraints are defined.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *constraints,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTrustAnchors
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of TrustAnchors that are set in
- *  the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pAnchors".
- *  If the function succeeds, the pointer to the List is guaranteed to be
- *  non-NULL and the List is guaranteed to be non-empty.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of TrustAnchors are to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAnchors"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pAnchors,  /* list of TrustAnchor */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTrustAnchors
- *
- * Sets user defined set of trust anchors. The handling of the trust anchors
- * may be furthered alter via PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseOnlyTrustAnchors.
- * By default, a certificate will be considered invalid if it does not chain
- * to a trusted anchor from this list.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of TrustAnchors are to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "anchors"
- *      Address of the trust anchors list object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *pAnchors,  /* list of TrustAnchor */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetUseOnlyTrustAnchors
- *
- * Retrieves a pointer to the Boolean. The boolean value represents
- * the switch value that is used to identify whether trust anchors, if
- * specified, should be the exclusive source of trust information.
- * If the function succeeds, the pointer to the Boolean is guaranteed to be
- * non-NULL.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pUseOnlyTrustAnchors"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pUseOnlyTrustAnchors,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseOnlyTrustAnchors
- *
- * Configures whether trust anchors are used as the exclusive source of trust.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "useOnlyTrustAnchors"
- *      If true, indicates that trust anchors should be used exclusively when
- *      they have been specified via PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTrustAnchors. A
- *      certificate will be considered invalid if it does not chain to a
- *      trusted anchor from that list.
- *      If false, indicates that the trust anchors are additive to whatever
- *      existing trust stores are configured. A certificate is considered
- *      valid if it chains to EITHER a trusted anchor from that list OR a
- *      certificate marked trusted in a trust store.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean useOnlyTrustAnchors,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetUseAIAForCertFetching
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Boolean. The boolean value represents
- *  the switch value that is used to identify if url in cert AIA extension
- *  may be used for cert fetching.
- *  If the function succeeds, the pointer to the Boolean is guaranteed to be
- *  non-NULL.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pUseAIA"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pUseAIA,  /* list of TrustAnchor */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTrustAnchors
- *
- * Sets switch value that defines if url in cert AIA extension
- * may be used for cert fetching.
- * 
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams.
- *  "useAIA"
- *      Address of the trust anchors list object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean useAIA,  
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetQualifyTargetCert
- *
- * Sets a boolean value that tells if libpkix needs to check that
- * the target certificate satisfies the conditions set in processing
- * parameters. Includes but not limited to date, ku and eku checks.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of TrustAnchors are to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "qualifyTargetCert"
- *      boolean value if set to true will trigger qualification of the
- *      target certificate.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean qualifyTargetCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetHintCerts
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a List of Certs supplied by the user as a suggested
- *  partial CertChain (subject to verification), that are set in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params", and stores it at "pHintCerts".
- *  The List returned may be empty or NULL.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of TrustAnchors are to
- *      be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pHintCerts"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pHintCerts,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetHintCerts
- *
- *  Stores a pointer to a List of Certs supplied by the user as a suggested
- *  partial CertChain (subject to verification), as an element in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params". The List may be empty or NULL.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose List of HintCerts is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "hintCerts"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *hintCerts,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetResourceLimits
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ResourceLimits (if any) that is set in the
- *  ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" and stores it at "pResourceLimits".
- *  The ResourceLimits represent the maximum resource usage that the caller 
- *  desires (such as MaxTime). The ValidateChain or BuildChain call will not
- *  exceed these maximum limits. If "params" does not have any ResourceLimits
- *  set, this function stores NULL at "pResourceLimits".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose ResourceLimits (if any) are to be
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResourceLimits"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits **pResourceLimits,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetResourceLimits
- *
- *  Sets the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" with a ResourceLimits
- *  object pointed to by "resourceLimits". The ResourceLimits represent the
- *  maximum resource usage that the caller desires (such as MaxTime). The
- *  ValidateChain or BuildChain call will not exceed these maximum limits.
- *  If "resourceLimits" is NULL, no ResourceLimits are defined.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams whose ResourceLimits are to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits to be set. If NULL, no limits are defined.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsAnyPolicyInhibited
- *
- *  Checks whether the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" indicate that
- *  anyPolicy is inhibited and stores the Boolean result at "pInhibited".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to determine whether or not anyPolicy
- *      inhibited. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pInhibited"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pInhibited,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetAnyPolicyInhibited
- *
- *  Specifies in the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" whether anyPolicy
- *  is inhibited using the Boolean value of "inhibited".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "inhibited"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether anyPolicy is to be inhibited.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean inhibited,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsExplicitPolicyRequired
- *
- *  Checks whether the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" indicate that
- *  explicit policies are required and stores the Boolean result at
- *  "pRequired".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to determine whether or not explicit
- *      policies are required. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRequired"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRequired,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetExplicitPolicyRequired
- *
- *  Specifies in the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" whether explicit
- *  policies are required using the Boolean value of "required".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "required"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether explicit policies are to be required.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean required,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsPolicyMappingInhibited
- *
- *  Checks whether the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" indicate that
- *  policyMapping is inhibited and stores the Boolean result at "pInhibited".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to determine whether or not policy
- *      mappings are inhibited. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pInhibited"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pInhibited,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyMappingInhibited
- *
- *  Specifies in the ProcessingParams pointed to by "params" whether policy
- *  mapping is inhibited using the Boolean value of "inhibited".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "inhibited"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether policy mapping is to be inhibited.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean inhibited,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_ValidateParams
- *
- * PKIX_ValidateParams consists of a ProcessingParams object as well as the
- * List of Certs (certChain) that the caller is trying to validate.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateParams_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ValidateParams object and stores it at "pParams".
- *
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "chain"
- *      Address of List of Certs (certChain) to be validated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_List *chain,
-        PKIX_ValidateParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateParams_GetProcessingParams
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the ProcessingParams that represent the basic
- *  certificate processing parameters used during chain validation and chain
- *  building from the ValidateParams pointed to by "valParams" and stores it
- *  at "pProcParams". If the function succeeds, the pointer to the
- *  ProcessingParams is guaranteed to be non-NULL.
- *
- *  "valParams"
- *      Address of ValidateParams whose ProcessingParams are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pProcParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams **pProcParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateParams_GetCertChain
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of Certs (certChain) that is set in the
- *  ValidateParams pointed to by "valParams" and stores it at "pChain". If the
- *  function succeeds, the pointer to the CertChain is guaranteed to be
- *  non-NULL.
- *
- *  "valParams"
- *      Address of ValidateParams whose CertChain is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pChain"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_List **pChain,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_TrustAnchor
- *
- * A PKIX_TrustAnchor represents a trusted entity and can be specified using a
- * self-signed certificate or using the trusted CA's name and public key. In
- * order to limit the trust in the trusted entity, name constraints can also
- * be imposed on the trust anchor.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithCert
- *
- *  Creates a new TrustAnchor object using the Cert pointed to by "cert" as
- *  the trusted certificate and stores it at "pAnchor". Once created, a
- *  TrustAnchor is immutable.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert to use as trusted certificate. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAnchor"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor **pAnchor,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithNameKeyPair
- *
- *  Creates a new TrustAnchor object using the X500Name pointed to by "name",
- *  and the PublicKey pointed to by "pubKey" and stores it at "pAnchor". The
- *  CertNameConstraints pointed to by "nameConstraints" (if any) are used to
- *  limit the trust placed in this trust anchor. To indicate that name
- *  constraints don't apply, set "nameConstraints" to NULL. Once created, a
- *  TrustAnchor is immutable.
- *
- *  "name"
- *      Address of X500Name to use as name of trusted CA. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pubKey"
- *      Address of PublicKey to use as trusted public key. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints to use as initial name constraints.
- *      If NULL, no name constraints are applied.
- *  "pAnchor"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor **pAnchor,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Cert that is set in the TrustAnchor pointed to
- *  by "anchor" and stores it at "pCert". If "anchor" does not have a Cert
- *  set, this function stores NULL at "pCert".
- *
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor whose Cert is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pChain"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAName
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the CA's X500Name (if any) that is set in the
- *  TrustAnchor pointed to by "anchor" and stores it at "pCAName". If "anchor"
- *  does not have an X500Name set, this function stores NULL at "pCAName".
- *
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor whose CA Name is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCAName"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pCAName,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAPublicKey
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the CA's PublicKey (if any) that is set in the
- *  TrustAnchor pointed to by "anchor" and stores it at "pPubKey". If "anchor"
- *  does not have a PublicKey set, this function stores NULL at "pPubKey".
- *
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor whose CA PublicKey is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPubKey"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPubKey,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetNameConstraints
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the CertNameConstraints (if any) set in the
- *  TrustAnchor pointed to by "anchor" and stores it at "pConstraints". If
- *  "anchor" does not have any CertNameConstraints set, this function stores
- *  NULL at "pConstraints".
- *
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor whose CertNameConstraints are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Params Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_ResourceLimits
- *
- *  A PKIX_ResourceLimits object represents the maximum resource usage that
- *  the caller desires. The ValidateChain or BuildChain call
- *  will not exceed these maximum limits. For example, the caller may want
- *  a timeout value of 1 minute, meaning that if the ValidateChain or
- *  BuildChain function is unable to finish in 1 minute, it should abort
- *  with an Error.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ResourceLimits object and stores it at "pResourceLimits".
- *
- *  "pResourceLimits"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits **pResourceLimits,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxTime
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the maximum time that is
- *  set in the ResourceLimits object pointed to by "resourceLimits" and stores
- *  it at "pMaxTime". This maximum time (in seconds) should not be exceeded
- *  by the function whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits object
- *  (typically ValidateChain or BuildChain). It essentially functions as a
- *  time-out value and is only appropriate if blocking I/O is being used.
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum time (in seconds) is
- *      to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMaxTime"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxTime,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxTime
- *
- *  Sets the maximum time of the ResourceLimits object pointed to by
- *  "resourceLimits" using the PKIX_UInt32 value of "maxTime". This
- *  maximum time (in seconds) should not be exceeded by the function
- *  whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits object
- *  (typically ValidateChain or BuildChain). It essentially functions as a
- *  time-out value and is only appropriate if blocking I/O is being used.
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum time (in seconds) is
- *      to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "maxTime"
- *      Value of PKIX_UInt32 representing the maximum time (in seconds)
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxTime,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxFanout
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the maximum fanout that is
- *  set in the ResourceLimits object pointed to by "resourceLimits" and stores
- *  it at "pMaxFanout". This maximum fanout (number of certs) should not be
- *  exceeded by the function whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits
- *  object (typically ValidateChain or BuildChain). If the builder encounters
- *  more than this maximum number of certificates when searching for the next
- *  candidate certificate, it should abort and return an error. This
- *  parameter is only relevant for ValidateChain if it needs to internally call
- *  BuildChain (e.g. in order to build the chain to a CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum fanout (number of certs)
- *      is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMaxFanout"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxFanout,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxFanout
- *
- *  Sets the maximum fanout of the ResourceLimits object pointed to by
- *  "resourceLimits" using the PKIX_UInt32 value of "maxFanout". This maximum
- *  fanout (number of certs) should not be exceeded by the function whose
- *  ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits object (typically ValidateChain
- *  or BuildChain). If the builder encounters more than this maximum number of
- *  certificates when searching for the next candidate certificate, it should
- *  abort and return an Error. This parameter is only relevant for ValidateChain
- *  if it needs to internally call BuildChain (e.g. in order to build the
- *  chain to a CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum fanout (number of certs)
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "maxFanout"
- *      Value of PKIX_UInt32 representing the maximum fanout (number of certs)
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxFanout,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxDepth
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the maximum depth that is
- *  set in the ResourceLimits object pointed to by "resourceLimits" and stores
- *  it at "pMaxDepth". This maximum depth (number of certs) should not be
- *  exceeded by the function whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits
- *  object (typically ValidateChain or BuildChain). If the builder encounters
- *  more than this maximum number of certificates when searching for the next
- *  candidate certificate, it should abort and return an error. This
- *  parameter is only relevant for ValidateChain if it needs to internally call
- *  BuildChain (e.g. in order to build the chain to a CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum depth (number of certs)
- *      is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMaxDepth"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxDepth,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxDepth
- *
- *  Sets the maximum depth of the ResourceLimits object pointed to by
- *  "resourceLimits" using the PKIX_UInt32 value of "maxDepth". This maximum
- *  depth (number of certs) should not be exceeded by the function whose
- *  ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits object (typically ValidateChain
- *  or BuildChain). If the builder encounters more than this maximum number of
- *  certificates when searching for the next candidate certificate, it should
- *  abort and return an Error. This parameter is only relevant for ValidateChain
- *  if it needs to internally call BuildChain (e.g. in order to build the
- *  chain to a CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum depth (number of certs)
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "maxDepth"
- *      Value of PKIX_UInt32 representing the maximum depth (number of certs)
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxDepth,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxNumberOfCerts
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the maximum number of traversed
- *  certs that is set in the ResourceLimits object pointed to by "resourceLimits"
- *  and stores it at "pMaxNumber". This maximum number of traversed certs should
- *  not be exceeded by the function whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits
- *  object (typically ValidateChain or BuildChain). If the builder traverses more
- *  than this number of certs during the build process, it should abort and
- *  return an Error. This parameter is only relevant for ValidateChain if it
- *  needs to internally call BuildChain (e.g. in order to build the chain to a
- *  CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum number of traversed certs
- *      is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMaxNumber"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxNumberOfCerts
- *
- *  Sets the maximum number of traversed certs of the ResourceLimits object
- *  pointed to by "resourceLimits" using the PKIX_UInt32 value of "maxNumber".
- *  This maximum number of traversed certs should not be exceeded by the function 
- *  whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits object (typically ValidateChain
- *  or BuildChain). If the builder traverses more than this number of certs
- *  during the build process, it should abort and return an Error. This parameter
- *  is only relevant for ValidateChain if it needs to internally call BuildChain
- *  (e.g. in order to build the chain to a CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum number of traversed certs
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "maxNumber"
- *      Value of PKIX_UInt32 representing the maximum number of traversed certs
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxNumberOfCRLs
- *
- *  Retrieves a PKIX_UInt32 (if any) representing the maximum number of traversed
- *  CRLs that is set in the ResourceLimits object pointed to by "resourceLimits"
- *  and stores it at "pMaxNumber". This maximum number of traversed CRLs should
- *  not be exceeded by the function whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits
- *  object (typically ValidateChain or BuildChain). If the builder traverses more
- *  than this number of CRLs during the build process, it should abort and
- *  return an Error. This parameter is only relevant for ValidateChain if it
- *  needs to internally call BuildChain (e.g. in order to build the chain to a
- *  CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum number of traversed CRLs
- *      is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMaxNumber"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxNumberOfCRLs
- *
- *  Sets the maximum number of traversed CRLs of the ResourceLimits object
- *  pointed to by "resourceLimits" using the PKIX_UInt32 value of "maxNumber".
- *  This maximum number of traversed CRLs should not be exceeded by the function 
- *  whose ProcessingParams contain this ResourceLimits object (typically ValidateChain
- *  or BuildChain). If the builder traverses more than this number of CRLs
- *  during the build process, it should abort and return an Error. This parameter
- *  is only relevant for ValidateChain if it needs to internally call BuildChain
- *  (e.g. in order to build the chain to a CRL's issuer).
- *
- *  "resourceLimits"
- *      Address of ResourceLimits object whose maximum number of traversed CRLs
- *      is to be set. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "maxNumber"
- *      Value of PKIX_UInt32 representing the maximum number of traversed CRLs
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "params"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ResourceLimits Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxNumber,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PARAMS_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_pki.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_pki.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a449b9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_pki.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2735 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines several platform independent functions to
- * manipulate certificates and CRLs in a portable manner.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_PKI_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_PKI_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
- * Cert
- *
- * A Cert represents an X.509 certificate. It can be created using the bytes
- * of a valid ASN.1 DER encoding. Once created, a Cert is immutable. The
- * following functions include accessors (gettors) for the various components
- * of an X.509 certificate. Also included are functions to perform various
- * checks on a certificate, including name constraints, key usage, validity
- * (expiration), and signature verification.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new certificate using the bytes in the ByteArray pointed to by
- *  "byteArray" and stores it at "pCert". If the bytes are not a valid ASN.1
- *  DER encoding of a certificate, a PKIX_Error pointer is returned. Once
- *  created, a Cert is immutable.
- *
- *  Certificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      tbsCertificate          TBSCertificate,
- *      signatureAlgorithm      AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      signatureValue          BIT STRING  }
- *
- *  AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      algorithm               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *      parameters              ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL  }
- *
- *  TBSCertificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      version         [0]  EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
- *      serialNumber    CertificateSerialNumber,
- *      signature       AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      issuer          Name,
- *      validity        Validity,
- *      subject         Name,
- *      subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
- *      issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
- *                          -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
- *      subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
- *                              -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
- *      extensions      [3]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
- *                              -- If present, version MUST be v3
- *      }
- *
- *  Version  ::=  INTEGER  {  v1(0), v2(1), v3(2)  }
- *
- *  CertificateSerialNumber  ::=  INTEGER
- *
- *  Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      notBefore       Time,
- *      notAfter        Time }
- *
- *  Time ::= CHOICE {
- *      utcTime         UTCTime,
- *      generalTime     GeneralizedTime }
- *
- *  UniqueIdentifier  ::=  BIT STRING
- *
- *  SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      algorithm               AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      subjectPublicKey        BIT STRING  }
- *
- *  Extensions  ::=  SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension
- *
- *  Extension  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      extnID          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *      critical        BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
- *      extnValue       OCTET STRING  }
- *
- *  "byteArray"
- *      Address of ByteArray representing the CERT's DER encoding.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCert"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateFromCERTCertificate
- *
- * Creates a new certificate using passed in CERTCertificate object.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      The object that will be used to create new PKIX_PL_Cert.
- *  "pCert"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCERTCertificate
- *
- * Returns underlying CERTCertificate structure. Return CERTCertificate
- * object is duplicated and should be destroyed by caller.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_Cert. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCert"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        CERTCertificate **pnssCert, 
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetVersion
- *
- *  Retrieves the version of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pVersion". The version number will either be 0, 1, or 2 (corresponding to
- *  v1, v2, or v3, respectively).
- *
- *  Version  ::=  INTEGER  {  v1(0), v2(1), v3(2)  }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose version is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVersion"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pVersion,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSerialNumber
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the BigInt that represents the serial number of the
- *  Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pSerialNumber".
- *
- *  CertificateSerialNumber  ::=  INTEGER
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose serial number is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSerial"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pSerial,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the X500Name that represents the issuer DN of the
- *  Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pIssuer".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose issuer is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pIssuer"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pIssuer,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the X500Name that represents the subject DN of the
- *  Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pSubject". If the Cert does not
- *  have a subject DN, this function stores NULL at "pSubject".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subject is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pSubject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKeyAlgId
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the OID that represents the subject public key
- *  algorithm of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pSubjKeyAlgId".
- *
- *  SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      algorithm               AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      subjectPublicKey        BIT STRING  }
- *
- *  AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      algorithm               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *      parameters              ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL  }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subject public key algorithm OID is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubjKeyAlgId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pSubjKeyAlgId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the PublicKey that represents the subject public key
- *  of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pPublicKey".
- *
- *  SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      algorithm               AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      subjectPublicKey        BIT STRING  }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subject public key is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPublicKey"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPublicKey,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PublicKey_NeedsDSAParameters
- *
- * Determines if the PublicKey pointed to by "pubKey" is a DSA Key with null
- * parameters and stores the result at "pNeedsParams". 
- *
- *  "pubKey"
- *      Address of the Public Key of interest. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNeedsParams"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PublicKey Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pNeedsParams,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PublicKey_MakeInheritedDSAPublicKey
- *
- * This function is used for DSA key parameter inheritance, which allows a
- * first DSA key with omitted parameters (pointed to by "firstKey") to inherit
- * the PQG parameters of a second DSA key that does have parameters. (pointed
- * to by "secondKey"). Once created, a PublicKey is immutable.
- *
- * Specifically, the algorithm used by the function is:
- *
- * If the first PublicKey is not a DSA public key with omitted parameters,
- *      the function stores NULL at "pResultKey". (No Error is returned)
- * Else if the second PublicKey is not a DSA public key with non-NULL,
- *      parameters, the function returns an Error.
- * Else
- *      the function creates a third PublicKey with a "Y" value from the
- *      first PublicKey and the DSA parameters from the second PublicKey,
- *      and stores it at "pResultKey".
- *
- *  "firstKey"
- *      Address of a Public Key that needs to inherit DSA parameters.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondKey"
- *      Address of a Public Key that has DSA parameters that will be inherited
- *      by "firstKey". Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResultKey"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PublicKey Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *firstKey,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *secondKey,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pResultKey,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of OIDs (each OID corresponding to a
- *  critical extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert") and stores it at
- *  "pExtensions". If "cert" does not have any critical extensions, this
- *  function stores an empty List at "pExtensions".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose critical extension OIDs are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pExtensions"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pExtensions,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a ByteArray representing the authority key
- *  identifier extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pAuthKeyId".
- *
- *  Note that this function only retrieves the keyIdentifier component
- *  (OCTET STRING) of the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension, when present.
- *
- *  If "cert" does not have an AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension or if the
- *  keyIdentifier component of the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension is not
- *  present, this function stores NULL at "pAuthKeyId".
- *
- *  AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      keyIdentifier                   [0] KeyIdentifier           OPTIONAL,
- *      authorityCertIssuer             [1] GeneralNames            OPTIONAL,
- *      authorityCertSerialNumber       [2] CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL  }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose authority key identifier is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAuthKeyId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pAuthKeyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectKeyIdentifier
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a ByteArray representing the subject key identifier
- *  extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pSubjKeyId".
- *  If "cert" does not have a SubjectKeyIdentifier extension, this function
- *  stores NULL at "pSubjKeyId".
- *
- *  SubjectKeyIdentifier ::= KeyIdentifier
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subject key identifier is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubjKeyId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pSubjKeyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectAltNames
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of GeneralNames (each GeneralName
- *  representing a subject alternative name found in the subject alternative
- *  names extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert") and stores it at
- *  "pSubjectAltNames". If "cert" does not have a SubjectAlternativeNames
- *  extension, this function stores NULL at "pSubjectAltNames".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  SubjectAltName ::= GeneralNames
- *
- *  GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralName
- *
- *  GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
- *      otherName                       [0]     OtherName,
- *      rfc822Name                      [1]     IA5String,
- *      dNSName                         [2]     IA5String,
- *      x400Address                     [3]     ORAddress,
- *      directoryName                   [4]     Name,
- *      ediPartyName                    [5]     EDIPartyName,
- *      uniformResourceIdentifier       [6]     IA5String,
- *      iPAddress                       [7]     OCTET STRING,
- *      registeredID                    [8]     OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
- *
- *  OtherName ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      type-id                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *      value                           [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id }
- *
- *  EDIPartyName ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      nameAssigner                    [0]     DirectoryString OPTIONAL,
- *      partyName                       [1]     DirectoryString }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subjectAltNames are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubjectAltNames"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pSubjectAltNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAllSubjectNames
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of GeneralNames (each GeneralName
- *  representing a subject DN or a subject alternative name found in the
- *  subject alternative names extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert") and
- *  stores it at "pAllSubjectNames".If the Subject DN of "cert" is empty and
- *  it does not have a SubjectAlternativeNames extension, this function stores
- *  NULL at "pAllSubjectNames".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subject DN and subjectAltNames are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAllSubjectNames"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pAllSubjectNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a List of OIDs (each OID corresponding to an
- *  extended key usage of the Cert pointed to by "cert") and stores it at
- *  "pKeyUsage". If "cert" does not have an extended key usage extension, this
- *  function stores a NULL at "pKeyUsage".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  ExtKeyUsageSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF KeyPurposeId
- *
- *  KeyPurposeId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose extended key usage OIDs are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeyUsage"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pKeyUsage,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a CertNameConstraints object representing the name
- *  constraints extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pNameConstraints".
- *
- *  If "cert" does not have a name constraints extension, this function stores
- *  NULL at "pNameConstraints".
- *
- *  NameConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      permittedSubtrees       [0]     GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL,
- *      excludedSubtrees        [1]     GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  GeneralSubtrees ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralSubtree
- *
- *  GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      base                    GeneralName,
- *      minimum         [0]     BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,
- *      maximum         [1]     BaseDistance OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose name constraints extension is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNameConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a CertBasicConstraints object representing the basic
- *  constraints extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pBasicConstraints".
- *
- *  If "cert" does not have a basic constraints extension, this function stores
- *  NULL at "pBasicConstraints". Once created, a CertBasicConstraints object
- *  is immutable.
- *
- *  BasicConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      cA                      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
- *      pathLenConstraint       INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose basic constraints extension is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBasicConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints **pBasicConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetCAFlag
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a Boolean value representing the cA Flag component
- *  of the CertBasicConstraints object pointed to by "basicConstraints" and
- *  stores it at "pResult".
- *
- *  BasicConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      cA                      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
- *      pathLenConstraint       INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  "basicConstraints"
- *      Address of CertBasicConstraints whose cA Flag is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetPathLenConstraint
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to an integer value representing the pathLenConstraint
- *  component of the CertBasicConstraints object pointed to by
- *  "basicConstraints" and stores it at "pPathLenConstraint". If the
- *  pathLenConstraint component is not present, this function stores -1 at
- *  "pPathLenConstraint".
- *
- *  "basicConstraints"
- *      Address of CertBasicConstraints whose pathLen is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPathLenConstraint"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pPathLenConstraint,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyInformation
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a List of CertPolicyInfos found in the certificate
- *  policies extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pPolicyInfo". If "cert" does not have a certificate policies extension,
- *  this function stores NULL at "pPolicyInfo". Once created, a CertPolicyInfo
- *  object is immutable.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  certificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation
- *
- *  PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
- *      policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
- *                              PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose CertPolicyInfos are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyInfo"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicyInfo, /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolicyId
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to an OID representing the policyIdentifier of the
- *  CertPolicyInfo pointed to by "policyInfo" and stores it at "pCertPolicyId".
- *
- *  certificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation
- *
- *  PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
- *      policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
- *                              PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  CertPolicyId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
- *
- *  "policyInfo"
- *      Address of CertPolicyInfo whose policy identifier is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertPolicyId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policyInfo,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pCertPolicyId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolQualifiers
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a List of the CertPolicyQualifiers representing
- *  the policyQualifiers of the CertPolicyInfo pointed to by "policyInfo" and
- *  stores it at "pPolicyQualifiers". If "policyInfo" does not have any
- *  policyQualifiers, this function stores NULL at "pPolicyQualifiers". Once
- *  created, a CertPolicyQualifier is immutable.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  certificatePolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation
- *
- *  PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyIdentifier   CertPolicyId,
- *      policyQualifiers   SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
- *                              PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyQualifierId  PolicyQualifierId,
- *      qualifier       ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
- *
- *  "policyInfo"
- *      Address of CertPolicyInfo whose policy qualifiers List is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyQualifiers"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policyInfo,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicyQualifiers, /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PolicyQualifier_GetPolicyQualifierId
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to an OID representing the policyQualifierId of the
- *  CertPolicyQualifier pointed to by "policyQualifier" and stores it at
- *  "pPolicyQualifierId".
- *
- *  PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyQualifierId       PolicyQualifierId,
- *      qualifier               ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
- *
- *  PolicyQualifierId ::=
- *      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-qt-cps | id-qt-unotice )
- *
- *  "policyQualifier"
- *      Address of CertPolQualifier whose policyQualifierId is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyQualifierId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *policyQualifier,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pPolicyQualifierId,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PolicyQualifier_GetQualifier
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a ByteArray representing the qualifier of the
- *  CertPolicyQualifier pointed to by "policyQualifier" and stores it at
- *  "pQualifier".
- *
- *  PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyQualifierId       PolicyQualifierId,
- *      qualifier               ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
- *
- *  "policyQualifier"
- *      Address of CertPolicyQualifier whose qualifier is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pQualifier"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *policyQualifier,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pQualifier,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappings
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a List of CertPolicyMaps found in the policy
- *  mappings extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at
- *  "pPolicyMappings". If "cert" does not have a policy mappings extension,
- *  this function stores NULL at "pPolicyMappings". Once created, a
- *  CertPolicyMap is immutable.
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {
- *      issuerDomainPolicy      CertPolicyId,
- *      subjectDomainPolicy     CertPolicyId }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose CertPolicyMaps are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyMappings"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicyMappings, /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetIssuerDomainPolicy
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to an OID representing the issuerDomainPolicy of the
- *  CertPolicyMap pointed to by "policyMapping" and stores it at
- *  "pIssuerDomainPolicy".
- *
- *  PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {
- *      issuerDomainPolicy      CertPolicyId,
- *      subjectDomainPolicy     CertPolicyId }
- *
- *  "policyMapping"
- *      Address of CertPolicyMap whose issuerDomainPolicy is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pIssuerDomainPolicy"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *policyMapping,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pIssuerDomainPolicy,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetSubjectDomainPolicy
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to an OID representing the subjectDomainPolicy of the
- *  CertPolicyMap pointed to by "policyMapping" and stores it at
- *  "pSubjectDomainPolicy".
- *
- *  PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {
- *      issuerDomainPolicy      CertPolicyId,
- *      subjectDomainPolicy     CertPolicyId }
- *
- *  "policyMapping"
- *      Address of CertPolicyMap whose subjectDomainPolicy is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubjectDomainPolicy"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *policyMapping,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pSubjectDomainPolicy,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetRequireExplicitPolicy
- *
- *  Retrieves the requireExplicitPolicy value of the policy constraints
- *  extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pSkipCerts".
- *  If "cert" does not have a policy constraints extension or the
- *  requireExplicitPolicy component is not populated, this function stores -1
- *  at "pSkipCerts".
- *
- *  PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      requireExplicitPolicy   [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,
- *      inhibitPolicyMapping    [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose requireExplicitPolicy value is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSkipCerts"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappingInhibited
- *
- *  Retrieves the inhibitPolicyMapping value of the policy constraints
- *  extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pSkipCerts".
- *  If "cert" does not have a policy constraints extension or the
- *  inhibitPolicyMapping component is not populated, this function stores -1
- *  at "pSkipCerts".
- *
- *  PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      requireExplicitPolicy   [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,
- *      inhibitPolicyMapping    [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }
- *
- *  SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose requireExplicitPolicy value is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSkipCerts"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetInhibitAnyPolicy
- *
- *  Retrieves the value of the inhibit any-policy extension of the Cert
- *  pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pSkipCerts". If "cert" does not have
- *  an inhibit any-policy extension, this function stores -1 at "pSkipCerts".
- *
- *  InhibitAnyPolicy ::= SkipCerts
- *
- *  SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose inhibit any-policy extensions value is to be
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSkipCerts"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext);
-/* policy processing functions */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_AreCertPoliciesCritical
- *
- *  Checks whether the certificate policies extension of the Cert pointed to
- *  by "cert" is critical and stores the Boolean result at "pCritical". If
- *  "cert" does not have a certificate policies extension, this function
- *  stores NULL at "pCritical".
- *
- *  XXX what distinguishes NULL from PKIX_FALSE?
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose certificate policies extension's criticality is
- *      to be determined. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCritical"
- *      Address where PKIX_Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCritical,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckNameConstraints
- *
- *  Checks whether the subject distinguished name and subject alternative names
- *  of the Cert pointed to by "cert" satisfy the CertNameConstraints pointed
- *  to by "nameConstraints". If the CertNameConstraints are not satisfied, a
- *  PKIX_Error pointer is returned. If "nameConstraints" is NULL, the function
- *  does nothing.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose subject names are to be checked.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints that need to be satisfied.
- *  "treatCommonNameAsDNSName"
- *      PKIX_TRUE if the subject common name should be considered a dNSName
- *      when evaluating name constraints.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean treatCommonNameAsDNSName,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_MergeNameConstraints
- *
- *  Merges the CertNameConstraints pointed to by "firstNC" and the
- *  CertNameConstraints pointed to by "secondNC" and stores the merged
- *  CertNameConstraints at "pResultNC". If "secondNC" is NULL, the
- *  CertNameConstraints pointed to by "firstNC" is stored at "pResultNC".
- *
- *  Once created, a CertNameConstraints object is immutable.
- *
- *  "firstNC"
- *      Address of first CertNameConstraints to be merged. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondNC"
- *      Address of second CertNameConstraints to be merged
- *  "pResultNC"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *firstNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *secondNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pResultNC,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyKeyUsage
- *
- *  Verifies that the keyUsage bit(s) specified by "keyUsage" appear in the
- *  keyUsage extension of the Cert pointed to by "cert". The keyUsage bit
- *  values specified in pkixt.h are supported, and can be bitwise or'ed if
- *  multiple bit values are to be verified. If the keyUsages do not all appear
- *  in the keyUsage extension of "cert", a PKIX_Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING {
- *      digitalSignature        (0),
- *      nonRepudiation          (1),
- *      keyEncipherment         (2),
- *      dataEncipherment        (3),
- *      keyAgreement            (4),
- *      keyCertSign             (5),
- *      cRLSign                 (6),
- *      encipherOnly            (7),
- *      decipherOnly            (8) }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose keyUsage bits are to be verified.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "keyUsage"
- *      Constant representing keyUsage bit(s) that all must appear in keyUsage
- *      extension of "cert".
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 keyUsage,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyCertAndKeyType
- *
- * Verifies cert and key types against certificate usage that is
- * a part of plContext(pkix_pl_nsscontext) structure. Throws an error
- * if cert or key types does not match.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose keyUsage bits are to be verified.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "isLeafCert"
- *      What type of a cert has been verified.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean isChainCert,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckValidity
- *
- *  Checks whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" would be valid at the time
- *  represented by the Date pointed to by "date". If "date" is NULL, then this
- *  function checks whether the Cert would be valid at the current time. If the
- *  Cert would not be valid at the specified Date, a PKIX_Error pointer is
- *  returned.
- *
- *  Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      notBefore       Time,
- *      notAfter        Time }
- *
- *  Time ::= CHOICE {
- *      utcTime         UTCTime,
- *      generalTime     GeneralizedTime }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose validity is to be checked. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date at which the Cert is being checked for validity.
- *      If NULL, the current time is used for the Date.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the Date that represents the notAfter time of the
- *  Certificate pointed to by "cert" and stores it at "pDate".
- *
- *  Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      notBefore       Time,
- *      notAfter        Time }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose validity time is to be retrieved. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date at which the Cert's notAfter time is being retrieved.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifySignature
- *
- *  Verifies the signature on the Cert pointed to by "cert" using the
- *  PublicKey pointed to by "pubKey". If the signature doesn't verify, an
- *  Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose signature is to be verified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pubKey"
- *      Address of a Public Key used to verify the signature. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        void *plContext);
-/* A set of flags to indicate how explicitly configured trust anchors should be
- * handled by PKIX_PL_Cert_IsCertTrusted
- */
-typedef enum PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorModeEnum {
-        /* Indicates trust anchors should be ignored; only the underlying
-         * platform's trust settings should be used.
-         */
-        PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Ignore,
-        /* Indicates that explicitly configured trust anchors may be considered
-         * trustworthy, if present.
-         * Note: If the underlying platform supports marking a certificate as
-         *       explicitly untrustworthy, explicitly configured trust anchors
-         *       MAY be ignored/rejected.
-         */
-        PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Additive,
-        /* Indicates that ONLY trust anchors should be considered as
-         * trustworthy.
-         * Note: If the underlying platform supports marking a certificate as
-         *       explicitly untrustworthy, explicitly configured trust anchors
-         *       MAY be ignored/rejected.
-         */
-        PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Exclusive
-} PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_IsCertTrusted
- *
- *  Checks the Cert specified by "cert" to determine, in a manner that depends
- *  on the underlying platform, whether it is trusted, and stores the result in
- *  "pTrusted". If a certificate is trusted it means that a chain built to that
- *  certificate, and satisfying all the usage, policy, validity, and other
- *  tests, is a valid chain and the End Entity certificate from which it was
- *  built can be trusted.
- *
- *  If the Certificate is not intrinsically trustworthy, it still might end up a
- *  component in a successful chain.
- *
- *  If the Certificate is intrinsically untrustworthy, this function will return
- *  an error. 
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose trustworthiness is to be determined. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "trustAnchorMode"
- *      A PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode that indicates how explicitly defined user
- *      trust anchors should be handled.
- *  "pTrusted"
- *      Address where the Boolean value will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CERT Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode trustAnchorMode,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_IsLeafCertTrusted
- *
- *  Checks the Leaf Cert specified by "cert" to determine, in a manner that 
- *  depends on the underlying platform, whether it is trusted, and stores the 
- *  result in "pTrusted". If a certificate is trusted it means that this
- *  End Entify certificate has been marked as trusted for the requested usage,
- *  policy, validity, and other tests.
- *
- *  If the Certificate is not intrinsically trustworthy, we can still try to 
- *  build a successful chain.
- *
- *  If the Certificate is intrinsically untrustworthy, this function will return
- *  an error. 
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose trustworthiness is to be determined. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pTrusted"
- *      Address where the Boolean value will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CERT Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext);
-/* FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_SetAsTrustAnchor */
-PKIX_PL_Cert_SetAsTrustAnchor(PKIX_PL_Cert *cert, 
-                              void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCacheFlag
- *
- *  Retrieves the value of the cache flag in "cert" and return it at address
- *  pointed by "pCacheFlag". The initila cache flag is determined by the
- *  CertStore this "cert" is fetched from. When CertStore is created, user
- *  need to specify if the data should be cached.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose cache flag is fetched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCacheFlag"
- *      Address where PKIX_Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCacheFlag,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_SetCacheFlag
- *
- *  Set the value of the cache flag in "cert" base on the boolean value stored
- *  at "cacheFlag". This function is meant to be used by CertStore after a
- *  Cert is created.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert where "cacheFlag" is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cacheFlag"
- *      PKIX_Boolean flag for cache flag.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetTrustCertStore
- *
- *  Retrieves the value of the CertStore in "cert" and return it at address
- *  pointed by "pCertStore".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose CertStore is fetched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pTrustCertStore"
- *      Address where CertStore will be stored and returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pTrustCertStore,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_SetTrustCertStore
- *
- *  Set the value of the CertStore "certStore" in "cert".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert where "certStore" will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "trustCertStore"
- *      Address where the CertStore is. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_CertStore *trustCertStore,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityInfoAccess
- *
- *  Retrieves the value(s) of the Authority Information Access in "cert" and
- *  returns it in a list at address pointed by "pAuthorityInfoAccess".
- *
- *  SubjectInfoAccess ::=
- *    SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) of AccessDescription
- *    AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
- *        accessMethod     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *        accessLocation   GeneralName
- *    }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose Authority Information Access is fetched.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAuthorityInfoAccess"
- *      Address where Authority InfoAccess will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pAiaList, /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectInfoAccess
- *
- *  Retrieves the value(s) of the Subject Information Access in "cert" and
- *  returns it in a list at address pointed by "pSubjectInfoAccess".
- *
- *  SubjectInfoAccess ::=
- *    SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) of AccessDescription
- *    AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
- *        accessMethod     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *        accessLocation   GeneralName
- *    }
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose Subject Information Access is fetched.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSubjectInfoAccess"
- *      Address where Subject InfoAccess will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pSiaList, /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Retrieves the value(s) of the CRL Distribution Point Extension and
- *  returns it in a list at address pointed by "pDpList".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose Subject Information Access is fetched.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDpList"
- *      Address where CRL DP will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCrlDp(PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-                      PKIX_List **pDpList,
-                      void *plContext);
- * InfoAccess 
- *
- * To hold Authority Information Access or Subject Information Access
- * retrieved from a Certificate.
- */
-#define PKIX_INFOACCESS_OCSP          1
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetMethod
- *
- *  Stores the method of the Information Access from "infoAccess" and
- *  returns in "pMethod".
- *
- *  SubjectInfoAccess ::=
- *    AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
- *        accessMethod     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *        accessLocation   GeneralName
- *    }
- *
- *  "infoAccess"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess that has the access data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMethod"
- *      Address where access method will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMethod,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocation
- *
- *  Stores the location of the Information Access from "infoAccess" and
- *  returns in "pLocation".
- *
- *  SubjectInfoAccess ::=
- *    AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
- *        accessMethod     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *        accessLocation   GeneralName
- *    }
- *
- *  "infoAccess"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess that has the access data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLocation"
- *      Address where access location will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pLocation,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocationType
- *
- *  Stores the type of location of the Information Access from "infoAccess" and
- *  returns in "pType".
- *
- *  SubjectInfoAccess ::=
- *    AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
- *        accessMethod     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *        accessLocation   GeneralName
- *    }
- *
- *  "infoAccess"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess that has the access data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pType"
- *      Address where access location type will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pType,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *ia,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void **pHandle,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext);
- * CRL
- *
- * A CRL represents an X.509 certificate revocation list. It can be created
- * using the bytes of a valid ASN.1 DER encoding. Once created, a CRL is
- * immutable. The following functions include accessors (gettors) for the
- * various components of an X.509 CRL, as well as a function for signature
- * verification.
- */
- *
- *  Creates a new CRL using the bytes in the ByteArray pointed to by
- *  "byteArray" and stores it at "pCRL". If the bytes are not a valid ASN.1
- *  DER encoding of a CRL, a PKIX_Error pointer is returned. Once created, a
- *  CRL is immutable.
- *
- *  CertificateList  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      tbsCertList             TBSCertList,
- *      signatureAlgorithm      AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      signatureValue          BIT STRING  }
- *
- *  TBSCertList  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      version                 Version OPTIONAL,
- *                              -- if present, MUST be v2
- *      signature               AlgorithmIdentifier,
- *      issuer                  Name,
- *      thisUpdate              Time,
- *      nextUpdate              Time OPTIONAL,
- *      revokedCertificates     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE  {
- *              userCertificate         CertificateSerialNumber,
- *              revocationDate          Time,
- *              crlEntryExtensions      Extensions OPTIONAL
- *                                      -- if present, MUST be v2
- *                              }  OPTIONAL,
- *      crlExtensions           [0]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
- *                                      -- if present, MUST be v2
- *      }
- *
- *  "byteArray"
- *      Address of ByteArray representing the CRL's DER encoding.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCRL"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        PKIX_PL_CRL **pCRL,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the X500Name that represents the issuer of the CRL
- *  pointed to by "crl" and stores it at "pCRLIssuer".
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose issuer is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCRLIssuer"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pCRLIssuer,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of OIDs (each OID corresponding to a
- *  critical extension of the CRL pointed to by "crl") and stores it at
- *  "pExtensions". If "crl" does not have any critical extensions, this
- *  function stores an empty List at "pExtensions".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose critical extension OIDs are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pExtensions"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_List **pExtensions,   /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCRLEntryForSerialNumber
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the CRLEntry (found in the CRL pointed to by "crl")
- *  corresponding to the BigInt pointed to by "serialNumber" and stores it at
- *  "pCRLEntry". If there is no such CRLEntry, this functions stores NULL at
- *  "pCRLEntry". Once created, a CRLEntry is immutable.
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose CRL Entries are to be searched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "serialNumber"
- *      Address of BigInt representing serial number of certificate whose
- *      CRLEntry is to be found. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCRLEntry"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber,
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry **pCRLEntry,
-        void *plContext);
- *  Retrieves the CRL Number from extension. This is non-critical extension.
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose version is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrlNumber"
- *      Address where a CRL Number will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pCrlNumber,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifyUpdateTime
- *
- *  Checks whether the CRL pointed to by "crl" would be valid at the time
- *  represented by the Date pointed to by "date" and stores the Boolean result
- *  at "pResult". This check is done only when NIST policy is enforced.
- *
- *  Time ::= CHOICE {
- *      utcTime         UTCTime,
- *      generalTime     GeneralizedTime }
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose validity is to be checked. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date at which the CRL is being checked for validity.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of Boolean result. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifySignature
- *
- *  Verifies the signature on the CRL pointed to by "crl" using the PublicKey
- *  pointed to by "pubKey". If the signature doesn't verify, a PKIX_Error
- *  pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose signature is to be verified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pubKey"
- *      Address of a Public Key used to verify the signature. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- * Relinguish the ownership for the crl der. The operation will succeed if
- * a crl owns the der. If the crl was created from existing crl and does not
- * own the der, then the function will return null.
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose signature is to be verified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "derCrl"
- *      Pointer to a SECItem that has der crl.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_CRL_ReleaseDerCrl(PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-                         SECItem **derCrl,
-                         void *plContext);
- *
- * Adopt memory of the der. The secItem that contains der will be
- * freed with destruction of parent pkix crl structure.
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose signature is to be verified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "derCrl"
- *      Pointer to a SECItem that has der crl.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_CRL_AdoptDerCrl(PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-                        SECItem *derCrl,
-                        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCRLEntryReasonCode
- *
- *  Retrieves the value of the reason code extension of the CRLEntry pointed
- *  to by "crlEntry" and stores it at "pReason". If the "crlEntry" has no
- *  reason code extension, this function stores -1 at "pReason".
- *
- *  CRLReason ::= ENUMERATED {
- *      unspecified             (0),
- *      keyCompromise           (1),
- *      cACompromise            (2),
- *      affiliationChanged      (3),
- *      superseded              (4),
- *      cessationOfOperation    (5),
- *      certificateHold         (6),
- *      removeFromCRL           (8),
- *      privilegeWithdrawn      (9),
- *      aACompromise            (10) }
- *
- *  "crlEntry"
- *      Address of CRLEntry whose reason code bit values are to be returned
- *      at "pReason". Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pReason"
- *      Address of PKIX_Int32 where reason code is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pReason,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of OIDs (each OID corresponding to a
- *  critical extension of the CRLEntry pointed to by "crlEntry") and stores it
- *  at "pExtensions". If "crlEntry" does not have any critical extensions, this
- *  function stores an empty List at "pExtensions".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "crlEntry"
- *      Address of CRLEntry whose critical extension OIDs are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pExtensions"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry,
-        PKIX_List **pExtensions,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_X500Name_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new X500Name using the UTF8 string representation pointed to by
- *  "stringRep" and stores it at "pName". Once created, an X500Name is
- *  immutable.
- *
- *  Name ::= CHOICE {
- *    RDNSequence }
- *
- *  RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
- *
- *  RelativeDistinguishedName ::=
- *    SET OF AttributeTypeAndValue
- *
- *  AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      type    AttributeType,
- *      value   AttributeValue }
- *
- *  AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
- *
- *  AttributeValue ::= ANY DEFINED BY AttributeType
- *
- *  DirectoryString ::= CHOICE {
- *      teletexString           TeletexString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
- *      printableString         PrintableString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
- *      universalString         UniversalString (SIZE (1..MAX)),
- *      utf8String              UTF8String (SIZE (1..MAX)),
- *      bmpString               BMPString (SIZE (1..MAX)) }
- *
- *  "stringRep"
- *      Address of UTF8 String representation of X500Name. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pName"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an X500Name Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_X500Name_Create (
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pName,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName
- * 
- * The function creates x500Name using der encoded DN and/or pointer to
- * CERTName. If arument "name" is NULL, but derName is supplied when
- * the function generates nssDN(CERTName type) from der data. If derName
- * is not supplied, CERTName *name will not be used to generate DN DER
- * encoding.
- *
- *  "derName"
- *      Address of DER representation of X500Name. Can be NULL
- *  "name"
- *      Address of CERTName representation of X500Name. Can be NULL
- *  "pName"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an X500Name Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derName,
-        CERTName *name,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pName,
-        void *plContext);
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match
- *  Checks whether the X500Name pointed to by "firstX500Name" MATCHES the
- *  X500Name pointed to by "secondX500Name" and stores the boolean result at
- *  "pResult". Two X500Names MATCH if they meet the conditions specified by
- *  RFC 3280 (section Namely:
- *
- *      "This specification requires only a subset of the name comparison
- *      functionality specified in the X.500 series of specifications.
- *      Conforming implementations are REQUIRED to implement the following
- *      name comparison rules:
- *
- *      (a)  attribute values encoded in different types (e.g., PrintableString
- *      and BMPString) MAY be assumed to represent different strings;
- *
- *      (b) attribute values in types other than PrintableString are case
- *      sensitive (this permits matching of attribute values as binary objects)
- *
- *      (c)  attribute values in PrintableString are not case sensitive
- *      (e.g., "Marianne Swanson" is the same as "MARIANNE SWANSON"); and
- *
- *      (d)  attribute values in PrintableString are compared after removing
- *      leading and trailing white space and converting internal substrings of
- *      one or more consecutive white space characters to a single space."
- *
- *  "firstX500Name"
- *      Address of first X500Name to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondX500Name"
- *      Address of second X500Name to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of Boolean result. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an X500Name Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *firstX500Name,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *secondX500Name,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime
- *  Creates a new Date of type UTCTime using the string representation pointed
- *  to by "stringRep" and stores it at "pDate". The UTCTime restriction means
- *  that the year can only be specified by the least significant two digits
- *  (YY). As such, Only the years 1950-2049 can be represented. If "stringRep"
- *  is NULL, this function creates a new Date representing the current time
- *  and stores it at "pDate". Once created, a Date is immutable.
- *
- *  If YY is greater than or equal to 50, the year is interpreted as 19YY.
- *  If YY is less than 50, the year is interpreted as 20YY.
- *
- *  The string representation of the date must be in the following form:
- *      "YYMMDDhhmmssZ" where:
- *
- *  YY is the least significant two digits of the year
- *  MM is the month (01 to 12)
- *  DD is the day (01 to 31)
- *  hh is the hour (00 to 23)
- *  mm are the minutes (00 to 59)
- *  ss are the seconds (00 to 59)
- *  Z indicates that local time is GMT
- *
- *  "stringRep"
- *      Address of String representation of Date.
- *      If NULL, current time is used.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Date Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime (
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime
- *  Creates a new Date from PRTime data.
- *
- *  "time"
- *      Represented time in PRTime type.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Date Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRTime time,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Date_Create_CurrentOffBySeconds
- *  Creates a new Date of type UTCTime for current time with seconds off by
- *  "secondsOffset" and returns it at "pDate".
- *
- *  "secondsOffset"
- *      A PKIX_Int32 indicates the time offset from current. If "secondsOffset"
- *      is negative, the time is in past.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Date Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Int32 secondsOffset,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_GeneralName_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new GeneralName of type "nameType" using the string
- *  representation pointed to by "stringRep" and stores it at "pGName".
- *  All of the GeneralName type format values specified in pkixt.h are
- *  supported, with the exception of PKIX_OTHER_NAME, PKIX_EDIPARTY_NAME,
- *  PKIX_IP_NAME, and PKIX_X400_ADDRESS. A PKIX_ESCASCII string representation
- *  should be used for all supported nameTypes, with the exception of
- *  registeredID and directoryName. For registeredID, the string representation
- *  should be the same as that used by PKIX_PL_OID_Create. For directoryName,
- *  the string representation should be the same as that used by
- *  PKIX_PL_X500Name_Create. If an unsupported name type is used, an Error is
- *  returned. Once created, a GeneralName is immutable.
- *
- *  GeneralName ::= CHOICE {
- *      otherName                       [0]     OtherName,
- *      rfc822Name                      [1]     IA5String,
- *      dNSName                         [2]     IA5String,
- *      x400Address                     [3]     ORAddress,
- *      directoryName                   [4]     Name,
- *      ediPartyName                    [5]     EDIPartyName,
- *      uniformResourceIdentifier       [6]     IA5String,
- *      iPAddress                       [7]     OCTET STRING,
- *      registeredID                    [8]     OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
- *
- *
- * NOTE: This function is allowed to be called only by pkix tests programs.
- * 
- *  "nameType"
- *      Type of GeneralName to be created. This must be one of the GeneralName
- *      type format values specified in pkixt.h
- *  "stringRep"
- *      Address of String representation of GeneralName. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pGName"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a GeneralName Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_GeneralName_Create (
-        PKIX_UInt32 nameType,
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pGName,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints_CheckNamesInNameSpace
- *
- *  This function checks whether names in "nameList" comply with
- *  "nameConstraints". It stores PKIX_TRUE at "pCheckPass" if the names meet the
- *  requirement of the NameConstraints, PKIX_FALSE otherwise.
- *
- *  "nameList"
- *      List of GeneralNames that are checked for compliance. May be empty
- *      or NULL.
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints that provides lists of permitted
- *      and excluded names. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCheckPass"
- *      Address where PKIX_TRUE is returned if the all names in "nameList" are
- *      valid. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *nameList, /* List of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCheckPass,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  This function creates an AIAMgr to handle retrieval of Certs and CRLs
- *  from servers given by AIA Certificate extensions. It manages connections
- *  and caches. The manager created is stored at "pAIAMgr".
- *
- *  "pAIAMgr"
- *      The address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an AIAMgr Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr **pAIAMgr,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  This function uses the AIAMgr pointed to by "aiaMgr" to retrieve the Certs
- *  specified by an AIA certificate extension, if any, in the Cert pointed to by
- *  "prevCert", storing the results at "pCerts". If the certificate has no such
- *  extension, this function stores NULL at "pCerts".
- *
- *  If the request is suspended for non-blocking I/O, a platform-dependent
- *  context is stored at "pNBIOContext" and NULL is stored at "pCerts". This
- *  return is referred to as the WOULDBLOCK state. Note that the caller must
- *  check for a non-NULL value at "pNBIOContext", to distinguish this state from
- *  the "no such extension" return described in the first paragraph. (The
- *  alternative would be to return an empty List, but it seemed wrong to incur
- *  the overhead of creating and destroying an empty List for the most common
- *  situation.)
- *
- *  After a WOULDBLOCK return, the user may continue the operation by calling
- *  pkix_AIAMgr_GetAIACerts (possibly more than once, if the function again
- *  returns in the WOULDBLOCK state) with the previously-returned non-NULL
- *  value of "pNBIOContext". When results are complete, NULL is stored at
- *  "pNBIOContext", and the results (which may be NULL) are stored at "pCerts".
- *
- *  "aiaMgr"
- *      The AIAMgr which controls the retrieval of certificates. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "prevCert"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_Cert which may provide an AIA or SIA extension. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is returned if request
- *      is suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      Address at which the returned List is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an AIAMgr Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *prevCert,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *signedObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *signerCert, /* can be unknown */
-        PKIX_PL_Date *producedAt,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void **pState,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_PKI_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_system.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_system.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 57d5df7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_pl_system.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1545 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines several platform independent functions to make system
- * calls in a portable manner.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_SYSTEM_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_SYSTEM_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Initialize
- *
- *  XXX If this function is really only meant to be used by PKIX_Initialize,
- *  why don't we just put it in a private header file rather than the public
- *  API. I think it may confuse users.
- *
- *  This function should NOT be called by applications. It is only meant to
- *  be used internally. The application needs only to call PKIX_Initialize,
- *  which in turn will call this function.
- *
- *  This function initializes data structures critical to the operation of
- *  libpkix. If initialization is not successful, an Error pointer is
- *  returned. This function should only be called once. If it is called more
- *  than once, the behavior is undefined.
- *
- *  No PKIX_* types and functions should be used before this function is
- *  called and returns successfully.
- *
- *  "platformInitNeeded"
- *      Boolean indicating whether platform initialization is to be called
- *  "useArenas"
- *      Boolean indicating whether allocation is to be done using arenas or
- *      individual allocation (malloc).
- *  "pPlContext"
- *      Address at which platform-specific context pointer is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *
- *  This function assumes that no other thread is calling this function while
- *  it is executing.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean platformInitNeeded,
-        PKIX_Boolean useArenas,
-        void **pPlContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Shutdown
- *
- *  XXX If this function is really only meant to be used by PKIX_Shutdown,
- *  why don't we just put it in a private header file rather than the public
- *  API. I think it may confuse users.
- *
- *  This function should NOT be called by applications. It is only meant to
- *  be used internally. The application needs only to call PKIX_Shutdown,
- *  which in turn will call this function.
- *
- *  This function deallocates any memory used by the Portability Layer (PL)
- *  component of the libpkix library and shuts down any ongoing operations.
- *  This function should only be called once. If it is called more than once,
- *  the behavior is undefined.
- *
- *  No PKIX_* types and functions should be used after this function is called
- *  and returns successfully.
- *
- *  "platformInitNeeded"
- *      Boolean value of whether PKIX initialized NSS: PKIX_TRUE if we
- *      called nssInit, PKIX_FALSE otherwise
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *
- *  This function makes use of global variables and should only be called once.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_Shutdown(void *plContext);
-/* standard memory management operations (not reference-counted) */
- *
- *  Allocates a block of "size" bytes. The bytes are not initialized. A
- *  pointer to the newly allocated memory will be stored at "pMemory". The
- *  memory allocated by PKIX_PL_Malloc() may only be freed by PKIX_PL_Free().
- *  If "size" equals zero, this function stores NULL at "pMemory".
- *
- *  "size"
- *      Number of bytes to allocate.
- *  "pMemory"
- *      Address where newly allocated pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on underlying thread safety of platform used by PL.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 size,
-        void **pMemory,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Allocates memory for an array of "nElem" elements, with each element
- *  requiring "elSize" bytes, and with all the bits initialized to zero. A
- *  pointer to the newly allocated memory will be stored at "pMemory". The
- *  memory allocated by PKIX_PL_Calloc() may only be freed by PKIX_PL_Free().
- *  If "nElem" equals zero or "elSize" equals zero, this function stores NULL
- *  at "pMemory".
- *
- *  "nElem"
- *      Number of elements needed.
- *  "elSize"
- *      Number of bytes needed per element.
- *  "pMemory"
- *      Address where newly allocated pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on underlying thread safety of platform used by PL.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 nElem,
-        PKIX_UInt32 elSize,
-        void **pMemory,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Resizes an existing block of memory (pointed to by "ptr") to "size" bytes.
- *  Stores a pointer to the resized memory at "pNewPtr". The "ptr" must
- *  originate from either PKIX_PL_Malloc(), PKIX_PL_Realloc(), or
- *  PKIX_PL_Calloc(). If "ptr" is NULL, this function behaves as if
- *  PKIX_PL_Malloc were called. If "ptr" is not NULL and "size" equals zero,
- *  the memory pointed to by "ptr" is deallocated and this function stores
- *  NULL at "pPtr".
- *
- *  "ptr"
- *      A pointer to an existing block of memory.
- *  "size"
- *      New size in bytes.
- *  "pPtr"
- *      Address where newly allocated pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on underlying thread safety of platform used by PL.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *ptr,
-        PKIX_UInt32 size,
-        void **pNewPtr,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Frees a block of memory pointed to by "ptr". This value must originate with
- *  either PKIX_PL_Malloc(), PKIX_PL_Calloc, or PKIX_PL_Realloc(). If "ptr" is
- *  NULL, the function has no effect.
- *
- *  "ptr"
- *      A pointer to an existing block of memory.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on underlying thread safety of platform used by PL.
- *  Returns NULL always.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *ptr,
-        void *plContext);
-/* Callback Types
- *
- * The next few typedefs define function pointer types for the standard
- * functions associated with every object type. See the Implementation
- * Guidelines or the comments below for more information.
- */
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback
- *
- *  This callback function destroys (or DecRef's) any pointers contained in
- *  the user data for the Object pointed to by "object" before the Object is
- *  destroyed.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object to destroy. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts (as long as they're not operating on the same
- *  object and nobody else is performing an operation on the object at the
- *  same time). Both of these conditions should be guaranteed by the fact that
- *  the object's ref count was reduced to 0 in a lock that's still held when
- *  this callback is called.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback
- *
- *  This callback function compares the Object pointed to by "firstObject" with
- *  the Object pointed to by "secondObject" for equality and stores the result
- *  at "pResult" (PKIX_TRUE if equal; PKIX_FALSE if not).
- *
- *  "firstObject"
- *      Address of first object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondObject"
- *      Address of second object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback
- *
- *  This callback function computes the hashcode of the Object pointed to by
- *  "object" and stores the result at "pValue".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose hashcode is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pValue"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pValue,
-        void *plContext);
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback
- *
- *  This callback function converts the Object pointed to by "object" to a
- *  string representation and stores the result at "pString".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Object to get a string representation from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback
- *
- *  This callback function determines how the Object pointed to by
- *  "firstObject" compares to the Object pointed to by "secondObject" and
- *  stores the result at "pResult".
- *
- *  Result is less than 0 if firstObject < secondObject
- *  Result equals 0 if firstObject = secondObject
- *  Result is greater than 0 if firstObject > secondObject
- *
- *  "firstObject"
- *      Address of the first Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondObject"
- *      Address of the second Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * TYPE: PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback
- *
- *  This callback function creates a copy of the Object pointed to by "object"
- *  and stores it at "pNewObject". Changes to the copy will not affect the
- *  original and vice versa.
- *
- *  Note that if "object" is immutable, the Duplicate callback function simply
- *  needs to increment the reference count on "object" and return a reference
- *  to "object".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of the object to be copied. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNewObject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext);
-/* reference-counted objects */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
- *
- *  Allocates a new Object of type "type" with "size" bytes and stores the
- *  resulting pointer at "pObject". The reference count of the newly
- *  allocated object will be initialized to 1. To improve performance, each
- *  object maintains a small cache for the results of Hashcode and ToString.
- *  Mutable objects should call InvalidateCache whenever changes are made to
- *  the object's state (after creation). If an error occurs during allocation,
- *  "pObject" will be set to NULL. If "size" equals zero, this function creates
- *  an Object with a reference count of 1, and places a pointer to unallocated
- *  memory at "pMemory".
- *
- *  "type"
- *      The type code of this object. See pkixt.h for codes. The type code
- *      must be previously registered with PKIX_PL_Object_RegisterType().
- *  "size"
- *      The number of bytes needed for this object.
- *  "pMemory"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TYPENUM type,
-        PKIX_UInt32 size,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pObject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_IsTypeRegistered
- *
- *  Checks whether "type" has been registered by a previous call to
- *  PKIX_PL_Object_RegisterType() and stores the Boolean result at "pBool".
- *  This function will typically only be called by constructors for specific
- *  types.
- *
- *  "type"
- *      The type code to check if valid.
- *  "pBool"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 type,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pBool,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_RegisterType
- *
- *  Registers a new Object with type value "type" and associates it with a set
- *  of functions ("destructor", "equalsFunction", "hashcodeFunction",
- *  "toStringFunction", "comparator", "duplicateFunction"). The new type value
- *  is also associated with a string pointed to by "description", which is used
- *  by the default ToStringCallback. This function may only be called with a
- *  particular "type" value once. If "destructor", "equalsFunction",
- *  "hashcodeFunction", or "toStringFunction" are NULL, default functions will
- *  be registered. However, if "comparator" and "duplicateFunction" are NULL,
- *  no functions will be registered and calls to PKIX_PL_Object_Compare and
- *  PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate will result in an error.
- *
- *  "type"
- *      The type code.
- *  "description"
- *      The string used by the default ToStringCallback. Default used if NULL.
- *  "destructor"
- *      The DestructorCallback function to be set. Default used if NULL.
- *  "equalsFunction"
- *      The EqualsCallback function to be set. Default used if NULL.
- *  "hashcodeFunction"
- *      The HashcodeCallback function to be set. Default used if NULL.
- *  "toStringFunction"
- *      The ToStringCallback function to be set. Default used if NULL.
- *  "comparator"
- *      The ComparatorCallback function to be set. None set if NULL. If no
- *      callback function is set in this field, calls to
- *      PKIX_PL_Object_Compare() will result in an error.
- *  "duplicateFunction"
- *      The DuplicateCallback function to be set. None set if NULL. If no
- *      callback function is set in this field, calls to
- *      PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate() will result in an error.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if "type" is already registered.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 type,
-        char *description,
-        PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback destructor,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback equalsFunction,
-        PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback hashcodeFunction,
-        PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback toStringFunction,
-        PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback comparator,
-        PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback duplicateFunction,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
- *
- *  Invalidates the cache of the Object pointed to by "object". The cache
- *  contains results of Hashcode and ToString. This function should be used by
- *  mutable objects whenever changes are made to the Object's state (after
- *  creation).
- *
- *  For example, if ToString is called on a mutable Object, the result will be
- *  computed, cached, and returned. If the Object's state does not change, a
- *  subsequent call to ToString will recognize that the relevant result is
- *  cached and will simply return the result (without calling the Object's
- *  ToStringCallback to recompute it). However, when the Object's state
- *  changes, the cache needs to be invalidated in order to force a subsequent
- *  call to ToString to recompute the result.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose cache is to be invalidated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe - Object Type Table is locked during modification.
- *
- *  Multiple threads can safely call this function without worrying about
- *  conflicts, even if they're operating on the same object.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef
- *
- *  Increments the reference count of the Object pointed to by "object".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose reference count is to be incremented.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
- *
- *  Decrements the reference count of the Object pointed to by "object". If the
- *  resulting reference count is zero, the destructor (if any) registered for
- *  the Object's type (by PKIX_PL_RegisterType) will be called and then the
- *  Object will be destroyed.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose reference count is to be decremented.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  If destructor is not called, multiple threads can safely call this function
- *  without worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same
- *  object. If destructor is called, thread safety depends on the callback
- *  defined by PKIX_PL_RegisterType().
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
- *
- *  Compares the Object pointed to by "firstObject" with the Object pointed to
- *  by "secondObject" for equality using the callback function registered for
- *  "firstObject"'s type, and stores the Boolean result at "pResult". While
- *  typical callbacks will return PKIX_FALSE if the objects are of different
- *  types, other callbacks may be capable of comparing objects of different
- *  types [which may correctly result in cases where Equals(first, second)
- *  differs from Equals(second, first)].
- *
- *  "firstObject"
- *      Address of the first Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *      The EqualsCallback for this Object will be called.
- *  "secondObject"
- *      Address of the second Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on the callback defined by PKIX_PL_RegisterType().
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
- *
- *  Computes a hashcode of the Object pointed to by "object" using the
- *  callback registered for "object"'s type and stores it at "pValue". Two
- *  objects which are equal should have the same hashcode. Once a call to
- *  Hashcode has been made, the results are cached and subsequent calls to
- *  Hashcode will return the cached value. For mutable objects, an
- *  InvalidateCache function is provided, which should be called whenever
- *  changes are made to the object's state (after creation).
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of the Object whose hashcode is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *      The HashcodeCallback for this object will be called.
- *  "pValue"
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread safety depends on the callback defined by PKIX_PL_RegisterType().
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pValue,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
- *
- *  Creates a string representation of the Object pointed to by "object" using
- *  the callback registered for "object"'s type and stores it at "pString".
- *  Once a call to ToString has been made, the results are cached and
- *  subsequent calls to ToString will return the cached value. For mutable
- *  objects, an InvalidateCache function is provided, which should be called
- *  whenever changes are made to the object's state (after creation).
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL. The ToStringCallback for this object will be called.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on the callback defined by PKIX_PL_RegisterType().
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
- *
- *  Compares the Object pointed to by "firstObject" and the Object pointed to
- *  by "secondObject" using the comparator registered for "firstObject"'s type
- *  and stores the result at "pResult". Different types may be compared. This
- *  may correctly result in cases where Compare(first, second) is not the
- *  opposite of Compare(second, first). The PKIX_Int32 value stored at
- *  "pResult" will be:
- *   Less than 0 if "firstObject" < "secondObject"
- *   Equals to 0 if "firstObject" = "secondObject"
- *   Greater than 0 if "firstObject" > "secondObject"
- *
- *  "firstObject"
- *      Address of first Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *      The ComparatorCallback for this object will be called.
- *  "secondObject"
- *      Address of second object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult
- *      Address where PKIX_Int32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on the comparator defined by PKIX_PL_RegisterType().
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
- *
- *  Creates a duplicate copy of the Object pointed to by "object" using the
- *  callback registered for "object"'s type and stores the copy at
- *  "pNewObject". Changes to the new object will not affect the original and
- *  vice versa.
- *
- *  Note that if "object" is immutable, the Duplicate callback function simply
- *  needs to increment the reference count on "object" and return a reference
- *  to "object".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object to be duplicated. Must be non-NULL.
- *      The DuplicateCallback for this Object will be called.
- *  "pNewObject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread safety depends on the callback defined by PKIX_PL_RegisterType().
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
- *
- *  Retrieves the type code of the Object pointed to by "object" and stores it
- *  at "pType". See pkixt.h for type codes.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose type is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pType"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pType,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Lock
- *
- *  Locks the Mutex associated with the Object pointed to by "object". When an
- *  object is created, it is associated with an object-specific Mutex to allow
- *  for synchronization when the fields of the object are modified.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose Mutex is to be locked. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Unlock
- *
- *  Unlocks the Mutex associated with the Object pointed to by "object". When
- *  an object is created, it is associated with an object-specific Mutex to
- *  allow for synchronization when the fields of the object are modified.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose Mutex is to be unlocked. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
-/* mutexes (locks) */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Mutex_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new Mutex and stores it at "pNewLock".
- *
- *  "pNewLock"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex **pNewLock,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Mutex_Lock
- *
- *  Locks the Mutex pointed to by "lock". If the Mutex is already locked, this
- *  function will block the current thread until the mutex can be locked by
- *  this thread.
- *
- *  "lock"
- *      Address of Mutex to lock. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *lock,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Mutex_Unlock
- *
- *  Unlocks the Mutex pointed to by "lock" if the current thread holds the
- *  Mutex.
- *
- *  "lock"
- *      Address of Mutex to unlock. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *lock,
-        void *plContext);
-/* monitor (locks) */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new PKIX_PL_MonitorLock and stores it at "pNewLock".
- *
- *  "pNewLock"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock **pNewLock,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Enter
- *
- *  Locks the MonitorLock pointed to by "lock". If the MonitorLock is already
- *  locked by other thread, this function will block the current thread. If
- *  the "lock" had been locked by current thread, this function will NOT block.
- *
- *  "lock"
- *      Address of MonitorLock to lock. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *lock,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Exit
- *
- *  Unlocks the MonitorLock pointed to by "lock" if the lock counter of 
- *  current thread holds the MonitorLock reach 0, the lock is released.
- *
- *  "lock"
- *      Address of MonitorLock to unlock. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *lock,
-        void *plContext);
-/* strings and formatted printing */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_String_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new String using the data pointed to by "pString", the
- *  PKIX_UInt32 pointed to by "stringLen", and the PKIX_UInt32 pointed to by
- *  "fmtIndicator" and stores it at "pString". If the format is PKIX_ESCASCII
- *  the "stringLen" parameter is ignored and the string extends until a zero
- *  byte is  found. Once created, a String object is immutable.
- *
- *  Valid formats are:
- *      PKIX_UTF8
- *      PKIX_UTF16
- *
- *  "fmtIndicator"
- *      Format that "stringRep" is encoded with. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "stringRep"
- *      Address of encoded string representation. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "stringLen"
- *      Length of data stored at stringRep.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 fmtIndicator,
-        const void *stringRep,
-        PKIX_UInt32 stringLen,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Creates a formatted string at "pOut" using the given format "fmt" and a
- *  variable length list of arguments. The format flags are identical to
- *  standard C with the exception that %s expects a PKIX_PL_String*, rather
- *  than a char *, and that {%d, %i, %o, %u, %x, %X} expect PKIX_UInt32 or
- *  PKIX_Int32 instead of int or unsigned int.
- *
- *  "pOut"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  "fmt"
- *      Address of format string. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Not Thread Safe - Caller must have exclusive access to all arguments.
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String **pOut,
-        void *plContext,
-        const PKIX_PL_String *fmt, ...);
- *
- *  Retrieves the String associated with the value of "stringID" (if any) and
- *  stores it at "pString". If no such string is associated with "stringID",
- *  this function uses "defaultString" to create a String and stores it at
- *  "pString".
- *
- *  "stringID"
- *      PKIX_UInt32 valud of string identifier.
- *  "defaultString"
- *      Address of a PKIX_ESCASCII encoded string representation.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 stringID,
-        char *defaultString,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
- *
- *  Retrieves the value of the String pointed to by "string" in the encoding
- *  specified by "fmtIndicator" and stores the result in "pStringRep" and
- *  "pLength", respectively. Note that "pStringRep" is not reference counted
- *  and will need to be freed with PKIX_PL_Free().
- *
- *  "string"
- *      Address of String whose encoded value is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "fmtIndicator"
- *      Format of encoding. Supported formats are:
- *      PKIX_UTF16. XXX Where are these documented?
- *  "pStringRep"
- *      Address where pointer to encoded value will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where byte length of encoded value will be stored.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *string,
-        PKIX_UInt32 fmtIndicator,
-        void **pStringRep,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
- * Hashtable
- *
- * A hashtable is a very efficient data structure used for mapping keys to
- * values. Any non-null PKIX_PL_Object can be used as a key or as a value,
- * provided that it correctly implements the PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback and the
- * PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback. A hashtable consists of several buckets, with
- * each bucket capable of holding a linked list of key/value mappings. When
- * adding, retrieving, or deleting a value, the hashcode of the key is used to
- * determine which bucket's linked list is relevant. The corresponding
- * key/value pair is then appended, retrieved, or deleted.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new Hashtable with an initial capacity of "numBuckets" buckets
- *  and "maxEntriesPerBucket" of entries limit for each bucket and stores it
- *  at "pResult".
- *
- *  "numBuckets"
- *      The initial number of hash table buckets. Must be non-zero.
- *  "maxEntriesPerBucket"
- *      The limit of entries per bucket. Zero means no limit.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 numBuckets,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxEntriesPerBucket,
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
- *
- *  Adds a key/value mapping using the Objects pointed to by "key" and "value"
- *  to the Hashtable pointed to by "ht".
- *
- *  Function increments key/value reference counts. Caller is responsible to
- *  to decrement(destroy) key/value ref counts(objects). 
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of Hashtable to be added to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "key"
- *      Address of Object to be associated with "value". Must be non-NULL.
- *  "value"
- *      Address of Object to be added to Hashtable. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Hashtable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *key,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *value,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove
- *
- *  Removes the Object value whose key is equal to the Object pointed to by
- *  "key" from the Hashtable pointed to by "ht". If no such object exists,
- *  this function throws an Error.
- *
- *  Function frees "value" object. Caller is responsible to free "key"
- *  object.
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of Hashtable to remove object from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "key"
- *      Address of Object used for lookup. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Hashtable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *key,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
- *
- *  Retrieves the Object whose key equals the Object pointed to by "key" from
- *  the Hashtable associated with "ht" and stores it at "pResult". If no
- *  Object is found, this function stores NULL at "pResult".
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of Hashtable to lookup Object from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "key"
- *      Address of key Object used for lookup. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Hashtable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *key,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ByteArray using "length" bytes of data pointed to by "array"
- *  and stores it at "pByteArray". Once created, a ByteArray is immutable.
- *
- *  "array"
- *      Address of source data.
- *  "length"
- *      Number of bytes to copy.
- *  "pByteArray"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *array,
-        PKIX_UInt32 length,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pByteArray,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetPointer
- *
- *  Allocates enough memory to hold the contents of the ByteArray pointed to
- *  by "byteArray", copies the data from the ByteArray pointed to by
- *  "byteArray" into the newly allocated memory, and stores a pointer to the
- *  memory at "pArray". Note that "pArray" is not reference counted. It will
- *  need to be freed with PKIX_PL_Free().
- *
- *  "byteArray"
- *      Address of ByteArray whose data is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pArray"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        void **pArray,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetLength
- *
- *  Retrieves the length of the ByteArray pointed to by "byteArray" and stores
- *  the length at "pLength".
- *
- *  "byteArray"
- *      Address of ByteArray whose length is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Creates a new OID using NSS oid tag.
- *
- *  "idtag"
- *      nss oid id tag.
- *  "pOID"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECOidTag idtag,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pOID,
-        void *plContext);
- *
- *  Creates a new OID using a DER encoded OID stored as SECItem.
- *
- *  "derOid"
- *      Address of SECItem that holds DER encoded OID.
- *  "pOID"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derOid,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pOID,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_BigInt_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new BigInt using the source String pointed to by "stringRep" and
- *  stores it at "pBigInt". Valid source Strings consist of an even number of
- *  hexadecimal digits, which are always interpreted as a positive number.
- *  Once created, a BigInt is immutable.
- *
- *  The regexp format is:
- *      HexDigit  ::= [0-9] | [A-F] | [a-f]
- *      DoubleHex ::= HexDigit HexDigit
- *      BigIntSrc ::= (DoubleHex)+
- *
- *  Note that since we are using DoubleHex, the number of characters in the
- *  source MUST be even. Additionally, the first DoubleHex MUST NOT be "00"
- *  unless it is the only DoubleHex.
- *
- *  Valid  :    "09"
- *  Valid  :    "00"    (special case where first and only DoubleHex is "00")
- *  Invalid:    "9"     (not DoubleHex: odd number of characters)
- *  Invalid:    "0009"  (first DoubleHex is "00")
- *
- *  XXX Why does this take a String object while OID_Create takes a char* ?
- *  Perhaps because OID_Create is often used with constant strings and
- *  this function isn't. That's a good reason, but we should explain it
- *  (if it's right)
- *  "stringRep"
- *      Address of String representing a BigInt. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBigInt"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a BigInt Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pBigInt,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- *
- *  Returns error code from PL layer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  PL layer error code. 
- */
-#endif /* _LIBPKIX_SYSTEM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_results.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_results.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bf4a381..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_results.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the results used
- * by the top-level functions.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_RESULTS_H
-#define _PKIX_RESULTS_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_ValidateResult
- *
- * PKIX_ValidateResult represents the result of a PKIX_ValidateChain call. It
- * consists of the valid policy tree and public key resulting from validation,
- * as well as the trust anchor used for this chain. Once created, a
- * ValidateResult object is immutable.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPolicyTree
- *
- *  Retrieves the PolicyNode component (representing the valid_policy_tree)
- *  from the ValidateResult object pointed to by "result" and stores it at
- *  "pPolicyTree".
- *
- *  "result"
- *      Address of ValidateResult whose policy tree is to be stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyTree"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pPolicyTree,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPublicKey
- *
- *  Retrieves the PublicKey component (representing the valid public_key) of
- *  the ValidateResult object pointed to by "result" and stores it at
- *  "pPublicKey".
- *
- *  "result"
- *      Address of ValidateResult whose public key is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPublicKey"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPublicKey,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateResult_GetTrustAnchor
- *
- *  Retrieves the TrustAnchor component (representing the trust anchor used
- *  during chain validation) of the ValidateResult object pointed to by
- *  "result" and stores it at "pTrustAnchor".
- *
- *  "result"
- *      Address of ValidateResult whose trust anchor is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pTrustAnchor"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor **pTrustAnchor,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_BuildResult
- *
- * PKIX_BuildResult represents the result of a PKIX_BuildChain call. It
- * consists of a ValidateResult object, as well as the built and validated
- * CertChain. Once created, a BuildResult object is immutable.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_BuildResult_GetValidateResult
- *
- *  Retrieves the ValidateResult component (representing the build's validate
- *  result) of the BuildResult object pointed to by "result" and stores it at
- *  "pResult".
- *
- *  "result"
- *      Address of BuildResult whose ValidateResult component is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_BuildResult *result,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_BuildResult_GetCertChain
- *
- *  Retrieves the List of Certs (certChain) component (representing the built
- *  and validated CertChain) of the BuildResult object pointed to by "result"
- *  and stores it at "pChain".
- *
- *  "result"
- *      Address of BuildResult whose CertChain component is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pChain"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_BuildResult *result,
-        PKIX_List **pChain,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_PolicyNode
- *
- * PKIX_PolicyNode represents a node in the policy tree returned in
- * ValidateResult. The policy tree is the same length as the validated
- * certificate chain and the nodes are associated with a particular depth
- * (corresponding to a particular certificate in the chain).
- * PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPolicyTree returns the root node of the valid policy
- * tree. Other nodes can be accessed using the getChildren and getParents
- * functions, and individual elements of a node can be accessed with the
- * appropriate gettors. Once created, a PolicyNode is immutable.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetChildren
- *
- *  Retrieves the List of PolicyNodes representing the child nodes of the
- *  Policy Node pointed to by "node" and stores it at "pChildren". If "node"
- *  has no child nodes, this function stores an empty List at "pChildren".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose child nodes are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pChildren"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pChildren,  /* list of PKIX_PolicyNode */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetParent
- *
- *  Retrieves the PolicyNode representing the parent node of the PolicyNode
- *  pointed to by "node" and stores it at "pParent". If "node" has no parent
- *  node, this function stores NULL at "pParent".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose parent node is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pParent"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pParent,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetValidPolicy
- *
- *  Retrieves the OID representing the valid policy of the PolicyNode pointed
- *  to by "node" and stores it at "pValidPolicy".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose valid policy is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pValidPolicy"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pValidPolicy,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetPolicyQualifiers
- *
- *  Retrieves the List of CertPolicyQualifiers representing the policy
- *  qualifiers associated with the PolicyNode pointed to by "node" and stores
- *  it at "pQualifiers". If "node" has no policy qualifiers, this function
- *  stores an empty List at "pQualifiers".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose policy qualifiers are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pQualifiers"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pQualifiers,  /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetExpectedPolicies
- *
- *  Retrieves the List of OIDs representing the expected policies associated
- *  with the PolicyNode pointed to by "node" and stores it at "pExpPolicies".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose expected policies are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pExpPolicies"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pExpPolicies,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_IsCritical
- *
- *  Checks the criticality field of the PolicyNode pointed to by "node" and
- *  stores the Boolean result at "pCritical".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose criticality field is examined.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCritical"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCritical,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetDepth
- *
- *  Retrieves the depth component of the PolicyNode pointed to by "node" and
- *  stores it at "pDepth".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose depth component is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDepth"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Result Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pDepth,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_RESULTS_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_revchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_revchecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a16d23a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_revchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with the PKIX_RevocationChecker
- * type.
- *
- */
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_pki.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_RevocationChecker
- *
- * PKIX_RevocationChecker provides a standard way of revocation checking.
- * Caller should configure two set of tests(represented at lists of
- * RevocationMethod objects) to be performed on the leaf and on the rest of
- * the chain certificates.
- *
- * PKIX_RevocationMethods provide a standard way for the caller to insert
- * their own custom revocation checks to verify the revocation status of
- * certificates. This may be useful in many scenarios, including when the
- * caller wishes to use their own revocation checking mechanism instead of (or
- * in addition to) the default revocation checking mechanism provided by
- * libpkix, which uses CRLs and OCSP. 
- *
- * Once the caller has created the RevocationMethod object(s), the caller
- * then specifies the RevocationMethod object(s) in a RevocationCheck object
- * and sets it into a ProcessingParams.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_RevocationChecker_Create
- *
- * Creates a revocation checker object with the given flags. Revocation will
- * be checked at the current date.
- *
- *  "leafMethodListFlags"
- *      Defines a set of method independent flags that will be used to check
- *      revocation of the leaf cert in the chain.
- *  "chainMethodListFlags"
- *      Defines a set of method independent flags that will be used to check
- *      revocation of the remaining certs in the chain.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      The return address of created checker.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a RevocationChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_UInt32 leafMethodListFlags,
-    PKIX_UInt32 chainMethodListFlags,
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker **pChecker,
-    void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod
- *
- * Creates revocation method object with given parameters and adds it
- * to revocation checker method list.
- *
- *  "revChecker"
- *      Address of revocation checker structure.
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to initialize the checker.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "methodType"
- *      Type of the method. Currently only two types are
- *      supported: crl and ocsp. (See PKIX_RevocationMethodType enum).
- *  "methodFlags"
- *      Set of flags for the method.
- *  "methodPriority"
- *      Method priority. (0 corresponds to the highest priority)
- *  "verificationFn"
- *      User call back function that will perform validation of fetched
- *      revocation information(new crl or ocsp response)
- *  "isLeafMethod"
- *      Boolean flag that if set to true indicates that the method should
- *      should be used for leaf cert revocation test(false for chain set
- *      methods).
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a RevocationChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-    PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-    PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-    PKIX_UInt32 methodPriority,
-    PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback verificationFn,
-    PKIX_Boolean isLeafMethod,
-    void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check
- *
- * Verifies revocation status of the certificate. Issuer cert is given to
- * be used in verification of revocation information. Performed verification
- * check depends on configured revocation methods(ocsp, crl. See
- * PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod function) and a point of chain
- * building process at which PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check was invoked.
- * For security reasons, the cert status is checked only against cached
- * revocation information during chain building stage(no trust anchor yes has
- * been found). The fresh revocation information fetching is done only at chain
- * verification stage after trust anchor was identified.
- * 
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose revocation status is to be determined.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "issuer"
- *      Issuer cert that potentially holds public key that will be used
- *      to verify revocation info.
- *  "revChecker"
- *      Address of revocation checker structure.
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to initialize the checker.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "chainVerificationState"
- *     Need to be set to true, if the check was called during chain verification
- *     as an opposite to chain building.
- *  "testingLeafCert"
- *     Set to true if verifying revocation status of a leaf cert.
- *  "revStatus"
- *     Address of the returned revocation status of the cert.
- *  "pResultCode"
- *      Address where revocation status will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent non-blocking I/O context is stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a RevocationChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check(PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-                             PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-                             PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-                             PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-                             PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-                             PKIX_Boolean testingLeafCert,
-                             PKIX_RevocationStatus *revStatus,
-                             PKIX_UInt32 *pReasonCode,
-                             void **pNbioContext,
-                             void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_REVCHECKER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_sample_modules.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_sample_modules.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 75d9618..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_sample_modules.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines functions associated with CertStore types.
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStore
- *
- * A PKIX_CollectionCertStore provides an example for showing how to retrieve
- * certificates and CRLs from a repository, such as a directory in the system.
- * It is expected the directory is an absolute directory which contains CRL
- * and Cert data files.  CRL files are expected to have the suffix of .crl
- * and Cert files are expected to have the suffix of .crt .
- *
- * Once the caller has created the CollectionCertStoreContext object, the caller
- * then can call pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCert or
- * pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCRL to obtain Lists of PKIX_PL_Cert or
- * PKIX_PL_CRL objects, respectively.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStore_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CollectionCertStore and returns it at
- *      "pColCertStore".
- *
- *  "storeDir"
- *      The absolute path where *.crl files are located.
- *  "pColCertStoreContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *storeDir,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_PL_PK11CertStore
- *
- * A PKIX_PL_PK11CertStore retrieves certificates and CRLs from a PKCS11
- * database. The directory that contains the cert8.db, key3.db, and secmod.db
- * files that comprise a PKCS11 database are specified in NSS initialization.
- *
- * Once the caller has created the Pk11CertStore object, the caller can call
- * pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCert or pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCert to obtain
- * a List of PKIX_PL_Certs or PKIX_PL_CRL objects, respectively.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Pk11CertStore_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new Pk11CertStore and returns it at "pPk11CertStore".
- *
- *  "pPk11CertStore"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore **pPk11CertStore,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore
- *
- * A PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore retrieves certificates and CRLs from an LDAP server
- * over a socket connection. It used the LDAP protocol as described in RFC1777.
- *
- * Once the caller has created the LdapCertStore object, the caller can call
- * pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert or pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert to obtain
- * a List of PKIX_PL_Certs or PKIX_PL_CRL objects, respectively.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_Create
- *
- *  Creates an LdapDefaultClient using the PRNetAddr poined to by "sockaddr",
- *  with a timeout value of "timeout", and a BindAPI pointed to by "bindAPI";
- *  and stores the address of the default LdapClient at "pClient".
- *
- *  At the time of this version, there are unresolved questions about the LDAP
- *  protocol. Although RFC1777 describes a BIND and UNBIND message, it is not
- *  clear whether they are appropriate to this application. We have tested only
- *  using servers that do not expect authentication, and that reject BIND
- *  messages. It is not clear what values might be appropriate for the bindname
- *  and authentication fields, which are currently implemented as char strings
- *  supplied by the caller. (If this changes, the API and possibly the templates
- *  will have to change.) Therefore the Client_Create API contains a BindAPI
- *  structure, a union, which will have to be revised and extended when this
- *  area of the protocol is better understood.
- *
- *  "sockaddr"
- *      Address of the PRNetAddr to be used for the socket connection. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "timeout"
- *      The PRIntervalTime value to be used as a timeout value in socket calls;
- *      a zero value indicates non-blocking I/O is to be used.
- *  "bindAPI"
- *      The address of a BindAPI to be used if a BIND message is required. If
- *      this argument is NULL, no Bind (or Unbind) will be sent.
- *  "pClient"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRNetAddr *sockaddr,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_CreateByName
- *
- *  Creates an LdapDefaultClient using the hostname poined to by "hostname",
- *  with a timeout value of "timeout", and a BindAPI pointed to by "bindAPI";
- *  and stores the address of the default LdapClient at "pClient".
- *
- *  At the time of this version, there are unresolved questions about the LDAP
- *  protocol. Although RFC1777 describes a BIND and UNBIND message, it is not
- *  clear whether they are appropriate to this application. We have tested only
- *  using servers that do not expect authentication, and that reject BIND
- *  messages. It is not clear what values might be appropriate for the bindname
- *  and authentication fields, which are currently implemented as char strings
- *  supplied by the caller. (If this changes, the API and possibly the templates
- *  will have to change.) Therefore the Client_Create API contains a BindAPI
- *  structure, a union, which will have to be revised and extended when this
- *  area of the protocol is better understood.
- *
- *  "hostname"
- *      Address of the hostname to be used for the socket connection. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "timeout"
- *      The PRIntervalTime value to be used as a timeout value in socket calls;
- *      a zero value indicates non-blocking I/O is to be used.
- *  "bindAPI"
- *      The address of a BindAPI to be used if a BIND message is required. If
- *      this argument is NULL, no Bind (or Unbind) will be sent.
- *  "pClient"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *hostname,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new LdapCertStore using the LdapClient pointed to by "client",
- *  and stores the address of the CertStore at "pCertStore".
- *
- *  "client"
- *      Address of the LdapClient to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertStore"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext);
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-/* PKIX_PL_NssContext
- *
- * A PKIX_PL_NssContext provides an example showing how the "plContext"
- * argument, that is part of every libpkix function call, can be used.
- * The "plContext" is the Portability Layer Context, which can be used
- * to communicate layer-specific information from the application to the
- * underlying Portability Layer (while bypassing the Portable Code, which
- * blindly passes the plContext on to every function call).
- *
- * In this case, NSS serves as both the application and the Portability Layer.
- * We define an NSS-specific structure, which includes an arena and a number
- * of SECCertificateUsage bit flags encoded as a PKIX_UInt32. A third argument,
- * wincx, is used on Windows platforms for PKCS11 access, and should be set to
- * NULL for other platforms.
- * Before calling any of the libpkix functions, the caller should create the NSS
- * context, by calling PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create, and provide that NSS context
- * as the "plContext" argument in every libpkix function call the caller makes.
- * When the caller is finished using the NSS context (usually just after he
- * calls PKIX_Shutdown), the caller should call PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy to
- * free the NSS context structure.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new NssContext using the certificate usage(s) specified by
- *  "certUsage" and stores it at "pNssContext". This function also internally
- *  creates an arena and stores it as part of the NssContext structure. Unlike
- *  most other libpkix API functions, this function does not take a "plContext"
- *  parameter.
- *
- *  "certUsage"
- *      The desired SECCertificateUsage(s).
- *  "useNssArena"
- *      Boolean flag indicates NSS Arena is used for memory allocation.
- *  "wincx"
- *      A Windows-dependent pointer for PKCS11 token handling.
- *  "pNssContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Context Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 certificateUsage,
-        PKIX_Boolean useNssArena,
-        void *wincx,
-        void **pNssContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy
- *
- *  Frees the structure pointed to by "nssContext" along with any of its
- *  associated memory. Unlike most other libpkix API functions, this function
- *  does not take a "plContext" parameter.
- *
- *  "nssContext"
- *      Address of NssContext to be destroyed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Context Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *nssContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetTimeout
- *
- * Sets IO timeout for network operations like OCSP response and cert
- * fetching.
- *
- *  "nssContext"
- *      Address of NssContext to be destroyed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Context Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetTimeout(PKIX_UInt32 timeout, PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetMaxResponseLen
- *
- * Sets maximum responce length allowed during network IO operations.
- *
- *  "nssContext"
- *      Address of NssContext to be destroyed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Context Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetMaxResponseLen(PKIX_UInt32 len, PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetCrlReloadDelay
- *
- * Sets user defined timeout between attempts to load crl using
- * CRLDP.
- *
- *  "delaySeconds"
- *      Reload delay in seconds.
- *  "nssContext"
- *      Address of NssContext to be destroyed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Context Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetCrlReloadDelay(PKIX_UInt32 delaySeconds,
-                                       PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetBadDerCrlReloadDelay
- *
- * Sets user defined timeout between attempts to load crls
- * that failed to decode.
- *
- *  "delaySeconds"
- *      Reload delay in seconds.
- *  "nssContext"
- *      Address of NssContext to be destroyed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Context Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetBadDerCrlReloadDelay(PKIX_UInt32 delaySeconds,
-                                           PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_util.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_util.h
deleted file mode 100755
index e42f608..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkix_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,941 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * These functions provide support for a number of other functions
- * by creating and manipulating data structures used by those functions.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_UTIL_H
-#define _PKIX_UTIL_H
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* General
- *
- * Please refer to the libpkix Programmer's Guide for detailed information
- * about how to use the libpkix library. Certain key warnings and notices from
- * that document are repeated here for emphasis.
- *
- * All identifiers in this file (and all public identifiers defined in
- * libpkix) begin with "PKIX_". Private identifiers only intended for use
- * within the library begin with "pkix_".
- *
- * A function returns NULL upon success, and a PKIX_Error pointer upon failure.
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, for all accessor (gettor) functions that return a
- * PKIX_PL_Object pointer, callers should assume that this pointer refers to a
- * shared object. Therefore, the caller should treat this shared object as
- * read-only and should not modify this shared object. When done using the
- * shared object, the caller should release the reference to the object by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function.
- *
- * While a function is executing, if its arguments (or anything referred to by
- * its arguments) are modified, free'd, or destroyed, the function's behavior
- * is undefined.
- *
- */
-/* PKIX_Logger
- *
- * PKIX_Loggers provide a standard way for the caller to insert custom logging
- * facilities. These are used by libpkix to log errors, debug information,
- * status, etc. The LogCallback allows custom logging to take place.
- * Additionally, a Logger can be initialized with a loggerContext, which is
- * where the caller can specify configuration data such as the name of a
- * logfile or database. Note that this loggerContext must be a PKIX_PL_Object,
- * allowing it to be reference-counted and allowing it to provide the standard
- * PKIX_PL_Object functions (Equals, Hashcode, ToString, Compare, Duplicate).
- *
- * Once the caller has created the Logger object(s) (and set the loggerContext
- * (if any) and the Log callback), the caller then registers these Loggers
- * with the system by calling PKIX_SetLoggers or PKIX_AddLogger. All log
- * entries will then be logged using the specified Loggers. If multiple
- * Loggers are specified, every log entry will be logged with each of them.
- *
- * XXX Maybe give some guidance somewhere on how much detail each logging
- * level should have and where component boundaries should be. Maybe in
- * Implementor's Guide or Programmer's Guide.
- */
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_TRACE                5
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG                4
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARNING              3
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_ERROR                2
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_MAX                  5
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_LogCallback
- *
- *  This callback function logs a log entry containing the String pointed to
- *  by "message", the integer value of logLevel, and the String pointed to by
- *  "logComponent". A log entry can be associated with a particular log
- *  level (i.e. level 3) and a particular log component (i.e. "CertStore").
- *  For example, someone reading the log may only be interested in very general
- *  log entries so they look only for log level 1. Similarly, they may only be
- *  interested in log entries pertaining to the CertStore component so they
- *  look only for that log component. This function can be used before calling
- *  PKIX_Initialize.
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of logger whose LogCallback is to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "message"
- *      Address of String that is to be logged used "logger". Must be non-NULL.
- *  "logLevel"
- *      Integer value representing the log level for this entry. The higher the
- *      level, the more detail. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "logComponent"
- *      PKIXERRORNUM value (defined in pkixt.h) designating the log component
- *      for this entry.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe
- *
- *  Multiple threads must be able to safely call this function without
- *  worrying about conflicts, even if they're operating on the same objects.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_PL_String *message,
-        PKIX_UInt32 logLevel,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS logComponent,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new Logger using the Object pointed to by "loggerContext"
- *  (if any) and stores it at "pLogger". The new Logger uses the LogCallback
- *  pointed to by "callback". The Logger's maximum logging level is initially
- *  set to a very high level and its logging component is set to NULL (all
- *  components).
- *
- *  "callback"
- *      The LogCallback function to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "loggerContext"
- *      Address of Object representing the Logger's context (if any).
- *  "pLogger"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger_LogCallback callback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *loggerContext,
-        PKIX_Logger **pLogger,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLogCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to "logger's" Log callback function and puts it in
- *  "pCallback".
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger whose Log callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCallback"
- *      Address where Log callback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_Logger_LogCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLoggerContext
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a PKIX_PL_Object representing the context (if any)
- *  of the Logger pointed to by "logger" and stores it at "pLoggerContext".
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger whose context is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLoggerContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pLoggerContext,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetMaxLoggingLevel
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a PKIX_UInt32 representing the maximum logging
- *  level of the Logger pointed to by "logger" and stores it at "pLevel". Only
- *  log entries whose log level is less than or equal to this maximum logging
- *  level will be logged.
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger whose maximum logging level is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLevel"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLevel,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_SetMaxLoggingLevel
- *
- *  Sets the maximum logging level of the Logger pointed to by "logger" with
- *  the integer value of "level".
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger whose maximum logging level is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "level"
- *      Maximum logging level to be set
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "logger"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_UInt32 level,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLoggingComponent
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to a String representing the logging component of the
- *  Logger pointed to by "logger" and stores it at "pComponent". Only log
- *  entries whose log component matches the specified logging component will
- *  be logged.
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger whose logging component is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pComponent"
- *      Address where PKIXERRORNUM will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS *pComponent,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_SetLoggingComponent
- *
- *  Sets the logging component of the Logger pointed to by "logger" with the
- *  PKIXERRORNUM pointed to by "component". To match a small set of components,
- *  create a Logger for each.
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger whose logging component is to be set.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "component"
- *      PKIXERRORNUM value representing logging component to be set.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "logger"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS component,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_GetLoggers
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of Loggers (if any) being used for logging
- *  by libpkix and stores it at "pLoggers". If no loggers are being used, this
- *  function stores an empty List at "pLoggers".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function is immutable.
- *
- *  "pLoggers"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List **pLoggers,  /* list of PKIX_Logger */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_SetLoggers
- *
- *  Sets the Loggers to be used by libpkix to the List of Loggers pointed to
- *  by "loggers". If "loggers" is NULL, no Loggers will be used.
- *
- *  "loggers"
- *      Address of List of Loggers to be set. NULL for no Loggers.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *loggers,  /* list of PKIX_Logger */
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_AddLogger
- *
- *  Adds the Logger pointed to by "logger" to the List of Loggers used by
- *  libpkix.
- *
- *  "logger"
- *      Address of Logger to be added. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Logger Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        void *plContext);
-/* Functions pertaining to the PKIX_Error type */
-/* Error
- *
- * An Error object is returned by a function upon encountering some error
- * condition. Each Error is associated with an errorCode specified in pkixt.h.
- * The remaining components of an Error are optional. An Error's description
- * specifies a text message describing the Error. An Error's supplementary info
- * specifies additional information that might be useful. Finally, an Error's
- * cause specifies the underlying Error (if any) that resulted in this Error
- * being returned, thereby allowing Errors to be chained so that an entire
- * "error stack trace" can be represented. Once created, an Error is immutable.
- *
- * Note that the Error's supplementary info must be an Object (although any
- * object type), allowing it to be reference-counted and allowing it to
- * provide the standard Object functions (Equals, Hashcode, ToString, Compare,
- * Duplicate).
- *
- * Errors are classified as either being fatal or non-fatal. If a function
- * fails in an unrecoverable way, it returns an Error whose errorCode is
- * PKIX_FATAL_ERROR. If such an error is encountered, the caller should
- * not attempt to recover since something seriously wrong has happened
- * (e.g. corrupted memory, memory finished, etc.). All other errorCodes
- * are considered non-fatal errors and can be handled by the caller as they
- * see fit.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new Error using the value of "errorCode", the Error pointed to by
- *  "cause" (if any), the Object pointed to by "info" (if any), and the String
- *  pointed to by "desc" and stores it at "pError". If any error occurs during
- *  error allocation, it will be returned without chaining, since new errors
- *  cannot be created. Once created, an Error is immutable.
- *
- *  "errorCode"
- *      Value of error code.
- *  "cause"
- *      Address of Error representing error's cause.
- *      NULL if none or unspecified.
- *  "info"
- *      Address of Object representing error's supplementary information.
- *      NULL if none.
- *  "desc"
- *      Address of String representing error's description. NULL if none.
- *  "pError"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass,
-        PKIX_Error *cause,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *info,
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE errCode,
-        PKIX_Error **pError,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetErrorClass
- *
- *  Retrieves the error class of the Error pointed to by "error" and 
- *  stores it at "pClass". Supported error codes are defined in pkixt.h.
- *
- *  "error"
- *      Address of Error whose error code is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pClass"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS *pClass,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetErrorCode
- *
- *  Retrieves the error code of the Error pointed to by "error" and 
- *  stores it at "pCode". Supported error codes are defined in pkixt.h.
- *
- *  "error"
- *      Address of Error whose error code is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCode"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE *pCode,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetCause
- *
- *  Retrieves the cause of the Error pointed to by "error" and stores it at
- *  "pCause". If no cause was specified, NULL will be stored at "pCause".
- *
- *  "error"
- *      Address of Error whose cause is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCause"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_Error **pCause,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetSupplementaryInfo
- *
- *  Retrieves the supplementary info of the Error pointed to by "error" and
- *  stores it at "pInfo".
- *
- *  "error"
- *      Address of Error whose info is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pInfo"
- *      Address where info pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pInfo,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetDescription
- *
- *  Retrieves the description of the Error pointed to by "error" and stores it
- *  at "pDesc". If no description was specified, NULL will be stored at
- *  "pDesc".
- *
- *  "error"
- *      Address of Error whose description is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDesc"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pDesc,
-        void *plContext);
-/* PKIX_List
- *
- * Represents a collection of items. NULL is considered a valid item.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new List and stores it at "pList". The List is initially empty
- *  and holds no items. To initially add items to the List, use
- *  PKIX_List_AppendItem
- *
- *  "pList"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List **pList,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_SetImmutable
- *
- *  Sets the List pointed to by "list" to be immutable. If a caller tries to
- *  change a List after it has been marked immutable (i.e. by calling
- *  PKIX_List_AppendItem, PKIX_List_InsertItem, PKIX_List_SetItem, or
- *  PKIX_List_DeleteItem), an Error is returned.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to be marked immutable. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "list"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_IsImmutable
- *
- *  Checks whether the List pointed to by "list" is immutable and stores
- *  the Boolean result at "pImmutable". If a caller tries to change a List
- *  after it has been marked immutable (i.e. by calling PKIX_List_AppendItem,
- *  PKIX_List_InsertItem, PKIX_List_SetItem, or PKIX_List_DeleteItem), an
- *  Error is returned.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List whose immutability is to be determined.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pImmutable"
- *      Address where PKIX_Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pImmutable,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_GetLength
- *
- *  Retrieves the length of the List pointed to by "list" and stores it at
- *  "pLength".
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List whose length is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_IsEmpty
- *
- *  Checks whether the List pointed to by "list" is empty and stores
- *  the Boolean result at "pEmpty".
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List whose emptiness is to be determined. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pEmpty"
- *      Address where PKIX_Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pEmpty,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_AppendItem
- *
- *  Appends the Object pointed to by "item" after the last non-NULL item in
- *  List pointed to by "list", if any. Note that a List may validly contain
- *  NULL items. Appending "c" into the List ("a", NULL, "b", NULL) will result
- *  in ("a", NULL, "b", "c").
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to append to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "item"
- *      Address of new item to append.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "list"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_InsertItem
- *
- *  Inserts the Object pointed to by "item" into the List pointed to by "list"
- *  at the given "index". The index counts from zero and must be less than the
- *  List's length. Existing list entries at or after this index will be moved
- *  to the next highest index.
- *
- *  XXX why not allow equal to length which would be equivalent to AppendItem?
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to insert into. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "index"
- *      Position to insert into. Must be less than List's length.
- *  "item"
- *      Address of new item to append.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "list"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_GetItem
- *
- *  Copies the "list"'s item at "index" into "pItem". The index counts from
- *  zero and must be less than the list's length. Increments the reference
- *  count on the returned object, if non-NULL.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to get item from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "index"
- *      Index of list to get item from. Must be less than List's length.
- *  "pItem"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pItem,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_SetItem
- *
- *  Sets the item at "index" of the List pointed to by "list" with the Object
- *  pointed to by "item". The index counts from zero and must be less than the
- *  List's length. The previous entry at this index will have its reference
- *  count decremented and the new entry will have its reference count
- *  incremented.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to modify. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "index"
- *      Position in List to set. Must be less than List's length.
- *  "item"
- *      Address of Object to set at "index".
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "list"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_DeleteItem
- *
- *  Deletes the item at "index" from the List pointed to by "list". The index
- *  counts from zero and must be less than the List's length. Note that this
- *  function does not destroy the List. It simply decrements the reference
- *  count of the item at "index" in the List, deletes that item from the list
- *  and moves all subsequent entries to a lower index in the list. If there is
- *  only a single element in the List and that element is deleted, then the
- *  List will be empty.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to delete from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "index"
- *      Position in List to delete. Must be less than List's length.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "list"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_ReverseList
- *
- *  Creates a new List whose elements are in the reverse order as the elements
- *  of the Object pointed to by "list" and stores the copy at "pReversedList".
- *  If "list" is empty, the new reversed List will be a copy of "list".
- *  Changes to the new object will not affect the original and vice versa.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List whose elements are to be reversed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pReversedList"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_List **pReversedList,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_UTIL_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkixt.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkixt.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 71997f7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/include/pkixt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file defines the types in the libpkix API.
- * XXX Maybe we should specify the API version number in all API header files
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIXT_H
-#define _PKIXT_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "secerr.h"
-/* Types
- *
- * This header file provides typedefs for the abstract types used by libpkix.
- * It also provides several useful macros.
- *
- * Note that all these abstract types are typedef'd as opaque structures. This
- * is intended to discourage the caller from looking at the contents directly,
- * since the format of the contents may change from one version of the library
- * to the next. Instead, callers should only access these types using the
- * functions defined in the public header files.
- *
- * An instance of an abstract type defined in this file is called an "object"
- * here, although C does not have real support for objects.
- *
- * Because C does not typically have automatic garbage collection, the caller
- * is expected to release the reference to any object that they create or that
- * is returned to them by a libpkix function. The caller should do this by
- * using the PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef function. Note that the caller should not
- * release the reference to an object if the object has been passed to a
- * libpkix function and that function has not returned.
- *
- * Please refer to libpkix Programmer's Guide for more details.
- */
-/* Version
- *
- * These macros specify the major and minor version of the libpkix API defined
- * by this header file.
- */
-#define PKIX_MAJOR_VERSION              ((PKIX_UInt32) 0)
-#define PKIX_MINOR_VERSION              ((PKIX_UInt32) 3)
-/* Maximum minor version
- *
- * This macro is used to specify that the caller wants the largest minor
- * version available.
- */
-#define PKIX_MAX_MINOR_VERSION          ((PKIX_UInt32) 4000000000)
-/* Define Cert Store type for database access */
-#define PKIX_STORE_TYPE_NONE            0
-#define PKIX_STORE_TYPE_PK11            1
-/* Portable Code (PC) data types
- *
- * These types are used to perform the primary operations of this library:
- * building and validating chains of X.509 certificates.
- */
-typedef struct PKIX_ErrorStruct PKIX_Error;
-typedef struct PKIX_ProcessingParamsStruct PKIX_ProcessingParams;
-typedef struct PKIX_ValidateParamsStruct PKIX_ValidateParams;
-typedef struct PKIX_ValidateResultStruct PKIX_ValidateResult;
-typedef struct PKIX_ResourceLimitsStruct PKIX_ResourceLimits;
-typedef struct PKIX_BuildResultStruct PKIX_BuildResult;
-typedef struct PKIX_CertStoreStruct PKIX_CertStore;
-typedef struct PKIX_CertChainCheckerStruct PKIX_CertChainChecker;
-typedef struct PKIX_RevocationCheckerStruct PKIX_RevocationChecker;
-typedef struct PKIX_CertSelectorStruct PKIX_CertSelector;
-typedef struct PKIX_CRLSelectorStruct PKIX_CRLSelector;
-typedef struct PKIX_ComCertSelParamsStruct PKIX_ComCertSelParams;
-typedef struct PKIX_ComCRLSelParamsStruct PKIX_ComCRLSelParams;
-typedef struct PKIX_TrustAnchorStruct PKIX_TrustAnchor;
-typedef struct PKIX_PolicyNodeStruct PKIX_PolicyNode;
-typedef struct PKIX_LoggerStruct PKIX_Logger;
-typedef struct PKIX_ListStruct PKIX_List;
-typedef struct PKIX_ForwardBuilderStateStruct PKIX_ForwardBuilderState;
-typedef struct PKIX_DefaultRevocationCheckerStruct
-                        PKIX_DefaultRevocationChecker;
-typedef struct PKIX_VerifyNodeStruct PKIX_VerifyNode;
-/* Portability Layer (PL) data types
- *
- * These types are used are used as portable data types that are defined
- * consistently across platforms
- */
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_NssContextStruct PKIX_PL_NssContext;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_ObjectStruct PKIX_PL_Object;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_ByteArrayStruct PKIX_PL_ByteArray;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_HashTableStruct PKIX_PL_HashTable;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_MutexStruct PKIX_PL_Mutex;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_RWLockStruct PKIX_PL_RWLock;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_MonitorLockStruct PKIX_PL_MonitorLock;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_BigIntStruct PKIX_PL_BigInt;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_StringStruct PKIX_PL_String;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_OIDStruct PKIX_PL_OID;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertStruct PKIX_PL_Cert;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_GeneralNameStruct PKIX_PL_GeneralName;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_X500NameStruct PKIX_PL_X500Name;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_PublicKeyStruct PKIX_PL_PublicKey;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_DateStruct PKIX_PL_Date;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraintsStruct PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraintsStruct PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertPoliciesStruct PKIX_PL_CertPolicies;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfoStruct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifierStruct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMapStruct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CRLStruct PKIX_PL_CRL;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CRLEntryStruct PKIX_PL_CRLEntry;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreStruct PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStore;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext
-                        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_LdapRequestStruct PKIX_PL_LdapRequest;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_LdapResponseStruct PKIX_PL_LdapResponse;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClientStruct PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_SocketStruct PKIX_PL_Socket;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_InfoAccessStruct PKIX_PL_InfoAccess;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_AIAMgrStruct PKIX_PL_AIAMgr;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_OcspCertIDStruct PKIX_PL_OcspCertID;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_OcspRequestStruct PKIX_PL_OcspRequest;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_OcspResponseStruct PKIX_PL_OcspResponse;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_HttpClientStruct PKIX_PL_HttpClient;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClientStruct PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContextStruct PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext;
-/* Primitive types
- *
- * In order to guarantee desired behavior as well as platform-independence, we
- * typedef these types depending on the platform. XXX This needs more work!
- */
-/* XXX Try compiling these files (and maybe the whole libpkix-nss) on Win32.
- * We don't know what type is at least 32 bits long. ISO C probably requires
- * at least 32 bits for long. we could default to that and only list platforms
- * where that's not true.
- *
- * #elif
- * #error
- * #endif
- */
-/* currently, int is 32 bits on all our supported platforms */
-typedef unsigned int PKIX_UInt32;
-typedef int PKIX_Int32;
-typedef int PKIX_Boolean;
-/* Object Types
- *
- * Every reference-counted PKIX_PL_Object is associated with an integer type.
- */
-#define PKIX_TYPES \
-#define TYPEMACRO(type) PKIX_ ## type ## _TYPE
-typedef enum {     /* Now invoke all those TYPEMACROs to assign the numbers */
-   PKIX_NUMTYPES   /* This gets PKIX_NUMTYPES defined as the total number */
-/* User Define Object Types
- *
- * User may define their own object types offset from PKIX_USER_OBJECT_TYPE
- */
-/* Error Codes
- *
- * This list is used to define a set of PKIX_Error exception class numbers.
- * ERRMACRO is redefined to produce a corresponding set of
- * strings in the table "const char *PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES[PKIX_NUMERRORCLASSES]" in
- * pkix_error.c. For example, since the fifth ERRMACRO entry is MUTEX, then
- * PKIX_MUTEX_ERROR is defined in pkixt.h as 4, and PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES[4] is
- * initialized in pkix_error.c with the value "MUTEX".
- */
-#define ERRMACRO(type) PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR
-typedef enum {     /* Now invoke all those ERRMACROs to assign the numbers */
-   PKIX_NUMERRORCLASSES   /* This gets PKIX_NUMERRORCLASSES defined as the total number */
-/* Now define error strings (for internationalization) */
-#define PKIX_ERRORENTRY(name,desc,plerr) PKIX_ ## name
-/* Define all the error numbers */
-typedef enum    {
-#include "pkix_errorstrings.h"
-extern const char * const PKIX_ErrorText[];
-/* String Formats
- *
- * These formats specify supported encoding formats for Strings.
- */
-#define PKIX_ESCASCII           0
-#define PKIX_UTF8               1
-#define PKIX_UTF16              2
-#define PKIX_UTF8_NULL_TERM     3
-#define PKIX_ESCASCII_DEBUG     4
-/* Name Types
- *
- * These types specify supported formats for GeneralNames.
- */
-#define PKIX_OTHER_NAME         1
-#define PKIX_RFC822_NAME        2
-#define PKIX_DNS_NAME           3
-#define PKIX_X400_ADDRESS       4
-#define PKIX_DIRECTORY_NAME     5
-#define PKIX_EDIPARTY_NAME      6
-#define PKIX_URI_NAME           7
-#define PKIX_IP_NAME            8
-#define PKIX_OID_NAME           9
-/* Key Usages
- *
- * These types specify supported Key Usages
- */
-#define PKIX_NON_REPUDIATION    0x002
-#define PKIX_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT   0x004
-#define PKIX_KEY_AGREEMENT      0x010
-#define PKIX_KEY_CERT_SIGN      0x020
-#define PKIX_CRL_SIGN           0x040
-#define PKIX_ENCIPHER_ONLY      0x080
-#define PKIX_DECIPHER_ONLY      0x100
-/* Reason Flags
- *
- * These macros specify supported Reason Flags
- */
-#define PKIX_UNUSED                     0x001
-#define PKIX_KEY_COMPROMISE             0x002
-#define PKIX_CA_COMPROMISE              0x004
-#define PKIX_AFFILIATION_CHANGED        0x008
-#define PKIX_SUPERSEDED                 0x010
-#define PKIX_CERTIFICATE_HOLD           0x040
-#define PKIX_PRIVILEGE_WITHDRAWN        0x080
-#define PKIX_AA_COMPROMISE              0x100
-/* Boolean values
- *
- * These macros specify the Boolean values of TRUE and FALSE
- * XXX Is it the case that any non-zero value is actually considered TRUE
- * and this is just a convenient mnemonic macro?
- */
-#define PKIX_TRUE                       ((PKIX_Boolean) 1)
-#define PKIX_FALSE                      ((PKIX_Boolean) 0)
- * Define constants for basic constraints selector
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
- * PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR is a special error object hard-coded into the pkix_error.o
- * object file. It is thrown if system memory cannot be allocated or may be
- * thrown for other unrecoverable errors. PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR is immutable.
- * IncRef, DecRef and all Settor functions cannot be called.
- * XXX Does anyone actually need to know about this?
- * XXX Why no DecRef? Would be good to handle it the same.
- */
- * In a CertBasicConstraints extension, if the CA flag is set,
- * indicating the certificate refers to a Certification
- * Authority, then the pathLen field indicates how many intermediate
- * certificates (not counting self-signed ones) can exist in a valid
- * chain following this certificate. If the pathLen has the value
- * of this constant, then the length of the chain is unlimited
- */
- * Define Certificate Extension hard-coded OID's
- */
-#define PKIX_UNKNOWN_OID                       SEC_OID_UNKNOWN
-#define PKIX_CERTKEYUSAGE_OID                  SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE
-/* Available revocation method types. */
-typedef enum PKIX_RevocationMethodTypeEnum {
-    PKIX_RevocationMethod_CRL = 0,
-    PKIX_RevocationMethod_OCSP,
-    PKIX_RevocationMethod_MAX
-} PKIX_RevocationMethodType;
-/* A set of statuses revocation checker operates on */
-typedef enum PKIX_RevocationStatusEnum {
-    PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo = 0,
-    PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked,
-    PKIX_RevStatus_Success
-} PKIX_RevocationStatus;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIXT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 89bddd9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1637 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_certselector.c
- *
- * CertSelector Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_certselector.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a cert selector */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-        selector = (PKIX_CertSelector *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector->params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector->context);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelectorDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-        certSelector = (PKIX_CertSelector *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_Create
-                    (certSelector->matchCallback,
-                    certSelector->context,
-                    &certSelectorDuplicate,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)certSelector->params,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certSelectorDuplicate->params,
-                    plContext),
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)certSelectorDuplicate;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(certSelectorDuplicate);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_BasicConstraint
- *
- *  Determines whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" matches the basic
- *  constraints criterion using the basic constraints field of the
- *  ComCertSelParams pointed to by "params". If the basic constraints field is
- *  -1, no basic constraints check is done and the Cert is considered to match
- *  the basic constraints criterion. If the Cert does not match the basic
- *  constraints criterion, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  In order to match against this criterion, there are several possibilities.
- *
- *  1) If the criterion's minimum path length is greater than or equal to zero,
- *  a certificate must include a BasicConstraints extension with a pathLen of
- *  at least this value.
- *
- *  2) If the criterion's minimum path length is -2, a certificate must be an
- *  end-entity certificate.
- *
- *  3) If the criterion's minimum path length is -1, no basic constraints check
- *  is done and all certificates are considered to match this criterion.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose basic constraints field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *   If the function returns a failure,
- *   the output parameters of this function are undefined.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean caFlag = PKIX_FALSE; /* EE Cert by default */
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLength = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 minPathLength = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_BasicConstraint");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints
-                (params, &minPathLength, plContext),
-        /* If the minPathLength is unlimited (-1), no checking */
-        if (minPathLength == PKIX_CERTSEL_ALL_MATCH_MIN_PATHLENGTH) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints
-                    (cert, &basicConstraints, plContext),
-        if (basicConstraints != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetCAFlag
-                            (basicConstraints, &caFlag, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetPathLenConstraint
-                        (basicConstraints, &pathLength, plContext),
-        }
-        /*
-         * if minPathLength >= 0, the cert must have a BasicConstraints ext and
-         * the pathLength in this cert
-         * BasicConstraints needs to be >= minPathLength.
-         */
-        if (minPathLength >= 0){
-                if ((!basicConstraints) || (caFlag == PKIX_FALSE)){
-                } else if ((pathLength != PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT) &&
-                            (pathLength < minPathLength)){
-                        PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_DEBUG
-                            ("Basic Constraints path length match failed\n");
-                        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        /* if the minPathLength is -2, this cert must be an end-entity cert. */
-        if (minPathLength == PKIX_CERTSEL_ENDENTITY_MIN_PATHLENGTH) {
-                if (caFlag == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_DEBUG
-                        ("Basic Constraints end-entity match failed\n");
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraints);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_Policies
- *
- *  Determines whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" matches the policy
- *  constraints specified in the ComCertsSelParams given by "params".
- *  If "params" specifies a policy constraint of NULL, all certificates
- *  match. If "params" specifies an empty list, "cert" must have at least
- *  some policy. Otherwise "cert" must include at least one of the
- *  policies in the list. See the description of PKIX_CertSelector in
- *  pkix_certsel.h for more.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose policy criterion (if any) is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numConstraintPolicies = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCertPolicies = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certPolicyIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean result = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *constraintPolicies = NULL; /* List of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyInfos = NULL; /* List of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo */
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policyInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *polOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_Policies");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPolicy
-                (params, &constraintPolicies, plContext),
-        /* If constraintPolicies is NULL, all certificates "match" */
-        if (constraintPolicies) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyInformation
-                (cert, &certPolicyInfos, plContext),
-            /* No hope of a match if cert has no policies */
-            if (!certPolicyInfos) {
-                PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_DEBUG("Certificate has no policies\n");
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (constraintPolicies, &numConstraintPolicies, plContext),
-            if (numConstraintPolicies > 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (certPolicyInfos, &numCertPolicies, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (certPolicyIndex = 0;
-                        ((!result) && (certPolicyIndex < numCertPolicies));
-                        certPolicyIndex++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (certPolicyInfos,
-                                certPolicyIndex,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policyInfo,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETELEMENTFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolicyId
-                                (policyInfo, &polOID, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFOGETPOLICYIDFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                                (constraintPolicies,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)polOID,
-                                &result,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(policyInfo);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(polOID);
-                }
-                if (!result) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(constraintPolicies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyInfos);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyInfo);
-        PKIX_DECREF(polOID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_CertificateValid
- *
- *  Determines whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" matches the certificate
- *  validity criterion using the CertificateValid field of the
- *  ComCertSelParams pointed to by "params". If the CertificateValid field is
- *  NULL, no validity check is done and the Cert is considered to match
- *  the CertificateValid criterion. If the CertificateValid field specifies a
- *  Date prior to the notBefore field in the Cert, or greater than the notAfter
- *  field in the Cert, an Error is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose certValid field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityTime = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_CertificateValid");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificateValid
-                (params, &validityTime, plContext),
-        /* If the validityTime is not set, all certificates are acceptable */
-        if (validityTime) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckValidity
-                        (cert, validityTime, plContext),
-                        PKIX_CERTCHECKVALIDITYFAILED);
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-            *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(validityTime);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_NameConstraints
- *
- *  Determines whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" matches the name
- *  constraints criterion specified in the ComCertSelParams pointed to by
- *  "params". If the name constraints field is NULL, no name constraints check
- *  is done and the Cert is considered to match the name constraints criterion.
- *  If the Cert does not match the name constraints criterion, an Error pointer
- *  is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose name constraints field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_NameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetNameConstraints
-                (params, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-        if (nameConstraints != NULL) {
-                /* As only the end-entity certificate should have
-                 * the common name constrained as if it was a dNSName,
-                 * do not constrain the common name when building a
-                 * forward path.
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckNameConstraints
-                    (cert, nameConstraints, PKIX_FALSE, plContext),
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-            *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_PathToNames
- *
- *  Determines whether the names at pathToNames in "params" complies with the
- *  NameConstraints pointed to by "cert". If the pathToNames field is NULL
- *  or there is no name constraints for this "cert", no checking is done
- *  and the Cert is considered to match the name constraints criterion.
- *  If the Cert does not match the name constraints criterion, an Error
- *  pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose PathToNames field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *pathToNamesList = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean passed = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_PathToNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPathToNames
-                (params, &pathToNamesList, plContext),
-        if (pathToNamesList != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
-                    (cert, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-            if (nameConstraints != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints_CheckNamesInNameSpace
-                        (pathToNamesList, nameConstraints, &passed, plContext),
-                if (passed != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pathToNamesList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjAltNames
- *
- *  Determines whether the names at subjAltNames in "params" match with the
- *  SubjAltNames pointed to by "cert". If the subjAltNames field is NULL,
- *  no name checking is done and the Cert is considered to match the
- *  criterion. If the Cert does not match the criterion, an Error pointer
- *  is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose SubjAltNames field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *subjAltNamesList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certSubjAltNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean checkPassed = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean matchAll = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, numItems;
-        PKIX_UInt32 matchCount = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames
-                    (params, &matchAll, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjAltNames
-                    (params, &subjAltNamesList, plContext),
-        if (subjAltNamesList != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectAltNames
-                    (cert, &certSubjAltNames, plContext),
-            if (certSubjAltNames == NULL) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                       (subjAltNamesList, &numItems, plContext),
-                       PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-            for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                           (subjAltNamesList,
-                            i,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **) &name,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                           (certSubjAltNames,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) name,
-                            &checkPassed,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(name);
-                if (checkPassed == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    if (matchAll == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        /* one match is good enough */
-                        matchCount = numItems;
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        /* else continue checking next */
-                        matchCount++;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (matchCount != numItems) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(name);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubjAltNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjAltNamesList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_ExtendedKeyUsage
- *
- *  Determines whether the names at ExtKeyUsage in "params" matches with the
- *  ExtKeyUsage pointed to by "cert". If the ExtKeyUsage criterion or
- *  ExtKeyUsage in "cert" is NULL, no checking is done and the Cert is
- *  considered a match. If the Cert does not match, an Error pointer is
- *  returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose ExtKeyUsage field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certExtKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *ekuOid = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean isContained = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_ExtendedKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                    (params, &extKeyUsageList, plContext),
-        if (extKeyUsageList == NULL) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                    (cert, &certExtKeyUsageList, plContext),
-        if (certExtKeyUsageList != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (extKeyUsageList, &numItems, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-            for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (extKeyUsageList, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ekuOid, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                    (certExtKeyUsageList,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)ekuOid,
-                    &isContained,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(ekuOid);
-                if (isContained != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(ekuOid);
-        PKIX_DECREF(extKeyUsageList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certExtKeyUsageList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_KeyUsage
- *
- *  Determines whether the bits at KeyUsage in "params" matches with the
- *  KeyUsage pointed to by "cert". If the KeyUsage in params is 0
- *  no checking is done and the Cert is considered a match. If the Cert does
- *  not match, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose ExtKeyUsage field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 keyUsage = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_KeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage
-                    (params, &keyUsage, plContext),
-        if (keyUsage != 0) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyKeyUsage
-                        (cert, keyUsage, plContext),
-                        PKIX_CERTVERIFYKEYUSAGEFAILED);
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-            *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjKeyId
- *
- *  Determines whether the bytes at subjKeyId in "params" matches with the
- *  Subject Key Identifier pointed to by "cert". If the subjKeyId in params is
- *  set to NULL or the Cert doesn't have a Subject Key Identifier, no checking
- *  is done and the Cert is considered a match. If the Cert does not match, an
- *  Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose subjKeyId field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *selSubjKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *certSubjKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean equals = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjKeyId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjKeyIdentifier
-                    (params, &selSubjKeyId, plContext),
-        if (selSubjKeyId != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectKeyIdentifier
-                    (cert, &certSubjKeyId, plContext),
-                if (certSubjKeyId == NULL) {
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                           ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selSubjKeyId,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)certSubjKeyId,
-                            &equals,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (equals == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(selSubjKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubjKeyId);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_AuthKeyId
- *
- *  Determines whether the bytes at authKeyId in "params" matches with the
- *  Authority Key Identifier pointed to by "cert". If the authKeyId in params
- *  is set to NULL, no checking is done and the Cert is considered a match. If
- *  the Cert does not match, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose authKeyId field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *selAuthKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *certAuthKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean equals = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_AuthKeyId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
-                    (params, &selAuthKeyId, plContext),
-        if (selAuthKeyId != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
-                    (cert, &certAuthKeyId, plContext),
-                if (certAuthKeyId == NULL) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                           ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selAuthKeyId,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)certAuthKeyId,
-                            &equals,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (equals != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(selAuthKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certAuthKeyId);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjPKAlgId
- *
- *  Determines whether the OID at subjPKAlgId in "params" matches with the
- *  Subject Public Key Alg Id pointed to by "cert". If the subjPKAlgId in params
- *  is set to NULL, no checking is done and the Cert is considered a match. If
- *  the Cert does not match, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose subjPKAlgId field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *selPKAlgId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *certPKAlgId = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean equals = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjPKAlgId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPKAlgId
-                    (params, &selPKAlgId, plContext),
-        if (selPKAlgId != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKeyAlgId
-                    (cert, &certPKAlgId, plContext),
-                if (certPKAlgId != NULL) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                           ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selPKAlgId,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)certPKAlgId,
-                            &equals,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (equals != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(selPKAlgId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPKAlgId);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjPubKey
- *
- *  Determines whether the key at subjPubKey in "params" matches with the
- *  Subject Public Key pointed to by "cert". If the subjPubKey in params
- *  is set to NULL, no checking is done and the Cert is considered a match. If
- *  the Cert does not match, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams whose subPubKey field is used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean that returns the match result.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *selPK = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *certPK = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean equals = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjPubKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(params, cert, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPubKey
-                    (params, &selPK, plContext),
-        if (selPK != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                    (cert, &certPK, plContext),
-                if (certPK == NULL) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                           ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selPK,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)certPK,
-                            &equals,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (equals != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(selPK);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPK);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_DefaultMatch
- *
- *  This default match function determines whether the specified Cert pointed
- *  to by "cert" matches the criteria of the CertSelector pointed to by
- *  "selector". If the Cert does not match the CertSelector's
- *  criteria, an error will be thrown.
- *
- *  This default match function understands how to process the most common
- *  parameters. Any common parameter that is not set is assumed to be disabled,
- *  which means this function will select all certificates without regard to
- *  that particular disabled parameter. For example, if the SerialNumber
- *  parameter is not set, this function will not filter out any certificate
- *  based on its serial number. As such, if no parameters are set, all are
- *  disabled and any certificate will match. If a parameter is disabled, its
- *  associated PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Get* function returns a default value.
- *  That value is -1 for PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints and
- *  PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetVersion, 0 for PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage,
- *  and NULL for all other Get functions.
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelector whose MatchCallback logic and parameters are
- *      to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert that is to be matched using "selector".
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certSubject = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *selSubject = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certIssuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *selIssuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *certSerialNumber = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *selSerialNumber = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *selCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *selDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 selVersion = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certVersion = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean result = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_Boolean isLeafCert = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certString = NULL;
-        void *certAscii = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certAsciiLen;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_DefaultMatch");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, cert);
-        PKIX_INCREF(selector->params);
-        params = selector->params;
-        /* Are we looking for CAs? */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetLeafCertFlag
-                    (params, &isLeafCert, plContext),
-        if (params == NULL){
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetVersion
-                    (params, &selVersion, plContext),
-        if (selVersion != 0xFFFFFFFF){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetVersion
-                            (cert, &certVersion, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTGETVERSIONFAILED);
-                if (selVersion != certVersion) {
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject
-                    (params, &selSubject, plContext),
-        if (selSubject){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject
-                            (cert, &certSubject, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTGETSUBJECTFAILED);
-                if (certSubject){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match
-                            (selSubject, certSubject, &result, plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMEMATCHFAILED);
-                        if (result == PKIX_FALSE){
-                        }
-                } else { /* cert has no subject */
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetIssuer
-                    (params, &selIssuer, plContext),
-        if (selIssuer){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer
-                            (cert, &certIssuer, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTGETISSUERFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match
-                            (selIssuer, certIssuer, &result, plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMEMATCHFAILED);
-                if (result == PKIX_FALSE){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSerialNumber
-                    (params, &selSerialNumber, plContext),
-        if (selSerialNumber){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSerialNumber
-                            (cert, &certSerialNumber, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTGETSERIALNUMBERFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selSerialNumber,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)certSerialNumber,
-                            &result,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (result == PKIX_FALSE){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificate
-                    (params, &selCert, plContext),
-        if (selCert){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *) selCert,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) cert,
-                            &result,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (result == PKIX_FALSE){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificateValid
-                    (params, &selDate, plContext),
-        if (selDate){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckValidity
-                            (cert, selDate, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTCHECKVALIDITYFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_BasicConstraint
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_Policies
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_CertificateValid
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_NameConstraints
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_PathToNames
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjAltNames
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        /* Check key usage and cert type based on certificate usage. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyCertAndKeyType(cert, !isLeafCert,
-                                                     plContext),
-        /* Next two check are for user supplied additional KU and EKU. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_ExtendedKeyUsage
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_KeyUsage
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjKeyId
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_AuthKeyId
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjPKAlgId
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Match_SubjPubKey
-                    (params, cert, &result, plContext),
-        /* if we reach here, the cert has successfully matched criteria */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_ToString_Helper
-                    (cert, PKIX_TRUE, &certString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                (certString,
-                PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                &certAscii,
-                &certAsciiLen,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_DEBUG_ARG("Cert Selected:\n%s\n", certAscii);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certString);
-        PKIX_FREE(certAscii);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selSubject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certIssuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selIssuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSerialNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selSerialNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CertSelector_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "pkix_CertSelector_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertSelector";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_CertSelector);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_CertSelector_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_CertSelector_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_Create (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback callback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certSelectorContext,
-        PKIX_CertSelector **pSelector,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "PKIX_CertSelector_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pSelector);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_CertSelector),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&selector,
-                    plContext),
-        /*
-         * if user specified a particular match callback, we use that one.
-         * otherwise, we use the default match implementation which
-         * understands how to process PKIX_ComCertSelParams
-         */
-        if (callback){
-                selector->matchCallback = callback;
-        } else {
-                selector->matchCallback = pkix_CertSelector_DefaultMatch;
-        }
-        /* initialize other fields */
-        selector->params = NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(certSelectorContext);
-        selector->context = certSelectorContext;
-        *pSelector = selector;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = selector->matchCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_GetCertSelectorContext
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pCertSelectorContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "PKIX_CertSelector_GetCertSelectorContext");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, pCertSelectorContext);
-        PKIX_INCREF(selector->context);
-        *pCertSelectorContext = selector->context;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, pParams);
-        PKIX_INCREF(selector->params);
-        *pParams = selector->params;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(selector);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector->params);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params);
-        selector->params = params;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selector, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertSelector_Select
- *
- *  This function applies the selector pointed to by "selector" to each Cert,
- *  in turn, in the List pointed to by "before", and creates a List containing
- *  all the Certs that matched, or passed the selection process, storing that
- *  List at "pAfter". If no Certs match, an empty List is stored at "pAfter".
- *
- *  The List returned in "pAfter" is immutable.
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CertSelelector to be applied to the List. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "before"
- *      Address of List that is to be filtered. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAfter"
- *      Address at which resulting List, possibly empty, is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-	PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-	PKIX_List *before,
-	PKIX_List **pAfter,
-	void *plContext)
-	PKIX_UInt32 numBefore = 0;
-	PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-	PKIX_List *filtered = NULL;
-	PKIX_PL_Cert *candidate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSELECTOR, "PKIX_CertSelector_Select");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(selector, before, pAfter);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&filtered, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(before, &numBefore, plContext),
-        for (i = 0; i < numBefore; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (before, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&candidate, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(selector->matchCallback
-                        (selector, candidate, plContext),
-                if (!(PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED)) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (filtered,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)candidate,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-                PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(filtered, plContext),
-        /* Don't throw away the list if one Cert was bad! */
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pAfter = filtered;
-        filtered = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(filtered);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 33b6483..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_certselector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_certselector.h
- *
- * CertSelector Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_CertSelectorStruct {
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback matchCallback;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *context;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-	PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-	PKIX_List *before,
-	PKIX_List **pAfter,
-	void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_CertSelector_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a62f78d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1188 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_comcertselparams.c
- *
- * ComCertSelParams Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_comcertselparams.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCertSelParams_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCertSelParams_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a comCertSelParams object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        params = (PKIX_ComCertSelParams *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->policies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->cert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->pathToNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjAltNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->date);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->extKeyUsage);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->certValid);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->issuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->serialNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->authKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjPKAlgId);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCertSelParams_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *paramsDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCertSelParams_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        params = (PKIX_ComCertSelParams *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create(&paramsDuplicate, plContext),
-        paramsDuplicate->minPathLength = params->minPathLength;
-        paramsDuplicate->matchAllSubjAltNames = params->matchAllSubjAltNames;
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->subject, &paramsDuplicate->subject, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->policies, &paramsDuplicate->policies, plContext,
-        if (params->cert){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params->cert,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&paramsDuplicate->cert,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-        }
-                (params->nameConstraints,
-                &paramsDuplicate->nameConstraints,
-                plContext,
-                (params->pathToNames,
-                &paramsDuplicate->pathToNames,
-                plContext,
-                (params->subjAltNames,
-                &paramsDuplicate->subjAltNames,
-                plContext,
-        if (params->date){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params->date,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&paramsDuplicate->date,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-        }
-        paramsDuplicate->keyUsage = params->keyUsage;
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->certValid,
-                &paramsDuplicate->certValid,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->issuer,
-                &paramsDuplicate->issuer,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->serialNumber,
-                &paramsDuplicate->serialNumber,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->authKeyId,
-                &paramsDuplicate->authKeyId,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->subjKeyId,
-                &paramsDuplicate->subjKeyId,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->subjPubKey,
-                &paramsDuplicate->subjPubKey,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(params->subjPKAlgId,
-                &paramsDuplicate->subjPKAlgId,
-                plContext,
-        paramsDuplicate->leafCertFlag = params->leafCertFlag;
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)paramsDuplicate;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(paramsDuplicate);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCertSelParams_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMS_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ComCertSelParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry* entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMS_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCertSelParams_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "ComCertSelParams";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ComCertSelParams);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_ComCertSelParams_Destroy;
-        entry->duplicateFunction = pkix_ComCertSelParams_Duplicate;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pParams);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMS_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_ComCertSelParams),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&params,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        params->version = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-        params->minPathLength = -1;
-        params->matchAllSubjAltNames = PKIX_TRUE;
-        params->subject = NULL;
-        params->policies = NULL;
-        params->cert = NULL;
-        params->nameConstraints = NULL;
-        params->pathToNames = NULL;
-        params->subjAltNames = NULL;
-        params->extKeyUsage = NULL;
-        params->keyUsage = 0;
-        params->extKeyUsage = NULL;
-        params->keyUsage = 0;
-        params->date = NULL;
-        params->certValid = NULL;
-        params->issuer = NULL;
-        params->serialNumber = NULL;
-        params->authKeyId = NULL;
-        params->subjKeyId = NULL;
-        params->subjPubKey = NULL;
-        params->subjPKAlgId = NULL;
-        params->leafCertFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pParams = params;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pSubject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pSubject);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->subject);
-        *pSubject = params->subject;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubject (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubject");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subject);
-        PKIX_INCREF(subject);
-        params->subject = subject;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pMinPathLength,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pMinPathLength);
-        *pMinPathLength = params->minPathLength;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetBasicConstraints
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Int32 minPathLength,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetBasicConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->minPathLength = minPathLength;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPolicy (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicy, /* List of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pPolicy);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->policies);
-        *pPolicy = params->policies;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPolicy (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *policy, /* List of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->policies);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policy);
-        params->policies = policy;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificate
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pCert);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->cert);
-        *pCert = params->cert;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificate
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->cert);
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert);
-        params->cert = cert;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificateValid
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificateValid");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pDate);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->date);
-        *pDate = params->date;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificateValid
- *      (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificateValid");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->date);
-        PKIX_INCREF(date);
-        params->date = date;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetNameConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pNameConstraints);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->nameConstraints);
-        *pNameConstraints = params->nameConstraints;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetNameConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_INCREF(nameConstraints);
-        params->nameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPathToNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPathToNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pNames);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->pathToNames);
-        *pNames = params->pathToNames;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPathToNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *names,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPathToNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->pathToNames);
-        PKIX_INCREF(names);
-        params->pathToNames = names;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_AddPathToName
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *pathToNamesList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_AddPathToName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        if (name == NULL) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (params->pathToNames == NULL) {
-                /* Create a list for name item */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&pathToNamesList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                params->pathToNames = pathToNamesList;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (params->pathToNames, (PKIX_PL_Object *)name, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjAltNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pNames, /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pNames);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->subjAltNames);
-        *pNames = params->subjAltNames;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjAltNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *names,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, names);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjAltNames);
-        PKIX_INCREF(names);
-        params->subjAltNames = names;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_AddSubjAltNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_AddSubjAltName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, name);
-        if (params->subjAltNames == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&list, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                params->subjAltNames = list;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (params->subjAltNames, (PKIX_PL_Object *)name, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pMatch,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pMatch);
-        *pMatch = params->matchAllSubjAltNames;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetMatchAllSubjAltNames
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean match,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetMatchAllSubjAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->matchAllSubjAltNames = match;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pExtKeyUsage, /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pExtKeyUsage);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->extKeyUsage);
-        *pExtKeyUsage = params->extKeyUsage;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetExtendedKeyUsage
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsage,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetExtendedKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->extKeyUsage);
-        PKIX_INCREF(extKeyUsage);
-        params->extKeyUsage = extKeyUsage;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pKeyUsage,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pKeyUsage);
-        *pKeyUsage = params->keyUsage;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetKeyUsage
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_UInt32 keyUsage,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->keyUsage = keyUsage;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetIssuer
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pIssuer,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetIssuer");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pIssuer);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->issuer);
-        *pIssuer = params->issuer;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetIssuer
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetIssuer");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->issuer);
-        PKIX_INCREF(issuer);
-        params->issuer = issuer;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSerialNumber
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pSerialNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSerialNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pSerialNumber);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->serialNumber);
-        *pSerialNumber = params->serialNumber;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSerialNumber
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSerialNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->serialNumber);
-        PKIX_INCREF(serialNumber);
-        params->serialNumber = serialNumber;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetVersion
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pVersion,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetVersion");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pVersion);
-        *pVersion = params->version;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetVersion
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Int32 version,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetVersion");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->version = version;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjKeyIdentifier
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pSubjKeyId,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjKeyIdentifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pSubjKeyId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->subjKeyId);
-        *pSubjKeyId = params->subjKeyId;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjKeyIdentifier
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subjKeyId,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjKeyIdentifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjKeyId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(subjKeyId);
-        params->subjKeyId = subjKeyId;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pAuthKeyId,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pAuthKeyId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->authKeyId);
-        *pAuthKeyId = params->authKeyId;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetAuthKeyIdentifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->authKeyId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(authKeyId);
-        params->authKeyId = authKeyId;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPubKey
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pSubjPubKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPubKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pSubjPubKey);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->subjPubKey);
-        *pSubjPubKey = params->subjPubKey;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjPubKey
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *subjPubKey,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjPubKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjPubKey);
-        PKIX_INCREF(subjPubKey);
-        params->subjPubKey = subjPubKey;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPKAlgId
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pAlgId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjPKAlgId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pAlgId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->subjPKAlgId);
-        *pAlgId = params->subjPKAlgId;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjPKAlgId
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *algId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjPKAlgId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->subjPKAlgId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(algId);
-        params->subjPKAlgId = algId;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetLeafCertFlag
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pLeafFlag,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetLeafCertFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pLeafFlag);
-        *pLeafFlag = params->leafCertFlag;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetLeafCertFlag
- * (see comments in pkix_certsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean leafFlag,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCERTSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetLeafCertFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->leafCertFlag = leafFlag;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 935c639..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/certsel/pkix_comcertselparams.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_comcertselparams.h
- *
- * ComCertSelParams Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * pathToNamesConstraint is Name Constraints generated based on the
- * pathToNames. We save a cached copy to save regeneration for each
- * check. SubjAltNames also has its cache, since SubjAltNames are
- * verified by checker, its cache copy is stored in checkerstate.
- */
-struct PKIX_ComCertSelParamsStruct {
-        PKIX_Int32 version;
-        PKIX_Int32 minPathLength;
-        PKIX_Boolean matchAllSubjAltNames;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject;
-        PKIX_List *policies; /* List of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints;
-        PKIX_List *pathToNames; /* List of PKIX_PL_GeneralNames */
-        PKIX_List *subjAltNames; /* List of PKIX_PL_GeneralNames */
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsage; /* List of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        PKIX_UInt32 keyUsage;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *certValid;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subjKeyId;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *subjPubKey;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjPKAlgId;
-        PKIX_Boolean leafCertFlag;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_ComCertSelParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e7a879..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_basicconstraintschecker.c
- *
- * Functions for basic constraints validation
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h"
-/* --Private-BasicConstraintsCheckerState-Functions------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-                    "pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a basic constraints checker state */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_BASICCONSTRAINTSCHECKERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->basicConstraintsOID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERT_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                "pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "BasicConstraintsCheckerState";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new BasicConstraintsCheckerState using the number of certs in
- *  the chain represented by "certsRemaining" and stores it at "pState".
- *
- *  "certsRemaining"
- *      Number of certificates in the chain.
- *  "pState"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a BasicConstraintsCheckerState Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState **pState,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-                    "pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pState);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        state->certsRemaining = certsRemaining;
-        state->maxPathLength = PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                    (PKIX_BASICCONSTRAINTS_OID,
-                    &state->basicConstraintsOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        *pState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-/* --Private-BasicConstraintsChecker-Functions------------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BasicConstraintsChecker_Check
- * (see comments for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints = NULL;
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean caFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLength = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 maxPathLength_now;
-        PKIX_Boolean isSelfIssued = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_BasicConstraintsChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state, plContext),
-        state->certsRemaining--;
-        if (state->certsRemaining != 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints
-                    (cert, &basicConstraints, plContext),
-                /* get CA Flag and path length */
-                if (basicConstraints != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetCAFlag
-                            (basicConstraints,
-                            &caFlag,
-                            plContext),
-                if (caFlag == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                            (PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetPathLenConstraint
-                            (basicConstraints,
-                            &pathLength,
-                            plContext),
-                }
-                }else{
-                        caFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        pathLength = PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued
-                        (cert,
-                        &isSelfIssued,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_ISCERTSELFISSUEDFAILED);
-                maxPathLength_now = state->maxPathLength;
-                if (isSelfIssued != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    /* Not last CA Cert, but maxPathLength is down to zero */
-                    if (maxPathLength_now == 0) {
-                    }
-                    if (caFlag == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                    }
-                    if (maxPathLength_now > 0) { /* can be unlimited (-1) */
-                        maxPathLength_now--;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (caFlag == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                    if (maxPathLength_now == PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT){
-                            maxPathLength_now = pathLength;
-                    } else {
-                            /* If pathLength is not specified, don't set */
-                        if (pathLength != PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT) {
-                            maxPathLength_now =
-                                    (maxPathLength_now > pathLength)?
-                                    pathLength:maxPathLength_now;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                state->maxPathLength = maxPathLength_now;
-        }
-        /* Remove Basic Constraints Extension OID from list */
-        if (unresolvedCriticalExtensions != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                            (unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) state->basicConstraintsOID,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-        PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraints);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BasicConstraintsChecker_Initialize
- *  Registers PKIX_CERT_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_BasicConstraintsChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_Create
-                    (certsRemaining, &state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (pkix_BasicConstraintsChecker_Check,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    NULL,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)state,
-                    pChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a8b09c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h
- *
- * Header file for basic constraints checker.
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerStateStruct \
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState;
-struct pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerStateStruct{
-        PKIX_PL_OID *basicConstraintsOID;
-        PKIX_Int32 certsRemaining;
-        PKIX_Int32 maxPathLength;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a6ea50d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_certchainchecker.c
- *
- * CertChainChecker Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_certchainchecker.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertChainChecker_Destroy
- *      (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_CertChainChecker_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a cert chain checker */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        checker = (PKIX_CertChainChecker *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker->extensions);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker->state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertChainChecker_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checkerDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *extensionsDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *stateDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_CertChainChecker_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        checker = (PKIX_CertChainChecker *)object;
-        if (checker->extensions){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)checker->extensions,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&extensionsDuplicate,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-        }
-        if (checker->state){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)checker->state,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&stateDuplicate,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (checker->checkCallback,
-                    checker->forwardChecking,
-                    checker->isForwardDirectionExpected,
-                    extensionsDuplicate,
-                    stateDuplicate,
-                    &checkerDuplicate,
-                    plContext),
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)checkerDuplicate;
-        PKIX_DECREF(extensionsDuplicate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(stateDuplicate);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertChainChecker_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKER_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CertChainChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_CertChainChecker_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertChainChecker";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_CertChainChecker);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_CertChainChecker_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_CertChainChecker_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKER_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback callback,
-    PKIX_Boolean forwardCheckingSupported,
-    PKIX_Boolean isForwardDirectionExpected,
-    PKIX_List *list,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-    PKIX_PL_Object *initialState,
-    PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-    void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKER_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_CertChainChecker),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&checker,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        checker->checkCallback = callback;
-        checker->forwardChecking = forwardCheckingSupported;
-        checker->isForwardDirectionExpected = isForwardDirectionExpected;
-        PKIX_INCREF(list);
-        checker->extensions = list;
-        PKIX_INCREF(initialState);
-        checker->state = initialState;
-        *pChecker = checker;
-        checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCheckCallback
- *      (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCheckCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(checker, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = checker->checkCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported
- *      (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pForwardCheckingSupported,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(checker, pForwardCheckingSupported);
-        *pForwardCheckingSupported = checker->forwardChecking;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardDirectionExpected
- *      (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pForwardDirectionExpected,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardDirectionExpected");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(checker, pForwardDirectionExpected);
-        *pForwardDirectionExpected = checker->isForwardDirectionExpected;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
- *      (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pCertChainCheckerState,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(checker, pCertChainCheckerState);
-        PKIX_INCREF(checker->state);
-        *pCertChainCheckerState = checker->state;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
- *      (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certChainCheckerState,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(checker);
-        /* DecRef old contents */
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker->state);
-        PKIX_INCREF(certChainCheckerState);
-        checker->state = certChainCheckerState;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)checker, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetSupportedExtensions
- *      (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_List **pExtensions, /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetSupportedExtensions");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(checker, pExtensions);
-        PKIX_INCREF(checker->extensions);
-        *pExtensions = checker->extensions;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ff64547..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_certchainchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_certchainchecker.h
- *
- * CertChainChecker Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_CertChainCheckerStruct {
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback checkCallback;
-        PKIX_List *extensions;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *state;
-        PKIX_Boolean forwardChecking;
-        PKIX_Boolean isForwardDirectionExpected;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_CertChainChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f5b6b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_defaultcrlchecker.c
- *
- * Functions for default CRL Checkers
- *
- */
-#include "pkix.h"
-#include "pkix_crlchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-/* --Private-CRLChecker-Data-and-Types------------------------------- */
-typedef struct pkix_CrlCheckerStruct {
-    /* RevocationMethod is the super class of CrlChecker. */
-    pkix_RevocationMethod method;
-    PKIX_List *certStores; /* list of CertStore */
-    PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback crlVerifyFn;
-} pkix_CrlChecker;
-/* --Private-CRLChecker-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CrlCheckerstate_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_CrlChecker *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLCHECKER, "pkix_CrlChecker_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a default CRL checker state */
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (pkix_CrlChecker *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->certStores);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CrlChecker_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_CRLCHECKER_TYPE and its related functions
- *  with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CrlChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry* entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_CRLCHECKER_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLCHECKER, "pkix_CrlChecker_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "CRLChecker";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_CrlChecker);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_CrlChecker_Destroy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CrlChecker_Create
- *
- *  Allocate and initialize CRLChecker state data.
- *
- *  "certStores"
- *      Address of CertStore List to be stored in state. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "testDate"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_Date to be checked. May be NULL.
- *  "trustedPubKey"
- *      Trusted Anchor Public Key for verifying first Cert in the chain.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certsRemaining"
- *      Number of certificates remaining in the chain.
- *  "nistCRLPolicyEnabled"
- *      If enabled, enforce nist crl policy.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address of CRLChecker that is returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a DefaultCrlChecker Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CrlChecker_Create(PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-                       PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-                       PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-                       pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn localRevChecker,
-                       pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn externalRevChecker,
-                       PKIX_List *certStores,
-                       PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback crlVerifyFn,
-                       pkix_RevocationMethod **pChecker,
-                       void *plContext)
-        pkix_CrlChecker *crlChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLCHECKER, "pkix_CrlChecker_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(certStores, pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CRLCHECKER_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (pkix_CrlChecker),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&crlChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        pkixErrorResult = pkix_RevocationMethod_Init(
-            (pkix_RevocationMethod*)crlChecker, methodType, flags,  priority,
-            localRevChecker, externalRevChecker, plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Initialize fields */
-        PKIX_INCREF(certStores);
-        crlChecker->certStores = certStores;
-        crlChecker->crlVerifyFn = crlVerifyFn;
-        *pChecker = (pkix_RevocationMethod*)crlChecker;
-        crlChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlChecker);
-/* --Private-CRLChecker-Functions------------------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CrlChecker_CheckLocal
- *
- *  Check if the Cert has been revoked based the CRLs data.  This function
- *  maintains the checker state to be current.
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker which has the state data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Certificate that is to be validated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "unreslvdCrtExts"
- *      A List OIDs. Not **yet** used in this checker function.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *pReasonCode,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback storeCheckRevocationFn;
-    PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-    pkix_CrlChecker *state = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 crlStoreIndex = 0;
-    PKIX_UInt32 numCrlStores = 0;
-    PKIX_Boolean storeIsLocal = PKIX_FALSE;
-    PKIX_RevocationStatus revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_CrlChecker_CheckLocal");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(cert, issuer, checkerObject, checkerObject);
-    state = (pkix_CrlChecker*)checkerObject;
-        PKIX_List_GetLength(state->certStores, &numCrlStores, plContext),
-    for (;crlStoreIndex < numCrlStores;crlStoreIndex++) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(state->certStores, crlStoreIndex,
-                              (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certStore,
-                              plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_CertStore_GetLocalFlag(certStore, &storeIsLocal,
-                                        plContext),
-        if (storeIsLocal) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_CertStore_GetCrlCheckerFn(certStore,
-                                               &storeCheckRevocationFn,
-                                               plContext),
-            if (storeCheckRevocationFn) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    (*storeCheckRevocationFn)(certStore, cert, issuer,
-                                         /* delay sig check if building
-                                          * a chain by not specifying the time*/
-                                          chainVerificationState ? date : NULL,
-                                         /* crl downloading is not done. */
-                                          PKIX_FALSE,   
-                                          pReasonCode, &revStatus, plContext),
-                if (revStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-    } /* while */
-    *pRevStatus = revStatus;
-    PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CrlChecker_CheckRemote
- *
- *  Check if the Cert has been revoked based the CRLs data.  This function
- *  maintains the checker state to be current.
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker which has the state data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Certificate that is to be validated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "unreslvdCrtExts"
- *      A List OIDs. Not **yet** used in this checker function.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *pReasonCode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback storeCheckRevocationFn = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback storeImportCrlFn = NULL;
-    PKIX_RevocationStatus revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-    PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertStore *localStore = NULL;
-    PKIX_CRLSelector *crlSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuerName = NULL;
-    pkix_CrlChecker *state = NULL; 
-    PKIX_UInt32 crlStoreIndex = 0;
-    PKIX_UInt32 numCrlStores = 0;
-    PKIX_Boolean storeIsLocal = PKIX_FALSE;
-    PKIX_List *crlList = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *dpList = NULL;
-    void *nbioContext = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_CrlChecker_CheckExternal");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(cert, issuer, checkerObject, pNBIOContext);
-    nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-    *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* prepare for Error exit */
-    state = (pkix_CrlChecker*)checkerObject;
-        PKIX_List_GetLength(state->certStores, &numCrlStores, plContext),
-    /* Find a cert store that is capable of storing crls */
-    for (;crlStoreIndex < numCrlStores;crlStoreIndex++) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(state->certStores, crlStoreIndex,
-                              (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certStore,
-                              plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_CertStore_GetLocalFlag(certStore, &storeIsLocal,
-                                        plContext),
-        if (storeIsLocal) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_CertStore_GetImportCrlCallback(certStore,
-                                                    &storeImportCrlFn,
-                                                    plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_CertStore_GetCrlCheckerFn(certStore,
-                                               &storeCheckRevocationFn,
-                                               plContext),
-            if (storeImportCrlFn && storeCheckRevocationFn) {
-                localStore = certStore;
-                certStore = NULL;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-    } /* while */
-    /* Report unknown status if we can not check crl in one of the
-     * local stores. */
-    if (!localStore) {
-    }
-        PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyKeyUsage(issuer, PKIX_CRL_SIGN, plContext),
-        PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCrlDp(cert, &dpList, plContext),
-    if (!(methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_REQUIRE_INFO_ON_MISSING_SOURCE) &&
-        (!dpList || !dpList->length)) {
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-        PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer(cert, &issuerName, plContext),
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_Create(issuer, dpList, date, &crlSelector, plContext),
-    /* Fetch crl and store in a local cert store */
-    for (crlStoreIndex = 0;crlStoreIndex < numCrlStores;crlStoreIndex++) {
-        PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback getCrlsFn;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(state->certStores, crlStoreIndex,
-                              (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certStore,
-                              plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_CertStore_GetCRLCallback(certStore, &getCrlsFn,
-                                          plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            (*getCrlsFn)(certStore, crlSelector, &nbioContext,
-                      &crlList, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            (*storeImportCrlFn)(localStore, issuerName, crlList, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            (*storeCheckRevocationFn)(certStore, cert, issuer, date,
-                                      /* done with crl downloading */
-                                      PKIX_TRUE,
-                                      pReasonCode, &revStatus, plContext),
-        if (revStatus != PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo) {
-            break;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-    } /* while */
-    /* Update return flags */
-    if (revStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo && 
-	((dpList && dpList->length > 0) ||
-        methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_FAIL_ON_MISSING_FRESH_INFO) {
-        revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-    }
-    *pRevStatus = revStatus;
-    PKIX_DECREF(dpList);
-    PKIX_DECREF(crlList);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-    PKIX_DECREF(issuerName);
-    PKIX_DECREF(localStore);
-    PKIX_DECREF(crlSelector);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 35f1a47..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_crlchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_defaultcrlchecker.h
- *
- * Header file for default CRL function
- *
- */
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "pkix_revocationmethod.h"
-#include "pkix_crlsel.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* NOTE: nbio logic removed. Will be replaced later. */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CrlChecker_Create(PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-                       PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-                       PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-                       pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn localRevChecker,
-                       pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn externalRevChecker,
-                       PKIX_List *certStores,
-                       PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback crlVerifyFn,
-                       pkix_RevocationMethod **pChecker,
-                       void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CrlChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CRLCHECKER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a2b8437..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_ekuchecker.c
- *
- * User Defined ExtenedKeyUsage Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_ekuchecker.h"
-SECOidTag ekuOidStrings[] = {
-typedef struct pkix_EkuCheckerStruct {
-    PKIX_List *requiredExtKeyUsageOids;
-    PKIX_PL_OID *ekuOID;
-} pkix_EkuChecker;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_EkuChecker_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_EkuChecker *ekuCheckerState = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(EKUCHECKER, "pkix_EkuChecker_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_EKUCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        ekuCheckerState = (pkix_EkuChecker *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(ekuCheckerState->ekuOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(ekuCheckerState->requiredExtKeyUsageOids);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_EkuChecker_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_PL_HTTPCERTSTORECONTEXT_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_EkuChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_EKUCHECKER_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(EKUCHECKER, "pkix_EkuChecker_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "EkuChecker";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_EkuChecker);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_EkuChecker_Destroy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_EkuChecker_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new Extend Key Usage CheckerState using "params" to retrieve
- *  application specified EKU for verification and stores it at "pState".
- *
- *  "params"
- *      a PKIX_ProcessingParams links to PKIX_ComCertSelParams where a list of
- *      Extended Key Usage OIDs specified by application can be retrieved for
- *      verification.
- *  "pState"
- *      Address where state pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a UserDefinedModules Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        pkix_EkuChecker **pState,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_EkuChecker *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *comCertSelParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *requiredOids = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(EKUCHECKER, "pkix_EkuChecker_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pState);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_EKUCHECKER_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (pkix_EkuChecker),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
-                    (params, &certSelector, plContext),
-        if (certSelector != NULL) {
-            /* Get initial EKU OIDs from ComCertSelParams, if set */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                       (certSelector, &comCertSelParams, plContext),
-            if (comCertSelParams != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                           (comCertSelParams, &requiredOids, plContext),
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                    (PKIX_EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE_OID,
-                    &state->ekuOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        state->requiredExtKeyUsageOids = requiredOids;
-        requiredOids = NULL;
-        *pState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelector);
-        PKIX_DECREF(comCertSelParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(requiredOids);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_EkuChecker_Check
- *
- *  This function determines the Extended Key Usage OIDs specified by the
- *  application is included in the Extended Key Usage OIDs of this "cert".
- *
- *  "checker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker which has the state data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Certificate that is to be validated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "unresolvedCriticalExtensions"
- *      A List OIDs. The OID for Extended Key Usage is removed.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a UserDefinedModules Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_EkuChecker *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *requiredExtKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certExtKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *ekuOid = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean isContained = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_Boolean checkResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(EKUCHECKER, "pkix_EkuChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* no non-blocking IO */
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-            (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state, plContext),
-        requiredExtKeyUsageList = state->requiredExtKeyUsageOids;
-        if (requiredExtKeyUsageList == NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetLength(requiredExtKeyUsageList, &numItems,
-                                plContext),
-        if (numItems == 0) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage(cert, &certExtKeyUsageList,
-                                             plContext),
-        if (certExtKeyUsageList == NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_GetItem(requiredExtKeyUsageList, i,
-                                  (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ekuOid, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_List_Contains(certExtKeyUsageList,
-                                   (PKIX_PL_Object *)ekuOid,
-                                   &isContained,
-                                   plContext),
-            PKIX_DECREF(ekuOid);
-            if (isContained != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                checkResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!pkixErrorResult && checkResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-            pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(ekuOid);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certExtKeyUsageList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_EkuChecker_Initialize
- * (see comments in pkix_sample_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pEkuChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_EkuChecker *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *critExtOIDsList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(EKUCHECKER, "PKIX_EkuChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        /*
-         * This function and functions in this file provide an example of how
-         * an application defined checker can be hooked into libpkix.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_EkuChecker_Create
-                    (params, &state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&critExtOIDsList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (critExtOIDsList,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->ekuOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                (pkix_EkuChecker_Check,
-                PKIX_TRUE,                 /* forwardCheckingSupported */
-                PKIX_FALSE,                /* forwardDirectionExpected */
-                critExtOIDsList,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *) state,
-                pEkuChecker,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDsList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e542dda..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ekuchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_ekuchecker.h
- *
- * User Defined Object Type Extended Key Usage Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_EkuChecker_Create
- *
- *  Create a CertChainChecker with EkuCheckerState and add it into
- *  PKIX_ProcessingParams object.
- *
- *  "params"
- *      a PKIX_ProcessingParams links to PKIX_ComCertSelParams where a list of
- *      Extended Key Usage OIDs specified by application can be retrieved for
- *      verification.
- *  "ekuChecker" 
- *      Address of created ekuchecker.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a UserDefinedModules Error if the function fails in a non-fatal
- *  way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **ekuChecker,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_EkuChecker_GetRequiredEku
- *
- *  This function retrieves application specified ExtenedKeyUsage(s) from
- *  ComCertSetparams and converts its OID representations to SECCertUsageEnum.
- *  The result is stored and returned in bit mask at "pRequiredExtKeyUsage".
- *
- *  "certSelector"
- *      a PKIX_CertSelector links to PKIX_ComCertSelParams where a list of
- *      Extended Key Usage OIDs specified by application can be retrieved for
- *      verification. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRequiredExtKeyUsage"
- *      Address where the result is returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a UserDefinedModules Error if the function fails in a non-fatal
- *  way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pRequiredExtKeyUsage,
-        void *plContext);
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_EkuChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_EKUCHECKER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f101ee..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_expirationchecker.c
- *
- * Functions for expiration validation
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_expirationchecker.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ExpirationChecker_Check
- * (see comments for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_ExpirationChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&testDate, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckValidity(cert, testDate, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(testDate);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ExpirationChecker_Initialize
- *
- *  Creates a new CertChainChecker and stores it at "pChecker", where it will
- *  used by pkix_ExpirationChecker_Check to check that the certificate has not
- *  expired with respect to the Date pointed to by "testDate." If "testDate"
- *  is NULL, then the CertChainChecker will check that a certificate has not
- *  expired with respect to the current date and time.
- *
- *  "testDate"
- *      Address of Date representing the point in time at which the cert is to
- *      be validated. If "testDate" is NULL, the current date and time is used.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *myDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *nowDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_ExpirationChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        /* if testDate is NULL, we use the current time */
-        if (!testDate){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime
-                            (NULL, &nowDate, plContext),
-                            PKIX_DATECREATEUTCTIMEFAILED);
-                myDate = nowDate;
-        } else {
-                myDate = testDate;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (pkix_ExpirationChecker_Check,
-                    PKIX_TRUE,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    NULL,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)myDate,
-                    pChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(nowDate);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 17b5c1b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_expirationchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_expirationchecker.h
- *
- * Header file for validate expiration function
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 873d19c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_namechainingchecker.c
- *
- * Functions for name chaining validation
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_namechainingchecker.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameChainingChecker_Check
- * (see comments for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *prevSubject = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *currIssuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *currSubject = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean result;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_NameChainingChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&prevSubject, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer(cert, &currIssuer, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CERTGETISSUERFAILED);
-        if (prevSubject){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match
-                            (prevSubject, currIssuer, &result, plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMEMATCHFAILED);
-                if (!result){
-                }
-        } else {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject(cert, &currSubject, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CERTGETSUBJECTFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object *)currSubject, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(prevSubject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(currIssuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(currSubject);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameChainingChecker_Initialize
- *
- *  Creates a new CertChainChecker and stores it at "pChecker", where it will
- *  be used by pkix_NameChainingChecker_Check to check that the issuer name
- *  of the certificate matches the subject name in the checker's state. The
- *  X500Name pointed to by "trustedCAName" is used to initialize the checker's
- *  state.
- *
- *  "trustedCAName"
- *      Address of X500Name representing the trusted CA Name used to
- *      initialize the state of this checker. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *trustedCAName,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "PKIX_NameChainingChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pChecker, trustedCAName);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (pkix_NameChainingChecker_Check,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    NULL,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)trustedCAName,
-                    pChecker,
-                    plContext),
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bc413f4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_namechainingchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_namechainingchecker.h
- *
- * Header file for name chaining checker.
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *trustedCAName,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c9430d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_nameconstraintschecker.c
- *
- * Functions for Name Constraints Checkers
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h"
-/* --Private-NameConstraintsCheckerState-Functions---------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerstate_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-                    "pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that object type */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-        state = (pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->nameConstraintsOID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                    "pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "NameConstraintsCheckerState";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_Create
- *
- *  Allocate and initialize NameConstraintsChecker state data.
- *
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of NameConstraints to be stored in state. May be NULL.
- *  "numCerts"
- *      Number of certificates in the validation chain. This data is used
- *      to identify end-entity.
- *  "pCheckerState"
- *      Address of NameConstraintsCheckerState that is returned. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CERTNAMECONSTRAINTSCHECKERSTATE Error if the function fails in
- *  a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-    PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-    pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState **pCheckerState,
-    void *plContext)
-        pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-                    "pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pCheckerState);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state,
-                    plContext),
-        /* Initialize fields */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                    (PKIX_NAMECONSTRAINTS_OID,
-                    &state->nameConstraintsOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_INCREF(nameConstraints);
-        state->nameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-        state->certsRemaining = numCerts;
-        *pCheckerState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-/* --Private-NameConstraintsChecker-Functions------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Check
- * (see comments for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *mergedNameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean selfIssued = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean lastCert = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state, plContext),
-        state->certsRemaining--;
-        lastCert = state->certsRemaining == 0;
-        /* Get status of self issued */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued(cert, &selfIssued, plContext),
-        /* Check on non self-issued and if so only for last cert */
-        if (selfIssued == PKIX_FALSE ||
-            (selfIssued == PKIX_TRUE && lastCert)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckNameConstraints
-                    (cert, state->nameConstraints, lastCert,
-                      plContext),
-        }
-        if (!lastCert) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
-                    (cert, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-            /* Merge with previous name constraints kept in state */
-            if (nameConstraints != NULL) {
-                if (state->nameConstraints == NULL) {
-                        state->nameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_MergeNameConstraints
-                                (nameConstraints,
-                                state->nameConstraints,
-                                &mergedNameConstraints,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTMERGENAMECONSTRAINTSFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state->nameConstraints);
-                        state->nameConstraints = mergedNameConstraints;
-                }
-                /* Remove Name Constraints Extension OID from list */
-                if (unresolvedCriticalExtensions != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                                    (unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->nameConstraintsOID,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Initialize
- *
- *  Create a CertChainChecker with a NameConstraintsCheckerState. The
- *  NameConstraintsCheckerState is created with "trustedNC" and "numCerts"
- *  as its initial state. The CertChainChecker for the NameConstraints is
- *  returned at address of "pChecker".
- *
- *  "trustedNC"
- *      The NameConstraints from trusted anchor Cert is stored at "trustedNC"
- *      for initialization. May be NULL.
- *  "numCerts"
- *      Number of certificates in the validation chain. This data is used
- *      to identify end-entity.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address of CertChainChecker to bo created and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CERTCHAINCHECKER Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *trustedNC,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_Create
-                    (trustedNC, numCerts, &state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Check,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    NULL,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) state,
-                    pChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ac3de34..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h
- *
- * Header file for validate Name Constraints Checker function
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState \
-        pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState;
-struct pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState {
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *nameConstraintsOID;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *trustedNC,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b6fca9a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_ocspchecker.c
- *
- * OcspChecker Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_ocspchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h"
-#include "pkix_error.h"
-/* --Private-Data-and-Types--------------------------------------- */
-typedef struct pkix_OcspCheckerStruct {
-    /* RevocationMethod is the super class of OcspChecker. */
-    pkix_RevocationMethod method;
-    PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback certVerifyFcn;
-} pkix_OcspChecker;
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_OcspChecker_Destroy
- *      (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-    return NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_OcspChecker_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_OcspChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry* entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPCHECKER, "pkix_OcspChecker_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "OcspChecker";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_OcspChecker);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_OcspChecker_Destroy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_OcspChecker_Create
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_OcspChecker_Create(PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-                        PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-                        PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-                        pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn localRevChecker,
-                        pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn externalRevChecker,
-                        PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback verifyFn,
-                        pkix_RevocationMethod **pChecker,
-                        void *plContext)
-        pkix_OcspChecker *method = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPCHECKER, "pkix_OcspChecker_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (pkix_OcspChecker),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&method,
-                    plContext),
-        pkixErrorResult = pkix_RevocationMethod_Init(
-            (pkix_RevocationMethod*)method, methodType, flags,  priority,
-            localRevChecker, externalRevChecker, plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        method->certVerifyFcn = (PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback)verifyFn;
-        *pChecker = (pkix_RevocationMethod*)method;
-        method = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(method);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_OcspChecker_MapResultCodeToRevStatus
- */
-pkix_OcspChecker_MapResultCodeToRevStatus(SECErrorCodes resultCode)
-        switch (resultCode) {
-                return PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-            default:
-                return PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-        }
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_OcspChecker_Check (see comments in pkix_checker.h)
- */
- * The OCSPChecker is created in an idle state, and remains in this state until
- * either (a) the default Responder has been set and enabled, and a Check
- * request is received with no responder specified, or (b) a Check request is
- * received with a specified responder. A request message is constructed and
- * given to the HttpClient. If non-blocking I/O is used the client may return
- * with WOULDBLOCK, in which case the OCSPChecker returns the WOULDBLOCK
- * condition to its caller in turn. On a subsequent call the I/O is resumed.
- * When a response is received it is decoded and the results provided to the
- * caller.
- *
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *pReasonCode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID    *cid = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean           hasFreshStatus = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean           statusIsGood = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECErrorCodes          resultCode = SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE_OCSP;
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus  revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPCHECKER, "pkix_OcspChecker_CheckLocal");
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_Create(cert, NULL, &cid,
-                                      plContext),
-        if (!cid) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_GetFreshCacheStatus(cid, date,
-                                                   &hasFreshStatus,
-                                                   &statusIsGood,
-                                                   &resultCode,
-                                                   plContext),
-        if (hasFreshStatus) {
-            if (statusIsGood) {
-                revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Success;
-                resultCode = 0;
-            } else {
-                revStatus = pkix_OcspChecker_MapResultCodeToRevStatus(resultCode);
-            }
-        }
-        *pRevStatus = revStatus;
-        /* ocsp carries only tree statuses: good, bad, and unknown.
-         * revStatus is used to pass them. reasonCode is always set
-         * to be unknown. */
-        *pReasonCode = crlEntryReasonUnspecified;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cid);
- * The OCSPChecker is created in an idle state, and remains in this state until
- * either (a) the default Responder has been set and enabled, and a Check
- * request is received with no responder specified, or (b) a Check request is
- * received with a specified responder. A request message is constructed and
- * given to the HttpClient. When a response is received it is decoded and the
- * results provided to the caller.
- *
- * During the most recent enhancement of this function, it has been found that
- * it doesn't correctly implement non-blocking I/O.
- * 
- * The nbioContext is used in two places, for "response-obtaining" and
- * for "response-verification".
- * 
- * However, if this function gets called to resume, it always
- * repeats the "request creation" and "response fetching" steps!
- * As a result, the earlier operation is never resumed.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *pReasonCode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean uriFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean passed = PKIX_TRUE;
-        pkix_OcspChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity = NULL;
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        enum { stageGET, stagePOST } currentStage;
-        PRBool retry = PR_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPCHECKER, "pkix_OcspChecker_CheckExternal");
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_CheckType((PKIX_PL_Object*)checkerObject,
-                           PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        checker = (pkix_OcspChecker *)checkerObject;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_Create(cert, NULL, &cid,
-                                      plContext),
-        /* create request */
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Create(cert, cid, validity, NULL, 
-                                       methodFlags, &uriFound, &request,
-                                       plContext),
-        if (uriFound == PKIX_FALSE) {
-            /* no caching for certs lacking URI */
-            resultCode = 0;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (methodFlags & CERT_REV_M_FORCE_POST_METHOD_FOR_OCSP) {
-            /* Do not try HTTP GET, only HTTP POST */
-            currentStage = stagePOST;
-        } else {
-            /* Try HTTP GET first, falling back to POST */
-            currentStage = stageGET;
-        }
-        do {
-                const char *method;
-                passed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                retry = PR_FALSE;
-                if (currentStage == stageGET) {
-                        method = "GET";
-                } else {
-                        PORT_Assert(currentStage == stagePOST);
-                        method = "POST";
-                }
-                /* send request and create a response object */
-                PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                    pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Create(request, method, NULL,
-                                                checker->certVerifyFcn,
-                                                &nbioContext,
-                                                &response,
-                                                plContext),
-                if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                    passed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-                if (passed && nbioContext != 0) {
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                if (passed){
-                        PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                            pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Decode(response, &passed,
-                                                        &resultCode, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OCSPRESPONSEDECODEFAILED);
-                        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                            passed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (passed){
-                        PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                            pkix_pl_OcspResponse_GetStatus(response, &passed,
-                                                           &resultCode, plContext),
-                        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                            passed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (passed){
-                        PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                            pkix_pl_OcspResponse_VerifySignature(response, cert,
-                                                                 procParams, &passed, 
-                                                                 &nbioContext, plContext),
-                        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                            passed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        } else {
-                                if (nbioContext != 0) {
-                                        *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                                        goto cleanup;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-                if (!passed && currentStage == stagePOST) {
-                        /* We won't retry a POST failure, so it's final.
-                         * Because the following block with its call to
-                         *   pkix_pl_OcspResponse_GetStatusForCert
-                         * will take care of caching good or bad state,
-                         * but we only execute that next block if there hasn't
-                         * been a failure yet, we must cache the POST
-                         * failure now.
-                         */
-                        if (cid && cid->certID) {
-                                /* Caching MIGHT consume the cid. */
-                                PKIX_Error *err;
-                                err = PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure(
-                                        cid, plContext);
-                                if (err) {
-                                        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)err, plContext);
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-                if (passed){
-                        PKIX_Boolean allowCachingOfFailures =
-                                (currentStage == stagePOST) ? PKIX_TRUE : PKIX_FALSE;
-                        PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                            pkix_pl_OcspResponse_GetStatusForCert(cid, response,
-                                                                  allowCachingOfFailures,
-                                                                  date,
-                                                                  &passed, &resultCode,
-                                                                  plContext),
-                        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                            passed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        } else if (passed == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                                revStatus = pkix_OcspChecker_MapResultCodeToRevStatus(resultCode);
-                        } else {
-                                revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Success;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (currentStage == stageGET && revStatus != PKIX_RevStatus_Success &&
-                                                revStatus != PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked) {
-                        /* we'll retry */
-                        PKIX_DECREF(response);
-                        retry = PR_TRUE;
-                        currentStage = stagePOST;
-                        revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-                        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)pkixErrorResult,
-                                                      plContext);
-                                pkixErrorResult = NULL;
-                        }
-                }
-        } while (retry);
-        if (revStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo && (uriFound || 
-            methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_FAIL_ON_MISSING_FRESH_INFO) {
-            revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-        }
-        *pRevStatus = revStatus;
-        /* ocsp carries only three statuses: good, bad, and unknown.
-         * revStatus is used to pass them. reasonCode is always set
-         * to be unknown. */
-        *pReasonCode = crlEntryReasonUnspecified;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cid);
-        PKIX_DECREF(request);
-        PKIX_DECREF(response);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fbec315..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_ocspchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_ocspchecker.h
- *
- * OcspChecker Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#include "pkix_revocationmethod.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* NOTE: nbio logic removed. Will be replaced later. */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_OcspChecker_Create(PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-                        PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-                        PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-                        pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn localRevChecker,
-                        pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn externalRevChecker,
-                        PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback certVerifyFn,
-                        pkix_RevocationMethod **pChecker,
-                        void *plContext);
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_OcspChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e40596..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2783 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_policychecker.c
- *
- * Functions for Policy Checker
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_policychecker.h"
-/* --Forward declarations----------------------------------------------- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *listItem,
-        PKIX_Boolean immutability,
-        PKIX_List **pList,
-        void *plContext);
-/* --Private-PolicyCheckerState-Functions---------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION:pkix_PolicyCheckerState_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *checkerState = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE, "pkix_PolicyCheckerState_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        checkerState = (PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->certPoliciesExtension);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->policyMappingsExtension);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->policyConstraintsExtension);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->inhibitAnyPolicyExtension);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->anyPolicyOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->validPolicyTree);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->userInitialPolicySet);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->mappedUserInitialPolicySet);
-        checkerState->policyQualifiersRejected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        checkerState->explicitPolicy = 0;
-        checkerState->inhibitAnyPolicy = 0;
-        checkerState->policyMapping = 0;
-        checkerState->numCerts = 0;
-        checkerState->certsProcessed = 0;
-        checkerState->certPoliciesCritical = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->newAnyPolicyNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState->mappedPolicyOIDs);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyCheckerState_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pCheckerStateString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *policiesExtOIDString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *policyMapOIDString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *policyConstrOIDString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *inhAnyPolOIDString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *anyPolicyOIDString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *validPolicyTreeString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *userInitialPolicySetString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *mappedUserPolicySetString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *mappedPolicyOIDsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *anyAtBottomString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *newAnyPolicyString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *trueString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *falseString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nullString = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialIsAnyPolicy = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean certPoliciesCritical = PKIX_FALSE;
-        char *asciiFormat =
-                "{\n"
-                "\tcertPoliciesExtension:    \t%s\n"
-                "\tpolicyMappingsExtension:  \t%s\n"
-                "\tpolicyConstraintsExtension:\t%s\n"
-                "\tinhibitAnyPolicyExtension:\t%s\n"
-                "\tanyPolicyOID:             \t%s\n"
-                "\tinitialIsAnyPolicy:       \t%s\n"
-                "\tvalidPolicyTree:          \t%s\n"
-                "\tuserInitialPolicySet:     \t%s\n"
-                "\tmappedUserPolicySet:      \t%s\n"
-                "\tpolicyQualifiersRejected: \t%s\n"
-                "\tinitialPolMappingInhibit: \t%s\n"
-                "\tinitialExplicitPolicy:    \t%s\n"
-                "\tinitialAnyPolicyInhibit:  \t%s\n"
-                "\texplicitPolicy:           \t%d\n"
-                "\tinhibitAnyPolicy:         \t%d\n"
-                "\tpolicyMapping:            \t%d\n"
-                "\tnumCerts:                 \t%d\n"
-                "\tcertsProcessed:           \t%d\n"
-                "\tanyPolicyNodeAtBottom:    \t%s\n"
-                "\tnewAnyPolicyNode:         \t%s\n"
-                "\tcertPoliciesCritical:     \t%s\n"
-                "\tmappedPolicyOIDs:         \t%s\n"
-                "}";
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE, "pkix_PolicyCheckerState_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pCheckerStateString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *)object;
-                (state->certPoliciesExtension,
-                state->policyMappingsExtension,
-                state->policyConstraintsExtension);
-                (state->inhibitAnyPolicyExtension,
-                state->anyPolicyOID,
-                state->userInitialPolicySet);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiFormat, 0, &formatString, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Create TRUE, FALSE, and "NULL" PKIX_PL_Strings. But creating a
-         * PKIX_PL_String is complicated enough, it's worth checking, for
-         * each, to make sure the string is needed.
-         */
-        initialPolicyMappingInhibit = state->initialPolicyMappingInhibit;
-        initialExplicitPolicy = state->initialExplicitPolicy;
-        initialAnyPolicyInhibit = state->initialAnyPolicyInhibit;
-        initialIsAnyPolicy = state->initialIsAnyPolicy;
-        policyQualifiersRejected = state->policyQualifiersRejected;
-        certPoliciesCritical = state->certPoliciesCritical;
-        if (initialPolicyMappingInhibit || initialExplicitPolicy ||
-            initialAnyPolicyInhibit || initialIsAnyPolicy ||
-            policyQualifiersRejected || certPoliciesCritical) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII, "TRUE", 0, &trueString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        if (!initialPolicyMappingInhibit || !initialExplicitPolicy ||
-            !initialAnyPolicyInhibit || !initialIsAnyPolicy ||
-            !policyQualifiersRejected || !certPoliciesCritical) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII, "FALSE", 0, &falseString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        if (!(state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom) || !(state->newAnyPolicyNode)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII, "(null)", 0, &nullString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-                (state->certPoliciesExtension, &policiesExtOIDString, plContext,
-                (state->policyMappingsExtension,
-                &policyMapOIDString,
-                plContext,
-                (state->policyConstraintsExtension,
-                &policyConstrOIDString,
-                plContext,
-                (state->inhibitAnyPolicyExtension,
-                &inhAnyPolOIDString,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(state->anyPolicyOID, &anyPolicyOIDString, plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(state->validPolicyTree, &validPolicyTreeString, plContext,
-                (state->userInitialPolicySet,
-                &userInitialPolicySetString,
-                plContext,
-                (state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet,
-                &mappedUserPolicySetString,
-                plContext,
-        if (state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SinglePolicyNode_ToString
-                        (state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom,
-                        &anyAtBottomString,
-                        plContext),
-        } else {
-                PKIX_INCREF(nullString);
-                anyAtBottomString = nullString;
-        }
-        if (state->newAnyPolicyNode) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SinglePolicyNode_ToString
-                        (state->newAnyPolicyNode,
-                        &newAnyPolicyString,
-                        plContext),
-        } else {
-                PKIX_INCREF(nullString);
-                newAnyPolicyString = nullString;
-        }
-                (state->mappedPolicyOIDs,
-                &mappedPolicyOIDsString,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&resultString,
-                plContext,
-                formatString,
-                policiesExtOIDString,
-                policyMapOIDString,
-                policyConstrOIDString,
-                inhAnyPolOIDString,
-                anyPolicyOIDString,
-                initialIsAnyPolicy?trueString:falseString,
-                validPolicyTreeString,
-                userInitialPolicySetString,
-                mappedUserPolicySetString,
-                policyQualifiersRejected?trueString:falseString,
-                initialPolicyMappingInhibit?trueString:falseString,
-                initialExplicitPolicy?trueString:falseString,
-                initialAnyPolicyInhibit?trueString:falseString,
-                state->explicitPolicy,
-                state->inhibitAnyPolicy,
-                state->policyMapping,
-                state->numCerts,
-                state->certsProcessed,
-                anyAtBottomString,
-                newAnyPolicyString,
-                certPoliciesCritical?trueString:falseString,
-                mappedPolicyOIDsString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pCheckerStateString = resultString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(policiesExtOIDString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyMapOIDString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyConstrOIDString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(inhAnyPolOIDString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anyPolicyOIDString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validPolicyTreeString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userInitialPolicySetString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(mappedUserPolicySetString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anyAtBottomString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(newAnyPolicyString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(mappedPolicyOIDsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trueString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(falseString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nullString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyCheckerState_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_POLICYCHECKERSTATE_TYPE and its related functions
- *      with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_PolicyCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                "pkix_PolicyCheckerState_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "PolicyCheckerState";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PolicyCheckerState);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_PolicyCheckerState_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_PolicyCheckerState_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION:pkix_PolicyCheckerState_Create
- *
- *  Creates a PolicyCheckerState Object, using the List pointed to
- *  by "initialPolicies" for the user-initial-policy-set, the Boolean value
- *  of "policyQualifiersRejected" for the policyQualifiersRejected parameter,
- *  the Boolean value of "initialPolicyMappingInhibit" for the
- *  inhibitPolicyMappings parameter, the Boolean value of
- *  "initialExplicitPolicy" for the initialExplicitPolicy parameter, the
- *  Boolean value of "initialAnyPolicyInhibit" for the inhibitAnyPolicy
- *  parameter, and the UInt32 value of "numCerts" as the number of
- *  certificates in the chain; and stores the Object at "pCheckerState".
- *
- *  "initialPolicies"
- *      Address of List of OIDs comprising the user-initial-policy-set; the List
- *      may be empty, but must be non-NULL
- *  "policyQualifiersRejected"
- *      Boolean value of the policyQualifiersRejected parameter
- *  "initialPolicyMappingInhibit"
- *      Boolean value of the inhibitPolicyMappings parameter
- *  "initialExplicitPolicy"
- *      Boolean value of the initialExplicitPolicy parameter
- *  "initialAnyPolicyInhibit"
- *      Boolean value of the inhibitAnyPolicy parameter
- *  "numCerts"
- *      Number of certificates in the chain to be validated
- *  "pCheckerState"
- *      Address where PolicyCheckerState will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertPolicyCheckerState Error if the functions fails in a
- *      non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *initialPolicies,
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState **pCheckerState,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *checkerState = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *policyNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *anyPolicyList = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPoliciesIsEmpty = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE, "pkix_PolicyCheckerState_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(initialPolicies, pCheckerState);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_PolicyCheckerState),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&checkerState,
-                plContext),
-        /* Create constant PKIX_PL_OIDs: */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                &(checkerState->certPoliciesExtension),
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                (PKIX_POLICYMAPPINGS_OID,
-                &(checkerState->policyMappingsExtension),
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                &(checkerState->policyConstraintsExtension),
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                &(checkerState->inhibitAnyPolicyExtension),
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                &(checkerState->anyPolicyOID),
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        /* Create an initial policy set from argument supplied */
-        PKIX_INCREF(initialPolicies);
-        checkerState->userInitialPolicySet = initialPolicies;
-        PKIX_INCREF(initialPolicies);
-        checkerState->mappedUserInitialPolicySet = initialPolicies;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_IsEmpty
-                (initialPolicies,
-                &initialPoliciesIsEmpty,
-                plContext),
-        if (initialPoliciesIsEmpty) {
-                checkerState->initialIsAnyPolicy = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                        (initialPolicies,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)(checkerState->anyPolicyOID),
-                        &(checkerState->initialIsAnyPolicy),
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-        }
-        checkerState->policyQualifiersRejected =
-                policyQualifiersRejected;
-        checkerState->initialExplicitPolicy = initialExplicitPolicy;
-        checkerState->explicitPolicy =
-                (initialExplicitPolicy? 0: numCerts + 1);
-        checkerState->initialAnyPolicyInhibit = initialAnyPolicyInhibit;
-        checkerState->inhibitAnyPolicy =
-                (initialAnyPolicyInhibit? 0: numCerts + 1);
-        checkerState->initialPolicyMappingInhibit = initialPolicyMappingInhibit;
-        checkerState->policyMapping =
-                (initialPolicyMappingInhibit? 0: numCerts + 1);
-                ;
-        checkerState->numCerts = numCerts;
-        checkerState->certsProcessed = 0;
-        checkerState->certPoliciesCritical = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* Create a valid_policy_tree as in RFC3280 6.1.2(a) */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeSingleton
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)(checkerState->anyPolicyOID),
-                PKIX_TRUE,
-                &anyPolicyList,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_Create
-                (checkerState->anyPolicyOID,    /* validPolicy */
-                NULL,                           /* qualifier set */
-                PKIX_FALSE,                     /* criticality */
-                anyPolicyList,                  /* expectedPolicySet */
-                &policyNode,
-                plContext),
-        checkerState->validPolicyTree = policyNode;
-        /*
-         * Since the initial validPolicyTree specifies
-         * ANY_POLICY, begin with a pointer to the root node.
-         */
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyNode);
-        checkerState->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom = policyNode;
-        checkerState->newAnyPolicyNode = NULL;
-        checkerState->mappedPolicyOIDs = NULL;
-        *pCheckerState = checkerState;
-        checkerState = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkerState);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anyPolicyList);
-/* --Private-PolicyChecker-Functions--------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_MapContains
- *
- *  Checks the List of CertPolicyMaps pointed to by "certPolicyMaps", to
- *  determine whether the OID pointed to by "policy" is among the
- *  issuerDomainPolicies or subjectDomainPolicies of "certPolicyMaps", and
- *  stores the result in "pFound".
- *
- *  This function is intended to allow an efficient check that the proscription
- *  against anyPolicy being mapped, described in RFC3280 Section 6.1.4(a), is
- *  not violated.
- *
- *  "certPolicyMaps"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyMaps to be searched. May be empty, but
- *      must be non-NULL
- *  "policy"
- *      Address of OID to be checked for. Must be non-NULL
- *  "pFound"
- *      Address where the result of the search will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyMaps,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policy,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *map = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numEntries = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjectDomainPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_MapContains");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(certPolicyMaps, policy, pFound);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(certPolicyMaps, &numEntries, plContext),
-        for (index = 0; (!match) && (index < numEntries); index++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (certPolicyMaps, index, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&map, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(map);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetIssuerDomainPolicy
-                        (map, &issuerDomainPolicy, plContext),
-                PKIX_EQUALS
-                        (policy, issuerDomainPolicy, &match, plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (!match) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetSubjectDomainPolicy
-                                (map, &subjectDomainPolicy, plContext),
-                        PKIX_EQUALS
-                                (policy, subjectDomainPolicy, &match, plContext,
-                                PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(map);
-                PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
-                PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicy);
-        }
-        *pFound = match;
-        PKIX_DECREF(map);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicy);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetSubjectDomainPolicies
- *
- *  Checks the List of CertPolicyMaps pointed to by "certPolicyMaps", to create
- *  a list of all SubjectDomainPolicies for which the IssuerDomainPolicy is the
- *  policy pointed to by "policy", and stores the result in
- *  "pSubjectDomainPolicies".
- *
- *  If the List of CertPolicyMaps provided in "certPolicyMaps" is NULL, the
- *  resulting List will be NULL. If there are CertPolicyMaps, but none that
- *  include "policy" as an IssuerDomainPolicy, the returned List pointer will
- *  be NULL. Otherwise, the returned List will contain the SubjectDomainPolicies
- *  of all CertPolicyMaps for which "policy" is the IssuerDomainPolicy. If a
- *  List is returned it will be immutable.
- *
- *  "certPolicyMaps"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyMaps to be searched. May be empty or NULL.
- *  "policy"
- *      Address of OID to be checked for. Must be non-NULL
- *  "pSubjectDomainPolicies"
- *      Address where the result of the search will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyMaps,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policy,
-        PKIX_List **pSubjectDomainPolicies,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *map = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *subjectList = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numEntries = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjectDomainPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetSubjectDomainPolicies");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policy, pSubjectDomainPolicies);
-        if (certPolicyMaps) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (certPolicyMaps,
-                    &numEntries,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (certPolicyMaps, index, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&map, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(map);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetIssuerDomainPolicy
-                        (map, &issuerDomainPolicy, plContext),
-                PKIX_EQUALS
-                    (policy, issuerDomainPolicy, &match, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (match) {
-                    if (!subjectList) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&subjectList, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetSubjectDomainPolicy
-                        (map, &subjectDomainPolicy, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (subjectList,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)subjectDomainPolicy,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(map);
-                PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
-                PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicy);
-        }
-        if (subjectList) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(subjectList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-        }
-        *pSubjectDomainPolicies = subjectList;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(subjectList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(map);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicy);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetMappedPolicies
- *
- *  Checks the List of CertPolicyMaps pointed to by "certPolicyMaps" to create a
- *  List of all IssuerDomainPolicies, and stores the result in
- * "pMappedPolicies".
- *
- *  The caller may not rely on the IssuerDomainPolicies to be in any particular
- *  order. IssuerDomainPolicies that appear in more than one CertPolicyMap will
- *  only appear once in "pMappedPolicies". If "certPolicyMaps" is empty the
- *  result will be an empty List. The created List is mutable.
- *
- *  "certPolicyMaps"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyMaps to be searched. May be empty, but
- *      must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMappedPolicies"
- *      Address where the result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyMaps,
-        PKIX_List **pMappedPolicies,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *map = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *mappedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numEntries = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean isContained = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetMappedPolicies");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(certPolicyMaps, pMappedPolicies);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&mappedList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(certPolicyMaps, &numEntries, plContext),
-        for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (certPolicyMaps, index, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&map, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(map);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetIssuerDomainPolicy
-                        (map, &issuerDomainPolicy, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                        (mappedList,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)issuerDomainPolicy,
-                        &isContained,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                if (isContained == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (mappedList,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)issuerDomainPolicy,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(map);
-                PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
-        }
-        *pMappedPolicies = mappedList;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(mappedList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(map);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeMutableCopy
- *
- *  Creates a mutable copy of the List pointed to by "list", which may or may
- *  not be immutable, and stores the address at "pMutableCopy".
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List to be copied. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMutableCopy"
- *      Address where mutable copy will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_List **pMutableCopy,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *newList = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listLen = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listIx = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeMutableCopy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pMutableCopy);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&newList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(list, &listLen, plContext),
-        for (listIx = 0; listIx < listLen; listIx++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem(list, listIx, &object, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem(newList, object, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(object);
-        }
-        *pMutableCopy = newList;
-        newList = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(newList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(object);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeSingleton
- *
- *  Creates a new List containing the Object pointed to by "listItem", using
- *  the Boolean value of "immutability" to determine whether to set the List
- *  immutable, and stores the address at "pList".
- *
- *  "listItem"
- *      Address of Object to be inserted into the new List. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "immutability"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether new List is to be immutable
- *  "pList"
- *      Address where List will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *listItem,
-        PKIX_Boolean immutability,
-        PKIX_List **pList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *newList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeSingleton");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(listItem, pList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&newList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (newList, (PKIX_PL_Object *)listItem, plContext),
-        if (immutability) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(newList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-        }
-        *pList = newList;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(newList);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn
- *
- *  Creates a new childNode for the parent pointed to by "parent", using
- *  the OID pointed to by "policyOID", the List of CertPolicyQualifiers
- *  pointed to by "qualifiers", the List of OIDs pointed to by
- *  "subjectDomainPolicies", and the PolicyCheckerState pointed to by
- *  "state". The new node will be added to "parent".
- *
- *  The validPolicy of the new node is set from the OID pointed to by
- *  "policyOID". The policy qualifiers for the new node is set from the
- *  List of qualifiers pointed to by "qualifiers", and may be NULL or
- *  empty if the argument provided was NULL or empty. The criticality is
- *  set according to the criticality obtained from the PolicyCheckerState.
- *  If "subjectDomainPolicies" is NULL, the expectedPolicySet of the
- *  child is set to contain the same policy as the validPolicy. If
- *  "subjectDomainPolicies" is not NULL, it is used as the value for
- *  the expectedPolicySet.
- *
- *  The PolicyCheckerState also contains a constant, anyPolicy, which is
- *  compared to "policyOID". If they match, the address of the childNode
- * is saved in the state's newAnyPolicyNode.
- *
- *  "parent"
- *      Address of PolicyNode to which the child will be linked. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "policyOID"
- *      Address of OID of the new child's validPolicy and also, if
- *      subjectDomainPolicies is NULL, of the new child's expectedPolicySet.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "qualifiers"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyQualifiers. May be NULL or empty.
- *  "subjectDomainPolicies"
- *      Address of List of OIDs indicating the policies to which "policy" is
- *      mapped. May be empty or NULL.
- *  "state"
- *      Address of the current PKIX_PolicyCheckerState. Must be non-NULL..
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *parent,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID,
-        PKIX_List *qualifiers,  /* CertPolicyQualifiers */
-        PKIX_List *subjectDomainPolicies,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *expectedSet = NULL; /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *childNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(policyOID, parent, state);
-        if (subjectDomainPolicies) {
-                PKIX_INCREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
-                expectedSet = subjectDomainPolicies;
-        } else {
-                /* Create the child's ExpectedPolicy Set */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeSingleton
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID,
-                        PKIX_TRUE,      /* make expectedPolicySet immutable */
-                        &expectedSet,
-                        plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_Create
-                (policyOID,
-                qualifiers,
-                state->certPoliciesCritical,
-                expectedSet,
-                &childNode,
-                plContext),
-        /*
-         * If we had a non-empty mapping, we know the new node could not
-         * have been created with a validPolicy of anyPolicy. Otherwise,
-         * check whether we just created a new node with anyPolicy, because
-         * in that case we want to save the child pointer in newAnyPolicyNode.
-         */
-        if (!subjectDomainPolicies) {
-                PKIX_EQUALS(policyOID, state->anyPolicyOID, &match, plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (match) {
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state->newAnyPolicyNode);
-                        PKIX_INCREF(childNode);
-                        state->newAnyPolicyNode = childNode;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_AddToParent(parent, childNode, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(expectedSet);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicyRecursive
- *
- *  Performs policy processing for the policy whose OID is pointed to by
- *  "policyOID" and whose List of CertPolicyQualifiers is pointed to by
- *  "policyQualifiers", using the List of policy OIDs pointed to by
- *  "subjectDomainPolicies" and the PolicyNode pointed to by "currentNode",
- *  in accordance with the current PolicyCheckerState pointed to by "state",
- *  and setting "pChildNodeCreated" to TRUE if a new childNode is created.
- *  Note: "pChildNodeCreated" is not set to FALSE if no childNode is created.
- *  The intent of the design is that the caller can set a variable to FALSE
- *  initially, prior to a recursive set of calls. At the end, the variable
- *  can be tested to see whether *any* of the calls created a child node.
- *
- *  If the currentNode is not at the bottom of the tree, this function
- *  calls itself recursively for each child of currentNode. At the bottom of
- *  the tree, it creates new child nodes as appropriate. This function will
- *  never be called with policy = anyPolicy.
- *
- *  This function implements the processing described in RFC3280
- *  Section 6.1.3(d)(1)(i).
- *
- *  "policyOID"
- *      Address of OID of the policy to be checked for. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "policyQualifiers"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyQualifiers of the policy to be checked for.
- *      May be empty or NULL.
- *  "subjectDomainPolicies"
- *      Address of List of OIDs indicating the policies to which "policy" is
- *      mapped. May be empty or NULL.
- *  "currentNode"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose descendants will be checked, if not at the
- *      bottom of the tree; or whose expectedPolicySet will be compared to
- *      "policy", if at the bottom. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "state"
- *      Address of PolicyCheckerState of the current PolicyChecker. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pChildNodeCreated"
- *      Address of the Boolean that will be set TRUE if this function
- *      creates a child node. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID,
-        PKIX_List *policyQualifiers,
-        PKIX_List *subjectDomainPolicies,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *currentNode,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pChildNodeCreated,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIx = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean isIncluded = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *children = NULL;     /* PolicyNodes */
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *childNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *expectedPolicies = NULL; /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicyRecursive");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(policyOID, currentNode, state, pChildNodeCreated);
-        /* if not at the bottom of the tree */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetDepth
-                (currentNode, &depth, plContext),
-        if (depth < (state->certsProcessed)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_GetChildrenMutable
-                        (currentNode, &children, plContext),
-                if (children) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                                (children, &numChildren, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                }
-                for (childIx = 0; childIx < numChildren; childIx++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (children,
-                            childIx,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childNode,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicyRecursive
-                            (policyOID,
-                            policyQualifiers,
-                            subjectDomainPolicies,
-                            childNode,
-                            state,
-                            pChildNodeCreated,
-                            plContext),
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-                }
-        } else { /* if at the bottom of the tree */
-                /* Check whether policy is in this node's expectedPolicySet */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetExpectedPolicies
-                        (currentNode, &expectedPolicies, plContext),
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(expectedPolicies);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                        (expectedPolicies,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID,
-                        &isIncluded,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                if (isIncluded) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn
-                                (currentNode,
-                                policyOID,
-                                policyQualifiers,
-                                subjectDomainPolicies,
-                                state,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_POLICYCHECKERSPAWNFAILED);
-                        *pChildNodeCreated = PKIX_TRUE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(children);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(expectedPolicies);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicy
- *
- *  Performs the non-recursive portion of the policy processing for the policy
- *  whose OID is pointed to by "policyOID" and whose List of
- *  CertPolicyQualifiers is pointed to by "policyQualifiers", for the
- *  Certificate pointed to by "cert" with the List of CertPolicyMaps pointed
- *  to by "maps", in accordance with the current PolicyCheckerState pointed
- *  to by "state".
- *
- *  This function implements the processing described in RFC3280
- *  Section 6.1.3(d)(1)(i).
- *
- *  "policyOID"
- *      Address of OID of the policy to be checked for. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "policyQualifiers"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyQualifiers of the policy to be checked for.
- *      May be empty or NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of the current certificate. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "maps"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyMaps for the current certificate
- *  "state"
- *      Address of PolicyCheckerState of the current PolicyChecker. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID,
-        PKIX_List *policyQualifiers,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *maps,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean childNodeCreated = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean okToSpawn = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean found = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *subjectDomainPolicies = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(policyOID, cert, state);
-        /*
-         * If this is not the last certificate, get the set of
-         * subjectDomainPolicies that "policy" maps to, according to the
-         * current cert's policy mapping extension. That set will be NULL
-         * if the current cert does not have a policy mapping extension,
-         * or if the current policy is not mapped.
-         */
-        if (state->certsProcessed != (state->numCerts - 1)) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetSubjectDomainPolicies
-                (maps, policyOID, &subjectDomainPolicies, plContext),
-        }
-        /*
-         * Section 6.1.4(b)(2) tells us that if policyMapping is zero, we
-         * will have to delete any nodes created with validPolicies equal to
-         * policies that appear as issuerDomainPolicies in a policy mapping
-         * extension. Let's avoid creating any such nodes.
-         */
-        if ((state->policyMapping) == 0) {
-                if (subjectDomainPolicies) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicyRecursive
-                (policyOID,
-                policyQualifiers,
-                subjectDomainPolicies,
-                state->validPolicyTree,
-                state,
-                &childNodeCreated,
-                plContext),
-        if (!childNodeCreated) {
-                /*
-                 * Section 6.1.3(d)(1)(ii)
-                 * There was no match. If there was a node at
-                 * depth i-1 with valid policy anyPolicy,
-                 * generate a node subordinate to that.
-                 *
-                 * But that means this created node would be in
-                 * the valid-policy-node-set, and will be
-                 * pruned in 6.1.5(g)(iii)(2) unless it is in
-                 * the user-initial-policy-set or the user-
-                 * initial-policy-set is {anyPolicy}. So check,
-                 * and don't create it if it will be pruned.
-                 */
-                if (state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom) {
-                        if (state->initialIsAnyPolicy) {
-                                okToSpawn = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                                        (state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet,
-                                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID,
-                                        &okToSpawn,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                        }
-                        if (okToSpawn) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn
-                                        (state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom,
-                                        policyOID,
-                                        policyQualifiers,
-                                        subjectDomainPolicies,
-                                        state,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_POLICYCHECKERSPAWNFAILED);
-                                childNodeCreated = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        if (childNodeCreated) {
-                /*
-                 * If this policy had qualifiers, and the certificate policies
-                 * extension was marked critical, and the user cannot deal with
-                 * policy qualifiers, throw an error.
-                 */
-                if (policyQualifiers &&
-                    state->certPoliciesCritical &&
-                    state->policyQualifiersRejected) {
-                    PKIX_ERROR
-                }
-                /*
-                 * If the policy we just propagated was in the list of mapped
-                 * policies, remove it from the list. That list is used, at the
-                 * end, to determine policies that have not been propagated.
-                 */
-                if (state->mappedPolicyOIDs) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                                (state->mappedPolicyOIDs,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID,
-                                &found,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                        if (found) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                                        (state->mappedPolicyOIDs,
-                                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckAny
- *  Performs the creation of PolicyNodes, for the PolicyNode pointed to by
- *  "currentNode" and PolicyNodes subordinate to it, using the List of
- *  qualifiers pointed to by "qualsOfAny", in accordance with the current
- *  certificate's PolicyMaps pointed to by "policyMaps" and the current
- *  PolicyCheckerState pointed to by "state".
- *
- *  If the currentNode is not just above the bottom of the validPolicyTree, this
- *  function calls itself recursively for each child of currentNode. At the
- *  level just above the bottom, for each policy in the currentNode's
- *  expectedPolicySet not already present in a child node, it creates a new
- *  child node. The validPolicy of the child created, and its expectedPolicySet,
- *  will be the policy from the currentNode's expectedPolicySet. The policy
- *  qualifiers will be the qualifiers from the current certificate's anyPolicy,
- *  the "qualsOfAny" parameter. If the currentNode's expectedSet includes
- *  anyPolicy, a childNode will be created with a policy of anyPolicy. This is
- *  the only way such a node can be created.
- *
- *  This function is called only when anyPolicy is one of the current
- *  certificate's policies. This function implements the processing described
- *  in RFC3280 Section 6.1.3(d)(2).
- *
- *  "currentNode"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose descendants will be checked, if not at the
- *      bottom of the tree; or whose expectedPolicySet will be compared to those
- *      in "alreadyPresent", if at the bottom. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "qualsOfAny"
- *      Address of List of qualifiers of the anyPolicy in the current
- *      certificate. May be empty or NULL.
- *  "policyMaps"
- *      Address of the List of PolicyMaps of the current certificate. May be
- *      empty or NULL.
- *  "state"
- *      Address of the current state of the PKIX_PolicyChecker.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *currentNode,
-        PKIX_List *qualsOfAny,  /* CertPolicyQualifiers */
-        PKIX_List *policyMaps,  /* CertPolicyMaps */
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIx = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numPolicies = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 polx = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean isIncluded = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *children = NULL;     /* PolicyNodes */
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *childNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *expectedPolicies = NULL; /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *childPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *subjectDomainPolicies = NULL;  /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckAny");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(currentNode, state);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetDepth
-                (currentNode, &depth, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_GetChildrenMutable
-                (currentNode, &children, plContext),
-        if (children) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (children, &numChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        if (depth < (state->certsProcessed)) {
-                for (childIx = 0; childIx < numChildren; childIx++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (children,
-                                childIx,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childNode,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(childNode);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckAny
-                                (childNode,
-                                qualsOfAny,
-                                policyMaps,
-                                state,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_POLICYCHECKERCHECKANYFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-                }
-        } else { /* if at the bottom of the tree */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetExpectedPolicies
-                (currentNode, &expectedPolicies, plContext),
-            /* Expected Policy Set is not allowed to be NULL */
-            PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(expectedPolicies);
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (expectedPolicies, &numPolicies, plContext),
-            for (polx = 0; polx < numPolicies; polx++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (expectedPolicies,
-                    polx,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policyOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(policyOID);
-                isIncluded = PKIX_FALSE;
-                for (childIx = 0;
-                    (!isIncluded && (childIx < numChildren));
-                    childIx++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (children,
-                        childIx,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childNode,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(childNode);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetValidPolicy
-                        (childNode, &childPolicy, plContext),
-                    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(childPolicy);
-                    PKIX_EQUALS(policyOID, childPolicy, &isIncluded, plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(childPolicy);
-                }
-                if (!isIncluded) {
-                    if (policyMaps) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                          (pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetSubjectDomainPolicies
-                          (policyMaps,
-                          policyOID,
-                          &subjectDomainPolicies,
-                          plContext),
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn
-                        (currentNode,
-                        policyOID,
-                        qualsOfAny,
-                        subjectDomainPolicies,
-                        state,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_POLICYCHECKERSPAWNFAILED);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(children);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(expectedPolicies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_CalculateIntersection
- *
- *  Processes the PolicyNode pointed to by "currentNode", and its descendants,
- *  using the PolicyCheckerState pointed to by "state", using the List at
- *  the address pointed to by "nominees" the OIDs of policies that are in the
- *  user-initial-policy-set but are not represented among the nodes at the
- *  bottom of the tree, and storing at "pShouldBePruned" the value TRUE if
- *  currentNode is childless at the end of this processing, FALSE if it has
- *  children or is at the bottom of the tree.
- *
- *  When this function is called at the top level, "nominees" should be the List
- *  of all policies in the user-initial-policy-set. Policies that are
- *  represented in the valid-policy-node-set are removed from this List. As a
- *  result when nodes are created according to 6.1.5.(g)(iii)(3)(b), a node will
- *  be created for each policy remaining in this List.
- *
- *  This function implements the calculation of the intersection of the
- *  validPolicyTree with the user-initial-policy-set, as described in
- *  RFC 3280 6.1.5(g)(iii).
- *
- *  "currentNode"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose descendants will be processed as described.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "state"
- *      Address of the current state of the PKIX_PolicyChecker. Must be non-NULL
- *  "nominees"
- *      Address of List of the OIDs for which nodes should be created to replace
- *      anyPolicy nodes. Must be non-NULL but may be empty.
- *  "pShouldBePruned"
- *      Address where Boolean return value, set to TRUE if this PolicyNode
- *      should be deleted, is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *currentNode,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        PKIX_List *nominees, /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_Boolean *pShouldBePruned,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean currentPolicyIsAny = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean parentPolicyIsAny = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean currentPolicyIsValid = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean shouldBePruned = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean priorCriticality = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numNominees = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 polIx = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *currentPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *parentPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *substPolicy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *parent = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *child = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *children = NULL; /* PolicyNodes */
-        PKIX_List *policyQualifiers = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "pkix_PolicyChecker_CalculateIntersection");
-        /*
-         * We call this function if the valid_policy_tree is not NULL and
-         * the user-initial-policy-set is not any-policy.
-         */
-        if (!state->validPolicyTree || state->initialIsAnyPolicy) {
-        }
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(currentNode, state, nominees, pShouldBePruned);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetValidPolicy
-                (currentNode, &currentPolicy, plContext),
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(state->anyPolicyOID, currentPolicy);
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (state->anyPolicyOID,
-                currentPolicy,
-                &currentPolicyIsAny,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetParent(currentNode, &parent, plContext),
-        if (currentPolicyIsAny == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                /*
-                 * If we are at the top of the tree, or if our
-                 * parent's validPolicy is anyPolicy, we are in
-                 * the valid policy node set.
-                 */
-                if (parent) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetValidPolicy
-                                (parent, &parentPolicy, plContext),
-                                PKIX_POLICYNODEGETVALIDPOLICYFAILED);
-                        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(parentPolicy);
-                        PKIX_EQUALS
-                                (state->anyPolicyOID,
-                                parentPolicy,
-                                &parentPolicyIsAny,
-                                plContext,
-                                PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                }
-                /*
-                 * Section 6.1.5(g)(iii)(2)
-                 * If this node's policy is not in the user-initial-policy-set,
-                 * it is not in the intersection. Prune it.
-                 */
-                if (!parent || parentPolicyIsAny) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                                (state->userInitialPolicySet,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)currentPolicy,
-                                &currentPolicyIsValid,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                        if (!currentPolicyIsValid) {
-                                *pShouldBePruned = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        /*
-                         * If this node's policy is in the user-initial-policy-
-                         * set, it will propagate that policy into the next
-                         * level of the tree. Remove the policy from the list
-                         * of policies that an anyPolicy will spawn.
-                         */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                                (nominees,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)currentPolicy,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-                }
-        }
-        /* Are we at the bottom of the tree? */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetDepth
-                (currentNode, &depth, plContext),
-        if (depth == (state->numCerts)) {
-                /*
-                 * Section 6.1.5(g)(iii)(3)
-                 * Replace anyPolicy nodes...
-                 */
-                if (currentPolicyIsAny == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        /* replace this node */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                            (nominees, &numNominees, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                        if (numNominees) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_GetPolicyQualifiers
-                                (currentNode,
-                                &policyQualifiers,
-                                plContext),
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PolicyNode_IsCritical
-                                (currentNode, &priorCriticality, plContext),
-                                PKIX_POLICYNODEISCRITICALFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(parent);
-                        for (polIx = 0; polIx < numNominees; polIx++) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (nominees,
-                                polIx,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&substPolicy,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn
-                                (parent,
-                                substPolicy,
-                                policyQualifiers,
-                                NULL,
-                                state,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_POLICYCHECKERSPAWNFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(substPolicy);
-                        }
-                        /* remove currentNode from parent */
-                        *pShouldBePruned = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        /*
-                         * We can get away with augmenting the parent's List
-                         * of children because we started at the end and went
-                         * toward the beginning. New nodes are added at the end.
-                         */
-                }
-        } else {
-                /*
-                 * Section 6.1.5(g)(iii)(4)
-                 * Prune any childless nodes above the bottom level
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_GetChildrenMutable
-                        (currentNode, &children, plContext),
-                /* CurrentNode should have been pruned if childless. */
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(children);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (children, &numChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (childIndex = numChildren; childIndex > 0; childIndex--) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (children,
-                        childIndex - 1,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&child,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_CalculateIntersection
-                        (child, state, nominees, &shouldBePruned, plContext),
-                    if (PKIX_TRUE == shouldBePruned) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem
-                                (children, childIndex - 1, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTDELETEITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTINVALIDATECACHEFAILED);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(child);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (children, &numChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                if (numChildren == 0) {
-                        *pShouldBePruned = PKIX_TRUE;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(currentPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(parentPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(substPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(parent);
-        PKIX_DECREF(child);
-        PKIX_DECREF(children);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyQualifiers);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_PolicyMapProcessing
- *
- *  Performs the processing of Policies in the List of CertPolicyMaps pointed
- *  to by "policyMaps", using and updating the PolicyCheckerState pointed to by
- *  "state".
- *
- *  This function implements the policyMap processing described in RFC3280
- *  Section 6.1.4(b)(1), after certificate i has been processed, in preparation
- *  for certificate i+1. Section references are to that document.
- *
- *  "policyMaps"
- *      Address of the List of CertPolicyMaps presented by certificate i.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certPoliciesIncludeAny"
- *      Boolean value which is PKIX_TRUE if the current certificate asserts
- *      anyPolicy, PKIX_FALSE otherwise.
- *  "qualsOfAny"
- *      Address of List of qualifiers of the anyPolicy in the current
- *      certificate. May be empty or NULL.
- *  "state"
- *      Address of the current state of the PKIX_PolicyChecker.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *policyMaps,  /* CertPolicyMaps */
-        PKIX_Boolean certPoliciesIncludeAny,
-        PKIX_List *qualsOfAny,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numPolicies = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 polX = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *newMappedPolicies = NULL;  /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_List *subjectDomainPolicies = NULL;  /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "pkix_PolicyChecker_PolicyMapProcessing");
-                (policyMaps,
-                state,
-                state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet);
-        /*
-         * For each policy in mappedUserInitialPolicySet, if it is not mapped,
-         * append it to new policySet; if it is mapped, append its
-         * subjectDomainPolicies to new policySet. When done, this new
-         * policySet will replace mappedUserInitialPolicySet.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                (&newMappedPolicies, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet,
-                &numPolicies,
-                plContext),
-        for (polX = 0; polX < numPolicies; polX++) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                (state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet,
-                polX,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policyOID,
-                plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetSubjectDomainPolicies
-                (policyMaps,
-                policyOID,
-                &subjectDomainPolicies,
-                plContext),
-            if (subjectDomainPolicies) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendUnique
-                        (newMappedPolicies,
-                        subjectDomainPolicies,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDUNIQUEFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
-            } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (newMappedPolicies,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyOID,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-            }
-            PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-        }
-        /*
-         * For each policy ID-P remaining in mappedPolicyOIDs, it has not been
-         * propagated to the bottom of the tree (depth i). If policyMapping
-         * is greater than zero and this cert contains anyPolicy and the tree
-         * contains an anyPolicy node at depth i-1, then we must create a node
-         * with validPolicy ID-P, the policy qualifiers of anyPolicy in
-         * this certificate, and expectedPolicySet the subjectDomainPolicies
-         * that ID-P maps to. We also then add those subjectDomainPolicies to
-         * the list of policies that will be accepted in the next certificate,
-         * the mappedUserInitialPolicySet.
-         */
-        if ((state->policyMapping > 0) && (certPoliciesIncludeAny) &&
-            (state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom) && (state->mappedPolicyOIDs)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (state->mappedPolicyOIDs,
-                    &numPolicies,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (polX = 0; polX < numPolicies; polX++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (state->mappedPolicyOIDs,
-                        polX,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policyOID,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetSubjectDomainPolicies
-                        (policyMaps,
-                        policyOID,
-                        &subjectDomainPolicies,
-                        plContext),
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Spawn
-                        (state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom,
-                        policyOID,
-                        qualsOfAny,
-                        subjectDomainPolicies,
-                        state,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_POLICYCHECKERSPAWNFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendUnique
-                        (newMappedPolicies,
-                        subjectDomainPolicies,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDUNIQUEFAILED);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(newMappedPolicies, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet);
-        PKIX_INCREF(newMappedPolicies);
-        state->mappedUserInitialPolicySet = newMappedPolicies;
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(newMappedPolicies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainPolicies);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_WrapUpProcessing
- *
- *  Performs the wrap-up processing for the Cert pointed to by "cert",
- *  using and updating the PolicyCheckerState pointed to by "state".
- *
- *  This function implements the wrap-up processing described in RFC3280
- *  Section 6.1.5, after the final certificate has been processed. Section
- *  references in the comments are to that document.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of the current (presumably the end entity) certificate.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "state"
- *      Address of the current state of the PKIX_PolicyChecker.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 explicitPolicySkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean isSelfIssued = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean shouldBePruned = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *nominees = NULL; /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_PL_String *stateString = NULL;
-        char *stateAscii = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTCHAINCHECKER,
-                "pkix_PolicyChecker_WrapUpProcessing");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, state, state->userInitialPolicySet);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, &stateString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (stateString,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&stateAscii,
-                    &length,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("%s\n", stateAscii);
-        PKIX_FREE(stateAscii);
-        PKIX_DECREF(stateString);
-        /* Section 6.1.5(a) ... */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued
-                (cert, &isSelfIssued, plContext),
-        if (!isSelfIssued) {
-                if (state->explicitPolicy > 0) {
-                        state->explicitPolicy--;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTINVALIDATECACHEFAILED);
-                }
-        }
-        /* Section 6.1.5(b) ... */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetRequireExplicitPolicy
-                (cert, &explicitPolicySkipCerts, plContext),
-        if (explicitPolicySkipCerts  == 0) {
-                state->explicitPolicy = 0;
-        }
-        /* Section 6.1.5(g)(i) ... */
-        if (!(state->validPolicyTree)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Section 6.1.5(g)(ii) ... */
-        if (state->initialIsAnyPolicy) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Section 6.1.5(g)(iii) ...
-         * Create a list of policies which could be substituted for anyPolicy.
-         * Start with a (mutable) copy of user-initial-policy-set.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeMutableCopy
-                (state->userInitialPolicySet, &nominees, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_CalculateIntersection
-                (state->validPolicyTree, /* node at top of tree */
-                state,
-                nominees,
-                &shouldBePruned,
-                plContext),
-        if (PKIX_TRUE == shouldBePruned) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->validPolicyTree);
-        }
-        if (state->validPolicyTree) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state->validPolicyTree, plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        if (state->validPolicyTree) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, &stateString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                            (stateString,
-                            PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            (void **)&stateAscii,
-                            &length,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                PKIX_DEBUG_ARG
-                        ("After CalculateIntersection:\n%s\n", stateAscii);
-                PKIX_FREE(stateAscii);
-                PKIX_DECREF(stateString);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_DEBUG("validPolicyTree is NULL\n");
-        }
-        /* Section 6.1.5(g)(iii)(4) ... */
-        if (state->validPolicyTree) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_Prune
-                        (state->validPolicyTree,
-                        state->numCerts,
-                        &shouldBePruned,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_POLICYNODEPRUNEFAILED);
-                if (shouldBePruned) {
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state->validPolicyTree);
-                }
-        }
-        if (state->validPolicyTree) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state->validPolicyTree, plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, &stateString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (stateString,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&stateAscii,
-                    &length,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("%s\n", stateAscii);
-        PKIX_FREE(stateAscii);
-        PKIX_DECREF(stateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nominees);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_Check
- * (see comments in pkix_checker.h for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback)
- *
- * Labels referring to sections, such as "Section 6.1.3(d)", refer to
- * sections of RFC3280, Section 6.1.3 Basic Certificate Processing.
- *
- * If a non-fatal error occurs, it is unlikely that policy processing can
- * continue. But it is still possible that chain validation could succeed if
- * policy processing is non-critical. So if this function receives a non-fatal
- * error from a lower level routine, it aborts policy processing by setting
- * the validPolicyTree to NULL and tries to continue.
- *
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticals,  /* OIDs */
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numPolicies = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 polX = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean result = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 inhibitMappingSkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 explicitPolicySkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean shouldBePruned = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean isSelfIssued = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean certPoliciesIncludeAny = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean doAnyPolicyProcessing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyInfos = NULL; /* CertPolicyInfos */
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *qualsOfAny = NULL; /* CertPolicyQualifiers */
-        PKIX_List *policyQualifiers = NULL; /* CertPolicyQualifiers */
-        PKIX_List *policyMaps = NULL; /* CertPolicyMaps */
-        PKIX_List *mappedPolicies = NULL; /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_Error *subroutineErr = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *stateString = NULL;
-        char *stateAscii = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certString = NULL;
-        char *certAscii = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(checker, cert, unresolvedCriticals, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state, plContext),
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(state, state->certPoliciesExtension);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, &stateString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (stateString,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&stateAscii,
-                    &length,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("On entry %s\n", stateAscii);
-        PKIX_FREE(stateAscii);
-        PKIX_DECREF(stateString);
-        /*
-         * Section 6.1.4(a)
-         * If this is not the last certificate, and if
-         * policyMapping extension is present, check that no
-         * issuerDomainPolicy or subjectDomainPolicy is equal to the
-         * special policy anyPolicy.
-         */
-        if (state->certsProcessed != (state->numCerts - 1)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappings
-                        (cert, &policyMaps, plContext),
-        }
-        if (policyMaps) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MapContains
-                        (policyMaps, state->anyPolicyOID, &result, plContext),
-                if (result) {
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MapGetMappedPolicies
-                        (policyMaps, &mappedPolicies, plContext),
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->mappedPolicyOIDs);
-                PKIX_INCREF(mappedPolicies);
-                state->mappedPolicyOIDs = mappedPolicies;
-        }
-        /* Section 6.1.3(d) */
-        if (state->validPolicyTree) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyInformation
-                (cert, &certPolicyInfos, plContext),
-            if (certPolicyInfos) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (certPolicyInfos, &numPolicies, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-            }
-            if (numPolicies > 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_AreCertPoliciesCritical
-                        (cert, &(state->certPoliciesCritical), plContext),
-                /* Section 6.1.3(d)(1) For each policy not equal to anyPolicy */
-                for (polX = 0; polX < numPolicies; polX++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (certPolicyInfos,
-                        polX,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policy,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolicyId
-                        (policy, &policyOID, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolQualifiers
-                        (policy, &policyQualifiers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_EQUALS
-                        (state->anyPolicyOID,
-                        policyOID,
-                        &result,
-                        plContext,
-                        PKIX_OIDEQUALFAILED);
-                    if (result == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        /* Section 6.1.3(d)(1)(i) */
-                        subroutineErr = pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckPolicy
-                                (policyOID,
-                                policyQualifiers,
-                                cert,
-                                policyMaps,
-                                state,
-                                plContext);
-                        if (subroutineErr) {
-                                goto subrErrorCleanup;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        /*
-                         * No descent (yet) for anyPolicy, but we will need
-                         * the policyQualifiers for anyPolicy in 6.1.3(d)(2)
-                         */
-                        PKIX_DECREF(qualsOfAny);
-                        PKIX_INCREF(policyQualifiers);
-                        qualsOfAny = policyQualifiers;
-                        certPoliciesIncludeAny = PKIX_TRUE;
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(policy);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(policyQualifiers);
-                }
-                /* Section 6.1.3(d)(2) */
-                if (certPoliciesIncludeAny == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        if (state->inhibitAnyPolicy > 0) {
-                                doAnyPolicyProcessing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        } else {
-                            /* We haven't yet counted the current cert */
-                            if (((state->certsProcessed) + 1) <
-                                (state->numCerts)) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued
-                                        (cert,
-                                        &doAnyPolicyProcessing,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_ISCERTSELFISSUEDFAILED);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (doAnyPolicyProcessing) {
-                            subroutineErr = pkix_PolicyChecker_CheckAny
-                                (state->validPolicyTree,
-                                qualsOfAny,
-                                policyMaps,
-                                state,
-                                plContext);
-                            if (subroutineErr) {
-                                goto subrErrorCleanup;
-                            }
-                        }
-                }
-                /* Section 6.1.3(d)(3) */
-                if (state->validPolicyTree) {
-                        subroutineErr = pkix_PolicyNode_Prune
-                                (state->validPolicyTree,
-                                state->certsProcessed + 1,
-                                &shouldBePruned,
-                                plContext);
-                        if (subroutineErr) {
-                                goto subrErrorCleanup;
-                        }
-                        if (shouldBePruned) {
-                                PKIX_DECREF(state->validPolicyTree);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom);
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-            } else {
-                /* Section 6.1.3(e) */
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->validPolicyTree);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->newAnyPolicyNode);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-            }
-        }
-        /* Section 6.1.3(f) */
-        if ((0 == state->explicitPolicy) && (!state->validPolicyTree)) {
-        }
-        /*
-         * Remove Policy OIDs from list of unresolved critical
-         * extensions, if present.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                (unresolvedCriticals,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->certPoliciesExtension,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                (unresolvedCriticals,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->policyMappingsExtension,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                (unresolvedCriticals,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->policyConstraintsExtension,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                (unresolvedCriticals,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->inhibitAnyPolicyExtension,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-        state->certsProcessed++;
-        /* If this was not the last certificate, do next-cert preparation */
-        if (state->certsProcessed != state->numCerts) {
-                if (policyMaps) {
-                        subroutineErr = pkix_PolicyChecker_PolicyMapProcessing
-                                (policyMaps,
-                                certPoliciesIncludeAny,
-                                qualsOfAny,
-                                state,
-                                plContext);
-                        if (subroutineErr) {
-                                goto subrErrorCleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-                /* update anyPolicyNodeAtBottom pointer */
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom);
-                state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom = state->newAnyPolicyNode;
-                state->newAnyPolicyNode = NULL;
-                /* Section 6.1.4(h) */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued
-                        (cert, &isSelfIssued, plContext),
-                        PKIX_ISCERTSELFISSUEDFAILED);
-                if (!isSelfIssued) {
-                        if (state->explicitPolicy > 0) {
-                            state->explicitPolicy--;
-                        }
-                        if (state->policyMapping > 0) {
-                            state->policyMapping--;
-                        }
-                        if (state->inhibitAnyPolicy > 0) {
-                            state->inhibitAnyPolicy--;
-                        }
-                }
-                /* Section 6.1.4(i) */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetRequireExplicitPolicy
-                        (cert, &explicitPolicySkipCerts, plContext),
-                if (explicitPolicySkipCerts != -1) {
-                        if (((PKIX_UInt32)explicitPolicySkipCerts) <
-                            (state->explicitPolicy)) {
-                                state->explicitPolicy =
-                                   ((PKIX_UInt32) explicitPolicySkipCerts);
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappingInhibited
-                        (cert, &inhibitMappingSkipCerts, plContext),
-                if (inhibitMappingSkipCerts != -1) {
-                        if (((PKIX_UInt32)inhibitMappingSkipCerts) <
-                            (state->policyMapping)) {
-                                state->policyMapping =
-                                    ((PKIX_UInt32)inhibitMappingSkipCerts);
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetInhibitAnyPolicy
-                        (cert, &inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts, plContext),
-                if (inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts != -1) {
-                        if (((PKIX_UInt32)inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts) <
-                            (state->inhibitAnyPolicy)) {
-                                state->inhibitAnyPolicy =
-                                    ((PKIX_UInt32)inhibitAnyPolicySkipCerts);
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        } else { /* If this was the last certificate, do wrap-up processing */
-                /* Section 6.1.5 */
-                subroutineErr = pkix_PolicyChecker_WrapUpProcessing
-                        (cert, state, plContext);
-                if (subroutineErr) {
-                        goto subrErrorCleanup;
-                }
-                if ((0 == state->explicitPolicy) && (!state->validPolicyTree)) {
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->newAnyPolicyNode);
-        }
-        if (subroutineErr) {
-                /* We had an error. Was it a fatal error? */
-                pkixErrorClass = subroutineErr->errClass;
-                if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-                    pkixErrorResult = subroutineErr;
-                    subroutineErr = NULL;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-                /*
-                 * Abort policy processing, and then determine whether
-                 * we can continue without policy processing.
-                 */
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->validPolicyTree);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->anyPolicyNodeAtBottom);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->newAnyPolicyNode);
-                if (state->explicitPolicy == 0) {
-                    PKIX_ERROR
-                }
-        }
-        /* Checking is complete. Save state for the next certificate. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
-                (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        if (cert) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object*)cert, &certString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                            (certString,
-                            PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            (void **)&certAscii,
-                            &length,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("Cert was %s\n", certAscii);
-                PKIX_FREE(certAscii);
-                PKIX_DECREF(certString);
-        }
-        if (state) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, &stateString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                            (stateString,
-                            PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            (void **)&stateAscii,
-                            &length,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("On exit %s\n", stateAscii);
-                PKIX_FREE(stateAscii);
-                PKIX_DECREF(stateString);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyInfos);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(qualsOfAny);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyQualifiers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subroutineErr);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyMaps);
-        PKIX_DECREF(mappedPolicies);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyChecker_Initialize
- *
- *  Creates and initializes a PolicyChecker, using the List pointed to
- *  by "initialPolicies" for the user-initial-policy-set, the Boolean value
- *  of "policyQualifiersRejected" for the policyQualifiersRejected parameter,
- *  the Boolean value of "initialPolicyMappingInhibit" for the
- *  inhibitPolicyMappings parameter, the Boolean value of
- *  "initialExplicitPolicy" for the initialExplicitPolicy parameter, the
- *  Boolean value of "initialAnyPolicyInhibit" for the inhibitAnyPolicy
- *  parameter, and the UInt32 value of "numCerts" as the number of
- *  certificates in the chain; and stores the Checker at "pChecker".
- *
- *  "initialPolicies"
- *      Address of List of OIDs comprising the user-initial-policy-set; the List
- *      may be empty or NULL
- *  "policyQualifiersRejected"
- *      Boolean value of the policyQualifiersRejected parameter
- *  "initialPolicyMappingInhibit"
- *      Boolean value of the inhibitPolicyMappings parameter
- *  "initialExplicitPolicy"
- *      Boolean value of the initialExplicitPolicy parameter
- *  "initialAnyPolicyInhibit"
- *      Boolean value of the inhibitAnyPolicy parameter
- *  "numCerts"
- *      Number of certificates in the chain to be validated
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address to store the created PolicyChecker. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *initialPolicies,
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *polCheckerState = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *policyExtensions = NULL;     /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_PolicyChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyCheckerState_Create
-                (initialPolicies,
-                policyQualifiersRejected,
-                initialPolicyMappingInhibit,
-                initialExplicitPolicy,
-                initialAnyPolicyInhibit,
-                numCerts,
-                &polCheckerState,
-                plContext),
-        /* Create the list of extensions that we handle */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_MakeSingleton
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)(polCheckerState->certPoliciesExtension),
-                PKIX_TRUE,
-                &policyExtensions,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                (pkix_PolicyChecker_Check,
-                PKIX_FALSE,     /* forwardCheckingSupported */
-                PKIX_FALSE,
-                policyExtensions,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)polCheckerState,
-                pChecker,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(polCheckerState);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyExtensions);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b87ac1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_policychecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_policychecker.h
- *
- * Header file for policy checker.
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct PKIX_PolicyCheckerStateStruct PKIX_PolicyCheckerState;
-struct PKIX_PolicyCheckerStateStruct{
-        PKIX_PL_OID *certPoliciesExtension;             /* const */
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyMappingsExtension;           /* const */
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyConstraintsExtension;        /* const */
-        PKIX_PL_OID *inhibitAnyPolicyExtension;         /* const */
-        PKIX_PL_OID *anyPolicyOID;                      /* const */
-        PKIX_Boolean initialIsAnyPolicy;                /* const */
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *validPolicyTree;
-        PKIX_List *userInitialPolicySet;                /* immutable */
-        PKIX_List *mappedUserInitialPolicySet;
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit;
-        PKIX_UInt32 explicitPolicy;
-        PKIX_UInt32 inhibitAnyPolicy;
-        PKIX_UInt32 policyMapping;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsProcessed;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *anyPolicyNodeAtBottom;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *newAnyPolicyNode;
-        /*
-         * The following variables do not survive from one
-         * certificate to the next. They are needed at each
-         * level of recursive routines, any by placing them
-         * in the state object we can pass fewer arguments.
-         */
-        PKIX_Boolean certPoliciesCritical;
-        PKIX_List *mappedPolicyOIDs;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *initialPolicies,
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy,
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_PolicyCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationchecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7bed9b8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_revocationchecker.c
- *
- * RevocationChecker Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_revocationchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_RevocationChecker_Destroy
- *      (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONCHECKER, "pkix_RevocationChecker_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a revocation checker */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_REVOCATIONCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        checker = (PKIX_RevocationChecker *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker->leafMethodList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker->chainMethodList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_RevocationChecker_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *checkerDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *dupLeafList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *dupChainList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONCHECKER, "pkix_RevocationChecker_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_REVOCATIONCHECKER_TYPE, plContext),
-        checker = (PKIX_RevocationChecker *)object;
-        if (checker->leafMethodList){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)checker->leafMethodList,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dupLeafList,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-        }
-        if (checker->chainMethodList){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)checker->chainMethodList,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dupChainList,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_RevocationChecker_Create(checker->leafMethodListFlags,
-                                          checker->chainMethodListFlags,
-                                          &checkerDuplicate,
-                                          plContext),
-        checkerDuplicate->leafMethodList = dupLeafList;
-        checkerDuplicate->chainMethodList = dupChainList;
-        dupLeafList = NULL;
-        dupChainList = NULL;
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)checkerDuplicate;
-        PKIX_DECREF(dupLeafList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(dupChainList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_RevocationChecker_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_REVOCATIONCHECKER_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_RevocationChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONCHECKER, "pkix_RevocationChecker_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "RevocationChecker";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_RevocationChecker);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_RevocationChecker_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_RevocationChecker_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_REVOCATIONCHECKER_TYPE] = entry;
-/* Sort methods by their priorities (lower priority = higher preference) */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *obj1,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *obj2,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-    pkix_RevocationMethod *method1 = NULL, *method2 = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_RevocationChecker_SortComparator");
-    method1 = (pkix_RevocationMethod *)obj1;
-    method2 = (pkix_RevocationMethod *)obj2;
-    if (method1->priority < method2->priority) {
-      *pResult = -1;
-    } else if (method1->priority > method2->priority) {
-      *pResult = 1;
-    } else {
-      *pResult = 0;
-    }
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_RevocationChecker_Create (see comments in pkix_revchecker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_UInt32 leafMethodListFlags,
-    PKIX_UInt32 chainMethodListFlags,
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker **pChecker,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker *checker = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONCHECKER, "PKIX_RevocationChecker_Create");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-                             sizeof (PKIX_RevocationChecker),
-                             (PKIX_PL_Object **)&checker,
-                             plContext),
-    checker->leafMethodListFlags = leafMethodListFlags;
-    checker->chainMethodListFlags = chainMethodListFlags;
-    checker->leafMethodList = NULL;
-    checker->chainMethodList = NULL;
-    *pChecker = checker;
-    checker = NULL;
-    PKIX_DECREF(checker);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-    PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-    PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-    PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-    PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback verificationFn,
-    PKIX_Boolean isLeafMethod,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_List **methodList = NULL;
-    PKIX_List  *unsortedList = NULL;
-    PKIX_List  *certStores = NULL;
-    pkix_RevocationMethod *method = NULL;
-    pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn *localRevChecker = NULL;
-    pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn *externRevChecker = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 miFlags;
-    PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONCHECKER, "PKIX_RevocationChecker_CreateAndAddMethod");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(revChecker);
-    /* If the caller has said "Either one is sufficient, then don't let the 
-     * absence of any one method's info lead to an overall failure.
-     */
-    miFlags = isLeafMethod ? revChecker->leafMethodListFlags 
-	                   : revChecker->chainMethodListFlags;
-    switch (methodType) {
-    case PKIX_RevocationMethod_CRL:
-        localRevChecker = pkix_CrlChecker_CheckLocal;
-        externRevChecker = pkix_CrlChecker_CheckExternal;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores(params, &certStores,
-                                                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_CrlChecker_Create(methodType, flags, priority,
-                                   localRevChecker, externRevChecker,
-                                   certStores, verificationFn,
-                                   &method,
-                                   plContext),
-        break;
-    case PKIX_RevocationMethod_OCSP:
-        localRevChecker = pkix_OcspChecker_CheckLocal;
-        externRevChecker = pkix_OcspChecker_CheckExternal;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_OcspChecker_Create(methodType, flags, priority,
-                                    localRevChecker, externRevChecker,
-                                    verificationFn,
-                                    &method,
-                                    plContext),
-        break;
-    default:
-    }
-    if (isLeafMethod) {
-        methodList = &revChecker->leafMethodList;
-    } else {
-        methodList = &revChecker->chainMethodList;
-    }
-    if (*methodList == NULL) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_Create(methodList, plContext),
-    }
-    unsortedList = *methodList;
-        PKIX_List_AppendItem(unsortedList, (PKIX_PL_Object*)method, plContext),
-        pkix_List_BubbleSort(unsortedList, 
-                             pkix_RevocationChecker_SortComparator,
-                             methodList, plContext),
-    PKIX_DECREF(method);
-    PKIX_DECREF(unsortedList);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certStores);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-    PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-    PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-    PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-    PKIX_Boolean testingLeafCert,
-    PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-    PKIX_UInt32 *pReasonCode,
-    void **pNbioContext,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_RevocationStatus overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-    PKIX_RevocationStatus methodStatus[PKIX_RevocationMethod_MAX];
-    PKIX_Boolean onlyUseRemoteMethods = PKIX_FALSE;
-    PKIX_UInt32 revFlags = 0;
-    PKIX_List *revList = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-    pkix_RevocationMethod *method = NULL;
-    void *nbioContext;
-    int tries;
-    PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONCHECKER, "PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(revChecker, procParams);
-    nbioContext = *pNbioContext;
-    *pNbioContext = NULL;
-    if (testingLeafCert) {
-        revList = revChecker->leafMethodList;
-        revFlags = revChecker->leafMethodListFlags;        
-    } else {
-        revList = revChecker->chainMethodList;
-        revFlags = revChecker->chainMethodListFlags;
-    }
-    if (!revList) {
-        /* Return NoInfo status */
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(methodStatus, PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo,
-                sizeof(PKIX_RevocationStatus) * PKIX_RevocationMethod_MAX);
-    date = procParams->date;
-    /* Need to have two loops if we testing all local info first:
-     *    first we are going to test all local(cached) info
-     *    second, all remote info(fetching) */
-    for (tries = 0;tries < 2;tries++) {
-        unsigned int methodNum = 0;
-        for (;methodNum < revList->length;methodNum++) {
-            PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags = 0;
-            PKIX_DECREF(method);
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_GetItem(revList, methodNum,
-                                  (PKIX_PL_Object**)&method, plContext),
-            methodFlags = method->flags;
-            if (!(methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_TEST_USING_THIS_METHOD)) {
-                /* Will not check with this method. Skipping... */
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (!onlyUseRemoteMethods &&
-                methodStatus[methodNum] == PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo) {
-                PKIX_RevocationStatus revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-                PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                    (*method->localRevChecker)(cert, issuer, date,
-                                               method, procParams,
-                                               methodFlags, 
-                                               chainVerificationState,
-                                               &revStatus,
-                                               (CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *)pReasonCode,
-                                               plContext),
-                methodStatus[methodNum] = revStatus;
-                if (revStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked) {
-                    /* if error was generated use it as final error. */
-                    overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-                if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                    /* Disregard errors. Only returned revStatus matters. */
-                    PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)pkixErrorResult,
-                                          plContext);
-                    pkixErrorResult = NULL;
-                }
-            }
-            if ((!(revFlags & PKIX_REV_MI_TEST_ALL_LOCAL_INFORMATION_FIRST) ||
-                 onlyUseRemoteMethods) &&
-                chainVerificationState &&
-                methodStatus[methodNum] == PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo) {
-                if (!(methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_FORBID_NETWORK_FETCHING)) {
-                    PKIX_RevocationStatus revStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-                    PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(
-                        (*method->externalRevChecker)(cert, issuer, date,
-                                                      method,
-                                                      procParams, methodFlags,
-                                                      &revStatus,
-                                                      (CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *)pReasonCode,
-                                                      &nbioContext, plContext),
-                        PKIX_REVCHECKERCHECKFAILED);
-                    methodStatus[methodNum] = revStatus;
-                    if (revStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked) {
-                        /* if error was generated use it as final error. */
-                        overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                    if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                        /* Disregard errors. Only returned revStatus matters. */
-                        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)pkixErrorResult,
-                                              plContext);
-                        pkixErrorResult = NULL;
-                    }
-                } else if (methodFlags &
-                           PKIX_REV_M_FAIL_ON_MISSING_FRESH_INFO) {
-                    /* Info is not in the local cache. Network fetching is not
-                     * allowed. If need to fail on missing fresh info for the
-                     * the method, then we should fail right here.*/
-                    overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-            }
-            /* If success and we should not check the next method, then
-             * return a success. */
-            if (methodStatus[methodNum] == PKIX_RevStatus_Success &&
-                !(methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_CONTINUE_TESTING_ON_FRESH_INFO)) {
-                overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Success;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-        } /* inner loop */
-        if (!onlyUseRemoteMethods &&
-            chainVerificationState) {
-            onlyUseRemoteMethods = PKIX_TRUE;
-            continue;
-        }
-        break;
-    } /* outer loop */
-    if (overallStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo &&
-        chainVerificationState) {
-        /* The following check makes sence only for chain
-         * validation step, sinse we do not fetch info while
-         * in the process of finding trusted anchor. 
-         * For chain building step it is enough to know, that
-         * the cert was not directly revoked by any of the
-         * methods. */
-        /* Still have no info. But one of the method could
-         * have returned success status(possible if CONTINUE
-         * TESTING ON FRESH INFO flag was used).
-         * If any of the methods have returned Success status,
-         * the overallStatus should be success. */
-        int methodNum = 0;
-        for (;methodNum < PKIX_RevocationMethod_MAX;methodNum++) {
-            if (methodStatus[methodNum] == PKIX_RevStatus_Success) {
-                overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Success;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-        }
-            overallStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-        }
-    }
-    *pRevStatus = overallStatus;
-    PKIX_DECREF(method);
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deleted file mode 100755
index 20dfe37..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_revocationchecker.h
- *
- * RevocationChecker Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* NOTE: nbio logistic removed. Will be replaced later. */
- * All Flags are prefixed by CERT_REV_M_, where _M_ indicates
- * this is a method dependent flag.
- */
- * Whether or not to use a method for revocation testing.
- * If set to "do not test", then all other flags are ignored.
- */
-#define PKIX_REV_M_TEST_USING_THIS_METHOD            0x01L
- * Whether or not NSS is allowed to attempt to fetch fresh information
- *         from the network.
- * (Although fetching will never happen if fresh information for the
- *           method is already locally available.)
- */
-#define PKIX_REV_M_ALLOW_NETWORK_FETCHING            0x00L
- * Example for an implicit default source:
- *         The globally configured default OCSP responder.
- * IGNORE means:
- *        ignore the implicit default source, whether it's configured or not.
- * ALLOW means:
- *       if an implicit default source is configured, 
- *          then it overrides any available or missing source in the cert.
- *       if no implicit default source is configured,
- *          then we continue to use what's available (or not available) 
- *          in the certs.
- */ 
- * Defines the behavior if no fresh information is available,
- *   fetching from the network is allowed, but the source of revocation
- *   information is unknown (even after considering implicit sources,
- *   if allowed by other flags).
- * SKIPT_TEST means:
- *          We ignore that no fresh information is available and 
- *          skip this test.
- * REQUIRE_INFO means:
- *          We still require that fresh information is available.
- *          Other flags define what happens on missing fresh info.
- */
- * Defines the behavior if we are unable to obtain fresh information.
- * INGORE means:
- *      Return "cert status unknown"
- * FAIL means:
- *      Return "cert revoked".
- */
- * What should happen if we were able to find fresh information using
- * this method, and the data indicated the cert is good?
- * STOP_TESTING means:
- *              Our success is sufficient, do not continue testing
- *              other methods.
- *                  We will continue and test the next allowed
- *                  specified method.
- */
- * All Flags are prefixed by PKIX_REV_MI_, where _MI_ indicates
- * this is a method independent flag.
- */
- * This defines the order to checking.
- *      Do all tests related to a particular allowed method
- *      (both local information and network fetching) in a single step.
- *      Only after testing for a particular method is done,
- *      then switching to the next method will happen.
- *      Start by testing the information for all allowed methods
- *      which are already locally available. Only after that is done
- *      consider to fetch from the network (as allowed by other flags).
- */
- * Use this flag to specify that it's necessary that fresh information
- * is available for at least one of the allowed methods, but it's
- * irrelevant which of the mechanisms succeeded.
- *     We strictly follow the requirements for each individual method.
- *     After the individual tests have been executed, we must have
- *     been able to find fresh information using at least one method.
- *     If we were unable to find fresh info, it's a failure.
- */
-/* Defines check time for the cert, revocation methods lists and
- * flags for leaf and chain certs revocation tests. */
-struct PKIX_RevocationCheckerStruct {
-    PKIX_List *leafMethodList;
-    PKIX_List *chainMethodList;
-    PKIX_UInt32 leafMethodListFlags;
-    PKIX_UInt32 chainMethodListFlags;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_RevocationChecker_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ee18dde..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_revocationmethod.c
- *
- * RevocationMethod Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_revocationmethod.h"
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-/* Constructor of revocation method object. Does not create an object,
- * but just initializez PKIX_RevocationMethodStruct fields. Object
- * suppose to be already created. */
-PKIX_Error *
-    pkix_RevocationMethod *method,
-    PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-    PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-    PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-    pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn localRevChecker,
-    pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn externalRevChecker,
-    void *plContext) 
-    PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONMETHOD, "PKIX_RevocationMethod_Init");
-    method->methodType = methodType;
-    method->flags = flags;
-    method->priority = priority;
-    method->localRevChecker = localRevChecker;
-    method->externalRevChecker = externalRevChecker;
-/* Data duplication data. Not create an object. Only initializes fields
- * in the new object by data from "object". */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *newObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_RevocationMethod *method = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(REVOCATIONMETHOD, "pkix_RevocationMethod_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, newObject);
-        method = (pkix_RevocationMethod *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_RevocationMethod_Init((pkix_RevocationMethod*)newObject,
-                                       method->methodType,
-                                       method->flags,
-                                       method->priority,
-                                       method->localRevChecker,
-                                       method->externalRevChecker,
-                                       plContext),
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a97c762..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_revocationmethod.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_revocationmethod.h
- *
- * RevocationMethod Object
- *
- */
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "pkix_revocationchecker.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkix_RevocationMethodStruct pkix_RevocationMethod;
-/* Local revocation check function prototype definition.
- * Revocation methods capable of checking revocation though local
- * means(cache) should implement this prototype. */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn(PKIX_PL_Cert *cert, PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-                            PKIX_PL_Date *date, 
-                            pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-                            PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-                            PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-                            PKIX_Boolean chainVerificationState,
-                            PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-                            CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-                            void *plContext);
-/* External revocation check function prototype definition.
- * Revocation methods that required external communications(crldp
- * ocsp) shoult implement this prototype. */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn(PKIX_PL_Cert *cert, PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-                               PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-                               pkix_RevocationMethod *checkerObject,
-                               PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-                               PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-                               PKIX_RevocationStatus *pRevStatus,
-                               CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *reasonCode,
-                               void **pNBIOContext, void *plContext);
-/* Revocation method structure assosiates revocation types with
- * a set of flags on the method, a priority of the method (0
- * corresponds to the highest priority), and method local/external
- * checker functions. */
-struct pkix_RevocationMethodStruct {
-    PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType;
-    PKIX_UInt32 flags;
-    PKIX_UInt32 priority;
-    pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn (*localRevChecker);
-    pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn (*externalRevChecker);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_RevocationMethod_Duplicate(PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-                                PKIX_PL_Object *newObject,
-                                void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_RevocationMethod_Init(pkix_RevocationMethod *method,
-                           PKIX_RevocationMethodType methodType,
-                           PKIX_UInt32 flags,
-                           PKIX_UInt32 priority,
-                           pkix_LocalRevocationCheckFn localRevChecker,
-                           pkix_ExternalRevocationCheckFn externalRevChecker,
-                           void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ed9ffa..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_signaturechecker.c
- *
- * Functions for signature validation
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_signaturechecker.h"
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SignatureCheckerstate_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_SignatureCheckerState *state = NULL;
-                    "pkix_SignatureCheckerState_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a signature checker state */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_SIGNATURECHECKERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (pkix_SignatureCheckerState *) object;
-        state->prevCertCertSign = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->prevPublicKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->prevPublicKeyList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->keyUsageOID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SignatureCheckerState_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_SIGNATURECHECKERSTATE_TYPE and its related functions
- *  with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_SignatureCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                    "pkix_SignatureCheckerState_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "SignatureCheckerState";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_SignatureCheckerState);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_SignatureCheckerState_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_SIGNATURECHECKERSTATE_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SignatureCheckerState_Create
- *
- *  Allocate and initialize SignatureChecker state data.
- *
- *  "trustedPubKey"
- *      Address of trusted Anchor Public Key for verifying first Cert in the
- *      chain. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certsRemaining"
- *      Number of certificates remaining in the chain.
- *  "pCheckerState"
- *      Address where SignatureCheckerState will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a SignatureCheckerState Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_PL_PublicKey *trustedPubKey,
-    PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-    pkix_SignatureCheckerState **pCheckerState,
-    void *plContext)
-        pkix_SignatureCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *keyUsageOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SIGNATURECHECKERSTATE, "pkix_SignatureCheckerState_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(trustedPubKey, pCheckerState);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (pkix_SignatureCheckerState),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state,
-                    plContext),
-        /* Initialize fields */
-        state->prevCertCertSign = PKIX_TRUE;
-        state->prevPublicKeyList = NULL;
-        state->certsRemaining = certsRemaining;
-        PKIX_INCREF(trustedPubKey);
-        state->prevPublicKey = trustedPubKey;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                    (PKIX_CERTKEYUSAGE_OID,
-                    &keyUsageOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        state->keyUsageOID = keyUsageOID;
-        keyUsageOID = NULL;
-        *pCheckerState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(keyUsageOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state); 
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SignatureChecker_Check
- * (see comments for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_SignatureCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *prevPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *currPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *newPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *checkKeyUsageFail = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *verifyFail = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean certVerified = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_SignatureChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state, plContext),
-        (state->certsRemaining)--;
-        PKIX_INCREF(state->prevPublicKey);
-        prevPubKey = state->prevPublicKey;
-        /*
-         * Previous Cert doesn't have CertSign bit on for signature
-         * verification and it is not a self-issued Cert so there is no
-         * old key saved. This is considered error.
-         */
-        if (state->prevCertCertSign == PKIX_FALSE &&
-                state->prevPublicKeyList == NULL) {
-        }
-        /* Previous Cert is valid for signature verification, try it first */
-        if (state->prevCertCertSign == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                verifyFail = PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifySignature
-                        (cert, prevPubKey, plContext);
-                if (verifyFail == NULL) {
-                        certVerified = PKIX_TRUE;
-                } else {
-                        certVerified = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-#ifdef NIST_TEST_4_5_4_AND_4_5_6
-        /*
-         * Following codes under this compiler flag is implemented for
-         * special cases of NIST tests 4.5.4 and 4.5.6. We are not sure
-         * we should handle these two tests as what is implemented so the
-         * codes are commented out, and the tests fails (for now).
-         * For Cert chain validation, our assumption is all the Certs on
-         * the chain are using its previous Cert's public key to decode
-         * its current key. But for thses two tests, keys are used not
-         * in this precedent order, we can either
-         * 1) Use what is implemented here: take in what Cert order NIST
-         *    specified and for continuous self-issued Certs, stacking up
-         *    their keys and tries all of them in FILO order.
-         *    But this method breaks the idea of chain key presdency.
-         * 2) Use Build Chain facility: we will specify the valid Certs
-         *    order (means key precedency is kept) and count on Build Chain
-         *    to get the Certs that can fill for the needed keys. This may have
-         *    performance impact.
-         * 3) Fetch Certs from CertStore: we will specifiy the valid Certs
-         *    order and use CertSelector on SubjectName to get a list of
-         *    candidates Certs to fill in for the needed keys.
-         * Anyhow, the codes are kept around just in case we want to use
-         * solution one...
-         */
-        /* If failed and previous key is self-issued, try its old key(s) */
-        if (certVerified == PKIX_FALSE && state->prevPublicKeyList != NULL) {
-                /* Verify from keys on the list */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (state->prevPublicKeyList, &numKeys, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = numKeys - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (state->prevPublicKeyList,
-                                i,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &pKey,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyFail);
-                        verifyFail = PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifySignature
-                                (cert, pKey, plContext);
-                        if (verifyFail == NULL) {
-                                certVerified = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                break;
-                        } else {
-                                certVerified = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(pKey);
-                }
-        }
-        if (certVerified == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                pkixErrorResult = verifyFail;
-                verifyFail = NULL;
-        }
-#ifdef NIST_TEST_4_5_4_AND_4_5_6
-        /*
-         * Check if Cert is self-issued. If so, the old key(s) is saved, in
-         * conjunction to the new key, for verifying CERT validity later.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued(cert, &selfIssued, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Check if Cert is self-issued. If so, the public key of the Cert
-         * that issues this Cert (old key) can be used together with this
-         * current key (new key) for key verification. If there are multiple
-         * self-issued certs, keys of those Certs (old keys) can also be used
-         * for key verification. Old key(s) is saved in a list (PrevPublickKey-
-         * List) and cleared when a Cert is no longer self-issued. PrevPublic-
-         * Key keep key of the previous Cert.
-         */
-        if (selfIssued == PKIX_TRUE) {
-            /* Make sure previous Cert is valid for signature verification */
-            if (state->prevCertCertSign == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                if (state->prevPublicKeyList == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                (&state->prevPublicKeyList, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFALIED);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (state->prevPublicKeyList,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) state->prevPublicKey,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Not self-issued Cert any more, clear old key(s) saved */
-            PKIX_DECREF(state->prevPublicKeyList);
-        }
-        /* Save current key as prevPublicKey */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                    (cert, &currPubKey, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_PublicKey_MakeInheritedDSAPublicKey
-                    (currPubKey, prevPubKey, &newPubKey, plContext),
-        if (newPubKey == NULL){
-                PKIX_INCREF(currPubKey);
-                newPubKey = currPubKey;
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(newPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->prevPublicKey);
-        state->prevPublicKey = newPubKey;
-        /* Save this Cert key usage CertSign bit */
-        if (state->certsRemaining != 0) {
-                checkKeyUsageFail = PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyKeyUsage
-                        (cert, PKIX_KEY_CERT_SIGN, plContext);
-                state->prevCertCertSign = (checkKeyUsageFail == NULL)?
-                        PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE;
-                PKIX_DECREF(checkKeyUsageFail);
-        }
-        /* Remove Key Usage Extension OID from list */
-        if (unresolvedCriticalExtensions != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                            (unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) state->keyUsageOID,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_SetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(prevPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(currPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(newPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifyFail);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkKeyUsageFail);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SignatureChecker_Initialize
- *
- *  Creates a new CertChainChecker and stores it at "pChecker", where it will
- *  be used by pkix_SignatureChecker_Check to check that the public key in
- *  the checker's state is able to successfully validate the certificate's
- *  signature. The PublicKey pointed to by "trustedPubKey" is used to
- *  initialize the checker's state.
- *
- *  "trustedPubKey"
- *      Address of PublicKey representing the trusted public key used to
- *      initialize the state of this checker. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certsRemaining"
- *      Number of certificates remaining in the chain.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *trustedPubKey,
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_SignatureCheckerState* state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "PKIX_SignatureChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pChecker, trustedPubKey);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SignatureCheckerState_Create
-                    (trustedPubKey, certsRemaining, &state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (pkix_SignatureChecker_Check,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    NULL,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) state,
-                    pChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ccfb578..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_signaturechecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_signaturechecker.h
- *
- * Header file for validate signature function
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkix_SignatureCheckerState pkix_SignatureCheckerState;
-struct pkix_SignatureCheckerState {
-        PKIX_Boolean prevCertCertSign;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *prevPublicKey; /* Subject PubKey of last cert */
-        PKIX_List *prevPublicKeyList; /* of PKIX_PL_PublicKey */
-        PKIX_PL_OID *keyUsageOID;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *trustedPubKey,
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_SignatureCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 46fe071..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_targetcertchecker.c
- *
- * Functions for target cert validation
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_targetcertchecker.h"
-/* --Private-TargetCertCheckerState-Functions------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_TargetCertCheckerState *state = NULL;
-                    "pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a target cert checker state */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_TARGETCERTCHECKERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (pkix_TargetCertCheckerState *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->certSelector);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->extKeyUsageOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->subjAltNameOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->pathToNameList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->extKeyUsageList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->subjAltNameList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_TARGETCERTCHECKERSTATE_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                    "pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "TargetCertCheckerState";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_TargetCertCheckerState);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_TARGETCERTCHECKERSTATE_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new TargetCertCheckerState using the CertSelector pointed to
- *  by "certSelector" and the number of certs represented by "certsRemaining"
- *  and stores it at "pState".
- *
- *  "certSelector"
- *      Address of CertSelector representing the criteria against which the
- *      final certificate in a chain is to be matched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certsRemaining"
- *      Number of certificates remaining in the chain.
- *  "pState"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a TargetCertCheckerState Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector,
-    PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-    pkix_TargetCertCheckerState **pState,
-    void *plContext)
-        pkix_TargetCertCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelectorParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *pathToNameList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *subjAltNameList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *extKeyUsageOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjAltNameOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean subjAltNameMatchAll = PKIX_TRUE;
-                    "pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pState);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                    (PKIX_EXTENDEDKEYUSAGE_OID,
-                    &extKeyUsageOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                    (PKIX_CERTSUBJALTNAME_OID,
-                    &subjAltNameOID,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (pkix_TargetCertCheckerState),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        if (certSelector != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                        (certSelector, &certSelectorParams, plContext),
-                if (certSelectorParams != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetPathToNames
-                            (certSelectorParams,
-                            &pathToNameList,
-                            plContext),
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                            (certSelectorParams,
-                            &extKeyUsageList,
-                            plContext),
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubjAltNames
-                            (certSelectorParams,
-                            &subjAltNameList,
-                            plContext),
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetMatchAllSubjAltNames
-                            (certSelectorParams,
-                            &subjAltNameMatchAll,
-                            plContext),
-                }
-        }
-        state->certsRemaining = certsRemaining;
-        state->subjAltNameMatchAll = subjAltNameMatchAll;
-        PKIX_INCREF(certSelector);
-        state->certSelector = certSelector;
-        state->pathToNameList = pathToNameList;
-        pathToNameList = NULL;
-        state->extKeyUsageList = extKeyUsageList;
-        extKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        state->subjAltNameList = subjAltNameList;
-        subjAltNameList = NULL;
-        state->extKeyUsageOID = extKeyUsageOID;
-        extKeyUsageOID = NULL;
-        state->subjAltNameOID = subjAltNameOID;
-        subjAltNameOID = NULL;
-        *pState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(extKeyUsageOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjAltNameOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pathToNameList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(extKeyUsageList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjAltNameList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelectorParams);
-/* --Private-TargetCertChecker-Functions------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TargetCertChecker_Check
- * (see comments for PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback in pkix_checker.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_TargetCertCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback certSelectorMatch = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certSubjAltNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certExtKeyUsageList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certSubjectName = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean checkPassed = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems, i;
-        PKIX_UInt32 matchCount = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_TargetCertChecker_Check");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(checker, cert, pNBIOContext);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* we never block on pending I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                    (checker, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state, plContext),
-        (state->certsRemaining)--;
-        if (state->pathToNameList != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
-                    (cert, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-                /*
-                 * XXX We should either make the following call a public one
-                 * so it is legal to call from the portability layer or we
-                 * should try to create pathToNameList as CertNameConstraints
-                 * then call the existing check function.
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints_CheckNamesInNameSpace
-                    (state->pathToNameList,
-                    nameConstraints,
-                    &checkPassed,
-                    plContext),
-                if (checkPassed != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectAltNames
-                    (cert, &certSubjAltNames, plContext),
-        if (state->subjAltNameList != NULL && certSubjAltNames != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (state->subjAltNameList, &numItems, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (state->subjAltNameList,
-                            i,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **) &name,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                            (certSubjAltNames,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) name,
-                            &checkPassed,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(name);
-                        if (checkPassed == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                            if (state->subjAltNameMatchAll == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                                matchCount = numItems;
-                                break;
-                            } else {
-                                /* else continue checking next */
-                                matchCount++;
-                            }
-                        }
-                }
-                if (matchCount != numItems) {
-                }
-        }
-        if (state->certsRemaining == 0) {
-            if (state->certSelector != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
-                           (state->certSelector,
-                            &certSelectorMatch,
-                            plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(certSelectorMatch
-                           (state->certSelector,
-                            cert,
-                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_CERTSELECTORMATCHFAILED);
-            } else {
-                /* Check at least cert/key usages if target cert selector
-                 * is not set. */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyCertAndKeyType(cert,
-                                         PKIX_FALSE  /* is chain cert*/,
-                                         plContext),
-                           PKIX_CERTVERIFYCERTTYPEFAILED);
-            }
-            /*
-             * There are two Extended Key Usage Checkings
-             * available :
-             * 1) here at the targetcertchecker where we
-             *    verify the Extended Key Usage OIDs application
-             *    specifies via ComCertSelParams are included
-             *    in Cert's Extended Key Usage OID's. Note,
-             *    this is an OID to OID comparison and only last
-             *    Cert is checked.
-             * 2) at user defined ekuchecker where checking
-             *    is applied to all Certs on the chain and
-             *    the NSS Extended Key Usage algorithm is
-             *    used. In order to invoke this checking, not
-             *    only does the ComCertSelparams needs to be
-             *    set, the EKU initialize call is required to
-             *    activate the checking.
-             *
-             * XXX We use the same ComCertSelParams Set/Get
-             * functions to set the parameters for both cases.
-             * We may want to separate them in the future.
-             */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                       (cert, &certExtKeyUsageList, plContext),
-            if (state->extKeyUsageList != NULL &&
-                certExtKeyUsageList != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                           (state->extKeyUsageList, &numItems, plContext),
-                           PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                               (state->extKeyUsageList,
-                                i,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &name,
-                                plContext),
-                               PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                               (certExtKeyUsageList,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *) name,
-                                &checkPassed,
-                                plContext),
-                               PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(name);
-                    if (checkPassed != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Check key usage and cert type based on certificate usage. */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyCertAndKeyType(cert, PKIX_TRUE,
-                                                         plContext),
-        }
-        /* Remove Critical Extension OID from list */
-        if (unresolvedCriticalExtensions != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                            (unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) state->extKeyUsageOID,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject
-                            (cert, &certSubjectName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTGETSUBJECTFAILED);
-                if (certSubjAltNames != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                            (unresolvedCriticalExtensions,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) state->subjAltNameOID,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTREMOVEFAILED);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(name);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubjAltNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certExtKeyUsageList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubjectName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TargetCertChecker_Initialize
- *
- *  Creates a new CertChainChecker and stores it at "pChecker", where it will
- *  used by pkix_TargetCertChecker_Check to check that the final certificate
- *  of a chain meets the criteria of the CertSelector pointed to by
- *  "certSelector". The number of certs remaining in the chain, represented by
- *  "certsRemaining" is used to initialize the checker's state.
- *
- *  "certSelector"
- *      Address of CertSelector representing the criteria against which the
- *      final certificate in a chain is to be matched. May be NULL.
- *  "certsRemaining"
- *      Number of certificates remaining in the chain.
- *  "pChecker"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertChainChecker Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector,
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_TargetCertCheckerState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTCHAINCHECKER, "pkix_TargetCertChecker_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pChecker);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_Create
-                    (certSelector, certsRemaining, &state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_Create
-                    (pkix_TargetCertChecker_Check,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    PKIX_FALSE,
-                    NULL,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)state,
-                    pChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4592d10..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/checker/pkix_targetcertchecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_targetcertchecker.h
- *
- * Header file for validate target cert function
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkix_TargetCertCheckerState pkix_TargetCertCheckerState;
-struct pkix_TargetCertCheckerState {
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector;
-        PKIX_List *pathToNameList;
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsageList; /* List of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        PKIX_List *subjAltNameList;
-        PKIX_Boolean subjAltNameMatchAll;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *extKeyUsageOID;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjAltNameOID;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector,
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsRemaining,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 90380c5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_comcrlselparams.c
- *
- * ComCRLSelParams Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_comcrlselparams.h"
-/* --ComCRLSelParams-Private-Functions------------------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCrlSelParams_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        params = (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->issuerNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->cert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->date);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->maxCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->minCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->crldpList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCRLSelParams_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of ComCRLSelParams
- *  pointed to by "crlParams" and stores the result at "pString".
- *
- *  "crlParams"
- *      Address of ComCRLSelParams whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address of object pointer's destination. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLEntry Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *crlParams,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlIssuerNamesString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlDateString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlMaxCRLNumberString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlMinCRLNumberString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlCertString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlParamsString = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(crlParams, pString);
-        asciiFormat =
-                "\n\t[\n"
-                "\tIssuerNames:     %s\n"
-                "\tDate:            %s\n"
-                "\tmaxCRLNumber:    %s\n"
-                "\tminCRLNumber:    %s\n"
-                "\tCertificate:     %s\n"
-                "\t]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                (crlParams->issuerNames, &crlIssuerNamesString, plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(crlParams->date, &crlDateString, plContext,
-                (crlParams->maxCRLNumber, &crlMaxCRLNumberString, plContext,
-                (crlParams->minCRLNumber, &crlMinCRLNumberString, plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(crlParams->cert, &crlCertString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&crlParamsString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    crlIssuerNamesString,
-                    crlDateString,
-                    crlMaxCRLNumberString,
-                    crlMinCRLNumberString,
-                    crlCertString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = crlParamsString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlIssuerNamesString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlDateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlMaxCRLNumberString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlMinCRLNumberString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlCertString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCRLSelParams_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlParamsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *crlParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        crlParams = (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *) object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ComCRLSelParams_ToString_Helper
-                    (crlParams, &crlParamsString, plContext),
-        *pString = crlParamsString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *crlParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 namesHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dateHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxCRLNumberHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 minCRLNumberHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        crlParams = (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *)object;
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlParams->issuerNames, &namesHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlParams->cert, &certHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlParams->date, &dateHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlParams->maxCRLNumber, &maxCRLNumberHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlParams->minCRLNumber, &minCRLNumberHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        hash = (((namesHash << 3) + certHash) << 3) + dateHash;
-        hash = (hash << 3) + maxCRLNumberHash + minCRLNumberHash;
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *firstCrlParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *secondCrlParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a ComCRLSelParams */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (firstObject, PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        firstCrlParams = (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *)firstObject;
-        secondCrlParams = (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a ComCRLSelParams, if both references
-         * are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstCrlParams == secondCrlParams){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondComCRLSelParams isn't a ComCRLSelParams, we don't
-         * throw an error. We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)secondCrlParams, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Issuer Names */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                    (firstCrlParams->issuerNames,
-                    secondCrlParams->issuerNames,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Date */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                    (firstCrlParams->date,
-                    secondCrlParams->date,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext,
-                    PKIX_DATEEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Max CRL Number */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                    (firstCrlParams->maxCRLNumber,
-                    secondCrlParams->maxCRLNumber,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext,
-                    PKIX_BIGINTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Min CRL Number */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                    (firstCrlParams->minCRLNumber,
-                    secondCrlParams->minCRLNumber,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext,
-                    PKIX_BIGINTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Cert */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                    (firstCrlParams->cert,
-                    secondCrlParams->cert,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext,
-                    PKIX_CERTEQUALSFAILED);
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Duplicate_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *old;
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *new = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        old = (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE,
-                    (PKIX_UInt32)(sizeof (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams)),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&new,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTALLOCFAILED);
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->cert, &new->cert, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->crldpList, &new->crldpList, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->issuerNames, &new->issuerNames, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->date, &new->date, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->maxCRLNumber, &new->maxCRLNumber, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->minCRLNumber, &new->minCRLNumber, plContext,
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)new;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(new);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ComCrlSelParams_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ComCRLSelParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "pkix_ComCRLSelParams_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ComCRLSelParams";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_ComCRLSelParams_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_ComCRLSelParams_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --ComCRLSelParams-Public-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_Create (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pParams);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMS_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_ComCRLSelParams),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&params,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        params->issuerNames = NULL;
-        params->cert = NULL;
-        params->crldpList = NULL;
-        params->date = NULL;
-        params->nistPolicyEnabled = PKIX_TRUE;
-        params->maxCRLNumber = NULL;
-        params->minCRLNumber = NULL;
-        *pParams = params;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pIssuerNames,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pIssuerNames);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->issuerNames);
-        *pIssuerNames = params->issuerNames;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetIssuerNames (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *names,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetIssuerNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* allows null for names from spec */
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->issuerNames);
-        PKIX_INCREF(names); /* if NULL, allows to reset for no action */
-        params->issuerNames = names;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_AddIssuerName (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(COMCRLSELPARAMS, "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_AddIssuerName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        if (name != NULL) {
-                if (params->issuerNames == NULL) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&list, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        params->issuerNames = list;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (params->issuerNames, (PKIX_PL_Object *)name, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetCertificateChecking
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetCertificateChecking");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pCert);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->cert);
-        *pCert = params->cert;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetCertificateChecking
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetCertificateChecking");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* allows cert to be NULL from spec */
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->cert);
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert);
-        params->cert = cert;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetDateAndTime (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetDateAndTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pDate);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->date);
-        *pDate = params->date;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetDateAndTime (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetDateAndTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* allows date to be NULL from spec */
-        PKIX_DECREF (params->date);
-        PKIX_INCREF(date);
-        params->date = date;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetDateAndTime (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pEnabled,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetNISTPolicyEnabled");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pEnabled);
-        *pEnabled = params->nistPolicyEnabled;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetDateAndTime (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean enabled,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetNISTPolicyEnabled");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* allows date to be NULL from spec */
-        params->nistPolicyEnabled = enabled;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMaxCRLNumber
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pMaxCRLNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMaxCRLNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pMaxCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->maxCRLNumber);
-        *pMaxCRLNumber = params->maxCRLNumber;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetMaxCRLNumber
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *maxCRLNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetMaxCRLNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* maxCRLNumber can be NULL - from spec */
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->maxCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_INCREF(maxCRLNumber);
-        params->maxCRLNumber = maxCRLNumber;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMinCRLNumber
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pMinCRLNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMinCRLNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pMinCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->minCRLNumber);
-        *pMinCRLNumber = params->minCRLNumber;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetMinCRLNumber
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *minCRLNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetMinCRLNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* minCRLNumber can be NULL - from spec */
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->minCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_INCREF(minCRLNumber);
-        params->minCRLNumber = minCRLNumber;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-         PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-         PKIX_List *crldpList,
-         void *plContext)
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params); /* minCRLNumber can be NULL - from spec */
-    PKIX_INCREF(crldpList);
-    params->crldpList = crldpList;
-    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-               ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0835137..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_comcrlselparams.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_comcrlselparams.h
- *
- * ComCrlSelParams Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_ComCRLSelParamsStruct {
-        PKIX_List *issuerNames; /* list of PKIX_PL_X500Name */
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert; /* certificate being checked */
-        PKIX_List *crldpList;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date;
-        PKIX_Boolean nistPolicyEnabled;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *maxCRLNumber;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *minCRLNumber;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_ComCRLSelParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.c
deleted file mode 100755
index e9a9c03..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_crlselector.c
- *
- * CRLSelector Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_crlselector.h"
-/* --CRLSelector Private-Functions-------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLSELECTOR);
-        selector = (PKIX_CRLSelector *)object;
-        selector->matchCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector->params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector->context);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of CRLSelector
- *  pointed to by "crlParams" and stores its address in the object pointed to
- *  by "pString".
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of CRLSelector whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address of object pointer's destination. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *crlSelector,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlSelectorString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlParamsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlContextString = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(crlSelector, pString);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(crlSelector->params);
-        asciiFormat =
-                "\n\t[\n"
-                "\tMatchCallback: 0x%x\n"
-                "\tParams:          %s\n"
-                "\tContext:         %s\n"
-                "\t]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        /* Params */
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)crlSelector->params,
-                    &crlParamsString,
-                    plContext,
-        /* Context */
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(crlSelector->context, &crlContextString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&crlSelectorString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    crlSelector->matchCallback,
-                    crlParamsString,
-                    crlContextString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = crlSelectorString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlParamsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlContextString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlSelectorString = NULL;
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *crlSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLSELECTOR);
-        crlSelector = (PKIX_CRLSelector *) object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CRLSelector_ToString_Helper
-                    (crlSelector, &crlSelectorString, plContext),
-        *pString = crlSelectorString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 paramsHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 contextHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *crlSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLSELECTOR);
-        crlSelector = (PKIX_CRLSelector *)object;
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlSelector->params, &paramsHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(crlSelector->context, &contextHash, plContext,
-        hash = 31 * ((PKIX_UInt32)((char *)crlSelector->matchCallback - (char *)NULL) +
-                    (contextHash << 3)) + paramsHash;
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *firstCrlSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *secondCrlSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CRLSelector */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (firstObject, PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-        firstCrlSelector = (PKIX_CRLSelector *)firstObject;
-        secondCrlSelector = (PKIX_CRLSelector *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CRLSelector, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstCrlSelector == secondCrlSelector){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondCRLSelector isn't a CRLSelector, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)secondCrlSelector,
-                    &secondType,
-                    plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare MatchCallback address */
-        cmpResult = (firstCrlSelector->matchCallback ==
-                    secondCrlSelector->matchCallback);
-        if (cmpResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Common CRL Selector Params */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstCrlSelector->params,
-                secondCrlSelector->params,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (cmpResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Context */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstCrlSelector->context,
-                secondCrlSelector->context,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Duplicate_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *old;
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *new = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLSELECTOR);
-        old = (PKIX_CRLSelector *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE,
-                    (PKIX_UInt32)(sizeof (PKIX_CRLSelector)),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&new,
-                    plContext),
-        new->matchCallback = old->matchCallback;
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->params, &new->params, plContext,
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(old->context, &new->context, plContext,
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)new;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(new);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_DefaultMatch
- *
- *  This function compares the parameter values (Issuer, date, and CRL number)
- *  set in the ComCRLSelParams of the CRLSelector pointed to by "selector" with
- *  the corresponding values in the CRL pointed to by "crl". When all the
- *  criteria set in the parameter values match the values in "crl", PKIX_TRUE is
- *  stored at "pMatch". If the CRL does not match the CRLSelector's criteria,
- *  PKIX_FALSE is stored at "pMatch".
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelector which is verified for a match
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of the CRL object to be verified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMatch"
- *      Address at which Boolean result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pMatch,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *crlIssuerName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuerName = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *selIssuerNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *selDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean result = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numIssuers = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *minCRLNumber = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *maxCRLNumber = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *crlNumber = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean nistPolicyEnabled = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_DefaultMatch");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, crl);
-        *pMatch = PKIX_TRUE;
-        params = selector->params;
-        /* No matching parameter provided, just a match */
-        if (params == NULL) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames
-                    (params, &selIssuerNames, plContext),
-        /* Check for Issuers */
-        if (selIssuerNames != NULL){
-                result = PKIX_FALSE;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRL_GetIssuer
-                            (crl, &crlIssuerName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CRLGETISSUERFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                            (selIssuerNames, &numIssuers, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numIssuers; i++){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                    (selIssuerNames,
-                                    i,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&issuerName,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match
-                                    (crlIssuerName,
-                                    issuerName,
-                                    &result,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_X500NAMEMATCHFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(issuerName);
-                        if (result == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                                break;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (result == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_DEBUG("Issuer Match Failed\N");
-                        *pMatch = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetDateAndTime
-                    (params, &selDate, plContext),
-        /* Check for Date */
-        if (selDate != NULL){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetNISTPolicyEnabled
-                            (params, &nistPolicyEnabled, plContext),
-                /* check crl dates only for if NIST policies enforced */
-                if (nistPolicyEnabled) {
-                        result = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifyUpdateTime
-                                   (crl, selDate, &result, plContext),
-                                   PKIX_CRLVERIFYUPDATETIMEFAILED);
-                        if (result == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                                *pMatch = PKIX_FALSE;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        /* Check for CRL number in range */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCRLNumber(crl, &crlNumber, plContext),
-        if (crlNumber != NULL) {
-                result = PKIX_FALSE;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMinCRLNumber
-                            (params, &minCRLNumber, plContext),
-                if (minCRLNumber != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)minCRLNumber,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)crlNumber,
-                                    &result,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_OBJECTCOMPARATORFAILED);
-                        if (result == 1) {
-                                PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_DEBUG
-					("CRL MinNumber Range Match Failed\n");
-                        	*pMatch = PKIX_FALSE;
-	                        goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetMaxCRLNumber
-                            (params, &maxCRLNumber, plContext),
-                if (maxCRLNumber != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)crlNumber,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)maxCRLNumber,
-                                    &result,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_OBJECTCOMPARATORFAILED);
-                        if (result == 1) {
-                               PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_DEBUG 
-                        	*pMatch = PKIX_FALSE;
-	                        goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(selIssuerNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlIssuerName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(minCRLNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(maxCRLNumber);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CRLSelector_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "pkix_CRLSelector_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CRLSelector";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_CRLSelector);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_CRLSelector_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_CRLSelector_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_CRLSelector_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_CRLSelector_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_CRLSelector_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --CRLSelector-Public-Functions---------------------------------------- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_MatchCallback callback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *crlSelectorContext,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector **pSelector,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "PKIX_CRLSelector_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pSelector);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_CRLSelector),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&selector,
-                    plContext),
-        /*
-         * if user specified a particular match callback, we use that one.
-         * otherwise, we use the default match provided.
-         */
-        if (callback != NULL){
-                selector->matchCallback = callback;
-        } else {
-                selector->matchCallback = pkix_CRLSelector_DefaultMatch;
-        }
-        /* initialize other fields */
-        selector->params = NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(crlSelectorContext);
-        selector->context = crlSelectorContext;
-        *pSelector = selector;
-        selector = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_Create (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer,
-        PKIX_List *crldpList,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector **pCrlSelector,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuerName = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Date *nowDate = NULL;
-    PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *comCrlSelParams = NULL;
-    PKIX_CRLSelector *crlSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(issuer);
-        PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject(issuer, &issuerName, plContext),
-    if (date != NULL) {
-            PKIX_INCREF(date);
-            nowDate = date;
-    } else {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime(NULL, &nowDate, plContext),
-    }
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_Create(&comCrlSelParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_AddIssuerName(comCrlSelParams, issuerName,
-                                           plContext),
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetCrlDp(comCrlSelParams, crldpList,
-                                      plContext),
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_SetDateAndTime(comCrlSelParams, nowDate,
-                                            plContext),
-        pkix_CRLSelector_Create(NULL, NULL, &crlSelector, plContext),
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_SetCommonCRLSelectorParams(crlSelector,
-                                                    comCrlSelParams,
-                                                    plContext),
-    *pCrlSelector = crlSelector;
-    crlSelector = NULL;
-    PKIX_DECREF(issuerName);
-    PKIX_DECREF(nowDate);
-    PKIX_DECREF(comCrlSelParams);
-    PKIX_DECREF(crlSelector);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_GetMatchCallback (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_MatchCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "PKIX_CRLSelector_GetMatchCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = selector->matchCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCRLSelectorContext
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pCrlSelectorContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCRLSelectorContext");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, pCrlSelectorContext);
-        PKIX_INCREF(selector->context);
-        *pCrlSelectorContext = selector->context;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCommonCRLSelectorParams
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCommonCRLSelectorParams");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, pParams);
-        PKIX_INCREF(selector->params);
-        *pParams = selector->params;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CRLSelector_SetCommonCRLSelectorParams
- * (see comments in pkix_crlsel.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "PKIX_CRLSelector_SetCommonCRLSelectorParams");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selector->params);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params);
-        selector->params = params;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)selector, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CRLSelector_Select
- *
- *  This function applies the selector pointed to by "selector" to each CRL,
- *  in turn, in the List pointed to by "before", and creates a List containing
- *  all the CRLs that matched, or passed the selection process, storing that
- *  List at "pAfter". If no CRLs match, an empty List is stored at "pAfter".
- *
- *  The List returned in "pAfter" is immutable.
- *
- *  "selector"
- *      Address of CRLSelelector to be applied to the List. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "before"
- *      Address of List that is to be filtered. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAfter"
- *      Address at which resulting List, possibly empty, is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLSelector Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-	PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-	PKIX_List *before,
-	PKIX_List **pAfter,
-	void *plContext)
-	PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-	PKIX_UInt32 numBefore = 0;
-	PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-	PKIX_List *filtered = NULL;
-	PKIX_PL_CRL *candidate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLSELECTOR, "PKIX_CRLSelector_Select");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(selector, before, pAfter);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&filtered, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(before, &numBefore, plContext),
-        for (i = 0; i < numBefore; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (before, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&candidate, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(selector->matchCallback
-                        (selector, candidate, &match, plContext),
-                if (!(PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) && match == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (filtered,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)candidate,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-                PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(filtered, plContext),
-        /* Don't throw away the list if one CRL was bad! */
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pAfter = filtered;
-        filtered = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(filtered);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f44cc7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/crlsel/pkix_crlselector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_crlselector.h
- *
- * CrlSelector Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_CRLSelectorStruct {
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_MatchCallback matchCallback;
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *context;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_CRLSelector_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-	PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-	PKIX_List *before,
-	PKIX_List **pAfter,
-	void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 260b007..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1417 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_procparams.c
- *
- * ProcessingParams Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_procparams.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ProcessingParams_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "pkix_ProcessingParams_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a processing params object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        params = (PKIX_ProcessingParams *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->trustAnchors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->hintCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->constraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->date);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->initialPolicies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->certChainCheckers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->revChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->certStores);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->resourceLimits);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ProcessingParams_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *firstProcParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *secondProcParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "pkix_ProcessingParams_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstProcParams = (PKIX_ProcessingParams *)first;
-        secondProcParams = (PKIX_ProcessingParams *)second;
-        /* Do the simplest tests first */
-        if ((firstProcParams->qualifiersRejected) !=
-            (secondProcParams->qualifiersRejected)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstProcParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled !=
-            secondProcParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstProcParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy !=
-            secondProcParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* trustAnchors can never be NULL */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstProcParams->trustAnchors,
-                secondProcParams->trustAnchors,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstProcParams->hintCerts,
-                secondProcParams->hintCerts,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstProcParams->date,
-                secondProcParams->date,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstProcParams->constraints,
-                secondProcParams->constraints,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstProcParams->initialPolicies,
-                secondProcParams->initialPolicies,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        /* There is no Equals function for CertChainCheckers */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstProcParams->certStores,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondProcParams->certStores,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstProcParams->resourceLimits,
-                secondProcParams->resourceLimits,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (cmpResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ProcessingParams_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 anchorsHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hintCertsHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dateHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 constraintsHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 initialHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 rejectedHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certChainCheckersHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 revCheckerHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certStoresHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 resourceLimitsHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "pkix_ProcessingParams_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        procParams = (PKIX_ProcessingParams*)object;
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->trustAnchors, &anchorsHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->hintCerts, &hintCertsHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->date, &dateHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->constraints, &constraintsHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->initialPolicies, &initialHash, plContext,
-        rejectedHash = procParams->qualifiersRejected;
-        /* There is no Hash function for CertChainCheckers */
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->certStores, &certStoresHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(procParams->resourceLimits,
-                &resourceLimitsHash,
-                plContext,
-        hash = (31 * ((31 * anchorsHash) + hintCertsHash + dateHash)) +
-                constraintsHash + initialHash + rejectedHash;
-        hash += ((((certStoresHash + resourceLimitsHash) << 7) +
-                certChainCheckersHash + revCheckerHash +
-                procParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled +
-                procParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy) << 7);
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ProcessingParams_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *procParamsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *anchorsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *dateString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *constraintsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *InitialPoliciesString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *qualsRejectedString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certStoresString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resourceLimitsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "pkix_ProcessingParams_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tTrust Anchors: \n"
-                "\t********BEGIN LIST OF TRUST ANCHORS********\n"
-                "\t\t%s\n"
-                "\t********END LIST OF TRUST ANCHORS********\n"
-                "\tDate:    \t\t%s\n"
-                "\tTarget Constraints:    %s\n"
-                "\tInitial Policies:      %s\n"
-                "\tQualifiers Rejected:   %s\n"
-                "\tCert Stores:           %s\n"
-                "\tResource Limits:       %s\n"
-                "\tCRL Checking Enabled:  %d\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        procParams = (PKIX_ProcessingParams*)object;
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(procParams->trustAnchors, &anchorsString, plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(procParams->date, &dateString, plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(procParams->constraints, &constraintsString, plContext,
-                (procParams->initialPolicies, &InitialPoliciesString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                (procParams->qualifiersRejected)?"TRUE":"FALSE",
-                0,
-                &qualsRejectedString,
-                plContext),
-        /* There is no ToString function for CertChainCheckers */
-       PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores
-                (procParams, &certStores, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(certStores, &certStoresString, plContext,
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(procParams->resourceLimits,
-                &resourceLimitsString,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&procParamsString,
-                plContext,
-                formatString,
-                anchorsString,
-                dateString,
-                constraintsString,
-                InitialPoliciesString,
-                qualsRejectedString,
-                certStoresString,
-                resourceLimitsString,
-                procParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled,
-                procParams->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = procParamsString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchorsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(dateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(constraintsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(InitialPoliciesString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(qualsRejectedString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStores);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStoresString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(resourceLimitsString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ProcessingParams_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *paramsDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "pkix_ProcessingParams_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        params = (PKIX_ProcessingParams *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_ProcessingParams),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&paramsDuplicate,
-                plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-                (params->trustAnchors,
-                &(paramsDuplicate->trustAnchors),
-                plContext,
-                (params->hintCerts, &(paramsDuplicate->hintCerts), plContext,
-                (params->constraints,
-                &(paramsDuplicate->constraints),
-                plContext,
-                (params->date, &(paramsDuplicate->date), plContext,
-                (params->initialPolicies,
-                &(paramsDuplicate->initialPolicies),
-                plContext,
-        paramsDuplicate->initialPolicyMappingInhibit =
-                params->initialPolicyMappingInhibit;
-        paramsDuplicate->initialAnyPolicyInhibit =
-                params->initialAnyPolicyInhibit;
-        paramsDuplicate->initialExplicitPolicy = params->initialExplicitPolicy;
-        paramsDuplicate->qualifiersRejected = params->qualifiersRejected;
-                (params->certChainCheckers,
-                &(paramsDuplicate->certChainCheckers),
-                plContext,
-                (params->revChecker,
-                &(paramsDuplicate->revChecker),
-                plContext,
-                (params->certStores, &(paramsDuplicate->certStores), plContext,
-                (params->resourceLimits,
-                &(paramsDuplicate->resourceLimits),
-                plContext,
-        paramsDuplicate->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled =
-                params->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled;
-        paramsDuplicate->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy =
-                params->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy;
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)paramsDuplicate;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(paramsDuplicate);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ProcessingParams_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ProcessingParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "pkix_ProcessingParams_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ProcessingParams";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ProcessingParams);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_ProcessingParams_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_ProcessingParams_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_ProcessingParams_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_ProcessingParams_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_ProcessingParams_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_Create (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pParams);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMS_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_ProcessingParams),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&params,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&params->trustAnchors, plContext),
-                   PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(params->trustAnchors, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime
-                   (NULL, &params->date, plContext),
-        params->hintCerts = NULL;
-        params->constraints = NULL;
-        params->initialPolicies = NULL;
-        params->initialPolicyMappingInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        params->initialAnyPolicyInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        params->initialExplicitPolicy = PKIX_FALSE;
-        params->qualifiersRejected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        params->certChainCheckers = NULL;
-        params->revChecker = NULL;
-        params->certStores = NULL;
-        params->resourceLimits = NULL;
-        params->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled = PKIX_TRUE;
-        params->isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy = PKIX_TRUE;
-        params->useAIAForCertFetching = PKIX_FALSE;
-        params->qualifyTargetCert = PKIX_TRUE;
-        params->useOnlyTrustAnchors = PKIX_TRUE;
-        *pParams = params;
-        params = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetUseAIAForCertFetching
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pUseAIA,  /* list of TrustAnchor */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetUseAIAForCertFetching");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pUseAIA);
-        *pUseAIA = params->useAIAForCertFetching;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseAIAForCertFetching
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean useAIA,  
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseAIAForCertFetching");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->useAIAForCertFetching = useAIA;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetQualifyTargetCert
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pQualifyTargetCert,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetValidateTargetCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pQualifyTargetCert);
-        *pQualifyTargetCert = params->qualifyTargetCert;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetQualifyTargetCert
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean qualifyTargetCert,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetQualifyTargetCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->qualifyTargetCert = qualifyTargetCert;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTrustAnchors
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *anchors,  /* list of TrustAnchor */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTrustAnchors");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, anchors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->trustAnchors);
-        PKIX_INCREF(anchors);
-        params->trustAnchors = anchors;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(params->trustAnchors, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTrustAnchors
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pAnchors,  /* list of TrustAnchor */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTrustAnchors");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pAnchors);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->trustAnchors);
-        *pAnchors = params->trustAnchors;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseOnlyTrustAnchors
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pUseOnlyTrustAnchors,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseTrustAnchorsOnly");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pUseOnlyTrustAnchors);
-        *pUseOnlyTrustAnchors = params->useOnlyTrustAnchors;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseOnlyTrustAnchors
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean useOnlyTrustAnchors,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetUseTrustAnchorsOnly");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->useOnlyTrustAnchors = useOnlyTrustAnchors;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetDate (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetDate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pDate);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->date);
-        *pDate = params->date;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetDate (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetDate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->date);
-        PKIX_INCREF(date);
-        params->date = date;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->date);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertSelector **pConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pConstraints);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->constraints);
-        *pConstraints = params->constraints;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTargetCertConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *constraints,
-        void *plContext)
-                    "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTargetCertConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->constraints);
-        PKIX_INCREF(constraints);
-        params->constraints = constraints;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->constraints);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetInitialPolicies
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pInitPolicies, /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetInitialPolicies");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pInitPolicies);
-        if (params->initialPolicies == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                        (&params->initialPolicies, plContext),
-                        PKIX_UNABLETOCREATELIST);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                        (params->initialPolicies, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->initialPolicies);
-        *pInitPolicies = params->initialPolicies;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetInitialPolicies
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *initPolicies, /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetInitialPolicies");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->initialPolicies);
-        PKIX_INCREF(initPolicies);
-        params->initialPolicies = initPolicies;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->initialPolicies);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetPolicyQualifiersRejected
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRejected,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetPolicyQualifiersRejected");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pRejected);
-        *pRejected = params->qualifiersRejected;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyQualifiersRejected
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean rejected,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyQualifiersRejected");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->qualifiersRejected = rejected;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pCheckers,  /* list of PKIX_CertChainChecker */
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pCheckers);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->certChainCheckers);
-        *pCheckers = params->certChainCheckers;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertChainCheckers
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *checkers,  /* list of PKIX_CertChainChecker */
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertChainCheckers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->certChainCheckers);
-        PKIX_INCREF(checkers);
-        params->certChainCheckers = checkers;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->certChainCheckers);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_AddCertChainCheckers
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_AddCertChainChecker");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, checker);
-        if (params->certChainCheckers == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&list, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                params->certChainCheckers = list;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (params->certChainCheckers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)checker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        list = NULL;
-        if (list && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->certChainCheckers);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetRevocationChecker
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker **pChecker,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-            (PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetRevocationCheckers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pChecker);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->revChecker);
-        *pChecker = params->revChecker;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetRevocationChecker
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *checker,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_InitRevocationChecker");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->revChecker);
-        PKIX_INCREF(checker);
-        params->revChecker = checker;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pStores,  /* list of PKIX_CertStore */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pStores);
-        if (!params->certStores){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&params->certStores, plContext),
-                            PKIX_UNABLETOCREATELIST);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->certStores);
-        *pStores = params->certStores;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertStores
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *stores,  /* list of PKIX_CertStore */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetCertStores");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->certStores);
-        PKIX_INCREF(stores);
-        params->certStores = stores;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->certStores);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_AddCertStore
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_AddCertStore");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, store);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores
-                    (params, &certStores, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (certStores, (PKIX_PL_Object *)store, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStores);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetResourceLimits
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetResourceLimits");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, resourceLimits);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->resourceLimits);
-        PKIX_INCREF(resourceLimits);
-        params->resourceLimits = resourceLimits;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->resourceLimits);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetResourceLimits
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits **pResourceLimits,
-        void *plContext)
-                   "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetResourceLimits");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pResourceLimits);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->resourceLimits);
-        *pResourceLimits = params->resourceLimits;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsAnyPolicyInhibited
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pInhibited,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsAnyPolicyInhibited");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pInhibited);
-        *pInhibited = params->initialAnyPolicyInhibit;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetAnyPolicyInhibited
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean inhibited,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetAnyPolicyInhibited");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->initialAnyPolicyInhibit = inhibited;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsExplicitPolicyRequired
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRequired,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsExplicitPolicyRequired");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pRequired);
-        *pRequired = params->initialExplicitPolicy;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetExplicitPolicyRequired
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean required,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetExplicitPolicyRequired");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->initialExplicitPolicy = required;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsPolicyMappingInhibited
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pInhibited,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsPolicyMappingInhibited");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pInhibited);
-        *pInhibited = params->initialPolicyMappingInhibit;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyMappingInhibited
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_Boolean inhibited,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetPolicyMappingInhibited");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        params->initialPolicyMappingInhibit = inhibited;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)params, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetHintCerts
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List *hintCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetHintCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->hintCerts);
-        PKIX_INCREF(hintCerts);
-        params->hintCerts = hintCerts;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && params) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(params->hintCerts);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetHintCerts
- * (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pHintCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PROCESSINGPARAMS, "PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetHintCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pHintCerts);
-        PKIX_INCREF(params->hintCerts);
-        *pHintCerts = params->hintCerts;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 599f5d4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_procparams.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_procparams.h
- *
- * ProcessingParams Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_ProcessingParamsStruct {
-        PKIX_List *trustAnchors;        /* Never NULL */
-        PKIX_List *hintCerts;	/* user-supplied partial chain, may be NULL */
-        PKIX_CertSelector *constraints;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date;
-        PKIX_List *initialPolicies;     /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy;
-        PKIX_Boolean qualifiersRejected;
-        PKIX_List *certChainCheckers;
-        PKIX_List *certStores;
-        PKIX_Boolean isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabled;
-        PKIX_Boolean isCrlRevocationCheckingEnabledWithNISTPolicy;
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker;
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits;
-        PKIX_Boolean useAIAForCertFetching;
-        PKIX_Boolean qualifyTargetCert;
-        PKIX_Boolean useOnlyTrustAnchors;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_ProcessingParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.c
deleted file mode 100755
index de93e9d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_resourcelimits.c
- *
- * Resourcelimits Params Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_resourcelimits.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ResourceLimits_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "pkix_ResourceLimits_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a ResourceLimits object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE, plContext),
-        rLimits = (PKIX_ResourceLimits *)object;
-        rLimits->maxTime = 0;
-        rLimits->maxFanout = 0;
-        rLimits->maxDepth = 0;
-        rLimits->maxCertsNumber = 0;
-        rLimits->maxCrlsNumber = 0;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ResourceLimits_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *firstRLimits = NULL;
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *secondRLimits = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "pkix_ResourceLimits_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstRLimits = (PKIX_ResourceLimits *)first;
-        secondRLimits = (PKIX_ResourceLimits *)second;
-        cmpResult = (firstRLimits->maxTime == secondRLimits->maxTime) &&
-                    (firstRLimits->maxFanout == secondRLimits->maxFanout) &&
-                    (firstRLimits->maxDepth == secondRLimits->maxDepth) &&
-                    (firstRLimits->maxCertsNumber == 
-                        secondRLimits->maxCertsNumber) &&
-                    (firstRLimits->maxCrlsNumber == 
-                        secondRLimits->maxCrlsNumber);
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ResourceLimits_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "pkix_ResourceLimits_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE, plContext),
-        rLimits = (PKIX_ResourceLimits*)object;
-        hash = 31 * rLimits->maxTime + (rLimits->maxFanout << 1) +
-                (rLimits->maxDepth << 2) + (rLimits->maxCertsNumber << 3) +
-                rLimits->maxCrlsNumber;
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ResourceLimits_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *rLimitsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "pkix_ResourceLimits_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE, plContext),
-        /* maxCertsNumber and maxCrlsNumber are not supported */
-        asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tMaxTime:           \t\t%d\n"
-                "\tMaxFanout:         \t\t%d\n"
-                "\tMaxDepth:         \t\t%d\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        rLimits = (PKIX_ResourceLimits*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&rLimitsString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    rLimits->maxTime,
-                    rLimits->maxFanout,
-                    rLimits->maxDepth),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = rLimitsString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ResourceLimits_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ResourceLimits_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "pkix_ResourceLimits_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ResourceLimits";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ResourceLimits);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_ResourceLimits_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_ResourceLimits_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_ResourceLimits_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_ResourceLimits_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_Create (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits **pResourceLimits,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pResourceLimits);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_RESOURCELIMITS_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_ResourceLimits),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&rLimits,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        rLimits->maxTime = 0;
-        rLimits->maxFanout = 0;
-        rLimits->maxDepth = 0;
-        rLimits->maxCertsNumber = 0;
-        rLimits->maxCrlsNumber = 0;
-        *pResourceLimits = rLimits;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxTime
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxTime,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rLimits, pMaxTime);
-        *pMaxTime = rLimits->maxTime;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxTime
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxTime,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(rLimits);
-        rLimits->maxTime = maxTime;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxFanout
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxFanout,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxFanout");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rLimits, pMaxFanout);
-        *pMaxFanout = rLimits->maxFanout;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxFanout
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxFanout,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxFanout");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(rLimits);
-        rLimits->maxFanout = maxFanout;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxDepth
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxDepth,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxDepth");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rLimits, pMaxDepth);
-        *pMaxDepth = rLimits->maxDepth;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxDepth
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxDepth,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxDepth");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(rLimits);
-        rLimits->maxDepth = maxDepth;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxNumberOfCerts
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxNumberOfCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rLimits, pMaxNumber);
-        *pMaxNumber = rLimits->maxCertsNumber;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxNumberOfCerts
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxNumberOfCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(rLimits);
-        rLimits->maxCertsNumber = maxNumber;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxNumberOfCRLs
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMaxNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxNumberOfCRLs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rLimits, pMaxNumber);
-        *pMaxNumber = rLimits->maxCrlsNumber;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxNumberOfCRLs
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *rLimits,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RESOURCELIMITS, "PKIX_ResourceLimits_SetMaxNumberOfCRLs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(rLimits);
-        rLimits->maxCrlsNumber = maxNumber;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c4f582c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_resourcelimits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_resourcelimits.h
- *
- * ResourceLimits Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_ResourceLimitsStruct {
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxTime;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxFanout;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxDepth;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxCertsNumber;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxCrlsNumber;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_ResourceLimits_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ced16d2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_trustanchor.c
- *
- * TrustAnchor Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_trustanchor.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TrustAnchor_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "pkix_TrustAnchor_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a trust anchor */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTTRUSTANCHOR);
-        anchor = (PKIX_TrustAnchor *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor->trustedCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor->caName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor->caPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor->nameConstraints);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TrustAnchor_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *firstAnchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *secondAnchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *firstCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *secondCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "pkix_TrustAnchor_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstAnchor = (PKIX_TrustAnchor *)first;
-        secondAnchor = (PKIX_TrustAnchor *)second;
-        firstCert = firstAnchor->trustedCert;
-        secondCert = secondAnchor->trustedCert;
-        if ((firstCert && !secondCert) || (!firstCert && secondCert)){
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstCert && secondCert){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstCert,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondCert,
-                            &cmpResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstAnchor->caName,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondAnchor->caName,
-                            &cmpResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstAnchor->caPubKey,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondAnchor->caPubKey,
-                            &cmpResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-                PKIX_EQUALS
-                        (firstAnchor->nameConstraints,
-                        secondAnchor->nameConstraints,
-                        &cmpResult,
-                        plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TrustAnchor_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nameHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 pubKeyHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 ncHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "pkix_TrustAnchor_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTTRUSTANCHOR);
-        anchor = (PKIX_TrustAnchor*)object;
-        cert = anchor->trustedCert;
-        if (cert){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)cert,
-                            &certHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-                hash = certHash;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)anchor->caName,
-                            &nameHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)anchor->caPubKey,
-                            &pubKeyHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-                PKIX_HASHCODE(anchor->nameConstraints, &ncHash, plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-                hash = 31 * nameHash + pubKeyHash + ncHash;
-        }
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TrustAnchor_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *anchorString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nameString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *pubKeyString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nameConstraintsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "pkix_TrustAnchor_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTTRUSTANCHOR);
-        anchor = (PKIX_TrustAnchor*)object;
-        if (anchor->trustedCert){
-                asciiFormat =
-                        "[\n"
-                        "\tTrusted Cert:	%s\n"
-                        "]\n";
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                            (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            asciiFormat,
-                            0,
-                            &formatString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)anchor->trustedCert,
-                            &certString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (&anchorString,
-                            plContext,
-                            formatString,
-                            certString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        } else {
-                asciiFormat =
-                        "[\n"
-                        "\tTrusted CA Name:         %s\n"
-                        "\tTrusted CA PublicKey:    %s\n"
-                        "\tInitial Name Constraints:%s\n"
-                        "]\n";
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                            (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            asciiFormat,
-                            0,
-                            &formatString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)anchor->caName,
-                            &nameString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)anchor->caPubKey,
-                            &pubKeyString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_TOSTRING
-                        (anchor->nameConstraints,
-                        &nameConstraintsString,
-                        plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (&anchorString,
-                            plContext,
-                            formatString,
-                            nameString,
-                            pubKeyString,
-                            nameConstraintsString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        }
-        *pString = anchorString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pubKeyString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraintsString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_TrustAnchor_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_TrustAnchor_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "pkix_TrustAnchor_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "TrustAnchor";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_TrustAnchor);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_TrustAnchor_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_TrustAnchor_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_TrustAnchor_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_TrustAnchor_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithCert (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor **pAnchor,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pAnchor);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_TrustAnchor),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&anchor,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_Cert_SetAsTrustAnchor(cert, plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert);
-        anchor->trustedCert = cert;
-        anchor->caName = NULL;
-        anchor->caPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
-                    (anchor->trustedCert, &anchor->nameConstraints, plContext),
-        *pAnchor = anchor;
-        anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithNameKeyPair
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor **pAnchor,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithNameKeyPair");
-        /* Nss creates trust anchors by using PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithCert
-         * function as the complete trusted cert structure, and not only cert
-         * public key, is required for chain building and validation processes. 
-         * Restricting this function for been used only in libpkix unit
-         * tests. */
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(name, pubKey, pAnchor);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_TrustAnchor),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&anchor,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        anchor->trustedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(name);
-        anchor->caName = name;
-        PKIX_INCREF(pubKey);
-        anchor->caPubKey = pubKey;
-        PKIX_INCREF(nameConstraints);
-        anchor->nameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-        *pAnchor = anchor;
-        anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(anchor, pCert);
-        PKIX_INCREF(anchor->trustedCert);
-        *pCert = anchor->trustedCert;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAName (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pCAName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(anchor, pCAName);
-        PKIX_INCREF(anchor->caName);
-        *pCAName = anchor->caName;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAPublicKey (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPubKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAPublicKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(anchor, pPubKey);
-        PKIX_INCREF(anchor->caPubKey);
-        *pPubKey = anchor->caPubKey;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetNameConstraints
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(TRUSTANCHOR, "PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(anchor, pNameConstraints);
-        PKIX_INCREF(anchor->nameConstraints);
-        *pNameConstraints = anchor->nameConstraints;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.h
deleted file mode 100755
index e3ceb7f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_trustanchor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_trustanchor.h
- *
- * TrustAnchor Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_TrustAnchorStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *caName;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *caPubKey;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_TrustAnchor_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 83c3d2b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_valparams.c
- *
- * Validate Params Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_valparams.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateParams_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "pkix_ValidateParams_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a validate params object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        params = (PKIX_ValidateParams *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->procParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params->chain);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateParams_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *firstValParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *secondValParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "pkix_ValidateParams_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstValParams = (PKIX_ValidateParams *)first;
-        secondValParams = (PKIX_ValidateParams *)second;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstValParams->procParams,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondValParams->procParams,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstValParams->chain,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondValParams->chain,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateParams_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 procParamsHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 chainHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "pkix_ValidateParams_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        valParams = (PKIX_ValidateParams*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valParams->procParams,
-                    &procParamsHash,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valParams->chain,
-                    &chainHash,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        hash = 31 * procParamsHash + chainHash;
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateParams_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *valParamsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *procParamsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *chainString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "pkix_ValidateParams_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE, plContext),
-        asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tProcessing Params: \n"
-                "\t********BEGIN PROCESSING PARAMS********\n"
-                "\t\t%s\n"
-                "\t********END PROCESSING PARAMS********\n"
-                "\tChain:    \t\t%s\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        valParams = (PKIX_ValidateParams*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object*)valParams->procParams,
-                    &procParamsString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valParams->chain,
-                    &chainString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&valParamsString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    procParamsString,
-                    chainString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = valParamsString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(procParamsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(chainString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateParams_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ValidateParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "pkix_ValidateParams_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ValidateParams";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ValidateParams);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_ValidateParams_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_ValidateParams_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_ValidateParams_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_ValidateParams_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateParams_Create (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_List *chain,
-        PKIX_ValidateParams **pParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "PKIX_ValidateParams_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(procParams, chain, pParams);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMS_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_ValidateParams),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&params,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        PKIX_INCREF(procParams);
-        params->procParams = procParams;
-        PKIX_INCREF(chain);
-        params->chain = chain;
-        *pParams = params;
-        params = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateParams_GetProcessingParams
- *      (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams **pProcParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "PKIX_ValidateParams_GetProcessingParams");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(valParams, pProcParams);
-        PKIX_INCREF(valParams->procParams);
-        *pProcParams = valParams->procParams;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateParams_GetCertChain (see comments in pkix_params.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_List **pChain,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATEPARAMS, "PKIX_ValidateParams_GetCertChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(valParams, pChain);
-        PKIX_INCREF(valParams->chain);
-        *pChain = valParams->chain;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 93b754f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/params/pkix_valparams.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_valparams.h
- *
- * ValidateParams Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_ValidateParamsStruct {
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams;      /* Never NULL */
-        PKIX_List *chain;                       /* Never NULL */
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_ValidateParams_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7d35119..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_buildresult.c
- *
- * BuildResult Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_buildresult.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildResult_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_BuildResult *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "pkix_BuildResult_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a build result object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBUILDRESULT);
-        result = (PKIX_BuildResult *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(result->valResult);
-        PKIX_DECREF(result->certChain);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildResult_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *firstBuildResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *secondBuildResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "pkix_BuildResult_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstBuildResult = (PKIX_BuildResult *)first;
-        secondBuildResult = (PKIX_BuildResult *)second;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstBuildResult->valResult,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondBuildResult->valResult,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstBuildResult->certChain,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondBuildResult->certChain,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        /*
-         * The remaining case is that both are null,
-         * which we consider equality.
-         *      cmpResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-         */
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildResult_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 valResultHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certChainHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "pkix_BuildResult_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBUILDRESULT);
-        buildResult = (PKIX_BuildResult*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)buildResult->valResult,
-                    &valResultHash,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)buildResult->certChain,
-                    &certChainHash,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        hash = 31*(31 * valResultHash + certChainHash);
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildResult_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *buildResultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certChain = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *valResultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certChainString = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tValidateResult: \t\t%s"
-                "\tCertChain:    \t\t%s\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "pkix_BuildResult_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-        buildResult = (PKIX_BuildResult*)object;
-        valResult = buildResult->valResult;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiFormat, 0, &formatString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valResult, &valResultString, plContext),
-        certChain = buildResult->certChain;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)certChain, &certChainString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&buildResultString,
-                plContext,
-                formatString,
-                valResultString,
-                certChainString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = buildResultString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(valResultString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certChainString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildResult_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_BuildResult_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "pkix_BuildResult_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "BuildResult";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_BuildResult);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_BuildResult_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_BuildResult_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_BuildResult_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_BuildResult_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildResult_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new BuildResult Object using the ValidateResult pointed to by
- *  "valResult" and the List pointed to by "certChain", and stores it at
- *  "pResult".
- *
- *  "valResult"
- *      Address of ValidateResult component. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certChain
- *      Address of List component. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult,
-        PKIX_List *certChain,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_BuildResult *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "pkix_BuildResult_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(valResult, certChain, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_BUILDRESULT_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_BuildResult),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&result,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        PKIX_INCREF(valResult);
-        result->valResult = valResult;
-        PKIX_INCREF(certChain);
-        result->certChain = certChain;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(result->certChain, plContext),
-        *pResult = result;
-        result = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(result);
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_BuildResult_GetValidateResult
- *      (see comments in pkix_result.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_BuildResult *result,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "PKIX_BuildResult_GetValidateResult");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(result, pResult);
-        PKIX_INCREF(result->valResult);
-        *pResult = result->valResult;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_BuildResult_GetCertChain
- *      (see comments in pkix_result.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_BuildResult *result,
-        PKIX_List **pChain,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILDRESULT, "PKIX_BuildResult_GetCertChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(result, pChain);
-        PKIX_INCREF(result->certChain);
-        *pChain = result->certChain;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b43f12b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_buildresult.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_buildresult.h
- *
- * BuildResult Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_BuildResultStruct {
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult;
-        PKIX_List *certChain;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult,
-        PKIX_List *certChain,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_BuildResult_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_BUILDRESULT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.c
deleted file mode 100755
index fd8cee9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1377 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_policynode.c
- *
- * Policy Node Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_policynode.h"
-/* --Private-PolicyNode-Functions---------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_GetChildrenMutable
- *
- *  Retrieves the List of PolicyNodes representing the child nodes of the
- *  Policy Node pointed to by "node" and stores it at "pChildren". If "node"
- *  has no List of child nodes, this function stores NULL at "pChildren".
- *
- *  Note that the List returned by this function may be mutable. This function
- *  differs from the public function PKIX_PolicyNode_GetChildren in that
- *  respect. (It also differs in that the public function creates an empty
- *  List, if necessary, rather than storing NULL.)
- *
- *  During certificate processing, children Lists are created and modified.
- *  Once the list is accessed using the public call, the List is set immutable.
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose child nodes are to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pChildren"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pChildren,  /* list of PKIX_PolicyNode */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_GetChildrenMutable");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pChildren);
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->children);
-        *pChildren = node->children;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new PolicyNode using the OID pointed to by "validPolicy", the List
- *  of CertPolicyQualifiers pointed to by "qualifierSet", the criticality
- *  indicated by the Boolean value of "criticality", and the List of OIDs
- *  pointed to by "expectedPolicySet", and stores the result at "pObject". The
- *  criticality should be derived from whether the certificate policy extension
- *  was marked as critical in the certificate that led to creation of this
- *  PolicyNode. The "qualifierSet" and "expectedPolicySet" Lists are made
- *  immutable. The PolicyNode pointers to parent and to children are initialized
- *  to NULL, and the depth is set to zero; those values should be set by using
- *  the pkix_PolicyNode_AddToParent function.
- *
- *  "validPolicy"
- *      Address of OID of the valid policy for the path. Must be non-NULL
- *  "qualifierSet"
- *      Address of List of CertPolicyQualifiers associated with the validpolicy.
- *      May be NULL
- *  "criticality"
- *      Boolean indicator of whether the criticality should be set in this
- *      PolicyNode
- *  "expectedPolicySet"
- *      Address of List of OIDs that would satisfy this policy in the next
- *      certificate. Must be non-NULL
- *  "pObject"
- *      Address where the PolicyNode pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails  in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *validPolicy,
-        PKIX_List *qualifierSet,
-        PKIX_Boolean criticality,
-        PKIX_List *expectedPolicySet,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(validPolicy, expectedPolicySet, pObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_PolicyNode),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&node,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(validPolicy);
-        node->validPolicy = validPolicy;
-        PKIX_INCREF(qualifierSet);
-        node->qualifierSet = qualifierSet;
-        if (qualifierSet) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(qualifierSet, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-        }
-        node->criticality = criticality;
-        PKIX_INCREF(expectedPolicySet);
-        node->expectedPolicySet = expectedPolicySet;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(expectedPolicySet, plContext),
-        node->parent = NULL;
-        node->children = NULL;
-        node->depth = 0;
-        *pObject = node;
-        node = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(node);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_AddToParent
- *
- *  Adds the PolicyNode pointed to by "child" to the List of children of
- *  the PolicyNode pointed to by "parentNode". If "parentNode" had a
- *  NULL pointer for the List of children, a new List is created containing
- *  "child". Otherwise "child" is appended to the existing List. The
- *  parent field in "child" is set to "parent", and the depth field is
- *  set to one more than the corresponding value in "parent".
- *
- *  Depth, in this context, means distance from the root node, which
- *  is at depth zero.
- *
- *  "parentNode"
- *      Address of PolicyNode whose List of child PolicyNodes is to be
- *      created or appended to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "child"
- *      Address of PolicyNode to be added to parentNode's List. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *parentNode,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *child,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *listOfChildren = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_AddToParent");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(parentNode, child);
-        listOfChildren = parentNode->children;
-        if (listOfChildren == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&listOfChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                parentNode->children = listOfChildren;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Note: this link is not reference-counted. The link from parent
-         * to child is counted (actually, the parent "owns" a List which
-         * "owns" children), but the children do not "own" the parent.
-         * Otherwise, there would be loops.
-         */
-        child->parent = parentNode;
-        child->depth = 1 + (parentNode->depth);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (listOfChildren, (PKIX_PL_Object *)child, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)parentNode, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)child, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_Prune
- *
- *  Prunes a tree below the PolicyNode whose address is pointed to by "node",
- *  using the UInt32 value of "height" as the distance from the leaf level,
- *  and storing at "pDelete" the Boolean value of whether this PolicyNode is,
- *  after pruning, childless and should be pruned.
- *
- *  Any PolicyNode at height 0 is allowed to survive. If the height is greater
- *  than zero, pkix_PolicyNode_Prune is called recursively for each child of
- *  the current PolicyNode. After this process, a node with no children
- *  stores PKIX_TRUE in "pDelete" to indicate that it should be deleted.
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of the PolicyNode to be pruned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "height"
- *      UInt32 value for the distance from the leaf level
- *  "pDelete"
- *      Address to store the Boolean return value of PKIX_TRUE if this node
- *      should be pruned, or PKIX_FALSE if there remains at least one
- *      branch of the required height. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_UInt32 height,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pDelete,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean childless = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean shouldBePruned = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listSize = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *candidate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_Prune");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pDelete);
-        /* Don't prune at the leaf */
-        if (height == 0) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Above the bottom level, childless nodes get pruned */
-        if (!(node->children)) {
-                childless = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * This node has children. If they are leaf nodes,
-         * we know they will live. Otherwise, check them out.
-         */
-        if (height > 1) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (node->children, &listSize, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                /*
-                 * By working backwards from the end of the list,
-                 * we avoid having to worry about possible
-                 * decreases in the size of the list, as we
-                 * delete items. The only nuisance is that since the
-                 * index is UInt32, we can't check for it to reach -1;
-                 * we have to use the 1-based index, rather than the
-                 * 0-based index that PKIX_List functions require.
-                 */
-                for (listIndex = listSize; listIndex > 0; listIndex--) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (node->children,
-                                (listIndex - 1),
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&candidate,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_Prune
-                                (candidate,
-                                height - 1,
-                                &shouldBePruned,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_POLICYNODEPRUNEFAILED);
-                        if (shouldBePruned == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem
-                                        (node->children,
-                                        (listIndex - 1),
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_LISTDELETEITEMFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-                }
-        }
-        /* Prune if this node has *become* childless */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (node->children, &listSize, plContext),
-        if (listSize == 0) {
-                childless = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Even if we did not change this node, or any of its children,
-         * maybe a [great-]*grandchild was pruned.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)node, plContext),
-        *pDelete = childless;
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SinglePolicyNode_ToString
- *
- *  Creates a String representation of the attributes of the PolicyNode
- *  pointed to by "node", other than its parents or children, and
- *  stores the result at "pString".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode to be described by the string. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *fmtString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *validString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *qualifierString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *criticalityString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *expectedString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *outString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_SinglePolicyNode_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pString);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node->validPolicy, node->expectedPolicySet);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                "{%s,%s,%s,%s,%d}",
-                0,
-                &fmtString,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_CANTCREATESTRING);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)(node->validPolicy),
-                &validString,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)(node->expectedPolicySet),
-                &expectedString,
-                plContext),
-        if (node->qualifierSet) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)(node->qualifierSet),
-                        &qualifierString,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "{}",
-                        0,
-                        &qualifierString,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_CANTCREATESTRING);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                (node->criticality)?"Critical":"Not Critical",
-                0,
-                &criticalityString,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_CANTCREATESTRING);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&outString,
-                plContext,
-                fmtString,
-                validString,
-                qualifierString,
-                criticalityString,
-                expectedString,
-                node->depth),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = outString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(fmtString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(qualifierString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(criticalityString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(expectedString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Produces a String representation of a PolicyNode tree below the PolicyNode
- *  pointed to by "rootNode", with each line of output prefixed by the String
- *  pointed to by "indent", and stores the result at "pTreeString". It is
- *  called recursively, with ever-increasing indentation, for successively
- *  lower nodes on the tree.
- *
- *  "rootNode"
- *      Address of PolicyNode subtree. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "indent"
- *      Address of String to be prefixed to each line of output. May be NULL
- *      if no indentation is desired
- *  "pTreeString"
- *      Address where the resulting String will be stored; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *rootNode,
-        PKIX_PL_String *indent,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pTreeString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *nextIndentFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *thisNodeFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *childrenFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nextIndentString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *thisItemString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *childString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *childNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numberOfChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rootNode, pTreeString);
-        /* Create a string for this node */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SinglePolicyNode_ToString
-                (rootNode, &thisItemString, plContext),
-        if (indent) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "%s%s",
-                        0,
-                        &thisNodeFormat,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                        (&resultString,
-                        plContext,
-                        thisNodeFormat,
-                        indent,
-                        thisItemString),
-                        PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "%s",
-                        0,
-                        &thisNodeFormat,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                        (&resultString,
-                        plContext,
-                        thisNodeFormat,
-                        thisItemString),
-                        PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(thisItemString);
-        thisItemString = resultString;
-        /* if no children, we are done */
-        if (rootNode->children) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (rootNode->children, &numberOfChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        if (numberOfChildren != 0) {
-                /*
-                 * We create a string for each child in turn,
-                 * concatenating them to thisItemString.
-                 */
-                /* Prepare an indent string for each child */
-                if (indent) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                "%s. ",
-                                0,
-                                &nextIndentFormat,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_ERRORCREATINGFORMATSTRING);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                                (&nextIndentString,
-                                plContext,
-                                nextIndentFormat,
-                                indent),
-                                PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                ". ",
-                                0,
-                                &nextIndentString,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_ERRORCREATINGINDENTSTRING);
-                }
-                /* Prepare the format for concatenation. */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "%s\n%s",
-                        0,
-                        &childrenFormat,
-                        plContext),
-                for (childIndex = 0;
-                        childIndex < numberOfChildren;
-                        childIndex++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (rootNode->children,
-                                childIndex,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childNode,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_ToString_Helper
-                                (childNode,
-                                nextIndentString,
-                                &childString,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_ERRORCREATINGCHILDSTRING);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                                (&resultString,
-                                plContext,
-                                childrenFormat,
-                                thisItemString,
-                                childString),
-                        PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childString);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(thisItemString);
-                        thisItemString = resultString;
-                }
-        }
-        *pTreeString = thisItemString;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(thisItemString);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(nextIndentFormat);
-        PKIX_DECREF(thisNodeFormat);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childrenFormat);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nextIndentString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pTreeString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *rootNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pTreeString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        rootNode = (PKIX_PolicyNode *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_ToString_Helper
-                (rootNode, NULL, &resultString, plContext),
-        *pTreeString = resultString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        node = (PKIX_PolicyNode*)object;
-        node->criticality = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->validPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->qualifierSet);
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->expectedPolicySet);
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->children);
-        /*
-         * Note: the link to parent is not reference-counted. See comment
-         * in pkix_PolicyNode_AddToParent for more details.
-         */
-        node->parent = NULL;
-        node->depth = 0;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SinglePolicyNode_Hashcode
- *
- *  Computes the hashcode of the attributes of the PolicyNode pointed to by
- *  "node", other than its parents and children, and stores the result at
- *  "pHashcode".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of PolicyNode to be hashcoded; must be non-NULL
- *  "pHashcode"
- *      Address where UInt32 result will be stored; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 componentHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nodeHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_SinglePolicyNode_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node->validPolicy, node->expectedPolicySet);
-                (node->qualifierSet,
-                &nodeHash,
-                plContext,
-        if (PKIX_TRUE == (node->criticality)) {
-                nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + 0xff;
-        } else {
-                nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + 0x00;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)node->validPolicy,
-                &componentHash,
-                plContext),
-        nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + componentHash;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)node->expectedPolicySet,
-                &componentHash,
-                plContext),
-        nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + componentHash;
-        *pHashcode = nodeHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childrenHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nodeHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        node = (PKIX_PolicyNode *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SinglePolicyNode_Hashcode
-                (node, &nodeHash, plContext),
-        nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)node->parent - (char *)NULL);
-                (node->children,
-                &childrenHash,
-                plContext,
-        nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + childrenHash;
-        *pHashcode = nodeHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SinglePolicyNode_Equals
- *
- *  Compares for equality the components of the PolicyNode pointed to by
- *  "firstPN", other than its parents and children, with those of the
- *  PolicyNode pointed to by "secondPN" and stores the result at "pResult"
- *  (PKIX_TRUE if equal; PKIX_FALSE if not).
- *
- *  "firstPN"
- *      Address of first of the PolicyNodes to be compared; must be non-NULL
- *  "secondPN"
- *      Address of second of the PolicyNodes to be compared; must be non-NULL
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *firstPN,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *secondPN,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_SinglePolicyNode_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstPN, secondPN, pResult);
-        /* If both references are identical, they must be equal */
-        if (firstPN == secondPN) {
-                compResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * It seems we have to do the comparisons. Do
-         * the easiest ones first.
-         */
-        if ((firstPN->criticality) != (secondPN->criticality)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if ((firstPN->depth) != (secondPN->depth)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstPN->qualifierSet,
-                secondPN->qualifierSet,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (compResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* These fields must be non-NULL */
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstPN->validPolicy, secondPN->validPolicy);
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstPN->validPolicy,
-                secondPN->validPolicy,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (compResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* These fields must be non-NULL */
-                (firstPN->expectedPolicySet, secondPN->expectedPolicySet);
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstPN->expectedPolicySet,
-                secondPN->expectedPolicySet,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        *pResult = compResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *firstPN = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *secondPN = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a PolicyNode */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a PolicyNode,
-         * if both references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                compResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a PolicyNode, we
-         * don't throw an error. We simply return FALSE.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Oh, well, we have to do the comparisons. Do
-         * the easiest ones first.
-         */
-        firstPN = (PKIX_PolicyNode *)firstObject;
-        secondPN = (PKIX_PolicyNode *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * We don't require the parents to be identical. In the
-         * course of traversing the tree, we will have checked the
-         * attributes of the parent nodes, and checking the lists
-         * of children will determine whether they match.
-         */
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstPN->children,
-                secondPN->children,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (compResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SinglePolicyNode_Equals
-                (firstPN, secondPN, &compResult, plContext),
-        *pResult = compResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_DuplicateHelper
- *
- *  Duplicates the PolicyNode whose address is pointed to by "original",
- *  and stores the result at "pNewNode", if a non-NULL pointer is provided
- *  for "pNewNode". In addition, the created PolicyNode is added as a child
- *  to "parent", if a non-NULL pointer is provided for "parent". Then this
- *  function is called recursively to duplicate each of the children of
- *  "original". At the top level this function is called with a null
- *  "parent" and a non-NULL "pNewNode". Below the top level "parent" will
- *  be non-NULL and "pNewNode" will be NULL.
- *
- *  "original"
- *      Address of PolicyNode to be copied; must be non-NULL
- *  "parent"
- *      Address of PolicyNode to which the created node is to be added as a
- *      child; NULL for the top-level call and non-NULL below the top level
- *  "pNewNode"
- *      Address to store the node created; should be NULL if "parent" is
- *      non-NULL and vice versa
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a PolicyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *original,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *parent,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pNewNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_List *children = NULL; /* List of PKIX_PolicyNode */
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *copy = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *child = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_DuplicateHelper");
-                (original, original->validPolicy, original->expectedPolicySet);
-        /*
-         * These components are immutable, so copying the pointers
-         * is sufficient. The create function increments the reference
-         * counts as it stores the pointers into the new object.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_Create
-                (original->validPolicy,
-                original->qualifierSet,
-                original->criticality,
-                original->expectedPolicySet,
-                &copy,
-                plContext),
-        if (parent) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_AddToParent(parent, copy, plContext),
-        }
-        /* Are there any children to duplicate? */
-        children = original->children;
-        if (children) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(children, &numChildren, plContext),
-        }
-        for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (children,
-                        childIndex,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&child,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_DuplicateHelper
-                        (child, copy, NULL, plContext),
-                PKIX_DECREF(child);
-        }
-        if (pNewNode) {
-                *pNewNode = copy;
-                copy = NULL; /* no DecRef if we give our handle away */
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(copy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(child);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Duplicate_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *original = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *copy = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        original = (PKIX_PolicyNode *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyNode_DuplicateHelper
-                (original, NULL, &copy, plContext),
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)copy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_PolicyNode_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize,
- *  which should only be called once, it is acceptable that
- *  this function is not thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_PolicyNode_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "pkix_PolicyNode_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "PolicyNode";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PolicyNode);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_PolicyNode_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_PolicyNode_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_PolicyNode_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_PolicyNode_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_PolicyNode_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODE_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-PolicyNode-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetChildren
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pChildren,  /* list of PKIX_PolicyNode */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *children = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_GetChildren");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pChildren);
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->children);
-        children = node->children;
-        if (!children) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&children, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(children, plContext),
-        *pChildren = children;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(children);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetParent
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pParent,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_GetParent");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pParent);
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->parent);
-        *pParent = node->parent;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetValidPolicy
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pValidPolicy,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_GetValidPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pValidPolicy);
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->validPolicy);
-        *pValidPolicy = node->validPolicy;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetPolicyQualifiers
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pQualifiers,  /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *qualifiers = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_GetPolicyQualifiers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pQualifiers);
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->qualifierSet);
-        qualifiers = node->qualifierSet;
-        if (!qualifiers) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&qualifiers, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(qualifiers, plContext),
-        *pQualifiers = qualifiers;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetExpectedPolicies
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pExpPolicies,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_GetExpectedPolicies");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pExpPolicies);
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->expectedPolicySet);
-        *pExpPolicies = node->expectedPolicySet;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_IsCritical
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCritical,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_IsCritical");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pCritical);
-        *pCritical = node->criticality;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PolicyNode_GetDepth
- * (see description of this function in pkix_results.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pDepth,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYNODE, "PKIX_PolicyNode_GetDepth");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pDepth);
-        *pDepth = node->depth;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 799b7a6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_policynode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_policynode.h
- *
- * PolicyNode Type Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* This structure reflects the contents of a policy node...
- */
-struct PKIX_PolicyNodeStruct {
-    PKIX_PL_OID *validPolicy;
-    PKIX_List *qualifierSet;    /* CertPolicyQualifiers */
-    PKIX_Boolean criticality;
-    PKIX_List *expectedPolicySet;       /* OIDs */
-    PKIX_PolicyNode *parent;
-    PKIX_List *children;                /* PolicyNodes */
-    PKIX_UInt32 depth;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_List **pChildren,  /* PolicyNodes */
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *validPolicy,
-        PKIX_List *qualifierSet,        /* CertPolicyQualifiers */
-        PKIX_Boolean criticality,
-        PKIX_List *expectedPolicySet,   /* OIDs */
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pObject,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *parentNode,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *child,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *node,
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pDelete,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_POLICYNODE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 25b69e5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_valresult.c
- *
- * ValidateResult Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_valresult.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateResult_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "pkix_ValidateResult_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a validate result object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-        result = (PKIX_ValidateResult *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(result->anchor);
-        PKIX_DECREF(result->pubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(result->policyTree);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateResult_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *firstValResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *secondValResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *firstAnchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *secondAnchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *firstTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *secondTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "pkix_ValidateResult_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstValResult = (PKIX_ValidateResult *)first;
-        secondValResult = (PKIX_ValidateResult *)second;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstValResult->pubKey,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondValResult->pubKey,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext),
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        firstAnchor = firstValResult->anchor;
-        secondAnchor = secondValResult->anchor;
-        if ((firstAnchor != NULL) && (secondAnchor != NULL)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstAnchor,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondAnchor,
-                        &cmpResult,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        } else {
-                cmpResult = (firstAnchor == secondAnchor);
-        }
-        if (!cmpResult) goto cleanup;
-        firstTree = firstValResult->policyTree;
-        secondTree = secondValResult->policyTree;
-        if ((firstTree != NULL) && (secondTree != NULL)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstTree,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondTree,
-                        &cmpResult,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        } else {
-                cmpResult = (firstTree == secondTree);
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateResult_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 pubKeyHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 anchorHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 policyTreeHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "pkix_ValidateResult_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-        valResult = (PKIX_ValidateResult*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valResult->pubKey, &pubKeyHash, plContext),
-        if (valResult->anchor) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valResult->anchor,
-                        &anchorHash,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        }
-        if (valResult->policyTree) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)valResult->policyTree,
-                        &policyTreeHash,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        }
-        hash = 31*(31 * pubKeyHash + anchorHash) + policyTreeHash;
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateResult_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *valResultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *policyTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *anchorString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *pubKeyString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *treeString = NULL;
-        char *asciiNullString = "(null)";
-        char *asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tTrustAnchor: \t\t%s"
-                "\tPubKey:    \t\t%s\n"
-                "\tPolicyTree:  \t\t%s\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "pkix_ValidateResult_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiFormat, 0, &formatString, plContext),
-        valResult = (PKIX_ValidateResult*)object;
-        anchor = valResult->anchor;
-        if (anchor) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)anchor, &anchorString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        asciiNullString,
-                        0,
-                        &anchorString,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        pubKey = valResult->pubKey;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)pubKey, &pubKeyString, plContext),
-        policyTree = valResult->policyTree;
-        if (policyTree) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)policyTree, &treeString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        asciiNullString,
-                        0,
-                        &treeString,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&valResultString,
-                plContext,
-                formatString,
-                anchorString,
-                pubKeyString,
-                treeString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = valResultString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchorString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pubKeyString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(treeString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateResult_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ValidateResult_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "pkix_ValidateResult_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ValidateResult";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ValidateResult);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_ValidateResult_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_ValidateResult_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_ValidateResult_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_ValidateResult_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ValidateResult_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new ValidateResult Object using the PublicKey pointed to by
- *  "pubKey", the TrustAnchor pointed to by "anchor", and the PolicyNode
- *  pointed to by "policyTree", and stores it at "pResult".
- *
- *  "pubKey"
- *      PublicKey of the desired ValidateResult. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "anchor"
- *      TrustAnchor of the desired Validateresult. May be NULL.
- *  "policyTree"
- *      PolicyNode of the desired ValidateResult; may be NULL
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *policyTree,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "pkix_ValidateResult_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pubKey, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_VALIDATERESULT_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_ValidateResult),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&result,
-                    plContext),
-        /* initialize fields */
-        PKIX_INCREF(pubKey);
-        result->pubKey = pubKey;
-        PKIX_INCREF(anchor);
-        result->anchor = anchor;
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyTree);
-        result->policyTree = policyTree;
-        *pResult = result;
-        result = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(result);
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPublicKey
- *      (see comments in pkix_result.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPublicKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPublicKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(result, pPublicKey);
-        PKIX_INCREF(result->pubKey);
-        *pPublicKey = result->pubKey;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateResult_GetTrustAnchor
- *      (see comments in pkix_result.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor **pTrustAnchor,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "PKIX_ValidateResult_GetTrustAnchor");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(result, pTrustAnchor);
-        PKIX_INCREF(result->anchor);
-        *pTrustAnchor = result->anchor;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPolicyTree
- *      (see comments in pkix_result.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *result,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pPolicyTree,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATERESULT, "PKIX_ValidateResult_GetPolicyTree");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(result, pPolicyTree);
-        PKIX_INCREF(result->policyTree);
-        (*pPolicyTree) = result->policyTree;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8011ae8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_valresult.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_valresult.h
- *
- * ValidateResult Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_ValidateResultStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *policyTree;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *policyTree,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_ValidateResult_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.c
deleted file mode 100755
index b52f83f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1182 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_verifynode.c
- *
- * Verify Node Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_verifynode.h"
-/* --Private-VerifyNode-Functions---------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_Create
- *
- *  This function creates a VerifyNode using the Cert pointed to by "cert",
- *  the depth given by "depth", and the Error pointed to by "error", storing
- *  the result at "pObject".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert for the node. Must be non-NULL
- *  "depth"
- *      UInt32 value of the depth for this node.
- *  "error"
- *      Address of Error for the node.
- *  "pObject"
- *      Address where the VerifyNode pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth,
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_VerifyNode),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&node,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert);
-        node->verifyCert = cert;
-        PKIX_INCREF(error);
-        node->error = error;
-        node->depth = depth;
-        node->children = NULL;
-        *pObject = node;
-        node = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(node);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_AddToChain
- *
- *  Adds the VerifyNode pointed to by "child", at the appropriate depth, to the
- *  List of children of the VerifyNode pointed to by "parentNode". The chain of
- *  VerifyNodes is traversed until a VerifyNode is found at a depth one less
- *  than that specified in "child". An Error is returned if there is no parent
- *  at a suitable depth.
- *
- *  If "parentNode" has a NULL pointer for the List of children, a new List is
- *  created containing "child". Otherwise "child" is appended to the existing
- *  List.
- *
- *  Depth, in this context, means distance from the root node, which
- *  is at depth zero.
- *
- *  "parentNode"
- *      Address of VerifyNode whose List of child VerifyNodes is to be
- *      created or appended to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "child"
- *      Address of VerifyNode to be added to parentNode's List. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a VerifyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *parentNode,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *child,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *successor = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *listOfChildren = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 parentDepth = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_AddToChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(parentNode, child);
-        parentDepth = parentNode->depth;
-        listOfChildren = parentNode->children;
-        if (listOfChildren == NULL) {
-                if (parentDepth != (child->depth - 1)) {
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&listOfChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (listOfChildren, (PKIX_PL_Object *)child, plContext),
-                parentNode->children = listOfChildren;
-        } else {
-                /* get number of children */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (listOfChildren, &numChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                if (numChildren != 1) {
-                }
-                /* successor = listOfChildren[0] */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (listOfChildren,
-                        0,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&successor,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToChain
-                        (successor, child, plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)parentNode, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(successor);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_SetDepth
- *
- *  The function sets the depth field of each VerifyNode in the List "children"
- *  to the value given by "depth", and recursively sets the depth of any
- *  successive generations to the successive values.
- *
- *  "children"
- *      The List of VerifyNodes. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "depth"
- *      The value of the depth field to be set in members of the List.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-pkix_VerifyNode_SetDepth(PKIX_List *children,
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 chIx = 0;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *child = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_SetDepth");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(children);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(children, &numChildren, plContext),
-        for (chIx = 0; chIx < numChildren; chIx++) {
-               PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (children, chIx, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&child, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                child->depth = depth;
-                if (child->children != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_SetDepth
-                                (child->children, depth + 1, plContext),
-                                PKIX_VERIFYNODESETDEPTHFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(child);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(child);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
- *
- *  Adds the VerifyNode pointed to by "child" to the List of children of the
- *  VerifyNode pointed to by "parentNode". If "parentNode" has a NULL pointer
- *  for the List of children, a new List is created containing "child".
- *  Otherwise "child" is appended to the existing List. The depth field of
- *  "child" is set to one more than the corresponding value in "parent", and
- *  if the "child" itself has child nodes, their depth fields are updated
- *  accordingly.
- *
- *  Depth, in this context, means distance from the root node, which
- *  is at depth zero.
- *
- *  "parentNode"
- *      Address of VerifyNode whose List of child VerifyNodes is to be
- *      created or appended to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "child"
- *      Address of VerifyNode to be added to parentNode's List. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *parentNode,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *child,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *listOfChildren = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 parentDepth = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(parentNode, child);
-        parentDepth = parentNode->depth;
-        listOfChildren = parentNode->children;
-        if (listOfChildren == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&listOfChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                parentNode->children = listOfChildren;
-        }
-        child->depth = parentDepth + 1;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (parentNode->children, (PKIX_PL_Object *)child, plContext),
-        if (child->children != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_SetDepth
-                        (child->children, child->depth + 1, plContext),
-                        PKIX_VERIFYNODESETDEPTHFAILED);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SingleVerifyNode_ToString
- *
- *  Creates a String representation of the attributes of the VerifyNode pointed
- *  to by "node", other than its children, and stores the result at "pString".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of VerifyNode to be described by the string. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a VerifyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *fmtString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *errorString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *outString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuerName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subjectName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *issuerString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *subjectString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_SingleVerifyNode_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(node, pString, node->verifyCert);
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(node->error, &errorString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer
-                (node->verifyCert, &issuerName, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(issuerName, &issuerString, plContext,
-                PKIX_X500NAMETOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject
-                (node->verifyCert, &subjectName, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(subjectName, &subjectString, plContext,
-                PKIX_X500NAMETOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                "CERT[Issuer:%s, Subject:%s], depth=%d, error=%s",
-                0,
-                &fmtString,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_CANTCREATESTRING);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&outString,
-                plContext,
-                fmtString,
-                issuerString,
-                subjectString,
-                node->depth,
-                errorString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = outString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(fmtString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(errorString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Produces a String representation of a VerifyNode tree below the VerifyNode
- *  pointed to by "rootNode", with each line of output prefixed by the String
- *  pointed to by "indent", and stores the result at "pTreeString". It is
- *  called recursively, with ever-increasing indentation, for successively
- *  lower nodes on the tree.
- *
- *  "rootNode"
- *      Address of VerifyNode subtree. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "indent"
- *      Address of String to be prefixed to each line of output. May be NULL
- *      if no indentation is desired
- *  "pTreeString"
- *      Address where the resulting String will be stored; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a VerifyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *rootNode,
-        PKIX_PL_String *indent,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pTreeString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *nextIndentFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *thisNodeFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *childrenFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nextIndentString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *thisItemString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *childString = NULL;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *childNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numberOfChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(rootNode, pTreeString);
-        /* Create a string for this node */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SingleVerifyNode_ToString
-                (rootNode, &thisItemString, plContext),
-        if (indent) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "%s%s",
-                        0,
-                        &thisNodeFormat,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                        (&resultString,
-                        plContext,
-                        thisNodeFormat,
-                        indent,
-                        thisItemString),
-                        PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "%s",
-                        0,
-                        &thisNodeFormat,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                        (&resultString,
-                        plContext,
-                        thisNodeFormat,
-                        thisItemString),
-                        PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(thisItemString);
-        thisItemString = resultString;
-        /* if no children, we are done */
-        if (rootNode->children) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (rootNode->children, &numberOfChildren, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        if (numberOfChildren != 0) {
-                /*
-                 * We create a string for each child in turn,
-                 * concatenating them to thisItemString.
-                 */
-                /* Prepare an indent string for each child */
-                if (indent) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                "%s. ",
-                                0,
-                                &nextIndentFormat,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_ERRORCREATINGFORMATSTRING);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                                (&nextIndentString,
-                                plContext,
-                                nextIndentFormat,
-                                indent),
-                                PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                ". ",
-                                0,
-                                &nextIndentString,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_ERRORCREATINGINDENTSTRING);
-                }
-                /* Prepare the format for concatenation. */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        "%s\n%s",
-                        0,
-                        &childrenFormat,
-                        plContext),
-                for (childIndex = 0;
-                        childIndex < numberOfChildren;
-                        childIndex++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (rootNode->children,
-                                childIndex,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childNode,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_ToString_Helper
-                                (childNode,
-                                nextIndentString,
-                                &childString,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_ERRORCREATINGCHILDSTRING);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                                (&resultString,
-                                plContext,
-                                childrenFormat,
-                                thisItemString,
-                                childString),
-                        PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childString);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(thisItemString);
-                        thisItemString = resultString;
-                }
-        }
-        *pTreeString = thisItemString;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(thisItemString);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(nextIndentFormat);
-        PKIX_DECREF(thisNodeFormat);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childrenFormat);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nextIndentString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pTreeString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *rootNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pTreeString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        rootNode = (PKIX_VerifyNode *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_ToString_Helper
-                (rootNode, NULL, &resultString, plContext),
-        *pTreeString = resultString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        node = (PKIX_VerifyNode*)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->verifyCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->children);
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->error);
-        node->depth = 0;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SingleVerifyNode_Hashcode
- *
- *  Computes the hashcode of the attributes of the VerifyNode pointed to by
- *  "node", other than its parents and children, and stores the result at
- *  "pHashcode".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      Address of VerifyNode to be hashcoded; must be non-NULL
- *  "pHashcode"
- *      Address where UInt32 result will be stored; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a VerifyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 errorHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nodeHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_SingleVerifyNode_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, pHashcode);
-                (node->verifyCert,
-                &nodeHash,
-                plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)node->error,
-                &errorHash,
-                plContext),
-        nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + errorHash;
-        *pHashcode = nodeHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childrenHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nodeHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        node = (PKIX_VerifyNode *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SingleVerifyNode_Hashcode
-                (node, &nodeHash, plContext),
-                (node->children,
-                &childrenHash,
-                plContext,
-        nodeHash = 31*nodeHash + childrenHash;
-        *pHashcode = nodeHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_SingleVerifyNode_Equals
- *
- *  Compares for equality the components of the VerifyNode pointed to by
- *  "firstPN", other than its parents and children, with those of the
- *  VerifyNode pointed to by "secondPN" and stores the result at "pResult"
- *  (PKIX_TRUE if equal; PKIX_FALSE if not).
- *
- *  "firstPN"
- *      Address of first of the VerifyNodes to be compared; must be non-NULL
- *  "secondPN"
- *      Address of second of the VerifyNodes to be compared; must be non-NULL
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a VerifyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *firstVN,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *secondVN,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_SingleVerifyNode_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstVN, secondVN, pResult);
-        /* If both references are identical, they must be equal */
-        if (firstVN == secondVN) {
-                compResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * It seems we have to do the comparisons. Do
-         * the easiest ones first.
-         */
-        if ((firstVN->depth) != (secondVN->depth)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* These fields must be non-NULL */
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstVN->verifyCert, secondVN->verifyCert);
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstVN->verifyCert,
-                secondVN->verifyCert,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (compResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstVN->error,
-                secondVN->error,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        *pResult = compResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *firstVN = NULL;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *secondVN = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a VerifyNode */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a VerifyNode,
-         * if both references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                compResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a VerifyNode, we
-         * don't throw an error. We simply return FALSE.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Oh, well, we have to do the comparisons. Do
-         * the easiest ones first.
-         */
-        firstVN = (PKIX_VerifyNode *)firstObject;
-        secondVN = (PKIX_VerifyNode *)secondObject;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SingleVerifyNode_Equals
-                (firstVN, secondVN, &compResult, plContext),
-        if (compResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstVN->children,
-                secondVN->children,
-                &compResult,
-                plContext,
-        *pResult = compResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_DuplicateHelper
- *
- *  Duplicates the VerifyNode whose address is pointed to by "original",
- *  and stores the result at "pNewNode", if a non-NULL pointer is provided
- *  for "pNewNode". In addition, the created VerifyNode is added as a child
- *  to "parent", if a non-NULL pointer is provided for "parent". Then this
- *  function is called recursively to duplicate each of the children of
- *  "original". At the top level this function is called with a null
- *  "parent" and a non-NULL "pNewNode". Below the top level "parent" will
- *  be non-NULL and "pNewNode" will be NULL.
- *
- *  "original"
- *      Address of VerifyNode to be copied; must be non-NULL
- *  "parent"
- *      Address of VerifyNode to which the created node is to be added as a
- *      child; NULL for the top-level call and non-NULL below the top level
- *  "pNewNode"
- *      Address to store the node created; should be NULL if "parent" is
- *      non-NULL and vice versa
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if function succeeds
- *  Returns a VerifyNode Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in a fatal way
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *original,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *parent,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pNewNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChildren = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 childIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_List *children = NULL; /* List of PKIX_VerifyNode */
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *copy = NULL;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *child = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_DuplicateHelper");
-                (original, original->verifyCert);
-        /*
-         * These components are immutable, so copying the pointers
-         * is sufficient. The create function increments the reference
-         * counts as it stores the pointers into the new object.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_Create
-                (original->verifyCert,
-                original->depth,
-                original->error,
-                &copy,
-                plContext),
-        /* Are there any children to duplicate? */
-        children = original->children;
-        if (children) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(children, &numChildren, plContext),
-        }
-        for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (children,
-                        childIndex,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&child,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_DuplicateHelper
-                        (child, copy, NULL, plContext),
-                PKIX_DECREF(child);
-        }
-        if (pNewNode) {
-                *pNewNode = copy;
-                copy = NULL; /* no DecRef if we give our handle away */
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(copy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(child);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Duplicate_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *original = NULL;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *copy = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE, plContext),
-        original = (PKIX_VerifyNode *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_DuplicateHelper
-                (original, NULL, &copy, plContext),
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)copy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_VerifyNode_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize,
- *  which should only be called once, it is acceptable that
- *  this function is not thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_VerifyNode_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "pkix_VerifyNode_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "VerifyNode";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_VerifyNode);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_VerifyNode_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_VerifyNode_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_VerifyNode_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_VerifyNode_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_VerifyNode_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_VERIFYNODE_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-VerifyNode-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_VerifyNode_SetError
- *
- *  This function sets the Error field of the VerifyNode pointed to by "node"
- *  to contain the Error pointed to by "error".
- *
- *  "node"
- *      The address of the VerifyNode to be modified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "error"
- *      The address of the Error to be stored.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "PKIX_VerifyNode_SetError");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(node, error);
-        PKIX_DECREF(node->error); /* should have been NULL */
-        PKIX_INCREF(error);
-        node->error = error;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_VerifyNode_FindError
- *
- * Finds meaningful error in the log. For now, just returns the first
- * error it finds in. In the future the function should be changed to
- * return a top priority error.
- *
- *  "node"
- *      The address of the VerifyNode to be modified. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "error"
- *      The address of a pointer the error will be returned to.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_Error **error,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_VerifyNode *childNode = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(VERIFYNODE, "PKIX_VerifyNode_FindError");
-    /* Make sure the return address is initialized with NULL */
-    PKIX_DECREF(*error);
-    if (!node)
-        goto cleanup;
-    /* First, try to get error from lowest level. */
-    if (node->children) {
-        PKIX_UInt32 length = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetLength(node->children, &length,
-                                plContext),
-        for (index = 0;index < length;index++) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_GetItem(node->children, index,
-                                  (PKIX_PL_Object**)&childNode, plContext),
-            if (!childNode)
-                continue;
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_VerifyNode_FindError(childNode, error,
-                                          plContext),
-            PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
-            if (*error) {
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (node->error && node->error->plErr) {
-        PKIX_INCREF(node->error);
-        *error = node->error;
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(childNode);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c943ae4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/results/pkix_verifynode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_verifynode.h
- *
- * VerifyNode Type Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* This structure reflects the contents of a verify node...
- */
-struct PKIX_VerifyNodeStruct {
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *verifyCert;
-    PKIX_List *children;                /* VerifyNodes */
-    PKIX_UInt32 depth;
-    PKIX_Error *error;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *verifyCert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth,
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pObject,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *parentNode,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *child,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *parentNode,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *child,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *node,
-        PKIX_Error **error,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_VERIFYNODE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.c
deleted file mode 100755
index af8be2b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_store.c
- *
- * CertStore Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_store.h"
-/* --CertStore-Private-Functions----------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertStore_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_CertStore_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a CertStore object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTSTORE_TYPE, plContext),
-        certStore = (PKIX_CertStore *)object;
-        certStore->certCallback = NULL;
-        certStore->crlCallback = NULL;
-        certStore->certContinue = NULL;
-        certStore->crlContinue = NULL;
-        certStore->trustCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore->certStoreContext);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertStore_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 tempHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_CertStore_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTSTORE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCERTSTORE);
-        certStore = (PKIX_CertStore *)object;
-        if (certStore->certStoreContext) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *) certStore->certStoreContext,
-                    &tempHash,
-                    plContext),
-        }
-        *pHashcode = (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)certStore->certCallback - (char *)NULL) +
-                     (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)certStore->crlCallback - (char *)NULL) +
-                     (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)certStore->certContinue - (char *)NULL) +
-                     (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)certStore->crlContinue - (char *)NULL) +
-                     (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)certStore->trustCallback - (char *)NULL) +
-                     (tempHash << 7);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertStore_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore *firstCS = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore *secondCS = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_CertStore_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                    (firstObject, secondObject, PKIX_CERTSTORE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ARGUMENTSNOTDATES);
-        firstCS = (PKIX_CertStore *)firstObject;
-        secondCS = (PKIX_CertStore *)secondObject;
-        cmpResult = (firstCS->certCallback == secondCS->certCallback) &&
-            (firstCS->crlCallback == secondCS->crlCallback) &&
-            (firstCS->certContinue == secondCS->certContinue) &&
-            (firstCS->crlContinue == secondCS->crlContinue) &&
-            (firstCS->trustCallback == secondCS->trustCallback);
-        if (cmpResult &&
-            (firstCS->certStoreContext != secondCS->certStoreContext)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *) firstCS->certStoreContext,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) secondCS->certStoreContext,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CertStore_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTSTORE_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_CertStore_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_CertStore_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertStore";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_CertStore);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_CertStore_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_CertStore_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_CertStore_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTSTORE_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --CertStore-Public-Functions------------------------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_Create (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback certCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback crlCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertContinueFunction certContinue,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinueFunction crlContinue,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback importCrlCallback,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback checkRevByCrlCallback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certStoreContext,
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag,
-        PKIX_Boolean localFlag,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(certCallback, crlCallback, pStore);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CERTSTORE_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_CertStore),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certStore,
-                    plContext),
-        certStore->certCallback = certCallback;
-        certStore->crlCallback = crlCallback;
-        certStore->certContinue = certContinue;
-        certStore->crlContinue = crlContinue;
-        certStore->trustCallback = trustCallback;
-        certStore->importCrlCallback = importCrlCallback;
-        certStore->checkRevByCrlCallback = checkRevByCrlCallback;
-        certStore->cacheFlag = cacheFlag;
-        certStore->localFlag = localFlag;
-        PKIX_INCREF(certStoreContext);
-        certStore->certStoreContext = certStoreContext;
-        *pStore = certStore;
-        certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCertCallback (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetCertCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = store->certCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCRLCallback (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetCRLCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = store->crlCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCertList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(store->certContinue
-                   (store, selector, verifyNode,
-                    pNBIOContext, pCertList, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinue (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCrlList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(store->crlContinue
-                (store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCrlList, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = store->trustCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetImportCrlCallback (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = store->importCrlCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCheckRevByCrl (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = store->checkRevByCrlCallback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
- * (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pCertStoreContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCertStoreContext);
-        PKIX_INCREF(store->certStoreContext);
-        *pCertStoreContext = store->certStoreContext;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag
- * (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCacheFlag,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pCacheFlag);
-        *pCacheFlag = store->cacheFlag;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_CertStore_GetLocalFlag
- * (see comments in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pLocalFlag,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_CertStore_GetLocalFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, pLocalFlag);
-        *pLocalFlag = store->localFlag;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d116ff..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/store/pkix_store.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_store.h
- *
- * CertStore Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_STORE_H
-#define _PKIX_STORE_H
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_CertStoreStruct {
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback certCallback;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback crlCallback;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertContinueFunction certContinue;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinueFunction crlContinue;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback;
-        PKIX_CertStore_ImportCrlCallback importCrlCallback;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckRevokationByCrlCallback checkRevByCrlCallback;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *certStoreContext;
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag;
-        PKIX_Boolean localFlag; /* TRUE if CertStore is local */
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_CertStore_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_STORE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 9451578..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3751 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_build.c
- *
- * Top level buildChain function
- *
- */
-/* #define PKIX_BUILDDEBUG 1 */
-#include "pkix_build.h"
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *pkixLog;
- * List of critical extension OIDs associate with what build chain has
- * checked. Those OIDs need to be removed from the unresolved critical
- * extension OIDs list manually (instead of by checker automatically).
- */
-static SECOidTag buildCheckedCritExtOIDs[] = {
-/* --Private-ForwardBuilderState-Functions---------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(FORWARDBUILDERSTATE, "pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_FORWARDBUILDERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *)object;
-        state->status = BUILD_INITIAL;
-        state->traversedCACerts = 0;
-        state->certStoreIndex = 0;
-        state->numCerts = 0;
-        state->numAias = 0;
-        state->certIndex = 0;
-        state->aiaIndex = 0;
-        state->certCheckedIndex = 0;
-        state->checkerIndex = 0;
-        state->hintCertIndex = 0;
-        state->numFanout = 0;
-        state->numDepth = 0;
-        state->reasonCode = 0;
-        state->canBeCached = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->useOnlyLocal = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->usingHintCerts = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->certLoopingDetected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->validityDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->prevCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->traversedSubjNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->trustChain);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->aia);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->reversedCertChain);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->checkedCritExtOIDs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->checkerChain);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->certSel);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->verifyNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->client);
-        /*
-         * If we ever add a child link we have to be careful not to have loops
-         * in the Destroy process. But with one-way links we should be okay.
-         */
-        if (state->parentState == NULL) {
-                state->buildConstants.numAnchors = 0;
-                state->buildConstants.numCertStores = 0;
-                state->buildConstants.numHintCerts = 0;
-                state->buildConstants.procParams = 0;
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.testDate);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.timeLimit);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.targetCert);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.targetPubKey);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.certStores);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.anchors);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.userCheckers);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.hintCerts);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.revChecker);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->buildConstants.aiaMgr);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->parentState);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Create
- *
- *  Allocate and initialize a ForwardBuilderState.
- *
- *  "traversedCACerts"
- *      Number of CA certificates traversed.
- *  "numFanout"
- *      Number of Certs that can be considered at this level (0 = no limit)
- *  "numDepth"
- *      Number of additional levels that can be searched (0 = no limit)
- *  "canBeCached"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether all certs on the chain can be cached.
- *  "validityDate"
- *      Address of Date at which build chain Certs' most restricted validity
- *      time is kept. May be NULL.
- *  "prevCert"
- *      Address of Cert just traversed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "traversedSubjNames"
- *      Address of List of GeneralNames that have been traversed.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "trustChain"
- *      Address of List of certificates traversed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "parentState"
- *      Address of previous ForwardBuilderState
- *  "pState"
- *      Address where ForwardBuilderState will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Int32 traversedCACerts,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numFanout,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numDepth,
-        PKIX_Boolean canBeCached,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityDate,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *prevCert,
-        PKIX_List *traversedSubjNames,
-        PKIX_List *trustChain,
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *parentState,
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState **pState,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(FORWARDBUILDERSTATE, "pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(prevCert, traversedSubjNames, pState, trustChain);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_ForwardBuilderState),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state,
-                plContext),
-        state->status = BUILD_INITIAL;
-        state->traversedCACerts = traversedCACerts;
-        state->certStoreIndex = 0;
-        state->numCerts = 0;
-        state->numAias = 0;
-        state->certIndex = 0;
-        state->aiaIndex = 0;
-        state->certCheckedIndex = 0;
-        state->checkerIndex = 0;
-        state->hintCertIndex = 0;
-        state->numFanout = numFanout;
-        state->numDepth = numDepth;
-        state->reasonCode = 0;
-        state->revChecking = numDepth;
-        state->canBeCached = canBeCached;
-        state->useOnlyLocal = PKIX_TRUE;
-        state->revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->usingHintCerts = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->certLoopingDetected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_INCREF(validityDate);
-        state->validityDate = validityDate;
-        PKIX_INCREF(prevCert);
-        state->prevCert = prevCert;
-        state->candidateCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(traversedSubjNames);
-        state->traversedSubjNames = traversedSubjNames;
-        PKIX_INCREF(trustChain);
-        state->trustChain = trustChain;
-        state->aia = NULL;
-        state->candidateCerts = NULL;
-        state->reversedCertChain = NULL;
-        state->checkedCritExtOIDs = NULL;
-        state->checkerChain = NULL;
-        state->certSel = NULL;
-        state->verifyNode = NULL;
-        state->client = NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(parentState);
-        state->parentState = parentState;
-        if (parentState != NULL) {
-                state->buildConstants.numAnchors =
-                         parentState->buildConstants.numAnchors;
-                state->buildConstants.numCertStores = 
-                        parentState->buildConstants.numCertStores; 
-                state->buildConstants.numHintCerts = 
-                        parentState->buildConstants.numHintCerts; 
-                state->buildConstants.maxFanout =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.maxFanout;
-                state->buildConstants.maxDepth =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.maxDepth;
-                state->buildConstants.maxTime =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.maxTime;
-                state->buildConstants.procParams = 
-                        parentState->buildConstants.procParams; 
-                state->buildConstants.testDate =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.testDate;
-                state->buildConstants.timeLimit =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.timeLimit;
-                state->buildConstants.targetCert =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.targetCert;
-                state->buildConstants.targetPubKey =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.targetPubKey;
-                state->buildConstants.certStores =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.certStores;
-                state->buildConstants.anchors =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.anchors;
-                state->buildConstants.userCheckers =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.userCheckers;
-                state->buildConstants.hintCerts =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.hintCerts;
-                state->buildConstants.revChecker =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.revChecker;
-                state->buildConstants.aiaMgr =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.aiaMgr;
-                state->buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors =
-                        parentState->buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors;
-        }
-        *pState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_GetResourceLimits
- *
- *  Retrieve Resource Limits from ProcessingParams and initialize them in
- *  BuildConstants.
- *
- *  "buildConstants"
- *      Address of a BuildConstants structure containing objects and values
- *      that remain constant throughout the building of a chain. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        BuildConstants *buildConstants,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ResourceLimits *resourceLimits = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_GetResourceLimits");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(buildConstants);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetResourceLimits
-                (buildConstants->procParams, &resourceLimits, plContext),
-        buildConstants->maxFanout = 0;
-        buildConstants->maxDepth = 0;
-        buildConstants->maxTime = 0;
-        if (resourceLimits) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxFanout
-                        (resourceLimits, &buildConstants->maxFanout, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxDepth
-                        (resourceLimits, &buildConstants->maxDepth, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ResourceLimits_GetMaxTime
-                        (resourceLimits, &buildConstants->maxTime, plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(resourceLimits);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ForwardBuilderState_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        (PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *resultString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *buildStatusString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *validityDateString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *prevCertString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *candidateCertString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *traversedSubjNamesString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *trustChainString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *candidateCertsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certSelString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *verifyNodeString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *parentStateString = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = "\n"
-                "\t{buildStatus: \t%s\n"
-                "\ttraversedCACerts: \t%d\n"
-                "\tcertStoreIndex: \t%d\n"
-                "\tnumCerts: \t%d\n"
-                "\tnumAias: \t%d\n"
-                "\tcertIndex: \t%d\n"
-                "\taiaIndex: \t%d\n"
-                "\tnumFanout: \t%d\n"
-                "\tnumDepth:  \t%d\n"
-                "\treasonCode:  \t%d\n"
-                "\tcanBeCached: \t%d\n"
-                "\tuseOnlyLocal: \t%d\n"
-                "\trevChecking: \t%d\n"
-                "\tvalidityDate: \t%s\n"
-                "\tprevCert: \t%s\n"
-                "\tcandidateCert: \t%s\n"
-                "\ttraversedSubjNames: \t%s\n"
-                "\ttrustChain: \t%s\n"
-                "\tcandidateCerts: \t%s\n"
-                "\tcertSel: \t%s\n"
-                "\tverifyNode: \t%s\n"
-                "\tparentState: \t%s}\n";
-        char *asciiStatus = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(FORWARDBUILDERSTATE, "pkix_ForwardBuilderState_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_FORWARDBUILDERSTATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        state = (PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiFormat, 0, &formatString, plContext),
-        switch (state->status) {
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_INITIAL:         asciiStatus = "BUILD_INITIAL";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_TRYAIA:          asciiStatus = "BUILD_TRYAIA";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_AIAPENDING:      asciiStatus = "BUILD_AIAPENDING";
-                                        break;
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_GATHERPENDING:   asciiStatus = "BUILD_GATHERPENDING";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_CERTVALIDATING:  asciiStatus = "BUILD_CERTVALIDATING";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_ABANDONNODE:     asciiStatus = "BUILD_ABANDONNODE";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_DATEPREP:        asciiStatus = "BUILD_DATEPREP";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED:    asciiStatus = "BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED2:   asciiStatus = "BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED2";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_ADDTOCHAIN:      asciiStatus = "BUILD_ADDTOCHAIN";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_VALCHAIN:        asciiStatus = "BUILD_VALCHAIN";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_VALCHAIN2:       asciiStatus = "BUILD_VALCHAIN2";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_EXTENDCHAIN:     asciiStatus = "BUILD_EXTENDCHAIN";
-                                        break;
-            case BUILD_GETNEXTCERT:     asciiStatus = "BUILD_GETNEXTCERT";
-                                        break;
-            default:                    asciiStatus = "INVALID STATUS";
-                                        break;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiStatus, 0, &buildStatusString, plContext),
-               (state->validityDate, &validityDateString, plContext,
-               (state->prevCert, &prevCertString, plContext,
-                (state->candidateCert, &candidateCertString, plContext,
-                (state->traversedSubjNames,
-                &traversedSubjNamesString,
-                plContext,
-                (state->trustChain, &trustChainString, plContext,
-                (state->candidateCerts, &candidateCertsString, plContext,
-                (state->certSel, &certSelString, plContext,
-                (state->verifyNode, &verifyNodeString, plContext,
-                (state->parentState, &parentStateString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&resultString,
-                plContext,
-                formatString,
-                buildStatusString,
-                (PKIX_Int32)state->traversedCACerts,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->certStoreIndex,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->numCerts,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->numAias,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->certIndex,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->aiaIndex,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->numFanout,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->numDepth,
-                (PKIX_UInt32)state->reasonCode,
-                state->canBeCached,
-                state->useOnlyLocal,
-                state->revChecking,
-                validityDateString,
-                prevCertString,
-                candidateCertString,
-                traversedSubjNamesString,
-                trustChainString,
-                candidateCertsString,
-                certSelString,
-                verifyNodeString,
-                parentStateString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = resultString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(buildStatusString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validityDateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(prevCertString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidateCertString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(traversedSubjNamesString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustChainString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidateCertsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNodeString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(parentStateString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ForwardBuilderState_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_FORWARDBUILDERSTATE_TYPE and its related functions
- *  with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ForwardBuilderState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                    "pkix_ForwardBuilderState_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ForwardBuilderState";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_ForwardBuilderState);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_ForwardBuilderState_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_FORWARDBUILDERSTATE_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ForwardBuilderState_DumpState
- *
- *  This function invokes the ToString function on the argument pointed to
- *  by "state".
- *  "state"
- *      The address of the ForwardBuilderState object. Must be non-NULL.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *stateString = NULL;
-        char *stateAscii = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(FORWARDBUILDERSTATE,"pkix_ForwardBuilderState_DumpState");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(state);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, &stateString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (stateString,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&stateAscii,
-                    &length,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("In Phase 1: state = %s\n", stateAscii);
-        PKIX_FREE(stateAscii);
-        PKIX_DECREF(stateString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ForwardBuilderState_IsIOPending
- *
- *  This function determines whether the state of the ForwardBuilderState
- *  pointed to by "state" indicates I/O is in progress, and stores the Boolean
- *  result at "pPending".
- *
- *  "state"
- *      The address of the ForwardBuilderState object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPending"
- *      The address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a ForwardBuilderState Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error*
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPending,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(FORWARDBUILDERSTATE, "pkix_ForwardBuilderState_IsIOPending");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(state, pPending);
-        if ((state->status == BUILD_GATHERPENDING) ||
-            (state->status == BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED2) ||
-            (state->status == BUILD_VALCHAIN2) ||
-            (state->status == BUILD_AIAPENDING)) {
-                *pPending = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                *pPending = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-/* --Private-BuildChain-Functions------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_SortCertComparator
- *
- *  This Function takes two Certificates cast in "obj1" and "obj2",
- *  compares them to determine which is a more preferable certificate
- *  for chain building. This Function is suitable for use as a
- *  comparator callback for pkix_List_BubbleSort, setting "*pResult" to
- *  > 0 if "obj1" is less desirable than "obj2" and < 0 if "obj1"
- *  is more desirable than "obj2".
- *
- *  "obj1"
- *      Address of the PKIX_PL_Object that is a cast of PKIX_PL_Cert.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "obj2"
- *      Address of the PKIX_PL_Object that is a cast of PKIX_PL_Cert.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where the comparison result is returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *obj1,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *obj2,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date2 = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 result = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_SortCertComparator");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(obj1, obj2, pResult);
-        /*
-         * For sorting candidate certificates, we use NotAfter date as the
-         * comparison key for now (can be expanded if desired in the future).
-         *
-         * In PKIX_BuildChain, the List of CertStores was reordered so that
-         * trusted CertStores are ahead of untrusted CertStores. That sort, or
-         * this one, could be taken out if it is determined that it doesn't help
-         * performance, or in some way hinders the solution of choosing desired
-         * candidates.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(obj1, PKIX_CERT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCERT);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(obj2, PKIX_CERT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCERT);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter
-                ((PKIX_PL_Cert *)obj1, &date1, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter
-                ((PKIX_PL_Cert *)obj2, &date2, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)date1,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)date2,
-                &result,
-                plContext),
-        /*
-         * Invert the result, so that if date1 is greater than date2,
-         * obj1 is sorted before obj2. This is because pkix_List_BubbleSort
-         * sorts in ascending order.
-         */
-        *pResult = -result;
-        PKIX_DECREF(date1);
-        PKIX_DECREF(date2);
-/* This local error check macro */
-#define ERROR_CHECK(errCode) \
-    if (pkixErrorResult) { \
-        if (pkixLog) { \
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("====> ERROR_CHECK code %s\n", #errCode)); \
-        } \
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-        pkixErrorClass = pkixErrorResult->errClass; \
-        if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) { \
-            goto cleanup; \
-        } \
-        if (verifyNode) { \
-            PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode->error); \
-            PKIX_INCREF(pkixErrorResult); \
-            verifyNode->error = pkixErrorResult; \
-        } \
-        pkixErrorCode = errCode; \
-        goto cleanup; \
-    }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_VerifyCertificate
- *
- *  Checks whether the previous Cert stored in the ForwardBuilderState pointed
- *  to by "state" successfully chains, including signature verification, to the
- *  candidate Cert also stored in "state", using the Boolean value in "trusted"
- *  to determine whether "candidateCert" is trusted.
- *
- *  First it checks whether "candidateCert" has already been traversed by
- *  determining whether it is contained in the List of traversed Certs. It then
- *  checks the candidate Cert with user checkers, if any, in the List pointed to
- *  by "userCheckers". Finally, it runs the signature validation.
- *
- *  If this Certificate fails verification, and state->verifyNode is non-NULL,
- *  this function sets the Error code into the verifyNode.
- *
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "userCheckers"
- *      Address of a List of CertChainCheckers to be used, if present, to
- *      validate the candidateCert.
- *  "trusted"
- *      Boolean value of trust for the candidate Cert
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_List *userCheckers,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numUserCheckers = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean loopFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean supportForwardChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *candidateCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *candidatePubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *userChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback checkerCheck = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode trustAnchorMode =
-                PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Ignore;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_VerifyCertificate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(state, pTrusted);
-                (state->candidateCerts, state->prevCert, state->trustChain);
-        PKIX_INCREF(state->candidateCert);
-        candidateCert = state->candidateCert;
-        if (state->buildConstants.numAnchors) {
-            if (state->buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors) {
-                trustAnchorMode = PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Exclusive;
-            } else {
-                trustAnchorMode = PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Additive;
-            }
-        } else {
-            trustAnchorMode = PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Ignore;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_Cert_IsCertTrusted(candidateCert, trustAnchorMode,
-                                       &trusted, plContext),
-        *pTrusted = trusted;
-        /* check for loops */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                (state->trustChain,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)candidateCert,
-                &loopFound,
-                plContext),
-        if (loopFound) {
-                if (verifyNode != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_Error *verifyError = NULL;
-                        PKIX_ERROR_CREATE
-                                (BUILD,
-                                verifyError);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode->error);
-                        verifyNode->error = verifyError;
-                }
-                /* Even if error logged, still need to abort
-                 * if cert is not trusted. */
-                if (!trusted) {
-                }
-                state->certLoopingDetected = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (userCheckers != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (userCheckers, &numUserCheckers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numUserCheckers; i++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (userCheckers,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &userChecker,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK
-                        (PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported
-                        (userChecker, &supportForwardChecking, plContext),
-                    if (supportForwardChecking == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCheckCallback
-                            (userChecker, &checkerCheck, plContext),
-                        pkixErrorResult =
-                            checkerCheck(userChecker, candidateCert, NULL,
-                                         &nbioContext, plContext);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
-                }
-        }
-        /* Check that public key of the trusted dsa cert has
-         * dsa parameters */
-        if (trusted) {
-            PKIX_Boolean paramsNeeded = PKIX_FALSE;
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                       (candidateCert, &candidatePubKey, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_PublicKey_NeedsDSAParameters
-                       (candidatePubKey, &paramsNeeded, plContext),
-            if (paramsNeeded) {
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidateCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidatePubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_ValidationCheckers
- *
- *  Creates a List of Objects to be used in determining whether the List of
- *  Certs pointed to by "certChain" successfully validates using the
- *  ForwardBuilderState pointed to by "state", and the TrustAnchor pointed to by
- *  "anchor". These objects are a reversed Cert Chain, consisting of the certs
- *  in "certChain" in reversed order, suitable for presenting to the
- *  CertChainCheckers; a List of critical extension OIDS that have already been
- *  processed in forward building; a List of CertChainCheckers to be called, and
- *  a List of RevocationCheckers to be called. These results are stored in
- *  fields of "state".
- *
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certChain"
- *      Address of List of Certs to be validated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "addEkuChecker"
- *      Boolean flags that tells to add eku checker to the list
- *      of checkers. Only needs to be done for existing chain revalidation.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_List *certChain,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_Boolean chainRevalidationStage,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *checkers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *initialPolicies = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *reversedCertChain = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *trustedPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *trustedNC = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *sigChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *policyChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *userChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *nameConstraintsChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckerExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean supportForwardChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChainCerts;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCertCheckers;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_ValidationCheckers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(state, certChain, anchor);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&checkers, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_ReverseList
-                (certChain, &reversedCertChain, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (reversedCertChain, &numChainCerts, plContext),
-        procParams = state->buildConstants.procParams;
-        /* Do need to add a number of checker to revalidate
-         * a built chain. KU, EKU, CertType and Validity Date
-         * get checked by certificate selector during chain
-         * construction, but needed to be checked for chain from
-         * the cache.*/
-        if (chainRevalidationStage) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ExpirationChecker_Initialize
-                       (state->buildConstants.testDate, &checker, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                       (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)checker, plContext),
-                       PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-            PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
-                       (procParams, &certSelector, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_TargetCertChecker_Initialize
-                       (certSelector, numChainCerts, &checker, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                       (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)checker, plContext),
-                       PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-            PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetInitialPolicies
-                (procParams, &initialPolicies, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetPolicyQualifiersRejected
-                (procParams, &policyQualifiersRejected, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsPolicyMappingInhibited
-                (procParams, &initialPolicyMappingInhibit, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsAnyPolicyInhibited
-                (procParams, &initialAnyPolicyInhibit, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsExplicitPolicyRequired
-                (procParams, &initialExplicitPolicy, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Initialize
-                (initialPolicies,
-                policyQualifiersRejected,
-                initialPolicyMappingInhibit,
-                initialExplicitPolicy,
-                initialAnyPolicyInhibit,
-                numChainCerts,
-                &policyChecker,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyChecker, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Create an OID list that contains critical extensions processed
-         * by BuildChain. These are specified in a static const array.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        for (i = 0; buildCheckedCritExtOIDs[i] != PKIX_UNKNOWN_OID; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                        (buildCheckedCritExtOIDs[i], &oid, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) oid,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(oid);
-        }
-        if (state->buildConstants.userCheckers != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (state->buildConstants.userCheckers,
-                        &numCertCheckers,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numCertCheckers; i++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (state->buildConstants.userCheckers,
-                            i,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **) &userChecker,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                            (PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported
-                            (userChecker, &supportForwardChecking, plContext),
-                        /*
-                         * If this userChecker supports forwardChecking then it
-                         * should have been checked during build chain. Skip
-                         * checking but need to add checker's extension OIDs
-                         * to buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList.
-                         */
-                        if (supportForwardChecking == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                          PKIX_CHECK
-                            (PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetSupportedExtensions
-                            (userChecker, &userCheckerExtOIDs, plContext),
-                          if (userCheckerExtOIDs != NULL) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                                (buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList,
-                                userCheckerExtOIDs,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-                          }
-                        } else {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (checkers,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)userChecker,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckerExtOIDs);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
-                }
-        }
-        /* Enabling post chain building signature check on the certs. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
-                   (anchor, &trustedCert, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                   (trustedCert, &trustedPubKey, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SignatureChecker_Initialize
-                   (trustedPubKey,
-                    numChainCerts,
-                    &sigChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                   (checkers,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)sigChecker,
-                    plContext),
-        /* Enabling post chain building name constraints check on the certs. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetNameConstraints
-                  (anchor, &trustedNC, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Initialize
-                  (trustedNC, numChainCerts, &nameConstraintsChecker,
-                   plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                  (checkers,
-                   (PKIX_PL_Object *)nameConstraintsChecker,
-                   plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->reversedCertChain);
-        PKIX_INCREF(reversedCertChain);
-        state->reversedCertChain = reversedCertChain;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->checkedCritExtOIDs);
-        PKIX_INCREF(buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList);
-        state->checkedCritExtOIDs = buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->checkerChain);
-        state->checkerChain = checkers;
-        checkers = NULL;
-        state->certCheckedIndex = 0;
-        state->checkerIndex = 0;
-        state->revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(oid);
-        PKIX_DECREF(reversedCertChain);
-        PKIX_DECREF(buildCheckedCritExtOIDsList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(initialPolicies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelector);
-        PKIX_DECREF(sigChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedNC);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraintsChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckerExtOIDs);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_ValidateEntireChain
- *
- *  Checks whether the current List of Certs successfully validates using the 
- *  TrustAnchor pointed to by "anchor" and other parameters contained, as was
- *  the Cert List, in "state".
- *
- *  If a checker using non-blocking I/O returns with a non-NULL non-blocking I/O
- *  context (NBIOContext), an indication that I/O is in progress and the
- *  checking has not been completed, this function stores that context at
- *  "pNBIOContext". Otherwise, it stores NULL at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  If not awaiting I/O and if successful, a ValidateResult is created
- *  containing the Public Key of the target certificate (including DSA parameter
- *  inheritance, if any) and the PolicyNode representing the policy tree output
- *  by the validation algorithm.  If not successful, an Error pointer is
- *  returned.
- *
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which the NBIOContext is stored indicating whether the
- *      validation is complete. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pValResult"
- *      Address at which the ValidateResult is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pValResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChainCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *subjPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *policyTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_ValidateEntireChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(state, anchor, pNBIOContext, pValResult);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* prepare for case of error exit */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (state->reversedCertChain, &numChainCerts, plContext),
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            pkix_CheckChain(state->reversedCertChain, numChainCerts, anchor,
-                            state->checkerChain,
-                            state->buildConstants.revChecker,
-                            state->checkedCritExtOIDs,
-                            state->buildConstants.procParams,
-                            &state->certCheckedIndex, &state->checkerIndex,
-                            &state->revChecking, &state->reasonCode,
-                            &nbioContext, &subjPubKey, &policyTree, NULL,
-                            plContext);
-        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* XXX Remove this assertion after 2014-12-31. See bug 946984. */
-        PORT_Assert(state->reasonCode == 0);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ValidateResult_Create
-                (subjPubKey, anchor, policyTree, &valResult, plContext),
-        *pValResult = valResult;
-        valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyTree);
-        PKIX_DECREF(valResult);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_SortCandidateCerts
- *
- *  This function sorts a List of candidate Certs pointed to by "candidates"
- *  using an algorithm that places Certs most likely to produce a successful
- *  chain at the front of the list, storing the resulting sorted List at
- *  "pSortedCandidates".
- *
- *  At present the only sort criterion is that trusted Certs go ahead of
- *  untrusted Certs.
- *
- *  "candidates"
- *      Address of List of Candidate Certs to be sorted. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSortedCandidates"
- *      Address at which sorted List is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *candidates,
-        PKIX_List **pSortedCandidates,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *sortedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_SortCandidateCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(candidates, pSortedCandidates);
-        /*
-         * Both bubble and quick sort algorithms are available.
-         * For a list of fewer than around 100 items, the bubble sort is more
-         * efficient. (This number was determined by experimenting with both
-         * algorithms on a Java List.)
-         * If the candidate list is very small, using the sort can drag down
-         * the performance a little bit.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_BubbleSort
-                (candidates,
-                pkix_Build_SortCertComparator,
-                &sortedList,
-                plContext),
-        *pSortedCandidates = sortedList;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_BuildSelectorAndParams
- *
- *  This function creates a CertSelector, initialized with an appropriate
- *  ComCertSelParams, using the variables provided in the ForwardBuilderState
- *  pointed to by "state". The CertSelector created is stored in the certsel
- *  element of "state".
- *
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSel = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *currentIssuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *callerCertSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *callerComCertSelParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 reqKu = 0;
-        PKIX_List   *reqEkuOids = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_BuildSelectorAndParams");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(state, state->prevCert, state->traversedSubjNames);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer
-                (state->prevCert, &currentIssuer, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
-                (state->prevCert, &authKeyId, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create(&certSelParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubject
-                (certSelParams, currentIssuer, plContext),
-        if (authKeyId != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetSubjKeyIdentifier
-                    (certSelParams, authKeyId, plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(state->buildConstants.testDate);
-        testDate = state->buildConstants.testDate;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificateValid
-                (certSelParams, testDate, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetBasicConstraints
-                (certSelParams, state->traversedCACerts, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetPathToNames
-                (certSelParams, state->traversedSubjNames, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
-                    (state->buildConstants.procParams,
-                     &callerCertSelector, plContext),
-        if (callerCertSelector != NULL) {
-            /* Get initial EKU OIDs from ComCertSelParams, if set */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                       (callerCertSelector, &callerComCertSelParams, plContext),
-            if (callerComCertSelParams != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                           (callerComCertSelParams, &reqEkuOids, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetKeyUsage
-                           (callerComCertSelParams, &reqKu, plContext),
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetKeyUsage(certSelParams, reqKu,
-                                              plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetExtendedKeyUsage(certSelParams,
-                                                      reqEkuOids,
-                                                      plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_Create
-                (NULL, NULL, &state->certSel, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                (state->certSel, certSelParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&state->candidateCerts, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        state->certStoreIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSel);
-        PKIX_DECREF(currentIssuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(authKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(testDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(reqEkuOids);
-        PKIX_DECREF(callerComCertSelParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(callerCertSelector);
-/* Match trust anchor to select params in order to find next cert. */
-static PKIX_Error*
-    PKIX_List *trustAnchorsList,
-    PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams,
-    PKIX_List **pMatchList,
-    void *plContext) 
-    unsigned int anchorIndex = 0;
-    PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *matchList = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertSelector *certSel = NULL;
-    PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback selectorMatchCB = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_SelectCertsFromTrustAnchors");
-    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_Create
-               (NULL, NULL, &certSel, plContext),
-    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams
-               (certSel, certSelParams, plContext),
-    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
-               (certSel, &selectorMatchCB, plContext),
-    for (anchorIndex = 0;anchorIndex < trustAnchorsList->length; anchorIndex++) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(trustAnchorsList,
-                              anchorIndex,
-                              (PKIX_PL_Object **)&anchor,
-                              plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
-                   (anchor, &trustedCert, plContext),
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            (*selectorMatchCB)(certSel, trustedCert, plContext);
-        if (!pkixErrorResult) {
-            if (!matchList) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&matchList,
-                                            plContext),
-                           PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_AppendItem(matchList,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object*)trustedCert,
-                                     plContext),
-        } else {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
-     }
-    *pMatchList = matchList;
-    matchList = NULL;
-    PKIX_DECREF(matchList);
-    PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
-    PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
-    PKIX_DECREF(certSel);
-static PKIX_Error*
-    PKIX_List *trustedCertList,
-    PKIX_List *certsFound,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_UInt32 trustIndex;
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *trustCert = NULL, *cert = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_RemoveDupUntrustedCerts");
-    if (trustedCertList == NULL || certsFound == NULL) {
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    for (trustIndex = 0;trustIndex < trustedCertList->length;
-        trustIndex++) {
-        PKIX_UInt32 certIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(trustedCertList,
-                              trustIndex,
-                              (PKIX_PL_Object **)&trustCert,
-                              plContext),
-        while (certIndex < certsFound->length) {
-            PKIX_Boolean result = PKIX_FALSE;
-            PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_GetItem(certsFound, certIndex,
-                                  (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cert,
-                                  plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_PL_Object_Equals((PKIX_PL_Object *)trustCert,
-                                      (PKIX_PL_Object *)cert,
-                                      &result,
-                                      plContext),
-            if (!result) {
-                certIndex += 1;
-                continue;
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_DeleteItem(certsFound, certIndex,
-                                     plContext),
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustCert);
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-    PKIX_DECREF(trustCert);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_GatherCerts
- *
- *  This function traverses the CertStores in the List of CertStores contained
- *  in "state",  using the certSelector and other parameters contained in
- *  "state", to obtain a List of all available Certs that satisfy the criteria.
- *  If a CertStore has a cache, "certSelParams" is used both to query the cache
- *  and, if an actual CertStore search occurred, to update the cache. (Behavior
- *  is undefined if "certSelParams" is different from the parameters that were
- *  used to initialize the certSelector in "state".)
- * 
- *  If a CertStore using non-blocking I/O returns with an indication that I/O is
- *  in progress and the checking has not been completed, this function stores
- *  platform-dependent information at "pNBIOContext". Otherwise it stores NULL
- *  at "pNBIOContext", and state is updated with the results of the search.
- *
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certSelParams"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams which were used in creating the current
- *      CertSelector, and to be used in querying and updating any caches that
- *      may be associated with with the CertStores.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is returned if request
- *      is suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-/* return NULL if wouldblock, empty list if none found, else list of found */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean certStoreIsCached = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean certStoreIsLocal = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean foundInCache = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback getCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certsFound = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *trustedCertList = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_GatherCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(state, certSelParams, pNBIOContext);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCerts);
-        while (state->certStoreIndex < state->buildConstants.numCertStores) {
-                /* Get the current CertStore */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (state->buildConstants.certStores,
-                        state->certStoreIndex,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certStore,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetLocalFlag
-                           (certStore, &certStoreIsLocal, plContext),
-                           PKIX_CERTSTOREGETLOCALFLAGFAILED);
-                if (state->useOnlyLocal == certStoreIsLocal) {
-                    /* If GATHERPENDING, we've already checked the cache */
-                    if (state->status == BUILD_GATHERPENDING) {
-                        certStoreIsCached = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        foundInCache = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag
-                                (certStore, &certStoreIsCached, plContext),
-                        if (certStoreIsCached) {
-                        /*
-                         * Look for Certs in the cache, using the SubjectName as
-                         * the key. Then the ComCertSelParams are used to filter
-                         * for qualified certs. If none are found, then the
-                         * certStores are queried. When we eventually add items
-                         * to the cache, we will only add items that passed the
-                         * ComCertSelParams filter, rather than all Certs which
-                         * matched the SubjectName.
-                         */
-                                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CacheCert_Lookup
-                                        (certStore,
-                                        certSelParams,
-                                        state->buildConstants.testDate,
-                                        &foundInCache,
-                                        &certsFound,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_CACHECERTCHAINLOOKUPFAILED);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    /*
-                     * XXX need to verify if Cert is trusted, hence may not
-                     * be worth it to have the Cert Cached or
-                     * If it is trusted, don't cache, but once there is cached
-                     * certs, we won't get certs from database any more.
-                     * can use flag to force not getting certs from cache
-                     */
-                    if (!foundInCache) {
-                        if (nbioContext == NULL) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertCallback
-                                        (certStore, &getCerts, plContext),
-                                        PKIX_CERTSTOREGETCERTCALLBACKFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(getCerts
-                                        (certStore,
-                                        state->certSel,
-                                        state->verifyNode,
-                                        &nbioContext,
-                                        &certsFound,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_GETCERTSFAILED);
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue
-                                        (certStore,
-                                        state->certSel,
-                                        state->verifyNode,
-                                        &nbioContext,
-                                        &certsFound,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_CERTSTORECERTCONTINUEFAILED);
-                        }
-                        if (certStoreIsCached && certsFound) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CacheCert_Add
-                                        (certStore,
-                                        certSelParams,
-                                        certsFound,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_CACHECERTADDFAILED);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    /*
-                     * getCerts returns an empty list for "NONE FOUND",
-                     * a NULL list for "would block"
-                     */
-                    if (certsFound == NULL) {
-                        state->status = BUILD_GATHERPENDING;
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Are there any more certStores to query? */
-                PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-                ++(state->certStoreIndex);
-        }
-        if (certsFound && certsFound->length > 1) {
-            PKIX_List *sorted = NULL;
-            /* sort Certs to try to optimize search */
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_SortCandidateCerts
-                       (certsFound, &sorted, plContext),
-            PKIX_DECREF(certsFound);
-            certsFound = sorted;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_Build_SelectCertsFromTrustAnchors(
-                state->buildConstants.anchors,
-                certSelParams, &trustedCertList,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_Build_RemoveDupUntrustedCerts(trustedCertList,
-                                               certsFound,
-                                               plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_List_MergeLists(trustedCertList,
-                                 certsFound,
-                                 &state->candidateCerts,
-                                 plContext),
-        /* No, return the list we have gathered */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (state->candidateCerts, &state->numCerts, plContext),
-        state->certIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCertList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certsFound);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_UpdateDate
- *
- *  This function updates the validityDate contained in "state", for the current
- *  CertChain contained in "state", to include the validityDate of the
- *  candidateCert contained in "state". The validityDate of a chain is the
- *  earliest of all the notAfter dates contained in the respective Certificates.
- *
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean canBeCached = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 comparison = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *notAfter = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_UpdateDate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(state);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCacheFlag
-                (state->candidateCert, &canBeCached, plContext),
-        state->canBeCached = state->canBeCached && canBeCached;
-        if (state->canBeCached == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                /*
-                 * So far, all certs can be cached. Update cert
-                 * chain validity time, which is the earliest of
-                 * all certs' notAfter times.
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter
-                        (state->candidateCert, &notAfter, plContext),
-                if (state->validityDate == NULL) {
-                        state->validityDate = notAfter;
-                        notAfter = NULL;
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state->validityDate,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)notAfter,
-                                &comparison,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTCOMPARATORFAILED);
-                        if (comparison > 0) {
-                                PKIX_DECREF(state->validityDate);
-                                state->validityDate = notAfter;
-                                notAfter = NULL;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(notAfter);
-/* Prepare 'state' for the AIA round. */
-static void
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state)
-        PORT_Assert(state->useOnlyLocal == PKIX_TRUE);
-        state->useOnlyLocal = PKIX_FALSE;
-        state->certStoreIndex = 0;
-        state->numFanout = state->buildConstants.maxFanout;
-        state->status = BUILD_TRYAIA;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_BuildForwardDepthFirstSearch
- *
- *  This function performs a depth first search in the "forward" direction (from
- *  the target Cert to the trust anchor). A non-NULL targetCert must be stored
- *  in the ForwardBuilderState before this function is called. It is not written
- *  recursively since execution may be suspended in in any of several places
- *  pending completion of non-blocking I/O. This iterative structure makes it
- *  much easier to resume where it left off.
- *
- *  Since the nature of the search is recursive, the recursion is handled by
- *  chaining states. That is, each new step involves creating a new
- *  ForwardBuilderState linked to its predecessor. If a step turns out to be
- *  fruitless, the state of the predecessor is restored and the next alternative
- *  is tried. When a search is successful, values needed from the last state
- *  (canBeCached and validityDate) are copied to the state provided by the
- *  caller, so that the caller can retrieve those values.
- *
- *  There are three return arguments, the NBIOContext, the ValidateResult and
- *  the ForwardBuilderState. If NBIOContext is non-NULL, it means the search is
- *  suspended until the results of a non-blocking IO become available. The
- *  caller may wait for the completion using platform-dependent methods and then
- *  call this function again, allowing it to resume the search. If NBIOContext
- *  is NULL and the ValidateResult is non-NULL, it means the search has
- *  concluded successfully. If the NBIOContext is NULL but the ValidateResult is
- *  NULL, it means the search was unsuccessful.
- *
- *  This function performs several steps at each node in the constructed chain:
- *
- *  1) It retrieves Certs from the registered CertStores that match the
- *  criteria established by the ForwardBuilderState pointed to by "state", such
- *  as a subject name matching the issuer name of the previous Cert. If there
- *  are no matching Certs, the function returns to the previous, or "parent",
- *  state and tries to continue the chain building with another of the Certs
- *  obtained from the CertStores as possible issuers for that parent Cert.
- *
- *  2) For each candidate Cert returned by the CertStores, this function checks
- *  whether the Cert is valid. If it is trusted, this function checks whether
- *  this Cert might serve as a TrustAnchor for a complete chain.
- *
- *  3) It determines whether this Cert, in conjunction with any of the
- *  TrustAnchors, might complete a chain. A complete chain, from this or the
- *  preceding step, is checked to see whether it is valid as a complete
- *  chain, including the checks that cannot be done in the forward direction.
- *
- *  4) If this Cert chains successfully, but is not a complete chain, that is,
- *  we have not reached a trusted Cert, a new ForwardBuilderState is created
- *  with this Cert as the immediate predecessor, and we continue in step (1),
- *  attempting to get Certs from the CertStores with this Certs "issuer" as
- *  their subject.
- *
- *  5) If an entire chain validates successfully, then we are done. A
- *  ValidateResult is created containing the Public Key of the target
- *  certificate (including DSA parameter inheritance, if any) and the
- *  PolicyNode representing the policy tree output by the validation algorithm,
- *  and stored at pValResult, and the function exits returning NULL.
- *
- *  5) If the entire chain does not validate successfully, the algorithm
- *  discards the latest Cert and continues in step 2 with the next candidate
- *  Cert, backing up to a parent state when no more possibilities exist at a
- *  given level, and returning failure when we try to back up but discover we
- *  are at the top level.
- *
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is returned if building
- *      is suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pState"
- *      Address at which input ForwardBuilderState is found, and at which output
- *      ForwardBuilderState is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pValResult"
- *      Address at which the ValidateResult is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pValResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean outOfOptions = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean isSelfIssued = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean canBeCached = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean ioPending = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *currTime  = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 childTraversedCACerts = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numSubjectNames = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numChained = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpTimeResult = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certsSoFar = 0;
-        PKIX_List *childTraversedSubjNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *subjectNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *unfilteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *filteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *subjectName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *childState = NULL;
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *parentState = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *revCheckerState = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *trustAnchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *verifyError = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *finalError = NULL;
-        void *nbio = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numIterations = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_BuildForwardDepthFirstSearch");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(pNBIOContext, state, pValResult);
-        nbio = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(state->validityDate);
-        validityDate = state->validityDate;
-        canBeCached = state->canBeCached;
-        PKIX_DECREF(*pValResult);
-        /*
-         * We return if successful; if we fall off the end
-         * of this "while" clause our search has failed.
-         */
-        while (outOfOptions == PKIX_FALSE) {
-            /*
-             * The maximum number of iterations works around a bug that
-             * causes this while loop to never exit when AIA and cross
-             * certificates are involved.  See bug xxxxx.
-             */
-            if (numIterations++ > 250)
-            if (state->buildConstants.maxTime != 0) {
-                    PKIX_DECREF(currTime);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime
-                            (NULL, &currTime, plContext),
-                            PKIX_DATECREATEUTCTIMEFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                             ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state->buildConstants.timeLimit,
-                             (PKIX_PL_Object *)currTime,
-                             &cmpTimeResult,
-                             plContext),
-                             PKIX_OBJECTCOMPARATORFAILED);
-                    if (cmpTimeResult < 0) {
-                        if (state->verifyNode != NULL) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR_CREATE
-                                    (BUILD,
-                                    PKIX_TIMECONSUMEDEXCEEDSRESOURCELIMITS,
-                                    verifyError);
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_SetError
-                                    (state->verifyNode,
-                                    verifyError,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-                                finalError = verifyError;
-                                verifyError = NULL;
-                        }
-                        /* Even if we logged error, we still have to abort */
-                    }
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_INITIAL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_BuildSelectorAndParams(state, plContext),
-                /*
-                 * If the caller supplied a partial certChain (hintCerts) try
-                 * the next one from that List before we go to the certStores.
-                 */
-                if (state->buildConstants.numHintCerts > 0) {
-                        /* How many Certs does our trust chain have already? */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                                (state->trustChain, &certsSoFar, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                        /* That includes the target Cert. Don't count it. */
-                        certsSoFar--;
-                        /* Are we still within range of the partial chain? */
-                        if (certsSoFar >= state->buildConstants.numHintCerts) {
-                                state->status = BUILD_TRYAIA;
-                        } else {
-                                /*
-                                 * If we already have n certs, we want the n+1th
-                                 * (i.e., index = n) from the list of hints.
-                                 */
-                                PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCert);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                    (state->buildConstants.hintCerts,
-                                    certsSoFar,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&state->candidateCert,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                    (state->candidateCerts,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->candidateCert,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                state->numCerts = 1;
-                                state->usingHintCerts = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                state->status = BUILD_CERTVALIDATING;
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        state->status = BUILD_TRYAIA;
-                }
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_TRYAIA) {
-                if (state->useOnlyLocal == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        state->status = BUILD_COLLECTINGCERTS;
-                } else {
-                        state->status = BUILD_AIAPENDING;
-                }
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_AIAPENDING &&
-                state->buildConstants.aiaMgr) {
-                pkixErrorResult = PKIX_PL_AIAMgr_GetAIACerts
-                        (state->buildConstants.aiaMgr,
-                        state->prevCert,
-                        &nbio,
-                        &unfilteredCerts,
-                         plContext);
-                if (nbio != NULL) {
-                        /* IO still pending, resume later */
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbio;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                state->numCerts = 0;
-                if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                    pkixErrorClass = pkixErrorResult->errClass;
-                    if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-                        goto fatal;
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-                    finalError = pkixErrorResult;
-                    pkixErrorResult = NULL;
-                    if (state->verifyNode != NULL) {
-                        /* state->verifyNode is the object that contains a list
-                         * of verifyNodes. verifyNodes contains cert chain
-                         * build failures that occurred on this level of chain
-                         * building.  Here, creating new verify node
-                         * to log the failure and adding it to the list. */
-                        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_Create
-                                         (state->prevCert,
-                                          0, NULL,
-                                          &verifyNode,
-                                          plContext),
-                                         PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_SetError
-                                         (verifyNode, finalError, plContext),
-                                         PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
-                                         (state->verifyNode,
-                                          verifyNode,
-                                          plContext),
-                                         PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOTREEFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Turn this on to trace the List of Certs, before CertSelect */
-                {
-                                PKIX_PL_String *unString;
-                                char *unAscii;
-                                PKIX_UInt32 length;
-                                PKIX_TOSTRING
-                                        ((PKIX_PL_Object*)unfilteredCerts,
-                                        &unString,
-                                        plContext,
-                                        PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                                        (unString,
-                                        PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                        (void **)&unAscii,
-                                        &length,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DEBUG_ARG
-                                        ("unfilteredCerts = %s\n", unAscii);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(unString);
-                                PKIX_FREE(unAscii);
-                }
-                /* Note: Certs winnowed here don't get into VerifyTree. */
-                if (unfilteredCerts) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Select
-                                (state->certSel,
-                                unfilteredCerts,
-                                &filteredCerts,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTSELECTORSELECTFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCerts);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                                (filteredCerts, &(state->numCerts), plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                /* Turn this on to trace the List of Certs, after CertSelect */
-                {
-                        PKIX_PL_String *unString;
-                        char *unAscii;
-                        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-                        PKIX_TOSTRING
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object*)filteredCerts,
-                                &unString,
-                                plContext,
-                                PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                                    (unString,
-                                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                    (void **)&unAscii,
-                                    &length,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG("filteredCerts = %s\n", unAscii);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(unString);
-                        PKIX_FREE(unAscii);
-                }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCerts);
-                        state->candidateCerts = filteredCerts;
-                        state->certIndex = 0;
-                        filteredCerts = NULL;
-                }
-                /* Are there any Certs to try? */
-                if (state->numCerts > 0) {
-                        state->status = BUILD_CERTVALIDATING;
-                } else {
-                        state->status = BUILD_COLLECTINGCERTS;
-                }
-            }
-            PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                (state->certSel, &certSelParams, plContext),
-            /* **** Querying the CertStores ***** */
-            if ((state->status == BUILD_COLLECTINGCERTS) ||
-                (state->status == BUILD_GATHERPENDING)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ForwardBuilderState_DumpState
-                        (state, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_GatherCerts
-                        (state, certSelParams, &nbio, plContext),
-                        PKIX_BUILDGATHERCERTSFAILED);
-                if (nbio != NULL) {
-                        /* IO still pending, resume later */
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbio;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                /* Are there any Certs to try? */
-                if (state->numCerts > 0) {
-                        state->status = BUILD_CERTVALIDATING;
-                } else {
-                        state->status = BUILD_ABANDONNODE;
-                }
-            }
-            /* ****Phase 2 - Chain building***** */
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ForwardBuilderState_DumpState(state, plContext),
-            if (state->status == BUILD_CERTVALIDATING) {
-                    PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCert);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (state->candidateCerts,
-                            state->certIndex,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&(state->candidateCert),
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    if ((state->verifyNode) != NULL) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_Create
-                                    (state->candidateCert,
-                                    0,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    &verifyNode,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED);
-                    }
-                    /* If failure, this function sets Error in verifyNode */
-                    verifyError = pkix_Build_VerifyCertificate
-                            (state,
-                            state->buildConstants.userCheckers,
-                            &trusted,
-                            verifyNode,
-                            plContext);
-                    if (verifyError) {
-                            pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE;
-                            pkixErrorClass = verifyError->errClass;
-                            if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-                                pkixErrorResult = verifyError;
-                                verifyError = NULL;
-                                goto fatal;
-                            }
-                    }
-                    if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                            if (state->verifyNode != NULL) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_SetError
-                                    (verifyNode, verifyError, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
-                                        (state->verifyNode,
-                                        verifyNode,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOTREEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                            }
-                            pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-                            PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-                            finalError = verifyError;
-                            verifyError = NULL;
-                            if (state->certLoopingDetected) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR
-                                    (PKIX_LOOPDISCOVEREDDUPCERTSNOTALLOWED);
-                            }
-                            state->status = BUILD_GETNEXTCERT;
-                    } else {
-                            state->status = BUILD_DATEPREP;
-                    }
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_DATEPREP) {
-                    /* Keep track of whether this chain can be cached */
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_UpdateDate(state, plContext),
-                            PKIX_BUILDUPDATEDATEFAILED);
-                    canBeCached = state->canBeCached;
-                    PKIX_DECREF(validityDate);
-                    PKIX_INCREF(state->validityDate);
-                    validityDate = state->validityDate;
-                    if (trusted == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                            state->status = BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED;
-                    } else {
-                            state->status = BUILD_ADDTOCHAIN;
-                    }
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED) {
-                    /*
-                     * If this cert is trusted, try to validate the entire
-                     * chain using this certificate as trust anchor.
-                     */
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_CreateWithCert
-                      (state->candidateCert,
-                      &trustAnchor,
-                      plContext),
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_ValidationCheckers
-                      (state,
-                      state->trustChain,
-                      trustAnchor,
-                      PKIX_FALSE, /* do not add eku checker
-                                   * since eku was already
-                                   * checked */
-                      plContext),
-                    state->status = BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED2;
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED2) {
-                    verifyError = 
-                        pkix_Build_ValidateEntireChain(state,
-                                                       trustAnchor,
-                                                       &nbio, &valResult,
-                                                       verifyNode,
-                                                       plContext);
-                    if (nbio != NULL) {
-                            /* IO still pending, resume later */
-                            goto cleanup;
-                    } else {
-                            /* checking the error for fatal status */
-                            if (verifyError) {
-                                pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                pkixErrorClass = verifyError->errClass;
-                                if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-                                    pkixErrorResult = verifyError;
-                                    verifyError = NULL;
-                                    goto fatal;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (state->verifyNode != NULL) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
-                                        (state->verifyNode,
-                                        verifyNode,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOTREEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                            }
-                            if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                                *pValResult = valResult;
-                                valResult = NULL;
-                                /* Change state so IsIOPending is FALSE */
-                                state->status = BUILD_CHECKTRUSTED;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                            }
-                            PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-                            finalError = verifyError;
-                            verifyError = NULL;
-                            /* Reset temp error that was set by 
-                             * PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL and continue */
-                            pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-                            PKIX_DECREF(trustAnchor);
-                    }
-                    /*
-                     * If chain doesn't validate with a trusted Cert,
-                     * adding more Certs to it can't help.
-                     */
-                    if (state->certLoopingDetected) {
-                            PKIX_DECREF(verifyError);
-                            PKIX_ERROR_CREATE(BUILD, 
-                                         PKIX_LOOPDISCOVEREDDUPCERTSNOTALLOWED,
-                                         verifyError);
-                            PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                                pkix_VerifyNode_SetError(state->verifyNode,
-                                                         verifyError,
-                                                         plContext),
-                                PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(verifyError);
-                    }
-                    state->status = BUILD_GETNEXTCERT;
-            }
-            /*
-             * This Cert was not trusted. Add it to our chain, and
-             * continue building. If we don't reach a trust anchor,
-             * we'll take it off later and continue without it.
-             */
-            if (state->status == BUILD_ADDTOCHAIN) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (state->trustChain,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)state->candidateCert,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                    state->status = BUILD_EXTENDCHAIN;
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_EXTENDCHAIN) {
-                    /* Check whether we are allowed to extend the chain */
-                    if ((state->buildConstants.maxDepth != 0) &&
-                        (state->numDepth <= 1)) {
-                        if (state->verifyNode != NULL) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR_CREATE
-                                    (BUILD,
-                                    PKIX_DEPTHWOULDEXCEEDRESOURCELIMITS,
-                                    verifyError);
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_SetError
-                                    (verifyNode, verifyError, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
-                                    (state->verifyNode, verifyNode, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOTREEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-                                finalError = verifyError;
-                                verifyError = NULL;
-                        }
-                        /* Even if error logged, still need to abort */
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_IsCertSelfIssued
-                            (state->candidateCert, &isSelfIssued, plContext),
-                            PKIX_ISCERTSELFISSUEDFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)state->traversedSubjNames,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&childTraversedSubjNames,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-                    if (isSelfIssued) {
-                            childTraversedCACerts = state->traversedCACerts;
-                    } else {
-                            childTraversedCACerts = state->traversedCACerts + 1;
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAllSubjectNames
-                                (state->candidateCert,
-                                &subjectNames,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTGETALLSUBJECTNAMESFAILED);
-                            if (subjectNames) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                                    (subjectNames,
-                                    &numSubjectNames,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                            } else {
-                                numSubjectNames = 0;
-                            }
-                            for (i = 0; i < numSubjectNames; i++) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                    (subjectNames,
-                                    i,
-                                    &subjectName,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE
-                                    (state->traversedSubjNames);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                    (state->traversedSubjNames,
-                                    subjectName,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(subjectName);
-                            }
-                            PKIX_DECREF(subjectNames);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Create
-                            (childTraversedCACerts,
-                            state->buildConstants.maxFanout,
-                            state->numDepth - 1,
-                            canBeCached,
-                            validityDate,
-                            state->candidateCert,
-                            childTraversedSubjNames,
-                            state->trustChain,
-                            state,
-                            &childState,
-                            plContext),
-                        PKIX_DECREF(childTraversedSubjNames);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
-                        childState->verifyNode = verifyNode;
-                        verifyNode = NULL;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-                        state = childState; /* state->status == BUILD_INITIAL */
-                        childState = NULL;
-                        continue; /* with while (!outOfOptions) */
-            }
-            if (state->status == BUILD_GETNEXTCERT) {
-                    pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCert);
-                    /*
-                     * If we were using a Cert from the callier-supplied partial
-                     * chain, delete it and go to the certStores.
-                     */
-                    if (state->usingHintCerts == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                            PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCerts);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                (&state->candidateCerts, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                            state->numCerts = 0;
-                            state->usingHintCerts = PKIX_FALSE;
-                            state->status = BUILD_TRYAIA;
-                            continue;
-                    } else if (++(state->certIndex) < (state->numCerts)) {
-                            if ((state->buildConstants.maxFanout != 0) &&
-                                (--(state->numFanout) == 0)) {
-                                if (state->verifyNode != NULL) {
-                                        PKIX_ERROR_CREATE
-                                            (BUILD,
-                                            PKIX_FANOUTEXCEEDSRESOURCELIMITS,
-                                            verifyError);
-                                        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL
-                                            (pkix_VerifyNode_SetError
-                                            (state->verifyNode,
-                                            verifyError,
-                                            plContext),
-                                            PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                                        PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-                                        finalError = verifyError;
-                                        verifyError = NULL;
-                                }
-                                /* Even if error logged, still need to abort */
-                                PKIX_ERROR
-                                        (PKIX_FANOUTEXCEEDSRESOURCELIMITS);
-                            }
-                            state->status = BUILD_CERTVALIDATING;
-                            continue;
-                    }
-            }
-            /*
-             * Adding the current cert to the chain didn't help. If our search
-             * has been restricted to local certStores, try opening up the
-             * search and see whether that helps. Otherwise, back up to the
-             * parent cert, and see if there are any more to try.
-             */
-            if (state->useOnlyLocal == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                pkix_PrepareForwardBuilderStateForAIA(state);
-            } else do {
-                if (state->parentState == NULL) {
-                        /* We are at the top level, and can't back up! */
-                        outOfOptions = PKIX_TRUE;
-                } else {
-                        /*
-                         * Try the next cert, if any, for this parent.
-                         * Otherwise keep backing up until we reach a
-                         * parent with more certs to try.
-                         */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                                (state->trustChain, &numChained, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem
-                                (state->trustChain, numChained - 1, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTDELETEITEMFAILED);
-                        /* local and aia fetching returned no good certs.
-                         * Creating a verify node in the parent that tells
-                         * us this. */
-                        if (!state->verifyNode) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                                pkix_VerifyNode_Create(state->prevCert,
-                                                       0, NULL, 
-                                                       &state->verifyNode,
-                                                       plContext),
-                                PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED);
-                        }
-                        /* Updating the log with the error. */
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyError);
-                                          verifyError);
-                        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                            pkix_VerifyNode_SetError(state->verifyNode,
-                                                     verifyError,
-                                                     plContext),
-                            PKIX_VERIFYNODESETERRORFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyError);
-                        PKIX_INCREF(state->parentState);
-                        parentState = state->parentState;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                        verifyNode = state->verifyNode;
-                        state->verifyNode = NULL;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-                        state = parentState;
-                        parentState = NULL;
-                        if (state->verifyNode != NULL && verifyNode) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
-                                        (state->verifyNode,
-                                        verifyNode,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOTREEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(validityDate);
-                        PKIX_INCREF(state->validityDate);
-                        validityDate = state->validityDate;
-                        canBeCached = state->canBeCached;
-                        /* Are there any more Certs to try? */
-                        if (++(state->certIndex) < (state->numCerts)) {
-                                state->status = BUILD_CERTVALIDATING;
-                                PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCert);
-                                break;
-                        }
-                        if (state->useOnlyLocal == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                            /* Clean up and go for AIA round. */
-                            pkix_PrepareForwardBuilderStateForAIA(state);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->candidateCert);
-            } while (outOfOptions == PKIX_FALSE);
-        } /* while (outOfOptions == PKIX_FALSE) */
-        if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-            goto fatal;
-        }
-        /* verifyNode should be equal to NULL at this point. Assert it.
-         * Temporarelly use verifyError to store an error ref to which we
-         * have in pkixErrorResult. This is done to prevent error cloberring
-         * while using macros below. */
-        PORT_Assert(verifyError == NULL);
-        verifyError = pkixErrorResult;
-        /*
-         * We were called with an initialState that had no parent. If we are
-         * returning with an error or with a result, we must destroy any state
-         * that we created (any state with a parent).
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_ForwardBuilderState_IsIOPending
-                         (state, &ioPending, plContext),
-        if (ioPending == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                while (state->parentState) {
-                        PKIX_INCREF(state->parentState);
-                        parentState = state->parentState;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                        verifyNode = state->verifyNode;
-                        state->verifyNode = NULL;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-                        state = parentState;
-                        parentState = NULL;
-                        if (state->verifyNode != NULL && verifyNode) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree
-                                        (state->verifyNode,
-                                        verifyNode,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOTREEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                        }
-                }
-                state->canBeCached = canBeCached;
-                PKIX_DECREF(state->validityDate);
-                state->validityDate = validityDate;
-                validityDate = NULL;
-        }
-        if (!*pValResult && !verifyError) {
-            if (!finalError) {
-                PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                    pkix_VerifyNode_FindError(state->verifyNode,
-                                              &finalError,
-                                              plContext),
-            }
-            if (finalError) {
-                pkixErrorResult = finalError;
-                finalError = NULL;
-                goto fatal;
-            }
-            pkixErrorCode = PKIX_SECERRORUNKNOWNISSUER;
-            pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE;
-                              verifyError);
-            PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                pkix_VerifyNode_SetError(state->verifyNode, verifyError,
-                                         plContext),
-        } else {
-            pkixErrorResult = verifyError;
-            verifyError = NULL;
-        }
-        if (state->parentState) {
-            /* parentState in "state" object should be NULL at this point.
-             * If itn't, that means that we got fatal error(we have jumped to
-             * "fatal" label) and we should destroy all state except the top one. */
-            while (state->parentState) {
-                PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-                PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *prntState = state->parentState;
-                /* Dumb: need to increment parentState to avoid destruction
-                 * of "build constants"(they get destroyed when parentState is
-                 * set to NULL. */
-                PKIX_INCREF(prntState);
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)state, plContext);
-                if (error) {
-                    PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)error, plContext);
-                }
-                /* No need to decref the parent state. It was already done by
-                 * pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Destroy function. */
-                state = prntState;
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(parentState);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childState);
-        PKIX_DECREF(valResult);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifyError);
-        PKIX_DECREF(finalError);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(childTraversedSubjNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustAnchor);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validityDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(revCheckerState);
-        PKIX_DECREF(currTime);
-        PKIX_DECREF(filteredCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_CheckInCache
- *
- * The function tries to locate a chain for a cert in the cert chain cache.
- * If found, the chain goes through revocation chacking and returned back to
- * caller. Chains that fail revocation check get removed from cache.
- * 
- *  "state"
- *      Address of ForwardBuilderState to be used. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBuildResult"
- *      Address at which the BuildResult is stored, after a successful build.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which the NBIOContext is stored indicating whether the
- *      validation is complete. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error*
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *targetCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *anchors = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *buildError = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *matchingAnchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheHit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean stillValid = PKIX_FALSE;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_CheckInCache");
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        targetCert = state->buildConstants.targetCert;
-        anchors = state->buildConstants.anchors;
-        testDate = state->buildConstants.testDate;
-        /* Check whether this cert verification has been cached. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CacheCertChain_Lookup
-                   (targetCert,
-                    anchors,
-                    testDate,
-                    &cacheHit,
-                    &buildResult,
-                    plContext),
-        if (!cacheHit) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * We found something in cache. Verify that the anchor
-         * cert is still trusted,
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_BuildResult_GetValidateResult
-                   (buildResult, &valResult, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ValidateResult_GetTrustAnchor
-                       (valResult, &matchingAnchor, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(valResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
-                   (matchingAnchor, &trustedCert, plContext),
-        if (anchors && state->buildConstants.numAnchors) {
-            /* Check if it is one of the trust anchors */
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_List_Contains(anchors,
-                                   (PKIX_PL_Object *)matchingAnchor,
-                                   &trusted,
-                                   plContext),
-        }
-        if ((!trusted && !state->buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors) ||
-            !state->buildConstants.numAnchors) {
-            /* If it is not one of the trust anchors and the trust anchors
-             * are supplemental, or if there are no trust anchors, then check
-             * if the cert is trusted directly.
-             */
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_PL_Cert_IsCertTrusted(trustedCert,
-                                           PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Ignore,
-                                           &trusted, plContext),
-        }
-        if (!trusted) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * Since the key usage may vary for different
-         * applications, we need to verify the chain again.
-         * Reverification will be improved with a fix for 397805.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_BuildResult_GetCertChain
-                   (buildResult, &certList, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_ValidationCheckers
-                   (state,
-                    certList,
-                    matchingAnchor,
-                    PKIX_TRUE,  /* Chain revalidation stage. */
-                    plContext),
-            pkix_Build_ValidateEntireChain(state, matchingAnchor,
-                                           &nbioContext, &valResult,
-                                           state->verifyNode, plContext),
-        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-            /* IO still pending, resume later */
-            *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-            /* The result from cache is still valid. But we replace an old*/
-            *pBuildResult = buildResult;
-            buildResult = NULL;
-            stillValid = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (!nbioContext && cacheHit && !(trusted && stillValid)) {
-            /* The anchor of this chain is no longer trusted or
-             * chain cert(s) has been revoked.
-             * Invalidate this result in the cache */
-            buildError = pkixErrorResult;
-            PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_CacheCertChain_Remove
-                       (targetCert,
-                        anchors,
-                        plContext),
-            pkixErrorResult = buildError;
-            buildError = NULL;
-        }
-       PKIX_DECREF(buildResult);
-       PKIX_DECREF(valResult);
-       PKIX_DECREF(buildError);
-       PKIX_DECREF(certList);
-       PKIX_DECREF(matchingAnchor);
-       PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_InitiateBuildChain
- *
- *  This function initiates the search for a BuildChain, using the parameters
- *  provided in "procParams" and, if continuing a search that was suspended
- *  for I/O, using the ForwardBuilderState pointed to by "pState".
- *
- *  If a successful chain is built, this function stores the BuildResult at
- *  "pBuildResult". Alternatively, if an operation using non-blocking I/O
- *  is in progress and the operation has not been completed, this function
- *  stores the platform-dependent non-blocking I/O context (nbioContext) at
- *  "pNBIOContext", the FowardBuilderState at "pState", and NULL at
- *  "pBuildResult". Finally, if chain building was unsuccessful, this function
- *  stores NULL at both "pState" and at "pBuildResult".
- *
- *  Note: This function is re-entered only for the case of non-blocking I/O
- *  in the "short-cut" attempt to build a chain using the target Certificate
- *  directly with one of the trustAnchors. For all other cases, resumption
- *  after non-blocking I/O is via pkix_Build_ResumeBuildChain.
- *
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of the ProcessingParams for the search. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which the NBIOContext is stored indicating whether the
- *      validation is complete. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pState"
- *      Address at which the ForwardBuilderState is stored, if the chain
- *      building is suspended for waiting I/O; also, the address at which the
- *      ForwardBuilderState is provided for resumption of the chain building
- *      attempt. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBuildResult"
- *      Address at which the BuildResult is stored, after a successful build.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVerifyNode"
- *      Address at which a VerifyNode chain is returned, if non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState **pState,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numAnchors = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCertStores = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numHintCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean isDuplicate = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *targetConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *targetParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *anchors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *targetSubjNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *targetCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstHintCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *hintCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *targetPubKey = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        BuildConstants buildConstants;
-        PKIX_List *tentativeChain = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback selectorCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_InitiateBuildChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(procParams, pNBIOContext, pState, pBuildResult);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        state = *pState;
-        *pState = NULL; /* no net change in reference count */
-        if (state == NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetDate
-                    (procParams, &testDate, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTrustAnchors
-                    (procParams, &anchors, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(anchors, &numAnchors, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-            /* retrieve stuff from targetCertConstraints */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
-                       (procParams, &targetConstraints, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                    (targetConstraints, &targetParams, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificate
-                    (targetParams, &targetCert, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetLeafCertFlag(targetParams,
-                                                      PKIX_TRUE, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetHintCerts
-                        (procParams, &hintCerts, plContext),
-            if (hintCerts != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                            (hintCerts, &numHintCerts, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-            }
-            /*
-             * Caller must provide either a target Cert
-             * (in ComCertSelParams->Certificate) or a partial Cert
-             * chain (in ProcParams->HintCerts).
-             */
-            if (targetCert == NULL) {
-                    /* Use first cert of hintCerts as the targetCert */
-                    if (numHintCerts == 0) {
-                            PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_NOTARGETCERTSUPPLIED);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (hintCerts,
-                            0,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&targetCert,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem(hintCerts, 0, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-            } else {
-                    /*
-                     * If the first hintCert is the same as the targetCert,
-                     * delete it from hintCerts.
-                     */ 
-                    if (numHintCerts != 0) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                    (hintCerts, 0, &firstHintCert, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)targetCert,
-                                    firstHintCert,
-                                    &isDuplicate,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                            if (isDuplicate) {
-                                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem
-                                    (hintCerts, 0, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                            }
-                            PKIX_DECREF(firstHintCert);
-                    }
-            }
-            if (targetCert == NULL) {
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_IsLeafCertTrusted
-                    (targetCert,
-                    &trusted, 
-                    plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAllSubjectNames
-                    (targetCert,
-                    &targetSubjNames,
-                    plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                    (targetCert, &targetPubKey, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&tentativeChain, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (tentativeChain, (PKIX_PL_Object *)targetCert, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-            if (procParams->qualifyTargetCert) {
-                /* EE cert validation */
-                /* Sync up the time on the target selector parameter struct. */
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificateValid(targetParams,
-                                                              testDate,
-                                                              plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
-                           (targetConstraints, &selectorCallback, plContext),
-                pkixErrorResult =
-                    (*selectorCallback)(targetConstraints, targetCert,
-                                        plContext);
-                if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                    pkixErrorClass = pkixErrorResult->errClass;
-                    if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                    if (pVerifyNode != NULL) {
-                            PKIX_Error *tempResult =
-                                pkix_VerifyNode_Create(targetCert, 0,
-                                                       pkixErrorResult,
-                                                       pVerifyNode,
-                                                       plContext);
-                            if (tempResult) {
-                                PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-                                pkixErrorResult = tempResult;
-                                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED;
-                                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                            }
-                    }
-                    pkixErrorCode = PKIX_CERTCHECKVALIDITYFAILED;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-            }
-            /* If the EE cert is trusted, force success. We only want to do
-             * this if we aren't validating against a policy (like EV). */
-            if (trusted && procParams->initialPolicies == NULL) {
-                if (pVerifyNode != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_Error *tempResult =
-                        pkix_VerifyNode_Create(targetCert, 0, NULL,
-                                               pVerifyNode,
-                                               plContext);
-                    if (tempResult) {
-                        pkixErrorResult = tempResult;
-                        pkixErrorCode = PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED;
-                        pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ValidateResult_Create
-                        (targetPubKey, NULL /* anchor */,
-                         NULL /* policyTree */, &valResult, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    pkix_BuildResult_Create(valResult, tentativeChain,
-                                            &buildResult, plContext),
-                *pBuildResult = buildResult;
-                /* Note that *pState is NULL.   The only side effect is that
-                 * the cert chain won't be cached in PKIX_BuildChain, which
-                 * is fine. */
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores
-                    (procParams, &certStores, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (certStores, &numCertStores, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-            /* Reorder CertStores so trusted are at front of the List */
-            if (numCertStores > 1) {
-                for (i = numCertStores - 1; i > 0; i--) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (certStores,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&certStore,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback
-                        (certStore, &trustCallback, plContext),
-                    if (trustCallback != NULL) {
-                        /* Is a trusted Cert, move CertStore to front */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem
-                            (certStores, i, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTDELETEITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_InsertItem
-                            (certStores,
-                            0,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)certStore,
-                            plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTINSERTITEMFAILED);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-                }
-            }
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers
-                        (procParams, &userCheckers, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetRevocationChecker
-                        (procParams, &revChecker, plContext),
-            /* Do not initialize AIA manager if we are not going to fetch
-             * cert using aia url. */
-            if (procParams->useAIAForCertFetching) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_AIAMgr_Create(&aiaMgr, plContext),
-                           PKIX_AIAMGRCREATEFAILED);
-            }
-            /*
-             * We initialize all the fields of buildConstants here, in one place,
-             * just to help keep track and ensure that we got everything.
-             */
-            buildConstants.numAnchors = numAnchors;
-            buildConstants.numCertStores = numCertStores;
-            buildConstants.numHintCerts = numHintCerts;
-            buildConstants.procParams = procParams;
-            buildConstants.testDate = testDate;
-            buildConstants.timeLimit = NULL;
-            buildConstants.targetCert = targetCert;
-            buildConstants.targetPubKey = targetPubKey;
-            buildConstants.certStores = certStores;
-            buildConstants.anchors = anchors;
-            buildConstants.userCheckers = userCheckers;
-            buildConstants.hintCerts = hintCerts;
-            buildConstants.revChecker = revChecker;
-            buildConstants.aiaMgr = aiaMgr;
-            buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors =
-                    procParams->useOnlyTrustAnchors;
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_GetResourceLimits(&buildConstants, plContext),
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ForwardBuilderState_Create
-                    (0,              /* PKIX_UInt32 traversedCACerts */
-                    buildConstants.maxFanout,
-                    buildConstants.maxDepth,
-                    PKIX_TRUE,       /* PKIX_Boolean canBeCached */
-                    NULL,            /* PKIX_Date *validityDate */
-                    targetCert,      /* PKIX_PL_Cert *prevCert */
-                    targetSubjNames, /* PKIX_List *traversedSubjNames */
-                    tentativeChain,  /* PKIX_List *trustChain */
-                    NULL,            /* PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *parent */
-                    &state,          /* PKIX_ForwardBuilderState **pState */
-                    plContext),
-            state->buildConstants.numAnchors = buildConstants.numAnchors;
-            state->buildConstants.numCertStores = buildConstants.numCertStores; 
-            state->buildConstants.numHintCerts = buildConstants.numHintCerts;
-            state->buildConstants.maxFanout = buildConstants.maxFanout;
-            state->buildConstants.maxDepth = buildConstants.maxDepth;
-            state->buildConstants.maxTime = buildConstants.maxTime;
-            state->buildConstants.procParams = buildConstants.procParams; 
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.testDate);
-            state->buildConstants.testDate = buildConstants.testDate;
-            state->buildConstants.timeLimit = buildConstants.timeLimit;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.targetCert);
-            state->buildConstants.targetCert = buildConstants.targetCert;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.targetPubKey);
-            state->buildConstants.targetPubKey =
-                    buildConstants.targetPubKey;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.certStores);
-            state->buildConstants.certStores = buildConstants.certStores;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.anchors);
-            state->buildConstants.anchors = buildConstants.anchors;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.userCheckers);
-            state->buildConstants.userCheckers =
-                    buildConstants.userCheckers;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.hintCerts);
-            state->buildConstants.hintCerts = buildConstants.hintCerts;
-            PKIX_INCREF(buildConstants.revChecker);
-            state->buildConstants.revChecker = buildConstants.revChecker;
-            state->buildConstants.aiaMgr = buildConstants.aiaMgr;
-            aiaMgr = NULL;
-            state->buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors =
-                    buildConstants.trustOnlyUserAnchors;
-            if (buildConstants.maxTime != 0) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Date_Create_CurrentOffBySeconds
-                            (buildConstants.maxTime,
-                            &state->buildConstants.timeLimit,
-                            plContext),
-            }
-            if (pVerifyNode != NULL) {
-                PKIX_Error *tempResult =
-                    pkix_VerifyNode_Create(targetCert, 0, NULL,
-                                           &(state->verifyNode),
-                                           plContext);
-                if (tempResult) {
-                    pkixErrorResult = tempResult;
-                    pkixErrorCode = PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED;
-                    pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-            }
-                pkix_Build_CheckInCache(state, &buildResult,
-                                        &nbioContext, plContext),
-            if (nbioContext) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                *pState = state;
-                state = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-            if (buildResult) {
-                *pBuildResult = buildResult;
-                if (pVerifyNode != NULL) {
-                    *pVerifyNode = state->verifyNode;
-                    state->verifyNode = NULL;
-                }
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-        }
-        /* If we're resuming after non-blocking I/O we need to get SubjNames */
-        if (targetSubjNames == NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAllSubjectNames
-                    (state->buildConstants.targetCert,
-                    &targetSubjNames,
-                    plContext),
-        }
-        state->status = BUILD_INITIAL;
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            pkix_BuildForwardDepthFirstSearch(&nbioContext, state,
-                                              &valResult, plContext);
-        /* non-null nbioContext means the build would block */
-        if (pkixErrorResult == NULL && nbioContext != NULL) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                *pBuildResult = NULL;
-        /* no valResult means the build has failed */
-        } else {
-                if (pVerifyNode != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_INCREF(state->verifyNode);
-                        *pVerifyNode = state->verifyNode;
-                }
-                if (valResult == NULL || pkixErrorResult)
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    pkix_BuildResult_Create(valResult, state->trustChain,
-                                            &buildResult, plContext),
-                *pBuildResult = buildResult;
-        }
-        *pState = state;
-        state = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(targetConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(targetParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(targetSubjNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(targetCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(revChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStores);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStore);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(hintCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(firstHintCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(testDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(targetPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(tentativeChain);
-        PKIX_DECREF(valResult);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Build_ResumeBuildChain
- *
- *  This function continues the search for a BuildChain, using the parameters
- *  provided in "procParams" and the ForwardBuilderState pointed to by "state".
- *
- *  If a successful chain is built, this function stores the BuildResult at
- *  "pBuildResult". Alternatively, if an operation using non-blocking I/O
- *  is in progress and the operation has not been completed, this function
- *  stores the FowardBuilderState at "pState" and NULL at "pBuildResult".
- *  Finally, if chain building was unsuccessful, this function stores NULL
- *  at both "pState" and at "pBuildResult".
- *
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which the NBIOContext is stored indicating whether the
- *      validation is complete. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pState"
- *     Address at which the ForwardBuilderState is provided for resumption of
- *     the chain building attempt; also, the address at which the
- *     ForwardBuilderStateis stored, if the chain building is suspended for
- *     waiting I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBuildResult"
- *      Address at which the BuildResult is stored, after a successful build.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Build Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_Build_ResumeBuildChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(state, pBuildResult);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            pkix_BuildForwardDepthFirstSearch(&nbioContext, state,
-                                              &valResult, plContext);
-        /* non-null nbioContext means the build would block */
-        if (pkixErrorResult == NULL && nbioContext != NULL) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                *pBuildResult = NULL;
-        /* no valResult means the build has failed */
-        } else {
-                if (pVerifyNode != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_INCREF(state->verifyNode);
-                    *pVerifyNode = state->verifyNode;
-                }
-                if (valResult == NULL || pkixErrorResult)
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    pkix_BuildResult_Create(valResult, state->trustChain,
-                                            &buildResult, plContext),
-                *pBuildResult = buildResult;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(valResult);
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_BuildChain (see comments in pkix.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void **pState,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyNode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "PKIX_BuildChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(procParams, pNBIOContext, pState, pBuildResult);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        if (*pState == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_InitiateBuildChain
-                        (procParams,
-                        &nbioContext,
-                        &state,
-                        &buildResult,
-                        pVerifyNode,
-                        plContext),
-        } else {
-                state = (PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *)(*pState);
-                *pState = NULL; /* no net change in reference count */
-                if (state->status == BUILD_SHORTCUTPENDING) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_InitiateBuildChain
-                                (procParams,
-                                &nbioContext,
-                                &state,
-                                &buildResult,
-                                pVerifyNode,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_BUILDINITIATEBUILDCHAINFAILED);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Build_ResumeBuildChain
-                                (&nbioContext,
-                                state,
-                                &buildResult,
-                                pVerifyNode,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_BUILDINITIATEBUILDCHAINFAILED);
-                }
-        }
-        /* non-null nbioContext means the build would block */
-        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                *pState = state;
-                state = NULL;
-                *pBuildResult = NULL;
-        /* no buildResult means the build has failed */
-        } else if (buildResult == NULL) {
-        } else {
-                /*
-                 * If we made a successful chain by combining the target Cert
-                 * with one of the Trust Anchors, we may have never created a
-                 * validityDate. We treat this situation as
-                 * canBeCached = PKIX_FALSE.
-                 */
-                if ((state != NULL) &&
-                    ((state->validityDate) != NULL) &&
-                    (state->canBeCached)) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CacheCertChain_Add
-                                (state->buildConstants.targetCert,
-                                state->buildConstants.anchors,
-                                state->validityDate,
-                                buildResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CACHECERTCHAINADDFAILED);
-                }
-                *pState = NULL;
-                *pBuildResult = buildResult;
-                buildResult = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(buildResult);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.h
deleted file mode 100755
index eeba923..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_build.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_build.h
- *
- * Header file for buildChain function
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_BUILD_H
-#define _PKIX_BUILD_H
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapt.h"
-#include "pkix_ekuchecker.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef enum {
-        BUILD_TRYAIA,
-} BuildStatus;
-typedef struct BuildConstantsStruct BuildConstants;
- * These fields (the ones that are objects) are not reference-counted
- * in *each* state, but only in the root, the state that has no parent.
- * That saves time in creation and destruction of child states, but is
- * safe enough since they are constants.
- */
-struct BuildConstantsStruct {
-        PKIX_UInt32 numAnchors;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCertStores;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numHintCerts;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxDepth;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxFanout;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxTime;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *timeLimit;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *targetCert;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *targetPubKey;
-        PKIX_List *certStores;
-        PKIX_List *anchors;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckers;
-        PKIX_List *hintCerts;
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker;
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr;
-        PKIX_Boolean useAIAForCertFetching;
-        PKIX_Boolean trustOnlyUserAnchors;
-struct PKIX_ForwardBuilderStateStruct{
-        BuildStatus status;
-        PKIX_Int32 traversedCACerts;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certStoreIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numAias;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 aiaIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certCheckedIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 checkerIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hintCertIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numFanout;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numDepth;
-        PKIX_UInt32 reasonCode;
-        PKIX_Boolean canBeCached;
-        PKIX_Boolean useOnlyLocal;
-        PKIX_Boolean revChecking;
-        PKIX_Boolean usingHintCerts;
-        PKIX_Boolean certLoopingDetected;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityDate;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *prevCert;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *candidateCert;
-        PKIX_List *traversedSubjNames;
-        PKIX_List *trustChain;
-        PKIX_List *aia;
-        PKIX_List *candidateCerts;
-        PKIX_List *reversedCertChain;
-        PKIX_List *checkedCritExtOIDs;
-        PKIX_List *checkerChain;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSel;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode;
-        void *client; /* messageHandler, such as LDAPClient */
-        PKIX_ForwardBuilderState *parentState;
-        BuildConstants buildConstants;
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_ForwardBuilderState_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_Build_GetNBIOContext(void *state, void **pNBIOContext, void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_BUILD_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.c
deleted file mode 100755
index aad0e1a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_lifecycle.c
- *
- * Top level initialize and shutdown functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_lifecycle.h"
-static PKIX_Boolean pkixIsInitialized;
-/* Lock used by Logger - is reentrant by the same thread */
-extern PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *pkixLoggerLock;
- * Following pkix_* variables are for debugging purpose. They should be taken
- * out eventually. The purpose is to verify cache tables usage (via debugger).
- */
-int pkix_ccAddCount = 0;
-int pkix_ccLookupCount = 0;
-int pkix_ccRemoveCount = 0;
-int pkix_cAddCount = 0;
-int pkix_cLookupCount = 0;
-int pkix_cRemoveCount = 0;
-int pkix_ceAddCount = 0;
-int pkix_ceLookupCount = 0;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCrlSigTable = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCertSigTable = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCertChainTable = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCertTable = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCrlEntryTable = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *aiaConnectionCache = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_HashTable *httpSocketCache = NULL;
-extern PKIX_List *pkixLoggers;
-extern PKIX_List *pkixLoggersErrors;
-extern PKIX_List *pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Initialize (see comments in pkix.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean platformInitNeeded,
-        PKIX_UInt32 desiredMajorVersion,
-        PKIX_UInt32 minDesiredMinorVersion,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxDesiredMinorVersion,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pActualMinorVersion,
-        void **pPlContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIFECYCLE, "PKIX_Initialize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pPlContext);
-        /*
-         * If we are called a second time other than in the situation handled
-         * above, we return a positive status.
-         */
-        if (pkixIsInitialized){
-                /* Already initialized */
-                PKIX_RETURN(LIFECYCLE);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Initialize
-                (platformInitNeeded, PKIX_FALSE, &plContext),
-                PKIX_INITIALIZEFAILED);
-        *pPlContext = plContext;
-        if (desiredMajorVersion != PKIX_MAJOR_VERSION){
-        }
-        if ((minDesiredMinorVersion > PKIX_MINOR_VERSION) ||
-            (maxDesiredMinorVersion < PKIX_MINOR_VERSION)){
-        }
-        *pActualMinorVersion = PKIX_MINOR_VERSION;
-        /* Create Cache Tables
-         * Do not initialize hash tables for object leak test */
-#if !defined(PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST)
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                   (32, 0, &cachedCertSigTable, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                   (32, 0, &cachedCrlSigTable, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                       (32, 10, &cachedCertChainTable, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                       (32, 10, &cachedCertTable, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                   (32, 10, &cachedCrlEntryTable, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                   (5, 5, &aiaConnectionCache, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                   (5, 5, &httpSocketCache, plContext),
-        if (pkixLoggerLock == NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Create
-                       (&pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-                       PKIX_MONITORLOCKCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        fnInvTable = PL_NewHashTable(0, pkix_ErrorGen_Hash,
-                                     PL_CompareValues,
-                                     PL_CompareValues, NULL, NULL);
-        if (!fnInvTable) {
-        }
-        fnStackNameArr = PORT_ZNewArray(char*, MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
-        if (!fnStackNameArr) {
-        }
-        fnStackInvCountArr = PORT_ZNewArray(PKIX_UInt32, MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
-        if (!fnStackInvCountArr) {
-        }
-        pkixIsInitialized = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Shutdown (see comments in pkix.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_Shutdown(void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIFECYCLE, "PKIX_Shutdown");
-        if (!pkixIsInitialized){
-                /* The library was not initialized */
-                PKIX_RETURN(LIFECYCLE);
-        }
-        pkixIsInitialized = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (pkixLoggers) {
-                savedPkixLoggers = pkixLoggers;
-                savedPkixLoggersErrors = pkixLoggersErrors;
-                savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-                pkixLoggers = NULL;
-                pkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-                pkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-                PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggers);
-                PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersErrors);
-                PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixLoggerLock);
-        /* Destroy Cache Tables */
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertSigTable);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCrlSigTable);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertChainTable);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertTable);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCrlEntryTable);
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaConnectionCache);
-        PKIX_DECREF(httpSocketCache);
-        /* Clean up any temporary errors that happened during shutdown */
-        if (pkixErrorList) {
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)pkixErrorList, plContext);
-            pkixErrorList = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Shutdown(plContext),
-                PKIX_SHUTDOWNFAILED);
-        PORT_Free(fnStackInvCountArr);
-        PORT_Free(fnStackNameArr);
-        PL_HashTableDestroy(fnInvTable);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0263122..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_lifecycle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_lifecycle.h
- *
- * Header file for initialize and shutdown functions.
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_LIFECYCLE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 1e5dec7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1451 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_validate.c
- *
- * Top level validateChain function
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_validate.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_AddToVerifyLog
- *
- *  This function returns immediately if the address for the VerifyNode tree
- *  pointed to by "pVerifyTree" is NULL. Otherwise it creates a new VerifyNode
- *  from the Cert pointed to by "cert" and the Error pointed to by "error",
- *  and inserts it at the depth in the VerifyNode tree determined by "depth". A
- *  depth of zero means that this function creates the root node of a new tree.
- *
- *  Note: this function does not include the means of choosing among branches
- *  of a tree. It is intended for non-branching trees, that is, where each
- *  parent node has only a single child node.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      The address of the Cert to be included in the new VerifyNode. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "depth"
- *      The UInt32 value of the depth.
- *  "error"
- *      The address of the Error to be included in the new VerifyNode.
- *  "pVerifyTree"
- *      The address of the VerifyNode tree into which the created VerifyNode
- *      is to be inserted. The node is not created if VerifyTree is NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 depth,
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_AddToVerifyLog");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(cert);
-        if (pVerifyTree) { /* nothing to do if no address given for log */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_Create
-                        (cert, depth, error, &verifyNode, plContext),
-                        PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED);
-                if (depth == 0) {
-                        /* We just created the root node */
-                        *pVerifyTree = verifyNode;
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_VerifyNode_AddToChain
-                                (*pVerifyTree, verifyNode, plContext),
-                                PKIX_VERIFYNODEADDTOCHAINFAILED);
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CheckCert
- *
- *  Checks whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" successfully validates
- *  using the List of CertChainCheckers pointed to by "checkers". If the
- *  certificate does not validate, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  This function should be called initially with the UInt32 pointed to by
- *  "pCheckerIndex" containing zero, and the pointer at "pNBIOContext"
- *  containing NULL. If a checker does non-blocking I/O, this function will
- *  return with the index of that checker stored at "pCheckerIndex" and a
- *  platform-dependent non-blocking I/O context stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *  A subsequent call to this function with those values intact will allow the
- *  checking to resume where it left off. This should be repeated until the
- *  function returns with NULL stored at "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert to validate. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "checkers"
- *      List of CertChainCheckers which must each validate the certificate.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "checkedExtOIDs"
- *      List of PKIX_PL_OID that has been processed. If called from building
- *      chain, it is the list of critical extension OIDs that has been
- *      processed prior to validation. May be NULL.
- *  "pCheckerIndex"
- *      Address at which is stored the the index, within the List "checkers",
- *      of a checker whose processing was interrupted by non-blocking I/O.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which is stored platform-specific non-blocking I/O context.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List *checkers,
-        PKIX_List *checkedExtOIDsList,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCheckerIndex,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker_CheckCallback checkerCheck = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *unresCritExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCheckers;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numUnresCritExtOIDs = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 checkerIndex = 0;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_CheckCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(cert, checkers, pCheckerIndex, pNBIOContext);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL; /* prepare for case of error exit */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                    (cert, &unresCritExtOIDs, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(checkers, &numCheckers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        for (checkerIndex = *pCheckerIndex;
-                checkerIndex < numCheckers;
-                checkerIndex++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (checkers,
-                        checkerIndex,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&checker,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCheckCallback
-                        (checker, &checkerCheck, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(checkerCheck(checker, cert, unresCritExtOIDs,
-                                        &nbioContext,  plContext),
-                           PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKERCHECKFAILED);
-                if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                        *pCheckerIndex = checkerIndex;
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-        }
-        if (unresCritExtOIDs){
-                {
-                        PKIX_PL_String *oidString = NULL;
-                        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-                        char *oidAscii = NULL;
-                        PKIX_TOSTRING(unresCritExtOIDs, &oidString, plContext,
-                                PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                                (oidString,
-                                PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                (void **) &oidAscii,
-                                &length,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                        PKIX_VALIDATE_DEBUG_ARG
-                                ("unrecognized critical extension OIDs:"
-                                " %s\n", oidAscii);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(oidString);
-                        PKIX_PL_Free(oidAscii, plContext);
-                }
-                if (checkedExtOIDsList != NULL) {
-                 /* Take out OID's that had been processed, if any */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_RemoveItems
-                                (unresCritExtOIDs,
-                                checkedExtOIDsList,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTREMOVEITEMSFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (unresCritExtOIDs, &numUnresCritExtOIDs, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                if (numUnresCritExtOIDs != 0){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(unresCritExtOIDs);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_InitializeCheckers
- *
- *  Creates several checkers and initializes them with values derived from the
- *  TrustAnchor pointed to by "anchor", the ProcessingParams pointed to by
- *  "procParams", and the number of Certs in the Chain, represented by
- *  "numCerts". The List of checkers is stored at "pCheckers".
- *
- *  "anchor"
- *      Address of TrustAnchor used to initialize the SignatureChecker and
- *      NameChainingChecker. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to initialize the ExpirationChecker
- *      and TargetCertChecker. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "numCerts"
- *      Number of certificates in the CertChain.
- *  "pCheckers"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_List **pCheckers,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *targetCertChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *expirationChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *nameChainingChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *nameConstraintsChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *basicConstraintsChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *policyChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *sigChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *defaultCrlChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *userChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *trustedCAName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *trustedPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *checkers = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *trustedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *trustedNC = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *initialPolicies = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean policyQualifiersRejected = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialPolicyMappingInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialAnyPolicyInhibit = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean initialExplicitPolicy = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckersList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certStores = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCertCheckers = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_InitializeCheckers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(anchor, procParams, pCheckers);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&checkers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /*
-         * The TrustAnchor may have been created using CreateWithCert
-         * (in which case GetCAPublicKey and GetCAName will return NULL)
-         * or may have been created using CreateWithNameKeyPair (in which
-         * case GetTrustedCert will return NULL. So we call GetTrustedCert
-         * and populate trustedPubKey and trustedCAName accordingly.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
-                (anchor, &trustedCert, plContext),
-        if (trustedCert){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                            (trustedCert, &trustedPubKey, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject
-                            (trustedCert, &trustedCAName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_CERTGETSUBJECTFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAPublicKey
-                            (anchor, &trustedPubKey, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetCAName
-                            (anchor, &trustedCAName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_TRUSTANCHORGETCANAMEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(trustedPubKey, trustedCAName);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetNameConstraints
-                (anchor, &trustedNC, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTargetCertConstraints
-                (procParams, &certSelector, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetDate
-                (procParams, &testDate, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetInitialPolicies
-                (procParams, &initialPolicies, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetPolicyQualifiersRejected
-                (procParams, &policyQualifiersRejected, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsPolicyMappingInhibited
-                (procParams, &initialPolicyMappingInhibit, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsAnyPolicyInhibited
-                (procParams, &initialAnyPolicyInhibit, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_IsExplicitPolicyRequired
-                (procParams, &initialExplicitPolicy, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertStores
-                (procParams, &certStores, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers
-                (procParams, &userCheckersList, plContext),
-        /* now, initialize all the checkers */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_TargetCertChecker_Initialize
-                (certSelector, numCerts, &targetCertChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ExpirationChecker_Initialize
-                (testDate, &expirationChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_NameChainingChecker_Initialize
-                (trustedCAName, &nameChainingChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_NameConstraintsChecker_Initialize
-                (trustedNC, numCerts, &nameConstraintsChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_BasicConstraintsChecker_Initialize
-                (numCerts, &basicConstraintsChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_PolicyChecker_Initialize
-                (initialPolicies,
-                policyQualifiersRejected,
-                initialPolicyMappingInhibit,
-                initialExplicitPolicy,
-                initialAnyPolicyInhibit,
-                numCerts,
-                &policyChecker,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_SignatureChecker_Initialize
-                    (trustedPubKey, numCerts, &sigChecker, plContext),
-        if (userCheckersList != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (userCheckersList, &numCertCheckers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numCertCheckers; i++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (userCheckersList,
-                            i,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **) &userChecker,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (checkers,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)userChecker,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)targetCertChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)expirationChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)nameChainingChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)nameConstraintsChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)basicConstraintsChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)policyChecker, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-            (checkers, (PKIX_PL_Object *)sigChecker, plContext),
-        *pCheckers = checkers;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(checkers);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelector);
-        PKIX_DECREF(testDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(initialPolicies);
-        PKIX_DECREF(targetCertChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(expirationChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameChainingChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraintsChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraintsChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(sigChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCAName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedNC);
-        PKIX_DECREF(trustedCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(defaultCrlChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckersList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certStores);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_RetrieveOutputs
- *
- *  This function queries the respective states of the List of checkers in
- *  "checkers" to to obtain the final public key from the SignatureChecker
- *  and the policy tree from the PolicyChecker, storing those values at
- *  "pFinalSubjPubKey" and "pPolicyTree", respectively.
- *
- *  "checkers"
- *      Address of List of checkers to be queried. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pFinalSubjPubKey"
- *      Address where final public key will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyTree"
- *      Address where policy tree will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *checkers,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pFinalSubjPubKey,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pPolicyTree,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *finalSubjPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *validPolicyTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *checker = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *state = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCheckers = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 type;
-        PKIX_Int32 j;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_RetrieveOutputs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(checkers, pPolicyTree);
-        /*
-         * To optimize the search, we guess that the sigChecker is
-         * last in the tree and is preceded by the policyChecker. We
-         * search toward the front of the chain. Remember that List
-         * items are indexed 0..(numItems - 1).
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(checkers, &numCheckers, plContext),
-        for (j = numCheckers - 1; j >= 0; j--){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (checkers, j, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&checker, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetCertChainCheckerState
-                        (checker, &state, plContext),
-                /* user defined checker may have no state */
-                if (state != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(state, &type, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTGETTYPEFAILED);
-                    if (type == PKIX_SIGNATURECHECKERSTATE_TYPE){
-                        /* final pubKey will include any inherited DSA params */
-                        finalSubjPubKey =
-                            ((pkix_SignatureCheckerState *)state)->
-                                prevPublicKey;
-                        PKIX_INCREF(finalSubjPubKey);
-                        *pFinalSubjPubKey = finalSubjPubKey;
-                    }
-                    if (type == PKIX_CERTPOLICYCHECKERSTATE_TYPE) {
-                        validPolicyTree =
-                            ((PKIX_PolicyCheckerState *)state)->validPolicyTree;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-                PKIX_DECREF(state);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(validPolicyTree);
-        *pPolicyTree = validPolicyTree;
-        PKIX_DECREF(checker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(state);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CheckChain
- *
- *  Checks whether the List of Certs pointed to by "certs", containing
- *  "numCerts" entries, successfully validates using each CertChainChecker in
- *  the List pointed to by "checkers" and has not been revoked, according to any
- *  of the Revocation Checkers in the List pointed to by "revChecker". Checkers
- *  are expected to remove from "removeCheckedExtOIDs" and extensions that they
- *  process. Indices to the certChain and the checkerChain are obtained and
- *  returned in "pCertCheckedIndex" and "pCheckerIndex", respectively. These
- *  should be set to zero prior to the initial call, but may be changed (and
- *  must be supplied on subsequent calls) if processing is suspended for non-
- *  blocking I/O. Each time a Cert passes from being validated by one of the
- *  CertChainCheckers to being checked by a Revocation Checker, the Boolean
- *  stored at "pRevChecking" is changed from FALSE to TRUE. If the Cert is
- *  rejected by a Revocation Checker, its reason code is returned at
- *  "pReasonCode. If the List of Certs successfully validates, the public key i
- *  the final certificate is obtained and stored at "pFinalSubjPubKey" and the
- *  validPolicyTree, which could be NULL, is stored at pPolicyTree. If the List
- *  of Certs fails to validate, an Error pointer is returned.
- *
- *  If "pVerifyTree" is non-NULL, a chain of VerifyNodes is created which
- *  tracks the results of the validation. That is, either each node in the
- *  chain has a NULL Error component, or the last node contains an Error
- *  which indicates why the validation failed.
- *
- *  The number of Certs in the List, represented by "numCerts", is used to
- *  determine which Cert is the final Cert.
- *
- *  "certs"
- *      Address of List of Certs to validate. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "numCerts"
- *      Number of certificates in the List of certificates.
- *  "checkers"
- *      List of CertChainCheckers which must each validate the List of
- *      certificates. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "revChecker"
- *      List of RevocationCheckers which must each not reject the List of
- *      certificates. May be empty, but must be non-NULL.
- *  "removeCheckedExtOIDs"
- *      List of PKIX_PL_OID that has been processed. If called from building
- *      chain, it is the list of critical extension OIDs that has been
- *      processed prior to validation. Extension OIDs that may be processed by
- *      user defined checker processes are also in the list. May be NULL.
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to initialize various checkers. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertCheckedIndex"
- *      Address where Int32 index to the Cert chain is obtained and
- *      returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCheckerIndex"
- *      Address where Int32 index to the CheckerChain is obtained and
- *      returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRevChecking"
- *      Address where Boolean is obtained and returned, indicating, if FALSE,
- *      that CertChainCheckers are being called; or, if TRUE, that RevChecker
- *      are being called. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pReasonCode"
- *      Address where UInt32 results of revocation checking are stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address where platform-dependent context is stored if checking is
- *      suspended for non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pFinalSubjPubKey"
- *      Address where the final public key will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPolicyTree"
- *      Address where the final validPolicyTree is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVerifyTree"
- *      Address where a VerifyTree is stored, if non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *certs,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_List *checkers,
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-        PKIX_List *removeCheckedExtOIDs,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCertCheckedIndex,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCheckerIndex,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRevChecking,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pReasonCode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pFinalSubjPubKey,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pPolicyTree,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 j = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Error *checkCertError = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *issuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext = NULL;
-        CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-        const CERTChainVerifyCallback *chainVerifyCallback = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_CheckChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(certs, checkers, revChecker, pCertCheckedIndex);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(pCheckerIndex, pRevChecking, pReasonCode, anchor);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(pNBIOContext, pFinalSubjPubKey, pPolicyTree);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        revChecking = *pRevChecking;
-        nssContext = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext;
-        chainVerifyCallback = &nssContext->chainVerifyCallback;
-        if (chainVerifyCallback->isChainValid != NULL) {
-                PRBool chainOK = PR_FALSE; /*assume failure*/
-                SECStatus rv;
-                certList = CERT_NewCertList();
-                if (certList == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-                }
-                /* Add the trust anchor to the list */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
-                        (anchor, &cert, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                        PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCERTCertificate(cert, &nssCert, plContext),
-                rv = CERT_AddCertToListHead(certList, nssCert);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-                }
-                /* the certList takes ownership of nssCert on success */
-                nssCert = NULL;
-                PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-                /* Add the rest of the chain to the list */
-                for (j = *pCertCheckedIndex; j < numCerts; j++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem(
-                                certs, j, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cert, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(
-                                PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCERTCertificate(cert, &nssCert, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTGETCERTCERTIFICATEFAILED);
-                        rv = CERT_AddCertToListHead(certList, nssCert);
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-                        }
-                        /* the certList takes ownership of nssCert on success */
-                        nssCert = NULL;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-                }
-                rv = (*chainVerifyCallback->isChainValid)
-                     (chainVerifyCallback->isChainValidArg, certList, &chainOK);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                }
-                if (!chainOK) {
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_TrustAnchor_GetTrustedCert
-                (anchor, &cert, plContext),
-        for (j = *pCertCheckedIndex; j < numCerts; j++) {
-                PORT_Assert(cert);
-                PKIX_DECREF(issuer);
-                issuer = cert;
-                cert = NULL;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem(
-                               certs, j, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cert, plContext),
-                           PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                /* check if cert pointer is valid */
-                PORT_Assert(cert);
-                if (cert == NULL) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (revChecking == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckCert
-                                (cert,
-                                checkers,
-                                removeCheckedExtOIDs,
-                                pCheckerIndex,
-                                &nbioContext,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CHECKCERTFAILED);
-                        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                                *pCertCheckedIndex = j;
-                                *pRevChecking = revChecking;
-                                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        revChecking = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        *pCheckerIndex = 0;
-                }
-                if (revChecking == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        PKIX_RevocationStatus revStatus;
-                        pkixErrorResult =
-                            PKIX_RevocationChecker_Check(
-                                      cert, issuer, revChecker,
-                                      procParams, PKIX_TRUE,
-                                      (j == numCerts - 1) ? PKIX_TRUE : PKIX_FALSE,
-                                      &revStatus, pReasonCode,
-                                      &nbioContext, plContext);
-                        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                                *pCertCheckedIndex = j;
-                                *pRevChecking = revChecking;
-                                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        if (revStatus == PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked ||
-                            pkixErrorResult) {
-                            if (!pkixErrorResult) {
-                                /* if pkixErrorResult is returned then
-                                 * use it as it has a detailed revocation
-                                 * error code. Otherwise create a new error */
-                                PKIX_ERROR_CREATE(VALIDATE,
-                                                  PKIX_CERTIFICATEREVOKED,
-                                                  pkixErrorResult);
-                            }
-                            goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        *pCheckerIndex = 0;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_AddToVerifyLog
-                        (cert, j, NULL, pVerifyTree, plContext),
-                        PKIX_ADDTOVERIFYLOGFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_RetrieveOutputs
-                    (checkers, pFinalSubjPubKey, pPolicyTree, plContext),
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && cert) {
-            checkCertError = pkixErrorResult;
-            PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                pkix_AddToVerifyLog(cert, j, checkCertError, pVerifyTree,
-                                    plContext),
-            pkixErrorResult = checkCertError;
-            pkixErrorCode = pkixErrorResult->errCode;
-            checkCertError = NULL;
-        }
-        if (nssCert) {
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(nssCert);
-        }
-        if (certList) {
-                CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkCertError);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuer);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ExtractParameters
- *
- *  Extracts several parameters from the ValidateParams object pointed to by
- *  "valParams" and stores the CertChain at "pChain", the List of Certs at
- *  "pCerts", the number of Certs in the chain at "pNumCerts", the
- *  ProcessingParams object at "pProcParams", the List of TrustAnchors at
- *  "pAnchors", and the number of TrustAnchors at "pNumAnchors".
- *
- *  "valParams"
- *      Address of ValidateParams from which the parameters are extracted.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      Address where object pointer for List of Certs will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNumCerts"
- *      Address where number of Certs will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pProcParams"
- *      Address where object pointer for ProcessingParams will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAnchors"
- *      Address where object pointer for List of Anchors will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNumAnchors"
- *      Address where number of Anchors will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pNumCerts,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams **pProcParams,
-        PKIX_List **pAnchors,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pNumAnchors,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_ExtractParameters");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(valParams, pCerts, pNumCerts);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(pProcParams, pAnchors, pNumAnchors);
-        /* extract relevant parameters from chain */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ValidateParams_GetCertChain
-                (valParams, pCerts, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(*pCerts, pNumCerts, plContext),
-        /* extract relevant parameters from procParams */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ValidateParams_GetProcessingParams
-                (valParams, pProcParams, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetTrustAnchors
-                (*pProcParams, pAnchors, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(*pAnchors, pNumAnchors, plContext),
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateChain (see comments in pkix.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Error *chainFailed = NULL;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *userChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *checkers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *anchors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckerExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *finalPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *validPolicyTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean supportForwarding = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, numCerts, numAnchors;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numUserCheckers = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certCheckedIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 checkerIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 reasonCode = 0;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "PKIX_ValidateChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(valParams, pResult);
-        /* extract various parameters from valParams */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ExtractParameters
-                    (valParams,
-                    &certs,
-                    &numCerts,
-                    &procParams,
-                    &anchors,
-                    &numAnchors,
-                    plContext),
-        /*
-         * setup an extension OID list that user had defined for his checker
-         * processing. User checker is not responsible for taking out OIDs
-         * from unresolved critical extension list as the libpkix checker
-         * is doing. Here we add those user checkers' OIDs to the removal
-         * list to be taken out by CheckChain
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers
-                    (procParams, &userCheckers, plContext),
-        if (userCheckers != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                    (&validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (userCheckers, &numUserCheckers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numUserCheckers; i++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (userCheckers,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &userChecker,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK
-                        (PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported
-                        (userChecker, &supportForwarding, plContext),
-                    if (supportForwarding == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                            (PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetSupportedExtensions
-                            (userChecker, &userCheckerExtOIDs, plContext),
-                        if (userCheckerExtOIDs != NULL) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                                (validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList,
-                                userCheckerExtOIDs,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(userCheckerExtOIDs);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetRevocationChecker
-                (procParams, &revChecker, plContext),
-        /* try to validate the chain with each anchor */
-        for (i = 0; i < numAnchors; i++){
-                /* get trust anchor */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (anchors, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&anchor, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                /* initialize checkers using information from trust anchor */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_InitializeCheckers
-                        (anchor, procParams, numCerts, &checkers, plContext),
-                        PKIX_INITIALIZECHECKERSFAILED);
-                /*
-                 * Validate the chain using this trust anchor and these
-                 * checkers. (WARNING: checkers that use non-blocking I/O
-                 * are not currently supported.)
-                 */
-                certCheckedIndex = 0;
-                checkerIndex = 0;
-                revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-                chainFailed = pkix_CheckChain
-                        (certs,
-                        numCerts,
-                        anchor,
-                        checkers,
-                        revChecker,
-                        validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList,
-                        procParams,
-                        &certCheckedIndex,
-                        &checkerIndex,
-                        &revChecking,
-                        &reasonCode,
-                        &nbioContext,
-                        &finalPubKey,
-                        &validPolicyTree,
-                        pVerifyTree,
-                        plContext);
-                if (chainFailed) {
-                        /* cert chain failed to validate */
-                        PKIX_DECREF(chainFailed);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(checkers);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(validPolicyTree);
-                        /* if last anchor, we fail; else, we try next anchor */
-                        if (i == (numAnchors - 1)) { /* last anchor */
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_VALIDATECHAINFAILED);
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        /* XXX Remove this assertion after 2014-12-31.
-                         * See bug 946984. */
-                        PORT_Assert(reasonCode == 0);
-                        /* cert chain successfully validated! */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ValidateResult_Create
-                                (finalPubKey,
-                                anchor,
-                                validPolicyTree,
-                                &valResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_VALIDATERESULTCREATEFAILED);
-                        *pResult = valResult;
-                        /* no need to try any more anchors in the loop */
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(finalPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(revChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validPolicyTree);
-        PKIX_DECREF(chainFailed);
-        PKIX_DECREF(procParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Validate_BuildUserOIDs
- *
- *  This function creates a List of the OIDs that are processed by the user
- *  checkers in the List pointed to by "userCheckers", storing the resulting
- *  List at "pUserCritOIDs". If the List of userCheckers is NULL, the output
- *  List will be NULL. Otherwise the output List will be non-NULL, but may be
- *  empty.
- *
- *  "userCheckers"
- *      The address of the List of userCheckers.
- *  "pUserCritOIDs"
- *      The address at which the List is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a VALIDATE Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *userCheckers,
-        PKIX_List **pUserCritOIDs,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numUserCheckers = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_List *userCritOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckerExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean supportForwarding = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CertChainChecker *userChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "pkix_Validate_BuildUserOIDs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pUserCritOIDs);
-        if (userCheckers != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&userCritOIDs, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (userCheckers, &numUserCheckers, plContext),
-            for (i = 0; i < numUserCheckers; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (userCheckers,
-                    i,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &userChecker,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_IsForwardCheckingSupported
-                    (userChecker, &supportForwarding, plContext),
-                if (supportForwarding == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertChainChecker_GetSupportedExtensions
-                        (userChecker, &userCheckerExtOIDs, plContext),
-                    if (userCheckerExtOIDs != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                            (userCritOIDs, userCheckerExtOIDs, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-                    }
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(userCheckerExtOIDs);
-                PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
-            }
-        }
-        *pUserCritOIDs = userCritOIDs;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(userCritOIDs);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckerExtOIDs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userChecker);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_ValidateChain_nb (see comments in pkix.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ValidateParams *valParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCertIndex,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pAnchorIndex,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCheckerIndex,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRevChecking,
-        PKIX_List **pCheckers,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_ValidateResult **pResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numAnchors = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 anchorIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 checkerIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 reasonCode = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean revChecking = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_List *certs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *anchors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *checkers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *userCheckers = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList = NULL;
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor = NULL;
-        PKIX_ValidateResult *valResult = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *finalPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PolicyNode *validPolicyTree = NULL;
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *chainFailed = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(VALIDATE, "PKIX_ValidateChain_NB");
-                (valParams, pCertIndex, pAnchorIndex, pCheckerIndex);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(pRevChecking, pCheckers, pNBIOContext, pResult);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        /* extract various parameters from valParams */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ExtractParameters
-                    (valParams,
-                    &certs,
-                    &numCerts,
-                    &procParams,
-                    &anchors,
-                    &numAnchors,
-                    plContext),
-        /*
-         * Create a List of the OIDs that will be processed by the user
-         * checkers. User checkers are not responsible for removing OIDs from
-         * the List of unresolved critical extensions, as libpkix checkers are.
-         * So we add those user checkers' OIDs to the removal list to be taken
-         * out by CheckChain.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetCertChainCheckers
-                (procParams, &userCheckers, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Validate_BuildUserOIDs
-                (userCheckers, &validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_GetRevocationChecker
-                (procParams, &revChecker, plContext),
-        /* Are we resuming after a WOULDBLOCK return, or starting anew ? */
-        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                /* Resuming */
-                certIndex = *pCertIndex;
-                anchorIndex = *pAnchorIndex;
-                checkerIndex = *pCheckerIndex;
-                revChecking = *pRevChecking;
-                checkers = *pCheckers;
-                *pCheckers = NULL;
-        }
-        /* try to validate the chain with each anchor */
-        for (i = anchorIndex; i < numAnchors; i++) {
-                /* get trust anchor */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (anchors, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&anchor, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                /* initialize checkers using information from trust anchor */
-                if (nbioContext == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_InitializeCheckers
-                                (anchor,
-                                procParams,
-                                numCerts,
-                                &checkers,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_INITIALIZECHECKERSFAILED);
-                }
-                /*
-                 * Validate the chain using this trust anchor and these
-                 * checkers.
-                 */
-                chainFailed = pkix_CheckChain
-                        (certs,
-                        numCerts,
-                        anchor,
-                        checkers,
-                        revChecker,
-                        validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList,
-                        procParams,
-                        &certIndex,
-                        &checkerIndex,
-                        &revChecking,
-                        &reasonCode,
-                        &nbioContext,
-                        &finalPubKey,
-                        &validPolicyTree,
-                        pVerifyTree,
-                        plContext);
-                if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                        *pCertIndex = certIndex;
-                        *pAnchorIndex = anchorIndex;
-                        *pCheckerIndex = checkerIndex;
-                        *pRevChecking = revChecking;
-                        PKIX_INCREF(checkers);
-                        *pCheckers = checkers;
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                if (chainFailed) {
-                        /* cert chain failed to validate */
-                        PKIX_DECREF(chainFailed);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(checkers);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(validPolicyTree);
-                        /* if last anchor, we fail; else, we try next anchor */
-                        if (i == (numAnchors - 1)) { /* last anchor */
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_VALIDATECHAINFAILED);
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        /* XXX Remove this assertion after 2014-12-31.
-                         * See bug 946984. */
-                        PORT_Assert(reasonCode == 0);
-                        /* cert chain successfully validated! */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_ValidateResult_Create
-                                (finalPubKey,
-                                anchor,
-                                validPolicyTree,
-                                &valResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_VALIDATERESULTCREATEFAILED);
-                        *pResult = valResult;
-                        /* no need to try any more anchors in the loop */
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(finalPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(anchor);
-        PKIX_DECREF(checkers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(revChecker);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validPolicyTree);
-        PKIX_DECREF(chainFailed);
-        PKIX_DECREF(procParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(userCheckers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validateCheckedCritExtOIDsList);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 7692e3b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/top/pkix_validate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_validate.h
- *
- * Header file for validateChain function
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *certs,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts,
-        PKIX_TrustAnchor *anchor,
-        PKIX_List *checkers,
-        PKIX_RevocationChecker *revChecker,
-        PKIX_List *buildCheckedExtOIDs,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCertCheckedIndex,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCheckerIndex,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pRevChecking,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pReasonCode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pFinalSubjPubKey,
-        PKIX_PolicyNode **pPolicyTree,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_VALIDATE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d730ca..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_error.c
- *
- * Error Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_error.h"
-#define PKIX_ERRORENTRY(name,desc,nsserr) #desc
-const char * const PKIX_ErrorText[] =
-#include "pkix_errorstrings.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-extern const PKIX_Int32 PKIX_PLErrorIndex[];
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Error_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Error *firstError = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *secondError = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *firstCause = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *secondCause = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS firstClass, secondClass;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean boolResult, unequalFlag;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_Error_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        unequalFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* First just compare pointer values to save time */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                /* Result will only be set to true if all tests pass */
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_ERROR_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        /* If types differ, then return false. Result is already set */
-        if (secondType != PKIX_ERROR_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        /* It is safe to cast to PKIX_Error */
-        firstError = (PKIX_Error *) firstObject;
-        secondError = (PKIX_Error *) secondObject;
-        /* Compare error codes */
-        firstClass = firstError->errClass;
-        secondClass = secondError->errClass;
-        /* If codes differ, return false. Result is already set */
-        if (firstClass != secondClass) goto cleanup;
-        /* Compare causes */
-        firstCause = firstError->cause;
-        secondCause = secondError->cause;
-        /* Ensure that either both or none of the causes are NULL */
-        if (((firstCause != NULL) && (secondCause == NULL))||
-            ((firstCause == NULL) && (secondCause != NULL)))
-                unequalFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        if ((firstCause != NULL) && (secondCause != NULL)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object*)firstCause,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object*)secondCause,
-                            &boolResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_ERRORINRECURSIVEEQUALSCALL);
-                /* Set the unequalFlag so that we return after dec refing */
-                if (boolResult == 0) unequalFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        /* If the cause errors are not equal, return null */
-        if (unequalFlag) goto cleanup;
-        /* Compare info fields */
-        firstInfo = firstError->info;
-        secondInfo = secondError->info;
-        if (firstInfo != secondInfo) goto cleanup;
-        /* Ensure that either both or none of the infos are NULL */
-        if (((firstInfo != NULL) && (secondInfo == NULL))||
-            ((firstInfo == NULL) && (secondInfo != NULL)))
-                unequalFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        if ((firstInfo != NULL) && (secondInfo != NULL)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object*)firstInfo,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object*)secondInfo,
-                            &boolResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_ERRORINRECURSIVEEQUALSCALL);
-                /* Set the unequalFlag so that we return after dec refing */
-                if (boolResult == 0) unequalFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        /* If the infos are not equal, return null */
-        if (unequalFlag) goto cleanup;
-        /* Compare descs */
-        if (firstError->errCode != secondError->errCode) {
-                unequalFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (firstError->plErr != secondError->plErr) {
-                unequalFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        /* If the unequalFlag was set, return false */
-        if (unequalFlag) goto cleanup;
-        /* Errors are equal in all fields at this point */
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Error_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_Error_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_ERROR_TYPE, plContext),
-                PKIX_OBJECTNOTANERROR);
-        error = (PKIX_Error *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(error->cause);
-        PKIX_DECREF(error->info);
-/* XXX This is not thread safe */
-static PKIX_UInt32 pkix_error_cause_depth = 1;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Error_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cause = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *desc = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *causeString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *optCauseString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *errorNameString = NULL;
-        char *format = NULL;
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_Error_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_ERROR_TYPE, plContext),
-                PKIX_OBJECTNOTANERROR);
-        error = (PKIX_Error *)object;
-        /* Get this error's errClass, description and the string of its cause */
-        errClass = error->errClass;
-        /* Get the description string */
-        PKIX_Error_GetDescription(error, &desc, plContext);
-        /* Get the cause */
-        cause = error->cause;
-        /* Get the causes's description string */
-        if (cause != NULL) {
-                pkix_error_cause_depth++;
-                /* Get the cause string */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object*)cause, &causeString, plContext),
-                            PKIX_ERRORGETTINGCAUSESTRING);
-                format = "\n*** Cause (%d): %s";
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                            (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            format,
-                            0,
-                            &formatString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                /* Create the optional Cause String */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (&optCauseString,
-                            plContext,
-                            formatString,
-                            pkix_error_cause_depth,
-                            causeString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-                pkix_error_cause_depth--;
-        }
-        /* Create the Format String */
-        if (optCauseString != NULL) {
-                format = "*** %s Error- %s%s";
-        } else {
-                format = "*** %s Error- %s";
-        }
-        /* Ensure that error errClass is known, otherwise default to Object */
-        if (errClass >= PKIX_NUMERRORCLASSES) {
-                errClass = 0;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void *)PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES[errClass],
-                    0,
-                    &errorNameString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    format,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        /* Create the output String */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (pString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    errorNameString,
-                    desc,
-                    optCauseString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        PKIX_DECREF(desc);
-        PKIX_DECREF(causeString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(optCauseString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(errorNameString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Error_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_Error_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pResult);
-        /* XXX Unimplemented */
-        /* XXX Need to make hashcodes equal when two errors are equal */
-        *pResult = (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)object - (char *)NULL);
-/* --Initializers------------------------------------------------- */
- * PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES is an array of strings, with each string holding a
- * descriptive name for an error errClass. This is used by the default
- * PKIX_PL_Error_ToString function.
- *
- * Note: PKIX_ERRORCLASSES is defined in pkixt.h as a list of error types.
- * (More precisely, as a list of invocations of ERRMACRO(type).) The
- * macro is expanded in pkixt.h to define error numbers, and here to
- * provide corresponding strings. For example, since the fifth ERRMACRO
- * entry is MUTEX, then PKIX_MUTEX_ERROR is defined in pkixt.h as 4, and
- * PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES[4] is initialized here with the value "MUTEX".
- */
-#undef ERRMACRO
-#define ERRMACRO(type) #type
-const char *
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Error_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_ERROR_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_Error_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_Error_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "Error";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_Error);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_Error_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_Error_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_Error_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_Error_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_ERROR_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_Create (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass,
-        PKIX_Error *cause,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *info,
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE errCode,
-        PKIX_Error **pError,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Error *tempCause = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "PKIX_Error_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pError);
-        /*
-         * when called here, if PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc returns an error,
-         * it must be a PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR
-         */
-        pkixErrorResult = PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_ERROR_TYPE,
-                ((PKIX_UInt32)(sizeof (PKIX_Error))),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&error,
-                plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) return (pkixErrorResult);
-        error->errClass = errClass;
-        /* Ensure we don't have a loop. Follow causes until NULL */
-        for (tempCause = cause;
-            tempCause != NULL;
-            tempCause = tempCause->cause) {
-                /* If we detect a loop, throw a new error */
-                if (tempCause == error) {
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cause);
-        error->cause = cause;
-        PKIX_INCREF(info);
-        error->info = info;
-        error->errCode = errCode;
-        error->plErr = PKIX_PLErrorIndex[error->errCode];
-        *pError = error;
-        error = NULL;
-        /* PKIX-XXX Fix for leak during error creation */
-        PKIX_DECREF(error);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetErrorClass (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS *pClass,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "PKIX_Error_GetErrorClass");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(error, pClass);
-        *pClass = error->errClass;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetErrorCode (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE *pCode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "PKIX_Error_GetErrorCode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(error, pCode);
-        *pCode = error->errCode;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetCause (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_Error **pCause,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "PKIX_Error_GetCause");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(error, pCause);
-        if (error->cause != PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()){
-                PKIX_INCREF(error->cause);
-        }
-        *pCause = error->cause;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetSupplementaryInfo (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pInfo,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "PKIX_Error_GetSupplementaryInfo");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(error, pInfo);
-        PKIX_INCREF(error->info);
-        *pInfo = error->info;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Error_GetDescription (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Error *error,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pDesc,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *descString = NULL;
-        char errorStr[32];
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "PKIX_Error_GetDescription");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(error, pDesc);
-        PR_snprintf(errorStr, 32, "Error code: %d", error->errCode);
-        PKIX_PL_String_Create(PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                              (void *)PKIX_ErrorText[error->errCode],
-                              errorStr,
-                              0,
-                              &descString,
-                              plContext);
-        *pDesc = descString;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ca4171a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_error.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_error.h
- *
- * Error Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_ERROR_H
-#define _PKIX_ERROR_H
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_ErrorStruct {
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE errCode;
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass;  /* was formerly "code" */
-        PKIX_Int32 plErr;
-        PKIX_Error *cause;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *info;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-extern PKIX_Error * pkix_Error_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_ERROR_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_errpaths.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_errpaths.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a33ccf7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_errpaths.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_errpaths.c
- *
- * Error Handling Helper Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_error.h"
-const PKIX_StdVars zeroStdVars;
-PKIX_DoThrow(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass, 
-             PKIX_ERRORCODE errCode, PKIX_ERRORCLASS overrideClass,
-             void *plContext)
-    if (!pkixErrorReceived && !pkixErrorResult && pkixErrorList) { 
-        pkixTempResult = PKIX_List_GetItem(pkixErrorList, 0, 
-                         (PKIX_PL_Object**)&pkixReturnResult,
-                                           plContext); 
-    } else { 
-        pkixTempResult = (PKIX_Error*)pkix_Throw(errClass, myFuncName, errCode,
-                                                 overrideClass, pkixErrorResult,
-                                                 &pkixReturnResult, plContext);
-    }
-    if (pkixReturnResult) {
-        if (pkixErrorResult != PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-        }
-        pkixTempResult = pkixReturnResult;
-    } else if (pkixErrorResult) {
-        if (pkixTempResult != PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixTempResult);
-        }
-        pkixTempResult = pkixErrorResult;
-    }
-    if (pkixErrorList) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)pkixErrorList, plContext);
-        pkixErrorList = NULL;
-    }
-    return pkixTempResult;
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_DoReturn(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass,
-              PKIX_Boolean doLogger, void *plContext)
-    PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-    if (pkixErrorReceived || pkixErrorResult || pkixErrorList)
-	return PKIX_DoThrow(stdVars, errClass, pkixErrorCode, pkixErrorClass,
-                             plContext);
-    /* PKIX_DEBUG_EXIT(type); */
-    if (doLogger)
-	_PKIX_DEBUG_TRACE(pkixLoggersDebugTrace, "<<<", PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_TRACE);
-    return NULL;
-/* PKIX_DoAddError - creates the list of received error if it does not exist
- * yet and adds newly received error into the list. */
-PKIX_DoAddError(PKIX_StdVars *stdVars, PKIX_Error *error, void * plContext)
-    PKIX_List *localList = NULL;
-    PKIX_Error *localError = NULL;
-    PKIX_Boolean listCreated = PKIX_FALSE;
-    if (!pkixErrorList) {
-        localError = PKIX_List_Create(&localList, plContext);
-        if (localError)
-            goto cleanup;
-        listCreated = PKIX_TRUE;
-    } else {
-        localList = pkixErrorList;
-    }
-    localError = PKIX_List_AppendItem(localList, (PKIX_PL_Object*)error,
-                                      plContext);
-    PORT_Assert (localError == NULL);
-    if (localError != NULL) {
-        if (listCreated) {
-            /* ignore the error code of DecRef function */
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)localList, plContext);
-            localList = NULL;
-        }
-    } else {
-        pkixErrorList = localList;
-    }
-    if (localError && localError != PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)localError, plContext);
-    }
-    if (error && error != PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-        PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)error, plContext);
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d02b66e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1701 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_list.c
- *
- * List Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_list.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Create_Internal
- *
- *  Creates a new List, using the Boolean value of "isHeader" to determine
- *  whether the new List should be a header, and stores it at "pList". The
- *  List is initially empty and holds no items. To initially add items to
- *  the List, use PKIX_List_AppendItem.
- *
- *  "isHeader"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether new List should be a header.
- *  "pList"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isHeader,
-        PKIX_List **pList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Create_Internal");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_LIST_TYPE,
-                    ((PKIX_UInt32)(sizeof (PKIX_List))),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&list, plContext),
-        list->item = NULL;
-        list->next = NULL;
-        list->immutable = PKIX_FALSE;
-        list->length = 0;
-        list->isHeader = isHeader;
-        *pList = list;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *nextItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a list */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LIST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLIST);
-        list = (PKIX_List *)object;
-        /* We have a valid list. DecRef its item and recurse on next */
-        PKIX_DECREF(list->item);
-        while ((nextItem = list->next) != NULL) {
-            list->next = nextItem->next;
-            nextItem->next = NULL;
-            PKIX_DECREF(nextItem);
-        }      
-        list->immutable = PKIX_FALSE;
-        list->length = 0;
-        list->isHeader = PKIX_FALSE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the List pointed
- *  to by "list" and stores its address in the object pointed to by "pString".
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address of object pointer's destination. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a List Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *itemString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nextString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *format = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean empty;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pString);
-        /* special case when list is the header */
-        if (list->isHeader){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_IsEmpty(list, &empty, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTISEMPTYFAILED);
-                if (empty){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                    "EMPTY",
-                                    0,
-                                    &itemString,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_ERRORCREATINGITEMSTRING);
-                        (*pString) = itemString;
-                        PKIX_DEBUG_EXIT(LIST);
-                        return (NULL);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_ToString_Helper
-                                    (list->next, &itemString, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGHELPERFAILED);
-                }
-                /* Create a string object from the format */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                            (PKIX_ESCASCII, "%s", 0, &format, plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (pString, plContext, format, itemString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        } else {
-                /* Get a string for this list's item */
-                if (list->item == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                    "(null)",
-                                    0,
-                                    &itemString,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                                    ((PKIX_PL_Object*)list->item,
-                                    &itemString,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_OBJECTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                }
-                if (list->next == NULL) {
-                        /* Just return the itemstring */
-                        (*pString) = itemString;
-                        PKIX_DEBUG_EXIT(LIST);
-                        return (NULL);
-                }
-                /* Recursive call to get string for this list's next pointer */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_ToString_Helper
-                            (list->next, &nextString, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGHELPERFAILED);
-                /* Create a string object from the format */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                            (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            "%s, %s",
-                            0,
-                            &format,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (pString,
-                            plContext,
-                            format,
-                            itemString,
-                            nextString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(itemString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nextString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(format);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *listString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *format = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LIST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLIST);
-        list = (PKIX_List *)object;
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_ToString_Helper(list, &listString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, "(%s)", 0, &format, plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf(pString, plContext, format, listString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        PKIX_DECREF(listString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(format);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_List *firstList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *secondList = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondLength = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        /* test that first is a List */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_LIST_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know first is a List, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (first == second){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If second isn't a List, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_LIST_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstList = (PKIX_List *)first;
-        secondList = (PKIX_List *)second;
-        if ((!firstList->isHeader) && (!secondList->isHeader)){
-        }
-        firstLength = firstList->length;
-        secondLength = secondList->length;
-        cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (firstLength == secondLength){
-                for (i = 0, cmpResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                    ((i < firstLength) && cmpResult);
-                    i++){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                    (firstList, i, &firstItem, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                    (secondList, i, &secondItem, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        if ((!firstItem && secondItem) ||
-                            (firstItem && !secondItem)){
-                                        cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        } else if (!firstItem && !secondItem){
-                                continue;
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                                            (firstItem,
-                                            secondItem,
-                                            &cmpResult,
-                                            plContext),
-                                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(firstItem);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(secondItem);
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
-        PKIX_DECREF(firstItem);
-        PKIX_DECREF(secondItem);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 tempHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length, i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LIST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLIST);
-        list = (PKIX_List *)object;
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        length = list->length;
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem(list, i, &element, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                if (!element){
-                        tempHash = 100;
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                                    (element, &tempHash, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTHASHCODEFAILED);
-                }
-                hash = 31 * hash + tempHash;
-                PKIX_DECREF(element);
-        }
-        *pHashcode = hash;
-        PKIX_DECREF(element);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *listDuplicate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LIST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLIST);
-        list = (PKIX_List *)object;
-        if (list->immutable){
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_duplicateImmutable
-                            (object, pNewObject, plContext),
-                            PKIX_DUPLICATEIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Create_Internal
-                            (list->isHeader, &listDuplicate, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTCREATEINTERNALFAILED);
-                listDuplicate->length = list->length;
-                PKIX_INCREF(list->item);
-                listDuplicate->item = list->item;
-                if (list->next == NULL){
-                        listDuplicate->next = NULL;
-                } else {
-                        /* Recursively Duplicate list */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Duplicate
-                                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)list->next,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&listDuplicate->next,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-                }
-                *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)listDuplicate;
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(listDuplicate);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_GetElement
- *
- *  Copies the "list"'s element at "index" into "element". The input List must
- *  be the header of the List (as opposed to being an element of the List). The
- *  index counts from zero and must be less than the List's length. This
- *  function does NOT increment the reference count of the List element since
- *  the returned element's reference will not be stored by the calling
- *  function.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Address of List (must be header) to get element from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "index"
- *      Index of list to get element from. Must be less than List's length.
- *  "pElement"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_List **pElement,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *iterator = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_UInt32 position = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_GetElement");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pElement);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        length = list->length;
-        if (index >= length) {
-        }
-        for (iterator = list; position++ <= index; iterator = iterator->next)
-                ;
-        (*pElement) = iterator;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_LIST_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_List_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "List";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_List);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_List_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_List_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_List_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_List_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_List_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_LIST_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Contains
- *
- *  Checks a List pointed to by "list", to determine whether it includes
- *  an entry that is equal to the Object pointed to by "object", and stores
- *  the result in "pFound".
- *
- *  "list"
- *      List to be searched; may be empty; must be non-NULL
- *  "object"
- *      Object to be checked for; must be non-NULL
- *  "pFound"
- *      Address where the result of the search will be stored. Must
- *      be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *current = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numEntries = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Contains");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(list, object, pFound);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(list, &numEntries, plContext),
-        for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (list, index, &current, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                if (current) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                                (object, current, &match, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(current);
-                }
-                if (match) {
-                        break;
-                }
-        }
-        *pFound = match;
-        PKIX_DECREF(current);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_Remove
- *
- *  Traverses the List pointed to by "list", to find and delete an entry
- *  that is equal to the Object pointed to by "object". If no such entry
- *  is found the function does not return an error.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      List to be searched; may be empty; must be non-NULL
- *  "object"
- *      Object to be checked for and deleted, if found; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *current = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numEntries = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_Remove");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(list, &numEntries, plContext),
-        for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (list, index, &current, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                if (current) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                                (object, current, &match, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(current);
-                }
-                if (match) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_DeleteItem
-                                (list, index, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTDELETEITEMFAILED);
-                        break;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(current);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_RemoveItems
- *
- *  Traverses the List pointed to by "list", to find and delete an entry
- *  that is equal to the Object in the "deleteList". If no such entry
- *  is found the function does not return an error.
- *
- *  "list"
- *      Object in "list" is checked for object in "deleteList" and deleted if
- *      found; may be empty; must be non-NULL
- *  "deleteList"
- *      List of objects to be searched ; may be empty; must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Validate Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_List *deleteList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *current = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numEntries = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_RemoveItems");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, deleteList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(deleteList, &numEntries, plContext),
-        for (index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (deleteList, index, &current, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                if (current) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Remove
-                                (list, current, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(current);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(current);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_MergeLists
- *
- *  Creates a new list consisting of the items from "firstList", followed by
- *  the items on "secondList", returns the new list at "pMergedList". If
- *  both input lists are NULL or empty, the result is an empty list. If an error
- *  occurs, the result is NULL.
- *
- *  "firstList"
- *      Address of list to be merged from. May be NULL or empty.
- *  "secondList"
- *      Address of list to be merged from. May be NULL or empty.
- *  "pMergedList"
- *      Address where returned object is stored.
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer * THREAD SAFETY:
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a List Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *firstList,
-        PKIX_List *secondList,
-        PKIX_List **pMergedList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_MergeLists");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pMergedList);
-        *pMergedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&list, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        if (firstList != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(firstList, &numItems, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem(firstList, i, &item, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem(list, item, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(item);
-        }
-        numItems = 0;
-        if (secondList != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (secondList,
-                        &numItems,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (secondList, i, &item, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (list, item, plContext), PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(item);
-        }
-        *pMergedList = list;
-        list = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(list);
-        PKIX_DECREF(item);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_AppendList
- *
- *  Append items on "fromList" to the "toList". Item reference count on
- *  "toList" is not incremented, but items appended from "fromList" are
- *  incremented.
- *
- *  "toList"
- *      Address of list to be appended to. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "fromList"
- *      Address of list to be appended from. May be NULL or empty.
- *  "plContext"
- *      platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a List Error if the functions fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *toList,
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_AppendList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(toList);
-        /* if fromList is NULL or is an empty list, no action */
-        if (fromList == NULL) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(fromList, &numItems, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        if (numItems == 0) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (fromList, i, &item, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem(toList, item, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(item);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(item);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_AppendUnique
- *
- *  Adds each Object in the List pointed to by "fromList" to the List pointed
- *  to by "toList", if it is not already a member of that List. In other words,
- *  "toList" becomes the union of the two sets.
- *
- *  "toList"
- *      Address of a List of Objects to be augmented by "fromList". Must be
- *      non-NULL, but may be empty.
- *  "fromList"
- *      Address of a List of Objects to be added, if not already present, to
- *      "toList". Must be non-NULL, but may be empty.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "toList"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *toList,
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean isContained = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listLen = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listIx = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_List_AppendUnique");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(fromList, toList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(fromList, &listLen, plContext),
-        for (listIx = 0; listIx < listLen; listIx++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (fromList, listIx, &object, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Contains
-                        (toList, object, &isContained, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCONTAINSFAILED);
-                if (isContained == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (toList, object, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(object);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(object);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_QuickSort
- *
- *  Sorts List of Objects "fromList" using "comparatorCallback"'s result as
- *  comasrison key and returns the sorted List at "pSortedList". The sorting
- *  algorithm used is quick sort (n*logn).
- *
- *  "fromList"
- *      Address of a List of Objects to be sorted. Must be non-NULL, but may be
- *      empty.
- *  "comparatorCallback"
- *      Address of callback function that will compare two Objects on the List.
- *      It should return -1 for less, 0 for equal and 1 for greater. The
- *      callback implementation chooses what in Objects to be compared. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pSortedList"
- *      Address of a List of Objects that shall be sorted and returned. Must be
- *      non-NULL, but may be empty.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "toList"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        PKIX_List_SortComparatorCallback comparator,
-        PKIX_List **pSortedList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *sortedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *lessList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *greaterList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *sortedLessList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *sortedGreaterList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *cmpObj = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 size = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_List_QuickSort");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(fromList, comparator, pSortedList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(fromList, &size, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&lessList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&greaterList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                (fromList, 0, &object, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Pick the first item on the list as the one to be compared.
-         * Separate rest of the itmes into two lists: less-than or greater-
-         * than lists. Sort those two lists recursively. Insert sorted
-         * less-than list before the picked item and append the greater-
-         * than list after the picked item.
-         */
-        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (fromList, i, &cmpObj, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(comparator(object, cmpObj, &cmpResult, plContext),
-                        PKIX_COMPARATORCALLBACKFAILED);
-                if (cmpResult >= 0) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (lessList, cmpObj, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (greaterList, cmpObj, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(cmpObj);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&sortedList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(lessList, &size, plContext),
-        if (size > 1) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_QuickSort
-                        (lessList, comparator, &sortedLessList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTQUICKSORTFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                        (sortedList, sortedLessList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                        (sortedList, lessList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem(sortedList, object, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTAPPENDFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(greaterList, &size, plContext),
-        if (size > 1) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_QuickSort
-                        (greaterList, comparator, &sortedGreaterList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTQUICKSORTFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                        (sortedList, sortedGreaterList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                        (sortedList, greaterList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDLISTFAILED);
-        }
-        *pSortedList = sortedList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cmpObj);
-        PKIX_DECREF(object);
-        PKIX_DECREF(sortedGreaterList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(sortedLessList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(greaterList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(lessList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_List_BubbleSort
- *
- *  Sorts List of Objects "fromList" using "comparatorCallback"'s result as
- *  comasrison key and returns the sorted List at "pSortedList". The sorting
- *  algorithm used is bubble sort (n*n).
- *
- *  "fromList"
- *      Address of a List of Objects to be sorted. Must be non-NULL, but may be
- *      empty.
- *  "comparatorCallback"
- *      Address of callback function that will compare two Objects on the List.
- *      It should return -1 for less, 0 for equal and 1 for greater. The
- *      callback implementation chooses what in Objects to be compared. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pSortedList"
- *      Address of a List of Objects that shall be sorted and returned. Must be
- *      non-NULL, but may be empty.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "toList"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        PKIX_List_SortComparatorCallback comparator,
-        PKIX_List **pSortedList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *sortedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *cmpObj = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *leastObj = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 size = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, j;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_List_BubbleSort");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(fromList, comparator, pSortedList);
-        if (fromList->immutable) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Duplicate
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *) fromList,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &sortedList,
-                 plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(sortedList, &size, plContext),
-        if (size > 1) {
-        /*
-         * Move from the first of the item on the list, For each iteration,
-         * compare and swap the least value to the head of the comparisoning
-         * sub-list.
-         */
-            for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (sortedList, i, &leastObj, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                for (j = i + 1; j < size; j++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (sortedList, j, &cmpObj, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(comparator
-                                (leastObj, cmpObj, &cmpResult, plContext),
-                                PKIX_COMPARATORCALLBACKFAILED);
-                        if (cmpResult > 0) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetItem
-                                           (sortedList, j, leastObj, plContext),
-                                           PKIX_LISTSETITEMFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(leastObj);
-                                leastObj = cmpObj;
-                                cmpObj = NULL;
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_DECREF(cmpObj);
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetItem
-                           (sortedList, i, leastObj, plContext),
-                           PKIX_LISTSETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(leastObj);
-            }
-        }
-        *pSortedList = sortedList;
-        sortedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(sortedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(leastObj);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cmpObj);
-/* --Public-List-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_Create (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List **pList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Create_Internal(PKIX_TRUE, &list, plContext),
-        *pList = list;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_SetImmutable (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_SetImmutable");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(list);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        list->immutable = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_IsImmutable (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pImmutable,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_IsImmutable");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pImmutable);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        *pImmutable = list->immutable;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_GetLength (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_GetLength");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pLength);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        *pLength = list->length;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_IsEmpty (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pEmpty,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_IsEmpty");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pEmpty);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        length = list->length;
-        if (length == 0){
-                *pEmpty = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                *pEmpty = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_AppendItem (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *lastElement = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *newElement = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length, i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_AppendItem");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(list);
-        if (list->immutable){
-        }
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        length = list->length;
-        /* find last element of list and create new element there */
-        lastElement = list;
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
-                lastElement = lastElement->next;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Create_Internal
-                    (PKIX_FALSE, &newElement, plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(item);
-        newElement->item = item;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)list, plContext),
-        lastElement->next = newElement;
-        newElement = NULL;
-        list->length += 1;
-        PKIX_DECREF(newElement);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_InsertItem (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *newElem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_InsertItem");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(list);
-        if (list->immutable){
-        }
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        /* Create a new list object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_Create_Internal(PKIX_FALSE, &newElem, plContext),
-        if (list->length) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_GetElement(list, index, &element, plContext),
-                       PKIX_LISTGETELEMENTFAILED);
-            /* Copy the old element's contents into the new element */
-            newElem->item = element->item;
-            /* Add new item to the list */
-            PKIX_INCREF(item);
-            element->item = item;
-            /* Set the new element's next pointer to the old element's next */
-            newElem->next = element->next;
-            /* Set the old element's next pointer to the new element */
-            element->next = newElem;
-            newElem = NULL;
-        } else {
-            PKIX_INCREF(item);
-            newElem->item = item;
-            newElem->next = NULL;
-            list->next = newElem;
-            newElem = NULL;
-        }
-        list->length++;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)list, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(newElem);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_GetItem (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pItem,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_GetItem");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pItem);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_GetElement(list, index, &element, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETELEMENTFAILED);
-        PKIX_INCREF(element->item);
-        *pItem = element->item;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_SetItem (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *element;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_SetItem");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(list);
-        if (list->immutable){
-        }
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_GetElement(list, index, &element, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETELEMENTFAILED);
-        /* DecRef old contents */
-        PKIX_DECREF(element->item);
-        /* Set New Contents */
-        PKIX_INCREF(item);
-        element->item = item;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)list, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_DeleteItem (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *prevElement = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *nextElement = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_DeleteItem");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(list);
-        if (list->immutable){
-        }
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_GetElement(list, index, &element, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETELEMENTFAILED);
-        /* DecRef old contents */
-        PKIX_DECREF(element->item);
-        nextElement = element->next;
-        if (nextElement != NULL) {
-                /* If the next element exists, splice it out. */
-                /* Don't need to change ref counts for targets of next */
-                element->item = nextElement->item;
-                nextElement->item = NULL;
-                /* Don't need to change ref counts for targets of next */
-                element->next = nextElement->next;
-                nextElement->next = NULL;
-                PKIX_DECREF(nextElement);
-        } else { /* The element is at the tail of the list */
-                if (index != 0) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_GetElement
-                                    (list, index-1, &prevElement, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTGETELEMENTFAILED);
-                } else if (index == 0){ /* prevElement must be header */
-                        prevElement = list;
-                }
-                prevElement->next = NULL;
-                /* Delete the element */
-                PKIX_DECREF(element);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)list, plContext),
-        list->length = list->length - 1;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_List_ReverseList (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_List **pReversedList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *reversedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *duplicateItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length, i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "pkix_List_ReverseList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(list, pReversedList);
-        if (!list->isHeader){
-        }
-        length = list->length;
-        /* Create a new list object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&reversedList, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Starting with the last item and traversing backwards (from
-         * the original list), append each item to the reversed list
-         */
-        for (i = 1; i <= length; i++){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (list, (length - i), &item, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                            (item, &duplicateItem, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTDUPLICATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (reversedList, duplicateItem, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(item);
-                PKIX_DECREF(duplicateItem);
-        }
-        *pReversedList = reversedList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(item);
-        PKIX_DECREF(duplicateItem);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(reversedList);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 13e104f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_list.h
- *
- * List Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_LIST_H
-#define _PKIX_LIST_H
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *obj1,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *obj2,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext);
-struct PKIX_ListStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_Object *item;
-        PKIX_List *next;
-        PKIX_Boolean immutable;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_Boolean isHeader;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_List_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *target,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *firstList,
-        PKIX_List *secondList,
-        PKIX_List **pMergedList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *toList,
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *toList,
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *list,
-        PKIX_List *deleteList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        PKIX_List_SortComparatorCallback comparator,
-        PKIX_List **pSortedList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *fromList,
-        PKIX_List_SortComparatorCallback comparator,
-        PKIX_List **pSortedList,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_LIST_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a916e6e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1088 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_logger.c
- *
- * Logger Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_logger.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-/* Global variable to keep PKIX_Logger List */
-PKIX_List *pkixLoggers = NULL;
- * Once the Logger has been set, for any logging related operations, we have
- * to go through the List to find a match, and if found, issue the
- * corresponding callback. The overhead to check for DEBUG and TRACE in each
- * PKIX function entering and exiting is very expensive (400X), and redundant
- * if they are not the interest of the Logger. Therefore, the PKIX_Logger List
- * pkixLoggers is separated into two lists based on its Loggers' trace level.
- *
- * Whenever the pkixLoggers List is updated by PKIX_Logger_AddLogger() or
- * PKIX_Logger_SetLoggers(), we destroy and reconstruct pkixLoggersErrors
- * and pkixLoggersDebugTrace Logger Lists. The ERROR, FATAL_ERROR and
- * WARNING goes to pkixLoggersErrors and the DEBUG and TRACE goes to
- * pkixLoggersDebugTrace.
- *
- * Currently we provide five logging levels and the default setting are by:
- *
- *     PKIX_FATAL_ERROR() macro invokes pkix_Logger_Check of FATAL_ERROR level
- *     PKIX_ERROR() macro invokes pkix_Logger_Check of ERROR level
- *     WARNING is not invoked as default
- *     PKIX_DEBUG() macro invokes pkix_Logger_Check of DEBUG level. This needs
- *         compilation -DPKIX_<component>DEBUG flag to turn on 
- *     PKIX_ENTER() and PKIX_RETURN() macros invoke pkix_Logger_Check of TRACE
- *         level. TRACE provides duplicate information of DEBUG, but needs no
- *         recompilation and cannot choose component. To allow application
- *         to use DEBUG level, TRACE is put as last.
- *
- */
-PKIX_List *pkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-PKIX_List *pkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-/* To ensure atomic update on pkixLoggers lists */
-PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *pkixLoggerLock = NULL;
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_CheckErrors
- *
- *  This function goes through each PKIX_Logger at "pkixLoggersList" and
- *  checks if "maxLevel" and "logComponent" satisfies what is specified in the
- *  PKIX_Logger. If satisfies, it invokes the callback in PKIX_Logger and
- *  passes a PKIX_PL_String that is the concatenation of "message" and 
- *  "message2" to the application for processing. 
- *  Since this call is inserted into a handful of PKIX macros, no macros are
- *  applied in this function, to avoid infinite recursion.
- *  If an error occurs, this call is aborted.
- *
- *  "pkixLoggersList"
- *      A list of PKIX_Loggers to be examined for invoking callback. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "message"
- *      Address of "message" to be logged. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "message2"
- *      Address of "message2" to be concatenated and logged. May be NULL.
- *  "logComponent"
- *      A PKIX_UInt32 that indicates the component the message is from.
- *  "maxLevel"
- *      A PKIX_UInt32 that represents the level of severity of the message.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *pkixLoggersList,
-        const char *message,
-        const char *message2,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS logComponent,
-        PKIX_UInt32 currentLevel,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *messageString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *message2String = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *msgString = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean needLogging = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, length;
-        /*
-         * We cannot use any the PKIX_ macros here, since this function is
-         * called from some of these macros. It can create infinite recursion.
-         */
-        if ((pkixLoggersList == NULL) || (message == NULL)) {
-                return(NULL);
-        }
-        /*
-         * Disable all subsequent loggings to avoid recursion. The result is
-         * if other thread is calling this function at the same time, there
-         * won't be any logging because the pkixLoggersErrors and
-         * pkixLoggersDebugTrace are set to null.
-         * It would be nice if we provide control per thread (e.g. make
-         * plContext threadable) then we can avoid the recursion by setting
-         * flag at plContext. Then other thread's logging won't be affected.
-         *
-         * Also we need to use a reentrant Lock. Although we avoid recursion
-         * for TRACE. When there is an ERROR occurs in subsequent call, this
-         * function will be called.
-         */
-        error = PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Enter(pkixLoggerLock, plContext);
-        if (error) { return(NULL); }
-        savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        savedPkixLoggersErrors = pkixLoggersErrors;
-        pkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        /* Convert message and message2 to String */
-        error = PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, message, 0, &messageString, plContext);
-        if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-        if (message2) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, message2, 0, &message2String, plContext);
-                if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-                error = PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, "%s %s", 0, &formatString, plContext);
-                if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-        } else {
-                error = PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, "%s", 0, &formatString, plContext);
-                if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-        }
-        error = PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&msgString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    messageString,
-                    message2String);
-        if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-        /* Go through the Logger list */
-        error = PKIX_List_GetLength(pkixLoggersList, &length, plContext);
-        if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-                error = PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (pkixLoggersList,
-                    i,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &logger,
-                    plContext);
-                if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-                /* Intended logging level less or equal than the max */
-                needLogging = (currentLevel <= logger->maxLevel);
-                if (needLogging && (logger->callback)) {
-                    /*
-                     * We separate Logger into two lists based on log level
-                     * but log level is not modified. We need to check here to
-                     * avoid logging the higher log level (lower value) twice.
-                     */
-                    if (pkixLoggersList == pkixLoggersErrors) {
-                            needLogging = needLogging && 
-                                (currentLevel <= PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARNING);
-                    } else if (pkixLoggersList == pkixLoggersDebugTrace) {
-                            needLogging = needLogging && 
-                                (currentLevel > PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARNING);
-                    }
-                    if (needLogging) {
-                        if (logComponent == logger->logComponent) {
-                            needLogging = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        } else {
-                            needLogging = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (needLogging) {
-                        error = logger->callback
-                                (logger,
-                                msgString,
-                                currentLevel,
-                                logComponent,
-                                plContext);
-                        if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-                    }
-                }
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)logger, plContext);
-                logger = NULL;
-                if (error) { goto cleanup; }
-        }
-        if (formatString) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)formatString, plContext);
-        }
-        if (messageString) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
-                         ((PKIX_PL_Object *)messageString, plContext);
-        }
-        if (message2String) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)message2String, plContext);
-        }
-        if (msgString) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)msgString, plContext);
-        }
-        if (logger) {
-                error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)logger, plContext);
-        }
-        if (pkixLoggersErrors == NULL && savedPkixLoggersErrors != NULL) {
-                pkixLoggersErrors = savedPkixLoggersErrors;
-        } 
-        if (pkixLoggersDebugTrace == NULL && 
-           savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace != NULL) {
-                pkixLoggersDebugTrace = savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        }
-        error = PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Exit(pkixLoggerLock, plContext);
-        if (error) { return(NULL); }
-        return(NULL);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *pkixLoggersList,
-        PKIX_UInt32 errorCode,
-        const char *message2,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS logComponent,
-        PKIX_UInt32 currentLevel,
-        void *plContext)
-    char error[32];
-    char *errorString = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_CheckWithCode");
-    errorString = PKIX_ErrorText[errorCode];
-    PR_snprintf(error, 32, "Error code: %d", errorCode);
-    errorString = error;
-    pkixErrorResult = pkix_Logger_Check(pkixLoggersList, errorString,
-                                        message2, logComponent,
-                                        currentLevel, plContext);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Check that this object is a logger */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLOGGER);
-        logger = (PKIX_Logger *)object;
-        /* We have a valid logger. DecRef its item and recurse on next */
-        logger->callback = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(logger->context);
-        logger->logComponent = (PKIX_ERRORCLASS)NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *contextString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *componentString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *loggerString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        /* Check that this object is a logger */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLOGGER);
-        logger = (PKIX_Logger *)object;
-        asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tLogger: \n"
-                "\tContext:          %s\n"
-                "\tMaximum Level:    %d\n"
-                "\tComponent Name:   %s\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(logger->context, &contextString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                (void *)PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES[logger->logComponent],
-                0,
-                &componentString,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&loggerString,
-                plContext,
-                formatString,
-                contextString,
-                logger->maxLevel,
-                componentString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = loggerString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(contextString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_Logger *firstLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *secondLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        /* test that first is a Logger */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know first is a Logger, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (first == second){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If second isn't a Logger, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstLogger = (PKIX_Logger *)first;
-        secondLogger = (PKIX_Logger *)second;
-        cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (firstLogger->callback != secondLogger->callback) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstLogger->logComponent != secondLogger->logComponent) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS  
-                (firstLogger->context,
-                secondLogger->context,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext,
-        if (cmpResult == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstLogger->maxLevel != secondLogger->maxLevel) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 tempHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLOGGER);
-        logger = (PKIX_Logger *)object;
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(logger->context, &tempHash, plContext,
-        hash = (((((PKIX_UInt32)((char *)logger->callback - (char *)NULL) + tempHash) << 7) +
-                logger->maxLevel) << 7) + (PKIX_UInt32)logger->logComponent;
-        *pHashcode = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *dupLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)object, PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLOGGER);
-        logger = (PKIX_Logger *) object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_Logger),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dupLogger,
-                    plContext),
-        dupLogger->callback = logger->callback;
-        dupLogger->maxLevel = logger->maxLevel;
-                    (logger->context,
-                    &dupLogger->context,
-                    plContext,
-        dupLogger->logComponent = logger->logComponent;
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *) dupLogger;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(dupLogger);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Logger_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_Logger_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "pkix_Logger_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "Logger";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_Logger);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_Logger_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_Logger_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_Logger_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_Logger_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_Logger_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Logger-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_Create (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger_LogCallback callback,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *loggerContext,
-        PKIX_Logger **pLogger,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pLogger);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_LOGGER_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_Logger),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&logger,
-                    plContext),
-        logger->callback = callback;
-        logger->maxLevel = 0;
-        logger->logComponent = (PKIX_ERRORCLASS)NULL;
-        PKIX_INCREF(loggerContext);
-        logger->context = loggerContext;
-        *pLogger = logger;
-        logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(logger);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLogCallback (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_Logger_LogCallback *pCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_GetLogCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(logger, pCallback);
-        *pCallback = logger->callback;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLoggerContext (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pLoggerContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_GetLoggerContex");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(logger, pLoggerContext);
-        PKIX_INCREF(logger->context);
-        *pLoggerContext = logger->context;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetMaxLoggingLevel (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLevel,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_GetMaxLoggingLevel");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(logger, pLevel);
-        *pLevel = logger->maxLevel;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_SetMaxLoggingLevel (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_UInt32 level,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_SetMaxLoggingLevel");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(logger);
-        if (level > PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_MAX) {
-        } else {
-                logger->maxLevel = level;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLoggingComponent (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS *pComponent,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_GetLoggingComponent");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(logger, pComponent);
-        *pComponent = logger->logComponent;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_SetLoggingComponent (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS component,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_SetLoggingComponent");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(logger);
-        logger->logComponent = component;
- * Following PKIX_GetLoggers(), PKIX_SetLoggers() and PKIX_AddLogger() are
- * documented as not thread-safe. However they are thread-safe now. We need
- * the lock when accessing the logger lists.
- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_GetLoggers (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List **pLoggers,  /* list of PKIX_Logger */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *dupLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, length;
-        PKIX_Boolean locked = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_GetLoggers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pLoggers);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Enter(pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-        locked = PKIX_TRUE;
-        /*
-         * Temporarily disable DEBUG/TRACE Logging to avoid possible
-         * deadlock:
-         * When the Logger List is being accessed, e.g. by PKIX_ENTER or
-         * PKIX_DECREF, pkix_Logger_Check may check whether logging
-         * is requested, creating a deadlock situation.
-         */
-        savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        savedPkixLoggersErrors = pkixLoggersErrors;
-        pkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        if (pkixLoggers == NULL) {
-                length = 0;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                    (pkixLoggers, &length, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        /* Create a list and copy the pkixLoggers item to the list */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&list, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (pkixLoggers,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &logger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Logger_Duplicate
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)logger,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dupLogger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LOGGERDUPLICATEFAILED);
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (list,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) dupLogger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-            PKIX_DECREF(logger);
-            PKIX_DECREF(dupLogger);
-        }
-        /* Set the list to be immutable */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(list, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-        *pLoggers = list;
-        PKIX_DECREF(logger);
-        /* Restore logging capability */
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        pkixLoggersErrors = savedPkixLoggersErrors;
-        if (locked) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Exit(pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-                        PKIX_MONITORLOCKEXITFAILED);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_SetLoggers (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *loggers,  /* list of PKIX_Logger */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *list = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *logger = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *dupLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean locked = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_SetLoggers");
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Enter(pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-        locked = PKIX_TRUE;
-        /* Disable tracing, etc. to avoid recursion and deadlock */
-        savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        savedPkixLoggersErrors = pkixLoggersErrors;
-        pkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        /* discard any prior loggers */
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixLoggers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersErrors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace);
-        if (loggers != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&list, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(loggers, &length, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (loggers,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &logger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Logger_Duplicate
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)logger,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dupLogger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LOGGERDUPLICATEFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (list,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) dupLogger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                    /* Make two lists */
-                    /* Put in pkixLoggersErrors in any case*/
-                    if (savedPkixLoggersErrors == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                (&savedPkixLoggersErrors,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (savedPkixLoggersErrors,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *) dupLogger,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                    if (logger->maxLevel > PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARNING) {
-                        /* Put in pkixLoggersDebugTrace */
-                        if (savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace == NULL) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                    (&savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *) dupLogger,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_DECREF(logger);
-                    PKIX_DECREF(dupLogger);
-                }
-                pkixLoggers = list;
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(list);
-                PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersErrors);
-                PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace);
-                pkixLoggers = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(logger);
-        /* Reenable logging capability with new lists */
-        pkixLoggersErrors = savedPkixLoggersErrors;
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        if (locked) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Exit(pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-                        PKIX_MONITORLOCKEXITFAILED);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_Logger_AddLogger (see comments in pkix_util.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Logger *logger,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Logger *dupLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_Logger *addLogger = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean locked = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LOGGER, "PKIX_Logger_AddLogger");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(logger);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Enter(pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-        locked = PKIX_TRUE;
-        savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace = pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = NULL;
-        savedPkixLoggersErrors = pkixLoggersErrors;
-        pkixLoggersErrors = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersErrors);
-        PKIX_DECREF(savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace);
-        if (pkixLoggers == NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&pkixLoggers, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_Logger_Duplicate
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)logger,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dupLogger,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (pkixLoggers,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) dupLogger,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(pkixLoggers, &length, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        /* Reconstruct pkixLoggersErrors and pkixLoggersDebugTrace */
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (pkixLoggers,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &addLogger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                /* Put in pkixLoggersErrors */
-                if (savedPkixLoggersErrors == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                    (&savedPkixLoggersErrors,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (savedPkixLoggersErrors,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) addLogger,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                if (addLogger->maxLevel > PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARNING) {
-                        /* Put in pkixLoggersDebugTrace */
-                        if (savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace == NULL) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                    (&savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *) addLogger,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(addLogger);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(dupLogger);
-        PKIX_DECREF(addLogger);
-        /* Restore logging capability */
-        pkixLoggersErrors = savedPkixLoggersErrors;
-        pkixLoggersDebugTrace = savedPkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-        if (locked) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Exit(pkixLoggerLock, plContext),
-                        PKIX_MONITORLOCKEXITFAILED);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9411aed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_logger.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_logger.h
- *
- * Logger Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_LOGGER_H
-#define _PKIX_LOGGER_H
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern PKIX_List *pkixLoggers;
-extern PKIX_List *pkixLoggersErrors;
-extern PKIX_List *pkixLoggersDebugTrace;
-struct PKIX_LoggerStruct {
-        PKIX_Logger_LogCallback callback;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *context;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxLevel;
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS logComponent;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *pkixLoggersList,
-        const char *message,
-        const char *message2,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS logComponent,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxLevel,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *pkixLoggersList,
-        PKIX_UInt32 errorCode,
-        const char *message2,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS logComponent,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxLevel,
-        void *plContext);
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_Logger_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_LOGGER_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 6348b89..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1519 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_tools.c
- *
- * Private Utility Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#define CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS  (3600)  /* one hour */
- * This cahce period is only for CertCache. A Cert from a trusted CertStore
- * should be checked more frequently for update new arrival, etc.
- */
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCertChainTable;
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCertTable;
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCrlEntryTable;
-/* Following variables are used to checked cache hits - can be taken out */
-extern int pkix_ccAddCount;
-extern int pkix_ccLookupCount;
-extern int pkix_ccRemoveCount;
-extern int pkix_cAddCount;
-extern int pkix_cLookupCount;
-extern int pkix_cRemoveCount;
-extern int pkix_ceAddCount;
-extern int pkix_ceLookupCount;
-/* Following variables are used for object leak test */
-char *nonNullValue = "Non Empty Value";
-PKIX_Boolean noErrorState = PKIX_TRUE;
-PKIX_Boolean runningLeakTest;
-PKIX_Boolean errorGenerated;
-PKIX_UInt32 stackPosition;
-PKIX_UInt32 *fnStackInvCountArr;
-char **fnStackNameArr;
-PLHashTable *fnInvTable;
-PKIX_UInt32 testStartFnStackPosition;
-char *errorFnStackString;
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_ErrorGen_Hash
- *
- * Hash function to be used in object leak test hash table.
- *
- */
-pkix_ErrorGen_Hash (const void *key)
-    char *str = NULL;
-    PLHashNumber rv = (*(PRUint8*)key) << 5;
-    PRUint32 i, counter = 0;
-    PRUint8 *rvc = (PRUint8 *)&rv;
-    while ((str = fnStackNameArr[counter++]) != NULL) {
-        PRUint32 len = strlen(str);
-        for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
-            rvc[ i % sizeof(rv) ] ^= *str;
-            str++;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_IsCertSelfIssued
- *
- *  Checks whether the Cert pointed to by "cert" is self-issued and stores the
- *  Boolean result at "pSelfIssued". A Cert is considered self-issued if the
- *  Cert's issuer matches the Cert's subject. If the subject or issuer is
- *  not specified, a PKIX_FALSE is returned.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert used to determine whether Cert is self-issued.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSelfIssued"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pSelfIssued,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_IsCertSelfIssued");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pSelfIssued);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject(cert, &subject, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CERTGETSUBJECTFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer(cert, &issuer, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CERTGETISSUERFAILED);
-        if (subject == NULL || issuer == NULL) {
-                *pSelfIssued = PKIX_FALSE;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match
-                    (subject, issuer, pSelfIssued, plContext),
-                    PKIX_X500NAMEMATCHFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(subject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuer);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Throw
- *
- *  Creates an Error using the value of "errorCode", the character array
- *  pointed to by "funcName", the character array pointed to by "errorText",
- *  and the Error pointed to by "cause" (if any), and stores it at "pError".
- *
- *  If "cause" is not NULL and has an errorCode of "PKIX_FATAL_ERROR",
- *  then there is no point creating a new Error object. Rather, we simply
- *  store "cause" at "pError".
- *
- *  "errorCode"
- *      Value of error code.
- *  "funcName"
- *      Address of EscASCII array representing name of function throwing error.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "errnum"
- *      PKIX_ERRMSGNUM of error description for new error.
- *  "cause"
- *      Address of Error representing error's cause.
- *  "pError"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS errorClass,
-        const char *funcName,
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE errorCode,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS overrideClass,
-        PKIX_Error *cause,
-        PKIX_Error **pError,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_Throw");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(funcName, pError);
-        *pError = NULL;
-#ifdef PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST        
-        noErrorState = PKIX_TRUE;
-        if (pkixLog) {
-#ifdef PKIX_ERROR_DESCRIPTION            
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 4, ("Error in function \"%s\":\"%s\" with cause \"%s\"\n",
-                                funcName, PKIX_ErrorText[errorCode],
-                                (cause ? PKIX_ErrorText[cause->errCode] : "null")));
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 4, ("Error in function \"%s\": error code \"%d\"\n",
-                                funcName, errorCode));
-            PORT_Assert(strcmp(funcName, "PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef"));
-        }
-        /* if cause has error class of PKIX_FATAL_ERROR, return immediately */
-        if (cause) {
-                if (cause->errClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR){
-                        PKIX_INCREF(cause);
-                        *pError = cause;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        if (overrideClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR){
-                errorClass = overrideClass;
-        }
-       pkixTempResult = PKIX_Error_Create(errorClass, cause, NULL,
-                                           errorCode, &error, plContext);
-       if (!pkixTempResult) {
-           /* Setting plErr error code:
-            *    get it from PORT_GetError if it is a leaf error and
-            *    default error code does not exist(eq 0)               */
-           if (!cause && !error->plErr) {
-               error->plErr = PKIX_PL_GetPLErrorCode();
-           }
-       }
-       *pError = error;
-        pkixErrorClass = 0;
-#ifdef PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST        
-        noErrorState = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (runningLeakTest && fnStackNameArr) {
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 5,
-                   ("%s%*s<- %s(%d) - %s\n", (errorGenerated ? "*" : " "),
-                    stackPosition, " ", fnStackNameArr[stackPosition],
-                    stackPosition, myFuncName));
-            fnStackNameArr[stackPosition--] = NULL;
-        }
-        return (pkixTempResult);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CheckTypes
- *
- *  Checks that the types of the Object pointed to by "first" and the Object
- *  pointed to by "second" are both equal to the value of "type". If they
- *  are not equal, a PKIX_Error is returned.
- *
- *  "first"
- *      Address of first Object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "second"
- *      Address of second Object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "type"
- *      Value of type to check against.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_UInt32 type,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstType, secondType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_CheckTypes");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(first, second);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(first, &firstType, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        if ((firstType != type)||(firstType != secondType)) {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CheckType
- *
- *  Checks that the type of the Object pointed to by "object" is equal to the
- *  value of "type". If it is not equal, a PKIX_Error is returned.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "type"
- *      Value of type to check against.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 type,
-        void *plContext)
-        return (pkix_CheckTypes(object, object, type, plContext));
- * FUNCTION: pkix_hash
- *
- *  Computes a hash value for "length" bytes starting at the array of bytes
- *  pointed to by "bytes" and stores the result at "pHash".
- *
- *  XXX To speed this up, we could probably read 32 bits at a time from
- *  bytes (maybe even 64 bits on some platforms)
- *
- *  "bytes"
- *      Address of array of bytes to hash. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "length"
- *      Number of bytes to hash.
- *  "pHash"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const unsigned char *bytes,
-        PKIX_UInt32 length,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHash,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_hash");
-        if (length != 0) {
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(bytes);
-        }
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pHash);
-        hash = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-                /* hash = 31 * hash + bytes[i]; */
-                hash = (hash << 5) - hash + bytes[i];
-        }
-        *pHash = hash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_countArray
- *
- *  Counts the number of elements in the  null-terminated array of pointers
- *  pointed to by "array" and returns the result.
- *
- *  "array"
- *      Address of null-terminated array of pointers.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns the number of elements in the array.
- */
-pkix_countArray(void **array)
-        PKIX_UInt32 count = 0;
-        if (array) {
-                while (*array++) {
-                        count++;
-                }
-        }
-        return (count);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_duplicateImmutable
- *
- *  Convenience callback function used for duplicating immutable objects.
- *  Since the objects can not be modified, this function simply increments the
- *  reference count on the object, and returns a reference to that object.
- *
- *  (see comments for PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_duplicateImmutable");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_INCREF(object);
-        *pNewObject = object;
-/* --String-Encoding-Conversion-Functions------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_hex2i
- *
- *  Converts hexadecimal character "c" to its integer value and returns result.
- *
- *  "c"
- *      Character to convert to a hex value.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  The hexadecimal value of "c". Otherwise -1. (Unsigned 0xFFFFFFFF).
- */
-pkix_hex2i(char c)
-        if ((c >= '0')&&(c <= '9'))
-                return (c-'0');
-        else if ((c >= 'a')&&(c <= 'f'))
-                return (c-'a'+10);
-        else if ((c >= 'A')&&(c <= 'F'))
-                return (c-'A'+10);
-        else
-                return ((PKIX_UInt32)(-1));
- * FUNCTION: pkix_i2hex
- *
- *  Converts integer value "digit" to its ASCII hex value
- *
- *  "digit"
- *      Value of integer to convert to ASCII hex value. Must be 0-15.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  The ASCII hexadecimal value of "digit".
- */
-pkix_i2hex(char digit)
-        if ((digit >= 0)&&(digit <= 9))
-                return (digit+'0');
-        else if ((digit >= 0xa)&&(digit <= 0xf))
-                return (digit - 10 + 'a');
-        else
-                return (-1);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_isPlaintext
- *
- *  Returns whether character "c" is plaintext using EscASCII or EscASCII_Debug
- *  depending on the value of "debug".
- *
- *  In EscASCII, [01, 7E] except '&' are plaintext.
- *  In EscASCII_Debug [20, 7E] except '&' are plaintext.
- *
- *  "c"
- *      Character to check.
- *  "debug"
- *      Value of debug flag.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  True if "c" is plaintext.
- */
-pkix_isPlaintext(unsigned char c, PKIX_Boolean debug) {
-        return ((c >= 0x01)&&(c <= 0x7E)&&(c != '&')&&(!debug || (c >= 20)));
-/* --Cache-Functions------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCertChain_Lookup
- *
- *  Look up CertChain Hash Table for a cached BuildResult based on "targetCert"
- *  and "anchors" as the hash keys. If there is no item to match the key,
- *  PKIX_FALSE is stored at "pFound". If an item is found, its cache time is
- *  compared to "testDate". If expired, the item is removed and PKIX_FALSE is
- *  stored at "pFound". Otherwise, PKIX_TRUE is stored at "pFound" and the 
- *  BuildResult is stored at "pBuildResult".
- *  The hashtable is maintained in the following ways:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *  2) A PKIX_PL_Date created with current time offset by constant 
- *     CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS is attached to each item in the Hash Table.
- *     When an item is retrieved, this date is compared against "testDate" for
- *     validity. If comparison indicates this item is expired, the item is
- *     removed from the bucket.
- *
- *  "targetCert"
- *      Address of Target Cert as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "anchors"
- *      Address of PKIX_List of "anchors" is used as key to retrive CertChain.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "testDate"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_Date for verifying time validity and cache validity.
- *      May be NULL. If testDate is NULL, this cache item will not be out-dated.
- *  "pFound"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean indicating valid data is found.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBuildResult"
- *      Address where BuildResult will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert* targetCert,
-        PKIX_List* anchors,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *cachedValues = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedCertChainError = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *cacheValidUntilDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpValidTimeResult = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpCacheTimeResult = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCertChain_Lookup");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(targetCert, anchors, pFound, pBuildResult);
-        *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* use trust anchors and target cert as hash key */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)targetCert,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)anchors,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        cachedCertChainError = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                    (cachedCertChainTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cachedValues,
-                    plContext);
-        pkix_ccLookupCount++;
-        /* retrieve data from hashed value list */
-        if (cachedValues != NULL && cachedCertChainError == NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (cachedValues,
-                    0,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cacheValidUntilDate,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-            /* check validity time and cache age time */
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (cachedValues,
-                    1,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &validityDate,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-            /* if testDate is not set, this cache item is not out-dated */
-            if (testDate) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                     ((PKIX_PL_Object *)testDate,
-                     (PKIX_PL_Object *)cacheValidUntilDate,
-                     &cmpCacheTimeResult,
-                     plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                     ((PKIX_PL_Object *)testDate,
-                     (PKIX_PL_Object *)validityDate,
-                     &cmpValidTimeResult,
-                     plContext),
-            }
-            /* certs' date are all valid and cache item is not old */
-            if (cmpValidTimeResult <= 0 && cmpCacheTimeResult <=0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                    (cachedValues,
-                    2,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) pBuildResult,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                *pFound = PKIX_TRUE;
-            } else {
-                pkix_ccRemoveCount++;
-                *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-                /* out-dated item, remove it from cache */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove
-                    (cachedCertChainTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    plContext),
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedValues);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertChainError);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cacheValidUntilDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(validityDate);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCertChain_Remove
- *
- *  Remove CertChain Hash Table entry based on "targetCert" and "anchors"
- *  as the hash keys. If there is no item to match the key, no action is
- *  taken.
- *  The hashtable is maintained in the following ways:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *  2) A PKIX_PL_Date created with current time offset by constant 
- *     CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS is attached to each item in the Hash Table.
- *     When an item is retrieved, this date is compared against "testDate" for
- *     validity. If comparison indicates this item is expired, the item is
- *     removed from the bucket.
- *
- *  "targetCert"
- *      Address of Target Cert as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "anchors"
- *      Address of PKIX_List of "anchors" is used as key to retrive CertChain.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert* targetCert,
-        PKIX_List* anchors,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCertChain_Remove");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(targetCert, anchors);
-        /* use trust anchors and target cert as hash key */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)targetCert,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)anchors,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove
-                    (cachedCertChainTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    plContext),
-        pkix_ccRemoveCount++;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCertChain_Add
- *
- *  Add a BuildResult to the CertChain Hash Table for a "buildResult" with
- *  "targetCert" and "anchors" as the hash keys.
- *  "validityDate" is the most restricted notAfter date of all Certs in
- *  this CertChain and is verified when this BuildChain is retrieved.
- *  The hashtable is maintained in the following ways:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *  2) A PKIX_PL_Date created with current time offset by constant 
- *     CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS is attached to each item in the Hash Table.
- *     When an item is retrieved, this date is compared against "testDate" for
- *     validity. If comparison indicates this item is expired, the item is
- *     removed from the bucket.
- *
- *  "targetCert"
- *      Address of Target Cert as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "anchors"
- *      Address of PKIX_List of "anchors" is used as key to retrive CertChain.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "validityDate"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_Date contains the most restriced notAfter time of
- *      all "certs". Must be non-NULL.
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean indicating valid data is found.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "buildResult"
- *      Address of BuildResult to be cached. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert* targetCert,
-        PKIX_List* anchors,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityDate,
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *cachedValues = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedCertChainError = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *cacheValidUntilDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCertChain_Add");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(targetCert, anchors, validityDate, buildResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)targetCert, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)anchors, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedValues, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Date_Create_CurrentOffBySeconds
-                (CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS,
-                &cacheValidUntilDate,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedValues,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)cacheValidUntilDate,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedValues, (PKIX_PL_Object *)validityDate, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedValues, (PKIX_PL_Object *)buildResult, plContext),
-        cachedCertChainError = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                (cachedCertChainTable,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedValues,
-                plContext);
-        pkix_ccAddCount++;
-        if (cachedCertChainError != NULL) {
-                PKIX_DEBUG("PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add for CertChain skipped: "
-                        "entry existed\n");
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedValues);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertChainError);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cacheValidUntilDate);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCert_Lookup
- *
- *  Look up Cert Hash Table for a cached item based on "store" and Subject in
- *  "certSelParams" as the hash keys and returns values Certs in "pCerts".
- *  If there isn't an item to match the key, a PKIX_FALSE is returned at
- *  "pFound". The item's cache time is verified with "testDate". If out-dated,
- *  this item is removed and PKIX_FALSE is returned at "pFound".
- *  This hashtable is maintained in the following ways:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *  2) A PKIX_PL_Date created with current time offset by constant 
- *     CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS is attached to each item in the Hash Table.
- *     If the CertStore this Cert is from is a trusted one, the cache period is
- *     shorter so cache can be updated more frequently.
- *     When an item is retrieved, this date is compared against "testDate" for
- *     validity. If comparison indicates this item is expired, the item is
- *     removed from the bucket.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "certSelParams"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams that its subject is used as key to retrieve
- *      this CertChain. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "testDate"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_Date for verifying time cache validity.
- *      Must be non-NULL. If testDate is NULL, this cache item won't be out
- *      dated.
- *  "pFound"
- *      Address of KPKIX_Boolean indicating valid data is found.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      Address PKIX_List where the CertChain will be stored. Must be no-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        PKIX_List** pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedValues = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedCertList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *selCertList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *invalidAfterDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *cacheValidUntilDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSel = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedCertError = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *selectorError = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback selectorMatch = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpValidTimeResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpCacheTimeResult = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCert_Lookup");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, certSelParams);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pFound, pCerts);
-        *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)store, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject
-                (certSelParams, &subject, plContext),
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(subject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)subject, plContext),
-        cachedCertError = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                    (cachedCertTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cachedValues,
-                    plContext);
-        pkix_cLookupCount++;
-        if (cachedValues != NULL && cachedCertError == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (cachedValues,
-                        0,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cacheValidUntilDate,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                if (testDate) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                         ((PKIX_PL_Object *)testDate,
-                         (PKIX_PL_Object *)cacheValidUntilDate,
-                         &cmpCacheTimeResult,
-                         plContext),
-                         PKIX_OBJECTCOMPARATORFAILED);
-                }
-                if (cmpCacheTimeResult <= 0) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (cachedValues,
-                        1,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cachedCertList,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                    /*
-                     * Certs put on cache satifies only for Subject,
-                     * user selector and ComCertSelParams to filter.
-                     */
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_Create
-                          (NULL, NULL, &certSel, plContext),
-                          PKIX_CERTSELECTORCREATEFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                          (certSel, certSelParams, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
-                          (certSel, &selectorMatch, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&selCertList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                    /* 
-                     * If any of the Cert on the list is out-dated, invalidate
-                     * this cache item.
-                     */
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (cachedCertList, &numItems, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                    for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                            (cachedCertList,
-                            i,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cert,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter
-                            (cert, &invalidAfterDate, plContext),
-                        if (testDate) {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Compare
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)invalidAfterDate,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)testDate,
-                                &cmpValidTimeResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_OBJECTCOMPARATORFAILED);
-                        }
-                        if (cmpValidTimeResult < 0) {
-                            pkix_cRemoveCount++;
-                            *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-                            /* one cert is out-dated, remove item from cache */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove
-                                    (cachedCertTable,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_HASHTABLEREMOVEFAILED);
-                            goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        selectorError = selectorMatch(certSel, cert, plContext);
-                        if (!selectorError){
-                            /* put on the return list */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                   (selCertList,
-                                   (PKIX_PL_Object *)cert,
-                                   plContext),
-                                  PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                        } else {
-                            PKIX_DECREF(selectorError);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(invalidAfterDate);
-                    }
-                    if (*pFound) {
-                        PKIX_INCREF(selCertList);
-                        *pCerts = selCertList;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    pkix_cRemoveCount++;
-                    *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    /* cache item is out-dated, remove it from cache */
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove
-                                (cachedCertTable,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_HASHTABLEREMOVEFAILED);
-                }
-        } 
-        PKIX_DECREF(subject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSel);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedValues);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cacheValidUntilDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selCertList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(invalidAfterDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertError);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selectorError);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCert_Add
- *
- *  Add Cert Hash Table for a cached item based on "store" and Subject in
- *  "certSelParams" as the hash keys and have "certs" as the key value.
- *  This hashtable is maintained in the following ways:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *  2) A PKIX_PL_Date created with current time offset by constant 
- *     CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS is attached to each item in the Hash Table.
- *     If the CertStore this Cert is from is a trusted one, the cache period is
- *     shorter so cache can be updated more frequently.
- *     When an item is retrieved, this date is compared against "testDate" for
- *     validity. If comparison indicates this item is expired, the item is
- *     removed from the bucket.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "certSelParams"
- *      Address of ComCertSelParams that its subject is used as key to retrieve
- *      this CertChain. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certs"
- *      Address PKIX_List of Certs will be stored. Must be no-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams,
-        PKIX_List* certs,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedValues = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *cacheValidUntilDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedCertError = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 cachePeriod = CACHE_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCert_Add");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, certSelParams, certs);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(certs, &numCerts,
-                                       plContext),
-                   PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        if (numCerts == 0) {
-            /* Don't want to add an empty list. */
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)store, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject
-                (certSelParams, &subject, plContext),
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(subject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)subject, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedValues, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback
-                (store, &trustCallback, plContext),
-        if (trustCallback) {
-                cachePeriod = CACHE_TRUST_ITEM_PERIOD_SECONDS;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Date_Create_CurrentOffBySeconds
-               (cachePeriod, &cacheValidUntilDate, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedValues,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)cacheValidUntilDate,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                (cachedValues,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)certs,
-                plContext),
-        cachedCertError = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                    (cachedCertTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedValues,
-                    plContext);
-        pkix_cAddCount++;
-        if (cachedCertError != NULL) {
-                PKIX_DEBUG("PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add for Certs skipped: "
-                        "entry existed\n");
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(subject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedValues);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cacheValidUntilDate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCertError);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCrlEntry_Lookup
- *
- *  Look up CrlEntry Hash Table for a cached item based on "store",
- *  "certIssuer" and "certSerialNumber" as the hash keys and returns values
- *  "pCrls". If there isn't an item to match the key, a PKIX_FALSE is
- *  returned at "pFound".
- *  This hashtable is maintained in the following way:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "certIssuer"
- *      Address of X500Name that is used as key to retrieve the CRLEntries.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certSerialNumber"
- *      Address of BigInt that is used as key to retrieve the CRLEntries.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pFound"
- *      Address of KPKIX_Boolean indicating valid data is found.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrls"
- *      Address PKIX_List where the CRLEntry will be stored. Must be no-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certIssuer,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *certSerialNumber,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        PKIX_List** pCrls,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *cachedCrlEntryList = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedCrlEntryError = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCrlEntry_Lookup");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, certIssuer, certSerialNumber);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pFound, pCrls);
-        *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* Find CrlEntry(s) by issuer and serial number */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)store, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)certIssuer, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)certSerialNumber,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        cachedCrlEntryError = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                    (cachedCrlEntryTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cachedCrlEntryList,
-                    plContext);
-        pkix_ceLookupCount++;
-        /* 
-         * We don't need check Date to invalidate this cache item,
-         * the item is uniquely defined and won't be reverted. Let
-         * the FIFO for cleaning up.
-         */
-        if (cachedCrlEntryList != NULL && cachedCrlEntryError == NULL ) {
-                PKIX_INCREF(cachedCrlEntryList);
-                *pCrls = cachedCrlEntryList;
-                *pFound = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                *pFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCrlEntryList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCrlEntryError);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_CacheCrlEntry_Add
- *
- *  Look up CrlEntry Hash Table for a cached item based on "store",
- *  "certIssuer" and "certSerialNumber" as the hash keys and have "pCrls" as
- *  the hash value. If there isn't an item to match the key, a PKIX_FALSE is
- *  returned at "pFound".
- *  This hashtable is maintained in the following way:
- *  1) When creating the hashtable, maximum bucket size can be specified (0 for
- *     unlimited). If items in a bucket reaches its full size, an new addition
- *     will trigger the removal of the old as FIFO sequence.
- *
- *  "store"
- *      Address of CertStore as key to retrieve this CertChain. Must be 
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "certIssuer"
- *      Address of X500Name that is used as key to retrieve the CRLEntries.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certSerialNumber"
- *      Address of BigInt that is used as key to retrieve the CRLEntries.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "crls"
- *      Address PKIX_List where the CRLEntry is stored. Must be no-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Error Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certIssuer,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *certSerialNumber,
-        PKIX_List* crls,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *cachedKeys = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedCrlEntryError = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BUILD, "pkix_CacheCrlEntry_Add");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, certIssuer, certSerialNumber);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(crls);
-        /* Add CrlEntry(s) by issuer and serial number */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cachedKeys, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)store, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys, (PKIX_PL_Object *)certIssuer, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                    (cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)certSerialNumber,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-        cachedCrlEntryError = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                    (cachedCrlEntryTable,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) cachedKeys,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) crls,
-                    plContext);
-        pkix_ceAddCount++;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedKeys);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCrlEntryError);
-/* TEST_START_FN and testStartFnStackPosition define at what state
- * of the stack the object leak testing should begin. The condition
- * in pkix_CheckForGeneratedError works the following way: do leak
- * testing if at position testStartFnStackPosition in stack array
- * (fnStackNameArr) we have called function TEST_START_FN.
- * Note, that stack array get filled only when executing libpkix
- * functions.
- * */
-#define TEST_START_FN "PKIX_BuildChain"
-pkix_CheckForGeneratedError(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, 
-                            PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass, 
-                            char * fnName,
-                            PKIX_Boolean *errSetFlag,
-                            void * plContext)
-    PKIX_Error *genErr = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 pos = 0;
-    PKIX_UInt32 strLen = 0;
-    if (fnName) { 
-        if (fnStackNameArr[testStartFnStackPosition] == NULL ||
-            strcmp(fnStackNameArr[testStartFnStackPosition], TEST_START_FN)
-            ) {
-            /* return with out error if not with in boundary */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (!strcmp(fnName, TEST_START_FN)) {
-            *errSetFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-            noErrorState = PKIX_FALSE;
-            errorGenerated = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-    }   
-    if (noErrorState || errorGenerated)  return NULL;
-    if (fnName && (
-        !strcmp(fnName, "PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef") ||
-        !strcmp(fnName, "PKIX_PL_Object_Unlock") ||
-        !strcmp(fnName, "pkix_UnlockObject") ||
-        !strcmp(fnName, "pkix_Throw") ||
-        !strcmp(fnName, "pkix_trace_dump_cert") ||
-        !strcmp(fnName, "PKIX_PL_Free"))) {
-        /* do not generate error for this functions */
-        noErrorState = PKIX_TRUE;
-        *errSetFlag = PKIX_TRUE;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (PL_HashTableLookup(fnInvTable, &fnStackInvCountArr[stackPosition - 1])) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PL_HashTableAdd(fnInvTable, &fnStackInvCountArr[stackPosition - 1], nonNullValue);
-    errorGenerated = PKIX_TRUE;
-    noErrorState = PKIX_TRUE;
-    genErr = PKIX_DoThrow(stdVars, errClass, PKIX_MEMLEAKGENERATEDERROR,
-                          errClass, plContext);
-    while(fnStackNameArr[pos]) {
-        strLen += PORT_Strlen(fnStackNameArr[pos++]) + 1;
-    }
-    strLen += 1; /* end of line. */
-    pos = 0;
-    errorFnStackString = PORT_ZAlloc(strLen);
-    while(fnStackNameArr[pos]) {
-        strcat(errorFnStackString, "/");
-        strcat(errorFnStackString, fnStackNameArr[pos++]);
-    }
-    noErrorState = PKIX_FALSE;
-    return genErr;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a8ef27..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_tools.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1588 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_tools.h
- *
- * Header for Utility Functions and Macros
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_TOOLS_H
-#define _PKIX_TOOLS_H
-#include "pkix.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-/* private PKIX system headers */
-#include "pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h"
-#include "pkix_buildresult.h"
-#include "pkix_certchainchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_certselector.h"
-#include "pkix_comcertselparams.h"
-#include "pkix_comcrlselparams.h"
-#include "pkix_crlselector.h"
-#include "pkix_error.h"
-#include "pkix_expirationchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_list.h"
-#include "pkix_logger.h"
-#include "pkix_namechainingchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h"
-#include "pkix_policychecker.h"
-#include "pkix_policynode.h"
-#include "pkix_procparams.h"
-#include "pkix_resourcelimits.h"
-#include "pkix_revocationmethod.h"
-#include "pkix_revocationchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_crlchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_ocspchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_signaturechecker.h"
-#include "pkix_store.h"
-#include "pkix_targetcertchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_validate.h"
-#include "pkix_valresult.h"
-#include "pkix_verifynode.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkixStdVarsStr {
-    const char        *aMyFuncName;
-    PKIX_Error        *aPkixErrorResult;
-    PKIX_Error        *aPkixTempResult;
-    PKIX_Error        *aPkixReturnResult;
-    PKIX_ERRORCODE     aPkixErrorCode;
-    PKIX_Boolean       aPkixErrorReceived;
-    PKIX_Boolean       aPkixTempErrorReceived;
-    PKIX_ERRORCLASS    aPkixErrorClass;
-    PKIX_UInt32        aPkixType;
-    PKIX_PL_Object    *aLockedObject;
-    PKIX_List         *aPkixErrorList;
-} PKIX_StdVars;
-#define myFuncName                  stdVars->aMyFuncName
-#define pkixErrorResult             stdVars->aPkixErrorResult
-#define pkixTempResult              stdVars->aPkixTempResult
-#define pkixReturnResult            stdVars->aPkixReturnResult
-#define pkixErrorCode               stdVars->aPkixErrorCode
-#define pkixErrorReceived           stdVars->aPkixErrorReceived
-#define pkixTempErrorReceived       stdVars->aPkixTempErrorReceived 
-#define pkixErrorClass              stdVars->aPkixErrorClass
-#define pkixType                    stdVars->aPkixType
-#define lockedObject                stdVars->aLockedObject
-#define pkixErrorList               stdVars->aPkixErrorList
-#define stdVarsPtr                  stdVars
-#define myFuncName                  stdVars.aMyFuncName
-#define pkixErrorResult             stdVars.aPkixErrorResult
-#define pkixTempResult              stdVars.aPkixTempResult
-#define pkixReturnResult            stdVars.aPkixReturnResult
-#define pkixErrorCode               stdVars.aPkixErrorCode
-#define pkixErrorReceived           stdVars.aPkixErrorReceived
-#define pkixTempErrorReceived       stdVars.aPkixTempErrorReceived 
-#define pkixErrorClass              stdVars.aPkixErrorClass
-#define pkixType                    stdVars.aPkixType
-#define lockedObject                stdVars.aLockedObject
-#define pkixErrorList               stdVars.aPkixErrorList
-#define stdVarsPtr                  &stdVars
-extern PKIX_Error * PKIX_DoReturn(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, 
-                                  PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass, 
-                                  PKIX_Boolean doLogger,
-                                  void * plContext);
-extern PKIX_Error * PKIX_DoThrow(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, 
-                                 PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass, 
-                                 PKIX_ERRORCODE errCode,
-                                 PKIX_ERRORCLASS overrideClass, 
-                                 void * plContext);
-extern void PKIX_DoAddError(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, 
-                            PKIX_Error * error,
-                            void * plContext);
-extern PKIX_Error * pkix_CheckForGeneratedError(PKIX_StdVars * stdVars, 
-                                                PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass, 
-                                                char * fnName,
-                                                PKIX_Boolean *errorStateSet,
-                                                void * plContext);
-extern const PKIX_StdVars zeroStdVars;
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *pkixLog;
- * Documentation for these common utility macros can be found in the
- * Implementation Guidelines document (Section 4.3)
- *
- * In general, macros with multiple statements (or a single "if" statement)
- * use the "do {<body>} while (0)" technique in order to convert the multiple
- * statements into one statement, thus avoiding the dangling else problem.
- * For macros which ALWAYS exit with a "return" or "goto", there is no
- * need to use this technique (and it yields compiler warnings of "statement
- * not reached"), so we just use "{<body>}" to group the statements together.
- */
-#if !defined (PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST)
-#define PKIX_STD_VARS(funcName) \
-    static const char cMyFuncName[] = {funcName}; \
-    PKIX_StdVars      stdVars = zeroStdVars; \
-    myFuncName = cMyFuncName
-extern char **fnStackNameArr;
-extern PKIX_UInt32 *fnStackInvCountArr;
-extern PKIX_UInt32  stackPosition;
-extern PKIX_Boolean noErrorState;
-extern PKIX_Boolean errorGenerated;
-extern PKIX_Boolean runningLeakTest;
-extern PLHashTable *fnInvTable;
-extern PKIX_UInt32 testStartFnStackPosition;
-extern char *errorFnStackString;
-extern PLHashNumber PR_CALLBACK pkix_ErrorGen_Hash (const void *key);
-#define PKIX_STD_VARS(funcName) \
-    static const char cMyFuncName[] = {funcName}; \
-    PKIX_StdVars      stdVars = zeroStdVars; \
-    PKIX_Boolean      errorSetFlag = PKIX_FALSE; \
-    myFuncName = cMyFuncName; \
-    if (runningLeakTest) { \
-        if (fnStackNameArr) { \
-            fnStackInvCountArr[stackPosition] += 1; \
-            stackPosition += 1; \
-            fnStackInvCountArr[stackPosition] = 0; \
-            fnStackNameArr[stackPosition] = (char*)myFuncName; \
-            fnStackNameArr[stackPosition + 1] = NULL; \
-            PR_LOG(pkixLog, 5, \
-                    ("%s%*s+> %s(%d) - %s\n", (errorGenerated ? "*" : " "), \
-                             stackPosition, " ", fnStackNameArr[stackPosition], \
-                             stackPosition, myFuncName)); \
-        } \
-        do { \
-            pkixErrorResult = pkix_CheckForGeneratedError(&stdVars, PKIX_MEM_ERROR, \
-                                                          funcName, &errorSetFlag, \
-                                                          plContext); \
-            if (pkixErrorResult) { \
-                 PR_LOG(pkixLog, 5, \
-                    ("%s%*s<- %s(%d) - %s\n", (errorGenerated ? "*" : " "), \
-                              stackPosition, " ", fnStackNameArr[stackPosition], \
-                              stackPosition, myFuncName)); \
-                 fnStackNameArr[stackPosition--] = NULL; \
-                 if (errorSetFlag) { \
-                       noErrorState = (noErrorState) ? PKIX_FALSE : PKIX_TRUE; \
-                 } \
-                 return pkixErrorResult; \
-            } \
-        } while (0); \
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define _PKIX_DEBUG_TRACE(cond, prefix, level) \
-    do { \
-	if (cond) { \
-	    pkix_Logger_Check(pkixLoggersDebugTrace, myFuncName, \
-	                      prefix, pkixType, level, plContext); \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define _PKIX_DEBUG_TRACE(cond, prefix, level) 
-#define _PKIX_LOG_ERROR(code, level) \
-    { \
-	if (pkixLoggersErrors) { \
-	    pkix_Logger_CheckWithCode(pkixLoggersErrors, code, \
-	                      NULL, pkixType, level, plContext); \
-	} \
-    }
-#define PKIX_ENTER(type, funcName) \
-    PKIX_STD_VARS(funcName); \
-    pkixType = PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR; \
-    PKIX_DEBUG_ENTER(type); \
-    _PKIX_DEBUG_TRACE(pkixLoggersDebugTrace, ">>>", PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_TRACE);
-#define PKIX_ENTER_NO_LOGGER(type, funcName) \
-    PKIX_STD_VARS(funcName); \
-    pkixType = PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR; \
-    PKIX_DEBUG_ENTER(type);
-#define PKIX_DEBUG_ENTER(type) \
-    PKIX_ ## type ## _DEBUG_ARG("( Entering %s).\n", myFuncName)
-#define PKIX_DEBUG_EXIT(type) \
-    PKIX_ ## type ## _DEBUG_ARG("( Exiting %s).\n", myFuncName)
-#define PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(obj) \
-    do { \
-	if (obj && lockedObject == (PKIX_PL_Object *)(obj)){ \
-	    pkixTempResult = \
-		    PKIX_PL_Object_Unlock \
-		    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)(obj), plContext); \
-	    if (pkixTempResult) { \
-		PKIX_DoAddError(stdVarsPtr, pkixTempResult, plContext); \
-		pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-	    } \
-	    lockedObject = NULL; \
-	} else { \
-	    PORT_Assert(lockedObject == NULL); \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_DECREF(obj) \
-    do { \
-	if (obj){ \
-	    pkixTempResult = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef \
-			((PKIX_PL_Object *)(obj), plContext); \
-	    if (pkixTempResult) { \
-		PKIX_DoAddError(stdVarsPtr, pkixTempResult, plContext); \
-		pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-	    } \
-	    obj = NULL; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_THROW(type, descNum) \
-    return PKIX_DoThrow(&stdVars, (PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR), descNum, \
-                        pkixErrorClass, plContext);
-#define PKIX_RETURN(type) \
-    if (runningLeakTest && fnStackNameArr) { \
-        PR_LOG(pkixLog, 5, \
-               ("%s%*s<- %s(%d) - %s\n", (errorGenerated ? "*" : " "), \
-               stackPosition, " ", fnStackNameArr[stackPosition], \
-               stackPosition, myFuncName)); \
-        fnStackNameArr[stackPosition--] = NULL; \
-        if (errorSetFlag) noErrorState = (noErrorState) ? PKIX_FALSE : PKIX_TRUE; \
-    } \
-    return PKIX_DoReturn(&stdVars, (PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR), PKIX_TRUE, plContext);
-#define PKIX_RETURN(type) \
-    return PKIX_DoReturn(&stdVars, (PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR), PKIX_TRUE, plContext);
-#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(DEBUG_nb95248)
-#define PKIX_RETURN_NO_LOGGER(type) \
-    { \
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject); \
-	if ((pkixErrorReceived) || (pkixErrorResult) || pkixErrorList) \
-	    PKIX_THROW(type, pkixErrorCode); \
-	PKIX_DEBUG_EXIT(type); \
-	return NULL; \
-    }
-#define PKIX_RETURN_NO_LOGGER(type) \
-    return PKIX_DoReturn(&stdVars, (PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR), PKIX_FALSE, plContext);
-/* disable to disable ;-) */
-#define TRACE_CHECK_FAILURE(what, errorstring) \
-    if (pkixLog) { \
-      PR_LOG(pkixLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, \
-        ("====> [%s] failed: %s\n", #what, errorstring)); \
-    }
-#define TRACE_CHECK_FAILURE(what, errorstring)
-#define PKIX_CHECK(func, descNum) \
-    do { \
-	pkixErrorResult = (func); \
-	if (pkixErrorResult) { \
-            TRACE_CHECK_FAILURE((func), PKIX_ErrorText[descNum]) \
-	    pkixErrorClass = pkixErrorResult->errClass; \
-	    pkixErrorCode = descNum; \
-	    goto cleanup; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-/* like PKIX_CHECK but without goto cleanup */
-#define PKIX_CHECK_NO_GOTO(func, descNum) \
-    do { \
-	pkixErrorResult = (func); \
-	if (pkixErrorResult) { \
-            TRACE_CHECK_FAILURE((func), PKIX_ErrorText[descNum]) \
-	    pkixErrorClass = pkixErrorResult->errClass; \
-	    pkixErrorCode = descNum; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(func, descNum) \
-    do { \
-	pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE; \
-	pkixErrorResult = (func); \
-	if (pkixErrorResult) { \
-            TRACE_CHECK_FAILURE((func), PKIX_ErrorText[descNum]) \
-	    pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	    pkixErrorClass = pkixErrorResult->errClass; \
-            if (pkixErrorClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) { \
-	         goto cleanup; \
-	    } \
-	    PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult); \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_LOG_ERROR(descNum) \
-#define PKIX_ERROR(descNum) \
-    { \
-	PKIX_LOG_ERROR(descNum) \
-	pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	pkixErrorCode = descNum; \
-	goto cleanup; \
-    }
-    { \
-	pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	pkixErrorResult = PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR(); \
-	goto cleanup; \
-    }
-#define PKIX_ERROR_FATAL(descNum) \
-    { \
-	pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	pkixErrorCode = descNum; \
-	pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR; \
-	goto cleanup; \
-    }
-#define PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(func, descNum) \
-    do { \
-	pkixErrorResult = (func); \
-	if (pkixErrorResult) { \
-                TRACE_CHECK_FAILURE((func), PKIX_ErrorText[descNum]) \
-		pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-		pkixErrorCode = descNum; \
-		pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR; \
-		goto fatal; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(a) \
-    do { \
-	if ((a) == NULL){ \
-	    pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	    pkixErrorCode = PKIX_NULLARGUMENT; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(a, b) \
-    do { \
-	if (((a) == NULL) || ((b) == NULL)){ \
-	    pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	    pkixErrorCode = PKIX_NULLARGUMENT; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(a, b, c) \
-    do { \
-	if (((a) == NULL) || ((b) == NULL) || ((c) == NULL)){ \
-	    pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	    pkixErrorCode = PKIX_NULLARGUMENT; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(a, b, c, d) \
-    do { \
-	if (((a) == NULL) || ((b) == NULL) || \
-	    ((c) == NULL) || ((d) == NULL)){ \
-	    pkixErrorReceived = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	    pkixErrorCode = PKIX_NULLARGUMENT; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(obj) \
-    do { \
-	if (obj) { \
-	    pkixTempResult = \
-		PKIX_PL_Object_Lock((PKIX_PL_Object*)(obj), plContext); \
-	    if (pkixTempResult) { \
-		PKIX_DoAddError(stdVarsPtr, pkixTempResult, plContext); \
-		pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-		goto cleanup; \
-	    } \
-	    lockedObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)(obj); \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_ERROR_CREATE(type, descNum, error) \
-    { \
-	pkixTempResult = (PKIX_Error*)pkix_Throw \
-		(PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR,  myFuncName, \
-		descNum, PKIX_ ## type ## _ERROR, pkixErrorResult, \
-		&error, plContext); \
-	if (pkixTempResult) { \
-	    error = pkixTempResult; \
-	    pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-	} \
-    }
-    (pkixErrorReceived || pkixErrorResult || pkixTempErrorReceived || \
-     pkixErrorList)
-#define PKIX_INCREF(obj) \
-    do { \
-	if (obj){ \
-	    pkixTempResult = PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef \
-			((PKIX_PL_Object *)(obj), plContext); \
-	    if (pkixTempResult) { \
-		PKIX_DoAddError(&stdVars, pkixTempResult, plContext); \
-		pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-		goto cleanup; \
-	    } \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_FREE(obj) \
-    do { \
-	if (obj) { \
-	    pkixTempResult = PKIX_PL_Free((obj), plContext); \
-	    if (pkixTempResult) { \
-		PKIX_DoAddError(&stdVars, pkixTempResult, plContext); \
-		pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-	    } \
-	    obj = NULL; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_EXACTLY_ONE_NULL(a, b) (((a) && !(b)) || ((b) && !(a)))
-#define PKIX_ISDIGIT(c) (((c) >= '0') && ((c) <= '9'))
-#define PKIX_ISXDIGIT(c) \
-    (PKIX_ISDIGIT(c) || ( (((c)|0x20) >= 'a') && (((c)|0x20) <= 'f') ))
-#define PKIX_TOSTRING(a, b, c, d) \
-    do { \
-	int descNum; \
-	if ((a) != NULL) { \
-	    pkixErrorResult =  \
-		PKIX_PL_Object_ToString((PKIX_PL_Object *)(a), (b), (c)); \
-	    descNum = (d); \
-	} else { \
-	    pkixErrorResult =  \
-		PKIX_PL_String_Create(PKIX_ESCASCII, "(null)", 0, (b), (c)); \
-	} \
-	PKIX_CHECK(pkixErrorResult, descNum); \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_EQUALS(a, b, c, d, e) \
-    do { \
-	if ((a) != NULL && (b) != NULL) { \
-	    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals\
-			((PKIX_PL_Object *)(a), \
-			(PKIX_PL_Object*)(b), \
-			(c), \
-			(d)), \
-			(e)); \
-	} else if ((a) == NULL && (b) == NULL) { \
-	    *(c) = PKIX_TRUE; \
-	} else { \
-	    *(c) = PKIX_FALSE; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_HASHCODE(a, b, c, d) \
-    do { \
-	if ((a) != NULL) { \
-	    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode\
-		((PKIX_PL_Object *)(a), (b), (c)), (d)); \
-	} else { \
-	    *(b) = 0; \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_DUPLICATE(a, b, c, d) \
-    do { \
-	if ((a) != NULL) { \
-	    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate\
-			((PKIX_PL_Object *)(a), \
-			(PKIX_PL_Object **)(b), \
-			(c)), \
-			(d)); \
-	} else { \
-	    *(b) = (a); \
-	} \
-    } while (0)
- *
- * Each type has an associated debug flag, which can
- * be set on the compiler line using "-D<debugflag>". For convenience,
- * "-DPKIX_DEBUGALL" turns on debug for all the components.
- *
- * If a type's debug flag is defined, then its two associated macros
- * are defined: PKIX_type_DEBUG(expr) and PKIX_type_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg),
- * which call PKIX_DEBUG(expr) and PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) respectively,
- * which, in turn, enable standard and consistently formatted output.
- *
- * If a type's debug flag is not defined, the two associated macros
- * are defined as a NO-OP. As such, any PKIX_type_DEBUG or PKIX_type_DEBUG_ARG
- * macros for an undefined type will be stripped from the code during
- * pre-processing, thereby reducing code size.
- */
-#define PKIX_REFCOUNTDEBUG                        1
-#define PKIX_MEMDEBUG                             1
-#define PKIX_MUTEXDEBUG                           1
-#define PKIX_OBJECTDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_STRINGDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_OIDDEBUG                             1
-#define PKIX_LISTDEBUG                            1
-#define PKIX_ERRORDEBUG                           1
-#define PKIX_BYTEARRAYDEBUG                       1
-#define PKIX_RWLOCKDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_BIGINTDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_HASHTABLEDEBUG                       1
-#define PKIX_X500NAMEDEBUG                        1
-#define PKIX_GENERALNAMEDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_PUBLICKEYDEBUG                       1
-#define PKIX_CERTDEBUG                            1
-#define PKIX_HTTPCLIENTDEBUG                      1
-#define PKIX_DATEDEBUG                            1
-#define PKIX_TRUSTANCHORDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_PROCESSINGPARAMSDEBUG                1
-#define PKIX_VALIDATEPARAMSDEBUG                  1
-#define PKIX_VALIDATERESULTDEBUG                  1
-#define PKIX_VALIDATEDEBUG                        1
-#define PKIX_CERTCHAINCHECKERDEBUG                1
-#define PKIX_REVOCATIONCHECKERDEBUG               1
-#define PKIX_CERTSELECTORDEBUG                    1
-#define PKIX_COMCERTSELPARAMSDEBUG                1
-#define PKIX_INITIALIZEPARAMSDEBUG                1
-#define PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFODEBUG                  1
-#define PKIX_CERTPOLICYNODEDEBUG                  1
-#define PKIX_LIFECYCLEDEBUG                       1
-#define PKIX_CRLDEBUG                             1
-#define PKIX_CRLENTRYDEBUG                        1
-#define PKIX_CRLSELECTORDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_COMCRLSELPARAMSDEBUG                 1
-#define PKIX_CERTSTOREDEBUG                       1
-#define PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAPDEBUG                   1
-#define PKIX_BUILDDEBUG                           1
-#define PKIX_BUILDRESULTDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_CONTEXTDEBUG                         1
-#define PKIX_LDAPREQUESTDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_LDAPRESPONSEDEBUG                    1
-#define PKIX_LDAPCLIENTDEBUG                      1
-#define PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENTDEBUG               1
-#define PKIX_SOCKETDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_RESOURCELIMITSDEBUG                  1
-#define PKIX_LOGGERDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_MONITORLOCKDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_INFOACCESSDEBUG                      1
-#define PKIX_AIAMGRDEBUG                          1
-#define PKIX_OCSPCHECKERDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_OCSPREQUESTDEBUG                     1
-#define PKIX_OCSPRESPONSEDEBUG                    1
-#define PKIX_HTTPDEFAULTCLIENTDEBUG               1
-#define PKIX_VERIFYNODEDEBUG                      1
- * XXX Both PKIX_DEBUG and PKIX_DEBUG_ARG currently use printf.
- * This needs to be replaced with Loggers.
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define PKIX_DEBUG(expr) \
-    do { \
-	_PKIX_DEBUG_TRACE(pkixLoggersErrors, expr, PKIX_LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG); \
-	(void) fprintf(stderr, "(%s: ", myFuncName); \
-        (void) fprintf(stderr, expr);                \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-/* Logging doesn't support DEBUG with ARG: cannot convert control and arg */
-#define PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-    do { \
-	(void) printf("(%s: ", myFuncName); \
-	(void) printf(expr, arg); \
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_FATAL_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_FATAL_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_FATAL_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_FATAL_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_REF_COUNT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_REF_COUNT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_REF_COUNT_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_REF_COUNT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_MEM_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_MEM_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_MEM_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_MEM_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_ERROR_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_ERROR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_ERROR_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_ERROR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_STRING_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_STRING_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_STRING_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_STRING_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OID_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OID_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OID_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OID_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LIST_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LIST_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LIST_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LIST_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_HASHTABLE_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_HASHTABLE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_HASHTABLE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_X500NAME_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_X500NAME_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_X500NAME_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_X500NAME_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CERT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CERT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CERT_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CERT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLDP_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRLDP_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLDP_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRLDP_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BIGINT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_BIGINT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BIGINT_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_BIGINT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_DATE_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_DATE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_DATE_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_DATE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_TRUSTANCHOR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_VALIDATE_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_VALIDATE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_VALIDATE_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_VALIDATE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BUILD_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_BUILD_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BUILD_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_BUILD_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CERTSELECTOR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LIFECYCLE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRL_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRL_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRL_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRL_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLSELECTOR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CERTSTORE_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CERTSTORE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CERTSTORE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLCHECKER_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CRLCHECKER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CRLCHECKER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_BUILDRESULT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_BUILDRESULT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CONTEXT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CONTEXT_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LDAPCLIENT_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LDAPCLIENT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LDAPCLIENT_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_SOCKET_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_SOCKET_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_SOCKET_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_SOCKET_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_LOGGER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_MONITORLOCK_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_MONITORLOCK_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_INFOACCESS_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_INFOACCESS_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_INFOACCESS_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_AIAMGR_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_AIAMGR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_AIAMGR_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_AIAMGR_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OCSPCHECKER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OCSPCERTID_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OCSPCERTID_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OCSPCERTID_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_VERIFYNODE_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_VERIFYNODE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_VERIFYNODE_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_EKUCHECKER_DEBUG(expr) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_EKUCHECKER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_EKUCHECKER_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-        PKIX_DEBUG(expr)
-#define PKIX_CERTVFYPKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg) \
-        PKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
-#define PKIX_CERTVFYPKIX_DEBUG_ARG(expr, arg)
- * All object types register themselves with the system using a
- * pkix_ClassTable_Entry, which consists of a set of functions for that
- * type and an ASCII string (char *) which is used by the default
- * ToStringCallback (if necessary). System types register themselves directly
- * when their respective PKIX_"type"_RegisterSelf functions are called.
- * User-defined types can be registered using PKIX_PL_Object_RegisterType.
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-typedef struct pkix_ClassTable_EntryStruct pkix_ClassTable_Entry;
-struct pkix_ClassTable_EntryStruct {
-        char *description;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objCounter;
-        PKIX_UInt32 typeObjectSize;
-        PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback destructor;
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback equalsFunction;
-        PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback hashcodeFunction;
-        PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback toStringFunction;
-        PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback comparator;
-        PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback duplicateFunction;
- * PKIX_ERRORCLASSNAMES is an array of strings, with each string holding a
- * descriptive name for an error code. This is used by the default
- * PKIX_PL_Error_ToString function.
- */
-#define MAX_STACK_DEPTH         1000
-extern PRLogModuleInfo *pkixLog;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pSelfIssued,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS errClass,
-        const char *funcName,
-        PKIX_ERRORCODE errorTextCode,
-        PKIX_ERRORCLASS overrideClass,
-        PKIX_Error *cause,
-        PKIX_Error **pError,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_UInt32 type,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 type,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        const unsigned char *bytes,
-        PKIX_UInt32 length,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *hash,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext);
-pkix_countArray(void **array);
-pkix_hex2i(char c);
-pkix_i2hex(char c);
-pkix_isPlaintext(unsigned char c, PKIX_Boolean debug);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert* targetCert,
-        PKIX_List* anchors,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert* targetCert,
-        PKIX_List* anchors,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert* targetCert,
-        PKIX_List* anchors,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validityDate,
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *testDate,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        PKIX_List** pCerts,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams,
-        PKIX_List* certs,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certIssuer,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *certSerialNumber,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pFound,
-        PKIX_List** pCrlEntryList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certIssuer,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *certSerialNumber,
-        PKIX_List* crlEntryList,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef PR_LOGGING
-        const char *info, 
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert, 
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_TOOLS_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 148c2c1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_aiamgr.c
- *
- * AIAMgr Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_aiamgr.h"
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *aiaConnectionCache;
-/* --Virtual-LdapClient-Functions------------------------------------ */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        LDAPRequestParams *requestParams,
-        void **pNBIO,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPCLIENT, "PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, client->initiateFcn);
-        PKIX_CHECK(client->initiateFcn
-                (client, requestParams, pNBIO, pResponse, plContext),
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        void **pNBIO,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPCLIENT, "PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, client->resumeFcn);
-        PKIX_CHECK(client->resumeFcn
-                (client, pNBIO, pResponse, plContext),
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-/* --Private-AIAMgr-Functions----------------------------------*/
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_AIAMgr_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(AIAMGR, "pkix_pl_AIAMgr_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_AIAMGR_TYPE, plContext),
-                PKIX_OBJECTNOTAIAMGR);
-        aiaMgr = (PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *)object;
-        /* pointer to cert cache */
-        /* pointer to crl cache */
-        aiaMgr->method = 0;
-        aiaMgr->aiaIndex = 0;
-        aiaMgr->numAias = 0;
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->aia);
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->location);
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->results);
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->client.ldapClient);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_AIAMgr_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_AIAMGR_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_AIAMgr_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_AIAMGR_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(AIAMGR, "pkix_pl_AIAMgr_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "AIAMgr";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_AIAMgr);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_AIAMgr_Destroy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_AiaMgr_FindLDAPClient
- *
- *  This function checks the collection of LDAPClient connections held by the
- *  AIAMgr pointed to by "aiaMgr" for one matching the domain name given by
- *  "domainName". The string may include a port number: e.g., ""
- *  or "". If a match is found, that LDAPClient is
- *  stored at "pClient". Otherwise, an LDAPClient is created and added to the
- *  collection, and then stored at "pClient".
- *
- *  "aiaMgr"
- *      The AIAMgr whose LDAPClient connected are to be managed. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "domainName"
- *      Address of a string pointing to a server name. Must be non-NULL.
- *      An empty string (which means no <host> is given in the LDAP URL) is
- *      not supported.
- *  "pClient"
- *      Address at which the returned LDAPClient is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an AIAMgr Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr,
-        char *domainName,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *domainString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(AIAMGR, "pkix_pl_AiaMgr_FindLDAPClient");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(aiaMgr, domainName, pClient);
-        /*
-         * An LDAP URL may not have a <host> part, for example,
-         *     ldap:///o=University%20of%20Michigan,c=US
-         * PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient doesn't know how to discover the default
-         * LDAP server, so we don't support this kind of LDAP URL.
-         */
-        if (*domainName == '\0') {
-                /* Simulate a PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_CreateByName failure. */
-        }
-        /* create PKIX_PL_String from domain name */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, domainName, 0, &domainString, plContext),
-        /* Is this domainName already in cache? */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                (aiaConnectionCache,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)domainString,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&client,
-                plContext),
-        if (client == NULL) {
-                /* No, create a connection (and cache it) */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_CreateByName
-                        (domainName,
-                         /* Do not use NBIO until we verify, that
-                          * it is working. For now use 1 min timeout. */
-                        PR_SecondsToInterval(
-                            ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->timeoutSeconds),
-                        NULL,
-                        &client,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                        (aiaConnectionCache,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)domainString,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)client,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_HASHTABLEADDFAILED);
-        }
-        *pClient = (PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)client;
-        PKIX_DECREF(domainString);
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr,
-	PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *ia,
-	void **pNBIOContext,
-	PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *locationString = NULL;
-	PKIX_UInt32 len = 0;
-	PRUint16 port = 0;
-	const SEC_HttpClientFcn *httpClient = NULL;
-	const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-	SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-	char *path = NULL;
-	char *hostname = NULL;
-	char *locationAscii = NULL;
-	void *nbio = NULL;
-	PRUint16 responseCode = 0;
-	const char *responseContentType = NULL;
-	const char *responseData = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(AIAMGR, "pkix_pl_AIAMgr_GetHTTPCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(aiaMgr, ia, pNBIOContext, pCerts);
-        nbio = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        *pCerts = NULL;
-        if (nbio == NULL) { /* a new request */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocation
-                        (ia, &location, plContext),
-                /* find or create httpClient = default client */
-		httpClient = SEC_GetRegisteredHttpClient();
-		aiaMgr->client.hdata.httpClient = httpClient;
-		if (!httpClient)
-		if (httpClient->version == 1) {
-                        PKIX_UInt32 timeout =
-                             ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->timeoutSeconds;
-			hcv1 = &(httpClient->fcnTable.ftable1);
-			/* create server session */
-			PKIX_TOSTRING(location, &locationString, plContext,
-			PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-				(locationString,
-				(void **)&locationAscii,
-				&len,
-				plContext),
-                        rv = CERT_ParseURL(locationAscii, &hostname, &port,
-                                            &path);
-			if ((rv != SECSuccess) ||
-			    (hostname == NULL) ||
-			    (path == NULL)) {
-			}
-                        rv = (*hcv1->createSessionFcn)(hostname, port, 
-                                                       &serverSession);
-	                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-			}
-			aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession = serverSession;
-			/* create request session */
-                        rv = (*hcv1->createFcn)(serverSession, "http", path,
-                        	"GET", PR_SecondsToInterval(timeout),
-                                 &requestSession);
-                	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        	PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_HTTPSERVERERROR);
-                	}
-			aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession = requestSession;
-		} else {
-		}
-	}
-	httpClient = aiaMgr->client.hdata.httpClient;
-	if (httpClient->version == 1) {
-                PRUint32 responseDataLen = 
-                   ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-		hcv1 = &(httpClient->fcnTable.ftable1);
-		requestSession = aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession;
-		/* trySendAndReceive */
-                rv = (*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(requestSession,
-                                 (PRPollDesc **)&nbio,
-                                 &responseCode,
-                                 (const char **)&responseContentType,
-                                 NULL, /* &responseHeaders */
-                                 (const char **)&responseData,
-                                 &responseDataLen);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_HTTPSERVERERROR);
-                }
-                if (nbio != 0) {
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbio;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-		PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCertResponse
-	                (responseCode,
-	                responseContentType,
-	                responseData,
-	                responseDataLen,
-	                pCerts,
-	                plContext),
-                /* Session and request cleanup in case of success */
-                if (aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession != NULL) {
-                    (*hcv1->freeFcn)(aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession);
-                    aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession = NULL;
-                }
-                if (aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession != NULL) {
-                    (*hcv1->freeSessionFcn)(aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession);
-                    aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession = NULL;
-                }
-                aiaMgr->client.hdata.httpClient = 0; /* callback fn */
-        } else  {
-	}
-        /* Session and request cleanup in case of error. Passing through without cleanup
-         * if interrupted by blocked IO. */
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && aiaMgr) {
-            if (aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession != NULL) {
-                (*hcv1->freeFcn)(aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession);
-                aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession = NULL;
-            }
-            if (aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession != NULL) {
-                (*hcv1->freeSessionFcn)(aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession);
-                aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession = NULL;
-            }
-            aiaMgr->client.hdata.httpClient = 0; /* callback fn */
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(location);
-        PKIX_DECREF(locationString);
-        if (locationAscii) {
-            PORT_Free(locationAscii);
-        }
-        if (hostname) {
-            PORT_Free(hostname);
-        }
-        if (path) {
-            PORT_Free(path);
-        }
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr,
-	PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *ia,
-	void **pNBIOContext,
-	PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client = NULL;
-        LDAPRequestParams request;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        char *domainName = NULL;
-	void *nbio = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(AIAMGR, "pkix_pl_AIAMgr_GetLDAPCerts");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(aiaMgr, ia, pNBIOContext, pCerts);
-        nbio = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        *pCerts = NULL;
-        if (nbio == NULL) { /* a new request */
-                /* Initiate an LDAP request */
-                request.scope = WHOLE_SUBTREE;
-                request.derefAliases = NEVER_DEREF;
-                request.sizeLimit = 0;
-                request.timeLimit = 0;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocation
-                        (ia, &location, plContext),
-                /*
-                 * Get a short-lived arena. We'll be done with
-                 * this space once the request is encoded.
-                 */
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (!arena) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR_FATAL(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseLocation
-                        (location, arena, &request, &domainName, plContext),
-                PKIX_DECREF(location);
-                /* Find or create a connection to LDAP server */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_AiaMgr_FindLDAPClient
-                        (aiaMgr, domainName, &client, plContext),
-                aiaMgr->client.ldapClient = client;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest
-                        (aiaMgr->client.ldapClient,
-			&request,
-			&nbio,
-			&result,
-			plContext),
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(AIAMGR, PORT_FreeArena, (arena, PR_FALSE));
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest
-                        (aiaMgr->client.ldapClient, &nbio, &result, plContext),
-        }
-        if (nbio != NULL) { /* WOULDBLOCK */
-                *pNBIOContext = nbio;
-                *pCerts = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-	PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->client.ldapClient);
-	if (result == NULL) {
-		*pCerts = NULL;
-	} else {
-		PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList
-			(result, pCerts, plContext),
-	}
-	*pNBIOContext = nbio;
-        if (arena && (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED)) {
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(AIAMGR, PORT_FreeArena, (arena, PR_FALSE));
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-	        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->client.ldapClient);
-	}
-        PKIX_DECREF(location);
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
- *
- *  This function creates an AIAMgr, storing the result at "pAIAMgr".
- *
- *  "pAIAMGR"
- *      Address at which the returned AIAMgr is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an AIAMgr Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr **pAIAMgr,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(AIAMGR, "PKIX_PL_AIAMgr_Create");
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_AIAMGR_TYPE,
-                sizeof(PKIX_PL_AIAMgr),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&aiaMgr,
-                plContext),
-        /* pointer to cert cache */
-        /* pointer to crl cache */
-        aiaMgr->method = 0;
-        aiaMgr->aiaIndex = 0;
-        aiaMgr->numAias = 0;
-        aiaMgr->aia = NULL;
-        aiaMgr->location = NULL;
-        aiaMgr->results = NULL;
-        aiaMgr->client.hdata.httpClient = NULL;
-	aiaMgr->client.hdata.serverSession = NULL;
-	aiaMgr->client.hdata.requestSession = NULL;
-        *pAIAMgr = aiaMgr;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_AIAMgr_GetAIACerts (see description in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_AIAMgr *aiaMgr,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *prevCert,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numAias = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 aiaIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_List *certs = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *ia = NULL;
-        void *nbio = NULL;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(aiaMgr, prevCert, pNBIOContext, pCerts);
-        nbio = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pCerts = NULL;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        if (nbio == NULL) { /* a new request */
-                /* Does this Cert have an AIA extension? */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityInfoAccess
-                        (prevCert, &aiaMgr->aia, plContext),
-                if (aiaMgr->aia != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                                (aiaMgr->aia, &numAias, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                }
-                /* And if so, does it have any entries? */
-                if ((aiaMgr->aia == NULL) || (numAias == 0)) {
-                        *pCerts = NULL;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                aiaMgr->aiaIndex = 0;
-                aiaMgr->numAias = numAias;
-                aiaMgr->results = NULL;
-        }
-        for (aiaIndex = aiaMgr->aiaIndex;
-                aiaIndex < aiaMgr->numAias;
-                aiaIndex ++) {
-                PKIX_UInt32 method = 0;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (aiaMgr->aia,
-                        aiaIndex,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ia,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetMethod
-                        (ia, &method, plContext),
-                if (method != PKIX_INFOACCESS_CA_ISSUERS &&
-                    method != PKIX_INFOACCESS_CA_REPOSITORY) {
-                    PKIX_DECREF(ia);
-                    continue;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocationType
-                        (ia, &iaType, plContext),
-                if (iaType == PKIX_INFOACCESS_LOCATION_HTTP) {
-			PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_AIAMgr_GetHTTPCerts
-				(aiaMgr, ia, &nbio, &certs, plContext),
-                } else if (iaType == PKIX_INFOACCESS_LOCATION_LDAP) {
-			PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_AIAMgr_GetLDAPCerts
-				(aiaMgr, ia, &nbio, &certs, plContext),
-                } else {
-                        /* We only support http and ldap requests. */
-                        PKIX_DECREF(ia);
-                        continue;
-                }
-                if (nbio != NULL) { /* WOULDBLOCK */
-                        aiaMgr->aiaIndex = aiaIndex;
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbio;
-                        *pCerts = NULL;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                /*
-                 * We can't just use and modify the List we received.
-                 * Because it's cached, it's set immutable.
-                 */
-                if (aiaMgr->results == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                (&(aiaMgr->results), plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_List_AppendList
-                        (aiaMgr->results, certs, plContext),
-                        PKIX_APPENDLISTFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(certs);
-                PKIX_DECREF(ia);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->aia);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        *pCerts = aiaMgr->results;
-        aiaMgr->results = NULL;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->aia);
-                PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->results);
-                PKIX_DECREF(aiaMgr->client.ldapClient);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(certs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(ia);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 356c1ec..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_aiamgr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_aiamgr.h
- *
- * AIAMgr Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_AIAMGR_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_AIAMGR_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_AIAMgrStruct {
-        /* pointer to cert cache */
-        /* pointer to crl cache */
-        PKIX_UInt32 method;
-        PKIX_UInt32 aiaIndex;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numAias;
-        PKIX_List *aia;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location;
-        PKIX_List *results;
-	union {
-	        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *ldapClient;
-		struct {
-		        const SEC_HttpClientFcn *httpClient;
-			SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION serverSession;
-			SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION requestSession;
-			char *path;
-		} hdata;
-	} client;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_AIAMgr_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest(
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        LDAPRequestParams *requestParams,
-        void **pPollDesc,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest(
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        void **pPollDesc,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_AIAMGR_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 57004b7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1282 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_colcertstore.c
- *
- * CollectionCertStore Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_colcertstore.h"
- * This Object is going to be taken out from libpkix SOON. The following
- * function is copied from nss/cmd library, but not supported by NSS as
- * public API. We use it since ColCertStore are read in Cert/Crl from
- * files and need this support.
- */
-static SECStatus
-SECU_FileToItem(SECItem *dst, PRFileDesc *src)
-    PRFileInfo info;
-    PRInt32 numBytes;
-    PRStatus prStatus;
-    prStatus = PR_GetOpenFileInfo(src, &info);
-    if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_IO);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* XXX workaround for 3.1, not all utils zero dst before sending */
-    dst->data = 0;
-    if (!SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, dst, info.size))
-        goto loser;
-    numBytes = PR_Read(src, dst->data, info.size);
-    if (numBytes != info.size) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_IO);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(dst, PR_FALSE);
-    return SECFailure;
-static SECStatus
-SECU_ReadDERFromFile(SECItem *der, PRFileDesc *inFile, PRBool ascii)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (ascii) {
-        /* First convert ascii to binary */
-        SECItem filedata;
-        char *asc, *body;
-        /* Read in ascii data */
-        rv = SECU_FileToItem(&filedata, inFile);
-        asc = (char *);
-        if (!asc) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "unable to read data from input file\n");
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        /* check for headers and trailers and remove them */
-        if ((body = strstr(asc, "-----BEGIN")) != NULL) {
-            char *trailer = NULL;
-            asc = body;
-            body = PORT_Strchr(body, '\n');
-            if (!body)
-                body = PORT_Strchr(asc, '\r'); /* maybe this is a MAC file */
-            if (body)
-                trailer = strstr(++body, "-----END");
-            if (trailer != NULL) {
-                *trailer = '\0';
-            } else {
-                fprintf(stderr, "input has header but no trailer\n");
-                PORT_Free(;
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-        } else {
-            body = asc;
-        }
-        /* Convert to binary */
-        rv = ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(der, body);
-        if (rv) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-        PORT_Free(;
-    } else {
-        /* Read in binary der */
-        rv = SECU_FileToItem(der, inFile);
-        if (rv) {
-            return SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CollectionCertStoreContext using the String pointed to
- *  by "storeDir" and stores it at "pColCertStoreContext".
- *
- *  "storeDir"
- *      The absolute path where *.crl and *.crt files are located.
- *  "pColCertStoreContext"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *storeDir,
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext **pColCertStoreContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(storeDir, pColCertStoreContext);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&colCertStoreContext,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(storeDir);
-        colCertStoreContext->storeDir = storeDir;
-        colCertStoreContext->crlList = NULL;
-        colCertStoreContext->certList = NULL;
-        *pColCertStoreContext = colCertStoreContext;
-        colCertStoreContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_TYPE, plContext),
-        colCertStoreContext = (PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext->storeDir);
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext->crlList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext->certList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *collectionCSContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 tempHash = 0;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object,
-                    plContext),
-        collectionCSContext = (PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *) collectionCSContext->storeDir,
-                    &tempHash,
-                    plContext),
-        *pHashcode = tempHash << 7;
-        /* should not hash on crlList and certList, values are dynamic */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *firstCCSContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *secondCCSContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = 0;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                    (firstObject,
-                    secondObject,
-                    plContext),
-        firstCCSContext = (PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *)firstObject;
-        secondCCSContext = (PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *)secondObject;
-        if (firstCCSContext->storeDir == secondCCSContext->storeDir) {
-                cmpResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *) firstCCSContext->storeDir,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *) secondCCSContext->storeDir,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGEQUALSFAILED);
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
-        /* should not check equal on crlList and certList, data are dynamic */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_CheckTrust
- * This function checks the trust status of this "cert" that was retrieved
- * from the CertStore "store" and returns its trust status at "pTrusted".
- *
- * "store"
- *      Address of the CertStore. Must be non-NULL.
- * "cert"
- *      Address of the Cert. Must be non-NULL.
- * "pTrusted"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean where the "cert" trust status is returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- * "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_CheckTrust");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, cert, pTrusted);
-        *pTrusted = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_CreateCert
- *
- *  Creates Cert using data file path name pointed to by "certFileName" and
- *  stores it at "pCert". If the Cert can not be decoded, NULL is stored
- *  at "pCert".
- *
- *  "certFileName" - Address of Cert data file path name. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCert" - Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *              a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        const char *certFileName,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        PRFileDesc *inFile = NULL;
-        SECItem certDER;
-        void *buf = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len;
-        SECStatus rv;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_CreateCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(certFileName, pCert);
-        *pCert = NULL;
- = NULL;
-        inFile = PR_Open(certFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
-        if (!inFile){
-        } else {
-                        ("\t\t Calling SECU_ReadDerFromFile.\n");
-                rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&certDER, inFile, PR_FALSE);
-                if (!rv){
-                        buf = (void *);
-                        len = certDER.len;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create
-                                    (buf, len, &byteArray, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_BYTEARRAYCREATEFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_Create
-                                    (byteArray, &cert, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_CERTCREATEFAILED);
-                                ("\t\t Calling SECITEM_FreeItem.\n");
-                        SECITEM_FreeItem(&certDER, PR_FALSE);
-                } else {
-                }
-        }
-        *pCert = cert;
-        if (inFile){
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_CloseDir.\n");
-                PR_Close(inFile);
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                        ("\t\t Calling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&certDER, PR_FALSE);
-                PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(byteArray);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_CreateCRL
- *
- *  Creates CRL using data file path name pointed to by "crlFileName" and
- *  stores it at "pCrl". If the CRL can not be decoded, NULL is stored
- *  at "pCrl".
- *
- *  "crlFileName" - Address of CRL data file path name. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrl" - Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *              a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        const char *crlFileName,
-        PKIX_PL_CRL **pCrl,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        PRFileDesc *inFile = NULL;
-        SECItem crlDER;
-        void *buf = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len;
-        SECStatus rv;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_CreateCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(crlFileName, pCrl);
-        *pCrl = NULL;
- = NULL;
-        inFile = PR_Open(crlFileName, PR_RDONLY, 0);
-        if (!inFile){
-        } else {
-                        ("\t\t Calling SECU_ReadDerFromFile.\n");
-                rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&crlDER, inFile, PR_FALSE);
-                if (!rv){
-                        buf = (void *);
-                        len = crlDER.len;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create
-                                (buf, len, &byteArray, plContext),
-                                PKIX_BYTEARRAYCREATEFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRL_Create
-                                (byteArray, &crl, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CRLCREATEFAILED);
-                                ("\t\t Calling SECITEM_FreeItem.\n");
-                        SECITEM_FreeItem(&crlDER, PR_FALSE);
-                } else {
-                }
-        }
-        *pCrl = crl;
-        if (inFile){
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_CloseDir.\n");
-                PR_Close(inFile);
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                        ("\t\t Calling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&crlDER, PR_FALSE);
-                PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-                if ( != NULL) {
-                        SECITEM_FreeItem(&crlDER, PR_FALSE);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(byteArray);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_PopulateCert
- *
- *  Create list of Certs from *.crt files at directory specified in dirName,
- *  Not recursive to sub-directory. Also assume the directory contents are
- *  not changed dynamically.
- *
- *  "colCertStoreContext" - Address of CollectionCertStoreContext
- *              where the dirName is specified and where the return
- *              Certs are stored as a list. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - A lock at top level is required.
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *              a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *certItem = NULL;
-        char *dirName = NULL;
-        char *pathName = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dirNameLen = 0;
-        PRErrorCode prError = 0;
-        PRDir *dir = NULL;
-        PRDirEntry *dirEntry = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_PopulateCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(colCertStoreContext);
-        /* convert directory to ascii */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (colCertStoreContext->storeDir,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&dirName,
-                    &dirNameLen,
-                    plContext),
-        /* create cert list, if no cert file, should return an empty list */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&certList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /* open directory and read in .crt files */
-        dir = PR_OpenDir(dirName);
-        if (!dir) {
-                        ("\t\t Directory Name:%s\n", dirName);
-        }
-        dirEntry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_HIDDEN | PR_SKIP_BOTH);
-        if (!dirEntry) {
-                        ("\t\t Empty directory.\n");
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_GetError.\n");
-                prError = PR_GetError();
-        }
-        PR_SetError(0, 0);
-        while (dirEntry != NULL && prError == 0) {
-                if (PL_strrstr(dirEntry->name, ".crt") ==
-                    dirEntry->name + PL_strlen(dirEntry->name) - 4) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                (PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                                (dirNameLen + PL_strlen(dirEntry->name) + 2,
-                                (void **)&pathName,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                        if ((!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) && (pathName != NULL)){
-                                PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_DEBUG
-                                    ("\t\t Calling PL_strcpy for dirName.\n");
-                                PL_strcpy(pathName, dirName);
-                                PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_DEBUG
-                                    ("\t\t Calling PL_strcat for dirName.\n");
-                                PL_strcat(pathName, "/");
-                                PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_DEBUG
-                                        ("\t\t Calling PL_strcat for /.\n");
-                                PL_strcat(pathName, dirEntry->name);
-                                PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                (pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_CreateCert
-                                    (pathName, &certItem, plContext),
-                                if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                                (PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                                (certList,
-                                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)certItem,
-                                                plContext),
-                                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                }
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(certItem);
-                        PKIX_FREE(pathName);
-                }
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_SetError.\n");
-                PR_SetError(0, 0);
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_ReadDir.\n");
-                dirEntry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_HIDDEN | PR_SKIP_BOTH);
-                if (!dirEntry) {
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_GetError.\n");
-                    prError = PR_GetError();
-                }
-        }
-        if ((prError != 0) && (prError != PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR)) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(certList, plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(certList);
-        colCertStoreContext->certList = certList;
-        if (dir) {
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_CloseDir.\n");
-                PR_CloseDir(dir);
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(pathName);
-        PKIX_FREE(dirName);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(certList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(certItem);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_PopulateCRL
- *
- *  Create list of CRLs from *.crl files at directory specified in dirName,
- *  Not recursive to sub-dirctory. Also assume the directory contents are
- *  not changed dynamically.
- *
- *  "colCertStoreContext" - Address of CollectionCertStoreContext
- *              where the dirName is specified and where the return
- *              CRLs are stored as a list. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - A lock at top level is required.
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *              a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *crlList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crlItem = NULL;
-        char *dirName = NULL;
-        char *pathName = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dirNameLen = 0;
-        PRErrorCode prError = 0;
-        PRDir *dir = NULL;
-        PRDirEntry *dirEntry = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_PopulateCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(colCertStoreContext);
-        /* convert directory to ascii */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (colCertStoreContext->storeDir,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&dirName,
-                    &dirNameLen,
-                    plContext),
-        /* create CRL list, if no CRL file, should return an empty list */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&crlList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /* open directory and read in .crl files */
-        dir = PR_OpenDir(dirName);
-        if (!dir) {
-                        ("\t\t Directory Name:%s\n", dirName);
-        }
-        dirEntry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_HIDDEN | PR_SKIP_BOTH);
-        if (!dirEntry) {
-                        ("\t\t Empty directory.\n");
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_GetError.\n");
-                prError = PR_GetError();
-        }
-        PR_SetError(0, 0);
-        while (dirEntry != NULL && prError == 0) {
-                if (PL_strrstr(dirEntry->name, ".crl") ==
-                    dirEntry->name + PL_strlen(dirEntry->name) - 4) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                (PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                                (dirNameLen + PL_strlen(dirEntry->name) + 2,
-                                (void **)&pathName,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                        if ((!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) && (pathName != NULL)){
-                                PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_DEBUG
-                                    ("\t\t Calling PL_strcpy for dirName.\n");
-                                PL_strcpy(pathName, dirName);
-                                PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_DEBUG
-                                    ("\t\t Calling PL_strcat for dirName.\n");
-                                PL_strcat(pathName, "/");
-                                PKIX_COLLECTIONCERTSTORECONTEXT_DEBUG
-                                        ("\t\t Calling PL_strcat for /.\n");
-                                PL_strcat(pathName, dirEntry->name);
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                (pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_CreateCRL
-                                (pathName, &crlItem, plContext),
-                                if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                                (PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                                (crlList,
-                                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)crlItem,
-                                                plContext),
-                                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                }
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(crlItem);
-                        PKIX_FREE(pathName);
-                }
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_SetError.\n");
-                PR_SetError(0, 0);
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_ReadDir.\n");
-                dirEntry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_HIDDEN | PR_SKIP_BOTH);
-                if (!dirEntry) {
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_GetError.\n");
-                    prError = PR_GetError();
-                }
-        }
-        if ((prError != 0) && (prError != PR_NO_MORE_FILES_ERROR)) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(crlList, plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(crlList);
-        colCertStoreContext->crlList = crlList;
-        if (dir) {
-                        ("\t\t Calling PR_CloseDir.\n");
-                PR_CloseDir(dir);
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(pathName);
-        PKIX_FREE(dirName);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(crlList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlItem);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_GetSelectedCert
- *
- *  Finds the Certs that match the criterion of the CertSelector pointed
- *  to by "selector" using the List of Certs pointed to by "certList" and
- *  stores the matching Certs at "pSelectedCertList".
- *
- *  Not recursive to sub-directory.
- *
- *  "certList" - Address of List of Certs to be searched. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "colCertStoreContext" - Address of CollectionCertStoreContext
- *              where the cached Certs are stored.
- *  "selector" - CertSelector for chosing Cert based on Params set
- *  "pSelectedCertList" - Certs that qualified by selector.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - A lock at top level is required.
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *              a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *certList,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_List **pSelectedCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *selectCertList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *certItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback certSelectorMatch = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_GetSelectedCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(certList, selector, pSelectedCertList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
-                    (selector, &certSelectorMatch, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(certList, &numCerts, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        if (certSelectorMatch) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&selectCertList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numCerts; i++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                (PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (certList,
-                                i,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &certItem,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                                PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                        (certSelectorMatch
-                                        (selector, certItem, plContext),
-                                        PKIX_CERTSELECTORMATCHFAILED);
-                                if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                                (PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                                (selectCertList,
-                                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)certItem,
-                                                plContext),
-                                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                }
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(certItem);
-                }
-        } else {
-                PKIX_INCREF(certList);
-                selectCertList = certList;
-        }
-        *pSelectedCertList = selectCertList;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_GetSelectedCRL
- *
- *  Finds the CRLs that match the criterion of the CRLSelector pointed
- *  to by "selector" using the List of CRLs pointed to by "crlList" and
- *  stores the matching CRLs at "pSelectedCrlList".
- *
- *  Not recursive to sub-directory.
- *
- *  "crlList" - Address of List of CRLs to be searched. Must be non-NULL
- *  "selector" - CRLSelector for chosing CRL based on Params set
- *  "pSelectedCrlList" - CRLs that qualified by selector.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - A lock at top level is required.
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CollectionCertStoreContext Error if the function fails in
- *              a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *crlList,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_List **pSelectedCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *selectCrlList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crlItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_CRLSelector_MatchCallback crlSelectorMatch = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numCrls = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_GetSelectedCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crlList, selector, pSelectedCrlList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CRLSelector_GetMatchCallback
-                    (selector, &crlSelectorMatch, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(crlList, &numCrls, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        if (crlSelectorMatch) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&selectCrlList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numCrls; i++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (crlList,
-                                i,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &crlItem,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        if (!PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                                PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                        (crlSelectorMatch
-                                        (selector, crlItem, &match, plContext),
-                                        PKIX_CRLSELECTORMATCHFAILED);
-                                if (!(PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) && match) {
-                                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL
-                                                (PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                                (selectCrlList,
-                                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)crlItem,
-                                                plContext),
-                                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                }
-                        }
-                        PKIX_DECREF(crlItem);
-                }
-        } else {
-                PKIX_INCREF(crlList);
-                selectCrlList = crlList;
-        }
-        /* Don't throw away the list if one CRL was bad! */
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pSelectedCrlList = selectCrlList;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCert
- *
- *  Retrieve Certs in a list of PKIX_PL_Cert object.
- *
- *  "colCertStoreContext"
- *      The object CertStore is the object passed in by checker call.
- *  "crlSelector"
- *      CRLSelector specifies criteria for chosing CRL's
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address where platform-dependent information is returned for CertStores
- *      that use non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertList"
- *      Address where object pointer will be returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *selectedCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(certStore, selector, pNBIOContext, pCerts);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;   /* We don't use non-blocking I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                    (certStore,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &colCertStoreContext,
-                    plContext),
-        if (colCertStoreContext->certList == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(colCertStoreContext);
-                /*
-                 * Certs in the directory are cached based on the
-                 * assumption that the directory contents won't be
-                 * changed dynamically.
-                 */
-                if (colCertStoreContext->certList == NULL){
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_PopulateCert
-                            (colCertStoreContext, plContext),
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(colCertStoreContext);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_GetSelectedCert
-                    (colCertStoreContext->certList,
-                    selector,
-                    &selectedCerts,
-                    plContext),
-        *pCerts = selectedCerts;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCRL
- *
- *  Retrieve CRL's in a list of PKIX_PL_CRL object.
- *
- *  "colCertStoreContext"
- *      The object CertStore is passed in by checker call.
- *  "crlSelector"
- *      CRLSelector specifies criteria for chosing CRL's
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address where platform-dependent information is returned for CertStores
- *      that use non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrlList"
- *      Address where object pointer will be returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *selectCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(certStore, selector, pNBIOContext, pCrlList);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;   /* We don't use non-blocking I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                    (certStore,
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **) &colCertStoreContext,
-                    plContext),
-        if (colCertStoreContext->crlList == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(colCertStoreContext);
-                /*
-                 * CRLs in the directory are cached based on the
-                 * assumption that the directory contents won't be
-                 * changed dynamically.
-                 */
-                if (colCertStoreContext->crlList == NULL){
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_PopulateCRL
-                            (colCertStoreContext, plContext),
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(colCertStoreContext);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_GetSelectedCRL
-                    (colCertStoreContext->crlList,
-                    selector,
-                    &selectCrl,
-                    plContext),
-        *pCrlList = selectCrl;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                    "pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CollectionCertStoreContext";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-/* --Public-CollectionCertStoreContext-Functions--------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStore_Create
- * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *storeDir,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext *colCertStoreContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStore_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(storeDir, pCertStore);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_Create
-                    (storeDir, &colCertStoreContext, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_Create
-                    (pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCert,
-                    pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_GetCRL,
-                    NULL, /* GetCertContinue */
-                    NULL, /* GetCRLContinue */
-                    pkix_pl_CollectionCertStore_CheckTrust,
-                    NULL,      /* can not store crls */
-                    NULL,      /* can not do revocation check */
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)colCertStoreContext,
-                    PKIX_TRUE, /* cache flag */
-                    PKIX_TRUE, /* local - no network I/O */
-                    &certStore,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(colCertStoreContext);
-        *pCertStore = certStore;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.h
deleted file mode 100755
index f41e6fa..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_colcertstore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_colcertstore.h
- *
- * CollectionCertstore Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_CollectionCertStoreContext {
-        PKIX_PL_String *storeDir;
-        PKIX_List *crlList;
-        PKIX_List *certList;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ecf58ce..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1155 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c
- *
- * HTTPCertStore Function Definitions
- *
- */
-/* We can't decode the length of a message without at least this many bytes */
-#include "pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h"
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *httpSocketCache;
-const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_IssuerAndSNTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(CERTIssuerAndSN) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SAVE,
-	  offsetof(CERTIssuerAndSN,derIssuer) },
-	  offsetof(CERTIssuerAndSN,issuer),
-	  CERT_NameTemplate },
-	  offsetof(CERTIssuerAndSN,serialNumber) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID) },
-	  offsetof(SECAlgorithmID,algorithm) },
-	  offsetof(SECAlgorithmID,parameters) },
-    { 0 }
-}; */
-/* --Private-HttpCertStoreContext-Object Functions----------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *context = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPCERTSTORECONTEXT, "pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_HTTPCERTSTORECONTEXT_TYPE, plContext),
-        context = (PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *)object;
-        hcv1 = (const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *)(context->client);
-        if (context->requestSession != NULL) {
-            (*hcv1->freeFcn)(context->requestSession);
-            context->requestSession = NULL;
-        }
-        if (context->serverSession != NULL) {
-            (*hcv1->freeSessionFcn)(context->serverSession);
-            context->serverSession = NULL;
-        }
-        if (context->path != NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(context->path);
-            context->path = NULL;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_PL_HTTPCERTSTORECONTEXT_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_HTTPCERTSTORECONTEXT_TYPE];
-                "pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "HttpCertStoreContext";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_Destroy;
-/* --Private-Http-CertStore-Database-Functions----------------------- */
-typedef struct callbackContextStruct  {
-        PKIX_List  *pkixCertList;
-        PKIX_Error *error;
-        void       *plContext;
-} callbackContext;
- * FUNCTION: certCallback
- *
- *  This function processes the null-terminated array of SECItems produced by
- *  extracting the contents of a signedData message received in response to an
- *  HTTP cert query. Its address is supplied as a callback function to
- *  CERT_DecodeCertPackage; it is not expected to be called directly.
- *
- *  Note that it does not conform to the libpkix API standard of returning
- *  a PKIX_Error*. It returns a SECStatus.
- *
- *  "arg"
- *      The address of the callbackContext provided as a void* argument to
- *      CERT_DecodeCertPackage. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secitemCerts"
- *      The address of the null-terminated array of SECItems. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "numcerts"
- *      The number of SECItems found in the signedData. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns SECSuccess if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns SECFailure if the function fails.
- */
-static SECStatus
-certCallback(void *arg, SECItem **secitemCerts, int numcerts)
-        callbackContext *cbContext;
-        PKIX_List *pkixCertList = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *error = NULL;
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        int itemNum = 0;
-        if ((arg == NULL) || (secitemCerts == NULL)) {
-                return (SECFailure);
-        }
-        cbContext = (callbackContext *)arg;
-        plContext = cbContext->plContext;
-        pkixCertList = cbContext->pkixCertList;
-        for (; itemNum < numcerts; itemNum++ ) {
-                error = pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList(secitemCerts[itemNum],
-                                                  pkixCertList, plContext);
-                if (error != NULL) {
-                    if (error->errClass == PKIX_FATAL_ERROR) {
-                        cbContext->error = error;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    } 
-                    /* reuse "error" since we could not destruct the old *
-                     * value */
-                    error = PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)error,
-                                                        plContext);
-                    if (error) {
-                        /* Treat decref failure as a fatal error.
-                         * In this case will leak error, but can not do
-                         * anything about it. */
-                        error->errClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                        cbContext->error = error;
-                        return SECFailure;
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-typedef SECStatus (*pkix_DecodeCertsFunc)(char *certbuf, int certlen,
-                                          CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void *arg);
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-extern SECStatus CERT_DecodeCertPackage(char* certbuf, int certlen,
-                                        CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void* arg);
-struct pkix_DecodeFuncStr {
-    pkix_DecodeCertsFunc func;          /* function pointer to the 
-                                         * CERT_DecodeCertPackage function */
-    PRLibrary *smimeLib;                /* Pointer to the smime shared lib*/
-    PRCallOnceType once;
-static struct pkix_DecodeFuncStr pkix_decodeFunc;
-static const PRCallOnceType pkix_pristine;
- * load the smime library and look up the SEC_ReadPKCS7Certs function.
- *  we do this so we don't have a circular depenency on the smime library,
- *  and also so we don't have to load the smime library in applications that
- * don't use it.
- */
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pkix_getDecodeFunction(void)
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-    pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib = NULL;
-    pkix_decodeFunc.func = CERT_DecodeCertPackage;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib = 
-		PR_LoadLibrary(SHLIB_PREFIX"smime3."SHLIB_SUFFIX);
-    if (pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib == NULL) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    pkix_decodeFunc.func = (pkix_DecodeCertsFunc) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-		pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib, "CERT_DecodeCertPackage");
-    if (!pkix_decodeFunc.func) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * clears our global state on shutdown. 
- */
-pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_Shutdown(void *plContext)
-    if (pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib) {
-	PR_UnloadLibrary(pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib);
-	pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib = NULL;
-    }
-    /* the function pointer just need to be cleared, not freed */
-    pkix_decodeFunc.func = NULL;
-    pkix_decodeFunc.once = pkix_pristine;
- * This function is based on CERT_DecodeCertPackage from lib/pkcs7/certread.c
- * read an old style ascii or binary certificate chain
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        (const char *certbuf,
-        int certlen,
-        CERTImportCertificateFunc f,
-        void *arg,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRStatus status;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_DecodeCertPackage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(certbuf, f);
-        status = PR_CallOnce(&pkix_decodeFunc.once, pkix_getDecodeFunction);
-        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        }
-        /* paranoia, shouldn't happen if status == PR_SUCCESS); */
-        if (!pkix_decodeFunc.func) {
-        }
-        rv = (*pkix_decodeFunc.func)((char*)certbuf, certlen, f, arg);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCertResponse
- *
- *  This function verifies that the response code pointed to by "responseCode"
- *  and the content type pointed to by "responseContentType" are as expected,
- *  and then decodes the data pointed to by "responseData", of length
- *  "responseDataLen", into a List of Certs, possibly empty, which is returned
- *  at "pCertList".
- *
- *  "responseCode"
- *      The value of the HTTP response code.
- *  "responseContentType"
- *      The address of the Content-type string. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "responseData"
- *      The address of the message data. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "responseDataLen"
- *      The length of the message data.
- *  "pCertList"
- *      The address of the List that is created. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpCertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRUint16 responseCode,
-        const char *responseContentType,
-        const char *responseData,
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        callbackContext cbContext;
-                "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCertResponse");
-        cbContext.error = NULL;
-        cbContext.plContext = plContext;
-        cbContext.pkixCertList = NULL;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pCertList);
-        if (responseCode != 200) {
-        }
-        /* check that response type is application/pkcs7-mime */
-        if (responseContentType == NULL) {
-        }
-        if (responseData == NULL) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_Create(&cbContext.pkixCertList, plContext),
-            pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_DecodeCertPackage(responseData,
-                                                    responseDataLen,
-                                                    certCallback,
-                                                    &cbContext,
-                                                    plContext),
-        if (cbContext.error) {
-            /* Aborting on a fatal error(See certCallback fn) */
-            pkixErrorResult = cbContext.error;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pCertList = cbContext.pkixCertList;
-        cbContext.pkixCertList = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cbContext.pkixCertList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCrlResponse
- *
- *  This function verifies that the response code pointed to by "responseCode"
- *  and the content type pointed to by "responseContentType" are as expected,
- *  and then decodes the data pointed to by "responseData", of length
- *  "responseDataLen", into a List of Crls, possibly empty, which is returned
- *  at "pCrlList".
- *
- *  "responseCode"
- *      The value of the HTTP response code.
- *  "responseContentType"
- *      The address of the Content-type string. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "responseData"
- *      The address of the message data. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "responseDataLen"
- *      The length of the message data.
- *  "pCrlList"
- *      The address of the List that is created. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpCertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRUint16 responseCode,
-        const char *responseContentType,
-        const char *responseData,
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem encodedResponse;
-        PRInt16 compareVal = 0;
-        PKIX_List *crls = NULL;
-        SECItem *derCrlCopy = NULL;
-        CERTSignedCrl *nssCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-                "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCrlResponse");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pCrlList);
-        if (responseCode != 200) {
-        }
-        /* check that response type is application/pkix-crl */
-        if (responseContentType == NULL) {
-        }
-        compareVal = PORT_Strcasecmp(responseContentType,
-                                     "application/pkix-crl");
-        if (compareVal != 0) {
-        }
-        encodedResponse.type = siBuffer;
- = (void*)responseData;
-        encodedResponse.len = responseDataLen;
-        derCrlCopy = SECITEM_DupItem(&encodedResponse);
-        if (!derCrlCopy) {
-        }
-        /* crl will be based on derCrlCopy, but will not own the der. */
-        nssCrl =
-            CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrlCopy, SEC_CRL_TYPE,
-                                       CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER |
-                                       CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-        if (!nssCrl) {
-        }
-        /* pkix crls own the der. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL(nssCrl, derCrlCopy, NULL,
-                                            &crl, plContext),
-        /* Left control over memory pointed by derCrlCopy and
-         * nssCrl to pkix crl. */
-        derCrlCopy = NULL;
-        nssCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&crls, plContext),
-                   PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                   (crls, (PKIX_PL_Object *) crl, plContext),
-        *pCrlList = crls;
-        crls = NULL;
-        if (derCrlCopy) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrlCopy, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        if (nssCrl) {
-            SEC_DestroyCrl(nssCrl);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crls);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateRequestSession
- *
- *  This function takes elements from the HttpCertStoreContext pointed to by
- *  "context" (path, client, and serverSession) and creates a RequestSession.
- *  See the HTTPClient API described in ocspt.h for further details.
- *
- *  "context"
- *      The address of the HttpCertStoreContext. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpCertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *context,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateRequestSession");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(context, context->serverSession);
-        if (context->client->version != 1) {
-        }
-        hcv1 = &(context->client->fcnTable.ftable1);
-        if (context->requestSession != NULL) {
-            (*hcv1->freeFcn)(context->requestSession);
-            context->requestSession = 0;
-        }
-        rv = (*hcv1->createFcn)(context->serverSession, "http",
-                         context->path, "GET",
-                         PR_SecondsToInterval(
-                             ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->timeoutSeconds),
-                         &(context->requestSession));
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCert
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *context = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PRUint16 responseCode = 0;
-        const char *responseContentType = NULL;
-        const char *responseData = NULL;
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen = 0;
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPCERTSTORECONTEXT, "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCertList);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&context, plContext),
-        if (context->client->version != 1) {
-        }
-        hcv1 = &(context->client->fcnTable.ftable1);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateRequestSession
-                   (context, plContext),
-        responseDataLen = 
-            ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-        rv = (*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(context->requestSession,
-                                        (PRPollDesc **)&nbioContext,
-                                        &responseCode,
-                                        (const char **)&responseContentType,
-                                        NULL, /* &responseHeaders */
-                                        (const char **)&responseData,
-                                        &responseDataLen);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        if (nbioContext != 0) {
-            *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCertResponse
-                (responseCode,
-                responseContentType,
-                responseData,
-                responseDataLen,
-                &certList,
-                plContext),
-        *pCertList = certList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(context);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCertContinue
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *context = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PRUint16 responseCode = 0;
-        const char *responseContentType = NULL;
-        const char *responseData = NULL;
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen = 0;
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCertContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCertList);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&context, plContext),
-        if (context->client->version != 1) {
-        }
-        hcv1 = &(context->client->fcnTable.ftable1);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(context->requestSession);
-        responseDataLen = 
-            ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-        rv = (*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(context->requestSession,
-                        (PRPollDesc **)&nbioContext,
-                        &responseCode,
-                        (const char **)&responseContentType,
-                        NULL, /* &responseHeaders */
-                        (const char **)&responseData,
-                        &responseDataLen);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        if (nbioContext != 0) {
-            *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCertResponse
-                (responseCode,
-                responseContentType,
-                responseData,
-                responseDataLen,
-                &certList,
-                plContext),
-        *pCertList = certList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(context);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCRL
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *context = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PRUint16 responseCode = 0;
-        const char *responseContentType = NULL;
-        const char *responseData = NULL;
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen = 0;
-        PKIX_List *crlList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCrlList);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&context, plContext),
-        if (context->client->version != 1) {
-        }
-        hcv1 = &(context->client->fcnTable.ftable1);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateRequestSession
-                   (context, plContext),
-        responseDataLen = 
-            ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-        rv = (*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(context->requestSession,
-                        (PRPollDesc **)&nbioContext,
-                        &responseCode,
-                        (const char **)&responseContentType,
-                        NULL, /* &responseHeaders */
-                        (const char **)&responseData,
-                        &responseDataLen);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        if (nbioContext != 0) {
-            *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCrlResponse
-                (responseCode,
-                responseContentType,
-                responseData,
-                responseDataLen,
-                &crlList,
-                plContext),
-        *pCrlList = crlList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(context);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCRLContinue
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *context = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PRUint16 responseCode = 0;
-        const char *responseContentType = NULL;
-        const char *responseData = NULL;
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen = 0;
-        PKIX_List *crlList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCRLContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCrlList);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&context, plContext),
-        if (context->client->version != 1) {
-        }
-        hcv1 = &(context->client->fcnTable.ftable1);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateRequestSession
-                   (context, plContext),
-        responseDataLen = 
-            ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-        rv = (*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(context->requestSession,
-                        (PRPollDesc **)&nbioContext,
-                        &responseCode,
-                        (const char **)&responseContentType,
-                        NULL, /* &responseHeaders */
-                        (const char **)&responseData,
-                        &responseDataLen);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        if (nbioContext != 0) {
-            *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_ProcessCrlResponse
-                (responseCode,
-                responseContentType,
-                responseData,
-                responseDataLen,
-                &crlList,
-                plContext),
-        *pCrlList = crlList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(context);
-/* --Public-HttpCertStore-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateWithAsciiName
- *
- *  This function uses the HttpClient pointed to by "client" and the string
- *  (hostname:portnum/path, with portnum optional) pointed to by "locationAscii"
- *  to create an HttpCertStore connected to the desired location, storing the
- *  created CertStore at "pCertStore".
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpClient. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "locationAscii"
- *      The address of the character string indicating the hostname, port, and
- *      path to be queried for Certs or Crls. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertStore"
- *      The address in which the object is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpCertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpClient *client,
-        char *locationAscii,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcn *clientFcn = NULL;
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext *httpCertStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        char *hostname = NULL;
-        char *path = NULL;
-        PRUint16 port = 0;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateWithAsciiName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(locationAscii, pCertStore);
-        if (client == NULL) {
-                clientFcn = SEC_GetRegisteredHttpClient();
-                if (clientFcn == NULL) {
-                }
-        } else {
-                clientFcn = (const SEC_HttpClientFcn *)client;
-        }
-        if (clientFcn->version != 1) {
-        }
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_HttpCertStore object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                  sizeof (PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContext),
-                  (PKIX_PL_Object **)&httpCertStore,
-                  plContext),
-        /* Initialize fields */
-        httpCertStore->client = clientFcn; /* not a PKIX object! */
-        /* parse location -> hostname, port, path */
-        rv = CERT_ParseURL(locationAscii, &hostname, &port, &path);
-        if (rv == SECFailure || hostname == NULL || path == NULL) {
-        }
-        httpCertStore->path = path;
-        path = NULL;
-        hcv1 = &(clientFcn->fcnTable.ftable1);
-        rv = (*hcv1->createSessionFcn)(hostname, port,
-                                       &(httpCertStore->serverSession));
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        httpCertStore->requestSession = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_Create
-                (pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCert,
-                pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCRL,
-                pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCertContinue,
-                pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_GetCRLContinue,
-                NULL,       /* don't support trust */
-                NULL,      /* can not store crls */
-                NULL,      /* can not do revocation check */
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)httpCertStore,
-                PKIX_TRUE,  /* cache flag */
-                PKIX_FALSE, /* not local */
-                &certStore,
-                plContext),
-        *pCertStore = certStore;
-        certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(httpCertStore);
-        if (hostname) {
-            PORT_Free(hostname);
-        }
-        if (path) {
-            PORT_Free(path);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HttpCertStore_Create
- * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpClient *client,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *locationString = NULL;
-        char *locationAscii = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_PL_HttpCertStore_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(location, pCertStore);
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(location, &locationString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                (locationString,
-                PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                (void **)&locationAscii,
-                &len,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateWithAsciiName
-                (client, locationAscii, pCertStore, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(locationString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_HttpCertStore_FindSocketConnection
- *
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *hostname,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
- *  This function checks for an existing socket, creating a new one if unable
- *  to find an existing one, for the host pointed to by "hostname" and the port
- *  pointed to by "portnum". If a new socket is created the PRIntervalTime in
- *  "timeout" will be used for the timeout value and a creation status is
- *  returned at "pStatus". The address of the socket is stored at "pSocket".
- *
- *  "timeout"
- *      The PRIntervalTime of the timeout value.
- *  "hostname"
- *      The address of the string containing the hostname. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "portnum"
- *      The port number for the desired socket.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      The address at which the status is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSocket"
- *      The address at which the socket is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpCertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *hostname,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *hostString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *domainString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_HttpCertStore_FindSocketConnection");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(hostname, pStatus, pSocket);
-        *pStatus = 0;
-        /* create PKIX_PL_String from hostname and port */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, "%s:%d", 0, &formatString, plContext),
-#if 0
-hostname = "";
-portnum = 2001;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, hostname, 0, &hostString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&domainString, plContext, formatString, hostString, portnum),
-        /* Is this domainName already in cache? */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                (httpSocketCache,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)domainString,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&socket,
-                plContext),
-        if (socket == NULL) {
-                /* No, create a connection (and cache it) */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateByHostAndPort
-                        (PKIX_FALSE,       /* create a client, not a server */
-                        timeout,
-                        hostname,
-                        portnum,
-                        pStatus,
-                        &socket,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                        (httpSocketCache,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)domainString,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *)socket,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_HASHTABLEADDFAILED);
-        }
-        *pSocket = socket;
-        socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(hostString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(domainString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(socket);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a03ea94..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h
- *
- * HTTPCertstore Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_HttpCertStoreContextStruct {
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcn *client;
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION serverSession;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION requestSession;
-	char *path;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-void pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_Shutdown(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpClient *client,
-	char *locationAscii,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *hostname,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-	PRUint16 responseCode,
-	const char *responseContentType,
-	const char *responseData,
-        PRUint32 responseDataLen,
-	PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9954f0c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1654 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.c
- *
- * HTTPDefaultClient Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h"
-static void *plContext = NULL;
- * The interface specification for an http client requires that it register
- * a function table of type SEC_HttpClientFcn, which is defined as a union
- * of tables, of which only version 1 is defined at present.
- *
- * Note: these functions violate the PKIX calling conventions, in that they
- * return SECStatus rather than PKIX_Error*, and that they do not provide a
- * plContext argument. They are implemented here as calls to PKIX functions,
- * but the plContext value is circularly defined - a true kludge. Its value
- * is saved at the time of the call to pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Create for
- * subsequent use, but since that initial call comes from the
- * pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_CreateSessionFcn, it's not really getting saved.
- */
-static SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 vtable = {
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_CreateSessionFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_KeepAliveSessionFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_FreeSessionFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RequestCreateFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_SetPostDataFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_AddHeaderFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_TrySendAndReceiveFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_CancelFcn,
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_FreeFcn
-static SEC_HttpClientFcn httpClient;
-static const char *eohMarker = "\r\n\r\n";
-static const PKIX_UInt32 eohMarkLen = 4; /* strlen(eohMarker) */
-static const char *crlf = "\r\n";
-static const PKIX_UInt32 crlfLen = 2; /* strlen(crlf) */
-static const char *httpprotocol = "HTTP/";
-static const PKIX_UInt32 httpprotocolLen = 5; /* strlen(httpprotocol) */
-/* --Private-HttpDefaultClient-Functions------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_HdrCheckComplete
- *
- *  This function determines whether the headers in the current receive buffer
- *  in the HttpDefaultClient pointed to by "client" are complete. If so, the
- *  input data is checked for status code, content-type and content-length are
- *  extracted, and the client is set up to read the body of the response.
- *  Otherwise, the client is set up to continue reading header data.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "bytesRead"
- *      The UInt32 number of bytes received in the latest read.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesRead,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 alreadyScanned = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 comp = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 headerLength = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 contentLength = HTTP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH;
-        char *eoh = NULL;
-        char *statusLineEnd = NULL;
-        char *space = NULL;
-        char *nextHeader = NULL;
-        const char *httpcode = NULL;
-        char *thisHeaderEnd = NULL;
-        char *value = NULL;
-        char *colon = NULL;
-	char *copy = NULL;
-        char *body = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_HdrCheckComplete");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* Does buffer contain end-of-header marker? */
-        /* Copy number of scanned bytes into a variable. */
-        alreadyScanned = client->filledupBytes;
-        /*
-         * If this is the initial buffer, we have to scan from the beginning.
-         * If we scanned, failed to find eohMarker, and read some more, we
-         * only have to scan from where we left off.
-         */
-        if (alreadyScanned > eohMarkLen) {
-            /* Back up and restart scanning over a few bytes that were
-             * scanned before */
-            PKIX_UInt32 searchStartPos = alreadyScanned - eohMarkLen;
-            eoh = PL_strnstr(&(client->rcvBuf[searchStartPos]), eohMarker,
-                             bytesRead + searchStartPos);
-        } else {
-            /* A search from the beginning of the buffer. */
-            eoh = PL_strnstr(client->rcvBuf, eohMarker, bytesRead);
-        }
-        client->filledupBytes += bytesRead;
-        if (eoh == NULL) { /* did we see end-of-header? */
-                /* No. Continue to read header data */
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_HDR;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Yes. Calculate how many bytes in header (not counting eohMarker) */
-        headerLength = (eoh - client->rcvBuf);
-        /* allocate space to copy header (and for the NULL terminator) */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc(headerLength + 1, (void **)&copy, plContext),
-                PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* copy header data before we corrupt it (by storing NULLs) */
-        PORT_Memcpy(copy, client->rcvBuf, headerLength);
-	/* Store the NULL terminator */
-	copy[headerLength] = '\0';
-	client->rcvHeaders = copy;
-        /* Did caller want a pointer to header? */
-        if (client->rcv_http_headers != NULL) {
-                /* store pointer for caller */
-                *(client->rcv_http_headers) = copy;
-        }
-        /* Check that message status is okay. */
-        statusLineEnd = PL_strnstr(client->rcvBuf, crlf, client->capacity);
-        if (statusLineEnd == NULL) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *statusLineEnd = '\0';
-        space = strchr((const char *)client->rcvBuf, ' ');
-        if (space == NULL) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        comp = PORT_Strncasecmp((const char *)client->rcvBuf, httpprotocol,
-                                httpprotocolLen);
-        if (comp != 0) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        httpcode = space + 1;
-        space = strchr(httpcode, ' ');
-        if (space == NULL) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *space = '\0';
-        client->responseCode = atoi(httpcode);
-        if (client->responseCode != 200) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Find the content-type and content-length */
-        nextHeader = statusLineEnd + crlfLen;
-        *eoh = '\0';
-        do {
-                thisHeaderEnd = NULL;
-                value = NULL;
-                colon = strchr(nextHeader, ':');
-                if (colon == NULL) {
-                        client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                *colon = '\0';
-                value = colon + 1;
-                if (*value != ' ') {
-                        client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                value++;
-                thisHeaderEnd = strstr(value, crlf);
-                if (thisHeaderEnd != NULL) {
-                        *thisHeaderEnd = '\0';
-                }
-                comp = PORT_Strcasecmp(nextHeader, "content-type");
-                if (comp == 0) {
-                        client->rcvContentType = PORT_Strdup(value);
-                } else {
-                        comp = PORT_Strcasecmp(nextHeader, "content-length");
-                        if (comp == 0) {
-                                contentLength = atoi(value);
-                        }
-                }
-                if (thisHeaderEnd != NULL) {
-                        nextHeader = thisHeaderEnd + crlfLen;
-                } else {
-                        nextHeader = NULL;
-                }
-        } while ((nextHeader != NULL) && (nextHeader < (eoh + crlfLen)));
-        /* Did caller provide a pointer to return content-type? */
-        if (client->rcv_http_content_type != NULL) {
-                *(client->rcv_http_content_type) = client->rcvContentType;
-        }
-        if (client->rcvContentType == NULL) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-         /* How many bytes remain in current buffer, beyond the header? */
-         headerLength += eohMarkLen;
-         client->filledupBytes -= headerLength;
-         /*
-          * The headers have passed validation. Now figure out whether the
-          * message is within the caller's size limit (if one was specified).
-          */
-         switch (contentLength) {
-         case 0:
-             client->rcv_http_data_len = 0;
-             client->connectStatus = HTTP_COMPLETE;
-             *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-             break;
-             /* Unknown contentLength indicator.Will be set by
-              * pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvBody whey connection get closed */
-             client->rcv_http_data_len = HTTP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH;
-             contentLength =                 /* Try to reserve 4K+ buffer */
-                 client->filledupBytes + HTTP_DATA_BUFSIZE;
-             if (client->maxResponseLen > 0 &&
-                 contentLength > (PKIX_Int32)client->maxResponseLen) {
-                 if (client->filledupBytes < client->maxResponseLen) {
-                     contentLength = client->maxResponseLen;
-                 } else {
-                     client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                     goto cleanup;
-                 }
-             }
-             /* set available number of bytes in the buffer */
-             client->capacity = contentLength;
-             client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_BODY;
-             *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-             break;
-         default:
-             client->rcv_http_data_len = contentLength;
-             if (client->maxResponseLen > 0 &&
-                 (PKIX_Int32)client->maxResponseLen < contentLength) {
-                 client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                 goto cleanup;
-             }
-             /*
-              * Do we have all of the message body, or do we need to read some more?
-              */
-             if ((PKIX_Int32)client->filledupBytes < contentLength) {
-                 client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_BODY;
-                 *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-             } else {
-                 client->connectStatus = HTTP_COMPLETE;
-                 *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-             }
-         }
-         if (contentLength > 0) {
-             /* allocate a buffer of size contentLength  for the content */
-             PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc(contentLength, (void **)&body, plContext),
-                        PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-             /* copy any remaining bytes in current buffer into new buffer */
-             if (client->filledupBytes > 0) {
-                 PORT_Memcpy(body, &(client->rcvBuf[headerLength]),
-                             client->filledupBytes);
-             }
-         }
-         PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Free(client->rcvBuf, plContext),
-                    PKIX_FREEFAILED);
-         client->rcvBuf = body;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient_Create
- *
- *  This function creates a new HttpDefaultClient, and stores the result at
- *  "pClient".
- *
- *  The HttpClient API does not include a plContext argument in its
- *  function calls. Its value at the time of this Create call must be the
- *  same as when the client is invoked.
- *
- *  "host"
- *      The name of the server with which we hope to exchange messages. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "portnum"
- *      The port number to be used for our connection to the server.
- *  "pClient"
- *      The address at which the created HttpDefaultClient is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        const char *host,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pClient, host);
-        /* allocate an HttpDefaultClient */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&client,
-                plContext),
-        /* Client timeout is overwritten in HttpDefaultClient_RequestCreate
-         * function. Default value will be ignored. */
-        client->timeout = 0;
-        client->connectStatus = HTTP_NOT_CONNECTED;
-        client->portnum = portnum;
-        client->bytesToWrite = 0;
-        client->send_http_data_len = 0;
-        client->rcv_http_data_len = 0;
-        client->capacity = 0;
-        client->filledupBytes = 0;
-        client->responseCode = 0;
-        client->maxResponseLen = 0;
-        client->GETLen = 0;
-        client->POSTLen = 0;
-        client->pRcv_http_data_len = NULL;
-        client->callbackList = NULL;
-        client->GETBuf = NULL;
-        client->POSTBuf = NULL;
-        client->rcvBuf = NULL;
-        /* "host" is a parsing result by CERT_GetURL function that adds
-         * "end of line" to the value. OK to dup the string. */
-        client->host = PORT_Strdup(host);
-        if (!client->host) {
-        }
-        client->path = NULL;
-        client->rcvContentType = NULL;
-        client->rcvHeaders = NULL;
-        client->send_http_method = HTTP_POST_METHOD;
-        client->send_http_content_type = NULL;
-        client->send_http_data = NULL;
-        client->rcv_http_response_code = NULL;
-        client->rcv_http_content_type = NULL;
-        client->rcv_http_headers = NULL;
-        client->rcv_http_data = NULL;
-        client->socket = NULL;
-        /*
-         * The HttpClient API does not include a plContext argument in its
-         * function calls. Save it here.
-         */
-        client->plContext = plContext;
-        *pClient = client;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(client);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE, plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *)object;
-        if (client->rcvHeaders) {
-            PKIX_PL_Free(client->rcvHeaders, plContext);
-            client->rcvHeaders = NULL;
-        }
-        if (client->rcvContentType) {
-            PORT_Free(client->rcvContentType);
-            client->rcvContentType = NULL;
-        }
-        if (client->GETBuf != NULL) {
-                PR_smprintf_free(client->GETBuf);
-                client->GETBuf = NULL;
-        }
-        if (client->POSTBuf != NULL) {
-                PKIX_PL_Free(client->POSTBuf, plContext);
-                client->POSTBuf = NULL;
-        }
-        if (client->rcvBuf != NULL) {
-                PKIX_PL_Free(client->rcvBuf, plContext);
-                client->rcvBuf = NULL;
-        }
-        if (client->host) {
-                PORT_Free(client->host);
-                client->host = NULL;
-        }
-        if (client->path) {
-                PORT_Free(client->path);
-                client->path = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->socket);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_PL_HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry =
-            &systemClasses[PKIX_HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE];
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "HttpDefaultClient";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Destroy;
-        httpClient.version = 1;
-        httpClient.fcnTable.ftable1 = vtable;
-        (void)SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient(&httpClient);
-/* --Private-HttpDefaultClient-I/O-Functions---------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_ConnectContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether a socket Connect initiated earlier for the
- *  HttpDefaultClient "client" has completed, and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag
- *  indicating whether processing can continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode status;
-        PKIX_Boolean keepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_ConnectContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)client->callbackList;
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->connectcontinueCallback
-                (client->socket, &status, plContext),
-        if (status == 0) {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_CONNECTED;
-                keepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else if (status != PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
-        }
-        *pKeepGoing = keepGoing;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Send
- *
- *  This function creates and sends HTTP-protocol headers and, if applicable,
- *  data, for the HttpDefaultClient "client", and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag
- *  indicating whether processing can continue without further input, and at
- *  "pBytesTransferred" the number of bytes sent.
- *
- *  If "pBytesTransferred" is zero, it indicates that non-blocking I/O is in use
- *  and that transmission has not completed.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBytesTransferred"
- *      The address at which the number of bytes sent is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesTransferred,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 lenToWrite = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        char *dataToWrite = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Send");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(client, pKeepGoing, pBytesTransferred);
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* Do we have anything waiting to go? */
-        if ((client->GETBuf) || (client->POSTBuf)) {
-                if (client->GETBuf) {
-                        dataToWrite = client->GETBuf;
-                        lenToWrite = client->GETLen;
-                } else {
-                        dataToWrite = client->POSTBuf;
-                        lenToWrite = client->POSTLen;
-                }
-                callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)client->callbackList;
-                PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->sendCallback
-                        (client->socket,
-                        dataToWrite,
-                        lenToWrite,
-                        &bytesWritten,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETSENDFAILED);
-                client->rcvBuf = NULL;
-                client->capacity = 0;
-                client->filledupBytes = 0;
-                /*
-                 * If the send completed we can proceed to try for the
-                 * response. If the send did not complete we will have
-                 * to poll for completion later.
-                 */
-                if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                        client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_HDR;
-                        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                } else {
-                        client->connectStatus = HTTP_SEND_PENDING;
-                        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                }
-        }
-        *pBytesTransferred = bytesWritten;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_SendContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the sending of the HTTP message for the
- *  HttpDefaultClient "client" has completed, and stores in "pKeepGoing" a
- *  flag indicating whether processing can continue without further input, and
- *  at "pBytesTransferred" the number of bytes sent.
- *
- *  If "pBytesTransferred" is zero, it indicates that non-blocking I/O is in use
- *  and that transmission has not completed.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBytesTransferred"
- *      The address at which the number of bytes sent is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesTransferred,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_SendContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(client, pKeepGoing, pBytesTransferred);
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)client->callbackList;
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->socket, &bytesWritten, NULL, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        /*
-         * If the send completed we can proceed to try for the
-         * response. If the send did not complete we will have
-         * continue to poll.
-         */
-        if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                       client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_HDR;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        *pBytesTransferred = bytesWritten;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvHdr
- *
- *  This function receives HTTP headers for the HttpDefaultClient "client", and
- *  stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue
- *  without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesToRead = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvHdr");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        /*
-         * rcvbuf, capacity, and filledupBytes were
-         * initialized when we wrote the headers. We begin by reading
-         * HTTP_HEADER_BUFSIZE bytes, repeatedly increasing the buffersize and
-         * reading again if necessary, until we have read the end-of-header
-         * marker, "\r\n\r\n", or have reached our maximum.
-         */
-        client->capacity += HTTP_HEADER_BUFSIZE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Realloc
-                (client->rcvBuf,
-                client->capacity,
-                (void **)&(client->rcvBuf),
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_REALLOCFAILED);
-        bytesToRead = client->capacity - client->filledupBytes;
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)client->callbackList;
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->recvCallback
-                (client->socket,
-                (void *)&(client->rcvBuf[client->filledupBytes]),
-                bytesToRead,
-                &bytesRead,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETRECVFAILED);
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-            /* client->filledupBytes will be adjusted by
-             * pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_HdrCheckComplete */
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_HdrCheckComplete(client, bytesRead,
-                                                           pKeepGoing,
-                                                           plContext),
-        } else {
-            client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_HDR_PENDING;
-            *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvHdrContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the receiving of the HTTP headers for the
- *  HttpDefaultClient "client" has completed, and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag
- *  indicating whether processing can continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvHdrContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)client->callbackList;
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->socket, NULL, &bytesRead, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-                client->filledupBytes += bytesRead;
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_HdrCheckComplete
-                        (client, bytesRead, pKeepGoing, plContext),
-        } else {
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvBody
- *
- *  This function processes the contents of the first buffer of a received
- *  HTTP-protocol message for the HttpDefaultClient "client", and stores in
- *  "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue without
- *  further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesToRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvBody");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)client->callbackList;
-        if (client->rcv_http_data_len != HTTP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
-            bytesToRead = client->rcv_http_data_len -
-                client->filledupBytes;
-        } else {
-            /* Reading till the EOF. Context length is not known.*/
-            /* Check the buffer capacity: increase and
-             * reallocate if it is low. */
-            int freeBuffSize = client->capacity - client->filledupBytes;
-            if (freeBuffSize < HTTP_MIN_AVAILABLE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
-                /* New length will be consist of available(downloaded) bytes,
-                 * plus remaining capacity, plus new expansion. */
-                int currBuffSize = client->capacity;
-                /* Try to increase the buffer by 4K */
-                unsigned int newLength = currBuffSize + HTTP_DATA_BUFSIZE;
-                if (client->maxResponseLen > 0 &&
-                    newLength > client->maxResponseLen) {
-                        newLength = client->maxResponseLen;
-                }
-                /* Check if we can grow the buffer and report an error if
-                 * new size is not larger than the current size of the buffer.*/
-                if (newLength <= client->filledupBytes) {
-                    client->rcv_http_data_len = client->filledupBytes;
-                    client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-                    *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-                if (client->capacity < newLength) {
-                    client->capacity = newLength;
-                    PKIX_CHECK(
-                        PKIX_PL_Realloc(client->rcvBuf, newLength,
-                                        (void**)&client->rcvBuf, plContext),
-                        PKIX_REALLOCFAILED);
-                    freeBuffSize = client->capacity -
-                        client->filledupBytes;
-                }
-            }
-            bytesToRead = freeBuffSize;
-        }
-        /* Use poll callback if waiting on non-blocking IO */
-        if (client->connectStatus == HTTP_RECV_BODY_PENDING) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                       (client->socket, NULL, &bytesRead, plContext),
-                       PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        } else {
-            PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->recvCallback
-                       (client->socket,
-                        (void *)&(client->rcvBuf[client->filledupBytes]),
-                        bytesToRead,
-                        &bytesRead,
-                        plContext),
-                       PKIX_SOCKETRECVFAILED);
-        }
-        /* If bytesRead < 0, an error will be thrown by recvCallback, so
-         * need to handle >= 0 cases. */
-        /* bytesRead == 0 - IO was blocked. */
-        if (bytesRead == 0) {
-            client->connectStatus = HTTP_RECV_BODY_PENDING;
-            *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* We got something. Did we get it all? */
-        client->filledupBytes += bytesRead;
-        /* continue if not enough bytes read or if complete size of
-         * transfer is unknown */
-        if (bytesToRead > bytesRead ||
-            client->rcv_http_data_len == HTTP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
-            *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        client->connectStatus = HTTP_COMPLETE;
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (pkixErrorResult && pkixErrorResult->errCode ==
-            if (client->rcv_http_data_len == HTTP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
-                client->rcv_http_data_len = client->filledupBytes;
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_COMPLETE;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-            } else {
-                client->connectStatus = HTTP_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Dispatch
- *
- *  This function is the state machine dispatcher for the HttpDefaultClient
- *  pointed to by "client". Results are returned by changes to various fields
- *  in the context.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the HttpDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HttpDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesTransferred = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean keepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Dispatch");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        while (keepGoing) {
-                switch (client->connectStatus) {
-                case HTTP_CONNECT_PENDING:
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_ConnectContinue
-                        (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_CONNECTED:
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Send
-                        (client, &keepGoing, &bytesTransferred, plContext),
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_SEND_PENDING:
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_SendContinue
-                        (client, &keepGoing, &bytesTransferred, plContext),
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_RECV_HDR:
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvHdr
-                        (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_RECV_HDR_PENDING:
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvHdrContinue
-                        (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_RECV_BODY:
-                case HTTP_RECV_BODY_PENDING:
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RecvBody
-                        (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_ERROR:
-                case HTTP_COMPLETE:
-                    keepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    break;
-                case HTTP_NOT_CONNECTED:
-                default:
-                }
-        }
- * --HttpClient vtable functions
- * See comments in ocspt.h for the function (wrappers) that return SECStatus.
- * The functions that return PKIX_Error* are the libpkix implementations.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const char *host,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION *pSession,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_CreateSession");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(host, pSession);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Create
-                (host, portnum, &client, plContext),
-        *pSession = (SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION)client;
-PKIX_Error *
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session,
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_KeepAliveSession");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(session, pPollDesc);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)session,
-                plContext),
-        /* XXX Not implemented */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session,
-        const char *http_protocol_variant, /* usually "http" */
-        const char *path_and_query_string,
-        const char *http_request_method, 
-        const PRIntervalTime timeout, 
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION *pRequest,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PRFileDesc *fileDesc = NULL;
-        PRErrorCode status = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RequestCreate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(session, pRequest);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)session,
-                plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *)session;
-        /* We only know how to do http */
-        if (PORT_Strncasecmp(http_protocol_variant, "http", 4) != 0) {
-        }
-        if (PORT_Strncasecmp(http_request_method, "POST", 4) == 0) {
-                client->send_http_method = HTTP_POST_METHOD;
-        } else if (PORT_Strncasecmp(http_request_method, "GET", 3) == 0) {
-                client->send_http_method = HTTP_GET_METHOD;
-        } else {
-                /* We only know how to do POST and GET */
-        }
-        if (path_and_query_string) {
-            /* "path_and_query_string" is a parsing result by CERT_GetURL
-             * function that adds "end of line" to the value. OK to dup
-             * the string. */
-            client->path = PORT_Strdup(path_and_query_string);
-            if (!client->path) {
-            }
-        }
-        client->timeout = timeout;
-#if 0
-	PKIX_CHECK(pkix_HttpCertStore_FindSocketConnection
-                (timeout,
-                "", /* (char *)client->host, */
-                2001,   /* client->portnum, */
-                &status,
-                &socket,
-                plContext),
-	PKIX_CHECK(pkix_HttpCertStore_FindSocketConnection
-                (timeout,
-                (char *)client->host,
-                client->portnum,
-                &status,
-                &socket,
-                plContext),
-        client->socket = socket;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_GetCallbackList
-                (socket, &callbackList, plContext),
-        client->callbackList = (void *)callbackList;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_GetPRFileDesc
-                (socket, &fileDesc, plContext),
-        client->pollDesc.fd = fileDesc;
-        client->pollDesc.in_flags = 0;
-        client->pollDesc.out_flags = 0;
-        client->send_http_data = NULL;
-        client->send_http_data_len = 0;
-        client->send_http_content_type = NULL;
-        client->connectStatus =
-                 ((status == 0) ? HTTP_CONNECTED : HTTP_CONNECT_PENDING);
-        /* Request object is the same object as Session object */
-        PKIX_INCREF(client);
-        *pRequest = client;
-PKIX_Error *
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        const char *http_data, 
-        const PRUint32 http_data_len,
-        const char *http_content_type,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_SetPostData");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(request);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)request,
-                plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *)request;
-        client->send_http_data = http_data;
-        client->send_http_data_len = http_data_len;
-        client->send_http_content_type = http_content_type;
-        /* Caller is allowed to give NULL or empty string for content_type */
-        if ((client->send_http_content_type == NULL) ||
-            (*(client->send_http_content_type) == '\0')) {
-                client->send_http_content_type = "application/ocsp-request";
-        }
-PKIX_Error *
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        PRUint16 *http_response_code, 
-        const char **http_response_content_type, 
-        const char **http_response_headers, 
-        const char **http_response_data, 
-        PRUint32 *http_response_data_len, 
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc,
-        SECStatus *pSECReturn,
-        void *plContext)        
-        PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 postLen = 0;
-        PRPollDesc *pollDesc = NULL;
-        char *sendbuf = NULL;
-        char portstr[16];
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_TrySendAndReceive");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(request);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)request,
-                plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClient *)request;
-        if (!pPollDesc && client->timeout == 0) {
-        }
-        if (pPollDesc) {
-            pollDesc = *pPollDesc;
-        }
-        /* if not continuing from an earlier WOULDBLOCK return... */
-        if (pollDesc == NULL) {
-                if (!((client->connectStatus == HTTP_CONNECTED) ||
-                     (client->connectStatus == HTTP_CONNECT_PENDING))) {
-                }
-                /* Did caller provide a value for response length? */
-                if (http_response_data_len != NULL) {
-                        client->pRcv_http_data_len = http_response_data_len;
-                        client->maxResponseLen = *http_response_data_len;
-                }
-                client->rcv_http_response_code = http_response_code;
-                client->rcv_http_content_type = http_response_content_type;
-                client->rcv_http_headers = http_response_headers;
-                client->rcv_http_data = http_response_data;
-                /* prepare the message */
-                portstr[0] = '\0';
-                if (client->portnum != 80) {
-                        PR_snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), ":%d", 
-                                    client->portnum);
-                }
-                if (client->send_http_method == HTTP_POST_METHOD) {
-                        sendbuf = PR_smprintf
-                            ("POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s%s\r\n"
-                            "Content-Type: %s\r\nContent-Length: %u\r\n\r\n",
-                            client->path,
-                            client->host,
-                            portstr,
-                            client->send_http_content_type,
-                            client->send_http_data_len);
-                        postLen = PORT_Strlen(sendbuf);
-                        client->POSTLen = postLen + client->send_http_data_len;
-                        /* allocate postBuffer big enough for header + data */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                                (client->POSTLen,
-                                (void **)&(client->POSTBuf),
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                        /* copy header into postBuffer */
-                        PORT_Memcpy(client->POSTBuf, sendbuf, postLen);
-                        /* append data after header */
-                        PORT_Memcpy(&client->POSTBuf[postLen],
-                                    client->send_http_data,
-                                    client->send_http_data_len);
-                        /* PR_smprintf_free original header buffer */
-                        PR_smprintf_free(sendbuf);
-                        sendbuf = NULL;
-                } else if (client->send_http_method == HTTP_GET_METHOD) {
-                        client->GETBuf = PR_smprintf
-                            ("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s%s\r\n\r\n",
-                            client->path,
-                            client->host,
-                            portstr);
-                        client->GETLen = PORT_Strlen(client->GETBuf);
-                }
-        }
-        /* continue according to state */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Dispatch(client, plContext),
-        switch (client->connectStatus) {
-                case HTTP_CONNECT_PENDING:
-                case HTTP_SEND_PENDING:
-                case HTTP_RECV_HDR_PENDING:
-                case HTTP_RECV_BODY_PENDING:
-                        pollDesc = &(client->pollDesc);
-                        *pSECReturn = SECWouldBlock;
-                        break;
-                case HTTP_ERROR:
-                        /* Did caller provide a pointer for length? */
-                        if (client->pRcv_http_data_len != NULL) {
-                                /* Was error "response too big?" */
-                                if (client->rcv_http_data_len !=
-                                            HTTP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH &&
-                                    client->maxResponseLen >=
-                                                client->rcv_http_data_len) {
-                                        /* Yes, report needed space */
-                                        *(client->pRcv_http_data_len) =
-                                                 client->rcv_http_data_len;
-                                } else {
-                                        /* No, report problem other than size */
-                                        *(client->pRcv_http_data_len) = 0;
-                                }
-                        }
-                        pollDesc = NULL;
-                        *pSECReturn = SECFailure;
-                        break;
-                case HTTP_COMPLETE:
-                        *(client->rcv_http_response_code) =
-                                client->responseCode;
-                        if (client->pRcv_http_data_len != NULL) {
-                                *http_response_data_len =
-                                         client->rcv_http_data_len;
-                        }
-                        if (client->rcv_http_data != NULL) {
-                                *(client->rcv_http_data) = client->rcvBuf;
-                        }
-                        pollDesc = NULL;
-                        *pSECReturn = SECSuccess;
-                        break;
-                case HTTP_NOT_CONNECTED:
-                case HTTP_CONNECTED:
-                case HTTP_RECV_HDR:
-                case HTTP_RECV_BODY:
-                default:
-                        pollDesc = NULL;
-                        *pSECReturn = SECFailure;
-                        break;
-        }
-        if (pPollDesc) {
-            *pPollDesc = pollDesc;
-        }
-        if (sendbuf) {
-            PR_smprintf_free(sendbuf);
-        }
-PKIX_Error *
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(HTTPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Cancel");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(request);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)request,
-                plContext),
-        /* XXX Not implemented */
-        const char *host,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION *pSession)
-        PKIX_Error *err = pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_CreateSession
-                (host, portnum, pSession, plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session,
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc)
-        PKIX_Error *err = pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_KeepAliveSession
-                (session, pPollDesc, plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session)
-        PKIX_Error *err =
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)(session), plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session,
-        const char *http_protocol_variant, /* usually "http" */
-        const char *path_and_query_string,
-        const char *http_request_method, 
-        const PRIntervalTime timeout, 
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION *pRequest)
-        PKIX_Error *err = pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RequestCreate
-                (session,
-                http_protocol_variant,
-                path_and_query_string,
-                http_request_method,
-                timeout,
-                pRequest,
-                plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        const char *http_data, 
-        const PRUint32 http_data_len,
-        const char *http_content_type)
-        PKIX_Error *err =
-            pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_SetPostData(request, http_data,
-                                                  http_data_len,
-                                                  http_content_type,
-                                                  plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        const char *http_header_name, 
-        const char *http_header_value)
-        /* Not supported */
-        return SECFailure;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc,
-        PRUint16 *http_response_code, 
-        const char **http_response_content_type, 
-        const char **http_response_headers, 
-        const char **http_response_data, 
-        PRUint32 *http_response_data_len) 
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_Error *err = pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_TrySendAndReceive
-                (request,
-                http_response_code, 
-                http_response_content_type, 
-                http_response_headers, 
-                http_response_data, 
-                http_response_data_len,
-                pPollDesc,
-                &rv,
-                plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return rv;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request)
-        PKIX_Error *err = pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_Cancel(request, plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request)
-        PKIX_Error *err =
-            PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)(request), plContext);
-        if (err) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object *)err, plContext);
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 91916a0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h
- *
- * HTTPDefaultClient Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define HTTP_DATA_BUFSIZE 4096
-typedef enum {
-        HTTP_RECV_HDR,
-        HTTP_RECV_BODY,
-        HTTP_ERROR
-} HttpConnectStatus;
-typedef enum {
-} HttpMethod;
-struct PKIX_PL_HttpDefaultClientStruct {
-        HttpConnectStatus connectStatus;
-        PRUint16 portnum;
-        PRIntervalTime timeout;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesToWrite;
-        PKIX_UInt32 send_http_data_len;
-        PKIX_UInt32 rcv_http_data_len;
-        PKIX_UInt32 capacity;
-        PKIX_UInt32 filledupBytes;
-        PKIX_UInt32 responseCode;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxResponseLen;
-        PKIX_UInt32 GETLen;
-        PKIX_UInt32 POSTLen;
-        PRUint32 *pRcv_http_data_len;
-        PRPollDesc pollDesc;
-        void *callbackList; /* cast this to (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *) */
-        char *GETBuf;
-        char *POSTBuf;
-        char *rcvBuf;
-        char *host;
-        char *path;
-        char *rcvContentType;
-        void *rcvHeaders;
-        HttpMethod send_http_method;
-        const char *send_http_content_type;
-        const char *send_http_data;
-        PRUint16 *rcv_http_response_code;
-        const char **rcv_http_content_type;
-        const char **rcv_http_headers;
-        const char **rcv_http_data;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket;
-        void *plContext;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-        const char *host,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION *pSession);
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session,
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc);
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session);
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION session,
-        const char *http_protocol_variant, /* usually "http" */
-        const char *path_and_query_string,
-        const char *http_request_method, 
-        const PRIntervalTime timeout, 
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION *pRequest);
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        const char *http_data, 
-        const PRUint32 http_data_len,
-        const char *http_content_type);
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        const char *http_header_name, 
-        const char *http_header_value);
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request,
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc,
-        PRUint16 *http_response_code, 
-        const char **http_response_content_type, 
-        const char **http_response_headers, 
-        const char **http_response_data, 
-        PRUint32 *http_response_data_len); 
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request);
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION request);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5d757..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1116 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.c
- *
- * LDAPCertStore Function Definitions
- *
- */
-/* We can't decode the length of a message without at least this many bytes */
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h"
-/* --Private-Ldap-CertStore-Database-Functions----------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair
- *
- *  This function decodes a DER-encoded CrossCertPair pointed to by
- *  "responseList" and extracts and decodes the Certificates in that pair,
- *  adding the resulting Certs, if the decoding was successful, to the List
- *  (possibly empty) pointed to by "certList". If none of the objects
- *  can be decoded into a Cert, the List is returned unchanged.
- *
- *  "derCCPItem"
- *      The address of the SECItem containing the DER representation of the
- *      CrossCertPair. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certList"
- *      The address of the List to which the decoded Certs are added. May be
- *      empty, but must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derCCPItem,
-        PKIX_List *certList,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPCertPair certPair = {{ siBuffer, NULL, 0 }, { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }};
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PLArenaPool *tempArena = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(derCCPItem, certList);
-        tempArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!tempArena) {
-        }
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(tempArena, &certPair, PKIX_PL_LDAPCrossCertPairTemplate,
-                                derCCPItem);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if ( != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList(&certPair.forward, certList,
-                                          plContext),
-        }
-        if ( != NULL) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList(&certPair.reverse, certList,
-                                          plContext),
-        }
-        if (tempArena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(tempArena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList
- *
- *  This function takes a List of LdapResponse objects pointed to by
- *  "responseList" and extracts and decodes the Certificates in those responses,
- *  storing the List of those Certificates at "pCerts". If none of the objects
- *  can be decoded into a Cert, the returned List is empty.
- *
- *  "responseList"
- *      The address of the List of LdapResponses. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      The address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *responseList,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numResponses = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 respIx = 0;
-        LdapAttrMask attrBits = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        LDAPMessage *message = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseEntry *sre = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr **sreAttrArray = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr *sreAttr = NULL;
-        SECItem *attrType = NULL;
-        SECItem **attrVal = NULL;
-        SECItem *derCertItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(responseList, pCerts);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&certList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /* extract certs from response */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (responseList, &numResponses, plContext),
-        for (respIx = 0; respIx < numResponses; respIx++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (responseList,
-                        respIx,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&response,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessage
-                        (response, &message, plContext),
-                sre = &(message->protocolOp.op.searchResponseEntryMsg);
-                sreAttrArray = sre->attributes;
-                /* Get next element of null-terminated array */
-                sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++;
-                while (sreAttr != NULL) {
-                    attrType = &(sreAttr->attrType);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrTypeToBit
-                        (attrType, &attrBits, plContext),
-                    /* Is this attrVal a Certificate? */
-                    if (((LDAPATTR_CACERT | LDAPATTR_USERCERT) &
-                            attrBits) == attrBits) {
-                        attrVal = sreAttr->val;
-                        derCertItem = *attrVal++;
-                        while (derCertItem != 0) {
-                            /* create a PKIX_PL_Cert from derCert */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList
-                                (derCertItem, certList, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTCREATETOLISTFAILED);
-                            derCertItem = *attrVal++;
-                        }
-                    } else if ((LDAPATTR_CROSSPAIRCERT & attrBits) == attrBits){
-                        /* Is this attrVal a CrossPairCertificate? */
-                        attrVal = sreAttr->val;
-                        derCertItem = *attrVal++;
-                        while (derCertItem != 0) {
-                            /* create PKIX_PL_Certs from derCert */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DecodeCrossCertPair
-                                (derCertItem, certList, plContext),
-                            derCertItem = *attrVal++;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++;
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(response);
-        }
-        *pCerts = certList;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(certList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(response);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList
- *
- *  This function takes a List of LdapResponse objects pointed to by
- *  "responseList" and extracts and decodes the CRLs in those responses, storing
- *  the List of those CRLs at "pCrls". If none of the objects can be decoded
- *  into a CRL, the returned List is empty.
- *
- *  "responseList"
- *      The address of the List of LdapResponses. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrls"
- *      The address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *responseList,
-        PKIX_List **pCrls,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numResponses = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 respIx = 0;
-        LdapAttrMask attrBits = 0;
-        CERTSignedCrl *nssCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *crlList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        LDAPMessage *message = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseEntry *sre = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr **sreAttrArray = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr *sreAttr = NULL;
-        SECItem *attrType = NULL;
-        SECItem **attrVal = NULL;
-        SECItem *derCrlCopy = NULL;
-        SECItem *derCrlItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(responseList, pCrls);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&crlList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /* extract crls from response */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                (responseList, &numResponses, plContext),
-        for (respIx = 0; respIx < numResponses; respIx++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (responseList,
-                        respIx,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&response,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessage
-                        (response, &message, plContext),
-                sre = &(message->protocolOp.op.searchResponseEntryMsg);
-                sreAttrArray = sre->attributes;
-                /* Get next element of null-terminated array */
-                sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++;
-                while (sreAttr != NULL) {
-                    attrType = &(sreAttr->attrType);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrTypeToBit
-                        (attrType, &attrBits, plContext),
-                    /* Is this attrVal a Revocation List? */
-                            attrBits) == attrBits) {
-                        attrVal = sreAttr->val;
-                        derCrlItem = *attrVal++;
-                        while (derCrlItem != 0) {
-                            /* create a PKIX_PL_Crl from derCrl */
-                            derCrlCopy = SECITEM_DupItem(derCrlItem);
-                            if (!derCrlCopy) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_ALLOCERROR);
-                            }
-                            /* crl will be based on derCrlCopy, but wont
-                             * own the der. */
-                            nssCrl =
-                                CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrlCopy,
-                                                       SEC_CRL_TYPE,
-                                                       CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER |
-                                                       CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-                            if (!nssCrl) {
-                                SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrlCopy, PKIX_TRUE);
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                            /* pkix crl own the der. */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(
-                                pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL(nssCrl, 
-                                       derCrlCopy, NULL, &crl, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CRLCREATEWITHSIGNEDCRLFAILED);
-                            /* Left control over memory pointed by derCrlCopy and
-                             * nssCrl to pkix crl. */
-                            derCrlCopy = NULL;
-                            nssCrl = NULL;
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                       (crlList, (PKIX_PL_Object *) crl, plContext),
-                                       PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-                            derCrlItem = *attrVal++;
-                        }
-                        /* Clean up after PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL */
-                        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    }
-                    sreAttr = *sreAttrArray++;
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(response);
-        }
-        *pCrls = crlList;
-        crlList = NULL;
-        if (derCrlCopy) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrlCopy, PKIX_TRUE);
-        }
-        if (nssCrl) {
-            SEC_DestroyCrl(nssCrl);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(response);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList
- *
- *  This function frees the space allocated for the components of the
- *  equalFilters that make up the andFilter pointed to by "filter".
- *
- *  "requestParams"
- *      The address of the andFilter whose components are to be freed. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        LDAPNameComponent **nameComponents,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPNameComponent **currentNC = NULL;
-        unsigned char *component = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nameComponents);
-        /* Set currentNC to point to first AVA pointer */
-        currentNC = nameComponents;
-        while ((*currentNC) != NULL) {
-                component = (*currentNC)->attrValue;
-                if (component != NULL) {
-                        PORT_Free(component);
-                }
-                currentNC++;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList
- *
- *  This function allocates space from the arena pointed to by "arena" to
- *  construct a filter that will match components of the X500Name pointed to
- *  by "name", and stores the resulting filter at "pFilter".
- *
- *  "name" is checked for commonName and organizationName components (cn=,
- *  and o=). The component strings are extracted using the family of
- *  CERT_Get* functions, and each must be freed with PORT_Free.
- *
- *  It is not clear which components should be in a request, so, for now,
- *  we stop adding components after we have found one.
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool used in creating the filter. Must be
- *       non-NULL.
- *  "name"
- *      The address of the X500Name whose components define the desired
- *      matches. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pList"
- *      The address at which the result is stored.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subjectName, 
-        LDAPNameComponent ***pList,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPNameComponent **setOfNameComponents;
-        LDAPNameComponent *currentNameComponent = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 componentsPresent = 0;
-        void *v = NULL;
-        unsigned char *component = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, subjectName, pList);
-        /* Increase this if additional components may be extracted */
-        /* Space for (MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS + 1) pointers to LDAPNameComponents */
-                (arena, (MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS + 1)*sizeof(LDAPNameComponent *)));
-        setOfNameComponents = (LDAPNameComponent **)v;
-        /* Space for MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS LDAPNameComponents */
-                (arena, LDAPNameComponent, MAX_NUM_COMPONENTS));
-        currentNameComponent = (LDAPNameComponent *)v;
-        /* Try for commonName */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCommonName
-                (subjectName, &component, plContext),
-        if (component) {
-                setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = currentNameComponent;
-                currentNameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)"cn";
-                currentNameComponent->attrValue = component;
-                componentsPresent++;
-                currentNameComponent++;
-        }
-        /*
-         * The LDAP specification says we can send multiple name components
-         * in an "AND" filter, but the LDAP Servers don't seem to be able to
-         * handle such requests. So we'll quit after the cn component.
-         */
-#if 0
-        /* Try for orgName */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetOrgName
-                (subjectName, &component, plContext),
-        if (component) {
-                setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = currentNameComponent;
-                currentNameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)"o";
-                currentNameComponent->attrValue = component;
-                componentsPresent++;
-                currentNameComponent++;
-        }
-        /* Try for countryName */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCountryName
-                (subjectName, &component, plContext),
-        if (component) {
-                setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = currentNameComponent;
-                currentNameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)"c";
-                currentNameComponent->attrValue = component;
-                componentsPresent++;
-                currentNameComponent++;
-        }
-        setOfNameComponents[componentsPresent] = NULL;
-        *pList = setOfNameComponents;
-#if 0
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertstore_ConvertCertResponses
- *
- *  This function processes the List of LDAPResponses pointed to by "responses"
- *  into a List of resulting Certs, storing the result at "pCerts". If there
- *  are no responses converted successfully, a NULL may be stored.
- *
- *  "responses"
- *      The LDAPResponses whose contents are to be converted. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCerts"
- *      Address at which the returned List is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *responses,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *unfiltered = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_ConvertCertResponses");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(responses, pCerts);
-        /*
-         * We have a List of LdapResponse objects that have to be
-         * turned into Certs.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList
-                (responses, &unfiltered, plContext),
-        *pCerts = unfiltered;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PLArenaPool *requestArena = NULL;
-        LDAPRequestParams requestParams;
-        void *pollDesc = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 minPathLen = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *responses = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *unfilteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *filteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subjectName = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCertList);
-        requestParams.baseObject = "c=US";
-        requestParams.scope = WHOLE_SUBTREE;
-        requestParams.derefAliases = NEVER_DEREF;
-        requestParams.sizeLimit = 0;
-        requestParams.timeLimit = 0;
-        /* Prepare elements for request filter */
-        /*
-         * Get a short-lived arena. We'll be done with this space once
-         * the request is encoded.
-         */
-        requestArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!requestArena) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                (selector, &params, plContext),
-        /*
-         * If we have the subject name for the desired subject,
-         * ask the server for Certs with that subject.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject
-                (params, &subjectName, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetBasicConstraints
-                (params, &minPathLen, plContext),
-        if (subjectName) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList
-                        (requestArena,
-                        subjectName,
-                        &(,
-                        plContext),
-                if (* == NULL) {
-                        /*
-                         * The subjectName may not include any components
-                         * that we know how to encode. We do not return
-                         * an error, because the caller did not necessarily
-                         * do anything wrong, but we return an empty List.
-                         */
-                        PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena,
-                                (requestArena, PR_FALSE));
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&filteredCerts, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                (filteredCerts, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-                        *pCertList = filteredCerts;
-                        filteredCerts = NULL;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        } else {
-        }
-        /* Prepare attribute field of request */
-        requestParams.attributes = 0;
-        if (minPathLen < 0) {
-                requestParams.attributes |= LDAPATTR_USERCERT;
-        }
-        if (minPathLen > -2) {
-                requestParams.attributes |=
-        }
-        /* All request fields are done */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest
-                ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs,
-                &requestParams,
-                &pollDesc,
-                &responses,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList
-                (, plContext),
-        if (requestArena) {
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena,
-                        (requestArena, PR_FALSE));
-                requestArena = NULL;
-        }
-        if (pollDesc != NULL) {
-                /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */
-                *pNBIOContext = (void *)pollDesc;
-                *pCertList = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* LdapClient has given us a response! */
-        if (responses) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag
-                        (store, &cacheFlag, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList
-                        (responses, &unfilteredCerts, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Select
-                        (selector, unfilteredCerts, &filteredCerts, plContext),
-                        PKIX_CERTSELECTORSELECTFAILED);
-        }
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        *pCertList = filteredCerts;
-        filteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(responses);
-        PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(filteredCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(lcs);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL;
-        void *pollDesc = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *responses = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *unfilteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *filteredCerts = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCertList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest
-                ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs, &pollDesc, &responses, plContext),
-        if (pollDesc != NULL) {
-                /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */
-                *pNBIOContext = (void *)pollDesc;
-                *pCertList = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* LdapClient has given us a response! */
-        if (responses) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag
-                        (store, &cacheFlag, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCertList
-                        (responses, &unfilteredCerts, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CertSelector_Select
-                        (selector, unfilteredCerts, &filteredCerts, plContext),
-                        PKIX_CERTSELECTORSELECTFAILED);
-        }
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        *pCertList = filteredCerts;
-        PKIX_DECREF(responses);
-        PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCerts);
-        PKIX_DECREF(lcs);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPRequestParams requestParams;
-        void *pollDesc = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *requestArena = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numNames = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 thisName = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *candidate = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *responses = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *issuerNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *filteredCRLs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *unfilteredCRLs = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCRLSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, selector, pCrlList);
-        requestParams.baseObject = "c=US";
-        requestParams.scope = WHOLE_SUBTREE;
-        requestParams.derefAliases = NEVER_DEREF;
-        requestParams.sizeLimit = 0;
-        requestParams.timeLimit = 0;
-        requestParams.attributes = LDAPATTR_CERTREVLIST | LDAPATTR_AUTHREVLIST;
-        /* Prepare elements for request filter */
-        /* XXX Place CRLDP code here. Handle the case when */
-        /* RFC 5280. Paragraph: */
-        /* If the distributionPoint field contains a directoryName, the entry */
-        /* for that directoryName contains the current CRL for the associated */
-        /* reasons and the CRL is issued by the associated cRLIssuer.  The CRL */
-        /* may be stored in either the certificateRevocationList or */
-        /* authorityRevocationList attribute.  The CRL is to be obtained by the */
-        /* application from whatever directory server is locally configured. */
-        /* The protocol the application uses to access the directory (e.g., DAP */
-        /* or LDAP) is a local matter. */
-        /*
-         * Get a short-lived arena. We'll be done with this space once
-         * the request is encoded.
-         */
-            (CERTSTORE, requestArena, PORT_NewArena, (DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE));
-        if (!requestArena) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CRLSelector_GetCommonCRLSelectorParams
-                (selector, &params, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames
-                (params, &issuerNames, plContext),
-        /*
-         * The specification for PKIX_ComCRLSelParams_GetIssuerNames in
-         * pkix_crlsel.h says that if the criterion is not set we get a null
-         * pointer. If we get an empty List the criterion is impossible to
-         * meet ("must match at least one of the names in the List").
-         */
-        if (issuerNames) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (issuerNames, &numNames, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                if (numNames > 0) {
-                        for (thisName = 0; thisName < numNames; thisName++) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (issuerNames,
-                                thisName,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&issuer,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK
-                                        (pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_MakeNameAVAList
-                                        (requestArena,
-                                        issuer,
-                                        &(,
-                                        plContext),
-                                        PKIX_LDAPCERTSTOREMAKENAMEAVALISTFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(issuer);
-                                if (* == NULL) {
-                                        /*
-                                         * The issuer may not include any
-                                         * components that we know how to
-                                         * encode. We do not return an error,
-                                         * because the caller did not
-                                         * necessarily do anything wrong, but
-                                         * we return an empty List.
-                                         */
-                                        PKIX_PL_NSSCALL
-                                                (CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena,
-                                                (requestArena, PR_FALSE));
-                                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                                (&filteredCRLs, plContext),
-                                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                                (filteredCRLs, plContext),
-                                               PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                                        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-                                        *pCrlList = filteredCRLs;
-                                        goto cleanup;
-                                }
-                                /*
-                                 * LDAP Servers don't seem to be able to handle
-                                 * requests with more than more than one name.
-                                 */
-                                break;
-                        }
-                } else {
-                }
-        } else {
-        }
-        /* All request fields are done */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateRequest
-                ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs,
-                &requestParams,
-                &pollDesc,
-                &responses,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_DestroyAVAList
-                (, plContext),
-        if (requestArena) {
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena,
-                        (requestArena, PR_FALSE));
-        }
-        if (pollDesc != NULL) {
-                /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */
-                *pNBIOContext = (void *)pollDesc;
-                *pCrlList = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* client has finished! */
-        if (responses) {
-                /*
-                 * We have a List of LdapResponse objects that still have to be
-                 * turned into Crls.
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList
-                        (responses, &unfilteredCRLs, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CRLSelector_Select
-                        (selector, unfilteredCRLs, &filteredCRLs, plContext),
-                        PKIX_CRLSELECTORSELECTFAILED);
-        }
-        /* Don't throw away the list if one CRL was bad! */
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        *pCrlList = filteredCRLs;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(filteredCRLs);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(responses);
-        PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCRLs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(lcs);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-        void *nbio = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *candidate = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *responses = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext *lcs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *filteredCRLs = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *unfilteredCRLs = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCrlList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreContext
-                (store, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&lcs, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeRequest
-                ((PKIX_PL_LdapClient *)lcs, &nbio, &responses, plContext),
-        if (nbio != NULL) {
-                /* client is waiting for non-blocking I/O to complete */
-                *pNBIOContext = (void *)nbio;
-                *pCrlList = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* client has finished! */
-        if (responses) {
-                /*
-                 * We have a List of LdapResponse objects that still have to be
-                 * turned into Crls.
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_BuildCrlList
-                        (responses, &unfilteredCRLs, plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CRLSelector_Select
-                        (selector, unfilteredCRLs, &filteredCRLs, plContext),
-                        PKIX_CRLSELECTORSELECTFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(filteredCRLs, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-        }
-        /* Don't throw away the list if one CRL was bad! */
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pCrlList = filteredCRLs;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(filteredCRLs);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(responses);
-        PKIX_DECREF(unfilteredCRLs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(lcs);
-/* --Public-LdapCertStore-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore_Create
- * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_PL_LdapCertStore_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pCertStore);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_Create
-                (pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCert,
-                pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRL,
-                pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCertContinue,
-                pkix_pl_LdapCertStore_GetCRLContinue,
-                NULL,       /* don't support trust */
-                NULL,      /* can not store crls */
-                NULL,      /* can not do revocation check */
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)client,
-                PKIX_TRUE,  /* cache flag */
-                PKIX_FALSE, /* not local */
-                &certStore,
-                plContext),
-        *pCertStore = certStore;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bbe538..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h
- *
- * LDAPCertstore Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapt.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * At the time of this version, there are unresolved questions about the LDAP
- * protocol. Although RFC1777 describes a BIND and UNBIND message, it is not
- * clear whether they are appropriate to this application. We have tested only
- * using servers that do not expect authentication, and that reject BIND
- * messages. It is not clear what values might be appropriate for the bindname
- * and authentication fields, which are currently implemented as char strings
- * supplied by the caller. (If this changes, the API and possibly the templates
- * will have to change.) Therefore the CertStore_Create API contains a BindAPI
- * structure, a union, which will have to be revised and extended when this
- * area of the protocol is better understood.
- *
- * It is further assumed that a given LdapCertStore will connect only to a
- * single server, and that the creation of the socket will initiate the
- * CONNECT. Therefore the LdapCertStore handles only the case of continuing
- * the connection, if nonblocking I/O is being used.
- */
-typedef enum {
-        LDAP_BOUND,
-        LDAP_RECV,
-} LDAPConnectStatus;
-#define LDAP_CACHEBUCKETS       128
-#define RCVBUFSIZE              512
-struct PKIX_PL_LdapCertStoreContext {
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_LdapCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *responseList,
-        PKIX_List **pCerts,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc06be..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2493 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.c
- *
- * LDAPDefaultClient Function Definitions
- *
- */
-/* We can't decode the length of a message without at least this many bytes */
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.h"
-/* --Private-LdapDefaultClient-Message-Building-Functions---------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeBind
- *
- *  This function creates and encodes a Bind message, using the arena pointed
- *  to by "arena", the version number contained in "versionData", the
- *  LDAPBindAPI pointed to by "bindAPI", and the messageID contained in
- *  "msgNum", and stores a pointer to the encoded string at "pBindMsg".
- *
- *  See pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c for the ASN.1 description of a Bind message.
- *
- *  This code is not used if the DefaultClient was created with a NULL pointer
- *  supplied for the LDAPBindAPI structure. (Bind and Unbind do not seem to be
- *  expected for anonymous Search requests.)
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool used in encoding the message. Must be
- *       non-NULL.
- *  "versionData"
- *      The Int32 containing the version number to be encoded in the Bind
- *      message.
- *  "bindAPI"
- *      The address of the LDAPBindAPI to be encoded in the Bind message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "msgNum"
- *      The Int32 containing the MessageID to be encoded in the Bind message.
- *  "pBindMsg"
- *      The address at which the encoded Bind message will be stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_Int32 versionData,
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI,
-        PKIX_UInt32 msgNum,
-        SECItem **pBindMsg,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessage msg;
-        char version = '\0';
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeBind");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(arena, pBindMsg);
-                (&msg, 0, sizeof (LDAPMessage)));
-        version = (char)versionData;
-        msg.messageID.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = (void*)&msgNum;
-        msg.messageID.len = sizeof (msgNum);
-        msg.protocolOp.selector = LDAP_BIND_TYPE;
-        msg.protocolOp.op.bindMsg.version.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = (void *)&version;
-        msg.protocolOp.op.bindMsg.version.len = sizeof (char);
-        /*
-         * XXX At present we only know how to handle anonymous requests (no
-         * authentication), and we are guessing how to do simple authentication.
-         * This section will need to be revised and extended when other
-         * authentication is needed.
-         */
-        if (bindAPI->selector == SIMPLE_AUTH) {
-                msg.protocolOp.op.bindMsg.bindName.type = siAsciiString;
-       =
-                        (void *)bindAPI->chooser.simple.bindName;
-                len = PL_strlen(bindAPI->chooser.simple.bindName);
-                msg.protocolOp.op.bindMsg.bindName.len = len;
-                msg.protocolOp.op.bindMsg.authentication.type = siAsciiString;
-       =
-                        (void *)bindAPI->chooser.simple.authentication;
-                len = PL_strlen(bindAPI->chooser.simple.authentication);
-                msg.protocolOp.op.bindMsg.authentication.len = len;
-        }
-                (arena, NULL, (void *)&msg, PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate));
-        if (!encoded) {
-        }
-        *pBindMsg = encoded;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeUnbind
- *
- *  This function creates and encodes a Unbind message, using the arena pointed
- *  to by "arena" and the messageID contained in "msgNum", and stores a pointer
- *  to the encoded string at "pUnbindMsg".
- *
- *  See pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c for the ASN.1 description of an Unbind message.
- *
- *  This code is not used if the DefaultClient was created with a NULL pointer
- *  supplied for the LDAPBindAPI structure. (Bind and Unbind do not seem to be
- *  expected for anonymous Search requests.)
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool used in encoding the message. Must be
- *       non-NULL.
- *  "msgNum"
- *      The Int32 containing the MessageID to be encoded in the Unbind message.
- *  "pUnbindMsg"
- *      The address at which the encoded Unbind message will be stored. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_UInt32 msgNum,
-        SECItem **pUnbindMsg,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessage msg;
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeUnbind");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(arena, pUnbindMsg);
-                (&msg, 0, sizeof (LDAPMessage)));
-        msg.messageID.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = (void*)&msgNum;
-        msg.messageID.len = sizeof (msgNum);
-        msg.protocolOp.selector = LDAP_UNBIND_TYPE;
-        msg.protocolOp.op.unbindMsg.dummy.type = siBuffer;
- = NULL;
-        msg.protocolOp.op.unbindMsg.dummy.len = 0;
-                (arena, NULL, (void *)&msg, PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate));
-        if (!encoded) {
-        }
-        *pUnbindMsg = encoded;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeAbandon
- *
- *  This function creates and encodes a Abandon message, using the arena pointed
- *  to by "arena" and the messageID contained in "msgNum", and stores a pointer
- *  to the encoded string at "pAbandonMsg".
- *
- *  See pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c for the ASN.1 description of an Abandon message.
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool used in encoding the message. Must be
- *       non-NULL.
- *  "msgNum"
- *      The Int32 containing the MessageID to be encoded in the Abandon message.
- *  "pAbandonMsg"
- *      The address at which the encoded Abandon message will be stored. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_UInt32 msgNum,
-        SECItem **pAbandonMsg,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessage msg;
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeAbandon");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(arena, pAbandonMsg);
-                (&msg, 0, sizeof (LDAPMessage)));
-        msg.messageID.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = (void*)&msgNum;
-        msg.messageID.len = sizeof (msgNum);
-        msg.protocolOp.selector = LDAP_ABANDONREQUEST_TYPE;
-        msg.protocolOp.op.abandonRequestMsg.messageID.type = siBuffer;
- = (void*)&msgNum;
-        msg.protocolOp.op.abandonRequestMsg.messageID.len = sizeof (msgNum);
-                (arena, NULL, (void *)&msg, PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate));
-        if (!encoded) {
-        }
-        *pAbandonMsg = encoded;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_DecodeBindResponse
- *
- *  This function decodes the encoded data pointed to by "src", using the arena
- *  pointed to by "arena", storing the decoded LDAPMessage at "pBindResponse"
- *  and the decoding status at "pStatus".
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool to be used in decoding the message. Must
- *      be  non-NULL.
- *  "src"
- *      The address of the SECItem containing the DER- (or BER-)encoded string.
- *       Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBindResponse"
- *      The address at which the LDAPMessage is stored, if the decoding is
- *      successful (the returned status is SECSuccess). Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      The address at which the decoding status is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        SECItem *src,
-        LDAPMessage *pBindResponse,
-        SECStatus *pStatus,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        LDAPMessage response;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_DecodeBindResponse");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(arena, src, pBindResponse, pStatus);
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                PORT_Memset,
-                (&response, 0, sizeof (LDAPMessage)));
-            (arena, &response, PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate, src));
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                *pBindResponse = response;
-        }
-        *pStatus = rv;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_VerifyBindResponse
- *
- *  This function verifies that the contents of the message in the rcvbuf of
- *  the LdapDefaultClient object pointed to by "client",  and whose length is
- *  provided by "buflen", is a response to a successful Bind.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "buflen"
- *      The value of the number of bytes in the receive buffer.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bufLen,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem decode = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        LDAPMessage msg;
-        LDAPBindResponse *ldapBindResponse = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_VerifyBindResponse");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, client->rcvBuf);
- = (unsigned char *)(client->rcvBuf);
-        decode.len = bufLen;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_DecodeBindResponse
-                (client->arena, &decode, &msg, &rv, plContext),
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                ldapBindResponse = &msg.protocolOp.op.bindResponseMsg;
-                if (*(ldapBindResponse-> == SUCCESS) {
-                        client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                } else {
-                }
-        } else {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvCheckComplete
- *
- *  This function determines whether the current response in the
- *  LdapDefaultClient pointed to by "client" is complete, in the sense that all
- *  bytes required to satisfy the message length field in the encoding have been
- *  received. If so, the pointer to input data is updated to reflect the number
- *  of bytes consumed, provided by "bytesProcessed". The state machine flag
- *  pointed to by "pKeepGoing" is updated to indicate whether processing can
- *  continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "bytesProcessed"
- *      The UInt32 value of the number of bytes consumed from the current
- *      buffer.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesProcessed,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean complete = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        LDAPMessageType messageType = 0;
-        LDAPResultCode resultCode = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvCheckComplete");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_IsComplete
-                (client->currentResponse, &complete, plContext),
-        if (complete) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Decode
-                       (client->arena, client->currentResponse, &rv, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LDAPRESPONSEDECODEFAILED);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessageType
-                        (client->currentResponse, &messageType, plContext),
-                if (messageType == LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE) {
-                        if (client->entriesFound == NULL) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                    (&(client->entriesFound), plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (client->entriesFound,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)client->currentResponse,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(client->currentResponse);
-                        /* current receive buffer empty? */
-                        if (client->currentBytesAvailable == 0) {
-                                client->connectStatus = RECV;
-                                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        } else {
-                                client->connectStatus = RECV_INITIAL;
-                                client->currentInPtr = &((char *)
-                                    (client->currentInPtr))[bytesProcessed];
-                                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        }
-                } else if (messageType == LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetResultCode
-                                (client->currentResponse,
-                                &resultCode,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LDAPRESPONSEGETRESULTCODEFAILED);
-                        if ((client->entriesFound == NULL) &&
-                            ((resultCode == SUCCESS) ||
-                            (resultCode == NOSUCHOBJECT))) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create
-                                    (&(client->entriesFound), plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        } else if (resultCode == SUCCESS) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                    (client->entriesFound, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                                    (client->cachePtr,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)client->currentRequest,
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object *)client->entriesFound,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_HASHTABLEADDFAILED);
-                        } else {
-                        }
-                        client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        PKIX_DECREF(client->currentResponse);
-                } else {
-                }
-        } else {
-                client->connectStatus = RECV;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-/* --Private-LdapDefaultClient-Object-Functions------------------------- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        LDAPRequestParams *requestParams,
-        void **pPollDesc,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        void **pPollDesc,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_CreateHelper
- *
- *  This function creates a new LdapDefaultClient using the Socket pointed to
- *  by "socket", the PRIntervalTime pointed to by "timeout", and the
- *  LDAPBindAPI pointed to by "bindAPI", and stores the result at "pClient".
- *
- *  A value of zero for "timeout" means the LDAPClient will use non-blocking
- *  I/O.
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      Address of the Socket to be used for the client. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "bindAPI"
- *      The address of the LDAPBindAPI containing the Bind information to be
- *      encoded in the Bind message.
- *  "pClient"
- *      The address at which the created LdapDefaultClient is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *ldapDefaultClient = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList;
-        PRFileDesc *fileDesc = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_CreateHelper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(socket, pClient);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ldapDefaultClient,
-                    plContext),
-        ldapDefaultClient->vtable.initiateFcn =
-                pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_InitiateRequest;
-        ldapDefaultClient->vtable.resumeFcn =
-                pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_ResumeRequest;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_GetPRFileDesc
-                (socket, &fileDesc, plContext),
-        ldapDefaultClient->pollDesc.fd = fileDesc;
-        ldapDefaultClient->pollDesc.in_flags = 0;
-        ldapDefaultClient->pollDesc.out_flags = 0;
-        ldapDefaultClient->bindAPI = bindAPI;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create
-                (LDAP_CACHEBUCKETS, 0, &ht, plContext),
-        ldapDefaultClient->cachePtr = ht;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_GetCallbackList
-                (socket, &callbackList, plContext),
-        ldapDefaultClient->callbackList = callbackList;
-        PKIX_INCREF(socket);
-        ldapDefaultClient->clientSocket = socket;
-        ldapDefaultClient->messageID = 0;
-        ldapDefaultClient->bindAPI = bindAPI;
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!arena) {
-        }
-        ldapDefaultClient->arena = arena;
-        ldapDefaultClient->sendBuf = NULL;
-        ldapDefaultClient->bytesToWrite = 0;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                (RCVBUFSIZE, &ldapDefaultClient->rcvBuf, plContext),
-                PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        ldapDefaultClient->capacity = RCVBUFSIZE;
-        ldapDefaultClient->bindMsg = NULL;
-        ldapDefaultClient->bindMsgLen = 0;
-        ldapDefaultClient->entriesFound = NULL;
-        ldapDefaultClient->currentRequest = NULL;
-        ldapDefaultClient->currentResponse = NULL;
-        *pClient = ldapDefaultClient;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(ldapDefaultClient);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_Create
- *
- *  This function creates a new LdapDefaultClient using the PRNetAddr pointed to
- *  by "sockaddr", the PRIntervalTime pointed to by "timeout", and the
- *  LDAPBindAPI pointed to by "bindAPI", and stores the result at "pClient".
- *
- *  A value of zero for "timeout" means the LDAPClient will use non-blocking
- *  I/O.
- *
- *  "sockaddr"
- *      Address of the PRNetAddr to be used for the socket connection. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "timeout"
- *      The PRIntervalTime to be used in I/O requests for this client.
- *  "bindAPI"
- *      The address of the LDAPBindAPI containing the Bind information to be
- *      encoded in the Bind message.
- *  "pClient"
- *      The address at which the created LdapDefaultClient is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRNetAddr *sockaddr,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode status = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(sockaddr, pClient);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_Create
-                (PKIX_FALSE, timeout, sockaddr, &status, &socket, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_CreateHelper
-                (socket, bindAPI, &client, plContext),
-        /* Did Socket_Create say the connection was made? */
-        if (status == 0) {
-                if (client->bindAPI != NULL) {
-                        client->connectStatus = CONNECTED;
-                } else {
-                        client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                }
-        } else {
-                client->connectStatus = CONNECT_PENDING;
-        }
-        *pClient = client;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(client);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(socket);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_CreateByName
- *
- *  This function creates a new LdapDefaultClient using the hostname pointed to
- *  by "hostname", the PRIntervalTime pointed to by "timeout", and the
- *  LDAPBindAPI pointed to by "bindAPI", and stores the result at "pClient".
- *
- *  A value of zero for "timeout" means the LDAPClient will use non-blocking
- *  I/O.
- *
- *  "hostname"
- *      Address of the hostname to be used for the socket connection. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "timeout"
- *      The PRIntervalTime to be used in I/O requests for this client.
- *  "bindAPI"
- *      The address of the LDAPBindAPI containing the Bind information to be
- *      encoded in the Bind message.
- *  "pClient"
- *      The address at which the created LdapDefaultClient is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *hostname,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient **pClient,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode status = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_CreateByName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(hostname, pClient);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateByName
-                (PKIX_FALSE, timeout, hostname, &status, &socket, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_CreateHelper
-                (socket, bindAPI, &client, plContext),
-        /* Did Socket_Create say the connection was made? */
-        if (status == 0) {
-                if (client->bindAPI != NULL) {
-                        client->connectStatus = CONNECTED;
-                } else {
-                        client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                }
-        } else {
-                client->connectStatus = CONNECT_PENDING;
-        }
-        *pClient = client;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(client);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(socket);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE, plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *)object;
-        switch (client->connectStatus) {
-        case CONNECT_PENDING:
-                break;
-        case CONNECTED:
-        case BIND_PENDING:
-        case BIND_RESPONSE:
-        case BOUND:
-        case SEND_PENDING:
-        case RECV:
-        case RECV_PENDING:
-        case RECV_INITIAL:
-        case RECV_NONINITIAL:
-        case ABANDON_PENDING:
-                if (client->bindAPI != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeUnbind
-                                (client->arena,
-                                ++(client->messageID),
-                                &encoded,
-                                plContext),
-                        callbackList =
-                                (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->sendCallback
-                                (client->clientSocket,
-                                encoded->data,
-                                encoded->len,
-                                &bytesWritten,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_SOCKETSENDFAILED);
-                }
-                break;
-        default:
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->cachePtr);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->clientSocket);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->entriesFound);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->currentRequest);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->currentResponse);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Free
-		(client->rcvBuf, plContext), PKIX_FREEFAILED);
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                PORT_FreeArena,
-                (client->arena, PR_FALSE));
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *ldapDefaultClient = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 tempHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE, plContext),
-        ldapDefaultClient = (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)ldapDefaultClient->clientSocket,
-                &tempHash,
-                plContext),
-        if (ldapDefaultClient->bindAPI != NULL) {
-                tempHash = (tempHash << 7) +
-                        ldapDefaultClient->bindAPI->selector;
-        }
-        *pHashcode = tempHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *firstClientContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *secondClientContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 compare = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                (firstObject,
-                secondObject,
-                plContext),
-        firstClientContext = (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *)firstObject;
-        secondClientContext = (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *)secondObject;
-        if (firstClientContext == secondClientContext) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstClientContext->clientSocket,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondClientContext->clientSocket,
-                &compare,
-                plContext),
-        if (!compare) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-                (firstClientContext->bindAPI, secondClientContext->bindAPI)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstClientContext->bindAPI) {
-                if (firstClientContext->bindAPI->selector !=
-                    secondClientContext->bindAPI->selector) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_PL_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "LdapDefaultClient";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_GetPollDesc
- *
- *  This function retrieves the PRPollDesc from the LdapDefaultClient
- *  pointed to by "context" and stores the address at "pPollDesc".
- *
- *  "context"
- *      The LdapDefaultClient whose PRPollDesc is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPollDesc"
- *      Address where PRPollDesc will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *context,
-        PRPollDesc **pPollDesc,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_GetPollDesc");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(context, pPollDesc);
-        *pPollDesc = &(context->pollDesc);
-/* --Private-Ldap-CertStore-I/O-Functions---------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_ConnectContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether a socket Connect initiated earlier for the
- *  CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client" has completed, and
- *  stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue
- *  without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList;
-        PRErrorCode status;
-        PKIX_Boolean keepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_ConnectContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->connectcontinueCallback
-                (client->clientSocket, &status, plContext),
-        if (status == 0) {
-                if (client->bindAPI != NULL) {
-                        client->connectStatus = CONNECTED;
-                } else {
-                        client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                }
-                keepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        } else if (status != PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-        *pKeepGoing = keepGoing;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Bind
- *
- *  This function creates and sends the LDAP-protocol Bind message for the
- *  CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client", and stores in
- *  "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue without
- *  further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Bind");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        /* if we have not yet constructed the BIND message, build it now */
-        if (!(client->bindMsg)) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeBind
-                        (client->arena,
-                        3,
-                        client->bindAPI,
-                        client->messageID,
-                        &encoded,
-                        plContext),
-                client->bindMsg = encoded->data;
-                client->bindMsgLen = encoded->len;
-        }
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->sendCallback
-                (client->clientSocket,
-                client->bindMsg,
-                client->bindMsgLen,
-                &bytesWritten,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETSENDFAILED);
-        client->lastIO = PR_Now();
-        if (bytesWritten < 0) {
-                client->connectStatus = BIND_PENDING;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        } else {
-                client->connectStatus = BIND_RESPONSE;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the LDAP-protocol Bind message for the
- *  CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client" has completed, and
- *  stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue
- *  without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindContinue(
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->clientSocket, &bytesWritten, NULL, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        /*
-         * If the send completed we can proceed to try for the
-         * response. If the send did not complete we will have
-         * continue to poll.
-         */
-        if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                client->connectStatus = BIND_RESPONSE;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindResponse
- *
- *  This function attempts to read the LDAP-protocol BindResponse message for
- *  the CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client", and stores in
- *  "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue without
- *  further input.
- *
- *  If a BindResponse is received with a Result code of 0 (success), we
- *  continue with the connection. If a non-zero Result code is received,
- *  we throw an Error. Some more sophisticated handling of that condition
- *  might be in order in the future.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindResponse");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, client->rcvBuf);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->recvCallback
-                (client->clientSocket,
-                client->rcvBuf,
-                client->capacity,
-                &bytesRead,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETRECVFAILED);
-        client->lastIO = PR_Now();
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_VerifyBindResponse
-                        (client, bytesRead, plContext),
-                /*
-                 * XXX What should we do if failure? At present if
-                 * VerifyBindResponse throws an Error, we do too.
-                 */
-                client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-        } else {
-                client->connectStatus = BIND_RESPONSE_PENDING;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindResponseContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the LDAP-protocol BindResponse message for
- *  the CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client" has completed, and
- *  stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue
- *  without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindResponseContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->clientSocket, NULL, &bytesRead, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_VerifyBindResponse
-                        (client, bytesRead, plContext),
-                client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Send
- *
- *  This function creates and sends an LDAP-protocol message for the
- *  CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client", and stores in
- *  "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue without
- *  further input, and at "pBytesTransferred" the number of bytes sent.
- *
- *  If "pBytesTransferred" is zero, it indicates that non-blocking I/O is in use
- *  and that transmission has not completed.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBytesTransferred"
- *      The address at which the number of bytes sent is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesTransferred,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Send");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(client, pKeepGoing, pBytesTransferred);
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* Do we have anything waiting to go? */
-        if (client->sendBuf) {
-                callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-                PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->sendCallback
-                        (client->clientSocket,
-                        client->sendBuf,
-                        client->bytesToWrite,
-                        &bytesWritten,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETSENDFAILED);
-                client->lastIO = PR_Now();
-                /*
-                 * If the send completed we can proceed to try for the
-                 * response. If the send did not complete we will have
-                 * to poll for completion later.
-                 */
-                if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                        client->sendBuf = NULL;
-                        client->connectStatus = RECV;
-                        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                } else {
-                        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        client->connectStatus = SEND_PENDING;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-        *pBytesTransferred = bytesWritten;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_SendContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the sending of the LDAP-protocol message
- *  for the CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client" has completed,
- *  and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue
- *  without further input, and at "pBytesTransferred" the number of bytes sent.
- *
- *  If "pBytesTransferred" is zero, it indicates that non-blocking I/O is in use
- *  and that transmission has not completed.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pBytesTransferred"
- *      The address at which the number of bytes sent is stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesTransferred,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_SendContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(client, pKeepGoing, pBytesTransferred);
-        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->clientSocket, &bytesWritten, NULL, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        /*
-         * If the send completed we can proceed to try for the
-         * response. If the send did not complete we will have
-         * continue to poll.
-         */
-        if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                client->sendBuf = NULL;
-                client->connectStatus = RECV;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        *pBytesTransferred = bytesWritten;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Recv
- *
- *  This function receives an LDAP-protocol message for the CertStore embodied
- *  in the LdapDefaultClient "client", and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag
- *  indicating whether processing can continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesToRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Recv");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(client, pKeepGoing, client->rcvBuf);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        /*
-         * If we attempt to fill our buffer with every read, we increase
-         * the risk of an ugly situation: one or two bytes of a new message
-         * left over at the end of processing one message. With such a
-         * fragment, we can't decode a byte count and so won't know how much
-         * space to allocate for the next LdapResponse. We try to avoid that
-         * case by reading just enough to complete the current message, unless
-         * there will be at least MINIMUM_MSG_LENGTH bytes left over.
-         */
-        if (client->currentResponse) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetCapacity
-                        (client->currentResponse, &bytesToRead, plContext),
-                if ((bytesToRead > client->capacity) ||
-                    ((bytesToRead + MINIMUM_MSG_LENGTH) < client->capacity)) {
-                        bytesToRead = client->capacity;
-                }
-        } else {
-                bytesToRead = client->capacity;
-        }
-        client->currentBytesAvailable = 0;
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->recvCallback
-                (client->clientSocket,
-                (void *)client->rcvBuf,
-                bytesToRead,
-                &bytesRead,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETRECVFAILED);
-        client->currentInPtr = client->rcvBuf;
-        client->lastIO = PR_Now();
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-                client->currentBytesAvailable = bytesRead;
-                client->connectStatus = RECV_INITIAL;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                client->connectStatus = RECV_PENDING;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the receiving of the LDAP-protocol message
- *  for the CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient "client" has completed,
- *  and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can continue
- *  without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->clientSocket, NULL, &bytesRead, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-                client->currentBytesAvailable += bytesRead;
-                client->connectStatus = RECV_INITIAL;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-        } else {
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_AbandonContinue
- *
- *  This function determines whether the abandon-message request of the
- *  LDAP-protocol message for the CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient
- *  "client" has completed, and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether
- *  processing can continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_AbandonContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->pollCallback
-                (client->clientSocket, &bytesWritten, NULL, plContext),
-                PKIX_SOCKETPOLLFAILED);
-        if (bytesWritten > 0) {
-                client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)client, plContext),
-        } else {
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvInitial
- *
- *  This function processes the contents of the first buffer of a received
- *  LDAP-protocol message for the CertStore embodied in the LdapDefaultClient
- *  "client", and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating whether processing can
- *  continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        unsigned char *msgBuf = NULL;
-        unsigned char *to = NULL;
-        unsigned char *from = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dataIndex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 messageIdLen = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 messageLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeofLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesProcessed = 0;
-        unsigned char messageChar = 0;
-        LDAPMessageType messageType = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvInitial");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        /*
-         * Is there an LDAPResponse in progress? I.e., have we
-         * already processed the tag and length at the beginning of
-         * the message?
-         */
-        if (client->currentResponse) {
-                client->connectStatus = RECV_NONINITIAL;
-                *pKeepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        msgBuf = client->currentInPtr;
-        /* Do we have enough of the message to decode the message length? */
-        if (client->currentBytesAvailable < MINIMUM_MSG_LENGTH) {
-                /*
-                 * No! Move these few bytes to the beginning of rcvBuf
-                 * and hang another read.
-                 */
-                to = (unsigned char *)client->rcvBuf;
-                from = client->currentInPtr;
-                for (dataIndex = 0;
-                    dataIndex < client->currentBytesAvailable;
-                    dataIndex++) {
-                        *to++ = *from++;
-                }
-                callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-                PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->recvCallback
-                        (client->clientSocket,
-                        (void *)to,
-                        client->capacity - client->currentBytesAvailable,
-                        &bytesRead,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETRECVFAILED);
-                client->currentInPtr = client->rcvBuf;
-                client->lastIO = PR_Now();
-                if (bytesRead <= 0) {
-                        client->connectStatus = RECV_PENDING;
-                        *pKeepGoing = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                } else {
-                        client->currentBytesAvailable += bytesRead;
-                }
-        }
-        /*
-         * We have to determine whether the response is an entry, with
-         * application-specific tag LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE, or a
-         * resultCode, with application tag LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE.
-         * First, we have to figure out where to look for the tag.
-         */
-        /* Is the message length short form (one octet) or long form? */
-        if ((msgBuf[1] & 0x80) != 0) {
-                sizeofLength = msgBuf[1] & 0x7F;
-                for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < sizeofLength; dataIndex++) {
-                        messageLength =
-                                (messageLength << 8) + msgBuf[dataIndex + 2];
-                }
-        } else {
-                messageLength = msgBuf[1];
-        }
-        /* How many bytes did the messageID require? */
-        messageIdLen = msgBuf[dataIndex + 3];
-        messageChar = msgBuf[dataIndex + messageIdLen + 4];
-        /* Are we looking at an Entry message or a ResultCode message? */
-            LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE) == messageChar) {
-                messageType = LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE;
-            LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE) == messageChar) {
-                messageType = LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE;
-        } else {
-        }
-        /*
-         * messageLength is the length from (tag, length, value).
-         * We have to allocate space for the tag and length bits too.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Create
-                (messageType,
-                messageLength + dataIndex + 2,
-                client->currentBytesAvailable,
-                msgBuf,
-                &bytesProcessed,
-                &(client->currentResponse),
-                plContext),
-        client->currentBytesAvailable -= bytesProcessed;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvCheckComplete
-                (client, bytesProcessed, pKeepGoing, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvNonInitial
- *
- *  This function processes the contents of buffers, after the first, of a
- *  received LDAP-protocol message for the CertStore embodied in the
- *  LdapDefaultClient "client", and stores in "pKeepGoing" a flag indicating
- *  whether processing can continue without further input.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pKeepGoing"
- *      The address at which the Boolean state machine flag is stored to
- *      indicate whether processing can continue without further input.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pKeepGoing,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesProcessed = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvNonInitial");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(client, pKeepGoing);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Append
-                (client->currentResponse,
-                client->currentBytesAvailable,
-                client->currentInPtr,
-                &bytesProcessed,
-                plContext),
-        client->currentBytesAvailable -= bytesProcessed;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvCheckComplete
-                (client, bytesProcessed, pKeepGoing, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Dispatch
- *
- *  This function is the state machine dispatcher for the CertStore embodied in
- *  the LdapDefaultClient pointed to by "client". Results are returned by
- *  changes to various fields in the context.
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesTransferred = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean keepGoing = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Dispatch");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        while (keepGoing) {
-                switch (client->connectStatus) {
-                case CONNECT_PENDING:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_ConnectContinue
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case CONNECTED:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Bind
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENTBINDFAILED);
-                        break;
-                case BIND_PENDING:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindContinue
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case BIND_RESPONSE:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindResponse
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case BIND_RESPONSE_PENDING:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_BindResponseContinue
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case BOUND:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Send
-                                (client, &keepGoing, &bytesTransferred, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENTSENDFAILED);
-                        break;
-                case SEND_PENDING:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_SendContinue
-                                (client, &keepGoing, &bytesTransferred, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case RECV:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Recv
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LDAPDEFAULTCLIENTRECVFAILED);
-                        break;
-                case RECV_PENDING:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvContinue
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case RECV_INITIAL:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvInitial
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case RECV_NONINITIAL:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RecvNonInitial
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                case ABANDON_PENDING:
-                        PKIX_CHECK
-                                (pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_AbandonContinue
-                                (client, &keepGoing, plContext),
-                        break;
-                default:
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeAndFilter
- *
- *  This function allocates space from the arena pointed to by "arena" to
- *  construct a filter that will match components of the X500Name pointed to by
- *  XXX...
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool used in creating the filter. Must be
- *       non-NULL.
- *  "nameComponent"
- *      The address of a NULL-terminated list of LDAPNameComponents
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pFilter"
- *      The address at which the result is stored.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        LDAPNameComponent **nameComponents,
-        LDAPFilter **pFilter,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPFilter **setOfFilter;
-        LDAPFilter *andFilter = NULL;
-        LDAPFilter *currentFilter = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 componentsPresent = 0;
-        void *v = NULL;
-        unsigned char *component = NULL;
-        LDAPNameComponent **componentP = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeAndFilter");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, nameComponents, pFilter);
-        /* count how many components we were provided */
-        for (componentP = nameComponents, componentsPresent = 0;
-                *(componentP++) != NULL;
-                componentsPresent++) {}
-        /* Space for (componentsPresent + 1) pointers to LDAPFilter */
-                (arena, (componentsPresent + 1)*sizeof(LDAPFilter *)));
-        setOfFilter = (LDAPFilter **)v;
-        /* Space for AndFilter and <componentsPresent> EqualFilters */
-                (arena, LDAPFilter, componentsPresent + 1));
-        setOfFilter[0] = (LDAPFilter *)v;
-        /* Claim the first array element for the ANDFilter */
-        andFilter = setOfFilter[0];
-        /* Set ANDFilter to point to the first EqualFilter pointer */
-        andFilter->selector = LDAP_ANDFILTER_TYPE;
-        andFilter->filter.andFilter.filters = setOfFilter;
-        currentFilter = andFilter + 1;
-        for (componentP = nameComponents, componentsPresent = 0;
-                *(componentP) != NULL; componentP++) {
-                setOfFilter[componentsPresent++] = currentFilter;
-                currentFilter->selector = LDAP_EQUALFILTER_TYPE;
-                component = (*componentP)->attrType;
-                currentFilter-> = component;
-                currentFilter->filter.equalFilter.attrType.len = 
-                        PL_strlen((const char *)component);
-                component = (*componentP)->attrValue;
-                currentFilter-> = component;
-                currentFilter->filter.equalFilter.attrValue.len =
-                        PL_strlen((const char *)component);
-                currentFilter++;
-        }
-        setOfFilter[componentsPresent] = NULL;
-        *pFilter = andFilter;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_InitiateRequest
- *
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "requestParams"
- *      The address of an LdapClientParams object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPollDesc"
- *      The location where the address of the PRPollDesc is stored, if the
- *      client returns with I/O pending.
- *  "pResponse"
- *      The address where the List of LDAPResponses, or NULL for an
- *      unfinished request, is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *genericClient,
-        LDAPRequestParams *requestParams,
-        void **pPollDesc,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *searchResponseList = NULL;
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-        LDAPFilter *filter = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT,
-                "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_InitiateRequest");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(genericClient, requestParams, pPollDesc, pResponse);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)genericClient,
-                plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *)genericClient;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeAndFilter
-                (client->arena, requestParams->nc, &filter, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Create
-                (client->arena,
-                client->messageID++,
-                requestParams->baseObject,
-                requestParams->scope,
-                requestParams->derefAliases,
-                requestParams->sizeLimit,
-                requestParams->timeLimit,
-                PKIX_FALSE,    /* attrs only */
-                filter,
-                requestParams->attributes,
-                &client->currentRequest,
-                plContext),
-        /* check hashtable for matching request */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                (client->cachePtr,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *)(client->currentRequest),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&searchResponseList,
-                plContext),
-        if (searchResponseList != NULL) {
-                *pPollDesc = NULL;
-                *pResponse = searchResponseList;
-                PKIX_DECREF(client->currentRequest);
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* It wasn't cached. We'll have to actually send it. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_GetEncoded
-                (client->currentRequest, &encoded, plContext),
-        client->sendBuf = encoded->data;
-        client->bytesToWrite = encoded->len;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Dispatch(client, plContext),
-        /*
-         * It's not enough that we may be done with a particular read.
-         * We're still processing the transaction until we've gotten the
-         * SearchResponseResult message and returned to the BOUND state.
-         * Otherwise we must still have a read pending, and must hold off
-         * on returning results.
-         */
-        if ((client->connectStatus == BOUND) &&
-	    (client->entriesFound != NULL)) {
-                *pPollDesc = NULL;
-                *pResponse = client->entriesFound;
-                client->entriesFound = NULL;
-                PKIX_DECREF(client->currentRequest);
-        } else {
-                *pPollDesc = &client->pollDesc;
-                *pResponse = NULL;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_ResumeRequest
- *
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The address of the LdapDefaultClient object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPollDesc"
- *      The location where the address of the PRPollDesc is stored, if the
- *      client returns with I/O pending.
- *  "pResponse"
- *      The address where the List of LDAPResponses, or NULL for an
- *      unfinished request, is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a LdapDefaultClient Error if the function fails in a
- *      non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *genericClient,
-        void **pPollDesc,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (LDAPDEFAULTCLIENT, "pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_ResumeRequest");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(genericClient, pPollDesc, pResponse);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)genericClient,
-                plContext),
-        client = (PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *)genericClient;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_Dispatch(client, plContext),
-        /*
-         * It's not enough that we may be done with a particular read.
-         * We're still processing the transaction until we've gotten the
-         * SearchResponseResult message and returned to the BOUND state.
-         * Otherwise we must still have a read pending, and must hold off
-         * on returning results.
-         */
-        if ((client->connectStatus == BOUND) &&
-	    (client->entriesFound != NULL)) {
-                *pPollDesc = NULL;
-                *pResponse = client->entriesFound;
-                client->entriesFound = NULL;
-                PKIX_DECREF(client->currentRequest);
-        } else {
-                *pPollDesc = &client->pollDesc;
-                *pResponse = NULL;
-        }
-/* --Public-LdapDefaultClient-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_AbandonRequest
- *
- *  This function creates and sends an LDAP-protocol "Abandon" message to the 
- *  server connected to the LdapDefaultClient pointed to by "client".
- *
- *  "client"
- *      The LdapDefaultClient whose connection is to be abandoned. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient *client,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *callbackList = NULL;
-        SECItem *encoded = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClient_AbandonRequest");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(client);
-        if (client->connectStatus == RECV_PENDING) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_MakeAbandon
-                        (client->arena,
-                        (client->messageID) - 1,
-                        &encoded,
-                        plContext),
-                callbackList = (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *)(client->callbackList);
-                PKIX_CHECK(callbackList->sendCallback
-                        (client->clientSocket,
-                        encoded->data,
-                        encoded->len,
-                        &bytesWritten,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETSENDFAILED);
-                if (bytesWritten < 0) {
-                        client->connectStatus = ABANDON_PENDING;
-                } else {
-                        client->connectStatus = BOUND;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->entriesFound);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->currentRequest);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client->currentResponse);
-        PKIX_DECREF(client);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4abe043..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.h
- *
- * LDAPDefaultClient Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapt.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * At the time of this version, there are unresolved questions about the LDAP
- * protocol. Although RFC1777 describes a BIND and UNBIND message, it is not
- * clear whether they are appropriate to this application. We have tested only
- * using servers that do not expect authentication, and that reject BIND
- * messages. It is not clear what values might be appropriate for the bindname
- * and authentication fields, which are currently implemented as char strings
- * supplied by the caller. (If this changes, the API and possibly the templates
- * will have to change.) Therefore the LDAPClient_Create API contains a
- * BindAPI structure, a union, which will have to be revised and extended when
- * this area of the protocol is better understood.
- *
- */
-typedef enum {
-        CONNECTED,
-        BIND_PENDING,
-        BOUND,
-        SEND_PENDING,
-        RECV,
-        RECV_PENDING,
-        RECV_INITIAL,
-} LdapClientConnectStatus;
-struct PKIX_PL_LdapDefaultClientStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient vtable;
-        LdapClientConnectStatus connectStatus;
-        PKIX_UInt32 messageID;
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachePtr;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *clientSocket;
-        PRPollDesc pollDesc;
-        void *callbackList; /* cast this to (PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback *) */
-        LDAPBindAPI *bindAPI;
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        PRTime lastIO;
-        void *sendBuf;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesToWrite;
-        void *rcvBuf;
-        PKIX_UInt32 capacity;
-        void *currentInPtr;
-        PKIX_UInt32 currentBytesAvailable;
-        void *bindMsg;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bindMsgLen;
-        PKIX_List *entriesFound;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *currentRequest;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *currentResponse;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaprequest.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaprequest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4546e33..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaprequest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldaprequest.c
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h"
-/* --Private-LdapRequest-Functions------------------------------------- */
-/* Note: lengths do not include the NULL terminator */
-static const char caAttr[] = "caCertificate;binary";
-static unsigned int caAttrLen = sizeof(caAttr) - 1;
-static const char uAttr[] = "userCertificate;binary";
-static unsigned int uAttrLen = sizeof(uAttr) - 1;
-static const char ccpAttr[] = "crossCertificatePair;binary";
-static unsigned int ccpAttrLen = sizeof(ccpAttr) - 1;
-static const char crlAttr[] = "certificateRevocationList;binary";
-static unsigned int crlAttrLen = sizeof(crlAttr) - 1;
-static const char arlAttr[] = "authorityRevocationList;binary";
-static unsigned int arlAttrLen = sizeof(arlAttr) - 1;
- * XXX If this function were moved into pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.c then all of
- * LdapRequest and LdapResponse could be considered part of the LDAP client.
- * But the constants, above, would have to be copied as well, and they are
- * also needed in pkix_pl_LdapRequest_EncodeAttrs. So there would have to be
- * two copies.
- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrTypeToBit
- *
- *  This function creates an attribute mask bit corresponding to the SECItem
- *  pointed to by "attrType", storing the result at "pAttrBit". The comparison
- *  is case-insensitive. If "attrType" does not match any of the known types,
- *  zero is stored at "pAttrBit".
- *
- *  "attrType"
- *      The address of the SECItem whose string contents are to be compared to
- *      the various known attribute types. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAttrBit"
- *      The address where the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapRequest Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *attrType,
-        LdapAttrMask *pAttrBit,
-        void *plContext)
-        LdapAttrMask attrBit = 0;
-        unsigned int attrLen = 0;
-        const char *s = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrTypeToBit");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(attrType, pAttrBit);
-        s = (const char *)attrType->data;
-        attrLen = attrType->len;
-        /*
-         * Taking note of the fact that all of the comparand strings are
-         * different lengths, we do a slight optimization. If a string
-         * length matches but the string does not match, we skip comparing
-         * to the other strings. If new strings are added to the comparand
-         * list, and any are of equal length, be careful to change the
-         * grouping of tests accordingly.
-         */
-        if (attrLen == caAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(caAttr, s, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_CACERT;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == uAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(uAttr, s, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_USERCERT;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == ccpAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(ccpAttr, s, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_CROSSPAIRCERT;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == crlAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(crlAttr, s, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_CERTREVLIST;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == arlAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(arlAttr, s, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_AUTHREVLIST;
-                }
-        }
-        *pAttrBit = attrBit;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrStringToBit
- *
- *  This function creates an attribute mask bit corresponding to the null-
- *  terminated string pointed to by "attrString", storing the result at
- *  "pAttrBit". The comparison is case-insensitive. If "attrString" does not
- *  match any of the known types, zero is stored at "pAttrBit".
- *
- *  "attrString"
- *      The address of the null-terminated string whose contents are to be compared to
- *      the various known attribute types. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAttrBit"
- *      The address where the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapRequest Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *attrString,
-        LdapAttrMask *pAttrBit,
-        void *plContext)
-        LdapAttrMask attrBit = 0;
-        unsigned int attrLen = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrStringToBit");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(attrString, pAttrBit);
-        attrLen = PL_strlen(attrString);
-        /*
-         * Taking note of the fact that all of the comparand strings are
-         * different lengths, we do a slight optimization. If a string
-         * length matches but the string does not match, we skip comparing
-         * to the other strings. If new strings are added to the comparand
-         * list, and any are of equal length, be careful to change the
-         * grouping of tests accordingly.
-         */
-        if (attrLen == caAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(caAttr, attrString, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_CACERT;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == uAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(uAttr, attrString, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_USERCERT;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == ccpAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(ccpAttr, attrString, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_CROSSPAIRCERT;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == crlAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(crlAttr, attrString, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_CERTREVLIST;
-                }
-        } else if (attrLen == arlAttrLen) {
-                if (PORT_Strncasecmp(arlAttr, attrString, attrLen) == 0) {
-                        attrBit = LDAPATTR_AUTHREVLIST;
-                }
-        }
-        *pAttrBit = attrBit;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_EncodeAttrs
- *
- *  This function obtains the attribute mask bits from the LdapRequest pointed
- *  to by "request", creates the corresponding array of AttributeTypes for the
- *  encoding of the SearchRequest message.
- *
- *  "request"
- *      The address of the LdapRequest whose attributes are to be encoded. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapRequest Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *request,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem **attrArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 attrIndex = 0;
-        LdapAttrMask attrBits;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_EncodeAttrs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(request);
-        /* construct "attrs" according to bits in request->attrBits */
-        attrBits = request->attrBits;
-        attrArray = request->attrArray;
-        if ((attrBits & LDAPATTR_CACERT) == LDAPATTR_CACERT) {
-                attrArray[attrIndex] = &(request->attributes[attrIndex]);
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].type = siAsciiString;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].data = (unsigned char *)caAttr;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].len = caAttrLen;
-                attrIndex++;
-        }
-        if ((attrBits & LDAPATTR_USERCERT) == LDAPATTR_USERCERT) {
-                attrArray[attrIndex] = &(request->attributes[attrIndex]);
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].type = siAsciiString;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].data = (unsigned char *)uAttr;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].len = uAttrLen;
-                attrIndex++;
-        }
-                attrArray[attrIndex] = &(request->attributes[attrIndex]);
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].type = siAsciiString;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].data = (unsigned char *)ccpAttr;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].len = ccpAttrLen;
-                attrIndex++;
-        }
-                attrArray[attrIndex] = &(request->attributes[attrIndex]);
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].type = siAsciiString;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].data = (unsigned char *)crlAttr;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].len = crlAttrLen;
-                attrIndex++;
-        }
-                attrArray[attrIndex] = &(request->attributes[attrIndex]);
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].type = siAsciiString;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].data = (unsigned char *)arlAttr;
-                request->attributes[attrIndex].len = arlAttrLen;
-                attrIndex++;
-        }
-        attrArray[attrIndex] = (SECItem *)NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLDAPREQUEST);
-        /*
-         * All dynamic fields in an LDAPRequest are allocated
-         * in an arena, and will be freed when the arena is destroyed.
-         */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 dataLen = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dindex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeOfLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 idLen = 0;
-        const unsigned char *msgBuf = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *ldapRq = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTLDAPREQUEST);
-        ldapRq = (PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *)object;
-        *pHashcode = 0;
-        /*
-         * Two requests that differ only in msgnum are a match! Therefore,
-         * start hashcoding beyond the encoded messageID field.
-         */
-        if (ldapRq->encoded) {
-                msgBuf = (const unsigned char *)ldapRq->encoded->data;
-                /* Is message length short form (one octet) or long form? */
-                if ((msgBuf[1] & 0x80) != 0) {
-                        sizeOfLength = msgBuf[1] & 0x7F;
-                        for (dindex = 0; dindex < sizeOfLength; dindex++) {
-                                dataLen = (dataLen << 8) + msgBuf[dindex + 2];
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        dataLen = msgBuf[1];
-                }
-                /* How many bytes for the messageID? (Assume short form) */
-                idLen = msgBuf[dindex + 3] + 2;
-                dindex += idLen;
-                dataLen -= idLen;
-                msgBuf = &msgBuf[dindex + 2];
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash(msgBuf, dataLen, pHashcode, plContext),
-                        PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObj,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObj,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *firstReq = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *secondReq = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstLen = 0;
-        const unsigned char *firstData = NULL;
-        const unsigned char *secondData = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeOfLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dindex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObj, secondObj, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObj is a LdapRequest */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObj, PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObj is a LdapRequest, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObj == secondObj){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObj isn't a LdapRequest, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObj, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstReq = (PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *)firstObj;
-        secondReq = (PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *)secondObj;
-        /* If either lacks an encoded string, they cannot be compared */
-        if (!(firstReq->encoded) || !(secondReq->encoded)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstReq->encoded->len != secondReq->encoded->len) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstData = (const unsigned char *)firstReq->encoded->data;
-        secondData = (const unsigned char *)secondReq->encoded->data;
-        /*
-         * Two requests that differ only in msgnum are equal! Therefore,
-         * start the byte comparison beyond the encoded messageID field.
-         */
-        /* Is message length short form (one octet) or long form? */
-        if ((firstData[1] & 0x80) != 0) {
-                sizeOfLength = firstData[1] & 0x7F;
-                for (dindex = 0; dindex < sizeOfLength; dindex++) {
-                        firstLen = (firstLen << 8) + firstData[dindex + 2];
-                }
-        } else {
-                firstLen = firstData[1];
-        }
-        /* How many bytes for the messageID? (Assume short form) */
-        i = firstData[dindex + 3] + 2;
-        dindex += i;
-        firstLen -= i;
-        firstData = &firstData[dindex + 2];
-        /*
-         * In theory, we have to calculate where the second message data
-         * begins by checking its length encodings. But if these messages
-         * are equal, we can re-use the calculation we already did. If they
-         * are not equal, the byte comparisons will surely fail.
-         */
-        secondData = &secondData[dindex + 2];
-        for (i = 0; i < firstLen; i++) {
-                if (firstData[i] != secondData[i]) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_LdapRequest_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "LdapRequest";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_LdapRequest);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Create
- *
- *  This function creates an LdapRequest using the PLArenaPool pointed to by
- *  "arena", a message number whose value is "msgnum", a base object pointed to
- *  by "issuerDN", a scope whose value is "scope", a derefAliases flag whose
- *  value is "derefAliases", a sizeLimit whose value is "sizeLimit", a timeLimit
- *  whose value is "timeLimit", an attrsOnly flag whose value is "attrsOnly", a
- *  filter whose value is "filter", and attribute bits whose value is
- *  "attrBits"; storing the result at "pRequestMsg".
- *
- *  See pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c (and below) for the ASN.1 representation of
- *  message components, and see pkix_pl_ldapt.h for data types.
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool to be used in the encoding. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "msgnum"
- *      The UInt32 message number to be used for the messageID component of the
- *      LDAP message exchange.
- *  "issuerDN"
- *      The address of the string to be used for the baseObject component of the
- *      LDAP SearchRequest message. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "scope"
- *      The (enumerated) ScopeType to be used for the scope component of the
- *      LDAP SearchRequest message
- *  "derefAliases"
- *      The (enumerated) DerefType to be used for the derefAliases component of
- *      the LDAP SearchRequest message
- *  "sizeLimit"
- *      The UInt32 value to be used for the sizeLimit component of the LDAP
- *      SearchRequest message
- *  "timeLimit"
- *      The UInt32 value to be used for the timeLimit component of the LDAP
- *      SearchRequest message
- *  "attrsOnly"
- *      The Boolean value to be used for the attrsOnly component of the LDAP
- *      SearchRequest message
- *  "filter"
- *      The filter to be used for the filter component of the LDAP
- *      SearchRequest message
- *  "attrBits"
- *      The LdapAttrMask bits indicating the attributes to be included in the
- *      attributes sequence of the LDAP SearchRequest message
- *  "pRequestMsg"
- *      The address at which the address of the LdapRequest is stored. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapRequest Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
- * SearchRequest ::=
- *              baseObject      LDAPDN,
- *              scope           ENUMERATED {
- *                                      baseObject              (0),
- *                                      singleLevel             (1),
- *                                      wholeSubtree            (2)
- *                              },
- *              derefAliases    ENUMERATED {
- *                                      neverDerefAliases       (0),
- *                                      derefInSearching        (1),
- *                                      derefFindingBaseObj     (2),
- *                                      alwaysDerefAliases      (3)
- *                              },
- *              sizeLimit       INTEGER (0 .. MAXINT),
- *                              -- value of 0 implies no sizeLimit
- *              timeLimit       INTEGER (0 .. MAXINT),
- *                              -- value of 0 implies no timeLimit
- *              attrsOnly       BOOLEAN,
- *                              -- TRUE, if only attributes (without values)
- *                              -- to be returned
- *              filter          Filter,
- *              attributes      SEQUENCE OF AttributeType
- *      }
- *
- * Filter ::=
- *      CHOICE {
- *              and             [0] SET OF Filter,
- *              or              [1] SET OF Filter,
- *              not             [2] Filter,
- *              equalityMatch   [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
- *              substrings      [4] SubstringFilter,
- *              greaterOrEqual  [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
- *              lessOrEqual     [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
- *              present         [7] AttributeType,
- *              approxMatch     [8] AttributeValueAssertion
- *      }
- *
- * SubstringFilter ::=
- *      SEQUENCE {
- *              type            AttributeType,
- *              SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {
- *                      initial [0] LDAPString,
- *                      any     [1] LDAPString,
- *                      final   [2] LDAPString,
- *              }
- *      }
- *
- * AttributeValueAssertion ::=
- *      SEQUENCE {
- *              attributeType   AttributeType,
- *              attributeValue  AttributeValue,
- *      }
- *
- * AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
- *
- * AttributeType ::= LDAPString
- *               -- text name of the attribute, or dotted
- *               -- OID representation
- *
- * LDAPDN ::= LDAPString
- *
- *
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_UInt32 msgnum,
-        char *issuerDN,
-        ScopeType scope,
-        DerefType derefAliases,
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeLimit,
-        PKIX_UInt32 timeLimit,
-        char attrsOnly,
-        LDAPFilter *filter,
-        LdapAttrMask attrBits,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest **pRequestMsg,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessage msg;
-        LDAPSearch *search;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *ldapRequest = NULL;
-        char scopeTypeAsChar;
-        char derefAliasesTypeAsChar;
-        SECItem *attrArray[MAX_LDAPATTRS + 1];
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, issuerDN, pRequestMsg);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_LdapRequest object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_LDAPREQUEST_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_LdapRequest),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ldapRequest,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        ldapRequest->arena = arena;
-        ldapRequest->msgnum = msgnum;
-        ldapRequest->issuerDN = issuerDN;
-        ldapRequest->scope = scope;
-        ldapRequest->derefAliases = derefAliases;
-        ldapRequest->sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
-        ldapRequest->timeLimit = timeLimit;
-        ldapRequest->attrsOnly = attrsOnly;
-        ldapRequest->filter = filter;
-        ldapRequest->attrBits = attrBits;
-        ldapRequest->attrArray = attrArray;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_EncodeAttrs
-                (ldapRequest, plContext),
-                (LDAPREQUEST, PORT_Memset, (&msg, 0, sizeof (LDAPMessage)));
-        msg.messageID.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = (void*)&msgnum;
-        msg.messageID.len = sizeof (msgnum);
-        msg.protocolOp.selector = LDAP_SEARCH_TYPE;
-        search = &(msg.protocolOp.op.searchMsg);
-        search->baseObject.type = siAsciiString;
-        search-> = (void *)issuerDN;
-        search->baseObject.len = PL_strlen(issuerDN);
-        scopeTypeAsChar = (char)scope;
-        search->scope.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-        search-> = (void *)&scopeTypeAsChar;
-        search->scope.len = sizeof (scopeTypeAsChar);
-        derefAliasesTypeAsChar = (char)derefAliases;
-        search->derefAliases.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-        search-> =
-                (void *)&derefAliasesTypeAsChar;
-        search->derefAliases.len =
-                sizeof (derefAliasesTypeAsChar);
-        search->sizeLimit.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-        search-> = (void *)&sizeLimit;
-        search->sizeLimit.len = sizeof (PKIX_UInt32);
-        search->timeLimit.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-        search-> = (void *)&timeLimit;
-        search->timeLimit.len = sizeof (PKIX_UInt32);
-        search->attrsOnly.type = siBuffer;
-        search-> = (void *)&attrsOnly;
-        search->attrsOnly.len = sizeof (attrsOnly);
-                (LDAPREQUEST,
-                PORT_Memcpy,
-                (&search->filter, filter, sizeof (LDAPFilter)));
-        search->attributes = attrArray;
-                (LDAPREQUEST, ldapRequest->encoded, SEC_ASN1EncodeItem,
-                (arena, NULL, (void *)&msg, PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate));
-        if (!(ldapRequest->encoded)) {
-        }
-        *pRequestMsg = ldapRequest;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(ldapRequest);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapRequest_GetEncoded
- *
- *  This function obtains the encoded message from the LdapRequest pointed to
- *  by "request", storing the result at "pRequestBuf".
- *
- *  "request"
- *      The address of the LdapRequest whose encoded message is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRequestBuf"
- *      The address at which is stored the address of the encoded message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapRequest Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *request,
-        SECItem **pRequestBuf,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_LdapRequest_GetEncoded");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(request, pRequestBuf);
-        *pRequestBuf = request->encoded;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d05a94..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h
- *
- * LdapRequest Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef enum {
-        USER_CERT,
-        CA_CERT,
-        CROSS_CERT,
-        CRL,
-        ARL,
-        DELTA_CRL
-} PKIX_PL_LdapAttr;
-struct PKIX_PL_LdapRequestStruct{
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        PKIX_UInt32 msgnum;
-        char *issuerDN;
-        ScopeType scope;
-        DerefType derefAliases;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeLimit;
-        PKIX_UInt32 timeLimit;
-        char attrsOnly;
-        LDAPFilter *filter;
-        LdapAttrMask attrBits;
-        SECItem attributes[MAX_LDAPATTRS];
-        SECItem **attrArray;
-        SECItem *encoded;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_UInt32 msgnum,
-        char *issuerDN,
-        ScopeType scope,
-        DerefType derefAliases,
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeLimit,
-        PKIX_UInt32 timeLimit,
-        char attrsOnly,
-        LDAPFilter *filter,
-        LdapAttrMask attrBits,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest **pRequestMsg,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *attrType,
-        LdapAttrMask *pAttrBit,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *attrString,
-        LdapAttrMask *pAttrBit,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapRequest *request,
-        SECItem **pRequestBuf,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_LdapRequest_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_LDAPREQUEST_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapresponse.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapresponse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd2543f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapresponse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,786 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldapresponse.c
- *
- */
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h"
-/* --Private-LdapResponse-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *ldapRsp = NULL;
-        LDAPMessage *m = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseEntry *entry = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseResult *result = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr **attributes = NULL;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr *attr = NULL;
-        SECItem **valp = NULL;
-        SECItem *val = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE, plContext),
-        ldapRsp = (PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *)object;
-        m = &ldapRsp->decoded;
-        if (m-> != NULL) {
-                PR_Free(m->;
-        }
-        if (m->protocolOp.selector ==
-                entry = &m->protocolOp.op.searchResponseEntryMsg;
-                if (entry-> != NULL) {
-                        PR_Free(entry->;
-                }
-                if (entry->attributes != NULL) {
-                        for (attributes = entry->attributes;
-                                *attributes != NULL;
-                                attributes++) {
-                                attr = *attributes;
-                                PR_Free(attr->;
-                                for (valp = attr->val; *valp != NULL; valp++) {
-                                        val = *valp;
-                                        if (val->data != NULL) {
-                                                PR_Free(val->data);
-                                        }
-                                        PR_Free(val);
-                                }
-                                PR_Free(attr->val);
-                                PR_Free(attr);
-                        }
-                        PR_Free(entry->attributes);
-                }
-        } else if (m->protocolOp.selector ==
-                result = &m->protocolOp.op.searchResponseResultMsg;
-                if (result-> != NULL) {
-                        PR_Free(result->;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(ldapRsp->;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 dataLen = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dindex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeOfLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 idLen = 0;
-        const unsigned char *msgBuf = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *ldapRsp = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE, plContext),
-        ldapRsp = (PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *)object;
-        *pHashcode = 0;
-        /*
-         * Two responses that differ only in msgnum are a match! Therefore,
-         * start hashcoding beyond the encoded messageID field.
-         */
-        if (ldapRsp-> {
-                msgBuf = (const unsigned char *)ldapRsp->;
-                /* Is message length short form (one octet) or long form? */
-                if ((msgBuf[1] & 0x80) != 0) {
-                        sizeOfLength = msgBuf[1] & 0x7F;
-                        for (dindex = 0; dindex < sizeOfLength; dindex++) {
-                                dataLen = (dataLen << 8) + msgBuf[dindex + 2];
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        dataLen = msgBuf[1];
-                }
-                /* How many bytes for the messageID? (Assume short form) */
-                idLen = msgBuf[dindex + 3] + 2;
-                dindex += idLen;
-                dataLen -= idLen;
-                msgBuf = &msgBuf[dindex + 2];
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash(msgBuf, dataLen, pHashcode, plContext),
-                        PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObj,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObj,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *rsp1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *rsp2 = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstLen = 0;
-        const unsigned char *firstData = NULL;
-        const unsigned char *secondData = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeOfLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dindex = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObj, secondObj, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObj is a LdapResponse */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObj, PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObj is a LdapResponse, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObj == secondObj){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObj isn't a LdapResponse, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(secondObj, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        rsp1 = (PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *)firstObj;
-        rsp2 = (PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *)secondObj;
-        /* If either lacks an encoded string, they cannot be compared */
-        if (!(rsp1-> || !(rsp2-> {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (rsp1->derEncoded.len != rsp2->derEncoded.len) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstData = (const unsigned char *)rsp1->;
-        secondData = (const unsigned char *)rsp2->;
-        /*
-         * Two responses that differ only in msgnum are equal! Therefore,
-         * start the byte comparison beyond the encoded messageID field.
-         */
-        /* Is message length short form (one octet) or long form? */
-        if ((firstData[1] & 0x80) != 0) {
-                sizeOfLength = firstData[1] & 0x7F;
-                for (dindex = 0; dindex < sizeOfLength; dindex++) {
-                        firstLen = (firstLen << 8) + firstData[dindex + 2];
-                }
-        } else {
-                firstLen = firstData[1];
-        }
-        /* How many bytes for the messageID? (Assume short form) */
-        i = firstData[dindex + 3] + 2;
-        dindex += i;
-        firstLen -= i;
-        firstData = &firstData[dindex + 2];
-        /*
-         * In theory, we have to calculate where the second message data
-         * begins by checking its length encodings. But if these messages
-         * are equal, we can re-use the calculation we already did. If they
-         * are not equal, the byte comparisons will surely fail.
-         */
-        secondData = &secondData[dindex + 2];
-        for (i = 0; i < firstLen; i++) {
-                if (firstData[i] != secondData[i]) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_LdapResponse_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_LdapResponse_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "LdapResponse";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_LdapResponse);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Create
- *
- *  This function creates an LdapResponse for the LDAPMessageType provided in
- *  "responseType" and a buffer capacity provided by "totalLength". It copies
- *  into its buffer either "totalLength" or "bytesAvailable" bytes, whichever
- *  is less, from the buffer pointed to by "partialData", storing the number of
- *  bytes copied at "pBytesConsumed" and storing the address of the LdapResponse
- *  at "pLdapResponse".
- *
- *  If a message is complete in a single I/O buffer, the LdapResponse will be
- *  complete when this function returns. If the message carries over into
- *  additional buffers, their contents will be added to the LdapResponse by
- *  susequent calls to pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Append.
- *
- *  "responseType"
- *      The value of the message type (LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE or
- *      LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE) for the LdapResponse being created
- *  "totalLength"
- *      The UInt32 value for the total length of the encoded message to be
- *      stored in the LdapResponse
- *  "bytesAvailable"
- *      The UInt32 value for the number of bytes of data available in the
- *      current buffer.
- *  "partialData"
- *      The address from which data is to be copied.
- *  "pBytesConsumed"
- *      The address at which is stored the UInt32 number of bytes taken from the
- *      current buffer. If this number is less than "bytesAvailable", then bytes
- *      remain in the buffer for the next LdapResponse. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLdapResponse"
- *      The address where the created LdapResponse is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        LDAPMessageType responseType,
-        PKIX_UInt32 totalLength,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesAvailable,
-        void *partialData,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesConsumed,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse **pLdapResponse,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesConsumed = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *ldapResponse = NULL;
-        void *data = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pLdapResponse);
-        if (bytesAvailable <= totalLength) {
-                bytesConsumed = bytesAvailable;
-        } else {
-                bytesConsumed = totalLength;
-        }
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_LdapResponse object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_LDAPRESPONSE_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_LdapResponse),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ldapResponse,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        ldapResponse->decoded.protocolOp.selector = responseType;
-        ldapResponse->totalLength = totalLength;
-        ldapResponse->partialLength = bytesConsumed;
-        if (totalLength != 0){
-                /* Alloc space for array */
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(partialData);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (totalLength,
-                    &data,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL
-                    (LDAPRESPONSE,
-                    PORT_Memcpy,
-                    (data, partialData, bytesConsumed));
-        }
-        ldapResponse->derEncoded.type = siBuffer;
-        ldapResponse-> = data;
-        ldapResponse->derEncoded.len = totalLength;
-        *pBytesConsumed = bytesConsumed;
-        *pLdapResponse = ldapResponse;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(ldapResponse);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Append
- *
- *  This function updates the LdapResponse pointed to by "response" with up to
- *  "incrLength" from the buffer pointer to by "incrData", storing the number of
- *  bytes copied at "pBytesConsumed".
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse being updated. Must be non-zero.
- *  "incrLength"
- *      The UInt32 value for the number of bytes of data available in the
- *      current buffer.
- *  "incrData"
- *      The address from which data is to be copied.
- *  "pBytesConsumed"
- *      The address at which is stored the UInt32 number of bytes taken from the
- *      current buffer. If this number is less than "incrLength", then bytes
- *      remain in the buffer for the next LdapResponse. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        PKIX_UInt32 incrLength,
-        void *incrData,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesConsumed,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 newPartialLength = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesConsumed = 0;
-        void *dest = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_Append");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pBytesConsumed);
-        if (incrLength > 0) {
-                /* Calculate how many bytes we have room for. */
-                bytesConsumed =
-                        response->totalLength - response->partialLength;
-                if (bytesConsumed > incrLength) {
-                        bytesConsumed = incrLength;
-                }
-                newPartialLength = response->partialLength + bytesConsumed;
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(incrData);
-                dest = &(((char *)response->[
-                        response->partialLength]);
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL
-                        (LDAPRESPONSE,
-                        PORT_Memcpy,
-                        (dest, incrData, bytesConsumed));
-                response->partialLength = newPartialLength;
-        }
-        *pBytesConsumed = bytesConsumed;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_IsComplete
- *
- *  This function determines whether the LdapResponse pointed to by "response"
- *  contains all the data called for by the "totalLength" parameter provided
- *  when it was created, storing PKIX_TRUE at "pIsComplete" if so, and
- *  PKIX_FALSE otherwise.
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse being evaluaTED. Must be non-zero.
- *  "incrLength"
- *      The UInt32 value for the number of bytes of data available in the
- *      current buffer.
- *  "incrData"
- *      The address from which data is to be copied.
- *  "pIsComplete"
- *      The address at which is stored the Boolean indication of whether the
- *      LdapResponse is complete. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pIsComplete,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_IsComplete");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pIsComplete);
-        if (response->totalLength == response->partialLength) {
-                *pIsComplete = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                *pIsComplete = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_Decode
- *
- *  This function decodes the DER data contained in the LdapResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", using the arena pointed to by "arena", and storing at
- *  "pStatus" SECSuccess if the decoding was successful and SECFailure
- *  otherwise. The decoded message is stored in an element of "response".
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      The address of the PLArenaPool to be used in the decoding. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse whose DER data is to be decoded. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      The address at which is stored the status from the decoding, SECSuccess
- *      if successful, SECFailure otherwise. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        SECStatus *pStatus,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessage *msg;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_Decode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, response, pStatus);
-        if (response->totalLength != response->partialLength) {
-        }
-        msg = &(response->decoded);
-                (LDAPRESPONSE, PORT_Memset, (msg, 0, sizeof (LDAPMessage)));
-            (NULL, msg, PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate, &(response->derEncoded)));
-        *pStatus = rv;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessage
- *
- *  This function obtains the decoded message from the LdapResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", storing the result at "pMessage".
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse whose decoded message is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMessage"
- *      The address at which is stored the address of the decoded message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPMessage **pMessage,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_GetMessage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pMessage);
-        *pMessage = &response->decoded;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetCapacity
- *
- *  This function obtains from the LdapResponse pointed to by "response" the
- *  number of bytes remaining to be read, based on the totalLength that was
- *  provided to LdapResponse_Create and the data subsequently provided to
- *  LdapResponse_Append, storing the result at "pMessage".
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse whose remaining capacity is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCapacity"
- *      The address at which is stored the address of the decoded message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCapacity,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_GetCapacity");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pCapacity);
-        *pCapacity = response->totalLength - response->partialLength;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetMessageType
- *
- *  This function obtains the message type from the LdapResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", storing the result at "pMessageType".
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse whose message type is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMessageType" 
- *      The address at which is stored the type of the response message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPMessageType *pMessageType,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_GetMessageType");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pMessageType);
-        *pMessageType = response->decoded.protocolOp.selector;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetResultCode
- *
- *  This function obtains the result code from the LdapResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", storing the result at "pResultCode".
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse whose result code is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResultCode"
- *      The address at which is stored the address of the decoded message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPResultCode *pResultCode,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessageType messageType = 0;
-        LDAPSearchResponseResult *resultMsg = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_GetResultCode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pResultCode);
-        messageType = response->decoded.protocolOp.selector;
-        if (messageType != LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE) {
-        }
-        resultMsg = &response->decoded.protocolOp.op.searchResponseResultMsg;
-        *pResultCode = *(resultMsg->;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_LdapResponse_GetAttributes
- *
- *  This function obtains the attributes from the LdapResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", storing the result at "pAttributes".
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the LdapResponse whose decoded message is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAttributes"
- *      The address at which is stored the attributes of the message. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an LdapResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr ***pAttributes,
-        void *plContext)
-        LDAPMessageType messageType = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(LDAPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_LdapResponse_GetResultCode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, pAttributes);
-        messageType = response->decoded.protocolOp.selector;
-        if (messageType != LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE) {
-        }
-        *pAttributes = response->
-                decoded.protocolOp.op.searchResponseEntryMsg.attributes;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h
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index 37dc916..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h
- *
- * LdapResponse Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_LdapResponseStruct{
-        LDAPMessage decoded;
-        PKIX_UInt32 partialLength;
-        PKIX_UInt32 totalLength;
-        SECItem derEncoded;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        LDAPMessageType responseType,
-        PKIX_UInt32 totalLength,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesAvailable,
-        void *partialData,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBytesConsumed,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        PKIX_UInt32 partialLength,
-        void *partialData,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *bytesConsumed,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pIsComplete,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        SECStatus *pStatus,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPMessage **pMessage,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPMessageType *pMessageType,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pCapacity,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPResultCode *pResultCode,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapResponse *response,
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr ***pAttributes,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_LdapResponse_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapt.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapt.h
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index 5398036..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldapt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _LDAP_H_
-#define _LDAP_H_
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template PKIX_PL_LDAPCrossCertPairTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPFilterTemplate[];
-/* ********************************************************************** */
-#define LDAPATTR_CACERT         (1<<0)
-#define LDAPATTR_USERCERT       (1<<1)
-#define LDAPATTR_CERTREVLIST    (1<<3)
-#define LDAPATTR_AUTHREVLIST    (1<<4)
-#define MAX_LDAPATTRS                   5
-typedef PKIX_UInt32 LdapAttrMask;
-typedef enum {
-        SIMPLE_AUTH                     = 0,
-        KRBV42LDAP_AUTH                 = 1,
-        KRBV42DSA_AUTH                  = 2
-} AuthType;
-typedef enum {
-        BASE_OBJECT                     = 0,
-        SINGLE_LEVEL                    = 1,
-        WHOLE_SUBTREE                   = 2
-} ScopeType;
-typedef enum {
-        NEVER_DEREF                     = 0,
-        DEREF_IN_SEARCHING              = 1,
-        DEREF_FINDING_BASEOBJ           = 2,
-        ALWAYS_DEREF                    = 3
-} DerefType;
-typedef enum {
-        LDAP_ANYSUBSTRING_TYPE          = 1,
-        LDAP_FINALSUBSTRING_TYPE        = 2
-} LDAPSubstringFilterType;
-typedef enum {
-        LDAP_ANDFILTER_TYPE             = 0,
-        LDAP_ORFILTER_TYPE              = 1,
-        LDAP_NOTFILTER_TYPE             = 2,
-        LDAP_EQUALFILTER_TYPE           = 3,
-        LDAP_PRESENTFILTER_TYPE         = 7,
-} LDAPFilterType;
-typedef enum {
-        LDAP_BIND_TYPE                  = 0,
-        LDAP_BINDRESPONSE_TYPE          = 1,
-        LDAP_UNBIND_TYPE                = 2,
-        LDAP_SEARCH_TYPE                = 3,
-        LDAP_ABANDONREQUEST_TYPE        = 16
-} LDAPMessageType;
-typedef enum {
-        SUCCESS                         = 0,
-        OPERATIONSERROR                 = 1,
-        PROTOCOLERROR                   = 2,
-        TIMELIMITEXCEEDED               = 3,
-        SIZELIMITEXCEEDED               = 4,
-        COMPAREFALSE                    = 5,
-        COMPARETRUE                     = 6,
-        AUTHMETHODNOTSUPPORTED          = 7,
-        STRONGAUTHREQUIRED              = 8,
-        NOSUCHATTRIBUTE                 = 16,
-        UNDEFINEDATTRIBUTETYPE          = 17,
-        INAPPROPRIATEMATCHING           = 18,
-        CONSTRAINTVIOLATION             = 19,
-        ATTRIBUTEORVALUEEXISTS          = 20,
-        INVALIDATTRIBUTESYNTAX          = 21,
-        NOSUCHOBJECT                    = 32,
-        ALIASPROBLEM                    = 33,
-        INVALIDDNSYNTAX                 = 34,
-        ISLEAF                          = 35,
-        INVALIDCREDENTIALS              = 49,
-        BUSY                            = 51,
-        UNAVAILABLE                     = 52,
-        UNWILLINGTOPERFORM              = 53,
-        LOOPDETECT                      = 54,
-        NAMINGVIOLATION                 = 64,
-        OBJECTCLASSVIOLATION            = 65,
-        NOTALLOWEDONNONLEAF             = 66,
-        NOTALLOWEDONRDN                 = 67,
-        ENTRYALREADYEXISTS              = 68,
-        OTHER                           = 80
-} LDAPResultCode;
-typedef struct LDAPLocationStruct                LDAPLocation;
-typedef struct LDAPCertPairStruct                LDAPCertPair;
-typedef struct LDAPSimpleBindStruct              LDAPSimpleBind;
-typedef struct LDAPBindAPIStruct                 LDAPBindAPI;
-typedef struct LDAPBindStruct                    LDAPBind;
-typedef struct LDAPResultStruct                  LDAPBindResponse;
-typedef struct LDAPResultStruct                  LDAPResult;
-typedef struct LDAPSearchResponseAttrStruct      LDAPSearchResponseAttr;
-typedef struct LDAPSearchResponseEntryStruct     LDAPSearchResponseEntry;
-typedef struct LDAPResultStruct                  LDAPSearchResponseResult;
-typedef struct LDAPUnbindStruct                  LDAPUnbind;
-typedef struct LDAPFilterStruct                  LDAPFilter;
-typedef struct LDAPAndFilterStruct               LDAPAndFilter;
-typedef struct LDAPNotFilterStruct               LDAPNotFilter;
-typedef struct LDAPSubstringStruct               LDAPSubstring;
-typedef struct LDAPSubstringFilterStruct         LDAPSubstringFilter;
-typedef struct LDAPPresentFilterStruct           LDAPPresentFilter;
-typedef struct LDAPAttributeValueAssertionStruct LDAPAttributeValueAssertion;
-typedef struct LDAPNameComponentStruct           LDAPNameComponent;
-typedef struct LDAPRequestParamsStruct           LDAPRequestParams;
-typedef struct LDAPSearchStruct                  LDAPSearch;
-typedef struct LDAPAbandonRequestStruct          LDAPAbandonRequest;
-typedef struct protocolOpStruct                  LDAPProtocolOp;
-typedef struct LDAPMessageStruct                 LDAPMessage;
-typedef LDAPAndFilter                            LDAPOrFilter;
-typedef LDAPAttributeValueAssertion              LDAPEqualFilter;
-typedef LDAPAttributeValueAssertion              LDAPGreaterOrEqualFilter;
-typedef LDAPAttributeValueAssertion              LDAPLessOrEqualFilter;
-typedef LDAPAttributeValueAssertion              LDAPApproxMatchFilter;
-struct LDAPLocationStruct {
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        void *serverSite;
-        void **filterString;
-        void **attrBitString;
-struct LDAPCertPairStruct {
-        SECItem forward;
-        SECItem reverse;
-struct LDAPSimpleBindStruct {
-        char *bindName;
-        char *authentication;
-struct LDAPBindAPIStruct {
-        AuthType selector;
-        union {
-                LDAPSimpleBind simple;
-        } chooser;
-struct LDAPBindStruct {
-        SECItem version;
-        SECItem bindName;
-        SECItem authentication;
-struct LDAPResultStruct {
-        SECItem resultCode;
-        SECItem matchedDN;
-        SECItem errorMessage;
-struct LDAPSearchResponseAttrStruct {
-        SECItem attrType;
-        SECItem **val;
-struct LDAPSearchResponseEntryStruct {
-        SECItem objectName;
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttr **attributes;
-struct LDAPUnbindStruct {
-        SECItem dummy;
-struct LDAPAndFilterStruct {
-        LDAPFilter **filters;
-struct LDAPNotFilterStruct {
-        LDAPFilter *filter;
-struct LDAPSubstringStruct {
-        LDAPSubstringFilterType selector;
-        SECItem item;
-struct LDAPSubstringFilterStruct {
-        SECItem attrType;
-        LDAPSubstring *strings;
-struct LDAPPresentFilterStruct {
-        SECItem attrType;
-struct LDAPAttributeValueAssertionStruct {
-        SECItem attrType;
-        SECItem attrValue;
-struct LDAPFilterStruct {
-        LDAPFilterType selector;
-        union {
-                LDAPAndFilter andFilter;
-                LDAPOrFilter orFilter;
-                LDAPNotFilter notFilter;
-                LDAPEqualFilter equalFilter;
-                LDAPSubstringFilter substringFilter;
-                LDAPGreaterOrEqualFilter greaterOrEqualFilter;
-                LDAPLessOrEqualFilter lessOrEqualFilter;
-                LDAPPresentFilter presentFilter;
-                LDAPApproxMatchFilter approxMatchFilter;
-        } filter;
-struct LDAPNameComponentStruct {
-        unsigned char *attrType;
-        unsigned char *attrValue;
-struct LDAPRequestParamsStruct {
-        char *baseObject;          /* e.g. "c=US" */
-        ScopeType scope;
-        DerefType derefAliases;
-        PKIX_UInt32 sizeLimit;     /* 0 = no limit */
-        PRIntervalTime timeLimit;  /* 0 = no limit */
-        LDAPNameComponent **nc; /* e.g. {{"cn","xxx"},{"o","yyy"},NULL} */
-        LdapAttrMask attributes;
-struct LDAPSearchStruct {
-        SECItem baseObject;
-        SECItem scope;
-        SECItem derefAliases;
-        SECItem sizeLimit;
-        SECItem timeLimit;
-        SECItem attrsOnly;
-        LDAPFilter filter;
-        SECItem **attributes;
-struct LDAPAbandonRequestStruct {
-        SECItem messageID;
-struct protocolOpStruct {
-        LDAPMessageType selector;
-        union {
-                LDAPBind bindMsg;
-                LDAPBindResponse bindResponseMsg;
-                LDAPUnbind unbindMsg;
-                LDAPSearch searchMsg;
-                LDAPSearchResponseEntry searchResponseEntryMsg;
-                LDAPSearchResponseResult searchResponseResultMsg;
-                LDAPAbandonRequest abandonRequestMsg;
-        } op;
-struct LDAPMessageStruct {
-        SECItem messageID;
-        LDAPProtocolOp protocolOp;
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_LdapClientStruct PKIX_PL_LdapClient;
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        LDAPRequestParams *requestParams,
-        void **pNBIO,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient *client,
-        void **pNBIO,
-        PKIX_List **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-struct PKIX_PL_LdapClientStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient_InitiateFcn initiateFcn;
-        PKIX_PL_LdapClient_ResumeFcn resumeFcn;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ecb6819..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_ldaptemplates.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapt.h"
- * CertificatePair      ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      forward [0]     Certificate OPTIONAL,
- *      reverse [1]     Certificate OPTIONAL
- *                      -- at least one of the pair shall be present --
- *  }
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template PKIX_PL_LDAPCrossCertPairTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(LDAPCertPair) },
-        offsetof(LDAPCertPair, forward), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-        offsetof(LDAPCertPair, reverse), SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
- * BindRequest ::=
- *                      version INTEGER (1..127),
- *                      name    LDAPDN,
- *                      authentication CHOICE {
- *                              simple          [0] OCTET STRING,
- *                              krbv42LDAP      [1] OCTET STRING,
- *                              krbv42DSA       [2] OCTET STRING
- *                      }
- *      }
- *
- * LDAPDN ::= LDAPString
- *
- */
-#define LDAPStringTemplate SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_OctetStringTemplate)
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPBindApplTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(LDAPBind, version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPBind, bindName) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPBind, authentication) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPBindTemplate[] = {
-        LDAPBindApplTemplate, sizeof (LDAPBind) }
- * BindResponse ::= [APPLICATION 1] LDAPResult
- *
- * LDAPResult ::=
- *      SEQUENCE {
- *              resultCode      ENUMERATED {
- *                              success                         (0),
- *                              operationsError                 (1),
- *                              protocolError                   (2),
- *                              timeLimitExceeded               (3),
- *                              sizeLimitExceeded               (4),
- *                              compareFalse                    (5),
- *                              compareTrue                     (6),
- *                              authMethodNotSupported          (7),
- *                              strongAuthRequired              (8),
- *                              noSuchAttribute                 (16),
- *                              undefinedAttributeType          (17),
- *                              inappropriateMatching           (18),
- *                              constraintViolation             (19),
- *                              attributeOrValueExists          (20),
- *                              invalidAttributeSyntax          (21),
- *                              noSuchObject                    (32),
- *                              aliasProblem                    (33),
- *                              invalidDNSyntax                 (34),
- *                              isLeaf                          (35),
- *                              aliasDereferencingProblem       (36),
- *                              inappropriateAuthentication     (48),
- *                              invalidCredentials              (49),
- *                              insufficientAccessRights        (50),
- *                              busy                            (51),
- *                              unavailable                     (52),
- *                              unwillingToPerform              (53),
- *                              loopDetect                      (54),
- *                              namingViolation                 (64),
- *                              objectClassViolation            (65),
- *                              notAllowedOnNonLeaf             (66),
- *                              notAllowedOnRDN                 (67),
- *                              entryAlreadyExists              (68),
- *                              objectClassModsProhibited       (69),
- *                              other                           (80)
- *                              },
- *              matchedDN       LDAPDN,
- *              errorMessage    LDAPString
- *      }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPResultTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED, offsetof(LDAPResult, resultCode) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPResult, matchedDN) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPResult, errorMessage) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPBindResponseTemplate[] = {
-        LDAPResultTemplate, sizeof (LDAPBindResponse) }
- * UnbindRequest ::= [APPLICATION 2] NULL
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPUnbindTemplate[] = {
-        LDAP_UNBIND_TYPE , 0, SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_NullTemplate) }
- * AttributeValueAssertion ::=
- *      SEQUENCE {
- *              attributeType   AttributeType,
- *              attributeValue  AttributeValue,
- *      }
- *
- * AttributeType ::= LDAPString
- *               -- text name of the attribute, or dotted
- *               -- OID representation
- *
- * AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
- */
-#define LDAPAttributeTypeTemplate LDAPStringTemplate
- * SubstringFilter ::=
- *      SEQUENCE {
- *              type            AttributeType,
- *              SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {
- *                      initial [0] LDAPString,
- *                      any     [1] LDAPString,
- *                      final   [2] LDAPString,
- *              }
- *      }
- */
-#define LDAPSubstringFilterInitialTemplate LDAPStringTemplate
-#define LDAPSubstringFilterAnyTemplate LDAPStringTemplate
-#define LDAPSubstringFilterFinalTemplate LDAPStringTemplate
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSubstringFilterChoiceTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(LDAPSubstring, selector), 0,
-        sizeof (LDAPFilter) },
-        offsetof(LDAPSubstring, item),
-        LDAPSubstringFilterInitialTemplate,
-        offsetof(LDAPSubstring, item),
-        LDAPSubstringFilterAnyTemplate,
-        offsetof(LDAPSubstring, item),
-        LDAPSubstringFilterFinalTemplate,
-    { 0 }
- * Filter ::=
- *      CHOICE {
- *              and             [0] SET OF Filter,
- *              or              [1] SET OF Filter,
- *              not             [2] Filter,
- *              equalityMatch   [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
- *              substrings      [4] SubstringFilter,
- *              greaterOrEqual  [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
- *              lessOrEqual     [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
- *              present         [7] AttributeType,
- *              approxMatch     [8] AttributeValueAssertion
-        }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSubstringFilterTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof (LDAPSubstringFilter) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPSubstringFilter, attrType) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(LDAPSubstringFilter, strings),
-        LDAPSubstringFilterChoiceTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPFilterTemplate[]; /* forward reference */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSetOfFiltersTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, LDAPFilterTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPAVAFilterTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof (LDAPAttributeValueAssertion) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPAttributeValueAssertion, attrType) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(LDAPAttributeValueAssertion, attrValue) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPPresentFilterTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPPresentFilter, attrType) }
-#define LDAPEqualFilterTemplate LDAPAVAFilterTemplate
-#define LDAPGreaterOrEqualFilterTemplate LDAPAVAFilterTemplate
-#define LDAPLessOrEqualFilterTemplate LDAPAVAFilterTemplate
-#define LDAPApproxMatchFilterTemplate LDAPAVAFilterTemplate
-const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPFilterTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(LDAPFilter, selector), 0, sizeof(LDAPFilter) },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.andFilter.filters),
-        LDAPSetOfFiltersTemplate, LDAP_ANDFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.orFilter.filters),
-        LDAPSetOfFiltersTemplate, LDAP_ORFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.notFilter),
-        LDAPFilterTemplate, LDAP_NOTFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.equalFilter),
-        LDAPEqualFilterTemplate, LDAP_EQUALFILTER_TYPE },
-        LDAP_SUBSTRINGFILTER_TYPE, offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.substringFilter),
-        LDAPSubstringFilterTemplate, LDAP_SUBSTRINGFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.greaterOrEqualFilter),
-        LDAPGreaterOrEqualFilterTemplate, LDAP_GREATEROREQUALFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.lessOrEqualFilter),
-        LDAPLessOrEqualFilterTemplate, LDAP_LESSOREQUALFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.presentFilter),
-        LDAPPresentFilterTemplate, LDAP_PRESENTFILTER_TYPE },
-        offsetof(LDAPFilter, filter.approxMatchFilter),
-        LDAPApproxMatchFilterTemplate, LDAP_APPROXMATCHFILTER_TYPE },
-    { 0 }
- * SearchRequest ::=
- *              baseObject      LDAPDN,
- *              scope           ENUMERATED {
- *                                      baseObject              (0),
- *                                      singleLevel             (1),
- *                                      wholeSubtree            (2)
- *                              },
- *              derefAliases    ENUMERATED {
- *                                      neverDerefAliases       (0),
- *                                      derefInSearching        (1),
- *                                      derefFindingBaseObj     (2),
- *                                      alwaysDerefAliases      (3)
- *                              },
- *              sizeLimit       INTEGER (0 .. MAXINT),
- *                              -- value of 0 implies no sizeLimit
- *              timeLimit       INTEGER (0 .. MAXINT),
- *                              -- value of 0 implies no timeLimit
- *              attrsOnly       BOOLEAN,
- *                              -- TRUE, if only attributes (without values)
- *                              -- to be returned
- *              filter          Filter,
- *              attributes      SEQUENCE OF AttributeType
- *      }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPAttributeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, 0, NULL, sizeof (SECItem) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSearchApplTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPSearch, baseObject) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED, offsetof(LDAPSearch, scope) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED, offsetof(LDAPSearch, derefAliases) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(LDAPSearch, sizeLimit) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(LDAPSearch, timeLimit) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_BOOLEAN, offsetof(LDAPSearch, attrsOnly) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPSearch, filter), LDAPFilterTemplate },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(LDAPSearch, attributes), LDAPAttributeTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSearchTemplate[] = {
-        LDAPSearchApplTemplate, sizeof (LDAPSearch) } 
- * SearchResponse ::=
- *      CHOICE {
- *              entry   [APPLICATION 4] SEQUENCE {
- *                              objectName      LDAPDN,
- *                              attributes      SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
- *                                                      AttributeType,
- *                                                      SET OF AttributeValue
- *                                              }
- *                      }
- *              resultCode [APPLICATION 5] LDAPResult
- *      }
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSearchResponseAttrTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(LDAPSearchResponseAttr) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPSearchResponseAttr, attrType) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(LDAPSearchResponseAttr, val),
-        LDAPStringTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPEntryTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL },
-    { SEC_ASN1_LDAP_STRING, offsetof(LDAPSearchResponseEntry, objectName) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, offsetof(LDAPSearchResponseEntry, attributes),
-        LDAPSearchResponseAttrTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSearchResponseEntryTemplate[] = {
-        LDAPEntryTemplate, sizeof (LDAPSearchResponseEntry) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPSearchResponseResultTemplate[] = {
-        LDAPResultTemplate, sizeof (LDAPSearchResponseResult) }
- * AbandonRequest ::=
- *      [APPLICATION 16] MessageID
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPAbandonTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(LDAPAbandonRequest, messageID) }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPAbandonRequestTemplate[] = {
-        LDAPAbandonTemplate, sizeof (LDAPAbandonRequest) }
- * LDAPMessage ::=
- *      SEQUENCE {
- *              messageID       MessageID,
- *              protocolOp      CHOICE {
- *                                      bindRequest     BindRequest,
- *                                      bindResponse    BindResponse,
- *                                      unbindRequest   UnbindRequest,
- *                                      searchRequest   SearchRequest,
- *                                      searchResponse  SearchResponse,
- *                                      abandonRequest  AbandonRequest
- *                              }
- *      }
- *
- *                                      (other choices exist, not shown)
- *
- * MessageID ::= INTEGER (0 .. maxInt)
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template LDAPMessageProtocolOpTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, selector), 0, sizeof (LDAPProtocolOp) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.bindMsg),
-        LDAPBindTemplate, LDAP_BIND_TYPE },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.bindResponseMsg),
-        LDAPBindResponseTemplate, LDAP_BINDRESPONSE_TYPE },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.unbindMsg),
-        LDAPUnbindTemplate, LDAP_UNBIND_TYPE },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.searchMsg),
-        LDAPSearchTemplate, LDAP_SEARCH_TYPE },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.searchResponseEntryMsg),
-        LDAPSearchResponseEntryTemplate, LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSEENTRY_TYPE },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.searchResponseResultMsg),
-        LDAPSearchResponseResultTemplate, LDAP_SEARCHRESPONSERESULT_TYPE },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPProtocolOp, op.abandonRequestMsg),
-        LDAPAbandonRequestTemplate, LDAP_ABANDONREQUEST_TYPE },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template PKIX_PL_LDAPMessageTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(LDAPMessage, messageID) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE, offsetof(LDAPMessage, protocolOp),
-        LDAPMessageProtocolOpTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-/* This function simply returns the address of the message template.
- * This is necessary for Windows DLLs.
- */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 1714275..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_nsscontext.c
- *
- * NSSContext Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_nsscontext.h"
-#define PKIX_DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH               64 * 1024
-#define PKIX_DEFAULT_COMM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS              60
-#define PKIX_DEFAULT_CRL_RELOAD_DELAY_SECONDS        6 * 24 * 60 * 60
-/* --Public-NSSContext-Functions--------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create
- * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 certificateUsage,
-        PKIX_Boolean useNssArena,
-        void *wincx,
-        void **pNssContext)
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *context = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pNssContext);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                   (sizeof(PKIX_PL_NssContext), (void **)&context, NULL),
-                   PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        if (useNssArena == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                PKIX_CONTEXT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena\n");
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        }
-        context->arena = arena;
-        context->certificateUsage = (SECCertificateUsage)certificateUsage;
-        context->wincx = wincx;
-        context->timeoutSeconds = PKIX_DEFAULT_COMM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
-        context->maxResponseLength = PKIX_DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH;
-        context->crlReloadDelay = PKIX_DEFAULT_CRL_RELOAD_DELAY_SECONDS;
-        context->badDerCrlReloadDelay =
-                             PKIX_DEFAULT_BAD_CRL_RELOAD_DELAY_SECONDS;
-        context->chainVerifyCallback.isChainValid = NULL;
-        context->chainVerifyCallback.isChainValidArg = NULL;
-        *pNssContext = context;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy
- * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *context = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        context = (PKIX_PL_NssContext*)nssContext;
-        if (context->arena != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CONTEXT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(context->arena, PKIX_FALSE);
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_Free(nssContext, NULL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_NssContext_GetCertUsage
- *
- *  This function obtains the platform-dependent SECCertificateUsage  parameter
- *  from the context object pointed to by "nssContext", storing the result at
- *  "pCertUsage".
- *
- *  "nssContext"
- *      The address of the context object whose wincx parameter is to be
- *      obtained. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertUsage"
- *      The address where the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext,
-        SECCertificateUsage *pCertUsage)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "pkix_pl_NssContext_GetCertUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssContext, pCertUsage);
-        *pCertUsage = nssContext->certificateUsage;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_NssContext_SetCertUsage
- *
- *  This function sets the platform-dependent SECCertificateUsage parameter in
- *  the context object pointed to by "nssContext" to the value provided in
- *  "certUsage".
- *
- *  "certUsage"
- *      Platform-dependent value to be stored.
- *  "nssContext"
- *      The address of the context object whose wincx parameter is to be
- *      obtained. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECCertificateUsage certUsage,
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "pkix_pl_NssContext_SetCertUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        nssContext->certificateUsage = certUsage;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx
- *
- *  This function obtains the platform-dependent wincx parameter from the
- *  context object pointed to by "nssContext", storing the result at "pWincx".
- *
- *  "nssContext"
- *      The address of the context object whose wincx parameter is to be
- *      obtained. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pWincx"
- *      The address where the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext,
-        void **pWincx)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *context = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssContext, pWincx);
-        context = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)nssContext;
-        *pWincx = context->wincx;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_NssContext_SetWincx
- *
- *  This function sets the platform-dependent wincx parameter in the context
- *  object pointed to by "nssContext" to the value provided in "wincx".
- *
- *  "wincx"
- *      Platform-dependent value to be stored.
- *  "nssContext"
- *      The address of the context object whose wincx parameter is to be
- *      obtained. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *wincx,
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "pkix_pl_NssContext_SetWincx");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        nssContext->wincx = wincx;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetTimeout
- *
- * Sets user defined socket timeout for the validation
- * session. Default is 60 seconds.
- *
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetTimeout(PKIX_UInt32 timeout,
-                              PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetTimeout");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        nssContext->timeoutSeconds = timeout;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetMaxResponseLen
- *
- * Sets user defined maximum transmission length of a message.
- *
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetMaxResponseLen(PKIX_UInt32 len,
-                                     PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetMaxResponseLen");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        nssContext->maxResponseLength = len;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetCrlReloadDelay
- *
- * Sets user defined delay between attempts to load crl using
- * CRLDP.
- *
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetCrlReloadDelay(PKIX_UInt32 delay,
-                                     PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetCrlReloadDelay");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        nssContext->crlReloadDelay = delay;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetBadDerCrlReloadDelay
- *
- * Sets user defined delay between attempts to load crl that
- * failed to decode.
- *
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetBadDerCrlReloadDelay(PKIX_UInt32 delay,
-                                             PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CONTEXT, "PKIX_PL_NssContext_SetBadDerCrlReloadDelay");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssContext);
-        nssContext->badDerCrlReloadDelay = delay;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 04441c2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_nsscontext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_nsscontext.h
- *
- * NSSContext Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_NssContextStruct {
-        SECCertificateUsage certificateUsage;
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        void *wincx;
-        PKIX_UInt32 timeoutSeconds;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxResponseLength;
-        PRTime crlReloadDelay;
-        PRTime badDerCrlReloadDelay;
-        CERTChainVerifyCallback chainVerifyCallback;
-PKIX_Error *
-        (PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext, SECCertificateUsage *pCertUsage);
-/* XXX move the setter into the public header. */
-PKIX_Error *
-        (SECCertificateUsage certUsage, PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx(PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext, void **pWincx);
-/* XXX move the setter into the public header. */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_NssContext_SetWincx(void *wincx, PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_NSSCONTEXT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7de614e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1039 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_pk11certstore.c
- *
- * PKCS11CertStore Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h"
- * PKIX_DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH (64 * 1024) is too small for downloading
- * CRLs.  We observed CRLs of sizes 338759 and 439035 in practice.  So we
- * need to use a higher max response length for CRLs.
- */
-/* --Private-Pk11CertStore-Functions---------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CheckTrust
- * This function checks the trust status of this "cert" that was retrieved
- * from the CertStore "store" and returns its trust status at "pTrusted".
- *
- * "store"
- *      Address of the CertStore. Must be non-NULL.
- * "cert"
- *      Address of the Cert. Must be non-NULL.
- * "pTrusted"
- *      Address of PKIX_Boolean where the "cert" trust status is returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- * "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_Boolean trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECCertUsage certUsage = 0;
-        SECCertificateUsage certificateUsage;
-        unsigned int requiredFlags;
-        SECTrustType trustType;
-        CERTCertTrust trust;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CheckTrust");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, cert, pTrusted);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(cert->nssCert);
-        certificateUsage = ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->certificateUsage;
-        /* ensure we obtained a single usage bit only */
-        PORT_Assert(!(certificateUsage & (certificateUsage - 1)));
-        /* convert SECertificateUsage (bit mask) to SECCertUsage (enum) */
-        while (0 != (certificateUsage = certificateUsage >> 1)) { certUsage++; }
-        rv = CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(certUsage, &requiredFlags, &trustType);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                rv = CERT_GetCertTrust(cert->nssCert, &trust);
-        }
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-            unsigned int certFlags;
-            if (certUsage != certUsageAnyCA &&
-                certUsage != certUsageStatusResponder) {
-                CERTCertificate *nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                if (certUsage == certUsageVerifyCA) {
-                    if (nssCert->nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) {
-                        trustType = trustEmail;
-                    } else if (nssCert->nsCertType & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) {
-                        trustType = trustSSL;
-                    } else {
-                        trustType = trustObjectSigning;
-                    }
-                }
-                certFlags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS((&trust), trustType);
-                if ((certFlags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags) {
-                    trusted = PKIX_TRUE;
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (trustType = trustSSL; trustType < trustTypeNone;
-                     trustType++) {
-                    certFlags =
-                        SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS((&trust), trustType);
-                    if ((certFlags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags) {
-                        trusted = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        *pTrusted = trusted;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CertQuery
- *
- *  This function obtains from the database the Certs specified by the
- *  ComCertSelParams pointed to by "params" and stores the resulting
- *  List at "pSelected". If no matching Certs are found, a NULL pointer
- *  will be stored.
- *
- *  This function uses a "smart" database query if the Subject has been set
- *  in ComCertSelParams. Otherwise, it uses a very inefficient call to
- *  retrieve all Certs in the database (and run them through the selector).
- *
- * "params"
- *      Address of the ComCertSelParams. Must be non-NULL.
- * "pSelected"
- *      Address at which List will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- * "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params,
-        PKIX_List **pSelected,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRBool validOnly = PR_FALSE;
-        PRTime prtime = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subjectName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *certValid = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        CERTCertList *pk11CertList = NULL;
-        CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        CERTCertDBHandle *dbHandle = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECItem *nameItem = NULL;
-        void *wincx = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CertQuery");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(params, pSelected);
-        /* avoid multiple calls to retrieve a constant */
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERTSTORE, dbHandle, CERT_GetDefaultCertDB, ());
-        /*
-         * Any of the ComCertSelParams may be obtained and used to constrain
-         * the database query, to allow the use of a "smart" query. See
-         * pkix_certsel.h for a list of the PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Get*
-         * calls available. No corresponding "smart" queries exist at present,
-         * except for CERT_CreateSubjectCertList based on Subject. When others
-         * are added, corresponding code should be added to
-         * pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CertQuery to use them when appropriate
-         * selector parameters have been set.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetSubject
-                (params, &subjectName, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_GetCertificateValid
-                (params, &certValid, plContext),
-        /* If caller specified a Date, convert it to PRTime */
-        if (certValid) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime
-                        (certValid, &prtime, plContext),
-                        PKIX_DATEGETPRTIMEFAILED);
-                validOnly = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If we have the subject name for the desired subject,
-         * ask the database for Certs with that subject. Otherwise
-         * ask the database for all Certs.
-         */
-        if (subjectName) {
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (arena) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_X500Name_GetDERName
-                                (subjectName, arena, &nameItem, plContext),
-                                PKIX_X500NAMEGETSECNAMEFAILED);
-                        if (nameItem) {
-                            PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                                (CERTSTORE,
-                                pk11CertList,
-                                CERT_CreateSubjectCertList,
-                                (NULL, dbHandle, nameItem, prtime, validOnly));
-                        }
-                        PKIX_PL_NSSCALL
-                                (CERTSTORE, PORT_FreeArena, (arena, PR_FALSE));
-                        arena = NULL;
-                }
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx
-                        ((PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext, &wincx),
-                        PKIX_NSSCONTEXTGETWINCXFAILED);
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                        (CERTSTORE,
-                        pk11CertList,
-                        PK11_ListCerts,
-                        (PK11CertListAll, wincx));
-        }
-        if (pk11CertList) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&certList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(pk11CertList);
-                    !(CERT_LIST_END(node, pk11CertList));
-                    node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
-                        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                                (CERTSTORE,
-                                nssCert,
-                                CERT_DupCertificate,
-                                        (node->cert));
-                        if (!nssCert) {
-                                continue; /* just skip bad certs */
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(pkix_pl_Cert_CreateWithNSSCert
-                                (nssCert, &cert, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTCREATEWITHNSSCERTFAILED);
-                        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                                CERT_DestroyCertificate(nssCert);
-                                nssCert = NULL;
-                                continue; /* just skip bad certs */
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (certList, (PKIX_PL_Object *)cert, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-                }
-                /* Don't throw away the list if one cert was bad! */
-                pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        *pSelected = certList;
-        certList = NULL;
-        if (pk11CertList) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertList(pk11CertList);
-        }
-        if (arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certValid);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_ImportCrl
- *
- * "params"
- *      Address of the ComCRLSelParams. Must be non-NULL.
- * "pSelected"
- *      Address at which List will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- * "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuerName,
-        PKIX_List *crlList,
-        void *plContext)
-    CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-    PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-    SECItem *derCrl = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_ImportCrl");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(store, plContext);
-    if (!crlList) {
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    while (crlList->length > 0) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(crlList, 0, (PKIX_PL_Object**)&crl,
-                              plContext),
-        /* Delete crl from the list to keep controll of the
-         * last reference. crl need to be destroyed right after
-         * it released the ownership of the crl der. */
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_DeleteItem(crlList, 0, plContext),
-        /* acquire the crlder ownership */
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            PKIX_PL_CRL_ReleaseDerCrl(crl, &derCrl, plContext);
-        PORT_Assert(!pkixErrorResult && derCrl);
-        if (pkixErrorResult || !derCrl) {
-            /* All pkix delivered crls should be able to
-             * release their ders. */
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-            PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-            continue;
-        }
-        cert_CacheCRLByGeneralName(certHandle, derCrl, 
-                                        crl->derGenName);
-        /* Do not check the status. If it is a SECFailure,
-         * derCrl is already destroyed. */
-        derCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-static PKIX_Error *
-NameCacheHasFetchedCrlInfo(PKIX_PL_Cert *pkixCert,
-                           PRTime time,
-                           PKIX_Boolean *pHasFetchedCrlInCache,
-                           void *plContext)
-    /* Returning true result in this case will mean, that case info
-     * is currect and should used as is. */
-    NamedCRLCache* nameCrlCache = NULL;
-    PKIX_Boolean hasFetchedCrlInCache = PKIX_TRUE;
-    PKIX_List *dpList = NULL;
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp *dp = NULL;
-    PKIX_UInt32 dpIndex = 0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRTime reloadDelay = 0, badCrlInvalDelay = 0;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "ChechCacheHasFetchedCrl");
-    reloadDelay = 
-        ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->crlReloadDelay *
-                                                PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
-    badCrlInvalDelay =
-        ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->badDerCrlReloadDelay *
-                                                PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
-    if (!time) {
-        time = PR_Now();
-    }
-    /* If we already download the crl and inserted into the cache, then
-     * there is no need to check for fetched crl. We have what we have. */
-        PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCrlDp(pkixCert, &dpList, plContext),
-    if (dpList && dpList->length) {
-        hasFetchedCrlInCache = PKIX_FALSE;
-        rv = cert_AcquireNamedCRLCache(&nameCrlCache);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(dpList);
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* If no dp then treat it as if we already have
-         * a fetched crl. */
-        PKIX_DECREF(dpList);
-    }
-    for (;!hasFetchedCrlInCache &&
-             dpList && dpIndex < dpList->length;dpIndex++) {
-        SECItem **derDpNames = NULL;
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(dpList, dpIndex, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dp,
-                              plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (dp->nssdp->distPointType == generalName) {
-            /* dp can only be created from nssdp. */
-            derDpNames = dp->nssdp->derFullName;
-        }
-        while (derDpNames && *derDpNames != NULL) {
-            NamedCRLCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL;
-            const SECItem *derDpName = *derDpNames++;
-            rv = cert_FindCRLByGeneralName(nameCrlCache, derDpName,
-                                           &cacheEntry);
-            if (rv == SECSuccess && cacheEntry) {
-                if ((cacheEntry->inCRLCache &&
-                    (cacheEntry->successfulInsertionTime + reloadDelay > time ||
-                     (cacheEntry->dupe &&
-                      cacheEntry->lastAttemptTime + reloadDelay > time))) ||
-                    (cacheEntry->badDER &&
-                     cacheEntry->lastAttemptTime + badCrlInvalDelay > time)) {
-                    hasFetchedCrlInCache = PKIX_TRUE;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(dp);
-    }
-    *pHasFetchedCrlInCache = hasFetchedCrlInCache;
-    if (nameCrlCache) {
-        cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(nameCrlCache);
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(dpList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CheckCrl
- *
- * "params"
- *      Address of the ComCRLSelParams. Must be non-NULL.
- * "pSelected"
- *      Address at which List will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- * "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertStore Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *pkixCert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *pkixIssuer,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PKIX_Boolean  crlDownloadDone,
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode *pReasonCode,
-        PKIX_RevocationStatus *pStatus,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_RevocationStatus pkixRevStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_NoInfo;
-    CERTRevocationStatus revStatus = certRevocationStatusUnknown;
-    PKIX_Boolean hasFetchedCrlInCache = PKIX_TRUE;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL, *issuer = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    void *wincx = NULL;
-    PRTime time = 0;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CheckRevByCrl");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, pkixCert, pkixIssuer, plContext);
-    cert = pkixCert->nssCert;
-    issuer = pkixIssuer->nssCert;
-    if (date) {
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime(date, &time, plContext),
-    }
-        pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext,
-                                    &wincx),
-    /* No need to check any cDPs, since partitioned crls are not
-     * supported. If a ds does not point to partitioned crl, then
-     * the crl should be in issuer cache that is unrelated to any
-     * dp. Using NULL as a dp pointer to check it.*/
-    rv = cert_CheckCertRevocationStatus(cert, issuer, NULL,
-                                        /* Will not validate the signature
-                                         * on the crl if time is not specified.*/
-                                        time, wincx, &revStatus, pReasonCode);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        pkixRevStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (crlDownloadDone) {
-        if (revStatus == certRevocationStatusRevoked) {
-            pkixRevStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-        } else if (revStatus == certRevocationStatusValid) {
-            pkixRevStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Success;
-        } 
-    } else {
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            NameCacheHasFetchedCrlInfo(pkixCert, time, &hasFetchedCrlInCache,
-                                       plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (revStatus == certRevocationStatusRevoked &&
-            (hasFetchedCrlInCache ||
-             *pReasonCode != crlEntryReasoncertificatedHold)) {
-            pkixRevStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Revoked;
-        } else if (revStatus == certRevocationStatusValid &&
-                   hasFetchedCrlInCache) {
-            pkixRevStatus = PKIX_RevStatus_Success;
-        }
-    }
-    *pStatus = pkixRevStatus;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCert
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CertSelector *selector,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *parentVerifyNode,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCertList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numFound = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *candidate = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *selected = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *filtered = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector_MatchCallback selectorCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *params = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_VerifyNode *verifyNode = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *selectorError = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(store, selector, pNBIOContext, pCertList);
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;   /* We don't use non-blocking I/O */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetMatchCallback
-                (selector, &selectorCallback, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_GetCommonCertSelectorParams
-                (selector, &params, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CertQuery
-                (params, &selected, plContext),
-        if (selected) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength(selected, &numFound, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertStoreCacheFlag
-                (store, &cacheFlag, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback
-                (store, &trustCallback, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&filtered, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        for (i = 0; i < numFound; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                        (selected,
-                        i,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&candidate,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                        continue; /* just skip bad certs */
-                }
-                selectorError =
-                    selectorCallback(selector, candidate, plContext);
-                if (!selectorError) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_SetCacheFlag
-                                (candidate, cacheFlag, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTSETCACHEFLAGFAILED);
-                        if (trustCallback) {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_SetTrustCertStore
-                                    (candidate, store, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_CERTSETTRUSTCERTSTOREFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (filtered,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)candidate,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                } else if (parentVerifyNode) {
-                    PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                        pkix_VerifyNode_Create(candidate, 0, selectorError,
-                                               &verifyNode, plContext),
-                        PKIX_VERIFYNODECREATEFAILED);
-                    PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(
-                        pkix_VerifyNode_AddToTree(parentVerifyNode,
-                                                  verifyNode,
-                                                  plContext),
-                    PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-                }
-                PKIX_DECREF(selectorError);
-                PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-        }
-        /* Don't throw away the list if one cert was bad! */
-        pkixTempErrorReceived = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pCertList = filtered;
-        filtered = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(filtered);
-        PKIX_DECREF(candidate);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selected);
-        PKIX_DECREF(params);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifyNode);
-        PKIX_DECREF(selectorError);
-static PKIX_Error *
-RemovePartitionedDpsFromList(PKIX_List *dpList, PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-                             void *plContext)
-    NamedCRLCache* nameCrlCache = NULL;
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp *dp = NULL;
-    unsigned int dpIndex = 0;
-    PRTime time;
-    PRTime reloadDelay = 0, badCrlInvalDelay = 0;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_ListRemovePrtDp");
-    if (!dpList || !dpList->length) {
-    }
-    reloadDelay = 
-        ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->crlReloadDelay *
-                                                PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
-    badCrlInvalDelay =
-        ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->badDerCrlReloadDelay *
-                                                PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
-    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime(date, &time, plContext),
-    rv = cert_AcquireNamedCRLCache(&nameCrlCache);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        /* Baling out. Wont find out any thing useful. */
-    }
-    while (dpIndex < dpList->length) {
-        SECItem **derDpNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean removeDp = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(dpList, dpIndex, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dp,
-                              plContext),
-        if (!dp->isPartitionedByReasonCode) {
-            /* See if we know about this dp anything why we should
-             * not use it to download a crl. */
-            if (dp->nssdp->distPointType == generalName) {
-                /* dp can only be created from nssdp. */
-                derDpNames = dp->nssdp->derFullName;
-            } else {
-                removeDp = PKIX_TRUE;
-            }
-            while (derDpNames && *derDpNames != NULL) {
-                NamedCRLCacheEntry* cacheEntry = NULL;
-                const SECItem *derDpName = *derDpNames++;
-                /* Removing from the list all dps that we know about. */
-                rv = cert_FindCRLByGeneralName(nameCrlCache, derDpName,
-                                               &cacheEntry);
-                if (rv && cacheEntry) {
-                    if (cacheEntry->unsupported ||
-                        (cacheEntry->inCRLCache &&
-                         (cacheEntry->successfulInsertionTime + reloadDelay > time ||
-                          (cacheEntry->dupe &&
-                           cacheEntry->lastAttemptTime + reloadDelay > time))) ||
-                          (cacheEntry->badDER &&
-                           cacheEntry->lastAttemptTime + badCrlInvalDelay > time)) {
-                        removeDp = PKIX_TRUE;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* Remove dp that point to a partitioned crl . RFC 5280
-             * recommends against crl partitioned by reason code.
-             * Will skip such crls */
-            removeDp = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        if (removeDp) {
-                pkix_List_Remove(dpList,(PKIX_PL_Object*)dp,
-                                 plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED); 
-        } else {
-            dpIndex += 1;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(dp);
-    }
-    if (nameCrlCache) {
-        cert_ReleaseNamedCRLCache(nameCrlCache);
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(dp);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_DownloadCrl
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-DownloadCrl(pkix_pl_CrlDp *dp, PKIX_PL_CRL **crl,
-            const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1, void *plContext)
-    char *location = NULL;
-    char *hostname = NULL;
-    char *path = NULL;
-    PRUint16 port;
-    PRUint16 myHttpResponseCode;
-    const char *myHttpResponseData = NULL;
-    PRUint32 myHttpResponseDataLen;
-    SECItem *uri = NULL;
-    SECItem *derCrlCopy = NULL;
-    CERTSignedCrl *nssCrl = NULL;
-    CERTGeneralName *genName = NULL;
-    SECItem **derGenNames = NULL;
-    SECItem  *derGenName = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_DownloadCrl");
-    /* Do not support dps others than a one with GeneralName
-     * name type. */
-    if (dp->distPointType != generalName ||
-        !dp->nssdp->derFullName) {
-    }
-    genName = dp->name.fullName;
-    derGenNames = dp->nssdp->derFullName;
-    do {
-        derGenName = *derGenNames;
-        do {
-            if (!derGenName ||
-                !genName-> {
-                /* get to next name if no data. */
-                break;
-            }
-            uri = &genName->name.other;
-            location = (char*)PR_Malloc(1 + uri->len);
-            if (!location) {
-                break;
-            }
-            PORT_Memcpy(location, uri->data, uri->len);
-            location[uri->len] = 0;
-            if (CERT_ParseURL(location, &hostname,
-                              &port, &path) != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_CRL_DP_URL);
-                break;
-            }
-            PORT_Assert(hostname != NULL);
-            PORT_Assert(path != NULL);
-            if ((*hcv1->createSessionFcn)(hostname, port, 
-                                          &pServerSession) != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_CRL_DP_URL);
-                break;
-            }
-            if ((*hcv1->createFcn)(pServerSession, "http", path, "GET",
-                /* Users with slow connections might not get CRL revocation 
-                   checking for certs that use big CRLs because of the timeout
-                   We absolutely need code that limits our retry attempts.
-                 */
-                          PR_SecondsToInterval(
-                              ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->timeoutSeconds),
-                                   &pRequestSession) != SECSuccess) {
-                break;
-            }
-            myHttpResponseDataLen =
-                ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-            if (myHttpResponseDataLen < PKIX_DEFAULT_MAX_CRL_RESPONSE_LENGTH)
-                myHttpResponseDataLen = PKIX_DEFAULT_MAX_CRL_RESPONSE_LENGTH;
-            /* We use a non-zero timeout, which means:
-               - the client will use blocking I/O
-               - TryFcn will not return WOULD_BLOCK nor a poll descriptor
-               - it's sufficient to call TryFcn once
-            */
-            /* we don't want result objects larger than this: */
-            if ((*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(
-                    pRequestSession, 
-                    NULL,
-                    &myHttpResponseCode,
-                    NULL,
-                    NULL,
-                    &myHttpResponseData,
-                    &myHttpResponseDataLen) != SECSuccess) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (myHttpResponseCode != 200) {
-                break;
-            }
-        } while(0);
-        if (!myHttpResponseData) {
-            /* Going to the next one. */
-            genName = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(genName);
-            derGenNames++;
-        }
-        /* Staing in the loop through all the names until
-         * we have a successful download. */
-    } while (!myHttpResponseData && *derGenNames &&
-             genName != dp->name.fullName);
-    /* Need this name to track the crl source location. */
-    PORT_Assert(derGenName);
-    if (!myHttpResponseData) {
-        /* Generating fake bad CRL to keep track of this dp */
-        SECItem derCrl = {siBuffer, (void*)"BadCrl", 6 };
-        derCrlCopy = SECITEM_DupItem(&derCrl);
-        if (!derCrlCopy) {
-        }
-        derGenName = *dp->nssdp->derFullName;
-    } else {
-        SECItem derCrl = { siBuffer,
-                           (void*)myHttpResponseData,
-                           myHttpResponseDataLen };
-        derCrlCopy = SECITEM_DupItem(&derCrl);
-        if (!derCrlCopy) {
-        }
-        /* crl will be based on derCrlCopy, but will not own the der. */
-        nssCrl =
-            CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrlCopy, SEC_CRL_TYPE,
-                                       CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER |
-                                       CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-    }
-    /* pkix crl owns the der. */
-        pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL(nssCrl, derCrlCopy,
-                                        derGenName,
-                                        crl, plContext),
-    /* pkix crl now own both objects. */
-    derCrlCopy = NULL;
-    nssCrl = NULL;
-    if (derCrlCopy)
-        PORT_Free(derCrlCopy);
-    if (nssCrl)
-        SEC_DestroyCrl(nssCrl);
-    if (pRequestSession != NULL) 
-        (*hcv1->freeFcn)(pRequestSession);
-    if (pServerSession != NULL)
-        (*hcv1->freeSessionFcn)(pServerSession);
-    if (path != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(path);
-    if (hostname != NULL)
-        PORT_Free(hostname);
-    if (location) {
-        PORT_Free(location);
-    }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCRL
- *  (see description of PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback in pkix_certstore.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore *store,
-        PKIX_CRLSelector *selector,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlList,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_UInt32 dpIndex = 0;
-    PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *crlList = NULL;
-    PKIX_List *dpList = NULL;
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp *dp = NULL;
-    PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-    const SEC_HttpClientFcn *registeredHttpClient = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCRL");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(store, pNBIOContext, pCrlList);
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(selector, selector->params);
-    registeredHttpClient = SEC_GetRegisteredHttpClient();
-    if (!registeredHttpClient || registeredHttpClient->version != 1) {
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    dpList = selector->params->crldpList;
-    date = selector->params->date;
-        RemovePartitionedDpsFromList(dpList, date,
-                                     plContext),
-    for (;dpIndex < dpList->length;dpIndex++) {
-        PKIX_DECREF(dp);
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            PKIX_List_GetItem(dpList, dpIndex,
-                              (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dp,
-                              plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-            continue;
-        }
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            DownloadCrl(dp, &crl,
-                        &registeredHttpClient->fcnTable.ftable1,
-                        plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult || !crl) {
-            /* continue to next dp in case of unsuccesfull
-             * download attempt. */
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (!crlList) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&crlList, plContext),
-                       PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            PKIX_List_AppendItem(crlList, (PKIX_PL_Object *)crl,
-                                 plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-    }
-    *pCrlList = crlList;
-    crlList = NULL;
-    PKIX_DECREF(dp);
-    PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-    PKIX_DECREF(crlList);
-/* --Public-Pk11CertStore-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Pk11CertStore_Create
- * (see comments in pkix_samples_modules.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTSTORE, "PKIX_PL_Pk11CertStore_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pCertStore);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_Create
-                (pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCert,
-                pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_GetCRL,
-                NULL, /* getCertContinue */
-                NULL, /* getCrlContinue */
-                pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CheckTrust,
-                pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_ImportCrl,
-                pkix_pl_Pk11CertStore_CheckRevByCrl,
-                NULL,
-                PKIX_TRUE, /* cache flag */
-                PKIX_TRUE, /* local - no network I/O */
-                &certStore,
-                plContext),
-        *pCertStore = certStore;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 5067076..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h
- *
- * PK11Certstore Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_PK11CERTSTORE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e869837..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1695 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_socket.c
- *
- * Socket Function Definitions
- *
- */
- * If Socket Tracing is active, messages sent and received will be
- * timestamped and dumped (to stdout) in standard hex-dump format. E.g.,
- *
- * 1116612359156140:
- * 28F0: 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77   6F 72 6C 64 21 00    Hello, world!.
- *
- * The timestamp is not formatted to be meaningful except as an increasing
- * value of seconds.microseconds, which is good enough to correlate two
- * sides of a message exchange and to figure durations.
- *
- * Code to perform Socket tracing will be compiled in if PKIX_SOCKETTRACE
- * is defined, but that doesn't mean socket tracing is active. Tracing also
- * requires that the Boolean socketTraceFlag is set to PKIX_TRUE. That is
- * the default value, but it can be overridden by using the debugger to
- * change its value -- allowing tracing to be turned on and off at various
- * breakpoints -- or by setting the environment variable SOCKETTRACE. A
- * value of 1 sets socketTraceFlag to PKIX_TRUE (tracing on), and any other
- * value sets socketTraceFlag to PKIX_FALSE (tracing off). The environment
- * value is checked during system initialization.
- */
-#ifndef BUILD_OPT
-#include "pkix_pl_socket.h"
-/* --Private-Socket-Functions---------------------------------- */
-static PKIX_Boolean socketTraceFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_socket_timestamp
- *
- *  This functions prints to stdout the time of day, as obtained from the
- *  system function gettimeofday, as seconds.microseconds. Its resolution
- *  is whatever the system call provides.
- *
- *  none
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static void pkix_pl_socket_timestamp() {
-        PRInt64 prTime;
-        prTime = PR_Now();
-/* We shouldn't use PR_ALTERNATE_INT64_TYPEDEF, but nor can we use PRId64 */
-        printf("%ld:\n", prTime);
-        printf("%lld:\n", prTime);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_socket_hexDigit
- *
- *  This functions prints to stdout the byte "byteVal" as two hex digits.
- *
- *  "byteVal"
- *      The value to be printed.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static void pkix_pl_socket_hexDigit(char byteVal) {
-        int n = 0;
-        char cHi = '\0';
-        char cLow = '\0';
-        n = ((byteVal >> 4) & 0xf);
-        if (n > 9) {
-                cHi = (char) ((n - 10) + 'A');
-        } else {
-                cHi = (char) (n + '0');
-        }
-        n = byteVal & 0xf;
-        if (n > 9) {
-                cLow = (char) ((n - 10) + 'A');
-        } else {
-                cLow = (char) (n + '0');
-        }
-        (void) printf("%c%c", cHi, cLow);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_socket_linePrefix
- *
- *  This functions prints to stdout the address provided by "addr" as four
- *  hexadecimal digits followed by a colon and a space.
- *
- *  "addr"
- *      The address to be printed
- *  none
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static void pkix_pl_socket_linePrefix(PKIX_UInt32 addr) {
-        pkix_pl_socket_hexDigit((char)((addr >> 8) & 0xff));
-        pkix_pl_socket_hexDigit((char)(addr & 0xff));
-        (void) printf(": ");
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_socket_traceLine
- *
- *  This functions prints to stdout the sixteen bytes beginning at the
- *  address pointed to by "ptr". The bytes are printed as sixteen pairs
- *  of hexadecimal characters followed by an ascii interpretation, in which
- *  characters from 0x20 to 0x7d are shown as their ascii equivalents, and
- *  other values are represented as periods.
- *
- *  "ptr"
- *      The address of the first of the bytes to be printed
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static void pkix_pl_socket_traceLine(char *ptr) {
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        pkix_pl_socket_linePrefix((PKIX_UInt32)((char *)ptr - (char *)NULL));
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-                printf(" ");
-                pkix_pl_socket_hexDigit(ptr[i]);
-                if (i == 7) {
-                        printf("  ");
-                }
-        }
-        printf("  ");
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-                if ((ptr[i] < ' ') || (ptr[i] > '}')) {
-                        printf(".");
-                } else {
-                        printf("%c", ptr[i]);
-                }
-        }
-        printf("\n");
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_socket_tracePartialLine
- *
- *  This functions prints to stdout the number of bytes given by "nBytes",
- *  beginning at the address pointed to by "ptr". The bytes are printed as
- *  pairs of hexadecimal characters followed by an ascii interpretation, in
- *  which characters from 0x20 to 0x7d are shown as their ascii equivalents,
- *  and other values are represented as periods.
- *
- *  "ptr"
- *      The address of the first of the bytes to be printed
- *  "nBytes"
- *      The Int32 value giving the number of bytes to be printed. If "nBytes"
- *      is greater than sixteen, the results will be unattractive.
- *  none
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static void pkix_pl_socket_tracePartialLine(char *ptr, PKIX_UInt32 nBytes) {
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        if (nBytes > 0) {
-                pkix_pl_socket_linePrefix((PKIX_UInt32)((char *)ptr - (char *)NULL));
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) {
-                printf(" ");
-                pkix_pl_socket_hexDigit(ptr[i]);
-                if (i == 7) {
-                        printf("  ");
-                }
-        }
-        for (i = nBytes; i < 16; i++) {
-                printf("   ");
-                if (i == 7) {
-                        printf("  ");
-                }
-        }
-        printf("  ");
-        for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) {
-                if ((ptr[i] < ' ') || (ptr[i] > '}')) {
-                        printf(".");
-                } else {
-                        printf("%c", ptr[i]);
-                }
-        }
-        printf("\n");
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_socket_tracebuff
- *
- *  This functions prints to stdout the number of bytes given by "nBytes",
- *  beginning with the byte pointed to by "buf". The output is preceded by
- *  a timestamp, and each group of sixteen (and a remainder, if any) is
- *  preceded by its address. The contents are shown in hexadecimal and as
- *  ascii characters. If "nBytes" is zero, the timestamp and starting
- *  address are displayed.
- *
- *  "buf"
- *      The starting address of the bytes to be printed
- *  "nBytes"
- *      The number of bytes to be printed
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-void pkix_pl_socket_tracebuff(void *buf, PKIX_UInt32 nBytes) {
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesRemaining = nBytes;
-        PKIX_UInt32 offset = 0;
-        char *bufptr = (char *)buf;
-        if (socketTraceFlag == PKIX_FALSE) return;
-        pkix_pl_socket_timestamp();
-        /*
-         * Special case: if called with length of zero, just do address
-         */
-        if (nBytes == 0) {
-                pkix_pl_socket_linePrefix((PKIX_UInt32)((char *)buf - (char *)NULL));
-                printf("\n");
-        } else {
-                while (bytesRemaining >= 16) {
-                        pkix_pl_socket_traceLine(&bufptr[offset]);
-                        bytesRemaining -= 16;
-                        offset += 16;
-                }
-                pkix_pl_socket_tracePartialLine
-                        (&bufptr[offset], bytesRemaining);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_SetNonBlocking
- *
- *  This functions sets the socket represented by the PRFileDesc "fileDesc"
- *  to nonblocking mode.
- *
- *  "fileDesc"
- *      The address of the PRFileDesc whose I/O mode is to be set
- *      non-blocking. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PRFileDesc *fileDesc,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        PRSocketOptionData sockOptionData;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_SetNonBlocking");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(fileDesc);
-        sockOptionData.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
-        sockOptionData.value.non_blocking = PR_TRUE;
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, fileDesc->methods->setsocketoption,
-                (fileDesc, &sockOptionData));
-        if (rv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_CreateClient
- *
- *  This functions creates a client socket for the PKIX_PL_Socket pointed to
- *  by "socket". If "socket" was created with a timeout value of zero, the
- *  client socket is set to use nonblocking I/O.
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      The address of the Socket for which a client socket is to be
- *      created. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRFileDesc *mySock = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_CreateClient");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(socket);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, mySock, PR_NewTCPSocket, ());
-        if (!mySock) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                printf
-                        ("pkix_pl_Socket_CreateClient: %s\n",
-                        PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-        }
-        printf("Created socket, PRFileDesc @  %#X\n", mySock);
-        socket->clientSock = mySock;
-        socket->status = SOCKET_UNCONNECTED;
-        if (socket->timeout == 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_SetNonBlocking(mySock, plContext),
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer
- *
- *  This functions creates a server socket for the PKIX_PL_Socket pointed to
- *  by "socket". If "socket" was created with a timeout value of zero, the
- *  server socket is set to use nonblocking I/O.
- *
- *  Warning: there seems to be a problem with operating a server socket in
- *  non-blocking mode. If the server calls Recv prior to a corresponding
- *  Send, the message may be lost.
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      The address of the Socket for which a server socket is to be
- *      created. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        void *plContext)
-/* #ifdef PKIX_SOCKETDEBUG */
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-/* #endif */
-        PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        PRFileDesc *serverSock = NULL;
-        PRSocketOptionData sockOptionData;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(socket);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, serverSock, PR_NewTCPSocket, ());
-        if (!serverSock) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                printf
-                        ("pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer: %s\n",
-                        PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-        }
-        socket->serverSock = serverSock;
-        printf("Created socket, PRFileDesc @  %#X\n", serverSock);
-        if (socket->timeout == 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_SetNonBlocking(serverSock, plContext),
-        }
-        sockOptionData.option = PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr;
-        sockOptionData.value.reuse_addr = PR_TRUE;
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, serverSock->methods->setsocketoption,
-                (serverSock, &sockOptionData));
-        if (rv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, PR_Bind, (serverSock, socket->netAddr));
-        if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-/* #ifdef PKIX_SOCKETDEBUG */
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                printf
-                        ("pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer: %s\n",
-                        PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-/* #endif */
-        }
-        printf("Successful bind!\n");
-        socket->status = SOCKET_BOUND;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Connect
- *
- *  This functions performs the connect function for the client socket
- *  specified in "socket", storing the status at "pStatus".
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      The address of the Socket for which a connect is to be performed.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      The address at which the connection status is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Connect");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(socket, socket->clientSock);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, PR_Connect,
-                (socket->clientSock, socket->netAddr, socket->timeout));
-        if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                *pStatus = errorcode;
-                if (errorcode == PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
-                        socket->status = SOCKET_CONNECTPENDING;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                } else {
-                        printf
-                                ("pkix_pl_Socket_Connect: %s\n",
-                                PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRCONNECTFAILED);
-                }
-        }
-        printf("Successful connect!\n");
-        *pStatus = 0;
-        socket->status = SOCKET_CONNECTED;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue
- *
- *  This functions continues the connect function for the client socket
- *  specified in "socket", storing the status at "pStatus". It is expected that
- *  the non-blocking connect has returned PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR.
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      The address of the Socket for which a connect is to be continued.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      The address at which the connection status is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRPollDesc pollDesc;
-        PRInt32 numEvents = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(socket, socket->clientSock);
-        pollDesc.fd = socket->clientSock;
-        pollDesc.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE | PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
-        pollDesc.out_flags = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, numEvents, PR_Poll, (&pollDesc, 1, 0));
-        if (numEvents < 0) {
-        }
-        if (numEvents == 0) {
-                *pStatus = PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, PR_ConnectContinue,
-                (socket->clientSock, pollDesc.out_flags));
-        /*
-         * PR_ConnectContinue sometimes lies. It returns PR_SUCCESS
-         * even though the connection is not yet ready. But its deceit
-         * is betrayed by the contents of out_flags!
-         */
-        if ((rv == PR_SUCCESS) && (pollDesc.out_flags == PR_POLL_ERR)) {
-                *pStatus = PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                *pStatus = errorcode;
-                if (errorcode == PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                } else {
-                        printf
-                                ("pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue: %s\n",
-                                PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-                }
-        }
-        printf("Successful connect!\n");
-        *pStatus = 0;
-        socket->status = SOCKET_CONNECTED;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANSOCKET);
-        socket = (PKIX_PL_Socket *)object;
-        if (socket->isServer) {
-                if (socket->serverSock) {
-                        PR_Close(socket->serverSock);
-                }
-        } else {
-                if (socket->clientSock) {
-                        PR_Close(socket->clientSock);
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE, plContext),
-                PKIX_OBJECTNOTSOCKET);
-        socket = (PKIX_PL_Socket *)object;
-        *pHashcode = (((socket->timeout << 3) +
-                 (socket->netAddr-> << 3)) +
-                 (*((PKIX_UInt32 *)&(socket->netAddr->inet.ip)))) +
-                 socket->netAddr->inet.port;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *firstSocket = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *secondSocket = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                (firstObject, secondObject, PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE, plContext),
-                PKIX_OBJECTNOTSOCKET);
-        firstSocket = (PKIX_PL_Socket *)firstObject;
-        secondSocket = (PKIX_PL_Socket *)secondObject;
-        if (firstSocket->timeout != secondSocket->timeout) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstSocket->netAddr == secondSocket->netAddr) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if ((firstSocket->netAddr-> !=
-                secondSocket->netAddr-> ||
-            (*((PKIX_UInt32 *)&(firstSocket->netAddr->inet.ip)) !=
-                *((PKIX_UInt32 *)&(secondSocket->netAddr->inet.ip))) ||
-            (firstSocket->netAddr->inet.port !=
-                secondSocket->netAddr->inet.port)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_PL_SOCKET_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Socket_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "Socket";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_Socket);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_Socket_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_Socket_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_Socket_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE] = entry;
-        {
-                char *val = NULL;
-                val = PR_GetEnvSecure("SOCKETTRACE");
-                /* Is SOCKETTRACE set in the environment? */
-                if ((val != NULL) && (*val != '\0')) {
-                        socketTraceFlag =
-                                ((*val == '1')?PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE);
-                }
-        }
-/* --Public-Socket-Functions----------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Listen
- *
- *  This functions establishes a listening queue for the server Socket
- *  pointed to by "socket".
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      The address of the server socket for which the queue is to be
- *      established. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "backlog"
- *      The UInt32 value of the length of the queue to be established.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PKIX_UInt32 backlog,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Listen");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(socket, socket->serverSock);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, PR_Listen,
-                (socket->serverSock, (PRIntn)backlog));
-        if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                printf
-                        ("pkix_pl_Socket_Listen: %s\n",
-                        PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-        }
-        printf("Successful listen!\n");
-        socket->status = SOCKET_LISTENING;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown
- *
- *  This functions performs the shutdown of any connections controlled by the
- *  socket pointed to by "socket".
- *
- *  "socket"
- *      The address of the socket to be shut down. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRStatus rv = PR_FAILURE;
-        PRFileDesc *fileDesc = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(socket);
-        fileDesc =
-                (socket->isServer)?(socket->serverSock):(socket->clientSock);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rv, PR_Shutdown,
-                (fileDesc, PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH));
-        if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                printf
-                        ("pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown: %s\n",
-                        PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-        }
-        socket->status = SOCKET_SHUTDOWN;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Send
- *
- *  This functions sends a message using the socket pointed to by "sendSock",
- *  from the buffer pointed to by "buf", of the number of bytes given by
- *  "bytesToWrite", storing the number of bytes actually written at
- *  "pBytesWritten". If "socket" is in non-blocking mode, the send operation
- *  may store -1 at "pBytesWritten" and the write is not complete until a
- *  corresponding pkix_pl_Poll call has indicated its completion by returning
- *  a non-negative value for bytes written.
- *
- *  "sendSock"
- *      The address of the Socket on which the message is to be sent. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "buf"
- *      The address of the data to be sent. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "bytesToWrite""
- *      The UInt32 value indicating the number of bytes to write.
- *  "pBytesWritten"
- *      The address at which the Int32 value indicating the number of bytes
- *      actually written is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *sendSock,
-        void *buf,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesToWrite,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesWritten,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRInt32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Send");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(buf, pBytesWritten);
-        fd = sendSock->clientSock;
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, bytesWritten, PR_Send,
-                (fd, buf, (PRInt32)bytesToWrite, 0, sendSock->timeout));
-        if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                if (sendSock->status == SOCKET_SENDRCVPENDING) {
-                        sendSock->status = SOCKET_RCVPENDING;
-                } else {
-                        sendSock->status = SOCKET_CONNECTED;
-                }
-                pkix_pl_socket_tracebuff(buf, bytesWritten);
-        } else {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                if (errorcode != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
-                        printf
-                                ("pkix_pl_Socket_Send: %s\n",
-                                PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSENDFAILED);
-                }
-                sendSock->writeBuf = buf;
-                sendSock->writeBufSize = bytesToWrite;
-                if (sendSock->status == SOCKET_RCVPENDING) {
-                        sendSock->status = SOCKET_SENDRCVPENDING;
-                } else {
-                        sendSock->status = SOCKET_SENDPENDING;
-                }
-        }
-        *pBytesWritten = (PKIX_Int32)bytesWritten;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Recv
- *
- *  This functions receives a message on the socket pointed to by "rcvSock",
- *  into the buffer pointed to by "buf", of capacity given by "capacity",
- *  storing the number of bytes actually received at "pBytesRead". If "socket"
- *  is in non-blocking mode, the receive operation may store -1 at
- *  "pBytesWritten". In that case the write is not complete until a
- *  corresponding pkix_pl_Poll call has indicated its completion by returning
- *  a non-negative value for bytes read.
- *
- *  "rcvSock"
- *      The address of the Socket on which the message is to be received.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "buf"
- *      The address of the buffer into which the message is to be received.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "capacity"
- *      The UInt32 value of the size of the buffer; that is, the maximum
- *      number of bytes that can be received.
- *  "pBytesRead"
- *      The address at which is stored the Int32 value of the number of bytes
- *      actually received.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *rcvSock,
-        void *buf,
-        PKIX_UInt32 capacity,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesRead,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRInt32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PRFileDesc *fd = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Recv");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(rcvSock, buf, pBytesRead);
-        fd = rcvSock->clientSock;
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, bytesRead, PR_Recv,
-                (fd, buf, (PRInt32)capacity, 0, rcvSock->timeout));
-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
-                if (rcvSock->status == SOCKET_SENDRCVPENDING) {
-                        rcvSock->status = SOCKET_SENDPENDING;
-                } else {
-                        rcvSock->status = SOCKET_CONNECTED;
-                }
-                pkix_pl_socket_tracebuff(buf, bytesRead);
-        } else if (bytesRead == 0) {
-        } else {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                if (errorcode != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
-                        printf
-                                ("pkix_pl_Socket_Recv: %s\n",
-                                PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRRECVFAILED);
-                }
-                rcvSock->readBuf = buf;
-                rcvSock->readBufSize = capacity;
-                if (rcvSock->status == SOCKET_SENDPENDING) {
-                        rcvSock->status = SOCKET_SENDRCVPENDING;
-                } else {
-                        rcvSock->status = SOCKET_RCVPENDING;
-                }
-        }
-        *pBytesRead = (PKIX_Int32)bytesRead;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Poll
- *
- *  This functions checks for completion of an earlier Send or Recv on the
- *  socket pointed to by "sock", storing in "pBytesWritten" the number of bytes
- *  written by a completed Send and in "pBytesRead" the number of bytes
- *  received in a completed Recv. A value of -1 returned indicates the
- *  operation has still not completed. A NULL pointer may be supplied for
- *  "pBytesWritten" to avoid checking for completion of a Send. A NULL pointer
- *  may be supplied for "pBytesRead" to avoid checking for completion of a Recv.
- *
- *  "sock"
- *      The address of the socket for which completions are to be checked.
- *  "pBytesWritten"
- *      The address at which the number of bytes written is to be stored, if
- *      a pending Send has completed. If NULL, Sends are not checked.
- *  "pBytesRead"
- *      The address at which the number of bytes read is to be stored, if
- *      a pending Recv has completed. If NULL, Recvs are not checked.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *sock,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesWritten,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesRead,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRPollDesc pollDesc;
-        PRInt32 numEvents = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesRead = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 bytesWritten = 0;
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Poll");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(sock);
-        pollDesc.fd = sock->clientSock;
-        pollDesc.in_flags = 0;
-        pollDesc.out_flags = 0;
-        if ((pBytesWritten) &&
-            ((sock->status == SOCKET_SENDPENDING) ||
-            (sock->status == SOCKET_SENDRCVPENDING))) {
-                pollDesc.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE;
-        }
-        if ((pBytesRead) &&
-            ((sock->status == SOCKET_RCVPENDING) ||
-            (sock->status == SOCKET_SENDRCVPENDING))) {
-                pollDesc.in_flags |= PR_POLL_READ;
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, numEvents, PR_Poll, (&pollDesc, 1, 0));
-        if (numEvents < 0) {
-        } else if (numEvents > 0) {
-                if (pollDesc.out_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_Send
-                                (sock,
-                                sock->writeBuf,
-                                sock->writeBufSize,
-                                &bytesWritten,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_SOCKETSENDFAILED);
-                        *pBytesWritten = (PKIX_Int32)bytesWritten;
-                        if (bytesWritten >= 0) {
-                                sock->writeBuf = NULL;
-                                sock->writeBufSize = 0;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (pollDesc.out_flags & PR_POLL_READ) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_Recv
-                                (sock,
-                                sock->readBuf,
-                                sock->readBufSize,
-                                &bytesRead,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_SOCKETRECVFAILED);
-                        *pBytesRead = (PKIX_Int32)bytesRead;
-                        if (bytesRead >= 0) {
-                                sock->readBuf = NULL;
-                                sock->readBufSize = 0;
-                        }
-                }
-        } else if (numEvents == 0) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                if (errorcode != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
-                        printf
-                                ("pkix_pl_Socket_Poll: %s\n",
-                                PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRPOLLFAILED);
-                }
-                if (pBytesWritten) {
-                        *pBytesWritten = 0;
-                }
-                if (pBytesRead) {
-                        *pBytesRead = 0;
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Accept
- *
- *  This functions accepts a client connection for the server Socket pointed
- *  to by "serverSocket", creating a new Socket and storing the result at
- *  "pRendezvousSocket". If "serverSocket" is in non-blocking mode, this
- *  function will return NULL if there is no client connection to accept.
- *  Otherwise this function will block until a connection is available.
- *  When a client connection is available the new Socket will have the same
- *  blocking/non-blocking property as "serverSocket".
- *
- *   "serverSocket"
- *      The address of the Socket for which a client connection is to be
- *      accepted. Must be non-NULL.
- *   "pRendezvousSocket"
- *      The address at which the created Socket is stored, when a client
- *      connection is available, or at which NULL is stored, if no connection
- *      is available for a non-blocking "serverSocket". Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  none
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *serverSocket,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pRendezvousSocket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRErrorCode errorcode = 0;
-        PRFileDesc *rendezvousSock = NULL;
-        PRNetAddr *clientAddr = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *newSocket = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Accept");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(serverSocket, pRendezvousSocket);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(SOCKET, rendezvousSock, PR_Accept,
-                (serverSocket->serverSock, clientAddr, serverSocket->timeout));
-        if (!rendezvousSock) {
-                errorcode = PR_GetError();
-                if (errorcode != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
-                        printf
-                                ("pkix_pl_Socket_Accept: %s\n",
-                                PR_ErrorToString(errorcode, PR_LANGUAGE_EN));
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRACCEPTFAILED);
-                }
-                serverSocket->status = SOCKET_ACCEPTPENDING;
-                *pRendezvousSocket = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        printf("Successful accept!\n");
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Socket),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&newSocket,
-                    plContext),
-        newSocket->isServer = PKIX_FALSE;
-        newSocket->timeout = serverSocket->timeout;
-        newSocket->clientSock = rendezvousSock;
-        newSocket->serverSock = NULL;
-        newSocket->netAddr = NULL;
-        newSocket->status = SOCKET_CONNECTED;
-        newSocket->callbackList.shutdownCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown;
-        newSocket->callbackList.listenCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Listen;
-        newSocket->callbackList.acceptCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Accept;
-        newSocket->callbackList.connectcontinueCallback =
-                pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue;
-        newSocket->callbackList.sendCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Send;
-        newSocket->callbackList.recvCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Recv;
-        newSocket->callbackList.pollCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Poll;
-        if (serverSocket->timeout == 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_SetNonBlocking
-                        (rendezvousSock, plContext),
-        }
-        *pRendezvousSocket = newSocket;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_Create
- *
- *  This function creates a new Socket, setting it to be a server or a client
- *  according to the value of "isServer", setting its timeout value from
- *  "timeout" and server address from "netAddr", and stores the created Socket
- *  at "pSocket".
- *
- *  "isServer"
- *      The Boolean value indicating if PKIX_TRUE, that a server socket (using
- *      Bind, Listen, and Accept) is to be created, or if PKIX_FALSE, that a
- *      client socket (using Connect) is to be created.
- *  "timeout"
- *      A PRTimeInterval value to be used for I/O waits for this socket. If
- *      zero, non-blocking I/O is to be used.
- *  "netAddr"
- *      The PRNetAddr to be used for the Bind function, if this is a server
- *      socket, or for the Connect, if this is a client socket.
- *  "pSocket"
- *      The address at which the Socket is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Socket Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        PRNetAddr *netAddr,
-        PRErrorCode *status,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pSocket);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Socket),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&socket,
-                    plContext),
-        socket->isServer = isServer;
-        socket->timeout = timeout;
-        socket->clientSock = NULL;
-        socket->serverSock = NULL;
-        socket->netAddr = netAddr;
-        socket->callbackList.listenCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Listen;
-        socket->callbackList.acceptCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Accept;
-        socket->callbackList.connectcontinueCallback =
-                 pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue;
-        socket->callbackList.sendCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Send;
-        socket->callbackList.recvCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Recv;
-        socket->callbackList.pollCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Poll;
-        socket->callbackList.shutdownCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown;
-        if (isServer) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer(socket, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCREATESERVERFAILED);
-                *status = 0;
-        } else {
-                socket->timeout = timeout;
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateClient(socket, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCREATECLIENTFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_Connect(socket, status, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCONNECTFAILED);
-        }
-        *pSocket = socket;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(socket);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_CreateByName
- *
- *  This function creates a new Socket, setting it to be a server or a client
- *  according to the value of "isServer", setting its timeout value from
- *  "timeout" and server address and port number from "serverName", and stores
- *  the status at "pStatus" and the created Socket at "pSocket".
- *
- *  If isServer is PKIX_TRUE, it is attempted to create the socket with an ip
- *  address of PR_INADDR_ANY.
- *
- *  "isServer"
- *      The Boolean value indicating if PKIX_TRUE, that a server socket (using
- *      Bind, Listen, and Accept) is to be created, or if PKIX_FALSE, that a
- *      client socket (using Connect) is to be created.
- *  "timeout"
- *      A PRTimeInterval value to be used for I/O waits for this socket. If
- *      zero, non-blocking I/O is to be used.
- *  "serverName"
- *      Address of a character string consisting of the server's domain name
- *      followed by a colon and a port number for the desired socket.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      Address at which the PRErrorCode resulting from the create is
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSocket"
- *      The address at which the Socket is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Socket Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *serverName,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRNetAddr netAddr;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        char *sepPtr = NULL;
-        PRHostEnt hostent;
-        PRIntn hostenum;
-        PRStatus prstatus = PR_FAILURE;
-        char buf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
-        PRUint16 portNum = 0;
-        char *localCopyName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_CreateByName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(serverName, pSocket);
-        localCopyName = PL_strdup(serverName);
-        sepPtr = strchr(localCopyName, ':');
-        /* First strip off the portnum, if present, from the end of the name */
-        if (sepPtr) {
-                *sepPtr++ = '\0';
-                 portNum = (PRUint16)atoi(sepPtr);
-        } else {
-                 portNum = (PRUint16)LDAP_PORT;
-        }
-        prstatus = PR_GetHostByName(localCopyName, buf, sizeof(buf), &hostent);
-        if ((prstatus != PR_SUCCESS) || (hostent.h_length != 4)) {
-                /*
-                 * The hostname may be a fully-qualified name. Try using just
-                 * the leftmost component in our lookup.
-                 */
-                sepPtr = strchr(localCopyName, '.');
-                if (sepPtr) {
-                        *sepPtr++ = '\0';
-                }
-                prstatus = PR_GetHostByName
-                        (localCopyName, buf, sizeof(buf), &hostent);
-                if ((prstatus != PR_SUCCESS) || (hostent.h_length != 4)) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR
-                }
-        }
-        netAddr.inet.port = PR_htons(portNum);
-        if (isServer) {
-                netAddr.inet.ip = PR_INADDR_ANY;
-        } else {
-                hostenum = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(0, &hostent, portNum, &netAddr);
-                if (hostenum == -1) {
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_Socket),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&socket,
-                plContext),
-        socket->isServer = isServer;
-        socket->timeout = timeout;
-        socket->clientSock = NULL;
-        socket->serverSock = NULL;
-        socket->netAddr = &netAddr;
-        socket->callbackList.listenCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Listen;
-        socket->callbackList.acceptCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Accept;
-        socket->callbackList.connectcontinueCallback =
-                 pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue;
-        socket->callbackList.sendCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Send;
-        socket->callbackList.recvCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Recv;
-        socket->callbackList.pollCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Poll;
-        socket->callbackList.shutdownCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown;
-        if (isServer) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer(socket, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCREATESERVERFAILED);
-                *pStatus = 0;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateClient(socket, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCREATECLIENTFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_Connect(socket, pStatus, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCONNECTFAILED);
-        }
-        *pSocket = socket;
-        PL_strfree(localCopyName);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(socket);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_CreateByHostAndPort
- *
- *  This function creates a new Socket, setting it to be a server or a client
- *  according to the value of "isServer", setting its timeout value from
- *  "timeout", host from "hostname", and port number from "portNum", and stores
- *  the status at "pStatus" and the created Socket at "pSocket".
- *
- *  If isServer is PKIX_TRUE, it is attempted to create the socket with an ip
- *  address of PR_INADDR_ANY.
- *
- *  "isServer"
- *      The Boolean value indicating if PKIX_TRUE, that a server socket (using
- *      Bind, Listen, and Accept) is to be created, or if PKIX_FALSE, that a
- *      client socket (using Connect) is to be created.
- *  "timeout"
- *      A PRTimeInterval value to be used for I/O waits for this socket. If
- *      zero, non-blocking I/O is to be used.
- *  "hostname"
- *      Address of a character string consisting of the server's domain name.
- *  "portNum"
- *      UInt16 value of the port number for the desired socket.
- *  "pStatus"
- *      Address at which the PRErrorCode resulting from the create is
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSocket"
- *      The address at which the Socket is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Socket Error if the function fails in
- *      a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *hostname,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRNetAddr netAddr;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket = NULL;
-        char *sepPtr = NULL;
-        PRHostEnt hostent;
-        PRIntn hostenum;
-        PRStatus prstatus = PR_FAILURE;
-        char buf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_CreateByHostAndPort");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(hostname, pStatus, pSocket);
-        prstatus = PR_GetHostByName(hostname, buf, sizeof(buf), &hostent);
-        if ((prstatus != PR_SUCCESS) || (hostent.h_length != 4)) {
-                /*
-                 * The hostname may be a fully-qualified name. Try using just
-                 * the leftmost component in our lookup.
-                 */
-                sepPtr = strchr(hostname, '.');
-                if (sepPtr) {
-                        *sepPtr++ = '\0';
-                }
-                prstatus = PR_GetHostByName(hostname, buf, sizeof(buf), &hostent);
-                if ((prstatus != PR_SUCCESS) || (hostent.h_length != 4)) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR
-                }
-        }
-        netAddr.inet.port = PR_htons(portnum);
-        if (isServer) {
-                netAddr.inet.ip = PR_INADDR_ANY;
-        } else {
-                hostenum = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(0, &hostent, portnum, &netAddr);
-                if (hostenum == -1) {
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_SOCKET_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_Socket),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&socket,
-                plContext),
-        socket->isServer = isServer;
-        socket->timeout = timeout;
-        socket->clientSock = NULL;
-        socket->serverSock = NULL;
-        socket->netAddr = &netAddr;
-        socket->callbackList.listenCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Listen;
-        socket->callbackList.acceptCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Accept;
-        socket->callbackList.connectcontinueCallback =
-                 pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue;
-        socket->callbackList.sendCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Send;
-        socket->callbackList.recvCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Recv;
-        socket->callbackList.pollCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Poll;
-        socket->callbackList.shutdownCallback = pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown;
-        if (isServer) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateServer(socket, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCREATESERVERFAILED);
-                *pStatus = 0;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_CreateClient(socket, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCREATECLIENTFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Socket_Connect(socket, pStatus, plContext),
-                        PKIX_SOCKETCONNECTFAILED);
-        }
-        *pSocket = socket;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(socket);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_GetCallbackList
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback **pCallbackList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_GetCallbackList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(socket, pCallbackList);
-        *pCallbackList = &(socket->callbackList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Socket_GetPRFileDesc
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PRFileDesc **pDesc,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(SOCKET, "pkix_pl_Socket_GetPRFileDesc");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(socket, pDesc);
-        *pDesc = socket->clientSock;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index abf6628..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_socket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_socket.h
- *
- * Socket Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_SOCKET_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_SOCKET_H
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef enum {
-        SOCKET_BOUND,
-} SockStatus;
-/* This is the default port number, if none is supplied to CreateByName. */
-#define LDAP_PORT 389
- * These callbacks allow a user to substitute a counterfeit socket in places
- * where a PKIX_PL_Socket is expected. A conforming usage will use the
- * ListenCallback function instead of Listen, AcceptCallback instead of Accept,
- * etc. The counterfeit socket may have special capabilites such as the
- * ability to do proxy authentication, etc.
- */
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PKIX_UInt32 backlog,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pRendezvousSock,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *sendSock,
-        void *buf,
-        PKIX_UInt32 bytesToWrite,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesWritten,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *rcvSock,
-        void *buf,
-        PKIX_UInt32 capacity,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesRead,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *sock,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesWritten,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pBytesRead,
-        void *plContext);
-typedef PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket, void *plContext);
-typedef struct PKIX_PL_Socket_CallbackStruct {
-        pkix_pl_Socket_ListenCallback listenCallback;
-        pkix_pl_Socket_AcceptCallback acceptCallback;
-        pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinueCallback connectcontinueCallback;
-        pkix_pl_Socket_SendCallback sendCallback;
-        pkix_pl_Socket_RecvCallback recvCallback;
-        pkix_pl_Socket_PollCallback pollCallback;
-        pkix_pl_Socket_ShutdownCallback shutdownCallback;
-} PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback;
-struct PKIX_PL_SocketStruct {
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer;
-        PRIntervalTime timeout; /* zero for non-blocking I/O */
-        SockStatus status;
-        PRFileDesc *clientSock;
-        PRFileDesc *serverSock;
-        void *readBuf;
-        void *writeBuf;
-        PKIX_UInt32 readBufSize;
-        PKIX_UInt32 writeBufSize;
-        PRNetAddr *netAddr;
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback callbackList;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_Socket_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout, /* zero for non-blocking I/O */
-        PRNetAddr *netAddr,
-        PRErrorCode *status,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *serverName,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isServer,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *hostname,
-        PRUint16 portnum,
-        PRErrorCode *pStatus,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket **pSocket,
-        void *plContext);
-/* Do not use these functions directly; use their callback variants instead
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_Listen(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
- *              PKIX_UInt32 backlog,
- *              void *plContext);
- *      
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_Accept(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket **pRendezvousSock,
- *              void *plContext);
- *      
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_ConnectContinue(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
- *              PRErrorCode *pStatus,
- *              void *plContext);
- *      
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_Send(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *sendSock,
- *              void *buf,
- *              PKIX_UInt32 bytesToWrite,
- *              PKIX_Int32 *pBytesWritten,
- *              void *plContext);
- *      
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_Recv(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *rcvSock,
- *              void *buf,
- *              PKIX_UInt32 capacity,
- *              PKIX_Int32 *pBytesRead,
- *              void *plContext);
- *      
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_Poll(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *sock,
- *              PKIX_Int32 *pBytesWritten,
- *              PKIX_Int32 *pBytesRead,
- *              void *plContext);
- *      
- *      static PKIX_Error *
- *      pkix_pl_Socket_Shutdown(
- *              PKIX_PL_Socket *socket, void *plContext);
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PKIX_PL_Socket_Callback **pCallbackList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Socket *socket,
-        PRFileDesc **pDesc,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_SOCKET_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 81615da..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_basicconstraints.c
- *
- * BasicConstraints Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h"
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CertBasicConstraints object whose CA Flag has the value
- *  given by the Boolean value of "isCA" and whose path length field has the
- *  value given by the "pathLen" argument and stores it at "pObject".
- *
- *  "isCA"
- *      Boolean value with the desired value of CA Flag.
- *  "pathLen"
- *      a PKIX_Int32 with the desired value of path length
- *  "pObject"
- *      Address of object pointer's destination. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertBasicConstraints Error if the function fails
- *  in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA,
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLen,
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints **pObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basic = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&basic,
-                    plContext),
-        basic->isCA = isCA;
-        /* pathLen has meaning only for CAs, but it's not worth checking */
-        basic->pathLen = pathLen;
-        *pObject = basic;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *certB = NULL;
-                "pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        certB = (PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints*)object;
-        certB->isCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        certB->pathLen = 0;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *certBasicConstraintsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *certB = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLen = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_String *outString = NULL;
-        char *fmtString = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean pathlenArg = PKIX_FALSE;
-                "pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        certB = (PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *)object;
-        /*
-         * if CA == TRUE
-         *      if pathLen == CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT
-         *              print "CA(-1)"
-         *      else print "CA(nnn)"
-         * if CA == FALSE, print "~CA"
-         */
-        isCA = certB->isCA;
-        if (isCA) {
-                pathLen = certB->pathLen;
-                if (pathLen == CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT) {
-                        /* print "CA(-1)" */
-                        fmtString = "CA(-1)";
-                        pathlenArg = PKIX_FALSE;
-                } else {
-                        /* print "CA(pathLen)" */
-                        fmtString = "CA(%d)";
-                        pathlenArg = PKIX_TRUE;
-                }
-        } else {
-                /* print "~CA" */
-                fmtString = "~CA";
-                pathlenArg = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    fmtString,
-                    0,
-                    &certBasicConstraintsString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        if (pathlenArg) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (&outString,
-                            plContext,
-                            certBasicConstraintsString,
-                            pathLen),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (&outString,
-                            plContext,
-                            certBasicConstraintsString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        }
-        *pString = outString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certBasicConstraintsString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *certB = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLen = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 hashInput = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 cbcHash = 0;
-                "pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        certB = (PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *)object;
-        /*
-         * if CA == TRUE
-         *      hash(pathLen + 1 - PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT)
-         * if CA == FALSE, hash(0)
-         */
-        isCA = certB->isCA;
-        if (isCA) {
-                pathLen = certB->pathLen;
-                hashInput = pathLen + 1 - PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    ((const unsigned char *)&hashInput,
-                    sizeof (hashInput),
-                    &cbcHash,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        *pHashcode = cbcHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *firstCBC = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *secondCBC = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean firstIsCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean secondIsCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Int32 firstPathLen = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 secondPathLen = 0;
-                "pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CertBasicConstraints */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (firstObject, PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CertBasicConstraints,
-         * if both references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a CertBasicConstraints, we
-         * don't throw an error. We simply return FALSE.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstCBC = (PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *)firstObject;
-        secondCBC = (PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Compare the value of the CAFlag components
-         */
-        firstIsCA = firstCBC->isCA;
-        /*
-         * Failure here would be an error, not merely a miscompare,
-         * since we know second is a CertBasicConstraints.
-         */
-        secondIsCA = secondCBC->isCA;
-        /*
-         * If isCA flags differ, the objects are not equal.
-         */
-        if (secondIsCA != firstIsCA) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If isCA was FALSE, the objects are equal, because
-         * pathLen is meaningless in that case.
-         */
-        if (!firstIsCA) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstPathLen = firstCBC->pathLen;
-        secondPathLen = secondCBC->pathLen;
-        *pResult = (secondPathLen == firstPathLen);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize,
- *  which should only be called once, it is acceptable that
- *  this function is not thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                "pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertBasicConstraints";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTBASICCONSTRAINTS_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetCAFlag
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_PL_BasicConstraintsGetCAFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(basicConstraints, pResult);
-        *pResult = basicConstraints->isCA;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetPathLenConstraint
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pPathLenConstraint,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_PL_BasicConstraintsGetPathLenConstraint");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(basicConstraints, pPathLenConstraint);
-        *pPathLenConstraint = basicConstraints->pathLen;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 857529c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h
- *
- * BasicConstraints Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* This structure reflects the contents of the basic constraints
- * extension as described in Section of RFC 3280.
- * The cA flag indicates whether the public key in this certificate
- * belongs to a certification authority. The pathLen constraint
- * gives the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates
- * that may follow this certificate in a valid certification path.
- */
-struct PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraintsStruct {
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA;
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLen;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA,
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLen,
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints **object,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fa8f185..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3714 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_cert.c
- *
- * Certificate Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_cert.h"
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCertSigTable;
-/* --Private-Cert-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_IsExtensionCritical
- *
- *  Checks the Cert specified by "cert" to determine whether the extension
- *  whose tag is the UInt32 value given by "tag" is marked as a critical
- *  extension, and stores the result in "pCritical".
- *
- *  Tags are the index into the table "oids" of SECOidData defined in the
- *  file secoid.c. Constants, such as SEC_OID_X509_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES, are
- *  are defined in secoidt.h for most of the table entries.
- *
- *  If the specified tag is invalid (not in the list of tags) or if the
- *  extension is not found in the certificate, PKIX_FALSE is stored.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose extensions are to be examined. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "tag"
- *      The UInt32 value of the tag for the extension whose criticality is
- *      to be determined
- *  "pCritical"
- *      Address where the Boolean value will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 tag,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCritical,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean criticality = PKIX_FALSE;
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_IsExtensionCritical");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pCritical);
-        extensions = cert->nssCert->extensions;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(extensions);
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_GetExtenCriticality).\n");
-        rv = CERT_GetExtenCriticality(extensions, tag, &criticality);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv) {
-                *pCritical = criticality;
-        } else {
-                *pCritical = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyInfo
- *
- *  Decodes the contents of the CertificatePolicy extension in the
- *  CERTCertificate pointed to by "nssCert", to create a List of
- *  CertPolicyInfos, which is stored at the address "pCertPolicyInfos".
- *  A CERTCertificate contains the DER representation of the Cert.
- *  If this certificate does not have a CertificatePolicy extension,
- *  NULL will be stored. If a List is returned, it will be immutable.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      Address of the Cert data whose extension is to be examined. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pCertPolicyInfos"
- *      Address where the List of CertPolicyInfos will be stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_List **pCertPolicyInfos,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv;
-        SECItem encodedCertPolicyInfo;
-        /* Allocated in the arena; freed in CERT_Destroy... */
-        CERTCertificatePolicies *certPol = NULL;
-        CERTPolicyInfo **policyInfos = NULL;
-        /* Holder for the return value */
-        PKIX_List *infos = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pkixOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *qualifiers = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *certPolicyInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *certPolicyQualifier = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *qualifierArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyInfo");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssCert, pCertPolicyInfos);
-        /* get PolicyInfo as a SECItem */
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCERT_FindCertExtension).\n");
-        rv = CERT_FindCertExtension
-                (nssCert,
-                &encodedCertPolicyInfo);
-        if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                *pCertPolicyInfos = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* translate PolicyInfo to CERTCertificatePolicies */
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension).\n");
-        certPol = CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension
-                (&encodedCertPolicyInfo);
-        PORT_Free(;
-        if (NULL == certPol) {
-        }
-        /*
-         * Check whether there are any policyInfos, so we can
-         * avoid creating an unnecessary List
-         */
-        policyInfos = certPol->policyInfos;
-        if (!policyInfos) {
-                *pCertPolicyInfos = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* create a List of CertPolicyInfo Objects */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&infos, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /*
-         * Traverse the CERTCertificatePolicies structure,
-         * building each PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo object in turn
-         */
-        while (*policyInfos != NULL) {
-                CERTPolicyInfo *policyInfo = *policyInfos;
-                CERTPolicyQualifier **policyQualifiers =
-                                          policyInfo->policyQualifiers;
-                if (policyQualifiers) {
-                        /* create a PKIX_List of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifiers */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&qualifiers, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        while (*policyQualifiers != NULL) {
-                            CERTPolicyQualifier *policyQualifier =
-                                                         *policyQualifiers;
-                            /* create the qualifier's OID object */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                                (&policyQualifier->qualifierID,
-                                 &pkixOID, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                            /* create qualifier's ByteArray object */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create
-                                (policyQualifier->,
-                                policyQualifier->qualifierValue.len,
-                                &qualifierArray,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_BYTEARRAYCREATEFAILED);
-                            /* create a CertPolicyQualifier object */
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Create
-                                (pkixOID,
-                                qualifierArray,
-                                &certPolicyQualifier,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIERCREATEFAILED);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (qualifiers,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)certPolicyQualifier,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(qualifierArray);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyQualifier);
-                            policyQualifiers++;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                (qualifiers, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                }
-                /*
-                 * Create an OID object pkixOID from policyInfo->policyID.
-                 * (The CERTPolicyInfo structure has an oid field, but it
-                 * is of type SECOidTag. This function wants a SECItem.)
-                 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                        (&policyInfo->policyID, &pkixOID, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                /* Create a CertPolicyInfo object */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Create
-                        (pkixOID, qualifiers, &certPolicyInfo, plContext),
-                /* Append the new CertPolicyInfo object to the list */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (infos, (PKIX_PL_Object *)certPolicyInfo, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-                PKIX_DECREF(qualifiers);
-                PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyInfo);
-                policyInfos++;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If there were no policies, we went straight to
-         * cleanup, so we don't have to NULLCHECK infos.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(infos, plContext),
-        *pCertPolicyInfos = infos;
-        infos = NULL;
-        if (certPol) {
-            PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                ("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension).\n");
-            CERT_DestroyCertificatePoliciesExtension(certPol);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(infos);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(qualifiers);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyInfo);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyQualifier);
-        PKIX_DECREF(qualifierArray);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyMapping
- *
- *  Decodes the contents of the PolicyMapping extension of the CERTCertificate
- *  pointed to by "nssCert", storing the resulting List of CertPolicyMaps at
- *  the address pointed to by "pCertPolicyMaps". If this certificate does not
- *  have a PolicyMapping extension, NULL will be stored. If a List is returned,
- *  it will be immutable.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      Address of the Cert data whose extension is to be examined. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pCertPolicyMaps"
- *      Address where the List of CertPolicyMaps will be stored. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_List **pCertPolicyMaps,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv;
-        SECItem encodedCertPolicyMaps;
-        /* Allocated in the arena; freed in CERT_Destroy... */
-        CERTCertificatePolicyMappings *certPolMaps = NULL;
-        CERTPolicyMap **policyMaps = NULL;
-        /* Holder for the return value */
-        PKIX_List *maps = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjectDomainOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *certPolicyMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyMapping");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssCert, pCertPolicyMaps);
-        /* get PolicyMappings as a SECItem */
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCERT_FindCertExtension).\n");
-        rv = CERT_FindCertExtension
-                (nssCert, SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_MAPPINGS, &encodedCertPolicyMaps);
-        if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-                *pCertPolicyMaps = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* translate PolicyMaps to CERTCertificatePolicyMappings */
-        certPolMaps = CERT_DecodePolicyMappingsExtension
-                (&encodedCertPolicyMaps);
-        PORT_Free(;
-        if (!certPolMaps) {
-        }
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(certPolMaps->policyMaps);
-        policyMaps = certPolMaps->policyMaps;
-        /* create a List of CertPolicyMap Objects */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&maps, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        /*
-         * Traverse the CERTCertificatePolicyMappings structure,
-         * building each CertPolicyMap object in turn
-         */
-        do {
-                CERTPolicyMap *policyMap = *policyMaps;
-                /* create the OID for the issuer Domain Policy */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                        (&policyMap->issuerDomainPolicy,
-                         &issuerDomainOID, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                /* create the OID for the subject Domain Policy */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                        (&policyMap->subjectDomainPolicy,
-                         &subjectDomainOID, plContext),
-                        PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                /* create the CertPolicyMap */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Create
-                        (issuerDomainOID,
-                        subjectDomainOID,
-                        &certPolicyMap,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                        (maps, (PKIX_PL_Object *)certPolicyMap, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainOID);
-                PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainOID);
-                PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyMap);
-                policyMaps++;
-        } while (*policyMaps != NULL);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(maps, plContext),
-        *pCertPolicyMaps = maps;
-        maps = NULL;
-        if (certPolMaps) {
-            PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                ("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyPolicyMappingsExtension).\n");
-            CERT_DestroyPolicyMappingsExtension(certPolMaps);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(maps);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerDomainOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectDomainOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyMap);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyConstraints
- *
- *  Decodes the contents of the PolicyConstraints extension in the
- *  CERTCertificate pointed to by "nssCert", to obtain SkipCerts values
- *  which are stored at the addresses "pExplicitPolicySkipCerts" and
- *  "pInhibitMappingSkipCerts", respectively. If this certificate does
- *  not have an PolicyConstraints extension, or if either of the optional
- *  components is not supplied, this function stores a value of -1 for any
- *  missing component.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      Address of the Cert data whose extension is to be examined. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pExplicitPolicySkipCerts"
- *      Address where the SkipCert value for the requireExplicitPolicy
- *      component will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pInhibitMappingSkipCerts"
- *      Address where the SkipCert value for the inhibitPolicyMapping
- *      component will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pExplicitPolicySkipCerts,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pInhibitMappingSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints policyConstraints;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        SECItem encodedCertPolicyConstraints;
-        PKIX_Int32 explicitPolicySkipCerts = -1;
-        PKIX_Int32 inhibitMappingSkipCerts = -1;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyConstraints");
-                (nssCert, pExplicitPolicySkipCerts, pInhibitMappingSkipCerts);
-        /* get the two skipCert values as SECItems */
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_FindCertExtension).\n");
-        rv = CERT_FindCertExtension
-                (nssCert,
-                SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS,
-                &encodedCertPolicyConstraints);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-       =
-                        (unsigned char *)&explicitPolicySkipCerts;
-       =
-                        (unsigned char *)&inhibitMappingSkipCerts;
-                /* translate DER to CERTCertificatePolicyConstraints */
-                rv = CERT_DecodePolicyConstraintsExtension
-                        (&policyConstraints, &encodedCertPolicyConstraints);
-                PORT_Free(;
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    PKIX_ERROR
-                }
-        }
-        *pExplicitPolicySkipCerts = explicitPolicySkipCerts;
-        *pInhibitMappingSkipCerts = inhibitMappingSkipCerts;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_DecodeInhibitAnyPolicy
- *
- *  Decodes the contents of the InhibitAnyPolicy extension in the
- *  CERTCertificate pointed to by "nssCert", to obtain a SkipCerts value,
- *  which is stored at the address "pSkipCerts". If this certificate does
- *  not have an InhibitAnyPolicy extension, -1 will be stored.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      Address of the Cert data whose InhibitAnyPolicy extension is to be
- *      processed. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSkipCerts"
- *      Address where the SkipCert value from the InhibitAnyPolicy extension
- *      will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificateInhibitAny inhibitAny;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        SECItem encodedCertInhibitAny;
-        PKIX_Int32 skipCerts = -1;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_DecodeInhibitAnyPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssCert, pSkipCerts);
-        /* get InhibitAny as a SECItem */
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_FindCertExtension).\n");
-        rv = CERT_FindCertExtension
-                (nssCert, SEC_OID_X509_INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY, &encodedCertInhibitAny);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-       =
-                        (unsigned char *)&skipCerts;
-                /* translate DER to CERTCertificateInhibitAny */
-                rv = CERT_DecodeInhibitAnyExtension
-                        (&inhibitAny, &encodedCertInhibitAny);
-                PORT_Free(;
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                }
-        }
-        *pSkipCerts = skipCerts;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_GetNssSubjectAltNames
- *
- *  Retrieves the Subject Alternative Names of the certificate specified by
- *  "cert" and stores it at "pNssSubjAltNames". If the Subject Alternative
- *  Name extension is not present, NULL is returned at "pNssSubjAltNames".
- *  If the Subject Alternative Names has not been previously decoded, it is
- *  decoded here with lock on the "cert" unless the flag "hasLock" indicates
- *  the lock had been obtained at a higher call level.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of the certificate whose Subject Alternative Names extensions
- *      is retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "hasLock"
- *      Boolean indicates caller has acquired a lock.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNssSubjAltNames"
- *      Address where the returned Subject Alternative Names will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean hasLock,
-        CERTGeneralName **pNssSubjAltNames,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssOriginalAltName = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECItem altNameExtension = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_GetNssSubjectAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, pNssSubjAltNames, cert->nssCert);
-        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-        if ((cert->nssSubjAltNames == NULL) && (!cert->subjAltNamesAbsent)){
-                if (!hasLock) {
-                    PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                }
-                if ((cert->nssSubjAltNames == NULL) &&
-                    (!cert->subjAltNamesAbsent)){
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, rv, CERT_FindCertExtension,
-                        (nssCert,
-                        SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME,
-                        &altNameExtension));
-                    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        *pNssSubjAltNames = NULL;
-                        cert->subjAltNamesAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                    if (cert->arenaNameConstraints == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, arena, PORT_NewArena,
-                                (DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE));
-                        if (arena == NULL) {
-                            PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                        }
-                        cert->arenaNameConstraints = arena;
-                    }
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                        (CERT,
-                        nssOriginalAltName,
-                        (CERTGeneralName *) CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension,
-                        (cert->arenaNameConstraints, &altNameExtension));
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERT, PORT_Free, (;
-                    if (nssOriginalAltName == NULL) {
-                    }
-                    cert->nssSubjAltNames = nssOriginalAltName;
-                }
-                if (!hasLock) {
-                    PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-                }
-        }
-        *pNssSubjAltNames = cert->nssSubjAltNames;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_CheckExtendKeyUsage
- *
- *  For each of the ON bit in "requiredExtendedKeyUsages" that represents its
- *  SECCertUsageEnum type, this function checks "cert"'s certType (extended
- *  key usage) and key usage with what is required for SECCertUsageEnum type.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of the certificate whose Extended Key Usage extensions
- *      is retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "requiredExtendedKeyUsages"
- *      An unsigned integer, its bit location is ON based on the required key
- *      usage value representing in SECCertUsageEnum.
- *  "pPass"
- *      Address where the return value, indicating key usage check passed, is
- *       stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 requiredExtendedKeyUsages,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPass,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certType = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 requiredCertType = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 requiredExtendedKeyUsage = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_CheckExtendKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, pPass, cert->nssCert);
-        *pPass = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling cert_GetCertType).\n");
-        cert_GetCertType(cert->nssCert);
-        certType = cert->nssCert->nsCertType;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints
-                    (cert,
-                    &basicConstraints,
-                    plContext),
-        if (basicConstraints != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_BasicConstraints_GetCAFlag
-                    (basicConstraints, &isCA, plContext),
-        }
-        i = 0;
-        while (requiredExtendedKeyUsages != 0) {
-                /* Find the bit location of the right-most non-zero bit */
-                while (requiredExtendedKeyUsages != 0) {
-                        if (((1 << i) & requiredExtendedKeyUsages) != 0) {
-                                requiredExtendedKeyUsage = 1 << i;
-                                break;
-                        }
-                        i++;
-                }
-                requiredExtendedKeyUsages ^= requiredExtendedKeyUsage;
-                requiredExtendedKeyUsage = i;
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, rv, CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage,
-                        (requiredExtendedKeyUsage,
-                        isCA,
-                        &requiredKeyUsage,
-                        &requiredCertType));
-                if (!(certType & requiredCertType)) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, rv, CERT_CheckKeyUsage,
-                        (cert->nssCert, requiredKeyUsage));
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                i++;
-        }
-        *pPass = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraints);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the Cert pointed
- *  to by "cert" and stores it at "pString", where the value of
- *  "partialString" determines whether a full or partial representation of
- *  the Cert is stored.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *      Address of Cert whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "partialString"
- *      Boolean indicating whether a partial Cert representation is desired.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean partialString,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *certString = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certVersion;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *certSN = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certSNString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certIssuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certIssuerString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *certSubject = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certSubjectString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *notBeforeString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *notAfterString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *subjAltNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *subjAltNamesString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *authKeyIdString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subjKeyId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *subjKeyIdString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *nssPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nssPubKeyString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *critExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *critExtOIDsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsages = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *extKeyUsagesString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraint = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certBasicConstraintsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *policyInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certPolicyInfoString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyMappings = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *certPolicyMappingsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 certExplicitPolicy = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 certInhibitMapping = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 certInhibitAnyPolicy = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nameConstraintsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *authorityInfoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *authorityInfoAccessString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *subjectInfoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *subjectInfoAccessString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pString);
-        /*
-         * XXX Add to this format as certificate components are developed.
-         */
-        if (partialString){
-                asciiFormat =
-                        "\t[Issuer:          %s\n"
-                        "\t Subject:         %s]";
-        } else {
-                asciiFormat =
-                        "[\n"
-                        "\tVersion:         v%d\n"
-                        "\tSerialNumber:    %s\n"
-                        "\tIssuer:          %s\n"
-                        "\tSubject:         %s\n"
-                        "\tValidity: [From: %s\n"
-                        "\t           To:   %s]\n"
-                        "\tSubjectAltNames: %s\n"
-                        "\tAuthorityKeyId:  %s\n"
-                        "\tSubjectKeyId:    %s\n"
-                        "\tSubjPubKeyAlgId: %s\n"
-                        "\tCritExtOIDs:     %s\n"
-                        "\tExtKeyUsages:    %s\n"
-                        "\tBasicConstraint: %s\n"
-                        "\tCertPolicyInfo:  %s\n"
-                        "\tPolicyMappings:  %s\n"
-                        "\tExplicitPolicy:  %d\n"
-                        "\tInhibitMapping:  %d\n"
-                        "\tInhibitAnyPolicy:%d\n"
-                        "\tNameConstraints: %s\n"
-                        "\tAuthorityInfoAccess: %s\n"
-                        "\tSubjectInfoAccess: %s\n"
-                        "\tCacheFlag:       %d\n"
-                        "]\n";
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiFormat, 0, &formatString, plContext),
-        /* Issuer */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer
-                (cert, &certIssuer, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)certIssuer, &certIssuerString, plContext),
-                PKIX_X500NAMETOSTRINGFAILED);
-        /* Subject */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject(cert, &certSubject, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(certSubject, &certSubjectString, plContext,
-                PKIX_X500NAMETOSTRINGFAILED);
-        if (partialString){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                            (&certString,
-                            plContext,
-                            formatString,
-                            certIssuerString,
-                            certSubjectString),
-                            PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-                *pString = certString;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Version */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetVersion(cert, &certVersion, plContext),
-        /* SerialNumber */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSerialNumber(cert, &certSN, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)certSN, &certSNString, plContext),
-        /* Validity: NotBefore */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
-                (&(cert->nssCert->validity.notBefore),
-                &notBeforeString,
-                plContext),
-        /* Validity: NotAfter */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
-                (&(cert->nssCert->validity.notAfter),
-                &notAfterString,
-                plContext),
-        /* SubjectAltNames */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectAltNames
-                (cert, &subjAltNames, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(subjAltNames, &subjAltNamesString, plContext,
-        /* AuthorityKeyIdentifier */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
-                (cert, &authKeyId, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(authKeyId, &authKeyIdString, plContext,
-        /* SubjectKeyIdentifier */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectKeyIdentifier
-                (cert, &subjKeyId, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(subjKeyId, &subjKeyIdString, plContext,
-        /* SubjectPublicKey */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey
-                    (cert, &nssPubKey, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)nssPubKey, &nssPubKeyString, plContext),
-        /* CriticalExtensionOIDs */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                (cert, &critExtOIDs, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(critExtOIDs, &critExtOIDsString, plContext,
-        /* ExtendedKeyUsages */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage
-                (cert, &extKeyUsages, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(extKeyUsages, &extKeyUsagesString, plContext,
-        /* CertBasicConstraints */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints
-                (cert, &basicConstraint, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(basicConstraint, &certBasicConstraintsString, plContext,
-        /* CertPolicyInfo */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyInformation
-                (cert, &policyInfo, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(policyInfo, &certPolicyInfoString, plContext,
-        /* Advanced Policies */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappings
-                (cert, &certPolicyMappings, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(certPolicyMappings, &certPolicyMappingsString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetRequireExplicitPolicy
-                (cert, &certExplicitPolicy, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappingInhibited
-                (cert, &certInhibitMapping, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetInhibitAnyPolicy
-                (cert, &certInhibitAnyPolicy, plContext),
-        /* Name Constraints */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
-                (cert, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(nameConstraints, &nameConstraintsString, plContext,
-        /* Authority Information Access */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityInfoAccess
-                (cert, &authorityInfoAccess, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(authorityInfoAccess, &authorityInfoAccessString, plContext,
-        /* Subject Information Access */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectInfoAccess
-                (cert, &subjectInfoAccess, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(subjectInfoAccess, &subjectInfoAccessString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&certString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    certVersion + 1,
-                    certSNString,
-                    certIssuerString,
-                    certSubjectString,
-                    notBeforeString,
-                    notAfterString,
-                    subjAltNamesString,
-                    authKeyIdString,
-                    subjKeyIdString,
-                    nssPubKeyString,
-                    critExtOIDsString,
-                    extKeyUsagesString,
-                    certBasicConstraintsString,
-                    certPolicyInfoString,
-                    certPolicyMappingsString,
-                    certExplicitPolicy,         /* an Int32, not a String */
-                    certInhibitMapping,         /* an Int32, not a String */
-                    certInhibitAnyPolicy,       /* an Int32, not a String */
-                    nameConstraintsString,
-                    authorityInfoAccessString,
-                    subjectInfoAccessString,
-                    cert->cacheFlag),           /* a boolean */
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = certString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSN);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSNString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certIssuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certIssuerString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSubjectString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(notBeforeString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(notAfterString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjAltNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjAltNamesString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(authKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(authKeyIdString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjKeyIdString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nssPubKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nssPubKeyString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(extKeyUsages);
-        PKIX_DECREF(extKeyUsagesString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraint);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certBasicConstraintsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyInfo);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyInfoString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyMappings);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPolicyMappingsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraintsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(authorityInfoAccess);
-        PKIX_DECREF(authorityInfoAccessString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectInfoAccess);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectInfoAccessString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCERT);
-        cert = (PKIX_PL_Cert*)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->subject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->issuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->subjAltNames);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->publicKeyAlgId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->publicKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->serialNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->critExtOids);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->authKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->subjKeyId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->extKeyUsages);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->certBasicConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->certPolicyInfos);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->certPolicyMappings);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->nameConstraints);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->store);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->authorityInfoAccess);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->subjectInfoAccess);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert->crldpList);
-        if (cert->arenaNameConstraints){
-                /* This arena was allocated for SubjectAltNames */
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(CERT, PORT_FreeArena,
-                        (cert->arenaNameConstraints, PR_FALSE));
-                cert->arenaNameConstraints = NULL;
-                cert->nssSubjAltNames = NULL;
-        }
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert->nssCert);
-        cert->nssCert = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *certString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *pkixCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCERT);
-        pkixCert = (PKIX_PL_Cert *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_ToString_Helper
-                    (pkixCert, PKIX_FALSE, &certString, plContext),
-        *pString = certString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *pkixCert = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        unsigned char *derBytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 derLength;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCERT);
-        pkixCert = (PKIX_PL_Cert *)object;
-        nssCert = pkixCert->nssCert;
-        derBytes = (nssCert->derCert).data;
-        derLength = (nssCert->derCert).len;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash(derBytes, derLength, &certHash, plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        *pHashcode = certHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *firstCert = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *secondCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a Cert */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_CERT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_FIRSTOBJECTNOTCERT);
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a Cert, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a Cert, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERT_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstCert = ((PKIX_PL_Cert *)firstObject)->nssCert;
-        secondCert = ((PKIX_PL_Cert *)secondObject)->nssCert;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstCert, secondCert);
-        /* CERT_CompareCerts does byte comparison on DER encodings of certs */
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_CompareCerts).\n");
-        cmpResult = CERT_CompareCerts(firstCert, secondCert);
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERT_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Cert_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "Cert";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_Cert);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_Cert_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_Cert_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_Cert_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_Cert_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERT_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_CreateWithNSSCert
- *
- *  Creates a new certificate using the CERTCertificate pointed to by "nssCert"
- *  and stores it at "pCert". Once created, a Cert is immutable.
- *
- *  This function is primarily used as a convenience function for the
- *  performance tests that have easy access to a CERTCertificate.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      Address of CERTCertificate representing the NSS certificate.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCert"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_CreateWithNSSCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pCert, nssCert);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_Cert object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CERT_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Cert),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cert,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        /* populate the nssCert field */
-        cert->nssCert = nssCert;
-        /* initialize remaining fields */
-        /*
-         * Fields ending with Absent are initialized to PKIX_FALSE so that the
-         * first time we need the value we will look for it. If we find it is
-         * actually absent, the flag will at that time be set to PKIX_TRUE to
-         * prevent searching for it later.
-         * Fields ending with Processed are those where a value is defined
-         * for the Absent case, and a value of zero is possible. When the
-         * flag is still true we have to look for the field, set the default
-         * value if necessary, and set the Processed flag to PKIX_TRUE.
-         */
-        cert->subject = NULL;
-        cert->issuer = NULL;
-        cert->subjAltNames = NULL;
-        cert->subjAltNamesAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->publicKeyAlgId = NULL;
-        cert->publicKey = NULL;
-        cert->serialNumber = NULL;
-        cert->critExtOids = NULL;
-        cert->subjKeyId = NULL;
-        cert->subjKeyIdAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->authKeyId = NULL;
-        cert->authKeyIdAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->extKeyUsages = NULL;
-        cert->extKeyUsagesAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->certBasicConstraints = NULL;
-        cert->basicConstraintsAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->certPolicyInfos = NULL;
-        cert->policyInfoAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->policyMappingsAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->certPolicyMappings = NULL;
-        cert->policyConstraintsProcessed = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts = 0;
-        cert->policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts = 0;
-        cert->inhibitAnyPolicyProcessed = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->inhibitAnySkipCerts = 0;
-        cert->nameConstraints = NULL;
-        cert->nameConstraintsAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->arenaNameConstraints = NULL;
-        cert->nssSubjAltNames = NULL;
-        cert->cacheFlag = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->store = NULL;
-        cert->authorityInfoAccess = NULL;
-        cert->subjectInfoAccess = NULL;
-        cert->isUserTrustAnchor = PKIX_FALSE;
-        cert->crldpList = NULL;
-        *pCert = cert;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList
- *
- *  Creates a new certificate using the DER-encoding pointed to by "derCertItem"
- *  and appends it to the list pointed to by "certList". If Cert creation fails,
- *  the function returns with certList unchanged, but any decoding Error is
- *  discarded.
- *
- *  "derCertItem"
- *      Address of SECItem containing the DER representation of a certificate.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "certList"
- *      Address of List to which the Cert will be appended, if successfully
- *      created. May be empty, but must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derCertItem,
-        PKIX_List *certList,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        CERTCertDBHandle *handle;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "pkix_pl_Cert_CreateToList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(derCertItem, certList);
-        handle  = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-        nssCert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(handle, derCertItem,
-					  /* nickname */ NULL, 
-					  /* isPerm   */ PR_FALSE, 
-					  /* copyDer  */ PR_TRUE);
-        if (!nssCert) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_CreateWithNSSCert
-                   (nssCert, &cert, plContext),
-        nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                   (certList, (PKIX_PL_Object *) cert, plContext),
-        if (nssCert) {
-            CERT_DestroyCertificate(nssCert);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(cert);
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- * XXX We may want to cache the cert after parsing it, so it can be reused
- * XXX Are the NSS/NSPR functions thread safe
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        SECItem *derCertItem = NULL;
-        void *derBytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 derLength;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL;
-        CERTCertDBHandle *handle;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pCert, byteArray);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetPointer
-                    (byteArray, &derBytes, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetLength
-                    (byteArray, &derLength, plContext),
-        derCertItem = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, derLength);
-        if (derCertItem == NULL){
-        }
-        (void) PORT_Memcpy(derCertItem->data, derBytes, derLength);
-        /*
-         * setting copyDER to true forces NSS to make its own copy of the DER,
-         * allowing us to free our copy without worrying about whether NSS
-         * is still using it
-         */
-        handle  = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-        nssCert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(handle, derCertItem,
-					  /* nickname */ NULL, 
-					  /* isPerm   */ PR_FALSE, 
-					  /* copyDer  */ PR_TRUE);
-        if (!nssCert){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_CreateWithNSSCert
-                (nssCert, &cert, plContext),
-        *pCert = cert;
-        if (derCertItem){
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(derCertItem, PKIX_TRUE);
-        }
-        if (nssCert && PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyCertificate).\n");
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(nssCert);
-                nssCert = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(derBytes);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateFromCERTCertificate
- *  (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext)
-        void *buf = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateWithNssCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pCert, nssCert);
-        buf = (void*)nssCert->;
-        len = nssCert->derCert.len;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create(buf, len, &byteArray, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_Cert_Create(byteArray, pCert, plContext),
-#ifdef PKIX_UNDEF
-        /* will be tested and used as a patch for bug 391612 */
-        nssCert = CERT_DupCertificate(nssInCert);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_CreateWithNSSCert
-                (nssCert, &cert, plContext),
-#endif /* PKIX_UNDEF */
-#ifdef PKIX_UNDEF
-        if (nssCert && PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyCertificate).\n");
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(nssCert);
-                nssCert = NULL;
-        }
-#endif /* PKIX_UNDEF */
-        PKIX_DECREF(byteArray);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetVersion (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pVersion,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 myVersion = 0;  /* v1 */
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetVersion");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pVersion);
-        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-        if (nssCert->version.len != 0) {
-                myVersion = *(nssCert->;
-        }
-        if (myVersion > 2){
-        }
-        *pVersion = myVersion;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSerialNumber (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pSerialNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        SECItem serialNumItem;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber = NULL;
-        char *bytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSerialNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSerialNumber);
-        if (cert->serialNumber == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->serialNumber == NULL){
-                        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                        serialNumItem = nssCert->serialNumber;
-                        length = serialNumItem.len;
-                        bytes = (char *);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_BigInt_CreateWithBytes
-                                    (bytes, length, &serialNumber, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_BIGINTCREATEWITHBYTESFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->serialNumber = serialNumber;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->serialNumber);
-        *pSerialNumber = cert->serialNumber;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pCertSubject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *pkixSubject = NULL;
-        CERTName *subjName = NULL;
-        SECItem  *derSubjName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubject");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pCertSubject);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->subject == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->subject == NULL){
-                        subjName = &cert->nssCert->subject;
-                        derSubjName = &cert->nssCert->derSubject;
-                        /* if there is no subject name */
-                        if (derSubjName->data == NULL) {
-                                pkixSubject = NULL;
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName
-                                    (derSubjName, subjName, &pkixSubject,
-                                     plContext),
-                                    PKIX_X500NAMECREATEFROMCERTNAMEFAILED);
-                        }
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->subject = pkixSubject;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->subject);
-        *pCertSubject = cert->subject;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pCertIssuer,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *pkixIssuer = NULL;
-        SECItem  *derIssuerName = NULL;
-        CERTName *issuerName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetIssuer");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pCertIssuer);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->issuer == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->issuer == NULL){
-                        issuerName = &cert->nssCert->issuer;
-                        derIssuerName = &cert->nssCert->derIssuer;
-                        /* if there is no subject name */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName
-                                    (derIssuerName, issuerName,
-                                     &pkixIssuer, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_X500NAMECREATEFROMCERTNAMEFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->issuer = pkixIssuer;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->issuer);
-        *pCertIssuer = cert->issuer;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectAltNames (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pSubjectAltNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *pkixAltName = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *altNamesList = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssOriginalAltName = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssTempAltName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectAltNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pSubjectAltNames);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if ((cert->subjAltNames == NULL) && (!cert->subjAltNamesAbsent)){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if ((cert->subjAltNames == NULL) &&
-                    (!cert->subjAltNamesAbsent)){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_GetNssSubjectAltNames
-                                (cert,
-                                PKIX_TRUE,
-                                &nssOriginalAltName,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTGETNSSSUBJECTALTNAMESFAILED);
-                        if (nssOriginalAltName == NULL) {
-                                cert->subjAltNamesAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                pSubjectAltNames = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        nssTempAltName = nssOriginalAltName;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&altNamesList, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        do {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create
-                                (nssTempAltName, &pkixAltName, plContext),
-                                PKIX_GENERALNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (altNamesList,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)pkixAltName,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(pkixAltName);
-                            PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextGeneralName).\n");
-                            nssTempAltName = CERT_GetNextGeneralName
-                                (nssTempAltName);
-                        } while (nssTempAltName != nssOriginalAltName);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->subjAltNames = altNamesList;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                (cert->subjAltNames, plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->subjAltNames);
-        *pSubjectAltNames = cert->subjAltNames;
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixAltName);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(altNamesList);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAllSubjectNames (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pAllSubjectNames,  /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTGeneralName *nssOriginalSubjectName = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssTempSubjectName = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *allSubjectNames = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *pkixSubjectName = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAllSubjectNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pAllSubjectNames);
-        if (cert->nssCert->subjectName == NULL){
-                /* if there is no subject DN, just get altnames */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_GetNssSubjectAltNames
-                            (cert,
-                            PKIX_FALSE, /* hasLock */
-                            &nssOriginalSubjectName,
-                            plContext),
-        } else { /* get subject DN and altnames */
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                /* This NSS call returns both Subject and  Subject Alt Names */
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_GetCertificateNames\n");
-                nssOriginalSubjectName =
-                        CERT_GetCertificateNames(cert->nssCert, arena);
-        }
-        if (nssOriginalSubjectName == NULL) {
-                pAllSubjectNames = NULL;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        nssTempSubjectName = nssOriginalSubjectName;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&allSubjectNames, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        do {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create
-                            (nssTempSubjectName, &pkixSubjectName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_GENERALNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (allSubjectNames,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)pkixSubjectName,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixSubjectName);
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextGeneralName).\n");
-                nssTempSubjectName = CERT_GetNextGeneralName
-                        (nssTempSubjectName);
-        } while (nssTempSubjectName != nssOriginalSubjectName);
-        *pAllSubjectNames = allSubjectNames;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(allSubjectNames);
-        }
-        if (arena){
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixSubjectName);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKeyAlgId
- *      (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pSubjKeyAlgId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pubKeyAlgId = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKeyAlgId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSubjKeyAlgId);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->publicKeyAlgId == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->publicKeyAlgId == NULL){
-                        CERTCertificate *nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                        SECAlgorithmID *algorithm;
-                        SECItem *algBytes;
-                        algorithm = &nssCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm;
-                        algBytes = &algorithm->algorithm;
-                        if (!algBytes->data || !algBytes->len) {
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                                    (algBytes, &pubKeyAlgId, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->publicKeyAlgId = pubKeyAlgId;
-                        pubKeyAlgId = NULL;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->publicKeyAlgId);
-        *pSubjKeyAlgId = cert->publicKeyAlgId;
-        PKIX_DECREF(pubKeyAlgId);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pPublicKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pkixPubKey = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *from = NULL;
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *to = NULL;
-        SECItem *fromItem = NULL;
-        SECItem *toItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectPublicKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pPublicKey);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->publicKey == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->publicKey == NULL){
-                        /* create a PKIX_PL_PublicKey object */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                                    (PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE,
-                                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_PublicKey),
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&pkixPubKey,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-                        /* initialize fields */
-                        pkixPubKey->nssSPKI = NULL;
-                        /* populate the SPKI field */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                                    (sizeof (CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo),
-                                    (void **)&pkixPubKey->nssSPKI,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                        to = pkixPubKey->nssSPKI;
-                        from  = &cert->nssCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo;
-                        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(to, from);
-                        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID).\n");
-                        rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID
-                                (NULL, &to->algorithm, &from->algorithm);
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        }
-                        /*
-                         * NSS stores the length of subjectPublicKey in bits.
-                         * Therefore, we use that length converted to bytes
-                         * using ((length+7)>>3) before calling PORT_Memcpy
-                         * in order to avoid "read from uninitialized memory"
-                         * errors.
-                         */
-                        toItem = &to->subjectPublicKey;
-                        fromItem = &from->subjectPublicKey;
-                        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(toItem, fromItem);
-                        toItem->type = fromItem->type;
-                        toItem->data =
-                                (unsigned char*) PORT_ZAlloc(fromItem->len);
-                        if (!toItem->data){
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                        }
-                        (void) PORT_Memcpy(toItem->data,
-                                    fromItem->data,
-                                    (fromItem->len + 7)>>3);
-                        toItem->len = fromItem->len;
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->publicKey = pkixPubKey;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->publicKey);
-        *pPublicKey = cert->publicKey;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED && pkixPubKey){
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixPubKey);
-                cert->publicKey = NULL;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- *      (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pList,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *oidsList = NULL;
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pList);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->critExtOids == NULL) {
-            PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-            if (cert->critExtOids == NULL) {
-                nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                /*
-                 * ASN.1 for Extension
-                 *
-                 * Extension  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
-                 *      extnID          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
-                 *      critical        BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
-                 *      extnValue       OCTET STRING  }
-                 *
-                 */
-                extensions = nssCert->extensions;
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OID_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                            (extensions, &oidsList, plContext),
-                /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                cert->critExtOids = oidsList;
-            }
-            PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        /* We should return a copy of the List since this list changes */
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(cert->critExtOids, pList, plContext,
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- *      (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pAuthKeyId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        CERTAuthKeyID *authKeyIdExtension = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECItem retItem;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pAuthKeyId);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if ((cert->authKeyId == NULL) && (!cert->authKeyIdAbsent)){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if ((cert->authKeyId == NULL) && (!cert->authKeyIdAbsent)){
-                        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                        if (arena == NULL) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                        }
-                        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                        authKeyIdExtension =
-                                CERT_FindAuthKeyIDExten(arena, nssCert);
-                        if (authKeyIdExtension == NULL){
-                                cert->authKeyIdAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pAuthKeyId = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        retItem = authKeyIdExtension->keyID;
-                        if (retItem.len == 0){
-                                cert->authKeyIdAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pAuthKeyId = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create
-                                    (,
-                                    retItem.len,
-                                    &authKeyId,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_BYTEARRAYCREATEFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->authKeyId = authKeyId;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->authKeyId);
-        *pAuthKeyId = cert->authKeyId;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        if (arena){
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectKeyIdentifier
- *      (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pSubjKeyId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subjKeyId = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        SECItem *retItem = NULL;
-        SECStatus status;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectKeyIdentifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSubjKeyId);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if ((cert->subjKeyId == NULL) && (!cert->subjKeyIdAbsent)){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if ((cert->subjKeyId == NULL) && (!cert->subjKeyIdAbsent)){
-                        retItem = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, 0);
-                        if (retItem == NULL){
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                        }
-                        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                        status = CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension
-                                (nssCert, retItem);
-                        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                                cert->subjKeyIdAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pSubjKeyId = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create
-                                    (retItem->data,
-                                    retItem->len,
-                                    &subjKeyId,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_BYTEARRAYCREATEFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->subjKeyId = subjKeyId;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->subjKeyId);
-        *pSubjKeyId = cert->subjKeyId;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        if (retItem){
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(retItem, PKIX_TRUE);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pKeyUsage,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTOidSequence *extKeyUsage = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pkixOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *oidsList = NULL;
-        SECItem **oids = NULL;
-        SECItem encodedExtKeyUsage;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetExtendedKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pKeyUsage);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if ((cert->extKeyUsages == NULL) && (!cert->extKeyUsagesAbsent)){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if ((cert->extKeyUsages == NULL) &&
-                    (!cert->extKeyUsagesAbsent)){
-                        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                        rv = CERT_FindCertExtension
-                                (nssCert, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE,
-                                &encodedExtKeyUsage);
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess){
-                                cert->extKeyUsagesAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pKeyUsage = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        extKeyUsage =
-                                CERT_DecodeOidSequence(&encodedExtKeyUsage);
-                        if (extKeyUsage == NULL){
-                        }
-                        PORT_Free(;
-                        oids = extKeyUsage->oids;
-                        if (!oids){
-                                /* no extended key usage extensions found */
-                                cert->extKeyUsagesAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pKeyUsage = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&oidsList, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                        while (*oids){
-                                SECItem *oid = *oids++;
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                                            (oid, &pkixOID, plContext),
-                                            PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                            (oidsList,
-                                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)pkixOID,
-                                            plContext),
-                                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                                PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                    (oidsList, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        cert->extKeyUsages = oidsList;
-                        oidsList = NULL;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->extKeyUsages);
-        *pKeyUsage = cert->extKeyUsages;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(oidsList);
-        CERT_DestroyOidSequence(extKeyUsage);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints **pBasicConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        CERTBasicConstraints nssBasicConstraint;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basic;
-        PKIX_Int32 pathLen = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean isCA = PKIX_FALSE;
-        enum {
-          realBC, synthBC, absentBC
-        } constraintSource = absentBC;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetBasicConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pBasicConstraints);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if ((cert->certBasicConstraints == NULL) &&
-                (!cert->basicConstraintsAbsent)) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if ((cert->certBasicConstraints == NULL) &&
-                    (!cert->basicConstraintsAbsent)) {
-                        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-                        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG(
-                            "\t\tCalling Cert_FindBasicConstraintExten\n");
-                        rv = CERT_FindBasicConstraintExten
-                                (nssCert, &nssBasicConstraint);
-                        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                            constraintSource = realBC;
-                        }
-                        if (constraintSource == absentBC) {
-                            /* can we deduce it's a CA and create a 
-                               synthetic constraint?
-                            */
-                            CERTCertTrust trust;
-                            rv = CERT_GetCertTrust(nssCert, &trust);
-                            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                                int anyWantedFlag = CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA | CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-                                if ((trust.sslFlags & anyWantedFlag) 
-                                    || (trust.emailFlags & anyWantedFlag) 
-                                    || (trust.objectSigningFlags & anyWantedFlag)) {
-                                    constraintSource = synthBC;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (constraintSource == absentBC) {
-                            cert->basicConstraintsAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                            *pBasicConstraints = NULL;
-                            goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (constraintSource == synthBC) {
-                    isCA = PKIX_TRUE;
-                    pathLen = PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-                } else {
-                    isCA = (nssBasicConstraint.isCA)?PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE;
-                    /* The pathLen has meaning only for CAs */
-                    if (isCA) {
-                        if (CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT ==
-                            nssBasicConstraint.pathLenConstraint) {
-                            pathLen = PKIX_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
-                        } else {
-                            pathLen = nssBasicConstraint.pathLenConstraint;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_Create
-                            (isCA, pathLen, &basic, plContext),
-                /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                cert->certBasicConstraints = basic;
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->certBasicConstraints);
-        *pBasicConstraints = cert->certBasicConstraints;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyInformation
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicyInfo,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *policyList = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyInformation");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pPolicyInfo);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if ((cert->certPolicyInfos == NULL) &&
-                (!cert->policyInfoAbsent)) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if ((cert->certPolicyInfos == NULL) &&
-                    (!cert->policyInfoAbsent)) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyInfo
-                                (cert->nssCert, &policyList, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTDECODEPOLICYINFOFAILED);
-                        if (!policyList) {
-                                cert->policyInfoAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pPolicyInfo = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-                /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                cert->certPolicyInfos = policyList;
-                policyList = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->certPolicyInfos);
-        *pPolicyInfo = cert->certPolicyInfos;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyList);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappings (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pPolicyMappings, /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *policyMappings = NULL; /* list of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap */
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappings");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pPolicyMappings);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (!(cert->certPolicyMappings) && !(cert->policyMappingsAbsent)) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (!(cert->certPolicyMappings) &&
-                    !(cert->policyMappingsAbsent)) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyMapping
-                                (cert->nssCert, &policyMappings, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTDECODEPOLICYMAPPINGFAILED);
-                        if (!policyMappings) {
-                                cert->policyMappingsAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                                *pPolicyMappings = NULL;
-                                goto cleanup;
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-                /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                cert->certPolicyMappings = policyMappings; 
-                policyMappings = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->certPolicyMappings);
-        *pPolicyMappings = cert->certPolicyMappings;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyMappings);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetRequireExplicitPolicy
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 explicitPolicySkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 inhibitMappingSkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetRequireExplicitPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSkipCerts);
-        if (!(cert->policyConstraintsProcessed)) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (!(cert->policyConstraintsProcessed)) {
-                        /*
-                         * If we can't process it now, we probably will be
-                         * unable to process it later. Set the default value.
-                         */
-                        cert->policyConstraintsProcessed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        cert->policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts = -1;
-                        cert->policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts = -1;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyConstraints
-                                (cert->nssCert,
-                                &explicitPolicySkipCerts,
-                                &inhibitMappingSkipCerts,
-                                plContext),
-                        cert->policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts =
-                                explicitPolicySkipCerts;
-                        cert->policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts =
-                                inhibitMappingSkipCerts;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        *pSkipCerts = cert->policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappingInhibited
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 explicitPolicySkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 inhibitMappingSkipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetPolicyMappingInhibited");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSkipCerts);
-        if (!(cert->policyConstraintsProcessed)) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (!(cert->policyConstraintsProcessed)) {
-                        /*
-                         * If we can't process it now, we probably will be
-                         * unable to process it later. Set the default value.
-                         */
-                        cert->policyConstraintsProcessed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        cert->policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts = -1;
-                        cert->policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts = -1;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_DecodePolicyConstraints
-                                (cert->nssCert,
-                                &explicitPolicySkipCerts,
-                                &inhibitMappingSkipCerts,
-                                plContext),
-                        cert->policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts =
-                                explicitPolicySkipCerts;
-                        cert->policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts =
-                                inhibitMappingSkipCerts;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        *pSkipCerts = cert->policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetInhibitAnyPolicy (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pSkipCerts,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 skipCerts = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetInhibitAnyPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSkipCerts);
-        if (!(cert->inhibitAnyPolicyProcessed)) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (!(cert->inhibitAnyPolicyProcessed)) {
-                        /*
-                         * If we can't process it now, we probably will be
-                         * unable to process it later. Set the default value.
-                         */
-                        cert->inhibitAnyPolicyProcessed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        cert->inhibitAnySkipCerts = -1;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_DecodeInhibitAnyPolicy
-                                (cert->nssCert, &skipCerts, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTDECODEINHIBITANYPOLICYFAILED);
-                        cert->inhibitAnySkipCerts = skipCerts;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        *pSkipCerts = cert->inhibitAnySkipCerts;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_AreCertPoliciesCritical
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCritical,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean criticality = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_AreCertPoliciesCritical");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pCritical);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Cert_IsExtensionCritical(
-                cert,
-                &criticality,
-                plContext),
-        *pCritical = criticality;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifySignature (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        SECKEYPublicKey *nssPubKey = NULL;
-        CERTSignedData *tbsCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cachedCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *verifySig = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedSig = NULL;
-        SECStatus status;
-        PKIX_Boolean certEqual = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean certInHash = PKIX_FALSE;
-        void* wincx = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifySignature");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pubKey);
-        verifySig = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                        (cachedCertSigTable,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) pubKey,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cachedCert,
-                        plContext);
-        if (cachedCert != NULL && verifySig == NULL) {
-                /* Cached Signature Table lookup succeed */
-                PKIX_EQUALS(cert, cachedCert, &certEqual, plContext,
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (certEqual == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                /* Different PubKey may hash to same value, skip add */
-                certInHash = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-        tbsCert = &nssCert->signatureWrap;
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey).\n");
-        nssPubKey = SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(pubKey->nssSPKI);
-        if (!nssPubKey){
-        }
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey).\n");
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx
-                   ((PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext, &wincx),
-        status = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(tbsCert, nssPubKey, wincx);
-        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                }
-        }
-        if (certInHash == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                cachedSig = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                        (cachedCertSigTable,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) pubKey,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) cert,
-                        plContext);
-                if (cachedSig != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_DEBUG("PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add skipped: entry existed\n");
-                }
-        }
-        if (nssPubKey){
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey).\n");
-                SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(nssPubKey);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifySig);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedSig);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckValidity (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECCertTimeValidity val;
-        PRTime timeToCheck;
-        PKIX_Boolean allowOverride;
-        SECCertificateUsage requiredUsages;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckValidity");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(cert);
-        /* if the caller supplies a date, we use it; else, use current time */
-        if (date != NULL){
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime
-                        (date, &timeToCheck, plContext),
-                        PKIX_DATEGETPRTIMEFAILED);
-        } else {
-                timeToCheck = PR_Now();
-        }
-        requiredUsages = ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->certificateUsage;
-        allowOverride =
-            (PRBool)((requiredUsages & certificateUsageSSLServer) ||
-                     (requiredUsages & certificateUsageSSLServerWithStepUp));
-        val = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(cert->nssCert, timeToCheck, allowOverride);
-        if (val != secCertTimeValid){
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRTime prtime;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetValidityNotAfter");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pDate);
-        PKIX_DATE_DEBUG("\t\tCalling DER_DecodeTimeChoice).\n");
-        rv = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&prtime, &(cert->nssCert->validity.notAfter));
-        if (rv != SECSuccess){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_CreateFromPRTime
-                    (prtime, pDate, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyCertAndKeyType (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean isChainCert,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *basicConstraints = NULL;
-    SECCertificateUsage certificateUsage;
-    SECCertUsage certUsage = 0;
-    unsigned int requiredKeyUsage;
-    unsigned int requiredCertType;
-    unsigned int certType;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyCertType");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, plContext);
-    certificateUsage = ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->certificateUsage;
-    /* ensure we obtained a single usage bit only */
-    PORT_Assert(!(certificateUsage & (certificateUsage - 1)));
-    /* convert SECertificateUsage (bit mask) to SECCertUsage (enum) */
-    while (0 != (certificateUsage = certificateUsage >> 1)) { certUsage++; }
-    /* check key usage and netscape cert type */
-    cert_GetCertType(cert->nssCert);
-    certType = cert->nssCert->nsCertType;
-    if (isChainCert ||
-        (certUsage != certUsageVerifyCA && certUsage != certUsageAnyCA)) {
-	rv = CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(certUsage, isChainCert,
-					      &requiredKeyUsage,
-					      &requiredCertType);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* use this key usage and cert type for certUsageAnyCA and
-         * certUsageVerifyCA. */
-	requiredKeyUsage = KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-	requiredCertType = NS_CERT_TYPE_CA;
-    }
-    if (CERT_CheckKeyUsage(cert->nssCert, requiredKeyUsage) != SECSuccess) {
-    }
-    if (!(certType & requiredCertType)) {
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(basicConstraints);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyKeyUsage (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 keyUsage,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nssKeyUsage = 0;
-        SECStatus status;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_VerifyKeyUsage");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, cert->nssCert);
-        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-        /* if cert doesn't have keyUsage extension, all keyUsages are valid */
-        if (!nssCert->keyUsagePresent){
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_NON_REPUDIATION){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_NON_REPUDIATION;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_KEY_AGREEMENT){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_KEY_AGREEMENT;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_KEY_CERT_SIGN){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_CRL_SIGN){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | KU_CRL_SIGN;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_ENCIPHER_ONLY){
-                nssKeyUsage = nssKeyUsage | 0x01;
-        }
-        if (keyUsage & PKIX_DECIPHER_ONLY){
-                /* XXX we should support this once it is fixed in NSS */
-        }
-        status = CERT_CheckKeyUsage(nssCert, nssKeyUsage);
-        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pNameConstraints);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->nameConstraints == NULL && !cert->nameConstraintsAbsent) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->nameConstraints == NULL &&
-                    !cert->nameConstraintsAbsent) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create
-                                (cert->nssCert, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-                                PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTSCREATEFAILED);
-                        if (nameConstraints == NULL) {
-                                cert->nameConstraintsAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        }
-                        cert->nameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->nameConstraints);
-        *pNameConstraints = cert->nameConstraints;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckNameConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean treatCommonNameAsDNSName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean checkPass = PKIX_TRUE;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssSubjectNames = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_CheckNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(cert);
-        if (nameConstraints != NULL) {
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                /* This NSS call returns Subject Alt Names. If
-                 * treatCommonNameAsDNSName is true, it also returns the
-                 * Subject Common Name
-                 */
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                    ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames\n");
-                nssSubjectNames = CERT_GetConstrainedCertificateNames
-                        (cert->nssCert, arena, treatCommonNameAsDNSName);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CheckNameSpaceNssNames
-                        (nssSubjectNames,
-                        nameConstraints,
-                        &checkPass,
-                        plContext),
-                if (checkPass != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                }
-        }
-        if (arena){
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_MergeNameConstraints
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *firstNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *secondNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pResultNC,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *mergedNC = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_MergeNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstNC, pResultNC);
-        if (secondNC == NULL) {
-                PKIX_INCREF(firstNC);
-                *pResultNC = firstNC;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Merge
-                (firstNC, secondNC, &mergedNC, plContext),
-        *pResultNC = mergedNC;
- * Find out the state of the NSS trust bits for the requested usage.
- * Returns SECFailure if the cert is explicitly distrusted.
- * Returns SECSuccess if the cert can be used to form a chain (normal case),
- *   or it is explicitly trusted. The trusted bool is set to true if it is
- *   explicitly trusted.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pkix_pl_Cert_GetTrusted(void *plContext,
-                        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-                        PKIX_Boolean *trusted,
-                        PKIX_Boolean isCA)
-        SECStatus rv;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        SECCertUsage certUsage = 0;
-        SECCertificateUsage certificateUsage;
-        SECTrustType trustType;
-        unsigned int trustFlags;
-        unsigned int requiredFlags;
-        CERTCertTrust trust;
-        *trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* no key usage information  */
-        if (plContext == NULL) {
-                return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        certificateUsage = ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->certificateUsage;
-        /* ensure we obtained a single usage bit only */
-        PORT_Assert(!(certificateUsage & (certificateUsage - 1)));
-        /* convert SECertificateUsage (bit mask) to SECCertUsage (enum) */
-        while (0 != (certificateUsage = certificateUsage >> 1)) { certUsage++; }
-        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-        if (!isCA) {
-                PRBool prTrusted;
-                unsigned int failedFlags;
-                rv = cert_CheckLeafTrust(nssCert, certUsage,
-                                         &failedFlags, &prTrusted);
-                *trusted = (PKIX_Boolean) prTrusted;
-                return rv;
-        }
-        rv = CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(certUsage, &requiredFlags,
-                                           &trustType);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        rv = CERT_GetCertTrust(nssCert, &trust);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        trustFlags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&trust, trustType);
-        /* normally trustTypeNone usages accept any of the given trust bits
-         * being on as acceptable. If any are distrusted (and none are trusted),
-         * then we will also distrust the cert */
-        if ((trustFlags == 0) && (trustType == trustTypeNone)) {
-                trustFlags = trust.sslFlags | trust.emailFlags |
-                             trust.objectSigningFlags;
-        }
-        if ((trustFlags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags) {
-                *trusted = PKIX_TRUE;
-                return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        if ((trustFlags & CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD) &&
-            ((trustFlags & (CERTDB_VALID_CA|CERTDB_TRUSTED)) == 0)) {
-                return SECFailure;
-        }
-        return SECSuccess;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_IsCertTrusted
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode trustAnchorMode,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_CertStore_CheckTrustCallback trustCallback = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean trusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_IsCertTrusted");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pTrusted);
-        /* Call GetTrusted first to see if we are going to distrust the
-         * certificate */
-        rv = pkix_pl_Cert_GetTrusted(plContext, cert, &trusted, PKIX_TRUE);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                /* Failure means the cert is explicitly distrusted,
-                 * let the next level know not to use it. */
-                *pTrusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (trustAnchorMode == PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Exclusive ||
-            (trustAnchorMode == PKIX_PL_TrustAnchorMode_Additive &&
-             cert->isUserTrustAnchor)) {
-            /* Use the trust anchor's |trusted| value */
-            *pTrusted = cert->isUserTrustAnchor;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* no key usage information or store is not trusted */
-        if (plContext == NULL || cert->store == NULL) {
-                *pTrusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertStore_GetTrustCallback
-                (cert->store, &trustCallback, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK_ONLY_FATAL(trustCallback
-                (cert->store, cert, &trusted, plContext),
-        /* allow trust store to override if we can trust the trust
-         * bits */
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED || (trusted == PKIX_FALSE)) {
-                *pTrusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pTrusted = trusted;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_IsLeafCertTrusted
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pTrusted,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_IsLeafCertTrusted");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pTrusted);
-        *pTrusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        rv = pkix_pl_Cert_GetTrusted(plContext, cert, pTrusted, PKIX_FALSE);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                /* Failure means the cert is explicitly distrusted,
-                 * let the next level know not to use it. */
-                *pTrusted = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-/* FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_SetAsTrustAnchor */
-PKIX_PL_Cert_SetAsTrustAnchor(PKIX_PL_Cert *cert, 
-                              void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_SetAsTrustAnchor");
-    cert->isUserTrustAnchor = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCacheFlag (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCacheFlag,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCacheFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pCacheFlag);
-        *pCacheFlag = cert->cacheFlag;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_SetCacheFlag (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_SetCacheFlag");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(cert);
-        cert->cacheFlag = cacheFlag;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetTrustCertStore (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_CertStore **pTrustCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetTrustCertStore");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pTrustCertStore);
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->store);
-        *pTrustCertStore = cert->store;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_SetTrustCertStore (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_CertStore *trustCertStore,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_SetTrustCertStore");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, trustCertStore);
-        PKIX_INCREF(trustCertStore);
-        cert->store = trustCertStore;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityInfoAccess
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pAiaList, /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *aiaList = NULL; /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        SECItem *encodedAIA = NULL;
-        CERTAuthInfoAccess **aia = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityInfoAccess");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pAiaList);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->authorityInfoAccess == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->authorityInfoAccess == NULL) {
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, encodedAIA, SECITEM_AllocItem,
-                        (NULL, NULL, 0));
-                    if (encodedAIA == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, rv, CERT_FindCertExtension,
-                        (cert->nssCert,
-                        SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS,
-                        encodedAIA));
-                    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(CERT, arena, PORT_NewArena,
-                        (DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE));
-                    if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                        (CERT, aia, CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension,
-                        (arena, encodedAIA));
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_InfoAccess_CreateList
-                        (aia, &aiaList, plContext),
-                    cert->authorityInfoAccess = aiaList;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->authorityInfoAccess);
-        *pAiaList = cert->authorityInfoAccess;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        if (arena != NULL) {
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        if (encodedAIA != NULL) {
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(encodedAIA, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-/* XXX Following defines belongs to NSS */
-static const unsigned char siaOIDString[] = {0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05,
-                                0x07, 0x01, 0x0b};
-#define OI(x) { siDEROID, (unsigned char *)x, sizeof x }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectInfoAccess
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_List **pSiaList, /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *siaList; /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        SECItem siaOID = OI(siaOIDString);
-        SECItem *encodedSubjInfoAccess = NULL;
-        CERTAuthInfoAccess **subjInfoAccess = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetSubjectInfoAccess");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pSiaList);
-        /* XXX
-         * Codes to deal with SubjectInfoAccess OID should be moved to
-         * NSS soon. I implemented them here so we don't touch NSS
-         * source tree, from JP's suggestion.
-         */
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (cert->subjectInfoAccess == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-                if (cert->subjectInfoAccess == NULL) {
-                    encodedSubjInfoAccess = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, 0);
-                    if (encodedSubjInfoAccess == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_FindCertExtensionByOID).\n");
-                    rv = CERT_FindCertExtensionByOID
-                                (cert->nssCert, &siaOID, encodedSubjInfoAccess);
-                    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                    }
-                    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                    if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                    }
-                    /* XXX
-                     * Decode Subject Information Access -
-                     * since its type is the same as Authority Information
-                     * Access, reuse the call. NSS- change name to avoid
-                     * confusion.
-                     */
-                    PKIX_CERT_DEBUG
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension).\n");
-                    subjInfoAccess = CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension
-                        (arena, encodedSubjInfoAccess);
-                    PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_InfoAccess_CreateList
-                            (subjInfoAccess, &siaList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_INFOACCESSCREATELISTFAILED);
-                    cert->subjectInfoAccess = siaList;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(cert);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert->subjectInfoAccess);
-        *pSiaList = cert->subjectInfoAccess;
-	PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-        if (arena != NULL) {
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        if (encodedSubjInfoAccess != NULL) {
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(encodedSubjInfoAccess, PR_TRUE);
-        }
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-    PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-    PKIX_List **pDpList,
-    void *plContext)
-    PKIX_UInt32 dpIndex = 0;
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp *dp = NULL; 
-    CERTCrlDistributionPoints *dpoints = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCrlDp");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cert, cert->nssCert, pDpList);
-    /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-    if (cert->crldpList == NULL) {
-        PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(cert);
-        if (cert->crldpList != NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&cert->crldpList, plContext),
-                   PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        dpoints = CERT_FindCRLDistributionPoints(cert->nssCert);
-        if (!dpoints || !dpoints->distPoints) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        for (;dpoints->distPoints[dpIndex];dpIndex++) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_pl_CrlDp_Create(dpoints->distPoints[dpIndex],
-                                     &cert->nssCert->issuer,
-                                     &dp, plContext),
-            /* Create crldp list in reverse order in attempt to get
-             * to the whole crl first. */
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                PKIX_List_InsertItem(cert->crldpList, 0,
-                                     (PKIX_PL_Object*)dp,
-                                     plContext),
-            PKIX_DECREF(dp);
-        }
-    }
-    PKIX_INCREF(cert->crldpList);
-    *pDpList = cert->crldpList;
-    PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(lockedObject);
-    PKIX_DECREF(dp);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Cert_GetCERTCertificate
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        CERTCertificate **pnssCert, 
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ENTER(CERT, "PKIX_PL_Cert_GetNssCert");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pnssCert);
-    *pnssCert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert->nssCert);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 56fe642..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_cert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_cert.h
- *
- * Certificate Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_CERT_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_CERT_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_CertStruct {
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert;  /* Must be the first field.  The
-                                    * cert_NSSCertFromPKIXCert function in
-                                    * lib/certhigh/certvfypkix.c depends on
-                                    * this. */
-        CERTGeneralName *nssSubjAltNames;
-        PLArenaPool *arenaNameConstraints;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *subject;
-        PKIX_List *subjAltNames;
-        PKIX_Boolean subjAltNamesAbsent;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *publicKeyAlgId;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *publicKey;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber;
-        PKIX_List *critExtOids;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *subjKeyId;
-        PKIX_Boolean subjKeyIdAbsent;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *authKeyId;
-        PKIX_Boolean authKeyIdAbsent;
-        PKIX_List *extKeyUsages;
-        PKIX_Boolean extKeyUsagesAbsent;
-        PKIX_PL_CertBasicConstraints *certBasicConstraints;
-        PKIX_Boolean basicConstraintsAbsent;
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyInfos;
-        PKIX_Boolean policyInfoAbsent;
-        PKIX_Boolean policyMappingsAbsent;
-        PKIX_List *certPolicyMappings; /* List of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap */
-        PKIX_Boolean policyConstraintsProcessed;
-        PKIX_Int32 policyConstraintsExplicitPolicySkipCerts;
-        PKIX_Int32 policyConstraintsInhibitMappingSkipCerts;
-        PKIX_Boolean inhibitAnyPolicyProcessed;
-        PKIX_Int32 inhibitAnySkipCerts;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints;
-        PKIX_Boolean nameConstraintsAbsent;
-        PKIX_Boolean cacheFlag;
-        PKIX_CertStore *store;
-        PKIX_List *authorityInfoAccess; /* list of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        PKIX_List *subjectInfoAccess; /* list of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        PKIX_Boolean isUserTrustAnchor;
-        PKIX_List *crldpList; /* list of CRL DPs based on der in nssCert arena.
-                               * Destruction is needed for pkix object and
-                               * not for undelying der as it is a part
-                               * nssCert arena. */ 
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Cert_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert **pCert,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derCertItem,
-        PKIX_List *certList,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean matchAll,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_Boolean partialString,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 requiredExtendedKeyUsages,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPass,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_CERT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a44ac65..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.c
- *
- * CertPolicyInfo Type Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h"
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CertPolicyInfo Object using the OID pointed to by "oid" and
- *  the List of CertPolicyQualifiers pointed to by "qualifiers", and stores it
- *  at "pObject". If a non-NULL list is provided, the caller is expected to
- *  have already set it to be immutable. The caller may provide an empty List,
- *  but a NULL List is preferable so a user does not need to call
- *  List_GetLength to get the number of qualifiers.
- *
- *  "oid"
- *      OID of the desired PolicyInfo ID; must be non-NULL
- *  "qualifiers"
- *      List of CertPolicyQualifiers; may be NULL or empty
- *  "pObject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid,
-        PKIX_List *qualifiers,
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo **pObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policyInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(oid, pObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policyInfo,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(oid);
-        policyInfo->cpID = oid;
-        PKIX_INCREF(qualifiers);
-        policyInfo->policyQualifiers = qualifiers;
-        *pObject = policyInfo;
-        policyInfo = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyInfo);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *certPI = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE, plContext),
-        certPI = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo*)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPI->cpID);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPI->policyQualifiers);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *certPI = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *oidString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *listString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *format = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *outString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE, plContext),
-        certPI = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *)object;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(certPI->cpID);
-                (certPI->cpID,
-                &oidString,
-                plContext,
-                (certPI->policyQualifiers,
-                &listString,
-                plContext,
-        /* Put them together in the form OID[Qualifiers] */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, "%s[%s]", 0, &format, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&outString, plContext, format, oidString, listString),
-                PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-        *pString = outString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(oidString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(listString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(format);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *certPI = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 oidHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 listHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE, plContext),
-        certPI = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *)object;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(certPI->cpID);
-                (certPI->cpID,
-                &oidHash,
-                plContext,
-                (certPI->policyQualifiers,
-                &listHash,
-                plContext,
-        *pHashcode = (31 * oidHash) + listHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *firstCPI = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *secondCPI = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean compare = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CertPolicyInfo */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CertPolicyInfo,
-         * if both references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a CertPolicyInfo, we
-         * don't throw an error. We simply return FALSE.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstCPI = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *)firstObject;
-        secondCPI = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Compare the value of the OID components
-         */
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstCPI->cpID, secondCPI->cpID);
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstCPI->cpID,
-                secondCPI->cpID,
-                &compare,
-                plContext,
-                PKIX_OIDEQUALSFAILED);
-        /*
-         * If the OIDs did not match, we don't need to
-         * compare the Lists. If the OIDs did match,
-         * the return value is the value of the
-         * List comparison.
-         */
-        if (compare) {
-                PKIX_EQUALS
-                        (firstCPI->policyQualifiers,
-                        secondCPI->policyQualifiers,
-                        &compare,
-                        plContext,
-                        PKIX_LISTEQUALSFAILED);
-        }
-        *pResult = compare;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize,
- *  which should only be called once, it is acceptable that
- *  this function is not thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertPolicyInfo";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTPOLICYINFO_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-CertPolicyInfo-Functions------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolicyId
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policyInfo,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pPolicyId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolicyId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policyInfo, pPolicyId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyInfo->cpID);
-        *pPolicyId = policyInfo->cpID;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolQualifiers
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo *policyInfo,
-        PKIX_List **pQuals,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYINFO, "PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo_GetPolQualifiers");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policyInfo, pQuals);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyInfo->policyQualifiers);
-        /*
-         * This List is created in PKIX_PL_Cert_DecodePolicyInfo
-         * and is set immutable immediately after being created.
-         */
-        *pQuals = policyInfo->policyQualifiers;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c324e6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h
- *
- * PolicyInfo Type Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * This structure reflects the contents of the policy info extension as
- * described in Section of RFC3280.
- *
- *  PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyIdentifier        CertPolicyId,
- *      PolicyQualifiers        SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF
- *                                  PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL }
- *
- */
-struct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfoStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_OID *cpID;
-        PKIX_List *policyQualifiers; /* LIST of PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid,
-        PKIX_List *qualifiers,
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyInfo **pObject,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_POLICYINFO_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 08b1ca9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_certpolicymap.c
- *
- * CertPolicyMap Type Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h"
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new CertPolicyMap Object pairing the OID given by
- *  "issuerDomainPolicy" with the OID given by "subjectDomainPolicy", and
- *  stores the result at "pCertPolicyMap".
- *
- *  "issuerDomainPolicy"
- *      Address of the OID of the IssuerDomainPolicy. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "subjectDomainPolicy"
- *      Address of the OID of the SubjectDomainPolicy. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCertPolicyMap"
- *      Address where CertPolicyMap pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CertPolicyMap Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainPolicy,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjectDomainPolicy,
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap **pCertPolicyMap,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *policyMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Create");
-                (issuerDomainPolicy, subjectDomainPolicy, pCertPolicyMap);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&policyMap,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(issuerDomainPolicy);
-        policyMap->issuerDomainPolicy = issuerDomainPolicy;
-        PKIX_INCREF(subjectDomainPolicy);
-        policyMap->subjectDomainPolicy = subjectDomainPolicy;
-        *pCertPolicyMap = policyMap;
-        policyMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(policyMap);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *certMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE, plContext),
-        certMap = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap*)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certMap->issuerDomainPolicy);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certMap->subjectDomainPolicy);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *certMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *format = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *outString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *issuerString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *subjectString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE, plContext),
-        certMap = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *)object;
-                (certMap->issuerDomainPolicy,
-                &issuerString,
-                plContext,
-                (certMap->subjectDomainPolicy,
-                &subjectString,
-                plContext,
-        /* Put them together in the form issuerPolicy=>subjectPolicy */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, "%s=>%s", 0, &format, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&outString, plContext, format, issuerString, subjectString),
-                PKIX_ERRORINSPRINTF);
-        *pString = outString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(format);
-        PKIX_DECREF(issuerString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(subjectString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 issuerHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 subjectHash = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *certMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE, plContext),
-        certMap = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *)object;
-                (certMap->issuerDomainPolicy,
-                &issuerHash,
-                plContext,
-                (certMap->subjectDomainPolicy,
-                &subjectHash,
-                plContext,
-        *pHashcode = issuerHash*31 + subjectHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *firstCertMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *secondCertMap = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean compare = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CertPolicyMap */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CertPolicyMap,
-         * if both references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a CertPolicyMap, we
-         * don't throw an error. We simply return FALSE.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstCertMap = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *)firstObject;
-        secondCertMap = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *)secondObject;
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstCertMap->issuerDomainPolicy,
-                secondCertMap->issuerDomainPolicy,
-                &compare,
-                plContext,
-        if (compare) {
-                PKIX_EQUALS
-                        (firstCertMap->subjectDomainPolicy,
-                        secondCertMap->subjectDomainPolicy,
-                        &compare,
-                        plContext,
-                        PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-        }
-        *pResult = compare;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Duplicate
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Duplicate_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *original = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *copy = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE, plContext),
-        original = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Create
-                (original->issuerDomainPolicy,
-                original->subjectDomainPolicy,
-                &copy,
-                plContext),
-        *pNewObject = (PKIX_PL_Object *)copy;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize,
- *  which should only be called once, it is acceptable that
- *  this function is not thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYMAP, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertPolicyMap";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_Duplicate;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTPOLICYMAP_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-CertPolicyMap-Functions------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetIssuerDomainPolicy
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *policyMapping,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pIssuerDomainPolicy,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTPOLICYMAP, "PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetIssuerDomainPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policyMapping, pIssuerDomainPolicy);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyMapping->issuerDomainPolicy);
-        *pIssuerDomainPolicy = policyMapping->issuerDomainPolicy;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetSubjectDomainPolicy
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap *policyMapping,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pSubjectDomainPolicy,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER
-                (CERTPOLICYMAP, "PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap_GetSubjectDomainPolicy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policyMapping, pSubjectDomainPolicy);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyMapping->subjectDomainPolicy);
-        *pSubjectDomainPolicy = policyMapping->subjectDomainPolicy;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a03bce2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h
- *
- * CertPolicyMap Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * This structure reflects the contents of the policy mapping extension as
- * described in Section of RFC3280.
- *
- *  PolicyMappings ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SEQUENCE {
- *      issuerDomainPolicy      CertPolicyId,
- *      subjectDomainPolicy     CertPolicyId }
- *
- */
-struct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMapStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainPolicy;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjectDomainPolicy;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *issuerDomainPolicy,
-        PKIX_PL_OID *subjectDomainPolicy,
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyMap **pObject,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b57623d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.c
- *
- * CertPolicyQualifier Type Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h"
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Create
- *
- *  Creates a CertPolicyQualifier object with the OID given by "oid"
- *  and the ByteArray given by "qualifier", and stores it at "pObject".
- *
- *  "oid"
- *      Address of OID of the desired policyQualifierId; must be non-NULL
- *  "qualifier"
- *      Address of ByteArray with the desired value of the qualifier;
- *      must be non-NULL
- *  "pObject"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *qualifier,
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier **pObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *qual = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(oid, qualifier, pObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&qual,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(oid);
-        qual->policyQualifierId = oid;
-        PKIX_INCREF(qualifier);
-        qual->qualifier = qualifier;
-        *pObject = qual;
-        qual = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(qual);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *certPQ = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE, plContext),
-        certPQ = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier*)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPQ->policyQualifierId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certPQ->qualifier);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *certPQ = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = "%s:%s";
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *pqIDString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *pqValString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *outString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE, plContext),
-        certPQ = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *)object;
-        /*
-         * The policyQualifierId is required. If there is no qualifier,
-         * we should have a ByteArray of zero length.
-         */
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(certPQ->policyQualifierId, certPQ->qualifier);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiFormat, 0, &formatString, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(certPQ->policyQualifierId, &pqIDString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_ByteArray_ToHexString
-                (certPQ->qualifier, &pqValString, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                (&outString, plContext, formatString, pqIDString, pqValString),
-                PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = outString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pqIDString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pqValString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *certPQ = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 cpidHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 cpqHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE, plContext),
-        certPQ = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *)object;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(certPQ->policyQualifierId, certPQ->qualifier);
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(certPQ->policyQualifierId, &cpidHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(certPQ->qualifier, &cpqHash, plContext,
-        *pHashcode = cpidHash*31 + cpqHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *firstCPQ = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *secondCPQ = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean compare = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER, "pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CertPolicyQualifier */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CertPolicyQualifier,
-         * if both references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a CertPolicyQualifier, we
-         * don't throw an error. We simply return FALSE.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstCPQ = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *)firstObject;
-        secondCPQ = (PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Compare the value of the OID components
-         */
-                (firstCPQ->policyQualifierId, secondCPQ->policyQualifierId);
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstCPQ->policyQualifierId,
-                secondCPQ->policyQualifierId,
-                &compare,
-                plContext,
-                PKIX_OIDEQUALSFAILED);
-        /*
-         * If the OIDs did not match, we don't need to
-         * compare the ByteArrays. If the OIDs did match,
-         * the return value is the value of the
-         * ByteArray comparison.
-         */
-        if (compare) {
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstCPQ->qualifier, secondCPQ->qualifier);
-                PKIX_EQUALS
-                        (firstCPQ->qualifier,
-                        secondCPQ->qualifier,
-                        &compare,
-                        plContext,
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAYEQUALSFAILED);
-        }
-        *pResult = compare;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE and its related
- *  functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize,
- *  which should only be called once, it is acceptable that
- *  this function is not thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                "pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertPolicyQualifier";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-CertPolicyQualifier-Functions------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PolicyQualifier_GetPolicyQualifierId
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *policyQualifierInfo,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pPolicyQualifierId,
-        void *plContext)
-                "PKIX_PL_PolicyQualifier_GetPolicyQualifierId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policyQualifierInfo, pPolicyQualifierId);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyQualifierInfo->policyQualifierId);
-        *pPolicyQualifierId = policyQualifierInfo->policyQualifierId;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PolicyQualifier_GetQualifier
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier *policyQualifierInfo,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pQualifier,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTPOLICYQUALIFIER, "PKIX_PL_PolicyQualifier_GetQualifier");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(policyQualifierInfo, pQualifier);
-        PKIX_INCREF(policyQualifierInfo->qualifier);
-        *pQualifier = policyQualifierInfo->qualifier;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6c8a2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h
- *
- * PolicyQualifier Type Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * This structure reflects the contents of the policy qualifier extension as
- * described in Section of RFC3280.
- *
- *  PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
- *      policyQualifierId       PolicyQualifierId,
- *      qualifier               ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId }
- *
- *  PolicyQualifierId ::=
- *      OBJECT IDENTIFIER (id-qt-cps | id-qt-unotice)
- *
- */
-struct PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifierStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_OID *policyQualifierId;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *qualifier;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *qualifierArray,
-        PKIX_PL_CertPolicyQualifier **pObject,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b83db35..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1068 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_crl.c
- *
- * CRL Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_crl.h"
-#include "certxutl.h"
-extern PKIX_PL_HashTable *cachedCrlSigTable;
-/* --Private-CRL-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_GetVersion
- *
- *  Retrieves the version of the CRL pointed to by "crl" and stores it at
- *  "pVersion". The version number will either be 0 or 1 (corresponding to
- *  v1 or v2, respectively).
- *
- *  Version  ::=  INTEGER  {  v1(0), v2(1), v3(2)  }
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose version is to be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pVersion"
- *      Address where a version will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pVersion,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 myVersion;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_GetVersion");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pVersion);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(crl->nssSignedCrl->;
-        myVersion = *(crl->nssSignedCrl->;
-        if (myVersion > 1) {
-        }
-        *pVersion = myVersion;
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCRLNumber (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pCrlNumber,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *crlNumber = NULL;
-        SECItem nssCrlNumber;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECStatus status;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length = 0;
-        char *bytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCRLNumber");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pCrlNumber);
-        /* Can call this function only with der been adopted. */
-        PORT_Assert(crl->adoptedDerCrl);
-        if (!crl->crlNumberAbsent && crl->crlNumber == NULL) {
-            PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crl);
-            if (!crl->crlNumberAbsent && crl->crlNumber == NULL) {
-                nssCrlNumber.type = 0;
-                nssCrlNumber.len = 0;
-       = NULL;
-                PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena).\n");
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_FindCRLNumberExten\n");
-                status = CERT_FindCRLNumberExten
-                        (arena, &crl->nssSignedCrl->crl, &nssCrlNumber);
-                if (status == SECSuccess) {
-                        /* Get data in bytes then convert to bigint */
-                        length = nssCrlNumber.len;
-                        bytes = (char *);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_BigInt_CreateWithBytes
-                                    (bytes, length, &crlNumber, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_BIGINTCREATEWITHBYTESFAILED);
-                        /* arena release does the job 
-                        PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem\n");
-                        SECITEM_FreeItem(&nssCrlNumber, PKIX_FALSE);
-                        */
-                        crl->crlNumber = crlNumber;
-                } else {
-                        crl->crlNumberAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                }
-            }
-            PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crl);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(crl->crlNumber);
-        *pCrlNumber = crl->crlNumber;
-        if (arena){
-                PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_GetSignatureAlgId
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the OID that represents the signature algorithm of
- *  the CRL pointed to by "crl" and stores it at "pSignatureAlgId".
- *
- *  AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
- *      algorithm               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- *      parameters              ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL  }
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose signature algorithm OID is to be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSignatureAlgId"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pSignatureAlgId,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *signatureAlgId = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_GetSignatureAlgId");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pSignatureAlgId);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (crl->signatureAlgId == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crl);
-                if (crl->signatureAlgId == NULL){
-                    CERTCrl *nssCrl = &(crl->nssSignedCrl->crl);
-                    SECAlgorithmID *algorithm = &nssCrl->signatureAlg;
-                    SECItem *algBytes = &algorithm->algorithm;
-                    if (!algBytes->data || !algBytes->len) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OIDBYTESLENGTH0);
-                    }
-                    PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem
-                               (algBytes, &signatureAlgId, plContext),
-                               PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                    /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                    crl->signatureAlgId = signatureAlgId;
-                    signatureAlgId = NULL;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crl);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(crl->signatureAlgId);
-        *pSignatureAlgId = crl->signatureAlgId;
-        PKIX_DECREF(signatureAlgId);
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_GetCRLEntries
- *
- *  Retrieves a pointer to the List of CRLEntries found in the CRL pointed to
- *  by "crl" and stores it at "pCRLEntries". If there are no CRLEntries,
- *  this functions stores NULL at "pCRLEntries".
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose CRL Entries are to be retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCRLEntries"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_List **pCrlEntries,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *entryList = NULL;
-        CERTCrl *nssCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_GetCRLEntries");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pCrlEntries);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (crl->crlEntryList == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crl);
-                if (crl->crlEntryList == NULL){
-                        nssCrl = &(crl->nssSignedCrl->crl);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Create
-                                    (nssCrl->entries, &entryList, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_CRLENTRYCREATEFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable
-                                    (entryList, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                        crl->crlEntryList = entryList;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crl);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(crl->crlEntryList);
-        *pCrlEntries = crl->crlEntryList;
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRL_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRL);
-        crl = (PKIX_PL_CRL*)object;
-        PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyCrl\n");
-        if (crl->nssSignedCrl) {
-            CERT_DestroyCrl(crl->nssSignedCrl);
-        }
-        if (crl->adoptedDerCrl) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(crl->adoptedDerCrl, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        crl->nssSignedCrl = NULL;
-        crl->adoptedDerCrl = NULL;
-        crl->crlNumberAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl->issuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl->signatureAlgId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl->crlNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl->crlEntryList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crl->critExtOids);
-        if (crl->derGenName) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(crl->derGenName, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the CRL pointed
- *  to by "crl" and stores it at "pString".
- *
- *  "crl"
- *      Address of CRL whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 crlVersion = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *crlIssuer = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *nssSignatureAlgId = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *crlNumber = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *crlEntryList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *critExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlIssuerString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *lastUpdateString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nextUpdateString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nssSignatureAlgIdString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlNumberString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlEntryListString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *critExtOIDsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pString);
-        asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\tVersion:         v%d\n"
-                "\tIssuer:          %s\n"
-                "\tUpdate:   [Last: %s\n"
-                "\t           Next: %s]\n"
-                "\tSignatureAlgId:  %s\n"
-                "\tCRL Number     : %s\n"
-                "\n"
-                "\tEntry List:      %s\n"
-                "\n"
-                "\tCritExtOIDs:     %s\n"
-                "]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        /* Version */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRL_GetVersion(crl, &crlVersion, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CRLGETVERSIONFAILED);
-        /* Issuer */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRL_GetIssuer(crl, &crlIssuer, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CRLGETISSUERFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)crlIssuer, &crlIssuerString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_X500NAMETOSTRINGFAILED);
-        /* This update - No Date object created, use nss data directly */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
-                    (&(crl->nssSignedCrl->crl.lastUpdate),
-                    &lastUpdateString,
-                    plContext),
-        /* Next update - No Date object created, use nss data directly */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
-                    (&(crl->nssSignedCrl->crl.nextUpdate),
-                    &nextUpdateString,
-                    plContext),
-        /* Signature Algorithm Id */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRL_GetSignatureAlgId
-                    (crl, &nssSignatureAlgId, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)nssSignatureAlgId,
-                    &nssSignatureAlgIdString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        /* CRL Number */
-                    (crl, &crlNumber, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(crlNumber, &crlNumberString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_BIGINTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        /* CRL Entries */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRL_GetCRLEntries(crl, &crlEntryList, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(crlEntryList, &crlEntryListString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        /* CriticalExtensionOIDs */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                    (crl, &critExtOIDs, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(critExtOIDs, &critExtOIDsString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&crlString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    crlVersion + 1,
-                    crlIssuerString,
-                    lastUpdateString,
-                    nextUpdateString,
-                    nssSignatureAlgIdString,
-                    crlNumberString,
-                    crlEntryListString,
-                    critExtOIDsString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = crlString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlIssuer);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nssSignatureAlgId);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlEntryList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlIssuerString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(lastUpdateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nextUpdateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nssSignatureAlgIdString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlNumberString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlEntryListString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRL_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRL);
-        crl = (PKIX_PL_CRL *) object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRL_ToString_Helper(crl, &crlString, plContext),
-        *pString = crlString;
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 certHash;
-        SECItem *crlDer = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRL_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRL);
-        crl = (PKIX_PL_CRL *)object;
-        if (crl->adoptedDerCrl) {
-            crlDer = crl->adoptedDerCrl;
-        } else if (crl->nssSignedCrl && crl->nssSignedCrl->derCrl) { 
-            crlDer = crl->nssSignedCrl->derCrl;
-        }
-        if (!crlDer || !crlDer->data) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash(crlDer->data, crlDer->len,
-                             &certHash, plContext),
-                   PKIX_ERRORINHASH);
-        *pHashcode = certHash;
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *firstCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *secondCrl = NULL;
-        SECItem *crlDerOne = NULL, *crlDerTwo = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CRL */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_CRL_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_FIRSTOBJECTNOTCRL);
-        firstCrl = (PKIX_PL_CRL *)firstObject;
-        secondCrl = (PKIX_PL_CRL *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CRL, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstCrl == secondCrl){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondCrl isn't a CRL, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)secondCrl, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CRL_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        if (firstCrl->adoptedDerCrl) {
-            crlDerOne = firstCrl->adoptedDerCrl;
-        } else if (firstCrl->nssSignedCrl && firstCrl->nssSignedCrl->derCrl) {
-            crlDerOne = firstCrl->nssSignedCrl->derCrl;
-        }
-        if (secondCrl->adoptedDerCrl) {
-            crlDerTwo = secondCrl->adoptedDerCrl;
-        } else if (secondCrl->nssSignedCrl && secondCrl->nssSignedCrl->derCrl) {
-            crlDerTwo = secondCrl->nssSignedCrl->derCrl;
-        }
-        if (SECITEM_CompareItem(crlDerOne, crlDerTwo) == SECEqual) {
-            *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_CRL_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CRL_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_CRL_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "CRL";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CRL);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_CRL_Destroy;
-        entry->equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CRL_Equals;
-        entry->hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CRL_Hashcode;
-        entry->toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CRL_ToString;
-        entry->duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifyUpdateTime (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRTime timeToCheck;
-        PRTime nextUpdate;
-        PRTime lastUpdate;
-        SECStatus status;
-        CERTCrl *nssCrl = NULL;
-        SECItem *nextUpdateDer = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean haveNextUpdate = PR_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifyUpdateTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, date, pResult);
-        /* Can call this function only with der been adopted. */
-        PORT_Assert(crl->adoptedDerCrl);
-        nssCrl = &(crl->nssSignedCrl->crl);
-        timeToCheck = date->nssTime;
-        /* nextUpdate can be NULL. Checking before using it */
-        nextUpdateDer = &nssCrl->nextUpdate;
-        if (nextUpdateDer->data && nextUpdateDer->len) {
-                haveNextUpdate = PR_TRUE;
-                status = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&nextUpdate, nextUpdateDer);
-                if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                }
-        }
-        status = DER_DecodeTimeChoice(&lastUpdate, &(nssCrl->lastUpdate));
-        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        if (!haveNextUpdate || nextUpdate < timeToCheck) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (lastUpdate <= timeToCheck) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL
- *
- *  Creates a new CRL using the CERTSignedCrl pointed to by "nssSignedCrl"
- *  and stores it at "pCRL". If the decoding of the CERTSignedCrl fails,
- *  a PKIX_Error is returned.
- *
- *  "nssSignedCrl"
- *      Address of CERTSignedCrl. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "adoptedDerCrl"
- *      SECItem ponter that if not NULL is indicating that memory used
- *      for der should be adopted by crl that is about to be created.
- *  "pCRL"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTSignedCrl *nssSignedCrl,
-        SECItem *adoptedDerCrl,
-        SECItem *derGenName,
-        PKIX_PL_CRL **pCrl,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pCrl);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_CRL object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CRL_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_CRL),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&crl,
-                    plContext),
-        /* populate the nssSignedCrl field */
-        crl->nssSignedCrl = nssSignedCrl;
-        crl->adoptedDerCrl = adoptedDerCrl;
-        crl->issuer = NULL;
-        crl->signatureAlgId = NULL;
-        crl->crlNumber = NULL;
-        crl->crlNumberAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        crl->crlEntryList = NULL;
-        crl->critExtOids = NULL;
-        if (derGenName) {
-            crl->derGenName =
-                SECITEM_DupItem(derGenName);
-            if (!crl->derGenName) {
-            }
-        }
-        *pCrl = crl;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(crl);
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
-/* --Public-CRL-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        PKIX_PL_CRL **pCrl,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTSignedCrl *nssSignedCrl = NULL;
-        SECItem derItem, *derCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(byteArray, pCrl);
-        if (byteArray->length == 0){
-        }
-        derItem.type = siBuffer;
- = byteArray->array;
-        derItem.len = byteArray->length;
-        derCrl = SECITEM_DupItem(&derItem);
-        if (!derCrl) {
-        }
-        nssSignedCrl =
-            CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrl, SEC_CRL_TYPE,
-                                       CRL_DECODE_DONT_COPY_DER |
-                                       CRL_DECODE_SKIP_ENTRIES);
-        if (!nssSignedCrl) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL(nssSignedCrl, derCrl, NULL,
-                                            &crl, plContext),
-        nssSignedCrl = NULL;
-        derCrl = NULL;
-        *pCrl = crl;
-        if (derCrl) {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrl, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        if (nssSignedCrl) {
-            SEC_DestroyCrl(nssSignedCrl);
-        } 
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_GetIssuer (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pCRLIssuer,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer = NULL;
-        SECItem  *derIssuerName = NULL;
-        CERTName *issuerName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_GetIssuer");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pCRLIssuer);
-        /* Can call this function only with der been adopted. */
-        PORT_Assert(crl->adoptedDerCrl);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (crl->issuer == NULL){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crl);
-                if (crl->issuer == NULL) {
-                        issuerName = &crl->nssSignedCrl->;
-                        derIssuerName = &crl->nssSignedCrl->crl.derName;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(
-                            PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName(derIssuerName,
-                                                                issuerName,
-                                                                &issuer,
-                                                                plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMECREATEFROMCERTNAMEFAILED);
-                        /* save a cached copy in case it is asked for again */
-                        crl->issuer = issuer;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crl);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(crl->issuer);
-        *pCRLIssuer = crl->issuer;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlString);
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_List **pExtensions,   /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *oidsList = NULL;
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions = NULL;
-        CERTCrl *nssSignedCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pExtensions);
-        /* Can call this function only with der been adopted. */
-        PORT_Assert(crl->adoptedDerCrl);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (crl->critExtOids == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crl);
-                nssSignedCrl = &(crl->nssSignedCrl->crl);
-                extensions = nssSignedCrl->extensions;
-                if (crl->critExtOids == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OID_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                                    (extensions, &oidsList, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_GETCRITICALEXTENSIONOIDSFAILED);
-                        crl->critExtOids = oidsList;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crl);
-        }
-        /* We should return a copy of the List since this list changes */
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(crl->critExtOids, pExtensions, plContext,
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifySignature (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRL *cachedCrl = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *verifySig = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *cachedSig = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean crlEqual = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_Boolean crlInHash= PKIX_FALSE;
-        CERTSignedCrl *nssSignedCrl = NULL;
-        SECKEYPublicKey *nssPubKey = NULL;
-        CERTSignedData *tbsCrl = NULL;
-        void* wincx = NULL;
-        SECStatus status;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_VerifySignature");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crl, crl->nssSignedCrl, pubKey);
-        /* Can call this function only with der been adopted. */
-        PORT_Assert(crl->adoptedDerCrl);
-        verifySig = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup
-                (cachedCrlSigTable,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object *) pubKey,
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &cachedCrl,
-                plContext);
-        if (cachedCrl != NULL && verifySig == NULL) {
-                /* Cached Signature Table lookup succeed */
-                PKIX_EQUALS(crl, cachedCrl, &crlEqual, plContext,
-                            PKIX_OBJECTEQUALSFAILED);
-                if (crlEqual == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                /* Different PubKey may hash to same value, skip add */
-                crlInHash = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        nssSignedCrl = crl->nssSignedCrl;
-        tbsCrl = &nssSignedCrl->signatureWrap;
-        PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey\n");
-        nssPubKey = SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(pubKey->nssSPKI);
-        if (!nssPubKey){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_NssContext_GetWincx
-                   ((PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext, &wincx),
-        PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey\n");
-        status = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey(tbsCrl, nssPubKey, wincx);
-        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-        }
-        if (crlInHash == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                cachedSig = PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add
-                        (cachedCrlSigTable,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) pubKey,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object *) crl,
-                        plContext);
-                if (cachedSig != NULL) {
-                        PKIX_DEBUG("PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add skipped: entry existed\n");
-                }
-        }
-        if (nssPubKey){
-                PKIX_CRL_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey\n");
-                SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(nssPubKey);
-                nssPubKey = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedCrl);
-        PKIX_DECREF(verifySig);
-        PKIX_DECREF(cachedSig);
-        PKIX_RETURN(CRL);
-PKIX_PL_CRL_ReleaseDerCrl(PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-                         SECItem **derCrl,
-                         void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_ReleaseDerCrl");
-    *derCrl = crl->adoptedDerCrl;
-    crl->adoptedDerCrl = NULL;
-PKIX_PL_CRL_AdoptDerCrl(PKIX_PL_CRL *crl,
-                         SECItem *derCrl,
-                         void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ENTER(CRL, "PKIX_PL_CRL_AquireDerCrl");
-    if (crl->adoptedDerCrl) {
-    }
-    crl->adoptedDerCrl = derCrl;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a45059e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_crl.h
- *
- * CRL Object Type Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_CRL_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_CRL_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_CRLStruct {
-        CERTSignedCrl *nssSignedCrl;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *issuer;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *signatureAlgId;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *crlNumber;
-        PKIX_Boolean crlNumberAbsent;
-        PKIX_List *crlEntryList; /* list of PKIX_PL_CRLEntry */
-        PKIX_List *critExtOids;
-        SECItem *adoptedDerCrl;
-        SECItem *derGenName; /* der of general name which was used
-                              * to download the crl. */
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_CRL_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CRL_CreateWithSignedCRL(CERTSignedCrl *nssSignedCrl,
-                                SECItem *derCrl,
-                                SECItem *derGenName,
-                                PKIX_PL_CRL **pCrl,
-                                void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_CRL_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f29de2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_crldp.c
- *
- * Crl DP Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_crldp.h"
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp *crldp = NULL;
-    PKIX_ENTER(CRLCHECKER, "pkix_CrlDp_Destroy");
-    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-    /* Check that this object is a default CRL checker state */
-        pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLDP_TYPE, plContext),
-    crldp = (pkix_pl_CrlDp *)object;
-    if (crldp->distPointType == relativeDistinguishedName) {
-        CERT_DestroyName(crldp->name.issuerName);
-        crldp->name.issuerName = NULL;
-    }
-    crldp->nssdp = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CrlDp_RegisterSelf
- *
- *  Registers PKIX_CRLDP_TYPE and its related functions
- *  with systemClasses[]
- *
- *  Not Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CrlDp_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry* entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_CRLDP_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLCHECKER, "pkix_CrlDp_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "CrlDistPoint";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(pkix_pl_CrlDp);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_CrlDp_Destroy;
-        entry->duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-PKIX_Error *
-    const CRLDistributionPoint *dp,
-    const CERTName *certIssuerName,
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp **pPkixDP,
-    void *plContext)
-    PLArenaPool *rdnArena = NULL;
-    CERTName *issuerNameCopy = NULL;
-    pkix_pl_CrlDp *dpl = NULL;
-    /* Need to save the following info to update crl cache:
-     * - reasons if partitioned(but can not return revocation check
-     *   success if not all crl are downloaded)
-     * - issuer name if different from issuer of the cert
-     * - url to upload a crl if needed.
-     * */
-    PKIX_ENTER(CRLDP, "pkix_pl_CrlDp_Create");
-        PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc(PKIX_CRLDP_TYPE,
-                             sizeof (pkix_pl_CrlDp),
-                             (PKIX_PL_Object **)&dpl,
-                             plContext),
-    dpl->nssdp = dp;
-    dpl->isPartitionedByReasonCode = PKIX_FALSE;
-    if (dp-> {
-        dpl->isPartitionedByReasonCode = PKIX_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (dp->distPointType == generalName) {
-        dpl->distPointType = generalName;
-        dpl->name.fullName = dp->distPoint.fullName;
-    } else {
-        SECStatus rv;
-        const CERTName *issuerName = NULL;
-        const CERTRDN *relName = &dp->distPoint.relativeName;
-        if (dp->crlIssuer) {
-            if (dp->crlIssuer-> {
-                /* Violate RFC 5280: in this case crlIssuer
-                 * should have only one name and should be
-                 * a distinguish name. */
-            }
-            issuerName = &dp->crlIssuer->name.directoryName;
-        } else {
-            issuerName = certIssuerName;
-        }
-        rdnArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (!rdnArena) {
-        }
-        issuerNameCopy = (CERTName *)PORT_ArenaZNew(rdnArena, CERTName);
-        if (!issuerNameCopy) {
-        }
-        rv = CERT_CopyName(rdnArena, issuerNameCopy, (CERTName*)issuerName);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        }
-        rv = CERT_AddRDN(issuerNameCopy, (CERTRDN*)relName);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        }
-        dpl->distPointType = relativeDistinguishedName;
-        dpl->name.issuerName = issuerNameCopy;
-        rdnArena = NULL;
-    }
-    *pPkixDP = dpl;
-    dpl = NULL;
-    if (rdnArena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(rdnArena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    PKIX_DECREF(dpl);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 49cd9d2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crldp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_crldp.h
- *
- * Crp DP Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_CRLDP_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_CRLDP_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* CRLDP object can not be used without holding a reference
- * to the pkix certificate they belong to. The memory for dp der
- * object is allocated on nssCert certificate - a member of
- * PKIX_PL_Cert struct. */
-typedef struct pkix_pl_CrlDpStruct {
-    /* reference to decoded crldp that allocated on nssCert arena. */
-    const CRLDistributionPoint *nssdp;
-    DistributionPointTypes distPointType;
-    union {
-	CERTGeneralName *fullName;
-        /* if dp is a relative name, the issuerName is a merged value
-         * of crlIssuer and a relative name. Must be destroyed by CrlDp
-         * destructor. */
-        CERTName *issuerName;
-    } name;
-    PKIX_Boolean isPartitionedByReasonCode;
-} pkix_pl_CrlDp;
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CrlDp_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-/* Parses CRLDistributionPoint structure and creaetes
- * pkix_pl_CrlDp object. */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CrlDp_Create(const CRLDistributionPoint *dp,
-                     const CERTName *certIssuerName,
-                     pkix_pl_CrlDp **pPkixDP,
-                     void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_CRLDP_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e2b3e02..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_crlentry.c
- *
- * CRLENTRY Function Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_crlentry.h"
-/* --Private-CRLEntry-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLENTRY);
-        crlEntry = (PKIX_PL_CRLEntry*)object;
-        /* crlEntry->nssCrlEntry is freed by NSS when freeing CRL */
-        crlEntry->userReasonCode = 0;
-        crlEntry->userReasonCodeAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        crlEntry->nssCrlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlEntry->serialNumber);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlEntry->critExtOids);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the CRLEntry
- *  pointed to by "crlEntry" and stores it at "pString".
- *
- *  "crlEntry"
- *      Address of CRLEntry whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLEntry Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *critExtOIDs = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlEntryString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlSerialNumberString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlRevocationDateString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *critExtOIDsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 reasonCode = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_ToString_Helper");
-                (crlEntry,
-                crlEntry->serialNumber,
-                crlEntry->nssCrlEntry,
-                pString);
-        asciiFormat =
-                "\n\t[\n"
-                "\tSerialNumber:    %s\n"
-                "\tReasonCode:      %d\n"
-                "\tRevocationDate:  %s\n"
-                "\tCritExtOIDs:     %s\n"
-                "\t]\n\t";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        /* SerialNumber */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)crlEntry->serialNumber,
-                    &crlSerialNumberString,
-                    plContext),
-        /* RevocationDate - No Date object created, use nss data directly */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
-                    (&(crlEntry->nssCrlEntry->revocationDate),
-                    &crlRevocationDateString,
-                    plContext),
-        /* CriticalExtensionOIDs */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                    (crlEntry, &critExtOIDs, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(critExtOIDs, &critExtOIDsString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        /* Revocation Reason Code */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCRLEntryReasonCode
-                            (crlEntry, &reasonCode, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&crlEntryString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    crlSerialNumberString,
-                    reasonCode,
-                    crlRevocationDateString,
-                    critExtOIDsString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = crlEntryString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDs);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlSerialNumberString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlRevocationDateString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(critExtOIDsString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *crlEntryString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLENTRY);
-        crlEntry = (PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *) object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRLEntry_ToString_Helper
-                    (crlEntry, &crlEntryString, plContext),
-        *pString = crlEntryString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Extensions_Hashcode
- *
- *  For each CRL Entry extension stored at NSS structure CERTCertExtension,
- *  get its derbyte data and do the hash.
- *
- *  "extensions"
- *      Address of arrray of CERTCertExtension whose hash value is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pHashValue"
- *      Address where the final hash value is returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditional Thread Safe
- *  Though the value of extensions once created is not supposed to change,
- *  it may be de-allocated while we are accessing it. But since we are
- *  validating the object, it is unlikely we or someone is de-allocating
- *  at the moment.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashValue,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertExtension *extension = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 extHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashValue = 0;
-        SECItem *derBytes = NULL;
-        SECItem *resultSecItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Extensions_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(extensions, pHashValue);
-        if (extensions) {
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena\n");
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                while (*extensions) {
-                        extension = *extensions++;
-                        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(extension);
-                        PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_ArenaZNew\n");
-                        derBytes = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECItem);
-                        if (derBytes == NULL) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PORTARENAALLOCFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling SEC_ASN1EncodeItem\n");
-                        resultSecItem = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem
-                                (arena,
-                                derBytes,
-                                extension,
-                                CERT_CertExtensionTemplate);
-                        if (resultSecItem == NULL){
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_SECASN1ENCODEITEMFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                                (derBytes->data,
-                                derBytes->len,
-                                &extHash,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-                        hashValue += (extHash << 7);
-                }
-        }
-        *pHashValue = hashValue;
-        if (arena){
-                /* Note that freeing the arena also frees derBytes */
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-                arena = NULL;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem *nssDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 crlEntryHash;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashValue;
-        PKIX_Int32 reasonCode = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTCRLENTRY);
-        crlEntry = (PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)object;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(crlEntry->nssCrlEntry);
-        nssDate = &(crlEntry->nssCrlEntry->revocationDate);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssDate->data);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                ((const unsigned char *)nssDate->data,
-                nssDate->len,
-                &crlEntryHash,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)crlEntry->serialNumber,
-                &hashValue,
-                plContext),
-        crlEntryHash += (hashValue << 7);
-        hashValue = 0;
-        if (crlEntry->nssCrlEntry->extensions) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Extensions_Hashcode
-                    (crlEntry->nssCrlEntry->extensions, &hashValue, plContext),
-        }
-        crlEntryHash += (hashValue << 7);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCRLEntryReasonCode
-                (crlEntry, &reasonCode, plContext),
-        crlEntryHash += (reasonCode + 777) << 3;
-        *pHashcode = crlEntryHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLENTRY_Extensions_Equals
- *
- *  Compare each extension's DERbyte data in "firstExtensions" with extension
- *  in "secondExtensions" in sequential order and store the result in
- *  "pResult".
- *
- *  "firstExtensions"
- *      Address of first NSS structure CERTCertExtension to be compared.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondExtensions"
- *      Address of second NSS structure CERTCertExtension to be compared.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where the comparison result is returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *  Though the value of extensions once created is not supposed to change,
- *  it may be de-allocated while we are accessing it. But since we are
- *  validating the object, it is unlikely we or someone is de-allocating
- *  at the moment.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions1,
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions2,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTCertExtension **firstExtensions;
-        CERTCertExtension **secondExtensions;
-        CERTCertExtension *firstExtension = NULL;
-        CERTCertExtension *secondExtension = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECItem *firstDerBytes = NULL;
-        SECItem *secondDerBytes = NULL;
-        SECItem *firstResultSecItem = NULL;
-        SECItem *secondResultSecItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstNumExt = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondNumExt = 0;
-        SECComparison secResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Extensions_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(extensions1, extensions2, pResult);
-        firstExtensions = extensions1;
-        secondExtensions = extensions2;
-        if (firstExtensions) {
-                while (*firstExtensions) {
-                        firstExtension = *firstExtensions++;
-                        firstNumExt++;
-                }
-        }
-        if (secondExtensions) {
-                while (*secondExtensions) {
-                        secondExtension = *secondExtensions++;
-                        secondNumExt++;
-                }
-        }
-        if (firstNumExt != secondNumExt) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (firstNumExt == 0 && secondNumExt == 0) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* now have equal number, but non-zero extension items to compare */
-        firstExtensions = extensions1;
-        secondExtensions = extensions2;
-        cmpResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena\n");
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE*2);
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-        }
-        while (firstNumExt--) {
-                firstExtension = *firstExtensions++;
-                secondExtension = *secondExtensions++;
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstExtension, secondExtension);
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_ArenaZNew\n");
-                firstDerBytes = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECItem);
-                if (firstDerBytes == NULL) {
-                }
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_ArenaZNew\n");
-                secondDerBytes = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECItem);
-                if (secondDerBytes == NULL) {
-                }
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG
-                        ("\t\tCalling SEC_ASN1EncodeItem\n");
-                firstResultSecItem = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem
-                        (arena,
-                        firstDerBytes,
-                        firstExtension,
-                        CERT_CertExtensionTemplate);
-                if (firstResultSecItem == NULL){
-                }
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG
-                        ("\t\tCalling SEC_ASN1EncodeItem\n");
-                secondResultSecItem = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem
-                        (arena,
-                        secondDerBytes,
-                        secondExtension,
-                        CERT_CertExtensionTemplate);
-                if (secondResultSecItem == NULL){
-                }
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CompareItem\n");
-                secResult = SECITEM_CompareItem
-                        (firstResultSecItem, secondResultSecItem);
-                if (secResult != SECEqual) {
-                        cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        break;
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
-        if (arena){
-                /* Note that freeing the arena also frees derBytes */
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-                arena = NULL;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *firstCrlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *secondCrlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CRLEntry */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE, plContext),
-        firstCrlEntry = (PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)firstObject;
-        secondCrlEntry = (PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)secondObject;
-                (firstCrlEntry->nssCrlEntry, secondCrlEntry->nssCrlEntry);
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CRLEntry, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstCrlEntry == secondCrlEntry){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondCrlEntry isn't a CRL Entry, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)secondCrlEntry, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        /* Compare userSerialNumber */
-        PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CompareItem\n");
-        if (SECITEM_CompareItem(
-            &(((PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)firstCrlEntry)->nssCrlEntry->serialNumber),
-            &(((PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)secondCrlEntry)->nssCrlEntry->serialNumber))
-            != SECEqual) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare revocationDate */
-        PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CompareItem\n");
-        if (SECITEM_CompareItem
-            (&(((PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)firstCrlEntry)->nssCrlEntry->
-                revocationDate),
-            &(((PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *)secondCrlEntry)->nssCrlEntry->
-                revocationDate))
-            != SECEqual) {
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Compare Critical Extension List */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Extensions_Equals
-                    (firstCrlEntry->nssCrlEntry->extensions,
-                    secondCrlEntry->nssCrlEntry->extensions,
-                    &cmpResult,
-                    plContext),
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE){
-                *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        cmpResult = (firstCrlEntry->userReasonCode ==
-                    secondCrlEntry->userReasonCode);
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CRLEntry_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CRLEntry_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CRLEntry";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CRLEntry);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CRLEntry_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_CreateEntry
- *
- *  Creates a new CRLEntry using the CertCrlEntry pointed to by "nssCrlEntry"
- *  and stores it at "pCrlEntry". Once created, a CRLEntry is immutable.
- *
- *  revokedCertificates SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE  {
- *              userCertificate         CertificateSerialNumber,
- *              revocationDate          Time,
- *              crlEntryExtensions      Extensions OPTIONAL
- *                                      -- if present, MUST be v2
- *
- *  "nssCrlEntry"
- *      Address of CERTCrlEntry representing an NSS CRL entry.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCrlEntry"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLEntry Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCrlEntry *nssCrlEntry, /* entry data to be created from */
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry **pCrlEntry,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_CreateEntry");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssCrlEntry, pCrlEntry);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_CRLENTRY_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_CRLEntry),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&crlEntry,
-                    plContext),
-        crlEntry->nssCrlEntry = nssCrlEntry;
-        crlEntry->serialNumber = NULL;
-        crlEntry->critExtOids = NULL;
-        crlEntry->userReasonCode = 0;
-        crlEntry->userReasonCodeAbsent = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pCrlEntry = crlEntry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Create
- *
- *  Creates a List of CRLEntries using the array of CERTCrlEntries pointed to
- *  by "nssCrlEntries" and stores it at "pCrlEntryList". If "nssCrlEntries" is
- *  NULL, this function stores an empty List at "pCrlEntryList".
- *                              }
- *  "nssCrlEntries"
- *      Address of array of CERTCrlEntries representing NSS CRL entries.
- *      Can be NULL if CRL has no NSS CRL entries.
- *  "pCrlEntryList"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRLEntry Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCrlEntry **nssCrlEntries, /* head of entry list */
-        PKIX_List **pCrlEntryList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *entryList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry = NULL;
-        CERTCrlEntry **entries = NULL;
-        SECItem serialNumberItem;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber;
-        char *bytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "pkix_pl_CRLEntry_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pCrlEntryList);
-        entries = nssCrlEntries;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&entryList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        if (entries) {
-            while (*entries){
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CRLEntry_CreateEntry
-                            (*entries, &crlEntry, plContext),
-                            PKIX_COULDNOTCREATECRLENTRYOBJECT);
-                /* Get Serial Number */
-                serialNumberItem = (*entries)->serialNumber;
-                length = serialNumberItem.len;
-                bytes = (char *);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_BigInt_CreateWithBytes
-                            (bytes, length, &serialNumber, plContext),
-                            PKIX_BIGINTCREATEWITHBYTESFAILED);
-                crlEntry->serialNumber = serialNumber;
-                crlEntry->nssCrlEntry = *entries;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (entryList, (PKIX_PL_Object *)crlEntry, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(crlEntry);
-                entries++;
-            }
-        }
-        *pCrlEntryList = entryList;
-        PKIX_DECREF(crlEntry);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(entryList);
-        }
-/* --Public-CRLENTRY-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCRLEntryReasonCode
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCRLEntryReasonCode (
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pReason,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus status;
-        CERTCRLEntryReasonCode nssReasonCode;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCRLEntryReasonCode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(crlEntry, pReason);
-        if (!crlEntry->userReasonCodeAbsent && crlEntry->userReasonCode == 0) {
-            PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crlEntry);
-            if (!crlEntry->userReasonCodeAbsent &&
-                crlEntry->userReasonCode == 0) {
-                /* reason code has not been cached in */
-                PKIX_CRLENTRY_DEBUG("\t\tCERT_FindCRLEntryReasonExten.\n");
-                status = CERT_FindCRLEntryReasonExten
-                        (crlEntry->nssCrlEntry, &nssReasonCode);
-                if (status == SECSuccess) {
-                        crlEntry->userReasonCode = (PKIX_Int32) nssReasonCode;
-                } else {
-                        crlEntry->userReasonCodeAbsent = PKIX_TRUE;
-                }
-            }
-            PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crlEntry);
-        }
-        *pReason = crlEntry->userReasonCode;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs (
-        PKIX_PL_CRLEntry *crlEntry,
-        PKIX_List **pList,  /* list of PKIX_PL_OID */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *oidsList = NULL;
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLENTRY, "PKIX_PL_CRLEntry_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(crlEntry, crlEntry->nssCrlEntry, pList);
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (crlEntry->critExtOids == NULL) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(crlEntry);
-                if (crlEntry->critExtOids == NULL) {
-                        extensions = crlEntry->nssCrlEntry->extensions;
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OID_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
-                                    (extensions, &oidsList, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_GETCRITICALEXTENSIONOIDSFAILED);
-                        crlEntry->critExtOids = oidsList;
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(crlEntry);
-        }
-        /* We should return a copy of the List since this list changes */
-        PKIX_DUPLICATE(crlEntry->critExtOids, pList, plContext,
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdb6bc..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_crlentry.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_crlentry.h
- *
- * CRL Entry Type Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_CRLEntryStruct {
-        CERTCrlEntry *nssCrlEntry;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *serialNumber;
-        PKIX_List *critExtOids;
-        PKIX_Int32 userReasonCode;
-        PKIX_Boolean userReasonCodeAbsent;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_CRLEntry_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-/* following functions are called by CRL only hence not public */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCrlEntry **nssCrlEntry, /* head of entry list */
-        PKIX_List **pCrlEntryList,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_CRLENTRY_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b5016b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_date.c
- *
- * Date Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_date.h"
-/* --Private-Date-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime
- *
- *  Translates into a PRTime the Date embodied by the Date object pointed to
- *  by "date", and stores it at "pPRTime".
- *
- *  "date"
- *      Address of Date whose PRTime representation is desired. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pPRTime"
- *      Address where PRTime value will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Date Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PRTime *pPRTime,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_Date_GetPRTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(date, pPRTime);
-        *pPRTime = date->nssTime;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_CreateFromPRTime
- *
- *  Creates a new Date from the PRTime whose value is "prtime", and stores the
- *  result at "pDate".
- *
- *  "prtime"
- *      The PRTime value to be embodied in the new Date object.
- *  "pDate"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Date Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRTime prtime,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_Date_CreateFromPRTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pDate);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_Date object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_DATE_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Date),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&date,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        /* populate the nssTime field */
-        date->nssTime = prtime;
-        *pDate = date;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the SECItem pointed
- *  to by "nssTime" (which represents a date) and stores it at "pString".
- *
- *  "nssTime"
- *      Address of SECItem whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Date Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *nssTime,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *asciiDate = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssTime, pString);
-        switch (nssTime->type) {
-        case siUTCTime:
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                        (DATE, asciiDate, DER_UTCDayToAscii, (nssTime));
-                if (!asciiDate){
-                }
-                break;
-        case siGeneralizedTime:
-                /*
-                 * we don't currently have any way to create GeneralizedTime.
-                 * this code is only here so that it will be in place when
-                 * we do have the capability to create GeneralizedTime.
-                 */
-                PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV
-                        (DATE, asciiDate, DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii, (nssTime));
-                if (!asciiDate){
-                }
-                break;
-        default:
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, asciiDate, 0, pString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PR_Free(asciiDate);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "pkix_pl_Date_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_DATE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTDATE);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-        SECItem nssTime = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "pkix_pl_Date_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_DATE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTDATE);
-        date = (PKIX_PL_Date *)object;
-        rv = DER_EncodeTimeChoice(NULL, &nssTime, date->nssTime);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper
-                    (&nssTime, pString, plContext),
-        if ( {
-            SECITEM_FreeItem(&nssTime, PR_FALSE);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dateHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "pkix_pl_Date_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_DATE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTDATE);
-        date = (PKIX_PL_Date *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                ((const unsigned char *)&date->nssTime,
-                sizeof(date->nssTime),
-                &dateHash,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        *pHashcode = dateHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_Comparator
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRTime firstTime;
-        PRTime secondTime;
-        SECComparison cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "pkix_pl_Date_Comparator");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                    (firstObject, secondObject, PKIX_DATE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ARGUMENTSNOTDATES);
-        firstTime = ((PKIX_PL_Date *)firstObject)->nssTime;
-        secondTime = ((PKIX_PL_Date *)secondObject)->nssTime;
-        if (firstTime == secondTime)
-            cmpResult = SECEqual;
-        else if (firstTime < secondTime)
-            cmpResult = SECLessThan;
-        else
-            cmpResult = SECGreaterThan;
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "pkix_pl_Date_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a Date */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_DATE_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a Date, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        pkixErrorResult =
-            pkix_pl_Date_Comparator(firstObject, secondObject,
-                                    pResult, plContext);
-        if (pkixErrorResult) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(pkixErrorResult);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Date_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_DATE_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Date_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry* entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_DATE_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(CRLCHECKER, "pkix_CrlDp_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "Date";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_Date);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_Date_Destroy;
-        entry->equalsFunction = pkix_pl_Date_Equals;
-        entry->hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_Date_Hashcode;
-        entry->toStringFunction = pkix_pl_Date_ToString;
-        entry->comparator = pkix_pl_Date_Comparator;
-        entry->duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-        char *asciiString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 escAsciiLength;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PRTime time;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_Date_Create_UTCTime");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pDate);
-        if (stringRep == NULL){
-                PKIX_DATE_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PR_Now).\n");
-                time = PR_Now();
-        } else {
-                /* convert the input PKIX_PL_String to PKIX_ESCASCII */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                            (stringRep,
-                            PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            (void **)&asciiString,
-                            &escAsciiLength,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                PKIX_DATE_DEBUG("\t\tCalling DER_AsciiToTime).\n");
-                /* DER_AsciiToTime only supports UTCTime (2-digit years) */
-                rv = DER_AsciiToTime(&time, asciiString);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess){
-                }
-        }
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_Date object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_DATE_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Date),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&date,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        /* populate the nssTime field */
-        date->nssTime = time;
-        *pDate = date;
-        PKIX_FREE(asciiString);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Date_Create_CurrentOffBySeconds
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Int32 secondsOffset,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-        PRTime time;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_Date_Create_CurrentOffBySeconds");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pDate);
-        time = PR_Now() + PR_SecondsToInterval(secondsOffset);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_Date object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_DATE_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Date),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&date,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        /* populate the nssTime field */
-        date->nssTime = time;
-        *pDate = date;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRTime prtime,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext)
-    PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_Date_CreateFromPRTime");
-        pkix_pl_Date_CreateFromPRTime(prtime, pDate, plContext),
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4155975..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_date.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_date.h
- *
- * Date Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_DATE_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_DATE_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_DateStruct{
-        PRTime nssTime;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_Date_ToString_Helper(
-        SECItem *nssTime,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_Date_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date,
-        PRTime *pPRTime,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRTime prtime,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PRTime prtime,
-        PKIX_PL_Date **pDate,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_DATE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e9a74c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,873 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_generalname.c
- *
- * GeneralName Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_generalname.h"
-/* --Private-GeneralName-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_GetNssGeneralName
- *
- *  Retrieves the NSS representation of the PKIX_PL_GeneralName pointed by
- *  "genName" and stores it at "pNssGenName". The NSS data type CERTGeneralName
- *  is stored in this object when the object was created.
- *
- *  "genName"
- *      Address of PKIX_PL_GeneralName. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNssGenName"
- *      Address where CERTGeneralName will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a GeneralName Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *genName,
-        CERTGeneralName **pNssGenName,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTGeneralName *nssGenName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_GetNssGeneralName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(genName, pNssGenName, genName->nssGeneralNameList);
-        nssGenName = genName->nssGeneralNameList->name;
-        *pNssGenName = nssGenName;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OtherName_Create
- *
- *  Creates new OtherName which represents the CERTGeneralName pointed to by
- *  "nssAltName" and stores it at "pOtherName".
- *
- *  "nssAltName"
- *      Address of CERTGeneralName. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pOtherName"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a GeneralName Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTGeneralName *nssAltName,
-        OtherName **pOtherName,
-        void *plContext)
-        OtherName *otherName = NULL;
-        SECItem secItemName;
-        SECItem secItemOID;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_OtherName_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssAltName, pOtherName);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (sizeof (OtherName), (void **)&otherName, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* make a copy of the name field */
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CopyItem).\n");
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem
-                (NULL, &otherName->name, &nssAltName->;
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        /* make a copy of the oid field */
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CopyItem).\n");
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem
-                (NULL, &otherName->oid, &nssAltName->name.OthName.oid);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        *pOtherName = otherName;
-        if (otherName && PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                secItemName = otherName->name;
-                secItemOID = otherName->oid;
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&secItemName, PR_FALSE);
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&secItemOID, PR_FALSE);
-                PKIX_FREE(otherName);
-                otherName = NULL;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_DirectoryName_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new X500Name which represents the directoryName component of the
- *  CERTGeneralName pointed to by "nssAltName" and stores it at "pX500Name".
- *
- *  "nssAltName"
- *      Address of CERTGeneralName. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pX500Name"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a GeneralName Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTGeneralName *nssAltName,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pX500Name,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *pkixDN = NULL;
-        CERTName *dirName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *pkixDNString = NULL;
-        char *utf8String = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_DirectoryName_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssAltName, pX500Name);
-        dirName = &nssAltName->name.directoryName;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName(NULL, dirName, 
-                                                       &pkixDN, plContext),
-        *pX500Name = pkixDN;
-        PR_Free(utf8String);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixDNString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create
- *
- *  Creates new GeneralName which represents the CERTGeneralName pointed to by
- *  "nssAltName" and stores it at "pGenName".
- *
- *  "nssAltName"
- *      Address of CERTGeneralName. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pGenName"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a GeneralName Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTGeneralName *nssAltName,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pGenName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *genName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *pkixDN = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pkixOID = NULL;
-        OtherName *otherName = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralNameList *nssGenNameList = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralNameType nameType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssAltName, pGenName);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_GeneralName object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_GeneralName),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&genName,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        nameType = nssAltName->type;
-        /*
-         * We use CERT_CreateGeneralNameList to create just one CERTGeneralName
-         * item for memory allocation reason. If we want to just create one
-         * item, we have to use the calling path CERT_NewGeneralName, then
-         * CERT_CopyOneGeneralName. With this calling path, if we pass
-         * the arena argument as NULL, in CERT_CopyOneGeneralName's subsequent
-         * call to CERT_CopyName, it assumes arena should be valid, hence
-         * segmentation error (not sure this is a NSS bug, certainly it is
-         * not consistent). But on the other hand, we don't want to keep an
-         * arena record here explicitely for every PKIX_PL_GeneralName.
-         * So I concluded it is better to use CERT_CreateGeneralNameList,
-         * which keeps an arena pointer in its data structure and also masks
-         * out details calls from this libpkix level.
-         */
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_CreateGeneralNameList).\n");
-        nssGenNameList = CERT_CreateGeneralNameList(nssAltName);
-        if (nssGenNameList == NULL) {
-        }
-        genName->nssGeneralNameList = nssGenNameList;
-        /* initialize fields */
-        genName->type = nameType;
-        genName->directoryName = NULL;
-        genName->OthName = NULL;
-        genName->other = NULL;
-        genName->oid = NULL;
-        switch (nameType){
-        case certOtherName:
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OtherName_Create
-                            (nssAltName, &otherName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OTHERNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                genName->OthName = otherName;
-                break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_DirectoryName_Create
-                            (nssAltName, &pkixDN, plContext),
-                            PKIX_DIRECTORYNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                genName->directoryName = pkixDN;
-                break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem(&nssAltName->name.other,
-                                                       &pkixOID, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                genName->oid = pkixOID;
-                break;
-        case certDNSName:
-        case certEDIPartyName:
-        case certIPAddress:
-        case certRFC822Name:
-        case certX400Address:
-        case certURI:
-                genName->other = SECITEM_DupItem(&nssAltName->name.other);
-                if (!genName->other) {
-                    PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }     
-                break;
-        default:
-        }
-        *pGenName = genName;
-        genName = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(genName);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the GeneralName
- *  pointed to by "name" and stores it at "pString" Different mechanisms are
- *  used to create the string, depending on the type of the GeneralName.
- *
- *  "name"
- *      Address of GeneralName whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a GeneralName Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *pkixDN = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pkixOID = NULL;
-        char *x400AsciiName = NULL;
-        char *ediPartyName = NULL;
-        char *asciiName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(name, pString);
-        switch (name->type) {
-        case certRFC822Name:
-        case certDNSName:
-        case certURI:
-                /*
-                 * Note that we can't use PKIX_ESCASCII here because
-                 * name->other->data is not guaranteed to be null-terminated.
-                 */
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(name->other);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create(PKIX_UTF8,
-                                                (name->other)->data,
-                                                (name->other)->len,
-                                                pString,
-                                                plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certEDIPartyName:
-                /* XXX print out the actual bytes */
-                ediPartyName = "EDIPartyName: <DER-encoded value>";
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create(PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                                ediPartyName,
-                                                0,
-                                                pString,
-                                                plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certX400Address:
-                /* XXX print out the actual bytes */
-                x400AsciiName = "X400Address: <DER-encoded value>";
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create(PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                                x400AsciiName,
-                                                0,
-                                                pString,
-                                                plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certIPAddress:
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_ipAddrBytes2Ascii
-                            (name->other, &asciiName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_IPADDRBYTES2ASCIIFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create(PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                                asciiName,
-                                                0,
-                                                pString,
-                                                plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certOtherName:
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(name->OthName);
-                /* we only print type-id - don't know how to print value */
-                /* XXX print out the bytes of the value */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_oidBytes2Ascii
-                            (&name->OthName->oid, &asciiName, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDBYTES2ASCIIFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                            (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                            asciiName,
-                            0,
-                            pString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-                pkixOID = name->oid;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)pkixOID, pString, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDTOSTRINGFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-                pkixDN = name->directoryName;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)pkixDN, pString, plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMETOSTRINGFAILED);
-                break;
-        default:
-                PKIX_ERROR
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(asciiName);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        SECItem secItemName;
-        SECItem secItemOID;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTGENERALNAME);
-        name = (PKIX_PL_GeneralName *)object;
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(name->other, PR_TRUE);
-        name->other = NULL;
-        if (name->OthName){
-                secItemName = name->OthName->name;
-                secItemOID = name->OthName->oid;
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&secItemName, PR_FALSE);
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(&secItemOID, PR_FALSE);
-                PKIX_FREE(name->OthName);
-                name->OthName = NULL;
-        }
-        if (name->nssGeneralNameList != NULL) {
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyGeneralNameList).\n");
-                CERT_DestroyGeneralNameList(name->nssGeneralNameList);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(name->directoryName);
-        PKIX_DECREF(name->oid);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *nameString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTGENERALNAME);
-        name = (PKIX_PL_GeneralName *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_ToString_Helper
-                    (name, &nameString, plContext),
-        *pString = nameString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstHash, secondHash, nameHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTGENERALNAME);
-        name = (PKIX_PL_GeneralName *)object;
-        switch (name->type) {
-        case certRFC822Name:
-        case certDNSName:
-        case certX400Address:
-        case certEDIPartyName:
-        case certURI:
-        case certIPAddress:
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(name->other);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                            ((const unsigned char *)
-                            name->other->data,
-                            name->other->len,
-                            &nameHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)name->oid,
-                            &nameHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDHASHCODEFAILED);
-                break;
-        case certOtherName:
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(name->OthName);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                            ((const unsigned char *)
-                            name->OthName->,
-                            name->OthName->oid.len,
-                            &firstHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                            ((const unsigned char *)
-                            name->OthName->,
-                            name->OthName->name.len,
-                            &secondHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-                nameHash = firstHash + secondHash;
-                break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)
-                            name->directoryName,
-                            &nameHash,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMEHASHCODEFAILED);
-                break;
-        }
-        *pHashcode = nameHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *firstName = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *secondName = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a GeneralName */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (firstObject, PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a GeneralName, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a GeneralName, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE){
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstName = (PKIX_PL_GeneralName *)firstObject;
-        secondName = (PKIX_PL_GeneralName *)secondObject;
-        if (firstName->type != secondName->type){
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        switch (firstName->type) {
-        case certRFC822Name:
-        case certDNSName:
-        case certX400Address:
-        case certEDIPartyName:
-        case certURI:
-        case certIPAddress:
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CompareItem).\n");
-                if (SECITEM_CompareItem(firstName->other,
-                                        secondName->other) != SECEqual) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstName->oid,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondName->oid,
-                            pResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDEQUALSFAILED);
-                goto cleanup;
-        case certOtherName:
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstName->OthName, secondName->OthName);
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CompareItem).\n");
-                if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&firstName->OthName->oid,
-                                        &secondName->OthName->oid)
-                    != SECEqual ||
-                    SECITEM_CompareItem(&firstName->OthName->name,
-                                        &secondName->OthName->name)
-                    != SECEqual) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Equals
-                            ((PKIX_PL_Object *)firstName->directoryName,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)secondName->directoryName,
-                            pResult,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMEEQUALSFAILED);
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_GeneralName_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE and related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_GeneralName_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "pkix_pl_GeneralName_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "GeneralName";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_GeneralName);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_GeneralName_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_GeneralName_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_GeneralName_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_GeneralName_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_GeneralName_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 nameType,
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pGName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *pkixDN = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pkixOID = NULL;
-        SECItem *secItem = NULL;
-        char *asciiString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *genName = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssGenName = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralNameList *nssGenNameList = NULL;
-        CERTName *nssCertName = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(GENERALNAME, "PKIX_PL_GeneralName_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pGName, stringRep);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (stringRep,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&asciiString,
-                    &length,
-                    plContext),
-        /* Create a temporary CERTGeneralName */
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-        length = PL_strlen(asciiString);
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_AllocItem).\n");
-        secItem = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, length);
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_Memcpy).\n");
-        (void) PORT_Memcpy(secItem->data, asciiString, length);
-        PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena).\n");
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-        }
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_NewGeneralName).\n");
-        nssGenName = CERT_NewGeneralName(arena, nameType);
-        if (nssGenName == NULL) {
-        }
-        switch (nameType) {
-        case certRFC822Name:
-        case certDNSName:
-        case certURI:
-                nssGenName->name.other = *secItem;
-                break;
-        case certDirectoryName:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_X500Name_Create
-                            (stringRep, &pkixDN, plContext),
-                            PKIX_X500NAMECREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_AsciiToName).\n");
-                nssCertName = CERT_AsciiToName(asciiString);
-                nssGenName->name.directoryName = *nssCertName;
-                break;
-        case certRegisterID:
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_OID_Create
-                            (asciiString, &pkixOID, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                nssGenName->name.other = *secItem;
-                break;
-        default:
-                /* including IPAddress, EDIPartyName, OtherName, X400Address */
-        }
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_GeneralName object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_GENERALNAME_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_GeneralName),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&genName,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        /* create a CERTGeneralNameList */
-        nssGenName->type = nameType;
-        PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_CreateGeneralNameList).\n");
-        nssGenNameList = CERT_CreateGeneralNameList(nssGenName);
-        if (nssGenNameList == NULL) {
-        }
-        genName->nssGeneralNameList = nssGenNameList;
-        /* initialize fields */
-        genName->type = nameType;
-        genName->directoryName = pkixDN;
-        genName->OthName = NULL;
-        genName->other = secItem;
-        genName->oid = pkixOID;
-        *pGName = genName;
-        PKIX_FREE(asciiString);
-        if (nssCertName != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_DestroyName).\n");
-                CERT_DestroyName(nssCertName);
-        }
-        if (arena){ /* will free nssGenName */
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixDN);
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-                PKIX_GENERALNAME_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-                if (secItem){
-                        SECITEM_FreeItem(secItem, PR_TRUE);
-                        secItem = NULL;
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb5264..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_generalname.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_generalname.h
- *
- * GeneralName Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_GeneralNameStruct{
-        CERTGeneralNameList *nssGeneralNameList;
-        CERTGeneralNameType type;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *directoryName;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid;
-        OtherName *OthName;
-        SECItem *other;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTGeneralName *nssAltName,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pGenName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *genName,
-        CERTGeneralName **pNssGenName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_GeneralName_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_GENERALNAME_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa8e92..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_infoaccess.c
- *
- * InfoAccess Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_infoaccess.h"
-/* --Private-InfoAccess-Functions----------------------------------*/
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Create
- *
- *  This function creates an InfoAccess from the method provided in "method" and
- *  the GeneralName provided in "generalName" and stores the result at
- *  "pInfoAccess".
- *
- *  "method"
- *      The UInt32 value to be stored as the method field of the InfoAccess.
- *  "generalName"
- *      The GeneralName to be stored as the generalName field of the InfoAccess.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pInfoAccess"
- *      Address where the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 method,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *generalName,
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess **pInfoAccess,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(generalName, pInfoAccess);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_InfoAccess),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&infoAccess,
-                plContext),
-        infoAccess->method = method;
-        PKIX_INCREF(generalName);
-        infoAccess->location = generalName;
-        *pInfoAccess = infoAccess;
-        infoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(infoAccess);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE, plContext),
-        infoAccess = (PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *)object;
-        PKIX_DECREF(infoAccess->location);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess;
-        PKIX_PL_String *infoAccessString = NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        char *asciiMethod = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *methodString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *locationString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTINFOACCESS);
-        infoAccess = (PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *)object;
-        asciiFormat =
-                "["
-                "method:%s, "
-                "location:%s"
-                "]";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        switch(infoAccess->method) {
-                    asciiMethod = "caIssuers";
-                    break;
-            case PKIX_INFOACCESS_OCSP:
-                    asciiMethod = "ocsp";
-                    break;
-                    asciiMethod = "timestamping";
-                    break;
-                    asciiMethod = "caRepository";
-                    break;
-            default:
-                    asciiMethod = "unknown";
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiMethod,
-                    0,
-                    &methodString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(infoAccess->location, &locationString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&infoAccessString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    methodString,
-                    locationString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = infoAccessString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(methodString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(locationString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 infoAccessHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTINFOACCESS);
-        infoAccess = (PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *)object;
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(infoAccess->location, &infoAccessHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        infoAccessHash += (infoAccess->method << 7);
-        *pHashcode = infoAccessHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *firstInfoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *secondInfoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a InfoAccess */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a InfoAccess, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a InfoAccess, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstInfoAccess = (PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *)firstObject;
-        secondInfoAccess = (PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *)secondObject;
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (firstInfoAccess->method != secondInfoAccess->method) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS(firstInfoAccess, secondInfoAccess, &cmpResult, plContext,
-        *pResult = cmpResult;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_InfoAccess_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "InfoAccess";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_INFOACCESS_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_CreateList
- *
- *  Based on data in CERTAuthInfoAccess array "nssInfoAccess", this function
- *  creates and returns a PKIX_List of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess at "pInfoAccessList".
- *
- *  "nssInfoAccess"
- *      The pointer array of CERTAuthInfoAccess that contains access data.
- *      May be NULL.
- *  "pInfoAccessList"
- *      Address where a list of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess is returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTAuthInfoAccess **nssInfoAccess,
-        PKIX_List **pInfoAccessList, /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *infoAccessList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 method;
-        int i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_CreateList");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pInfoAccessList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&infoAccessList, plContext),
-                PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        if (nssInfoAccess == NULL) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; nssInfoAccess[i] != NULL; i++) {
-                if (nssInfoAccess[i]->location == NULL) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create
-                        (nssInfoAccess[i]->location, &location, plContext),
-                        PKIX_GENERALNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CERT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECOID_FindOIDTag).\n");
-                method = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&nssInfoAccess[i]->method);
-                /* Map NSS access method value into PKIX constant */
-                switch(method) {
-                        case SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_ISSUERS:
-                                method = PKIX_INFOACCESS_CA_ISSUERS;
-                                break;
-                        case SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP:
-                                method = PKIX_INFOACCESS_OCSP;
-                                break;
-                        case SEC_OID_PKIX_TIMESTAMPING:
-                                method = PKIX_INFOACCESS_TIMESTAMPING;
-                                break;
-                        case SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_REPOSITORY:
-                                method = PKIX_INFOACCESS_CA_REPOSITORY;
-                                break;
-                        default:
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_UNKNOWNINFOACCESSMETHOD);
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_InfoAccess_Create
-                        (method, location, &infoAccess, plContext),
-                        PKIX_INFOACCESSCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                            (infoAccessList,
-                            (PKIX_PL_Object *)infoAccess,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(infoAccess);
-                PKIX_DECREF(location);
-        }
-        *pInfoAccessList = infoAccessList;
-        infoAccessList = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(infoAccessList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(infoAccess);
-        PKIX_DECREF(location);
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetMethod (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pMethod,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetMethod");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(infoAccess, pMethod);
-        *pMethod = infoAccess->method;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocation (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess,
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pLocation,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocation");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(infoAccess, pLocation);
-        PKIX_INCREF(infoAccess->location);
-        *pLocation = infoAccess->location;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocationType (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *infoAccess,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pType,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *locationString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len = 0;
-        void *location = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocationType");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(infoAccess, pType);
-        if (infoAccess->location != NULL) {
-                PKIX_TOSTRING(infoAccess->location, &locationString, plContext,
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (locationString, PKIX_ESCASCII, &location, &len, plContext),
-                PKIX_OID_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Strcmp).\n");
-                if (PORT_Strncmp(location, "ldap:", 5) == 0){
-                        type = PKIX_INFOACCESS_LOCATION_LDAP;
-                } else
-                if (PORT_Strncmp(location, "http:", 5) == 0){
-                        type = PKIX_INFOACCESS_LOCATION_HTTP;
-                }
-        }
-        *pType = type;
-        PKIX_PL_Free(location, plContext);
-        PKIX_DECREF(locationString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseTokens
- *
- *  This function parses the string beginning at "startPos" into tokens using
- *  the separator contained in "separator" and the terminator contained in
- *  "terminator", copying the tokens into space allocated from the arena
- *  pointed to by "arena". It stores in "tokens" a null-terminated array of
- *  pointers to those tokens.
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      Address of a PLArenaPool to be used in populating the LDAPLocation.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "startPos"
- *      The address of char string that contains a subset of ldap location.
- *  "tokens"
- *      The address of an array of char string for storing returned tokens.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "separator"
- *      The character that is taken as token separator. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "terminator"
- *      The character that is taken as parsing terminator. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an InfoAccess Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        char **startPos, /* return update */
-        char ***tokens,
-        char separator,
-        char terminator,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 numFilters = 0;
-        char *endPos = NULL;
-        char **filterP = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseTokens");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, startPos, tokens);
-        endPos = *startPos;
-        /* First pass: parse to <terminator> to count number of components */
-        numFilters = 0;
-        while (*endPos != terminator && *endPos != '\0') {
-                endPos++;
-                if (*endPos == separator) {
-                        numFilters++;
-                }
-        }
-        if (*endPos != terminator) {
-        }
-        /* Last component doesn't need a separator, although we allow it */
-        if (endPos > *startPos && *(endPos-1) != separator) {
-                numFilters++;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If string is a=xx, b=yy, c=zz, etc., use a=xx for filter,
-         * and everything else for the base
-         */
-        if (numFilters > 2) numFilters = 2;
-        filterP = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, char*, numFilters+1);
-        if (filterP == NULL) {
-        }
-        /* Second pass: parse to fill in components in token array */
-        *tokens = filterP;
-        endPos = *startPos;
-        while (numFilters) {
-            if (*endPos == separator || *endPos == terminator) {
-                    PKIX_UInt32 len = endPos - *startPos;
-                    char *p = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, len+1);
-                    if (p == NULL) {
-                    }
-                    PORT_Memcpy(p, *startPos, len);
-                    p[len] = '\0';
-                    *filterP = p;
-                    filterP++;
-                    numFilters--;
-                    separator = terminator;
-                    if (*endPos == '\0') {
-                        *startPos = endPos;
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        endPos++;
-                        *startPos = endPos;
-                        continue;
-                    }
-            }
-            endPos++;
-        }
-        *filterP = NULL;
-static int
-        int ch)
-        if (isdigit(ch)) {
-                ch = ch - '0';
-        } else if (isupper(ch)) {
-                ch = ch - 'A' + 10;
-        } else {
-                ch = ch - 'a' + 10;
-        }
-        return ch;
- * Convert the "%" hex hex escape sequences in the URL 'location' in place.
- */
-static void
-        char *location)
-        const char *src;
-        char *dst;
-        for (src = dst = location; *src != '\0'; src++, dst++) {
-                if (*src == '%' && isxdigit((unsigned char)*(src+1)) &&
-                    isxdigit((unsigned char)*(src+2))) {
-                        *dst = pkix_pl_HexDigitToInt((unsigned char)*(src+1));
-                        *dst *= 16;
-                        *dst += pkix_pl_HexDigitToInt((unsigned char)*(src+2));
-                        src += 2;
-                } else {
-                        *dst = *src;
-                }
-        }
-        *dst = *src;  /* the terminating null */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseLocation
- *
- *  This function parses the GeneralName pointed to by "generalName" into the
- *  fields of the LDAPRequestParams pointed to by "request" and a domainName
- *  pointed to by "pDomainName", using the PLArenaPool pointed to by "arena" to
- *  allocate storage for the request components and for the domainName string.
- *
- *  The expected GeneralName string should be in the format described by the
- *  following BNF:
- *
- *  ldap://<ldap-server-site>/[cn=<cname>][,o=<org>][,c=<country>]?
- *  [caCertificate|crossCertificatPair|certificateRevocationList];
- *  [binary|<other-type>]
- *  [[,caCertificate|crossCertificatPair|certificateRevocationList]
- *   [binary|<other-type>]]*
- *
- *  "generalName"
- *      Address of the GeneralName whose LDAPLocation is to be parsed. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "arena"
- *      Address of PLArenaPool to be used for the domainName and for components
- *      of the LDAPRequest. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "request"
- *      Address of the LDAPRequestParams into which request components are
- *      stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  *pDomainName"
- *      Address at which the domainName is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an InfoAccess Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *generalName,
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        LDAPRequestParams *request,
-        char **pDomainName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *locationString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 len = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 ncIndex = 0;
-        char *domainName = NULL;
-        char **avaArray = NULL;
-        char **attrArray = NULL;
-        char *attr = NULL;
-        char *locationAscii = NULL;
-        char *startPos = NULL;
-        char *endPos = NULL;
-        char *avaPtr = NULL;
-        LdapAttrMask attrBit = 0;
-        LDAPNameComponent **setOfNameComponent = NULL;
-        LDAPNameComponent *nameComponent = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(INFOACCESS, "pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseLocation");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(generalName, arena, request, pDomainName);
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(generalName, &locationString, plContext,
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                (locationString,
-                PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                (void **)&locationAscii,
-                &len,
-                plContext),
-        pkix_pl_UnescapeURL(locationAscii);
-        /* Skip "ldap:" */
-        endPos = locationAscii;
-        while (*endPos != ':' && *endPos != '\0') {
-                endPos++;
-        }
-        if (*endPos == '\0') {
-        }
-        /* Skip "//" */
-        endPos++;
-        if (*endPos != '\0' && *(endPos+1) != '0' &&
-            *endPos == '/' && *(endPos+1) == '/') {
-                endPos += 2;
-        } else {
-        }
-        /* Get the server-site */
-        startPos = endPos;
-        while(*endPos != '/' && *(endPos) != '\0') {
-                endPos++;
-        }
-        if (*endPos == '\0') {
-        }
-        len = endPos - startPos;
-        endPos++;
-        domainName = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, len + 1);
-        if (!domainName) {
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(domainName, startPos, len);
-        domainName[len] = '\0';
-        *pDomainName = domainName;
-        /*
-         * Get a list of AttrValueAssertions (such as 
-         * "cn=CommonName, o=Organization, c=US" into a null-terminated array
-         */
-        startPos = endPos;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseTokens
-                (arena,
-                &startPos,
-                (char ***) &avaArray,
-                ',',
-                '?',
-                plContext),
-        /* Count how many AVAs we have */
-        for (len = 0; avaArray[len] != NULL; len++) {}
-        if (len < 2) {
-        }
-        /* Use last name component for baseObject */
-        request->baseObject = avaArray[len - 1];
-        /* Use only one component for filter. LDAP servers aren't too smart. */
-        len = 2;   /* Eliminate this when servers get smarter. */
-        avaArray[len - 1] = NULL;
-        /* Get room for null-terminated array of (LdapNameComponent *) */
-        setOfNameComponent = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, LDAPNameComponent *, len);
-        if (setOfNameComponent == NULL) {
-        }
-        /* Get room for the remaining LdapNameComponents */
-        nameComponent = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, LDAPNameComponent, --len);
-        if (nameComponent == NULL) {
-        }
-        /* Convert remaining AVAs to LDAPNameComponents */
-        for (ncIndex = 0; ncIndex < len; ncIndex ++) {
-                setOfNameComponent[ncIndex] = nameComponent;
-                avaPtr = avaArray[ncIndex];
-                nameComponent->attrType = (unsigned char *)avaPtr;
-                while ((*avaPtr != '=') && (*avaPtr != '\0')) {
-                        avaPtr++;
-                        if (*avaPtr == '\0') {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_NAMECOMPONENTWITHNOEQ);
-                        }
-                }
-                *(avaPtr++) = '\0';
-                nameComponent->attrValue = (unsigned char *)avaPtr;
-                nameComponent++;
-        }
-        setOfNameComponent[len] = NULL;
-        request->nc = setOfNameComponent;
-        /*
-         * Get a list of AttrTypes (such as 
-         * "caCertificate;binary, crossCertificatePair;binary") into
-         * a null-terminated array
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_InfoAccess_ParseTokens
-                (arena,
-                (char **) &startPos,
-                (char ***) &attrArray,
-                ',',
-                '\0',
-                plContext),
-        /* Convert array of Attr Types into a bit mask */
-        request->attributes = 0;
-        attr = attrArray[0];
-        while (attr != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_LdapRequest_AttrStringToBit
-                        (attr, &attrBit, plContext),
-                request->attributes |= attrBit;
-                attr = *(++attrArray);
-        }
-        PKIX_PL_Free(locationAscii, plContext);
-        PKIX_DECREF(locationString);
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e69d7b4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_infoaccess.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_infoaccess.h
- *
- * InfoAccess Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_InfoAccessStruct{
-        PKIX_UInt32 method;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_InfoAccess_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTAuthInfoAccess **authInfoAccess,
-        PKIX_List **pAiaList, /* of PKIX_PL_InfoAccess */
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *generalName,
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        LDAPRequestParams *request,
-        char **pDomainName,
-        void *plContext);
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_INFOACCESS_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.c
deleted file mode 100644
index affea87..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1274 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_nameconstraints.c
- *
- * Name Constraints Object Functions Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h"
-/* --Private-NameConstraints-Functions----------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetPermitted
- *
- *  This function retrieve name constraints permitted list from NSS
- *  data in "nameConstraints" and returns a PKIX_PL_GeneralName list
- *  in "pPermittedList".
- *
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints which has a pointer to
- *      CERTNameConstraints data. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPermittedList"
- *      Address where returned permitted name list is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_List **pPermittedList,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNameConstraintsList = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *nssPermitted = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *firstPermitted = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *permittedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-                "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetPermitted");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nameConstraints, pPermittedList);
-        /*
-         * nssNameConstraints is an array of CERTNameConstraints
-         * pointers where CERTNameConstraints keep its permitted and excluded
-         * lists as pointer array of CERTNameConstraint.
-         */
-        if (nameConstraints->permittedList == NULL) {
-            PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(nameConstraints);
-            if (nameConstraints->permittedList == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&permittedList, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                numItems = nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints;
-                nssNameConstraintsList =
-                        nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList;
-                for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraintsList);
-                    nssNameConstraints = *(nssNameConstraintsList + i);
-                    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraints);
-                    if (nssNameConstraints->permited != NULL) {
-                        nssPermitted = nssNameConstraints->permited;
-                        firstPermitted = nssPermitted;
-                        do {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create
-                                (&nssPermitted->name, &name, plContext),
-                                PKIX_GENERALNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (permittedList,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)name,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(name);
-                            PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextNameConstraint\n");
-                            nssPermitted = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint
-                                (nssPermitted);
-                        } while (nssPermitted != firstPermitted);
-                    }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(permittedList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                nameConstraints->permittedList = permittedList;
-            }
-            PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(nameConstraints);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(nameConstraints->permittedList);
-        *pPermittedList = nameConstraints->permittedList;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetExcluded
- *
- *  This function retrieve name constraints excluded list from NSS
- *  data in "nameConstraints" and returns a PKIX_PL_GeneralName list
- *  in "pExcludedList".
- *
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints which has a pointer to NSS data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPermittedList"
- *      Address where returned excluded name list is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_List **pExcludedList,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNameConstraintsList = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *nssExcluded = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *firstExcluded = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *excludedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-                "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetExcluded");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nameConstraints, pExcludedList);
-        if (nameConstraints->excludedList == NULL) {
-            PKIX_OBJECT_LOCK(nameConstraints);
-            if (nameConstraints->excludedList == NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&excludedList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-                numItems = nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints;
-                nssNameConstraintsList =
-                        nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList;
-                for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraintsList);
-                    nssNameConstraints = *(nssNameConstraintsList + i);
-                    PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraints);
-                    if (nssNameConstraints->excluded != NULL) {
-                        nssExcluded = nssNameConstraints->excluded;
-                        firstExcluded = nssExcluded;
-                        do {
-                            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_Create
-                                (&nssExcluded->name, &name, plContext),
-                                PKIX_GENERALNAMECREATEFAILED);
-                            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_AppendItem
-                                (excludedList,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)name,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                            PKIX_DECREF(name);
-                            PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextNameConstraint\n");
-                            nssExcluded = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint
-                                (nssExcluded);
-                        } while (nssExcluded != firstExcluded);
-                    }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_SetImmutable(excludedList, plContext),
-                            PKIX_LISTSETIMMUTABLEFAILED);
-                nameConstraints->excludedList = excludedList;
-            }
-            PKIX_OBJECT_UNLOCK(nameConstraints);
-        }
-        PKIX_INCREF(nameConstraints->excludedList);
-        *pExcludedList = nameConstraints->excludedList;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CheckNameSpaceNssNames
- *
- *  This function checks if CERTGeneralNames in "nssSubjectNames" comply
- *  with the permitted and excluded names in "nameConstraints". It returns
- *  PKIX_TRUE in "pCheckPass", if the Names satify the name space of the
- *  permitted list and if the Names are not in the excluded list. Otherwise,
- *  it returns PKIX_FALSE.
- *
- *  "nssSubjectNames"
- *      List of CERTGeneralName that nameConstraints verification is based on.
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints that provides lists of permitted
- *      and excluded names. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pCheckPass"
- *      Address where PKIX_TRUE is returned if the all names in "nameList" are
- *      valid.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTGeneralName *nssSubjectNames,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCheckPass,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNameConstraintsList = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssMatchName = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        SECStatus status = SECSuccess;
-                "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CheckNameSpaceNssNames");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(nssSubjectNames, nameConstraints, pCheckPass);
-        *pCheckPass = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena\n");
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-        }
-        nssMatchName = nssSubjectNames;
-        nssNameConstraintsList = nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList;
-        /*
-         * CERTNameConstraint items in each permitted or excluded list
-         * is verified as OR condition. That means, if one item matched,
-         * then the checking on the remaining items on the list is skipped.
-         * (see NSS cert_CompareNameWithConstraints(...)).
-         * Items on PKIX_PL_NameConstraint's nssNameConstraints are verified
-         * as AND condition. PKIX_PL_NameConstraint keeps an array of pointers
-         * of CERTNameConstraints resulting from merging multiple
-         * PKIX_PL_NameConstraints. Since each CERTNameConstraint are created
-         * for different entity, a union condition of these entities then is
-         * performed.
-         */
-        do {
-            numItems = nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints;
-            for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraintsList);
-                nssNameConstraints = *(nssNameConstraintsList + i);
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraints);
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_CheckNameSpace\n");
-                status = CERT_CheckNameSpace
-                        (arena, nssNameConstraints, nssMatchName);
-                if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                    break;
-            }
-                    ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextGeneralName\n");
-            nssMatchName = CERT_GetNextGeneralName(nssMatchName);
-        } while (nssMatchName != nssSubjectNames);
-        if (status == SECFailure) {
-                *pCheckPass = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (arena){
-                        ("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_NameConstraints_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS, "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (object, PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        nameConstraints = (PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Free
-                    (nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_FREEFAILED);
-        if (nameConstraints->arena){
-                        ("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(nameConstraints->arena, PR_FALSE);
-                nameConstraints->arena = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints->permittedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints->excludedList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the object
- *  NameConstraints and stores it at "pString".
- *
- *  "nameConstraints"
- *      Address of CertNameConstraints whose string representation is
- *      desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where string object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a
- *  non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *permittedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *excludedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *permittedListString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *excludedListString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *nameConstraintsString = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nameConstraints, pString);
-        asciiFormat =
-                "[\n"
-                "\t\tPermitted Name:  %s\n"
-                "\t\tExcluded Name:   %s\n"
-                "\t]\n";
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    asciiFormat,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetPermitted
-                    (nameConstraints, &permittedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(permittedList, &permittedListString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetExcluded
-                    (nameConstraints, &excludedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_TOSTRING(excludedList, &excludedListString, plContext,
-                    PKIX_LISTTOSTRINGFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (&nameConstraintsString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    permittedListString,
-                    excludedListString),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        *pString = nameConstraintsString;
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(permittedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(excludedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(permittedListString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(excludedListString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *nameConstraintsString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS, "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(
-                    object, PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        nameConstraints = (PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_ToString_Helper
-                    (nameConstraints, &nameConstraintsString, plContext),
-        *pString = nameConstraintsString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *permittedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *excludedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 permitHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 excludeHash = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS, "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                    (object, PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        nameConstraints = (PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetPermitted
-                    (nameConstraints, &permittedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(permittedList, &permitHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetExcluded
-                    (nameConstraints, &excludedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(excludedList, &excludeHash, plContext,
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        *pHashcode = (((permitHash << 7) + excludeHash) << 7) +
-                nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints;
-        PKIX_DECREF(permittedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(excludedList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *firstNC = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *secondNC = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *firstPermittedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *secondPermittedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *firstExcludedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_List *secondExcludedList = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Boolean cmpResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS, "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a CertNameConstraints */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType
-                (firstObject, PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE, plContext),
-        firstNC = (PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *)firstObject;
-        secondNC = (PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *)secondObject;
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a CertNameConstraints, if both
-         * references are identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstNC == secondNC){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondNC isn't a CertNameConstraints, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    ((PKIX_PL_Object *)secondNC, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetPermitted
-                    (firstNC, &firstPermittedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetPermitted
-                    (secondNC, &secondPermittedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstPermittedList, secondPermittedList, &cmpResult, plContext,
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetExcluded
-                    (firstNC, &firstExcludedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_GetExcluded
-                    (secondNC, &secondExcludedList, plContext),
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstExcludedList, secondExcludedList, &cmpResult, plContext,
-        if (cmpResult != PKIX_TRUE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * numNssNameConstraints is not checked because it is basically a
-         * merge count, it cannot determine the data equality.
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(firstPermittedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(secondPermittedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(firstExcludedList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(secondExcludedList);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-                    "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "CertNameConstraints";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create_Helper
- *
- *  This function retrieves name constraints in "nssNameConstraints",
- *  converts and stores the result in a PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints object.
- *
- *  "nssNameConstraints"
- *      Address of CERTNameConstraints that contains this object's data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNameConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *      A NULL value will be returned if there is no Name Constraints extension.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNameConstraintPtr = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nssNameConstraints, pNameConstraints);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&nameConstraints,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (sizeof (CERTNameConstraint *),
-                    (void *)&nssNameConstraintPtr,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints = 1;
-        nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList = nssNameConstraintPtr;
-        *nssNameConstraintPtr = nssNameConstraints;
-        nameConstraints->permittedList = NULL;
-        nameConstraints->excludedList = NULL;
-        nameConstraints->arena = NULL;
-        *pNameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create
- *
- *  function that allocates and initialize the object CertNameConstraints.
- *
- *  "nssCert"
- *      Address of CERT that contains this object's data.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNameConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *      A NULL value will be returned if there is no Name Constraints extension.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECStatus status;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS, "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(nssCert, pNameConstraints, nssCert->arena);
-        PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena).\n");
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-        }
-                ("\t\tCalling CERT_FindNameConstraintsExten\n");
-        status = CERT_FindNameConstraintsExten
-                (arena, nssCert, &nssNameConstraints);
-        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        if (nssNameConstraints == NULL) {
-                *pNameConstraints = NULL;
-                if (arena){
-                                ("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-                }
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create_Helper
-                    (nssNameConstraints, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-        nameConstraints->arena = arena;
-        *pNameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                if (arena){
-                                ("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CreateByMerge
- *
- *
- *  This function allocates and creates a PKIX_PL_NameConstraint object
- *  for merging. It also allocates CERTNameConstraints data space for the
- *  merged NSS NameConstraints data.
- *
- *  "pNameConstraints"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CreateByMerge");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pNameConstraints);
-        PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena).\n");
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_ArenaZNew).\n");
-        nssNameConstraints = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTNameConstraints);
-        if (nssNameConstraints == NULL) {
-        }
-        nssNameConstraints->permited = NULL;
-        nssNameConstraints->excluded = NULL;
-        nssNameConstraints->DERPermited = NULL;
-        nssNameConstraints->DERExcluded = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create_Helper
-                    (nssNameConstraints, &nameConstraints, plContext),
-        nameConstraints->arena = arena;
-        *pNameConstraints = nameConstraints;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                if (arena){
-                                ("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CopyNssNameConstraints
- *
- *
- *  This function allocates and copies data to a NSS CERTNameConstraints from
- *  the NameConstraints given by "srcNC" and stores the result at "pDestNC". It
- *  copies items on both the permitted and excluded lists, but not the
- *  DERPermited and DERExcluded.
- *
- *  "arena"
- *      Memory pool where object data is allocated from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "srcNC"
- *      Address of the NameConstraints to copy from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pDestNC"
- *      Address where new copied object is stored and returned.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        CERTNameConstraints *srcNC,
-        CERTNameConstraints **pDestNC,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *nssNameConstraintHead = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *nssCurrent = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *nssCopyTo = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraint *nssCopyFrom = NULL;
-                    "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CopyNssNameConstraints");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(arena, srcNC, pDestNC);
-        PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_ArenaZNew).\n");
-        nssNameConstraints = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTNameConstraints);
-        if (nssNameConstraints == NULL) {
-        }
-        if (srcNC->permited) {
-            nssCopyFrom = srcNC->permited;
-            do {
-                nssCopyTo = NULL;
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_CopyNameConstraint).\n");
-                nssCopyTo = CERT_CopyNameConstraint
-                        (arena, nssCopyTo, nssCopyFrom);
-                if (nssCopyTo == NULL) {
-                }
-                if (nssCurrent == NULL) {
-                        nssCurrent = nssNameConstraintHead = nssCopyTo;
-                } else {
-                                ("\t\tCalling CERT_AddNameConstraint).\n");
-                        nssCurrent = CERT_AddNameConstraint
-                                (nssCurrent, nssCopyTo);
-                }
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextNameConstrain).\n");
-                nssCopyFrom = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(nssCopyFrom);
-            } while (nssCopyFrom != srcNC->permited);
-            nssNameConstraints->permited = nssNameConstraintHead;
-        }
-        if (srcNC->excluded) {
-            nssCurrent = NULL;
-            nssCopyFrom = srcNC->excluded;
-            do {
-                /*
-                 * Cannot use CERT_DupGeneralNameList, which just increments
-                 * refcount. We need our own copy since arena is for each
-                 * PKIX_PL_NameConstraints. Perhaps contribute this code
-                 * as CERT_CopyGeneralNameList (in the future).
-                 */
-                nssCopyTo = NULL;
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_CopyNameConstraint).\n");
-                nssCopyTo = CERT_CopyNameConstraint
-                        (arena, nssCopyTo, nssCopyFrom);
-                if (nssCopyTo == NULL) {
-                }
-                if (nssCurrent == NULL) {
-                        nssCurrent = nssNameConstraintHead = nssCopyTo;
-                } else {
-                                ("\t\tCalling CERT_AddNameConstraint).\n");
-                        nssCurrent = CERT_AddNameConstraint
-                                (nssCurrent, nssCopyTo);
-                }
-                        ("\t\tCalling CERT_GetNextNameConstrain).\n");
-                nssCopyFrom = CERT_GetNextNameConstraint(nssCopyFrom);
-            } while (nssCopyFrom != srcNC->excluded);
-            nssNameConstraints->excluded = nssNameConstraintHead;
-        }
-        *pDestNC = nssNameConstraints;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Merge
- *
- *
- *  This function merges two NameConstraints pointed to by "firstNC" and
- *  "secondNC" and stores the result in "pMergedNC".
- *
- *  "firstNC"
- *      Address of the first NameConstraints to be merged. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondNC"
- *      Address of the second NameConstraints to be merged. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pMergedNC"
- *      Address where the merge result is stored and returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a NameConstraints Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *firstNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *secondNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pMergedNC,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNCto = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNCfrom = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numNssItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS, "pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Merge");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstNC, secondNC, pMergedNC);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CreateByMerge
-                    (&nameConstraints, plContext),
-        /* Merge NSSCertConstraint lists */
-        numNssItems = firstNC->numNssNameConstraints +
-                    secondNC->numNssNameConstraints;
-        /* Free the default space (only one entry) allocated by create */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Free
-                    (nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_FREEFAILED);
-        /* Reallocate the size we need */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (numNssItems * sizeof (CERTNameConstraint *),
-                    (void *)&nssNCto,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList = nssNCto;
-        nssNCfrom = firstNC->nssNameConstraintsList;
-        for (i = 0; i < firstNC->numNssNameConstraints; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CopyNssNameConstraints
-                        (nameConstraints->arena,
-                        *nssNCfrom,
-                        &nssNameConstraints,
-                        plContext),
-                *nssNCto = nssNameConstraints;
-                nssNCto++;
-                nssNCfrom++;
-        }
-        nssNCfrom = secondNC->nssNameConstraintsList;
-        for (i = 0; i < secondNC->numNssNameConstraints; i++) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_CopyNssNameConstraints
-                        (nameConstraints->arena,
-                        *nssNCfrom,
-                        &nssNameConstraints,
-                        plContext),
-                *nssNCto = nssNameConstraints;
-                nssNCto++;
-                nssNCfrom++;
-        }
-        nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints = numNssItems;
-        nameConstraints->permittedList = NULL;
-        nameConstraints->excludedList = NULL;
-        *pMergedNC = nameConstraints;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(nameConstraints);
-        }
-/* --Public-NameConstraints-Functions-------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION:  PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints_CheckNamesInNameSpace
- * (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *nameList, /* List of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCheckPass,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNameConstraintsList = NULL;
-        CERTNameConstraints *nssNameConstraints = NULL;
-        CERTGeneralName *nssMatchName = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_GeneralName *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numNameItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numNCItems = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, j;
-        SECStatus status = SECSuccess;
-                "PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints_CheckNamesInNameSpace");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(nameConstraints, pCheckPass);
-        *pCheckPass = PKIX_TRUE;
-        if (nameList != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_NewArena\n");
-                arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                nssNameConstraintsList =
-                        nameConstraints->nssNameConstraintsList;
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraintsList);
-                numNCItems = nameConstraints->numNssNameConstraints;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetLength
-                        (nameList, &numNameItems, plContext),
-                        PKIX_LISTGETLENGTHFAILED);
-                for (i = 0; i < numNameItems; i++) {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_GetItem
-                                (nameList,
-                                i,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object **) &name,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_LISTGETITEMFAILED);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_GeneralName_GetNssGeneralName
-                                (name, &nssMatchName, plContext),
-                        PKIX_DECREF(name);
-                        for (j = 0; j < numNCItems; j++) {
-                            nssNameConstraints = *(nssNameConstraintsList + j);
-                            PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(nssNameConstraints);
-                            PKIX_CERTNAMECONSTRAINTS_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling CERT_CheckNameSpace\n");
-                            status = CERT_CheckNameSpace
-                                (arena, nssNameConstraints, nssMatchName);
-                            if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-                            break;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        if (status == SECFailure) {
-                *pCheckPass = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (arena){
-                        ("\t\tCalling PORT_FreeArena).\n");
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f305ac..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h
- *
- * Name Constraints Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraintsStruct {
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        CERTNameConstraints **nssNameConstraintsList;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numNssNameConstraints;
-        PKIX_List *permittedList; /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        PKIX_List *excludedList; /* list of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Create(
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *names, /* List of PKIX_PL_GeneralName */
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pNameConstraints,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTGeneralName *nssSubjectNames,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCheckPass,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_List *nameList,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *nameConstraints,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pCheckPass,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_Merge(
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *firstNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints *secondNC,
-        PKIX_PL_CertNameConstraints **pMergedNC,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 679811d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ocspcertid.c
- *
- * Certificate ID Object for OCSP
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h"
-/* --Private-Cert-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspCertID_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *certID = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPCERTID, "pkix_pl_OcspCertID_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OCSPCERTID_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTOCSPCERTID);
-        certID = (PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *)object;
-        if (certID->certID) {
-                CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID(certID->certID);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspCertID_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE and its related functions 
- *  with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_OcspCertID_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPCERTID, "pkix_pl_OcspCertID_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "OcspCertID";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_OcspCertID);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_OcspCertID_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_OCSPCERTID_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_Create
- *
- *  This function creates an OcspCertID for a given certificate,
- *  to be used with OCSP transactions.
- *
- *  If a Date is provided in "validity" it may be used in the search for the
- *  issuer of "cert" but has no effect on the request itself.
- *
- *  "cert"
- *     Address of the Cert for which an OcspCertID is to be created. Must be
- *     non-NULL.
- *  "validity"
- *     Address of the Date for which the Cert's validity is to be determined.
- *     May be NULL.
- *  "object"
- *     Address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspCertID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID **object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid = NULL;
-        PRTime time = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_OCSPCERTID_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_OcspCertID),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cid,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        if (validity != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime(validity, &time, plContext),
-                        PKIX_DATEGETPRTIMEFAILED);
-        } else {
-                time = PR_Now();
-        }
-        cid->certID = CERT_CreateOCSPCertID(cert->nssCert, time);
-        if (!cid->certID) {
-        }
-        *object = cid;
-        cid = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(cid);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_GetFreshCacheStatus
- *
- *  This function may return cached OCSP results for the provided
- *  certificate, but only if stored information is still considered to be
- *  fresh.
- *
- *  "cid"
- *      A certificate ID as used by OCSP
- *  "validity"
- *      Optional date parameter to request validity for a specifc time.
- *  "hasFreshStatus"
- *      Output parameter, if the function successed to find fresh cached
- *      information, this will be set to true. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "statusIsGood"
- *      The good/bad result stored in the cache. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "missingResponseError"
- *      If OCSP status is "bad", this variable may indicate the exact
- *      reason why the previous OCSP request had failed.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspCertID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid, 
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_Boolean *hasFreshStatus,
-        PKIX_Boolean *statusIsGood,
-        SECErrorCodes *missingResponseError,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRTime time = 0;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        SECStatus rvOcsp;
-        OCSPFreshness freshness;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_GetFreshCacheStatus");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(cid, hasFreshStatus, statusIsGood);
-        if (validity != NULL) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime(validity, &time, plContext),
-                        PKIX_DATEGETPRTIMEFAILED);
-        } else {
-                time = PR_Now();
-        }
-        rv = ocsp_GetCachedOCSPResponseStatus(
-                cid->certID, time, PR_TRUE, /*ignoreGlobalOcspFailureSetting*/
-                &rvOcsp, missingResponseError, &freshness);
-        *hasFreshStatus = (rv == SECSuccess && freshness == ocspFresh);
-        if (*hasFreshStatus) {
-                *statusIsGood = (rvOcsp == SECSuccess);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure
- *
- *  Information about the current failure associated to the given certID
- *  will be remembered in the cache, potentially allowing future calls
- *  to prevent repetitive OCSP requests.
- *  After this function got called, it may no longer be safe to
- *  use the provided cid parameter, because ownership might have been
- *  transfered to the cache. This status will be recorded inside the
- *  cid object.
- *
- *  "cid"
- *      The certificate ID associated to a failed OCSP processing.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspCertID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid, 
-        void *plContext)
-        PRBool certIDWasConsumed = PR_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(DATE, "PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cid, cid->certID);
-        cert_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure(cid->certID, &certIDWasConsumed);
-        if (certIDWasConsumed) {
-                cid->certID = NULL;
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 772a12b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h
- *
- * Public Key Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_OcspCertIDStruct {
-        CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_OcspCertID_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID **object,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid, 
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_Boolean *hasFreshStatus,
-        PKIX_Boolean *statusIsGood,
-        SECErrorCodes *missingResponseError,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid, 
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_OCSPCERTID_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 171a3d2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ocsprequest.c
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h"
-/* --Private-OcspRequest-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *ocspReq = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTOCSPREQUEST);
-        ocspReq = (PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *)object;
-        if (ocspReq->decoded != NULL) {
-                CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest(ocspReq->decoded);
-        }
-        if (ocspReq->encoded != NULL) {
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(ocspReq->encoded, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        if (ocspReq->location != NULL) {
-                PORT_Free(ocspReq->location);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(ocspReq->cert);
-        PKIX_DECREF(ocspReq->validity);
-        PKIX_DECREF(ocspReq->signerCert);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 certHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 dateHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 extensionHash = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 signerHash = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *ocspRq = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTOCSPREQUEST);
-        ocspRq = (PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *)object;
-        *pHashcode = 0;
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(ocspRq->cert, &certHash, plContext,
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(ocspRq->validity, &dateHash, plContext,
-        if (ocspRq->addServiceLocator == PKIX_TRUE) {
-                extensionHash = 0xff;
-        }
-        PKIX_HASHCODE(ocspRq->signerCert, &signerHash, plContext,
-        *pHashcode = (((((extensionHash << 8) || certHash) << 8) ||
-                dateHash) << 8) || signerHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObj,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObj,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean match = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *firstReq = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *secondReq = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObj, secondObj, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObj is a OcspRequest */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObj, PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObj is a OcspRequest, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObj == secondObj){
-                match = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObj isn't a OcspRequest, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObj, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstReq = (PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *)firstObj;
-        secondReq = (PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *)secondObj;
-        if (firstReq->addServiceLocator != secondReq->addServiceLocator) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS(firstReq->cert, secondReq->cert, &match, plContext,
-                PKIX_CERTEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (match == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS(firstReq->validity, secondReq->validity, &match, plContext,
-                PKIX_DATEEQUALSFAILED);
-        if (match == PKIX_FALSE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_EQUALS
-                (firstReq->signerCert, secondReq->signerCert, &match, plContext,
-                PKIX_CERTEQUALSFAILED);
-        *pResult = match;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_OcspRequest_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "OcspRequest";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_OcspRequest);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Create
- *
- *  This function creates an OcspRequest to be used in validating the Cert
- *  pointed to by "cert" and storing the result at "pRequest". If a URI
- *  is found for an OCSP responder, PKIX_TRUE is stored at "pURIFound". If no
- *  URI is found, PKIX_FALSE is stored.
- *
- *  If a Date is provided in "validity" it may be used in the search for the
- *  issuer of "cert" but has no effect on the request itself. If
- *  "addServiceLocator" is TRUE, the AddServiceLocator extension will be
- *  included in the Request. If "signerCert" is provided it will be used to sign
- *  the Request. (Note: this signed request feature is not currently supported.)
- *
- *  "cert"
- *     Address of the Cert for which an OcspRequest is to be created. Must be
- *     non-NULL.
- *  "validity"
- *     Address of the Date for which the Cert's validity is to be determined.
- *     May be NULL.
- *  "signerCert"
- *     Address of the Cert to be used, if present, in signing the request.
- *     May be NULL.
- *  "pRequest"
- *     Address at which the result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspRequest Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *signerCert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pURIFound,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest **pRequest,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *ocspRequest = NULL;
-        CERTCertDBHandle *handle = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        SECItem *encoding = NULL;
-        CERTOCSPRequest *certRequest = NULL;
-        PRTime time = 0;
-        PRBool addServiceLocatorExtension = PR_FALSE;
-        CERTCertificate *nssCert = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *nssSignerCert = NULL;
-        char *location = NULL;
-        PRErrorCode locError = 0;
-        PKIX_Boolean canUseDefaultSource = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cert, pRequest);
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_OcspRequest object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_OCSPREQUEST_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_OcspRequest),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ocspRequest,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        PKIX_INCREF(cert);
-        ocspRequest->cert = cert;
-        PKIX_INCREF(validity);
-        ocspRequest->validity = validity;
-        PKIX_INCREF(signerCert);
-        ocspRequest->signerCert = signerCert;
-        ocspRequest->decoded = NULL;
-        ocspRequest->encoded = NULL;
-        ocspRequest->location = NULL;
-        nssCert = cert->nssCert;
-        /*
-         * Does this Cert have an Authority Information Access extension with
-         * the URI of an OCSP responder?
-         */
-        handle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-        if (!(methodFlags & PKIX_REV_M_IGNORE_IMPLICIT_DEFAULT_SOURCE)) {
-            canUseDefaultSource = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        location = ocsp_GetResponderLocation(handle, nssCert,
-                                             canUseDefaultSource,
-                                             &addServiceLocatorExtension);
-        if (location == NULL) {
-                locError = PORT_GetError();
-                if (locError == SEC_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND ||
-                    locError == SEC_ERROR_CERT_BAD_ACCESS_LOCATION) {
-                    PORT_SetError(0);
-                    *pURIFound = PKIX_FALSE;
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        ocspRequest->location = location;
-        *pURIFound = PKIX_TRUE;
-        if (signerCert != NULL) {
-                nssSignerCert = signerCert->nssCert;
-        }
-        if (validity != NULL) {
-		PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime(validity, &time, plContext),
-        } else {
-                time = PR_Now();
-	}
-        certRequest = cert_CreateSingleCertOCSPRequest(
-                cid->certID, cert->nssCert, time, 
-                addServiceLocatorExtension, nssSignerCert);
-        ocspRequest->decoded = certRequest;
-        if (certRequest == NULL) {
-        }
-        rv = CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses(
-                certRequest, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE);
-        if (rv == SECFailure) {
-        }
-        encoding = CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest(NULL, certRequest, NULL);
-        ocspRequest->encoded = encoding;
-        *pRequest = ocspRequest;
-        ocspRequest = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(ocspRequest);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_GetEncoded
- *
- *  This function obtains the encoded message from the OcspRequest pointed to
- *  by "request", storing the result at "pRequest".
- *
- *  "request"
- *      The address of the OcspRequest whose encoded message is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pRequest"
- *      The address at which is stored the address of the encoded message. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request,
-        SECItem **pRequest,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_GetEncoded");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(request, pRequest);
-        *pRequest = request->encoded;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspRequest_GetLocation
- *
- *  This function obtains the location from the OcspRequest pointed to
- *  by "request", storing the result at "pLocation".
- *
- *  "request"
- *      The address of the OcspRequest whose encoded message is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLocation"
- *      The address at which is stored the address of the location. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request,
-        char **pLocation,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPREQUEST, "pkix_pl_OcspRequest_GetLocation");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(request, pLocation);
-        *pLocation = request->location;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa79266..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h
- *
- * OcspRequest Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_OcspRequestStruct{
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity;
-        PKIX_Boolean addServiceLocator;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *signerCert;
-        CERTOCSPRequest *decoded;
-        SECItem *encoded;
-        char *location;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *signerCert,
-        PKIX_UInt32 methodFlags,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pURIFound,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest **pRequest,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request,
-        SECItem **pRequest,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request,
-        char **pLocation,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_OcspRequest_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_OCSPREQUEST_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fa5d6e9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1067 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ocspresponse.c
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h"
-/* ----Public functions------------------------------------- */
- * This is the libpkix replacement for CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature.
- * It is used if it has been set as the verifyFcn member of ocspChecker.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *signerCert,
-	PKIX_PL_Date *producedAt,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void **pState,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-	void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *caProcParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *date = NULL;
-        PKIX_ComCertSelParams *certSelParams = NULL;
-        PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL;
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_Error *buildError = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_OcspResponse_UseBuildChain");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(signerCert, producedAt, procParams);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(pNBIOContext, pState, pBuildResult);
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        /* Are we resuming after a WOULDBLOCK return, or starting anew ? */
-        if (nbioContext == NULL) {
-                /* Starting anew */
-		PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate
-                        ((PKIX_PL_Object *)procParams,
-                        (PKIX_PL_Object **)&caProcParams,
-                        plContext),
-		PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetDate(procParams, date, plContext),
-	        /* create CertSelector with target certificate in params */
-		PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_Create
-	                (NULL, NULL, &certSelector, plContext),
-		PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_Create
-	                (&certSelParams, plContext),
-	        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ComCertSelParams_SetCertificate
-        	        (certSelParams, signerCert, plContext),
-	        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_CertSelector_SetCommonCertSelectorParams
-	                (certSelector, certSelParams, plContext),
-	        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_ProcessingParams_SetTargetCertConstraints
-        	        (caProcParams, certSelector, plContext),
-	}
-        buildError = PKIX_BuildChain
-                (caProcParams,
-                &nbioContext,
-                pState,
-                pBuildResult,
-		pVerifyTree,
-                plContext);
-        /* non-null nbioContext means the build would block */
-        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-        /* no buildResult means the build has failed */
-        } else if (buildError) {
-                pkixErrorResult = buildError;
-                buildError = NULL;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_DECREF(*pState);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(caProcParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(date);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelParams);
-        PKIX_DECREF(certSelector);
-/* --Private-OcspResponse-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *ocspRsp = NULL;
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcn *httpClient = NULL;
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE, plContext),
-        ocspRsp = (PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *)object;
-        if (ocspRsp->nssOCSPResponse != NULL) {
-                CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse(ocspRsp->nssOCSPResponse);
-                ocspRsp->nssOCSPResponse = NULL;
-        }
-        if (ocspRsp->signerCert != NULL) {
-                CERT_DestroyCertificate(ocspRsp->signerCert);
-                ocspRsp->signerCert = NULL;
-        }
-        httpClient = (const SEC_HttpClientFcn *)(ocspRsp->httpClient);
-        if (httpClient && (httpClient->version == 1)) {
-                hcv1 = &(httpClient->fcnTable.ftable1);
-                if (ocspRsp->sessionRequest != NULL) {
-                    (*hcv1->freeFcn)(ocspRsp->sessionRequest);
-                    ocspRsp->sessionRequest = NULL;
-                }
-                if (ocspRsp->serverSession != NULL) {
-                    (*hcv1->freeSessionFcn)(ocspRsp->serverSession);
-                    ocspRsp->serverSession = NULL;
-                }
-        }
-        if (ocspRsp->arena != NULL) {
-                PORT_FreeArena(ocspRsp->arena, PR_FALSE);
-                ocspRsp->arena = NULL;
-        }
-	PKIX_DECREF(ocspRsp->producedAtDate);
-	PKIX_DECREF(ocspRsp->pkixSignerCert);
-	PKIX_DECREF(ocspRsp->request);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *ocspRsp = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE, plContext),
-        ocspRsp = (PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *)object;
-        if (ocspRsp->encodedResponse->data == NULL) {
-                *pHashcode = 0;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                        (ocspRsp->encodedResponse->data,
-                        ocspRsp->encodedResponse->len,
-                        pHashcode,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObj,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObj,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstLen = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *rsp1 = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *rsp2 = NULL;
-        const unsigned char *firstData = NULL;
-        const unsigned char *secondData = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObj, secondObj, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObj is a OcspResponse */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObj, PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObj is a OcspResponse, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObj == secondObj){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObj isn't a OcspResponse, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(secondObj, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        rsp1 = (PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *)firstObj;
-        rsp2 = (PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *)secondObj;
-        /* If either lacks an encoded string, they cannot be compared */
-        firstData = (const unsigned char *)rsp1->encodedResponse->data;
-        secondData = (const unsigned char *)rsp2->encodedResponse->data;
-        if ((firstData == NULL) || (secondData == NULL)) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstLen = rsp1->encodedResponse->len;
-        if (firstLen != rsp2->encodedResponse->len) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < firstLen; i++) {
-                if (*firstData++ != *secondData++) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE and its related functions with
- *  systemClasses[]
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_OcspResponse_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "OcspResponse";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_OcspResponse);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Destroy;
-        entry->equalsFunction = pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Equals;
-        entry->hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Hashcode;
-        entry->duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Create
- *
- *  This function transmits the OcspRequest pointed to by "request" and obtains
- *  an OcspResponse, which it stores at "pOcspResponse". If the HTTPClient
- *  supports non-blocking I/O this function may store a non-NULL value at
- *  "pNBIOContext" (the WOULDBLOCK condition). In that case the caller should
- *  make a subsequent call with the same value in "pNBIOContext" and
- *  "pOcspResponse" to resume the operation. Additional WOULDBLOCK returns may
- *  occur; the caller should persist until a return occurs with NULL stored at
- *  "pNBIOContext".
- *
- *  If a SEC_HttpClientFcn "responder" is supplied, it is used as the client
- *  to which the OCSP query is sent. If none is supplied, the default responder
- *  is used.
- *
- *  If an OcspResponse_VerifyCallback "verifyFcn" is supplied, it is used to
- *  verify the Cert received from the responder as the signer. If none is
- *  supplied, the default verification function is used.
- *
- *  The contents of "request" are ignored on calls subsequent to a WOULDBLOCK
- *  return, and the caller is permitted to supply NULL.
- *
- *  "request"
- *      Address of the OcspRequest for which a response is desired.
- *  "httpMethod"
- *      GET or POST
- *  "responder"
- *      Address, if non-NULL, of the SEC_HttpClientFcn to be sent the OCSP
- *      query.
- *  "verifyFcn"
- *      Address, if non-NULL, of the OcspResponse_VerifyCallback function to be
- *      used to verify the Cert of the OCSP responder.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which platform-dependent information is stored for handling
- *      of non-blocking I/O. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pOcspResponse"
- *      The address where the created OcspResponse is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request,
-        const char *httpMethod,
-        void *responder,
-        PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback verifyFcn,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse **pResponse,
-        void *plContext)
-        void *nbioContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *ocspResponse = NULL;
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcn *httpClient = NULL;
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcnV1 *hcv1 = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        char *location = NULL;
-        char *hostname = NULL;
-        char *path = NULL;
-        char *responseContentType = NULL;
-        PRUint16 port = 0;
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION serverSession = NULL;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION sessionRequest = NULL;
-        SECItem *encodedRequest = NULL;
-        PRUint16 responseCode = 0;
-        char *responseData = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pNBIOContext, pResponse);
-	if (!strcmp(httpMethod, "GET") && !strcmp(httpMethod, "POST")) {
-	}
-        nbioContext = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                ocspResponse = *pResponse;
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(ocspResponse);
-                httpClient = ocspResponse->httpClient;
-                serverSession = ocspResponse->serverSession;
-                sessionRequest = ocspResponse->sessionRequest;
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(httpClient, serverSession, sessionRequest);
-        } else {
-                PKIX_UInt32 timeout =
-                    ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->timeoutSeconds;
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(request);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OcspRequest_GetEncoded
-                        (request, &encodedRequest, plContext),
-                /* prepare initial message to HTTPClient */
-                /* Is there a default responder and is it enabled? */
-                if (responder) {
-                    httpClient = (const SEC_HttpClientFcn *)responder;
-                } else {
-                    httpClient = SEC_GetRegisteredHttpClient();
-                }
-                if (httpClient && (httpClient->version == 1)) {
-			char *fullGetPath = NULL;
-			const char *sessionPath = NULL;
-			PRBool usePOST = !strcmp(httpMethod, "POST");
-                        hcv1 = &(httpClient->fcnTable.ftable1);
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OcspRequest_GetLocation
-                                (request, &location, plContext),
-                                PKIX_OCSPREQUESTGETLOCATIONFAILED);
-                        /* parse location -> hostname, port, path */    
-                        rv = CERT_ParseURL(location, &hostname, &port, &path);
-                        if (rv == SECFailure || hostname == NULL || path == NULL) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_URLPARSINGFAILED);
-                        }
-                        rv = (*hcv1->createSessionFcn)(hostname, port,
-                                                       &serverSession);
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OCSPSERVERERROR);
-                        }       
-			if (usePOST) {
-				sessionPath = path;
-			} else {
-				/* calculate, are we allowed to use GET? */
-				enum { max_get_request_size = 255 }; /* defined by RFC2560 */
-				char b64ReqBuf[max_get_request_size+1];
-				size_t base64size;
-				size_t slashLengthIfNeeded = 0;
-				size_t pathLength;
-				PRInt32 urlEncodedBufLength;
-				size_t getURLLength;
-				char *walkOutput = NULL;
-				pathLength = strlen(path);
-				if (path[pathLength-1] != '/') {
-					slashLengthIfNeeded = 1;
-				}
-				base64size = (((encodedRequest->len +2)/3) * 4);
-				if (base64size > max_get_request_size) {
-				}
-				memset(b64ReqBuf, 0, sizeof(b64ReqBuf));
-				PL_Base64Encode((const char *)encodedRequest->data, encodedRequest->len, b64ReqBuf);
-				urlEncodedBufLength = ocsp_UrlEncodeBase64Buf(b64ReqBuf, NULL);
-				getURLLength = pathLength + urlEncodedBufLength + slashLengthIfNeeded;
-				fullGetPath = (char*)PORT_Alloc(getURLLength);
-				if (!fullGetPath) {
-				}
-				strcpy(fullGetPath, path);
-				walkOutput = fullGetPath + pathLength;
-				if (walkOutput > fullGetPath && slashLengthIfNeeded) {
-					strcpy(walkOutput, "/");
-					++walkOutput;
-				}
-				ocsp_UrlEncodeBase64Buf(b64ReqBuf, walkOutput);
-				sessionPath = fullGetPath;
-			}
-                        rv = (*hcv1->createFcn)(serverSession, "http",
-                                                sessionPath, httpMethod,
-                                                PR_SecondsToInterval(timeout),
-                                                &sessionRequest);
-			sessionPath = NULL;
-			if (fullGetPath) {
-				PORT_Free(fullGetPath);
-				fullGetPath = NULL;
-			}
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OCSPSERVERERROR);
-                        }       
-			if (usePOST) {
-				rv = (*hcv1->setPostDataFcn)(sessionRequest,
-							  (char *)encodedRequest->data,
-							  encodedRequest->len,
-							  "application/ocsp-request");
-				if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-				}
-			}
-                        /* create a PKIX_PL_OcspResponse object */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                                    (PKIX_OCSPRESPONSE_TYPE,
-                                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_OcspResponse),
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&ocspResponse,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-                        PKIX_INCREF(request);
-                        ocspResponse->request = request;
-                        ocspResponse->httpClient = httpClient;
-                        ocspResponse->serverSession = serverSession;
-                        serverSession = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->sessionRequest = sessionRequest;
-                        sessionRequest = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->verifyFcn = verifyFcn;
-                        ocspResponse->handle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-                        ocspResponse->encodedResponse = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->arena = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->producedAt = 0;
-                        ocspResponse->producedAtDate = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->pkixSignerCert = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->nssOCSPResponse = NULL;
-                        ocspResponse->signerCert = NULL;
-                }
-        }
-        /* begin or resume IO to HTTPClient */
-        if (httpClient && (httpClient->version == 1)) {
-                PRUint32 responseDataLen = 
-                   ((PKIX_PL_NssContext*)plContext)->maxResponseLength;
-                hcv1 = &(httpClient->fcnTable.ftable1);
-                rv = (*hcv1->trySendAndReceiveFcn)(ocspResponse->sessionRequest,
-                        (PRPollDesc **)&nbioContext,
-                        &responseCode,
-                        (const char **)&responseContentType,
-                        NULL,   /* responseHeaders */
-                        (const char **)&responseData,
-                        &responseDataLen);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OCSPSERVERERROR);
-                }
-                /* responseContentType is a pointer to the null-terminated
-                 * string returned by httpclient. Memory allocated for context
-                 * type will be freed with freeing of the HttpClient struct. */
-                if (PORT_Strcasecmp(responseContentType, 
-                                   "application/ocsp-response")) {
-                       PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OCSPSERVERERROR);
-                }
-                if (nbioContext != NULL) {
-                        *pNBIOContext = nbioContext;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-                if (responseCode != 200) {
-                }
-                ocspResponse->arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-                if (ocspResponse->arena == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                ocspResponse->encodedResponse = SECITEM_AllocItem
-                        (ocspResponse->arena, NULL, responseDataLen);
-                if (ocspResponse->encodedResponse == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                }
-                PORT_Memcpy(ocspResponse->encodedResponse->data,
-                            responseData, responseDataLen);
-        }
-        *pResponse = ocspResponse;
-        ocspResponse = NULL;
-        if (path != NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(path);
-        }
-        if (hostname != NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(hostname);
-        }
-        if (ocspResponse) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(ocspResponse);
-        }
-        if (serverSession) {
-            hcv1->freeSessionFcn(serverSession);
-        }
-        if (sessionRequest) {
-            hcv1->freeFcn(sessionRequest);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_Decode
- *
- *  This function decodes the DER data contained in the OcspResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", storing PKIX_TRUE at "pPassed" if the decoding was
- *  successful, and PKIX_FALSE otherwise.
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the OcspResponse whose DER data is to be decoded. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "pPassed"
- *      Address at which the Boolean result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pReturnCode"
- *      Address at which the SECErrorCodes result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPassed,
-        SECErrorCodes *pReturnCode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_OcspResponse_Decode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response, response->encodedResponse);
-        response->nssOCSPResponse =
-            CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse(response->encodedResponse);
-	if (response->nssOCSPResponse != NULL) {
-                *pPassed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                *pReturnCode = 0;
-        } else {
-                *pPassed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                *pReturnCode = PORT_GetError();
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_GetStatus
- *
- *  This function checks the response status of the OcspResponse pointed to
- *  by "response", storing PKIX_TRUE at "pPassed" if the responder understood
- *  the request and considered it valid, and PKIX_FALSE otherwise.
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the OcspResponse whose status is to be retrieved. Must
- *      be non-NULL.
- *  "pPassed"
- *      Address at which the Boolean result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPassed,
-        SECErrorCodes *pReturnCode,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "PKIX_PL_OcspResponse_GetStatus");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(response, response->nssOCSPResponse, pPassed, pReturnCode);
-        rv = CERT_GetOCSPResponseStatus(response->nssOCSPResponse);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                *pPassed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                *pReturnCode = 0;
-        } else {
-                *pPassed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                *pReturnCode = PORT_GetError();
-        }
-static PKIX_Error*
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        SECCertUsage certUsage,
-        void **state,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **buildResult,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_VerifyResponse");
-    if (response->verifyFcn != NULL) {
-        void *lplContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create(((SECCertificateUsage)1) << certUsage,
-                                      PKIX_FALSE, NULL, &lplContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            (response->verifyFcn)((PKIX_PL_Object*)response->pkixSignerCert,
-                                  NULL, response->producedAtDate,
-                                  procParams, pNBIOContext,
-                                  state, buildResult,
-                                  NULL, lplContext),
-        rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-        rv = CERT_VerifyCert(response->handle, response->signerCert, PKIX_TRUE,
-                             certUsage, response->producedAt, NULL, NULL);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_VerifySignature
- *
- *  This function verifies the ocspResponse signature field in the OcspResponse
- *  pointed to by "response", storing PKIX_TRUE at "pPassed" if verification
- *  is successful and PKIX_FALSE otherwise. If verification is unsuccessful an
- *  error code (an enumeration of type SECErrorCodes) is stored at *pReturnCode.
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the OcspResponse whose signature field is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "cert"
- *      The address of the Cert for which the OCSP query was made. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "procParams"
- *      Address of ProcessingParams used to initialize the ExpirationChecker
- *      and TargetCertChecker. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPassed"
- *      Address at which the Boolean result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pNBIOContext"
- *      Address at which the NBIOContext is stored indicating whether the
- *      checking is complete. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPassed,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        CERTOCSPResponse *nssOCSPResponse = NULL;
-        CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
-        PKIX_BuildResult *buildResult = NULL;
-        void *nbio = NULL;
-        void *state = NULL;
-        ocspSignature *signature = NULL;
-        ocspResponseData *tbsData = NULL;
-        SECItem *tbsResponseDataDER = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_VerifySignature");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(response, cert, pPassed,  pNBIOContext);
-        nbio = *pNBIOContext;
-        *pNBIOContext = NULL;
-        nssOCSPResponse = response->nssOCSPResponse;
-        if (nssOCSPResponse == NULL) {
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        tbsData =
-            ocsp_GetResponseData(nssOCSPResponse, &tbsResponseDataDER);
-        signature = ocsp_GetResponseSignature(nssOCSPResponse);
-        /* Are we resuming after a WOULDBLOCK response? */
-        if (nbio == NULL) {
-            /* No, this is a new query */
-            issuerCert = CERT_FindCertIssuer(cert->nssCert, PR_Now(),
-                                             certUsageAnyCA);
-            /*
-             * If this signature has already gone through verification,
-             * just return the cached result.
-             */
-            if (signature->wasChecked) {
-                if (signature->status == SECSuccess) {
-                    response->signerCert =
-                        CERT_DupCertificate(signature->cert);
-                } else {
-                    PORT_SetError(signature->failureReason);
-                    goto cleanup;
-                }
-            }
-            response->signerCert = 
-                ocsp_GetSignerCertificate(response->handle, tbsData,
-                                          signature, issuerCert);
-            if (response->signerCert == NULL) {
-                if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT) {
-                    /* Make the error a little more specific. */
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_OCSP_INVALID_SIGNING_CERT);
-                }
-                goto cleanup;
-            }            
-            PKIX_CHECK( 
-                PKIX_PL_Cert_CreateFromCERTCertificate(response->signerCert,
-                                                       &(response->pkixSignerCert),
-                                                       plContext),
-            /*
-             * We could mark this true at the top of this function, or
-             * always below at "finish", but if the problem was just that
-             * we could not find the signer's cert, leave that as if the
-             * signature hasn't been checked. Maybe a subsequent call will
-             * have better luck.
-             */
-            signature->wasChecked = PR_TRUE;
-            /*
-             * We are about to verify the signer certificate; we need to
-             * specify *when* that certificate must be valid -- for our
-             * purposes we expect it to be valid when the response was
-             * signed. The value of "producedAt" is the signing time.
-             */
-            rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&response->producedAt,
-                                           &tbsData->producedAt);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-            /*
-             * We need producedAtDate and pkixSignerCert if we are calling a
-             * user-supplied verification function. Let's put their
-             * creation before the code that gets repeated when
-             * non-blocking I/O is used.
-             */
-            PKIX_CHECK(
-                pkix_pl_Date_CreateFromPRTime((PRTime)response->producedAt,
-                                              &(response->producedAtDate),
-                                              plContext),
-	}
-        /*
-         * Just because we have a cert does not mean it is any good; check
-         * it for validity, trust and usage. Use the caller-supplied
-         * verification function, if one was supplied.
-         */
-        if (ocsp_CertIsOCSPDefaultResponder(response->handle,
-                                            response->signerCert)) {
-            rv = SECSuccess;
-        } else {
-            SECCertUsage certUsage;
-            if (CERT_IsCACert(response->signerCert, NULL)) {
-                certUsage = certUsageAnyCA;
-            } else {
-                certUsage = certUsageStatusResponder;
-            }
-                pkix_pl_OcspResponse_VerifyResponse(response, procParams,
-                                                    certUsage, &state,
-                                                    &buildResult, &nbio,
-                                                    plContext),
-            if (pkixTempErrorReceived) {
-                rv = SECFailure;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
-            if (nbio != NULL) {
-                *pNBIOContext = nbio;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }            
-        }
-        rv = ocsp_VerifyResponseSignature(response->signerCert, signature,
-                                          tbsResponseDataDER, NULL);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-            *pPassed = PKIX_TRUE;
-        } else {
-            *pPassed = PKIX_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (signature) {
-            if (signature->wasChecked) {
-                signature->status = rv;
-            }
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                signature->failureReason = PORT_GetError();
-                if (response->signerCert != NULL) {
-                    CERT_DestroyCertificate(response->signerCert);
-                    response->signerCert = NULL;
-                }
-            } else {
-                /* Save signer's certificate in signature. */
-                signature->cert = CERT_DupCertificate(response->signerCert);
-            }
-        }
-	if (issuerCert)
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificate(issuerCert);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OcspResponse_GetStatusForCert
- *
- *  This function checks the revocation status of the Cert for which the
- *  OcspResponse was obtained, storing PKIX_TRUE at "pPassed" if the Cert has
- *  not been revoked and PKIX_FALSE otherwise.
- *
- *  "response"
- *      The address of the OcspResponse whose certificate status is to be
- *      retrieved. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pPassed"
- *      Address at which the Boolean result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pReturnCode"
- *      Address at which the SECErrorCodes result is stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OcspResponse Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean allowCachingOfFailures,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPassed,
-        SECErrorCodes *pReturnCode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRTime time = 0;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        CERTOCSPSingleResponse *single = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OCSPRESPONSE, "pkix_pl_OcspResponse_GetStatusForCert");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(response, pPassed, pReturnCode);
-        /*
-         * It is an error to call this function except following a successful
-         * return from pkix_pl_OcspResponse_VerifySignature, which would have
-         * set response->signerCert.
-         */
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(response->signerCert, response->request);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(cid, cid->certID);
-        if (validity != NULL) {
-            PKIX_Error *er = pkix_pl_Date_GetPRTime(validity, &time, plContext);
-            PKIX_DECREF(er);
-        }
-        if (!time) {
-            time = PR_Now();
-        }
-        rv = ocsp_GetVerifiedSingleResponseForCertID(response->handle,
-                                                     response->nssOCSPResponse,
-                                                     cid->certID, 
-                                                     response->signerCert,
-                                                     time, &single);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                /*
-                 * Check whether the status says revoked, and if so 
-                 * how that compares to the time value passed into this routine.
-                 */
-                rv = ocsp_CertHasGoodStatus(single->certStatus, time);
-        }
-        if (rv == SECSuccess || allowCachingOfFailures) {
-                /* allowed to update the cache */
-                PRBool certIDWasConsumed = PR_FALSE;
-                if (single) {
-                        ocsp_CacheSingleResponse(cid->certID,single,
-                                                 &certIDWasConsumed);
-                } else {
-                        cert_RememberOCSPProcessingFailure(cid->certID,
-                                                           &certIDWasConsumed);
-                }
-                if (certIDWasConsumed) {
-                        cid->certID = NULL;
-                }
-        }
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-                *pPassed = PKIX_TRUE;
-                *pReturnCode = 0;
-        } else {
-                *pPassed = PKIX_FALSE;
-                *pReturnCode = PORT_GetError();
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dcf88c9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h
- *
- * OcspResponse Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "ocspti.h"
-#include "ocspi.h"
-#include "plbase64.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define MAX_OCSP_RESPONSE_LEN (64*1024)
-struct PKIX_PL_OcspResponseStruct{
-        PLArenaPool *arena;
-        const PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request;
-        const SEC_HttpClientFcn *httpClient;
-        SEC_HTTP_SERVER_SESSION serverSession;
-        SEC_HTTP_REQUEST_SESSION sessionRequest;
-        PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback verifyFcn;
-        SECItem *encodedResponse;
-        CERTCertDBHandle *handle;
-        PRTime producedAt;
-        PKIX_PL_Date *producedAtDate;
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *pkixSignerCert;
-        CERTOCSPResponse *nssOCSPResponse;
-        CERTCertificate *signerCert;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_OcspResponse_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspRequest *request,
-        const char *httpMechanism,
-        void *responder,
-        PKIX_PL_VerifyCallback verifyFcn,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse **pResponse,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean *passed,
-        SECErrorCodes *pReturnCode,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean *passed,
-        SECErrorCodes *pReturnCode,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPassed,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID *cid,
-        PKIX_PL_OcspResponse *response,
-        PKIX_Boolean allowCachingOfFailures,
-        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pPassed,
-        SECErrorCodes *pReturnCode,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Cert *signerCert,
-	PKIX_PL_Date *producedAt,
-        PKIX_ProcessingParams *procParams,
-        void **pNBIOContext,
-        void **pState,
-        PKIX_BuildResult **pBuildResult,
-        PKIX_VerifyNode **pVerifyTree,
-	void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dfe9a9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_publickey.c
- *
- * Certificate Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_publickey.h"
-/* --Private-Cert-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PublicKey_ToString_Helper
- *
- *  Helper function that creates a string representation of the PublicKey
- *  pointed to by "pkixPubKey" and stores it at "pString".
- *
- *  "pkixPubKey"
- *      Address of PublicKey whose string representation is desired.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a PublicKey Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pkixPubKey,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
-        SECOidTag pubKeyTag;
-        char *asciiOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean freeAsciiOID = PKIX_FALSE;
-        SECItem oidBytes;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_PublicKey_ToString_Helper");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(pkixPubKey, pkixPubKey->nssSPKI, pString);
-        /*
-         * XXX for now, we print out public key algorithm's
-         * description - add params and bytes later
-         */
-        /*
-         * If the algorithm OID is known to NSS,
-         * we print out the ASCII description that is
-         * registered with NSS. Otherwise, if unknown,
-         * we print out the OID numbers (eg. "1.2.840.3")
-         */
-        algorithm = pkixPubKey->nssSPKI->algorithm;
-        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag).\n");
-        pubKeyTag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&algorithm);
-        if (pubKeyTag != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN){
-                PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG
-                        ("\t\tCalling SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription).\n");
-                asciiOID = (char *)SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription(pubKeyTag);
-                if (!asciiOID){
-                }
-        } else { /* pubKeyTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN */
-                oidBytes = algorithm.algorithm;
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_oidBytes2Ascii
-                            (&oidBytes, &asciiOID, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OIDBYTES2ASCIIFAILED);
-                freeAsciiOID = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, (void *)asciiOID, 0, pString, plContext),
-        /*
-         * we only free asciiOID if it was malloc'ed by pkix_pl_oidBytes2Ascii
-         */
-        if (freeAsciiOID){
-                PKIX_FREE(asciiOID);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_DestroySPKI
- *  Frees all memory associated with the CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo pointed to
- *  by "nssSPKI".
- *  "nssSPKI"
- *      Address of CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *nssSPKI,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_DestroySPKI");
-        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID).\n");
-        SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(&nssSPKI->algorithm, PKIX_FALSE);
-        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_FreeItem).\n");
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&nssSPKI->subjectPublicKey, PKIX_FALSE);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PublicKey_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_PublicKey_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTPUBLICKEY);
-        pubKey = (PKIX_PL_PublicKey *)object;
-        if (pubKey->nssSPKI) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_DestroySPKI(pubKey->nssSPKI, plContext),
-                       PKIX_DESTROYSPKIFAILED);
-            PKIX_FREE(pubKey->nssSPKI);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PublicKey_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pkixPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *pubKeyString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_PublicKey_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTPUBLICKEY);
-        pkixPubKey = (PKIX_PL_PublicKey *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PublicKey_ToString_Helper
-                    (pkixPubKey, &pubKeyString, plContext),
-        *pString = pubKeyString;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PublicKey_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pkixPubKey = NULL;
-        SECItem algOID;
-        SECItem algParams;
-        SECItem nssPubKey;
-        PKIX_UInt32 algOIDHash;
-        PKIX_UInt32 algParamsHash;
-        PKIX_UInt32 pubKeyHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_PublicKey_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTPUBLICKEY);
-        pkixPubKey = (PKIX_PL_PublicKey *)object;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pkixPubKey->nssSPKI);
-        algOID = pkixPubKey->nssSPKI->algorithm.algorithm;
-        algParams = pkixPubKey->nssSPKI->algorithm.parameters;
-        nssPubKey = pkixPubKey->nssSPKI->subjectPublicKey;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    (, algOID.len, &algOIDHash, plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    (, algParams.len, &algParamsHash, plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    (, nssPubKey.len, &pubKeyHash, plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        *pHashcode = pubKeyHash;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PublicKey_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *firstPKIXPubKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *secondPKIXPubKey = NULL;
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *firstSPKI = NULL;
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *secondSPKI = NULL;
-        SECComparison cmpResult;
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_PublicKey_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is a PublicKey */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is a PublicKey, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't a PublicKey, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        firstPKIXPubKey = ((PKIX_PL_PublicKey *)firstObject);
-        secondPKIXPubKey = (PKIX_PL_PublicKey *)secondObject;
-        firstSPKI = firstPKIXPubKey->nssSPKI;
-        secondSPKI = secondPKIXPubKey->nssSPKI;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstSPKI, secondSPKI);
-        PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(PUBLICKEY, cmpResult, SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID,
-                        (&firstSPKI->algorithm, &secondSPKI->algorithm));
-        if (cmpResult == SECEqual){
-                PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CompareItem).\n");
-                cmpResult = SECITEM_CompareItem
-                                (&firstSPKI->subjectPublicKey,
-                                &secondSPKI->subjectPublicKey);
-        }
-        *pResult = (cmpResult == SECEqual)?PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PublicKey_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_PublicKey_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "pkix_pl_PublicKey_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "PublicKey";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_PublicKey);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_PublicKey_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_PublicKey_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_PublicKey_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_PublicKey_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PublicKey_NeedsDSAParameters
- *              (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pNeedsParams,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *nssSPKI = NULL;
-        KeyType pubKeyType;
-        PKIX_Boolean needsParams = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "PKIX_PL_PublicKey_NeedsDSAParameters");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pubKey, pNeedsParams);
-        nssSPKI = pubKey->nssSPKI;
-        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_GetCertKeyType).\n");
-        pubKeyType = CERT_GetCertKeyType(nssSPKI);
-        if (!pubKeyType){
-        }
-        if ((pubKeyType == dsaKey) &&
-            (nssSPKI->algorithm.parameters.len == 0)){
-                needsParams = PKIX_TRUE;
-        }
-        *pNeedsParams = needsParams;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_PublicKey_MakeInheritedDSAPublicKey
- *              (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *firstKey,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *secondKey,
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey **pResultKey,
-        void *plContext)
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *firstSPKI = NULL;
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *secondSPKI = NULL;
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *thirdSPKI = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *resultKey = NULL;
-        KeyType firstPubKeyType;
-        KeyType secondPubKeyType;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(PUBLICKEY, "PKIX_PL_PublicKey_MakeInheritedDSAPublicKey");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstKey, secondKey, pResultKey);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstKey->nssSPKI, secondKey->nssSPKI);
-        firstSPKI = firstKey->nssSPKI;
-        secondSPKI = secondKey->nssSPKI;
-        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_GetCertKeyType).\n");
-        firstPubKeyType = CERT_GetCertKeyType(firstSPKI);
-        if (!firstPubKeyType){
-        }
-        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG("\t\tCalling CERT_GetCertKeyType).\n");
-        secondPubKeyType = CERT_GetCertKeyType(secondSPKI);
-        if (!secondPubKeyType){
-        }
-        if ((firstPubKeyType == dsaKey) &&
-            (firstSPKI->algorithm.parameters.len == 0)){
-                if (secondPubKeyType != dsaKey) {
-                } else if (secondSPKI->algorithm.parameters.len == 0) {
-                        PKIX_ERROR
-                                (PKIX_SECONDKEYDSAPUBLICKEY);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Calloc
-                                    (1,
-                                    sizeof (CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo),
-                                    (void **)&thirdSPKI,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_CALLOCFAILED);
-                        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling"
-                                "SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo).\n");
-                        rv = SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo
-                                (NULL, thirdSPKI, firstSPKI);
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                            PKIX_ERROR
-                                    (PKIX_SECKEYCOPYSUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFOFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_PUBLICKEY_DEBUG
-                                ("\t\tCalling SECITEM_CopyItem).\n");
-                        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL,
-                                            &thirdSPKI->algorithm.parameters,
-                                            &secondSPKI->algorithm.parameters);
-                        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_OUTOFMEMORY);
-                        }
-                        /* create a PKIX_PL_PublicKey object */
-                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                                    (PKIX_PUBLICKEY_TYPE,
-                                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_PublicKey),
-                                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&resultKey,
-                                    plContext),
-                                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-                        /* populate the SPKI field */
-                        resultKey->nssSPKI = thirdSPKI;
-                        *pResultKey = resultKey;
-                }
-        } else {
-                *pResultKey = NULL;
-        }
-        if (thirdSPKI && PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_DestroySPKI(thirdSPKI, plContext),
-                            PKIX_DESTROYSPKIFAILED);
-                PKIX_FREE(thirdSPKI);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8918859..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_publickey.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_publickey.h
- *
- * Public Key Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_PublicKeyStruct {
-        CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *nssSPKI;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_PublicKey_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_PublicKey *pubKey,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pNeedsParams,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_PUBLICKEY_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e37439c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_x500name.c
- *
- * X500Name Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_x500name.h"
-/* --Private-X500Name-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANX500NAME);
-        name = (PKIX_PL_X500Name *)object;
-        /* PORT_FreeArena will destroy arena, and, allocated on it, CERTName
-         * and SECItem */
-        if (name->arena) {
-            PORT_FreeArena(name->arena, PR_FALSE);
-            name->arena = NULL;
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name = NULL;
-        char *string = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 strLength = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANX500NAME);
-        name = (PKIX_PL_X500Name *)object;
-        string = CERT_NameToAscii(&name->nssDN);
-        if (!string){
-        }
-        strLength = PL_strlen(string);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, string, strLength, pString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *name = NULL;
-        SECItem *derBytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 nameHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANX500NAME);
-        name = (PKIX_PL_X500Name *)object;
-        /* we hash over the bytes in the DER encoding */
-        derBytes = &name->derName;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    (derBytes->data, derBytes->len, &nameHash, plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        *pHashcode = nameHash;
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_Equals_Callback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* test that firstObject is an X500Name */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE, plContext),
-        /*
-         * Since we know firstObject is an X500Name, if both references are
-         * identical, they must be equal
-         */
-        if (firstObject == secondObject){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /*
-         * If secondObject isn't an X500Name, we don't throw an error.
-         * We simply return a Boolean result of FALSE
-         */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                    (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        if (secondType != PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match((PKIX_PL_X500Name *)firstObject,
-                                   (PKIX_PL_X500Name *)secondObject,
-                                   pResult, plContext),
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_X500Name_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "X500Name";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_X500Name);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_X500Name_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_X500Name_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_X500Name_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_X500Name_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE] = entry;
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_CreateFromUtf8
- *
- *  Creates an X500Name object from the RFC1485 string representation pointed
- *  to by "stringRep", and stores the result at "pName". If the string cannot
- *  be successfully converted, a non-fatal error is returned.
- *
- * NOTE: ifdefed BUILD_LIBPKIX_TESTS function: this function is allowed to be
- * called only by pkix tests programs.
- * 
- *  "stringRep"
- *      Address of the RFC1485 string to be converted. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pName"
- *      Address where the X500Name result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an X500NAME Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *x500Name = NULL;
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        CERTName *nssDN = NULL;
-        SECItem *resultSecItem = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_CreateFromUtf8");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pName, stringRep);
-        nssDN = CERT_AsciiToName(stringRep);
-        if (nssDN == NULL) {
-        }
-        arena = nssDN->arena;
-        /* create a PKIX_PL_X500Name object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_X500Name),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&x500Name,
-                    plContext),
-        /* populate the nssDN field */
-        x500Name->arena = arena;
-        x500Name->nssDN.arena = arena;
-        x500Name->nssDN.rdns = nssDN->rdns;
-        resultSecItem =
-            SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &x500Name->derName, nssDN,
-                               CERT_NameTemplate);
-        if (resultSecItem == NULL){
-        }
-        *pName = x500Name;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-            if (x500Name) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)x500Name,
-                                      plContext);
-            } else if (nssDN) {
-                CERT_DestroyName(nssDN);
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCERTName
- *
- * 
- * Returns the pointer to CERTName member of X500Name structure.
- *
- * Returned pointed should not be freed.2
- *
- *  "xname"
- *      Address of X500Name whose OrganizationName is to be extracted. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pCERTName"
- *      Address where result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        CERTName **pCERTName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCERTName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(xname, pCERTName);
-        *pCERTName = &xname->nssDN;
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derName,
-        CERTName *name, 
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *x500Name = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "PKIX_PL_X500Name_CreateFromCERTName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pName);
-        if (derName == NULL && name == NULL) {
-        }
-        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-        if (arena == NULL) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_X500NAME_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_X500Name),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&x500Name,
-                    plContext),
-        x500Name->arena = arena;
-        x500Name->nssDN.arena = NULL;
-        if (derName != NULL) {
-            rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &x500Name->derName, derName);
-            if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            }
-        }            
-        if (name != NULL) {
-            rv = CERT_CopyName(arena, &x500Name->nssDN, name);
-            if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            }
-        } else {
-            rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &x500Name->nssDN,
-                                        CERT_NameTemplate,
-                                        &x500Name->derName);
-            if (rv == SECFailure) {
-            }
-        }
-        *pName = x500Name;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED) {
-            if (x500Name) {
-                PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef((PKIX_PL_Object*)x500Name,
-                                      plContext);
-            } else if (arena) {                
-                PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_X500Name_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- *
- * NOTE: ifdefed BUILD_LIBPKIX_TESTS function: this function is allowed
- * to be called only by pkix tests programs.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pName,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *utf8String = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf8Length = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "PKIX_PL_X500Name_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pName, stringRep);
-        /*
-         * convert the input PKIX_PL_String to PKIX_UTF8_NULL_TERM.
-         * we need to use this format specifier because
-         * CERT_AsciiToName expects a NULL-terminated UTF8 string.
-         * Since UTF8 allow NUL characters in the middle of the
-         * string, this is buggy. However, as a workaround, using
-         * PKIX_UTF8_NULL_TERM gives us a NULL-terminated UTF8 string.
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    (stringRep,
-                    PKIX_UTF8_NULL_TERM,
-                    (void **)&utf8String,
-                    &utf8Length,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(
-            pkix_pl_X500Name_CreateFromUtf8(utf8String,
-                                            pName, plContext),
-        PKIX_FREE(utf8String);
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match (see comments in pkix_pl_pki.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *firstX500Name,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *secondX500Name,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem *firstDerName = NULL;
-        SECItem *secondDerName = NULL;
-        SECComparison cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "PKIX_PL_X500Name_Match");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstX500Name, secondX500Name, pResult);
-        if (firstX500Name == secondX500Name){
-                *pResult = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        firstDerName = &firstX500Name->derName;
-        secondDerName = &secondX500Name->derName;
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstDerName->data, secondDerName->data);
-        cmpResult = SECITEM_CompareItem(firstDerName, secondDerName);
-        if (cmpResult != SECEqual) {
-            cmpResult = CERT_CompareName(&firstX500Name->nssDN,
-                                         &secondX500Name->nssDN);
-        }
-        *pResult = (cmpResult == SECEqual);
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_GetSECName
- *
- *  Returns a copy of CERTName DER representation allocated on passed in arena.
- *  If allocation on arena can not be done, NULL is stored at "pSECName".
- *
- *  "xname"
- *      Address of X500Name whose CERTName flag is to be encoded. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "arena"
- *      Address of the PLArenaPool to be used in the encoding, and in which
- *      "pSECName" will be allocated. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pSECName"
- *      Address where result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        SECItem **pDERName,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECItem *derName = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_GetDERName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(xname, arena, pDERName);
-        /* Return NULL is X500Name was not created from DER  */
-        if (xname-> == NULL) {
-            *pDERName = NULL;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        derName = SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(arena, &xname->derName);
-        if (derName == NULL) {
-        }
-        *pDERName = derName;
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCommonName
- *
- *  Extracts the CommonName component of the X500Name object pointed to by
- *  "xname", and stores the result at "pCommonName". If the CommonName cannot
- *  be successfully extracted, NULL is stored at "pCommonName".
- *
- *  The returned string must be freed with PORT_Free.
- *
- *  "xname"
- *      Address of X500Name whose CommonName is to be extracted. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pCommonName"
- *      Address where result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        unsigned char **pCommonName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCommonName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(xname, pCommonName);
-        *pCommonName = (unsigned char *)CERT_GetCommonName(&xname->nssDN);
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCountryName
- *
- *  Extracts the CountryName component of the X500Name object pointed to by
- *  "xname", and stores the result at "pCountryName". If the CountryName cannot
- *  be successfully extracted, NULL is stored at "pCountryName".
- *
- *  The returned string must be freed with PORT_Free.
- *
- *  "xname"
- *      Address of X500Name whose CountryName is to be extracted. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pCountryName"
- *      Address where result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        unsigned char **pCountryName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCountryName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(xname, pCountryName);
-        *pCountryName = (unsigned char*)CERT_GetCountryName(&xname->nssDN);
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_X500Name_GetOrgName
- *
- *  Extracts the OrganizationName component of the X500Name object pointed to by
- *  "xname", and stores the result at "pOrgName". If the OrganizationName cannot
- *  be successfully extracted, NULL is stored at "pOrgName".
- *
- *  The returned string must be freed with PORT_Free.
- *
- *  "xname"
- *      Address of X500Name whose OrganizationName is to be extracted. Must be
- *      non-NULL.
- *  "pOrgName"
- *      Address where result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        unsigned char **pOrgName,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(X500NAME, "pkix_pl_X500Name_GetOrgName");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(xname, pOrgName);
-        *pOrgName = (unsigned char*)CERT_GetOrgName(&xname->nssDN);
-        PKIX_RETURN(X500NAME);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a62bdb8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/pki/pkix_pl_x500name.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_x500name.h
- *
- * X500Name Object Type Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_X500NAME_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_X500NAME_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_X500NameStruct{
-        PLArenaPool *arena; /* X500Name arena. Shared arena with nssDN
-                             * and derName */
-        CERTName nssDN;
-        SECItem derName;    /* adding DER encoded CERTName to the structure
-                             * to avoid unnecessary name encoding when pass
-                             * der name to cert finder */
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_X500Name_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_X500Name_GetDERName(
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        PLArenaPool *arena,
-        SECItem **pSECName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_X500Name_CreateFromUtf8(
-        char *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name **pName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_X500Name_GetCommonName(
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        unsigned char **pCommonName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        unsigned char **pCountryName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        unsigned char **pOrgName,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_X500Name *xname,
-        CERTName **pCERTName,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_X500NAME_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.c
deleted file mode 100755
index cd8e15e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_bigint.c
- *
- * BigInt Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_bigint.h"
-/* --Private-Big-Int-Functions------------------------------------ */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_Comparator
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *firstBigInt = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *secondBigInt = NULL;
-        char *firstPtr = NULL;
-        char *secondPtr = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstLen, secondLen;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_Comparator");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                    (firstObject, secondObject, PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ARGUMENTSNOTBIGINTS);
-        /* It's safe to cast */
-        firstBigInt = (PKIX_PL_BigInt*)firstObject;
-        secondBigInt = (PKIX_PL_BigInt*)secondObject;
-        *pResult = 0;
-        firstPtr = firstBigInt->dataRep;
-        secondPtr = secondBigInt->dataRep;
-        firstLen = firstBigInt->length;
-        secondLen = secondBigInt->length;
-        if (firstLen < secondLen) {
-                *pResult = -1;
-        } else if (firstLen > secondLen) {
-                *pResult = 1;
-        } else if (firstLen == secondLen) {
-                PKIX_BIGINT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_Memcmp).\n");
-                *pResult = PORT_Memcmp(firstPtr, secondPtr, firstLen);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *bigInt = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBIGINT);
-        bigInt = (PKIX_PL_BigInt*)object;
-        PKIX_FREE(bigInt->dataRep);
-        bigInt->dataRep = NULL;
-        bigInt->length = 0;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *bigInt = NULL;
-        char *outputText = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, j, lengthChars;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBIGINT);
-        bigInt = (PKIX_PL_BigInt*)object;
-        /* number of chars = 2 * (number of bytes) + null terminator */
-        lengthChars = (bigInt->length * 2) + 1;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (lengthChars, (void **)&outputText, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < bigInt->length; i += 1, j += 2){
-                outputText[j] = pkix_i2hex
-                        ((char) ((*(bigInt->dataRep+i) & 0xf0) >> 4));
-                outputText[j+1] = pkix_i2hex
-                        ((char) (*(bigInt->dataRep+i) & 0x0f));
-        }
-        outputText[lengthChars-1] = '\0';
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    outputText,
-                    0,
-                    pString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_FREE(outputText);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *bigInt = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBIGINT);
-        bigInt = (PKIX_PL_BigInt*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    ((void *)bigInt->dataRep,
-                    bigInt->length,
-                    pHashcode,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_BigInt_Comparator
-                (first, second, &cmpResult, plContext),
-        *pResult = (cmpResult == 0);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_BigInt_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "BigInt";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_BigInt);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_BigInt_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_BigInt_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_BigInt_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_BigInt_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = pkix_pl_BigInt_Comparator;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE] = entry;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_BigInt_CreateWithBytes
- *
- *  Creates a new BigInt of size "length" representing the array of bytes
- *  pointed to by "bytes" and stores it at "pBigInt". The caller should make
- *  sure that the first byte is not 0x00 (unless it is the the only byte).
- *  This function does not do that checking.
- *
- *  Once created, a PKIX_PL_BigInt object is immutable.
- *
- *  "bytes"
- *      Address of array of bytes. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "length"
- *      Length of the array. Must be non-zero.
- *  "pBigInt"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext" - Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *bytes,
-        PKIX_UInt32 length,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pBigInt,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *bigInt = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "pkix_pl_BigInt_CreateWithBytes");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pBigInt, bytes);
-        if (length == 0) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_BigInt),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&bigInt,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (length, (void **)&(bigInt->dataRep), plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        PKIX_BIGINT_DEBUG("\t\tCalling PORT_Memcpy).\n");
-        (void) PORT_Memcpy(bigInt->dataRep, bytes, length);
-        bigInt->length = length;
-        *pBigInt = bigInt;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(bigInt);
-        }
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_BigInt_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pBigInt,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt *bigInt = NULL;
-        char *asciiString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 lengthBytes;
-        PKIX_UInt32 lengthString;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        char currChar;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BIGINT, "PKIX_PL_BigInt_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pBigInt, stringRep);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                (stringRep,
-                PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                (void **)&asciiString,
-                &lengthString,
-                plContext),
-        if ((lengthString == 0) || ((lengthString % 2) != 0)){
-        }
-        if (lengthString != 2){
-                if ((asciiString[0] == '0') && (asciiString[1] == '0')){
-                }
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < lengthString; i++) {
-                currChar = asciiString[i];
-                if (!PKIX_ISXDIGIT(currChar)){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_BIGINT_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_BigInt),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&bigInt,
-                plContext),
-        /* number of bytes = 0.5 * (number of chars) */
-        lengthBytes = lengthString/2;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (lengthBytes, (void **)&(bigInt->dataRep), plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        for (i = 0; i < lengthString; i += 2){
-                (bigInt->dataRep)[i/2] =
-                        (pkix_hex2i(asciiString[i])<<4) |
-                        pkix_hex2i(asciiString[i+1]);
-        }
-        bigInt->length = lengthBytes;
-        *pBigInt = bigInt;
-        PKIX_FREE(asciiString);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(bigInt);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b3df808..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bigint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_bigint.h
- *
- * Bigint Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_BIGINT_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_BIGINT_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_BigIntStruct {
-        char *dataRep;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        char *bytes,
-        PKIX_UInt32 length,
-        PKIX_PL_BigInt **pBigInt,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_BigInt_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_BIGINT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a2e9c0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_bytearray.c
- *
- * ByteArray Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_bytearray.h"
-/* --Private-ByteArray-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_ToHexString
- *
- *  Creates a hex-String representation of the ByteArray pointed to by "array"
- *  and stores the result at "pString". The hex-String consists of hex-digit
- *  pairs separated by spaces, and the entire string enclosed within square
- *  brackets, e.g. [43 61 6E 20 79 6F 75 20 72 65 61 64 20 74 68 69 73 3F].
- *  A zero-length ByteArray is represented as [].
- *  "array"
- *      ByteArray to be represented by the hex-String; must be non-NULL
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where String will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Cert Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *array,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *tempText = NULL;
-        char *stringText = NULL; /* "[XX XX XX ...]" */
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, outputLen, bufferSize;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_ToHexString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(array, pString);
-        if ((array->length) == 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII, "[]", 0, pString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_COULDNOTCREATESTRING);
-        } else {
-                /*
-                 * Allocate space for format string
-                 * '[' + "XX" + (n-1)*" XX" + ']' + '\0'
-                 */
-                bufferSize = 2 + (3*(array->length));
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                        (bufferSize, (void **)&stringText, plContext),
-                        PKIX_COULDNOTALLOCATEMEMORY);
-                stringText[0] = 0;
-                outputLen = 0;
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf).\n");
-                tempText = PR_smprintf
-                        ("[%02X", (0x0FF&((char *)(array->array))[0]));
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-                outputLen += PL_strlen(tempText);
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strcat).\n");
-                stringText = PL_strcat(stringText, tempText);
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf_free).\n");
-                PR_smprintf_free(tempText);
-                for (i = 1; i < array->length; i++) {
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf).\n");
-                        tempText = PR_smprintf
-                                (" %02X", (0x0FF&((char *)(array->array))[i]));
-                        if (tempText == NULL){
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSMPRINTFFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-                        outputLen += PL_strlen(tempText);
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strcat).\n");
-                        stringText = PL_strcat(stringText, tempText);
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf_free).\n");
-                        PR_smprintf_free(tempText);
-                        tempText = NULL;
-                }
-                stringText[outputLen++] = ']';
-                stringText[outputLen] = 0;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                        stringText,
-                        0,
-                        pString,
-                        plContext),
-                        PKIX_COULDNOTCREATESTRING);
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(stringText);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_Comparator
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- *
- *  NOTE:
- *  It is not clear that this definition of comparing byte arrays makes
- *  sense. It does allow you to tell whether two blocks of memory are
- *  identical, so we only use it for the Equals function (i.e. we don't
- *  register it as a Compare function for ByteArray).
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *firstByteArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *secondByteArray = NULL;
-        unsigned char *firstData = NULL;
-        unsigned char *secondData = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_Comparator");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                (firstObject, secondObject, PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE, plContext),
-        /* It's safe to cast */
-        firstByteArray = (PKIX_PL_ByteArray *)firstObject;
-        secondByteArray = (PKIX_PL_ByteArray *)secondObject;
-        *pResult = 0;
-        firstData = (unsigned char *)firstByteArray->array;
-        secondData = (unsigned char *)secondByteArray->array;
-        if (firstByteArray->length < secondByteArray->length) {
-                *pResult = -1;
-        } else if (firstByteArray->length > secondByteArray->length) {
-                *pResult = 1;
-        } else if (firstByteArray->length == secondByteArray->length) {
-                /* Check if both array contents are identical */
-                for (i = 0;
-                    (i < firstByteArray->length) && (*pResult == 0);
-                    i++) {
-                        if (firstData[i] < secondData[i]) {
-                                *pResult = -1;
-                        } else if (firstData[i] > secondData[i]) {
-                                *pResult = 1;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *array = NULL;
-        char *tempText = NULL;
-        char *stringText = NULL; /* "[OOO, OOO, ... OOO]" */
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, outputLen, bufferSize;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBYTEARRAY);
-        array = (PKIX_PL_ByteArray *)object;
-        if ((array->length) == 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII, "[]", 0, pString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_COULDNOTCREATESTRING);
-        } else {
-                /* Allocate space for "XXX, ". */
-                bufferSize = 2+5*array->length;
-                /* Allocate space for format string */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                        (bufferSize, (void **)&stringText, plContext),
-                        PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                stringText[0] = 0;
-                outputLen = 0;
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf).\n");
-                tempText =
-                        PR_smprintf
-                            ("[%03u", (0x0FF&((char *)(array->array))[0]));
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-                outputLen += PL_strlen(tempText);
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strcat).\n");
-                stringText = PL_strcat(stringText, tempText);
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf_free).\n");
-                PR_smprintf_free(tempText);
-                for (i = 1; i < array->length; i++) {
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf).\n");
-                        tempText = PR_smprintf
-                                (", %03u",
-                                (0x0FF&((char *)(array->array))[i]));
-                        if (tempText == NULL){
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSMPRINTFFAILED);
-                        }
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-                        outputLen += PL_strlen(tempText);
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strcat).\n");
-                        stringText = PL_strcat(stringText, tempText);
-                        PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf_free).\n");
-                        PR_smprintf_free(tempText);
-                        tempText = NULL;
-                }
-                stringText[outputLen++] = ']';
-                stringText[outputLen] = 0;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                        (PKIX_ESCASCII, stringText, 0, pString, plContext),
-                        PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        }
-        PKIX_FREE(stringText);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        /* Sanity check: Test that "first" is a ByteArray */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(first, PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(second, &secondType, plContext),
-        /* If types differ, then we will return false */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        /* Second type may not be a BA */
-        if (secondType != PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        /* It's safe to cast here */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_ByteArray_Comparator
-                (first, second, &cmpResult, plContext),
-        /* ByteArrays are equal iff Comparator Result is 0 */
-        *pResult = (cmpResult == 0);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *array = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBYTEARRAY);
-        array = (PKIX_PL_ByteArray*)object;
-        PKIX_FREE(array->array);
-        array->array = NULL;
-        array->length = 0;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *array = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTBYTEARRAY);
-        array = (PKIX_PL_ByteArray*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                ((const unsigned char *)array->array,
-                array->length,
-                pHashcode,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_HASHFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ByteArray_RegisterSelf
- * Registers PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_ByteArray_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "pkix_pl_ByteArray_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "ByteArray";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_ByteArray);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_ByteArray_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_ByteArray_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_ByteArray_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_ByteArray_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *array,
-        PKIX_UInt32 length,
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray **pByteArray,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "PKIX_PL_ByteArray_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pByteArray);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_BYTEARRAY_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_ByteArray),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&byteArray,
-                plContext),
-        byteArray->length = length;
-        byteArray->array = NULL;
-        if (length != 0){
-                /* Alloc space for array */
-                PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(array);
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                            (length, (void**)&(byteArray->array), plContext),
-                            PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Memcpy).\n");
-                (void) PORT_Memcpy(byteArray->array, array, length);
-        }
-        *pByteArray = byteArray;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(byteArray);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetPointer (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        void **pArray,
-        void *plContext)
-        void *bytes = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetPointer");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(byteArray, pArray);
-        if (byteArray->length != 0){
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                            (byteArray->length, &bytes, plContext),
-                            PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                PKIX_BYTEARRAY_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Memcpy).\n");
-                (void) PORT_Memcpy
-                        (bytes, byteArray->array, byteArray->length);
-        }
-        *pArray = bytes;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_FREE(bytes);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetLength (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *byteArray,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(BYTEARRAY, "PKIX_PL_ByteArray_GetLength");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(byteArray, pLength);
-        *pLength = byteArray->length;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ba18ee..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_bytearray.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_bytearray.h
- *
- * ByteArray Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_ByteArrayStruct {
-        void *array;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_ByteArray *array,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_ByteArray_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_BYTEARRAY_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 831ce53..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1073 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_common.c
- *
- * Common utility functions used by various PKIX_PL functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_LockObject
- *
- *  Locks the object pointed to by "object".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of object. Must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_LockObject");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        if (object == (PKIX_PL_Object *)PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tShifting object pointer).\n");
-        /* The header is sizeof(PKIX_PL_Object) before the object pointer */
-        objectHeader = object-1;
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-        PR_Lock(objectHeader->lock);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_UnlockObject
- *
- *  Unlocks the object pointed to by "object".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object. Must be non-NULL
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader;
-        PRStatus result;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_UnlockObject");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        if (object == (PKIX_PL_Object *)PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tShifting object pointer).\n");
-        /* The header is sizeof(PKIX_PL_Object) before the object pointer */
-        objectHeader = object-1;
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-        result = PR_Unlock(objectHeader->lock);
-        if (result == PR_FAILURE) {
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tPR_Unlock failed.).\n");
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_UInt32_Overflows
- *
- *  Returns a PKIX_Boolean indicating whether the unsigned integer
- *  represented by "string" is too large to fit in 32-bits (i.e.
- *  whether it overflows). With the exception of the string "0",
- *  all other strings are stripped of any leading zeros. It is assumed
- *  that every character in "string" is from the set {'0' - '9'}.
- *
- *  "string"
- *      Address of array of bytes representing PKIX_UInt32 that's being tested
- *      for 32-bit overflow
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  PKIX_TRUE if PKIX_UInt32 represented by "string" overflows;
- *  PKIX_FALSE otherwise
- */
-pkix_pl_UInt32_Overflows(char *string){
-        char *firstNonZero = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length, i;
-        char *MAX_UINT32_STRING = "4294967295";
-        PKIX_OID_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-        length = PL_strlen(string);
-        if (length < MAX_DIGITS_32){
-                return (PKIX_FALSE);
-        }
-        firstNonZero = string;
-        for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
-                if (*string == '0'){
-                        firstNonZero++;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_OID_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-        length = PL_strlen(firstNonZero);
-        if (length > MAX_DIGITS_32){
-                return (PKIX_TRUE);
-        }
-        PKIX_OID_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-        if (length == MAX_DIGITS_32){
-                PKIX_OID_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Strcmp).\n");
-                if (PORT_Strcmp(firstNonZero, MAX_UINT32_STRING) > 0){
-                        return (PKIX_TRUE);
-                }
-        }
-        return (PKIX_FALSE);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_getOIDToken
- *
- *  Takes the array of DER-encoded bytes pointed to by "derBytes"
- *  (representing an OID) and the value of "index" representing the index into
- *  the array, and decodes the bytes until an integer token is retrieved. If
- *  successful, this function stores the integer component at "pToken" and
- *  stores the index representing the next byte in the array at "pIndex"
- *  (following the last byte that was used in the decoding). This new output
- *  index can be used in subsequent calls as an input index, allowing each
- *  token of the OID to be retrieved consecutively. Note that there is a
- *  special case for the first byte, in that it encodes two separate integer
- *  tokens. For example, the byte {2a} represents the integer tokens {1,2}.
- *  This special case is not handled here and must be handled by the caller.
- *
- *  "derBytes"
- *      Address of array of bytes representing a DER-encoded OID.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "index"
- *      Index into the array that this function will begin decoding at.
- *  "pToken"
- *      Destination for decoded OID token. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pIndex"
- *      Destination for index of next byte following last byte used.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        char *derBytes,
-        PKIX_UInt32 index,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pToken,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pIndex,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 retval, i, tmp;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_getOIDToken");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(derBytes, pToken, pIndex);
-        /*
-         * We should only need to parse a maximum of four bytes, because
-         * RFC 3280 "mandates support for OIDs which have arc elements
-         * with values that are less than 2^28, that is, they MUST be between
-         * 0 and 268,435,455, inclusive.  This allows each arc element to be
-         * represented within a single 32 bit word."
-         */
-        for (i = 0, retval = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            retval <<= 7;
-            tmp = derBytes[index];
-            index++;
-            retval |= (tmp & 0x07f);
-            if ((tmp & 0x080) == 0){
-                    *pToken = retval;
-                    *pIndex = index;
-                    goto cleanup;
-            }
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_helperBytes2Ascii
- *
- *  Converts an array of integers pointed to by "tokens" with a length of
- *  "numTokens", to an ASCII string consisting of those integers with dots in
- *  between them and stores the result at "pAscii". The ASCII representation is
- *  guaranteed to end with a NUL character. This is particularly useful for
- *  OID's and IP Addresses.
- *
- *  The return value "pAscii" is not reference-counted and will need to
- *  be freed with PKIX_PL_Free.
- *
- *  "tokens"
- *      Address of array of integers. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "numTokens"
- *      Length of array of integers. Must be non-zero.
- *  "pAscii"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 *tokens,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numTokens,
-        char **pAscii,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *tempString = NULL;
-        char *outputString = NULL;
-        char *format = "%d";
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 outputLen = 0;
-        PKIX_Int32 error;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_helperBytes2Ascii");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(tokens, pAscii);
-        if (numTokens == 0) {
-        }
-        /*
-         * tempString will hold the string representation of a PKIX_UInt32 type
-         * The maximum value that can be held by an unsigned 32-bit integer
-         * is (2^32 - 1) = 4294967295 (which is ten digits long)
-         * Since tempString will hold the string representation of a
-         * PKIX_UInt32, we allocate 11 bytes for it (1 byte for '\0')
-         */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (MAX_DIGITS_32 + 1, (void **)&tempString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_snprintf).\n");
-                error = PR_snprintf(tempString,
-                                    MAX_DIGITS_32 + 1,
-                                    format,
-                                    tokens[i]);
-                if (error == -1){
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSNPRINTFFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-                outputLen += PL_strlen(tempString);
-                /* Include a dot to separate each number */
-                outputLen++;
-        }
-        /* Allocate space for the destination string */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (outputLen, (void **)&outputString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        *outputString = '\0';
-        /* Concatenate all strings together */
-        for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_snprintf).\n");
-                error = PR_snprintf(tempString,
-                                    MAX_DIGITS_32 + 1,
-                                    format,
-                                    tokens[i]);
-                if (error == -1){
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSNPRINTFFAILED);
-                }
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strcat).\n");
-                (void) PL_strcat(outputString, tempString);
-                /* we don't want to put a "." at the very end */
-                if (i < (numTokens - 1)){
-                        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strcat).\n");
-                        (void) PL_strcat(outputString, ".");
-                }
-        }
-        /* Ensure output string ends with terminating null */
-        outputString[outputLen-1] = '\0';
-        *pAscii = outputString;
-        outputString = NULL;
-        PKIX_FREE(outputString);
-        PKIX_FREE(tempString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_ipAddrBytes2Ascii
- *
- *  Converts the DER encoding of an IPAddress pointed to by "secItem" to an
- *  ASCII representation and stores the result at "pAscii". The ASCII
- *  representation is guaranteed to end with a NUL character. The input
- *  SECItem must contain non-NULL data and must have a positive length.
- *
- *  The return value "pAscii" is not reference-counted and will need to
- *  be freed with PKIX_PL_Free.
- *  XXX this function assumes that IPv4 addresses are being used
- *  XXX what about IPv6? can NSS tell the difference
- *
- *  "secItem"
- *      Address of SECItem which contains bytes and length of DER encoding.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAscii"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *secItem,
-        char **pAscii,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *data = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 *tokens = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numTokens = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0;
-        char *asciiString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_ipAddrBytes2Ascii");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(secItem, pAscii, secItem->data);
-        if (secItem->len == 0) {
-        }
-        data = (char *)(secItem->data);
-        numTokens = secItem->len;
-        /* allocate space for array of integers */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (numTokens * sizeof (PKIX_UInt32),
-                    (void **)&tokens,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* populate array of integers */
-        for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++){
-                tokens[i] = data[i];
-        }
-        /* convert array of integers to ASCII */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_helperBytes2Ascii
-                    (tokens, numTokens, &asciiString, plContext),
-        *pAscii = asciiString;
-        PKIX_FREE(tokens);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_oidBytes2Ascii
- *
- *  Converts the DER encoding of an OID pointed to by "secItem" to an ASCII
- *  representation and stores it at "pAscii". The ASCII representation is
- *  guaranteed to end with a NUL character. The input SECItem must contain
- *  non-NULL data and must have a positive length.
- *
- *  Example: the six bytes {2a 86 48 86 f7 0d} represent the
- *  four integer tokens {1, 2, 840, 113549}, which we will convert
- *  into ASCII yielding "1.2.840.113549"
- *
- *  The return value "pAscii" is not reference-counted and will need to
- *  be freed with PKIX_PL_Free.
- *
- *  "secItem"
- *      Address of SECItem which contains bytes and length of DER encoding.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pAscii"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an OID Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *secItem,
-        char **pAscii,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *data = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 *tokens = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 token = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numBytes = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numTokens = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 index = 0;
-        char *asciiString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_oidBytes2Ascii");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(secItem, pAscii, secItem->data);
-        if (secItem->len == 0) {
-        }
-        data = (char *)(secItem->data);
-        numBytes = secItem->len;
-        numTokens = 0;
-        /* calculate how many integer tokens are represented by the bytes. */
-        for (i = 0; i < numBytes; i++){
-                if ((data[i] & 0x080) == 0){
-                        numTokens++;
-                }
-        }
-        /* if we are unable to retrieve any tokens at all, we throw an error */
-        if (numTokens == 0){
-        }
-        /* add one more token b/c the first byte always contains two tokens */
-        numTokens++;
-        /* allocate space for array of integers */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (numTokens * sizeof (PKIX_UInt32),
-                    (void **)&tokens,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* populate array of integers */
-        for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++){
-                /* retrieve integer token */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_getOIDToken
-                            (data, index, &token, &index, plContext),
-                            PKIX_GETOIDTOKENFAILED);
-                if (i == 0){
-                        /*
-                         * special case: the first DER-encoded byte represents
-                         * two tokens. We take advantage of fact that first
-                         * token must be 0, 1, or 2; and second token must be
-                         * between {0, 39} inclusive if first token is 0 or 1.
-                         */
-                        if (token < 40)
-                                x = 0;
-                        else if (token < 80)
-                                x = 1;
-                        else
-                                x = 2;
-                        y = token - (x * 40);
-                        tokens[0] = x;
-                        tokens[1] = y;
-                        i++;
-                } else {
-                        tokens[i] = token;
-                }
-        }
-        /* convert array of integers to ASCII */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_helperBytes2Ascii
-                    (tokens, numTokens, &asciiString, plContext),
-        *pAscii = asciiString;
-        PKIX_FREE(tokens);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_UTF16_to_EscASCII
- *
- *  Converts array of bytes pointed to by "utf16String" with length of
- *  "utf16Length" (which must be even) into a freshly allocated Escaped ASCII
- *  string and stores a pointer to that string at "pDest" and stores the
- *  string's length at "pLength". The Escaped ASCII string's length does not
- *  include the final NUL character. The caller is responsible for freeing
- *  "pDest" using PKIX_PL_Free. If "debug" is set, uses EscASCII_Debug
- *  encoding.
- *
- *  "utf16String"
- *      Address of array of bytes representing data source. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "utf16Length"
- *      Length of data source. Must be even.
- *  "debug"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether debug mode is desired.
- *  "pDest"
- *      Address where data will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where data length will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const void *utf16String,
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf16Length,
-        PKIX_Boolean debug,
-        char **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        char *destPtr = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i, charLen;
-        PKIX_UInt32 x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
-        unsigned char *utf16Char = (unsigned char *)utf16String;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_UTF16_to_EscASCII");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(utf16String, pDest, pLength);
-        /* Assume every pair of bytes becomes &#xNNNN; */
-        charLen = 4*utf16Length;
-        /* utf16Lenght must be even */
-        if ((utf16Length % 2) != 0){
-        }
-        /* Count how many bytes we need */
-        for (i = 0; i < utf16Length; i += 2) {
-                if ((utf16Char[i] == 0x00)&&
-                        pkix_isPlaintext(utf16Char[i+1], debug)) {
-                        if (utf16Char[i+1] == '&') {
-                                /* Need to convert this to &amp; */
-                                charLen -= 3;
-                        } else {
-                                /* We can fit this into one char */
-                                charLen -= 7;
-                        }
-                } else if ((utf16Char[i] >= 0xD8) && (utf16Char[i] <= 0xDB)) {
-                        if ((i+3) >= utf16Length) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_UTF16HIGHZONEALIGNMENTERROR);
-                        } else if ((utf16Char[i+2] >= 0xDC)&&
-                                (utf16Char[i+2] <= 0xDF)) {
-                                /* Quartet of bytes will become &#xNNNNNNNN; */
-                                charLen -= 4;
-                                /* Quartet of bytes will produce 12 chars */
-                                i += 2;
-                        } else {
-                                /* Second pair should be DC00-DFFF */
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_UTF16LOWZONEERROR);
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        *pLength = charLen;
-        /* Ensure this string is null terminated */
-        charLen++;
-        /* Allocate space for character array */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc(charLen, (void **)pDest, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        destPtr = *pDest;
-        for (i = 0; i < utf16Length; i += 2) {
-                if ((utf16Char[i] == 0x00)&&
-                    pkix_isPlaintext(utf16Char[i+1], debug)) {
-                        /* Write a single character */
-                        *destPtr++ = utf16Char[i+1];
-                } else if ((utf16Char[i+1] == '&') && (utf16Char[i] == 0x00)){
-                        *destPtr++ = '&';
-                        *destPtr++ = 'a';
-                        *destPtr++ = 'm';
-                        *destPtr++ = 'p';
-                        *destPtr++ = ';';
-                } else if ((utf16Char[i] >= 0xD8)&&
-                            (utf16Char[i] <= 0xDB)&&
-                            (utf16Char[i+2] >= 0xDC)&&
-                            (utf16Char[i+2] <= 0xDF)) {
-                        /*
-                         * Special UTF pairs are of the form:
-                         * x = D800..DBFF; y = DC00..DFFF;
-                         * The result is of the form:
-                         * ((x - D800) * 400 + (y - DC00)) + 0001 0000
-                         */
-                        x = 0x0FFFF & ((utf16Char[i]<<8) | utf16Char[i+1]);
-                        y = 0x0FFFF & ((utf16Char[i+2]<<8) | utf16Char[i+3]);
-                        z = ((x - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (y - 0xDC00)) + 0x00010000;
-                        /* Sprintf &#xNNNNNNNN; */
-                        PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_snprintf).\n");
-                        if (PR_snprintf(destPtr, 13, "&#x%08X;", z) ==
-                            (PKIX_UInt32)(-1)) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSNPRINTFFAILED);
-                        }
-                        i += 2;
-                        destPtr += 12;
-                } else {
-                        /* Sprintf &#xNNNN; */
-                        PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_snprintf).\n");
-                        if (PR_snprintf
-                            (destPtr,
-                            9,
-                            "&#x%02X%02X;",
-                            utf16Char[i],
-                            utf16Char[i+1]) ==
-                            (PKIX_UInt32)(-1)) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_PRSNPRINTFFAILED);
-                        }
-                        destPtr += 8;
-                }
-        }
-        *destPtr = '\0';
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_FREE(*pDest);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_EscASCII_to_UTF16
- *
- *  Converts array of bytes pointed to by "escAsciiString" with length of
- *  "escAsciiLength" into a freshly allocated UTF-16 string and stores a
- *  pointer to that string at "pDest" and stores the string's length at
- *  "pLength". The caller is responsible for freeing "pDest" using
- *  PKIX_PL_Free. If "debug" is set, uses EscASCII_Debug encoding.
- *
- *  "escAsciiString"
- *      Address of array of bytes representing data source. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "escAsciiLength"
- *      Length of data source. Must be even.
- *  "debug"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether debug mode is desired.
- *  "pDest"
- *      Address where data will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where data length will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const char *escAsciiString,
-        PKIX_UInt32 escAsciiLen,
-        PKIX_Boolean debug,
-        void **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 newLen, i, j, charSize;
-        PKIX_UInt32 x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
-        unsigned char *destPtr = NULL;
-        unsigned char testChar, testChar2;
-        unsigned char *stringData = (unsigned char *)escAsciiString;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_EscASCII_to_UTF16");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(escAsciiString, pDest, pLength);
-        if (escAsciiLen == 0) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc(escAsciiLen, pDest, plContext),
-                            PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Assume each unicode character takes two bytes */
-        newLen = escAsciiLen*2;
-        /* Count up number of unicode encoded  characters */
-        for (i = 0; i < escAsciiLen; i++) {
-                if (!pkix_isPlaintext(stringData[i], debug)&&
-                    (stringData[i] != '&')) {
-                } else if (PL_strstr(escAsciiString+i, "&amp;") ==
-                            escAsciiString+i) {
-                        /* Convert EscAscii "&amp;" to two bytes */
-                        newLen -= 8;
-                        i += 4;
-                } else if ((PL_strstr(escAsciiString+i, "&#x") ==
-                            escAsciiString+i)||
-                            (PL_strstr(escAsciiString+i, "&#X") ==
-                            escAsciiString+i)) {
-                        if (((i+7) <= escAsciiLen)&&
-                            (escAsciiString[i+7] == ';')) {
-                                /* Convert &#xNNNN; to two bytes */
-                                newLen -= 14;
-                                i += 7;
-                        } else if (((i+11) <= escAsciiLen)&&
-                                (escAsciiString[i+11] == ';')) {
-                                /* Convert &#xNNNNNNNN; to four bytes */
-                                newLen -= 20;
-                                i += 11;
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_ILLEGALUSEOFAMP);
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc(newLen, pDest, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* Copy into newly allocated space */
-        destPtr = (unsigned char *)*pDest;
-        i = 0;
-        while (i < escAsciiLen) {
-                /* Copy each byte until you hit a &amp; */
-                if (pkix_isPlaintext(escAsciiString[i], debug)) {
-                        *destPtr++ = 0x00;
-                        *destPtr++ = escAsciiString[i++];
-                } else if (PL_strstr(escAsciiString+i, "&amp;") ==
-                            escAsciiString+i) {
-                        /* Convert EscAscii "&amp;" to two bytes */
-                        *destPtr++ = 0x00;
-                        *destPtr++ = '&';
-                        i += 5;
-                } else if (((PL_strstr(escAsciiString+i, "&#x") ==
-                            escAsciiString+i)||
-                            (PL_strstr(escAsciiString+i, "&#X") ==
-                            escAsciiString+i))&&
-                            ((i+7) <= escAsciiLen)) {
-                        /* We're either looking at &#xNNNN; or &#xNNNNNNNN; */
-                        charSize = (escAsciiString[i+7] == ';')?4:8;
-                        /* Skip past the &#x */
-                        i += 3;
-                        /* Make sure there is a terminating semi-colon */
-                        if (((i+charSize) > escAsciiLen)||
-                            (escAsciiString[i+charSize] != ';')) {
-                        }
-                        for (j = 0; j < charSize; j++) {
-                                if (!PKIX_ISXDIGIT
-                                    (escAsciiString[i+j])) {
-                                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_ILLEGALUNICODECHARACTER);
-                                } else if (charSize == 8) {
-                                        x |= (pkix_hex2i
-                                                        (escAsciiString[i+j]))
-                                                        <<(4*(7-j));
-                                }
-                        }
-                        testChar =
-                                (pkix_hex2i(escAsciiString[i])<<4)|
-                                pkix_hex2i(escAsciiString[i+1]);
-                        testChar2 =
-                                (pkix_hex2i(escAsciiString[i+2])<<4)|
-                                pkix_hex2i(escAsciiString[i+3]);
-                        if (charSize == 4) {
-                                if ((testChar >= 0xD8)&&
-                                    (testChar <= 0xDF)) {
-                                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_ILLEGALSURROGATEPAIR);
-                                } else if ((testChar == 0x00)&&
-                                  pkix_isPlaintext(testChar2, debug)) {
-                                      PKIX_ERROR(
-                                          PKIX_ILLEGALCHARACTERINESCAPEDASCII);
-                                }
-                                *destPtr++ = testChar;
-                                *destPtr++ = testChar2;
-                        } else if (charSize == 8) {
-                                /* First two chars must be 0001-0010 */
-                                if (!((testChar == 0x00)&&
-                                    ((testChar2 >= 0x01)&&
-                                    (testChar2 <= 0x10)))) {
-                                      PKIX_ERROR(
-                                          PKIX_ILLEGALCHARACTERINESCAPEDASCII);
-                                }
-                                /*
-                                 * Unicode Strings of the form:
-                                 * x =  0001 0000..0010 FFFF
-                                 * Encoded as pairs of UTF-16 where
-                                 * y = ((x - 0001 0000) / 400) + D800
-                                 * z = ((x - 0001 0000) % 400) + DC00
-                                 */
-                                x -= 0x00010000;
-                                y = (x/0x400)+ 0xD800;
-                                z = (x%0x400)+ 0xDC00;
-                                /* Copy four bytes */
-                                *destPtr++ = (y&0xFF00)>>8;
-                                *destPtr++ = (y&0x00FF);
-                                *destPtr++ = (z&0xFF00)>>8;
-                                *destPtr++ = (z&0x00FF);
-                        }
-                        /* Move past the Hex digits and the semi-colon */
-                        i += charSize+1;
-                } else {
-                        /* Do not allow any other non-plaintext character */
-                }
-        }
-        *pLength = newLen;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_FREE(*pDest);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_UTF16_to_UTF8
- *
- *  Converts array of bytes pointed to by "utf16String" with length of
- *  "utf16Length" into a freshly allocated UTF-8 string and stores a pointer
- *  to that string at "pDest" and stores the string's length at "pLength" (not
- *  counting the null terminator, if requested. The caller is responsible for
- *  freeing "pDest" using PKIX_PL_Free.
- *
- *  "utf16String"
- *      Address of array of bytes representing data source. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "utf16Length"
- *      Length of data source. Must be even.
- *  "null-term"
- *      Boolean value indicating whether output should be null-terminated.
- *  "pDest"
- *      Address where data will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where data length will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const void *utf16String,
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf16Length,
-        PKIX_Boolean null_term,
-        void **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean result;
-        PKIX_UInt32 reallocLen;
-        char *endPtr = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_UTF16_to_UTF8");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(utf16String, pDest, pLength);
-        /* XXX How big can a UTF8 string be compared to a UTF16? */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Calloc(1, utf16Length*2, pDest, plContext),
-                    PKIX_CALLOCFAILED);
-        PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion).\n");
-        result = PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion
-                (PKIX_FALSE, /* False = From UCS2 */
-                (unsigned char *)utf16String,
-                utf16Length,
-                (unsigned char *)*pDest,
-                utf16Length*2, /* Max Size */
-                pLength);
-        if (result == PR_FALSE){
-        }
-        reallocLen = *pLength;
-        if (null_term){
-                reallocLen++;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Realloc(*pDest, reallocLen, pDest, plContext),
-                    PKIX_REALLOCFAILED);
-        if (null_term){
-                endPtr = (char*)*pDest + reallocLen - 1;
-                *endPtr = '\0';
-        }
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_FREE(*pDest);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_UTF8_to_UTF16
- *
- *  Converts array of bytes pointed to by "utf8String" with length of
- *  "utf8Length" into a freshly allocated UTF-16 string and stores a pointer
- *  to that string at "pDest" and stores the string's length at "pLength". The
- *  caller is responsible for freeing "pDest" using PKIX_PL_Free.
- *
- *  "utf8String"
- *      Address of array of bytes representing data source. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "utf8Length"
- *      Length of data source. Must be even.
- *  "pDest"
- *      Address where data will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pLength"
- *      Address where data length will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a String Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const void *utf8String,
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf8Length,
-        void **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Boolean result;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_UTF8_to_UTF16");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(utf8String, pDest, pLength);
-        /* XXX How big can a UTF8 string be compared to a UTF16? */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Calloc(1, utf8Length*2, pDest, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion).\n");
-        result = PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion
-                (PKIX_TRUE, /* True = From UTF8 */
-                (unsigned char *)utf8String,
-                utf8Length,
-                (unsigned char *)*pDest,
-                utf8Length*2, /* Max Size */
-                pLength);
-        if (result == PR_FALSE){
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Realloc(*pDest, *pLength, pDest, plContext),
-                    PKIX_REALLOCFAILED);
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_FREE(*pDest);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2946e07..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_common.h
- *
- * Common central header file included by all PL source files
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_COMMON_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_COMMON_H
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-/* NSS headers */
-#include "nss.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "base64.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "genname.h"
-#include "xconst.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "ocsp.h"
-#include "ocspt.h"
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-/* NSPR headers */
-#include "nspr.h"
-/* private PKIX_PL_NSS system headers */
-#include "pkix_pl_object.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_string.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapt.h"
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-#include "pkix_pl_aiamgr.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_bigint.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_oid.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_x500name.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_generalname.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_publickey.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_bytearray.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_date.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_primhash.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_bytearray.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_cert.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_crldp.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_crl.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_crlentry.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_pk11certstore.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_socket.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h"
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-#include "pkix_pl_nsscontext.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_infoaccess.h"
-#include "pkix_sample_modules.h"
-#define MAX_DIGITS_32 (PKIX_UInt32) 10
-#define PKIX_PL_NSSCALL(type, func, args)  \
-        PKIX_ ## type ## _DEBUG_ARG("( Calling %s).\n", #func); \
-        (func args)
-#define PKIX_PL_NSSCALLRV(type, lvalue, func, args)  \
-        PKIX_ ## type ## _DEBUG_ARG("( Calling %s).\n", #func); \
-        lvalue = (func args)
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext);
-pkix_pl_UInt32_Overflows(char *string);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 *tokens,
-        PKIX_UInt32 numTokens,
-        char **pAscii,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *secItem,
-        char **pAscii,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *secItem,
-        char **pAscii,
-        void *plContext);
-/* --String-Encoding-Conversion-Functions------------------------ */
-PKIX_Error *
-        const void *utf16String,
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf16Length,
-        PKIX_Boolean debug,
-        char **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        const char *escAsciiString,
-        PKIX_UInt32 escAsciiLen,
-        PKIX_Boolean debug,
-        void **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        const void *utf16String,
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf16Length,
-        PKIX_Boolean null_Term,
-        void **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        const void *utf8Source,
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf8Length,
-        void **pDest,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext);
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_COMMON_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_error.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_error.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2631aed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_error.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_error.c
- *
- * PL error functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#define PKIX_ERRORENTRY(name,desc,plerr) plerr
-const PKIX_Int32 PKIX_PLErrorIndex[] =
-#include "pkix_errorstrings.h"
-    return PORT_GetError();
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 2603653..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_hashtable.c
- *
- * Hashtable Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_hashtable.h"
-/* --Private-Structure-------------------------------------------- */
-struct PKIX_PL_HashTableStruct {
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *primHash;
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *tableLock;
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxEntriesPerBucket;
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
-#define PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) \
-    do { \
-        if (mutex && lockedMutex == (PKIX_PL_Mutex *)(mutex)) { \
-            pkixTempResult = \
-                PKIX_PL_Mutex_Unlock((mutex), plContext); \
-            PORT_Assert(pkixTempResult == NULL); \
-            if (pkixTempResult) { \
-                PKIX_DoAddError(&stdVars, pkixTempResult, plContext); \
-                pkixTempResult = NULL; \
-            } \
-            lockedMutex = NULL; \
-        } else { \
-            PORT_Assert(lockedMutex == NULL); \
-        }\
-    } while (0)
-#define PKIX_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) \
-    do { \
-        if (mutex){ \
-            PORT_Assert(lockedMutex == NULL); \
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Mutex_Lock((mutex), plContext), \
-                       PKIX_MUTEXLOCKFAILED); \
-            lockedMutex = (mutex); \
-        } \
-    } while (0)
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HashTable_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht = NULL;
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *item = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_HashTable_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_HASHTABLE_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTHASHTABLE);
-        ht = (PKIX_PL_HashTable*) object;
-        /* DecRef every object in the primitive hash table */
-        for (i = 0; i < ht->primHash->size; i++) {
-                for (item = ht->primHash->buckets[i];
-                    item != NULL;
-                    item = item->next) {
-                        PKIX_DECREF(item->key);
-                        PKIX_DECREF(item->value);
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Destroy(ht->primHash, plContext),
-        PKIX_DECREF(ht->tableLock);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HashTable_RegisterSelf
- * Registers PKIX_HASHTABLE_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_HashTable_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "HashTable";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_HashTable);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_HashTable_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_HASHTABLE_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 numBuckets,
-        PKIX_UInt32 maxEntriesPerBucket,
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *hashTable = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "PKIX_PL_HashTable_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pResult);
-        if (numBuckets == 0) {
-        }
-        /* Allocate a new hashtable */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                (PKIX_HASHTABLE_TYPE,
-                sizeof (PKIX_PL_HashTable),
-                (PKIX_PL_Object **)&hashTable,
-                plContext),
-        /* Create the underlying primitive hash table type */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Create
-                    (numBuckets, &hashTable->primHash, plContext),
-        /* Create a lock for this table */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Mutex_Create(&hashTable->tableLock, plContext),
-        hashTable->maxEntriesPerBucket = maxEntriesPerBucket;
-        *pResult = hashTable;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(hashTable);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *key,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *value,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex  *lockedMutex = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *deletedKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *deletedValue = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode;
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bucketSize = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "PKIX_PL_HashTable_Add");
-#if !defined(PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST)
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(ht, key, value);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(key, value);
-        if (ht == NULL) {
-        }
-        /* Insert into primitive hashtable */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode(key, &hashCode, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_RetrieveEqualsCallback
-                    (key, &keyComp, plContext),
-        PKIX_MUTEX_LOCK(ht->tableLock);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_GetBucketSize
-                (ht->primHash,
-                hashCode,
-                &bucketSize,
-                plContext),
-        if (ht->maxEntriesPerBucket != 0 &&
-            bucketSize >= ht->maxEntriesPerBucket) {
-                /* drop the last one in the bucket */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_RemoveFIFO
-                        (ht->primHash,
-                        hashCode,
-                        (void **) &deletedKey,
-                        (void **) &deletedValue,
-                        plContext),
-                PKIX_DECREF(deletedKey);
-                PKIX_DECREF(deletedValue);
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Add
-                (ht->primHash,
-                (void *)key,
-                (void *)value,
-                hashCode,
-                keyComp,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(key);
-        PKIX_INCREF(value);
-        PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(ht->tableLock);
-        /*
-         * we don't call PKIX_PL_InvalidateCache here b/c we have
-         * not implemented toString or hashcode for this Object
-         */
-        PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(ht->tableLock);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *key,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex  *lockedMutex = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *origKey = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *value = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode;
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "PKIX_PL_HashTable_Remove");
-#if !defined(PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST)
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(ht, key);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(key);
-        if (ht == NULL) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode(key, &hashCode, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_RetrieveEqualsCallback
-                    (key, &keyComp, plContext),
-        PKIX_MUTEX_LOCK(ht->tableLock);
-        /* Remove from primitive hashtable */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Remove
-                (ht->primHash,
-                (void *)key,
-                hashCode,
-                keyComp,
-                (void **)&origKey,
-                (void **)&value,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(ht->tableLock);
-        PKIX_DECREF(origKey);
-        PKIX_DECREF(value);
-        /*
-         * we don't call PKIX_PL_InvalidateCache here b/c we have
-         * not implemented toString or hashcode for this Object
-         */
-        PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(ht->tableLock);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_HashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *key,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *lockedMutex = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode;
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "PKIX_PL_HashTable_Lookup");
-#if !defined(PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST)
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(ht, key, pResult);
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(key, pResult);
-        if (ht == NULL) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode(key, &hashCode, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTHASHCODEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_RetrieveEqualsCallback
-                    (key, &keyComp, plContext),
-        PKIX_MUTEX_LOCK(ht->tableLock);
-        /* Lookup in primitive hashtable */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                (ht->primHash,
-                (void *)key,
-                hashCode,
-                keyComp,
-                (void **)&result,
-                plContext),
-        PKIX_INCREF(result);
-        PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(ht->tableLock);
-        *pResult = result;
-        PKIX_MUTEX_UNLOCK(ht->tableLock);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 479c623..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_hashtable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_hashtable.h
- *
- * Hashtable Object Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_HashTable_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_HASHTABLE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 70ed25d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_lifecycle.c
- *
- * Lifecycle Functions for the PKIX PL library.
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_lifecycle.h"
-PKIX_Boolean pkix_pl_initialized = PKIX_FALSE;
-pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-PRLock *classTableLock;
-PRLogModuleInfo *pkixLog = NULL;
- * PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR is a special error object hard-coded into the
- * pkix_error.o object file. It is thrown if system memory cannot be
- * allocated. PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR is immutable.
- * IncRef, DecRef, and Settor functions cannot be called.
- */
-/* Keep this structure definition here for its is used only once here */
-struct PKIX_Alloc_Error_ObjectStruct {
-        PKIX_PL_Object header;
-        PKIX_Error error;
-typedef struct PKIX_Alloc_Error_ObjectStruct PKIX_Alloc_Error_Object;
-static const PKIX_Alloc_Error_Object pkix_Alloc_Error_Data = {
-    {
-        PKIX_MAGIC_HEADER, 		/* PRUint64    magicHeader */
-        (PKIX_UInt32)PKIX_ERROR_TYPE,   /* PKIX_UInt32 type */
-        (PKIX_UInt32)1,                 /* PKIX_UInt32 references */
-        /* Warning! Cannot Ref Count with NULL lock */
-        (void *)0,                      /* PRLock *lock */
-        (PKIX_PL_String *)0,            /* PKIX_PL_String *stringRep */
-        (PKIX_UInt32)0,                 /* PKIX_UInt32 hashcode */
-        (PKIX_Boolean)PKIX_FALSE,       /* PKIX_Boolean hashcodeCached */
-    }, {
-        (PKIX_ERRORCODE)0,              /* PKIX_ERRORCODE errCode; */
-        (PKIX_UInt32)SEC_ERROR_LIBPKIX_INTERNAL, /* default PL Error Code */
-        (PKIX_Error *)0,                /* PKIX_Error *cause */
-        (PKIX_PL_Object *)0,            /* PKIX_PL_Object *info */
-   }
-    return (PKIX_Error *)&pkix_Alloc_Error_Data.error;
-pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectTableUpdate(int *objCountTable)
-    int   typeCounter = 0;
-    for (; typeCounter < PKIX_NUMTYPES; typeCounter++) {
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[typeCounter];
-        objCountTable[typeCounter] = entry->objCounter;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectLeakCheck(int *initObjCountTable)
-        unsigned int typeCounter = 0;
-        PKIX_UInt32 numObjects = 0;
-        char  classNameBuff[128];
-        char *className = NULL;
-        for (; typeCounter < PKIX_NUMTYPES; typeCounter++) {
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[typeCounter];
-                PKIX_UInt32 objCountDiff = entry->objCounter;
-                if (initObjCountTable) {
-                    PKIX_UInt32 initialCount = initObjCountTable[typeCounter];
-                    objCountDiff = (entry->objCounter > initialCount) ?
-                        entry->objCounter - initialCount : 0;
-                }
-                numObjects += objCountDiff;
-                if (!pkixLog || !objCountDiff) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                className = entry->description;
-                if (!className) {
-                    className = classNameBuff;
-                    PR_snprintf(className, 128, "Unknown(ref %d)", 
-                            entry->objCounter);
-                }
-                PR_LOG(pkixLog, 1, ("Class %s leaked %d objects of "
-                        "size %d bytes, total = %d bytes\n", className, 
-                        objCountDiff, entry->typeObjectSize,
-                        objCountDiff * entry->typeObjectSize));
-        }
-        return numObjects;
- * PKIX_PL_Initialize (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_Boolean platformInitNeeded,
-        PKIX_Boolean useArenas,
-        void **pPlContext)
-        void *plContext = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Initialize");
-        /*
-         * This function can only be called once. If it has already been
-         * called, we return a positive status.
-         */
-        if (pkix_pl_initialized) {
-            PKIX_RETURN(OBJECT);
-        }
-        classTableLock = PR_NewLock();
-        if (classTableLock == NULL) {
-            return PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR();
-        }
-        if (PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_STRICT_SHUTDOWN")) {
-            pkixLog = PR_NewLogModule("pkix");
-        }
-        /*
-         * Register Object, it is the base object of all other objects.
-         */
-        pkix_pl_Object_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        /*
-         * Register Error and String, since they will be needed if
-         * there is a problem in registering any other type.
-         */
-        pkix_Error_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_String_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        /*
-         * We register all other system types
-         * (They don't need to be in order, but it's
-         * easier to keep track of what types are registered
-         * if we register them in the same order as their
-         * numbers, defined in pkixt.h.
-         */
-        pkix_pl_BigInt_RegisterSelf(plContext);   /* 1-10 */
-        pkix_pl_ByteArray_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_HashTable_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_List_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_Logger_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_Mutex_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_OID_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_RWLock_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CertBasicConstraints_RegisterSelf(plContext); /* 11-20 */
-        pkix_pl_Cert_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CRL_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CRLEntry_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_Date_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_GeneralName_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CertNameConstraints_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_PublicKey_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_TrustAnchor_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_X500Name_RegisterSelf(plContext);   /* 21-30 */
-        pkix_pl_HttpCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_BuildResult_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ProcessingParams_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ValidateParams_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ValidateResult_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_CertStore_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_CertChainChecker_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_RevocationChecker_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_CertSelector_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ComCertSelParams_RegisterSelf(plContext);   /* 31-40 */
-        pkix_CRLSelector_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ComCRLSelParams_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CertPolicyInfo_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CertPolicyQualifier_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CertPolicyMap_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_PolicyNode_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_TargetCertCheckerState_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_BasicConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_PolicyCheckerState_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CollectionCertStoreContext_RegisterSelf(plContext); /* 41-50 */
-        pkix_CrlChecker_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ForwardBuilderState_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_SignatureCheckerState_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_NameConstraintsCheckerState_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_LdapRequest_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_LdapResponse_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_LdapDefaultClient_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_Socket_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_ResourceLimits_RegisterSelf(plContext); /* 51-59 */
-        pkix_pl_MonitorLock_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_InfoAccess_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_AIAMgr_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_OcspChecker_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_OcspCertID_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_OcspRequest_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_OcspResponse_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_HttpDefaultClient_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_VerifyNode_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_EkuChecker_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        pkix_pl_CrlDp_RegisterSelf(plContext);
-        if (pPlContext) {
-            PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create
-                       (0, useArenas, NULL, &plContext),
-                       PKIX_NSSCONTEXTCREATEFAILED);
-            *pPlContext = plContext;
-        }
-        pkix_pl_initialized = PKIX_TRUE;
- * PKIX_PL_Shutdown (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-PKIX_PL_Shutdown(void *plContext)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        PKIX_UInt32 numLeakedObjects = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Shutdown");
-        if (!pkix_pl_initialized) {
-            /* The library was not initilized */
-            PKIX_RETURN(OBJECT);
-        }
-        PR_DestroyLock(classTableLock);
-        pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_Shutdown(plContext);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        numLeakedObjects = pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectLeakCheck(NULL);
-        if (PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_STRICT_SHUTDOWN")) {
-           PORT_Assert(numLeakedObjects == 0);
-        }
-        pkix_pl_lifecycle_ObjectLeakCheck(NULL);
-        if (plContext != NULL) {
-                PKIX_PL_NssContext_Destroy(plContext);
-        }
-        pkix_pl_initialized = PKIX_FALSE;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9660af1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_lifecycle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_lifecycle.h
- *
- * Lifecycle Definitions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_oid.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_aiamgr.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_bigint.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_bytearray.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_hashtable.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_mutex.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_rwlock.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_monitorlock.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_string.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_cert.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_x500name.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_generalname.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_publickey.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_date.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_basicconstraints.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicyinfo.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicymap.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_certpolicyqualifier.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_crlentry.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_crl.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_colcertstore.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapcertstore.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldaprequest.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ldapresponse.h"
-#endif /* !NSS_PKIX_NO_LDAP */
-#include "pkix_pl_socket.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_infoaccess.h"
-#include "pkix_store.h"
-#include "pkix_error.h"
-#include "pkix_logger.h"
-#include "pkix_list.h"
-#include "pkix_trustanchor.h"
-#include "pkix_procparams.h"
-#include "pkix_valparams.h"
-#include "pkix_valresult.h"
-#include "pkix_verifynode.h"
-#include "pkix_resourcelimits.h"
-#include "pkix_certchainchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_revocationchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_certselector.h"
-#include "pkix_comcertselparams.h"
-#include "pkix_crlselector.h"
-#include "pkix_comcrlselparams.h"
-#include "pkix_targetcertchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_basicconstraintschecker.h"
-#include "pkix_policynode.h"
-#include "pkix_policychecker.h"
-#include "pkix_crlchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_signaturechecker.h"
-#include "pkix_buildresult.h"
-#include "pkix_build.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_nameconstraints.h"
-#include "pkix_nameconstraintschecker.h"
-#include "pkix_ocspchecker.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspcertid.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocsprequest.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_ocspresponse.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_httpdefaultclient.h"
-#include "pkix_pl_httpcertstore.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_InitializeParamsStruct {
-        PKIX_List *loggers;
-        PKIX_UInt32 majorVersion;
-        PKIX_UInt32 minorVersion;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_LIFECYCLE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d75c0be..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_mem.c
- *
- * Memory Management Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_mem.h"
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Malloc (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 size,
-        void **pMemory,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext = NULL;
-        void *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MEM, "PKIX_PL_Malloc");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pMemory);
-        if (size == 0){
-                *pMemory = NULL;
-        } else {
-                nssContext = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext; 
-                if (nssContext != NULL && nssContext->arena != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_ArenaAlloc.\n");
-                    *pMemory = PORT_ArenaAlloc(nssContext->arena, size);
-                } else {
-                    PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Malloc.\n");
-                    result = (void *) PR_Malloc(size);
-                    if (result == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("Fatal Error Occurred: "
-                                        "PR_Malloc failed.\n");
-                        PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-                    } else {
-                        *pMemory = result;
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(MEM);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Calloc (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 nElem,
-        PKIX_UInt32 elSize,
-        void **pMemory,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext = NULL;
-        void *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MEM, "PKIX_PL_Calloc");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pMemory);
-        if ((nElem == 0) || (elSize == 0)){
-                *pMemory = NULL;
-        } else {
-                nssContext = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext; 
-                if (nssContext != NULL && nssContext->arena != NULL) {
-                    PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_ArenaAlloc.\n");
-                    *pMemory = PORT_ArenaAlloc(nssContext->arena, elSize);
-                } else {
-                    PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Calloc.\n");
-                    result = (void *) PR_Calloc(nElem, elSize);
-                    if (result == NULL) {
-                        PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("Fatal Error Occurred: "
-                                        "PR_Calloc failed.\n");
-                        PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-                    } else {
-                        *pMemory = result;
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(MEM);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Realloc (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *ptr,
-        PKIX_UInt32 size,
-        void **pMemory,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *nssContext = NULL;
-        void *result = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MEM, "PKIX_PL_Realloc");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pMemory);
-        nssContext = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *)plContext; 
-        if (nssContext != NULL && nssContext->arena != NULL) {
-                PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_ArenaAlloc.\n");
-                result = PORT_ArenaAlloc(nssContext->arena, size);
-                if (result){
-                        PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Memcpy.\n");
-                        PORT_Memcpy(result, ptr, size);
-                }
-                *pMemory = result;
-        } else {
-                PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Realloc.\n");
-                result = (void *) PR_Realloc(ptr, size);
-                if (result == NULL) {
-                        if (size == 0){
-                                *pMemory = NULL;
-                        } else {
-                                PKIX_MEM_DEBUG
-                                        ("Fatal Error Occurred: "
-                                        "PR_Realloc failed.\n");
-                                PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        *pMemory = result;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(MEM);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Free (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *ptr,
-        /* ARGSUSED */ void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *context = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MEM, "PKIX_PL_Free");
-        context = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *) plContext;
-        if (context == NULL || context->arena == NULL) {
-            PKIX_MEM_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Free.\n");
-            (void) PR_Free(ptr);
-        }
-        PKIX_RETURN(MEM);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.h
deleted file mode 100755
index eaec624..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_mem.h
- *
- * Memory Management Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_MEM_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_MEM_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_MEM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a5d2fc9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_monitorlock.c
- *
- * Read/Write Lock Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_monitorlock.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock* monitorLock = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MONITORLOCK, "pkix_pl_MonitorLock_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_MONITORLOCK_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTMONITORLOCK);
-        monitorLock = (PKIX_PL_MonitorLock*) object;
-        PKIX_MONITORLOCK_DEBUG("Calling PR_DestroyMonitor)\n");
-        PR_DestroyMonitor(monitorLock->lock);
-        monitorLock->lock = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_MonitorLock_RegisterSelf
- * Registers PKIX_MONITORLOCK_TYPE and its related functions with
- * systemClasses[].
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MONITORLOCK, "pkix_pl_MonitorLock_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "MonitorLock";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_MonitorLock);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_MonitorLock_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_MONITORLOCK_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock **pNewLock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *monitorLock = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MONITORLOCK, "PKIX_PL_MonitorLock_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pNewLock);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_MONITORLOCK_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_MonitorLock),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&monitorLock,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_MONITORLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_NewMonitor)\n");
-        monitorLock->lock = PR_NewMonitor();
-        if (monitorLock->lock == NULL) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(monitorLock);
-        }
-        *pNewLock = monitorLock;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *monitorLock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(monitorLock);
-        PKIX_MONITORLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_EnterMonitor)\n");
-        (void) PR_EnterMonitor(monitorLock->lock);
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_MonitorLock *monitorLock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(monitorLock);
-        PKIX_MONITORLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_ExitMonitor)\n");
-        PR_ExitMonitor(monitorLock->lock);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 76ac539..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_monitorlock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_monitorlock.h
- *
- * Read/Write Lock Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_MonitorLockStruct {
-        PRMonitor* lock;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_MonitorLock_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_MONITORLOCK_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 07d1369..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_mutex.c
- *
- * Mutual Exclusion (Lock) Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_mutex.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Mutex_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *mutex = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MUTEX, "pkix_pl_Mutex_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Sanity check: Test that "object" is a mutex */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_MUTEX_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTMUTEX);
-        mutex = (PKIX_PL_Mutex*) object;
-        PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_DestroyLock).\n");
-        PR_DestroyLock(mutex->lock);
-        mutex->lock = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Mutex_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_MUTEX_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        /* ARGSUSED */ void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MUTEX, "pkix_pl_Mutex_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "Mutex";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_Mutex);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_Mutex_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_MUTEX_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Mutex_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex **pNewLock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *mutex = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MUTEX, "PKIX_PL_Mutex_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pNewLock);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_MUTEX_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_Mutex),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&mutex,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_NewLock).\n");
-        mutex->lock = PR_NewLock();
-        /* If an error occurred in NSPR, report it here */
-        if (mutex->lock == NULL) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(mutex);
-                PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-        }
-        *pNewLock = mutex;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Mutex_Lock (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *mutex,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(MUTEX, "PKIX_PL_Mutex_Lock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(mutex);
-        PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-        PR_Lock(mutex->lock);
-        PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG_ARG("(Thread %u just acquired the lock)\n",
-                        (PKIX_UInt32)PR_GetCurrentThread());
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Mutex_Unlock (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Mutex *mutex,
-        void *plContext)
-        PRStatus result;
-        PKIX_ENTER(MUTEX, "PKIX_PL_Mutex_Unlock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(mutex);
-        PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-        result = PR_Unlock(mutex->lock);
-        PKIX_MUTEX_DEBUG_ARG("(Thread %u just released the lock)\n",
-                        (PKIX_UInt32)PR_GetCurrentThread());
-        if (result == PR_FAILURE) {
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.h
deleted file mode 100755
index baf16fe..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_mutex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_mutex.h
- *
- * Mutual Exclusion (Lock) Object Type Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_MUTEX_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_MUTEX_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_MutexStruct {
-        PRLock* lock;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Mutex_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_MUTEX_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7dafa0b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1440 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_object.c
- *
- * Object Construction, Destruction and Callback Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_object.h"
-/* --Class-Table-Initializers------------------------------------ */
- * Create storage space for 20 Class Table buckets.
- * These are only for user-defined types. System types are registered
- * separately by PKIX_PL_Initialize.
- */
-static pkix_pl_HT_Elem*
-pkix_Raw_ClassTable_Buckets[] = {
- * Allocate static memory for a ClassTable.
- * XXX This assumes the bucket pointer will fit into a PKIX_UInt32
- */
-static pkix_pl_PrimHashTable pkix_Raw_ClassTable = {
-        (void *)pkix_Raw_ClassTable_Buckets, /* Buckets */
-        20 /* Number of Buckets */
-static pkix_pl_PrimHashTable * classTable = &pkix_Raw_ClassTable;
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
- *
- *  Shifts Object pointed to by "object" by the sizeof(PKIX_PL_Object) and
- *  stores the value at "pObjectHeader".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object to shift. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pObjectHeader"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pObjectHeader,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *header = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pObjectHeader);
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tShifting object pointer).\n");
-        /* The header is sizeof(PKIX_PL_Object) before the object pointer */
-        header = (PKIX_PL_Object *)((char *)object - sizeof(PKIX_PL_Object));
-        objType = header->type;
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES) { /* if this is a user-defined type */
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                            (classTable,
-                            (void *)&objType,
-                            objType,
-                            NULL,
-                            (void **)&ctEntry,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_ERRORGETTINGCLASSTABLEENTRY);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (ctEntry == NULL) {
-                }
-                PORT_Assert(objType < PKIX_NUMTYPES);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PORT_Assert(header && header->magicHeader == PKIX_MAGIC_HEADER);
-        if ((header == NULL)||
-            (header->magicHeader != PKIX_MAGIC_HEADER)) {
-                PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-        }
-        *pObjectHeader = header;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_Destroy_Object
- *
- *  Destroys and deallocates Object pointed to by "object". The caller is
- *  assumed to hold the Object's lock, which is acquired in
- *  PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef().
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object to destroy. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_Object_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK_FATAL(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        /* Attempt to delete an object still being used */
-        if (objectHeader->references != 0) {
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(objectHeader->stringRep);
-        /* Destroy this object's lock */
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_DestroyLock).\n");
-        PR_DestroyLock(objectHeader->lock);
-        objectHeader->lock = NULL;
-        object = NULL;
-        objectHeader->magicHeader = PKIX_MAGIC_HEADER_DESTROYED;
-        memset(objectHeader, 0xbf, systemClasses[PKIX_OBJECT_TYPE].typeObjectSize);
-        PKIX_FREE(objectHeader);
-/* --Default-Callbacks-------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Object_Equals_Default
- *
- *  Default Object_Equals callback: Compares the address of the Object pointed
- *  to by "firstObject" with the address of the Object pointed to by
- *  "secondObject" and stores the Boolean result at "pResult".
- *
- *  "firstObject"
- *      Address of first Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "secondObject"
- *      Address of second Object to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where Boolean result will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_Object_Equals_Default");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* Just compare pointer values */
-        *pResult = (firstObject == secondObject)?PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Object_ToString_Default
- *
- *  Default Object_ToString callback: Creates a string consisting of the
- *  typename and address of the Object pointed to by "object" and stores
- *  the result at "pString". The format for the string is
- *  "TypeName@Address: <address>", where the default typename is "Object".
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object to convert to a string. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pString"
- *      Address where object pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *formatString = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_String *descString = NULL;
-        char *format = "%s@Address: %x";
-        char *description = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_Object_ToString_Default");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType(object, &objType, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTGETTYPEFAILED);
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES){
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                        (classTable,
-                        (void *)&objType,
-                        objType,
-                        NULL,
-                        (void **)&ctEntry,
-                        plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                }
-                if (ctEntry == NULL){
-                } else {
-                        description = ctEntry->description;
-                        if (description == NULL) {
-                            description = "User Type Object";
-                        }
-                }
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                description = systemClasses[objType].description;
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void *)format,
-                    0,
-                    &formatString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void *)description,
-                    0,
-                    &descString,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Sprintf
-                    (pString,
-                    plContext,
-                    formatString,
-                    descString,
-                    object),
-                    PKIX_SPRINTFFAILED);
-        PKIX_DECREF(formatString);
-        PKIX_DECREF(descString);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Object_Hashcode_Default
- *
- *  Default Object_Hashcode callback. Creates the a hashcode value using the
- *  address of the Object pointed to by "object" and stores the result at
- *  "pValue".
- *
- *  XXX This isn't great since addresses are not uniformly distributed.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object to compute hashcode for. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pValue"
- *      Address where PKIX_UInt32 will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pValue,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_Object_Hashcode_Default");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pValue);
-        *pValue = (PKIX_UInt32)((char *)object - (char *)NULL);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Object_RetrieveEqualsCallback
- *
- *  Retrieves Equals callback function of Object pointed to by "object and
- *  stores it at "pEqualsCallback". If the object's type is one of the system
- *  types, its callback function is retrieved from the systemClasses array;
- *  otherwise, its callback function is retrieve from the classTable hash
- *  table where user-defined types are stored.
- *
- *  "object"
- *      Address of Object whose equals callback is desired. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pEqualsCallback"
- *      Address where EqualsCallback function pointer will be stored.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns an Object Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback *pEqualsCallback,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback func = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "pkix_pl_Object_RetrieveEqualsCallback");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pEqualsCallback);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
-                    (object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        objType = objectHeader->type;
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES){
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                        (classTable,
-                        (void *)&objType,
-                        objType,
-                        NULL,
-                        (void **)&ctEntry,
-                        plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                }
-                if ((ctEntry == NULL) || (ctEntry->equalsFunction == NULL)) {
-                } else {
-                        *pEqualsCallback = ctEntry->equalsFunction;
-                }
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                entry = systemClasses[objType];
-                func = entry.equalsFunction;
-                if (func == NULL){
-                        func = pkix_pl_Object_Equals_Default;
-                }
-                *pEqualsCallback = func;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_Object_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_OBJECT_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- *
- *  PKIX_PL_Object should have all function pointes to be to NULL: they
- *  work as proxy function to a real objects.
- *  
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Object_RegisterSelf(void *plContext)
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(ERROR, "pkix_pl_Object_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "Object";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_Object);
-        entry.destructor = NULL;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_OBJECT_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_TYPENUM objType,
-        PKIX_UInt32 size,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pObject);
-        /*
-         * We need to ensure that user-defined types have been registered.
-         * All system types have already been registered by PKIX_PL_Initialize.
-         */
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES) { /* i.e. if this is a user-defined type */
-                PKIX_Boolean typeRegistered;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                        (classTable,
-                        (void *)&objType,
-                        objType,
-                        NULL,
-                        (void **)&ctEntry,
-                        plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                }
-                typeRegistered = (ctEntry != NULL);
-                if (!typeRegistered) {
-                }
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                ctEntry = &systemClasses[objType];
-        }
-        PORT_Assert(size == ctEntry->typeObjectSize);
-        /* Allocate space for the object header and the requested size */
-#ifdef PKIX_OBJECT_LEAK_TEST       
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Calloc
-                    (1,
-                    ((PKIX_UInt32)sizeof (PKIX_PL_Object))+size,
-                    (void **)&object,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (((PKIX_UInt32)sizeof (PKIX_PL_Object))+size,
-                    (void **)&object,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* Initialize all object fields */
-        object->magicHeader = PKIX_MAGIC_HEADER;
-        object->type = objType;
-        object->references = 1; /* Default to a single reference */
-        object->stringRep = NULL;
-        object->hashcode = 0;
-        object->hashcodeCached = 0;
-        /* Cannot use PKIX_PL_Mutex because it depends on Object */
-        /* Using NSPR Locks instead */
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_NewLock).\n");
-        object->lock = PR_NewLock();
-        if (object->lock == NULL) {
-                PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-        }
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tShifting object pointer).\n");
-        /* Return a pointer to the user data. Need to offset by object size */
-        *pObject = object + 1;
-        object = NULL;
-        /* Atomically increment object counter */
-        PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT((PRInt32*)&ctEntry->objCounter);
-        PKIX_FREE(object);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_IsTypeRegistered (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pBool,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_IsTypeRegistered");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pBool);
-        /* first, we handle the system types */
-        if (objType < PKIX_NUMTYPES) {
-                *pBool = PKIX_TRUE;
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        PORT_Assert (0);
-        pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-        pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-        PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-        pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                (classTable,
-                (void *)&objType,
-                objType,
-                NULL,
-                (void **)&ctEntry,
-                plContext);
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-        PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-        if (pkixErrorResult){
-        }
-        *pBool = (ctEntry != NULL);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_RegisterType (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType,
-        char *description,
-        PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback destructor,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback equalsFunction,
-        PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback hashcodeFunction,
-        PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback toStringFunction,
-        PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback comparator,
-        PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback duplicateFunction,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-        pkix_pl_Integer *key = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_RegisterType");
-        /*
-         * System types are registered on startup by PKIX_PL_Initialize.
-         * These can not be overwritten.
-         */
-        if (objType < PKIX_NUMTYPES) { /* if this is a system type */
-        }
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-        PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                    (classTable,
-                    (void *)&objType,
-                    objType,
-                    NULL,
-                    (void **)&ctEntry,
-                    plContext),
-        /* If the type is already registered, throw an error */
-        if (ctEntry) {
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (((PKIX_UInt32)sizeof (pkix_ClassTable_Entry)),
-                    (void **)&ctEntry,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        /* Set Default Values if none specified */
-        if (description == NULL){
-                description = "Object";
-        }
-        if (equalsFunction == NULL) {
-                equalsFunction = pkix_pl_Object_Equals_Default;
-        }
-        if (toStringFunction == NULL) {
-                toStringFunction = pkix_pl_Object_ToString_Default;
-        }
-        if (hashcodeFunction == NULL) {
-                hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_Object_Hashcode_Default;
-        }
-        ctEntry->destructor = destructor;
-        ctEntry->equalsFunction = equalsFunction;
-        ctEntry->toStringFunction = toStringFunction;
-        ctEntry->hashcodeFunction = hashcodeFunction;
-        ctEntry->comparator = comparator;
-        ctEntry->duplicateFunction = duplicateFunction;
-        ctEntry->description = description;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (((PKIX_UInt32)sizeof (pkix_pl_Integer)),
-                    (void **)&key,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTMALLOCNEWKEY);
-        key->ht_int = objType;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Add
-                    (classTable,
-                    (void *)key,
-                    (void *)ctEntry,
-                    objType,
-                    NULL,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-        PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *context = NULL;
-        PKIX_Int32 refCount = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_IncRef");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        if (plContext){
-                /* 
-                 * PKIX_PL_NssContext is not a complete PKIX Type, it doesn't
-                 * have a header therefore we cannot verify its type before
-                 * casting.
-                 */  
-                context = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *) plContext;
-                if (context->arena != NULL) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        if (object == (PKIX_PL_Object*)PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        /* This object should never have zero references */
-        refCount = PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&objectHeader->references);
-        if (refCount <= 1) {
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 refCount = 0;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_NssContext *context = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_DecRef");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        if (plContext){
-                /* 
-                 * PKIX_PL_NssContext is not a complete PKIX Type, it doesn't
-                 * have a header therefore we cannot verify its type before
-                 * casting.
-                 */  
-                context = (PKIX_PL_NssContext *) plContext;
-                if (context->arena != NULL) {
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        if (object == (PKIX_PL_Object*)PKIX_ALLOC_ERROR()) {
-                goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        refCount = PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&objectHeader->references);
-        if (refCount == 0) {
-            PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback destructor = NULL;
-            pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-            PKIX_UInt32 objType = objectHeader->type;
-            /* first, special handling for system types */
-            if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES){
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                    (classTable,
-                     (void *)&objType,
-                     objType,
-                     NULL,
-                     (void **)&ctEntry,
-                     plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG
-                    ("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                    PKIX_ERROR_FATAL
-                        (PKIX_ERRORINGETTINGDESTRUCTOR);
-                }
-                if (ctEntry != NULL){
-                    destructor = ctEntry->destructor;
-                }
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-            } else {
-                ctEntry = &systemClasses[objType];
-                destructor = ctEntry->destructor;
-            }
-            if (destructor != NULL){
-                /* Call destructor on user data if necessary */
-                pkixErrorResult = destructor(object, plContext);
-                if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                    pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                    PKIX_DoAddError(stdVarsPtr, pkixErrorResult, plContext);
-                    pkixErrorResult = NULL;
-                }
-            }
-            /* Atomically decrement object counter */
-            PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT((PRInt32*)&ctEntry->objCounter);
-            /* pkix_pl_Object_Destroy assumes the lock is held */
-            /* It will call unlock and destroy the object */
-            pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_Object_Destroy(object, plContext);
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        if (refCount < 0) {
-            PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Equals (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObjectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObjectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback func = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
-                    (firstObject, &firstObjectHeader, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
-                    (secondObject, &secondObjectHeader, plContext),
-        /* if hashcodes are cached but not equal, objects can't be equal */
-        if (firstObjectHeader->hashcodeCached &&
-            secondObjectHeader->hashcodeCached){
-                if (firstObjectHeader->hashcode !=
-                    secondObjectHeader->hashcode){
-                        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        objType = firstObjectHeader->type;
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES) {
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                        (classTable,
-                        (void *)&firstObjectHeader->type,
-                        firstObjectHeader->type,
-                        NULL,
-                        (void **)&ctEntry,
-                        plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                }
-                if ((ctEntry == NULL) || (ctEntry->equalsFunction == NULL)) {
-                } else {
-                        func = ctEntry->equalsFunction;
-                }
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                entry = systemClasses[objType];
-                func = entry.equalsFunction;
-                if (func == NULL){
-                        func = pkix_pl_Object_Equals_Default;
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(func(firstObject, secondObject, pResult, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object **pNewObject,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObjectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_DuplicateCallback func = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Duplicate");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(firstObject, pNewObject);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
-                    (firstObject, &firstObjectHeader, plContext),
-        objType = firstObjectHeader->type;
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES) {
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                        (classTable,
-                        (void *)&objType,
-                        objType,
-                        NULL,
-                        (void **)&ctEntry,
-                        plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                }
-                if ((ctEntry == NULL) || (ctEntry->duplicateFunction == NULL)) {
-                } else {
-                        func = ctEntry->duplicateFunction;
-                }
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                entry = systemClasses[objType];
-                func = entry.duplicateFunction;
-                if (!func){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(func(firstObject, pNewObject, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pValue,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback func = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objectHash;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pValue);
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (!objectHeader->hashcodeCached){
-                PKIX_UInt32 objType = objectHeader->type;
-                /* first, special handling for system types */
-                if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES){
-#ifdef PKIX_USER_OBJECT_TYPE            
-                        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                        PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                        pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                                (classTable,
-                                (void *)&objType,
-                                objType,
-                                NULL,
-                                (void **)&ctEntry,
-                                plContext);
-                        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                        PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                        if (pkixErrorResult){
-                                PKIX_ERROR_FATAL
-                                        (PKIX_ERRORGETTINGCLASSTABLEENTRY);
-                        }
-                        if ((ctEntry == NULL) ||
-                            (ctEntry->hashcodeFunction == NULL)) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR_FATAL(PKIX_UNDEFINEDCALLBACK);
-                        }
-                        func = ctEntry->hashcodeFunction;
-                        PORT_Assert (0);
-                        pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                        pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                } else {
-                        entry = systemClasses[objType];
-                        func = entry.hashcodeFunction;
-                        if (func == NULL){
-                                func = pkix_pl_Object_Hashcode_Default;
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(func(object, &objectHash, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTSPECIFICFUNCTIONFAILED);
-                if (!objectHeader->hashcodeCached){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_LockObject(object, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_ERRORLOCKINGOBJECT);
-                        if (!objectHeader->hashcodeCached){
-                                /* save cached copy in case we need it again */
-                                objectHeader->hashcode = objectHash;
-                                objectHeader->hashcodeCached = PKIX_TRUE;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UnlockObject(object, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_ERRORUNLOCKINGOBJECT);
-                }
-        }
-        *pValue = objectHeader->hashcode;
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_ToString (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback func = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_PL_String *objectString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        /* if we don't have a cached copy from before, we create one */
-        if (!objectHeader->stringRep){
-                PKIX_UInt32 objType = objectHeader->type;
-                if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES){
-                        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                        PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                        pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                                (classTable,
-                                (void *)&objType,
-                                objType,
-                                NULL,
-                                (void **)&ctEntry,
-                                plContext);
-                        PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                        PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                        if (pkixErrorResult){
-                                PKIX_ERROR_FATAL
-                                        (PKIX_ERRORGETTINGCLASSTABLEENTRY);
-                        }
-                        if ((ctEntry == NULL) ||
-                            (ctEntry->toStringFunction == NULL)) {
-                                PKIX_ERROR_FATAL(PKIX_UNDEFINEDCALLBACK);
-                        }
-                        func = ctEntry->toStringFunction;
-                        PORT_Assert (0);
-                        pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                        pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                } else {
-                        entry = systemClasses[objType];
-                        func = entry.toStringFunction;
-                        if (func == NULL){
-                                func = pkix_pl_Object_ToString_Default;
-                        }
-                }
-                PKIX_CHECK(func(object, &objectString, plContext),
-                            PKIX_OBJECTSPECIFICFUNCTIONFAILED);
-                if (!objectHeader->stringRep){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_LockObject(object, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_ERRORLOCKINGOBJECT);
-                        if (!objectHeader->stringRep){
-                                /* save a cached copy */
-                                objectHeader->stringRep = objectString;
-                                objectString = NULL;
-                        }
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UnlockObject(object, plContext),
-                                    PKIX_ERRORUNLOCKINGOBJECT);
-                }
-        }
-        *pString = objectHeader->stringRep;
-        objectHeader->stringRep = NULL;
-        if (objectHeader) {
-            PKIX_DECREF(objectHeader->stringRep);
-        }
-        PKIX_DECREF(objectString);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_InvalidateCache");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_LockObject(object, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ERRORLOCKINGOBJECT);
-        /* invalidate hashcode */
-        objectHeader->hashcode = 0;
-        objectHeader->hashcodeCached = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_DECREF(objectHeader->stringRep);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UnlockObject(object, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ERRORUNLOCKINGOBJECT);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Compare (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObjectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObjectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback func = NULL;
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_UInt32 objType;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Compare");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
-                    (firstObject, &firstObjectHeader, plContext),
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader
-                    (secondObject, &secondObjectHeader, plContext),
-        objType = firstObjectHeader->type;
-        if (objType >= PKIX_NUMTYPES){
-                pkix_ClassTable_Entry *ctEntry = NULL;
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Lock).\n");
-                PR_Lock(classTableLock);
-                pkixErrorResult = pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup
-                        (classTable,
-                        (void *)&objType,
-                        objType,
-                        NULL,
-                        (void **)&ctEntry,
-                        plContext);
-                PKIX_OBJECT_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Unlock).\n");
-                PR_Unlock(classTableLock);
-                if (pkixErrorResult){
-                }
-                if ((ctEntry == NULL) || (ctEntry->comparator == NULL)) {
-                }
-                func = ctEntry->comparator;
-                PORT_Assert (0);
-                pkixErrorCode = PKIX_UNKNOWNOBJECTTYPE;
-                pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                goto cleanup;
-        } else {
-                /* special handling for system types */
-                entry = systemClasses[objType];
-                func = entry.comparator;
-                if (!func){
-                }
-        }
-        PKIX_CHECK(func(firstObject, secondObject, pResult, plContext),
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Lock (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Lock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_LockObject(object, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LOCKOBJECTFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_Unlock (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_Unlock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UnlockObject(object, plContext),
-                    PKIX_UNLOCKOBJECTFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Object_GetType (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pType,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_Object *objectHeader = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OBJECT, "PKIX_PL_Object_GetType");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pType);
-        /* Shift pointer from user data to object header */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_Object_GetHeader(object, &objectHeader, plContext),
-        *pType = objectHeader->type;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0133c43..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_object.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_object.h
- *
- * Object Construction, Destruction and Callback Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_OBJECT_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_OBJECT_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Object Implementation Notes:
- *
- * Allocating a new object creates an object header and a block of
- * uninitialized user data. A pointer to this uninitialized data is
- * returned to the user. The structure looks as follows:
- *
- * +--------------------+
- * | MAGIC HEADER       |
- * | (object header)    |
- * +--------------------+
- * | user data          | -- pointer returned from PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
- * +--------------------+
- *
- * Object operations receive a pointer to raw user data as an argument.
- * The macro HEADER(object) returns a pointer to the object header.
- * An assertion then verifies that the first field is the MAGIC_HEADER.
- */
-/* PKIX_PL_Object Structure Definition */
-struct PKIX_PL_ObjectStruct {
-        PRUint64    magicHeader;
-        PKIX_UInt32 type;
-        PKIX_Int32 references;
-        PRLock *lock;
-        PKIX_PL_String *stringRep;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashcode;
-        PKIX_Boolean hashcodeCached;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback *equalsCallback,
-        void *plContext);
-extern PKIX_Boolean initializing;
-extern PKIX_Boolean initialized;
-extern PRLock *classTableLock;
-extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_Object_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_OBJECT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a6e0503..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_oid.c
- *
- * OID Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_oid.h"
-/* --Private-OID-Functions---------------------------------------- */
- /*
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_Comparator
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pRes,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *firstOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *secondOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_Comparator");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pRes);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckTypes
-                    (firstObject, secondObject, PKIX_OID_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ARGUMENTSNOTOIDS);
-        firstOID = (PKIX_PL_OID*)firstObject;
-        secondOID = (PKIX_PL_OID*)secondObject;
-        *pRes = (PKIX_Int32)SECITEM_CompareItem(&firstOID->derOid,
-                                                &secondOID->derOid);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OID_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANOID);
-        oid = (PKIX_PL_OID*)object;
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(&oid->derOid, PR_FALSE);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_HashCode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OID_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANOID);
-        oid = (PKIX_PL_OID *)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                    ((unsigned char *)oid->,
-                    oid->derOid.len * sizeof (char),
-                    pHashcode,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_HASHFAILED);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *first,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *second,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OID_Comparator
-                    (first, second, &cmpResult, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCOMPARATORFAILED);
-        *pResult = (cmpResult == 0);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- * Use this function only for printing OIDs and not to make any
- * critical security decision.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid = NULL;
-        char *oidString = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_toString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_OID_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTANOID);
-        oid = (PKIX_PL_OID*)object;
-        oidString = CERT_GetOidString(&oid->derOid);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, oidString , 0, pString, plContext),
-        PR_smprintf_free(oidString);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_OID_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry *entry = &systemClasses[PKIX_OID_TYPE];
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_RegisterSelf");
-        entry->description = "OID";
-        entry->typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_OID);
-        entry->destructor = pkix_pl_OID_Destroy;
-        entry->equalsFunction = pkix_pl_OID_Equals;
-        entry->hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_OID_Hashcode;
-        entry->toStringFunction = pkix_pl_OID_ToString;
-        entry->comparator = pkix_pl_OID_Comparator;
-        entry->duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_OID_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs
- *
- *  Converts the extensions in "extensions" array that are critical to
- *  PKIX_PL_OID and returns the result as a PKIX_List in "pPidList".
- *  If there is no critical extension, an empty list is returned.
- *
- *  "extension"
- *      an array of extension pointers. May be NULL.
- *  "pOidsList"
- *      Address where the list of OIDs is returned. Must be non-NULL.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a CRL Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-        PKIX_List **pOidsList,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_List *oidsList = NULL;
-        PKIX_PL_OID *pkixOID = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_GetCriticalExtensionOIDs");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pOidsList);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_List_Create(&oidsList, plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTCREATEFAILED);
-        if (extensions) {
-            while (*extensions) {
-                CERTCertExtension *extension = NULL;
-                SECItem *critical = NULL;
-                SECItem *oid = NULL;
-                extension = *extensions++;
-                /* extension is critical ? */
-                critical = &extension->critical;
-                if (critical->len == 0 || critical->data[0] == 0) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                oid = &extension->id;
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem(oid, &pkixOID, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OIDCREATEFAILED);
-                PKIX_CHECK(
-                    PKIX_List_AppendItem(oidsList, (PKIX_PL_Object *)pkixOID,
-                                         plContext),
-                    PKIX_LISTAPPENDITEMFAILED);
-                PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-            }
-        }
-        *pOidsList = oidsList;
-        oidsList = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(oidsList);
-        PKIX_DECREF(pkixOID);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
-/* --Public-Functions------------------------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECItem *derOid,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pOID,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_OID *oid = NULL;
-        SECStatus rv;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pOID, derOid);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                   (PKIX_OID_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_OID),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&oid,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_COULDNOTCREATEOBJECT);
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &oid->derOid, derOid);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        }
-        *pOID = oid;
-        oid = NULL;
-        PKIX_DECREF(oid);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_OID_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        SECOidTag idtag,
-        PKIX_PL_OID **pOID,
-        void *plContext)
-        SECOidData *oidData = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(OID, "PKIX_PL_OID_Create");
-        oidData = SECOID_FindOIDByTag((SECOidTag)idtag);
-        if (!oidData) {
-        }
-        pkixErrorResult = 
-            PKIX_PL_OID_CreateBySECItem(&oidData->oid, pOID, plContext);
-        PKIX_RETURN(OID);
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0229194..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_oid.h
- *
- * OID Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_OID_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_OID_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_OIDStruct {
-    SECItem derOid;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_OID_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        CERTCertExtension **extensions,
-        PKIX_List **pOidsList,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_OID_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.c
deleted file mode 100755
index c920533..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_primhash.c
- *
- * Primitive (non-object) Hashtable Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_primhash.h"
-/* --Private-Functions---------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default
- *
- *  Compares the integer pointed to by "firstKey" with the integer pointed to
- *  by "secondKey" for equality and stores the Boolean result at "pResult".
- *  This default key comparator assumes each key is a PKIX_UInt32, and it
- *  simply tests them for equality.
- *
- *  "firstKey"
- *      Address of the first integer key to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *      The EqualsCallback for this Object will be called.
- *  "secondKey"
- *      Address of the second integer key to compare. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where Boolean will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 *firstKey,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *secondKey,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        /* Assume both keys are pointers to PKIX_UInt32 */
-        PKIX_UInt32 firstInt, secondInt;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstKey, secondKey, pResult);
-        firstInt = *firstKey;
-        secondInt = *secondKey;
-        *pResult = (firstInt == secondInt)?PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Create
- *
- *  Creates a new PrimHashtable object with a number of buckets equal to
- *  "numBuckets" and stores the result at "pResult".
- *
- *  "numBuckets"
- *      The number of hash table buckets. Must be non-zero.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where PrimHashTable pointer will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Thread Safe (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 numBuckets,
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *primHashTable = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pResult);
-        if (numBuckets == 0) {
-        }
-        /* Allocate a new hashtable */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (sizeof (pkix_pl_PrimHashTable),
-                    (void **)&primHashTable,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        primHashTable->size = numBuckets;
-        /* Allocate space for the buckets */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (numBuckets * sizeof (pkix_pl_HT_Elem*),
-                    (void **)&primHashTable->buckets,
-                    plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        for (i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++) {
-                primHashTable->buckets[i] = NULL;
-        }
-        *pResult = primHashTable;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_FREE(primHashTable);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Add
- *
- *  Adds the value pointed to by "value" to the PrimHashTable pointed to by
- *  "ht" using the key pointed to by "key" and the hashCode value equal to
- *  "hashCode", using the function pointed to by "keyComp" to compare keys.
- *  Assumes the key is either a PKIX_UInt32 or a PKIX_PL_Object. If the value
- *  already exists in the hashtable, this function returns a non-fatal error.
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of PrimHashtable to insert into. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "key"
- *      Address of key. Typically a PKIX_UInt32 or PKIX_PL_Object.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "value"
- *      Address of Object to be added to PrimHashtable. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "hashCode"
- *      Hashcode value of the key.
- *  "keyComp"
- *      Address of function used to determine if two keys are equal.
- *      If NULL, pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default is used.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HashTable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *key,
-        void *value,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem **elemPtr = NULL;
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Add");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(ht, key, value);
-        for (elemPtr = &((ht->buckets)[hashCode%ht->size]), element = *elemPtr;
-            element != NULL; elemPtr = &(element->next), element = *elemPtr) {
-                if (element->hashCode != hashCode){
-                        /* no possibility of a match */
-                        continue;
-                }
-                if (keyComp == NULL){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default
-                                ((PKIX_UInt32 *)key,
-                                (PKIX_UInt32 *)(element->key),
-                                &compResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(keyComp
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)key,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)(element->key),
-                                &compResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL);
-                }
-                if ((element->hashCode == hashCode) &&
-                    (compResult == PKIX_TRUE)){
-                        /* Same key already exists in the table */
-                }
-        }
-        /* Next Element should be NULL at this point */
-        if (element != NULL) {
-        }
-        /* Create a new HT_Elem */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                    (sizeof (pkix_pl_HT_Elem), (void **)elemPtr, plContext),
-                    PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-        element = *elemPtr;
-        element->key = key;
-        element->value = value;
-        element->hashCode = hashCode;
-        element->next = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Remove
- *
- *  Removes any objects with the key pointed to by "key" and hashCode value
- *  equal to "hashCode" from the PrimHashtable pointed to by "ht", using the
- *  function pointed to by "keyComp" to compare keys, and stores the object's
- *  value at "pResult". Assumes "key" is a PKIX_UInt32 or a PKIX_PL_Object.
- *  This function sets "pResult" to NULL if the key is not in the hashtable.
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of PrimHashtable to remove object. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "key"
- *      Address of key for lookup. Typically a PKIX_UInt32 or PKIX_PL_Object.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "value"
- *      Address of Object to be added to PrimHashtable. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "hashCode"
- *      Hashcode value of the key.
- *  "keyComp"
- *      Address of function used to determine if two keys are equal.
- *      If NULL, pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default is used.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where value will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HashTable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *key,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp,
-        void **pKey,
-        void **pValue,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *element = NULL;
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *prior = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Remove");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_FOUR(ht, key, pKey, pValue);
-        *pKey = NULL;
-        *pValue = NULL;
-        for (element = ht->buckets[hashCode%ht->size], prior = element;
-            (element != NULL);
-            prior = element, element = element->next) {
-                if (element->hashCode != hashCode){
-                        /* no possibility of a match */
-                        continue;
-                }
-                if (keyComp == NULL){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default
-                                ((PKIX_UInt32 *)key,
-                                (PKIX_UInt32 *)(element->key),
-                                &compResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL);
-                } else {
-                        PKIX_CHECK(keyComp
-                                ((PKIX_PL_Object *)key,
-                                (PKIX_PL_Object *)(element->key),
-                                &compResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL);
-                }
-                if ((element->hashCode == hashCode) &&
-                    (compResult == PKIX_TRUE)){
-                        if (element != prior) {
-                                prior->next = element->next;
-                        } else {
-                                ht->buckets[hashCode%ht->size] = element->next;
-                        }
-                        *pKey = element->key;
-                        *pValue = element->value;
-                        element->key = NULL;
-                        element->value = NULL;
-                        element->next = NULL;
-                        PKIX_FREE(element);
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_HashTableLookup
- *
- *  Looks up object using the key pointed to by "key" and hashCode value
- *  equal to "hashCode" from the PrimHashtable pointed to by "ht", using the
- *  function pointed to by "keyComp" to compare keys, and stores the object's
- *  value at "pResult". Assumes "key" is a PKIX_UInt32 or a PKIX_PL_Object.
- *  This function sets "pResult" to NULL if the key is not in the hashtable.
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of PrimHashtable to lookup object from. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "key"
- *      Address of key for lookup. Typically a PKIX_UInt32 or PKIX_PL_Object.
- *      Must be non-NULL.
- *  "keyComp"
- *      Address of function used to determine if two keys are equal.
- *      If NULL, pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default is used.
- *  "hashCode"
- *      Hashcode value of the key.
- *  "pResult"
- *      Address where value will be stored. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Conditionally Thread Safe
- *      (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *key,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp,
-        void **pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_Boolean compResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Lookup");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(ht, key, pResult);
-        *pResult = NULL;
-        for (element = (ht->buckets)[hashCode%ht->size];
-            (element != NULL) && (*pResult == NULL);
-            element = element->next) {
-                if (element->hashCode != hashCode){
-                        /* no possibility of a match */
-                        continue;
-                }
-                if (keyComp == NULL){
-                        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_KeyComparator_Default
-                                ((PKIX_UInt32 *)key,
-                                (PKIX_UInt32 *)(element->key),
-                                &compResult,
-                                plContext),
-                                PKIX_COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL);
-                } else {
-                       pkixErrorResult =
-                           keyComp((PKIX_PL_Object *)key,
-                                   (PKIX_PL_Object *)(element->key),
-                                   &compResult,
-                                   plContext);
-                       if (pkixErrorResult) {
-                           pkixErrorClass = PKIX_FATAL_ERROR;
-                           pkixErrorCode = PKIX_COULDNOTTESTWHETHERKEYSEQUAL;
-                           goto cleanup;
-                       }
-                }
-                if ((element->hashCode == hashCode) &&
-                    (compResult == PKIX_TRUE)){
-                        *pResult = element->value;
-                        goto cleanup;
-                }
-        }
-        /* if we've reached here, specified key doesn't exist in hashtable */
-        *pResult = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Destroy
- *
- *  Destroys PrimHashTable pointed to by "ht".
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of PrimHashtable to free. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HashTable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *element = NULL;
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *temp = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(ht);
-        /* Free each element (list) */
-        for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) {
-                for (element = ht->buckets[i];
-                    element != NULL;
-                    element = temp) {
-                        temp = element->next;
-                        element->value = NULL;
-                        element->key = NULL;
-                        element->hashCode = 0;
-                        element->next = NULL;
-                        PKIX_FREE(element);
-                }
-        }
-        /* Free the pointer to the list array */
-        PKIX_FREE(ht->buckets);
-        ht->size = 0;
-        /* Free the table itself */
-        PKIX_FREE(ht);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_GetBucketSize
- *
- *  Retruns number of entries in the bucket the "hashCode" is designated in
- *  the hashtable "ht" in the address "pBucketSize".
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of PrimHashtable to get entries count. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "hashCode"
- *      Hashcode value of the key.
- *  "pBucketSize"
- *      Address that an PKIX_UInt32 is returned for number of entries in the
- *      bucket associated with the hashCode. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HashTable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBucketSize,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem **elemPtr = NULL;
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 bucketSize = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_GetBucketSize");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(ht, pBucketSize);
-        for (elemPtr = &((ht->buckets)[hashCode%ht->size]), element = *elemPtr;
-            element != NULL; elemPtr = &(element->next), element = *elemPtr) {
-                bucketSize++;
-	}
-        *pBucketSize = bucketSize;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_RemoveFIFO
- *
- *  Remove the first entry in the bucket the "hashCode" is designated in
- *  the hashtable "ht". Since new entry is added at end of the link list
- *  the first one is the oldest (FI) therefore removed first (FO).
- *
- *  "ht"
- *      Address of PrimHashtable to get entries count. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "hashCode"
- *      Hashcode value of the key.
- *  "pKey"
- *      Address of key of the entry deleted. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "pValue"
- *      Address of Value of the entry deleted. Must be non-NULL.
- *  "plContext"
- *      Platform-specific context pointer.
- *  Not Thread Safe - assumes exclusive access to "ht"
- *  (see Thread Safety Definitions in Programmer's Guide)
- *  Returns NULL if the function succeeds.
- *  Returns a HashTable Error if the function fails in a non-fatal way.
- *  Returns a Fatal Error if the function fails in an unrecoverable way.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        void **pKey,
-        void **pValue,
-        void *plContext)
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *element = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(HASHTABLE, "pkix_pl_PrimHashTable_Remove");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(ht, pKey, pValue);
-        element = (ht->buckets)[hashCode%ht->size];
-        if (element != NULL) {
-                *pKey = element->key;
-                *pValue = element->value;
-                ht->buckets[hashCode%ht->size] = element->next;
-                element->key = NULL;
-                element->value = NULL;
-                element->next = NULL;
-                PKIX_FREE(element);
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b889e2e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_primhash.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_primhash.h
- *
- * Primitive Hashtable Definition
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct pkix_pl_HT_Elem pkix_pl_HT_Elem;
-typedef struct pkix_pl_PrimHashTable pkix_pl_PrimHashTable;
-typedef struct pkix_pl_Integer pkix_pl_Integer;
-struct pkix_pl_Integer{
-        PKIX_UInt32 ht_int;
-struct pkix_pl_HT_Elem {
-        void *key;
-        void *value;
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode;
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem *next;
-struct pkix_pl_PrimHashTable {
-        pkix_pl_HT_Elem **buckets;
-        PKIX_UInt32 size;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 numBuckets,
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *key,
-        void *value,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *key,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp,
-        void **pKey,
-        void **pValue,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *key,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback keyComp,
-        void **pResult,
-        void *plContext);
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pBucketSize,
-        void *plContext);
-PKIX_Error *
-        pkix_pl_PrimHashTable *ht,
-        PKIX_UInt32 hashCode,
-        void **pKey,
-        void **pValue,
-        void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_PRIMHASH_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 662931e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_rwlock.c
- *
- * Read/Write Lock Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_rwlock.h"
-/* --Private-Functions-------------------------------------------- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock* rwlock = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "pkix_pl_RWLock_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_RWLOCK_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_OBJECTNOTRWLOCK);
-        rwlock = (PKIX_PL_RWLock*) object;
-        PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG("Calling PR_DestroyRWLock)\n");
-        PR_DestroyRWLock(rwlock->lock);
-        rwlock->lock = NULL;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_RWLock_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_RWLOCK_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "pkix_pl_RWLock_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "RWLock";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_RWLock);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_RWLock_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = NULL;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = NULL;
-        entry.toStringFunction = NULL;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = NULL;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_RWLOCK_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-Functions--------------------------------------------- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock **pNewLock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *rwLock = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_RWLock_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(pNewLock);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_RWLOCK_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_RWLock),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&rwLock,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_NewRWLock)\n");
-        rwLock->lock = PR_NewRWLock(PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "PKIX RWLock");
-        if (rwLock->lock == NULL) {
-                PKIX_DECREF(rwLock);
-        }
-        rwLock->readCount = 0;
-        rwLock->writeLocked = PKIX_FALSE;
-        *pNewLock = rwLock;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *lock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_AcquireReaderLock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(lock);
-        PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_RWLock_Rlock)\n");
-        (void) PR_RWLock_Rlock(lock->lock);
-        lock->readCount++;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *lock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_ReleaseReaderLock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(lock);
-        PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_RWLock_Unlock)\n");
-        (void) PR_RWLock_Unlock(lock->lock);
-        lock->readCount--;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *lock,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pIsHeld,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_IsReaderLockHeld");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(lock, pIsHeld);
-        *pIsHeld = (lock->readCount > 0)?PKIX_TRUE:PKIX_FALSE;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *lock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_AcquireWriterLock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(lock);
-        PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_RWLock_Wlock\n");
-        (void) PR_RWLock_Wlock(lock->lock);
-        if (lock->readCount > 0) {
-        }
-        /* We should never acquire a write lock if the lock is held */
-        lock->writeLocked = PKIX_TRUE;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *lock,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_ReleaseWriterLock");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(lock);
-        if (lock->readCount > 0) {
-        }
-        PKIX_RWLOCK_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_RWLock_Unlock)\n");
-        (void) PR_RWLock_Unlock(lock->lock);
-        /* XXX Need to think about thread safety here */
-        /* There should be a single lock holder  */
-        lock->writeLocked = PKIX_FALSE;
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_RWLock *lock,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pIsHeld,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(RWLOCK, "PKIX_PL_IsWriterLockHeld");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(lock, pIsHeld);
-        *pIsHeld = lock->writeLocked;
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fd64659..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_rwlock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_rwlock.h
- *
- * Read/Write Lock Definition
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_RWLOCK_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_RWLOCK_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_RWLockStruct {
-        PRRWLock* lock;
-        PKIX_UInt32 readCount;
-        PKIX_Boolean writeLocked;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_RWLock_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_RWLOCK_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 8bfa2c9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_string.c
- *
- * String Object Functions
- *
- */
-#include "pkix_pl_string.h"
-/* --Private-String-Functions------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_String_Comparator
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ComparatorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- *
- * NOTE:
- *  This function is a utility function called by pkix_pl_String_Equals().
- *  It is not officially registered as a comparator.
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *firstString,
-        PKIX_PL_String *secondString,
-        PKIX_Int32 *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_Int32 result;
-        unsigned char *p1 = NULL;
-        unsigned char *p2 = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_pl_String_Comparator");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstString, secondString, pResult);
-        result = 0;
-        p1 = (unsigned char*) firstString->utf16String;
-        p2 = (unsigned char*) secondString->utf16String;
-        /* Compare characters until you find a difference */
-        for (i = 0; ((i < firstString->utf16Length) &&
-                    (i < secondString->utf16Length) &&
-                    result == 0); i++, p1++, p2++) {
-                if (*p1 < *p2){
-                        result = -1;
-                } else if (*p1 > *p2){
-                        result = 1;
-                }
-        }
-        /* If two arrays are identical so far, the longer one is greater */
-        if (result == 0) {
-                if (firstString->utf16Length < secondString->utf16Length) {
-                        result = -1;
-                } else if (firstString->utf16Length >
-                            secondString->utf16Length) {
-                        result = 1;
-                }
-        }
-        *pResult = result;
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_String_Destroy
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_DestructorCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *string = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_pl_String_Destroy");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(object);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_STRING_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ARGUMENTNOTSTRING);
-        string = (PKIX_PL_String*)object;
-        /* XXX For debugging Destroy EscASCII String  */
-        if (string->escAsciiString != NULL) {
-                PKIX_FREE(string->escAsciiString);
-                string->escAsciiString = NULL;
-                string->escAsciiLength = 0;
-        }
-        /* Destroy UTF16 String */
-        if (string->utf16String != NULL) {
-                PKIX_FREE(string->utf16String);
-                string->utf16String = NULL;
-                string->utf16Length = 0;
-        }
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_String_ToString
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_ToStringCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *string = NULL;
-        char *ascii = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_pl_String_ToString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pString);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_STRING_TYPE, plContext),
-                    PKIX_ARGUMENTNOTSTRING);
-        string = (PKIX_PL_String*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                (string, PKIX_ESCASCII, (void **)&ascii, &length, plContext),
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, ascii, 0, pString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
-        goto cleanup;
-        PKIX_FREE(ascii);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_String_Equals
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_EqualsCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *firstObject,
-        PKIX_PL_Object *secondObject,
-        PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_UInt32 secondType;
-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult = 0;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_pl_String_Equals");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(firstObject, secondObject, pResult);
-        /* Sanity check: Test that "firstObject" is a Strings */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(firstObject, PKIX_STRING_TYPE, plContext),
-        /* "SecondObject" doesn't have to be a string */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_GetType
-                (secondObject, &secondType, plContext),
-        /* If types differ, then we will return false */
-        *pResult = PKIX_FALSE;
-        if (secondType != PKIX_STRING_TYPE) goto cleanup;
-        /* It's safe to cast here */
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_String_Comparator
-                ((PKIX_PL_String*)firstObject,
-                (PKIX_PL_String*)secondObject,
-                &cmpResult,
-                plContext),
-        /* Strings are equal iff Comparator Result is 0 */
-        *pResult = (cmpResult == 0);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_String_Hashcode
- * (see comments for PKIX_PL_HashcodeCallback in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-static PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_Object *object,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pHashcode,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *string = NULL;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_pl_String_Hashcode");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(object, pHashcode);
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_CheckType(object, PKIX_STRING_TYPE, plContext),
-                PKIX_OBJECTNOTSTRING);
-        string = (PKIX_PL_String*)object;
-        PKIX_CHECK(pkix_hash
-                ((const unsigned char *)string->utf16String,
-                string->utf16Length,
-                pHashcode,
-                plContext),
-                PKIX_HASHFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: pkix_pl_String_RegisterSelf
- *  Registers PKIX_STRING_TYPE and its related functions with systemClasses[]
- *  Not Thread Safe - for performance and complexity reasons
- *
- *  Since this function is only called by PKIX_PL_Initialize, which should
- *  only be called once, it is acceptable that this function is not
- *  thread-safe.
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        void *plContext)
-        extern pkix_ClassTable_Entry systemClasses[PKIX_NUMTYPES];
-        pkix_ClassTable_Entry entry;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "pkix_pl_String_RegisterSelf");
-        entry.description = "String";
-        entry.objCounter = 0;
-        entry.typeObjectSize = sizeof(PKIX_PL_String);
-        entry.destructor = pkix_pl_String_Destroy;
-        entry.equalsFunction = pkix_pl_String_Equals;
-        entry.hashcodeFunction = pkix_pl_String_Hashcode;
-        entry.toStringFunction = pkix_pl_String_ToString;
-        entry.comparator = NULL;
-        entry.duplicateFunction = pkix_duplicateImmutable;
-        systemClasses[PKIX_STRING_TYPE] = entry;
-/* --Public-String-Functions----------------------------------------- */
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_String_Create (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_UInt32 fmtIndicator,
-        const void *stringRep,
-        PKIX_UInt32 stringLen,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_PL_String *string = NULL;
-        unsigned char *utf16Char = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 i;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "PKIX_PL_String_Create");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pString, stringRep);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Object_Alloc
-                    (PKIX_STRING_TYPE,
-                    sizeof (PKIX_PL_String),
-                    (PKIX_PL_Object **)&string,
-                    plContext),
-        string->utf16String = NULL;
-        string->utf16Length = 0;
-        /* XXX For Debugging */
-        string->escAsciiString = NULL;
-        string->escAsciiLength = 0;
-        switch (fmtIndicator) {
-                PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PL_strlen).\n");
-                string->escAsciiLength = PL_strlen(stringRep);
-                /* XXX Cache for Debugging */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                            ((string->escAsciiLength)+1,
-                            (void **)&string->escAsciiString,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                (void) PORT_Memcpy
-                        (string->escAsciiString,
-                        (void *)((char *)stringRep),
-                        (string->escAsciiLength)+1);
-                /* Convert the EscASCII string to UTF16 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_EscASCII_to_UTF16
-                            (string->escAsciiString,
-                            string->escAsciiLength,
-                            (fmtIndicator == PKIX_ESCASCII_DEBUG),
-                            &string->utf16String,
-                            &string->utf16Length,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_ESCASCIITOUTF16FAILED);
-                break;
-        case PKIX_UTF8:
-                /* Convert the UTF8 string to UTF16 */
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UTF8_to_UTF16
-                            (stringRep,
-                            stringLen,
-                            &string->utf16String,
-                            &string->utf16Length,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_UTF8TOUTF16FAILED);
-                break;
-        case PKIX_UTF16:
-                /* UTF16 Strings must be even in length */
-                if (stringLen%2 == 1) {
-                        PKIX_DECREF(string);
-                        PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_UTF16ALIGNMENTERROR);
-                }
-                utf16Char = (unsigned char *)stringRep;
-                /* Make sure this is a valid UTF-16 String */
-                for (i = 0; \
-                    (i < stringLen) && (pkixErrorResult == NULL); \
-                    i += 2) {
-                        /* Check that surrogate pairs are valid */
-                        if ((utf16Char[i] >= 0xD8)&&
-                            (utf16Char[i] <= 0xDB)) {
-                                if ((i+2) >= stringLen) {
-                                  PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_UTF16HIGHZONEALIGNMENTERROR);
-                                  /* Second pair should be DC00-DFFF */
-                                } else if (!((utf16Char[i+2] >= 0xDC)&&
-                                      (utf16Char[i+2] <= 0xDF))) {
-                                  PKIX_ERROR(PKIX_UTF16LOWZONEERROR);
-                                } else {
-                                  /*  Surrogate quartet is valid. */
-                                  i += 2;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-                /* Create UTF16 String */
-                string->utf16Length = stringLen;
-                /* Alloc space for string */
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc
-                            (stringLen, &string->utf16String, plContext),
-                            PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Memcpy).\n");
-                (void) PORT_Memcpy
-                        (string->utf16String, stringRep, stringLen);
-                break;
-        default:
-        }
-        *pString = string;
-        if (PKIX_ERROR_RECEIVED){
-                PKIX_DECREF(string);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_Sprintf (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String **pOut,
-        void *plContext,
-        const PKIX_PL_String *fmt,
-        ...)
-        PKIX_PL_String *tempString = NULL;
-        PKIX_UInt32 tempUInt = 0;
-        void *pArg = NULL;
-        char *asciiText =  NULL;
-        char *asciiFormat = NULL;
-        char *convertedAsciiFormat = NULL;
-        char *convertedAsciiFormatBase = NULL;
-        va_list args;
-        PKIX_UInt32 length, i, j, dummyLen;
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "PKIX_PL_Sprintf");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pOut, fmt);
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                    ((PKIX_PL_String *)fmt,
-                    PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                    (void **)&asciiFormat,
-                    &length,
-                    plContext),
-        PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_Malloc).\n");
-        convertedAsciiFormat = PR_Malloc(length + 1);
-        if (convertedAsciiFormat == NULL)
-                PKIX_ERROR_ALLOC_ERROR();
-        convertedAsciiFormatBase = convertedAsciiFormat;
-        PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling va_start).\n");
-        va_start(args, fmt);
-        i = 0;
-        j = 0;
-        while (i < length) {
-                if ((asciiFormat[i] == '%')&&((i+1) < length)) {
-                        switch (asciiFormat[i+1]) {
-                        case 's':
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j] = '\0';
-                                tempString = va_arg(args, PKIX_PL_String *);
-                                if (tempString != NULL) {
-                                        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded
-                                                ((PKIX_PL_String*)
-                                                tempString,
-                                                PKIX_ESCASCII,
-                                                &pArg,
-                                                &dummyLen,
-                                                plContext),
-                                                PKIX_STRINGGETENCODEDFAILED);
-                                } else {
-                                        /* there may be a NULL in var_args */
-                                        pArg = NULL;
-                                }
-                                if (asciiText != NULL) {
-                                    asciiText = PR_sprintf_append(asciiText,
-                                          (const char *)convertedAsciiFormat,
-                                          pArg);
-                                } else {
-                                    asciiText = PR_smprintf
-                                        ((const char *)convertedAsciiFormat,
-                                        pArg);
-                                }
-                                if (pArg != NULL) {
-                                        PKIX_PL_Free(pArg, plContext);
-                                        pArg = NULL;
-                                }
-                                convertedAsciiFormat += j;
-                                j = 0;
-                                break;
-                         case 'd':
-                         case 'i':
-                         case 'o':
-                         case 'u':
-                         case 'x':
-                         case 'X':
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j] = '\0';
-                                tempUInt = va_arg(args, PKIX_UInt32);
-                                if (asciiText != NULL) {
-                                    asciiText = PR_sprintf_append(asciiText,
-                                          (const char *)convertedAsciiFormat,
-                                          tempUInt);
-                                } else {
-                                    asciiText = PR_smprintf
-                                        ((const char *)convertedAsciiFormat,
-                                        tempUInt);
-                                }     
-                                convertedAsciiFormat += j;
-                                j = 0;
-                                break;
-                        default:
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                                convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                                break;
-                        }
-                } else {
-                        convertedAsciiFormat[j++] = asciiFormat[i++];
-                }
-        }
-        /* for constant string value at end of fmt */
-        if (j > 0) {
-                convertedAsciiFormat[j] = '\0';
-                if (asciiText != NULL) {
-                    asciiText = PR_sprintf_append(asciiText,
-                                    (const char *)convertedAsciiFormat);
-                } else {
-                    asciiText = PR_smprintf((const char *)convertedAsciiFormat);
-                }
-        }
-        va_end(args);
-        /* Copy temporary char * into a string object */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                (PKIX_ESCASCII, (void *)asciiText, 0, pOut, plContext),
-        PKIX_FREE(asciiFormat);
-        if (convertedAsciiFormatBase){
-                PR_Free(convertedAsciiFormatBase);
-        }
-        if (asciiText){
-                PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PR_smprintf_free).\n");
-                PR_smprintf_free(asciiText);
-        }
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_GetString (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        /* ARGSUSED */ PKIX_UInt32 stringID,
-        char *defaultString,
-        PKIX_PL_String **pString,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "PKIX_PL_GetString");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_TWO(pString, defaultString);
-        /* XXX Optimization - use stringID for caching */
-        PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_String_Create
-                    (PKIX_ESCASCII, defaultString, 0, pString, plContext),
-                    PKIX_STRINGCREATEFAILED);
- * FUNCTION: PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded (see comments in pkix_pl_system.h)
- */
-PKIX_Error *
-        PKIX_PL_String *string,
-        PKIX_UInt32 fmtIndicator,
-        void **pStringRep,
-        PKIX_UInt32 *pLength,
-        void *plContext)
-        PKIX_ENTER(STRING, "PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded");
-        PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(string, pStringRep, pLength);
-        switch (fmtIndicator) {
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UTF16_to_EscASCII
-                            (string->utf16String,
-                            string->utf16Length,
-                            (fmtIndicator == PKIX_ESCASCII_DEBUG),
-                            (char **)pStringRep,
-                            pLength,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_UTF16TOESCASCIIFAILED);
-                break;
-        case PKIX_UTF8:
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UTF16_to_UTF8
-                            (string->utf16String,
-                            string->utf16Length,
-                            PKIX_FALSE,
-                            pStringRep,
-                            pLength,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_UTF16TOUTF8FAILED);
-                break;
-        case PKIX_UTF8_NULL_TERM:
-                PKIX_CHECK(pkix_UTF16_to_UTF8
-                            (string->utf16String,
-                            string->utf16Length,
-                            PKIX_TRUE,
-                            pStringRep,
-                            pLength,
-                            plContext),
-                            PKIX_UTF16TOUTF8FAILED);
-                break;
-        case PKIX_UTF16:
-                *pLength = string->utf16Length;
-                PKIX_CHECK(PKIX_PL_Malloc(*pLength, pStringRep, plContext),
-                            PKIX_MALLOCFAILED);
-                PKIX_STRING_DEBUG("\tCalling PORT_Memcpy).\n");
-                (void) PORT_Memcpy(*pStringRep, string->utf16String, *pLength);
-                break;
-        default:
-        }
diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.h b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9270e4c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_string.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * pkix_pl_string.h
- *
- * String Object Definitions
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKIX_PL_STRING_H
-#define _PKIX_PL_STRING_H
-#include "pkix_pl_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct PKIX_PL_StringStruct {
-        void* utf16String;
-        PKIX_UInt32 utf16Length;
-        /* XXX For Debugging  */
-        char* escAsciiString;
-        PKIX_UInt32 escAsciiLength;
-/* see source file for function documentation */
-PKIX_Error *
-pkix_pl_String_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _PKIX_PL_STRING_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nss.h b/nss/lib/nss/nss.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38bb8e4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/nss.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
- * NSS utility functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __nss_h_
-#define __nss_h_
-/* The private macro _NSS_ECC_STRING is for NSS internal use only. */
-#define _NSS_ECC_STRING " Extended ECC"
-#define _NSS_ECC_STRING " Basic ECC"
-#define _NSS_ECC_STRING ""
-/* The private macro _NSS_CUSTOMIZED is for NSS internal use only. */
-#define _NSS_CUSTOMIZED " (Customized build)"
- * NSS's major version, minor version, patch level, build number, and whether
- * this is a beta release.
- *
- * The format of the version string should be
- *     "<major version>.<minor version>[.<patch level>[.<build number>]][ <ECC>][ <Beta>]"
- */
-#define NSS_VMAJOR   3
-#define NSS_VMINOR   23
-#define NSS_VPATCH   0
-#define NSS_VBUILD   0
-#define NSS_BETA     PR_FALSE
-#ifndef RC_INVOKED
-#include "seccomon.h"
-typedef struct NSSInitParametersStr NSSInitParameters;
- * parameters used to initialize softoken. Mostly strings used to 
- * internationalize softoken. Memory for the strings are owned by the caller,
- * who is free to free them once NSS_ContextInit returns. If the string 
- * parameter is NULL (as opposed to empty, zero length), then the softoken
- * default is used. These are equivalent to the parameters for 
- * PK11_ConfigurePKCS11().
- *
- * field names match their equivalent parameter names for softoken strings 
- * documented at
- * 
- * minPWLen 
- *     Minimum password length in bytes. 
- * manufacturerID 
- *     Override the default manufactureID value for the module returned in 
- *     the CK_INFO, CK_SLOT_INFO, and CK_TOKEN_INFO structures with an 
- *     internationalize string (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 32 
- *     bytes (not including the trailing NULL, partial UTF8 characters will be
- *     dropped). 
- * libraryDescription 
- *     Override the default libraryDescription value for the module returned in
- *     the CK_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8). This value
- *     will be truncated at 32 bytes(not including the trailing NULL, partial 
- *     UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- * cryptoTokenDescription 
- *     Override the default label value for the internal crypto token returned
- *     in the CK_TOKEN_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8).
- *     This value will be truncated at 32 bytes (not including the trailing
- *     NULL, partial UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- * dbTokenDescription 
- *     Override the default label value for the internal DB token returned in 
- *     the CK_TOKEN_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8). This
- *     value will be truncated at 32 bytes (not including the trailing NULL,
- *     partial UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- * FIPSTokenDescription 
- *     Override the default label value for the internal FIPS token returned in
- *     the CK_TOKEN_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8). This
- *     value will be truncated at 32 bytes (not including the trailing NULL,
- *     partial UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- * cryptoSlotDescription 
- *     Override the default slotDescription value for the internal crypto token
- *     returned in the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string
- *     (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 64 bytes (not including the
- *     trailing NULL, partial UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- * dbSlotDescription 
- *     Override the default slotDescription value for the internal DB token 
- *     returned in the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string 
- *     (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 64 bytes (not including the
- *     trailing NULL, partial UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- * FIPSSlotDescription 
- *     Override the default slotDecription value for the internal FIPS token
- *     returned in the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string
- *     (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 64 bytes (not including the
- *     trailing NULL, partial UTF8 characters will be dropped). 
- *
- */
-struct NSSInitParametersStr {
-   unsigned int	  length;      /* allow this structure to grow in the future,
-				* must be set */
-   PRBool passwordRequired;
-   int    minPWLen;
-   char * manufactureID;           /* variable names for strings match the */
-   char * libraryDescription;      /*   parameter name in softoken */
-   char * cryptoTokenDescription;
-   char * dbTokenDescription;
-   char * FIPSTokenDescription;
-   char * cryptoSlotDescription;
-   char * dbSlotDescription;
-   char * FIPSSlotDescription;
- * Return a boolean that indicates whether the underlying library
- * will perform as the caller expects.
- *
- * The only argument is a string, which should be the version
- * identifier of the NSS library. That string will be compared
- * against a string that represents the actual build version of
- * the NSS library.
- */
-extern PRBool NSS_VersionCheck(const char *importedVersion);
- * Returns a const string of the NSS library version.
- */
-extern const char *NSS_GetVersion(void);
- * Open the Cert, Key, and Security Module databases, read only.
- * Initialize the Random Number Generator.
- * Does not initialize the cipher policies or enables.
- * Default policy settings disallow all ciphers.
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_Init(const char *configdir);
- * Returns whether NSS has already been initialized or not.
- */
-extern PRBool NSS_IsInitialized(void);
- * Open the Cert, Key, and Security Module databases, read/write.
- * Initialize the Random Number Generator.
- * Does not initialize the cipher policies or enables.
- * Default policy settings disallow all ciphers.
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_InitReadWrite(const char *configdir);
- * Open the Cert, Key, and Security Module databases, read/write.
- * Initialize the Random Number Generator.
- * Does not initialize the cipher policies or enables.
- * Default policy settings disallow all ciphers.
- *
- * This allows using application defined prefixes for the cert and key db's
- * and an alternate name for the secmod database. NOTE: In future releases,
- * the database prefixes my not necessarily map to database names.
- *
- * configdir - base directory where all the cert, key, and module datbases live.
- * certPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the cert database example: "
- * 			"https-server1-"
- * keyPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the key database example: "
- * 			"https-server1-"
- * secmodName - name of the security module database (usually "secmod.db").
- * flags - change the open options of NSS_Initialize as follows:
- * 	NSS_INIT_READONLY - Open the databases read only.
- * 	NSS_INIT_NOCERTDB - Don't open the cert DB and key DB's, just 
- * 			initialize the volatile certdb.
- * 	NSS_INIT_NOMODDB  - Don't open the security module DB, just 
- *			initialize the 	PKCS #11 module.
- *      NSS_INIT_FORCEOPEN - Continue to force initializations even if the 
- * 			databases cannot be opened.
- *      NSS_INIT_NOROOTINIT - Don't try to look for the root certs module
- *			automatically.
- *      NSS_INIT_OPTIMIZESPACE - Use smaller tables and caches.
- *      NSS_INIT_PK11THREADSAFE - only load PKCS#11 modules that are
- *                      thread-safe, ie. that support locking - either OS
- *                      locking or NSS-provided locks . If a PKCS#11
- *                      module isn't thread-safe, don't serialize its
- *                      calls; just don't load it instead. This is necessary
- *                      if another piece of code is using the same PKCS#11
- *                      modules that NSS is accessing without going through
- *                      NSS, for example the Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *                      error when loading PKCS#11 modules. This is necessary
- *                      if another piece of code is using the same PKCS#11
- *                      modules that NSS is accessing without going through
- *                      NSS, for example Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *      NSS_INIT_NOPK11FINALIZE - never call C_Finalize on any
- *                      PKCS#11 module. This may be necessary in order to
- *                      ensure continuous operation and proper shutdown
- *                      sequence if another piece of code is using the same
- *                      PKCS#11 modules that NSS is accessing without going
- *                      through NSS, for example Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *                      The following limitation applies when this is set :
- *                      SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent will not use
- *                      C_WaitForSlotEvent, in order to prevent the need for
- *                      C_Finalize. This call will be emulated instead.
- *      NSS_INIT_RESERVED - Currently has no effect, but may be used in the
- *                      future to trigger better cooperation between PKCS#11
- *                      modules used by both NSS and the Java SunPKCS11
- *                      provider. This should occur after a new flag is defined
- *                      for C_Initialize by the PKCS#11 working group.
- *      NSS_INIT_COOPERATE - Sets 4 recommended options for applications that
- *                      use both NSS and the Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *
- * Also NOTE: This is not the recommended method for initializing NSS. 
- * The preferred method is NSS_init().
- */
-#define NSS_INIT_READONLY	0x1
-#define NSS_INIT_NOCERTDB	0x2
-#define NSS_INIT_NOMODDB	0x4
-#define NSS_INIT_NOROOTINIT     0x10
-#define NSS_INIT_PK11THREADSAFE   0x40
-#define NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD       0x80
-#define NSS_INIT_NOPK11FINALIZE   0x100
-#define NSS_INIT_RESERVED         0x200
-        NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD | \
-#define SECMOD_DB "secmod.db"
-typedef struct NSSInitContextStr NSSInitContext;
-extern SECStatus NSS_Initialize(const char *configdir, 
-	const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix, 
-	const char *secmodName, PRUint32 flags);
-extern NSSInitContext *NSS_InitContext(const char *configdir, 
-	const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix, 
-	const char *secmodName, NSSInitParameters *initParams, PRUint32 flags);
-extern SECStatus NSS_ShutdownContext(NSSInitContext *);
- * same as NSS_Init, but checks to see if we need to merge an
- * old database in.
- *   updatedir is the directory where the old database lives.
- *   updCertPrefix is the certPrefix for the old database.
- *   updKeyPrefix is the keyPrefix for the old database.
- *   updateID is a unique identifier chosen by the application for
- *      the specific database.
- *   updatName is the name the user will be prompted for when
- *      asking to authenticate to the old database  */
-extern SECStatus NSS_InitWithMerge(const char *configdir, 
-	const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix, const char *secmodName,
-	const char *updatedir,  const char *updCertPrefix, 
-	const char *updKeyPrefix, const char *updateID, 
-	const char *updateName, PRUint32 flags);
- * initialize NSS without a creating cert db's, key db's, or secmod db's.
- */
-SECStatus NSS_NoDB_Init(const char *configdir);
- * Allow applications and libraries to register with NSS so that they are called
- * when NSS shuts down.
- *
- * void *appData application specific data passed in by the application at 
- * NSS_RegisterShutdown() time.
- * void *nssData is NULL in this release, but is reserved for future versions of 
- * NSS to pass some future status information * back to the shutdown function. 
- *
- * If the shutdown function returns SECFailure,
- * Shutdown will still complete, but NSS_Shutdown() will return SECFailure.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*NSS_ShutdownFunc)(void *appData, void *nssData);
- * Register a shutdown function.
- */
-SECStatus NSS_RegisterShutdown(NSS_ShutdownFunc sFunc, void *appData);
- * Remove an existing shutdown function (you may do this if your library is
- * complete and going away, but NSS is still running).
- */
-SECStatus NSS_UnregisterShutdown(NSS_ShutdownFunc sFunc, void *appData);
-/* Available options for NSS_OptionSet() and NSS_OptionGet().
- */
-#define NSS_RSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE        0x001
-#define NSS_DH_MIN_KEY_SIZE         0x002
-#define NSS_DSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE        0x004
- * Set and get global options for the NSS library.
- */
-SECStatus NSS_OptionSet(PRInt32 which, PRInt32 value);
-SECStatus NSS_OptionGet(PRInt32 which, PRInt32 *value);
- * Close the Cert, Key databases.
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_Shutdown(void);
- * set the PKCS #11 strings for the internal token.
- */
-void PK11_ConfigurePKCS11(const char *man, const char *libdesc, 
-	const char *tokdesc, const char *ptokdesc, const char *slotdesc, 
-	const char *pslotdesc, const char *fslotdesc, const char *fpslotdesc,
-        int minPwd, int pwRequired);
- * Dump the contents of the certificate cache and the temporary cert store.
- * Use to detect leaked references of certs at shutdown time.
- */
-void nss_DumpCertificateCacheInfo(void);
-#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
-#endif /* __nss_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c b/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7150cf5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1305 +0,0 @@
- * NSS utility functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "nss.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "nssbase.h"
-#include "nssutil.h"
-#include "pkixt.h"
-#include "pkix.h"
-#include "pkix_tools.h"
-#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "ocspti.h"
-#include "ocspi.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
- * On Windows nss3.dll needs to export the symbol 'mktemp' to be
- * fully backward compatible with the nss3.dll in NSS 3.2.x and
- * 3.3.x.  This symbol was unintentionally exported and its
- * definition (in DBM) was moved from nss3.dll to softokn3.dll
- * in NSS 3.4.  See bug 142575.
- */
-#include <io.h>
-/* exported as 'mktemp' */
-char *
-nss_mktemp(char *path)
-    return _mktemp(path);
-#define NSS_MAX_FLAG_SIZE  sizeof("readOnly")+sizeof("noCertDB")+ \
-	sizeof("noModDB")+sizeof("forceOpen")+sizeof("passwordRequired")+ \
-	sizeof ("optimizeSpace")
-#define NSS_DEFAULT_MOD_NAME "NSS Internal Module"
-static char *
-nss_makeFlags(PRBool readOnly, PRBool noCertDB, 
-				PRBool noModDB, PRBool forceOpen, 
-				PRBool passwordRequired, PRBool optimizeSpace) 
-    char *flags = (char *)PORT_Alloc(NSS_MAX_FLAG_SIZE);
-    PRBool first = PR_TRUE;
-    PORT_Memset(flags,0,NSS_MAX_FLAG_SIZE);
-    if (readOnly) {
-        PORT_Strcat(flags,"readOnly");
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (noCertDB) {
-        if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-        PORT_Strcat(flags,"noCertDB");
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (noModDB) {
-        if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-        PORT_Strcat(flags,"noModDB");
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (forceOpen) {
-        if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-        PORT_Strcat(flags,"forceOpen");
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (passwordRequired) {
-        if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-        PORT_Strcat(flags,"passwordRequired");
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (optimizeSpace) {
-        if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-        PORT_Strcat(flags,"optimizeSpace");
-        first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return flags;
- * build config string from individual internationalized strings
- */
-char *
-nss_MkConfigString(const char *man, const char *libdesc, const char *tokdesc,
-	const char *ptokdesc, const char *slotdesc, const char *pslotdesc, 
-	const char *fslotdesc, const char *fpslotdesc, int minPwd)
-    char *strings = NULL;
-    char *newStrings;
-    /* make sure the internationalization was done correctly... */
-    strings = PR_smprintf("");
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (man) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s manufacturerID='%s'",strings,man);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (libdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s libraryDescription='%s'",strings,libdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (tokdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s cryptoTokenDescription='%s'",strings,
-								tokdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (ptokdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s dbTokenDescription='%s'",strings,ptokdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (slotdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s cryptoSlotDescription='%s'",strings,
-								slotdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (pslotdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s dbSlotDescription='%s'",strings,pslotdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (fslotdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s FIPSSlotDescription='%s'",
-							strings,fslotdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (fpslotdesc) {
-        newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s FIPSTokenDescription='%s'",
-							strings,fpslotdesc);
-	PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-	strings = newStrings;
-    }
-    if (strings == NULL) return NULL;
-    newStrings = PR_smprintf("%s minPS=%d", strings, minPwd);
-    PR_smprintf_free(strings);
-    strings = newStrings;
-    return(strings);
- * statics to remember the PK11_ConfigurePKCS11()
- * info.
- */
-static char * pk11_config_strings = NULL;
-static char * pk11_config_name = NULL;
-static PRBool pk11_password_required = PR_FALSE;
- * this is a legacy configuration function which used to be part of
- * the PKCS #11 internal token.
- */
-PK11_ConfigurePKCS11(const char *man, const char *libdesc, const char *tokdesc,
-	const char *ptokdesc, const char *slotdesc, const char *pslotdesc, 
-	const char *fslotdesc, const char *fpslotdesc, int minPwd, 
-	int pwRequired)
-    char * strings;
-    strings = nss_MkConfigString(man,libdesc,tokdesc,ptokdesc,slotdesc,
-	pslotdesc,fslotdesc,fpslotdesc,minPwd);
-    if (strings == NULL) {
-	return;
-    }
-    if (libdesc) {
-	if (pk11_config_name != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(pk11_config_name);
-	}
-	pk11_config_name = PORT_Strdup(libdesc);
-    }
-    if (pk11_config_strings != NULL) {
-	PR_smprintf_free(pk11_config_strings);
-    }
-    pk11_config_strings = strings;
-    pk11_password_required = pwRequired;
-    return;
-void PK11_UnconfigurePKCS11(void)
-    if (pk11_config_strings != NULL) {
-	PR_smprintf_free(pk11_config_strings);
-        pk11_config_strings = NULL;
-    }
-    if (pk11_config_name) {
-        PORT_Free(pk11_config_name);
-        pk11_config_name = NULL;
-    }
- * The following code is an attempt to automagically find the external root
- * module.
- * Note: Keep the #if-defined chunks in order. HPUX must select before UNIX.
- */
-static const char *dllname =
-#if defined(XP_WIN32) || defined(XP_OS2)
-	"nssckbi.dll";
-#elif defined(HPUX) && !defined(__ia64)  /* HP-UX PA-RISC */
-	"";
-#elif defined(DARWIN)
-	"libnssckbi.dylib";
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-	"";
-	#error "Uh! Oh! I don't know about this platform."
-/* Should we have platform ifdefs here??? */
-#define FILE_SEP '/'
-static void nss_FindExternalRootPaths(const char *dbpath, 
-                                      const char* secmodprefix,
-                              char** retoldpath, char** retnewpath)
-    char *path, *oldpath = NULL, *lastsep;
-    int len, path_len, secmod_len, dll_len;
-    path_len = PORT_Strlen(dbpath);
-    secmod_len = secmodprefix ? PORT_Strlen(secmodprefix) : 0;
-    dll_len = PORT_Strlen(dllname);
-    len = path_len + secmod_len + dll_len + 2; /* FILE_SEP + NULL */
-    path = PORT_Alloc(len);
-    if (path == NULL) return;
-    /* back up to the top of the directory */
-    PORT_Memcpy(path,dbpath,path_len);
-    if (path[path_len-1] != FILE_SEP) {
-        path[path_len++] = FILE_SEP;
-    }
-    PORT_Strcpy(&path[path_len],dllname);
-    if (secmod_len > 0) {
-        lastsep = PORT_Strrchr(secmodprefix, FILE_SEP);
-        if (lastsep) {
-            int secmoddir_len = lastsep-secmodprefix+1; /* FILE_SEP */
-            oldpath = PORT_Alloc(len);
-            if (oldpath == NULL) {
-                PORT_Free(path);
-                return;
-            }
-            PORT_Memcpy(oldpath,path,path_len);
-            PORT_Memcpy(&oldpath[path_len],secmodprefix,secmoddir_len);
-            PORT_Strcpy(&oldpath[path_len+secmoddir_len],dllname);
-        }
-    }
-    *retoldpath = oldpath;
-    *retnewpath = path;
-    return;
-static void nss_FreeExternalRootPaths(char* oldpath, char* path)
-    if (path) {
-        PORT_Free(path);
-    }
-    if (oldpath) {
-        PORT_Free(oldpath);
-    }
-static void
-nss_FindExternalRoot(const char *dbpath, const char* secmodprefix)
-	char *path = NULL;
-        char *oldpath = NULL;
-        PRBool hasrootcerts = PR_FALSE;
-        /*
-         * 'oldpath' is the external root path in NSS 3.3.x or older.
-         * For backward compatibility we try to load the root certs
-         * module with the old path first.
-         */
-        nss_FindExternalRootPaths(dbpath, secmodprefix, &oldpath, &path);
-        if (oldpath) {
-            (void) SECMOD_AddNewModule("Root Certs",oldpath, 0, 0);
-            hasrootcerts = SECMOD_HasRootCerts();
-        }
-        if (path && !hasrootcerts) {
-	    (void) SECMOD_AddNewModule("Root Certs",path, 0, 0);
-        }
-        nss_FreeExternalRootPaths(oldpath, path);
-	return;
- * see nss_Init for definitions of the various options.
- *
- * this function builds a moduleSpec string from the options and previously
- * set statics (from PKCS11_Configure, for instance), and uses it to kick off
- * the loading of the various PKCS #11 modules.
- */
-static SECStatus
-nss_InitModules(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, 
-		const char *keyPrefix, const char *secmodName, 
-		const char *updateDir, const char *updCertPrefix, 
-		const char *updKeyPrefix, const char *updateID, 
-		const char *updateName, char *configName, char *configStrings,
-		PRBool pwRequired, PRBool readOnly, PRBool noCertDB,
-		PRBool noModDB, PRBool forceOpen, PRBool optimizeSpace,
-		PRBool isContextInit)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    char *moduleSpec = NULL;
-    char *flags = NULL;
-    char *lconfigdir = NULL;
-    char *lcertPrefix = NULL;
-    char *lkeyPrefix = NULL;
-    char *lsecmodName = NULL;
-    char *lupdateDir = NULL;
-    char *lupdCertPrefix = NULL;
-    char *lupdKeyPrefix = NULL;
-    char *lupdateID = NULL;
-    char *lupdateName = NULL;
-    if (NSS_InitializePRErrorTable() != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    flags = nss_makeFlags(readOnly,noCertDB,noModDB,forceOpen,
-					pwRequired, optimizeSpace);
-    if (flags == NULL) return rv;
-    /*
-     * configdir is double nested, and Windows uses the same character
-     * for file seps as we use for escapes! (sigh).
-     */
-    lconfigdir = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(configdir, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lconfigdir == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lcertPrefix = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(certPrefix, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lcertPrefix == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lkeyPrefix = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(keyPrefix, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lkeyPrefix == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lsecmodName = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(secmodName, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lsecmodName == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lupdateDir = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(updateDir, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lupdateDir == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lupdCertPrefix = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(updCertPrefix, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lupdCertPrefix == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lupdKeyPrefix = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(updKeyPrefix, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lupdKeyPrefix == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lupdateID = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(updateID, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lupdateID == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lupdateName = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(updateName, '\'', '\"');
-    if (lupdateName == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    moduleSpec = PR_smprintf(
-     "name=\"%s\" parameters=\"configdir='%s' certPrefix='%s' keyPrefix='%s' "
-     "secmod='%s' flags=%s updatedir='%s' updateCertPrefix='%s' "
-     "updateKeyPrefix='%s' updateid='%s' updateTokenDescription='%s' %s\" "
-     "NSS=\"flags=internal,moduleDB,moduleDBOnly,critical%s\"",
-		configName ? configName : NSS_DEFAULT_MOD_NAME,
-		lconfigdir,lcertPrefix,lkeyPrefix,lsecmodName,flags,
-		lupdateDir, lupdCertPrefix, lupdKeyPrefix, lupdateID, 
-		lupdateName, configStrings ? configStrings : "",
-		isContextInit ? "" : ",defaultModDB,internalKeySlot");
-    PORT_Free(flags);
-    if (lconfigdir) PORT_Free(lconfigdir);
-    if (lcertPrefix) PORT_Free(lcertPrefix);
-    if (lkeyPrefix) PORT_Free(lkeyPrefix);
-    if (lsecmodName) PORT_Free(lsecmodName);
-    if (lupdateDir) PORT_Free(lupdateDir);
-    if (lupdCertPrefix) PORT_Free(lupdCertPrefix);
-    if (lupdKeyPrefix) PORT_Free(lupdKeyPrefix);
-    if (lupdateID) PORT_Free(lupdateID);
-    if (lupdateName) PORT_Free(lupdateName);
-    if (moduleSpec) {
-	SECMODModule *module = SECMOD_LoadModule(moduleSpec,NULL,PR_TRUE);
-	PR_smprintf_free(moduleSpec);
-	if (module) {
-	    if (module->loaded) rv=SECSuccess;
-	    SECMOD_DestroyModule(module);
-	}
-    }
-    return rv;
- * OK there are now lots of options here, lets go through them all:
- *
- * configdir - base directory where all the cert, key, and module datbases live.
- * certPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the cert database example: "
- * 			"https-server1-"
- * keyPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the key database example: "
- * 			"https-server1-"
- * secmodName - name of the security module database (usually "secmod.db").
- * updateDir - used in initMerge, old directory to update from.
- * updateID - used in initMerge, unique ID to represent the updated directory.
- * updateName - used in initMerge, token name when updating.
- * initContextPtr -  used in initContext, pointer to return a unique context
- *            value.
- * readOnly - Boolean: true if the databases are to be opened read only.
- * nocertdb - Don't open the cert DB and key DB's, just initialize the 
- *			Volatile certdb.
- * nomoddb - Don't open the security module DB, just initialize the 
- *			PKCS #11 module.
- * forceOpen - Continue to force initializations even if the databases cannot
- * 			be opened.
- * noRootInit - don't try to automatically load the root cert store if one is
- *           not found.
- * optimizeSpace - tell NSS to use fewer hash table buckets.
- *
- * The next three options are used in an attempt to share PKCS #11 modules
- * with other loaded, running libraries. PKCS #11 was not designed with this
- * sort of sharing in mind, so use of these options may lead to questionable
- * results. These options are may be incompatible with NSS_LoadContext() calls.
- *
- * noSingleThreadedModules - don't load modules that are not thread safe (many
- *           smart card tokens will not work).
- * allowAlreadyInitializedModules - if a module has already been loaded and
- *           initialize try to use it.
- * don'tFinalizeModules -  dont shutdown modules we may have loaded.
- */
-static PRBool          nssIsInitted = PR_FALSE;
-static NSSInitContext *nssInitContextList = NULL;
-static void*           plContext = NULL;
-struct NSSInitContextStr {
-    NSSInitContext *next;
-    PRUint32 magic;
-#define NSS_INIT_MAGIC 0x1413A91C
-static SECStatus nss_InitShutdownList(void);
-/* All initialized to zero in BSS */
-static PRCallOnceType nssInitOnce;
-static PZLock *nssInitLock;
-static PZCondVar *nssInitCondition;
-static int nssIsInInit;
-static PRStatus
-    nssInitLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if (nssInitLock == NULL) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssInitCondition = PZ_NewCondVar(nssInitLock);
-    if (nssInitCondition == NULL) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static SECStatus
-nss_Init(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix,
-		 const char *secmodName, const char *updateDir, 
-		 const char *updCertPrefix, const char *updKeyPrefix,
-		 const char *updateID, const char *updateName,
-		 NSSInitContext ** initContextPtr,
-		 NSSInitParameters *initParams,
-		 PRBool readOnly, PRBool noCertDB, 
-		 PRBool noModDB, PRBool forceOpen, PRBool noRootInit,
-		 PRBool optimizeSpace, PRBool noSingleThreadedModules,
-		 PRBool allowAlreadyInitializedModules,
-		 PRBool dontFinalizeModules)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PKIX_UInt32 actualMinorVersion = 0;
-    PKIX_Error *pkixError = NULL;
-    PRBool isReallyInitted;
-    char *configStrings = NULL;
-    char *configName = NULL;
-    PRBool passwordRequired = PR_FALSE;
-    /* if we are trying to init with a traditional NSS_Init call, maintain
-     * the traditional idempotent behavior. */
-    if (!initContextPtr && nssIsInitted) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* make sure our lock and condition variable are initialized one and only
-     * one time */ 
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&nssInitOnce, nss_doLockInit) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * if we haven't done basic initialization, single thread the 
-     * initializations.
-     */
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    isReallyInitted = NSS_IsInitialized();
-    if (!isReallyInitted) {
-	while (!isReallyInitted && nssIsInInit) {
-	    PZ_WaitCondVar(nssInitCondition,PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-	    isReallyInitted = NSS_IsInitialized();
- 	}
-	/* once we've completed basic initialization, we can allow more than 
-	 * one process initialize NSS at a time. */
-    }
-    nssIsInInit++;
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    /* this tells us whether or not some library has already initialized us.
-     * if so, we don't want to double call some of the basic initialization
-     * functions */
-    if (!isReallyInitted) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        CERTCertificate dummyCert;
-	/* New option bits must not change the size of CERTCertificate. */
-	PORT_Assert(sizeof(dummyCert.options) == sizeof(void *));
-	if (SECSuccess != cert_InitLocks()) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	if (SECSuccess != InitCRLCache()) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	if (SECSuccess != OCSP_InitGlobal()) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    if (noSingleThreadedModules || allowAlreadyInitializedModules ||
-        dontFinalizeModules) {
-        pk11_setGlobalOptions(noSingleThreadedModules,
-                              allowAlreadyInitializedModules,
-                              dontFinalizeModules);
-    }
-    if (initContextPtr) {
-	*initContextPtr = PORT_ZNew(NSSInitContext);
-	if (*initContextPtr == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * For traditional NSS_Init, we used the PK11_Configure() call to set
-	 * globals. with InitContext, we pass those strings in as parameters.
-	 *
-	 * This allows old NSS_Init calls to work as before, while at the same
-	 * time new calls and old calls will not interfere with each other.
-	 */
-        if (initParams) {
-	    if (initParams->length < sizeof(NSSInitParameters)) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    configStrings = nss_MkConfigString(initParams->manufactureID,
-		initParams->libraryDescription,
-		initParams->cryptoTokenDescription,
-		initParams->dbTokenDescription,
-		initParams->cryptoSlotDescription,
-		initParams->dbSlotDescription,
-		initParams->FIPSSlotDescription,
-		initParams->FIPSTokenDescription,
-		initParams->minPWLen);
-	    if (configStrings == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    configName = initParams->libraryDescription;
-	    passwordRequired = initParams->passwordRequired;
-	}
-    } else {
-	configStrings = pk11_config_strings;
-	configName = pk11_config_name;
-	passwordRequired = pk11_password_required;
-    }
-    /* Skip the module init if we are already initted and we are trying
-     * to init with noCertDB and noModDB */
-    if (!(isReallyInitted && noCertDB && noModDB)) {
-	rv = nss_InitModules(configdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, secmodName, 
-		updateDir, updCertPrefix, updKeyPrefix, updateID, 
-		updateName, configName, configStrings, passwordRequired,
-		readOnly, noCertDB, noModDB, forceOpen, optimizeSpace, 
-		(initContextPtr != NULL));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* finish up initialization */
-    if (!isReallyInitted) {
-	if (SECOID_Init() != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	if (STAN_LoadDefaultNSS3TrustDomain() != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	if (nss_InitShutdownList() != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	CERT_SetDefaultCertDB((CERTCertDBHandle *)
-				STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain());
-	if ((!noModDB) && (!noCertDB) && (!noRootInit)) {
-	    if (!SECMOD_HasRootCerts()) {
-		const char *dbpath = configdir;
-		/* handle supported database modifiers */
-		if (strncmp(dbpath, "sql:", 4) == 0) {
-		    dbpath += 4;
-		} else if(strncmp(dbpath, "dbm:", 4) == 0) {
-		    dbpath += 4;
-		} else if(strncmp(dbpath, "extern:", 7) == 0) {
-		    dbpath += 7;
-		} else if(strncmp(dbpath, "rdb:", 4) == 0) {
-		    /* if rdb: is specified, the configdir isn't really a 
-		     * path. Skip it */
-		    dbpath = NULL;
-		}
-		if (dbpath) {
-		    nss_FindExternalRoot(dbpath, secmodName);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	pk11sdr_Init();
-	cert_CreateSubjectKeyIDHashTable();
-	pkixError = PKIX_Initialize
-	    PKIX_MINOR_VERSION, &actualMinorVersion, &plContext);
-	if (pkixError != NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	} else {
-            char *ev = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_ENABLE_PKIX_VERIFY");
-            if (ev && ev[0]) {
-                CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation(PR_TRUE);
-            }
-        }
-#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now mark the appropriate init state. If initContextPtr was passed
-     * in, then return the new context pointer and add it to the
-     * nssInitContextList. Otherwise set the global nss_isInitted flag
-     */
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    if (!initContextPtr) {
-	nssIsInitted = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-	(*initContextPtr)->magic = NSS_INIT_MAGIC;
-	(*initContextPtr)->next = nssInitContextList;
-	nssInitContextList = (*initContextPtr);
-    }
-    nssIsInInit--;
-    /* now that we are inited, all waiters can move forward */
-    PZ_NotifyAllCondVar(nssInitCondition);
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    if (initContextPtr && configStrings) {
-	PR_smprintf_free(configStrings);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (initContextPtr && *initContextPtr) {
-	PORT_Free(*initContextPtr);
-	*initContextPtr = NULL;
-	if (configStrings) {
-	   PR_smprintf_free(configStrings);
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    nssIsInInit--;
-    /* We failed to init, allow one to move forward */
-    PZ_NotifyCondVar(nssInitCondition);
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    return SECFailure;
-NSS_Init(const char *configdir)
-    return nss_Init(configdir, "", "", SECMOD_DB, "", "", "", "", "", NULL,
-NSS_InitReadWrite(const char *configdir)
-    return nss_Init(configdir, "", "", SECMOD_DB, "", "", "", "", "", NULL,
- * OK there are now lots of options here, lets go through them all:
- *
- * configdir - base directory where all the cert, key, and module datbases live.
- * certPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the cert database example: "
- * 			"https-server1-"
- * keyPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the key database example: "
- * 			"https-server1-"
- * secmodName - name of the security module database (usually "secmod.db").
- * flags - change the open options of NSS_Initialize as follows:
- * 	NSS_INIT_READONLY - Open the databases read only.
- * 	NSS_INIT_NOCERTDB - Don't open the cert DB and key DB's, just 
- * 			initialize the volatile certdb.
- * 	NSS_INIT_NOMODDB  - Don't open the security module DB, just 
- *			initialize the 	PKCS #11 module.
- *      NSS_INIT_FORCEOPEN - Continue to force initializations even if the 
- * 			databases cannot be opened.
- *      NSS_INIT_PK11THREADSAFE - only load PKCS#11 modules that are
- *                      thread-safe, ie. that support locking - either OS
- *                      locking or NSS-provided locks . If a PKCS#11
- *                      module isn't thread-safe, don't serialize its
- *                      calls; just don't load it instead. This is necessary
- *                      if another piece of code is using the same PKCS#11
- *                      modules that NSS is accessing without going through
- *                      NSS, for example the Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *                      error when loading PKCS#11 modules. This is necessary
- *                      if another piece of code is using the same PKCS#11
- *                      modules that NSS is accessing without going through
- *                      NSS, for example Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *      NSS_INIT_NOPK11FINALIZE - never call C_Finalize on any
- *                      PKCS#11 module. This may be necessary in order to
- *                      ensure continuous operation and proper shutdown
- *                      sequence if another piece of code is using the same
- *                      PKCS#11 modules that NSS is accessing without going
- *                      through NSS, for example Java SunPKCS11 provider.
- *                      The following limitation applies when this is set :
- *                      SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent will not use
- *                      C_WaitForSlotEvent, in order to prevent the need for
- *                      C_Finalize. This call will be emulated instead.
- *      NSS_INIT_RESERVED - Currently has no effect, but may be used in the
- *                      future to trigger better cooperation between PKCS#11
- *                      modules used by both NSS and the Java SunPKCS11
- *                      provider. This should occur after a new flag is defined
- *                      for C_Initialize by the PKCS#11 working group.
- *      NSS_INIT_COOPERATE - Sets 4 recommended options for applications that
- *                      use both NSS and the Java SunPKCS11 provider. 
- */
-NSS_Initialize(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, 
-	const char *keyPrefix, const char *secmodName, PRUint32 flags)
-    return nss_Init(configdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, secmodName,
-	"", "", "", "", "", NULL, NULL,
-        ((flags & NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD) == NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD),
-NSSInitContext *
-NSS_InitContext(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, 
-	const char *keyPrefix, const char *secmodName, 
-	NSSInitParameters *initParams, PRUint32 flags)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    NSSInitContext *context;
-    rv = nss_Init(configdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, secmodName,
-	"", "", "", "", "", &context, initParams,
-        ((flags & NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD) == NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD),
-    return (rv == SECSuccess) ? context : NULL;
-NSS_InitWithMerge(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, 
-	const char *keyPrefix, const char *secmodName, 
-	const char *updateDir, const char *updCertPrefix,
-	const char *updKeyPrefix, const char *updateID, 
-	const char *updateName, PRUint32 flags)
-    return nss_Init(configdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, secmodName,
-	updateDir, updCertPrefix, updKeyPrefix, updateID, updateName, 
-        ((flags & NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD) == NSS_INIT_PK11RELOAD),
- * initialize NSS without a creating cert db's, key db's, or secmod db's.
- */
-NSS_NoDB_Init(const char * configdir)
-      return nss_Init("","","","", "", "", "", "", "", NULL, NULL,
-struct NSSShutdownFuncPair {
-    NSS_ShutdownFunc	func;
-    void		*appData;
-static struct NSSShutdownListStr {
-    PZLock		*lock;
-    int			allocatedFuncs;
-    int			peakFuncs;
-    struct NSSShutdownFuncPair	*funcs;
-} nssShutdownList = { 0 };
- * find and existing shutdown function
- */
-static int 
-nss_GetShutdownEntry(NSS_ShutdownFunc sFunc, void *appData)
-    int count, i;
-    count = nssShutdownList.peakFuncs;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if ((nssShutdownList.funcs[i].func == sFunc) &&
-	    (nssShutdownList.funcs[i].appData == appData)){
-	    return i;
-	}
-    }
-    return -1;
- * register a callback to be called when NSS shuts down
- */
-NSS_RegisterShutdown(NSS_ShutdownFunc sFunc, void *appData)
-    int i;
-    /* make sure our lock and condition variable are initialized one and only
-     * one time */ 
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&nssInitOnce, nss_doLockInit) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    if (!NSS_IsInitialized()) {
-	PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    if (sFunc == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    PZ_Lock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    /* make sure we don't have a duplicate */
-    i = nss_GetShutdownEntry(sFunc, appData);
-    if (i >= 0) {
-	PZ_Unlock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* find an empty slot */
-    i = nss_GetShutdownEntry(NULL, NULL);
-    if (i >= 0) {
-	nssShutdownList.funcs[i].func = sFunc;
-	nssShutdownList.funcs[i].appData = appData;
-	PZ_Unlock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (nssShutdownList.allocatedFuncs == nssShutdownList.peakFuncs) {
-	struct NSSShutdownFuncPair *funcs = 
-		(struct NSSShutdownFuncPair *)PORT_Realloc
-		(nssShutdownList.funcs, 
-		(nssShutdownList.allocatedFuncs + NSS_SHUTDOWN_STEP) 
-		*sizeof(struct NSSShutdownFuncPair));
-	if (!funcs) {
-	    PZ_Unlock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	nssShutdownList.funcs = funcs;
-	nssShutdownList.allocatedFuncs += NSS_SHUTDOWN_STEP;
-    }
-    nssShutdownList.funcs[nssShutdownList.peakFuncs].func = sFunc;
-    nssShutdownList.funcs[nssShutdownList.peakFuncs].appData = appData;
-    nssShutdownList.peakFuncs++;
-    PZ_Unlock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * unregister a callback so it won't get called on shutdown.
- */
-NSS_UnregisterShutdown(NSS_ShutdownFunc sFunc, void *appData)
-    int i;
-    /* make sure our lock and condition variable are initialized one and only
-     * one time */ 
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&nssInitOnce, nss_doLockInit) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    if (!NSS_IsInitialized()) {
-	PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    PORT_Assert(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    PZ_Lock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    i = nss_GetShutdownEntry(sFunc, appData);
-    if (i >= 0) {
-	nssShutdownList.funcs[i].func = NULL;
-	nssShutdownList.funcs[i].appData = NULL;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    if (i < 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * bring up and shutdown the shutdown list
- */
-static SECStatus
-    if (nssShutdownList.lock != NULL) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    nssShutdownList.lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if (nssShutdownList.lock == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    nssShutdownList.funcs = PORT_ZNewArray(struct NSSShutdownFuncPair, 
-				           NSS_SHUTDOWN_STEP);
-    if (nssShutdownList.funcs == NULL) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    	nssShutdownList.lock = NULL;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    nssShutdownList.allocatedFuncs = NSS_SHUTDOWN_STEP;
-    nssShutdownList.peakFuncs = 0;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    int i;
-    /* call all the registerd functions first */
-    for (i=0; i < nssShutdownList.peakFuncs; i++) {
-	struct NSSShutdownFuncPair *funcPair = &nssShutdownList.funcs[i];
-	if (funcPair->func) {
-	    if ((*funcPair->func)(funcPair->appData,NULL) != SECSuccess) {
-		rv = SECFailure;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    nssShutdownList.peakFuncs = 0;
-    nssShutdownList.allocatedFuncs = 0;
-    PORT_Free(nssShutdownList.funcs);
-    nssShutdownList.funcs = NULL;
-    if (nssShutdownList.lock) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(nssShutdownList.lock);
-    }
-    nssShutdownList.lock = NULL;
-    return rv;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_BUSY;
-    SECStatus shutdownRV = SECSuccess;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSInitContext *temp;
-    rv = nss_ShutdownShutdownList();
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	shutdownRV = SECFailure;
-    }
-    cert_DestroyLocks();
-    ShutdownCRLCache();
-    OCSP_ShutdownGlobal();
-    PKIX_Shutdown(plContext);
-    SECOID_Shutdown();
-    status = STAN_Shutdown();
-    cert_DestroySubjectKeyIDHashTable();
-    pk11_SetInternalKeySlot(NULL);
-    rv = SECMOD_Shutdown();
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	shutdownRV = SECFailure;
-    }
-    pk11sdr_Shutdown();
-    nssArena_Shutdown();
-    if (status == PR_FAILURE) {
-	if (NSS_GetError() == NSS_ERROR_BUSY) {
-	    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BUSY);
-	}
-	shutdownRV = SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * A thread's error stack is automatically destroyed when the thread
-     * terminates, except for the primordial thread, whose error stack is
-     * destroyed by PR_Cleanup.  Since NSS is usually shut down by the
-     * primordial thread and many NSS-based apps don't call PR_Cleanup,
-     * we destroy the calling thread's error stack here. This must be
-     * done after any NSS_GetError call, otherwise NSS_GetError will
-     * create the error stack again.
-     */
-    nss_DestroyErrorStack();
-    nssIsInitted = PR_FALSE;
-    temp = nssInitContextList;
-    nssInitContextList = NULL;
-    /* free the old list. This is necessary when we are called from
-     * NSS_Shutdown(). */
-    while (temp) {
-	NSSInitContext *next = temp->next;
-	temp->magic = 0;
-	PORT_Free(temp);
-	temp = next;
-    }
-    return shutdownRV;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* make sure our lock and condition variable are initialized one and only
-     * one time */ 
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&nssInitOnce, nss_doLockInit) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    if (!nssIsInitted) {
-	PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* If one or more threads are in the middle of init, wait for them
-     * to complete */
-    while (nssIsInInit) {
-	PZ_WaitCondVar(nssInitCondition,PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    }
-    rv = nss_Shutdown();
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    return rv;
- * remove the context from a list. return true if found, false if not
- */
-nss_RemoveList(NSSInitContext *context) {
-    NSSInitContext *this = nssInitContextList;
-    NSSInitContext **last = &nssInitContextList;
-    while (this) {
-	if (this == context) {
-	    *last = this->next;
-	    this->magic = 0;
-	    PORT_Free(this);
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	last = &this->next;
-	this=this->next;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * This form of shutdown is safe in the case where we may have multiple 
- * entities using NSS in a single process. Each entity calls shutdown with
- * it's own context. The application (which doesn't get a context), calls
- * shutdown with NULL. Once all users have 'checked in' NSS will shutdown.
- * This is different than NSS_Shutdown, where calling it will shutdown NSS
- * irreguardless of who else may have NSS open.
- */
-NSS_ShutdownContext(NSSInitContext *context)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* make sure our lock and condition variable are initialized one and only
-     * one time */ 
-    if (PR_CallOnce(&nssInitOnce, nss_doLockInit) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(nssInitLock);
-    /* If one or more threads are in the middle of init, wait for them
-     * to complete */
-    while (nssIsInInit) {
-	PZ_WaitCondVar(nssInitCondition,PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-    }
-    /* OK, we are the only thread now either initializing or shutting down */
-    if (!context) {
-	if (!nssIsInitted) {
-	    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	nssIsInitted = 0;
-    } else if (! nss_RemoveList(context)) {
-	PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-	/* context was already freed or wasn't valid */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((nssIsInitted == 0) && (nssInitContextList == NULL)) {
-	rv = nss_Shutdown();
-    }
-    /* NOTE: we don't try to free the nssInitLocks to prevent races against
-     * the locks. There may be a thread, right now, waiting in NSS_Init for us
-     * to free the lock below. If we delete the locks, bad things would happen
-     * to that thread */
-    PZ_Unlock(nssInitLock);
-    return rv;
-    return (nssIsInitted) || (nssInitContextList != NULL);
-extern const char __nss_base_version[];
-NSS_VersionCheck(const char *importedVersion)
-    /*
-     * This is the secret handshake algorithm.
-     *
-     * This release has a simple version compatibility
-     * check algorithm.  This release is not backward
-     * compatible with previous major releases.  It is
-     * not compatible with future major, minor, or
-     * patch releases or builds.
-     */
-    int vmajor = 0, vminor = 0, vpatch = 0, vbuild = 0;
-    const char *ptr = importedVersion;
-#define NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE __nss_base_version
-#include "verref.h"
-    while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-        vmajor = 10 * vmajor + *ptr - '0';
-        ptr++;
-    }
-    if (*ptr == '.') {
-        ptr++;
-        while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-            vminor = 10 * vminor + *ptr - '0';
-            ptr++;
-        }
-        if (*ptr == '.') {
-            ptr++;
-            while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-                vpatch = 10 * vpatch + *ptr - '0';
-                ptr++;
-            }
-            if (*ptr == '.') {
-                ptr++;
-                while (isdigit(*ptr)) {
-                    vbuild = 10 * vbuild + *ptr - '0';
-                    ptr++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (vmajor != NSS_VMAJOR) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (vmajor == NSS_VMAJOR && vminor > NSS_VMINOR) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (vmajor == NSS_VMAJOR && vminor == NSS_VMINOR && vpatch > NSS_VPATCH) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (vmajor == NSS_VMAJOR && vminor == NSS_VMINOR &&
-        vpatch == NSS_VPATCH && vbuild > NSS_VBUILD) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-const char *
-    return NSS_VERSION;
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.c b/nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a77b8f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * NSS utility functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "nss.h"
-#include "nssoptions.h"
-struct nssOps {
-    PRInt32 rsaMinKeySize;
-    PRInt32 dhMinKeySize;
-    PRInt32 dsaMinKeySize;
-    PRInt32 tlsVersionMinPolicy;
-    PRInt32 tlsVersionMaxPolicy;
-    PRInt32 dtlsVersionMinPolicy;
-    PRInt32 dtlsVersionMaxPolicy;
-static struct nssOps nss_ops = {
-    1,      /* Set TLS min to less the the smallest legal SSL value */
-    0xffff, /* set TLS max to more than the largest legal SSL value */
-    1,
-    0xffff,
-NSS_OptionSet(PRInt32 which, PRInt32 value)
-SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    switch (which) {
-      case NSS_RSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE:
-        nss_ops.rsaMinKeySize = value;
-        break;
-      case NSS_DH_MIN_KEY_SIZE:
-        nss_ops.dhMinKeySize = value;
-        break;
-      case NSS_DSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE:
-        nss_ops.dsaMinKeySize = value;
-        break;
-	nss_ops.tlsVersionMinPolicy = value;
-	break;
-	nss_ops.tlsVersionMaxPolicy = value;
-	break;
-	nss_ops.dtlsVersionMinPolicy = value;
-	break;
-	nss_ops.dtlsVersionMaxPolicy = value;
-	break;
-      default:
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-NSS_OptionGet(PRInt32 which, PRInt32 *value)
-SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    switch (which) {
-      case NSS_RSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE:
-        *value = nss_ops.rsaMinKeySize;
-        break;
-      case NSS_DH_MIN_KEY_SIZE:
-        *value = nss_ops.dhMinKeySize;
-        break;
-      case NSS_DSA_MIN_KEY_SIZE:
-        *value = nss_ops.dsaMinKeySize;
-        break;
-	*value = nss_ops.tlsVersionMinPolicy;
-	break;
-	*value = nss_ops.tlsVersionMaxPolicy;
-	break;
-	*value = nss_ops.dtlsVersionMinPolicy;
-	break;
-	*value = nss_ops.dtlsVersionMaxPolicy;
-	break;
-      default:
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.h b/nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index daa0944..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/nssoptions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * NSS utility functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  Include the default limits here
- */
-/* SSL default limits are here so we don't have to import a private SSL header 
- * file into NSS proper */
-/* The minimum server key sizes accepted by the clients.
- * Not 1024 to be conservative. */
-/* 1023 to avoid cases where p = 2q+1 for a 512-bit q turns out to be
- * only 1023 bits and similar.  We don't have good data on whether this
- * happens because NSS used to count bit lengths incorrectly. */
-#define SSL_DH_MIN_P_BITS 1023
-#define SSL_DSA_MIN_P_BITS 1023
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nssrenam.h b/nss/lib/nss/nssrenam.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f072c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/nssrenam.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __nssrenam_h_
-#define __nssrenam_h_
-#define CERT_AddTempCertToPerm __CERT_AddTempCertToPerm
-#define PK11_CreateContextByRawKey __PK11_CreateContextByRawKey
-#define CERT_ClosePermCertDB __CERT_ClosePermCertDB
-#define CERT_DecodeDERCertificate __CERT_DecodeDERCertificate
-#define CERT_TraversePermCertsForNickname __CERT_TraversePermCertsForNickname
-#define CERT_TraversePermCertsForSubject __CERT_TraversePermCertsForSubject
-#endif /* __nssrenam_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nssver.c b/nss/lib/nss/nssver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 653ebec..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/nssver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Library identity and versioning */
-#include "nss.h"
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-#define _DEBUG_STRING " (debug)"
-#define _DEBUG_STRING ""
- * Version information
- */
-const char __nss_base_version[] = "Version: NSS " NSS_VERSION _DEBUG_STRING;
diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/utilwrap.c b/nss/lib/nss/utilwrap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3b6037..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/nss/utilwrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
- * NSS utility functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secdig.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "base64.h"
-#include "nssb64.h"
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-/* wrappers for implementation in libnssutil3 */
-#undef ATOB_AsciiToData
-#undef ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem
-#undef BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii
-#undef BTOA_DataToAscii
-#undef CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii
-#undef DER_AsciiToTime
-#undef DER_DecodeTimeChoice
-#undef DER_Encode
-#undef DER_EncodeTimeChoice
-#undef DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii
-#undef DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime
-#undef DER_GetInteger
-#undef DER_Lengths
-#undef DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii
-#undef DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime
-#undef DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena
-#undef DER_TimeToUTCTime
-#undef DER_UTCDayToAscii
-#undef DER_UTCTimeToAscii
-#undef DER_UTCTimeToTime
-#undef NSS_PutEnv
-#undef NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer
-#undef NSSBase64_EncodeItem
-#undef NSSBase64Decoder_Create
-#undef NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy
-#undef NSSBase64Decoder_Update
-#undef NSSBase64Encoder_Create
-#undef NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy
-#undef NSSBase64Encoder_Update
-#undef NSSRWLock_Destroy
-#undef NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock
-#undef NSSRWLock_LockRead
-#undef NSSRWLock_LockWrite
-#undef NSSRWLock_New
-#undef NSSRWLock_UnlockRead
-#undef NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite
-#undef PORT_Alloc
-#undef PORT_ArenaAlloc
-#undef PORT_ArenaGrow
-#undef PORT_ArenaMark
-#undef PORT_ArenaRelease
-#undef PORT_ArenaStrdup
-#undef PORT_ArenaUnmark
-#undef PORT_ArenaZAlloc
-#undef PORT_Free
-#undef PORT_FreeArena
-#undef PORT_GetError
-#undef PORT_NewArena
-#undef PORT_Realloc
-#undef PORT_SetError
-#undef PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction
-#undef PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction
-#undef PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction
-#undef PORT_Strdup
-#undef PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion
-#undef PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion
-#undef PORT_ZAlloc
-#undef PORT_ZFree
-#undef SEC_ASN1Decode
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecodeItem
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderStart
-#undef SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate
-#undef SEC_ASN1Encode
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncodeItem
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderStart
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate
-#undef SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger
-#undef SEC_ASN1LengthLength
-#undef SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem
-#undef SECITEM_AllocItem
-#undef SECITEM_ArenaDupItem
-#undef SECITEM_CompareItem
-#undef SECITEM_CopyItem
-#undef SECITEM_DupItem
-#undef SECITEM_FreeItem
-#undef SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual
-#undef SECITEM_ZfreeItem
-#undef SECOID_AddEntry
-#undef SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID
-#undef SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID
-#undef SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID
-#undef SECOID_FindOID
-#undef SECOID_FindOIDByTag
-#undef SECOID_FindOIDTag
-#undef SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription
-#undef SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag
-#undef SECOID_SetAlgorithmID
-#undef SGN_CompareDigestInfo
-#undef SGN_CopyDigestInfo
-#undef SGN_CreateDigestInfo
-#undef SGN_DestroyDigestInfo
-void *
-PORT_Alloc(size_t bytes)
-    return PORT_Alloc_Util(bytes);
-void *
-PORT_Realloc(void *oldptr, size_t bytes)
-    return PORT_Realloc_Util(oldptr, bytes);
-void *
-PORT_ZAlloc(size_t bytes)
-    return PORT_ZAlloc_Util(bytes);
-PORT_Free(void *ptr)
-    PORT_Free_Util(ptr);
-PORT_ZFree(void *ptr, size_t len)
-    PORT_ZFree_Util(ptr, len);
-char *
-PORT_Strdup(const char *str)
-    return PORT_Strdup_Util(str);
-PORT_SetError(int value)
-    PORT_SetError_Util(value);
-    return PORT_GetError_Util();
-PLArenaPool *
-PORT_NewArena(unsigned long chunksize)
-    return PORT_NewArena_Util(chunksize);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaAlloc(PLArenaPool *arena, size_t size)
-    return PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util(arena, size);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaZAlloc(PLArenaPool *arena, size_t size)
-    return PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util(arena, size);
-PORT_FreeArena(PLArenaPool *arena, PRBool zero)
-    PORT_FreeArena_Util(arena, zero);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaGrow(PLArenaPool *arena, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
-    return PORT_ArenaGrow_Util(arena, ptr, oldsize, newsize);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaMark(PLArenaPool *arena)
-    return PORT_ArenaMark_Util(arena);
-PORT_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark)
-    PORT_ArenaRelease_Util(arena, mark);
-PORT_ArenaUnmark(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark)
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark_Util(arena, mark);
-char *
-PORT_ArenaStrdup(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *str)
-    return PORT_ArenaStrdup_Util(arena, str);
-PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionFunc convFunc)
-    PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction_Util(convFunc);
-PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionWSwapFunc convFunc)
-    PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction_Util(convFunc);
-PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionFunc convFunc)
-    PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction_Util(convFunc);
-PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			 unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			 unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen)
-    return PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion_Util(toUnicode, inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf,
-                                          maxOutBufLen, outBufLen);
-PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			  unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			  unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen,
-			  PRBool swapBytes)
-    return PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion_Util(toUnicode, inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf,
-			  maxOutBufLen, outBufLen, swapBytes);
-NSS_PutEnv(const char * envVarName, const char * envValue)
-    return NSS_PutEnv_Util(envVarName, envValue);
-SECOidData *SECOID_FindOID( const SECItem *oid)
-    return SECOID_FindOID_Util(oid);
-SECOidTag SECOID_FindOIDTag(const SECItem *oid)
-    return SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util(oid);
-SECOidData *SECOID_FindOIDByTag(SECOidTag tagnum)
-    return SECOID_FindOIDByTag_Util(tagnum);
-SECStatus SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *aid,
-				   SECOidTag tag, SECItem *params)
-    return SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util(arena, aid, tag, params);
-SECStatus SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *dest,
-				 const SECAlgorithmID *src)
-    return SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID_Util(arena, dest, src);
-SECOidTag SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(const SECAlgorithmID *aid)
-    return SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util(aid);
-void SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *aid, PRBool freeit)
-    SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID_Util(aid, freeit);
-SECComparison SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *a,
-					   SECAlgorithmID *b)
-    return SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID_Util(a, b);
-const char *SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription(SECOidTag tagnum)
-    return SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription_Util(tagnum);
-SECOidTag SECOID_AddEntry(const SECOidData * src)
-    return SECOID_AddEntry_Util(src);
-SECItem *SECITEM_AllocItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				  unsigned int len)
-    return SECITEM_AllocItem_Util(arena, item, len);
-SECComparison SECITEM_CompareItem(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b)
-    return SECITEM_CompareItem_Util(a, b);
-PRBool SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b)
-    return SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual_Util(a, b);
-SECStatus SECITEM_CopyItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *to,
-                                  const SECItem *from)
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem_Util(arena, to, from);
-SECItem *SECITEM_DupItem(const SECItem *from)
-    return SECITEM_DupItem_Util(from);
-SECItem *SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *from)
-    return SECITEM_ArenaDupItem_Util(arena, from);
-void SECITEM_FreeItem(SECItem *zap, PRBool freeit)
-    SECITEM_FreeItem_Util(zap, freeit);
-void SECITEM_ZfreeItem(SECItem *zap, PRBool freeit)
-    SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util(zap, freeit);
-SGNDigestInfo *SGN_CreateDigestInfo(SECOidTag algorithm,
-					   unsigned char *sig,
-					   unsigned int sigLen)
-    return SGN_CreateDigestInfo_Util(algorithm, sig, sigLen);
-void SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *info)
-    SGN_DestroyDigestInfo_Util(info);
-SECStatus  SGN_CopyDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-					SGNDigestInfo *a, 
-					SGNDigestInfo *b)
-    return SGN_CopyDigestInfo_Util(poolp, a, b);
-SECComparison SGN_CompareDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *a, SGNDigestInfo *b)
-    return SGN_CompareDigestInfo_Util(a, b);
-SECStatus DER_Encode(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *dest, DERTemplate *t,
-			   void *src)
-    return DER_Encode_Util(arena, dest, t, src);
-SECStatus DER_Lengths(SECItem *item, int *header_len_p,
-                             PRUint32 *contents_len_p)
-    return DER_Lengths_Util(item, header_len_p, contents_len_p);
-long DER_GetInteger(const SECItem *src)
-    return DER_GetInteger_Util(src);
-SECStatus DER_TimeToUTCTime(SECItem *result, PRTime time)
-    return DER_TimeToUTCTime_Util(result, time);
-SECStatus DER_AsciiToTime(PRTime *result, const char *string)
-    return DER_AsciiToTime_Util(result, string);
-SECStatus DER_UTCTimeToTime(PRTime *result, const SECItem *time)
-    return DER_UTCTimeToTime_Util(result, time);
-char *DER_UTCTimeToAscii(SECItem *utcTime)
-    return DER_UTCTimeToAscii_Util(utcTime);
-char *DER_UTCDayToAscii(SECItem *utctime)
-    return DER_UTCDayToAscii_Util(utctime);
-char *DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii(SECItem *gentime)
-    return DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii_Util(gentime);
-char *DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii(SECItem *timechoice)
-    return DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii_Util(timechoice);
-SECStatus DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime(SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime)
-    return DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime_Util(dst, gmttime);
-SECStatus DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(PLArenaPool* arenaOpt,
-                                         SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime)
-    return DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena_Util(arenaOpt, dst, gmttime);
-SECStatus DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(PRTime *dst, const SECItem *time)
-    return DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime_Util(dst, time);
-char *CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii(PRTime genTime, char *format)
-    return CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii_Util(genTime, format);
-SECStatus DER_DecodeTimeChoice(PRTime* output, const SECItem* input)
-    return DER_DecodeTimeChoice_Util(output, input);
-SECStatus DER_EncodeTimeChoice(PLArenaPool* arena, SECItem* output,
-                                       PRTime input)
-    return DER_EncodeTimeChoice_Util(arena, output, input);
-SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *SEC_ASN1DecoderStart(PLArenaPool *pool,
-						    void *dest,
-						    const SEC_ASN1Template *t)
-    return SEC_ASN1DecoderStart_Util(pool, dest, t);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-				       const char *buf,
-				       unsigned long len)
-    return SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate_Util(cx, buf, len);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    return SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx, int error)
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort_Util(cx, error);
-void SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-					 SEC_ASN1WriteProc fn,
-					 void *arg, PRBool no_store)
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc_Util(cx, fn, arg, no_store);
-void SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-					 SEC_ASN1NotifyProc fn,
-					 void *arg)
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc_Util(cx, fn, arg);
-void SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc_Util(cx);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1Decode(PLArenaPool *pool, void *dest,
-				const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-				const char *buf, long len)
-    return SEC_ASN1Decode_Util(pool, dest, t, buf, len);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(PLArenaPool *pool, void *dest,
-				    const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-				    const SECItem *src)
-    return SEC_ASN1DecodeItem_Util(pool, dest, t, src);
-SECStatus SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(PLArenaPool* arena, void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     const SECItem* src)
-    return SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util(arena, dest, templateEntry, src);
-SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *SEC_ASN1EncoderStart(const void *src,
-						    const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-						    SEC_ASN1WriteProc fn,
-						    void *output_arg)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncoderStart_Util(src, t, fn, output_arg);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-				       const char *buf,
-				       unsigned long len)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate_Util(cx, buf, len);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx, int error)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort_Util(cx, error);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-					 SEC_ASN1NotifyProc fn,
-					 void *arg)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc_Util(cx, fn, arg);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf_Util(cx);
-void SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf_Util(cx);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1Encode(const void *src, const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-				SEC_ASN1WriteProc output_proc,
-				void *output_arg)
-    return SEC_ASN1Encode_Util(src, t, output_proc, output_arg);
-SECItem * SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(PLArenaPool *pool, SECItem *dest,
-				    const void *src, const SEC_ASN1Template *t)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util(pool, dest, src, t);
-SECItem * SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(PLArenaPool *pool,
-				       SECItem *dest, long value)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util(pool, dest, value);
-SECItem * SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger(PLArenaPool *pool,
-					       SECItem *dest,
-					       unsigned long value)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger_Util(pool, dest, value);
-SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger(SECItem *src,
-				       unsigned long *value)
-    return SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger_Util(src, value);
-int SEC_ASN1LengthLength (unsigned long len)
-    return SEC_ASN1LengthLength_Util(len);
-char *BTOA_DataToAscii(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len)
-    return BTOA_DataToAscii_Util(data, len);
-unsigned char *ATOB_AsciiToData(const char *string, unsigned int *lenp)
-    return ATOB_AsciiToData_Util(string, lenp);
-SECStatus ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(SECItem *binary_item, const char *ascii)
-    return ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem_Util(binary_item, ascii);
-char *BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii(SECItem *binary_item)
-    return BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii_Util(binary_item);
-NSSBase64Decoder *
-NSSBase64Decoder_Create (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const unsigned char *,
-					       PRInt32),
-			 void *output_arg)
-    return NSSBase64Decoder_Create_Util(output_fn, output_arg);
-NSSBase64Encoder *
-NSSBase64Encoder_Create (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const char *, PRInt32),
-			 void *output_arg)
-    return NSSBase64Encoder_Create_Util(output_fn, output_arg);
-NSSBase64Decoder_Update (NSSBase64Decoder *data, const char *buffer,
-			 PRUint32 size)
-    return NSSBase64Decoder_Update_Util(data, buffer, size);
-NSSBase64Encoder_Update (NSSBase64Encoder *data, const unsigned char *buffer,
-			 PRUint32 size)
-    return NSSBase64Encoder_Update_Util(data, buffer, size);
-NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy (NSSBase64Decoder *data, PRBool abort_p)
-    return NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy_Util(data, abort_p);
-NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy (NSSBase64Encoder *data, PRBool abort_p)
-    return NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy_Util(data, abort_p);
-SECItem *
-NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer (PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, SECItem *outItemOpt,
-			const char *inStr, unsigned int inLen)
-    return NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer_Util(arenaOpt, outItemOpt, inStr, inLen);
-char *
-NSSBase64_EncodeItem (PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, char *outStrOpt,
-		      unsigned int maxOutLen, SECItem *inItem)
-    return NSSBase64_EncodeItem_Util(arenaOpt, outStrOpt, maxOutLen, inItem);
-NSSRWLock* NSSRWLock_New(PRUint32 lock_rank, const char *lock_name)
-    return NSSRWLock_New_Util(lock_rank, lock_name);
-void NSSRWLock_Destroy(NSSRWLock *lock)
-    NSSRWLock_Destroy_Util(lock);
-void NSSRWLock_LockRead(NSSRWLock *lock)
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead_Util(lock);
-void NSSRWLock_LockWrite(NSSRWLock *lock)
-    NSSRWLock_LockWrite_Util(lock);
-void NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(NSSRWLock *lock)
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead_Util(lock);
-void NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(NSSRWLock *lock)
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite_Util(lock);
-PRBool NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock(NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    return NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock_Util(rwlock);
-SECStatus __nss_InitLock(   PZLock    **ppLock, nssILockType ltype )
-    return SECFailure;
-/* templates duplicated in libnss3 and libnssutil3 */
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_BMPStringTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_BooleanTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_NullTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_UTCTimeTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate
-#undef NSS_Get_sgn_DigestInfoTemplate
-#undef SEC_AnyTemplate
-#undef SEC_BitStringTemplate
-#undef SEC_BMPStringTemplate
-#undef SEC_BooleanTemplate
-#undef SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate
-#undef SEC_IA5StringTemplate
-#undef SEC_IntegerTemplate
-#undef SEC_NullTemplate
-#undef SEC_ObjectIDTemplate
-#undef SEC_OctetStringTemplate
-#undef SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate
-#undef SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate
-#undef SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate
-#undef SEC_UTCTimeTemplate
-#undef SEC_UTF8StringTemplate
-#undef SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate
-#undef sgn_DigestInfoTemplate
-#include "templates.c"
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/debug_module.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/debug_module.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf3eccb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/debug_module.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2737 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "cert.h"  /* for CERT_DerNameToAscii & CERT_Hexify */
-static PRLogModuleInfo *modlog = NULL;
-static CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR module_functions;
-static CK_FUNCTION_LIST debug_functions;
-static void print_final_statistics(void);
-#define STRING static const char 
-STRING fmt_flags[]                = "  flags = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_hKey[]                 = "  hKey = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_hObject[]              = "  hObject = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_hSession[]             = "  hSession = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_manufacturerID[]       = "  manufacturerID = \"%.32s\"";
-STRING fmt_pData[]                = "  pData = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pDigest[]              = "  pDigest = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pEncryptedData[]       = "  pEncryptedData = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pEncryptedPart[]       = "  pEncryptedPart = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pInfo[]                = "  pInfo = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pMechanism[]           = "  pMechanism = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pOperationState[]      = "  pOperationState = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pPart[]                = "  pPart = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pPin[]                 = "  pPin = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pSignature[]           = "  pSignature = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pTemplate[]            = "  pTemplate = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pWrappedKey[]          = "  pWrappedKey = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_phKey[]                = "  phKey = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_phObject[]             = "  phObject = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pulCount[]             = "  pulCount = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pulDataLen[]           = "  pulDataLen = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pulDigestLen[]         = "  pulDigestLen = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pulEncryptedPartLen[]  = "  pulEncryptedPartLen = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pulPartLen[]           = "  pulPartLen = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_pulSignatureLen[]      = "  pulSignatureLen = 0x%p";
-STRING fmt_slotID[]               = "  slotID = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_sphKey[]               = "  *phKey = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_spulCount[]            = "  *pulCount = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_spulDataLen[]          = "  *pulDataLen = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_spulDigestLen[]        = "  *pulDigestLen = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_spulEncryptedPartLen[] = "  *pulEncryptedPartLen = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_spulPartLen[]          = "  *pulPartLen = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_spulSignatureLen[]     = "  *pulSignatureLen = 0x%x";
-STRING fmt_ulAttributeCount[]     = "  ulAttributeCount = %d";
-STRING fmt_ulCount[]              = "  ulCount = %d";
-STRING fmt_ulDataLen[]            = "  ulDataLen = %d";
-STRING fmt_ulEncryptedPartLen[]   = "  ulEncryptedPartLen = %d";
-STRING fmt_ulPartLen[]            = "  ulPartLen = %d";
-STRING fmt_ulPinLen[]             = "  ulPinLen = %d";
-STRING fmt_ulSignatureLen[]       = "  ulSignatureLen = %d";
-STRING fmt_fwVersion[]            = "  firmware version: %d.%d";
-STRING fmt_hwVersion[]            = "  hardware version: %d.%d";
-STRING fmt_s_qsq_d[]              = "    %s = \"%s\" [%d]";
-STRING fmt_s_s_d[]                = "    %s = %s [%d]";
-STRING fmt_s_lu[]                 = "    %s = %lu";
-STRING fmt_invalid_handle[]       = " (CK_INVALID_HANDLE)";
-static void get_attr_type_str(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE atype, char *str, int len)
-#define CASE(attr) case attr: a = #attr ; break
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (atype) {
-    CASE(CKA_ID);
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "%s", a);
-    else
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "0x%p", atype);
-static void get_obj_class(CK_OBJECT_CLASS objClass, char *str, int len)
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (objClass) {
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "%s", a);
-    else
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "0x%p", objClass);
-static void get_trust_val(CK_TRUST trust, char *str, int len)
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (trust) {
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "%s", a);
-    else
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "0x%p", trust);
-static void log_rv(CK_RV rv)
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (rv) {
-    CASE(CKR_OK);
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("  rv = %s\n", a));
-    else
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("  rv = 0x%x\n", rv));
-static void log_state(CK_STATE state)
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (state) {
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("  state = %s\n", a));
-    else
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("  state = 0x%x\n", state));
-static void log_handle(int level, const char * format, CK_ULONG handle)
-    char fmtBuf[80];
-    if (handle)
-	PR_LOG(modlog, level, (format, handle));
-    else {
-	PL_strncpyz(fmtBuf, format, sizeof fmtBuf);
-	PL_strcatn(fmtBuf, sizeof fmtBuf, fmt_invalid_handle);
-	PR_LOG(modlog, level, (fmtBuf, handle));
-    }
-static void print_mechanism(CK_MECHANISM_PTR m)
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (m->mechanism) {
-    CASE(CKM_MD2);
-    CASE(CKM_MD5);
-    CASE(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC);
-    CASE(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128);
-    CASE(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40);
-    CASE(CKM_RC4);
-    CASE(CKM_RSA_9796);
-    CASE(CKM_RSA_X9_31);
-    CASE(CKM_RSA_X_509);
-    CASE(CKM_SHA1_RSA_X9_31);
-    CASE(CKM_SHA224);
-    CASE(CKM_SHA256);
-    CASE(CKM_SHA384);
-    CASE(CKM_SHA512);
-    CASE(CKM_SHA_1);
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("      mechanism = %s", a));
-    else
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("      mechanism = 0x%p", m->mechanism));
-static void get_key_type(CK_KEY_TYPE keyType, char *str, int len)
-    const char * a = NULL;
-    switch (keyType) {
-    CASE(CKK_DES2);
-    CASE(CKK_DES3);
-    CASE(CKK_DH);
-    CASE(CKK_EC);		/* also CASE(CKK_ECDSA); */
-    CASE(CKK_RC2);
-    CASE(CKK_RC4);
-    CASE(CKK_RC5);
-    CASE(CKK_X9_42_DH);
-    default: break;
-    }
-    if (a)
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "%s", a);
-    else
-	PR_snprintf(str, len, "0x%p", keyType);
-static void print_attr_value(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attr)
-    char atype[48];
-    char valstr[49];
-    int len;
-    get_attr_type_str(attr->type, atype, sizeof atype);
-    switch (attr->type) {
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:
-    case CKA_DERIVE:
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:
-    case CKA_LOCAL:
-    case CKA_PRIVATE:
-    case CKA_SENSITIVE:
-    case CKA_SIGN:
-    case CKA_TOKEN:
-    case CKA_UNWRAP:
-    case CKA_VERIFY:
-    case CKA_WRAP:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    CK_BBOOL tf = *((CK_BBOOL *)attr->pValue);
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_s_d, 
-	           atype, tf ? "CK_TRUE" : "CK_FALSE", attr->ulValueLen));
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKA_CLASS:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objClass = *((CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)attr->pValue);
-	    get_obj_class(objClass, valstr, sizeof valstr);
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_s_d, 
-	           atype, valstr, attr->ulValueLen));
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    CK_TRUST trust = *((CK_TRUST *)attr->pValue);
-	    get_trust_val(trust, valstr, sizeof valstr);
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_s_d, 
-	           atype, valstr, attr->ulValueLen));
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKA_KEY_TYPE:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType = *((CK_KEY_TYPE *)attr->pValue);
-	    get_key_type(keyType, valstr, sizeof valstr);
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_s_d, 
-	           atype, valstr, attr->ulValueLen));
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKA_PIXEL_X:
-    case CKA_PIXEL_Y:
-    case CKA_CHAR_ROWS:
-    case CKA_CERTIFICATE_CATEGORY:  /* should print as enum/string */
-    case CKA_JAVA_MIDP_SECURITY_DOMAIN:  /* should print as enum/string */
-    case CKA_PRIME_BITS:
-    case CKA_VALUE_BITS:
-    case CKA_VALUE_LEN:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    CK_ULONG valueLen = *((CK_ULONG *)attr->pValue);
-	    /* XXX check for the special value CK_UNAVAILABLE_INFORMATION */
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_lu, atype, (PRUint32)valueLen));
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKA_LABEL:
-    case CKA_NSS_EMAIL:
-    case CKA_NSS_URL:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    len = PR_MIN(attr->ulValueLen + 1, sizeof valstr);
-	    PR_snprintf(valstr, len, "%s", attr->pValue);
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_qsq_d, 
-	           atype, valstr, attr->ulValueLen));
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKA_ISSUER:
-    case CKA_SUBJECT:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    char * asciiName;
-	    SECItem derName;
-	    derName.type = siDERNameBuffer;
- = attr->pValue;
-	    derName.len  = attr->ulValueLen;
-	    asciiName = CERT_DerNameToAscii(&derName);
-	    if (asciiName) {
-		PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_s_d, 
-		       atype, asciiName, attr->ulValueLen));
-	    	PORT_Free(asciiName);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* else treat like a binary buffer */
-	    goto binary_buffer;
-	}
-    case CKA_ID:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    unsigned char * pV = attr->pValue;
-	    for (len = (int)attr->ulValueLen; len > 0; --len) {
-		unsigned int ch = *pV++;
-		if (ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x7f) 
-		    continue;
-		if (!ch && len == 1)  /* will ignore NUL if last character */
-		    continue;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (!len) {	/* entire string is printable */
-		len = PR_MIN(attr->ulValueLen + 1, sizeof valstr);
-		PR_snprintf(valstr, len, "%s", attr->pValue);
-		PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_qsq_d, 
-		       atype, valstr, attr->ulValueLen));
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* else fall through and treat like a binary buffer */
-	}
-    default:
-	if (attr->ulValueLen > 0 && attr->pValue) {
-	    char * hexBuf;
-	    SECItem attrBuf;
-	    attrBuf.type = siDERNameBuffer;
- = attr->pValue;
-	    attrBuf.len  = PR_MIN(attr->ulValueLen, (sizeof valstr)/2);
-	    hexBuf = CERT_Hexify(&attrBuf, PR_FALSE);
-	    if (hexBuf) {
-		PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_s_s_d, 
-		       atype, hexBuf, attr->ulValueLen));
-	    	PORT_Free(hexBuf);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* else fall through and show only the address. :( */
-	}
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("    %s = [0x%p] [%d]", 
-	       atype, attr->pValue, attr->ulValueLen));
-	break;
-    }
-static void print_template(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR templ, CK_ULONG tlen)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    for (i=0; i<tlen; i++) {
-	print_attr_value(&templ[i]);
-    }
-struct nssdbg_prof_str {
-    PRUint32 time;
-    PRUint32 calls;
-    char *function;
-#define NSSDBG_DEFINE(func) { 0, 0, #func }
-struct nssdbg_prof_str nssdbg_prof_data[] = {
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Initialize),
-#define FUNC_C_FINALIZE 1
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Finalize),
-#define FUNC_C_GETINFO 2
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetInfo),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetFunctionList),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetSlotList),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetSlotInfo),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetTokenInfo),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetMechanismList),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetMechanismInfo),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_InitToken),
-#define FUNC_C_INITPIN 10
-#define FUNC_C_SETPIN 11
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_OpenSession),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_CloseSession),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_CloseAllSessions),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetSessionInfo),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetOperationState),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SetOperationState),
-#define FUNC_C_LOGIN 18
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Login),
-#define FUNC_C_LOGOUT 19
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Logout),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_CreateObject),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_CopyObject),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DestroyObject),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetObjectSize),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetAttributeValue),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SetAttributeValue),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_FindObjectsInit),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_FindObjects),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_FindObjectsFinal),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_EncryptInit),
-#define FUNC_C_ENCRYPT 30
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Encrypt),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_EncryptUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_EncryptFinal),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DecryptInit),
-#define FUNC_C_DECRYPT 34
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Decrypt),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DecryptUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DecryptFinal),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DigestInit),
-#define FUNC_C_DIGEST 38
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Digest),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DigestUpdate),
-#define FUNC_C_DIGESTKEY 40
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DigestKey),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DigestFinal),
-#define FUNC_C_SIGNINIT 42
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SignInit),
-#define FUNC_C_SIGN 43
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SignUpdate),
-#define FUNC_C_SIGNFINAL 45
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SignFinal),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SignRecoverInit),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SignRecover),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_VerifyInit),
-#define FUNC_C_VERIFY 49
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_Verify),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_VerifyUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_VerifyFinal),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_VerifyRecoverInit),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_VerifyRecover),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DigestEncryptUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DecryptDigestUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SignEncryptUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DecryptVerifyUpdate),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GenerateKey),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GenerateKeyPair),
-#define FUNC_C_WRAPKEY 60
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_WrapKey),
-#define FUNC_C_UNWRAPKEY 61
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_UnWrapKey),
-#define FUNC_C_DERIVEKEY 62 
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_DeriveKey),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_SeedRandom),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GenerateRandom),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_GetFunctionStatus),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_CancelFunction),
-    NSSDBG_DEFINE(C_WaitForSlotEvent)
-int nssdbg_prof_size = sizeof(nssdbg_prof_data)/sizeof(nssdbg_prof_data[0]);
-static void nssdbg_finish_time(PRInt32 fun_number, PRIntervalTime start)
-    PRIntervalTime ival;
-    PRIntervalTime end = PR_IntervalNow();
-    ival = end-start;
-    /* sigh, lie to PRAtomic add and say we are using signed values */
-    PR_ATOMIC_ADD((PRInt32 *)&nssdbg_prof_data[fun_number].time, (PRInt32)ival);
-static void nssdbg_start_time(PRInt32 fun_number, PRIntervalTime *start)
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT((PRInt32 *)&nssdbg_prof_data[fun_number].calls);
-    *start = PR_IntervalNow();
-    CK_RV rv; \
-    PRIntervalTime start
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_Initialize(
-  CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Initialize"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pInitArgs = 0x%p", pInitArgs));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_INITIALIZE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Initialize(pInitArgs);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_INITIALIZE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_Finalize(
-  CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Finalize"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pReserved = 0x%p", pReserved));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_FINALIZE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Finalize(pReserved);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_FINALIZE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_INFO_PTR pInfo
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetInfo"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pInfo, pInfo));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETINFO,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetInfo(pInfo);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETINFO,start);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  cryptoki version: %d.%d", 
-			   pInfo->cryptokiVersion.major,
-			   pInfo->cryptokiVersion.minor));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_manufacturerID, pInfo->manufacturerID));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  library description = \"%.32s\"", 
-	                   pInfo->libraryDescription));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  library version: %d.%d", 
-			   pInfo->libraryVersion.major,
-			   pInfo->libraryVersion.minor));
-    }
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetFunctionList(
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetFunctionList"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ppFunctionList = 0x%p", ppFunctionList));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETFUNCITONLIST,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetFunctionList(ppFunctionList);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETFUNCITONLIST,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BBOOL       tokenPresent,
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR   pulCount
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetSlotList"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  tokenPresent = 0x%x", tokenPresent));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pSlotList = 0x%p", pSlotList));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulCount, pulCount));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETSLOTLIST,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetSlotList(tokenPresent, pSlotList, pulCount);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETSLOTLIST,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulCount, *pulCount));
-    if (pSlotList) {
-	for (i=0; i<*pulCount; i++) {
-	    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  slotID[%d] = %x", i, pSlotList[i]));
-	}
-    }
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_SLOT_ID       slotID,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetSlotInfo"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pInfo, pInfo));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETSLOTINFO,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetSlotInfo(slotID, pInfo);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETSLOTINFO,start);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  slotDescription = \"%.64s\"", 
-	                   pInfo->slotDescription));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_manufacturerID, pInfo->manufacturerID));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  flags = %s %s %s",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_HW_SLOT          ? "CKF_HW_SLOT" : "",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT    ? "CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT" : ""));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_hwVersion, 
-			    pInfo->hardwareVersion.major,
-			    pInfo->hardwareVersion.minor));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_fwVersion, 
-			    pInfo->firmwareVersion.major,
-			    pInfo->firmwareVersion.minor));
-    }
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetTokenInfo(
-  CK_SLOT_ID        slotID,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetTokenInfo"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pInfo, pInfo));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETTOKENINFO,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetTokenInfo(slotID, pInfo);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETTOKENINFO,start);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-    	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  label = \"%.32s\"", pInfo->label));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_manufacturerID, pInfo->manufacturerID));
-    	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  model = \"%.16s\"", pInfo->model));
-    	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  serial = \"%.16s\"", pInfo->serialNumber));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  flags = %s %s %s %s",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_RNG             ? "CKF_RNG" : "",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED ? "CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED" : "",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED  ? "CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED" : "",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED ? "CKF_USER_PIN_INIT" : ""));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  maxSessions = %u, Sessions = %u", 
-	                   pInfo->ulMaxSessionCount, pInfo->ulSessionCount));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  maxRwSessions = %u, RwSessions = %u", 
-	                   pInfo->ulMaxRwSessionCount, 
-			   pInfo->ulRwSessionCount));
-	/* ignore Max & Min Pin Len, Public and Private Memory */
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_hwVersion, 
-			    pInfo->hardwareVersion.major,
-			    pInfo->hardwareVersion.minor));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_fwVersion, 
-			    pInfo->firmwareVersion.major,
-			    pInfo->firmwareVersion.minor));
-    }
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetMechanismList(
-  CK_SLOT_ID            slotID,
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR          pulCount
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetMechanismList"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pMechanismList = 0x%p", pMechanismList));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulCount, pulCount));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETMECHANISMLIST,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetMechanismList(slotID,
-                                 pMechanismList,
-                                 pulCount);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETMECHANISMLIST,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulCount, *pulCount));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetMechanismInfo(
-  CK_SLOT_ID            slotID,
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE     type,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetMechanismInfo"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  type = 0x%x", type));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pInfo, pInfo));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETMECHANISMINFO,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetMechanismInfo(slotID,
-                                 type,
-                                 pInfo);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETMECHANISMINFO,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_SLOT_ID  slotID,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
-  CK_ULONG    ulPinLen,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_InitToken"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPin, pPin));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPinLen, ulPinLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pLabel = 0x%p", pLabel));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_INITTOKEN,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_InitToken(slotID,
-                                 pPin,
-                                 ulPinLen,
-                                 pLabel);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_INITTOKEN,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_CHAR_PTR       pPin,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPinLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_InitPIN"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPin, pPin));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPinLen, ulPinLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_INITPIN,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_InitPIN(hSession,
-                                 pPin,
-                                 ulPinLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_INITPIN,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_CHAR_PTR       pOldPin,
-  CK_ULONG          ulOldLen,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR       pNewPin,
-  CK_ULONG          ulNewLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SetPIN"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pOldPin = 0x%p", pOldPin));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulOldLen = %d", ulOldLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pNewPin = 0x%p", pNewPin));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulNewLen = %d", ulNewLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SETPIN,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SetPIN(hSession,
-                                 pOldPin,
-                                 ulOldLen,
-                                 pNewPin,
-                                 ulNewLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SETPIN,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-static PRUint32 numOpenSessions = 0;
-static PRUint32 maxOpenSessions = 0;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_OpenSession(
-  CK_SLOT_ID            slotID,
-  CK_FLAGS              flags,
-  CK_VOID_PTR           pApplication,
-  CK_NOTIFY             Notify,
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT((PRInt32 *)&numOpenSessions);
-    maxOpenSessions = PR_MAX(numOpenSessions, maxOpenSessions);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_OpenSession"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_flags, flags));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pApplication = 0x%p", pApplication));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  Notify = 0x%x", Notify));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  phSession = 0x%p", phSession));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_OPENSESSION,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_OpenSession(slotID,
-                                 flags,
-                                 pApplication,
-                                 Notify,
-                                 phSession);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_OPENSESSION,start);
-    log_handle(4, "  *phSession = 0x%x", *phSession);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_CloseSession(
-    PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT((PRInt32 *)&numOpenSessions);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_CloseSession"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_CLOSESESSION,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_CloseSession(hSession);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_CLOSESESSION,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_CloseAllSessions(
-  CK_SLOT_ID slotID
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_CloseAllSessions"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_slotID, slotID));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_CLOSEALLSESSIONS,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_CloseAllSessions(slotID);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_CLOSEALLSESSIONS,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetSessionInfo(
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE   hSession,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetSessionInfo"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pInfo, pInfo));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETSESSIONINFO,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetSessionInfo(hSession,
-                                 pInfo);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETSESSIONINFO,start);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_slotID, pInfo->slotID));
-	log_state(pInfo->state);
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  flags = %s %s",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_RW_SESSION     ? "CKF_RW_SESSION" : "",
-	    pInfo->flags & CKF_SERIAL_SESSION ? "CKF_SERIAL_SESSION" : ""));
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  deviceError = 0x%x", pInfo->ulDeviceError));
-    }
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetOperationState(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pOperationState,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulOperationStateLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetOperationState"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pOperationState, pOperationState));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulOperationStateLen = 0x%p", pulOperationStateLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETOPERATIONSTATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetOperationState(hSession,
-                                 pOperationState,
-                                 pulOperationStateLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETOPERATIONSTATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulOperationStateLen = 0x%x", *pulOperationStateLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SetOperationState(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pOperationState,
-  CK_ULONG         ulOperationStateLen,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SetOperationState"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pOperationState, pOperationState));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulOperationStateLen = %d", ulOperationStateLen));
-    log_handle(3, "  hEncryptionKey = 0x%x", hEncryptionKey);
-    log_handle(3, "  hAuthenticationKey = 0x%x", hAuthenticationKey);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SETOPERATIONSTATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SetOperationState(hSession,
-                                 pOperationState,
-                                 ulOperationStateLen,
-                                 hEncryptionKey,
-                                 hAuthenticationKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SETOPERATIONSTATE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_USER_TYPE      userType,
-  CK_CHAR_PTR       pPin,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPinLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Login"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  userType = 0x%x", userType));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPin, pPin));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPinLen, ulPinLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_LOGIN,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Login(hSession,
-                                 userType,
-                                 pPin,
-                                 ulPinLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_LOGIN,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Logout"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_LOGOUT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Logout(hSession);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_LOGOUT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_CreateObject(
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulCount,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_CreateObject"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulCount, ulCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_phObject, phObject));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulCount);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_CREATEOBJECT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_CreateObject(hSession,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulCount,
-                                 phObject);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_CREATEOBJECT,start);
-    log_handle(4, "  *phObject = 0x%x", *phObject);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_CopyObject(
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE     hObject,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulCount,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_CopyObject"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hObject, hObject);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulCount, ulCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  phNewObject = 0x%p", phNewObject));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulCount);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_COPYOBJECT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_CopyObject(hSession,
-                                 hObject,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulCount,
-                                 phNewObject);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_COPYOBJECT,start);
-    log_handle(4, "  *phNewObject = 0x%x", *phNewObject);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DestroyObject(
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DestroyObject"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hObject, hObject);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DESTROYOBJECT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DestroyObject(hSession,
-                                 hObject);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DESTROYOBJECT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetObjectSize(
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSize
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetObjectSize"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hObject, hObject);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulSize = 0x%p", pulSize));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETOBJECTSIZE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetObjectSize(hSession,
-                                 hObject,
-                                 pulSize);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETOBJECTSIZE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulSize = 0x%x", *pulSize));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetAttributeValue(
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetAttributeValue"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hObject, hObject);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulCount, ulCount));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETATTRIBUTEVALUE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetAttributeValue(hSession,
-                                 hObject,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulCount);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETATTRIBUTEVALUE,start);
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulCount);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SetAttributeValue(
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SetAttributeValue"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hObject, hObject);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulCount, ulCount));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulCount);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SETATTRIBUTEVALUE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SetAttributeValue(hSession,
-                                 hObject,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulCount);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SETATTRIBUTEVALUE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_FindObjectsInit(
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_FindObjectsInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulCount, ulCount));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulCount);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_FINDOBJECTSINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_FindObjectsInit(hSession,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulCount);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_FINDOBJECTSINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_FindObjects(
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_ULONG             ulMaxObjectCount,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR         pulObjectCount
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_FindObjects"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_phObject, phObject));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulMaxObjectCount = %d", ulMaxObjectCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulObjectCount = 0x%p", pulObjectCount));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_FINDOBJECTS,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_FindObjects(hSession,
-                                 phObject,
-                                 ulMaxObjectCount,
-                                 pulObjectCount);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_FINDOBJECTS,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulObjectCount = 0x%x", *pulObjectCount));
-    for (i=0; i<*pulObjectCount; i++) {
-	PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  phObject[%d] = 0x%x%s", i, phObject[i],
-	       phObject[i] ? "" : fmt_invalid_handle));
-    }
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_FindObjectsFinal(
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_FindObjectsFinal"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_FINDOBJECTSFINAL,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_FindObjectsFinal(hSession);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_FINDOBJECTSFINAL,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_EncryptInit(
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_EncryptInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPTINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_EncryptInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPTINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedDataLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Encrypt"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulDataLen, ulDataLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedData, pEncryptedData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulEncryptedDataLen = 0x%p", pulEncryptedDataLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Encrypt(hSession,
-                                 pData,
-                                 ulDataLen,
-                                 pEncryptedData,
-                                 pulEncryptedDataLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPT,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulEncryptedDataLen = 0x%x", *pulEncryptedDataLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_EncryptUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_EncryptUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPartLen, ulPartLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedPart, pEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulEncryptedPartLen, pulEncryptedPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPTUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_EncryptUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 ulPartLen,
-                                 pEncryptedPart,
-                                 pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPTUPDATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulEncryptedPartLen, *pulEncryptedPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_EncryptFinal(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLastEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulLastEncryptedPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_EncryptFinal"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pLastEncryptedPart = 0x%p", pLastEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulLastEncryptedPartLen = 0x%p", pulLastEncryptedPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPTFINAL,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_EncryptFinal(hSession,
-                                 pLastEncryptedPart,
-                                 pulLastEncryptedPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_ENCRYPTFINAL,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulLastEncryptedPartLen = 0x%x", *pulLastEncryptedPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DecryptInit(
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DecryptInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DecryptInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDataLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Decrypt"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedData, pEncryptedData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulEncryptedDataLen = %d", ulEncryptedDataLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulDataLen, pulDataLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Decrypt(hSession,
-                                 pEncryptedData,
-                                 ulEncryptedDataLen,
-                                 pData,
-                                 pulDataLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPT,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulDataLen, *pulDataLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DecryptUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DecryptUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedPart, pEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulEncryptedPartLen, ulEncryptedPartLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulPartLen, pulPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DecryptUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pEncryptedPart,
-                                 ulEncryptedPartLen,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 pulPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTUPDATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulPartLen, *pulPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DecryptFinal(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLastPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulLastPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DecryptFinal"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pLastPart = 0x%p", pLastPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulLastPartLen = 0x%p", pulLastPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTFINAL,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DecryptFinal(hSession,
-                                 pLastPart,
-                                 pulLastPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTFINAL,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulLastPartLen = 0x%x", *pulLastPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DigestInit(
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DigestInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DigestInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pDigest,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDigestLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Digest"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulDataLen, ulDataLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pDigest, pDigest));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulDigestLen, pulDigestLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DIGEST,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Digest(hSession,
-                                 pData,
-                                 ulDataLen,
-                                 pDigest,
-                                 pulDigestLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DIGEST,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulDigestLen, *pulDigestLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DigestUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DigestUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPartLen, ulPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DigestUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 ulPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTUPDATE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DigestKey"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTKEY,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DigestKey(hSession,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTKEY,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DigestFinal(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pDigest,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDigestLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DigestFinal"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pDigest, pDigest));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulDigestLen, pulDigestLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTFINAL,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DigestFinal(hSession,
-                                 pDigest,
-                                 pulDigestLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTFINAL,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulDigestLen, *pulDigestLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SignInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGNINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SignInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGNINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSignatureLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Sign"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulDataLen, ulDataLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pSignature, pSignature));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulSignatureLen, pulSignatureLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGN,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Sign(hSession,
-                                 pData,
-                                 ulDataLen,
-                                 pSignature,
-                                 pulSignatureLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGN,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulSignatureLen, *pulSignatureLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SignUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SignUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPartLen, ulPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGNUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SignUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 ulPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGNUPDATE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSignatureLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SignFinal"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pSignature, pSignature));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulSignatureLen, pulSignatureLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGNFINAL,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SignFinal(hSession,
-                                 pSignature,
-                                 pulSignatureLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGNFINAL,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulSignatureLen, *pulSignatureLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SignRecoverInit(
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SignRecoverInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGNRECOVERINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SignRecoverInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGNRECOVERINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SignRecover(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSignatureLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SignRecover"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulDataLen, ulDataLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pSignature, pSignature));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulSignatureLen, pulSignatureLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGNRECOVER,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SignRecover(hSession,
-                                 pData,
-                                 ulDataLen,
-                                 pSignature,
-                                 pulSignatureLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGNRECOVER,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulSignatureLen, *pulSignatureLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_VerifyInit(
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_VerifyInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_VerifyInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG          ulSignatureLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_Verify"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulDataLen, ulDataLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pSignature, pSignature));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulSignatureLen, ulSignatureLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_VERIFY,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_Verify(hSession,
-                                 pData,
-                                 ulDataLen,
-                                 pSignature,
-                                 ulSignatureLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_VERIFY,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_VerifyUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_VerifyUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPartLen, ulPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_VerifyUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 ulPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYUPDATE,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_VerifyFinal(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG          ulSignatureLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_VerifyFinal"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pSignature, pSignature));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulSignatureLen, ulSignatureLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYFINAL,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_VerifyFinal(hSession,
-                                 pSignature,
-                                 ulSignatureLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYFINAL,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_VerifyRecoverInit(
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_VerifyRecoverInit"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYRECOVERINIT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_VerifyRecoverInit(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYRECOVERINIT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_VerifyRecover(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,
-  CK_ULONG          ulSignatureLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDataLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_VerifyRecover"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pSignature, pSignature));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulSignatureLen, ulSignatureLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pData, pData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulDataLen, pulDataLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYRECOVER,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_VerifyRecover(hSession,
-                                 pSignature,
-                                 ulSignatureLen,
-                                 pData,
-                                 pulDataLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_VERIFYRECOVER,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulDataLen, *pulDataLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DigestEncryptUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DigestEncryptUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPartLen, ulPartLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedPart, pEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulEncryptedPartLen, pulEncryptedPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTENCRYPTUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DigestEncryptUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 ulPartLen,
-                                 pEncryptedPart,
-                                 pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DIGESTENCRYPTUPDATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulEncryptedPartLen, *pulEncryptedPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DecryptDigestUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DecryptDigestUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedPart, pEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulEncryptedPartLen, ulEncryptedPartLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulPartLen, pulPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTDIGESTUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DecryptDigestUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pEncryptedPart,
-                                 ulEncryptedPartLen,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 pulPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTDIGESTUPDATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulPartLen, *pulPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SignEncryptUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SignEncryptUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulPartLen, ulPartLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedPart, pEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulEncryptedPartLen, pulEncryptedPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SIGNENCRYPTUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SignEncryptUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 ulPartLen,
-                                 pEncryptedPart,
-                                 pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SIGNENCRYPTUPDATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulEncryptedPartLen, *pulEncryptedPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_DecryptVerifyUpdate(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DecryptVerifyUpdate"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pEncryptedPart, pEncryptedPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulEncryptedPartLen, ulEncryptedPartLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pPart, pPart));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pulPartLen, pulPartLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTVERIFYUPDATE,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DecryptVerifyUpdate(hSession,
-                                 pEncryptedPart,
-                                 ulEncryptedPartLen,
-                                 pPart,
-                                 pulPartLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DECRYPTVERIFYUPDATE,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, (fmt_spulPartLen, *pulPartLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GenerateKey(
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulCount,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GenerateKey"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulCount, ulCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_phKey, phKey));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulCount);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GENERATEKEY,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GenerateKey(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulCount,
-                                 phKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GENERATEKEY,start);
-    log_handle(4, fmt_sphKey, *phKey);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GenerateKeyPair(
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pPublicKeyTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GenerateKeyPair"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pPublicKeyTemplate = 0x%p", pPublicKeyTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulPublicKeyAttributeCount = %d", ulPublicKeyAttributeCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pPrivateKeyTemplate = 0x%p", pPrivateKeyTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount = %d", ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  phPublicKey = 0x%p", phPublicKey));
-    print_template(pPublicKeyTemplate, ulPublicKeyAttributeCount);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  phPrivateKey = 0x%p", phPrivateKey));
-    print_template(pPrivateKeyTemplate, ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GENERATEKEYPAIR,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GenerateKeyPair(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 pPublicKeyTemplate,
-                                 ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-                                 pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-                                 ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-                                 phPublicKey,
-                                 phPrivateKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GENERATEKEYPAIR,start);
-    log_handle(4, "  *phPublicKey = 0x%x", *phPublicKey);
-    log_handle(4, "  *phPrivateKey = 0x%x", *phPrivateKey);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hWrappingKey,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pWrappedKey,
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulWrappedKeyLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_WrapKey"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, "  hWrappingKey = 0x%x", hWrappingKey);
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hKey, hKey);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pWrappedKey, pWrappedKey));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pulWrappedKeyLen = 0x%p", pulWrappedKeyLen));
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_WRAPKEY,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_WrapKey(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hWrappingKey,
-                                 hKey,
-                                 pWrappedKey,
-                                 pulWrappedKeyLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_WRAPKEY,start);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 4, ("  *pulWrappedKeyLen = 0x%x", *pulWrappedKeyLen));
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE     hUnwrappingKey,
-  CK_BYTE_PTR          pWrappedKey,
-  CK_ULONG             ulWrappedKeyLen,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulAttributeCount,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_UnwrapKey"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, "  hUnwrappingKey = 0x%x", hUnwrappingKey);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pWrappedKey, pWrappedKey));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulWrappedKeyLen = %d", ulWrappedKeyLen));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulAttributeCount, ulAttributeCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_phKey, phKey));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulAttributeCount);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_UNWRAPKEY,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_UnwrapKey(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hUnwrappingKey,
-                                 pWrappedKey,
-                                 ulWrappedKeyLen,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulAttributeCount,
-                                 phKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_UNWRAPKEY,start);
-    log_handle(4, fmt_sphKey, *phKey);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE     hBaseKey,
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,
-  CK_ULONG             ulAttributeCount,
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_DeriveKey"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pMechanism, pMechanism));
-    log_handle(3, "  hBaseKey = 0x%x", hBaseKey);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_pTemplate, pTemplate));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_ulAttributeCount, ulAttributeCount));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_phKey, phKey));
-    print_template(pTemplate, ulAttributeCount);
-    print_mechanism(pMechanism);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_DERIVEKEY,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_DeriveKey(hSession,
-                                 pMechanism,
-                                 hBaseKey,
-                                 pTemplate,
-                                 ulAttributeCount,
-                                 phKey);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_DERIVEKEY,start);
-    log_handle(4, fmt_sphKey, *phKey);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_SeedRandom(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSeed,
-  CK_ULONG          ulSeedLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_SeedRandom"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pSeed = 0x%p", pSeed));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulSeedLen = %d", ulSeedLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_SEEDRANDOM,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_SeedRandom(hSession,
-                                 pSeed,
-                                 ulSeedLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_SEEDRANDOM,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GenerateRandom(
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       RandomData,
-  CK_ULONG          ulRandomLen
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GenerateRandom"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  RandomData = 0x%p", RandomData));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  ulRandomLen = %d", ulRandomLen));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GENERATERANDOM,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GenerateRandom(hSession,
-                                 RandomData,
-                                 ulRandomLen);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GENERATERANDOM,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_GetFunctionStatus(
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_GetFunctionStatus"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_GETFUNCTIONSTATUS,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_GetFunctionStatus(hSession);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_GETFUNCTIONSTATUS,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_CancelFunction(
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_CancelFunction"));
-    log_handle(3, fmt_hSession, hSession);
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_CANCELFUNCTION,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_CancelFunction(hSession);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_CANCELFUNCTION,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_RV NSSDBGC_WaitForSlotEvent(
-  CK_FLAGS       flags,
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-  CK_VOID_PTR    pRserved
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 1, ("C_WaitForSlotEvent"));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, (fmt_flags, flags));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pSlot = 0x%p", pSlot));
-    PR_LOG(modlog, 3, ("  pRserved = 0x%p", pRserved));
-    nssdbg_start_time(FUNC_C_WAITFORSLOTEVENT,&start);
-    rv = module_functions->C_WaitForSlotEvent(flags,
-                                 pSlot,
-                                 pRserved);
-    nssdbg_finish_time(FUNC_C_WAITFORSLOTEVENT,start);
-    log_rv(rv);
-    return rv;
-CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR nss_InsertDeviceLog(
-    module_functions = devEPV;
-    modlog = PR_NewLogModule("nss_mod_log");
-    debug_functions.C_Initialize = NSSDBGC_Initialize;
-    debug_functions.C_Finalize = NSSDBGC_Finalize;
-    debug_functions.C_GetInfo = NSSDBGC_GetInfo;
-    debug_functions.C_GetFunctionList = NSSDBGC_GetFunctionList;
-    debug_functions.C_GetSlotList = NSSDBGC_GetSlotList;
-    debug_functions.C_GetSlotInfo = NSSDBGC_GetSlotInfo;
-    debug_functions.C_GetTokenInfo = NSSDBGC_GetTokenInfo;
-    debug_functions.C_GetMechanismList = NSSDBGC_GetMechanismList;
-    debug_functions.C_GetMechanismInfo = NSSDBGC_GetMechanismInfo;
-    debug_functions.C_InitToken = NSSDBGC_InitToken;
-    debug_functions.C_InitPIN = NSSDBGC_InitPIN;
-    debug_functions.C_SetPIN = NSSDBGC_SetPIN;
-    debug_functions.C_OpenSession = NSSDBGC_OpenSession;
-    debug_functions.C_CloseSession = NSSDBGC_CloseSession;
-    debug_functions.C_CloseAllSessions = NSSDBGC_CloseAllSessions;
-    debug_functions.C_GetSessionInfo = NSSDBGC_GetSessionInfo;
-    debug_functions.C_GetOperationState = NSSDBGC_GetOperationState;
-    debug_functions.C_SetOperationState = NSSDBGC_SetOperationState;
-    debug_functions.C_Login = NSSDBGC_Login;
-    debug_functions.C_Logout = NSSDBGC_Logout;
-    debug_functions.C_CreateObject = NSSDBGC_CreateObject;
-    debug_functions.C_CopyObject = NSSDBGC_CopyObject;
-    debug_functions.C_DestroyObject = NSSDBGC_DestroyObject;
-    debug_functions.C_GetObjectSize = NSSDBGC_GetObjectSize;
-    debug_functions.C_GetAttributeValue = NSSDBGC_GetAttributeValue;
-    debug_functions.C_SetAttributeValue = NSSDBGC_SetAttributeValue;
-    debug_functions.C_FindObjectsInit = NSSDBGC_FindObjectsInit;
-    debug_functions.C_FindObjects = NSSDBGC_FindObjects;
-    debug_functions.C_FindObjectsFinal = NSSDBGC_FindObjectsFinal;
-    debug_functions.C_EncryptInit = NSSDBGC_EncryptInit;
-    debug_functions.C_Encrypt = NSSDBGC_Encrypt;
-    debug_functions.C_EncryptUpdate = NSSDBGC_EncryptUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_EncryptFinal = NSSDBGC_EncryptFinal;
-    debug_functions.C_DecryptInit = NSSDBGC_DecryptInit;
-    debug_functions.C_Decrypt = NSSDBGC_Decrypt;
-    debug_functions.C_DecryptUpdate = NSSDBGC_DecryptUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_DecryptFinal = NSSDBGC_DecryptFinal;
-    debug_functions.C_DigestInit = NSSDBGC_DigestInit;
-    debug_functions.C_Digest = NSSDBGC_Digest;
-    debug_functions.C_DigestUpdate = NSSDBGC_DigestUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_DigestKey = NSSDBGC_DigestKey;
-    debug_functions.C_DigestFinal = NSSDBGC_DigestFinal;
-    debug_functions.C_SignInit = NSSDBGC_SignInit;
-    debug_functions.C_Sign = NSSDBGC_Sign;
-    debug_functions.C_SignUpdate = NSSDBGC_SignUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_SignFinal = NSSDBGC_SignFinal;
-    debug_functions.C_SignRecoverInit = NSSDBGC_SignRecoverInit;
-    debug_functions.C_SignRecover = NSSDBGC_SignRecover;
-    debug_functions.C_VerifyInit = NSSDBGC_VerifyInit;
-    debug_functions.C_Verify = NSSDBGC_Verify;
-    debug_functions.C_VerifyUpdate = NSSDBGC_VerifyUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_VerifyFinal = NSSDBGC_VerifyFinal;
-    debug_functions.C_VerifyRecoverInit = NSSDBGC_VerifyRecoverInit;
-    debug_functions.C_VerifyRecover = NSSDBGC_VerifyRecover;
-    debug_functions.C_DigestEncryptUpdate = NSSDBGC_DigestEncryptUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_DecryptDigestUpdate = NSSDBGC_DecryptDigestUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_SignEncryptUpdate = NSSDBGC_SignEncryptUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_DecryptVerifyUpdate = NSSDBGC_DecryptVerifyUpdate;
-    debug_functions.C_GenerateKey = NSSDBGC_GenerateKey;
-    debug_functions.C_GenerateKeyPair = NSSDBGC_GenerateKeyPair;
-    debug_functions.C_WrapKey = NSSDBGC_WrapKey;
-    debug_functions.C_UnwrapKey = NSSDBGC_UnwrapKey;
-    debug_functions.C_DeriveKey = NSSDBGC_DeriveKey;
-    debug_functions.C_SeedRandom = NSSDBGC_SeedRandom;
-    debug_functions.C_GenerateRandom = NSSDBGC_GenerateRandom;
-    debug_functions.C_GetFunctionStatus = NSSDBGC_GetFunctionStatus;
-    debug_functions.C_CancelFunction = NSSDBGC_CancelFunction;
-    debug_functions.C_WaitForSlotEvent = NSSDBGC_WaitForSlotEvent;
-    return &debug_functions;
- * scale the time factor up accordingly.
- * This routine tries to keep at least 2 significant figures on output.
- *    If the time is 0, then indicate that with a 'z' for units.
- *    If the time is greater than 10 minutes, output the time in minutes.
- *    If the time is less than 10 minutes but greater than 10 seconds output 
- * the time in second.
- *    If the time is less than 10 seconds but greater than 10 milliseconds 
- * output * the time in millisecond.
- *    If the time is less than 10 milliseconds but greater than 0 ticks output 
- * the time in microsecond.
- *
- */
-static PRUint32 getPrintTime(PRIntervalTime time ,char **type)
-	PRUint32 prTime;
-        /* detect a programming error by outputting 'bu' to the output stream
-	 * rather than crashing */
- 	*type = "bug";
-	if (time == 0) {
-	    *type = "z";
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	prTime = PR_IntervalToSeconds(time);
-	if (prTime >= 600) {
-	    *type="m";
-	    return prTime/60;
-	}
-        if (prTime >= 10) {
-	    *type="s";
-	    return prTime;
-	} 
-	prTime = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(time);
-        if (prTime >= 10) {
-	    *type="ms";
-	    return prTime;
-	} 
- 	*type = "us";
-	return PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(time);
-static void print_final_statistics(void)
-    int total_calls = 0;
-    PRIntervalTime total_time = 0;
-    PRUint32 pr_total_time;
-    char *type;
-    char *fname;
-    FILE *outfile = NULL;
-    int i;
-    fname = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_OUTPUT_FILE");
-    if (fname) {
-	/* need to add an optional process id to the filename */
-	outfile = fopen(fname,"w+");
-    }
-    if (!outfile) {
-	outfile = stdout;
-    }
-    fprintf(outfile,"%-25s %10s %12s %12s %10s\n", "Function", "# Calls", 
-				"Time", "Avg.", "% Time");
-    fprintf(outfile,"\n");
-    for (i=0; i < nssdbg_prof_size; i++) {
-	total_calls += nssdbg_prof_data[i].calls;
-	total_time += nssdbg_prof_data[i].time;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < nssdbg_prof_size; i++) {
-	PRIntervalTime time = nssdbg_prof_data[i].time;
-	PRUint32 usTime = PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(time);
-	PRUint32 prTime = 0;
-	PRUint32 calls = nssdbg_prof_data[i].calls;
-	/* don't print out functions that weren't even called */
-	if (calls == 0) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	prTime = getPrintTime(time,&type);
-	fprintf(outfile,"%-25s %10d %10d%2s ", nssdbg_prof_data[i].function, 
-						calls, prTime, type);
-	/* for now always output the average in microseconds */
-	fprintf(outfile,"%10.2f%2s", (float)usTime / (float)calls, "us" );
-	fprintf(outfile,"%10.2f%%", ((float)time / (float)total_time) * 100);
-	fprintf(outfile,"\n");
-    }
-    fprintf(outfile,"\n");
-    pr_total_time = getPrintTime(total_time,&type);
-    fprintf(outfile,"%25s %10d %10d%2s\n", "Totals", total_calls, 
-							pr_total_time, type);
-    fprintf(outfile,"\n\nMaximum number of concurrent open sessions: %d\n\n",
-							 maxOpenSessions);
-    fflush (outfile);
-    if (outfile != stdout) {
-	fclose(outfile);
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c1fe55c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#include "pkit.h"
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
-#ifndef DEVM_H
-#include "devm.h"
-#endif /* DEVM_H */
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "dev3hack.h"
-#include "pkim.h"
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssSession *
-nssSession_ImportNSS3Session(NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-                             CK_SESSION_HANDLE session, 
-                             PZLock *lock, PRBool rw)
-    nssSession *rvSession = NULL;
-    if (session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	rvSession = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, nssSession);
-	if (rvSession) {
-	    rvSession->handle = session;
-	    rvSession->lock = lock;
-	    rvSession->ownLock = PR_FALSE;
-	    rvSession->isRW = rw;
-	}
-    }
-    return rvSession;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssSession *
-  NSSSlot *slot,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  PRBool readWrite
-    nssSession *rvSession;
-    if (!readWrite) {
-	/* nss3hack version only returns rw swssions */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvSession = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, nssSession);
-    if (!rvSession) {
-	return (nssSession *)NULL;
-    }
-    rvSession->handle = PK11_GetRWSession(slot->pk11slot);
-    if (rvSession->handle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(rvSession);
-	    return NULL;
-    }
-    rvSession->isRW = PR_TRUE;
-    rvSession->slot = slot;
-    /*
-     * The session doesn't need its own lock.  Here's why.
-     * 1. If we are reusing the default RW session of the slot,
-     *    the slot lock is already locked to protect the session.
-     * 2. If the module is not thread safe, the slot (or rather
-     *    module) lock is already locked.
-     * 3. If the module is thread safe and we are using a new
-     *    session, no higher-level lock has been locked and we
-     *    would need a lock for the new session.  However, the
-     *    current usage of the session is that it is always
-     *    used and destroyed within the same function and never
-     *    shared with another thread.
-     * So the session is either already protected by another
-     * lock or only used by one thread.
-     */
-    rvSession->lock = NULL;
-    rvSession->ownLock = PR_FALSE;
-    return rvSession;
-  nssSession *s
-    PRStatus rv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (s) {
-	if (s->isRW) {
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(s->slot->pk11slot, s->handle);
-	}
-	rv = nss_ZFreeIf(s);
-    }
-    return rv;
-static NSSSlot *
-nssSlot_CreateFromPK11SlotInfo(NSSTrustDomain *td, PK11SlotInfo *nss3slot)
-    NSSSlot *rvSlot;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvSlot = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSSlot);
-    if (!rvSlot) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvSlot->base.refCount = 1;
-    rvSlot->base.lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    rvSlot->base.arena = arena;
-    rvSlot->pk11slot = nss3slot;
-    rvSlot->epv = nss3slot->functionList;
-    rvSlot->slotID = nss3slot->slotID;
-    /* Grab the slot name from the PKCS#11 fixed-length buffer */
-    rvSlot-> = nssUTF8_Duplicate(nss3slot->slot_name,td->arena);
-    rvSlot->lock = (nss3slot->isThreadSafe) ? NULL : nss3slot->sessionLock;
-    return rvSlot;
-NSSToken *
-nssToken_CreateFromPK11SlotInfo(NSSTrustDomain *td, PK11SlotInfo *nss3slot)
-    NSSToken *rvToken;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    /* Don't create a token object for a disabled slot */
-    if (nss3slot->disabled) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvToken = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSToken);
-    if (!rvToken) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvToken->base.refCount = 1;
-    rvToken->base.lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if (!rvToken->base.lock) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvToken->base.arena = arena;
-    rvToken->pk11slot = nss3slot;
-    rvToken->epv = nss3slot->functionList;
-    rvToken->defaultSession = nssSession_ImportNSS3Session(td->arena,
-                                                       nss3slot->session,
-                                                       nss3slot->sessionLock,
-                                                       nss3slot->defRWSession);
-#if 0 /* we should do this instead of blindly continuing. */
-    if (!rvToken->defaultSession) {
-    	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!PK11_IsInternal(nss3slot) && PK11_IsHW(nss3slot)) {
-	rvToken->cache = nssTokenObjectCache_Create(rvToken, 
-	                                            PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);
-	if (!rvToken->cache)
-	    goto loser;
-    }
-    rvToken->trustDomain = td;
-    /* Grab the token name from the PKCS#11 fixed-length buffer */
-    rvToken-> = nssUTF8_Duplicate(nss3slot->token_name,td->arena);
-    rvToken->slot = nssSlot_CreateFromPK11SlotInfo(td, nss3slot);
-    if (!rvToken->slot) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rvToken->slot->token = rvToken;
-    if (rvToken->defaultSession)
-	rvToken->defaultSession->slot = rvToken->slot;
-    return rvToken;
-    PZ_DestroyLock(rvToken->base.lock);
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return NULL;
-nssToken_UpdateName(NSSToken *token)
-    if (!token) {
-	return;
-    }
-    token-> = nssUTF8_Duplicate(token->pk11slot->token_name,token->base.arena);
-  NSSSlot *slot
-    return slot->pk11slot->isPerm;
-  NSSSlot *slot
-    return PK11_IsFriendly(slot->pk11slot);
-nssToken_Refresh(NSSToken *token)
-    PK11SlotInfo *nss3slot;
-    if (!token) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    nss3slot = token->pk11slot;
-    token->defaultSession = 
-    	nssSession_ImportNSS3Session(token->slot->base.arena,
-				     nss3slot->session,
-				     nss3slot->sessionLock,
-				     nss3slot->defRWSession);
-    return token->defaultSession ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-  NSSSlot *slot
-    PK11SlotInfo *nss3slot = slot->pk11slot;
-    PRBool doit = PR_FALSE;
-    if (slot->token && slot->token->[0] == 0) {
-	doit = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (PK11_InitToken(nss3slot, PR_FALSE) != SECSuccess) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (doit) {
-	nssTrustDomain_UpdateCachedTokenCerts(slot->token->trustDomain, 
-	                                      slot->token);
-    }
-    return nssToken_Refresh(slot->token);
-  NSSToken *tok
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    SECMODModule *module;
-    slot = tok->pk11slot;
-    module = PK11_GetModule(slot);
-    return module->trustOrder;
-  NSSSlot *slot
-    if (!slot->pk11slot->needLogin) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PK11_IsLoggedIn(slot->pk11slot, NULL);
-NSSTrustDomain *
-nssToken_GetTrustDomain(NSSToken *token)
-    return token->trustDomain;
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
-  NSSToken *tok
-    return nssTrustDomain_RemoveTokenCertsFromCache(tok->trustDomain, tok);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4f8de..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEVNSS3HACK_H
-#define DEVNSS3HACK_H
-#include "cert.h"
-nssToken_CreateFromPK11SlotInfo(NSSTrustDomain *td, PK11SlotInfo *nss3slot);
-nssToken_UpdateName(NSSToken *);
-nssToken_Refresh(NSSToken *);
-NSSTrustDomain *
-nssToken_GetTrustDomain(NSSToken *token);
-void PK11Slot_SetNSSToken(PK11SlotInfo *sl, NSSToken *nsst);
-NSSToken * PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(PK11SlotInfo *sl);
-#endif /* DEVNSS3HACK_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f26630..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2383 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file contains functions to manage asymetric keys, (public and
- * private keys).
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secasn1.h" 
-#include "secoid.h" 
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "secpkcs5.h"  
-#include "blapit.h"
-static SECItem *
-pk11_MakeIDFromPublicKey(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey)
-    /* set the ID to the public key so we can find it again */
-    SECItem *pubKeyIndex =  NULL;
-    switch (pubKey->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-      pubKeyIndex = &pubKey->u.rsa.modulus;
-      break;
-    case dsaKey:
-      pubKeyIndex = &pubKey->u.dsa.publicValue;
-      break;
-    case dhKey:
-      pubKeyIndex = &pubKey->u.dh.publicValue;
-      break;      
-    case ecKey:
-      pubKeyIndex = &pubKey->;
-      break;      
-    default:
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(pubKeyIndex != NULL);
-    return PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(pubKeyIndex);
- * import a public key into the desired slot
- *
- * This function takes a public key structure and creates a public key in a 
- * given slot. If isToken is set, then a persistant public key is created.
- *
- * Note: it is possible for this function to return a handle for a key which
- * is persistant, even if isToken is not set.
- */
-PK11_ImportPublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, 
-								PRBool isToken)
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[11];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *signedattr = NULL;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    SECItem *ckaId = NULL;
-    SECItem *pubValue = NULL;
-    int signedcount = 0;
-    unsigned int templateCount = 0;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* if we already have an object in the desired slot, use it */
-    if (!isToken && pubKey->pkcs11Slot == slot) {
-	return pubKey->pkcs11ID;
-    }
-    /* free the existing key */
-    if (pubKey->pkcs11Slot != NULL) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *oSlot = pubKey->pkcs11Slot;
-	if (!PK11_IsPermObject(pubKey->pkcs11Slot,pubKey->pkcs11ID)) {
-	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(oSlot);
-	    (void) PK11_GETTAB(oSlot)->C_DestroyObject(oSlot->session,
-							pubKey->pkcs11ID);
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(oSlot);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSlot(oSlot);
-	pubKey->pkcs11Slot = NULL;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, isToken ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-						 sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-    if (isToken) {
-	ckaId = pk11_MakeIDFromPublicKey(pubKey);
-	if (ckaId == NULL) {
-	    PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY );
-	    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	}
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, ckaId->data, ckaId->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    /* now import the key */
-    {
-        switch (pubKey->keyType) {
-        case rsaKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_RSA;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_WRAP, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ENCRYPT, &cktrue, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VERIFY, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
- 	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_MODULUS, pubKey->,
-					 pubKey->u.rsa.modulus.len); attrs++;
-	     	pubKey->,
-				 pubKey->u.rsa.publicExponent.len); attrs++;
-	    break;
-        case dsaKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_DSA;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VERIFY, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));attrs++;
- 	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME,    pubKey->,
-				pubKey->; attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs,CKA_SUBPRIME,pubKey->,
-				pubKey->u.dsa.params.subPrime.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE,  pubKey->,
-					pubKey->u.dsa.params.base.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE,    pubKey->, 
-					pubKey->u.dsa.publicValue.len); attrs++;
-	    break;
-        case dhKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_DH;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_DERIVE, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));attrs++;
- 	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME,    pubKey->,
-				pubKey->; attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE,  pubKey->,
-					pubKey->u.dh.base.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE,    pubKey->, 
-					pubKey->u.dh.publicValue.len); attrs++;
-	    break;
-        case ecKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_EC;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VERIFY, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_DERIVE, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));attrs++;
- 	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EC_PARAMS, 
-		          pubKey->,
-		          pubKey->; attrs++;
-	    if (PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_USE_DECODED_CKA_EC_POINT")) {
-	    	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EC_POINT, 
-			  pubKey->,
-			  pubKey->; attrs++;
-	    } else {
-		pubValue = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL,
-			&pubKey->,
-			SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate));
-		if (pubValue == NULL) {
-		    if (ckaId) {
-			SECITEM_FreeItem(ckaId,PR_TRUE);
-		    }
-		    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-		}
-	    	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EC_POINT, 
-			  pubValue->data, pubValue->len); attrs++;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    if (ckaId) {
-		SECITEM_FreeItem(ckaId,PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	    PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY );
-	    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	}
-	templateCount = attrs - theTemplate;
-	signedcount = attrs - signedattr;
-	PORT_Assert(templateCount <= (sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE)));
-	for (attrs=signedattr; signedcount; attrs++, signedcount--) {
-		pk11_SignedToUnsigned(attrs);
-	} 
-        rv = PK11_CreateNewObject(slot, CK_INVALID_SESSION, theTemplate,
-				 	templateCount, isToken, &objectID);
-	if (ckaId) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(ckaId,PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	if (pubValue) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue,PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	if ( rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA) {
-	    }
-	    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	}
-    }
-    pubKey->pkcs11ID = objectID;
-    pubKey->pkcs11Slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    return objectID;
- * take an attribute and copy it into a secitem
- */
-static CK_RV
-pk11_Attr2SecItem(PLArenaPool *arena, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, SECItem *item)
-    item->data = NULL;
-    (void)SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, item, attr->ulValueLen);
-    if (item->data == NULL) {
-    } 
-    PORT_Memcpy(item->data, attr->pValue, item->len);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * get a curve length from a set of ecParams.
- * 
- * We need this so we can reliably determine if the ecPoint passed to us
- * was encoded or not. With out this, for many curves, we would incorrectly
- * identify an unencoded curve as an encoded curve 1 in 65536 times, and for
- * a few we would make that same mistake 1 in 32768 times. These are bad 
- * numbers since they are rare enough to pass tests, but common enough to
- * be tripped over in the field. 
- *
- * This function will only work for curves we recognized as of March 2009.
- * The assumption is curves in use after March of 2009 would be supplied by
- * PKCS #11 modules that already pass the correct encoding to us.
- *
- * Point length = (Roundup(curveLenInBits/8)*2+1)
- */
-static int
-pk11_get_EC_PointLenInBytes(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *ecParams)
-   SECItem oid;
-   SECOidTag tag;
-   SECStatus rv;
-   /* decode the OID tag */
-   rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &oid,
-		SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_ObjectIDTemplate), ecParams);
-   if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	/* could be explict curves, allow them to work if the 
-	 * PKCS #11 module support them. If we try to parse the
-	 * explicit curve value in the future, we may return -1 here
-	 * to indicate an invalid parameter if the explicit curve
-	 * decode fails. */
-	return 0;
-   }
-   tag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&oid);
-   switch (tag) {
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2:
-	return 29; /* curve len in bytes = 14 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2:
-	return 31; /* curve len in bytes = 15 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2:
-	return 33; /* curve len in bytes = 16 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2:
-	return 35; /* curve len in bytes = 17 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2:
-	return 41; /* curve len in bytes = 20 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3:
-	return 43; /* curve len in bytes = 21 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1:
-	return 45; /* curve len in bytes = 22 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3:
-	return 49; /*curve len in bytes = 24 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2:
-	return 51; /*curve len in bytes = 25 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1:
-	return 53; /*curve len in bytes = 26 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1:
-	return 57; /*curve len in bytes = 28 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2:
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3:
-	return 61; /*curve len in bytes = 30 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1:
-	return 65; /*curve len in bytes = 32 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1:
-	return 69; /*curve len in bytes = 34 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1:
-	return 73; /*curve len in bytes = 36 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1:
-	return 77; /*curve len in bytes = 38 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1:
-	return 91; /*curve len in bytes = 45 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1:
-	return 93; /*curve len in bytes = 46 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1:
-	return 97; /*curve len in bytes = 48 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1:
-	return 105; /*curve len in bytes = 52 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1:
-	return 109; /*curve len in bytes = 54 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1:
-	return 133; /*curve len in bytes = 66 bytes */
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1:
-    case SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1:
-	return 145; /*curve len in bytes = 72 bytes */
-    /* unknown or unrecognized OIDs. return unknown length */
-    default:
-	break;
-   }
-   return 0;
- * returns the decoded point. In some cases the point may already be decoded.
- * this function tries to detect those cases and return the point in 
- * publicKeyValue. In other cases it's DER encoded. In those cases the point
- * is first decoded and returned. Space for the point is allocated out of 
- * the passed in arena.
- */
-static CK_RV
-pk11_get_Decoded_ECPoint(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *ecParams,
-	const CK_ATTRIBUTE *ecPoint, SECItem *publicKeyValue)
-    SECItem encodedPublicValue;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int keyLen;
-    if (ecPoint->ulValueLen == 0) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * The PKCS #11 spec requires ecPoints to be encoded as a DER OCTET String.
-     * NSS has mistakenly passed unencoded values, and some PKCS #11 vendors
-     * followed that mistake. Now we need to detect which encoding we were
-     * passed in. The task is made more complicated by the fact the the
-     * DER encoding byte (SEC_ASN_OCTET_STRING) is the same as the 
-     * EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED byte (0x04), so we can't use that to
-     * determine which curve we are using.
-     */
-    /* get the expected key length for the passed in curve.
-     * pk11_get_EC_PointLenInBytes only returns valid values for curves
-     * NSS has traditionally recognized. If the curve is not recognized,
-     * it will return '0', and we have to figure out if the key was
-     * encoded or not heuristically. If the ecParams are invalid, it
-     * will return -1 for the keyLen.
-     */
-    keyLen = pk11_get_EC_PointLenInBytes(arena, ecParams);
-    if (keyLen < 0) {
-    }
-    /* If the point is uncompressed and the lengths match, it
-     * must be an unencoded point */
-    if ((*((char *)ecPoint->pValue) == EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED) 
-	&& (ecPoint->ulValueLen == (unsigned int)keyLen)) {
-	    return pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena, ecPoint, publicKeyValue);
-    }
-    /* now assume the key passed to us was encoded and decode it */
-    if (*((char *)ecPoint->pValue) == SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING) {
-	/* OK, now let's try to decode it and see if it's valid */
- = ecPoint->pValue;
-	encodedPublicValue.len = ecPoint->ulValueLen;
-	rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, publicKeyValue,
-		SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate), &encodedPublicValue);
-	/* it coded correctly & we know the key length (and they match)
-	 * then we are done, return the results. */
-        if (keyLen && rv == SECSuccess && publicKeyValue->len == (unsigned int)keyLen) {
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-	/* if we know the key length, one of the above tests should have
-	 * succeded. If it doesn't the module gave us bad data */
-	if (keyLen) {
-	}
-	/* We don't know the key length, so we don't know deterministically
-	 * which encoding was used. We now will try to pick the most likely 
-	 * form that's correct, with a preference for the encoded form if we
-	 * can't determine for sure. We do this by checking the key we got
-	 * back from SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem for defects. If no defects are
-	 * found, we assume the encoded parameter was was passed to us.
-	 * our defect tests include:
-	 *   1) it didn't decode.
-	 *   2) The decode key had an invalid length (must be odd).
-	 *   3) The decoded key wasn't an UNCOMPRESSED key.
-	 *   4) The decoded key didn't include the entire encoded block
-	 *   except the DER encoding values. (fixing DER length to one
-	 *   particular value).
-	 */
-	if ((rv != SECSuccess)
-	    || ((publicKeyValue->len & 1) != 1)
-	    || (publicKeyValue->data[0] != EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED)
-	    || (PORT_Memcmp(&[encodedPublicValue.len -
-		 	    publicKeyValue->len], publicKeyValue->data, 
-			    publicKeyValue->len) != 0)) {
-	    /* The decoded public key was flawed, the original key must have
-	     * already been in decoded form. Do a quick sanity check then 
-	     * return the original key value.
-	     */
-	    if ((encodedPublicValue.len & 1) == 0) {
-	    }
-	    return pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena, ecPoint, publicKeyValue);
-	}
-	/* as best we can figure, the passed in key was encoded, and we've
-	 * now decoded it. Note: there is a chance this could be wrong if the 
-	 * following conditions hold:
-	 *  1) The first byte or bytes of the X point looks like a valid length
-	 * of precisely the right size (2*curveSize -1). this means for curves
-	 * less than 512 bits (64 bytes), this will happen 1 in 256 times*.
-	 * for curves between 512 and 1024, this will happen 1 in 65,536 times*
-	 * for curves between 1024 and 256K this will happen 1 in 16 million*
-	 *  2) The length of the 'DER length field' is odd 
-	 * (making both the encoded and decode
-	 * values an odd length. this is true of all curves less than 512,
-	 * as well as curves between 1024 and 256K).
-	 *  3) The X[length of the 'DER length field'] == 0x04, 1 in 256.
-	 *
-	 *  (* assuming all values are equally likely in the first byte, 
-	 * This isn't true if the curve length is not a multiple of 8. In these
-	 * cases, if the DER length is possible, it's more likely, 
-	 * if it's not possible, then we have no false decodes).
-	 * 
-	 * For reference here are the odds for the various curves we currently
-	 * have support for (and the only curves SSL will negotiate at this
-	 * time). NOTE: None of the supported curves will show up here 
-	 * because we return a valid length for all of these curves. 
-	 * The only way to get here is to have some application (not SSL) 
-	 * which supports some unknown curve and have some vendor supplied 
-	 * PKCS #11 module support that curve. NOTE: in this case, one 
-	 * presumes that that pkcs #11 module is likely to be using the 
-	 * correct encodings.
-	 *
-	 * Prime Curves (GFp):
-	 *   Bit	False	    Odds of 
-	 *  Size	DER Len	 False Decode Positive
-	 *  112 	27	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  128 	31	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  160 	39	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  192 	47	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  224 	55	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  239 	59	   1 in 32768 (top byte can only be 0-127)
-	 *  256 	63	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  521 	129,131	     0        (decoded value would be even)
-	 *
-	 * Binary curves (GF2m).
-	 *   Bit	False	    Odds of 
-	 *  Size	DER Len	 False Decode Positive
-	 *  131 	33	     0        (top byte can only be 0-7)
-	 *  163 	41	     0        (top byte can only be 0-7)
-	 *  176 	43	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  191 	47	   1 in 32768 (top byte can only be 0-127)
-	 *  193 	49	     0        (top byte can only be 0-1)
-	 *  208 	51	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  233 	59	     0        (top byte can only be 0-1)
-	 *  239 	59	   1 in 32768 (top byte can only be 0-127)
-	 *  272 	67	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  283 	71	     0        (top byte can only be 0-7)
-	 *  304 	75	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  359 	89	   1 in 32768 (top byte can only be 0-127)
-	 *  368 	91	   1 in 65536 
-	 *  409 	103	     0        (top byte can only be 0-1)
-	 *  431 	107	   1 in 32768 (top byte can only be 0-127)
-	 *  571 	129,143	     0        (decoded value would be even)
-	 *
-	 */
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* In theory, we should handle the case where the curve == 0 and
-     * the first byte is EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED, (which would be
-     * handled by doing a santity check on the key length and returning
-     * pk11_Attr2SecItem() to copy the ecPoint to the publicKeyValue).
-     *
-     * This test is unnecessary, however, due to the fact that 
-     * handled in the above if. That means if we get here, the initial
-     * byte of our ecPoint value was invalid, so we can safely return.
-     * invalid attribute.
-     */
- * extract a public key from a slot and id
- */
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-PK11_ExtractPublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot,KeyType keyType,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    PLArenaPool *tmp_arena;
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey;
-    unsigned int templateCount = 0;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE pk11KeyType;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template[8];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs= template;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *modulus,*exponent,*base,*prime,*subprime,*value;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ecparams;
-    /* if we didn't know the key type, get it */
-    if (keyType== nullKey) {
-        pk11KeyType = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(slot,id,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	switch (pk11KeyType) {
-	case CKK_RSA:
-	    keyType = rsaKey;
-	    break;
-	case CKK_DSA:
-	    keyType = dsaKey;
-	    break;
-	case CKK_DH:
-	    keyType = dhKey;
-	    break;
-	case CKK_EC:
-	    keyType = ecKey;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY );
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    /* now we need to create space for the public key */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) return NULL;
-    tmp_arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (tmp_arena == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pubKey = (SECKEYPublicKey *) 
-			PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey));
-    if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
-	PORT_FreeArena (tmp_arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pubKey->arena = arena;
-    pubKey->keyType = keyType;
-    pubKey->pkcs11Slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    pubKey->pkcs11ID = id;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, 
-						sizeof(keyClass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &pk11KeyType, 
-						sizeof(pk11KeyType) ); attrs++;
-    switch (pubKey->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	modulus = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_MODULUS, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	exponent = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	templateCount = attrs - template;
-	PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(template)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-	crv = PK11_GetAttributes(tmp_arena,slot,id,template,templateCount);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if ((keyClass != CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) || (pk11KeyType != CKK_RSA)) {
-	    break;
-	} 
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,modulus,&pubKey->u.rsa.modulus);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,exponent,&pubKey->u.rsa.publicExponent);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	break;
-    case dsaKey:
-	prime = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	subprime = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBPRIME, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	base = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	value = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	templateCount = attrs - template;
-	PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(template)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-	crv = PK11_GetAttributes(tmp_arena,slot,id,template,templateCount);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if ((keyClass != CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) || (pk11KeyType != CKK_DSA)) {
-	    break;
-	} 
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,prime,&pubKey->;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,subprime,&pubKey->u.dsa.params.subPrime);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,base,&pubKey->u.dsa.params.base);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,value,&pubKey->u.dsa.publicValue);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	break;
-    case dhKey:
-	prime = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	base = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	value =attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	templateCount = attrs - template;
-	PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(template)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-	crv = PK11_GetAttributes(tmp_arena,slot,id,template,templateCount);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if ((keyClass != CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) || (pk11KeyType != CKK_DH)) {
-	    break;
-	} 
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,prime,&pubKey->;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,base,&pubKey->u.dh.base);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,value,&pubKey->u.dh.publicValue);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	break;
-    case ecKey:
-	pubKey-> = 0;
-	ecparams = attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EC_PARAMS, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	value =attrs;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EC_POINT, NULL, 0); attrs++; 
-	templateCount = attrs - template;
-	PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(template)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-	crv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena,slot,id,template,templateCount);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if ((keyClass != CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) || (pk11KeyType != CKK_EC)) {
-	    break;
-	} 
-	crv = pk11_Attr2SecItem(arena,ecparams,
-	                        &pubKey->;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = pk11_get_Decoded_ECPoint(arena,
-		 &pubKey->, value, 
-		 &pubKey->;
-	break;
-    case fortezzaKey:
-    case nullKey:
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(tmp_arena,PR_FALSE);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return pubKey;
- * Build a Private Key structure from raw PKCS #11 information.
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_MakePrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, KeyType keyType, 
-			PRBool isTemp, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE privID, void *wincx)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-    PRBool isPrivate;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* don't know? look it up */
-    if (keyType == nullKey) {
-	CK_KEY_TYPE pk11Type = CKK_RSA;
-	pk11Type = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(slot,privID,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-	isTemp = (PRBool)!PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot,privID,CKA_TOKEN,PR_FALSE);
-	switch (pk11Type) {
-	case CKK_RSA: keyType = rsaKey; break;
-	case CKK_DSA: keyType = dsaKey; break;
-	case CKK_DH: keyType = dhKey; break;
-	case CKK_KEA: keyType = fortezzaKey; break;
-	case CKK_EC: keyType = ecKey; break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* if the key is private, make sure we are authenticated to the
-     * token before we try to use it */
-    isPrivate = (PRBool)PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot,privID,CKA_PRIVATE,PR_FALSE);
-    if (isPrivate) {
-	rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
- 	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
- 	    return NULL;
- 	}
-    }
-    /* now we need to create space for the private key */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) return NULL;
-    privKey = (SECKEYPrivateKey *) 
-			PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECKEYPrivateKey));
-    if (privKey == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    privKey->arena = arena;
-    privKey->keyType = keyType;
-    privKey->pkcs11Slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    privKey->pkcs11ID = privID;
-    privKey->pkcs11IsTemp = isTemp;
-    privKey->wincx = wincx;
-    return privKey;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_GetSlotFromPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    return slot;
- * Get the modulus length for raw parsing
- */
-PK11_GetPrivateModulusLen(SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate = { CKA_MODULUS, NULL, 0 };
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    int length;
-    switch (key->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	crv = PK11_GetAttributes(NULL, slot, key->pkcs11ID, &theTemplate, 1);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	    return -1;
-	}
-	length = theTemplate.ulValueLen;
-	if ( *(unsigned char *)theTemplate.pValue == 0) {
-	    length--;
-	}
-	if (theTemplate.pValue != NULL)
-	    PORT_Free(theTemplate.pValue);
-	return (int) length;
-    case fortezzaKey:
-    case dsaKey:
-    case dhKey:
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (theTemplate.pValue != NULL)
-	PORT_Free(theTemplate.pValue);
-    return -1;
- * take a private key in one pkcs11 module and load it into another:
- *  NOTE: the source private key is a rare animal... it can't be sensitive.
- *  This is used to do a key gen using one pkcs11 module and storing the
- *  result into another.
- */
-static SECKEYPrivateKey *
-pk11_loadPrivKeyWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot,SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, 
-		SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, PK11AttrFlags attrFlags) 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE privTemplate[] = {
-        /* class must be first */
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	/* RSA - the attributes below will be replaced for other 
-	 *       key types.
-	 */
-	{ CKA_PRIME_1, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_PRIME_2, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_EXPONENT_1, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_EXPONENT_2, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_DERIVE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_SIGN, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_UNWRAP, NULL, 0 },
-	/* reserve space for the attributes that may be
-	 * specified in attrFlags */
-	{ CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-#define NUM_RESERVED_ATTRS 5    /* number of reserved attributes above */
-    };
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = NULL, *ap;
-    const int templateSize = sizeof(privTemplate)/sizeof(privTemplate[0]);
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    int i, count = 0;
-    int extra_count = 0;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool token = ((attrFlags & PK11_ATTR_TOKEN) != 0);
-    if (pk11_BadAttrFlags(attrFlags)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < templateSize; i++) {
-	if (privTemplate[i].type == CKA_MODULUS) {
-	    attrs= &privTemplate[i];
-	    count = i;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(attrs != NULL);
-    if (attrs == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    ap = attrs;
-    switch (privKey->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	count = templateSize - NUM_RESERVED_ATTRS;
-	extra_count = count - (attrs - privTemplate);
-	break;
-    case dsaKey:
-	ap->type = CKA_PRIME; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_SUBPRIME; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_BASE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_VALUE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_SIGN; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	break;
-    case dhKey:
-	ap->type = CKA_PRIME; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_BASE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_VALUE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_DERIVE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	break;
-    case ecKey:
-	ap->type = CKA_EC_PARAMS; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_VALUE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_DERIVE; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	ap->type = CKA_SIGN; ap++; count++; extra_count++;
-	break;
-     default:
-	count = 0;
-	extra_count = 0;
-	break;
-     }
-     if (count == 0) {
-	return NULL;
-     }
-     arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-     if (arena == NULL) return NULL;
-     /*
-      * read out the old attributes.
-      */
-     crv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena, privKey->pkcs11Slot, privKey->pkcs11ID,
-		privTemplate,count);
-     if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-     }
-     /* Set token, private, modifiable, sensitive, and extractable */
-     count += pk11_AttrFlagsToAttributes(attrFlags, &privTemplate[count],
-					&cktrue, &ckfalse);
-     /* Not everyone can handle zero padded key values, give
-      * them the raw data as unsigned */
-     for (ap=attrs; extra_count; ap++, extra_count--) {
-	pk11_SignedToUnsigned(ap);
-     }
-     /* now Store the puppies */
-     rv = PK11_CreateNewObject(slot, CK_INVALID_SESSION, privTemplate, 
-						count, token, &objectID);
-     PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return NULL;
-     }
-     /* try loading the public key */
-     if (pubKey) {
-	PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot, pubKey, token);
-	if (pubKey->pkcs11Slot) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(pubKey->pkcs11Slot);
-	    pubKey->pkcs11Slot = NULL;
-	    pubKey->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	}
-     }
-     /* build new key structure */
-     return PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, privKey->keyType, !token, 
-						objectID, privKey->wincx);
-static SECKEYPrivateKey *
-pk11_loadPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot,SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, 
-		SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, PRBool token, PRBool sensitive) 
-    PK11AttrFlags attrFlags = 0;
-    if (token) {
-	attrFlags |= (PK11_ATTR_TOKEN | PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE);
-    } else {
-	attrFlags |= (PK11_ATTR_SESSION | PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC);
-    }
-    if (sensitive) {
-	attrFlags |= PK11_ATTR_SENSITIVE;
-    } else {
-	attrFlags |= PK11_ATTR_INSENSITIVE;
-    }
-    return pk11_loadPrivKeyWithFlags(slot, privKey, pubKey, attrFlags);
- * export this for PSM
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_LoadPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot,SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, 
-		SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, PRBool token, PRBool sensitive) 
-    return pk11_loadPrivKey(slot,privKey,pubKey,token,sensitive);
- * Use the token to generate a key pair.
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-   void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubKey, PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, 
-   CK_FLAGS opFlags, CK_FLAGS opFlagsMask, void *wincx)
-    /* we have to use these native types because when we call PKCS 11 modules
-     * we have to make sure that we are using the correct sizes for all the
-     * parameters. */
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_ULONG modulusBits;
-    CK_BYTE publicExponent[4];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE privTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_TOKEN,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_DERIVE,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_UNWRAP,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_SIGN,  NULL, 0},
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE rsaPubTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_TOKEN,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_DERIVE,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_WRAP,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_VERIFY,  NULL, 0},
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE dsaPubTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_TOKEN,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_DERIVE,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_WRAP,  NULL, 0},
-	{ CKA_VERIFY,  NULL, 0},
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE dhPubTemplate[] = {
-      { CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 }, 
-      { CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 }, 
-      { CKA_TOKEN,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_DERIVE,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_WRAP,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_VERIFY,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_ENCRYPT,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_MODIFIABLE,  NULL, 0},
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE ecPubTemplate[] = {
-      { CKA_EC_PARAMS, NULL, 0 }, 
-      { CKA_TOKEN,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_DERIVE,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_WRAP,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_VERIFY,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_ENCRYPT,  NULL, 0},
-      { CKA_MODIFIABLE,  NULL, 0},
-    };
-    SECKEYECParams * ecParams;
-    /*CK_ULONG key_size = 0;*/
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *pubTemplate;
-    int privCount = 0;
-    int pubCount = 0;
-    PK11RSAGenParams *rsaParams;
-    SECKEYPQGParams *dsaParams;
-    SECKEYDHParams * dhParams;
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    CK_MECHANISM test_mech;
-    CK_MECHANISM test_mech2;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-    KeyType keyType;
-    PRBool restore;
-    int peCount,i;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *privattrs;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE setTemplate;
-    CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS keyClass;
-    SECItem *cka_id;
-    PRBool haslock = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool pubIsToken = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool token = ((attrFlags & PK11_ATTR_TOKEN) != 0);
-    /* subset of attrFlags applicable to the public key */
-    PK11AttrFlags pubKeyAttrFlags = attrFlags &
-    if (pk11_BadAttrFlags(attrFlags)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!param) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * The opFlags and opFlagMask parameters allow us to control the
-     * settings of the key usage attributes (CKA_ENCRYPT and friends).
-     * opFlagMask is set to one if the flag is specified in opFlags and 
-     *  zero if it is to take on a default value calculated by 
-     *  PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags.
-     * opFlags specifies the actual value of the flag 1 or 0. 
-     *   Bits not corresponding to one bits in opFlagMask should be zero.
-     */
-    /* if we are trying to turn on a flag, it better be in the mask */
-    PORT_Assert ((opFlags & ~opFlagsMask) == 0);
-    opFlags &= opFlagsMask;
-    PORT_Assert(slot != NULL);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* if our slot really doesn't do this mechanism, Generate the key
-     * in our internal token and write it out */
-    if (!PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,type)) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *int_slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-	/* don't loop forever looking for a slot */
-	if (slot == int_slot) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	/* if there isn't a suitable slot, then we can't do the keygen */
-	if (int_slot == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	/* generate the temporary key to load */
-	privKey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(int_slot,type, param, pubKey, PR_FALSE, 
-							PR_FALSE, wincx);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-	/* if successful, load the temp key into the new token */
-	if (privKey != NULL) {
-	    SECKEYPrivateKey *newPrivKey = pk11_loadPrivKeyWithFlags(slot,
-						privKey,*pubKey,attrFlags);
-	    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-	    if (newPrivKey == NULL) {
-		SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(*pubKey);
-		*pubKey = NULL;
-	    }
-	    return newPrivKey;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-   }
-    mechanism.mechanism = type;
-    mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-    mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    test_mech.pParameter = NULL;
-    test_mech.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    test_mech2.mechanism = CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM;
-    test_mech2.pParameter = NULL;
-    test_mech2.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    /* set up the private key template */
-    privattrs = privTemplate;
-    privattrs += pk11_AttrFlagsToAttributes(attrFlags, privattrs,
-						&cktrue, &ckfalse);
-    /* set up the mechanism specific info */
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN:
-	rsaParams = (PK11RSAGenParams *)param;
-	if (rsaParams->pe == 0) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	modulusBits = rsaParams->keySizeInBits;
-	peCount = 0;
-	/* convert pe to a PKCS #11 string */
-	for (i=0; i < 4; i++) {
-	    if (peCount || (rsaParams->pe & 
-				((unsigned long)0xff000000L >> (i*8)))) {
-		publicExponent[peCount] = 
-				(CK_BYTE)((rsaParams->pe >> (3-i)*8) & 0xff);
-		peCount++;
-	    }
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(peCount != 0);
-	attrs = rsaPubTemplate;
-				&modulusBits, sizeof(modulusBits)); attrs++;
-				publicExponent, peCount);attrs++;
-	pubTemplate = rsaPubTemplate;
-	keyType = rsaKey;
-	test_mech.mechanism = CKM_RSA_PKCS;
-	break;
-	dsaParams = (SECKEYPQGParams *)param;
-	attrs = dsaPubTemplate;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME, dsaParams->,
-				dsaParams->prime.len); attrs++;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBPRIME, dsaParams->,
-					dsaParams->subPrime.len); attrs++;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE, dsaParams->,
-						dsaParams->base.len); attrs++;
-	pubTemplate = dsaPubTemplate;
-	keyType = dsaKey;
-	test_mech.mechanism = CKM_DSA;
-	break;
-        dhParams = (SECKEYDHParams *)param;
-        attrs = dhPubTemplate;
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME, dhParams->,
-                      dhParams->prime.len);   attrs++;
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE, dhParams->,
-                      dhParams->base.len);    attrs++;
-        pubTemplate = dhPubTemplate;
-        keyType = dhKey;
-        test_mech.mechanism = CKM_DH_PKCS_DERIVE;
-	break;
-    case CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN:
-        ecParams = (SECKEYECParams *)param;
-        attrs = ecPubTemplate;
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EC_PARAMS, ecParams->data, 
-	              ecParams->len);   attrs++;
-        pubTemplate = ecPubTemplate;
-        keyType = ecKey;
-	/*
-	 * ECC supports 2 different mechanism types (unlike RSA, which
-	 * supports different usages with the same mechanism).
-	 * We may need to query both mechanism types and or the results
-	 * together -- but we only do that if either the user has
-	 * requested both usages, or not specified any usages.
-	 */
-	if ((opFlags & (CKF_SIGN|CKF_DERIVE)) == (CKF_SIGN|CKF_DERIVE)) {
-	    /* We've explicitly turned on both flags, use both mechanism */
-	    test_mech.mechanism = CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE;
-	    test_mech2.mechanism = CKM_ECDSA;
-	} else if (opFlags & CKF_SIGN) {
-	    /* just do signing */
-	    test_mech.mechanism = CKM_ECDSA;
-	} else if (opFlags & CKF_DERIVE) {
-	    /* just do ECDH */
-	    test_mech.mechanism = CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE;
-	} else {
-	    /* neither was specified default to both */
-	    test_mech.mechanism = CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE;
-	    test_mech2.mechanism = CKM_ECDSA;
-	}
-        break;
-    default:
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* now query the slot to find out how "good" a key we can generate */
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,
-				test_mech.mechanism,&mechanism_info);
-    /*
-     * EC keys are used in multiple different types of mechanism, if we
-     * are using dual use keys, we need to query the second mechanism
-     * as well.
-     */
-    if (test_mech2.mechanism != CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info2;
-	CK_RV crv2;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    /* the first failed, make sure there is no trash in the
-	     * mechanism flags when we or it below */
-	    mechanism_info.flags = 0;
-	}
-	crv2 = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,
-				test_mech2.mechanism, &mechanism_info2);
-	if (crv2 == CKR_OK) {
-	    crv = CKR_OK; /* succeed if either mechnaism info succeeds */
-	    /* combine the 2 sets of mechnanism flags */
-	    mechanism_info.flags |= mechanism_info2.flags;
-	}
-    }
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if ((crv != CKR_OK) || (mechanism_info.flags == 0)) {
-	/* must be old module... guess what it should be... */
-	switch (test_mech.mechanism) {
-	case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-	    mechanism_info.flags = (CKF_SIGN | CKF_DECRYPT | 
-	    break;
-	case CKM_DSA:
-	    mechanism_info.flags = CKF_SIGN | CKF_VERIFY;
-	    break;
-	    mechanism_info.flags = CKF_DERIVE;
-	    break;
-	    mechanism_info.flags = CKF_DERIVE;
-	    if (test_mech2.mechanism == CKM_ECDSA) {
-		mechanism_info.flags |= CKF_SIGN | CKF_VERIFY;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	case CKM_ECDSA:
-	    mechanism_info.flags =  CKF_SIGN | CKF_VERIFY;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* now adjust our flags according to the user's key usage passed to us */
-    mechanism_info.flags = (mechanism_info.flags & (~opFlagsMask)) | opFlags;
-    /* set the public key attributes */
-    attrs += pk11_AttrFlagsToAttributes(pubKeyAttrFlags, attrs,
-						&cktrue, &ckfalse);
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_DERIVE, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_DERIVE ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_WRAP, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_WRAP ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VERIFY, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_VERIFY ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_ENCRYPT? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-    /* set the private key attributes */
-    PK11_SETATTRS(privattrs, CKA_DERIVE, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_DERIVE ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); privattrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(privattrs, CKA_UNWRAP, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_UNWRAP ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); privattrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(privattrs, CKA_SIGN, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_SIGN ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); privattrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(privattrs, CKA_DECRYPT, 
-		mechanism_info.flags & CKF_DECRYPT ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); privattrs++;
-    if (token) {
-	session_handle = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-	haslock = PK11_RWSessionHasLock(slot,session_handle);
-	restore = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-	session_handle = slot->session;
-	if (session_handle != CK_INVALID_SESSION)
-	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	restore = PR_FALSE;
-	haslock = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (session_handle == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    privCount = privattrs - privTemplate;
-    pubCount = attrs - pubTemplate;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GenerateKeyPair(session_handle, &mechanism,
-	pubTemplate,pubCount,privTemplate,privCount,&pubID,&privID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (restore)  {
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,session_handle);
-	} else PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* This locking code is dangerous and needs to be more thought
-     * out... the real problem is that we're holding the mutex open this long
-     */
-    if (haslock) { PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot); }
-    /* swap around the ID's for older PKCS #11 modules */
-    keyClass = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(slot,pubID,CKA_CLASS);
-    if (keyClass != CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) {
-	pubID = privID;
-	privID = tmp;
-    }
-    *pubKey = PK11_ExtractPublicKey(slot, keyType, pubID);
-    if (*pubKey == NULL) {
-	if (restore)  {
-	    /* we may have to restore the mutex so it get's exited properly
-	     * in RestoreROSession */
-            if (haslock)  PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot); 
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,session_handle);
-	} 
-	PK11_DestroyObject(slot,pubID);
-	PK11_DestroyObject(slot,privID);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* set the ID to the public key so we can find it again */
-    cka_id = pk11_MakeIDFromPublicKey(*pubKey);
-    pubIsToken = (PRBool)PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot,pubID, CKA_TOKEN,PR_FALSE);
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&setTemplate, CKA_ID, cka_id->data, cka_id->len);
-    if (haslock) { PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot); }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SetAttributeValue(session_handle, privID,
-		&setTemplate, 1);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && pubIsToken) {
-    	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SetAttributeValue(session_handle, pubID,
-		&setTemplate, 1);
-    }
-    if (restore) {
-	PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,session_handle);
-    } else {
-	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(cka_id,PR_TRUE);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_DestroyObject(slot,pubID);
-	PK11_DestroyObject(slot,privID);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	*pubKey = NULL;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    privKey = PK11_MakePrivKey(slot,keyType,!token,privID,wincx);
-    if (privKey == NULL) {
-	SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(*pubKey);
-	PK11_DestroyObject(slot,privID);
-	*pubKey = NULL;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return privKey;
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-   void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubKey, PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, void *wincx)
-    return PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags(slot,type,param,pubKey,attrFlags,
-					   0, 0, wincx);
- * Use the token to generate a key pair.
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_GenerateKeyPair(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-   void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubKey, PRBool token, 
-					PRBool sensitive, void *wincx)
-    PK11AttrFlags attrFlags = 0;
-    if (token) {
-	attrFlags |= PK11_ATTR_TOKEN;
-    } else {
-	attrFlags |= PK11_ATTR_SESSION;
-    }
-    if (sensitive) {
-    } else {
-    }
-    return PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithFlags(slot, type, param, pubKey,
-						attrFlags, wincx);
-/* build a public KEA key from the public value */
-SECKEYPublicKey *
-PK11_MakeKEAPubKey(unsigned char *keyData,int length)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubk;
-    SECItem pkData;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
- = keyData;
-    pkData.len = length;
-    pkData.type = siBuffer;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena (DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    pubk = (SECKEYPublicKey *) PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECKEYPublicKey));
-    if (pubk == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pubk->arena = arena;
-    pubk->pkcs11Slot = 0;
-    pubk->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    pubk->keyType = fortezzaKey;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.fortezza.KEAKey, &pkData);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return pubk;
- * NOTE: This function doesn't return a SECKEYPrivateKey struct to represent
- * the new private key object.  If it were to create a session object that
- * could later be looked up by its nickname, it would leak a SECKEYPrivateKey.
- * So isPerm must be true.
- */
-PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki, SECItem *pwitem,
-			SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm,
-			PRBool isPrivate, KeyType keyType, 
-			unsigned int keyUsage, void *wincx)
-    if (!isPerm) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(slot, epki,
-		pwitem, nickname, publicValue, isPerm, isPrivate, keyType,
-		keyUsage, NULL, wincx);
-PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki, SECItem *pwitem,
-			SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm,
-			PRBool isPrivate, KeyType keyType,
-			unsigned int keyUsage, SECKEYPrivateKey **privk,
-			void *wincx)
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE pbeMechType;
-    SECItem *crypto_param = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *key = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cryptoMechType;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = NULL;
-    PRBool faulty3DES = PR_FALSE;
-    int usageCount = 0;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE rsaUsage[] = {
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE dsaUsage[] = { CKA_SIGN };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE dhUsage[] = { CKA_DERIVE };
-    if((epki == NULL) || (pwitem == NULL))
-	return SECFailure;
-    pbeMechType = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(SECOID_FindOIDTag(
-					&epki->algorithm.algorithm));
-    switch (keyType) {
-    default:
-    case rsaKey:
-	key_type = CKK_RSA;
-	    usage = rsaUsage;
-	    usageCount = 2;
-	    break;
-	    usage = &rsaUsage[2];
-	    usageCount = 2;
-	    break;
-	case 0: /* default to everything */
-	    usage = rsaUsage;
-	    usageCount = 4;
-	    break;
-	}
-        break;
-    case dhKey:
-	key_type = CKK_DH;
-	usage = dhUsage;
-	usageCount = sizeof(dhUsage)/sizeof(dhUsage[0]);
-	break;
-    case dsaKey:
-	key_type = CKK_DSA;
-	usage = dsaUsage;
-	usageCount = sizeof(dsaUsage)/sizeof(dsaUsage[0]);
-	break;
-    case ecKey:
-	key_type = CKK_EC;
-	    usage = ecUsage;
-	    usageCount = 1;
-	    break;
-	    usage = &ecUsage[1];
-	    usageCount = 1;
-	    break;
-	default: /* default to everything */
-	    usage = ecUsage;
-	    usageCount = 2;
-	    break;
-	}
-	break;	
-    }
-    key = PK11_PBEKeyGen(slot, &epki->algorithm, pwitem, faulty3DES, wincx);
-    if (key == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    cryptoMechType = pk11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(&epki->algorithm,
-					 &crypto_param, pwitem, faulty3DES);
-    if (cryptoMechType == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    cryptoMechType = PK11_GetPadMechanism(cryptoMechType);
-    PORT_Assert(usage != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(usageCount != 0);
-    privKey = PK11_UnwrapPrivKey(slot, key, cryptoMechType, 
-				 crypto_param, &epki->encryptedData, 
-				 nickname, publicValue, isPerm, isPrivate,
-				 key_type, usage, usageCount, wincx);
-    if(privKey) {
-	if (privk) {
-	    *privk = privKey;
-	} else {
-	    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-	}
-	privKey = NULL;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* if we are unable to import the key and the pbeMechType is 
-     * CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_TRIPLE_DES_CBC, then it is possible that
-     * the encrypted blob was created with a buggy key generation method
-     * which is described in the PKCS 12 implementation notes.  So we
-     * need to try importing via that method.
-     */ 
-    if((pbeMechType == CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_TRIPLE_DES_CBC) && (!faulty3DES)) {
-	/* clean up after ourselves before redoing the key generation. */
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(key);
-	key = NULL;
-	if(crypto_param) {
-	    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(crypto_param, PR_TRUE);
-	    crypto_param = NULL;
-	}
-	faulty3DES = PR_TRUE;
-	goto try_faulty_3des;
-    }
-    /* key import really did fail */
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if(crypto_param != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(crypto_param, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if(key != NULL) {
-    	PK11_FreeSymKey(key);
-    }
-    return rv;
-SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *
-PK11_ExportPrivateKeyInfo(CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx)
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey     *pk  = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, wincx);
-    if (pk != NULL) {
-	pki = PK11_ExportPrivKeyInfo(pk, wincx);
-	SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(pk);
-    }
-    return pki;
-SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo * 
-   PK11SlotInfo     *slot,      /* optional, encrypt key in this slot */
-   SECOidTag         algTag,    /* encrypt key with this algorithm */
-   SECItem          *pwitem,    /* password for PBE encryption */
-   SECKEYPrivateKey *pk,        /* encrypt this private key */
-   int               iteration, /* interations for PBE alg */
-   void             *wincx)     /* context for password callback ? */
-    SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki      = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool                   *arena     = NULL;
-    SECAlgorithmID                *algid;
-    SECOidTag			  pbeAlgTag = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    SECItem                       *crypto_param = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey                    *key       = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey		  *tmpPK = NULL;
-    SECStatus                      rv        = SECSuccess;
-    CK_RV                          crv;
-    CK_ULONG                       encBufLen;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE              pbeMechType;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE              cryptoMechType;
-    CK_MECHANISM                   cryptoMech;
-    if (!pwitem || !pk) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    algid = sec_pkcs5CreateAlgorithmID(algTag, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN,
-				&pbeAlgTag, 0, NULL, iteration);
-    if (algid == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
-    if (arena)
-	epki = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo);
-    if(epki == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    epki->arena = arena;
-    /* if we didn't specify a slot, use the slot the private key was in */
-    if (!slot) {
-	slot = pk->pkcs11Slot;
-    }
-    /* if we specified a different slot, and the private key slot can do the
-     * pbe key gen, generate the key in the private key slot so we don't have 
-     * to move it later */
-    pbeMechType = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(pbeAlgTag);
-    if (slot != pk->pkcs11Slot) {
-	if (PK11_DoesMechanism(pk->pkcs11Slot,pbeMechType)) {
-	    slot = pk->pkcs11Slot;
-	}
-    }
-    key = PK11_PBEKeyGen(slot, algid, pwitem, PR_FALSE, wincx);
-    if (key == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cryptoMechType = PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(algid, &crypto_param, pwitem);
-    if (cryptoMechType == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cryptoMech.mechanism = PK11_GetPadMechanism(cryptoMechType);
-    cryptoMech.pParameter = crypto_param ? crypto_param->data : NULL;
-    cryptoMech.ulParameterLen = crypto_param ? crypto_param->len : 0;
-    /* If the key isn't in the private key slot, move it */
-    if (key->slot != pk->pkcs11Slot) {
-	PK11SymKey *newkey = pk11_CopyToSlot(pk->pkcs11Slot,
-						key->type, CKA_WRAP, key);
-	if (newkey == NULL) {
-            /* couldn't import the wrapping key, try exporting the
-             * private key */
-	    tmpPK = pk11_loadPrivKey(key->slot, pk, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-	    if (tmpPK == NULL) {
-		rv = SECFailure;
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    pk = tmpPK;
-	} else {
-	    /* free the old key and use the new key */
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(key);
-	    key = newkey;
-	}
-    }
-    /* we are extracting an encrypted privateKey structure.
-     * which needs to be freed along with the buffer into which it is
-     * returned.  eventually, we should retrieve an encrypted key using
-     * pkcs8/pkcs5.
-     */
-    encBufLen = 0;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(pk->pkcs11Slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(pk->pkcs11Slot)->C_WrapKey(pk->pkcs11Slot->session, 
-    		&cryptoMech, key->objectID, pk->pkcs11ID, NULL, 
-		&encBufLen); 
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(pk->pkcs11Slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    epki-> = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, encBufLen);
-    if (!epki-> {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(pk->pkcs11Slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(pk->pkcs11Slot)->C_WrapKey(pk->pkcs11Slot->session, 
-    		&cryptoMech, key->objectID, pk->pkcs11ID, 
-		epki->, &encBufLen); 
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(pk->pkcs11Slot);
-    epki->encryptedData.len = (unsigned int) encBufLen;
-    if(crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if(!epki->encryptedData.len) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(arena, &epki->algorithm, algid);
-    if(crypto_param != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(crypto_param, PR_TRUE);
-	crypto_param = NULL;
-    }
-    if(key != NULL) {
-    	PK11_FreeSymKey(key);
-    }
-    if (tmpPK != NULL) {
-	SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(tmpPK);
-    }
-    SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(algid, PR_TRUE);
-    if(rv == SECFailure) {
-	if(arena != NULL) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	epki = NULL;
-    }
-    return epki;
-SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo * 
-   PK11SlotInfo    *slot,      /* optional, encrypt key in this slot */
-   SECOidTag        algTag,    /* encrypt key with this algorithm */
-   SECItem         *pwitem,    /* password for PBE encryption */
-   CERTCertificate *cert,      /* wrap priv key for this user cert */
-   int              iteration, /* interations for PBE alg */
-   void            *wincx)     /* context for password callback ? */
-    SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey              *pk   = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, wincx);
-    if (pk != NULL) {
-	epki = PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivKeyInfo(slot, algTag, pwitem, pk, 
-	                                       iteration, wincx);
-	SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(pk);
-    }
-    return epki;
-PK11_DEREncodePublicKey(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    return SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(pubk);
-char *
-PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    return PK11_GetObjectNickname(privKey->pkcs11Slot,privKey->pkcs11ID);
-char *
-PK11_GetPublicKeyNickname(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey)
-    return PK11_GetObjectNickname(pubKey->pkcs11Slot,pubKey->pkcs11ID);
-PK11_SetPrivateKeyNickname(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, const char *nickname)
-    return PK11_SetObjectNickname(privKey->pkcs11Slot,
-					privKey->pkcs11ID,nickname);
-PK11_SetPublicKeyNickname(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, const char *nickname)
-    return PK11_SetObjectNickname(pubKey->pkcs11Slot,
-					pubKey->pkcs11ID,nickname);
-PK11_GetPQGParamsFromPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE pTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    int pTemplateLen = sizeof(pTemplate)/sizeof(pTemplate[0]);
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECKEYPQGParams *params;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    params=(SECKEYPQGParams *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,sizeof(SECKEYPQGParams));
-    if (params == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena, privKey->pkcs11Slot, privKey->pkcs11ID, 
-						pTemplate, pTemplateLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    params->arena = arena;
-    params-> = pTemplate[0].pValue;
-    params->prime.len = pTemplate[0].ulValueLen;
-    params-> = pTemplate[1].pValue;
-    params->subPrime.len = pTemplate[1].ulValueLen;
-    params-> = pTemplate[2].pValue;
-    params->base.len = pTemplate[2].ulValueLen;
-    return params;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PK11_CopyTokenPrivKeyToSessionPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *destSlot,
-				      SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    CK_RV             crv;
-    static const CK_BBOOL     ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    static const CK_ATTRIBUTE template[1] = { 
-       { CKA_TOKEN, (CK_BBOOL *)&ckfalse, sizeof ckfalse }
-    };
-    if (destSlot && destSlot != privKey->pkcs11Slot) {
-	SECKEYPrivateKey *newKey =
-	       pk11_loadPrivKey(destSlot, 
-				privKey, 
-			        NULL,     /* pubKey    */
-			        PR_FALSE, /* token     */
-			        PR_FALSE);/* sensitive */
-	if (newKey)
-	    return newKey;
-    }
-    destSlot = privKey->pkcs11Slot;
-    PK11_Authenticate(destSlot, PR_TRUE, privKey->wincx);
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(destSlot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(destSlot)->C_CopyObject(	destSlot->session, 
-						privKey->pkcs11ID,
-						(CK_ATTRIBUTE *)template, 
-						1, &newKeyID);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(destSlot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_MakePrivKey(destSlot, privKey->keyType, PR_TRUE /*isTemp*/, 
-			    newKeyID, privKey->wincx);
-PK11_ConvertSessionPrivKeyToTokenPrivKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privk, void* wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo* slot = privk->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template[1];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = template;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &cktrue, sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CopyObject(rwsession, privk->pkcs11ID,
-        template, 1, &newKeyID);
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, nullKey /*KeyType*/, PR_FALSE /*isTemp*/,
-        newKeyID, NULL /*wincx*/);
- * destroy a private key if there are no matching certs.
- * this function also frees the privKey structure.
- */
-PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, PRBool force)
-    CERTCertificate *cert=PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey(privKey);
-    SECStatus rv = SECWouldBlock;
-    if (!cert || force) {
-	/* now, then it's safe for the key to go away */
-	rv = PK11_DestroyTokenObject(privKey->pkcs11Slot,privKey->pkcs11ID);
-    }
-    if (cert) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    }
-    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-    return rv;
- * destroy a private key if there are no matching certs.
- * this function also frees the privKey structure.
- */
-PK11_DeleteTokenPublicKey(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey)
-    /* now, then it's safe for the key to go away */
-    if (pubKey->pkcs11Slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PK11_DestroyTokenObject(pubKey->pkcs11Slot,pubKey->pkcs11ID);
-    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * key call back structure.
- */
-typedef struct pk11KeyCallbackStr {
-	SECStatus (* callback)(SECKEYPrivateKey *,void *);
-	void *callbackArg;
-	void *wincx;
-} pk11KeyCallback;
- * callback to map Object Handles to Private Keys;
- */
-pk11_DoKeys(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyHandle, void *arg)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-    pk11KeyCallback *keycb = (pk11KeyCallback *) arg;
-    if (!arg) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    privKey = PK11_MakePrivKey(slot,nullKey,PR_TRUE,keyHandle,keycb->wincx);
-    if (privKey == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (keycb->callback) {
-	rv = (*keycb->callback)(privKey,keycb->callbackArg);
-    }
-    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);	    
-    return rv;
- * PK11_TraversePrivateKeysInSlot
- *
- * Traverses all the private keys on a slot.
- *
- *      slot
- *          The PKCS #11 slot whose private keys you want to traverse.
- *      callback
- *          A callback function that will be called for each key.
- *      arg
- *          An argument that will be passed to the callback function.
- */
-PK11_TraversePrivateKeysInSlot( PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-    SECStatus(* callback)(SECKEYPrivateKey*, void*), void *arg)
-    pk11KeyCallback perKeyCB;
-    pk11TraverseSlot perObjectCB;
-    CK_BBOOL ckTrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[2];
-    int templateSize = 2;
-    theTemplate[0].type = CKA_CLASS;
-    theTemplate[0].pValue = &privkClass;
-    theTemplate[0].ulValueLen = sizeof(privkClass);
-    theTemplate[1].type = CKA_TOKEN;
-    theTemplate[1].pValue = &ckTrue;
-    theTemplate[1].ulValueLen = sizeof(ckTrue);
-    if(slot==NULL) {
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    perObjectCB.callback = pk11_DoKeys;
-    perObjectCB.callbackArg = &perKeyCB;
-    perObjectCB.findTemplate = theTemplate;
-    perObjectCB.templateCount = templateSize;
-    perKeyCB.callback = callback;
-    perKeyCB.callbackArg = arg;
-    perKeyCB.wincx = NULL;
-    return PK11_TraverseSlot(slot, &perObjectCB);
- * return the private key with the given ID
- */
-pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *keyID)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, keyID->data, keyID->len ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &privKey, sizeof(privKey));
-    return pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,theTemplate,tsize);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_FindKeyByKeyID(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *keyID, void *wincx)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyHandle;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-    keyHandle = pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(slot, keyID);
-    if (keyHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) { 
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    privKey =  PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, nullKey, PR_TRUE, keyHandle, wincx);
-    return privKey;
- * Generate a CKA_ID from the relevant public key data. The CKA_ID is generated
- * from the pubKeyData by SHA1_Hashing it to produce a smaller CKA_ID (to make
- * smart cards happy.
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(SECItem *pubKeyData) 
-    PK11Context *context;
-    SECItem *certCKA_ID;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (pubKeyData->len <= SHA1_LENGTH) {
-	/* probably an already hashed value. The strongest known public
-	 * key values <= 160 bits would be less than 40 bit symetric in
-	 * strength. Don't hash them, just return the value. There are
-	 * none at the time of this writing supported by previous versions
-	 * of NSS, so change is binary compatible safe */
-	return SECITEM_DupItem(pubKeyData);
-    }
-    context = PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_SHA1);
-    if (context == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_DigestBegin(context);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-    	rv = PK11_DigestOp(context,pubKeyData->data,pubKeyData->len);
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    certCKA_ID = (SECItem *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (certCKA_ID == NULL) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    certCKA_ID->len = SHA1_LENGTH;
-    certCKA_ID->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(certCKA_ID->len);
-    if (certCKA_ID->data == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(certCKA_ID);
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context,PR_TRUE);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_DigestFinal(context,certCKA_ID->data,&certCKA_ID->len,
-								SHA1_LENGTH);
-    PK11_DestroyContext(context,PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    	SECITEM_FreeItem(certCKA_ID,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return certCKA_ID;
-/* Looking for PK11_GetKeyIDFromPrivateKey?
- * Call PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey instead.
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    return pk11_GetLowLevelKeyFromHandle(privKey->pkcs11Slot,privKey->pkcs11ID);
-static SECStatus
-privateKeyListCallback(SECKEYPrivateKey *key, void *arg)
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyList *list = (SECKEYPrivateKeyList*)arg;
-    return SECKEY_AddPrivateKeyToListTail(list, SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey(key));
-PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    SECStatus status;
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyList *keys;
-    keys = SECKEY_NewPrivateKeyList();
-    if(keys == NULL) return NULL;
-    status = PK11_TraversePrivateKeysInSlot(slot, privateKeyListCallback,
-		(void*)keys);
-    if( status != SECSuccess ) {
-	SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyList(keys);
-	keys = NULL;
-    }
-    return keys;
-PK11_ListPublicKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *nickname)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemp[4];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_BBOOL ckTrue = CK_TRUE;
-    unsigned int tsize = 0;
-    int objCount = 0;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *key_ids;
-    SECKEYPublicKeyList *keys;
-    int i,len;
-    attrs = findTemp;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyclass, sizeof(keyclass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ckTrue, sizeof(ckTrue)); attrs++;
-    if (nickname) {
-	len = PORT_Strlen(nickname);
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, nickname, len); attrs++;
-    }
-    tsize = attrs - findTemp;
-    PORT_Assert(tsize <= sizeof(findTemp)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    key_ids = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,findTemp,tsize,&objCount);
-    if (key_ids == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    keys = SECKEY_NewPublicKeyList();
-    if (keys == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(key_ids);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < objCount ; i++) {
-	SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey = 
-				PK11_ExtractPublicKey(slot,nullKey,key_ids[i]);
-	if (pubKey) {
-	    SECKEY_AddPublicKeyToListTail(keys, pubKey);
-	}
-   }
-   PORT_Free(key_ids);
-   return keys;
-PK11_ListPrivKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *nickname, void *wincx)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemp[4];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_BBOOL ckTrue = CK_TRUE;
-    unsigned int tsize = 0;
-    int objCount = 0;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *key_ids;
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyList *keys;
-    int i,len;
-    attrs = findTemp;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyclass, sizeof(keyclass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ckTrue, sizeof(ckTrue)); attrs++;
-    if (nickname) {
-	len = PORT_Strlen(nickname);
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, nickname, len); attrs++;
-    }
-    tsize = attrs - findTemp;
-    PORT_Assert(tsize <= sizeof(findTemp)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    key_ids = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,findTemp,tsize,&objCount);
-    if (key_ids == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    keys = SECKEY_NewPrivateKeyList();
-    if (keys == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(key_ids);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < objCount ; i++) {
-	SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = 
-		PK11_MakePrivKey(slot,nullKey,PR_TRUE,key_ids[i],wincx);
-	SECKEY_AddPrivateKeyToListTail(keys, privKey);
-   }
-   PORT_Free(key_ids);
-   return keys;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11auth.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11auth.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 14aeffa..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11auth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file deals with PKCS #11 passwords and authentication.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "pkim.h" 
- * local static and global data
- *************************************************************/
- * This structure keeps track of status that spans all the Slots.
- * NOTE: This is a global data structure. It semantics expect thread crosstalk
- * be very careful when you see it used. 
- *  It's major purpose in life is to allow the user to log in one PER 
- * Tranaction, even if a transaction spans threads. The problem is the user
- * may have to enter a password one just to be able to look at the 
- * personalities/certificates (s)he can use. Then if Auth every is one, they
- * may have to enter the password again to use the card. See PK11_StartTransac
- * and PK11_EndTransaction.
- */
-static struct PK11GlobalStruct {
-   int transaction;
-   PRBool inTransaction;
-   char *(PR_CALLBACK *getPass)(PK11SlotInfo *,PRBool,void *);
-   PRBool (PR_CALLBACK *verifyPass)(PK11SlotInfo *,void *);
-   PRBool (PR_CALLBACK *isLoggedIn)(PK11SlotInfo *,void *);
-} PK11_Global = { 1, PR_FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL };
- * Password Utilities
- ***********************************************************/
- * Check the user's password. Log into the card if it's correct.
- * succeed if the user is already logged in.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_CheckPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
-			char *pw, PRBool alreadyLocked, PRBool contextSpecific)
-    int len = 0;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRTime currtime = PR_Now();
-    PRBool mustRetry;
-    int retry = 0;
-    if (slot->protectedAuthPath) {
-	len = 0;
-	pw = NULL;
-    } else if (pw == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    } else {
-	len = PORT_Strlen(pw);
-    }
-    do {
-	if (!alreadyLocked) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Login(session,
-		contextSpecific ? CKU_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC : CKU_USER,
-						(unsigned char *)pw,len);
-	slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-	mustRetry = PR_FALSE;
-	if (!alreadyLocked) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	switch (crv) {
-	/* if we're already logged in, we're good to go */
-	case CKR_OK:
-		/* TODO If it was for CKU_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC should we do this */
-	    slot->authTransact = PK11_Global.transaction;
-	    /* Fall through */
-	    slot->authTime = currtime;
-	    rv = SECSuccess;
-	    break;
-	    rv = SECWouldBlock; /* everything else is ok, only the pin is bad */
-	    break;
-	/* someone called reset while we fetched the password, try again once
-	 * if the token is still there. */
-	    if (session != slot->session) {
-		/* don't bother retrying, we were in a middle of an operation,
-		 * which is now lost. Just fail. */
-	        PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	        rv = SECFailure; 
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (retry++ == 0) {
-		rv = PK11_InitToken(slot,PR_FALSE);
-		if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		    if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-			session = slot->session; /* we should have 
-						  * a new session now */
-			mustRetry = PR_TRUE;
-		    } else {
-			PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-			rv = SECFailure;
-		    }
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* Fall through */
-	default:
-	    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	    rv = SECFailure; /* some failure we can't fix by retrying */
-	}
-    } while (mustRetry);
-    return rv;
- * Check the user's password. Logout before hand to make sure that
- * we are really checking the password.
- */
-PK11_CheckUserPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const char *pw)
-    int len = 0;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRTime currtime = PR_Now();
-    if (slot->protectedAuthPath) {
-	len = 0;
-	pw = NULL;
-    } else if (pw == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    } else {
-	len = PORT_Strlen(pw);
-    }
-    /*
-     * If the token doesn't need a login, don't try to relogin because the
-     * effect is undefined. It's not clear what it means to check a non-empty
-     * password with such a token, so treat that as an error.
-     */
-    if (!slot->needLogin) {
-        if (len == 0) {
-            rv = SECSuccess;
-        } else {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-        return rv;
-    }
-    /* force a logout */
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Logout(slot->session);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Login(slot->session,CKU_USER,
-					(unsigned char *)pw,len);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    switch (crv) {
-    /* if we're already logged in, we're good to go */
-    case CKR_OK:
-	slot->authTransact = PK11_Global.transaction;
-	slot->authTime = currtime;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	break;
-	rv = SECWouldBlock; /* everything else is ok, only the pin is bad */
-	break;
-    default:
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	rv = SECFailure; /* some failure we can't fix by retrying */
-    }
-    return rv;
-PK11_Logout(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* force a logout */
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Logout(slot->session);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return  SECSuccess;
- * transaction stuff is for when we test for the need to do every
- * time auth to see if we already did it for this slot/transaction
- */
-void PK11_StartAuthTransaction(void)
-PK11_Global.inTransaction = PR_TRUE;
-void PK11_EndAuthTransaction(void)
-PK11_Global.inTransaction = PR_FALSE;
- * before we do a private key op, we check to see if we
- * need to reauthenticate.
- */
-PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(PK11SlotInfo *slot,void *wincx)
-    int askpw = slot->askpw;
-    PRBool NeedAuth = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!slot->needLogin) return;
-    if ((slot->defaultFlags & PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS) == 0) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *def_slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	if (def_slot) {
-	    askpw = def_slot->askpw;
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(def_slot);
-	}
-    }
-    /* timeouts are handled by isLoggedIn */
-    if (!PK11_IsLoggedIn(slot,wincx)) {
-	NeedAuth = PR_TRUE;
-    } else if (askpw == -1) {
-	if (!PK11_Global.inTransaction	||
-			 (PK11_Global.transaction != slot->authTransact)) {
-    	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Logout(slot->session);
-	    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    NeedAuth = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    if (NeedAuth) PK11_DoPassword(slot, slot->session, PR_TRUE,
-			wincx, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);
-PK11_SlotDBUpdate(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    SECMOD_UpdateModule(slot->module);
- * set new askpw and timeout values
- */
-PK11_SetSlotPWValues(PK11SlotInfo *slot,int askpw, int timeout)
-        slot->askpw = askpw;
-        slot->timeout = timeout;
-        slot->defaultFlags |= PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS;
-        PK11_SlotDBUpdate(slot);
- * Get the askpw and timeout values for this slot
- */
-PK11_GetSlotPWValues(PK11SlotInfo *slot,int *askpw, int *timeout)
-    *askpw = slot->askpw;
-    *timeout = slot->timeout;
-    if ((slot->defaultFlags & PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS) == 0) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *def_slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	if (def_slot) {
-	    *askpw = def_slot->askpw;
-	    *timeout = def_slot->timeout;
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(def_slot);
-	}
-    }
- * Returns true if the token is needLogin and isn't logged in.
- * This function is used to determine if authentication is needed
- * before attempting a potentially privelleged operation.
- */
-pk11_LoginStillRequired(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *wincx)
-    return slot->needLogin && !PK11_IsLoggedIn(slot,wincx);
- * make sure a slot is authenticated...
- * This function only does the authentication if it is needed.
- */
-PK11_Authenticate(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx) {
-    if (pk11_LoginStillRequired(slot,wincx)) {
-	return PK11_DoPassword(slot, slot->session, loadCerts, wincx,
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Authenticate to "unfriendly" tokens (tokens which need to be logged
- * in to find the certs.
- */
-pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!PK11_IsFriendly(slot)) {
-	rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, loadCerts, wincx);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * NOTE: this assumes that we are logged out of the card before hand
- */
-PK11_CheckSSOPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *ssopw)
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int len = 0;
-    /* get a rwsession */
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	return rv;
-    }
-    if (slot->protectedAuthPath) {
-	len = 0;
-	ssopw = NULL;
-    } else if (ssopw == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    } else {
-	len = PORT_Strlen(ssopw);
-    }
-    /* check the password */
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Login(rwsession,CKU_SO,
-						(unsigned char *)ssopw,len);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    switch (crv) {
-    /* if we're already logged in, we're good to go */
-    case CKR_OK:
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	break;
-	rv = SECWouldBlock; /* everything else is ok, only the pin is bad */
-	break;
-    default:
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	rv = SECFailure; /* some failure we can't fix by retrying */
-    }
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Logout(rwsession);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    /* release rwsession */
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,rwsession);
-    return rv;
- * make sure the password conforms to your token's requirements.
- */
-PK11_VerifyPW(PK11SlotInfo *slot,char *pw)
-    int len = PORT_Strlen(pw);
-    if ((slot->minPassword > len) || (slot->maxPassword < len)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * initialize a user PIN Value
- */
-PK11_InitPin(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const char *ssopw, const char *userpw)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int len;
-    int ssolen;
-    if (userpw == NULL) userpw = "";
-    if (ssopw == NULL) ssopw = "";
-    len = PORT_Strlen(userpw);
-    ssolen = PORT_Strlen(ssopw);
-    /* get a rwsession */
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    	return rv;
-    }
-    if (slot->protectedAuthPath) {
-	len = 0;
-	ssolen = 0;
-	ssopw = NULL;
-	userpw = NULL;
-    }
-    /* check the password */
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Login(rwsession,CKU_SO, 
-					  (unsigned char *)ssopw,ssolen);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	goto done;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_InitPIN(rwsession,(unsigned char *)userpw,len);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-    } else {
-    	rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Logout(rwsession);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,rwsession);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* update our view of the world */
-        PK11_InitToken(slot,PR_TRUE);
-	if (slot->needLogin) {
-	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Login(slot->session,CKU_USER,
-						(unsigned char *)userpw,len);
-	    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	}
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Change an existing user password
- */
-PK11_ChangePW(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const char *oldpw, const char *newpw)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int newLen = 0;
-    int oldLen = 0;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    /* use NULL values to trigger the protected authentication path */
-    if (!slot->protectedAuthPath) {
-	if (newpw == NULL) newpw = "";
-	if (oldpw == NULL) oldpw = "";
-    }
-    if (newpw) newLen = PORT_Strlen(newpw);
-    if (oldpw) oldLen = PORT_Strlen(oldpw);
-    /* get a rwsession */
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	return rv;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SetPIN(rwsession,
-		(unsigned char *)oldpw,oldLen,(unsigned char *)newpw,newLen);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-    }
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,rwsession);
-    /* update our view of the world */
-    PK11_InitToken(slot,PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-static char *
-pk11_GetPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool retry, void * wincx)
-    if (PK11_Global.getPass == NULL) return NULL;
-    return (*PK11_Global.getPass)(slot, retry, wincx);
-PK11_SetPasswordFunc(PK11PasswordFunc func)
-    PK11_Global.getPass = func;
-PK11_SetVerifyPasswordFunc(PK11VerifyPasswordFunc func)
-    PK11_Global.verifyPass = func;
-PK11_SetIsLoggedInFunc(PK11IsLoggedInFunc func)
-    PK11_Global.isLoggedIn = func;
- * authenticate to a slot. This loops until we can't recover, the user
- * gives up, or we succeed. If we're already logged in and this function
- * is called we will still prompt for a password, but we will probably
- * succeed no matter what the password was (depending on the implementation
- * of the PKCS 11 module.
- */
-PK11_DoPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
-			PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx, PRBool alreadyLocked,
-			PRBool contextSpecific)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    char * password;
-    PRBool attempt = PR_FALSE;
-    if (PK11_NeedUserInit(slot)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Central server type applications which control access to multiple
-     * slave applications to single crypto devices need to virtuallize the
-     * login state. This is done by a callback out of PK11_IsLoggedIn and
-     * here. If we are actually logged in, then we got here because the
-     * higher level code told us that the particular client application may
-     * still need to be logged in. If that is the case, we simply tell the
-     * server code that it should now verify the clients password and tell us
-     * the results.
-     */
-    if (PK11_IsLoggedIn(slot,NULL) && 
-    			(PK11_Global.verifyPass != NULL)) {
-	if (!PK11_Global.verifyPass(slot,wincx)) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* get the password. This can drop out of the while loop
-     * for the following reasons:
-     * 	(1) the user refused to enter a password. 
-     *			(return error to caller)
-     *	(2) the token user password is disabled [usually due to
-     *	   too many failed authentication attempts].
-     *			(return error to caller)
-     *	(3) the password was successful.
-     */
-    while ((password = pk11_GetPassword(slot, attempt, wincx)) != NULL) {
-	/* if the token has a protectedAuthPath, the application may have
-         * already issued the C_Login as part of it's pk11_GetPassword call.
-         * In this case the application will tell us what the results were in 
-         * the password value (retry or the authentication was successful) so
-	 * we can skip our own C_Login call (which would force the token to
-	 * try to login again).
-	 * 
-	 * Applications that don't know about protectedAuthPath will return a 
-	 * password, which we will ignore and trigger the token to 
-	 * 'authenticate' itself anyway. Hopefully the blinking display on 
-	 * the reader, or the flashing light under the thumbprint reader will 
-	 * attract the user's attention */
-	attempt = PR_TRUE;
-	if (slot->protectedAuthPath) {
-	    /* application tried to authenticate and failed. it wants to try
-	     * again, continue looping */
-	    if (strcmp(password, PK11_PW_RETRY) == 0) {
-		rv = SECWouldBlock;
-		PORT_Free(password);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* applicaton tried to authenticate and succeeded we're done */
-	    if (strcmp(password, PK11_PW_AUTHENTICATED) == 0) {
-		rv = SECSuccess;
-		PORT_Free(password);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	rv = pk11_CheckPassword(slot, session, password, 
-				alreadyLocked, contextSpecific);
-	PORT_Memset(password, 0, PORT_Strlen(password));
-	PORT_Free(password);
-	if (rv != SECWouldBlock) break;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	if (!PK11_IsFriendly(slot)) {
-	    nssTrustDomain_UpdateCachedTokenCerts(slot->nssToken->trustDomain,
-	                                      slot->nssToken);
-	}
-    } else if (!attempt) PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD);
-    return rv;
-void PK11_LogoutAll(void)
-    SECMODListLock *lock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    SECMODModuleList *modList;
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp = NULL;
-    int i;
-    /* NSS is not initialized, there are not tokens to log out */
-    if (lock == NULL) {
-	return;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(lock);
-    modList = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-    /* find the number of entries */
-    for (mlp = modList; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    PK11_Logout(mlp->module->slots[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(lock);
-PK11_GetMinimumPwdLength(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return ((int)slot->minPassword);
-/* Does this slot have a protected pin path? */
-PK11_ProtectedAuthenticationPath(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-	return slot->protectedAuthPath;
- * we can initialize the password if 1) The toke is not inited 
- * (need login == true and see need UserInit) or 2) the token has
- * a NULL password. (slot->needLogin = false & need user Init = false).
- */
-PRBool PK11_NeedPWInitForSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    if (slot->needLogin && PK11_NeedUserInit(slot)) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (!slot->needLogin && !PK11_NeedUserInit(slot)) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-PRBool PK11_NeedPWInit()
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    PRBool ret = PK11_NeedPWInitForSlot(slot);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return ret;
-pk11_InDelayPeriod(PRIntervalTime lastTime, PRIntervalTime delayTime, 
-						PRIntervalTime *retTime)
-    PRIntervalTime time;
-    *retTime = time = PR_IntervalNow();
-    return (PRBool) (lastTime) && ((time-lastTime) < delayTime);
- * Determine if the token is logged in. We have to actually query the token,
- * because it's state can change without intervention from us.
- */
-PK11_IsLoggedIn(PK11SlotInfo *slot,void *wincx)
-    CK_SESSION_INFO sessionInfo;
-    int askpw = slot->askpw;
-    int timeout = slot->timeout;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PRIntervalTime curTime;
-    static PRIntervalTime login_delay_time = 0;
-    if (login_delay_time == 0) {
-	login_delay_time = PR_SecondsToInterval(1);
-    }
-    /* If we don't have our own password default values, use the system
-     * ones */
-    if ((slot->defaultFlags & PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS) == 0) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *def_slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	if (def_slot) {
-	    askpw = def_slot->askpw;
-	    timeout = def_slot->timeout;
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(def_slot);
-	}
-    }
-    if ((wincx != NULL) && (PK11_Global.isLoggedIn != NULL) &&
-	(*PK11_Global.isLoggedIn)(slot, wincx) == PR_FALSE) { return PR_FALSE; }
-    /* forget the password if we've been inactive too long */
-    if (askpw == 1) {
-	PRTime currtime = PR_Now();
-	PRTime result;
-	PRTime mult;
-	LL_I2L(result, timeout);
-	LL_I2L(mult, 60*1000*1000);
-	LL_MUL(result,result,mult);
-	LL_ADD(result, result, slot->authTime);
-	if (LL_CMP(result, <, currtime) ) {
-	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Logout(slot->session);
-	    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	} else {
-	    slot->authTime = currtime;
-	}
-    }
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (pk11_InDelayPeriod(slot->lastLoginCheck,login_delay_time, &curTime)) {
-	sessionInfo.state = slot->lastState;
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-    } else {
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSessionInfo(slot->session,&sessionInfo);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	    slot->lastState = sessionInfo.state;
-	    slot->lastLoginCheck = curTime;
-	}
-    }
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    /* if we can't get session info, something is really wrong */
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	slot->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    switch (sessionInfo.state) {
-    default:
-	break; /* fail */
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE; 
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cert.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e29b4e2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2707 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file manages PKCS #11 instances of certificates.
- */
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "key.h" 
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pkcs7t.h"
-#include "cmsreclist.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "sslerr.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "dev3hack.h"
-#include "devm.h" 
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#include "pki.h"
-#include "pkim.h"
-#include "pkitm.h"
-#include "pkistore.h" /* to remove temp cert */
-#include "devt.h"
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-struct nss3_cert_cbstr {
-    SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, void *);
-    nssList *cached;
-    void *arg;
-/* Translate from NSSCertificate to CERTCertificate, then pass the latter
- * to a callback.
- */
-static PRStatus convert_cert(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg)
-    CERTCertificate *nss3cert;
-    SECStatus secrv;
-    struct nss3_cert_cbstr *nss3cb = (struct nss3_cert_cbstr *)arg;
-    /* 'c' is not adopted. caller will free it */
-    nss3cert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-    if (!nss3cert) return PR_FAILURE;
-    secrv = (*nss3cb->callback)(nss3cert, nss3cb->arg);
-    return (secrv) ? PR_FAILURE : PR_SUCCESS;
- * build a cert nickname based on the token name and the label of the 
- * certificate If the label in NULL, build a label based on the ID.
- */
-static int toHex(int x) { return (x < 10) ? (x+'0') : (x+'a'-10); }
-#define MAX_CERT_ID 4
-#define DEFAULT_STRING "Cert ID "
-static char *
-pk11_buildNickname(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_ATTRIBUTE *cert_label,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE *key_label, CK_ATTRIBUTE *cert_id)
-    int prefixLen = PORT_Strlen(slot->token_name);
-    int suffixLen = 0;
-    char *suffix = NULL;
-    char buildNew[sizeof(DEFAULT_STRING)+MAX_CERT_ID*2];
-    char *next,*nickname;
-    if (cert_label && (cert_label->ulValueLen)) {
-	suffixLen = cert_label->ulValueLen;
-	suffix = (char*)cert_label->pValue;
-    } else if (key_label && (key_label->ulValueLen)) {
-	suffixLen = key_label->ulValueLen;
-	suffix = (char*)key_label->pValue;
-    } else if (cert_id && cert_id->ulValueLen > 0) {
-	int i,first = cert_id->ulValueLen - MAX_CERT_ID;
-	int offset = sizeof(DEFAULT_STRING);
-	char *idValue = (char *)cert_id->pValue;
-	PORT_Memcpy(buildNew,DEFAULT_STRING,sizeof(DEFAULT_STRING)-1);
-	next = buildNew + offset;
-	if (first < 0) first = 0;
-	for (i=first; i < (int) cert_id->ulValueLen; i++) {
-		*next++ = toHex((idValue[i] >> 4) & 0xf);
-		*next++ = toHex(idValue[i] & 0xf);
-	}
-	*next++ = 0;
-	suffix = buildNew;
-	suffixLen = PORT_Strlen(buildNew);
-    } else {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* if is internal key slot, add code to skip the prefix!! */
-    next = nickname = (char *)PORT_Alloc(prefixLen+1+suffixLen+1);
-    if (nickname == NULL) return NULL;
-    PORT_Memcpy(next,slot->token_name,prefixLen);
-    next += prefixLen;
-    *next++ = ':';
-    PORT_Memcpy(next,suffix,suffixLen);
-    next += suffixLen;
-    *next++ = 0;
-    return nickname;
-PK11_IsUserCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS theClass;
-    if (slot == NULL) return PR_FALSE;
-    if (cert == NULL) return PR_FALSE;
-    theClass = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY;
-    if (pk11_LoginStillRequired(slot,NULL)) {
-	theClass = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY;
-    }
-    if (PK11_MatchItem(slot, certID , theClass) != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-   if (theClass == CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) {
-	SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey= CERT_ExtractPublicKey(cert);
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate;
-	if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	   return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-	PK11_SETATTRS(&theTemplate,0,NULL,0);
-	switch (pubKey->keyType) {
-	case rsaKey:
-	case rsaPssKey:
-	case rsaOaepKey:
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(&theTemplate,CKA_MODULUS, pubKey->,
-						pubKey->u.rsa.modulus.len);
-	    break;
-	case dsaKey:
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(&theTemplate,CKA_VALUE, pubKey->,
-						pubKey->u.dsa.publicValue.len);
-	    break;
-	case dhKey:
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(&theTemplate,CKA_VALUE, pubKey->,
-						pubKey->u.dh.publicValue.len);
-	    break;
-	case ecKey:
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(&theTemplate,CKA_EC_POINT, 
-			  pubKey->,
-			  pubKey->;
-	    break;
-	case keaKey:
-	case fortezzaKey:
-	case nullKey:
-	    /* fall through and return false */
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (theTemplate.ulValueLen == 0) {
-	    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-	    return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-	pk11_SignedToUnsigned(&theTemplate);
-	if (pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,&theTemplate,1) != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * Check out if a cert has ID of zero. This is a magic ID that tells
- * NSS that this cert may be an automagically trusted cert.
- * The Cert has to be self signed as well. That check is done elsewhere.
- *  
- */
-pk11_isID0(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certID)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE keyID = {CKA_ID, NULL, 0};
-    PRBool isZero = PR_FALSE;
-    int i;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(NULL,slot,certID,&keyID,1);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return isZero;
-    }
-    if (keyID.ulValueLen != 0) {
-	char *value = (char *)keyID.pValue;
-	isZero = PR_TRUE; /* ID exists, may be zero */
-	for (i=0; i < (int) keyID.ulValueLen; i++) {
-	    if (value[i] != 0) {
-		isZero = PR_FALSE; /* nope */
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Free(keyID.pValue);
-    return isZero;
- * Create an NSSCertificate from a slot/certID pair, return it as a
- * CERTCertificate.  Optionally, output the nickname string.
- */
-static CERTCertificate *
-pk11_fastCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certID, 
-	      CK_ATTRIBUTE *privateLabel, char **nickptr)
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    nssCryptokiObject *co = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject *pkio;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    /* Get the cryptoki object from the handle */
-    token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    if (token->defaultSession) {
-	co = nssCryptokiObject_Create(token, token->defaultSession, certID);
-    } else {
-    }
-    if (!co) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Create a PKI object from the cryptoki instance */
-    pkio = nssPKIObject_Create(NULL, co, td, NULL, nssPKIMonitor);
-    if (!pkio) {
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(co);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Create a certificate */
-    c = nssCertificate_Create(pkio);
-    if (!c) {
-	nssPKIObject_Destroy(pkio);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Build and output a nickname, if desired. 
-     * This must be done before calling nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache
-     * because that function may destroy c, pkio and co!
-     */
-    if ((nickptr) && (co->label)) {
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE label, id;
-	label.type = CKA_LABEL;
-	label.pValue = co->label;
-	label.ulValueLen = PORT_Strlen(co->label);
-	id.type = CKA_ID;
-	id.pValue = c->;
-	id.ulValueLen = c->id.size;
-	*nickptr = pk11_buildNickname(slot, &label, privateLabel, &id);
-    }
-    /* This function may destroy the cert in "c" and all its subordinate
-     * structures, and replace the value in "c" with the address of a 
-     * different NSSCertificate that it found in the cache.
-     * Presumably, the nickname which we just output above remains valid. :)
-     */
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache(td, &c, 1);
-    return STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c);
- * Build an CERTCertificate structure from a PKCS#11 object ID.... certID
- * Must be a CertObject. This code does not explicitly checks that.
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_MakeCertFromHandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certID,
-						CK_ATTRIBUTE *privateLabel)
-    char * nickname = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    CERTCertTrust *trust;
-    cert = pk11_fastCert(slot,certID,privateLabel, &nickname);
-    if (cert == NULL) 
-    	goto loser;
-    if (nickname) {
-	if (cert->nickname != NULL) {
-	    cert->dbnickname = cert->nickname;
-	} 
-	cert->nickname = PORT_ArenaStrdup(cert->arena,nickname);
-	PORT_Free(nickname);
-	nickname = NULL;
-    }
-    /* remember where this cert came from.... If we have just looked
-     * it up from the database and it already has a slot, don't add a new
-     * one. */
-    if (cert->slot == NULL) {
-	cert->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-	cert->pkcs11ID = certID;
-	cert->ownSlot = PR_TRUE;
-	cert->series = slot->series;
-    }
-    trust = (CERTCertTrust*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cert->arena, sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
-    if (trust == NULL) 
-    	goto loser;
-    PORT_Memset(trust,0, sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
-    if(! pk11_HandleTrustObject(slot, cert, trust) ) {
-	unsigned int type;
-	/* build some cert trust flags */
-	if (CERT_IsCACert(cert, &type)) {
-	    unsigned int trustflags = CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-	    /* Allow PKCS #11 modules to give us trusted CA's. We only accept
-	     * valid CA's which are self-signed here. They must have an object
-	     * ID of '0'.  */ 
-	    if (pk11_isID0(slot,certID) && 
-		cert->isRoot) {
-		trustflags |= CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA;
-		/* is the slot a fortezza card? allow the user or
-		 * admin to turn on objectSigning, but don't turn
-		 * full trust on explicitly */
-		if (PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,CKM_KEA_KEY_DERIVE)) {
-		    trust->objectSigningFlags |= CERTDB_VALID_CA;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if ((type & NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) == NS_CERT_TYPE_SSL_CA) {
-		trust->sslFlags |= trustflags;
-	    }
-	    if ((type & NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) == NS_CERT_TYPE_EMAIL_CA) {
-		trust->emailFlags |= trustflags;
-	    }
-	    if ((type & NS_CERT_TYPE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA) 
-		trust->objectSigningFlags |= trustflags;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (PK11_IsUserCert(slot,cert,certID)) {
-	trust->sslFlags |= CERTDB_USER;
-	trust->emailFlags |= CERTDB_USER;
-	/*    trust->objectSigningFlags |= CERTDB_USER; */
-    }
-    CERT_LockCertTrust(cert);
-    cert->trust = trust;
-    CERT_UnlockCertTrust(cert);
-    return cert;
-    if (nickname) 
-    	PORT_Free(nickname);
-    if (cert) 
-    	CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    return NULL;
- * Build get a certificate from a private key
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = privKey->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle = privKey->pkcs11ID;
-		PK11_MatchItem(slot,handle,CKO_CERTIFICATE);
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    if (certID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cert = PK11_MakeCertFromHandle(slot,certID,NULL);
-    return (cert);
- * delete a cert and it's private key (if no other certs are pointing to the
- * private key.
- */
-PK11_DeleteTokenCertAndKey(CERTCertificate *cert,void *wincx)
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert,wincx);
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    pubKey = pk11_FindPubKeyByAnyCert(cert, &slot, wincx);
-    if (privKey) {
-	/* For 3.4, utilize the generic cert delete function */
-	SEC_DeletePermCertificate(cert);
-	PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey(privKey, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ((pubKey != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) && (slot != NULL)) { 
-    	PK11_DestroyTokenObject(slot,pubKey);
-        PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * cert callback structure
- */
-typedef struct pk11DoCertCallbackStr {
-	SECStatus(* callback)(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate*, void *);
-	SECStatus(* noslotcallback)(CERTCertificate*, void *);
-	SECStatus(* itemcallback)(CERTCertificate*, SECItem *, void *);
-	void *callbackArg;
-} pk11DoCertCallback;
-typedef struct pk11CertCallbackStr {
-	SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*,SECItem *,void *);
-	void *callbackArg;
-} pk11CertCallback;
-struct fake_der_cb_argstr
-    SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, SECItem *, void *);
-    void *arg;
-static SECStatus fake_der_cb(CERTCertificate *c, void *a)
-    struct fake_der_cb_argstr *fda = (struct fake_der_cb_argstr *)a;
-    return (*fda->callback)(c, &c->derCert, fda->arg);
- * Extract all the certs on a card from a slot.
- */
-PK11_TraverseSlotCerts(SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*,SECItem *,void *),
-						void *arg, void *wincx) 
-    NSSTrustDomain *defaultTD = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    struct fake_der_cb_argstr fda;
-    struct nss3_cert_cbstr pk11cb;
-    /* authenticate to the tokens first */
-    (void) pk11_TraverseAllSlots( NULL, NULL, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    fda.callback = callback;
-    fda.arg = arg;
-    pk11cb.callback = fake_der_cb;
-    pk11cb.arg = &fda;
-    NSSTrustDomain_TraverseCertificates(defaultTD, convert_cert, &pk11cb);
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-transfer_token_certs_to_collection(nssList *certList, NSSToken *token, 
-                                   nssPKIObjectCollection *collection)
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    PRUint32 i, count;
-    NSSToken **tokens, **tp;
-    count = nssList_Count(certList);
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return;
-    }
-    certs = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, count);
-    if (!certs) {
-	return;
-    }
-    nssList_GetArray(certList, (void **)certs, count);
-    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-	tokens = nssPKIObject_GetTokens(&certs[i]->object, NULL);
-	if (tokens) {
-	    for (tp = tokens; *tp; tp++) {
-		if (*tp == token) {
-		    nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject(collection, 
-		                                     (nssPKIObject *)certs[i]);
-		}
-	    }
-	    nssTokenArray_Destroy(tokens);
-	}
-	CERT_DestroyCertificate(STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(certs[i]));
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(certs);
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindCertFromNickname(const char *nickname, void *wincx) 
-    PRStatus status;
-    CERTCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate **certs = NULL;
-    static const NSSUsage usage = {PR_TRUE /* ... */ };
-    NSSToken *token;
-    NSSTrustDomain *defaultTD = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    char *nickCopy;
-    char *delimit = NULL;
-    char *tokenName;
-    nickCopy = PORT_Strdup(nickname);
-    if (!nickCopy) {
-        /* error code is set */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if ((delimit = PORT_Strchr(nickCopy,':')) != NULL) {
-	tokenName = nickCopy;
-	nickname = delimit + 1;
-	*delimit = '\0';
-	/* find token by name */
-	token = NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenByName(defaultTD, (NSSUTF8 *)tokenName);
-	if (token) {
-	    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(token->pk11slot);
-	} else {
-	}
-	*delimit = ':';
-    } else {
-	slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    }
-    if (token) {
-	nssList *certList;
-	nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-	nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-	nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	if (!PK11_IsPresent(slot)) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-   	rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(defaultTD, NULL);
-	if (!collection) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	certList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-	if (!certList) {
-	    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	(void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForNicknameFromCache(defaultTD, 
-	                                                  nickname, 
-	                                                  certList);
-	transfer_token_certs_to_collection(certList, token, collection);
-	instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesByNickname(token,
-	                                                NULL,
-	                                                nickname,
-	                                                tokenOnly,
-	                                                0,
-	                                                &status);
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-	nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-	/* if it wasn't found, repeat the process for email address */
-	if (nssPKIObjectCollection_Count(collection) == 0 &&
-	    PORT_Strchr(nickname, '@') != NULL) 
-	{
-	    char* lowercaseName = CERT_FixupEmailAddr(nickname);
-	    if (lowercaseName) {
-		(void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForEmailAddressFromCache(defaultTD, 
-								      lowercaseName, 
-								      certList);
-		transfer_token_certs_to_collection(certList, token, collection);
-		instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesByEmail(token,
-							     NULL,
-							     lowercaseName,
-							     tokenOnly,
-							     0,
-							     &status);
-		nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-		nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-		PORT_Free(lowercaseName);
-	    }
-	}
-	certs = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection, 
-	                                               NULL, 0, NULL);
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-	if (certs) {
-	    cert = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(certs, NULL, 
-	                                                   &usage, NULL);
-	    if (cert) {
-		rvCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(cert);
-	    }
-	    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-	}
-	nssList_Destroy(certList);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (nickCopy) PORT_Free(nickCopy);
-    return rvCert;
-    if (slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (nickCopy) PORT_Free(nickCopy);
-    return NULL;
-/* Traverse slots callback */
-typedef struct FindCertsEmailArgStr {
-    char         *email;
-    CERTCertList *certList;
-} FindCertsEmailArg;
-FindCertsEmailCallback(CERTCertificate *cert, SECItem *item, void *arg)
-    FindCertsEmailArg *cbparam = (FindCertsEmailArg *) arg;	
-    const char *cert_email = CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress(cert);
-    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    /* Email address present in certificate? */
-    if (cert_email == NULL){
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* Parameter correctly set? */
-    if (cbparam->email == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Loop over all email addresses */
-    do {
-	if (!strcmp(cert_email, cbparam->email)) {
-	    /* found one matching email address */
-	    PRTime now = PR_Now();
-	    found = PR_TRUE;
-	    CERT_AddCertToListSorted(cbparam->certList, 
-	                             CERT_DupCertificate(cert),
-			             CERT_SortCBValidity, &now);
-	}
-	cert_email = CERT_GetNextEmailAddress(cert, cert_email);
-    } while (cert_email && !found);   
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Find all certificates with matching email address */
-CERTCertList *
-PK11_FindCertsFromEmailAddress(const char *email, void *wincx) 
-    FindCertsEmailArg cbparam;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cbparam.certList = CERT_NewCertList();
-    if (cbparam.certList == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
- = CERT_FixupEmailAddr(email);
-    if ( == NULL) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertList(cbparam.certList);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_TraverseSlotCerts(FindCertsEmailCallback, &cbparam, NULL); 	
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertList(cbparam.certList);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* empty list? */
-    if (CERT_LIST_HEAD(cbparam.certList) == NULL || 
-        CERT_LIST_END(CERT_LIST_HEAD(cbparam.certList), cbparam.certList)) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertList(cbparam.certList);
-	cbparam.certList = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return cbparam.certList;
-CERTCertList *
-PK11_FindCertsFromNickname(const char *nickname, void *wincx) 
-    char *nickCopy;
-    char *delimit = NULL;
-    char *tokenName;
-    int i;
-    CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate **foundCerts = NULL;
-    NSSTrustDomain *defaultTD = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    nickCopy = PORT_Strdup(nickname);
-    if (!nickCopy) {
-        /* error code is set */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if ((delimit = PORT_Strchr(nickCopy,':')) != NULL) {
-	tokenName = nickCopy;
-	nickname = delimit + 1;
-	*delimit = '\0';
-	/* find token by name */
-	token = NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenByName(defaultTD, (NSSUTF8 *)tokenName);
-	if (token) {
-	    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(token->pk11slot);
-	} else {
-	    slot = NULL;
-	}
-	*delimit = ':';
-    } else {
-	slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    }
-    if (token) {
-	PRStatus status;
-	nssList *nameList;
-	nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-	nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-   	rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    	    if (nickCopy) PORT_Free(nickCopy);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(defaultTD, NULL);
-	if (!collection) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    if (nickCopy) PORT_Free(nickCopy);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	nameList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-	if (!nameList) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    if (nickCopy) PORT_Free(nickCopy);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	(void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForNicknameFromCache(defaultTD,
-	                                                  nickname, 
-	                                                  nameList);
-	transfer_token_certs_to_collection(nameList, token, collection);
-	instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesByNickname(token,
-	                                                NULL,
-	                                                nickname,
-	                                                tokenOnly,
-	                                                0,
-	                                                &status);
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-	nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-        /* if it wasn't found, repeat the process for email address */
-        if (nssPKIObjectCollection_Count(collection) == 0 &&
-            PORT_Strchr(nickname, '@') != NULL) 
-        {
-            char* lowercaseName = CERT_FixupEmailAddr(nickname);
-            if (lowercaseName) {
-                (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForEmailAddressFromCache(defaultTD, 
-                                                                      lowercaseName, 
-                                                                      nameList);
-                transfer_token_certs_to_collection(nameList, token, collection);
-                instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesByEmail(token,
-                                                             NULL,
-                                                             lowercaseName,
-                                                             tokenOnly,
-                                                             0,
-                                                             &status);
-                nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-                nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-                PORT_Free(lowercaseName);
-            }
-        }
-        nssList_Destroy(nameList);
-	foundCerts = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection,
-	                                                    NULL, 0, NULL);
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (nickCopy) PORT_Free(nickCopy);
-    if (foundCerts) {
-	PRTime now = PR_Now();
-	certList = CERT_NewCertList();
-	for (i=0, c = *foundCerts; c; c = foundCerts[++i]) {
-	    if (certList) {
-	 	CERTCertificate *certCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(c);
-		/* c may be invalid after this, don't reference it */
-		if (certCert) {
-		    /* CERT_AddCertToListSorted adopts certCert  */
-		    CERT_AddCertToListSorted(certList, certCert,
-				CERT_SortCBValidity, &now);
-		}
-	    } else {
-		nssCertificate_Destroy(c);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (certList && CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList) == NULL) {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-	    certList = NULL;
-	}
-	/* all the certs have been adopted or freed, free the  raw array */
-	nss_ZFreeIf(foundCerts);
-    }
-    return certList;
- * extract a key ID for a certificate...
- * NOTE: We call this function from PKCS11.c If we ever use
- * pkcs11 to extract the public key (we currently do not), this will break.
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetPubIndexKeyID(CERTCertificate *cert) 
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubk;
-    SECItem *newItem = NULL;
-    pubk = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(cert);
-    if (pubk == NULL) return NULL;
-    switch (pubk->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	newItem = SECITEM_DupItem(&pubk->u.rsa.modulus);
-	break;
-    case dsaKey:
-        newItem = SECITEM_DupItem(&pubk->u.dsa.publicValue);
-	break;
-    case dhKey:
-        newItem = SECITEM_DupItem(&pubk->u.dh.publicValue);
-	break;
-    case ecKey:
-        newItem = SECITEM_DupItem(&pubk->;
-	break;
-    case fortezzaKey:
-    default:
-	newItem = NULL; /* Fortezza Fix later... */
-    }
-    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubk);
-    /* make hash of it */
-    return newItem;
- * generate a CKA_ID from a certificate.
- */
-SECItem *
-pk11_mkcertKeyID(CERTCertificate *cert) 
-    SECItem *pubKeyData = PK11_GetPubIndexKeyID(cert) ;
-    SECItem *certCKA_ID;
-    if (pubKeyData == NULL) return NULL;
-    certCKA_ID = PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(pubKeyData);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(pubKeyData,PR_TRUE);
-    return certCKA_ID;
- * Write the cert into the token.
- */
-PK11_ImportCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, 
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE key, const char *nickname, 
-                PRBool includeTrust) 
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    nssCryptokiObject *keyobj, *certobj;
-    NSSToken *token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    SECItem *keyID = pk11_mkcertKeyID(cert);
-    char *emailAddr = NULL;
-    nssCertificateStoreTrace lockTrace = {NULL, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE};
-    nssCertificateStoreTrace unlockTrace = {NULL, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE};
-    if (keyID == NULL) {
-	goto loser; /* error code should be set already */
-    }
-    if (!token) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (PK11_IsInternal(slot) && cert->emailAddr && cert->emailAddr[0]) {
-	emailAddr = cert->emailAddr;
-    }
-    /* need to get the cert as a stan cert */
-    if (cert->nssCertificate) {
-	c = cert->nssCertificate;
-    } else {
-	c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-	if (c == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* set the id for the cert */
-    nssItem_Create(c->object.arena, &c->id, keyID->len, keyID->data);
-    if (!c-> {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (key != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* create an object for the key, ... */
-	keyobj = nss_ZNEW(NULL, nssCryptokiObject);
-	if (!keyobj) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	keyobj->token = nssToken_AddRef(token);
-	keyobj->handle = key;
-	keyobj->isTokenObject = PR_TRUE;
-	/* ... in order to set matching attributes for the key */
-	status = nssCryptokiPrivateKey_SetCertificate(keyobj, NULL, nickname, 
-	                                              &c->id, &c->subject);
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(keyobj);
-	if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* do the token import */
-    certobj = nssToken_ImportCertificate(token, NULL,
-                                         NSSCertificateType_PKIX,
-                                         &c->id,
-                                         nickname,
-                                         &c->encoding,
-                                         &c->issuer,
-                                         &c->subject,
-                                         &c->serial,
-					 emailAddr,
-                                         PR_TRUE);
-    if (!certobj) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(keyID,PR_TRUE);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (c->object.cryptoContext) {
-	/* Delete the temp instance */
-	NSSCryptoContext *cc = c->object.cryptoContext;
-	nssCertificateStore_Lock(cc->certStore, &lockTrace);
-	nssCertificateStore_RemoveCertLOCKED(cc->certStore, c);
-	nssCertificateStore_Unlock(cc->certStore, &lockTrace, &unlockTrace);
-	c->object.cryptoContext = NULL;
-	cert->istemp = PR_FALSE;
-	cert->isperm = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* add the new instance to the cert, force an update of the
-     * CERTCertificate, and finish
-     */
-    nssPKIObject_AddInstance(&c->object, certobj);
-    /* nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache may release a reference to 'c' and
-     * replace 'c' with a different value. So we add a reference to 'c' to
-     * prevent 'c' from being destroyed. */
-    nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-    nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache(STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain(), &c, 1);
-    (void)STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate(c);
-    nssCertificate_Destroy(c);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(keyID,PR_TRUE);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    CERT_MapStanError();
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(keyID,PR_TRUE);
-    if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_LOGGED_IN) {
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-PK11_ImportDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *derCert,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE key, char *nickname, PRBool includeTrust) 
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(),
-                                   derCert, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    if (cert == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    rv = PK11_ImportCert(slot, cert, key, nickname, includeTrust);
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);
-    return rv;
- * get a certificate handle, look at the cached handle first..
- */
-pk11_getcerthandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, 
-					CK_ATTRIBUTE *theTemplate,int tsize)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certh;
-    if (cert->slot == slot) {
-	certh = cert->pkcs11ID;
-	if ((certh == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) ||
-			(cert->series != slot->series)) {
-    	     certh = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,theTemplate,tsize);
-	     cert->pkcs11ID = certh;
-	     cert->series = slot->series;
-	}
-    } else {
-    	certh = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,theTemplate,tsize);
-    }
-    return certh;
- * return the private key From a given Cert
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-								 void *wincx) 
-    int err;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certh;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    PRBool needLogin;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE, cert->, 
-						cert->derCert.len); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &certClass, sizeof(certClass));
-    /*
-     * issue the find
-     */
-    rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    certh = pk11_getcerthandle(slot,cert,theTemplate,tsize);
-    if (certh == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * prevent a login race condition. If slot is logged in between
-     * our call to pk11_LoginStillRequired and the 
-     * PK11_MatchItem. The matchItem call will either succeed, or
-     * we will call it one more time after calling PK11_Authenticate 
-     * (which is a noop on an authenticated token).
-     */
-    needLogin = pk11_LoginStillRequired(slot,wincx);
-    keyh = PK11_MatchItem(slot,certh,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY);
-    if ((keyh == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) && needLogin &&
-                        (SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE == (err = PORT_GetError()) ||
-	/* try it again authenticated */
-	rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	keyh = PK11_MatchItem(slot,certh,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY);
-    }
-    if (keyh == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) { 
-	return NULL; 
-    }
-    return PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, nullKey, PR_TRUE, keyh, wincx);
- * import a cert for a private key we have already generated. Set the label
- * on both to be the nickname. This is for the Key Gen, orphaned key case.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_KeyForCertExists(CERTCertificate *cert, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *keyPtr, 
-								void *wincx) 
-    PK11SlotList *list;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    SECItem *keyID;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int err;
-    keyID = pk11_mkcertKeyID(cert);
-    /* get them all! */
-    list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-    if ((keyID == NULL) || (list == NULL)) {
-	if (keyID) SECITEM_FreeItem(keyID,PR_TRUE);
-	if (list) PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Look for the slot that holds the Key */
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = le->next) {
-	/*
-	 * prevent a login race condition. If le->slot is logged in between
-	 * our call to pk11_LoginStillRequired and the 
-	 * pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID, the find will either succeed, or
-	 * we will call it one more time after calling PK11_Authenticate 
-	 * (which is a noop on an authenticated token).
-	 */
-	PRBool needLogin = pk11_LoginStillRequired(le->slot,wincx);
-	key = pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(le->slot,keyID);
-	if ((key == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) && needLogin &&
-            		(SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE == (err = PORT_GetError()) ||
-	    /* authenticate and try again */
-	    rv = PK11_Authenticate(le->slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) continue;
-	    key = pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(le->slot,keyID);
-	}
-	if (key != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(le->slot);
-	    if (keyPtr) *keyPtr = key;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(keyID,PR_TRUE);
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    return slot;
- * import a cert for a private key we have already generated. Set the label
- * on both to be the nickname. This is for the Key Gen, orphaned key case.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_KeyForDERCertExists(SECItem *derCert, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *keyPtr, 
-								void *wincx) 
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    /* letting this use go -- the only thing that the cert is used for is
-     * to get the ID attribute.
-     */
-    cert = CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(derCert, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-    if (cert == NULL) return NULL;
-    slot = PK11_KeyForCertExists(cert, keyPtr, wincx);
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);
-    return slot;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_ImportCertForKey(CERTCertificate *cert, const char *nickname,
-                      void *wincx) 
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    slot = PK11_KeyForCertExists(cert,&key,wincx);
-    if (slot) {
-	if (PK11_ImportCert(slot,cert,key,nickname,PR_FALSE) != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    slot = NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-    }
-    return slot;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_ImportDERCertForKey(SECItem *derCert, char *nickname,void *wincx) 
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    cert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(),
-                                   derCert, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    if (cert == NULL) return NULL;
-    slot = PK11_ImportCertForKey(cert, nickname, wincx);
-    CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);
-    return slot;
-pk11_FindCertObjectByTemplate(PK11SlotInfo **slotPtr, 
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE *searchTemplate, int count, void *wincx) 
-    PK11SlotList *list;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    *slotPtr = NULL;
-    /* get them all! */
-    list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-    if (list == NULL) {
-    	return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    }
-    /* Look for the slot that holds the Key */
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = le->next) {
-	rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(le->slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) continue;
-	certHandle = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(le->slot,searchTemplate,count);
-	if (certHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(le->slot);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    *slotPtr = slot;
-    return certHandle;
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSNOnToken(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-				CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerSN, void *wincx)
-    CERTCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    NSSDER issuer, serial;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSToken *token = slot->nssToken;
-    nssSession *session;
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject *object = NULL;
-    SECItem *derSerial;
-    PRStatus status;
-    if (!issuerSN || !issuerSN-> || !issuerSN->derIssuer.len ||
-        !issuerSN-> || !issuerSN->serialNumber.len || 
-	issuerSN->derIssuer.len    > CERT_MAX_DN_BYTES ||
-	issuerSN->serialNumber.len > CERT_MAX_SERIAL_NUMBER_BYTES ) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Paranoia */
-    if (token == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* PKCS#11 needs to use DER-encoded serial numbers.  Create a
-     * CERTIssuerAndSN that actually has the encoded value and pass that
-     * to PKCS#11 (and the crypto context).
-     */
-    derSerial = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL,
-                                   &issuerSN->serialNumber,
-                                   SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IntegerTemplate));
-    if (!derSerial) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&issuer, &issuerSN->derIssuer);
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&serial, derSerial);
-    session = nssToken_GetDefaultSession(token);
-    if (!session) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    instance = nssToken_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(token,session,
-		&issuer, &serial, nssTokenSearchType_TokenForced, &status);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(derSerial, PR_TRUE);
-    if (!instance) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    object = nssPKIObject_Create(NULL, instance, td, NULL, nssPKIMonitor);
-    if (!object) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    instance = NULL; /* adopted by the previous call */
-    cert = nssCertificate_Create(object);
-    if (!cert) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    object = NULL; /* adopted by the previous call */
-    nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache(td, &cert,1);
-    /* on failure, cert is freed below */
-    rvCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(cert);
-    if (!rvCert) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-    if (instance) {
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-    }
-    if (object) {
-	nssPKIObject_Destroy(object);
-    }
-    if (cert) {
-	nssCertificate_Destroy(cert);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static PRCallOnceType keyIDHashCallOnce;
-static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK
-pk11_keyIDHash_populate(void *wincx)
-    CERTCertList     *certList;
-    CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-    SECItem           subjKeyID = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    SECItem          *slotid = NULL;
-    SECMODModuleList *modules, *mlp;
-    SECMODListLock   *moduleLock;
-    int               i;
-    certList = PK11_ListCerts(PK11CertListUser, wincx);
-    if (!certList) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certList);
-         !CERT_LIST_END(node, certList);
-         node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
-	if (CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(node->cert, 
-	                                   &subjKeyID) == SECSuccess && 
- != NULL) {
-	    cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping(&subjKeyID, node->cert);
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(&subjKeyID, PR_FALSE);
-	}
-    }
-    CERT_DestroyCertList(certList);
-    /*
-     * Record the state of each slot in a hash. The concatenation of slotID
-     * and moduleID is used as its key, with the slot series as its value.
-     */
-    slotid = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL,
-                               sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID) + sizeof(SECMODModuleID));
-    if (!slotid) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(slotid, PR_TRUE);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    modules = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-    for (mlp = modules; mlp; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	for (i = 0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    memcpy(slotid->data, &mlp->module->slots[i]->slotID,
-	           sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
-	    memcpy(&slotid->data[sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID)], &mlp->module->moduleID,
-	           sizeof(SECMODModuleID));
-	    cert_UpdateSubjectKeyIDSlotCheck(slotid,
-	                                     mlp->module->slots[i]->series);
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(slotid, PR_TRUE);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * We're looking for a cert which we have the private key for that's on the
- * list of recipients. This searches one slot.
- * this is the new version for NSS SMIME code
- * this stuff should REALLY be in the SMIME code, but some things in here are not public
- * (they should be!)
- */
-static CERTCertificate *
-pk11_FindCertObjectByRecipientNew(PK11SlotInfo *slot, NSSCMSRecipient **recipientlist, int *rlIndex, void *pwarg)
-    NSSCMSRecipient *ri = NULL;
-    int i;
-    PRBool tokenRescanDone = PR_FALSE;
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    for (i=0; (ri = recipientlist[i]) != NULL; i++) {
-	CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-	if (ri->kind == RLSubjKeyID) {
-	    SECItem *derCert = cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID(ri->id.subjectKeyID);
-	    if (!derCert && !tokenRescanDone) {
-		/*
-		 * We didn't find the cert by its key ID. If we have slots
-		 * with removable tokens, a failure from
-		 * cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID doesn't necessarily imply
-		 * that the cert is unavailable - the token might simply
-		 * have been inserted after the initial run of
-		 * pk11_keyIDHash_populate (wrapped by PR_CallOnceWithArg),
-		 * or a different token might have been present in that
-		 * slot, initially. Let's check for new tokens...
-		 */
-		PK11SlotList *sl = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-		                                     PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, pwarg);
-		if (sl) {
-		    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-		    SECItem *slotid = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL,
-		                   sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID) + sizeof(SECMODModuleID));
-		    if (!slotid) {
-			PK11_FreeSlotList(sl);
-			return NULL;
-		    }
-		    for (le = sl->head; le; le = le->next) {
-			memcpy(slotid->data, &le->slot->slotID,
-			       sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
-			memcpy(&slotid->data[sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID)],
-			       &le->slot->module->moduleID,
-			       sizeof(SECMODModuleID));
-			/*
-			 * Any changes with the slot since our last check?
-			 * If so, re-read the certs in that specific slot.
-			 */
-			if (cert_SubjectKeyIDSlotCheckSeries(slotid)
-			    != PK11_GetSlotSeries(le->slot)) {
-			    CERTCertListNode *node = NULL;
-			    SECItem subjKeyID = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-			    CERTCertList *cl = PK11_ListCertsInSlot(le->slot);
-			    if (!cl) {
-				continue;
-			    }
-			    for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(cl);
-			         !CERT_LIST_END(node, cl);
-			         node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
-				if (CERT_IsUserCert(node->cert) &&
-				    CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(node->cert,
-				                   &subjKeyID) == SECSuccess) {
-				    if ( {
-					cert_AddSubjectKeyIDMapping(&subjKeyID,
-					                            node->cert);
-					cert_UpdateSubjectKeyIDSlotCheck(slotid,
-					          PK11_GetSlotSeries(le->slot));
-				    }
-				    SECITEM_FreeItem(&subjKeyID, PR_FALSE);
-				}
-			    }
-			    CERT_DestroyCertList(cl);
-			}
-		    }
-		    PK11_FreeSlotList(sl);
-		    SECITEM_FreeItem(slotid, PR_TRUE);
-		}
-		/* only check once per message/recipientlist */
-		tokenRescanDone = PR_TRUE;
-		/* do another lookup (hopefully we found that cert...) */
-		derCert = cert_FindDERCertBySubjectKeyID(ri->id.subjectKeyID);
-	    }
-	    if (derCert) {
-		cert = PK11_FindCertFromDERCertItem(slot, derCert, pwarg);
-		SECITEM_FreeItem(derCert, PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    cert = PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSNOnToken(slot, ri->id.issuerAndSN, 
-						     pwarg);
-	}
-	if (cert) {
-	    /* this isn't our cert */
-	    if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust) != SECSuccess ||
-       		((trust.emailFlags & CERTDB_USER) != CERTDB_USER)) {
-		 CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    ri->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-	    *rlIndex = i;
-	    return cert;
-	}
-    }
-    *rlIndex = -1;
-    return NULL;
- * This function is the same as above, but it searches all the slots.
- * this is the new version for NSS SMIME code
- * this stuff should REALLY be in the SMIME code, but some things in here are not public
- * (they should be!)
- */
-static CERTCertificate *
-pk11_AllFindCertObjectByRecipientNew(NSSCMSRecipient **recipientlist, void *wincx, int *rlIndex)
-    PK11SlotList *list;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* get them all! */
-    list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-    if (list == NULL) {
-    	return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    }
-    /* Look for the slot that holds the Key */
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = le->next) {
-	rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(le->slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) continue;
-	cert = pk11_FindCertObjectByRecipientNew(le->slot, 
-					recipientlist, rlIndex, wincx);
-	if (cert)
-	    break;
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    return cert;
- * We're looking for a cert which we have the private key for that's on the
- * list of recipients. This searches one slot.
- */
-static CERTCertificate *
-pk11_FindCertObjectByRecipient(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-	SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientArray,
-	SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **rip, void *pwarg)
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *ri = NULL;
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; (ri = recipientArray[i]) != NULL; i++) {
-	CERTCertificate *cert;
-	cert = PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSNOnToken(slot, ri->issuerAndSN, 
-								pwarg);
-        if (cert) {
-	    /* this isn't our cert */
-	    if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust) != SECSuccess ||
-       		((trust.emailFlags & CERTDB_USER) != CERTDB_USER)) {
-		 CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    *rip = ri;
-	    return cert;
-	}
-    }
-    *rip = NULL;
-    return NULL;
- * This function is the same as above, but it searches all the slots.
- */
-static CERTCertificate *
-pk11_AllFindCertObjectByRecipient(PK11SlotInfo **slotPtr, 
-	SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientArray,SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **rip,
-							void *wincx) 
-    PK11SlotList *list;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    CERTCertificate * cert = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    *slotPtr = NULL;
-    /* get them all! */
-    list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-    if (list == NULL) {
-    	return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    }
-    *rip = NULL;
-    /* Look for the slot that holds the Key */
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = le->next) {
-	rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(le->slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) continue;
-	cert = pk11_FindCertObjectByRecipient(le->slot, recipientArray, 
-							rip, wincx);
-	if (cert) {
-	    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(le->slot);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    *slotPtr = slot;
-    PORT_Assert(cert != NULL);
-    return cert;
- * We need to invert the search logic for PKCS 7 because if we search for
- * each cert on the list over all the slots, we wind up with lots of spurious
- * password prompts. This way we get only one password prompt per slot, at
- * the max, and most of the time we can find the cert, and only prompt for
- * the key...
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindCertAndKeyByRecipientList(PK11SlotInfo **slotPtr, 
-	SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **array, SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **rip,
-				SECKEYPrivateKey**privKey, void *wincx)
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    *privKey = NULL;
-    *slotPtr = NULL;
-    cert = pk11_AllFindCertObjectByRecipient(slotPtr,array,rip,wincx);
-    if (!cert) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    *privKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, wincx);
-    if (*privKey == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    return cert;
-    if (cert) CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    if (*slotPtr) PK11_FreeSlot(*slotPtr);
-    *slotPtr = NULL;
-    return NULL;
- * This is the new version of the above function for NSS SMIME code
- * this stuff should REALLY be in the SMIME code, but some things in here are not public
- * (they should be!)
- */
-PK11_FindCertAndKeyByRecipientListNew(NSSCMSRecipient **recipientlist, void *wincx)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    NSSCMSRecipient *rl;
-    PRStatus rv;
-    int rlIndex;
-    rv = PR_CallOnceWithArg(&keyIDHashCallOnce, pk11_keyIDHash_populate, wincx);
-    if (rv != PR_SUCCESS)
-	return -1;
-    cert = pk11_AllFindCertObjectByRecipientNew(recipientlist, wincx, &rlIndex);
-    if (!cert) {
-	return -1;
-    }
-    rl = recipientlist[rlIndex];
-    /* at this point, rl->slot is set */
-    rl->privkey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, wincx);
-    if (rl->privkey == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* make a cert from the cert handle */
-    rl->cert = cert;
-    return rlIndex;
-    if (cert) CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    if (rl->slot) PK11_FreeSlot(rl->slot);
-    rl->slot = NULL;
-    return -1;
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSN(PK11SlotInfo **slotPtr, CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerSN,
-							 void *wincx)
-    CERTCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate *cert;
-    NSSDER issuer, serial;
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    SECItem *derSerial;
-    if (!issuerSN || !issuerSN-> || !issuerSN->derIssuer.len ||
-        !issuerSN-> || !issuerSN->serialNumber.len || 
-	issuerSN->derIssuer.len    > CERT_MAX_DN_BYTES ||
-	issuerSN->serialNumber.len > CERT_MAX_SERIAL_NUMBER_BYTES ) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (slotPtr) *slotPtr = NULL;
-    /* PKCS#11 needs to use DER-encoded serial numbers.  Create a
-     * CERTIssuerAndSN that actually has the encoded value and pass that
-     * to PKCS#11 (and the crypto context).
-     */
-    derSerial = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL,
-                                   &issuerSN->serialNumber,
-                                   SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IntegerTemplate));
-    if (!derSerial) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&issuer, &issuerSN->derIssuer);
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&serial, derSerial);
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    cert = NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(cc, 
-                                                                &issuer, 
-                                                                &serial);
-    if (cert) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(derSerial, PR_TRUE);
-	return STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(cert);
-    }
-    do {
-	/* free the old cert on retry. Associated slot was not present */
-	if (rvCert) {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificate(rvCert);
-	    rvCert = NULL;
- 	}
-	cert = NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(
-                                                  STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain(),
-                                                  &issuer,
-                                                  &serial);
-	if (!cert) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	rvCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(cert);
-	if (rvCert == NULL) {
-	   break;
-	}
-	/* Check to see if the cert's token is still there */
-    } while (!PK11_IsPresent(rvCert->slot));
-    if (rvCert && slotPtr) *slotPtr = PK11_ReferenceSlot(rvCert->slot);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(derSerial, PR_TRUE);
-    return rvCert;
-PK11_FindObjectForCert(CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx, PK11SlotInfo **pSlot)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certHandle;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE searchTemplate[]= {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    int templateSize = sizeof(searchTemplate)/sizeof(searchTemplate[0]);
-    attr = searchTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attr, CKA_CLASS, &certClass, sizeof(certClass)); attr++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attr, CKA_VALUE, cert->, cert->derCert.len);
-    if (cert->slot) {
-	certHandle = pk11_getcerthandle(cert->slot, cert, searchTemplate,
-	                                templateSize);
-	if (certHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    *pSlot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(cert->slot);
-	    return certHandle;
-	}
-    }
-    certHandle = pk11_FindCertObjectByTemplate(pSlot, searchTemplate,
-                                               templateSize, wincx);
-    if (certHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	if (cert->slot == NULL) {
-	    cert->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(*pSlot);
-	    cert->pkcs11ID = certHandle;
-	    cert->ownSlot = PR_TRUE;
-	    cert->series = cert->slot->series;
-	}
-    }
-    return(certHandle);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certHandle;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyHandle;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = NULL;
-    PRBool needLogin;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int err;
-    certHandle = PK11_FindObjectForCert(cert, wincx, &slot);
-    if (certHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	 return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * prevent a login race condition. If slot is logged in between
-     * our call to pk11_LoginStillRequired and the 
-     * PK11_MatchItem. The matchItem call will either succeed, or
-     * we will call it one more time after calling PK11_Authenticate 
-     * (which is a noop on an authenticated token).
-     */
-    needLogin = pk11_LoginStillRequired(slot,wincx);
-    keyHandle = PK11_MatchItem(slot,certHandle,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY);
-    if ((keyHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) &&  needLogin &&
-			(SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE == (err = PORT_GetError()) ||
-	/* authenticate and try again */
-	rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-            keyHandle = PK11_MatchItem(slot,certHandle,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY);
-	}
-    }
-    if (keyHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) { 
-        privKey =  PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, nullKey, PR_TRUE, keyHandle, wincx);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return privKey;
-pk11_FindPubKeyByAnyCert(CERTCertificate *cert, PK11SlotInfo **slot, void *wincx)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certHandle;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyHandle;
-    certHandle = PK11_FindObjectForCert(cert, wincx, slot);
-    if (certHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-    }
-    keyHandle = PK11_MatchItem(*slot,certHandle,CKO_PUBLIC_KEY);
-    if (keyHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) { 
-	PK11_FreeSlot(*slot);
-    }
-    return keyHandle;
- * find the number of certs in the slot with the same subject name
- */
-PK11_NumberCertsForCertSubject(CERTCertificate *cert)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr = theTemplate;
-   int templateSize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attr,CKA_CLASS, &certClass, sizeof(certClass)); attr++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attr,CKA_SUBJECT,cert->,cert->derSubject.len);
-    if (cert->slot == NULL) {
-	PK11SlotList *list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-	PK11SlotListElement *le;
-	int count = 0;
-	if (!list) {
-            /* error code is set */
-            return 0;
-	}
-	/* loop through all the fortezza tokens */
-	for (le = list->head; le; le = le->next) {
-	    count += PK11_NumberObjectsFor(le->slot,theTemplate,templateSize);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-	return count;
-    }
-    return PK11_NumberObjectsFor(cert->slot,theTemplate,templateSize);
- *  Walk all the certs with the same subject
- */
-PK11_TraverseCertsForSubject(CERTCertificate *cert,
-        SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, void *), void *arg)
-    if(!cert) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cert->slot == NULL) {
-	PK11SlotList *list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-	PK11SlotListElement *le;
-	if (!list) {
-            /* error code is set */
-            return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/* loop through all the tokens */
-	for (le = list->head; le; le = le->next) {
-	    PK11_TraverseCertsForSubjectInSlot(cert,le->slot,callback,arg);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return PK11_TraverseCertsForSubjectInSlot(cert, cert->slot, callback, arg);
-PK11_TraverseCertsForSubjectInSlot(CERTCertificate *cert, PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-	SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, void *), void *arg)
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    NSSDER subject;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&subject, &cert->derSubject);
-    token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    if (!nssToken_IsPresent(token)) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-    if (!collection) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    subjectList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!subjectList) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForSubjectFromCache(td, &subject, 
-                                                     subjectList);
-    transfer_token_certs_to_collection(subjectList, token, collection);
-    instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesBySubject(token, NULL,
-	                                           &subject, 
-	                                           tokenOnly, 0, &nssrv);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-    nssList_Destroy(subjectList);
-    certs = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection,
-                                                   NULL, 0, NULL);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    if (certs) {
-	CERTCertificate *oldie;
-	NSSCertificate **cp;
-	for (cp = certs; *cp; cp++) {
-	    oldie = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(*cp);
-	    if (!oldie) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if ((*callback)(oldie, arg) != SECSuccess) {
-		nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    return (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-PK11_TraverseCertsForNicknameInSlot(SECItem *nickname, PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-	SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, void *), void *arg)
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    NSSUTF8 *nick;
-    PRBool created = PR_FALSE;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    nssList *nameList = NULL;
-    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-    token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    if (!nssToken_IsPresent(token)) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (nickname->data[nickname->len-1] != '\0') {
-	nick = nssUTF8_Create(NULL, nssStringType_UTF8String, 
-	                      nickname->data, nickname->len);
-	created = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-	nick = (NSSUTF8 *)nickname->data;
-    }
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-    if (!collection) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    nameList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!nameList) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForNicknameFromCache(td, nick, nameList);
-    transfer_token_certs_to_collection(nameList, token, collection);
-    instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesByNickname(token, NULL,
-	                                            nick,
-	                                            tokenOnly, 0, &nssrv);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-    nssList_Destroy(nameList);
-    certs = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection,
-                                                   NULL, 0, NULL);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    if (certs) {
-	CERTCertificate *oldie;
-	NSSCertificate **cp;
-	for (cp = certs; *cp; cp++) {
-	    oldie = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(*cp);
-	    if (!oldie) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if ((*callback)(oldie, arg) != SECSuccess) {
-		nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    if (created) nss_ZFreeIf(nick);
-    return (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-    if (created) {
-	nss_ZFreeIf(nick);
-    }
-    if (collection) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    }
-    if (nameList) {
-	nssList_Destroy(nameList);
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-PK11_TraverseCertsInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-	SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, void *), void *arg)
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSToken *tok;
-    nssList *certList = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-    tok = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    if (!nssToken_IsPresent(tok)) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-    if (!collection) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    certList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!certList) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsFromCache(td, certList);
-    transfer_token_certs_to_collection(certList, tok, collection);
-    instances = nssToken_FindObjects(tok, NULL, CKO_CERTIFICATE,
-                                     tokenOnly, 0, &nssrv);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-    nssList_Destroy(certList);
-    certs = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection,
-                                                   NULL, 0, NULL);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    if (certs) {
-	CERTCertificate *oldie;
-	NSSCertificate **cp;
-	for (cp = certs; *cp; cp++) {
-	    oldie = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(*cp);
-	    if (!oldie) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if ((*callback)(oldie, arg) != SECSuccess) {
-		nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    return (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
- * return the certificate associated with a derCert 
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindCertFromDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-								 void *wincx)
-    return PK11_FindCertFromDERCertItem(slot, &cert->derCert, wincx);
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindCertFromDERCertItem(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const SECItem *inDerCert,
-								 void *wincx)
-    NSSDER derCert;
-    NSSToken *tok;
-    nssCryptokiObject *co = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    tok = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&derCert, inDerCert);
-    rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    co = nssToken_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(tok, NULL, &derCert,
-                                          nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly, NULL);
-    return co ? PK11_MakeCertFromHandle(slot, co->handle, NULL) : NULL;
- * import a cert for a private key we have already generated. Set the label
- * on both to be the nickname.
- */
-pk11_findKeyObjectByDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, 
-								void *wincx)
-    SECItem *keyID;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool needLogin;
-    int err;
-    if((slot == NULL) || (cert == NULL)) {
-    }
-    keyID = pk11_mkcertKeyID(cert);
-    if(keyID == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * prevent a login race condition. If slot is logged in between
-     * our call to pk11_LoginStillRequired and the 
-     * pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCerID. The matchItem call will either succeed, or
-     * we will call it one more time after calling PK11_Authenticate 
-     * (which is a noop on an authenticated token).
-     */
-    needLogin = pk11_LoginStillRequired(slot,wincx);
-    key = pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(slot, keyID);
-    if ((key == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) && needLogin &&
-			(SSL_ERROR_NO_CERTIFICATE == (err = PORT_GetError()) ||
-	/* authenticate and try again */
-	rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-	key = pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(slot, keyID);
-   }
-    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(keyID, PR_TRUE);
-    return key;
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_FindKeyByDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, 
-								void *wincx)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyHandle;
-    if((slot == NULL) || (cert == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    keyHandle = pk11_findKeyObjectByDERCert(slot, cert, wincx);
-    if (keyHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_MakePrivKey(slot,nullKey,PR_TRUE,keyHandle,wincx);
-PK11_ImportCertForKeyToSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, 
-						char *nickname, 
-						PRBool addCertUsage,void *wincx)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyHandle;
-    if((slot == NULL) || (cert == NULL) || (nickname == NULL)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    keyHandle = pk11_findKeyObjectByDERCert(slot, cert, wincx);
-    if (keyHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return PK11_ImportCert(slot, cert, keyHandle, nickname, addCertUsage);
-/* remove when the real version comes out */
-#define SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA 300  /* until we have v3 stuff merged */
-KEAPQGCompare(CERTCertificate *server,CERTCertificate *cert) {
-    /* not implemented */
-    return PR_FALSE;
-PK11_FortezzaHasKEA(CERTCertificate *cert) 
-   /* look at the subject and see if it is a KEA for MISSI key */
-   SECOidData *oid;
-   CERTCertTrust trust;
-   if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cert, &trust) != SECSuccess ||
-       ((trust.sslFlags & CERTDB_USER) != CERTDB_USER)) {
-       return PR_FALSE;
-   }
-   oid = SECOID_FindOID(&cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm);
-   if (!oid) {
-       return PR_FALSE;
-   }
-   return (PRBool)((oid->offset == SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS_OLD) || 
-		(oid->offset == SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS) ||
-				(oid->offset == SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA)) ;
- * Find a kea cert on this slot that matches the domain of it's peer
- */
-static CERTCertificate
-*pk11_GetKEAMate(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CERTCertificate *peer)
-    int i;
-    CERTCertificate *returnedCert = NULL;
-    for (i=0; i < slot->cert_count; i++) {
-	CERTCertificate *cert = slot->cert_array[i];
-	if (PK11_FortezzaHasKEA(cert) && KEAPQGCompare(peer,cert)) {
-		returnedCert = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    return returnedCert;
- * The following is a FORTEZZA only Certificate request. We call this when we
- * are doing a non-client auth SSL connection. We are only interested in the
- * fortezza slots, and we are only interested in certs that share the same root
- * key as the server.
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-PK11_FindBestKEAMatch(CERTCertificate *server, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotList *keaList = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_KEA_KEY_DERIVE,
-							PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    CERTCertificate *returnedCert = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!keaList) {
-        /* error code is set */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* loop through all the fortezza tokens */
-    for (le = keaList->head; le; le = le->next) {
-        rv = PK11_Authenticate(le->slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) continue;
-	if (le->slot->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	returnedCert = pk11_GetKEAMate(le->slot,server);
-	if (returnedCert) break;
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(keaList);
-    return returnedCert;
- * find a matched pair of kea certs to key exchange parameters from one 
- * fortezza card to another as necessary.
- */
-PK11_GetKEAMatchedCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot1, PK11SlotInfo *slot2,
-	CERTCertificate **cert1, CERTCertificate **cert2)
-    CERTCertificate *returnedCert = NULL;
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < slot1->cert_count; i++) {
-	CERTCertificate *cert = slot1->cert_array[i];
-	if (PK11_FortezzaHasKEA(cert)) {
-	    returnedCert = pk11_GetKEAMate(slot2,cert);
-	    if (returnedCert != NULL) {
-		*cert2 = returnedCert;
-		*cert1 = CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-		return SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * return the private key From a given Cert
- */
-PK11_FindCertInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE, cert->,
-						cert->derCert.len); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &certClass, sizeof(certClass));
-    /*
-     * issue the find
-     */
-    rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    }
-    return pk11_getcerthandle(slot,cert,theTemplate,tsize);
-/* Looking for PK11_GetKeyIDFromCert?  
- * Use PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForCert instead.
- */
-struct listCertsStr {
-    PK11CertListType type;
-    CERTCertList *certList;
-static PRStatus
-pk11ListCertCallback(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg)
-    struct listCertsStr *listCertP = (struct listCertsStr *)arg;
-    CERTCertificate *newCert = NULL;
-    PK11CertListType type = listCertP->type;
-    CERTCertList *certList = listCertP->certList;
-    PRBool isUnique = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool isCA = PR_FALSE;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    unsigned int certType;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if ((type == PK11CertListUnique) || (type == PK11CertListRootUnique) ||
-        (type == PK11CertListCAUnique) || (type == PK11CertListUserUnique) ) {
-        /* only list one instance of each certificate, even if several exist */
-	isUnique = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if ((type == PK11CertListCA) || (type == PK11CertListRootUnique) ||
-        (type == PK11CertListCAUnique)) {
-	isCA = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* if we want user certs and we don't have one skip this cert */
-    if ( ( (type == PK11CertListUser) || (type == PK11CertListUserUnique) ) && 
-		!NSSCertificate_IsPrivateKeyAvailable(c, NULL,NULL)) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* PK11CertListRootUnique means we want CA certs without a private key.
-     * This is for legacy app support . PK11CertListCAUnique should be used
-     * instead to get all CA certs, regardless of private key
-     */
-    if ((type == PK11CertListRootUnique) && 
-		NSSCertificate_IsPrivateKeyAvailable(c, NULL,NULL)) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* caller still owns the reference to 'c' */
-    newCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-    if (!newCert) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* if we want CA certs and it ain't one, skip it */
-    if( isCA  && (!CERT_IsCACert(newCert, &certType)) ) {
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    if (isUnique) {
-	CERT_DupCertificate(newCert);
-	nickname = STAN_GetCERTCertificateName(certList->arena, c);
-	/* put slot certs at the end */
-	if (newCert->slot && !PK11_IsInternal(newCert->slot)) {
-	    rv = CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(certList,newCert,nickname);
-	} else {
-	    rv = CERT_AddCertToListHeadWithData(certList,newCert,nickname);
-	}
-	/* if we didn't add the cert to the list, don't leak it */
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificate(newCert);
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* add multiple instances to the cert list */
-	nssCryptokiObject **ip;
-	nssCryptokiObject **instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(&c->object);
-	if (!instances) {
-	    return PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	for (ip = instances; *ip; ip++) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject *instance = *ip;
-	    PK11SlotInfo *slot = instance->token->pk11slot;
-	    /* put the same CERTCertificate in the list for all instances */
-	    CERT_DupCertificate(newCert);
-	    nickname = STAN_GetCERTCertificateNameForInstance(
-			certList->arena, c, instance);
-	    /* put slot certs at the end */
-	    if (slot && !PK11_IsInternal(slot)) {
-		rv = CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(certList,newCert,nickname);
-	    } else {
-		rv = CERT_AddCertToListHeadWithData(certList,newCert,nickname);
-	    }
-	    /* if we didn't add the cert to the list, don't leak it */
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		CERT_DestroyCertificate(newCert);
-	    }
-	}
-	nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-CERTCertList *
-PK11_ListCerts(PK11CertListType type, void *pwarg)
-    NSSTrustDomain *defaultTD = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    CERTCertList *certList = NULL;
-    struct listCertsStr listCerts;
-    certList = CERT_NewCertList();
-    listCerts.type = type;
-    listCerts.certList = certList;
-    /* authenticate to the slots */
-    (void) pk11_TraverseAllSlots( NULL, NULL, PR_TRUE, pwarg);
-    NSSTrustDomain_TraverseCertificates(defaultTD, pk11ListCertCallback,
-								 &listCerts);
-    return certList;
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-					CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certHandle;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slotRef = NULL;
-    SECItem *item;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (slot) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE, cert->, 
-						cert->derCert.len); attrs++;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &certClass, sizeof(certClass));
-	rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-        certHandle = pk11_getcerthandle(slot,cert,theTemplate,tsize);
-    } else {
-    	certHandle = PK11_FindObjectForCert(cert, wincx, &slotRef);
-	if (certHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	   return pk11_mkcertKeyID(cert);
-	}
-	slot = slotRef;
-    }
-    if (certHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	 return NULL;
-    }
-    item = pk11_GetLowLevelKeyFromHandle(slot,certHandle);
-    if (slotRef) PK11_FreeSlot(slotRef);
-    return item;
-/* argument type for listCertsCallback */
-typedef struct {
-    CERTCertList *list;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-} ListCertsArg;
-static SECStatus
-listCertsCallback(CERTCertificate* cert, void*arg)
-    ListCertsArg *cdata = (ListCertsArg*)arg;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance, **ci;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-    NSSCertificate *c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (c == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(&c->object);
-    if (!instances) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    instance = NULL;
-    for (ci = instances; *ci; ci++) {
-	if ((*ci)->token->pk11slot == cdata->slot) {
-	    instance = *ci;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(instance != NULL);
-    if (!instance) {
-	nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    nickname = STAN_GetCERTCertificateNameForInstance(cdata->list->arena,
-						      c, instance);
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    CERT_DupCertificate(cert);
-    rv = CERT_AddCertToListTailWithData(cdata->list, cert, nickname);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-    }
-    return rv;
-CERTCertList *
-PK11_ListCertsInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    SECStatus status;
-    CERTCertList *certs;
-    ListCertsArg cdata;
-    certs = CERT_NewCertList();
-    if(certs == NULL) return NULL;
-    cdata.list = certs;
-    cdata.slot = slot;
-    status = PK11_TraverseCertsInSlot(slot, listCertsCallback,
-		&cdata);
-    if( status != SECSuccess ) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertList(certs);
-	certs = NULL;
-    }
-    return certs;
-PK11SlotList *
-PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert(CERTCertificate *cert, void *arg)
-    nssCryptokiObject **ip;
-    PK11SlotList *slotList;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!cert) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cert);
-    if (!c) {
-	CERT_MapStanError();
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* add multiple instances to the cert list */
-    instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(&c->object);
-    if (!instances) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    slotList = PK11_NewSlotList();
-    if (!slotList) {
-	nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (ip = instances; *ip; ip++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *instance = *ip;
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot = instance->token->pk11slot;
-	if (slot) {
-	    PK11_AddSlotToList(slotList, slot, PR_TRUE);
-	    found = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    if (!found) {
-	PK11_FreeSlotList(slotList);
-	slotList = NULL;
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    return slotList;
- * Using __PK11_SetCertificateNickname is *DANGEROUS*.
- *
- * The API will update the NSS database, but it *will NOT* update the in-memory data.
- * As a result, after calling this API, there will be INCONSISTENCY between
- * in-memory data and the database.
- *
- * Use of the API should be limited to short-lived tools, which will exit immediately
- * after using this API.
- *
- * If you ignore this warning, your process is TAINTED and will most likely misbehave.
- */
-__PK11_SetCertificateNickname(CERTCertificate *cert, const char *nickname)
-    /* Can't set nickname of temp cert. */
-    if (!cert->slot || cert->pkcs11ID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return PK11_SetObjectNickname(cert->slot, cert->pkcs11ID, nickname);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d626ba7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1042 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file PK11Contexts which are  used in multipart hashing, 
- * encryption/decryption, and signing/verication operations.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h" 
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-static const SECItem pk11_null_params = { 0 };
- *
- *                   Now Deal with Crypto Contexts
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- * the monitors...
- */
-PK11_EnterContextMonitor(PK11Context *cx) {
-    /* if we own the session and our slot is ThreadSafe, only monitor
-     * the Context */
-    if ((cx->ownSession) && (cx->slot->isThreadSafe)) {
-	/* Should this use monitors instead? */
-	PZ_Lock(cx->sessionLock);
-    } else {
-	PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(cx->slot);
-    }
-PK11_ExitContextMonitor(PK11Context *cx) {
-    /* if we own the session and our slot is ThreadSafe, only monitor
-     * the Context */
-    if ((cx->ownSession) && (cx->slot->isThreadSafe)) {
-	/* Should this use monitors instead? */
-	PZ_Unlock(cx->sessionLock);
-    } else {
-	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(cx->slot);
-    }
- * Free up a Cipher Context
- */
-PK11_DestroyContext(PK11Context *context, PRBool freeit)
-    pk11_CloseSession(context->slot,context->session,context->ownSession);
-    /* initialize the critical fields of the context */
-    if (context->savedData != NULL ) PORT_Free(context->savedData);
-    if (context->key) PK11_FreeSymKey(context->key);
-    if (context->param && context->param != &pk11_null_params)
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(context->param, PR_TRUE);
-    if (context->sessionLock) PZ_DestroyLock(context->sessionLock);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(context->slot);
-    if (freeit) PORT_Free(context);
- * save the current context. Allocate Space if necessary.
- */
-static unsigned char *
-pk11_saveContextHelper(PK11Context *context, unsigned char *buffer, 
-                       unsigned long *savedLength)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* If buffer is NULL, this will get the length */
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_GetOperationState(context->session,
-                                                          (CK_BYTE_PTR)buffer,
-                                                          savedLength);
-    if (!buffer || (crv == CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)) {
-	/* the given buffer wasn't big enough (or was NULL), but we 
-	 * have the length, so try again with a new buffer and the 
-	 * correct length
-	 */
-	unsigned long bufLen = *savedLength;
-	buffer = PORT_Alloc(bufLen);
-	if (buffer == NULL) {
-	    return (unsigned char *)NULL;
-	}
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_GetOperationState(
-	                                                  context->session,
-                                                          (CK_BYTE_PTR)buffer,
-                                                          savedLength);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(buffer, bufLen);
-	}
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return (unsigned char *)NULL;
-    }
-    return buffer;
-void *
-pk11_saveContext(PK11Context *context, void *space, unsigned long *savedLength)
-    return pk11_saveContextHelper(context, 
-                                  (unsigned char *)space, savedLength);
- * restore the current context
- */
-pk11_restoreContext(PK11Context *context,void *space, unsigned long savedLength)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID = (context->key) ? context->key->objectID:
-    PORT_Assert(space != NULL);
-    if (space == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_SetOperationState(context->session,
-        (CK_BYTE_PTR)space, savedLength, objectID, 0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-       PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv));
-       return SECFailure;
-   }
-   return SECSuccess;
-SECStatus pk11_Finalize(PK11Context *context);
- * Context initialization. Used by all flavors of CreateContext
- */
-static SECStatus 
-pk11_context_init(PK11Context *context, CK_MECHANISM *mech_info)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = context->key;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    switch (context->operation) {
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptInit(context->session,
-				mech_info, symKey->objectID);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:
-	if (context->fortezzaHack) {
-	    CK_ULONG count = 0;;
-	    /* generate the IV for fortezza */
-	    crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptInit(context->session,
-				mech_info, symKey->objectID);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptFinal(context->session,
-				NULL, &count);
-	}
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DecryptInit(context->session,
-				mech_info, symKey->objectID);
-	break;
-    case CKA_SIGN:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_SignInit(context->session,
-				mech_info, symKey->objectID);
-	break;
-    case CKA_VERIFY:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_SignInit(context->session,
-				mech_info, symKey->objectID);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DIGEST:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DigestInit(context->session,
-				mech_info);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle session starvation case.. use our last session to multiplex
-     */
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-	context->savedData = pk11_saveContext(context,context->savedData,
-				&context->savedLength);
-	if (context->savedData == NULL) rv = SECFailure;
-	/* clear out out session for others to use */
-	pk11_Finalize(context);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Common Helper Function do come up with a new context.
- */
-static PK11Context *pk11_CreateNewContextInSlot(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-     PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, PK11SymKey *symKey,
-							     SECItem *param)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech_info;
-    PK11Context *context;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert(slot != NULL);
-    if (!slot || (!symKey && ((operation != CKA_DIGEST) || 
-	                      (type == CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64)))) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    context = (PK11Context *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(PK11Context));
-    if (context == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* now deal with the fortezza hack... the fortezza hack is an attempt
-     * to get around the issue of the card not allowing you to do a FORTEZZA
-     * LoadIV/Encrypt, which was added because such a combination could be
-     * use to circumvent the key escrow system. Unfortunately SSL needs to
-     * do this kind of operation, so in SSL we do a loadIV (to verify it),
-     * Then GenerateIV, and through away the first 8 bytes on either side
-     * of the connection.*/
-    context->fortezzaHack = PR_FALSE;
-    if (type == CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64) {
-	if (symKey->origin == PK11_OriginFortezzaHack) {
-	    context->fortezzaHack = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    /* initialize the critical fields of the context */
-    context->operation = operation;
-    context->key = symKey ? PK11_ReferenceSymKey(symKey) : NULL;
-    context->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    context->session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&context->ownSession);
-    context->cx = symKey ? symKey->cx : NULL;
-    /* get our session */
-    context->savedData = NULL;
-    /* save the parameters so that some digesting stuff can do multiple
-     * begins on a single context */
-    context->type = type;
-    if (param) {
-	if (param->len > 0) {
-	    context->param = SECITEM_DupItem(param);
-	} else {
-	    context->param = (SECItem *)&pk11_null_params;
-	}
-    } else {
-	context->param = NULL;
-    }
-    context->init = PR_FALSE;
-    context->sessionLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockPK11cxt);
-    if ((context->param == NULL) || (context->sessionLock == NULL)) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    mech_info.mechanism = type;
-    mech_info.pParameter = param->data;
-    mech_info.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-    rv = pk11_context_init(context,&mech_info);
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    context->init = PR_TRUE;
-    return context;
- * put together the various PK11_Create_Context calls used by different
- * parts of libsec.
- */
-PK11Context *
-__PK11_CreateContextByRawKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-     PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, SECItem *key, 
-						SECItem *param, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = NULL;
-    PK11Context *context = NULL;
-    /* first get a slot */
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(type,wincx);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    } else {
-	PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    }
-    /* now import the key */
-    symKey = PK11_ImportSymKey(slot, type, origin, operation,  key, wincx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) goto loser;
-    context = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(type, operation, symKey, param);
-    if (symKey) {
-        PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-        PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return context;
-PK11Context *
-PK11_CreateContextByRawKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-     PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, SECItem *key, 
-						SECItem *param, void *wincx)
-    return __PK11_CreateContextByRawKey(slot, type, origin, operation,
-                                        key, param, wincx);
- * Create a context from a key. We really should make sure we aren't using
- * the same key in multiple session!
- */
-PK11Context *
-PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation,
-			PK11SymKey *symKey, SECItem *param)
-    PK11SymKey *newKey;
-    PK11Context *context;
-    /* if this slot doesn't support the mechanism, go to a slot that does */
-    newKey = pk11_ForceSlot(symKey,type,operation);
-    if (newKey == NULL) {
-	PK11_ReferenceSymKey(symKey);
-    } else {
-	symKey = newKey;
-    }
-    /* Context Adopts the symKey.... */
-    context = pk11_CreateNewContextInSlot(type, symKey->slot, operation, symKey,
-							     param);
-    PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-    return context;
- * Digest contexts don't need keys, but the do need to find a slot.
- * Macing should use PK11_CreateContextBySymKey.
- */
-PK11Context *
-PK11_CreateDigestContext(SECOidTag hashAlg)
-    /* digesting has to work without authentication to the slot */
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    PK11Context *context;
-    SECItem param;
-    type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(hashAlg);
-    slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(type, NULL);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* maybe should really be PK11_GenerateNewParam?? */
- = NULL;
-    param.len = 0;
-    param.type = 0;
-    context = pk11_CreateNewContextInSlot(type, slot, CKA_DIGEST, NULL, &param);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return context;
- * create a new context which is the clone of the state of old context.
- */
-PK11Context * PK11_CloneContext(PK11Context *old)
-     PK11Context *newcx;
-     PRBool needFree = PR_FALSE;
-     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-     void *data;
-     unsigned long len;
-     newcx = pk11_CreateNewContextInSlot(old->type, old->slot, old->operation,
-						old->key, old->param);
-     if (newcx == NULL) return NULL;
-     /* now clone the save state. First we need to find the save state
-      * of the old session. If the old context owns it's session,
-      * the state needs to be saved, otherwise the state is in saveData. */
-     if (old->ownSession) {
-        PK11_EnterContextMonitor(old);
-	data=pk11_saveContext(old,NULL,&len);
-        PK11_ExitContextMonitor(old);
-	needFree = PR_TRUE;
-     } else {
-	data = old->savedData;
-	len = old->savedLength;
-     }
-     if (data == NULL) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(newcx,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-     }
-     /* now copy that state into our new context. Again we have different
-      * work if the new context owns it's own session. If it does, we
-      * restore the state gathered above. If it doesn't, we copy the
-      * saveData pointer... */
-     if (newcx->ownSession) {
-        PK11_EnterContextMonitor(newcx);
-	rv = pk11_restoreContext(newcx,data,len);
-        PK11_ExitContextMonitor(newcx);
-     } else {
-	PORT_Assert(newcx->savedData != NULL);
-	if ((newcx->savedData == NULL) || (newcx->savedLength < len)) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	} else {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(newcx->savedData,data,len);
-	    newcx->savedLength = len;
-	}
-    }
-    if (needFree) PORT_Free(data);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(newcx,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return newcx;
- * save the current context state into a variable. Required to make FORTEZZA
- * work.
- */
-PK11_SaveContext(PK11Context *cx,unsigned char *save,int *len, int saveLength)
-    unsigned char * data = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG length = saveLength;
-    if (cx->ownSession) {
-        PK11_EnterContextMonitor(cx);
-	data = pk11_saveContextHelper(cx, save, &length);
-        PK11_ExitContextMonitor(cx);
-	if (data) *len = length;
-    } else if ((unsigned) saveLength >= cx->savedLength) {
-	data = (unsigned char*)cx->savedData;
-	if (cx->savedData) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(save,cx->savedData,cx->savedLength);
-	}
-	*len = cx->savedLength;
-    }
-    if (data != NULL) {
-	if (cx->ownSession) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(data, length);
-	}
-	return SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-/* same as above, but may allocate the return buffer. */
-unsigned char *
-PK11_SaveContextAlloc(PK11Context *cx,
-                      unsigned char *preAllocBuf, unsigned int pabLen,
-                      unsigned int *stateLen)
-    unsigned char *stateBuf = NULL;
-    unsigned long length = (unsigned long)pabLen;
-    if (cx->ownSession) {
-        PK11_EnterContextMonitor(cx);
-	stateBuf = pk11_saveContextHelper(cx, preAllocBuf, &length);
-        PK11_ExitContextMonitor(cx);
-	*stateLen = (stateBuf != NULL) ? length : 0;
-    } else {
-	if (pabLen < cx->savedLength) {
-	    stateBuf = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(cx->savedLength);
-	    if (!stateBuf) {
-		return (unsigned char *)NULL;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    stateBuf = preAllocBuf;
-	}
-	if (cx->savedData) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(stateBuf, cx->savedData, cx->savedLength);
-	}
-	*stateLen = cx->savedLength;
-    }
-    return stateBuf;
- * restore the context state into a new running context. Also required for
- */
-PK11_RestoreContext(PK11Context *cx,unsigned char *save,int len)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (cx->ownSession) {
-        PK11_EnterContextMonitor(cx);
-	pk11_Finalize(cx);
-	rv = pk11_restoreContext(cx,save,len);
-        PK11_ExitContextMonitor(cx);
-    } else {
-	PORT_Assert(cx->savedData != NULL);
-	if ((cx->savedData == NULL) || (cx->savedLength < (unsigned) len)) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	} else {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(cx->savedData,save,len);
-	    cx->savedLength = len;
-	}
-    }
-    return rv;
- * This is  to get FIPS compliance until we can convert
- * libjar to use PK11_ hashing functions. It returns PR_FALSE
- * if we can't get a PK11 Context.
- */
-PK11_HashOK(SECOidTag algID) {
-    PK11Context *cx;
-    cx = PK11_CreateDigestContext(algID);
-    if (cx == NULL) return PR_FALSE;
-    PK11_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * start a new digesting or Mac'ing operation on this context
- */
-SECStatus PK11_DigestBegin(PK11Context *cx)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech_info;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (cx->init == PR_TRUE) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /*
-     * make sure the old context is clear first
-     */
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(cx);
-    pk11_Finalize(cx);
-    mech_info.mechanism = cx->type;
-    mech_info.pParameter = cx->param->data;
-    mech_info.ulParameterLen = cx->param->len;
-    rv = pk11_context_init(cx,&mech_info);
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(cx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cx->init = PR_TRUE;
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_HashBuf(SECOidTag hashAlg, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in,
-								PRInt32 len) {
-    PK11Context *context;
-    unsigned int max_length;
-    unsigned int out_length;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* len will be passed to PK11_DigestOp as unsigned. */
-    if (len < 0) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    context = PK11_CreateDigestContext(hashAlg);
-    if (context == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    rv = PK11_DigestBegin(context);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context, PR_TRUE);
-	return rv;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_DigestOp(context, in, len);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_DestroyContext(context, PR_TRUE);
-	return rv;
-    }
-    /* XXX This really should have been an argument to this function! */
-    max_length = HASH_ResultLenByOidTag(hashAlg);
-    PORT_Assert(max_length);
-    if (!max_length)
-    	max_length = HASH_LENGTH_MAX;
-    rv = PK11_DigestFinal(context,out,&out_length,max_length);
-    PK11_DestroyContext(context, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
- * execute a bulk encryption operation
- */
-PK11_CipherOp(PK11Context *context, unsigned char * out, int *outlen, 
-				int maxout, const unsigned char *in, int inlen)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ULONG length = maxout;
-    CK_ULONG offset =0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned char *saveOut = out;
-    unsigned char *allocOut = NULL;
-    /* if we ran out of session, we need to restore our previously stored
-     * state.
-     */
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-        rv = pk11_restoreContext(context,context->savedData,
-							context->savedLength);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * The fortezza hack is to send 8 extra bytes on the first encrypted and
-     * lose them on the first decrypt.
-     */
-    if (context->fortezzaHack) {
-	unsigned char random[8];
-	if (context->operation == CKA_ENCRYPT) {
-	    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-	    rv = PK11_GenerateRandom(random,sizeof(random));
-    	    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-	    /* since we are offseting the output, we can't encrypt back into
-	     * the same buffer... allocate a temporary buffer just for this
-	     * call. */
-	    allocOut = out = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(maxout);
-	    if (out == NULL) {
-		PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptUpdate(context->session,
-		random,sizeof(random),out,&length);
-	    out += length;
-	    maxout -= length;
-	    offset = length;
-	} else if (context->operation == CKA_DECRYPT) {
-	    length = sizeof(random);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DecryptUpdate(context->session,
-		(CK_BYTE_PTR)in,sizeof(random),random,&length);
-	    inlen -= length;
-	    in += length;
-	    context->fortezzaHack = PR_FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    switch (context->operation) {
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:
-	length = maxout;
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptUpdate(context->session,
-							(CK_BYTE_PTR)in, inlen,
-							out, &length);
-	length += offset;
-	break;
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:
-	length = maxout;
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DecryptUpdate(context->session,
-							(CK_BYTE_PTR)in, inlen,
-							out, &length);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	*outlen = 0;
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-    	*outlen = length;
-    }
-    if (context->fortezzaHack) {
-	if (context->operation == CKA_ENCRYPT) {
-	    PORT_Assert(allocOut);
-	    PORT_Memcpy(saveOut, allocOut, length);
-	    PORT_Free(allocOut);
-	}
-	context->fortezzaHack = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle session starvation case.. use our last session to multiplex
-     */
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-	context->savedData = pk11_saveContext(context,context->savedData,
-				&context->savedLength);
-	if (context->savedData == NULL) rv = SECFailure;
-	/* clear out out session for others to use */
-	pk11_Finalize(context);
-    }
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-    return rv;
- * execute a digest/signature operation
- */
-PK11_DigestOp(PK11Context *context, const unsigned char * in, unsigned inLen) 
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (inLen == 0) {
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (!in) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if we ran out of session, we need to restore our previously stored
-     * state.
-     */
-    context->init = PR_FALSE;
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-        rv = pk11_restoreContext(context,context->savedData,
-							context->savedLength);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    switch (context->operation) {
-    /* also for MAC'ing */
-    case CKA_SIGN:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_SignUpdate(context->session,
-						     (unsigned char *)in, 
-						     inLen);
-	break;
-    case CKA_VERIFY:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_VerifyUpdate(context->session,
-						       (unsigned char *)in, 
-						       inLen);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DIGEST:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DigestUpdate(context->session,
-						       (unsigned char *)in, 
-						       inLen);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle session starvation case.. use our last session to multiplex
-     */
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-	context->savedData = pk11_saveContext(context,context->savedData,
-				&context->savedLength);
-	if (context->savedData == NULL) rv = SECFailure;
-	/* clear out out session for others to use */
-	pk11_Finalize(context);
-    }
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-    return rv;
- * Digest a key if possible./
- */
-PK11_DigestKey(PK11Context *context, PK11SymKey *key)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PK11SymKey *newKey = NULL;
-    if (!context || !key) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if we ran out of session, we need to restore our previously stored
-     * state.
-     */
-    if (context->slot != key->slot) {
-	newKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(context->slot,CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC,CKA_SIGN,key);
-    } else {
-	newKey = PK11_ReferenceSymKey(key);
-    }
-    context->init = PR_FALSE;
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-        rv = pk11_restoreContext(context,context->savedData,
-							context->savedLength);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-            PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    if (newKey == NULL) {
-	if (key-> {
-	    crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DigestUpdate(context->session,
-					key->,key->data.len);
-	}
-    } else {
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DigestKey(context->session,
-							newKey->objectID);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle session starvation case.. use our last session to multiplex
-     */
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-	context->savedData = pk11_saveContext(context,context->savedData,
-				&context->savedLength);
-	if (context->savedData == NULL) rv = SECFailure;
-	/* clear out out session for others to use */
-	pk11_Finalize(context);
-    }
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-    if (newKey) PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-    return rv;
- * externally callable version of the lowercase pk11_finalize().
- */
-PK11_Finalize(PK11Context *context) {
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-    rv = pk11_Finalize(context);
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-    return rv;
- * clean up a cipher operation, so the session can be used by
- * someone new.
- */
-pk11_Finalize(PK11Context *context)
-    CK_ULONG count = 0;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    unsigned char stackBuf[256];
-    unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    switch (context->operation) {
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptFinal(context->session,
-	                                               buffer, &count);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DecryptFinal(context->session,
-	                                                 buffer, &count);
-	break;
-    case CKA_SIGN:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_SignFinal(context->session,
-	                                            buffer, &count);
-	break;
-    case CKA_VERIFY:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_VerifyFinal(context->session,
-	                                              buffer, count);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DIGEST:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DigestFinal(context->session,
-	                                              buffer, &count);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (buffer != stackBuf) {
-	    PORT_Free(buffer);
-	}
-	    /* if there's no operation, it is finalized */
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* try to finalize the session with a buffer */
-    if (buffer == NULL) { 
-	if (count <= sizeof stackBuf) {
-	    buffer = stackBuf;
-	} else {
-	    buffer = PORT_Alloc(count);
-	    if (buffer == NULL) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	}
-	goto finalize;
-    }
-    if (buffer != stackBuf) {
-	PORT_Free(buffer);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- *  Return the final digested or signed data...
- *  this routine can either take pre initialized data, or allocate data
- *  either out of an arena or out of the standard heap.
- */
-PK11_DigestFinal(PK11Context *context,unsigned char *data, 
-			unsigned int *outLen, unsigned int length)
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* if we ran out of session, we need to restore our previously stored
-     * state.
-     */
-    PK11_EnterContextMonitor(context);
-    if (!context->ownSession) {
-        rv = pk11_restoreContext(context,context->savedData,
-							context->savedLength);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    len = length;
-    switch (context->operation) {
-    case CKA_SIGN:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_SignFinal(context->session,
-				data,&len);
-	break;
-    case CKA_VERIFY:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_VerifyFinal(context->session,
-				data,len);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DIGEST:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DigestFinal(context->session,
-				data,&len);
-	break;
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:
-	crv=PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_EncryptFinal(context->session,
-				data, &len);
-	break;
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(context->slot)->C_DecryptFinal(context->session,
-				data, &len);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    PK11_ExitContextMonitor(context);
-    *outLen = (unsigned int) len;
-    context->init = PR_FALSE; /* allow Begin to start up again */
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11err.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11err.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9ab92..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11err.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * this file maps PKCS11 Errors into SECErrors
- *  This is an information reducing process, since most errors are reflected
- *  back to the user (the user doesn't care about invalid flags, or active
- *  operations). If any of these errors need more detail in the upper layers
- *  which call PK11 library functions, we can add more SEC_ERROR_XXX functions
- *  and change there mappings here.
- *
- *  Some PKCS11 errors are mapped to SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE intentionally
- *  because they indicate that there is a bug in the library (either NSS or
- *  the token).
- */
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
- * build a static array of entries...
- */
-static struct {
-	CK_RV pk11_error;
-	int   sec_error;
-} pk11_error_map = {
-#define MAPERROR(x,y) {x, y},
-/* the default is to use a big switch statement */
-PK11_MapError(CK_RV rv) {
-	switch (rv) {
-#define MAPERROR(x,y) case x: return y;
-/* the guts mapping */
-PK11_MapError(CK_RV rv) {
-    int size = sizeof(pk11_error_map)/sizeof(pk11_error_map[0]);
-    for (i=0; i < size; i++) {
-	if (pk11_error_map[i].pk11_error == rv) {
-	    return pk11_error_map[i].sec_error;
-	}
-    }
- }
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11func.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11func.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 331c0eb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11func.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _PK11FUNC_H_
-#define _PK11FUNC_H_
- * The original pk11func.h had a mix of public and private functions.
- * Continue to provide those for backward compatibility.  New code should
- * include pk11pub.h instead of pk11func.h.
- */
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-#include "pk11priv.h"
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11kea.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11kea.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a7dd4fb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11kea.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements the Symkey wrapper and the PKCS context
- * Interfaces.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
- * find an RSA public key on a card
- */
-pk11_FindRSAPubKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type = CKK_RSA;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[2];
-    int template_count = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs,CKA_CLASS,&class_type,sizeof(class_type)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs,CKA_KEY_TYPE,&key_type,sizeof(key_type)); attrs++;
-    template_count = attrs - theTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(template_count <= sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    return pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,theTemplate,template_count);
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_KeyExchange(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-		 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, CK_FLAGS flags, 
-					PRBool isPerm, PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    PK11SymKey *newSymKey = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* performance improvement can go here --- use a generated key at startup
-     * to generate a per token wrapping key. If it exists, use it, otherwise 
-     * do a full key exchange. */
-    /* find a common Key Exchange algorithm */
-    /* RSA */
-    if (PK11_DoesMechanism(symKey->slot, CKM_RSA_PKCS) && 
-				PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,CKM_RSA_PKCS)) {
-	SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey = NULL;
-	SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = NULL;
-	SECItem wrapData;
-	unsigned int     symKeyLength = PK11_GetKeyLength(symKey);
- = NULL;
-	/* find RSA Public Key on target */
-	pubKeyHandle = pk11_FindRSAPubKey(slot);
-	if (pubKeyHandle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    privKeyHandle = PK11_MatchItem(slot,pubKeyHandle,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY);
-	}
-	/* if no key exists, generate a key pair */
-	if (privKeyHandle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    PK11RSAGenParams rsaParams;
-	    if (symKeyLength > 53) /* bytes */ {
-		/* we'd have to generate an RSA key pair > 512 bits long,
-		** and that's too costly.  Don't even try. 
-		*/
-		goto rsa_failed;
-	    }
-	    rsaParams.keySizeInBits = 
-	        (symKeyLength > 21 || symKeyLength == 0) ? 512 : 256;
-  = 0x10001;
-	    privKey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot,CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, 
-			    &rsaParams, &pubKey,PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,symKey->cx);
-	} else {
-	    /* if keys exist, build SECKEY data structures for them */
-	    privKey = PK11_MakePrivKey(slot,nullKey, PR_TRUE, privKeyHandle,
-					symKey->cx);
-	    if (privKey != NULL) {
-    		pubKey = PK11_ExtractPublicKey(slot, rsaKey, pubKeyHandle);
-		if (pubKey && pubKey->pkcs11Slot) {
-		    PK11_FreeSlot(pubKey->pkcs11Slot);
-		    pubKey->pkcs11Slot = NULL;
-		    pubKey->pkcs11ID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (privKey == NULL) goto rsa_failed;
-	if (pubKey == NULL)  goto rsa_failed;
-        wrapData.len  = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(pubKey);
-        if (!wrapData.len) goto rsa_failed;
- = PORT_Alloc(wrapData.len);
-        if ( == NULL) goto rsa_failed;
-	/* now wrap the keys in and out */
-	rv = PK11_PubWrapSymKey(CKM_RSA_PKCS, pubKey, symKey, &wrapData);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    newSymKey = PK11_PubUnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm(privKey,
-			&wrapData,type,operation,symKeyLength,flags,isPerm);
-	    /* make sure we wound up where we wanted to be! */
-	    if (newSymKey && newSymKey->slot != slot) {
-		PK11_FreeSymKey(newSymKey);
-		newSymKey = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	if ( != NULL) PORT_Free(;
-	if (privKey != NULL) SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-	if (pubKey != NULL) SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubKey);
-	return  newSymKey;
-    }
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11list.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11list.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e32482..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Locking and queue management primatives
- *
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
- * create a new lock for a Module List
- */
-SECMODListLock *SECMOD_NewListLock()
-    return NSSRWLock_New( 10, "moduleListLock");
- * destroy the lock
- */
-void SECMOD_DestroyListLock(SECMODListLock *lock) 
-    NSSRWLock_Destroy(lock);
- * Lock the List for Read: NOTE: this assumes the reading isn't so common
- * the writing will be starved.
- */
-void SECMOD_GetReadLock(SECMODListLock *modLock) 
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead(modLock);
- * Release the Read lock
- */
-void SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(SECMODListLock *modLock) 
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(modLock);
- * lock the list for Write
- */
-void SECMOD_GetWriteLock(SECMODListLock *modLock) 
-    NSSRWLock_LockWrite(modLock);
- * Release the Write Lock: NOTE, this code is pretty inefficient if you have
- * lots of write collisions.
- */
-void SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(SECMODListLock *modLock) 
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(modLock);
- * must Hold the Write lock
- */
-SECMOD_RemoveList(SECMODModuleList **parent, SECMODModuleList *child) 
-    *parent = child->next;
-    child->next = NULL;
- * if lock is not specified, it must already be held
- */
-SECMOD_AddList(SECMODModuleList *parent, SECMODModuleList *child, 
-							SECMODListLock *lock) 
-    if (lock) { SECMOD_GetWriteLock(lock); }
-    child->next = parent->next;
-    parent->next = child;
-   if (lock) { SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(lock); }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc4886..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * The following handles the loading, unloading and management of
- * various PCKS #11 modules
- */
-#define FORCE_PR_LOG 1
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "prlink.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "utilparst.h"
-#define DEBUG_MODULE 1
-static char *modToDBG = NULL;
-#include "debug_module.c"
-/* build the PKCS #11 2.01 lock files */
-CK_RV PR_CALLBACK secmodCreateMutext(CK_VOID_PTR_PTR pmutex) {
-    *pmutex = (CK_VOID_PTR) PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if ( *pmutex ) return CKR_OK;
-    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-CK_RV PR_CALLBACK secmodDestroyMutext(CK_VOID_PTR mutext) {
-    PZ_DestroyLock((PZLock *)mutext);
-    return CKR_OK;
-CK_RV PR_CALLBACK secmodLockMutext(CK_VOID_PTR mutext) {
-    PZ_Lock((PZLock *)mutext);
-    return CKR_OK;
-CK_RV PR_CALLBACK secmodUnlockMutext(CK_VOID_PTR mutext) {
-    PZ_Unlock((PZLock *)mutext);
-    return CKR_OK;
-static SECMODModuleID  nextModuleID = 1;
-static const CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS secmodLockFunctions = {
-    secmodCreateMutext, secmodDestroyMutext, secmodLockMutext, 
-    ,NULL
-static const CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS secmodNoLockArgs = {
-    ,NULL
-static PRBool loadSingleThreadedModules = PR_TRUE;
-static PRBool enforceAlreadyInitializedError = PR_TRUE;
-static PRBool finalizeModules = PR_TRUE;
-/* set global options for NSS PKCS#11 module loader */
-SECStatus pk11_setGlobalOptions(PRBool noSingleThreadedModules,
-                                PRBool allowAlreadyInitializedModules,
-                                PRBool dontFinalizeModules)
-    if (noSingleThreadedModules) {
-        loadSingleThreadedModules = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        loadSingleThreadedModules = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (allowAlreadyInitializedModules) {
-        enforceAlreadyInitializedError = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        enforceAlreadyInitializedError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (dontFinalizeModules) {
-        finalizeModules = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        finalizeModules = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PRBool pk11_getFinalizeModulesOption(void)
-    return finalizeModules;
- * Allow specification loading the same module more than once at init time.
- * This enables 2 things.
- *
- *    1) we can load additional databases by manipulating secmod.db/pkcs11.txt.
- *    2) we can handle the case where some library has already initialized NSS
- *    before the main application.
- *
- * oldModule is the module we have already initialized.
- * char *modulespec is the full module spec for the library we want to
- * initialize.
- */
-static SECStatus
-secmod_handleReload(SECMODModule *oldModule, SECMODModule *newModule)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    char *modulespec;
-    char *newModuleSpec;
-    char **children;
-    CK_SLOT_ID *ids;
-    SECMODConfigList *conflist = NULL;
-    SECStatus         rv       = SECFailure;
-    int               count    = 0;
-    /* first look for tokens= key words from the module spec */
-    modulespec = newModule->libraryParams;
-    newModuleSpec = secmod_ParseModuleSpecForTokens(PR_TRUE,
-				newModule->isFIPS, modulespec, &children, &ids);
-    if (!newModuleSpec) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* 
-     * We are now trying to open a new slot on an already loaded module.
-     * If that slot represents a cert/key database, we don't want to open
-     * multiple copies of that same database. Unfortunately we understand
-     * the softoken flags well enough to be able to do this, so we can only get
-     * the list of already loaded databases if we are trying to open another
-     * internal module. 
-     */
-    if (oldModule->internal) {
-	conflist = secmod_GetConfigList(oldModule->isFIPS, 
-					oldModule->libraryParams, &count);
-    }
-    /* don't open multiple of the same db */
-    if (conflist && secmod_MatchConfigList(newModuleSpec, conflist, count)) { 
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    slot = SECMOD_OpenNewSlot(oldModule, newModuleSpec);
-    if (slot) {
-	int newID;
-	char **thisChild;
-	CK_SLOT_ID *thisID;
-	char *oldModuleSpec;
-	if (secmod_IsInternalKeySlot(newModule)) {
-	    pk11_SetInternalKeySlotIfFirst(slot);
-	} 
-	newID = slot->slotID;
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	for (thisChild=children, thisID=ids; thisChild && *thisChild; 
-						thisChild++,thisID++) {
-	    if (conflist &&
-		       secmod_MatchConfigList(*thisChild, conflist, count)) {
-		*thisID = (CK_SLOT_ID) -1;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    slot = SECMOD_OpenNewSlot(oldModule, *thisChild);
-	    if (slot) {
-		*thisID = slot->slotID;
-		PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    } else {
-		*thisID = (CK_SLOT_ID) -1;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* update the old module initialization string in case we need to
-	 * shutdown and reinit the whole mess (this is rare, but can happen
-	 * when trying to stop smart card insertion/removal threads)... */
-	oldModuleSpec = secmod_MkAppendTokensList(oldModule->arena, 
-		oldModule->libraryParams, newModuleSpec, newID, 
-		children, ids);
-	if (oldModuleSpec) {
-	    oldModule->libraryParams = oldModuleSpec;
-	}
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    secmod_FreeChildren(children, ids);
-    PORT_Free(newModuleSpec);
-    if (conflist) {
-	secmod_FreeConfigList(conflist, count);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * collect the steps we need to initialize a module in a single function
- */
-secmod_ModuleInit(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **reload, 
-		  PRBool* alreadyLoaded)
-    CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS moduleArgs;
-    CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (reload) {
-	*reload = NULL;
-    }
-    if (!mod || !alreadyLoaded) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (mod->libraryParams == NULL) {
-	if (mod->isThreadSafe) {
-	    pInitArgs = (void *) &secmodLockFunctions;
-	} else {
-	    pInitArgs = NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (mod->isThreadSafe) {
-	    moduleArgs = secmodLockFunctions;
-	} else {
-	    moduleArgs = secmodNoLockArgs;
-	}
-	moduleArgs.LibraryParameters = (void *) mod->libraryParams;
-	pInitArgs = &moduleArgs;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Initialize(pInitArgs);
-	SECMODModule *oldModule = NULL;
-	/* Library has already been loaded once, if caller expects it, and it
-	 * has additional configuration, try reloading it as well. */
-	if (reload != NULL && mod->libraryParams) {
-	    oldModule = secmod_FindModuleByFuncPtr(mod->functionList);
-	}
-	/* Library has been loaded by NSS. It means it may be capable of
-	 * reloading */
-	if (oldModule) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    rv = secmod_handleReload(oldModule, mod);
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		/* This module should go away soon, since we've
-		 * simply expanded the slots on the old module.
-		 * When it goes away, it should not Finalize since
-		 * that will close our old module as well. Setting
-		 * the function list to NULL will prevent that close */
-		mod->functionList = NULL;
-		*reload = oldModule;
-		return SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    SECMOD_DestroyModule(oldModule);
-	}
-	/* reload not possible, fall back to old semantics */
-	if (!enforceAlreadyInitializedError) {
-       	    *alreadyLoaded = PR_TRUE;
-            return SECSuccess;
-	}
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!mod->isThreadSafe ||
-	    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/* If we had attempted to init a single threaded module "with"
-	 * parameters and it failed, should we retry "without" parameters?
-	 * (currently we don't retry in this scenario) */
-	if (!loadSingleThreadedModules) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/* If we arrive here, the module failed a ThreadSafe init. */
-	mod->isThreadSafe = PR_FALSE;
-	if (!mod->libraryParams) {
-	    pInitArgs = NULL;
-	} else {
-	    moduleArgs = secmodNoLockArgs;
-	    moduleArgs.LibraryParameters = (void *) mod->libraryParams;
-	    pInitArgs = &moduleArgs;
-	}
-    	crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Initialize(pInitArgs);
-	    (!enforceAlreadyInitializedError)) {
-	    *alreadyLoaded = PR_TRUE;
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK)  {
-	    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * set the hasRootCerts flags in the module so it can be stored back
- * into the database.
- */
-SECMOD_SetRootCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECMODModule *mod) {
-    PK11PreSlotInfo *psi = NULL;
-    int i;
-    if (slot->hasRootCerts) {
-	for (i=0; i < mod->slotInfoCount; i++) {
-	    if (slot->slotID == mod->slotInfo[i].slotID) {
-		psi = &mod->slotInfo[i];
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (psi == NULL) {
-	   /* allocate more slots */
-	   PK11PreSlotInfo *psi_list = (PK11PreSlotInfo *)
-		PORT_ArenaAlloc(mod->arena,
-			(mod->slotInfoCount+1)* sizeof(PK11PreSlotInfo));
-	   /* copy the old ones */
-	   if (mod->slotInfoCount > 0) {
-		PORT_Memcpy(psi_list,mod->slotInfo,
-				(mod->slotInfoCount)*sizeof(PK11PreSlotInfo));
-	   }
-	   /* assign psi to the last new slot */
-	   psi = &psi_list[mod->slotInfoCount];
-	   psi->slotID = slot->slotID;
-	   psi->askpw = 0;
-	   psi->timeout = 0;
-	   psi ->defaultFlags = 0;
-	   /* increment module count & store new list */
-	   mod->slotInfo = psi_list;
-	   mod->slotInfoCount++;
-	}
-	psi->hasRootCerts = 1;
-    }
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-extern CK_RV NSC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList);
-extern CK_RV FC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList);
-extern char **NSC_ModuleDBFunc(unsigned long function,char *parameters, void *args);
-extern CK_RV builtinsC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList);
-static const char* my_shlib_name =
-static const char* softoken_shlib_name =
-static const PRCallOnceType pristineCallOnce;
-static PRCallOnceType loadSoftokenOnce;
-static PRLibrary* softokenLib;
-static PRInt32 softokenLoadCount;
-#endif  /* NSS_STATIC */
-#include "prio.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-/* This function must be run only once. */
-/*  determine if hybrid platform, then actually load the DSO. */
-static PRStatus
-softoken_LoadDSO( void ) 
-  PRLibrary *  handle;
-  handle = PORT_LoadLibraryFromOrigin(my_shlib_name,
-                                      (PRFuncPtr) &softoken_LoadDSO,
-                                      softoken_shlib_name);
-  if (handle) {
-    softokenLib = handle;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  return PR_FAILURE;
-#endif  /* !NSS_STATIC */
- * load a new module into our address space and initialize it.
- */
-secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **oldModule) {
-    PRLibrary *library = NULL;
-    CK_C_GetFunctionList entry = NULL;
-    CK_INFO info;
-    CK_ULONG slotCount = 0;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool alreadyLoaded = PR_FALSE;
-    char *disableUnload = NULL;
-    if (mod->loaded) return SECSuccess;
-    /* intenal modules get loaded from their internal list */
-    if (mod->internal && (mod->dllName == NULL)) {
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-    if (mod->isFIPS) {
-        entry = FC_GetFunctionList;
-    } else {
-        entry = NSC_GetFunctionList;
-    }
-    if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-        mod->moduleDBFunc = NSC_ModuleDBFunc;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Loads softoken as a dynamic library,
-     * even though the rest of NSS assumes this as the "internal" module.
-     */
-    if (!softokenLib && 
-        PR_SUCCESS != PR_CallOnce(&loadSoftokenOnce, &softoken_LoadDSO))
-        return SECFailure;
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&softokenLoadCount);
-    if (mod->isFIPS) {
-        entry = (CK_C_GetFunctionList) 
-                    PR_FindSymbol(softokenLib, "FC_GetFunctionList");
-    } else {
-        entry = (CK_C_GetFunctionList) 
-                    PR_FindSymbol(softokenLib, "NSC_GetFunctionList");
-    }
-    if (!entry)
-        return SECFailure;
-    if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-        mod->moduleDBFunc = (CK_C_GetFunctionList) 
-                    PR_FindSymbol(softokenLib, "NSC_ModuleDBFunc");
-    }
-    if (mod->moduleDBOnly) {
-        mod->loaded = PR_TRUE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    } else {
-	/* Not internal, load the DLL and look up C_GetFunctionList */
-	if (mod->dllName == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-#if defined(NSS_STATIC) && !defined(NSS_DISABLE_ROOT_CERTS)
-	if (strstr(mod->dllName, "nssckbi") != NULL) {
-	    mod->library = NULL;
-	    PORT_Assert(!mod->moduleDBOnly);
-	    entry = builtinsC_GetFunctionList;
-	    PORT_Assert(!mod->isModuleDB);
-	    goto library_loaded;
-	}
-	/* load the library. If this succeeds, then we have to remember to
-	 * unload the library if anything goes wrong from here on out...
-	 */
-	library = PR_LoadLibrary(mod->dllName);
-	mod->library = (void *)library;
-	if (library == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * now we need to get the entry point to find the function pointers
-	 */
-	if (!mod->moduleDBOnly) {
-	    entry = (CK_C_GetFunctionList)
-			PR_FindSymbol(library, "C_GetFunctionList");
-	}
-	if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-	    mod->moduleDBFunc = (void *)
-			PR_FindSymbol(library, "NSS_ReturnModuleSpecData");
-	}
-#if defined(NSS_STATIC) && !defined(NSS_DISABLE_ROOT_CERTS)
-	if (mod->moduleDBFunc == NULL) mod->isModuleDB = PR_FALSE;
-	if (entry == NULL) {
-	    if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-		mod->loaded = PR_TRUE;
-		mod->moduleDBOnly = PR_TRUE;
-		return SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    PR_UnloadLibrary(library);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * We need to get the function list
-     */
-    if ((*entry)((CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *)&mod->functionList) != CKR_OK) 
-								goto fail;
-    if (PR_TRUE) {
-	modToDBG = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DEBUG_PKCS11_MODULE");
-	if (modToDBG && strcmp(mod->commonName, modToDBG) == 0) {
-	    mod->functionList = (void *)nss_InsertDeviceLog(
-	                           (CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR)mod->functionList);
-	}
-    }
-    mod->isThreadSafe = PR_TRUE;
-    /* Now we initialize the module */
-    rv = secmod_ModuleInit(mod, oldModule, &alreadyLoaded);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    /* module has been reloaded, this module itself is done, 
-     * return to the caller */
-    if (mod->functionList == NULL) {
-	mod->loaded = PR_TRUE; /* technically the module is loaded.. */
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* check the version number */
-    if (PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_GetInfo(&info) != CKR_OK) goto fail2;
-    if (info.cryptokiVersion.major != 2) goto fail2;
-    /* all 2.0 are a priori *not* thread safe */
-    if (info.cryptokiVersion.minor < 1) {
-        if (!loadSingleThreadedModules) {
-            goto fail2;
-        } else {
-            mod->isThreadSafe = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    mod->cryptokiVersion = info.cryptokiVersion;
-    /* If we don't have a common name, get it from the PKCS 11 module */
-    if ((mod->commonName == NULL) || (mod->commonName[0] == 0)) {
-	mod->commonName = PK11_MakeString(mod->arena,NULL,
-	   (char *)info.libraryDescription, sizeof(info.libraryDescription));
-	if (mod->commonName == NULL) goto fail2;
-    }
-    /* initialize the Slots */
-    if (PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_GetSlotList(CK_FALSE, NULL, &slotCount) == CKR_OK) {
-	CK_SLOT_ID *slotIDs;
-	int i;
-	CK_RV crv;
-	mod->slots = (PK11SlotInfo **)PORT_ArenaAlloc(mod->arena,
-					sizeof(PK11SlotInfo *) * slotCount);
-	if (mod->slots == NULL) goto fail2;
-	slotIDs = (CK_SLOT_ID *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID)*slotCount);
-	if (slotIDs == NULL) {
-	    goto fail2;
-	}  
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_GetSlotList(CK_FALSE, slotIDs, &slotCount);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(slotIDs);
-	    goto fail2;
-	}
-	/* Initialize each slot */
-	for (i=0; i < (int)slotCount; i++) {
-	    mod->slots[i] = PK11_NewSlotInfo(mod);
-	    PK11_InitSlot(mod,slotIDs[i],mod->slots[i]);
-	    /* look down the slot info table */
-	    PK11_LoadSlotList(mod->slots[i],mod->slotInfo,mod->slotInfoCount);
-	    SECMOD_SetRootCerts(mod->slots[i],mod);
-	    /* explicitly mark the internal slot as such if IsInternalKeySlot()
-	     * is set */
-	    if (secmod_IsInternalKeySlot(mod) && (i == (mod->isFIPS ? 0 : 1))) {
-		pk11_SetInternalKeySlotIfFirst(mod->slots[i]);
-	    } 
-	}
-	mod->slotCount = slotCount;
-	mod->slotInfoCount = 0;
-	PORT_Free(slotIDs);
-    }
-    mod->loaded = PR_TRUE;
-    mod->moduleID = nextModuleID++;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (enforceAlreadyInitializedError || (!alreadyLoaded)) {
-        PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Finalize(NULL);
-    }
-    mod->functionList = NULL;
-    disableUnload = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD");
-    if (library && !disableUnload) {
-        PR_UnloadLibrary(library);
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-SECMOD_UnloadModule(SECMODModule *mod) {
-    PRLibrary *library;
-    char *disableUnload = NULL;
-    if (!mod->loaded) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (finalizeModules) {
-        if (mod->functionList &&!mod->moduleDBOnly) {
-	    PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Finalize(NULL);
-	}
-    }
-    mod->moduleID = 0;
-    mod->loaded = PR_FALSE;
-    /* do we want the semantics to allow unloading the internal library?
-     * if not, we should change this to SECFailure and move it above the
-     * mod->loaded = PR_FALSE; */
-    if (mod->internal && (mod->dllName == NULL)) {
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-        if (0 == PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&softokenLoadCount)) {
-          if (softokenLib) {
-              disableUnload = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD");
-              if (!disableUnload) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                  PRStatus status = PR_UnloadLibrary(softokenLib);
-                  PORT_Assert(PR_SUCCESS == status);
-                  PR_UnloadLibrary(softokenLib);
-              }
-              softokenLib = NULL;
-          }
-          loadSoftokenOnce = pristineCallOnce;
-        }
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    library = (PRLibrary *)mod->library;
-    /* paranoia */
-    if (library == NULL) {
-#if defined(NSS_STATIC) && !defined(NSS_DISABLE_ROOT_CERTS)
-	if (strstr(mod->dllName, "nssckbi") != NULL) {
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    disableUnload = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD");
-    if (!disableUnload) {
-        PR_UnloadLibrary(library);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (modToDBG) {
-	print_final_statistics();
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11mech.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11mech.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bab17e4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11mech.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1894 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file maps various PKCS #11 Mechanisms to related mechanisms, key
- * types, and ASN.1 encodings.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h" 
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
- * local static and global data
- *************************************************************/
- * Tables used for Extended mechanism mapping (currently not used)
- */
-typedef struct {
-	CK_KEY_TYPE keyType;
-	int blockSize;
-	int iv;
-} pk11MechanismData;
-static pk11MechanismData pk11_default = 
-static pk11MechanismData *pk11_MechanismTable = NULL;
-static int pk11_MechTableSize = 0;
-static int pk11_MechEntrySize = 0;
- * list of mechanisms we're willing to wrap secret keys with.
- * This list is ordered by preference.
- */
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMechanismList[] = {
-    CKM_DES3_ECB,
-    CKM_RC5_ECB,
-    CKM_RC2_ECB,
-int wrapMechanismCount = sizeof(wrapMechanismList)/sizeof(wrapMechanismList[0]);
- *       Mechanism Mapping functions
- *********************************************************************/
- * lookup an entry in the mechanism table. If none found, return the
- * default structure.
- */
-static pk11MechanismData *
-pk11_lookup(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < pk11_MechEntrySize; i++) {
-	if (pk11_MechanismTable[i].type == type) {
-	     return (&pk11_MechanismTable[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    return &pk11_default;
- * find the best key wrap mechanism for this slot.
- */
-PK11_GetBestWrapMechanism(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < wrapMechanismCount; i++) {
-	if (PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,wrapMechanismList[i])) {
-	    return wrapMechanismList[i];
-	}
-    }
- * NOTE: This is not thread safe. Called at init time, and when loading
- * a new Entry. It is reasonably safe as long as it is not re-entered
- * (readers will always see a consistant table)
- *
- * This routine is called to add entries to the mechanism table, once there,
- * they can not be removed.
- */
-PK11_AddMechanismEntry(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_KEY_TYPE key,
-			int ivLen, int blockSize)
-    int tableSize = pk11_MechTableSize;
-    int size = pk11_MechEntrySize;
-    int entry = size++;
-    pk11MechanismData *old = pk11_MechanismTable;
-    pk11MechanismData *newt = pk11_MechanismTable;
-    if (size > tableSize) {
-	int oldTableSize = tableSize;
-	tableSize += 10;
-	newt = PORT_NewArray(pk11MechanismData, tableSize);
-	if (newt == NULL) return;
-	if (old) PORT_Memcpy(newt, old, oldTableSize*sizeof(*newt));
-    } else old = NULL;
-    newt[entry].type = type;
-    newt[entry].keyType = key;
-    newt[entry].keyGen = keyGen;
-    newt[entry].padType = padType;
-    newt[entry].iv = ivLen;
-    newt[entry].blockSize = blockSize;
-    pk11_MechanismTable = newt;
-    pk11_MechTableSize = tableSize;
-    pk11_MechEntrySize = size;
-    if (old) PORT_Free(old);
- * Get the mechanism needed for the given key type
- */
-PK11_GetKeyMechanism(CK_KEY_TYPE type)
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKK_SEED:
-	return CKM_SEED_CBC;
-    case CKK_CAMELLIA:
-    case CKK_NSS_CHACHA20:
-	return CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_POLY1305;
-    case CKK_AES:
-	return CKM_AES_CBC;
-    case CKK_DES:
-	return CKM_DES_CBC;
-    case CKK_DES3:
-	return CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKK_DES2:
-	return CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKK_CDMF:
-	return CKM_CDMF_CBC;
-    case CKK_RC2:
-	return CKM_RC2_CBC;
-    case CKK_RC4:
-	return CKM_RC4;
-    case CKK_RC5:
-	return CKM_RC5_CBC;
-    case CKK_SKIPJACK:
-	return CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64;
-    case CKK_BATON:
-	return CKM_BATON_CBC128;
-    case CKK_JUNIPER:
-	return CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128;
-    case CKK_IDEA:
-	return CKM_IDEA_CBC;
-    case CKK_CAST:
-	return CKM_CAST_CBC;
-    case CKK_CAST3:
-	return CKM_CAST3_CBC;
-    case CKK_CAST5:
-	return CKM_CAST5_CBC;
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	return CKM_RSA_PKCS;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	return CKM_DSA;
-    case CKK_DH:
-    case CKK_KEA:
-    case CKK_EC:  /* CKK_ECDSA is deprecated */
-	return CKM_ECDSA;
-    default:
-	return CKM_SHA_1_HMAC;
-    }
- * Get the key type needed for the given mechanism
- */
-PK11_GetKeyType(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,unsigned long len)
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_SEED_MAC:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_SEED;
-	return CKK_CAMELLIA;
-    case CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_POLY1305:
-	return CKK_NSS_CHACHA20;
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CCM:
-    case CKM_AES_CTR:
-    case CKM_AES_CTS:
-    case CKM_AES_GCM:
-    case CKM_AES_MAC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_AES_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_AES;
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_MAC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-	return CKK_DES;
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_MAC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-	return (len == 16) ? CKK_DES2 : CKK_DES3;
-    case CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-	return CKK_DES2;
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_DES3;
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_MAC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_CDMF;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_MAC:
-    case CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-	return CKK_RC2;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_RC4;
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_MAC:
-    case CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_RC5;
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-	return CKK_SKIPJACK;
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_BATON_WRAP:
-    case CKM_BATON_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_BATON;
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	return CKK_JUNIPER;
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_MAC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKK_IDEA;
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_MAC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST_CBC:
-	return CKK_CAST;
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_MAC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST3_CBC:
-	return CKK_CAST3;
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_MAC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST5_CBC:
-	return CKK_CAST5;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_9796:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-    case CKM_MD2_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN:
-	return CKK_RSA;
-    case CKM_DSA:
-    case CKM_DSA_SHA1:
-	return CKK_DSA;
-	return CKK_DH;
-	return CKK_KEA;
-    case CKM_ECDSA:
-    case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1:
-    case CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE:
-	return CKK_EC;  /* CKK_ECDSA is deprecated */
-    case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC:
-    case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC:
-    case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA224_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA224_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_SHA256_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA256_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_SHA384_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA384_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_SHA512_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA512_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_MD2_HMAC:
-    case CKM_MD5_HMAC:
-    default:
-	return pk11_lookup(type)->keyType;
-    }
- * Get the Key Gen Mechanism needed for the given 
- * crypto mechanism
- */
-    return PK11_GetKeyGenWithSize(type, 0);
-PK11_GetKeyGenWithSize(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, int size)
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_SEED_MAC:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_POLY1305:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CCM:
-    case CKM_AES_CTR:
-    case CKM_AES_CTS:
-    case CKM_AES_GCM:
-    case CKM_AES_MAC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_AES_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_AES_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_MAC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_DES_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_MAC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-	return (size == 16) ? CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN : CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_MAC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_MAC:
-    case CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_MAC:
-    case CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_BATON_WRAP:
-    case CKM_BATON_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_MAC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_IDEA_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_MAC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_CAST_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_MAC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_CAST3_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_MAC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_KEY_GEN:
-	return CKM_CAST5_KEY_GEN;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_9796:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-    case CKM_MD2_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN:
-	return CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN;
-    case CKM_DSA:
-    case CKM_DSA_SHA1:
-    case CKM_ECDSA:
-    case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1:
-    case CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE:
-        return CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN; 
-    case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC:
-    case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC:
-    case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA224_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA224_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_SHA256_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA256_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_SHA384_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA384_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_SHA512_HMAC:
-    case CKM_SHA512_HMAC_GENERAL:
-    case CKM_MD2_HMAC:
-    case CKM_MD5_HMAC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2:
-    	return type;
-    default:
-	return pk11_lookup(type)->keyGen;
-    }
- * get the mechanism block size
- */
-PK11_GetBlockSize(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,SECItem *params)
-    CK_RC5_PARAMS *rc5_params;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *rc5_cbc_params;
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-	if ((params) && (params->data)) {
-	    rc5_params = (CK_RC5_PARAMS *) params->data;
-	    return (rc5_params->ulWordsize)*2;
-	}
-	return 8;
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	if ((params) && (params->data)) {
-	    rc5_cbc_params = (CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *) params->data;
-	    return (rc5_cbc_params->ulWordsize)*2;
-	}
-	return 8;
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-	return 8;
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-	return 4;
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	return 16;
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-	return 12;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-	return 0;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_9796:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	/*actually it's the modulus length of the key!*/
-	return -1;	/* failure */
-    default:
-	return pk11_lookup(type)->blockSize;
-    }
- * get the iv length
- */
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_BATON_WRAP:
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-	return 0;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-	return 8;
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-	return 16;
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	return 24;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_9796:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-    case CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-	return 0;
-    default:
-	return pk11_lookup(type)->iv;
-    }
-/* These next two utilities are here to help facilitate future
- * Dynamic Encrypt/Decrypt symetric key mechanisms, and to allow functions
- * like SSL and S-MIME to automatically add them.
- */
-SECItem *
-pk11_ParamFromIVWithLen(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *iv, int keyLen)
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *rc2_params = NULL;
-    CK_RC2_PARAMS *rc2_ecb_params = NULL;
-    CK_RC5_PARAMS *rc5_params = NULL;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *rc5_cbc_params = NULL;
-    SECItem *param;
-    param = (SECItem *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (param == NULL) return NULL;
-    param->data = NULL;
-    param->len = 0;
-    param->type = 0;
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-    case CKM_RSA_9796:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC4:
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-	rc2_ecb_params = (CK_RC2_PARAMS *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC2_PARAMS));
-	if (rc2_ecb_params == NULL) break;
-	/*  Maybe we should pass the key size in too to get this value? */
-	*rc2_ecb_params = keyLen ? keyLen*8 : 128;
-	param->data = (unsigned char *) rc2_ecb_params;
-	param->len = sizeof(CK_RC2_PARAMS);
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-	rc2_params = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS));
-	if (rc2_params == NULL) break;
-	/* Maybe we should pass the key size in too to get this value? */
-	rc2_params->ulEffectiveBits = keyLen ? keyLen*8 : 128;
-	if (iv && iv->data)
-	    PORT_Memcpy(rc2_params->iv,iv->data,sizeof(rc2_params->iv));
-	param->data = (unsigned char *) rc2_params;
-	param->len = sizeof(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS);
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	rc5_cbc_params = (CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *)
-		PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS) + ((iv) ? iv->len : 0));
-	if (rc5_cbc_params == NULL) break;
-	if (iv && iv->data && iv->len) {
-	    rc5_cbc_params->pIv = ((CK_BYTE_PTR) rc5_cbc_params) 
-						+ sizeof(CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS);
-	    PORT_Memcpy(rc5_cbc_params->pIv,iv->data,iv->len);
-	    rc5_cbc_params->ulIvLen = iv->len;
-	    rc5_cbc_params->ulWordsize = iv->len/2;
-	} else {
-	    rc5_cbc_params->ulWordsize = 4;
-	    rc5_cbc_params->pIv = NULL;
-	    rc5_cbc_params->ulIvLen = 0;
-	}
-	rc5_cbc_params->ulRounds = 16;
-	param->data = (unsigned char *) rc5_cbc_params;
-	param->len = sizeof(CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS);
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-	rc5_params = (CK_RC5_PARAMS *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC5_PARAMS));
-	if (rc5_params == NULL) break;
-	if (iv && iv->data && iv->len) {
-	    rc5_params->ulWordsize = iv->len/2;
-	} else {
-	    rc5_params->ulWordsize = 4;
-	}
-	rc5_params->ulRounds = 16;
-	param->data = (unsigned char *) rc5_params;
-	param->len = sizeof(CK_RC5_PARAMS);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	if ((iv == NULL) || (iv->data == NULL)) break;
-	param->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(iv->len);
-	if (param->data != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(param->data,iv->data,iv->len);
-	    param->len = iv->len;
-	}
-	break;
-     /* unknown mechanism, pass IV in if it's there */
-     default:
-	if (pk11_lookup(type)->iv == 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if ((iv == NULL) || (iv->data == NULL)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	param->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(iv->len);
-	if (param->data != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(param->data,iv->data,iv->len);
-	    param->len = iv->len;
-	}
-	break;
-     }
-     return param;
-/* These next two utilities are here to help facilitate future
- * Dynamic Encrypt/Decrypt symetric key mechanisms, and to allow functions
- * like SSL and S-MIME to automatically add them.
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_ParamFromIV(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,SECItem *iv)
-    return pk11_ParamFromIVWithLen(type, iv, 0);
-unsigned char *
-PK11_IVFromParam(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,SECItem *param,int *len)
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *rc2_params;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *rc5_cbc_params;
-    *len = 0;
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-    case CKM_RSA_9796:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC4:
-	return NULL;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-	return NULL;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-	rc2_params = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *)param->data;
-        *len = sizeof(rc2_params->iv);
-	return &rc2_params->iv[0];
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	rc5_cbc_params = (CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *) param->data;
-	*len = rc5_cbc_params->ulIvLen;
-	return rc5_cbc_params->pIv;
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	break;
-     /* unknown mechanism, pass IV in if it's there */
-     default:
-	break;
-     }
-     if (param->data) {
-	*len = param->len;
-     }
-     return param->data;
-typedef struct sec_rc5cbcParameterStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SECItem rounds;
-    SECItem blockSizeInBits;
-    SECItem iv;
-} sec_rc5cbcParameter;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template sec_rc5ecb_parameter_template[] = {
-          0, NULL, sizeof(sec_rc5cbcParameter) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,version) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,rounds) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,blockSizeInBits) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template sec_rc5cbc_parameter_template[] = {
-          0, NULL, sizeof(sec_rc5cbcParameter) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,version) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,rounds) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,blockSizeInBits) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc5cbcParameter,iv) },
-    { 0 }
-typedef struct sec_rc2cbcParameterStr {
-    SECItem rc2ParameterVersion;
-    SECItem iv;
-} sec_rc2cbcParameter;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template sec_rc2cbc_parameter_template[] = {
-          0, NULL, sizeof(sec_rc2cbcParameter) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc2cbcParameter,rc2ParameterVersion) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc2cbcParameter,iv) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template sec_rc2ecb_parameter_template[] = {
-          0, NULL, sizeof(sec_rc2cbcParameter) },
-          offsetof(sec_rc2cbcParameter,rc2ParameterVersion) },
-    { 0 }
-/* S/MIME picked id values to represent differnt keysizes */
-/* I do have a formula, but it ain't pretty, and it only works because you
- * can always match three points to a parabola:) */
-static unsigned char  rc2_map(SECItem *version)
-    long x;
-    x = DER_GetInteger(version);
-    switch (x) {
-        case 58: return 128;
-        case 120: return 64;
-        case 160: return 40;
-    }
-    return 128; 
-static unsigned long  rc2_unmap(unsigned long x)
-    switch (x) {
-        case 128: return 58;
-        case 64: return 120;
-        case 40: return 160;
-    }
-    return 58; 
-/* Generate a mechaism param from a type, and iv. */
-SECItem *
-PK11_ParamFromAlgid(SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS * rc2_cbc_params = NULL;
-    CK_RC2_PARAMS *     rc2_ecb_params = NULL;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS * rc5_cbc_params = NULL;
-    CK_RC5_PARAMS *     rc5_ecb_params = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *       arena          = NULL;
-    SECItem *           mech           = NULL;
-    SECOidTag           algtag;
-    SECStatus           rv;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE   type;
-    /* initialize these to prevent UMRs in the ASN1 decoder. */
-    SECItem             iv  =   {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    sec_rc2cbcParameter rc2 = { {siBuffer, NULL, 0}, {siBuffer, NULL, 0} };
-    sec_rc5cbcParameter rc5 = { {siBuffer, NULL, 0}, {siBuffer, NULL, 0},
-                                {siBuffer, NULL, 0}, {siBuffer, NULL, 0} };
-    algtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algtag);
-    mech = PORT_New(SECItem);
-    if (mech == NULL) {
-    	return NULL;
-    }
-    mech->type = siBuffer;
-    mech->data = NULL;
-    mech->len  = 0;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(1024);
-    if (!arena) {
-    	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* handle the complicated cases */
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &rc2 ,sec_rc2ecb_parameter_template,
-							&(algid->parameters));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) { 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rc2_ecb_params = PORT_New(CK_RC2_PARAMS);
-	if (rc2_ecb_params == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	*rc2_ecb_params = rc2_map(&rc2.rc2ParameterVersion);
-	mech->data = (unsigned char *) rc2_ecb_params;
-	mech->len  = sizeof *rc2_ecb_params;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &rc2 ,sec_rc2cbc_parameter_template,
-							&(algid->parameters));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) { 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rc2_cbc_params = PORT_New(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS);
-	if (rc2_cbc_params == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	mech->data = (unsigned char *) rc2_cbc_params;
-	mech->len  = sizeof *rc2_cbc_params;
-	rc2_cbc_params->ulEffectiveBits = rc2_map(&rc2.rc2ParameterVersion);
-	if (rc2.iv.len != sizeof rc2_cbc_params->iv) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(rc2_cbc_params->iv,, rc2.iv.len);
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &rc5 ,sec_rc5ecb_parameter_template,
-							&(algid->parameters));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) { 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rc5_ecb_params = PORT_New(CK_RC5_PARAMS);
-	if (rc5_ecb_params == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rc5_ecb_params->ulRounds   = DER_GetInteger(&rc5.rounds);
-	rc5_ecb_params->ulWordsize = DER_GetInteger(&rc5.blockSizeInBits)/8;
-	mech->data = (unsigned char *) rc5_ecb_params;
-	mech->len = sizeof *rc5_ecb_params;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &rc5 ,sec_rc5cbc_parameter_template,
-							&(algid->parameters));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) { 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rc5_cbc_params = (CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *)
-		PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS) + rc5.iv.len);
-	if (rc5_cbc_params == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	mech->data = (unsigned char *) rc5_cbc_params;
-	mech->len = sizeof *rc5_cbc_params;
-	rc5_cbc_params->ulRounds   = DER_GetInteger(&rc5.rounds);
-	rc5_cbc_params->ulWordsize = DER_GetInteger(&rc5.blockSizeInBits)/8;
-        rc5_cbc_params->pIv        = ((CK_BYTE_PTR)rc5_cbc_params)
-						+ sizeof(CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS);
-        rc5_cbc_params->ulIvLen    = rc5.iv.len;
-	PORT_Memcpy(rc5_cbc_params->pIv,, rc5.iv.len);
-	break;
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-    case CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2:
-	rv = pbe_PK11AlgidToParam(algid,mech);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-	break;
-    default:
-	if (pk11_lookup(type)->iv == 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	/* simple cases are simply octet string encoded IVs */
-	rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &iv,
-                                SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate),
-                                &(algid->parameters));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess || == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* XXX Should be some IV length sanity check here. */
-	mech->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(iv.len);
-	if (mech->data == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(mech->data,, iv.len);
-	mech->len = iv.len;
-	break;
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return mech;
-    if (arena)
-    	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(mech,PR_TRUE);
-    return NULL;
- * Generate an IV for the given mechanism 
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_GenIV(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *iv) {
-    int iv_size = PK11_GetIVLength(type);
-    SECStatus rv;
-    iv->len = iv_size;
-    if (iv_size == 0) { 
-	iv->data = NULL;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    iv->data = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(iv_size);
-    if (iv->data == NULL) {
-	iv->len = 0;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_GenerateRandom(iv->data,iv->len);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_Free(iv->data);
-	iv->data = NULL; iv->len = 0;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * create a new parameter block from the passed in MECHANISM and the
- * key. Use Netscape's S/MIME Rules for the New param block.
- */
-SECItem *
-pk11_GenerateNewParamWithKeyLen(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, int keyLen) 
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *rc2_params;
-    CK_RC2_PARAMS *rc2_ecb_params;
-    SECItem *mech;
-    SECItem iv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    mech = (SECItem *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (mech == NULL) return NULL;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    mech->type = siBuffer;
-    mech->data = NULL;
-    mech->len = 0;
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-	rc2_ecb_params = (CK_RC2_PARAMS *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC2_PARAMS));
-	if (rc2_ecb_params == NULL) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* NOTE PK11_GetKeyLength can return -1 if the key isn't and RC2, RC5,
-	 *   or RC4 key. Of course that wouldn't happen here doing RC2:).*/
-	*rc2_ecb_params = keyLen ? keyLen*8 : 128;
-	mech->data = (unsigned char *) rc2_ecb_params;
-	mech->len = sizeof(CK_RC2_PARAMS);
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-	rv = pk11_GenIV(type,&iv);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	rc2_params = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS));
-	if (rc2_params == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* NOTE PK11_GetKeyLength can return -1 if the key isn't and RC2, RC5,
-	 *   or RC4 key. Of course that wouldn't happen here doing RC2:).*/
-	rc2_params->ulEffectiveBits = keyLen ? keyLen*8 : 128;
-	if (
-	    PORT_Memcpy(rc2_params->iv,,sizeof(rc2_params->iv));
-	mech->data = (unsigned char *) rc2_params;
-	mech->len = sizeof(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-        PORT_Free(mech);
-	return PK11_ParamFromIV(type,NULL);
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	rv = pk11_GenIV(type,&iv);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-        PORT_Free(mech);
-	return PK11_ParamFromIV(type,&iv);
-    default:
-	if (pk11_lookup(type)->iv == 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	rv = pk11_GenIV(type,&iv);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	mech->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(iv.len);
-	if (mech->data == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    break;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(mech->data,,iv.len);
-	mech->len = iv.len;
-        PORT_Free(;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (rv !=  SECSuccess) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(mech,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return mech;
-SECItem *
-PK11_GenerateNewParam(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, PK11SymKey *key) 
-    int keyLen = key ? PK11_GetKeyLength(key) :  0;
-    return pk11_GenerateNewParamWithKeyLen(type, keyLen);
-#define RC5_V10 0x10
-/* turn a PKCS #11 parameter into a DER Encoded Algorithm ID */
-PK11_ParamToAlgid(SECOidTag algTag, SECItem *param, 
-				PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *algid) {
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *rc2_params;
-    sec_rc2cbcParameter rc2;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *rc5_params;
-    sec_rc5cbcParameter rc5;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algTag);
-    SECItem *newParams = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned long rc2version;
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_RC4:
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST3_ECB:
-    case CKM_CAST5_ECB:
-	newParams = NULL;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-	rc2_params = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *)param->data;
-	rc2version = rc2_unmap(rc2_params->ulEffectiveBits);
-	if (SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger (NULL, &(rc2.rc2ParameterVersion),
-					   rc2version) == NULL)
-	    break;
- = rc2_params->iv;
-	rc2.iv.len = sizeof(rc2_params->iv);
-	newParams = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (NULL, NULL, &rc2,
-                                         sec_rc2cbc_parameter_template);
-        PORT_Free(;
-	if (newParams == NULL)
-	    break;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB: /* well not really... */
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	rc5_params = (CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *)param->data;
-	if (SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger (NULL, &rc5.version, RC5_V10) == NULL)
-	    break;
-	if (SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger (NULL, &rc5.blockSizeInBits, 
-					rc5_params->ulWordsize*8) == NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger (NULL, &rc5.rounds, 
-					rc5_params->ulWordsize*8) == NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(;
-            PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
- = rc5_params->pIv;
-	rc5.iv.len = rc5_params->ulIvLen;
-	newParams = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (NULL, NULL, &rc5,
-                                         sec_rc5cbc_parameter_template);
-        PORT_Free(;
-        PORT_Free(;
-        PORT_Free(;
-	if (newParams == NULL)
-	    break;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	break;
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-	return PBE_PK11ParamToAlgid(algTag, param, arena, algid);
-    default:
-	if (pk11_lookup(type)->iv == 0) {
-	    rv = SECSuccess;
-	    newParams = NULL;
-	    break;
-	}
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16:
-    case CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB128:
-    case CKM_BATON_ECB96:
-    case CKM_BATON_CBC128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128:
-    case CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128:
-	newParams = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL,NULL,param,
-                                       SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate) );
-	if (newParams == NULL)
-	    break;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (rv !=  SECSuccess) {
-	if (newParams) SECITEM_FreeItem(newParams,PR_TRUE);
-	return rv;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, algid, algTag, newParams);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(newParams,PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-/* turn an OID algorithm tag into a PKCS #11 mechanism. This allows us to
- * map OID's directly into the PKCS #11 mechanism we want to call. We find
- * this mapping in our standard OID table */
-PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(SECOidTag algTag) {
-    SECOidData *oid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(algTag);
-    if (oid) return (CK_MECHANISM_TYPE) oid->mechanism;
-/* turn a mechanism into an oid. */
-PK11_MechanismToAlgtag(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type) {
-    SECOidData *oid = SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism((unsigned long)type);
-    if (oid) return oid->offset;
-    return SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-/* Determine appropriate blocking mechanism, used when wrapping private keys
- * which require PKCS padding.  If the mechanism does not map to a padding
- * mechanism, we simply return the mechanism.
- */
-PK11_GetPadMechanism(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type) {
-    switch(type) {
-	case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-	    return CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD;
-	    return CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_AES_CBC:
-	    return CKM_AES_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_DES_CBC:
-	    return CKM_DES_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-	    return CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-	    return CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-	    return CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_CAST_CBC:
-	    return CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_CAST3_CBC:
-	    return CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_CAST5_CBC:
-	    return CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD;
-	case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-	    return CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD; 
-	case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-	    return CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD; 
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    return type;
-static PRBool
-pk11_isAllZero(unsigned char *data,int len) {
-    while (len--) {
-	if (*data++) {
-	    return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-PK11_MapPBEMechanismToCryptoMechanism(CK_MECHANISM_PTR pPBEMechanism, 
-				      CK_MECHANISM_PTR pCryptoMechanism,
-				      SECItem *pbe_pwd, PRBool faulty3DES)
-    int iv_len = 0;
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS_PTR pPBEparams;
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS_PTR rc2_params;
-    CK_ULONG rc2_key_len;
-    if((pPBEMechanism == CK_NULL_PTR) || (pCryptoMechanism == CK_NULL_PTR)) {
-    }
-    /* pkcs5 v2 cannot be supported by this interface.
-     * use PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism instead.
-     */
-    if ((pPBEMechanism->mechanism == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) || 
-	(pPBEMechanism->mechanism == CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2)) {
-    }
-    pPBEparams = (CK_PBE_PARAMS_PTR)pPBEMechanism->pParameter;
-    iv_len = PK11_GetIVLength(pPBEMechanism->mechanism);
-    if (iv_len) {
-	if (pk11_isAllZero(pPBEparams->pInitVector,iv_len)) {
-	    SECItem param;
-	    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-	    PK11SlotInfo *intSlot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-	    if (intSlot == NULL) {
-	    }
- = pPBEMechanism->pParameter;
-	    param.len = pPBEMechanism->ulParameterLen;
-	    symKey = PK11_RawPBEKeyGen(intSlot,
-		pPBEMechanism->mechanism, &param, pbe_pwd, faulty3DES, NULL);
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(intSlot);
-	    if (symKey== NULL) {
-		return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* sigh */
-	    }
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	}
-    }
-    switch(pPBEMechanism->mechanism) {
-	    pCryptoMechanism->mechanism = CKM_DES_CBC;
-	    goto have_crypto_mechanism;
-	    pCryptoMechanism->mechanism = CKM_DES3_CBC;
-	    pCryptoMechanism->pParameter = PORT_Alloc(iv_len);
-	    pCryptoMechanism->ulParameterLen = (CK_ULONG)iv_len;
-	    if(pCryptoMechanism->pParameter == NULL) {
-		return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Memcpy((unsigned char *)(pCryptoMechanism->pParameter),
-			(unsigned char *)(pPBEparams->pInitVector),
-			iv_len);
-	    break;
-	case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-	case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-	    pCryptoMechanism->mechanism = CKM_RC4;
-	    pCryptoMechanism->ulParameterLen = 0;
-	    pCryptoMechanism->pParameter = CK_NULL_PTR;
-	    break;
-	case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-	    rc2_key_len = 40;
-	    goto have_key_len;
-	    rc2_key_len = 128;
-	    pCryptoMechanism->mechanism = CKM_RC2_CBC;
-	    pCryptoMechanism->ulParameterLen = (CK_ULONG)
-						sizeof(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS);
-	    pCryptoMechanism->pParameter = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS_PTR)
-				PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS));
-	    if(pCryptoMechanism->pParameter == NULL) {
-		return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    }
-	    rc2_params = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS_PTR)pCryptoMechanism->pParameter;
-	    PORT_Memcpy((unsigned char *)rc2_params->iv,
-	    		(unsigned char *)pPBEparams->pInitVector,
-	    		iv_len);
-	    rc2_params->ulEffectiveBits = rc2_key_len;
-	    break;
-	default:
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* Make a Key type to an appropriate signing/verification mechanism */
-PK11_MapSignKeyType(KeyType keyType)
-    switch (keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	return CKM_RSA_PKCS;
-    case fortezzaKey:
-    case dsaKey:
-	return CKM_DSA;
-    case ecKey:
-	return CKM_ECDSA;
-    case dhKey:
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-pk11_mapWrapKeyType(KeyType keyType)
-    switch (keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	return CKM_RSA_PKCS;
-    /* Add fortezza?? */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-PK11_FortezzaMapSig(SECOidTag algTag)
-    switch (algTag) {
-    case SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS:
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return algTag;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11merge.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11merge.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fadc7c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11merge.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1420 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Merge the source token into the target token.
- */
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-#include "pk11priv.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
- *
- *             short utilities to aid in the merge
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * write a bunch of attributes out to an existing object.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_setAttributes(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE *setTemplate, CK_ULONG setTemplCount)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SetAttributeValue(rwsession, id,
-			setTemplate, setTemplCount);
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * copy a template of attributes from a source object to a target object.
- * if target object is not given, create it.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_copyAttributes(PLArenaPool *arena,
-	PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetID,
-	PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE sourceID,
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE *copyTemplate, CK_ULONG copyTemplateCount)
-    SECStatus rv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena, sourceSlot, sourceID, 
-				copyTemplate, copyTemplateCount);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if (targetID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* we need to create the object */
-	rv = PK11_CreateNewObject(targetSlot, CK_INVALID_SESSION, 
-		copyTemplate, copyTemplateCount, PR_TRUE, &targetID);
-    } else {
-	/* update the existing object with the new attributes */
-	rv = pk11_setAttributes(targetSlot, targetID, 
-			copyTemplate, copyTemplateCount);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * look for a matching object across tokens.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_matchAcrossTokens(PLArenaPool *arena, PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot,
-		       PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		       CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG tsize, 
-    CK_RV crv;
-    *peer = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena, sourceSlot, id, template, tsize);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
- 	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (template[0].ulValueLen == -1) {
- 	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    *peer = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(targetSlot, template, tsize);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
- * Encrypt using key and parameters
- */
-pk11_encrypt(PK11SymKey *symKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechType, SECItem *param,
-	SECItem *input, SECItem **output)
-    PK11Context *ctxt = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (*output) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(*output,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    *output = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, input->len+20 /*slop*/);
-    if (!*output) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    ctxt = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(mechType, CKA_ENCRYPT, symKey, param);
-    if (ctxt == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_CipherOp(ctxt, (*output)->data, 
-		(int *)&((*output)->len), 
-		(*output)->len, input->data, input->len);
-    if (ctxt) {
-	PK11_Finalize(ctxt);
-	PK11_DestroyContext(ctxt,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	if (*output) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(*output, PR_TRUE);
-	    *output = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Private Keys
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * Fetch the key usage based on the pkcs #11 flags
- */
-unsigned int
-pk11_getPrivateKeyUsage(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id)
-    unsigned int usage = 0;
-    if ((PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_UNWRAP,PR_FALSE) || 
-			PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot,id, CKA_DECRYPT,PR_FALSE))) {
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_DERIVE, PR_FALSE)) {
-	usage |= KU_KEY_AGREEMENT;
-    }
-    if ((PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, PR_FALSE) || 
-			PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_SIGN, PR_FALSE))) {
-    }
-    return usage;
- * merge a private key, 
- *
- * Private keys are merged using PBE wrapped keys with a random
- * value as the 'password'. Once the base key is moved, The remaining
- * attributes (SUBJECT) is copied.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergePrivateKey(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *sourceKey = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetKeyID;
-    SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki = NULL;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    SECItem nickItem;
-    SECItem pwitem;
-    SECItem publicValue;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    unsigned int keyUsage;
-    unsigned char randomData[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE privTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG privTemplateCount = sizeof(privTemplate)/sizeof(privTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE privCopyTemplate[] = {
-    };
-    CK_ULONG privCopyTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(privCopyTemplate)/sizeof(privCopyTemplate[0]);
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* check to see if the key is already in the target slot */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot, privTemplate, 
-				privTemplateCount, id, &targetKeyID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (targetKeyID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* match found,  not an error ... */
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* get an NSS representation of our source key */
-    sourceKey = PK11_MakePrivKey(sourceSlot, nullKey, PR_FALSE, 
-				 id, sourcePwArg);
-    if (sourceKey == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* Load the private key */
-    /* generate a random pwitem */
-    rv = PK11_GenerateRandom(randomData, sizeof(randomData));
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
- = randomData;
-    pwitem.len = sizeof(randomData);
-    /* fetch the private key encrypted */
-    epki = PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivKeyInfo(sourceSlot, algTag, &pwitem, 
-					   sourceKey, 1, sourcePwArg);
-    if (epki == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    nickname = PK11_GetObjectNickname(sourceSlot, id);
-    /* NULL nickanme is fine (in fact is often normal) */
-    if (nickname)  {
- = (unsigned char *)nickname;
-	nickItem.len = PORT_Strlen(nickname);
-    }
-    keyUsage = pk11_getPrivateKeyUsage(sourceSlot, id);
-    /* pass in the CKA_ID */
- = privTemplate[0].pValue;
-    publicValue.len = privTemplate[0].ulValueLen;
-    rv = PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(targetSlot, epki, &pwitem,
-			nickname? &nickItem : NULL , &publicValue, 
-			PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE, sourceKey->keyType, keyUsage, 
-			targetPwArg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* make sure it made it */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot, privTemplate, 
-				privTemplateCount, id, &targetKeyID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (targetKeyID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* this time the key should exist */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* fill in remaining attributes */
-    rv = pk11_copyAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetKeyID, sourceSlot, id,
-				privCopyTemplate, privCopyTemplateCount);
-    /* make sure the 'key' is cleared */
-    PORT_Memset(randomData, 0, sizeof(randomData));
-    if (nickname) {
-	PORT_Free(nickname);
-    }
-    if (sourceKey) {
-	SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(sourceKey);
-    }
-    if (epki) {
-	SECKEY_DestroyEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(epki, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Secret Keys
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * we need to find a unique CKA_ID.
- *  The basic idea is to just increment the lowest byte.
- *  This code also handles the following corner cases:
- *   1) the single byte overflows. On overflow we increment the next byte up 
- *    and so forth until we have overflowed the entire CKA_ID.
- *   2) If we overflow the entire CKA_ID we expand it by one byte.
- *   3) the CKA_ID is non-existent, we create a new one with one byte.
- *    This means no matter what CKA_ID is passed, the result of this function 
- *    is always a new CKA_ID, and this function will never return the same 
- *    CKA_ID the it has returned in the passed.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_incrementID(PLArenaPool *arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate)
-    unsigned char *buf = ptemplate->pValue;
-    CK_ULONG len = ptemplate->ulValueLen;
-    if (buf == NULL || len == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	/* we have no valid CKAID, we'll create a basic one byte CKA_ID below */
-	len = 0;
-    } else {
-	/* walk from the back to front, incrementing
-	 * the CKA_ID until we no longer have a carry,
-	 * or have hit the front of the id. */
-	for (i=len; i != 0; i--) {
-	    buf[i-1]++;
-	    if (buf[i-1] != 0) {
-		/* no more carries, the increment is complete */
-		return SECSuccess;
-	     }
-	}
-	/* we've now overflowed, fall through and expand the CKA_ID by 
-	 * one byte */
-    } 
-    /* if we are here we've run the counter to zero (indicating an overflow).
-     * create an CKA_ID that is all zeros, but has one more zero than
-     * the previous CKA_ID */
-    buf = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, len+1);
-    if (buf == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    ptemplate->pValue = buf;
-    ptemplate->ulValueLen = len+1;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static CK_FLAGS
-pk11_getSecretKeyFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id)
-    CK_FLAGS flags = 0;
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_UNWRAP, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_UNWRAP;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_WRAP, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_WRAP;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_ENCRYPT, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_ENCRYPT;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_DECRYPT, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_DECRYPT;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_DERIVE, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_DERIVE;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_SIGN, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_SIGN;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_SIGN_RECOVER;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_VERIFY, PR_FALSE)) {
-	flags |= CKF_VERIFY;
-    }
-    if (PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, id, CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER, PR_FALSE)) {
-    }
-    return flags;
-static const char testString[] = 
-	"My Encrytion Test Data (should be at least 32 bytes long)";
- * merge a secret key, 
- *
- * Secret keys may collide by CKA_ID as we merge 2 token. If we collide
- * on the CKA_ID, we need to make sure we are dealing with different keys.
- * The reason for this is it is possible that we've merged this database
- * before, and this key could have been merged already.  If the keys are
- * the same, we are done. If they are not, we need to update the CKA_ID of
- * the source key and try again.
- * 
- * Once we know we have a unique key to merge in, we use NSS's underlying
- * key Move function which will do a key exchange if necessary to move
- * the key from one token to another. Then we set the CKA_ID and additional
- * pkcs #11 attributes.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeSecretKey(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    PK11SymKey *sourceKey = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *targetKey = NULL;
-    SECItem *sourceOutput = NULL;
-    SECItem *targetOutput = NULL;
-    SECItem *param = NULL;
-    int blockSize;
-    SECItem input;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetKeyID;
-    CK_FLAGS flags;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyMechType, cryptoMechType;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE sourceKeyType, targetKeyType;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE symTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG symTemplateCount = sizeof(symTemplate)/sizeof(symTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE symCopyTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG symCopyTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(symCopyTemplate)/sizeof(symCopyTemplate[0]);
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    sourceKeyType = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(sourceSlot, id, CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    if (sourceKeyType == (CK_ULONG) -1) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* get the key mechanism */
-    keyMechType = PK11_GetKeyMechanism(sourceKeyType);
-    /* get a mechanism suitable to encryption.
-     * PK11_GetKeyMechanism returns a mechanism that is unique to the key
-     * type. It tries to return encryption/decryption mechanisms, however
-     * CKM_DES3_CBC uses and abmiguous keyType, so keyMechType is returned as
-     * 'keygen' mechanism. Detect that case here */
-    cryptoMechType =  keyMechType;
-    if ((keyMechType == CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN) ||  
-				(keyMechType == CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN)) {
-	cryptoMechType = CKM_DES3_CBC;
-    }
-    sourceKey = PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(sourceSlot, NULL, PK11_OriginDerive,
-				keyMechType , id, PR_FALSE, sourcePwArg);
-    if (sourceKey == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* check to see a key with the same CKA_ID  already exists in 
-     * the target slot. If it does, then we need to verify if the keys
-     * really matches. If they don't import the key with a new CKA_ID
-     * value. */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot,
-			symTemplate, symTemplateCount, id, &targetKeyID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* set up the input test */
- = (unsigned char *)testString;
-    blockSize = PK11_GetBlockSize(cryptoMechType, NULL);
-    if (blockSize < 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    input.len = blockSize;
-    if (input.len == 0) {
-	input.len = sizeof (testString);
-    }
-    while (targetKeyID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* test to see if the keys are identical */
-	targetKeyType = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(sourceSlot, id, CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-	if (targetKeyType == sourceKeyType) {
-		/* same keyType  - see if it's the same key */
-		targetKey = PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(targetSlot, NULL, 
-			PK11_OriginDerive, keyMechType, targetKeyID, PR_FALSE,
-			targetPwArg);
-		/* get a parameter if we don't already have one */
-		if (!param) {
-		    param = PK11_GenerateNewParam(cryptoMechType, sourceKey);
-		    if (param == NULL) {
-			rv = SECFailure;
-			goto done;
-		    }
-		}
-		/* use the source key to encrypt a reference */
-		if (!sourceOutput) {
-		    rv = pk11_encrypt(sourceKey, cryptoMechType, param, &input,
-			&sourceOutput);
-		    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-			goto done;
-		    }
-		}
-		/* encrypt the reference with the target key */
-		rv = pk11_encrypt(targetKey, cryptoMechType, param, &input,
-			&targetOutput);
-		if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		    if (SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(sourceOutput, targetOutput)) {
-			/* they produce the same output, they must be the
-			 * same key */
-			goto done;
-		    }
-		    SECITEM_FreeItem(targetOutput, PR_TRUE);
-		    targetOutput = NULL;
-		}
-		PK11_FreeSymKey(targetKey);
-		targetKey = NULL;
-	}
-	/* keys aren't equal, update the KEY_ID and look again */
-	rv = pk11_incrementID(arena, &symTemplate[0]);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	targetKeyID = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(targetSlot, 
-					symTemplate, symTemplateCount);
-    }
-    /* we didn't find a matching key, import this one with the new
-     * CKAID */
-    flags = pk11_getSecretKeyFlags(sourceSlot, id);
-    targetKey = PK11_MoveSymKey(targetSlot, PK11_OriginDerive, flags, PR_TRUE,
-			sourceKey);
-    if (targetKey == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* set the key new CKAID */
-    rv = pk11_setAttributes(targetSlot, targetKey->objectID, symTemplate, 1);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* fill in remaining attributes */
-    rv = pk11_copyAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetKey->objectID, 
-			sourceSlot, id, symCopyTemplate, symCopyTemplateCount);
-    if (sourceKey) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(sourceKey);
-    }
-    if (targetKey) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(targetKey);
-    }
-    if (sourceOutput) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(sourceOutput, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (targetOutput) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(targetOutput, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (param) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(param, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Public Keys
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * Merge public key
- *
- * Use the high level NSS calls to extract the public key and import it
- * into the token. Extra attributes are then copied to the new token.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergePublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    SECKEYPublicKey *sourceKey = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetKeyID;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE pubTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG pubTemplateCount = sizeof(pubTemplate)/sizeof(pubTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE pubCopyTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ULONG pubCopyTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(pubCopyTemplate)/sizeof(pubCopyTemplate[0]);
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* check to see if the key is already in the target slot */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot, pubTemplate, 
-				pubTemplateCount, id, &targetKeyID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* Key is already in the target slot */
-    if (targetKeyID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* not an error ... */
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* fetch an NSS representation of the public key */
-    sourceKey = PK11_ExtractPublicKey(sourceSlot, nullKey, id);
-    if (sourceKey== NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* load the public key into the target token. */
-    targetKeyID = PK11_ImportPublicKey(targetSlot, sourceKey, PR_TRUE);
-    if (targetKeyID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* fill in remaining attributes */
-    rv = pk11_copyAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetKeyID, sourceSlot, id,
-				pubCopyTemplate, pubCopyTemplateCount);
-    if (sourceKey) {
-	SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(sourceKey);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Certificates
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * Two copies of the source code for this algorithm exist in NSS.  
- * Changes must be made in both copies.
- * The other copy is in sftkdb_resolveConflicts() in softoken/sftkdb.c.
- */
-static char *
-pk11_IncrementNickname(char *nickname)
-    char *newNickname = NULL;
-    int end;
-    int digit;
-    int len = strlen(nickname);
-    /* does nickname end with " #n*" ? */
-    for (end = len - 1; 
-         end >= 2 && (digit = nickname[end]) <= '9' &&  digit >= '0'; 
-	 end--)  /* just scan */ ;
-    if (len >= 3 &&
-        end < (len - 1) /* at least one digit */ &&
-	nickname[end]     == '#'  && 
-	nickname[end - 1] == ' ') {
-    	/* Already has a suitable suffix string */
-    } else {
-	/* ... append " #2" to the name */
-	static const char num2[] = " #2";
-	newNickname = PORT_Realloc(nickname, len + sizeof(num2));
-	if (newNickname) {
-	    PORT_Strcat(newNickname, num2);
-	} else {
-	    PORT_Free(nickname);
-	}
-	return newNickname;
-    }
-    for (end = len - 1; 
-	 end >= 0 && (digit = nickname[end]) <= '9' &&  digit >= '0'; 
-	 end--) {
-	if (digit < '9') {
-	    nickname[end]++;
-	    return nickname;
-	}
-	nickname[end] = '0';
-    }
-    /* we overflowed, insert a new '1' for a carry in front of the number */
-    newNickname = PORT_Realloc(nickname, len + 2);
-    if (newNickname) {
-	newNickname[++end] = '1';
-	PORT_Memset(&newNickname[end + 1], '0', len - end);
-	newNickname[len + 1] = 0;
-    } else {
-	PORT_Free(nickname);
-    }
-    return newNickname;
- * merge a certificate object
- *
- * Use the high level NSS calls to extract and import the certificate.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeCert(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    CERTCertificate *sourceCert = NULL;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE sourceCKAID = {CKA_ID, NULL, 0};
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE targetCKAID = {CKA_ID, NULL, 0};
-    SECStatus lrv = SECSuccess;
-    sourceCert = PK11_MakeCertFromHandle(sourceSlot, id, NULL);
-    if (sourceCert == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    nickname = PK11_GetObjectNickname(sourceSlot, id);
-    /* The database code will prevent nickname collisions for certs with
-     * different subjects. This code will prevent us from getting
-     * actual import errors */
-    if (nickname) {
-	const char *tokenName = PK11_GetTokenName(targetSlot);
-	char *tokenNickname = NULL;
-	do {
-	    tokenNickname = PR_smprintf("%s:%s",tokenName, nickname);
-	    if (!tokenNickname) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (!SEC_CertNicknameConflict(tokenNickname, 
-			&sourceCert->derSubject, CERT_GetDefaultCertDB())) {
-		break;
-	     }
-	    nickname = pk11_IncrementNickname(nickname);
-	    if (!nickname) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    PR_smprintf_free(tokenNickname);
-	} while (1);
-	if (tokenNickname) {
-	    PR_smprintf_free(tokenNickname);
-	}
-    }
-    /* see if the cert is already there */
-    targetCertID = PK11_FindCertInSlot(targetSlot, sourceCert, targetPwArg);
-    if (targetCertID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* cert doesn't exist load the cert in. */
-	/* OK for the nickname to be NULL, not all certs have nicknames */
-	rv = PK11_ImportCert(targetSlot, sourceCert, CK_INVALID_HANDLE,
-			     nickname, PR_FALSE);
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* the cert already exists, see if the nickname and/or  CKA_ID need
-     * to be updated */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* does our source have a CKA_ID ? */
-    rv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena, sourceSlot, id,  &sourceCKAID, 1);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	sourceCKAID.ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    /* if we have a source CKA_ID, see of we need to update the
-     * target's CKA_ID */
-    if (sourceCKAID.ulValueLen != 0) {
-	rv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetCertID,
-				    &targetCKAID, 1);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    targetCKAID.ulValueLen = 0;
-	}
-	/* if the target has no CKA_ID, update it from the source */
-	if (targetCKAID.ulValueLen == 0) {
-	    lrv=pk11_setAttributes(targetSlot, targetCertID, &sourceCKAID, 1);
-	    if (lrv != SECSuccess) {
-		error = PORT_GetError();
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* now check if we need to update the nickname */
-    if (nickname && *nickname) {
-	char *targetname;
-	targetname = PK11_GetObjectNickname(targetSlot, targetCertID);
-	if (!targetname || !*targetname) {
-	    /* target has no nickname, or it's empty, update it */
-	    rv = PK11_SetObjectNickname(targetSlot, targetCertID, nickname);
-	}
-	if (targetname) {
-	    PORT_Free(targetname);
-	}
-    }
-    /* restore the error code if CKA_ID failed, but nickname didn't */
-    if ((rv == SECSuccess) && (lrv != SECSuccess)) {
-	rv = lrv;
-	PORT_SetError(error);
-    }
-    if (nickname) {
-	PORT_Free(nickname);
-    }
-    if (sourceCert) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertificate(sourceCert);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Crls
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * Use the raw PKCS #11 interface to merge the CRLs.
- *
- * In the case where of collision, choose the newest CRL that is valid.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeCrl(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetCrlID;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE crlTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_NSS_KRL, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG crlTemplateCount = sizeof(crlTemplate)/sizeof(crlTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE crlCopyTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_NSS_KRL, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_NSS_URL, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG crlCopyTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(crlCopyTemplate)/sizeof(crlCopyTemplate[0]);
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* check to see if the crl is already in the target slot */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot, crlTemplate, 
-				crlTemplateCount, id, &targetCrlID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (targetCrlID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* we already have a CRL, check to see which is more up-to-date. */
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* load the CRL into the target token. */
-    rv = pk11_copyAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetCrlID, sourceSlot, id,
-				crlCopyTemplate, crlCopyTemplateCount);
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            SMIME objects
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * use the raw PKCS #11 interface to merge the S/MIME records
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeSmime(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetSmimeID;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE smimeTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ULONG smimeTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(smimeTemplate)/sizeof(smimeTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE smimeCopyTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    CK_ULONG smimeCopyTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(smimeCopyTemplate)/sizeof(smimeCopyTemplate[0]);
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* check to see if the crl is already in the target slot */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot, smimeTemplate, 
-				smimeTemplateCount, id, &targetSmimeID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (targetSmimeID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* we already have a SMIME record */
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* load the SMime Record into the target token. */
-    rv = pk11_copyAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetSmimeID, sourceSlot, id,
-				smimeCopyTemplate, smimeCopyTemplateCount);
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Trust Objects
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * decide which trust record entry wins. PR_TRUE (source) or PR_FALSE (target)
- */
-pk11_mergeTrustEntry(CK_ATTRIBUTE *target, CK_ATTRIBUTE *source)
-    CK_ULONG targetTrust = (target->ulValueLen == sizeof (CK_LONG)) ?
-		*(CK_ULONG *)target->pValue : CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN;
-    CK_ULONG sourceTrust = (source->ulValueLen == sizeof (CK_LONG)) ?
-		*(CK_ULONG *)source->pValue : CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN;
-    /*
-     * Examine a single entry and deside if the source or target version
-     * should win out. When all the entries have been checked, if there is
-     * any case we need to update, we will write the whole source record
-     * to the target database. That means for each individual record, if the
-     * target wins, we need to update the source (in case later we have a
-     * case where the source wins). If the source wins, it already 
-     */
-    if (sourceTrust == targetTrust) {
-	return USE_TARGET;  /* which equates to 'do nothing' */
-    }
-    if (sourceTrust == CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN) {
-	return USE_TARGET; 
-    }
-    /* target has no idea, use the source's idea of the trust value */
-    if (targetTrust == CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN) {
-	/* source overwrites the target */
-	return USE_SOURCE;
-    }
-    /* so both the target and the source have some idea of what this 
-     * trust attribute should be, and neither agree exactly. 
-     * At this point, we prefer 'hard' attributes over 'soft' ones. 
-     * 'hard' ones are CKT_NSS_TRUSTED, CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR, and
-     * CKT_NSS_UNTRUTED. Soft ones are ones which don't change the
-     * actual trust of the cert (CKT_MUST_VERIFY, CKT_NSS_VALID,
-     */
-    if ((sourceTrust == CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST) 
-	|| (sourceTrust == CKT_NSS_VALID_DELEGATOR)) {
-	return USE_TARGET;
-    }
-    if ((targetTrust == CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST) 
-	|| (targetTrust == CKT_NSS_VALID_DELEGATOR)) {
-	/* source overrites the target */
-	return USE_SOURCE;
-    }
-    /* both have hard attributes, we have a conflict, let the target win. */
-    return USE_TARGET;
- * use the raw PKCS #11 interface to merge the S/MIME records
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeTrust(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE targetTrustID;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    int error = 0;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE trustTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ISSUER, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ULONG trustTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(trustTemplate)/sizeof(trustTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE trustCopyTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ULONG trustCopyTemplateCount = 
-		sizeof(trustCopyTemplate)/sizeof(trustCopyTemplate[0]);
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* check to see if the crl is already in the target slot */
-    rv = pk11_matchAcrossTokens(arena, targetSlot, sourceSlot, trustTemplate, 
-				trustTemplateCount, id, &targetTrustID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (targetTrustID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	/* a matching trust record already exists, merge it in */
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE trustAttrs[] = {
-	};
-	CK_ULONG trustAttrsCount = 
-		sizeof(trustAttrs)/sizeof(trustAttrs[0]);
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE targetTemplate, sourceTemplate;
-	/* existing trust record, merge the two together */
-        for (i=0; i < trustAttrsCount; i++) {
-	    targetTemplate.type = sourceTemplate.type = trustAttrs[i];
-	    targetTemplate.pValue = sourceTemplate.pValue = NULL;
-	    targetTemplate.ulValueLen = sourceTemplate.ulValueLen = 0;
-	    PK11_GetAttributes(arena, sourceSlot, id, &sourceTemplate, 1);
-	    PK11_GetAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetTrustID, 
-							&targetTemplate, 1);
-	    if (pk11_mergeTrustEntry(&targetTemplate, &sourceTemplate)) {
-		/* source wins, write out the source attribute to the target */
-		SECStatus lrv = pk11_setAttributes(targetSlot, targetTrustID, 
-				   &sourceTemplate, 1);
-		if (lrv != SECSuccess) {
-		    rv = SECFailure;
-		    error = PORT_GetError();
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	/* handle step */
-	sourceTemplate.type = CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED;
-	sourceTemplate.pValue = NULL;
-	sourceTemplate.ulValueLen = 0;
-	/* if the source has steup set, then set it in the target */
-	PK11_GetAttributes(arena, sourceSlot, id, &sourceTemplate, 1);
-	if ((sourceTemplate.ulValueLen == sizeof(CK_BBOOL)) && 
-		(sourceTemplate.pValue) &&
-		(*(CK_BBOOL *)sourceTemplate.pValue == CK_TRUE)) {
-	    SECStatus lrv = pk11_setAttributes(targetSlot, targetTrustID, 
-				   &sourceTemplate, 1);
-	    if (lrv != SECSuccess) {
-		rv = SECFailure;
-		error = PORT_GetError();
-	    }
-	}
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* load the new trust Record into the target token. */
-    rv = pk11_copyAttributes(arena, targetSlot, targetTrustID, sourceSlot, id,
-				trustCopyTemplate, trustCopyTemplateCount);
-    if (arena) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* restore the error code */
-    if (rv == SECFailure && error) {
-	PORT_SetError(error);
-    }
-    return rv;
- *
- *            Central merge code
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- * merge a single object from sourceToken to targetToken
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeObject(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objClass;
-    objClass = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(sourceSlot, id, CKA_CLASS);
-    if (objClass == (CK_ULONG) -1) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    switch (objClass) {
-	return pk11_mergeCert(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id, 
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    case CKO_NSS_TRUST:
-	return pk11_mergeTrust(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id, 
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    case CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:
-	return pk11_mergePublicKey(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id,
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    case CKO_PRIVATE_KEY:
-	return pk11_mergePrivateKey(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id, 
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    case CKO_SECRET_KEY:
-	return pk11_mergeSecretKey(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id, 
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    case CKO_NSS_CRL:
-	return pk11_mergeCrl(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id, 
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    case CKO_NSS_SMIME:
-	return pk11_mergeSmime(targetSlot, sourceSlot, id, 
-					targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-PK11MergeLogNode *
-pk11_newMergeLogNode(PLArenaPool *arena,
-		     PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, int error)
-    PK11MergeLogNode *newLog;
-    PK11GenericObject *obj;
-    newLog = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, PK11MergeLogNode);
-    if (newLog == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    obj = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, PK11GenericObject);
-    if ( !obj ) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* initialize it */
-    obj->slot = slot;
-    obj->objectID = id;
-    newLog->object= obj;
-    newLog->error = error;
-    return newLog;
- * walk down each entry and merge it. keep track of the errors in the log
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_mergeByObjectIDs(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectIDs, int count,
-		PK11MergeLog *log, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	/* try to update the entire database. On failure, keep going,
-	 * but remember the error to report back to the caller */
-	SECStatus lrv;
-	PK11MergeLogNode *newLog;
-	lrv= pk11_mergeObject(targetSlot, sourceSlot, objectIDs[i], 
-				targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-	if (lrv == SECSuccess) {
-	   /* merged with no problem, go to next object */
-	   continue;
-	}
-	/* remember that we failed and why */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	error = PORT_GetError();
-	/* log the errors */
-	if (!log) {
-	    /* not logging, go to next entry */
-	    continue;
-	}
-	newLog = pk11_newMergeLogNode(log->arena, sourceSlot, 
-				      objectIDs[i], error);
-	if (!newLog) {
-	    /* failed to allocate entry, just keep going */
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* link in the errorlog entry */
-	newLog->next = NULL;
-	if (log->tail) {
-	    log->tail->next = newLog;
-	} else {
-	    log->head = newLog;
-	}
-	newLog->prev = log->tail;
-	log->tail = newLog;
-    }
-    /* restore the last error code */
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_SetError(error);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Merge all the records in sourceSlot that aren't in targetSlot
- * 
- *   This function will return failure if not all the objects
- *   successfully merged.
- *
- *   Applications can pass in an optional error log which will record
- *   each failing object and why it failed to import. PK11MergeLog
- *   is modelled after the CERTVerifyLog.
- */
-PK11_MergeTokens(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-		PK11MergeLog *log, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess, lrv = SECSuccess;
-    int count = 0;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE search[2];
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectIDs = NULL;
-    CK_BBOOL ck_true = CK_TRUE;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&search[0], CKA_TOKEN, &ck_true, sizeof(ck_true));
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&search[1], CKA_CLASS, &privKey, sizeof(privKey));
-    /*
-     * make sure both tokens are already authenticated if need be.
-     */
-    rv = PK11_Authenticate(targetSlot, PR_TRUE, targetPwArg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_Authenticate(sourceSlot, PR_TRUE, sourcePwArg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* turns out the old DB's are rather fragile if the private keys aren't
-     * merged in first, so do the private keys explicity. */
-    objectIDs = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(sourceSlot, search, 2, &count);
-    if (objectIDs) {
-	lrv = pk11_mergeByObjectIDs(targetSlot, sourceSlot, 
-				    objectIDs, count, log, 
-				    targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-	if (lrv != SECSuccess) {
-	    error = PORT_GetError();
-	}
-	PORT_Free(objectIDs);
-	count = 0;
-    }
-    /* now do the rest  (NOTE: this will repeat the private keys, but
-     * that shouldnt' be an issue as we will notice they are already
-     * merged in */
-    objectIDs = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(sourceSlot, search, 1, &count);
-    if (!objectIDs) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = pk11_mergeByObjectIDs(targetSlot, sourceSlot, objectIDs, count, log, 
-			targetPwArg, sourcePwArg);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	/* if private keys failed, but the rest succeeded, be sure to let
-	 * the caller know that private keys failed and why.
-	 * NOTE: this is highly unlikely since the same keys that failed
-	 * in the previous merge call will most likely fail in this one */
-	if (lrv != SECSuccess) {
-	    rv = lrv;
-	    PORT_SetError(error);
-	}
-    }
-    if (objectIDs) {
-	PORT_Free(objectIDs);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PK11MergeLog *
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    PK11MergeLog *log;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    log = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, PK11MergeLog);
-    if (log == NULL) {
-         PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    log->arena = arena;
-    log->version = 1;
-    return log;
-PK11_DestroyMergeLog(PK11MergeLog *log)
-   if (log && log->arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(log->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11nobj.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11nobj.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dcca434..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11nobj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file manages Netscape specific PKCS #11 objects (CRLs, Trust objects,
- * etc).
- */
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h" 
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "sechash.h" 
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "certdb.h" 
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "dev3hack.h" 
-#include "devm.h" 
-#include "pki.h"
-#include "pkim.h" 
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-pk11_GetTrustField(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PLArenaPool *arena,
-                   CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-  CK_TRUST rv = 0;
-  SECItem item;
- = NULL;
-  item.len = 0;
-  if( SECSuccess == PK11_ReadAttribute(slot, id, type, arena, &item) ) {
-    PORT_Assert(item.len == sizeof(CK_TRUST));
-    PORT_Memcpy(&rv,, sizeof(CK_TRUST));
-    /* Damn, is there an endian problem here? */
-    return rv;
-  }
-  return 0;
-pk11_HandleTrustObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertTrust *trust)
-  PLArenaPool *arena;
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE tobjTemplate[] = {
-    { CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-    { CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH, NULL, 0 },
-  };
-  unsigned char sha1_hash[SHA1_LENGTH];
-  CK_TRUST serverAuth, codeSigning, emailProtection, clientAuth;
-  PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA1, sha1_hash, cert->, cert->derCert.len);
-  PK11_SETATTRS(&tobjTemplate[0], CKA_CLASS, &tobjc, sizeof(tobjc));
-  PK11_SETATTRS(&tobjTemplate[1], CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH, sha1_hash, 
-                SHA1_LENGTH);
-  tobjID = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot, tobjTemplate, 
-                                     sizeof(tobjTemplate)/sizeof(tobjTemplate[0]));
-  if( CK_INVALID_HANDLE == tobjID ) {
-    return PR_FALSE;
-  }
-  if( NULL == arena ) return PR_FALSE;
-  /* Unfortunately, it seems that PK11_GetAttributes doesn't deal
-   * well with nonexistent attributes.  I guess we have to check 
-   * the trust info fields one at a time.
-   */
-  /* We could verify CKA_CERT_HASH here */
-  /* We could verify CKA_EXPIRES here */
-  /* "Purpose" trust information */
-  serverAuth = pk11_GetTrustField(slot, arena, tobjID, CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH);
-  clientAuth = pk11_GetTrustField(slot, arena, tobjID, CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH);
-  codeSigning = pk11_GetTrustField(slot, arena, tobjID, CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING);
-  emailProtection = pk11_GetTrustField(slot, arena, tobjID, 
-  /* Here's where the fun logic happens.  We have to map back from the 
-   * key usage, extended key usage, purpose, and possibly other trust values 
-   * into the old trust-flags bits.  */
-  /* First implementation: keep it simple for testing.  We can study what other
-   * mappings would be appropriate and add them later.. fgmr 20000724 */
-  if ( serverAuth ==  CKT_NSS_TRUSTED ) {
-  }
-  if ( serverAuth == CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR ) {
-    trust->sslFlags |= CERTDB_VALID_CA | CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA | 
-  }
-  if ( clientAuth == CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR ) {
-    trust->sslFlags |=  CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA ;
-  }
-  if ( emailProtection == CKT_NSS_TRUSTED ) {
-  }
-  if ( emailProtection == CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR ) {
-  }
-  if( codeSigning == CKT_NSS_TRUSTED ) {
-    trust->objectSigningFlags |= CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD | CERTDB_TRUSTED;
-  }
-  if( codeSigning == CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR ) {
-  }
-  /* There's certainly a lot more logic that can go here.. */
-  PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-  return PR_TRUE;
-static SECStatus
-pk11_CollectCrls(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE crlID, void *arg)
-    SECItem derCrl;
-    CERTCrlHeadNode *head = (CERTCrlHeadNode *) arg;
-    CERTCrlNode *new_node = NULL;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE fetchCrl[3] = {
-	 { CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0},
-    };
-    const int fetchCrlSize = sizeof(fetchCrl)/sizeof(fetchCrl[2]);
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(head->arena,slot,crlID,fetchCrl,fetchCrlSize);
-    if (CKR_OK != crv) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!fetchCrl[1].pValue) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    new_node = (CERTCrlNode *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(head->arena, sizeof(CERTCrlNode));
-    if (new_node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (*((CK_BBOOL *)fetchCrl[1].pValue))
-        new_node->type = SEC_KRL_TYPE;
-    else
-        new_node->type = SEC_CRL_TYPE;
-    derCrl.type = siBuffer;
- = (unsigned char *)fetchCrl[0].pValue;
-    derCrl.len = fetchCrl[0].ulValueLen;
-    new_node->crl=CERT_DecodeDERCrl(head->arena,&derCrl,new_node->type);
-    if (new_node->crl == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (fetchCrl[2].pValue) {
-        int nnlen = fetchCrl[2].ulValueLen;
-        new_node->crl->url  = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(head->arena, nnlen+1);
-        if ( !new_node->crl->url ) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(new_node->crl->url, fetchCrl[2].pValue, nnlen);
-        new_node->crl->url[nnlen] = 0;
-    } else {
-        new_node->crl->url = NULL;
-    }
-    new_node->next = NULL;
-    if (head->last) {
-        head->last->next = new_node;
-        head->last = new_node;
-    } else {
-        head->first = head->last = new_node;
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    return(rv);
- * Return a list of all the CRLs .
- * CRLs are allocated in the list's arena.
- */
-PK11_LookupCrls(CERTCrlHeadNode *nodes, int type, void *wincx) {
-    pk11TraverseSlot creater;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[2];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_BBOOL isKrl = CK_FALSE;
-    attrs = theTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &certClass, sizeof(certClass)); attrs++;
-    if (type != -1) {
-	isKrl = (CK_BBOOL) (type == SEC_KRL_TYPE);
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NETSCAPE_KRL, &isKrl, sizeof(isKrl)); attrs++;
-    }
-    creater.callback = pk11_CollectCrls;
-    creater.callbackArg = (void *) nodes;
-    creater.findTemplate = theTemplate;
-    creater.templateCount = (attrs - theTemplate);
-    return pk11_TraverseAllSlots(PK11_TraverseSlot, &creater, PR_FALSE, wincx);
-struct crlOptionsStr {
-    CERTCrlHeadNode* head;
-    PRInt32 decodeOptions;
-typedef struct crlOptionsStr crlOptions;
-static SECStatus
-pk11_RetrieveCrlsCallback(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE crlID,
-                          void *arg)
-    SECItem* derCrl = NULL;
-    crlOptions* options = (crlOptions*) arg;
-    CERTCrlHeadNode *head = options->head;
-    CERTCrlNode *new_node = NULL;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE fetchCrl[3] = {
-	 { CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0},
-    };
-    const int fetchCrlSize = sizeof(fetchCrl)/sizeof(fetchCrl[2]);
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PRBool adopted = PR_FALSE; /* whether the CRL adopted the DER memory
-                                  successfully */
-    int i;
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(NULL,slot,crlID,fetchCrl,fetchCrlSize);
-    if (CKR_OK != crv) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!fetchCrl[1].pValue) {
-        /* reject KRLs */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    new_node = (CERTCrlNode *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(head->arena,
-                                              sizeof(CERTCrlNode));
-    if (new_node == NULL) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    new_node->type = SEC_CRL_TYPE;
-    derCrl = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, 0);
-    if (!derCrl) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    derCrl->type = siBuffer;
-    derCrl->data = (unsigned char *)fetchCrl[0].pValue;
-    derCrl->len = fetchCrl[0].ulValueLen;
-    new_node->crl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(NULL, derCrl,new_node->type,
-                                               options->decodeOptions);
-    if (new_node->crl == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }    
-    adopted = PR_TRUE; /* now that the CRL has adopted the DER memory,
-                          we won't need to free it upon exit */
-    if (fetchCrl[2].pValue && fetchCrl[2].ulValueLen) {
-        /* copy the URL if there is one */
-        int nnlen = fetchCrl[2].ulValueLen;
-        new_node->crl->url  = (char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(new_node->crl->arena,
-                                                      nnlen+1);
-        if ( !new_node->crl->url ) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(new_node->crl->url, fetchCrl[2].pValue, nnlen);
-        new_node->crl->url[nnlen] = 0;
-    } else {
-        new_node->crl->url = NULL;
-    }
-    new_node->next = NULL;
-    if (head->last) {
-        head->last->next = new_node;
-        head->last = new_node;
-    } else {
-        head->first = head->last = new_node;
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    new_node->crl->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    new_node->crl->pkcs11ID = crlID;
-    /* free attributes that weren't adopted by the CRL */
-    for (i=1;i<fetchCrlSize;i++) {
-        if (fetchCrl[i].pValue) {
-            PORT_Free(fetchCrl[i].pValue);
-        }
-    }
-    /* free the DER if the CRL object didn't adopt it */
-    if (fetchCrl[0].pValue && PR_FALSE == adopted) {
-        PORT_Free(fetchCrl[0].pValue);
-    }
-    if (derCrl && !adopted) {
-        /* clear the data fields, which we already took care of above */
-        derCrl->data = NULL;
-        derCrl->len = 0;
-        /* free the memory for the SECItem structure itself */
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(derCrl, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return(rv);
- * Return a list of CRLs matching specified issuer and type
- * CRLs are not allocated in the list's arena, but rather in their own,
- * arena, so that they can be used individually in the CRL cache .
- * CRLs are always partially decoded for efficiency.
- */
-SECStatus pk11_RetrieveCrls(CERTCrlHeadNode *nodes, SECItem* issuer,
-                            void *wincx)
-    pk11TraverseSlot creater;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[2];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    crlOptions options;
-    attrs = theTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &crlClass, sizeof(crlClass)); attrs++;
-    options.head = nodes;
-    /* - do a partial decoding - we don't need to decode the entries while
-       fetching
-       - don't copy the DER for optimal performance - CRL can be very large
-       - have the CRL objects adopt the DER, so SEC_DestroyCrl will free it
-       - keep bad CRL objects. The CRL cache is interested in them, for
-         security purposes. Bad CRL objects are a sign of something amiss.
-    */
-                            CRL_DECODE_ADOPT_HEAP_DER | CRL_DECODE_KEEP_BAD_CRL;
-    if (issuer)
-    {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBJECT, issuer->data, issuer->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    creater.callback = pk11_RetrieveCrlsCallback;
-    creater.callbackArg = (void *) &options;
-    creater.findTemplate = theTemplate;
-    creater.templateCount = (attrs - theTemplate);
-    return pk11_TraverseAllSlots(PK11_TraverseSlot, &creater, PR_FALSE, wincx);
- * return the crl associated with a derSubjectName 
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_FindCrlByName(PK11SlotInfo **slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *crlHandle,
-					 SECItem *name, int type, char **pUrl)
-    NSSCRL **crls, **crlp, *crl = NULL;
-    NSSDER subject;
-    SECItem *rvItem;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    char * url = NULL;
-    PORT_SetError(0);
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&subject, name);
-    if (*slot) {
-	nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-	nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-	nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	NSSToken *token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(*slot);
-	collection = nssCRLCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-	if (!collection) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	instances = nssToken_FindCRLsBySubject(token, NULL, &subject, 
-	                                       tokenOnly, 0, NULL);
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, instances, 0);
-	nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-	crls = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCRLs(collection, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    } else {
-	crls = nssTrustDomain_FindCRLsBySubject(td, &subject);
-    }
-    if ((!crls) || (*crls == NULL)) {
-	if (crls) {
-	    nssCRLArray_Destroy(crls);
-	}
-	if (NSS_GetError() == NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) {
-	}
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (crlp = crls; *crlp; crlp++) {
-	if ((!(*crlp)->isKRL && type == SEC_CRL_TYPE) ||
-	    ((*crlp)->isKRL && type != SEC_CRL_TYPE)) 
-	{
-	    crl = nssCRL_AddRef(*crlp);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssCRLArray_Destroy(crls);
-    if (!crl) { 
-	/* CRL collection was found, but no interesting CRL's were on it.
-	 * Not an error */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (crl->url) {
-	url = PORT_Strdup(crl->url);
-	if (!url) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    rvItem = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, crl->encoding.size);
-    if (!rvItem) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    memcpy(rvItem->data, crl->, crl->encoding.size);
-    *slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(crl->object.instances[0]->token->pk11slot);
-    *crlHandle = crl->object.instances[0]->handle;
-    *pUrl = url;
-    nssCRL_Destroy(crl);
-    return rvItem;
-    if (url)
-    	PORT_Free(url);
-    if (crl)
-	nssCRL_Destroy(crl);
-    if (PORT_GetError() == 0) {
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PK11_PutCrl(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *crl, SECItem *name, 
-							char *url, int type)
-    NSSItem derCRL, derSubject;
-    NSSToken *token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    nssCryptokiObject *object;
-    PRBool isKRL = (type == SEC_CRL_TYPE) ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&derSubject, name);
-    object = nssToken_ImportCRL(token, NULL, 
-                                &derSubject, &derCRL, isKRL, url, PR_TRUE);
-    if (object) {
-	rvH = object->handle;
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(object);
-    } else {
-    }
-    return rvH;
- * delete a crl.
- */
-SEC_DeletePermCRL(CERTSignedCrl *crl)
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    nssCryptokiObject *object;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = crl->slot;
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-        PORT_Assert(slot);
-	/* shouldn't happen */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-    object = nss_ZNEW(NULL, nssCryptokiObject);
-    if (!object) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    object->token = nssToken_AddRef(token);
-    object->handle = crl->pkcs11ID;
-    object->isTokenObject = PR_TRUE;
-    status = nssToken_DeleteStoredObject(object);
-    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(object);
-    return (status == PR_SUCCESS) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
- * return the certificate associated with a derCert 
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_FindSMimeProfile(PK11SlotInfo **slot, char *emailAddr,
-				 SECItem *name, SECItem **profileTime)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE smimeData[] =  {
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECItem *emailProfile = NULL;
-    if (!emailAddr || !emailAddr[0]) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBJECT, name->data, name->len); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &smimeClass, sizeof(smimeClass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NETSCAPE_EMAIL, emailAddr, strlen(emailAddr)); 
-								    attrs++;
-    if (*slot) {
-    	smimeh = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(*slot,theTemplate,tsize);
-    } else {
-	PK11SlotList *list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-	PK11SlotListElement *le;
-	if (!list) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	/* loop through all the slots */
-	for (le = list->head; le; le = le->next) {
-	    smimeh = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(le->slot,theTemplate,tsize);
-	    if (smimeh != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-		*slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(le->slot);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    }
-    if (smimeh == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (profileTime) {
-    } 
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(NULL,*slot,smimeh,smimeData,2);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError (crv));
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!profileTime) {
-	SECItem profileSubject;
- = (unsigned char*) smimeData[0].pValue;
-	profileSubject.len = smimeData[0].ulValueLen;
-	if (!SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&profileSubject,name)) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    emailProfile = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));    
-    if (emailProfile == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    emailProfile->data = (unsigned char*) smimeData[1].pValue;
-    emailProfile->len = smimeData[1].ulValueLen;
-    if (profileTime) {
-	*profileTime = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));    
-	if (*profileTime) {
-	    (*profileTime)->data = (unsigned char*) smimeData[0].pValue;
-	    (*profileTime)->len = smimeData[0].ulValueLen;
-	}
-    }
-    if (emailProfile == NULL) {
-	if (smimeData[1].pValue) {
-	    PORT_Free(smimeData[1].pValue);
-	}
-    }
-    if (profileTime == NULL || *profileTime == NULL) {
-	if (smimeData[0].pValue) {
-	    PORT_Free(smimeData[0].pValue);
-	}
-    }
-    return emailProfile;
-PK11_SaveSMimeProfile(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *emailAddr, SECItem *derSubj,
-				 SECItem *emailProfile,  SECItem *profileTime)
-    CK_BBOOL ck_true = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_VALUE, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    int realSize = 0;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = theTemplate;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    PK11SlotInfo *free_slot = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &smimeClass, sizeof(smimeClass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ck_true, sizeof(ck_true)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBJECT, derSubj->data, derSubj->len); attrs++;
-				emailAddr, PORT_Strlen(emailAddr)+1); attrs++;
-    if (profileTime) {
-	                                            profileTime->len); attrs++;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE,emailProfile->data,
-	                                            emailProfile->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    realSize = attrs - theTemplate;
-    PORT_Assert (realSize <= tsize);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	free_slot = slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	/* we need to free the key slot in the end!!! */
-    }
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	if (free_slot) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(free_slot);
-	}
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->
-                        C_CreateObject(rwsession,theTemplate,realSize,&smimeh);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-    }
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,rwsession);
-    if (free_slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(free_slot);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-CERTSignedCrl * crl_storeCRL (PK11SlotInfo *slot,char *url,
-                  CERTSignedCrl *newCrl, SECItem *derCrl, int type);
-/* import the CRL into the token */
-CERTSignedCrl* PK11_ImportCRL(PK11SlotInfo * slot, SECItem *derCRL, char *url,
-    int type, void *wincx, PRInt32 importOptions, PLArenaPool* arena,
-    PRInt32 decodeoptions)
-    CERTSignedCrl *newCrl, *crl;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTCertificate *caCert = NULL;
-    newCrl = crl = NULL;
-    do {
-        newCrl = CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags(arena, derCRL, type,
-                                            decodeoptions);
-        if (newCrl == NULL) {
-            if (type == SEC_CRL_TYPE) {
-                /* only promote error when the error code is too generic */
-                if (PORT_GetError () == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER)
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CRL_INVALID);
-	        } else {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_KRL_INVALID);
-            }
-            break;		
-        }
-        if (0 == (importOptions & CRL_IMPORT_BYPASS_CHECKS)){
-            CERTCertDBHandle* handle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-            PR_ASSERT(handle != NULL);
-            caCert = CERT_FindCertByName (handle,
-                                          &newCrl->crl.derName);
-            if (caCert == NULL) {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER);	    
-                break;
-            }
-            /* If caCert is a v3 certificate, make sure that it can be used for
-               crl signing purpose */
-            rv = CERT_CheckCertUsage (caCert, KU_CRL_SIGN);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                break;
-            }
-            rv = CERT_VerifySignedData(&newCrl->signatureWrap, caCert,
-                                       PR_Now(), wincx);
-            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                if (type == SEC_CRL_TYPE) {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_CRL_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                } else {
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_KRL_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-	crl = crl_storeCRL(slot, url, newCrl, derCRL, type);
-    } while (0);
-    if (crl == NULL) {
-	SEC_DestroyCrl (newCrl);
-    }
-    if (caCert) {
-        CERT_DestroyCertificate(caCert);
-    }
-    return (crl);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11obj.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11obj.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 260aeed..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11obj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2055 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file manages object type indepentent functions.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "key.h" 
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "sslerr.h"
- * Build a block big enough to hold the data
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_BlockData(SECItem *data,unsigned long size) {
-    SECItem *newData;
-    if (size == 0u) return NULL;
-    newData = (SECItem *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (newData == NULL) return NULL;
-    newData->len = (data->len + (size-1))/size;
-    newData->len *= size;
-    newData->data = (unsigned char *) PORT_ZAlloc(newData->len); 
-    if (newData->data == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(newData);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(newData->data,newData->len-data->len,newData->len); 
-    PORT_Memcpy(newData->data,data->data,data->len);
-    return newData;
-PK11_DestroyObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DestroyObject(slot->session,object);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_DestroyTokenObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DestroyObject(rwsession,object);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-    }
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot,rwsession);
-    return rv;
- * Read in a single attribute into a SECItem. Allocate space for it with 
- * PORT_Alloc unless an arena is supplied. In the latter case use the arena
- * to allocate the space.
- *
- * PK11_ReadAttribute sets the 'data' and 'len' fields of the SECItem but
- * does not modify its 'type' field.
- */
-PK11_ReadAttribute(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-	 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *result) {
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE attr = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    CK_RV crv;
-    attr.type = type;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetAttributeValue(slot->session,id,&attr,1);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-    	attr.pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,attr.ulValueLen);
-    } else {
-    	attr.pValue = PORT_Alloc(attr.ulValueLen);
-    }
-    if (attr.pValue == NULL) {
-	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetAttributeValue(slot->session,id,&attr,1);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	if (!arena) PORT_Free(attr.pValue);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    result->data = (unsigned char*)attr.pValue;
-    result->len = attr.ulValueLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Read in a single attribute into As a Ulong. 
- */
-PK11_ReadULongAttribute(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE attr;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&attr,type,&value,sizeof(value));
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetAttributeValue(slot->session,id,&attr,1);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-    }
-    return value;
- * check to see if a bool has been set.
- */
-PK11_HasAttributeSet( PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-				 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, PRBool haslock )
-    CK_BBOOL ckvalue = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* Prepare to retrieve the attribute. */
-    PK11_SETATTRS( &theTemplate, type, &ckvalue, sizeof( CK_BBOOL ) );
-    /* Retrieve attribute value. */
-    if (!haslock) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB( slot )->C_GetAttributeValue( slot->session, id,
-                                                    &theTemplate, 1 );
-    if (!haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if( crv != CKR_OK ) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError( crv ) );
-        return CK_FALSE;
-    }
-    return ckvalue;
- * returns a full list of attributes. Allocate space for them. If an arena is
- * provided, allocate space out of the arena.
- */
-PK11_GetAttributes(PLArenaPool *arena,PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE obj,CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, int count)
-    int i;
-    /* make pedantic happy... note that it's only used arena != NULL */ 
-    void *mark = NULL; 
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PORT_Assert(slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-    if (slot->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION)
-    /*
-     * first get all the lengths of the parameters.
-     */
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetAttributeValue(slot->session,obj,attr,count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-    	mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-	if (mark == NULL) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-    /*
-     * now allocate space to store the results.
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if (attr[i].ulValueLen == 0)
-	    continue;
-	if (arena) {
-	    attr[i].pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,attr[i].ulValueLen);
-	    if (attr[i].pValue == NULL) {
-		/* arena failures, just release the mark */
-		PORT_ArenaRelease(arena,mark);
-		PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-		return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    attr[i].pValue = PORT_Alloc(attr[i].ulValueLen);
-	    if (attr[i].pValue == NULL) {
-		/* Separate malloc failures, loop to release what we have 
-		 * so far */
-		int j;
-		for (j= 0; j < i; j++) { 
-		    PORT_Free(attr[j].pValue);
-		    /* don't give the caller pointers to freed memory */
-		    attr[j].pValue = NULL; 
-		}
-		PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-		return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * finally get the results.
-     */
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetAttributeValue(slot->session,obj,attr,count);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (arena) {
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena,mark);
-	} else {
-	    for (i= 0; i < count; i++) {
-		PORT_Free(attr[i].pValue);
-		/* don't give the caller pointers to freed memory */
-		attr[i].pValue = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-    } else if (arena && mark) {
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena,mark);
-    }
-    return crv;
-PK11_IsPermObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle)
-    return (PRBool) PK11_HasAttributeSet(slot, handle, CKA_TOKEN, PR_FALSE);
-char *
-PK11_GetObjectNickname(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id) 
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    SECItem result;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(slot,id,CKA_LABEL,NULL,&result);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    nickname = PORT_ZAlloc(result.len+1);
-    if (nickname == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(nickname,, result.len);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return nickname;
-PK11_SetObjectNickname(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, 
-						const char *nickname) 
-    int len = PORT_Strlen(nickname);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE setTemplate;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    if (len < 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&setTemplate, CKA_LABEL, (CK_CHAR *) nickname, len);
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SetAttributeValue(rwsession, id,
-			&setTemplate, 1);
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * strip leading zero's from key material
- */
-pk11_SignedToUnsigned(CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrib) {
-    char *ptr = (char *)attrib->pValue;
-    unsigned long len = attrib->ulValueLen;
-    while ((len > 1) && (*ptr == 0)) {
-	len--;
-	ptr++;
-    }
-    attrib->pValue = ptr;
-    attrib->ulValueLen = len;
- * get a new session on a slot. If we run out of session, use the slot's
- * 'exclusive' session. In this case owner becomes false.
- */
-pk11_GetNewSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot,PRBool *owner)
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    *owner =  PR_TRUE;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if ( PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_OpenSession(slot->slotID,CKF_SERIAL_SESSION, 
-			slot,pk11_notify,&session) != CKR_OK) {
-	*owner = PR_FALSE;
-	session = slot->session;
-    }
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    return session;
-pk11_CloseSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,PRBool owner)
-    if (!owner) return;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    (void) PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseSession(session);
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-PK11_CreateNewObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
-				const CK_ATTRIBUTE *theTemplate, int count, 
-				PRBool token, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectID)
-	CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-	CK_RV crv;
-	SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-	rwsession = session;
-	if (token) {
-	    rwsession =  PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-	} else if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    rwsession =  slot->session;
-	    if (rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION)
-		PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	}
-	if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CreateObject(rwsession, 
-	      /* cast away const :-( */         (CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)theTemplate,
-						count, objectID);
-	if(crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-	if (token) {
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-	} else if (session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-        }
-	return rv;
-/* This function may add a maximum of 9 attributes. */
-unsigned int
-pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(CK_FLAGS flags, CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs, CK_BBOOL *ckTrue)
-    const static CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrTypes[12] = {
-	0 /* GEN PAIR */, CKA_WRAP,    CKA_UNWRAP,         CKA_DERIVE 
-    };
-    const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *pType	= attrTypes;
-          CK_ATTRIBUTE      *attr	= attrs;
-          CK_FLAGS          test	= CKF_ENCRYPT;
-    for (; flags && test <= CKF_DERIVE; test <<= 1, ++pType) {
-    	if (test & flags) {
-	    flags ^= test;
-	    PR_ASSERT(*pType);
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attr, *pType, ckTrue, sizeof *ckTrue); 
-	    ++attr;
-	}
-    }
-    return (attr - attrs);
- * Check for conflicting flags, for example, if both PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE
- * and PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC are set.
- */
-pk11_BadAttrFlags(PK11AttrFlags attrFlags)
-    PK11AttrFlags trueFlags = attrFlags & 0x55555555;
-    PK11AttrFlags falseFlags = (attrFlags >> 1) & 0x55555555;
-    return ((trueFlags & falseFlags) != 0);
- * This function may add a maximum of 5 attributes.
- * The caller must make sure the attribute flags don't have conflicts.
- */
-unsigned int
-pk11_AttrFlagsToAttributes(PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs,
-				CK_BBOOL *ckTrue, CK_BBOOL *ckFalse)
-    const static CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrTypes[5] = {
-    };
-    const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *pType	= attrTypes;
-          CK_ATTRIBUTE      *attr	= attrs;
-          PK11AttrFlags      test	= PK11_ATTR_TOKEN;
-    PR_ASSERT(!pk11_BadAttrFlags(attrFlags));
-    /* we test two related bitflags in each iteration */
-    for (; attrFlags && test <= PK11_ATTR_EXTRACTABLE; test <<= 2, ++pType) {
-    	if (test & attrFlags) {
-	    attrFlags ^= test;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attr, *pType, ckTrue, sizeof *ckTrue); 
-	    ++attr;
-	} else if ((test << 1) & attrFlags) {
-	    attrFlags ^= (test << 1);
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attr, *pType, ckFalse, sizeof *ckFalse); 
-	    ++attr;
-	}
-    }
-    return (attr - attrs);
- * Some non-compliant PKCS #11 vendors do not give us the modulus, so actually
- * set up a signature to get the signaure length.
- */
-static int
-pk11_backupGetSignLength(SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    unsigned char h_data[20]  = { 0 };
-    unsigned char buf[20]; /* obviously to small */
-    CK_ULONG smallLen = sizeof(buf);
-    mech.mechanism = PK11_MapSignKeyType(key->keyType);
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SignInit(session,&mech,key->pkcs11ID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return -1;
-    }
-    len = 0;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Sign(session,h_data,sizeof(h_data),
-					NULL, &len);
-    /* now call C_Sign with too small a buffer to clear the session state */
-    (void) PK11_GETTAB(slot)->
-			C_Sign(session,h_data,sizeof(h_data),buf,&smallLen);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return -1;
-    }
-    return len;
- * get the length of a signature object based on the key
- */
-PK11_SignatureLen(SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    int val;
-    SECItem attributeItem = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int length; 
-    switch (key->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	val = PK11_GetPrivateModulusLen(key);
-	if (val == -1) {
-	    return pk11_backupGetSignLength(key);
-	}
-	return (unsigned long) val;
-    case fortezzaKey:
-	return 40;
-    case dsaKey:
-        rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(key->pkcs11Slot, key->pkcs11ID, CKA_SUBPRIME, 
-				NULL, &attributeItem);
-        if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    length = attributeItem.len;
-	    if ((length > 0) &&[0] == 0) {
-		length--;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    return length*2;
-	}
-	return pk11_backupGetSignLength(key);
-    case ecKey:
-        rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(key->pkcs11Slot, key->pkcs11ID, CKA_EC_PARAMS, 
-				NULL, &attributeItem);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    length = SECKEY_ECParamsToBasePointOrderLen(&attributeItem);
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    if (length != 0) {
-		length = ((length + 7)/8) * 2;
-		return length;
-	    }
-	}
-	return pk11_backupGetSignLength(key);
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * copy a key (or any other object) on a token
- */
-PK11_CopyKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE srcObject)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE destObject;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CopyObject(slot->session,srcObject,NULL,0,
-				&destObject);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) return destObject;
-    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, unsigned int numAttrs,
-						CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE target)
-    for (; numAttrs > 0; ++attr, --numAttrs) {
-    	if (attr->type == target)
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * Recover the Signed data. We need this because our old verify can't
- * figure out which hash algorithm to use until we decryptted this.
- */
-PK11_VerifyRecover(SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-		   SECItem *dsig, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id = key->pkcs11ID;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    mech.mechanism = PK11_MapSignKeyType(key->keyType);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	slot = PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(mech.mechanism,
-				CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER,0,wincx);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	    	PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_NO_MODULE );
-		return SECFailure;
-	}
-	id = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot,key,PR_FALSE);
-    } else {
-	PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (id == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_VerifyRecoverInit(session,&mech,id);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    len = dsig->len;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_VerifyRecover(session,sig->data,
-						sig->len, dsig->data, &len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    dsig->len = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * verify a signature from its hash.
- */
-PK11_Verify(SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig, const SECItem *hash,
-	    void *wincx)
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech = PK11_MapSignKeyType(key->keyType);
-    return PK11_VerifyWithMechanism(key, mech, NULL, sig, hash, wincx);
- * Verify a signature from its hash using the given algorithm.
- */
-PK11_VerifyWithMechanism(SECKEYPublicKey *key, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-                         const SECItem *param, const SECItem *sig,
-                         const SECItem *hash, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id = key->pkcs11ID;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    mech.mechanism = mechanism;
-    if (param) {
-        mech.pParameter = param->data;
-        mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	unsigned int length =  0;
-	if ((mech.mechanism == CKM_DSA) && 
-				/* 129 is 1024 bits translated to bytes and
-				 * padded with an optional '0' to maintain a
-				 * positive sign */
-				(key-> > 129)) {
-	    /* we need to get a slot that not only can do DSA, but can do DSA2
-	     * key lengths */
-	    length = key->;
-	    if (key->[0] == 0) {
-		length --;
-	    }
-	    /* convert keysize to bits for slot lookup */
-	    length *= 8;
-	}
-	slot = PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(mech.mechanism,
-						CKF_VERIFY,length,wincx);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	id = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot,key,PR_FALSE);
-    } else {
-	PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (id == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_VerifyInit(session,&mech,id);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Verify(session,hash->data,
-					hash->len, sig->data, sig->len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * sign a hash. The algorithm is determined by the key.
- */
-PK11_Sign(SECKEYPrivateKey *key, SECItem *sig, const SECItem *hash)
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech = PK11_MapSignKeyType(key->keyType);
-    return PK11_SignWithMechanism(key, mech, NULL, sig, hash);
- * Sign a hash using the given algorithm.
- */
-PK11_SignWithMechanism(SECKEYPrivateKey *key, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-                       const SECItem *param, SECItem *sig, const SECItem *hash)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    PRBool haslock = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    mech.mechanism = mechanism;
-    if (param) {
-        mech.pParameter = param->data;
-        mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-	PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(slot, key->wincx);
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    haslock = (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe));
-    if (haslock) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SignInit(session,&mech,key->pkcs11ID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* PKCS11 2.20 says if CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE then 
-     * do C_Login with CKU_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC 
-     * between C_SignInit and C_Sign */
-	PK11_DoPassword(slot, session, PR_FALSE, key->wincx, haslock, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    len = sig->len;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Sign(session,hash->data,
-					hash->len, sig->data, &len);
-    if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    sig->len = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * sign data with a MAC key.
- */
-PK11_SignWithSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-		    SECItem *param, SECItem *sig, const SECItem *data)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = symKey->slot;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    PRBool haslock = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    mech.mechanism = mechanism;
-    if (param) {
-	mech.pParameter = param->data;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    haslock = (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe));
-    if (haslock) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SignInit(session,&mech,symKey->objectID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    len = sig->len;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Sign(session,data->data,
-					data->len, sig->data, &len);
-    if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    sig->len = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_Decrypt(PK11SymKey *symKey,
-             CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-             unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-             unsigned int maxLen,
-             const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = symKey->slot;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    CK_ULONG len = maxLen;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    PRBool haslock = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    mech.mechanism = mechanism;
-    if (param) {
-	mech.pParameter = param->data;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot, &owner);
-    haslock = (!owner || !slot->isThreadSafe);
-    if (haslock) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DecryptInit(session, &mech, symKey->objectID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot, session, owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Decrypt(session, (unsigned char *)enc, encLen,
-                                       out, &len);
-    if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot, session, owner);
-    *outLen = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_Encrypt(PK11SymKey *symKey,
-             CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-             unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-             unsigned int maxLen,
-             const unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = symKey->slot;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0 };
-    CK_ULONG len = maxLen;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    PRBool haslock = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    mech.mechanism = mechanism;
-    if (param) {
-	mech.pParameter = param->data;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot, &owner);
-    haslock = (!owner || !slot->isThreadSafe);
-    if (haslock) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_EncryptInit(session, &mech, symKey->objectID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Encrypt(session, (unsigned char *)data,
-                                       dataLen, out, &len);
-    if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    *outLen = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-pk11_PrivDecryptRaw(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                    unsigned char *data,  unsigned *outLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                    const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen,
-                    CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = key->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_ULONG out = maxLen;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    PRBool haslock = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (key->keyType != rsaKey) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Why do we do a PK11_handle check here? for simple
-     * decryption? .. because the user may have asked for 'ask always'
-     * and this is a private key operation. In practice, thought, it's mute
-     * since only servers wind up using this function */
-	PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(slot, key->wincx);
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    haslock = (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe));
-    if (haslock) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DecryptInit(session, mech, key->pkcs11ID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* PKCS11 2.20 says if CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE then 
-     * do C_Login with CKU_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC 
-     * between C_DecryptInit and C_Decrypt
-     * ... But see note above about servers */
-	PK11_DoPassword(slot, session, PR_FALSE, key->wincx, haslock, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Decrypt(session, (unsigned char *)enc, encLen,
-				       data, &out);
-    if (haslock) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    *outLen = out;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_PubDecryptRaw(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                   unsigned char *data, unsigned *outLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                   const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {CKM_RSA_X_509, NULL, 0 };
-    return pk11_PrivDecryptRaw(key, data, outLen, maxLen, enc, encLen, &mech);
-PK11_PrivDecryptPKCS1(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                      unsigned char *data, unsigned *outLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                      const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {CKM_RSA_PKCS, NULL, 0 };
-    return pk11_PrivDecryptRaw(key, data, outLen, maxLen, enc, encLen, &mech);
-static SECStatus
-pk11_PubEncryptRaw(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                   unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-                   unsigned int maxLen,
-                   const unsigned char *data, unsigned dataLen,
-                   CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CK_ULONG len = maxLen;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    slot = PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(mech->mechanism,CKF_ENCRYPT,0,wincx);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    id = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot,key,PR_FALSE);
-    if (id == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_EncryptInit(session, mech, id);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Encrypt(session,(unsigned char *)data,dataLen,
-				       out,&len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    *outLen = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_PubEncryptRaw(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                   unsigned char *enc,
-                   const unsigned char *data, unsigned dataLen,
-                   void *wincx)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {CKM_RSA_X_509, NULL, 0 };
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    if (!key || key->keyType != rsaKey) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    outLen = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(key);
-    return pk11_PubEncryptRaw(key, enc, &outLen, outLen, data, dataLen, &mech,
-                              wincx);
-PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                     unsigned char *enc,
-                     const unsigned char *data, unsigned dataLen,
-                     void *wincx)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {CKM_RSA_PKCS, NULL, 0 };
-    unsigned int outLen;
-    if (!key || key->keyType != rsaKey) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    outLen = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(key);
-    return pk11_PubEncryptRaw(key, enc, &outLen, outLen, data, dataLen, &mech,
-                              wincx);
-PK11_PrivDecrypt(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                 CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-                 unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-                 unsigned int maxLen,
-                 const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = { mechanism, NULL, 0 };
-    if (param) {
-        mech.pParameter = param->data;
-        mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    return pk11_PrivDecryptRaw(key, out, outLen, maxLen, enc, encLen, &mech);
-PK11_PubEncrypt(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-                unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-                unsigned int maxLen,
-                const unsigned char *data, unsigned dataLen,
-                void *wincx)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = { mechanism, NULL, 0 };
-    if (param) {
-        mech.pParameter = param->data;
-        mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    return pk11_PubEncryptRaw(key, out, outLen, maxLen, data, dataLen, &mech,
-                              wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *
-PK11_UnwrapPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11SymKey *wrappingKey,
-		   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType, SECItem *param, 
-		   SECItem *wrappedKey, SECItem *label, 
-		   SECItem *idValue, PRBool perm, PRBool sensitive,
-		   CK_KEY_TYPE keyType, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *usage,
-		   int usageCount, void *wincx)
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE keyTemplate[15] ;
-    int templateCount = 0;
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = keyTemplate;
-    SECItem *param_free = NULL, *ck_id = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    PK11SymKey *newKey = NULL;
-    int i;
-    if(!slot || !wrappedKey || !idValue) {
-	/* SET AN ERROR!!! */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    ck_id = PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(idValue);
-    if(!ck_id) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, perm ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIVATE, sensitive ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					 sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SENSITIVE, sensitive ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-					sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    if (label && label->data) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, label->data, label->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, ck_id->data, ck_id->len); attrs++;
-    for (i=0; i < usageCount; i++) {
-    	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, usage[i], &cktrue, sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    }
-    if (PK11_IsInternal(slot)) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB, idValue->data, 
-		      idValue->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs - keyTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= (sizeof(keyTemplate) / sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE)) );
-    mechanism.mechanism = wrapType;
-    if(!param) param = param_free= PK11_ParamFromIV(wrapType, NULL);
-    if(param) {
-	mechanism.pParameter = param->data;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    } else {
-	mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    if (wrappingKey->slot != slot) {
-	newKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(slot,wrapType,CKA_UNWRAP,wrappingKey);
-    } else {
-	newKey = PK11_ReferenceSymKey(wrappingKey);
-    }
-    if (newKey) {
-	if (perm) {
-	    /* Get RW Session will either lock the monitor if necessary, 
-	     *  or return a thread safe session handle, or fail. */ 
-	    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-	} else {
-	    rwsession = slot->session;
-	    if (rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION) 
-		PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	}
-        /* This is a lot a work to deal with fussy PKCS #11 modules
-         * that can't bother to return BAD_DATA when presented with an
-         * invalid session! */
-	if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_UnwrapKey(rwsession, &mechanism, 
-					 newKey->objectID,
-					 wrappedKey->data, 
-					 wrappedKey->len, keyTemplate, 
-					 templateCount, &privKeyID);
-	if (perm) {
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-	} else {
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-	newKey = NULL;
-    } else {
-    }
-    if (ck_id) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(ck_id, PR_TRUE);
-	ck_id = NULL;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	/* we couldn't unwrap the key, use the internal module to do the
-	 * unwrap, then load the new key into the token */
-	 PK11SlotInfo *int_slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-	if (int_slot && (slot != int_slot)) {
-	    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey = PK11_UnwrapPrivKey(int_slot,
-			wrappingKey, wrapType, param, wrappedKey, label,
-			idValue, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, 
-			keyType, usage, usageCount, wincx);
-	    if (privKey) {
-		SECKEYPrivateKey *newPrivKey = PK11_LoadPrivKey(slot,privKey,
-						NULL,perm,sensitive);
-		SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-		PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-		return newPrivKey;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (int_slot) PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, nullKey, PR_FALSE, privKeyID, wincx);
-    if (newKey) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-    }
-    if (ck_id) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(ck_id, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * Now we're going to wrap a SECKEYPrivateKey with a PK11SymKey
- * The strategy is to get both keys to reside in the same slot,
- * one that can perform the desired crypto mechanism and then
- * call C_WrapKey after all the setup has taken place.
- */
-PK11_WrapPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, 
-		 SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType, 
-		 SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo     *privSlot   = privKey->pkcs11Slot; /* The slot where
-							 * the private key
-							 * we are going to
-							 * wrap lives.
-							 */
-    PK11SymKey       *newSymKey  = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *newPrivKey = NULL;
-    SECItem          *param_free = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG          len        = wrappedKey->len;
-    CK_MECHANISM      mech;
-    CK_RV             crv;
-    if (!privSlot || !PK11_DoesMechanism(privSlot, wrapType)) {
-        /* Figure out a slot that does the mechanism and try to import
-	 * the private key onto that slot.
-	 */
-        PK11SlotInfo *int_slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-	privSlot = int_slot; /* The private key has a new home */
-	newPrivKey = PK11_LoadPrivKey(privSlot,privKey,NULL,PR_FALSE,PR_FALSE);
-	/* newPrivKey has allocated its own reference to the slot, so it's
-	 * safe until we destroy newPrivkey.
-	 */
-	PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-	if (newPrivKey == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	privKey = newPrivKey;
-    }
-    if (privSlot != wrappingKey->slot) {
-        newSymKey = pk11_CopyToSlot (privSlot, wrapType, CKA_WRAP, 
-				     wrappingKey);
-	wrappingKey = newSymKey;
-    }
-    if (wrappingKey == NULL) {
-        if (newPrivKey) {
-		SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(newPrivKey);
-	}
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    mech.mechanism = wrapType;
-    if (!param) {
-        param = param_free = PK11_ParamFromIV(wrapType, NULL);
-    }
-    if (param) {
-        mech.pParameter     = param->data;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    } else {
-        mech.pParameter     = NULL;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(privSlot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(privSlot)->C_WrapKey(privSlot->session, &mech, 
-					   wrappingKey->objectID, 
-					   privKey->pkcs11ID,
-					   wrappedKey->data, &len);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(privSlot);
-    if (newSymKey) {
-        PK11_FreeSymKey(newSymKey);
-    }
-    if (newPrivKey) {
-        SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(newPrivKey);
-    }
-    if (param_free) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(param_free,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    wrappedKey->len = len;
-    return SECSuccess;
-#if 0
- * Sample code relating to linked list returned by PK11_FindGenericObjects
- */
- * You can walk the list with the following code:
- */
-    firstObj = PK11_FindGenericObjects(slot, objClass);
-    for (thisObj=firstObj;
-         thisObj; 
-         thisObj=PK11_GetNextGenericObject(thisObj)) {
-        /* operate on thisObj */
-    }
- * If you want a particular object from the list...
- */
-    firstObj = PK11_FindGenericObjects(slot, objClass);
-    for (thisObj=firstObj;
-         thisObj; 
-         thisObj=PK11_GetNextGenericObject(thisObj)) {
-   	if (isMyObj(thisObj)) {
-  	    if ( thisObj == firstObj) {
-                /* NOTE: firstObj could be NULL at this point */
-  		firstObj = PK11_GetNextGenericObject(thsObj); 
-  	    }
-  	    PK11_UnlinkGenericObject(thisObj);
-            myObj = thisObj;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    PK11_DestroyGenericObjects(firstObj);
-      /* use myObj */
-    PK11_DestroyGenericObject(myObj);
-#endif /* sample code */
- * return a linked, non-circular list of generic objects.
- * If you are only interested
- * in one object, just use the first object in the list. To find the
- * rest of the list use PK11_GetNextGenericObject() to return the next object.
- */
-PK11GenericObject *
-PK11_FindGenericObjects(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_CLASS objClass)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template[1];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = template;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectIDs = NULL;
-    PK11GenericObject *lastObj = NULL, *obj;
-    PK11GenericObject *firstObj = NULL;
-    int i, count = 0;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &objClass, sizeof(objClass)); attrs++;
-    objectIDs = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,template,1,&count);
-    if (objectIDs == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* where we connect our object once we've created it.. */
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	obj = PORT_New(PK11GenericObject);
-	if ( !obj ) {
-	    if (firstObj) {
-		PK11_DestroyGenericObjects(firstObj);
-	    }
-	    PORT_Free(objectIDs);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	/* initialize it */	
-	obj->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-	obj->objectID = objectIDs[i];
-	obj->next = NULL;
-	obj->prev = NULL;
-	/* link it in */
-	if (firstObj == NULL) {
-	    firstObj = obj;
-	} else {
-	    PK11_LinkGenericObject(lastObj, obj);
-	}
-	lastObj = obj;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(objectIDs);
-    return firstObj;
- * get the Next Object in the list.
- */
-PK11GenericObject *
-PK11_GetNextGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object)
-    return object->next;
-PK11GenericObject *
-PK11_GetPrevGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object)
-    return object->prev;
- * Link a single object into a new list.
- * if the object is already in another list, remove it first.
- */
-PK11_LinkGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *list, PK11GenericObject *object)
-    PK11_UnlinkGenericObject(object);
-    object->prev = list;
-    object->next = list->next;
-    list->next = object;
-    if (object->next != NULL) {
-	object->next->prev = object;
-    }
-   return SECSuccess;
- * remove an object from the list. If the object isn't already in
- * a list unlink becomes a noop.
- */
-PK11_UnlinkGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object)
-    if (object->prev != NULL) {
-	object->prev->next = object->next;
-    }
-    if (object->next != NULL) {
-	object->next->prev = object->prev;
-    }
-    object->next = NULL;
-    object->prev = NULL;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * This function removes a single object from the list and destroys it.
- * For an already unlinked object there is no difference between
- * PK11_DestroyGenericObject and PK11_DestroyGenericObjects
- */
-PK11_DestroyGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object)
-    if (object == NULL) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    PK11_UnlinkGenericObject(object);
-    if (object->slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(object->slot);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(object);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * walk down a link list of generic objects destroying them.
- * This will destroy all objects in a list that the object is linked into.
- * (the list is traversed in both directions).
- */
-PK11_DestroyGenericObjects(PK11GenericObject *objects)
-    PK11GenericObject *nextObject;
-    PK11GenericObject *prevObject;
-    if (objects == NULL) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    nextObject = objects->next;
-    prevObject = objects->prev;
-    /* delete all the objects after it in the list */
-    for (; objects;  objects = nextObject) {
-	nextObject = objects->next;
-	PK11_DestroyGenericObject(objects);
-    }
-    /* delete all the objects before it in the list */
-    for (objects = prevObject; objects;  objects = prevObject) {
-	prevObject = objects->prev;
-	PK11_DestroyGenericObject(objects);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Hand Create a new object and return the Generic object for our new object.
- */
-PK11GenericObject *
-PK11_CreateGenericObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pTemplate,
-		int count,  PRBool token)
-    PK11GenericObject *obj;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_CreateNewObject(slot, slot->session, pTemplate, count, 
-			       token, &objectID);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    obj = PORT_New(PK11GenericObject);
-    if ( !obj ) {
-	/* error set by PORT_New */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* initialize it */	
-    obj->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    obj->objectID = objectID;
-    obj->next = NULL;
-    obj->prev = NULL;
-    return obj;
- * Change an attribute on a raw object
- */
-PK11_WriteRawAttribute(PK11ObjectType objType, void *objSpec, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, SECItem *item)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle = 0;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE setTemplate;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    switch (objType) {
-    case PK11_TypeGeneric:
-	slot = ((PK11GenericObject *)objSpec)->slot;
-	handle = ((PK11GenericObject *)objSpec)->objectID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypePrivKey:
-	slot = ((SECKEYPrivateKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11Slot;
-	handle = ((SECKEYPrivateKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11ID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypePubKey:
-	slot = ((SECKEYPublicKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11Slot;
-	handle = ((SECKEYPublicKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11ID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypeSymKey:
-	slot = ((PK11SymKey *)objSpec)->slot;
-	handle = ((PK11SymKey *)objSpec)->objectID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypeCert: /* don't handle cert case for now */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&setTemplate, attrType, (CK_CHAR *) item->data, item->len);
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SetAttributeValue(rwsession, handle,
-			&setTemplate, 1);
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_ReadRawAttribute(PK11ObjectType objType, void *objSpec, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, SECItem *item)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle = 0;
-    switch (objType) {
-    case PK11_TypeGeneric:
-	slot = ((PK11GenericObject *)objSpec)->slot;
-	handle = ((PK11GenericObject *)objSpec)->objectID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypePrivKey:
-	slot = ((SECKEYPrivateKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11Slot;
-	handle = ((SECKEYPrivateKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11ID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypePubKey:
-	slot = ((SECKEYPublicKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11Slot;
-	handle = ((SECKEYPublicKey *)objSpec)->pkcs11ID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypeSymKey:
-	slot = ((PK11SymKey *)objSpec)->slot;
-	handle = ((PK11SymKey *)objSpec)->objectID;
-	break;
-    case PK11_TypeCert: /* don't handle cert case for now */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return PK11_ReadAttribute(slot, handle, attrType, NULL, item);
- * return the object handle that matches the template
- */
-pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_ATTRIBUTE *theTemplate,int tsize)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object;
-    CK_ULONG objectCount;
-    /*
-     * issue the find
-     */
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjectsInit(slot->session, 
-	                                           theTemplate, tsize);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-    }
-    crv=PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjects(slot->session,&object,1,&objectCount);
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjectsFinal(slot->session);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if ((crv != CKR_OK) || (objectCount < 1)) {
-	/* shouldn't use SSL_ERROR... here */
-	PORT_SetError( crv != CKR_OK ? PK11_MapError(crv) :
-    }
-    /* blow up if the PKCS #11 module returns us and invalid object handle */
-    PORT_Assert(object != CK_INVALID_HANDLE);
-    return object;
- * return all the object handles that matches the template
- */
-pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_ATTRIBUTE *findTemplate,
-                           int templCount, int *object_count) 
-    CK_ULONG returned_count = 0;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjectsInit(slot->session, 
-	                                           findTemplate, templCount);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	*object_count = -1;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * collect all the Matching Objects
-     */
-    do {
-	if (objID == NULL) {
-    	    objID = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)*
-				(*object_count+ PK11_SEARCH_CHUNKSIZE));
-	} else {
-    	    objID = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *) PORT_Realloc(objID,
-		sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)*(*object_count+PK11_SEARCH_CHUNKSIZE));
-	}
-	if (objID == NULL) {
-	    if (oldObjID) PORT_Free(oldObjID);
-	    break;
-	}
-    	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjects(slot->session,
-		&objID[*object_count],PK11_SEARCH_CHUNKSIZE,&returned_count);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	    PORT_Free(objID);
-	    objID = NULL;
-	    break;
-    	}
-	*object_count += returned_count;
-    } while (returned_count == PK11_SEARCH_CHUNKSIZE);
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjectsFinal(slot->session);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (objID && (*object_count == 0)) {
-	PORT_Free(objID);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (objID == NULL) *object_count = -1;
-    return objID;
- * given a PKCS #11 object, match it's peer based on the KeyID. searchID
- * is typically a privateKey or a certificate while the peer is the opposite
- */
-PK11_MatchItem(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE searchID,
-				 		CK_OBJECT_CLASS matchclass)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 }
-    };
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *keyclass = &theTemplate[1];
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    /* if you change the array, change the variable below as well */
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* now we need to create space for the public key */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena( DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(arena,slot,searchID,theTemplate,tsize);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-    }
-    if ((theTemplate[0].ulValueLen == 0) || (theTemplate[0].ulValueLen == -1)) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	if (matchclass == CKO_CERTIFICATE)
-	else
-	    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_KEY);
-     }
-    /*
-     * issue the find
-     */
-    *(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)(keyclass->pValue) = matchclass;
-    peerID = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,theTemplate,tsize);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    return peerID;
- * count the number of objects that match the template.
- */
-PK11_NumberObjectsFor(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_ATTRIBUTE *findTemplate, 
-							int templCount)
-    int object_count = 0;
-    CK_ULONG returned_count = 0;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjectsInit(slot->session,
-						   findTemplate, templCount);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return object_count;
-    }
-    /*
-     * collect all the Matching Objects
-     */
-    do {
-    	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjects(slot->session, objID, 
-	                                       PK11_SEARCH_CHUNKSIZE, 
-					       &returned_count);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	    break;
-    	}
-	object_count += returned_count;
-    } while (returned_count == PK11_SEARCH_CHUNKSIZE);
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_FindObjectsFinal(slot->session);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    return object_count;
- * Traverse all the objects in a given slot.
- */
-PK11_TraverseSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *arg)
-    int i;
-    int object_count = 0;
-    pk11TraverseSlot *slotcb = (pk11TraverseSlot*) arg;
-    objID = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,slotcb->findTemplate,
-		slotcb->templateCount,&object_count);
-    /*Actually this isn't a failure... there just were no objs to be found*/
-    if (object_count == 0) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (objID == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < object_count; i++) {
-	(*slotcb->callback)(slot,objID[i],slotcb->callbackArg);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(objID);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Traverse all the objects in all slots.
- */
-pk11_TraverseAllSlots( SECStatus (*callback)(PK11SlotInfo *,void *), 
-				void *arg, PRBool forceLogin, void *wincx) {
-    PK11SlotList *list;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* get them all! */
-    list = PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,PR_FALSE,PR_FALSE,wincx);
-    if (list == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    /* look at each slot and authenticate as necessary */
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = le->next) {
-	if (forceLogin) {
-	    rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(le->slot, PR_FALSE, wincx);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (callback) {
-	    (*callback)(le->slot,arg);
-	}
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_FindObjectsFromNickname(char *nickname,PK11SlotInfo **slotptr,
-		CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass, int *returnCount, void *wincx)
-    char *tokenName;
-    char *delimit;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemplate[] = {
-	 { CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0},
-	 { CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0},
-    };
-    int findCount = sizeof(findTemplate)/sizeof(findTemplate[0]);
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&findTemplate[1], CKA_CLASS, &objclass, sizeof(objclass));
-    *slotptr = slot = NULL;
-    *returnCount = 0;
-    /* first find the slot associated with this nickname */
-    if ((delimit = PORT_Strchr(nickname,':')) != NULL) {
-	int len = delimit - nickname;
-	tokenName = (char*)PORT_Alloc(len+1);
-	PORT_Memcpy(tokenName,nickname,len);
-	tokenName[len] = 0;
-        slot = *slotptr = PK11_FindSlotByName(tokenName);
-        PORT_Free(tokenName);
-	/* if we couldn't find a slot, assume the nickname is an internal cert
-	 * with no proceding slot name */
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-		slot = *slotptr = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	} else {
-		nickname = delimit+1;
-	}
-    } else {
-	*slotptr = slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    }
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-        return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    }
-    rv = pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	*slotptr = NULL;
-    }
-    findTemplate[0].pValue = nickname;
-    findTemplate[0].ulValueLen = PORT_Strlen(nickname);
-    objID = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,findTemplate,findCount,returnCount);
-    if (objID == NULL) {
-	/* PKCS #11 isn't clear on whether or not the NULL is
-	 * stored in the template.... try the find again with the
-	 * full null terminated string. */
-    	findTemplate[0].ulValueLen += 1;
-        objID = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,findTemplate,findCount,
-								returnCount);
-	if (objID == NULL) {
-	    /* Well that's the best we can do. It's just not here */
-	    /* what about faked nicknames? */
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    *slotptr = NULL;
-	    *returnCount = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return objID;
-SECItem *
-pk11_GetLowLevelKeyFromHandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle) 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_ID, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    int tsize = sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(theTemplate[0]);
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECItem *item;
-    item = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, 0);
-    if (item == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(NULL,slot,handle,theTemplate,tsize);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(item,PR_TRUE);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    item->data = (unsigned char*) theTemplate[0].pValue;
-    item->len =theTemplate[0].ulValueLen;
-    return item;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd07e7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1661 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * The following handles the loading, unloading and management of
- * various PCKS #11 modules
- */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "nss.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
-/* create a new module */
-static  SECMODModule *
-    SECMODModule *newMod;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    /* create an arena in which dllName and commonName can be
-     * allocated.
-     */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(512);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    newMod = (SECMODModule *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,sizeof (SECMODModule));
-    if (newMod == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * initialize of the fields of the module
-     */
-    newMod->arena = arena;
-    newMod->internal = PR_FALSE;
-    newMod->loaded = PR_FALSE;
-    newMod->isFIPS = PR_FALSE;
-    newMod->dllName = NULL;
-    newMod->commonName = NULL;
-    newMod->library = NULL;
-    newMod->functionList = NULL;
-    newMod->slotCount = 0;
-    newMod->slots = NULL;
-    newMod->slotInfo = NULL;
-    newMod->slotInfoCount = 0;
-    newMod->refCount = 1;
-    newMod->ssl[0] = 0;
-    newMod->ssl[1] = 0;
-    newMod->libraryParams = NULL;
-    newMod->moduleDBFunc = NULL;
-    newMod->parent = NULL;
-    newMod->isCritical = PR_FALSE;
-    newMod->isModuleDB = PR_FALSE;
-    newMod->moduleDBOnly = PR_FALSE;
-    newMod->trustOrder = 0;
-    newMod->cipherOrder = 0;
-    newMod->evControlMask = 0;
-    newMod->refLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockRefLock);
-    if (newMod->refLock == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return newMod;
-/* private flags for isModuleDB (field in SECMODModule). */
-/* The meaing of these flags is as follows:
- *
- * SECMOD_FLAG_MODULE_DB_IS_MODULE_DB - This is a module that accesses the 
- *   database of other modules to load. Module DBs are loadable modules that
- *   tells NSS which PKCS #11 modules to load and when. These module DBs are 
- *   chainable. That is, one module DB can load another one. NSS system init 
- *   design takes advantage of this feature. In system NSS, a fixed system 
- *   module DB loads the system defined libraries, then chains out to the 
- *   traditional module DBs to load any system or user configured modules 
- *   (like smart cards). This bit is the same as the already existing meaning 
- *   of  isModuleDB = PR_TRUE. None of the other module db flags should be set 
- *   if this flag isn't on.
- *
- * SECMOD_FLAG_MODULE_DB_SKIP_FIRST - This flag tells NSS to skip the first 
- *   PKCS #11 module presented by a module DB. This allows the OS to load a 
- *   softoken from the system module, then ask the existing module DB code to 
- *   load the other PKCS #11 modules in that module DB (skipping it's request 
- *   to load softoken). This gives the system init finer control over the 
- *   configuration of that softoken module.
- *
- * SECMOD_FLAG_MODULE_DB_DEFAULT_MODDB - This flag allows system init to mark a 
- *   different module DB as the 'default' module DB (the one in which 
- *   'Add module' changes will go). Without this flag NSS takes the first 
- *   module as the default Module DB, but in system NSS, that first module 
- *   is the system module, which is likely read only (at least to the user).
- *   This  allows system NSS to delegate those changes to the user's module DB, 
- *   preserving the user's ability to load new PKCS #11 modules (which only 
- *   affect him), from existing applications like Firefox.
- */
-#define SECMOD_FLAG_MODULE_DB_IS_MODULE_DB  0x01 /* must be set if any of the 
-						  *other flags are set */
-/* private flags for internal (field in SECMODModule). */
-/* The meaing of these flags is as follows:
- *
- * SECMOD_FLAG_INTERNAL_IS_INTERNAL - This is a marks the the module is
- *   the internal module (that is, softoken). This bit is the same as the 
- *   already existing meaning of internal = PR_TRUE. None of the other 
- *   internal flags should be set if this flag isn't on.
- *
- * SECMOD_FLAG_MODULE_INTERNAL_KEY_SLOT - This flag allows system init to mark 
- *   a  different slot returned byt PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(). The 'primary'
- *   slot defined by this module will be the new internal key slot.
- */
-#define SECMOD_FLAG_INTERNAL_IS_INTERNAL       0x01 /* must be set if any of 
-						     *the other flags are set */
-#define SECMOD_FLAG_INTERNAL_KEY_SLOT          0x02
- * for 3.4 we continue to use the old SECMODModule structure
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_CreateModule(const char *library, const char *moduleName, 
-				const char *parameters, const char *nss)
-    return SECMOD_CreateModuleEx(library, moduleName, parameters, nss, NULL);
- * NSS config options format:
- *
- * The specified ciphers will be allowed by policy, but an application
- * may allow more by policy explicitly:
- * config="allow=curve1:curve2:hash1:hash2:rsa-1024..."
- *
- * Only the specified hashes and curves will be allowed:
- * config="disallow=all allow=sha1:sha256:secp256r1:secp384r1"
- *
- * Only the specified hashes and curves will be allowed, and
- *  RSA keys of 2048 or more will be accepted, and DH key exchange
- *  with 1024-bit primes or more:
- * config="disallow=all allow=sha1:sha256:secp256r1:secp384r1:min-rsa=2048:min-dh=1024"
- *
- * A policy that enables the AES ciphersuites and the SECP256/384 curves:
- * config="allow=aes128-cbc:aes128-gcm:TLS1.0:TLS1.2:TLS1.1:HMAC-SHA1:SHA1:SHA256:SHA384:RSA:ECDHE-RSA:SECP256R1:SECP384R1"
- *
- * Disallow values are parsed first, then allow values, independent of the 
- * order they appear.
- *
- * Future key words (not yet implemented):
- * enable: turn on ciphersuites by default.
- * disable: turn off ciphersuites by default without disallowing them by policy.
- * flags: turn on the following flags:
- *     ssl-lock: turn off the ability for applications to change policy with
- *               the SSL_SetCipherPolicy (or SSL_SetPolicy).
- *     policy-lock: turn off the ability for applications to change policy with
- *               the call NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy.
- *     ssl-default-lock: turn off the ability for applications to change cipher
- *               suite states with SSL_EnableCipher, SSL_DisableCipher.
- *
- */
-typedef struct {
-    const char *name;
-    unsigned name_size;
-    SECOidTag oid;
-    PRUint32 val;
-} oidValDef;
-typedef struct {
-    const char *name;
-    unsigned name_size;
-    PRInt32 option;
-} optionFreeDef;
-typedef struct {
-    const char *name;
-    unsigned name_size;
-    PRUint32 flag;
-} policyFlagDef;
- *  This table should be merged with the SECOID table.
- */
-#define CIPHER_NAME(x) x,(sizeof(x)-1)
-static const oidValDef algOptList[] = {
-    /* Curves */
-    /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */
-    /* SECG named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */
-    /* Hashes */
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SHA224"), SEC_OID_SHA224,
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SHA256"), SEC_OID_SHA256,
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SHA384"), SEC_OID_SHA384,
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SHA512"), SEC_OID_SHA512,
-    /* MACs */
-    /* Ciphers */
-    /* Key exchange */
-static const optionFreeDef sslOptList[] = {
-    /* Versions */
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SSL2.0"), 0x002},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SSL3.0"), 0x300},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("SSL3.1"), 0x301},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("TLS1.0"), 0x301},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("TLS1.1"), 0x302},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("TLS1.2"), 0x303},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("TLS1.3"), 0x304},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("DTLS1.0"),0x302},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("DTLS1.1"),0x302},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("DTLS1.2"),0x303},
-    {CIPHER_NAME("DTLS1.3"),0x304},
-static const optionFreeDef freeOptList[] = {
-    /* Restrictions for asymetric keys */
-    /* constraints on SSL Protocols */
-    /* constraints on DTLS Protocols */
-static const policyFlagDef policyFlagList[] = {
-    /* add other key exhanges in the future */
-    /* add other signatures in the future */
-    /* enable everything */
-    {CIPHER_NAME("NONE"), 0}
- *  Get the next cipher on the list. point to the next one in 'next'.
- *  return the length;
- */
-static const char *
-secmod_ArgGetSubValue(const char *cipher, char sep1, char sep2,
-		      int *len, const char **next)
-    const char *start = cipher;
-    if (start == NULL) {
-	*len = 0;
-	*next = NULL;
-	return start;
-    }
-    for (; *cipher && *cipher != sep2; cipher++) {
-	if (*cipher == sep1) {
-	    *next = cipher+1;
-	    *len = cipher - start;
-	    return start;
-	}
-    }
-    *next = NULL;
-    *len = cipher-start;
-    return start;
-static PRUint32
-secmod_parsePolicyValue(const char *policyFlags, int policyLength)
-    const char *flag, *currentString;
-    PRUint32 flags = 0;
-    int i;
-    for (currentString = policyFlags; currentString
-			&& currentString < policyFlags + policyLength;  ) {
-        int length;
-        flag = secmod_ArgGetSubValue(currentString, ',', ':',  &length,
-							&currentString);
-	if (length == 0) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-        for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(policyFlagList); i++) {
-	    const policyFlagDef *policy = &policyFlagList[i];
-	    unsigned name_size = policy->name_size;
-            if ((policy->name_size == length) &&
-                PORT_Strncasecmp(policy->name, flag, name_size) == 0) {
-		flags |= policy->flag;
-		break;
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-    return flags;
-/* allow symbolic names for values. The only ones currently defines or
- * SSL protocol versions. */
-static PRInt32
-secmod_getPolicyOptValue(const char *policyValue, int policyValueLength)
-    PRInt32 val = atoi(policyValue);
-    int i;
-    if ((val != 0) || (*policyValue == '0')) {
-	return val;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(sslOptList); i++) {
-	if (policyValueLength == sslOptList[i].name_size &&
-		PORT_Strncasecmp(sslOptList[i].name, policyValue,
-					sslOptList[i].name_size) == 0 ) {
-		val = sslOptList[i].option;
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    return val;
-static SECStatus secmod_applyCryptoPolicy(const char *policyString,
-                                          PRBool allow)
-    const char *cipher, *currentString;
-    unsigned i;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRBool unknown;
-    if (policyString == NULL || policyString[0] == 0) {
-        return SECSuccess;      /* do nothing */
-    }
-    /* if we change any of these, make sure it gets applied in ssl as well */
-    for (currentString = policyString; currentString; ) {
-        int length;
-	PRBool newValue = PR_FALSE;
-        cipher = secmod_ArgGetSubValue(currentString, ':', 0, &length,
-							&currentString);
-        unknown = PR_TRUE;
-	if (length >= 3 && cipher[3] == '/') {
-	    newValue = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	if ((newValue || (length == 3))
-				 && PORT_Strncasecmp(cipher, "all", 3) == 0) {
-		/* disable or enable all options by default */
-		PRUint32 value = 0;
-		if (newValue) {
-		    value = secmod_parsePolicyValue(&cipher[3]+1, length-3-1);
-		}
-            for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(algOptList); i++) {
-		PRUint32 enable, disable;
-		if (!newValue) {
-		    value = algOptList[i].val;
-		}
-		if (allow) {
-		    enable = value;
-		    disable =  0;
-		} else {
-		    enable =  0;
-		    disable = value;
-		}
-                NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy(algOptList[i].oid, enable, disable);
-            }
-	    continue;
-	}
-        for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(algOptList); i++) {
-	    const oidValDef *algOpt = &algOptList[i];
-	    unsigned name_size = algOpt->name_size;
-	    PRBool newValue = PR_FALSE;
-	    if ((length >= name_size) && (cipher[name_size] == '/')) {
-		newValue = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-            if ( (newValue || algOpt->name_size == length) &&
-                PORT_Strncasecmp(algOpt->name, cipher, name_size) == 0) {
-		PRUint32 value = algOpt->val;
-		PRUint32 enable, disable;
-		if (newValue) {
-		     value = secmod_parsePolicyValue(&cipher[name_size]+1,
-						length-name_size-1);
-		}
-		if (allow) {
-		    enable = value;
-		    disable =  0;
-		} else {
-		    enable =  0;
-		    disable = value;
-		}
-                rv = NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy(algOpt->oid, enable, disable);
-                if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    /* could not enable option */
-		    /* NSS_SetAlgorithPolicy should have set the error code */
-                    return SECFailure;
-                }
-                unknown = PR_FALSE;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-	if (!unknown) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-        for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(freeOptList); i++) {
-	    const optionFreeDef *freeOpt = &freeOptList[i];
-	    unsigned name_size = freeOpt->name_size;
-	    if ((length > name_size) && cipher[name_size] == '=' &&
-		PORT_Strncasecmp(freeOpt->name, cipher, name_size) == 0 ) {
-	        PRInt32 val = secmod_getPolicyOptValue( &cipher[name_size+1],
-			length-name_size-1);
-                rv = NSS_OptionSet(freeOpt->option, val);
-	        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-                    /* could not enable option */
-		    /* NSS_OptionSet should have set the error code */
-                    return SECFailure;
-                }
-		/* to allow the policy to expand in the future. ignore ciphers
-		 * we don't understand */
-		unknown = PR_FALSE;
-                break;
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-secmod_parseCryptoPolicy(const char *policyConfig)
-    char *disallow, *allow;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (policyConfig == NULL) {
-	return SECSuccess; /* no policy given */
-    }
-    /* make sure we initialize the oid table and set all the default policy
-     * values first so we can override them here */
-    rv = SECOID_Init();
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    disallow = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("disallow",policyConfig);
-    rv = secmod_applyCryptoPolicy(disallow, PR_FALSE);
-    if (disallow) PORT_Free(disallow);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    allow = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("allow",policyConfig);
-    rv = secmod_applyCryptoPolicy(allow, PR_TRUE);
-    if (allow) PORT_Free(allow);
-    return rv;
- * for 3.4 we continue to use the old SECMODModule structure
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_CreateModuleEx(const char *library, const char *moduleName, 
-				const char *parameters, const char *nss,
-				const char *config)
-    SECMODModule *mod;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    char *slotParams,*ciphers;
-    /* pk11pars.h still does not have const char * interfaces */
-    char *nssc = (char *)nss;
-    rv = secmod_parseCryptoPolicy(config);
-    /* do not load the module if policy parsing fails */
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    mod = secmod_NewModule();
-    if (mod == NULL) return NULL;
-    mod->commonName = PORT_ArenaStrdup(mod->arena,moduleName ? moduleName : "");
-    if (library) {
-	mod->dllName = PORT_ArenaStrdup(mod->arena,library);
-    }
-    /* new field */
-    if (parameters) {
-	mod->libraryParams = PORT_ArenaStrdup(mod->arena,parameters);
-    }
-    mod->internal   = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","internal",nssc);
-    mod->isFIPS     = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","FIPS",nssc);
-    mod->isCritical = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","critical",nssc);
-    slotParams      = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("slotParams",nssc);
-    mod->slotInfo   = NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo(mod->arena,slotParams,
-							&mod->slotInfoCount);
-    if (slotParams) PORT_Free(slotParams);
-    /* new field */
-    mod->trustOrder  = NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong("trustOrder",nssc,
-    /* new field */
-    mod->cipherOrder = NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong("cipherOrder",nssc,
-    /* new field */
-    mod->isModuleDB   = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","moduleDB",nssc);
-    mod->moduleDBOnly = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","moduleDBOnly",nssc);
-    if (mod->moduleDBOnly) mod->isModuleDB = PR_TRUE;
-    /* we need more bits, but we also want to preserve binary compatibility 
-     * so we overload the isModuleDB PRBool with additional flags. 
-     * These flags are only valid if mod->isModuleDB is already set.
-     * NOTE: this depends on the fact that PRBool is at least a char on 
-     * all platforms. These flags are only valid if moduleDB is set, so 
-     * code checking if (mod->isModuleDB) will continue to work correctly. */
-    if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","skipFirst",nssc)) {
-	}
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","defaultModDB",nssc)) {
-	}
-	/* additional moduleDB flags could be added here in the future */
-	mod->isModuleDB = (PRBool) flags;
-    }
-    if (mod->internal) {
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags", "internalKeySlot", nssc)) {
-	}
-	mod->internal = (PRBool) flags;
-    }
-    ciphers = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("ciphers",nssc);
-    NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags(&mod->ssl[0],ciphers);
-    if (ciphers) PORT_Free(ciphers);
-    secmod_PrivateModuleCount++;
-    return mod;
-SECMOD_GetSkipFirstFlag(SECMODModule *mod)
-   char flags = (char) mod->isModuleDB;
-SECMOD_GetDefaultModDBFlag(SECMODModule *mod)
-   char flags = (char) mod->isModuleDB;
-secmod_IsInternalKeySlot(SECMODModule *mod)
-   char flags = (char) mod->internal;
-secmod_SetInternalKeySlotFlag(SECMODModule *mod, PRBool val)
-   char flags = (char) mod->internal;
-   if (val)  {
-   } else {
-   }
-   mod->internal = flags;
- * copy desc and value into target. Target is known to be big enough to
- * hold desc +2 +value, which is good because the result of this will be
- * *desc"*value". We may, however, have to add some escapes for special
- * characters imbedded into value (rare). This string potentially comes from
- * a user, so we don't want the user overflowing the target buffer by using
- * excessive escapes. To prevent this we count the escapes we need to add and
- * try to expand the buffer with Realloc.
- */
-static char *
-secmod_doDescCopy(char *target, int *targetLen, const char *desc,
-			int descLen, char *value)
-    int diff, esc_len;
-    esc_len = NSSUTIL_EscapeSize(value, '\"') - 1;
-    diff = esc_len - strlen(value);
-    if (diff > 0) {
-	/* we need to escape... expand newSpecPtr as well to make sure
-	 * we don't overflow it */
-	char *newPtr = PORT_Realloc(target, *targetLen * diff);
-	if (!newPtr) {
-	    return target; /* not enough space, just drop the whole copy */
-	}
-	*targetLen += diff;
-	target = newPtr;
-	value = NSSUTIL_Escape(value, '\"');
-	if (value == NULL) {
-	    return target; /* couldn't escape value, just drop the copy */
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(target, desc, descLen);
-    target += descLen;
-    *target++='\"';
-    PORT_Memcpy(target, value, esc_len);
-    target += esc_len;
-    *target++='\"';
-    if (diff > 0) {
-	PORT_Free(value);
-    }
-    return target;
-#define SECMOD_SPEC_COPY(new, start, end)    \
-  if (end > start) {                         \
-	int _cnt = end - start;	             \
-	PORT_Memcpy(new, start, _cnt);       \
-	new += _cnt;                         \
-  }
-#define SECMOD_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION "tokenDescription="
-#define SECMOD_SLOT_DESCRIPTION   "slotDescription="
- * Find any tokens= values in the module spec. 
- * Always return a new spec which does not have any tokens= arguments.
- * If tokens= arguments are found, Split the the various tokens defined into
- * an array of child specs to return.
- *
- * Caller is responsible for freeing the child spec and the new token
- * spec.
- */
-char *
-secmod_ParseModuleSpecForTokens(PRBool convert, PRBool isFIPS,
-				const char *moduleSpec, char ***children,
-				CK_SLOT_ID **ids)
-    int        newSpecLen   = PORT_Strlen(moduleSpec)+2;
-    char       *newSpec     = PORT_Alloc(newSpecLen);
-    char       *newSpecPtr  = newSpec;
-    const char       *modulePrev  = moduleSpec;
-    char       *target      = NULL;
-    char *tmp = NULL;
-    char       **childArray = NULL;
-    const char       *tokenIndex;
-    CK_SLOT_ID *idArray     = NULL;
-    int        tokenCount = 0;
-    int        i;
-    if (newSpec == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    *children = NULL;
-    if (ids) {
-	*ids = NULL;
-    }
-    moduleSpec = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(moduleSpec);
-    SECMOD_SPEC_COPY(newSpecPtr, modulePrev, moduleSpec);
-    /* Notes on 'convert' and 'isFIPS' flags: The base parameters for opening 
-     * a new softoken module takes the following parameters to name the 
-     * various tokens:
-     *  
-     *  cryptoTokenDescription: name of the non-fips crypto token.
-     *  cryptoSlotDescription: name of the non-fips crypto slot.
-     *  dbTokenDescription: name of the non-fips db token.
-     *  dbSlotDescription: name of the non-fips db slot.
-     *  FIPSTokenDescription: name of the fips db/crypto token.
-     *  FIPSSlotDescription: name of the fips db/crypto slot.
-     *
-     * if we are opening a new slot, we need to have the following
-     * parameters:
-     *  tokenDescription: name of the token.
-     *  slotDescription: name of the slot.
-     *
-     *
-     * The convert flag tells us to drop the unnecessary *TokenDescription 
-     * and *SlotDescription arguments and convert the appropriate pair 
-     * (either db or FIPS based on the isFIPS flag) to tokenDescription and 
-     * slotDescription).
-     */
-    /*
-     * walk down the list. if we find a tokens= argument, save it,
-     * otherise copy the argument.
-     */
-    while (*moduleSpec) {
-	int next;
-	modulePrev = moduleSpec;
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, target, "tokens=",
-			modulePrev = moduleSpec; /* skip copying */ )
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, tmp, "cryptoTokenDescription=",
-			if (convert) { modulePrev = moduleSpec; } );
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, tmp, "cryptoSlotDescription=",
-			if (convert) { modulePrev = moduleSpec; } );
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, tmp, "dbTokenDescription=",
-			if (convert) {
-			    modulePrev = moduleSpec; 
-			    if (!isFIPS) {
-				newSpecPtr = secmod_doDescCopy(newSpecPtr, 
-				    &newSpecLen, SECMOD_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION, 
-				    sizeof(SECMOD_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION)-1, tmp);
-			    }
-			});
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, tmp, "dbSlotDescription=",
-			if (convert) {
-			    modulePrev = moduleSpec; /* skip copying */ 
-			    if (!isFIPS) {
-				newSpecPtr = secmod_doDescCopy(newSpecPtr, 
-				    &newSpecLen, SECMOD_SLOT_DESCRIPTION, 
-				    sizeof(SECMOD_SLOT_DESCRIPTION)-1, tmp);
-			    }
-			} );
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, tmp, "FIPSTokenDescription=",
-			if (convert) {
-			    modulePrev = moduleSpec; /* skip copying */ 
-			    if (isFIPS) {
-				newSpecPtr = secmod_doDescCopy(newSpecPtr, 
-				    &newSpecLen, SECMOD_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION, 
-				    sizeof(SECMOD_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION)-1, tmp);
-			    }
-			} );
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(moduleSpec, tmp, "FIPSSlotDescription=",
-			if (convert) {
-			    modulePrev = moduleSpec; /* skip copying */ 
-			    if (isFIPS) {
-				newSpecPtr = secmod_doDescCopy(newSpecPtr, 
-				    &newSpecLen, SECMOD_SLOT_DESCRIPTION, 
-				    sizeof(SECMOD_SLOT_DESCRIPTION)-1, tmp);
-			    }
-			} );
-	SECMOD_SPEC_COPY(newSpecPtr, modulePrev, moduleSpec);
-    }
-    if (tmp) {
-	PORT_Free(tmp);
-	tmp = NULL;
-    }
-    *newSpecPtr = 0;
-    /* no target found, return the newSpec */
-    if (target == NULL) {
-	return newSpec;
-    }
-    /* now build the child array from target */
-    /*first count them */
-    for (tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(target); *tokenIndex;
-	tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(tokenIndex))) {
-	tokenCount++;
-    }
-    childArray = PORT_NewArray(char *, tokenCount+1);
-    if (childArray == NULL) {
-	/* just return the spec as is then */
-	PORT_Free(target);
-	return newSpec;
-    }
-    if (ids) {
-	idArray = PORT_NewArray(CK_SLOT_ID, tokenCount+1);
-	if (idArray == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(childArray);
-	    PORT_Free(target);
-	    return newSpec;
-	}
-    }
-    /* now fill them in */
-    for (tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(target), i=0 ; 
-			*tokenIndex && (i < tokenCount); 
-			tokenIndex=NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(tokenIndex)) {
-	int next;
-	char *name = NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel(tokenIndex, &next);
-	tokenIndex += next;
- 	if (idArray) {
-	   idArray[i] = NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber(name);
-	}
-	PORT_Free(name); /* drop the explicit number */
-	/* if anything is left, copy the args to the child array */
-	if (!NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*tokenIndex)) {
-	    childArray[i++] = NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(tokenIndex, &next);
-	    tokenIndex += next;
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Free(target);
-    childArray[i] = 0;
-    if (idArray) {
-	idArray[i] = 0;
-    }
-    /* return it */
-    *children = childArray;
-    if (ids) {
-	*ids = idArray;
-    }
-    return newSpec;
-/* get the database and flags from the spec */
-static char *
-secmod_getConfigDir(const char *spec, char **certPrefix, char **keyPrefix,
-			  PRBool *readOnly)
-    char * config = NULL;
-    *certPrefix = NULL;
-    *keyPrefix = NULL;
-    *readOnly = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","readOnly",spec);
-    spec = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(spec);
-    while (*spec) {
-	int next;
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(spec, config, "configdir=", ;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(spec, *certPrefix, "certPrefix=", ;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(spec, *keyPrefix, "keyPrefix=", ;)
-    }
-    return config;
-struct SECMODConfigListStr {
-    char *config;
-    char *certPrefix;
-    char *keyPrefix;
-    PRBool isReadOnly;
- * return an array of already openned databases from a spec list.
- */
-SECMODConfigList *
-secmod_GetConfigList(PRBool isFIPS, char *spec, int *count)
-    char **children;
-    CK_SLOT_ID *ids;
-    char *strippedSpec;
-    int childCount;
-    SECMODConfigList *conflist = NULL;
-    int i;
-    strippedSpec = secmod_ParseModuleSpecForTokens(PR_TRUE, isFIPS, 
-						spec,&children,&ids);
-    if (strippedSpec == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (childCount=0; children && children[childCount]; childCount++) ;
-    *count = childCount+1; /* include strippedSpec */
-    conflist = PORT_NewArray(SECMODConfigList,*count);
-    if (conflist == NULL) {
-	*count = 0;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    conflist[0].config = secmod_getConfigDir(strippedSpec, 
-					    &conflist[0].certPrefix, 
-					    &conflist[0].keyPrefix,
-					    &conflist[0].isReadOnly);
-    for (i=0; i < childCount; i++) {
-	conflist[i+1].config = secmod_getConfigDir(children[i], 
-					    &conflist[i+1].certPrefix, 
-					    &conflist[i+1].keyPrefix,
-					    &conflist[i+1].isReadOnly);
-    }
-    secmod_FreeChildren(children, ids);
-    PORT_Free(strippedSpec);
-    return conflist;
- * determine if we are trying to open an old dbm database. For this test
- * RDB databases should return PR_FALSE.
- */
-static PRBool
-secmod_configIsDBM(char *configDir)
-    char *env;
-    /* explicit dbm open */
-    if (strncmp(configDir, "dbm:", 4) == 0) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* explicit open of a non-dbm database */
-    if ((strncmp(configDir, "sql:",4) == 0) 
-	|| (strncmp(configDir, "rdb:", 4) == 0)
-	|| (strncmp(configDir, "extern:", 7) == 0)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    env = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE");
-    /* implicit dbm open */
-    if ((env == NULL) || (strcmp(env,"dbm") == 0)) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* implicit non-dbm open */
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * match two prefixes. prefix may be NULL. NULL patches '\0'
- */
-static PRBool
-secmod_matchPrefix(char *prefix1, char *prefix2)
-    if ((prefix1 == NULL) || (*prefix1 == 0)) {
-	if ((prefix2 == NULL) || (*prefix2 == 0)) {
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (strcmp(prefix1, prefix2) == 0) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * return true if we are requesting a database that is already openned.
- */
-secmod_MatchConfigList(char *spec, SECMODConfigList *conflist, int count)
-    char *config;
-    char *certPrefix;
-    char *keyPrefix;
-    PRBool isReadOnly;
-    PRBool ret=PR_FALSE;
-    int i;
-    config = secmod_getConfigDir(spec, &certPrefix, &keyPrefix, &isReadOnly);
-    if (!config) {
-	ret=PR_TRUE;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* NOTE: we dbm isn't multiple open safe. If we open the same database 
-     * twice from two different locations, then we can corrupt our database
-     * (the cache will be inconsistent). Protect against this by claiming
-     * for comparison only that we are always openning dbm databases read only.
-     */
-    if (secmod_configIsDBM(config)) {
-	isReadOnly = 1;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if ((strcmp(config,conflist[i].config) == 0)  &&
-	    secmod_matchPrefix(certPrefix, conflist[i].certPrefix) &&
-	    secmod_matchPrefix(keyPrefix, conflist[i].keyPrefix) &&
-	    /* this last test -- if we just need the DB open read only,
-	     * than any open will suffice, but if we requested it read/write
-	     * and it's only open read only, we need to open it again */
-	    (isReadOnly || !conflist[i].isReadOnly)) {
-	    ret = PR_TRUE;
-	    goto done;
-	}
-    }
-    ret = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Free(config);
-    PORT_Free(certPrefix);
-    PORT_Free(keyPrefix);
-    return ret;
-secmod_FreeConfigList(SECMODConfigList *conflist, int count)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	PORT_Free(conflist[i].config);
-	PORT_Free(conflist[i].certPrefix);
-	PORT_Free(conflist[i].keyPrefix);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(conflist);
-secmod_FreeChildren(char **children, CK_SLOT_ID *ids)
-    char **thisChild;
-    if (!children) {
-	return;
-    }
-    for (thisChild = children; thisChild && *thisChild; thisChild++ ) {
-	PORT_Free(*thisChild);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(children);
-    if (ids) {
-	PORT_Free(ids);
-    }
-    return;
- * caclulate the length of each child record:
- * " 0x{id}=<{escaped_child}>"
- */
-static int
-secmod_getChildLength(char *child, CK_SLOT_ID id)
-    int length = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscapeSize(child, '>', ']');
-    if (id == 0) {
-	length++;
-    }
-    while (id) {
-	length++;
-	id = id >> 4;
-    }
-    length += 6; /* {sp}0x[id]=<{child}> */
-    return length;
- * Build a child record:
- * " 0x{id}=<{escaped_child}>"
- */
-static SECStatus
-secmod_mkTokenChild(char **next, int *length, char *child, CK_SLOT_ID id)
-    int len;
-    char *escSpec;
-    len = PR_snprintf(*next, *length, " 0x%x=<",id);
-    if (len < 0) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *next += len;
-    *length -= len;
-    escSpec = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(child, '>', ']');
-    if (escSpec == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (*child && (*escSpec == 0)) {
-	PORT_Free(escSpec);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    len = strlen(escSpec);
-    if (len+1 > *length) {
-	PORT_Free(escSpec);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(*next,escSpec, len);
-    *next += len;
-    *length -= len;
-    PORT_Free(escSpec);
-    **next = '>';
-    (*next)++;
-    (*length)--;
-    return SECSuccess;
-#define TOKEN_STRING " tokens=["
-char *
-secmod_MkAppendTokensList(PLArenaPool *arena, char *oldParam, char *newToken,
-			CK_SLOT_ID newID, char **children, CK_SLOT_ID *ids)
-    char *rawParam = NULL;	/* oldParam with tokens stripped off */
-    char *newParam = NULL;	/* space for the return parameter */
-    char *nextParam = NULL;	/* current end of the new parameter */
-    char **oldChildren = NULL;
-    CK_SLOT_ID *oldIds = NULL;
-    void *mark = NULL;         /* mark the arena pool in case we need 
-				* to release it */
-    int length, i, tmpLen;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* first strip out and save the old tokenlist */
-    rawParam = secmod_ParseModuleSpecForTokens(PR_FALSE,PR_FALSE, 
-					oldParam,&oldChildren,&oldIds);
-    if (!rawParam) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* now calculate the total length of the new buffer */
-    /* First the 'fixed stuff', length of rawparam (does not include a NULL),
-     * length of the token string (does include the NULL), closing bracket */
-    length = strlen(rawParam) + sizeof(TOKEN_STRING) + 1;
-    /* now add then length of all the old children */
-    for (i=0; oldChildren && oldChildren[i]; i++) {
-	length += secmod_getChildLength(oldChildren[i], oldIds[i]);
-    }
-    /* add the new token */
-    length += secmod_getChildLength(newToken, newID);
-    /* and it's new children */
-    for (i=0; children && children[i]; i++) {
-	if (ids[i] == -1) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	length += secmod_getChildLength(children[i], ids[i]);
-    }
-    /* now allocate and build the string */
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    if (!mark) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    newParam =  PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,length);
-    if (!newParam) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Strcpy(newParam, oldParam);
-    tmpLen = strlen(oldParam);
-    nextParam = newParam + tmpLen;
-    length -= tmpLen;
-    PORT_Memcpy(nextParam, TOKEN_STRING, sizeof(TOKEN_STRING)-1);
-    nextParam += sizeof(TOKEN_STRING)-1;
-    length -= sizeof(TOKEN_STRING)-1;
-    for (i=0; oldChildren && oldChildren[i]; i++) {
-	rv = secmod_mkTokenChild(&nextParam,&length,oldChildren[i],oldIds[i]);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    rv = secmod_mkTokenChild(&nextParam, &length, newToken, newID);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i=0; children && children[i]; i++) {
-	if (ids[i] == -1) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	rv = secmod_mkTokenChild(&nextParam, &length, children[i], ids[i]);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    if (length < 2) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    *nextParam++ = ']';
-    *nextParam++ = 0;
-    /* we are going to return newParam now, don't release the mark */
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    mark = NULL;
-    if (mark) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-	newParam = NULL; /* if the mark is still active, 
-			  * don't return the param */
-    }
-    if (rawParam) {
-	PORT_Free(rawParam);
-    }
-    if (oldChildren) {
-	secmod_FreeChildren(oldChildren, oldIds);
-    }
-    return newParam;
-static char *
-secmod_mkModuleSpec(SECMODModule * module)
-    char *nss = NULL, *modSpec = NULL, **slotStrings = NULL;
-    int slotCount, i, si;
-    SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    /* allocate target slot info strings */
-    slotCount = 0;
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (module->slotCount) {
-	for (i=0; i < module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    if (module->slots[i]->defaultFlags !=0) {
-		slotCount++;
-	    }
-	}
-    } else {
-	slotCount = module->slotInfoCount;
-    }
-    slotStrings = (char **)PORT_ZAlloc(slotCount*sizeof(char *));
-    if (slotStrings == NULL) {
-        SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* build the slot info strings */
-    if (module->slotCount) {
-	for (i=0, si= 0; i < module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    if (module->slots[i]->defaultFlags) {
-		PORT_Assert(si < slotCount);
-		if (si >= slotCount) break;
-		slotStrings[si] = NSSUTIL_MkSlotString(module->slots[i]->slotID,
-			module->slots[i]->defaultFlags,
-			module->slots[i]->timeout,
-			module->slots[i]->askpw,
-			module->slots[i]->hasRootCerts,
-			module->slots[i]->hasRootTrust);
-		si++;
-	    }
-	}
-     } else {
-	for (i=0; i < slotCount; i++) {
-		slotStrings[i] = NSSUTIL_MkSlotString(
-			module->slotInfo[i].slotID,
-			module->slotInfo[i].defaultFlags,
-			module->slotInfo[i].timeout,
-			module->slotInfo[i].askpw,
-			module->slotInfo[i].hasRootCerts,
-			module->slotInfo[i].hasRootTrust);
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    nss = NSSUTIL_MkNSSString(slotStrings,slotCount,module->internal, 
-		       module->isFIPS, module->isModuleDB,
-		       module->moduleDBOnly, module->isCritical,
-		       module->trustOrder, module->cipherOrder,
-		       module->ssl[0],module->ssl[1]);
-    modSpec= NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec(module->dllName,module->commonName,
-						module->libraryParams,nss);
-    PORT_Free(slotStrings);
-    PR_smprintf_free(nss);
-    return (modSpec);
-char **
-SECMOD_GetModuleSpecList(SECMODModule *module)
-    SECMODModuleDBFunc func = (SECMODModuleDBFunc) module->moduleDBFunc;
-    if (func) {
-		module->libraryParams,NULL);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-SECMOD_AddPermDB(SECMODModule *module)
-    SECMODModuleDBFunc func;
-    char *moduleSpec;
-    char **retString;
-    if (module->parent == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    func  = (SECMODModuleDBFunc) module->parent->moduleDBFunc;
-    if (func) {
-	moduleSpec = secmod_mkModuleSpec(module);
-	retString = (*func)(SECMOD_MODULE_DB_FUNCTION_ADD,
-		module->parent->libraryParams,moduleSpec);
-	PORT_Free(moduleSpec);
-	if (retString != NULL) return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-SECMOD_DeletePermDB(SECMODModule *module)
-    SECMODModuleDBFunc func;
-    char *moduleSpec;
-    char **retString;
-    if (module->parent == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    func  = (SECMODModuleDBFunc) module->parent->moduleDBFunc;
-    if (func) {
-	moduleSpec = secmod_mkModuleSpec(module);
-	retString = (*func)(SECMOD_MODULE_DB_FUNCTION_DEL,
-		module->parent->libraryParams,moduleSpec);
-	PORT_Free(moduleSpec);
-	if (retString != NULL) return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-SECMOD_FreeModuleSpecList(SECMODModule *module, char **moduleSpecList)
-    SECMODModuleDBFunc func = (SECMODModuleDBFunc) module->moduleDBFunc;
-    char **retString;
-    if (func) {
-		module->libraryParams,moduleSpecList);
-	if (retString != NULL) return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * load a PKCS#11 module but do not add it to the default NSS trust domain
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_LoadModule(char *modulespec,SECMODModule *parent, PRBool recurse)
-    char *library = NULL, *moduleName = NULL, *parameters = NULL, *nss= NULL;
-    char *config = NULL;
-    SECStatus status;
-    SECMODModule *module = NULL;
-    SECMODModule *oldModule = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* initialize the underlying module structures */
-    SECMOD_Init();
-    status = NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpecEx(modulespec, &library, &moduleName, 
-							&parameters, &nss,
-							&config);
-    if (status != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    module = SECMOD_CreateModuleEx(library, moduleName, parameters, nss, config);
-    if (library) PORT_Free(library);
-    if (moduleName) PORT_Free(moduleName);
-    if (parameters) PORT_Free(parameters);
-    if (nss) PORT_Free(nss);
-    if (config) PORT_Free(config);
-    if (!module) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (parent) {
-    	module->parent = SECMOD_ReferenceModule(parent);
-	if (module->internal && secmod_IsInternalKeySlot(parent)) {
-	    module->internal = parent->internal;
-	}
-    }
-    /* load it */
-    rv = secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(module, &oldModule);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* if we just reload an old module, no need to add it to any lists.
-     * we simple release all our references */
-    if (oldModule) {
-	/* This module already exists, don't link it anywhere. This
-	 * will probably destroy this module */
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(module);
-	return oldModule;
-    }
-    if (recurse && module->isModuleDB) {
-	char ** moduleSpecList;
-	PORT_SetError(0);
-	moduleSpecList = SECMOD_GetModuleSpecList(module);
-	if (moduleSpecList) {
-	    char **index;
-	    index = moduleSpecList;
-	    if (*index && SECMOD_GetSkipFirstFlag(module)) {
-		index++;
-	    }
-	    for (; *index; index++) {
-		SECMODModule *child;
-		if (0 == PORT_Strcmp(*index, modulespec)) {
-		    /* avoid trivial infinite recursion */
-		    rv = SECFailure;
-		    break;
-		}
-		child = SECMOD_LoadModule(*index,module,PR_TRUE);
-		if (!child) break;
-		if (child->isCritical && !child->loaded) {
-		    int err = PORT_GetError();
-		    if (!err)  
-		    SECMOD_DestroyModule(child);
-		    PORT_SetError(err);
-		    rv = SECFailure;
-		    break;
-		}
-		SECMOD_DestroyModule(child);
-	    }
-	    SECMOD_FreeModuleSpecList(module,moduleSpecList);
-	} else {
-	    if (!PORT_GetError())
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* inherit the reference */
-    if (!module->moduleDBOnly) {
-	SECMOD_AddModuleToList(module);
-    } else {
-	SECMOD_AddModuleToDBOnlyList(module);
-    }
-    /* handle any additional work here */
-    return module;
-    if (module) {
-	if (module->loaded) {
-	    SECMOD_UnloadModule(module);
-	}
-	SECMOD_AddModuleToUnloadList(module);
-    }
-    return module;
- * load a PKCS#11 module and add it to the default NSS trust domain
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_LoadUserModule(char *modulespec,SECMODModule *parent, PRBool recurse)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECMODModule * newmod = SECMOD_LoadModule(modulespec, parent, recurse);
-    SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    if (newmod) {
-	SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-        rv = STAN_AddModuleToDefaultTrustDomain(newmod);
-	SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-        if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-            SECMOD_DestroyModule(newmod);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return newmod;
- * remove the PKCS#11 module from the default NSS trust domain, call
- * C_Finalize, and destroy the module structure
- */
-SECStatus SECMOD_UnloadUserModule(SECMODModule *mod)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    int atype = 0;
-    SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    if (!mod) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    rv = STAN_RemoveModuleFromDefaultTrustDomain(mod);
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (SECSuccess != rv) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECMOD_DeleteModuleEx(NULL, mod, &atype, PR_FALSE);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pbe.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pbe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 35205bb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pbe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1445 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "sechash.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secpkcs5.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "key.h"
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS5PBEParameterStr SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter;
-struct SEC_PKCS5PBEParameterStr {
-    PLArenaPool     *poolp;
-    SECItem         salt;           /* octet string */
-    SECItem         iteration;      /* integer */
-    SECItem         keyLength;	/* PKCS5v2 only */
-    SECAlgorithmID  *pPrfAlgId;	/* PKCS5v2 only */
-    SECAlgorithmID  prfAlgId;	/* PKCS5v2 only */
-/* PKCS5 V2 has an algorithm ID for the encryption and for 
- * the key generation. This is valid for SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2 
- */
-struct sec_pkcs5V2ParameterStr {
-    PLArenaPool    *poolp;
-    SECAlgorithmID pbeAlgId;   /* real pbe algorithms */
-    SECAlgorithmID cipherAlgId; /* encryption/mac */
-typedef struct sec_pkcs5V2ParameterStr sec_pkcs5V2Parameter;
-/* template for PKCS 5 PBE Parameter.  This template has been expanded
- * based upon the additions in PKCS 12.  This should eventually be moved
- * if RSA updates PKCS 5.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS5PBEParameterTemplate[] =
-	0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter) },
-	offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, salt) },
-	offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, iteration) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_V2PKCS12PBEParameterTemplate[] =
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, salt) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, iteration) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate[] =
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter) },
-    /* This is really a choice, but since we only understand this
-     * choice, just inline it */
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, salt) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, iteration) },
-		      offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, keyLength) },
-	offsetof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter, pPrfAlgId),
-	SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS5V2ParameterTemplate[] =
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(sec_pkcs5V2Parameter, pbeAlgId),
-	SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	offsetof(sec_pkcs5V2Parameter, cipherAlgId),
-	SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
- * maps a PBE algorithm to a crypto algorithm. for PKCS12 and PKCS5v1
- * for PKCS5v2 it returns SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2.
- */
-sec_pkcs5GetCryptoFromAlgTag(SECOidTag algorithm)
-    switch(algorithm)
-    {
-	    return SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC;
-	    return SEC_OID_DES_CBC;
-	    return SEC_OID_RC2_CBC;
-	    return SEC_OID_RC4;
-	    return SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2;
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    return SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
- * get a new PKCS5 V2 Parameter from the algorithm id.
- *  if arena is passed in, use it, otherwise create a new arena.
- */
-sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *
-sec_pkcs5_v2_get_v2_param(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    PLArenaPool *localArena = NULL;
-    sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *pbeV2_param;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	localArena = arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-	if (arena == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    pbeV2_param = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, sec_pkcs5V2Parameter);
-    if (pbeV2_param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, pbeV2_param,
-		SEC_PKCS5V2ParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    pbeV2_param->poolp = arena;
-    return pbeV2_param;
-    if (localArena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-sec_pkcs5_v2_destroy_v2_param(sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *param)
-   if (param && param->poolp) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(param->poolp, PR_TRUE);
-   }
-/* maps crypto algorithm from PBE algorithm.
- */
-SEC_PKCS5GetCryptoAlgorithm(SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    SECOidTag pbeAlg;
-    SECOidTag cipherAlg;
-    if(algid == NULL)
-    pbeAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    cipherAlg = sec_pkcs5GetCryptoFromAlgTag(pbeAlg);
-    if ((cipherAlg == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2)  &&
-	 (pbeAlg != SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2)) {
-	sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *pbeV2_param;
-	cipherAlg = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-	pbeV2_param = sec_pkcs5_v2_get_v2_param(NULL, algid);
-	if (pbeV2_param != NULL) {
-	    cipherAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pbeV2_param->cipherAlgId);
-	    sec_pkcs5_v2_destroy_v2_param(pbeV2_param);
-	}
-    }
-    return cipherAlg;
-/* check to see if an oid is a pbe algorithm
- */ 
-SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlg(SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    return (PRBool)(SEC_PKCS5GetCryptoAlgorithm(algid) != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN);
-SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag(SECOidTag algtag)
-    return (PRBool)(sec_pkcs5GetCryptoFromAlgTag(algtag) != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN);
- * find the most appropriate PKCS5v2 overall oid tag from a regular
- * cipher/hash algorithm tag.
- */
-static SECOidTag
-sec_pkcs5v2_get_pbe(SECOidTag algTag)
-    /* if it's a valid hash oid... */
-    if (HASH_GetHashOidTagByHMACOidTag(algTag) != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-	/* use the MAC tag */
-	return SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBMAC1;
-    }
-    if (HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(algTag) != HASH_AlgNULL) {
-	/* eliminate Hash algorithms */
-    }
-    if (PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algTag) != CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	/* it's not a hash, if it has a PKCS #11 mechanism associated
-	 * with it, assume it's a cipher. (NOTE this will generate
-	 * some false positives). */
-	return SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2;
-    }
-    return SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
- * maps PBE algorithm from crypto algorithm, assumes SHA1 hashing.
- *  input keyLen in bits.
- */
-SEC_PKCS5GetPBEAlgorithm(SECOidTag algTag, int keyLen)
-    switch(algTag)
-    {
-	    switch(keyLen) {
-		case 168:
-		case 192:
-		case 0:
-		case 128:
-		case 92:
-		default:
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	case SEC_OID_RC2_CBC:
-	    switch(keyLen) {
-		case 40:
-		    return SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC2_CBC;
-		case 128:
-		case 0:
-		    return SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC2_CBC;
-		default:
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	case SEC_OID_RC4:
-	    switch(keyLen) {
-		case 40:
-		    return SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC4;
-		case 128:
-		case 0:
-		    return SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC4;
-		default:
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    return sec_pkcs5v2_get_pbe(algTag);
-    }
-    return SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
- * get the key length in bytes from a PKCS5 PBE
- */
-sec_pkcs5v2_key_length(SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    SECOidTag algorithm;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter p5_param;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int length = -1;
-    algorithm = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    /* sanity check, they should all be PBKDF2 here */
-    if (algorithm != SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	return -1;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&p5_param, 0, sizeof(p5_param));
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena,&p5_param,
-			 SEC_PKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-        length = DER_GetInteger(&p5_param.keyLength);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return length;
- *  get the key length in bytes needed for the PBE algorithm
- */
-SEC_PKCS5GetKeyLength(SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    SECOidTag algorithm;
-    if(algid == NULL)
-    algorithm = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    switch(algorithm)
-    {
-	    return 24;
-	    return 8;
-	    return 5;
-	    return 16;
-	    return sec_pkcs5v2_key_length(algid);
-	    {
-		sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *pbeV2_param;
-		int length = -1;
-		pbeV2_param = sec_pkcs5_v2_get_v2_param(NULL, algid);
-		if (pbeV2_param != NULL) {
-	    	    length = sec_pkcs5v2_key_length(&pbeV2_param->pbeAlgId);
-		    sec_pkcs5_v2_destroy_v2_param(pbeV2_param);
-		}
-		return length;
-	    }
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    return -1;
-/* the PKCS12 V2 algorithms only encode the salt, there is no iteration
- * count so we need a check for V2 algorithm parameters.
- */
-static PRBool
-sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs12_algorithm(SECOidTag algorithm)
-    switch(algorithm) 
-    {
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool
-sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs5_algorithm(SECOidTag algorithm)
-    switch(algorithm) 
-    {
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-/* destroy a pbe parameter.  it assumes that the parameter was 
- * generated using the appropriate create function and therefor
- * contains an arena pool.
- */
-static void 
-sec_pkcs5_destroy_pbe_param(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param)
-    if(pbe_param != NULL)
-	PORT_FreeArena(pbe_param->poolp, PR_TRUE);
-/* creates a PBE parameter based on the PBE algorithm.  the only required
- * parameters are algorithm and interation.  the return is a PBE parameter
- * which conforms to PKCS 5 parameter unless an extended parameter is needed.
- * this is primarily if keyLength and a variable key length algorithm are
- * specified.
- *   salt -  if null, a salt will be generated from random bytes.
- *   iteration - number of iterations to perform hashing.
- *   keyLength - only used in variable key length algorithms. if specified,
- *            should be in bytes.
- * once a parameter is allocated, it should be destroyed calling 
- * sec_pkcs5_destroy_pbe_parameter or SEC_PKCS5DestroyPBEParameter.
- */
-static SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter *
-sec_pkcs5_create_pbe_parameter(SECOidTag algorithm, 
-			SECItem *salt, 
-			int iteration,
-			int keyLength,
-			SECOidTag prfAlg)
-    PLArenaPool *poolp = NULL;
-    SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv= SECSuccess; 
-    void *dummy = NULL;
-    if(iteration < 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if(poolp == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    pbe_param = (SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp,
-	sizeof(SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter));
-    if(!pbe_param) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pbe_param->poolp = poolp;
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if (salt && salt->data) {
-    	rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &pbe_param->salt, salt);
-    } else {
-	/* sigh, the old interface generated salt on the fly, so we have to
-	 * preserve the semantics */
-	pbe_param->salt.len = DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH;
-	pbe_param-> = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp,DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH);
-	if (pbe_param-> {
-	   rv = PK11_GenerateRandom(pbe_param->,DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH);
-	}
-    }
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* encode the integer */
-    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(poolp, &pbe_param->iteration, 
-		iteration);
-    rv = (dummy) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * for PKCS5 v2 Add the keylength and the prf
-     */
-    if (algorithm == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(poolp, &pbe_param->keyLength, 
-		keyLength);
-	rv = (dummy) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(poolp, &pbe_param->prfAlgId, prfAlg, NULL);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	pbe_param->pPrfAlgId = &pbe_param->prfAlgId;
-    }
-    return pbe_param;
-/* creates a algorithm ID containing the PBE algorithm and appropriate
- * parameters.  the required parameter is the algorithm.  if salt is
- * not specified, it is generated randomly.  
- *
- * the returned SECAlgorithmID should be destroyed using 
- * SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID
- */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-sec_pkcs5CreateAlgorithmID(SECOidTag algorithm, 
-			   SECOidTag cipherAlgorithm,
-			   SECOidTag prfAlg,
-			   SECOidTag *pPbeAlgorithm,
-			   int keyLength,
-			   SECItem *salt, 
-			   int iteration)
-    PLArenaPool *poolp = NULL;
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid, *ret_algid = NULL;
-    SECOidTag pbeAlgorithm = algorithm;
-    SECItem der_param;
-    void *dummy;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param = NULL;
-    sec_pkcs5V2Parameter pbeV2_param;
-    if(iteration <= 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if(!poolp) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag(algorithm) ||
-    	 	sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs5_algorithm(algorithm)) {
-	/* use PKCS 5 v2 */
-	SECItem *cipherParams;
-	/*
-	 * if we ask for pkcs5 Algorithms directly, then the
-	 * application needs to supply the cipher algorithm,
-	 * otherwise we are implicitly using pkcs5 v2 and the
-	 * passed in algorithm is the encryption algorithm.
-	 */
-	if (sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs5_algorithm(algorithm)) {
-	    if (cipherAlgorithm == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    cipherAlgorithm = algorithm;
-	    /* force algorithm to be chosen below */
-	    algorithm = SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2;
-	}
-	pbeAlgorithm = SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2;
-	/*
-	 * 'algorithm' is the overall algorithm oid tag used to wrap the 
-	 * entire algoithm ID block. For PKCS5v1 and PKCS12, this 
-	 * algorithm OID has encoded in it both the PBE KDF function 
-	 * and the encryption algorithm. For PKCS 5v2, PBE KDF and
-	 * encryption/macing oids are encoded as parameters in
-	 * the algorithm ID block. 
-	 *
-	 * Thus in PKCS5 v1 and PKCS12, this algorithm maps to a pkcs #11
-	 * mechanism, where as in PKCS 5v2, this alogithm tag does not map
-	 * directly to a PKCS #11 mechanim, instead the 2 oids in the 
-	 * algorithm ID block map the the actual PKCS #11 mechanism.
-	 * gorithm is). We use choose this algorithm oid based on the 
-	 * cipherAlgorithm to determine what this should be (MAC1 or PBES2).
-	 */
-	if (algorithm == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	     /* choose mac or pbes */
-	     algorithm = sec_pkcs5v2_get_pbe(cipherAlgorithm);
-	}
-	/* set the PKCS5v2 specific parameters */
-	if (keyLength == 0) {
-	    SECOidTag hashAlg = HASH_GetHashOidTagByHMACOidTag(cipherAlgorithm);
-    	    if (hashAlg != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-	        keyLength = HASH_ResultLenByOidTag(hashAlg);
-	    } else {
-		CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cryptoMech;
-		cryptoMech = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(cipherAlgorithm);
-		if (cryptoMech == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-		    goto loser;
-		}
-	        keyLength = PK11_GetMaxKeyLength(cryptoMech);
-	    }
-	    if (keyLength == 0) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* currently SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1 is the default */
-	if (prfAlg == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-	    prfAlg = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1;
-	}
-	/* build the PKCS5v2 cipher algorithm id */
-	cipherParams = pk11_GenerateNewParamWithKeyLen(	
-			PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(cipherAlgorithm), keyLength);
-	if (!cipherParams) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	PORT_Memset(&pbeV2_param, 0, sizeof (pbeV2_param));
-	rv = PK11_ParamToAlgid(cipherAlgorithm, cipherParams, 
-				poolp, &pbeV2_param.cipherAlgId);
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(cipherParams, PR_TRUE);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* generate the parameter */
-    pbe_param = sec_pkcs5_create_pbe_parameter(pbeAlgorithm, salt, iteration,
-			keyLength, prfAlg);
-    if(!pbe_param) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* generate the algorithm id */
-    algid = (SECAlgorithmID *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID));
-    if(algid == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
- = NULL;
-    der_param.len = 0;
-    if (sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs5_algorithm(algorithm)) {
-	/* first encode the PBE algorithm ID */
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(poolp, &der_param, pbe_param,
-					SEC_PKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate);
-	if (dummy == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(poolp, &pbeV2_param.pbeAlgId, 
-				   pbeAlgorithm, &der_param);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* now encode the Full PKCS 5 parameter */
- = NULL;
-	der_param.len = 0;
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(poolp, &der_param, &pbeV2_param,
-					SEC_PKCS5V2ParameterTemplate);
-    } else if(!sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs12_algorithm(algorithm)) {
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(poolp, &der_param, pbe_param,
-					SEC_PKCS5PBEParameterTemplate);
-    } else {
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(poolp, &der_param, pbe_param,
-	    				SEC_V2PKCS12PBEParameterTemplate);
-    }
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(poolp, algid, algorithm, &der_param);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    ret_algid = (SECAlgorithmID *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECAlgorithmID));
-    if (ret_algid == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(NULL, ret_algid, algid);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(ret_algid, PR_TRUE);
-	ret_algid = NULL;
-    } else if (pPbeAlgorithm) {
-	*pPbeAlgorithm = pbeAlgorithm;
-    }
-    if (poolp != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_TRUE);
-	algid = NULL;
-    }
-    if (pbe_param) {
-	sec_pkcs5_destroy_pbe_param(pbe_param);
-    }
-    return ret_algid;
-pbe_PK11AlgidToParam(SECAlgorithmID *algid,SECItem *mech)
-    SEC_PKCS5PBEParameter p5_param;
-    SECItem *salt = NULL;
-    SECOidTag algorithm = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned char *paramData = NULL;
-    unsigned char *pSalt = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG iterations;
-    int paramLen = 0;
-    int iv_len;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * decode the algid based on the pbe type
-     */
-    PORT_Memset(&p5_param, 0, sizeof(p5_param));
-    if (sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs12_algorithm(algorithm)) {
-        iv_len = PK11_GetIVLength(PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algorithm));
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &p5_param,
-			 SEC_V2PKCS12PBEParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-    } else if (algorithm == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	iv_len = 0;
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena,&p5_param,
-			 SEC_PKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-    } else {
-        iv_len = PK11_GetIVLength(PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algorithm));
-        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena,&p5_param,SEC_PKCS5PBEParameterTemplate, 
-						&algid->parameters);
-    }
-    if (iv_len < 0) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* get salt */
-    salt = &p5_param.salt;
-    iterations = (CK_ULONG) DER_GetInteger(&p5_param.iteration);
-    /* allocate and fill in the PKCS #11 parameters
-     * based on the algorithm. */
-    if (algorithm == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	SECOidTag prfAlgTag;
-    	CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *pbeV2_params = 
-			sizeof(CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS)+ salt->len);
-	if (pbeV2_params == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	paramData = (unsigned char *)pbeV2_params;
-	paramLen = sizeof(CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS);
-	/* set the prf */
-	prfAlgTag = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1;
- 	if (p5_param.pPrfAlgId &&
- 	    p5_param.pPrfAlgId-> != 0) {
- 	    prfAlgTag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(p5_param.pPrfAlgId);
-	}
-        switch (prfAlgTag) {
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1:
-            pbeV2_params->prf = CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA1;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA224:
-            pbeV2_params->prf = CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA224;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256:
-            pbeV2_params->prf = CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA256;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA384:
-            pbeV2_params->prf = CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA384;
-            break;
-        case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA512:
-            pbeV2_params->prf = CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA512;
-            break;
-        default:
-            goto loser;
-        }
-	/* probably should fetch these from the prfAlgid */
-	pbeV2_params->pPrfData = NULL;
-	pbeV2_params->ulPrfDataLen = 0;
-	pbeV2_params->saltSource = CKZ_SALT_SPECIFIED;
-	pSalt = ((CK_CHAR_PTR) pbeV2_params)+sizeof(CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS);
-        PORT_Memcpy(pSalt, salt->data, salt->len);
-	pbeV2_params->pSaltSourceData = pSalt;
-	pbeV2_params->ulSaltSourceDataLen = salt->len;
-	pbeV2_params->iterations = iterations;
-    } else {
-	CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params = NULL;
-    	pbe_params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS)+
-						salt->len+iv_len);
-	if (pbe_params == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	paramData = (unsigned char *)pbe_params;
-	paramLen = sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS);
-	pSalt = ((CK_CHAR_PTR) pbe_params)+sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS);
-    	pbe_params->pSalt = pSalt;
-        PORT_Memcpy(pSalt, salt->data, salt->len);
-	pbe_params->ulSaltLen = salt->len;
-	if (iv_len) {
-	    pbe_params->pInitVector = 
-		((CK_CHAR_PTR) pbe_params)+ sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS)+salt->len;
-	}
-	pbe_params->ulIteration = iterations;
-    }
-    /* copy into the mechanism sec item */
-    mech->data = paramData;
-    mech->len = paramLen;
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (paramData) {
-	PORT_Free(paramData);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * public, deprecated, not valid for pkcs5 v2 
- * 
- * use PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID or PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID to create
- * PBE algorithmID's directly.
- */
-PBE_PK11ParamToAlgid(SECOidTag algTag, SECItem *param, PLArenaPool *arena,
-		     SECAlgorithmID *algId)
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_param;
-    SECItem pbeSalt;
-    SECAlgorithmID *pbeAlgID = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if(!param || !algId) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pbe_param = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)param->data;
- = (unsigned char *)pbe_param->pSalt;
-    pbeSalt.len = pbe_param->ulSaltLen;
-    pbeAlgID = sec_pkcs5CreateAlgorithmID(algTag, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, 
-	SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, NULL, 0, &pbeSalt, (int)pbe_param->ulIteration);
-    if(!pbeAlgID) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(arena, algId, pbeAlgID);
-    SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(pbeAlgID, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
- * public, Deprecated, This function is only for binary compatibility with 
- * older applications. Does not support PKCS5v2.
- *
- * Applications should use PK11_PBEKeyGen() for keys and PK11_GetPBEIV() for
- * iv values rather than generating PBE bits directly.
- */
-PBEBitGenContext *
-PBE_CreateContext(SECOidTag hashAlgorithm, PBEBitGenID bitGenPurpose,
-	SECItem *pwitem, SECItem *salt, unsigned int bitsNeeded,
-	unsigned int iterations)
-    SECItem *context = NULL;
-    SECItem mechItem;
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS pbe_params;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = NULL;
-    unsigned char ivData[8];
-    /* use the purpose to select the low level keygen algorithm */
-    switch (bitGenPurpose) {
-    case pbeBitGenIntegrityKey:
-	switch (hashAlgorithm) {
-	case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-	    mechanism = CKM_PBA_SHA1_WITH_SHA1_HMAC;
-	    break;
-	case SEC_OID_MD2:
-	    mechanism = CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_MD2_HMAC_KEY_GEN;
-	    break;
-	case SEC_OID_MD5:
-	    mechanism = CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_MD5_HMAC_KEY_GEN;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-	}
-	break;
-    case pbeBitGenCipherIV:
-	if (bitsNeeded > 64) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (hashAlgorithm != SEC_OID_SHA1) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	mechanism = CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC;
-	break;
-    case pbeBitGenCipherKey:
-	if (hashAlgorithm != SEC_OID_SHA1) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	switch (bitsNeeded) {
-	case 40:
-	    mechanism = CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40;
-	    break;
-	case 128:
-	    mechanism = CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-	}
-    case pbeBitGenIDNull:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (mechanism == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	/* we should set an error, but this is a deprecated function, and
-	 * we are keeping bug for bug compatibility;)... */
-	    return NULL;
-    } 
-    pbe_params.pInitVector = ivData;
-    pbe_params.pPassword = pwitem->data;
-    pbe_params.ulPasswordLen = pwitem->len;
-    pbe_params.pSalt = salt->data;
-    pbe_params.ulSaltLen = salt->len;
-    pbe_params.ulIteration = iterations;
- = (unsigned char *) &pbe_params;
-    mechItem.len = sizeof(pbe_params);
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    symKey = PK11_RawPBEKeyGen(slot,mechanism,
-					&mechItem, pwitem, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if (symKey != NULL) {
-	if (bitGenPurpose == pbeBitGenCipherIV) {
-	    /* NOTE: this assumes that bitsNeeded is a multiple of 8! */
-	    SECItem ivItem;
- = ivData;
-	    ivItem.len = bitsNeeded/8;
-	    context = SECITEM_DupItem(&ivItem);
-	} else {
-	    SECItem *keyData;
-	    PK11_ExtractKeyValue(symKey);
-	    keyData = PK11_GetKeyData(symKey);
-	    /* assert bitsNeeded with length? */
-	    if (keyData) {
-	    	context = SECITEM_DupItem(keyData);
-	    }
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-    }
-    return (PBEBitGenContext *)context;
- * public, Deprecated, This function is only for binary compatibility with 
- * older applications. Does not support PKCS5v2.
- * 
- * Applications should use PK11_PBEKeyGen() for keys and PK11_GetIV() for
- * iv values rather than generating PBE bits directly.
- */
-SECItem *
-PBE_GenerateBits(PBEBitGenContext *context)
-    return (SECItem *)context;
- * public, Deprecated, This function is only for binary compatibility with 
- * older applications. Does not support PKCS5v2.
- * 
- * Applications should use PK11_PBEKeyGen() for keys and PK11_GetPBEIV() for
- * iv values rather than generating PBE bits directly.
- */
-PBE_DestroyContext(PBEBitGenContext *context)
-    SECITEM_FreeItem((SECItem *)context,PR_TRUE);
- * public, deprecated. Replaced with PK11_GetPBEIV().
- */
-SECItem *
-SEC_PKCS5GetIV(SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem *pwitem, PRBool faulty3DES)
-    /* pbe stuff */
-    SECItem *param = NULL;
-    SECItem *iv = NULL;
-    SECItem src;
-    int iv_len = 0;
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS_PTR pPBEparams;
-    SECOidTag	pbeAlg;
-    pbeAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    if (sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs5_algorithm(pbeAlg)) {
-	unsigned char *ivData;
-	sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *pbeV2_param = NULL;
-	/* can only return the IV if the crypto Algorithm exists */
-	if (pbeAlg == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	pbeV2_param = sec_pkcs5_v2_get_v2_param(NULL, algid);
-	if (pbeV2_param == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* extract the IV from the cipher algid portion of our pkcs 5 v2
-	 * algorithm id */
-    	type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(
-    		SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pbeV2_param->cipherAlgId));
-	param = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(&pbeV2_param->cipherAlgId);
-	sec_pkcs5_v2_destroy_v2_param(pbeV2_param);
-	if (!param) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* NOTE: NULL is a permissible return here */
-	ivData = PK11_IVFromParam(type, param, &iv_len);
- = ivData;
-	src.len = iv_len;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(pbeAlg);
-    param = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(algid);
-    if (param == NULL) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    symKey = PK11_RawPBEKeyGen(slot, type, param, pwitem, faulty3DES, NULL);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-    pPBEparams = (CK_PBE_PARAMS_PTR)param->data;
-    iv_len = PK11_GetIVLength(type);
- = (unsigned char *)pPBEparams->pInitVector;
-    src.len = iv_len;
-    iv = SECITEM_DupItem(&src);
-    if (param) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(param, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return iv;
- * Subs from nss 3.x that are deprecated
- */
-PBEBitGenContext *
-__PBE_CreateContext(SECOidTag hashAlgorithm, PBEBitGenID bitGenPurpose,
-	SECItem *pwitem, SECItem *salt, unsigned int bitsNeeded,
-	unsigned int iterations)
-    PORT_Assert("__PBE_CreateContext is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return NULL;
-SECItem *
-__PBE_GenerateBits(PBEBitGenContext *context)
-    PORT_Assert("__PBE_GenerateBits is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return NULL;
-__PBE_DestroyContext(PBEBitGenContext *context)
-    PORT_Assert("__PBE_DestroyContext is Deprecated" == NULL);
-RSA_FormatBlock(SECItem *result, unsigned modulusLen,
-                int blockType, SECItem *data)
-    PORT_Assert("RSA_FormatBlock is Deprecated" == NULL);
-    return SECFailure;
- *
- * Now Do The PBE Functions Here...
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-static void
-pk11_destroy_ck_pbe_params(CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params)
-    if (pbe_params) {
-	if (pbe_params->pPassword)
-	    PORT_ZFree(pbe_params->pPassword, pbe_params->ulPasswordLen);
-	if (pbe_params->pSalt)
-	    PORT_ZFree(pbe_params->pSalt, pbe_params->ulSaltLen);
-	PORT_ZFree(pbe_params, sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS));
-    }
- * public, deprecated.  use PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID or 
- * PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID instead. If you needthe pkcs #11 parameters, 
- * use PK11_ParamFromAlgid from the algorithm id you created using 
- * PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID or PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID.
- */
-SECItem * 
-PK11_CreatePBEParams(SECItem *salt, SECItem *pwd, unsigned int iterations)
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params = NULL;
-    SECItem *paramRV = NULL;
-    paramRV = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL, NULL, sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS));
-    if (!paramRV ) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* init paramRV->data with zeros. SECITEM_AllocItem does not do it */
-    PORT_Memset(paramRV->data, 0, sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS));
-    pbe_params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)paramRV->data;
-    pbe_params->pPassword = (CK_CHAR_PTR)PORT_ZAlloc(pwd->len);
-    if (!pbe_params->pPassword) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(pbe_params->pPassword, pwd->data, pwd->len);
-    pbe_params->ulPasswordLen = pwd->len;
-    pbe_params->pSalt = (CK_CHAR_PTR)PORT_ZAlloc(salt->len);
-    if (!pbe_params->pSalt) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(pbe_params->pSalt, salt->data, salt->len);
-    pbe_params->ulSaltLen = salt->len;
-    pbe_params->ulIteration = (CK_ULONG)iterations;
-    return paramRV;
-    if (pbe_params)
-        pk11_destroy_ck_pbe_params(pbe_params);
-    if (paramRV) 
-    	PORT_ZFree(paramRV, sizeof(SECItem));
-    return NULL;
- * public, deprecated.
- */
-PK11_DestroyPBEParams(SECItem *pItem)
-    if (pItem) {
-	CK_PBE_PARAMS * params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)(pItem->data);
-	if (params)
-	    pk11_destroy_ck_pbe_params(params);
-	PORT_ZFree(pItem, sizeof(SECItem));
-    }
- * public, Partially supports PKCS5 V2 (some parameters are not controllable
- * through this interface). Use PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID() if you need
- * finer control these.
- */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID(SECOidTag algorithm, int iteration, SECItem *salt)
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid = NULL;
-    algid = sec_pkcs5CreateAlgorithmID(algorithm,
-		 SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN, NULL, 0, salt, iteration);
-    return algid;
- * public, fully support pkcs5v2.
- */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID(SECOidTag pbeAlgTag, SECOidTag cipherAlgTag,
-			    SECOidTag prfAlgTag, int keyLength, int iteration, 
-			    SECItem *salt)
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid = NULL;
-    algid = sec_pkcs5CreateAlgorithmID(pbeAlgTag, cipherAlgTag, prfAlgTag,
-					NULL, keyLength, salt, iteration);
-    return algid;
- * private.
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_RawPBEKeyGenWithKeyType(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-			SECItem *params, CK_KEY_TYPE keyType, int keyLen,
-			SECItem *pwitem, void *wincx)
-    CK_ULONG pwLen;
-    /* do some sanity checks */
-    if ((params == NULL) || (params->data == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (type == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* set the password pointer in the parameters... */
-    if (type == CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2) {
-    	CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *pbev2_params;
-	if (params->len < sizeof(CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS)) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	pbev2_params = (CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *)params->data;
-	pbev2_params->pPassword = pwitem->data;
-	pwLen = pwitem->len;
-	pbev2_params->ulPasswordLen = &pwLen;
-    } else {
-    	CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params;
-	if (params->len < sizeof(CK_PBE_PARAMS)) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	pbe_params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)params->data;
-	pbe_params->pPassword = pwitem->data;
-	pbe_params->ulPasswordLen = pwitem->len;
-    }
-    /* generate the key (and sometimes the IV as a side effect...) */
-    return pk11_TokenKeyGenWithFlagsAndKeyType(slot, type, params, keyType, 
-	   0, wincx);
- * public, deprecated. use PK11_PBEKeyGen instead.
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_RawPBEKeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *mech,
-			 SECItem *pwitem, PRBool faulty3DES, void *wincx)
-    if(faulty3DES && (type == CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_TRIPLE_DES_CBC)) {
-    }
-    return pk11_RawPBEKeyGenWithKeyType(slot, type, mech, -1, 0, pwitem, wincx);
- * pubic, supports pkcs5 v2.
- *
- * Create symkey from a PBE key. The algid can be created with
- *  PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID and PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID, or by
- *  extraction of der data.
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PBEKeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem *pwitem,
-	       					PRBool faulty3DES, void *wincx)
-    SECItem *param = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = NULL;
-    SECOidTag	pbeAlg;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType = -1;
-    int keyLen = 0;
-    pbeAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    /* if we're using PKCS5v2, extract the additional information we need
-     * (key length, key type, and pbeAlg). */
-    if (sec_pkcs5_is_algorithm_v2_pkcs5_algorithm(pbeAlg)) {
-	sec_pkcs5V2Parameter *pbeV2_param;
-	pbeV2_param = sec_pkcs5_v2_get_v2_param(NULL, algid);
-	if (pbeV2_param == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	cipherMech = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(
-		SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pbeV2_param->cipherAlgId));
-	pbeAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pbeV2_param->pbeAlgId);
-	param = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(&pbeV2_param->pbeAlgId);
-	sec_pkcs5_v2_destroy_v2_param(pbeV2_param);
-	keyLen = SEC_PKCS5GetKeyLength(algid);
-	if (keyLen == -1) {
-	    keyLen = 0;
-	}
-	keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(cipherMech, keyLen);
-    } else {
-	param = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(algid);
-    }
-    if(param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(pbeAlg);	
-    if (type == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if(faulty3DES && (type == CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_TRIPLE_DES_CBC)) {
-    }
-    symKey = pk11_RawPBEKeyGenWithKeyType(slot, type, param, keyType, keyLen, 
-					pwitem, wincx);
-    if (param) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(param, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return symKey;
- * public, supports pkcs5v2
- */
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetPBEIV(SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem *pwitem)
-    return SEC_PKCS5GetIV(algid, pwitem, PR_FALSE);
-pk11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem **param, 
-			   SECItem *pbe_pwd, PRBool faulty3DES)
-    int keyLen = 0;
-    SECOidTag algTag = SEC_PKCS5GetCryptoAlgorithm(algid);
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algTag);
-    SECItem *iv = NULL;
-    if (mech == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (PK11_GetIVLength(mech)) {
-	iv = SEC_PKCS5GetIV(algid, pbe_pwd, faulty3DES);
-	if (iv == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    keyLen = SEC_PKCS5GetKeyLength(algid);
-    *param = pk11_ParamFromIVWithLen(mech, iv, keyLen);
-    if (*param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    returnedMechanism = mech;
-    if (iv) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(iv,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return returnedMechanism;
- * Public, supports pkcs5 v2
- *
- * Get the crypto mechanism directly from the pbe algorithmid.
- *
- * It's important to go directly from the algorithm id so that we can
- * handle both the PKCS #5 v1, PKCS #12, and PKCS #5 v2 cases.
- *
- * This function returns both the mechanism and the parameter for the mechanism.
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the parameter.
- */
-PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem **param, 
-			   SECItem *pbe_pwd)
-    return pk11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(algid, param, pbe_pwd, PR_FALSE);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pk12.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pk12.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a0a21..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pk12.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file PKCS #12 fuctions that should really be moved to the
- * PKCS #12 directory, however we can't do that in a point release
- * because that will break binary compatibility, so we keep them here for now.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-/* These data structures should move to a common .h file shared between the
- * wrappers and the pkcs 12 code. */
-** RSA Raw Private Key structures
-/* member names from PKCS#1, section 7.2 */
-struct SECKEYRSAPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem version;
-    SECItem modulus;
-    SECItem publicExponent;
-    SECItem privateExponent;
-    SECItem prime1;
-    SECItem prime2;
-    SECItem exponent1;
-    SECItem exponent2;
-    SECItem coefficient;
-typedef struct SECKEYRSAPrivateKeyStr SECKEYRSAPrivateKey;
-** DSA Raw Private Key structures
-struct SECKEYDSAPrivateKeyStr {
-    SECKEYPQGParams params;
-    SECItem privateValue;
-typedef struct SECKEYDSAPrivateKeyStr SECKEYDSAPrivateKey;
-** Diffie-Hellman Raw Private Key structures
-** Structure member names suggested by PKCS#3.
-struct SECKEYDHPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem prime;
-    SECItem base;
-    SECItem privateValue;
-typedef struct SECKEYDHPrivateKeyStr SECKEYDHPrivateKey;
-** raw private key object
-struct SECKEYRawPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    KeyType keyType;
-    union {
-        SECKEYRSAPrivateKey rsa;
-        SECKEYDSAPrivateKey dsa;
-        SECKEYDHPrivateKey  dh;
-    } u;
-typedef struct SECKEYRawPrivateKeyStr SECKEYRawPrivateKey;
-/* ASN1 Templates for new decoder/encoder */
- * Attribute value for PKCS8 entries (static?)
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_AttributeTemplate[] = {
-        0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYAttribute) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(SECKEYAttribute, attrType) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(SECKEYAttribute, attrValue),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_SetOfAttributeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SECKEY_AttributeTemplate },
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo,version) },
-        offsetof(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo,algorithm),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo,privateKey) },
-        offsetof(SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo,attributes),
-        SECKEY_SetOfAttributeTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PointerToPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SECKEY_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_RSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.modulus) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.publicExponent) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.privateExponent) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.prime1) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.prime2) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.exponent1) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.exponent2) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.rsa.coefficient) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.dsa.privateValue) },
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_DHPrivateKeyExportTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.dh.privateValue) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey,u.dh.base) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey, },
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[] = {
-        0, NULL, sizeof(SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo) },
-        offsetof(SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo,algorithm),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-        offsetof(SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo,encryptedData) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PointerToEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[] = {
-        { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SECKEY_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTemplate }
- * See bugzilla bug 125359
- * Since NSS (via PKCS#11) wants to handle big integers as unsigned ints,
- * all of the templates above that en/decode into integers must be converted
- * from ASN.1's signed integer type.  This is done by marking either the
- * source or destination (encoding or decoding, respectively) type as
- * siUnsignedInteger.
- */
-static void
-prepare_rsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(SECKEYRawPrivateKey *key)
-    key->u.rsa.modulus.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.publicExponent.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.privateExponent.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.prime1.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.prime2.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.exponent1.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.exponent2.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.coefficient.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-static void
-prepare_dsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(SECKEYRawPrivateKey *key)
-    key->u.dsa.privateValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dsa.params.subPrime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dsa.params.base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-static void
-prepare_dh_priv_key_export_for_asn1(SECKEYRawPrivateKey *key)
-    key->u.dh.privateValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dh.base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *derPKI, 
-	SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, 
-	PRBool isPrivate, unsigned int keyUsage, void *wincx) 
-    return PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(slot, derPKI,
-	nickname, publicValue, isPerm, isPrivate, keyUsage, NULL, wincx);
-PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *derPKI, 
-	SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, 
-	PRBool isPrivate, unsigned int keyUsage, SECKEYPrivateKey** privk,
-	void *wincx) 
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *temparena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    temparena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!temparena)
-        return rv;
-    pki = PORT_ArenaZNew(temparena, SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo);
-    if (!pki) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(temparena, PR_FALSE);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    pki->arena = temparena;
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(pki->arena, pki, SECKEY_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate,
-		derPKI);
-    if( rv != SECSuccess ) {
-        /* If SEC_ASN1DecodeItem fails, we cannot assume anything about the
-         * validity of the data in pki. The best we can do is free the arena
-         * and return.
-         */
-        PORT_FreeArena(temparena, PR_TRUE);
-        return rv;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(slot, pki, nickname,
-		publicValue, isPerm, isPrivate, keyUsage, privk, wincx);
-    /* this zeroes the key and frees the arena */
-    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyInfo(pki, PR_TRUE /*freeit*/);
-    return rv;
-PK11_ImportAndReturnPrivateKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECKEYRawPrivateKey *lpk, 
-	SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, 
-	PRBool isPrivate, unsigned int keyUsage, SECKEYPrivateKey **privk,
-	void *wincx) 
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType = CKK_RSA;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE theTemplate[20];
-    int templateCount = 0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *signedattr = NULL;
-    int signedcount = 0;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ap;
-    SECItem *ck_id = NULL;
-    attrs = theTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, isPerm ? &cktrue : &ckfalse, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SENSITIVE, isPrivate ? &cktrue : &ckfalse, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIVATE, isPrivate ? &cktrue : &ckfalse,
-						 sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-    switch (lpk->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_RSA;
-				&cktrue : &ckfalse, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-				&cktrue : &ckfalse, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SIGN, (keyUsage & KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE) ? 
-				&cktrue : &ckfalse, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-				(keyUsage & KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE) ? 
-				&cktrue : &ckfalse, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) ); attrs++;
-	    ck_id = PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(&lpk->u.rsa.modulus);
-	    if (ck_id == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, ck_id->data,ck_id->len); attrs++;
-	    if (nickname) {
-		PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, nickname->data, nickname->len); attrs++; 
-	    } 
-	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_MODULUS, lpk->,
-						lpk->u.rsa.modulus.len); attrs++;
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.publicExponent.len); attrs++;
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.privateExponent.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME_1, 
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.prime1.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME_2, 
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.prime2.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EXPONENT_1, 
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.exponent1.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_EXPONENT_2, 
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.exponent2.len); attrs++;
-	     			lpk->,
-				lpk->u.rsa.coefficient.len); attrs++;
-	    break;
-    case dsaKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_DSA;
-	    /* To make our intenal PKCS #11 module work correctly with 
-	     * our database, we need to pass in the public key value for 
-	     * this dsa key. We have a netscape only CKA_ value to do this.
-	     * Only send it to internal slots */
-	    if( publicValue == NULL ) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    if (PK11_IsInternal(slot)) {
-	        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB,
-				publicValue->data, publicValue->len); attrs++;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SIGN, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-	    if(nickname) {
-		PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, nickname->data, nickname->len);
-		attrs++; 
-	    } 
-	    ck_id = PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(publicValue);
-	    if (ck_id == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, ck_id->data,ck_id->len); attrs++;
-	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME,    lpk->,
-				lpk->; attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs,CKA_SUBPRIME,lpk->,
-				lpk->u.dsa.params.subPrime.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE,  lpk->,
-					lpk->u.dsa.params.base.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE,    lpk->, 
-					lpk->u.dsa.privateValue.len); attrs++;
-	    break;
-     case dhKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_DH;
-	    /* To make our intenal PKCS #11 module work correctly with 
-	     * our database, we need to pass in the public key value for 
-	     * this dh key. We have a netscape only CKA_ value to do this.
-	     * Only send it to internal slots */
-	    if (PK11_IsInternal(slot)) {
-	        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB,
-				publicValue->data, publicValue->len); attrs++;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_DERIVE, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-	    if(nickname) {
-		PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, nickname->data, nickname->len);
-		attrs++; 
-	    } 
-	    ck_id = PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(publicValue);
-	    if (ck_id == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, ck_id->data,ck_id->len); attrs++;
-	    signedattr = attrs;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME,    lpk->,
-				lpk->; attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE,  lpk->,
-					lpk->u.dh.base.len); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE,    lpk->, 
-					lpk->u.dh.privateValue.len); attrs++;
-	    break;
-	/* what about fortezza??? */
-    default:
-	    goto loser;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs - theTemplate;
-    PORT_Assert(templateCount <= sizeof(theTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    PORT_Assert(signedattr != NULL);
-    signedcount = attrs - signedattr;
-    for (ap=signedattr; signedcount; ap++, signedcount--) {
-	pk11_SignedToUnsigned(ap);
-    }
-    rv = PK11_CreateNewObject(slot, CK_INVALID_SESSION,
-			theTemplate, templateCount, isPerm, &objectID);
-    /* create and return a SECKEYPrivateKey */
-    if( rv == SECSuccess && privk != NULL) {
-	*privk = PK11_MakePrivKey(slot, lpk->keyType, !isPerm, objectID, wincx);
-	if( *privk == NULL ) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    if (ck_id) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(ck_id, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-	SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki, SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue,
-	PRBool isPerm, PRBool isPrivate, unsigned int keyUsage,
-	SECKEYPrivateKey **privk, void *wincx) 
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECKEYRawPrivateKey *lpk = NULL;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *keyTemplate, *paramTemplate;
-    void *paramDest = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
-    if(!arena) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* need to change this to use RSA/DSA keys */
-    lpk = (SECKEYRawPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-						  sizeof(SECKEYRawPrivateKey));
-    if(lpk == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lpk->arena = arena;
-    switch(SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pki->algorithm)) {
-	    prepare_rsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(lpk);
-	    keyTemplate = SECKEY_RSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate;
-	    paramTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramDest = NULL;
-	    lpk->keyType = rsaKey;
-	    break;
-	    prepare_dsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(lpk);
-	    keyTemplate = SECKEY_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate;
-	    paramTemplate = SECKEY_PQGParamsTemplate;
-	    paramDest = &(lpk->u.dsa.params);
-	    lpk->keyType = dsaKey;
-	    break;
-	    if(!publicValue) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    prepare_dh_priv_key_export_for_asn1(lpk);
-	    keyTemplate = SECKEY_DHPrivateKeyExportTemplate;
-	    paramTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramDest = NULL;
-	    lpk->keyType = dhKey;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    keyTemplate   = NULL;
-	    paramTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramDest     = NULL;
-	    break;
-    }
-    if(!keyTemplate) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the private key and any algorithm parameters */
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, lpk, keyTemplate, &pki->privateKey);
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if(paramDest && paramTemplate) {
-	rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, paramDest, paramTemplate, 
-				 &(pki->algorithm.parameters));
-	if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    rv = PK11_ImportAndReturnPrivateKey(slot,lpk,nickname,publicValue, isPerm, 
-	isPrivate,  keyUsage, privk, wincx);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki, 
-	SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, 
-	PRBool isPrivate, unsigned int keyUsage, void *wincx) 
-    return PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(slot, pki, nickname,
-	publicValue, isPerm, isPrivate, keyUsage, NULL, wincx);
-SECItem *
-PK11_ExportDERPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, void *wincx)
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki = PK11_ExportPrivKeyInfo(pk, wincx);
-    SECItem *derPKI;
-    if (!pki) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    derPKI = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL, pki,
-                                SECKEY_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate);
-    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyInfo(pki, PR_TRUE);
-    return derPKI;
-static PRBool
-ReadAttribute(SECKEYPrivateKey *key, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-              PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *output)
-    SECStatus rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(key->pkcs11Slot, key->pkcs11ID, type,
-                                      arena, output);
-    return rv == SECSuccess;
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the return value by passing it to
- * SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKeyInfo(..., PR_TRUE).
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *
-PK11_ExportPrivKeyInfo(SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, void *wincx)
-    /* PrivateKeyInfo version (always zero) */
-    const unsigned char pkiVersion = 0;
-    /* RSAPrivateKey version (always zero) */
-    const unsigned char rsaVersion = 0;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECKEYRawPrivateKey rawKey;
-    SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki;
-    SECItem *encoded;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (pk->keyType != rsaKey) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    memset(&rawKey, 0, sizeof(rawKey));
-    rawKey.keyType = pk->keyType;
-    rawKey.u.rsa.version.type = siUnsignedInteger;
- = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, 1);
-    if (! {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-[0] = rsaVersion;
-    rawKey.u.rsa.version.len = 1;
-    /* Read the component attributes of the private key */
-    prepare_rsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(&rawKey);
-    if (!ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_MODULUS, arena, &rawKey.u.rsa.modulus) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, arena,
-                       &rawKey.u.rsa.publicExponent) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, arena,
-                       &rawKey.u.rsa.privateExponent) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_PRIME_1, arena, &rawKey.u.rsa.prime1) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_PRIME_2, arena, &rawKey.u.rsa.prime2) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_EXPONENT_1, arena,
-                       &rawKey.u.rsa.exponent1) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_EXPONENT_2, arena,
-                       &rawKey.u.rsa.exponent2) ||
-        !ReadAttribute(pk, CKA_COEFFICIENT, arena,
-                       &rawKey.u.rsa.coefficient)) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pki = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo);
-    if (!pki) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    encoded = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &pki->privateKey, &rawKey,
-                                 SECKEY_RSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate);
-    if (!encoded) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &pki->algorithm,
-                               SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION, NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pki->version.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    pki-> = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, 1);
-    if (!pki-> {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    pki->[0] = pkiVersion;
-    pki->version.len = 1;
-    pki->arena = arena;
-    return pki;
-    if (arena) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index be8adec..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Thse functions are stub functions which will get replaced with calls through
- * PKCS #11.
- */
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11pqg.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of P specified by L.
- *   if L is greater than 1024 then the resulting verify parameters will be
- *   DSA2.
- * Length of Q specified by N. If zero, The PKCS #11 module will
- *   pick an appropriately sized Q for P. If N is specified and L = 1024, then
- *   the resulting verify parameters will be DSA2, Otherwise DSA1 parameters 
- *   will be returned.
- * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
- *
- * The underlying PKCS #11 module will check the values for L, N, 
- * and seedBytes. The rules for softoken are:
- * 
- * If L <= 1024, then L must be between 512 and 1024 in increments of 64 bits.
- * If L <= 1024, then N must be 0 or 160.
- * If L >= 1024, then L and N must match the following table:
- *   L=1024   N=0 or 160
- *   L=2048   N=0 or 224
- *   L=2048   N=256
- *   L=3072   N=0 or 256
- * if L <= 1024
- *   seedBbytes must be in the range [20..256].
- * if L >= 1024
- *   seedBbytes must be in the range [20..L/16].
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(unsigned int L, unsigned int N,
-	 unsigned int seedBytes, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE genTemplate[5];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = genTemplate;
-    int count = sizeof(genTemplate)/sizeof(genTemplate[0]);
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE pTemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE vTemplate[] = {
-    };
-    CK_ULONG primeBits = L;
-    CK_ULONG subPrimeBits = N;
-    int pTemplateCount = sizeof(pTemplate)/sizeof(pTemplate[0]);
-    int vTemplateCount = sizeof(vTemplate)/sizeof(vTemplate[0]);
-    PLArenaPool *parena = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *varena = NULL;
-    PQGParams *params = NULL;
-    PQGVerify *verify = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG seedBits = seedBytes*8;
-    *pParams = NULL;
-    *pVfy =  NULL;
-    if (primeBits == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME_BITS,&primeBits,sizeof(primeBits)); attrs++;
-    if (subPrimeBits != 0) {
-				&subPrimeBits, sizeof(subPrimeBits)); attrs++;
-    }
-    if (seedBits != 0) {
-					&seedBits, sizeof(seedBits)); attrs++;
-    }
-    count = attrs - genTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(count <= sizeof(genTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	/* set error */
-	PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);/* shouldn't happen */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* make sure the internal slot can handle DSA2 type parameters. */
-    if (primeBits > 1024) {
-	CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,
-			CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN, &mechanism_info);
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	/* a bug in the old softoken left CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN off of the
-	 * mechanism List. If we get a failure asking for this value, we know
-	 * it can't handle DSA2 */
-	if ((crv != CKR_OK) || (mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize < primeBits)) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    slot = PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN, 0,
-						primeBits, NULL);
-	    if (slot == NULL) {
-		PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN); /* can happen */
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    /* ditch seedBits in this case, they are NSS specific and at
-	     * this point we have a token that claims to handle DSA2 */
-	    if (seedBits) {
-		attrs--;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* Initialize the Key Gen Mechanism */
-    mechanism.mechanism = CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN;
-    mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-    mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GenerateKey(slot->session,
-			 &mechanism, genTemplate, count, &objectID);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    parena = PORT_NewArena(60);
-    if (!parena) {
-	goto loser;
-    }        
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(parena, slot, objectID, pTemplate, pTemplateCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    params = (PQGParams *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(parena,sizeof(PQGParams));
-    if (params == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* fill in Params */
-    params->arena = parena;
-    params->prime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params-> = pTemplate[0].pValue;
-    params->prime.len = pTemplate[0].ulValueLen;
-    params->subPrime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params-> = pTemplate[1].pValue;
-    params->subPrime.len = pTemplate[1].ulValueLen;
-    params->base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params-> = pTemplate[2].pValue;
-    params->base.len = pTemplate[2].ulValueLen;
-    varena = PORT_NewArena(60);
-    if (!varena) {
-	goto loser;
-    }        
-    crv = PK11_GetAttributes(varena, slot, objectID, vTemplate, vTemplateCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    verify = (PQGVerify *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(varena,sizeof(PQGVerify));
-    if (verify == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* fill in Params */
-    verify->arena = varena;
-    verify->counter = (unsigned int)(*(CK_ULONG*)vTemplate[0].pValue);
-    verify->seed.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    verify-> = vTemplate[1].pValue;
-    verify->seed.len = vTemplate[1].ulValueLen;
-    verify->h.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    verify-> = vTemplate[2].pValue;
-    verify->h.len = vTemplate[2].ulValueLen;
-    PK11_DestroyObject(slot,objectID);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    *pParams = params;
-    *pVfy =  verify;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (objectID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	PK11_DestroyObject(slot,objectID);
-    }
-    if (parena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(parena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (varena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(varena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (slot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of P specified by j.  Length of h will match length of P.
- * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
- * seedBbytes must be in the range [20..255] or an error will result.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PK11_PQG_ParamGenSeedLen( unsigned int j, unsigned int seedBytes,
-				 PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    unsigned int primeBits = PQG_INDEX_TO_PBITS(j);
-    return PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(primeBits, 0, seedBytes, pParams, pVfy);
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of seed and length of h both equal length of P. 
- * All lengths are specified by "j", according to the table above.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PK11_PQG_ParamGen(unsigned int j, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy)
-    unsigned int primeBits = PQG_INDEX_TO_PBITS(j);
-    return PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(primeBits, 0, 0, pParams, pVfy);
-/*  Test PQGParams for validity as DSS PQG values.
- *  If vfy is non-NULL, test PQGParams to make sure they were generated
- *       using the specified seed, counter, and h values.
- *
- *  Return value indicates whether Verification operation ran successfully
- *  to completion, but does not indicate if PQGParams are valid or not.
- *  If return value is SECSuccess, then *pResult has these meanings:
- *       SECSuccess: PQGParams are valid.
- *       SECFailure: PQGParams are invalid.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PK11_PQG_VerifyParams(const PQGParams *params, const PQGVerify *vfy, 
-							SECStatus *result)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE keyTempl[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_PRIME, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_BASE, NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_TOKEN, NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType = CKK_DSA;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    int keyCount;
-    CK_ULONG counter;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    attrs = keyTempl;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &class, sizeof(class)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME, params->, 
-						params->prime.len); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_SUBPRIME, params->, 
-						params->subPrime.len); attrs++;
-    if (params->base.len) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE,params->,params->base.len);
-	 attrs++;
-    }
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ckfalse, sizeof(ckfalse)); attrs++;
-    if (vfy) {
-	if (vfy->counter != -1) {
-	    counter = vfy->counter;
-			&counter, sizeof(counter)); attrs++;
-	}
-			vfy->, vfy->seed.len); attrs++;
-	if (vfy->h.len) {
-			vfy->, vfy->h.len); attrs++;
-	}
-    }
-    keyCount = attrs - keyTempl;
-    PORT_Assert(keyCount <= sizeof(keyTempl)/sizeof(keyTempl[0]));
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CreateObject(slot->session, keyTempl, keyCount, 
-								&objectID);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    /* throw away the keys, we only wanted the return code */
-    PK11_DestroyObject(slot,objectID);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    *result = SECSuccess;
-	*result = SECFailure;
-    } else if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
- *  Free the PQGParams struct and the things it points to.                *
- **************************************************************************/
-extern void 
-PK11_PQG_DestroyParams(PQGParams *params) {
-    if (params == NULL) 
-    	return;
-    if (params->arena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(params->arena, PR_FALSE);	/* don't zero it */
-    } else {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->prime,    PR_FALSE); /* don't free prime */
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->subPrime, PR_FALSE); /* don't free subPrime */
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&params->base,     PR_FALSE); /* don't free base */
-	PORT_Free(params);
-    }
- *  Free the PQGVerify struct and the things it points to.                *
- **************************************************************************/
-extern void
-PK11_PQG_DestroyVerify(PQGVerify *vfy) {
-    if (vfy == NULL) 
-    	return;
-    if (vfy->arena != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(vfy->arena, PR_FALSE);	/* don't zero it */
-    } else {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&vfy->seed,   PR_FALSE); /* don't free seed */
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(&vfy->h,      PR_FALSE); /* don't free h */
-	PORT_Free(vfy);
-    }
-#define PQG_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE 2048	/* bytes */
- *  Return a pointer to a new PQGParams struct that is constructed from   *
- *  copies of the arguments passed in.                                    *
- *  Return NULL on failure.                                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-extern PQGParams *
-PK11_PQG_NewParams(const SECItem * prime, const SECItem * subPrime, 
-                                 		const SECItem * base) {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    PQGParams *dest;
-    SECStatus status;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(PQG_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    dest = (PQGParams*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGParams));
-    if (dest == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    dest->arena = arena;
-    status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->prime, prime);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->subPrime, subPrime);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->base, base);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    return dest;
-    if (arena != NULL)
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
- * Fills in caller's "prime" SECItem with the prime value in params.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(prime, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus 
-PK11_PQG_GetPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams *params, SECItem * prime) {
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, prime, &params->prime);
- * Fills in caller's "subPrime" SECItem with the prime value in params.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(subPrime, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus
-PK11_PQG_GetSubPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams *params, SECItem * subPrime) {
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, subPrime, &params->subPrime);
- * Fills in caller's "base" SECItem with the base value in params.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(base, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus 
-PK11_PQG_GetBaseFromParams(const PQGParams *params, SECItem *base) {
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, base, &params->base);
- *  Return a pointer to a new PQGVerify struct that is constructed from   *
- *  copies of the arguments passed in.                                    *
- *  Return NULL on failure.                                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-extern PQGVerify *
-PK11_PQG_NewVerify(unsigned int counter, const SECItem * seed, 
-							const SECItem * h) {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    PQGVerify *  dest;
-    SECStatus    status;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(PQG_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    dest = (PQGVerify*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(PQGVerify));
-    if (dest == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    dest->arena   = arena;
-    dest->counter = counter;
-    status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->seed, seed);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    status = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &dest->h, h);
-    if (status != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    return dest;
-    if (arena != NULL)
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
- * Returns "counter" value from the PQGVerify.
- **************************************************************************/
-extern unsigned int 
-PK11_PQG_GetCounterFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify) {
-    return verify->counter;
- * Fills in caller's "seed" SECItem with the seed value in verify.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(seed, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus 
-PK11_PQG_GetSeedFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify, SECItem *seed) {
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, seed, &verify->seed);
- * Fills in caller's "h" SECItem with the h value in verify.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(h, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus 
-PK11_PQG_GetHFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify, SECItem * h) {
-    return SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, h, &verify->h);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f9394..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pqg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Thse functions are stub functions which will get replaced with calls through
- * PKCS #11.
- */
-#ifndef _PK11PQG_H_
-#define  _PK11PQG_H_ 1
-#include "blapit.h"
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of seed and length of h both equal length of P. 
- * All lengths are specified by "j", according to the table above.
- */
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_ParamGen(unsigned int j, PQGParams **pParams, 
-							PQGVerify **pVfy);
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of P specified by j.  Length of h will match length of P.
- * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
- * seedBbytes must be in the range [20..255] or an error will result.
- */
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_ParamGenSeedLen( unsigned int j, 
-	unsigned int seedBytes, PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy);
-/* Generate PQGParams and PQGVerify structs.
- * Length of P specified by L.
- *   if L is greater than 1024 then the resulting verify parameters will be
- *   DSA2.
- * Length of Q specified by N. If zero, The PKCS #11 module will
- *   pick an appropriately sized Q for L. If N is specified and L = 1024, then
- *   the resulting verify parameters will be DSA2, Otherwise DSA1 parameters 
- *   will be returned.
- * Length of SEED in bytes specified in seedBytes.
- *
- * The underlying PKCS #11 module will check the values for L, N, 
- * and seedBytes. The rules for softoken are:
- * 
- * If L <= 1024, then L must be between 512 and 1024 in increments of 64 bits.
- * If L <= 1024, then N must be 0 or 160.
- * If L >= 1024, then L and N must match the following table:
- *   L=1024   N=0 or 160
- *   L=2048   N=0 or 224
- *   L=2048   N=256
- *   L=3072   N=0 or 256
- * if L <= 1024
- *   seedBbytes must be in the range [20..256].
- * if L >= 1024
- *   seedBbytes must be in the range [20..L/16].
- */
-extern SECStatus
-PK11_PQG_ParamGenV2(unsigned int L, unsigned int N, unsigned int seedBytes,
-		    PQGParams **pParams, PQGVerify **pVfy);
-/*  Test PQGParams for validity as DSS PQG values.
- *  If vfy is non-NULL, test PQGParams to make sure they were generated
- *       using the specified seed, counter, and h values.
- *
- *  Return value indicates whether Verification operation ran successfully
- *  to completion, but does not indicate if PQGParams are valid or not.
- *  If return value is SECSuccess, then *pResult has these meanings:
- *       SECSuccess: PQGParams are valid.
- *       SECFailure: PQGParams are invalid.
- *
- * Verify the following 12 facts about PQG counter SEED g and h
- * These tests are specified in FIPS 186-3 Appendix A.1.1.1, A.1.1.3, and A.2.2
- * PQG_VerifyParams in softoken/freebl will automatically choose the 
- * appropriate test.
- */
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_VerifyParams(const PQGParams *params, 
-                                    const PQGVerify *vfy, SECStatus *result);
-extern void PK11_PQG_DestroyParams(PQGParams *params);
-extern void PK11_PQG_DestroyVerify(PQGVerify *vfy);
- *  Return a pointer to a new PQGParams struct that is constructed from   *
- *  copies of the arguments passed in.                                    *
- *  Return NULL on failure.                                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-extern PQGParams * PK11_PQG_NewParams(const SECItem * prime, const 
-				SECItem * subPrime, const SECItem * base);
- * Fills in caller's "prime" SECItem with the prime value in params.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(prime, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_GetPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams *params, 
-							SECItem * prime);
- * Fills in caller's "subPrime" SECItem with the prime value in params.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(subPrime, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_GetSubPrimeFromParams(const PQGParams *params, 
-							SECItem * subPrime);
- * Fills in caller's "base" SECItem with the base value in params.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(base, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_GetBaseFromParams(const PQGParams *params, 
-							SECItem *base);
- *  Return a pointer to a new PQGVerify struct that is constructed from   *
- *  copies of the arguments passed in.                                    *
- *  Return NULL on failure.                                               *
- **************************************************************************/
-extern PQGVerify * PK11_PQG_NewVerify(unsigned int counter, 
-				const SECItem * seed, const SECItem * h);
- * Returns "counter" value from the PQGVerify.
- **************************************************************************/
-extern unsigned int PK11_PQG_GetCounterFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify);
- * Fills in caller's "seed" SECItem with the seed value in verify.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(seed, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_GetSeedFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify, 
-							SECItem *seed);
- * Fills in caller's "h" SECItem with the h value in verify.
- * Contents can be freed by calling SECITEM_FreeItem(h, PR_FALSE);	
- **************************************************************************/
-extern SECStatus PK11_PQG_GetHFromVerify(const PQGVerify *verify, SECItem * h);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11priv.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11priv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c68293b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11priv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _PK11PRIV_H_
-#define _PK11PRIV_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "pkcs7t.h"
-#include "cmsreclist.h"
- * These are the private NSS functions. They are not exported by nss.def, and
- * are not callable outside nss3.dll. 
- */
- * Generic Slot Lists Management
- ************************************************************/
-PK11SlotList * PK11_NewSlotList(void);
-PK11SlotList * PK11_GetPrivateKeyTokens(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-						PRBool needRW,void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_AddSlotToList(PK11SlotList *list,PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool sorted);
-SECStatus PK11_DeleteSlotFromList(PK11SlotList *list,PK11SlotListElement *le);
-PK11SlotListElement *PK11_FindSlotElement(PK11SlotList *list,
-							PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_FindSlotBySerial(char *serial);
-int PK11_GetMaxKeyLength(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type);
- * Generic Slot Management
- ************************************************************/
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE PK11_CopyKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE srcObject);
-SECStatus PK11_ReadAttribute(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-         CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *result);
-CK_ULONG PK11_ReadULongAttribute(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-         CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-char * PK11_MakeString(PLArenaPool *arena,char *space,char *staticSring,
-								int stringLen);
-int PK11_MapError(CK_RV error);
-CK_SESSION_HANDLE PK11_GetRWSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-void PK11_RestoreROSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession);
-PRBool PK11_RWSessionHasLock(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-					 CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_NewSlotInfo(SECMODModule *mod);
-void PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(PK11SlotInfo *);
-void PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(PK11SlotInfo *);
-void PK11_CleanKeyList(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- *  Slot Password Management
- ************************************************************/
-SECStatus PK11_DoPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
-			PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx, PRBool alreadyLocked,
-			PRBool contextSpecific);
-SECStatus PK11_VerifyPW(PK11SlotInfo *slot,char *pw);
-void PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(PK11SlotInfo *slot,void *wincx);
-void PK11_SetVerifyPasswordFunc(PK11VerifyPasswordFunc func);
-void PK11_SetIsLoggedInFunc(PK11IsLoggedInFunc func);
- * Manage the built-In Slot Lists
- ************************************************************/
-SECStatus PK11_InitSlotLists(void);
-void PK11_DestroySlotLists(void);
-PK11SlotList *PK11_GetSlotList(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type);
-void PK11_LoadSlotList(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11PreSlotInfo *psi, int count);
-void PK11_ClearSlotList(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- *           Slot initialization
- ******************************************************************/
-SECStatus PK11_InitToken(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts);
-void PK11_InitSlot(SECMODModule *mod,CK_SLOT_ID slotID,PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_NeedPWInitForSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-SECStatus PK11_ReadSlotCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-void pk11_SetInternalKeySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PK11SlotInfo *pk11_SwapInternalKeySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-void pk11_SetInternalKeySlotIfFirst(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- *       Mechanism Mapping functions
- *********************************************************************/
-void PK11_AddMechanismEntry(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_KEY_TYPE key,
-		int ivLen, int blocksize);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE PK11_GetKeyMechanism(CK_KEY_TYPE type);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE PK11_GetKeyGenWithSize(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, int size);
- *                   Symetric, Public, and Private Keys 
- **********************************************************************/
-/* Key Generation specialized for SDR (fixed DES3 key) */
-PK11SymKey *PK11_GenDES3TokenKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *keyid, void *cx);
-SECKEYPublicKey *PK11_ExtractPublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, KeyType keyType,
-					 CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE PK11_FindObjectForCert(CERTCertificate *cert,
-					void *wincx, PK11SlotInfo **pSlot);
-PK11SymKey * pk11_CopyToSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-		 	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, PK11SymKey *symKey);
- *                   Certs
- **********************************************************************/
-SECStatus PK11_TraversePrivateKeysInSlot( PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-    SECStatus(* callback)(SECKEYPrivateKey*, void*), void *arg);
-SECKEYPrivateKey * PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromNickname(char *nickname, void *wincx);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE * PK11_FindObjectsFromNickname(char *nickname,
-	PK11SlotInfo **slotptr, CK_OBJECT_CLASS objclass, int *returnCount, 
-								void *wincx);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE PK11_MatchItem(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE peer,
-						CK_OBJECT_CLASS o_class); 
-CK_BBOOL PK11_HasAttributeSet( PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			       CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-			       CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-			       PRBool haslock );
-CK_RV PK11_GetAttributes(PLArenaPool *arena,PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			 CK_OBJECT_HANDLE obj,CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, int count);
-int PK11_NumberCertsForCertSubject(CERTCertificate *cert);
-SECStatus PK11_TraverseCertsForSubject(CERTCertificate *cert, 
-	SECStatus(*callback)(CERTCertificate *, void *), void *arg);
-SECStatus PK11_GetKEAMatchedCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot1,
-   PK11SlotInfo *slot2, CERTCertificate **cert1, CERTCertificate **cert2);
-SECStatus PK11_TraverseCertsInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-       SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*, void *), void *arg);
-SECStatus PK11_LookupCrls(CERTCrlHeadNode *nodes, int type, void *wincx);
- *                   Crypto Contexts
- **********************************************************************/
-PK11Context * PK11_CreateContextByRawKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation,
-			 	SECItem *key, SECItem *param, void *wincx);
-PRBool PK11_HashOK(SECOidTag hashAlg);
- * Functions which are  deprecated....
- **********************************************************************/
-SECItem *
-PK11_FindCrlByName(PK11SlotInfo **slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *handle,
-					SECItem *derName, int type, char **url);
-PK11_PutCrl(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *crl, 
-				SECItem *name, char *url, int type);
-SECItem *
-PK11_FindSMimeProfile(PK11SlotInfo **slotp, char *emailAddr, SECItem *derSubj,
-					SECItem **profileTime);
-PK11_SaveSMimeProfile(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *emailAddr, SECItem *derSubj,
-			SECItem *emailProfile, SECItem *profileTime);
-PRBool PK11_IsPermObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle);
-char * PK11_GetObjectNickname(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id) ;
-SECStatus PK11_SetObjectNickname(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, 
-						const char *nickname) ;
-/* private */
-SECStatus pk11_TraverseAllSlots( SECStatus (*callback)(PK11SlotInfo *,void *),
-	void *cbArg, PRBool forceLogin, void *pwArg);
-/* fetch multiple CRLs for a specific issuer */
-SECStatus pk11_RetrieveCrls(CERTCrlHeadNode *nodes, SECItem* issuer,
-                                   void *wincx);
-/* set global options for NSS PKCS#11 module loader */
-SECStatus pk11_setGlobalOptions(PRBool noSingleThreadedModules,
-                                PRBool allowAlreadyInitializedModules,
-                                PRBool dontFinalizeModules);
-/* return whether NSS is allowed to call C_Finalize */
-PRBool pk11_getFinalizeModulesOption(void);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pub.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pub.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c130e1e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pub.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,889 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _PK11PUB_H_
-#define _PK11PUB_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "pkcs7t.h"
-#include "cmsreclist.h"
- * Exported PK11 wrap functions.
- */
- * Generic Slot Lists Management
- ************************************************************/
-void PK11_FreeSlotList(PK11SlotList *list);
-SECStatus PK11_FreeSlotListElement(PK11SlotList *list, PK11SlotListElement *le);
-PK11SlotListElement * PK11_GetFirstSafe(PK11SlotList *list);
-PK11SlotListElement *PK11_GetNextSafe(PK11SlotList *list, 
-				PK11SlotListElement *le, PRBool restart);
- * Generic Slot Management
- ************************************************************/
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_ReferenceSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-void PK11_FreeSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-SECStatus PK11_DestroyObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object);
-SECStatus PK11_DestroyTokenObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(void);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_GetInternalSlot(void);
-SECStatus PK11_Logout(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-void PK11_LogoutAll(void);
- *  Slot Password Management
- ************************************************************/
-void PK11_SetSlotPWValues(PK11SlotInfo *slot,int askpw, int timeout);
-void PK11_GetSlotPWValues(PK11SlotInfo *slot,int *askpw, int *timeout);
-SECStatus PK11_CheckSSOPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *ssopw);
-SECStatus PK11_CheckUserPassword(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const char *pw);
-PRBool PK11_IsLoggedIn(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_InitPin(PK11SlotInfo *slot,const char *ssopw,
-                       const char *pk11_userpwd);
-SECStatus PK11_ChangePW(PK11SlotInfo *slot, const char *oldpw,
-                        const char *newpw);
-void PK11_SetPasswordFunc(PK11PasswordFunc func);
-int PK11_GetMinimumPwdLength(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-SECStatus PK11_ResetToken(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *sso_pwd);
-SECStatus PK11_Authenticate(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_TokenRefresh(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- *           Slot info functions
- ******************************************************************/
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_FindSlotByName(const char *name);
- * PK11_FindSlotsByNames searches for a PK11SlotInfo using one or
- * more criteria : dllName, slotName and tokenName . In addition, if
- * presentOnly is set , only slots with a token inserted will be
- * returned.
- ******************************************************************/
-PK11SlotList *PK11_FindSlotsByNames(const char *dllName,
-        const char* slotName, const char* tokenName, PRBool presentOnly);
-PRBool PK11_IsReadOnly(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_IsInternal(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_IsInternalKeySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-char * PK11_GetTokenName(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-char * PK11_GetSlotName(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_NeedLogin(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_IsFriendly(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_IsHW(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_IsRemovable(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_NeedUserInit(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_ProtectedAuthenticationPath(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-int PK11_GetSlotSeries(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-int PK11_GetCurrentWrapIndex(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-unsigned long PK11_GetDefaultFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-CK_SLOT_ID PK11_GetSlotID(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-SECMODModuleID PK11_GetModuleID(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-SECStatus PK11_GetSlotInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SLOT_INFO *info);
-SECStatus PK11_GetTokenInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_TOKEN_INFO *info);
-PRBool PK11_IsDisabled(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_HasRootCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PK11DisableReasons PK11_GetDisabledReason(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-/* Prevents the slot from being used, and set disable reason to user-disable */
-/* NOTE: Mechanisms that were ON continue to stay ON */
-/*       Therefore, when the slot is enabled, it will remember */
-/*       what mechanisms needs to be turned on */
-PRBool PK11_UserDisableSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-/* Allow all mechanisms that are ON before UserDisableSlot() */
-/* was called to be available again */
-PRBool PK11_UserEnableSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- * wait for a specific slot event.
- * event is a specific event to wait for. Currently only 
- *    PK11TokenChangeOrRemovalEvent and PK11TokenPresentEvents are defined.
- * timeout can be an interval time to wait, PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT (meaning only
- * poll once), or PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT (meaning block until a change).
- * pollInterval is a suggested pulling interval value. '0' means use the 
- *  default. Future implementations that don't poll may ignore this value.
- * series is the current series for the last slot. This should be the series 
- *  value for the slot the last time you read persistant information from the
- *  slot. For instance, if you publish a cert from the slot, you should obtain
- *  the slot series at that time. Then PK11_WaitForTokenEvent can detect a 
- *  a change in the slot between the time you publish and the time 
- *  PK11_WaitForTokenEvent is called, elliminating potential race conditions.
- *
- * The current status that is returned is:
- *   PK11TokenNotRemovable - always returned for any non-removable token.
- *   PK11TokenPresent - returned when the token is present and we are waiting
- *     on a PK11TokenPresentEvent. Then next event to look for is a 
- *     PK11TokenChangeOrRemovalEvent.
- *   PK11TokenChanged - returned when the old token has been removed and a new
- *     token ad been inserted, and we are waiting for a 
- *     PK11TokenChangeOrRemovalEvent. The next event to look for is another
- *     PK11TokenChangeOrRemovalEvent.
- *   PK11TokenRemoved - returned when the token is not present and we are 
- *     waiting for a PK11TokenChangeOrRemovalEvent. The next event to look for 
- *     is a PK11TokenPresentEvent.
- */
-PK11TokenStatus PK11_WaitForTokenEvent(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11TokenEvent event,
-	PRIntervalTime timeout, PRIntervalTime pollInterval, int series);
-PRBool PK11_NeedPWInit(void);
-PRBool PK11_TokenExists(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE);
-SECStatus PK11_GetModInfo(SECMODModule *mod, CK_INFO *info);
-PRBool PK11_IsFIPS(void);
-SECMODModule *PK11_GetModule(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- *            Slot mapping utility functions.
- *********************************************************************/
-PRBool PK11_IsPresent(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PRBool PK11_DoesMechanism(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type);
-PK11SlotList * PK11_GetAllTokens(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,PRBool needRW,
-					PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_GetBestSlotMultipleWithAttributes(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *type, 
-		CK_FLAGS *mechFlag, unsigned int *keySize, 
-		unsigned int count, void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_GetBestSlotMultiple(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *type, 
-					unsigned int count, void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_GetBestSlot(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-		CK_FLAGS mechFlag, unsigned int keySize, void *wincx);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE PK11_GetBestWrapMechanism(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-int PK11_GetBestKeyLength(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type);
- * Open a new database using the softoken. The caller is responsible for making
- * sure the module spec is correct and usable. The caller should ask for one
- * new database per call if the caller wants to get meaningful information
- * about the new database.
- *
- * moduleSpec is the same data that you would pass to softoken at
- * initialization time under the 'tokens' options. For example, if you were
- * to specify tokens=<0x4=[configdir='./mybackup' tokenDescription='Backup']>
- * You would specify "configdir='./mybackup' tokenDescription='Backup'" as your
- * module spec here. The slot ID will be calculated for you by
- * SECMOD_OpenUserDB().
- *
- * Typical parameters here are configdir, tokenDescription and flags.
- *
- * a Full list is below:
- *
- *
- *  configDir - The location of the databases for this token. If configDir is
- *         not specified, and noCertDB and noKeyDB is not specified, the load
- *         will fail.
- *   certPrefix - Cert prefix for this token.
- *   keyPrefix - Prefix for the key database for this token. (if not specified,
- *         certPrefix will be used).
- *   tokenDescription - The label value for this token returned in the
- *         CK_TOKEN_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8).
- *         This value will be truncated at 32 bytes (no NULL, partial UTF8
- *         characters dropped). You should specify a user friendly name here
- *         as this is the value the token will be referred to in most
- *         application UI's. You should make sure tokenDescription is unique.
- *   slotDescription - The slotDescription value for this token returned
- *         in the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string
- *         (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 64 bytes (no NULL, partial
- *         UTF8 characters dropped). This name will not change after the
- *         database is closed. It should have some number to make this unique.
- *   minPWLen - minimum password length for this token.
- *   flags - comma separated list of flag values, parsed case-insensitive.
- *         Valid flags are:
- *              readOnly - Databases should be opened read only.
- *              noCertDB - Don't try to open a certificate database.
- *              noKeyDB - Don't try to open a key database.
- *              forceOpen - Don't fail to initialize the token if the
- *                databases could not be opened.
- *              passwordRequired - zero length passwords are not acceptable
- *                (valid only if there is a keyDB).
- *              optimizeSpace - allocate smaller hash tables and lock tables.
- *                When this flag is not specified, Softoken will allocate
- *                large tables to prevent lock contention.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *SECMOD_OpenUserDB(const char *moduleSpec);
-SECStatus SECMOD_CloseUserDB(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
- * This is exactly the same as OpenUserDB except it can be called on any
- * module that understands softoken style new slot entries. The resulting
- * slot can be closed using SECMOD_CloseUserDB above. Value of moduleSpec
- * is token specific.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *SECMOD_OpenNewSlot(SECMODModule *mod, const char *moduleSpec);
- * merge the permanent objects from on token to another 
- */
-SECStatus PK11_MergeTokens(PK11SlotInfo *targetSlot, PK11SlotInfo *sourceSlot,
-                PK11MergeLog *log, void *targetPwArg, void *sourcePwArg);
- * create and destroy merge logs needed by PK11_MergeTokens
- */
-PK11MergeLog * PK11_CreateMergeLog(void);
-void PK11_DestroyMergeLog(PK11MergeLog *log);
- *       Mechanism Mapping functions
- *********************************************************************/
-CK_KEY_TYPE PK11_GetKeyType(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,unsigned long len);
-int PK11_GetBlockSize(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,SECItem *params);
-int PK11_GetIVLength(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type);
-SECItem *PK11_ParamFromIV(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,SECItem *iv);
-unsigned char *PK11_IVFromParam(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,SECItem *param,int *len);
-SECItem * PK11_BlockData(SECItem *data,unsigned long size);
-/* PKCS #11 to DER mapping functions */
-SECItem *PK11_ParamFromAlgid(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-SECItem *PK11_GenerateNewParam(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE, PK11SymKey *);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(SECOidTag algTag);
-SECOidTag PK11_MechanismToAlgtag(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type);
-SECOidTag PK11_FortezzaMapSig(SECOidTag algTag);
-SECStatus PK11_ParamToAlgid(SECOidTag algtag, SECItem *param,
-                                   PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-SECStatus PK11_SeedRandom(PK11SlotInfo *,unsigned char *data,int len);
-SECStatus PK11_GenerateRandomOnSlot(PK11SlotInfo *,unsigned char *data,int len);
-SECStatus PK11_RandomUpdate(void *data, size_t bytes);
-SECStatus PK11_GenerateRandom(unsigned char *data,int len);
-/* warning: cannot work with pkcs 5 v2
- * use algorithm ID s instead of pkcs #11 mechanism pointers */
-CK_RV PK11_MapPBEMechanismToCryptoMechanism(CK_MECHANISM_PTR pPBEMechanism,
-					    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pCryptoMechanism,
-					    SECItem *pbe_pwd, PRBool bad3DES);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE PK11_MapSignKeyType(KeyType keyType);
- *                   Symmetric, Public, and Private Keys 
- **********************************************************************/
-void PK11_FreeSymKey(PK11SymKey *key);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_ReferenceSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_ImportSymKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-    PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, SECItem *key, void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_ImportSymKeyWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-    SECItem *key, CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm, void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11SymKey *parent,
-    PK11Origin origin, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyID, 
-    PRBool owner, void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_GetWrapKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, int wrap,
-			      CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,int series, void *wincx);
- * This function is not thread-safe.  It can only be called when only
- * one thread has a reference to wrapKey.
- */
-void PK11_SetWrapKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, int wrap, PK11SymKey *wrapKey);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE PK11_GetMechanism(PK11SymKey *symKey);
- * import a public key into the desired slot
- *  
- * This function takes a public key structure and creates a public key in a 
- * given slot. If isToken is set, then a persistant public key is created.
- *
- * Note: it is possible for this function to return a handle for a key which
- * is persistant, even if isToken is not set.
- */
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE PK11_ImportPublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-				SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, PRBool isToken);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_KeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-				SECItem *param,	int keySize,void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_TokenKeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-				SECItem *param, int keySize, SECItem *keyid,
-				PRBool isToken, void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_TokenKeyGenWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-				CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *param,
-				int keySize, SECItem *keyid, CK_FLAGS opFlags,
-				PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, void *wincx);
-/* Generates a key using the exact template supplied by the caller. The other
- * PK11_[Token]KeyGen mechanisms should be used instead of this one whenever
- * they work because they include/exclude the CKA_VALUE_LEN template value
- * based on the mechanism type as required by many tokens.
- * 
- * keyGenType should be PK11_GetKeyGenWithSize(type, <key size>) or it should
- * be equal to type if PK11_GetKeyGenWithSize cannot be used (e.g. because
- * pk11wrap does not know about the mechanisms).
- */
-PK11SymKey *PK11_KeyGenWithTemplate(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-                                    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyGenType,
-                                    SECItem *param, CK_ATTRIBUTE * attrs,
-                                    unsigned int attrsCount, void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey * PK11_ListFixedKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *nickname,
-								void *wincx);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_GetNextSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-CK_KEY_TYPE PK11_GetSymKeyType(PK11SymKey *key);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE PK11_GetSymKeyHandle(PK11SymKey *symKey);
- * PK11_SetSymKeyUserData
- *   sets generic user data on keys (usually a pointer to a data structure)
- * that can later be retrieved by PK11_GetSymKeyUserData().
- *    symKey - key where data will be set.
- *    data - data to be set.
- *    freefunc - function used to free the data.
- * Setting user data on symKeys with existing user data already set will cause 
- * the existing user data to be freed before the new user data is set.
- * Freeing user data is done by calling the user specified freefunc. 
- * If freefunc is NULL, the user data is assumed to be global or static an 
- * not freed. Passing NULL for user data to PK11_SetSymKeyUserData has the 
- * effect of freeing any existing user data, and clearing the user data 
- * pointer. If user data exists when the symKey is finally freed, that 
- * data will be freed with freefunc.
- *
- * Applications should only use this function on keys which the application
- * has created directly, as there is only one user data value per key.
- */
-void PK11_SetSymKeyUserData(PK11SymKey *symKey, void *data, 
-                                 PK11FreeDataFunc freefunc);
-/* PK11_GetSymKeyUserData 
- *   retrieves generic user data which was set on a key by 
- * PK11_SetSymKeyUserData.
- *    symKey - key with data to be fetched
- *
- * If no data exists, or the data has been cleared, PK11_GetSymKeyUserData
- * will return NULL. Returned data is still owned and managed by the SymKey,
- * the caller should not free the data.
- *
- */
-void *PK11_GetSymKeyUserData(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-SECStatus PK11_PubWrapSymKey(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
-				PK11SymKey *symKey, SECItem *wrappedKey);
-SECStatus PK11_WrapSymKey(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *params,
-	 PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, PK11SymKey *symKey, SECItem *wrappedKey);
-/* move a key to 'slot' optionally set the key attributes according to either
- * operation or the  flags and making the key permanent at the same time.
- * If the key is moved to the same slot, operation and flags values are 
- * currently ignored */
-PK11SymKey *PK11_MoveSymKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-			CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool  perm, PK11SymKey *symKey);
- * derive a new key from the base key.
- *  PK11_Derive returns a key which can do exactly one operation, and is
- * ephemeral (session key).
- *  PK11_DeriveWithFlags is the same as PK11_Derive, except you can use
- * CKF_ flags to enable more than one operation.
- *  PK11_DeriveWithFlagsPerm is the same as PK11_DeriveWithFlags except you can
- *  (optionally) make the key permanent (token key).
- */
-PK11SymKey *PK11_Derive(PK11SymKey *baseKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-   			SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, 
-		        CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_DeriveWithFlags( PK11SymKey *baseKey, 
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, 
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags);
-PK11SymKey * PK11_DeriveWithFlagsPerm( PK11SymKey *baseKey, 
-	SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-	int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_DeriveWithTemplate( PK11SymKey *baseKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, 
-	SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-	int keySize, CK_ATTRIBUTE *userAttr, unsigned int numAttrs,
-							 PRBool isPerm);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_PubDerive( SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, 
- SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, PRBool isSender, SECItem *randomA, SECItem *randomB,
-		 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,void *wincx) ;
-PK11SymKey *PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF( SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, 
- SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, PRBool isSender, SECItem *randomA, SECItem *randomB,
-		 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,
-		 CK_ULONG kdf, SECItem *sharedData, void *wincx);
- * unwrap a new key with a symetric key.
- *  PK11_Unwrap returns a key which can do exactly one operation, and is
- * ephemeral (session key).
- *  PK11_UnwrapWithFlags is the same as PK11_Unwrap, except you can use
- * CKF_ flags to enable more than one operation.
- *  PK11_UnwrapWithFlagsPerm is the same as PK11_UnwrapWithFlags except you can
- *  (optionally) make the key permanent (token key).
- */
-PK11SymKey *PK11_UnwrapSymKey(PK11SymKey *key, 
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wraptype, SECItem *param, SECItem *wrapppedKey,  
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_UnwrapSymKeyWithFlags(PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, 
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType, SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, 
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize, 
-	CK_FLAGS flags);
-PK11SymKey * PK11_UnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm(PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, 
-        SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, 
-	 int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm);
- * unwrap a new key with a private key.
- *  PK11_PubUnwrap returns a key which can do exactly one operation, and is
- * ephemeral (session key).
- *  PK11_PubUnwrapWithFlagsPerm is the same as PK11_PubUnwrap except you can 
- * use * CKF_ flags to enable more than one operation, and optionally make 
- * the key permanent (token key).
- */
-PK11SymKey *PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *key, SECItem *wrapppedKey,
-	 CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize);
-PK11SymKey * PK11_PubUnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm(SECKEYPrivateKey *wrappingKey, 
-	  SECItem *wrappedKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, 
-	  CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,
-	  CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_FindFixedKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-						SECItem *keyID, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey,PRBool force);
-SECStatus PK11_DeleteTokenPublicKey(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
-SECStatus PK11_DeleteTokenSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-SECStatus PK11_DeleteTokenCertAndKey(CERTCertificate *cert,void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey * PK11_LoadPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-		SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, 
-					PRBool token, PRBool sensitive);
-char * PK11_GetSymKeyNickname(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-char * PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-char * PK11_GetPublicKeyNickname(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
-SECStatus PK11_SetSymKeyNickname(PK11SymKey *symKey, const char *nickname);
-SECStatus PK11_SetPrivateKeyNickname(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, 
-							const char *nickname);
-SECStatus PK11_SetPublicKeyNickname(SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, 
-							const char *nickname);
- * Using __PK11_SetCertificateNickname is *DANGEROUS*.
- *
- * The API will update the NSS database, but it *will NOT* update the in-memory data.
- * As a result, after calling this API, there will be INCONSISTENCY between
- * in-memory data and the database.
- *
- * Use of the API should be limited to short-lived tools, which will exit immediately
- * after using this API.
- *
- * If you ignore this warning, your process is TAINTED and will most likely misbehave.
- */
-SECStatus __PK11_SetCertificateNickname(CERTCertificate *cert,
-                                      const char *nickname);
-/* size to hold key in bytes */
-unsigned int PK11_GetKeyLength(PK11SymKey *key);
-/* size of actual secret parts of key in bits */
-/* algid is because RC4 strength is determined by the effective bits as well
- * as the key bits */
-unsigned int PK11_GetKeyStrength(PK11SymKey *key,SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-SECStatus PK11_ExtractKeyValue(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-SECItem * PK11_GetKeyData(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-PK11SlotInfo * PK11_GetSlotFromKey(PK11SymKey *symKey);
-void *PK11_GetWindow(PK11SymKey *symKey);
- * Explicitly set the key usage for the generated private key.
- *
- * This allows us to specify single use EC and RSA keys whose usage
- * can be regulated by the underlying token.
- *
- * The underlying key usage is set using opFlags. opFlagsMask specifies
- * which operations are specified by opFlags. For instance to turn encrypt
- * on and signing off, opFlags would be CKF_ENCRYPT|CKF_DECRYPT and 
- * need to specify both the public and private key flags, 
- * PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags will sort out the correct flag to the 
- * correct key type. Flags not specified in opFlagMask will be defaulted 
- * according to mechanism type and token capabilities.
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk,
-   PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, CK_FLAGS opFlags, CK_FLAGS opFlagsMask,
-    void *wincx);
- * The attrFlags is the logical OR of the PK11_ATTR_XXX bitflags.
- * These flags apply to the private key.  The PK11_ATTR_TOKEN,
- * flags also apply to the public key.
- */
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk,
-		 	    PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_GenerateKeyPair(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk,
-		 	    PRBool isPerm, PRBool isSensitive, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey * PK11_FindPrivateKeyFromCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-				 	CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey * PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey * PK11_FindKeyByKeyID(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *keyID,
-				       void *wincx);
-int PK11_GetPrivateModulusLen(SECKEYPrivateKey *key); 
-SECStatus PK11_Decrypt(PK11SymKey *symkey,
-		       CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-		       unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-		       unsigned int maxLen,
-		       const unsigned char *enc, unsigned int encLen);
-SECStatus PK11_Encrypt(PK11SymKey *symKey,
-		       CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-		       unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-		       unsigned int maxLen,
-		       const unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen);
-/* note: despite the name, this function takes a private key. */
-SECStatus PK11_PubDecryptRaw(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                             unsigned char *data, unsigned *outLen,
-                             unsigned int maxLen,
-                             const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen);
-#define PK11_PrivDecryptRaw PK11_PubDecryptRaw
-/* The encrypt function that complements the above decrypt function. */
-SECStatus PK11_PubEncryptRaw(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                             unsigned char *enc,
-                             const unsigned char *data, unsigned dataLen,
-                             void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_PrivDecryptPKCS1(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                                unsigned char *data, unsigned *outLen,
-                                unsigned int maxLen,
-                                const unsigned char *enc, unsigned encLen);
-/* The encrypt function that complements the above decrypt function. */
-SECStatus PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                               unsigned char *enc,
-                               const unsigned char *data, unsigned dataLen,
-                               void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_PrivDecrypt(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                           CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-                           unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-                           unsigned int maxLen,
-                           const unsigned char *enc, unsigned int encLen);
-SECStatus PK11_PubEncrypt(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                          CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem *param,
-                          unsigned char *out, unsigned int *outLen,
-                          unsigned int maxLen,
-                          const unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen,
-                          void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki, SECItem *nickname,
-		SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, PRBool isPrivate,
-		unsigned int usage, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki, SECItem *nickname,
-		SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, PRBool isPrivate,
-		unsigned int usage, SECKEYPrivateKey** privk, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		SECItem *derPKI, SECItem *nickname,
-		SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, PRBool isPrivate,
-		unsigned int usage, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		SECItem *derPKI, SECItem *nickname,
-		SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm, PRBool isPrivate,
-		unsigned int usage, SECKEYPrivateKey** privk, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki, SECItem *pwitem, 
-		SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm,
-		PRBool isPrivate, KeyType type, 
-		unsigned int usage, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *epki, SECItem *pwitem, 
-		SECItem *nickname, SECItem *publicValue, PRBool isPerm,
-		PRBool isPrivate, KeyType type, 
-		unsigned int usage, SECKEYPrivateKey** privk, void *wincx);
-SECItem *PK11_ExportDERPrivateKeyInfo(SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *PK11_ExportPrivKeyInfo(
-		SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo *PK11_ExportPrivateKeyInfo(
-		CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx);
-SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivKeyInfo(
-		PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECOidTag algTag, SECItem *pwitem,
-		SECKEYPrivateKey *pk, int iteration, void *wincx);
-SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo *PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(
-		PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECOidTag algTag, SECItem *pwitem,
-		CERTCertificate *cert, int iteration, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_FindKeyByDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-					CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPublicKey *PK11_MakeKEAPubKey(unsigned char *data, int length);
-SECStatus PK11_DigestKey(PK11Context *context, PK11SymKey *key);
-PRBool PK11_VerifyKeyOK(PK11SymKey *key);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_UnwrapPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-		PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType,
-		SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, SECItem *label, 
-		SECItem *publicValue, PRBool token, PRBool sensitive,
-		CK_KEY_TYPE keyType, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *usage, int usageCount,
-		void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_WrapPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11SymKey *wrappingKey,
-			   SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType,
-			   SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, void *wincx);
- * The caller of PK11_DEREncodePublicKey should free the returned SECItem with
- * a SECITEM_FreeItem(..., PR_TRUE) call.
- */
-SECItem* PK11_DEREncodePublicKey(const SECKEYPublicKey *pubk);
-PK11SymKey* PK11_CopySymKeyForSigning(PK11SymKey *originalKey,
-SECKEYPrivateKeyList* PK11_ListPrivKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-						 char *nickname, void *wincx);
-SECKEYPublicKeyList* PK11_ListPublicKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-							char *nickname);
-SECKEYPQGParams *PK11_GetPQGParamsFromPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-/* deprecated */
-SECKEYPrivateKeyList* PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-PK11SymKey *PK11_ConvertSessionSymKeyToTokenSymKey(PK11SymKey *symk,
-	void *wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_ConvertSessionPrivKeyToTokenPrivKey(
-	SECKEYPrivateKey *privk, void* wincx);
-SECKEYPrivateKey * PK11_CopyTokenPrivKeyToSessionPrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *destSlot,
-				      SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
- *                   Certs
- **********************************************************************/
-SECItem *PK11_MakeIDFromPubKey(SECItem *pubKeyData);
-SECStatus PK11_TraverseSlotCerts(
-     SECStatus(* callback)(CERTCertificate*,SECItem *,void *),
-                                                void *arg, void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate * PK11_FindCertFromNickname(const char *nickname, void *wincx);
-CERTCertList * PK11_FindCertsFromEmailAddress(const char *email, void *wincx);
-CERTCertList * PK11_FindCertsFromNickname(const char *nickname, void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate *PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                CK_OBJECT_HANDLE key, const char *nickname, 
-                PRBool includeTrust);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *derCert,
-                CK_OBJECT_HANDLE key, char *nickname, PRBool includeTrust);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_ImportCertForKey(CERTCertificate *cert, 
-                                    const char *nickname, void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_ImportDERCertForKey(SECItem *derCert, char *nickname,
-								void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_KeyForCertExists(CERTCertificate *cert,
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *keyPtr, void *wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *PK11_KeyForDERCertExists(SECItem *derCert,
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *keyPtr, void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate * PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSN(PK11SlotInfo **slot,
-					CERTIssuerAndSN *sn, void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate * PK11_FindCertAndKeyByRecipientList(PK11SlotInfo **slot,
-	SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **array, SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **rip,
-				SECKEYPrivateKey**privKey, void *wincx);
-int PK11_FindCertAndKeyByRecipientListNew(NSSCMSRecipient **recipientlist,
-				void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_TraverseCertsForSubjectInSlot(CERTCertificate *cert,
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECStatus(*callback)(CERTCertificate *, void *),
-	void *arg);
-CERTCertificate *PK11_FindCertFromDERCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-					  CERTCertificate *cert, void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate *PK11_FindCertFromDERCertItem(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-                                          const SECItem *derCert, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_ImportCertForKeyToSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-					char *nickname, PRBool addUsage,
-					void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate *PK11_FindBestKEAMatch(CERTCertificate *serverCert,void *wincx);
-PRBool PK11_FortezzaHasKEA(CERTCertificate *cert);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE PK11_FindCertInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-				     void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_TraverseCertsForNicknameInSlot(SECItem *nickname,
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECStatus(*callback)(CERTCertificate *, void *),
-	void *arg);
-CERTCertList * PK11_ListCerts(PK11CertListType type, void *pwarg);
-CERTCertList * PK11_ListCertsInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-CERTSignedCrl* PK11_ImportCRL(PK11SlotInfo * slot, SECItem *derCRL, char *url,
-    int type, void *wincx, PRInt32 importOptions, PLArenaPool* arena, PRInt32 decodeOptions);
- *                   Sign/Verify 
- **********************************************************************/
- * Return the length in bytes of a signature generated with the
- * private key.
- *
- * Return 0 or -1 on failure.  (XXX Should we fix it to always return
- * -1 on failure?)
- */
-int PK11_SignatureLen(SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
-PK11SlotInfo * PK11_GetSlotFromPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
-SECStatus PK11_Sign(SECKEYPrivateKey *key, SECItem *sig,
-		    const SECItem *hash);
-SECStatus PK11_SignWithMechanism(SECKEYPrivateKey *key,
-                                 CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-                                 const SECItem *param, SECItem *sig,
-                                 const SECItem *hash);
-SECStatus PK11_SignWithSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-		    SECItem *param, SECItem *sig, const SECItem *data);
-SECStatus PK11_VerifyRecover(SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-			     SECItem *dsig, void * wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_Verify(SECKEYPublicKey *key, const SECItem *sig,
-		      const SECItem *hash, void *wincx);
-SECStatus PK11_VerifyWithMechanism(SECKEYPublicKey *key,
-                                   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism,
-                                   const SECItem *param, const SECItem *sig,
-                                   const SECItem *hash, void *wincx);
- *                   Crypto Contexts
- **********************************************************************/
-void PK11_DestroyContext(PK11Context *context, PRBool freeit);
-PK11Context *PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, PK11SymKey *symKey, SECItem *param);
-PK11Context *PK11_CreateDigestContext(SECOidTag hashAlg);
-PK11Context *PK11_CloneContext(PK11Context *old);
-SECStatus PK11_DigestBegin(PK11Context *cx);
- * The output buffer 'out' must be big enough to hold the output of
- * the hash algorithm 'hashAlg'.
- */
-SECStatus PK11_HashBuf(SECOidTag hashAlg, unsigned char *out,
-		       const unsigned char *in, PRInt32 len);
-SECStatus PK11_DigestOp(PK11Context *context, const unsigned char *in, 
-                        unsigned len);
-SECStatus PK11_CipherOp(PK11Context *context, unsigned char * out, int *outlen, 
-			int maxout, const unsigned char *in, int inlen);
-SECStatus PK11_Finalize(PK11Context *context);
-SECStatus PK11_DigestFinal(PK11Context *context, unsigned char *data, 
-				unsigned int *outLen, unsigned int length);
-#define PK11_CipherFinal PK11_DigestFinal
-SECStatus PK11_SaveContext(PK11Context *cx,unsigned char *save,
-						int *len, int saveLength);
-/* Save the context's state, with possible allocation.
- * The caller may supply an already allocated buffer in preAllocBuf,
- * with length pabLen.  If the buffer is large enough for the context's
- * state, it will receive the state.
- * If the buffer is not large enough (or NULL), then a new buffer will
- * be allocated with PORT_Alloc.
- * In either case, the state will be returned as a buffer, and the length
- * of the state will be given in *stateLen.
- */
-unsigned char *
-PK11_SaveContextAlloc(PK11Context *cx,
-                      unsigned char *preAllocBuf, unsigned int pabLen,
-                      unsigned int *stateLen);
-SECStatus PK11_RestoreContext(PK11Context *cx,unsigned char *save,int len);
-SECStatus PK11_GenerateFortezzaIV(PK11SymKey *symKey,unsigned char *iv,int len);
-void PK11_SetFortezzaHack(PK11SymKey *symKey) ;
- *                   PBE functions 
- **********************************************************************/
-/* This function creates PBE parameters from the given inputs.  The result
- * can be used to create a password integrity key for PKCS#12, by sending
- * the return value to PK11_KeyGen along with the appropriate mechanism.
- */
-SECItem * 
-PK11_CreatePBEParams(SECItem *salt, SECItem *pwd, unsigned int iterations);
-/* free params created above (can be called after keygen is done */
-void PK11_DestroyPBEParams(SECItem *params);
-SECAlgorithmID *
-PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID(SECOidTag algorithm, int iteration, SECItem *salt);
-/* use to create PKCS5 V2 algorithms with finder control than that provided
- * by PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID. */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID(SECOidTag pbeAlgTag, SECOidTag cipherAlgTag,
-                            SECOidTag prfAlgTag, int keyLength, int iteration,
-                            SECItem *salt);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PBEKeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECAlgorithmID *algid,  SECItem *pwitem,
-	       PRBool faulty3DES, void *wincx);
-/* warning: cannot work with PKCS 5 v2 use PK11_PBEKeyGen instead */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_RawPBEKeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *params,
-		SECItem *pwitem, PRBool faulty3DES, void *wincx);
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetPBEIV(SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem *pwitem);
- * Get the Mechanism and parameter of the base encryption or mac scheme from
- * a PBE algorithm ID.
- *  Caller is responsible for freeing the return parameter (param).
- */
-PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(SECAlgorithmID *algid, 
-			   SECItem **param, SECItem *pwd);
- * Functions to manage secmod flags
- **********************************************************************/
-const PK11DefaultArrayEntry *PK11_GetDefaultArray(int *size);
-SECStatus PK11_UpdateSlotAttribute(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-				   const PK11DefaultArrayEntry *entry,
-				   PRBool add);
- * Functions to look at PKCS #11 dependent data
- **********************************************************************/
-PK11GenericObject *PK11_FindGenericObjects(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-						CK_OBJECT_CLASS objClass);
-PK11GenericObject *PK11_GetNextGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object);
-PK11GenericObject *PK11_GetPrevGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object);
-SECStatus PK11_UnlinkGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object);
-SECStatus PK11_LinkGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *list,
-				 PK11GenericObject *object);
-SECStatus PK11_DestroyGenericObjects(PK11GenericObject *object);
-SECStatus PK11_DestroyGenericObject(PK11GenericObject *object);
-PK11GenericObject *PK11_CreateGenericObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-				   const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pTemplate, 
-				   int count, PRBool token);
- * PK11_ReadRawAttribute and PK11_WriteRawAttribute are generic
- * functions to read and modify the actual PKCS #11 attributes of
- * the underlying pkcs #11 object.
- * 
- * object is a pointer to an NSS object that represents the underlying
- *  PKCS #11 object. It's type must match the type of PK11ObjectType
- *  as follows:
- *
- *     type                           object
- *   PK11_TypeGeneric            PK11GenericObject *
- *   PK11_TypePrivKey            SECKEYPrivateKey *
- *   PK11_TypePubKey             SECKEYPublicKey *
- *   PK11_TypeSymKey             PK11SymKey *
- *
- *  All other types are considered invalid. If type does not match the object
- *  passed, unpredictable results will occur.
- *
- * PK11_ReadRawAttribute allocates the buffer for returning the attribute
- * value.  The caller of PK11_ReadRawAttribute should free the data buffer
- * pointed to by item using a SECITEM_FreeItem(item, PR_FALSE) or
- * PORT_Free(item->data) call.
- */
-SECStatus PK11_ReadRawAttribute(PK11ObjectType type, void *object, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attr, SECItem *item);
-SECStatus PK11_WriteRawAttribute(PK11ObjectType type, void *object, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attr, SECItem *item);
- * PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert returns all the slots that a given certificate
- * exists on, since it's possible for a cert to exist on more than one
- * PKCS#11 token.
- */
-PK11SlotList *
-PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert(CERTCertificate *cert, void *arg);
- * New functions which are already deprecated....
- **********************************************************************/
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-					CERTCertificate *cert, void *pwarg);
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetLowLevelKeyIDForPrivateKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *key);
-PRBool SECMOD_HasRootCerts(void);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 43030b6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "pk11sdr.h"
- * Data structure and template for encoding the result of an SDR operation
- *  This is temporary.  It should include the algorithm ID of the encryption mechanism
- */
-struct SDRResult
-  SECItem keyid;
-  SECAlgorithmID alg;
-  SECItem data;
-typedef struct SDRResult SDRResult;
-static SEC_ASN1Template template[] = {
-  { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof (SDRResult) },
-  { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(SDRResult, keyid) },
-  { SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_XTRN, offsetof(SDRResult, alg),
-    SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-  { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(SDRResult, data) },
-  { 0 }
-static unsigned char keyID[] = {
-  0xF8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01
-static SECItem keyIDItem = {
-  0,
-  keyID,
-  sizeof keyID
-/* local utility function for padding an incoming data block
- * to the mechanism block size.
- */
-static SECStatus
-padBlock(SECItem *data, int blockSize, SECItem *result)
-  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-  int padLength;
-  unsigned int i;
-  result->data = 0;
-  result->len = 0;
-  /* This algorithm always adds to the block (to indicate the number
-   * of pad bytes).  So allocate a block large enough.
-   */
-  padLength = blockSize - (data->len % blockSize);
-  result->len = data->len + padLength;
-  result->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(result->len);
-  /* Copy the data */
-  PORT_Memcpy(result->data, data->data, data->len);
-  /* Add the pad values */
-  for(i = data->len; i < result->len; i++)
-    result->data[i] = (unsigned char)padLength;
-  return rv;
-static SECStatus
-unpadBlock(SECItem *data, int blockSize, SECItem *result)
-  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-  int padLength;
-  unsigned int i;
-  result->data = 0;
-  result->len = 0;
-  /* Remove the padding from the end if the input data */
-  if (data->len == 0 || data->len % blockSize  != 0) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  padLength = data->data[data->len-1];
-  if (padLength > blockSize) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  /* verify padding */
-  for (i=data->len - padLength; i < data->len; i++) {
-    if (data->data[i] != padLength) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-  }
-  result->len = data->len - padLength;
-  result->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(result->len);
-  if (!result->data) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  PORT_Memcpy(result->data, data->data, result->len);
-  if (padLength < 2) {
-    return SECWouldBlock;
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRLock *pk11sdrLock = NULL;
-pk11sdr_Init (void)
-   pk11sdrLock = PR_NewLock();
-    if (pk11sdrLock) {
-	PR_DestroyLock(pk11sdrLock);
-	pk11sdrLock = NULL;
-    }
- * PK11SDR_Encrypt
- *  Encrypt a block of data using the symmetric key identified.  The result
- *  is an ASN.1 (DER) encoded block of keyid, params and data.
- */
-PK11SDR_Encrypt(SECItem *keyid, SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx)
-  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-  PK11SlotInfo *slot = 0;
-  PK11SymKey *key = 0;
-  SECItem *params = 0;
-  PK11Context *ctx = 0;
-  SDRResult sdrResult;
-  SECItem paddedData;
-  SECItem *pKeyID;
-  PLArenaPool *arena = 0;
-  /* Initialize */
-  paddedData.len = 0;
- = 0;
-  if (!arena) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  /* 1. Locate the requested keyid, or the default key (which has a keyid)
-   * 2. Create an encryption context
-   * 3. Encrypt
-   * 4. Encode the results (using ASN.1)
-   */
-  slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-  if (!slot) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  /* Use triple-DES */
-  type = CKM_DES3_CBC;
-  /*
-   * Login to the internal token before we look for the key, otherwise we
-   * won't find it.
-   */
-  rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, cx);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-  /* Find the key to use */
-  pKeyID = keyid;
-  if (pKeyID->len == 0) {
-	  pKeyID = &keyIDItem;  /* Use default value */
-	  /* put in a course lock to prevent a race between not finding the 
-	   * key and creating  one.
-	   */
-	  if (pk11sdrLock) PR_Lock(pk11sdrLock);
-	  /* Try to find the key */
-	  key = PK11_FindFixedKey(slot, type, pKeyID, cx);
-	  /* If the default key doesn't exist yet, try to create it */
-	  if (!key) key = PK11_GenDES3TokenKey(slot, pKeyID, cx);
-	  if (pk11sdrLock) PR_Unlock(pk11sdrLock);
-  } else {
-	  key = PK11_FindFixedKey(slot, type, pKeyID, cx);
-  }
-  if (!key) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  params = PK11_GenerateNewParam(type, key);
-  if (!params) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  ctx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(type, CKA_ENCRYPT, key, params);
-  if (!ctx) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  rv = padBlock(data, PK11_GetBlockSize(type, 0), &paddedData);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
- = paddedData.len;
- = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,;
-  rv = PK11_CipherOp(ctx,, (int*)&,,
-           , paddedData.len);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-  PK11_Finalize(ctx);
-  sdrResult.keyid = *pKeyID;
-  rv = PK11_ParamToAlgid(SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC, params, arena, &sdrResult.alg);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-  if (!SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(0, result, &sdrResult, template)) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&paddedData, PR_FALSE);
-  if (arena) PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-  if (ctx) PK11_DestroyContext(ctx, PR_TRUE);
-  if (params) SECITEM_ZfreeItem(params, PR_TRUE);
-  if (key) PK11_FreeSymKey(key);
-  if (slot) PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-  return rv;
-/* decrypt a block */
-static SECStatus
-pk11Decrypt(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PLArenaPool *arena, 
-	    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, PK11SymKey *key, 
-	    SECItem *params, SECItem *in, SECItem *result)
-  PK11Context *ctx = 0;
-  SECItem paddedResult;
-  SECStatus rv;
-  paddedResult.len = 0;
- = 0;
-  ctx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(type, CKA_DECRYPT, key, params);
-  if (!ctx) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  paddedResult.len = in->len;
- = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, paddedResult.len);
-  rv = PK11_CipherOp(ctx,, 
-			(int*)&paddedResult.len, paddedResult.len,
-			in->data, in->len);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-  PK11_Finalize(ctx);
-  /* Remove the padding */
-  rv = unpadBlock(&paddedResult, PK11_GetBlockSize(type, 0), result);
-  if (rv) goto loser;
-  if (ctx) PK11_DestroyContext(ctx, PR_TRUE);
-  return rv;
- * PK11SDR_Decrypt
- *  Decrypt a block of data produced by PK11SDR_Encrypt.  The key used is identified
- *  by the keyid field within the input.
- */
-PK11SDR_Decrypt(SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx)
-  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-  PK11SlotInfo *slot = 0;
-  PK11SymKey *key = 0;
-  SDRResult sdrResult;
-  SECItem *params = 0;
-  SECItem possibleResult = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-  PLArenaPool *arena = 0;
-  if (!arena) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  /* Decode the incoming data */
-  memset(&sdrResult, 0, sizeof sdrResult);
-  rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &sdrResult, template, data);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;  /* Invalid format */
-  /* Find the slot and key for the given keyid */
-  slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-  if (!slot) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, cx);
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-  /* Get the parameter values from the data */
-  params = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(&sdrResult.alg);
-  if (!params) { rv = SECFailure; goto loser; }
-  /* Use triple-DES (Should look up the algorithm) */
-  type = CKM_DES3_CBC;
-  key = PK11_FindFixedKey(slot, type, &sdrResult.keyid, cx);
-  if (!key) { 
-	rv = SECFailure;  
-  } else {
-	rv = pk11Decrypt(slot, arena, type, key, params, 
-			&, result);
-  }
-  /*
-   * if the pad value was too small (1 or 2), then it's statistically
-   * 'likely' that (1 in 256) that we may not have the correct key.
-   * Check the other keys for a better match. If we find none, use
-   * this result.
-   */
-  if (rv == SECWouldBlock) {
-	possibleResult = *result;
-  }
-  /*
-   * handle the case where your key indicies may have been broken
-   */
-  if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11SymKey *keyList = PK11_ListFixedKeysInSlot(slot, NULL, cx);
-	PK11SymKey *testKey = NULL;
-	PK11SymKey *nextKey = NULL;
-	for (testKey = keyList; testKey; 
-				testKey = PK11_GetNextSymKey(testKey)) {
-	    rv = pk11Decrypt(slot, arena, type, testKey, params, 
-			     &, result);
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		break;
-	    } 
-	    /* found a close match. If it's our first remember it */
-	    if (rv == SECWouldBlock) {
-		if ( {
-		    /* this is unlikely but possible. If we hit this condition,
-		     * we have no way of knowing which possibility to prefer.
-		     * in this case we just match the key the application
-		     * thought was the right one */
-		    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(result, PR_FALSE);
-		} else {
-		    possibleResult = *result;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	/* free the list */
-	for (testKey = keyList; testKey; testKey = nextKey) {
-	    nextKey = PK11_GetNextSymKey(testKey);
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(testKey);
-	}
-  }
-  /* we didn't find a better key, use the one with a small pad value */
-  if ((rv != SECSuccess) && ( {
-	*result = possibleResult;
- = NULL;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-  }
-  if (arena) PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-  if (key) PK11_FreeSymKey(key);
-  if (params) SECITEM_ZfreeItem(params, PR_TRUE);
-  if (slot) PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-  if ( SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&possibleResult, PR_FALSE);
-  return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ffa425..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11sdr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _PK11SDR_H_
-#define _PK11SDR_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
- * PK11SDR_Encrypt - encrypt data using the specified key id or SDR default
- * result should be freed with SECItem_ZfreeItem
- */
-PK11SDR_Encrypt(SECItem *keyid, SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx);
- * PK11SDR_Decrypt - decrypt data previously encrypted with PK11SDR_Encrypt
- * result should be freed with SECItem_ZfreeItem
- */
-PK11SDR_Decrypt(SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11skey.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11skey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d9eaa..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11skey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2672 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements the Symkey wrapper and the PKCS context
- * Interfaces.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-static void
-pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(PK11SymKey *symKey) {
-    if (!symKey->sessionOwner || !(symKey->slot->isThreadSafe)) 
-	PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(symKey->slot);
-static void
-pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(PK11SymKey *symKey) {
-    if (!symKey->sessionOwner || !(symKey->slot->isThreadSafe)) 
-    	PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(symKey->slot);
- * pk11_getKeyFromList returns a symKey that has a session (if needSession
- * was specified), or explicitly does not have a session (if needSession
- * was not specified).
- */
-static PK11SymKey *
-pk11_getKeyFromList(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool needSession) {
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = NULL;
-    PZ_Lock(slot->freeListLock);
-    /* own session list are symkeys with sessions that the symkey owns.
-     * 'most' symkeys will own their own session. */
-    if (needSession) {
-	if (slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead) {
-    	    symKey = slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead;
-	    slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead = symKey->next;
-	    slot->keyCount--;
-	}
-    }
-    /* if we don't need a symkey with its own session, or we couldn't find
-     * one on the owner list, get one from the non-owner free list. */
-    if (!symKey) {
-	if (slot->freeSymKeysHead) {
-    	    symKey = slot->freeSymKeysHead;
-	    slot->freeSymKeysHead = symKey->next;
-	    slot->keyCount--;
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->freeListLock);
-    if (symKey) {
-	symKey->next = NULL;
-	if (!needSession) {
-	    return symKey;
-	}
-	/* if we are getting an owner key, make sure we have a valid session.
-         * session could be invalid if the token has been removed or because
-         * we got it from the non-owner free list */
-	if ((symKey->series != slot->series) || 
-			 (symKey->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION)) {
-	    symKey->session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot, &symKey->sessionOwner);
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(symKey->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-	if (symKey->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION)
-	    return symKey;
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	/* if we are here, we need a session, but couldn't get one, it's 
-	 * unlikely we pk11_GetNewSession will succeed if we call it a second
-	 * time. */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey = PORT_New(PK11SymKey);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->next = NULL;
-    if (needSession) {
-	symKey->session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&symKey->sessionOwner);
-	PORT_Assert(symKey->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-        if (symKey->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	    symKey = NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	symKey->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-    }
-    return symKey;
-/* Caller MUST hold slot->freeListLock (or ref count == 0?) !! */
-PK11_CleanKeyList(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = NULL;
-    while (slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead) {
-    	symKey = slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead;
-	slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead = symKey->next;
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot, symKey->session, symKey->sessionOwner);
-	PORT_Free(symKey);
-    }
-    while (slot->freeSymKeysHead) {
-    	symKey = slot->freeSymKeysHead;
-	slot->freeSymKeysHead = symKey->next;
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot, symKey->session, symKey->sessionOwner);
-	PORT_Free(symKey);
-    }
-    return;
- * create a symetric key:
- *      Slot is the slot to create the key in.
- *      type is the mechanism type 
- *      owner is does this symKey structure own it's object handle (rare
- *        that this is false).
- *      needSession means the returned symKey will return with a valid session
- *        allocated already.
- */
-static PK11SymKey *
-pk11_CreateSymKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-		  PRBool owner, PRBool needSession, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = pk11_getKeyFromList(slot, needSession);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* if needSession was specified, make sure we have a valid session.
-     * callers which specify needSession as false should do their own
-     * check of the session before returning the symKey */
-    if (needSession && symKey->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->type = type;
-    symKey->data.type = siBuffer;
-    symKey-> = NULL;
-    symKey->data.len = 0;
-    symKey->owner = owner;
-    symKey->objectID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    symKey->slot = slot;
-    symKey->series = slot->series;
-    symKey->cx = wincx;
-    symKey->size = 0;
-    symKey->refCount = 1;
-    symKey->origin = PK11_OriginNULL;
-    symKey->parent = NULL;
-    symKey->freeFunc = NULL;
-    symKey->userData = NULL;
-    PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    return symKey;
- * destroy a symetric key
- */
-PK11_FreeSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    PRBool freeit = PR_TRUE;
-    if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&symKey->refCount) == 0) {
-	PK11SymKey *parent = symKey->parent;
-	symKey->parent = NULL;
-	if ((symKey->owner) && symKey->objectID != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    (void) PK11_GETTAB(symKey->slot)->
-		C_DestroyObject(symKey->session, symKey->objectID);
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	}
-	if (symKey-> {
-	    PORT_Memset(symKey->, 0, symKey->data.len);
-	    PORT_Free(symKey->;
-	}
-	/* free any existing data */
-	if (symKey->userData && symKey->freeFunc) {
-	    (*symKey->freeFunc)(symKey->userData);
-	}
-        slot = symKey->slot;
-        PZ_Lock(slot->freeListLock);
-	if (slot->keyCount < slot->maxKeyCount) {
-	    /* 
-             * freeSymkeysWithSessionHead contain a list of reusable
-	     *  SymKey structures with valid sessions.
-	     *    sessionOwner must be true.
-             *    session must be valid.
-             * freeSymKeysHead contain a list of SymKey structures without
-             *  valid session.
-             *    session must be CK_INVALID_SESSION.
-	     *    though sessionOwner is false, callers should not depend on
-	     *    this fact.
-	     */
-	    if (symKey->sessionOwner) {
-		PORT_Assert (symKey->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-		symKey->next = slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead;
-		slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead = symKey;
-	    } else {
-		symKey->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-		symKey->next = slot->freeSymKeysHead;
-		slot->freeSymKeysHead = symKey;
-	    }
-	    slot->keyCount++;
-	    symKey->slot = NULL;
-	    freeit = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-	PZ_Unlock(slot->freeListLock);
-        if (freeit) {
-	    pk11_CloseSession(symKey->slot, symKey->session,
-							symKey->sessionOwner);
-	    PORT_Free(symKey);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	if (parent) {
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(parent);
-	}
-    }
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_ReferenceSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&symKey->refCount);
-    return symKey;
- * Accessors
- */
-PK11_GetMechanism(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return symKey->type;
- * return the slot associated with a symetric key
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_GetSlotFromKey(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return PK11_ReferenceSlot(symKey->slot);
-CK_KEY_TYPE PK11_GetSymKeyType(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return PK11_GetKeyType(symKey->type,symKey->size);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_GetNextSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return symKey ? symKey->next : NULL;
-char *
-PK11_GetSymKeyNickname(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return PK11_GetObjectNickname(symKey->slot,symKey->objectID);
-PK11_SetSymKeyNickname(PK11SymKey *symKey, const char *nickname)
-    return PK11_SetObjectNickname(symKey->slot,symKey->objectID,nickname);
-void *
-PK11_GetSymKeyUserData(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return symKey->userData;
-PK11_SetSymKeyUserData(PK11SymKey *symKey, void *userData, 
-                                              PK11FreeDataFunc freeFunc)
-    /* free any existing data */
-    if (symKey->userData && symKey->freeFunc) {
-	(*symKey->freeFunc)(symKey->userData);
-    }
-    symKey->userData = userData;
-    symKey->freeFunc = freeFunc;
-    return;
- * turn key handle into an appropriate key object
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11SymKey *parent, PK11Origin origin,
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyID, PRBool owner, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    PRBool needSession = !(owner && parent);
-    if (keyID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, type, owner, needSession, wincx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->objectID = keyID;
-    symKey->origin = origin;
-    /* adopt the parent's session */
-    /* This is only used by SSL. What we really want here is a session
-     * structure with a ref count so  the session goes away only after all the
-     * keys do. */
-    if (!needSession) {
-	symKey->sessionOwner = PR_FALSE;
-	symKey->session = parent->session;
-	symKey->parent = PK11_ReferenceSymKey(parent);
-        /* This is the only case where pk11_CreateSymKey does not explicitly
-	 * check symKey->session. We need to assert here to make sure.
-	 * the session isn't invalid. */
-	PORT_Assert(parent->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-	if (parent->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return symKey;
- * turn key handle into an appropriate key object
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_GetWrapKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, int wrap, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-						    int series, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey = NULL;
-    if (slot->series != series) return NULL;
-    if (slot->refKeys[wrap] == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) return NULL;
-    if (type == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) type = slot->wrapMechanism;
-    symKey = PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(slot, NULL, PK11_OriginDerive,
-		 slot->wrapMechanism, slot->refKeys[wrap], PR_FALSE, wincx);
-    return symKey;
- * This function is not thread-safe because it sets wrapKey->sessionOwner
- * without using a lock or atomic routine.  It can only be called when
- * only one thread has a reference to wrapKey.
- */
-PK11_SetWrapKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, int wrap, PK11SymKey *wrapKey)
-    /* save the handle and mechanism for the wrapping key */
-    /* mark the key and session as not owned by us to they don't get freed
-     * when the key goes way... that lets us reuse the key later */
-    slot->refKeys[wrap] = wrapKey->objectID;
-    wrapKey->owner = PR_FALSE;
-    wrapKey->sessionOwner = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->wrapMechanism = wrapKey->type;
- * figure out if a key is still valid or if it is stale.
- */
-PK11_VerifyKeyOK(PK11SymKey *key) {
-    if (!PK11_IsPresent(key->slot)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return (PRBool)(key->series == key->slot->series);
-static PK11SymKey *
-pk11_ImportSymKeyWithTempl(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-                  PK11Origin origin, PRBool isToken, CK_ATTRIBUTE *keyTemplate,
-		  unsigned int templateCount, SECItem *key, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *    symKey;
-    SECStatus	    rv;
-    symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, type, !isToken, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->size = key->len;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&keyTemplate[templateCount], CKA_VALUE, key->data, key->len);
-    templateCount++;
-    if (SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL,&symKey->data,key) != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->origin = origin;
-    /* import the keys */
-    rv = PK11_CreateNewObject(slot, symKey->session, keyTemplate,
-		 	templateCount, isToken, &symKey->objectID);
-    if ( rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return symKey;
- * turn key bits into an appropriate key object
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_ImportSymKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-     PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, SECItem *key,void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *    symKey;
-    unsigned int    templateCount = 0;
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue 	= CK_TRUE; /* sigh */
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[5];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *  attrs 	= keyTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, 1); attrs++;
-    templateCount = attrs - keyTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(templateCount+1 <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(type,key->len);
-    symKey = pk11_ImportSymKeyWithTempl(slot, type, origin, PR_FALSE, 
-				keyTemplate, templateCount, key, wincx);
-    return symKey;
- * turn key bits into an appropriate key object
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_ImportSymKeyWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-     PK11Origin origin, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, SECItem *key,
-     CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *    symKey;
-    unsigned int    templateCount = 0;
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue 	= CK_TRUE; /* sigh */
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *  attrs 	= keyTemplate;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass) ); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType) ); attrs++;
-    if (isPerm) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &cktrue, sizeof(cktrue) ); attrs++;
-	/* sigh some tokens think CKA_PRIVATE = false is a reasonable 
-	 * default for secret keys */
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIVATE, &cktrue, sizeof(cktrue) ); attrs++;
-    }
-    attrs += pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, attrs, &cktrue);
-    if ((operation != CKA_FLAGS_ONLY) &&
-    	 !pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, attrs-keyTemplate, operation)) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs - keyTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(templateCount+1 <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(type,key->len);
-    symKey = pk11_ImportSymKeyWithTempl(slot, type, origin, isPerm,
-				 keyTemplate, templateCount, key, wincx);
-    if (symKey && isPerm) {
-	symKey->owner = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return symKey;
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_FindFixedKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *keyID,
-								void *wincx)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemp[4];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_BBOOL ckTrue = CK_TRUE;
-    int tsize = 0;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE key_id;
-    attrs = findTemp;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyclass, sizeof(keyclass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ckTrue, sizeof(ckTrue)); attrs++;
-    if (keyID) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, keyID->data, keyID->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    tsize = attrs - findTemp;
-    PORT_Assert(tsize <= sizeof(findTemp)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    key_id = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,findTemp,tsize);
-    if (key_id == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(slot, NULL, PK11_OriginDerive, type, key_id,
-		 				PR_FALSE, wincx);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_ListFixedKeysInSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *nickname, void *wincx)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemp[4];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    CK_BBOOL ckTrue = CK_TRUE;
-    int tsize = 0;
-    int objCount = 0;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *key_ids;
-    PK11SymKey *nextKey = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *topKey = NULL;
-    int i,len;
-    attrs = findTemp;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyclass, sizeof(keyclass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &ckTrue, sizeof(ckTrue)); attrs++;
-    if (nickname) {
-	len = PORT_Strlen(nickname);
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_LABEL, nickname, len); attrs++;
-    }
-    tsize = attrs - findTemp;
-    PORT_Assert(tsize <= sizeof(findTemp)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    key_ids = pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(slot,findTemp,tsize,&objCount);
-    if (key_ids == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < objCount ; i++) {
-	SECItem typeData;
-        SECStatus rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(slot, key_ids[i], 
-						CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, &typeData);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    if (typeData.len == sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE)) {
-	    	type = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *);
-	    }
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	}
-	nextKey = PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(slot, NULL, PK11_OriginDerive, 
-		PK11_GetKeyMechanism(type), key_ids[i], PR_FALSE, wincx);
-	if (nextKey) {
-	    nextKey->next = topKey;
-	    topKey = nextKey;
-	}
-   }
-   PORT_Free(key_ids);
-   return topKey;
-void *
-PK11_GetWindow(PK11SymKey *key)
-   return key->cx;
- * extract a symetric key value. NOTE: if the key is sensitive, we will
- * not be able to do this operation. This function is used to move
- * keys from one token to another */
-PK11_ExtractKeyValue(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (symKey-> != NULL) {
-	if (symKey->size == 0) {
-	   symKey->size = symKey->data.len;
-	}
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (symKey->slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_ReadAttribute(symKey->slot,symKey->objectID,CKA_VALUE,NULL,
-				&symKey->data);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	symKey->size = symKey->data.len;
-    }
-    return rv;
-PK11_DeleteTokenSymKey(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    if (!PK11_IsPermObject(symKey->slot, symKey->objectID)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PK11_DestroyTokenObject(symKey->slot,symKey->objectID);
-    symKey->objectID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECItem *
-PK11_GetKeyData(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return &symKey->data;
-/* This symbol is exported for backward compatibility. */
-SECItem *
-__PK11_GetKeyData(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return PK11_GetKeyData(symKey);
- * PKCS #11 key Types with predefined length
- */
-unsigned int
-pk11_GetPredefinedKeyLength(CK_KEY_TYPE keyType)
-    int length = 0;
-    switch (keyType) {
-      case CKK_DES: length = 8; break;
-      case CKK_DES2: length = 16; break;
-      case CKK_DES3: length = 24; break;
-      case CKK_SKIPJACK: length = 10; break;
-      case CKK_BATON: length = 20; break;
-      case CKK_JUNIPER: length = 20; break;
-      default: break;
-    }
-    return length;
-/* return the keylength if possible.  '0' if not */
-unsigned int
-PK11_GetKeyLength(PK11SymKey *key)
-    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType;
-    if (key->size != 0) return key->size;
-    /* First try to figure out the key length from its type */
-    keyType = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(key->slot,key->objectID,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    key->size = pk11_GetPredefinedKeyLength(keyType);
-    if ((keyType == CKK_GENERIC_SECRET) &&
-	(key->type == CKM_SSL3_PRE_MASTER_KEY_GEN))  {
-	key->size=48;
-    }
-   if( key->size != 0 ) return key->size;
-   if (key-> == NULL) {
-	PK11_ExtractKeyValue(key);
-   }
-   /* key is probably secret. Look up its length */
-   /*  this is new PKCS #11 version 2.0 functionality. */
-   if (key->size == 0) {
-	CK_ULONG keyLength;
-	keyLength = PK11_ReadULongAttribute(key->slot,key->objectID,CKA_VALUE_LEN);
-	    key->size = (unsigned int)keyLength;
-	}
-    }
-   return key->size;
-/* return the strength of a key. This is different from length in that
- * 1) it returns the size in bits, and 2) it returns only the secret portions
- * of the key minus any checksums or parity.
- */
-unsigned int
-PK11_GetKeyStrength(PK11SymKey *key, SECAlgorithmID *algid) 
-     int size=0;
-     CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism= CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM; /* RC2 only */
-     SECItem *param = NULL; /* RC2 only */
-     CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *rc2_params = NULL; /* RC2 ONLY */
-     unsigned int effectiveBits = 0; /* RC2 ONLY */
-     switch (PK11_GetKeyType(key->type,0)) {
-     case CKK_CDMF:
-	return 40;
-     case CKK_DES:
-	return 56;
-     case CKK_DES3:
-     case CKK_DES2:
-	size = PK11_GetKeyLength(key);
-	if (size == 16) {
-	   /* double des */
-	   return 112; /* 16*7 */
-	}
-	return 168;
-    /*
-     * RC2 has is different than other ciphers in that it allows the user
-     * to deprecating keysize while still requiring all the bits for the 
-     * original key. The info
-     * on what the effective key strength is in the parameter for the key.
-     * In S/MIME this parameter is stored in the DER encoded algid. In Our 
-     * other uses of RC2, effectiveBits == keyBits, so this code functions
-     * correctly without an algid.
-     */
-    case CKK_RC2:
-	/* if no algid was provided, fall through to default */
-        if (!algid) {
-	    break; 
-	}
-	/* verify that the algid is for RC2 */
-	mechanism = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid));
-	if ((mechanism != CKM_RC2_CBC) && (mechanism != CKM_RC2_ECB)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* now get effective bits from the algorithm ID. */
-	param = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(algid);
-	/* if we couldn't get memory just use key length */
-	if (param == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	rc2_params = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *) param->data;
-	/* paranoia... shouldn't happen */
-	PORT_Assert(param->data != NULL);
-	if (param->data == NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-	    break;
-	}
-	effectiveBits = (unsigned int)rc2_params->ulEffectiveBits;
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-	param = NULL; rc2_params=NULL; /* paranoia */
-	/* we have effective bits, is and allocated memory is free, now
-	 * we need to return the smaller of effective bits and keysize */
-	size = PK11_GetKeyLength(key);
-	if ((unsigned int)size*8 > effectiveBits) {
-	    return effectiveBits;
-	}
-	return size*8; /* the actual key is smaller, the strength can't be
-			* greater than the actual key size */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return PK11_GetKeyLength(key) * 8;
- * The next three utilities are to deal with the fact that a given operation
- * may be a multi-slot affair. This creates a new key object that is copied
- * into the new slot.
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_CopyToSlotPerm(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-	 	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, CK_FLAGS flags, 
-		PRBool isPerm, PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PK11SymKey *newKey = NULL;
-    /* Extract the raw key data if possible */
-    if (symKey-> == NULL) {
-	rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(symKey);
-	/* KEY is sensitive, we're try key exchanging it. */
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return pk11_KeyExchange(slot, type, operation, 
-						flags, isPerm, symKey);
-	}
-    }
-    newKey = PK11_ImportSymKeyWithFlags(slot,  type, symKey->origin,
-	operation, &symKey->data, flags, isPerm, symKey->cx);
-    if (newKey == NULL) {
-	newKey = pk11_KeyExchange(slot, type, operation, flags, isPerm, symKey);
-    }
-    return newKey;
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_CopyToSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, PK11SymKey *symKey)
-   return pk11_CopyToSlotPerm(slot, type, operation, 0, PR_FALSE, symKey);
- * Make sure the slot we are in is the correct slot for the operation
- * by verifying that it supports all of the specified mechanism types.
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_ForceSlotMultiple(PK11SymKey *symKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *type,
-			int mechCount, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = symKey->slot;
-    PK11SymKey *newKey = NULL;
-    PRBool needToCopy = PR_FALSE;
-    int i;
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	needToCopy = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-	i = 0;
-	while ((i < mechCount) && (needToCopy == PR_FALSE)) {
-	    if (!PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,type[i])) {
-		needToCopy = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	    i++;
-	}
-    }
-    if (needToCopy == PR_TRUE) {
-	slot = PK11_GetBestSlotMultiple(type,mechCount,symKey->cx);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	newKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(slot, type[0], operation, symKey);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return newKey;
- * Make sure the slot we are in is the correct slot for the operation
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_ForceSlot(PK11SymKey *symKey,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-						CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation)
-    return pk11_ForceSlotMultiple(symKey, &type, 1, operation);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_MoveSymKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-			CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool  perm, PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    if (symKey->slot == slot) {
-	if (perm) {
-	   return PK11_ConvertSessionSymKeyToTokenSymKey(symKey,symKey->cx);
-	} else {
-	   return PK11_ReferenceSymKey(symKey);
-	}
-    }
-    return pk11_CopyToSlotPerm(slot, symKey->type, 
-					operation, flags, perm, symKey);
- * Use the token to generate a key. 
- * 
- * keySize must be 'zero' for fixed key length algorithms. A nonzero 
- *  keySize causes the CKA_VALUE_LEN attribute to be added to the template 
- *  for the key. Most PKCS #11 modules fail if you specify the CKA_VALUE_LEN 
- *  attribute for keys with fixed length. The exception is DES2. If you
- *  select a CKM_DES3_CBC mechanism, this code will not add the CKA_VALUE_LEN
- *  parameter and use the key size to determine which underlying DES keygen
- *  function to use (CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN or CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN).
- *
- * keyType must be -1 for most algorithms. Some PBE algorthims cannot 
- *  determine the correct key type from the mechanism or the parameters,
- *  so key type must be specified. Other PKCS #11 mechanisms may do so in
- *  the future. Currently there is no need to export this publically.
- *  Keep it private until there is a need in case we need to expand the
- *  keygen parameters again...
- *
- * CK_FLAGS flags: key operation flags
- * PK11AttrFlags attrFlags: PK11_ATTR_XXX key attribute flags
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-pk11_TokenKeyGenWithFlagsAndKeyType(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-    SECItem *param, CK_KEY_TYPE keyType, int keySize, SECItem *keyid, 
-    CK_FLAGS opFlags, PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = genTemplate;
-    int count = sizeof(genTemplate)/sizeof(genTemplate[0]);
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyGenType;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ULONG ck_key_size;       /* only used for variable-length keys */
-    if (pk11_BadAttrFlags(attrFlags)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if ((keySize != 0) && (type != CKM_DES3_CBC) && 
-		(type !=CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD) && (type != CKM_DES3_ECB)) {
-        ck_key_size = keySize; /* Convert to PK11 type */
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN, &ck_key_size, sizeof(ck_key_size)); 
-							attrs++;
-    }
-    if (keyType != -1) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE)); 
-							attrs++;
-    }
-    /* Include key id value if provided */
-    if (keyid) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_ID, keyid->data, keyid->len); attrs++;
-    }
-    attrs += pk11_AttrFlagsToAttributes(attrFlags, attrs, &cktrue, &ckfalse);
-    attrs += pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(opFlags, attrs, &cktrue);
-    count = attrs - genTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(count <= sizeof(genTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    keyGenType = PK11_GetKeyGenWithSize(type, keySize);
-    if (keyGenType == CKM_FAKE_RANDOM) {
-        PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_NO_MODULE );
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey = PK11_KeyGenWithTemplate(slot, type, keyGenType,
-                                     param, genTemplate, count, wincx);
-    if (symKey != NULL) {
-        symKey->size = keySize;
-    }
-    return symKey;
- * Use the token to generate a key.  - Public
- * 
- * keySize must be 'zero' for fixed key length algorithms. A nonzero 
- *  keySize causes the CKA_VALUE_LEN attribute to be added to the template 
- *  for the key. Most PKCS #11 modules fail if you specify the CKA_VALUE_LEN 
- *  attribute for keys with fixed length. The exception is DES2. If you
- *  select a CKM_DES3_CBC mechanism, this code will not add the CKA_VALUE_LEN
- *  parameter and use the key size to determine which underlying DES keygen
- *  function to use (CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN or CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN).
- *
- * CK_FLAGS flags: key operation flags
- * PK11AttrFlags attrFlags: PK11_ATTR_XXX key attribute flags
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_TokenKeyGenWithFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-    SECItem *param, int keySize, SECItem *keyid, CK_FLAGS opFlags,
-    PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, void *wincx)
-    return pk11_TokenKeyGenWithFlagsAndKeyType(slot, type, param, -1, keySize, 
-	keyid, opFlags, attrFlags, wincx);
- * Use the token to generate a key. keySize must be 'zero' for fixed key
- * length algorithms. A nonzero keySize causes the CKA_VALUE_LEN attribute
- * to be added to the template for the key. PKCS #11 modules fail if you
- * specify the CKA_VALUE_LEN attribute for keys with fixed length.
- * NOTE: this means to generate a DES2 key from this interface you must
- * specify CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN as the mechanism directly; specifying
- * CKM_DES3_CBC as the mechanism and 16 as keySize currently doesn't work.
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_TokenKeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *param,
-    int keySize, SECItem *keyid, PRBool isToken, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    PRBool weird = PR_FALSE;   /* hack for fortezza */
-    CK_FLAGS opFlags = CKF_SIGN;
-    PK11AttrFlags attrFlags = 0;
-    if ((keySize == -1) && (type == CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64)) {
-	weird = PR_TRUE;
-	keySize = 0;
-    }
-    opFlags |= weird ? CKF_DECRYPT : CKF_ENCRYPT;
-    if (isToken) {
-	attrFlags |= (PK11_ATTR_TOKEN | PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE);
-    }
-    symKey = pk11_TokenKeyGenWithFlagsAndKeyType(slot, type, param, 
-			-1, keySize, keyid, opFlags, attrFlags, wincx);
-    if (symKey && weird) {
-	PK11_SetFortezzaHack(symKey);
-    }
-    return symKey;
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_KeyGen(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *param,
-						int keySize, void *wincx)
-    return PK11_TokenKeyGen(slot, type, param, keySize, 0, PR_FALSE, wincx);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_KeyGenWithTemplate(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-                        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE keyGenType,
-                        SECItem *param, CK_ATTRIBUTE * attrs,
-                        unsigned int attrsCount, void *wincx)
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PRBool isToken = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_ULONG keySize = 0;
-    unsigned i;
-    /* Extract the template's CKA_VALUE_LEN into keySize and CKA_TOKEN into
-       isToken. */
-    for (i = 0; i < attrsCount; ++i) {
-        switch (attrs[i].type) {
-            case CKA_VALUE_LEN:
-                if (attrs[i].pValue == NULL ||
-                    attrs[i].ulValueLen != sizeof(CK_ULONG)) {
-                    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT));
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                keySize = * (CK_ULONG *) attrs[i].pValue;
-                break;
-            case CKA_TOKEN:
-                if (attrs[i].pValue == NULL || 
-                    attrs[i].ulValueLen != sizeof(CK_BBOOL)) {
-                    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT));
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-                isToken = (*(CK_BBOOL*)attrs[i].pValue) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    /* find a slot to generate the key into */
-    /* Only do slot management if this is not a token key */
-    if (!isToken && (slot == NULL || !PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,type))) {
-        PK11SlotInfo *bestSlot = PK11_GetBestSlot(type,wincx);
-        if (bestSlot == NULL) {
-            PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_NO_MODULE );
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(bestSlot, type, !isToken, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-        PK11_FreeSlot(bestSlot);
-    } else {
-        symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, type, !isToken, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    }
-    if (symKey == NULL) return NULL;
-    symKey->size = keySize;
-    symKey->origin = PK11_OriginGenerated;
-    /* Set the parameters for the key gen if provided */
-    mechanism.mechanism = keyGenType;
-    mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-    mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    if (param) {
-        mechanism.pParameter = param->data;
-        mechanism.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    }
-    /* Get session and perform locking */
-    if (isToken) {
-        PK11_Authenticate(symKey->slot,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-        /* Should always be original slot */
-        session = PK11_GetRWSession(symKey->slot);  
-        symKey->owner = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-        session = symKey->session;
-        if (session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) 
-            pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-    }
-    if (session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-        PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(symKey->slot)->C_GenerateKey(session,
-			 &mechanism, attrs, attrsCount, &symKey->objectID);
-    /* Release lock and session */
-    if (isToken) {
-        PK11_RestoreROSession(symKey->slot, session);
-    } else {
-        pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return symKey;
-/* --- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_GenDES3TokenKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECItem *keyid, void *cx)
-  return PK11_TokenKeyGen(slot, CKM_DES3_CBC, 0, 0, keyid, PR_TRUE, cx);
-PK11_ConvertSessionSymKeyToTokenSymKey(PK11SymKey *symk, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo* slot = symk->slot;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template[1];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = template;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN, &cktrue, sizeof(cktrue)); attrs++;
-    PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CopyObject(rwsession, symk->objectID,
-        template, 1, &newKeyID);
-    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_SymKeyFromHandle(slot, NULL /*parent*/, symk->origin,
-        symk->type, newKeyID, PR_FALSE /*owner*/, NULL /*wincx*/);
- * This function does a straight public key wrap (which only RSA can do).
- * Use PK11_PubGenKey and PK11_WrapSymKey to implement the FORTEZZA and
- * Diffie-Hellman Ciphers. */
-PK11_PubWrapSymKey(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
-				PK11SymKey *symKey, SECItem *wrappedKey)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CK_ULONG len =  wrappedKey->len;
-    PK11SymKey *newKey = NULL;
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if this slot doesn't support the mechanism, go to a slot that does */
-    newKey = pk11_ForceSlot(symKey,type,CKA_ENCRYPT);
-    if (newKey != NULL) {
-	symKey = newKey;
-    }
-    if (symKey->slot == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    slot = symKey->slot;
-    mechanism.mechanism = pk11_mapWrapKeyType(pubKey->keyType);
-    mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-    mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    id = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot,pubKey,PR_FALSE);
-    if (id == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	if (newKey) {
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-	}
-	return SECFailure;   /* Error code has been set. */
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_WrapKey(session,&mechanism,
-		id,symKey->objectID,wrappedKey->data,&len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    if (newKey) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    wrappedKey->len = len;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * this little function uses the Encrypt function to wrap a key, just in
- * case we have problems with the wrap implementation for a token.
- */
-static SECStatus
-pk11_HandWrap(PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-			 SECItem *inKey, SECItem *outKey)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    SECItem *data;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    slot = wrappingKey->slot;
-    /* use NULL IV's for wrapping */
-    mech.mechanism = type;
-    if (param) {
-	mech.pParameter = param->data;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    } else {
-	mech.pParameter = NULL;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_EncryptInit(session,&mech,
-							wrappingKey->objectID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-        pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* keys are almost always aligned, but if we get this far,
-     * we've gone above and beyond anyway... */
-    data = PK11_BlockData(inKey,PK11_GetBlockSize(type,param));
-    if (data == NULL) {
-        if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-        pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    len = outKey->len;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Encrypt(session,data->data,data->len,
-							   outKey->data, &len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(data,PR_TRUE);
-    outKey->len = len;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * This function does a symetric based wrap.
- */
-PK11_WrapSymKey(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *param, 
-	PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, PK11SymKey *symKey, SECItem *wrappedKey)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    CK_ULONG len = wrappedKey->len;
-    PK11SymKey *newKey = NULL;
-    SECItem *param_save = NULL;
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* if this slot doesn't support the mechanism, go to a slot that does */
-    /* Force symKey and wrappingKey into the same slot */
-    if ((wrappingKey->slot == NULL) || (symKey->slot != wrappingKey->slot)) {
-	/* first try copying the wrapping Key to the symKey slot */
-	if (symKey->slot && PK11_DoesMechanism(symKey->slot,type)) {
-	    newKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(symKey->slot,type,CKA_WRAP,wrappingKey);
-	}
-	/* Nope, try it the other way */
-	if (newKey == NULL) {
-	    if (wrappingKey->slot) {
-	        newKey = pk11_CopyToSlot(wrappingKey->slot,
-					symKey->type, CKA_ENCRYPT, symKey);
-	    }
-	    /* just not playing... one last thing, can we get symKey's data?
-	     * If it's possible, we it should already be in the 
-	     * symKey-> pointer because pk11_CopyToSlot would have
-	     * tried to put it there. */
-	    if (newKey == NULL) {
-		/* Can't get symKey's data: Game Over */
-		if (symKey-> == NULL) {
-		    PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_NO_MODULE );
-		    return SECFailure;
-		}
-		if (param == NULL) {
-		    param_save = param = PK11_ParamFromIV(type,NULL);
-		}
-		rv = pk11_HandWrap(wrappingKey, param, type,
-						&symKey->data,wrappedKey);
-		if (param_save) SECITEM_FreeItem(param_save,PR_TRUE);
-		return rv;
-	    }
-	    /* we successfully moved the sym Key */
-	    symKey = newKey;
-	} else {
-	    /* we successfully moved the wrapping Key */
-	    wrappingKey = newKey;
-	}
-    }
-    /* at this point both keys are in the same token */
-    slot = wrappingKey->slot;
-    mechanism.mechanism = type;
-    /* use NULL IV's for wrapping */
-    if (param == NULL) {
-    	param_save = param = PK11_ParamFromIV(type,NULL);
-    }
-    if (param) {
-	mechanism.pParameter = param->data;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    } else {
-	mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    len = wrappedKey->len;
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_WrapKey(session, &mechanism,
-		 wrappingKey->objectID, symKey->objectID, 
-						wrappedKey->data, &len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	/* can't wrap it? try hand wrapping it... */
-	do {
-	    if (symKey-> == NULL) {
-		rv = PK11_ExtractKeyValue(symKey);
-		if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    }
-	    rv = pk11_HandWrap(wrappingKey, param, type, &symKey->data,
-								 wrappedKey);
-	} while (PR_FALSE);
-    } else {
-        wrappedKey->len = len;
-    }
-    if (newKey) PK11_FreeSymKey(newKey);
-    if (param_save) SECITEM_FreeItem(param_save,PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
- * This Generates a new key based on a symetricKey
- */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_Derive( PK11SymKey *baseKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, SECItem *param, 
-             CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation,
-	     int keySize)
-    return PK11_DeriveWithTemplate(baseKey, derive, param, target, operation, 
-				   keySize, NULL, 0, PR_FALSE);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_DeriveWithFlags( PK11SymKey *baseKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, 
-	SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-	int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags)
-    CK_BBOOL        ckTrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    templateCount = pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, keyTemplate, &ckTrue);
-    return PK11_DeriveWithTemplate(baseKey, derive, param, target, operation, 
-		  keySize, keyTemplate, templateCount, PR_FALSE);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_DeriveWithFlagsPerm( PK11SymKey *baseKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, 
-	SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-	int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm)
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    *attrs;
-    unsigned int    templateCount = 0;
-    attrs = keyTemplate;
-    if (isPerm) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN,  &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs - keyTemplate;
-    templateCount += pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, attrs, &cktrue);
-    return PK11_DeriveWithTemplate(baseKey, derive, param, target, operation, 
-				   keySize, keyTemplate, templateCount, isPerm);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_DeriveWithTemplate( PK11SymKey *baseKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, 
-	SECItem *param, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-	int keySize, CK_ATTRIBUTE *userAttr, unsigned int numAttrs,
-							 PRBool isPerm)
-    PK11SlotInfo *  slot	= baseKey->slot;
-    PK11SymKey *    symKey;
-    PK11SymKey *    newBaseKey	= NULL;
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ULONG        valueLen	= 0;
-    CK_MECHANISM    mechanism; 
-    CK_RV           crv;
-#define MAX_ADD_ATTRS 4
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *  attrs	= keyTemplate;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    if (numAttrs > MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* first copy caller attributes in. */
-    for (templateCount = 0; templateCount < numAttrs; ++templateCount) {
-    	*attrs++ = *userAttr++;
-    }
-    /* We only add the following attributes to the template if the caller
-    ** didn't already supply them.
-    */
-    if (!pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, CKA_CLASS)) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS,     &keyClass, sizeof keyClass); 
-	attrs++;
-    }
-    if (!pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE)) {
-	keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(target, keySize);
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE,  &keyType,  sizeof keyType ); 
-	attrs++;
-    }
-    if (keySize > 0 &&
-    	  !pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN)) {
-	valueLen = (CK_ULONG)keySize;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN, &valueLen, sizeof valueLen); 
-	attrs++;
-    }
-    if ((operation != CKA_FLAGS_ONLY) &&
-	  !pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, operation)) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, sizeof cktrue); attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs - keyTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    /* move the key to a slot that can do the function */
-    if (!PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,derive)) {
-	/* get a new base key & slot */
-	PK11SlotInfo *newSlot = PK11_GetBestSlot(derive, baseKey->cx);
-	if (newSlot == NULL) return NULL;
-        newBaseKey = pk11_CopyToSlot (newSlot, derive, CKA_DERIVE, 
-				     baseKey);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(newSlot);
-	if (newBaseKey == NULL) 
-	    return NULL;	
-	baseKey = newBaseKey;
-	slot = baseKey->slot;
-    }
-    /* get our key Structure */
-    symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, target, !isPerm, PR_TRUE, baseKey->cx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->size = keySize;
-    mechanism.mechanism = derive;
-    if (param) {
-	mechanism.pParameter = param->data;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    } else {
-	mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    symKey->origin=PK11_OriginDerive;
-    if (isPerm) {
-	session =  PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    } else {
-        pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	session = symKey->session;
-    }
-    if (session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	if (!isPerm)
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-    } else {
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(session, &mechanism,
-	     baseKey->objectID, keyTemplate, templateCount, &symKey->objectID);
-	if (isPerm) {
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, session);
-	} else {
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	}
-    }
-    if (newBaseKey) 
-    	PK11_FreeSymKey(newBaseKey);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return symKey;
-/* Create a new key by concatenating base and data
- */
-static PK11SymKey *pk11_ConcatenateBaseAndData(PK11SymKey *base,
-	CK_BYTE *data, CK_ULONG dataLen, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target,
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation)
-    SECItem param;
-    if (base == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    mechParams.pData = data;
-    mechParams.ulLen = dataLen;
- = (unsigned char *)&mechParams;
-    param.len = sizeof(CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA);
-    return PK11_Derive(base, CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_DATA,
-				&param, target, operation, 0);
-/* Create a new key by concatenating base and key
- */
-static PK11SymKey *pk11_ConcatenateBaseAndKey(PK11SymKey *base,
-			PK11SymKey *key, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, CK_ULONG keySize)
-    SECItem param;
-    if ((base == NULL) || (key == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
- = (unsigned char *)&(key->objectID);
-    param.len = sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE);
-    return PK11_Derive(base, CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_KEY,
-				&param, target, operation, keySize);
-/* Create a new key whose value is the hash of tobehashed.
- * type is the mechanism for the derived key.
- */
-static PK11SymKey *pk11_HashKeyDerivation(PK11SymKey *toBeHashed,
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, CK_ULONG keySize)
-    return PK11_Derive(toBeHashed, hashMechanism, NULL, target, operation, keySize);
-/* This function implements the ANSI X9.63 key derivation function
- */
-static PK11SymKey *pk11_ANSIX963Derive(PK11SymKey *sharedSecret,
-		CK_EC_KDF_TYPE kdf, SECItem *sharedData,
-		CK_ULONG keySize)
-    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE hashMechanism, mechanismArray[4];
-    CK_ULONG derivedKeySize, HashLen, counter, maxCounter, bufferLen;
-    CK_ULONG SharedInfoLen;
-    CK_BYTE *buffer = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *toBeHashed, *hashOutput;
-    PK11SymKey *newSharedSecret = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *oldIntermediateResult, *intermediateResult = NULL;
-    if (sharedSecret == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    switch (kdf) {
-    case CKD_SHA1_KDF:
-	HashLen = SHA1_LENGTH;
-	hashMechanism = CKM_SHA1_KEY_DERIVATION;
-	break;
-    case CKD_SHA224_KDF:
-	HashLen = SHA224_LENGTH;
-	hashMechanism = CKM_SHA224_KEY_DERIVATION;
-	break;
-    case CKD_SHA256_KDF:
-	HashLen = SHA256_LENGTH;
-	hashMechanism = CKM_SHA256_KEY_DERIVATION;
-	break;
-    case CKD_SHA384_KDF:
-	HashLen = SHA384_LENGTH;
-	hashMechanism = CKM_SHA384_KEY_DERIVATION;
-	break;
-    case CKD_SHA512_KDF:
-	HashLen = SHA512_LENGTH;
-	hashMechanism = CKM_SHA512_KEY_DERIVATION;
-	break;
-    default:
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    derivedKeySize = keySize;
-    if (derivedKeySize == 0) {
-	keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(target,keySize);
-	derivedKeySize = pk11_GetPredefinedKeyLength(keyType);
-	if (derivedKeySize == 0) {
-	    derivedKeySize = HashLen;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Check that key_len isn't too long.  The maximum key length could be
-     * greatly increased if the code below did not limit the 4-byte counter
-     * to a maximum value of 255. */
-    if (derivedKeySize > 254 * HashLen) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    maxCounter = derivedKeySize / HashLen;
-    if (derivedKeySize > maxCounter * HashLen)
-	maxCounter++;
-    if ((sharedData == NULL) || (sharedData->data == NULL))
-	SharedInfoLen = 0;
-    else
-	SharedInfoLen = sharedData->len;
-    bufferLen = SharedInfoLen + 4;
-    /* Populate buffer with Counter || sharedData
-     * where Counter is 0x00000001. */
-    buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(bufferLen);
-    if (buffer == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    buffer[0] = 0;
-    buffer[1] = 0;
-    buffer[2] = 0;
-    buffer[3] = 1;
-    if (SharedInfoLen > 0) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(&buffer[4], sharedData->data, SharedInfoLen);
-    }
-    /* Look for a slot that supports the mechanisms needed
-     * to implement the ANSI X9.63 KDF as well as the
-     * target mechanism.
-     */
-    mechanismArray[0] = CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_DATA;
-    mechanismArray[1] = hashMechanism;
-    mechanismArray[2] = CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_KEY;
-    mechanismArray[3] = target;
-    newSharedSecret = pk11_ForceSlotMultiple(sharedSecret,
-					 mechanismArray, 4, operation);
-    if (newSharedSecret != NULL) {
-	sharedSecret = newSharedSecret;
-    }
-    for(counter=1; counter <= maxCounter; counter++) {
-	/* Concatenate shared_secret and buffer */
-	toBeHashed = pk11_ConcatenateBaseAndData(sharedSecret, buffer,
-					bufferLen, hashMechanism, operation);
-	if (toBeHashed == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* Hash value */
-	if (maxCounter == 1) {
-	    /* In this case the length of the key to be derived is
-	     * less than or equal to the length of the hash output.
-	     * So, the output of the hash operation will be the
-	     * dervied key. */
-	    hashOutput = pk11_HashKeyDerivation(toBeHashed, hashMechanism,
-						target, operation, keySize);
-	} else {
-	    /* In this case, the output of the hash operation will be
-	     * concatenated with other data to create the derived key. */
-	    hashOutput = pk11_HashKeyDerivation(toBeHashed, hashMechanism,
-				CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_KEY, operation, 0);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(toBeHashed);
-	if (hashOutput == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* Append result to intermediate result, if necessary */
-	oldIntermediateResult = intermediateResult;
-	if (oldIntermediateResult == NULL) {
-	    intermediateResult = hashOutput;
-	} else {
-	    if (counter == maxCounter) {
-		/* This is the final concatenation, and so the output
-		 * will be the derived key. */
-		intermediateResult =
-		    pk11_ConcatenateBaseAndKey(oldIntermediateResult,
-				hashOutput, target, operation, keySize);
-	    } else {
-		/* The output of this concatenation will be concatenated
-		 * with other data to create the derived key. */
-		intermediateResult =
-		    pk11_ConcatenateBaseAndKey(oldIntermediateResult,
-				operation, 0);
-	    }
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(hashOutput);
-	    PK11_FreeSymKey(oldIntermediateResult);
-	    if (intermediateResult == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Increment counter (assumes maxCounter < 255) */
-	buffer[3]++;
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(buffer, bufferLen);
-    if (newSharedSecret != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(newSharedSecret);
-    return intermediateResult;
-    if (buffer != NULL)
-	PORT_ZFree(buffer, bufferLen);
-    if (newSharedSecret != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(newSharedSecret);
-    if (intermediateResult != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(intermediateResult);
-    return NULL;
- * This Generates a wrapping key based on a privateKey, publicKey, and two
- * random numbers. For Mail usage RandomB should be NULL. In the Sender's
- * case RandomA is generate, outherwize it is passed.
- */
-static unsigned char *rb_email = NULL;
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PubDerive(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, 
-   PRBool isSender, SECItem *randomA, SECItem *randomB, 
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = privKey->pkcs11Slot;
-    CK_MECHANISM mechanism;
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (rb_email == NULL) {
-	rb_email = PORT_ZAlloc(128);
-	if (rb_email == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	rb_email[127] = 1;
-    }
-    /* get our key Structure */
-    symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, target, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->origin = PK11_OriginDerive;
-    switch (privKey->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-    case rsaPssKey:
-    case rsaOaepKey:
-    case nullKey:
-	break;
-    case dsaKey:
-    case keaKey:
-    case fortezzaKey:
-	{
-	    param.isSender = (CK_BBOOL) isSender;
-	    param.ulRandomLen = randomA->len;
-	    param.pRandomA = randomA->data;
-	    param.pRandomB = rb_email;
-	    if (randomB)
-		 param.pRandomB = randomB->data;
-	    if (pubKey->keyType == fortezzaKey) {
-		param.ulPublicDataLen = pubKey->u.fortezza.KEAKey.len;
-		param.pPublicData = pubKey->;
-	    } else {
-		/* assert type == keaKey */
-		/* XXX change to match key key types */
-		param.ulPublicDataLen = pubKey->u.fortezza.KEAKey.len;
-		param.pPublicData = pubKey->;
-	    }
-	    mechanism.mechanism = derive;
-	    mechanism.pParameter = &param;
-	    mechanism.ulParameterLen = sizeof(param);
-	    /* get a new symKey structure */
-	    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    crv=PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(symKey->session, &mechanism,
-			privKey->pkcs11ID, NULL, 0, &symKey->objectID);
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) return symKey;
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	}
-	break;
-    case dhKey:
-	{
-	    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-	    CK_ULONG key_size = 0;
-	    CK_ATTRIBUTE keyTemplate[4];
-	    int templateCount;
-	    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = keyTemplate;
-	    if (pubKey->keyType != dhKey) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass));
-	    attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType));
-	    attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, 1); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN, &key_size, sizeof(key_size)); 
-	    attrs++;
-	    templateCount =  attrs - keyTemplate;
-	    PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-	    keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(target,keySize);
-	    key_size = keySize;
-	    symKey->size = keySize;
-	    if (key_size == 0) templateCount--;
-	    mechanism.mechanism = derive;
-	    /* we can undefine these when we define diffie-helman keys */
-	    mechanism.pParameter = pubKey->; 
-	    mechanism.ulParameterLen = pubKey->u.dh.publicValue.len;
-	    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(symKey->session, &mechanism,
-	     privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate, templateCount, &symKey->objectID);
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) return symKey;
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	}
-	break;
-    case ecKey:
-        {
-	    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-	    CK_ULONG key_size = 0;
-	    CK_ATTRIBUTE keyTemplate[4];
-	    int templateCount;
-	    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = keyTemplate;
-	    CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS *mechParams = NULL;
-	    if (pubKey->keyType != ecKey) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass));
-	    attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType));
-	    attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, 1); attrs++;
-	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN, &key_size, sizeof(key_size)); 
-	    attrs++;
-	    templateCount =  attrs - keyTemplate;
-	    PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-	    keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(target,keySize);
-	    key_size = keySize;
-	    if (key_size == 0) {
-		if ((key_size = pk11_GetPredefinedKeyLength(keyType))) {
-		    templateCount --;
-		} else {
-		    /* sigh, some tokens can't figure this out and require
-		     * CKA_VALUE_LEN to be set */
-		    key_size = SHA1_LENGTH;
-		}
-	    }
-	    symKey->size = key_size;
-	    mechParams = PORT_ZNew(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS); 
-	    mechParams->kdf = CKD_SHA1_KDF;
-	    mechParams->ulSharedDataLen = 0;
-	    mechParams->pSharedData = NULL;
-	    mechParams->ulPublicDataLen =  pubKey->;
-	    mechParams->pPublicData =  pubKey->;
-	    mechanism.mechanism = derive;
-	    mechanism.pParameter = mechParams;
-	    mechanism.ulParameterLen = sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS);
-	    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(symKey->session, 
-		&mechanism, privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate, 
-		templateCount, &symKey->objectID);
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	    /* old PKCS #11 spec was ambiguous on what needed to be passed,
-	     * try this again with and encoded public key */
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		SECItem *pubValue = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL,
-			&pubKey->,
-			SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate));
-		if (pubValue == NULL) {
-	    	    PORT_ZFree(mechParams, sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS));
-		    break;
-		}
-		mechParams->ulPublicDataLen =  pubValue->len;
-		mechParams->pPublicData =  pubValue->data;
-		pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-		crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(symKey->session, 
-		    &mechanism, privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate, 
-		    templateCount, &symKey->objectID);
-		pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-		SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue,PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	    PORT_ZFree(mechParams, sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS));
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) return symKey;
-	    PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	}
-   }
-   PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-   return NULL;
-/* Returns the size of the public key, or 0 if there
- * is an error. */
-static CK_ULONG
-pk11_ECPubKeySize(SECItem *publicValue)
-    if (publicValue->data[0] == 0x04) {
-	/* key encoded in uncompressed form */
-	return((publicValue->len - 1)/2);
-    } else if ( (publicValue->data[0] == 0x02) ||
-		(publicValue->data[0] == 0x03)) {
-	/* key encoded in compressed form */
-	return(publicValue->len - 1);
-    }
-    /* key encoding not recognized */
-    return(0);
-static PK11SymKey *
-		    SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
-		    PRBool isSender, SECItem *randomA, SECItem *randomB,
-		    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,
-		    CK_ULONG kdf, SECItem *sharedData, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotInfo           *slot            = privKey->pkcs11Slot;
-    PK11SymKey             *symKey;
-    PK11SymKey             *SharedSecret;
-    CK_MECHANISM            mechanism;
-    CK_RV                   crv;
-    CK_BBOOL                cktrue          = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS         keyClass        = CKO_SECRET_KEY;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE             keyType         = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
-    CK_ULONG                key_size        = 0;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE            keyTemplate[4];
-    int                     templateCount;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE           *attrs           = keyTemplate;
-    CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS *mechParams      = NULL;
-    if (pubKey->keyType != ecKey) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if ((kdf != CKD_NULL) && (kdf != CKD_SHA1_KDF) &&
-	(kdf != CKD_SHA224_KDF) && (kdf != CKD_SHA256_KDF) &&
-	(kdf != CKD_SHA384_KDF) && (kdf != CKD_SHA512_KDF)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* get our key Structure */
-    symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, target, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->origin = PK11_OriginDerive;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass));     attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof(keyType));    attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, 1);                      attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN, &key_size, sizeof(key_size)); attrs++;
-    templateCount =  attrs - keyTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(target,keySize);
-    key_size = keySize;
-    if (key_size == 0) {
-	if ((key_size = pk11_GetPredefinedKeyLength(keyType))) {
-	    templateCount --;
-	} else {
-	    /* sigh, some tokens can't figure this out and require
-	     * CKA_VALUE_LEN to be set */
-	    switch (kdf) {
-	    case CKD_NULL:
-		key_size = pk11_ECPubKeySize(&pubKey->;
-		if (key_size == 0) {
-		    PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-		    return NULL;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case CKD_SHA1_KDF:
-		key_size = SHA1_LENGTH;
-		break;
-	    case CKD_SHA224_KDF:
-		key_size = SHA224_LENGTH;
-		break;
-	    case CKD_SHA256_KDF:
-		key_size = SHA256_LENGTH;
-		break;
-	    case CKD_SHA384_KDF:
-		key_size = SHA384_LENGTH;
-		break;
-	    case CKD_SHA512_KDF:
-		key_size = SHA512_LENGTH;
-		break;
-	    default:
-		PORT_Assert(!"Invalid CKD");
-		return NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    symKey->size = key_size;
-    mechParams = PORT_ZNew(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS);
-    if (!mechParams) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    mechParams->kdf = kdf;
-    if (sharedData == NULL) {
-	mechParams->ulSharedDataLen = 0;
-	mechParams->pSharedData     = NULL;
-    } else {
-	mechParams->ulSharedDataLen = sharedData->len;
-	mechParams->pSharedData     = sharedData->data;
-    }
-    mechParams->ulPublicDataLen =  pubKey->;
-    mechParams->pPublicData =  pubKey->;
-    mechanism.mechanism      = derive;
-    mechanism.pParameter     = mechParams;
-    mechanism.ulParameterLen = sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS);
-    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(symKey->session, &mechanism, 
-    	privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate, templateCount, &symKey->objectID);
-    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-    /* old PKCS #11 spec was ambiguous on what needed to be passed,
-     * try this again with an encoded public key */
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	SECItem *pubValue = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL,
-		&pubKey->,
-		SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate));
-	if (pubValue == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	mechParams->ulPublicDataLen =  pubValue->len;
-	mechParams->pPublicData =  pubValue->data;
-	pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(symKey->session, 
-	    &mechanism, privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate, 
-	    templateCount, &symKey->objectID);
-	pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	if ((crv != CKR_OK) && (kdf != CKD_NULL)) {
-	    /* Some PKCS #11 libraries cannot perform the key derivation
-	     * function. So, try calling C_DeriveKey with CKD_NULL and then
-	     * performing the KDF separately.
-	     */
-	    CK_ULONG derivedKeySize = key_size;
-	    keyType = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
-	    key_size = pk11_ECPubKeySize(&pubKey->;
-	    if (key_size == 0) {
-		SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue,PR_TRUE);
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    SharedSecret = symKey;
-	    SharedSecret->size = key_size;
-	    mechParams->kdf             = CKD_NULL;
-	    mechParams->ulSharedDataLen = 0;
-	    mechParams->pSharedData     = NULL;
-	    mechParams->ulPublicDataLen = pubKey->;
-	    mechParams->pPublicData     = pubKey->;
-	    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(SharedSecret);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(SharedSecret->session,
-			    &mechanism, privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate,
-			    templateCount, &SharedSecret->objectID);
-	    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(SharedSecret);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		/* old PKCS #11 spec was ambiguous on what needed to be passed,
-		 * try this one final time with an encoded public key */
-		mechParams->ulPublicDataLen =  pubValue->len;
-		mechParams->pPublicData     =  pubValue->data;
-		pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(SharedSecret);
-		crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DeriveKey(SharedSecret->session,
-				&mechanism, privKey->pkcs11ID, keyTemplate,
-				templateCount, &SharedSecret->objectID);
-		pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(SharedSecret);
-	    }
-	    /* Perform KDF. */
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-		    symKey = pk11_ANSIX963Derive(SharedSecret, kdf,
-					sharedData, target, operation,
-					derivedKeySize);
-		    PK11_FreeSymKey(SharedSecret);
-		    if (symKey == NULL) {
-			SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue,PR_TRUE);
-			PORT_ZFree(mechParams, sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS));
-			return NULL;
-		    }
-	    }
-	}
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(mechParams, sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	symKey = NULL;
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-    }
-    return symKey;
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF(SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, 
-		      PRBool isSender, SECItem *randomA, SECItem *randomB, 
-		      CK_MECHANISM_TYPE derive, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target,
-		      CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,
-		      CK_ULONG kdf, SECItem *sharedData, void *wincx)
-    switch (privKey->keyType) {
-    case rsaKey:
-    case nullKey:
-    case dsaKey:
-    case keaKey:
-    case fortezzaKey:
-    case dhKey:
-	return PK11_PubDerive(privKey, pubKey, isSender, randomA, randomB,
-		derive, target, operation, keySize, wincx);
-    case ecKey:
-	return pk11_PubDeriveECKeyWithKDF( privKey, pubKey, isSender, 
-		randomA, randomB, derive, target, operation, keySize, 
-		kdf, sharedData, wincx);
-    default:
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY);
-        break;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * this little function uses the Decrypt function to unwrap a key, just in
- * case we are having problem with unwrap. NOTE: The key size may
- * not be preserved properly for some algorithms!
- */
-static PK11SymKey *
-pk11_HandUnwrap(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE wrappingKey,
-                CK_MECHANISM *mech, SECItem *inKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, 
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE *keyTemplate, unsigned int templateCount, 
-		int key_size, void * wincx, CK_RV *crvp, PRBool isPerm)
-    CK_ULONG len;
-    SECItem outKey;
-    PK11SymKey *symKey;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PRBool owner = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    /* remove any VALUE_LEN parameters */
-    if (keyTemplate[templateCount-1].type == CKA_VALUE_LEN) {
-        templateCount--;
-    }
-    /* keys are almost always aligned, but if we get this far,
-     * we've gone above and beyond anyway... */
- = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(inKey->len);
-    if ( == NULL) {
-	if (crvp) *crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    len = inKey->len;
-    /* use NULL IV's for wrapping */
-    session = pk11_GetNewSession(slot,&owner);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_DecryptInit(session,mech,wrappingKey);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	if (crvp) *crvp =crv;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_Decrypt(session,inKey->data,inKey->len,
-, &len);
-    if (!owner || !(slot->isThreadSafe)) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    pk11_CloseSession(slot,session,owner);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-	PORT_SetError( PK11_MapError(crv) );
-	if (crvp) *crvp =crv;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    outKey.len = (key_size == 0) ? len : key_size;
-    outKey.type = siBuffer;
-    if (PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,target)) {
-	symKey = pk11_ImportSymKeyWithTempl(slot, target, PK11_OriginUnwrap, 
-	                                    isPerm, keyTemplate, 
-					    templateCount, &outKey, wincx);
-    } else {
-	slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(target,wincx);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    if (crvp) *crvp = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; 
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	symKey = pk11_ImportSymKeyWithTempl(slot, target, PK11_OriginUnwrap, 
-	                                    isPerm, keyTemplate,
-					    templateCount, &outKey, wincx);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(;
-    if (crvp) *crvp = symKey? CKR_OK : CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; 
-    return symKey;
- * The wrap/unwrap function is pretty much the same for private and
- * public keys. It's just getting the Object ID and slot right. This is
- * the combined unwrap function.
- */
-static PK11SymKey *
-pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE wrappingKey,
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType, SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, 
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize, 
-    void *wincx, CK_ATTRIBUTE *userAttr, unsigned int numAttrs, PRBool isPerm)
-    PK11SymKey *    symKey;
-    SECItem *       param_free	= NULL;
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ULONG        valueLen	= 0;
-    CK_MECHANISM    mechanism;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    CK_RV           crv;
-    CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
-#define MAX_ADD_ATTRS 4
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *  attrs	= keyTemplate;
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    if (numAttrs > MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* first copy caller attributes in. */
-    for (templateCount = 0; templateCount < numAttrs; ++templateCount) {
-    	*attrs++ = *userAttr++;
-    }
-    /* We only add the following attributes to the template if the caller
-    ** didn't already supply them.
-    */
-    if (!pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, CKA_CLASS)) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS,     &keyClass, sizeof keyClass); 
-	attrs++;
-    }
-    if (!pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE)) {
-	keyType = PK11_GetKeyType(target, keySize);
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_KEY_TYPE,  &keyType,  sizeof keyType ); 
-	attrs++;
-    }
-    if ((operation != CKA_FLAGS_ONLY) &&
-	  !pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, operation)) {
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, operation, &cktrue, 1); attrs++;
-    }
-    /*
-     * must be last in case we need to use this template to import the key
-     */
-    if (keySize > 0 &&
-    	  !pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(keyTemplate, numAttrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN)) {
-	valueLen = (CK_ULONG)keySize;
-	PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE_LEN, &valueLen, sizeof valueLen); 
-	attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs - keyTemplate;
-    PR_ASSERT(templateCount <= sizeof(keyTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    /* find out if we can do wrap directly. Because the RSA case if *very*
-     * common, cache the results for it. */
-    if ((wrapType == CKM_RSA_PKCS) && (slot->hasRSAInfo)) {
-	mechanism_info.flags = slot->RSAInfoFlags;
-    } else {
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,wrapType,
-				 &mechanism_info);
-    	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	     mechanism_info.flags = 0;
-    	}
-        if (wrapType == CKM_RSA_PKCS) {
-	    slot->RSAInfoFlags = mechanism_info.flags;
-	    slot->hasRSAInfo = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    /* initialize the mechanism structure */
-    mechanism.mechanism = wrapType;
-    /* use NULL IV's for wrapping */
-    if (param == NULL) 
-	param = param_free = PK11_ParamFromIV(wrapType,NULL);
-    if (param) {
-	mechanism.pParameter = param->data;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = param->len;
-    } else {
-	mechanism.pParameter = NULL;
-	mechanism.ulParameterLen = 0;
-    }
-    if ((mechanism_info.flags & CKF_DECRYPT)  
-				&& !PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,target)) {
-	symKey = pk11_HandUnwrap(slot, wrappingKey, &mechanism, wrappedKey, 
-	                         target, keyTemplate, templateCount, keySize, 
-				 wincx, &crv, isPerm);
-	if (symKey) {
-	    if (param_free) SECITEM_FreeItem(param_free,PR_TRUE);
-	    return symKey;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * if the RSA OP simply failed, don't try to unwrap again 
-	 * with this module.
-	 */
-	if (crv == CKR_DEVICE_ERROR){
-	    if (param_free) SECITEM_FreeItem(param_free,PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	/* fall through, maybe they incorrectly set CKF_DECRYPT */
-    }
-    /* get our key Structure */
-    symKey = pk11_CreateSymKey(slot, target, !isPerm, PR_TRUE, wincx);
-    if (symKey == NULL) {
-	if (param_free) SECITEM_FreeItem(param_free,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    symKey->size = keySize;
-    symKey->origin = PK11_OriginUnwrap;
-    if (isPerm) {
-	rwsession = PK11_GetRWSession(slot);
-    } else {
-        pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(symKey);
-	rwsession = symKey->session;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-    if (rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) 
-    else
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_UnwrapKey(rwsession,&mechanism,wrappingKey,
-		wrappedKey->data, wrappedKey->len, keyTemplate, templateCount, 
-							  &symKey->objectID);
-    if (isPerm) {
-	if (rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION)
-	    PK11_RestoreROSession(slot, rwsession);
-    } else {
-        pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(symKey);
-    }
-    if (param_free) SECITEM_FreeItem(param_free,PR_TRUE);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(symKey);
-	symKey = NULL;
-	if (crv != CKR_DEVICE_ERROR) {
-	    /* try hand Unwrapping */
-	    symKey = pk11_HandUnwrap(slot, wrappingKey, &mechanism, wrappedKey, 
-				     target, keyTemplate, templateCount,
-				     keySize, wincx, NULL, isPerm);
-	}
-   }
-   return symKey;
-/* use a symetric key to unwrap another symetric key */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_UnwrapSymKey( PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType,
-                   SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, 
-		   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-		   int keySize)
-    return pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(wrappingKey->slot, wrappingKey->objectID,
-		    wrapType, param, wrappedKey, target, operation, keySize, 
-		    wrappingKey->cx, NULL, 0, PR_FALSE);
-/* use a symetric key to unwrap another symetric key */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_UnwrapSymKeyWithFlags(PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType,
-                   SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, 
-		   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-		   int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags)
-    CK_BBOOL        ckTrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    templateCount = pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, keyTemplate, &ckTrue);
-    return pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(wrappingKey->slot, wrappingKey->objectID,
-		    wrapType, param, wrappedKey, target, operation, keySize, 
-		    wrappingKey->cx, keyTemplate, templateCount, PR_FALSE);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_UnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm(PK11SymKey *wrappingKey, 
-		   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType,
-                   SECItem *param, SECItem *wrappedKey, 
-		   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, 
-		   int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm)
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    *attrs;
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    attrs = keyTemplate;
-    if (isPerm) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN,  &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs-keyTemplate;
-    templateCount += pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, attrs, &cktrue);
-    return pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(wrappingKey->slot, wrappingKey->objectID,
-		    wrapType, param, wrappedKey, target, operation, keySize, 
-		    wrappingKey->cx, keyTemplate, templateCount, isPerm);
-/* unwrap a symetric key with a private key. */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey(SECKEYPrivateKey *wrappingKey, SECItem *wrappedKey,
-	  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize)
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType = pk11_mapWrapKeyType(wrappingKey->keyType);
-    PK11SlotInfo    *slot = wrappingKey->pkcs11Slot;
-	PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(slot,wrappingKey->wincx);
-    }
-    return pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(slot, wrappingKey->pkcs11ID,
-	wrapType, NULL, wrappedKey, target, operation, keySize, 
-	wrappingKey->wincx, NULL, 0, PR_FALSE);
-/* unwrap a symetric key with a private key. */
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PubUnwrapSymKeyWithFlags(SECKEYPrivateKey *wrappingKey, 
-	  SECItem *wrappedKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, 
-	  CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize, CK_FLAGS flags)
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType = pk11_mapWrapKeyType(wrappingKey->keyType);
-    CK_BBOOL        ckTrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    PK11SlotInfo    *slot = wrappingKey->pkcs11Slot;
-    templateCount = pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, keyTemplate, &ckTrue);
-	PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(slot,wrappingKey->wincx);
-    }
-    return pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(slot, wrappingKey->pkcs11ID,
-	wrapType, NULL, wrappedKey, target, operation, keySize, 
-	wrappingKey->wincx, keyTemplate, templateCount, PR_FALSE);
-PK11SymKey *
-PK11_PubUnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm(SECKEYPrivateKey *wrappingKey, 
-	  SECItem *wrappedKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE target, 
-	  CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, int keySize,
-	  CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm)
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapType = pk11_mapWrapKeyType(wrappingKey->keyType);
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue	= CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    keyTemplate[MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE    *attrs;
-    unsigned int    templateCount;
-    PK11SlotInfo    *slot = wrappingKey->pkcs11Slot;
-    attrs = keyTemplate;
-    if (isPerm) {
-        PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_TOKEN,  &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); attrs++;
-    }
-    templateCount = attrs-keyTemplate;
-    templateCount += pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(flags, attrs, &cktrue);
-	PK11_HandlePasswordCheck(slot,wrappingKey->wincx);
-    }
-    return pk11_AnyUnwrapKey(slot, wrappingKey->pkcs11ID,
-	wrapType, NULL, wrappedKey, target, operation, keySize, 
-	wrappingKey->wincx, keyTemplate, templateCount, isPerm);
-PK11_CopySymKeyForSigning(PK11SymKey *originalKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE setTemplate;
-    CK_BBOOL ckTrue = CK_TRUE; 
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = originalKey->slot;
-    /* first just try to set this key up for signing */
-    PK11_SETATTRS(&setTemplate, CKA_SIGN, &ckTrue, sizeof(ckTrue));
-    pk11_EnterKeyMonitor(originalKey);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)-> C_SetAttributeValue(originalKey->session, 
-				originalKey->objectID, &setTemplate, 1);
-    pk11_ExitKeyMonitor(originalKey);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	return PK11_ReferenceSymKey(originalKey);
-    }
-    /* nope, doesn't like it, use the pk11 copy object command */
-    return pk11_CopyToSlot(slot, mech, CKA_SIGN, originalKey);
-PK11_SetFortezzaHack(PK11SymKey *symKey) { 
-   symKey->origin = PK11_OriginFortezzaHack;
- * This is required to allow FORTEZZA_NULL and FORTEZZA_RC4
- * working. This function simply gets a valid IV for the keys.
- */
-PK11_GenerateFortezzaIV(PK11SymKey *symKey,unsigned char *iv,int len)
-    CK_MECHANISM mech_info;
-    CK_ULONG count = 0;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    mech_info.mechanism = CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64;
-    mech_info.pParameter = iv;
-    mech_info.ulParameterLen = len;
-    /* generate the IV for fortezza */
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(symKey->slot);
-    crv=PK11_GETTAB(symKey->slot)->C_EncryptInit(symKey->slot->session,
-				&mech_info, symKey->objectID);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	PK11_GETTAB(symKey->slot)->C_EncryptFinal(symKey->slot->session, 
-								NULL, &count);
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(symKey->slot);
-    return rv;
-PK11_GetSymKeyHandle(PK11SymKey *symKey)
-    return symKey->objectID;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d52c020..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2405 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Deal with PKCS #11 Slots.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "dev.h" 
-#include "dev3hack.h" 
-#include "pkim.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
- * local static and global data
- *************************************************************/
- * This array helps parsing between names, mechanisms, and flags.
- * to make the config files understand more entries, add them
- * to this table.
- */
-const PK11DefaultArrayEntry PK11_DefaultArray[] = {
-	{ "RC4", SECMOD_RC4_FLAG, CKM_RC4 },
-/*	{ "SHA224", SECMOD_SHA256_FLAG, CKM_SHA224 }, */
-	{ "SHA256", SECMOD_SHA256_FLAG, CKM_SHA256 },
-/*	{ "SHA384", SECMOD_SHA512_FLAG, CKM_SHA384 }, */
-	{ "SHA512", SECMOD_SHA512_FLAG, CKM_SHA512 },
-	{ "MD5", SECMOD_MD5_FLAG, CKM_MD5 },
-	{ "MD2", SECMOD_MD2_FLAG, CKM_MD2 },
-	{ "Publicly-readable certs", SECMOD_FRIENDLY_FLAG, CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM },
-	{ "Random Num Generator", SECMOD_RANDOM_FLAG, CKM_FAKE_RANDOM },
-const int num_pk11_default_mechanisms = 
-                sizeof(PK11_DefaultArray) / sizeof(PK11_DefaultArray[0]);
-const PK11DefaultArrayEntry *
-PK11_GetDefaultArray(int *size)
-    if (size) {
-	*size = num_pk11_default_mechanisms;
-    }
-    return PK11_DefaultArray;
- * These  slotlists are lists of modules which provide default support for
- *  a given algorithm or mechanism.
- */
-static PK11SlotList 
-    pk11_seedSlotList,
-    pk11_camelliaSlotList,
-    pk11_aesSlotList,
-    pk11_desSlotList,
-    pk11_rc4SlotList,
-    pk11_rc2SlotList,
-    pk11_rc5SlotList,
-    pk11_sha1SlotList,
-    pk11_md5SlotList,
-    pk11_md2SlotList,
-    pk11_rsaSlotList,
-    pk11_dsaSlotList,
-    pk11_dhSlotList,
-    pk11_ecSlotList,
-    pk11_ideaSlotList,
-    pk11_sslSlotList,
-    pk11_tlsSlotList,
-    pk11_randomSlotList,
-    pk11_sha256SlotList,
-    pk11_sha512SlotList;	/* slots do SHA512 and SHA384 */
- * Generic Slot List and Slot List element manipulations
- ************************************************************/
- * allocate a new list 
- */
-PK11SlotList *
-    PK11SlotList *list;
-    list = (PK11SlotList *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(PK11SlotList));
-    if (list == NULL) return NULL;
-    list->head = NULL;
-    list->tail = NULL;
-    list->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockList);
-    if (list->lock == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(list);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return list;
- * free a list element when all the references go away.
- */
-PK11_FreeSlotListElement(PK11SlotList *list, PK11SlotListElement *le)
-    PRBool freeit = PR_FALSE;
-    if (list == NULL || le == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-    if (le->refCount-- == 1) {
-	freeit = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    if (freeit) {
-    	PK11_FreeSlot(le->slot);
-	PORT_Free(le);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(PK11SlotList *list)
-    PK11SlotListElement *le, *next ;
-    if (list == NULL) return;
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = next) {
-	next = le->next;
-	PK11_FreeSlotListElement(list,le);
-    }
-    if (list->lock) {
-    	PZ_DestroyLock(list->lock);
-    }
-    list->lock = NULL;
-    list->head = NULL;
- * if we are freeing the list, we must be the only ones with a pointer
- * to the list.
- */
-PK11_FreeSlotList(PK11SlotList *list)
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(list);
-    PORT_Free(list);
- * add a slot to a list
- * "slot" is the slot to be added. Ownership is not transferred.
- * "sorted" indicates whether or not the slot should be inserted according to
- *   cipherOrder of the associated module. PR_FALSE indicates that the slot
- *   should be inserted to the head of the list.
- */
-PK11_AddSlotToList(PK11SlotList *list,PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool sorted)
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    PK11SlotListElement *element;
-    le = (PK11SlotListElement *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(PK11SlotListElement));
-    if (le == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    le->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-    le->prev = NULL;
-    le->refCount = 1;
-    PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-    element = list->head;
-    /* Insertion sort, with higher cipherOrders are sorted first in the list */
-    while (element && sorted && (element->slot->module->cipherOrder >
-                                 le->slot->module->cipherOrder)) {
-        element = element->next;
-    }
-    if (element) {
-        le->prev = element->prev;
-        element->prev = le;
-        le->next = element;
-    } else {
-        le->prev = list->tail;
-        le->next = NULL;
-        list->tail = le;
-    }
-    if (le->prev) le->prev->next = le;
-    if (list->head == element) list->head = le;
-    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * remove a slot entry from the list
- */
-PK11_DeleteSlotFromList(PK11SlotList *list,PK11SlotListElement *le)
-    PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-    if (le->prev) le->prev->next = le->next; else list->head = le->next;
-    if (le->next) le->next->prev = le->prev; else list->tail = le->prev;
-    le->next = le->prev = NULL;
-    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    PK11_FreeSlotListElement(list,le);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Move a list to the end of the target list.
- * NOTE: There is no locking here... This assumes BOTH lists are private copy
- * lists. It also does not re-sort the target list.
- */
-pk11_MoveListToList(PK11SlotList *target,PK11SlotList *src)
-    if (src->head == NULL) return SECSuccess;
-    if (target->tail == NULL) {
-	target->head = src->head;
-    } else {
-	target->tail->next = src->head;
-    }
-    src->head->prev = target->tail;
-    target->tail = src->tail;
-    src->head = src->tail = NULL;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * get an element from the list with a reference. You must own the list.
- */
-PK11SlotListElement *
-PK11_GetFirstRef(PK11SlotList *list)
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    le = list->head;
-    if (le != NULL) (le)->refCount++;
-    return le;
- * get the next element from the list with a reference. You must own the list.
- */
-PK11SlotListElement *
-PK11_GetNextRef(PK11SlotList *list, PK11SlotListElement *le, PRBool restart)
-    PK11SlotListElement *new_le;
-    new_le = le->next;
-    if (new_le) new_le->refCount++;
-    PK11_FreeSlotListElement(list,le);
-    return new_le;
- * get an element safely from the list. This just makes sure that if
- * this element is not deleted while we deal with it.
- */
-PK11SlotListElement *
-PK11_GetFirstSafe(PK11SlotList *list)
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-    le = list->head;
-    if (le != NULL) (le)->refCount++;
-    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    return le;
- * NOTE: if this element gets deleted, we can no longer safely traverse using
- * it's pointers. We can either terminate the loop, or restart from the
- * beginning. This is controlled by the restart option.
- */
-PK11SlotListElement *
-PK11_GetNextSafe(PK11SlotList *list, PK11SlotListElement *le, PRBool restart)
-    PK11SlotListElement *new_le;
-    PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-    new_le = le->next;
-    if (le->next == NULL) {
-	/* if the prev and next fields are NULL then either this element
-	 * has been removed and we need to walk the list again (if restart
-	 * is true) or this was the only element on the list */
-	if ((le->prev == NULL) && restart &&  (list->head != le)) {
-	    new_le = list->head;
-	}
-    }
-    if (new_le) new_le->refCount++;
-    PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-    PK11_FreeSlotListElement(list,le);
-    return new_le;
- * Find the element that holds this slot
- */
-PK11SlotListElement *
-PK11_FindSlotElement(PK11SlotList *list,PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    PK11SlotListElement *le;
-    for (le = PK11_GetFirstSafe(list); le;
-			 	le = PK11_GetNextSafe(list,le,PR_TRUE)) {
-	if (le->slot == slot) return le;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * Generic Slot Utilities
- ************************************************************/
- * Create a new slot structure
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_NewSlotInfo(SECMODModule *mod)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    slot = (PK11SlotInfo *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(PK11SlotInfo));
-    if (slot == NULL) return slot;
-    slot->sessionLock = mod->isThreadSafe ?
-	PZ_NewLock(nssILockSession) : mod->refLock;
-    if (slot->sessionLock == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(slot);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    slot->freeListLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockFreelist);
-    if (slot->freeListLock == NULL) {
-	if (mod->isThreadSafe) {
-	    PZ_DestroyLock(slot->sessionLock);
-	}
-	PORT_Free(slot);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    slot->freeSymKeysWithSessionHead = NULL;
-    slot->freeSymKeysHead = NULL;
-    slot->keyCount = 0;
-    slot->maxKeyCount = 0;
-    slot->functionList = NULL;
-    slot->needTest = PR_TRUE;
-    slot->isPerm = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->isHW = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->isInternal = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->isThreadSafe = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->disabled = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->series = 1;
-    slot->wrapKey = 0;
-    slot->wrapMechanism = CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM;
-    slot->refKeys[0] = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    slot->reason = PK11_DIS_NONE;
-    slot->readOnly = PR_TRUE;
-    slot->needLogin = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->hasRandom = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->defRWSession = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->protectedAuthPath = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->flags = 0;
-    slot->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-    slot->slotID = 0;
-    slot->defaultFlags = 0;
-    slot->refCount = 1;
-    slot->askpw = 0;
-    slot->timeout = 0;
-    slot->mechanismList = NULL;
-    slot->mechanismCount = 0;
-    slot->cert_array = NULL;
-    slot->cert_count = 0;
-    slot->slot_name[0] = 0;
-    slot->token_name[0] = 0;
-    PORT_Memset(slot->serial,' ',sizeof(slot->serial));
-    slot->module = NULL;
-    slot->authTransact = 0;
-    slot->authTime = LL_ZERO;
-    slot->minPassword = 0;
-    slot->maxPassword = 0;
-    slot->hasRootCerts = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->hasRootTrust = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->nssToken = NULL;
-    return slot;
-/* create a new reference to a slot so it doesn't go away */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_ReferenceSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&slot->refCount);
-    return slot;
-/* Destroy all info on a slot we have built up */
-PK11_DestroySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-   /* free up the cached keys and sessions */
-   PK11_CleanKeyList(slot);
-   /* free up all the sessions on this slot */
-   if (slot->functionList) {
-	PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseAllSessions(slot->slotID);
-   }
-   if (slot->mechanismList) {
-	PORT_Free(slot->mechanismList);
-   }
-   if (slot->isThreadSafe && slot->sessionLock) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(slot->sessionLock);
-   }
-   slot->sessionLock = NULL;
-   if (slot->freeListLock) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(slot->freeListLock);
-	slot->freeListLock = NULL;
-   }
-   /* finally Tell our parent module that we've gone away so it can unload */
-   if (slot->module) {
-	SECMOD_SlotDestroyModule(slot->module,PR_TRUE);
-   }
-   /* ok, well not quit finally... now we free the memory */
-   PORT_Free(slot);
-/* We're all done with the slot, free it */
-PK11_FreeSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&slot->refCount) == 0) {
-	PK11_DestroySlot(slot);
-    }
-PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(PK11SlotInfo *slot) {
-    PZ_Lock(slot->sessionLock);
-PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(PK11SlotInfo *slot) {
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->sessionLock);
- * Functions to find specific slots.
- ***********************************************************/
-   SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-   SECMODModuleList *modules;
-   SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-   int i;
-   PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return found;
-    }
-   /* work through all the slots */
-   SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-   modules = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-   for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *tmpSlot = mlp->module->slots[i];
-	    if (PK11_IsPresent(tmpSlot)) {
-		if (tmpSlot->hasRootCerts) {
-		    found = PR_TRUE;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (found) break;
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    return found;
- * Functions to find specific slots.
- ***********************************************************/
-PK11SlotList *
-PK11_FindSlotsByNames(const char *dllName, const char* slotName,
-                        const char* tokenName, PRBool presentOnly)
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModuleList *modules;
-    SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    int i;
-    PK11SlotList* slotList = NULL;
-    PRUint32 slotcount = 0;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return slotList;
-    }
-    slotList = PK11_NewSlotList();
-    if (!slotList) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return slotList;
-    }
-    if ( ((NULL == dllName) || (0 == *dllName)) &&
-        ((NULL == slotName) || (0 == *slotName)) &&
-        ((NULL == tokenName) || (0 == *tokenName)) ) {
-        /* default to softoken */
-        PK11_AddSlotToList(slotList, PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(), PR_TRUE);
-        return slotList;
-    }
-    /* work through all the slots */
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    modules = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-    for (mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-        PORT_Assert(mlp->module);
-        if (!mlp->module) {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        }
-        if ((!dllName) || (mlp->module->dllName &&
-            (0 == PORT_Strcmp(mlp->module->dllName, dllName)))) {
-            for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-                PK11SlotInfo *tmpSlot = (mlp->module->slots?mlp->module->slots[i]:NULL);
-                PORT_Assert(tmpSlot);
-                if (!tmpSlot) {
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                    break;
-                }
-                if ((PR_FALSE == presentOnly || PK11_IsPresent(tmpSlot)) &&
-                    ( (!tokenName) ||
-                      (0==PORT_Strcmp(tmpSlot->token_name, tokenName)) ) &&
-                    ( (!slotName) ||
-                      (0==PORT_Strcmp(tmpSlot->slot_name, slotName)) ) ) {
-                    if (tmpSlot) {
-                        PK11_AddSlotToList(slotList, tmpSlot, PR_TRUE);
-                        slotcount++;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if ( (0 == slotcount) || (SECFailure == rv) ) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN);
-        PK11_FreeSlotList(slotList);
-        slotList = NULL;
-    }
-    if (SECFailure == rv) {
-    }
-    return slotList;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_FindSlotByName(const char *name)
-   SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-   SECMODModuleList *modules;
-   SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-   int i;
-   PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return slot;
-    }
-   if ((name == NULL) || (*name == 0)) {
-	return PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-   }
-   /* work through all the slots */
-   SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-   modules = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-   for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *tmpSlot = mlp->module->slots[i];
-	    if (PK11_IsPresent(tmpSlot)) {
-		if (PORT_Strcmp(tmpSlot->token_name,name) == 0) {
-		    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(tmpSlot);
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (slot != NULL) break;
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    return slot;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_FindSlotBySerial(char *serial)
-   SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-   SECMODModuleList *modules;
-   SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-   int i;
-   PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return slot;
-    }
-   /* work through all the slots */
-   SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-   modules = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-   for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *tmpSlot = mlp->module->slots[i];
-	    if (PK11_IsPresent(tmpSlot)) {
-		if (PORT_Memcmp(tmpSlot->serial,serial,
-					sizeof(tmpSlot->serial)) == 0) {
-		    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(tmpSlot);
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (slot != NULL) break;
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    return slot;
- * notification stub. If we ever get interested in any events that
- * the pkcs11 functions may pass back to use, we can catch them here...
- * currently pdata is a slotinfo structure.
- */
-CK_RV pk11_notify(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session, CK_NOTIFICATION event,
-							 CK_VOID_PTR pdata)
-    return CKR_OK;
- * grab a new RW session
- * !!! has a side effect of grabbing the Monitor if either the slot's default
- * session is RW or the slot is not thread safe. Monitor is release in function
- * below
- */
-CK_SESSION_HANDLE PK11_GetRWSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PRBool haveMonitor = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe || slot->defRWSession) {
-    	PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	haveMonitor = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (slot->defRWSession) {
-	PORT_Assert(slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-	if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) 
-	    return slot->session;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_OpenSession(slot->slotID,
-				  	  slot, pk11_notify,&rwsession);
-    PORT_Assert(rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION || crv != CKR_OK);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK || rwsession == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) 
-	    crv = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-	if (haveMonitor)
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-    }
-    if (slot->defRWSession) { /* we have the monitor */
-    	slot->session = rwsession;
-    }
-    return rwsession;
-PK11_RWSessionHasLock(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle) 
-    PRBool hasLock;
-    hasLock = (PRBool)(!slot->isThreadSafe || 
-    	      (slot->defRWSession && slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION));
-    return hasLock;
-static PRBool
-pk11_RWSessionIsDefault(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession)
-    PRBool isDefault;
-    isDefault = (PRBool)(slot->session == rwsession &&
-    	                 slot->defRWSession && 
-			 slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-    return isDefault;
- * close the rwsession and restore our readonly session
- * !!! has a side effect of releasing the Monitor if either the slot's default
- * session is RW or the slot is not thread safe.
- */
-PK11_RestoreROSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_SESSION_HANDLE rwsession)
-    PORT_Assert(rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION);
-    if (rwsession != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-    	PRBool doExit = PK11_RWSessionHasLock(slot, rwsession);
-	if (!pk11_RWSessionIsDefault(slot, rwsession))
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseSession(rwsession);
-	if (doExit)
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    }
- * Manage the built-In Slot Lists
- ************************************************************/
-/* Init the static built int slot list (should actually integrate
- * with PK11_NewSlotList */
-static void
-pk11_InitSlotListStatic(PK11SlotList *list)
-    list->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockList);
-    list->head = NULL;
-/* initialize the system slotlists */
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_seedSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_camelliaSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_aesSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_desSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_rc4SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_rc2SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_rc5SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_md5SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_md2SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_sha1SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_rsaSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_dsaSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_dhSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_ecSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_ideaSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_sslSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_tlsSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_randomSlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_sha256SlotList);
-    pk11_InitSlotListStatic(&pk11_sha512SlotList);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_seedSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_camelliaSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_aesSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_desSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_rc4SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_rc2SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_rc5SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_md5SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_md2SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_sha1SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_rsaSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_dsaSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_dhSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_ecSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_ideaSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_sslSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_tlsSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_randomSlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_sha256SlotList);
-    pk11_FreeSlotListStatic(&pk11_sha512SlotList);
-    return;
-/* return a system slot list based on mechanism */
-PK11SlotList *
-PK11_GetSlotList(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type)
-/* XXX a workaround for Bugzilla bug #55267 */
-#if defined(HPUX) && defined(__LP64__)
-    if (CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM == type)
-        return NULL;
-    switch (type) {
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-	return &pk11_seedSlotList;
-	return &pk11_camelliaSlotList;
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-    case CKM_AES_CCM:
-    case CKM_AES_CTR:
-    case CKM_AES_CTS:
-    case CKM_AES_GCM:
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-	return &pk11_aesSlotList;
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-	return &pk11_desSlotList;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-	return &pk11_rc4SlotList;
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-	return &pk11_rc5SlotList;
-    case CKM_SHA_1:
-	return &pk11_sha1SlotList;
-    case CKM_SHA224:
-    case CKM_SHA256:
-	return &pk11_sha256SlotList;
-    case CKM_SHA384:
-    case CKM_SHA512:
-	return &pk11_sha512SlotList;
-    case CKM_MD5:
-	return &pk11_md5SlotList;
-    case CKM_MD2:
-	return &pk11_md2SlotList;
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-	return &pk11_rc2SlotList;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	return &pk11_rsaSlotList;
-    case CKM_DSA:
-	return &pk11_dsaSlotList;
-	return &pk11_dhSlotList;
-    case CKM_ECDSA:
-    case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1:
-    case CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE:
-	return &pk11_ecSlotList;
-    case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC:
-    case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC:
-	return &pk11_sslSlotList;
-	return &pk11_tlsSlotList;
-    case CKM_IDEA_CBC:
-    case CKM_IDEA_ECB:
-	return &pk11_ideaSlotList;
-    case CKM_FAKE_RANDOM:
-	return &pk11_randomSlotList;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * load the static SlotInfo structures used to select a PKCS11 slot.
- * preSlotInfo has a list of all the default flags for the slots on this
- * module.
- */
-PK11_LoadSlotList(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11PreSlotInfo *psi, int count)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if (psi[i].slotID == slot->slotID)
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (i == count) return;
-    slot->defaultFlags = psi[i].defaultFlags;
-    slot->askpw = psi[i].askpw;
-    slot->timeout = psi[i].timeout;
-    slot->hasRootCerts = psi[i].hasRootCerts;
-    /* if the slot is already disabled, don't load them into the
-     * default slot lists. We get here so we can save the default
-     * list value. */
-    if (slot->disabled) return;
-    /* if the user has disabled us, don't load us in */
-    if (slot->defaultFlags & PK11_DISABLE_FLAG) {
-	slot->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-	slot->reason = PK11_DIS_USER_SELECTED;
-	/* free up sessions and things?? */
-	return;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < num_pk11_default_mechanisms; i++) {
-	if (slot->defaultFlags & PK11_DefaultArray[i].flag) {
-	    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism = PK11_DefaultArray[i].mechanism;
-	    PK11SlotList *slotList = PK11_GetSlotList(mechanism);
-	    if (slotList) PK11_AddSlotToList(slotList,slot,PR_FALSE);
-	}
-    }
-    return;
- * update a slot to its new attribute according to the slot list
- * returns: SECSuccess if nothing to do or add/delete is successful
- */
-PK11_UpdateSlotAttribute(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-                         const PK11DefaultArrayEntry *entry,
-                         PRBool add)
-                         /* add: PR_TRUE if want to turn on */
-    SECStatus result = SECSuccess;
-    PK11SlotList *slotList = PK11_GetSlotList(entry->mechanism);
-    if (add) { /* trying to turn on a mechanism */
-        /* turn on the default flag in the slot */
-        slot->defaultFlags |= entry->flag;
-        /* add this slot to the list */
-        if (slotList!=NULL)
-            result = PK11_AddSlotToList(slotList, slot, PR_FALSE);
-    } else { /* trying to turn off */
-        /* turn OFF the flag in the slot */ 
-        slot->defaultFlags &= ~entry->flag;
-        if (slotList) {
-            /* find the element in the list & delete it */
-            PK11SlotListElement *le = PK11_FindSlotElement(slotList, slot);
-            /* remove the slot from the list */
-            if (le)
-                result = PK11_DeleteSlotFromList(slotList, le);
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
- * clear a slot off of all of it's default list
- */
-PK11_ClearSlotList(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    int i;
-    if (slot->disabled) return;
-    if (slot->defaultFlags == 0) return;
-    for (i=0; i < num_pk11_default_mechanisms; i++) {
-	if (slot->defaultFlags & PK11_DefaultArray[i].flag) {
-	    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism = PK11_DefaultArray[i].mechanism;
-	    PK11SlotList *slotList = PK11_GetSlotList(mechanism);
-	    PK11SlotListElement *le = NULL;
-	    if (slotList) le = PK11_FindSlotElement(slotList,slot);
-	    if (le) {
-		PK11_DeleteSlotFromList(slotList,le);
-		PK11_FreeSlotListElement(slotList,le);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
- *           Slot initialization
- ******************************************************************/
- * turn a PKCS11 Static Label into a string
- */
-char *
-PK11_MakeString(PLArenaPool *arena,char *space,
-					char *staticString,int stringLen)
-	int i;
-	char *newString;
-	for(i=(stringLen-1); i >= 0; i--) {
-	  if (staticString[i] != ' ') break;
-	}
-	/* move i to point to the last space */
-	i++;
-	if (arena) {
-	    newString = (char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,i+1 /* space for NULL */);
-	} else if (space) {
-	    newString = space;
-	} else {
-	    newString = (char*)PORT_Alloc(i+1 /* space for NULL */);
-	}
-	if (newString == NULL) return NULL;
-	if (i) PORT_Memcpy(newString,staticString, i);
-	newString[i] = 0;
-	return newString;
- * Reads in the slots mechanism list for later use
- */
-PK11_ReadMechanismList(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    if (slot->mechanismList) {
-	PORT_Free(slot->mechanismList);
-	slot->mechanismList = NULL;
-    }
-    slot->mechanismCount = 0;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismList(slot->slotID,NULL,&count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    slot->mechanismList = (CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *)
-			    PORT_Alloc(count *sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE));
-    if (slot->mechanismList == NULL) {
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismList(slot->slotID,
-						slot->mechanismList, &count);
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_Free(slot->mechanismList);
-	slot->mechanismList = NULL;
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    slot->mechanismCount = count;
-    PORT_Memset(slot->mechanismBits, 0, sizeof(slot->mechanismBits));
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech = slot->mechanismList[i];
-	if (mech < 0x7ff) {
-	    slot->mechanismBits[mech & 0xff] |= 1 << (mech >> 8);
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * initialize a new token
- * unlike initialize slot, this can be called multiple times in the lifetime
- * of NSS. It reads the information associated with a card or token,
- * that is not going to change unless the card or token changes.
- */
-PK11_InitToken(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts)
-    CK_TOKEN_INFO tokenInfo;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRStatus status;
-    /* set the slot flags to the current token values */
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetTokenInfo(slot->slotID,&tokenInfo);
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* set the slot flags to the current token values */
-    slot->series++; /* allow other objects to detect that the 
-		      * slot is different */
-    slot->flags = tokenInfo.flags;
-    slot->needLogin = ((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED) ? 
-							PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->readOnly = ((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED) ? 
-							PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->hasRandom = ((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_RNG) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->protectedAuthPath =
-    		((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH) 
-	 						? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->lastLoginCheck = 0;
-    slot->lastState = 0;
-    /* on some platforms Active Card incorrectly sets the 
-     * CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH bit when it doesn't mean to. */
-    if (slot->isActiveCard) {
-	slot->protectedAuthPath = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    (void)PK11_MakeString(NULL,slot->token_name,
-			  (char *)tokenInfo.label, sizeof(tokenInfo.label));
-    slot->minPassword = tokenInfo.ulMinPinLen;
-    slot->maxPassword = tokenInfo.ulMaxPinLen;
-    PORT_Memcpy(slot->serial,tokenInfo.serialNumber,sizeof(slot->serial));
-    nssToken_UpdateName(slot->nssToken);
-    slot->defRWSession = (PRBool)((!slot->readOnly) && 
-					(tokenInfo.ulMaxSessionCount == 1));
-    rv = PK11_ReadMechanismList(slot);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) return rv;
-    slot->hasRSAInfo = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->RSAInfoFlags = 0;
-    /* initialize the maxKeyCount value */
-    if (tokenInfo.ulMaxSessionCount == 0) {
-	slot->maxKeyCount = 800; /* should be #define or a config param */
-    } else if (tokenInfo.ulMaxSessionCount < 20) {
-	/* don't have enough sessions to keep that many keys around */
-	slot->maxKeyCount = 0;
-    } else {
-	slot->maxKeyCount = tokenInfo.ulMaxSessionCount/2;
-    }
-    /* Make sure our session handle is valid */
-    if (slot->session == CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	/* we know we don't have a valid session, go get one */
-	/* session should be Readonly, serial */
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_OpenSession(slot->slotID,
-	      (slot->defRWSession ? CKF_RW_SESSION : 0) | CKF_SERIAL_SESSION,
-				  slot,pk11_notify,&session);
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	slot->session = session;
-    } else {
-	/* The session we have may be defunct (the token associated with it)
-	 * has been removed   */
-	CK_SESSION_INFO sessionInfo;
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSessionInfo(slot->session,&sessionInfo);
-        if (crv == CKR_DEVICE_ERROR) {
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseSession(slot->session);
-	}
-	    crv =PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_OpenSession(slot->slotID,
-	      (slot->defRWSession ? CKF_RW_SESSION : 0) | CKF_SERIAL_SESSION,
-					slot,pk11_notify,&slot->session);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	        PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-		slot->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-		if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    }
-    status = nssToken_Refresh(slot->nssToken);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
-    	return SECFailure;
-    if (!(slot->isInternal) && (slot->hasRandom)) {
-	/* if this slot has a random number generater, use it to add entropy
-	 * to the internal slot. */
-	PK11SlotInfo *int_slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-	if (int_slot) {
-	    unsigned char random_bytes[32];
-	    /* if this slot can issue random numbers, get some entropy from
-	     * that random number generater and give it to our internal token.
-	     */
-	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GenerateRandom
-			(slot->session,random_bytes, sizeof(random_bytes));
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	        PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(int_slot);
-		PK11_GETTAB(int_slot)->C_SeedRandom(int_slot->session,
-					random_bytes, sizeof(random_bytes));
-	        PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(int_slot);
-	    }
-	    /* Now return the favor and send entropy to the token's random 
-	     * number generater */
-	    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(int_slot);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(int_slot)->C_GenerateRandom(int_slot->session,
-					random_bytes, sizeof(random_bytes));
-	    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(int_slot);
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	        PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-		crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SeedRandom(slot->session,
-					random_bytes, sizeof(random_bytes));
-	        PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    }
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-	}
-    }
-    /* work around a problem in softoken where it incorrectly
-     * reports databases opened read only as read/write. */
-    if (slot->isInternal && !slot->readOnly) {
-	/* try to open a R/W session */
-	crv =PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_OpenSession(slot->slotID,
-	      CKF_RW_SESSION|CKF_SERIAL_SESSION, slot, pk11_notify ,&session);
-	/* what a well behaved token should return if you open 
-	 * a RW session on a read only token */
-	    slot->readOnly = PR_TRUE;
-	} else if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	    CK_SESSION_INFO sessionInfo;
-	    /* Because of a second bug in softoken, which silently returns
-	     * a RO session, we need to check what type of session we got. */
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSessionInfo(session, &sessionInfo);
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-		if ((sessionInfo.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) == 0) {
-		    /* session was readonly, so this softoken slot must be 			     * readonly */
-		    slot->readOnly = PR_TRUE;
-		}
-	    }
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseSession(session);
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * initialize a new token
- * unlike initialize slot, this can be called multiple times in the lifetime
- * of NSS. It reads the information associated with a card or token,
- * that is not going to change unless the card or token changes.
- */
-PK11_TokenRefresh(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    CK_TOKEN_INFO tokenInfo;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* set the slot flags to the current token values */
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetTokenInfo(slot->slotID,&tokenInfo);
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    slot->flags = tokenInfo.flags;
-    slot->needLogin = ((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED) ? 
-							PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->readOnly = ((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED) ? 
-							PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->hasRandom = ((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_RNG) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    slot->protectedAuthPath =
-    		((tokenInfo.flags & CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH) 
-	 						? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-    /* on some platforms Active Card incorrectly sets the 
-     * CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH bit when it doesn't mean to. */
-    if (slot->isActiveCard) {
-	slot->protectedAuthPath = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static PRBool
-pk11_isRootSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot) 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemp[1];
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs;
-    int tsize;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle;
-    attrs = findTemp;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &oclass, sizeof(oclass)); attrs++;
-    tsize = attrs - findTemp;
-    PORT_Assert(tsize <= sizeof(findTemp)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
-    handle = pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(slot,findTemp,tsize);
-    if (handle == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * Initialize the slot :
- * This initialization code is called on each slot a module supports when
- * it is loaded. It does the bringup initialization. The difference between
- * this and InitToken is Init slot does those one time initialization stuff,
- * usually associated with the reader, while InitToken may get called multiple
- * times as tokens are removed and re-inserted.
- */
-PK11_InitSlot(SECMODModule *mod, CK_SLOT_ID slotID, PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CK_SLOT_INFO slotInfo;
-    slot->functionList = mod->functionList;
-    slot->isInternal = mod->internal;
-    slot->slotID = slotID;
-    slot->isThreadSafe = mod->isThreadSafe;
-    slot->hasRSAInfo = PR_FALSE;
-    if (PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSlotInfo(slotID,&slotInfo) != CKR_OK) {
-	slot->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-	slot->reason = PK11_DIS_COULD_NOT_INIT_TOKEN;
-	return;
-    }
-    /* test to make sure claimed mechanism work */
-    slot->needTest = mod->internal ? PR_FALSE : PR_TRUE;
-    slot->module = mod; /* NOTE: we don't make a reference here because
-			 * modules have references to their slots. This
-			 * works because modules keep implicit references
-			 * from their slots, and won't unload and disappear
-			 * until all their slots have been freed */
-    (void)PK11_MakeString(NULL,slot->slot_name,
-	 (char *)slotInfo.slotDescription, sizeof(slotInfo.slotDescription));
-    slot->isHW = (PRBool)((slotInfo.flags & CKF_HW_SLOT) == CKF_HW_SLOT);
-#define ACTIVE_CARD "ActivCard SA"
-    slot->isActiveCard = (PRBool)(PORT_Strncmp((char *)slotInfo.manufacturerID,
-				ACTIVE_CARD, sizeof(ACTIVE_CARD)-1) == 0);
-    if ((slotInfo.flags & CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE) == 0) {
-	slot->isPerm = PR_TRUE;
-	/* permanment slots must have the token present always */
-	if ((slotInfo.flags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT) == 0) {
-	    slot->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-	    slot->reason = PK11_DIS_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT;
-	    return; /* nothing else to do */
-	}
-    }
-    /* if the token is present, initialize it */
-    if ((slotInfo.flags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT) != 0) {
-	rv = PK11_InitToken(slot,PR_TRUE);
-	/* the only hard failures are on permanent devices, or function
-	 * verify failures... function verify failures are already handled
-	 * by tokenInit */
-	if ((rv != SECSuccess) && (slot->isPerm) && (!slot->disabled)) {
-	    slot->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-	    slot->reason = PK11_DIS_COULD_NOT_INIT_TOKEN;
-	}
-	if (rv == SECSuccess && pk11_isRootSlot(slot)) {
-	    if (!slot->hasRootCerts) {
-		slot->module->trustOrder = 100;
-	    }
-	    slot->hasRootCerts= PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
- *            Slot mapping utility functions.
- *********************************************************************/
- * determine if the token is present. If the token is present, make sure
- * we have a valid session handle. Also set the value of needLogin 
- * appropriately.
- */
-static PRBool
-pk11_IsPresentCertLoad(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts)
-    CK_SLOT_INFO slotInfo;
-    CK_SESSION_INFO sessionInfo;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* disabled slots are never present */
-    if (slot->disabled) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* permanent slots are always present */
-    if (slot->isPerm && (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION)) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (slot->nssToken) {
-	return nssToken_IsPresent(slot->nssToken);
-    }
-    /* removable slots have a flag that says they are present */
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSlotInfo(slot->slotID,&slotInfo) != CKR_OK) {
-        if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((slotInfo.flags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT) == 0) {
-	/* if the slot is no longer present, close the session */
-	if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseSession(slot->session);
-	    slot->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-	}
-        if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* use the session Info to determine if the card has been removed and then
-     * re-inserted */
-    if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) {
-	if (slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSessionInfo(slot->session, &sessionInfo);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseSession(slot->session);
-	    slot->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-	}
-        if (slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    }
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    /* card has not been removed, current token info is correct */
-    if (slot->session != CK_INVALID_SESSION) return PR_TRUE;
-    /* initialize the token info state */
-    if (PK11_InitToken(slot,loadCerts) != SECSuccess) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * old version of the routine
- */
-PK11_IsPresent(PK11SlotInfo *slot) {
-   return pk11_IsPresentCertLoad(slot,PR_TRUE);
-/* is the slot disabled? */
-PK11_IsDisabled(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->disabled;
-/* and why? */
-PK11_GetDisabledReason(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->reason;
-/* returns PR_TRUE if successfully disable the slot */
-/* returns PR_FALSE otherwise */
-PRBool PK11_UserDisableSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot) {
-    /* Prevent users from disabling the internal module. */
-    if (slot->isInternal) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    slot->defaultFlags |= PK11_DISABLE_FLAG;
-    slot->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-    slot->reason = PK11_DIS_USER_SELECTED;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-PRBool PK11_UserEnableSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot) {
-    slot->defaultFlags &= ~PK11_DISABLE_FLAG;
-    slot->disabled = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->reason = PK11_DIS_NONE;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-PRBool PK11_HasRootCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot) {
-    return slot->hasRootCerts;
-/* Get the module this slot is attached to */
-SECMODModule *
-PK11_GetModule(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-	return slot->module;
-/* return the default flags of a slot */
-unsigned long
-PK11_GetDefaultFlags(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-	return slot->defaultFlags;
- * The following wrapper functions allow us to export an opaque slot
- * function to the rest of libsec and the world... */
-PK11_IsReadOnly(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->readOnly;
-PK11_IsHW(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->isHW;
-PK11_IsRemovable(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return !slot->isPerm;
-PK11_IsInternal(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->isInternal;
-PK11_IsInternalKeySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    PK11SlotInfo *int_slot;
-    PRBool result;
-    if (!slot->isInternal) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    int_slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    result = (int_slot == slot) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    PK11_FreeSlot(int_slot);
-    return result;
-PK11_NeedLogin(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->needLogin;
-PK11_IsFriendly(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    /* internal slot always has public readable certs */
-    return (PRBool)(slot->isInternal || 
-		    ((slot->defaultFlags & SECMOD_FRIENDLY_FLAG) == 
-char *
-PK11_GetTokenName(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-     return slot->token_name;
-char *
-PK11_GetSlotName(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-     return slot->slot_name;
-PK11_GetSlotSeries(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->series;
-PK11_GetCurrentWrapIndex(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->wrapKey;
-PK11_GetSlotID(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->slotID;
-PK11_GetModuleID(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    return slot->module->moduleID;
-static void
-pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(CK_CHAR *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
-    CK_CHAR *walk = buffer;
-    CK_CHAR *end = buffer + buffer_size;
-    /* find the NULL */
-    while (walk < end && *walk != '\0') {
-	walk++;
-    }
-    /* clear out the buffer */
-    while (walk < end) {
-	*walk++ = ' ';
-    }
-/* return the slot info structure */
-PK11_GetSlotInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SLOT_INFO *info)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    /*
-     * some buggy drivers do not fill the buffer completely, 
-     * erase the buffer first
-     */
-    PORT_Memset(info->slotDescription,' ',sizeof(info->slotDescription));
-    PORT_Memset(info->manufacturerID,' ',sizeof(info->manufacturerID));
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetSlotInfo(slot->slotID,info);
-    pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(info->slotDescription,
-					sizeof(info->slotDescription));
-    pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(info->manufacturerID,
-					sizeof(info->manufacturerID));
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/*  return the token info structure */
-PK11_GetTokenInfo(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_TOKEN_INFO *info)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    /*
-     * some buggy drivers do not fill the buffer completely, 
-     * erase the buffer first
-     */
-    PORT_Memset(info->label,' ',sizeof(info->label));
-    PORT_Memset(info->manufacturerID,' ',sizeof(info->manufacturerID));
-    PORT_Memset(info->model,' ',sizeof(info->model));
-    PORT_Memset(info->serialNumber,' ',sizeof(info->serialNumber));
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetTokenInfo(slot->slotID,info);
-    pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(info->label,sizeof(info->label));
-    pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(info->manufacturerID,
-					sizeof(info->manufacturerID));
-    pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(info->model,sizeof(info->model));
-    pk11_zeroTerminatedToBlankPadded(info->serialNumber,
-					sizeof(info->serialNumber));
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Find out if we need to initialize the user's pin */
-PK11_NeedUserInit(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    PRBool needUserInit = (PRBool) ((slot->flags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED) 
-					== 0);
-    if (needUserInit) {
-	SECStatus rv;
-	/* see if token has been initialized off line */
-	rv = PK11_GetTokenInfo(slot, &info);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    slot->flags = info.flags;
-	}
-    }
-    return (PRBool)((slot->flags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED) == 0);
-static PK11SlotInfo *pk11InternalKeySlot = NULL;
- * Set a new default internal keyslot. If one has already been set, clear it.
- * Passing NULL falls back to the NSS normally selected default internal key
- * slot.
- */
-pk11_SetInternalKeySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-   if (pk11InternalKeySlot) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(pk11InternalKeySlot);
-   }
-   pk11InternalKeySlot = slot ? PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot) : NULL;
- * Set a new default internal keyslot if the normal key slot has not already
- * been overridden. Subsequent calls to this function will be ignored unless
- * pk11_SetInternalKeySlot is used to clear the current default.
- */
-pk11_SetInternalKeySlotIfFirst(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-   if (pk11InternalKeySlot) {
-	return;
-   }
-   pk11InternalKeySlot = slot ? PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot) : NULL;
- * Swap out a default internal keyslot.  Caller owns the Slot Reference
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-pk11_SwapInternalKeySlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-   PK11SlotInfo *swap = pk11InternalKeySlot;
-   pk11InternalKeySlot = slot ? PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot) : NULL;
-   return swap;
-/* get the internal key slot. FIPS has only one slot for both key slots and
- * default slots */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-    SECMODModule *mod;
-    if (pk11InternalKeySlot) {
-	return PK11_ReferenceSlot(pk11InternalKeySlot);
-    }
-    mod = SECMOD_GetInternalModule();
-    PORT_Assert(mod != NULL);
-    if (!mod) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return PK11_ReferenceSlot(mod->isFIPS ? mod->slots[0] : mod->slots[1]);
-/* get the internal default slot */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-    SECMODModule * mod = SECMOD_GetInternalModule();
-    PORT_Assert(mod != NULL);
-    if (!mod) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (mod->isFIPS) {
-	return PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    }
-    return PK11_ReferenceSlot(mod->slots[0]);
- * check if a given slot supports the requested mechanism
- */
-PK11_DoesMechanism(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type)
-    int i;
-    /* CKM_FAKE_RANDOM is not a real PKCS mechanism. It's a marker to
-     * tell us we're looking form someone that has implemented get
-     * random bits */
-    if (type == CKM_FAKE_RANDOM) {
-	return slot->hasRandom;
-    }
-    /* for most mechanism, bypass the linear lookup */
-    if (type < 0x7ff) {
-	return (slot->mechanismBits[type & 0xff] & (1 << (type >> 8)))  ?
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < (int) slot->mechanismCount; i++) {
-	if (slot->mechanismList[i] == type) return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * Return true if a token that can do the desired mechanism exists.
- * This allows us to have hardware tokens that can do function XYZ magically
- * allow SSL Ciphers to appear if they are plugged in.
- */
-PK11_TokenExists(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type)
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModuleList *modules;
-    SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    int i;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return found;
-    }
-    /* we only need to know if there is a token that does this mechanism.
-     * check the internal module first because it's fast, and supports 
-     * almost everything. */
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-    if (slot) {
-    	found = PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,type);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    if (found) return PR_TRUE; /* bypass getting module locks */
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    modules = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-    for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL && (!found); mlp = mlp->next) {
-	for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    slot = mlp->module->slots[i];
-	    if (PK11_IsPresent(slot)) {
-		if (PK11_DoesMechanism(slot,type)) {
-		    found = PR_TRUE;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    return found;
- * get all the currently available tokens in a list.
- * that can perform the given mechanism. If mechanism is CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
- * get all the tokens. Make sure tokens that need authentication are put at
- * the end of this list.
- */
-PK11SlotList *
-PK11_GetAllTokens(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, PRBool needRW, PRBool loadCerts, 
-                  void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotList *     list;
-    PK11SlotList *     loginList;
-    PK11SlotList *     friendlyList;
-    SECMODModuleList * mlp;
-    SECMODModuleList * modules;
-    SECMODListLock *   moduleLock;
-    int                i;
-#if defined( XP_WIN32 ) 
-    int                j            = 0;
-    PRInt32            waste[16];
-    moduleLock   = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    list         = PK11_NewSlotList();
-    loginList    = PK11_NewSlotList();
-    friendlyList = PK11_NewSlotList();
-    if ((list == NULL)  || (loginList == NULL) || (friendlyList == NULL)) {
-	if (list) PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-	if (loginList) PK11_FreeSlotList(loginList);
-	if (friendlyList) PK11_FreeSlotList(friendlyList);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    modules      = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-    for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-#if defined( XP_WIN32 ) 
-	/* This is works around some horrible cache/page thrashing problems 
-	** on Win32.  Without this, this loop can take up to 6 seconds at 
-	** 100% CPU on a Pentium-Pro 200.  The thing this changes is to 
-	** increase the size of the stack frame and modify it.  
-	** Moving the loop code itself seems to have no effect.
-	** Dunno why this combination makes a difference, but it does.
-	*/
-	waste[ j & 0xf] = j++; 
-	for (i = 0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *slot = mlp->module->slots[i];
-	    if (pk11_IsPresentCertLoad(slot, loadCerts)) {
-		if (needRW &&  slot->readOnly) continue;
-		if ((type == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) 
-					|| PK11_DoesMechanism(slot, type)) {
-		    if (pk11_LoginStillRequired(slot,wincx)) {
-			if (PK11_IsFriendly(slot)) {
-			    PK11_AddSlotToList(friendlyList, slot, PR_TRUE);
-			} else {
-			    PK11_AddSlotToList(loginList, slot, PR_TRUE);
-			}
-		    } else {
-			PK11_AddSlotToList(list, slot, PR_TRUE);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    pk11_MoveListToList(list,friendlyList);
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(friendlyList);
-    pk11_MoveListToList(list,loginList);
-    PK11_FreeSlotList(loginList);
-    return list;
- * NOTE: This routine is working from a private List generated by 
- * PK11_GetAllTokens. That is why it does not need to lock.
- */
-PK11SlotList *
-PK11_GetPrivateKeyTokens(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,PRBool needRW,void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotList *list = PK11_GetAllTokens(type,needRW,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-    PK11SlotListElement *le, *next ;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (list == NULL) return list;
-    for (le = list->head ; le; le = next) {
-	next = le->next; /* save the pointer here in case we have to 
-			  * free the element later */
-        rv = PK11_Authenticate(le->slot,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PK11_DeleteSlotFromList(list,le);
-	    continue;
-	}
-    }
-    return list;
- * returns true if the slot doesn't conform to the requested attributes
- */
-pk11_filterSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, 
-	CK_FLAGS mechanismInfoFlags, unsigned int keySize) 
-    CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    /* handle the only case where we don't actually fetch the mechanisms
-     * on the fly */
-    if ((keySize == 0) && (mechanism == CKM_RSA_PKCS) && (slot->hasRSAInfo)) {
-	mechanism_info.flags = slot->RSAInfoFlags;
-    } else {
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    	crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID, mechanism, 
-							&mechanism_info);
-	if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	/* if we were getting the RSA flags, save them */
-	if ((crv == CKR_OK) && (mechanism == CKM_RSA_PKCS) 
-						&& (!slot->hasRSAInfo)) {
-	    slot->RSAInfoFlags = mechanism_info.flags;
-	    slot->hasRSAInfo = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    /* couldn't get the mechanism info */
-    if (crv != CKR_OK ) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (keySize && ((mechanism_info.ulMinKeySize > keySize)
-			|| (mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize < keySize)) ) {
-	/* Token can do mechanism, but not at the key size we
-	 * want */
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (mechanismInfoFlags && ((mechanism_info.flags & mechanismInfoFlags) !=
-				mechanismInfoFlags) ) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * Find the best slot which supports the given set of mechanisms and key sizes.
- * In normal cases this should grab the first slot on the list with no fuss.
- * The size array is presumed to match one for one with the mechanism type 
- * array, which allows you to specify the required key size for each
- * mechanism in the list. Whether key size is in bits or bytes is mechanism
- * dependent. Typically asymetric keys are in bits and symetric keys are in 
- * bytes.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_GetBestSlotMultipleWithAttributes(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *type, 
-		CK_FLAGS *mechanismInfoFlags, unsigned int *keySize, 
-		unsigned int mech_count, void *wincx)
-    PK11SlotList *list = NULL;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le ;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    PRBool freeit = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool listNeedLogin = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    list = PK11_GetSlotList(type[0]);
-    if ((list == NULL) || (list->head == NULL)) {
-	/* We need to look up all the tokens for the mechanism */
-	list = PK11_GetAllTokens(type[0],PR_FALSE,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-	freeit = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* no one can do it! */
-    if (list == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_SetError(0);
-    listNeedLogin = PR_FALSE;
-    for (i=0; i < mech_count; i++) {
-	if ((type[i] != CKM_FAKE_RANDOM) && 
-	    (type[i] != CKM_SHA_1) &&
-	    (type[i] != CKM_SHA224) &&
-	    (type[i] != CKM_SHA256) &&
-	    (type[i] != CKM_SHA384) &&
-	    (type[i] != CKM_SHA512) &&
-	    (type[i] != CKM_MD5) && 
-	    (type[i] != CKM_MD2)) {
-	    listNeedLogin = PR_TRUE;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    for (le = PK11_GetFirstSafe(list); le;
-			 	le = PK11_GetNextSafe(list,le,PR_TRUE)) {
-	if (PK11_IsPresent(le->slot)) {
-	    PRBool doExit = PR_FALSE;
-	    for (i=0; i < mech_count; i++) {
-	    	if (!PK11_DoesMechanism(le->slot,type[i])) {
-		    doExit = PR_TRUE;
-		    break;
-		}
-		if ((mechanismInfoFlags && mechanismInfoFlags[i]) ||
-			(keySize && keySize[i])) {
-		    if (pk11_filterSlot(le->slot, type[i], 
-			    mechanismInfoFlags ?  mechanismInfoFlags[i] : 0,
-			    keySize ? keySize[i] : 0)) {
-			doExit = PR_TRUE;
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (doExit) continue;
-	    if (listNeedLogin && le->slot->needLogin) {
-		rv = PK11_Authenticate(le->slot,PR_TRUE,wincx);
-		if (rv != SECSuccess) continue;
-	    }
-	    slot = le->slot;
-	    PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-	    PK11_FreeSlotListElement(list,le);
-	    if (freeit) { PK11_FreeSlotList(list); }
-	    return slot;
-	}
-    }
-    if (freeit) { PK11_FreeSlotList(list); }
-    if (PORT_GetError() == 0) {
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_GetBestSlotMultiple(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *type, 
-			 unsigned int mech_count, void *wincx)
-    return PK11_GetBestSlotMultipleWithAttributes(type, NULL, NULL, 
-						mech_count, wincx);
-/* original get best slot now calls the multiple version with only one type */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_GetBestSlot(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, void *wincx)
-    return PK11_GetBestSlotMultipleWithAttributes(&type, NULL, NULL, 1, wincx);
-PK11SlotInfo *
-PK11_GetBestSlotWithAttributes(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_FLAGS mechanismFlags,
-		unsigned int keySize, void *wincx)
-    return PK11_GetBestSlotMultipleWithAttributes(&type, &mechanismFlags,
-						 &keySize, 1, wincx);
-PK11_GetBestKeyLength(PK11SlotInfo *slot,CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism)
-    CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,
-                               mechanism,&mechanism_info);
-    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return 0;
-    if (mechanism_info.ulMinKeySize == mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize) 
-		return 0;
-    return mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize;
- * This function uses the existing PKCS #11 module to find the
- * longest supported key length in the preferred token for a mechanism.
- * This varies from the above function in that 1) it returns the key length
- * even for fixed key algorithms, and 2) it looks through the tokens
- * generally rather than for a specific token. This is used in liu of
- * a PK11_GetKeyLength function in pk11mech.c since we can actually read
- * supported key lengths from PKCS #11.
- *
- * For symmetric key operations the length is returned in bytes.
- */
-PK11_GetMaxKeyLength(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism)
-    CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechanism_info;
-    PK11SlotList *list = NULL;
-    PK11SlotListElement *le ;
-    PRBool freeit = PR_FALSE;
-    int keyLength = 0;
-    list = PK11_GetSlotList(mechanism);
-    if ((list == NULL) || (list->head == NULL)) {
-	/* We need to look up all the tokens for the mechanism */
-	list = PK11_GetAllTokens(mechanism,PR_FALSE,PR_FALSE,NULL);
-	freeit = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* no tokens recognize this mechanism */
-    if (list == NULL) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    for (le = PK11_GetFirstSafe(list); le;
-			 	le = PK11_GetNextSafe(list,le,PR_TRUE)) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot = le->slot;
-	CK_RV crv;
-	if (PK11_IsPresent(slot)) {
-	    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GetMechanismInfo(slot->slotID,
-                               mechanism,&mechanism_info);
- 	    if (!slot->isThreadSafe) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-	    if ((crv == CKR_OK)  && (mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize != 0)
-		&& (mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize != 0xffffffff)) {
-		keyLength = mechanism_info.ulMaxKeySize;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (le) 
-	PK11_FreeSlotListElement(list, le);
-    if (freeit) 
-	PK11_FreeSlotList(list);
-    return keyLength;
-PK11_SeedRandom(PK11SlotInfo *slot, unsigned char *data, int len) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_SeedRandom(slot->session, data, (CK_ULONG)len);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11_GenerateRandomOnSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, unsigned char *data, int len) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (!slot->isInternal) PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_GenerateRandom(slot->session,data, 
-							(CK_ULONG)len);
-    if (!slot->isInternal) PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return  SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Attempts to update the Best Slot for "FAKE RANDOM" generation.
-** If that's not the internal slot, then it also attempts to update the
-** internal slot.
-** The return value indicates if the INTERNAL slot was updated OK.
-PK11_RandomUpdate(void *data, size_t bytes)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    PRBool        bestIsInternal;
-    SECStatus     status;
-    slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_FAKE_RANDOM, NULL);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
-	if (!slot)
-	    return SECFailure;
-    }
-    bestIsInternal = PK11_IsInternal(slot);
-    status = PK11_SeedRandom(slot, data, bytes);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if (!bestIsInternal) {
-    	/* do internal slot, too. */
-    	slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();	/* can't fail */
-	status = PK11_SeedRandom(slot, data, bytes);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    }
-    return status;
-PK11_GenerateRandom(unsigned char *data,int len) {
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(CKM_FAKE_RANDOM,NULL);
-    if (slot == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    rv = PK11_GenerateRandomOnSlot(slot, data, len);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return rv;
- * Reset the token to it's initial state. For the internal module, this will
- * Purge your keydb, and reset your cert db certs to USER_INIT.
- */
-PK11_ResetToken(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *sso_pwd)
-    unsigned char tokenName[32];
-    int tokenNameLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* reconstruct the token name */
-    tokenNameLen = PORT_Strlen(slot->token_name);
-    if (tokenNameLen > sizeof(tokenName)) {
-	tokenNameLen = sizeof(tokenName);
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(tokenName,slot->token_name,tokenNameLen);
-    if (tokenNameLen < sizeof(tokenName)) {
-	PORT_Memset(&tokenName[tokenNameLen],' ',
-					 sizeof(tokenName)-tokenNameLen);
-    }
-    /* initialize the token */    
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    /* first shutdown the token. Existing sessions will get closed here */
-    PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_CloseAllSessions(slot->slotID);
-    slot->session = CK_INVALID_SESSION;
-    /* now re-init the token */ 
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(slot)->C_InitToken(slot->slotID,
-	(unsigned char *)sso_pwd, sso_pwd ? PORT_Strlen(sso_pwd): 0, tokenName);
-    /* finally bring the token back up */
-    PK11_InitToken(slot,PR_TRUE);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    nssTrustDomain_UpdateCachedTokenCerts(slot->nssToken->trustDomain,
-	                                      slot->nssToken);
-    return SECSuccess;
-PK11Slot_SetNSSToken(PK11SlotInfo *sl, NSSToken *nsst) 
-    sl->nssToken = nsst;
-NSSToken *
-PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(PK11SlotInfo *sl) 
-    return sl->nssToken;
- * wait for a token to change it's state. The application passes in the expected
- * new state in event. 
- */
-PK11_WaitForTokenEvent(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PK11TokenEvent event, 
-	PRIntervalTime timeout, PRIntervalTime latency, int series)
-   PRIntervalTime first_time = 0;
-   PRBool first_time_set = PR_FALSE;
-   PRBool waitForRemoval;
-   if (slot->isPerm) {
-	return PK11TokenNotRemovable;
-   }
-   if (latency == 0) {
-	latency = PR_SecondsToInterval(5);
-   }
-   waitForRemoval = (PRBool) (event == PK11TokenRemovedOrChangedEvent);
-   if (series == 0) {
-	series = PK11_GetSlotSeries(slot);
-   }
-   while (PK11_IsPresent(slot) == waitForRemoval ) {
-	PRIntervalTime interval;
-	if (waitForRemoval && series != PK11_GetSlotSeries(slot)) {
-	    return PK11TokenChanged;
-	}
-	if (timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT) {
-	    return waitForRemoval ? PK11TokenPresent : PK11TokenRemoved;
-	}
-	if (timeout != PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT ) {
-	    interval = PR_IntervalNow();
-	    if (!first_time_set) {
-		first_time = interval;
-		first_time_set = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	    if ((interval-first_time) > timeout) {
-		return waitForRemoval ? PK11TokenPresent : PK11TokenRemoved;
-	    }
-	}
-	PR_Sleep(latency);
-   }
-   return waitForRemoval ? PK11TokenRemoved : PK11TokenPresent;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11util.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11util.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 712f267..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11util.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1590 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Initialize the PCKS 11 subsystem
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secmodi.h"
-#include "secmodti.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "dev.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
-/* these are for displaying error messages */
-static  SECMODModuleList *modules = NULL;
-static  SECMODModuleList *modulesDB = NULL;
-static  SECMODModuleList *modulesUnload = NULL;
-static  SECMODModule *internalModule = NULL;
-static  SECMODModule *defaultDBModule = NULL;
-static  SECMODModule *pendingModule = NULL;
-static SECMODListLock *moduleLock = NULL;
-int secmod_PrivateModuleCount = 0;
-extern const PK11DefaultArrayEntry PK11_DefaultArray[];
-extern const int num_pk11_default_mechanisms;
-    /* don't initialize twice */
-    if (moduleLock) return;
-    moduleLock = SECMOD_NewListLock();
-    PK11_InitSlotLists();
-    /* destroy the lock */
-    if (moduleLock) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyListLock(moduleLock);
-	moduleLock = NULL;
-    }
-    /* free the internal module */
-    if (internalModule) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(internalModule);
-	internalModule = NULL;
-    }
-    /* free the default database module */
-    if (defaultDBModule) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(defaultDBModule);
-	defaultDBModule = NULL;
-    }
-    /* destroy the list */
-    if (modules) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModuleList(modules);
-	modules = NULL;
-    }
-    if (modulesDB) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModuleList(modulesDB);
-	modulesDB = NULL;
-    }
-    if (modulesUnload) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModuleList(modulesUnload);
-	modulesUnload = NULL;
-    }
-    /* make all the slots and the lists go away */
-    PK11_DestroySlotLists();
-    nss_DumpModuleLog();
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_STRICT_SHUTDOWN")) {
-	PORT_Assert(secmod_PrivateModuleCount == 0);
-    }
-    if (secmod_PrivateModuleCount) {
-    	PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BUSY);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * retrieve the internal module
- */
-SECMODModule *
-   return internalModule;
-secmod_AddModuleToList(SECMODModuleList **moduleList,SECMODModule *newModule)
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp, *newListElement, *last = NULL;
-    newListElement = SECMOD_NewModuleListElement();
-    if (newListElement == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    newListElement->module = SECMOD_ReferenceModule(newModule);
-    SECMOD_GetWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    /* Added it to the end (This is very inefficient, but Adding a module
-     * on the fly should happen maybe 2-3 times through the life this program
-     * on a given computer, and this list should be *SHORT*. */
-    for(mlp = *moduleList; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	last = mlp;
-    }
-    if (last == NULL) {
-	*moduleList = newListElement;
-    } else {
-	SECMOD_AddList(last,newListElement,NULL);
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECMOD_AddModuleToList(SECMODModule *newModule)
-    if (newModule->internal && !internalModule) {
-	internalModule = SECMOD_ReferenceModule(newModule);
-    }
-    return secmod_AddModuleToList(&modules,newModule);
-SECMOD_AddModuleToDBOnlyList(SECMODModule *newModule)
-    if (defaultDBModule && SECMOD_GetDefaultModDBFlag(newModule)) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(defaultDBModule);
-	defaultDBModule = SECMOD_ReferenceModule(newModule);
-    } else if (defaultDBModule == NULL) {
-	defaultDBModule = SECMOD_ReferenceModule(newModule);
-    }
-    return secmod_AddModuleToList(&modulesDB,newModule);
-SECMOD_AddModuleToUnloadList(SECMODModule *newModule)
-    return secmod_AddModuleToList(&modulesUnload,newModule);
- * get the list of PKCS11 modules that are available.
- */
-SECMODModuleList * SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList() { return modules; }
-SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_GetDeadModuleList() { return modulesUnload; }
-SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_GetDBModuleList() { return modulesDB; }
- * This lock protects the global module lists.
- * it also protects changes to the slot array (module->slots[]) and slot count 
- * (module->slotCount) in each module. It is a read/write lock with multiple 
- * readers or one writer. Writes are uncommon. 
- * Because of legacy considerations protection of the slot array and count is 
- * only necessary in applications if the application calls 
- * SECMOD_UpdateSlotList() or SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent(), though all new
- * applications are encouraged to acquire this lock when reading the
- * slot array information directly.
- */
-SECMODListLock *SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock() { return moduleLock; }
- * find a module by name, and add a reference to it.
- * return that module.
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_FindModule(const char *name)
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModule *module = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return module;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	if (PORT_Strcmp(name,mlp->module->commonName) == 0) {
-	    module = mlp->module;
-	    SECMOD_ReferenceModule(module);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (module) {
-	goto found;
-    }
-    for(mlp = modulesUnload; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	if (PORT_Strcmp(name,mlp->module->commonName) == 0) {
-	    module = mlp->module;
-	    SECMOD_ReferenceModule(module);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    return module;
- * find a module by ID, and add a reference to it.
- * return that module.
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_FindModuleByID(SECMODModuleID id) 
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModule *module = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return module;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	if (id == mlp->module->moduleID) {
-	    module = mlp->module;
-	    SECMOD_ReferenceModule(module);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (module == NULL) {
-    }
-    return module;
- * find the function pointer.
- */
-SECMODModule *
-secmod_FindModuleByFuncPtr(void *funcPtr) 
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModule *module = NULL;
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for(mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	/* paranoia, shouldn't ever happen */
-	if (!mlp->module) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (funcPtr == mlp->module->functionList) {
-	    module = mlp->module;
-	    SECMOD_ReferenceModule(module);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (module == NULL) {
-    }
-    return module;
- * Find the Slot based on ID and the module.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-SECMOD_FindSlotByID(SECMODModule *module, CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    int i;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return slot;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for (i=0; i < module->slotCount; i++) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *cSlot = module->slots[i];
-	if (cSlot->slotID == slotID) {
-	    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(cSlot);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    return slot;
- * lookup the Slot module based on it's module ID and slot ID.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-SECMOD_LookupSlot(SECMODModuleID moduleID,CK_SLOT_ID slotID) 
-    SECMODModule *module;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    module = SECMOD_FindModuleByID(moduleID);
-    if (module == NULL) return NULL;
-    slot = SECMOD_FindSlotByID(module, slotID);
-    SECMOD_DestroyModule(module);
-    return slot;
- * find a module by name or module pointer and delete it off the module list.
- * optionally remove it from secmod.db.
- */
-SECMOD_DeleteModuleEx(const char *name, SECMODModule *mod, 
-						int *type, PRBool permdb) 
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModuleList **mlpp;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    *type = SECMOD_EXTERNAL;
-    SECMOD_GetWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    for (mlpp = &modules,mlp = modules; 
-				mlp != NULL; mlpp = &mlp->next, mlp = *mlpp) {
-	if ((name && (PORT_Strcmp(name,mlp->module->commonName) == 0)) ||
-							mod == mlp->module) {
-	    /* don't delete the internal module */
-	    if (!mlp->module->internal) {
-		SECMOD_RemoveList(mlpp,mlp);
-		/* delete it after we release the lock */
-		rv = STAN_RemoveModuleFromDefaultTrustDomain(mlp->module);
-	    } else if (mlp->module->isFIPS) {
-		*type = SECMOD_FIPS;
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (mlp) {
-	goto found;
-    }
-    /* not on the internal list, check the unload list */
-    for (mlpp = &modulesUnload,mlp = modulesUnload; 
-				mlp != NULL; mlpp = &mlp->next, mlp = *mlpp) {
-	if ((name && (PORT_Strcmp(name,mlp->module->commonName) == 0)) ||
-							mod == mlp->module) {
-	    /* don't delete the internal module */
-	    if (!mlp->module->internal) {
-		SECMOD_RemoveList(mlpp,mlp);
-		rv = SECSuccess;
-	    } else if (mlp->module->isFIPS) {
-		*type = SECMOD_FIPS;
-	    } else {
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	if (permdb) {
- 	    SECMOD_DeletePermDB(mlp->module);
-	}
-	SECMOD_DestroyModuleListElement(mlp);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * find a module by name and delete it off the module list
- */
-SECMOD_DeleteModule(const char *name, int *type) 
-    return SECMOD_DeleteModuleEx(name, NULL, type, PR_TRUE);
- * find a module by name and delete it off the module list
- */
-SECMOD_DeleteInternalModule(const char *name) 
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODModuleList **mlpp;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (pendingModule) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    for(mlpp = &modules,mlp = modules; 
-				mlp != NULL; mlpp = &mlp->next, mlp = *mlpp) {
-	if (PORT_Strcmp(name,mlp->module->commonName) == 0) {
-	    /* don't delete the internal module */
-	    if (mlp->module->internal) {
-		SECMOD_RemoveList(mlpp,mlp);
-		rv = STAN_RemoveModuleFromDefaultTrustDomain(mlp->module);
-	    } 
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	SECMODModule *newModule,*oldModule;
-	if (mlp->module->isFIPS) {
-    	    newModule = SECMOD_CreateModule(NULL, SECMOD_INT_NAME,
-	} else {
-    	    newModule = SECMOD_CreateModule(NULL, SECMOD_FIPS_NAME,
-	}
-	if (newModule) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-	    newModule->libraryParams = 
-	     PORT_ArenaStrdup(newModule->arena,mlp->module->libraryParams);
-	    /* if an explicit internal key slot has been set, reset it */
-	    slot = pk11_SwapInternalKeySlot(NULL);
-	    if (slot) {
-		secmod_SetInternalKeySlotFlag(newModule, PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	    rv = SECMOD_AddModule(newModule);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		/* load failed, restore the internal key slot */
-		pk11_SetInternalKeySlot(slot);
-		SECMOD_DestroyModule(newModule);
-		newModule = NULL;
-	    }
-	    /* free the old explicit internal key slot, we now have a new one */
-	    if (slot) {
-		PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (newModule == NULL) {
-	    SECMODModuleList *last = NULL,*mlp2;
-	   /* we're in pretty deep trouble if this happens...Security
-	    * not going to work well... try to put the old module back on
-	    * the list */
-	   SECMOD_GetWriteLock(moduleLock);
-	   for(mlp2 = modules; mlp2 != NULL; mlp2 = mlp->next) {
-		last = mlp2;
-	   }
-	   if (last == NULL) {
-		modules = mlp;
-	   } else {
-		SECMOD_AddList(last,mlp,NULL);
-	   }
-	   SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(moduleLock);
-	   return SECFailure; 
-	}
-	pendingModule = oldModule = internalModule;
-	internalModule = NULL;
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(oldModule);
- 	SECMOD_DeletePermDB(mlp->module);
-	SECMOD_DestroyModuleListElement(mlp);
-	internalModule = newModule; /* adopt the module */
-    }
-    return rv;
-SECMOD_AddModule(SECMODModule *newModule) 
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECMODModule *oldModule;
-    /* Test if a module w/ the same name already exists */
-    /* and return SECWouldBlock if so. */
-    /* We should probably add a new return value such as */
-    /* SECDublicateModule, but to minimize ripples, I'll */
-    /* give SECWouldBlock a new meaning */
-    if ((oldModule = SECMOD_FindModule(newModule->commonName)) != NULL) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(oldModule);
-        return SECWouldBlock;
-        /* module already exists. */
-    }
-    rv = secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(newModule, NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if (newModule->parent == NULL) {
-	newModule->parent = SECMOD_ReferenceModule(defaultDBModule);
-    }
-    SECMOD_AddPermDB(newModule);
-    SECMOD_AddModuleToList(newModule);
-    rv = STAN_AddModuleToDefaultTrustDomain(newModule);
-    return rv;
-PK11SlotInfo *
-SECMOD_FindSlot(SECMODModule *module,const char *name) 
-    int i;
-    char *string;
-    PK11SlotInfo *retSlot = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return retSlot;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for (i=0; i < module->slotCount; i++) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot = module->slots[i];
-	if (PK11_IsPresent(slot)) {
-	    string = PK11_GetTokenName(slot);
-	} else {
-	    string = PK11_GetSlotName(slot);
-	}
-	if (PORT_Strcmp(name,string) == 0) {
-	    retSlot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (retSlot == NULL) {
-    }
-    return retSlot;
-PK11_GetModInfo(SECMODModule *mod,CK_INFO *info)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (mod->functionList == NULL) return SECFailure;
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_GetInfo(info);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-    }	
-    return (crv == CKR_OK) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-/* Determine if we have the FIP's module loaded as the default
- * module to trigger other bogus FIPS requirements in PKCS #12 and
- * SSL
- */
-    SECMODModule *mod = SECMOD_GetInternalModule();
-    if (mod && mod->internal) {
-	return mod->isFIPS;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-/* combines NewModule() & AddModule */
-/* give a string for the module name & the full-path for the dll, */
-/* installs the PKCS11 module & update registry */
-SECMOD_AddNewModuleEx(const char* moduleName, const char* dllPath,
-                              unsigned long defaultMechanismFlags,
-                              unsigned long cipherEnableFlags,
-                              char* modparms, char* nssparms)
-    SECMODModule *module;
-    SECStatus result = SECFailure;
-    int s,i;
-    PK11SlotInfo* slot;
-    PR_SetErrorText(0, NULL);
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return result;
-    }
-    module = SECMOD_CreateModule(dllPath, moduleName, modparms, nssparms);
-    if (module == NULL) {
-	return result;
-    }
-    if (module->dllName != NULL) {
-        if (module->dllName[0] != 0) {
-            result = SECMOD_AddModule(module);
-            if (result == SECSuccess) {
-                /* turn on SSL cipher enable flags */
-                module->ssl[0] = cipherEnableFlags;
- 		SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-                /* check each slot to turn on appropriate mechanisms */
-                for (s = 0; s < module->slotCount; s++) {
-                    slot = (module->slots)[s];
-                    /* for each possible mechanism */
-                    for (i=0; i < num_pk11_default_mechanisms; i++) {
-                        /* we are told to turn it on by default ? */
-			PRBool add = 
-			 (PK11_DefaultArray[i].flag & defaultMechanismFlags) ?
-                        result = PK11_UpdateSlotAttribute(slot, 
-					&(PK11_DefaultArray[i]),  add);
-                        if (result != SECSuccess) {
-                            SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-                            SECMOD_DestroyModule(module);
-                            return result;
-                        }
-                    } /* for each mechanism */
-                    /* disable each slot if the defaultFlags say so */
-                    if (defaultMechanismFlags & PK11_DISABLE_FLAG) {
-                        PK11_UserDisableSlot(slot);
-                    }
-                } /* for each slot of this module */
- 		SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-                /* delete and re-add module in order to save changes 
-		 * to the module */
-		result = SECMOD_UpdateModule(module);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    SECMOD_DestroyModule(module);
-    return result;
-SECMOD_AddNewModule(const char* moduleName, const char* dllPath,
-                              unsigned long defaultMechanismFlags,
-                              unsigned long cipherEnableFlags)
-    return SECMOD_AddNewModuleEx(moduleName, dllPath, defaultMechanismFlags,
-                  cipherEnableFlags, 
-                  NULL, NULL); /* don't pass module or nss params */
-SECMOD_UpdateModule(SECMODModule *module)
-    SECStatus result;
-    result = SECMOD_DeletePermDB(module);
-    if (result == SECSuccess) {          
-	result = SECMOD_AddPermDB(module);
-    }
-    return result;
-/* Public & Internal(Security Library)  representation of
- * encryption mechanism flags conversion */
-/* Currently, the only difference is that internal representation 
- * puts RANDOM_FLAG at bit 31 (Most-significant bit), but
- * public representation puts this bit at bit 28
- */
-unsigned long 
-SECMOD_PubMechFlagstoInternal(unsigned long publicFlags)
-    unsigned long internalFlags = publicFlags;
-    if (publicFlags & PUBLIC_MECH_RANDOM_FLAG) {
-        internalFlags &= ~PUBLIC_MECH_RANDOM_FLAG;
-        internalFlags |= SECMOD_RANDOM_FLAG;
-    }
-    return internalFlags;
-unsigned long 
-SECMOD_InternaltoPubMechFlags(unsigned long internalFlags) 
-    unsigned long publicFlags = internalFlags;
-    if (internalFlags & SECMOD_RANDOM_FLAG) {
-        publicFlags &= ~SECMOD_RANDOM_FLAG;
-        publicFlags |= PUBLIC_MECH_RANDOM_FLAG;
-    }
-    return publicFlags;
-/* Public & Internal(Security Library)  representation of */
-/* cipher flags conversion */
-/* Note: currently they are just stubs */
-unsigned long 
-SECMOD_PubCipherFlagstoInternal(unsigned long publicFlags) 
-    return publicFlags;
-unsigned long 
-SECMOD_InternaltoPubCipherFlags(unsigned long internalFlags) 
-    return internalFlags;
-/* Funtion reports true if module of modType is installed/configured */
-SECMOD_IsModulePresent( unsigned long int pubCipherEnableFlags )
-    PRBool result = PR_FALSE;
-    SECMODModuleList *mods;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return result;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    mods = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList();
-    for ( ; mods != NULL; mods = mods->next) {
-        if (mods->module->ssl[0] & 
-		SECMOD_PubCipherFlagstoInternal(pubCipherEnableFlags)) {
-            result = PR_TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    return result;
-/* create a new ModuleListElement */
-SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_NewModuleListElement(void) 
-    SECMODModuleList *newModList;
-    newModList= (SECMODModuleList *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECMODModuleList));
-    if (newModList) {
-	newModList->next = NULL;
-	newModList->module = NULL;
-    }
-    return newModList;
- * make a new reference to a module so It doesn't go away on us
- */
-SECMODModule *
-SECMOD_ReferenceModule(SECMODModule *module) 
-    PZ_Lock(module->refLock);
-    PORT_Assert(module->refCount > 0);
-    module->refCount++;
-    PZ_Unlock(module->refLock);
-    return module;
-/* destroy an existing module */
-SECMOD_DestroyModule(SECMODModule *module) 
-    PRBool willfree = PR_FALSE;
-    int slotCount;
-    int i;
-    PZ_Lock(module->refLock);
-    if (module->refCount-- == 1) {
-	willfree = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(willfree || (module->refCount > 0));
-    PZ_Unlock(module->refLock);
-    if (!willfree) {
-	return;
-    }
-    if (module->parent != NULL) {
-	SECMODModule *parent = module->parent;
-	/* paranoia, don't loop forever if the modules are looped */
-	module->parent = NULL;
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(parent);
-    }
-    /* slots can't really disappear until our module starts freeing them,
-     * so this check is safe */
-    slotCount = module->slotCount;
-    if (slotCount == 0) {
-	SECMOD_SlotDestroyModule(module,PR_FALSE);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* now free all out slots, when they are done, they will cause the
-     * module to disappear altogether */
-    for (i=0 ; i < slotCount; i++) {
-	if (!module->slots[i]->disabled) {
-		PK11_ClearSlotList(module->slots[i]);
-	}
-	PK11_FreeSlot(module->slots[i]);
-    }
-    /* WARNING: once the last slot has been freed is it possible (even likely)
-     * that module is no more... touching it now is a good way to go south */
-/* we can only get here if we've destroyed the module, or some one has
- * erroneously freed a slot that wasn't referenced. */
-SECMOD_SlotDestroyModule(SECMODModule *module, PRBool fromSlot) 
-    PRBool willfree = PR_FALSE;
-    if (fromSlot) {
-        PORT_Assert(module->refCount == 0);
-	PZ_Lock(module->refLock);
-	if (module->slotCount-- == 1) {
-	    willfree = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(willfree || (module->slotCount > 0));
-	PZ_Unlock(module->refLock);
-        if (!willfree) return;
-    }
-    if (module == pendingModule) {
-	pendingModule = NULL;
-    }
-    if (module->loaded) {
-	SECMOD_UnloadModule(module);
-    }
-    PZ_DestroyLock(module->refLock);
-    PORT_FreeArena(module->arena,PR_FALSE);
-    secmod_PrivateModuleCount--;
-/* destroy a list element
- * this destroys a single element, and returns the next element
- * on the chain. It makes it easy to implement for loops to delete
- * the chain. It also make deleting a single element easy */
-SECMODModuleList *
-SECMOD_DestroyModuleListElement(SECMODModuleList *element) 
-    SECMODModuleList *next = element->next;
-    if (element->module) {
-	SECMOD_DestroyModule(element->module);
-	element->module = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(element);
-    return next;
- * Destroy an entire module list
- */
-SECMOD_DestroyModuleList(SECMODModuleList *list) 
-    SECMODModuleList *lp;
-    for ( lp = list; lp != NULL; lp = SECMOD_DestroyModuleListElement(lp)) ;
-    return (PRBool) (pendingModule == NULL);
- * check to see if the module has added new slots. PKCS 11 v2.20 allows for
- * modules to add new slots, but never remove them. Slots cannot be added 
- * between a call to C_GetSlotLlist(Flag, NULL, &count) and the subsequent
- * C_GetSlotList(flag, &data, &count) so that the array doesn't accidently
- * grow on the caller. It is permissible for the slots to increase between
- * successive calls with NULL to get the size.
- */
-SECMOD_UpdateSlotList(SECMODModule *mod)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    CK_ULONG i, oldCount;
-    PRBool freeRef = PR_FALSE;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG *slotIDs = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo **newSlots = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo **oldSlots = NULL;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* C_GetSlotList is not a session function, make sure 
-     * calls are serialized */
-    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-    freeRef = PR_TRUE;
-    /* see if the number of slots have changed */
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_GetSlotList(PR_FALSE, NULL, &count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* nothing new, blow out early, we want this function to be quick
-     * and cheap in the normal case  */
-    if (count == mod->slotCount) {
- 	PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (count < (CK_ULONG)mod->slotCount) {
-	/* shouldn't happen with a properly functioning PKCS #11 module */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* get the new slot list */
-    slotIDs = PORT_NewArray(CK_SLOT_ID, count);
-    if (slotIDs == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_GetSlotList(PR_FALSE, slotIDs, &count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    freeRef = PR_FALSE;
-    PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(mod->arena);
-    if (mark == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    newSlots = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(mod->arena,PK11SlotInfo *,count);
-    /* walk down the new slot ID list returned from the module. We keep
-     * the old slots which match a returned ID, and we initialize the new 
-     * slots. */
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot = SECMOD_FindSlotByID(mod,slotIDs[i]);
-	if (!slot) {
-	    /* we have a new slot create a new slot data structure */
-	    slot = PK11_NewSlotInfo(mod);
-	    if (!slot) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    PK11_InitSlot(mod, slotIDs[i], slot);
-	    STAN_InitTokenForSlotInfo(NULL, slot);
-	}
-	newSlots[i] = slot;
-    }
-    STAN_ResetTokenInterator(NULL);
-    PORT_Free(slotIDs);
-    slotIDs = NULL;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(mod->arena, mark);
-    /* until this point we're still using the old slot list. Now we update
-     * module slot list. We update the slots (array) first then the count, 
-     * since we've already guarrenteed that count has increased (just in case 
-     * someone is looking at the slots field of  module without holding the 
-     * moduleLock */
-    SECMOD_GetWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    oldCount =mod->slotCount;
-    oldSlots = mod->slots;
-    mod->slots = newSlots; /* typical arena 'leak'... old mod->slots is
-			    * allocated out of the module arena and won't
-			    * be freed until the module is freed */
-    mod->slotCount = count;
-    SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(moduleLock);
-    /* free our old references before forgetting about oldSlot*/
-    for (i=0; i < oldCount; i++) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(oldSlots[i]);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (freeRef) {
-	PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-    }
-    if (slotIDs) {
-	PORT_Free(slotIDs);
-    }
-    /* free all the slots we allocated. newSlots are part of the
-     * mod arena. NOTE: the newSlots array contain both new and old
-     * slots, but we kept a reference to the old slots when we built the new
-     * array, so we need to free all the slots in newSlots array. */
-    if (newSlots) {
-	for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	    if (newSlots[i] == NULL) {
-		break; /* hit the last one */
-	    }
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(newSlots[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    /* must come after freeing newSlots */
-    if (mark) {
- 	PORT_ArenaRelease(mod->arena, mark);
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * this handles modules that do not support C_WaitForSlotEvent().
- * The internal flags are stored. Note that C_WaitForSlotEvent() does not
- * have a timeout, so we don't have one for handleWaitForSlotEvent() either.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-secmod_HandleWaitForSlotEvent(SECMODModule *mod,  unsigned long flags,
-						PRIntervalTime latency)
-    PRBool removableSlotsFound = PR_FALSE;
-    int i;
-    int error = SEC_ERROR_NO_EVENT;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-    if (mod->evControlMask & SECMOD_END_WAIT) {
-	mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
-	PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    mod->evControlMask |= SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT;
-    while (mod->evControlMask & SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT) {
-	PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-	/* now is a good time to see if new slots have been added */
-	SECMOD_UpdateSlotList(mod);
-	/* loop through all the slots on a module */
-	SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-	for (i=0; i < mod->slotCount; i++) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *slot = mod->slots[i];
-	    PRUint16 series;
-	    PRBool present;
-	    /* perm modules do not change */
-	    if (slot->isPerm) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    removableSlotsFound = PR_TRUE;
-	    /* simulate the PKCS #11 module flags. are the flags different
-	     * from the last time we called? */
-	    series = slot->series;
-	    present = PK11_IsPresent(slot);
-	    if ((slot->flagSeries != series) || (slot->flagState != present)) {
-		slot->flagState = present;
-		slot->flagSeries = series;
-		SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-		PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-		mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
-		PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-		return PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
-	    }
-	}
-	SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-	/* if everything was perm modules, don't lock up forever */
-	if ((mod->slotCount !=0) && !removableSlotsFound) {
-	    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (flags & CKF_DONT_BLOCK) {
-	    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-	    break;
-	}
-	PR_Sleep(latency);
- 	PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-    }
-    mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
-    PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-    PORT_SetError(error);
-    return NULL;
- * this function waits for a token event on any slot of a given module
- * This function should not be called from more than one thread of the
- * same process (though other threads can make other library calls
- * on this module while this call is blocked).
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent(SECMODModule *mod, unsigned long flags,
-						 PRIntervalTime latency)
-    CK_SLOT_ID id;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    if (!pk11_getFinalizeModulesOption() ||
-        ((mod->cryptokiVersion.major == 2) &&
-         (mod->cryptokiVersion.minor < 1))) { 
-        /* if we are sharing the module with other software in our
-         * address space, we can't reliably use C_WaitForSlotEvent(),
-         * and if the module is version 2.0, C_WaitForSlotEvent() doesn't
-         * exist */
-	return secmod_HandleWaitForSlotEvent(mod, flags, latency);
-    }
-    /* first the the PKCS #11 call */
-    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-    if (mod->evControlMask & SECMOD_END_WAIT) {
-	goto end_wait;
-    }
-    mod->evControlMask |= SECMOD_WAIT_PKCS11_EVENT;
-    PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-    crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_WaitForSlotEvent(flags, &id, NULL);
-    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-    mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_WAIT_PKCS11_EVENT;
-    /* if we are in end wait, short circuit now, don't even risk
-     * going into secmod_HandleWaitForSlotEvent */
-    if (mod->evControlMask & SECMOD_END_WAIT) {
-	goto end_wait;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-	/* module doesn't support that call, simulate it */
-	return secmod_HandleWaitForSlotEvent(mod, flags, latency);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	/* we can get this error if finalize was called while we were
-	 * still running. This is the only way to force a C_WaitForSlotEvent()
-	 * to return in PKCS #11. In this case, just return that there
-	 * was no event. */
-	} else {
-	    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	}
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    slot = SECMOD_FindSlotByID(mod, id);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	/* possibly a new slot that was added? */
-	SECMOD_UpdateSlotList(mod);
-	slot = SECMOD_FindSlotByID(mod, id);
-    }
-    /* if we are in the delay period for the "isPresent" call, reset
-     * the delay since we know things have probably changed... */
-    if (slot && slot->nssToken && slot->nssToken->slot) {
-	nssSlot_ResetDelay(slot->nssToken->slot);
-    }
-    return slot;
-    /* must be called with the lock on. */
-    mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
-    PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-    return NULL;
- * This function "wakes up" WaitForAnyTokenEvent. It's a pretty drastic
- * function, possibly bringing down the pkcs #11 module in question. This
- * should be OK because 1) it does reinitialize, and 2) it should only be
- * called when we are on our way to tear the whole system down anyway.
- */
-SECMOD_CancelWait(SECMODModule *mod)
-    unsigned long controlMask;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PZ_Lock(mod->refLock);
-    mod->evControlMask |= SECMOD_END_WAIT;
-    controlMask = mod->evControlMask;
-    if (controlMask & SECMOD_WAIT_PKCS11_EVENT) {
-        if (!pk11_getFinalizeModulesOption()) {
-            /* can't get here unless pk11_getFinalizeModulesOption is set */
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            goto loser;
-        }
-	/* NOTE: this call will drop all transient keys, in progress
-	 * operations, and any authentication. This is the only documented
-	 * way to get WaitForSlotEvent to return. Also note: for non-thread
-	 * safe tokens, we need to hold the module lock, this is not yet at
-	 * system shutdown/startup time, so we need to protect these calls */
-	crv = PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Finalize(NULL);
-	/* ok, we slammed the module down, now we need to reinit it in case
-	 * we intend to use it again */
-	if (CKR_OK == crv) {
-            PRBool alreadyLoaded;
-	    secmod_ModuleInit(mod, NULL, &alreadyLoaded);
-	} else {
-	    /* Finalized failed for some reason,  notify the application
-	     * so maybe it has a prayer of recovering... */
-	    PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-    } else if (controlMask & SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT) {
-	mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT; 
-				/* Simulated events will eventually timeout
-				 * and wake up in the loop */
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(mod->refLock);
-    return rv;
- * check to see if the module has removable slots that we may need to
- * watch for.
- */
-SECMOD_HasRemovableSlots(SECMODModule *mod)
-    int i;
-    PRBool ret = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return ret;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for (i=0; i < mod->slotCount; i++) {
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot = mod->slots[i];
-	/* perm modules are not inserted or removed */
-	if (slot->isPerm) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	ret = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (mod->slotCount == 0 ) {
-	ret = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    return ret;
- * helper function to actually create and destroy user defined slots
- */
-static SECStatus
-secmod_UserDBOp(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_OBJECT_CLASS objClass, 
-		const char *sendSpec)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE dummy;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template[2] ;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs = template;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_CLASS, &objClass, sizeof(objClass)); attrs++;
-    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_NETSCAPE_MODULE_SPEC , (unsigned char *)sendSpec,
-					 strlen(sendSpec)+1); attrs++;
-    PORT_Assert(attrs-template <= 2);
-    PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(slot);
-    crv = PK11_CreateNewObject(slot, slot->session,
-	template, attrs-template, PR_FALSE, &dummy);
-    PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_SetError(PK11_MapError(crv));
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECMOD_UpdateSlotList(slot->module);
- * return true if the selected slot ID is not present or doesn't exist
- */
-static PRBool
-secmod_SlotIsEmpty(SECMODModule *mod,  CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = SECMOD_LookupSlot(mod->moduleID, slotID);
-    if (slot) {
-	PRBool present = PK11_IsPresent(slot);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	if (present) {
-	    return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    /* it doesn't exist or isn't present, it's available */
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * Find an unused slot id in module.
- */
-static CK_SLOT_ID
-secmod_FindFreeSlot(SECMODModule *mod)
-    CK_SLOT_ID i, minSlotID, maxSlotID;
-    /* look for a free slot id on the internal module */
-    if (mod->internal && mod->isFIPS) {
-    } else {
-    }
-    for (i=minSlotID; i < maxSlotID; i++) {
-	if (secmod_SlotIsEmpty(mod,i)) {
-	    return i;
-	}
-    }
-    return (CK_SLOT_ID) -1;
- * Attempt to open a new slot.
- *
- * This works the same os OpenUserDB except it can be called against
- * any module that understands the softoken protocol for opening new
- * slots, not just the softoken itself. If the selected module does not
- * understand the protocol, C_CreateObject will fail with 
- * CKR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE, and SECMOD_OpenNewSlot will return NULL and set
- * 
- * NewSlots can be closed with SECMOD_CloseUserDB();
- *
- * Modulespec is module dependent.
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-SECMOD_OpenNewSlot(SECMODModule *mod, const char *moduleSpec)
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID = 0;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    char *escSpec;
-    char *sendSpec;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    slotID = secmod_FindFreeSlot(mod);
-    if (slotID == (CK_SLOT_ID) -1) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (mod->slotCount == 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* just grab the first slot in the module, any present slot should work */
-    slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(mod->slots[0]);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* we've found the slot, now build the moduleSpec */
-    escSpec = NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(moduleSpec, '>', ']');
-    if (escSpec == NULL) {
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    sendSpec = PR_smprintf("tokens=[0x%x=<%s>]", slotID, escSpec);
-    PORT_Free(escSpec);
-    if (sendSpec == NULL) {
-	/* PR_smprintf does not set SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY on failure. */
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = secmod_UserDBOp(slot, CKO_NETSCAPE_NEWSLOT, sendSpec);
-    PR_smprintf_free(sendSpec);
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    slot = SECMOD_FindSlotByID(mod, slotID);
-    if (slot) {
-	/* if we are in the delay period for the "isPresent" call, reset
-	 * the delay since we know things have probably changed... */
-	if (slot->nssToken && slot->nssToken->slot) {
-	    nssSlot_ResetDelay(slot->nssToken->slot);
-	}
-	/* force the slot info structures to properly reset */
-	(void)PK11_IsPresent(slot);
-    }
-    return slot;
- * Open a new database using the softoken. The caller is responsible for making
- * sure the module spec is correct and usable. The caller should ask for one
- * new database per call if the caller wants to get meaningful information 
- * about the new database.
- *
- * moduleSpec is the same data that you would pass to softoken at 
- * initialization time under the 'tokens' options. For example, if you were
- * to specify tokens=<0x4=[configdir='./mybackup' tokenDescription='Backup']>
- * You would specify "configdir='./mybackup' tokenDescription='Backup'" as your
- * module spec here. The slot ID will be calculated for you by 
- * SECMOD_OpenUserDB().
- *
- * Typical parameters here are configdir, tokenDescription and flags.
- *
- * a Full list is below:
- *
- *
- *  configDir - The location of the databases for this token. If configDir is 
- *         not specified, and noCertDB and noKeyDB is not specified, the load
- *         will fail.
- *   certPrefix - Cert prefix for this token.
- *   keyPrefix - Prefix for the key database for this token. (if not specified,
- *         certPrefix will be used).
- *   tokenDescription - The label value for this token returned in the 
- *         CK_TOKEN_INFO structure with an internationalize string (UTF8). 
- *         This value will be truncated at 32 bytes (no NULL, partial UTF8 
- *         characters dropped). You should specify a user friendly name here
- *         as this is the value the token will be referred to in most 
- *         application UI's. You should make sure tokenDescription is unique.
- *   slotDescription - The slotDescription value for this token returned 
- *         in the CK_SLOT_INFO structure with an internationalize string 
- *         (UTF8). This value will be truncated at 64 bytes (no NULL, partial 
- *         UTF8 characters dropped). This name will not change after the 
- *         database is closed. It should have some number to make this unique.
- *   minPWLen - minimum password length for this token.
- *   flags - comma separated list of flag values, parsed case-insensitive.
- *         Valid flags are:
- *              readOnly - Databases should be opened read only.
- *              noCertDB - Don't try to open a certificate database.
- *              noKeyDB - Don't try to open a key database.
- *              forceOpen - Don't fail to initialize the token if the 
- *                databases could not be opened.
- *              passwordRequired - zero length passwords are not acceptable 
- *                (valid only if there is a keyDB).
- *              optimizeSpace - allocate smaller hash tables and lock tables.
- *                When this flag is not specified, Softoken will allocate 
- *                large tables to prevent lock contention. 
- */
-PK11SlotInfo *
-SECMOD_OpenUserDB(const char *moduleSpec)
-    SECMODModule *mod;
-    if (moduleSpec == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* NOTE: unlike most PK11 function, this does not return a reference
-     * to the module */
-    mod = SECMOD_GetInternalModule();
-    if (!mod) {
-	/* shouldn't happen */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return SECMOD_OpenNewSlot(mod, moduleSpec);
- * close an already opened user database. NOTE: the database must be
- * in the internal token, and must be one created with SECMOD_OpenUserDB().
- * Once the database is closed, the slot will remain as an empty slot
- * until it's used again with SECMOD_OpenUserDB() or SECMOD_OpenNewSlot().
- */
-SECMOD_CloseUserDB(PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    char *sendSpec;
-    sendSpec = PR_smprintf("tokens=[0x%x=<>]", slot->slotID);
-    if (sendSpec == NULL) {
-	/* PR_smprintf does not set no memory error */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = secmod_UserDBOp(slot, CKO_NETSCAPE_DELSLOT, sendSpec);
-    PR_smprintf_free(sendSpec);
-    /* if we are in the delay period for the "isPresent" call, reset
-     * the delay since we know things have probably changed... */
-    if (slot->nssToken && slot->nssToken->slot) {
-	nssSlot_ResetDelay(slot->nssToken->slot);
-	/* force the slot info structures to properly reset */
-	(void)PK11_IsPresent(slot);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Restart PKCS #11 modules after a fork(). See secmod.h for more information.
- */
-SECMOD_RestartModules(PRBool force)
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECStatus rrv = SECSuccess;
-    int lastError = 0;
-    if (!moduleLock) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Only need to restart the PKCS #11 modules that were initialized */
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    for (mlp = modules; mlp != NULL; mlp = mlp->next) {
-	SECMODModule *mod = mlp->module;
-	CK_ULONG count;
-	SECStatus rv;
-	int i;
-	/* If the module needs to be reset, do so */
-	if (force  || (PK11_GETTAB(mod)->
-			C_GetSlotList(CK_FALSE, NULL, &count) != CKR_OK)) {
-            PRBool alreadyLoaded;
-	    /* first call Finalize. This is not required by PKCS #11, but some
-             * older modules require it, and it doesn't hurt (compliant modules
-             * will return CKR_NOT_INITIALIZED */
-	    (void) PK11_GETTAB(mod)->C_Finalize(NULL);
-	    /* now initialize the module, this function reinitializes
-	     * a module in place, preserving existing slots (even if they
-	     * no longer exist) */
-	    rv = secmod_ModuleInit(mod, NULL, &alreadyLoaded);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		/* save the last error code */
-		lastError = PORT_GetError();
-		rrv = rv;
-		/* couldn't reinit the module, disable all its slots */
-		for (i=0; i < mod->slotCount; i++) {
-		    mod->slots[i]->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-		    mod->slots[i]->reason = PK11_DIS_COULD_NOT_INIT_TOKEN;
-		}
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    for (i=0; i < mod->slotCount; i++) {
-		/* get new token sessions, bump the series up so that
-		 * we refresh other old sessions. This will tell much of
-		 * NSS to flush cached handles it may hold as well */
-		rv = PK11_InitToken(mod->slots[i],PR_TRUE);
-		/* PK11_InitToken could fail if the slot isn't present.
-		 * If it is present, though, something is wrong and we should
-		 * disable the slot and let the caller know. */
-		if (rv != SECSuccess && PK11_IsPresent(mod->slots[i])) {
-		    /* save the last error code */
-		    lastError = PORT_GetError();
-		    rrv = rv;
-		    /* disable the token */
-		    mod->slots[i]->disabled = PR_TRUE;
-		    mod->slots[i]->reason = PK11_DIS_COULD_NOT_INIT_TOKEN;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    /*
-     * on multiple failures, we are only returning the lastError. The caller
-     * can determine which slots are bad by calling PK11_IsDisabled().
-     */
-    if (rrv != SECSuccess) {
-	/* restore the last error code */
-	PORT_SetError(lastError);
-    }
-    return rrv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmod.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmod.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c194d9a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmod.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECMOD_H_
-#define _SECMOD_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "prinrval.h"
-/* These mechanisms flags are visible to all other libraries. */
-/* They must be converted to internal SECMOD_*_FLAG */
-/* if used inside the functions of the security library */
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_RSA_FLAG         0x00000001ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_DSA_FLAG         0x00000002ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_RC2_FLAG         0x00000004ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_RC4_FLAG         0x00000008ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_DES_FLAG         0x00000010ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_DH_FLAG          0x00000020ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_FORTEZZA_FLAG    0x00000040ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_RC5_FLAG         0x00000080ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_SHA1_FLAG        0x00000100ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_MD5_FLAG         0x00000200ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_MD2_FLAG         0x00000400ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_SSL_FLAG         0x00000800ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_TLS_FLAG         0x00001000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_AES_FLAG         0x00002000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_SHA256_FLAG      0x00004000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_SHA512_FLAG      0x00008000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_CAMELLIA_FLAG    0x00010000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_SEED_FLAG        0x00020000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_ECC_FLAG         0x00040000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_RANDOM_FLAG      0x08000000ul
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_FRIENDLY_FLAG    0x10000000ul
-#define PUBLIC_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS       0X20000000ul
-#define PUBLIC_DISABLE_FLAG          0x40000000ul
-/* warning: reserved means reserved */
-#define PUBLIC_MECH_RESERVED_FLAGS   0x87FF0000ul
-/* These cipher flags are visible to all other libraries, */
-/* But they must be converted before used in functions */
-/* withing the security module */
-#define PUBLIC_CIPHER_FORTEZZA_FLAG  0x00000001ul
-/* warning: reserved means reserved */
- * the following functions are going to be deprecated in NSS 4.0 in
- * favor of the new stan functions.
- */
-/* Initialization */
-extern SECMODModule *SECMOD_LoadModule(char *moduleSpec,SECMODModule *parent,
-							PRBool recurse);
-extern SECMODModule *SECMOD_LoadUserModule(char *moduleSpec,SECMODModule *parent,
-							PRBool recurse);
-SECStatus SECMOD_UnloadUserModule(SECMODModule *mod);
-SECMODModule * SECMOD_CreateModule(const char *lib, const char *name,
-					const char *param, const char *nss);
-SECMODModule * SECMOD_CreateModuleEx(const char *lib, const char *name,
-					const char *param, const char *nss,
-					const char *config);
- * After a fork(), PKCS #11 says we need to call C_Initialize again in
- * the child before we can use the module. This function causes this 
- * reinitialization.
- * NOTE: Any outstanding handles will become invalid, which means your
- * keys and contexts will fail, but new ones can be created.
- *
- * Setting 'force' to true means to do the reinitialization even if the 
- * PKCS #11 module does not seem to need it. This allows software modules 
- * which ignore fork to preserve their keys across the fork().
- */
-SECStatus SECMOD_RestartModules(PRBool force);
-/* Module Management */
-char **SECMOD_GetModuleSpecList(SECMODModule *module);
-SECStatus SECMOD_FreeModuleSpecList(SECMODModule *module,char **moduleSpecList);
-/* protoypes */
-/* Get a list of active PKCS #11 modules */
-extern SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList(void); 
-/* Get a list of defined but not loaded PKCS #11 modules */
-extern SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_GetDeadModuleList(void);
-/* Get a list of Modules which define PKCS #11 modules to load */
-extern SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_GetDBModuleList(void);
-/* lock to protect all three module lists above */
-extern SECMODListLock *SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock(void);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_UpdateModule(SECMODModule *module);
-/* lock management */
-extern void SECMOD_GetReadLock(SECMODListLock *);
-extern void SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(SECMODListLock *);
-/* Operate on modules by name */
-extern SECMODModule *SECMOD_FindModule(const char *name);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_DeleteModule(const char *name, int *type);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_DeleteModuleEx(const char * name, 
-                                       SECMODModule *mod, 
-                                       int *type, 
-                                       PRBool permdb);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_DeleteInternalModule(const char *name);
-extern PRBool SECMOD_CanDeleteInternalModule(void);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddNewModule(const char* moduleName, 
-			      const char* dllPath,
-                              unsigned long defaultMechanismFlags,
-                              unsigned long cipherEnableFlags);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddNewModuleEx(const char* moduleName,
-			      const char* dllPath,
-                              unsigned long defaultMechanismFlags,
-                              unsigned long cipherEnableFlags,
-                              char* modparms,
-                              char* nssparms);
-/* database/memory management */
-extern SECMODModule *SECMOD_GetInternalModule(void);
-extern SECMODModule *SECMOD_ReferenceModule(SECMODModule *module);
-extern void SECMOD_DestroyModule(SECMODModule *module);
-extern PK11SlotInfo *SECMOD_LookupSlot(SECMODModuleID module,
-							unsigned long slotID);
-extern PK11SlotInfo *SECMOD_FindSlot(SECMODModule *module,const char *name);
-/* Funtion reports true if at least one of the modules */
-/* of modType has been installed */
-PRBool SECMOD_IsModulePresent( unsigned long int pubCipherEnableFlags );
-/* accessors */
-PRBool SECMOD_GetSkipFirstFlag(SECMODModule *mod);
-PRBool SECMOD_GetDefaultModDBFlag(SECMODModule *mod);
-/* Functions used to convert between internal & public representation
- * of Mechanism Flags and Cipher Enable Flags */
-extern unsigned long SECMOD_PubMechFlagstoInternal(unsigned long publicFlags);
-extern unsigned long SECMOD_InternaltoPubMechFlags(unsigned long internalFlags);
-extern unsigned long SECMOD_PubCipherFlagstoInternal(unsigned long publicFlags);
-PRBool SECMOD_HasRemovableSlots(SECMODModule *mod);
-PK11SlotInfo *SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent(SECMODModule *mod, 
-				unsigned long flags, PRIntervalTime latency);
- * Warning: the SECMOD_CancelWait function is highly destructive, potentially 
- * finalizing  the module 'mod' (causing inprogress operations to fail, 
- * and session key material to disappear). It should only be called when 
- * shutting down  the module. 
- */
-SECStatus SECMOD_CancelWait(SECMODModule *mod);
- * check to see if the module has added new slots. PKCS 11 v2.20 allows for
- * modules to add new slots, but never remove them. Slots not be added between 
- * a call to C_GetSlotLlist(Flag, NULL, &count) and the corresponding
- * C_GetSlotList(flag, &data, &count) so that the array doesn't accidently
- * grow on the caller. It is permissible for the slots to increase between
- * corresponding calls with NULL to get the size.
- */
-SECStatus SECMOD_UpdateSlotList(SECMODModule *mod);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodi.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bc49b4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Internal header file included only by files in pkcs11 dir, or in
- * pkcs11 specific client and server files.
- */
-#ifndef _SECMODI_H_
-#define _SECMODI_H_ 1
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-/* proto-types */
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_DeletePermDB(SECMODModule *module);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddPermDB(SECMODModule *module);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_Shutdown(void);
-void nss_DumpModuleLog(void);
-extern int secmod_PrivateModuleCount;
-extern void SECMOD_Init(void);
-SECStatus secmod_ModuleInit(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **oldModule,
-			    PRBool* alreadyLoaded);
-/* list managment */
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddModuleToList(SECMODModule *newModule);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddModuleToDBOnlyList(SECMODModule *newModule);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddModuleToUnloadList(SECMODModule *newModule);
-extern void SECMOD_RemoveList(SECMODModuleList **,SECMODModuleList *);
-extern void SECMOD_AddList(SECMODModuleList *,SECMODModuleList *,SECMODListLock *);
-extern SECMODListLock *SECMOD_NewListLock(void);
-extern void SECMOD_DestroyListLock(SECMODListLock *);
-extern void SECMOD_GetWriteLock(SECMODListLock *);
-extern void SECMOD_ReleaseWriteLock(SECMODListLock *);
-/* Operate on modules by name */
-extern SECMODModule *SECMOD_FindModuleByID(SECMODModuleID);
-extern SECMODModule *secmod_FindModuleByFuncPtr(void *funcPtr);
-/* database/memory management */
-extern SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_NewModuleListElement(void);
-extern SECMODModuleList *SECMOD_DestroyModuleListElement(SECMODModuleList *);
-extern void SECMOD_DestroyModuleList(SECMODModuleList *);
-extern SECStatus SECMOD_AddModule(SECMODModule *newModule);
-extern unsigned long SECMOD_InternaltoPubCipherFlags(unsigned long internalFlags);
-/* Library functions */
-SECStatus secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(SECMODModule *, SECMODModule **oldModule);
-SECStatus SECMOD_UnloadModule(SECMODModule *);
-void SECMOD_SetInternalModule(SECMODModule *);
-PRBool secmod_IsInternalKeySlot(SECMODModule *);
-void secmod_SetInternalKeySlotFlag(SECMODModule *mod, PRBool val);
-/* tools for checking if we are loading the same database twice */
-typedef struct SECMODConfigListStr SECMODConfigList;
-/* collect all the databases in a given spec */
-SECMODConfigList *secmod_GetConfigList(PRBool isFIPS, char *spec, int *count);
-/* see is a spec matches a database on the list */
-PRBool secmod_MatchConfigList(char *spec, 
-			      SECMODConfigList *conflist, int count);
-/* free our list of databases */
-void secmod_FreeConfigList(SECMODConfigList *conflist, int count);
-/* parsing parameters */
-/* returned char * must be freed by caller with PORT_Free */
-/* children and ids are null terminated arrays which must be freed with
- * secmod_FreeChildren */
-char *secmod_ParseModuleSpecForTokens(PRBool convert,
-				      PRBool isFIPS,
-				      const char *moduleSpec,
-				      char ***children,
-				      CK_SLOT_ID **ids);
-void secmod_FreeChildren(char **children, CK_SLOT_ID *ids);
-char *secmod_MkAppendTokensList(PLArenaPool *arena, char *origModuleSpec,
-				char *newModuleSpec, CK_SLOT_ID newID,
-				char **children, CK_SLOT_ID *ids);
-void SECMOD_SlotDestroyModule(SECMODModule *module, PRBool fromSlot);
-CK_RV pk11_notify(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session, CK_NOTIFICATION event,
-                                                         CK_VOID_PTR pdata);
-void pk11_SignedToUnsigned(CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrib);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE pk11_FindObjectByTemplate(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-					CK_ATTRIBUTE *inTemplate,int tsize);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE *inTemplate,int tsize, int *objCount);
-#define PK11_GETTAB(x) ((CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR)((x)->functionList))
-#define PK11_SETATTRS(x,id,v,l) (x)->type = (id); \
-		(x)->pValue=(v); (x)->ulValueLen = (l);
-SECStatus PK11_CreateNewObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
-                               const CK_ATTRIBUTE *theTemplate, int count,
-                                PRBool token, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectID);
-SECStatus pbe_PK11AlgidToParam(SECAlgorithmID *algid,SECItem *mech);
-SECStatus PBE_PK11ParamToAlgid(SECOidTag algTag, SECItem *param, 
-				PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *algId);
-PK11SymKey *pk11_TokenKeyGenWithFlagsAndKeyType(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, SECItem *param, CK_KEY_TYPE keyType, 
-	int keySize, SECItem *keyId, CK_FLAGS opFlags, 
-	PK11AttrFlags attrFlags, void *wincx);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE pk11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(SECAlgorithmID *algid,
-                   SECItem **param, SECItem *pwd, PRBool faulty3DES);
-extern void pk11sdr_Init(void);
-extern void pk11sdr_Shutdown(void);
- * Private to pk11wrap.
- */
-PRBool pk11_LoginStillRequired(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *wincx);
-CK_SESSION_HANDLE pk11_GetNewSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool *owner);
-void pk11_CloseSession(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_SESSION_HANDLE sess, PRBool own);
-PK11SymKey *pk11_ForceSlot(PK11SymKey *symKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-						CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation);
-/* Convert key operation flags to PKCS #11 attributes. */
-unsigned int pk11_OpFlagsToAttributes(CK_FLAGS flags, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs, CK_BBOOL *ckTrue);
-/* Check for bad (conflicting) attribute flags */
-PRBool pk11_BadAttrFlags(PK11AttrFlags attrFlags);
-/* Convert key attribute flags to PKCS #11 attributes. */
-unsigned int pk11_AttrFlagsToAttributes(PK11AttrFlags attrFlags,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE *attrs, CK_BBOOL *ckTrue, CK_BBOOL *ckFalse);
-PRBool pk11_FindAttrInTemplate(CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, unsigned int numAttrs,
-					CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE target);
-CK_MECHANISM_TYPE pk11_mapWrapKeyType(KeyType keyType);
-PK11SymKey *pk11_KeyExchange(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation, CK_FLAGS flags, PRBool isPerm,
-						PK11SymKey *symKey);
-PRBool pk11_HandleTrustObject(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertificate *cert,
-							 CERTCertTrust *trust);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE pk11_FindPubKeyByAnyCert(CERTCertificate *cert,
-					 PK11SlotInfo **slot, void *wincx);
-SECStatus pk11_AuthenticateUnfriendly(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts,
-							void *wincx);
-int PK11_NumberObjectsFor(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CK_ATTRIBUTE *findTemplate,
-						int templateCount);
-SECItem *pk11_GetLowLevelKeyFromHandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-						CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle);
-SECStatus PK11_TraverseSlot(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *arg);
-CK_OBJECT_HANDLE pk11_FindPrivateKeyFromCertID(PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
-							SECItem *keyID);
-SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_MakePrivKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, KeyType keyType, 
-			PRBool isTemp, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE privID, void *wincx);
-CERTCertificate *PK11_MakeCertFromHandle(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE certID, CK_ATTRIBUTE *privateLabel);
-SECItem *pk11_GenerateNewParamWithKeyLen(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, int keyLen);
-SECItem *pk11_ParamFromIVWithLen(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, 
-				 SECItem *iv, int keyLen);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodt.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 33e7f1b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECMODT_H_
-#define _SECMODT_H_ 1
-#include "nssrwlkt.h"
-#include "nssilckt.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "utilmodt.h"
-/* find a better home for these... */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PointerToEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECKEY_PointerToPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[];
-/* PKCS11 needs to be included */
-typedef struct SECMODModuleStr SECMODModule;
-typedef struct SECMODModuleListStr SECMODModuleList;
-typedef NSSRWLock SECMODListLock;
-typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo; /* defined in secmodti.h */
-typedef struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr PK11PreSlotInfo; /* defined in secmodti.h */
-typedef struct PK11SymKeyStr PK11SymKey; /* defined in secmodti.h */
-typedef struct PK11ContextStr PK11Context; /* defined in secmodti.h */
-typedef struct PK11SlotListStr PK11SlotList;
-typedef struct PK11SlotListElementStr PK11SlotListElement;
-typedef struct PK11RSAGenParamsStr PK11RSAGenParams;
-typedef unsigned long SECMODModuleID;
-typedef struct PK11DefaultArrayEntryStr PK11DefaultArrayEntry;
-typedef struct PK11GenericObjectStr PK11GenericObject;
-typedef void (*PK11FreeDataFunc)(void *);
-struct SECMODModuleStr {
-    PLArenaPool	*arena;
-    PRBool	internal;	/* true of internally linked modules, false
-				 * for the loaded modules */
-    PRBool	loaded;		/* Set to true if module has been loaded */
-    PRBool	isFIPS;		/* Set to true if module is finst internal */
-    char	*dllName;	/* name of the shared library which implements
-				 * this module */
-    char	*commonName;	/* name of the module to display to the user */
-    void	*library;	/* pointer to the library. opaque. used only by
-				 * pk11load.c */
-    void	*functionList; /* The PKCS #11 function table */
-    PZLock	*refLock;	/* only used pk11db.c */
-    int		refCount;	/* Module reference count */
-    PK11SlotInfo **slots;	/* array of slot points attached to this mod*/
-    int		slotCount;	/* count of slot in above array */
-    PK11PreSlotInfo *slotInfo;	/* special info about slots default settings */
-    int		slotInfoCount;  /* count */
-    SECMODModuleID moduleID;	/* ID so we can find this module again */
-    PRBool	isThreadSafe;
-    unsigned long ssl[2];	/* SSL cipher enable flags */
-    char	*libraryParams;  /* Module specific parameters */
-    void *moduleDBFunc; /* function to return module configuration data*/
-    SECMODModule *parent;	/* module that loaded us */
-    PRBool	isCritical;	/* This module must load successfully */
-    PRBool	isModuleDB;	/* this module has lists of PKCS #11 modules */
-    PRBool	moduleDBOnly;	/* this module only has lists of PKCS #11 modules */
-    int		trustOrder;	/* order for this module's certificate trust rollup */
-    int		cipherOrder;	/* order for cipher operations */
-    unsigned long evControlMask; /* control the running and shutdown of slot
-				  * events (SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent) */
-    CK_VERSION  cryptokiVersion; /* version of this library */
-/* evControlMask flags */
- * These bits tell the current state of a SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent.
- *
- * SECMOD_WAIT_PKCS11_EVENT - we're waiting in the PKCS #11 module in
- *  C_WaitForSlotEvent().
- * SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT - we're waiting in the NSS simulation code
- *  which polls for token insertion and removal events.
- * SECMOD_END_WAIT - SECMOD_CancelWait has been called while the module is
- *  waiting in SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent. SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent
- *  should return immediately to it's caller.
- */ 
-#define SECMOD_END_WAIT 	    0x01
-#define SECMOD_WAIT_PKCS11_EVENT    0x04
-struct SECMODModuleListStr {
-    SECMODModuleList	*next;
-    SECMODModule	*module;
-struct PK11SlotListStr {
-    PK11SlotListElement *head;
-    PK11SlotListElement *tail;
-    PZLock *lock;
-struct PK11SlotListElementStr {
-    PK11SlotListElement *next;
-    PK11SlotListElement *prev;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    int refCount;
-struct PK11RSAGenParamsStr {
-    int keySizeInBits;
-    unsigned long pe;
-typedef enum {
-     PK11CertListUnique = 0,     /* get one instance of all certs */
-     PK11CertListUser = 1,       /* get all instances of user certs */
-     PK11CertListRootUnique = 2, /* get one instance of CA certs without a private key.
-                                  * deprecated. Use PK11CertListCAUnique
-                                  */
-     PK11CertListCA = 3,         /* get all instances of CA certs */
-     PK11CertListCAUnique = 4,   /* get one instance of CA certs */
-     PK11CertListUserUnique = 5, /* get one instance of user certs */
-     PK11CertListAll = 6         /* get all instances of all certs */
-} PK11CertListType;
- * Entry into the array which lists all the legal bits for the default flags
- * in the slot, their definition, and the PKCS #11 mechanism they represent.
- * Always statically allocated. 
- */
-struct PK11DefaultArrayEntryStr {
-    const char *name;
-    unsigned long flag;
-    unsigned long mechanism; /* this is a long so we don't include the 
-			      * whole pkcs 11 world to use this header */
- * PK11AttrFlags
- *
- * A 32-bit bitmask of PK11_ATTR_XXX flags
- */
-typedef PRUint32 PK11AttrFlags;
- *
- * The following PK11_ATTR_XXX bitflags are used to specify
- * PKCS #11 object attributes that have Boolean values.  Some NSS
- * functions have a "PK11AttrFlags attrFlags" parameter whose value
- * is the logical OR of these bitflags.  NSS use these bitflags on
- * private keys or secret keys.  Some of these bitflags also apply
- * to the public keys associated with the private keys.
- *
- * For each PKCS #11 object attribute, we need two bitflags to
- * specify not only "true" and "false" but also "default".  For
- * example, PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE and PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC control the
- * CKA_PRIVATE attribute.  If PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE is set, we add
- *     { CKA_PRIVATE, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
- * to the template.  If PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC is set, we add
- *     { CKA_PRIVATE, &ckfalse, sizeof(CK_BBOOL) }
- * to the template.  If neither flag is set, we don't add any
- * CKA_PRIVATE entry to the template.
- */
- * Attributes for PKCS #11 storage objects, which include not only
- * keys but also certificates and domain parameters.
- */
- *
- * These two flags determine whether the object is a token or
- * session object.
- *
- * These two flags are related and cannot both be set.
- * If the PK11_ATTR_TOKEN flag is set, the object is a token
- * object.  If the PK11_ATTR_SESSION flag is set, the object is
- * a session object.  If neither flag is set, the object is *by
- * default* a session object.
- *
- * These two flags specify the value of the PKCS #11 CKA_TOKEN
- * attribute.
- */
-#define PK11_ATTR_TOKEN         0x00000001L
-#define PK11_ATTR_SESSION       0x00000002L
- *
- * These two flags determine whether the object is a private or
- * public object.  A user may not access a private object until the
- * user has authenticated to the token.
- *
- * These two flags are related and cannot both be set.
- * If the PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE flag is set, the object is a private
- * object.  If the PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC flag is set, the object is a
- * public object.  If neither flag is set, it is token-specific
- * whether the object is private or public.
- *
- * These two flags specify the value of the PKCS #11 CKA_PRIVATE
- * attribute.  NSS only uses this attribute on private and secret
- * keys, so public keys created by NSS get the token-specific
- * default value of the CKA_PRIVATE attribute.
- */
-#define PK11_ATTR_PRIVATE       0x00000004L
-#define PK11_ATTR_PUBLIC        0x00000008L
- *
- * These two flags determine whether the object is modifiable or
- * read-only.
- *
- * These two flags are related and cannot both be set.
- * If the PK11_ATTR_MODIFIABLE flag is set, the object can be
- * modified.  If the PK11_ATTR_UNMODIFIABLE flag is set, the object
- * is read-only.  If neither flag is set, the object is *by default*
- * modifiable.
- *
- * These two flags specify the value of the PKCS #11 CKA_MODIFIABLE
- * attribute.
- */
-#define PK11_ATTR_MODIFIABLE    0x00000010L
-#define PK11_ATTR_UNMODIFIABLE  0x00000020L
-/* Attributes for PKCS #11 key objects. */
- *
- * These two flags are related and cannot both be set.
- * If the PK11_ATTR_SENSITIVE flag is set, the key is sensitive.
- * If the PK11_ATTR_INSENSITIVE flag is set, the key is not
- * sensitive.  If neither flag is set, it is token-specific whether
- * the key is sensitive or not.
- *
- * If a key is sensitive, certain attributes of the key cannot be
- * revealed in plaintext outside the token.
- *
- * This flag specifies the value of the PKCS #11 CKA_SENSITIVE
- * attribute.  Although the default value of the CKA_SENSITIVE
- * attribute for secret keys is CK_FALSE per PKCS #11, some FIPS
- * tokens set the default value to CK_TRUE because only CK_TRUE
- * is allowed.  So in practice the default value of this attribute
- * is token-specific, hence the need for two bitflags.
- */
-#define PK11_ATTR_SENSITIVE     0x00000040L
-#define PK11_ATTR_INSENSITIVE   0x00000080L
- *
- * These two flags are related and cannot both be set.
- * If the PK11_ATTR_EXTRACTABLE flag is set, the key is extractable
- * and can be wrapped.  If the PK11_ATTR_UNEXTRACTABLE flag is set,
- * the key is not extractable, and certain attributes of the key
- * cannot be revealed in plaintext outside the token (just like a
- * sensitive key).  If neither flag is set, it is token-specific
- * whether the key is extractable or not.
- *
- * These two flags specify the value of the PKCS #11 CKA_EXTRACTABLE
- * attribute.
- */
-#define PK11_ATTR_EXTRACTABLE   0x00000100L
-#define PK11_ATTR_UNEXTRACTABLE 0x00000200L
-/* Cryptographic module types */
-#define SECMOD_EXTERNAL	0	/* external module */
-#define SECMOD_INTERNAL 1	/* internal default module */
-#define SECMOD_FIPS	2	/* internal fips module */
-/* default module configuration strings */
-#define SECMOD_MAKE_NSS_FLAGS(fips,slot) \
-"Flags=internal,critical" fips " slotparams=(" #slot "={" SECMOD_SLOT_FLAGS "})"
-#define SECMOD_INT_NAME "NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module"
-#define SECMOD_FIPS_NAME "NSS Internal FIPS PKCS #11 Module"
- * What is the origin of a given Key. Normally this doesn't matter, but
- * the fortezza code needs to know if it needs to invoke the SSL3 fortezza
- * hack.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    PK11_OriginNULL = 0,	/* There is not key, it's a null SymKey */
-    PK11_OriginDerive = 1,	/* Key was derived from some other key */
-    PK11_OriginGenerated = 2,	/* Key was generated (also PBE keys) */
-    PK11_OriginFortezzaHack = 3,/* Key was marked for fortezza hack */
-    PK11_OriginUnwrap = 4	/* Key was unwrapped or decrypted */
-} PK11Origin;
-/* PKCS #11 disable reasons */
-typedef enum {
-    PK11_DIS_NONE = 0,
-} PK11DisableReasons;
-/* types of PKCS #11 objects 
- * used to identify which NSS data structure is 
- * passed to the PK11_Raw* functions. Types map as follows:
- *   PK11_TypeGeneric            PK11GenericObject *
- *   PK11_TypePrivKey            SECKEYPrivateKey *
- *   PK11_TypePubKey             SECKEYPublicKey *
- *   PK11_TypeSymKey             PK11SymKey *
- *   PK11_TypeCert               CERTCertificate * (currently not used).
- */
-typedef enum {
-   PK11_TypeGeneric = 0,
-   PK11_TypePrivKey = 1,
-   PK11_TypePubKey = 2,
-   PK11_TypeCert = 3,
-   PK11_TypeSymKey = 4
-} PK11ObjectType;
-/* function pointer type for password callback function.
- * This type is passed in to PK11_SetPasswordFunc() 
- */
-typedef char *(PR_CALLBACK *PK11PasswordFunc)(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool retry, void *arg);
-typedef PRBool (PR_CALLBACK *PK11VerifyPasswordFunc)(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *arg);
-typedef PRBool (PR_CALLBACK *PK11IsLoggedInFunc)(PK11SlotInfo *slot, void *arg);
- * Special strings the password callback function can return only if
- * the slot is an protected auth path slot.
- */ 
-#define PK11_PW_RETRY		"RETRY"	/* an failed attempt to authenticate
-					 * has already been made, just retry
-					 * the operation */
-#define PK11_PW_AUTHENTICATED	"AUTH"  /* a successful attempt to authenticate
-					 * has completed. Continue without
-					 * another call to C_Login */
-/* All other non-null values mean that that NSS could call C_Login to force
- * the authentication. The following define is to aid applications in 
- * documenting that is what it's trying to do */
-#define PK11_PW_TRY		"TRY"   /* Default: a prompt has been presented
-					 * to the user, initiate a C_Login
-					 * to authenticate the token */
- * PKCS #11 key structures
- */
-** Attributes
-struct SECKEYAttributeStr {
-    SECItem attrType;
-    SECItem **attrValue;
-typedef struct SECKEYAttributeStr SECKEYAttribute;
-** A PKCS#8 private key info object
-struct SECKEYPrivateKeyInfoStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem version;
-    SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
-    SECItem privateKey;
-    SECKEYAttribute **attributes;
-typedef struct SECKEYPrivateKeyInfoStr SECKEYPrivateKeyInfo;
-** A PKCS#8 private key info object
-struct SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
-    SECItem encryptedData;
-typedef struct SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfoStr SECKEYEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo;
- * token removal detection
- */
-typedef enum {
-   PK11TokenNotRemovable = 0,
-   PK11TokenPresent = 1,
-   PK11TokenChanged = 2,
-   PK11TokenRemoved = 3
-} PK11TokenStatus;
-typedef enum {
-   PK11TokenRemovedOrChangedEvent = 0,
-   PK11TokenPresentEvent = 1
-} PK11TokenEvent;
- * CRL Import Flags
- */
-#define CRL_IMPORT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS 0x00000000
-#define CRL_IMPORT_BYPASS_CHECKS   0x00000001
- * Merge Error Log
- */
-typedef struct PK11MergeLogStr PK11MergeLog;
-typedef struct PK11MergeLogNodeStr PK11MergeLogNode;
-/* These need to be global, leave some open fields so we can 'expand'
- * these without breaking binary compatibility */
-struct PK11MergeLogNodeStr {
-    PK11MergeLogNode *next;   /* next entry in the list */
-    PK11MergeLogNode *prev;   /* last entry in the list */
-    PK11GenericObject *object; /* object that failed */
-    int	error;		       /* what the error was */
-    CK_RV reserved1;
-    unsigned long reserved2; /* future flags */
-    unsigned long reserved3; /* future scalar */
-    void *reserved4; 	      /* future pointer */
-    void *reserved5;	      /* future expansion pointer */
-struct PK11MergeLogStr {
-    PK11MergeLogNode *head;
-    PK11MergeLogNode *tail;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    int version;
-    unsigned long reserved1;
-    unsigned long reserved2;
-    unsigned long reserved3;
-    void *reserverd4;
-    void *reserverd5;
-#endif /*_SECMODT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodti.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b63130..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secmodti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Internal header file included only by files in pkcs11 dir, or in
- * pkcs11 specific client and server files.
- */
-#ifndef  _SECMODTI_H_
-#define  _SECMODTI_H_ 1
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "nssilckt.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-/* internal data structures */
-/* Traverse slots callback */
-typedef struct pk11TraverseSlotStr {
-    SECStatus (*callback)(PK11SlotInfo *,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE, void *);
-    void *callbackArg;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *findTemplate;
-    int templateCount;
-} pk11TraverseSlot;
-/* represent a pkcs#11 slot reference counted. */
-struct PK11SlotInfoStr {
-    /* the PKCS11 function list for this slot */
-    void *functionList;
-    SECMODModule *module; /* our parent module */
-    /* Boolean to indicate the current state of this slot */
-    PRBool needTest;	/* Has this slot been tested for Export complience */
-    PRBool isPerm;	/* is this slot a permanment device */
-    PRBool isHW;	/* is this slot a hardware device */
-    PRBool isInternal;  /* is this slot one of our internal PKCS #11 devices */
-    PRBool disabled;	/* is this slot disabled... */
-    PK11DisableReasons reason; 	/* Why this slot is disabled */
-    PRBool readOnly;	/* is the token in this slot read-only */
-    PRBool needLogin;	/* does the token of the type that needs 
-			 * authentication (still true even if token is logged 
-			 * in) */
-    PRBool hasRandom;   /* can this token generated random numbers */
-    PRBool defRWSession; /* is the default session RW (we open our default 
-			  * session rw if the token can only handle one session
-			  * at a time. */
-    PRBool isThreadSafe; /* copied from the module */
-    /* The actual flags (many of which are distilled into the above PRBools) */
-    CK_FLAGS flags;      /* flags from PKCS #11 token Info */
-    /* a default session handle to do quick and dirty functions */
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session; 
-    PZLock *sessionLock; /* lock for this session */
-    /* our ID */
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID;
-    /* persistant flags saved from startup to startup */
-    unsigned long defaultFlags;
-    /* keep track of who is using us so we don't accidently get freed while
-     * still in use */
-    PRInt32 refCount;    /* to be in/decremented by atomic calls ONLY! */
-    PZLock *freeListLock;
-    PK11SymKey *freeSymKeysWithSessionHead;
-    PK11SymKey *freeSymKeysHead;
-    int keyCount;
-    int maxKeyCount;
-    /* Password control functions for this slot. many of these are only
-     * active if the appropriate flag is on in defaultFlags */
-    int askpw;		/* what our password options are */
-    int timeout;	/* If we're ask_timeout, what is our timeout time is 
-			 * seconds */
-    int authTransact;   /* allow multiple authentications off one password if
-		         * they are all part of the same transaction */
-    PRTime authTime;	/* when were we last authenticated */
-    int minPassword;	/* smallest legal password */
-    int maxPassword;	/* largest legal password */
-    PRUint16 series;	/* break up the slot info into various groups of
-			 * inserted tokens so that keys and certs can be
-			 * invalidated */
-    PRUint16 flagSeries;/* record the last series for the last event
-                         * returned for this slot */
-    PRBool flagState;	/* record the state of the last event returned for this
-			 * slot. */
-    PRUint16 wrapKey;	/* current wrapping key for SSL master secrets */
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE wrapMechanism;
-			/* current wrapping mechanism for current wrapKey */
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE refKeys[1]; /* array of existing wrapping keys for */
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE *mechanismList; /* list of mechanism supported by this
-				       * token */
-    int mechanismCount;
-    /* cache the certificates stored on the token of this slot */
-    CERTCertificate **cert_array;
-    int array_size;
-    int cert_count;
-    char serial[16];
-    /* since these are odd sizes, keep them last. They are odd sizes to 
-     * allow them to become null terminated strings */
-    char slot_name[65];
-    char token_name[33];
-    PRBool hasRootCerts;
-    PRBool hasRootTrust;
-    PRBool hasRSAInfo;
-    CK_FLAGS RSAInfoFlags;
-    PRBool protectedAuthPath;
-    PRBool isActiveCard;
-    PRIntervalTime lastLoginCheck;
-    unsigned int lastState;
-    /* for Stan */
-    NSSToken *nssToken;
-    /* fast mechanism lookup */
-    char mechanismBits[256];
-/* Symetric Key structure. Reference Counted */
-struct PK11SymKeyStr {
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type;	/* type of operation this key was created for*/
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  objectID; /* object id of this key in the slot */
-    PK11SlotInfo      *slot;    /* Slot this key is loaded into */
-    void	      *cx;	/* window context in case we need to loggin */
-    PK11SymKey	      *next;
-    PRBool	      owner;
-    SECItem	      data;	/* raw key data if available */
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE session;
-    PRBool	      sessionOwner;
-    PRInt32	      refCount;	/* number of references to this key */
-    int		      size;	/* key size in bytes */
-    PK11Origin	      origin;	/* where this key came from 
-                                 * (see def in secmodt.h) */
-    PK11SymKey        *parent;  /* potential owner key of the session */
-    PRUint16 series;		/* break up the slot info into various groups
-				 * of inserted tokens so that keys and certs 
-				 * can be invalidated */
-    void *userData;		/* random data the application can attach to
-                                 * this key */
-    PK11FreeDataFunc freeFunc;	/* function to free the user data */
- * hold a hash, encryption or signing context for multi-part operations.
- * hold enough information so that multiple contexts can be interleaved
- * if necessary. ... Not RefCounted.
- */
-struct PK11ContextStr {
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE	operation; /* type of operation this context is doing
-				    * (CKA_ENCRYPT, CKA_SIGN, CKA_HASH, etc. */
-    PK11SymKey  	*key;	   /* symetric key used in this context */
-    PK11SlotInfo	*slot;	   /* slot this context is operationing on */
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE	session;   /* session this context is using */
-    PZLock		*sessionLock; /* lock before accessing a PKCS #11 
-				       * session */
-    PRBool		ownSession;/* do we own the session? */
-    void 		*cx;	   /* window context in case we need to loggin*/
-    void		*savedData;/* save data when we are multiplexing on a
-				    * single context */
-    unsigned long	savedLength; /* length of the saved context */
-    SECItem		*param;	    /* mechanism parameters used to build this
-								context */
-    PRBool		init;	    /* has this contexted been initialized */
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE	type;	    /* what is the PKCS #11 this context is
-				     * representing (usually what algorithm is
-				     * being used (CKM_RSA_PKCS, CKM_DES,
-				     * CKM_SHA, etc.*/
-    PRBool		fortezzaHack; /*Fortezza SSL has some special
-				       * non-standard semantics*/
- * structure to hold a pointer to a unique PKCS #11 object 
- * (pointer to the slot and the object id).
- */
-struct PK11GenericObjectStr {
-    PK11GenericObject *prev;
-    PK11GenericObject *next;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-#define MAX_TEMPL_ATTRS 16 /* maximum attributes in template */
-/* This mask includes all CK_FLAGs with an equivalent CKA_ attribute. */
-#define CKF_KEY_OPERATION_FLAGS 0x000e7b00UL
-#endif /* _SECMODTI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secpkcs5.h b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secpkcs5.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac863b1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/secpkcs5.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECPKCS5_H_
-#define _SECPKCS5_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-/* used for V2 PKCS 12 Draft Spec */
-typedef enum {
-    pbeBitGenIDNull = 0,
-    pbeBitGenCipherKey = 0x01,
-    pbeBitGenCipherIV = 0x02,
-    pbeBitGenIntegrityKey = 0x03
-} PBEBitGenID;
-typedef struct PBEBitGenContextStr PBEBitGenContext;
-/* private */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-sec_pkcs5CreateAlgorithmID(SECOidTag algorithm, SECOidTag cipherAlgorithm,
-			SECOidTag prfAlg, SECOidTag *pPbeAlgorithm,
-			int keyLengh, SECItem *salt, int iteration);
-/* Get the initialization vector.  The password is passed in, hashing
- * is performed, and the initialization vector is returned.
- *  algid is a pointer to a PBE algorithm ID
- *  pwitem is the password
- * If an error occurs or the algorithm id is not a PBE algrithm,
- * NULL is returned.  Otherwise, the iv is returned in a secitem.
- */
-SECItem *
-SEC_PKCS5GetIV(SECAlgorithmID *algid, SECItem *pwitem, PRBool faulty3DES);
-SECOidTag SEC_PKCS5GetCryptoAlgorithm(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-PRBool SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlg(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-PRBool SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag(SECOidTag algTag);
-SECOidTag SEC_PKCS5GetPBEAlgorithm(SECOidTag algTag, int keyLen);
-int SEC_PKCS5GetKeyLength(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * Deprecated PBE functions.  Use the PBE functions in pk11func.h
- * instead.
- **********************************************************************/
-PBEBitGenContext *
-PBE_CreateContext(SECOidTag hashAlgorithm, PBEBitGenID bitGenPurpose,
-        SECItem *pwitem, SECItem *salt, unsigned int bitsNeeded,
-        unsigned int iterations);
-PBE_DestroyContext(PBEBitGenContext *context);
-SECItem *
-PBE_GenerateBits(PBEBitGenContext *context);
-#endif /* _SECPKS5_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/certread.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/certread.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 88812c7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/certread.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "base64.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-typedef struct ContentInfoStr ContentInfo;
-typedef struct DegenerateSignedDataStr DegenerateSignedData;
-struct ContentInfoStr {
-    SECOidTag contentTypeTag;   /* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem contentType;
-    union {
-        SECItem *data;
-        DegenerateSignedData *signedData;
-    } content;
-struct DegenerateSignedDataStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SECItem **digestAlgorithms;
-    ContentInfo contentInfo;
-    SECItem **certificates;
-    SECItem **crls;
-    SECItem **signerInfos;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-choose_content_template(void *src_or_dest, PRBool encoding);
-static const SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr template_chooser
-        = choose_content_template;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template ContentInfoTemplate[] = {
-          0, NULL, sizeof(ContentInfo) },
-          offsetof(ContentInfo,contentType) },
-          offsetof(ContentInfo,content),
-          &template_chooser },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template DegenerateSignedDataTemplate[] = {
-          0, NULL, sizeof(DegenerateSignedData) },
-          offsetof(DegenerateSignedData,version) },
-          offsetof(DegenerateSignedData,digestAlgorithms),
-          SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-          offsetof(DegenerateSignedData,contentInfo),
-          ContentInfoTemplate },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0,
-          offsetof(DegenerateSignedData,certificates),
-          SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate) },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 1,
-          offsetof(DegenerateSignedData,crls),
-          SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate) },
-          offsetof(DegenerateSignedData,signerInfos),
-          SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template PointerToDegenerateSignedDataTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, DegenerateSignedDataTemplate }
-static SECOidTag
-GetContentTypeTag(ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    if (cinfo->contentTypeTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN)
-        cinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&cinfo->contentType);
-    return cinfo->contentTypeTag;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-choose_content_template(void *src_or_dest, PRBool encoding)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate;
-    ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    PORT_Assert(src_or_dest != NULL);
-    if (src_or_dest == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    cinfo = (ContentInfo*)src_or_dest;
-    kind = GetContentTypeTag(cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-        theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate);
-        break;
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-        theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate);
-        break;
-        theTemplate = PointerToDegenerateSignedDataTemplate;
-        break;
-    }
-    return theTemplate;
-static SECStatus
-SEC_ReadPKCS7Certs(SECItem *pkcs7Item, CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void *arg)
-    ContentInfo contentInfo;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem **certs;
-    int count;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if ( arena == NULL ) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&contentInfo, 0, sizeof(contentInfo));
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &contentInfo, ContentInfoTemplate,
-			    pkcs7Item);
-    if ( rv != SECSuccess ) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if ( GetContentTypeTag(&contentInfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA ) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    certs = contentInfo.content.signedData->certificates;
-    if ( certs ) {
-	count = 0;
-	while ( *certs ) {
-	    count++;
-	    certs++;
-	}
-	rv = (* f)(arg, contentInfo.content.signedData->certificates, count);
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    goto done;
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if ( arena ) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_CertSequenceTemplate[] = {
-static SECStatus
-SEC_ReadCertSequence(SECItem *certsItem, CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void *arg)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem **certs;
-    int count;
-    SECItem **rawCerts = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    ContentInfo contentInfo;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if ( arena == NULL ) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&contentInfo, 0, sizeof(contentInfo));
-    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &contentInfo, ContentInfoTemplate,
-			    certsItem);
-    if ( rv != SECSuccess ) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if ( GetContentTypeTag(&contentInfo) != SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_CERT_SEQUENCE ) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &rawCerts, SEC_CertSequenceTemplate,
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    certs = rawCerts;
-    if ( certs ) {
-	count = 0;
-	while ( *certs ) {
-	    count++;
-	    certs++;
-	}
-	rv = (* f)(arg, rawCerts, count);
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    goto done;
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if ( arena ) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_ConvertAndDecodeCertificate(char *certstr)
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem der;
-    rv = ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(&der, certstr);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	return NULL;
-    cert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(), 
-                                   &der, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return cert;
-static const char NS_CERT_HEADER[]  = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----";
-static const char NS_CERT_TRAILER[] = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
-#define NS_CERT_HEADER_LEN  ((sizeof NS_CERT_HEADER) - 1)
-#define NS_CERT_TRAILER_LEN ((sizeof NS_CERT_TRAILER) - 1)
- * read an old style ascii or binary certificate chain
- */
-CERT_DecodeCertPackage(char *certbuf,
-		       int certlen,
-		       CERTImportCertificateFunc f,
-		       void *arg)
-    unsigned char *cp;
-    unsigned char *bincert = NULL;
-    char *         ascCert = NULL;
-    SECStatus      rv;
-    if ( certbuf == NULL ) {
-	return(SECFailure);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Make sure certlen is long enough to handle the longest possible
-     * reference in the code below:
-     * 0x30 0x84 l1 l2 l3 l4  +
-     *                       tag 9 o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8 o9
-     * where 9 is the longest length of the expected oids we are testing.
-     *   6 + 11 = 17. 17 bytes is clearly too small to code any kind of
-     *  certificate (a 128 bit ECC certificate contains at least an 8 byte
-     * key and a 16 byte signature, plus coding overhead). Typically a cert
-     * is much larger. So it's safe to require certlen to be at least 17
-     * bytes.
-     */
-    if (certlen < 17) {
-	return(SECFailure);
-    }
-    cp = (unsigned char *)certbuf;
-    /* is a DER encoded certificate of some type? */
-    if ( ( *cp  & 0x1f ) == SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE ) {
-	SECItem certitem;
-	SECItem *pcertitem = &certitem;
-	int seqLen, seqLenLen;
-	cp++;
-	if ( *cp & 0x80) {
-	    /* Multibyte length */
-	    seqLenLen = cp[0] & 0x7f;
-	    switch (seqLenLen) {
-	      case 4:
-		seqLen = ((unsigned long)cp[1]<<24) |
-		    ((unsigned long)cp[2]<<16) | (cp[3]<<8) | cp[4];
-		break;
-	      case 3:
-		seqLen = ((unsigned long)cp[1]<<16) | (cp[2]<<8) | cp[3];
-		break;
-	      case 2:
-		seqLen = (cp[1]<<8) | cp[2];
-		break;
-	      case 1:
-		seqLen = cp[1];
-		break;
-	      case 0:
-		/* indefinite length */
-		seqLen = 0;
-		break;
-	      default:
-		goto notder;
-	    }
-	    cp += ( seqLenLen + 1 );
-	} else {
-	    seqLenLen = 0;
-	    seqLen = *cp;
-	    cp++;
-	}
-	/* check entire length if definite length */
-	if ( seqLen || seqLenLen ) {
-	    if ( certlen != ( seqLen + seqLenLen + 2 ) ) {
-		if (certlen > ( seqLen + seqLenLen + 2 ))
-		else 
-		goto notder;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* check the type oid */
-	if ( cp[0] == SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID ) {
-	    SECOidData *oiddata;
-	    SECItem oiditem;
-	    /* XXX - assume DER encoding of OID len!! */
-	    oiditem.len = cp[1];
-	    /* if we add an oid below that is longer than 9 bytes, then we
-	     * need to change the certlen check at the top of the function
-	     * to prevent a buffer overflow
-	     */
-	    if ( oiditem.len > 9 ) {
-		return(SECFailure);
-	    }
- = (unsigned char *)&cp[2];
-	    oiddata = SECOID_FindOID(&oiditem);
-	    if ( oiddata == NULL ) {
-		return(SECFailure);
-	    }
- = (unsigned char*)certbuf;
-	    certitem.len = certlen;
-	    switch ( oiddata->offset ) {
-		/* oid: 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x07, 0x02 */
-		return(SEC_ReadPKCS7Certs(&certitem, f, arg));
-		break;
-		/* oid: 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x02, 0x05 */
-		return(SEC_ReadCertSequence(&certitem, f, arg));
-		break;
-	      default:
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* it had better be a certificate by now!! */
- = (unsigned char*)certbuf;
-	    certitem.len = certlen;
-	    rv = (* f)(arg, &pcertitem, 1);
-	    return(rv);
-	}
-    }
-    /* now look for a netscape base64 ascii encoded cert */
-  {
-    unsigned char *certbegin = NULL; 
-    unsigned char *certend   = NULL;
-    char          *pc;
-    int cl;
-    /* Convert the ASCII data into a nul-terminated string */
-    ascCert = (char *)PORT_Alloc(certlen + 1);
-    if (!ascCert) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(ascCert, certbuf, certlen);
-    ascCert[certlen] = '\0';
-    pc = PORT_Strchr(ascCert, '\n');  /* find an EOL */
-    if (!pc) { /* maybe this is a MAC file */
-	pc = ascCert;
-	while (*pc && NULL != (pc = PORT_Strchr(pc, '\r'))) {
-	    *pc++ = '\n';
-	}
-    }
-    cp = (unsigned char *)ascCert;
-    cl = certlen;
-    /* find the beginning marker */
-    while ( cl > NS_CERT_HEADER_LEN ) {
-	int found = 0;
-	if ( !PORT_Strncasecmp((char *)cp, NS_CERT_HEADER,
-			        NS_CERT_HEADER_LEN) ) {
-	    cl -= NS_CERT_HEADER_LEN;
-	    cp += NS_CERT_HEADER_LEN;
-	    found = 1;
-	}
-	/* skip to next eol */
-	while ( cl && ( *cp != '\n' )) {
-	    cp++;
-	    cl--;
-	} 
-	/* skip all blank lines */
-	while ( cl && ( *cp == '\n' || *cp == '\r' )) {
-	    cp++;
-	    cl--;
-	}
-	if (cl && found) {
-	    certbegin = cp;
-	    break;
-    	}
-    }
-    if ( certbegin ) {
-	/* find the ending marker */
-	while ( cl >= NS_CERT_TRAILER_LEN ) {
-	    if ( !PORT_Strncasecmp((char *)cp, NS_CERT_TRAILER,
-				   NS_CERT_TRAILER_LEN) ) {
-		certend = cp;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* skip to next eol */
-	    while ( cl && ( *cp != '\n' )) {
-		cp++;
-		cl--;
-	    }
-	    /* skip all blank lines */
-	    while ( cl && ( *cp == '\n' || *cp == '\r' )) {
-		cp++;
-		cl--;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if ( certbegin && certend ) {
-	unsigned int binLen;
-	*certend = 0;
-	/* convert to binary */
-	bincert = ATOB_AsciiToData((char *)certbegin, &binLen);
-	if (!bincert) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* now recurse to decode the binary */
-	rv = CERT_DecodeCertPackage((char *)bincert, binLen, f, arg);
-    } else {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-  }
-    if ( bincert ) {
-	PORT_Free(bincert);
-    }
-    if ( ascCert ) {
-	PORT_Free(ascCert);
-    }
-    return(rv);
-typedef struct {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem cert;
-} collect_args;
-static SECStatus
-collect_certs(void *arg, SECItem **certs, int numcerts)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    collect_args *collectArgs;
-    collectArgs = (collect_args *)arg;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(collectArgs->arena, &collectArgs->cert, *certs);
-    return(rv);
- * read an old style ascii or binary certificate
- */
-CERTCertificate *
-CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage(char *certbuf, int certlen)
-    collect_args collectArgs;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    collectArgs.arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    rv = CERT_DecodeCertPackage(certbuf, certlen, collect_certs,
-				(void *)&collectArgs);
-    if ( rv == SECSuccess ) {
-	cert = CERT_NewTempCertificate(CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(),
-	                               &collectArgs.cert, NULL, 
-	                               PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(collectArgs.arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return(cert);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7common.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7common.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10015ce..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7common.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * PKCS7 implementation -- the exported parts that are used whether
- * creating or decoding.
- */
-#include "p7local.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
- * Find out (saving pointer to lookup result for future reference)
- * and return the inner content type.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentType (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    if (cinfo->contentTypeTag == NULL)
-	cinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOID(&(cinfo->contentType));
-    if (cinfo->contentTypeTag == NULL)
-    return cinfo->contentTypeTag->offset;
- * Destroy a PKCS7 contentInfo and all of its sub-pieces.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    CERTCertificate **certs;
-    CERTCertificateList **certlists;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos;
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientinfos;
-    PORT_Assert (cinfo->refCount > 0);
-    if (cinfo->refCount <= 0)
-	return;
-    cinfo->refCount--;
-    if (cinfo->refCount > 0)
-	return;
-    certs = NULL;
-    certlists = NULL;
-    recipientinfos = NULL;
-    signerinfos = NULL;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *edp;
-	    edp = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-	    if (edp != NULL) {
-		recipientinfos = edp->recipientInfos;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    if (sdp != NULL) {
-		certs = sdp->certs;
-		certlists = sdp->certLists;
-		signerinfos = sdp->signerInfos;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    if (saedp != NULL) {
-		certs = saedp->certs;
-		certlists = saedp->certLists;
-		recipientinfos = saedp->recipientInfos;
-		signerinfos = saedp->signerInfos;
-		if (saedp->sigKey != NULL)
-		    PK11_FreeSymKey (saedp->sigKey);
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	/* XXX Anything else that needs to be "manually" freed/destroyed? */
-	break;
-    }
-    if (certs != NULL) {
-	CERTCertificate *cert;
-	while ((cert = *certs++) != NULL) {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);
-	}
-    }
-    if (certlists != NULL) {
-	CERTCertificateList *certlist;
-	while ((certlist = *certlists++) != NULL) {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificateList (certlist);
-	}
-    }
-    if (recipientinfos != NULL) {
-	SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *ri;
-	while ((ri = *recipientinfos++) != NULL) {
-	    if (ri->cert != NULL)
-		CERT_DestroyCertificate (ri->cert);
-	}
-    }
-    if (signerinfos != NULL) {
-	SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *si;
-	while ((si = *signerinfos++) != NULL) {
-	    if (si->cert != NULL)
-		CERT_DestroyCertificate (si->cert);
-	    if (si->certList != NULL)
-		CERT_DestroyCertificateList (si->certList);
-	}
-    }
-    if (cinfo->poolp != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (cinfo->poolp, PR_FALSE);	/* XXX clear it? */
-    }
- * Return a copy of the given contentInfo.  The copy may be virtual
- * or may be real -- either way, the result needs to be passed to
- * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo later (as does the original).
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CopyContentInfo(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    PORT_Assert (cinfo->refCount > 0);
-    if (cinfo->created) {
-	/*
-	 * Want to do a real copy of these; otherwise subsequent
-	 * changes made to either copy are likely to be a surprise.
-	 * XXX I suspect that this will not actually be called for yet,
-	 * which is why the assert, so to notice if it is...
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (0);
-	/*
-	 * XXX Create a new pool here, and copy everything from
-	 * within.  For cert stuff, need to call the appropriate
-	 * copy functions, etc.
-	 */
-    }
-    cinfo->refCount++;
-    return cinfo;
- * Return a pointer to the actual content.  In the case of those types
- * which are encrypted, this returns the *plain* content.
- * XXX Needs revisiting if/when we handle nested encrypted types.
- */
-SECItem *
-SEC_PKCS7GetContent(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	return cinfo->;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7DigestedData *digd;
-	    digd = cinfo->content.digestedData;
-	    if (digd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    return SEC_PKCS7GetContent (&(digd->contentInfo));
-	}
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *encd;
-	    encd = cinfo->content.encryptedData;
-	    if (encd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    return &(encd->encContentInfo.plainContent);
-	}
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *envd;
-	    envd = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-	    if (envd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    return &(envd->encContentInfo.plainContent);
-	}
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sigd;
-	    sigd = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    if (sigd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    return SEC_PKCS7GetContent (&(sigd->contentInfo));
-	}
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saed;
-	    saed = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    if (saed == NULL)
-		break;
-	    return &(saed->encContentInfo.plainContent);
-	}
-      default:
-	PORT_Assert(0);
-	break;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * XXX Fix the placement and formatting of the
- * following routines (i.e. make them consistent with the rest of
- * the pkcs7 code -- I think some/many belong in other files and
- * they all need a formatting/style rehaul)
- */
-/* retrieve the algorithm identifier for encrypted data.  
- * the identifier returned is a copy of the algorithm identifier
- * in the content info and needs to be freed after being used.
- *
- *   cinfo is the content info for which to retrieve the
- *     encryption algorithm.
- *
- * if the content info is not encrypted data or an error 
- * occurs NULL is returned.
- */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-SEC_PKCS7GetEncryptionAlgorithm(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-  SECAlgorithmID *alg = 0;
-  switch (SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo))
-    {
-      alg = &cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg;
-      break;
-      alg = &cinfo->content.envelopedData->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg;
-      break;
-      alg = &cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData
-	->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg;
-      break;
-    default:
-      alg = 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    return alg;
-/* set the content of the content info.  For data content infos,
- * the data is set.  For encrytped content infos, the plainContent
- * is set, and is expected to be encrypted later.
- *  
- * cinfo is the content info where the data will be set
- *
- * buf is a buffer of the data to set
- *
- * len is the length of the data being set.
- *
- * in the event of an error, SECFailure is returned.  SECSuccess 
- * indicates the content was successfully set.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7SetContent(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		    const char *buf, 
-		    unsigned long len)
-    SECOidTag cinfo_type;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem content;
-    SECOidData *contentTypeTag = NULL;
-    content.type = siBuffer;
- = (unsigned char *)buf;
-    content.len = len;
-    cinfo_type = SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo);
-    /* set inner content */
-    switch(cinfo_type)
-    {
-	    if(content.len > 0) {
-		/* we "leak" the old content here, but as it's all in the pool */
-		/* it does not really matter */
-		/* create content item if necessary */
-		if (cinfo->content.signedData-> == NULL)
-		    cinfo->content.signedData-> = SECITEM_AllocItem(cinfo->poolp, NULL, 0);
-		rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(cinfo->poolp, 
-			cinfo->content.signedData->,
-			&content);
-	    } else {
-		cinfo->content.signedData->>data = NULL;
-		cinfo->content.signedData->>len = 0;
-		rv = SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    if(rv == SECFailure)
-		goto loser;
-	    break;
-	    /* XXX this forces the inner content type to be "data" */
-	    /* do we really want to override without asking or reason? */
-	    contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA);
-	    if(contentTypeTag == NULL)
-		goto loser;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(cinfo->poolp, 
-		&(cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.contentType),
-		&(contentTypeTag->oid));
-	    if(rv == SECFailure)
-		goto loser;
-	    if(content.len > 0) {
-		rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(cinfo->poolp, 
-			&(cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.plainContent),
-			&content);
-	    } else {
-		cinfo->content.encryptedData-> = NULL;
-		cinfo->content.encryptedData-> = NULL;
-		cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.plainContent.len = 0;
-		cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.encContent.len = 0;
-		rv = SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    if(rv == SECFailure)
-		goto loser;
-	    break;
-	    cinfo-> = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cinfo->poolp,
-		sizeof(SECItem));
-	    if(cinfo-> == NULL)
-		goto loser;
-	    if(content.len > 0) {
-		rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(cinfo->poolp,
-			cinfo->, &content);
-	    } else {
-	    	/* handle case with NULL content */
-		rv = SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    if(rv == SECFailure)
-		goto loser;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    goto loser;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
-/* the content of an encrypted data content info is encrypted.
- * it is assumed that for encrypted data, that the data has already
- * been set and is in the "plainContent" field of the content info.
- *
- * cinfo is the content info to encrypt
- *
- * key is the key with which to perform the encryption.  if the
- *     algorithm is a password based encryption algorithm, the
- *     key is actually a password which will be processed per
- *     PKCS #5.
- * 
- * in the event of an error, SECFailure is returned.  SECSuccess
- * indicates a success.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7EncryptContents(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			 SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			 SECItem *key,
-			 void *wincx)
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid 	= NULL;
-    SECItem *       src;
-    SECItem *       dest;
-    SECItem *       blocked_data = NULL;
-    void *          mark;
-    void *          cx;
-    PK11SymKey *    eKey 	= NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo *  slot 	= NULL;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cryptoMechType;
-    int             bs;
-    SECStatus       rv 		= SECFailure;
-    SECItem         *c_param = NULL;
-    if((cinfo == NULL) || (key == NULL))
-	return SECFailure;
-    if(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA)
-	return SECFailure;
-    algid = SEC_PKCS7GetEncryptionAlgorithm(cinfo);	
-    if(algid == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    if(poolp == NULL)
-	poolp = cinfo->poolp;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);
-    src = &cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.plainContent;
-    dest = &cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.encContent;
-    dest->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, (src->len + 64));
-    dest->len = (src->len + 64);
-    if(dest->data == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    if(slot == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    eKey = PK11_PBEKeyGen(slot, algid, key, PR_FALSE, wincx);
-    if(eKey == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cryptoMechType = PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(algid, &c_param, key);
-    if (cryptoMechType == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* block according to PKCS 8 */
-    bs = PK11_GetBlockSize(cryptoMechType, c_param);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if(bs) {
-	char pad_char;
-	pad_char = (char)(bs - (src->len % bs));
-	if(src->len % bs) {
-	    rv = SECSuccess;
-	    blocked_data = PK11_BlockData(src, bs);
-	    if(blocked_data) {
-		PORT_Memset((blocked_data->data + blocked_data->len 
-			    - (int)pad_char), 
-			    pad_char, (int)pad_char);
-	    } else {
-		rv = SECFailure;
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    blocked_data = SECITEM_DupItem(src);
-	    if(blocked_data) {
-		blocked_data->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Realloc(
-						  blocked_data->data,
-						  blocked_data->len + bs);
-		if(blocked_data->data) {
-		    blocked_data->len += bs;
-		    PORT_Memset((blocked_data->data + src->len), (char)bs, bs);
-		} else {
-		    rv = SECFailure;
-		    goto loser;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		rv = SECFailure;
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	 }
-    } else {
-	blocked_data = SECITEM_DupItem(src);
-	if(!blocked_data) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    cx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cryptoMechType, CKA_ENCRYPT,
-		    		    eKey, c_param);
-    if(cx == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_CipherOp((PK11Context*)cx, dest->data, (int *)(&dest->len), 
-		       (int)(src->len + 64), blocked_data->data, 
-		       (int)blocked_data->len);
-    PK11_DestroyContext((PK11Context*)cx, PR_TRUE);
-    /* let success fall through */
-    if(blocked_data != NULL)
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(blocked_data, PR_TRUE);
-    if(rv == SECFailure)
-	PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark);
-    else 
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark);
-    if(eKey != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(eKey);
-    if(slot != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if(c_param != NULL) 
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(c_param, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-/* the content of an encrypted data content info is decrypted.
- * it is assumed that for encrypted data, that the data has already
- * been set and is in the "encContent" field of the content info.
- *
- * cinfo is the content info to decrypt
- *
- * key is the key with which to perform the decryption.  if the
- *     algorithm is a password based encryption algorithm, the
- *     key is actually a password which will be processed per
- *     PKCS #5.
- * 
- * in the event of an error, SECFailure is returned.  SECSuccess
- * indicates a success.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7DecryptContents(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			 SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			 SECItem *key,
-			 void *wincx)
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem *dest, *src;
-    void *mark;
-    PK11SymKey *eKey = NULL;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cryptoMechType;
-    void *cx;
-    SECItem *c_param = NULL;
-    int bs;
-    if((cinfo == NULL) || (key == NULL))
-	return SECFailure;
-    if(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA)
-	return SECFailure;
-    algid = SEC_PKCS7GetEncryptionAlgorithm(cinfo);	
-    if(algid == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    if(poolp == NULL)
-	poolp = cinfo->poolp;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);
-    src = &cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.encContent;
-    dest = &cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.plainContent;
-    dest->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, (src->len + 64));
-    dest->len = (src->len + 64);
-    if(dest->data == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-    if(slot == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    eKey = PK11_PBEKeyGen(slot, algid, key, PR_FALSE, wincx);
-    if(eKey == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cryptoMechType = PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(algid, &c_param, key);
-    if (cryptoMechType == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cryptoMechType, CKA_DECRYPT,
-		    		    eKey, c_param);
-    if(cx == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = PK11_CipherOp((PK11Context*)cx, dest->data, (int *)(&dest->len), 
-		       (int)(src->len + 64), src->data, (int)src->len);
-    PK11_DestroyContext((PK11Context *)cx, PR_TRUE);
-    bs = PK11_GetBlockSize(cryptoMechType, c_param);
-    if(bs) {
-	/* check for proper badding in block algorithms.  this assumes
-	 * RC2 cbc or a DES cbc variant.  and the padding is thus defined
-	 */
-	if(((int)dest->data[dest->len-1] <= bs) && 
-	   ((int)dest->data[dest->len-1] > 0)) {
-	    dest->len -= (int)dest->data[dest->len-1];
-	} else {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    /* set an error ? */
-	}
-    } 
-    /* let success fall through */
-    if(rv == SECFailure)
-	PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark);
-    else
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark);
-    if(eKey != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSymKey(eKey);
-    if(slot != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    if(c_param != NULL) 
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(c_param, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-SECItem **
-SEC_PKCS7GetCertificateList(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    switch(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo))
-    {
-	    return cinfo->content.signedData->rawCerts;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    return NULL;
-	    break;
-    }
-SEC_PKCS7GetKeyLength(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-  if (cinfo->contentTypeTag->offset == SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA)
-    return cinfo->content.envelopedData->encContentInfo.keysize;
-  else
-    return 0;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7create.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7create.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 983b7b5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7create.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1291 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * PKCS7 creation.
- */
-#include "p7local.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secpkcs5.h"
-const int NSS_PBE_DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT = 2000; /* used in p12e.c too */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_init_content_info (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			     SECOidTag kind, PRBool detached)
-    void *thing;
-    int version;
-    SECItem *versionp;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert (cinfo != NULL && poolp != NULL);
-    if (cinfo == NULL || poolp == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    cinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag (kind);
-    PORT_Assert (cinfo->contentTypeTag
-		 && cinfo->contentTypeTag->offset == kind);
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem (poolp, &(cinfo->contentType),
-			   &(cinfo->contentTypeTag->oid));
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	return rv;
-    if (detached)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SECItem));
-	cinfo-> = (SECItem*)thing;
-	versionp = NULL;
-	version = -1;
-	break;
-	thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData));
-	cinfo->content.digestedData = (SEC_PKCS7DigestedData*)thing;
-	versionp = &(cinfo->content.digestedData->version);
-	break;
-	thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData));
-	cinfo->content.encryptedData = (SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData*)thing;
-	versionp = &(cinfo->content.encryptedData->version);
-	break;
-	thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData));
-	cinfo->content.envelopedData = 
-	  (SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData*)thing;
-	versionp = &(cinfo->content.envelopedData->version);
-	break;
-	thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData));
-	cinfo->content.signedData = 
-	  (SEC_PKCS7SignedData*)thing;
-	versionp = &(cinfo->content.signedData->version);
-	break;
-	thing = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp,sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData));
-	cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData = 
-	  (SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData*)thing;
-	versionp = &(cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->version);
-	break;
-    }
-    if (thing == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    if (versionp != NULL) {
-	SECItem *dummy;
-	PORT_Assert (version >= 0);
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger (poolp, versionp, version);
-	if (dummy == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;
-	PORT_Assert (dummy == versionp);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-sec_pkcs7_create_content_info (SECOidTag kind, PRBool detached,
-			       SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena (1024);	/* XXX what is right value? */
-    if (poolp == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    cinfo = (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(*cinfo));
-    if (cinfo == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cinfo->poolp = poolp;
-    cinfo->pwfn = pwfn;
-    cinfo->pwfn_arg = pwfn_arg;
-    cinfo->created = PR_TRUE;
-    cinfo->refCount = 1;
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_init_content_info (cinfo, poolp, kind, detached);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cinfo;
- * Add a signer to a PKCS7 thing, verifying the signature cert first.
- * Any error returns SECFailure.
- *
- * XXX Right now this only adds the *first* signer.  It fails if you try
- * to add a second one -- this needs to be fixed.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_add_signer (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		      CERTCertificate *     cert,
-		      SECCertUsage          certusage,
-		      CERTCertDBHandle *    certdb,
-		      SECOidTag             digestalgtag,
-		      SECItem *             digestdata)
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *signerinfo, **signerinfos, ***signerinfosp;
-    SECAlgorithmID      *digestalg,  **digestalgs,  ***digestalgsp;
-    SECItem             *digest,     **digests,     ***digestsp;
-    SECItem *            dummy;
-    void *               mark;
-    SECStatus            rv;
-    SECOidTag            kind;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    digestalgsp = &(sdp->digestAlgorithms);
-	    digestsp = &(sdp->digests);
-	    signerinfosp = &(sdp->signerInfos);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    digestalgsp = &(saedp->digestAlgorithms);
-	    digestsp = &(saedp->digests);
-	    signerinfosp = &(saedp->signerInfos);
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX I think that CERT_VerifyCert should do this if *it* is passed
-     * a NULL database.
-     */
-    if (certdb == NULL) {
-	certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-	if (certdb == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    if (CERT_VerifyCert (certdb, cert, PR_TRUE, certusage, PR_Now(),
-			 cinfo->pwfn_arg, NULL) != SECSuccess)
-	{
-	/* XXX Did CERT_VerifyCert set an error? */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX This is the check that we do not already have a signer.
-     * This is not what we really want -- we want to allow this
-     * and *add* the new signer.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (*signerinfosp == NULL
-		 && *digestalgsp == NULL && *digestsp == NULL);
-    if (*signerinfosp != NULL || *digestalgsp != NULL || *digestsp != NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (cinfo->poolp);
-    signerinfo = (SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (cinfo->poolp, 
-						  sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo));
-    if (signerinfo == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger (cinfo->poolp, &signerinfo->version,
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (dummy == &signerinfo->version);
-    signerinfo->cert = CERT_DupCertificate (cert);
-    if (signerinfo->cert == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    signerinfo->issuerAndSN = CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN (cinfo->poolp, cert);
-    if (signerinfo->issuerAndSN == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID (cinfo->poolp, &signerinfo->digestAlg,
-				digestalgtag, NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Okay, now signerinfo is all set.  We just need to put it and its
-     * companions (another copy of the digest algorithm, and the digest
-     * itself if given) into the main structure.
-     *
-     * XXX If we are handling more than one signer, the following code
-     * needs to look through the digest algorithms already specified
-     * and see if the same one is there already.  If it is, it does not
-     * need to be added again.  Also, if it is there *and* the digest
-     * is not null, then the digest given should match the digest already
-     * specified -- if not, that is an error.  Finally, the new signerinfo
-     * should be *added* to the set already found.
-     */
-    signerinfos = (SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp,
-				   2 * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *));
-    if (signerinfos == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    signerinfos[0] = signerinfo;
-    signerinfos[1] = NULL;
-    digestalg = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (cinfo->poolp, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID));
-    digestalgs = PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp, 2 * sizeof(SECAlgorithmID *));
-    if (digestalg == NULL || digestalgs == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID (cinfo->poolp, digestalg, digestalgtag, NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    digestalgs[0] = digestalg;
-    digestalgs[1] = NULL;
-    if (digestdata != NULL) {
-	digest = (SECItem*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp, sizeof(SECItem));
-	digests = (SECItem**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp, 
-					      2 * sizeof(SECItem *));
-	if (digest == NULL || digests == NULL) {
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	rv = SECITEM_CopyItem (cinfo->poolp, digest, digestdata);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	digests[0] = digest;
-	digests[1] = NULL;
-    } else {
-	digests = NULL;
-    }
-    *signerinfosp = signerinfos;
-    *digestalgsp = digestalgs;
-    *digestsp = digests;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark(cinfo->poolp, mark);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Helper function for creating an empty signedData.
- */
-static SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-sec_pkcs7_create_signed_data (SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sigd;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info (SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA, PR_FALSE,
-					   pwfn, pwfn_arg);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    sigd = cinfo->content.signedData;
-    PORT_Assert (sigd != NULL);
-    /*
-     * XXX Might we want to allow content types other than data?
-     * If so, via what interface?
-     */
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_init_content_info (&(sigd->contentInfo), cinfo->poolp,
-				      SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cinfo;
- * Start a PKCS7 signing context.
- *
- * "cert" is the cert that will be used to sign the data.  It will be
- * checked for validity.
- *
- * "certusage" describes the signing usage (e.g. certUsageEmailSigner)
- * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says
- * "email" and *we* add the "signing" part -- otherwise our caller
- * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption
- * certs for signing or vice versa.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- * 
- * "digestalg" names the digest algorithm (e.g. SEC_OID_SHA1).
- *
- * "digest" is the actual digest of the data.  It must be provided in
- * the case of detached data or NULL if the content will be included.
- *
- * The return value can be passed to functions which add things to
- * it like attributes, then eventually to SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to
- * SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data, and finally to
- * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData (CERTCertificate *cert,
-			   SECCertUsage certusage,
-			   CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-			   SECOidTag digestalg,
-			   SECItem *digest,
- 			   SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_signed_data (pwfn, pwfn_arg);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_add_signer (cinfo, cert, certusage, certdb,
-			       digestalg, digest);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cinfo;
-static SEC_PKCS7Attribute *
-sec_pkcs7_create_attribute (PLArenaPool *poolp, SECOidTag oidtag,
-			    SECItem *value, PRBool encoded)
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-    SECItem **values;
-    void *mark;
-    PORT_Assert (poolp != NULL);
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (poolp);
-    attr = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, 
-						 sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute));
-    if (attr == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    attr->typeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag (oidtag);
-    if (attr->typeTag == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    if (SECITEM_CopyItem (poolp, &(attr->type),
-			  &(attr->typeTag->oid)) != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    values = (SECItem**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, 2 * sizeof(SECItem *));
-    if (values == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    if (value != NULL) {
-	SECItem *copy;
-	copy = (SECItem*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SECItem));
-	if (copy == NULL)
-	    goto loser;
-	if (SECITEM_CopyItem (poolp, copy, value) != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-	value = copy;
-    }
-    values[0] = value;
-    values[1] = NULL;
-    attr->values = values;
-    attr->encoded = encoded;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);
-    return attr;
-    PORT_Assert (mark != NULL);
-    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
-    return NULL;
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_add_attribute (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			 SEC_PKCS7Attribute ***attrsp,
-			 SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr)
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute **attrs;
-    SECItem *ct_value;
-    void *mark;
-    PORT_Assert (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA);
-    if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA)
-	return SECFailure;
-    attrs = *attrsp;
-    if (attrs != NULL) {
-	int count;
-	/*
-	 * We already have some attributes, and just need to add this
-	 * new one.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * We should already have the *required* attributes, which were
-	 * created/added at the same time the first attribute was added.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (attrs,
-					     PR_FALSE) != NULL);
-	PORT_Assert (sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (attrs,
-					     PR_FALSE) != NULL);
-	for (count = 0; attrs[count] != NULL; count++)
-	    ;
-	attrs = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute**)PORT_ArenaGrow (cinfo->poolp, attrs,
-				(count + 1) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *),
-				(count + 2) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *));
-	if (attrs == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;
-	attrs[count] = attr;
-	attrs[count+1] = NULL;
-	*attrsp = attrs;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /*
-     * This is the first time an attribute is going in.
-     * We need to create and add the required attributes, and then
-     * we will also add in the one our caller gave us.
-     */
-    /*
-     * There are 2 required attributes, plus the one our caller wants
-     * to add, plus we always end with a NULL one.  Thus, four slots.
-     */
-    attrs = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp, 
-					   4 * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *));
-    if (attrs == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (cinfo->poolp);
-    /*
-     * First required attribute is the content type of the data
-     * being signed.
-     */
-    ct_value = &(cinfo->content.signedData->contentInfo.contentType);
-    attrs[0] = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute (cinfo->poolp,
-					   ct_value, PR_FALSE);
-    /*
-     * Second required attribute is the message digest of the data
-     * being signed; we leave the value NULL for now (just create
-     * the place for it to go), and the encoder will fill it in later.
-     */
-    attrs[1] = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute (cinfo->poolp,
-					   NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (attrs[0] == NULL || attrs[1] == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure; 
-    }
-    attrs[2] = attr;
-    attrs[3] = NULL;
-    *attrsp = attrs;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Add the signing time to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes
- * of "cinfo".  This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
- * messages for email (S/MIME) but is likely useful in other situations.
- *
- * This should only be added once; a second call will either do
- * nothing or replace an old signing time with a newer one.
- *
- * XXX This will probably just shove the current time into "cinfo"
- * but it will not actually get signed until the entire item is
- * processed for encoding.  Is this (expected to be small) delay okay?
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData (the only kind of pkcs7 data
- * that is allowed authenticated attributes); SECFailure will be returned
- * if it is not.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-    SECItem stime;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int si;
-    PORT_Assert (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA);
-    if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA)
-	return SECFailure;
-    signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos;
-    /* There has to be a signer, or it makes no sense. */
-    if (signerinfos == NULL || signerinfos[0] == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    rv = DER_EncodeTimeChoice(NULL, &stime, PR_Now());
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	return rv;
-    attr = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute (cinfo->poolp,
-				       &stime, PR_FALSE);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem (&stime, PR_FALSE);
-    if (attr == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    for (si = 0; signerinfos[si] != NULL; si++) {
-	SEC_PKCS7Attribute *oattr;
-	oattr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (signerinfos[si]->authAttr,
-	PORT_Assert (oattr == NULL);
-	if (oattr != NULL)
-	    continue;	/* XXX or would it be better to replace it? */
-	rv = sec_pkcs7_add_attribute (cinfo, &(signerinfos[si]->authAttr),
-				      attr);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    break;	/* could try to continue, but may as well give up now */
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Add the specified attribute to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes
- * of "cinfo" -- "oidtag" describes the attribute and "value" is the
- * value to be associated with it.  NOTE! "value" must already be encoded;
- * no interpretation of "oidtag" is done.  Also, it is assumed that this
- * signedData has only one signer -- if we ever need to add attributes
- * when there is more than one signature, we need a way to specify *which*
- * signature should get the attribute.
- *
- * XXX Technically, a signed attribute can have multiple values; if/when
- * we ever need to support an attribute which takes multiple values, we
- * either need to change this interface or create an AddSignedAttributeValue
- * which can be called subsequently, and would then append a value.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData (the only kind of pkcs7 data
- * that is allowed authenticated attributes); SECFailure will be returned
- * if it is not.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7AddSignedAttribute (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			     SECOidTag oidtag,
-			     SECItem *value)
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-    PORT_Assert (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA);
-    if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA)
-	return SECFailure;
-    signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos;
-    /*
-     * No signature or more than one means no deal.
-     */
-    if (signerinfos == NULL || signerinfos[0] == NULL || signerinfos[1] != NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    attr = sec_pkcs7_create_attribute (cinfo->poolp, oidtag, value, PR_TRUE);
-    if (attr == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return sec_pkcs7_add_attribute (cinfo, &(signerinfos[0]->authAttr), attr);
- * Mark that the signer certificates and their issuing chain should
- * be included in the encoded data.  This is expected to be used
- * in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME).
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain.
- * It can be NULL, meaning use the default database.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			   CERTCertDBHandle *certdb)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *signerinfo, **signerinfos;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-	signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos;
-	break;
-	signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->signerInfos;
-	break;
-      default:
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    if (signerinfos == NULL)		/* no signer, no certs? */
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    if (certdb == NULL) {
-	certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-	if (certdb == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    /* XXX Should it be an error if we find no signerinfo or no certs? */
-    while ((signerinfo = *signerinfos++) != NULL) {
-	if (signerinfo->cert != NULL)
-	    /* get the cert chain.  don't send the root to avoid contamination
-	     * of old clients with a new root that they don't trust
-	     */
-	    signerinfo->certList = CERT_CertChainFromCert (signerinfo->cert,
-							   certUsageEmailSigner,
-							   PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Helper function to add a certificate chain for inclusion in the
- * bag of certificates in a signedData.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_add_cert_chain (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			  CERTCertificate *cert,
-			  CERTCertDBHandle *certdb)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    CERTCertificateList *certlist, **certlists, ***certlistsp;
-    int count;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    certlistsp = &(sdp->certLists);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    certlistsp = &(saedp->certLists);
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    if (certdb == NULL) {
-	certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-	if (certdb == NULL) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    certlist = CERT_CertChainFromCert (cert, certUsageEmailSigner, PR_FALSE);
-    if (certlist == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    certlists = *certlistsp;
-    if (certlists == NULL) {
-	count = 0;
-	certlists = (CERTCertificateList**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp,
-				     2 * sizeof(CERTCertificateList *));
-    } else {
-	for (count = 0; certlists[count] != NULL; count++)
-	    ;
-	PORT_Assert (count);	/* should be at least one already */
-	certlists = (CERTCertificateList**)PORT_ArenaGrow (cinfo->poolp, 
-				 certlists,
-				(count + 1) * sizeof(CERTCertificateList *),
-				(count + 2) * sizeof(CERTCertificateList *));
-    }
-    if (certlists == NULL) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertificateList (certlist);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    certlists[count] = certlist;
-    certlists[count + 1] = NULL;
-    *certlistsp = certlists;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Helper function to add a certificate for inclusion in the bag of
- * certificates in a signedData.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_add_certificate (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			   CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    CERTCertificate **certs, ***certsp;
-    int count;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    certsp = &(sdp->certs);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    certsp = &(saedp->certs);
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    cert = CERT_DupCertificate (cert);
-    if (cert == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    certs = *certsp;
-    if (certs == NULL) {
-	count = 0;
-	certs = (CERTCertificate**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (cinfo->poolp, 
-					      2 * sizeof(CERTCertificate *));
-    } else {
-	for (count = 0; certs[count] != NULL; count++)
-	    ;
-	PORT_Assert (count);	/* should be at least one already */
-	certs = (CERTCertificate**)PORT_ArenaGrow (cinfo->poolp, certs,
-				(count + 1) * sizeof(CERTCertificate *),
-				(count + 2) * sizeof(CERTCertificate *));
-    }
-    if (certs == NULL) {
-	CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    certs[count] = cert;
-    certs[count + 1] = NULL;
-    *certsp = certs;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Create a PKCS7 certs-only container.
- *
- * "cert" is the (first) cert that will be included.
- *
- * "include_chain" specifies whether the entire chain for "cert" should
- * be included.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain.
- * It can be NULL in when "include_chain" is false, or when meaning
- * use the default database.
- *
- * More certs and chains can be added via AddCertificate and AddCertChain.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateCertsOnly (CERTCertificate *cert,
-			  PRBool include_chain,
-			  CERTCertDBHandle *certdb)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_signed_data (NULL, NULL);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    if (include_chain)
-	rv = sec_pkcs7_add_cert_chain (cinfo, cert, certdb);
-    else
-	rv = sec_pkcs7_add_certificate (cinfo, cert);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cinfo;
- * Add "cert" and its entire chain to the set of certs included in "cinfo".
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain.
- * It can be NULL, meaning use the default database.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7AddCertChain (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		       CERTCertificate *cert,
-		       CERTCertDBHandle *certdb)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    if (kind != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    return sec_pkcs7_add_cert_chain (cinfo, cert, certdb);
- * Add "cert" to the set of certs included in "cinfo".
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7AddCertificate (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, CERTCertificate *cert)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    if (kind != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    return sec_pkcs7_add_certificate (cinfo, cert);
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info (SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo,
-				       PLArenaPool *poolp,
-				       SECOidTag kind, PRBool detached,
-				       SECOidTag encalg, int keysize)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert (enccinfo != NULL && poolp != NULL);
-    if (enccinfo == NULL || poolp == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    /*
-     * XXX Some day we may want to allow for other kinds.  That needs
-     * more work and modifications to the creation interface, etc.
-     * For now, allow but notice callers who pass in other kinds.
-     * They are responsible for creating the inner type and encoding,
-     * if it is other than DATA.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (kind == SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA);
-    enccinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOIDByTag (kind);
-    PORT_Assert (enccinfo->contentTypeTag
-	       && enccinfo->contentTypeTag->offset == kind);
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem (poolp, &(enccinfo->contentType),
-			   &(enccinfo->contentTypeTag->oid));
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	return rv;
-    /* Save keysize and algorithm for later. */
-    enccinfo->keysize = keysize;
-    enccinfo->encalg = encalg;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Add a recipient to a PKCS7 thing, verifying their cert first.
- * Any error returns SECFailure.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_add_recipient (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			 CERTCertificate *cert,
-			 SECCertUsage certusage,
-			 CERTCertDBHandle *certdb)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *recipientinfo, **recipientinfos, ***recipientinfosp;
-    SECItem *dummy;
-    void *mark;
-    int count;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *edp;
-	    edp = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-	    recipientinfosp = &(edp->recipientInfos);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    recipientinfosp = &(saedp->recipientInfos);
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX I think that CERT_VerifyCert should do this if *it* is passed
-     * a NULL database.
-     */
-    if (certdb == NULL) {
-	certdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-	if (certdb == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;		/* XXX set an error? */
-    }
-    if (CERT_VerifyCert (certdb, cert, PR_TRUE, certusage, PR_Now(),
-			 cinfo->pwfn_arg, NULL) != SECSuccess)
-	{
-	/* XXX Did CERT_VerifyCert set an error? */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (cinfo->poolp);
-    recipientinfo = (SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (cinfo->poolp,
-				      sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo));
-    if (recipientinfo == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger (cinfo->poolp, &recipientinfo->version,
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (dummy == &recipientinfo->version);
-    recipientinfo->cert = CERT_DupCertificate (cert);
-    if (recipientinfo->cert == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    recipientinfo->issuerAndSN = CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN (cinfo->poolp, cert);
-    if (recipientinfo->issuerAndSN == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Okay, now recipientinfo is all set.  We just need to put it into
-     * the main structure.
-     *
-     * If this is the first recipient, allocate a new recipientinfos array;
-     * otherwise, reallocate the array, making room for the new entry.
-     */
-    recipientinfos = *recipientinfosp;
-    if (recipientinfos == NULL) {
-	count = 0;
-	recipientinfos = (SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **)PORT_ArenaAlloc (
-					  cinfo->poolp,
-					  2 * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *));
-    } else {
-	for (count = 0; recipientinfos[count] != NULL; count++)
-	    ;
-	PORT_Assert (count);	/* should be at least one already */
-	recipientinfos = (SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **)PORT_ArenaGrow (
-				 cinfo->poolp, recipientinfos,
-				(count + 1) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *),
-				(count + 2) * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *));
-    }
-    if (recipientinfos == NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    recipientinfos[count] = recipientinfo;
-    recipientinfos[count + 1] = NULL;
-    *recipientinfosp = recipientinfos;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Start a PKCS7 enveloping context.
- *
- * "cert" is the cert for the recipient.  It will be checked for validity.
- *
- * "certusage" describes the encryption usage (e.g. certUsageEmailRecipient)
- * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says
- * "email" and *we* add the "recipient" part -- otherwise our caller
- * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption
- * certs for signing or vice versa.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- *
- * "encalg" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use (e.g. SEC_OID_RC2).
- *
- * "keysize" specifies the bulk encryption key size, in bits.
- *
- * The return value can be passed to functions which add things to
- * it like more recipients, then eventually to SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to
- * SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data, and finally to
- * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateEnvelopedData (CERTCertificate *cert,
-			      SECCertUsage certusage,
-			      CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-			      SECOidTag encalg,
-			      int keysize,
- 			      SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *envd;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info (SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA,
-					   PR_FALSE, pwfn, pwfn_arg);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_add_recipient (cinfo, cert, certusage, certdb);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    envd = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-    PORT_Assert (envd != NULL);
-    /*
-     * XXX Might we want to allow content types other than data?
-     * If so, via what interface?
-     */
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info (&(envd->encContentInfo),
-						cinfo->poolp,
-						encalg, keysize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* XXX Anything more to do here? */
-    return cinfo;
- * Add another recipient to an encrypted message.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type envelopedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- *
- * "cert" is the cert for the recipient.  It will be checked for validity.
- *
- * "certusage" describes the encryption usage (e.g. certUsageEmailRecipient)
- * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says
- * "email" and *we* add the "recipient" part -- otherwise our caller
- * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption
- * certs for signing or vice versa.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- */
-SEC_PKCS7AddRecipient (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		       CERTCertificate *cert,
-		       SECCertUsage certusage,
-		       CERTCertDBHandle *certdb)
-    return sec_pkcs7_add_recipient (cinfo, cert, certusage, certdb);
- * Create an empty PKCS7 data content info.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateData (void)
-    return sec_pkcs7_create_content_info (SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, PR_FALSE,
-					  NULL, NULL);
- * Create an empty PKCS7 encrypted content info.
- *
- * "algorithm" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use.
- * 
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedData (SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize,
-			      SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid;
-    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *enc_data;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    cinfo = sec_pkcs7_create_content_info (SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA, 
-					   PR_FALSE, pwfn, pwfn_arg);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    enc_data = cinfo->content.encryptedData;
-    algid = &(enc_data->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg);
-    if (!SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag(algorithm)) {
-	rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID (cinfo->poolp, algid, algorithm, NULL);
-    } else {
-        /* Assume password-based-encryption.  
-         * Note: we can't generate pkcs5v2 from this interface.
-         * PK11_CreateBPEAlgorithmID generates pkcs5v2 by accepting
-         * non-PBE oids and assuming that they are pkcs5v2 oids, but
-         * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create accepts non-PBE oids as regular
-         * CMS encrypted data, so we can't tell SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedtedData
-         * to create pkcs5v2 PBEs */
-	SECAlgorithmID *pbe_algid;
-	pbe_algid = PK11_CreatePBEAlgorithmID(algorithm,
-                                              NSS_PBE_DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT,
-                                              NULL);
-	if (pbe_algid == NULL) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	} else {
-	    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID (cinfo->poolp, algid, pbe_algid);
-	    SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID (pbe_algid, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_init_encrypted_content_info (&(enc_data->encContentInfo),
-						cinfo->poolp,
-						algorithm, keysize);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cinfo;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7decode.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7decode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a52d82..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7decode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1929 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * PKCS7 decoding, verification.
- */
-#include "p7local.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-				/* XXX do not want to have to include */
-#include "certdb.h"		/* certdb.h -- the trust stuff needed by */
-     				/* the add certificate code needs to get */
-                           	/* rewritten/abstracted and then this */
-      				/* include should be removed! */
-/*#include "cdbhdl.h" */
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "sechash.h"	/* for HASH_GetHashObject() */
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secpkcs5.h"
-struct sec_pkcs7_decoder_worker {
-    int depth;
-    int digcnt;
-    void **digcxs;
-    const SECHashObject **digobjs;
-    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *decryptobj;
-    PRBool saw_contents;
-struct SEC_PKCS7DecoderContextStr {
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *dcx;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback cb;
-    void *cb_arg;
-    SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn;
-    void *pwfn_arg;
-    struct sec_pkcs7_decoder_worker worker;
-    PLArenaPool *tmp_poolp;
-    int error;
-    SEC_PKCS7GetDecryptKeyCallback dkcb;
-    void *dkcb_arg;
-    SEC_PKCS7DecryptionAllowedCallback decrypt_allowed_cb;
- * Handle one worker, decrypting and digesting the data as necessary.
- *
- * XXX If/when we support nested contents, this probably needs to be
- * revised somewhat to get passed the content-info (which unfortunately
- * can be two different types depending on whether it is encrypted or not)
- * corresponding to the given worker.
- */
-static void
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_work_data (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx,
-			     struct sec_pkcs7_decoder_worker *worker,
-			     const unsigned char *data, unsigned long len,
-			     PRBool final)
-    unsigned char *buf = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int i;
-    /*
-     * We should really have data to process, or we should be trying
-     * to finish/flush the last block.  (This is an overly paranoid
-     * check since all callers are in this file and simple inspection
-     * proves they do it right.  But it could find a bug in future
-     * modifications/development, that is why it is here.)
-     */
-    PORT_Assert ((data != NULL && len) || final);
-    /*
-     * Decrypt this chunk.
-     *
-     * XXX If we get an error, we do not want to do the digest or callback,
-     * but we want to keep decoding.  Or maybe we want to stop decoding
-     * altogether if there is a callback, because obviously we are not
-     * sending the data back and they want to know that.
-     */
-    if (worker->decryptobj != NULL) {
-	/* XXX the following lengths should all be longs? */
-	unsigned int inlen;	/* length of data being decrypted */
-	unsigned int outlen;	/* length of decrypted data */
-	unsigned int buflen;	/* length available for decrypted data */
-	SECItem *plain;
-	inlen = len;
-	buflen = sec_PKCS7DecryptLength (worker->decryptobj, inlen, final);
-	if (buflen == 0) {
-	    if (inlen == 0)	/* no input and no output */
-		return;
-	    /*
-	     * No output is expected, but the input data may be buffered
-	     * so we still have to call Decrypt.
-	     */
-	    rv = sec_PKCS7Decrypt (worker->decryptobj, NULL, NULL, 0,
-				   data, inlen, final);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-		return;		/* XXX indicate error? */
-	    }
-	    return;
-	}
-	if (p7dcx->cb != NULL) {
-	    buf = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc (buflen);
-	    plain = NULL;
-	} else {
-	    unsigned long oldlen;
-	    /*
-	     * XXX This assumes one level of content only.
-	     * See comment above about nested content types.
-	     * XXX Also, it should work for signedAndEnvelopedData, too!
-	     */
-	    plain = &(p7dcx->cinfo->
-			content.envelopedData->encContentInfo.plainContent);
-	    oldlen = plain->len;
-	    if (oldlen == 0) {
-		buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (p7dcx->cinfo->poolp, 
-						       buflen);
-	    } else {
-		buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaGrow (p7dcx->cinfo->poolp, 
-				      plain->data,
-				      oldlen, oldlen + buflen);
-		if (buf != NULL)
-		    buf += oldlen;
-	    }
-	    plain->data = buf;
-	}
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    p7dcx->error = SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
-	    return;		/* XXX indicate error? */
-	}
-	rv = sec_PKCS7Decrypt (worker->decryptobj, buf, &outlen, buflen,
-			       data, inlen, final);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-	    return;		/* XXX indicate error? */
-	}
-	if (plain != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (final || outlen == buflen);
-	    plain->len += outlen;
-	}
-	data = buf;
-	len = outlen;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Update the running digests.
-     */
-    if (len) {
-	for (i = 0; i < worker->digcnt; i++) {
-	    (* worker->digobjs[i]->update) (worker->digcxs[i], data, len);
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Pass back the contents bytes, and free the temporary buffer.
-     */
-    if (p7dcx->cb != NULL) {
-	if (len)
-	    (* p7dcx->cb) (p7dcx->cb_arg, (const char *)data, len);
-	if (worker->decryptobj != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (buf != NULL);
-	    PORT_Free (buf);
-	}
-    }
-static void
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_filter (void *arg, const char *data, unsigned long len,
-			  int depth, SEC_ASN1EncodingPart data_kind)
-    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx;
-    struct sec_pkcs7_decoder_worker *worker;
-    /*
-     * Since we do not handle any nested contents, the only bytes we
-     * are really interested in are the actual contents bytes (not
-     * the identifier, length, or end-of-contents bytes).  If we were
-     * handling nested types we would probably need to do something
-     * smarter based on depth and data_kind.
-     */
-    if (data_kind != SEC_ASN1_Contents)
-	return;
-    /*
-     * The ASN.1 decoder should not even call us with a length of 0.
-     * Just being paranoid.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (len);
-    if (len == 0)
-	return;
-    p7dcx = (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext*)arg;
-    /*
-     * Handling nested contents would mean that there is a chain
-     * of workers -- one per each level of content.  The following
-     * would start with the first worker and loop over them.
-     */
-    worker = &(p7dcx->worker);
-    worker->saw_contents = PR_TRUE;
-    sec_pkcs7_decoder_work_data (p7dcx, worker,
-				 (const unsigned char *) data, len, PR_FALSE);
- * Create digest contexts for each algorithm in "digestalgs".
- * No algorithms is not an error, we just do not do anything.
- * An error (like trouble allocating memory), marks the error
- * in "p7dcx" and returns SECFailure, which means that our caller
- * should just give up altogether.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_digests (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx, int depth,
-				 SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs)
-    int i, digcnt;
-    if (digestalgs == NULL)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * Count the algorithms.
-     */
-    digcnt = 0;
-    while (digestalgs[digcnt] != NULL)
-	digcnt++;
-    /*
-     * No algorithms means no work to do.
-     * Just act as if there were no algorithms specified.
-     */
-    if (digcnt == 0)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    p7dcx->worker.digcxs = (void**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (p7dcx->tmp_poolp,
-					    digcnt * sizeof (void *));
-    p7dcx->worker.digobjs = (const SECHashObject**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (p7dcx->tmp_poolp,
-					     digcnt * sizeof (SECHashObject *));
-    if (p7dcx->worker.digcxs == NULL || p7dcx->worker.digobjs == NULL) {
-	p7dcx->error = SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    p7dcx->worker.depth = depth;
-    p7dcx->worker.digcnt = 0;
-    /*
-     * Create a digest context for each algorithm.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < digcnt; i++) {
-	SECAlgorithmID *     algid  = digestalgs[i];
-	SECOidTag            oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&(algid->algorithm));
-	const SECHashObject *digobj = HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(oidTag);
-	void *digcx;
-	/*
-	 * Skip any algorithm we do not even recognize; obviously,
-	 * this could be a problem, but if it is critical then the
-	 * result will just be that the signature does not verify.
-	 * We do not necessarily want to error out here, because
-	 * the particular algorithm may not actually be important,
-	 * but we cannot know that until later.
-	 */
-	if (digobj == NULL) {
-	    p7dcx->worker.digcnt--;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	digcx = (* digobj->create)();
-	if (digcx != NULL) {
-	    (* digobj->begin) (digcx);
-	    p7dcx->worker.digobjs[p7dcx->worker.digcnt] = digobj;
-	    p7dcx->worker.digcxs[p7dcx->worker.digcnt] = digcx;
-	    p7dcx->worker.digcnt++;
-	}
-    }
-    if (p7dcx->worker.digcnt != 0)
-	SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx,
-				      sec_pkcs7_decoder_filter,
-				      p7dcx,
-				      (PRBool)(p7dcx->cb != NULL));
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Close out all of the digest contexts, storing the results in "digestsp".
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_digests (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx,
-				  PLArenaPool *poolp,
-				  SECItem ***digestsp)
-    struct sec_pkcs7_decoder_worker *worker;
-    const SECHashObject *digobj;
-    void *digcx;
-    SECItem **digests, *digest;
-    int i;
-    void *mark;
-    /*
-     * XXX Handling nested contents would mean that there is a chain
-     * of workers -- one per each level of content.  The following
-     * would want to find the last worker in the chain.
-     */
-    worker = &(p7dcx->worker);
-    /*
-     * If no digests, then we have nothing to do.
-     */
-    if (worker->digcnt == 0)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * No matter what happens after this, we want to stop filtering.
-     * XXX If we handle nested contents, we only want to stop filtering
-     * if we are finishing off the *last* worker.
-     */
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-    /*
-     * If we ended up with no contents, just destroy each
-     * digest context -- they are meaningless and potentially
-     * confusing, because their presence would imply some content
-     * was digested.
-     */
-    if (! worker->saw_contents) {
-	for (i = 0; i < worker->digcnt; i++) {
-	    digcx = worker->digcxs[i];
-	    digobj = worker->digobjs[i];
-	    (* digobj->destroy) (digcx, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (poolp);
-    /*
-     * Close out each digest context, saving digest away.
-     */
-    digests = 
-      (SECItem**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp,(worker->digcnt+1)*sizeof(SECItem *));
-    digest = (SECItem*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, worker->digcnt*sizeof(SECItem));
-    if (digests == NULL || digest == NULL) {
-	p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < worker->digcnt; i++, digest++) {
-	digcx = worker->digcxs[i];
-	digobj = worker->digobjs[i];
-	digest->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, digobj->length);
-	if (digest->data == NULL) {
-	    p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	digest->len = digobj->length;
-	(* digobj->end) (digcx, digest->data, &(digest->len), digest->len);
-	(* digobj->destroy) (digcx, PR_TRUE);
-	digests[i] = digest;
-    }
-    digests[i] = NULL;
-    *digestsp = digests;
-    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * XXX Need comment explaining following helper function (which is used
- * by sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_decrypt).
- */
-static PK11SymKey *
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_get_recipient_key (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx,
-				     SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientinfos,
-				     SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo)
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo *ri;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey *bulkkey = NULL;
-    SECOidTag keyalgtag, bulkalgtag, encalgtag;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
-    if (recipientinfos == NULL || recipientinfos[0] == NULL) {
-	p7dcx->error = SEC_ERROR_NOT_A_RECIPIENT;
-	goto no_key_found;
-    }
-    cert = PK11_FindCertAndKeyByRecipientList(&slot,recipientinfos,&ri,
-						&privkey, p7dcx->pwfn_arg);
-    if (cert == NULL) {
-	p7dcx->error = SEC_ERROR_NOT_A_RECIPIENT;
-	goto no_key_found;
-    }
-    ri->cert = cert;		/* so we can find it later */
-    PORT_Assert(privkey != NULL);
-    keyalgtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&(cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm));
-    encalgtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (&(ri->keyEncAlg));
-    if (keyalgtag != encalgtag) {
-	goto no_key_found;
-    }
-    bulkalgtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (&(enccinfo->contentEncAlg));
-    switch (encalgtag) {
-	bulkkey = PK11_PubUnwrapSymKey (privkey, &ri->encKey,
-					PK11_AlgtagToMechanism (bulkalgtag),
-					CKA_DECRYPT, 0);
-	if (bulkkey == NULL) {
-	    p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-	    PORT_SetError(0);
-	    goto no_key_found;
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (privkey != NULL)
-	SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey (privkey);
-    if (slot != NULL)
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    return bulkkey;
- * XXX The following comment is old -- the function used to only handle
- * EnvelopedData or SignedAndEnvelopedData but now handles EncryptedData
- * as well (and it had all of the code of the helper function above
- * built into it), though the comment was left as is.  Fix it...
- *
- * We are just about to decode the content of an EnvelopedData.
- * Set up a decryption context so we can decrypt as we go.
- * Presumably we are one of the recipients listed in "recipientinfos".
- * (XXX And if we are not, or if we have trouble, what should we do?
- *  It would be nice to let the decoding still work.  Maybe it should
- *  be an error if there is a content callback, but not an error otherwise?)
- * The encryption key and related information can be found in "enccinfo".
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_decrypt (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx, int depth,
-				 SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientinfos,
-				 SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo,
-				 PK11SymKey **copy_key_for_signature)
-    PK11SymKey *bulkkey = NULL;
-    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *decryptobj;
-    /*
-     * If a callback is supplied to retrieve the encryption key, 
-     * for instance, for Encrypted Content infos, then retrieve
-     * the bulkkey from the callback.  Otherwise, assume that
-     * we are processing Enveloped or SignedAndEnveloped data
-     * content infos.
-     *
-     * XXX Put an assert here?
-     */
-    if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType(p7dcx->cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA) {
-	if (p7dcx->dkcb != NULL) {
-	    bulkkey = (*p7dcx->dkcb)(p7dcx->dkcb_arg, 
-				     &(enccinfo->contentEncAlg));
-	}
-	enccinfo->keysize = 0;
-    } else {
-	bulkkey = sec_pkcs7_decoder_get_recipient_key (p7dcx, recipientinfos, 
-						       enccinfo);
-	if (bulkkey == NULL) goto no_decryption;
-	enccinfo->keysize = PK11_GetKeyStrength(bulkkey, 
-						&(enccinfo->contentEncAlg));
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX I think following should set error in p7dcx and clear set error
-     * (as used to be done here, or as is done in get_receipient_key above.
-     */
-    if(bulkkey == NULL) {
-	goto no_decryption;
-    }
-    /* 
-     * We want to make sure decryption is allowed.  This is done via
-     * a callback specified in SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart().
-     */
-    if (p7dcx->decrypt_allowed_cb) {
-	if ((*p7dcx->decrypt_allowed_cb) (&(enccinfo->contentEncAlg), 
-					  bulkkey) == PR_FALSE) {
-	    goto no_decryption;
-	}
-    } else {
-	    goto no_decryption;
-    }
-    /*
-     * When decrypting a signedAndEnvelopedData, the signature also has
-     * to be decrypted with the bulk encryption key; to avoid having to
-     * get it all over again later (and do another potentially expensive
-     * RSA operation), copy it for later signature verification to use.
-     */
-    if (copy_key_for_signature != NULL)
-	*copy_key_for_signature = PK11_ReferenceSymKey (bulkkey);
-    /*
-     * Now we have the bulk encryption key (in bulkkey) and the
-     * the algorithm (in enccinfo->contentEncAlg).  Using those,
-     * create a decryption context.
-     */
-    decryptobj = sec_PKCS7CreateDecryptObject (bulkkey,
-					       &(enccinfo->contentEncAlg));
-    /*
-     * We are done with (this) bulkkey now.
-     */
-    PK11_FreeSymKey (bulkkey);
-    if (decryptobj == NULL) {
-	p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-	PORT_SetError(0);
-	goto no_decryption;
-    }
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx,
-				  sec_pkcs7_decoder_filter,
-				  p7dcx,
-				  (PRBool)(p7dcx->cb != NULL));
-    p7dcx->worker.depth = depth;
-    p7dcx->worker.decryptobj = decryptobj;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * For some reason (error set already, if appropriate), we cannot
-     * decrypt the content.  I am not sure what exactly is the right
-     * thing to do here; in some cases we want to just stop, and in
-     * others we want to let the decoding finish even though we cannot
-     * decrypt the content.  My current thinking is that if the caller
-     * set up a content callback, then they are really interested in
-     * getting (decrypted) content, and if they cannot they will want
-     * to know about it.  However, if no callback was specified, then
-     * maybe it is not important that the decryption failed.
-     */
-    if (p7dcx->cb != NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    else
-	return SECSuccess;	/* Let the decoding continue. */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_decrypt (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx,
-				  PLArenaPool *poolp,
-				  SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo)
-    struct sec_pkcs7_decoder_worker *worker;
-    /*
-     * XXX Handling nested contents would mean that there is a chain
-     * of workers -- one per each level of content.  The following
-     * would want to find the last worker in the chain.
-     */
-    worker = &(p7dcx->worker);
-    /*
-     * If no decryption context, then we have nothing to do.
-     */
-    if (worker->decryptobj == NULL)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * No matter what happens after this, we want to stop filtering.
-     * XXX If we handle nested contents, we only want to stop filtering
-     * if we are finishing off the *last* worker.
-     */
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-    /*
-     * Handle the last block.
-     */
-    sec_pkcs7_decoder_work_data (p7dcx, worker, NULL, 0, PR_TRUE);
-    /*
-     * All done, destroy it.
-     */
-    sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (worker->decryptobj);
-    worker->decryptobj = NULL;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-sec_pkcs7_decoder_notify (void *arg, PRBool before, void *dest, int depth)
-    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sigd;
-    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *envd;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saed;
-    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *encd;
-    SEC_PKCS7DigestedData *digd;
-    PRBool after;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /*
-     * Just to make the code easier to read, create an "after" variable
-     * that is equivalent to "not before".
-     * (This used to be just the statement "after = !before", but that
-     * causes a warning on the mac; to avoid that, we do it the long way.)
-     */
-    if (before)
-	after = PR_FALSE;
-    else
-	after = PR_TRUE;
-    p7dcx = (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext*)arg;
-    cinfo = p7dcx->cinfo;
-    if (cinfo->contentTypeTag == NULL) {
-	if (after && dest == &(cinfo->contentType))
-	    cinfo->contentTypeTag = SECOID_FindOID(&(cinfo->contentType));
-	return;
-    }
-    switch (cinfo->contentTypeTag->offset) {
-	sigd = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	if (sigd == NULL)
-	    break;
-	if (sigd->contentInfo.contentTypeTag == NULL) {
-	    if (after && dest == &(sigd->contentInfo.contentType))
-		sigd->contentInfo.contentTypeTag =
-			SECOID_FindOID(&(sigd->contentInfo.contentType));
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We only set up a filtering digest if the content is
-	 * plain DATA; anything else needs more work because a
-	 * second pass is required to produce a DER encoding from
-	 * an input that can be BER encoded.  (This is a requirement
-	 * of PKCS7 that is unfortunate, but there you have it.)
-	 *
-	 * XXX Also, since we stop here if this is not DATA, the
-	 * inner content is not getting processed at all.  Someday
-	 * we may want to fix that.
-	 */
-	if (sigd->contentInfo.contentTypeTag->offset != SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA) {
-	    /* XXX Set an error in p7dcx->error */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Just before the content, we want to set up a digest context
-	 * for each digest algorithm listed, and start a filter which
-	 * will run all of the contents bytes through that digest.
-	 */
-	if (before && dest == &(sigd->contentInfo.content)) {
-	    rv = sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_digests (p7dcx, depth,
-						  sigd->digestAlgorithms);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * XXX To handle nested types, here is where we would want
-	 * to check for inner boundaries that need handling.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * Are we done?
-	 */
-	if (after && dest == &(sigd->contentInfo.content)) {
-	    /*
-	     * Close out the digest contexts.  We ignore any error
-	     * because we are stopping anyway; the error status left
-	     * behind in p7dcx will be seen by outer functions.
-	     */
-	    (void) sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_digests (p7dcx, cinfo->poolp,
-						     &(sigd->digests));
-	    /*
-	     * XXX To handle nested contents, we would need to remove
-	     * the worker from the chain (and free it).
-	     */
-	    /*
-	     * Stop notify.
-	     */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	}
-	break;
-	envd = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-	if (envd == NULL)
-	    break;
-	if (envd->encContentInfo.contentTypeTag == NULL) {
-	    if (after && dest == &(envd->encContentInfo.contentType))
-		envd->encContentInfo.contentTypeTag =
-			SECOID_FindOID(&(envd->encContentInfo.contentType));
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Just before the content, we want to set up a decryption
-	 * context, and start a filter which will run all of the
-	 * contents bytes through it to determine the plain content.
-	 */
-	if (before && dest == &(envd->encContentInfo.encContent)) {
-	    rv = sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_decrypt (p7dcx, depth,
-						  envd->recipientInfos,
-						  &(envd->encContentInfo),
-						  NULL);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Are we done?
-	 */
-	if (after && dest == &(envd->encContentInfo.encContent)) {
-	    /*
-	     * Close out the decryption context.  We ignore any error
-	     * because we are stopping anyway; the error status left
-	     * behind in p7dcx will be seen by outer functions.
-	     */
-	    (void) sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_decrypt (p7dcx, cinfo->poolp,
-						     &(envd->encContentInfo));
-	    /*
-	     * XXX To handle nested contents, we would need to remove
-	     * the worker from the chain (and free it).
-	     */
-	    /*
-	     * Stop notify.
-	     */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	}
-	break;
-	saed = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	if (saed == NULL)
-	    break;
-	if (saed->encContentInfo.contentTypeTag == NULL) {
-	    if (after && dest == &(saed->encContentInfo.contentType))
-		saed->encContentInfo.contentTypeTag =
-			SECOID_FindOID(&(saed->encContentInfo.contentType));
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Just before the content, we want to set up a decryption
-	 * context *and* digest contexts, and start a filter which
-	 * will run all of the contents bytes through both.
-	 */
-	if (before && dest == &(saed->encContentInfo.encContent)) {
-	    rv = sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_decrypt (p7dcx, depth,
-						  saed->recipientInfos,
-						  &(saed->encContentInfo),
-						  &(saed->sigKey));
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-		rv = sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_digests (p7dcx, depth,
-						      saed->digestAlgorithms);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Are we done?
-	 */
-	if (after && dest == &(saed->encContentInfo.encContent)) {
-	    /*
-	     * Close out the decryption and digests contexts.
-	     * We ignore any errors because we are stopping anyway;
-	     * the error status left behind in p7dcx will be seen by
-	     * outer functions.
-	     *
-	     * Note that the decrypt stuff must be called first;
-	     * it may have a last buffer to do which in turn has
-	     * to be added to the digest.
-	     */
-	    (void) sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_decrypt (p7dcx, cinfo->poolp,
-						     &(saed->encContentInfo));
-	    (void) sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_digests (p7dcx, cinfo->poolp,
-						     &(saed->digests));
-	    /*
-	     * XXX To handle nested contents, we would need to remove
-	     * the worker from the chain (and free it).
-	     */
-	    /*
-	     * Stop notify.
-	     */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	}
-	break;
-	digd = cinfo->content.digestedData;
-	/* 
-	 * XXX Want to do the digest or not?  Maybe future enhancement...
-	 */
-	if (before && dest == &(digd-> {
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx, sec_pkcs7_decoder_filter,
-					  p7dcx,
-					  (PRBool)(p7dcx->cb != NULL));
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Are we done?
-	 */
-	if (after && dest == &(digd-> {
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	}
-	break;
-	encd = cinfo->content.encryptedData;
-	/*
-	 * XXX If the decryption key callback is set, we want to start
-	 * the decryption.  If the callback is not set, we will treat the
-	 * content as plain data, since we do not have the key.
-	 *
-	 * Is this the proper thing to do?
-	 */
-	if (before && dest == &(encd->encContentInfo.encContent)) {
-	    /*
-	     * Start the encryption process if the decryption key callback
-	     * is present.  Otherwise, treat the content like plain data.
-	     */
-	    rv = SECSuccess;
-	    if (p7dcx->dkcb != NULL) {
-		rv = sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_decrypt (p7dcx, depth, NULL,
-						      &(encd->encContentInfo),
-						      NULL);
-	    }
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Are we done?
-	 */
-	if (after && dest == &(encd->encContentInfo.encContent)) {
-	    /*
-	     * Close out the decryption context.  We ignore any error
-	     * because we are stopping anyway; the error status left
-	     * behind in p7dcx will be seen by outer functions.
-	     */
-	    (void) sec_pkcs7_decoder_finish_decrypt (p7dcx, cinfo->poolp,
-						     &(encd->encContentInfo));
-	    /*
-	     * Stop notify.
-	     */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	/*
-	 * If a output callback has been specified, we want to set the filter
-	 * to call the callback.  This is taken care of in 
-	 * sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_decrypt() or 
-	 * sec_pkcs7_decoder_start_digests() for the other content types.
-	 */ 
-	if (before && dest == &(cinfo-> {
-	    /* 
-	     * Set the filter proc up.
-	     */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx,
-					  sec_pkcs7_decoder_filter,
-					  p7dcx,
-					  (PRBool)(p7dcx->cb != NULL));
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (after && dest == &(cinfo-> {
-	    /*
-	     * Time to clean up after ourself, stop the Notify and Filter
-	     * procedures.
-	     */
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (p7dcx->dcx);
-	break;
-    }
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
-		      SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-		      SEC_PKCS7GetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, 
-		      void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
-		      SEC_PKCS7DecryptionAllowedCallback decrypt_allowed_cb)
-    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx;
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *dcx;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena (1024);		/* XXX what is right value? */
-    if (poolp == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    cinfo = (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(*cinfo));
-    if (cinfo == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cinfo->poolp = poolp;
-    cinfo->pwfn = pwfn;
-    cinfo->pwfn_arg = pwfn_arg;
-    cinfo->created = PR_FALSE;
-    cinfo->refCount = 1;
-    p7dcx = 
-      (SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext*)PORT_ZAlloc (sizeof(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext));
-    if (p7dcx == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    p7dcx->tmp_poolp = PORT_NewArena (1024);	/* XXX what is right value? */
-    if (p7dcx->tmp_poolp == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free (p7dcx);
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    dcx = SEC_ASN1DecoderStart (poolp, cinfo, sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate);
-    if (dcx == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (p7dcx->tmp_poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	PORT_Free (p7dcx);
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc (dcx, sec_pkcs7_decoder_notify, p7dcx);
-    p7dcx->dcx = dcx;
-    p7dcx->cinfo = cinfo;
-    p7dcx->cb = cb;
-    p7dcx->cb_arg = cb_arg;
-    p7dcx->pwfn = pwfn;
-    p7dcx->pwfn_arg = pwfn_arg;
-    p7dcx->dkcb = decrypt_key_cb;
-    p7dcx->dkcb_arg = decrypt_key_cb_arg;
-    p7dcx->decrypt_allowed_cb = decrypt_allowed_cb;
-    return p7dcx;
- * Do the next chunk of PKCS7 decoding.  If there is a problem, set
- * an error and return a failure status.  Note that in the case of
- * an error, this routine is still prepared to be called again and
- * again in case that is the easiest route for our caller to take.
- * We simply detect it and do not do anything except keep setting
- * that error in case our caller has not noticed it yet...
- */
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx,
-		       const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    if (p7dcx->cinfo != NULL && p7dcx->dcx != NULL) { 
-	PORT_Assert (p7dcx->error == 0);
-	if (p7dcx->error == 0) {
-	    if (SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate (p7dcx->dcx, buf, len) != SECSuccess) {
-		p7dcx->error = PORT_GetError();
-		PORT_Assert (p7dcx->error);
-		if (p7dcx->error == 0)
-		    p7dcx->error = -1;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (p7dcx->error) {
-	if (p7dcx->dcx != NULL) {
-	    (void) SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish (p7dcx->dcx);
-	    p7dcx->dcx = NULL;
-	}
-	if (p7dcx->cinfo != NULL) {
-	    SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (p7dcx->cinfo);
-	    p7dcx->cinfo = NULL;
-	}
-	PORT_SetError (p7dcx->error);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    cinfo = p7dcx->cinfo;
-    if (p7dcx->dcx != NULL) {
-	if (SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish (p7dcx->dcx) != SECSuccess) {
-	    SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	    cinfo = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    /* free any NSS data structures */
-    if (p7dcx->worker.decryptobj) {
-        sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (p7dcx->worker.decryptobj);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena (p7dcx->tmp_poolp, PR_FALSE);
-    PORT_Free (p7dcx);
-    return cinfo;
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7DecodeItem(SECItem *p7item,
-		    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
-		    SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-		    SEC_PKCS7GetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, 
-		    void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
-		    SEC_PKCS7DecryptionAllowedCallback decrypt_allowed_cb)
-    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx;
-    p7dcx = SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart(cb, cb_arg, pwfn, pwfn_arg, decrypt_key_cb,
-				  decrypt_key_cb_arg, decrypt_allowed_cb);
-    if (!p7dcx) {
-        /* error code is set */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    (void) SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate(p7dcx, (char *) p7item->data, p7item->len);
-    return SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish(p7dcx);
- * Abort the ASN.1 stream. Used by pkcs 12
- */
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderAbort(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx, int error)
-    PORT_Assert(p7dcx);
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort(p7dcx->dcx, error);
- * If the thing contains any certs or crls return true; false otherwise.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContainsCertsOrCrls(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    SECItem **certs;
-    CERTSignedCrl **crls;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	return PR_FALSE;
-	certs = cinfo->content.signedData->rawCerts;
-	crls = cinfo->content.signedData->crls;
-	break;
-	certs = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->rawCerts;
-	crls = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->crls;
-	break;
-    }
-    /*
-     * I know this could be collapsed, but I was in a mood to be explicit.
-     */
-    if (certs != NULL && certs[0] != NULL)
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    else if (crls != NULL && crls[0] != NULL)
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    else
-	return PR_FALSE;
-/* return the content length...could use GetContent, however we
- * need the encrypted content length 
- */
-SEC_PKCS7IsContentEmpty(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, unsigned int minLen)
-    SECItem *item = NULL;
-    if(cinfo == NULL) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    switch(SEC_PKCS7ContentType(cinfo)) 
-    {
-	    item = cinfo->;
-	    break;
-	    item = &cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo.encContent;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    /* add other types */
-	    return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if(!item) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    } else if(item->len <= minLen) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-SEC_PKCS7ContentIsEncrypted(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	return PR_FALSE;
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
- * If the PKCS7 content has a signature (not just *could* have a signature)
- * return true; false otherwise.  This can/should be called before calling
- * VerifySignature, which will always indicate failure if no signature is
- * present, but that does not mean there even was a signature!
- * Note that the content itself can be empty (detached content was sent
- * another way); it is the presence of the signature that matters.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	return PR_FALSE;
-	signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos;
-	break;
-	signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->signerInfos;
-	break;
-    }
-    /*
-     * I know this could be collapsed; but I kind of think it will get
-     * more complicated before I am finished, so...
-     */
-    if (signerinfos != NULL && signerinfos[0] != NULL)
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    else
-	return PR_FALSE;
- * sec_pkcs7_verify_signature
- *
- *	Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature is good.
- *	The digest was either calculated earlier (and is stored in the
- *	contentInfo itself) or is passed in via "detached_digest".
- *
- *	The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *	for the purpose specified by "certusage" at
- * 	- "*atTime" if "atTime" is not null, or
- * 	- the signing time if the signing time is available in "cinfo", or
- *	- the current time (as returned by PR_Now).
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- *
- * XXX Each place which returns PR_FALSE should be sure to have a good
- * error set for inspection by the caller.  Alternatively, we could create
- * an enumeration of success and each type of failure and return that
- * instead of a boolean.  For now, the default in a bad situation is to
- * set the error to SEC_ERROR_PKCS7_BAD_SIGNATURE.  But this should be
- * reviewed; better (more specific) errors should be possible (to distinguish
- * a signature failure from a badly-formed pkcs7 signedData, for example).
- * Some of the errors should probably just be SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE,
- * but that has a less helpful error string associated with it right now;
- * if/when that changes, review and change these as needed.
- *
- * XXX This is broken wrt signedAndEnvelopedData.  In that case, the
- * message digest is doubly encrypted -- first encrypted with the signer
- * private key but then again encrypted with the bulk encryption key used
- * to encrypt the content.  So before we can pass the digest to VerifyDigest,
- * we need to decrypt it with the bulk encryption key.  Also, in this case,
- * there should be NO authenticatedAttributes (signerinfo->authAttr should
- * be NULL).
- */
-static PRBool
-sec_pkcs7_verify_signature(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			   SECCertUsage certusage,
-			   const SECItem *detached_digest,
-			   HASH_HashType digest_type,
-			   PRBool keepcerts,
-			   const PRTime *atTime)
-    SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs, *bulkid;
-    const SECItem *digest;
-    SECItem **digests;
-    SECItem **rawcerts;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos, *signerinfo;
-    CERTCertificate *cert, **certs;
-    PRBool goodsig;
-    CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, *defaultdb; 
-    SECOidTag encTag,digestTag;
-    HASH_HashType found_type;
-    int i, certcount;
-    SECKEYPublicKey *publickey;
-    SECItem *content_type;
-    PK11SymKey *sigkey;
-    SECItem *encoded_stime;
-    PRTime stime;
-    PRTime verificationTime;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /*
-     * Everything needed in order to "goto done" safely.
-     */
-    goodsig = PR_FALSE;
-    certcount = 0;
-    cert = NULL;
-    certs = NULL;
-    certdb = NULL;
-    defaultdb = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();
-    publickey = NULL;
-    if (! SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned(cinfo)) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (cinfo->contentTypeTag != NULL);
-    switch (cinfo->contentTypeTag->offset) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	/* Could only get here if SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned is broken. */
-	PORT_Assert (0);
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    digestalgs = sdp->digestAlgorithms;
-	    digests = sdp->digests;
-	    rawcerts = sdp->rawCerts;
-	    signerinfos = sdp->signerInfos;
-	    content_type = &(sdp->contentInfo.contentType);
-	    sigkey = NULL;
-	    bulkid = NULL;
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    digestalgs = saedp->digestAlgorithms;
-	    digests = saedp->digests;
-	    rawcerts = saedp->rawCerts;
-	    signerinfos = saedp->signerInfos;
-	    content_type = &(saedp->encContentInfo.contentType);
-	    sigkey = saedp->sigKey;
-	    bulkid = &(saedp->encContentInfo.contentEncAlg);
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if ((signerinfos == NULL) || (signerinfos[0] == NULL)) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX Need to handle multiple signatures; checking them is easy,
-     * but what should be the semantics here (like, return value)?
-     */
-    if (signerinfos[1] != NULL) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    signerinfo = signerinfos[0];
-    /*
-     * XXX I would like to just pass the issuerAndSN, along with the rawcerts
-     * and crls, to some function that did all of this certificate stuff
-     * (open/close the database if necessary, verifying the certs, etc.)
-     * and gave me back a cert pointer if all was good.
-     */
-    certdb = defaultdb;
-    if (certdb == NULL) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    certcount = 0;
-    if (rawcerts != NULL) {
-	for (; rawcerts[certcount] != NULL; certcount++) {
-	    /* just counting */
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Note that the result of this is that each cert in "certs"
-     * needs to be destroyed.
-     */
-    rv = CERT_ImportCerts(certdb, certusage, certcount, rawcerts, &certs,
-			  keepcerts, PR_FALSE, NULL);
-    if ( rv != SECSuccess ) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /*
-     * This cert will also need to be freed, but since we save it
-     * in signerinfo for later, we do not want to destroy it when
-     * we leave this function -- we let the clean-up of the entire
-     * cinfo structure later do the destroy of this cert.
-     */
-    cert = CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN(certdb, signerinfo->issuerAndSN);
-    if (cert == NULL) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    signerinfo->cert = cert;
-    /*
-     * Get and convert the signing time; if available, it will be used
-     * both on the cert verification and for importing the sender
-     * email profile.
-     */
-    encoded_stime = SEC_PKCS7GetSigningTime (cinfo);
-    if (encoded_stime != NULL) {
-	if (DER_DecodeTimeChoice (&stime, encoded_stime) != SECSuccess)
-	    encoded_stime = NULL;	/* conversion failed, so pretend none */
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX  This uses the signing time, if available.  Additionally, we
-     * might want to, if there is no signing time, get the message time
-     * from the mail header itself, and use that.  That would require
-     * a change to our interface though, and for S/MIME callers to pass
-     * in a time (and for non-S/MIME callers to pass in nothing, or
-     * maybe make them pass in the current time, always?).
-     */
-    if (atTime) {
-	verificationTime = *atTime;
-    } else if (encoded_stime != NULL) {
-	verificationTime = stime;
-    } else {
-	verificationTime = PR_Now();
-    }
-    if (CERT_VerifyCert (certdb, cert, PR_TRUE, certusage, verificationTime,
-			 cinfo->pwfn_arg, NULL) != SECSuccess)
-	{
-	/*
-	 * XXX Give the user an option to check the signature anyway?
-	 * If we want to do this, need to give a way to leave and display
-	 * some dialog and get the answer and come back through (or do
-	 * the rest of what we do below elsewhere, maybe by putting it
-	 * in a function that we call below and could call from a dialog
-	 * finish handler).
-	 */
-	goto savecert;
-    }
-    publickey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey (cert);
-    if (publickey == NULL)
-	goto done;
-    /*
-     * XXX No!  If digests is empty, see if we can create it now by
-     * digesting the contents.  This is necessary if we want to allow
-     * somebody to do a simple decode (without filtering, etc.) and
-     * then later call us here to do the verification.
-     * OR, we can just specify that the interface to this routine
-     * *requires* that the digest(s) be done before calling and either
-     * stashed in the struct itself or passed in explicitly (as would
-     * be done for detached contents).
-     */
-    if ((digests == NULL || digests[0] == NULL)
-	&& (detached_digest == NULL || detached_digest->data == NULL))
-	goto done;
-    /*
-     * Find and confirm digest algorithm.
-     */
-    digestTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&(signerinfo->digestAlg.algorithm));
-    /* make sure we understand the digest type first */
-    found_type = HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag(digestTag);
-    if ((digestTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) || (found_type == HASH_AlgNULL)) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (detached_digest != NULL) {
-	unsigned int hashLen     = HASH_ResultLen(found_type);
-	if (digest_type != found_type || 
-	    detached_digest->len != hashLen) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	digest = detached_digest;
-    } else {
-	PORT_Assert (digestalgs != NULL && digestalgs[0] != NULL);
-	if (digestalgs == NULL || digestalgs[0] == NULL) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * pick digest matching signerinfo->digestAlg from digests
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; digestalgs[i] != NULL; i++) {
-	    if (SECOID_FindOIDTag(&(digestalgs[i]->algorithm)) == digestTag)
-		break;
-	}
-	if (digestalgs[i] == NULL) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	digest = digests[i];
-    }
-    encTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&(signerinfo->digestEncAlg.algorithm));
-    if (encTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (signerinfo->authAttr != NULL) {
-	SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-	SECItem *value;
-	SECItem encoded_attrs;
-	/*
-	 * We have a sigkey only for signedAndEnvelopedData, which is
-	 * not supposed to have any authenticated attributes.
-	 */
-	if (sigkey != NULL) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * PKCS #7 says that if there are any authenticated attributes,
-	 * then there must be one for content type which matches the
-	 * content type of the content being signed, and there must
-	 * be one for message digest which matches our message digest.
-	 * So check these things first.
-	 * XXX Might be nice to have a compare-attribute-value function
-	 * which could collapse the following nicely.
-	 */
-	attr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (signerinfo->authAttr,
-	value = sec_PKCS7AttributeValue (attr);
-	if (value == NULL || value->len != content_type->len) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	if (PORT_Memcmp (value->data, content_type->data, value->len) != 0) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	attr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (signerinfo->authAttr,
-	value = sec_PKCS7AttributeValue (attr);
-	if (value == NULL || value->len != digest->len) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	if (PORT_Memcmp (value->data, digest->data, value->len) != 0) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Okay, we met the constraints of the basic attributes.
-	 * Now check the signature, which is based on a digest of
-	 * the DER-encoded authenticated attributes.  So, first we
-	 * encode and then we digest/verify.
-	 */
- = NULL;
-	encoded_attrs.len = 0;
-	if (sec_PKCS7EncodeAttributes (NULL, &encoded_attrs,
-				       &(signerinfo->authAttr)) == NULL)
-	    goto done;
-	if ( == NULL || encoded_attrs.len == 0) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	goodsig = (PRBool)(VFY_VerifyDataDirect(, 
-				   encoded_attrs.len,
-				   publickey, &(signerinfo->encDigest),
-				   encTag, digestTag, NULL,
-				   cinfo->pwfn_arg) == SECSuccess);
-	PORT_Free (;
-    } else {
-	SECItem *sig;
-	SECItem holder;
-	SECStatus rv;
-	/*
-	 * No authenticated attributes.
-	 * The signature is based on the plain message digest.
-	 */
-	sig = &(signerinfo->encDigest);
-	if (sig->len == 0) {		/* bad signature */
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	if (sigkey != NULL) {
-	    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *decryptobj;
-	    unsigned int buflen;
-	    /*
-	     * For signedAndEnvelopedData, we first must decrypt the encrypted
-	     * digest with the bulk encryption key.  The result is the normal
-	     * encrypted digest (aka the signature).
-	     */
-	    decryptobj = sec_PKCS7CreateDecryptObject (sigkey, bulkid);
-	    if (decryptobj == NULL)
-		goto done;
-	    buflen = sec_PKCS7DecryptLength (decryptobj, sig->len, PR_TRUE);
-	    PORT_Assert (buflen);
-	    if (buflen == 0) {		/* something is wrong */
-		sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (decryptobj);
-		goto done;
-	    }
- = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc (buflen);
-	    if ( == NULL) {
-		sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (decryptobj);
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    rv = sec_PKCS7Decrypt (decryptobj,, &holder.len, buflen,
-				   sig->data, sig->len, PR_TRUE);
-	    sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (decryptobj);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    sig = &holder;
-	}
-	goodsig = (PRBool)(VFY_VerifyDigestDirect(digest, publickey, sig,
-				     encTag, digestTag, cinfo->pwfn_arg)
-                            == SECSuccess);
-	if (sigkey != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (sig == &holder);
-	    PORT_ZFree (, holder.len);
-	}
-    }
-    if (! goodsig) {
-	/*
-	 * XXX Change the generic error into our specific one, because
-	 * in that case we get a better explanation out of the Security
-	 * Advisor.  This is really a bug in our error strings (the
-	 * "generic" error has a lousy/wrong message associated with it
-	 * which assumes the signature verification was done for the
-	 * purposes of checking the issuer signature on a certificate)
-	 * but this is at least an easy workaround and/or in the
-	 * Security Advisor, which specifically checks for the error
-	 * SEC_ERROR_PKCS7_BAD_SIGNATURE and gives more explanation
-	 * in that case but does not similarly check for
-	 * SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE.  It probably should, but then would
-	 * probably say the wrong thing in the case that it *was* the
-	 * certificate signature check that failed during the cert
-	 * verification done above.  Our error handling is really a mess.
-	 */
-    }
-    /*
-     * Only save the smime profile if we are checking an email message and
-     * the cert has an email address in it.
-     */
-    if ( cert->emailAddr && cert->emailAddr[0] &&
-	( ( certusage == certUsageEmailSigner ) ||
-	 ( certusage == certUsageEmailRecipient ) ) ) {
-	SECItem *profile = NULL;
-	int save_error;
-	/*
-	 * Remember the current error set because we do not care about
-	 * anything set by the functions we are about to call.
-	 */
-	save_error = PORT_GetError();
-	if (goodsig && (signerinfo->authAttr != NULL)) {
-	    /*
-	     * If the signature is good, then we can save the S/MIME profile,
-	     * if we have one.
-	     */
-	    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-	    attr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (signerinfo->authAttr,
-					   PR_TRUE);
-	    profile = sec_PKCS7AttributeValue (attr);
-	}
-	rv = CERT_SaveSMimeProfile (cert, profile, encoded_stime);
-	/*
-	 * Restore the saved error in case the calls above set a new
-	 * one that we do not actually care about.
-	 */
-	PORT_SetError (save_error);
-	/*
-	 * XXX Failure is not indicated anywhere -- the signature
-	 * verification itself is unaffected by whether or not the
-	 * profile was successfully saved.
-	 */
-    }
-    /*
-     * See comment above about why we do not want to destroy cert
-     * itself here.
-     */
-    if (certs != NULL)
-	CERT_DestroyCertArray (certs, certcount);
-    if (publickey != NULL)
-	SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey (publickey);
-    return goodsig;
- * SEC_PKCS7VerifySignature
- *	Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature is good.
- *	The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *	for the purpose specified by "certusage".
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7VerifySignature(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			 SECCertUsage certusage,
-			 PRBool keepcerts)
-    return sec_pkcs7_verify_signature (cinfo, certusage,
-				       NULL, HASH_AlgNULL, keepcerts, NULL);
- * SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature
- *	Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature matches
- *	a passed-in digest (calculated, supposedly, from detached contents).
- *	The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *	for the purpose specified by "certusage".
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				 SECCertUsage certusage,
-				 const SECItem *detached_digest,
-				 HASH_HashType digest_type,
-				 PRBool keepcerts)
-    return sec_pkcs7_verify_signature (cinfo, certusage,
-				       detached_digest, digest_type,
-				       keepcerts, NULL);
- * SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignatureAtTime
- *      Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature matches
- *      a passed-in digest (calculated, supposedly, from detached contents).
- *      The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *      for the purpose specified by "certusage" at time "atTime".
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignatureAtTime(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				       SECCertUsage certusage,
-				       const SECItem *detached_digest,
-				       HASH_HashType digest_type,
-				       PRBool keepcerts,
-				       PRTime atTime)
-    return sec_pkcs7_verify_signature (cinfo, certusage,
-				       detached_digest, digest_type,
-				       keepcerts, &atTime);
- * Return the asked-for portion of the name of the signer of a PKCS7
- * signed object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, which must be freed.
- * A NULL return value is an error.
- */
-#define sec_common_name 1
-#define sec_email_address 2
-static char *
-sec_pkcs7_get_signer_cert_info(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, int selector)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos;
-    CERTCertificate *signercert;
-    char *container;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	PORT_Assert (0);
-	return NULL;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    signerinfos = sdp->signerInfos;
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    signerinfos = saedp->signerInfos;
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if (signerinfos == NULL || signerinfos[0] == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    signercert = signerinfos[0]->cert;
-    /*
-     * No cert there; see if we can find one by calling verify ourselves.
-     */
-    if (signercert == NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * The cert usage does not matter in this case, because we do not
-	 * actually care about the verification itself, but we have to pick
-	 * some valid usage to pass in.
-	 */
-	(void) sec_pkcs7_verify_signature (cinfo, certUsageEmailSigner,
-	signercert = signerinfos[0]->cert;
-	if (signercert == NULL)
-	    return NULL;
-    }
-    switch (selector) {
-      case sec_common_name:
-	container = CERT_GetCommonName (&signercert->subject);
-	break;
-      case sec_email_address:
-	if(signercert->emailAddr && signercert->emailAddr[0]) {
-	    container = PORT_Strdup(signercert->emailAddr);
-	} else {
-	    container = NULL;
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	PORT_Assert (0);
-	container = NULL;
-	break;
-    }
-    return container;
-char *
-SEC_PKCS7GetSignerCommonName(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    return sec_pkcs7_get_signer_cert_info(cinfo, sec_common_name);
-char *
-SEC_PKCS7GetSignerEmailAddress(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    return sec_pkcs7_get_signer_cert_info(cinfo, sec_email_address);
- * Return the signing time, in UTCTime format, of a PKCS7 contentInfo.
- */
-SECItem *
-SEC_PKCS7GetSigningTime(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerinfos;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-    if (SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA)
-	return NULL;
-    signerinfos = cinfo->content.signedData->signerInfos;
-    /*
-     * No signature, or more than one, means no deal.
-     */
-    if (signerinfos == NULL || signerinfos[0] == NULL || signerinfos[1] != NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    attr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (signerinfos[0]->authAttr,
-    return sec_PKCS7AttributeValue (attr);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7encode.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7encode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 349bc84..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7encode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1107 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * PKCS7 encoding.
- */
-#include "p7local.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "cryptohi.h"
-#include "keyhi.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "sechash.h"	/* for HASH_GetHashObject() */
-struct sec_pkcs7_encoder_output {
-    SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback outputfn;
-    void *outputarg;
-struct SEC_PKCS7EncoderContextStr {
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *ecx;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    struct sec_pkcs7_encoder_output output;
-    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *encryptobj;
-    const SECHashObject *digestobj;
-    void *digestcx;
- * The little output function that the ASN.1 encoder calls to hand
- * us bytes which we in turn hand back to our caller (via the callback
- * they gave us).
- */
-static void
-sec_pkcs7_encoder_out(void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len,
-		      int depth, SEC_ASN1EncodingPart data_kind)
-    struct sec_pkcs7_encoder_output *output;
-    output = (struct sec_pkcs7_encoder_output*)arg;
-    output->outputfn (output->outputarg, buf, len);
-static sec_PKCS7CipherObject *
-sec_pkcs7_encoder_start_encrypt (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-						 PK11SymKey *orig_bulkkey)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *encryptobj;
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientinfos, *ri;
-    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo;
-    SECKEYPublicKey *publickey = NULL;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *ourPrivKey = NULL;
-    PK11SymKey  *bulkkey;
-    void *mark;
-    int i;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	recipientinfos = NULL;
-	enccinfo = NULL;
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *encdp;
-	    /* To do EncryptedData we *must* be given a bulk key. */
-	    PORT_Assert (orig_bulkkey != NULL);
-	    if (orig_bulkkey == NULL) {
-		/* XXX error? */
-		return NULL;
-	    }
-	    encdp = cinfo->content.encryptedData;
-	    recipientinfos = NULL;
-	    enccinfo = &(encdp->encContentInfo);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *envdp;
-	    envdp = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-	    recipientinfos = envdp->recipientInfos;
-	    enccinfo = &(envdp->encContentInfo);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    recipientinfos = saedp->recipientInfos;
-	    enccinfo = &(saedp->encContentInfo);
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if (enccinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    bulkkey = orig_bulkkey;
-    if (bulkkey == NULL) {
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(enccinfo->encalg);
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-	slot = PK11_GetBestSlot(type,cinfo->pwfn_arg);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	bulkkey = PK11_KeyGen(slot,type,NULL, enccinfo->keysize/8,
-			      cinfo->pwfn_arg);
-	PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	if (bulkkey == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    encryptobj = NULL;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (cinfo->poolp);
-    /*
-     * Encrypt the bulk key with the public key of each recipient.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; recipientinfos && (ri = recipientinfos[i]) != NULL; i++) {
-	CERTCertificate *cert;
-	SECOidTag certalgtag, encalgtag;
-	SECStatus rv;
-	int data_len;
-	SECItem *params = NULL;
-	cert = ri->cert;
-	PORT_Assert (cert != NULL);
-	if (cert == NULL)
-	    continue;
-	/*
-	 * XXX Want an interface that takes a cert and some data and
-	 * fills in an algorithmID and encrypts the data with the public
-	 * key from the cert.  Or, give me two interfaces -- one which
-	 * gets the algorithm tag from a cert (I should not have to go
-	 * down into the subjectPublicKeyInfo myself) and another which
-	 * takes a public key and algorithm tag and data and encrypts
-	 * the data.  Or something like that.  The point is that all
-	 * of the following hardwired RSA stuff should be done elsewhere.
-	 */
-	certalgtag=SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&(cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm));
-	switch (certalgtag) {
-	    encalgtag = certalgtag;
-	    publickey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey (cert);
-	    if (publickey == NULL) goto loser;
-	    data_len = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength(publickey);
-	    ri-> = 
-	        (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cinfo->poolp ,data_len);
-	    ri->encKey.len = data_len;
-	    if (ri-> == NULL) goto loser;
-	    rv = PK11_PubWrapSymKey(PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(certalgtag),publickey,
-				bulkkey,&ri->encKey);
-	    SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(publickey);
-	    publickey = NULL;
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser;
-	    params = NULL; /* paranoia */
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(cinfo->poolp, &ri->keyEncAlg, encalgtag, 
-			params);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-	if (arena) PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	arena = NULL;
-    }
-    encryptobj = sec_PKCS7CreateEncryptObject (cinfo->poolp, bulkkey,
-					       enccinfo->encalg,
-					       &(enccinfo->contentEncAlg));
-    if (encryptobj != NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-	mark = NULL;		/* good one; do not want to release */
-    }
-    /* fallthru */
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (publickey) {
-        SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(publickey);
-    }
-    if (ourPrivKey) {
-        SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(ourPrivKey);
-    }
-    if (mark != NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease (cinfo->poolp, mark);
-    }
-    if (orig_bulkkey == NULL) {
-	if (bulkkey) PK11_FreeSymKey(bulkkey);
-    }
-    return encryptobj;
-static void
-sec_pkcs7_encoder_notify (void *arg, PRBool before, void *dest, int depth)
-    SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    PRBool before_content;
-    /*
-     * We want to notice just before the content field.  After fields are
-     * not interesting to us.
-     */
-    if (!before)
-	return;
-    p7ecx = (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext*)arg;
-    cinfo = p7ecx->cinfo;
-    before_content = PR_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * Watch for the content field, at which point we want to instruct
-     * the ASN.1 encoder to start taking bytes from the buffer.
-     *
-     * XXX The following assumes the inner content type is data;
-     * if/when we want to handle fully nested types, this will have
-     * to recurse until reaching the innermost data content.
-     */
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	if (dest == &(cinfo->
-	    before_content = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7DigestedData *digd;
-	    digd = cinfo->content.digestedData;
-	    if (digd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    if (dest == &(digd->contentInfo.content))
-		before_content = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData *encd;
-	    encd = cinfo->content.encryptedData;
-	    if (encd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    if (dest == &(encd->encContentInfo.encContent))
-		before_content = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData *envd;
-	    envd = cinfo->content.envelopedData;
-	    if (envd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    if (dest == &(envd->encContentInfo.encContent))
-		before_content = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sigd;
-	    sigd = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    if (sigd == NULL)
-		break;
-	    if (dest == &(sigd->contentInfo.content))
-		before_content = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saed;
-	    saed = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    if (saed == NULL)
-		break;
-	    if (dest == &(saed->encContentInfo.encContent))
-		before_content = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if (before_content) {
-	/*
-	 * This will cause the next SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate to take the
-	 * contents bytes from the passed-in buffer.
-	 */
-	SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf (p7ecx->ecx);
-	/*
-	 * And that is all we needed this notify function for.
-	 */
-	SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc (p7ecx->ecx);
-    }
-static SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *
-sec_pkcs7_encoder_start_contexts (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				  PK11SymKey *bulkkey)
-    SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx;
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    PRBool encrypt;
-    SECItem **digests;
-    SECAlgorithmID *digestalg, **digestalgs;
-    p7ecx = 
-      (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext*)PORT_ZAlloc (sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext));
-    if (p7ecx == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    digests = NULL;
-    digestalg = NULL;
-    digestalgs = NULL;
-    encrypt = PR_FALSE;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	break;
-	digestalg = &(cinfo->content.digestedData->digestAlg);
-	break;
-	digests = cinfo->content.signedData->digests;
-	digestalgs = cinfo->content.signedData->digestAlgorithms;
-	break;
-	encrypt = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-	digests = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->digests;
-	digestalgs = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->digestAlgorithms;
-	encrypt = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (encrypt) {
-	p7ecx->encryptobj = sec_pkcs7_encoder_start_encrypt (cinfo, bulkkey);
-	if (p7ecx->encryptobj == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free (p7ecx);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    if (digestalgs != NULL) {
-	if (digests != NULL) {
-	    /* digests already created (probably for detached data) */
-	    digestalg = NULL;
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * XXX Some day we should handle multiple digests; for now,
-	     * assume only one will be done.
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert (digestalgs[0] != NULL && digestalgs[1] == NULL);
-	    digestalg = digestalgs[0];
-	}
-    }
-    if (digestalg != NULL) {
-	SECOidTag  oidTag = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&(digestalg->algorithm));
-	p7ecx->digestobj = HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag(oidTag);
-	if (p7ecx->digestobj != NULL) {
-	    p7ecx->digestcx = (* p7ecx->digestobj->create) ();
-	    if (p7ecx->digestcx == NULL)
-		p7ecx->digestobj = NULL;
-	    else
-		(* p7ecx->digestobj->begin) (p7ecx->digestcx);
-	}
-	if (p7ecx->digestobj == NULL) {
-	    if (p7ecx->encryptobj != NULL)
-		sec_PKCS7DestroyEncryptObject (p7ecx->encryptobj);
-	    PORT_Free (p7ecx);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    p7ecx->cinfo = cinfo;
-    return p7ecx;
-SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *
-SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		       SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback outputfn,
-		       void *outputarg,
-		       PK11SymKey *bulkkey)
-    SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    p7ecx = sec_pkcs7_encoder_start_contexts (cinfo, bulkkey);
-    if (p7ecx == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    p7ecx->output.outputfn = outputfn;
-    p7ecx->output.outputarg = outputarg;
-    /*
-     * Initialize the BER encoder.
-     */
-    p7ecx->ecx = SEC_ASN1EncoderStart (cinfo, sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate,
-				       sec_pkcs7_encoder_out, &(p7ecx->output));
-    if (p7ecx->ecx == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free (p7ecx);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Indicate that we are streaming.  We will be streaming until we
-     * get past the contents bytes.
-     */
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming (p7ecx->ecx);
-    /*
-     * The notify function will watch for the contents field.
-     */
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc (p7ecx->ecx, sec_pkcs7_encoder_notify, p7ecx);
-    /*
-     * This will encode everything up to the content bytes.  (The notify
-     * function will then cause the encoding to stop there.)  Then our
-     * caller can start passing contents bytes to our Update, which we
-     * will pass along.
-     */
-    rv = SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate (p7ecx->ecx, NULL, 0);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_Free (p7ecx);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return p7ecx;
- * XXX If/when we support nested contents, this needs to be revised.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_encoder_work_data (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx, SECItem *dest,
-			     const unsigned char *data, unsigned long len,
-			     PRBool final)
-    unsigned char *buf = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = SECSuccess;		/* may as well be optimistic */
-    /*
-     * We should really have data to process, or we should be trying
-     * to finish/flush the last block.  (This is an overly paranoid
-     * check since all callers are in this file and simple inspection
-     * proves they do it right.  But it could find a bug in future
-     * modifications/development, that is why it is here.)
-     */
-    PORT_Assert ((data != NULL && len) || final);
-    /*
-     * Update the running digest.
-     * XXX This needs modification if/when we handle multiple digests.
-     */
-    if (len && p7ecx->digestobj != NULL) {
-	(* p7ecx->digestobj->update) (p7ecx->digestcx, data, len);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Encrypt this chunk.
-     */
-    if (p7ecx->encryptobj != NULL) {
-	/* XXX the following lengths should all be longs? */
-	unsigned int inlen;	/* length of data being encrypted */
-	unsigned int outlen;	/* length of encrypted data */
-	unsigned int buflen;	/* length available for encrypted data */
-	inlen = len;
-	buflen = sec_PKCS7EncryptLength (p7ecx->encryptobj, inlen, final);
-	if (buflen == 0) {
-	    /*
-	     * No output is expected, but the input data may be buffered
-	     * so we still have to call Encrypt.
-	     */
-	    rv = sec_PKCS7Encrypt (p7ecx->encryptobj, NULL, NULL, 0,
-				   data, inlen, final);
-	    if (final) {
-		len = 0;
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    return rv;
-	}
-	if (dest != NULL)
-	    buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(p7ecx->cinfo->poolp, buflen);
-	else
-	    buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc (buflen);
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	} else {
-	    rv = sec_PKCS7Encrypt (p7ecx->encryptobj, buf, &outlen, buflen,
-				   data, inlen, final);
-	    data = buf;
-	    len = outlen;
-	}
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    if (final)
-		goto done;
-	    return rv;
-	}
-    }
-    if (p7ecx->ecx != NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * Encode the contents bytes.
-	 */
-	if(len) {
-	    rv = SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate (p7ecx->ecx, (const char *)data, len);
-	}
-    }
-    if (p7ecx->encryptobj != NULL) {
-	if (final)
-	    sec_PKCS7DestroyEncryptObject (p7ecx->encryptobj);
-	if (dest != NULL) {
-	    dest->data = buf;
-	    dest->len = len;
-	} else if (buf != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free (buf);
-	}
-    }
-    if (final && p7ecx->digestobj != NULL) {
-	SECItem *digest, **digests, ***digestsp;
-	unsigned char *digdata;
-	SECOidTag kind;
-	kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (p7ecx->cinfo);
-	switch (kind) {
-	  default:
-	    PORT_Assert (0);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	    digest = &(p7ecx->cinfo->content.digestedData->digest);
-	    digestsp = NULL;
-	    break;
-	    digest = NULL;
-	    digestsp = &(p7ecx->cinfo->content.signedData->digests);
-	    break;
-	    digest = NULL;
-	    digestsp = &(p7ecx->cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->digests);
-	    break;
-	}
-	digdata = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (p7ecx->cinfo->poolp,
-				   p7ecx->digestobj->length);
-	if (digdata == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;
-	if (digestsp != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (digest == NULL);
-	    digest = (SECItem*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (p7ecx->cinfo->poolp, 
-						sizeof(SECItem));
-	    digests = (SECItem**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (p7ecx->cinfo->poolp,
-				       2 * sizeof(SECItem *));
-	    if (digests == NULL || digest == NULL)
-		return SECFailure;
-	    digests[0] = digest;
-	    digests[1] = NULL;
-	    *digestsp = digests;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert (digest != NULL);
-	digest->data = digdata;
-	digest->len = p7ecx->digestobj->length;
-	(* p7ecx->digestobj->end) (p7ecx->digestcx, digest->data,
-				   &(digest->len), digest->len);
-	(* p7ecx->digestobj->destroy) (p7ecx->digestcx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-SEC_PKCS7EncoderUpdate (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx,
-			const char *data, unsigned long len)
-    /* XXX Error handling needs help.  Return what?  Do "Finish" on failure? */
-    return sec_pkcs7_encoder_work_data (p7ecx, NULL,
-					(const unsigned char *)data, len,
-					PR_FALSE);
-static SECStatus
-sec_pkcs7_encoder_sig_and_certs (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				 SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfnarg)
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    CERTCertificate **certs;
-    CERTCertificateList **certlists;
-    SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs;
-    SECItem **digests;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo *signerinfo, **signerinfos;
-    SECItem **rawcerts, ***rawcertsp;
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    int certcount;
-    int ci, cli, rci, si;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	certs = NULL;
-	certlists = NULL;
-	digestalgs = NULL;
-	digests = NULL;
-	signerinfos = NULL;
-	rawcertsp = NULL;
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedData *sdp;
-	    sdp = cinfo->content.signedData;
-	    certs = sdp->certs;
-	    certlists = sdp->certLists;
-	    digestalgs = sdp->digestAlgorithms;
-	    digests = sdp->digests;
-	    signerinfos = sdp->signerInfos;
-	    rawcertsp = &(sdp->rawCerts);
-	}
-	break;
-	{
-	    SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData *saedp;
-	    saedp = cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData;
-	    certs = saedp->certs;
-	    certlists = saedp->certLists;
-	    digestalgs = saedp->digestAlgorithms;
-	    digests = saedp->digests;
-	    signerinfos = saedp->signerInfos;
-	    rawcertsp = &(saedp->rawCerts);
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if (certs == NULL && certlists == NULL && signerinfos == NULL)
-	return SECSuccess;		/* nothing for us to do! */
-    poolp = cinfo->poolp;
-    certcount = 0;
-    if (signerinfos != NULL) {
-	SECOidTag digestalgtag;
-	int di;
-	SECStatus rv;
-	CERTCertificate *cert;
-	SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey;
-	SECItem signature;
-	SECOidTag signalgtag;
-	PORT_Assert (digestalgs != NULL && digests != NULL);
-	/*
-	 * If one fails, we bail right then.  If we want to continue and
-	 * try to do subsequent signatures, this loop, and the departures
-	 * from it, will need to be reworked.
-	 */
-	for (si = 0; signerinfos[si] != NULL; si++) {
-	    signerinfo = signerinfos[si];
-	    /* find right digest */
-	    digestalgtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (&(signerinfo->digestAlg));
-	    for (di = 0; digestalgs[di] != NULL; di++) {
-		/* XXX Should I be comparing more than the tag? */
-		if (digestalgtag == SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (digestalgs[di]))
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    if (digestalgs[di] == NULL) {
-		/* XXX oops; do what? set an error? */
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Assert (digests[di] != NULL);
-	    cert = signerinfo->cert;
-	    privkey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert (cert, pwfnarg);
-	    if (privkey == NULL)
-		return SECFailure;
-	    /*
-	     * XXX I think there should be a cert-level interface for this,
-	     * so that I do not have to know about subjectPublicKeyInfo...
-	     */
-	    signalgtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (&(cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm));
-	    if (signerinfo->authAttr != NULL) {
-		SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr;
-		SECItem encoded_attrs;
-		SECItem *dummy;
-		SECOidTag algid;
-		/*
-		 * First, find and fill in the message digest attribute.
-		 */
-		attr = sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (signerinfo->authAttr,
-					       PR_TRUE);
-		PORT_Assert (attr != NULL);
-		if (attr == NULL) {
-		    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey (privkey);
-		    return SECFailure;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * XXX The second half of the following assertion prevents
-		 * the encoder from being called twice on the same content.
-		 * Either just remove the second half the assertion, or
-		 * change the code to check if the value already there is
-		 * the same as digests[di], whichever seems more right.
-		 */
-		PORT_Assert (attr->values != NULL && attr->values[0] == NULL);
-		attr->values[0] = digests[di];
-		/*
-		 * Before encoding, reorder the attributes so that when they
-		 * are encoded, they will be conforming DER, which is required
-		 * to have a specific order and that is what must be used for
-		 * the hash/signature.  We do this here, rather than building
-		 * it into EncodeAttributes, because we do not want to do
-		 * such reordering on incoming messages (which also uses
-		 * EncodeAttributes) or our old signatures (and other "broken"
-		 * implementations) will not verify.  So, we want to guarantee
-		 * that we send out good DER encodings of attributes, but not
-		 * to expect to receive them.
-		 */
-		rv = sec_PKCS7ReorderAttributes (signerinfo->authAttr);
-		if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey (privkey);
-		    return SECFailure;
-		}
- = NULL;
-		encoded_attrs.len = 0;
-		dummy = sec_PKCS7EncodeAttributes (NULL, &encoded_attrs,
-						   &(signerinfo->authAttr));
-		if (dummy == NULL) {
-		    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey (privkey);
-		    return SECFailure;
-		}
-	        algid = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(privkey->keyType,
- 							digestalgtag);
-		if (algid == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-		    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey (privkey);
-		    return SECFailure;
-		}
-		rv = SEC_SignData (&signature,
-, encoded_attrs.len,
-				   privkey,
-				   algid);
-		SECITEM_FreeItem (&encoded_attrs, PR_FALSE);
-	    } else {
-		rv = SGN_Digest (privkey, digestalgtag, &signature,
-				 digests[di]);
-	    }
-	    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey (privkey);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		return rv;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem (poolp, &(signerinfo->encDigest), &signature);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		return rv;
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem (&signature, PR_FALSE);
-	    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID (poolp, &(signerinfo->digestEncAlg),
-					signalgtag, NULL);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		return SECFailure;
-	    /*
-	     * Count the cert chain for this signer.
-	     */
-	    if (signerinfo->certList != NULL)
-		certcount += signerinfo->certList->len;
-	}
-    }
-    if (certs != NULL) {
-	for (ci = 0; certs[ci] != NULL; ci++)
-	    certcount++;
-    }
-    if (certlists != NULL) {
-	for (cli = 0; certlists[cli] != NULL; cli++)
-	    certcount += certlists[cli]->len;
-    }
-    if (certcount == 0)
-	return SECSuccess;		/* signing done; no certs */
-    /*
-     * Combine all of the certs and cert chains into rawcerts.
-     * Note: certcount is an upper bound; we may not need that many slots
-     * but we will allocate anyway to avoid having to do another pass.
-     * (The temporary space saving is not worth it.)
-     */
-    rawcerts = (SECItem**)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, 
-					(certcount + 1) * sizeof(SECItem *));
-    if (rawcerts == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    /*
-     * XXX Want to check for duplicates and not add *any* cert that is
-     * already in the set.  This will be more important when we start
-     * dealing with larger sets of certs, dual-key certs (signing and
-     * encryption), etc.  For the time being we can slide by...
-     */
-    rci = 0;
-    if (signerinfos != NULL) {
-	for (si = 0; signerinfos[si] != NULL; si++) {
-	    signerinfo = signerinfos[si];
-	    for (ci = 0; ci < signerinfo->certList->len; ci++)
-		rawcerts[rci++] = &(signerinfo->certList->certs[ci]);
-	}
-    }
-    if (certs != NULL) {
-	for (ci = 0; certs[ci] != NULL; ci++)
-	    rawcerts[rci++] = &(certs[ci]->derCert);
-    }
-    if (certlists != NULL) {
-	for (cli = 0; certlists[cli] != NULL; cli++) {
-	    for (ci = 0; ci < certlists[cli]->len; ci++)
-		rawcerts[rci++] = &(certlists[cli]->certs[ci]);
-	}
-    }
-    rawcerts[rci] = NULL;
-    *rawcertsp = rawcerts;
-    return SECSuccess;
-SEC_PKCS7EncoderFinish (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx,
-			SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfnarg)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /*
-     * Flush out any remaining data.
-     */
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_encoder_work_data (p7ecx, NULL, NULL, 0, PR_TRUE);
-    /*
-     * Turn off streaming stuff.
-     */
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf (p7ecx->ecx);
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming (p7ecx->ecx);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_encoder_sig_and_certs (p7ecx->cinfo, pwfn, pwfnarg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	goto loser;
-    rv = SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate (p7ecx->ecx, NULL, 0);
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish (p7ecx->ecx);
-    PORT_Free (p7ecx);
-    return rv;
- * Abort the ASN.1 stream. Used by pkcs 12
- */
-SEC_PKCS7EncoderAbort(SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx, int error)
-    PORT_Assert(p7ecx);
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort(p7ecx->ecx, error);
- * After this routine is called, the entire PKCS7 contentInfo is ready
- * to be encoded.  This is used internally, but can also be called from
- * elsewhere for those who want to be able to just have pointers to
- * the ASN1 template for pkcs7 contentInfo built into their own encodings.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7PrepareForEncode (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-			   PK11SymKey *bulkkey,
-			   SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-			   void *pwfnarg)
-    SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx;
-    SECItem *content, *enc_content;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    p7ecx = sec_pkcs7_encoder_start_contexts (cinfo, bulkkey);
-    if (p7ecx == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    content = SEC_PKCS7GetContent (cinfo);
-    if (p7ecx->encryptobj != NULL) {
-	SECOidTag kind;
-	SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo *enccinfo;
-	kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (p7ecx->cinfo);
-	switch (kind) {
-	  default:
-	    PORT_Assert (0);
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    goto loser;
-	    enccinfo = &(p7ecx->cinfo->content.encryptedData->encContentInfo);
-	    break;
-	    enccinfo = &(p7ecx->cinfo->content.envelopedData->encContentInfo);
-	    break;
-	    enccinfo = &(p7ecx->cinfo->content.signedAndEnvelopedData->encContentInfo);
-	    break;
-	}
-	enc_content = &(enccinfo->encContent);
-    } else {
-	enc_content = NULL;
-    }
-    if (content != NULL && content->data != NULL && content->len) {
-	rv = sec_pkcs7_encoder_work_data (p7ecx, enc_content,
-					  content->data, content->len, PR_TRUE);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = sec_pkcs7_encoder_sig_and_certs (cinfo, pwfn, pwfnarg);
-    PORT_Free (p7ecx);
-    return rv;
- * Encode a PKCS7 object, in one shot.  All necessary components
- * of the object must already be specified.  Either the data has
- * already been included (via SetContent), or the data is detached,
- * or there is no data at all (certs-only).
- *
- * "cinfo" specifies the object to be encoded.
- *
- * "outputfn" is where the encoded bytes will be passed.
- *
- * "outputarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- *
- * "bulkkey" specifies the bulk encryption key to use.   This argument
- * can be NULL if no encryption is being done, or if the bulk key should
- * be generated internally (usually the case for EnvelopedData but never
- * for EncryptedData, which *must* provide a bulk encryption key).
- *
- * "pwfn" is a callback for getting the password which protects the
- * private key of the signer.  This argument can be NULL if it is known
- * that no signing is going to be done.
- *
- * "pwfnarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- */
-SEC_PKCS7Encode (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		 SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback outputfn,
-		 void *outputarg,
-		 PK11SymKey *bulkkey,
-		 SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-		 void *pwfnarg)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = SEC_PKCS7PrepareForEncode (cinfo, bulkkey, pwfn, pwfnarg);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	struct sec_pkcs7_encoder_output outputcx;
-	outputcx.outputfn = outputfn;
-	outputcx.outputarg = outputarg;
-	rv = SEC_ASN1Encode (cinfo, sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate,
-			     sec_pkcs7_encoder_out, &outputcx);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Encode a PKCS7 object, in one shot.  All necessary components
- * of the object must already be specified.  Either the data has
- * already been included (via SetContent), or the data is detached,
- * or there is no data at all (certs-only).  The output, rather than
- * being passed to an output function as is done above, is all put
- * into a SECItem.
- *
- * "pool" specifies a pool from which to allocate the result.
- * It can be NULL, in which case memory is allocated generically.
- *
- * "dest" specifies a SECItem in which to put the result data.
- * It can be NULL, in which case the entire item is allocated, too.
- *
- * "cinfo" specifies the object to be encoded.
- *
- * "bulkkey" specifies the bulk encryption key to use.   This argument
- * can be NULL if no encryption is being done, or if the bulk key should
- * be generated internally (usually the case for EnvelopedData but never
- * for EncryptedData, which *must* provide a bulk encryption key).
- *
- * "pwfn" is a callback for getting the password which protects the
- * private key of the signer.  This argument can be NULL if it is known
- * that no signing is going to be done.
- *
- * "pwfnarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- */
-SECItem *
-SEC_PKCS7EncodeItem (PLArenaPool *pool,
-		     SECItem *dest,
-		     SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		     PK11SymKey *bulkkey,
-		     SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-		     void *pwfnarg)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = SEC_PKCS7PrepareForEncode (cinfo, bulkkey, pwfn, pwfnarg);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	return NULL;
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (pool, dest, cinfo, sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d99384..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1320 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support routines for PKCS7 implementation, none of which are exported.
- * This file should only contain things that are needed by both the
- * encoding/creation side *and* the decoding/decryption side.  Anything
- * else should be static routines in the appropriate file.
- */
-#include "p7local.h"
-#include "cryptohi.h" 
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "secpkcs5.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Cipher stuff.
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*sec_pkcs7_cipher_function) (void *,
-						unsigned char *,
-						unsigned *,
-						unsigned int,
-						const unsigned char *,
-						unsigned int);
-typedef SECStatus (*sec_pkcs7_cipher_destroy) (void *, PRBool);
-#define BLOCK_SIZE 4096
-struct sec_pkcs7_cipher_object {
-    void *cx;
-    sec_pkcs7_cipher_function doit;
-    sec_pkcs7_cipher_destroy destroy;
-    PRBool encrypt;
-    int block_size;
-    int pad_size;
-    int pending_count;
-    unsigned char pending_buf[BLOCK_SIZE];
- * Create a cipher object to do decryption,  based on the given bulk
- * encryption key and algorithm identifier (which may include an iv).
- *
- * XXX This interface, or one similar, would be really nice available
- * in general...  I tried to keep the pkcs7-specific stuff (mostly
- * having to do with padding) out of here.
- *
- * XXX Once both are working, it might be nice to combine this and the
- * function below (for starting up encryption) into one routine, and just
- * have two simple cover functions which call it. 
- */
-sec_PKCS7CipherObject *
-sec_PKCS7CreateDecryptObject (PK11SymKey *key, SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *result;
-    SECOidTag algtag;
-    void *ciphercx;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cryptoMechType;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    SECItem *param = NULL;
-    result = (struct sec_pkcs7_cipher_object*)
-      PORT_ZAlloc (sizeof(struct sec_pkcs7_cipher_object));
-    if (result == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    ciphercx = NULL;
-    algtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (algid);
-    if (SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlg(algid)) {
-	SECItem *pwitem;
-	pwitem = (SECItem *)PK11_GetSymKeyUserData(key);
-	if (!pwitem) {
-	    PORT_Free(result);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	cryptoMechType = PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(algid, &param, pwitem);
-	if (cryptoMechType == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	    PORT_Free(result);
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	cryptoMechType = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algtag);
-	param = PK11_ParamFromAlgid(algid);
-	if (param == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(result);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    result->pad_size = PK11_GetBlockSize(cryptoMechType, param);
-    slot = PK11_GetSlotFromKey(key);
-    result->block_size = PK11_IsHW(slot) ? BLOCK_SIZE : result->pad_size;
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    ciphercx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cryptoMechType, CKA_DECRYPT, 
-					  key, param);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-    if (ciphercx == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free (result);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    result->cx = ciphercx;
-    result->doit =  (sec_pkcs7_cipher_function) PK11_CipherOp;
-    result->destroy = (sec_pkcs7_cipher_destroy) PK11_DestroyContext;
-    result->encrypt = PR_FALSE;
-    result->pending_count = 0;
-    return result;
- * Create a cipher object to do encryption, based on the given bulk
- * encryption key and algorithm tag.  Fill in the algorithm identifier
- * (which may include an iv) appropriately.
- *
- * XXX This interface, or one similar, would be really nice available
- * in general...  I tried to keep the pkcs7-specific stuff (mostly
- * having to do with padding) out of here.
- *
- * XXX Once both are working, it might be nice to combine this and the
- * function above (for starting up decryption) into one routine, and just
- * have two simple cover functions which call it. 
- */
-sec_PKCS7CipherObject *
-sec_PKCS7CreateEncryptObject (PLArenaPool *poolp, PK11SymKey *key,
-			      SECOidTag algtag, SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    sec_PKCS7CipherObject *result;
-    void *ciphercx;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cryptoMechType;
-    PK11SlotInfo *slot;
-    SECItem *param = NULL;
-    PRBool needToEncodeAlgid = PR_FALSE;
-    result = (struct sec_pkcs7_cipher_object*)
-	      PORT_ZAlloc (sizeof(struct sec_pkcs7_cipher_object));
-    if (result == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    ciphercx = NULL;
-    if (SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlg(algid)) {
-	SECItem *pwitem;
-	pwitem = (SECItem *)PK11_GetSymKeyUserData(key);
-	if (!pwitem) {
-	    PORT_Free(result);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	cryptoMechType = PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism(algid, &param, pwitem);
-	if (cryptoMechType == CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM) {
-	    PORT_Free(result);
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	cryptoMechType = PK11_AlgtagToMechanism(algtag);
-	param = PK11_GenerateNewParam(cryptoMechType, key);
-	if (param == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(result);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	needToEncodeAlgid = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    result->pad_size = PK11_GetBlockSize(cryptoMechType,param);
-    slot = PK11_GetSlotFromKey(key);
-    result->block_size = PK11_IsHW(slot) ? BLOCK_SIZE : result->pad_size;
-    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-    ciphercx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cryptoMechType, CKA_ENCRYPT, 
-    					  key, param);
-    if (ciphercx == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free (result);
-        SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * These are placed after the CreateContextBySymKey() because some
-     * mechanisms have to generate their IVs from their card (i.e. FORTEZZA).
-     * Don't move it from here.
-     */
-    if (needToEncodeAlgid) {
-	rv = PK11_ParamToAlgid(algtag,param,poolp,algid);
-	if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    PORT_Free (result);
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-	    PK11_DestroyContext(ciphercx, PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(param,PR_TRUE);
-    result->cx = ciphercx;
-    result->doit = (sec_pkcs7_cipher_function) PK11_CipherOp;
-    result->destroy = (sec_pkcs7_cipher_destroy) PK11_DestroyContext;
-    result->encrypt = PR_TRUE;
-    result->pending_count = 0;
-    return result;
- * Destroy the cipher object.
- */
-static void
-sec_pkcs7_destroy_cipher (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj)
-    (* obj->destroy) (obj->cx, PR_TRUE);
-    PORT_Free (obj);
-sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj)
-    PORT_Assert (obj != NULL);
-    if (obj == NULL)
-	return;
-    PORT_Assert (! obj->encrypt);
-    sec_pkcs7_destroy_cipher (obj);
-sec_PKCS7DestroyEncryptObject (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj)
-    PORT_Assert (obj != NULL);
-    if (obj == NULL)
-	return;
-    PORT_Assert (obj->encrypt);
-    sec_pkcs7_destroy_cipher (obj);
- * XXX I think all of the following lengths should be longs instead
- * of ints, but our current crypto interface uses ints, so I did too.
- */
- * What will be the output length of the next call to decrypt?
- * Result can be used to perform memory allocations.  Note that the amount
- * is exactly accurate only when not doing a block cipher or when final
- * is false, otherwise it is an upper bound on the amount because until
- * we see the data we do not know how many padding bytes there are
- * (always between 1 and bsize).
- *
- * Note that this can return zero, which does not mean that the decrypt
- * operation can be skipped!  (It simply means that there are not enough
- * bytes to make up an entire block; the bytes will be reserved until
- * there are enough to encrypt/decrypt at least one block.)  However,
- * if zero is returned it *does* mean that no output buffer need be
- * passed in to the subsequent decrypt operation, as no output bytes
- * will be stored.
- */
-unsigned int
-sec_PKCS7DecryptLength (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj, unsigned int input_len,
-			PRBool final)
-    int blocks, block_size;
-    PORT_Assert (! obj->encrypt);
-    block_size = obj->block_size;
-    /*
-     * If this is not a block cipher, then we always have the same
-     * number of output bytes as we had input bytes.
-     */
-    if (block_size == 0)
-	return input_len;
-    /*
-     * On the final call, we will always use up all of the pending
-     * bytes plus all of the input bytes, *but*, there will be padding
-     * at the end and we cannot predict how many bytes of padding we
-     * will end up removing.  The amount given here is actually known
-     * to be at least 1 byte too long (because we know we will have
-     * at least 1 byte of padding), but seemed clearer/better to me.
-     */
-    if (final)
-	return obj->pending_count + input_len;
-    /*
-     * Okay, this amount is exactly what we will output on the
-     * next cipher operation.  We will always hang onto the last
-     * 1 - block_size bytes for non-final operations.  That is,
-     * we will do as many complete blocks as we can *except* the
-     * last block (complete or partial).  (This is because until
-     * we know we are at the end, we cannot know when to interpret
-     * and removing the padding byte(s), which are guaranteed to
-     * be there.)
-     */
-    blocks = (obj->pending_count + input_len - 1) / block_size;
-    return blocks * block_size;
- * What will be the output length of the next call to encrypt?
- * Result can be used to perform memory allocations.
- *
- * Note that this can return zero, which does not mean that the encrypt
- * operation can be skipped!  (It simply means that there are not enough
- * bytes to make up an entire block; the bytes will be reserved until
- * there are enough to encrypt/decrypt at least one block.)  However,
- * if zero is returned it *does* mean that no output buffer need be
- * passed in to the subsequent encrypt operation, as no output bytes
- * will be stored.
- */
-unsigned int
-sec_PKCS7EncryptLength (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj, unsigned int input_len,
-			PRBool final)
-    int blocks, block_size;
-    int pad_size;
-    PORT_Assert (obj->encrypt);
-    block_size = obj->block_size;
-    pad_size = obj->pad_size;
-    /*
-     * If this is not a block cipher, then we always have the same
-     * number of output bytes as we had input bytes.
-     */
-    if (block_size == 0)
-	return input_len;
-    /*
-     * On the final call, we only send out what we need for
-     * remaining bytes plus the padding.  (There is always padding,
-     * so even if we have an exact number of blocks as input, we
-     * will add another full block that is just padding.)
-     */
-    if (final) {
-	if (pad_size == 0) {
-    	    return obj->pending_count + input_len;
-	} else {
-    	    blocks = (obj->pending_count + input_len) / pad_size;
-	    blocks++;
-	    return blocks*pad_size;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now, count the number of complete blocks of data we have.
-     */
-    blocks = (obj->pending_count + input_len) / block_size;
-    return blocks * block_size;
- * Decrypt a given length of input buffer (starting at "input" and
- * containing "input_len" bytes), placing the decrypted bytes in
- * "output" and storing the output length in "*output_len_p".
- * "obj" is the return value from sec_PKCS7CreateDecryptObject.
- * When "final" is true, this is the last of the data to be decrypted.
- *
- * This is much more complicated than it sounds when the cipher is
- * a block-type, meaning that the decryption function will only
- * operate on whole blocks.  But our caller is operating stream-wise,
- * and can pass in any number of bytes.  So we need to keep track
- * of block boundaries.  We save excess bytes between calls in "obj".
- * We also need to determine which bytes are padding, and remove
- * them from the output.  We can only do this step when we know we
- * have the final block of data.  PKCS #7 specifies that the padding
- * used for a block cipher is a string of bytes, each of whose value is
- * the same as the length of the padding, and that all data is padded.
- * (Even data that starts out with an exact multiple of blocks gets
- * added to it another block, all of which is padding.)
- */ 
-sec_PKCS7Decrypt (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj, unsigned char *output,
-		  unsigned int *output_len_p, unsigned int max_output_len,
-		  const unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len,
-		  PRBool final)
-    unsigned int blocks, bsize, pcount, padsize;
-    unsigned int max_needed, ifraglen, ofraglen, output_len;
-    unsigned char *pbuf;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert (! obj->encrypt);
-    /*
-     * Check that we have enough room for the output.  Our caller should
-     * already handle this; failure is really an internal error (i.e. bug).
-     */
-    max_needed = sec_PKCS7DecryptLength (obj, input_len, final);
-    PORT_Assert (max_output_len >= max_needed);
-    if (max_output_len < max_needed) {
-	/* PORT_SetError (XXX); */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * hardware encryption does not like small decryption sizes here, so we
-     * allow both blocking and padding.
-     */
-    bsize = obj->block_size;
-    padsize = obj->pad_size;
-    /*
-     * When no blocking or padding work to do, we can simply call the
-     * cipher function and we are done.
-     */
-    if (bsize == 0) {
-	return (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, output_len_p, max_output_len,
-			      input, input_len);
-    }
-    pcount = obj->pending_count;
-    pbuf = obj->pending_buf;
-    output_len = 0;
-    if (pcount) {
-	/*
-	 * Try to fill in an entire block, starting with the bytes
-	 * we already have saved away.
-	 */
-	while (input_len && pcount < bsize) {
-	    pbuf[pcount++] = *input++;
-	    input_len--;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we have at most a whole block and this is not our last call,
-	 * then we are done for now.  (We do not try to decrypt a lone
-	 * single block because we cannot interpret the padding bytes
-	 * until we know we are handling the very last block of all input.)
-	 */
-	if (input_len == 0 && !final) {
-	    obj->pending_count = pcount;
-	    if (output_len_p)
-		*output_len_p = 0;
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Given the logic above, we expect to have a full block by now.
-	 * If we do not, there is something wrong, either with our own
-	 * logic or with (length of) the data given to us.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert ((padsize == 0) || (pcount % padsize) == 0);
-	if ((padsize != 0) && (pcount % padsize) != 0) {
-	    PORT_Assert (final);	
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Decrypt the block.
-	 */
-	rv = (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, &ofraglen, max_output_len,
-			    pbuf, pcount);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	/*
-	 * For now anyway, all of our ciphers have the same number of
-	 * bytes of output as they do input.  If this ever becomes untrue,
-	 * then sec_PKCS7DecryptLength needs to be made smarter!
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (ofraglen == pcount);
-	/*
-	 * Account for the bytes now in output.
-	 */
-	max_output_len -= ofraglen;
-	output_len += ofraglen;
-	output += ofraglen;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If this is our last call, we expect to have an exact number of
-     * blocks left to be decrypted; we will decrypt them all.
-     * 
-     * If not our last call, we always save between 1 and bsize bytes
-     * until next time.  (We must do this because we cannot be sure
-     * that none of the decrypted bytes are padding bytes until we
-     * have at least another whole block of data.  You cannot tell by
-     * looking -- the data could be anything -- you can only tell by
-     * context, knowing you are looking at the last block.)  We could
-     * decrypt a whole block now but it is easier if we just treat it
-     * the same way we treat partial block bytes.
-     */
-    if (final) {
-	if (padsize) {
-	    blocks = input_len / padsize;
-	    ifraglen = blocks * padsize;
-	} else ifraglen = input_len;
-	PORT_Assert (ifraglen == input_len);
-	if (ifraglen != input_len) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    } else {
-	blocks = (input_len - 1) / bsize;
-	ifraglen = blocks * bsize;
-	PORT_Assert (ifraglen < input_len);
-	pcount = input_len - ifraglen;
-	PORT_Memcpy (pbuf, input + ifraglen, pcount);
-	obj->pending_count = pcount;
-    }
-    if (ifraglen) {
-	rv = (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, &ofraglen, max_output_len,
-			    input, ifraglen);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	/*
-	 * For now anyway, all of our ciphers have the same number of
-	 * bytes of output as they do input.  If this ever becomes untrue,
-	 * then sec_PKCS7DecryptLength needs to be made smarter!
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (ifraglen == ofraglen);
-	if (ifraglen != ofraglen) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	output_len += ofraglen;
-    } else {
-	ofraglen = 0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If we just did our very last block, "remove" the padding by
-     * adjusting the output length.
-     */
-    if (final && (padsize != 0)) {
-	unsigned int padlen = *(output + ofraglen - 1);
-	if (padlen == 0 || padlen > padsize) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	output_len -= padlen;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (output_len_p != NULL || output_len == 0);
-    if (output_len_p != NULL)
-	*output_len_p = output_len;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Encrypt a given length of input buffer (starting at "input" and
- * containing "input_len" bytes), placing the encrypted bytes in
- * "output" and storing the output length in "*output_len_p".
- * "obj" is the return value from sec_PKCS7CreateEncryptObject.
- * When "final" is true, this is the last of the data to be encrypted.
- *
- * This is much more complicated than it sounds when the cipher is
- * a block-type, meaning that the encryption function will only
- * operate on whole blocks.  But our caller is operating stream-wise,
- * and can pass in any number of bytes.  So we need to keep track
- * of block boundaries.  We save excess bytes between calls in "obj".
- * We also need to add padding bytes at the end.  PKCS #7 specifies
- * that the padding used for a block cipher is a string of bytes,
- * each of whose value is the same as the length of the padding,
- * and that all data is padded.  (Even data that starts out with
- * an exact multiple of blocks gets added to it another block,
- * all of which is padding.)
- *
- * XXX I would kind of like to combine this with the function above
- * which does decryption, since they have a lot in common.  But the
- * tricky parts about padding and filling blocks would be much
- * harder to read that way, so I left them separate.  At least for
- * now until it is clear that they are right.
- */ 
-sec_PKCS7Encrypt (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj, unsigned char *output,
-		  unsigned int *output_len_p, unsigned int max_output_len,
-		  const unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len,
-		  PRBool final)
-    int blocks, bsize, padlen, pcount, padsize;
-    unsigned int max_needed, ifraglen, ofraglen, output_len;
-    unsigned char *pbuf;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert (obj->encrypt);
-    /*
-     * Check that we have enough room for the output.  Our caller should
-     * already handle this; failure is really an internal error (i.e. bug).
-     */
-    max_needed = sec_PKCS7EncryptLength (obj, input_len, final);
-    PORT_Assert (max_output_len >= max_needed);
-    if (max_output_len < max_needed) {
-	/* PORT_SetError (XXX); */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    bsize = obj->block_size;
-    padsize = obj->pad_size;
-    /*
-     * When no blocking and padding work to do, we can simply call the
-     * cipher function and we are done.
-     */
-    if (bsize == 0) {
-	return (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, output_len_p, max_output_len,
-			      input, input_len);
-    }
-    pcount = obj->pending_count;
-    pbuf = obj->pending_buf;
-    output_len = 0;
-    if (pcount) {
-	/*
-	 * Try to fill in an entire block, starting with the bytes
-	 * we already have saved away.
-	 */
-	while (input_len && pcount < bsize) {
-	    pbuf[pcount++] = *input++;
-	    input_len--;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we do not have a full block and we know we will be
-	 * called again, then we are done for now.
-	 */
-	if (pcount < bsize && !final) {
-	    obj->pending_count = pcount;
-	    if (output_len_p != NULL)
-		*output_len_p = 0;
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we have a whole block available, encrypt it.
-	 */
-	if ((padsize == 0) || (pcount % padsize) == 0) {
-	    rv = (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, &ofraglen, max_output_len,
-				pbuf, pcount);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		return rv;
-	    /*
-	     * For now anyway, all of our ciphers have the same number of
-	     * bytes of output as they do input.  If this ever becomes untrue,
-	     * then sec_PKCS7EncryptLength needs to be made smarter!
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert (ofraglen == pcount);
-	    /*
-	     * Account for the bytes now in output.
-	     */
-	    max_output_len -= ofraglen;
-	    output_len += ofraglen;
-	    output += ofraglen;
-	    pcount = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    if (input_len) {
-	PORT_Assert (pcount == 0);
-	blocks = input_len / bsize;
-	ifraglen = blocks * bsize;
-	if (ifraglen) {
-	    rv = (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, &ofraglen, max_output_len,
-				input, ifraglen);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-		return rv;
-	    /*
-	     * For now anyway, all of our ciphers have the same number of
-	     * bytes of output as they do input.  If this ever becomes untrue,
-	     * then sec_PKCS7EncryptLength needs to be made smarter!
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert (ifraglen == ofraglen);
-	    max_output_len -= ofraglen;
-	    output_len += ofraglen;
-	    output += ofraglen;
-	}
-	pcount = input_len - ifraglen;
-	PORT_Assert (pcount < bsize);
-	if (pcount)
-	    PORT_Memcpy (pbuf, input + ifraglen, pcount);
-    }
-    if (final) {
-	padlen = padsize ? padsize - (pcount % padsize) : 0;
-	PORT_Memset (pbuf + pcount, padlen, padlen);
-	rv = (* obj->doit) (obj->cx, output, &ofraglen, max_output_len,
-			    pbuf, pcount+padlen);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	/*
-	 * For now anyway, all of our ciphers have the same number of
-	 * bytes of output as they do input.  If this ever becomes untrue,
-	 * then sec_PKCS7EncryptLength needs to be made smarter!
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (ofraglen == (pcount+padlen));
-	output_len += ofraglen;
-    } else {
-	obj->pending_count = pcount;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (output_len_p != NULL || output_len == 0);
-    if (output_len_p != NULL)
-	*output_len_p = output_len;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * End of cipher stuff.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * XXX The following Attribute stuff really belongs elsewhere.
- * The Attribute type is *not* part of pkcs7 but rather X.501.
- * But for now, since PKCS7 is the only customer of attributes,
- * we define them here.  Once there is a use outside of PKCS7,
- * then change the attribute types and functions from internal
- * to external naming convention, and move them elsewhere!
- */
- * Look through a set of attributes and find one that matches the
- * specified object ID.  If "only" is true, then make sure that
- * there is not more than one attribute of the same type.  Otherwise,
- * just return the first one found. (XXX Does anybody really want
- * that first-found behavior?  It was like that when I found it...)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7Attribute *
-sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (SEC_PKCS7Attribute **attrs, SECOidTag oidtag,
-			PRBool only)
-    SECOidData *oid;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr1, *attr2;
-    if (attrs == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    oid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(oidtag);
-    if (oid == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    while ((attr1 = *attrs++) != NULL) {
-	if (attr1->type.len == oid->oid.len && PORT_Memcmp (attr1->,
-							    oid->,
-							    oid->oid.len) == 0)
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (attr1 == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    if (!only)
-	return attr1;
-    while ((attr2 = *attrs++) != NULL) {
-	if (attr2->type.len == oid->oid.len && PORT_Memcmp (attr2->,
-							    oid->,
-							    oid->oid.len) == 0)
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (attr2 != NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    return attr1;
- * Return the single attribute value, doing some sanity checking first:
- * - Multiple values are *not* expected.
- * - Empty values are *not* expected.
- */
-SECItem *
-sec_PKCS7AttributeValue(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr)
-    SECItem *value;
-    if (attr == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    value = attr->values[0];
-    if (value == NULL || value->data == NULL || value->len == 0)
-	return NULL;
-    if (attr->values[1] != NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    return value;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-sec_attr_choose_attr_value_template(void *src_or_dest, PRBool encoding)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attribute;
-    SECOidData *oiddata;
-    PRBool encoded;
-    PORT_Assert (src_or_dest != NULL);
-    if (src_or_dest == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    attribute = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute*)src_or_dest;
-    if (encoding && attribute->encoded)
-	return SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_AnyTemplate);
-    oiddata = attribute->typeTag;
-    if (oiddata == NULL) {
-	oiddata = SECOID_FindOID(&attribute->type);
-	attribute->typeTag = oiddata;
-    }
-    if (oiddata == NULL) {
-	encoded = PR_TRUE;
-	theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_AnyTemplate);
-    } else {
-	switch (oiddata->offset) {
-	  default:
-	    encoded = PR_TRUE;
-	    theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_AnyTemplate);
-	    break;
-	  case SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL:
-	    encoded = PR_FALSE;
-	    theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_IA5StringTemplate);
-	    break;
-	    encoded = PR_FALSE;
-	    theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_ObjectIDTemplate);
-	    break;
-	    encoded = PR_FALSE;
-	    theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate);
-	    break;
-	    encoded = PR_FALSE;
-            theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_TimeChoiceTemplate);
-	    break;
-	  /* XXX Want other types here, too */
-	}
-    }
-    if (encoding) {
-	/*
-	 * If we are encoding and we think we have an already-encoded value,
-	 * then the code which initialized this attribute should have set
-	 * the "encoded" property to true (and we would have returned early,
-	 * up above).  No devastating error, but that code should be fixed.
-	 * (It could indicate that the resulting encoded bytes are wrong.)
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (!encoded);
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * We are decoding; record whether the resulting value is
-	 * still encoded or not.
-	 */
-	attribute->encoded = encoded;
-    }
-    return theTemplate;
-static const SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr sec_attr_chooser
-	= sec_attr_choose_attr_value_template;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template sec_pkcs7_attribute_template[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute,type) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute,values),
-	  &sec_attr_chooser },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template sec_pkcs7_set_of_attribute_template[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, sec_pkcs7_attribute_template },
- * If you are wondering why this routine does not reorder the attributes
- * first, and might be tempted to make it do so, see the comment by the
- * call to ReorderAttributes in p7encode.c.  (Or, see who else calls this
- * and think long and hard about the implications of making it always
- * do the reordering.)
- */
-SECItem *
-sec_PKCS7EncodeAttributes (PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, void *src)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (poolp, dest, src,
-			       sec_pkcs7_set_of_attribute_template);
- * Make sure that the order of the attributes guarantees valid DER
- * (which must be in lexigraphically ascending order for a SET OF);
- * if reordering is necessary it will be done in place (in attrs).
- */
-sec_PKCS7ReorderAttributes (SEC_PKCS7Attribute **attrs)
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    int num_attrs, i, pass, besti;
-    unsigned int j;
-    SECItem **enc_attrs;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute **new_attrs;
-    /*
-     * I think we should not be called with NULL.  But if we are,
-     * call it a success anyway, because the order *is* okay.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (attrs != NULL);
-    if (attrs == NULL)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * Count how many attributes we are dealing with here.
-     */
-    num_attrs = 0;
-    while (attrs[num_attrs] != NULL)
-	num_attrs++;
-    /*
-     * Again, I think we should have some attributes here.
-     * But if we do not, or if there is only one, then call it
-     * a success because it also already has a fine order.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (num_attrs);
-    if (num_attrs == 0 || num_attrs == 1)
-	return SECSuccess;
-    /*
-     * Allocate an arena for us to work with, so it is easy to
-     * clean up all of the memory (fairly small pieces, really).
-     */
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena (1024);	/* XXX what is right value? */
-    if (poolp == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;		/* no memory; nothing we can do... */
-    /*
-     * Allocate arrays to hold the individual encodings which we will use
-     * for comparisons and the reordered attributes as they are sorted.
-     */
-    enc_attrs=(SECItem**)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, num_attrs*sizeof(SECItem *));
-    new_attrs = (SEC_PKCS7Attribute**)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp,
-				  num_attrs * sizeof(SEC_PKCS7Attribute *));
-    if (enc_attrs == NULL || new_attrs == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * DER encode each individual attribute.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) {
-	enc_attrs[i] = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (poolp, NULL, attrs[i],
-					   sec_pkcs7_attribute_template);
-	if (enc_attrs[i] == NULL) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now compare and sort them; this is not the most efficient sorting
-     * method, but it is just fine for the problem at hand, because the
-     * number of attributes is (always) going to be small.
-     */
-    for (pass = 0; pass < num_attrs; pass++) {
-	/*
-	 * Find the first not-yet-accepted attribute.  (Once one is
-	 * sorted into the other array, it is cleared from enc_attrs.)
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) {
-	    if (enc_attrs[i] != NULL)
-		break;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert (i < num_attrs);
-	besti = i;
-	/*
-	 * Find the lowest (lexigraphically) encoding.  One that is
-	 * shorter than all the rest is known to be "less" because each
-	 * attribute is of the same type (a SEQUENCE) and so thus the
-	 * first octet of each is the same, and the second octet is
-	 * the length (or the length of the length with the high bit
-	 * set, followed by the length, which also works out to always
-	 * order the shorter first).  Two (or more) that have the
-	 * same length need to be compared byte by byte until a mismatch
-	 * is found.
-	 */
-	for (i = besti + 1; i < num_attrs; i++) {
-	    if (enc_attrs[i] == NULL)	/* slot already handled */
-		continue;
-	    if (enc_attrs[i]->len != enc_attrs[besti]->len) {
-		if (enc_attrs[i]->len < enc_attrs[besti]->len)
-		    besti = i;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    for (j = 0; j < enc_attrs[i]->len; j++) {
-		if (enc_attrs[i]->data[j] < enc_attrs[besti]->data[j]) {
-		    besti = i;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    /*
-	     * For this not to be true, we would have to have encountered	
-	     * two *identical* attributes, which I think we should not see.
-	     * So assert if it happens, but even if it does, let it go
-	     * through; the ordering of the two does not matter.
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert (j < enc_attrs[i]->len);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Now we have found the next-lowest one; copy it over and
-	 * remove it from enc_attrs.
-	 */
-	new_attrs[pass] = attrs[besti];
-	enc_attrs[besti] = NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now new_attrs has the attributes in the order we want;
-     * copy them back into the attrs array we started with.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++)
-	attrs[i] = new_attrs[i];
-    PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * End of attribute stuff.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * Templates and stuff.  Keep these at the end of the file.
- */
-/* forward declaration */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-sec_pkcs7_choose_content_template(void *src_or_dest, PRBool encoding);
-static const SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr sec_pkcs7_chooser
-	= sec_pkcs7_choose_content_template;
-const SEC_ASN1Template sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo,contentType) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo,content),
-	  &sec_pkcs7_chooser },
-    { 0 }
-/* XXX These names should change from external to internal convention. */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7SignerInfoTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,version) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,issuerAndSN),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_IssuerAndSNTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,digestAlg),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,authAttr),
-	  sec_pkcs7_set_of_attribute_template },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,digestEncAlg),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,encDigest) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo,unAuthAttr),
-	  sec_pkcs7_set_of_attribute_template },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7SignedDataTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData,version) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData,digestAlgorithms),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData,contentInfo),
-	  sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData,rawCerts),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate) },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 1,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData,crls),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_SetOfSignedCrlTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedData,signerInfos),
-	  SEC_PKCS7SignerInfoTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToPKCS7SignedDataTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_PKCS7SignedDataTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfoTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo,version) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo,issuerAndSN),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_IssuerAndSNTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo,keyEncAlg),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo,encKey) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfoTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo,contentType) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo,contentEncAlg),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo,encContent),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_OctetStringTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedDataTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData,version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData,recipientInfos),
-	  SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfoTemplate },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData,encContentInfo),
-	  SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfoTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToPKCS7EnvelopedDataTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedDataTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedDataTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,recipientInfos),
-	  SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfoTemplate },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,digestAlgorithms),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,encContentInfo),
-	  SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfoTemplate },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,rawCerts),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate) },
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 1,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,crls),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(CERT_SetOfSignedCrlTemplate) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF,
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData,signerInfos),
-	  SEC_PKCS7SignerInfoTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template
-SEC_PointerToPKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedDataTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedDataTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7DigestedDataTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData,version) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData,digestAlg),
-	  SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData,contentInfo),
-	  sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7DigestedData,digest) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToPKCS7DigestedDataTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_PKCS7DigestedDataTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PKCS7EncryptedDataTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData,version) },
-	  offsetof(SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData,encContentInfo),
-	  SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfoTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToPKCS7EncryptedDataTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_PKCS7EncryptedDataTemplate }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template *
-sec_pkcs7_choose_content_template(void *src_or_dest, PRBool encoding)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECOidTag kind;
-    PORT_Assert (src_or_dest != NULL);
-    if (src_or_dest == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    cinfo = (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo*)src_or_dest;
-    kind = SEC_PKCS7ContentType (cinfo);
-    switch (kind) {
-      default:
-	theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate);
-	break;
-      case SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA:
-	theTemplate = SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate);
-	break;
-	theTemplate = SEC_PointerToPKCS7SignedDataTemplate;
-	break;
-	theTemplate = SEC_PointerToPKCS7EnvelopedDataTemplate;
-	break;
-	theTemplate = SEC_PointerToPKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedDataTemplate;
-	break;
-	theTemplate = SEC_PointerToPKCS7DigestedDataTemplate;
-	break;
-	theTemplate = SEC_PointerToPKCS7EncryptedDataTemplate;
-	break;
-    }
-    return theTemplate;
- * End of templates.  Do not add stuff after this; put new code
- * up above the start of the template definitions.
- */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.h b/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b7887..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/p7local.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support routines for PKCS7 implementation, none of which are exported.
- * This file should only contain things that are needed by both the
- * encoding/creation side *and* the decoding/decryption side.  Anything
- * else should just be static routines in the appropriate file.
- *
- * Do not export this file!  If something in here is really needed outside
- * of pkcs7 code, first try to add a PKCS7 interface which will do it for
- * you.  If that has a problem, then just move out what you need, changing
- * its name as appropriate!
- */
-#ifndef _P7LOCAL_H_
-#define _P7LOCAL_H_
-#include "secpkcs7.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate[];
-/* opaque objects */
-typedef struct sec_pkcs7_cipher_object sec_PKCS7CipherObject;
- * Look through a set of attributes and find one that matches the
- * specified object ID.  If "only" is true, then make sure that
- * there is not more than one attribute of the same type.  Otherwise,
- * just return the first one found. (XXX Does anybody really want
- * that first-found behavior?  It was like that when I found it...)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7Attribute *sec_PKCS7FindAttribute (SEC_PKCS7Attribute **attrs,
-						   SECOidTag oidtag,
-						   PRBool only);
- * Return the single attribute value, doing some sanity checking first:
- * - Multiple values are *not* expected.
- * - Empty values are *not* expected.
- */
-extern SECItem *sec_PKCS7AttributeValue (SEC_PKCS7Attribute *attr);
- * Encode a set of attributes (found in "src").
- */
-extern SECItem *sec_PKCS7EncodeAttributes (PLArenaPool *poolp,
-					   SECItem *dest, void *src);
- * Make sure that the order of the attributes guarantees valid DER
- * (which must be in lexigraphically ascending order for a SET OF);
- * if reordering is necessary it will be done in place (in attrs).
- */
-extern SECStatus sec_PKCS7ReorderAttributes (SEC_PKCS7Attribute **attrs);
- * Create a context for decrypting, based on the given key and algorithm.
- */
-extern sec_PKCS7CipherObject *
-sec_PKCS7CreateDecryptObject (PK11SymKey *key, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * Create a context for encrypting, based on the given key and algorithm,
- * and fill in the algorithm id.
- */
-extern sec_PKCS7CipherObject *
-sec_PKCS7CreateEncryptObject (PLArenaPool *poolp, PK11SymKey *key,
-			      SECOidTag algtag, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * Destroy the given decryption or encryption object.
- */
-extern void sec_PKCS7DestroyDecryptObject (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj);
-extern void sec_PKCS7DestroyEncryptObject (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj);
- * What will be the output length of the next call to encrypt/decrypt?
- * Result can be used to perform memory allocations.  Note that the amount
- * is exactly accurate only when not doing a block cipher or when final
- * is false, otherwise it is an upper bound on the amount because until
- * we see the data we do not know how many padding bytes there are
- * (always between 1 and the cipher block size).
- *
- * Note that this can return zero, which does not mean that the cipher
- * operation can be skipped!  (It simply means that there are not enough
- * bytes to make up an entire block; the bytes will be reserved until
- * there are enough to encrypt/decrypt at least one block.)  However,
- * if zero is returned it *does* mean that no output buffer need be
- * passed in to the subsequent cipher operation, as no output bytes
- * will be stored.
- */
-extern unsigned int sec_PKCS7DecryptLength (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj,
-					    unsigned int input_len,
-					    PRBool final);
-extern unsigned int sec_PKCS7EncryptLength (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj,
-					    unsigned int input_len,
-					    PRBool final);
- * Decrypt a given length of input buffer (starting at "input" and
- * containing "input_len" bytes), placing the decrypted bytes in
- * "output" and storing the output length in "*output_len_p".
- * "obj" is the return value from sec_PKCS7CreateDecryptObject.
- * When "final" is true, this is the last of the data to be decrypted.
- */ 
-extern SECStatus sec_PKCS7Decrypt (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj,
-				   unsigned char *output,
-				   unsigned int *output_len_p,
-				   unsigned int max_output_len,
-				   const unsigned char *input,
-				   unsigned int input_len,
-				   PRBool final);
- * Encrypt a given length of input buffer (starting at "input" and
- * containing "input_len" bytes), placing the encrypted bytes in
- * "output" and storing the output length in "*output_len_p".
- * "obj" is the return value from sec_PKCS7CreateEncryptObject.
- * When "final" is true, this is the last of the data to be encrypted.
- */ 
-extern SECStatus sec_PKCS7Encrypt (sec_PKCS7CipherObject *obj,
-				   unsigned char *output,
-				   unsigned int *output_len_p,
-				   unsigned int max_output_len,
-				   const unsigned char *input,
-				   unsigned int input_len,
-				   PRBool final);
-#endif /* _P7LOCAL_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/pkcs7t.h b/nss/lib/pkcs7/pkcs7t.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d01b1ea..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/pkcs7t.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Header for pkcs7 types.
- */
-#ifndef _PKCS7T_H_
-#define _PKCS7T_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-/* Opaque objects */
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7DecoderContextStr SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7EncoderContextStr SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext;
-/* legacy defines that haven't been active for years */
-typedef void *(*SECKEYGetPasswordKey)(void *arg, void *handle);
-/* Non-opaque objects.  NOTE, though: I want them to be treated as
- * opaque as much as possible.  If I could hide them completely,
- * I would.  (I tried, but ran into trouble that was taking me too
- * much time to get out of.)  I still intend to try to do so.
- * In fact, the only type that "outsiders" should even *name* is
- * SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo, and they should not reference its fields.
- */
-/* rjr: PKCS #11 cert handling (pk11cert.c) does use SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo's.
- * This is because when we search the recipient list for the cert and key we
- * want, we need to invert the order of the loops we used to have. The old
- * loops were:
- *
- *  For each recipient {
- *       find_cert = PK11_Find_AllCert(recipient->issuerSN);
- *       [which unrolls to... ]
- *       For each slot {
- *            Log into slot;
- *            search slot for cert;
- *      }
- *  }
- *
- *  the new loop searchs all the recipients at once on a slot. this allows
- *  PKCS #11 to order slots in such a way that logout slots don't get checked
- *  if we can find the cert on a logged in slot. This eliminates lots of
- *  spurious password prompts when smart cards are installed... so why this
- *  comment? If you make SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo completely opaque, you need
- *  to provide a non-opaque list of issuerSN's (the only field PKCS#11 needs
- *  and fix up pk11cert.c first. NOTE: Only S/MIME calls this special PKCS #11
- *  function.
- */
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7ContentInfoStr SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7SignedDataStr SEC_PKCS7SignedData;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfoStr SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedDataStr SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedDataStr
-		SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7SignerInfoStr SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfoStr SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7DigestedDataStr SEC_PKCS7DigestedData;
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7EncryptedDataStr SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData;
- * The following is not actually a PKCS7 type, but for now it is only
- * used by PKCS7, so we have adopted it.  If someone else *ever* needs
- * it, its name should be changed and it should be moved out of here.
- * Do not dare to use it without doing so!
- */
-typedef struct SEC_PKCS7AttributeStr SEC_PKCS7Attribute;
-struct SEC_PKCS7ContentInfoStr {
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-    PRBool created;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-    int refCount;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECOidData *contentTypeTag;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    void *pwfn_arg;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem contentType;
-    union {
-	SECItem				*data;
-	SEC_PKCS7DigestedData		*digestedData;
-	SEC_PKCS7EncryptedData		*encryptedData;
-	SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedData		*envelopedData;
-	SEC_PKCS7SignedData		*signedData;
-	SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedData	*signedAndEnvelopedData;
-    } content;
-struct SEC_PKCS7SignedDataStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SECAlgorithmID **digestAlgorithms;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo contentInfo;
-    SECItem **rawCerts;
-    CERTSignedCrl **crls;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerInfos;
-    SECItem **digests;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-    CERTCertificate **certs;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    CERTCertificateList **certLists;	/* local; not part of encoding */
-#define SEC_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA_VERSION		1	/* what we *create* */
-struct SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfoStr {
-    SECOidData *contentTypeTag;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem contentType;
-    SECAlgorithmID contentEncAlg;
-    SECItem encContent;
-    SECItem plainContent;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-					/* bytes not encrypted, but encoded */
-    int keysize;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-					/* size of bulk encryption key
-					 * (only used by creation code) */
-    SECOidTag encalg;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-					/* oid tag of encryption algorithm
-					 * (only used by creation code) */
-struct SEC_PKCS7EnvelopedDataStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientInfos;
-    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo encContentInfo;
-#define SEC_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA_VERSION	0	/* what we *create* */
-struct SEC_PKCS7SignedAndEnvelopedDataStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfo **recipientInfos;
-    SECAlgorithmID **digestAlgorithms;
-    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo encContentInfo;
-    SECItem **rawCerts;
-    CERTSignedCrl **crls;
-    SEC_PKCS7SignerInfo **signerInfos;
-    SECItem **digests;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-    CERTCertificate **certs;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    CERTCertificateList **certLists;	/* local; not part of encoding */
-    PK11SymKey *sigKey;			/* local; not part of encoding */
-#define SEC_PKCS7_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED_DATA_VERSION 1	/* what we *create* */
-struct SEC_PKCS7SignerInfoStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN;
-    SECAlgorithmID digestAlg;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute **authAttr;
-    SECAlgorithmID digestEncAlg;
-    SECItem encDigest;
-    SEC_PKCS7Attribute **unAuthAttr;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    CERTCertificateList *certList;	/* local; not part of encoding */
-#define SEC_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_VERSION		1	/* what we *create* */
-struct SEC_PKCS7RecipientInfoStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN;
-    SECAlgorithmID keyEncAlg;
-    SECItem encKey;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-#define SEC_PKCS7_RECIPIENT_INFO_VERSION	0	/* what we *create* */
-struct SEC_PKCS7DigestedDataStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SECAlgorithmID digestAlg;
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo contentInfo;
-    SECItem digest;
-#define SEC_PKCS7_DIGESTED_DATA_VERSION		0	/* what we *create* */
-struct SEC_PKCS7EncryptedDataStr {
-    SECItem version;
-    SEC_PKCS7EncryptedContentInfo encContentInfo;
-#define SEC_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA_VERSION	0	/* what we *create* */
- * See comment above about this type not really belonging to PKCS7.
- */
-struct SEC_PKCS7AttributeStr {
-    /* The following fields make up an encoded Attribute: */
-    SECItem type;
-    SECItem **values;	/* data may or may not be encoded */
-    /* The following fields are not part of an encoded Attribute: */
-    SECOidData *typeTag;
-    PRBool encoded;	/* when true, values are encoded */
- * Type of function passed to SEC_PKCS7Decode or SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart.
- * If specified, this is where the content bytes (only) will be "sent"
- * as they are recovered during the decoding.
- *
- * XXX Should just combine this with SEC_PKCS7EncoderContentCallback type
- * and use a simpler, common name.
- */
-typedef void (* SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback)(void *arg,
-						 const char *buf,
-						 unsigned long len);
- * Type of function passed to SEC_PKCS7Encode or SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart.
- * This is where the encoded bytes will be "sent".
- *
- * XXX Should just combine this with SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback type
- * and use a simpler, common name.
- */
-typedef void (* SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback)(void *arg,
-						const char *buf,
-						unsigned long len);
- * Type of function passed to SEC_PKCS7Decode or SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart
- * to retrieve the decryption key.  This function is inteded to be
- * used for EncryptedData content info's which do not have a key available
- * in a certificate, etc.
- */
-typedef PK11SymKey * (* SEC_PKCS7GetDecryptKeyCallback)(void *arg, 
-							SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * Type of function passed to SEC_PKCS7Decode or SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart.
- * This function in intended to be used to verify that decrypting a
- * particular crypto algorithm is allowed.  Content types which do not
- * require decryption will not need the callback.  If the callback
- * is not specified for content types which require decryption, the
- * decryption will be disallowed.
- */
-typedef PRBool (* SEC_PKCS7DecryptionAllowedCallback)(SECAlgorithmID *algid,  
-						      PK11SymKey *bulkkey);
-#endif /* _PKCS7T_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.c b/nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b369bf..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,822 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Stuff specific to S/MIME policy and interoperability.
- * Depends on PKCS7, but there should be no dependency the other way around.
- */
-#include "secmime.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "ciferfam.h"	/* for CIPHER_FAMILY symbols */
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "key.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-typedef struct smime_cipher_map_struct {
-    unsigned long cipher;
-    SECOidTag algtag;
-    SECItem *parms;
-} smime_cipher_map;
- * These are macros because I think some subsequent parameters,
- * like those for RC5, will want to use them, too, separately.
- */
-#define SMIME_DER_INTVAL_16	SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, 0x01, 0x10
-#define SMIME_DER_INTVAL_40	SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, 0x01, 0x28
-#define SMIME_DER_INTVAL_64	SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, 0x01, 0x40
-#define SMIME_DER_INTVAL_128	SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80
-#ifdef SMIME_DOES_RC5	/* will be needed; quiet unused warning for now */
-static unsigned char smime_int16[] = { SMIME_DER_INTVAL_16 };
-static unsigned char smime_int40[] = { SMIME_DER_INTVAL_40 };
-static unsigned char smime_int64[] = { SMIME_DER_INTVAL_64 };
-static unsigned char smime_int128[] = { SMIME_DER_INTVAL_128 };
-static SECItem smime_rc2p40 = { siBuffer, smime_int40, sizeof(smime_int40) };
-static SECItem smime_rc2p64 = { siBuffer, smime_int64, sizeof(smime_int64) };
-static SECItem smime_rc2p128 = { siBuffer, smime_int128, sizeof(smime_int128) };
-static smime_cipher_map smime_cipher_maps[] = {
-    { SMIME_RC2_CBC_40,		SEC_OID_RC2_CBC,	&smime_rc2p40 },
-    { SMIME_RC2_CBC_64,		SEC_OID_RC2_CBC,	&smime_rc2p64 },
-    { SMIME_RC2_CBC_128,	SEC_OID_RC2_CBC,	&smime_rc2p128 },
-#ifdef SMIME_DOES_RC5
-    { SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_40,	SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD,	&smime_rc5p40 },
-    { SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_64,	SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD,	&smime_rc5p64 },
-    { SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_128,	SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD,	&smime_rc5p128 },
- * Note, the following value really just needs to be an upper bound
- * on the ciphers.
- */
-static const int smime_symmetric_count = sizeof(smime_cipher_maps)
-					 / sizeof(smime_cipher_map);
-static unsigned long *smime_prefs, *smime_newprefs;
-static int smime_current_pref_index = 0;
-static PRBool smime_prefs_complete = PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool smime_prefs_changed = PR_TRUE;
-static unsigned long smime_policy_bits = 0;
-static int
-smime_mapi_by_cipher (unsigned long cipher)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < smime_symmetric_count; i++) {
-	if (smime_cipher_maps[i].cipher == cipher)
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (i == smime_symmetric_count)
-	return -1;
-    return i;
- * this function locally records the user's preference
- */
-SECMIME_EnableCipher(long which, int on)
-    unsigned long mask;
-    if (smime_newprefs == NULL || smime_prefs_complete) {
-	/*
-	 * This is either the very first time, or we are starting over.
-	 */
-	smime_newprefs = (unsigned long*)PORT_ZAlloc (smime_symmetric_count
-				      * sizeof(*smime_newprefs));
-	if (smime_newprefs == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;
-	smime_current_pref_index = 0;
-	smime_prefs_complete = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    mask = which & CIPHER_FAMILYID_MASK;
-    if (mask == CIPHER_FAMILYID_MASK) {
-    	/*
-	 * This call signifies that all preferences have been set.
-	 * Move "newprefs" over, after checking first whether or
-	 * not the new ones are different from the old ones.
-	 */
-	if (smime_prefs != NULL) {
-	    if (PORT_Memcmp (smime_prefs, smime_newprefs,
-			     smime_symmetric_count * sizeof(*smime_prefs)) == 0)
-		smime_prefs_changed = PR_FALSE;
-	    else
-		smime_prefs_changed = PR_TRUE;
-	    PORT_Free (smime_prefs);
-	}
-	smime_prefs = smime_newprefs;
-	smime_prefs_complete = PR_TRUE;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (mask == CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME);
-    if (mask != CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME) {
-	/* XXX set an error! */
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (on) {
-	PORT_Assert (smime_current_pref_index < smime_symmetric_count);
-	if (smime_current_pref_index >= smime_symmetric_count) {
-	    /* XXX set an error! */
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	smime_newprefs[smime_current_pref_index++] = which;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * this function locally records the export policy
- */
-SECMIME_SetPolicy(long which, int on)
-    unsigned long mask;
-	/* XXX set an error! */
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    which &= ~CIPHER_FAMILYID_MASK;
-    PORT_Assert (which < 32);	/* bits in the long */
-    if (which >= 32) {
-	/* XXX set an error! */
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    mask = 1UL << which;
-    if (on) {
-    	smime_policy_bits |= mask;
-    } else {
-    	smime_policy_bits &= ~mask;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Based on the given algorithm (including its parameters, in some cases!)
- * and the given key (may or may not be inspected, depending on the
- * algorithm), find the appropriate policy algorithm specification
- * and return it.  If no match can be made, -1 is returned.
- */
-static long
-smime_policy_algorithm (SECAlgorithmID *algid, PK11SymKey *key)
-    SECOidTag algtag;
-    algtag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag (algid);
-    switch (algtag) {
-      case SEC_OID_RC2_CBC:
-	{
-	    unsigned int keylen_bits;
-	    keylen_bits = PK11_GetKeyStrength (key, algid);
-	    switch (keylen_bits) {
-	      case 40:
-		return SMIME_RC2_CBC_40;
-	      case 64:
-		return SMIME_RC2_CBC_64;
-	      case 128:
-		return SMIME_RC2_CBC_128;
-	      default:
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_OID_DES_CBC:
-	return SMIME_DES_CBC_56;
-      case SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC:
-	return SMIME_DES_EDE3_168;
-#ifdef SMIME_DOES_RC5
-      case SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	PORT_Assert (0);	/* XXX need to pull out parameters and match */
-	break;
-      default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return -1;
-static PRBool
-smime_cipher_allowed (unsigned long which)
-    unsigned long mask;
-    which &= ~CIPHER_FAMILYID_MASK;
-    PORT_Assert (which < 32);	/* bits per long (min) */
-    if (which >= 32)
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    mask = 1UL << which;
-    if ((mask & smime_policy_bits) == 0)
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-SECMIME_DecryptionAllowed(SECAlgorithmID *algid, PK11SymKey *key)
-    long which;
-    which = smime_policy_algorithm (algid, key);
-    if (which < 0)
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    return smime_cipher_allowed ((unsigned long)which);
- * Does the current policy allow *any* S/MIME encryption (or decryption)?
- *
- * This tells whether or not *any* S/MIME encryption can be done,
- * according to policy.  Callers may use this to do nicer user interface
- * (say, greying out a checkbox so a user does not even try to encrypt
- * a message when they are not allowed to) or for any reason they want
- * to check whether S/MIME encryption (or decryption, for that matter)
- * may be done.
- *
- * It takes no arguments.  The return value is a simple boolean:
- *   PR_TRUE means encryption (or decryption) is *possible*
- *	(but may still fail due to other reasons, like because we cannot
- *	find all the necessary certs, etc.; PR_TRUE is *not* a guarantee)
- *   PR_FALSE means encryption (or decryption) is not permitted
- *
- * There are no errors from this routine.
- */
-SECMIME_EncryptionPossible (void)
-    if (smime_policy_bits != 0)
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * XXX Would like the "parameters" field to be a SECItem *, but the
- * encoder is having trouble with optional pointers to an ANY.  Maybe
- * once that is fixed, can change this back...
- */
-typedef struct smime_capability_struct {
-    unsigned long cipher;	/* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECOidTag capIDTag;		/* local; not part of encoding */
-    SECItem capabilityID;
-    SECItem parameters;
-} smime_capability;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template smime_capability_template[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(smime_capability) },
-	  offsetof(smime_capability,capabilityID) },
-	  offsetof(smime_capability,parameters) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template smime_capabilities_template[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, smime_capability_template }
-static void
-smime_fill_capability (smime_capability *cap)
-    unsigned long cipher;
-    SECOidTag algtag;
-    int i;
-    algtag = SECOID_FindOIDTag (&(cap->capabilityID));
-    for (i = 0; i < smime_symmetric_count; i++) {
-	if (smime_cipher_maps[i].algtag != algtag)
-	    continue;
-	/*
-	 * XXX If SECITEM_CompareItem allowed NULLs as arguments (comparing
-	 * 2 NULLs as equal and NULL and non-NULL as not equal), we could
-	 * use that here instead of all of the following comparison code.
-	 */
-	if (cap-> != NULL) {
-	    if (smime_cipher_maps[i].parms == NULL)
-		continue;
-	    if (cap->parameters.len != smime_cipher_maps[i].parms->len)
-		continue;
-	    if (PORT_Memcmp (cap->,
-			     smime_cipher_maps[i].parms->data,
-			     cap->parameters.len) == 0)
-		break;
-	} else if (smime_cipher_maps[i].parms == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (i == smime_symmetric_count)
-	cipher = 0;
-    else
-	cipher = smime_cipher_maps[i].cipher;
-    cap->cipher = cipher;
-    cap->capIDTag = algtag;
-static long
-smime_choose_cipher (CERTCertificate *scert, CERTCertificate **rcerts)
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    long chosen_cipher;
-    int *cipher_abilities;
-    int *cipher_votes;
-    int strong_mapi;
-    int rcount, mapi, max;
-    if (smime_policy_bits == 0) {
-	return -1;
-    }
-    chosen_cipher = SMIME_RC2_CBC_40;		/* the default, LCD */
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena (1024);		/* XXX what is right value? */
-    if (poolp == NULL)
-	goto done;
-    cipher_abilities = (int*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp,
-					 smime_symmetric_count * sizeof(int));
-    if (cipher_abilities == NULL)
-	goto done;
-    cipher_votes = (int*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp,
-				     smime_symmetric_count * sizeof(int));
-    if (cipher_votes == NULL)
-	goto done;
-    /*
-     * XXX Should have a #define somewhere which specifies default
-     * strong cipher.  (Or better, a way to configure.)
-     */
-    /* Make triple-DES the strong cipher. */
-    strong_mapi = smime_mapi_by_cipher (SMIME_DES_EDE3_168);
-    PORT_Assert (strong_mapi >= 0);
-    for (rcount = 0; rcerts[rcount] != NULL; rcount++) {
-	SECItem *profile;
-	smime_capability **caps;
-	int capi, pref;
-	SECStatus dstat;
-	pref = smime_symmetric_count;
-	profile = CERT_FindSMimeProfile (rcerts[rcount]);
-	if (profile != NULL && profile->data != NULL && profile->len > 0) {
-	    caps = NULL;
-	    dstat = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem (poolp, &caps,
-					smime_capabilities_template,
-					profile);
-	    if (dstat == SECSuccess && caps != NULL) {
-		for (capi = 0; caps[capi] != NULL; capi++) {
-		    smime_fill_capability (caps[capi]);
-		    mapi = smime_mapi_by_cipher (caps[capi]->cipher);
-		    if (mapi >= 0) {
-			cipher_abilities[mapi]++;
-			cipher_votes[mapi] += pref;
-			--pref;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    SECKEYPublicKey *key;
-	    unsigned int pklen_bits;
-	    /*
-	     * XXX This is probably only good for RSA keys.  What I would
-	     * really like is a function to just say;  Is the public key in
-	     * this cert an export-length key?  Then I would not have to
-	     * know things like the value 512, or the kind of key, or what
-	     * a subjectPublicKeyInfo is, etc.
-	     */
-	    key = CERT_ExtractPublicKey (rcerts[rcount]);
-	    if (key != NULL) {
-		pklen_bits = SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength (key) * 8;
-		SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey (key);
-		if (pklen_bits > 512) {
-		    cipher_abilities[strong_mapi]++;
-		    cipher_votes[strong_mapi] += pref;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (profile != NULL)
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem (profile, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    max = 0;
-    for (mapi = 0; mapi < smime_symmetric_count; mapi++) {
-	if (cipher_abilities[mapi] != rcount)
-	    continue;
-	if (! smime_cipher_allowed (smime_cipher_maps[mapi].cipher))
-	    continue;
-	if (cipher_votes[mapi] > max) {
-	    chosen_cipher = smime_cipher_maps[mapi].cipher;
-	    max = cipher_votes[mapi];
-	} /* XXX else if a tie, let scert break it? */
-    }
-    if (poolp != NULL)
-	PORT_FreeArena (poolp, PR_FALSE);
-    return chosen_cipher;
- * XXX This is a hack for now to satisfy our current interface.
- * Eventually, with more parameters needing to be specified, just
- * looking up the keysize is not going to be sufficient.
- */
-static int
-smime_keysize_by_cipher (unsigned long which)
-    int keysize;
-    switch (which) {
-      case SMIME_RC2_CBC_40:
-	keysize = 40;
-	break;
-      case SMIME_RC2_CBC_64:
-	keysize = 64;
-	break;
-      case SMIME_RC2_CBC_128:
-	keysize = 128;
-	break;
-#ifdef SMIME_DOES_RC5
-      case SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_40:
-      case SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_64:
-      case SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_128:
-	/* XXX See comment above; keysize is not enough... */
-	PORT_Assert (0);
-	keysize = -1;
-	break;
-      case SMIME_DES_CBC_56:
-      case SMIME_DES_EDE3_168:
-	/*
-	 * These are special; since the key size is fixed, we actually
-	 * want to *avoid* specifying a key size.
-	 */
-	keysize = 0;
-	break;
-      default:
-	keysize = -1;
-	break;
-    }
-    return keysize;
- * Start an S/MIME encrypting context.
- *
- * "scert" is the cert for the sender.  It will be checked for validity.
- * "rcerts" are the certs for the recipients.  They will also be checked.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the certs.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- *
- * This function already does all of the stuff specific to S/MIME protocol
- * and local policy; the return value just needs to be passed to
- * SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data,
- * and finally to SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SECMIME_CreateEncrypted(CERTCertificate *scert,
-			CERTCertificate **rcerts,
-			CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-			SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-			void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    long cipher;
-    SECOidTag encalg;
-    int keysize;
-    int mapi, rci;
-    cipher = smime_choose_cipher (scert, rcerts);
-    if (cipher < 0)
-	return NULL;
-    mapi = smime_mapi_by_cipher (cipher);
-    if (mapi < 0)
-	return NULL;
-    /*
-     * XXX This is stretching it -- CreateEnvelopedData should probably
-     * take a cipher itself of some sort, because we cannot know what the
-     * future will bring in terms of parameters for each type of algorithm.
-     * For example, just an algorithm and keysize is *not* sufficient to
-     * fully specify the usage of RC5 (which also needs to know rounds and
-     * block size).  Work this out into a better API!
-     */
-    encalg = smime_cipher_maps[mapi].algtag;
-    keysize = smime_keysize_by_cipher (cipher);
-    if (keysize < 0)
-	return NULL;
-    cinfo = SEC_PKCS7CreateEnvelopedData (scert, certUsageEmailRecipient,
-					  certdb, encalg, keysize,
-					  pwfn, pwfn_arg);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    for (rci = 0; rcerts[rci] != NULL; rci++) {
-	if (rcerts[rci] == scert)
-	    continue;
-	if (SEC_PKCS7AddRecipient (cinfo, rcerts[rci], certUsageEmailRecipient,
-				   NULL) != SECSuccess) {
-	    SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return cinfo;
-static smime_capability **smime_capabilities;
-static SECItem *smime_encoded_caps;
-static SECStatus
-smime_init_caps (void)
-    smime_capability *cap;
-    smime_cipher_map *map;
-    SECOidData *oiddata;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    int i;
-    if (smime_encoded_caps != NULL && (! smime_prefs_changed))
-	return SECSuccess;
-    if (smime_encoded_caps != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem (smime_encoded_caps, PR_TRUE);
-	smime_encoded_caps = NULL;
-    }
-    if (smime_capabilities == NULL) {
-	smime_capabilities = (smime_capability**)PORT_ZAlloc (
-					  (smime_symmetric_count + 1)
-					  * sizeof(smime_capability *));
-	if (smime_capabilities == NULL)
-	    return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    /* 
-       The process of creating the encoded PKCS7 cipher capability list
-       involves two basic steps: 
-       (a) Convert our internal representation of cipher preferences 
-           (smime_prefs) into an array containing cipher OIDs and 
-	   parameter data (smime_capabilities). This step is
-	   performed here.
-       (b) Encode, using ASN.1, the cipher information in 
-           smime_capabilities, leaving the encoded result in 
-	   smime_encoded_caps.
-       (In the process of performing (a), Lisa put in some optimizations
-       which allow us to avoid needlessly re-populating elements in 
-       smime_capabilities as we walk through smime_prefs.)
-    */
-    for (i = 0; i < smime_current_pref_index; i++) {
-	int mapi;
-	/* Get the next cipher preference in smime_prefs. */
-	mapi = smime_mapi_by_cipher (smime_prefs[i]);
-	if (mapi < 0)
-	    break;
-	/* Find the corresponding entry in the cipher map. */
-	PORT_Assert (mapi < smime_symmetric_count);
-	map = &(smime_cipher_maps[mapi]);
-	/*
-	 * Convert the next preference found in smime_prefs into an
-	 * smime_capability.
-	 */
-	cap = smime_capabilities[i];
-	if (cap == NULL) {
-	    cap = (smime_capability*)PORT_ZAlloc (sizeof(smime_capability));
-	    if (cap == NULL)
-		break;
-	    smime_capabilities[i] = cap;
-	} else if (cap->cipher == smime_prefs[i]) {
-	    continue;		/* no change to this one */
-	}
-	cap->capIDTag = map->algtag;
-	oiddata = SECOID_FindOIDByTag (map->algtag);
-	if (oiddata == NULL)
-	    break;
-	if (cap-> != NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem (&(cap->capabilityID), PR_FALSE);
-	    cap-> = NULL;
-	    cap->capabilityID.len = 0;
-	}
-	rv = SECITEM_CopyItem (NULL, &(cap->capabilityID), &(oiddata->oid));
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    break;
-	if (map->parms == NULL) {
-	    cap-> = NULL;
-	    cap->parameters.len = 0;
-	} else {
-	    cap-> = map->parms->data;
-	    cap->parameters.len = map->parms->len;
-	}
-	cap->cipher = smime_prefs[i];
-    }
-    if (i != smime_current_pref_index)
-	return rv;
-    while (i < smime_symmetric_count) {
-	cap = smime_capabilities[i];
-	if (cap != NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem (&(cap->capabilityID), PR_FALSE);
-	    PORT_Free (cap);
-	}
-	smime_capabilities[i] = NULL;
-	i++;
-    }
-    smime_capabilities[i] = NULL;
-    smime_encoded_caps = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (NULL, NULL, &smime_capabilities,
-					     smime_capabilities_template);
-    if (smime_encoded_caps == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-smime_add_profile (CERTCertificate *cert, SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo)
-    PORT_Assert (smime_prefs_complete);
-    if (! smime_prefs_complete)
-	return SECFailure;
-    /* For that matter, if capabilities haven't been initialized yet,
-       do so now. */
-    if (smime_encoded_caps == NULL || smime_prefs_changed) {
-	SECStatus rv;
-	rv = smime_init_caps();
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    return rv;
-	PORT_Assert (smime_encoded_caps != NULL);
-    }
-    return SEC_PKCS7AddSignedAttribute (cinfo, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SMIME_CAPABILITIES,
-					smime_encoded_caps);
- * Start an S/MIME signing context.
- *
- * "scert" is the cert that will be used to sign the data.  It will be
- * checked for validity.
- *
- * "ecert" is the signer's encryption cert.  If it is different from
- * scert, then it will be included in the signed message so that the
- * recipient can save it for future encryptions.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- * 
- * "digestalg" names the digest algorithm (e.g. SEC_OID_SHA1).
- * XXX There should be SECMIME functions for hashing, or the hashing should
- * be built into this interface, which we would like because we would
- * support more smartcards that way, and then this argument should go away.)
- *
- * "digest" is the actual digest of the data.  It must be provided in
- * the case of detached data or NULL if the content will be included.
- *
- * This function already does all of the stuff specific to S/MIME protocol
- * and local policy; the return value just needs to be passed to
- * SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data,
- * and finally to SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SECMIME_CreateSigned (CERTCertificate *scert,
-		      CERTCertificate *ecert,
-		      CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-		      SECOidTag digestalg,
-		      SECItem *digest,
-		      SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-		      void *pwfn_arg)
-    SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* See note in header comment above about digestalg. */
-    /* Doesn't explain this. PORT_Assert (digestalg == SEC_OID_SHA1); */
-    cinfo = SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData (scert, certUsageEmailSigner,
-				       certdb, digestalg, digest,
-				       pwfn, pwfn_arg);
-    if (cinfo == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    if (SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain (cinfo, NULL) != SECSuccess) {
-	SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* if the encryption cert and the signing cert differ, then include
-     * the encryption cert too.
-     */
-    /* it is ok to compare the pointers since we ref count, and the same
-     * cert will always have the same pointer
-     */
-    if ( ( ecert != NULL ) && ( ecert != scert ) ) {
-	rv = SEC_PKCS7AddCertificate(cinfo, ecert);
-	if ( rv != SECSuccess ) {
-	    SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo (cinfo);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Add the signing time.  But if it fails for some reason,
-     * may as well not give up altogether -- just assert.
-     */
-    rv = SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime (cinfo);
-    PORT_Assert (rv == SECSuccess);
-    /*
-     * Add the email profile.  Again, if it fails for some reason,
-     * may as well not give up altogether -- just assert.
-     */
-    rv = smime_add_profile (ecert, cinfo);
-    PORT_Assert (rv == SECSuccess);
-    return cinfo;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.h b/nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a813d85..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/secmime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Header file for routines specific to S/MIME.  Keep things that are pure
- * pkcs7 out of here; this is for S/MIME policy, S/MIME interoperability, etc.
- */
-#ifndef _SECMIME_H_
-#define _SECMIME_H_ 1
-#include "secpkcs7.h"
- * Initialize the local recording of the user S/MIME cipher preferences.
- * This function is called once for each cipher, the order being
- * important (first call records greatest preference, and so on).
- * When finished, it is called with a "which" of CIPHER_FAMILID_MASK.
- * If the function is called again after that, it is assumed that
- * the preferences are being reset, and the old preferences are
- * discarded.
- *
- * XXX This is for a particular user, and right now the storage is
- * XXX local, static.  The preference should be stored elsewhere to allow
- * XXX for multiple uses of one library?  How does SSL handle this;
- * XXX it has something similar?
- *
- *  - The "which" values are defined in ciferfam.h (the SMIME_* values,
- *    for example SMIME_DES_CBC_56).
- *  - If "on" is non-zero then the named cipher is enabled, otherwise
- *    it is disabled.  (It is not necessary to call the function for
- *    ciphers that are disabled, however, as that is the default.)
- *
- * If the cipher preference is successfully recorded, SECSuccess
- * is returned.  Otherwise SECFailure is returned.  The only errors
- * are due to failure allocating memory or bad parameters/calls:
- *	SEC_ERROR_XXX ("which" is not in the S/MIME cipher family)
- *	SEC_ERROR_XXX (function is being called more times than there
- *		are known/expected ciphers)
- */
-extern SECStatus SECMIME_EnableCipher(long which, int on);
- * Initialize the local recording of the S/MIME policy.
- * This function is called to enable/disable a particular cipher.
- * (S/MIME encryption or decryption using a particular cipher is only
- * allowed if that cipher is currently enabled.)  At startup, all S/MIME
- * ciphers are disabled.  From that point, this function can be called
- * to enable a cipher -- it is not necessary to call this to disable
- * a cipher unless that cipher was previously, explicitly enabled via
- * this function.
- *
- * XXX This is for a the current module, I think, so local, static storage
- * XXX is okay.  Is that correct, or could multiple uses of the same
- * XXX library expect to operate under different policies?
- *
- *  - The "which" values are defined in ciferfam.h (the SMIME_* values,
- *    for example SMIME_DES_CBC_56).
- *  - If "on" is non-zero then the named cipher is enabled, otherwise
- *    it is disabled.
- *
- * If the cipher is successfully enabled/disabled, SECSuccess is
- * returned.  Otherwise SECFailure is returned.  The only errors
- * are due to bad parameters:
- *	SEC_ERROR_XXX ("which" is not in the S/MIME cipher family)
- *	SEC_ERROR_XXX ("which" exceeds expected maximum cipher; this is
- *		really an internal error)
- */
-extern SECStatus SECMIME_SetPolicy(long which, int on);
- * Does the current policy allow S/MIME decryption of this particular
- * algorithm and keysize?
- */
-extern PRBool SECMIME_DecryptionAllowed(SECAlgorithmID *algid, PK11SymKey *key);
- * Does the current policy allow *any* S/MIME encryption (or decryption)?
- *
- * This tells whether or not *any* S/MIME encryption can be done,
- * according to policy.  Callers may use this to do nicer user interface
- * (say, greying out a checkbox so a user does not even try to encrypt
- * a message when they are not allowed to) or for any reason they want
- * to check whether S/MIME encryption (or decryption, for that matter)
- * may be done.
- *
- * It takes no arguments.  The return value is a simple boolean:
- *   PR_TRUE means encryption (or decryption) is *possible*
- *	(but may still fail due to other reasons, like because we cannot
- *	find all the necessary certs, etc.; PR_TRUE is *not* a guarantee)
- *   PR_FALSE means encryption (or decryption) is not permitted
- *
- * There are no errors from this routine.
- */
-extern PRBool SECMIME_EncryptionPossible(void);
- * Start an S/MIME encrypting context.
- *
- * "scert" is the cert for the sender.  It will be checked for validity.
- * "rcerts" are the certs for the recipients.  They will also be checked.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the certs.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- *
- * This function already does all of the stuff specific to S/MIME protocol
- * and local policy; the return value just needs to be passed to
- * SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data,
- * and finally to SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *SECMIME_CreateEncrypted(CERTCertificate *scert,
-						     CERTCertificate **rcerts,
-						     CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-						     SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-						     void *pwfn_arg);
- * Start an S/MIME signing context.
- *
- * "scert" is the cert that will be used to sign the data.  It will be
- * checked for validity.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- * 
- * "digestalg" names the digest algorithm.  (It should be SEC_OID_SHA1;
- * XXX There should be SECMIME functions for hashing, or the hashing should
- * be built into this interface, which we would like because we would
- * support more smartcards that way, and then this argument should go away.)
- *
- * "digest" is the actual digest of the data.  It must be provided in
- * the case of detached data or NULL if the content will be included.
- *
- * This function already does all of the stuff specific to S/MIME protocol
- * and local policy; the return value just needs to be passed to
- * SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data,
- * and finally to SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *SECMIME_CreateSigned(CERTCertificate *scert,
-						  CERTCertificate *ecert,
-						  CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-						  SECOidTag digestalg,
-						  SECItem *digest,
-						  SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-						  void *pwfn_arg);
-#endif /* _SECMIME_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pkcs7/secpkcs7.h b/nss/lib/pkcs7/secpkcs7.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 22f147a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pkcs7/secpkcs7.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Interface to the PKCS7 implementation.
- */
-#ifndef _SECPKCS7_H_
-#define _SECPKCS7_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "pkcs7t.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template sec_PKCS7ContentInfoTemplate[];
- *	Miscellaneous
- ************************************************************************/
- * Returns the content type of the given contentInfo.
- */
-extern SECOidTag SEC_PKCS7ContentType (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- * Destroy a PKCS7 contentInfo and all of its sub-pieces.
- */
-extern void SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *contentInfo);
- * Copy a PKCS7 contentInfo.  A Destroy is needed on *each* copy.
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CopyContentInfo(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *contentInfo);
- * Return a pointer to the actual content.  In the case of those types
- * which are encrypted, this returns the *plain* content.
- */
-extern SECItem *SEC_PKCS7GetContent(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- *	PKCS7 Decoding, Verification, etc..
- ************************************************************************/
-extern SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback callback,
-		      void *callback_arg,
-		      SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-		      SEC_PKCS7GetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, 
-		      void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
-		      SEC_PKCS7DecryptionAllowedCallback decrypt_allowed_cb);
-extern SECStatus
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx,
-		       const char *buf, unsigned long len);
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx);
-/*  Abort the underlying ASN.1 stream & set an error  */
-void SEC_PKCS7DecoderAbort(SEC_PKCS7DecoderContext *p7dcx, int error);
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7DecodeItem(SECItem *p7item,
-		    SEC_PKCS7DecoderContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
-		    SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-		    SEC_PKCS7GetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, 
-		    void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
-		    SEC_PKCS7DecryptionAllowedCallback decrypt_allowed_cb);
-extern PRBool SEC_PKCS7ContainsCertsOrCrls(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
-/* checks to see if the contents of the content info is
- * empty.  it so, PR_TRUE is returned.  PR_FALSE, otherwise.
- *
- * minLen is used to specify a minimum size.  if content size <= minLen,
- * content is assumed empty.
- */
-extern PRBool 
-SEC_PKCS7IsContentEmpty(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, unsigned int minLen); 
-extern PRBool SEC_PKCS7ContentIsEncrypted(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- * If the PKCS7 content has a signature (not just *could* have a signature)
- * return true; false otherwise.  This can/should be called before calling
- * VerifySignature, which will always indicate failure if no signature is
- * present, but that does not mean there even was a signature!
- * Note that the content itself can be empty (detached content was sent
- * another way); it is the presence of the signature that matters.
- */
-extern PRBool SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- * SEC_PKCS7VerifySignature
- *	Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature is good.
- *	The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *	for the purpose specified by "certusage".
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- */
-extern PRBool SEC_PKCS7VerifySignature(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				       SECCertUsage certusage,
-				       PRBool keepcerts);
- * SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature
- *	Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature matches
- *	a passed-in digest (calculated, supposedly, from detached contents).
- *	The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *	for the purpose specified by "certusage".
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- */
-extern PRBool SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					       SECCertUsage certusage,
-					       const SECItem *detached_digest,
-					       HASH_HashType digest_type,
-					       PRBool keepcerts);
- * SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignatureAtTime
- *      Look at a PKCS7 contentInfo and check if the signature matches
- *      a passed-in digest (calculated, supposedly, from detached contents).
- *      The verification checks that the signing cert is valid and trusted
- *      for the purpose specified by "certusage" at time "atTime".
- *
- *	In addition, if "keepcerts" is true, add any new certificates found
- *	into our local database.
- */
-extern PRBool
-SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignatureAtTime(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				       SECCertUsage certusage,
-				       const SECItem *detached_digest,
-				       HASH_HashType digest_type,
-				       PRBool keepcerts,
-				       PRTime atTime);
- * SEC_PKCS7GetSignerCommonName, SEC_PKCS7GetSignerEmailAddress
- *      The passed-in contentInfo is espected to be Signed, and these
- *      functions return the specified portion of the full signer name.
- *
- *      Returns a pointer to allocated memory, which must be freed.
- *      A NULL return value is an error.
- */
-extern char *SEC_PKCS7GetSignerCommonName(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
-extern char *SEC_PKCS7GetSignerEmailAddress(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- * Return the the signing time, in UTCTime format, of a PKCS7 contentInfo.
- */
-extern SECItem *SEC_PKCS7GetSigningTime(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- *	PKCS7 Creation and Encoding.
- ************************************************************************/
- * Start a PKCS7 signing context.
- *
- * "cert" is the cert that will be used to sign the data.  It will be
- * checked for validity.
- *
- * "certusage" describes the signing usage (e.g. certUsageEmailSigner)
- * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says
- * "email" and *we* add the "signing" part -- otherwise our caller
- * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption
- * certs for signing or vice versa.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- * 
- * "digestalg" names the digest algorithm (e.g. SEC_OID_SHA1).
- *
- * "digest" is the actual digest of the data.  It must be provided in
- * the case of detached data or NULL if the content will be included.
- *
- * The return value can be passed to functions which add things to
- * it like attributes, then eventually to SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to
- * SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data, and finally to
- * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData (CERTCertificate *cert,
-			   SECCertUsage certusage,
-			   CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-			   SECOidTag digestalg,
-			   SECItem *digest,
-		           SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg);
- * Create a PKCS7 certs-only container.
- *
- * "cert" is the (first) cert that will be included.
- *
- * "include_chain" specifies whether the entire chain for "cert" should
- * be included.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain.
- * It can be NULL in when "include_chain" is false, or when meaning
- * use the default database.
- *
- * More certs and chains can be added via AddCertficate and AddCertChain.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateCertsOnly (CERTCertificate *cert,
-			  PRBool include_chain,
-			  CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * Start a PKCS7 enveloping context.
- *
- * "cert" is the cert for the recipient.  It will be checked for validity.
- *
- * "certusage" describes the encryption usage (e.g. certUsageEmailRecipient)
- * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says
- * "email" and *we* add the "recipient" part -- otherwise our caller
- * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption
- * certs for signing or vice versa.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- *
- * "encalg" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use (e.g. SEC_OID_RC2).
- *
- * "keysize" specifies the bulk encryption key size, in bits.
- *
- * The return value can be passed to functions which add things to
- * it like more recipients, then eventually to SEC_PKCS7Encode() or to
- * SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart() to create the encoded data, and finally to
- * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo().
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateEnvelopedData (CERTCertificate *cert,
-			      SECCertUsage certusage,
-			      CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-			      SECOidTag encalg,
-			      int keysize,
-		              SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg);
- * XXX There will be a similar routine for creating signedAndEnvelopedData.
- * But its parameters will be different and I have no plans to implement
- * it any time soon because we have no current need for it.
- */
- * Create an empty PKCS7 data content info.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *SEC_PKCS7CreateData (void);
- * Create an empty PKCS7 encrypted content info.
- *
- * "algorithm" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use.
- * 
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *
-SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedData (SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize,
-			      SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn, void *pwfn_arg);
- * All of the following things return SECStatus to signal success or failure.
- * Failure should have a more specific error status available via
- * PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().
- */
- * Add the specified attribute to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes
- * of "cinfo" -- "oidtag" describes the attribute and "value" is the
- * value to be associated with it.  NOTE! "value" must already be encoded;
- * no interpretation of "oidtag" is done.  Also, it is assumed that this
- * signedData has only one signer -- if we ever need to add attributes
- * when there is more than one signature, we need a way to specify *which*
- * signature should get the attribute.
- *
- * XXX Technically, a signed attribute can have multiple values; if/when
- * we ever need to support an attribute which takes multiple values, we
- * either need to change this interface or create an AddSignedAttributeValue
- * which can be called subsequently, and would then append a value.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData (the only kind of pkcs7 data
- * that is allowed authenticated attributes); SECFailure will be returned
- * if it is not.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddSignedAttribute (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					      SECOidTag oidtag,
-					      SECItem *value);
- * Add "cert" and its entire chain to the set of certs included in "cinfo".
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain.
- * It can be NULL, meaning use the default database.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddCertChain (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					CERTCertificate *cert,
-					CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * Add "cert" to the set of certs included in "cinfo".
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddCertificate (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					  CERTCertificate *cert);
- * Add another recipient to an encrypted message.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type envelopedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- *
- * "cert" is the cert for the recipient.  It will be checked for validity.
- *
- * "certusage" describes the encryption usage (e.g. certUsageEmailRecipient)
- * XXX Maybe SECCertUsage should be split so that our caller just says
- * "email" and *we* add the "recipient" part -- otherwise our caller
- * could be lying about the usage; we do not want to allow encryption
- * certs for signing or vice versa.
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for verifying the cert.
- * It can be NULL if a default database is available (like in the client).
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddRecipient (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					CERTCertificate *cert,
-					SECCertUsage certusage,
-					CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * Add the signing time to the authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes
- * of "cinfo".  This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
- * messages for email (S/MIME) but is likely useful in other situations.
- *
- * This should only be added once; a second call will either do
- * nothing or replace an old signing time with a newer one.
- *
- * XXX This will probably just shove the current time into "cinfo"
- * but it will not actually get signed until the entire item is
- * processed for encoding.  Is this (expected to be small) delay okay?
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData (the only kind of pkcs7 data
- * that is allowed authenticated attributes); SECFailure will be returned
- * if it is not.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- * Add the signer's symmetric capabilities to the authenticated
- * (i.e. signed) attributes of "cinfo".  This is expected to be
- * included in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME).
- *
- * This can only be added once; a second call will return SECFailure.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7AddSymmetricCapabilities(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
- * Mark that the signer's certificate and its issuing chain should
- * be included in the encoded data.  This is expected to be used
- * in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME).
- *
- * "certdb" is the cert database to use for finding the chain.
- * It can be NULL, meaning use the default database.
- *
- * "cinfo" should be of type signedData or signedAndEnvelopedData;
- * SECFailure will be returned if it is not.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					    CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * Set the content; it will be included and also hashed and/or encrypted
- * as appropriate.  This is for in-memory content (expected to be "small")
- * that will be included in the PKCS7 object.  All others should stream the
- * content through when encoding (see SEC_PKCS7Encoder{Start,Update,Finish}).
- *
- * "buf" points to data of length "len"; it will be copied.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7SetContent (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				      const char *buf, unsigned long len);
- * Encode a PKCS7 object, in one shot.  All necessary components
- * of the object must already be specified.  Either the data has
- * already been included (via SetContent), or the data is detached,
- * or there is no data at all (certs-only).
- *
- * "cinfo" specifies the object to be encoded.
- *
- * "outputfn" is where the encoded bytes will be passed.
- *
- * "outputarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- *
- * "bulkkey" specifies the bulk encryption key to use.   This argument
- * can be NULL if no encryption is being done, or if the bulk key should
- * be generated internally (usually the case for EnvelopedData but never
- * for EncryptedData, which *must* provide a bulk encryption key).
- *
- * "pwfn" is a callback for getting the password which protects the
- * private key of the signer.  This argument can be NULL if it is known
- * that no signing is going to be done.
- *
- * "pwfnarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7Encode (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				  SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback outputfn,
-				  void *outputarg,
-				  PK11SymKey *bulkkey,
-				  SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-				  void *pwfnarg);
- * Encode a PKCS7 object, in one shot.  All necessary components
- * of the object must already be specified.  Either the data has
- * already been included (via SetContent), or the data is detached,
- * or there is no data at all (certs-only).  The output, rather than
- * being passed to an output function as is done above, is all put
- * into a SECItem.
- *
- * "pool" specifies a pool from which to allocate the result.
- * It can be NULL, in which case memory is allocated generically.
- *
- * "dest" specifies a SECItem in which to put the result data.
- * It can be NULL, in which case the entire item is allocated, too.
- *
- * "cinfo" specifies the object to be encoded.
- *
- * "bulkkey" specifies the bulk encryption key to use.   This argument
- * can be NULL if no encryption is being done, or if the bulk key should
- * be generated internally (usually the case for EnvelopedData but never
- * for EncryptedData, which *must* provide a bulk encryption key).
- *
- * "pwfn" is a callback for getting the password which protects the
- * private key of the signer.  This argument can be NULL if it is known
- * that no signing is going to be done.
- *
- * "pwfnarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- */
-extern SECItem *SEC_PKCS7EncodeItem (PLArenaPool *pool,
-				     SECItem *dest,
-				     SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-				     PK11SymKey *bulkkey,
-				     SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-				     void *pwfnarg);
- * For those who want to simply point to the pkcs7 contentInfo ASN.1
- * template, and *not* call the encoding functions directly, the
- * following function can be used -- after it is called, the entire
- * PKCS7 contentInfo is ready to be encoded.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7PrepareForEncode (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-					    PK11SymKey *bulkkey,
-					    SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-					    void *pwfnarg);
- * Start the process of encoding a PKCS7 object.  The first part of
- * the encoded object will be passed to the output function right away;
- * after that it is expected that SEC_PKCS7EncoderUpdate will be called,
- * streaming in the actual content that is getting included as well as
- * signed or encrypted (or both).
- *
- * "cinfo" specifies the object to be encoded.
- *
- * "outputfn" is where the encoded bytes will be passed.
- *
- * "outputarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- *
- * "bulkkey" specifies the bulk encryption key to use.   This argument
- * can be NULL if no encryption is being done, or if the bulk key should
- * be generated internally (usually the case for EnvelopedData but never
- * for EncryptedData, which *must* provide a bulk encryption key).
- *
- * Returns an object to be passed to EncoderUpdate and EncoderFinish.
- */
-extern SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *
-SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart (SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo,
-		       SEC_PKCS7EncoderOutputCallback outputfn,
-		       void *outputarg,
-		       PK11SymKey *bulkkey);
- * Encode more contents, hashing and/or encrypting along the way.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7EncoderUpdate (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx,
-					 const char *buf,
-					 unsigned long len);
- * No more contents; finish the signature creation, if appropriate,
- * and then the encoding.
- *
- * "pwfn" is a callback for getting the password which protects the
- * signer's private key.  This argument can be NULL if it is known
- * that no signing is going to be done.
- *
- * "pwfnarg" is an opaque argument to the above callback.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_PKCS7EncoderFinish (SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7ecx,
-					 SECKEYGetPasswordKey pwfn,
-					 void *pwfnarg);
-/*  Abort the underlying ASN.1 stream & set an error  */
-void SEC_PKCS7EncoderAbort(SEC_PKCS7EncoderContext *p7dcx, int error);
-/* retrieve the algorithm ID used to encrypt the content info
- * for encrypted and enveloped data.  The SECAlgorithmID pointer
- * returned needs to be freed as it is a copy of the algorithm
- * id in the content info.
- */ 
-extern SECAlgorithmID *
-SEC_PKCS7GetEncryptionAlgorithm(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo); 
-/* the content of an encrypted data content info is encrypted.
- * it is assumed that for encrypted data, that the data has already
- * been set and is in the "plainContent" field of the content info.
- *
- * cinfo is the content info to encrypt
- *
- * key is the key with which to perform the encryption.  if the
- *     algorithm is a password based encryption algorithm, the
- *     key is actually a password which will be processed per
- *     PKCS #5.
- * 
- * in the event of an error, SECFailure is returned.  SECSuccess
- * indicates a success.
- */
-extern SECStatus 
-SEC_PKCS7EncryptContents(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			 SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, 
-			 SECItem *key,
-			 void *wincx); 
-/* the content of an encrypted data content info is decrypted.
- * it is assumed that for encrypted data, that the data has already
- * been set and is in the "encContent" field of the content info.
- *
- * cinfo is the content info to decrypt
- *
- * key is the key with which to perform the decryption.  if the
- *     algorithm is a password based encryption algorithm, the
- *     key is actually a password which will be processed per
- *     PKCS #5.
- * 
- * in the event of an error, SECFailure is returned.  SECSuccess
- * indicates a success.
- */
-extern SECStatus 
-SEC_PKCS7DecryptContents(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			 SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo, 
-			 SECItem *key,
-			 void *wincx); 
-/* retrieve the certificate list from the content info.  the list
- * is a pointer to the list in the content info.  this should not
- * be deleted or freed in any way short of calling 
- * SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo
- */
-extern SECItem **
-SEC_PKCS7GetCertificateList(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
-/* Returns the key length (in bits) of the algorithm used to encrypt
-   this object.  Returns 0 if it's not encrypted, or the key length is
-   irrelevant. */
-extern int 
-SEC_PKCS7GetKeyLength(SEC_PKCS7ContentInfo *cinfo);
-#endif /* _SECPKCS7_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/asymmkey.c b/nss/lib/pki/asymmkey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c8ac9d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/asymmkey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-NSSPrivateKey_Destroy (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSPrivateKey_DeleteStoredObject (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSPrivateKey_GetSignatureLength (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return -1;
-NSSPrivateKey_GetPrivateModulusLength (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return -1;
-NSSPrivateKey_IsStillPresent (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FALSE;
-NSSPrivateKey_Encode (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSItem *passwordOpt, /* NULL will cause a callback; "" for no password */
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_GetTrustDomain (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_GetToken (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_GetSlot (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_GetModule (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_Decrypt (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *encryptedData,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_Sign (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_SignRecover (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_UnwrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_DeriveSymmetricKey (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt, /* zero for best allowed */
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_FindPublicKey (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-  /* { don't need the callback here, right? } */
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_CreateCryptoContext (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSPrivateKey_FindCertificates (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPrivateKey_FindBestCertificate (
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_Destroy (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSPublicKey_DeleteStoredObject (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSPublicKey_Encode (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_GetTrustDomain (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_GetToken (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_GetSlot (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_GetModule (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_Encrypt (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_Verify (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSPublicKey_VerifyRecover (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_WrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_CreateCryptoContext (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSPublicKey_FindCertificates (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_FindBestCertificate (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSPublicKey_FindPrivateKey (
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/certdecode.c b/nss/lib/pki/certdecode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fa259cc..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/certdecode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#include "pkit.h"
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-/* This is defined in pki3hack.c */
-NSS_EXTERN nssDecodedCert *
-nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Create (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  NSSDER *encoding
-nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Destroy (
-  nssDecodedCert *dc
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssDecodedCert *
-nssDecodedCert_Create (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  NSSDER *encoding,
-  NSSCertificateType type
-    nssDecodedCert *rvDC = NULL;
-    switch(type) {
-    case NSSCertificateType_PKIX:
-	rvDC = nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Create(arenaOpt, encoding);
-	break;
-    default:
-#if 0
-	return (nssDecodedCert *)NULL;
-    }
-    return rvDC;
-nssDecodedCert_Destroy (
-  nssDecodedCert *dc
-    if (!dc) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    switch(dc->type) {
-    case NSSCertificateType_PKIX:
-	return nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Destroy(dc);
-    default:
-#if 0
-	break;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/certificate.c b/nss/lib/pki/certificate.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d986a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/certificate.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1174 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#include "pkit.h"
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#include "dev.h"
-#endif /* DEV_H */
-#include "pkistore.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-/* Creates a certificate from a base object */
-nssCertificate_Create (
-  nssPKIObject *object
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert;
-    nssArenaMark * mark;
-    NSSArena *arena = object->arena;
-    PR_ASSERT(object->instances != NULL && object->numInstances > 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(object->lockType == nssPKIMonitor);
-    mark = nssArena_Mark(arena);
-    rvCert = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCertificate);
-    if (!rvCert) {
-	return (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-    }
-    rvCert->object = *object;
-    /* XXX should choose instance based on some criteria */
-    status = nssCryptokiCertificate_GetAttributes(object->instances[0],
-                                                  NULL,  /* XXX sessionOpt */
-                                                  arena,
-                                                  &rvCert->type,
-                                                  &rvCert->id,
-                                                  &rvCert->encoding,
-                                                  &rvCert->issuer,
-                                                  &rvCert->serial,
-                                                  &rvCert->subject);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS ||
-	!rvCert-> ||
-	!rvCert->encoding.size ||
-	!rvCert-> ||
-	!rvCert->issuer.size ||
-	!rvCert-> ||
-	!rvCert->serial.size) {
-	if (mark)
-	    nssArena_Release(arena, mark);
-	return (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (mark)
-	nssArena_Unmark(arena, mark);
-    return rvCert;
-nssCertificate_AddRef (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    if (c) {
-	nssPKIObject_AddRef(&c->object);
-    }
-    return c;
-nssCertificate_Destroy (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    nssCertificateStoreTrace lockTrace = {NULL, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE};
-    nssCertificateStoreTrace unlockTrace = {NULL, NULL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE};
-    if (c) {
-	PRUint32 i;
-	nssDecodedCert *dc = c->decoding;
-	NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-	NSSCryptoContext *cc = c->object.cryptoContext;
-	PR_ASSERT(c->object.refCount > 0);
-	/* --- LOCK storage --- */
-	if (cc) {
-	    nssCertificateStore_Lock(cc->certStore, &lockTrace);
-	} else {
-	    nssTrustDomain_LockCertCache(td);
-	}
-	if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&c->object.refCount) == 0) {
-	    /* --- remove cert and UNLOCK storage --- */
-	    if (cc) {
-		nssCertificateStore_RemoveCertLOCKED(cc->certStore, c);
-		nssCertificateStore_Unlock(cc->certStore, &lockTrace,
-                                           &unlockTrace);
-	    } else {
-		nssTrustDomain_RemoveCertFromCacheLOCKED(td, c);
-		nssTrustDomain_UnlockCertCache(td);
-	    }
-	    /* free cert data */
-	    for (i=0; i<c->object.numInstances; i++) {
-		nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(c->object.instances[i]);
-	    }
-	    nssPKIObject_DestroyLock(&c->object);
-	    nssArena_Destroy(c->object.arena);
-	    nssDecodedCert_Destroy(dc);
-	} else {
-	    /* --- UNLOCK storage --- */
-	    if (cc) {
-		nssCertificateStore_Unlock(cc->certStore,
-					   &lockTrace,
-					   &unlockTrace);
-	    } else {
-		nssTrustDomain_UnlockCertCache(td);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-NSSCertificate_Destroy (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    return nssCertificate_Destroy(c);
-nssCertificate_GetEncoding (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    if (c->encoding.size > 0 && c-> {
-	return &c->encoding;
-    } else {
-	return (NSSDER *)NULL;
-    }
-nssCertificate_GetIssuer (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    if (c->issuer.size > 0 && c-> {
-	return &c->issuer;
-    } else {
-	return (NSSDER *)NULL;
-    }
-nssCertificate_GetSerialNumber (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    if (c->serial.size > 0 && c-> {
-	return &c->serial;
-    } else {
-	return (NSSDER *)NULL;
-    }
-nssCertificate_GetSubject (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    if (c->subject.size > 0 && c-> {
-	return &c->subject;
-    } else {
-	return (NSSDER *)NULL;
-    }
-/* Returns a copy, Caller must free using nss_ZFreeIf */
-nssCertificate_GetNickname (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSToken *tokenOpt
-    return nssPKIObject_GetNicknameForToken(&c->object, tokenOpt);
-nssCertificate_GetEmailAddress (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    return c->email;
-NSSCertificate_DeleteStoredObject (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    return nssPKIObject_DeleteStoredObject(&c->object, uhh, PR_TRUE);
-NSSCertificate_Validate (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt /* NULL for none */
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT void ** /* void *[] */
-NSSCertificate_ValidateCompletely (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt, /* NULL for none */
-  void **rvOpt, /* NULL for allocate */
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt /* NULL for heap */
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCertificate_ValidateAndDiscoverUsagesAndPolicies (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime **notBeforeOutOpt,
-  NSSTime **notAfterOutOpt,
-  void *allowedUsages,
-  void *disallowedUsages,
-  void *allowedPolicies,
-  void *disallowedPolicies,
-  /* more args.. work on this fgmr */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCertificate_Encode (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSDER *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    /* Item, DER, BER are all typedefs now... */
-    return nssItem_Duplicate((NSSItem *)&c->encoding, arenaOpt, rvOpt);
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssDecodedCert *
-nssCertificate_GetDecoding (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    nssDecodedCert* deco = NULL;
-    if (c->type == NSSCertificateType_PKIX) {
-        (void)STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(&c->object);
-    if (!c->decoding) {
-	deco = nssDecodedCert_Create(NULL, &c->encoding, c->type);
-    	PORT_Assert(!c->decoding); 
-        c->decoding = deco;
-    } else {
-        deco = c->decoding;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(&c->object);
-    return deco;
-static NSSCertificate **
-filter_subject_certs_for_id (
-  NSSCertificate **subjectCerts, 
-  void *id
-    NSSCertificate **si;
-    nssDecodedCert *dcp;
-    int nextOpenSlot = 0;
-    int i;
-    nssCertIDMatch matchLevel = nssCertIDMatch_Unknown;
-    nssCertIDMatch match;
-    /* walk the subject certs */
-    for (si = subjectCerts; *si; si++) {
-	dcp = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(*si);
-	if (!dcp) {
-	    NSSCertificate_Destroy(*si);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	match = dcp->matchIdentifier(dcp, id);
-	switch (match) {
-	case nssCertIDMatch_Yes:
-	    if (matchLevel == nssCertIDMatch_Unknown) {
-		/* we have non-definitive matches, forget them */
-		for (i = 0; i < nextOpenSlot; i++) {
-		    NSSCertificate_Destroy(subjectCerts[i]);
-		    subjectCerts[i] = NULL;
-		}
-		nextOpenSlot = 0;
-		/* only keep definitive matches from now on */
-		matchLevel = nssCertIDMatch_Yes;
-	    }
-	    /* keep the cert */
-	    subjectCerts[nextOpenSlot++] = *si;
-	    break;
-	case nssCertIDMatch_Unknown:
-	    if (matchLevel == nssCertIDMatch_Unknown) {
-		/* only have non-definitive matches so far, keep it */
-		subjectCerts[nextOpenSlot++] = *si;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* else fall through, we have a definitive match already */
-	case nssCertIDMatch_No:
-	default:
-	    NSSCertificate_Destroy(*si);
-	    *si = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    subjectCerts[nextOpenSlot] = NULL;
-    return subjectCerts;
-static NSSCertificate **
-filter_certs_for_valid_issuers (
-  NSSCertificate **certs
-    NSSCertificate **cp;
-    nssDecodedCert *dcp;
-    int nextOpenSlot = 0;
-    for (cp = certs; *cp; cp++) {
-	dcp = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(*cp);
-	if (dcp && dcp->isValidIssuer(dcp)) {
-	    certs[nextOpenSlot++] = *cp;
-	} else {
-	    NSSCertificate_Destroy(*cp);
-	}
-    }
-    certs[nextOpenSlot] = NULL;
-    return certs;
-static NSSCertificate *
-find_cert_issuer (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCertificate **certs = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate **ccIssuers = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate **tdIssuers = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate *issuer = NULL;
-    if (!cc)
-	cc = c->object.cryptoContext;
-    if (!td)
-	td = NSSCertificate_GetTrustDomain(c);
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (cc) {
-	ccIssuers = nssCryptoContext_FindCertificatesBySubject(cc,
-	                                                       &c->issuer,
-	                                                       NULL,
-	                                                       0,
-	                                                       arena);
-    }
-    if (td)
-	tdIssuers = nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject(td,
-                                                         &c->issuer,
-                                                         NULL,
-                                                         0,
-                                                         arena);
-    certs = nssCertificateArray_Join(ccIssuers, tdIssuers);
-    if (certs) {
-	nssDecodedCert *dc = NULL;
-	void *issuerID = NULL;
-	dc = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(c);
-	if (dc) {
-	    issuerID = dc->getIssuerIdentifier(dc);
-	}
-	/* XXX review based on CERT_FindCertIssuer
-	 * this function is not using the authCertIssuer field as a fallback
-	 * if authority key id does not exist
-	 */
-	if (issuerID) {
-	    certs = filter_subject_certs_for_id(certs, issuerID);
-	}
-	certs = filter_certs_for_valid_issuers(certs);
-	issuer = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(certs,
-	                                                 timeOpt,
-	                                                 usage,
-	                                                 policiesOpt);
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return issuer;
-/* This function returns the built chain, as far as it gets,
-** even if/when it fails to find an issuer, and returns PR_FAILURE
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssCertificate_BuildChain (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt,
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc 
-    NSSCertificate **rvChain = NULL;
-    NSSUsage issuerUsage = *usage;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    PRUint32  rvCount = 0;
-    PRStatus  st;
-    PRStatus  ret = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (!c || !cc ||
-        (!td && (td = NSSCertificate_GetTrustDomain(c)) == NULL)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* bump the usage up to CA level */
-    issuerUsage.nss3lookingForCA = PR_TRUE;
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-    if (!collection)
-	goto loser;
-    st = nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject(collection, (nssPKIObject *)c);
-    if (st != PR_SUCCESS)
-    	goto loser;
-    for (rvCount = 1; (!rvLimit || rvCount < rvLimit); ++rvCount) {
-	CERTCertificate *cCert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-	if (cCert->isRoot) {
-	    /* not including the issuer of the self-signed cert, which is,
-	     * of course, itself
-	     */
-	    break;
-	}
-	c = find_cert_issuer(c, timeOpt, &issuerUsage, policiesOpt, td, cc);
-	if (!c) {
-	    ret = PR_FAILURE;
-	    break;
-	}
-	st = nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject(collection, (nssPKIObject *)c);
-	nssCertificate_Destroy(c); /* collection has it */
-	if (st != PR_SUCCESS)
-	    goto loser;
-    }
-    rvChain = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection, 
-                                                     rvOpt, 
-                                                     rvLimit, 
-                                                     arenaOpt);
-    if (rvChain) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-	if (statusOpt) 
-	    *statusOpt = ret;
-	if (ret != PR_SUCCESS)
-	return rvChain;
-    }
-    if (collection)
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    if (statusOpt) 
-	*statusOpt = PR_FAILURE;
-    return rvChain;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCertificate_BuildChain (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt,
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc 
-    return nssCertificate_BuildChain(c, timeOpt, usage, policiesOpt,
-                                     rvOpt, rvLimit, arenaOpt, statusOpt,
-				     td, cc);
-nssCertificate_GetCryptoContext (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    return c->object.cryptoContext;
-nssCertificate_GetTrustDomain (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    return c->object.trustDomain;
-NSSCertificate_GetTrustDomain (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    return nssCertificate_GetTrustDomain(c);
-NSSCertificate_GetToken (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    return (NSSToken *)NULL;
-NSSCertificate_GetSlot (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    return (NSSSlot *)NULL;
-NSSCertificate_GetModule (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    return (NSSModule *)NULL;
-NSSCertificate_Encrypt (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCertificate_Verify (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCertificate_VerifyRecover (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCertificate_WrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCertificate_CreateCryptoContext (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh  
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCertificate_GetPublicKey (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-#if 0
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE pubktemplate[] = {
-	{ CKA_CLASS,   NULL, 0 },
-	{ CKA_ID,      NULL, 0 },
-    };
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    CK_ULONG count = sizeof(pubktemplate) / sizeof(pubktemplate[0]);
-    NSS_CK_SET_ATTRIBUTE_ITEM(pubktemplate, 0, &g_ck_class_pubkey);
-    if (c->id.size > 0) {
-	/* CKA_ID */
-	NSS_CK_ITEM_TO_ATTRIBUTE(&c->id, &pubktemplate[1]);
-    } else {
-	/* failure, yes? */
-	return (NSSPublicKey *)NULL;
-    }
-    if (c->subject.size > 0) {
-	NSS_CK_ITEM_TO_ATTRIBUTE(&c->subject, &pubktemplate[2]);
-    } else {
-	/* failure, yes? */
-	return (NSSPublicKey *)NULL;
-    }
-    /* Try the cert's token first */
-    if (c->token) {
-	nssrv = nssToken_FindObjectByTemplate(c->token, pubktemplate, count);
-    }
-    /* Try all other key tokens */
-    return (NSSPublicKey *)NULL;
-NSSCertificate_FindPrivateKey (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCertificate_IsPrivateKeyAvailable (
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    PRBool isUser = PR_FALSE;
-    nssCryptokiObject **ip;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(&c->object);
-    if (!instances) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    for (ip = instances; *ip; ip++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *instance = *ip;
-	if (nssToken_IsPrivateKeyAvailable(instance->token, c, instance)) {
-	    isUser = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    return isUser;
-/* sort the subject cert list from newest to oldest */
-nssCertificate_SubjectListSort (
-  void *v1,
-  void *v2
-    NSSCertificate *c1 = (NSSCertificate *)v1;
-    NSSCertificate *c2 = (NSSCertificate *)v2;
-    nssDecodedCert *dc1 = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(c1);
-    nssDecodedCert *dc2 = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(c2);
-    if (!dc1) {
-	return dc2 ? 1 : 0;
-    } else if (!dc2) {
-	return -1;
-    } else {
-	return dc1->isNewerThan(dc1, dc2) ? -1 : 1;
-    }
-NSSUserCertificate_IsStillPresent (
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FALSE;
-NSSUserCertificate_Decrypt (
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSUserCertificate_Sign (
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSUserCertificate_SignRecover (
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSUserCertificate_UnwrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSUserCertificate_DeriveSymmetricKey (
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc, /* provides private key */
-  NSSCertificate *c, /* provides public key */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt, /* zero for best allowed */
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-nssSMIMEProfile_Create (
-  NSSCertificate *cert,
-  NSSItem *profileTime,
-  NSSItem *profileData
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssSMIMEProfile *rvProfile;
-    nssPKIObject *object;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = nssCertificate_GetTrustDomain(cert);
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc = nssCertificate_GetCryptoContext(cert);
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    object = nssPKIObject_Create(arena, NULL, td, cc, nssPKILock);
-    if (!object) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rvProfile = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssSMIMEProfile);
-    if (!rvProfile) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rvProfile->object = *object;
-    rvProfile->certificate = cert;
-    rvProfile->email = nssUTF8_Duplicate(cert->email, arena);
-    rvProfile->subject = nssItem_Duplicate(&cert->subject, arena, NULL);
-    if (profileTime) {
-	rvProfile->profileTime = nssItem_Duplicate(profileTime, arena, NULL);
-    }
-    if (profileData) {
-	rvProfile->profileData = nssItem_Duplicate(profileData, arena, NULL);
-    }
-    return rvProfile;
-    if (object) nssPKIObject_Destroy(object);
-    else if (arena)  nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return (nssSMIMEProfile *)NULL;
-/* execute a callback function on all members of a cert list */
-nssCertificateList_DoCallback (
-  nssList *certList, 
-  PRStatus (* callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-    nssListIterator *certs;
-    NSSCertificate *cert;
-    certs = nssList_CreateIterator(certList);
-    if (!certs) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    for (cert  = (NSSCertificate *)nssListIterator_Start(certs);
-         cert != (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-         cert  = (NSSCertificate *)nssListIterator_Next(certs))
-    {
-	(void)(*callback)(cert, arg);
-    }
-    nssListIterator_Finish(certs);
-    nssListIterator_Destroy(certs);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus add_ref_callback(NSSCertificate *c, void *a)
-    nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssCertificateList_AddReferences (
-  nssList *certList
-    (void)nssCertificateList_DoCallback(certList, add_ref_callback, NULL);
- * Is this trust record safe to apply to all certs of the same issuer/SN 
- * independent of the cert matching the hash. This is only true is the trust 
- * is unknown or distrusted. In general this feature is only useful to 
- * explicitly distrusting certs. It is not safe to use to trust certs, so 
- * only allow unknown and untrusted trust types.
- */
-nssTrust_IsSafeToIgnoreCertHash(nssTrustLevel serverAuth, 
-		nssTrustLevel clientAuth, nssTrustLevel codeSigning, 
-		nssTrustLevel email, PRBool stepup)
-    /* step up is a trust type, if it's on, we must have a hash for the cert */
-    if (stepup) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((serverAuth != nssTrustLevel_Unknown) && 
-	(serverAuth != nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((clientAuth != nssTrustLevel_Unknown) && 
-	(clientAuth != nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((codeSigning != nssTrustLevel_Unknown) && 
-	(codeSigning != nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((email != nssTrustLevel_Unknown) && 
-	(email != nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* record only has Unknown and Untrusted entries, ok to accept without a 
-     * hash */
-    return PR_TRUE;
-nssTrust_Create (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSItem *certData
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRUint32 lastTrustOrder, myTrustOrder;
-    unsigned char sha1_hashcmp[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    unsigned char sha1_hashin[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    NSSItem sha1_hash;
-    NSSTrust *rvt;
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance;
-    nssTrustLevel serverAuth, clientAuth, codeSigning, emailProtection;
-    SECStatus rv; /* Should be stan flavor */
-    PRBool stepUp;
-    lastTrustOrder = 1<<16; /* just make it big */
-    PR_ASSERT(object->instances != NULL && object->numInstances > 0);
-    rvt = nss_ZNEW(object->arena, NSSTrust);
-    if (!rvt) {
-	return (NSSTrust *)NULL;
-    }
-    rvt->object = *object;
-    /* should be stan flavor of Hashbuf */
-    rv = PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA1,sha1_hashcmp,certData->data,certData->size);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return (NSSTrust *)NULL;
-    }
- = sha1_hashin;
-    sha1_hash.size = sizeof (sha1_hashin);
-    /* trust has to peek into the base object members */
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	instance = object->instances[i];
-	myTrustOrder = nssToken_GetTrustOrder(instance->token);
-	status = nssCryptokiTrust_GetAttributes(instance, NULL,
-						&sha1_hash,
-	                                        &serverAuth,
-	                                        &clientAuth,
-	                                        &codeSigning,
-	                                        &emailProtection,
-	                                        &stepUp);
-	if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-	    return (NSSTrust *)NULL;
-	}
-	/* if no hash is specified, then trust applies to all certs with
-	 * this issuer/SN. NOTE: This is only true for entries that
-	 * have distrust and unknown record */
-	if (!(
-            /* we continue if there is no hash, and the trust type is
-	     * safe to accept without a hash ... or ... */
-	     ((sha1_hash.size == 0)  && 
-		nssTrust_IsSafeToIgnoreCertHash(serverAuth,clientAuth,
-		codeSigning, emailProtection,stepUp)) 
-	   ||
-            /* we have a hash of the correct size, and it matches */
-            ((sha1_hash.size == SHA1_LENGTH) && (PORT_Memcmp(sha1_hashin,
-	        sha1_hashcmp,SHA1_LENGTH) == 0))   )) {
-	    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-	    return (NSSTrust *)NULL;
-	}
-	if (rvt->serverAuth == nssTrustLevel_Unknown ||
-	    myTrustOrder < lastTrustOrder) 
-	{
-	    rvt->serverAuth = serverAuth;
-	}
-	if (rvt->clientAuth == nssTrustLevel_Unknown ||
-	    myTrustOrder < lastTrustOrder) 
-	{
-	    rvt->clientAuth = clientAuth;
-	}
-	if (rvt->emailProtection == nssTrustLevel_Unknown ||
-	    myTrustOrder < lastTrustOrder) 
-	{
-	    rvt->emailProtection = emailProtection;
-	}
-	if (rvt->codeSigning == nssTrustLevel_Unknown ||
-	    myTrustOrder < lastTrustOrder) 
-	{
-	    rvt->codeSigning = codeSigning;
-	}
-	rvt->stepUpApproved = stepUp;
-	lastTrustOrder = myTrustOrder;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return rvt;
-nssTrust_AddRef (
-  NSSTrust *trust
-    if (trust) {
-	nssPKIObject_AddRef(&trust->object);
-    }
-    return trust;
-nssTrust_Destroy (
-  NSSTrust *trust
-    if (trust) {
-	(void)nssPKIObject_Destroy(&trust->object);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssSMIMEProfile_AddRef (
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-    if (profile) {
-	nssPKIObject_AddRef(&profile->object);
-    }
-    return profile;
-nssSMIMEProfile_Destroy (
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-    if (profile) {
-	(void)nssPKIObject_Destroy(&profile->object);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssCRL_Create (
-  nssPKIObject *object
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSCRL *rvCRL;
-    NSSArena *arena = object->arena;
-    PR_ASSERT(object->instances != NULL && object->numInstances > 0);
-    rvCRL = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCRL);
-    if (!rvCRL) {
-	return (NSSCRL *)NULL;
-    }
-    rvCRL->object = *object;
-    /* XXX should choose instance based on some criteria */
-    status = nssCryptokiCRL_GetAttributes(object->instances[0],
-                                          NULL,  /* XXX sessionOpt */
-                                          arena,
-                                          &rvCRL->encoding,
-                                          NULL, /* subject */
-                                          NULL, /* class */
-                                          &rvCRL->url,
-                                          &rvCRL->isKRL);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	if (!arena) {
-	    nssPKIObject_Destroy((nssPKIObject *)rvCRL);
-	}
-	return (NSSCRL *)NULL;
-    }
-    return rvCRL;
-nssCRL_AddRef (
-  NSSCRL *crl
-    if (crl) {
-	nssPKIObject_AddRef(&crl->object);
-    }
-    return crl;
-nssCRL_Destroy (
-  NSSCRL *crl
-    if (crl) {
-	(void)nssPKIObject_Destroy(&crl->object);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssCRL_DeleteStoredObject (
-  NSSCRL *crl,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    return nssPKIObject_DeleteStoredObject(&crl->object, uhh, PR_TRUE);
-nssCRL_GetEncoding (
-  NSSCRL *crl
-    if (crl && crl-> != NULL && crl->encoding.size > 0) {
-	return &crl->encoding;
-    } else {
-	return (NSSDER *)NULL;
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/cryptocontext.c b/nss/lib/pki/cryptocontext.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d4e7b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/cryptocontext.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,982 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#include "dev.h"
-#endif /* DEV_H */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#ifndef PKISTORE_H
-#include "pkistore.h"
-#endif /* PKISTORE_H */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-nssCryptoContext_Create (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCryptoContext *rvCC;
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCC = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCryptoContext);
-    if (!rvCC) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCC->td = td;
-    rvCC->arena = arena;
-    rvCC->certStore = nssCertificateStore_Create(rvCC->arena);
-    if (!rvCC->certStore) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return rvCC;
-NSSCryptoContext_Destroy (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (cc->certStore) {
-	status = nssCertificateStore_Destroy(cc->certStore);
-	if (status == PR_FAILURE) {
-	    return status;
-	}
-    } else {
-	status = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(cc->arena);
-    return status;
-NSSCryptoContext_SetDefaultCallback (
-  NSSCryptoContext *td,
-  NSSCallback *newCallback,
-  NSSCallback **oldCallbackOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_GetDefaultCallback (
-  NSSCryptoContext *td,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_GetTrustDomain (
-  NSSCryptoContext *td
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindOrImportCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return rvCert;
-    }
-    rvCert = nssCertificateStore_FindOrAdd(cc->certStore, c);
-    if (rvCert == c && c->object.cryptoContext != cc) {
-	PORT_Assert(!c->object.cryptoContext);
-	c->object.cryptoContext = cc;
-    } 
-    if (rvCert) {
-	/* an NSSCertificate cannot be part of two crypto contexts
-	** simultaneously.  If this assertion fails, then there is 
-	** a serious Stan design flaw.
-	*/
-	PORT_Assert(cc == c->object.cryptoContext);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSSCryptoContext_ImportPKIXCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  struct NSSPKIXCertificateStr *pc
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_ImportEncodedCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSBER *ber
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_ImportEncodedPKIXCertificateChain (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSBER *ber
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-nssCryptoContext_ImportTrust (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSTrust *trust
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssrv = nssCertificateStore_AddTrust(cc->certStore, trust);
-#if 0
-    if (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	trust->object.cryptoContext = cc;
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-nssCryptoContext_ImportSMIMEProfile (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssrv = nssCertificateStore_AddSMIMEProfile(cc->certStore, profile);
-#if 0
-    if (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	profile->object.cryptoContext = cc;
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByNickname (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  const NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt /* NULL for none */
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    certs = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesByNickname(cc->certStore,
-                                                           name,
-                                                           NULL, 0, NULL);
-    if (certs) {
-	rvCert = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(certs,
-	                                                 timeOpt,
-	                                                 usage,
-	                                                 policiesOpt);
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesByNickname (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvCerts;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCerts = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesByNickname(cc->certStore,
-                                                             name,
-                                                             rvOpt,
-                                                             maximumOpt,
-                                                             arenaOpt);
-    return rvCerts;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serialNumber
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return nssCertificateStore_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(
-                                                               cc->certStore,
-                                                               issuer,
-                                                               serialNumber);
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateBySubject (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    certs = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesBySubject(cc->certStore,
-                                                          subject,
-                                                          NULL, 0, NULL);
-    if (certs) {
-	rvCert = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(certs,
-	                                                 timeOpt,
-	                                                 usage,
-	                                                 policiesOpt);
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssCryptoContext_FindCertificatesBySubject (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvCerts;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCerts = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesBySubject(cc->certStore,
-                                                            subject,
-                                                            rvOpt,
-                                                            maximumOpt,
-                                                            arenaOpt);
-    return rvCerts;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesBySubject (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    return nssCryptoContext_FindCertificatesBySubject(cc, subject,
-                                                      rvOpt, maximumOpt,
-                                                      arenaOpt);
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByNameComponents (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesByNameComponents (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSBER *encodedCertificate
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return nssCertificateStore_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(
-                                                           cc->certStore,
-                                                           encodedCertificate);
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByEmail (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    certs = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesByEmail(cc->certStore,
-                                                        email,
-                                                        NULL, 0, NULL);
-    if (certs) {
-	rvCert = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(certs,
-	                                                 timeOpt,
-	                                                 usage,
-	                                                 policiesOpt);
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesByEmail (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvCerts;
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCerts = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesByEmail(cc->certStore,
-                                                          email,
-                                                          rvOpt,
-                                                          maximumOpt,
-                                                          arenaOpt);
-    return rvCerts;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByOCSPHash (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *hash
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestUserCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCryptoContext_FindUserCertificates (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestUserCertificateForSSLClientAuth (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSCryptoContext_FindUserCertificatesForSSLClientAuth (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindBestUserCertificateForEmailSigning (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt,
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindUserCertificatesForEmailSigning (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt, /* fgmr or a more general name? */
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-nssCryptoContext_FindTrustForCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return nssCertificateStore_FindTrustForCertificate(cc->certStore, cert);
-nssCryptoContext_FindSMIMEProfileForCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    PORT_Assert(cc->certStore);
-    if (!cc->certStore) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return nssCertificateStore_FindSMIMEProfileForCertificate(cc->certStore, 
-                                                              cert);
-NSSCryptoContext_GenerateKeyPair (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSPrivateKey **pvkOpt,
-  NSSPublicKey **pbkOpt,
-  PRBool privateKeyIsSensitive,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_GenerateSymmetricKey (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  PRUint32 keysize,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_GenerateSymmetricKeyFromPassword (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSUTF8 *passwordOpt, /* if null, prompt */
-  NSSToken *destinationOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithmAndKeyID (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSOID *algorithm,
-  NSSItem *keyID,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-struct token_session_str {
-    NSSToken *token;
-    nssSession *session;
-NSSCryptoContext_Decrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *encryptedData,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginDecrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueDecrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishDecrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_Sign (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginSign (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueSign (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishSign (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_SignRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginSignRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueSignRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishSignRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_UnwrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_DeriveSymmetricKey (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt, /* zero for best allowed */
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_Encrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginEncrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueEncrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishEncrypt (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_Verify (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginVerify (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueVerify (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishVerify (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_VerifyRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginVerifyRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueVerifyRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishVerifyRecover (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_WrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext_Digest (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    return nssToken_Digest(cc->token, cc->session, apOpt, 
-                           data, rvOpt, arenaOpt);
-NSSCryptoContext_BeginDigest (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    return nssToken_BeginDigest(cc->token, cc->session, apOpt);
-NSSCryptoContext_ContinueDigest (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *item
-	/*
-    NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap;
-    ap = (apOpt) ? apOpt : cc->ap;
-    */
-	/* why apOpt?  can't change it at this point... */
-    return nssToken_ContinueDigest(cc->token, cc->session, item);
-NSSCryptoContext_FinishDigest (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    return nssToken_FinishDigest(cc->token, cc->session, rvOpt, arenaOpt);
-NSSCryptoContext_Clone (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/nsspki.h b/nss/lib/pki/nsspki.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2da997..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/nsspki.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3164 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#define NSSPKI_H
- * nsspki.h
- *
- * This file prototypes the methods of the top-level PKI objects.
- */
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#include "nsspkit.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
- * A note about interfaces
- *
- * Although these APIs are specified in C, a language which does
- * not have fancy support for abstract interfaces, this library
- * was designed from an object-oriented perspective.  It may be
- * useful to consider the standard interfaces which went into
- * the writing of these APIs.
- *
- * Basic operations on all objects:
- *  Destroy -- free a pointer to an object
- *  DeleteStoredObject -- delete an object permanently
- *
- * Public Key cryptographic operations:
- *  Encrypt
- *  Verify
- *  VerifyRecover
- *  Wrap
- *  Derive
- *
- * Private Key cryptographic operations:
- *  IsStillPresent
- *  Decrypt
- *  Sign
- *  SignRecover
- *  Unwrap
- *  Derive
- *
- * Symmetric Key cryptographic operations:
- *  IsStillPresent
- *  Encrypt
- *  Decrypt
- *  Sign
- *  SignRecover
- *  Verify
- *  VerifyRecover
- *  Wrap
- *  Unwrap
- *  Derive
- *
- */
- * NSSCertificate
- *
- * These things can do crypto ops like public keys, except that the trust, 
- * usage, and other constraints are checked.  These objects are "high-level,"
- * so trust, usages, etc. are in the form we throw around (client auth,
- * email signing, etc.).  Remember that theoretically another implementation
- * (think PGP) could be beneath this object.
- */
- * NSSCertificate_Destroy
- *
- * Free a pointer to a certificate object.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c
- * NSSCertificate_DeleteStoredObject
- *
- * Permanently remove this certificate from storage.  If this is the
- * only (remaining) certificate corresponding to a private key, 
- * public key, and/or other object; then that object (those objects)
- * are deleted too.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSCertificate_Validate
- *
- * Verify that this certificate is trusted, for the specified usage(s), 
- * at the specified time, {word word} the specified policies.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt /* NULL for none */
- * NSSCertificate_ValidateCompletely
- *
- * Verify that this certificate is trusted.  The difference between
- * this and the previous call is that NSSCertificate_Validate merely
- * returns success or failure with an appropriate error stack.
- * However, there may be (and often are) multiple problems with a
- * certificate.  This routine returns an array of errors, specifying
- * every problem.
- */
- * Return value must be an array of objects, each of which has
- * an NSSError, and any corresponding certificate (in the chain)
- * and/or policy.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void ** /* void *[] */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt, /* NULL for none */
-  void **rvOpt, /* NULL for allocate */
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt /* NULL for heap */
- * NSSCertificate_ValidateAndDiscoverUsagesAndPolicies
- *
- * Returns PR_SUCCESS if the certificate is valid for at least something.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime **notBeforeOutOpt,
-  NSSTime **notAfterOutOpt,
-  void *allowedUsages,
-  void *disallowedUsages,
-  void *allowedPolicies,
-  void *disallowedPolicies,
-  /* more args.. work on this fgmr */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCertificate_Encode
- *
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSDER *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCertificate_BuildChain
- *
- * This routine returns NSSCertificate *'s for each certificate
- * in the "chain" starting from the specified one up to and
- * including the root.  The zeroth element in the array is the
- * specified ("leaf") certificate.
- *
- * If statusOpt is supplied, and is returned as PR_FAILURE, possible
- * error values are:
- *
- * NSS_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND - the chain is incomplete
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt,
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc 
- * NSSCertificate_GetTrustDomain
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-  NSSCertificate *c
- * NSSCertificate_GetToken
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSCertificate_GetSlot
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSCertificate_GetModule
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSCertificate_Encrypt
- *
- * Encrypt a single chunk of data with the public key corresponding to
- * this certificate.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCertificate_Verify
- *
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSCertificate_VerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCertificate_WrapSymmetricKey
- *
- * This method tries very hard to to succeed, even in situations 
- * involving sensitive keys and multiple modules.
- * { relyea: want to add verbiage? }
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCertificate_CreateCryptoContext
- *
- * Create a crypto context, in this certificate's trust domain, with this
- * as the distinguished certificate.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh  
- * NSSCertificate_GetPublicKey
- *
- * Returns the public key corresponding to this certificate.
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c
- * NSSCertificate_FindPrivateKey
- *
- * Finds and returns the private key corresponding to this certificate,
- * if it is available.
- *
- * { Should this hang off of NSSUserCertificate? }
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSCertificate_IsPrivateKeyAvailable
- *
- * Returns success if the private key corresponding to this certificate
- * is available to be used.
- *
- * { Should *this* hang off of NSSUserCertificate?? }
- */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * If we make NSSUserCertificate not a typedef of NSSCertificate, 
- * then we'll need implementations of the following:
- *
- *  NSSUserCertificate_Destroy
- *  NSSUserCertificate_DeleteStoredObject
- *  NSSUserCertificate_Validate
- *  NSSUserCertificate_ValidateCompletely
- *  NSSUserCertificate_ValidateAndDiscoverUsagesAndPolicies
- *  NSSUserCertificate_Encode
- *  NSSUserCertificate_BuildChain
- *  NSSUserCertificate_GetTrustDomain
- *  NSSUserCertificate_GetToken
- *  NSSUserCertificate_GetSlot
- *  NSSUserCertificate_GetModule
- *  NSSUserCertificate_GetCryptoContext
- *  NSSUserCertificate_GetPublicKey
- */
- * NSSUserCertificate_IsStillPresent
- *
- * Verify that if this certificate lives on a token, that the token
- * is still present and the certificate still exists.  This is a
- * lightweight call which should be used whenever it should be
- * verified that the user hasn't perhaps popped out his or her
- * token and strolled away.
- */
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSUserCertificate_Decrypt
- *
- * Decrypt a single chunk of data with the private key corresponding
- * to this certificate.
- */
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSUserCertificate_Sign
- *
- */
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSUserCertificate_SignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSUserCertificate_UnwrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSUserCertificate_DeriveSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSUserCertificate *uc, /* provides private key */
-  NSSCertificate *c, /* provides public key */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt, /* zero for best allowed */
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-/* filter-certs function(s) */
- ** fgmr -- trust objects
- **/
- * NSSPrivateKey
- *
- */
- * NSSPrivateKey_Destroy
- *
- * Free a pointer to a private key object.
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
- * NSSPrivateKey_DeleteStoredObject
- *
- * Permanently remove this object, and any related objects (such as the
- * certificates corresponding to this key).
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPrivateKey_GetSignatureLength
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
- * NSSPrivateKey_GetPrivateModulusLength
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
- * NSSPrivateKey_IsStillPresent
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_Encode
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSItem *passwordOpt, /* NULL will cause a callback; "" for no password */
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_GetTrustDomain
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_GetToken
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
- * NSSPrivateKey_GetSlot
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
- * NSSPrivateKey_GetModule
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
- * NSSPrivateKey_Decrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *encryptedData,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_Sign
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_SignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_UnwrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPrivateKey_DeriveSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt, /* zero for best allowed */
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPrivateKey_FindPublicKey
- *
- */
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-  /* { don't need the callback here, right? } */
- * NSSPrivateKey_CreateCryptoContext
- *
- * Create a crypto context, in this key's trust domain,
- * with this as the distinguished private key.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPrivateKey_FindCertificates
- *
- * Note that there may be more than one certificate for this
- * private key.  { FilterCertificates function to further
- * reduce the list. }
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_FindBestCertificate
- *
- * The parameters for this function will depend on what the users
- * need.  This is just a starting point.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSPublicKey
- *
- * Once you generate, find, or derive one of these, you can use it
- * to perform (simple) cryptographic operations.  Though there may
- * be certificates associated with these public keys, they are not
- * verified.
- */
- * NSSPublicKey_Destroy
- *
- * Free a pointer to a public key object.
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk
- * NSSPublicKey_DeleteStoredObject
- *
- * Permanently remove this object, and any related objects (such as the
- * corresponding private keys and certificates).
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPublicKey_Encode
- *
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_GetTrustDomain
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_GetToken
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_GetSlot
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_GetModule
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_Encrypt
- *
- * Encrypt a single chunk of data with the public key corresponding to
- * this certificate.
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_Verify
- *
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPublicKey_VerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_WrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_CreateCryptoContext
- *
- * Create a crypto context, in this key's trust domain, with this
- * as the distinguished public key.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSPublicKey_FindCertificates
- *
- * Note that there may be more than one certificate for this
- * public key.  The current implementation may not find every
- * last certificate available for this public key: that would
- * involve trolling e.g. huge ldap databases, which will be
- * grossly inefficient and not generally useful.
- * { FilterCertificates function to further reduce the list }
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSPrivateKey_FindBestCertificate
- *
- * The parameters for this function will depend on what the users
- * need.  This is just a starting point.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSPublicKey_FindPrivateKey
- *
- */
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSSymmetricKey
- *
- */
- * NSSSymmetricKey_Destroy
- *
- * Free a pointer to a symmetric key object.
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
- * NSSSymmetricKey_DeleteStoredObject
- *
- * Permanently remove this object.
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSSymmetricKey_GetKeyLength
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
- * NSSSymmetricKey_GetKeyStrength
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
- * NSSSymmetricKey_IsStillPresent
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
- * NSSSymmetricKey_GetTrustDomain
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_GetToken
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_GetSlot
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_GetModule
- *
- * There doesn't have to be one.
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_Encrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_Decrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *encryptedData,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_Sign
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_SignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_Verify
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSSymmetricKey_VerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_WrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_WrapPrivateKey
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPrivateKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSSymmetricKey_UnwrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt,
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSSymmetricKey_UnwrapPrivateKey
- *
- */
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSUTF8 *labelOpt,
-  NSSItem *keyIDOpt,
-  PRBool persistant,
-  PRBool sensitive,
-  NSSToken *destinationOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSSymmetricKey_DeriveSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSSymmetricKey *originalKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt,
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSSymmetricKey_CreateCryptoContext
- *
- * Create a crypto context, in this key's trust domain,
- * with this as the distinguished symmetric key.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
- * NSSTrustDomain
- *
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_Create
- *
- * This creates a trust domain, optionally with an initial cryptoki
- * module.  If the module name is not null, the module is loaded if
- * needed (using the uriOpt argument), and initialized with the
- * opaqueOpt argument.  If mumble mumble priority settings, then
- * module-specification objects in the module can cause the loading
- * and initialization of further modules.
- *
- * The uriOpt is defined to take a URI.  At present, we only
- * support file: URLs pointing to platform-native shared libraries.
- * However, by specifying this as a URI, this keeps open the 
- * possibility of supporting other, possibly remote, resources.
- *
- * The "reserved" arguments is held for when we figure out the
- * module priority stuff.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-  NSSUTF8 *moduleOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *uriOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *opaqueOpt,
-  void *reserved
- * NSSTrustDomain_Destroy
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
- * NSSTrustDomain_SetDefaultCallback
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *newCallback,
-  NSSCallback **oldCallbackOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_GetDefaultCallback
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * Default policies?
- * Default usage?
- * Default time, for completeness?
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_LoadModule
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *moduleOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *uriOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *opaqueOpt,
-  void *reserved
- * NSSTrustDomain_AddModule
- * NSSTrustDomain_AddSlot
- * NSSTrustDomain_UnloadModule
- * Managing modules, slots, tokens; priorities;
- * Traversing all of the above
- * this needs more work
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_DisableToken
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token,
-  NSSError why
- * NSSTrustDomain_EnableToken
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
- * NSSTrustDomain_IsTokenEnabled
- *
- * If disabled, "why" is always on the error stack.
- * The optional argument is just for convenience.
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token,
-  NSSError *whyOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindSlotByName
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *slotName
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenByName
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *tokenName
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenBySlotName
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *slotName
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestTokenForAlgorithm
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithm
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestTokenForAlgorithms
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithms[], /* may be null-terminated */
-  PRUint32 nAlgorithmsOpt /* limits the array if nonzero */
- * NSSTrustDomain_Login
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_Logout
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-/* Importing things */
- * NSSTrustDomain_ImportCertificate
- *
- * The implementation will pull some data out of the certificate
- * (e.g. e-mail address) for use in pkcs#11 object attributes.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate *c
- * NSSTrustDomain_ImportPKIXCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  /* declared as a struct until these "data types" are defined */
-  struct NSSPKIXCertificateStr *pc
- * NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedCertificate
- *
- * Imports any type of certificate we support.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber
- * NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedCertificateChain
- *
- * If you just want the leaf, pass in a maximum of one.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedPrivateKey
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber,
-  NSSItem *passwordOpt, /* NULL will cause a callback */
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSToken *destination
- * NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedPublicKey
- *
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber
-/* Other importations: S/MIME capabilities */
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByNickname
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  const NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt /* NULL for none */
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNickname
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serialNumber
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByIssuerAndSerialNumber
- *
- * Theoretically, this should never happen.  However, some companies
- * we know have issued duplicate certificates with the same issuer
- * and serial number.  Do we just ignore them?  I'm thinking yes.
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateBySubject
- *
- * This does not search through alternate names hidden in extensions.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER /*NSSUTF8*/ *subject,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject
- *
- * This does not search through alternate names hidden in extensions.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER /*NSSUTF8*/ *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByNameComponents
- *
- * This call does try several tricks, including a pseudo pkcs#11 
- * attribute for the ldap module to try as a query.  Eventually
- * this call falls back to a traversal if that's what's required.
- * It will search through alternate names hidden in extensions.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNameComponents
- *
- * This call, too, tries several tricks.  It will stop on the first
- * attempt that generates results, so it won't e.g. traverse the
- * entire ldap database.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *encodedCertificate
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByEmail
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByEmail
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByOCSPHash
- *
- * There can be only one.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSItem *hash
- * NSSTrustDomain_TraverseCertificates
- *
- * This function descends from one in older versions of NSS which
- * traverses the certs in the permanent database.  That function
- * was used to implement selection routines, but was directly
- * available too.  Trust domains are going to contain a lot more
- * certs now (e.g., an ldap server), so we'd really like to
- * discourage traversal.  Thus for now, this is commented out.
- * If it's needed, let's look at the situation more closely to
- * find out what the actual requirements are.
- */
-/* For now, adding this function.  This may only be for debugging
- * purposes.
- * Perhaps some equivalent function, on a specified token, will be
- * needed in a "friend" header file?
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestUserCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindUserCertificates
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestUserCertificateForSSLClientAuth
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindUserCertificatesForSSLClientAuth
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindBestUserCertificateForEmailSigning
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt,
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindUserCertificatesForEmailSigning
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt,
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * Here is where we'd add more Find[Best]UserCertificate[s]For<usage>
- * routines.
- */
-/* Private Keys */
- * NSSTrustDomain_GenerateKeyPair
- *
- * Creates persistant objects.  If you want session objects, use
- * NSSCryptoContext_GenerateKeyPair.  The destination token is where
- * the keys are stored.  If that token can do the required math, then
- * that's where the keys are generated too.  Otherwise, the keys are
- * generated elsewhere and moved to that token.
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSPrivateKey **pvkOpt,
-  NSSPublicKey **pbkOpt,
-  PRBool privateKeyIsSensitive,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_TraversePrivateKeys
- *
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN PRStatus *
- * NSSTrustDomain_TraversePrivateKeys
- * (
- *   NSSTrustDomain *td,
- *   PRStatus (*callback)(NSSPrivateKey *vk, void *arg),
- *   void *arg
- * );
- */
-/* Symmetric Keys */
- * NSSTrustDomain_GenerateSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  PRUint32 keysize,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_GenerateSymmetricKeyFromPassword
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSUTF8 *passwordOpt, /* if null, prompt */
-  NSSToken *destinationOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithm
- *
- * Is this still needed?
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithm
- * (
- *   NSSTrustDomain *td,
- *   NSSOID *algorithm,
- *   NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * );
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithmAndKeyID
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithm,
-  NSSItem *keyID,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_TraverseSymmetricKeys
- *
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN PRStatus *
- * NSSTrustDomain_TraverseSymmetricKeys
- * (
- *   NSSTrustDomain *td,
- *   PRStatus (*callback)(NSSSymmetricKey *mk, void *arg),
- *   void *arg
- * );
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContext
- *
- * If a callback object is specified, it becomes the for the crypto
- * context; otherwise, this trust domain's default (if any) is
- * inherited.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContextForAlgorithm
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithm
- * NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContextForAlgorithmAndParameters
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap
-/* find/traverse other objects, e.g. s/mime profiles */
- * NSSCryptoContext
- *
- * A crypto context is sort of a short-term snapshot of a trust domain,
- * used for the life of "one crypto operation."  You can also think of
- * it as a "temporary database."
- * 
- * Just about all of the things you can do with a trust domain -- importing
- * or creating certs, keys, etc. -- can be done with a crypto context.
- * The difference is that the objects will be temporary ("session") objects.
- * 
- * Also, if the context was created for a key, cert, and/or algorithm; or
- * if such objects have been "associated" with the context, then the context
- * can do everything the keys can, like crypto operations.
- * 
- * And finally, because it keeps the state of the crypto operations, it
- * can do streaming crypto ops.
- */
- * NSSTrustDomain_Destroy
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
-/* establishing a default callback */
- * NSSCryptoContext_SetDefaultCallback
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCallback *newCallback,
-  NSSCallback **oldCallbackOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_GetDefaultCallback
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_GetTrustDomain
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
-/* AddModule, etc: should we allow "temporary" changes here? */
-/* DisableToken, etc: ditto */
-/* Ordering of tokens? */
-/* Finding slots+token etc. */
-/* login+logout */
-/* Importing things */
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindOrImportCertificate
- *
- * If the certificate store already contains this DER cert, return the 
- * address of the matching NSSCertificate that is already in the store,
- * and bump its reference count.
- *
- * If this DER cert is NOT already in the store, then add the new
- * NSSCertificate to the store and bump its reference count, 
- * then return its address. 
- *
- * if this DER cert is not in the store and cannot be added to it, 
- * return NULL;
- *
- * Record the associated crypto context in the certificate.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-NSSCryptoContext_FindOrImportCertificate (
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCertificate *c
- * NSSCryptoContext_ImportPKIXCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  struct NSSPKIXCertificateStr *pc
- * NSSCryptoContext_ImportEncodedCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSBER *ber
- * NSSCryptoContext_ImportEncodedPKIXCertificateChain
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSBER *ber
-/* Other importations: S/MIME capabilities
- */
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByNickname
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  const NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt /* NULL for none */
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesByNickname
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serialNumber
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateBySubject
- *
- * This does not search through alternate names hidden in extensions.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER /*NSSUTF8*/ *subject,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesBySubject
- *
- * This does not search through alternate names hidden in extensions.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER /*NSSUTF8*/ *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByNameComponents
- *
- * This call does try several tricks, including a pseudo pkcs#11 
- * attribute for the ldap module to try as a query.  Eventually
- * this call falls back to a traversal if that's what's required.
- * It will search through alternate names hidden in extensions.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesByNameComponents
- *
- * This call, too, tries several tricks.  It will stop on the first
- * attempt that generates results, so it won't e.g. traverse the
- * entire ldap database.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSBER *encodedCertificate
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestCertificateByEmail
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificatesByEmail
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindCertificateByOCSPHash
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *hash
- * NSSCryptoContext_TraverseCertificates
- *
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN PRStatus *
- * NSSCryptoContext_TraverseCertificates
- * (
- *   NSSCryptoContext *cc,
- *   PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
- *   void *arg
- * );
- */
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestUserCertificate
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindUserCertificates
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestUserCertificateForSSLClientAuth
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindUserCertificatesForSSLClientAuth
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindBestUserCertificateForEmailSigning
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt,
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindUserCertificatesForEmailSigning
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt, /* fgmr or a more general name? */
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-/* Private Keys */
- * NSSCryptoContext_GenerateKeyPair
- *
- * Creates session objects.  If you want persistant objects, use
- * NSSTrustDomain_GenerateKeyPair.  The destination token is where
- * the keys are stored.  If that token can do the required math, then
- * that's where the keys are generated too.  Otherwise, the keys are
- * generated elsewhere and moved to that token.
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSPrivateKey **pvkOpt,
-  NSSPublicKey **pbkOpt,
-  PRBool privateKeyIsSensitive,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_TraversePrivateKeys
- *
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN PRStatus *
- * NSSCryptoContext_TraversePrivateKeys
- * (
- *   NSSCryptoContext *cc,
- *   PRStatus (*callback)(NSSPrivateKey *vk, void *arg),
- *   void *arg
- * );
- */
-/* Symmetric Keys */
- * NSSCryptoContext_GenerateSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  PRUint32 keysize,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_GenerateSymmetricKeyFromPassword
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSUTF8 *passwordOpt, /* if null, prompt */
-  NSSToken *destinationOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithm
- *
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindSymmetricKeyByType
- * (
- *   NSSCryptoContext *cc,
- *   NSSOID *type,
- *   NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * );
- */
- * NSSCryptoContext_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithmAndKeyID
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSOID *algorithm,
-  NSSItem *keyID,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_TraverseSymmetricKeys
- *
- * 
- * NSS_EXTERN PRStatus *
- * NSSCryptoContext_TraverseSymmetricKeys
- * (
- *   NSSCryptoContext *cc,
- *   PRStatus (*callback)(NSSSymmetricKey *mk, void *arg),
- *   void *arg
- * );
- */
-/* Crypto ops on distinguished keys */
- * NSSCryptoContext_Decrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *encryptedData,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginDecrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueDecrypt
- *
- */
- * NSSItem semantics:
- *
- *   If rvOpt is NULL, a new NSSItem and buffer are allocated.
- *   If rvOpt is not null, but the buffer pointer is null,
- *     then rvOpt is returned but a new buffer is allocated.
- *     In this case, if the length value is not zero, then
- *     no more than that much space will be allocated.
- *   If rvOpt is not null and the buffer pointer is not null,
- *     then that buffer is re-used.  No more than the buffer
- *     length value will be used; if it's not enough, an
- *     error is returned.  If less is used, the number is
- *     adjusted downwards.
- *
- *  Note that although this is short of some ideal "Item"
- *  definition, we can usually tell how big these buffers
- *  have to be.
- *
- *  Feedback is requested; and earlier is better than later.
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishDecrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_Sign
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginSign
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueSign
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishSign
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_SignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginSignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueSignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishSignRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_UnwrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_DeriveSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSSymmetricKey *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSPublicKey *bk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt, /* zero for best allowed */
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_Encrypt
- *
- * Encrypt a single chunk of data with the distinguished public key
- * of this crypto context.
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginEncrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueEncrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishEncrypt
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_Verify
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginVerify
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueVerify
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishVerify
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
- * NSSCryptoContext_VerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginVerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueVerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishVerifyRecover
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_WrapSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_Digest
- *
- * Digest a single chunk of data with the distinguished digest key
- * of this crypto context.
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_BeginDigest
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
- * NSSCryptoContext_ContinueDigest
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *item
- * NSSCryptoContext_FinishDigest
- *
- */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
- * tbd: Combination ops
- */
- * NSSCryptoContext_Clone
- *
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc
- * NSSCryptoContext_Save
- * NSSCryptoContext_Restore
- *
- * We need to be able to save and restore the state of contexts.
- * Perhaps a mark-and-release mechanism would be better?
- */
- * ..._SignTBSCertificate
- *
- * This requires feedback from the cert server team.
- */
- * PRBool NSSCertificate_GetIsTrustedFor{xxx}(NSSCertificate *c);
- * PRStatus NSSCertificate_SetIsTrustedFor{xxx}(NSSCertificate *c, PRBool trusted);
- *
- * These will be helper functions which get the trust object for a cert,
- * and then call the corresponding function(s) on it.
- *
- * PKIX trust objects will have methods to manipulate the low-level trust
- * bits (which are based on key usage and extended key usage), and also the
- * conceptual high-level usages (e.g. ssl client auth, email encryption, etc.)
- *
- * Other types of trust objects (if any) might have different low-level
- * representations, but hopefully high-level concepts would map.
- *
- * Only these high-level general routines would be promoted to the
- * general certificate level here.  Hence the {xxx} above would be things
- * like "EmailSigning."
- *
- *
- * NSSPKIXTrust *NSSCertificate_GetPKIXTrustObject(NSSCertificate *c);
- * PRStatus NSSCertificate_SetPKIXTrustObject(NSSCertificate *c, NSPKIXTrust *t);
- *
- * I want to hold off on any general trust object until we've investigated
- * other models more thoroughly.
- */
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/nsspkit.h b/nss/lib/pki/nsspkit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 726b0df..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/nsspkit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#define NSSPKIT_H
- * nsspkit.h
- *
- * This file defines the types of the top-level PKI objects.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
- * NSSCertificate
- *
- * This is the public representation of a Certificate.  The certificate
- * may be one found on a smartcard or other token, one decoded from data
- * received as part of a protocol, one constructed from constituent
- * parts, etc.  Usually it is associated with ("in") a trust domain; as
- * it can be verified only within a trust domain.  The underlying type
- * of certificate may be of any supported standard, e.g. PKIX, PGP, etc.
- *
- * People speak of "verifying (with) the server's, or correspondant's, 
- * certificate"; for simple operations we support that simplification
- * by implementing public-key crypto operations as methods on this type.
- */
-struct NSSCertificateStr;
-typedef struct NSSCertificateStr NSSCertificate;
- * NSSUserCertificate
- *
- * A ``User'' certificate is one for which the private key is available.
- * People speak of "using my certificate to sign my email" and "using
- * my certificate to authenticate to (or login to) the server"; for
- * simple operations, we support that simplification by implementing
- * private-key crypto operations as methods on this type.
- *
- * The current design only weakly distinguishes between certificates
- * and user certificates: as far as the compiler goes they're 
- * interchangeable; debug libraries only have one common pointer-tracker;
- * etc.  However, attempts to do private-key operations on a certificate
- * for which the private key is not available will fail.
- *
- * Open design question: should these types be more firmly separated?
- */
-typedef NSSCertificate NSSUserCertificate;
- * NSSPrivateKey
- *
- * This is the public representation of a Private Key.  In general,
- * the actual value of the key is not available, but operations may
- * be performed with it.
- */
-struct NSSPrivateKeyStr;
-typedef struct NSSPrivateKeyStr NSSPrivateKey;
- * NSSPublicKey
- *
- */
-struct NSSPublicKeyStr;
-typedef struct NSSPublicKeyStr NSSPublicKey;
- * NSSSymmetricKey
- *
- */
-struct NSSSymmetricKeyStr;
-typedef struct NSSSymmetricKeyStr NSSSymmetricKey;
- * NSSTrustDomain
- *
- * A Trust Domain is the field in which certificates may be validated.
- * A trust domain will generally have one or more cryptographic modules
- * open; these modules perform the cryptographic operations, and 
- * provide the basic "root" trust information from which the trust in
- * a specific certificate or key depends.
- *
- * A client program, or a simple server, would typically have one
- * trust domain.  A server supporting multiple "virtual servers" might
- * have a separate trust domain for each virtual server.  The separate
- * trust domains might share some modules (e.g., a hardware crypto
- * accelerator) but not others (e.g., the tokens storing the different
- * servers' private keys, or the databases with each server's trusted
- * root certificates).
- *
- * This object descends from the "permananet database" in the old code.
- */
-struct NSSTrustDomainStr;
-typedef struct NSSTrustDomainStr NSSTrustDomain;
- * NSSCryptoContext
- *
- * A Crypto Context is a short-term, "helper" object which is used
- * for the lifetime of one ongoing "crypto operation."  Such an
- * operation may be the creation of a signed message, the use of an
- * TLS socket connection, etc.  Each crypto context is "in" a
- * specific trust domain, and it may have associated with it a
- * distinguished certificate, public key, private key, and/or
- * symmetric key.  It can also temporarily hold and use temporary
- * data (e.g. intermediate certificates) which is not stored
- * permanently in the trust domain.
- *
- * In OO terms, this interface inherits interfaces from the trust
- * domain, the certificates, and the keys.  It also provides
- * streaming crypto operations.
- *
- * This object descends from the "temporary database" concept in the
- * old code, but it has changed a lot as a result of what we've 
- * learned.
- */
-typedef struct NSSCryptoContextStr NSSCryptoContext;
- * fgmr others
- */
- *
- * This is the basic OID that crops up everywhere.
- */
-struct NSSOIDStr;  /* unused opaque structure */
-typedef struct NSSOIDStr NSSOID;
- * NSSTime
- *
- * Unfortunately, we need an "exceptional" value to indicate
- * an error upon return, or "no value" on input.  Note that zero
- * is a perfectly valid value for both time_t and PRTime.
- *
- * If we were to create a "range" object, with two times for
- * Not Before and Not After, we would have an obvious place for
- * the somewhat arbitrary logic involved in comparing them.
- *
- * Failing that, let's have an NSSTime_CompareRanges function.
- */
-struct NSSTimeStr;
-typedef struct NSSTimeStr NSSTime;
-struct NSSTrustStr;
-typedef struct NSSTrustStr NSSTrust;
- * NSSUsage
- *
- * This is trickier than originally planned; I'll write up a
- * doc on it.
- *
- * We'd still like nsspki.h to have a list of common usages,
- * e.g.:
- *
- *  extern const NSSUsage *NSSUsage_ClientAuth;
- *  extern const NSSUsage *NSSUsage_ServerAuth;
- *  extern const NSSUsage *NSSUsage_SignEmail;
- *  extern const NSSUsage *NSSUsage_EncryptEmail;
- *  etc.
- */
-struct NSSUsageStr;
-typedef struct NSSUsageStr NSSUsage;
- * NSSPolicies
- *
- * Placeholder, for now.
- */
-struct NSSPoliciesStr;
-typedef struct NSSPoliciesStr NSSPolicies;
- * NSSAlgorithmAndParameters
- *
- * Algorithm is an OID
- * Parameters depend on the algorithm
- */
-struct NSSAlgorithmAndParametersStr;
-typedef struct NSSAlgorithmAndParametersStr NSSAlgorithmAndParameters;
- * NSSCallback
- *
- * At minimum, a "challenge" method and a closure argument.
- * Usually the challenge will just be prompting for a password.
- * How OO do we want to make it?
- */
-typedef struct NSSCallbackStr NSSCallback;
-struct NSSCallbackStr {
-    /* Prompt for a password to initialize a slot.  */
-    PRStatus (* getInitPW)(NSSUTF8 *slotName, void *arg, 
-                           NSSUTF8 **ssoPW, NSSUTF8 **userPW); 
-    /* Prompt for oldPW and newPW in order to change the 
-     * password on a slot.  
-     */
-    PRStatus (* getNewPW)(NSSUTF8 *slotName, PRUint32 *retries, void *arg,
-                          NSSUTF8 **oldPW, NSSUTF8 **newPW); 
-    /* Prompt for slot password.  */
-    PRStatus (* getPW)(NSSUTF8 *slotName, PRUint32 *retries, void *arg,
-                       NSSUTF8 **password); 
-    void *arg;
-/* set errors - user cancelled, ... */
-typedef PRUint32 NSSOperations;
-/* 1) Do we want these to be preprocessor definitions or constants? */
-/* 2) What is the correct and complete list? */
-#define NSSOperations_ENCRYPT           0x0001
-#define NSSOperations_DECRYPT           0x0002
-#define NSSOperations_WRAP              0x0004
-#define NSSOperations_UNWRAP            0x0008
-#define NSSOperations_SIGN              0x0010
-#define NSSOperations_SIGN_RECOVER      0x0020
-#define NSSOperations_VERIFY            0x0040
-#define NSSOperations_VERIFY_RECOVER    0x0080
-struct NSSPKIXCertificateStr;
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pki.h b/nss/lib/pki/pki.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 959a2fd..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pki.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKI_H
-#define PKI_H
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#include "pkit.h"
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate *c
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  NSSCertificate *c
-/* Returns a copy, Caller must free using nss_ZFreeIf */
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSToken *tokenOpt
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  NSSCertificate *c1,
-  NSSCertificate *c2
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk
-  NSSPrivateKey *vk,
-  NSSToken *tokenOpt
-  NSSPublicKey *bk
-  NSSPublicKey *vk
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-/* putting here for now, needs more thought */
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSTrust *trust
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-  NSSTrust *trust
-  NSSTrust *trust
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-  NSSCertificate *cert,
-  NSSItem *profileTime,
-  NSSItem *profileData
-#endif /* PKI_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.c b/nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4186143..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1442 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Hacks to integrate NSS 3.4 and NSS 4.0 certificates.
- */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-#ifndef PKI_H
-#include "pki.h"
-#endif /* PKI_H */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#include "dev.h"
-#endif /* DEV_H */
-#ifndef DEVNSS3HACK_H
-#include "dev3hack.h"
-#endif /* DEVNSS3HACK_H */
-#ifndef PKINSS3HACK_H
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#endif /* PKINSS3HACK_H */
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "certdb.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "certi.h"
-#include "pk11func.h"
-#include "pkistore.h"
-#include "secmod.h"
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
-NSSTrustDomain *g_default_trust_domain = NULL;
-NSSCryptoContext *g_default_crypto_context = NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain *
-    return g_default_trust_domain;
-NSSCryptoContext *
-    return g_default_crypto_context;
-STAN_InitTokenForSlotInfo(NSSTrustDomain *td, PK11SlotInfo *slot)
-    NSSToken *token;
-    if (!td) {
-	td = g_default_trust_domain;
-	if (!td) {
-	    /* we're called while still initting. slot will get added
-	     * appropriately through normal init processes */
-	    return PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-    }
-    token = nssToken_CreateFromPK11SlotInfo(td, slot);
-    PK11Slot_SetNSSToken(slot, token);
-    /* Don't add nonexistent token to TD's token list */
-    if (token) {
-	NSSRWLock_LockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-	nssList_Add(td->tokenList, token);
-	NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-STAN_ResetTokenInterator(NSSTrustDomain *td)
-    if (!td) {
-	td = g_default_trust_domain;
-	if (!td) {
-	    /* we're called while still initting. slot will get added
-	     * appropriately through normal init processes */
-	    return PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-    }
-    NSSRWLock_LockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    nssListIterator_Destroy(td->tokens);
-    td->tokens = nssList_CreateIterator(td->tokenList);
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-STAN_LoadDefaultNSS3TrustDomain (
-  void
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    SECMODModuleList *mlp;
-    SECMODListLock *moduleLock = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleListLock();
-    int i;
-    if (g_default_trust_domain || g_default_crypto_context) {
-	/* Stan is already initialized or a previous shutdown failed. */
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    td = NSSTrustDomain_Create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    if (!td) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Deadlock warning: we should never acquire the moduleLock while
-     * we hold the tokensLock. We can use the NSSRWLock Rank feature to
-     * guarrentee this. tokensLock have a higher rank than module lock.
-     */
-    td->tokenList = nssList_Create(td->arena, PR_TRUE);
-    if (!td->tokenList) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    SECMOD_GetReadLock(moduleLock);
-    NSSRWLock_LockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    for (mlp = SECMOD_GetDefaultModuleList(); mlp != NULL; mlp=mlp->next) {
-	for (i=0; i < mlp->module->slotCount; i++) {
-	    STAN_InitTokenForSlotInfo(td, mlp->module->slots[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    td->tokens = nssList_CreateIterator(td->tokenList);
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    SECMOD_ReleaseReadLock(moduleLock);
-    if (!td->tokens) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    g_default_crypto_context = NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContext(td, NULL);
-    if (!g_default_crypto_context) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    g_default_trust_domain = td;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-  loser:
-    NSSTrustDomain_Destroy(td);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
- * must be called holding the ModuleListLock (either read or write).
- */
-STAN_AddModuleToDefaultTrustDomain (
-  SECMODModule *module
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    int i;
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    for (i=0; i<module->slotCount; i++) {
-	STAN_InitTokenForSlotInfo(td, module->slots[i]);
-    }
-    STAN_ResetTokenInterator(td);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * must be called holding the ModuleListLock (either read or write).
- */
-STAN_RemoveModuleFromDefaultTrustDomain (
-  SECMODModule *module
-    NSSToken *token;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    int i;
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSRWLock_LockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    for (i=0; i<module->slotCount; i++) {
-	token = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(module->slots[i]);
-	if (token) {
-	    nssToken_NotifyCertsNotVisible(token);
-	    nssList_Remove(td->tokenList, token);
-	    PK11Slot_SetNSSToken(module->slots[i], NULL);
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
- 	}
-    }
-    nssListIterator_Destroy(td->tokens);
-    td->tokens = nssList_CreateIterator(td->tokenList);
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(td->tokensLock);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (g_default_trust_domain) {
-	if (NSSTrustDomain_Destroy(g_default_trust_domain) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    g_default_trust_domain = NULL;
-	} else {
-	    status = PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-    }
-    if (g_default_crypto_context) {
-	if (NSSCryptoContext_Destroy(g_default_crypto_context) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    g_default_crypto_context = NULL;
-	} else {
-	    status = PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-    }
-    return status;
-/* this function should not be a hack; it will be needed in 4.0 (rename) */
-STAN_GetCertIdentifierFromDER(NSSArena *arenaOpt, NSSDER *der)
-    NSSItem *rvKey;
-    SECItem secDER;
-    SECItem secKey = { 0 };
-    SECStatus secrv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    /* nss3 call uses nss3 arena's */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(256);
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    secrv = CERT_KeyFromDERCert(arena, &secDER, &secKey);
-    if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvKey = nssItem_Create(arenaOpt, NULL, secKey.len, (void *);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    return rvKey;
-nssPKIX509_GetIssuerAndSerialFromDER(NSSDER *der,
-                                     NSSDER *issuer, NSSDER *serial)
-    SECItem derCert   = { 0 };
-    SECItem derIssuer = { 0 };
-    SECItem derSerial = { 0 };
-    SECStatus secrv;
- = (unsigned char *)der->data;
-    derCert.len = der->size;
-    secrv = CERT_IssuerNameFromDERCert(&derCert, &derIssuer);
-    if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    secrv = CERT_SerialNumberFromDERCert(&derCert, &derSerial);
-    if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_Free(;
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    issuer->data =;
-    issuer->size = derIssuer.len;
-    serial->data =;
-    serial->size = derSerial.len;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static NSSItem *
-nss3certificate_getIdentifier(nssDecodedCert *dc)
-    NSSItem *rvID;
-    CERTCertificate *c = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    rvID = nssItem_Create(NULL, NULL, c->certKey.len, c->;
-    return rvID;
-static void *
-nss3certificate_getIssuerIdentifier(nssDecodedCert *dc)
-    CERTCertificate *c = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    return (void *)c->authKeyID;
-static nssCertIDMatch
-nss3certificate_matchIdentifier(nssDecodedCert *dc, void *id)
-    CERTCertificate *c = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    CERTAuthKeyID *authKeyID = (CERTAuthKeyID *)id;
-    SECItem skid;
-    nssCertIDMatch match = nssCertIDMatch_Unknown;
-    /* keyIdentifier */
-    if (authKeyID->keyID.len > 0 &&
-	CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension(c, &skid) == SECSuccess) {
-	PRBool skiEqual;
-	skiEqual = SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&authKeyID->keyID, &skid);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (skiEqual) {
-	    /* change the state to positive match, but keep going */
-	    match = nssCertIDMatch_Yes;
-	} else {
-	    /* exit immediately on failure */
-	    return nssCertIDMatch_No;
-	}
-    }
-    /* issuer/serial (treated as pair) */
-    if (authKeyID->authCertIssuer) {
-	SECItem *caName = NULL;
-	SECItem *caSN = &authKeyID->authCertSerialNumber;
-	caName = (SECItem *)CERT_GetGeneralNameByType(
-	                                        authKeyID->authCertIssuer,
-						certDirectoryName, PR_TRUE);
-	if (caName != NULL &&
-	    SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&c->derIssuer, caName) &&
-	    SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(&c->serialNumber, caSN)) 
-	{
-	    match = nssCertIDMatch_Yes;
-	} else {
-	    match = nssCertIDMatch_Unknown;
-	}
-    }
-    return match;
-static PRBool
-nss3certificate_isValidIssuer(nssDecodedCert *dc)
-    CERTCertificate *c = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    unsigned int ignore;
-    return CERT_IsCACert(c, &ignore);
-static NSSUsage *
-nss3certificate_getUsage(nssDecodedCert *dc)
-    /* CERTCertificate *c = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data; */
-    return NULL;
-static PRBool 
-nss3certificate_isValidAtTime(nssDecodedCert *dc, NSSTime *time)
-    SECCertTimeValidity validity;
-    CERTCertificate *c = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    validity = CERT_CheckCertValidTimes(c, NSSTime_GetPRTime(time), PR_TRUE);
-    if (validity == secCertTimeValid) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool 
-nss3certificate_isNewerThan(nssDecodedCert *dc, nssDecodedCert *cmpdc)
-    /* I know this isn't right, but this is glue code anyway */
-    if (cmpdc->type == dc->type) {
-	CERTCertificate *certa = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-	CERTCertificate *certb = (CERTCertificate *)cmpdc->data;
-	return CERT_IsNewer(certa, certb);
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-/* CERT_FilterCertListByUsage */
-static PRBool
-nss3certificate_matchUsage(nssDecodedCert *dc, const NSSUsage *usage)
-    CERTCertificate *cc;
-    unsigned int requiredKeyUsage = 0;
-    unsigned int requiredCertType = 0;
-    SECStatus secrv;
-    PRBool match;
-    PRBool ca;
-    /* This is for NSS 3.3 functions that do not specify a usage */
-    if (usage->anyUsage) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    ca = usage->nss3lookingForCA;
-    secrv = CERT_KeyUsageAndTypeForCertUsage(usage->nss3usage, ca,
-                                             &requiredKeyUsage,
-                                             &requiredCertType);
-    if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    cc = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    secrv = CERT_CheckKeyUsage(cc, requiredKeyUsage);
-    match = (PRBool)(secrv == SECSuccess);
-    if (match) {
-	unsigned int certType = 0;
-	if (ca) {
-	    (void)CERT_IsCACert(cc, &certType);
-	} else {
-	    certType = cc->nsCertType;
-	}
-	if (!(certType & requiredCertType)) {
-	    match = PR_FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    return match;
-static PRBool
-nss3certificate_isTrustedForUsage(nssDecodedCert *dc, const NSSUsage *usage)
-    CERTCertificate *cc;
-    PRBool ca;
-    SECStatus secrv;
-    unsigned int requiredFlags;
-    unsigned int trustFlags;
-    SECTrustType trustType;
-    CERTCertTrust trust;
-    /* This is for NSS 3.3 functions that do not specify a usage */
-    if (usage->anyUsage) {
-	return PR_FALSE;  /* XXX is this right? */
-    }
-    cc = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    ca = usage->nss3lookingForCA;
-    if (!ca) {
-	PRBool trusted;
-	unsigned int failedFlags;
-	secrv = cert_CheckLeafTrust(cc, usage->nss3usage,
-				    &failedFlags, &trusted);
-	return secrv == SECSuccess && trusted;
-    }
-    secrv = CERT_TrustFlagsForCACertUsage(usage->nss3usage, &requiredFlags,
-					  &trustType);
-    if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    secrv = CERT_GetCertTrust(cc, &trust);
-    if (secrv != SECSuccess) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (trustType == trustTypeNone) {
-	/* normally trustTypeNone usages accept any of the given trust bits
-	 * being on as acceptable. */
-	trustFlags = trust.sslFlags | trust.emailFlags |
-		     trust.objectSigningFlags;
-    } else {
-	trustFlags = SEC_GET_TRUST_FLAGS(&trust, trustType);
-    }
-    return (trustFlags & requiredFlags) == requiredFlags;
-static NSSASCII7 *
-nss3certificate_getEmailAddress(nssDecodedCert *dc)
-    CERTCertificate *cc = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    return (cc && cc->emailAddr && cc->emailAddr[0])
-	    ? (NSSASCII7 *)cc->emailAddr : NULL;
-static PRStatus
-nss3certificate_getDERSerialNumber(nssDecodedCert *dc, 
-                                   NSSDER *serial, NSSArena *arena)
-    CERTCertificate *cc = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    SECItem derSerial = { 0 };
-    SECStatus secrv;
-    secrv = CERT_SerialNumberFromDERCert(&cc->derCert, &derSerial);
-    if (secrv == SECSuccess) {
-	(void)nssItem_Create(arena, serial, derSerial.len,;
-	PORT_Free(;
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-/* Returns NULL if "encoding" cannot be decoded. */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssDecodedCert *
-nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Create (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  NSSDER *encoding
-    nssDecodedCert  *rvDC = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *cert;
-    SECItem          secDER;
-    SECITEM_FROM_NSSITEM(&secDER, encoding);
-    cert = CERT_DecodeDERCertificate(&secDER, PR_TRUE, NULL);
-    if (cert) {
-	rvDC = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, nssDecodedCert);
-	if (rvDC) {
-	    rvDC->type                = NSSCertificateType_PKIX;
-	    rvDC->data                = (void *)cert;
-	    rvDC->getIdentifier       = nss3certificate_getIdentifier;
-	    rvDC->getIssuerIdentifier = nss3certificate_getIssuerIdentifier;
-	    rvDC->matchIdentifier     = nss3certificate_matchIdentifier;
-	    rvDC->isValidIssuer       = nss3certificate_isValidIssuer;
-	    rvDC->getUsage            = nss3certificate_getUsage;
-	    rvDC->isValidAtTime       = nss3certificate_isValidAtTime;
-	    rvDC->isNewerThan         = nss3certificate_isNewerThan;
-	    rvDC->matchUsage          = nss3certificate_matchUsage;
-	    rvDC->isTrustedForUsage   = nss3certificate_isTrustedForUsage;
-	    rvDC->getEmailAddress     = nss3certificate_getEmailAddress;
-	    rvDC->getDERSerialNumber  = nss3certificate_getDERSerialNumber;
-	} else {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cert);
-	}
-    }
-    return rvDC;
-static nssDecodedCert *
-create_decoded_pkix_cert_from_nss3cert (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  CERTCertificate *cc
-    nssDecodedCert *rvDC = nss_ZNEW(arenaOpt, nssDecodedCert);
-    if (rvDC) {
-	rvDC->type                = NSSCertificateType_PKIX;
-	rvDC->data                = (void *)cc;
-	rvDC->getIdentifier       = nss3certificate_getIdentifier;
-	rvDC->getIssuerIdentifier = nss3certificate_getIssuerIdentifier;
-	rvDC->matchIdentifier     = nss3certificate_matchIdentifier;
-	rvDC->isValidIssuer       = nss3certificate_isValidIssuer;
-	rvDC->getUsage            = nss3certificate_getUsage;
-	rvDC->isValidAtTime       = nss3certificate_isValidAtTime;
-	rvDC->isNewerThan         = nss3certificate_isNewerThan;
-	rvDC->matchUsage          = nss3certificate_matchUsage;
-	rvDC->isTrustedForUsage   = nss3certificate_isTrustedForUsage;
-	rvDC->getEmailAddress     = nss3certificate_getEmailAddress;
-	rvDC->getDERSerialNumber  = nss3certificate_getDERSerialNumber;
-    }
-    return rvDC;
-nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Destroy (
-  nssDecodedCert *dc
-    CERTCertificate *cert = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    /* The decoder may only be half initialized (the case where we find we 
-     * could not decode the certificate). In this case, there is not cert to
-     * free, just free the dc structure. */
-    if (cert) {
-	PRBool freeSlot = cert->ownSlot;
-	PK11SlotInfo *slot = cert->slot;
-	PLArenaPool *arena  = cert->arena;
-	/* zero cert before freeing. Any stale references to this cert
-	 * after this point will probably cause an exception.  */
-	PORT_Memset(cert, 0, sizeof *cert);
-	/* free the arena that contains the cert. */
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	if (slot && freeSlot) {
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	}
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(dc);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-/* see pk11cert.c:pk11_HandleTrustObject */
-static unsigned int
-get_nss3trust_from_nss4trust(nssTrustLevel t)
-    unsigned int rt = 0;
-    if (t == nssTrustLevel_Trusted) {
-    }
-    if (t == nssTrustLevel_TrustedDelegator) {
-    }
-    if (t == nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted) {
-    }
-    if (t == nssTrustLevel_ValidDelegator) {
-    }
-    return rt;
-static CERTCertTrust *
-cert_trust_from_stan_trust(NSSTrust *t, PLArenaPool *arena)
-    CERTCertTrust *rvTrust;
-    unsigned int client;
-    if (!t) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvTrust = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
-    if (!rvTrust) return NULL;
-    rvTrust->sslFlags = get_nss3trust_from_nss4trust(t->serverAuth);
-    client = get_nss3trust_from_nss4trust(t->clientAuth);
-	rvTrust->sslFlags |= CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA;
-    }
-    rvTrust->sslFlags |= client;
-    rvTrust->emailFlags = get_nss3trust_from_nss4trust(t->emailProtection);
-    rvTrust->objectSigningFlags = get_nss3trust_from_nss4trust(t->codeSigning);
-    return rvTrust;
-CERTCertTrust * 
-nssTrust_GetCERTCertTrustForCert(NSSCertificate *c, CERTCertificate *cc)
-    CERTCertTrust *rvTrust = NULL;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSTrust *t;
-    t = nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate(td, c);
-    if (t) {
-	rvTrust = cert_trust_from_stan_trust(t, cc->arena);
-	if (!rvTrust) {
-	    nssTrust_Destroy(t);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	nssTrust_Destroy(t);
-    } else {
-	rvTrust = PORT_ArenaAlloc(cc->arena, sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
-	if (!rvTrust) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	memset(rvTrust, 0, sizeof(*rvTrust));
-    }
-    if (NSSCertificate_IsPrivateKeyAvailable(c, NULL, NULL)) {
-	rvTrust->sslFlags |= CERTDB_USER;
-	rvTrust->emailFlags |= CERTDB_USER;
-	rvTrust->objectSigningFlags |= CERTDB_USER;
-    }
-    return rvTrust;
-static nssCryptokiInstance *
-get_cert_instance(NSSCertificate *c)
-    nssCryptokiObject *instance, **ci;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(&c->object);
-    if (!instances) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    instance = NULL;
-    for (ci = instances; *ci; ci++) {
-	if (!instance) {
-	    instance = nssCryptokiObject_Clone(*ci);
-	} else {
-	    /* This only really works for two instances...  But 3.4 can't
-	     * handle more anyway.  The logic is, if there are multiple
-	     * instances, prefer the one that is not internal (e.g., on
-	     * a hardware device.
-	     */
-	    if (PK11_IsInternal(instance->token->pk11slot)) {
-		nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-		instance = nssCryptokiObject_Clone(*ci);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    return instance;
-char * 
-STAN_GetCERTCertificateNameForInstance (
-  PLArenaPool *arenaOpt,
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  nssCryptokiInstance *instance
-    NSSCryptoContext *context = c->object.cryptoContext;
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    int nicklen, tokenlen, len;
-    NSSUTF8 *tokenName = NULL;
-    NSSUTF8 *stanNick = NULL;
-    char *nickname = NULL;
-    char *nick;
-    if (instance) {
-	stanNick = instance->label;
-    } else if (context) {
-	stanNick = c->object.tempName;
-    }
-    if (stanNick) {
-	/* fill other fields needed by NSS3 functions using CERTCertificate */
-	if (instance && (!PK11_IsInternalKeySlot(instance->token->pk11slot) || 
-	                 PORT_Strchr(stanNick, ':') != NULL) ) {
-	    tokenName = nssToken_GetName(instance->token);
-	    tokenlen = nssUTF8_Size(tokenName, &nssrv);
-	} else {
-	/* don't use token name for internal slot; 3.3 didn't */
-	    tokenlen = 0;
-	}
-	nicklen = nssUTF8_Size(stanNick, &nssrv);
-	len = tokenlen + nicklen;
-	if (arenaOpt) {
-	    nickname = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arenaOpt, len);
-	} else {
-	    nickname = PORT_Alloc(len);
-	}
-	nick = nickname;
-	if (tokenName) {
-	    memcpy(nick, tokenName, tokenlen-1);
-	    nick += tokenlen-1;
-	    *nick++ = ':';
-	}
-	memcpy(nick, stanNick, nicklen-1);
-	nickname[len-1] = '\0';
-    }
-    return nickname;
-char * 
-STAN_GetCERTCertificateName(PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, NSSCertificate *c)
-    char * result;
-    nssCryptokiInstance *instance = get_cert_instance(c);
-    /* It's OK to call this function, even if instance is NULL */
-    result = STAN_GetCERTCertificateNameForInstance(arenaOpt, c, instance);
-    if (instance)
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-    return result;
-static void
-fill_CERTCertificateFields(NSSCertificate *c, CERTCertificate *cc, PRBool forced)
-    CERTCertTrust* trust = NULL;
-    NSSTrust *nssTrust;
-    NSSCryptoContext *context = c->object.cryptoContext;
-    nssCryptokiInstance *instance;
-    NSSUTF8 *stanNick = NULL;
-    /* We are holding the base class object's lock on entry of this function
-     * This lock protects writes to fields of the CERTCertificate .
-     * It is also needed by some functions to compute values such as trust.
-     */
-    instance = get_cert_instance(c);
-    if (instance) {
-	stanNick = instance->label;
-    } else if (context) {
-	stanNick = c->object.tempName;
-    }
-    /* fill other fields needed by NSS3 functions using CERTCertificate */
-    if ((!cc->nickname && stanNick) || forced) {
-	PRStatus nssrv;
-	int nicklen, tokenlen, len;
-	NSSUTF8 *tokenName = NULL;
-	char *nick;
-	if (instance && 
-	     (!PK11_IsInternalKeySlot(instance->token->pk11slot) || 
-	      (stanNick && PORT_Strchr(stanNick, ':') != NULL))) {
-	    tokenName = nssToken_GetName(instance->token);
-	    tokenlen = nssUTF8_Size(tokenName, &nssrv);
-	} else {
-	    /* don't use token name for internal slot; 3.3 didn't */
-	    tokenlen = 0;
-	}
-	if (stanNick) {
-	    nicklen = nssUTF8_Size(stanNick, &nssrv);
-	    len = tokenlen + nicklen;
-	    nick = PORT_ArenaAlloc(cc->arena, len);
-	    if (tokenName) {
-		memcpy(nick, tokenName, tokenlen-1);
-		nick[tokenlen-1] = ':';
-		memcpy(nick+tokenlen, stanNick, nicklen-1);
-	    } else {
-		memcpy(nick, stanNick, nicklen-1);
-	    }
-	    nick[len-1] = '\0';
-            cc->nickname = nick;
-	} else {
-	    cc->nickname = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    if (context) {
-	/* trust */
-	nssTrust = nssCryptoContext_FindTrustForCertificate(context, c);
-	if (!nssTrust) {
-	    /* chicken and egg issue:
-	     *
-	     * c->issuer and c->serial are empty at this point, but
-	     * nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate use them to look up
-	     * up the trust object, so we point them to cc->derIssuer and
-	     * cc->serialNumber.
-	     *
-	     * Our caller will fill these in with proper arena copies when we
-	     * return. */
-	    c-> = cc->;
-	    c->issuer.size = cc->derIssuer.len;
-	    c-> = cc->;
-	    c->serial.size = cc->serialNumber.len;
-	    nssTrust = nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate(context->td, c);
-	}
-	if (nssTrust) {
-            trust = cert_trust_from_stan_trust(nssTrust, cc->arena);
-            if (trust) {
-                /* we should destroy cc->trust before replacing it, but it's
-                   allocated in cc->arena, so memory growth will occur on each
-                   refresh */
-                CERT_LockCertTrust(cc);
-                cc->trust = trust;
-                CERT_UnlockCertTrust(cc);
-            }
-	    nssTrust_Destroy(nssTrust);
-	}
-    } else if (instance) {
-	/* slot */
-	if (cc->slot != instance->token->pk11slot) {
-	    if (cc->slot) {
-		PK11_FreeSlot(cc->slot);
-	    }
-	    cc->slot = PK11_ReferenceSlot(instance->token->pk11slot);
-	}
-	cc->ownSlot = PR_TRUE;
-	/* pkcs11ID */
-	cc->pkcs11ID = instance->handle;
-	/* trust */
-	trust = nssTrust_GetCERTCertTrustForCert(c, cc);
-        if (trust) {
-            /* we should destroy cc->trust before replacing it, but it's
-               allocated in cc->arena, so memory growth will occur on each
-               refresh */
-            CERT_LockCertTrust(cc);
-            cc->trust = trust;
-            CERT_UnlockCertTrust(cc);
-        }
-    } 
-    if (instance) {
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-    }
-    /* database handle is now the trust domain */
-    cc->dbhandle = c->object.trustDomain;
-    /* subjectList ? */
-    /* istemp and isperm are supported in NSS 3.4 */
-    cc->istemp = PR_FALSE; /* CERT_NewTemp will override this */
-    cc->isperm = PR_TRUE;  /* by default */
-    /* pointer back */
-    cc->nssCertificate = c;
-    if (trust) {
-	/* force the cert type to be recomputed to include trust info */
-	PRUint32 nsCertType = cert_ComputeCertType(cc);
-	/* Assert that it is safe to cast &cc->nsCertType to "PRInt32 *" */
-	PORT_Assert(sizeof(cc->nsCertType) == sizeof(PRInt32));
-	PR_ATOMIC_SET((PRInt32 *)&cc->nsCertType, nsCertType);
-    }
-static CERTCertificate *
-stan_GetCERTCertificate(NSSCertificate *c, PRBool forceUpdate)
-    nssDecodedCert *dc = NULL;
-    CERTCertificate *cc = NULL;
-    CERTCertTrust certTrust;
-    /* make sure object does not go away until we finish */
-    nssPKIObject_AddRef(&c->object);
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(&c->object);
-    dc = c->decoding;
-    if (!dc) {
-	dc = nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Create(NULL, &c->encoding);
-	if (!dc) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-	cc = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-	PORT_Assert(cc); /* software error */
-	if (!cc) {
-	    nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Destroy(dc);
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    	PORT_Assert(!c->decoding); 
-	if (!c->decoding) {
-	    c->decoding = dc;
-	} else { 
-            /* this should never happen. Fail. */
-	    nssDecodedPKIXCertificate_Destroy(dc);
-            goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    cc = (CERTCertificate *)dc->data;
-    PORT_Assert(cc);
-    if (!cc) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!cc->nssCertificate || forceUpdate) {
-        fill_CERTCertificateFields(c, cc, forceUpdate);
-    } else if (CERT_GetCertTrust(cc, &certTrust) != SECSuccess &&
-               !c->object.cryptoContext) {
-        /* if it's a perm cert, it might have been stored before the
-         * trust, so look for the trust again.  But a temp cert can be
-         * ignored.
-         */
-        CERTCertTrust* trust = NULL;
-        trust = nssTrust_GetCERTCertTrustForCert(c, cc);
-        CERT_LockCertTrust(cc);
-        cc->trust = trust;
-        CERT_UnlockCertTrust(cc);
-    }
-  loser:
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(&c->object);
-    nssPKIObject_Destroy(&c->object);
-    return cc;
-STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate(NSSCertificate *c)
-    if (c->decoding) {
-	return stan_GetCERTCertificate(c, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-STAN_GetCERTCertificate(NSSCertificate *c)
-    return stan_GetCERTCertificate(c, PR_FALSE);
- * many callers of STAN_GetCERTCertificate() intend that
- * the CERTCertificate returned inherits the reference to the 
- * NSSCertificate. For these callers it's convenient to have 
- * this function 'own' the reference and either return a valid 
- * CERTCertificate structure which inherits the reference or 
- * destroy the reference to NSSCertificate and returns NULL.
- */
-STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(NSSCertificate *c)
-    CERTCertificate *nss3cert = stan_GetCERTCertificate(c, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!nss3cert) {
-	nssCertificate_Destroy(c);
-    }
-    return nss3cert;
-static nssTrustLevel
-get_stan_trust(unsigned int t, PRBool isClientAuth) 
-    if (isClientAuth) {
-	    return nssTrustLevel_TrustedDelegator;
-	}
-    } else {
-	    return nssTrustLevel_TrustedDelegator;
-	}
-    }
-    if (t & CERTDB_TRUSTED) {
-	return nssTrustLevel_Trusted;
-    }
-	return nssTrustLevel_NotTrusted;
-    }
-    if (t & CERTDB_VALID_CA) {
-	return nssTrustLevel_ValidDelegator;
-    }
-    return nssTrustLevel_MustVerify;
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-STAN_GetNSSCertificate(CERTCertificate *cc)
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    nssCryptokiInstance *instance;
-    nssPKIObject *pkiob;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    c = cc->nssCertificate;
-    if (c) {
-    	return c;
-    }
-    /* i don't think this should happen.  but if it can, need to create
-     * NSSCertificate from CERTCertificate values here.  */
-    /* Yup, it can happen. */
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    c = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSCertificate);
-    if (!c) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(&c->encoding, &cc->derCert);
-    c->type = NSSCertificateType_PKIX;
-    pkiob = nssPKIObject_Create(arena, NULL, cc->dbhandle, NULL, nssPKIMonitor);
-    if (!pkiob) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    c->object = *pkiob;
-    nssItem_Create(arena,
-                   &c->issuer, cc->derIssuer.len, cc->;
-    nssItem_Create(arena,
-                   &c->subject, cc->derSubject.len, cc->;
-    if (PR_TRUE) {
-	/* CERTCertificate stores serial numbers decoded.  I need the DER
-	* here.  sigh.
-	*/
-	SECItem derSerial;
-	SECStatus secrv;
-	secrv = CERT_SerialNumberFromDERCert(&cc->derCert, &derSerial);
-	if (secrv == SECFailure) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	nssItem_Create(arena, &c->serial, derSerial.len,;
-	PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if (cc->emailAddr && cc->emailAddr[0]) {
-        c->email = nssUTF8_Create(arena,
-                                  nssStringType_PrintableString,
-                                  (NSSUTF8 *)cc->emailAddr,
-                                  PORT_Strlen(cc->emailAddr));
-    }
-    if (cc->slot) {
-	instance = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssCryptokiInstance);
-	if (!instance) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	instance->token = nssToken_AddRef(PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(cc->slot));
-	instance->handle = cc->pkcs11ID;
-	instance->isTokenObject = PR_TRUE;
-	if (cc->nickname) {
-	    instance->label = nssUTF8_Create(arena,
-	                                     nssStringType_UTF8String,
-	                                     (NSSUTF8 *)cc->nickname,
-	                                     PORT_Strlen(cc->nickname));
-	}
-	nssPKIObject_AddInstance(&c->object, instance);
-    }
-    c->decoding = create_decoded_pkix_cert_from_nss3cert(NULL, cc);
-    cc->nssCertificate = c;
-    return c;
-static NSSToken*
-stan_GetTrustToken (
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    NSSToken *ttok = NULL;
-    NSSToken *rtok = NULL;
-    NSSToken *tok = NULL;
-    nssCryptokiObject **ip;
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(&c->object);
-    if (!instances) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    for (ip = instances; *ip; ip++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *instance = *ip;
-        nssCryptokiObject *to = 
-		nssToken_FindTrustForCertificate(instance->token, NULL,
-		&c->encoding, &c->issuer, &c->serial, 
-		nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly);
-	NSSToken *ctok = instance->token;
-	PRBool ro = PK11_IsReadOnly(ctok->pk11slot);
-	if (to) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(to);
-	    ttok = ctok;
- 	    if (!ro) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    if (!rtok && ro) {
-		rtok = ctok;
-	    } 
-	    if (!tok && !ro) {
-		tok = ctok;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    return ttok ? ttok : (tok ? tok : rtok);
-STAN_ChangeCertTrust(CERTCertificate *cc, CERTCertTrust *trust)
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSCertificate *c = STAN_GetNSSCertificate(cc);
-    NSSToken *tok;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    NSSTrust *nssTrust;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    CERTCertTrust *oldTrust;
-    CERTCertTrust *newTrust;
-    nssListIterator *tokens;
-    PRBool moving_object;
-    nssCryptokiObject *newInstance;
-    nssPKIObject *pkiob;
-    if (c == NULL) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    oldTrust = nssTrust_GetCERTCertTrustForCert(c, cc);
-    if (oldTrust) {
-	if (memcmp(oldTrust, trust, sizeof (CERTCertTrust)) == 0) {
-	    /* ... and the new trust is no different, done) */
-	    return PR_SUCCESS;
-	} else {
-	    /* take over memory already allocated in cc's arena */
-	    newTrust = oldTrust;
-	}
-    } else {
-	newTrust = PORT_ArenaAlloc(cc->arena, sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
-    }
-    memcpy(newTrust, trust, sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
-    CERT_LockCertTrust(cc);
-    cc->trust = newTrust;
-    CERT_UnlockCertTrust(cc);
-    /* Set the NSSCerticate's trust */
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) return PR_FAILURE;
-    nssTrust = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSTrust);
-    if (!nssTrust) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    pkiob = nssPKIObject_Create(arena, NULL, cc->dbhandle, NULL, nssPKILock);
-    if (!pkiob) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nssTrust->object = *pkiob;
-    nssTrust->certificate = c;
-    nssTrust->serverAuth = get_stan_trust(trust->sslFlags, PR_FALSE);
-    nssTrust->clientAuth = get_stan_trust(trust->sslFlags, PR_TRUE);
-    nssTrust->emailProtection = get_stan_trust(trust->emailFlags, PR_FALSE);
-    nssTrust->codeSigning = get_stan_trust(trust->objectSigningFlags, PR_FALSE);
-    nssTrust->stepUpApproved = 
-                    (PRBool)(trust->sslFlags & CERTDB_GOVT_APPROVED_CA);
-    if (c->object.cryptoContext != NULL) {
-	/* The cert is in a context, set the trust there */
-	NSSCryptoContext *cc = c->object.cryptoContext;
-	nssrv = nssCryptoContext_ImportTrust(cc, nssTrust);
-	if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	if (c->object.numInstances == 0) {
-	    /* The context is the only instance, finished */
-	    goto done;
-	}
-    }
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    tok = stan_GetTrustToken(c);
-    moving_object = PR_FALSE;
-    if (tok && PK11_IsReadOnly(tok->pk11slot))  {
-	NSSRWLock_LockRead(td->tokensLock);
-	tokens = nssList_CreateIterator(td->tokenList);
-	if (!tokens) {
-	    nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-	    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	for (tok  = (NSSToken *)nssListIterator_Start(tokens);
-	     tok != (NSSToken *)NULL;
-	     tok  = (NSSToken *)nssListIterator_Next(tokens))
-	{
-	    if (!PK11_IsReadOnly(tok->pk11slot)) break;
-	}
-	nssListIterator_Finish(tokens);
-	nssListIterator_Destroy(tokens);
-	NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-	moving_object = PR_TRUE;
-    } 
-    if (tok) {
-	if (moving_object) {
-	    /* this is kind of hacky.  the softoken needs the cert
-	     * object in order to store trust.  forcing it to be perm
-	     */
-	    NSSUTF8 *nickname = nssCertificate_GetNickname(c, NULL);
-	    NSSASCII7 *email = NULL;
-	    if (PK11_IsInternal(tok->pk11slot)) {
-		email = c->email;
-	    }
-	    newInstance = nssToken_ImportCertificate(tok, NULL,
-	                                             NSSCertificateType_PKIX,
-	                                             &c->id,
-	                                             nickname,
-	                                             &c->encoding,
-	                                             &c->issuer,
-	                                             &c->subject,
-	                                             &c->serial,
-						     email,
-	                                             PR_TRUE);
-            nss_ZFreeIf(nickname);
-            nickname = NULL;
-	    if (!newInstance) {
-		nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    nssPKIObject_AddInstance(&c->object, newInstance);
-	}
-	newInstance = nssToken_ImportTrust(tok, NULL, &c->encoding,
-	                                   &c->issuer, &c->serial,
-	                                   nssTrust->serverAuth,
-	                                   nssTrust->clientAuth,
-	                                   nssTrust->codeSigning,
-	                                   nssTrust->emailProtection,
-	                                   nssTrust->stepUpApproved, PR_TRUE);
-	/* If the selected token can't handle trust, dump the trust on 
-	 * the internal token */
-	if (!newInstance && !PK11_IsInternalKeySlot(tok->pk11slot)) {
-	    PK11SlotInfo *slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
-	    NSSUTF8 *nickname = nssCertificate_GetNickname(c, NULL);
-	    NSSASCII7 *email = c->email;
-	    tok = PK11Slot_GetNSSToken(slot);
-	    PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
-	    newInstance = nssToken_ImportCertificate(tok, NULL,
-	                                             NSSCertificateType_PKIX,
-	                                             &c->id,
-	                                             nickname,
-	                                             &c->encoding,
-	                                             &c->issuer,
-	                                             &c->subject,
-	                                             &c->serial,
-						     email,
-	                                             PR_TRUE);
-            nss_ZFreeIf(nickname);
-            nickname = NULL;
-	    if (!newInstance) {
-		nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    nssPKIObject_AddInstance(&c->object, newInstance);
-	    newInstance = nssToken_ImportTrust(tok, NULL, &c->encoding,
-	                                   &c->issuer, &c->serial,
-	                                   nssTrust->serverAuth,
-	                                   nssTrust->clientAuth,
-	                                   nssTrust->codeSigning,
-	                                   nssTrust->emailProtection,
-	                                   nssTrust->stepUpApproved, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	if (newInstance) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(newInstance);
-	    nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-	} else {
-	    nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-    } else {
-	nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    (void)nssTrust_Destroy(nssTrust);
-    return nssrv;
-** Delete trust objects matching the given slot.
-** Returns error if a device fails to delete.
-** This function has the side effect of moving the
-** surviving entries to the front of the object list
-** and nullifying the rest.
-static PRStatus
-DeleteCertTrustMatchingSlot(PK11SlotInfo *pk11slot, nssPKIObject *tObject)
-    int numNotDestroyed = 0;     /* the ones skipped plus the failures */
-    int failureCount = 0;        /* actual deletion failures by devices */
-    unsigned int index;
-    nssPKIObject_AddRef(tObject);
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(tObject);
-    /* Keep going even if a module fails to delete. */
-    for (index = 0; index < tObject->numInstances; index++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *instance = tObject->instances[index];
-	if (!instance) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* ReadOnly and not matched treated the same */
-	if (PK11_IsReadOnly(instance->token->pk11slot) ||
-	    pk11slot != instance->token->pk11slot) {
-	    tObject->instances[numNotDestroyed++] = instance;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* Here we have found a matching one */
-	tObject->instances[index] = NULL;
-	if (nssToken_DeleteStoredObject(instance) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-	} else {
-	    tObject->instances[numNotDestroyed++] = instance;
-	    failureCount++;
-	}
-    }
-    if (numNotDestroyed == 0) {
-    	nss_ZFreeIf(tObject->instances);
-    	tObject->numInstances = 0;
-    } else {
-    	tObject->numInstances = numNotDestroyed;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(tObject);
-    nssPKIObject_Destroy(tObject);
-    return failureCount == 0 ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-** Delete trust objects matching the slot of the given certificate.
-** Returns an error if any device fails to delete. 
-STAN_DeleteCertTrustMatchingSlot(NSSCertificate *c)
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    NSSTrust *nssTrust = nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate(td, c);
-    /* caller made sure nssTrust isn't NULL */
-    nssPKIObject *tobject = &nssTrust->object;
-    nssPKIObject *cobject = &c->object;
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* Iterate through the cert and trust object instances looking for
-     * those with matching pk11 slots to delete. Even if some device
-     * can't delete we keep going. Keeping a status variable for the
-     * loop so that once it's failed the other gets set.
-     */
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead(td->tokensLock);
-    nssPKIObject_AddRef(cobject);
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(cobject);
-    for (i = 0; i < cobject->numInstances; i++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *cInstance = cobject->instances[i];
-	if (cInstance && !PK11_IsReadOnly(cInstance->token->pk11slot)) {
-		PRStatus status;
-	    if (!tobject->numInstances || !tobject->instances) continue;
-	    status = DeleteCertTrustMatchingSlot(cInstance->token->pk11slot, tobject);
-	    if (status == PR_FAILURE) {
-	    	/* set the outer one but keep going */
-	    	nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(cobject);
-    nssPKIObject_Destroy(cobject);
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-    return nssrv;
-/* CERT_TraversePermCertsForSubject */
-nssTrustDomain_TraverseCertificatesBySubject (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    NSSArena *tmpArena;
-    NSSCertificate **subjectCerts;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    PRIntn i;
-    tmpArena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!tmpArena) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    subjectCerts = NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject(td, subject, NULL,
-                                                            0, tmpArena);
-    if (subjectCerts) {
-	for (i=0, c = subjectCerts[i]; c; i++) {
-	    nssrv = callback(c, arg);
-	    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-    return nssrv;
-/* CERT_TraversePermCertsForNickname */
-nssTrustDomain_TraverseCertificatesByNickname (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    NSSArena *tmpArena;
-    NSSCertificate **nickCerts;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    PRIntn i;
-    tmpArena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if (!tmpArena) {
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    nickCerts = NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNickname(td, nickname, NULL,
-                                                          0, tmpArena);
-    if (nickCerts) {
-	for (i=0, c = nickCerts[i]; c; i++) {
-	    nssrv = callback(c, arg);
-	    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(tmpArena);
-    return nssrv;
-static void cert_dump_iter(const void *k, void *v, void *a)
-    NSSCertificate *c = (NSSCertificate *)k;
-    CERTCertificate *cert = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-    printf("[%2d] \"%s\"\n", c->object.refCount, cert->subjectName);
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-    td = STAN_GetDefaultTrustDomain();
-    cc = STAN_GetDefaultCryptoContext();
-    printf("\n\nCertificates in the cache:\n");
-    nssTrustDomain_DumpCacheInfo(td, cert_dump_iter, NULL);
-    printf("\n\nCertificates in the temporary store:\n");
-    if (cc->certStore) {
-	nssCertificateStore_DumpStoreInfo(cc->certStore, cert_dump_iter, NULL);
-    }
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.h b/nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 39fab75..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pki3hack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKINSS3HACK_H
-#define PKINSS3HACK_H
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
-#ifndef DEVT_H
-#include "devt.h"
-#endif /* DEVT_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#include "nsspkit.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
-#include "base.h"
-#include "cert.h"
-#define NSSITEM_FROM_SECITEM(nssit, secit)  \
-    (nssit)->data = (void *)(secit)->data;  \
-    (nssit)->size = (PRUint32)(secit)->len;
-#define SECITEM_FROM_NSSITEM(secit, nssit)          \
-    (secit)->data = (unsigned char *)(nssit)->data; \
-    (secit)->len  = (unsigned int)(nssit)->size;
-NSS_EXTERN NSSTrustDomain *
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-STAN_InitTokenForSlotInfo(NSSTrustDomain *td, PK11SlotInfo *slot);
-STAN_ResetTokenInterator(NSSTrustDomain *td);
-STAN_AddModuleToDefaultTrustDomain(SECMODModule *module);
-STAN_RemoveModuleFromDefaultTrustDomain(SECMODModule *module);
-NSS_EXTERN CERTCertificate *
-STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate(NSSCertificate *c);
-NSS_EXTERN CERTCertificate *
-STAN_GetCERTCertificate(NSSCertificate *c);
-NSS_EXTERN CERTCertificate *
-STAN_GetCERTCertificateOrRelease(NSSCertificate *c);
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-STAN_GetNSSCertificate(CERTCertificate *c);
-nssTrust_GetCERTCertTrustForCert(NSSCertificate *c, CERTCertificate *cc);
-STAN_DeleteCertTrustMatchingSlot(NSSCertificate *c);
-STAN_ChangeCertTrust(CERTCertificate *cc, CERTCertTrust *trust);
-nssPKIX509_GetIssuerAndSerialFromDER(NSSDER *der,
-                                     NSSDER *issuer, NSSDER *serial);
-NSS_EXTERN char *
-STAN_GetCERTCertificateName(PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, NSSCertificate *c);
-NSS_EXTERN char *
-STAN_GetCERTCertificateNameForInstance(PLArenaPool *arenaOpt,
-                                       NSSCertificate *c,
-                                       nssCryptokiInstance *instance);
-/* exposing this */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-/* This function is being put here because it is a hack for 
- * PK11_FindCertFromNickname.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token,
-  NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt, /* NULL for "now" */
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt /* NULL for none */
-/* This function is being put here because it is a hack for 
- * PK11_FindCertsFromNickname.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token,
-  NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-/* CERT_TraversePermCertsForSubject */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-/* CERT_TraversePermCertsForNickname */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-/* SEC_TraversePermCerts */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-/* CERT_AddTempCertToPerm */
-  NSSCertificate *c
-#endif /* PKINSS3HACK_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pkibase.c b/nss/lib/pki/pkibase.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e39e8b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pkibase.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1257 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#include "dev.h"
-#endif /* DEV_H */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-nssPKIObject_Lock(nssPKIObject * object)
-    switch (object->lockType) {
-    case nssPKIMonitor:
-        PZ_EnterMonitor(object->sync.mlock);
-        break;
-    case nssPKILock:
-        PZ_Lock(object->sync.lock);
-        break;
-    default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-    }
-nssPKIObject_Unlock(nssPKIObject * object)
-    switch (object->lockType) {
-    case nssPKIMonitor:
-        PZ_ExitMonitor(object->sync.mlock);
-        break;
-    case nssPKILock:
-        PZ_Unlock(object->sync.lock);
-        break;
-    default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-    }
-nssPKIObject_NewLock(nssPKIObject * object, nssPKILockType lockType)
-    object->lockType = lockType;
-    switch (lockType) {
-    case nssPKIMonitor:
-        object->sync.mlock = PZ_NewMonitor(nssILockSSL);
-        return (object->sync.mlock ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE);
-    case nssPKILock:
-        object->sync.lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockSSL);
-        return (object->sync.lock ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE);
-    default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-nssPKIObject_DestroyLock(nssPKIObject * object)
-    switch (object->lockType) {
-    case nssPKIMonitor:
-        PZ_DestroyMonitor(object->sync.mlock);
-        object->sync.mlock = NULL;
-        break;
-    case nssPKILock:
-        PZ_DestroyLock(object->sync.lock);
-        object->sync.lock = NULL;
-        break;
-    default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-    }
-nssPKIObject_Create (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instanceOpt,
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc,
-  nssPKILockType lockType
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssArenaMark *mark = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject *object;
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-	arena = arenaOpt;
-	mark = nssArena_Mark(arena);
-    } else {
-	arena = nssArena_Create();
-	if (!arena) {
-	    return (nssPKIObject *)NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    object = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssPKIObject);
-    if (!object) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    object->arena = arena;
-    object->trustDomain = td; /* XXX */
-    object->cryptoContext = cc;
-    if (PR_SUCCESS != nssPKIObject_NewLock(object, lockType)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (instanceOpt) {
-	if (nssPKIObject_AddInstance(object, instanceOpt) != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&object->refCount);
-    if (mark) {
-	nssArena_Unmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return object;
-    if (mark) {
-	nssArena_Release(arena, mark);
-    } else {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return (nssPKIObject *)NULL;
-nssPKIObject_Destroy (
-  nssPKIObject *object
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PR_ASSERT(object->refCount > 0);
-    if (PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&object->refCount) == 0) {
-	for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(object->instances[i]);
-	}
-	nssPKIObject_DestroyLock(object);
-	nssArena_Destroy(object->arena);
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-nssPKIObject_AddRef (
-  nssPKIObject *object
-    PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&object->refCount);
-    return object;
-nssPKIObject_AddInstance (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-    nssCryptokiObject **newInstances = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    if (object->numInstances == 0) {
-	newInstances = nss_ZNEWARRAY(object->arena,
-				     nssCryptokiObject *,
-				     object->numInstances + 1);
-    } else {
-	PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-	PRUint32 i;
-	for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	    if (nssCryptokiObject_Equal(object->instances[i], instance)) {
-		found = PR_TRUE;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (found) {
-	    /* The new instance is identical to one in the array, except
-	     * perhaps that the label may be different.  So replace 
-	     * the label in the array instance with the label from the 
-	     * new instance, and discard the new instance.
-	     */
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(object->instances[i]->label);
-	    object->instances[i]->label = instance->label;
-	    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-	    instance->label = NULL;
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-	    return PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	newInstances = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(object->instances,
-					 nssCryptokiObject *,
-					 object->numInstances + 1);
-    }
-    if (newInstances) {
-	object->instances = newInstances;
-	newInstances[object->numInstances++] = instance;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return (newInstances ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE);
-nssPKIObject_HasInstance (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRBool hasIt = PR_FALSE;;
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	if (nssCryptokiObject_Equal(object->instances[i], instance)) {
-	    hasIt = PR_TRUE;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return hasIt;
-nssPKIObject_RemoveInstanceForToken (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSToken *token
-    PRUint32 i;
-    nssCryptokiObject *instanceToRemove = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    if (object->numInstances == 0) {
-	nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	if (object->instances[i]->token == token) {
-	    instanceToRemove = object->instances[i];
-	    object->instances[i] = object->instances[object->numInstances-1];
-	    object->instances[object->numInstances-1] = NULL;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (--object->numInstances > 0) {
-	nssCryptokiObject **instances = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(object->instances,
-	                                      nssCryptokiObject *,
-	                                      object->numInstances);
-	if (instances) {
-	    object->instances = instances;
-	}
-    } else {
-	nss_ZFreeIf(object->instances);
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instanceToRemove);
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-/* this needs more thought on what will happen when there are multiple
- * instances
- */
-nssPKIObject_DeleteStoredObject (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  PRBool isFriendly
-    PRUint32 i, numNotDestroyed;
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    numNotDestroyed = 0;
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *instance = object->instances[i];
-	status = nssToken_DeleteStoredObject(instance);
-	object->instances[i] = NULL;
-	if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-	} else {
-	    object->instances[numNotDestroyed++] = instance;
-	}
-    }
-    if (numNotDestroyed == 0) {
-	nss_ZFreeIf(object->instances);
-	object->numInstances = 0;
-    } else {
-	object->numInstances = numNotDestroyed;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return status;
-nssPKIObject_GetTokens (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    NSSToken **tokens = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    if (object->numInstances > 0) {
-	tokens = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSToken *, object->numInstances + 1);
-	if (tokens) {
-	    PRUint32 i;
-	    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-		tokens[i] = nssToken_AddRef(object->instances[i]->token);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    if (statusOpt) *statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS; /* until more logic here */
-    return tokens;
-nssPKIObject_GetNicknameForToken (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSToken *tokenOpt
-    PRUint32 i;
-    NSSUTF8 *nickname = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	if ((!tokenOpt && object->instances[i]->label) ||
-	    (object->instances[i]->token == tokenOpt)) 
-	{
-            /* Must copy, see bug 745548 */
-	    nickname = nssUTF8_Duplicate(object->instances[i]->label, NULL);
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return nickname;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCryptokiObject **
-nssPKIObject_GetInstances (
-  nssPKIObject *object
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances = NULL;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    if (object->numInstances == 0) {
-	return (nssCryptokiObject **)NULL;
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    instances = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, nssCryptokiObject *, 
-                              object->numInstances + 1);
-    if (instances) {
-	for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	    instances[i] = nssCryptokiObject_Clone(object->instances[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    return instances;
-nssCertificateArray_Destroy (
-  NSSCertificate **certs
-    if (certs) {
-	NSSCertificate **certp;
-	for (certp = certs; *certp; certp++) {
-	    if ((*certp)->decoding) {
-		CERTCertificate *cc = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(*certp);
-		if (cc) {
-		    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cc);
-		}
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    nssCertificate_Destroy(*certp);
-	}
-	nss_ZFreeIf(certs);
-    }
-NSSCertificateArray_Destroy (
-  NSSCertificate **certs
-    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(certs);
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssCertificateArray_Join (
-  NSSCertificate **certs1,
-  NSSCertificate **certs2
-    if (certs1 && certs2) {
-	NSSCertificate **certs, **cp;
-	PRUint32 count = 0;
-	PRUint32 count1 = 0;
-	cp = certs1;
-	while (*cp++) count1++;
-	count = count1;
-	cp = certs2;
-	while (*cp++) count++;
-	certs = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(certs1, NSSCertificate *, count + 1);
-	if (!certs) {
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(certs1);
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(certs2);
-	    return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-	}
-	for (cp = certs2; *cp; cp++, count1++) {
-	    certs[count1] = *cp;
-	}
-	nss_ZFreeIf(certs2);
-	return certs;
-    } else if (certs1) {
-	return certs1;
-    } else {
-	return certs2;
-    }
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate * 
-nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate (
-  NSSCertificate **certs, 
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  const NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    NSSCertificate *bestCert = NULL;
-    nssDecodedCert *bestdc = NULL;
-    NSSTime *time, sTime;
-    PRBool bestCertMatches = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool thisCertMatches;
-    PRBool bestCertIsValidAtTime = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool bestCertIsTrusted = PR_FALSE;
-    if (timeOpt) {
-	time = timeOpt;
-    } else {
-	NSSTime_Now(&sTime);
-	time = &sTime;
-    }
-    if (!certs) {
-	return (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-    }
-    for (; *certs; certs++) {
-	nssDecodedCert *dc;
-	NSSCertificate *c = *certs;
-	dc = nssCertificate_GetDecoding(c);
-	if (!dc) continue;
-	thisCertMatches = dc->matchUsage(dc, usage);
-	if (!bestCert) {
-	    /* always take the first cert, but remember whether or not
-	     * the usage matched 
-	     */
-	    bestCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-	    bestCertMatches = thisCertMatches;
-	    bestdc = dc;
-	    continue;
-	} else {
-	    if (bestCertMatches && !thisCertMatches) {
-		/* if already have a cert for this usage, and if this cert 
-		 * doesn't have the correct usage, continue
-		 */
-		continue;
-	    } else if (!bestCertMatches && thisCertMatches) {
-		/* this one does match usage, replace the other */
-		nssCertificate_Destroy(bestCert);
-		bestCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-		bestCertMatches = thisCertMatches;
-		bestdc = dc;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* this cert match as well as any cert we've found so far, 
-	     * defer to time/policies 
-	     * */
-	}
-	/* time */
-	if (bestCertIsValidAtTime || bestdc->isValidAtTime(bestdc, time)) {
-	    /* The current best cert is valid at time */
-	    bestCertIsValidAtTime = PR_TRUE;
-	    if (!dc->isValidAtTime(dc, time)) {
-		/* If the new cert isn't valid at time, it's not better */
-		continue;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* The current best cert is not valid at time */
-	    if (dc->isValidAtTime(dc, time)) {
-		/* If the new cert is valid at time, it's better */
-		nssCertificate_Destroy(bestCert);
-		bestCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-		bestdc = dc;
-		bestCertIsValidAtTime = PR_TRUE;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Either they are both valid at time, or neither valid.
-	 * If only one is trusted for this usage, take it.
-	 */
-	if (bestCertIsTrusted || bestdc->isTrustedForUsage(bestdc, usage)) {
-	    bestCertIsTrusted = PR_TRUE;
-	    if (!dc->isTrustedForUsage(dc, usage)) {
-	        continue;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* The current best cert is not trusted */
-	    if (dc->isTrustedForUsage(dc, usage)) {
-		/* If the new cert is trusted, it's better */
-		nssCertificate_Destroy(bestCert);
-		bestCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-		bestdc = dc;
-		bestCertIsTrusted = PR_TRUE;
-	        continue;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Otherwise, take the newer one. */
-	if (!bestdc->isNewerThan(bestdc, dc)) {
-	    nssCertificate_Destroy(bestCert);
-	    bestCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-	    bestdc = dc;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* policies */
-	/* XXX later -- defer to policies */
-    }
-    return bestCert;
-nssCertificateArray_Traverse (
-  NSSCertificate **certs,
-  PRStatus (* callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (certs) {
-	NSSCertificate **certp;
-	for (certp = certs; *certp; certp++) {
-	    status = (*callback)(*certp, arg);
-	    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return status;
-nssCRLArray_Destroy (
-  NSSCRL **crls
-    if (crls) {
-	NSSCRL **crlp;
-	for (crlp = crls; *crlp; crlp++) {
-	    nssCRL_Destroy(*crlp);
-	}
-	nss_ZFreeIf(crls);
-    }
- * Object collections
- */
-typedef enum
-  pkiObjectType_Certificate = 0,
-  pkiObjectType_CRL = 1,
-  pkiObjectType_PrivateKey = 2,
-  pkiObjectType_PublicKey = 3
-} pkiObjectType;
-/* Each object is defined by a set of items that uniquely identify it.
- * Here are the uid sets:
- *
- * NSSCertificate ==>  { issuer, serial }
- * NSSPrivateKey
- *         (RSA) ==> { modulus, public exponent }
- *
- */
-#define MAX_ITEMS_FOR_UID 2
-/* pkiObjectCollectionNode
- *
- * A node in the collection is the set of unique identifiers for a single
- * object, along with either the actual object or a proto-object.
- */
-typedef struct
-  PRCList link;
-  PRBool haveObject;
-  nssPKIObject *object;
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection
- *
- * The collection is the set of all objects, plus the interfaces needed
- * to manage the objects.
- *
- */
-struct nssPKIObjectCollectionStr
-  NSSArena *arena;
-  NSSTrustDomain *td;
-  NSSCryptoContext *cc;
-  PRCList head; /* list of pkiObjectCollectionNode's */
-  PRUint32 size;
-  pkiObjectType objectType;
-  void           (*      destroyObject)(nssPKIObject *o);
-  PRStatus       (*   getUIDFromObject)(nssPKIObject *o, NSSItem *uid);
-  PRStatus       (* getUIDFromInstance)(nssCryptokiObject *co, NSSItem *uid, 
-                                        NSSArena *arena);
-  nssPKIObject * (*       createObject)(nssPKIObject *o);
-  nssPKILockType lockType; /* type of lock to use for new proto-objects */
-static nssPKIObjectCollection *
-nssPKIObjectCollection_Create (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *ccOpt,
-  nssPKILockType lockType
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *rvCollection = NULL;
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return (nssPKIObjectCollection *)NULL;
-    }
-    rvCollection = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssPKIObjectCollection);
-    if (!rvCollection) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&rvCollection->head);
-    rvCollection->arena = arena;
-    rvCollection->td = td; /* XXX */
-    rvCollection->cc = ccOpt;
-    rvCollection->lockType = lockType;
-    return rvCollection;
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return (nssPKIObjectCollection *)NULL;
-nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection
-    if (collection) {
-	PRCList *link;
-	pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-	/* first destroy any objects in the collection */
-	link = PR_NEXT_LINK(&collection->head);
-	while (link != &collection->head) {
-	    node = (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)link;
-	    if (node->haveObject) {
-		(*collection->destroyObject)(node->object);
-	    } else {
-		nssPKIObject_Destroy(node->object);
-	    }
-	    link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-	}
-	/* then destroy it */
-	nssArena_Destroy(collection->arena);
-    }
-nssPKIObjectCollection_Count (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection
-    return collection->size;
-nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssPKIObject *object
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    node = nss_ZNEW(collection->arena, pkiObjectCollectionNode);
-    if (!node) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    node->haveObject = PR_TRUE;
-    node->object = nssPKIObject_AddRef(object);
-    (*collection->getUIDFromObject)(object, node->uid);
-    PR_INIT_CLIST(&node->link);
-    PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->link, &collection->head);
-    collection->size++;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static pkiObjectCollectionNode *
-find_instance_in_collection (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-    PRCList *link;
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    link = PR_NEXT_LINK(&collection->head);
-    while (link != &collection->head) {
-	node = (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)link;
-	if (nssPKIObject_HasInstance(node->object, instance)) {
-	    return node;
-	}
-	link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-    }
-    return (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)NULL;
-static pkiObjectCollectionNode *
-find_object_in_collection (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSItem *uid
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRCList *link;
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    link = PR_NEXT_LINK(&collection->head);
-    while (link != &collection->head) {
-	node = (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)link;
-	for (i=0; i<MAX_ITEMS_FOR_UID; i++) {
-	    if (!nssItem_Equal(&node->uid[i], &uid[i], &status)) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (i == MAX_ITEMS_FOR_UID) {
-	    return node;
-	}
-	link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-    }
-    return (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)NULL;
-static pkiObjectCollectionNode *
-add_object_instance (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance,
-  PRBool *foundIt
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRStatus status;
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    nssArenaMark *mark = NULL;
-    NSSItem uid[MAX_ITEMS_FOR_UID];
-    nsslibc_memset(uid, 0, sizeof uid);
-    /* The list is traversed twice, first (here) looking to match the
-     * { token, handle } tuple, and if that is not found, below a search
-     * for unique identifier is done.  Here, a match means this exact object
-     * instance is already in the collection, and we have nothing to do.
-     */
-    *foundIt = PR_FALSE;
-    node = find_instance_in_collection(collection, instance);
-    if (node) {
-	/* The collection is assumed to take over the instance.  Since we
-	 * are not using it, it must be destroyed.
-	 */
-	nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-	*foundIt = PR_TRUE;
-	return node;
-    }
-    mark = nssArena_Mark(collection->arena);
-    if (!mark) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    status = (*collection->getUIDFromInstance)(instance, uid, 
-                                               collection->arena);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Search for unique identifier.  A match here means the object exists 
-     * in the collection, but does not have this instance, so the instance 
-     * needs to be added.
-     */
-    node = find_object_in_collection(collection, uid);
-    if (node) {
-	/* This is an object with multiple instances */
-	status = nssPKIObject_AddInstance(node->object, instance);
-    } else {
-	/* This is a completely new object.  Create a node for it. */
-	node = nss_ZNEW(collection->arena, pkiObjectCollectionNode);
-	if (!node) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	node->object = nssPKIObject_Create(NULL, instance, 
-	                                   collection->td, collection->cc,
-                                           collection->lockType);
-	if (!node->object) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	for (i=0; i<MAX_ITEMS_FOR_UID; i++) {
-	    node->uid[i] = uid[i];
-	}
-	node->haveObject = PR_FALSE;
-	PR_INIT_CLIST(&node->link);
-	PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&node->link, &collection->head);
-	collection->size++;
-	status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    nssArena_Unmark(collection->arena, mark);
-    return node;
-    if (mark) {
-	nssArena_Release(collection->arena, mark);
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-    return (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)NULL;
-nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssCryptokiObject **instances,
-  PRUint32 numInstances
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    PRUint32 i = 0;
-    PRBool foundIt;
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    if (instances) {
-	while ((!numInstances || i < numInstances) && *instances) {
-	    if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-		node = add_object_instance(collection, *instances, &foundIt);
-		if (node == NULL) {
-		    /* add_object_instance freed the current instance */
-		    /* free the remaining instances */
-		    status = PR_FAILURE;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(*instances);
-	    }
-	    instances++;
-	    i++;
-	}
-    }
-    return status;
-static void
-nssPKIObjectCollection_RemoveNode (
-   nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-   pkiObjectCollectionNode *node
-    PR_REMOVE_LINK(&node->link); 
-    collection->size--;
-static PRStatus
-nssPKIObjectCollection_GetObjects (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssPKIObject **rvObjects,
-  PRUint32 rvSize
-    PRUint32 i = 0;
-    PRCList *link = PR_NEXT_LINK(&collection->head);
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    int error=0;
-    while ((i < rvSize) && (link != &collection->head)) {
-	node = (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)link;
-	if (!node->haveObject) {
-	    /* Convert the proto-object to an object */
-	    node->object = (*collection->createObject)(node->object);
-	    if (!node->object) {
-		link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-		/*remove bogus object from list*/
-		nssPKIObjectCollection_RemoveNode(collection,node);
-		error++;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    node->haveObject = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	rvObjects[i++] = nssPKIObject_AddRef(node->object);
-	link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-    }
-    if (!error && *rvObjects == NULL) {
-	nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssPKIObjectCollection_Traverse (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssPKIObjectCallback *callback
-    PRCList *link = PR_NEXT_LINK(&collection->head);
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    while (link != &collection->head) {
-	node = (pkiObjectCollectionNode *)link;
-	if (!node->haveObject) {
-	    node->object = (*collection->createObject)(node->object);
-	    if (!node->object) {
-		link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-		/*remove bogus object from list*/
-		nssPKIObjectCollection_RemoveNode(collection,node);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    node->haveObject = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	switch (collection->objectType) {
-	case pkiObjectType_Certificate: 
-	    (void)(*callback->func.cert)((NSSCertificate *)node->object, 
-	                                    callback->arg);
-	    break;
-	case pkiObjectType_CRL: 
-	    (void)(*callback->func.crl)((NSSCRL *)node->object, 
-	                                   callback->arg);
-	    break;
-	case pkiObjectType_PrivateKey: 
-	    (void)(*callback->func.pvkey)((NSSPrivateKey *)node->object, 
-	                                     callback->arg);
-	    break;
-	case pkiObjectType_PublicKey: 
-	    (void)(*callback->func.pbkey)((NSSPublicKey *)node->object, 
-	                                     callback->arg);
-	    break;
-	}
-	link = PR_NEXT_LINK(link);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstanceAsObject (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-    pkiObjectCollectionNode *node;
-    PRBool foundIt;
-    node = add_object_instance(collection, instance, &foundIt);
-    if (node == NULL) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (!node->haveObject) {
-	node->object = (*collection->createObject)(node->object);
-	if (!node->object) {
-	    /*remove bogus object from list*/
-	    nssPKIObjectCollection_RemoveNode(collection,node);
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	node->haveObject = PR_TRUE;
-    } else if (!foundIt) {
-	/* The instance was added to a pre-existing node.  This
-	 * function is *only* being used for certificates, and having
-	 * multiple instances of certs in 3.X requires updating the
-	 * CERTCertificate.
-	 * But only do it if it was a new instance!!!  If the same instance
-	 * is encountered, we set *foundIt to true.  Detect that here and
-	 * ignore it.
-	 */
-	STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate((NSSCertificate *)node->object);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * Certificate collections
- */
-static void
-cert_destroyObject(nssPKIObject *o)
-    NSSCertificate *c = (NSSCertificate *)o;
-    if (c->decoding) {
-	CERTCertificate *cc = STAN_GetCERTCertificate(c);
-	if (cc) {
-	    CERT_DestroyCertificate(cc);
-	    return;
-	} /* else destroy it as NSSCertificate below */
-    }
-    nssCertificate_Destroy(c);
-static PRStatus
-cert_getUIDFromObject(nssPKIObject *o, NSSItem *uid)
-    NSSCertificate *c = (NSSCertificate *)o;
-    /* The builtins are still returning decoded serial numbers.  Until
-     * this compatibility issue is resolved, use the full DER of the
-     * cert to uniquely identify it.
-     */
-    NSSDER *derCert;
-    derCert = nssCertificate_GetEncoding(c);
-    uid[0].data = NULL; uid[0].size = 0;
-    uid[1].data = NULL; uid[1].size = 0;
-    if (derCert != NULL) {
-	uid[0] = *derCert;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-cert_getUIDFromInstance(nssCryptokiObject *instance, NSSItem *uid, 
-                        NSSArena *arena)
-    /* The builtins are still returning decoded serial numbers.  Until
-     * this compatibility issue is resolved, use the full DER of the
-     * cert to uniquely identify it.
-     */
-    uid[1].data = NULL; uid[1].size = 0;
-    return nssCryptokiCertificate_GetAttributes(instance,
-                                                NULL,  /* XXX sessionOpt */
-                                                arena, /* arena    */
-                                                NULL,  /* type     */
-                                                NULL,  /* id       */
-                                                &uid[0], /* encoding */
-                                                NULL,  /* issuer   */
-                                                NULL,  /* serial   */
-                                                NULL);  /* subject  */
-static nssPKIObject *
-cert_createObject(nssPKIObject *o)
-    NSSCertificate *cert;
-    cert = nssCertificate_Create(o);
-/*    if (STAN_GetCERTCertificate(cert) == NULL) {
-	nssCertificate_Destroy(cert);
-	return (nssPKIObject *)NULL;
-    } */
-    /* In 3.4, have to maintain uniqueness of cert pointers by caching all
-     * certs.  Cache the cert here, before returning.  If it is already
-     * cached, take the cached entry.
-     */
-    {
-	NSSTrustDomain *td = o->trustDomain;
-	nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache(td, &cert, 1);
-    }
-    return (nssPKIObject *)cert;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssPKIObjectCollection *
-nssCertificateCollection_Create (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate **certsOpt
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-    collection = nssPKIObjectCollection_Create(td, NULL, nssPKIMonitor);
-    if (!collection) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    collection->objectType = pkiObjectType_Certificate;
-    collection->destroyObject = cert_destroyObject;
-    collection->getUIDFromObject = cert_getUIDFromObject;
-    collection->getUIDFromInstance = cert_getUIDFromInstance;
-    collection->createObject = cert_createObject;
-    if (certsOpt) {
-	for (; *certsOpt; certsOpt++) {
-	    nssPKIObject *object = (nssPKIObject *)(*certsOpt);
-	    (void)nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject(collection, object);
-	}
-    }
-    return collection;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRUint32 rvSize;
-    PRBool allocated = PR_FALSE;
-    if (collection->size == 0) {
-	return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-    }
-    if (maximumOpt == 0) {
-	rvSize = collection->size;
-    } else {
-	rvSize = PR_MIN(collection->size, maximumOpt);
-    }
-    if (!rvOpt) {
-	rvOpt = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arenaOpt, NSSCertificate *, rvSize + 1);
-	if (!rvOpt) {
-	    return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-	}
-	allocated = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    status = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetObjects(collection, 
-                                               (nssPKIObject **)rvOpt, 
-                                               rvSize);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	if (allocated) {
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(rvOpt);
-	}
-	return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-    }
-    return rvOpt;
- * CRL/KRL collections
- */
-static void
-crl_destroyObject(nssPKIObject *o)
-    NSSCRL *crl = (NSSCRL *)o;
-    nssCRL_Destroy(crl);
-static PRStatus
-crl_getUIDFromObject(nssPKIObject *o, NSSItem *uid)
-    NSSCRL *crl = (NSSCRL *)o;
-    NSSDER *encoding;
-    encoding = nssCRL_GetEncoding(crl);
-    if (!encoding) {
-        nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    uid[0] = *encoding;
-    uid[1].data = NULL; uid[1].size = 0;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-crl_getUIDFromInstance(nssCryptokiObject *instance, NSSItem *uid, 
-                       NSSArena *arena)
-    return nssCryptokiCRL_GetAttributes(instance,
-                                        NULL,    /* XXX sessionOpt */
-                                        arena,   /* arena    */
-                                        &uid[0], /* encoding */
-                                        NULL,    /* subject  */
-                                        NULL,    /* class    */
-                                        NULL,    /* url      */
-                                        NULL);   /* isKRL    */
-static nssPKIObject *
-crl_createObject(nssPKIObject *o)
-    return (nssPKIObject *)nssCRL_Create(o);
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssPKIObjectCollection *
-nssCRLCollection_Create (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCRL **crlsOpt
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-    collection = nssPKIObjectCollection_Create(td, NULL, nssPKILock);
-    if (!collection) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    collection->objectType = pkiObjectType_CRL;
-    collection->destroyObject = crl_destroyObject;
-    collection->getUIDFromObject = crl_getUIDFromObject;
-    collection->getUIDFromInstance = crl_getUIDFromInstance;
-    collection->createObject = crl_createObject;
-    if (crlsOpt) {
-	for (; *crlsOpt; crlsOpt++) {
-	    nssPKIObject *object = (nssPKIObject *)(*crlsOpt);
-	    (void)nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject(collection, object);
-	}
-    }
-    return collection;
-nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCRLs (
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSCRL **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    PRStatus status;
-    PRUint32 rvSize;
-    PRBool allocated = PR_FALSE;
-    if (collection->size == 0) {
-	return (NSSCRL **)NULL;
-    }
-    if (maximumOpt == 0) {
-	rvSize = collection->size;
-    } else {
-	rvSize = PR_MIN(collection->size, maximumOpt);
-    }
-    if (!rvOpt) {
-	rvOpt = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arenaOpt, NSSCRL *, rvSize + 1);
-	if (!rvOpt) {
-	    return (NSSCRL **)NULL;
-	}
-	allocated = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    status = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetObjects(collection, 
-                                               (nssPKIObject **)rvOpt, 
-                                               rvSize);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	if (allocated) {
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(rvOpt);
-	}
-	return (NSSCRL **)NULL;
-    }
-    return rvOpt;
-/* how bad would it be to have a static now sitting around, updated whenever
- * this was called?  would avoid repeated allocs...
- */
-NSSTime_Now (
-  NSSTime *timeOpt
-    return NSSTime_SetPRTime(timeOpt, PR_Now());
-NSSTime_SetPRTime (
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  PRTime prTime
-    NSSTime *rvTime;
-    rvTime = (timeOpt) ? timeOpt : nss_ZNEW(NULL, NSSTime);
-    if (rvTime) {
-        rvTime->prTime = prTime;
-    }
-    return rvTime;
-NSSTime_GetPRTime (
-  NSSTime *time
-  return time->prTime;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pkim.h b/nss/lib/pki/pkim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1158eb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pkim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#define PKIM_H
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#ifndef PKI_H
-#include "pki.h"
-#endif /* PKI_H */
-#ifndef PKITM_H
-#include "pkitm.h"
-#endif /* PKITM_H */
-/* nssPKIObject
- *
- * This is the base object class, common to all PKI objects defined in
- * in this module.  Each object can be safely 'casted' to an nssPKIObject,
- * then passed to these methods.
- *
- * nssPKIObject_Create
- * nssPKIObject_Destroy
- * nssPKIObject_AddRef
- * nssPKIObject_AddInstance
- * nssPKIObject_HasInstance
- * nssPKIObject_GetTokens
- * nssPKIObject_GetNicknameForToken
- * nssPKIObject_RemoveInstanceForToken
- * nssPKIObject_DeleteStoredObject
- */
-NSS_EXTERN void     nssPKIObject_Lock       (nssPKIObject * object);
-NSS_EXTERN void     nssPKIObject_Unlock     (nssPKIObject * object);
-NSS_EXTERN PRStatus nssPKIObject_NewLock    (nssPKIObject * object,
-                                             nssPKILockType lockType);
-NSS_EXTERN void     nssPKIObject_DestroyLock(nssPKIObject * object);
-/* nssPKIObject_Create
- *
- * A generic PKI object.  It must live in a trust domain.  It may be
- * initialized with a token instance, or alternatively in a crypto context.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssPKIObject *
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instanceOpt,
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCryptoContext *ccOpt,
-  nssPKILockType lockType
-/* nssPKIObject_AddRef
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssPKIObject *
-  nssPKIObject *object
-/* nssPKIObject_Destroy
- *
- * Returns true if object was destroyed.  This notifies the subclass that
- * all references are gone and it should delete any members it owns.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object
-/* nssPKIObject_AddInstance
- *
- * Add a token instance to the object, if it does not have it already.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-/* nssPKIObject_HasInstance
- *
- * Query the object for a token instance.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-/* nssPKIObject_GetTokens
- *
- * Get all tokens which have an instance of the object.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-/* nssPKIObject_GetNicknameForToken
- *
- * tokenOpt == NULL means take the first available, otherwise return the
- * nickname for the specified token.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSToken *tokenOpt
-/* nssPKIObject_RemoveInstanceForToken
- *
- * Remove the instance of the object on the specified token.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSToken *token
-/* nssPKIObject_DeleteStoredObject
- *
- * Delete all token instances of the object, as well as any crypto context
- * instances (TODO).  If any of the instances are read-only, or if the
- * removal fails, the object will keep those instances.  'isFriendly' refers
- * to the object -- can this object be removed from a friendly token without
- * login?  For example, certificates are friendly, private keys are not.
- * Note that if the token is not friendly, authentication will be required
- * regardless of the value of 'isFriendly'.
- */
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  PRBool isFriendly
-NSS_EXTERN nssCryptokiObject **
-  nssPKIObject *object
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSItem *id,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject
-/* module-private nsspki methods */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCryptoContext *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-/* XXX for the collection */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  nssPKIObject *object
-  NSSCertificate *c,
-  NSSTrust *trust
-NSS_EXTERN nssDecodedCert *
-  NSSCertificate *c
-extern PRIntn
-  void *v1,
-  void *v2
-NSS_EXTERN nssDecodedCert *
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  NSSDER *encoding,
-  NSSCertificateType type
-  nssDecodedCert *dc
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  NSSItem *certData
-  nssPKIObject *object
-  NSSCRL *crl
-  NSSCRL *crl
-  NSSCRL *crl,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-  nssPKIObject *o
-  NSSCRL *crl
-  nssPKIObject *object
-/* nssCertificateArray
- *
- * These are being thrown around a lot, might as well group together some
- * functionality.
- *
- * nssCertificateArray_Destroy
- * nssCertificateArray_Join
- * nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate
- * nssCertificateArray_Traverse
- */
-/* nssCertificateArray_Destroy
- *
- * Will destroy the array and the certs within it.  If the array was created
- * in an arena, will *not* (of course) destroy the arena.  However, is safe
- * to call this method on an arena-allocated array.
- */
-  NSSCertificate **certs
-/* nssCertificateArray_Join
- *
- * Join two arrays into one.  The two arrays, certs1 and certs2, should
- * be considered invalid after a call to this function (they may be destroyed
- * as part of the join).  certs1 and/or certs2 may be NULL.  Safe to
- * call with arrays allocated in an arena, the result will also be in the
- * arena.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSCertificate **certs1,
-  NSSCertificate **certs2
-/* nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate
- *
- * Use the usual { time, usage, policies } to find the best cert in the
- * array.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate * 
-  NSSCertificate **certs, 
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  const NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-/* nssCertificateArray_Traverse
- *
- * Do the callback for each cert, terminate the traversal if the callback
- * fails.
- */
-  NSSCertificate **certs,
-  PRStatus (* callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-  NSSCRL **crls
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection
- *
- * This is a handy way to group objects together and perform operations
- * on them.  It can also handle "proto-objects"-- references to
- * objects instances on tokens, where the actual object hasn't 
- * been formed yet.
- *
- * nssCertificateCollection_Create
- * nssPrivateKeyCollection_Create
- * nssPublicKeyCollection_Create
- *
- * If this was a language that provided for inheritance, each type would
- * inherit all of the following methods.  Instead, there is only one
- * type (nssPKIObjectCollection), shared among all.  This may cause
- * confusion; an alternative would be to define all of the methods
- * for each subtype (nssCertificateCollection_Destroy, ...), but that doesn't
- * seem worth the code bloat..  It is left up to the caller to remember 
- * what type of collection he/she is dealing with.
- *
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_Count
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_AddObject
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_Traverse
- *
- * Back to type-specific methods.
- *
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCRLs
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_GetPrivateKeys
- * nssPKIObjectCollection_GetPublicKeys
- */
-/* nssCertificateCollection_Create
- *
- * Create a collection of certificates in the specified trust domain.
- * Optionally provide a starting set of certs.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssPKIObjectCollection *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate **certsOpt
-/* nssCRLCollection_Create
- *
- * Create a collection of CRLs/KRLs in the specified trust domain.
- * Optionally provide a starting set of CRLs.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssPKIObjectCollection *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCRL **crlsOpt
-/* nssPrivateKeyCollection_Create
- *
- * Create a collection of private keys in the specified trust domain.
- * Optionally provide a starting set of keys.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssPKIObjectCollection *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSPrivateKey **pvkOpt
-/* nssPublicKeyCollection_Create
- *
- * Create a collection of public keys in the specified trust domain.
- * Optionally provide a starting set of keys.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssPKIObjectCollection *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSPublicKey **pvkOpt
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy
- */
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection_Count
- */
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssPKIObject *object
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances
- *
- * Add a set of object instances to the collection.  The instances
- * will be sorted into any existing certs/proto-certs that may be in
- * the collection.  The instances will be absorbed by the collection,
- * the array should not be used after this call (except to free it).
- *
- * Failure means the collection is in an invalid state.
- *
- * numInstances = 0 means the array is NULL-terminated
- */
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssCryptokiObject **instances,
-  PRUint32 numInstances
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection_Traverse
- */
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssPKIObjectCallback *callback
-/* This function is being added for NSS 3.5.  It corresponds to the function
- * nssToken_TraverseCertificates.  The idea is to use the collection during
- * a traversal, creating certs each time a new instance is added for which
- * a cert does not already exist.
- */
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  nssCryptokiObject *instance
-/* nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates
- *
- * Get all of the certificates in the collection. 
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSCRL **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-NSS_EXTERN NSSPrivateKey **
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSPrivateKey **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-  nssPKIObjectCollection *collection,
-  NSSPublicKey **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-  NSSTime *timeOpt
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  PRTime prTime
-  NSSTime *time
-NSS_EXTERN nssHash *
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  PRUint32 numBuckets
-/* 3.4 Certificate cache routines */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRUint32 cacheSize
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate **certs,
-  PRUint32 numCerts
-nssTrustDomain_RemoveCertFromCacheLOCKED (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-nssTrustDomain_LockCertCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-nssTrustDomain_UnlockCertCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
- * Remove all certs for the given token from the cache.  This is
- * needed if the token is removed.
- */
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
- * Find all cached certs with this nickname (label).
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  nssList *certListOpt
- * Find all cached certs with this email address.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  nssList *certListOpt
- * Find all cached certs with this subject.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  nssList *certListOpt
- * Look for a specific cert in the cache.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serialNum
- * Look for a specific cert in the cache.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *der
-/* Get all certs from the cache */
-/* XXX this is being included to make some old-style calls word, not to
- *     say we should keep it
- */
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  nssList *certListOpt
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  void (* cert_dump_iter)(const void *, void *, void *),
-  void *arg
-  nssList *certList
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pkistore.c b/nss/lib/pki/pkistore.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bb658..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pkistore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#ifndef PKI_H
-#include "pki.h"
-#endif /* PKI_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#ifndef PKISTORE_H
-#include "pkistore.h"
-#endif /* PKISTORE_H */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "prbit.h"
- * Certificate Store
- *
- * This differs from the cache in that it is a true storage facility.  Items
- * stay in until they are explicitly removed.  It is only used by crypto
- * contexts at this time, but may be more generally useful...
- *
- */
-struct nssCertificateStoreStr 
-    PRBool i_alloced_arena;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    nssHash *subject;
-    nssHash *issuer_and_serial;
-typedef struct certificate_hash_entry_str certificate_hash_entry;
-struct certificate_hash_entry_str
-    NSSCertificate *cert;
-    NSSTrust *trust;
-    nssSMIMEProfile *profile;
-/* forward static declarations */
-static NSSCertificate *
-nssCertStore_FindCertByIssuerAndSerialNumberLocked (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-NSS_IMPLEMENT nssCertificateStore *
-nssCertificateStore_Create (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssCertificateStore *store;
-    PRBool i_alloced_arena;
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-	arena = arenaOpt;
-	i_alloced_arena = PR_FALSE;
-    } else {
-	arena = nssArena_Create();
-	if (!arena) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	i_alloced_arena = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    store = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssCertificateStore);
-    if (!store) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    store->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
-    if (!store->lock) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Create the issuer/serial --> {cert, trust, S/MIME profile } hash */
-    store->issuer_and_serial = nssHash_CreateCertificate(arena, 0);
-    if (!store->issuer_and_serial) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Create the subject DER --> subject list hash */
-    store->subject = nssHash_CreateItem(arena, 0);
-    if (!store->subject) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    store->arena = arena;
-    store->i_alloced_arena = i_alloced_arena;
-    return store;
-    if (store) {
-	if (store->lock) {
-	    PZ_DestroyLock(store->lock);
-	}
-	if (store->issuer_and_serial) {
-	    nssHash_Destroy(store->issuer_and_serial);
-	}
-	if (store->subject) {
-	    nssHash_Destroy(store->subject);
-	}
-    }
-    if (i_alloced_arena) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_BUSY;
-nssCertificateStore_Destroy (
-  nssCertificateStore *store
-    if (nssHash_Count(store->issuer_and_serial) > 0) {
-	nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_BUSY);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_DestroyLock(store->lock);
-    nssHash_Destroy(store->issuer_and_serial);
-    nssHash_Destroy(store->subject);
-    if (store->i_alloced_arena) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(store->arena);
-    } else {
-	nss_ZFreeIf(store);
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-add_certificate_entry (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    entry = nss_ZNEW(cert->object.arena, certificate_hash_entry);
-    if (!entry) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    entry->cert = cert;
-    nssrv = nssHash_Add(store->issuer_and_serial, cert, entry);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	nss_ZFreeIf(entry);
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-static PRStatus
-add_subject_entry (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    subjectList = (nssList *)nssHash_Lookup(store->subject, &cert->subject);
-    if (subjectList) {
-	/* The subject is already in, add this cert to the list */
-	nssrv = nssList_AddUnique(subjectList, cert);
-    } else {
-	/* Create a new subject list for the subject */
-	subjectList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-	if (!subjectList) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	nssList_SetSortFunction(subjectList, nssCertificate_SubjectListSort);
-	/* Add the cert entry to this list of subjects */
-	nssrv = nssList_Add(subjectList, cert);
-	if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    return nssrv;
-	}
-	/* Add the subject list to the cache */
-	nssrv = nssHash_Add(store->subject, &cert->subject, subjectList);
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-/* declared below */
-static void
-remove_certificate_entry (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-/* Caller must hold store->lock */
-static PRStatus
-nssCertificateStore_AddLocked (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    PRStatus nssrv = add_certificate_entry(store, cert);
-    if (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	nssrv = add_subject_entry(store, cert);
-	if (nssrv == PR_FAILURE) {
-	    remove_certificate_entry(store, cert);
-	}
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-nssCertificateStore_FindOrAdd (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    rvCert = nssCertStore_FindCertByIssuerAndSerialNumberLocked(
-					   store, &c->issuer, &c->serial);
-    if (!rvCert) {
-	nssrv = nssCertificateStore_AddLocked(store, c);
-	if (PR_SUCCESS == nssrv) {
-	    rvCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(c);
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return rvCert;
-static void
-remove_certificate_entry (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                             nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-    if (entry) {
-	nssHash_Remove(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-	if (entry->trust) {
-	    nssTrust_Destroy(entry->trust);
-	}
-	if (entry->profile) {
-	    nssSMIMEProfile_Destroy(entry->profile);
-	}
-	nss_ZFreeIf(entry);
-    }
-static void
-remove_subject_entry (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    /* Get the subject list for the cert's subject */
-    subjectList = (nssList *)nssHash_Lookup(store->subject, &cert->subject);
-    if (subjectList) {
-	/* Remove the cert from the subject hash */
-	nssList_Remove(subjectList, cert);
-	nssHash_Remove(store->subject, &cert->subject);
-	if (nssList_Count(subjectList) == 0) {
-	    nssList_Destroy(subjectList);
-	} else {
-	    /* The cert being released may have keyed the subject entry.
-	     * Since there are still subject certs around, get another and
-	     * rekey the entry just in case.
-	     */
-	    NSSCertificate *subjectCert;
-	    (void)nssList_GetArray(subjectList, (void **)&subjectCert, 1);
-	    nssHash_Add(store->subject, &subjectCert->subject, subjectList);
-	}
-    }
-nssCertificateStore_RemoveCertLOCKED (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                              nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-    if (entry && entry->cert == cert) {
-	remove_certificate_entry(store, cert);
-	remove_subject_entry(store, cert);
-    }
-nssCertificateStore_Lock (
-  nssCertificateStore *store, nssCertificateStoreTrace* out
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    PORT_Assert(out);
-    out->store = store;
-    out->lock = store->lock;
-    out->locked = PR_TRUE;
-    PZ_Lock(out->lock);
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-nssCertificateStore_Unlock (
-  nssCertificateStore *store, const nssCertificateStoreTrace* in,
-  nssCertificateStoreTrace* out
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    PORT_Assert(in);
-    PORT_Assert(out);
-    out->store = store;
-    out->lock = store->lock;
-    PORT_Assert(!out->locked);
-    out->unlocked = PR_TRUE;
-    PORT_Assert(in->store == out->store);
-    PORT_Assert(in->lock == out->lock);
-    PORT_Assert(in->locked);
-    PORT_Assert(!in->unlocked);
-    PZ_Unlock(out->lock);
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-static NSSCertificate **
-get_array_from_list (
-  nssList *certList,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    PRUint32 count;
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    count = nssList_Count(certList);
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (maximumOpt > 0) {
-	count = PR_MIN(maximumOpt, count);
-    }
-    if (rvOpt) {
-	nssList_GetArray(certList, (void **)rvOpt, count);
-    } else {
-	rvArray = nss_ZNEWARRAY(arenaOpt, NSSCertificate *, count + 1);
-	if (rvArray) {
-	    nssList_GetArray(certList, (void **)rvArray, count);
-	}
-    }
-    return rvArray;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesBySubject (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    subjectList = (nssList *)nssHash_Lookup(store->subject, subject);
-    if (subjectList) {
-	nssCertificateList_AddReferences(subjectList);
-	rvArray = get_array_from_list(subjectList, 
-	                              rvOpt, maximumOpt, arenaOpt);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return rvArray;
-/* Because only subject indexing is implemented, all other lookups require
- * full traversal (unfortunately, PLHashTable doesn't allow you to exit
- * early from the enumeration).  The assumptions are that 1) lookups by 
- * fields other than subject will be rare, and 2) the hash will not have
- * a large number of entries.  These assumptions will be tested.
- *
- * XXX
- * For NSS 3.4, it is worth consideration to do all forms of indexing,
- * because the only crypto context is global and persistent.
- */
-struct nickname_template_str
-    NSSUTF8 *nickname;
-    nssList *subjectList;
-static void match_nickname(const void *k, void *v, void *a)
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    NSSUTF8 *nickname;
-    nssList *subjectList = (nssList *)v;
-    struct nickname_template_str *nt = (struct nickname_template_str *)a;
-    nssrv = nssList_GetArray(subjectList, (void **)&c, 1);
-    nickname = nssCertificate_GetNickname(c, NULL);
-    if (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS && nickname &&
-         nssUTF8_Equal(nickname, nt->nickname, &nssrv)) 
-    {
-	nt->subjectList = subjectList;
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(nickname);
- * Find all cached certs with this label.
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesByNickname (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    struct nickname_template_str nt;
-    nt.nickname = (char*) nickname;
-    nt.subjectList = NULL;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    nssHash_Iterate(store->subject, match_nickname, &nt);
-    if (nt.subjectList) {
-	nssCertificateList_AddReferences(nt.subjectList);
-	rvArray = get_array_from_list(nt.subjectList, 
-	                              rvOpt, maximumOpt, arenaOpt);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return rvArray;
-struct email_template_str
-    NSSASCII7 *email;
-    nssList *emailList;
-static void match_email(const void *k, void *v, void *a)
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    nssList *subjectList = (nssList *)v;
-    struct email_template_str *et = (struct email_template_str *)a;
-    nssrv = nssList_GetArray(subjectList, (void **)&c, 1);
-    if (nssrv == PR_SUCCESS && 
-         nssUTF8_Equal(c->email, et->email, &nssrv)) 
-    {
-	nssListIterator *iter = nssList_CreateIterator(subjectList);
-	if (iter) {
-	    for (c  = (NSSCertificate *)nssListIterator_Start(iter);
-	         c != (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-	         c  = (NSSCertificate *)nssListIterator_Next(iter))
-	    {
-		nssList_Add(et->emailList, c);
-	    }
-	    nssListIterator_Finish(iter);
-	    nssListIterator_Destroy(iter);
-	}
-    }
- * Find all cached certs with this email address.
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssCertificateStore_FindCertificatesByEmail (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    struct email_template_str et;
- = email;
-    et.emailList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!et.emailList) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    nssHash_Iterate(store->subject, match_email, &et);
-    if (et.emailList) {
-	/* get references before leaving the store's lock protection */
-	nssCertificateList_AddReferences(et.emailList);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    if (et.emailList) {
-	rvArray = get_array_from_list(et.emailList, 
-	                              rvOpt, maximumOpt, arenaOpt);
-	nssList_Destroy(et.emailList);
-    }
-    return rvArray;
-/* Caller holds store->lock */
-static NSSCertificate *
-nssCertStore_FindCertByIssuerAndSerialNumberLocked (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    NSSCertificate index;
-    index.issuer = *issuer;
-    index.serial = *serial;
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                           nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, &index);
-    if (entry) {
-	rvCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(entry->cert);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-nssCertificateStore_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    rvCert = nssCertStore_FindCertByIssuerAndSerialNumberLocked (
-                           store, issuer, serial);
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return rvCert;
-nssCertificateStore_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *encoding
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-    NSSDER issuer, serial;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    nssrv = nssPKIX509_GetIssuerAndSerialFromDER(encoding, &issuer, &serial);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCert = nssCertificateStore_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(store, 
-                                                                     &issuer, 
-                                                                     &serial);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return rvCert;
-nssCertificateStore_AddTrust (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSTrust *trust
-    NSSCertificate *cert;
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    cert = trust->certificate;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                              nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-    if (entry) {
-	NSSTrust* newTrust = nssTrust_AddRef(trust);
-	if (entry->trust) {
-	    nssTrust_Destroy(entry->trust);
-	}
-	entry->trust = newTrust;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return (entry) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-nssCertificateStore_FindTrustForCertificate (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    NSSTrust *rvTrust = NULL;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                              nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-    if (entry && entry->trust) {
-	rvTrust = nssTrust_AddRef(entry->trust);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return rvTrust;
-nssCertificateStore_AddSMIMEProfile (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-    NSSCertificate *cert;
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    cert = profile->certificate;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                              nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-    if (entry) {
-	nssSMIMEProfile* newProfile = nssSMIMEProfile_AddRef(profile);
-	if (entry->profile) {
-	    nssSMIMEProfile_Destroy(entry->profile);
-	}
-	entry->profile = newProfile;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return (entry) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-nssCertificateStore_FindSMIMEProfileForCertificate (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    certificate_hash_entry *entry;
-    nssSMIMEProfile *rvProfile = NULL;
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    entry = (certificate_hash_entry *)
-                              nssHash_Lookup(store->issuer_and_serial, cert);
-    if (entry && entry->profile) {
-	rvProfile = nssSMIMEProfile_AddRef(entry->profile);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
-    return rvProfile;
-/* XXX this is also used by cache and should be somewhere else */
-static PLHashNumber
-nss_certificate_hash (
-  const void *key
-    unsigned int i;
-    PLHashNumber h;
-    NSSCertificate *c = (NSSCertificate *)key;
-    h = 0;
-    for (i=0; i<c->issuer.size; i++)
-	h = PR_ROTATE_LEFT32(h, 4) ^ ((unsigned char *)c->[i];
-    for (i=0; i<c->serial.size; i++)
-	h = PR_ROTATE_LEFT32(h, 4) ^ ((unsigned char *)c->[i];
-    return h;
-static int
-nss_compare_certs(const void *v1, const void *v2)
-    PRStatus ignore;
-    NSSCertificate *c1 = (NSSCertificate *)v1;
-    NSSCertificate *c2 = (NSSCertificate *)v2;
-    return (int)(nssItem_Equal(&c1->issuer, &c2->issuer, &ignore) &&
-                 nssItem_Equal(&c1->serial, &c2->serial, &ignore));
-nssHash_CreateCertificate (
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt,
-  PRUint32 numBuckets
-    return nssHash_Create(arenaOpt, 
-                          numBuckets, 
-                          nss_certificate_hash, 
-                          nss_compare_certs, 
-                          PL_CompareValues);
-nssCertificateStore_DumpStoreInfo (
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  void (* cert_dump_iter)(const void *, void *, void *),
-  void *arg
-    PZ_Lock(store->lock);
-    nssHash_Iterate(store->issuer_and_serial, cert_dump_iter, arg);
-    PZ_Unlock(store->lock);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pkistore.h b/nss/lib/pki/pkistore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d8944..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pkistore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKISTORE_H
-#define PKISTORE_H
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#include "nsspkit.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
- * PKI Stores
- *
- * This is a set of routines for managing local stores of PKI objects.
- * Currently, the only application is in crypto contexts, where the
- * certificate store is used.  In the future, methods should be added
- * here for storing local references to keys.
- */
- * nssCertificateStore
- *
- * Manages local store of certificate, trust, and S/MIME profile objects.
- * Within a crypto context, mappings of cert to trust and cert to S/MIME
- * profile are always 1-1.  Therefore, it is reasonable to store all objects
- * in a single collection, indexed by the certificate.
- */
-NSS_EXTERN nssCertificateStore *
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-  nssCertificateStore *store
-/* Atomic Find cert in store, or add this cert to the store.
-** Ref counts properly maintained.
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *c
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-struct nssCertificateStoreTraceStr {
-    nssCertificateStore* store;
-    PZLock* lock;
-    PRBool locked;
-    PRBool unlocked;
-typedef struct nssCertificateStoreTraceStr nssCertificateStoreTrace;
-nssCertificateStore_Lock (
-  nssCertificateStore *store, nssCertificateStoreTrace* out
-nssCertificateStore_Unlock (
-  nssCertificateStore *store, const nssCertificateStoreTrace* in,
-  nssCertificateStoreTrace* out
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate *
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSDER *encoding
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSTrust *trust
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  nssSMIMEProfile *profile
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-  nssCertificateStore *store,
-  void (* cert_dump_iter)(const void *, void *, void *),
-  void *arg
-#endif /* PKISTORE_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pkit.h b/nss/lib/pki/pkit.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5855dd2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pkit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#define PKIT_H
- * pkit.h
- *
- * This file contains definitions for the types of the top-level PKI objects.
- */
-#ifndef NSSBASET_H
-#include "nssbaset.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASET_H */
-#ifndef BASET_H
-#include "baset.h"
-#endif /* BASET_H */
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#ifndef NSSPKIT_H
-#include "nsspkit.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKIT_H */
-#ifndef NSSDEVT_H
-#include "nssdevt.h"
-#endif /* NSSDEVT_H */
-#ifndef DEVT_H
-#include "devt.h"
-#endif /* DEVT_H */
-#ifndef nssrwlkt_h__
-#include "nssrwlkt.h"
-#endif /* nssrwlkt_h__ */
- * A note on ephemeral certs
- *
- * The key objects defined here can only be created on tokens, and can only
- * exist on tokens.  Therefore, any instance of a key object must have
- * a corresponding cryptoki instance.  OTOH, certificates created in 
- * crypto contexts need not be stored as session objects on the token.
- * There are good performance reasons for not doing so.  The certificate
- * and trust objects have been defined with a cryptoContext field to
- * allow for ephemeral certs, which may have a single instance in a crypto
- * context along with any number (including zero) of cryptoki instances.
- * Since contexts may not share objects, there can be only one context
- * for each object.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    nssPKILock = 1,
-    nssPKIMonitor = 2
-} nssPKILockType;
-/* nssPKIObject
- *
- * This is the base object class, common to all PKI objects defined in
- * nsspkit.h
- */
-struct nssPKIObjectStr 
-    /* The arena for all object memory */
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    /* Atomically incremented/decremented reference counting */
-    PRInt32 refCount;
-    /* lock protects the array of nssCryptokiInstance's of the object */
-    union {
-        PZLock* lock;
-        PZMonitor *mlock;
-    } sync;
-    nssPKILockType lockType;
-    /* XXX with LRU cache, this cannot be guaranteed up-to-date.  It cannot
-     * be compared against the update level of the trust domain, since it is
-     * also affected by import/export.  Where is this array needed?
-     */
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances;
-    PRUint32 numInstances;
-    /* The object must live in a trust domain */
-    NSSTrustDomain *trustDomain;
-    /* The object may live in a crypto context */
-    NSSCryptoContext *cryptoContext;
-    /* XXX added so temp certs can have nickname, think more ... */
-    NSSUTF8 *tempName;
-typedef struct nssDecodedCertStr nssDecodedCert;
-typedef struct nssCertificateStoreStr nssCertificateStore;
-/* How wide is the scope of this? */
-typedef struct nssSMIMEProfileStr nssSMIMEProfile;
-typedef struct nssPKIObjectStr nssPKIObject;
-struct NSSTrustStr 
-    nssPKIObject object;
-    NSSCertificate *certificate;
-    nssTrustLevel serverAuth;
-    nssTrustLevel clientAuth;
-    nssTrustLevel emailProtection;
-    nssTrustLevel codeSigning;
-    PRBool stepUpApproved;
-struct nssSMIMEProfileStr
-    nssPKIObject object;
-    NSSCertificate *certificate;
-    NSSASCII7 *email;
-    NSSDER *subject;
-    NSSItem *profileTime;
-    NSSItem *profileData;
-struct NSSCertificateStr
-    nssPKIObject object;
-    NSSCertificateType type;
-    NSSItem id;
-    NSSBER encoding;
-    NSSDER issuer;
-    NSSDER subject;
-    NSSDER serial;
-    NSSASCII7 *email;
-    nssDecodedCert *decoding;
-struct NSSPrivateKeyStr;
-struct NSSPublicKeyStr;
-struct NSSSymmetricKeyStr;
-typedef struct nssTDCertificateCacheStr nssTDCertificateCache;
-struct NSSTrustDomainStr {
-    PRInt32 refCount;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSCallback *defaultCallback;
-    nssList *tokenList;
-    nssListIterator *tokens;
-    nssTDCertificateCache *cache;
-    NSSRWLock *tokensLock;
-    void *spkDigestInfo;
-    CERTStatusConfig *statusConfig;
-struct NSSCryptoContextStr
-    PRInt32 refCount;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSTrustDomain *td;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    nssSession *session;
-    nssCertificateStore *certStore;
-struct NSSTimeStr {
-    PRTime prTime;
-struct NSSCRLStr {
-  nssPKIObject object;
-  NSSDER encoding;
-  NSSUTF8 *url;
-  PRBool isKRL;
-typedef struct NSSCRLStr NSSCRL;
-struct NSSPoliciesStr;
-struct NSSAlgorithmAndParametersStr;
-struct NSSPKIXCertificateStr;
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/pkitm.h b/nss/lib/pki/pkitm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76e2c66..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/pkitm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKITM_H
-#define PKITM_H
- * pkitm.h
- *
- * This file contains PKI-module specific types.
- */
-#ifndef BASET_H
-#include "baset.h"
-#endif /* BASET_H */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#include "pkit.h"
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
-typedef enum nssCertIDMatchEnum {
-  nssCertIDMatch_Yes = 0,
-  nssCertIDMatch_No = 1,
-  nssCertIDMatch_Unknown = 2
-} nssCertIDMatch;
- * nssDecodedCert
- *
- * This is an interface to allow the PKI module access to certificate
- * information that can only be found by decoding.  The interface is
- * generic, allowing each certificate type its own way of providing
- * the information
- */
-struct nssDecodedCertStr {
-    NSSCertificateType type;
-    void *data;
-    /* returns the unique identifier for the cert */
-    NSSItem *  (*getIdentifier)(nssDecodedCert *dc);
-    /* returns the unique identifier for this cert's issuer */
-    void *     (*getIssuerIdentifier)(nssDecodedCert *dc);
-    /* is id the identifier for this cert? */
-    nssCertIDMatch (*matchIdentifier)(nssDecodedCert *dc, void *id);
-    /* is this cert a valid CA cert? */
-    PRBool     (*isValidIssuer)(nssDecodedCert *dc);
-    /* returns the cert usage */
-    NSSUsage * (*getUsage)(nssDecodedCert *dc);
-    /* is time within the validity period of the cert? */
-    PRBool     (*isValidAtTime)(nssDecodedCert *dc, NSSTime *time);
-    /* is the validity period of this cert newer than cmpdc? */
-    PRBool     (*isNewerThan)(nssDecodedCert *dc, nssDecodedCert *cmpdc);
-    /* does the usage for this cert match the requested usage? */
-    PRBool     (*matchUsage)(nssDecodedCert *dc, const NSSUsage *usage);
-    /* is this cert trusted for the requested usage? */
-    PRBool     (*isTrustedForUsage)(nssDecodedCert *dc,
-                                    const NSSUsage *usage);
-    /* extract the email address */
-    NSSASCII7 *(*getEmailAddress)(nssDecodedCert *dc);
-    /* extract the DER-encoded serial number */
-    PRStatus   (*getDERSerialNumber)(nssDecodedCert *dc,
-                                     NSSDER *derSerial, NSSArena *arena);
-struct NSSUsageStr {
-    PRBool anyUsage;
-    SECCertUsage nss3usage;
-    PRBool nss3lookingForCA;
-typedef struct nssPKIObjectCollectionStr nssPKIObjectCollection;
-typedef struct
-  union {
-    PRStatus (*  cert)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg);
-    PRStatus (*   crl)(NSSCRL       *crl, void *arg);
-    PRStatus (* pvkey)(NSSPrivateKey *vk, void *arg);
-    PRStatus (* pbkey)(NSSPublicKey *bk, void *arg);
-  } func;
-  void *arg;
-} nssPKIObjectCallback;
-#endif /* PKITM_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/symmkey.c b/nss/lib/pki/symmkey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ed47a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/symmkey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-NSSSymmetricKey_Destroy (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSSymmetricKey_DeleteStoredObject (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSSymmetricKey_GetKeyLength (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return -1;
-NSSSymmetricKey_GetKeyStrength (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return -1;
-NSSSymmetricKey_IsStillPresent (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSSymmetricKey_GetTrustDomain (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_GetToken (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_GetSlot (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_GetModule (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_Encrypt (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_Decrypt (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *encryptedData,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_Sign (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_SignRecover (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_Verify (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *data,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSSymmetricKey_VerifyRecover (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *signature,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_WrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSSymmetricKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_WrapPrivateKey (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPrivateKey *keyToWrap,
-  NSSCallback *uhh,
-  NSSItem *rvOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_UnwrapSymmetricKey (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt,
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_UnwrapPrivateKey (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *wrappingKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSItem *wrappedKey,
-  NSSUTF8 *labelOpt,
-  NSSItem *keyIDOpt,
-  PRBool persistant,
-  PRBool sensitive,
-  NSSToken *destinationOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_DeriveSymmetricKey (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *originalKey,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSOID *target,
-  PRUint32 keySizeOpt,
-  NSSOperations operations,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSSymmetricKey_CreateCryptoContext (
-  NSSSymmetricKey *mk,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhh
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/tdcache.c b/nss/lib/pki/tdcache.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9dfdd..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/tdcache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1133 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#ifndef PKIT_H
-#include "pkit.h"
-#endif /* PKIT_H */
-#ifndef NSSPKI_H
-#include "nsspki.h"
-#endif /* NSSPKI_H */
-#ifndef PKI_H
-#include "pki.h"
-#endif /* PKI_H */
-#ifndef NSSBASE_H
-#include "nssbase.h"
-#endif /* NSSBASE_H */
-#ifndef BASE_H
-#include "base.h"
-#endif /* BASE_H */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "dev.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-static PRLogModuleInfo *s_log = NULL;
-static void log_item_dump(const char *msg, NSSItem *it)
-    char buf[33];
-    int i, j;
-    for (i=0; i<10 && i<it->size; i++) {
-	sprintf(&buf[2*i], "%02X", ((PRUint8 *)it->data)[i]);
-    }
-    if (it->size>10) {
-	sprintf(&buf[2*i], "..");
-	i += 1;
-	for (j=it->size-1; i<=16 && j>10; i++, j--) {
-	    sprintf(&buf[2*i], "%02X", ((PRUint8 *)it->data)[j]);
-	}
-    }
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("%s: %s", msg, buf));
-static void log_cert_ref(const char *msg, NSSCertificate *c)
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("%s: %s", msg,
-                           (c->nickname) ? c->nickname : c->email));
-    log_item_dump("\tserial", &c->serial);
-    log_item_dump("\tsubject", &c->subject);
-/* Certificate cache routines */
-/* XXX
- * Locking is not handled well at all.  A single, global lock with sub-locks
- * in the collection types.  Cleanup needed.
- */
-/* should it live in its own arena? */
-struct nssTDCertificateCacheStr 
-    PZLock *lock;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssHash *issuerAndSN;
-    nssHash *subject;
-    nssHash *nickname;
-    nssHash *email;
-struct cache_entry_str 
-    union {
-	NSSCertificate *cert;
-	nssList *list;
-	void *value;
-    } entry;
-    PRUint32 hits;
-    PRTime lastHit;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSUTF8 *nickname;
-typedef struct cache_entry_str cache_entry;
-static cache_entry *
-new_cache_entry(NSSArena *arena, void *value, PRBool ownArena)
-    cache_entry *ce = nss_ZNEW(arena, cache_entry);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->entry.value = value;
-	ce->hits = 1;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	if (ownArena) {
-	    ce->arena = arena;
-	}
-	ce->nickname = NULL;
-    }
-    return ce;
-/* this should not be exposed in a header, but is here to keep the above
- * types/functions static
- */
-nssTrustDomain_InitializeCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRUint32 cacheSize
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    nssTDCertificateCache *cache = td->cache;
-    s_log = PR_NewLogModule("nss_cache");
-    PR_ASSERT(s_log);
-    PR_ASSERT(!cache);
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    cache = nss_ZNEW(arena, nssTDCertificateCache);
-    if (!cache) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    cache->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockCache);
-    if (!cache->lock) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /* Create the issuer and serial DER --> certificate hash */
-    cache->issuerAndSN = nssHash_CreateCertificate(arena, cacheSize);
-    if (!cache->issuerAndSN) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Create the subject DER --> subject list hash */
-    cache->subject = nssHash_CreateItem(arena, cacheSize);
-    if (!cache->subject) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Create the nickname --> subject list hash */
-    cache->nickname = nssHash_CreateString(arena, cacheSize);
-    if (!cache->nickname) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Create the email --> list of subject lists hash */
-    cache->email = nssHash_CreateString(arena, cacheSize);
-    if (!cache->email) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cache->arena = arena;
-    td->cache = cache;
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Cache initialized."));
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-    PZ_DestroyLock(cache->lock);
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    td->cache = NULL;
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Cache initialization failed."));
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-/* The entries of the hashtable are currently dependent on the certificate(s)
- * that produced them.  That is, the entries will be freed when the cert is
- * released from the cache.  If there are certs in the cache at any time,
- * including shutdown, the hash table entries will hold memory.  In order for
- * clean shutdown, it is necessary for there to be no certs in the cache.
- */
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_BUSY;
-nssTrustDomain_DestroyCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-    if (!td->cache) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if (nssHash_Count(td->cache->issuerAndSN) > 0) {
-	nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_BUSY);
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    PZ_DestroyLock(td->cache->lock);
-    nssHash_Destroy(td->cache->issuerAndSN);
-    nssHash_Destroy(td->cache->subject);
-    nssHash_Destroy(td->cache->nickname);
-    nssHash_Destroy(td->cache->email);
-    nssArena_Destroy(td->cache->arena);
-    td->cache = NULL;
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Cache destroyed."));
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-remove_issuer_and_serial_entry (
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    /* Remove the cert from the issuer/serial hash */
-    nssHash_Remove(cache->issuerAndSN, cert);
-    log_cert_ref("removed issuer/sn", cert);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-remove_subject_entry (
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache,
-  NSSCertificate *cert,
-  nssList **subjectList,
-  NSSUTF8 **nickname,
-  NSSArena **arena
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    *subjectList = NULL;
-    *arena = NULL;
-    /* Get the subject list for the cert's subject */
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(cache->subject, &cert->subject);
-    if (ce) {
-	/* Remove the cert from the subject hash */
-	nssList_Remove(ce->entry.list, cert);
-	*subjectList = ce->entry.list;
-	*nickname = ce->nickname;
-	*arena = ce->arena;
-	nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-	log_cert_ref("removed cert", cert);
-	log_item_dump("from subject list", &cert->subject);
-    } else {
-	nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-static PRStatus
-remove_nickname_entry (
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache,
-  NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  nssList *subjectList
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    if (nickname) {
-	nssHash_Remove(cache->nickname, nickname);
-	nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-	PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("removed nickname %s", nickname));
-    } else {
-	nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-static PRStatus
-remove_email_entry (
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache,
-  NSSCertificate *cert,
-  nssList *subjectList
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    /* Find the subject list in the email hash */
-    if (cert->email) {
-	ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(cache->email, cert->email);
-	if (ce) {
-	    nssList *subjects = ce->entry.list;
-	    /* Remove the subject list from the email hash */
-	    nssList_Remove(subjects, subjectList);
-	    log_item_dump("removed subject list", &cert->subject);
-	    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("for email %s", cert->email));
-	    if (nssList_Count(subjects) == 0) {
-		/* No more subject lists for email, delete list and
-		* remove hash entry
-		*/
-		(void)nssList_Destroy(subjects);
-		nssHash_Remove(cache->email, cert->email);
-		/* there are no entries left for this address, free space
-		 * used for email entries
-		 */
-		nssArena_Destroy(ce->arena);
-		PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("removed email %s", cert->email));
-	    }
-	    nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-	}
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-nssTrustDomain_RemoveCertFromCacheLOCKED (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSUTF8 *nickname = NULL;
-    log_cert_ref("attempt to remove cert", cert);
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(td->cache->issuerAndSN, cert);
-    if (!ce || ce->entry.cert != cert) {
-	/* If it's not in the cache, or a different cert is (this is really
-	 * for safety reasons, though it shouldn't happen), do nothing 
-	 */
-	PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("but it wasn't in the cache"));
-	return;
-    }
-    (void)remove_issuer_and_serial_entry(td->cache, cert);
-    (void)remove_subject_entry(td->cache, cert, &subjectList, 
-                               &nickname, &arena);
-    if (nssList_Count(subjectList) == 0) {
-	(void)remove_nickname_entry(td->cache, nickname, subjectList);
-	(void)remove_email_entry(td->cache, cert, subjectList);
-	(void)nssList_Destroy(subjectList);
-	nssHash_Remove(td->cache->subject, &cert->subject);
-	/* there are no entries left for this subject, free the space used
-	 * for both the nickname and subject entries
-	 */
-	if (arena) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	}
-    }
-nssTrustDomain_LockCertCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-nssTrustDomain_UnlockCertCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-struct token_cert_dtor {
-    NSSToken *token;
-    nssTDCertificateCache *cache;
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    PRUint32 numCerts, arrSize;
-static void 
-remove_token_certs(const void *k, void *v, void *a)
-    NSSCertificate *c = (NSSCertificate *)k;
-    nssPKIObject *object = &c->object;
-    struct token_cert_dtor *dtor = a;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    nssPKIObject_AddRef(object);
-    nssPKIObject_Lock(object);
-    for (i=0; i<object->numInstances; i++) {
-	if (object->instances[i]->token == dtor->token) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(object->instances[i]);
-	    object->instances[i] = object->instances[object->numInstances-1];
-	    object->instances[object->numInstances-1] = NULL;
-	    object->numInstances--;
-	    dtor->certs[dtor->numCerts++] = c;
-	    if (dtor->numCerts == dtor->arrSize) {
-		dtor->arrSize *= 2;
-		dtor->certs = nss_ZREALLOCARRAY(dtor->certs, 
-		                                NSSCertificate *,
-		                                dtor->arrSize);
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssPKIObject_Unlock(object);
-    nssPKIObject_Destroy(object);
-    return;
- * Remove all certs for the given token from the cache.  This is
- * needed if the token is removed. 
- */
-nssTrustDomain_RemoveTokenCertsFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
-    NSSCertificate **certs;
-    PRUint32 i, arrSize = 10;
-    struct token_cert_dtor dtor;
-    certs = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, arrSize);
-    if (!certs) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    dtor.cache = td->cache;
-    dtor.token = token;
-    dtor.certs = certs;
-    dtor.numCerts = 0;
-    dtor.arrSize = arrSize;
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    nssHash_Iterate(td->cache->issuerAndSN, remove_token_certs, &dtor);
-    for (i=0; i<dtor.numCerts; i++) {
-	if (dtor.certs[i]->object.numInstances == 0) {
-	    nssTrustDomain_RemoveCertFromCacheLOCKED(td, dtor.certs[i]);
-	    dtor.certs[i] = NULL;  /* skip this cert in the second for loop */
-	} else {
-	    /* make sure it doesn't disappear on us before we finish */
-	    nssCertificate_AddRef(dtor.certs[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    for (i=0; i<dtor.numCerts; i++) {
-	if (dtor.certs[i]) {
-	    STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate(dtor.certs[i]);
-	    nssCertificate_Destroy(dtor.certs[i]);
-	}
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(dtor.certs);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssTrustDomain_UpdateCachedTokenCerts (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
-    NSSCertificate **cp, **cached = NULL;
-    nssList *certList;
-    PRUint32 count;
-    certList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!certList) return PR_FAILURE;
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsFromCache(td, certList);
-    count = nssList_Count(certList);
-    if (count > 0) {
-	cached = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, count + 1);
-	if (!cached) {
-	    nssList_Destroy(certList);
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	nssList_GetArray(certList, (void **)cached, count);
-	for (cp = cached; *cp; cp++) {
-	    nssCryptokiObject *instance;
-	    NSSCertificate *c = *cp;
-	    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	    instance = nssToken_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(
-	                                                       token,
-                                                               NULL,
-                                                               &c->issuer,
-                                                               &c->serial,
-                                                               tokenOnly,
-                                                               NULL);
-	    if (instance) {
-		nssPKIObject_AddInstance(&c->object, instance);
-		STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate(c);
-	    }
-	}
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(cached);
-    }
-    nssList_Destroy(certList);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-add_issuer_and_serial_entry (
-  NSSArena *arena,
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache, 
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    ce = new_cache_entry(arena, (void *)cert, PR_FALSE);
-    log_cert_ref("added to issuer/sn", cert);
-    return nssHash_Add(cache->issuerAndSN, cert, (void *)ce);
-static PRStatus
-add_subject_entry (
-  NSSArena *arena,
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache, 
-  NSSCertificate *cert,
-  NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  nssList **subjectList
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    nssList *list;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    *subjectList = NULL;  /* this is only set if a new one is created */
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(cache->subject, &cert->subject);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	/* The subject is already in, add this cert to the list */
-	nssrv = nssList_AddUnique(ce->entry.list, cert);
-	log_cert_ref("added to existing subject list", cert);
-    } else {
-	NSSDER *subject;
-	/* Create a new subject list for the subject */
-	list = nssList_Create(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	if (!list) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	ce = new_cache_entry(arena, (void *)list, PR_TRUE);
-	if (!ce) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (nickname) {
-	    ce->nickname = nssUTF8_Duplicate(nickname, arena);
-	}
-	nssList_SetSortFunction(list, nssCertificate_SubjectListSort);
-	/* Add the cert entry to this list of subjects */
-	nssrv = nssList_AddUnique(list, cert);
-	if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    return nssrv;
-	}
-	/* Add the subject list to the cache */
-	subject = nssItem_Duplicate(&cert->subject, arena, NULL);
-	if (!subject) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	nssrv = nssHash_Add(cache->subject, subject, ce);
-	if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    return nssrv;
-	}
-	*subjectList = list;
-	log_cert_ref("created subject list", cert);
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-static PRStatus
-add_nickname_entry (
-  NSSArena *arena,
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache, 
-  NSSUTF8 *certNickname,
-  nssList *subjectList
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(cache->nickname, certNickname);
-    if (ce) {
-	/* This is a collision.  A nickname entry already exists for this
-	 * subject, but a subject entry didn't.  This would imply there are
-	 * two subjects using the same nickname, which is not allowed.
-	 */
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    } else {
-	NSSUTF8 *nickname;
-	ce = new_cache_entry(arena, subjectList, PR_FALSE);
-	if (!ce) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	nickname = nssUTF8_Duplicate(certNickname, arena);
-	if (!nickname) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	nssrv = nssHash_Add(cache->nickname, nickname, ce);
-	log_cert_ref("created nickname for", cert);
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-static PRStatus
-add_email_entry (
-  nssTDCertificateCache *cache, 
-  NSSCertificate *cert,
-  nssList *subjectList
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_SUCCESS;
-    nssList *subjects;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(cache->email, cert->email);
-    if (ce) {
-	/* Already have an entry for this email address, but not subject */
-	subjects = ce->entry.list;
-	nssrv = nssList_AddUnique(subjects, subjectList);
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	log_cert_ref("added subject to email for", cert);
-    } else {
-	NSSASCII7 *email;
-	NSSArena *arena;
-	arena = nssArena_Create();
-	if (!arena) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	/* Create a new list of subject lists, add this subject */
-	subjects = nssList_Create(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	if (!subjects) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	/* Add the new subject to the list */
-	nssrv = nssList_AddUnique(subjects, subjectList);
-	if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return nssrv;
-	}
-	/* Add the new entry to the cache */
-	ce = new_cache_entry(arena, (void *)subjects, PR_TRUE);
-	if (!ce) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	email = nssUTF8_Duplicate(cert->email, arena);
-	if (!email) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	}
-	nssrv = nssHash_Add(cache->email, email, ce);
-	if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-	    return nssrv;
-	}
-	log_cert_ref("created email for", cert);
-    }
-    return nssrv;
-static void
-remove_object_instances (
-  nssPKIObject *object,
-  nssCryptokiObject **instances,
-  int numInstances
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) {
-	nssPKIObject_RemoveInstanceForToken(object, instances[i]->token);
-    }
-static SECStatus
-merge_object_instances (
-  nssPKIObject *to,
-  nssPKIObject *from
-    nssCryptokiObject **instances, **ci;
-    int i;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    instances = nssPKIObject_GetInstances(from);
-    if (instances == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (ci = instances, i = 0; *ci; ci++, i++) {
-	nssCryptokiObject *instance = nssCryptokiObject_Clone(*ci);
-	if (instance) {
-	    if (nssPKIObject_AddInstance(to, instance) == PR_SUCCESS) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(instance);
-	}
-	remove_object_instances(to, instances, i);
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	break;
-    }
-    nssCryptokiObjectArray_Destroy(instances);
-    return rv;
-static NSSCertificate *
-add_cert_to_cache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td, 
-  NSSCertificate *cert
-    NSSArena *arena = NULL;
-    nssList *subjectList = NULL;
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    PRUint32 added = 0;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    NSSUTF8 *certNickname = nssCertificate_GetNickname(cert, NULL);
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    /* If it exists in the issuer/serial hash, it's already in all */
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(td->cache->issuerAndSN, cert);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	rvCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(ce->entry.cert);
-	log_cert_ref("attempted to add cert already in cache", cert);
-	PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-        nss_ZFreeIf(certNickname);
-	/* collision - somebody else already added the cert
-	 * to the cache before this thread got around to it.
-	 */
-	/* merge the instances of the cert */
-	if (merge_object_instances(&rvCert->object, &cert->object)
-							!= SECSuccess) {
-	    nssCertificate_Destroy(rvCert);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	STAN_ForceCERTCertificateUpdate(rvCert);
-	nssCertificate_Destroy(cert);
-	return rvCert;
-    }
-    /* create a new cache entry for this cert within the cert's arena*/
-    nssrv = add_issuer_and_serial_entry(cert->object.arena, td->cache, cert);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    added++;
-    /* create an arena for the nickname and subject entries */
-    arena = nssArena_Create();
-    if (!arena) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* create a new subject list for this cert, or add to existing */
-    nssrv = add_subject_entry(arena, td->cache, cert, 
-						certNickname, &subjectList);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    added++;
-    /* If a new subject entry was created, also need nickname and/or email */
-    if (subjectList != NULL) {
-#ifdef nodef
-	PRBool handle = PR_FALSE;
-	if (certNickname) {
-	    nssrv = add_nickname_entry(arena, td->cache, 
-						certNickname, subjectList);
-	    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-#ifdef nodef
-	    handle = PR_TRUE;
-	    added++;
-	}
-	if (cert->email) {
-	    nssrv = add_email_entry(td->cache, cert, subjectList);
-	    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-#ifdef nodef
-	    handle = PR_TRUE;
-	    added += 2;
-	}
-#ifdef nodef
-	/* I think either a nickname or email address must be associated
-	 * with the cert.  However, certs are passed to NewTemp without
-	 * either.  This worked in the old code, so it must work now.
-	 */
-	if (!handle) {
-	    /* Require either nickname or email handle */
-	    nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    } else {
-    	/* A new subject entry was not created.  arena is unused. */
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    rvCert = cert;
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    nss_ZFreeIf(certNickname);
-    return rvCert;
-    nss_ZFreeIf(certNickname);
-    certNickname = NULL;
-    /* Remove any handles that have been created */
-    subjectList = NULL;
-    if (added >= 1) {
-	(void)remove_issuer_and_serial_entry(td->cache, cert);
-    }
-    if (added >= 2) {
-	(void)remove_subject_entry(td->cache, cert, &subjectList, 
-						&certNickname, &arena);
-    }
-    if (added == 3 || added == 5) {
-	(void)remove_nickname_entry(td->cache, certNickname, subjectList);
-    }
-    if (added >= 4) {
-	(void)remove_email_entry(td->cache, cert, subjectList);
-    }
-    if (subjectList) {
-	nssHash_Remove(td->cache->subject, &cert->subject);
-	nssList_Destroy(subjectList);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    return NULL;
-nssTrustDomain_AddCertsToCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate **certs,
-  PRUint32 numCerts
-    PRUint32 i;
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    for (i=0; i<numCerts && certs[i]; i++) {
-	c = add_cert_to_cache(td, certs[i]);
-	if (c == NULL) {
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	} else {
-	    certs[i] = c;
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static NSSCertificate **
-collect_subject_certs (
-  nssList *subjectList,
-  nssList *rvCertListOpt
-    NSSCertificate *c;
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    PRUint32 count;
-    nssCertificateList_AddReferences(subjectList);
-    if (rvCertListOpt) {
-	nssListIterator *iter = nssList_CreateIterator(subjectList);
-	if (!iter) {
-	    return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-	}
-	for (c  = (NSSCertificate *)nssListIterator_Start(iter);
-	     c != (NSSCertificate *)NULL;
-	     c  = (NSSCertificate *)nssListIterator_Next(iter)) {
-	    nssList_Add(rvCertListOpt, c);
-	}
-	nssListIterator_Finish(iter);
-	nssListIterator_Destroy(iter);
-    } else {
-	count = nssList_Count(subjectList);
-	rvArray = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, count + 1);
-	if (!rvArray) {
-	    return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-	}
-	nssList_GetArray(subjectList, (void **)rvArray, count);
-    }
-    return rvArray;
- * Find all cached certs with this subject.
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForSubjectFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  nssList *certListOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    log_item_dump("looking for cert by subject", subject);
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(td->cache->subject, subject);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("... found, %d hits", ce->hits));
-	rvArray = collect_subject_certs(ce->entry.list, certListOpt);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    return rvArray;
- * Find all cached certs with this label.
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForNicknameFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  const NSSUTF8 *nickname,
-  nssList *certListOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("looking for cert by nick %s", nickname));
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(td->cache->nickname, nickname);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("... found, %d hits", ce->hits));
-	rvArray = collect_subject_certs(ce->entry.list, certListOpt);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    return rvArray;
- * Find all cached certs with this email address.
- */
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForEmailAddressFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  nssList *certListOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    cache_entry *ce;
-    nssList *collectList = NULL;
-    nssListIterator *iter = NULL;
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("looking for cert by email %s", email));
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(td->cache->email, email);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("... found, %d hits", ce->hits));
-	/* loop over subject lists and get refs for certs */
-	if (certListOpt) {
-	    collectList = certListOpt;
-	} else {
-	    collectList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-	    if (!collectList) {
-		PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-		return NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	iter = nssList_CreateIterator(ce->entry.list);
-	if (!iter) {
-	    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-	    if (!certListOpt) {
-		nssList_Destroy(collectList);
-	    }
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	for (subjectList  = (nssList *)nssListIterator_Start(iter);
-	     subjectList != (nssList *)NULL;
-	     subjectList  = (nssList *)nssListIterator_Next(iter)) {
-	    (void)collect_subject_certs(subjectList, collectList);
-	}
-	nssListIterator_Finish(iter);
-	nssListIterator_Destroy(iter);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    if (!certListOpt && collectList) {
-	PRUint32 count = nssList_Count(collectList);
-	rvArray = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, count);
-	if (rvArray) {
-	    nssList_GetArray(collectList, (void **)rvArray, count);
-	}
-	nssList_Destroy(collectList);
-    }
-    return rvArray;
- * Look for a specific cert in the cache
- */
-nssTrustDomain_GetCertForIssuerAndSNFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-    NSSCertificate certkey;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    cache_entry *ce;
- = issuer->data;
-    certkey.issuer.size = issuer->size;
- = serial->data;
-    certkey.serial.size = serial->size;
-    log_item_dump("looking for cert by issuer/sn, issuer", issuer);
-    log_item_dump("                               serial", serial);
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    ce = (cache_entry *)nssHash_Lookup(td->cache->issuerAndSN, &certkey);
-    if (ce) {
-	ce->hits++;
-	ce->lastHit = PR_Now();
-	rvCert = nssCertificate_AddRef(ce->entry.cert);
-	PR_LOG(s_log, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("... found, %d hits", ce->hits));
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    return rvCert;
- * Look for a specific cert in the cache
- */
-nssTrustDomain_GetCertByDERFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *der
-    PRStatus nssrv = PR_FAILURE;
-    NSSDER issuer, serial;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert;
-    nssrv = nssPKIX509_GetIssuerAndSerialFromDER(der, &issuer, &serial);
-    if (nssrv != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    log_item_dump("looking for cert by DER", der);
-    rvCert = nssTrustDomain_GetCertForIssuerAndSNFromCache(td, 
-                                                           &issuer, &serial);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return rvCert;
-static void cert_iter(const void *k, void *v, void *a)
-    nssList *certList = (nssList *)a;
-    NSSCertificate *c = (NSSCertificate *)k;
-    nssList_Add(certList, nssCertificate_AddRef(c));
-NSS_EXTERN NSSCertificate **
-nssTrustDomain_GetCertsFromCache (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  nssList *certListOpt
-    NSSCertificate **rvArray = NULL;
-    nssList *certList;
-    if (certListOpt) {
-	certList = certListOpt;
-    } else {
-	certList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-	if (!certList) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    nssHash_Iterate(td->cache->issuerAndSN, cert_iter, (void *)certList);
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
-    if (!certListOpt) {
-	PRUint32 count = nssList_Count(certList);
-	rvArray = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, count);
-	nssList_GetArray(certList, (void **)rvArray, count);
-	/* array takes the references */
-	nssList_Destroy(certList);
-    }
-    return rvArray;
-nssTrustDomain_DumpCacheInfo (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  void (* cert_dump_iter)(const void *, void *, void *),
-  void *arg
-    PZ_Lock(td->cache->lock);
-    nssHash_Iterate(td->cache->issuerAndSN, cert_dump_iter, arg);
-    PZ_Unlock(td->cache->lock);
diff --git a/nss/lib/pki/trustdomain.c b/nss/lib/pki/trustdomain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e8f26..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/pki/trustdomain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1249 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef DEV_H
-#include "dev.h"
-#endif /* DEV_H */
-#ifndef PKIM_H
-#include "pkim.h"
-#endif /* PKIM_H */
-#include "cert.h"
-#include "pki3hack.h"
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
-extern const NSSError NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
-typedef PRUint32 nssUpdateLevel;
-NSSTrustDomain_Create (
-  NSSUTF8 *moduleOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *uriOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *opaqueOpt,
-  void *reserved
-    NSSArena *arena;
-    NSSTrustDomain *rvTD;
-    arena = NSSArena_Create();
-    if(!arena) {
-	return (NSSTrustDomain *)NULL;
-    }
-    rvTD = nss_ZNEW(arena, NSSTrustDomain);
-    if (!rvTD) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* protect the token list and the token iterator */
-    rvTD->tokensLock = NSSRWLock_New(100, "tokens");
-    if (!rvTD->tokensLock) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    nssTrustDomain_InitializeCache(rvTD, NSSTRUSTDOMAIN_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
-    rvTD->arena = arena;
-    rvTD->refCount = 1;
-    rvTD->statusConfig = NULL;
-    return rvTD;
-    if (rvTD && rvTD->tokensLock) {
-	NSSRWLock_Destroy(rvTD->tokensLock);
-    }
-    nssArena_Destroy(arena);
-    return (NSSTrustDomain *)NULL;
-static void
-token_destructor(void *t)
-    NSSToken *tok = (NSSToken *)t;
-    /* The token holds the first/last reference to the slot.
-     * When the token is actually destroyed (ref count == 0), 
-     * the slot will also be destroyed.
-     */
-    nssToken_Destroy(tok);
-NSSTrustDomain_Destroy (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (--td->refCount == 0) {
-	/* Destroy each token in the list of tokens */
-	if (td->tokens) {
-	    nssListIterator_Destroy(td->tokens);
-	    td->tokens = NULL;
-	}
-	if (td->tokenList) {
-	    nssList_Clear(td->tokenList, token_destructor);
-	    nssList_Destroy(td->tokenList);
-	    td->tokenList = NULL;
-	}
-	NSSRWLock_Destroy(td->tokensLock);
-	td->tokensLock = NULL;
-	status = nssTrustDomain_DestroyCache(td);
-	if (status == PR_FAILURE) {
-	    return status;
-	}
-	if (td->statusConfig) {
-	    td->statusConfig->statusDestroy(td->statusConfig);
-	    td->statusConfig = NULL;
-	}
-	/* Destroy the trust domain */
-	nssArena_Destroy(td->arena);
-    }
-    return status;
-/* XXX uses tokens until slot list is in place */
-static NSSSlot **
-nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  nssUpdateLevel *updateLevel
-    PRUint32 count;
-    NSSSlot **slots = NULL;
-    NSSToken **tp, **tokens;
-    *updateLevel = 1;
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead(td->tokensLock);
-    count = nssList_Count(td->tokenList);
-    tokens = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSToken *, count + 1);
-    if (!tokens) {
-	NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    slots = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSSlot *, count + 1);
-    if (!slots) {
-	NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-	nss_ZFreeIf(tokens);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    nssList_GetArray(td->tokenList, (void **)tokens, count);
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-    count = 0;
-    for (tp = tokens; *tp; tp++) {
-        NSSSlot * slot = nssToken_GetSlot(*tp);
-        if (!PK11_IsDisabled(slot->pk11slot)) {
-            slots[count++] = slot;
-        } else {
-	    nssSlot_Destroy(slot);
-	}
-    }
-    nss_ZFreeIf(tokens);
-    if (!count) {
-	nss_ZFreeIf(slots);
-    	slots = NULL;
-    }
-    return slots;
-/* XXX */
-static nssSession *
-nssTrustDomain_GetSessionForToken (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
-    return nssToken_GetDefaultSession(token);
-NSSTrustDomain_SetDefaultCallback (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *newCallback,
-  NSSCallback **oldCallbackOpt
-    if (oldCallbackOpt) {
-	*oldCallbackOpt = td->defaultCallback;
-    }
-    td->defaultCallback = newCallback;
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-nssTrustDomain_GetDefaultCallback (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    if (statusOpt) {
-	*statusOpt = PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    return td->defaultCallback;
-NSSTrustDomain_GetDefaultCallback (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus *statusOpt
-    return nssTrustDomain_GetDefaultCallback(td, statusOpt);
-NSSTrustDomain_LoadModule (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *moduleOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *uriOpt,
-  NSSUTF8 *opaqueOpt,
-  void *reserved
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_DisableToken (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token,
-  NSSError why
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_EnableToken (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_IsTokenEnabled (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSToken *token,
-  NSSError *whyOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindSlotByName (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *slotName
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenByName (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *tokenName
-    PRStatus nssrv;
-    NSSUTF8 *myName;
-    NSSToken *tok = NULL;
-    NSSRWLock_LockRead(td->tokensLock);
-    for (tok  = (NSSToken *)nssListIterator_Start(td->tokens);
-         tok != (NSSToken *)NULL;
-         tok  = (NSSToken *)nssListIterator_Next(td->tokens))
-    {
-	if (nssToken_IsPresent(tok)) {
-	    myName = nssToken_GetName(tok);
-	    if (nssUTF8_Equal(tokenName, myName, &nssrv)) break;
-	}
-    }
-    nssListIterator_Finish(td->tokens);
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(td->tokensLock);
-    return tok;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenBySlotName (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *slotName
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindTokenForAlgorithm (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithm
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestTokenForAlgorithms (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithms[], /* may be null-terminated */
-  PRUint32 nAlgorithmsOpt /* limits the array if nonzero */
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_Login (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_Logout (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_ImportCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_ImportPKIXCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  /* declared as a struct until these "data types" are defined */
-  struct NSSPKIXCertificateStr *pc
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedCertificateChain (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedPrivateKey (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber,
-  NSSItem *passwordOpt, /* NULL will cause a callback */
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt,
-  NSSToken *destination
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_ImportEncodedPublicKey (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-static NSSCertificate **
-get_certs_from_list(nssList *list)
-    PRUint32 count = nssList_Count(list);
-    NSSCertificate **certs = NULL;
-    if (count > 0) {
-	certs = nss_ZNEWARRAY(NULL, NSSCertificate *, count + 1);
-	if (certs) {
-	    nssList_GetArray(list, (void **)certs, count);
-	}
-    }
-    return certs;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNickname (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  const NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSToken *token = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slots = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slotp;
-    NSSCertificate **rvCerts = NULL;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    nssUpdateLevel updateLevel;
-    nssList *nameList;
-    PRUint32 numRemaining = maximumOpt;
-    PRUint32 collectionCount = 0;
-    PRUint32 errors = 0;
-    /* First, grab from the cache */
-    nameList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!nameList) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForNicknameFromCache(td, name, nameList);
-    rvCerts = get_certs_from_list(nameList);
-    /* initialize the collection of token certificates with the set of
-     * cached certs (if any).
-     */
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, rvCerts);
-    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(rvCerts);
-    nssList_Destroy(nameList);
-    if (!collection) {
-	return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-    }
-    /* obtain the current set of active slots in the trust domain */
-    slots = nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots(td, &updateLevel);
-    if (!slots) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* iterate over the slots */
-    for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-	token = nssSlot_GetToken(*slotp);
-	if (token) {
-	    nssSession *session;
-	    nssCryptokiObject **instances = NULL;
-	    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	    PRStatus status = PR_FAILURE;
-	    session = nssTrustDomain_GetSessionForToken(td, token);
-	    if (session) {
-		instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesByNickname(token,
-								session,
-								name,
-								tokenOnly,
-								numRemaining,
-								&status);
-	    }
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
-	    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		errors++;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if (instances) {
-		status = nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, 
-		                                             instances, 0);
-		nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-		if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		    errors++;
-		    continue;
-		}
-		collectionCount = nssPKIObjectCollection_Count(collection);
-		if (maximumOpt > 0) {
-		    if (collectionCount >= maximumOpt)
-		    	break;
-		    numRemaining = maximumOpt - collectionCount;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (!collectionCount && errors)
-    	goto loser;
-    /* Grab the certs collected in the search. */
-    rvCerts = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection,
-                                                     rvOpt, maximumOpt,
-                                                     arenaOpt);
-    /* clean up */
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    return rvCerts;
-    if (slots) {
-	nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    }
-    if (collection) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    }
-    return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNickname (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    return nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNickname(td,
-                                                     name,
-                                                     rvOpt,
-                                                     maximumOpt,
-                                                     arenaOpt);
-nssTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByNickname (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  const NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    NSSCertificate **nicknameCerts;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    nicknameCerts = nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNickname(td, name,
-                                                              NULL,
-                                                              0,
-                                                              NULL);
-    if (nicknameCerts) {
-	rvCert = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(nicknameCerts,
-                                                         timeOpt,
-                                                         usage,
-                                                         policiesOpt);
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(nicknameCerts);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByNickname (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  const NSSUTF8 *name,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    return nssTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByNickname(td,
-                                                        name,
-                                                        timeOpt,
-                                                        usage,
-                                                        policiesOpt);
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    NSSToken *token = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slots = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slotp;
-    NSSCertificate **rvCerts = NULL;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    nssUpdateLevel updateLevel;
-    nssList *subjectList;
-    PRUint32 numRemaining = maximumOpt;
-    PRUint32 collectionCount = 0;
-    PRUint32 errors = 0;
-    /* look in cache */
-    subjectList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!subjectList) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsForSubjectFromCache(td, subject, subjectList);
-    rvCerts = get_certs_from_list(subjectList);
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, rvCerts);
-    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(rvCerts);
-    nssList_Destroy(subjectList);
-    if (!collection) {
-	return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-    }
-    slots = nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots(td, &updateLevel);
-    if (!slots) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-	token = nssSlot_GetToken(*slotp);
-	if (token) {
-	    nssSession *session;
-	    nssCryptokiObject **instances = NULL;
-	    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	    PRStatus status = PR_FAILURE;
-	    session = nssTrustDomain_GetSessionForToken(td, token);
-	    if (session) {
-		instances = nssToken_FindCertificatesBySubject(token,
-							       session,
-							       subject,
-							       tokenOnly,
-							       numRemaining,
-							       &status);
-	    }
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
-	    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		errors++;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if (instances) {
-		status = nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, 
-		                                             instances, 0);
-		nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-		if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		    errors++;
-		    continue;
-		}
-		collectionCount = nssPKIObjectCollection_Count(collection);
-		if (maximumOpt > 0) {
-		    if (collectionCount >= maximumOpt)
-		    	break;
-		    numRemaining = maximumOpt - collectionCount;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (!collectionCount && errors)
-    	goto loser;
-    rvCerts = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(collection,
-                                                     rvOpt, maximumOpt,
-                                                     arenaOpt);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    return rvCerts;
-    if (slots) {
-	nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    }
-    if (collection) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    }
-    return (NSSCertificate **)NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt,
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    return nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject(td, 
-                                                    subject,
-                                                    rvOpt,
-                                                    maximumOpt,
-                                                    arenaOpt);
-nssTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateBySubject (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    NSSCertificate **subjectCerts;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    subjectCerts = nssTrustDomain_FindCertificatesBySubject(td, subject,
-                                                            NULL,
-                                                            0,
-                                                            NULL);
-    if (subjectCerts) {
-	rvCert = nssCertificateArray_FindBestCertificate(subjectCerts,
-                                                         timeOpt,
-                                                         usage,
-                                                         policiesOpt);
-	nssCertificateArray_Destroy(subjectCerts);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateBySubject (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    return nssTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateBySubject(td,
-                                                       subject,
-                                                       timeOpt,
-                                                       usage,
-                                                       policiesOpt);
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByNameComponents (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByNameComponents (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *nameComponents,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-/* This returns at most a single certificate, so it can stop the loop
- * when one is found.
- */
-nssTrustDomain_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-    NSSSlot **slots = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slotp;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    nssUpdateLevel updateLevel;
-    /* see if this search is already cached */
-    rvCert = nssTrustDomain_GetCertForIssuerAndSNFromCache(td,
-                                                           issuer, 
-                                                           serial);
-    if (rvCert) {
-	return rvCert;
-    }
-    slots = nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots(td, &updateLevel);
-    if (slots) {
-	for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-	    NSSToken *token = nssSlot_GetToken(*slotp);
-	    nssSession *session;
-	    nssCryptokiObject *instance;
-	    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	    PRStatus status = PR_FAILURE;
-	    if (!token) 
-		continue;
-	    session = nssTrustDomain_GetSessionForToken(td, token);
-	    if (session) {
-		instance = nssToken_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(
-								    token,
-								    session,
-								    issuer,
-								    serial,
-								    tokenOnly,
-								    &status);
-	    }
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
-	    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if (instance) {
-		if (!collection) {
-		    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-		    if (!collection) {
-			break;  /* don't keep looping if out if memory */
-		    }
-		}
-		status = nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, 
-							     &instance, 1);
-		if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-		    (void)nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCertificates(
-					     collection, &rvCert, 1, NULL);
-		}
-		if (rvCert) {
-		    break; /* found one cert, all done */
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (collection) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    }
-    if (slots) {
-	nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    }
-    return rvCert;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *issuer,
-  NSSDER *serial
-    return nssTrustDomain_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(td,
-                                                                 issuer,
-                                                                 serial);
-nssTrustDomain_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber
-    PRStatus status;
-    NSSCertificate *rvCert = NULL;
-    NSSDER issuer = { 0 };
-    NSSDER serial = { 0 };
-    /* XXX this is not generic...  will any cert crack into issuer/serial? */
-    status = nssPKIX509_GetIssuerAndSerialFromDER(ber, &issuer, &serial);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rvCert = nssTrustDomain_FindCertificateByIssuerAndSerialNumber(td,
-                                                                   &issuer,
-                                                                   &serial);
-    PORT_Free(;
-    PORT_Free(;
-    return rvCert;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSBER *ber
-    return nssTrustDomain_FindCertificateByEncodedCertificate(td, ber);
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestCertificateByEmail (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    return 0;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificatesByEmail (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *email,
-  NSSCertificate *rvOpt[],
-  PRUint32 maximumOpt, /* 0 for no max */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindCertificateByOCSPHash (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSItem *hash
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestUserCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usage,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindUserCertificates (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSTime *timeOpt,
-  NSSUsage *usageOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestUserCertificateForSSLClientAuth (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindUserCertificatesForSSLClientAuth (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSUTF8 *sslHostOpt,
-  NSSDER *rootCAsOpt[], /* null pointer for none */
-  PRUint32 rootCAsMaxOpt, /* zero means list is null-terminated */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindBestUserCertificateForEmailSigning (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt,
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSS_IMPLEMENT NSSCertificate **
-NSSTrustDomain_FindUserCertificatesForEmailSigning (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSASCII7 *signerOpt,
-  NSSASCII7 *recipientOpt,
-  /* anything more here? */
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *apOpt,
-  NSSPolicies *policiesOpt,
-  NSSCertificate **rvOpt,
-  PRUint32 rvLimit, /* zero for no limit */
-  NSSArena *arenaOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-static PRStatus
-collector(nssCryptokiObject *instance, void *arg)
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = (nssPKIObjectCollection *)arg;
-    return nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstanceAsObject(collection, instance);
-NSSTrustDomain_TraverseCertificates (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  PRStatus (*callback)(NSSCertificate *c, void *arg),
-  void *arg
-    NSSToken *token = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slots = NULL;
-    NSSSlot **slotp;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection = NULL;
-    nssPKIObjectCallback pkiCallback;
-    nssUpdateLevel updateLevel;
-    NSSCertificate **cached = NULL;
-    nssList *certList;
-    certList = nssList_Create(NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!certList) 
-    	return NULL;
-    (void)nssTrustDomain_GetCertsFromCache(td, certList);
-    cached = get_certs_from_list(certList);
-    collection = nssCertificateCollection_Create(td, cached);
-    nssCertificateArray_Destroy(cached);
-    nssList_Destroy(certList);
-    if (!collection) {
-	return (PRStatus *)NULL;
-    }
-    /* obtain the current set of active slots in the trust domain */
-    slots = nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots(td, &updateLevel);
-    if (!slots) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* iterate over the slots */
-    for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-	/* get the token for the slot, if present */
-	token = nssSlot_GetToken(*slotp);
-	if (token) {
-	    nssSession *session;
-	    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	    /* get a session for the token */
-	    session = nssTrustDomain_GetSessionForToken(td, token);
-	    if (session) {
-		/* perform the traversal */
-		(void)nssToken_TraverseCertificates(token,
-						       session,
-						       tokenOnly,
-						       collector,
-						       collection);
-	    }
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
-	}
-    }
-    /* Traverse the collection */
-    pkiCallback.func.cert = callback;
-    pkiCallback.arg = arg;
-    (void)nssPKIObjectCollection_Traverse(collection, &pkiCallback);
-    if (slots) {
-	nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    }
-    if (collection) {
-	nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-nssTrustDomain_FindTrustForCertificate (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCertificate *c
-    NSSSlot **slots;
-    NSSSlot **slotp;
-    nssCryptokiObject *to = NULL;
-    nssPKIObject *pkio = NULL;
-    NSSTrust *rvt = NULL;
-    nssUpdateLevel updateLevel;
-    slots = nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots(td, &updateLevel);
-    if (!slots) {
-	return (NSSTrust *)NULL;
-    }
-    for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-	NSSToken *token = nssSlot_GetToken(*slotp);
-	if (token) {
-	    to = nssToken_FindTrustForCertificate(token, NULL, 
-	                                          &c->encoding,
-	                                          &c->issuer,
-	                                          &c->serial,
-	                                      nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly);
-	    if (to) {
-		PRStatus status;
-		if (!pkio) {
-		    pkio = nssPKIObject_Create(NULL, to, td, NULL, nssPKILock);
-		    status = pkio ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE;
-		} else {
-		    status = nssPKIObject_AddInstance(pkio, to);
-		}
-		if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-		    nssCryptokiObject_Destroy(to);
-		}
-	    }
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
-	}
-    }
-    if (pkio) {
-	rvt = nssTrust_Create(pkio, &c->encoding);
-	if (rvt) {
-	    pkio = NULL;  /* rvt object now owns the pkio reference */
-	}
-    }
-    nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    if (pkio) {
-	nssPKIObject_Destroy(pkio);
-    }
-    return rvt;
-nssTrustDomain_FindCRLsBySubject (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSDER *subject
-    NSSSlot **slots;
-    NSSSlot **slotp;
-    NSSToken *token;
-    nssUpdateLevel updateLevel;
-    nssPKIObjectCollection *collection;
-    NSSCRL **rvCRLs = NULL;
-    collection = nssCRLCollection_Create(td, NULL);
-    if (!collection) {
-	return (NSSCRL **)NULL;
-    }
-    slots = nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots(td, &updateLevel);
-    if (!slots) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (slotp = slots; *slotp; slotp++) {
-	token = nssSlot_GetToken(*slotp);
-	if (token) {
-	    PRStatus status = PR_FAILURE;
-	    nssSession *session;
-	    nssCryptokiObject **instances = NULL;
-	    nssTokenSearchType tokenOnly = nssTokenSearchType_TokenOnly;
-	    /* get a session for the token */
-	    session = nssTrustDomain_GetSessionForToken(td, token);
-	    if (session) {
-		/* perform the traversal */
-		instances = nssToken_FindCRLsBySubject(token, session, subject,
-	                                               tokenOnly, 0, &status);
-	    }
-	    nssToken_Destroy(token);
-	    if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-		/* add the found CRL's to the collection */
-		status = nssPKIObjectCollection_AddInstances(collection, 
-							     instances, 0);
-	    }
-	    nss_ZFreeIf(instances);
-	}
-    }
-    rvCRLs = nssPKIObjectCollection_GetCRLs(collection, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    nssPKIObjectCollection_Destroy(collection);
-    nssSlotArray_Destroy(slots);
-    return rvCRLs;
-NSSTrustDomain_GenerateKeyPair (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSPrivateKey **pvkOpt,
-  NSSPublicKey **pbkOpt,
-  PRBool privateKeyIsSensitive,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return PR_FAILURE;
-NSSTrustDomain_GenerateSymmetricKey (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  PRUint32 keysize,
-  NSSToken *destination,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_GenerateSymmetricKeyFromPassword (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap,
-  NSSUTF8 *passwordOpt, /* if null, prompt */
-  NSSToken *destinationOpt,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_FindSymmetricKeyByAlgorithmAndKeyID (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithm,
-  NSSItem *keyID,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-nssTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContext (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    return nssCryptoContext_Create(td, uhhOpt);
-NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContext (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSCallback *uhhOpt
-    return nssTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContext(td, uhhOpt);
-NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContextForAlgorithm (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSOID *algorithm
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
-NSSTrustDomain_CreateCryptoContextForAlgorithmAndParameters (
-  NSSTrustDomain *td,
-  NSSAlgorithmAndParameters *ap
-    nss_SetError(NSS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
-    return NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/smime/cms.h b/nss/lib/smime/cms.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1d7a0..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/smime/cms.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1153 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Interfaces of the CMS implementation.
- */
-#ifndef _CMS_H_
-#define _CMS_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "keyt.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "cmst.h"
- * cmsdecode.c - CMS decoding
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Start - set up decoding of a DER-encoded CMS message
- *
- * "poolp" - pointer to arena for message, or NULL if new pool should be created
- * "cb", "cb_arg" - callback function and argument for delivery of inner content
- *                  inner content will be stored in the message if cb is NULL.
- * "pwfn", pwfn_arg" - callback function for getting token password
- * "decrypt_key_cb", "decrypt_key_cb_arg" - callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData
- */
-extern NSSCMSDecoderContext *
-NSS_CMSDecoder_Start(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-		      NSSCMSContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
-		      PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-		      NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg);
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Update - feed DER-encoded data to decoder
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDecoder_Update(NSSCMSDecoderContext *p7dcx, const char *buf, unsigned long len);
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel - cancel a decoding process
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel(NSSCMSDecoderContext *p7dcx);
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish - mark the end of inner content and finish decoding
- */
-extern NSSCMSMessage *
-NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish(NSSCMSDecoderContext *p7dcx);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER - decode a CMS message from DER encoded data
- */
-extern NSSCMSMessage *
-NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER(SECItem *DERmessage,
-		    NSSCMSContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
-		    PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-		    NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg);
- * cmsencode.c - CMS encoding
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Start - set up encoding of a CMS message
- *
- * "cmsg" - message to encode
- * "outputfn", "outputarg" - callback function for delivery of DER-encoded output
- *                           will not be called if NULL.
- * "dest" - if non-NULL, pointer to SECItem that will hold the DER-encoded output
- * "destpoolp" - pool to allocate DER-encoded output in
- * "pwfn", pwfn_arg" - callback function for getting token password
- * "decrypt_key_cb", "decrypt_key_cb_arg" - callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData
- * "detached_digestalgs", "detached_digests" - digests from detached content
- */
-extern NSSCMSEncoderContext *
-NSS_CMSEncoder_Start(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg,
-			NSSCMSContentCallback outputfn, void *outputarg,
-			SECItem *dest, PLArenaPool *destpoolp,
-			PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-			NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
-			SECAlgorithmID **detached_digestalgs, SECItem **detached_digests);
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Update - take content data delivery from the user
- *
- * "p7ecx" - encoder context
- * "data" - content data
- * "len" - length of content data
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncoder_Update(NSSCMSEncoderContext *p7ecx, const char *data, unsigned long len);
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Cancel - stop all encoding
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncoder_Cancel(NSSCMSEncoderContext *p7ecx);
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish - signal the end of data
- *
- * we need to walk down the chain of encoders and the finish them from the innermost out
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish(NSSCMSEncoderContext *p7ecx);
- * cmsmessage.c - CMS message object
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSMessage_Create - create a CMS message object
- *
- * "poolp" - arena to allocate memory from, or NULL if new arena should be created
- */
-extern NSSCMSMessage *
-NSS_CMSMessage_Create(PLArenaPool *poolp);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_SetEncodingParams - set up a CMS message object for encoding or decoding
- *
- * "cmsg" - message object
- * "pwfn", pwfn_arg" - callback function for getting token password
- * "decrypt_key_cb", "decrypt_key_cb_arg" - callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData
- * "detached_digestalgs", "detached_digests" - digests from detached content
- *
- * used internally.
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSMessage_SetEncodingParams(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg,
-			PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
-			NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
-			SECAlgorithmID **detached_digestalgs, SECItem **detached_digests);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy - destroy a CMS message and all of its sub-pieces.
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_Copy - return a copy of the given message. 
- *
- * The copy may be virtual or may be real -- either way, the result needs
- * to be passed to NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy later (as does the original).
- */
-extern NSSCMSMessage *
-NSS_CMSMessage_Copy(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_GetArena - return a pointer to the message's arena pool
- */
-extern PLArenaPool *
-NSS_CMSMessage_GetArena(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo - return a pointer to the top level contentInfo
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * Return a pointer to the actual content. 
- * In the case of those types which are encrypted, this returns the *plain* content.
- * In case of nested contentInfos, this descends and retrieves the innermost content.
- */
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount - count number of levels of CMS content objects in this message
- *
- * CMS data content objects do not count.
- */
-extern int
-NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel - find content level #n
- *
- * CMS data content objects do not count.
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, int n);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_ContainsCertsOrCrls - see if message contains certs along the way
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSMessage_ContainsCertsOrCrls(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted - see if message contains a encrypted submessage
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned - see if message contains a signed submessage
- *
- * If the CMS message has a SignedData with a signature (not just a SignedData)
- * return true; false otherwise.  This can/should be called before calling
- * VerifySignature, which will always indicate failure if no signature is
- * present, but that does not mean there even was a signature!
- * Note that the content itself can be empty (detached content was sent
- * another way); it is the presence of the signature that matters.
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- * NSS_CMSMessage_IsContentEmpty - see if content is empty
- *
- * returns PR_TRUE is innermost content length is < minLen
- * XXX need the encrypted content length (why?)
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSMessage_IsContentEmpty(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, unsigned int minLen);
- * cmscinfo.c - CMS contentInfo methods
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_Destroy - destroy a CMS contentInfo and all of its sub-pieces.
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_Destroy(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetChildContentInfo - get content's contentInfo (if it exists)
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetChildContentInfo(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent - set cinfo's content type & content to CMS object
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, SECOidTag type, void *ptr);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_XXXX - typesafe wrappers for NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetType
- *   set cinfo's content type & content to CMS object
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_Data(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, SECItem *data, PRBool detached);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_SignedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EnvelopedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_DigestedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EncryptedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * turn off streaming for this content type.
- * This could fail with SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY in memory constrained conditions.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetDontStream(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, PRBool dontStream);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent - get pointer to inner content
- *
- * needs to be casted...
- */
-extern void *
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetInnerContent - get pointer to innermost content
- *
- * this is typically only called by NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent()
- */
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetInnerContent(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentType{Tag,OID} - find out (saving pointer to lookup result
- * for future reference) and return the inner content type.
- */
-extern SECOidTag
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeTag(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeOID(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlgTag - find out (saving pointer to lookup result
- * for future reference) and return the content encryption algorithm tag.
- */
-extern SECOidTag
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlgTag(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlg - find out and return the content encryption algorithm tag.
- */
-extern SECAlgorithmID *
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlg(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContentEncAlg(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo,
-				    SECOidTag bulkalgtag, SECItem *parameters, int keysize);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContentEncAlgID(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo,
-				    SECAlgorithmID *algid, int keysize);
-extern void
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetBulkKey(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, PK11SymKey *bulkkey);
-extern PK11SymKey *
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKey(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
-extern int
-NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKeySize(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * cmsutil.c - CMS misc utility functions
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSArray_SortByDER - sort array of objects by objects' DER encoding
- *
- * make sure that the order of the objects guarantees valid DER (which must be
- * in lexigraphically ascending order for a SET OF); if reordering is necessary it
- * will be done in place (in objs).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSArray_SortByDER(void **objs, const SEC_ASN1Template *objtemplate, void **objs2);
- * NSS_CMSUtil_DERCompare - for use with NSS_CMSArray_Sort to
- *  sort arrays of SECItems containing DER
- */
-extern int
-NSS_CMSUtil_DERCompare(void *a, void *b);
- * NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgID - find a specific algorithm in an array of 
- * algorithms.
- *
- * algorithmArray - array of algorithm IDs
- * algid - algorithmid of algorithm to pick
- *
- * Returns:
- *  An integer containing the index of the algorithm in the array or -1 if 
- *  algorithm was not found.
- */
-extern int
-NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgID(SECAlgorithmID **algorithmArray, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgID - find a specific algorithm in an array of 
- * algorithms.
- *
- * algorithmArray - array of algorithm IDs
- * algiddata - id of algorithm to pick
- *
- * Returns:
- *  An integer containing the index of the algorithm in the array or -1 if 
- *  algorithm was not found.
- */
-extern int
-NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgTag(SECAlgorithmID **algorithmArray, SECOidTag algtag);
-extern const SECHashObject *
-NSS_CMSUtil_GetHashObjByAlgID(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template *
-NSS_CMSUtil_GetTemplateByTypeTag(SECOidTag type);
-extern size_t
-NSS_CMSUtil_GetSizeByTypeTag(SECOidTag type);
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSContent_GetContentInfo(void *msg, SECOidTag type);
-extern const char *
-NSS_CMSUtil_VerificationStatusToString(NSSCMSVerificationStatus vs);
- * cmssigdata.c - CMS signedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
-extern NSSCMSSignedData *
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
-extern void
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Destroy(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_BeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- *     before start of encoding.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - find out about the right value to put into sigd->version
- *  - come up with a list of digestAlgorithms (which should be the union of the algorithms
- *         in the signerinfos).
- *         If we happen to have a pre-set list of algorithms (and digest values!), we
- *         check if we have all the signerinfos' algorithms. If not, this is an error.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- *     after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - create the signatures in all the SignerInfos
- *
- * Please note that nothing is done to the Certificates and CRLs in the message - this
- * is entirely the responsibility of our callers.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- *     after all the encapsulated data was passed through the decoder.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterEnd - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- *     after all decoding is finished.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfos - retrieve the SignedData's signer list
- */
-extern NSSCMSSignerInfo **
-NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfos(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern int
-NSS_CMSSignedData_SignerInfoCount(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern NSSCMSSignerInfo *
-NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, int i);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestAlgs - retrieve the SignedData's digest algorithm list
- */
-extern SECAlgorithmID **
-NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestAlgs(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to this signedData's contentinfo
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetCertificateList - retrieve the SignedData's certificate list
- */
-extern SECItem **
-NSS_CMSSignedData_GetCertificateList(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_ImportCerts(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-				SECCertUsage certusage, PRBool keepcerts);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_HasDigests - see if we have digests in place
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSSignedData_HasDigests(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo - check a signature.
- *
- * The digests were either calculated during decoding (and are stored in the
- * signedData itself) or set after decoding using NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigests.
- *
- * The verification checks if the signing cert is valid and has a trusted chain
- * for the purpose specified by "certusage".
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, int i, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-				    SECCertUsage certusage);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifyCertsOnly - verify the certs in a certs-only message
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifyCertsOnly(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, 
-                                  CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, 
-                                  SECCertUsage usage);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertList(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificateList *certlist);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertChain - add cert and its entire chain to the set of certs 
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertChain(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificate *cert);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertificate(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificate *cert);
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSSignedData_ContainsCertsOrCrls(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_AddSignerInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
-				NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigests(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
-				SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs,
-				SECItem **digests);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigestValue(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
-				SECOidTag digestalgtag,
-				SECItem *digestdata);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_AddDigest(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-				NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
-				SECOidTag digestalgtag,
-				SECItem *digest);
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestValue(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, SECOidTag digestalgtag);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly - create a certs-only SignedData.
- *
- * cert          - base certificates that will be included
- * include_chain - if true, include the complete cert chain for cert
- *
- * More certs and chains can be added via AddCertificate and AddCertChain.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- */
-extern NSSCMSSignedData *
-NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool include_chain);
- * cmssiginfo.c - signerinfo methods
- ************************************************************************/
-extern NSSCMSSignerInfo *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, CERTCertificate *cert, SECOidTag digestalgtag);
-extern NSSCMSSignerInfo *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_CreateWithSubjKeyID(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECItem *subjKeyID, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey, SECKEYPrivateKey *signingKey, SECOidTag digestalgtag);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Destroy - destroy a SignerInfo data structure
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Destroy(NSSCMSSignerInfo *si);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Sign - sign something
- *
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Sign(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, SECItem *digest, SECItem *contentType);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_VerifyCertificate(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
-			    SECCertUsage certusage);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Verify - verify the signature of a single SignerInfo
- *
- * Just verifies the signature. The assumption is that verification of the certificate
- * is done already.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Verify(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, SECItem *digest, SECItem *contentType);
-extern NSSCMSVerificationStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetVerificationStatus(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
-extern SECOidData *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetDigestAlg(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
-extern SECOidTag
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetDigestAlgTag(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
-extern int
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetVersion(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
-extern CERTCertificateList *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetCertList(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningTime - return the signing time,
- *				      in UTCTime format, of a CMS signerInfo.
- *
- * sinfo - signerInfo data for this signer
- *
- * Returns a pointer to XXXX (what?)
- * A return value of NULL is an error.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningTime(NSSCMSSignerInfo *sinfo, PRTime *stime);
- * Return the signing cert of a CMS signerInfo.
- *
- * the certs in the enclosing SignedData must have been imported already
- */
-extern CERTCertificate *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningCertificate(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName - return the common name of the signer
- *
- * sinfo - signerInfo data for this signer
- *
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, which must be freed with PORT_Free.
- * A return value of NULL is an error.
- */
-extern char *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName(NSSCMSSignerInfo *sinfo);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress - return the common name of the signer
- *
- * sinfo - signerInfo data for this signer
- *
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, which must be freed.
- * A return value of NULL is an error.
- */
-extern char *
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress(NSSCMSSignerInfo *sinfo);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddAuthAttr - add an attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo". 
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddAuthAttr(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddUnauthAttr - add an attribute to the
- * unauthenticated attributes of "signerinfo". 
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddUnauthAttr(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime - add the signing time to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo". 
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
- * messages for email (S/MIME) but is likely useful in other situations.
- *
- * This should only be added once; a second call will do nothing.
- *
- * XXX This will probably just shove the current time into "signerinfo"
- * but it will not actually get signed until the entire item is
- * processed for encoding.  Is this (expected to be small) delay okay?
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, PRTime t);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps - add a SMIMECapabilities attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
- * messages for email (S/MIME).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs - add a SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreferences attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME).
- */
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs - add a SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreferences attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo", using the OID preferred by Microsoft.
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME),
- * if compatibility with Microsoft mail clients is wanted.
- */
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddCounterSignature - countersign a signerinfo
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddCounterSignature(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo,
-				    SECOidTag digestalg, CERTCertificate signingcert);
- * XXXX the following needs to be done in the S/MIME layer code
- * after signature of a signerinfo is verified
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_SMIMESignerInfo_SaveSMIMEProfile(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts - set cert chain inclusion mode for this signer
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, NSSCMSCertChainMode cm, SECCertUsage usage);
- * cmsenvdata.c - CMS envelopedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create - create an enveloped data message
- */
-extern NSSCMSEnvelopedData *
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Destroy - destroy an enveloped data message
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Destroy(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *edp);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to this envelopedData's contentinfo
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient - add a recipientinfo to the enveloped data msg
- *
- * rip must be created on the same pool as edp - this is not enforced, though.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *edp, NSSCMSRecipientInfo *rip);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeStart - prepare this envelopedData for encoding
- *
- * at this point, we need
- * - recipientinfos set up with recipient's certificates
- * - a content encryption algorithm (if none, 3DES will be used)
- *
- * this function will generate a random content encryption key (aka bulk key),
- * initialize the recipientinfos with certificate identification and wrap the bulk key
- * using the proper algorithm for every certificiate.
- * it will finally set the bulk algorithm and key so that the encode step can find it.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeData - set up encryption
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_AfterData - finalize this envelopedData for encoding
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_BeforeData - find our recipientinfo, 
- * derive bulk key & set up our contentinfo
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterData - finish decrypting this envelopedData's content
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterEnd - finish decoding this envelopedData
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- * cmsrecinfo.c - CMS recipientInfo methods
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create - create a recipientinfo
- *
- * we currently do not create KeyAgreement recipientinfos with multiple recipientEncryptedKeys
- * the certificate is supposed to have been verified by the caller
- */
-extern NSSCMSRecipientInfo *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, CERTCertificate *cert);
-extern NSSCMSRecipientInfo *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateWithSubjKeyID(NSSCMSMessage   *cmsg, 
-                                         SECItem         *subjKeyID,
-                                         SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
-extern NSSCMSRecipientInfo *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateWithSubjKeyIDFromCert(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, 
-                                                 CERTCertificate *cert);
- * NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateNew - create a blank recipientinfo for 
- * applications which want to encode their own CMS structures and
- * key exchange types.
- */
-extern NSSCMSRecipientInfo *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateNew(void* pwfn_arg);
- * NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateFromDER - create a recipientinfo  from partially
- * decoded DER data for applications which want to encode their own CMS 
- * structures and key exchange types.
- */
-extern NSSCMSRecipientInfo *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateFromDER(SECItem* input, void* pwfn_arg);
-extern void
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Destroy(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri);
- * NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetCertAndKey - retrieve the cert and key from the
- * recipientInfo struct. If retcert or retkey are NULL, the cert or 
- * key (respectively) would not be returned). This function is a no-op if both 
- * retcert and retkey are NULL. Caller inherits ownership of the cert and key
- * he requested (and is responsible to free them).
- */
-SECStatus NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetCertAndKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri,
-   CERTCertificate** retcert, SECKEYPrivateKey** retkey);
-extern int
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetVersion(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri);
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetEncryptedKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri, int subIndex);
- * NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Encode - encode an NSS_CMSRecipientInfo as ASN.1
- */
-SECStatus NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Encode(PLArenaPool* poolp,
-                                      const NSSCMSRecipientInfo *src,
-                                      SECItem* returned);
-extern SECOidTag
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetKeyEncryptionAlgorithmTag(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_WrapBulkKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri, PK11SymKey *bulkkey, SECOidTag bulkalgtag);
-extern PK11SymKey *
-NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_UnwrapBulkKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri, int subIndex,
-		CERTCertificate *cert, SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey, SECOidTag bulkalgtag);
- * cmsencdata.c - CMS encryptedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create - create an empty encryptedData object.
- *
- * "algorithm" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use.
- * "keysize" is the key size.
- * 
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
-extern NSSCMSEncryptedData *
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Destroy - destroy an encryptedData object
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Destroy(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to encryptedData object's contentInfo
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a EncryptedData
- *     before encoding begins.
- *
- * In particular:
- *  - set the correct version value.
- *  - get the encryption key
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeData - set up encryption
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_AfterData - finalize this encryptedData for encoding
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_BeforeData - find bulk key & set up decryption
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterData - finish decrypting this encryptedData's content
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterEnd - finish decoding this encryptedData
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- * cmsdigdata.c - CMS encryptedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Create - create a digestedData object (presumably for encoding)
- *
- * version will be set by NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeStart
- * digestAlg is passed as parameter
- * contentInfo must be filled by the user
- * digest will be calculated while encoding
- */
-extern NSSCMSDigestedData *
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECAlgorithmID *digestalg);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Destroy - destroy a digestedData object
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Destroy(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to digestedData object's contentInfo
- */
-extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- *     before encoding begins.
- *
- * In particular:
- *  - set the right version number. The contentInfo's content type must be set up already.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- *     before the encapsulated data is passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - set up the digests if necessary
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- *     after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - finish the digests
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_BeforeData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- *     before the encapsulated data is passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - set up the digests if necessary
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- *     after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - finish the digests
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterEnd - finalize a digestedData.
- *
- * In detail:
- *  - check the digests for equality
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- * cmsdigest.c - digestion routines
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple - start digest calculation using all the
- *  digest algorithms in "digestalgs" in parallel.
- */
-extern NSSCMSDigestContext *
-NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple(SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs);
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartSingle - same as NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple, but
- *  only one algorithm.
- */
-extern NSSCMSDigestContext *
-NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartSingle(SECAlgorithmID *digestalg);
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_Update - feed more data into the digest machine
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSDigestContext_Update(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx, const unsigned char *data, int len);
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_Cancel - cancel digesting operation
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSDigestContext_Cancel(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx);
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple - finish the digests and put them
- *  into an array of SECItems (allocated on poolp)
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx, PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			    SECItem ***digestsp);
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishSingle - same as NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple,
- *  but for one digest.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishSingle(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx, PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			    SECItem *digest);
- * 
- ************************************************************************/
-/* shortcuts for basic use */
- * NSS_CMSDEREncode - DER Encode a CMS message, with input being
- *                    the plaintext message and derOut being the output,
- *                    stored in arena's pool.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSDEREncode(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECItem *input, SECItem *derOut, 
-                 PLArenaPool *arena);
- * 
- ************************************************************************/
- *  define new S/MIME content type entries
- *
- *  S/MIME uses the builtin PKCS7 oid types for encoding and decoding the
- *  various S/MIME content. Some applications have their own content type
- *  which is different from the standard content type defined by S/MIME.
- *
- *  This function allows you to register new content types. There are basically
- *  Two different types of content, Wrappping content, and Data.
- *
- *  For data types, All the functions below can be zero or NULL excext 
- *  type and is isData, which should be your oid tag and PR_FALSE respectively
- *
- *  For wrapping types, everything must be provided, or you will get encoder
- *  failures.
- *
- *  If NSS doesn't already define the OID that you need, you can register 
- *  your own with SECOID_AddEntry.
- * 
- *  Once you have defined your new content type, you can pass your new content
- *  type to NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent().
- * 
- *  If you are using a wrapping type you can pass your own data structure in 
- *  the ptr field, but it must contain and embedded NSSCMSGenericWrappingData 
- *  structure as the first element. The size you pass to 
- *  NSS_CMSType_RegisterContentType is the total size of your self defined 
- *  data structure. NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent will return that data 
- *  structure from the content info. Your ASN1Template will be evaluated 
- *  against that data structure.
- */
-SECStatus NSS_CMSType_RegisterContentType(SECOidTag type,
-                          SEC_ASN1Template *asn1Template, size_t size,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataDestroy  destroy,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback decode_before,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback decode_after,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback decode_end,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback encode_start,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback encode_before,
-                          NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback encode_after,
-                          PRBool isData);
-#endif /* _CMS_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/smime/cmslocal.h b/nss/lib/smime/cmslocal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee00c05..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/smime/cmslocal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support routines for CMS implementation, none of which are exported.
- *
- * Do not export this file!  If something in here is really needed outside
- * of smime code, first try to add a CMS interface which will do it for
- * you.  If that has a problem, then just move out what you need, changing
- * its name as appropriate!
- */
-#ifndef _CMSLOCAL_H_
-#define _CMSLOCAL_H_
-#include "cms.h"
-#include "cmsreclist.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template NSSCMSContentInfoTemplate[];
-struct NSSCMSContentInfoPrivateStr {
-    NSSCMSCipherContext *ciphcx;
-    NSSCMSDigestContext *digcx;
-    PRBool  dontStream;
- * private content Info stuff
- */
-/* initialize the private content info field. If this returns
- * SECSuccess, the cinfo->private field is safe to dereference.
- */
-SECStatus NSS_CMSContentInfo_Private_Init(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- * cmscipher.c - en/decryption routines
- ***********************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSCipherContext_StartDecrypt - create a cipher context to do decryption
- * based on the given bulk * encryption key and algorithm identifier (which may include an iv).
- */
-extern NSSCMSCipherContext *
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_StartDecrypt(PK11SymKey *key, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * NSS_CMSCipherContext_StartEncrypt - create a cipher object to do encryption,
- * based on the given bulk encryption key and algorithm tag.  Fill in the algorithm
- * identifier (which may include an iv) appropriately.
- */
-extern NSSCMSCipherContext *
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_StartEncrypt(PLArenaPool *poolp, PK11SymKey *key, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-extern void
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_Destroy(NSSCMSCipherContext *cc);
- * NSS_CMSCipherContext_DecryptLength - find the output length of the next call to decrypt.
- *
- * cc - the cipher context
- * input_len - number of bytes used as input
- * final - true if this is the final chunk of data
- *
- * Result can be used to perform memory allocations.  Note that the amount
- * is exactly accurate only when not doing a block cipher or when final
- * is false, otherwise it is an upper bound on the amount because until
- * we see the data we do not know how many padding bytes there are
- * (always between 1 and bsize).
- */
-extern unsigned int
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_DecryptLength(NSSCMSCipherContext *cc, unsigned int input_len, PRBool final);
- * NSS_CMSCipherContext_EncryptLength - find the output length of the next call to encrypt.
- *
- * cc - the cipher context
- * input_len - number of bytes used as input
- * final - true if this is the final chunk of data
- *
- * Result can be used to perform memory allocations.
- */
-extern unsigned int
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_EncryptLength(NSSCMSCipherContext *cc, unsigned int input_len, PRBool final);
- * NSS_CMSCipherContext_Decrypt - do the decryption
- *
- * cc - the cipher context
- * output - buffer for decrypted result bytes
- * output_len_p - number of bytes in output
- * max_output_len - upper bound on bytes to put into output
- * input - pointer to input bytes
- * input_len - number of input bytes
- * final - true if this is the final chunk of data
- *
- * Decrypts a given length of input buffer (starting at "input" and
- * containing "input_len" bytes), placing the decrypted bytes in
- * "output" and storing the output length in "*output_len_p".
- * "cc" is the return value from NSS_CMSCipher_StartDecrypt.
- * When "final" is true, this is the last of the data to be decrypted.
- */ 
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_Decrypt(NSSCMSCipherContext *cc, unsigned char *output,
-		  unsigned int *output_len_p, unsigned int max_output_len,
-		  const unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len,
-		  PRBool final);
- * NSS_CMSCipherContext_Encrypt - do the encryption
- *
- * cc - the cipher context
- * output - buffer for decrypted result bytes
- * output_len_p - number of bytes in output
- * max_output_len - upper bound on bytes to put into output
- * input - pointer to input bytes
- * input_len - number of input bytes
- * final - true if this is the final chunk of data
- *
- * Encrypts a given length of input buffer (starting at "input" and
- * containing "input_len" bytes), placing the encrypted bytes in
- * "output" and storing the output length in "*output_len_p".
- * "cc" is the return value from NSS_CMSCipher_StartEncrypt.
- * When "final" is true, this is the last of the data to be encrypted.
- */ 
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSCipherContext_Encrypt(NSSCMSCipherContext *cc, unsigned char *output,
-		  unsigned int *output_len_p, unsigned int max_output_len,
-		  const unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len,
-		  PRBool final);
- * cmspubkey.c - public key operations
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSUtil_EncryptSymKey_RSA - wrap a symmetric key with RSA
- *
- * this function takes a symmetric key and encrypts it using an RSA public key
- * according to PKCS#1 and RFC2633 (S/MIME)
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSUtil_EncryptSymKey_RSA(PLArenaPool *poolp, CERTCertificate *cert,
-                              PK11SymKey *key,
-                              SECItem *encKey);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSUtil_EncryptSymKey_RSAPubKey(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-                                    SECKEYPublicKey *publickey,
-                                    PK11SymKey *bulkkey, SECItem *encKey);
- * NSS_CMSUtil_DecryptSymKey_RSA - unwrap a RSA-wrapped symmetric key
- *
- * this function takes an RSA-wrapped symmetric key and unwraps it, returning a symmetric
- * key handle. Please note that the actual unwrapped key data may not be allowed to leave
- * a hardware token...
- */
-extern PK11SymKey *
-NSS_CMSUtil_DecryptSymKey_RSA(SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey, SECItem *encKey, SECOidTag bulkalgtag);
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSUtil_EncryptSymKey_ESDH(PLArenaPool *poolp, CERTCertificate *cert, PK11SymKey *key,
-			SECItem *encKey, SECItem **ukm, SECAlgorithmID *keyEncAlg,
-			SECItem *originatorPubKey);
-extern PK11SymKey *
-NSS_CMSUtil_DecryptSymKey_ESDH(SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey, SECItem *encKey,
-			SECAlgorithmID *keyEncAlg, SECOidTag bulkalgtag, void *pwfn_arg);
- * cmsreclist.c - recipient list stuff
- ************************************************************************/
-extern NSSCMSRecipient **nss_cms_recipient_list_create(NSSCMSRecipientInfo **recipientinfos);
-extern void nss_cms_recipient_list_destroy(NSSCMSRecipient **recipient_list);
-extern NSSCMSRecipientEncryptedKey *NSS_CMSRecipientEncryptedKey_Create(PLArenaPool *poolp);
- * cmsarray.c - misc array functions
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSArray_Alloc - allocate an array in an arena
- */
-extern void **
-NSS_CMSArray_Alloc(PLArenaPool *poolp, int n);
- * NSS_CMSArray_Add - add an element to the end of an array
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSArray_Add(PLArenaPool *poolp, void ***array, void *obj);
- * NSS_CMSArray_IsEmpty - check if array is empty
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSArray_IsEmpty(void **array);
- * NSS_CMSArray_Count - count number of elements in array
- */
-extern int
-NSS_CMSArray_Count(void **array);
- * NSS_CMSArray_Sort - sort an array ascending, in place
- *
- * If "secondary" is not NULL, the same reordering gets applied to it.
- * If "tertiary" is not NULL, the same reordering gets applied to it.
- * "compare" is a function that returns 
- *  < 0 when the first element is less than the second
- *  = 0 when the first element is equal to the second
- *  > 0 when the first element is greater than the second
- */
-extern void
-NSS_CMSArray_Sort(void **primary, int (*compare)(void *,void *), void **secondary, void **tertiary);
- * cmsattr.c - misc attribute functions
- ************************************************************************/
- * NSS_CMSAttribute_Create - create an attribute
- *
- * if value is NULL, the attribute won't have a value. It can be added later
- * with NSS_CMSAttribute_AddValue.
- */
-extern NSSCMSAttribute *
-NSS_CMSAttribute_Create(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECOidTag oidtag, SECItem *value, PRBool encoded);
- * NSS_CMSAttribute_AddValue - add another value to an attribute
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSAttribute_AddValue(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSAttribute *attr, SECItem *value);
- * NSS_CMSAttribute_GetType - return the OID tag
- */
-extern SECOidTag
-NSS_CMSAttribute_GetType(NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- * NSS_CMSAttribute_GetValue - return the first attribute value
- *
- * We do some sanity checking first:
- * - Multiple values are *not* expected.
- * - Empty values are *not* expected.
- */
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSAttribute_GetValue(NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- * NSS_CMSAttribute_CompareValue - compare the attribute's first value against data
- */
-extern PRBool
-NSS_CMSAttribute_CompareValue(NSSCMSAttribute *attr, SECItem *av);
- * NSS_CMSAttributeArray_Encode - encode an Attribute array as SET OF Attributes
- *
- * If you are wondering why this routine does not reorder the attributes
- * first, and might be tempted to make it do so, see the comment by the
- * call to ReorderAttributes in cmsencode.c.  (Or, see who else calls this
- * and think long and hard about the implications of making it always
- * do the reordering.)
- */
-extern SECItem *
-NSS_CMSAttributeArray_Encode(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSAttribute ***attrs, SECItem *dest);
- * NSS_CMSAttributeArray_Reorder - sort attribute array by attribute's DER encoding
- *
- * make sure that the order of the attributes guarantees valid DER (which must be
- * in lexigraphically ascending order for a SET OF); if reordering is necessary it
- * will be done in place (in attrs).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSAttributeArray_Reorder(NSSCMSAttribute **attrs);
- * NSS_CMSAttributeArray_FindAttrByOidTag - look through a set of attributes and
- * find one that matches the specified object ID.
- *
- * If "only" is true, then make sure that there is not more than one attribute
- * of the same type.  Otherwise, just return the first one found. (XXX Does
- * anybody really want that first-found behavior?  It was like that when I found it...)
- */
-extern NSSCMSAttribute *
-NSS_CMSAttributeArray_FindAttrByOidTag(NSSCMSAttribute **attrs, SECOidTag oidtag, PRBool only);
- * NSS_CMSAttributeArray_AddAttr - add an attribute to an
- * array of attributes. 
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSAttributeArray_AddAttr(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSAttribute ***attrs, NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- * NSS_CMSAttributeArray_SetAttr - set an attribute's value in a set of attributes
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSAttributeArray_SetAttr(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSAttribute ***attrs, SECOidTag type, SECItem *value, PRBool encoded);
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_AddTempCertificate - add temporary certificate references.
- * They may be needed for signature verification on the data, for example.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_CMSSignedData_AddTempCertificate(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificate *cert);
- * local function to handle compatibility issues
- * by mapping a signature algorithm back to a digest.
- */
-SECOidTag NSS_CMSUtil_MapSignAlgs(SECOidTag signAlg);
- * local functions to handle user defined S/MIME content types
- */
-PRBool NSS_CMSType_IsWrapper(SECOidTag type);
-PRBool NSS_CMSType_IsData(SECOidTag type);
-size_t NSS_CMSType_GetContentSize(SECOidTag type);
-const SEC_ASN1Template * NSS_CMSType_GetTemplate(SECOidTag type);
-void NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Destroy(SECOidTag type,
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-SECStatus NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Decode_BeforeData(SECOidTag type, 
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-SECStatus NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Decode_AfterData(SECOidTag type, 
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-SECStatus NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Decode_AfterEnd(SECOidTag type, 
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-SECStatus NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Encode_BeforeStart(SECOidTag type, 
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-SECStatus NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Encode_BeforeData(SECOidTag type, 
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-SECStatus NSS_CMSGenericWrapperData_Encode_AfterData(SECOidTag type, 
-					NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *gd);
-#endif /* _CMSLOCAL_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/smime/cmsreclist.h b/nss/lib/smime/cmsreclist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c094d4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/smime/cmsreclist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _CMSRECLIST_H
-#define _CMSRECLIST_H
-struct NSSCMSRecipientStr {
-    int				riIndex;	/* this recipient's index in recipientInfo array */
-    int				subIndex;	/* index into recipientEncryptedKeys */
-						/* (only in NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientInfoStr) */
-    enum {RLIssuerSN=0, RLSubjKeyID=1} kind;	/* for conversion recipientinfos -> recipientlist */
-    union {
-	CERTIssuerAndSN *	issuerAndSN;
-	SECItem *		subjectKeyID;
-    } id;
-    /* result data (filled out for each recipient that's us) */
-    CERTCertificate *		cert;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *		privkey;
-    PK11SlotInfo *		slot;
-typedef struct NSSCMSRecipientStr NSSCMSRecipient;
-#endif /* _CMSRECLIST_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/smime/cmst.h b/nss/lib/smime/cmst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7376322..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/smime/cmst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Header for CMS types.
- */
-#ifndef _CMST_H_
-#define _CMST_H_
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "certt.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "secmodt.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-/* Non-opaque objects.  NOTE, though: I want them to be treated as
- * opaque as much as possible.  If I could hide them completely,
- * I would.  (I tried, but ran into trouble that was taking me too
- * much time to get out of.)  I still intend to try to do so.
- * In fact, the only type that "outsiders" should even *name* is
- * NSSCMSMessage, and they should not reference its fields.
- */
-/* rjr: PKCS #11 cert handling (pk11cert.c) does use NSSCMSRecipientInfo's.
- * This is because when we search the recipient list for the cert and key we
- * want, we need to invert the order of the loops we used to have. The old
- * loops were:
- *
- *  For each recipient {
- *       find_cert = PK11_Find_AllCert(recipient->issuerSN);
- *       [which unrolls to... ]
- *       For each slot {
- *            Log into slot;
- *            search slot for cert;
- *      }
- *  }
- *
- *  the new loop searchs all the recipients at once on a slot. this allows
- *  PKCS #11 to order slots in such a way that logout slots don't get checked
- *  if we can find the cert on a logged in slot. This eliminates lots of
- *  spurious password prompts when smart cards are installed... so why this
- *  comment? If you make NSSCMSRecipientInfo completely opaque, you need
- *  to provide a non-opaque list of issuerSN's (the only field PKCS#11 needs
- *  and fix up pk11cert.c first. NOTE: Only S/MIME calls this special PKCS #11
- *  function.
- */
-typedef struct NSSCMSMessageStr NSSCMSMessage;
-typedef union NSSCMSContentUnion NSSCMSContent;
-typedef struct NSSCMSContentInfoStr NSSCMSContentInfo;
-typedef struct NSSCMSSignedDataStr NSSCMSSignedData;
-typedef struct NSSCMSSignerInfoStr NSSCMSSignerInfo;
-typedef struct NSSCMSSignerIdentifierStr NSSCMSSignerIdentifier;
-typedef struct NSSCMSEnvelopedDataStr NSSCMSEnvelopedData;
-typedef struct NSSCMSOriginatorInfoStr NSSCMSOriginatorInfo;
-typedef struct NSSCMSRecipientInfoStr NSSCMSRecipientInfo;
-typedef struct NSSCMSDigestedDataStr NSSCMSDigestedData;
-typedef struct NSSCMSEncryptedDataStr NSSCMSEncryptedData;
-typedef struct NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataStr NSSCMSGenericWrapperData;
-typedef struct NSSCMSAttributeStr NSSCMSAttribute;
-typedef struct NSSCMSDecoderContextStr NSSCMSDecoderContext;
-typedef struct NSSCMSEncoderContextStr NSSCMSEncoderContext;
-typedef struct NSSCMSCipherContextStr NSSCMSCipherContext;
-typedef struct NSSCMSDigestContextStr NSSCMSDigestContext;
-typedef struct NSSCMSContentInfoPrivateStr NSSCMSContentInfoPrivate;
-typedef SECStatus (*NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataCallback)
-						(NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *);
-typedef   void    (*NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataDestroy) 
-						(NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *);
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template NSS_PointerToCMSGenericWrapperDataTemplate[];
- * Type of function passed to NSSCMSDecode or NSSCMSDecoderStart.
- * If specified, this is where the content bytes (only) will be "sent"
- * as they are recovered during the decoding.
- * And:
- * Type of function passed to NSSCMSEncode or NSSCMSEncoderStart.
- * This is where the DER-encoded bytes will be "sent".
- *
- * XXX Should just combine this with NSSCMSEncoderContentCallback type
- * and use a simpler, common name.
- */
-typedef void (*NSSCMSContentCallback)(void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len);
- * Type of function passed to NSSCMSDecode or NSSCMSDecoderStart
- * to retrieve the decryption key.  This function is intended to be
- * used for EncryptedData content info's which do not have a key available
- * in a certificate, etc.
- */
-typedef PK11SymKey *(*NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback)(void *arg, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
-/* =============================================================================
- */
-union NSSCMSContentUnion {
-    /* either unstructured */
-    SECItem *			data;
-    /* or structured data */
-    NSSCMSDigestedData *	digestedData;
-    NSSCMSEncryptedData	*	encryptedData;
-    NSSCMSEnvelopedData	*	envelopedData;
-    NSSCMSSignedData *		signedData;
-    NSSCMSGenericWrapperData *	genericData;
-    /* or anonymous pointer to something */
-    void *			pointer;
-struct NSSCMSContentInfoStr {
-    SECItem			contentType;
-    NSSCMSContent		content;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    SECOidData *		contentTypeTag;	
-    /* additional info for encryptedData and envelopedData */
-    /* we waste this space for signedData and digestedData. sue me. */
-    SECAlgorithmID		contentEncAlg;
-    SECItem *			rawContent;		/* encrypted DER, optional */
-							/* XXXX bytes not encrypted, but encoded? */
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    PK11SymKey *		bulkkey;		/* bulk encryption key */
-    int				keysize;		/* size of bulk encryption key
-							 * (only used by creation code) */
-    SECOidTag			contentEncAlgTag;	/* oid tag of encryption algorithm
-							 * (only used by creation code) */
-    NSSCMSContentInfoPrivate	*privateInfo;		/* place for NSS private info */
-    void		*reserved;			/* keep binary compatibility */
-/* =============================================================================
- */
-struct NSSCMSMessageStr {
-    NSSCMSContentInfo	contentInfo;		/* "outer" cinfo */
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    PLArenaPool *	poolp;
-    PRBool		poolp_is_ours;
-    int			refCount;
-    /* properties of the "inner" data */
-    SECAlgorithmID **	detached_digestalgs;
-    SECItem **		detached_digests;
-    void *		pwfn_arg;
-    NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb;
-    void *		decrypt_key_cb_arg;
-/* ============================================================================
- * 
- * used for user defined types.
- */
-struct NSSCMSGenericWrapperDataStr {
-    NSSCMSContentInfo	contentInfo;
-    /* ---- local; not part of encoding ------ */
-    NSSCMSMessage *	cmsg;
-    /* wrapperspecific data starts here */
-/* =============================================================================
- */
-struct NSSCMSSignedDataStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    SECAlgorithmID **		digestAlgorithms;
-    NSSCMSContentInfo		contentInfo;
-    SECItem **			rawCerts;
-    CERTSignedCrl **		crls;
-    NSSCMSSignerInfo **		signerInfos;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    NSSCMSMessage *		cmsg;			/* back pointer to message */
-    SECItem **			digests;
-    CERTCertificate **		certs;
-    CERTCertificateList **	certLists;
-    CERTCertificate **          tempCerts;              /* temporary certs, needed
-                                                         * for example for signature
-                                                         * verification */
-#define NSS_CMS_SIGNED_DATA_VERSION_BASIC	1	/* what we *create* */
-#define NSS_CMS_SIGNED_DATA_VERSION_EXT		3	/* what we *create* */
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSVS_Unverified = 0,
-    NSSCMSVS_GoodSignature = 1,
-    NSSCMSVS_BadSignature = 2,
-    NSSCMSVS_DigestMismatch = 3,
-    NSSCMSVS_SigningCertNotFound = 4,
-    NSSCMSVS_SigningCertNotTrusted = 5,
-    NSSCMSVS_SignatureAlgorithmUnknown = 6,
-    NSSCMSVS_SignatureAlgorithmUnsupported = 7,
-    NSSCMSVS_MalformedSignature = 8,
-    NSSCMSVS_ProcessingError = 9
-} NSSCMSVerificationStatus;
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSSignerID_IssuerSN = 0,
-    NSSCMSSignerID_SubjectKeyID = 1
-} NSSCMSSignerIDSelector;
-struct NSSCMSSignerIdentifierStr {
-    NSSCMSSignerIDSelector identifierType;
-    union {
-	CERTIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN;
-	SECItem *subjectKeyID;
-    } id;
-struct NSSCMSSignerInfoStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    NSSCMSSignerIdentifier	signerIdentifier;
-    SECAlgorithmID		digestAlg;
-    NSSCMSAttribute **		authAttr;
-    SECAlgorithmID		digestEncAlg;
-    SECItem			encDigest;
-    NSSCMSAttribute **		unAuthAttr;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    NSSCMSMessage *		cmsg;			/* back pointer to message */
-    CERTCertificate *		cert;
-    CERTCertificateList *	certList;
-    PRTime			signingTime;
-    NSSCMSVerificationStatus	verificationStatus;
-    SECKEYPrivateKey *          signingKey; /* Used if we're using subjKeyID*/
-    SECKEYPublicKey *           pubKey;
-#define NSS_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_VERSION_ISSUERSN	1	/* what we *create* */
-#define NSS_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_VERSION_SUBJKEY	3	/* what we *create* */
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSCM_None = 0,
-    NSSCMSCM_CertOnly = 1,
-    NSSCMSCM_CertChain = 2,
-    NSSCMSCM_CertChainWithRoot = 3
-} NSSCMSCertChainMode;
-/* =============================================================================
- */
-struct NSSCMSEnvelopedDataStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    NSSCMSOriginatorInfo *	originatorInfo;		/* optional */
-    NSSCMSRecipientInfo **	recipientInfos;
-    NSSCMSContentInfo		contentInfo;
-    NSSCMSAttribute **		unprotectedAttr;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    NSSCMSMessage *		cmsg;			/* back pointer to message */
-#define NSS_CMS_ENVELOPED_DATA_VERSION_REG	0	/* what we *create* */
-#define NSS_CMS_ENVELOPED_DATA_VERSION_ADV	2	/* what we *create* */
-struct NSSCMSOriginatorInfoStr {
-    SECItem **			rawCerts;
-    CERTSignedCrl **		crls;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    CERTCertificate **		certs;
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * key transport recipient info
- */
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSRecipientID_IssuerSN = 0,
-    NSSCMSRecipientID_SubjectKeyID = 1,
-    NSSCMSRecipientID_BrandNew = 2
-} NSSCMSRecipientIDSelector;
-struct NSSCMSRecipientIdentifierStr {
-    NSSCMSRecipientIDSelector	identifierType;
-    union {
-	CERTIssuerAndSN		*issuerAndSN;
-	SECItem 		*subjectKeyID;
-    } id;
-typedef struct NSSCMSRecipientIdentifierStr NSSCMSRecipientIdentifier;
-struct NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    NSSCMSRecipientIdentifier	recipientIdentifier;
-    SECAlgorithmID		keyEncAlg;
-    SECItem			encKey;
-typedef struct NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoStr NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo;
- * View comments before NSSCMSRecipientInfoStr for purpose of this
- * structure.
- */
-struct NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoExStr {
-    NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo recipientInfo;
-    int version;  /* version of this structure (0) */
-    SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey;
-typedef struct NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoExStr NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoEx;
-#define NSS_CMS_KEYTRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO_VERSION_SUBJKEY		2	/* what we *create* */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * key agreement recipient info
- */
-struct NSSCMSOriginatorPublicKeyStr {
-    SECAlgorithmID			algorithmIdentifier;
-    SECItem				publicKey;			/* bit string! */
-typedef struct NSSCMSOriginatorPublicKeyStr NSSCMSOriginatorPublicKey;
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSOriginatorIDOrKey_IssuerSN = 0,
-    NSSCMSOriginatorIDOrKey_SubjectKeyID = 1,
-    NSSCMSOriginatorIDOrKey_OriginatorPublicKey = 2
-} NSSCMSOriginatorIDOrKeySelector;
-struct NSSCMSOriginatorIdentifierOrKeyStr {
-    NSSCMSOriginatorIDOrKeySelector identifierType;
-    union {
-	CERTIssuerAndSN			*issuerAndSN;		/* static-static */
-	SECItem				*subjectKeyID;		/* static-static */
-	NSSCMSOriginatorPublicKey	originatorPublicKey;	/* ephemeral-static */
-    } id;
-typedef struct NSSCMSOriginatorIdentifierOrKeyStr NSSCMSOriginatorIdentifierOrKey;
-struct NSSCMSRecipientKeyIdentifierStr {
-    SECItem *				subjectKeyIdentifier;
-    SECItem *				date;			/* optional */
-    SECItem *				other;			/* optional */
-typedef struct NSSCMSRecipientKeyIdentifierStr NSSCMSRecipientKeyIdentifier;
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientID_IssuerSN = 0,
-    NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientID_RKeyID = 1
-} NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientIDSelector;
-struct NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientIdentifierStr {
-    NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientIDSelector	identifierType;
-    union {
-	CERTIssuerAndSN			*issuerAndSN;
-	NSSCMSRecipientKeyIdentifier	recipientKeyIdentifier;
-    } id;
-typedef struct NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientIdentifierStr NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier;
-struct NSSCMSRecipientEncryptedKeyStr {
-    NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier	recipientIdentifier;
-    SECItem				encKey;
-typedef struct NSSCMSRecipientEncryptedKeyStr NSSCMSRecipientEncryptedKey;
-struct NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientInfoStr {
-    SECItem				version;
-    NSSCMSOriginatorIdentifierOrKey	originatorIdentifierOrKey;
-    SECItem *				ukm;				/* optional */
-    SECAlgorithmID			keyEncAlg;
-    NSSCMSRecipientEncryptedKey **	recipientEncryptedKeys;
-typedef struct NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientInfoStr NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientInfo;
-#define NSS_CMS_KEYAGREE_RECIPIENT_INFO_VERSION	3	/* what we *create* */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * KEK recipient info
- */
-struct NSSCMSKEKIdentifierStr {
-    SECItem			keyIdentifier;
-    SECItem *			date;			/* optional */
-    SECItem *			other;			/* optional */
-typedef struct NSSCMSKEKIdentifierStr NSSCMSKEKIdentifier;
-struct NSSCMSKEKRecipientInfoStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    NSSCMSKEKIdentifier		kekIdentifier;
-    SECAlgorithmID		keyEncAlg;
-    SECItem			encKey;
-typedef struct NSSCMSKEKRecipientInfoStr NSSCMSKEKRecipientInfo;
-#define NSS_CMS_KEK_RECIPIENT_INFO_VERSION	4	/* what we *create* */
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * recipient info
- */
-typedef enum {
-    NSSCMSRecipientInfoID_KeyTrans = 0,
-    NSSCMSRecipientInfoID_KeyAgree = 1,
-    NSSCMSRecipientInfoID_KEK = 2
-} NSSCMSRecipientInfoIDSelector;
- * In order to preserve backwards binary compatibility when implementing
- * creation of Recipient Info's that uses subjectKeyID in the 
- * keyTransRecipientInfo we need to stash a public key pointer in this
- * structure somewhere.  We figured out that NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo
- * is the smallest member of the ri union.  We're in luck since that's
- * the very structure that would need to use the public key. So we created
- * a new structure NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoEx which has a member 
- * NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo as the first member followed by a version
- * and a public key pointer.  This way we can keep backwards compatibility
- * without changing the size of this structure.
- *
- * BTW, size of structure:
- * NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo:  9 ints, 4 pointers
- * NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientInfo: 12 ints, 8 pointers
- * NSSCMSKEKRecipientInfo:      10 ints, 7 pointers
- *
- * The new structure:
- * NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoEx: sizeof(NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo) +
- *                                1 int, 1 pointer
- */
-struct NSSCMSRecipientInfoStr {
-    NSSCMSRecipientInfoIDSelector recipientInfoType;
-    union {
-	NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfo keyTransRecipientInfo;
-	NSSCMSKeyAgreeRecipientInfo keyAgreeRecipientInfo;
-	NSSCMSKEKRecipientInfo kekRecipientInfo;
-	NSSCMSKeyTransRecipientInfoEx keyTransRecipientInfoEx;
-    } ri;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    NSSCMSMessage *		cmsg;			/* back pointer to message */
-    CERTCertificate *		cert;			/* recipient's certificate */
-/* =============================================================================
- */
-struct NSSCMSDigestedDataStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    SECAlgorithmID		digestAlg;
-    NSSCMSContentInfo		contentInfo;
-    SECItem			digest;
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    NSSCMSMessage *		cmsg;		/* back pointer */
-    SECItem			cdigest;	/* calculated digest */
-#define NSS_CMS_DIGESTED_DATA_VERSION_DATA	0	/* what we *create* */
-#define NSS_CMS_DIGESTED_DATA_VERSION_ENCAP	2	/* what we *create* */
-/* =============================================================================
- */
-struct NSSCMSEncryptedDataStr {
-    SECItem			version;
-    NSSCMSContentInfo		contentInfo;
-    NSSCMSAttribute **		unprotectedAttr;	/* optional */
-    /* --------- local; not part of encoding --------- */
-    NSSCMSMessage *		cmsg;		/* back pointer */
-#define NSS_CMS_ENCRYPTED_DATA_VERSION		0	/* what we *create* */
-#define NSS_CMS_ENCRYPTED_DATA_VERSION_UPATTR	2	/* what we *create* */
- * *****************************************************************************
- * *****************************************************************************
- * *****************************************************************************
- */
- * See comment above about this type not really belonging to CMS.
- */
-struct NSSCMSAttributeStr {
-    /* The following fields make up an encoded Attribute: */
-    SECItem			type;
-    SECItem **			values;	/* data may or may not be encoded */
-    /* The following fields are not part of an encoded Attribute: */
-    SECOidData *		typeTag;
-    PRBool			encoded;	/* when true, values are encoded */
-#endif /* _CMST_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/smime/smime.h b/nss/lib/smime/smime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a7a0f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/smime/smime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Header file for routines specific to S/MIME.  Keep things that are pure
- * pkcs7 out of here; this is for S/MIME policy, S/MIME interoperability, etc.
- */
-#ifndef _SMIME_H_
-#define _SMIME_H_ 1
-#include "cms.h"
- * Initialize the local recording of the user S/MIME cipher preferences.
- * This function is called once for each cipher, the order being
- * important (first call records greatest preference, and so on).
- * When finished, it is called with a "which" of CIPHER_FAMILID_MASK.
- * If the function is called again after that, it is assumed that
- * the preferences are being reset, and the old preferences are
- * discarded.
- *
- * XXX This is for a particular user, and right now the storage is
- * XXX local, static.  The preference should be stored elsewhere to allow
- * XXX for multiple uses of one library?  How does SSL handle this;
- * XXX it has something similar?
- *
- *  - The "which" values are defined in ciferfam.h (the SMIME_* values,
- *    for example SMIME_DES_CBC_56).
- *  - If "on" is non-zero then the named cipher is enabled, otherwise
- *    it is disabled.  (It is not necessary to call the function for
- *    ciphers that are disabled, however, as that is the default.)
- *
- * If the cipher preference is successfully recorded, SECSuccess
- * is returned.  Otherwise SECFailure is returned.  The only errors
- * are due to failure allocating memory or bad parameters/calls:
- *	SEC_ERROR_XXX ("which" is not in the S/MIME cipher family)
- *	SEC_ERROR_XXX (function is being called more times than there
- *		are known/expected ciphers)
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_SMIMEUtil_EnableCipher(long which, int on);
- * Initialize the local recording of the S/MIME policy.
- * This function is called to allow/disallow a particular cipher.
- *
- * XXX This is for the current module, I think, so local, static storage
- * XXX is okay.  Is that correct, or could multiple uses of the same
- * XXX library expect to operate under different policies?
- *
- *  - The "which" values are defined in ciferfam.h (the SMIME_* values,
- *    for example SMIME_DES_CBC_56).
- *  - If "on" is non-zero then the named cipher is enabled, otherwise
- *    it is disabled.
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_SMIMEUtils_AllowCipher(long which, int on);
- * Does the current policy allow S/MIME decryption of this particular
- * algorithm and keysize?
- */
-extern PRBool NSS_SMIMEUtil_DecryptionAllowed(SECAlgorithmID *algid, PK11SymKey *key);
- * Does the current policy allow *any* S/MIME encryption (or decryption)?
- *
- * This tells whether or not *any* S/MIME encryption can be done,
- * according to policy.  Callers may use this to do nicer user interface
- * (say, greying out a checkbox so a user does not even try to encrypt
- * a message when they are not allowed to) or for any reason they want
- * to check whether S/MIME encryption (or decryption, for that matter)
- * may be done.
- *
- * It takes no arguments.  The return value is a simple boolean:
- *   PR_TRUE means encryption (or decryption) is *possible*
- *	(but may still fail due to other reasons, like because we cannot
- *	find all the necessary certs, etc.; PR_TRUE is *not* a guarantee)
- *   PR_FALSE means encryption (or decryption) is not permitted
- *
- * There are no errors from this routine.
- */
-extern PRBool NSS_SMIMEUtil_EncryptionPossible(void);
- * NSS_SMIMEUtil_CreateSMIMECapabilities - get S/MIME capabilities attr value
- *
- * scans the list of allowed and enabled ciphers and construct a PKCS9-compliant
- * S/MIME capabilities attribute value.
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_SMIMEUtil_CreateSMIMECapabilities(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest);
- * NSS_SMIMEUtil_CreateSMIMEEncKeyPrefs - create S/MIME encryption key preferences attr value
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_SMIMEUtil_CreateSMIMEEncKeyPrefs(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, CERTCertificate *cert);
- * NSS_SMIMEUtil_CreateMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs - create S/MIME encryption key preferences attr value using MS oid
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_SMIMEUtil_CreateMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, CERTCertificate *cert);
- * NSS_SMIMEUtil_GetCertFromEncryptionKeyPreference - find cert marked by EncryptionKeyPreference
- *          attribute
- */
-extern CERTCertificate *NSS_SMIMEUtil_GetCertFromEncryptionKeyPreference(CERTCertDBHandle *certdb, SECItem *DERekp);
- * NSS_SMIMEUtil_FindBulkAlgForRecipients - find bulk algorithm suitable for all recipients
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_SMIMEUtil_FindBulkAlgForRecipients(CERTCertificate **rcerts, SECOidTag *bulkalgtag, int *keysize);
- * Return a boolean that indicates whether the underlying library
- * will perform as the caller expects.
- *
- * The only argument is a string, which should be the version
- * identifier of the NSS library. That string will be compared
- * against a string that represents the actual build version of
- * the S/MIME library.
- */
-extern PRBool NSSSMIME_VersionCheck(const char *importedVersion);
- * Returns a const string of the S/MIME library version.
- */
-extern const char *NSSSMIME_GetVersion(void);
-#endif /* _SECMIME_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/fipsaudt.c b/nss/lib/softoken/fipsaudt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b026374..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/fipsaudt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements audit logging required by FIPS 140-2 Security
- * Level 2.
- */
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
- * Print the value of the returned object handle in the output buffer
- * on a successful return of the PKCS #11 function.  If the PKCS #11
- * function failed or the pointer to object handle is NULL (which is
- * the case for C_DeriveKey with CKM_TLS_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE), an empty
- * string is stored in the output buffer.
- *
- * out: the output buffer
- * outlen: the length of the output buffer
- * argName: the name of the "pointer to object handle" argument
- * phObject: the pointer to object handle
- * rv: the return value of the PKCS #11 function
- */
-static void sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(char *out, PRUint32 outlen,
-    const char *argName, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject, CK_RV rv)
-    if ((rv == CKR_OK) && phObject) {
-	PR_snprintf(out, outlen,
-	    " *%s=0x%08lX", argName, (PRUint32)*phObject);
-    } else {
-	PORT_Assert(outlen != 0);
-	out[0] = '\0';
-    }
- * MECHANISM_BUFSIZE needs to be large enough for sftk_PrintMechanism,
- * which uses <= 49 bytes.
- */
-static void sftk_PrintMechanism(char *out, PRUint32 outlen,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism)
-    if (pMechanism) {
-	/*
-	 * If we change the format string, we need to make sure
-	 * MECHANISM_BUFSIZE is still large enough.  We allow
-	 * 20 bytes for %p on a 64-bit platform.
-	 */
-	PR_snprintf(out, outlen, "%p {mechanism=0x%08lX, ...}",
-	    pMechanism, (PRUint32)pMechanism->mechanism);
-    } else {
-	PR_snprintf(out, outlen, "%p", pMechanism);
-    }
-void sftk_AuditCreateObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    char shObject[32];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shObject, sizeof shObject,
-	"phObject", phObject, rv);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_CreateObject(hSession=0x%08lX, pTemplate=%p, ulCount=%lu, "
-	"phObject=%p)=0x%08lX%s",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, pTemplate, (PRUint32)ulCount,
-	phObject, (PRUint32)rv, shObject);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_LOAD_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditCopyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    char shNewObject[32];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shNewObject, sizeof shNewObject,
-	"phNewObject", phNewObject, rv);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_CopyObject(hSession=0x%08lX, hObject=0x%08lX, "
-	"pTemplate=%p, ulCount=%lu, phNewObject=%p)=0x%08lX%s",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, (PRUint32)hObject,
-	pTemplate, (PRUint32)ulCount, phNewObject, (PRUint32)rv, shNewObject);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_COPY_KEY, msg);
-/* WARNING: hObject has been destroyed and can only be printed. */
-void sftk_AuditDestroyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_DestroyObject(hSession=0x%08lX, hObject=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, (PRUint32)hObject, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_DESTROY_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditGetObjectSize(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_GetObjectSize(hSession=0x%08lX, hObject=0x%08lX, "
-	"pulSize=%p)=0x%08lX",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, (PRUint32)hObject,
-	pulSize, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_ACCESS_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditGetAttributeValue(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_GetAttributeValue(hSession=0x%08lX, hObject=0x%08lX, "
-	"pTemplate=%p, ulCount=%lu)=0x%08lX",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, (PRUint32)hObject,
-	pTemplate, (PRUint32)ulCount, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_ACCESS_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditSetAttributeValue(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_SetAttributeValue(hSession=0x%08lX, hObject=0x%08lX, "
-	"pTemplate=%p, ulCount=%lu)=0x%08lX",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, (PRUint32)hObject,
-	pTemplate, (PRUint32)ulCount, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_CHANGE_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditCryptInit(const char *opName, CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    char msg[256];
-    char mech[MECHANISM_BUFSIZE];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintMechanism(mech, sizeof mech, pMechanism);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_%sInit(hSession=0x%08lX, pMechanism=%s, "
-	"hKey=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX",
-	opName, (PRUint32)hSession, mech,
-	(PRUint32)hKey, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_CRYPT, msg);
-void sftk_AuditGenerateKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    char mech[MECHANISM_BUFSIZE];
-    char shKey[32];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintMechanism(mech, sizeof mech, pMechanism);
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shKey, sizeof shKey, "phKey", phKey, rv);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_GenerateKey(hSession=0x%08lX, pMechanism=%s, "
-	"pTemplate=%p, ulCount=%lu, phKey=%p)=0x%08lX%s",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, mech,
-	pTemplate, (PRUint32)ulCount, phKey, (PRUint32)rv, shKey);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_GENERATE_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditGenerateKeyPair(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[512];
-    char mech[MECHANISM_BUFSIZE];
-    char shPublicKey[32];
-    char shPrivateKey[32];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintMechanism(mech, sizeof mech, pMechanism);
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shPublicKey, sizeof shPublicKey,
-	"phPublicKey", phPublicKey, rv);
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shPrivateKey, sizeof shPrivateKey,
-	"phPrivateKey", phPrivateKey, rv);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_GenerateKeyPair(hSession=0x%08lX, pMechanism=%s, "
-	"pPublicKeyTemplate=%p, ulPublicKeyAttributeCount=%lu, "
-	"pPrivateKeyTemplate=%p, ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount=%lu, "
-	"phPublicKey=%p, phPrivateKey=%p)=0x%08lX%s%s",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, mech,
-	pPublicKeyTemplate, (PRUint32)ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-	pPrivateKeyTemplate, (PRUint32)ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-	phPublicKey, phPrivateKey, (PRUint32)rv, shPublicKey, shPrivateKey);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_GENERATE_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditWrapKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey, CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-    CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen, CK_RV rv)
-    char msg[256];
-    char mech[MECHANISM_BUFSIZE];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintMechanism(mech, sizeof mech, pMechanism);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_WrapKey(hSession=0x%08lX, pMechanism=%s, hWrappingKey=0x%08lX, "
-	"hKey=0x%08lX, pWrappedKey=%p, pulWrappedKeyLen=%p)=0x%08lX",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, mech, (PRUint32)hWrappingKey,
-	(PRUint32)hKey, pWrappedKey, pulWrappedKeyLen, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_WRAP_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditUnwrapKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey, CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    char msg[256];
-    char mech[MECHANISM_BUFSIZE];
-    char shKey[32];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintMechanism(mech, sizeof mech, pMechanism);
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shKey, sizeof shKey, "phKey", phKey, rv);
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_UnwrapKey(hSession=0x%08lX, pMechanism=%s, "
-	"hUnwrappingKey=0x%08lX, pWrappedKey=%p, ulWrappedKeyLen=%lu, "
-	"pTemplate=%p, ulAttributeCount=%lu, phKey=%p)=0x%08lX%s",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, mech,
-	(PRUint32)hUnwrappingKey, pWrappedKey, (PRUint32)ulWrappedKeyLen,
-	pTemplate, (PRUint32)ulAttributeCount, phKey, (PRUint32)rv, shKey);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_UNWRAP_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditDeriveKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    char msg[512];
-    char mech[MECHANISM_BUFSIZE];
-    char shKey[32];
-    char sTlsKeys[128];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    sftk_PrintMechanism(mech, sizeof mech, pMechanism);
-    sftk_PrintReturnedObjectHandle(shKey, sizeof shKey, "phKey", phKey, rv);
-    if ((rv == CKR_OK) &&
-	(pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_TLS_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE)) {
-	    (CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_OUT *keymat = param->pReturnedKeyMaterial;
-	PR_snprintf(sTlsKeys, sizeof sTlsKeys,
-	    " hClientMacSecret=0x%08lX hServerMacSecret=0x%08lX"
-	    " hClientKey=0x%08lX hServerKey=0x%08lX",
-	    (PRUint32)keymat->hClientMacSecret,
-	    (PRUint32)keymat->hServerMacSecret,
-	    (PRUint32)keymat->hClientKey,
-	    (PRUint32)keymat->hServerKey);
-    } else {
-	sTlsKeys[0] = '\0';
-    }
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_DeriveKey(hSession=0x%08lX, pMechanism=%s, "
-	"hBaseKey=0x%08lX, pTemplate=%p, ulAttributeCount=%lu, "
-	"phKey=%p)=0x%08lX%s%s",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, mech,
-	(PRUint32)hBaseKey, pTemplate,(PRUint32)ulAttributeCount,
-	phKey, (PRUint32)rv, shKey, sTlsKeys);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_DERIVE_KEY, msg);
-void sftk_AuditDigestKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    char msg[256];
-    NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-    PR_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg,
-	"C_DigestKey(hSession=0x%08lX, hKey=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX",
-	(PRUint32)hSession, (PRUint32)hKey, (PRUint32)rv);
-    sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_DIGEST_KEY, msg);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/fipstest.c b/nss/lib/softoken/fipstest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3b0d61..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/fipstest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2100 +0,0 @@
- * PKCS #11 FIPS Power-Up Self Test.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "softoken.h"   /* Required for RC2-ECB, RC2-CBC, RC4, DES-ECB,  */
-                        /*              DES-CBC, DES3-ECB, DES3-CBC, RSA */
-                        /*              and DSA.                         */
-#include "seccomon.h"   /* Required for RSA and DSA. */
-#include "lowkeyi.h"    /* Required for RSA and DSA. */
-#include "pkcs11.h"     /* Required for PKCS #11. */
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "ec.h"         /* Required for ECDSA */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for RC2-ECB and RC2-CBC.        */
-#define FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH                      5  /*  40-bits */
-#define FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH                  8  /*  64-bits */
-#define FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH                  8  /*  64-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for RC4.                        */
-#define FIPS_RC4_KEY_LENGTH                      5  /*  40-bits */
-#define FIPS_RC4_ENCRYPT_LENGTH                  8  /*  64-bits */
-#define FIPS_RC4_DECRYPT_LENGTH                  8  /*  64-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for DES-ECB and DES-CBC.        */
-#define FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH                  8  /*  64-bits */
-#define FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH                  8  /*  64-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for DES3-CBC and DES3-ECB.      */
-#define FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH                 8  /*  64-bits */
-#define FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH                 8  /*  64-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for AES-ECB and AES-CBC.        */
-#define FIPS_AES_BLOCK_SIZE                     16  /* 128-bits */
-#define FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH                 16  /* 128-bits */
-#define FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH                 16  /* 128-bits */
-#define FIPS_AES_128_KEY_SIZE                   16  /* 128-bits */
-#define FIPS_AES_192_KEY_SIZE                   24  /* 192-bits */
-#define FIPS_AES_256_KEY_SIZE                   32  /* 256-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for message digests             */
-#define FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH          64  /* 512-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for RSA.                         */
-#define FIPS_RSA_TYPE                           siBuffer
-#define FIPS_RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT_LENGTH           3 /*   24-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_PRIVATE_VERSION_LENGTH           1 /*    8-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_MESSAGE_LENGTH                 256 /* 2048-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_COEFFICIENT_LENGTH             128 /* 1024-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_PRIME0_LENGTH                  128 /* 1024-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_PRIME1_LENGTH                  128 /* 1024-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_EXPONENT0_LENGTH               128 /* 1024-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_EXPONENT1_LENGTH               128 /* 1024-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT_LENGTH        256 /* 2048-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_ENCRYPT_LENGTH                 256 /* 2048-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_DECRYPT_LENGTH                 256 /* 2048-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH               256 /* 2048-bits */
-#define FIPS_RSA_MODULUS_LENGTH                 256 /* 2048-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for DSA.                        */
-#define FIPS_DSA_TYPE                           siBuffer
-#define FIPS_DSA_DIGEST_LENGTH                  20 /*  160-bits */
-#define FIPS_DSA_SUBPRIME_LENGTH                20 /*  160-bits */
-#define FIPS_DSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH               40 /*  320-bits */
-#define FIPS_DSA_PRIME_LENGTH                  128 /* 1024-bits */
-#define FIPS_DSA_BASE_LENGTH                   128 /* 1024-bits */
-/* FIPS preprocessor directives for RNG.                        */
-#define FIPS_RNG_XKEY_LENGTH                    32  /* 256-bits */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_RC2_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* RC2 Known Key (40-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc2_known_key[] = { "RSARC" };
-    /* RC2-CBC Known Initialization Vector (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc2_cbc_known_initialization_vector[] = {"Security"};
-    /* RC2 Known Plaintext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc2_ecb_known_plaintext[] = {"Netscape"};
-    static const PRUint8 rc2_cbc_known_plaintext[] = {"Netscape"};
-    /* RC2 Known Ciphertext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc2_ecb_known_ciphertext[] = {
-				  0x1a,0x71,0x33,0x54,0x8d,0x5c,0xd2,0x30};
-    static const PRUint8 rc2_cbc_known_ciphertext[] = {
-				  0xff,0x41,0xdb,0x94,0x8a,0x4c,0x33,0xb3};
-    /* RC2 variables. */
-    PRUint8        rc2_computed_ciphertext[FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH];
-    PRUint8        rc2_computed_plaintext[FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH];
-    RC2Context *   rc2_context;
-    unsigned int   rc2_bytes_encrypted;
-    unsigned int   rc2_bytes_decrypted;
-    SECStatus      rc2_status;
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* RC2-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    rc2_context = RC2_CreateContext( rc2_known_key, FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH,
-                                     NULL, NSS_RC2,
-                                     FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH );
-    if( rc2_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    rc2_status = RC2_Encrypt( rc2_context, rc2_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &rc2_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              rc2_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                              FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    RC2_DestroyContext( rc2_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( rc2_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rc2_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rc2_computed_ciphertext, rc2_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* RC2-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    rc2_context = RC2_CreateContext( rc2_known_key, FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH,
-                                     NULL, NSS_RC2,
-                                     FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH );
-    if( rc2_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    rc2_status = RC2_Decrypt( rc2_context, rc2_computed_plaintext,
-                              &rc2_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              rc2_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                              FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    RC2_DestroyContext( rc2_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( rc2_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rc2_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rc2_computed_plaintext, rc2_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* RC2-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    rc2_context = RC2_CreateContext( rc2_known_key, FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH,
-                                     rc2_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                     NSS_RC2_CBC, FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH );
-    if( rc2_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    rc2_status = RC2_Encrypt( rc2_context, rc2_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &rc2_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              rc2_cbc_known_plaintext,
-                              FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    RC2_DestroyContext( rc2_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( rc2_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rc2_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rc2_computed_ciphertext, rc2_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* RC2-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    rc2_context = RC2_CreateContext( rc2_known_key, FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH,
-                                     rc2_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                     NSS_RC2_CBC, FIPS_RC2_KEY_LENGTH );
-    if( rc2_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    rc2_status = RC2_Decrypt( rc2_context, rc2_computed_plaintext,
-                              &rc2_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              rc2_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                              FIPS_RC2_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    RC2_DestroyContext( rc2_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( rc2_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rc2_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rc2_computed_plaintext, rc2_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_RC2_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_RC4_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* RC4 Known Key (40-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc4_known_key[] = { "RSARC" };
-    /* RC4 Known Plaintext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc4_known_plaintext[] = { "Netscape" };
-    /* RC4 Known Ciphertext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rc4_known_ciphertext[] = {
-				0x29,0x33,0xc7,0x9a,0x9d,0x6c,0x09,0xdd};
-    /* RC4 variables. */
-    PRUint8        rc4_computed_ciphertext[FIPS_RC4_ENCRYPT_LENGTH];
-    PRUint8        rc4_computed_plaintext[FIPS_RC4_DECRYPT_LENGTH];
-    RC4Context *   rc4_context;
-    unsigned int   rc4_bytes_encrypted;
-    unsigned int   rc4_bytes_decrypted;
-    SECStatus      rc4_status;
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* RC4 Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test: */
-    /**************************************************/
-    rc4_context = RC4_CreateContext( rc4_known_key, FIPS_RC4_KEY_LENGTH );
-    if( rc4_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    rc4_status = RC4_Encrypt( rc4_context, rc4_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &rc4_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_RC4_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              rc4_known_plaintext, FIPS_RC4_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    RC4_DestroyContext( rc4_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( rc4_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rc4_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_RC4_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rc4_computed_ciphertext, rc4_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_RC4_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* RC4 Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test: */
-    /**************************************************/
-    rc4_context = RC4_CreateContext( rc4_known_key, FIPS_RC4_KEY_LENGTH );
-    if( rc4_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    rc4_status = RC4_Decrypt( rc4_context, rc4_computed_plaintext,
-                              &rc4_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_RC4_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              rc4_known_ciphertext, FIPS_RC4_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    RC4_DestroyContext( rc4_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( rc4_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rc4_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_RC4_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rc4_computed_plaintext, rc4_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_RC4_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_DES_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* DES Known Key (56-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des_known_key[] = { "ANSI DES" };
-    /* DES-CBC Known Initialization Vector (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des_cbc_known_initialization_vector[] = { "Security" };
-    /* DES Known Plaintext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des_ecb_known_plaintext[] = { "Netscape" };
-    static const PRUint8 des_cbc_known_plaintext[] = { "Netscape" };
-    /* DES Known Ciphertext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des_ecb_known_ciphertext[] = {
-			       0x26,0x14,0xe9,0xc3,0x28,0x80,0x50,0xb0};
-    static const PRUint8 des_cbc_known_ciphertext[]  = {
-			       0x5e,0x95,0x94,0x5d,0x76,0xa2,0xd3,0x7d};
-    /* DES variables. */
-    PRUint8        des_computed_ciphertext[FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH];
-    PRUint8        des_computed_plaintext[FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH];
-    DESContext *   des_context;
-    unsigned int   des_bytes_encrypted;
-    unsigned int   des_bytes_decrypted;
-    SECStatus      des_status;
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* DES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    des_context = DES_CreateContext( des_known_key, NULL, NSS_DES, PR_TRUE );
-    if( des_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des_status = DES_Encrypt( des_context, des_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &des_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              des_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                              FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des_computed_ciphertext, des_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* DES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    des_context = DES_CreateContext( des_known_key, NULL, NSS_DES, PR_FALSE );
-    if( des_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des_status = DES_Decrypt( des_context, des_computed_plaintext,
-                              &des_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              des_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                              FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des_computed_plaintext, des_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* DES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test. */
-    /******************************************************/
-    des_context = DES_CreateContext( des_known_key,
-                                     des_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                     NSS_DES_CBC, PR_TRUE );
-    if( des_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des_status = DES_Encrypt( des_context, des_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &des_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              des_cbc_known_plaintext,
-                              FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des_computed_ciphertext, des_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* DES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test. */
-    /******************************************************/
-    des_context = DES_CreateContext( des_known_key,
-                                     des_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                     NSS_DES_CBC, PR_FALSE );
-    if( des_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des_status = DES_Decrypt( des_context, des_computed_plaintext,
-                              &des_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              des_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                              FIPS_DES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des_computed_plaintext, des_cbc_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_DES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_DES3_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* DES3 Known Key (56-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des3_known_key[] = { "ANSI Triple-DES Key Data" };
-    /* DES3-CBC Known Initialization Vector (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des3_cbc_known_initialization_vector[] = { "Security" };
-    /* DES3 Known Plaintext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des3_ecb_known_plaintext[] = { "Netscape" };
-    static const PRUint8 des3_cbc_known_plaintext[] = { "Netscape" };
-    /* DES3 Known Ciphertext (64-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 des3_ecb_known_ciphertext[] = {
-			   0x55,0x8e,0xad,0x3c,0xee,0x49,0x69,0xbe};
-    static const PRUint8 des3_cbc_known_ciphertext[] = {
-			   0x43,0xdc,0x6a,0xc1,0xaf,0xa6,0x32,0xf5};
-    /* DES3 variables. */
-    PRUint8        des3_computed_ciphertext[FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH];
-    PRUint8        des3_computed_plaintext[FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH];
-    DESContext *   des3_context;
-    unsigned int   des3_bytes_encrypted;
-    unsigned int   des3_bytes_decrypted;
-    SECStatus      des3_status;
-    /*******************************************************/
-    /* DES3-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test. */
-    /*******************************************************/
-    des3_context = DES_CreateContext( des3_known_key, NULL,
-                                     NSS_DES_EDE3, PR_TRUE );
-    if( des3_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des3_status = DES_Encrypt( des3_context, des3_computed_ciphertext,
-                               &des3_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                               des3_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                               FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des3_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des3_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des3_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des3_computed_ciphertext, des3_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /*******************************************************/
-    /* DES3-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test. */
-    /*******************************************************/
-    des3_context = DES_CreateContext( des3_known_key, NULL,
-                                     NSS_DES_EDE3, PR_FALSE );
-    if( des3_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des3_status = DES_Decrypt( des3_context, des3_computed_plaintext,
-                               &des3_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                               des3_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                               FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des3_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des3_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des3_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des3_computed_plaintext, des3_ecb_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /*******************************************************/
-    /* DES3-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test. */
-    /*******************************************************/
-    des3_context = DES_CreateContext( des3_known_key,
-                                      des3_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                      NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC, PR_TRUE );
-    if( des3_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des3_status = DES_Encrypt( des3_context, des3_computed_ciphertext,
-                               &des3_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                               des3_cbc_known_plaintext,
-                               FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des3_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des3_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des3_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des3_computed_ciphertext, des3_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /*******************************************************/
-    /* DES3-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test. */
-    /*******************************************************/
-    des3_context = DES_CreateContext( des3_known_key,
-                                      des3_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                      NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC, PR_FALSE );
-    if( des3_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    des3_status = DES_Decrypt( des3_context, des3_computed_plaintext,
-                               &des3_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                               des3_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                               FIPS_DES3_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    DES_DestroyContext( des3_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( des3_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( des3_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( des3_computed_plaintext, des3_cbc_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_DES3_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-/* AES self-test for 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit key sizes*/
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_AES_PowerUpSelfTest( int aes_key_size )
-    /* AES Known Key (up to 256-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 aes_known_key[] = 
-        { "AES-128 RIJNDAELLEADNJIR 821-SEA" };
-    /* AES-CBC Known Initialization Vector (128-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 aes_cbc_known_initialization_vector[] = 
-        { "SecurityytiruceS" };
-    /* AES Known Plaintext (128-bits). (blocksize is 128-bits) */
-    static const PRUint8 aes_known_plaintext[] = { "NetscapeepacsteN" };
-    /* AES Known Ciphertext (128-bit key). */
-    static const PRUint8 aes_ecb128_known_ciphertext[] = {
-        0x3c,0xa5,0x96,0xf3,0x34,0x6a,0x96,0xc1,
-        0x03,0x88,0x16,0x7b,0x20,0xbf,0x35,0x47 };
-    static const PRUint8 aes_cbc128_known_ciphertext[]  = {
-        0xcf,0x15,0x1d,0x4f,0x96,0xe4,0x4f,0x63,
-        0x15,0x54,0x14,0x1d,0x4e,0xd8,0xd5,0xea };
-    /* AES Known Ciphertext (192-bit key). */
-    static const PRUint8 aes_ecb192_known_ciphertext[] = { 
-        0xa0,0x18,0x62,0xed,0x88,0x19,0xcb,0x62,
-        0x88,0x1d,0x4d,0xfe,0x84,0x02,0x89,0x0e };
-    static const PRUint8 aes_cbc192_known_ciphertext[]  = { 
-        0x83,0xf7,0xa4,0x76,0xd1,0x6f,0x07,0xbe,
-        0x07,0xbc,0x43,0x2f,0x6d,0xad,0x29,0xe1 };
-    /* AES Known Ciphertext (256-bit key). */
-    static const PRUint8 aes_ecb256_known_ciphertext[] = { 
-        0xdb,0xa6,0x52,0x01,0x8a,0x70,0xae,0x66,
-        0x3a,0x99,0xd8,0x95,0x7f,0xfb,0x01,0x67 };
-    static const PRUint8 aes_cbc256_known_ciphertext[]  = { 
-        0x37,0xea,0x07,0x06,0x31,0x1c,0x59,0x27,
-        0xc5,0xc5,0x68,0x71,0x6e,0x34,0x40,0x16 };
-    const PRUint8 *aes_ecb_known_ciphertext =
-        ( aes_key_size == FIPS_AES_128_KEY_SIZE) ? aes_ecb128_known_ciphertext :
-        ( aes_key_size == FIPS_AES_192_KEY_SIZE) ? aes_ecb192_known_ciphertext :
-                                aes_ecb256_known_ciphertext;
-    const PRUint8 *aes_cbc_known_ciphertext =
-        ( aes_key_size == FIPS_AES_128_KEY_SIZE) ? aes_cbc128_known_ciphertext :
-        ( aes_key_size == FIPS_AES_192_KEY_SIZE) ? aes_cbc192_known_ciphertext :
-                                aes_cbc256_known_ciphertext;
-    /* AES variables. */
-    PRUint8        aes_computed_ciphertext[FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH];
-    PRUint8        aes_computed_plaintext[FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH];
-    AESContext *   aes_context;
-    unsigned int   aes_bytes_encrypted;
-    unsigned int   aes_bytes_decrypted;
-    SECStatus      aes_status;
-    /*check if aes_key_size is 128, 192, or 256 bits */
-    if ((aes_key_size != FIPS_AES_128_KEY_SIZE) && 
-        (aes_key_size != FIPS_AES_192_KEY_SIZE) && 
-        (aes_key_size != FIPS_AES_256_KEY_SIZE)) 
-            return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* AES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    aes_context = AES_CreateContext( aes_known_key, NULL, NSS_AES, PR_TRUE,
-                                     aes_key_size, FIPS_AES_BLOCK_SIZE );
-    if( aes_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    aes_status = AES_Encrypt( aes_context, aes_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &aes_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              aes_known_plaintext,
-                              FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    AES_DestroyContext( aes_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( aes_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( aes_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( aes_computed_ciphertext, aes_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* AES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test: */
-    /******************************************************/
-    aes_context = AES_CreateContext( aes_known_key, NULL, NSS_AES, PR_FALSE,
-                                     aes_key_size, FIPS_AES_BLOCK_SIZE );
-    if( aes_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    aes_status = AES_Decrypt( aes_context, aes_computed_plaintext,
-                              &aes_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              aes_ecb_known_ciphertext,
-                              FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    AES_DestroyContext( aes_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( aes_status != SECSuccess ) ||         
-        ( aes_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( aes_computed_plaintext, aes_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* AES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test. */
-    /******************************************************/
-    aes_context = AES_CreateContext( aes_known_key,
-                                     aes_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                     NSS_AES_CBC, PR_TRUE, aes_key_size, 
-                                     FIPS_AES_BLOCK_SIZE );
-    if( aes_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    aes_status = AES_Encrypt( aes_context, aes_computed_ciphertext,
-                              &aes_bytes_encrypted, FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              aes_known_plaintext,
-                              FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH );
-    AES_DestroyContext( aes_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( aes_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( aes_bytes_encrypted != FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( aes_computed_ciphertext, aes_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* AES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test. */
-    /******************************************************/
-    aes_context = AES_CreateContext( aes_known_key,
-                                     aes_cbc_known_initialization_vector,
-                                     NSS_AES_CBC, PR_FALSE, aes_key_size, 
-                                     FIPS_AES_BLOCK_SIZE );
-    if( aes_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    aes_status = AES_Decrypt( aes_context, aes_computed_plaintext,
-                              &aes_bytes_decrypted, FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH,
-                              aes_cbc_known_ciphertext,
-                              FIPS_AES_ENCRYPT_LENGTH );
-    AES_DestroyContext( aes_context, PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( aes_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( aes_bytes_decrypted != FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( aes_computed_plaintext, aes_known_plaintext,
-                       FIPS_AES_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-/* Known Hash Message (512-bits).  Used for all hashes (incl. SHA-N [N>1]). */
-static const PRUint8 known_hash_message[] = {
-  "The test message for the MD2, MD5, and SHA-1 hashing algorithms." };
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_MD2_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* MD2 Known Digest Message (128-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 md2_known_digest[]  = {
-                                   0x41,0x5a,0x12,0xb2,0x3f,0x28,0x97,0x17,
-                                   0x0c,0x71,0x4e,0xcc,0x40,0xc8,0x1d,0x1b};
-    /* MD2 variables. */
-    MD2Context * md2_context;
-    unsigned int md2_bytes_hashed;
-    PRUint8      md2_computed_digest[MD2_LENGTH];
-    /***********************************************/
-    /* MD2 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /***********************************************/
-    md2_context = MD2_NewContext();
-    if( md2_context == NULL )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    MD2_Begin( md2_context );
-    MD2_Update( md2_context, known_hash_message,
-    MD2_End( md2_context, md2_computed_digest, &md2_bytes_hashed, MD2_LENGTH );
-    MD2_DestroyContext( md2_context , PR_TRUE );
-    if( ( md2_bytes_hashed != MD2_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( md2_computed_digest, md2_known_digest,
-                       MD2_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_MD5_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* MD5 Known Digest Message (128-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 md5_known_digest[]  = {
-				   0x25,0xc8,0xc0,0x10,0xc5,0x6e,0x68,0x28,
-				   0x28,0xa4,0xa5,0xd2,0x98,0x9a,0xea,0x2d};
-    /* MD5 variables. */
-    PRUint8        md5_computed_digest[MD5_LENGTH];
-    SECStatus      md5_status;
-    /***********************************************/
-    /* MD5 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /***********************************************/
-    md5_status = MD5_HashBuf( md5_computed_digest, known_hash_message,
-                              FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH );
-    if( ( md5_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( md5_computed_digest, md5_known_digest,
-                       MD5_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-/* Single Round HMAC SHA-X test                     */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_fips_HMAC(unsigned char *hmac_computed,
-               const PRUint8 *secret_key,
-               unsigned int secret_key_length,
-               const PRUint8 *message,
-               unsigned int message_length,
-               HASH_HashType hashAlg )
-    SECStatus hmac_status = SECFailure;
-    HMACContext *cx = NULL;
-    SECHashObject *hashObj = NULL;
-    unsigned int bytes_hashed = 0;
-    hashObj = (SECHashObject *) HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashAlg);
-    if (!hashObj) 
-        return( SECFailure );
-    cx = HMAC_Create(hashObj, secret_key, 
-                     secret_key_length, 
-                     PR_TRUE);  /* PR_TRUE for in FIPS mode */
-    if (cx == NULL) 
-        return( SECFailure );
-    HMAC_Begin(cx);
-    HMAC_Update(cx, message, message_length);
-    hmac_status = HMAC_Finish(cx, hmac_computed, &bytes_hashed, 
-                              hashObj->length);
-    HMAC_Destroy(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    return( hmac_status );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_HMAC_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    static const PRUint8 HMAC_known_secret_key[] = {
-                         "Firefox and ThunderBird are awesome!"};
-    static const PRUint8 HMAC_known_secret_key_length 
-                         = sizeof HMAC_known_secret_key;
-    /* known SHA1 hmac (20 bytes) */
-    static const PRUint8 known_SHA1_hmac[] = {
-        0xd5, 0x85, 0xf6, 0x5b, 0x39, 0xfa, 0xb9, 0x05, 
-        0x3b, 0x57, 0x1d, 0x61, 0xe7, 0xb8, 0x84, 0x1e, 
-        0x5d, 0x0e, 0x1e, 0x11};
-    /* known SHA224 hmac (28 bytes) */
-    static const PRUint8 known_SHA224_hmac[] = {
-        0x1c, 0xc3, 0x06, 0x8e, 0xce, 0x37, 0x68, 0xfb, 
-        0x1a, 0x82, 0x4a, 0xbe, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x51, 0xf8,
-        0x9d, 0xb6, 0xe0, 0x90, 0x0d, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x64,
-        0x9a, 0xb8, 0x98, 0x4e};
-    /* known SHA256 hmac (32 bytes) */
-    static const PRUint8 known_SHA256_hmac[] = {
-        0x05, 0x75, 0x9a, 0x9e, 0x70, 0x5e, 0xe7, 0x44, 
-        0xe2, 0x46, 0x4b, 0x92, 0x22, 0x14, 0x22, 0xe0, 
-        0x1b, 0x92, 0x8a, 0x0c, 0xfe, 0xf5, 0x49, 0xe9, 
-        0xa7, 0x1b, 0x56, 0x7d, 0x1d, 0x29, 0x40, 0x48};        
-    /* known SHA384 hmac (48 bytes) */
-    static const PRUint8 known_SHA384_hmac[] = {
-        0xcd, 0x56, 0x14, 0xec, 0x05, 0x53, 0x06, 0x2b,
-        0x7e, 0x9c, 0x8a, 0x18, 0x5e, 0xea, 0xf3, 0x91,
-        0x33, 0xfb, 0x64, 0xf6, 0xe3, 0x9f, 0x89, 0x0b,
-        0xaf, 0xbe, 0x83, 0x4d, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x43, 0x4d,
-        0x4a, 0x0c, 0x56, 0x98, 0xf8, 0xca, 0xb4, 0xaa,
-        0x9a, 0xf4, 0x0a, 0xaf, 0x4f, 0x69, 0xca, 0x87};
-    /* known SHA512 hmac (64 bytes) */
-    static const PRUint8 known_SHA512_hmac[] = {
-        0xf6, 0x0e, 0x97, 0x12, 0x00, 0x67, 0x6e, 0xb9,
-        0x0c, 0xb2, 0x63, 0xf0, 0x60, 0xac, 0x75, 0x62,
-        0x70, 0x95, 0x2a, 0x52, 0x22, 0xee, 0xdd, 0xd2,
-        0x71, 0xb1, 0xe8, 0x26, 0x33, 0xd3, 0x13, 0x27,
-        0xcb, 0xff, 0x44, 0xef, 0x87, 0x97, 0x16, 0xfb,
-        0xd3, 0x0b, 0x48, 0xbe, 0x12, 0x4e, 0xda, 0xb1,
-        0x89, 0x90, 0xfb, 0x06, 0x0c, 0xbe, 0xe5, 0xc4,
-        0xff, 0x24, 0x37, 0x3d, 0xc7, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0x37};
-    SECStatus    hmac_status;
-    PRUint8      hmac_computed[HASH_LENGTH_MAX]; 
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* HMAC SHA-1 Single-Round Known Answer HMAC Test. */
-    /***************************************************/
-    hmac_status = sftk_fips_HMAC(hmac_computed, 
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key_length,
-                                 known_hash_message,
-                                 FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                                 HASH_AlgSHA1); 
-    if( ( hmac_status != SECSuccess ) || 
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( hmac_computed, known_SHA1_hmac,
-                       SHA1_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* HMAC SHA-224 Single-Round Known Answer Test.    */
-    /***************************************************/
-    hmac_status = sftk_fips_HMAC(hmac_computed, 
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key_length,
-                                 known_hash_message,
-                                 FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                                 HASH_AlgSHA224);
-    if( ( hmac_status != SECSuccess ) || 
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( hmac_computed, known_SHA224_hmac,
-                       SHA224_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* HMAC SHA-256 Single-Round Known Answer Test.    */
-    /***************************************************/
-    hmac_status = sftk_fips_HMAC(hmac_computed, 
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key_length,
-                                 known_hash_message,
-                                 FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                                 HASH_AlgSHA256); 
-    if( ( hmac_status != SECSuccess ) || 
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( hmac_computed, known_SHA256_hmac,
-                       SHA256_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* HMAC SHA-384 Single-Round Known Answer Test.    */
-    /***************************************************/
-    hmac_status = sftk_fips_HMAC(hmac_computed,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key_length,
-                                 known_hash_message,
-                                 FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                                 HASH_AlgSHA384);
-    if( ( hmac_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( hmac_computed, known_SHA384_hmac,
-                       SHA384_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* HMAC SHA-512 Single-Round Known Answer Test.    */
-    /***************************************************/
-    hmac_status = sftk_fips_HMAC(hmac_computed,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key,
-                                 HMAC_known_secret_key_length,
-                                 known_hash_message,
-                                 FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                                 HASH_AlgSHA512);
-    if( ( hmac_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( hmac_computed, known_SHA512_hmac,
-                       SHA512_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_SHA_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* SHA-1 Known Digest Message (160-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 sha1_known_digest[] = {
-			       0x0a,0x6d,0x07,0xba,0x1e,0xbd,0x8a,0x1b,
-			       0x72,0xf6,0xc7,0x22,0xf1,0x27,0x9f,0xf0,
-			       0xe0,0x68,0x47,0x7a};
-    /* SHA-224 Known Digest Message (224-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 sha224_known_digest[] = {
-        0x89,0x5e,0x7f,0xfd,0x0e,0xd8,0x35,0x6f,
-        0x64,0x6d,0xf2,0xde,0x5e,0xed,0xa6,0x7f, 
-        0x29,0xd1,0x12,0x73,0x42,0x84,0x95,0x4f, 
-        0x8e,0x08,0xe5,0xcb};
-    /* SHA-256 Known Digest Message (256-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 sha256_known_digest[] = {
-        0x38,0xa9,0xc1,0xf0,0x35,0xf6,0x5d,0x61,
-        0x11,0xd4,0x0b,0xdc,0xce,0x35,0x14,0x8d,
-        0xf2,0xdd,0xaf,0xaf,0xcf,0xb7,0x87,0xe9,
-        0x96,0xa5,0xd2,0x83,0x62,0x46,0x56,0x79};
-    /* SHA-384 Known Digest Message (384-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 sha384_known_digest[] = {
-        0x11,0xfe,0x1c,0x00,0x89,0x48,0xde,0xb3,
-        0x99,0xee,0x1c,0x18,0xb4,0x10,0xfb,0xfe,
-        0xe3,0xa8,0x2c,0xf3,0x04,0xb0,0x2f,0xc8,
-        0xa3,0xc4,0x5e,0xea,0x7e,0x60,0x48,0x7b,
-        0xce,0x2c,0x62,0xf7,0xbc,0xa7,0xe8,0xa3,
-        0xcf,0x24,0xce,0x9c,0xe2,0x8b,0x09,0x72};
-    /* SHA-512 Known Digest Message (512-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 sha512_known_digest[] = {
-        0xc8,0xb3,0x27,0xf9,0x0b,0x24,0xc8,0xbf,
-        0x4c,0xba,0x33,0x54,0xf2,0x31,0xbf,0xdb,
-        0xab,0xfd,0xb3,0x15,0xd7,0xfa,0x48,0x99,
-        0x07,0x60,0x0f,0x57,0x41,0x1a,0xdd,0x28,
-        0x12,0x55,0x25,0xac,0xba,0x3a,0x99,0x12,
-        0x2c,0x7a,0x8f,0x75,0x3a,0xe1,0x06,0x6f,
-        0x30,0x31,0xc9,0x33,0xc6,0x1b,0x90,0x1a,
-        0x6c,0x98,0x9a,0x87,0xd0,0xb2,0xf8,0x07};
-    /* SHA-X variables. */
-    PRUint8        sha_computed_digest[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    SECStatus      sha_status;
-    /*************************************************/
-    /* SHA-1 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /*************************************************/
-    sha_status = SHA1_HashBuf( sha_computed_digest, known_hash_message,
-                                FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH );
-    if( ( sha_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( sha_computed_digest, sha1_known_digest,
-                       SHA1_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* SHA-224 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /***************************************************/
-    sha_status = SHA224_HashBuf( sha_computed_digest, known_hash_message,
-                                FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH );
-    if( ( sha_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( sha_computed_digest, sha224_known_digest,
-                       SHA224_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* SHA-256 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /***************************************************/
-    sha_status = SHA256_HashBuf( sha_computed_digest, known_hash_message,
-                                FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH );
-    if( ( sha_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( sha_computed_digest, sha256_known_digest,
-                       SHA256_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* SHA-384 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /***************************************************/
-    sha_status = SHA384_HashBuf( sha_computed_digest, known_hash_message,
-                                FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH );
-    if( ( sha_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( sha_computed_digest, sha384_known_digest,
-                       SHA384_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* SHA-512 Single-Round Known Answer Hashing Test. */
-    /***************************************************/
-    sha_status = SHA512_HashBuf( sha_computed_digest, known_hash_message,
-                                FIPS_KNOWN_HASH_MESSAGE_LENGTH );
-    if( ( sha_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( sha_computed_digest, sha512_known_digest,
-                       SHA512_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-* Single round RSA Signature Known Answer Test
-static SECStatus
-sftk_fips_RSA_PowerUpSigSelfTest (HASH_HashType  shaAlg,
-                                  NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *rsa_public_key,
-                                  NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *rsa_private_key,
-                                  const unsigned char *rsa_known_msg,
-                                  const unsigned int rsa_kmsg_length,
-                                  const unsigned char *rsa_known_signature)
-    SECOidTag      shaOid;   /* SHA OID */
-    unsigned char  sha[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];    /* SHA digest */
-    unsigned int   shaLength = 0;           /* length of SHA */
-    unsigned int   rsa_bytes_signed;
-    unsigned char  rsa_computed_signature[FIPS_RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
-    SECStatus      rv;
-    if (shaAlg == HASH_AlgSHA1) {
-        if (SHA1_HashBuf(sha, rsa_known_msg, rsa_kmsg_length)
-                            != SECSuccess) {
-             goto loser;
-        }
-        shaLength = SHA1_LENGTH;
-        shaOid = SEC_OID_SHA1;
-    } else if (shaAlg == HASH_AlgSHA256) {
-        if (SHA256_HashBuf(sha, rsa_known_msg, rsa_kmsg_length)
-                            != SECSuccess) {
-             goto loser;
-        }
-        shaLength = SHA256_LENGTH;
-        shaOid = SEC_OID_SHA256;
-    } else if (shaAlg == HASH_AlgSHA384) {
-        if (SHA384_HashBuf(sha, rsa_known_msg, rsa_kmsg_length)
-                            != SECSuccess) {
-             goto loser;
-        }
-        shaLength = SHA384_LENGTH;
-        shaOid = SEC_OID_SHA384;
-    } else if (shaAlg == HASH_AlgSHA512) {
-        if (SHA512_HashBuf(sha, rsa_known_msg, rsa_kmsg_length)
-                            != SECSuccess) {
-             goto loser;
-        }
-        shaLength = SHA512_LENGTH;
-        shaOid = SEC_OID_SHA512;
-    } else {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*************************************************/
-    /* RSA Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test. */
-    /*************************************************/
-    /* Perform RSA signature with the RSA private key. */
-    rv = RSA_HashSign( shaOid,
-                       rsa_private_key,
-                       rsa_computed_signature,
-                       &rsa_bytes_signed,
-                       FIPS_RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
-                       sha,
-                       shaLength);
-    if( ( rv != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( rsa_bytes_signed != FIPS_RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rsa_computed_signature, rsa_known_signature,
-                       FIPS_RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) != 0 ) ) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /****************************************************/
-    /* RSA Single-Round Known Answer Verification Test. */
-    /****************************************************/
-    /* Perform RSA verification with the RSA public key. */
-    rv = RSA_HashCheckSign( shaOid,
-                            rsa_public_key,
-                            rsa_computed_signature,
-                            rsa_bytes_signed,
-                            sha,
-                            shaLength);
-    if( rv != SECSuccess ) {
-         goto loser;
-    }
-    return( SECSuccess );
-    return( SECFailure );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_RSA_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* RSA Known Modulus used in both Public/Private Key Values (2048-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_modulus[FIPS_RSA_MODULUS_LENGTH] = {
-                            0xb8, 0x15, 0x00, 0x33, 0xda, 0x0c, 0x9d, 0xa5,
-                            0x14, 0x8c, 0xde, 0x1f, 0x23, 0x07, 0x54, 0xe2,
-                            0xc6, 0xb9, 0x51, 0x04, 0xc9, 0x65, 0x24, 0x6e,
-                            0x0a, 0x46, 0x34, 0x5c, 0x37, 0x86, 0x6b, 0x88,
-                            0x24, 0x27, 0xac, 0xa5, 0x02, 0x79, 0xfb, 0xed,
-                            0x75, 0xc5, 0x3f, 0x6e, 0xdf, 0x05, 0x5f, 0x0f,
-                            0x20, 0x70, 0xa0, 0x5b, 0x85, 0xdb, 0xac, 0xb9,
-                            0x5f, 0x02, 0xc2, 0x64, 0x1e, 0x84, 0x5b, 0x3e,
-                            0xad, 0xbf, 0xf6, 0x2e, 0x51, 0xd6, 0xad, 0xf7,
-                            0xa7, 0x86, 0x75, 0x86, 0xec, 0xa7, 0xe1, 0xf7,
-                            0x08, 0xbf, 0xdc, 0x56, 0xb1, 0x3b, 0xca, 0xd8,
-                            0xfc, 0x51, 0xdf, 0x9a, 0x2a, 0x37, 0x06, 0xf2,
-                            0xd1, 0x6b, 0x9a, 0x5e, 0x2a, 0xe5, 0x20, 0x57,
-                            0x35, 0x9f, 0x1f, 0x98, 0xcf, 0x40, 0xc7, 0xd6,
-                            0x98, 0xdb, 0xde, 0xf5, 0x64, 0x53, 0xf7, 0x9d,
-                            0x45, 0xf3, 0xd6, 0x78, 0xb9, 0xe3, 0xa3, 0x20,
-                            0xcd, 0x79, 0x43, 0x35, 0xef, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0xb9,
-                            0x80, 0x88, 0x27, 0x2f, 0x63, 0xa8, 0x67, 0x3d,
-                            0x4a, 0xfa, 0x06, 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x86, 0x0b, 0xa7,
-                            0x28, 0xfd, 0xe0, 0x1e, 0x93, 0x4b, 0x17, 0x2e,
-                            0xb0, 0x11, 0x6f, 0xc6, 0x2b, 0x98, 0x0f, 0x15,
-                            0xe3, 0x87, 0x16, 0x7a, 0x7c, 0x67, 0x3e, 0x12,
-                            0x2b, 0xf8, 0xbe, 0x48, 0xc1, 0x97, 0x47, 0xf4,
-                            0x1f, 0x81, 0x80, 0x12, 0x28, 0xe4, 0x7b, 0x1e,
-                            0xb7, 0x00, 0xa4, 0xde, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x0f, 0x77,
-                            0x84, 0xa3, 0xd6, 0xb2, 0x03, 0x48, 0xdd, 0x53,
-                            0x8b, 0x46, 0x41, 0x28, 0x52, 0xc4, 0x53, 0xf0,
-                            0x1c, 0x95, 0xd9, 0x36, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0x26, 0x46,
-                            0x9c, 0x61, 0x0e, 0x80, 0xca, 0x86, 0xaf, 0x39,
-                            0x95, 0xe5, 0x60, 0x43, 0x61, 0x3e, 0x2b, 0xb4,
-                            0xe8, 0xbd, 0x8d, 0x77, 0x62, 0xf5, 0x32, 0x43,
-                            0x2f, 0x4b, 0x65, 0x82, 0x14, 0xdd, 0x29, 0x5b};
-    /* RSA Known Public Key Values (24-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_public_exponent[FIPS_RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT_LENGTH] 
-                                                       = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 };
-    /* RSA Known Private Key Values (version                 is    8-bits), */
-    /*                              (private exponent        is 2048-bits), */
-    /*                              (private prime0          is 1024-bits), */
-    /*                              (private prime1          is 1024-bits), */
-    /*                              (private prime exponent0 is 1024-bits), */
-    /*                              (private prime exponent1 is 1024-bits), */
-    /*                          and (private coefficient     is 1024-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_version[] = { 0x00 };
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_private_exponent[FIPS_RSA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT_LENGTH]
-                         = {0x29, 0x08, 0x05, 0x53, 0x89, 0x76, 0xe6, 0x6c,
-                            0xb5, 0x77, 0xf0, 0xca, 0xdf, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x67,
-                            0xda, 0x03, 0xd4, 0x9b, 0x4c, 0x88, 0xce, 0xe5,
-                            0xf8, 0x44, 0x4d, 0xc7, 0x80, 0x58, 0xe5, 0xff,
-                            0x22, 0x8f, 0xf5, 0x5b, 0x92, 0x81, 0xbe, 0x35,
-                            0xdf, 0xda, 0x67, 0x99, 0x3e, 0xfc, 0xe3, 0x83,
-                            0x6b, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0x16, 0xb7, 0x6f, 0x8f, 0xc0,
-                            0x81, 0xfd, 0x0b, 0x77, 0x65, 0x95, 0xfb, 0x00,
-                            0xad, 0x99, 0xec, 0x35, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0x23, 0x3e,
-                            0xe0, 0x88, 0x88, 0x09, 0xdb, 0x16, 0x50, 0xb7,
-                            0xcf, 0xab, 0x74, 0x61, 0x9e, 0x7f, 0xc5, 0x67,
-                            0x38, 0x56, 0xc7, 0x90, 0x85, 0x78, 0x5e, 0x84,
-                            0x21, 0x49, 0xea, 0xce, 0xb2, 0xa0, 0xff, 0xe4,
-                            0x70, 0x7f, 0x57, 0x7b, 0xa8, 0x36, 0xb8, 0x54,
-                            0x8d, 0x1d, 0xf5, 0x44, 0x9d, 0x68, 0x59, 0xf9,
-                            0x24, 0x6e, 0x85, 0x8f, 0xc3, 0x5f, 0x8a, 0x2c,
-                            0x94, 0xb7, 0xbc, 0x0e, 0xa5, 0xef, 0x93, 0x06,
-                            0x38, 0xcd, 0x07, 0x0c, 0xae, 0xb8, 0x44, 0x1a,
-                            0xd8, 0xe7, 0xf5, 0x9a, 0x1e, 0x9c, 0x18, 0xc7,
-                            0x6a, 0xc2, 0x7f, 0x28, 0x01, 0x4f, 0xb4, 0xb8,
-                            0x90, 0x97, 0x5a, 0x43, 0x38, 0xad, 0xe8, 0x95,
-                            0x68, 0x83, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x10, 0x07, 0xe6, 0x02,
-                            0x52, 0x1f, 0xbf, 0x76, 0x6b, 0x46, 0xd6, 0xfb,
-                            0xc3, 0xbe, 0xb5, 0xac, 0x52, 0x53, 0x01, 0x1c,
-                            0xf3, 0xc5, 0xeb, 0x64, 0xf2, 0x1e, 0xc4, 0x38,
-                            0xe9, 0xaa, 0xd9, 0xc3, 0x72, 0x51, 0xa5, 0x44,
-                            0x58, 0x69, 0x0b, 0x1b, 0x98, 0x7f, 0xf2, 0x23,
-                            0xff, 0xeb, 0xf0, 0x75, 0x24, 0xcf, 0xc5, 0x1e,
-                            0xb8, 0x6a, 0xc5, 0x2f, 0x4f, 0x23, 0x50, 0x7d,
-                            0x15, 0x9d, 0x19, 0x7a, 0x0b, 0x82, 0xe0, 0x21,
-                            0x5b, 0x5f, 0x9d, 0x50, 0x2b, 0x83, 0xe4, 0x48,
-                            0xcc, 0x39, 0xe5, 0xfb, 0x13, 0x7b, 0x6f, 0x81 };
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_prime0[FIPS_RSA_PRIME0_LENGTH]   = {
-                            0xe4, 0xbf, 0x21, 0x62, 0x9b, 0xa9, 0x77, 0x40,
-                            0x8d, 0x2a, 0xce, 0xa1, 0x67, 0x5a, 0x4c, 0x96,
-                            0x45, 0x98, 0x67, 0xbd, 0x75, 0x22, 0x33, 0x6f,
-                            0xe6, 0xcb, 0x77, 0xde, 0x9e, 0x97, 0x7d, 0x96,
-                            0x8c, 0x5e, 0x5d, 0x34, 0xfb, 0x27, 0xfc, 0x6d,
-                            0x74, 0xdb, 0x9d, 0x2e, 0x6d, 0xf6, 0xea, 0xfc,
-                            0xce, 0x9e, 0xda, 0xa7, 0x25, 0xa2, 0xf4, 0x58,
-                            0x6d, 0x0a, 0x3f, 0x01, 0xc2, 0xb4, 0xab, 0x38,
-                            0xc1, 0x14, 0x85, 0xb6, 0xfa, 0x94, 0xc3, 0x85,
-                            0xf9, 0x3c, 0x2e, 0x96, 0x56, 0x01, 0xe7, 0xd6,
-                            0x14, 0x71, 0x4f, 0xfb, 0x4c, 0x85, 0x52, 0xc4,
-                            0x61, 0x1e, 0xa5, 0x1e, 0x96, 0x13, 0x0d, 0x8f,
-                            0x66, 0xae, 0xa0, 0xcd, 0x7d, 0x25, 0x66, 0x19,
-                            0x15, 0xc2, 0xcf, 0xc3, 0x12, 0x3c, 0xe8, 0xa4,
-                            0x52, 0x4c, 0xcb, 0x28, 0x3c, 0xc4, 0xbf, 0x95,
-                            0x33, 0xe3, 0x81, 0xea, 0x0c, 0x6c, 0xa2, 0x05};
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_prime1[FIPS_RSA_PRIME1_LENGTH]   = {
-                            0xce, 0x03, 0x94, 0xf4, 0xa9, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x06,
-                            0xe7, 0x40, 0x30, 0x01, 0xf7, 0xbb, 0x68, 0x8c,
-                            0x27, 0xd2, 0x15, 0xe3, 0x28, 0x49, 0x5b, 0xa8,
-                            0xc1, 0x9a, 0x42, 0x7e, 0x31, 0xf9, 0x08, 0x34,
-                            0x81, 0xa2, 0x0f, 0x04, 0x61, 0x34, 0xe3, 0x36,
-                            0x92, 0xb1, 0x09, 0x2b, 0xe9, 0xef, 0x84, 0x88,
-                            0xbe, 0x9c, 0x98, 0x60, 0xa6, 0x60, 0x84, 0xe9,
-                            0x75, 0x6f, 0xcc, 0x81, 0xd1, 0x96, 0xef, 0xdd,
-                            0x2e, 0xca, 0xc4, 0xf5, 0x42, 0xfb, 0x13, 0x2b,
-                            0x57, 0xbf, 0x14, 0x5e, 0xc2, 0x7f, 0x77, 0x35,
-                            0x29, 0xc4, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0xf9, 0x6d, 0x15, 0x4a,
-                            0x42, 0x56, 0x1c, 0x3e, 0x0c, 0xc5, 0xce, 0x70,
-                            0x08, 0x63, 0x1e, 0x73, 0xdb, 0x7e, 0x74, 0x05,
-                            0x32, 0x01, 0xc6, 0x36, 0x32, 0x75, 0x6b, 0xed,
-                            0x9d, 0xfe, 0x7c, 0x7e, 0xa9, 0x57, 0xb4, 0xe9,
-                            0x22, 0xe4, 0xe7, 0xfe, 0x36, 0x07, 0x9b, 0xdf};
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_exponent0[FIPS_RSA_EXPONENT0_LENGTH] = {
-                            0x04, 0x5a, 0x3a, 0xa9, 0x64, 0xaa, 0xd9, 0xd1,
-                            0x09, 0x9e, 0x99, 0xe5, 0xea, 0x50, 0x86, 0x8a,
-                            0x89, 0x72, 0x77, 0xee, 0xdb, 0xee, 0xb5, 0xa9,
-                            0xd8, 0x6b, 0x60, 0xb1, 0x84, 0xb4, 0xff, 0x37,
-                            0xc1, 0x1d, 0xfe, 0x8a, 0x06, 0x89, 0x61, 0x3d,
-                            0x37, 0xef, 0x01, 0xd3, 0xa3, 0x56, 0x02, 0x6c,
-                            0xa3, 0x05, 0xd4, 0xc5, 0x3f, 0x6b, 0x15, 0x59,
-                            0x25, 0x61, 0xff, 0x86, 0xea, 0x0c, 0x84, 0x01,
-                            0x85, 0x72, 0xfd, 0x84, 0x58, 0xca, 0x41, 0xda,
-                            0x27, 0xbe, 0xe4, 0x68, 0x09, 0xe4, 0xe9, 0x63,
-                            0x62, 0x6a, 0x31, 0x8a, 0x67, 0x8f, 0x55, 0xde,
-                            0xd4, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x90, 0x10, 0x6c, 0xf6, 0x62,
-                            0x17, 0x23, 0x15, 0x7e, 0x33, 0x76, 0x65, 0xb5,
-                            0xee, 0x7b, 0x11, 0x76, 0xf5, 0xbe, 0xe0, 0xf2,
-                            0x57, 0x7a, 0x8c, 0x97, 0x0c, 0x68, 0xf5, 0xf8,
-                            0x41, 0xcf, 0x7f, 0x66, 0x53, 0xac, 0x31, 0x7d};
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_exponent1[FIPS_RSA_EXPONENT1_LENGTH] = {
-                            0x93, 0x54, 0x14, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x9d, 0x4d, 0x4b,
-                            0xfa, 0x8c, 0xf8, 0xc8, 0x2f, 0x76, 0x22, 0xea,
-                            0x38, 0x80, 0x11, 0x8f, 0x05, 0xfc, 0x90, 0x44,
-                            0x3b, 0x50, 0x2a, 0x45, 0x3d, 0x4f, 0xaf, 0x02,
-                            0x7d, 0xc2, 0x7b, 0xa2, 0xd2, 0x31, 0x94, 0x5c,
-                            0x2e, 0xc3, 0xd4, 0x9f, 0x47, 0x09, 0x37, 0x6a,
-                            0xe3, 0x85, 0xf1, 0xa3, 0x0c, 0xd8, 0xf1, 0xb4,
-                            0x53, 0x7b, 0xc4, 0x71, 0x02, 0x86, 0x42, 0xbb,
-                            0x96, 0xff, 0x03, 0xa3, 0xb2, 0x67, 0x03, 0xea,
-                            0x77, 0x31, 0xfb, 0x4b, 0x59, 0x24, 0xf7, 0x07,
-                            0x59, 0xfb, 0xa9, 0xba, 0x1e, 0x26, 0x58, 0x97,
-                            0x66, 0xa1, 0x56, 0x49, 0x39, 0xb1, 0x2c, 0x55,
-                            0x0a, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x18, 0xba, 0xdb, 0xcf, 0xf4,
-                            0xf7, 0x32, 0x35, 0xa2, 0x04, 0xab, 0xdc, 0xa7,
-                            0x6d, 0xd9, 0xd5, 0x06, 0x6f, 0xec, 0x7d, 0x40,
-                            0x4c, 0xe8, 0x0e, 0xd0, 0xc9, 0xaa, 0xdf, 0x59};
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_coefficient[FIPS_RSA_COEFFICIENT_LENGTH] = {
-                            0x17, 0xd7, 0xf5, 0x0a, 0xf0, 0x68, 0x97, 0x96,
-                            0xc4, 0x29, 0x18, 0x77, 0x9a, 0x1f, 0xe3, 0xf3,
-                            0x12, 0x13, 0x0f, 0x7e, 0x7b, 0xb9, 0xc1, 0x91,
-                            0xf9, 0xc7, 0x08, 0x56, 0x5c, 0xa4, 0xbc, 0x83,
-                            0x71, 0xf9, 0x78, 0xd9, 0x2b, 0xec, 0xfe, 0x6b,
-                            0xdc, 0x2f, 0x63, 0xc9, 0xcd, 0x50, 0x14, 0x5b,
-                            0xd3, 0x6e, 0x85, 0x4d, 0x0c, 0xa2, 0x0b, 0xa0,
-                            0x09, 0xb6, 0xca, 0x34, 0x9c, 0xc2, 0xc1, 0x4a,
-                            0xb0, 0xbc, 0x45, 0x93, 0xa5, 0x7e, 0x99, 0xb5,
-                            0xbd, 0xe4, 0x69, 0x29, 0x08, 0x28, 0xd2, 0xcd,
-                            0xab, 0x24, 0x78, 0x48, 0x41, 0x26, 0x0b, 0x37,
-                            0xa3, 0x43, 0xd1, 0x95, 0x1a, 0xd6, 0xee, 0x22,
-                            0x1c, 0x00, 0x0b, 0xc2, 0xb7, 0xa4, 0xa3, 0x21,
-                            0xa9, 0xcd, 0xe4, 0x69, 0xd3, 0x45, 0x02, 0xb1,
-                            0xb7, 0x3a, 0xbf, 0x51, 0x35, 0x1b, 0x78, 0xc2,
-                            0xcf, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x60, 0x09, 0xa9, 0x44, 0x02};
-    /* RSA Known Plaintext Message (1024-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_known_plaintext_msg[FIPS_RSA_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = {
-                                         "Known plaintext message utilized"
-                                         "for RSA Encryption &  Decryption"
-                                         "blocks SHA256, SHA384  and      "
-                                         "SHA512 RSA Signature KAT tests. "
-                                         "Known plaintext message utilized"
-                                         "for RSA Encryption &  Decryption"
-                                         "blocks SHA256, SHA384  and      "
-                                         "SHA512 RSA Signature KAT  tests."};
-    /* RSA Known Ciphertext (2048-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_known_ciphertext[] = {
-                            0x04, 0x12, 0x46, 0xe3, 0x6a, 0xee, 0xde, 0xdd,
-                            0x49, 0xa1, 0xd9, 0x83, 0xf7, 0x35, 0xf9, 0x70,
-                            0x88, 0x03, 0x2d, 0x01, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0xbf, 0xdb,
-                            0xe5, 0x1c, 0x85, 0xbe, 0xb5, 0x0b, 0x48, 0x45,
-                            0x7a, 0xf0, 0xa0, 0xe3, 0xa2, 0xbb, 0x4b, 0xf6,
-                            0x27, 0xd0, 0x1b, 0x12, 0xe3, 0x77, 0x52, 0x34,
-                            0x9e, 0x8e, 0x03, 0xd2, 0xf8, 0x79, 0x6e, 0x39,
-                            0x79, 0x53, 0x3c, 0x44, 0x14, 0x94, 0xbb, 0x8d,
-                            0xaa, 0x14, 0x44, 0xa0, 0x7b, 0xa5, 0x8c, 0x93,
-                            0x5f, 0x99, 0xa4, 0xa3, 0x6e, 0x7a, 0x38, 0x40,
-                            0x78, 0xfa, 0x36, 0x91, 0x5e, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0xba,
-                            0x1e, 0xd4, 0xf9, 0xda, 0x4b, 0x0f, 0xa8, 0xa3,
-                            0x1c, 0xf3, 0x3a, 0xd1, 0xa5, 0xb4, 0x51, 0x16,
-                            0xed, 0x4b, 0xcf, 0xec, 0x93, 0x7b, 0x90, 0x21,
-                            0xbc, 0x3a, 0xf4, 0x0b, 0xd1, 0x3a, 0x2b, 0xba,
-                            0xa6, 0x7d, 0x5b, 0x53, 0xd8, 0x64, 0xf9, 0x29,
-                            0x7b, 0x7f, 0x77, 0x3e, 0x51, 0x4c, 0x9a, 0x94,
-                            0xd2, 0x4b, 0x4a, 0x8d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x97, 0xae,
-                            0x53, 0x6a, 0xf4, 0x90, 0xc2, 0x2c, 0x49, 0xe2,
-                            0xfa, 0xeb, 0x91, 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x83, 0x13, 0xc9,
-                            0x44, 0x4b, 0x95, 0x2c, 0x57, 0x70, 0x15, 0x5c,
-                            0x64, 0x8d, 0x1a, 0xfd, 0x2a, 0xc7, 0xb2, 0x9c,
-                            0x5c, 0x99, 0xd3, 0x4a, 0xfd, 0xdd, 0xf6, 0x82,
-                            0x87, 0x8c, 0x5a, 0xc4, 0xa8, 0x0d, 0x2a, 0xef,
-                            0xc3, 0xa2, 0x7e, 0x8e, 0x67, 0x9f, 0x6f, 0x63,
-                            0xdb, 0xbb, 0x1d, 0x31, 0xc4, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0x13,
-                            0x3f, 0x54, 0xc6, 0xf6, 0xc5, 0x28, 0x32, 0xab,
-                            0x96, 0x42, 0x10, 0x36, 0x40, 0x92, 0xbb, 0x57,
-                            0x55, 0x38, 0xf5, 0x43, 0x7e, 0x43, 0xc4, 0x65,
-                            0x47, 0x64, 0xaa, 0x0f, 0x4c, 0xe9, 0x49, 0x16,
-                            0xec, 0x6a, 0x50, 0xfd, 0x14, 0x49, 0xca, 0xdb,
-                            0x44, 0x54, 0xca, 0xbe, 0xa3, 0x0e, 0x5f, 0xef};
-    /* RSA Known Signed Hash (2048-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 rsa_known_sha256_signature[] = {
-                            0x8c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0xfb, 0x37, 0xb5, 0x6f, 0x38,
-                            0x9f, 0x06, 0x5a, 0xf3, 0x8c, 0xa0, 0xd0, 0x7a,
-                            0xde, 0xcf, 0xf9, 0x14, 0x95, 0x59, 0xd3, 0x5f,
-                            0x51, 0x5d, 0x5d, 0xad, 0xd8, 0x71, 0x33, 0x50,
-                            0x1d, 0x03, 0x3b, 0x3a, 0x32, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xde,
-                            0x7f, 0xe4, 0xb1, 0xe5, 0x6b, 0x83, 0xf4, 0x80,
-                            0x10, 0x3b, 0xb8, 0x8a, 0xdb, 0xe8, 0x0a, 0x42,
-                            0x9e, 0x8d, 0xd7, 0xbe, 0xed, 0xde, 0x5a, 0x3d,
-                            0xc6, 0xdb, 0xfe, 0x49, 0x6a, 0xe9, 0x1e, 0x75,
-                            0x66, 0xf1, 0x3f, 0x9e, 0x3f, 0xff, 0x05, 0x65,
-                            0xde, 0xca, 0x62, 0x62, 0xf3, 0xec, 0x53, 0x09,
-                            0xa0, 0x37, 0xd5, 0x66, 0x62, 0x72, 0x14, 0xb6,
-                            0x51, 0x32, 0x67, 0x50, 0xc1, 0xe1, 0x2f, 0x9e,
-                            0x98, 0x4e, 0x53, 0x96, 0x55, 0x4b, 0xc4, 0x92,
-                            0xc3, 0xb4, 0x80, 0xf0, 0x35, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x4b,
-                            0x5c, 0x85, 0x92, 0xb1, 0xe8, 0x6e, 0xa5, 0x51,
-                            0x38, 0x9f, 0xc9, 0x11, 0xb6, 0x14, 0xdf, 0x34,
-                            0x64, 0x40, 0x82, 0x82, 0xde, 0x16, 0x69, 0x93,
-                            0x89, 0x4e, 0x5c, 0x32, 0xf2, 0x0a, 0x4e, 0x9e,
-                            0xbd, 0x63, 0x99, 0x4f, 0xf3, 0x15, 0x90, 0xc2,
-                            0xfe, 0x6f, 0xb7, 0xf4, 0xad, 0xd4, 0x8e, 0x0b,
-                            0xd2, 0xf5, 0x22, 0xd2, 0x71, 0x65, 0x13, 0xf7,
-                            0x82, 0x7b, 0x75, 0xb6, 0xc1, 0xb4, 0x45, 0xbd,
-                            0x8f, 0x95, 0xcf, 0x5b, 0x95, 0x32, 0xef, 0x18,
-                            0x5f, 0xd3, 0xdf, 0x7e, 0x22, 0xdd, 0x25, 0xeb,
-                            0xe1, 0xbf, 0x3b, 0x9a, 0x55, 0x75, 0x4f, 0x3c,
-                            0x38, 0x67, 0x57, 0x04, 0x04, 0x57, 0x27, 0xf6,
-                            0x34, 0x0e, 0x57, 0x8a, 0x7c, 0xff, 0x7d, 0xca,
-                            0x8c, 0x06, 0xf8, 0x9d, 0xdb, 0xe4, 0xd8, 0x19,
-                            0xdd, 0x4d, 0xfd, 0x8f, 0xa0, 0x06, 0x53, 0xe8,
-                            0x33, 0x00, 0x70, 0x3f, 0x6b, 0xc3, 0xbd, 0x9a,
-                            0x78, 0xb5, 0xa9, 0xef, 0x6d, 0xda, 0x67, 0x92};
-   /* RSA Known Signed Hash (2048-bits). */
-   static const PRUint8 rsa_known_sha384_signature[] = {
-                            0x20, 0x2d, 0x21, 0x3a, 0xaa, 0x1e, 0x05, 0x15,
-                            0x5c, 0xca, 0x84, 0x86, 0xc0, 0x15, 0x81, 0xdf,
-                            0xd4, 0x06, 0x9f, 0xe0, 0xc1, 0xed, 0xef, 0x0f,
-                            0xfe, 0xb3, 0xc3, 0xbb, 0x28, 0xa5, 0x56, 0xbf,
-                            0xe3, 0x11, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xc0, 0x0b, 0xfa, 0xfa,
-                            0x3d, 0xd3, 0x06, 0x20, 0xe2, 0xc9, 0xe4, 0x66,
-                            0x28, 0xb7, 0xc0, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x96, 0xc6, 0x49,
-                            0x3b, 0xcf, 0x86, 0x49, 0x31, 0xaf, 0x5b, 0xa3,
-                            0xec, 0x63, 0x10, 0xdf, 0xda, 0x2f, 0x68, 0xac,
-                            0x7b, 0x3a, 0x49, 0xfa, 0xe6, 0x0d, 0xfe, 0x37,
-                            0x17, 0x56, 0x8e, 0x5c, 0x48, 0x97, 0x43, 0xf7,
-                            0xa0, 0xbc, 0xe3, 0x4b, 0x42, 0xde, 0x58, 0x1d,
-                            0xd9, 0x5d, 0xb3, 0x08, 0x35, 0xbd, 0xa4, 0xe1,
-                            0x80, 0xc3, 0x64, 0xab, 0x21, 0x97, 0xad, 0xfb,
-                            0x71, 0xee, 0xa3, 0x3d, 0x9c, 0xaa, 0xfa, 0x16,
-                            0x60, 0x46, 0x32, 0xda, 0x44, 0x2e, 0x10, 0x92,
-                            0x20, 0xd8, 0x98, 0x80, 0x84, 0x75, 0x5b, 0x70,
-                            0x91, 0x00, 0x33, 0x19, 0x69, 0xc9, 0x2a, 0xec,
-                            0x3d, 0xe5, 0x5f, 0x0f, 0x9a, 0xa7, 0x97, 0x1f,
-                            0x79, 0xc3, 0x1d, 0x65, 0x74, 0x62, 0xc5, 0xa1,
-                            0x23, 0x65, 0x4b, 0x84, 0xa1, 0x03, 0x98, 0xf3,
-                            0xf1, 0x02, 0x24, 0xca, 0xe5, 0xd4, 0xc8, 0xa2,
-                            0x30, 0xad, 0x72, 0x7d, 0x29, 0x60, 0x1a, 0x8e,
-                            0x6f, 0x23, 0xa4, 0xda, 0x68, 0xa4, 0x45, 0x9c,
-                            0x39, 0x70, 0x44, 0x18, 0x4b, 0x73, 0xfe, 0xf8,
-                            0x33, 0x53, 0x1d, 0x7e, 0x93, 0x93, 0xac, 0xc7,
-                            0x1e, 0x6e, 0x6b, 0xfd, 0x9e, 0xba, 0xa6, 0x71,
-                            0x70, 0x47, 0x6a, 0xd6, 0x82, 0x32, 0xa2, 0x6e,
-                            0x20, 0x72, 0xb0, 0xba, 0xec, 0x91, 0xbb, 0x6b,
-                            0xcc, 0x84, 0x0a, 0x33, 0x2b, 0x8a, 0x8d, 0xeb,
-                            0x71, 0xcd, 0xca, 0x67, 0x1b, 0xad, 0x10, 0xd4,
-                            0xce, 0x4f, 0xc0, 0x29, 0xec, 0xfa, 0xed, 0xfa};
-   /* RSA Known Signed Hash (2048-bits). */
-   static const PRUint8 rsa_known_sha512_signature[] = {
-                            0x35, 0x0e, 0x74, 0x9d, 0xeb, 0xc7, 0x67, 0x31,
-                            0x9f, 0xff, 0x0b, 0xbb, 0x5e, 0x66, 0xb4, 0x2f,
-                            0xbf, 0x72, 0x60, 0x4f, 0xe9, 0xbd, 0xec, 0xc8,
-                            0x17, 0x79, 0x5f, 0x39, 0x83, 0xb4, 0x54, 0x2e,
-                            0x01, 0xb9, 0xd3, 0x20, 0x47, 0xcb, 0xd4, 0x42,
-                            0xf2, 0x6e, 0x36, 0xc1, 0x97, 0xad, 0xef, 0x8e,
-                            0xe6, 0x51, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x9e, 0x88, 0xb4, 0x9d,
-                            0xda, 0x3e, 0x77, 0x4b, 0xe8, 0xae, 0x48, 0x53,
-                            0x2c, 0xc4, 0xd3, 0x25, 0x6b, 0x23, 0xb7, 0x54,
-                            0x3c, 0x95, 0x8f, 0xfb, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0xc5, 0x56,
-                            0x39, 0x69, 0x28, 0x0e, 0x74, 0x9b, 0x31, 0xe8,
-                            0x76, 0x77, 0x2b, 0xc1, 0x44, 0x89, 0x81, 0x93,
-                            0xfc, 0xf6, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x8f, 0x89, 0xfc, 0x1d,
-                            0xa4, 0x53, 0x58, 0x8c, 0xe9, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0x26,
-                            0xe6, 0xdf, 0x6d, 0x27, 0xb1, 0x8e, 0x3e, 0xb6,
-                            0x47, 0xe1, 0x02, 0x96, 0xc2, 0x5f, 0x7f, 0x3d,
-                            0xc5, 0x6c, 0x2f, 0xea, 0xaa, 0x5e, 0x39, 0xfc,
-                            0x77, 0xca, 0x00, 0x02, 0x5c, 0x64, 0x7c, 0xce,
-                            0x7d, 0x63, 0x82, 0x05, 0xed, 0xf7, 0x5b, 0x55,
-                            0x58, 0xc0, 0xeb, 0x76, 0xd7, 0x95, 0x55, 0x37,
-                            0x85, 0x7d, 0x17, 0xad, 0xd2, 0x11, 0xfd, 0x97,
-                            0x48, 0xb5, 0xc2, 0x5e, 0xc7, 0x62, 0xc0, 0xe0,
-                            0x68, 0xa8, 0x61, 0x14, 0x41, 0xca, 0x25, 0x3a,
-                            0xec, 0x48, 0x54, 0x22, 0x83, 0x2b, 0x69, 0x54,
-                            0xfd, 0xc8, 0x99, 0x9a, 0xee, 0x37, 0x03, 0xa3,
-                            0x8f, 0x0f, 0x32, 0xb0, 0xaa, 0x74, 0x39, 0x04,
-                            0x7c, 0xd9, 0xc2, 0x8f, 0xbe, 0xf2, 0xc4, 0xbe,
-                            0xdd, 0x7a, 0x7a, 0x7f, 0x72, 0xd3, 0x80, 0x59,
-                            0x18, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0x2d, 0x6f, 0xa3, 0xa9, 0x48,
-                            0xed, 0x20, 0xa6, 0xea, 0xaa, 0x10, 0x83, 0x98,
-                            0x0c, 0x13, 0x69, 0x6e, 0xcd, 0x31, 0x6b, 0xd0,
-                            0x66, 0xa6, 0x5e, 0x30, 0x0c, 0x82, 0xd5, 0x81};
-    static const RSAPublicKey    bl_public_key = { NULL,
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_modulus,         
-                                        FIPS_RSA_MODULUS_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_public_exponent, 
-                                        FIPS_RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT_LENGTH }
-    };
-    static const RSAPrivateKey   bl_private_key = { NULL,
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_version,          
-                                        FIPS_RSA_PRIVATE_VERSION_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_modulus,          
-                                        FIPS_RSA_MODULUS_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_public_exponent,  
-                                        FIPS_RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_private_exponent, 
-                                        FIPS_RSA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_prime0,           
-                                        FIPS_RSA_PRIME0_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_prime1,           
-                                        FIPS_RSA_PRIME1_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_exponent0,        
-                                        FIPS_RSA_EXPONENT0_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_exponent1,        
-                                        FIPS_RSA_EXPONENT1_LENGTH },
-      { FIPS_RSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)rsa_coefficient,      
-                                        FIPS_RSA_COEFFICIENT_LENGTH }
-    };
-    /* RSA variables. */
-    PLArenaPool *         rsa_public_arena;
-    PLArenaPool *         rsa_private_arena;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *  rsa_public_key;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey * rsa_private_key;
-    SECStatus             rsa_status;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey    low_public_key   = { NULL, NSSLOWKEYRSAKey };
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey   low_private_key  = { NULL, NSSLOWKEYRSAKey };
-    PRUint8               rsa_computed_ciphertext[FIPS_RSA_ENCRYPT_LENGTH];
-    PRUint8               rsa_computed_plaintext[FIPS_RSA_DECRYPT_LENGTH];
-    /****************************************/
-    /* Compose RSA Public/Private Key Pair. */
-    /****************************************/
-    low_public_key.u.rsa  = bl_public_key;
-    low_private_key.u.rsa = bl_private_key;
-    rsa_public_key  = &low_public_key;
-    rsa_private_key = &low_private_key;
-    /* Create some space for the RSA public key. */
-    rsa_public_arena = PORT_NewArena( NSS_SOFTOKEN_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE );
-    if( rsa_public_arena == NULL ) {
-        PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY );
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    }
-    /* Create some space for the RSA private key. */
-    rsa_private_arena = PORT_NewArena( NSS_SOFTOKEN_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE );
-    if( rsa_private_arena == NULL ) {
-        PORT_FreeArena( rsa_public_arena, PR_TRUE );
-        PORT_SetError( SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY );
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    }
-    rsa_public_key->arena = rsa_public_arena;
-    rsa_private_key->arena = rsa_private_arena;
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* RSA Single-Round Known Answer Encryption Test. */
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* Perform RSA Public Key Encryption. */
-    rsa_status = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&rsa_public_key->u.rsa,
-                                 rsa_computed_ciphertext,
-                                 rsa_known_plaintext_msg);
-    if( ( rsa_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rsa_computed_ciphertext, rsa_known_ciphertext,
-                       FIPS_RSA_ENCRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        goto rsa_loser;
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* RSA Single-Round Known Answer Decryption Test. */
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* Perform RSA Private Key Decryption. */
-    rsa_status = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(&rsa_private_key->u.rsa,
-                                  rsa_computed_plaintext,
-                                  rsa_known_ciphertext);
-    if( ( rsa_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( rsa_computed_plaintext, rsa_known_plaintext_msg,
-                       FIPS_RSA_DECRYPT_LENGTH ) != 0 ) )
-        goto rsa_loser;
-    rsa_status = sftk_fips_RSA_PowerUpSigSelfTest (HASH_AlgSHA256,
-                           rsa_public_key, rsa_private_key,
-                           rsa_known_plaintext_msg, FIPS_RSA_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                           rsa_known_sha256_signature);
-    if( rsa_status != SECSuccess )
-        goto rsa_loser;
-    rsa_status = sftk_fips_RSA_PowerUpSigSelfTest (HASH_AlgSHA384,
-                           rsa_public_key, rsa_private_key,
-                           rsa_known_plaintext_msg, FIPS_RSA_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                           rsa_known_sha384_signature);
-    if( rsa_status != SECSuccess )
-        goto rsa_loser;
-    rsa_status = sftk_fips_RSA_PowerUpSigSelfTest (HASH_AlgSHA512,
-                           rsa_public_key, rsa_private_key,
-                           rsa_known_plaintext_msg, FIPS_RSA_MESSAGE_LENGTH,
-                           rsa_known_sha512_signature);
-    if( rsa_status != SECSuccess )
-        goto rsa_loser;
-    /* Dispose of all RSA key material. */
-    nsslowkey_DestroyPublicKey( rsa_public_key );
-    nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey( rsa_private_key );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-    nsslowkey_DestroyPublicKey( rsa_public_key );
-    nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey( rsa_private_key );
-    return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_ECDSA_Test(const PRUint8 *encodedParams, 
-                     unsigned int encodedParamsLen,
-                     const PRUint8 *knownSignature, 
-                     unsigned int knownSignatureLen) {
-    /* ECDSA Known Seed info for curves nistp256 and nistk283  */
-    static const PRUint8 ecdsa_Known_Seed[] = {
-                            0x6a, 0x9b, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xce, 0xed, 0x79, 0x11,
-                            0xf0, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0x9a, 0xa5, 0xd1, 0x57, 0xb1,
-                            0x7b, 0x5a, 0x3b, 0x76, 0x4e, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0xbc,
-                            0xf2, 0x76, 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x7f, 0xc5, 0x53, 0x2f};
-    static const PRUint8 msg[] = {
-                            "Firefox and ThunderBird are awesome!"};
-    unsigned char sha1[SHA1_LENGTH];  /* SHA-1 hash (160 bits) */
-    unsigned char sig[2*MAX_ECKEY_LEN];
-    SECItem signature, digest;
-    SECItem encodedparams;
-    ECParams *ecparams = NULL;
-    ECPrivateKey *ecdsa_private_key = NULL;
-    ECPublicKey ecdsa_public_key;
-    SECStatus ecdsaStatus = SECSuccess;
-    /* construct the ECDSA private/public key pair */
-    encodedparams.type = siBuffer;
- = (unsigned char *) encodedParams;
-    encodedparams.len = encodedParamsLen;
-    if (EC_DecodeParams(&encodedparams, &ecparams) != SECSuccess) {
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    }
-    /* Generates a new EC key pair. The private key is a supplied
-     * random value (in seed) and the public key is the result of 
-     * performing a scalar point multiplication of that value with 
-     * the curve's base point.
-     */
-    ecdsaStatus = EC_NewKeyFromSeed(ecparams, &ecdsa_private_key, 
-                                   ecdsa_Known_Seed, 
-                                   sizeof(ecdsa_Known_Seed));
-    /* free the ecparams they are no longer needed */
-    PORT_FreeArena(ecparams->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    ecparams = NULL;
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        return ( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );    
-    }
-    /* construct public key from private key. */
-    ecdsaStatus = EC_CopyParams(ecdsa_private_key->ecParams.arena, 
-                                &ecdsa_public_key.ecParams,
-                                &ecdsa_private_key->ecParams);
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    ecdsa_public_key.publicValue = ecdsa_private_key->publicValue;
-    /* validate public key value */
-    ecdsaStatus = EC_ValidatePublicKey(&ecdsa_public_key.ecParams, 
-                                       &ecdsa_public_key.publicValue);
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* validate public key value */
-    ecdsaStatus = EC_ValidatePublicKey(&ecdsa_private_key->ecParams, 
-                                       &ecdsa_private_key->publicValue);
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /***************************************************/
-    /* ECDSA Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test. */
-    /***************************************************/
-    ecdsaStatus = SHA1_HashBuf(sha1, msg, sizeof msg);
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    digest.type = siBuffer;
- = sha1;
-    digest.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
-    memset(sig, 0, sizeof sig);
-    signature.type = siBuffer;
- = sig;
-    signature.len = sizeof sig;
-    ecdsaStatus = ECDSA_SignDigestWithSeed(ecdsa_private_key, &signature, 
-                         &digest, ecdsa_Known_Seed, sizeof ecdsa_Known_Seed);
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    if( ( signature.len != knownSignatureLen ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp(, knownSignature,
-                    knownSignatureLen ) != 0 ) ) {
-        ecdsaStatus = SECFailure;
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* ECDSA Single-Round Known Answer Verification Test. */
-    /******************************************************/
-    /* Perform ECDSA verification process. */
-    ecdsaStatus = ECDSA_VerifyDigest(&ecdsa_public_key, &signature, &digest);
-    /* free the memory for the private key arena*/
-    if (ecdsa_private_key != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(ecdsa_private_key->ecParams.arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (ecdsaStatus != SECSuccess) {
-        return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR ;
-    }
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_ECDSA_PowerUpSelfTest() {
-   /* ECDSA Known curve nistp256 == SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256R1 params */
-    static const PRUint8 ecdsa_known_P256_EncodedParams[] = {
-                            0x06,0x08,0x2a,0x86,0x48,0xce,0x3d,0x03,
-                            0x01,0x07};
-    static const PRUint8 ecdsa_known_P256_signature[] = {
-                            0x07,0xb1,0xcb,0x57,0x20,0xa7,0x10,0xd6, 
-                            0x9d,0x37,0x4b,0x1c,0xdc,0x35,0x90,0xff, 
-                            0x1a,0x2d,0x98,0x95,0x1b,0x2f,0xeb,0x7f, 
-                            0xbb,0x81,0xca,0xc0,0x69,0x75,0xea,0xc5,
-                            0x59,0x6a,0x62,0x49,0x3d,0x50,0xc9,0xe1, 
-                            0x27,0x3b,0xff,0x9b,0x13,0x66,0x67,0xdd, 
-                            0x7d,0xd1,0x0d,0x2d,0x7c,0x44,0x04,0x1b, 
-                            0x16,0x21,0x12,0xc5,0xcb,0xbd,0x9e,0x75};
-    /* ECDSA Known curve nistk283 == SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1 params */
-    static const PRUint8 ecdsa_known_K283_EncodedParams[] = {
-                            0x06,0x05,0x2b,0x81,0x04,0x00,0x10};
-    static const PRUint8 ecdsa_known_K283_signature[] = {
-                            0x00,0x45,0x88,0xc0,0x79,0x09,0x07,0xd1, 
-                            0x4e,0x88,0xe6,0xd5,0x2f,0x22,0x04,0x74, 
-                            0x35,0x24,0x65,0xe8,0x15,0xde,0x90,0x66, 
-                            0x94,0x70,0xdd,0x3a,0x14,0x70,0x02,0xd1,
-                            0xef,0x86,0xbd,0x15,0x00,0xd9,0xdc,0xfc, 
-                            0x87,0x2e,0x7c,0x99,0xe2,0xe3,0x79,0xb8, 
-                            0xd9,0x10,0x49,0x78,0x4b,0x59,0x8b,0x05, 
-                            0x77,0xec,0x6c,0xe8,0x35,0xe6,0x2e,0xa9,
-                            0xf9,0x77,0x1f,0x71,0x86,0xa5,0x4a,0xd0};
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* ECDSA GF(p) prime field curve test */
-    crv = sftk_fips_ECDSA_Test(ecdsa_known_P256_EncodedParams,
-                               sizeof ecdsa_known_P256_EncodedParams,
-                               ecdsa_known_P256_signature,
-                               sizeof ecdsa_known_P256_signature );
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    }
-    /* ECDSA GF(2m) binary field curve test */
-    crv = sftk_fips_ECDSA_Test(ecdsa_known_K283_EncodedParams,
-                               sizeof ecdsa_known_K283_EncodedParams,
-                               ecdsa_known_K283_signature,
-                               sizeof ecdsa_known_K283_signature );
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    }
-    return( CKR_OK );
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_DSA_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    /* DSA Known P (1024-bits), Q (160-bits), and G (1024-bits) Values. */
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_P[] = {
-         0x80,0xb0,0xd1,0x9d,0x6e,0xa4,0xf3,0x28, 
-         0x9f,0x24,0xa9,0x8a,0x49,0xd0,0x0c,0x63, 
-         0xe8,0x59,0x04,0xf9,0x89,0x4a,0x5e,0xc0, 
-         0x6d,0xd2,0x67,0x6b,0x37,0x81,0x83,0x0c,
-         0xfe,0x3a,0x8a,0xfd,0xa0,0x3b,0x08,0x91, 
-         0x1c,0xcb,0xb5,0x63,0xb0,0x1c,0x70,0xd0, 
-         0xae,0xe1,0x60,0x2e,0x12,0xeb,0x54,0xc7, 
-         0xcf,0xc6,0xcc,0xae,0x97,0x52,0x32,0x63,
-         0xd3,0xeb,0x55,0xea,0x2f,0x4c,0xd5,0xd7, 
-         0x3f,0xda,0xec,0x49,0x27,0x0b,0x14,0x56, 
-         0xc5,0x09,0xbe,0x4d,0x09,0x15,0x75,0x2b, 
-         0xa3,0x42,0x0d,0x03,0x71,0xdf,0x0f,0xf4,
-         0x0e,0xe9,0x0c,0x46,0x93,0x3d,0x3f,0xa6, 
-         0x6c,0xdb,0xca,0xe5,0xac,0x96,0xc8,0x64, 
-         0x5c,0xec,0x4b,0x35,0x65,0xfc,0xfb,0x5a, 
-         0x1b,0x04,0x1b,0xa1,0x0e,0xfd,0x88,0x15};
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_Q[] = {
-         0xad,0x22,0x59,0xdf,0xe5,0xec,0x4c,0x6e, 
-         0xf9,0x43,0xf0,0x4b,0x2d,0x50,0x51,0xc6, 
-         0x91,0x99,0x8b,0xcf};
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_G[] = {
-         0x78,0x6e,0xa9,0xd8,0xcd,0x4a,0x85,0xa4, 
-         0x45,0xb6,0x6e,0x5d,0x21,0x50,0x61,0xf6, 
-         0x5f,0xdf,0x5c,0x7a,0xde,0x0d,0x19,0xd3, 
-         0xc1,0x3b,0x14,0xcc,0x8e,0xed,0xdb,0x17,
-         0xb6,0xca,0xba,0x86,0xa9,0xea,0x51,0x2d, 
-         0xc1,0xa9,0x16,0xda,0xf8,0x7b,0x59,0x8a, 
-         0xdf,0xcb,0xa4,0x67,0x00,0x44,0xea,0x24, 
-         0x73,0xe5,0xcb,0x4b,0xaf,0x2a,0x31,0x25,
-         0x22,0x28,0x3f,0x16,0x10,0x82,0xf7,0xeb, 
-         0x94,0x0d,0xdd,0x09,0x22,0x14,0x08,0x79, 
-         0xba,0x11,0x0b,0xf1,0xff,0x2d,0x67,0xac, 
-         0xeb,0xb6,0x55,0x51,0x69,0x97,0xa7,0x25,
-         0x6b,0x9c,0xa0,0x9b,0xd5,0x08,0x9b,0x27, 
-         0x42,0x1c,0x7a,0x69,0x57,0xe6,0x2e,0xed, 
-         0xa9,0x5b,0x25,0xe8,0x1f,0xd2,0xed,0x1f, 
-         0xdf,0xe7,0x80,0x17,0xba,0x0d,0x4d,0x38};
-    /* DSA Known Random Values (known random key block       is 160-bits)  */
-    /*                     and (known random signature block is 160-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_known_random_key_block[] = {
-                                                      "Mozilla Rules World!"};
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_known_random_signature_block[] = {
-                                                      "Random DSA Signature"};
-    /* DSA Known Digest (160-bits) */
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_known_digest[] = { "DSA Signature Digest" };
-    /* DSA Known Signature (320-bits). */
-    static const PRUint8 dsa_known_signature[] = {
-        0x25,0x7c,0x3a,0x79,0x32,0x45,0xb7,0x32, 
-        0x70,0xca,0x62,0x63,0x2b,0xf6,0x29,0x2c, 
-        0x22,0x2a,0x03,0xce,0x48,0x15,0x11,0x72, 
-        0x7b,0x7e,0xf5,0x7a,0xf3,0x10,0x3b,0xde,
-        0x34,0xc1,0x9e,0xd7,0x27,0x9e,0x77,0x38};
-    /* DSA variables. */
-    DSAPrivateKey *        dsa_private_key;
-    SECStatus              dsa_status;
-    SECItem                dsa_signature_item;
-    SECItem                dsa_digest_item;
-    DSAPublicKey           dsa_public_key;
-    PRUint8                dsa_computed_signature[FIPS_DSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
-    static const PQGParams dsa_pqg = { NULL,
-			    { FIPS_DSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)dsa_P, FIPS_DSA_PRIME_LENGTH },
-			    { FIPS_DSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)dsa_Q, FIPS_DSA_SUBPRIME_LENGTH },
-			    { FIPS_DSA_TYPE, (unsigned char *)dsa_G, FIPS_DSA_BASE_LENGTH }};
-    /*******************************************/
-    /* Generate a DSA public/private key pair. */
-    /*******************************************/
-    /* Generate a DSA public/private key pair. */
-    dsa_status = DSA_NewKeyFromSeed(&dsa_pqg, dsa_known_random_key_block,
-                                    &dsa_private_key);
-    if( dsa_status != SECSuccess )
-        return( CKR_HOST_MEMORY );
-    /* construct public key from private key. */
-    dsa_public_key.params      = dsa_private_key->params;
-    dsa_public_key.publicValue = dsa_private_key->publicValue;
-    /*************************************************/
-    /* DSA Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test. */
-    /*************************************************/
- = dsa_computed_signature;
-    dsa_signature_item.len  = sizeof dsa_computed_signature;
-    = (unsigned char *)dsa_known_digest;
-    dsa_digest_item.len     = SHA1_LENGTH;
-    /* Perform DSA signature process. */
-    dsa_status = DSA_SignDigestWithSeed( dsa_private_key, 
-                                         &dsa_signature_item,
-                                         &dsa_digest_item,
-                                         dsa_known_random_signature_block );
-    if( ( dsa_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-        ( dsa_signature_item.len != FIPS_DSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) ||
-        ( PORT_Memcmp( dsa_computed_signature, dsa_known_signature,
-                       FIPS_DSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH ) != 0 ) ) {
-        dsa_status = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-    /****************************************************/
-    /* DSA Single-Round Known Answer Verification Test. */
-    /****************************************************/
-    /* Perform DSA verification process. */
-    dsa_status = DSA_VerifyDigest( &dsa_public_key, 
-                                   &dsa_signature_item,
-                                   &dsa_digest_item);
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(dsa_private_key->params.arena, PR_TRUE);
-    /* Don't free public key, it uses same arena as private key */
-    /* Verify DSA signature. */
-    if( dsa_status != SECSuccess )
-        return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-    return( CKR_OK );
-static CK_RV
-sftk_fips_RNG_PowerUpSelfTest( void )
-   static const PRUint8 Q[] = {
-			0x85,0x89,0x9c,0x77,0xa3,0x79,0xff,0x1a,
-			0x86,0x6f,0x2f,0x3e,0x2e,0xf9,0x8c,0x9c,
-			0x9d,0xef,0xeb,0xed};
-   static const PRUint8 GENX[] = {
-			0x65,0x48,0xe3,0xca,0xac,0x64,0x2d,0xf7,
-			0x7b,0xd3,0x4e,0x79,0xc9,0x7d,0xa6,0xa8,
-			0xa2,0xc2,0x1f,0x8f,0xe9,0xb9,0xd3,0xa1,
-			0x3f,0xf7,0x0c,0xcd,0xa6,0xca,0xbf,0xce,
-			0x84,0x0e,0xb6,0xf1,0x0d,0xbe,0xa9,0xa3};
-   static const PRUint8 rng_known_DSAX[] = {
-			0x7a,0x86,0xf1,0x7f,0xbd,0x4e,0x6e,0xd9,
-			0x0a,0x26,0x21,0xd0,0x19,0xcb,0x86,0x73,
-			0x10,0x1f,0x60,0xd7};
-   SECStatus rng_status = SECSuccess;
-   /*******************************************/
-   /*   Run the SP 800-90 Health tests        */
-   /*******************************************/
-   rng_status = PRNGTEST_RunHealthTests();
-   if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
-	return (CKR_DEVICE_ERROR);
-   }
-   /*******************************************/
-   /* Generate DSAX fow given Q.              */
-   /*******************************************/
-   rng_status = FIPS186Change_ReduceModQForDSA(GENX, Q, DSAX);
-   /* Verify DSAX to perform the RNG integrity check */
-   if( ( rng_status != SECSuccess ) ||
-       ( PORT_Memcmp( DSAX, rng_known_DSAX,
-                      (FIPS_DSA_SUBPRIME_LENGTH) ) != 0 ) )
-       return( CKR_DEVICE_ERROR );
-   return( CKR_OK ); 
-static CK_RV
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    /* make sure that our check file signatures are OK */
-    if( !BLAPI_VerifySelf( NULL ) || 
-	!BLAPI_SHVerify( SOFTOKEN_LIB_NAME, (PRFuncPtr) sftk_fips_HMAC ) ) {
-	crv = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* better error code? checksum error? */
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftk_fipsPowerUpSelfTest( void )
-    CK_RV rv;
-    /* RC2 Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_RC2_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* RC4 Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_RC4_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* DES Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_DES_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* DES3 Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_DES3_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* AES Power-Up SelfTest(s) for 128-bit key. */
-    rv = sftk_fips_AES_PowerUpSelfTest(FIPS_AES_128_KEY_SIZE);
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* AES Power-Up SelfTest(s) for 192-bit key. */
-    rv = sftk_fips_AES_PowerUpSelfTest(FIPS_AES_192_KEY_SIZE);
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* AES Power-Up SelfTest(s) for 256-bit key. */
-    rv = sftk_fips_AES_PowerUpSelfTest(FIPS_AES_256_KEY_SIZE);
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* MD2 Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_MD2_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* MD5 Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_MD5_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* SHA-X Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_SHA_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* HMAC SHA-X Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_HMAC_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* RSA Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_RSA_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* DSA Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_DSA_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* RNG Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_RNG_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* ECDSA Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    rv = sftk_fips_ECDSA_PowerUpSelfTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* Software/Firmware Integrity Test. */
-    rv = sftk_fipsSoftwareIntegrityTest();
-    if( rv != CKR_OK )
-        return rv;
-    /* Passed Power-Up SelfTest(s). */
-    return( CKR_OK );
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/fipstokn.c b/nss/lib/softoken/fipstokn.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0633559..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/fipstokn.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1551 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements PKCS 11 on top of our existing security modules
- *
- * For more information about PKCS 11 See PKCS 11 Token Inteface Standard.
- *   This implementation has two slots:
- *	slot 1 is our generic crypto support. It does not require login
- *   (unless you've enabled FIPS). It supports Public Key ops, and all they
- *   bulk ciphers and hashes. It can also support Private Key ops for imported
- *   Private keys. It does not have any token storage.
- *	slot 2 is our private key support. It requires a login before use. It
- *   can store Private Keys and Certs as token objects. Currently only private
- *   keys and their associated Certificates are saved on the token.
- *
- *   In this implementation, session objects are only visible to the session
- *   that created or generated them.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-#include "lowkeyi.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#include <syslog.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef LINUX
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#define LIBAUDIT_NAME ""
-#define AUDIT_CRYPTO_TEST_USER          2400 /* Crypto test results */
-#define AUDIT_CRYPTO_PARAM_CHANGE_USER  2401 /* Crypto attribute change */
-#define AUDIT_CRYPTO_LOGIN              2402 /* Logged in as crypto officer */
-#define AUDIT_CRYPTO_LOGOUT             2403 /* Logged out from crypto */
-#define AUDIT_CRYPTO_KEY_USER           2404 /* Create,delete,negotiate */
-#define AUDIT_CRYPTO_FAILURE_USER       2405 /* Fail decrypt,encrypt,randomize */
-static void *libaudit_handle;
-static int (*audit_open_func)(void);
-static void (*audit_close_func)(int fd);
-static int (*audit_log_user_message_func)(int audit_fd, int type,
-    const char *message, const char *hostname, const char *addr,
-    const char *tty, int result);
-static int (*audit_send_user_message_func)(int fd, int type,
-    const char *message);
-static pthread_once_t libaudit_once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
-static void
-    libaudit_handle = dlopen(LIBAUDIT_NAME, RTLD_LAZY);
-    if (!libaudit_handle) {
-	return;
-    }
-    audit_open_func = dlsym(libaudit_handle, "audit_open");
-    audit_close_func = dlsym(libaudit_handle, "audit_close");
-    /*
-     * audit_send_user_message is the older function.
-     * audit_log_user_message, if available, is preferred.
-     */
-    audit_log_user_message_func = dlsym(libaudit_handle,
-					"audit_log_user_message");
-    if (!audit_log_user_message_func) {
-	audit_send_user_message_func = dlsym(libaudit_handle,
-					     "audit_send_user_message");
-    }
-    if (!audit_open_func || !audit_close_func ||
-	(!audit_log_user_message_func && !audit_send_user_message_func)) {
-	dlclose(libaudit_handle);
-	libaudit_handle = NULL;
-	audit_open_func = NULL;
-	audit_close_func = NULL;
-	audit_log_user_message_func = NULL;
-	audit_send_user_message_func = NULL;
-    }
-#endif /* LINUX */
- * ******************** Password Utilities *******************************
- */
-static PRBool isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-PRBool sftk_fatalError = PR_FALSE;
- * This function returns
- *   - CKR_PIN_INVALID if the password/PIN is not a legal UTF8 string
- *   - CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE if the password/PIN is too short or does not
- *     consist of characters from three or more character classes.
- *   - CKR_OK otherwise
- *
- * The minimum password/PIN length is FIPS_MIN_PIN Unicode characters.
- * We define five character classes: digits (0-9), ASCII lowercase letters,
- * ASCII uppercase letters, ASCII non-alphanumeric characters (such as
- * space and punctuation marks), and non-ASCII characters.  If an ASCII
- * uppercase letter is the first character of the password/PIN, the
- * uppercase letter is not counted toward its character class.  Similarly,
- * if a digit is the last character of the password/PIN, the digit is not
- * counted toward its character class.
- *
- * Although NSC_SetPIN and NSC_InitPIN already do the maximum and minimum
- * password/PIN length checks, they check the length in bytes as opposed
- * to characters.  To meet the minimum password/PIN guessing probability
- * requirements in FIPS 140-2, we need to check the length in characters.
- */
-static CK_RV sftk_newPinCheck(CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen) {
-    unsigned int i;
-    int nchar = 0;      /* number of characters */
-    int ntrail = 0;     /* number of trailing bytes to follow */
-    int ndigit = 0;     /* number of decimal digits */
-    int nlower = 0;     /* number of ASCII lowercase letters */
-    int nupper = 0;     /* number of ASCII uppercase letters */
-    int nnonalnum = 0;  /* number of ASCII non-alphanumeric characters */
-    int nnonascii = 0;  /* number of non-ASCII characters */
-    int nclass;         /* number of character classes */
-    for (i = 0; i < ulPinLen; i++) {
-	unsigned int byte = pPin[i];
-	if (ntrail) {
-	    if ((byte & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
-		/* illegal */
-		nchar = -1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (--ntrail == 0) {
-		nchar++;
-		nnonascii++;
-	    }
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if ((byte & 0x80) == 0x00) {
-	    /* single-byte (ASCII) character */
-	    nchar++;
-	    if (isdigit(byte)) {
-		if (i < ulPinLen - 1) {
-		    ndigit++;
-		}
-	    } else if (islower(byte)) {
-		nlower++;
-	    } else if (isupper(byte)) {
-		if (i > 0) {
-		    nupper++;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		nnonalnum++;
-	    }
-	} else if ((byte & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
-	    /* leading byte of two-byte character */
-	    ntrail = 1;
-	} else if ((byte & 0xf0) == 0xe0) {
-	    /* leading byte of three-byte character */
-	    ntrail = 2;
-	} else if ((byte & 0xf8) == 0xf0) {
-	    /* leading byte of four-byte character */
-	    ntrail = 3;
-	} else {
-	    /* illegal */
-	    nchar = -1;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (nchar == -1) {
-	/* illegal UTF8 string */
-    }
-    if (nchar < FIPS_MIN_PIN) {
-    }
-    nclass = (ndigit != 0) + (nlower != 0) + (nupper != 0) +
-	     (nnonalnum != 0) + (nnonascii != 0);
-    if (nclass < 3) {
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* FIPS required checks before any useful cryptographic services */
-static CK_RV sftk_fipsCheck(void) {
-    if (sftk_fatalError) 
-    if (!isLoggedIn) 
-    return CKR_OK;
-#define SFTK_FIPSCHECK() \
-    CK_RV rv; \
-    if ((rv = sftk_fipsCheck()) != CKR_OK) return rv;
-    if (sftk_fatalError) return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-/* grab an attribute out of a raw template */
-void *
-fc_getAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, 
-				CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == type) {
-	    return pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	}
-    }
-    return NULL;
-#define __PASTE(x,y)	x##y
-/* ------------- forward declare all the NSC_ functions ------------- */
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(name) CK_RV __PASTE(NS,name)
-#define CK_NEED_ARG_LIST 1
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-/* ------------- forward declare all the FIPS functions ------------- */
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(name) CK_RV __PASTE(F,name)
-#define CK_NEED_ARG_LIST 1
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-/* ------------- build the CK_CRYPTO_TABLE ------------------------- */
-static CK_FUNCTION_LIST sftk_fipsTable = {
-    { 1, 10 },
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(name) __PASTE(F,name),
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-#undef __PASTE
-/* CKO_NOT_A_KEY can be any object class that's not a key object. */
-#define SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(objClass) \
-    (((objClass) == CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) || \
-    ((objClass) == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY) || \
-    ((objClass) == CKO_SECRET_KEY))
-    (((objClass) == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY) || ((objClass) == CKO_SECRET_KEY))
-static CK_RV
-sftk_get_object_class_and_fipsCheck(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE class; 
-    class.type = CKA_CLASS;
-    class.pValue = pObjClass;
-    class.ulValueLen = sizeof(*pObjClass);
-    rv = NSC_GetAttributeValue(hSession, hObject, &class, 1);
-    if ((rv == CKR_OK) && SFTK_IS_NONPUBLIC_KEY_OBJECT(*pObjClass)) {
-	rv = sftk_fipsCheck();
-    }
-    return rv;
-#ifdef LINUX
-sftk_mapLinuxAuditType(NSSAuditSeverity severity, NSSAuditType auditType)
-    switch (auditType) {
-    case NSS_AUDIT_CRYPT:
-    case NSS_AUDIT_SET_PIN:
-    case NSS_AUDIT_LOGIN:
-    /* we skip the fault case here so we can get compiler 
-     * warnings if new 'NSSAuditType's are added without
-     * added them to this list, defaults fall through */
-    }
-    /* default */
- *
- *     FIPS 140 auditable event logging
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-PRBool sftk_audit_enabled = PR_FALSE;
- * Each audit record must have the following information:
- * - Date and time of the event
- * - Type of event
- * - user (subject) identity
- * - outcome (success or failure) of the event
- * - process ID
- * - name (ID) of the object
- * - for changes to data (except for authentication data and CSPs), the new
- *   and old values of the data
- * - for authentication attempts, the origin of the attempt (e.g., terminal
- *   identifier)
- * - for assuming a role, the type of role, and the location of the request
- */
-sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSSAuditSeverity severity, NSSAuditType auditType,
-		     const char *msg)
-    int level;
-    switch (severity) {
-    case NSS_AUDIT_ERROR:
-	level = LOG_ERR;
-	break;
-	level = LOG_WARNING;
-	break;
-    default:
-	level = LOG_INFO;
-	break;
-    }
-    /* timestamp is provided by syslog in the message header */
-    syslog(level | LOG_USER /* facility */,
-	   "NSS " SOFTOKEN_LIB_NAME "[pid=%d uid=%d]: %s",
-	   (int)getpid(), (int)getuid(), msg);
-#ifdef LINUX
-    if (pthread_once(&libaudit_once_control, libaudit_init) != 0) {
-	return;
-    }
-    if (libaudit_handle) {
-	int audit_fd;
-	int linuxAuditType;
-	int result = (severity != NSS_AUDIT_ERROR); /* 1=success; 0=failed */
-	char *message = PR_smprintf("NSS " SOFTOKEN_LIB_NAME ": %s", msg);
-	if (!message) {
-	    return;
-	}
-	audit_fd = audit_open_func();
-	if (audit_fd < 0) {
-	    PR_smprintf_free(message);
-	    return;
-	}
-	linuxAuditType = sftk_mapLinuxAuditType(severity, auditType);
-	if (audit_log_user_message_func) {
-	    audit_log_user_message_func(audit_fd, linuxAuditType, message,
-					NULL, NULL, NULL, result);
-	} else {
-	    audit_send_user_message_func(audit_fd, linuxAuditType, message);
-	}
-	audit_close_func(audit_fd);
-	PR_smprintf_free(message);
-    }
-#endif /* LINUX */
-    /* do nothing */
- *
- *     Start of PKCS 11 functions 
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-/* return the function list */
-CK_RV FC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    *pFunctionList = &sftk_fipsTable;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* sigh global so pkcs11 can read it */
-PRBool nsf_init = PR_FALSE;
-/* FC_Initialize initializes the PKCS #11 library. */
-CK_RV FC_Initialize(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved) {
-    const char *envp;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    sftk_ForkReset(pReserved, &crv);
-    if (nsf_init) {
-    }
-    if ((envp = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_ENABLE_AUDIT")) != NULL) {
-	sftk_audit_enabled = (atoi(envp) == 1);
-    }
-    crv = nsc_CommonInitialize(pReserved, PR_TRUE);
-    /* not an 'else' rv can be set by either SFTK_LowInit or SFTK_SlotInit*/
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	return crv;
-    }
-    sftk_fatalError = PR_FALSE; /* any error has been reset */
-    crv = sftk_fipsPowerUpSelfTest();
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        nsc_CommonFinalize(NULL, PR_TRUE);
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	    char msg[128];
-	    PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-			"C_Initialize()=0x%08lX "
-			"power-up self-tests failed",
-			(PRUint32)crv);
-	    sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSS_AUDIT_ERROR, NSS_AUDIT_SELF_TEST, msg);
-	}
-	return crv;
-    }
-    nsf_init = PR_TRUE;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/*FC_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the PKCS #11 library.*/
-CK_RV FC_Finalize (CK_VOID_PTR pReserved) {
-   CK_RV crv;
-   if (sftk_ForkReset(pReserved, &crv)) {
-       return crv;
-   }
-   if (!nsf_init) {
-      return CKR_OK;
-   }
-   crv = nsc_CommonFinalize (pReserved, PR_TRUE);
-   nsf_init = (PRBool) !(crv == CKR_OK);
-   return crv;
-/* FC_GetInfo returns general information about PKCS #11. */
-CK_RV  FC_GetInfo(CK_INFO_PTR pInfo) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_GetInfo(pInfo);
-/* FC_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system. */
-CK_RV FC_GetSlotList(CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
-	 		CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return nsc_CommonGetSlotList(tokenPresent,pSlotList,pulCount,
-							 NSC_FIPS_MODULE);
-/* FC_GetSlotInfo obtains information about a particular slot in the system. */
-CK_RV FC_GetSlotInfo(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR pInfo) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_GetSlotInfo(slotID,pInfo);
-/*FC_GetTokenInfo obtains information about a particular token in the system.*/
- CK_RV FC_GetTokenInfo(CK_SLOT_ID slotID,CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR pInfo) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_GetTokenInfo(slotID,pInfo);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) 
-       pInfo->flags |= CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED;
-    return crv;
-/*FC_GetMechanismList obtains a list of mechanism types supported by a token.*/
- CK_RV FC_GetMechanismList(CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList, CK_ULONG_PTR pusCount) {
-     CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID) slotID = NETSCAPE_SLOT_ID;
-    /* FIPS Slot supports all functions */
-    return NSC_GetMechanismList(slotID,pMechanismList,pusCount);
-/* FC_GetMechanismInfo obtains information about a particular mechanism 
- * possibly supported by a token. */
- CK_RV FC_GetMechanismInfo(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-    					CK_MECHANISM_INFO_PTR pInfo) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID) slotID = NETSCAPE_SLOT_ID;
-    /* FIPS Slot supports all functions */
-    return NSC_GetMechanismInfo(slotID,type,pInfo);
-/* FC_InitToken initializes a token. */
- CK_RV FC_InitToken(CK_SLOT_ID slotID,CK_CHAR_PTR pPin,
- 				CK_ULONG usPinLen,CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_InitToken(slotID,pPin,usPinLen,pLabel);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	char msg[128];
-	NSSAuditSeverity severity = (crv == CKR_OK) ?
-	/* pLabel points to a 32-byte label, which is not null-terminated */
-	PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-		"C_InitToken(slotID=%lu, pLabel=\"%.32s\")=0x%08lX",
-		(PRUint32)slotID,pLabel,(PRUint32)crv);
-	sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_INIT_TOKEN, msg);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* FC_InitPIN initializes the normal user's PIN. */
-    					CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (sftk_fatalError) return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    if ((rv = sftk_newPinCheck(pPin,ulPinLen)) == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_InitPIN(hSession,pPin,ulPinLen);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	char msg[128];
-	NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-	PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-		"C_InitPIN(hSession=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX",
-		(PRUint32)hSession,(PRUint32)rv);
-	sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_INIT_PIN, msg);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_SetPIN modifies the PIN of user that is currently logged in. */
-/* NOTE: This is only valid for the PRIVATE_KEY_SLOT */
-    CK_ULONG usOldLen, CK_CHAR_PTR pNewPin, CK_ULONG usNewLen) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if ((rv = sftk_fipsCheck()) == CKR_OK &&
-	(rv = sftk_newPinCheck(pNewPin,usNewLen)) == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_SetPIN(hSession,pOldPin,usOldLen,pNewPin,usNewLen);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	char msg[128];
-	NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-	PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-		"C_SetPIN(hSession=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX",
-		(PRUint32)hSession,(PRUint32)rv);
-	sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_SET_PIN, msg);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a token. */
- CK_RV FC_OpenSession(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_FLAGS flags,
-   CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,CK_NOTIFY Notify,CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_OpenSession(slotID,flags,pApplication,Notify,phSession);
-/* FC_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a token. */
- CK_RV FC_CloseSession(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_CloseSession(hSession);
-/* FC_CloseAllSessions closes all sessions with a token. */
- CK_RV FC_CloseAllSessions (CK_SLOT_ID slotID) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_CloseAllSessions (slotID);
-/* FC_GetSessionInfo obtains information about the session. */
- CK_RV FC_GetSessionInfo(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-						CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_GetSessionInfo(hSession,pInfo);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	if ((isLoggedIn) && (pInfo->state == CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION)) {
-		pInfo->state = CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS;
-	}
-	if ((isLoggedIn) && (pInfo->state == CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION)) {
-		pInfo->state = CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS;
-	}
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_Login logs a user into a token. */
-				    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG usPinLen) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    PRBool successful;
-    if (sftk_fatalError) return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    rv = NSC_Login(hSession,userType,pPin,usPinLen);
-    successful = (rv == CKR_OK) || (rv == CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN);
-    if (successful)
-	isLoggedIn = PR_TRUE;
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	char msg[128];
-	NSSAuditSeverity severity;
-	severity = successful ? NSS_AUDIT_INFO : NSS_AUDIT_ERROR;
-	PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-		    "C_Login(hSession=0x%08lX, userType=%lu)=0x%08lX",
-		    (PRUint32)hSession,(PRUint32)userType,(PRUint32)rv);
-	sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_LOGIN, msg);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_Logout logs a user out from a token. */
- CK_RV FC_Logout(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if ((rv = sftk_fipsCheck()) == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_Logout(hSession);
-	isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	char msg[128];
-	NSSAuditSeverity severity = (rv == CKR_OK) ?
-	PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-		    "C_Logout(hSession=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX",
-		    (PRUint32)hSession,(PRUint32)rv);
-	sftk_LogAuditMessage(severity, NSS_AUDIT_LOGOUT, msg);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_CreateObject creates a new object. */
- CK_RV FC_CreateObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, 
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject) {
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS * classptr;
-    CK_RV rv = CKR_OK;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    classptr = (CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)fc_getAttribute(pTemplate,ulCount,CKA_CLASS);
-    if (classptr == NULL) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-    if (*classptr == CKO_NETSCAPE_NEWSLOT || *classptr == CKO_NETSCAPE_DELSLOT) {
-        if (sftk_fatalError)
-            return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    } else {
-        rv = sftk_fipsCheck();
-        if (rv != CKR_OK)
-            return rv;
-    }
-    /* FIPS can't create keys from raw key material */
-    if (SFTK_IS_NONPUBLIC_KEY_OBJECT(*classptr)) {
-    } else {
-	rv = NSC_CreateObject(hSession,pTemplate,ulCount,phObject);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled && SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(*classptr)) {
-	sftk_AuditCreateObject(hSession,pTemplate,ulCount,phObject,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_CopyObject copies an object, creating a new object for the copy. */
- CK_RV FC_CopyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-       CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = sftk_get_object_class_and_fipsCheck(hSession, hObject, &objClass);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_CopyObject(hSession,hObject,pTemplate,ulCount,phNewObject);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled && SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(objClass)) {
-	sftk_AuditCopyObject(hSession,
-	    hObject,pTemplate,ulCount,phNewObject,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_DestroyObject destroys an object. */
- CK_RV FC_DestroyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-		 				CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = sftk_get_object_class_and_fipsCheck(hSession, hObject, &objClass);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_DestroyObject(hSession,hObject);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled && SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(objClass)) {
-	sftk_AuditDestroyObject(hSession,hObject,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_GetObjectSize gets the size of an object in bytes. */
- CK_RV FC_GetObjectSize(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize) {
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = sftk_get_object_class_and_fipsCheck(hSession, hObject, &objClass);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_GetObjectSize(hSession, hObject, pulSize);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled && SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(objClass)) {
-	sftk_AuditGetObjectSize(hSession, hObject, pulSize, rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_GetAttributeValue obtains the value of one or more object attributes. */
- CK_RV FC_GetAttributeValue(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = sftk_get_object_class_and_fipsCheck(hSession, hObject, &objClass);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_GetAttributeValue(hSession,hObject,pTemplate,ulCount);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled && SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(objClass)) {
-	sftk_AuditGetAttributeValue(hSession,hObject,pTemplate,ulCount,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_SetAttributeValue modifies the value of one or more object attributes */
- CK_RV FC_SetAttributeValue (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_RV rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = sftk_get_object_class_and_fipsCheck(hSession, hObject, &objClass);
-    if (rv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = NSC_SetAttributeValue(hSession,hObject,pTemplate,ulCount);
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled && SFTK_IS_KEY_OBJECT(objClass)) {
-	sftk_AuditSetAttributeValue(hSession,hObject,pTemplate,ulCount,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_FindObjectsInit initializes a search for token and session objects 
- * that match a template. */
- CK_RV FC_FindObjectsInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,CK_ULONG usCount) {
-    /* let publically readable object be found */
-    unsigned int i;
-    CK_RV rv;
-    PRBool needLogin = PR_FALSE;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    for (i=0; i < usCount; i++) {
-	if (pTemplate[i].type != CKA_CLASS) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (pTemplate[i].ulValueLen != sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS)) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (pTemplate[i].pValue == NULL) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	class = *(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	if ((class == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY) || (class == CKO_SECRET_KEY)) {
-	    needLogin = PR_TRUE;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (needLogin) {
-	if ((rv = sftk_fipsCheck()) != CKR_OK) return rv;
-    }
-    return NSC_FindObjectsInit(hSession,pTemplate,usCount);
-/* FC_FindObjects continues a search for token and session objects 
- * that match a template, obtaining additional object handles. */
- CK_RV FC_FindObjects(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject,CK_ULONG usMaxObjectCount,
-    					CK_ULONG_PTR pusObjectCount) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* let publically readable object be found */
-    return NSC_FindObjects(hSession,phObject,usMaxObjectCount,
-    							pusObjectCount);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Encrypt ************************
- */
-/* FC_EncryptInit initializes an encryption operation. */
- CK_RV FC_EncryptInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_EncryptInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditCryptInit("Encrypt",hSession,pMechanism,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_Encrypt encrypts single-part data. */
- CK_RV FC_Encrypt (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    		CK_ULONG usDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pusEncryptedDataLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_Encrypt(hSession,pData,usDataLen,pEncryptedData,
-							pusEncryptedDataLen);
-/* FC_EncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part encryption operation. */
- CK_RV FC_EncryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG usPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,	
-					CK_ULONG_PTR pusEncryptedPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_EncryptUpdate(hSession,pPart,usPartLen,pEncryptedPart,
-						pusEncryptedPartLen);
-/* FC_EncryptFinal finishes a multiple-part encryption operation. */
- CK_RV FC_EncryptFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pusLastEncryptedPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_EncryptFinal(hSession,pLastEncryptedPart,
-						pusLastEncryptedPartLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Decrypt ************************
- */
-/* FC_DecryptInit initializes a decryption operation. */
- CK_RV FC_DecryptInit( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_DecryptInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditCryptInit("Decrypt",hSession,pMechanism,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_Decrypt decrypts encrypted data in a single part. */
- CK_RV FC_Decrypt(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,CK_ULONG usEncryptedDataLen,CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    						CK_ULONG_PTR pusDataLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_Decrypt(hSession,pEncryptedData,usEncryptedDataLen,pData,
-    								pusDataLen);
-/* FC_DecryptUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption operation. */
- CK_RV FC_DecryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG usEncryptedPartLen,
-    				CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pusPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DecryptUpdate(hSession,pEncryptedPart,usEncryptedPartLen,
-    							pPart,pusPartLen);
-/* FC_DecryptFinal finishes a multiple-part decryption operation. */
- CK_RV FC_DecryptFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pusLastPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DecryptFinal(hSession,pLastPart,pusLastPartLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Digest (HASH)  ************************
- */
-/* FC_DigestInit initializes a message-digesting operation. */
- CK_RV FC_DigestInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    					CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DigestInit(hSession, pMechanism);
-/* FC_Digest digests data in a single part. */
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG usDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    						CK_ULONG_PTR pusDigestLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_Digest(hSession,pData,usDataLen,pDigest,pusDigestLen);
-/* FC_DigestUpdate continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation. */
- CK_RV FC_DigestUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-					    CK_ULONG usPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DigestUpdate(hSession,pPart,usPartLen);
-/* FC_DigestFinal finishes a multiple-part message-digesting operation. */
- CK_RV FC_DigestFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    						CK_ULONG_PTR pusDigestLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DigestFinal(hSession,pDigest,pusDigestLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Sign  ************************
- */
-/* FC_SignInit initializes a signature (private key encryption) operation,
- * where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_SignInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditCryptInit("Sign",hSession,pMechanism,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_Sign signs (encrypts with private key) data in a single part,
- * where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,CK_ULONG usDataLen,CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    					CK_ULONG_PTR pusSignatureLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_Sign(hSession,pData,usDataLen,pSignature,pusSignatureLen);
-/* FC_SignUpdate continues a multiple-part signature operation,
- * where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
-    							CK_ULONG usPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_SignUpdate(hSession,pPart,usPartLen);
-/* FC_SignFinal finishes a multiple-part signature operation, 
- * returning the signature. */
- CK_RV FC_SignFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-					    CK_ULONG_PTR pusSignatureLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_SignFinal(hSession,pSignature,pusSignatureLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Sign Recover  ************************
- */
-/* FC_SignRecoverInit initializes a signature operation,
- * where the (digest) data can be recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. encryption with the user's private key */
- CK_RV FC_SignRecoverInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_SignRecoverInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditCryptInit("SignRecover",hSession,pMechanism,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_SignRecover signs data in a single operation
- * where the (digest) data can be recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. encryption with the user's private key */
- CK_RV FC_SignRecover(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-  CK_ULONG usDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG_PTR pusSignatureLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_SignRecover(hSession,pData,usDataLen,pSignature,pusSignatureLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     verify  ************************
- */
-/* FC_VerifyInit initializes a verification operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature (e.g. DSA) */
- CK_RV FC_VerifyInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_VerifyInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditCryptInit("Verify",hSession,pMechanism,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_Verify verifies a signature in a single-part operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
-    CK_ULONG usDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG usSignatureLen) {
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_Verify(hSession,pData,usDataLen,pSignature,usSignatureLen);
-/* FC_VerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part verification operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
- CK_RV FC_VerifyUpdate( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-						CK_ULONG usPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_VerifyUpdate(hSession,pPart,usPartLen);
-/* FC_VerifyFinal finishes a multiple-part verification operation, 
- * checking the signature. */
- CK_RV FC_VerifyFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,CK_ULONG usSignatureLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_VerifyFinal(hSession,pSignature,usSignatureLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Verify  Recover ************************
- */
-/* FC_VerifyRecoverInit initializes a signature verification operation, 
- * where the data is recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. Decryption with the user's public key */
- CK_RV FC_VerifyRecoverInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_VerifyRecoverInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditCryptInit("VerifyRecover",hSession,pMechanism,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_VerifyRecover verifies a signature in a single-part operation, 
- * where the data is recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. Decryption with the user's public key */
- CK_RV FC_VerifyRecover(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-		 CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,CK_ULONG usSignatureLen,
-    				CK_BYTE_PTR pData,CK_ULONG_PTR pusDataLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_VerifyRecover(hSession,pSignature,usSignatureLen,pData,
-								pusDataLen);
- **************************** Key Functions:  ************************
- */
-/* FC_GenerateKey generates a secret key, creating a new key object. */
- CK_RV FC_GenerateKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    						CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey) {
-    CK_BBOOL *boolptr;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* all secret keys must be sensitive, if the upper level code tries to say
-     * otherwise, reject it. */
-    boolptr = (CK_BBOOL *) fc_getAttribute(pTemplate, ulCount, CKA_SENSITIVE);
-    if (boolptr != NULL) {
-	if (!(*boolptr)) {
-	}
-    }
-    rv = NSC_GenerateKey(hSession,pMechanism,pTemplate,ulCount,phKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditGenerateKey(hSession,pMechanism,pTemplate,ulCount,phKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_GenerateKeyPair generates a public-key/private-key pair, 
- * creating new key objects. */
- CK_RV FC_GenerateKeyPair (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG usPublicKeyAttributeCount, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG usPrivateKeyAttributeCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey,
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey) {
-    CK_BBOOL *boolptr;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* all private keys must be sensitive, if the upper level code tries to say
-     * otherwise, reject it. */
-    boolptr = (CK_BBOOL *) fc_getAttribute(pPrivateKeyTemplate, 
-				usPrivateKeyAttributeCount, CKA_SENSITIVE);
-    if (boolptr != NULL) {
-	if (!(*boolptr)) {
-	}
-    }
-    crv = NSC_GenerateKeyPair (hSession,pMechanism,pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    		usPublicKeyAttributeCount,pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-		usPrivateKeyAttributeCount,phPublicKey,phPrivateKey);
-    if (crv == CKR_GENERAL_ERROR) {
-	/* pairwise consistency check failed. */
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditGenerateKeyPair(hSession,pMechanism,pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    		usPublicKeyAttributeCount,pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-		usPrivateKeyAttributeCount,phPublicKey,phPrivateKey,crv);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* FC_WrapKey wraps (i.e., encrypts) a key. */
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey, CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_WrapKey(hSession,pMechanism,hWrappingKey,hKey,pWrappedKey,
-							pulWrappedKeyLen);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditWrapKey(hSession,pMechanism,hWrappingKey,hKey,pWrappedKey,
-							pulWrappedKeyLen,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new key object. */
- CK_RV FC_UnwrapKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey, CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-						 CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey) {
-    CK_BBOOL *boolptr;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* all secret keys must be sensitive, if the upper level code tries to say
-     * otherwise, reject it. */
-    boolptr = (CK_BBOOL *) fc_getAttribute(pTemplate, 
-					ulAttributeCount, CKA_SENSITIVE);
-    if (boolptr != NULL) {
-	if (!(*boolptr)) {
-	}
-    }
-    rv = NSC_UnwrapKey(hSession,pMechanism,hUnwrappingKey,pWrappedKey,
-			ulWrappedKeyLen,pTemplate,ulAttributeCount,phKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditUnwrapKey(hSession,pMechanism,hUnwrappingKey,pWrappedKey,
-			ulWrappedKeyLen,pTemplate,ulAttributeCount,phKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* FC_DeriveKey derives a key from a base key, creating a new key object. */
- CK_RV FC_DeriveKey( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-	 CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount, 
-						CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey) {
-    CK_BBOOL *boolptr;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* all secret keys must be sensitive, if the upper level code tries to say
-     * otherwise, reject it. */
-    boolptr = (CK_BBOOL *) fc_getAttribute(pTemplate, 
-					ulAttributeCount, CKA_SENSITIVE);
-    if (boolptr != NULL) {
-	if (!(*boolptr)) {
-	}
-    }
-    rv = NSC_DeriveKey(hSession,pMechanism,hBaseKey,pTemplate,
-			ulAttributeCount, phKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditDeriveKey(hSession,pMechanism,hBaseKey,pTemplate,
-			ulAttributeCount,phKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
- **************************** Radom Functions:  ************************
- */
-/* FC_SeedRandom mixes additional seed material into the token's random number 
- * generator. */
- CK_RV FC_SeedRandom(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed,
-    CK_ULONG usSeedLen) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_SeedRandom(hSession,pSeed,usSeedLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* FC_GenerateRandom generates random data. */
- CK_RV FC_GenerateRandom(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR	pRandomData, CK_ULONG ulRandomLen) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_GenerateRandom(hSession,pRandomData,ulRandomLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	    char msg[128];
-	    PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-			"C_GenerateRandom(hSession=0x%08lX, pRandomData=%p, "
-			"ulRandomLen=%lu)=0x%08lX "
-			"self-test: continuous RNG test failed",
-			(PRUint32)hSession,pRandomData,
-			(PRUint32)ulRandomLen,(PRUint32)crv);
-	    sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSS_AUDIT_ERROR, NSS_AUDIT_SELF_TEST, msg);
-	}
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* FC_GetFunctionStatus obtains an updated status of a function running 
- * in parallel with an application. */
- CK_RV FC_GetFunctionStatus(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_GetFunctionStatus(hSession);
-/* FC_CancelFunction cancels a function running in parallel */
- CK_RV FC_CancelFunction(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_CancelFunction(hSession);
- ****************************  Version 1.1 Functions:  ************************
- */
-/* FC_GetOperationState saves the state of the cryptographic 
- *operation in a session. */
-CK_RV FC_GetOperationState(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, 
-	CK_BYTE_PTR  pOperationState, CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_GetOperationState(hSession,pOperationState,pulOperationStateLen);
-/* FC_SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic operation 
- * in a session. */
-CK_RV FC_SetOperationState(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, 
-	CK_BYTE_PTR  pOperationState, CK_ULONG  ulOperationStateLen,
-        CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_SetOperationState(hSession,pOperationState,ulOperationStateLen,
-        				hEncryptionKey,hAuthenticationKey);
-/* FC_FindObjectsFinal finishes a search for token and session objects. */
-CK_RV FC_FindObjectsFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) {
-    /* let publically readable object be found */
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_FindObjectsFinal(hSession);
-/* Dual-function cryptographic operations */
-/* FC_DigestEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part digesting and encryption 
- * operation. */
-CK_RV FC_DigestEncryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR  pPart,
-    CK_ULONG  ulPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedPart,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DigestEncryptUpdate(hSession,pPart,ulPartLen,pEncryptedPart,
-					 pulEncryptedPartLen);
-/* FC_DecryptDigestUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and digesting 
- * operation. */
-CK_RV FC_DecryptDigestUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-     CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG  ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    				CK_BYTE_PTR  pPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DecryptDigestUpdate(hSession, pEncryptedPart,ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    				pPart,pulPartLen);
-/* FC_SignEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part signing and encryption 
- * operation. */
-CK_RV FC_SignEncryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR  pPart,
-	 CK_ULONG  ulPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedPart,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_SignEncryptUpdate(hSession,pPart,ulPartLen,pEncryptedPart,
-					 pulEncryptedPartLen);
-/* FC_DecryptVerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and verify 
- * operation. */
-CK_RV FC_DecryptVerifyUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, 
-	CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedData, CK_ULONG  ulEncryptedDataLen, 
-				CK_BYTE_PTR  pData, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen) {
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_DecryptVerifyUpdate(hSession,pEncryptedData,ulEncryptedDataLen, 
-				pData,pulDataLen);
-/* FC_DigestKey continues a multi-part message-digesting operation,
- * by digesting the value of a secret key as part of the data already digested.
- */
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = NSC_DigestKey(hSession,hKey);
-    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-	sftk_AuditDigestKey(hSession,hKey,rv);
-    }
-    return rv;
-CK_RV FC_WaitForSlotEvent(CK_FLAGS flags, CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-							 CK_VOID_PTR pReserved)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_WaitForSlotEvent(flags, pSlot, pReserved);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/jpakesftk.c b/nss/lib/softoken/jpakesftk.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f91c72..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/jpakesftk.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-static CK_RV
-jpake_mapStatus(SECStatus rv, CK_RV invalidArgsMapping) {
-    int err;
-    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-        return CKR_OK;
-    err = PORT_GetError();
-    switch (err) {
-        /* XXX: SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS might be caused by invalid template
-            parameters. */
-        case SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS:  return invalidArgsMapping;
-        case SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY:     return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    }
-/* If key is not NULL then the gx value will be stored as an attribute with
-   the type given by the gxAttrType parameter. */
-static CK_RV
-jpake_Sign(PLArenaPool * arena, const PQGParams * pqg, HASH_HashType hashType,
-           const SECItem * signerID, const SECItem * x,
-           CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue * out)
-    SECItem gx, gv, r;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PORT_Assert(arena != NULL);
- = NULL;
- = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    crv = jpake_mapStatus(JPAKE_Sign(arena, pqg, hashType, signerID, x, NULL,
-                                     NULL, &gx, &gv, &r),
-                          CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-        if ((out->pGX != NULL && out->ulGXLen >= gx.len) ||
-            (out->pGV != NULL && out->ulGVLen >= gv.len) ||
-            (out->pR  != NULL && out->ulRLen >= r.len)) {
-            PORT_Memcpy(out->pGX,, gx.len); 
-            PORT_Memcpy(out->pGV,, gv.len); 
-            PORT_Memcpy(out->pR,, r.len);
-            out->ulGXLen = gx.len;
-            out->ulGVLen = gv.len;
-            out->ulRLen = r.len;
-        } else {
-        }
-    } 
-    return crv;
-static CK_RV
-jpake_Verify(PLArenaPool * arena, const PQGParams * pqg,
-             HASH_HashType hashType, const SECItem * signerID,
-             const CK_BYTE * peerIDData, CK_ULONG peerIDLen,
-             const CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue * publicValueIn)
-    SECItem peerID, gx, gv, r;
- = (unsigned char *) peerIDData; peerID.len = peerIDLen;
- = publicValueIn->pGX; gx.len = publicValueIn->ulGXLen;
- = publicValueIn->pGV; gv.len = publicValueIn->ulGVLen;
- = publicValueIn->pR;   r.len = publicValueIn->ulRLen;
-    return jpake_mapStatus(JPAKE_Verify(arena, pqg, hashType, signerID, &peerID,
-                                        &gx, &gv, &r),
-                           CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID);
-#define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x)[0])
-/* If the template has the key type set, ensure that it was set to the correct
- * value. If the template did not have the key type set, set it to the
- * correct value.
- */
-static CK_RV
-jpake_enforceKeyType(SFTKObject * key, CK_KEY_TYPE keyType) {
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SFTKAttribute * keyTypeAttr = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    if (keyTypeAttr != NULL) {
-        crv = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)keyTypeAttr->attrib.pValue == keyType
-            ? CKR_OK
-        sftk_FreeAttribute(keyTypeAttr);
-    } else {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, sizeof keyType);
-    }
-    return crv;
-static CK_RV
-jpake_MultipleSecItem2Attribute(SFTKObject * key, const SFTKItemTemplate * attrs,
-                                size_t attrsCount)
-    size_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < attrsCount; ++i) {
-        CK_RV crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, attrs[i].type, attrs[i].item->data,
-                                        attrs[i].item->len);
-        if (crv != CKR_OK)
-            return crv;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-jpake_Round1(HASH_HashType hashType, CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params * params,
-             SFTKObject * key)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PQGParams pqg;
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem signerID;
-    SFTKItemTemplate templateAttrs[] = {
-        { CKA_PRIME, & },
-        { CKA_SUBPRIME, &pqg.subPrime },
-        { CKA_BASE, &pqg.base },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID, &signerID }
-    };
-    SECItem x2, gx1, gx2;
-    const SFTKItemTemplate generatedAttrs[] = {
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2,  &x2  },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX1, &gx1 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX2, &gx2 },
-    };
-    SECItem x1;
-    PORT_Assert(params != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(key != NULL);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    crv = sftk_MultipleAttribute2SecItem(arena, key, templateAttrs,
-                                         NUM_ELEM(templateAttrs));
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && ( == NULL || signerID.len == 0))
-    /* generate x1, g^x1 and the proof of knowledge of x1 */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
- = NULL;
-        crv = jpake_mapStatus(DSA_NewRandom(arena, &pqg.subPrime, &x1),
-                              CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT);
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_Sign(arena, &pqg, hashType, &signerID, &x1, &params->gx1);
-    /* generate x2, g^x2 and the proof of knowledge of x2 */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
- = NULL;
-        crv = jpake_mapStatus(DSA_NewRandom(arena, &pqg.subPrime, &x2),
-                              CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT);
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_Sign(arena, &pqg, hashType, &signerID, &x2, &params->gx2);
-    /* Save the values needed for round 2 into CKA_VALUE */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
- = params->gx1.pGX;
-        gx1.len = params->gx1.ulGXLen;
- = params->gx2.pGX;
-        gx2.len = params->gx2.ulGXLen;
-        crv = jpake_MultipleSecItem2Attribute(key, generatedAttrs, 
-                                              NUM_ELEM(generatedAttrs));
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    return crv;
-jpake_Round2(HASH_HashType hashType, CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params * params,
-             SFTKObject * sourceKey, SFTKObject * key)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    PQGParams pqg;
-    SECItem signerID, x2, gx1, gx2;
-    SFTKItemTemplate sourceAttrs[] = { 
-        { CKA_PRIME, & },
-        { CKA_SUBPRIME, &pqg.subPrime },
-        { CKA_BASE, &pqg.base },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID, &signerID },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2,  &x2 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX1, &gx1 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX2, &gx2 },
-    };
-    SECItem x2s, gx3, gx4;
-    const SFTKItemTemplate copiedAndGeneratedAttrs[] = {
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID, &signerID },
-        { CKA_PRIME, & },
-        { CKA_SUBPRIME, &pqg.subPrime },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2,  &x2  },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2S, &x2s },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX1, &gx1 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX2, &gx2 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX3, &gx3 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX4, &gx4 }
-    };
-    SECItem peerID;
-    PORT_Assert(params != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(sourceKey != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(key != NULL);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    /* TODO: check CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1 */
-    crv = sftk_MultipleAttribute2SecItem(arena, sourceKey, sourceAttrs,
-                                         NUM_ELEM(sourceAttrs));
-    /* Get the peer's ID out of the template and sanity-check it. */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = sftk_Attribute2SecItem(arena, &peerID, key,
-                                     CKA_NSS_JPAKE_PEERID);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && ( == NULL || peerID.len == 0))
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && SECITEM_CompareItem(&signerID, &peerID) == SECEqual)
-    /* Verify zero-knowledge proofs for g^x3 and g^x4 */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_Verify(arena, &pqg, hashType, &signerID,
-                 , peerID.len, &params->gx3);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_Verify(arena, &pqg, hashType, &signerID,
-                 , peerID.len, &params->gx4);
-    /* Calculate the base and x2s for A=base^x2s */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-        SECItem s;
- = params->pSharedKey;
-        s.len = params->ulSharedKeyLen;
- = params->gx3.pGX;
-        gx3.len = params->gx3.ulGXLen;
- = params->gx4.pGX;
-        gx4.len = params->gx4.ulGXLen;
- = NULL;
- = NULL;
-        crv = jpake_mapStatus(JPAKE_Round2(arena, &, &pqg.subPrime,
-                                           &gx1, &gx3, &gx4, &pqg.base, 
-                                           &x2, &s, &x2s),
-                              CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID);
-    }
-    /* Generate A=base^x2s and its zero-knowledge proof. */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_Sign(arena, &pqg, hashType, &signerID, &x2s, &params->A);
-    /* Copy P and Q from the ROUND1 key to the ROUND2 key and save the values
-       needed for the final key material derivation into CKA_VALUE. */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_PRIME,,
-                        ;
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_SUBPRIME,,
-                                  pqg.subPrime.len);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-        crv = jpake_MultipleSecItem2Attribute(key, copiedAndGeneratedAttrs,
-                                              NUM_ELEM(copiedAndGeneratedAttrs));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_enforceKeyType(key, CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    return crv;
-jpake_Final(HASH_HashType hashType, const CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams * param,
-            SFTKObject * sourceKey, SFTKObject * key)
-    PLArenaPool * arena;
-    SECItem K;
-    PQGParams pqg;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECItem peerID, signerID, x2s, x2, gx1, gx2, gx3, gx4;
-    SFTKItemTemplate sourceAttrs[] = {
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_PEERID, &peerID },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID, &signerID },
-        { CKA_PRIME, & },
-        { CKA_SUBPRIME, &pqg.subPrime },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2,  &x2  },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2S, &x2s },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX1, &gx1 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX2, &gx2 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX3, &gx3 },
-        { CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX4, &gx4 }
-    };
-    PORT_Assert(param != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(sourceKey != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert(key != NULL);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-        crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    /* TODO: verify key type CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2 */
-    crv = sftk_MultipleAttribute2SecItem(arena, sourceKey, sourceAttrs,
-                                         NUM_ELEM(sourceAttrs));
-    /* Calculate base for B=base^x4s */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
- = NULL;
-        crv = jpake_mapStatus(JPAKE_Round2(arena, &, &pqg.subPrime,
-                                           &gx1, &gx2, &gx3, &pqg.base,
-                                           NULL, NULL, NULL),
-                              CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID);
-    }
-    /* Verify zero-knowledge proof for B */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_Verify(arena, &pqg, hashType, &signerID,
-                 , peerID.len, &param->B);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-        SECItem B;
- = param->B.pGX;
-        B.len = param->B.ulGXLen;
- = NULL;
-        crv = jpake_mapStatus(JPAKE_Final(arena, &, &pqg.subPrime,
-                                          &x2, &gx4, &x2s, &B, &K),
-                              CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID);
-    }
-    /* Save key material into CKA_VALUE. */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE,, K.len);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-        crv = jpake_enforceKeyType(key, CKK_GENERIC_SECRET);
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    return crv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c b/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 155991b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  The following code handles the storage of PKCS 11 modules used by the
- * NSS. This file is written to abstract away how the modules are
- * stored so we can deside that later.
- */
-#include "sftkdb.h"
-#include "sftkdbti.h"
-#include "sdb.h"
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "lgglue.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-static LGOpenFunc legacy_glue_open = NULL;
-static LGReadSecmodFunc legacy_glue_readSecmod = NULL;
-static LGReleaseSecmodFunc legacy_glue_releaseSecmod = NULL;
-static LGDeleteSecmodFunc legacy_glue_deleteSecmod = NULL;
-static LGAddSecmodFunc legacy_glue_addSecmod = NULL;
-static LGShutdownFunc legacy_glue_shutdown = NULL;
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- * The following 3 functions duplicate the work done by bl_LoadLibrary.
- * We should make bl_LoadLibrary a global and replace the call to
- * sftkdb_LoadLibrary(const char *libname) with it.
- */
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define LG_MAX_LINKS 20
-static char *
-sftkdb_resolvePath(const char *orig)
-    int count = 0;
-    int len =0;
-    int ret = -1;
-    char *resolved = NULL;
-    char *source = NULL;
-    len = 1025; /* MAX PATH +1*/
-    if (strlen(orig)+1 > len) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    resolved = PORT_Alloc(len);
-    if (!resolved) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    source = PORT_Alloc(len);
-    if (!source) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Strcpy(source, orig);
-    /* Walk down all the links */
-    while ( count++ < LG_MAX_LINKS) {
-	char *tmp;
-	/* swap our previous sorce out with resolved */
-	/* read it */
-	ret = readlink(source, resolved, len-1);
-	if (ret  < 0) {
-	    break;
- 	}
-	resolved[ret] = 0;
-	tmp = source; source = resolved; resolved = tmp;
-    }
-    if (count > 1) {
-	ret = 0;
-    }
-    if (resolved) {
-	PORT_Free(resolved);
-    }
-    if (ret < 0) {
-	if (source) {
-	    PORT_Free(source);
-	    source = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return source;
-static PRLibrary *
-sftkdb_LoadFromPath(const char *path, const char *libname)
-    char *c;
-    int pathLen, nameLen, fullPathLen;
-    char *fullPathName = NULL;
-    PRLibSpec libSpec;
-    PRLibrary *lib = NULL;
-    /* strip of our parent's library name */ 
-    c = strrchr(path, PR_GetDirectorySeparator());
-    if (!c) {
-	return NULL; /* invalid path */
-    }
-    pathLen = (c-path)+1;
-    nameLen = strlen(libname);
-    fullPathLen = pathLen + nameLen +1;
-    fullPathName = (char *)PORT_Alloc(fullPathLen);
-    if (fullPathName == NULL) {
-	return NULL; /* memory allocation error */
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(fullPathName, path, pathLen);
-    PORT_Memcpy(fullPathName+pathLen, libname, nameLen);
-    fullPathName[fullPathLen-1] = 0;
-    libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname;
-    libSpec.value.pathname = fullPathName;
-    lib = PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, PR_LD_NOW | PR_LD_LOCAL);
-    PORT_Free(fullPathName);
-    return lib;
-static PRLibrary *
-sftkdb_LoadLibrary(const char *libname)
-    PRLibrary *lib = NULL;
-    PRFuncPtr fn_addr;
-    char *parentLibPath = NULL;
-    fn_addr  = (PRFuncPtr) &sftkdb_LoadLibrary;
-    parentLibPath = PR_GetLibraryFilePathname(SOFTOKEN_LIB_NAME, fn_addr);
-    if (!parentLibPath) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    lib = sftkdb_LoadFromPath(parentLibPath, libname);
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-    /* handle symbolic link case */
-    if (!lib) {
-	char *trueParentLibPath = sftkdb_resolvePath(parentLibPath);
-	if (!trueParentLibPath) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-    	lib = sftkdb_LoadFromPath(trueParentLibPath, libname);
-	PORT_Free(trueParentLibPath);
-    }
-    if (parentLibPath) {
-	PORT_Free(parentLibPath);
-    }
-    /* still couldn't load it, try the generic path */
-    if (!lib) {
-	PRLibSpec libSpec;
-	libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname;
-	libSpec.value.pathname = libname;
-	lib = PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, PR_LD_NOW | PR_LD_LOCAL);
-    }
-    return lib;
-#endif  /* STATIC LIBRARIES */
- * stub files for legacy db's to be able to encrypt and decrypt
- * various keys and attributes.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftkdb_encrypt_stub(PLArenaPool *arena, SDB *sdb, SECItem *plainText,
-		    SECItem **cipherText)
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle = sdb->app_private;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if we aren't the key handle, try the other handle */
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	handle = handle->peerDB;
-    }
-    /* not a key handle */
-    if (handle == NULL || handle->passwordLock == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(handle->passwordLock);
-    if (handle-> == NULL) {
-	PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-	/* PORT_SetError */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(arena, 
-	handle->newKey?handle->newKey:&handle->passwordKey, 
-	plainText, cipherText);
-    PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-    return rv;
- * stub files for legacy db's to be able to encrypt and decrypt
- * various keys and attributes.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftkdb_decrypt_stub(SDB *sdb, SECItem *cipherText, SECItem **plainText) 
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle = sdb->app_private;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem *oldKey = NULL;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* if we aren't th handle, try the other handle */
-    oldKey = handle->oldKey;
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	handle = handle->peerDB;
-    }
-    /* not a key handle */
-    if (handle == NULL || handle->passwordLock == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(handle->passwordLock);
-    if (handle-> == NULL) {
-	PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-	/* PORT_SetError */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = sftkdb_DecryptAttribute( oldKey ? oldKey : &handle->passwordKey,
-		cipherText, plainText);
-    PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-    return rv;
-static const char *LEGACY_LIB_NAME = 
- * 2 bools to tell us if we've check the legacy library successfully or
- * not. Initialize on startup to false by the C BSS segment;
- */
-static PRBool legacy_glue_libCheckFailed;    /* set if we failed the check */
-static PRBool legacy_glue_libCheckSucceeded; /* set if we passed the check */
-static PRLibrary *legacy_glue_lib = NULL;
-static SECStatus 
-sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PRBool isFIPS)
-    PRLibrary *lib = NULL;
-    LGSetCryptFunc setCryptFunction = NULL;
-    if (legacy_glue_lib) {
-	/* this check is necessary because it's possible we loaded the
-	 * legacydb to read secmod.db, which told us whether we were in
-	 * FIPS mode or not. */
-	if (isFIPS && !legacy_glue_libCheckSucceeded) {
-	    if (legacy_glue_libCheckFailed || 
-		!BLAPI_SHVerify(LEGACY_LIB_NAME,(PRFuncPtr)legacy_glue_open)) {
-    	    	legacy_glue_libCheckFailed = PR_TRUE;
-		/* don't clobber legacy glue to avoid race. just let it
-		 * get cleared in shutdown */
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-    	    legacy_glue_libCheckSucceeded = PR_TRUE;
-	} 
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-    return SECFailure;
-    lib = (PRLibrary *) 0x8;
-    legacy_glue_open = legacy_Open;
-    legacy_glue_readSecmod = legacy_ReadSecmodDB;
-    legacy_glue_releaseSecmod = legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData;
-    legacy_glue_deleteSecmod = legacy_DeleteSecmodDB;
-    legacy_glue_addSecmod = legacy_AddSecmodDB;
-    legacy_glue_shutdown = legacy_Shutdown;
-    setCryptFunction = legacy_SetCryptFunctions;
-    lib = sftkdb_LoadLibrary(LEGACY_LIB_NAME);
-    if (lib == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    legacy_glue_open = (LGOpenFunc)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, "legacy_Open");
-    legacy_glue_readSecmod = (LGReadSecmodFunc) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib,
-						 "legacy_ReadSecmodDB");
-    legacy_glue_releaseSecmod = (LGReleaseSecmodFunc) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib,
-					 	 "legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData");
-    legacy_glue_deleteSecmod = (LGDeleteSecmodFunc) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib,
-						 "legacy_DeleteSecmodDB");
-    legacy_glue_addSecmod = (LGAddSecmodFunc)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, 
-						 "legacy_AddSecmodDB");
-    legacy_glue_shutdown = (LGShutdownFunc) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, 
-						"legacy_Shutdown");
-    setCryptFunction = (LGSetCryptFunc) PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, 
-						"legacy_SetCryptFunctions");
-    if (!legacy_glue_open || !legacy_glue_readSecmod || 
-	    !legacy_glue_releaseSecmod || !legacy_glue_deleteSecmod || 
-	    !legacy_glue_addSecmod || !setCryptFunction) {
-	PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-#endif  /* NSS_STATIC */
-    /* verify the loaded library if we are in FIPS mode */
-    if (isFIPS) {
-	if (!BLAPI_SHVerify(LEGACY_LIB_NAME,(PRFuncPtr)legacy_glue_open)) {
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-	    PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    	legacy_glue_libCheckSucceeded = PR_TRUE;
-    } 
-    setCryptFunction(sftkdb_encrypt_stub,sftkdb_decrypt_stub);
-    legacy_glue_lib = lib;
-    return SECSuccess;
-sftkdbCall_open(const char *dir, const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix, 
-		int certVersion, int keyVersion, int flags, PRBool isFIPS,
-		SDB **certDB, SDB **keyDB)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = sftkdbLoad_Legacy(isFIPS);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    }
-    if (!legacy_glue_open) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (*legacy_glue_open)(dir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 
-				certVersion, keyVersion,
-				flags, certDB, keyDB);
-char **
-sftkdbCall_ReadSecmodDB(const char *appName, const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!legacy_glue_readSecmod) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return (*legacy_glue_readSecmod)(appName, filename, dbname, params, rw);
-sftkdbCall_ReleaseSecmodDBData(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-			char **moduleSpecList, PRBool rw)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if (!legacy_glue_releaseSecmod) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (*legacy_glue_releaseSecmod)(appName, filename, dbname, 
-					  moduleSpecList, rw);
-sftkdbCall_DeleteSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-		      const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-		      char *args, PRBool rw)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if (!legacy_glue_deleteSecmod) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (*legacy_glue_deleteSecmod)(appName, filename, dbname, args, rw);
-sftkdbCall_AddSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-		   const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-		   char *module, PRBool rw)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PR_FALSE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return rv;
-    }
-    if (!legacy_glue_addSecmod) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return (*legacy_glue_addSecmod)(appName, filename, dbname, module, rw);
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    char *disableUnload = NULL;
-    if (!legacy_glue_lib) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (legacy_glue_shutdown) {
-	PRBool parentForkedAfterC_Initialize = PR_FALSE;
-	crv = (*legacy_glue_shutdown)(parentForkedAfterC_Initialize);
-    }
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-    disableUnload = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD");
-    if (!disableUnload) {
-        PR_UnloadLibrary(legacy_glue_lib);
-    }
-    legacy_glue_lib = NULL;
-    legacy_glue_open = NULL;
-    legacy_glue_readSecmod = NULL;
-    legacy_glue_releaseSecmod = NULL;
-    legacy_glue_deleteSecmod = NULL;
-    legacy_glue_addSecmod = NULL;
-    legacy_glue_libCheckFailed    = PR_FALSE;
-    legacy_glue_libCheckSucceeded = PR_FALSE;
-    return crv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h b/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c8c562f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This code defines the glue layer between softoken and the legacy DB library
- */
-#include "sdb.h"
- * function prototypes for the callbacks into softoken from the legacyDB
- */
-typedef SECStatus (*LGEncryptFunc)(PLArenaPool *arena, SDB *sdb,
-				  SECItem *plainText, SECItem **cipherText);
-typedef SECStatus (*LGDecryptFunc)(SDB *sdb, SECItem *cipherText, 
-				   SECItem **plainText);
- * function prototypes for the exported functions.
- */
-typedef CK_RV (*LGOpenFunc) (const char *dir, const char *certPrefix, 
-		const char *keyPrefix, 
-		int certVersion, int keyVersion, int flags, 
-		SDB **certDB, SDB **keyDB);
-typedef char ** (*LGReadSecmodFunc)(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-typedef SECStatus (*LGReleaseSecmodFunc)(const char *appName,
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char **params, PRBool rw);
-typedef SECStatus (*LGDeleteSecmodFunc)(const char *appName,
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-typedef SECStatus (*LGAddSecmodFunc)(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-typedef SECStatus (*LGShutdownFunc)(PRBool forked);
-typedef void (*LGSetForkStateFunc)(PRBool);
-typedef void (*LGSetCryptFunc)(LGEncryptFunc, LGDecryptFunc);
-extern CK_RV legacy_Open(const char *dir, const char *certPrefix, 
-		const char *keyPrefix, 
-		int certVersion, int keyVersion, int flags, 
-		SDB **certDB, SDB **keyDB);
-extern char ** legacy_ReadSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-extern SECStatus legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData(const char *appName,
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char **params, PRBool rw);
-extern SECStatus legacy_DeleteSecmodDB(const char *appName,
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-extern SECStatus legacy_AddSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-extern SECStatus legacy_Shutdown(PRBool forked);
-extern void legacy_SetCryptFunctions(LGEncryptFunc, LGDecryptFunc);
- * Softoken Glue Functions
- */
-CK_RV sftkdbCall_open(const char *dir, const char *certPrefix, 
-		const char *keyPrefix, 
-		int certVersion, int keyVersion, int flags, PRBool isFIPS,
-		SDB **certDB, SDB **keyDB);
-char ** sftkdbCall_ReadSecmodDB(const char *appName, const char *filename, 
-			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-SECStatus sftkdbCall_ReleaseSecmodDBData(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-			char **moduleSpecList, PRBool rw);
-SECStatus sftkdbCall_DeleteSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-		      const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-		      char *args, PRBool rw);
-SECStatus sftkdbCall_AddSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-		   const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-		   char *module, PRBool rw);
-CK_RV sftkdbCall_Shutdown(void);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lowkey.c b/nss/lib/softoken/lowkey.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b50ee1f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lowkey.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "lowkeyi.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "base64.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_AttributeTemplate[] = {
-	0, NULL, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYAttribute) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYAttribute, attrType) },
-        offsetof(NSSLOWKEYAttribute, attrValue),
-	SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_AnyTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_SetOfAttributeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, nsslowkey_AttributeTemplate },
-/* ASN1 Templates for new decoder/encoder */
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate[] = {
-	0, NULL, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo) },
-	offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo,version) },
-	offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo,algorithm),
-	SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-	offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo,privateKey) },
-	offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo, attributes),
-	nsslowkey_SetOfAttributeTemplate },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_PQGParamsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(PQGParams) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(PQGParams,prime) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(PQGParams,subPrime) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(PQGParams,base) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_RSAPrivateKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.version) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.modulus) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.publicExponent) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.privateExponent) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.prime1) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.prime2) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.exponent1) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.exponent2) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.rsa.coefficient) },
-    { 0 }                                                                     
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DSAPrivateKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.dsa.publicValue) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.dsa.privateValue) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.dsa.privateValue) },
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DHPrivateKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.dh.publicValue) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.dh.privateValue) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,u.dh.base) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey, },
-    { 0 }
-/* XXX This is just a placeholder for later when we support
- * generic curves and need full-blown support for parsing EC
- * parameters. For now, we only support named curves in which
- * EC params are simply encoded as an object ID and we don't
- * use nsslowkey_ECParamsTemplate.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_ECParamsTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_CHOICE, offsetof(ECParams,type), NULL, sizeof(ECParams) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, offsetof(ECParams,curveOID), NULL, ec_params_named },
-    { 0 }
-/* NOTE: The SECG specification allows the private key structure
- * to contain curve parameters but recommends that they be stored
- * in the PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier field of the PrivateKeyInfo
- * instead.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_ECPrivateKeyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey, },
-      offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey, },
-    /* XXX The following template works for now since we only
-     * support named curves for which the parameters are
-     * encoded as an object ID. When we support generic curves,
-     * we'll need to define nsslowkey_ECParamsTemplate
-     */
-#if 1
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 0, 
-      offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,, 
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_ObjectIDTemplate) }, 
-      offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,, 
-      nsslowkey_ECParamsTemplate }, 
-      SEC_ASN1_XTRN | 1, 
-      offsetof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey,,
-      SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_BitStringTemplate) }, 
-    { 0 }
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
- * See bugzilla bug 125359
- * Since NSS (via PKCS#11) wants to handle big integers as unsigned ints,
- * all of the templates above that en/decode into integers must be converted
- * from ASN.1's signed integer type.  This is done by marking either the
- * source or destination (encoding or decoding, respectively) type as
- * siUnsignedInteger.
- */
-prepare_low_rsa_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    key->u.rsa.modulus.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.publicExponent.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.privateExponent.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.prime1.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.prime2.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.exponent1.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.exponent2.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.rsa.coefficient.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-prepare_low_pqg_params_for_asn1(PQGParams *params)
-    params->prime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params->subPrime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params->base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-prepare_low_dsa_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    key->u.dsa.publicValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dsa.privateValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dsa.params.subPrime.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dsa.params.base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-prepare_low_dsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    key->u.dsa.privateValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-prepare_low_dh_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dh.base.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dh.publicValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key->u.dh.privateValue.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-prepare_low_ecparams_for_asn1(ECParams *params)
-    params->DEREncoding.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-    params->curveOID.type = siUnsignedInteger;
-prepare_low_ec_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key)
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-    key-> = siUnsignedInteger;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privk)
-    if (privk && privk->arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(privk->arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-nsslowkey_DestroyPublicKey(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    if (pubk && pubk->arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(pubk->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-nsslowkey_PublicModulusLen(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubk)
-    unsigned char b0;
-    /* interpret modulus length as key strength... in
-     * fortezza that's the public key length */
-    switch (pubk->keyType) {
-    case NSSLOWKEYRSAKey:
-    	b0 = pubk->[0];
-    	return b0 ? pubk->u.rsa.modulus.len : pubk->u.rsa.modulus.len - 1;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-nsslowkey_PrivateModulusLen(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privk)
-    unsigned char b0;
-    switch (privk->keyType) {
-    case NSSLOWKEYRSAKey:
-	b0 = privk->[0];
-	return b0 ? privk->u.rsa.modulus.len : privk->u.rsa.modulus.len - 1;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-nsslowkey_ConvertToPublicKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privk)
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubk;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena (DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-        PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    switch(privk->keyType) {
-      case NSSLOWKEYRSAKey:
-      case NSSLOWKEYNullKey:
-	pubk = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-						sizeof (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey));
-	if (pubk != NULL) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    pubk->arena = arena;
-	    pubk->keyType = privk->keyType;
-	    if (privk->keyType == NSSLOWKEYNullKey) return pubk;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.rsa.modulus,
-				  &privk->u.rsa.modulus);
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		rv = SECITEM_CopyItem (arena, &pubk->u.rsa.publicExponent,
-				       &privk->u.rsa.publicExponent);
-		if (rv == SECSuccess)
-		    return pubk;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	}
-	break;
-      case NSSLOWKEYDSAKey:
-	pubk = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-						    sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey));
-	if (pubk != NULL) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    pubk->arena = arena;
-	    pubk->keyType = privk->keyType;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.dsa.publicValue,
-				  &privk->u.dsa.publicValue);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->,
-				  &privk->;
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.dsa.params.subPrime,
-				  &privk->u.dsa.params.subPrime);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.dsa.params.base,
-				  &privk->u.dsa.params.base);
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess) return pubk;
-	}
-	break;
-      case NSSLOWKEYDHKey:
-	pubk = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-						    sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey));
-	if (pubk != NULL) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    pubk->arena = arena;
-	    pubk->keyType = privk->keyType;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.dh.publicValue,
-				  &privk->u.dh.publicValue);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->,
-				  &privk->;
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->u.dh.base,
-				  &privk->u.dh.base);
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess) return pubk;
-	}
-	break;
-      case NSSLOWKEYECKey:
-	pubk = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-						    sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey));
-	if (pubk != NULL) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    pubk->arena = arena;
-	    pubk->keyType = privk->keyType;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &pubk->,
-				  &privk->;
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    pubk-> = arena;
-	    /* Copy the rest of the params */
-	    rv = EC_CopyParams(arena, &(pubk->,
-			       &(privk->;
-	    if (rv == SECSuccess) return pubk;
-	}
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-	/* No Fortezza in Low Key implementations (Fortezza keys aren't
-	 * stored in our data base */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return NULL;
-NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *
-nsslowkey_CopyPrivateKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey)
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *returnKey = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    if(!privKey) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    poolp = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if(!poolp) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    returnKey = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey));
-    if(!returnKey) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    returnKey->keyType = privKey->keyType;
-    returnKey->arena = poolp;
-    switch(privKey->keyType) {
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.modulus), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.modulus));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.version), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.version));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.publicExponent), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.publicExponent));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.privateExponent), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.privateExponent));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.prime1), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.prime1));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.prime2), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.prime2));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.exponent1), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.exponent1));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.exponent2), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.exponent2));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.rsa.coefficient), 
-	    				&(privKey->u.rsa.coefficient));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dsa.publicValue),
-	    				&(privKey->u.dsa.publicValue));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dsa.privateValue),
-	    				&(privKey->u.dsa.privateValue));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    returnKey->u.dsa.params.arena = poolp;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->,
-					&(privKey->;
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dsa.params.subPrime),
-					&(privKey->u.dsa.params.subPrime));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dsa.params.base),
-					&(privKey->u.dsa.params.base));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dh.publicValue),
-	    				&(privKey->u.dh.publicValue));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dh.privateValue),
-	    				&(privKey->u.dh.privateValue));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    returnKey->u.dsa.params.arena = poolp;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->,
-					&(privKey->;
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->u.dh.base),
-					&(privKey->u.dh.base));
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->,
-	    				&(privKey->;
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->,
-	    				&(privKey->;
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(returnKey->,
-	    				&(privKey->;
-	    if(rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    returnKey-> = poolp;
-	    /* Copy the rest of the params */
-	    rv = EC_CopyParams(poolp, &(returnKey->,
-			       &(privKey->;
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) break;
-	    break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-	default:
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(poolp, PR_TRUE);
-	returnKey = NULL;
-    }
-    return returnKey;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyi.h b/nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7282ffe..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _LOWKEYI_H_
-#define _LOWKEYI_H_
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "lowkeyti.h"
- * See bugzilla bug 125359
- * Since NSS (via PKCS#11) wants to handle big integers as unsigned ints,
- * all of the templates above that en/decode into integers must be converted
- * from ASN.1's signed integer type.  This is done by marking either the
- * source or destination (encoding or decoding, respectively) type as
- * siUnsignedInteger.
- */
-extern void prepare_low_rsa_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key);
-extern void prepare_low_pqg_params_for_asn1(PQGParams *params);
-extern void prepare_low_dsa_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key);
-extern void prepare_low_dsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key);
-extern void prepare_low_dh_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key);
-extern void prepare_low_ec_priv_key_for_asn1(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key);
-extern void prepare_low_ecparams_for_asn1(ECParams *params);
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-** Destroy a private key object.
-**	"key" the object
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key);
-** Destroy a public key object.
-**	"key" the object
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void nsslowkey_DestroyPublicKey(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key);
-** Return the modulus length of "pubKey".
-extern unsigned int nsslowkey_PublicModulusLen(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubKey);
-** Return the modulus length of "privKey".
-extern unsigned int nsslowkey_PrivateModulusLen(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-** Convert a low private key "privateKey" into a public low key
-extern NSSLOWKEYPublicKey 
-		*nsslowkey_ConvertToPublicKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privateKey);
-/* Make a copy of a low private key in it's own arena.
- * a return of NULL indicates an error.
- */
-extern NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *
-nsslowkey_CopyPrivateKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey);
-#endif /* _LOWKEYI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyti.h b/nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c94d8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lowkeyti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _LOWKEYTI_H_
-#define _LOWKEYTI_H_ 1
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-** Typedef for callback to get a password "key".
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_PQGParamsTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_RSAPrivateKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DSAPrivateKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DHPrivateKeyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_DHPrivateKeyExportTemplate[];
-#define NSSLOWKEY_EC_PRIVATE_KEY_VERSION   1  /* as per SECG 1 C.4 */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_ECParamsTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_ECPrivateKeyTemplate[];
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template nsslowkey_EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoTemplate[];
- * PKCS #8 attributes
- */
-struct NSSLOWKEYAttributeStr {
-    SECItem attrType;
-    SECItem *attrValue;
-typedef struct NSSLOWKEYAttributeStr NSSLOWKEYAttribute;
-** A PKCS#8 private key info object
-struct NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfoStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem version;
-    SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
-    SECItem privateKey;
-    NSSLOWKEYAttribute **attributes;
-typedef struct NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfoStr NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo;
-#define NSSLOWKEY_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO_VERSION	0	/* what we *create* */
-typedef enum { 
-    NSSLOWKEYNullKey = 0, 
-    NSSLOWKEYRSAKey = 1, 
-    NSSLOWKEYDSAKey = 2, 
-    NSSLOWKEYDHKey = 4,
-** An RSA public key object.
-struct NSSLOWKEYPublicKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    NSSLOWKEYType keyType ;
-    union {
-        RSAPublicKey rsa;
-	DSAPublicKey dsa;
-	DHPublicKey  dh;
-	ECPublicKey  ec;
-    } u;
-typedef struct NSSLOWKEYPublicKeyStr NSSLOWKEYPublicKey;
-** Low Level private key object
-** This is only used by the raw Crypto engines (crypto), keydb (keydb),
-** and PKCS #11. Everyone else uses the high level key structure.
-struct NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    NSSLOWKEYType keyType;
-    union {
-        RSAPrivateKey rsa;
-	DSAPrivateKey dsa;
-	DHPrivateKey  dh;
-	ECPrivateKey  ec;
-    } u;
-typedef struct NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyStr NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey;
-#endif	/* _LOWKEYTI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.c b/nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e178b4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1366 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "lowpbe.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "alghmac.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-/* template for PKCS 5 PBE Parameter.  This template has been expanded
- * based upon the additions in PKCS 12.  This should eventually be moved
- * if RSA updates PKCS 5.
- */
-static const SEC_ASN1Template NSSPKCS5PBEParameterTemplate[] =
-	0, NULL, sizeof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter) },
-	offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, salt) },
-	offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, iteration) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template NSSPKCS5PKCS12V2PBEParameterTemplate[] =
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, salt) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, iteration) },
-    { 0 }
-/* PKCS5 v2 */
-struct nsspkcs5V2PBEParameterStr {
-    SECAlgorithmID keyParams;  /* parameters of the key generation */
-    SECAlgorithmID algParams;  /* parameters for the encryption or mac op */
-typedef struct nsspkcs5V2PBEParameterStr nsspkcs5V2PBEParameter;
-static const SEC_ASN1Template NSSPKCS5V2PBES2ParameterTemplate[] =
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(nsspkcs5V2PBEParameter) },
-        offsetof(nsspkcs5V2PBEParameter, keyParams), 
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-        offsetof(nsspkcs5V2PBEParameter, algParams),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-static const SEC_ASN1Template NSSPKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate[] =
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, 0, NULL, sizeof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter) },
-    /* this is really a choice, but since we don't understand any other
-     *choice, just inline it. */
-    { SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, salt) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, iteration) },
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, keyLength) },
-        offsetof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter, prfAlg),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-    { 0 }
-nsspkcs5_HashBuf(const SECHashObject *hashObj, unsigned char *dest,
-					 unsigned char *src, int len)
-    void *ctx;
-    unsigned int retLen;
-    ctx = hashObj->create();
-    if(ctx == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashObj->begin(ctx);
-    hashObj->update(ctx, src, len);
-    hashObj->end(ctx, dest, &retLen, hashObj->length);
-    hashObj->destroy(ctx, PR_TRUE);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* generate bits using any hash
- */
-static SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_PBKDF1(const SECHashObject *hashObj, SECItem *salt, SECItem *pwd, 
-						int iter, PRBool faulty3DES) 
-    SECItem *hash = NULL, *pre_hash = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if((salt == NULL) || (pwd == NULL) || (iter < 0)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    hash = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    pre_hash = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if((hash != NULL) && (pre_hash != NULL)) {
-	int i, ph_len;
-	ph_len = hashObj->length;
-	if((salt->len + pwd->len) > hashObj->length) {
-	    ph_len = salt->len + pwd->len;
-	}
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	/* allocate buffers */
-	hash->len = hashObj->length;
-	hash->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(hash->len);
-	pre_hash->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(ph_len);
-	/* in pbeSHA1TripleDESCBC there was an allocation error that made
-	 * it into the caller.  We do not want to propagate those errors
-	 * further, so we are doing it correctly, but reading the old method.
-	 */
-	if (faulty3DES) {
-	    pre_hash->len = ph_len;
-	} else {
-	    pre_hash->len = salt->len + pwd->len;
-	}
-	/* preform hash */
-	if ((hash->data != NULL) && (pre_hash->data != NULL)) {
-	    rv = SECSuccess;
-	    /* check for 0 length password */
-	    if(pwd->len > 0) {
-		PORT_Memcpy(pre_hash->data, pwd->data, pwd->len);
-	    }
-	    if(salt->len > 0) {
-		PORT_Memcpy((pre_hash->data+pwd->len), salt->data, salt->len);
-	    }
-	    for(i = 0; ((i < iter) && (rv == SECSuccess)); i++) {
-		rv = nsspkcs5_HashBuf(hashObj, hash->data, 
-					pre_hash->data, pre_hash->len);
-		if(rv != SECFailure) {
-		    pre_hash->len = hashObj->length;
-		    PORT_Memcpy(pre_hash->data, hash->data, hashObj->length);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if(pre_hash != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(pre_hash, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if((rv != SECSuccess) && (hash != NULL)) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(hash, PR_TRUE);
-	hash = NULL;
-    }
-    return hash;
-/* this bit generation routine is described in PKCS 12 and the proposed
- * extensions to PKCS 5.  an initial hash is generated following the
- * instructions laid out in PKCS 5.  If the number of bits generated is
- * insufficient, then the method discussed in the proposed extensions to
- * PKCS 5 in PKCS 12 are used.  This extension makes use of the HMAC
- * function.  And the P_Hash function from the TLS standard.
- */
-static SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_PFXPBE(const SECHashObject *hashObj, NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param,
-				SECItem *init_hash, unsigned int bytes_needed)
-    SECItem *ret_bits = NULL;
-    int hash_size = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned int hash_iter;
-    unsigned int dig_len;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned char *state = NULL;
-    unsigned int state_len;
-    HMACContext *cx = NULL;
-    hash_size = hashObj->length;
-    hash_iter = (bytes_needed + (unsigned int)hash_size - 1) / hash_size;
-    /* allocate return buffer */
-    ret_bits = (SECItem  *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if(ret_bits == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    ret_bits->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc((hash_iter * hash_size) + 1);
-    ret_bits->len = (hash_iter * hash_size);
-    if(ret_bits->data == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(ret_bits);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* allocate intermediate hash buffer.  8 is for the 8 bytes of
-     * data which are added based on iteration number 
-     */
-    if ((unsigned int)hash_size > pbe_param->salt.len) {
-	state_len = hash_size;
-    } else {
-	state_len = pbe_param->salt.len;
-    }
-    state = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(state_len);
-    if(state == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if(pbe_param->salt.len > 0) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(state, pbe_param->, pbe_param->salt.len);
-    }
-    cx = HMAC_Create(hashObj, init_hash->data, init_hash->len, PR_TRUE);
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for(i = 0; i < hash_iter; i++) { 
-	/* generate output bits */
-	HMAC_Begin(cx);
-	HMAC_Update(cx, state, state_len);
-	HMAC_Update(cx, pbe_param->, pbe_param->salt.len);
-	rv = HMAC_Finish(cx, ret_bits->data + (i * hash_size),
-			 &dig_len, hash_size);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-	PORT_Assert((unsigned int)hash_size == dig_len);
-	/* generate new state */
-	HMAC_Begin(cx);
-	HMAC_Update(cx, state, state_len);
-	rv = HMAC_Finish(cx, state, &state_len, state_len);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	    goto loser;
-	PORT_Assert(state_len == dig_len);
-    }
-    if (state != NULL)
-	PORT_ZFree(state, state_len);
-    HMAC_Destroy(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(ret_bits, PR_TRUE);
-	ret_bits = NULL;
-    }
-    return ret_bits;
-/* generate bits for the key and iv determination.  if enough bits
- * are not generated using PKCS 5, then we need to generate more bits
- * based on the extension proposed in PKCS 12
- */
-static SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_PBKDF1Extended(const SECHashObject *hashObj,
-	 NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param, SECItem *pwitem, PRBool faulty3DES)
-    SECItem * hash 		= NULL;
-    SECItem * newHash 		= NULL;
-    int       bytes_needed;
-    int       bytes_available;
-    bytes_needed = pbe_param->ivLen + pbe_param->keyLen;
-    bytes_available = hashObj->length;
-    hash = nsspkcs5_PBKDF1(hashObj, &pbe_param->salt, pwitem, 
-						pbe_param->iter, faulty3DES);
-    if(hash == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if(bytes_needed <= bytes_available) {
-	return hash;
-    } 
-    newHash = nsspkcs5_PFXPBE(hashObj, pbe_param, hash, bytes_needed);
-    if (hash != newHash)
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(hash, PR_TRUE);
-    return newHash;
- * PBDKDF2 is PKCS #5 v2.0 it's currently not used by NSS
- */
-static void
-do_xor(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, int len)
-   /* use byt xor, not all platforms are happy about inaligned 
-    * integer fetches */
-    while (len--) {
-    	*dest = *dest ^ *src;
-	dest++;
-	src++;
-    }
-static SECStatus
-nsspkcs5_PBKDF2_F(const SECHashObject *hashobj, SECItem *pwitem, SECItem *salt,
-                  int iterations, unsigned int i, unsigned char *T)
-    int j;
-    HMACContext *cx = NULL;
-    unsigned int hLen = hashobj->length;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    unsigned char *last = NULL;
-    unsigned int lastLength = salt->len + 4;
-    unsigned int lastBufLength;
-    cx=HMAC_Create(hashobj,pwitem->data,pwitem->len,PR_FALSE);
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(T,0,hLen);
-    lastBufLength = PR_MAX(lastLength, hLen);
-    last = PORT_Alloc(lastBufLength);
-    if (last == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(last,salt->data,salt->len);
-    last[salt->len  ] = (i >> 24) & 0xff;
-    last[salt->len+1] = (i >> 16) & 0xff;
-    last[salt->len+2] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
-    last[salt->len+3] =    i  & 0xff;
-    /* NOTE: we need at least one iteration to return success! */
-    for (j=0; j < iterations; j++) {
-	HMAC_Begin(cx);
-	HMAC_Update(cx,last,lastLength);
-	rv =HMAC_Finish(cx,last,&lastLength,hLen);
-	if (rv !=SECSuccess) {
-	   break;
-	}
-	do_xor(T,last,hLen);
-    }
-    if (cx) {
-	HMAC_Destroy(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (last) {
-	PORT_ZFree(last,lastBufLength);
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_PBKDF2(const SECHashObject *hashobj, NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param, 
-							SECItem *pwitem)
-    int iterations = pbe_param->iter;
-    int bytesNeeded = pbe_param->keyLen;
-    unsigned int dkLen = bytesNeeded;
-    unsigned int hLen = hashobj->length;
-    unsigned int nblocks = (dkLen+hLen-1) / hLen;
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned char *rp;
-    unsigned char *T = NULL;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    SECItem *salt = &pbe_param->salt;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    result = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL,NULL,nblocks*hLen);
-    if (result == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    T = PORT_Alloc(hLen);
-    if (T == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i=1,rp=result->data; i <= nblocks ; i++, rp +=hLen) {
-        rv = nsspkcs5_PBKDF2_F(hashobj, pwitem, salt, iterations, i, T);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(rp,T,hLen);
-    }
-    if (T) {
-	PORT_ZFree(T,hLen);
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(result,PR_TRUE);
-	result = NULL;
-    } else {
-	result->len = dkLen;
-    }
-    return result;
-#define HMAC_BUFFER 64
-#define NSSPBE_ROUNDUP(x,y) ((((x)+((y)-1))/(y))*(y))
-#define NSSPBE_MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
- * This is the extended PBE function defined by the final PKCS #12 spec.
- */
-static SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_PKCS12PBE(const SECHashObject *hashObject, 
-		   NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param, SECItem *pwitem, 
-		   PBEBitGenID bitGenPurpose, unsigned int bytesNeeded)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    unsigned int SLen,PLen;
-    unsigned int hashLength = hashObject->length;
-    unsigned char *S, *P;
-    SECItem *A = NULL, B, D, I;
-    SECItem *salt = &pbe_param->salt;
-    unsigned int c,i = 0;
-    unsigned int hashLen;
-    int iter;
-    unsigned char *iterBuf;
-    void *hash = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if(!arena) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* how many hash object lengths are needed */
-    c = (bytesNeeded + (hashLength-1))/hashLength;
-    /* initialize our buffers */
-    D.len = HMAC_BUFFER;
-    /* B and D are the same length, use one alloc go get both */
- = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, D.len*2);
-    B.len = D.len;
- = + D.len;
-    /* if all goes well, A will be returned, so don't use our temp arena */
-    A = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL,NULL,c*hashLength);
-    if (A == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    SLen = NSSPBE_ROUNDUP(salt->len,HMAC_BUFFER);
-    PLen = NSSPBE_ROUNDUP(pwitem->len,HMAC_BUFFER);
-    I.len = SLen+PLen;
- = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, I.len);
-    if ( == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* S & P are only used to initialize I */
-    S =;
-    P = S + SLen;
-    PORT_Memset(, (char)bitGenPurpose, D.len);
-    if (SLen) {
-	for (i=0; i < SLen; i += salt->len) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(S+i, salt->data, NSSPBE_MIN(SLen-i,salt->len));
-	}
-    } 
-    if (PLen) {
-	for (i=0; i < PLen; i += pwitem->len) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(P+i, pwitem->data, NSSPBE_MIN(PLen-i,pwitem->len));
-	}
-    } 
-    iterBuf = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,hashLength);
-    if (iterBuf == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    hash = hashObject->create();
-    if(!hash) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* calculate the PBE now */
-    for(i = 0; i < c; i++) {
-	int Bidx;	/* must be signed or the for loop won't terminate */
-	unsigned int k, j;
-	unsigned char *Ai = A->data+i*hashLength;
-	for(iter = 0; iter < pbe_param->iter; iter++) {
-	    hashObject->begin(hash);
-	    if (iter) {
-		hashObject->update(hash, iterBuf, hashLen);
-	    } else {
-		hashObject->update(hash,, D.len);
-		hashObject->update(hash,, I.len); 
-	    }
-	    hashObject->end(hash, iterBuf, &hashLen, hashObject->length);
-	    if(hashLen != hashObject->length) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(Ai, iterBuf, hashLength);
-	for (Bidx = 0; Bidx < (int)B.len; Bidx += hashLength) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(,iterBuf,NSSPBE_MIN(B.len-Bidx,hashLength));
-	}
-	k = I.len/B.len;
-	for(j = 0; j < k; j++) {
-	    unsigned int q, carryBit;
-	    unsigned char *Ij = + j*B.len;
-	    /* (Ij = Ij+B+1) */
-	    for (Bidx = (B.len-1), q=1, carryBit=0; Bidx >= 0; Bidx--,q=0) {
-		q += (unsigned int)Ij[Bidx];
-		q += (unsigned int)[Bidx];
-		q += carryBit;
-		carryBit = (q > 0xff);
-		Ij[Bidx] = (unsigned char)(q & 0xff);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (hash) {
-    	hashObject->destroy(hash, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if(arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (A) {
-        /* if i != c, then we didn't complete the loop above and must of failed
-         * somwhere along the way */
-        if (i != c) {
-	    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(A,PR_TRUE);
-	    A = NULL;
-        } else {
-    	    A->len = bytesNeeded;
-        }
-    }
-    return A;
- * generate key as per PKCS 5
- */
-SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_ComputeKeyAndIV(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param, SECItem *pwitem,
-		      SECItem *iv, PRBool faulty3DES)
-    SECItem *hash = NULL, *key = NULL;
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj;
-    PRBool getIV = PR_FALSE;
-    if((pbe_param == NULL) || (pwitem == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    key = SECITEM_AllocItem(NULL,NULL,pbe_param->keyLen);
-    if (key == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (iv && (pbe_param->ivLen) && (iv->data == NULL)) {
-	getIV = PR_TRUE;
-    	iv->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(pbe_param->ivLen);
-    	if (iv->data == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	iv->len = pbe_param->ivLen;
-    }
-    hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(pbe_param->hashType);
-    switch (pbe_param->pbeType) {
-    case NSSPKCS5_PBKDF1:
-	hash = nsspkcs5_PBKDF1Extended(hashObj,pbe_param,pwitem,faulty3DES);
-	if (hash == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(hash->len >= key->len+(getIV ? iv->len : 0));
-	if (getIV) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(iv->data, hash->data+(hash->len - iv->len),iv->len);
-	} 
-    	break;
-    case NSSPKCS5_PBKDF2:
-	hash = nsspkcs5_PBKDF2(hashObj,pbe_param,pwitem);
-	if (getIV) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(iv->data, pbe_param->ivData, iv->len);
-	}
-    	break;
-    case NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2:
-	if (getIV) {
-	    hash = nsspkcs5_PKCS12PBE(hashObj,pbe_param,pwitem,
-						pbeBitGenCipherIV,iv->len);
-	    if (hash == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Memcpy(iv->data,hash->data,iv->len);
-	    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(hash,PR_TRUE);
-	    hash = NULL;
-	}
-	hash = nsspkcs5_PKCS12PBE(hashObj,pbe_param,pwitem,
-						pbe_param->keyID,key->len);
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (hash == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (pbe_param->is2KeyDES) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(key->data, hash->data, (key->len * 2) / 3);
-	PORT_Memcpy(&(key->data[(key->len  * 2) / 3]), key->data,
-		    key->len / 3);
-    } else {
-	PORT_Memcpy(key->data, hash->data, key->len);
-    }
-    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(hash, PR_TRUE);
-    return key;
-    if (getIV && iv->data) {
-	PORT_ZFree(iv->data,iv->len);
-	iv->data = NULL;
-    }
-    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(key, PR_TRUE);
-    return NULL;
-static SECStatus
-nsspkcs5_FillInParam(SECOidTag algorithm, HASH_HashType hashType,
-                     NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param)
-    PRBool skipType = PR_FALSE;
-    pbe_param->keyLen = 5;
-    pbe_param->ivLen = 8;
-    pbe_param->hashType = hashType;
-    pbe_param->pbeType = NSSPKCS5_PBKDF1;
-    pbe_param->encAlg = SEC_OID_RC2_CBC;
-    pbe_param->is2KeyDES = PR_FALSE;
-    switch(algorithm) {
-    /* DES3 Algorithms */
-	pbe_param->is2KeyDES = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall through */
-	pbe_param->pbeType = NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2;
-	/* fall through */
-	pbe_param->keyLen = 24;
-	pbe_param->encAlg = SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC;
-	break;
-    /* DES Algorithms */
-    	pbe_param->hashType = HASH_AlgMD2;
-	goto finish_des;
-    	pbe_param->hashType = HASH_AlgMD5;
-	/* fall through */
-	pbe_param->keyLen = 8;
-	pbe_param->encAlg =  SEC_OID_DES_CBC;
-	break;
-    /* RC2 Algorithms */
-	pbe_param->keyLen = 16;
-	/* fall through */
-	pbe_param->pbeType = NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2;
-	break;
-	pbe_param->keyLen = 16;
-	/* fall through */
-	break;
-    /* RC4 algorithms */
-	skipType = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall through */
-    case SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC4:
-	pbe_param->keyLen = 16;
-	/* fall through */
-	if (!skipType) {
-    	    pbe_param->pbeType = NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2;
-	}
-	/* fall through */
-        pbe_param->ivLen = 0;
-        pbe_param->encAlg =  SEC_OID_RC4;
-        break;
-    case SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2:
-    case SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2:
-    case SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBMAC1:
-	/* everything else will be filled in by the template */
-        pbe_param->ivLen = 0;
-	pbe_param->pbeType = NSSPKCS5_PBKDF2;
-        pbe_param->encAlg =  SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2;
-	pbe_param->keyLen = 0; /* needs to be set by caller after return */
-	break;
-    default:
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* decode the algid and generate a PKCS 5 parameter from it
- */
-NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *
-nsspkcs5_NewParam(SECOidTag alg, HASH_HashType hashType, SECItem *salt,
-                  int iterationCount)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    /* allocate memory for the parameter */
-    pbe_param = (NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, 
-	sizeof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter));
-    if (pbe_param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    pbe_param->poolp = arena;
-    rv = nsspkcs5_FillInParam(alg, hashType, pbe_param);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    pbe_param->iter = iterationCount;
-    if (salt) {
-	rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena,&pbe_param->salt,salt);
-    }
-    /* default key gen */
-    pbe_param->keyID = pbeBitGenCipherKey;
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	pbe_param = NULL;
-    }
-    return pbe_param;
- * find the hash type needed to implement a specific HMAC.
- * OID definitions are from pkcs 5 v2.0 and 2.1
- */
-HASH_FromHMACOid(SECOidTag hmac)
-    switch (hmac) {
-    case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1:
-    	return HASH_AlgSHA1;
-    case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256:
-    	return HASH_AlgSHA256;
-    case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA384:
-    	return HASH_AlgSHA384;
-    case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA512:
-    	return HASH_AlgSHA512;
-    case SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA224:
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return HASH_AlgNULL;
-/* decode the algid and generate a PKCS 5 parameter from it
- */
-NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *
-nsspkcs5_AlgidToParam(SECAlgorithmID *algid)
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param = NULL;
-    nsspkcs5V2PBEParameter pbev2_param;
-    SECOidTag algorithm;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if (algid == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    algorithm = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(algid);
-    if (algorithm == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    pbe_param = nsspkcs5_NewParam(algorithm, HASH_AlgSHA1, NULL, 1);
-    if (pbe_param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode parameter */
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    switch (pbe_param->pbeType) {
-    case NSSPKCS5_PBKDF1:
-	rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(pbe_param->poolp, pbe_param, 
-	    NSSPKCS5PBEParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-	break;
-    case NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2:
-	rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(pbe_param->poolp, pbe_param, 
-		NSSPKCS5PKCS12V2PBEParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-	break;
-    case NSSPKCS5_PBKDF2:
-	PORT_Memset(&pbev2_param,0, sizeof(pbev2_param));
-	/* just the PBE */
-	if (algorithm == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2) {
-	    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(pbe_param->poolp, pbe_param,
-		NSSPKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-	} else {
-	    /* PBE data an others */
-	    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(pbe_param->poolp, &pbev2_param, 
-		NSSPKCS5V2PBES2ParameterTemplate, &algid->parameters);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		break;
-	    }
-            pbe_param->encAlg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pbev2_param.algParams);
-	    rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(pbe_param->poolp, pbe_param,
-		NSSPKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate, 
-		&pbev2_param.keyParams.parameters);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		break;
-	    }
-    	    pbe_param->keyLen = DER_GetInteger(&pbe_param->keyLength);
-	}
-	/* we we are encrypting, save any iv's */
-	if (algorithm == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2) {
-	    pbe_param->ivLen = pbev2_param.algParams.parameters.len;
-	    pbe_param->ivData =;
-	}
-	pbe_param->hashType = 
-	    HASH_FromHMACOid(SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pbe_param->prfAlg));
-	if (pbe_param->hashType == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-    	pbe_param->iter = DER_GetInteger(&pbe_param->iteration);
-    } else {
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(pbe_param);
-	pbe_param = NULL;
-    }
-    return pbe_param;
-/* destroy a pbe parameter.  it assumes that the parameter was 
- * generated using the appropriate create function and therefor
- * contains an arena pool.
- */
-nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param)
-    if (pbe_param != NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(pbe_param->poolp, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-/* crypto routines */
-/* perform DES encryption and decryption.  these routines are called
- * by nsspkcs5_CipherData.  In the case of an error, NULL is returned.
- */
-static SECItem *
-sec_pkcs5_des(SECItem *key, SECItem *iv, SECItem *src, PRBool triple_des, 
-								PRBool encrypt)
-    SECItem *dest;
-    SECItem *dup_src;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int pad;
-    if((src == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL))
-	return NULL;
-    dup_src = SECITEM_DupItem(src);
-    if(dup_src == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if(encrypt != PR_FALSE) {
-	void *dummy;
-	dummy = CBC_PadBuffer(NULL, dup_src->data, 
-	    dup_src->len, &dup_src->len, 8 /* DES_BLOCK_SIZE */);
-	if(dummy == NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(dup_src, PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	dup_src->data = (unsigned char*)dummy;
-    }
-    dest = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if(dest != NULL) {
-	/* allocate with over flow */
-	dest->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(dup_src->len + 64);
-	if(dest->data != NULL) {
-	    DESContext *ctxt;
-	    ctxt = DES_CreateContext(key->data, iv->data, 
-			(triple_des ? NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC : NSS_DES_CBC), 
-			encrypt);
-	    if(ctxt != NULL) {
-		rv = (encrypt ? DES_Encrypt : DES_Decrypt)(
-			ctxt, dest->data, &dest->len,
-			dup_src->len + 64, dup_src->data, dup_src->len);
-		/* remove padding -- assumes 64 bit blocks */
-		if((encrypt == PR_FALSE) && (rv == SECSuccess)) {
-		    pad = dest->data[dest->len-1];
-		    if((pad > 0) && (pad <= 8)) {
-			if(dest->data[dest->len-pad] != pad) {
-			    rv = SECFailure;
-			} else {
-			    dest->len -= pad;
-			}
-		    } else {
-			rv = SECFailure;
-		    }
-		}
-		DES_DestroyContext(ctxt, PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if(rv == SECFailure) {
-	if(dest != NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(dest, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	dest = NULL;
-    }
-    if(dup_src != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(dup_src, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return dest;
-/* perform aes encryption/decryption if an error occurs, NULL is returned
- */
-static SECItem *
-sec_pkcs5_aes(SECItem *key, SECItem *iv, SECItem *src, PRBool triple_des, 
-								PRBool encrypt)
-    SECItem *dest;
-    SECItem *dup_src;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int pad;
-    if((src == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL))
-	return NULL;
-    dup_src = SECITEM_DupItem(src);
-    if(dup_src == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if(encrypt != PR_FALSE) {
-	void *dummy;
-	dummy = CBC_PadBuffer(NULL, dup_src->data, 
-	    dup_src->len, &dup_src->len,AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	if(dummy == NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(dup_src, PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	dup_src->data = (unsigned char*)dummy;
-    }
-    dest = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if(dest != NULL) {
-	/* allocate with over flow */
-	dest->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(dup_src->len + 64);
-	if(dest->data != NULL) {
-	    AESContext *ctxt;
-	    ctxt = AES_CreateContext(key->data, iv->data, 
-			NSS_AES_CBC, encrypt, key->len, 16);
-	    if(ctxt != NULL) {
-		rv = (encrypt ? AES_Encrypt : AES_Decrypt)(
-			ctxt, dest->data, &dest->len,
-			dup_src->len + 64, dup_src->data, dup_src->len);
-		/* remove padding -- assumes 64 bit blocks */
-		if((encrypt == PR_FALSE) && (rv == SECSuccess)) {
-		    pad = dest->data[dest->len-1];
-		    if((pad > 0) && (pad <= 16)) {
-			if(dest->data[dest->len-pad] != pad) {
-			    rv = SECFailure;
-			} else {
-			    dest->len -= pad;
-			}
-		    } else {
-			rv = SECFailure;
-		    }
-		}
-		AES_DestroyContext(ctxt, PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if(rv == SECFailure) {
-	if(dest != NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(dest, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	dest = NULL;
-    }
-    if(dup_src != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(dup_src, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return dest;
-/* perform rc2 encryption/decryption if an error occurs, NULL is returned
- */
-static SECItem *
-sec_pkcs5_rc2(SECItem *key, SECItem *iv, SECItem *src, PRBool dummy, 
-								PRBool encrypt)
-    SECItem *dest;
-    SECItem *dup_src;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    int pad;
-    if((src == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    dup_src = SECITEM_DupItem(src);
-    if(dup_src == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if(encrypt != PR_FALSE) {
-	void *dummy;
-	dummy = CBC_PadBuffer(NULL, dup_src->data, 
-		      dup_src->len, &dup_src->len, 8 /* RC2_BLOCK_SIZE */);
-	if(dummy == NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(dup_src, PR_TRUE);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	dup_src->data = (unsigned char*)dummy;
-    }
-    dest = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if(dest != NULL) {
-	dest->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(dup_src->len + 64);
-	if(dest->data != NULL) {
-	    RC2Context *ctxt;
-	    ctxt = RC2_CreateContext(key->data, key->len, iv->data,
-					 	NSS_RC2_CBC, key->len);
-	    if(ctxt != NULL) {
-		rv = (encrypt ? RC2_Encrypt: RC2_Decrypt)(
-			ctxt, dest->data, &dest->len,
-			dup_src->len + 64, dup_src->data, dup_src->len);
-		/* assumes 8 byte blocks  -- remove padding */	
-		if((rv == SECSuccess) && (encrypt != PR_TRUE)) {
-		    pad = dest->data[dest->len-1];
-		    if((pad > 0) && (pad <= 8)) {
-			if(dest->data[dest->len-pad] != pad) {
-			    rv = SECFailure;
-			} else {
-			    dest->len -= pad;
-			}
-		    } else {
-			rv = SECFailure;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if((rv != SECSuccess) && (dest != NULL)) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(dest, PR_TRUE);
-	dest = NULL;
-    }
-    if(dup_src != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(dup_src, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return dest;
-/* perform rc4 encryption and decryption */
-static SECItem *
-sec_pkcs5_rc4(SECItem *key, SECItem *iv, SECItem *src, PRBool dummy_op,
-								 PRBool encrypt)
-    SECItem *dest;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    if((src == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    dest = (SECItem *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    if(dest != NULL) {
-	dest->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char) *
-	    (src->len + 64));
-	if(dest->data != NULL) {
-	    RC4Context *ctxt;
-	    ctxt = RC4_CreateContext(key->data, key->len);
-	    if(ctxt) { 
-		rv = (encrypt ? RC4_Encrypt : RC4_Decrypt)(
-				ctxt, dest->data, &dest->len,
-				src->len + 64, src->data, src->len);
-		RC4_DestroyContext(ctxt, PR_TRUE);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if((rv != SECSuccess) && (dest)) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(dest, PR_TRUE);
-	dest = NULL;
-    }
-    return dest;
-/* function pointer template for crypto functions */
-typedef SECItem *(* pkcs5_crypto_func)(SECItem *key, SECItem *iv,
-                                         SECItem *src, PRBool op1, PRBool op2);
-/* performs the cipher operation on the src and returns the result.
- * if an error occurs, NULL is returned. 
- *
- * a null length password is allowed.  this corresponds to encrypting
- * the data with ust the salt.
- */
-/* change this to use PKCS 11? */
-SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_CipherData(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param, SECItem *pwitem, 
-		    SECItem *src, PRBool encrypt, PRBool *update)
-    SECItem *key = NULL, iv;
-    SECItem *dest = NULL;
-    PRBool tripleDES = PR_TRUE;
-    pkcs5_crypto_func cryptof;
- = NULL;
-    if (update) { 
-        *update = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if ((pwitem == NULL) || (src == NULL)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* get key, and iv */
-    key = nsspkcs5_ComputeKeyAndIV(pbe_param, pwitem, &iv, PR_FALSE);
-    if(key == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    switch(pbe_param->encAlg) {
-    /* PKCS 5 v2 only */
-    case SEC_OID_AES_128_CBC:
-    case SEC_OID_AES_192_CBC:
-    case SEC_OID_AES_256_CBC:
-	cryptof = sec_pkcs5_aes;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC:
-	cryptof = sec_pkcs5_des;
-	tripleDES = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_DES_CBC:
-	cryptof = sec_pkcs5_des;
-	tripleDES = PR_FALSE;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_RC2_CBC:
-	cryptof = sec_pkcs5_rc2;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_RC4:
-	cryptof = sec_pkcs5_rc4;
-	break;
-    default:
-	cryptof = NULL;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (cryptof == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    dest = (*cryptof)(key, &iv, src, tripleDES, encrypt);
-    /* 
-     * it's possible for some keys and keydb's to claim to
-     * be triple des when they're really des. In this case
-     * we simply try des. If des works we set the update flag
-     * so the key db knows it needs to update all it's entries.
-     *  The case can only happen on decrypted of a 
-     *  SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBD.
-     */
-    if ((dest == NULL) && (encrypt == PR_FALSE) && 
-				(pbe_param->encAlg == SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC)) {
-	dest = (*cryptof)(key, &iv, src, PR_FALSE, encrypt);
-	if (update && (dest != NULL)) *update = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (key != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(key, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if ( != NULL) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&iv, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return dest;
-/* creates a algorithm ID containing the PBE algorithm and appropriate
- * parameters.  the required parameter is the algorithm.  if salt is
- * not specified, it is generated randomly.  if IV is specified, it overrides
- * the PKCS 5 generation of the IV.  
- *
- * the returned SECAlgorithmID should be destroyed using 
- * SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID
- */
-SECAlgorithmID *
-nsspkcs5_CreateAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag algorithm,
-					NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param)
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid, *ret_algid = NULL;
-    SECItem der_param;
-    nsspkcs5V2PBEParameter pkcs5v2_param;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    void *dummy = NULL;
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
- = NULL;
-    der_param.len = 0;
-    /* generate the algorithm id */
-    algid = (SECAlgorithmID *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID));
-    if (algid == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (pbe_param-> == NULL) {
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(pbe_param->poolp,&pbe_param->iteration,
-								pbe_param->iter);
-	if (dummy == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    switch (pbe_param->pbeType) {
-    case NSSPKCS5_PBKDF1:
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &der_param, pbe_param,
-					NSSPKCS5PBEParameterTemplate);
-	break;
-    case NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2:
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &der_param, pbe_param,
-	    				NSSPKCS5PKCS12V2PBEParameterTemplate);
-	break;
-    case NSSPKCS5_PBKDF2:
-        if (pbe_param-> == NULL) {
-	    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(pbe_param->poolp,
-				&pbe_param->keyLength, pbe_param->keyLen);
-	    if (dummy == NULL) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	}
-	PORT_Memset(&pkcs5v2_param, 0, sizeof(pkcs5v2_param));
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &der_param, pbe_param,
-	    				NSSPKCS5V2PBEParameterTemplate);
-	if (dummy == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	dummy = NULL;
-	rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &pkcs5v2_param.keyParams, 
-				  SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2, &der_param);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
- = pbe_param->ivData;
-	der_param.len = pbe_param->ivLen;
-	rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &pkcs5v2_param.algParams, 
-		pbe_param->encAlg, pbe_param->ivLen ? &der_param : NULL);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena,  &der_param, &pkcs5v2_param,
-	    				NSSPKCS5V2PBES2ParameterTemplate);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, algid, algorithm, &der_param);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    ret_algid = (SECAlgorithmID *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECAlgorithmID));
-    if (ret_algid == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(NULL, ret_algid, algid);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(ret_algid, PR_TRUE);
-	ret_algid = NULL;
-    }
-    return ret_algid;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.h b/nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bf04f4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/lowpbe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECPKCS5_H_
-#define _SECPKCS5_H_
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-typedef SECItem * (* SEC_PKCS5GetPBEPassword)(void *arg);
-/* used for V2 PKCS 12 Draft Spec */ 
-typedef enum {
-    pbeBitGenIDNull = 0,
-    pbeBitGenCipherKey = 0x01,
-    pbeBitGenCipherIV = 0x02,
-    pbeBitGenIntegrityKey = 0x03
-} PBEBitGenID;
-typedef enum {
-    NSSPKCS5_PBKDF1 = 0,
-    NSSPKCS5_PBKDF2 = 1,
-    NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2 = 2
-typedef struct NSSPKCS5PBEParameterStr NSSPKCS5PBEParameter;
-struct NSSPKCS5PBEParameterStr {
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    SECItem	salt;		/* octet string */
-    SECItem	iteration;	/* integer */
-    SECItem	keyLength;	/* integer */
-    /* used locally */
-    int		iter;
-    int 	keyLen;
-    int		ivLen;
-    unsigned char *ivData;
-    HASH_HashType hashType;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEType pbeType;
-    SECAlgorithmID  prfAlg;	
-    PBEBitGenID	keyID;
-    SECOidTag	encAlg;
-    PRBool	is2KeyDES;
-/* Create a PKCS5 Algorithm ID
- * The algorithm ID is set up using the PKCS #5 parameter structure
- *  algorithm is the PBE algorithm ID for the desired algorithm
- *  pbe is a pbe param block with all the info needed to create the 
- *   algorithm id.
- * If an error occurs or the algorithm specified is not supported 
- * or is not a password based encryption algorithm, NULL is returned.
- * Otherwise, a pointer to the algorithm id is returned.
- */
-extern SECAlgorithmID *
-nsspkcs5_CreateAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECOidTag algorithm,
-						NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe);
- * Convert an Algorithm ID to a PBE Param.
- * NOTE: this does not suppport PKCS 5 v2 because it's only used for the
- * keyDB which only support PKCS 5 v1, PFX, and PKCS 12.
- */
-NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *
-nsspkcs5_AlgidToParam(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- * Convert an Algorithm ID to a PBE Param.
- * NOTE: this does not suppport PKCS 5 v2 because it's only used for the
- * keyDB which only support PKCS 5 v1, PFX, and PKCS 12.
- */
-NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *
-nsspkcs5_NewParam(SECOidTag alg, HASH_HashType hashType, SECItem *salt,
-                  int iterationCount);
-/* Encrypt/Decrypt data using password based encryption.  
- *  algid is the PBE algorithm identifier,
- *  pwitem is the password,
- *  src is the source for encryption/decryption,
- *  encrypt is PR_TRUE for encryption, PR_FALSE for decryption.
- * The key and iv are generated based upon PKCS #5 then the src
- * is either encrypted or decrypted.  If an error occurs, NULL
- * is returned, otherwise the ciphered contents is returned.
- */
-extern SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_CipherData(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *, SECItem *pwitem,
-		    SECItem *src, PRBool encrypt, PRBool *update);
-extern SECItem *
-nsspkcs5_ComputeKeyAndIV(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *, SECItem *pwitem,
-		    			SECItem *iv, PRBool faulty3DES);
-/* Destroys PBE parameter */
-extern void
-nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *param);
-HASH_HashType HASH_FromHMACOid(SECOidTag oid);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/padbuf.c b/nss/lib/softoken/padbuf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f030b8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/padbuf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "blapit.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
- * Prepare a buffer for any padded CBC encryption algorithm, growing to the 
- * appropriate boundary and filling with the appropriate padding.
- * blockSize must be a power of 2.
- *
- * NOTE: If arena is non-NULL, we re-allocate from there, otherwise
- * we assume (and use) XP memory (re)allocation.
- */
-unsigned char *
-CBC_PadBuffer(PLArenaPool *arena, unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen,
-	      unsigned int *outlen, int blockSize)
-    unsigned char *outbuf;
-    unsigned int   des_len;
-    unsigned int   i;
-    unsigned char  des_pad_len;
-    /*
-     * We need from 1 to blockSize bytes -- we *always* grow.
-     * The extra bytes contain the value of the length of the padding:
-     * if we have 2 bytes of padding, then the padding is "0x02, 0x02".
-     */
-    des_len = (inlen + blockSize) & ~(blockSize - 1);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-	outbuf = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaGrow (arena, inbuf, inlen, des_len);
-    } else {
-	outbuf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Realloc (inbuf, des_len);
-    }
-    if (outbuf == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    des_pad_len = des_len - inlen;
-    for (i = inlen; i < des_len; i++)
-	outbuf[i] = des_pad_len;
-    *outlen = des_len;
-    return outbuf;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c b/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 443a09c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4803 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements PKCS 11 on top of our existing security modules
- *
- * For more information about PKCS 11 See PKCS 11 Token Inteface Standard.
- *   This implementation has two slots:
- *	slot 1 is our generic crypto support. It does not require login.
- *   It supports Public Key ops, and all they bulk ciphers and hashes. 
- *   It can also support Private Key ops for imported Private keys. It does 
- *   not have any token storage.
- *	slot 2 is our private key support. It requires a login before use. It
- *   can store Private Keys and Certs as token objects. Currently only private
- *   keys and their associated Certificates are saved on the token.
- *
- *   In this implementation, session objects are only visible to the session
- *   that created or generated them.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-#include "lowkeyi.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secrng.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "softkver.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "sftkdb.h"
-#include "utilpars.h" 
-#include "ec.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "lgglue.h"
-PRBool parentForkedAfterC_Initialize;
-#ifndef NO_FORK_CHECK
-PRBool sftkForkCheckDisabled;
-#if defined(CHECK_FORK_PTHREAD) || defined(CHECK_FORK_MIXED)
-PRBool forked = PR_FALSE;
-#if defined(CHECK_FORK_GETPID) || defined(CHECK_FORK_MIXED)
-#include <unistd.h>
-pid_t myPid;
-#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
-PRBool usePthread_atfork;
- * ******************** Static data *******************************
- */
-/* The next three strings must be exactly 32 characters long */
-static char *manufacturerID      = "Mozilla Foundation              ";
-static char manufacturerID_space[33];
-static char *libraryDescription  = "NSS Internal Crypto Services    ";
-static char libraryDescription_space[33];
- * In FIPS mode, we disallow login attempts for 1 second after a login
- * failure so that there are at most 60 login attempts per minute.
- */
-static PRIntervalTime loginWaitTime;
-static PRUint32	      minSessionObjectHandle = 1U;
-#define __PASTE(x,y)    x##y
- * we renamed all our internal functions, get the correct
- * definitions for them...
- */ 
-#define CK_EXTERN extern
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(func) \
-		CK_RV __PASTE(NS,func)
-#define CK_NEED_ARG_LIST	1
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-/* build the crypto module table */
-static const CK_FUNCTION_LIST sftk_funcList = {
-    { 1, 10 },
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(func) \
-				__PASTE(NS,func),
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-#undef __PASTE
-/* List of DES Weak Keys */ 
-typedef unsigned char desKey[8];
-static const desKey  sftk_desWeakTable[] = {
-#ifdef noParity
-    /* weak */
-    { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
-    { 0x1e, 0x1e, 0x1e, 0x1e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e },
-    { 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0 },
-    { 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe },
-    /* semi-weak */
-    { 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xfe },
-    { 0xfe, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xfe },
-    { 0x1e, 0xe0, 0x1e, 0xe0, 0x0e, 0xf0, 0x0e, 0xf0 },
-    { 0xe0, 0x1e, 0xe0, 0x1e, 0xf0, 0x0e, 0xf0, 0x0e },
-    { 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x0f },
-    { 0xe0, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00 },
-    { 0x1e, 0xfe, 0x1e, 0xfe, 0x0e, 0xfe, 0x0e, 0xfe },
-    { 0xfe, 0x1e, 0xfe, 0x1e, 0xfe, 0x0e, 0xfe, 0x0e },
-    { 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x0e },
-    { 0x1e, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00 },
-    { 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xf0, 0xfe, 0xf0, 0xfe },
-    { 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xf0, 0xfe, 0xf0 },
-    /* weak */
-    { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 },
-    { 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e },
-    { 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xf1, 0xf1, 0xf1, 0xf1 },
-    { 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe },
-    /* semi-weak */
-    { 0x01, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfe },
-    { 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x01 },
-    { 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x0e, 0xf1, 0x0e, 0xf1 },
-    { 0xe0, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x1f, 0xf1, 0x0e, 0xf1, 0x0e },
-    { 0x01, 0xe0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x01, 0xf1, 0x01, 0xf1 },
-    { 0xe0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x01, 0xf1, 0x01, 0xf1, 0x01 },
-    { 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x0e, 0xfe, 0x0e, 0xfe },
-    { 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x0e, 0xfe, 0x0e },
-    { 0x01, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x01, 0x0e },
-    { 0x1f, 0x01, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x01 },
-    { 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xf1, 0xfe, 0xf1, 0xfe }, 
-    { 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xf1, 0xfe, 0xf1 }
-static const int sftk_desWeakTableSize = sizeof(sftk_desWeakTable)/
-						sizeof(sftk_desWeakTable[0]);
-/* DES KEY Parity conversion table. Takes each byte/2 as an index, returns
- * that byte with the proper parity bit set */
-static const unsigned char parityTable[256] = {
-/* Even...0x00,0x02,0x04,0x06,0x08,0x0a,0x0c,0x0e */
-/* E */   0x01,0x02,0x04,0x07,0x08,0x0b,0x0d,0x0e,
-/* Odd....0x10,0x12,0x14,0x16,0x18,0x1a,0x1c,0x1e */
-/* O */   0x10,0x13,0x15,0x16,0x19,0x1a,0x1c,0x1f,
-/* Odd....0x20,0x22,0x24,0x26,0x28,0x2a,0x2c,0x2e */
-/* O */   0x20,0x23,0x25,0x26,0x29,0x2a,0x2c,0x2f,
-/* Even...0x30,0x32,0x34,0x36,0x38,0x3a,0x3c,0x3e */
-/* E */   0x31,0x32,0x34,0x37,0x38,0x3b,0x3d,0x3e,
-/* Odd....0x40,0x42,0x44,0x46,0x48,0x4a,0x4c,0x4e */
-/* O */   0x40,0x43,0x45,0x46,0x49,0x4a,0x4c,0x4f,
-/* Even...0x50,0x52,0x54,0x56,0x58,0x5a,0x5c,0x5e */
-/* E */   0x51,0x52,0x54,0x57,0x58,0x5b,0x5d,0x5e,
-/* Even...0x60,0x62,0x64,0x66,0x68,0x6a,0x6c,0x6e */
-/* E */   0x61,0x62,0x64,0x67,0x68,0x6b,0x6d,0x6e,
-/* Odd....0x70,0x72,0x74,0x76,0x78,0x7a,0x7c,0x7e */
-/* O */   0x70,0x73,0x75,0x76,0x79,0x7a,0x7c,0x7f,
-/* Odd....0x80,0x82,0x84,0x86,0x88,0x8a,0x8c,0x8e */
-/* O */   0x80,0x83,0x85,0x86,0x89,0x8a,0x8c,0x8f,
-/* Even...0x90,0x92,0x94,0x96,0x98,0x9a,0x9c,0x9e */
-/* E */   0x91,0x92,0x94,0x97,0x98,0x9b,0x9d,0x9e,
-/* Even...0xa0,0xa2,0xa4,0xa6,0xa8,0xaa,0xac,0xae */
-/* E */   0xa1,0xa2,0xa4,0xa7,0xa8,0xab,0xad,0xae,
-/* Odd....0xb0,0xb2,0xb4,0xb6,0xb8,0xba,0xbc,0xbe */
-/* O */   0xb0,0xb3,0xb5,0xb6,0xb9,0xba,0xbc,0xbf,
-/* Even...0xc0,0xc2,0xc4,0xc6,0xc8,0xca,0xcc,0xce */
-/* E */   0xc1,0xc2,0xc4,0xc7,0xc8,0xcb,0xcd,0xce,
-/* Odd....0xd0,0xd2,0xd4,0xd6,0xd8,0xda,0xdc,0xde */
-/* O */   0xd0,0xd3,0xd5,0xd6,0xd9,0xda,0xdc,0xdf,
-/* Odd....0xe0,0xe2,0xe4,0xe6,0xe8,0xea,0xec,0xee */
-/* O */   0xe0,0xe3,0xe5,0xe6,0xe9,0xea,0xec,0xef,
-/* Even...0xf0,0xf2,0xf4,0xf6,0xf8,0xfa,0xfc,0xfe */
-/* E */   0xf1,0xf2,0xf4,0xf7,0xf8,0xfb,0xfd,0xfe,
-/* Mechanisms */
-struct mechanismList {
-    PRBool		privkey;
- * the following table includes a complete list of mechanism defined by
- * PKCS #11 version 2.01. Those Mechanisms not supported by this PKCS #11
- * module are ifdef'ed out.
- */
-#define CKF_WR_UN		CKF_WRAP         | CKF_UNWRAP
-#define CKF_SN_VR		CKF_SIGN         | CKF_VERIFY
-#define CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN 	CKF_EN_DE       | CKF_WR_UN
-#define CKF_SN_VR_RE		CKF_SN_VR       | CKF_SN_RE
-#define CK_MAX 0xffffffff
-static const struct mechanismList mechanisms[] = {
-     /*
-      * PKCS #11 Mechanism List.
-      *
-      * The first argument is the PKCS #11 Mechanism we support.
-      * The second argument is Mechanism info structure. It includes:
-      *    The minimum key size,
-      *       in bits for RSA, DSA, DH, EC*, KEA, RC2 and RC4 * algs.
-      *       in bytes for RC5, AES, Camellia, and CAST*
-      *       ignored for DES*, IDEA and FORTEZZA based
-      *    The maximum key size,
-      *       in bits for RSA, DSA, DH, EC*, KEA, RC2 and RC4 * algs.
-      *       in bytes for RC5, AES, Camellia, and CAST*
-      *       ignored for DES*, IDEA and FORTEZZA based
-      *     Flags
-      *	      What operations are supported by this mechanism.
-      *  The third argument is a bool which tells if this mechanism is 
-      *    supported in the database token.
-      *
-      */
-     /* ------------------------- RSA Operations ---------------------------*/
-				 CKF_DUZ_IT_ALL},       PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR},            PR_TRUE},
-                                 CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},       PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_DUZ_IT_ALL},       PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_DUZ_IT_ALL},       PR_TRUE},
-     /* -------------- RSA Multipart Signing Operations -------------------- */
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR}, 	PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- DSA Operations --------------------------- */
-				 CKF_SN_VR},              PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_GENERATE},           PR_TRUE},
-				 CKF_SN_VR},              PR_TRUE},
-     /* -------------------- Diffie Hellman Operations --------------------- */
-     /* no diffie hellman yet */
-				 CKF_DERIVE}, 	PR_TRUE}, 
-     /* -------------------- Elliptic Curve Operations --------------------- */
-     {CKM_ECDSA,                {EC_MIN_KEY_BITS, EC_MAX_KEY_BITS,
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-     /* ------------------------- RC2 Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN,		{1, 128, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC2_ECB,		{1, 128, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC2_CBC,		{1, 128, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC2_MAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD,		{1, 128, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- RC4 Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN,		{1, 256, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_RC4,			{1, 256, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_FALSE},
-     /* ------------------------- DES Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_DES_KEY_GEN,		{ 8,  8, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES_ECB,		{ 8,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES_CBC,		{ 8,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES_MAC,		{ 8,  8, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES_MAC_GENERAL,	{ 8,  8, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES_CBC_PAD,		{ 8,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN,		{24, 24, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN,		{24, 24, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE },
-     {CKM_DES3_ECB,		{24, 24, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE },
-     {CKM_DES3_CBC,		{24, 24, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE },
-     {CKM_DES3_MAC,		{24, 24, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE },
-     {CKM_DES3_MAC_GENERAL,	{24, 24, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE },
-     {CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD,		{24, 24, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE },
-     /* ------------------------- CDMF Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_CDMF_ECB,		{8,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CDMF_CBC,		{8,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CDMF_MAC,		{8,  8, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD,		{8,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- AES Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_AES_KEY_GEN,		{16, 32, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_ECB,		{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_CBC,		{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_MAC,		{16, 32, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_MAC_GENERAL,	{16, 32, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_CBC_PAD,		{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_CTS,		{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_CTR,		{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_AES_GCM,		{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE},		PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- Camellia Operations --------------------- */
-     {CKM_CAMELLIA_KEY_GEN,	{16, 32, CKF_GENERATE},         PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CAMELLIA_ECB,  	{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},      PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC, 	{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},      PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CAMELLIA_MAC, 	{16, 32, CKF_SN_VR},            PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CAMELLIA_MAC_GENERAL,	{16, 32, CKF_SN_VR},            PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC_PAD,	{16, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},      PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- SEED Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN,		{16, 16, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SEED_ECB,		{16, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SEED_CBC,		{16, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SEED_MAC,		{16, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SEED_MAC_GENERAL,	{16, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD,		{16, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- ChaCha20 Operations ---------------------- */
-     {CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_POLY1305,{32, 32, CKF_EN_DE},		PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- Hashing Operations ----------------------- */
-     {CKM_MD2,			{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_MD2_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_MD2_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_MD5,			{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_MD5_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_MD5_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA_1,		{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_SHA_1_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA_1_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA224,		{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_SHA224_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA224_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA256,		{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_SHA256_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA256_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA384,		{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_SHA384_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA384_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA512,		{0,   0, CKF_DIGEST},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_SHA512_HMAC,		{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_SHA512_HMAC_GENERAL,	{1, 128, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_TLS_PRF_GENERAL,	{0, 512, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_FALSE},
-     {CKM_TLS_MAC,		{0, 512, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_FALSE},
-				{0, 512, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_FALSE},
-     /* ------------------------- HKDF Operations -------------------------- */
-     {CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA1,        {1, 128, CKF_DERIVE},           PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA256,      {1, 128, CKF_DERIVE},           PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA384,      {1, 128, CKF_DERIVE},           PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA512,      {1, 128, CKF_DERIVE},           PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- CAST Operations --------------------------- */
-     /* Cast operations are not supported ( yet? ) */
-     {CKM_CAST_KEY_GEN,		{1,  8, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST_ECB,		{1,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST_CBC,		{1,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST_MAC,		{1,  8, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST_MAC_GENERAL,	{1,  8, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD,		{1,  8, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST3_KEY_GEN,	{1, 16, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST3_ECB,		{1, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST3_CBC,		{1, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST3_MAC,		{1, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST3_MAC_GENERAL,	{1, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD,	{1, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST5_KEY_GEN,	{1, 16, CKF_GENERATE},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST5_ECB,		{1, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST5_CBC,		{1, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST5_MAC,		{1, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST5_MAC_GENERAL,	{1, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD,	{1, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     /* ------------------------- RC5 Operations --------------------------- */
-     {CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN,		{1, 32, CKF_GENERATE},          PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC5_ECB,		{1, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC5_CBC,		{1, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC5_MAC,		{1, 32, CKF_SN_VR},  		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL,	{1, 32, CKF_SN_VR},  		PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD,		{1, 32, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN}, 	PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------------- IDEA Operations -------------------------- */
-     {CKM_IDEA_KEY_GEN,		{16, 16, CKF_GENERATE}, 	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_IDEA_ECB,		{16, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_IDEA_CBC,		{16, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN},	PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_IDEA_MAC,		{16, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_IDEA_MAC_GENERAL,	{16, 16, CKF_SN_VR},		PR_TRUE}, 
-     {CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD,		{16, 16, CKF_EN_DE_WR_UN}, 	PR_TRUE}, 
-     /* --------------------- Secret Key Operations ------------------------ */
-     /* ---------------------- SSL Key Derivations ------------------------- */
-     {CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC,			{ 0, 16, CKF_DERIVE},   PR_FALSE}, 
-     {CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC,		{ 0, 20, CKF_DERIVE},   PR_FALSE}, 
-					{48, 48, CKF_DERIVE},	PR_FALSE},
-					{8, 128, CKF_DERIVE},	PR_FALSE},
-					{48, 48, CKF_DERIVE},	PR_FALSE},
-                                        {48,128, CKF_DERIVE},   PR_FALSE},
-                                        {48,128, CKF_DERIVE},   PR_FALSE},
-     /* ---------------------- PBE Key Derivations  ------------------------ */
-     {CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC,		{8, 8, CKF_DERIVE},   PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC,		{8, 8, CKF_DERIVE},   PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------ NETSCAPE PBE Key Derivations  ------------------- */
-     {CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC,	     {24,24, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC,	     {24,24, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC,		     {40,40, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC,		     {128,128, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40,		     {40,40, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128,		     {128,128, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2,   		     {1,256, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     /* ------------------ AES Key Wrap (also encrypt)  ------------------- */
-     /* --------------------------- J-PAKE -------------------------------- */
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA1,        {0, 0, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA256,      {0, 0, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA384,      {0, 0, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA512,      {0, 0, CKF_GENERATE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA1,        {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA256,      {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA384,      {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA512,      {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA1,         {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA256,       {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA384,       {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     {CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA512,       {0, 0, CKF_DERIVE}, PR_TRUE},
-     /* -------------------- Constant Time TLS MACs ----------------------- */
-static const CK_ULONG mechanismCount = sizeof(mechanisms)/sizeof(mechanisms[0]);
-/* sigh global so fipstokn can read it */
-PRBool nsc_init = PR_FALSE;
-#if defined(CHECK_FORK_PTHREAD) || defined(CHECK_FORK_MIXED)
-#include <pthread.h>
-static void ForkedChild(void)
-    if (nsc_init || nsf_init) {
-        forked = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-static char *
-sftk_setStringName(const char *inString, char *buffer, int buffer_length, 		PRBool nullTerminate)
-    int full_length, string_length;
-    full_length = nullTerminate ? buffer_length -1 : buffer_length;
-    string_length = PORT_Strlen(inString);
-    /* 
-     *  shorten the string, respecting utf8 encoding
-     *  to do so, we work backward from the end 
-     *  bytes looking from the end are either:
-     *    - ascii [0x00,0x7f]
-     *    - the [2-n]th byte of a multibyte sequence 
-     *        [0x3F,0xBF], i.e, most significant 2 bits are '10'
-     *    - the first byte of a multibyte sequence [0xC0,0xFD],
-     *        i.e, most significant 2 bits are '11'
-     *
-     *    When the string is too long, we lop off any trailing '10' bytes,
-     *  if any. When these are all eliminated we lop off
-     *  one additional byte. Thus if we lopped any '10'
-     *  we'll be lopping a '11' byte (the first byte of the multibyte sequence),
-     *  otherwise we're lopping off an ascii character.
-     *
-     *    To test for '10' bytes, we first AND it with 
-     *  11000000 (0xc0) so that we get 10000000 (0x80) if and only if
-     *  the byte starts with 10. We test for equality.
-     */
-    while ( string_length > full_length ) {
-	/* need to shorten */
-	while ( string_length > 0 && 
-	      ((inString[string_length-1]&(char)0xc0) == (char)0x80)) {
-	    /* lop off '10' byte */
-	    string_length--;
-	}
-	/* 
-	 * test string_length in case bad data is received
-	 * and string consisted of all '10' bytes,
-	 * avoiding any infinite loop
-         */
-	if ( string_length ) {
-	    /* remove either '11' byte or an asci byte */
-	    string_length--;
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(buffer,' ',full_length);
-    if (nullTerminate) {
-	buffer[full_length] = 0;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(buffer,inString,string_length);
-    return buffer;
- * Configuration utils
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_configure(const char *man, const char *libdes)
-    /* make sure the internationalization was done correctly... */
-    if (man) {
-	manufacturerID = sftk_setStringName(man,manufacturerID_space,
-					sizeof(manufacturerID_space), PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (libdes) {
-	libraryDescription = sftk_setStringName(libdes,
-		libraryDescription_space, sizeof(libraryDescription_space), 
-		PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * ******************** Password Utilities *******************************
- */
- * see if the key DB password is enabled
- */
-static PRBool
-sftk_hasNullPassword(SFTKSlot *slot, SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    PRBool pwenabled;
-    pwenabled = PR_FALSE;
-    if (sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(keydb) == SECSuccess) {
-	PRBool tokenRemoved = PR_FALSE;
-    	SECStatus rv = sftkdb_CheckPassword(keydb, "", &tokenRemoved);
-	if (tokenRemoved) {
-	    sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_FALSE);
-	}
-	return (rv  == SECSuccess);
-    }
-    return pwenabled;
- * ******************** Object Creation Utilities ***************************
- */
-/* Make sure a given attribute exists. If it doesn't, initialize it to
- * value and len
- */
-sftk_defaultAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-					const void *value, unsigned int len)
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, type)) {
-	return sftk_AddAttributeType(object,type,value,len);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Data Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleDataObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* first reject private and token data objects */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE) || sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-    }
-    /* now just verify the required date fields */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_APPLICATION,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_VALUE,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Certificate Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleCertObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* certificates must have a type */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE) ) {
-    }
-    /* we can't store any certs private */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE)) {
-    }
-    /* We only support X.509 Certs for now */
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-    type = *(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    if (type != CKC_X_509) {
-    }
-    /* X.509 Certificate */
-    /* make sure we have a cert */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_VALUE) ) {
-    }
-    /* in PKCS #11, Subject is a required field */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_SUBJECT) ) {
-    }
-    /* in PKCS #11, Issuer is a required field */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_ISSUER) ) {
-    }
-    /* in PKCS #11, Serial is a required field */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER) ) {
-    }
-    /* add it to the object */
-    object->objectInfo = NULL;
-    object->infoFree = (SFTKFree) NULL;
-    /* now just verify the required date fields */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object, CKA_ID, NULL, 0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { return crv; }
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-	if (certHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(certHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Trust Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleTrustObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object)
-    /* we can't store any certs private */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE)) {
-    }
-    /* certificates must have a type */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_ISSUER) ) {
-    }
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER) ) {
-    }
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH) ) {
-    }
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH) ) {
-    }
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-	CK_RV crv;
-	if (certHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(certHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Trust Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleSMimeObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object)
-    /* we can't store any certs private */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE)) {
-    }
-    /* certificates must have a type */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_SUBJECT) ) {
-    }
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_NETSCAPE_EMAIL) ) {
-    }
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *certHandle;
-	CK_RV crv;
-	PORT_Assert(slot);
-	if (slot == NULL) {
-	}
-	certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-	if (certHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(certHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Trust Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleCrlObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object)
-    /* we can't store any certs private */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE)) {
-    }
-    /* certificates must have a type */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_SUBJECT) ) {
-    }
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_VALUE) ) {
-    }
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-	CK_RV crv;
-	if (certHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(certHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Public Key Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handlePublicKeyObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object,
-							 CK_KEY_TYPE key_type)
-    CK_BBOOL encrypt = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL recover = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL wrap = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL derive = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL verify = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_MODULUS,
-						 RSA_MIN_MODULUS_BITS, 0, 0);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, 2, 0, 0);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	break;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_SUBPRIME, 
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME, 
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_BASE, 2, DSA_MAX_P_BITS, 0);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE, 2, DSA_MAX_P_BITS, 0);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	encrypt = CK_FALSE;
-	recover = CK_FALSE;
-	wrap = CK_FALSE;
-	break;
-    case CKK_DH:
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME, 
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_BASE, 2, DH_MAX_P_BITS, 0);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_ConstrainAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE, 2, DH_MAX_P_BITS, 0);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	verify = CK_FALSE;
-	derive = CK_TRUE;
-	encrypt = CK_FALSE;
-	recover = CK_FALSE;
-	wrap = CK_FALSE;
-	break;
-    case CKK_EC:
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_EC_PARAMS)) {
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_EC_POINT)) {
-	}
-	derive = CK_TRUE;    /* for ECDH */
-	verify = CK_TRUE;    /* for ECDSA */
-	encrypt = CK_FALSE;
-	recover = CK_FALSE;
-	wrap = CK_FALSE;
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    default:
-    }
-    /* make sure the required fields exist */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SUBJECT,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_ENCRYPT,&encrypt,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_VERIFY,&verify,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER,
-						&recover,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_WRAP,&wrap,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_DERIVE,&derive,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    object->objectInfo = sftk_GetPubKey(object,key_type, &crv);
-    if (object->objectInfo == NULL) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    object->infoFree = (SFTKFree) nsslowkey_DestroyPublicKey;
-    /* Check that an imported EC key is valid */
-    if (key_type == CKK_EC) {
-      NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubKey = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey*) object->objectInfo;
-      SECStatus rv = EC_ValidatePublicKey(&pubKey->,
-                                          &pubKey->;
-      if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-      }
-    }
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-	if (certHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(certHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-static NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey * 
-sftk_mkPrivKey(SFTKObject *object,CK_KEY_TYPE key, CK_RV *rvp);
-static SECStatus
-sftk_verifyRSAPrivateKey(SFTKObject *object, PRBool fillIfNeeded);
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Private Key Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handlePrivateKeyObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object,CK_KEY_TYPE key_type)
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL encrypt = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL sign = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL recover = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL wrap = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL derive = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    PRBool createObjectInfo = PR_TRUE;
-    PRBool fillPrivateKey = PR_FALSE;
-    int missing_rsa_mod_component = 0;
-    int missing_rsa_exp_component = 0;
-    int missing_rsa_crt_component = 0;
-    SECItem mod;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_MODULUS)) {
-	    missing_rsa_mod_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT)) {
-	    missing_rsa_exp_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT)) {
-	    missing_rsa_exp_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME_1)) {
-	    missing_rsa_mod_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME_2)) {
-	    missing_rsa_mod_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_EXPONENT_1)) {
-	    missing_rsa_crt_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_EXPONENT_2)) {
-	    missing_rsa_crt_component++;
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_COEFFICIENT)) {
-	    missing_rsa_crt_component++;
-	}
-	if (missing_rsa_mod_component || missing_rsa_exp_component || 
-					 missing_rsa_crt_component) {
-	    /* we are missing a component, see if we have enough to rebuild
-	     * the rest */
-	    int have_exp = 2- missing_rsa_exp_component;
-	    int have_component = 5- 
-		(missing_rsa_exp_component+missing_rsa_mod_component);
-	    if ((have_exp == 0) || (have_component < 3)) {
-		/* nope, not enough to reconstruct the private key */
-	    }
-	    fillPrivateKey = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	/*verify the parameters for consistency*/
-	rv = sftk_verifyRSAPrivateKey(object, fillPrivateKey);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	}
-	/* make sure Netscape DB attribute is set correctly */
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL, &mod, object, CKA_MODULUS);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB, 
-						sftk_item_expand(&mod));
-	if ( PORT_Free(;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-	sign = CK_TRUE;
-	derive = CK_FALSE;
-	break;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_SUBPRIME)) {
-	}
-	sign = CK_TRUE;
-	derive = CK_FALSE;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKK_DH:
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME)) {
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_BASE)) {
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE)) {
-	}
-	encrypt = CK_FALSE;
-	recover = CK_FALSE;
-	wrap = CK_FALSE;
-	break;
-    case CKK_EC:
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_EC_PARAMS)) {
-	}
-	if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE)) {
-	}
-	encrypt = CK_FALSE;
-	sign = CK_TRUE;
-	recover = CK_FALSE;
-	wrap = CK_FALSE;
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-        if (!sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME) ||
-            !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_SUBPRIME) ||
-            !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_BASE)) {
-            return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-        }
-        /* fall through */
-        /* CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID and CKA_NSS_JPAKE_PEERID are checked in
-           the J-PAKE code. */
-        encrypt = sign = recover = wrap = CK_FALSE;
-        derive = CK_TRUE;
-        createObjectInfo = PR_FALSE;
-        break;
-    default:
-    }
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SUBJECT,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SENSITIVE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_EXTRACTABLE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_DECRYPT,&encrypt,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SIGN,&sign,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SIGN_RECOVER,&recover,
-							     sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_UNWRAP,&wrap,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_DERIVE,&derive,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    /* the next two bits get modified only in the key gen and token cases */
-    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object,CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE,
-						&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object,CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE,
-						&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    /* should we check the non-token RSA private keys? */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-	if (keyHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(keyHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(keyHandle);
-	return crv;
-    } else if (createObjectInfo) {
-	object->objectInfo = sftk_mkPrivKey(object,key_type,&crv);
-	if (object->objectInfo == NULL) return crv;
-	object->infoFree = (SFTKFree) nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* forward declare the DES formating function for handleSecretKey */
-void sftk_FormatDESKey(unsigned char *key, int length);
-/* Validate secret key data, and set defaults */
-static CK_RV
-validateSecretKey(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object, 
-					CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, PRBool isFIPS)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute = NULL;
-    unsigned long requiredLen;
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SENSITIVE,
-				isFIPS?&cktrue:&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_EXTRACTABLE,
-						&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_ENCRYPT,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_DECRYPT,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_SIGN,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_VERIFY,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_WRAP,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_UNWRAP,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE)) {
-    }
-    /* the next two bits get modified only in the key gen and token cases */
-    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object,CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE,
-						&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object,CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE,
-						&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    /* some types of keys have a value length */
-    crv = CKR_OK;
-    switch (key_type) {
-    /* force CKA_VALUE_LEN to be set */
-    case CKK_RC2:
-    case CKK_RC4:
-    case CKK_RC5:
-    case CKK_CAST:
-    case CKK_CAST3:
-    case CKK_CAST5:
-    case CKK_IDEA:
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_VALUE);
-	/* shouldn't happen */
-	if (attribute == NULL) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE_LEN, 
-			&attribute->attrib.ulValueLen, sizeof(CK_ULONG));
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	break;
-    /* force the value to have the correct parity */
-    case CKK_DES:
-    case CKK_DES2:
-    case CKK_DES3:
-    case CKK_CDMF:
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_VALUE);
-	/* shouldn't happen */
-	if (attribute == NULL) 
-	requiredLen = sftk_MapKeySize(key_type);
-	if (attribute->attrib.ulValueLen != requiredLen) {
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	    return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-	}
-	sftk_FormatDESKey((unsigned char*)attribute->attrib.pValue,
-						 attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	break;
-    case CKK_AES:
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_VALUE);
-	/* shouldn't happen */
-	if (attribute == NULL) 
-	if (attribute->attrib.ulValueLen != 16 &&
-	    attribute->attrib.ulValueLen != 24 &&
-	    attribute->attrib.ulValueLen != 32) {
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	    return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_VALUE_LEN, 
-			&attribute->attrib.ulValueLen, sizeof(CK_ULONG));
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return crv;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Secret Key Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleSecretKeyObject(SFTKSession *session,SFTKObject *object,
-					CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, PRBool isFIPS)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* First validate and set defaults */
-    crv = validateSecretKey(session, object, key_type, isFIPS);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    /* If the object is a TOKEN object, store in the database */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-	SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-	CK_RV crv;
-	if (keyHandle == NULL) {
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_write(keyHandle, object, &object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(keyHandle);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    return crv;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Key Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleKeyObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* verify the required fields */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_KEY_TYPE) ) {
-    }
-    /* now verify the common fields */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_ID,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_START_DATE,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_END_DATE,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    /* CKA_DERIVE is common to all keys, but it's default value is
-     * key dependent */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_LOCAL,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    /* get the key type */
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    if (!attribute) {
-    }
-    key_type = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    switch (object->objclass) {
-    case CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:
-	return sftk_handlePublicKeyObject(session,object,key_type);
-    case CKO_PRIVATE_KEY:
-	return sftk_handlePrivateKeyObject(session,object,key_type);
-    case CKO_SECRET_KEY:
-	/* make sure the required fields exist */
-	return sftk_handleSecretKeyObject(session,object,key_type,
-			     (PRBool)(session->slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID));
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
- * check the consistancy and Verify a DSA Parameter Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleDSAParameterObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object)
-    SFTKAttribute *primeAttr = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *subPrimeAttr = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *baseAttr = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *seedAttr = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *hAttr = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    PQGParams params;
-    PQGVerify vfy, *verify = NULL;
-    SECStatus result,rv;
-    /* This bool keeps track of whether or not we need verify parameters.
-     * If a P, Q and G or supplied, we dont' need verify parameters, as we
-     * have PQ and G. 
-     *   - If G is not supplied, the presumption is that we want to
-     * verify P and Q only.
-     *   - If counter is supplied, it is presumed we want to verify PQ because
-     * the counter is only used in verification.
-     *   - If H is supplied, is is presumed we want to verify G because H is
-     * only used to verify G.
-     *   - Any verification step must have the SEED (counter or H could be 
-     * missing depending on exactly what we want to verify). If SEED is supplied,
-     * the code just goes ahead and runs verify (other errors are parameter
-     * errors are detected by the PQG_VerifyParams function). If SEED is not
-     * supplied, but we determined that we are trying to verify (because needVfy
-     * is set, go ahead and return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE.
-     */
-    PRBool needVfy = PR_FALSE;      
-    primeAttr = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_PRIME);
-    if (primeAttr == NULL) goto loser;
- = primeAttr->attrib.pValue;
- = primeAttr->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    subPrimeAttr = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_SUBPRIME);
-    if (subPrimeAttr == NULL) goto loser;
- = subPrimeAttr->attrib.pValue;
-    params.subPrime.len = subPrimeAttr->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    baseAttr = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_BASE);
-    if (baseAttr != NULL) {
- = baseAttr->attrib.pValue;
-	params.base.len = baseAttr->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    } else {
- = NULL;
-	params.base.len = 0;
-	needVfy = PR_TRUE; /* presumably only including PQ so we can verify
-			    * them. */
-    }
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_COUNTER);
-    if (attribute != NULL) {
-	vfy.counter = *(CK_ULONG *) attribute->attrib.pValue;
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	needVfy = PR_TRUE; /* included a count so we can verify PQ */
-    } else {
-	vfy.counter = -1;
-    }
-    hAttr = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_H);
-    if (hAttr != NULL) {
- = hAttr->attrib.pValue;
-	vfy.h.len = hAttr->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	needVfy = PR_TRUE; /* included H so we can verify G */
-    } else {
- = NULL;
-	vfy.h.len = 0;
-    }
-    seedAttr = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_SEED);
-    if (seedAttr != NULL) {
- = seedAttr->attrib.pValue;
-	vfy.seed.len = seedAttr->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	verify = &vfy;
-    } else if (needVfy) {
-	goto loser; /* Verify always needs seed, if we need verify and not seed
-		     * then fail */
-    }
-    rv = PQG_VerifyParams(&params,verify,&result);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	crv = (result== SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID;
-    }
-    if (hAttr) sftk_FreeAttribute(hAttr);
-    if (seedAttr) sftk_FreeAttribute(seedAttr);
-    if (baseAttr) sftk_FreeAttribute(baseAttr);
-    if (subPrimeAttr) sftk_FreeAttribute(subPrimeAttr);
-    if (primeAttr) sftk_FreeAttribute(primeAttr);
-    return crv;
- * check the consistancy and initialize a Key Parameter Object 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_handleKeyParameterObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* verify the required fields */
-    if ( !sftk_hasAttribute(object,CKA_KEY_TYPE) ) {
-    }
-    /* now verify the common fields */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_LOCAL,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)  return crv; 
-    /* get the key type */
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    if (!attribute) {
-    }
-    key_type = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	return sftk_handleDSAParameterObject(session,object);
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
- * Handle Object does all the object consistancy checks, automatic attribute
- * generation, attribute defaulting, etc. If handleObject succeeds, the object
- * will be assigned an object handle, and the object installed in the session
- * or stored in the DB.
- */
-sftk_handleObject(SFTKObject *object, SFTKSession *session)
-    SFTKSlot *slot = session->slot;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKObject *duplicateObject = NULL;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* make sure all the base object types are defined. If not set the
-     * defaults */
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_TOKEN,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_PRIVATE,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_LABEL,NULL,0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(object,CKA_MODIFIABLE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    /* don't create a private object if we aren't logged in */
-    if ((!slot->isLoggedIn) && (slot->needLogin) &&
-				(sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE))) {
-    }
-    if (((session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) == 0) &&
-				(sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN))) {
-    }
-    /* Assign a unique SESSION object handle to every new object,
-     * whether it is a session object or a token object.  
-     * At this point, all new objects are structured as session objects.
-     * Objects with the CKA_TOKEN attribute true will be turned into 
-     * token objects and will have a token object handle assigned to 
-     * them by a call to sftk_mkHandle in the handler for each object 
-     * class, invoked below.
-     *
-     * It may be helpful to note/remember that 
-     * sftk_narrowToXxxObject uses sftk_isToken,
-     * sftk_isToken examines the sign bit of the object's handle, but
-     * sftk_isTrue(...,CKA_TOKEN) examines the CKA_TOKEN attribute.
-     */
-    do {
-	PRUint32 wrappedAround;
-	duplicateObject = NULL;
-	PZ_Lock(slot->objectLock);
-	wrappedAround = slot->sessionObjectHandleCount &  SFTK_TOKEN_MASK;
-	handle        = slot->sessionObjectHandleCount & ~SFTK_TOKEN_MASK;
-	if (!handle) /* don't allow zero handle */
-	    handle = minSessionObjectHandle;  
-	slot->sessionObjectHandleCount = (handle + 1U) | wrappedAround;
-	/* Is there already a session object with this handle? */
-	if (wrappedAround) {
-	    sftkqueue_find(duplicateObject, handle, slot->sessObjHashTable, \
-	                   slot->sessObjHashSize);
-	}
-	PZ_Unlock(slot->objectLock);
-    } while (duplicateObject != NULL);
-    object->handle = handle;
-    /* get the object class */
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_CLASS);
-    if (attribute == NULL) {
-    }
-    object->objclass = *(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    /* Now handle the specific object class. 
-     * At this point, all objects are session objects, and the session
-     * number must be passed to the object class handlers.
-     */
-    switch (object->objclass) {
-    case CKO_DATA:
-	crv = sftk_handleDataObject(session,object);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_handleCertObject(session,object);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_handleTrustObject(session,object);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_handleCrlObject(session,object);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_handleSMimeObject(session,object);
-	break;
-    case CKO_PRIVATE_KEY:
-    case CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:
-    case CKO_SECRET_KEY:
-	crv = sftk_handleKeyObject(session,object);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_handleKeyParameterObject(session,object);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    /* can't fail from here on out unless the pk_handlXXX functions have
-     * failed the request */
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* Now link the object into the slot and session structures.
-     * If the object has a true CKA_TOKEN attribute, the above object
-     * class handlers will have set the sign bit in the object handle,
-     * causing the following test to be true.
-     */
-    if (sftk_isToken(object->handle)) {
-	sftk_convertSessionToToken(object);
-    } else {
-	object->slot = slot;
-	sftk_AddObject(session,object);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * ******************** Public Key Utilities ***************************
- */
-/* Generate a low public key structure from an object */
-NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *sftk_GetPubKey(SFTKObject *object,CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, 
-								CK_RV *crvp)
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubKey;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (object->objclass != CKO_PUBLIC_KEY) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (sftk_isToken(object->handle)) {
-/* ferret out the token object handle */
-    }
-    /* If we already have a key, use it */
-    if (object->objectInfo) {
-	*crvp = CKR_OK;
-	return (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)object->objectInfo;
-    }
-    /* allocate the structure */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	*crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pubKey = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)
-			PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey));
-    if (pubKey == NULL) {
-    	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	*crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* fill in the structure */
-    pubKey->arena = arena;
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	pubKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYRSAKey;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.rsa.modulus,
-							object,CKA_MODULUS);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.rsa.publicExponent,
-						object,CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);
-	break;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	pubKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYDSAKey;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->,
-							object,CKA_PRIME);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.dsa.params.subPrime,
-							object,CKA_SUBPRIME);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.dsa.params.base,
-							object,CKA_BASE);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.dsa.publicValue,
-							object,CKA_VALUE);
-	break;
-    case CKK_DH:
-	pubKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYDHKey;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->,
-							object,CKA_PRIME);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.dh.base,
-							object,CKA_BASE);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->u.dh.publicValue,
-							object,CKA_VALUE);
-	break;
-    case CKK_EC:
-	pubKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYECKey;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,
-	                              &pubKey->,
-	                              object,CKA_EC_PARAMS);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* Fill out the rest of the ecParams structure 
-	 * based on the encoded params
-	 */
-	if (EC_FillParams(arena, &pubKey->,
-		    &pubKey-> != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&pubKey->,
-	                              object,CKA_EC_POINT);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	    unsigned int keyLen,curveLen;
-	    curveLen = (pubKey-> +7)/8;
-	    keyLen = (2*curveLen)+1;
-	    /* special note: We can't just use the first byte to determine
-	     * between these 2 cases because both EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED 
-	     * and SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING are 0x04 */
-	    /* handle the non-DER encoded case (UNCOMPRESSED only) */	
-	    if (pubKey->[0] == EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED
-		&& pubKey-> == keyLen) {
-		break; /* key was not DER encoded, no need to unwrap */
-	    }
-	    /* if we ever support compressed, handle it here */
-	    /* handle the encoded case */
-	    if ((pubKey->[0] == SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING) 
-		&& pubKey-> > keyLen) {
-		SECItem publicValue;
-		SECStatus rv;
-		rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &publicValue, 
-					 SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate), 
-					 &pubKey->;
-		/* nope, didn't decode correctly */
-		if ((rv != SECSuccess)
-		    || (publicValue.len != keyLen)) {
-		    break;
-		}
-		/* replace our previous with the decoded key */
-		pubKey-> = publicValue;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    *crvp = crv;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-    	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    object->objectInfo = pubKey;
-    object->infoFree = (SFTKFree) nsslowkey_DestroyPublicKey;
-    return pubKey;
-/* make a private key from a verified object */
-static NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *
-sftk_mkPrivKey(SFTKObject *object, CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, CK_RV *crvp)
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-    SFTKItemTemplate itemTemplate[SFTK_MAX_ITEM_TEMPLATE];
-    int itemTemplateCount = 0;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	*crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    privKey = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *)
-			PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey));
-    if (privKey == NULL)  {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	*crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* in future this would be a switch on key_type */
-    privKey->arena = arena;
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	privKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYRSAKey;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.modulus,CKA_MODULUS);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.publicExponent, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.privateExponent, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.prime1, CKA_PRIME_1);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.prime2, CKA_PRIME_2);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.exponent1, CKA_EXPONENT_1);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.exponent2, CKA_EXPONENT_2);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.rsa.coefficient, CKA_COEFFICIENT);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-        rv = DER_SetUInteger(privKey->arena, &privKey->u.rsa.version,
-                          NSSLOWKEY_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO_VERSION);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	break;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	privKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYDSAKey;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->, CKA_PRIME);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.dsa.params.subPrime, CKA_SUBPRIME);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.dsa.params.base, CKA_BASE);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.dsa.privateValue, CKA_VALUE);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	/* privKey was zero'd so public value is already set to NULL, 0
-	 * if we don't set it explicitly */
-	break;
-    case CKK_DH:
-	privKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYDHKey;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->, CKA_PRIME);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.dh.base, CKA_BASE);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(itemTemplate, itemTemplateCount,
-		&privKey->u.dh.privateValue, CKA_VALUE);
-	itemTemplateCount++;
-	/* privKey was zero'd so public value is already set to NULL, 0
-	 * if we don't set it explicitly */
-	break;
-    case CKK_EC:
-	privKey->keyType = NSSLOWKEYECKey;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena, 
-				      &privKey->,
-				      object,CKA_EC_PARAMS);
-    	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* Fill out the rest of the ecParams structure
-	 * based on the encoded params
-	 */
-	if (EC_FillParams(arena, &privKey->,
-		    &privKey-> != SECSuccess) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena,&privKey->,
-							object,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if (sftk_hasAttribute(object, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB)) {
-	    crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(arena, &privKey->,
- 				object, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    /* privKey was zero'd so public value is already set to NULL, 0
-	     * if we don't set it explicitly */
-	}
-        rv = DER_SetUInteger(privKey->arena, &privKey->,
-                          NSSLOWKEY_EC_PRIVATE_KEY_VERSION);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    /* The following ifdef is needed for Linux arm distros and
-	     * Android as gcc 4.6 has a bug when targeting arm (but not
-	     * thumb). The bug has been fixed in gcc 4.7.
-	     *
-	     */
-#if defined (__arm__) && !defined(__thumb__) && defined (__GNUC__)
-	    *crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && itemTemplateCount != 0) {
-	PORT_Assert(itemTemplateCount > 0);
-	PORT_Assert(itemTemplateCount <= SFTK_MAX_ITEM_TEMPLATE);
-	crv = sftk_MultipleAttribute2SecItem(arena, object, itemTemplate, 
-						itemTemplateCount);
-    }
-    *crvp = crv;
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return privKey;
- * If a partial RSA private key is present, fill in the rest if necessary,
- * and then verify the parameters are well-formed
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_verifyRSAPrivateKey(SFTKObject *object, PRBool fillIfNeeded)
-    RSAPrivateKey tmpKey = { 0 };
-    SFTKAttribute *modulus = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *prime1 = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *prime2 = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *privateExponent = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *publicExponent = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *exponent1 = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *exponent2 = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *coefficient = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* first fill in the components that we have. Populate only uses
-     * the non-crt components, so only fill those in  */
-    tmpKey.arena = NULL;
-    modulus = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_MODULUS);
-    if (modulus) {
- = modulus->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.modulus.len  = modulus->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    } 
-    prime1 = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME_1);
-    if (prime1) {
- = prime1->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.prime1.len  = prime1->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    } 
-    prime2 = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME_2);
-    if (prime2) {
- = prime2->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.prime2.len  = prime2->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    } 
-    privateExponent = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT);
-    if (privateExponent) {
- = privateExponent->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.privateExponent.len  = privateExponent->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    } 
-    publicExponent = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);
-    if (publicExponent) {
- = publicExponent->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.publicExponent.len  = publicExponent->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    }
-    exponent1 = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_EXPONENT_1);
-    if (exponent1) {
- = exponent1->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.exponent1.len  = exponent1->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    }
-    exponent2 = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_EXPONENT_2);
-    if (exponent2) {
- = exponent2->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.exponent2.len  = exponent2->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    }
-    coefficient = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_COEFFICIENT);
-    if (coefficient) {
- = coefficient->attrib.pValue;
-	tmpKey.coefficient.len  = coefficient->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    }
-    if (fillIfNeeded) {
-	/*
-	* populate requires one exponent plus 2 other components to work.
-	* we expected our caller to check that first. If that didn't happen,
-	* populate will simply return an error here.
-	*/
-	rv = RSA_PopulatePrivateKey(&tmpKey);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    rv = RSA_PrivateKeyCheck(&tmpKey);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* now that we have a fully populated key, set all our attribute values */
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    if (!modulus || modulus->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object,CKA_MODULUS,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.modulus));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!publicExponent ||
-        publicExponent->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.publicExponent));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!privateExponent ||
-        privateExponent->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.privateExponent));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!prime1 || prime1->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME_1,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.prime1));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!prime2 || prime2->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_PRIME_2,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.prime2));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!exponent1 || exponent1->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_EXPONENT_1,
-                                 sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.exponent1));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!exponent2 || exponent2->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_EXPONENT_2,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.exponent2));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!coefficient || coefficient->attrib.pValue != {
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object, CKA_COEFFICIENT,
-                                  sftk_item_expand(&tmpKey.coefficient));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    /* we're done (one way or the other), clean up all our stuff */
-    if (tmpKey.arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(tmpKey.arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (modulus) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(modulus);
-    }
-    if (prime1) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(prime1);
-    }
-    if (prime2) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(prime2);
-    }
-    if (privateExponent) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(privateExponent);
-    }
-    if (publicExponent) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(publicExponent);
-    }
-    if (exponent1) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(exponent1);
-    }
-    if (exponent2) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(exponent2);
-    }
-    if (coefficient) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(coefficient);
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Generate a low private key structure from an object */
-NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *
-sftk_GetPrivKey(SFTKObject *object,CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, CK_RV *crvp)
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *priv = NULL;
-    if (object->objclass != CKO_PRIVATE_KEY) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (object->objectInfo) {
-	*crvp = CKR_OK;
-	return (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *)object->objectInfo;
-    }
-    priv = sftk_mkPrivKey(object, key_type, crvp);
-    object->objectInfo = priv;
-    object->infoFree = (SFTKFree) nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey;
-    return priv;
- **************************** Symetric Key utils ************************
- */
- * set the DES key with parity bits correctly
- */
-sftk_FormatDESKey(unsigned char *key, int length)
-    int i;
-    /* format the des key */
-    for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
-	key[i] = parityTable[key[i]>>1];
-    }
- * check a des key (des2 or des3 subkey) for weak keys.
- */
-sftk_CheckDESKey(unsigned char *key)
-    int i;
-    /* format the des key with parity  */
-    sftk_FormatDESKey(key, 8);
-    for (i=0; i < sftk_desWeakTableSize; i++) {
-	if (PORT_Memcmp(key,sftk_desWeakTable[i],8) == 0) {
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * check if a des or triple des key is weak.
- */
-sftk_IsWeakKey(unsigned char *key,CK_KEY_TYPE key_type)
-    switch(key_type) {
-    case CKK_DES:
-	return sftk_CheckDESKey(key);
-    case CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN:
-	if (sftk_CheckDESKey(key)) return PR_TRUE;
-	return sftk_CheckDESKey(&key[8]);
-    case CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN:
-	if (sftk_CheckDESKey(key)) return PR_TRUE;
-	if (sftk_CheckDESKey(&key[8])) return PR_TRUE;
-	return sftk_CheckDESKey(&key[16]);
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- *
- *     Start of PKCS 11 functions 
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-/* return the function list */
-CK_RV NSC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    *pFunctionList = (CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR) &sftk_funcList;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* return the function list */
-CK_RV C_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_GetFunctionList(pFunctionList);
-static PLHashNumber
-sftk_HashNumber(const void *key)
-    return (PLHashNumber)((char *)key - (char *)NULL);
- * eventually I'd like to expunge all occurances of XXX_SLOT_ID and
- * just go with the info in the slot. This is one place, however,
- * where it might be a little difficult.
- */
-const char *
-sftk_getDefTokName(CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    static char buf[33];
-    switch (slotID) {
-	return "NSS Generic Crypto Services     ";
-	return "NSS Certificate DB              ";
-    case FIPS_SLOT_ID:
-        return "NSS FIPS 140-2 Certificate DB   ";
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    sprintf(buf,"NSS Application Token %08x  ",(unsigned int) slotID);
-    return buf;
-const char *
-sftk_getDefSlotName(CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    static char buf[65];
-    switch (slotID) {
-	return 
-	 "NSS Internal Cryptographic Services                             ";
-	return 
-	 "NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services                   ";
-    case FIPS_SLOT_ID:
-        return 
-         "NSS FIPS 140-2 User Private Key Services                        ";
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    sprintf(buf,
-     "NSS Application Slot %08x                                   ",
-							(unsigned int) slotID);
-    return buf;
-static CK_ULONG nscSlotCount[2] = {0 , 0};
-static CK_SLOT_ID_PTR nscSlotList[2] = {NULL, NULL};
-static CK_ULONG nscSlotListSize[2] = {0, 0};
-static PLHashTable *nscSlotHashTable[2] = {NULL, NULL};
-static int
-sftk_GetModuleIndex(CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    if ((slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID) || (slotID >= SFTK_MIN_FIPS_USER_SLOT_ID)) {
-    }
-    return NSC_NON_FIPS_MODULE;
-/* look up a slot structure from the ID (used to be a macro when we only
- * had two slots) */
-/* if all is true, return the slot even if it has been 'unloaded' */
-/* if all is false, only return the slots which are present */
-SFTKSlot *
-sftk_SlotFromID(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, PRBool all)
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    int index = sftk_GetModuleIndex(slotID);
-    if (nscSlotHashTable[index] == NULL) return NULL;
-    slot = (SFTKSlot *)PL_HashTableLookupConst(nscSlotHashTable[index], 
-							(void *)slotID);
-    /* cleared slots shouldn't 'show up' */
-    if (slot && !all && !slot->present) slot = NULL;
-    return slot;
-SFTKSlot *
-sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle)
-    CK_ULONG slotIDIndex = (handle >> 24) & 0x7f;
-    CK_ULONG moduleIndex = (handle >> 31) & 1;
-    if (slotIDIndex >= nscSlotCount[moduleIndex]) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return sftk_SlotFromID(nscSlotList[moduleIndex][slotIDIndex], PR_FALSE);
-static CK_RV
-sftk_RegisterSlot(SFTKSlot *slot, int moduleIndex)
-    PLHashEntry *entry;
-    int index;
-    index = sftk_GetModuleIndex(slot->slotID);
-    /* make sure the slotID for this module is valid */
-    if (moduleIndex != index) {
-    }
-    if (nscSlotList[index] == NULL) {
-	nscSlotListSize[index] = NSC_SLOT_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	nscSlotList[index] = (CK_SLOT_ID *)
-		PORT_ZAlloc(nscSlotListSize[index]*sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
-	if (nscSlotList[index] == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-    }
-    if (nscSlotCount[index] >= nscSlotListSize[index]) {
-	CK_SLOT_ID* oldNscSlotList = nscSlotList[index];
-	CK_ULONG oldNscSlotListSize = nscSlotListSize[index];
-	nscSlotListSize[index] += NSC_SLOT_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	nscSlotList[index] = (CK_SLOT_ID *) PORT_Realloc(oldNscSlotList,
-				nscSlotListSize[index]*sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
-	if (nscSlotList[index] == NULL) {
-            nscSlotList[index] = oldNscSlotList;
-            nscSlotListSize[index] = oldNscSlotListSize;
-            return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-    }
-    if (nscSlotHashTable[index] == NULL) {
-	nscSlotHashTable[index] = PL_NewHashTable(64,sftk_HashNumber,
-				PL_CompareValues, PL_CompareValues, NULL, 0);
-	if (nscSlotHashTable[index] == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-    }
-    entry = PL_HashTableAdd(nscSlotHashTable[index],(void *)slot->slotID,slot);
-    if (entry == NULL) {
-    }
-    slot->index = (nscSlotCount[index] & 0x7f) | ((index << 7) & 0x80);
-    nscSlotList[index][nscSlotCount[index]++] = slot->slotID;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * ths function has all the common initialization that happens whenever we
- * create a new slot or repurpose an old slot (only valid for slotID's 4 
- * and greater).
- *
- * things that are not reinitialized are:
- *   slotID (can't change)
- *   slotDescription (can't change once defined) 
- *   the locks and hash tables (difficult to change in running code, and
- *     unnecessary. hash tables and list are cleared on shutdown, but they
- *     are cleared in a 'friendly' way).
- *   session and object ID counters -- so any old sessions and objects in the
- *     application will get properly notified that the world has changed.
- * 
- * things that are reinitialized:
- *   database (otherwise what would the point be;).
- *   state variables related to databases.
- *   session count stat info.
- *   tokenDescription.
- *
- * NOTE: slotID's 4 and greater show up as removable devices.
- *
- */
-SFTK_SlotReInit(SFTKSlot *slot, char *configdir, char *updatedir, 
-	char *updateID, sftk_token_parameters *params, int moduleIndex)
-    PRBool needLogin = !params->noKeyDB;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    slot->hasTokens = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->sessionIDConflict = 0;
-    slot->sessionCount = 0;
-    slot->rwSessionCount = 0;
-    slot->needLogin = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->ssoLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->DB_loaded = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->certDB = NULL;
-    slot->keyDB = NULL;
-    slot->minimumPinLen = 0;
-    slot->readOnly = params->readOnly;
-    sftk_setStringName(params->tokdes ? params->tokdes : 
-	sftk_getDefTokName(slot->slotID), slot->tokDescription, 
-					sizeof(slot->tokDescription),PR_TRUE);
-    sftk_setStringName(params->updtokdes ? params->updtokdes : " ", 
-				slot->updateTokDescription, 
-				sizeof(slot->updateTokDescription),PR_TRUE);
-    if ((!params->noCertDB) || (!params->noKeyDB)) {
-	SFTKDBHandle * certHandle = NULL;
-	SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle = NULL;
-	crv = sftk_DBInit(params->configdir ? params->configdir : configdir,
-		params->certPrefix, params->keyPrefix, 
-		params->updatedir ? params->updatedir : updatedir,
-		params->updCertPrefix, params->updKeyPrefix,
-		params->updateID  ? params->updateID : updateID, 
-		params->readOnly, params->noCertDB, params->noKeyDB,
-		params->forceOpen, 
-		moduleIndex == NSC_FIPS_MODULE,
-		&certHandle, &keyHandle);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	slot->certDB = certHandle;
-	slot->keyDB = keyHandle;
-    }
-    if (needLogin) {
-	/* if the data base is initialized with a null password,remember that */
-	slot->needLogin = 
-		(PRBool)!sftk_hasNullPassword(slot, slot->keyDB);
-	if ((params->minPW >= 0) && (params->minPW <= SFTK_MAX_PIN)) {
-	    slot->minimumPinLen = params->minPW;
-	}
-	if ((slot->minimumPinLen == 0) && (params->pwRequired)) {
-	    slot->minimumPinLen = 1;
-	}
-	if ((moduleIndex == NSC_FIPS_MODULE) &&
-		(slot->minimumPinLen < FIPS_MIN_PIN)) {
-	    slot->minimumPinLen = FIPS_MIN_PIN;
-	}
-    }
-    slot->present = PR_TRUE;
-    return CKR_OK;
-    SFTK_ShutdownSlot(slot);
-    return crv;
- * initialize one of the slot structures. figure out which by the ID
- */
-SFTK_SlotInit(char *configdir, char *updatedir, char *updateID,
-		sftk_token_parameters *params, int moduleIndex)
-    unsigned int i;
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID = params->slotID;
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    /*
-     * first we initialize everything that is 'permanent' with this slot.
-     * that is everything we aren't going to shutdown if we close this slot
-     * and open it up again with different databases */
-    slot = PORT_ZNew(SFTKSlot);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    slot->optimizeSpace = params->optimizeSpace;
-    if (slot->optimizeSpace) {
-	slot->sessHashSize = SPACE_SESSION_HASH_SIZE;
-	slot->numSessionLocks = 1;
-    } else {
-	slot->sessObjHashSize = TIME_SESSION_OBJECT_HASH_SIZE;
-	slot->sessHashSize = TIME_SESSION_HASH_SIZE;
-	slot->numSessionLocks = slot->sessHashSize/BUCKETS_PER_SESSION_LOCK;
-    }
-    slot->sessionLockMask = slot->numSessionLocks-1;
-    slot->slotLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockSession);
-    if (slot->slotLock == NULL)
-	goto mem_loser;
-    slot->sessionLock = PORT_ZNewArray(PZLock *, slot->numSessionLocks);
-    if (slot->sessionLock == NULL)
-	goto mem_loser;
-    for (i=0; i < slot->numSessionLocks; i++) {
-        slot->sessionLock[i] = PZ_NewLock(nssILockSession);
-        if (slot->sessionLock[i] == NULL) 
-	    goto mem_loser;
-    }
-    slot->objectLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockObject);
-    if (slot->objectLock == NULL) 
-    	goto mem_loser;
-    slot->pwCheckLock = PR_NewLock();
-    if (slot->pwCheckLock == NULL) 
-    	goto mem_loser;
-    slot->head = PORT_ZNewArray(SFTKSession *, slot->sessHashSize);
-    if (slot->head == NULL) 
-	goto mem_loser;
-    slot->sessObjHashTable = PORT_ZNewArray(SFTKObject *, slot->sessObjHashSize);
-    if (slot->sessObjHashTable == NULL) 
-	goto mem_loser;
-    slot->tokObjHashTable = PL_NewHashTable(64,sftk_HashNumber,PL_CompareValues,
-					SECITEM_HashCompare, NULL, 0);
-    if (slot->tokObjHashTable == NULL) 
-	goto mem_loser;
-    slot->sessionIDCount = 0;
-    slot->sessionObjectHandleCount = minSessionObjectHandle;
-    slot->slotID = slotID;
-    sftk_setStringName(params->slotdes ? params->slotdes : 
-	      sftk_getDefSlotName(slotID), slot->slotDescription, 
-					sizeof(slot->slotDescription), PR_TRUE);
-    /* call the reinit code to set everything that changes between token
-     * init calls */
-    crv = SFTK_SlotReInit(slot, configdir, updatedir, updateID,
-			   params, moduleIndex);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_RegisterSlot(slot, moduleIndex);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-   SFTK_DestroySlotData(slot);
-    return crv;
-CK_RV sftk_CloseAllSessions(SFTKSlot *slot, PRBool logout)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle;
-    /* first log out the card */
-    /* special case - if we are in a middle of upgrade, we want to close the
-     * sessions to fake a token removal to tell the upper level code we have
-     * switched from one database to another, but we don't want to 
-     * explicity logout in case we can continue the upgrade with the 
-      * existing password if possible.
-     */
-    if (logout) {
-	handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock));
-	slot->isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-	if (slot->needLogin && handle) {
-	    sftkdb_ClearPassword(handle);
-	}
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock));
-	if (handle) {
-            sftk_freeDB(handle);
-	}
-    }
-    /* now close all the current sessions */
-    /* NOTE: If you try to open new sessions before NSC_CloseAllSessions
-     * completes, some of those new sessions may or may not be closed by
-     * NSC_CloseAllSessions... but any session running when this code starts
-     * will guarrenteed be close, and no session will be partially closed */
-    for (i=0; i < slot->sessHashSize; i++) {
-	PZLock *lock = SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,i);
-	do {
-	    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(lock));
-	    session = slot->head[i];
-	    /* hand deque */
-	    /* this duplicates function of NSC_close session functions, but 
-	     * because we know that we are freeing all the sessions, we can
-	     * do more efficient processing */
-	    if (session) {
-		slot->head[i] = session->next;
-		if (session->next) session->next->prev = NULL;
-		session->next = session->prev = NULL;
-		SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(lock));
-		SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock));
-		--slot->sessionCount;
-		SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock));
-		if (session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) {
-		    (void)PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&slot->rwSessionCount);
-		}
-	    } else {
-		SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(lock));
-	    }
-	    if (session) sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	} while (session != NULL);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * shut down the databases.
- * we get the slot lock (which also protects slot->certDB and slot->keyDB)
- * and clear the values so the new users will not find the databases.
- * once things are clear, we can release our references to the databases.
- * The databases will close when the last reference is released.
- *
- * We use reference counts so that we don't crash if someone shuts down
- * a token that another thread is actively using.
- */
-static void
-sftk_DBShutdown(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    SFTKDBHandle *certHandle;
-    SFTKDBHandle      *keyHandle;
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock));
-    certHandle = slot->certDB;
-    slot->certDB = NULL;
-    keyHandle = slot->keyDB;
-    slot->keyDB = NULL;
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock));
-    if (certHandle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-    }
-    if (keyHandle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(keyHandle);
-    }
-SFTK_ShutdownSlot(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    /* make sure no new PK11 calls work except C_GetSlotInfo */
-    slot->present = PR_FALSE;
-    /* close all outstanding sessions
-     * the sessHashSize variable guarentees we have all the session
-     * mechanism set up */
-    if (slot->head) {
-	sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_TRUE);
-     }
-    /* clear all objects.. session objects are cleared as a result of
-     * closing all the sessions. We just need to clear the token object
-     * cache. slot->tokObjHashTable guarentees we have the token 
-     * infrastructure set up. */
-    if (slot->tokObjHashTable) {
-	SFTK_ClearTokenKeyHashTable(slot);
-    }
-    /* clear the slot description for the next guy */
-    PORT_Memset(slot->tokDescription, 0, sizeof(slot->tokDescription));
-    /* now shut down the databases. */
-    sftk_DBShutdown(slot);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * initialize one of the slot structures. figure out which by the ID
- */
-SFTK_DestroySlotData(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    unsigned int i;
-    SFTK_ShutdownSlot(slot);
-    if (slot->tokObjHashTable) {
-	PL_HashTableDestroy(slot->tokObjHashTable);
-	slot->tokObjHashTable = NULL;
-    }
-    if (slot->sessObjHashTable) {
-	PORT_Free(slot->sessObjHashTable);
-	slot->sessObjHashTable = NULL;
-    }
-    slot->sessObjHashSize = 0;
-    if (slot->head) {
-	PORT_Free(slot->head);
-	slot->head = NULL;
-    }
-    slot->sessHashSize = 0;
-    /* OK everything has been disassembled, now we can finally get rid
-     * of the locks */
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(slot->slotLock));
-    slot->slotLock = NULL;
-    if (slot->sessionLock) {
-	for (i=0; i < slot->numSessionLocks; i++) {
-	    if (slot->sessionLock[i]) {
-		SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(slot->sessionLock[i]));
-		slot->sessionLock[i] = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	PORT_Free(slot->sessionLock);
-	slot->sessionLock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (slot->objectLock) {
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(slot->objectLock));
-	slot->objectLock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (slot->pwCheckLock) {
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PR_DestroyLock(slot->pwCheckLock));
-	slot->pwCheckLock = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(slot);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * handle the SECMOD.db
- */
-char **
-NSC_ModuleDBFunc(unsigned long function,char *parameters, void *args)
-    char *secmod = NULL;
-    char *appName = NULL;
-    char *filename = NULL;
-    NSSDBType dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_NONE;
-    PRBool rw;
-    static char *success="Success";
-    char **rvstr = NULL;
-    rvstr = NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction(function, parameters, args);
-    if (rvstr != NULL) {
-	return rvstr;
-    }
-    if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-   /* The legacy database uses the old dbm, which is only linked with the 
-    * legacy DB handler, which is only callable from softoken */
-    secmod = _NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName(parameters, &dbType, &appName,
-				    &filename, &rw);
-    switch (function) {
-	if (secmod == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	if (rw && (dbType != NSS_DB_TYPE_LEGACY) && 
-	    (dbType != NSS_DB_TYPE_MULTIACCESS)) {
-	    /* if we get here, we are trying to update the local database */
-	    /* force data from the legacy DB */
-	    char *oldSecmod = NULL;
-	    char *oldAppName = NULL;
-	    char *oldFilename = NULL;
-	    PRBool oldrw;
-	    char **strings = NULL;
-	    int i;
-	    dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_LEGACY;
-	    oldSecmod = _NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName(parameters,&dbType, &oldAppName,
-					    &oldFilename, &oldrw);
-	    strings = sftkdbCall_ReadSecmodDB(appName, oldFilename, oldSecmod,
-					(char *)parameters, oldrw);
-	    if (strings) {
-		/* write out the strings */
-		for (i=0; strings[i]; i++) {
-				parameters, strings[i]);
-		}
-		sftkdbCall_ReleaseSecmodDBData(oldAppName,oldFilename,oldSecmod,
-			(char **)strings,oldrw);
-	    } else {
-		/* write out a dummy record */
-				parameters, " ");
-	    }
-	    if (oldSecmod) { PR_smprintf_free(oldSecmod); }
-	    if (oldAppName) { PORT_Free(oldAppName); }
-	    if (oldFilename) { PORT_Free(oldFilename); }
-	    rvstr = NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction(function, parameters, args);
-	    break;
-	}
-	rvstr = sftkdbCall_ReadSecmodDB(appName,filename,secmod,
-					(char *)parameters,rw);
-	break;
-	if (secmod == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rvstr = (sftkdbCall_AddSecmodDB(appName,filename,secmod,
-			(char *)args,rw) == SECSuccess) ? &success: NULL;
-	break;
-	if (secmod == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	rvstr = (sftkdbCall_DeleteSecmodDB(appName,filename,secmod,
-			(char *)args,rw) == SECSuccess) ? &success: NULL;
-	break;
-	rvstr = (sftkdbCall_ReleaseSecmodDBData(appName,filename,secmod,
-			(char **)args,rw) == SECSuccess) ? &success: NULL;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (secmod) PR_smprintf_free(secmod);
-    if (appName) PORT_Free(appName);
-    if (filename) PORT_Free(filename);
-    return rvstr;
-static void nscFreeAllSlots(int moduleIndex)
-    /* free all the slots */
-    SFTKSlot *slot = NULL;
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID;
-    int i;
-    if (nscSlotList[moduleIndex]) {
-	CK_ULONG tmpSlotCount = nscSlotCount[moduleIndex];
-	CK_SLOT_ID_PTR tmpSlotList = nscSlotList[moduleIndex];
-	PLHashTable *tmpSlotHashTable = nscSlotHashTable[moduleIndex];
-	/* first close all the session */
-	for (i=0; i < (int) tmpSlotCount; i++) {
-	    slotID = tmpSlotList[i];
-	    (void) NSC_CloseAllSessions(slotID);
-	}
-	/* now clear out the statics */
-	nscSlotList[moduleIndex] = NULL;
-	nscSlotCount[moduleIndex] = 0;
-	nscSlotHashTable[moduleIndex] = NULL;
-	nscSlotListSize[moduleIndex] = 0;
-	for (i=0; i < (int) tmpSlotCount; i++) {
-	    slotID = tmpSlotList[i];
-	    slot = (SFTKSlot *)
-			PL_HashTableLookup(tmpSlotHashTable, (void *)slotID);
-	    PORT_Assert(slot);
-	    if (!slot) continue;
-	    SFTK_DestroySlotData(slot);
-	    PL_HashTableRemove(tmpSlotHashTable, (void *)slotID);
-	}
-	PORT_Free(tmpSlotList);
-	PL_HashTableDestroy(tmpSlotHashTable);
-    }
-static void
-sftk_closePeer(PRBool isFIPS)
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    int moduleIndex = isFIPS? NSC_NON_FIPS_MODULE : NSC_FIPS_MODULE;
-    PLHashTable *tmpSlotHashTable = nscSlotHashTable[moduleIndex];
-    slot = (SFTKSlot *) PL_HashTableLookup(tmpSlotHashTable, (void *)slotID);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	return;
-    }
-    sftk_DBShutdown(slot);
-    return;
-/* NSC_Initialize initializes the Cryptoki library. */
-CK_RV nsc_CommonInitialize(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved, PRBool isFIPS)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS *init_args = (CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS *) pReserved;
-    int i;
-    int moduleIndex = isFIPS? NSC_FIPS_MODULE : NSC_NON_FIPS_MODULE;
-    if (isFIPS) {
-	loginWaitTime = PR_SecondsToInterval(1);
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_Init();
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    rv = RNG_RNGInit();         /* initialize random number generator */
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    rv = BL_Init();             /* initialize freebl engine */
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* NOTE:
-     * we should be getting out mutexes from this list, not statically binding
-     * them from NSPR. This should happen before we allow the internal to split
-     * off from the rest on NSS.
-     */
-   /* initialize the key and cert db's */
-    if (init_args && (!(init_args->flags & CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK))) {
-        if (init_args->CreateMutex && init_args->DestroyMutex &&
-            init_args->LockMutex && init_args->UnlockMutex) {
-            /* softoken always uses NSPR (ie. OS locking), and doesn't know how
-             * to use the lock functions provided by the application.
-             */
-            crv = CKR_CANT_LOCK;
-            return crv;
-        }
-        if (init_args->CreateMutex || init_args->DestroyMutex ||
-            init_args->LockMutex || init_args->UnlockMutex) {
-            /* only some of the lock functions were provided by the
-             * application. This is invalid per PKCS#11 spec.
-             */
-            crv = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-            return crv;
-        }
-    }
-    if ((init_args && init_args->LibraryParameters)) {
-	sftk_parameters paramStrings;
-	crv = sftk_parseParameters
-		((char *)init_args->LibraryParameters, &paramStrings, isFIPS);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_configure(, paramStrings.libdes);
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* if we have a peer already open, have him close his DB's so we
-	 * don't clobber each other. */
-	if ((isFIPS && nsc_init) || (!isFIPS && nsf_init)) {
-	    sftk_closePeer(isFIPS);
-	    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-		if (isFIPS && nsc_init) {
-		    sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSS_AUDIT_INFO, NSS_AUDIT_FIPS_STATE, 
-				"enabled FIPS mode");
-		} else {
-		    sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSS_AUDIT_INFO, NSS_AUDIT_FIPS_STATE, 
-				"disabled FIPS mode");
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	for (i=0; i < paramStrings.token_count; i++) {
-	    crv = SFTK_SlotInit(paramStrings.configdir, 
-			paramStrings.updatedir, paramStrings.updateID,
-			&paramStrings.tokens[i], moduleIndex);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-                nscFreeAllSlots(moduleIndex);
-                break;
-            }
-	}
-	sftk_freeParams(&paramStrings);
-    }
-    if (CKR_OK == crv) {
-        sftk_InitFreeLists();
-    }
-#ifndef NO_FORK_CHECK
-    if (CKR_OK == crv) {
-#if defined(CHECK_FORK_MIXED)
-        /* Before Solaris 10, fork handlers are not unregistered at dlclose()
-         * time. So, we only use pthread_atfork on Solaris 10 and later. For
-         * earlier versions, we use PID checks.
-         */
-        char buf[200];
-        int major = 0, minor = 0;
-        long rv = sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, buf, sizeof(buf));
-        if (rv > 0 && rv < sizeof(buf)) {
-            if (2 == sscanf(buf, "%d.%d", &major, &minor)) {
-                /* Are we on Solaris 10 or greater ? */
-                if (major >5 || (5 == major && minor >= 10)) {
-                    /* we are safe to use pthread_atfork */
-                    usePthread_atfork = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (usePthread_atfork) {
-            pthread_atfork(NULL, NULL, ForkedChild);
-        } else {
-            myPid = getpid();
-        }
-#elif defined(CHECK_FORK_PTHREAD)
-        pthread_atfork(NULL, NULL, ForkedChild);
-#elif defined(CHECK_FORK_GETPID)
-        myPid = getpid();
-#error Incorrect fork check method.
-    }
-    return crv;
-CK_RV NSC_Initialize(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    sftk_ForkReset(pReserved, &crv);
-    if (nsc_init) {
-    }
-    crv = nsc_CommonInitialize(pReserved,PR_FALSE);
-    nsc_init = (PRBool) (crv == CKR_OK);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the 
- * Cryptoki library.*/
-CK_RV nsc_CommonFinalize (CK_VOID_PTR pReserved, PRBool isFIPS)
-    /* propagate the fork status to freebl and util */
-    BL_SetForkState(parentForkedAfterC_Initialize);
-    UTIL_SetForkState(parentForkedAfterC_Initialize);
-    /* don't muck with the globals if our peer is still initialized */
-    if (isFIPS && nsc_init) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (!isFIPS && nsf_init) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    sftk_CleanupFreeLists();
-    sftkdb_Shutdown();
-    /* This function does not discard all our previously aquired entropy. */
-    RNG_RNGShutdown();
-    /* tell freeBL to clean up after itself */
-    BL_Cleanup();
-    /* reset fork status in freebl. We must do this before BL_Unload so that
-     * this call doesn't force freebl to be reloaded. */
-    BL_SetForkState(PR_FALSE);
-    /* unload freeBL shared library from memory. This may only decrement the
-     * OS refcount if it's been loaded multiple times, eg. by libssl */
-    BL_Unload();
-    /* clean up the default OID table */
-    SECOID_Shutdown();
-    /* reset fork status in util */
-    UTIL_SetForkState(PR_FALSE);
-    nsc_init = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!usePthread_atfork) {
-        myPid = 0; /* allow CHECK_FORK in the next softoken initialization to
-                    * succeed */
-    } else {
-        forked = PR_FALSE; /* allow reinitialization */
-    }
-#elif defined(CHECK_FORK_GETPID)
-    myPid = 0; /* allow reinitialization */
-#elif defined (CHECK_FORK_PTHREAD)
-    forked = PR_FALSE; /* allow reinitialization */
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* Hard-reset the entire softoken PKCS#11 module if the parent process forked
- * while it was initialized. */
-PRBool sftk_ForkReset(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved, CK_RV* crv)
-#ifndef NO_FORK_CHECK
-    if (PARENT_FORKED()) {
-        parentForkedAfterC_Initialize = PR_TRUE;
-        if (nsc_init) {
-            /* finalize non-FIPS token */
-            *crv = nsc_CommonFinalize(pReserved, PR_FALSE);
-            PORT_Assert(CKR_OK == *crv);
-            nsc_init = (PRBool) !(*crv == CKR_OK);
-        }
-        if (nsf_init) {
-            /* finalize FIPS token */
-            *crv = nsc_CommonFinalize(pReserved, PR_TRUE);
-            PORT_Assert(CKR_OK == *crv);
-            nsf_init = (PRBool) !(*crv == CKR_OK);
-        }
-        parentForkedAfterC_Initialize = PR_FALSE;
-        return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-/* NSC_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the 
- * Cryptoki library.*/
-CK_RV NSC_Finalize (CK_VOID_PTR pReserved)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* reset entire PKCS#11 module upon fork */
-    if (sftk_ForkReset(pReserved, &crv)) {
-        return crv;
-    }
-    if (!nsc_init) {
-        return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    crv = nsc_CommonFinalize (pReserved, PR_FALSE);
-    nsc_init = (PRBool) !(crv == CKR_OK);
-    return crv;
-extern const char __nss_softokn_version[];
-/* NSC_GetInfo returns general information about Cryptoki. */
-CK_RV  NSC_GetInfo(CK_INFO_PTR pInfo)
-#define NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE __nss_softokn_version
-#include "verref.h"
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    pInfo->cryptokiVersion.major = 2;
-    pInfo->cryptokiVersion.minor = 20;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->manufacturerID,manufacturerID,32);
-    pInfo->libraryVersion.major = SOFTOKEN_VMAJOR;
-    pInfo->libraryVersion.minor = SOFTOKEN_VMINOR;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->libraryDescription,libraryDescription,32);
-    pInfo->flags = 0;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system. */
-CK_RV nsc_CommonGetSlotList(CK_BBOOL tokenPresent, 
-	CK_SLOT_ID_PTR	pSlotList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount, int moduleIndex)
-    *pulCount = nscSlotCount[moduleIndex];
-    if (pSlotList != NULL) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(pSlotList,nscSlotList[moduleIndex],
-				nscSlotCount[moduleIndex]*sizeof(CK_SLOT_ID));
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetSlotList(CK_BBOOL tokenPresent,
-	 		CK_SLOT_ID_PTR	pSlotList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return nsc_CommonGetSlotList(tokenPresent, pSlotList, pulCount, 
-/* NSC_GetSlotInfo obtains information about a particular slot in the system. */
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_TRUE);
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) return CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->manufacturerID,manufacturerID,
-		sizeof(pInfo->manufacturerID));
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->slotDescription,slot->slotDescription,
-		sizeof(pInfo->slotDescription));
-    pInfo->flags = (slot->present) ? CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT : 0;
-    /* all user defined slots are defined as removable */
-    if (slotID >= SFTK_MIN_USER_SLOT_ID) {
-	pInfo->flags |= CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE;
-    } else {
-	/* In the case where we are doing a merge update, we need
-	 * the DB slot to be removable so the token name can change
-	 * appropriately. */
-	SFTKDBHandle *handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-	if (handle) { 
-	    if (sftkdb_InUpdateMerge(handle)) {
-		pInfo->flags |= CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE;
-	    }
-            sftk_freeDB(handle);
-	}
-    }
-    /* ok we really should read it out of the keydb file. */
-    /* pInfo->hardwareVersion.major = NSSLOWKEY_DB_FILE_VERSION; */
-    pInfo->hardwareVersion.major = SOFTOKEN_VMAJOR;
-    pInfo->hardwareVersion.minor = SOFTOKEN_VMINOR;
-    pInfo->firmwareVersion.major = SOFTOKEN_VPATCH;
-    pInfo->firmwareVersion.minor = SOFTOKEN_VBUILD;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check the current state of the 'needLogin' flag in case the database has
- * been changed underneath us.
- */
-static PRBool
-sftk_checkNeedLogin(SFTKSlot *slot, SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle)
-    if (sftkdb_PWCached(keyHandle) == SECSuccess) {
-	return slot->needLogin;
-    }
-    slot->needLogin = (PRBool)!sftk_hasNullPassword(slot, keyHandle);
-    return (slot->needLogin);
-static PRBool
-sftk_isBlank(const char *s, int len)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
-	if (s[i] != ' ') {
-	    return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-/* NSC_GetTokenInfo obtains information about a particular token in 
- * the system. */
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (!nsc_init && !nsf_init) return CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED;
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_FALSE);
-    if (slot == NULL) return CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->manufacturerID,manufacturerID,32);
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->model,"NSS 3           ",16);
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->serialNumber,"0000000000000000",16);
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->utcTime,"0000000000000000",16);
-    pInfo->ulMaxSessionCount = 0; /* arbitrarily large */
-    pInfo->ulSessionCount = slot->sessionCount;
-    pInfo->ulMaxRwSessionCount = 0; /* arbitarily large */
-    pInfo->ulRwSessionCount = slot->rwSessionCount;
-    pInfo->firmwareVersion.major = 0;
-    pInfo->firmwareVersion.minor = 0;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->label,slot->tokDescription,sizeof(pInfo->label));
-    handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	pInfo->flags |= CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED;
-	pInfo->ulMaxPinLen = 0;
-	pInfo->ulMinPinLen = 0;
-	pInfo->ulTotalPublicMemory = 0;
-	pInfo->ulFreePublicMemory = 0;
-	pInfo->ulTotalPrivateMemory = 0;
-	pInfo->ulFreePrivateMemory = 0;
-	pInfo->hardwareVersion.major = 4;
-	pInfo->hardwareVersion.minor = 0;
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * we have three possible states which we may be in:
-	 *   (1) No DB password has been initialized. This also means we
-	 *   have no keys in the key db.
-	 *   (2) Password initialized to NULL. This means we have keys, but
-	 *   the user has chosen not use a password.
-	 *   (3) Finally we have an initialized password whicn is not NULL, and
-	 *   we will need to prompt for it.
-	 */
-	if (sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(handle) == SECFailure) {
-	    pInfo->flags |= CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED;
-	} else if (!sftk_checkNeedLogin(slot,handle)) {
-	    pInfo->flags |= CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED;
-	} else {
-	/* 
-         * if we are doing a merge style update, and we need to get the password
-	 * of our source database (the database we are updating from), make sure we
-         * return a token name that will match the database we are prompting for.
-	 */
-	if (sftkdb_NeedUpdateDBPassword(handle)) {
-	    /* if we have an update tok description, use it. otherwise
-             * use the updateID for this database */
-	    if (!sftk_isBlank(slot->updateTokDescription,
-						sizeof(pInfo->label))) {
-		PORT_Memcpy(pInfo->label,slot->updateTokDescription,
-				sizeof(pInfo->label));
-	    } else {
-		/* build from updateID */
-		const char *updateID = sftkdb_GetUpdateID(handle);
-		if (updateID) {
-		    sftk_setStringName(updateID, (char *)pInfo->label,
-				 sizeof(pInfo->label), PR_FALSE);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	}
-	pInfo->ulMaxPinLen = SFTK_MAX_PIN;
-	pInfo->ulMinPinLen = (CK_ULONG)slot->minimumPinLen;
-	pInfo->ulTotalPublicMemory = 1;
-	pInfo->ulFreePublicMemory = 1;
-	pInfo->ulTotalPrivateMemory = 1;
-	pInfo->ulFreePrivateMemory = 1;
-#ifdef SHDB_FIXME
-	pInfo->hardwareVersion.major = CERT_DB_FILE_VERSION;
-	pInfo->hardwareVersion.minor = handle->version;
-	pInfo->hardwareVersion.major = 0;
-	pInfo->hardwareVersion.minor = 0;
-        sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    }
-    /*
-     *                                              should be set
-     *         0                   0                           1
-     *         1                   0                           0
-     *         0                   1                           1
-     *         1                   1                           1
-     */
-    if (!(pInfo->flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED) ||
-	(pInfo->flags & CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED)) {
-	pInfo->flags |= CKF_TOKEN_INITIALIZED;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_GetMechanismList obtains a list of mechanism types 
- * supported by a token. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetMechanismList(CK_SLOT_ID slotID,
-	CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    switch (slotID) {
-    /* default: */
-	*pulCount = mechanismCount;
-	if (pMechanismList != NULL) {
-	    for (i=0; i < mechanismCount; i++) {
-		pMechanismList[i] = mechanisms[i].type;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-     default:
-	*pulCount = 0;
-	for (i=0; i < mechanismCount; i++) {
-	    if (mechanisms[i].privkey) {
-		(*pulCount)++;
-		if (pMechanismList != NULL) {
-		    *pMechanismList++ = mechanisms[i].type;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_GetMechanismInfo obtains information about a particular mechanism 
- * possibly supported by a token. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetMechanismInfo(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type,
-    					CK_MECHANISM_INFO_PTR pInfo)
-    PRBool isPrivateKey;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    switch (slotID) {
-	isPrivateKey = PR_FALSE;
-	break;
-    default:
-	isPrivateKey = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < mechanismCount; i++) {
-        if (type == mechanisms[i].type) {
-	    if (isPrivateKey && !mechanisms[i].privkey) {
-	    }
-	    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo,&mechanisms[i].info, sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_INFO));
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-    }
-CK_RV sftk_MechAllowsOperation(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE op)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CK_FLAGS flags;
-    switch (op) {
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:         flags = CKF_ENCRYPT;         break;
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:         flags = CKF_DECRYPT;         break;
-    case CKA_WRAP:            flags = CKF_WRAP;            break;
-    case CKA_UNWRAP:          flags = CKF_UNWRAP;          break;
-    case CKA_SIGN:            flags = CKF_SIGN;            break;
-    case CKA_SIGN_RECOVER:    flags = CKF_SIGN_RECOVER;    break;
-    case CKA_VERIFY:          flags = CKF_VERIFY;          break;
-    case CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER:  flags = CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER;  break;
-    case CKA_DERIVE:          flags = CKF_DERIVE;          break;
-    default:
-    	return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < mechanismCount; i++) {
-        if (type == mechanisms[i].type) {
-	    return (flags & mechanisms[i].info.flags) ? CKR_OK 
-	                                              : CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID;
-	}
-    }
-/* NSC_InitToken initializes a token. */
- 				CK_ULONG ulPinLen,CK_CHAR_PTR pLabel) {
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_FALSE);
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle;
-    SFTKDBHandle *certHandle;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) return CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-    /* don't initialize the database if we aren't talking to a token
-     * that uses the key database.
-     */
-    if (slotID == NETSCAPE_SLOT_ID) {
-    }
-    /* first, delete all our loaded key and cert objects from our 
-     * internal list. */
-    PZ_Lock(slot->objectLock);
-    for (i=0; i < slot->sessObjHashSize; i++) {
-	do {
-	    object = slot->sessObjHashTable[i];
-	    /* hand deque */
-	    /* this duplicates function of NSC_close session functions, but 
-	     * because we know that we are freeing all the sessions, we can
-	     * do more efficient processing */
-	    if (object) {
-		slot->sessObjHashTable[i] = object->next;
-		if (object->next) object->next->prev = NULL;
-		object->next = object->prev = NULL;
-	    }
-	    if (object) sftk_FreeObject(object);
-	} while (object != NULL);
-    }
-    slot->DB_loaded = PR_FALSE;
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->objectLock);
-    /* then clear out the key database */
-    handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    rv = sftkdb_ResetKeyDB(handle);
-    sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    }
-    /* finally  mark all the user certs as non-user certs */
-    certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-    if (certHandle == NULL) return CKR_OK;
-    sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-    return CKR_OK; /*is this the right function for not implemented*/
-/* NSC_InitPIN initializes the normal user's PIN. */
-    					CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen)
-    SFTKSession *sp = NULL;
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle = NULL;
-    char newPinStr[SFTK_MAX_PIN+1];
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool tokenRemoved = PR_FALSE;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    sp = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (sp == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(sp);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (sp->info.state != CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeSession(sp);
-    sp = NULL;
-    /* make sure the pins aren't too long */
-    if (ulPinLen > SFTK_MAX_PIN) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (ulPinLen < (CK_ULONG)slot->minimumPinLen) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(handle) != SECFailure) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* convert to null terminated string */
-    PORT_Memcpy(newPinStr, pPin, ulPinLen);
-    newPinStr[ulPinLen] = 0; 
-    /* build the hashed pins which we pass around */
-    /* change the data base */
-    rv = sftkdb_ChangePassword(handle, NULL, newPinStr, &tokenRemoved);
-    if (tokenRemoved) {
-	sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    handle = NULL;
-    /* Now update our local copy of the pin */
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	if (ulPinLen == 0) slot->needLogin = PR_FALSE;
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (sp) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(sp);
-    }
-    if (handle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_SetPIN modifies the PIN of user that is currently logged in. */
-/* NOTE: This is only valid for the PRIVATE_KEY_SLOT */
-    CK_ULONG ulOldLen, CK_CHAR_PTR pNewPin, CK_ULONG ulNewLen)
-    SFTKSession *sp = NULL;
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle = NULL;
-    char newPinStr[SFTK_MAX_PIN+1],oldPinStr[SFTK_MAX_PIN+1];
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRBool tokenRemoved = PR_FALSE;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    sp = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (sp == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(sp);
-    if (!slot) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(sp);
-	return CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE; /* XXX FIXME wrong return value */
-    }
-    if (slot->needLogin && sp->info.state != CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeSession(sp);
-    sp = NULL;
-    /* make sure the pins aren't too long */
-    if ((ulNewLen > SFTK_MAX_PIN) || (ulOldLen > SFTK_MAX_PIN)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (ulNewLen < (CK_ULONG)slot->minimumPinLen) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* convert to null terminated string */
-    PORT_Memcpy(newPinStr,pNewPin,ulNewLen);
-    newPinStr[ulNewLen] = 0; 
-    PORT_Memcpy(oldPinStr,pOldPin,ulOldLen);
-    oldPinStr[ulOldLen] = 0; 
-    /* change the data base password */
-    PR_Lock(slot->pwCheckLock);
-    rv = sftkdb_ChangePassword(handle, oldPinStr, newPinStr, &tokenRemoved);
-    if (tokenRemoved) {
-	sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ((rv != SECSuccess) && (slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID)) {
-	PR_Sleep(loginWaitTime);
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(slot->pwCheckLock);
-    /* Now update our local copy of the pin */
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	slot->needLogin = (PRBool)(ulNewLen != 0);
-        /* Reset login flags. */
-        if (ulNewLen == 0) {
-            PRBool tokenRemoved = PR_FALSE;
-            PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-            slot->isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-            slot->ssoLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-            PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-            rv = sftkdb_CheckPassword(handle, "", &tokenRemoved);
-            if (tokenRemoved) {
-                sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_FALSE);
-            }
-        }
-        sftk_update_all_states(slot);
-        sftk_freeDB(handle);
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (sp) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(sp);
-    }
-    if (handle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a token. */
-CK_RV NSC_OpenSession(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_FLAGS flags,
-   CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,CK_NOTIFY Notify,CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession)
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSession *sameID;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_FALSE);
-    if (slot == NULL) return CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-    /* new session (we only have serial sessions) */
-    session = sftk_NewSession(slotID, Notify, pApplication,
-						 flags | CKF_SERIAL_SESSION);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    if (slot->readOnly && (flags & CKF_RW_SESSION)) {
-	session->info.flags &= ~CKF_RW_SESSION;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-    ++slot->sessionCount;
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-    if (session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) {
-	(void)PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&slot->rwSessionCount);
-    }
-    do {
-        PZLock *lock;
-        do {
-            sessionID = (PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&slot->sessionIDCount) & 0xffffff)
-                        | (slot->index << 24);
-        } while (sessionID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE);
-        lock = SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,sessionID);
-        PZ_Lock(lock);
-        sftkqueue_find(sameID, sessionID, slot->head, slot->sessHashSize);
-        if (sameID == NULL) {
-            session->handle = sessionID;
-            sftk_update_state(slot, session);
-            sftkqueue_add(session, sessionID, slot->head,slot->sessHashSize);
-        } else {
-            slot->sessionIDConflict++;  /* for debugging */
-        }
-        PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    } while (sameID != NULL);
-    *phSession = sessionID;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a token. */
-CK_RV NSC_CloseSession(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    PRBool sessionFound;
-    PZLock *lock;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(session);
-    sessionFound = PR_FALSE;
-    /* lock */
-    lock = SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,hSession);
-    PZ_Lock(lock);
-    if (sftkqueue_is_queued(session,hSession,slot->head,slot->sessHashSize)) {
-	sessionFound = PR_TRUE;
-	sftkqueue_delete(session,hSession,slot->head,slot->sessHashSize);
-	session->refCount--; /* can't go to zero while we hold the reference */
-	PORT_Assert(session->refCount > 0);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    if (sessionFound) {
-	SFTKDBHandle *handle;
-	handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-	PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-	if (--slot->sessionCount == 0) {
-	    slot->isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-	    if (slot->needLogin && handle) {
-		sftkdb_ClearPassword(handle);
-	    }
-	}
-	PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-	if (handle) {
-	    sftk_freeDB(handle);
-	}
-	if (session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) {
-	    (void)PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&slot->rwSessionCount);
-	}
-    }
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_CloseAllSessions closes all sessions with a token. */
-CK_RV NSC_CloseAllSessions (CK_SLOT_ID slotID)
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-#ifndef NO_FORK_CHECK
-    /* skip fork check if we are being called from C_Initialize or C_Finalize */
-    if (!parentForkedAfterC_Initialize) {
-        CHECK_FORK();
-    }
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_FALSE);
-    if (slot == NULL) return CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-    return sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_TRUE);
-/* NSC_GetSessionInfo obtains information about the session. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetSessionInfo(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    						CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    PORT_Memcpy(pInfo,&session->info,sizeof(CK_SESSION_INFO));
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_Login logs a user into a token. */
-				    CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen)
-    SFTKSlot *slot;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle;
-    CK_FLAGS sessionFlags;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    char pinStr[SFTK_MAX_PIN+1];
-    PRBool tokenRemoved = PR_FALSE;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* get the slot */
-    slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    /* make sure the session is valid */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-    }
-    sessionFlags = session->info.flags;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    session = NULL;
-    /* can't log into the Netscape Slot */
-    if (slot->slotID == NETSCAPE_SLOT_ID) {
-    }
-    if (slot->isLoggedIn) return CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN;
-    if (!slot->needLogin) {
-        return ulPinLen ? CKR_PIN_INCORRECT : CKR_OK;
-    }
-    slot->ssoLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-    if (ulPinLen > SFTK_MAX_PIN) return CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE;
-    /* convert to null terminated string */
-    PORT_Memcpy(pinStr,pPin,ulPinLen);
-    pinStr[ulPinLen] = 0; 
-    handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * Deal with bootstrap. We allow the SSO to login in with a NULL
-     * password if and only if we haven't initialized the KEY DB yet.
-     * We only allow this on a RW session.
-     */
-    rv = sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(handle);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	/* allow SSO's to log in only if there is not password on the
-	 * key database */
-	if (((userType == CKU_SO) && (sessionFlags & CKF_RW_SESSION))
-	    /* fips always needs to authenticate, even if there isn't a db */
-					|| (slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID)) {
-	    /* should this be a fixed password? */
-	    if (ulPinLen == 0) {
-		sftkdb_ClearPassword(handle);
-    		PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-		slot->isLoggedIn = PR_TRUE;
-		slot->ssoLoggedIn = (PRBool)(userType == CKU_SO);
-		PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-		sftk_update_all_states(slot);
-		crv = CKR_OK;
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    crv = CKR_PIN_INCORRECT;
-	    goto done;
-	} 
-	goto done;
-    } 
-    /* don't allow the SSO to log in if the user is already initialized */
-    if (userType != CKU_USER) { 
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* build the hashed pins which we pass around */
-    PR_Lock(slot->pwCheckLock);
-    rv = sftkdb_CheckPassword(handle,pinStr, &tokenRemoved);
-    if (tokenRemoved) {
-	sftk_CloseAllSessions(slot, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if ((rv != SECSuccess) && (slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID)) {
-	PR_Sleep(loginWaitTime);
-    }
-    PR_Unlock(slot->pwCheckLock);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-	/* make sure the login state matches the underlying
-	 * database state */
-	slot->isLoggedIn = sftkdb_PWCached(handle) == SECSuccess ?
-	PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
- 	sftk_freeDB(handle);
-	handle = NULL;
-	/* update all sessions */
-	sftk_update_all_states(slot);
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (handle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_Logout logs a user out from a token. */
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKDBHandle *handle;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    session = NULL;
-    if (!slot->isLoggedIn) return CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN;
-    handle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-    slot->isLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-    slot->ssoLoggedIn = PR_FALSE;
-    if (slot->needLogin && handle) {
-	sftkdb_ClearPassword(handle);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-    if (handle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    }
-    sftk_update_all_states(slot);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * Create or remove a new slot on the fly.
- * When creating a slot, "slot" is the slot that the request came from. The
- * resulting slot will live in the same module as "slot".
- * When removing a slot, "slot" is the slot to be removed.
- * "object" is the creation object that specifies the module spec for the slot
- * to add or remove.
- */
-static CK_RV sftk_CreateNewSlot(SFTKSlot *slot, CK_OBJECT_CLASS class,
-                                SFTKObject *object)
-    PRBool isValidUserSlot = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool isValidFIPSUserSlot = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool isValidSlot = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool isFIPS = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned long moduleIndex = NSC_NON_FIPS_MODULE;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    sftk_parameters paramStrings;
-    char *paramString;
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID = 0;
-    SFTKSlot *newSlot = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    if (class != CKO_NETSCAPE_DELSLOT && class != CKO_NETSCAPE_NEWSLOT) {
-    }
-    if (class == CKO_NETSCAPE_NEWSLOT && slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID) {
-    }
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, CKA_NETSCAPE_MODULE_SPEC);
-    if (attribute == NULL) {
-    }
-    paramString = (char *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    crv = sftk_parseParameters(paramString, &paramStrings, isFIPS);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* enforce only one at a time */
-    if (paramStrings.token_count != 1) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    slotID = paramStrings.tokens[0].slotID;
-    /* stay within the valid ID space */
-    isValidUserSlot = (slotID >= SFTK_MIN_USER_SLOT_ID &&
-                       slotID <= SFTK_MAX_USER_SLOT_ID);
-    isValidFIPSUserSlot = (slotID >= SFTK_MIN_FIPS_USER_SLOT_ID &&
-                           slotID <= SFTK_MAX_FIPS_USER_SLOT_ID);
-    if (class == CKO_NETSCAPE_DELSLOT) {
-	if (slot->slotID == slotID) {
-	    isValidSlot = isValidUserSlot || isValidFIPSUserSlot;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* only the crypto or FIPS slots can create new slot objects */
-	if (slot->slotID == NETSCAPE_SLOT_ID) {
-	    isValidSlot = isValidUserSlot;
-	    moduleIndex = NSC_NON_FIPS_MODULE;
-	} else if (slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID) {
-	    isValidSlot = isValidFIPSUserSlot;
-	    moduleIndex = NSC_FIPS_MODULE;
-	}
-    }
-    if (!isValidSlot) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* unload any existing slot at this id */
-    newSlot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_TRUE);
-    if (newSlot && newSlot->present) {
-	crv = SFTK_ShutdownSlot(newSlot);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* if we were just planning on deleting the slot, then do so now */
-    if (class == CKO_NETSCAPE_DELSLOT) {
-	/* sort of a unconventional use of this error code, be we are
-	 * overusing CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID, and it does apply */
-	crv = newSlot ? CKR_OK : CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID;
-	goto loser; /* really exit */
-    }
-    if (newSlot) {
-	crv = SFTK_SlotReInit(newSlot, paramStrings.configdir, 
-			paramStrings.updatedir, paramStrings.updateID,
-			&paramStrings.tokens[0], moduleIndex);
-    } else {
-	crv = SFTK_SlotInit(paramStrings.configdir, 
-			paramStrings.updatedir, paramStrings.updateID,
-			&paramStrings.tokens[0], moduleIndex);
-    }
-    sftk_freeParams(&paramStrings);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_CreateObject creates a new object. */
-CK_RV NSC_CreateObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, 
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject)
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    /* make sure class isn't randomly CKO_NETSCAPE_NEWSLOT or
-    CK_RV crv;
-    int i;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    *phObject = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * now lets create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    object = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (object == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * load the template values into the object
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(object,sftk_attr_expand(&pTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    sftk_FreeObject(object);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	if ((pTemplate[i].type == CKA_CLASS) && pTemplate[i].pValue) {
-	    class = *(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	}
-    }
-    /* get the session */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle pseudo objects (CKO_NEWSLOT)
-     */
-    if ((class == CKO_NETSCAPE_NEWSLOT)  || (class == CKO_NETSCAPE_DELSLOT)) {
-	crv = sftk_CreateNewSlot(slot, class, object);
-	goto done;
-    } 
-    /*
-     * handle the base object stuff
-     */
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(object,session);
-    *phObject = object->handle;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_CopyObject copies an object, creating a new object for the copy. */
-       CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject) 
-    SFTKObject *destObject,*srcObject;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    int i;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    /* Get srcObject so we can find the class */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-    }
-    srcObject = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hObject,session);
-    if (srcObject == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    }
-    /*
-     * create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    destObject = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (destObject == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-        sftk_FreeObject(srcObject);
-    }
-    /*
-     * load the template values into the object
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-	if (sftk_modifyType(pTemplate[i].type,srcObject->objclass) == SFTK_NEVER) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(destObject,sftk_attr_expand(&pTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) { break; }
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-        sftk_FreeObject(srcObject);
-	sftk_FreeObject(destObject);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* sensitive can only be changed to CK_TRUE */
-    if (sftk_hasAttribute(destObject,CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	if (!sftk_isTrue(destObject,CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-            sftk_FreeObject(srcObject);
-	    sftk_FreeObject(destObject);
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * now copy the old attributes from the new attributes
-     */
-    /* don't create a token object if we aren't in a rw session */
-    /* we need to hold the lock to copy a consistant version of
-     * the object. */
-    crv = sftk_CopyObject(destObject,srcObject);
-    destObject->objclass = srcObject->objclass;
-    sftk_FreeObject(srcObject);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(destObject);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-        return crv;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(destObject,session);
-    *phNewObject = destObject->handle;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    sftk_FreeObject(destObject);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_GetObjectSize gets the size of an object in bytes. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetObjectSize(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSize)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    *pulSize = 0;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_GetAttributeValue obtains the value of one or more object attributes. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetAttributeValue(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    PRBool sensitive;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    int i;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * make sure we're allowed
-     */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-    }
-    /* short circuit everything for token objects */
-    if (sftk_isToken(hObject)) {
-	SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(session);
-	SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(slot, hObject);
-	SFTKDBHandle *keydb = NULL;
-	if (dbHandle == NULL) {
-	    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, hObject, pTemplate, ulCount);
-	/* make sure we don't export any sensitive information */
-	keydb = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-	if (dbHandle == keydb) {
-	    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-		if (sftk_isSensitive(pTemplate[i].type,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY)) {
-		    if (pTemplate[i].pValue && (pTemplate[i].ulValueLen!= -1)){
-			PORT_Memset(pTemplate[i].pValue, 0, 
-					pTemplate[i].ulValueLen);
-		    }
-		    pTemplate[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	sftk_freeDB(dbHandle);
-	if (keydb) {
-	    sftk_freeDB(keydb);
-	}
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* handle the session object */
-    object = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hObject,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (object == NULL) {
-    }
-    /* don't read a private object if we aren't logged in */
-    if ((!slot->isLoggedIn) && (slot->needLogin) &&
-				(sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE))) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    crv = CKR_OK;
-    sensitive = sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_SENSITIVE);
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-	/* Make sure that this attribute is retrievable */
-	if (sensitive && sftk_isSensitive(pTemplate[i].type,object->objclass)) {
-	    pTemplate[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,pTemplate[i].type);
-	if (attribute == NULL) {
-	    pTemplate[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (pTemplate[i].pValue != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(pTemplate[i].pValue,attribute->attrib.pValue,
-						attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	}
-	pTemplate[i].ulValueLen = attribute->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_SetAttributeValue modifies the value of one or more object attributes */
-CK_RV NSC_SetAttributeValue (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    PRBool isToken;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_BBOOL legal;
-    int i;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * make sure we're allowed
-     */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-    }
-    object = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hObject,session);
-    if (object == NULL) {
-        sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    }
-    /* don't modify a private object if we aren't logged in */
-    if ((!slot->isLoggedIn) && (slot->needLogin) &&
-				(sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE))) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    /* don't modify a token object if we aren't in a rw session */
-    isToken = sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN);
-    if (((session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) == 0) && isToken) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    /* only change modifiable objects */
-    if (!sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_MODIFIABLE)) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-	/* Make sure that this attribute is changeable */
-	switch (sftk_modifyType(pTemplate[i].type,object->objclass)) {
-	case SFTK_NEVER:
-        default:
-	    break;
-        case SFTK_SENSITIVE:
-	    legal = (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_EXTRACTABLE) ? CK_FALSE : CK_TRUE;
-	    if ((*(CK_BBOOL *)pTemplate[i].pValue) != legal) {
-	        crv = CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY;
-	    }
-	    break;
-        case SFTK_ALWAYS:
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* find the old attribute */
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,pTemplate[i].type);
-	if (attribute == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-    	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(object,sftk_attr_expand(&pTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    return crv;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_expandSearchList(SFTKSearchResults *search, int count)
-    search->array_size += count;
-    search->handles = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *)PORT_Realloc(search->handles,
-			sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)*search->array_size);
-    return search->handles ? CKR_OK : CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_searchDatabase(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SFTKSearchResults *search,
-                        const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    int objectListSize = search->array_size-search->size;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *array = &search->handles[search->size];
-    SDBFind *find;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    crv = sftkdb_FindObjectsInit(handle, pTemplate, ulCount, &find);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK)
-	return crv;
-    do {
-	crv = sftkdb_FindObjects(handle, find, array, objectListSize, &count);
-	if ((crv != CKR_OK) || (count == 0))
-	    break;
-	search->size += count;
-	objectListSize -= count;
-	if (objectListSize > 0)
-	    break;
-	crv = sftk_expandSearchList(search,NSC_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	objectListSize = NSC_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	array = &search->handles[search->size];
-    } while (crv == CKR_OK);
-    sftkdb_FindObjectsFinal(handle, find);
-    return crv;
-/* softoken used to search the SMimeEntries automatically instead of
- * doing this in pk11wrap. This code should really be up in
- * pk11wrap so that it will work with other tokens other than softoken.
- */
-sftk_emailhack(SFTKSlot *slot, SFTKDBHandle *handle, 
-    SFTKSearchResults *search, CK_ATTRIBUTE *pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    PRBool isCert = PR_FALSE;
-    int emailIndex = -1;
-    unsigned int i;
-    SFTKSearchResults smime_search;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE smime_template[2];
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute = NULL;
-    SFTKObject *object = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    smime_search.handles = NULL; /* paranoia, some one is bound to add a goto
-				  * loser before this gets initialized */
-    /* see if we are looking for email certs */
-    for (i=0; i < ulCount; i++) {
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_CLASS) {
-	   if ((pTemplate[i].ulValueLen != sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) ||
-	       (*(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)pTemplate[i].pValue) != CKO_CERTIFICATE)) {
-		/* not a cert, skip out */
-		break;
-	   }
-	   isCert = PR_TRUE;
-	} else if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_NETSCAPE_EMAIL) {
-	   emailIndex = i;
-	}
-	if (isCert && (emailIndex != -1)) break;
-    }
-    if (!isCert || (emailIndex == -1)) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* we are doing a cert and email search, find the SMimeEntry */
-    smime_template[0].type = CKA_CLASS;
-    smime_template[0].pValue = &smime_class;
-    smime_template[0].ulValueLen = sizeof(smime_class);
-    smime_template[1] = pTemplate[emailIndex];
-    smime_search.handles = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *)
-    if (smime_search.handles == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    smime_search.index = 0;
-    smime_search.size = 0;
-    smime_search.array_size = NSC_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    crv = sftk_searchDatabase(handle, &smime_search, smime_template, 2);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK || smime_search.size == 0) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* get the SMime subject */
-    object = sftk_NewTokenObject(slot, NULL, smime_search.handles[0]);
-    if (object == NULL) {
-	crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; /* is there any other reason for this failure? */
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,CKA_SUBJECT);
-    if (attribute == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* now find the certs with that subject */
-    pTemplate[emailIndex] = attribute->attrib;
-    /* now add the appropriate certs to the search list */
-    crv = sftk_searchDatabase(handle, search, pTemplate, ulCount);
-    pTemplate[emailIndex] = smime_template[1]; /* restore the user's template*/
-    if (attribute) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    if (object) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    if (smime_search.handles) {
-	PORT_Free(smime_search.handles);
-    }
-    return crv;
-static void
-sftk_pruneSearch(CK_ATTRIBUTE *pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-			PRBool *searchCertDB, PRBool *searchKeyDB) {
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    *searchCertDB = PR_TRUE;
-    *searchKeyDB = PR_TRUE;
-    for (i = 0; i < ulCount; i++) {
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_CLASS && pTemplate[i].pValue != NULL) {
-	    CK_OBJECT_CLASS class = *((CK_OBJECT_CLASS*)pTemplate[i].pValue);
-	    if (class == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY || class == CKO_SECRET_KEY) {
-		*searchCertDB = PR_FALSE;
-	    } else {
-		*searchKeyDB = PR_FALSE;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-static CK_RV
-sftk_searchTokenList(SFTKSlot *slot, SFTKSearchResults *search,
-                        CK_ATTRIBUTE *pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-                        PRBool *tokenOnly, PRBool isLoggedIn)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_RV crv2;
-    PRBool searchCertDB;
-    PRBool searchKeyDB;
-    sftk_pruneSearch(pTemplate, ulCount, &searchCertDB, &searchKeyDB);
-    if (searchCertDB) {
-	SFTKDBHandle *certHandle = sftk_getCertDB(slot);
-	crv = sftk_searchDatabase(certHandle, search, pTemplate, ulCount);
-	crv2 = sftk_emailhack(slot, certHandle, search, pTemplate, ulCount);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) crv = crv2;
-	sftk_freeDB(certHandle);
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && isLoggedIn && searchKeyDB) {
-	SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle = sftk_getKeyDB(slot);
-    	crv = sftk_searchDatabase(keyHandle, search, pTemplate, ulCount);
-    	sftk_freeDB(keyHandle);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_FindObjectsInit initializes a search for token and session objects 
- * that match a template. */
-CK_RV NSC_FindObjectsInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,CK_ULONG ulCount)
-    SFTKSearchResults *search = NULL, *freeSearch = NULL;
-    SFTKSession *session = NULL;
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    PRBool tokenOnly = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    PRBool isLoggedIn;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    search = (SFTKSearchResults *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SFTKSearchResults));
-    if (search == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    search->handles = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *)
-    if (search->handles == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    search->index = 0;
-    search->size = 0;
-    search->array_size = NSC_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    isLoggedIn = (PRBool)((!slot->needLogin) || slot->isLoggedIn);
-    crv = sftk_searchTokenList(slot, search, pTemplate, ulCount, &tokenOnly,
-								isLoggedIn);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* build list of found objects in the session */
-    if (!tokenOnly) {
-	crv = sftk_searchObjectList(search, slot->sessObjHashTable, 
-				slot->sessObjHashSize, slot->objectLock, 
-					pTemplate, ulCount, isLoggedIn);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if ((freeSearch = session->search) != NULL) {
-	session->search = NULL;
-	sftk_FreeSearch(freeSearch);
-    }
-    session->search = search;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    if (search) {
-	sftk_FreeSearch(search);
-    }
-    if (session) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_FindObjects continues a search for token and session objects 
- * that match a template, obtaining additional object handles. */
-CK_RV NSC_FindObjects(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject,CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount,
-    					CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSearchResults *search;
-    int	transfer;
-    int left;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    *pulObjectCount = 0;
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    if (session->search == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    search = session->search;
-    left = session->search->size - session->search->index;
-    transfer = ((int)ulMaxObjectCount > left) ? left : ulMaxObjectCount;
-    if (transfer > 0) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(phObject,&search->handles[search->index],
-                                        transfer*sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE));
-    } else {
-       *phObject = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    }
-    search->index += transfer;
-    if (search->index == search->size) {
-	session->search = NULL;
-	sftk_FreeSearch(search);
-    }
-    *pulObjectCount = transfer;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_FindObjectsFinal finishes a search for token and session objects. */
-CK_RV NSC_FindObjectsFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSearchResults *search;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    search = session->search;
-    session->search = NULL;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (search != NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeSearch(search);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-CK_RV NSC_WaitForSlotEvent(CK_FLAGS flags, CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,
-							 CK_VOID_PTR pReserved)
-    CHECK_FORK();
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c b/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f0d36cc..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7625 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements PKCS 11 on top of our existing security modules
- *
- * For more information about PKCS 11 See PKCS 11 Token Inteface Standard.
- *   This implementation has two slots:
- *	slot 1 is our generic crypto support. It does not require login.
- *   It supports Public Key ops, and all they bulk ciphers and hashes. 
- *   It can also support Private Key ops for imported Private keys. It does 
- *   not have any token storage.
- *	slot 2 is our private key support. It requires a login before use. It
- *   can store Private Keys and Certs as token objects. Currently only private
- *   keys and their associated Certificates are saved on the token.
- *
- *   In this implementation, session objects are only visible to the session
- *   that created or generated them.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "pkcs1sig.h"
-#include "lowkeyi.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secdig.h"
-#include "lowpbe.h"	/* We do PBE below */
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "alghmac.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#define __PASTE(x,y)    x##y
- * we renamed all our internal functions, get the correct
- * definitions for them...
- */ 
-#define CK_EXTERN extern
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(func) \
-		CK_RV __PASTE(NS,func)
-#define CK_NEED_ARG_LIST	1
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-typedef struct {
-    PRUint8 client_version[2];
-    PRUint8 random[46];
-} SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret;
-static void sftk_Null(void *data, PRBool freeit)
-    return;
-#ifdef EC_DEBUG
-#define SEC_PRINT(str1, str2, num, sitem) \
-    printf("pkcs11c.c:%s:%s (keytype=%d) [len=%d]\n", \
-            str1, str2, num, sitem->len); \
-    for (i = 0; i < sitem->len; i++) { \
-	    printf("%02x:", sitem->data[i]); \
-    } \
-    printf("\n") 
-#undef EC_DEBUG
-#define SEC_PRINT(a, b, c, d) 
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
- * free routines.... Free local type  allocated data, and convert
- * other free routines to the destroy signature.
- */
-static void
-sftk_FreePrivKey(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key, PRBool freeit)
-    nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(key);
-static void
-sftk_Space(void *data, PRBool freeit)
-    PORT_Free(data);
- * map all the SEC_ERROR_xxx error codes that may be returned by freebl
- * functions to CKR_xxx.  return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR by default for backward
- * compatibility.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_MapCryptError(int error)
-    switch (error) {
-	case SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA:  /* MP_RANGE gets mapped to this */
-	    return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-	    return CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE;
-	    return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-	    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-	case SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY:  /* an EC public key that fails validation */
-	    return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;  /* the closest error code */
-	/* EC functions set this error if NSS_DISABLE_ECC is defined */
-	/* key pair generation failed after max number of attempts */
-    }
-    return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-/* used by Decrypt and UnwrapKey (indirectly) */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_MapDecryptError(int error)
-    switch (error) {
-	default:
-	    return sftk_MapCryptError(error);
-    }
- * return CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID instead of CKR_DEVICE_ERROR by default for
- * backward compatibilty.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_MapVerifyError(int error)
-    CK_RV crv = sftk_MapCryptError(error);
-    if (crv == CKR_DEVICE_ERROR)
-    return crv;
- * turn a CDMF key into a des key. CDMF is an old IBM scheme to export DES by
- * Deprecating a full des key to 40 bit key strenth.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_cdmf2des(unsigned char *cdmfkey, unsigned char *deskey)
-    unsigned char key1[8] = { 0xc4, 0x08, 0xb0, 0x54, 0x0b, 0xa1, 0xe0, 0xae };
-    unsigned char key2[8] = { 0xef, 0x2c, 0x04, 0x1c, 0xe6, 0x38, 0x2f, 0xe6 };
-    unsigned char enc_src[8];
-    unsigned char enc_dest[8];
-    unsigned int leng,i;
-    DESContext *descx;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* zero the parity bits */
-    for (i=0; i < 8; i++) {
-	enc_src[i] = cdmfkey[i] & 0xfe;
-    }
-    /* encrypt with key 1 */
-    descx = DES_CreateContext(key1, NULL, NSS_DES, PR_TRUE);
-    if (descx == NULL) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    rv = DES_Encrypt(descx, enc_dest, &leng, 8, enc_src, 8);
-    DES_DestroyContext(descx,PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) return sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-    /* xor source with des, zero the parity bits and deprecate the key*/
-    for (i=0; i < 8; i++) {
-	if (i & 1) {
-	    enc_src[i] = (enc_src[i] ^ enc_dest[i]) & 0xfe;
-	} else {
-	    enc_src[i] = (enc_src[i] ^ enc_dest[i]) & 0x0e;
-	}
-    }
-    /* encrypt with key 2 */
-    descx = DES_CreateContext(key2, NULL, NSS_DES, PR_TRUE);
-    if (descx == NULL) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    rv = DES_Encrypt(descx, deskey, &leng, 8, enc_src, 8);
-    DES_DestroyContext(descx,PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) return sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-    /* set the corret parity on our new des key */	
-    sftk_FormatDESKey(deskey, 8);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_DestroyObject destroys an object. */
-NSC_DestroyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject)
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    SFTKFreeStatus status;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (slot == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * This whole block just makes sure we really can destroy the
-     * requested object.
-     */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-    }
-    object = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hObject,session);
-    if (object == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    }
-    /* don't destroy a private object if we aren't logged in */
-    if ((!slot->isLoggedIn) && (slot->needLogin) &&
-				(sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE))) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    /* don't destroy a token object if we aren't in a rw session */
-    if (((session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) == 0) &&
-				(sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_TOKEN))) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    }
-    sftk_DeleteObject(session,object);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    /*
-     * get some indication if the object is destroyed. Note: this is not
-     * 100%. Someone may have an object reference outstanding (though that
-     * should not be the case by here. Also note that the object is "half"
-     * destroyed. Our internal representation is destroyed, but it may still
-     * be in the data base.
-     */
-    status = sftk_FreeObject(object);
-    return (status != SFTK_DestroyFailure) ? CKR_OK : CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Utilities ************************
- */
- * Utility function for converting PSS/OAEP parameter types into
- * HASH_HashTypes. Note: Only SHA family functions are defined in RFC 3447.
- */
-static HASH_HashType
-GetHashTypeFromMechanism(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech)
-    switch (mech) {
-        case CKM_SHA_1:
-        case CKG_MGF1_SHA1:
-            return HASH_AlgSHA1;
-        case CKM_SHA224:
-        case CKG_MGF1_SHA224:
-            return HASH_AlgSHA224;
-        case CKM_SHA256:
-        case CKG_MGF1_SHA256:
-            return HASH_AlgSHA256;
-        case CKM_SHA384:
-        case CKG_MGF1_SHA384:
-            return HASH_AlgSHA384;
-        case CKM_SHA512:
-        case CKG_MGF1_SHA512:
-            return HASH_AlgSHA512;
-        default:
-            return HASH_AlgNULL;
-    }
- * Returns true if "params" contains a valid set of PSS parameters
- */
-static PRBool
-sftk_ValidatePssParams(const CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS *params)
-    if (!params) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->hashAlg) == HASH_AlgNULL ||
-        GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->mgf) == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * Returns true if "params" contains a valid set of OAEP parameters
- */
-static PRBool
-sftk_ValidateOaepParams(const CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS *params)
-    if (!params) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    /* The requirements of ulSourceLen/pSourceData come from PKCS #11, which
-     * state:
-     *   If the parameter is empty, pSourceData must be NULL and
-     *   ulSourceDataLen must be zero.
-     */
-    if (params->source != CKZ_DATA_SPECIFIED ||
-        (GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->hashAlg) == HASH_AlgNULL) ||
-        (GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->mgf) == HASH_AlgNULL) ||
-        (params->ulSourceDataLen == 0 && params->pSourceData != NULL) ||
-        (params->ulSourceDataLen != 0 && params->pSourceData == NULL)) {
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * return a context based on the SFTKContext type.
- */
-SFTKSessionContext *
-sftk_ReturnContextByType(SFTKSession *session, SFTKContextType type)
-    switch (type) {
-	    return session->enc_context;
-	case SFTK_HASH:
-	    return session->hash_context;
-	case SFTK_SIGN:
-	    return session->hash_context;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * change a context based on the SFTKContext type.
- */
-sftk_SetContextByType(SFTKSession *session, SFTKContextType type, 
-						SFTKSessionContext *context)
-    switch (type) {
-	    session->enc_context = context;
-	    break;
-	case SFTK_HASH:
-	    session->hash_context = context;
-	    break;
-	case SFTK_SIGN:
-	    session->hash_context = context;
-	    break;
-    }
-    return;
- * code to grab the context. Needed by every C_XXXUpdate, C_XXXFinal,
- * and C_XXX function. The function takes a session handle, the context type,
- * and wether or not the session needs to be multipart. It returns the context,
- * and optionally returns the session pointer (if sessionPtr != NULL) if session
- * pointer is returned, the caller is responsible for freeing it.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_GetContext(CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle,SFTKSessionContext **contextPtr,
-	SFTKContextType type, PRBool needMulti, SFTKSession **sessionPtr)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(handle);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    context = sftk_ReturnContextByType(session,type);
-    /* make sure the context is valid */
-    if((context==NULL)||(context->type!=type)||(needMulti&&!(context->multi))){
-        sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    }
-    *contextPtr = context;
-    if (sessionPtr != NULL) {
-	*sessionPtr = session;
-    } else {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/** Terminate operation (in the PKCS#11 spec sense).
- *  Intuitive name for FreeContext/SetNullContext pair.
- */
-static void
-sftk_TerminateOp( SFTKSession *session, SFTKContextType ctype,
-        SFTKSessionContext *context )
-    sftk_FreeContext( context );
-    sftk_SetContextByType( session, ctype, NULL );
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Encrypt ************************
- */
- * All the NSC_InitXXX functions have a set of common checks and processing they
- * all need to do at the beginning. This is done here.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_InitGeneric(SFTKSession *session,SFTKSessionContext **contextPtr,
-		 SFTKContextType ctype,SFTKObject **keyPtr,
-		 CK_OBJECT_CLASS pubKeyType, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE operation)
-    SFTKObject *key = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *att;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    /* We can only init if there is not current context active */
-    if (sftk_ReturnContextByType(session,ctype) != NULL) {
-    }
-    /* find the key */
-    if (keyPtr) {
-        key = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hKey,session);
-        if (key == NULL) {
-    	}
-	/* make sure it's a valid  key for this operation */
-	if (((key->objclass != CKO_SECRET_KEY) && (key->objclass != pubKeyType))
-					|| !sftk_isTrue(key,operation)) {
-	    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	}
-	/* get the key type */
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	}
-	PORT_Assert(att->attrib.ulValueLen == sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE));
-	if (att->attrib.ulValueLen != sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE)) {
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(keyTypePtr, att->attrib.pValue, sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE));
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	*keyPtr = key;
-    }
-    /* allocate the context structure */
-    context = (SFTKSessionContext *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SFTKSessionContext));
-    if (context == NULL) {
-	if (key) sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    }
-    context->type = ctype;
-    context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-    context->rsa = PR_FALSE;
-    context->cipherInfo = NULL;
-    context->hashInfo = NULL;
-    context->doPad = PR_FALSE;
-    context->padDataLength = 0;
-    context->key = key;
-    context->blockSize = 0;
-    context->maxLen = 0;
-    *contextPtr = context;
-    return CKR_OK;
-static int
-sftk_aes_mode(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism)
-    switch (mechanism) {
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-	return NSS_AES_CBC;
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-	return NSS_AES;
-    case CKM_AES_CTS:
-	return NSS_AES_CTS;
-    case CKM_AES_CTR:
-	return NSS_AES_CTR;
-    case CKM_AES_GCM:
-	return NSS_AES_GCM;
-    }
-    return -1;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSAEncryptRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key, unsigned char *output,
-                   unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                   const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_EncryptRaw(&key->u.rsa, output, outputLen, maxLen, input,
-                        inputLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSADecryptRaw(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key, unsigned char *output,
-                   unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                   const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_DecryptRaw(&key->u.rsa, output, outputLen, maxLen, input,
-                        inputLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSAEncrypt(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key, unsigned char *output,
-                unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_EncryptBlock(&key->u.rsa, output, outputLen, maxLen, input,
-                          inputLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSADecrypt(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key, unsigned char *output,
-                unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_DecryptBlock(&key->u.rsa, output, outputLen, maxLen, input,
-                          inputLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSAEncryptOAEP(SFTKOAEPEncryptInfo *info, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    HASH_HashType hashAlg;
-    HASH_HashType maskHashAlg;
-    PORT_Assert(info->key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (info->key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(info->params->hashAlg);
-    maskHashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(info->params->mgf);
-    return RSA_EncryptOAEP(&info->key->u.rsa, hashAlg, maskHashAlg,
-                           (const unsigned char*)info->params->pSourceData,
-                           info->params->ulSourceDataLen, NULL, 0,
-                           output, outputLen, maxLen, input, inputLen);
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSADecryptOAEP(SFTKOAEPDecryptInfo *info, unsigned char *output,
-                    unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    HASH_HashType hashAlg;
-    HASH_HashType maskHashAlg;
-    PORT_Assert(info->key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (info->key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(info->params->hashAlg);
-    maskHashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(info->params->mgf);
-    rv = RSA_DecryptOAEP(&info->key->u.rsa, hashAlg, maskHashAlg,
-                         (const unsigned char*)info->params->pSourceData,
-                         info->params->ulSourceDataLen,
-                         output, outputLen, maxLen, input, inputLen);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info *
-sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key,
-                                    unsigned int keyLen,
-                                    const CK_NSS_AEAD_PARAMS *params)
-    SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info *ctx;
-    if (params->ulNonceLen != sizeof(ctx->nonce)) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ctx = PORT_New(SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info);
-    if (ctx == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (ChaCha20Poly1305_InitContext(&ctx->freeblCtx, key, keyLen,
-                                     params->ulTagLen) != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(ctx->nonce, params->pNonce, sizeof(ctx->nonce));
-    if (params->ulAADLen > sizeof(ctx->ad)) {
-        /* Need to allocate an overflow buffer for the additional data. */
-        ctx->adOverflow = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(params->ulAADLen);
-        if (!ctx->adOverflow) {
-            PORT_Free(ctx);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy(ctx->adOverflow, params->pAAD, params->ulAADLen);
-    } else {
-        ctx->adOverflow = NULL;
-        PORT_Memcpy(ctx->ad, params->pAAD, params->ulAADLen);
-    }
-    ctx->adLen = params->ulAADLen;
-    return ctx;
-static void
-sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_DestroyContext(SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info *ctx,
-                                     PRBool freeit)
-    ChaCha20Poly1305_DestroyContext(&ctx->freeblCtx, PR_FALSE);
-    if (ctx->adOverflow != NULL) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx->adOverflow);
-        ctx->adOverflow = NULL;
-    }
-    ctx->adLen = 0;
-    if (freeit) {
-        PORT_Free(ctx);
-    }
-static SECStatus
-sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_Encrypt(const SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info *ctx,
-                              unsigned char *output, unsigned int *outputLen,
-                              unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                              const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    const unsigned char *ad = ctx->adOverflow;
-    if (ad == NULL) {
-        ad = ctx->ad;
-    }
-    return ChaCha20Poly1305_Seal(&ctx->freeblCtx, output, outputLen,
-                                 maxOutputLen, input, inputLen, ctx->nonce,
-                                 sizeof(ctx->nonce), ad, ctx->adLen);
-static SECStatus
-sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_Decrypt(const SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info *ctx,
-                              unsigned char *output, unsigned int *outputLen,
-                              unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                              const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    const unsigned char *ad = ctx->adOverflow;
-    if (ad == NULL) {
-        ad = ctx->ad;
-    }
-    return ChaCha20Poly1305_Open(&ctx->freeblCtx, output, outputLen,
-                                 maxOutputLen, input, inputLen, ctx->nonce,
-                                 sizeof(ctx->nonce), ad, ctx->adLen);
-/** NSC_CryptInit initializes an encryption/Decryption operation.
- *
- * Always called by NSC_EncryptInit, NSC_DecryptInit, NSC_WrapKey,NSC_UnwrapKey.
- * Called by NSC_SignInit, NSC_VerifyInit (via sftk_InitCBCMac) only for block
- *  ciphers MAC'ing.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_CryptInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-		 SFTKContextType contextType, PRBool isEncrypt)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    SFTKAttribute *att;
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *rc2_param;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *rc5_param;
-    SECItem rc5Key;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    unsigned effectiveKeyLength;
-    unsigned char newdeskey[24];
-    PRBool useNewKey=PR_FALSE;
-    int t;
-    crv = sftk_MechAllowsOperation(pMechanism->mechanism, mechUsage );
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) 
-    	return crv;
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    crv = sftk_InitGeneric(session,&context,contextType,&key,hKey,&key_type,
-    			isEncrypt ?CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:CKO_PRIVATE_KEY, keyUsage);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    context->doPad = PR_FALSE;
-    switch(pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	if (isEncrypt) {
-	    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubKey = sftk_GetPubKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	    if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	        crv = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    context->maxLen = nsslowkey_PublicModulusLen(pubKey);
-	    context->cipherInfo =  (void *)pubKey;
-	    context->update = (SFTKCipher) 
-		(pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_RSA_X_509
-					? sftk_RSAEncryptRaw : sftk_RSAEncrypt);
-	} else {
-	    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey = sftk_GetPrivKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	    if (privKey == NULL) {
-	        crv = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    context->maxLen = nsslowkey_PrivateModulusLen(privKey);
-	    context->cipherInfo =  (void *)privKey;
-	    context->update = (SFTKCipher) 
-		(pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_RSA_X_509
-					? sftk_RSADecryptRaw : sftk_RSADecrypt);
-	}
-	context->destroy = sftk_Null;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS) ||
-	    !sftk_ValidateOaepParams((CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS*)pMechanism->pParameter)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	if (isEncrypt) {
-	    SFTKOAEPEncryptInfo *info = PORT_New(SFTKOAEPEncryptInfo);
-	    if (info == NULL) {
-	        crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    info->params = pMechanism->pParameter;
-	    info->key = sftk_GetPubKey(key, CKK_RSA, &crv);
-	    if (info->key == NULL) {
-	        PORT_Free(info);
-	        crv = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_RSAEncryptOAEP;
-	    context->maxLen = nsslowkey_PublicModulusLen(info->key);
-	    context->cipherInfo = info;
-	} else {
-	    SFTKOAEPDecryptInfo *info = PORT_New(SFTKOAEPDecryptInfo);
-	    if (info == NULL) {
-	        crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    info->params = pMechanism->pParameter;
-	    info->key = sftk_GetPrivKey(key, CKK_RSA, &crv);
-	    if (info->key == NULL) {
-	        PORT_Free(info);
-	        crv = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_RSADecryptOAEP;
-	    context->maxLen = nsslowkey_PrivateModulusLen(info->key);
-	    context->cipherInfo = info;
-	}
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_Space;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_RC2_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC2_CBC:
-	context->blockSize = 8;
-	if (key_type != CKK_RC2) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	rc2_param = (CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	effectiveKeyLength = (rc2_param->ulEffectiveBits+7)/8;
-	context->cipherInfo = 
-	    RC2_CreateContext((unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-			      att->attrib.ulValueLen, rc2_param->iv,
-			      pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_RC2_ECB ? NSS_RC2 :
-			      NSS_RC2_CBC,effectiveKeyLength);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? RC2_Encrypt : RC2_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) RC2_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_RC5_ECB:
-    case CKM_RC5_CBC:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RC5) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	rc5_param = (CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	context->blockSize = rc5_param->ulWordsize*2;
- = (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue;
-	rc5Key.len = att->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	context->cipherInfo = RC5_CreateContext(&rc5Key,rc5_param->ulRounds,
-	   rc5_param->ulWordsize,rc5_param->pIv,
-		 pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_RC5_ECB ? NSS_RC5 : NSS_RC5_CBC);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? RC5_Encrypt : RC5_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) RC5_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC4:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RC4) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = 
-	    RC4_CreateContext((unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-			      att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;  /* WRONG !!! */
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? RC4_Encrypt : RC4_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) RC4_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_CDMF_ECB:
-    case CKM_CDMF_CBC:
-	if (key_type != CKK_CDMF) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	t = (pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_CDMF_ECB) ? NSS_DES : NSS_DES_CBC;
-	goto finish_des;
-    case CKM_DES_ECB:
-	if (key_type != CKK_DES) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	t = NSS_DES;
-	goto finish_des;
-    case CKM_DES_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_DES_CBC:
-	if (key_type != CKK_DES) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	t = NSS_DES_CBC;
-	goto finish_des;
-    case CKM_DES3_ECB:
-	if ((key_type != CKK_DES2) && (key_type != CKK_DES3)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	t = NSS_DES_EDE3;
-	goto finish_des;
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_DES3_CBC:
-	if ((key_type != CKK_DES2) && (key_type != CKK_DES3)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->blockSize = 8;
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (key_type == CKK_DES2 && 
-            (t == NSS_DES_EDE3_CBC || t == NSS_DES_EDE3)) {
-	    /* extend DES2 key to DES3 key. */
-	    memcpy(newdeskey, att->attrib.pValue, 16);
-	    memcpy(newdeskey + 16, newdeskey, 8);
-	    useNewKey=PR_TRUE;
-	} else if (key_type == CKK_CDMF) {
-	    crv = sftk_cdmf2des((unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,newdeskey);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    useNewKey=PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = DES_CreateContext(
-		useNewKey ? newdeskey : (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		(unsigned char*)pMechanism->pParameter,t, isEncrypt);
-	if (useNewKey) 
-	    memset(newdeskey, 0, sizeof newdeskey);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? DES_Encrypt : DES_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) DES_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_SEED_CBC:
-        if (!pMechanism->pParameter ||
-	     pMechanism->ulParameterLen != 16) {
-            break;
-        }
-        /* fall thru */
-    case CKM_SEED_ECB:
-	context->blockSize = 16;
-	if (key_type != CKK_SEED) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = SEED_CreateContext(
-	    (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-	    (unsigned char*)pMechanism->pParameter,
-	    pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_SEED_ECB ? NSS_SEED : NSS_SEED_CBC,
-	    isEncrypt);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher)(isEncrypt ? SEED_Encrypt : SEED_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) SEED_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-	if (!pMechanism->pParameter ||
-		 pMechanism->ulParameterLen != 16) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* fall thru */
-	context->blockSize = 16;
-	if (key_type != CKK_CAMELLIA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = Camellia_CreateContext(
-	    (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-	    (unsigned char*)pMechanism->pParameter,
-	    pMechanism->mechanism ==
-	    isEncrypt, att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ?
-					Camellia_Encrypt : Camellia_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) Camellia_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    case CKM_AES_CBC_PAD:
-	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-    case CKM_AES_ECB:
-    case CKM_AES_CBC:
-	context->blockSize = 16;
-    case CKM_AES_CTS:
-    case CKM_AES_CTR:
-    case CKM_AES_GCM:
-	if (pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_AES_GCM) {
-	    context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-	}
-	if (key_type != CKK_AES) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = AES_CreateContext(
-	    (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-	    (unsigned char*)pMechanism->pParameter,
-	    sftk_aes_mode(pMechanism->mechanism),
-	    isEncrypt, att->attrib.ulValueLen, 16);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? AES_Encrypt : AES_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) AES_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    case CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_POLY1305:
-	if (pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_AEAD_PARAMS)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-	if (key_type != CKK_NSS_CHACHA20) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_CreateContext(
-		(unsigned char*) att->attrib.pValue, att->attrib.ulValueLen,
-		(CK_NSS_AEAD_PARAMS*) pMechanism->pParameter);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_Encrypt :
-					sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_ChaCha20Poly1305_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    	context->doPad = PR_TRUE;
-	/* fall thru */
-	context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-	context->blockSize = 8;
-	if (key_type != CKK_AES) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = AESKeyWrap_CreateContext(
-	    (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-	    (unsigned char*)pMechanism->pParameter,
-	    isEncrypt, att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (context->cipherInfo == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (isEncrypt ? AESKeyWrap_Encrypt 
-	                                          : AESKeyWrap_Decrypt);
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) AESKeyWrap_DestroyContext;
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        sftk_FreeContext(context);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    sftk_SetContextByType(session, contextType, context);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_EncryptInit initializes an encryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_EncryptInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return sftk_CryptInit(hSession, pMechanism, hKey, CKA_ENCRYPT, CKA_ENCRYPT,
-/* NSC_EncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part encryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_EncryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG ulPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart,	
-					CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen,i;
-    unsigned int padoutlen = 0;
-    unsigned int maxout = *pulEncryptedPartLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_ENCRYPT,PR_TRUE,NULL);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (!pEncryptedPart) {
-	if (context->doPad) {
-	    CK_ULONG totalDataAvailable = ulPartLen + context->padDataLength;
-	    CK_ULONG blocksToSend = totalDataAvailable/context->blockSize;
-	    *pulEncryptedPartLen = blocksToSend * context->blockSize;
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-	*pulEncryptedPartLen = ulPartLen;
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* do padding */
-    if (context->doPad) {
-	/* deal with previous buffered data */
-	if (context->padDataLength != 0) {
-	    /* fill in the padded to a full block size */
-	    for (i=context->padDataLength; 
-			(ulPartLen != 0) && i < context->blockSize; i++) {
-		context->padBuf[i] = *pPart++;
-		ulPartLen--;
-		context->padDataLength++;
-	    }
-	    /* not enough data to encrypt yet? then return */
-	    if (context->padDataLength != context->blockSize) {
-		*pulEncryptedPartLen = 0;
-		return CKR_OK;
-	    }
-	    /* encrypt the current padded data */
-    	    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pEncryptedPart, 
-		&padoutlen, context->blockSize, context->padBuf,
-							context->blockSize);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		return sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    }
-	    pEncryptedPart += padoutlen;
-	    maxout -= padoutlen;
-	}
-	/* save the residual */
-	context->padDataLength = ulPartLen % context->blockSize;
-	if (context->padDataLength) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(context->padBuf,
-			&pPart[ulPartLen-context->padDataLength],
-							context->padDataLength);
-	    ulPartLen -= context->padDataLength;
-	}
-	/* if we've exhausted our new buffer, we're done */
-	if (ulPartLen == 0) {
-	    *pulEncryptedPartLen = padoutlen;
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-    }
-    /* do it: NOTE: this assumes buf size in is >= buf size out! */
-    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo,pEncryptedPart, 
-					&outlen, maxout, pPart, ulPartLen);
-    *pulEncryptedPartLen = (CK_ULONG) (outlen + padoutlen);
-    return (rv == SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-/* NSC_EncryptFinal finishes a multiple-part encryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_EncryptFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedPartLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen,i;
-    unsigned int maxout = *pulLastEncryptedPartLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    PRBool contextFinished = PR_TRUE;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_ENCRYPT,PR_TRUE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    *pulLastEncryptedPartLen = 0;
-    if (!pLastEncryptedPart) {
-	/* caller is checking the amount of remaining data */
-	if (context->blockSize > 0 && context->doPad) {
-	    *pulLastEncryptedPartLen = context->blockSize;
-	    contextFinished = PR_FALSE; /* still have padding to go */
-	}
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    /* do padding */
-    if (context->doPad) {
-	unsigned char  padbyte = (unsigned char) 
-				(context->blockSize - context->padDataLength); 
-	/* fill out rest of pad buffer with pad magic*/
-	for (i=context->padDataLength; i < context->blockSize; i++) {
-	    context->padBuf[i] = padbyte;
-	}
-	rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo,pLastEncryptedPart, 
-			&outlen, maxout, context->padBuf, context->blockSize);
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) *pulLastEncryptedPartLen = (CK_ULONG) outlen;
-    }
-    if (contextFinished)
-        sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_ENCRYPT, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return (rv == SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-/* NSC_Encrypt encrypts single-part data. */
-    		   CK_ULONG ulDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,
-		   CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    unsigned int maxoutlen = *pulEncryptedDataLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_RV crv2;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem   pText;
-    pText.type = siBuffer;
- = pData;
-    pText.len  = ulDataLen;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_ENCRYPT,PR_FALSE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (!pEncryptedData) {
-	*pulEncryptedDataLen = context->rsa ? context->maxLen :
-		ulDataLen + 2 * context->blockSize;
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    if (context->doPad) {
-	if (context->multi) {
-	    CK_ULONG finalLen;
-	    /* padding is fairly complicated, have the update and final 
-	     * code deal with it */
-	    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	    crv = NSC_EncryptUpdate(hSession, pData, ulDataLen, pEncryptedData, 
-	                            pulEncryptedDataLen);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) 
-	    	*pulEncryptedDataLen = 0;
-	    maxoutlen      -= *pulEncryptedDataLen;
-	    pEncryptedData += *pulEncryptedDataLen;
-	    finalLen = maxoutlen;
-	    crv2 = NSC_EncryptFinal(hSession, pEncryptedData, &finalLen);
-	    if (crv2 == CKR_OK) 
-	    	*pulEncryptedDataLen += finalLen;
-	    return crv == CKR_OK ? crv2 : crv;
-	}
-	/* doPad without multi means that padding must be done on the first
-	** and only update.  There will be no final.
-	*/
-	PORT_Assert(context->blockSize > 1);
-	if (context->blockSize > 1) {
-	    CK_ULONG remainder = ulDataLen % context->blockSize;
-	    CK_ULONG padding   = context->blockSize - remainder;
-	    pText.len += padding;
- = PORT_ZAlloc(pText.len);
-	    if ( {
-		memcpy(, pData, ulDataLen);
-		memset( + ulDataLen, padding, padding);
-	    } else {
-		goto fail;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* do it: NOTE: this assumes buf size is big enough. */
-    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pEncryptedData, 
-			    &outlen, maxoutlen,, pText.len);
-    crv = (rv == SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-    *pulEncryptedDataLen = (CK_ULONG) outlen;
-    if ( != pData)
-    	PORT_ZFree(, pText.len);
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_ENCRYPT, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Decrypt ************************
- */
-/* NSC_DecryptInit initializes a decryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DecryptInit( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return sftk_CryptInit(hSession, pMechanism, hKey, CKA_DECRYPT, CKA_DECRYPT,
-/* NSC_DecryptUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DecryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    				CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen)
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int padoutlen = 0;
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    unsigned int maxout = *pulPartLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_DECRYPT,PR_TRUE,NULL);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    /* this can only happen on an NSS programming error */
-    PORT_Assert((context->padDataLength == 0) 
-		|| context->padDataLength == context->blockSize);
-    if (context->doPad) {
-	/* Check the data length for block ciphers. If we are padding,
-	 * then we must be using a block cipher. In the non-padding case
-	 * the error will be returned by the underlying decryption
-	 * function when we do the actual decrypt. We need to do the
-	 * check here to avoid returning a negative length to the caller
-	 * or reading before the beginning of the pEncryptedPart buffer.
- 	 */
-	if ((ulEncryptedPartLen == 0) ||
-	    (ulEncryptedPartLen % context->blockSize) != 0) {
-	}
-    }
-    if (!pPart) {
-	if (context->doPad) {
-	    *pulPartLen = 
-		ulEncryptedPartLen + context->padDataLength - context->blockSize;
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-	/* for stream ciphers there is are no constraints on ulEncryptedPartLen.
-	 * for block ciphers, it must be a multiple of blockSize. The error is
-	 * detected when this function is called again do decrypt the output.
-	 */
-	*pulPartLen = ulEncryptedPartLen;
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (context->doPad) {
-	/* first decrypt our saved buffer */
-	if (context->padDataLength != 0) {
-    	    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pPart, &padoutlen,
-		 maxout, context->padBuf, context->blockSize);
-    	    if (rv != SECSuccess) return sftk_MapDecryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    pPart += padoutlen;
-	    maxout -= padoutlen;
-	}
-	/* now save the final block for the next decrypt or the final */
-	PORT_Memcpy(context->padBuf,&pEncryptedPart[ulEncryptedPartLen -
-				context->blockSize], context->blockSize);
-	context->padDataLength = context->blockSize;
-	ulEncryptedPartLen -= context->padDataLength;
-    }
-    /* do it: NOTE: this assumes buf size in is >= buf size out! */
-    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo,pPart, &outlen,
-		 maxout, pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen);
-    *pulPartLen = (CK_ULONG) (outlen + padoutlen);
-    return (rv == SECSuccess)  ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapDecryptError(PORT_GetError());
-/* NSC_DecryptFinal finishes a multiple-part decryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DecryptFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    unsigned int maxout = *pulLastPartLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_DECRYPT,PR_TRUE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    *pulLastPartLen = 0;
-    if (!pLastPart) {
-	/* caller is checking the amount of remaining data */
-	if (context->padDataLength > 0) {
-	    *pulLastPartLen = context->padDataLength;
-	}
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    if (context->doPad) {
-	/* decrypt our saved buffer */
-	if (context->padDataLength != 0) {
-	    /* this assumes that pLastPart is big enough to hold the *whole*
-	     * buffer!!! */
-    	    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pLastPart, &outlen,
-		 maxout, context->padBuf, context->blockSize);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		crv = sftk_MapDecryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    } else {
-		unsigned int padSize = 
-			    (unsigned int) pLastPart[context->blockSize-1];
-		if ((padSize > context->blockSize) || (padSize == 0)) {
-		} else {
-		    unsigned int i;
-		    unsigned int badPadding = 0;  /* used as a boolean */
-		    for (i = 0; i < padSize; i++) {
-			badPadding |=
-			    (unsigned int) pLastPart[context->blockSize-1-i] ^
-			    padSize;
-		    }
-		    if (badPadding) {
-		    } else {
-			*pulLastPartLen = outlen - padSize;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_DECRYPT, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_Decrypt decrypts encrypted data in a single part. */
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData,CK_ULONG ulEncryptedDataLen,CK_BYTE_PTR pData,
-    						CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    unsigned int maxoutlen = *pulDataLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_RV crv2;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_DECRYPT,PR_FALSE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (!pData) {
-	*pulDataLen = ulEncryptedDataLen + context->blockSize;
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    if (context->doPad && context->multi) {
-	CK_ULONG finalLen;
-	/* padding is fairly complicated, have the update and final 
-	 * code deal with it */
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	crv = NSC_DecryptUpdate(hSession,pEncryptedData,ulEncryptedDataLen,
-							pData, pulDataLen);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) 
-	    *pulDataLen = 0;
-	maxoutlen -= *pulDataLen;
-	pData     += *pulDataLen;
-	finalLen = maxoutlen;
-	crv2 = NSC_DecryptFinal(hSession, pData, &finalLen);
-	if (crv2 == CKR_OK) 
-	    *pulDataLen += finalLen;
-	return crv == CKR_OK ? crv2 : crv;
-    }
-    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pData, &outlen, maxoutlen, 
-					pEncryptedData, ulEncryptedDataLen);
-    /* XXX need to do MUCH better error mapping than this. */
-    crv = (rv == SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapDecryptError(PORT_GetError());
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && context->doPad) {
-	unsigned int padding = pData[outlen - 1];
-	if (padding > context->blockSize || !padding) {
-	} else {
-	    unsigned int i;
-	    unsigned int badPadding = 0;  /* used as a boolean */
-	    for (i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
-		badPadding |= (unsigned int) pData[outlen - 1 - i] ^ padding;
-	    }
-	    if (badPadding) {
-	    } else {
-		outlen -= padding;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    *pulDataLen = (CK_ULONG) outlen;
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_DECRYPT, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Digest (HASH)  ************************
- */
-/* NSC_DigestInit initializes a message-digesting operation. */
-    					CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) 
-    crv = sftk_InitGeneric(session,&context,SFTK_HASH,NULL,0,NULL, 0, 0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-#define INIT_MECH(mech,mmm) \
-    case mech: { \
-	mmm ## Context * mmm ## _ctx = mmm ## _NewContext(); \
-	context->cipherInfo    = (void *)mmm ## _ctx; \
-	context->cipherInfoLen = mmm ## _FlattenSize(mmm ## _ctx); \
-	context->currentMech   = mech; \
-	context->hashUpdate    = (SFTKHash)    mmm ## _Update; \
-	context->end           = (SFTKEnd)     mmm ## _End; \
-	context->destroy       = (SFTKDestroy) mmm ## _DestroyContext; \
-	context->maxLen        = mmm ## _LENGTH; \
-        if (mmm ## _ctx) \
-	    mmm ## _Begin(mmm ## _ctx); \
-	else  \
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; \
-	break; \
-    }
-    switch(pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    INIT_MECH(CKM_MD2,    MD2)
-    INIT_MECH(CKM_MD5,    MD5)
-    INIT_MECH(CKM_SHA224, SHA224)
-    INIT_MECH(CKM_SHA256, SHA256)
-    INIT_MECH(CKM_SHA384, SHA384)
-    INIT_MECH(CKM_SHA512, SHA512)
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        sftk_FreeContext(context);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    sftk_SetContextByType(session, SFTK_HASH, context);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_Digest digests data in a single part. */
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    						CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int digestLen;
-    unsigned int maxout = *pulDigestLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_HASH,PR_FALSE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (pDigest == NULL) {
-	*pulDigestLen = context->maxLen;
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    /* do it: */
-    (*context->hashUpdate)(context->cipherInfo, pData, ulDataLen);
-    /*  NOTE: this assumes buf size is bigenough for the algorithm */
-    (*context->end)(context->cipherInfo, pDigest, &digestLen,maxout);
-    *pulDigestLen = digestLen;
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_HASH, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_DigestUpdate continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation. */
-					    CK_ULONG ulPartLen)
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_HASH,PR_TRUE,NULL);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    /* do it: */
-    (*context->hashUpdate)(context->cipherInfo, pPart, ulPartLen);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_DigestFinal finishes a multiple-part message-digesting operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DigestFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest,
-    						CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int maxout = *pulDigestLen;
-    unsigned int digestLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession, &context, SFTK_HASH, PR_TRUE, &session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (pDigest != NULL) {
-        (*context->end)(context->cipherInfo, pDigest, &digestLen, maxout);
-        *pulDigestLen = digestLen;
-        sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_HASH, context );
-    } else {
-	*pulDigestLen = context->maxLen;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * these helper functions are used by Generic Macing and Signing functions
- * that use hashes as part of their operations. 
- */
-#define DOSUB(mmm) \
-static CK_RV \
-sftk_doSub ## mmm(SFTKSessionContext *context) { \
-    mmm ## Context * mmm ## _ctx = mmm ## _NewContext(); \
-    context->hashInfo    = (void *)      mmm ## _ctx; \
-    context->hashUpdate  = (SFTKHash)    mmm ## _Update; \
-    context->end         = (SFTKEnd)     mmm ## _End; \
-    context->hashdestroy = (SFTKDestroy) mmm ## _DestroyContext; \
-    if (!context->hashInfo) { \
-	return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; \
-    } \
-    mmm ## _Begin( mmm ## _ctx ); \
-    return CKR_OK; \
-static SECStatus
-	CK_ULONG *copyLen,
-	void *out, unsigned int *outLength,
-	unsigned int maxLength,
-	const unsigned char *hashResult,
-	unsigned int hashResultLength)
-    unsigned int toCopy = *copyLen;
-    if (toCopy > maxLength) {
-	toCopy = maxLength;
-    }
-    if (toCopy > hashResultLength) {
-	toCopy = hashResultLength;
-    }
-    memcpy(out, hashResult, toCopy);
-    if (outLength) {
-	*outLength = toCopy;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* Verify is just a compare for HMAC */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_HMACCmp(CK_ULONG *copyLen,unsigned char *sig,unsigned int sigLen,
-				unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen)
-    return (PORT_Memcmp(sig,hash,*copyLen) == 0) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure ; 
- * common HMAC initalization routine
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_doHMACInit(SFTKSessionContext *context,HASH_HashType hash,
-					SFTKObject *key, CK_ULONG mac_size)
-    SFTKAttribute *keyval;
-    HMACContext *HMACcontext;
-    CK_ULONG *intpointer;
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hash);
-    PRBool isFIPS = (key->slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID);
-    /* required by FIPS 198 Section 4 */
-    if (isFIPS && (mac_size < 4 || mac_size < hashObj->length/2)) {
-    }
-    keyval = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-    if (keyval == NULL) return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-    HMACcontext = HMAC_Create(hashObj, 
-		(const unsigned char*)keyval->attrib.pValue,
-		keyval->attrib.ulValueLen, isFIPS);
-    context->hashInfo = HMACcontext;
-    context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
-    if (context->hashInfo == NULL) {
-	if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS) {
-	    return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-	}
-    }
-    context->hashUpdate = (SFTKHash) HMAC_Update;
-    context->end = (SFTKEnd) HMAC_Finish;
-    context->hashdestroy = (SFTKDestroy) HMAC_Destroy;
-    intpointer = PORT_New(CK_ULONG);
-    if (intpointer == NULL) {
-    }
-    *intpointer = mac_size;
-    context->cipherInfo = intpointer;
-    context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_Space;
-    context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_SignCopy;
-    context->verify = (SFTKVerify) sftk_HMACCmp;
-    context->maxLen = hashObj->length;
-    HMAC_Begin(HMACcontext);
-    return CKR_OK;
- *  SSL Macing support. SSL Macs are inited, then update with the base
- * hashing algorithm, then finalized in sign and verify
- */
- * 60 bytes is 3 times the maximum length MAC size that is supported.
- * We probably should have one copy of this table. We still need this table
- * in ssl to 'sign' the handshake hashes.
- */
-static unsigned char ssl_pad_1 [60] = {
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36,
-    0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36
-static unsigned char ssl_pad_2 [60] = {
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c,
-    0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0x5c
-static SECStatus
-sftk_SSLMACSign(SFTKSSLMACInfo *info,unsigned char *sig,unsigned int *sigLen,
-		unsigned int maxLen,unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen)
-    unsigned char tmpBuf[SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH];
-    unsigned int out;
-    info->begin(info->hashContext);
-    info->update(info->hashContext,info->key,info->keySize);
-    info->update(info->hashContext,ssl_pad_2,info->padSize);
-    info->update(info->hashContext,hash,hashLen);
-    info->end(info->hashContext,tmpBuf,&out,SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH);
-    PORT_Memcpy(sig,tmpBuf,info->macSize);
-    *sigLen = info->macSize;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_SSLMACVerify(SFTKSSLMACInfo *info,unsigned char *sig,unsigned int sigLen,
-		unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen)
-    unsigned char tmpBuf[SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH];
-    unsigned int out;
-    info->begin(info->hashContext);
-    info->update(info->hashContext,info->key,info->keySize);
-    info->update(info->hashContext,ssl_pad_2,info->padSize);
-    info->update(info->hashContext,hash,hashLen);
-    info->end(info->hashContext,tmpBuf,&out,SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH);
-    return (PORT_Memcmp(sig,tmpBuf,info->macSize) == 0) ? 
-						SECSuccess : SECFailure;
- * common HMAC initalization routine
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_doSSLMACInit(SFTKSessionContext *context,SECOidTag oid,
-					SFTKObject *key, CK_ULONG mac_size)
-    SFTKAttribute *keyval;
-    SFTKBegin begin;
-    int padSize;
-    SFTKSSLMACInfo *sslmacinfo;
-    if (oid == SEC_OID_SHA1) {
-	crv = sftk_doSubSHA1(context);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-	begin = (SFTKBegin) SHA1_Begin;
-	padSize = 40;
-    } else {
-	crv = sftk_doSubMD5(context);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-	begin = (SFTKBegin) MD5_Begin;
-	padSize = 48;
-    }
-    context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-    keyval = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-    if (keyval == NULL) return CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE;
-    context->hashUpdate(context->hashInfo,keyval->attrib.pValue,
-						 keyval->attrib.ulValueLen);
-    context->hashUpdate(context->hashInfo,ssl_pad_1,padSize);
-    sslmacinfo = (SFTKSSLMACInfo *) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SFTKSSLMACInfo));
-    if (sslmacinfo == NULL) {
-        sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
-    }
-    sslmacinfo->macSize = mac_size;
-    sslmacinfo->hashContext = context->hashInfo;
-    PORT_Memcpy(sslmacinfo->key,keyval->attrib.pValue,
-					keyval->attrib.ulValueLen);
-    sslmacinfo->keySize = keyval->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    sslmacinfo->begin = begin;
-    sslmacinfo->end = context->end;
-    sslmacinfo->update = context->hashUpdate;
-    sslmacinfo->padSize = padSize;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
-    context->cipherInfo = (void *) sslmacinfo;
-    context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_Space;
-    context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_SSLMACSign;
-    context->verify = (SFTKVerify) sftk_SSLMACVerify;
-    context->maxLen = mac_size;
-    return CKR_OK;
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Sign  ************************
- */
- * Check if We're using CBCMacing and initialize the session context if we are.
- *  @param contextType SFTK_SIGN or SFTK_VERIFY
- *  @param keyUsage    check whether key allows this usage
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_InitCBCMac(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-						 SFTKContextType contextType)
-    CK_MECHANISM cbc_mechanism;
-    CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS rc2_params;
-    CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS rc5_params;
-    CK_RC5_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS *rc5_mac;
-    unsigned char ivBlock[SFTK_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    unsigned int blockSize;
-    switch (pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL:
-	mac_bytes = 
-	    ((CK_RC2_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter)->ulMacLength;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_RC2_MAC:
-	/* this works because ulEffectiveBits is in the same place in both the
-	rc2_params.ulEffectiveBits = ((CK_RC2_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS *)
-				pMechanism->pParameter)->ulEffectiveBits;
-	PORT_Memset(rc2_params.iv,0,sizeof(rc2_params.iv));
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_RC2_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &rc2_params;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = sizeof(rc2_params);
-	blockSize = 8;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL:
-	mac_bytes = 
-	    ((CK_RC5_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter)->ulMacLength;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_RC5_MAC:
-	/* this works because ulEffectiveBits is in the same place in both the
-	rc5_mac = (CK_RC5_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	rc5_params.ulWordsize = rc5_mac->ulWordsize;
-	rc5_params.ulRounds = rc5_mac->ulRounds;
-	rc5_params.pIv = ivBlock;
-	if( (blockSize = rc5_mac->ulWordsize*2) > SFTK_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE )
-            return CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID;
-	rc5_params.ulIvLen = blockSize;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_RC5_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &rc5_params;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = sizeof(rc5_params);
-	break;
-    /* add cast and idea later */
-	mac_bytes = *(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_DES_MAC:
-	blockSize = 8;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_DES_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &ivBlock;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = blockSize;
-	break;
-	mac_bytes = *(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_DES3_MAC:
-	blockSize = 8;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_DES3_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &ivBlock;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = blockSize;
-	break;
-	mac_bytes = *(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_CDMF_MAC:
-	blockSize = 8;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_CDMF_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &ivBlock;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = blockSize;
-	break;
-	mac_bytes = *(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_SEED_MAC:
-	blockSize = 16;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_SEED_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &ivBlock;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = blockSize;
-	break;
-	mac_bytes = *(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	/* fall through */
-	blockSize = 16;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &ivBlock;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = blockSize;
-	break;
-	mac_bytes = *(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_AES_MAC:
-	blockSize = 16;
-	PORT_Memset(ivBlock,0,blockSize);
-	cbc_mechanism.mechanism = CKM_AES_CBC;
-	cbc_mechanism.pParameter = &ivBlock;
-	cbc_mechanism.ulParameterLen = blockSize;
-	break;
-    default:
-    }
-    /* if MAC size is externally supplied, it should be checked.
-     */
-    if (mac_bytes == SFTK_INVALID_MAC_SIZE)
-        mac_bytes = blockSize >> 1;
-    else {
-        if( mac_bytes > blockSize )
-            return CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_CryptInit(hSession, &cbc_mechanism, hKey,
-            CKA_ENCRYPT, /* CBC mech is able to ENCRYPT, not SIGN/VERIFY */
-            keyUsage, contextType, PR_TRUE );
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,contextType,PR_TRUE,NULL);
-    /* this shouldn't happen! */
-    PORT_Assert(crv == CKR_OK);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    context->blockSize = blockSize;
-    context->macSize = mac_bytes;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * encode RSA PKCS #1 Signature data before signing... 
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSAHashSign(SFTKHashSignInfo *info, unsigned char *sig,
-                 unsigned int *sigLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                 const unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen)
-    PORT_Assert(info->key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (info->key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return RSA_HashSign(info->hashOid, info->key, sig, sigLen, maxLen,
-                        hash, hashLen);
-/* XXX Old template; want to expunge it eventually. */
-static DERTemplate SECAlgorithmIDTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID) },
-	  offsetof(SECAlgorithmID,algorithm) },
-	  offsetof(SECAlgorithmID,parameters) },
-    { 0 }
- * XXX OLD Template.  Once all uses have been switched over to new one,
- * remove this.
- */
-static DERTemplate SGNDigestInfoTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SGNDigestInfo) },
-    { DER_INLINE,
-	  offsetof(SGNDigestInfo,digestAlgorithm),
-	  SECAlgorithmIDTemplate },
-	  offsetof(SGNDigestInfo,digest) },
-    { 0 }
- * encode RSA PKCS #1 Signature data before signing... 
- */
-RSA_HashSign(SECOidTag hashOid, NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key,
-             unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *sigLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-             const unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem digder;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SGNDigestInfo *di = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (!arena) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Construct digest info */
-    di = SGN_CreateDigestInfo(hashOid, hash, hashLen);
-    if (!di) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Der encode the digest as a DigestInfo */
-    rv = DER_Encode(arena, &digder, SGNDigestInfoTemplate, di);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-    ** Encrypt signature after constructing appropriate PKCS#1 signature
-    ** block
-    */
-    rv = RSA_Sign(&key->u.rsa, sig, sigLen, maxLen,,
-                  digder.len);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-  loser:
-    SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(di);
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSASign(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key, unsigned char *output,
-             unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-             const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_Sign(&key->u.rsa, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input,
-                  inputLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSASignRaw(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key, unsigned char *output,
-                unsigned int *outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-                const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    rv = RSA_SignRaw(&key->u.rsa, output, outputLen, maxOutputLen, input,
-                     inputLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSASignPSS(SFTKHashSignInfo *info, unsigned char *sig,
-                unsigned int *sigLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-                const unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    HASH_HashType hashAlg;
-    HASH_HashType maskHashAlg;
-    CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS *params = (CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS *)info->params;
-    PORT_Assert(info->key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (info->key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->hashAlg);
-    maskHashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->mgf);
-    rv = RSA_SignPSS(&info->key->u.rsa, hashAlg, maskHashAlg, NULL,
-                     params->sLen, sig, sigLen, maxLen, hash, hashLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-        sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-nsc_DSA_Verify_Stub(void *ctx, void *sigBuf, unsigned int sigLen,
-                               void *dataBuf, unsigned int dataLen)
-    SECItem signature, digest;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)ctx;
- = (unsigned char *)sigBuf;
-    signature.len = sigLen;
- = (unsigned char *)dataBuf;
-    digest.len = dataLen;
-    return DSA_VerifyDigest(&(key->u.dsa), &signature, &digest);
-static SECStatus
-nsc_DSA_Sign_Stub(void *ctx, void *sigBuf,
-                  unsigned int *sigLen, unsigned int maxSigLen,
-                  void *dataBuf, unsigned int dataLen)
-    SECItem signature, digest;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *)ctx;
- = (unsigned char *)sigBuf;
-    signature.len = maxSigLen;
- = (unsigned char *)dataBuf;
-    digest.len = dataLen;
-    rv = DSA_SignDigest(&(key->u.dsa), &signature, &digest);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    *sigLen = signature.len;
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-nsc_ECDSAVerifyStub(void *ctx, void *sigBuf, unsigned int sigLen,
-                    void *dataBuf, unsigned int dataLen)
-    SECItem signature, digest;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key = (NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *)ctx;
- = (unsigned char *)sigBuf;
-    signature.len = sigLen;
- = (unsigned char *)dataBuf;
-    digest.len = dataLen;
-    return ECDSA_VerifyDigest(&(key->, &signature, &digest);
-static SECStatus
-nsc_ECDSASignStub(void *ctx, void *sigBuf,
-                  unsigned int *sigLen, unsigned int maxSigLen,
-                  void *dataBuf, unsigned int dataLen)
-    SECItem signature, digest;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *)ctx;
- = (unsigned char *)sigBuf;
-    signature.len = maxSigLen;
- = (unsigned char *)dataBuf;
-    digest.len = dataLen;
-    rv = ECDSA_SignDigest(&(key->, &signature, &digest);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess && PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-	sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    *sigLen = signature.len;
-    return rv;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-/* NSC_SignInit setups up the signing operations. There are three basic
- * types of signing:
- *	(1) the tradition single part, where "Raw RSA" or "Raw DSA" is applied
- *  to data in a single Sign operation (which often looks a lot like an
- *  encrypt, with data coming in and data going out).
- *	(2) Hash based signing, where we continually hash the data, then apply
- *  some sort of signature to the end.
- *	(3) Block Encryption CBC MAC's, where the Data is encrypted with a key,
- *  and only the final block is part of the mac.
- *
- *  For case number 3, we initialize a context much like the Encryption Context
- *  (in fact we share code). We detect case 3 in C_SignUpdate, C_Sign, and 
- *  C_Final by the following method... if it's not multi-part, and it's doesn't
- *  have a hash context, it must be a block Encryption CBC MAC.
- *
- *  For case number 2, we initialize a hash structure, as well as make it 
- *  multi-part. Updates are simple calls to the hash update function. Final
- *  calls the hashend, then passes the result to the 'update' function (which
- *  operates as a final signature function). In some hash based MAC'ing (as
- *  opposed to hash base signatures), the update function is can be simply a 
- *  copy (as is the case with HMAC).
- */
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-    SFTKHashSignInfo *info = NULL;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* Block Cipher MACing Algorithms use a different Context init method..*/
-    crv = sftk_InitCBCMac(hSession, pMechanism, hKey, CKA_SIGN, SFTK_SIGN);
-    if (crv != CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED) return crv;
-    /* we're not using a block cipher mac */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    crv = sftk_InitGeneric(session,&context,SFTK_SIGN,&key,hKey,&key_type,
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-#define INIT_RSA_SIGN_MECH(mmm) \
-    case CKM_ ## mmm ## _RSA_PKCS: \
-        context->multi = PR_TRUE; \
-	crv = sftk_doSub ## mmm (context); \
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break; \
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_RSAHashSign; \
-	info = PORT_New(SFTKHashSignInfo); \
-	if (info == NULL) { crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; break; } \
-	info->hashOid = SEC_OID_ ## mmm ; \
-	goto finish_rsa; 
-    switch(pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_RSASign;
-	goto finish_rsa;
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_RSASignRaw;
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	privKey = sftk_GetPrivKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	if (privKey == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* OK, info is allocated only if we're doing hash and sign mechanism.
-	 * It's necessary to be able to set the correct OID in the final 
-	 * signature.
-	 */
-	if (info) {
-	    info->key = privKey;
-	    context->cipherInfo = info;
-	    context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy)sftk_Space;
-	} else {
-	    context->cipherInfo = privKey;
-	    context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy)sftk_Null;
-	}
-	context->maxLen = nsslowkey_PrivateModulusLen(privKey);
-	break;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    break;
-	} 
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	if (pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS) ||
-	    !sftk_ValidatePssParams((const CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS*)pMechanism->pParameter)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	info = PORT_New(SFTKHashSignInfo);
-	if (info == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	info->params = pMechanism->pParameter;
-	info->key = sftk_GetPrivKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	if (info->key == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(info);
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = info;
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_Space;
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) sftk_RSASignPSS;
-	context->maxLen = nsslowkey_PrivateModulusLen(info->key);
-	break;	
-    case CKM_DSA_SHA1:
-        context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-	crv = sftk_doSubSHA1(context);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_DSA:
-	if (key_type != CKK_DSA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	privKey = sftk_GetPrivKey(key,CKK_DSA,&crv);
-	if (privKey == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = privKey;
-	context->update     = (SFTKCipher) nsc_DSA_Sign_Stub;
-	context->destroy    = (privKey == key->objectInfo) ?
-		(SFTKDestroy) sftk_Null:(SFTKDestroy)sftk_FreePrivKey;
-	context->maxLen     = DSA_MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN;
-	break;
-    case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1:
-	context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-	crv = sftk_doSubSHA1(context);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_ECDSA:
-	if (key_type != CKK_EC) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	privKey = sftk_GetPrivKey(key,CKK_EC,&crv);
-	if (privKey == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = privKey;
-	context->update     = (SFTKCipher) nsc_ECDSASignStub;
-	context->destroy    = (privKey == key->objectInfo) ?
-		(SFTKDestroy) sftk_Null:(SFTKDestroy)sftk_FreePrivKey;
-	context->maxLen     = MAX_ECKEY_LEN * 2;
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-#define INIT_HMAC_MECH(mmm) \
-    case CKM_ ## mmm ## _HMAC_GENERAL: \
-	crv = sftk_doHMACInit(context, HASH_Alg ## mmm ,key, \
-				*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter); \
-	break; \
-    case CKM_ ## mmm ## _HMAC: \
-	crv = sftk_doHMACInit(context, HASH_Alg ## mmm ,key, mmm ## _LENGTH); \
-	break; 
-	crv = sftk_doHMACInit(context,HASH_AlgSHA1,key,
-				*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC:
-	crv = sftk_doHMACInit(context,HASH_AlgSHA1,key,SHA1_LENGTH);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC:
-	crv = sftk_doSSLMACInit(context,SEC_OID_MD5,key,
-					*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC:
-	crv = sftk_doSSLMACInit(context,SEC_OID_SHA1,key,
-					*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_TLSPRFInit(context, key, key_type, HASH_AlgNULL, 0);
-	break;
-    case CKM_TLS_MAC: {
-	CK_TLS_MAC_PARAMS *tls12_mac_params;
-	HASH_HashType tlsPrfHash;
-	const char *label;
-	if (pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_TLS_MAC_PARAMS)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	tls12_mac_params = (CK_TLS_MAC_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	if (tls12_mac_params->prfMechanism == CKM_TLS_PRF) {
-	    /* The TLS 1.0 and 1.1 PRF */
-	    tlsPrfHash = HASH_AlgNULL;
-	    if (tls12_mac_params->ulMacLength != 12) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* The hash function for the TLS 1.2 PRF */
-	    tlsPrfHash =
-		GetHashTypeFromMechanism(tls12_mac_params->prfMechanism);
-	    if (tlsPrfHash == HASH_AlgNULL ||
-		tls12_mac_params->ulMacLength < 12) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (tls12_mac_params->ulServerOrClient == 1) {
-	    label = "server finished";
-	} else if (tls12_mac_params->ulServerOrClient == 2) {
-	    label = "client finished";
-	} else {
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_TLSPRFInit(context, key, key_type, tlsPrfHash,
-			      tls12_mac_params->ulMacLength);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	    context->hashUpdate(context->hashInfo, label, 15);
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-	crv = sftk_TLSPRFInit(context, key, key_type, HASH_AlgSHA256, 0);
-	break;
-	sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx =
-	    sftk_HMACConstantTime_New(pMechanism,key);
-	CK_ULONG *intpointer;
-	if (ctx == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-	    break;
-	}
-	intpointer = PORT_New(CK_ULONG);
-	if (intpointer == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(ctx);
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	*intpointer = ctx->hash->length;
-	context->cipherInfo    = intpointer;
-	context->hashInfo      = ctx;
-	context->currentMech   = pMechanism->mechanism;
-	context->hashUpdate    = sftk_HMACConstantTime_Update;
-	context->hashdestroy   = sftk_MACConstantTime_DestroyContext;
-	context->end           = sftk_MACConstantTime_EndHash;
-	context->update        = (SFTKCipher) sftk_SignCopy;
-	context->destroy       = sftk_Space;
-	context->maxLen        = 64;
-	context->multi         = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    }
-	sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx =
-	    sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_New(pMechanism,key);
-	CK_ULONG *intpointer;
-	if (ctx == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-	    break;
-	}
-	intpointer = PORT_New(CK_ULONG);
-	if (intpointer == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(ctx);
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	*intpointer = ctx->hash->length;
-	context->cipherInfo    = intpointer;
-	context->hashInfo      = ctx;
-	context->currentMech   = pMechanism->mechanism;
-	context->hashUpdate    = sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_Update;
-	context->hashdestroy   = sftk_MACConstantTime_DestroyContext;
-	context->end           = sftk_MACConstantTime_EndHash;
-	context->update        = (SFTKCipher) sftk_SignCopy;
-	context->destroy       = sftk_Space;
-	context->maxLen        = 64;
-	context->multi         = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-    }
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (info) PORT_Free(info);
-        sftk_FreeContext(context);
-        sftk_FreeSession(session);
-        return crv;
-    }
-    sftk_SetContextByType(session, SFTK_SIGN, context);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/** MAC one block of data by block cipher
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_MACBlock( SFTKSessionContext *ctx, void *blk )
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    return ( SECSuccess == (ctx->update)( ctx->cipherInfo, ctx->macBuf, &outlen,
-                SFTK_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, blk, ctx->blockSize ))
-            ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-/** MAC last (incomplete) block of data by block cipher
- *
- *  Call once, then terminate MACing operation.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_MACFinal( SFTKSessionContext *ctx )
-    unsigned int padLen = ctx->padDataLength;
-    /* pad and proceed the residual */
-    if( padLen ) {
-        /* shd clr ctx->padLen to make sftk_MACFinal idempotent */
-        PORT_Memset( ctx->padBuf + padLen, 0, ctx->blockSize - padLen );
-        return sftk_MACBlock( ctx, ctx->padBuf );
-    } else
-        return CKR_OK;
-/** The common implementation for {Sign,Verify}Update. (S/V only vary in their
- * setup and final operations).
- * 
- * A call which results in an error terminates the operation [PKCS#11,v2.11]
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_MACUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-    					CK_ULONG ulPartLen,SFTKContextType type)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,type, PR_TRUE, &session );
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (context->hashInfo) {
-	(*context->hashUpdate)(context->hashInfo, pPart, ulPartLen);
-    } else {   
-    	/* must be block cipher MACing */
-        unsigned int  blkSize   = context->blockSize;
-        unsigned char *residual = /* free room in context->padBuf */
-                                context->padBuf + context->padDataLength;
-        unsigned int  minInput  = /* min input for MACing at least one block */
-                                blkSize - context->padDataLength;
-        /* not enough data even for one block */
-        if( ulPartLen < minInput ) {
-            PORT_Memcpy( residual, pPart, ulPartLen );
-            context->padDataLength += ulPartLen;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        /* MACing residual */
-        if( context->padDataLength ) {
-            PORT_Memcpy( residual, pPart, minInput );
-            ulPartLen -= minInput;
-            pPart     += minInput;
-            if( CKR_OK != (crv = sftk_MACBlock( context, context->padBuf )) )
-                goto terminate;
-        }
-        /* MACing full blocks */
-        while( ulPartLen >= blkSize )
-        {
-            if( CKR_OK != (crv = sftk_MACBlock( context, pPart )) )
-                goto terminate;
-            ulPartLen -= blkSize;
-            pPart     += blkSize;
-        }
-        /* save the residual */
-        if( (context->padDataLength = ulPartLen) )
-            PORT_Memcpy( context->padBuf, pPart, ulPartLen );
-    } /* blk cipher MACing */
-    goto  cleanup;
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, type, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_SignUpdate continues a multiple-part signature operation,
- * where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature 
- *
- * A call which results in an error terminates the operation [PKCS#11,v2.11]
- */
-    							CK_ULONG ulPartLen)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return sftk_MACUpdate(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, SFTK_SIGN);
-/* NSC_SignFinal finishes a multiple-part signature operation, 
- * returning the signature. */
-CK_RV NSC_SignFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-					    CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    unsigned int maxoutlen = *pulSignatureLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_SIGN,PR_TRUE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (context->hashInfo) {
-        unsigned int digestLen;
-        unsigned char tmpbuf[SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH];
-        if( !pSignature ) {
-            outlen = context->maxLen; goto finish;
-        }
-        (*context->end)(context->hashInfo, tmpbuf, &digestLen, sizeof(tmpbuf));
-        if( SECSuccess != (context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pSignature,
-                    &outlen, maxoutlen, tmpbuf, digestLen))
-            crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-        /* CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL here isn't continuable, let operation terminate.
-         * Keeping "too small" CK_RV intact is a standard violation, but allows
-         * application read EXACT signature length */
-    } else {
-        /* must be block cipher MACing */
-        outlen = context->macSize;
-        /* null or "too small" buf doesn't terminate operation [PKCS#11,v2.11]*/
-        if( !pSignature  ||  maxoutlen < outlen ) {
-            if( pSignature ) crv = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-            goto finish;
-        }
-        if( CKR_OK == (crv = sftk_MACFinal( context )) )
-	    PORT_Memcpy(pSignature, context->macBuf, outlen );
-    }
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_SIGN, context );
-    *pulSignatureLen = outlen;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_Sign signs (encrypts with private key) data in a single part,
- * where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pData,CK_ULONG ulDataLen,CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,
-    					CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_SIGN,PR_FALSE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (!pSignature) {
-        /* see also how C_SignUpdate implements this */
-	*pulSignatureLen = (!context->multi || context->hashInfo)
-            ? context->maxLen
-            : context->macSize; /* must be block cipher MACing */
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    /* multi part Signing are completely implemented by SignUpdate and
-     * sign Final */
-    if (context->multi) {
-        /* SignFinal can't follow failed SignUpdate */
-	if( CKR_OK == (crv = NSC_SignUpdate(hSession,pData,ulDataLen) ))
-            crv = NSC_SignFinal(hSession, pSignature, pulSignatureLen);
-    } else {   
-    	/* single-part PKC signature (e.g. CKM_ECDSA) */
-        unsigned int outlen;
-        unsigned int maxoutlen = *pulSignatureLen;
-        if( SECSuccess != (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pSignature,
-                    &outlen, maxoutlen, pData, ulDataLen))
-            crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-        *pulSignatureLen = (CK_ULONG) outlen;
-        /*  "too small" here is certainly continuable */
-        if( crv != CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL )
-            sftk_TerminateOp(session, SFTK_SIGN, context);
-    } /* single-part */
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Sign Recover  ************************
- */
-/* NSC_SignRecoverInit initializes a signature operation,
- * where the (digest) data can be recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. encryption with the user's private key */
-CK_RV NSC_SignRecoverInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    switch (pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	return NSC_SignInit(hSession,pMechanism,hKey);
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-/* NSC_SignRecover signs data in a single operation
- * where the (digest) data can be recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. encryption with the user's private key */
-  CK_ULONG ulDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return NSC_Sign(hSession,pData,ulDataLen,pSignature,pulSignatureLen);
- ************** Crypto Functions:     verify  ************************
- */
-/* Handle RSA Signature formatting */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_hashCheckSign(SFTKHashVerifyInfo *info, const unsigned char *sig, 
-                   unsigned int sigLen, const unsigned char *digest,
-                   unsigned int digestLen)
-    PORT_Assert(info->key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (info->key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return RSA_HashCheckSign(info->hashOid, info->key, sig, sigLen, digest,
-                             digestLen);
-RSA_HashCheckSign(SECOidTag digestOid, NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key,
-                  const unsigned char *sig, unsigned int sigLen,
-                  const unsigned char *digestData, unsigned int digestLen)
-    unsigned char *pkcs1DigestInfoData;
-    SECItem pkcs1DigestInfo;
-    SECItem digest;
-    unsigned int bufferSize;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    /* must be less than key->u.rsa.modulus.len */
-    bufferSize = key->u.rsa.modulus.len;
-    pkcs1DigestInfoData = PORT_ZAlloc(bufferSize);
-    if (!pkcs1DigestInfoData) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
- = pkcs1DigestInfoData;
-    pkcs1DigestInfo.len = bufferSize;
-    /* decrypt the block */
-    rv = RSA_CheckSignRecover(&key->u.rsa,,
-                             &pkcs1DigestInfo.len, pkcs1DigestInfo.len,
-                             sig, sigLen);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-    } else {
- = (PRUint8*) digestData;
-        digest.len = digestLen;
-        rv = _SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo(
-                digestOid, &digest, &pkcs1DigestInfo,
-                PR_TRUE /*XXX: unsafeAllowMissingParameters*/);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(pkcs1DigestInfoData);
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSACheckSign(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key, const unsigned char *sig,
-                  unsigned int sigLen, const unsigned char *digest,
-                  unsigned int digestLen)
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return RSA_CheckSign(&key->u.rsa, sig, sigLen, digest, digestLen);
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSACheckSignRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key, const unsigned char *sig,
-                     unsigned int sigLen, const unsigned char *digest,
-                     unsigned int digestLen)
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return RSA_CheckSignRaw(&key->u.rsa, sig, sigLen, digest, digestLen);
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSACheckSignPSS(SFTKHashVerifyInfo *info, const unsigned char *sig,
-                     unsigned int sigLen, const unsigned char *digest,
-                     unsigned int digestLen)
-    HASH_HashType hashAlg;
-    HASH_HashType maskHashAlg;
-    CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS *params = (CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS *)info->params;
-    PORT_Assert(info->key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (info->key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->hashAlg);
-    maskHashAlg = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(params->mgf);
-    return RSA_CheckSignPSS(&info->key->u.rsa, hashAlg, maskHashAlg,
-                            params->sLen, sig, sigLen, digest, digestLen);
-/* NSC_VerifyInit initializes a verification operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature (e.g. DSA) */
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubKey;
-    SFTKHashVerifyInfo *info = NULL;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* Block Cipher MACing Algorithms use a different Context init method..*/
-    crv = sftk_InitCBCMac(hSession, pMechanism, hKey, CKA_VERIFY, SFTK_VERIFY);
-    if (crv != CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED) return crv;
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    crv = sftk_InitGeneric(session,&context,SFTK_VERIFY,&key,hKey,&key_type,
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-#define INIT_RSA_VFY_MECH(mmm) \
-    case CKM_ ## mmm ## _RSA_PKCS: \
-        context->multi = PR_TRUE; \
-	crv = sftk_doSub ## mmm (context); \
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break; \
-	context->verify = (SFTKVerify) sftk_hashCheckSign; \
-	info = PORT_New(SFTKHashVerifyInfo); \
-	if (info == NULL) { crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; break; } \
-	info->hashOid = SEC_OID_ ## mmm ; \
-	goto finish_rsa; 
-    switch(pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-	context->verify = (SFTKVerify) sftk_RSACheckSign;
-	goto finish_rsa;
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	context->verify = (SFTKVerify) sftk_RSACheckSignRaw;
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    if (info) PORT_Free(info);
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	pubKey = sftk_GetPubKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	    if (info) PORT_Free(info);
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (info) {
-	    info->key = pubKey;
-	    context->cipherInfo = info;
-	    context->destroy = sftk_Space;
-	} else {
-	    context->cipherInfo = pubKey;
-	    context->destroy = sftk_Null;
-	}
-	break;
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    break;
-	} 
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	if (pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS) ||
-	    !sftk_ValidatePssParams((const CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS*)pMechanism->pParameter)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	info = PORT_New(SFTKHashVerifyInfo);
-	if (info == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	info->params = pMechanism->pParameter;
-	info->key = sftk_GetPubKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	if (info->key == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Free(info);
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = info;
-	context->destroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_Space;
-	context->verify = (SFTKVerify) sftk_RSACheckSignPSS;
-	break;
-    case CKM_DSA_SHA1:
-        context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-	crv = sftk_doSubSHA1(context);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_DSA:
-	if (key_type != CKK_DSA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	pubKey = sftk_GetPubKey(key,CKK_DSA,&crv);
-	if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = pubKey;
-	context->verify     = (SFTKVerify) nsc_DSA_Verify_Stub;
-	context->destroy    = sftk_Null;
-	break;
-    case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1:
-	context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-	crv = sftk_doSubSHA1(context);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	/* fall through */
-    case CKM_ECDSA:
-	if (key_type != CKK_EC) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	pubKey = sftk_GetPubKey(key,CKK_EC,&crv);
-	if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = pubKey;
-	context->verify     = (SFTKVerify) nsc_ECDSAVerifyStub;
-	context->destroy    = sftk_Null;
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-	crv = sftk_doHMACInit(context,HASH_AlgSHA1,key,
-				*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC:
-	crv = sftk_doHMACInit(context,HASH_AlgSHA1,key,SHA1_LENGTH);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC:
-	crv = sftk_doSSLMACInit(context,SEC_OID_MD5,key,
-					*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter);
-	break;
-    case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC:
-	crv = sftk_doSSLMACInit(context,SEC_OID_SHA1,key,
-					*(CK_ULONG *)pMechanism->pParameter);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_TLSPRFInit(context, key, key_type, HASH_AlgNULL, 0);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_TLSPRFInit(context, key, key_type, HASH_AlgSHA256, 0);
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (info) PORT_Free(info);
-        sftk_FreeContext(context);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    sftk_SetContextByType(session, SFTK_VERIFY, context);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_Verify verifies a signature in a single-part operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature */
-    CK_ULONG ulDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_VERIFY,PR_FALSE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    /* multi part Verifying are completely implemented by VerifyUpdate and
-     * VerifyFinal */
-    if (context->multi) {
-        /* VerifyFinal can't follow failed VerifyUpdate */
-	if( CKR_OK == (crv = NSC_VerifyUpdate(hSession, pData, ulDataLen)))
-            crv = NSC_VerifyFinal(hSession, pSignature, ulSignatureLen);
-    } else {
-        if (SECSuccess != (*context->verify)(context->cipherInfo,pSignature,
-                                             ulSignatureLen, pData, ulDataLen))
-            crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-        sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_VERIFY, context );
-    }
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_VerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part verification operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature
- *
- * A call which results in an error terminates the operation [PKCS#11,v2.11]
- */
-CK_RV NSC_VerifyUpdate( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pPart,
-						CK_ULONG ulPartLen)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    return sftk_MACUpdate(hSession, pPart, ulPartLen, SFTK_VERIFY);
-/* NSC_VerifyFinal finishes a multiple-part verification operation, 
- * checking the signature. */
-CK_RV NSC_VerifyFinal(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (!pSignature) 
-    	return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD;
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_VERIFY,PR_TRUE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) 
-    	return crv;
-    if (context->hashInfo) {
-        unsigned int digestLen;
-        unsigned char tmpbuf[SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH];
-        (*context->end)(context->hashInfo, tmpbuf, &digestLen, sizeof(tmpbuf));
-        if( SECSuccess != (context->verify)(context->cipherInfo, pSignature,
-                                            ulSignatureLen, tmpbuf, digestLen))
-            crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-    } else if (ulSignatureLen != context->macSize) {
-	/* must be block cipher MACing */
-    } else if (CKR_OK == (crv = sftk_MACFinal(context))) {
-	if (PORT_Memcmp(pSignature, context->macBuf, ulSignatureLen))
-    }
-    sftk_TerminateOp( session, SFTK_VERIFY, context );
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return crv;
- ************** Crypto Functions:     Verify  Recover ************************
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSACheckSignRecover(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key, unsigned char *data,
-                         unsigned int *dataLen, unsigned int maxDataLen,
-                         const unsigned char *sig, unsigned int sigLen)
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return RSA_CheckSignRecover(&key->u.rsa, data, dataLen, maxDataLen,
-                                sig, sigLen);
-static SECStatus
-sftk_RSACheckSignRecoverRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key, unsigned char *data,
-                            unsigned int *dataLen, unsigned int maxDataLen,
-                            const unsigned char *sig, unsigned int sigLen)
-    PORT_Assert(key->keyType == NSSLOWKEYRSAKey);
-    if (key->keyType != NSSLOWKEYRSAKey) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return RSA_CheckSignRecoverRaw(&key->u.rsa, data, dataLen, maxDataLen,
-                                   sig, sigLen);
-/* NSC_VerifyRecoverInit initializes a signature verification operation, 
- * where the data is recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. Decryption with the user's public key */
-CK_RV NSC_VerifyRecoverInit(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubKey;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    crv = sftk_InitGeneric(session,&context,SFTK_VERIFY_RECOVER,
-			&key,hKey,&key_type,CKO_PUBLIC_KEY,CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-    switch(pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RSA_PKCS:
-    case CKM_RSA_X_509:
-	if (key_type != CKK_RSA) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->multi = PR_FALSE;
-	context->rsa = PR_TRUE;
-	pubKey = sftk_GetPubKey(key,CKK_RSA,&crv);
-	if (pubKey == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	context->cipherInfo = pubKey;
-	context->update = (SFTKCipher) (pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_RSA_X_509
-			? sftk_RSACheckSignRecoverRaw : sftk_RSACheckSignRecover);
-	context->destroy = sftk_Null;
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        PORT_Free(context);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    sftk_SetContextByType(session, SFTK_VERIFY_RECOVER, context);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_VerifyRecover verifies a signature in a single-part operation, 
- * where the data is recovered from the signature. 
- * E.g. Decryption with the user's public key */
-CK_RV NSC_VerifyRecover(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-		 CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature,CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen,
-    				CK_BYTE_PTR pData,CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    unsigned int outlen;
-    unsigned int maxoutlen = *pulDataLen;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_VERIFY_RECOVER,
-							PR_FALSE,&session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    if (pData == NULL) {
-	/* to return the actual size, we need  to do the decrypt, just return
-	 * the max size, which is the size of the input signature. */
-	*pulDataLen = ulSignatureLen;
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-	goto finish;
-    }
-    rv = (*context->update)(context->cipherInfo, pData, &outlen, maxoutlen, 
-						pSignature, ulSignatureLen);
-    *pulDataLen = (CK_ULONG) outlen;
-    sftk_TerminateOp(session, SFTK_VERIFY_RECOVER, context);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return (rv == SECSuccess)  ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapVerifyError(PORT_GetError());
- **************************** Random Functions:  ************************
- */
-/* NSC_SeedRandom mixes additional seed material into the token's random number 
- * generator. */
-    CK_ULONG ulSeedLen) 
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = RNG_RandomUpdate(pSeed, ulSeedLen);
-    return (rv == SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-/* NSC_GenerateRandom generates random data. */
-CK_RV NSC_GenerateRandom(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR	pRandomData, CK_ULONG ulRandomLen)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(pRandomData, ulRandomLen);
-    /*
-     * This may fail with SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM, which means the RNG isn't
-     * seeded with enough entropy.
-     */
-    return (rv == SECSuccess) ? CKR_OK : sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
- **************************** Key Functions:  ************************
- */
- * generate a password based encryption key. This code uses
- * PKCS5 to do the work.
- */
-static CK_RV
-nsc_pbe_key_gen(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pkcs5_pbe, CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-			void *buf, CK_ULONG *key_length, PRBool faulty3DES)
-    SECItem *pbe_key = NULL, iv, pwitem;
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params = NULL;
-    CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *pbkd2_params = NULL;
-    *key_length = 0;
- = NULL; iv.len = 0;
-    if (pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2) {
-	pbkd2_params = (CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
- = (unsigned char *)pbkd2_params->pPassword;
-	/* was this a typo in the PKCS #11 spec? */
-	pwitem.len = *pbkd2_params->ulPasswordLen;
-    } else {
-	pbe_params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
- = (unsigned char *)pbe_params->pPassword;
-	pwitem.len = pbe_params->ulPasswordLen;
-    }
-    pbe_key = nsspkcs5_ComputeKeyAndIV(pkcs5_pbe, &pwitem, &iv, faulty3DES);
-    if (pbe_key == NULL) {
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(buf, pbe_key->data, pbe_key->len);
-    *key_length = pbe_key->len;
-    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(pbe_key, PR_TRUE);
-    pbe_key = NULL;
-    if ( {
-        if (pbe_params && pbe_params->pInitVector != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Memcpy(pbe_params->pInitVector,, iv.len);
-        }
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * this is coded for "full" support. These selections will be limitted to
- * the official subset by freebl.
- */
-static unsigned int
-sftk_GetSubPrimeFromPrime(unsigned int primeBits)
-   if (primeBits <= 1024) {
-	return 160;
-   } else if (primeBits <= 2048) {
-	return 224;
-   } else if (primeBits <= 3072) {
-	return 256;
-   } else if (primeBits <= 7680) {
-	return 384;
-   } else {
-	return 512;
-   }
-static CK_RV
-nsc_parameter_gen(CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, SFTKObject *key)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    CK_ULONG counter;
-    unsigned int seedBits = 0;
-    unsigned int subprimeBits = 0;
-    unsigned int primeBits;
-    unsigned int j = 8; /* default to 1024 bits */
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    PQGParams *params = NULL;
-    PQGVerify *vfy = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_PRIME_BITS);
-    if (attribute == NULL) {
-    }
-    primeBits = (unsigned int) *(CK_ULONG *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    if (primeBits < 1024) {
-	j = PQG_PBITS_TO_INDEX(primeBits);
-	if (j == (unsigned int)-1) {
-	}
-    }
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_SEED_BITS);
-    if (attribute != NULL) {
-	seedBits = (unsigned int) *(CK_ULONG *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_SUBPRIME_BITS);
-    if (attribute != NULL) {
-	subprimeBits = (unsigned int) *(CK_ULONG *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key,CKA_PRIME_BITS);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key,CKA_SUBPRIME_BITS);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key,CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_SEED_BITS);
-    /* use the old PQG interface if we have old input data */
-    if ((primeBits < 1024) || ((primeBits == 1024) && (subprimeBits == 0))) {
-	if (seedBits == 0) {
-	    rv = PQG_ParamGen(j, &params, &vfy);
-	} else {
-	    rv = PQG_ParamGenSeedLen(j,seedBits/8, &params, &vfy);
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (subprimeBits == 0) {
-	    subprimeBits = sftk_GetSubPrimeFromPrime(primeBits);
-        }
-	if (seedBits == 0) {
-	    seedBits = primeBits;
-	}
-	rv = PQG_ParamGenV2(primeBits, subprimeBits, seedBits/8, &params, &vfy);
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	return sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-    }
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_PRIME,
-				 params->, params->prime.len);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_SUBPRIME,
-				 params->, params->subPrime.len);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_BASE,
-				 params->, params->base.len);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    counter = vfy->counter;
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_COUNTER,
-				 &counter, sizeof(counter));
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_SEED,
-				 vfy->, vfy->seed.len);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_H,
-				 vfy->, vfy->h.len);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    PQG_DestroyParams(params);
-    if (vfy) {
-	PQG_DestroyVerify(vfy);
-    }
-    return crv;
-static CK_RV
-nsc_SetupBulkKeyGen(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, CK_KEY_TYPE *key_type,
-							CK_ULONG *key_length)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    switch (mechanism) {
-    case CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_RC2;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_RC5;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-    case CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_RC4;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-	*key_type = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-    case CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_CDMF;
-	*key_length = 8;
-	break;
-    case CKM_DES_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_DES;
-	*key_length = 8;
-	break;
-    case CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_DES2;
-	*key_length = 16;
-	break;
-    case CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_DES3;
-	*key_length = 24;
-	break;
-    case CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_SEED;
-	*key_length = 16;
-	break;
-	*key_type = CKK_CAMELLIA;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-    case CKM_AES_KEY_GEN:
-	*key_type = CKK_AES;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-	*key_type = CKK_NSS_CHACHA20;
-	if (*key_length == 0) crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-	break;
-    default:
-	PORT_Assert(0);
-	break;
-    }
-    return crv;
-nsc_SetupHMACKeyGen(CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, NSSPKCS5PBEParameter **pbe)
-    SECItem  salt;
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params = NULL;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *params;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    *pbe = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-    }
-    params = (NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *) PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-				sizeof(NSSPKCS5PBEParameter));
-    if (params == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    params->poolp = arena;
-    params->ivLen = 0;
-    params->pbeType = NSSPKCS5_PKCS12_V2;
-    params->hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1;
-    params->encAlg = SEC_OID_SHA1; /* any invalid value */
-    params->is2KeyDES = PR_FALSE;
-    params->keyID = pbeBitGenIntegrityKey;
-    pbe_params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-    params->iter = pbe_params->ulIteration;
- = (unsigned char *)pbe_params->pSalt;
-    salt.len = (unsigned int)pbe_params->ulSaltLen;
-    salt.type = siBuffer;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena,&params->salt,&salt);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    switch (pMechanism->mechanism) {
-	params->hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1; 
-	params->keyLen = 20;
-	break;
-	params->hashType = HASH_AlgMD5; 
-	params->keyLen = 16;
-	break;
-	params->hashType = HASH_AlgMD2; 
-	params->keyLen = 16;
-	break;
-    default:
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    *pbe = params;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* maybe this should be table driven? */
-static CK_RV
-nsc_SetupPBEKeyGen(CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, NSSPKCS5PBEParameter  **pbe,
-				CK_KEY_TYPE *key_type, CK_ULONG *key_length)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SECOidData *oid;
-    CK_PBE_PARAMS *pbe_params = NULL;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *params = NULL;
-    HASH_HashType hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1;
-    CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *pbkd2_params = NULL;
-    SECItem salt;
-    CK_ULONG iteration = 0;
-    *pbe = NULL;
-    oid = SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism(pMechanism->mechanism);
-    if (oid == NULL) {
-    }
-    if (pMechanism->mechanism == CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2) {
-	pbkd2_params = (CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	if (pbkd2_params == NULL) {
-	}
-	switch (pbkd2_params->prf) {
-	    hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1;
-	    break;
-	    hashType = HASH_AlgSHA224;
-	    break;
-	    hashType = HASH_AlgSHA256;
-	    break;
-	    hashType = HASH_AlgSHA384;
-	    break;
-	    hashType = HASH_AlgSHA512;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	}
-	if (pbkd2_params->saltSource != CKZ_SALT_SPECIFIED) {
-	}
- = (unsigned char *)pbkd2_params->pSaltSourceData;
-	salt.len = (unsigned int)pbkd2_params->ulSaltSourceDataLen;
-	iteration = pbkd2_params->iterations;
-    } else {
-	pbe_params = (CK_PBE_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
- = (unsigned char *)pbe_params->pSalt;
-	salt.len = (unsigned int)pbe_params->ulSaltLen;
-	iteration = pbe_params->ulIteration;
-    }
-    params=nsspkcs5_NewParam(oid->offset, hashType, &salt, iteration);
-    if (params == NULL) {
-    }
-    switch (params->encAlg) {
-    case SEC_OID_DES_CBC:
-	*key_type = CKK_DES;
-	*key_length = params->keyLen;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC:
-	*key_type = params->is2KeyDES ? CKK_DES2 : CKK_DES3;
-	*key_length = params->keyLen;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_RC2_CBC:
-	*key_type = CKK_RC2;
-	*key_length = params->keyLen;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_RC4:
-	*key_type = CKK_RC4;
-	*key_length = params->keyLen;
-	break;
-    case SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2:
-	/* key type must already be set */
-	if (*key_type == CKK_INVALID_KEY_TYPE) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* PBKDF2 needs to calculate the key length from the other parameters
-	 */
-	if (*key_length == 0) {
-	    *key_length = sftk_MapKeySize(*key_type);
-	}
-	if (*key_length == 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	params->keyLen = *key_length;
-	break;
-    default:
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(params);
-	break;
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-    	*pbe = params;
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_GenerateKey generates a secret key, creating a new key object. */
-CK_RV NSC_GenerateKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,CK_ULONG ulCount,
-    						CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey)
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    PRBool checkWeak = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_ULONG key_length = 0;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    int i;
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    unsigned char buf[MAX_KEY_LEN];
-    enum {nsc_pbe, nsc_ssl, nsc_bulk, nsc_param, nsc_jpake} key_gen_type;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *pbe_param;
-    SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret *rsa_pms;
-    CK_VERSION *version;
-    /* in very old versions of NSS, there were implementation errors with key 
-     * generation methods.  We want to beable to read these, but not 
-     * produce them any more.  The affected algorithm was 3DES.
-     */
-    PRBool faultyPBE3DES = PR_FALSE;
-    HASH_HashType hashType = HASH_AlgNULL;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (!slot) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * now lets create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    key = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (key == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * load the template values into the object
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulCount; i++) {
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_VALUE_LEN) {
-	    key_length = *(CK_ULONG *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* some algorithms need keytype specified */
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_KEY_TYPE) {
-	    key_type = *(CK_ULONG *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,sftk_attr_expand(&pTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* make sure we don't have any class, key_type, or value fields */
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key,CKA_CLASS);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key,CKA_VALUE);
-    /* Now Set up the parameters to generate the key (based on mechanism) */
-    key_gen_type = nsc_bulk; /* bulk key by default */
-    switch (pMechanism->mechanism) {
-    case CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_DES_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN:
-	checkWeak = PR_TRUE;
-        /* fall through */
-    case CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_AES_KEY_GEN:
-    case CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN:
-	crv = nsc_SetupBulkKeyGen(pMechanism->mechanism,&key_type,&key_length);
-	break;
-	key_type = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
-	key_length = 48;
-	key_gen_type = nsc_ssl;
-	break;
-	key_gen_type = nsc_pbe;
-	key_type = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
-	crv = nsc_SetupHMACKeyGen(pMechanism, &pbe_param);
-	break;
-	faultyPBE3DES = PR_TRUE;
-        /* fall through */
-    case CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128:
-    case CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC:
-    case CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2:
-	key_gen_type = nsc_pbe;
-	crv = nsc_SetupPBEKeyGen(pMechanism,&pbe_param, &key_type, &key_length);
-	break;
-	key_gen_type = nsc_param;
-	key_type = CKK_DSA;
-	objclass = CKO_KG_PARAMETERS;
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-	break;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA1:   hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1;   goto jpake1;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA256: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA256; goto jpake1;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA384: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA384; goto jpake1;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA512: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA512; goto jpake1;
-	key_gen_type = nsc_jpake;
-	key_type = CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1;
-        objclass = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY;
-        if (pMechanism->pParameter == NULL ||
-            pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (sftk_isTrue(key, CKA_TOKEN)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        crv = CKR_OK;
-        break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    /* make sure we aren't going to overflow the buffer */
-    if (sizeof(buf) < key_length) {
-	/* someone is getting pretty optimistic about how big their key can
-	 * be... */
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    /* if there was no error,
-     * key_type *MUST* be set in the switch statement above */
-    PORT_Assert( key_type != CKK_INVALID_KEY_TYPE );
-    /*
-     * now to the actual key gen.
-     */
-    switch (key_gen_type) {
-    case nsc_pbe:
-	crv = nsc_pbe_key_gen(pbe_param, pMechanism, buf, &key_length,
-			       faultyPBE3DES);
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(pbe_param);
-	break;
-    case nsc_ssl:
-	rsa_pms = (SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret *)buf;
-	version = (CK_VERSION *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	rsa_pms->client_version[0] = version->major;
-        rsa_pms->client_version[1] = version->minor;
-        crv = 
-	    NSC_GenerateRandom(0,&rsa_pms->random[0], sizeof(rsa_pms->random));
-	break;
-    case nsc_bulk:
-	/* get the key, check for weak keys and repeat if found */
-	do {
-            crv = NSC_GenerateRandom(0, buf, key_length);
-	} while (crv == CKR_OK && checkWeak && sftk_IsWeakKey(buf,key_type));
-	break;
-    case nsc_param:
-	/* generate parameters */
-	*buf = 0;
-	crv = nsc_parameter_gen(key_type,key);
-	break;
-    case nsc_jpake:
-        crv = jpake_Round1(hashType,
-                           (CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params *) pMechanism->pParameter,
-                           key);
-        break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    /* Add the class, key_type, and value */
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_CLASS,&objclass,sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_KEY_TYPE,&key_type,sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    if (key_length != 0) {
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_VALUE,buf,key_length);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    }
-    /* get the session */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle the base object stuff
-     */
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(key,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && sftk_isTrue(key,CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && !sftk_isTrue(key,CKA_EXTRACTABLE)) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	*phKey = key->handle;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    return crv;
-#define PAIRWISE_DIGEST_LENGTH			SHA1_LENGTH /* 160-bits */
-#define PAIRWISE_MESSAGE_LENGTH			20          /* 160-bits */
- * FIPS 140-2 pairwise consistency check utilized to validate key pair.
- *
- * This function returns
- *   CKR_OK               if pairwise consistency check passed
- *   CKR_GENERAL_ERROR    if pairwise consistency check failed
- *   other error codes    if paiswise consistency check could not be
- *                        performed, for example, CKR_HOST_MEMORY.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_PairwiseConsistencyCheck(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    SFTKObject *publicKey, SFTKObject *privateKey, CK_KEY_TYPE keyType)
-    /*
-     *                      Key type    Mechanism type
-     *                      --------------------------------
-     * For encrypt/decrypt: CKK_RSA  => CKM_RSA_PKCS
-     *                      others   => CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM
-     *
-     * For sign/verify:     CKK_RSA  => CKM_RSA_PKCS
-     *                      CKK_DSA  => CKM_DSA
-     *                      CKK_EC   => CKM_ECDSA
-     *                      others   => CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM
-     *
-     * None of these mechanisms has a parameter.
-     */
-    CK_MECHANISM mech = {0, NULL, 0};
-    CK_ULONG modulusLen = 0;
-    CK_ULONG subPrimeLen = 0;
-    PRBool isEncryptable = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool canSignVerify = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool isDerivable = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* Variables used for Encrypt/Decrypt functions. */
-    unsigned char *known_message = (unsigned char *)"Known Crypto Message";
-    unsigned char plaintext[PAIRWISE_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
-    CK_ULONG bytes_decrypted;
-    unsigned char *ciphertext;
-    unsigned char *text_compared;
-    CK_ULONG bytes_encrypted;
-    CK_ULONG bytes_compared;
-    CK_ULONG pairwise_digest_length = PAIRWISE_DIGEST_LENGTH;
-    /* Variables used for Signature/Verification functions. */
-    /* Must be at least 256 bits for DSA2 digest */
-    unsigned char *known_digest = (unsigned char *)
-				"Mozilla Rules the World through NSS!";
-    unsigned char *signature;
-    CK_ULONG signature_length;
-    if (keyType == CKK_RSA) {
-	SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-	/* Get modulus length of private key. */
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(privateKey, CKA_MODULUS);
-	if (attribute == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-	}
-	modulusLen = attribute->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	if (*(unsigned char *)attribute->attrib.pValue == 0) {
-	    modulusLen--;
-	}
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    } else if (keyType == CKK_DSA) {
-	SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-	/* Get subprime length of private key. */
-	attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(privateKey, CKA_SUBPRIME);
-	if (attribute == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-	}
-	subPrimeLen = attribute->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	if (subPrimeLen > 1 && *(unsigned char *)attribute->attrib.pValue == 0) {
-	    subPrimeLen--;
-	}
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    /**************************************************/
-    /* Pairwise Consistency Check of Encrypt/Decrypt. */
-    /**************************************************/
-    isEncryptable = sftk_isTrue(privateKey, CKA_DECRYPT); 
-    /*
-     * If the decryption attribute is set, attempt to encrypt
-     * with the public key and decrypt with the private key.
-     */
-    if (isEncryptable) {
-	if (keyType != CKK_RSA) {
-	    return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-	}
-	bytes_encrypted = modulusLen;
-	mech.mechanism = CKM_RSA_PKCS;
-	/* Allocate space for ciphertext. */
-	ciphertext = (unsigned char *) PORT_ZAlloc(bytes_encrypted);
-	if (ciphertext == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-	/* Prepare for encryption using the public key. */
-	crv = NSC_EncryptInit(hSession, &mech, publicKey->handle);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(ciphertext);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	/* Encrypt using the public key. */
-	crv = NSC_Encrypt(hSession,
-			  known_message,
-			  ciphertext,
-			  &bytes_encrypted);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(ciphertext);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	/* Always use the smaller of these two values . . . */
-	bytes_compared = PR_MIN(bytes_encrypted, PAIRWISE_MESSAGE_LENGTH);
-	/*
-	 * If there was a failure, the plaintext
-	 * goes at the end, therefore . . .
-	 */
-	text_compared = ciphertext + bytes_encrypted - bytes_compared;
-	/*
-	 * Check to ensure that ciphertext does
-	 * NOT EQUAL known input message text
-	 * per FIPS PUB 140-2 directive.
-	 */
-	if (PORT_Memcmp(text_compared, known_message,
-			bytes_compared) == 0) {
-	    /* Set error to Invalid PRIVATE Key. */
-	    PORT_Free(ciphertext);
-	    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	}
-	/* Prepare for decryption using the private key. */
-	crv = NSC_DecryptInit(hSession, &mech, privateKey->handle);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(ciphertext);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	memset(plaintext, 0, PAIRWISE_MESSAGE_LENGTH);
-	/*
-	 * Initialize bytes decrypted to be the
-	 */
-	bytes_decrypted = PAIRWISE_MESSAGE_LENGTH;
-	/*
-	 * Decrypt using the private key.
-	 * NOTE:  No need to reset the
-	 *        value of bytes_encrypted.
-	 */
-	crv = NSC_Decrypt(hSession,
-			  ciphertext,
-			  bytes_encrypted,
-			  plaintext,
-			  &bytes_decrypted);
-	/* Finished with ciphertext; free it. */
-	PORT_Free(ciphertext);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Check to ensure that the output plaintext
-	 * does EQUAL known input message text.
-	 */
-	if ((bytes_decrypted != PAIRWISE_MESSAGE_LENGTH) ||
-	    (PORT_Memcmp(plaintext, known_message,
-	    /* Set error to Bad PUBLIC Key. */
-	    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	}
-    }
-    /**********************************************/
-    /* Pairwise Consistency Check of Sign/Verify. */
-    /**********************************************/
-    canSignVerify = sftk_isTrue(privateKey, CKA_SIGN);
-    if (canSignVerify) {
-	/* Determine length of signature. */
-	switch (keyType) {
-	case CKK_RSA:
-	    signature_length = modulusLen;
-	    mech.mechanism = CKM_RSA_PKCS;
-	    break;
-	case CKK_DSA:
-	    signature_length = DSA_MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN;
-	    pairwise_digest_length = subPrimeLen;
-	    mech.mechanism = CKM_DSA;
-	    break;
-	case CKK_EC:
-	    signature_length = MAX_ECKEY_LEN * 2;
-	    mech.mechanism = CKM_ECDSA;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-	}
-	/* Allocate space for signature data. */
-	signature = (unsigned char *) PORT_ZAlloc(signature_length);
-	if (signature == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-	/* Sign the known hash using the private key. */
-	crv = NSC_SignInit(hSession, &mech, privateKey->handle);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(signature);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = NSC_Sign(hSession,
-		       known_digest,
-		       pairwise_digest_length,
-		       signature,
-		       &signature_length);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(signature);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	/* Verify the known hash using the public key. */
-	crv = NSC_VerifyInit(hSession, &mech, publicKey->handle);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(signature);
-	    return crv;
-	}
-	crv = NSC_Verify(hSession,
-			 known_digest,
-			 pairwise_digest_length,
-			 signature,
-			 signature_length);
-	/* Free signature data. */
-	PORT_Free(signature);
-	if ((crv == CKR_SIGNATURE_LEN_RANGE) ||
-	    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	}
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return crv;
-	}
-    }
-    /**********************************************/
-    /* Pairwise Consistency Check for Derivation  */
-    /**********************************************/
-    isDerivable = sftk_isTrue(privateKey, CKA_DERIVE);
-    if (isDerivable) {
-	/* 
-	 * We are not doing consistency check for Diffie-Hellman Key - 
-	 * otherwise it would be here
-	 * This is also true for Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman keys
-	 * NOTE: EC keys are currently subjected to pairwise
-	 * consistency check for signing/verification.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * FIPS 140-2 had the following pairwise consistency test for
-	 * public and private keys used for key agreement:
-	 *   If the keys are used to perform key agreement, then the
-	 *   cryptographic module shall create a second, compatible
-	 *   key pair.  The cryptographic module shall perform both
-	 *   sides of the key agreement algorithm and shall compare
-	 *   the resulting shared values.  If the shared values are
-	 *   not equal, the test shall fail.
-	 * This test was removed in Change Notice 3.
-	 */
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* NSC_GenerateKeyPair generates a public-key/private-key pair, 
- * creating new key objects. */
-CK_RV NSC_GenerateKeyPair (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-    CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey,
-    					CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey)
-    SFTKObject *	publicKey,*privateKey;
-    SFTKSession *	session;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE 	key_type;
-    CK_RV 		crv 	= CKR_OK;
-    CK_BBOOL 		cktrue 	= CK_TRUE;
-    SECStatus 		rv;
-    int 		i;
-    SFTKSlot *		slot 	= sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    unsigned int bitSize;
-    /* RSA */
-    int 		public_modulus_bits = 0;
-    SECItem 		pubExp;
-    RSAPrivateKey *	rsaPriv;
-    /* DSA */
-    PQGParams 		pqgParam;
-    DHParams  		dhParam;
-    DSAPrivateKey *	dsaPriv;
-    /* Diffie Hellman */
-    DHPrivateKey *	dhPriv;
-    /* Elliptic Curve Cryptography */
-    SECItem  		ecEncodedParams;  /* DER Encoded parameters */
-    ECPrivateKey *	ecPriv;
-    ECParams *          ecParams;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (!slot) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * now lets create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    publicKey = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (publicKey == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * load the template values into the publicKey
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulPublicKeyAttributeCount; i++) {
-	if (pPublicKeyTemplate[i].type == CKA_MODULUS_BITS) {
-	    public_modulus_bits = *(CK_ULONG *)pPublicKeyTemplate[i].pValue;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey,
-				    sftk_attr_expand(&pPublicKeyTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-    }
-    privateKey = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (privateKey == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-    }
-    /*
-     * now load the private key template
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount; i++) {
-	if (pPrivateKeyTemplate[i].type == CKA_VALUE_BITS) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,
-				    sftk_attr_expand(&pPrivateKeyTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-	sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-    }
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_CLASS);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_VALUE);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_CLASS);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    sftk_DeleteAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_VALUE);
-    /* Now Set up the parameters to generate the key (based on mechanism) */
-    switch (pMechanism->mechanism) {
-	/* format the keys */
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_MODULUS);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_MODULUS);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME_1);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME_2);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_EXPONENT_1);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_EXPONENT_2);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_COEFFICIENT);
-	key_type = CKK_RSA;
-	if (public_modulus_bits == 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (public_modulus_bits < RSA_MIN_MODULUS_BITS) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (public_modulus_bits % 2 != 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* extract the exponent */
-	crv=sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL,&pubExp,publicKey,CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-        bitSize = sftk_GetLengthInBits(, pubExp.len);
-	if (bitSize < 2) {
-	    break;
-	}
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT,
-				    		    sftk_item_expand(&pubExp));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	rsaPriv = RSA_NewKey(public_modulus_bits, &pubExp);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (rsaPriv == NULL) {
-	    if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-		sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-        /* now fill in the RSA dependent paramenters in the public key */
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_MODULUS,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->modulus));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        /* now fill in the RSA dependent paramenters in the private key */
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->modulus));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_MODULUS,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->modulus));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->privateExponent));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME_1,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->prime1));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME_2,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->prime2));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_EXPONENT_1,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->exponent1));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_EXPONENT_2,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->exponent2));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto kpg_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_COEFFICIENT,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&rsaPriv->coefficient));
-	/* Should zeroize the contents first, since this func doesn't. */
-	PORT_FreeArena(rsaPriv->arena, PR_TRUE);
-	break;
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_VALUE);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB);
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME);
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_SUBPRIME);
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_BASE);
-	key_type = CKK_DSA;
-	/* extract the necessary parameters and copy them to the private key */
-	crv=sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL,&,publicKey,CKA_PRIME);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv=sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL,&pqgParam.subPrime,publicKey,
-	                            CKA_SUBPRIME);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv=sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL,&pqgParam.base,publicKey,CKA_BASE);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME,
-				    sftk_item_expand(&;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_SUBPRIME,
-			    	    sftk_item_expand(&pqgParam.subPrime));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_BASE,
-			    	    sftk_item_expand(&pqgParam.base));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * these are checked by DSA_NewKey
-	 */
-        bitSize = sftk_GetLengthInBits(, 
-							pqgParam.subPrime.len);
-        if ((bitSize < DSA_MIN_Q_BITS) || (bitSize > DSA_MAX_Q_BITS))  {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        bitSize = sftk_GetLengthInBits(,;
-        if ((bitSize <  DSA_MIN_P_BITS) || (bitSize > DSA_MAX_P_BITS)) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        bitSize = sftk_GetLengthInBits(,pqgParam.base.len);
-        if ((bitSize <  2) || (bitSize > DSA_MAX_P_BITS)) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* Generate the key */
-	rv = DSA_NewKey(&pqgParam, &dsaPriv);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	PORT_Free(;
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-		sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* store the generated key into the attributes */
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_VALUE,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&dsaPriv->publicValue));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto dsagn_done;
-        /* now fill in the RSA dependent paramenters in the private key */
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&dsaPriv->publicValue));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto dsagn_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_VALUE,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&dsaPriv->privateValue));
-	/* should zeroize, since this function doesn't. */
-	PORT_FreeArena(dsaPriv->params.arena, PR_TRUE);
-	break;
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_PRIME);
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_BASE);
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_VALUE);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB);
-	key_type = CKK_DH;
-	/* extract the necessary parameters and copy them to private keys */
-        crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL, &, publicKey, 
-				      CKA_PRIME);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL, &dhParam.base, publicKey, CKA_BASE);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey, CKA_PRIME, 
-				    sftk_item_expand(&;
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey, CKA_BASE, 
-				    sftk_item_expand(&dhParam.base));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        bitSize = sftk_GetLengthInBits(,;
-        if ((bitSize <  DH_MIN_P_BITS) || (bitSize > DH_MAX_P_BITS)) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-        bitSize = sftk_GetLengthInBits(,dhParam.base.len);
-        if ((bitSize <  1) || (bitSize > DH_MAX_P_BITS)) {
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
-	rv = DH_NewKey(&dhParam, &dhPriv);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) { 
-	    if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-		sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv=sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey, CKA_VALUE, 
-				sftk_item_expand(&dhPriv->publicValue));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto dhgn_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&dhPriv->publicValue));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto dhgn_done;
-	crv=sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey, CKA_VALUE, 
-			      sftk_item_expand(&dhPriv->privateValue));
-	/* should zeroize, since this function doesn't. */
-	PORT_FreeArena(dhPriv->arena, PR_TRUE);
-	break;
-    case CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN:
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_EC_PARAMS);
-	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_VALUE);
-    	sftk_DeleteAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB);
-	key_type = CKK_EC;
-	/* extract the necessary parameters and copy them to private keys */
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(NULL, &ecEncodedParams, publicKey, 
-				      CKA_EC_PARAMS);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey, CKA_EC_PARAMS, 
-				    sftk_item_expand(&ecEncodedParams));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	  PORT_Free(;
-	  break;
-	}
-	/* Decode ec params before calling EC_NewKey */
-	rv = EC_DecodeParams(&ecEncodedParams, &ecParams);
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-	rv = EC_NewKey(ecParams, &ecPriv);
-	PORT_FreeArena(ecParams->arena, PR_TRUE);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) { 
-	    if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
-		sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_USE_DECODED_CKA_EC_POINT")) {
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey, CKA_EC_POINT, 
-				sftk_item_expand(&ecPriv->publicValue));
-	} else {
-	    SECItem *pubValue = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL, 
-					&ecPriv->publicValue, 
-					SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate));
-	    if (!pubValue) {
-		goto ecgn_done;
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey, CKA_EC_POINT, 
-				sftk_item_expand(pubValue));
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue, PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto ecgn_done;
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey, CKA_VALUE, 
-			      sftk_item_expand(&ecPriv->privateValue));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto ecgn_done;
-        crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_NETSCAPE_DB,
-			   sftk_item_expand(&ecPriv->publicValue));
-	/* should zeroize, since this function doesn't. */
-	PORT_FreeArena(ecPriv->ecParams.arena, PR_TRUE);
-	break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    default:
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* Add the class, key_type The loop lets us check errors blow out
-     *  on errors and clean up at the bottom */
-    session = NULL; /* make pedtantic happy... session cannot leave the*/
-		    /* loop below NULL unless an error is set... */
-    do {
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_CLASS,&privClass,
-						sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_CLASS,&pubClass,
-						sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(privateKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE,&key_type,
-						sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(publicKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE,&key_type,
-						sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE));
-        if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-        session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-        if (session == NULL) crv = CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    } while (0);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	 sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-	 sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-	 return crv;
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle the base object cleanup for the public Key
-     */
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(privateKey,session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-        sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle the base object cleanup for the private Key
-     * If we have any problems, we destroy the public Key we've
-     * created and linked.
-     */
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(publicKey,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-	NSC_DestroyObject(hSession,privateKey->handle);
-	sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    if (sftk_isTrue(privateKey,CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(privateKey,CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE,
-						&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && sftk_isTrue(publicKey,CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(publicKey,CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE,
-						&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && !sftk_isTrue(privateKey,CKA_EXTRACTABLE)) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(privateKey,CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE,
-						&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK && !sftk_isTrue(publicKey,CKA_EXTRACTABLE)) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(publicKey,CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE,
-						&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	/* Perform FIPS 140-2 pairwise consistency check. */
-	crv = sftk_PairwiseConsistencyCheck(hSession,
-					    publicKey, privateKey, key_type);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    if (sftk_audit_enabled) {
-		char msg[128];
-		PR_snprintf(msg,sizeof msg,
-			    "C_GenerateKeyPair(hSession=0x%08lX, "
-			    "pMechanism->mechanism=0x%08lX)=0x%08lX "
-			    "self-test: pair-wise consistency test failed",
-			    (PRUint32)hSession,(PRUint32)pMechanism->mechanism,
-			    (PRUint32)crv);
-		sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSS_AUDIT_ERROR, NSS_AUDIT_SELF_TEST, msg);
-	    }
-	    return crv;
-	}
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	NSC_DestroyObject(hSession,publicKey->handle);
-	sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-	NSC_DestroyObject(hSession,privateKey->handle);
-	sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-    }
-    *phPrivateKey = privateKey->handle;
-    *phPublicKey = publicKey->handle;
-    sftk_FreeObject(publicKey);
-    sftk_FreeObject(privateKey);
-    return CKR_OK;
-static SECItem *sftk_PackagePrivateKey(SFTKObject *key, CK_RV *crvp)
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *lk = NULL;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SECOidTag algorithm = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    void *dummy, *param = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem *encodedKey = NULL;
-#ifdef EC_DEBUG
-    SECItem *fordebug;
-    int savelen;
-    if(!key) {
-	*crvp = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID; /* really can't happen */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    if(!attribute) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    lk = sftk_GetPrivKey(key, *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)attribute->attrib.pValue, crvp);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    if(!lk) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(2048); 	/* XXX different size? */
-    if(!arena) {
-	*crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    pki = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, 
-					sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo));
-    if(!pki) {
-	*crvp = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    pki->arena = arena;
-    param = NULL;
-    switch(lk->keyType) {
-	    prepare_low_rsa_priv_key_for_asn1(lk);
-	    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &pki->privateKey, lk,
-				       nsslowkey_RSAPrivateKeyTemplate);
-	    algorithm = SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION;
-	    break;
-            prepare_low_dsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(lk);
-	    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &pki->privateKey, lk,
-				       nsslowkey_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate);
-	    prepare_low_pqg_params_for_asn1(&lk->u.dsa.params);
-	    param = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL, &(lk->u.dsa.params),
-				       nsslowkey_PQGParamsTemplate);
-	    algorithm = SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE;
-	    break;
-        case NSSLOWKEYECKey:
-            prepare_low_ec_priv_key_for_asn1(lk);
-	    /* Public value is encoded as a bit string so adjust length
-	     * to be in bits before ASN encoding and readjust 
-	     * immediately after.
-	     *
-	     * Since the SECG specification recommends not including the
-	     * parameters as part of ECPrivateKey, we zero out the curveOID
-	     * length before encoding and restore it later.
-	     */
-	    lk-> <<= 3;
-	    savelen = lk->;
-	    lk-> = 0;
-	    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, &pki->privateKey, lk,
-				       nsslowkey_ECPrivateKeyTemplate);
-	    lk-> = savelen;
-	    lk-> >>= 3;
-#ifdef EC_DEBUG
-	    fordebug = &pki->privateKey;
-	    SEC_PRINT("sftk_PackagePrivateKey()", "PrivateKey", lk->keyType,
-		      fordebug);
-	    param = SECITEM_DupItem(&lk->;
-	    algorithm = SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY;
-	    break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-	default:
-	    dummy = NULL;
-	    break;
-    }
-    if(!dummy || ((lk->keyType == NSSLOWKEYDSAKey) && !param)) {
-	*crvp = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* should map NSS SECError */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &pki->algorithm, algorithm, 
-			       (SECItem*)param);
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	*crvp = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* should map NSS SECError */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(arena, &pki->version,
-    if(!dummy) {
-	*crvp = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* should map NSS SECError */
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    encodedKey = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL, pki, 
-				    nsslowkey_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate);
-    *crvp = encodedKey ? CKR_OK : CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-#ifdef EC_DEBUG
-    fordebug = encodedKey;
-    SEC_PRINT("sftk_PackagePrivateKey()", "PrivateKeyInfo", lk->keyType,
-	      fordebug);
-    if(arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if(lk && (lk != key->objectInfo)) {
-	nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(lk);
-    }
-    if(param) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem((SECItem*)param, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return encodedKey;
-/* it doesn't matter yet, since we colapse error conditions in the
- * level above, but we really should map those few key error differences */
-static CK_RV 
-sftk_mapWrap(CK_RV crv) 
-    switch (crv) {
-    }
-    return crv; 
-/* NSC_WrapKey wraps (i.e., encrypts) a key. */
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey,
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey, CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-    }
-    key = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hKey,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (key == NULL) {
-    }
-    switch(key->objclass) {
-	  {
-	    SFTKSessionContext *context = NULL;
-	    SECItem pText;
-	    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-	    if (attribute == NULL) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_CryptInit(hSession, pMechanism, hWrappingKey, 
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    pText.type = siBuffer;
- = (unsigned char *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-	    pText.len  = attribute->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	    /* Find out if this is a block cipher. */
-	    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,SFTK_ENCRYPT,PR_FALSE,NULL);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK || !context) 
-	        break;
-	    if (context->blockSize > 1) {
-		unsigned int remainder = pText.len % context->blockSize;
-	        if (!context->doPad && remainder) {
-		    /* When wrapping secret keys with unpadded block ciphers, 
-		    ** the keys are zero padded, if necessary, to fill out 
-		    ** a full block.
-		    */
-		    pText.len += context->blockSize - remainder;
- = PORT_ZAlloc(pText.len);
-		    if (
-			memcpy(, attribute->attrib.pValue,
-			                   attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-		    else {
-			crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    crv = NSC_Encrypt(hSession, (CK_BYTE_PTR), 
-		              pText.len, pWrappedKey, pulWrappedKeyLen);
-	    /* always force a finalize, both on errors and when
-	     * we are just getting the size */
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK || pWrappedKey == NULL) {
-	    	CK_RV lcrv ;
-		lcrv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,
-		sftk_SetContextByType(session, SFTK_ENCRYPT, NULL);
-	    	if (lcrv == CKR_OK && context) {
-		    sftk_FreeContext(context);
-		}
-    	    }
-	    if ( != (unsigned char *)attribute->attrib.pValue) 
-	    	PORT_ZFree(, pText.len);
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	    break;
-	  }
-	    {
-		SECItem *bpki = sftk_PackagePrivateKey(key, &crv);
-		SFTKSessionContext *context = NULL;
-		if(!bpki) {
-		    break;
-		}
-		crv = sftk_CryptInit(hSession, pMechanism, hWrappingKey,
-		if(crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    SECITEM_ZfreeItem(bpki, PR_TRUE);
-		    break;
-		}
-		crv = NSC_Encrypt(hSession, bpki->data, bpki->len,
-					pWrappedKey, pulWrappedKeyLen);
-		/* always force a finalize */
-		if (crv != CKR_OK || pWrappedKey == NULL) {
-	    	    CK_RV lcrv ;
-		    lcrv = sftk_GetContext(hSession,&context,
-		    sftk_SetContextByType(session, SFTK_ENCRYPT, NULL);
-	    	    if (lcrv == CKR_OK && context)  {
-			sftk_FreeContext(context);
-		    }
-		}
-		SECITEM_ZfreeItem(bpki, PR_TRUE);
-		break;
-	    }
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    return sftk_mapWrap(crv);
- * import a pprivate key info into the desired slot
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_unwrapPrivateKey(SFTKObject *key, SECItem *bpki)
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE; 
-    CK_KEY_TYPE keyType = CKK_RSA;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *keyTemplate, *paramTemplate;
-    void *paramDest = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *lpk = NULL;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo *pki = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(2048);
-    if(!arena) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pki = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, 
-					sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKeyInfo));
-    if(!pki) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if(SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, pki, nsslowkey_PrivateKeyInfoTemplate, bpki) 
-				!= SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    lpk = (NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,
-						  sizeof(NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey));
-    if(lpk == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    lpk->arena = arena;
-    switch(SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&pki->algorithm)) {
-	    keyTemplate = nsslowkey_RSAPrivateKeyTemplate;
-	    paramTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramDest = NULL;
-	    lpk->keyType = NSSLOWKEYRSAKey;
-	    prepare_low_rsa_priv_key_for_asn1(lpk);
-	    break;
-	    keyTemplate = nsslowkey_DSAPrivateKeyExportTemplate;
-	    paramTemplate = nsslowkey_PQGParamsTemplate;
-	    paramDest = &(lpk->u.dsa.params);
-	    lpk->keyType = NSSLOWKEYDSAKey;
-	    prepare_low_dsa_priv_key_export_for_asn1(lpk);
-	    prepare_low_pqg_params_for_asn1(&lpk->u.dsa.params);
-	    break;
-	/* case NSSLOWKEYDHKey: */
-        case SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY:
-	    keyTemplate = nsslowkey_ECPrivateKeyTemplate;
-	    paramTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramDest = &(lpk->;
-	    lpk->keyType = NSSLOWKEYECKey;
-	    prepare_low_ec_priv_key_for_asn1(lpk);
-	    prepare_low_ecparams_for_asn1(&lpk->;
-	    break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-	default:
-	    keyTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramTemplate = NULL;
-	    paramDest = NULL;
-	    break;
-    }
-    if(!keyTemplate) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* decode the private key and any algorithm parameters */
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, lpk, keyTemplate, &pki->privateKey);
-    if (lpk->keyType == NSSLOWKEYECKey) {
-        /* convert length in bits to length in bytes */
-	lpk-> >>= 3;
-        rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, 
-			      &(lpk->,
-	                      &(pki->algorithm.parameters));
-	if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if(paramDest && paramTemplate) {
-	rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, paramDest, paramTemplate, 
-				 &(pki->algorithm.parameters));
-	if(rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    rv = SECFailure;
-    switch (lpk->keyType) {
-        case NSSLOWKEYRSAKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_RSA;
-	    if(sftk_hasAttribute(key, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB)) {
-		sftk_DeleteAttributeType(key, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB);
-	    }
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, 
-					sizeof(keyType));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_UNWRAP, &cktrue, 
-					sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_DECRYPT, &cktrue, 
-					sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SIGN, &cktrue, 
-					sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, &cktrue, 
-				    sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_MODULUS, 
-				sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.modulus));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, 
-	     			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.publicExponent));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, 
-	     			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.privateExponent));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_PRIME_1, 
-				sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.prime1));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_PRIME_2, 
-	     			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.prime2));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_EXPONENT_1, 
-	     			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.exponent1));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_EXPONENT_2, 
-	     			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.exponent2));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_COEFFICIENT, 
-	     			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.rsa.coefficient));
-	    break;
-        case NSSLOWKEYDSAKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_DSA;
-	    crv = (sftk_hasAttribute(key, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB)) ? CKR_OK :
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, 
-						sizeof(keyType));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SIGN, &cktrue, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, &cktrue, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); 
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_PRIME,    
-				    sftk_item_expand(&lpk->;
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SUBPRIME,
-				 sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.dsa.params.subPrime));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_BASE,  
-				    sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.dsa.params.base));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_VALUE, 
-			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->u.dsa.privateValue));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    break;
-#ifdef notdef
-        case NSSLOWKEYDHKey:
-	    template = dhTemplate;
-	    templateCount = sizeof(dhTemplate)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE);
-	    keyType = CKK_DH;
-	    break;
-	/* what about fortezza??? */
-        case NSSLOWKEYECKey:
-	    keyType = CKK_EC;
-	    crv = (sftk_hasAttribute(key, CKA_NETSCAPE_DB)) ? CKR_OK :
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keyType, 
-						sizeof(keyType));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SIGN, &cktrue, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, &cktrue, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); 
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_DERIVE, &cktrue, 
-						sizeof(CK_BBOOL)); 
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_EC_PARAMS,
-				 sftk_item_expand(&lpk->;
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key, CKA_VALUE, 
-			sftk_item_expand(&lpk->;
-	    if(crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    /* XXX Do we need to decode the EC Params here ?? */
-	    break;
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    if(lpk) {
-	nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(lpk);
-    }
-    if(crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* NSC_UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new key object. */
-    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey, CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-    SFTKObject *key = NULL;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    CK_ULONG key_length = 0;
-    unsigned char * buf = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    int i;
-    CK_ULONG bsize = ulWrappedKeyLen;
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SECItem bpki;
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS target_type = CKO_SECRET_KEY;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (!slot) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * now lets create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    key = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (key == NULL) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * load the template values into the object
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_VALUE_LEN) {
-	    key_length = *(CK_ULONG *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	    continue;
-	}
-        if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_CLASS) {
-	    target_type = *(CK_OBJECT_CLASS *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,sftk_attr_expand(&pTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_CryptInit(hSession,pMechanism,hUnwrappingKey,CKA_UNWRAP,
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	return sftk_mapWrap(crv);
-    }
-    /* allocate the buffer to decrypt into 
-     * this assumes the unwrapped key is never larger than the
-     * wrapped key. For all the mechanisms we support this is true */
-    buf = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc( ulWrappedKeyLen);
-    bsize = ulWrappedKeyLen;
-    crv = NSC_Decrypt(hSession, pWrappedKey, ulWrappedKeyLen, buf, &bsize);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	PORT_Free(buf);
-	return sftk_mapWrap(crv);
-    }
-    switch(target_type) {
-	    if (!sftk_hasAttribute(key,CKA_KEY_TYPE)) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if (key_length == 0 || key_length > bsize) {
-		key_length = bsize;
-	    }
-	    if (key_length > MAX_KEY_LEN) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	    /* add the value */
-	    crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,CKA_VALUE,buf,key_length);
-	    break;
- = (unsigned char *)buf;
-	    bpki.len = bsize;
-	    crv = CKR_OK;
-	    if(sftk_unwrapPrivateKey(key, &bpki) != SECSuccess) {
-	    }
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(buf, bsize);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    /* get the session */
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    }
-    /*
-     * handle the base object stuff
-     */
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(key,session);
-    *phKey = key->handle;
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    return crv;
- * The SSL key gen mechanism create's lots of keys. This function handles the
- * details of each of these key creation.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_buildSSLKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, SFTKObject *baseKey, 
-    PRBool isMacKey, unsigned char *keyBlock, unsigned int keySize,
-						 CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *keyHandle)
-    SFTKObject *key;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    CK_BBOOL cktrue = CK_TRUE;
-    CK_BBOOL ckfalse = CK_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * now lets create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    *keyHandle = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    key = sftk_NewObject(baseKey->slot); 
-    if (key == NULL) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    sftk_narrowToSessionObject(key)->wasDerived = PR_TRUE;
-    crv = sftk_CopyObject(key,baseKey);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    if (isMacKey) {
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_KEY_TYPE,&keyType,sizeof(keyType));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_DERIVE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_ENCRYPT,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_DECRYPT,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_SIGN,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VERIFY,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_WRAP,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_UNWRAP,&ckfalse,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE,keyBlock,keySize);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) goto loser;
-    /* get the session */
-    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) { goto loser; }
-    crv = sftk_handleObject(key,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    *keyHandle = key->handle;
-    if (key) sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    return crv;
- * if there is an error, we need to free the keys we already created in SSL
- * This is the routine that will do it..
- */
-static void
-sftk_freeSSLKeys(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session,
-				CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_OUT *returnedMaterial ) 
-	if (returnedMaterial->hClientMacSecret != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	   NSC_DestroyObject(session,returnedMaterial->hClientMacSecret);
-	}
-	if (returnedMaterial->hServerMacSecret != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	   NSC_DestroyObject(session, returnedMaterial->hServerMacSecret);
-	}
-	if (returnedMaterial->hClientKey != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	   NSC_DestroyObject(session, returnedMaterial->hClientKey);
-	}
-	if (returnedMaterial->hServerKey != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	   NSC_DestroyObject(session, returnedMaterial->hServerKey);
-	}
- * when deriving from sensitive and extractable keys, we need to preserve some
- * of the semantics in the derived key. This helper routine maintains these
- * semantics.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(SFTKObject *baseKey,SFTKObject *destKey) 
-    PRBool hasSensitive;
-    PRBool sensitive = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool hasExtractable;
-    PRBool extractable = PR_TRUE;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SFTKAttribute *att;
-    hasSensitive = PR_FALSE;
-    att = sftk_FindAttribute(destKey,CKA_SENSITIVE);
-    if (att) {
-        hasSensitive = PR_TRUE;
-	sensitive = (PRBool) *(CK_BBOOL *)att->attrib.pValue;
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-    }
-    hasExtractable = PR_FALSE;
-    att = sftk_FindAttribute(destKey,CKA_EXTRACTABLE);
-    if (att) {
-        hasExtractable = PR_TRUE;
-	extractable = (PRBool) *(CK_BBOOL *)att->attrib.pValue;
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-    }
-    /* don't make a key more accessible */
-    if (sftk_isTrue(baseKey,CKA_SENSITIVE) && hasSensitive && 
-						(sensitive == PR_FALSE)) {
-    }
-    if (!sftk_isTrue(baseKey,CKA_EXTRACTABLE) && hasExtractable && 
-						(extractable == PR_TRUE)) {
-    }
-    /* inherit parent's sensitivity */
-    if (!hasSensitive) {
-        att = sftk_FindAttribute(baseKey,CKA_SENSITIVE);
-	if (att == NULL) return CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT;
-	crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(destKey,sftk_attr_expand(&att->attrib));
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    }
-    if (!hasExtractable) {
-        att = sftk_FindAttribute(baseKey,CKA_EXTRACTABLE);
-	if (att == NULL) return CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT;
-	crv = sftk_defaultAttribute(destKey,sftk_attr_expand(&att->attrib));
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    }
-    /* we should inherit the parent's always extractable/ never sensitive info,
-     * but handleObject always forces this attributes, so we would need to do
-     * something special. */
-    return CKR_OK;
- * make known fixed PKCS #11 key types to their sizes in bytes
- */	
-unsigned long
-sftk_MapKeySize(CK_KEY_TYPE keyType) 
-    switch (keyType) {
-    case CKK_CDMF:
-	return 8;
-    case CKK_DES:
-	return 8;
-    case CKK_DES2:
-	return 16;
-    case CKK_DES3:
-	return 24;
-    /* IDEA and CAST need to be added */
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* Inputs:
- *  key_len: Length of derived key to be generated.
- *  SharedSecret: a shared secret that is the output of a key agreement primitive.
- *  SharedInfo: (Optional) some data shared by the entities computing the secret key.
- *  SharedInfoLen: the length in octets of SharedInfo
- *  Hash: The hash function to be used in the KDF
- *  HashLen: the length in octets of the output of Hash
- * Output:
- *  key: Pointer to a buffer containing derived key, if return value is SECSuccess.
- */
-static CK_RV sftk_compute_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(CK_BYTE **key, CK_ULONG key_len, SECItem *SharedSecret,
-		CK_BYTE_PTR SharedInfo, CK_ULONG SharedInfoLen,
-		SECStatus Hash(unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, PRUint32),
-		CK_ULONG HashLen)
-    unsigned char *buffer = NULL, *output_buffer = NULL;
-    PRUint32 buffer_len, max_counter, i;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* Check that key_len isn't too long.  The maximum key length could be
-     * greatly increased if the code below did not limit the 4-byte counter
-     * to a maximum value of 255. */
-    if (key_len > 254 * HashLen)
-    if (SharedInfo == NULL)
-	SharedInfoLen = 0;
-    buffer_len = SharedSecret->len + 4 + SharedInfoLen;
-    buffer = (CK_BYTE *)PORT_Alloc(buffer_len);
-    if (buffer == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    max_counter = key_len/HashLen;
-    if (key_len > max_counter * HashLen)
-	max_counter++;
-    output_buffer = (CK_BYTE *)PORT_Alloc(max_counter * HashLen);
-    if (output_buffer == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Populate buffer with SharedSecret || Counter || [SharedInfo]
-     * where Counter is 0x00000001 */
-    PORT_Memcpy(buffer, SharedSecret->data, SharedSecret->len);
-    buffer[SharedSecret->len] = 0;
-    buffer[SharedSecret->len + 1] = 0;
-    buffer[SharedSecret->len + 2] = 0;
-    buffer[SharedSecret->len + 3] = 1;
-    if (SharedInfo) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(&buffer[SharedSecret->len + 4], SharedInfo, SharedInfoLen);
-    }
-    for(i=0; i < max_counter; i++) {
-	rv = Hash(&output_buffer[i * HashLen], buffer, buffer_len);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    /* 'Hash' should not fail. */
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* Increment counter (assumes max_counter < 255) */
-	buffer[SharedSecret->len + 3]++;
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(buffer, buffer_len);
-    if (key_len < max_counter * HashLen) {
-	PORT_Memset(output_buffer + key_len, 0, max_counter * HashLen - key_len);
-    }
-    *key = output_buffer;
-    return CKR_OK;
-    loser:
-	if (buffer) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(buffer, buffer_len);
-	}
-	if (output_buffer) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(output_buffer, max_counter * HashLen);
-	}
-	return crv;
-static CK_RV sftk_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(CK_BYTE **key, CK_ULONG key_len,
-		SECItem *SharedSecret,
-		CK_BYTE_PTR SharedInfo, CK_ULONG SharedInfoLen,
-		CK_EC_KDF_TYPE kdf)
-    if (kdf == CKD_SHA1_KDF)
-	return sftk_compute_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(key, key_len, SharedSecret, SharedInfo,
-		   		 SharedInfoLen, SHA1_HashBuf, SHA1_LENGTH);
-    else if (kdf == CKD_SHA224_KDF)
-	return sftk_compute_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(key, key_len, SharedSecret, SharedInfo,
-		   		 SharedInfoLen, SHA224_HashBuf, SHA224_LENGTH);
-    else if (kdf == CKD_SHA256_KDF)
-	return sftk_compute_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(key, key_len, SharedSecret, SharedInfo,
-		   		 SharedInfoLen, SHA256_HashBuf, SHA256_LENGTH);
-    else if (kdf == CKD_SHA384_KDF)
-	return sftk_compute_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(key, key_len, SharedSecret, SharedInfo,
-		   		 SharedInfoLen, SHA384_HashBuf, SHA384_LENGTH);
-    else if (kdf == CKD_SHA512_KDF)
-	return sftk_compute_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(key, key_len, SharedSecret, SharedInfo,
-		   		 SharedInfoLen, SHA512_HashBuf, SHA512_LENGTH);
-    else
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
- * SSL Key generation given pre master secret
- */
-#define NUM_MIXERS 9
-static const char * const mixers[NUM_MIXERS] = { 
-    "A", 
-    "BB", 
-    "CCC", 
-    "DDDD", 
-    "EEEEE", 
-    "FFFFFF", 
-    "GGGGGGG",
-    "HHHHHHHH",
-    "IIIIIIIII" };
-#define SSL3_PMS_LENGTH 48
-#define SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH 32
-/* NSC_DeriveKey derives a key from a base key, creating a new key object. */
-	 CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount, 
-    SFTKSession *   session;
-    SFTKSlot    *   slot	= sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(hSession);
-    SFTKObject  *   key;
-    SFTKObject  *   sourceKey;
-    SFTKAttribute * att = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute * att2 = NULL;
-    unsigned char * buf;
-    SHA1Context *   sha;
-    MD5Context *    md5;
-    MD2Context *    md2;
-    CK_ULONG        macSize;
-    CK_ULONG        tmpKeySize;
-    CK_ULONG        IVSize;
-    CK_ULONG        keySize	= 0;
-    CK_RV           crv 	= CKR_OK;
-    CK_BBOOL        cktrue	= CK_TRUE;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism = pMechanism->mechanism;
-    PRBool          isTLS = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool          isDH = PR_FALSE;
-    HASH_HashType   tlsPrfHash = HASH_AlgNULL;
-    SECStatus       rv;
-    int             i;
-    unsigned int    outLen;
-    unsigned char   sha_out[SHA1_LENGTH];
-    unsigned char   key_block[NUM_MIXERS * MD5_LENGTH];
-    unsigned char   key_block2[MD5_LENGTH];
-    PRBool          isFIPS;		
-    HASH_HashType   hashType;
-    PRBool          extractValue = PR_TRUE;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    if (!slot) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * now lets create an object to hang the attributes off of
-     */
-    if (phKey) *phKey = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    key = sftk_NewObject(slot); /* fill in the handle later */
-    if (key == NULL) {
-    }
-    isFIPS = (slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID);
-    /*
-     * load the template values into the object
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < (int) ulAttributeCount; i++) {
-	crv = sftk_AddAttributeType(key,sftk_attr_expand(&pTemplate[i]));
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_KEY_TYPE) {
-	    keyType = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	}
-	if (pTemplate[i].type == CKA_VALUE_LEN) {
-	    keySize = *(CK_ULONG *)pTemplate[i].pValue;
-	}
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { sftk_FreeObject(key); return crv; }
-    if (keySize == 0) {
-	keySize = sftk_MapKeySize(keyType);
-    }
-    switch (mechanism) {
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA1:   /* fall through */
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA256: /* fall through */
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA384: /* fall through */
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA512:
-          extractValue = PR_FALSE;
-          classType = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY;
-          break;
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA1:   /* fall through */
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA256: /* fall through */
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA384: /* fall through */
-      case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA512:
-          extractValue = PR_FALSE;
-          /* fall through */
-      default:
-          classType = CKO_SECRET_KEY;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_CLASS,&classType,sizeof(classType));
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* look up the base key we're deriving with */ 
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    }
-    sourceKey = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hBaseKey,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (sourceKey == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-        return CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    }
-    if (extractValue) {
-        /* get the value of the base key */
-        att = sftk_FindAttribute(sourceKey,CKA_VALUE);
-        if (att == NULL) {
-            sftk_FreeObject(key);
-            sftk_FreeObject(sourceKey);
-            return CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-        }
-    }
-    switch (mechanism) {
-    /*
-     * generate the master secret 
-     */
-      {
-	SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret *          rsa_pms;
-	unsigned char                     crsrdata[SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH * 2];
-	if ((mechanism == CKM_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE) ||
-	    (mechanism == CKM_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH)) {
-	    CK_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_PARAMS *tls12_master =
-		(CK_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_PARAMS *) pMechanism->pParameter;
-	    tlsPrfHash = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(tls12_master->prfHashMechanism);
-	    if (tlsPrfHash == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else if ((mechanism == CKM_NSS_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_SHA256) ||
-		   (mechanism == CKM_NSS_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH_SHA256)) {
-	    tlsPrfHash = HASH_AlgSHA256;
-	}
-	if ((mechanism != CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE) &&
-	    (mechanism != CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH)) {
-	    isTLS = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	if ((mechanism == CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH) ||
-	    (mechanism == CKM_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH) ||
-	    (mechanism == CKM_NSS_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH_SHA256) ||
-	    (mechanism == CKM_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH)) {
-	    isDH = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	/* first do the consistency checks */
-	if (!isDH && (att->attrib.ulValueLen != SSL3_PMS_LENGTH)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att2 = sftk_FindAttribute(sourceKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-	if ((att2 == NULL) || (*(CK_KEY_TYPE *)att2->attrib.pValue !=
-	    if (att2) sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	    break;
-	}
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	if (keyType != CKK_GENERIC_SECRET) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if ((keySize != 0) && (keySize != SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH)) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* finally do the key gen */
-	ssl3_master = (CK_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_PARAMS *)
-					pMechanism->pParameter;
-	PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata, 
-	            ssl3_master->RandomInfo.pClientRandom, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH);
-	PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata + SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH, 
-	            ssl3_master->RandomInfo.pServerRandom, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH);
-	if (ssl3_master->pVersion) {
-	    SFTKSessionObject *sessKey = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(key);
-	    rsa_pms = (SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret *) att->attrib.pValue;
-	    /* don't leak more key material then necessary for SSL to work */
-	    if ((sessKey == NULL) || sessKey->wasDerived) {
-		ssl3_master->pVersion->major = 0xff;
-		ssl3_master->pVersion->minor = 0xff;
-	    } else {
-		ssl3_master->pVersion->major = rsa_pms->client_version[0];
-		ssl3_master->pVersion->minor = rsa_pms->client_version[1];
-	    }
-	}
-	if (ssl3_master->RandomInfo.ulClientRandomLen != SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH) {
-	   break;
-	}
-	if (ssl3_master->RandomInfo.ulServerRandomLen != SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH) {
-	   break;
-	}
-        if (isTLS) {
-	    SECStatus status;
- 	    SECItem crsr   = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
- 	    SECItem master = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
- 	    SECItem pms    = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-   = crsrdata;
-	    crsr.len    = sizeof crsrdata;
- = key_block;
-	    master.len  = SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH;
-    = (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue;
-	    pms.len     =                 att->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	    if (tlsPrfHash != HASH_AlgNULL) {
-		status = TLS_P_hash(tlsPrfHash, &pms, "master secret",
-				    &crsr, &master, isFIPS);
-	    } else {
-		status = TLS_PRF(&pms, "master secret", &crsr, &master, isFIPS);
-	    }
-	    if (status != SECSuccess) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /* now allocate the hash contexts */
-	    md5 = MD5_NewContext();
-	    if (md5 == NULL) { 
-		break;
-	    }
-	    sha = SHA1_NewContext();
-	    if (sha == NULL) { 
-		PORT_Free(md5);
-		break;
-	    }
-            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-              SHA1_Begin(sha);
-              SHA1_Update(sha, (unsigned char*) mixers[i], strlen(mixers[i]));
-              SHA1_Update(sha, (const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue, 
-			  att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-              SHA1_Update(sha, crsrdata, sizeof crsrdata);
-              SHA1_End(sha, sha_out, &outLen, SHA1_LENGTH);
-              PORT_Assert(outLen == SHA1_LENGTH);
-              MD5_Begin(md5);
-              MD5_Update(md5, (const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue, 
-			 att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-              MD5_Update(md5, sha_out, outLen);
-              MD5_End(md5, &key_block[i*MD5_LENGTH], &outLen, MD5_LENGTH);
-              PORT_Assert(outLen == MD5_LENGTH);
-            }
-	    PORT_Free(md5);
-	    PORT_Free(sha);
-	}
-	/* store the results */
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_KEY_TYPE,&keyType,sizeof(keyType));
-	if (isTLS) {
-	    /* TLS's master secret is used to "sign" finished msgs with PRF. */
-	    /* XXX This seems like a hack.   But SFTK_Derive only accepts 
-	     * one "operation" argument. */
-	    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_SIGN,  &cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VERIFY,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    /* While we're here, we might as well force this, too. */
-	    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_DERIVE,&cktrue,sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	}
-	break;
-      }
-    /* Extended master key derivation [draft-ietf-tls-session-hash] */
-      {
-        SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret *rsa_pms;
-        SECStatus status;
-        SECItem pms    = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-        SECItem seed   = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-        SECItem master = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-            pMechanism->pParameter;
-        /* First do the consistency checks */
-        if ((mechanism == CKM_NSS_TLS_EXTENDED_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE) &&
-            (att->attrib.ulValueLen != SSL3_PMS_LENGTH)) {
-            crv = CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT;
-            break;
-        }
-        att2 = sftk_FindAttribute(sourceKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-        if ((att2 == NULL) ||
-            (*(CK_KEY_TYPE *)att2->attrib.pValue != CKK_GENERIC_SECRET)) {
-            if (att2) sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-            break;
-        }
-        sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-        if (keyType != CKK_GENERIC_SECRET) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if ((keySize != 0) && (keySize != SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Do the key derivation */
-    = (unsigned char*) att->attrib.pValue;
-        pms.len     =                  att->attrib.ulValueLen;
-   = ems_params->pSessionHash;
-        seed.len    = ems_params->ulSessionHashLen;
- = key_block;
-        master.len  = SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH;
-        if (ems_params-> prfHashMechanism == CKM_TLS_PRF) {
-            /*
-             * In this case, the session hash is the concatenation of SHA-1
-             * and MD5, so it should be 36 bytes long.
-             */
-            if (seed.len != MD5_LENGTH + SHA1_LENGTH) {
-                crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT;
-                break;
-            }
-            status = TLS_PRF(&pms, "extended master secret",
-                             &seed, &master, isFIPS);
-        } else {
-            const SECHashObject *hashObj;
-            tlsPrfHash = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(ems_params->prfHashMechanism);
-            if (tlsPrfHash == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-                crv = CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID;
-                break;
-            }
-            hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(tlsPrfHash);
-            if (seed.len != hashObj->length) {
-                crv = CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT;
-                break;
-            }
-            status = TLS_P_hash(tlsPrfHash, &pms, "extended master secret",
-                                &seed, &master, isFIPS);
-        }
-        if (status != SECSuccess) {
-            crv = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Reflect the version if required */
-        if (ems_params->pVersion) {
-            SFTKSessionObject *sessKey = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(key);
-            rsa_pms = (SSL3RSAPreMasterSecret *) att->attrib.pValue;
-            /* don't leak more key material than necessary for SSL to work */
-            if ((sessKey == NULL) || sessKey->wasDerived) {
-                ems_params->pVersion->major = 0xff;
-                ems_params->pVersion->minor = 0xff;
-            } else {
-                ems_params->pVersion->major = rsa_pms->client_version[0];
-                ems_params->pVersion->minor = rsa_pms->client_version[1];
-            }
-        }
-        /* Store the results */
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE, key_block,
-                                  SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH);
-        break;
-      }
-      {
-	CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_PARAMS *ssl3_keys;
-	CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_OUT *   ssl3_keys_out;
-	CK_ULONG                effKeySize;
-	unsigned int            block_needed;
-	unsigned char           srcrdata[SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH * 2];
-	unsigned char           crsrdata[SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH * 2];
-	if (mechanism == CKM_TLS12_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE) {
-	    CK_TLS12_KEY_MAT_PARAMS *tls12_keys =
-		(CK_TLS12_KEY_MAT_PARAMS *) pMechanism->pParameter;
-	    tlsPrfHash = GetHashTypeFromMechanism(tls12_keys->prfHashMechanism);
-	    if (tlsPrfHash == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else if (mechanism == CKM_NSS_TLS_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE_SHA256) {
-	    tlsPrfHash = HASH_AlgSHA256;
-	}
-	if (mechanism != CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE) {
-	    isTLS = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey,key);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if (att->attrib.ulValueLen != SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	att2 = sftk_FindAttribute(sourceKey,CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-	if ((att2 == NULL) || (*(CK_KEY_TYPE *)att2->attrib.pValue !=
-	    if (att2) sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	    break;
-	}
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	md5 = MD5_NewContext();
-	if (md5 == NULL) { 
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	sha = SHA1_NewContext();
-	if (sha == NULL) { 
-	    PORT_Free(md5);
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	ssl3_keys = (CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_PARAMS *) pMechanism->pParameter;
-	PORT_Memcpy(srcrdata, 
-	            ssl3_keys->RandomInfo.pServerRandom, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH);
-	PORT_Memcpy(srcrdata + SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH, 
-		    ssl3_keys->RandomInfo.pClientRandom, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH);
-	PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata, 
-		    ssl3_keys->RandomInfo.pClientRandom, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH);
-	PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata + SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH, 
-		    ssl3_keys->RandomInfo.pServerRandom, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH);
-	/*
-	 * clear out our returned keys so we can recover on failure
-	 */
-	ssl3_keys_out = ssl3_keys->pReturnedKeyMaterial;
-	ssl3_keys_out->hClientMacSecret = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	ssl3_keys_out->hServerMacSecret = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	ssl3_keys_out->hClientKey       = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	ssl3_keys_out->hServerKey       = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-	/*
-	 * How much key material do we need?
-	 */
-	macSize    = ssl3_keys->ulMacSizeInBits/8;
-	effKeySize = ssl3_keys->ulKeySizeInBits/8;
-	IVSize     = ssl3_keys->ulIVSizeInBits/8;
-	if (keySize == 0) {
-	    effKeySize = keySize;
-	}
-	block_needed = 2 * (macSize + effKeySize + 
-	                    ((!ssl3_keys->bIsExport) * IVSize));
-	PORT_Assert(block_needed <= sizeof key_block);
-	if (block_needed > sizeof key_block)
-	    block_needed = sizeof key_block;
-	/*
-	 * generate the key material: This looks amazingly similar to the
-	 * PMS code, and is clearly crying out for a function to provide it.
-	 */
-	if (isTLS) {
-	    SECStatus     status;
-	    SECItem       srcr   = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-	    SECItem       keyblk = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-	    SECItem       master = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; 
-   = srcrdata;
-	    srcr.len    = sizeof srcrdata;
- = key_block;
-	    keyblk.len  = block_needed;
- = (unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue;
-	    master.len  =                 att->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	    if (tlsPrfHash != HASH_AlgNULL) {
-		status = TLS_P_hash(tlsPrfHash, &master, "key expansion",
-				    &srcr, &keyblk, isFIPS);
-	    } else {
-		status = TLS_PRF(&master, "key expansion", &srcr, &keyblk,
-				 isFIPS);
-	    }
-	    if (status != SECSuccess) {
-		goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    unsigned int block_bytes = 0;
-	    /* key_block = 
-	     *     MD5(master_secret + SHA('A' + master_secret + 
-	     *                      ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) +
-	     *     MD5(master_secret + SHA('BB' + master_secret + 
-	     *                      ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) +
-	     *     MD5(master_secret + SHA('CCC' + master_secret + 
-	     *                      ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) +
-	     *     [...];
-	     */
-	    for (i = 0; i < NUM_MIXERS && block_bytes < block_needed; i++) {
-	      SHA1_Begin(sha);
-	      SHA1_Update(sha, (unsigned char*) mixers[i], strlen(mixers[i]));
-	      SHA1_Update(sha, (const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue, 
-			  att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	      SHA1_Update(sha, srcrdata, sizeof srcrdata);
-	      SHA1_End(sha, sha_out, &outLen, SHA1_LENGTH);
-	      PORT_Assert(outLen == SHA1_LENGTH);
-	      MD5_Begin(md5);
-	      MD5_Update(md5, (const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-			 att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	      MD5_Update(md5, sha_out, outLen);
-	      MD5_End(md5, &key_block[i*MD5_LENGTH], &outLen, MD5_LENGTH);
-	      PORT_Assert(outLen == MD5_LENGTH);
-	      block_bytes += outLen;
-	    }
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Put the key material where it goes.
-	 */
-	i = 0;			/* now shows how much consumed */
-	/* 
-	 * The key_block is partitioned as follows:
-	 * client_write_MAC_secret[CipherSpec.hash_size]
-	 */
-	crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession,key,PR_TRUE,&key_block[i],macSize,
-					 &ssl3_keys_out->hClientMacSecret);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK)
-	    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-	i += macSize;
-	/* 
-	 * server_write_MAC_secret[CipherSpec.hash_size]
-	 */
-	crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession,key,PR_TRUE,&key_block[i],macSize,
-					    &ssl3_keys_out->hServerMacSecret);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-	}
-	i += macSize;
-	if (keySize) {
-	    if (!ssl3_keys->bIsExport) {
-		/* 
-		** Generate Domestic write keys and IVs.
-		** client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material]
-		*/
-		crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession,key,PR_FALSE,&key_block[i],
-					keySize, &ssl3_keys_out->hClientKey);
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		i += keySize;
-		/* 
-		** server_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material]
-		*/
-		crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession,key,PR_FALSE,&key_block[i],
-					keySize, &ssl3_keys_out->hServerKey);
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		i += keySize;
-		/* 
-		** client_write_IV[CipherSpec.IV_size]
-		*/
-		if (IVSize > 0) {
-		    PORT_Memcpy(ssl3_keys_out->pIVClient, 
-		                &key_block[i], IVSize);
-		    i += IVSize;
-		}
-		/* 
-		** server_write_IV[CipherSpec.IV_size]
-		*/
-		if (IVSize > 0) {
-		    PORT_Memcpy(ssl3_keys_out->pIVServer, 
-		                &key_block[i], IVSize);
-		    i += IVSize;
-		}
-		PORT_Assert(i <= sizeof key_block);
-	    } else if (!isTLS) {
-		/*
-		** Generate SSL3 Export write keys and IVs.
-		** client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material]
-		** final_client_write_key = MD5(client_write_key +
-		**                   ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random);
-		*/
-		MD5_Begin(md5);
-		MD5_Update(md5, &key_block[i], effKeySize);
-            	MD5_Update(md5, crsrdata, sizeof crsrdata);
-		MD5_End(md5, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH);
-		i += effKeySize;
-		crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession,key,PR_FALSE,key_block2,
-				 	keySize,&ssl3_keys_out->hClientKey);
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		/*
-		** server_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material]
-		** final_server_write_key = MD5(server_write_key +
-		**                    ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random);
-		*/
-		MD5_Begin(md5);
-		MD5_Update(md5, &key_block[i], effKeySize);
-            	MD5_Update(md5, srcrdata, sizeof srcrdata);
-		MD5_End(md5, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH);
-		i += effKeySize;
-		crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession,key,PR_FALSE,key_block2,
-					 keySize,&ssl3_keys_out->hServerKey);
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		/*
-		** client_write_IV = 
-		**	MD5(ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random);
-		*/
-		MD5_Begin(md5);
-            	MD5_Update(md5, crsrdata, sizeof crsrdata);
-		MD5_End(md5, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH);
-		PORT_Memcpy(ssl3_keys_out->pIVClient, key_block2, IVSize);
-		/*
-		** server_write_IV = 
-		**	MD5(ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random);
-		*/
-		MD5_Begin(md5);
-            	MD5_Update(md5, srcrdata, sizeof srcrdata);
-		MD5_End(md5, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH);
-		PORT_Memcpy(ssl3_keys_out->pIVServer, key_block2, IVSize);
-	    } else {
-		/*
-		** Generate TLS 1.0 Export write keys and IVs.
-		*/
-		SECStatus     status;
-		SECItem       secret = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-		SECItem       crsr   = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-		SECItem       keyblk = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
-		/*
-		** client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material]
-		** final_client_write_key = PRF(client_write_key, 
-		**                              "client write key",
-		**                              client_random + server_random);
-		*/
- = &key_block[i];
-		secret.len  = effKeySize;
-		i          += effKeySize;
-   = crsrdata;
-		crsr.len    = sizeof crsrdata;
- = key_block2;
-		keyblk.len  = sizeof key_block2;
-		status = TLS_PRF(&secret, "client write key", &crsr, &keyblk,
-				  isFIPS);
-		if (status != SECSuccess) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession, key, PR_FALSE, key_block2, 
-				       keySize, &ssl3_keys_out->hClientKey);
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		/*
-		** server_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material]
-		** final_server_write_key = PRF(server_write_key,
-		**                              "server write key",
-		**                              client_random + server_random);
-		*/
- = &key_block[i];
-		secret.len  = effKeySize;
-		i          += effKeySize;
- = key_block2;
-		keyblk.len  = sizeof key_block2;
-		status = TLS_PRF(&secret, "server write key", &crsr, &keyblk,
-				  isFIPS);
-		if (status != SECSuccess) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		crv = sftk_buildSSLKey(hSession, key, PR_FALSE, key_block2, 
-				       keySize, &ssl3_keys_out->hServerKey);
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		}
-		/*
-		** iv_block = PRF("", "IV block", 
-		**                    client_random + server_random);
-		** client_write_IV[SecurityParameters.IV_size]
-		** server_write_IV[SecurityParameters.IV_size]
-		*/
-		if (IVSize) {
- = NULL;
-		    secret.len  = 0;
- = &key_block[i];
-		    keyblk.len  = 2 * IVSize;
-		    status = TLS_PRF(&secret, "IV block", &crsr, &keyblk,
-				      isFIPS);
-		    if (status != SECSuccess) {
-			goto key_and_mac_derive_fail;
-		    }
-		    PORT_Memcpy(ssl3_keys_out->pIVClient,, IVSize);
-		    PORT_Memcpy(ssl3_keys_out->pIVServer, + IVSize,
-                                IVSize);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-	if (0) {
-	    if (crv == CKR_OK)
-	    sftk_freeSSLKeys(hSession, ssl3_keys_out);
-	}
-	MD5_DestroyContext(md5, PR_TRUE);
-	SHA1_DestroyContext(sha, PR_TRUE);
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	key = NULL;
-	break;
-      }
-      {
-	SFTKObject *newKey;
-	crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey,key);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-	if (session == NULL) {
-            crv = CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-	    break;
-    	}
-	newKey = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(*(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *)
-					pMechanism->pParameter,session);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	if ( newKey == NULL) {
-            crv = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (sftk_isTrue(newKey,CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	    crv = sftk_forceAttribute(newKey,CKA_SENSITIVE,&cktrue,
-							sizeof(CK_BBOOL));
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		sftk_FreeObject(newKey);
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	att2 = sftk_FindAttribute(newKey,CKA_VALUE);
-	if (att2 == NULL) {
-	    sftk_FreeObject(newKey);
-            crv = CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-	    break;
-	}
-	tmpKeySize = att->attrib.ulValueLen+att2->attrib.ulValueLen;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = tmpKeySize;
-	if (keySize > tmpKeySize) {
-	    sftk_FreeObject(newKey);
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	    break;
-	}
-	buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(tmpKeySize);
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	    sftk_FreeObject(newKey);
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;	
-	    break;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf,att->attrib.pValue,att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf+att->attrib.ulValueLen,
-				att2->attrib.pValue,att2->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,buf,keySize);
-	PORT_ZFree(buf,tmpKeySize);
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(att2);
-	sftk_FreeObject(newKey);
-	break;
-      }
-	crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey,key);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	stringPtr = (CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA *) pMechanism->pParameter;
-	tmpKeySize = att->attrib.ulValueLen+stringPtr->ulLen;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = tmpKeySize;
-	if (keySize > tmpKeySize) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(tmpKeySize);
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf,att->attrib.pValue,att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf+att->attrib.ulValueLen,stringPtr->pData,
-							stringPtr->ulLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,buf,keySize);
-	PORT_ZFree(buf,tmpKeySize);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey,key);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	stringPtr = (CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	tmpKeySize = att->attrib.ulValueLen+stringPtr->ulLen;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = tmpKeySize;
-	if (keySize > tmpKeySize) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(tmpKeySize);
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf,stringPtr->pData,stringPtr->ulLen);
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf+stringPtr->ulLen,att->attrib.pValue,
-							att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,buf,keySize);
-	PORT_ZFree(buf,tmpKeySize);
-	break;
-	crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey,key);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	stringPtr = (CK_KEY_DERIVATION_STRING_DATA *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	tmpKeySize = PR_MIN(att->attrib.ulValueLen,stringPtr->ulLen);
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = tmpKeySize;
-	if (keySize > tmpKeySize) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(keySize);
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(buf,att->attrib.pValue,keySize);
-	for (i=0; i < (int)keySize; i++) {
-	    buf[i] ^= stringPtr->pData[i];
-	}
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,buf,keySize);
-	PORT_ZFree(buf,keySize);
-	break;
-      {
-	/* the following assumes 8 bits per byte */
-	CK_ULONG extract = *(CK_EXTRACT_PARAMS *)pMechanism->pParameter;
-	CK_ULONG shift   = extract & 0x7;      /* extract mod 8 the fast way */
-	CK_ULONG offset  = extract >> 3;       /* extract div 8 the fast way */
-	crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey,key);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	if (keySize == 0)  {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* make sure we have enough bits in the original key */
-	if (att->attrib.ulValueLen < 
-			(offset + keySize + ((shift != 0)? 1 :0)) ) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	buf = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc(keySize);
-	if (buf == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* copy the bits we need into the new key */	
-	for (i=0; i < (int)keySize; i++) {
-	    unsigned char *value =
-			 ((unsigned char *)att->attrib.pValue)+offset+i;
-	    if (shift) {
-	        buf[i] = (value[0] << (shift)) | (value[1] >> (8 - shift));
-	    } else {
-		buf[i] = value[0];
-	    }
-	}
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,buf,keySize);
-	PORT_ZFree(buf,keySize);
-	break;
-      }
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = MD2_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > MD2_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* now allocate the hash contexts */
-	md2 = MD2_NewContext();
-	if (md2 == NULL) { 
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-	MD2_Begin(md2);
-	MD2_Update(md2,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		   att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	MD2_End(md2,key_block,&outLen,MD2_LENGTH);
-	MD2_DestroyContext(md2, PR_TRUE);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = MD5_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > MD5_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	MD5_HashBuf(key_block,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		   att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute (key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = SHA1_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > SHA1_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	SHA1_HashBuf(key_block,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		    att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = SHA224_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > SHA224_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	SHA224_HashBuf(key_block,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		    att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = SHA256_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > SHA256_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	SHA256_HashBuf(key_block,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		    att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = SHA384_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > SHA384_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	SHA384_HashBuf(key_block,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		    att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-	if (keySize == 0) keySize = SHA512_LENGTH;
-	if (keySize > SHA512_LENGTH) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	SHA512_HashBuf(key_block,(const unsigned char*)att->attrib.pValue,
-		    att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE,key_block,keySize);
-	break;
-      {
-	SECItem  derived,  dhPublic;
-	SECItem  dhPrime,  dhValue;
-	/* sourceKey - values for the local existing low key */
-	/* get prime and value attributes */
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SecItem(NULL, &dhPrime, sourceKey, CKA_PRIME); 
-	if (crv != SECSuccess) break;
-	crv = sftk_Attribute2SecItem(NULL, &dhValue, sourceKey, CKA_VALUE); 
-	if (crv != SECSuccess) {
- 	    PORT_Free(;
-	    break;
-	}
- = pMechanism->pParameter;
-	dhPublic.len  = pMechanism->ulParameterLen;
-	/* calculate private value - oct */
-	rv = DH_Derive(&dhPublic, &dhPrime, &dhValue, &derived, keySize); 
-	PORT_Free(;
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	    sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE,, derived.len);
-	    PORT_ZFree(, derived.len);
-	} else
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	break;
-      }
-    case CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE:
-      {
-	SECItem  ecScalar, ecPoint;
-	SECItem  tmp;
-	PRBool   withCofactor = PR_FALSE;
-	unsigned char *secret;
-	unsigned char *keyData = NULL;
-	unsigned int secretlen, curveLen, pubKeyLen;
-	NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *privKey;
-	PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-	/* Check mechanism parameters */
-	mechParams = (CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS *) pMechanism->pParameter;
-	if ((pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS)) ||
-	    ((mechParams->kdf == CKD_NULL) &&
-		((mechParams->ulSharedDataLen != 0) || 
-		    (mechParams->pSharedData != NULL)))) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	privKey = sftk_GetPrivKey(sourceKey, CKK_EC, &crv);
-	if (privKey == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* Now we are working with a non-NULL private key */
-	SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &ecScalar, &privKey->;
- = mechParams->pPublicData;
-	ecPoint.len  = mechParams->ulPublicDataLen;
-	curveLen = (privKey-> +7)/8;
-	pubKeyLen = (2*curveLen) + 1;
-	/* if the len is too small, can't be a valid point */
-	if (ecPoint.len < pubKeyLen) {
-	    goto ec_loser;
-	}
-	/* if the len is too large, must be an encoded point (length is
-	 * equal case just falls through */
-	if (ecPoint.len > pubKeyLen) {
-	    SECItem newPoint;
-	    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-	    if (arena == NULL) {
-		goto ec_loser;
-	    }
-	    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &newPoint, 
-					SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_OctetStringTemplate), 
-					&ecPoint);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		goto ec_loser;
-	    }
-	    ecPoint = newPoint;
-	}
-	if (mechanism == CKM_ECDH1_COFACTOR_DERIVE) {
-	    withCofactor = PR_TRUE;
-	} else {
-	    /* When not using cofactor derivation, one should
-	     * validate the public key to avoid small subgroup
-	     * attacks.
-	     */
-	    if (EC_ValidatePublicKey(&privKey->, &ecPoint) 
-		!= SECSuccess) {
-		goto ec_loser;
-	    }
-	}
-	rv = ECDH_Derive(&ecPoint, &privKey->, &ecScalar,
-	                 withCofactor, &tmp); 
-	PORT_Free(;
- = NULL;
-	if (privKey != sourceKey->objectInfo) {
-	   nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-	   privKey=NULL;
-	}
-	if (arena) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-	    arena=NULL;
-	}
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    crv = sftk_MapCryptError(PORT_GetError());
-	    break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * apply the kdf function.
-	 */
-	if (mechParams->kdf == CKD_NULL) {
-	    /*
-	     * tmp is the raw data created by ECDH_Derive,
-	     * secret and secretlen are the values we will
-	     * eventually pass as our generated key.
-	     */
-	    secret =;
-	    secretlen = tmp.len;
-	} else {
-	    secretlen = keySize;
-	    crv = sftk_ANSI_X9_63_kdf(&secret, keySize,
-			&tmp, mechParams->pSharedData,
-			mechParams->ulSharedDataLen, mechParams->kdf);
-	    PORT_ZFree(, tmp.len);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		break;
-	    }
- = secret;
-	    tmp.len = secretlen;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * if keySize is supplied, then we are generating a key of a specific 
-	 * length. This is done by taking the least significant 'keySize' 
-	 * bytes from the unsigned value calculated by ECDH. Note: this may 
-	 * mean padding temp with extra leading zeros from what ECDH_Derive 
-	 * already returned (which itself may contain leading zeros).
- 	 */
-	if (keySize) {
-	    if (secretlen < keySize) {
-	        keyData = PORT_ZAlloc(keySize);
-		if (!keyData) {
-		    PORT_ZFree(, tmp.len);
-		    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-		    break;
-		}
-		PORT_Memcpy(&keyData[keySize-secretlen],secret,secretlen);
-		secret = keyData;
-	    } else {
-		secret += (secretlen - keySize);
-	    }
-	    secretlen = keySize;
-	}
-	sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE, secret, secretlen);
-	PORT_ZFree(, tmp.len);
-	if (keyData) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(keyData, keySize);
-	}
-	break;
-	PORT_Free(;
-	if (privKey != sourceKey->objectInfo)
-	    nsslowkey_DestroyPrivateKey(privKey);
-	if (arena) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	}
-	break;
-      }
-#endif /* NSS_DISABLE_ECC */
-    /* See RFC 5869 and CK_NSS_HKDFParams for documentation. */
-    case CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA1:   hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1;   goto hkdf;
-    case CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA256: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA256; goto hkdf;
-    case CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA384: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA384; goto hkdf;
-    case CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA512: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA512; goto hkdf;
-hkdf: {
-        const CK_NSS_HKDFParams * params =
-            (const CK_NSS_HKDFParams *) pMechanism->pParameter;
-        const SECHashObject * rawHash;
-        unsigned hashLen;
-        CK_BYTE buf[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-        CK_BYTE * prk;  /* psuedo-random key */
-        CK_ULONG prkLen;
-        CK_BYTE * okm;  /* output keying material */
-        rawHash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashType);
-        if (rawHash == NULL || rawHash->length > sizeof buf) {
-            crv = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED;
-            break;
-        }
-        hashLen = rawHash->length;
-        if (pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_HKDFParams) ||
-            !params || (!params->bExpand && !params->bExtract) ||
-            (params->bExtract && params->ulSaltLen > 0 && !params->pSalt) ||
-            (params->bExpand && params->ulInfoLen > 0 && !params->pInfo)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (keySize == 0 || keySize > sizeof key_block ||
-            (!params->bExpand && keySize > hashLen) ||
-            (params->bExpand && keySize > 255 * hashLen)) {
-            break;
-        }
-        crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey, key);
-        if (crv != CKR_OK)
-            break;
-        /* HKDF-Extract(salt, base key value) */
-        if (params->bExtract) {
-            CK_BYTE * salt;
-            CK_ULONG saltLen;
-            HMACContext * hmac;
-            unsigned int bufLen;
-            salt = params->pSalt;
-            saltLen = params->ulSaltLen;
-            if (salt == NULL) {
-                saltLen = hashLen;
-                salt = buf;
-                memset(salt, 0, saltLen);
-            }
-            hmac = HMAC_Create(rawHash, salt, saltLen, isFIPS);
-            if (!hmac) {
-                crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-                break;
-            }
-            HMAC_Begin(hmac);
-            HMAC_Update(hmac, (const unsigned char*) att->attrib.pValue,
-		        att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-            HMAC_Finish(hmac, buf, &bufLen, sizeof(buf));
-            HMAC_Destroy(hmac, PR_TRUE);
-            PORT_Assert(bufLen == rawHash->length);
-            prk = buf;
-            prkLen = bufLen;
-        } else {
-            /* PRK = base key value */
-            prk = (CK_BYTE*) att->attrib.pValue;
-            prkLen = att->attrib.ulValueLen;
-        }
-        /* HKDF-Expand */
-        if (!params->bExpand) {
-            okm = prk;
-        } else {
-            /* T(1) = HMAC-Hash(prk, "" | info | 0x01)
-             * T(n) = HMAC-Hash(prk, T(n-1) | info | n
-             * key material = T(1) | ... | T(n)
-             */
-            HMACContext * hmac;
-            CK_BYTE i;
-            unsigned iterations = PR_ROUNDUP(keySize, hashLen) / hashLen;
-            hmac = HMAC_Create(rawHash, prk, prkLen, isFIPS);
-            if (hmac == NULL) {
-                crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-                break;
-            }
-            for (i = 1; i <= iterations; ++i) {
-                unsigned len;
-                HMAC_Begin(hmac);
-                if (i > 1) {
-                    HMAC_Update(hmac, key_block + ((i-2) * hashLen), hashLen);
-                }
-                if (params->ulInfoLen != 0) {
-                    HMAC_Update(hmac, params->pInfo, params->ulInfoLen);
-                }
-                HMAC_Update(hmac, &i, 1);
-                HMAC_Finish(hmac, key_block + ((i-1) * hashLen), &len,
-                            hashLen);
-                PORT_Assert(len == hashLen);
-            }
-            HMAC_Destroy(hmac, PR_TRUE);
-            okm = key_block;
-        }
-        /* key material = prk */
-        crv = sftk_forceAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE, okm, keySize);
-        break;
-      } /* end of CKM_NSS_HKDF_* */
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA1: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1; goto jpake2;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA256: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA256; goto jpake2;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA384: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA384; goto jpake2;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA512: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA512; goto jpake2;
-        if (pMechanism->pParameter == NULL ||
-            pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params))
-        if (crv == CKR_OK && sftk_isTrue(key, CKA_TOKEN))
-	if (crv == CKR_OK)
-            crv = sftk_DeriveSensitiveCheck(sourceKey, key);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK)
-            crv = jpake_Round2(hashType,
-                        (CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params *) pMechanism->pParameter,
-                        sourceKey, key);
-        break;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA1: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA1; goto jpakeFinal;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA256: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA256; goto jpakeFinal;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA384: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA384; goto jpakeFinal;
-    case CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA512: hashType = HASH_AlgSHA512; goto jpakeFinal;
-        if (pMechanism->pParameter == NULL ||
-            pMechanism->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams))
-        /* We purposely do not do the derive sensitivity check; we want to be
-           able to derive non-sensitive keys while allowing the ROUND1 and 
-           ROUND2 keys to be sensitive (which they always are, since they are
-           in the CKO_PRIVATE_KEY class). The caller must include CKA_SENSITIVE
-           in the template in order for the resultant keyblock key to be
-           sensitive.
-         */
-        if (crv == CKR_OK)
-            crv = jpake_Final(hashType,
-                        (CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams *) pMechanism->pParameter,
-                        sourceKey, key);
-        break;
-    default:
-    }
-    if (att) {
-        sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-    }
-    sftk_FreeObject(sourceKey);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) { 
-	if (key) sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* link the key object into the list */
-    if (key) {
-	SFTKSessionObject *sessKey = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(key);
-	PORT_Assert(sessKey);
-	/* get the session */
-	sessKey->wasDerived = PR_TRUE;
-	session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-	if (session == NULL) {
-	    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-	crv = sftk_handleObject(key,session);
-	sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	*phKey = key->handle;
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_GetFunctionStatus obtains an updated status of a function running 
- * in parallel with an application. */
-CK_RV NSC_GetFunctionStatus(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-/* NSC_CancelFunction cancels a function running in parallel */
-CK_RV NSC_CancelFunction(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession)
-    CHECK_FORK();
-/* NSC_GetOperationState saves the state of the cryptographic 
- *operation in a session.
- * NOTE: This code only works for digest functions for now. eventually need
- * to add full flatten/resurect to our state stuff so that all types of state
- * can be saved */
-CK_RV NSC_GetOperationState(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, 
-	CK_BYTE_PTR  pOperationState, CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen)
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ULONG pOSLen = *pulOperationStateLen;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    /* make sure we're legal */
-    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession, &context, SFTK_HASH, PR_TRUE, &session);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    *pulOperationStateLen = context->cipherInfoLen + sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE)
-				+ sizeof(SFTKContextType);
-    if (pOperationState == NULL) {
-        sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	return CKR_OK;
-    } else {
-	if (pOSLen < *pulOperationStateLen) {
-	    return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(pOperationState,&context->type,sizeof(SFTKContextType));
-    pOperationState += sizeof(SFTKContextType);
-    PORT_Memcpy(pOperationState,&context->currentMech,
-						sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE));
-    pOperationState += sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE);
-    PORT_Memcpy(pOperationState,context->cipherInfo,context->cipherInfoLen);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    return CKR_OK;
-#define sftk_Decrement(stateSize,len) \
-	stateSize = ((stateSize) > (CK_ULONG)(len)) ? \
-				((stateSize) - (CK_ULONG)(len)) : 0;
-/* NSC_SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic 
- * operation in a session. This is coded like it can restore lots of
- * states, but it only works for truly flat cipher structures. */
-CK_RV NSC_SetOperationState(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, 
-	CK_BYTE_PTR  pOperationState, CK_ULONG  ulOperationStateLen,
-        CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey)
-    SFTKSessionContext *context;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKContextType type;
-    CK_MECHANISM mech;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    while (ulOperationStateLen != 0) {
-	/* get what type of state we're dealing with... */
-	PORT_Memcpy(&type,pOperationState, sizeof(SFTKContextType));
-	/* fix up session contexts based on type */
-	session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-	if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-	context = sftk_ReturnContextByType(session, type);
-	sftk_SetContextByType(session, type, NULL);
-	if (context) { 
-	     sftk_FreeContext(context);
-	}
-	pOperationState += sizeof(SFTKContextType);
-	sftk_Decrement(ulOperationStateLen,sizeof(SFTKContextType));
-	/* get the mechanism structure */
-	PORT_Memcpy(&mech.mechanism,pOperationState,sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE));
-	pOperationState += sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE);
-	sftk_Decrement(ulOperationStateLen, sizeof(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE));
-	/* should be filled in... but not necessary for hash */
-	mech.pParameter = NULL;
-	mech.ulParameterLen = 0;
-	switch (type) {
-	case SFTK_HASH:
-	    crv = NSC_DigestInit(hSession,&mech);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    crv = sftk_GetContext(hSession, &context, SFTK_HASH, PR_TRUE, 
-								NULL);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-	    PORT_Memcpy(context->cipherInfo,pOperationState,
-						context->cipherInfoLen);
-	    pOperationState += context->cipherInfoLen;
-	    sftk_Decrement(ulOperationStateLen,context->cipherInfoLen);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    /* do sign/encrypt/decrypt later */
-         }
-         sftk_FreeSession(session);
-	 if (crv != CKR_OK) break;
-    }
-    return crv;
-/* Dual-function cryptographic operations */
-/* NSC_DigestEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part digesting and encryption 
- * operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DigestEncryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR  pPart,
-    CK_ULONG  ulPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedPart,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_EncryptUpdate(hSession,pPart,ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart,	
-						      pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = NSC_DigestUpdate(hSession,pPart,ulPartLen);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_DecryptDigestUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and 
- * digesting operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DecryptDigestUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-    CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG  ulEncryptedPartLen,
-    				CK_BYTE_PTR  pPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_DecryptUpdate(hSession,pEncryptedPart, ulEncryptedPartLen, 
-							pPart,	pulPartLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = NSC_DigestUpdate(hSession,pPart,*pulPartLen);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_SignEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part signing and 
- * encryption operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_SignEncryptUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR  pPart,
-	 CK_ULONG  ulPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedPart,
-					 CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_EncryptUpdate(hSession,pPart,ulPartLen, pEncryptedPart,	
-						      pulEncryptedPartLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = NSC_SignUpdate(hSession,pPart,ulPartLen);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_DecryptVerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption 
- * and verify operation. */
-CK_RV NSC_DecryptVerifyUpdate(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, 
-	CK_BYTE_PTR  pEncryptedData, CK_ULONG  ulEncryptedDataLen, 
-				CK_BYTE_PTR  pData, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    crv = NSC_DecryptUpdate(hSession,pEncryptedData, ulEncryptedDataLen, 
-							pData,	pulDataLen);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) return crv;
-    crv = NSC_VerifyUpdate(hSession, pData, *pulDataLen);
-    return crv;
-/* NSC_DigestKey continues a multi-part message-digesting operation,
- * by digesting the value of a secret key as part of the data already digested.
- */
-    SFTKSession *session = NULL;
-    SFTKObject *key = NULL;
-    SFTKAttribute *att;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CHECK_FORK();
-    session = sftk_SessionFromHandle(hSession);
-    if (session == NULL) return CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    key = sftk_ObjectFromHandle(hKey,session);
-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
-    if (key == NULL)  return CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;
-    /* make sure it's a valid  key for this operation */
-    if (key->objclass != CKO_SECRET_KEY) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    }
-    /* get the key value */
-    att = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-    sftk_FreeObject(key);
-    if (!att) {
-        return CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID;        
-    }
-    crv = NSC_DigestUpdate(hSession,(CK_BYTE_PTR)att->attrib.pValue,
-			   att->attrib.ulValueLen);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(att);
-    return crv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h b/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f16357..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,758 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Internal data structures and functions used by pkcs11.c
- */
-#ifndef _PKCS11I_H_
-#define _PKCS11I_H_ 1
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "lowkeyti.h" 
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "sftkdbt.h" 
-#include "chacha20poly1305.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
- * Configuration Defines 
- *
- * The following defines affect the space verse speed trade offs of
- * the PKCS #11 module. For the most part the current settings are optimized
- * for web servers, where we want faster speed and lower lock contention at
- * the expense of space.
- */
- * The attribute allocation strategy is static allocation:
- *   Attributes are pre-allocated as part of the session object and used from
- *   the object array.
- */
-#define MAX_OBJS_ATTRS 45	/* number of attributes to preallocate in
-				 * the object (must me the absolute max) */
-#define ATTR_SPACE 50  		/* Maximum size of attribute data before extra
-				 * data needs to be allocated. This is set to
-				 * enough space to hold an SSL MASTER secret */
-#define NSC_STRICT      PR_FALSE  /* forces the code to do strict template
-				   * matching when doing C_FindObject on token
-				   * objects. This will slow down search in
-				   * NSS. */
-/* default search block allocations and increments */
-#define NSC_CERT_BLOCK_SIZE     50
-#define NSC_FIPS_MODULE 1
-/* these are data base storage hashes, not cryptographic hashes.. The define
- * the effective size of the various object hash tables */
-/* clients care more about memory usage than lookup performance on
- * cyrptographic objects. Clients also have less objects around to play with 
- *
- * we eventually should make this configurable at runtime! Especially now that
- * NSS is a shared library.
- */
-#define MAX_OBJECT_LIST_SIZE 800  
-				  /* how many objects to keep on the free list
-				   * before we start freeing them */
-#define MAX_KEY_LEN 256 	  /* maximum symmetric key length in bytes */
- * LOG2_BUCKETS_PER_SESSION_LOCK must be a prime number.
- * With SESSION_HASH_SIZE=1024, LOG2 can be 9, 5, 1, or 0.
- * With SESSION_HASH_SIZE=4096, LOG2 can be 11, 9, 5, 1, or 0.
- *
- * 1024        9                  512               2
- * 1024        5                  32                32
- * 1024        1                  2                 512
- * 1024        0                  1                 1024
- * 4096        11                 2048              2
- * 4096        9                  512               8
- * 4096        5                  32                128
- * 4096        1                  2                 2048
- * 4096        0                  1                 4096
- */
-/* NOSPREAD sessionID to hash table index macro has been slower. */
-/* define typedefs, double as forward declarations as well */
-typedef struct SFTKAttributeStr SFTKAttribute;
-typedef struct SFTKObjectListStr SFTKObjectList;
-typedef struct SFTKObjectFreeListStr SFTKObjectFreeList;
-typedef struct SFTKObjectListElementStr SFTKObjectListElement;
-typedef struct SFTKObjectStr SFTKObject;
-typedef struct SFTKSessionObjectStr SFTKSessionObject;
-typedef struct SFTKTokenObjectStr SFTKTokenObject;
-typedef struct SFTKSessionStr SFTKSession;
-typedef struct SFTKSlotStr SFTKSlot;
-typedef struct SFTKSessionContextStr SFTKSessionContext;
-typedef struct SFTKSearchResultsStr SFTKSearchResults;
-typedef struct SFTKHashVerifyInfoStr SFTKHashVerifyInfo;
-typedef struct SFTKHashSignInfoStr SFTKHashSignInfo;
-typedef struct SFTKOAEPEncryptInfoStr SFTKOAEPEncryptInfo;
-typedef struct SFTKOAEPDecryptInfoStr SFTKOAEPDecryptInfo;
-typedef struct SFTKSSLMACInfoStr SFTKSSLMACInfo;
-typedef struct SFTKChaCha20Poly1305InfoStr SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info;
-typedef struct SFTKItemTemplateStr SFTKItemTemplate;
-/* define function pointer typdefs for pointer tables */
-typedef void (*SFTKDestroy)(void *, PRBool);
-typedef void (*SFTKBegin)(void *);
-typedef SECStatus (*SFTKCipher)(void *,void *,unsigned int *,unsigned int,
-					void *, unsigned int);
-typedef SECStatus (*SFTKVerify)(void *,void *,unsigned int,void *,unsigned int);
-typedef void (*SFTKHash)(void *,const void *,unsigned int);
-typedef void (*SFTKEnd)(void *,void *,unsigned int *,unsigned int);
-typedef void (*SFTKFree)(void *);
-/* Value to tell if an attribute is modifiable or not.
- *    NEVER: attribute is only set on creation.
- *    ONCOPY: attribute is set on creation and can only be changed on copy.
- *    SENSITIVE: attribute can only be changed to TRUE.
- *    ALWAYS: attribute can always be changed.
- */
-typedef enum {
-} SFTKModifyType;
- * Free Status Enum... tell us more information when we think we're
- * deleting an object.
- */
-typedef enum {
-	SFTK_DestroyFailure,
-	SFTK_Destroyed,
-	SFTK_Busy
-} SFTKFreeStatus;
- * attribute values of an object.
- */
-struct SFTKAttributeStr {
-    SFTKAttribute  	*next;
-    SFTKAttribute  	*prev;
-    PRBool		freeAttr;
-    PRBool		freeData;
-    /*must be called handle to make sftkqueue_find work */
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE	handle;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE 	attrib;
-    unsigned char space[ATTR_SPACE];
- * doubly link list of objects
- */
-struct SFTKObjectListStr {
-    SFTKObjectList *next;
-    SFTKObjectList *prev;
-    SFTKObject	   *parent;
-struct SFTKObjectFreeListStr {
-    SFTKObject	*head;
-    PZLock	*lock;
-    int		count;
- * PKCS 11 crypto object structure
- */
-struct SFTKObjectStr {
-    SFTKObject *next;
-    SFTKObject	*prev;
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS 	objclass;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE	handle;
-    int 		refCount;
-    PZLock 		*refLock;
-    SFTKSlot	   	*slot;
-    void 		*objectInfo;
-    SFTKFree 		infoFree;
-struct SFTKTokenObjectStr {
-    SFTKObject  obj;
-    SECItem	dbKey;
-struct SFTKSessionObjectStr {
-    SFTKObject	   obj;
-    SFTKObjectList sessionList;
-    PZLock		*attributeLock;
-    SFTKSession   	*session;
-    PRBool		wasDerived;
-    int nextAttr;
-    SFTKAttribute	attrList[MAX_OBJS_ATTRS];
-    PRBool		optimizeSpace;
-    unsigned int	hashSize;
-    SFTKAttribute 	*head[1];
- * struct to deal with a temparary list of objects
- */
-struct SFTKObjectListElementStr {
-    SFTKObjectListElement	*next;
-    SFTKObject 			*object;
- * Area to hold Search results
- */
-struct SFTKSearchResultsStr {
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE	*handles;
-    int			size;
-    int			index;
-    int			array_size;
- * the universal crypto/hash/sign/verify context structure
- */
-typedef enum {
-} SFTKContextType;
-/** max block size of supported block ciphers */
-/** currently SHA512 is the biggest hash length */
-#define SFTK_INVALID_MAC_SIZE 0xffffffff
-/** Particular ongoing operation in session (sign/verify/digest/encrypt/...)
- *
- *  Understanding sign/verify context:
- *      multi=1 hashInfo=0   block (symmetric) cipher MACing
- *      multi=1 hashInfo=X   PKC S/V with prior hashing
- *      multi=0 hashInfo=0   PKC S/V one shot (w/o hashing)
- *      multi=0 hashInfo=X   *** shouldn't happen ***
- */
-struct SFTKSessionContextStr {
-    SFTKContextType	type;
-    PRBool		multi; 		/* is multipart */
-    PRBool		rsa; 		/* is rsa */
-    PRBool		doPad; 		/* use PKCS padding for block ciphers */
-    unsigned int	blockSize; 	/* blocksize for padding */
-    unsigned int	padDataLength; 	/* length of the valid data in padbuf */
-    /** latest incomplete block of data for block cipher */
-    unsigned char	padBuf[SFTK_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    /** result of MAC'ing of latest full block of data with block cipher */
-    unsigned char	macBuf[SFTK_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
-    CK_ULONG		macSize;	/* size of a general block cipher mac*/
-    void		*cipherInfo;
-    void		*hashInfo;
-    unsigned int	cipherInfoLen;
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE	currentMech;
-    SFTKCipher		update;
-    SFTKHash		hashUpdate;
-    SFTKEnd		end;
-    SFTKDestroy		destroy;
-    SFTKDestroy		hashdestroy;
-    SFTKVerify		verify;
-    unsigned int	maxLen;
-    SFTKObject		*key;
- * Sessions (have objects)
- */
-struct SFTKSessionStr {
-    SFTKSession        *next;
-    SFTKSession        *prev;
-    CK_SESSION_HANDLE	handle;
-    int			refCount;
-    PZLock		*objectLock;
-    int			objectIDCount;
-    CK_SESSION_INFO	info;
-    CK_NOTIFY		notify;
-    CK_VOID_PTR		appData;
-    SFTKSlot		*slot;
-    SFTKSearchResults	*search;
-    SFTKSessionContext	*enc_context;
-    SFTKSessionContext	*hash_context;
-    SFTKSessionContext	*sign_context;
-    SFTKObjectList	*objects[1];
- * slots (have sessions and objects)
- *
- * The array of sessionLock's protect the session hash table (head[])
- * as well as the reference count of session objects in that bucket
- * (head[]->refCount),  objectLock protects all elements of the slot's
- * object hash tables (sessObjHashTable[] and tokObjHashTable), and
- * sessionObjectHandleCount.
- * slotLock protects the remaining protected elements:
- * password, isLoggedIn, ssoLoggedIn, and sessionCount,
- * and pwCheckLock serializes the key database password checks in
- * NSC_SetPIN and NSC_Login.
- *
- * Each of the fields below has the following lifetime as commented
- * next to the fields:
- *   invariant  - This value is set when the slot is first created and
- * never changed until it is destroyed.
- *   per load   - This value is set when the slot is first created, or 
- * when the slot is used to open another directory. Between open and close
- * this field does not change.
- *   variable - This value changes through the normal process of slot operation.
- *      - reset. The value of this variable is cleared during an open/close 
- *   cycles.
- *      - preserved. The value of this variable is preserved over open/close
- *   cycles.
- */
-struct SFTKSlotStr {
-    CK_SLOT_ID		slotID;			/* invariant */
-    PZLock		*slotLock;		/* invariant */
-    PZLock		**sessionLock;		/* invariant */
-    unsigned int	numSessionLocks;	/* invariant */
-    unsigned long	sessionLockMask;	/* invariant */
-    PZLock		*objectLock;		/* invariant */
-    PRLock		*pwCheckLock;		/* invariant */
-    PRBool		present;		/* variable -set */
-    PRBool		hasTokens;		/* per load */
-    PRBool		isLoggedIn;		/* variable - reset */
-    PRBool		ssoLoggedIn;		/* variable - reset */
-    PRBool		needLogin;		/* per load */
-    PRBool		DB_loaded;		/* per load */
-    PRBool		readOnly;		/* per load */
-    PRBool		optimizeSpace;		/* invariant */
-    SFTKDBHandle	*certDB;		/* per load */
-    SFTKDBHandle	*keyDB;			/* per load */
-    int			minimumPinLen;		/* per load */
-    PRInt32		sessionIDCount;		/* atomically incremented */
-                                        	/* (preserved) */
-    int			sessionIDConflict; 	/* not protected by a lock */
-                                            	/* (preserved) */
-    int			sessionCount;           /* variable - reset */
-    PRInt32             rwSessionCount;    	/* set by atomic operations */
-                                          	/* (reset) */
-    int			sessionObjectHandleCount;/* variable - perserved */
-    int			index;			/* invariant */
-    PLHashTable		*tokObjHashTable;	/* invariant */
-    SFTKObject		**sessObjHashTable;	/* variable - reset */
-    unsigned int	sessObjHashSize;	/* invariant */
-    SFTKSession		**head;			/* variable -reset */
-    unsigned int	sessHashSize;		/* invariant */
-    char		tokDescription[33];	/* per load */
-    char		updateTokDescription[33]; /* per load */
-    char		slotDescription[65];	/* invariant */
- * special joint operations Contexts
- */
-struct SFTKHashVerifyInfoStr {
-    SECOidTag   	hashOid;
-    void		*params;
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey	*key;
-struct SFTKHashSignInfoStr {
-    SECOidTag   	hashOid;
-    void		*params;
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey	*key;
- * Contexts for RSA-OAEP
- */
-struct SFTKOAEPEncryptInfoStr {
-    NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key;
-struct SFTKOAEPDecryptInfoStr {
-    NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key;
-/* context for the Final SSLMAC message */
-struct SFTKSSLMACInfoStr {
-    void 		*hashContext;
-    SFTKBegin		begin;
-    SFTKHash		update;
-    SFTKEnd		end;
-    CK_ULONG		macSize;
-    int			padSize;
-    unsigned char	key[MAX_KEY_LEN];
-    unsigned int	keySize;
-/* SFTKChaCha20Poly1305Info saves the key, tag length, nonce,
- * and additional data for a ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD operation. */
-struct SFTKChaCha20Poly1305InfoStr {
-    ChaCha20Poly1305Context freeblCtx;
-    unsigned char nonce[12];
-    unsigned char ad[16];
-    unsigned char *adOverflow;
-    unsigned int adLen;
- * Template based on SECItems, suitable for passing as arrays
- */
-struct SFTKItemTemplateStr {
-    SECItem		*item;
-/* macro for setting SFTKTemplates. */
-#define SFTK_SET_ITEM_TEMPLATE(templ, count, itemPtr, attr) \
-   templ[count].type = attr; \
-   templ[count].item = itemPtr
- * session handle modifiers
- */
-#define SFTK_SESSION_SLOT_MASK	0xff000000L
- * object handle modifiers
- */
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_MASK		0x80000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_MAGIC	0x80000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_MASK	0x70000000L
-/* keydb (high bit == 0) */
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_PRIV	0x10000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_PUB	0x20000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_KEY	0x30000000L
-/* certdb (high bit == 1) */
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_TRUST	0x40000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_CRL	0x50000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_SMIME	0x60000000L
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE_CERT	0x70000000L
-/* how big (in bytes) a password/pin we can deal with */
-#define SFTK_MAX_PIN	255
-/* minimum password/pin length (in Unicode characters) in FIPS mode */
-#define FIPS_MIN_PIN	7
-/* slot ID's */
-#define FIPS_SLOT_ID 3
-/* slot helper macros */
-#define sftk_SlotFromSession(sp) ((sp)->slot)
-#define sftk_isToken(id) (((id) & SFTK_TOKEN_MASK) == SFTK_TOKEN_MAGIC)
-/* the session hash multiplier (see bug 201081) */
-#define SHMULTIPLIER 1791398085
-/* queueing helper macros */
-#define sftk_hash(value,size) \
-	((PRUint32)((value) * SHMULTIPLIER) & (size-1))
-#define sftkqueue_add(element,id,head,hash_size) \
-	{ int tmp = sftk_hash(id,hash_size); \
-	(element)->next = (head)[tmp]; \
-	(element)->prev = NULL; \
-	if ((head)[tmp]) (head)[tmp]->prev = (element); \
-	(head)[tmp] = (element); }
-#define sftkqueue_find(element,id,head,hash_size) \
-	for( (element) = (head)[sftk_hash(id,hash_size)]; (element) != NULL; \
-					 (element) = (element)->next) { \
-	    if ((element)->handle == (id)) { break; } }
-#define sftkqueue_is_queued(element,id,head,hash_size) \
-	( ((element)->next) || ((element)->prev) || \
-	 ((head)[sftk_hash(id,hash_size)] == (element)) )
-#define sftkqueue_delete(element,id,head,hash_size) \
-	if ((element)->next) (element)->next->prev = (element)->prev; \
-	if ((element)->prev) (element)->prev->next = (element)->next; \
-	   else (head)[sftk_hash(id,hash_size)] = ((element)->next); \
-	(element)->next = NULL; \
-	(element)->prev = NULL; \
-#define sftkqueue_init_element(element) \
-    (element)->prev = NULL;
-#define sftkqueue_add2(element, id, index, head) \
-    {                                            \
-	(element)->next = (head)[index];         \
-	if ((head)[index])                       \
-	    (head)[index]->prev = (element);     \
-	(head)[index] = (element);               \
-    }
-#define sftkqueue_find2(element, id, index, head) \
-    for ( (element) = (head)[index];              \
-          (element) != NULL;                      \
-          (element) = (element)->next) {          \
-	if ((element)->handle == (id)) { break; } \
-    }
-#define sftkqueue_delete2(element, id, index, head) \
-	if ((element)->next) (element)->next->prev = (element)->prev; \
-	if ((element)->prev) (element)->prev->next = (element)->next; \
-	   else (head)[index] = ((element)->next);
-#define sftkqueue_clear_deleted_element(element) \
-	(element)->next = NULL; \
-	(element)->prev = NULL; \
-/* sessionID (handle) is used to determine session lock bucket */
-#ifdef NOSPREAD
-/* NOSPREAD:	(ID>>L2LPB) & (perbucket-1) */
-#define SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,handle) \
-    ((slot)->sessionLock[((handle) >> LOG2_BUCKETS_PER_SESSION_LOCK) \
-        & (slot)->sessionLockMask])
-/* SPREAD:	ID & (perbucket-1) */
-#define SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,handle) \
-    ((slot)->sessionLock[(handle) & (slot)->sessionLockMask])
-/* expand an attribute & secitem structures out */
-#define sftk_attr_expand(ap) (ap)->type,(ap)->pValue,(ap)->ulValueLen
-#define sftk_item_expand(ip) (ip)->data,(ip)->len
-typedef struct sftk_token_parametersStr {
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID;
-    char *configdir;
-    char *certPrefix;
-    char *keyPrefix;
-    char *updatedir;
-    char *updCertPrefix;
-    char *updKeyPrefix;
-    char *updateID;
-    char *tokdes;
-    char *slotdes;
-    char *updtokdes;
-    int minPW; 
-    PRBool readOnly;
-    PRBool noCertDB;
-    PRBool noKeyDB;
-    PRBool forceOpen;
-    PRBool pwRequired;
-    PRBool optimizeSpace;
-} sftk_token_parameters;
-typedef struct sftk_parametersStr {
-    char *configdir;
-    char *updatedir;
-    char *updateID;
-    char *secmodName;
-    char *man;
-    char *libdes; 
-    PRBool readOnly;
-    PRBool noModDB;
-    PRBool noCertDB;
-    PRBool forceOpen;
-    PRBool pwRequired;
-    PRBool optimizeSpace;
-    sftk_token_parameters *tokens;
-    int token_count;
-} sftk_parameters;
-/* path stuff (was machine dependent) used by dbinit.c and pk11db.c */
-#define CERT_DB_FMT "%scert%s.db"
-#define KEY_DB_FMT "%skey%s.db"
-/* shared functions between pkcs11.c and fipstokn.c */
-extern PRBool nsf_init;
-extern CK_RV nsc_CommonInitialize(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved, PRBool isFIPS);
-extern CK_RV nsc_CommonFinalize(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved, PRBool isFIPS);
-extern PRBool sftk_ForkReset(CK_VOID_PTR pReserved, CK_RV* crv);
-extern CK_RV nsc_CommonGetSlotList(CK_BBOOL tokPresent, 
-	CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount, int moduleIndex);
-/* slot initialization, reinit, shutdown and destruction */
-extern CK_RV SFTK_SlotInit(char *configdir, char *updatedir, char *updateID,
-			sftk_token_parameters *params, int moduleIndex);
-extern CK_RV SFTK_SlotReInit(SFTKSlot *slot, char *configdir,
-			char *updatedir, char *updateID,
-			sftk_token_parameters *params, int moduleIndex);
-extern CK_RV SFTK_DestroySlotData(SFTKSlot *slot);
-extern CK_RV SFTK_ShutdownSlot(SFTKSlot *slot);
-extern CK_RV sftk_CloseAllSessions(SFTKSlot *slot, PRBool logout);
-/* internal utility functions used by pkcs11.c */
-extern SFTKAttribute *sftk_FindAttribute(SFTKObject *object,
-					 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern void sftk_FreeAttribute(SFTKAttribute *attribute);
-extern CK_RV sftk_AddAttributeType(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-				   const void *valPtr, CK_ULONG length);
-extern CK_RV sftk_Attribute2SecItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				    SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern CK_RV sftk_MultipleAttribute2SecItem(PLArenaPool *arena, 
-		SFTKObject *object, SFTKItemTemplate *templ, int count);
-extern unsigned int sftk_GetLengthInBits(unsigned char *buf,
-							 unsigned int bufLen);
-extern CK_RV sftk_ConstrainAttribute(SFTKObject *object, 
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, int minLength, int maxLength, int minMultiple);
-extern PRBool sftk_hasAttribute(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern PRBool sftk_isTrue(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern void sftk_DeleteAttributeType(SFTKObject *object,
-				     CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern CK_RV sftk_Attribute2SecItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				    SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern CK_RV sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				     SFTKObject *object,
-				     CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern SFTKModifyType sftk_modifyType(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-				      CK_OBJECT_CLASS inClass);
-extern PRBool sftk_isSensitive(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, CK_OBJECT_CLASS inClass);
-extern char *sftk_getString(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern void sftk_nullAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type);
-extern CK_RV sftk_GetULongAttribute(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-                                                         CK_ULONG *longData);
-extern CK_RV sftk_forceAttribute(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-				 const void *value, unsigned int len);
-extern CK_RV sftk_defaultAttribute(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-				   const void *value, unsigned int len);
-extern unsigned int sftk_MapTrust(CK_TRUST trust, PRBool clientAuth);
-extern SFTKObject *sftk_NewObject(SFTKSlot *slot);
-extern CK_RV sftk_CopyObject(SFTKObject *destObject, SFTKObject *srcObject);
-extern SFTKFreeStatus sftk_FreeObject(SFTKObject *object);
-extern CK_RV sftk_DeleteObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object);
-extern void sftk_ReferenceObject(SFTKObject *object);
-extern SFTKObject *sftk_ObjectFromHandle(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle,
-					 SFTKSession *session);
-extern void sftk_AddSlotObject(SFTKSlot *slot, SFTKObject *object);
-extern void sftk_AddObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object);
-/* clear out all the existing object ID to database key mappings.
- * used to reinit a token */
-extern CK_RV SFTK_ClearTokenKeyHashTable(SFTKSlot *slot);
-extern CK_RV sftk_searchObjectList(SFTKSearchResults *search,
-				   SFTKObject **head, unsigned int size,
-				   PZLock *lock, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR inTemplate,
-				   int count, PRBool isLoggedIn);
-extern SFTKObjectListElement *sftk_FreeObjectListElement(
-					     SFTKObjectListElement *objectList);
-extern void sftk_FreeObjectList(SFTKObjectListElement *objectList);
-extern void sftk_FreeSearch(SFTKSearchResults *search);
-extern CK_RV sftk_handleObject(SFTKObject *object, SFTKSession *session);
-extern SFTKSlot *sftk_SlotFromID(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, PRBool all);
-extern SFTKSlot *sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle);
-extern SFTKSession *sftk_SessionFromHandle(CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle);
-extern void sftk_FreeSession(SFTKSession *session);
-extern SFTKSession *sftk_NewSession(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_NOTIFY notify,
-				    CK_VOID_PTR pApplication, CK_FLAGS flags);
-extern void sftk_update_state(SFTKSlot *slot,SFTKSession *session);
-extern void sftk_update_all_states(SFTKSlot *slot);
-extern void sftk_FreeContext(SFTKSessionContext *context);
-extern void sftk_InitFreeLists(void);
-extern void sftk_CleanupFreeLists(void);
-extern NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *sftk_GetPubKey(SFTKObject *object,
-					  CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, CK_RV *crvp);
-extern NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *sftk_GetPrivKey(SFTKObject *object,
-					    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type, CK_RV *crvp);
-extern void sftk_FormatDESKey(unsigned char *key, int length);
-extern PRBool sftk_CheckDESKey(unsigned char *key);
-extern PRBool sftk_IsWeakKey(unsigned char *key,CK_KEY_TYPE key_type);
-/* mechanism allows this operation */
-extern CK_RV sftk_MechAllowsOperation(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE op);
-/* helper function which calls nsslowkey_FindKeyByPublicKey after safely
- * acquiring a reference to the keydb from the slot */
-NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *sftk_FindKeyByPublicKey(SFTKSlot *slot, SECItem *dbKey);
- * parameter parsing functions
- */
-CK_RV sftk_parseParameters(char *param, sftk_parameters *parsed, PRBool isFIPS);
-void sftk_freeParams(sftk_parameters *params);
- * narrow objects
- */
-SFTKSessionObject * sftk_narrowToSessionObject(SFTKObject *);
-SFTKTokenObject * sftk_narrowToTokenObject(SFTKObject *);
- * token object utilities
- */
-void sftk_addHandle(SFTKSearchResults *search, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle);
-PRBool sftk_poisonHandle(SFTKSlot *slot, SECItem *dbkey, 
-						CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle);
-SFTKObject * sftk_NewTokenObject(SFTKSlot *slot, SECItem *dbKey, 
-						CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle);
-SFTKTokenObject *sftk_convertSessionToToken(SFTKObject *so);
-/* J-PAKE (jpakesftk.c) */
-CK_RV jpake_Round1(HASH_HashType hashType,
-                   CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params * params,
-                   SFTKObject * key);
-CK_RV jpake_Round2(HASH_HashType hashType,
-                   CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params * params,
-                   SFTKObject * sourceKey, SFTKObject * key);
-CK_RV jpake_Final(HASH_HashType hashType,
-                  const CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams * params,
-                  SFTKObject * sourceKey, SFTKObject * key);
-/* Constant time MAC functions (hmacct.c) */
-struct sftk_MACConstantTimeCtxStr {
-    const SECHashObject *hash;
-    unsigned char mac[64];
-    unsigned char secret[64];
-    unsigned int headerLength;
-    unsigned int secretLength;
-    unsigned int totalLength;
-    unsigned char header[75];
-typedef struct sftk_MACConstantTimeCtxStr sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx;
-sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx* sftk_HMACConstantTime_New(
-	CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key);
-sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx* sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_New(
-	CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key);
-void sftk_HMACConstantTime_Update(void *pctx, const void *data, unsigned int len);
-void sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_Update(void *pctx, const void *data, unsigned int len);
-void sftk_MACConstantTime_EndHash(
-	void *pctx, void *out, unsigned int *outLength, unsigned int maxLength);
-void sftk_MACConstantTime_DestroyContext(void *pctx, PRBool);
- * implement TLS Pseudo Random Function (PRF)
- */
-extern CK_RV
-sftk_TLSPRFInit(SFTKSessionContext *context, 
-		  SFTKObject *        key, 
-		  CK_KEY_TYPE         key_type,
-		  HASH_HashType       hash_alg,
-		  unsigned int        out_len);
-#endif /* _PKCS11I_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11ni.h b/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11ni.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3375102..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11ni.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _PKCS11NI_H_
-#define _PKCS11NI_H_
- * pkcs11ni.h
- *
- * This file contains softoken private exports for NSS
- */
-/* softoken slot ID's */
-#define SFTK_MAX_USER_SLOT_ID 100
-#endif /* _PKCS11NI_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c b/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c
deleted file mode 100644
index de5cbbc..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1978 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Internal PKCS #11 functions. Should only be called by pkcs11.c
- */
-#include "pkcs11.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "lowkeyi.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prnetdb.h" /* for PR_ntohl */
-#include "sftkdb.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
- * ******************** Attribute Utilities *******************************
- */
- * create a new attribute with type, value, and length. Space is allocated
- * to hold value.
- */
-static SFTKAttribute *
-sftk_NewAttribute(SFTKObject *object,
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, const void *value, CK_ULONG len)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKSessionObject *so = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    int index;
-    if (so == NULL)  {
-	/* allocate new attribute in a buffer */
-	PORT_Assert(0);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* 
-     * We attempt to keep down contention on Malloc and Arena locks by
-     * limiting the number of these calls on high traversed paths. This
-     * is done for attributes by 'allocating' them from a pool already
-     * allocated by the parent object.
-     */
-    PZ_Lock(so->attributeLock);
-    index = so->nextAttr++;
-    PZ_Unlock(so->attributeLock);
-    PORT_Assert(index < MAX_OBJS_ATTRS);
-    if (index >= MAX_OBJS_ATTRS) return NULL;
-    attribute = &so->attrList[index];
-    attribute->attrib.type = type;
-    attribute->freeAttr = PR_FALSE;
-    attribute->freeData = PR_FALSE;
-    if (value) {
-        if (len <= ATTR_SPACE) {
-	    attribute->attrib.pValue = attribute->space;
-	} else {
-	    attribute->attrib.pValue = PORT_Alloc(len);
-    	    attribute->freeData = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	if (attribute->attrib.pValue == NULL) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(attribute->attrib.pValue,value,len);
-	attribute->attrib.ulValueLen = len;
-    } else {
-	attribute->attrib.pValue = NULL;
-	attribute->attrib.ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    attribute->attrib.type = type;
-    attribute->handle = type;
-    attribute->next = attribute->prev = NULL;
-    return attribute;
- * Free up all the memory associated with an attribute. Reference count
- * must be zero to call this.
- */
-static void
-sftk_DestroyAttribute(SFTKAttribute *attribute)
-    if (attribute->freeData) {
-	if (attribute->attrib.pValue) {
-	    /* clear out the data in the attribute value... it may have been
-	     * sensitive data */
-	    PORT_Memset(attribute->attrib.pValue, 0,
-						attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	}
-	PORT_Free(attribute->attrib.pValue);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(attribute);
- * release a reference to an attribute structure
- */
-sftk_FreeAttribute(SFTKAttribute *attribute)
-    if (attribute->freeAttr) {
-	sftk_DestroyAttribute(attribute);
-	return;
-    }
-static SFTKAttribute *    
-sftk_FindTokenAttribute(SFTKTokenObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *myattribute = NULL;
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle = NULL;
-    myattribute = (SFTKAttribute*)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SFTKAttribute));
-    if (myattribute == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    dbHandle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(object->obj.slot, object->obj.handle);
-    myattribute->handle = type;
-    myattribute->attrib.type = type;
-    myattribute->attrib.pValue = myattribute->space;
-    myattribute->attrib.ulValueLen = ATTR_SPACE;
-    myattribute->next = myattribute->prev = NULL;
-    myattribute->freeAttr = PR_TRUE;
-    myattribute->freeData = PR_FALSE;
-    crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object->obj.handle,
-		&myattribute->attrib, 1);
-    /* attribute is bigger than our attribute space buffer, malloc it */
-    if (crv == CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-    	myattribute->attrib.pValue = NULL;
-    	crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object->obj.handle,
-		&myattribute->attrib, 1);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	myattribute->attrib.pValue = PORT_Alloc(myattribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	if (myattribute->attrib.pValue == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	myattribute->freeData = PR_TRUE;
-    	crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object->obj.handle,
-		 &myattribute->attrib, 1);
-    } 
-    if (dbHandle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(dbHandle);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (myattribute) {
-	    myattribute->attrib.ulValueLen = 0;
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(myattribute);
-	    myattribute = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    return myattribute;
- * look up and attribute structure from a type and Object structure.
- * The returned attribute is referenced and needs to be freed when 
- * it is no longer needed.
- */
-SFTKAttribute *
-sftk_FindAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKSessionObject *sessObject = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    if (sessObject == NULL) {
-	return sftk_FindTokenAttribute(sftk_narrowToTokenObject(object),type);
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    sftkqueue_find(attribute,type,sessObject->head, sessObject->hashSize);
-    PZ_Unlock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    return(attribute);
- * Take a buffer and it's length and return it's true size in bits;
- */
-unsigned int
-sftk_GetLengthInBits(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int bufLen)
-    unsigned int size = bufLen * 8;
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* Get the real length in bytes */
-    for (i=0; i < bufLen; i++) {
-	unsigned char  c = *buf++;
-	if (c != 0) {
-	    unsigned char m;
-	    for (m=0x80; m > 0 ;  m = m >> 1) {
-		if ((c & m) != 0) {
-		    break;
-		} 
-		size--;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-	size-=8;
-    }
-    return size;
- * Constrain a big num attribute. to size and padding
- * minLength means length of the object must be greater than equal to minLength
- * maxLength means length of the object must be less than equal to maxLength
- * minMultiple means that object length mod minMultiple must equal 0.
- * all input sizes are in bits.
- * if any constraint is '0' that constraint is not checked.
- */
-sftk_ConstrainAttribute(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, 
-			int minLength, int maxLength, int minMultiple)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    int size;
-    unsigned char *ptr;
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, type);
-    if (!attribute) {
-    }
-    ptr = (unsigned char *) attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    if (ptr == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    size = sftk_GetLengthInBits(ptr, attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    if ((minLength != 0) && (size <  minLength)) {
-    }
-    if ((maxLength != 0) && (size >  maxLength)) {
-    }
-    if ((minMultiple != 0) && ((size % minMultiple) != 0)) {
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-sftk_hasAttributeToken(SFTKTokenObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle;
-    dbHandle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(object->obj.slot, object->obj.handle);
-    template.type = type;
-    template.pValue = NULL;
-    template.ulValueLen = 0;
-    crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object->obj.handle, &template, 1);
-    sftk_freeDB(dbHandle);
-    /* attribute is bigger than our attribute space buffer, malloc it */
-    return (crv == CKR_OK) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
- * return true if object has attribute
- */
-sftk_hasAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKSessionObject *sessObject = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    if (sessObject == NULL) {
-	return sftk_hasAttributeToken(sftk_narrowToTokenObject(object), type);
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    sftkqueue_find(attribute,type,sessObject->head, sessObject->hashSize);
-    PZ_Unlock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    return (PRBool)(attribute != NULL);
- * add an attribute to an object
- */
-static void
-sftk_AddAttribute(SFTKObject *object,SFTKAttribute *attribute)
-    SFTKSessionObject *sessObject = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    if (sessObject == NULL) return;
-    PZ_Lock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    sftkqueue_add(attribute,attribute->handle,
-				sessObject->head, sessObject->hashSize);
-    PZ_Unlock(sessObject->attributeLock);
- * copy an unsigned attribute into a SECItem. Secitem is allocated in
- * the specified arena.
- */
-sftk_Attribute2SSecItem(PLArenaPool *arena,SECItem *item,SFTKObject *object,
-                                      CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    item->data = NULL;
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-    (void)SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, item, attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-    if (item->data == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(item->data, attribute->attrib.pValue, item->len);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * fetch multiple attributes into  SECItems. Secitem data is allocated in
- * the specified arena.
- */
-sftk_MultipleAttribute2SecItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKObject *object,
-	 SFTKItemTemplate *itemTemplate, int itemTemplateCount)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *template;
-    SFTKTokenObject *tokObject;
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle = NULL;
-    int i;
-    tokObject = sftk_narrowToTokenObject(object);
-    /* session objects, just loop through the list */
-    if (tokObject == NULL) {
-	for (i=0; i < itemTemplateCount; i++) {
-	    crv = sftk_Attribute2SecItem(arena,itemTemplate[i].item, object,
-					 itemTemplate[i].type);
-	    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		return crv;
-	    }
-	}
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* don't do any work if none is required */
-    if (itemTemplateCount == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* don't allocate the template unless we need it */
-    if (itemTemplateCount > SFTK_MAX_ITEM_TEMPLATE) {
-	template = PORT_NewArray(CK_ATTRIBUTE, itemTemplateCount);
-    } else {
-	template = templateSpace;
-    }
-    if (template == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    dbHandle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(object->slot, object->handle);
-    if (dbHandle == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* set up the PKCS #11 template */
-    for (i=0; i < itemTemplateCount; i++) {
-	template[i].type = itemTemplate[i].type;
-	template[i].pValue = NULL;
-	template[i].ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    /* fetch the attribute lengths */
-    crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object->handle,
-				   template, itemTemplateCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* allocate space for the attributes */
-    for (i=0; i < itemTemplateCount ; i++) {
-	template[i].pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, template[i].ulValueLen);
-	if (template[i].pValue == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* fetch the attributes */
-    crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object->handle,
-				   template, itemTemplateCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Fill in the items */	
-    for (i=0; i < itemTemplateCount; i++) {
-	itemTemplate[i].item->data = template[i].pValue;
-	itemTemplate[i].item->len = template[i].ulValueLen;
-    }
-    if (template != templateSpace) {
-	PORT_Free(template);
-    }
-    if (dbHandle) {
-	sftk_freeDB(dbHandle);
-    }
-    return crv;
- * delete an attribute from an object
- */
-static void
-sftk_DeleteAttribute(SFTKObject *object, SFTKAttribute *attribute)
-    SFTKSessionObject *sessObject = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    if (sessObject == NULL) {
-	return ;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    if (sftkqueue_is_queued(attribute,attribute->handle,
-				sessObject->head, sessObject->hashSize)) {
-	sftkqueue_delete(attribute,attribute->handle,
-				sessObject->head, sessObject->hashSize);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(sessObject->attributeLock);
- * this is only valid for CK_BBOOL type attributes. Return the state
- * of that attribute.
- */
-sftk_isTrue(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    PRBool tok = PR_FALSE;
-    attribute=sftk_FindAttribute(object,type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) { return PR_FALSE; }
-    tok = (PRBool)(*(CK_BBOOL *)attribute->attrib.pValue);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return tok;
- * force an attribute to null.
- * this is for sensitive keys which are stored in the database, we don't
- * want to keep this info around in memory in the clear.
- */
-sftk_nullAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    attribute=sftk_FindAttribute(object,type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return;
-    if (attribute->attrib.pValue != NULL) {
-	PORT_Memset(attribute->attrib.pValue,0,attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	if (attribute->freeData) {
-	    PORT_Free(attribute->attrib.pValue);
-	}
-	attribute->freeData = PR_FALSE;
-	attribute->attrib.pValue = NULL;
-	attribute->attrib.ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-static CK_RV
-sftk_forceTokenAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, 
-				const void *value, unsigned int len)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE attribute;
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle = NULL;
-    SFTKTokenObject *to = sftk_narrowToTokenObject(object);
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PORT_Assert(to);
-    if (to == NULL) {
-    }
-    dbHandle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(object->slot, object->handle);
-    attribute.type = type;
-    attribute.pValue = (void *)value;
-    attribute.ulValueLen = len;
-    crv = sftkdb_SetAttributeValue(dbHandle, object, &attribute, 1);
-    sftk_freeDB(dbHandle);
-    return crv;
- * force an attribute to a specifc value.
- */
-sftk_forceAttribute(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, 
-				const void *value, unsigned int len)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    void *att_val = NULL;
-    PRBool freeData = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Assert(object);
-    PORT_Assert(object->refCount);
-    PORT_Assert(object->slot);
-    if (!object ||
-        !object->refCount ||
-        !object->slot) {
-        return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    }
-    if (sftk_isToken(object->handle)) {
-	return sftk_forceTokenAttribute(object,type,value,len);
-    }
-    attribute=sftk_FindAttribute(object,type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return sftk_AddAttributeType(object,type,value,len);
-    if (value) {
-        if (len <= ATTR_SPACE) {
-	    att_val = attribute->space;
-	} else {
-	    att_val = PORT_Alloc(len);
-	    freeData = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	if (att_val == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-	if (attribute->attrib.pValue == att_val) {
-	    PORT_Memset(attribute->attrib.pValue,0,
-					attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(att_val,value,len);
-    }
-    if (attribute->attrib.pValue != NULL) {
-	if (attribute->attrib.pValue != att_val) {
-	    PORT_Memset(attribute->attrib.pValue,0,
-					attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	}
-	if (attribute->freeData) {
-	    PORT_Free(attribute->attrib.pValue);
-	}
-	attribute->freeData = PR_FALSE;
-	attribute->attrib.pValue = NULL;
-	attribute->attrib.ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    if (att_val) {
-	attribute->attrib.pValue = att_val;
-	attribute->attrib.ulValueLen = len;
-	attribute->freeData = freeData;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * return a null terminated string from attribute 'type'. This string
- * is allocated and needs to be freed with PORT_Free() When complete.
- */
-char *
-sftk_getString(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    char *label = NULL;
-    attribute=sftk_FindAttribute(object,type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (attribute->attrib.pValue != NULL) {
-	label = (char *) PORT_Alloc(attribute->attrib.ulValueLen+1);
-	if (label == NULL) {
-    	    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(label,attribute->attrib.pValue,
-						attribute->attrib.ulValueLen);
-	label[attribute->attrib.ulValueLen] = 0;
-    }
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return label;
- * decode when a particular attribute may be modified
- * 	SFTK_NEVER: This attribute must be set at object creation time and
- *  can never be modified.
- *	SFTK_ONCOPY: This attribute may be modified only when you copy the
- *  object.
- *	SFTK_SENSITIVE: The CKA_SENSITIVE attribute can only be changed from
- *	SFTK_ALWAYS: This attribute can always be modified.
- * Some attributes vary their modification type based on the class of the 
- *   object.
- */
-sftk_modifyType(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, CK_OBJECT_CLASS inClass)
-    /* if we don't know about it, user user defined, always allow modify */
-    SFTKModifyType mtype = SFTK_ALWAYS; 
-    switch(type) {
-    /* NEVER */
-    case CKA_CLASS:
-    case CKA_KEY_TYPE:
-    case CKA_MODULUS:
-    case CKA_PRIME:
-    case CKA_SUBPRIME:
-    case CKA_BASE:
-    case CKA_PRIME_1:
-    case CKA_PRIME_2:
-    case CKA_EXPONENT_1:
-    case CKA_EXPONENT_2:
-    case CKA_VALUE_LEN:
-    case CKA_NETSCAPE_DB:
-	mtype = SFTK_NEVER;
-	break;
-    /* ONCOPY */
-    case CKA_TOKEN:
-    case CKA_PRIVATE:
-	mtype = SFTK_ONCOPY;
-	break;
-    /* SENSITIVE */
-    case CKA_SENSITIVE:
-	break;
-    /* ALWAYS */
-    case CKA_LABEL:
-    case CKA_ID:
-    case CKA_START_DATE:
-    case CKA_END_DATE:
-    case CKA_DERIVE:
-    case CKA_ENCRYPT:
-    case CKA_DECRYPT:
-    case CKA_SIGN:
-    case CKA_VERIFY:
-    case CKA_WRAP:
-    case CKA_UNWRAP:
-	mtype = SFTK_ALWAYS;
-	break;
-    case CKA_VALUE:
-	mtype = (inClass == CKO_DATA) ? SFTK_ALWAYS : SFTK_NEVER;
-	break;
-    case CKA_SUBJECT:
-	break;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return mtype;
-/* decode if a particular attribute is sensitive (cannot be read
- * back to the user of if the object is set to SENSITIVE) */
-sftk_isSensitive(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, CK_OBJECT_CLASS inClass)
-    switch(type) {
-    /* ALWAYS */
-    case CKA_PRIME_1:
-    case CKA_PRIME_2:
-    case CKA_EXPONENT_1:
-    case CKA_EXPONENT_2:
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    case CKA_VALUE:
-	/* PRIVATE and SECRET KEYS have SENSITIVE values */
-	return (PRBool)((inClass == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY) || (inClass == CKO_SECRET_KEY));
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * copy an attribute into a SECItem. Secitem is allocated in the specified
- * arena.
- */
-sftk_Attribute2SecItem(PLArenaPool *arena,SECItem *item,SFTKObject *object,
-    int len;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-    len = attribute->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    if (arena) {
-    	item->data = (unsigned char *) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,len);
-    } else {
-    	item->data = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(len);
-    }
-    if (item->data == NULL) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    }
-    item->len = len;
-    PORT_Memcpy(item->data,attribute->attrib.pValue, len);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return CKR_OK;
-sftk_GetULongAttribute(SFTKObject *object, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-							 CK_ULONG *longData)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE;
-    if (attribute->attrib.ulValueLen != sizeof(CK_ULONG)) {
-    }
-    *longData = *(CK_ULONG *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    return CKR_OK;
-sftk_DeleteAttributeType(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object, type);
-    if (attribute == NULL) return ;
-    sftk_DeleteAttribute(object,attribute);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-sftk_AddAttributeType(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type,
-				const void *valPtr, CK_ULONG length)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    attribute = sftk_NewAttribute(object,type,valPtr,length);
-    if (attribute == NULL) { return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; }
-    sftk_AddAttribute(object,attribute);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * ******************** Object Utilities *******************************
- */
-/* must be called holding sftk_tokenKeyLock(slot) */
-static SECItem *
-sftk_lookupTokenKeyByHandle(SFTKSlot *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle)
-    return (SECItem *)PL_HashTableLookup(slot->tokObjHashTable, (void *)handle);
- * use the refLock. This operations should be very rare, so the added
- * contention on the ref lock should be lower than the overhead of adding
- * a new lock. We use separate functions for this just in case I'm wrong.
- */
-static void
-sftk_tokenKeyLock(SFTKSlot *slot) {
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(slot->objectLock));
-static void
-sftk_tokenKeyUnlock(SFTKSlot *slot) {
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(slot->objectLock));
-static PRIntn
-sftk_freeHashItem(PLHashEntry* entry, PRIntn index, void *arg)
-    SECItem *item = (SECItem *)entry->value;
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(item, PR_TRUE);
-    return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT;
-SFTK_ClearTokenKeyHashTable(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    sftk_tokenKeyLock(slot);
-    PORT_Assert(!slot->present);
-    PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(slot->tokObjHashTable, sftk_freeHashItem, NULL);
-    sftk_tokenKeyUnlock(slot);
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* allocation hooks that allow us to recycle old object structures */
-static SFTKObjectFreeList sessionObjectList = { NULL, NULL, 0 };
-static SFTKObjectFreeList tokenObjectList = { NULL, NULL, 0 };
-SFTKObject *
-sftk_GetObjectFromList(PRBool *hasLocks, PRBool optimizeSpace, 
-     SFTKObjectFreeList *list, unsigned int hashSize, PRBool isSessionObject)
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    int size = 0;
-    if (!optimizeSpace) {
-	PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-	object = list->head;
-	if (object) {
-	    list->head = object->next;
-	    list->count--;
-	}    	
-	PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-	if (object) {
-	    object->next = object->prev = NULL;
-            *hasLocks = PR_TRUE;
-	    return object;
-	}
-    }
-    size = isSessionObject ? sizeof(SFTKSessionObject) 
-		+ hashSize *sizeof(SFTKAttribute *) : sizeof(SFTKTokenObject);
-    object  = (SFTKObject*)PORT_ZAlloc(size);
-    if (isSessionObject && object) {
-	((SFTKSessionObject *)object)->hashSize = hashSize;
-    }
-    *hasLocks = PR_FALSE;
-    return object;
-static void
-sftk_PutObjectToList(SFTKObject *object, SFTKObjectFreeList *list,
-						PRBool isSessionObject) {
-    /* the code below is equivalent to :
-     *     optimizeSpace = isSessionObject ? object->optimizeSpace : PR_FALSE;
-     * just faster.
-     */
-    PRBool optimizeSpace = isSessionObject && 
-				((SFTKSessionObject *)object)->optimizeSpace; 
-    if (object->refLock && !optimizeSpace 
-	               && (list->count < MAX_OBJECT_LIST_SIZE)) {
-	PZ_Lock(list->lock);
-	object->next = list->head;
-	list->head = object;
-	list->count++;
-	PZ_Unlock(list->lock);
-	return;
-    }
-    if (isSessionObject) {
-	SFTKSessionObject *so = (SFTKSessionObject *)object;
-	PZ_DestroyLock(so->attributeLock);
-	so->attributeLock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (object->refLock) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(object->refLock);
-	object->refLock = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(object);
-static SFTKObject *
-sftk_freeObjectData(SFTKObject *object) {
-   SFTKObject *next = object->next;
-   PORT_Free(object);
-   return next;
-static void
-sftk_InitFreeList(SFTKObjectFreeList *list)
-    list->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockObject);
-void sftk_InitFreeLists(void)
-    sftk_InitFreeList(&sessionObjectList);
-    sftk_InitFreeList(&tokenObjectList);
-static void
-sftk_CleanupFreeList(SFTKObjectFreeList *list, PRBool isSessionList)
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    if (!list->lock) {
-	return;
-    }
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(list->lock));
-    for (object= list->head; object != NULL; 
-					object = sftk_freeObjectData(object)) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(object->refLock);
-	if (isSessionList) {
-	    PZ_DestroyLock(((SFTKSessionObject *)object)->attributeLock);
-	}
-    }
-    list->count = 0;
-    list->head = NULL;
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(list->lock));
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(list->lock));
-    list->lock = NULL;
-    sftk_CleanupFreeList(&sessionObjectList, PR_TRUE);
-    sftk_CleanupFreeList(&tokenObjectList, PR_FALSE);
- * Create a new object
- */
-SFTKObject *
-sftk_NewObject(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    SFTKSessionObject *sessObject;
-    PRBool hasLocks = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned int i;
-    unsigned int hashSize = 0;
-    hashSize = (slot->optimizeSpace) ? SPACE_ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SIZE :
-    object = sftk_GetObjectFromList(&hasLocks, slot->optimizeSpace,
-				&sessionObjectList,  hashSize, PR_TRUE);
-    if (object == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    sessObject = (SFTKSessionObject *)object;
-    sessObject->nextAttr = 0;
-    for (i=0; i < MAX_OBJS_ATTRS; i++) {
-	sessObject->attrList[i].attrib.pValue = NULL;
-	sessObject->attrList[i].freeData = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    sessObject->optimizeSpace = slot->optimizeSpace;
-    object->handle = 0;
-    object->next = object->prev = NULL;
-    object->slot = slot;
-    object->refCount = 1;
-    sessObject-> = NULL;
-    sessObject->sessionList.prev = NULL;
-    sessObject->sessionList.parent = object;
-    sessObject->session = NULL;
-    sessObject->wasDerived = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!hasLocks) object->refLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockRefLock);
-    if (object->refLock == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(object);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!hasLocks) sessObject->attributeLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockAttribute);
-    if (sessObject->attributeLock == NULL) {
-	PZ_DestroyLock(object->refLock);
-	PORT_Free(object);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < sessObject->hashSize; i++) {
-	sessObject->head[i] = NULL;
-    }
-    object->objectInfo = NULL;
-    object->infoFree = NULL;
-    return object;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_DestroySessionObjectData(SFTKSessionObject *so)
-	int i;
-	for (i=0; i < MAX_OBJS_ATTRS; i++) {
-	    unsigned char *value = so->attrList[i].attrib.pValue;
-	    if (value) {
-		PORT_Memset(value,0,so->attrList[i].attrib.ulValueLen);
-		if (so->attrList[i].freeData) {
-		    PORT_Free(value);
-		}
-		so->attrList[i].attrib.pValue = NULL;
-		so->attrList[i].freeData = PR_FALSE;
-	    }
-	}
-/*	PZ_DestroyLock(so->attributeLock);*/
-	return CKR_OK;
- * free all the data associated with an object. Object reference count must
- * be 'zero'.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_DestroyObject(SFTKObject *object)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SFTKSessionObject *so = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    SFTKTokenObject *to = sftk_narrowToTokenObject(object);
-    PORT_Assert(object->refCount == 0);
-    /* delete the database value */
-    if (to) {
-	if (to-> {
-	   PORT_Free(to->;
-	   to-> = NULL;
-	}
-    } 
-    if (so) {
-	sftk_DestroySessionObjectData(so);
-    }
-    if (object->objectInfo) {
-	(*object->infoFree)(object->objectInfo);
-	object->objectInfo = NULL;
-	object->infoFree = NULL;
-    }
-    if (so) {
-	sftk_PutObjectToList(object,&sessionObjectList,PR_TRUE);
-    } else {
-	sftk_PutObjectToList(object,&tokenObjectList,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftk_ReferenceObject(SFTKObject *object)
-    PZ_Lock(object->refLock);
-    object->refCount++;
-    PZ_Unlock(object->refLock);
-static SFTKObject *
-sftk_ObjectFromHandleOnSlot(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle, SFTKSlot *slot)
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    PRUint32 index = sftk_hash(handle, slot->sessObjHashSize);
-    if (sftk_isToken(handle)) {
-	return sftk_NewTokenObject(slot, NULL, handle);
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(slot->objectLock);
-    sftkqueue_find2(object, handle, index, slot->sessObjHashTable);
-    if (object) {
-	sftk_ReferenceObject(object);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->objectLock);
-    return(object);
- * look up and object structure from a handle. OBJECT_Handles only make
- * sense in terms of a given session.  make a reference to that object
- * structure returned.
- */
-SFTKObject *
-sftk_ObjectFromHandle(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle, SFTKSession *session)
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(session);
-    return sftk_ObjectFromHandleOnSlot(handle,slot);
- * release a reference to an object handle
- */
-sftk_FreeObject(SFTKObject *object)
-    PRBool destroy = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PZ_Lock(object->refLock);
-    if (object->refCount == 1) destroy = PR_TRUE;
-    object->refCount--;
-    PZ_Unlock(object->refLock);
-    if (destroy) {
-	crv = sftk_DestroyObject(object);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	   return SFTK_DestroyFailure;
-	} 
-	return SFTK_Destroyed;
-    }
-    return SFTK_Busy;
- * add an object to a slot and session queue. These two functions
- * adopt the object.
- */
-sftk_AddSlotObject(SFTKSlot *slot, SFTKObject *object)
-    PRUint32 index = sftk_hash(object->handle, slot->sessObjHashSize);
-    sftkqueue_init_element(object);
-    PZ_Lock(slot->objectLock);
-    sftkqueue_add2(object, object->handle, index, slot->sessObjHashTable);
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->objectLock);
-sftk_AddObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object)
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(session);
-    SFTKSessionObject *so = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    if (so) {
-	PZ_Lock(session->objectLock);
-	sftkqueue_add(&so->sessionList,0,session->objects,0);
-	so->session = session;
-	PZ_Unlock(session->objectLock);
-    }
-    sftk_AddSlotObject(slot,object);
-    sftk_ReferenceObject(object);
- * delete an object from a slot and session queue
- */
-sftk_DeleteObject(SFTKSession *session, SFTKObject *object)
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(session);
-    SFTKSessionObject *so = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    PRUint32 index = sftk_hash(object->handle, slot->sessObjHashSize);
-    /* Handle Token case */
-    if (so && so->session) {
-	SFTKSession *session = so->session;
-	PZ_Lock(session->objectLock);
-	sftkqueue_delete(&so->sessionList,0,session->objects,0);
-	PZ_Unlock(session->objectLock);
-	PZ_Lock(slot->objectLock);
-	sftkqueue_delete2(object, object->handle, index, slot->sessObjHashTable);
-	PZ_Unlock(slot->objectLock);
-	sftkqueue_clear_deleted_element(object);
-	sftk_FreeObject(object); /* free the reference owned by the queue */
-    } else {
-	SFTKDBHandle *handle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(slot, object->handle);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        SFTKTokenObject *to = sftk_narrowToTokenObject(object);
-	PORT_Assert(to);
-	crv = sftkdb_DestroyObject(handle, object->handle);
-	sftk_freeDB(handle);
-    } 
-    return crv;
- * Token objects don't explicitly store their attributes, so we need to know
- * what attributes make up a particular token object before we can copy it.
- * below are the tables by object type.
- */
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE commonAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG commonAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(commonAttrs)/sizeof(commonAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE commonKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG commonKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(commonKeyAttrs)/sizeof(commonKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE secretKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG secretKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(secretKeyAttrs)/sizeof(secretKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE commonPubKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG commonPubKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(commonPubKeyAttrs)/sizeof(commonPubKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE rsaPubKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG rsaPubKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(rsaPubKeyAttrs)/sizeof(rsaPubKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE dsaPubKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG dsaPubKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(dsaPubKeyAttrs)/sizeof(dsaPubKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE dhPubKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG dhPubKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(dhPubKeyAttrs)/sizeof(dhPubKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE ecPubKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG ecPubKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(ecPubKeyAttrs)/sizeof(ecPubKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE commonPrivKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG commonPrivKeyAttrsCount = 
-		sizeof(commonPrivKeyAttrs)/sizeof(commonPrivKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE rsaPrivKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG rsaPrivKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(rsaPrivKeyAttrs)/sizeof(rsaPrivKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE dsaPrivKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG dsaPrivKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(dsaPrivKeyAttrs)/sizeof(dsaPrivKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE dhPrivKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG dhPrivKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(dhPrivKeyAttrs)/sizeof(dhPrivKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE ecPrivKeyAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG ecPrivKeyAttrsCount = 
-			sizeof(ecPrivKeyAttrs)/sizeof(ecPrivKeyAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE certAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG certAttrsCount = 
-		sizeof(certAttrs)/sizeof(certAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE trustAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG trustAttrsCount = 
-		sizeof(trustAttrs)/sizeof(trustAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE smimeAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG smimeAttrsCount = 
-		sizeof(smimeAttrs)/sizeof(smimeAttrs[0]);
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE crlAttrs[] = {
-static const CK_ULONG crlAttrsCount = 
-		sizeof(crlAttrs)/sizeof(crlAttrs[0]);
-/* copy an object based on it's table */
-stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(SFTKObject *destObject,SFTKTokenObject *src_to,
-	const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *attrArray, CK_ULONG attrCount)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKAttribute *newAttribute;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i < attrCount; i++) {
-	if (!sftk_hasAttribute(destObject,attrArray[i])) {
-	    attribute =sftk_FindAttribute(&src_to->obj, attrArray[i]);
-	    if (!attribute) {
-		continue; /* return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID; */
-	    }
-	    /* we need to copy the attribute since each attribute
-	     * only has one set of link list pointers */
-	    newAttribute = sftk_NewAttribute( destObject,
-				sftk_attr_expand(&attribute->attrib));
-	    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute); /* free the old attribute */
-	    if (!newAttribute) {
-		return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    }
-	    sftk_AddAttribute(destObject,newAttribute);
-	}
-    }
-    return crv;
-stfk_CopyTokenPrivateKey(SFTKObject *destObject,SFTKTokenObject *src_to)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    /* copy the common attributes for all keys first */
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, commonKeyAttrs,
-							commonKeyAttrsCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    /* copy the common attributes for all private keys next */
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, commonPrivKeyAttrs,
-						commonPrivKeyAttrsCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    attribute =sftk_FindAttribute(&src_to->obj, CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    PORT_Assert(attribute); /* if it wasn't here, ww should have failed
-			     * copying the common attributes */
-    if (!attribute) {
-	/* OK, so CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID is the immediate error, but
-	 * the fact is, the only reason we couldn't get the attribute would
-	 * be a memory error or database error (an error in the 'device').
-	 * if we have a database error code, we could return it here */
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    key_type = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    /* finally copy the attributes for various private key types */
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, rsaPrivKeyAttrs,
-							rsaPrivKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, dsaPrivKeyAttrs,
-							dsaPrivKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKK_DH:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, dhPrivKeyAttrs,
-							dhPrivKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKK_EC:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, ecPrivKeyAttrs,
-							ecPrivKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-     default:
-	crv = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen unless we store more types
-				* of token keys into our database. */
-    }
-    return crv;
-stfk_CopyTokenPublicKey(SFTKObject *destObject,SFTKTokenObject *src_to)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_KEY_TYPE key_type;
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    /* copy the common attributes for all keys first */
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, commonKeyAttrs,
-							commonKeyAttrsCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    /* copy the common attributes for all public keys next */
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, commonPubKeyAttrs,
-							commonPubKeyAttrsCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    attribute =sftk_FindAttribute(&src_to->obj, CKA_KEY_TYPE);
-    PORT_Assert(attribute); /* if it wasn't here, ww should have failed
-			     * copying the common attributes */
-    if (!attribute) {
-	/* OK, so CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID is the immediate error, but
-	 * the fact is, the only reason we couldn't get the attribute would
-	 * be a memory error or database error (an error in the 'device').
-	 * if we have a database error code, we could return it here */
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    key_type = *(CK_KEY_TYPE *)attribute->attrib.pValue;
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-    /* finally copy the attributes for various public key types */
-    switch (key_type) {
-    case CKK_RSA:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, rsaPubKeyAttrs,
-							rsaPubKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKK_DSA:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, dsaPubKeyAttrs,
-							dsaPubKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKK_DH:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, dhPubKeyAttrs,
-							dhPubKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKK_EC:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, ecPubKeyAttrs,
-							ecPubKeyAttrsCount);
-	break;
-     default:
-	crv = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen unless we store more types
-				* of token keys into our database. */
-    }
-    return crv;
-stfk_CopyTokenSecretKey(SFTKObject *destObject,SFTKTokenObject *src_to)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, commonKeyAttrs,
-							commonKeyAttrsCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, secretKeyAttrs,
-							secretKeyAttrsCount);
-    return crv;
- * Copy a token object. We need to explicitly copy the relevant
- * attributes since token objects don't store those attributes in
- * the token itself.
- */
-sftk_CopyTokenObject(SFTKObject *destObject,SFTKObject *srcObject)
-    SFTKTokenObject *src_to = sftk_narrowToTokenObject(srcObject);
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PORT_Assert(src_to);
-    if (src_to == NULL) {
-	return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* internal state inconsistant */
-    }
-    crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, commonAttrs,
-							commonAttrsCount);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto fail;
-    }
-    switch (src_to->obj.objclass) {
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, certAttrs,
-							certAttrsCount);
- 	break;
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, trustAttrs,
-							trustAttrsCount);
-	break;
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, smimeAttrs,
-							smimeAttrsCount);
-	break;
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenAttributes(destObject, src_to, crlAttrs,
-							crlAttrsCount);
-	break;
-    case CKO_PRIVATE_KEY:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenPrivateKey(destObject,src_to);
-	break;
-    case CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenPublicKey(destObject,src_to);
-	break;
-    case CKO_SECRET_KEY:
-	crv = stfk_CopyTokenSecretKey(destObject,src_to);
-	break;
-    default:
-	crv = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen unless we store more types
-				* of token keys into our database. */
-    }
-    return crv;
- * copy the attributes from one object to another. Don't overwrite existing
- * attributes. NOTE: This is a pretty expensive operation since it
- * grabs the attribute locks for the src object for a *long* time.
- */
-sftk_CopyObject(SFTKObject *destObject,SFTKObject *srcObject)
-    SFTKAttribute *attribute;
-    SFTKSessionObject *src_so = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(srcObject);
-    unsigned int i;
-    if (src_so == NULL) {
-	return sftk_CopyTokenObject(destObject,srcObject); 
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(src_so->attributeLock);
-    for(i=0; i < src_so->hashSize; i++) {
-	attribute = src_so->head[i];
-	do {
-	    if (attribute) {
-		if (!sftk_hasAttribute(destObject,attribute->handle)) {
-		    /* we need to copy the attribute since each attribute
-		     * only has one set of link list pointers */
-		    SFTKAttribute *newAttribute = sftk_NewAttribute(
-			  destObject,sftk_attr_expand(&attribute->attrib));
-		    if (newAttribute == NULL) {
-			PZ_Unlock(src_so->attributeLock);
-			return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-		    }
-		    sftk_AddAttribute(destObject,newAttribute);
-		}
-		attribute=attribute->next;
-	    }
-	} while (attribute != NULL);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(src_so->attributeLock);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * ******************** Search Utilities *******************************
- */
-/* add an object to a search list */
-AddToList(SFTKObjectListElement **list,SFTKObject *object)
-     SFTKObjectListElement *newElem = 
-	(SFTKObjectListElement *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SFTKObjectListElement));
-     if (newElem == NULL) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-     newElem->next = *list;
-     newElem->object = object;
-     sftk_ReferenceObject(object);
-    *list = newElem;
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* return true if the object matches the template */
-sftk_objectMatch(SFTKObject *object,CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR theTemplate,int count)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	SFTKAttribute *attribute = sftk_FindAttribute(object,theTemplate[i].type);
-	if (attribute == NULL) {
-	    return PR_FALSE;
-	}
-	if (attribute->attrib.ulValueLen == theTemplate[i].ulValueLen) {
-	    if (PORT_Memcmp(attribute->attrib.pValue,theTemplate[i].pValue,
-					theTemplate[i].ulValueLen) == 0) {
-        	sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	}
-        sftk_FreeAttribute(attribute);
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
-/* search through all the objects in the queue and return the template matches
- * in the object list.
- */
-sftk_searchObjectList(SFTKSearchResults *search,SFTKObject **head, 
-	unsigned int size, PZLock *lock, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR theTemplate, 
-						int count, PRBool isLoggedIn)
-    unsigned int i;
-    SFTKObject *object;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    for(i=0; i < size; i++) {
-        /* We need to hold the lock to copy a consistant version of
-         * the linked list. */
-        PZ_Lock(lock);
-	for (object = head[i]; object != NULL; object= object->next) {
-	    if (sftk_objectMatch(object,theTemplate,count)) {
-		/* don't return objects that aren't yet visible */
-		if ((!isLoggedIn) && sftk_isTrue(object,CKA_PRIVATE)) continue;
-		sftk_addHandle(search,object->handle);
-	    }
-	}
-        PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    }
-    return crv;
- * free a single list element. Return the Next object in the list.
- */
-SFTKObjectListElement *
-sftk_FreeObjectListElement(SFTKObjectListElement *objectList)
-    SFTKObjectListElement *ol = objectList->next;
-    sftk_FreeObject(objectList->object);
-    PORT_Free(objectList);
-    return ol;
-/* free an entire object list */
-sftk_FreeObjectList(SFTKObjectListElement *objectList)
-    SFTKObjectListElement *ol;
-    for (ol= objectList; ol != NULL; ol = sftk_FreeObjectListElement(ol)) {}
- * free a search structure
- */
-sftk_FreeSearch(SFTKSearchResults *search)
-    if (search->handles) {
-	PORT_Free(search->handles);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(search);
- * ******************** Session Utilities *******************************
- */
-/* update the sessions state based in it's flags and wether or not it's
- * logged in */
-sftk_update_state(SFTKSlot *slot,SFTKSession *session)
-    if (slot->isLoggedIn) {
-	if (slot->ssoLoggedIn) {
-    	    session->info.state = CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS;
-	} else if (session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) {
-    	    session->info.state = CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS;
-	} else {
-    	    session->info.state = CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (session->info.flags & CKF_RW_SESSION) {
-    	    session->info.state = CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION;
-	} else {
-    	    session->info.state = CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION;
-	}
-    }
-/* update the state of all the sessions on a slot */
-sftk_update_all_states(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    unsigned int i;
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    for (i=0; i < slot->sessHashSize; i++) {
-	PZLock *lock = SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,i);
-	PZ_Lock(lock);
-	for (session = slot->head[i]; session; session = session->next) {
-	    sftk_update_state(slot,session);
-	}
-	PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    }
- * context are cipher and digest contexts that are associated with a session
- */
-sftk_FreeContext(SFTKSessionContext *context)
-    if (context->cipherInfo) {
-	(*context->destroy)(context->cipherInfo,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (context->hashInfo) {
-	(*context->hashdestroy)(context->hashInfo,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (context->key) {
-	sftk_FreeObject(context->key);
-	context->key = NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(context);
- * create a new nession. NOTE: The session handle is not set, and the
- * session is not added to the slot's session queue.
- */
-SFTKSession *
-sftk_NewSession(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_NOTIFY notify, CK_VOID_PTR pApplication,
-							     CK_FLAGS flags)
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromID(slotID, PR_FALSE);
-    if (slot == NULL) return NULL;
-    session = (SFTKSession*)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SFTKSession));
-    if (session == NULL) return NULL;
-    session->next = session->prev = NULL;
-    session->refCount = 1;
-    session->enc_context = NULL;
-    session->hash_context = NULL;
-    session->sign_context = NULL;
-    session->search = NULL;
-    session->objectIDCount = 1;
-    session->objectLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockObject);
-    if (session->objectLock == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(session);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    session->objects[0] = NULL;
-    session->slot = slot;
-    session->notify = notify;
-    session->appData = pApplication;
-    session->info.flags = flags;
-    session->info.slotID = slotID;
-    session->info.ulDeviceError = 0;
-    sftk_update_state(slot,session);
-    return session;
-/* free all the data associated with a session. */
-static void
-sftk_DestroySession(SFTKSession *session)
-    SFTKObjectList *op,*next;
-    PORT_Assert(session->refCount == 0);
-    /* clean out the attributes */
-    /* since no one is referencing us, it's safe to walk the chain
-     * without a lock */
-    for (op = session->objects[0]; op != NULL; op = next) {
-        next = op->next;
-        /* paranoia */
-	op->next = op->prev = NULL;
-	sftk_DeleteObject(session,op->parent);
-    }
-    PZ_DestroyLock(session->objectLock);
-    if (session->enc_context) {
-	sftk_FreeContext(session->enc_context);
-    }
-    if (session->hash_context) {
-	sftk_FreeContext(session->hash_context);
-    }
-    if (session->sign_context) {
-	sftk_FreeContext(session->sign_context);
-    }
-    if (session->search) {
-	sftk_FreeSearch(session->search);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(session);
- * look up a session structure from a session handle
- * generate a reference to it.
- */
-SFTKSession *
-sftk_SessionFromHandle(CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle)
-    SFTKSlot	*slot = sftk_SlotFromSessionHandle(handle);
-    SFTKSession *session;
-    PZLock	*lock;
-    if (!slot) return NULL;
-    lock = SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,handle);
-    PZ_Lock(lock);
-    sftkqueue_find(session,handle,slot->head,slot->sessHashSize);
-    if (session) session->refCount++;
-    PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    return (session);
- * release a reference to a session handle
- */
-sftk_FreeSession(SFTKSession *session)
-    PRBool destroy = PR_FALSE;
-    SFTKSlot *slot = sftk_SlotFromSession(session);
-    PZLock *lock = SFTK_SESSION_LOCK(slot,session->handle);
-    PZ_Lock(lock);
-    if (session->refCount == 1) destroy = PR_TRUE;
-    session->refCount--;
-    PZ_Unlock(lock);
-    if (destroy) sftk_DestroySession(session);
-sftk_addHandle(SFTKSearchResults *search, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle)
-    if (search->handles == NULL) {
-	return;
-    }
-    if (search->size >= search->array_size) {
-	search->array_size += NSC_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	search->handles = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *) PORT_Realloc(search->handles,
-				 sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)* search->array_size);
-	if (search->handles == NULL) {
-	   return;
-	}
-    }
-    search->handles[search->size] = handle;
-    search->size++;
-static  CK_RV
-handleToClass(SFTKSlot *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle, 
-	      CK_OBJECT_CLASS *objClass)
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle = sftk_getDBForTokenObject(slot, handle);
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE objClassTemplate;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    *objClass = CKO_DATA;
-    objClassTemplate.type = CKA_CLASS;
-    objClassTemplate.pValue = objClass;
-    objClassTemplate.ulValueLen = sizeof(*objClass);
-    crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(dbHandle, handle, &objClassTemplate, 1);
-    sftk_freeDB(dbHandle);
-    return crv;
-SFTKObject *
-sftk_NewTokenObject(SFTKSlot *slot, SECItem *dbKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE handle)
-    SFTKObject *object = NULL;
-    PRBool hasLocks = PR_FALSE;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    object = sftk_GetObjectFromList(&hasLocks, PR_FALSE, &tokenObjectList,  0,
-							PR_FALSE);
-    if (object == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    object->handle = handle;
-    /* every object must have a class, if we can't get it, the object
-     * doesn't exist */
-    crv = handleToClass(slot, handle, &object->objclass);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    object->slot = slot;
-    object->objectInfo = NULL;
-    object->infoFree = NULL;
-    if (!hasLocks) {
-	object->refLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockRefLock);
-    }
-    if (object->refLock == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    object->refCount = 1;
-    return object;
-    if (object) {
-	(void) sftk_DestroyObject(object);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-SFTKTokenObject *
-sftk_convertSessionToToken(SFTKObject *obj)
-    SECItem *key;
-    SFTKSessionObject *so = (SFTKSessionObject *)obj;
-    SFTKTokenObject *to = sftk_narrowToTokenObject(obj);
-    SECStatus rv;
-    sftk_DestroySessionObjectData(so);
-    PZ_DestroyLock(so->attributeLock);
-    if (to == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    sftk_tokenKeyLock(so->obj.slot);
-    key = sftk_lookupTokenKeyByHandle(so->obj.slot,so->obj.handle);
-    if (key == NULL) {
-    	sftk_tokenKeyUnlock(so->obj.slot);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL,&to->dbKey,key);
-    sftk_tokenKeyUnlock(so->obj.slot);
-    if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return to;
-SFTKSessionObject *
-sftk_narrowToSessionObject(SFTKObject *obj)
-    return !sftk_isToken(obj->handle) ? (SFTKSessionObject *)obj : NULL;
-SFTKTokenObject *
-sftk_narrowToTokenObject(SFTKObject *obj)
-    return sftk_isToken(obj->handle) ? (SFTKTokenObject *)obj : NULL;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sdb.c b/nss/lib/softoken/sdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 36bdcc1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2087 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements PKCS 11 on top of our existing security modules
- *
- * For more information about PKCS 11 See PKCS 11 Token Inteface Standard.
- *   This implementation has two slots:
- *	slot 1 is our generic crypto support. It does not require login.
- *   It supports Public Key ops, and all they bulk ciphers and hashes. 
- *   It can also support Private Key ops for imported Private keys. It does 
- *   not have any token storage.
- *	slot 2 is our private key support. It requires a login before use. It
- *   can store Private Keys and Certs as token objects. Currently only private
- *   keys and their associated Certificates are saved on the token.
- *
- *   In this implementation, session objects are only visible to the session
- *   that created or generated them.
- */
-#include "sdb.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include <sqlite3.h>
-#include "prthread.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prsystem.h" /* for PR_GetDirectorySeparator() */
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include <io.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "prlock.h"
- * SQLite can be compiled to be thread safe or not.
- * turn on SQLITE_UNSAFE_THREADS if the OS does not support
- * a thread safe version of sqlite.
- */
-static PRLock *sqlite_lock = NULL;
-#define LOCK_SQLITE()  PR_Lock(sqlite_lock);
-#define UNLOCK_SQLITE()  PR_Unlock(sqlite_lock);
-#define LOCK_SQLITE()  
-#define UNLOCK_SQLITE()  
-typedef enum {
-	SDB_CERT = 1,
-	SDB_KEY = 2
-} sdbDataType;
- * defines controlling how long we wait to acquire locks.
- *
- * SDB_SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT specifies how long (in milliseconds)
- *  sqlite will wait on lock. If that timeout expires, sqlite will
- *  return SQLITE_BUSY.
- * SDB_BUSY_RETRY_TIME specifies how many seconds the sdb_ code waits
- *  after receiving a busy before retrying.
- * SDB_MAX_BUSY_RETRIES specifies how many times the sdb_ will retry on
- *  a busy condition.
- *
- * SDB_SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT affects all opertions, both manual 
- *   (prepare/step/reset/finalize) and automatic (sqlite3_exec()).
- * SDB_BUSY_RETRY_TIME and SDB_MAX_BUSY_RETRIES only affect manual operations
- * 
- * total wait time for automatic operations: 
- *   1 second (SDB_SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT/1000).
- * total wait time for manual operations: 
- *   (1 second + 5 seconds) * 10 = 60 seconds.
- */
-#define SDB_SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT 1000 /* milliseconds */
-#define SDB_BUSY_RETRY_TIME        5 /* seconds */
-#define SDB_MAX_BUSY_RETRIES      10
- * Note on use of sqlReadDB: Only one thread at a time may have an actual
- * operation going on given sqlite3 * database. An operation is defined as
- * the time from a sqlite3_prepare() until the sqlite3_finalize().
- * Multiple sqlite3 * databases can be open and have simultaneous operations
- * going. We use the sqlXactDB for all write operations. This database
- * is only opened when we first create a transaction and closed when the
- * transaction is complete. sqlReadDB is open when we first opened the database
- * and is used for all read operation. It's use is protected by a monitor. This
- * is because an operation can span the use of FindObjectsInit() through the
- * call to FindObjectsFinal(). In the intermediate time it is possible to call
- * other operations like NSC_GetAttributeValue */
-struct SDBPrivateStr {
-    char *sqlDBName;		/* invariant, path to this database */
-    sqlite3 *sqlXactDB;		/* access protected by dbMon, use protected
-                                 * by the transaction. Current transaction db*/
-    PRThread *sqlXactThread;	/* protected by dbMon,
-			         * current transaction thread */
-    sqlite3 *sqlReadDB;		/* use protected by dbMon, value invariant */
-    PRIntervalTime lastUpdateTime;  /* last time the cache was updated */
-    PRIntervalTime updateInterval;  /* how long the cache can go before it 
-                                     * must be updated again */
-    sdbDataType type;		/* invariant, database type */
-    char *table;	        /* invariant, SQL table which contains the db */
-    char *cacheTable;	        /* invariant, SQL table cache of db */
-    PRMonitor *dbMon;		/* invariant, monitor to protect 
-				 * sqlXact* fields, and use of the sqlReadDB */
-typedef struct SDBPrivateStr SDBPrivate;
- * known attributes
- */
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE known_attributes[] = {
-static int known_attributes_size= sizeof(known_attributes)/
-			   sizeof(known_attributes[0]);
-/* Magic for an explicit NULL. NOTE: ideally this should be
- * out of band data. Since it's not completely out of band, pick
- * a value that has no meaning to any existing PKCS #11 attributes.
- * This value is 1) not a valid string (imbedded '\0'). 2) not a U_LONG
- * or a normal key (too short). 3) not a bool (too long). 4) not an RSA
- * public exponent (too many bits).
- */
-const unsigned char SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL[] = { 0xa5, 0x0, 0x5a };
- * determine when we've completed our tasks
- */
-static int 
-sdb_done(int err, int *count)
-    /* allow as many rows as the database wants to give */
-    if (err == SQLITE_ROW) {
-	*count = 0;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (err != SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	return 1;
-    }
-    /* err == SQLITE_BUSY, Dont' retry forever in this case */
-    if (++(*count) >= SDB_MAX_BUSY_RETRIES) {
-	return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * find out where sqlite stores the temp tables. We do this by replicating
- * the logic from sqlite.
- */
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-static char *
-    /* sqlite uses sqlite3_temp_directory if it is not NULL. We don't have
-     * access to sqlite3_temp_directory because it is not exported from
-     * sqlite3.dll. Assume sqlite3_win32_set_directory isn't called and
-     * sqlite3_temp_directory is NULL.
-     */
-    char path[MAX_PATH];
-    DWORD rv;
-    size_t len;
-    rv = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, path);
-    if (rv > MAX_PATH || rv == 0)
-        return NULL;
-    len = strlen(path);
-    if (len == 0)
-        return NULL;
-    /* The returned string ends with a backslash, for example, "C:\TEMP\". */
-    if (path[len - 1] == '\\')
-        path[len - 1] = '\0';
-    return PORT_Strdup(path);
-#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-static char *
-    const char *azDirs[] = {
-        NULL,
-        NULL,
-        "/var/tmp",
-        "/usr/tmp",
-        "/tmp",
-        NULL     /* List terminator */
-    };
-    unsigned int i;
-    struct stat buf;
-    const char *zDir = NULL;
-    azDirs[0] = sqlite3_temp_directory;
-    azDirs[1] = PR_GetEnvSecure("TMPDIR");
-    for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(azDirs); i++) {
-        zDir = azDirs[i];
-        if (zDir == NULL) continue;
-        if (stat(zDir, &buf)) continue;
-        if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) continue;
-        if (access(zDir, 07)) continue;
-        break;
-    }
-    if (zDir == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    return PORT_Strdup(zDir);
-#error "sdb_getFallbackTempDir not implemented"
-/* SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME was added in SQLite 3.7.15 */
-static char *
-sdb_getTempDir(sqlite3 *sqlDB)
-    int sqlrv;
-    char *result = NULL;
-    char *tempName = NULL;
-    char *foundSeparator = NULL;
-    /* Obtain temporary filename in sqlite's directory for temporary tables */
-    sqlrv = sqlite3_file_control(sqlDB, 0, SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME,
-				 (void*)&tempName);
-    if (sqlrv == SQLITE_NOTFOUND) {
-	/* SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME not implemented because we are using
-	 * an older SQLite. */
-	return sdb_getFallbackTempDir();
-    }
-    if (sqlrv != SQLITE_OK) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* We'll extract the temporary directory from tempName */
-    foundSeparator = PORT_Strrchr(tempName, PR_GetDirectorySeparator());
-    if (foundSeparator) {
-	/* We shorten the temp filename string to contain only
-	  * the directory name (including the trailing separator).
-	  * We know the byte after the foundSeparator position is
-	  * safe to use, in the shortest scenario it contains the
-	  * end-of-string byte.
-	  * By keeping the separator at the found position, it will
-	  * even work if tempDir consists of the separator, only.
-	  * (In this case the toplevel directory will be used for
-	  * access speed testing). */
-	++foundSeparator;
-	*foundSeparator = 0;
-	/* Now we copy the directory name for our caller */
-	result = PORT_Strdup(tempName);
-    }
-    sqlite3_free(tempName);
-    return result;
- * Map SQL_LITE errors to PKCS #11 errors as best we can.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sdb_mapSQLError(sdbDataType type, int sqlerr)
-    switch (sqlerr) {
-    /* good matches */
-    case SQLITE_OK:
-    case SQLITE_DONE:
-	return CKR_OK;
-    case SQLITE_NOMEM:
-    /* close matches */
-    case SQLITE_AUTH:
-    case SQLITE_PERM:
-	/*return CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN; */
-	/* NSS distiguishes between failure to open the cert and the key db */
-	return type == SDB_CERT ? 
-    case SQLITE_IOERR:
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
- * build up database name from a directory, prefix, name, version and flags.
- */
-static char *sdb_BuildFileName(const char * directory, 
-			const char *prefix, const char *type, 
-			int version)
-    char *dbname = NULL;
-    /* build the full dbname */
-    dbname = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%c%s%s%d.db", directory,
-			     (int)(unsigned char)PR_GetDirectorySeparator(),
-			     prefix, type, version);
-    return dbname;
- * find out how expensive the access system call is for non-existant files
- * in the given directory.  Return the number of operations done in 33 ms.
- */
-static PRUint32
-sdb_measureAccess(const char *directory)
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRIntervalTime time;
-    PRIntervalTime delta;
-    PRIntervalTime duration = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(33);
-    const char *doesntExistName = "_dOeSnotExist_.db";
-    char *temp, *tempStartOfFilename;
-    size_t maxTempLen, maxFileNameLen, directoryLength;
-    /* no directory, just return one */
-    if (directory == NULL) {
-	return 1;
-    }
-    /* our calculation assumes time is a 4 bytes == 32 bit integer */
-    PORT_Assert(sizeof(time) == 4);
-    directoryLength = strlen(directory);
-    maxTempLen = directoryLength + strlen(doesntExistName)
-		 + 1 /* potential additional separator char */
-		 + 11 /* max chars for 32 bit int plus potential sign */
-		 + 1; /* zero terminator */
-    temp = PORT_Alloc(maxTempLen);
-    if (!temp) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    /* We'll copy directory into temp just once, then ensure it ends
-     * with the directory separator, then remember the position after
-     * the separator, and calculate the number of remaining bytes. */
-    strcpy(temp, directory);
-    if (directory[directoryLength - 1] != PR_GetDirectorySeparator()) {
-	temp[directoryLength++] = PR_GetDirectorySeparator();
-    }
-    tempStartOfFilename = temp + directoryLength;
-    maxFileNameLen = maxTempLen - directoryLength;
-    /* measure number of Access operations that can be done in 33 milliseconds
-     * (1/30'th of a second), or 10000 operations, which ever comes first.
-     */
-    time =  PR_IntervalNow();
-    for (i=0; i < 10000u; i++) { 
-	PRIntervalTime next;
-	/* We'll use the variable part first in the filename string, just in
-	 * case it's longer than assumed, so if anything gets cut off, it
-	 * will be cut off from the constant part.
-	 * This code assumes the directory name at the beginning of
-	 * temp remains unchanged during our loop. */
-        PR_snprintf(tempStartOfFilename, maxFileNameLen,
-		    ".%lu%s", (PRUint32)(time+i), doesntExistName);
-	PR_Access(temp,PR_ACCESS_EXISTS);
-	next = PR_IntervalNow();
-	delta = next - time;
-	if (delta >= duration)
-	    break;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(temp);
-    /* always return 1 or greater */
-    return i ? i : 1u;
- * some file sytems are very slow to run sqlite3 on, particularly if the
- * access count is pretty high. On these filesystems is faster to create
- * a temporary database on the local filesystem and access that. This
- * code uses a temporary table to create that cache. Temp tables are
- * automatically cleared when the database handle it was created on
- * Is freed.
- */
-static const char DROP_CACHE_CMD[] = "DROP TABLE %s";
-static const char CREATE_CACHE_CMD[] =
-static const char CREATE_ISSUER_INDEX_CMD[] = 
-  "CREATE INDEX issuer ON %s (a81)";
-static const char CREATE_SUBJECT_INDEX_CMD[] = 
-  "CREATE INDEX subject ON %s (a101)";
-static const char CREATE_LABEL_INDEX_CMD[] = "CREATE INDEX label ON %s (a3)";
-static const char CREATE_ID_INDEX_CMD[] = "CREATE INDEX ckaid ON %s (a102)";
-static CK_RV
-sdb_buildCache(sqlite3 *sqlDB, sdbDataType type, 
-		const char *cacheTable, const char *table)
-    char *newStr;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_CACHE_CMD, cacheTable, table);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	return sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-    }
-    /* failure to create the indexes is not an issue */
-    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_ISSUER_INDEX_CMD, cacheTable);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_SUBJECT_INDEX_CMD, cacheTable);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_LABEL_INDEX_CMD, cacheTable);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_ID_INDEX_CMD, cacheTable);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * update the cache and the data records describing it.
- *  The cache is updated by dropping the temp database and recreating it.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sdb_updateCache(SDBPrivate *sdb_p)
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    char *newStr;
-    /* drop the old table */
-    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(DROP_CACHE_CMD, sdb_p->cacheTable);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sdb_p->sqlReadDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    if ((sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) && (sqlerr != SQLITE_ERROR )) {
-        /* something went wrong with the drop, don't try to refresh...
-         * NOTE: SQLITE_ERROR is returned if the table doesn't exist. In
-         * that case, we just continue on and try to reload it */
-	return sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr); 
-    }
-    /* set up the new table */
-    error = sdb_buildCache(sdb_p->sqlReadDB,sdb_p->type,
-				sdb_p->cacheTable,sdb_p->table );
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	/* we have a new cache! */
-	sdb_p->lastUpdateTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    }
-    return error;
- *  The sharing of sqlite3 handles across threads is tricky. Older versions
- *  couldn't at all, but newer ones can under strict conditions. Basically
- *  no 2 threads can use the same handle while another thread has an open
- *  stmt running. Once the sqlite3_stmt is finalized, another thread can then
- *  use the database handle.
- *
- *  We use monitors to protect against trying to use a database before
- *  it's sqlite3_stmt is finalized. This is preferable to the opening and
- *  closing the database each operation because there is significant overhead
- *  in the open and close. Also continually opening and closing the database
- *  defeats the cache code as the cache table is lost on close (thus
- *  requiring us to have to reinitialize the cache every operation).
- * 
- *  An execption to the shared handle is transations. All writes happen
- *  through a transaction. When we are in  a transaction, we must use the 
- *  same database pointer for that entire transation. In this case we save 
- *  the transaction database and use it for all accesses on the transaction 
- *  thread. Other threads use the common database.  
- *
- *  There can only be once active transaction on the database at a time.
- *
- *  sdb_openDBLocal() provides us with a valid database handle for whatever
- *  state we are in (reading or in a transaction), and acquires any locks
- *  appropriate to that state. It also decides when it's time to refresh
- *  the cache before we start an operation. Any database handle returned
- *  just eventually be closed with sdb_closeDBLocal().
- *
- *  The table returned either points to the database's physical table, or
- *  to the cached shadow. Tranactions always return the physical table
- *  and read operations return either the physical table or the cache
- *  depending on whether or not the cache exists.
- */
-static CK_RV 
-sdb_openDBLocal(SDBPrivate *sdb_p, sqlite3 **sqlDB, const char **table)
-    *sqlDB = NULL;
-    PR_EnterMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    if (table) {
-	*table = sdb_p->table;
-    }
-    /* We're in a transaction, use the transaction DB */
-    if ((sdb_p->sqlXactDB) && (sdb_p->sqlXactThread == PR_GetCurrentThread())) {
-	*sqlDB =sdb_p->sqlXactDB;
-	/* only one thread can get here, safe to unlock */
-        PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /*
-     * if we are just reading from the table, we may have the table
-     * cached in a temporary table (especially if it's on a shared FS).
-     * In that case we want to see updates to the table, the the granularity
-     * is on order of human scale, not computer scale.
-     */
-    if (table && sdb_p->cacheTable) {
-	PRIntervalTime now = PR_IntervalNow();
-	if ((now - sdb_p->lastUpdateTime) > sdb_p->updateInterval) {
-	       sdb_updateCache(sdb_p);
-        }
-	*table = sdb_p->cacheTable;
-    }
-    *sqlDB = sdb_p->sqlReadDB;
-    /* leave holding the lock. only one thread can actually use a given
-     * database connection at once */
-    return CKR_OK;
-/* closing the local database currenly means unlocking the monitor */
-static CK_RV 
-sdb_closeDBLocal(SDBPrivate *sdb_p, sqlite3 *sqlDB) 
-   if (sdb_p->sqlXactDB != sqlDB) {
-	/* if we weren't in a transaction, we got a lock */
-        PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-   }
-   return CKR_OK;
- * wrapper to sqlite3_open which also sets the busy_timeout
- */
-static int
-sdb_openDB(const char *name, sqlite3 **sqlDB, int flags)
-    int sqlerr;
-    /*
-     * in sqlite3 3.5.0, there is a new open call that allows us
-     * to specify read only. Most new OS's are still on 3.3.x (including
-     * NSS's internal version and the version shipped with Firefox).
-     */
-    *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_open(name, sqlDB);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	return sqlerr;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_busy_timeout(*sqlDB, SDB_SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	sqlite3_close(*sqlDB);
-	*sqlDB = NULL;
-	return sqlerr;
-    }
-    return SQLITE_OK;
-/* Sigh, if we created a new table since we opened the database,
- * the database handle will not see the new table, we need to close this
- * database and reopen it. Caller must be in a transaction or holding
- * the dbMon. sqlDB is changed on success. */
-static int 
-sdb_reopenDBLocal(SDBPrivate *sdb_p, sqlite3 **sqlDB) {
-    sqlite3 *newDB;
-    int sqlerr;
-    /* open a new database */
-    sqlerr = sdb_openDB(sdb_p->sqlDBName, &newDB, SDB_RDONLY);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	return sqlerr;
-    }
-    /* if we are in a transaction, we may not be holding the monitor.
-     * grab it before we update the transaction database. This is
-     * safe since are using monitors. */
-    PR_EnterMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    /* update our view of the database */
-    if (sdb_p->sqlReadDB == *sqlDB) {
-	sdb_p->sqlReadDB = newDB;
-    } else if (sdb_p->sqlXactDB == *sqlDB) {
-	sdb_p->sqlXactDB = newDB;
-    }
-    PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    /* close the old one */
-    sqlite3_close(*sqlDB);
-    *sqlDB = newDB;
-    return SQLITE_OK;
-struct SDBFindStr {
-    sqlite3 *sqlDB;
-    sqlite3_stmt *findstmt;
-static const char FIND_OBJECTS_CMD[] =  "SELECT ALL * FROM %s WHERE %s;";
-static const char FIND_OBJECTS_ALL_CMD[] = "SELECT ALL * FROM %s;";
-sdb_FindObjectsInit(SDB *sdb, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count, 
-				SDBFind **find)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    const char *table;
-    char *newStr, *findStr = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *findstmt = NULL;
-    char *join="";
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    unsigned int i;
-    *find = NULL;
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, &table);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    findStr = sqlite3_mprintf("");
-    for (i=0; findStr && i < count; i++) {
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%sa%x=$DATA%d", findStr, join,
-				template[i].type, i);
-        join=" AND ";
-	sqlite3_free(findStr);
-	findStr = newStr;
-    }
-    if (findStr == NULL) {
-	error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (count == 0) {
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(FIND_OBJECTS_ALL_CMD, table);
-    } else {
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(FIND_OBJECTS_CMD, table, findStr);
-    }
-    sqlite3_free(findStr);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, newStr, -1, &findstmt, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    for (i=0; sqlerr == SQLITE_OK && i < count; i++) {
-	const void *blobData = template[i].pValue;
-	unsigned int blobSize = template[i].ulValueLen;
-	if (blobSize == 0) {
-	    blobData = SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(findstmt, i+1, blobData, blobSize,
-    }
-    if (sqlerr == SQLITE_OK) {
-	*find = PORT_New(SDBFind);
-	if (*find == NULL) {
-	    error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	(*find)->findstmt = findstmt;
-	(*find)->sqlDB = sqlDB;
-	return CKR_OK;
-    } 
-    error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    if (findstmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(findstmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(findstmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
-sdb_FindObjects(SDB *sdb, SDBFind *sdbFind, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *object, 
-		CK_ULONG arraySize, CK_ULONG *count)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = sdbFind->findstmt;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    *count = 0;
-    if (arraySize == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_ROW) {
-	    /* only care about the id */
-	    *object++= sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
-	    arraySize--;
-	    (*count)++;
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry) && (arraySize > 0));
-    /* we only have some of the objects, there is probably more,
-     * set the sqlerr to an OK value so we return CKR_OK */
-    if (sqlerr == SQLITE_ROW && arraySize == 0) {
-	sqlerr = SQLITE_DONE;
-    }
-    return sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-sdb_FindObjectsFinal(SDB *sdb, SDBFind *sdbFind)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = sdbFind->findstmt;
-    sqlite3 *sqlDB = sdbFind->sqlDB;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(sdbFind);
-    return sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-static const char GET_ATTRIBUTE_CMD[] = "SELECT ALL %s FROM %s WHERE id=$ID;";
-sdb_GetAttributeValueNoLock(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_id, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    char *getStr = NULL;
-    char *newStr = NULL;
-    const char *table = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int found = 0;
-    int retry = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* open a new db if necessary */
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, &table);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	getStr = sqlite3_mprintf("a%x", template[i].type);
-	if (getStr == NULL) {
-	    error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(GET_ATTRIBUTE_CMD, getStr, table);
-	sqlite3_free(getStr);
-	getStr = NULL;
-	if (newStr == NULL) {
-	    error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, newStr, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-	newStr = NULL;
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_ERROR) {
-	    template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-	    continue;
-	} else if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) { goto loser; }
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, object_id);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) { goto loser; }
-	do {
-	    sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	    if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	    }
-	    if (sqlerr == SQLITE_ROW) {
-	    	unsigned int blobSize;
-	    	const char *blobData;
-	    	blobSize = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0);
-		blobData = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0);
-		if (blobData == NULL) {
-		    template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		    break;
-		}
-		/* If the blob equals our explicit NULL value, then the 
-		 * attribute is a NULL. */
-		if ((blobSize == SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL_LEN) &&
-		   	(PORT_Memcmp(blobData, SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL, 
-			      SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL_LEN) == 0)) {
-		    blobSize = 0;
-		}
-		if (template[i].pValue) {
-		    if (template[i].ulValueLen < blobSize) {
-			template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		    	error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-			break;
-		    }
-	    	    PORT_Memcpy(template[i].pValue, blobData, blobSize);
-		}
-		template[i].ulValueLen = blobSize;
-		found = 1;
-	    }
-	} while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-	stmt = NULL;
-    }
-    /* fix up the error if necessary */
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-	if (!found && error == CKR_OK) {
-	}
-    }
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    /* if we had to open a new database, free it now */
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
-sdb_GetAttributeValue(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_id, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    crv = sdb_GetAttributeValueNoLock(sdb, object_id, template, count);
-    return crv;
-static const char SET_ATTRIBUTE_CMD[] = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE id=$ID;";
-sdb_SetAttributeValue(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_id, 
-			const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    char *setStr = NULL;
-    char *newStr = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    unsigned int i;
-    if ((sdb->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) != 0) {
-    }
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    setStr = sqlite3_mprintf("");
-    for (i=0; setStr && i < count; i++) {
-	if (i==0) {
-	    sqlite3_free(setStr);
-   	    setStr = sqlite3_mprintf("a%x=$VALUE%d", 
-				template[i].type, i);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s,a%x=$VALUE%d", setStr, 
-				template[i].type, i);
-	sqlite3_free(setStr);
-	setStr = newStr;
-    }
-    newStr = NULL;
-    if (setStr == NULL) {
-    }
-    newStr =  sqlite3_mprintf(SET_ATTRIBUTE_CMD, sdb_p->table, setStr);
-    sqlite3_free(setStr);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-    }
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, NULL);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, newStr, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if (template[i].ulValueLen != 0) {
-	    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i+1, template[i].pValue, 
-				template[i].ulValueLen, SQLITE_STATIC);
-	} else {
-	    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i+2, SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL, 
-	}
-        if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i+1, object_id);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    if (newStr) {
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    }
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    }
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
- * check to see if a candidate object handle already exists.
- */
-static PRBool
-sdb_objectExists(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE candidate)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE template = { CKA_LABEL, NULL, 0 };
-    crv = sdb_GetAttributeValueNoLock(sdb,candidate,&template, 1);
-    if (crv == CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE;
- * if we're here, we are in a transaction, so it's safe
- * to examine the current state of the database
- */
-sdb_getObjectId(SDB *sdb)
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE candidate;
-    static CK_OBJECT_HANDLE next_obj = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    int count;
-    /*
-     * get an initial object handle to use
-     */
-    if (next_obj == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-        PRTime time;
-	time = PR_Now();
-	next_obj = (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)(time & 0x3fffffffL);
-    }
-    candidate = next_obj++;
-    /* detect that we've looped through all the handles... */
-    for (count = 0; count < 0x40000000; count++, candidate = next_obj++) {
-	/* mask off excess bits */
-	candidate &= 0x3fffffff;
-	/* if we hit zero, go to the next entry */
-	if (candidate == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* make sure we aren't already using */
-	if (!sdb_objectExists(sdb, candidate)) {
-	    /* this one is free */
-	    return candidate;
-	}
-    }
-    /* no handle is free, fail */
-    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-static const char CREATE_CMD[] = "INSERT INTO %s (id%s) VALUES($ID%s);";
-sdb_CreateObject(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *object_id, 
-		 const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    char *columnStr = NULL;
-    char *valueStr = NULL;
-    char *newStr = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    unsigned int i;
-    if ((sdb->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) != 0) {
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    if ((*object_id != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) && 
-		!sdb_objectExists(sdb, *object_id)) {
-	this_object = *object_id;
-    } else {
-	this_object = sdb_getObjectId(sdb);
-    }
-    if (this_object == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-    }
-    columnStr = sqlite3_mprintf("");
-    valueStr = sqlite3_mprintf("");
-    *object_id = this_object;
-    for (i=0; columnStr && valueStr && i < count; i++) {
-   	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s,a%x", columnStr, template[i].type);
-	sqlite3_free(columnStr);
-	columnStr = newStr;
-   	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s,$VALUE%d", valueStr, i);
-	sqlite3_free(valueStr);
-	valueStr = newStr;
-    }
-    newStr = NULL;
-    if ((columnStr == NULL) || (valueStr == NULL)) {
-	if (columnStr) {
-	    sqlite3_free(columnStr);
-	}
-	if (valueStr) {
-	    sqlite3_free(valueStr);
-	}
-    }
-    newStr =  sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_CMD, sdb_p->table, columnStr, valueStr);
-    sqlite3_free(columnStr);
-    sqlite3_free(valueStr);
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, NULL);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, newStr, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, *object_id);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if (template[i].ulValueLen) {
-	    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i+2, template[i].pValue, 
-			template[i].ulValueLen, SQLITE_STATIC);
-	} else {
-	    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i+2, SQLITE_EXPLICIT_NULL, 
-	}
-        if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    if (newStr) {
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    }
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    }
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
-static const char DESTROY_CMD[] = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE (id=$ID);";
-sdb_DestroyObject(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_id)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    char *newStr = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    if ((sdb->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) != 0) {
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, NULL);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    newStr =  sqlite3_mprintf(DESTROY_CMD, sdb_p->table);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr =sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, newStr, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    sqlerr =sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, object_id);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    }
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
- * start a transaction.
- *
- * We need to open a new database, then store that new database into
- * the private data structure. We open the database first, then use locks
- * to protect storing the data to prevent deadlocks.
- */
-sdb_Begin(SDB *sdb)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    if ((sdb->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) != 0) {
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    /* get a new version that we will use for the entire transaction */
-    sqlerr = sdb_openDB(sdb_p->sqlDBName, &sqlDB, SDB_RDWR);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr =sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, BEGIN_CMD, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    /* we are starting a new transaction, 
-     * and if we succeeded, then save this database for the rest of
-     * our transaction */
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	/* we hold a 'BEGIN TRANSACTION' and a sdb_p->lock. At this point
-	 * sdb_p->sqlXactDB MUST be null */
-	PR_EnterMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-	PORT_Assert(sdb_p->sqlXactDB == NULL);
-	sdb_p->sqlXactDB = sqlDB;
-	sdb_p->sqlXactThread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-        PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    } else {
-	/* we failed to start our transaction,
-	 * free any databases we opened. */
-	if (sqlDB) {
-	    sqlite3_close(sqlDB);
-	}
-    }
-    return error;
- * Complete a transaction. Basically undo everything we did in begin.
- * There are 2 flavors Abort and Commit. Basically the only differerence between
- * these 2 are what the database will show. (no change in to former, change in
- * the latter).
- */
-static CK_RV 
-sdb_complete(SDB *sdb, const char *cmd)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    if ((sdb->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) != 0) {
-    }
-    /* We must have a transation database, or we shouldn't have arrived here */
-    PR_EnterMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    PORT_Assert(sdb_p->sqlXactDB);
-    if (sdb_p->sqlXactDB == NULL) {
-        PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-	return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen */
-    }
-    PORT_Assert( sdb_p->sqlXactThread == PR_GetCurrentThread());
-    if ( sdb_p->sqlXactThread != PR_GetCurrentThread()) {
-        PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-	return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen */
-    }
-    sqlDB = sdb_p->sqlXactDB;
-    sdb_p->sqlXactDB = NULL; /* no one else can get to this DB, 
-			      * safe to unlock */
-    sdb_p->sqlXactThread = NULL; 
-    PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    sqlerr =sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, cmd, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    /* Pending BEGIN TRANSACTIONS Can move forward at this point. */
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    /* we we have a cached DB image, update it as well */
-    if (sdb_p->cacheTable) {
-	PR_EnterMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-	sdb_updateCache(sdb_p);
-	PR_ExitMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    }
-    error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    /* We just finished a transaction.
-     * Free the database, and remove it from the list */
-    sqlite3_close(sqlDB);
-    return error;
-static const char COMMIT_CMD[] = "COMMIT TRANSACTION;";
-sdb_Commit(SDB *sdb)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    crv = sdb_complete(sdb,COMMIT_CMD);
-    return crv;
-static const char ROLLBACK_CMD[] = "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;";
-sdb_Abort(SDB *sdb)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    crv = sdb_complete(sdb,ROLLBACK_CMD);
-    return crv;
-static int tableExists(sqlite3 *sqlDB, const char *tableName);
-static const char GET_PW_CMD[] = "SELECT ALL * FROM metaData WHERE id=$ID;";
-sdb_GetMetaData(SDB *sdb, const char *id, SECItem *item1, SECItem *item2)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = sdb_p->sqlXactDB;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int found = 0;
-    int retry = 0;
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, NULL);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* handle 'test' versions of the sqlite db */
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, GET_PW_CMD, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    /* Sigh, if we created a new table since we opened the database,
-     * the database handle will not see the new table, we need to close this
-     * database and reopen it. This is safe because we are holding the lock
-     * still. */
-    if (sqlerr == SQLITE_SCHEMA) {
-	sqlerr = sdb_reopenDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, GET_PW_CMD, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    }
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, id, PORT_Strlen(id), SQLITE_STATIC);
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_ROW) {
-	    const char *blobData;
-	    unsigned int len = item1->len;
-	    item1->len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 1);
-	    if (item1->len > len) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    blobData = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 1);
-	    PORT_Memcpy(item1->data,blobData, item1->len);
-	    if (item2) {
-		len = item2->len;
-		item2->len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 2);
-		if (item2->len > len) {
-		    error = CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-		    continue;
-		}
-		blobData = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 2);
-		PORT_Memcpy(item2->data,blobData, item2->len);
-	    }
-	    found = 1;
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    /* fix up the error if necessary */
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-	if (!found && error == CKR_OK) {
-	}
-    }
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
-static const char PW_CREATE_TABLE_CMD[] =
-static const char PW_CREATE_CMD[] =
- "INSERT INTO metaData (id,item1,item2) VALUES($ID,$ITEM1,$ITEM2);";
-static const char MD_CREATE_CMD[]  =
- "INSERT INTO metaData (id,item1) VALUES($ID,$ITEM1);";
-sdb_PutMetaData(SDB *sdb, const char *id, const SECItem *item1, 
-					   const SECItem *item2)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = sdb_p->sqlXactDB;
-    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int retry = 0;
-    const char *cmd = PW_CREATE_CMD;
-    if ((sdb->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) != 0) {
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, NULL);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (!tableExists(sqlDB, "metaData")) {
-    	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, PW_CREATE_TABLE_CMD, NULL, 0, NULL);
-        if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    if (item2 == NULL) {
-	cmd = MD_CREATE_CMD;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sqlDB, cmd, -1, &stmt, NULL);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, id, PORT_Strlen(id), SQLITE_STATIC);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 2, item1->data, item1->len, SQLITE_STATIC);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    if (item2) {
-    	sqlerr = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 3, item2->data, 
-				   item2->len, SQLITE_STATIC);
-        if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    }
-    do {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-	if (sqlerr == SQLITE_BUSY) {
-	}
-    } while (!sdb_done(sqlerr,&retry));
-    /* fix up the error if necessary */
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    }
-    if (stmt) {
-	sqlite3_reset(stmt);
-	sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
-static const char RESET_CMD[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;";
-sdb_Reset(SDB *sdb)
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    sqlite3  *sqlDB = NULL;
-    char *newStr;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    /* only Key databases can be reset */
-    if (sdb_p->type != SDB_KEY) {
-    }
-    LOCK_SQLITE()  
-    error = sdb_openDBLocal(sdb_p, &sqlDB, NULL);
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* delete the key table */
-    newStr =  sqlite3_mprintf(RESET_CMD, sdb_p->table);
-    if (newStr == NULL) {
-	error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    sqlite3_free(newStr);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) goto loser;
-    /* delete the password entry table */
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS metaData;", 
-                          NULL, 0, NULL);
-    /* fix up the error if necessary */
-    if (error == CKR_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sdb_closeDBLocal(sdb_p, sqlDB) ;
-    }
-    return error;
-sdb_Close(SDB *sdb) 
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = sdb->private;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    sdbDataType type = sdb_p->type;
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_close(sdb_p->sqlReadDB);
-    PORT_Free(sdb_p->sqlDBName);
-    if (sdb_p->cacheTable) {
-	sqlite3_free(sdb_p->cacheTable);
-    }
-    if (sdb_p->dbMon) {
-	PR_DestroyMonitor(sdb_p->dbMon);
-    }
-    free(sdb_p);
-    free(sdb);
-    return sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr);
- * functions to support open
- */
-static const char CHECK_TABLE_CMD[] = "SELECT ALL * FROM %s LIMIT 0;";
-/* return 1 if sqlDB contains table 'tableName */
-static int tableExists(sqlite3 *sqlDB, const char *tableName)
-    char * cmd = sqlite3_mprintf(CHECK_TABLE_CMD, tableName);
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    if (cmd == NULL) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, cmd, NULL, 0, 0);
-    sqlite3_free(cmd);
-    return (sqlerr == SQLITE_OK) ? 1 : 0;
-void sdb_SetForkState(PRBool forked)
-    /* XXXright now this is a no-op. The global fork state in the softokn3
-     * shared library is already taken care of at the PKCS#11 level.
-     * If and when we add fork state to the sqlite shared library and extern
-     * interface, we will need to set it and reset it from here */
- * initialize a single database
- */
-static const char INIT_CMD[] =
-sdb_init(char *dbname, char *table, sdbDataType type, int *inUpdate,
-	 int *newInit, int flags, PRUint32 accessOps, SDB **pSdb)
-    int i;
-    char *initStr = NULL;
-    char *newStr;
-    int inTransaction = 0;
-    SDB *sdb = NULL;
-    SDBPrivate *sdb_p = NULL;
-    sqlite3 *sqlDB = NULL;
-    int sqlerr = SQLITE_OK;
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    char *cacheTable = NULL;
-    PRIntervalTime now = 0;
-    char *env;
-    PRBool enableCache = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool create;
-    *pSdb = NULL;
-    *inUpdate = 0;
-    /* sqlite3 doesn't have a flag to specify that we want to 
-     * open the database read only. If the db doesn't exist,
-     * sqlite3 will always create it.
-     */
-    create = (PR_Access(dbname, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) != PR_SUCCESS);
-    if ((flags == SDB_RDONLY) && create) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, SQLITE_CANTOPEN);
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    sqlerr = sdb_openDB(dbname, &sqlDB, flags);
-    if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* sql created the file, but it doesn't set appropriate modes for
-     * a database */
-    if (create) {
-	/* NO NSPR call for this? :( */
-	chmod (dbname, 0600);
-    }
-    if (flags != SDB_RDONLY) {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, BEGIN_CMD, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	    error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr);
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	inTransaction = 1;
-    }
-    if (!tableExists(sqlDB,table)) {
-	*newInit = 1;
-	if (flags != SDB_CREATE) {
-	    error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, SQLITE_CANTOPEN);
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	initStr = sqlite3_mprintf("");
-	for (i=0; initStr && i < known_attributes_size; i++) {
-	    newStr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s, a%x",initStr, known_attributes[i]);
-	    sqlite3_free(initStr);
-	    initStr = newStr;
-	}
-	if (initStr == NULL) {
-	    error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(INIT_CMD, table, initStr);
-	sqlite3_free(initStr);
-	if (newStr == NULL) {
-            error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-            error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_ISSUER_INDEX_CMD, table);
-	if (newStr == NULL) {
-            error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-            error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_SUBJECT_INDEX_CMD, table);
-	if (newStr == NULL) {
-            error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-            error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_LABEL_INDEX_CMD, table);
-	if (newStr == NULL) {
-            error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-            error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	newStr = sqlite3_mprintf(CREATE_ID_INDEX_CMD, table);
-	if (newStr == NULL) {
-            error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, newStr, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	sqlite3_free(newStr);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-            error = sdb_mapSQLError(type, sqlerr); 
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * detect the case where we have created the database, but have
-     * not yet updated it.
-     *
-     * We only check the Key database because only the key database has
-     * a metaData table. The metaData table is created when a password
-     * is set, or in the case of update, when a password is supplied.
-     * If no key database exists, then the update would have happened immediately
-     * on noticing that the cert database didn't exist (see newInit set above).
-     */
-    if (type == SDB_KEY && !tableExists(sqlDB, "metaData")) {
-	*newInit = 1;
-    }
-    /* access to network filesystems are significantly slower than local ones
-     * for database operations. In those cases we need to create a cached copy
-     * of the database in a temporary location on the local disk. SQLITE
-     * already provides a way to create a temporary table and initialize it,
-     * so we use it for the cache (see sdb_buildCache for how it's done).*/
-     /* 
-      * we decide whether or not to use the cache based on the following input.
-      *
-      * NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE environment variable is non-existant or set to 
-      *   anything other than "no" or "yes" ("auto", for instance).
-      *   This is the normal case. NSS will measure the performance of access
-      *   to the temp database versus the access to the users passed in 
-      *   database location. If the temp database location is "significantly"
-      *   faster we will use the cache.
-      *
-      * NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE environment variable is set to "no": cache will not
-      *   be used.
-      *
-      * NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE environment variable is set to "yes": cache will
-      *   always be used.
-      *
-      * It is expected that most applications would use the "auto" selection,
-      * the environment variable is primarily to simplify testing, and to 
-      * correct potential corner cases where  */
-     env = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE");
-     if (env && PORT_Strcasecmp(env,"no") == 0) {
-	enableCache = PR_FALSE;
-     } else if (env && PORT_Strcasecmp(env,"yes") == 0) {
-	enableCache = PR_TRUE;
-     } else {
-	char *tempDir = NULL;
-	PRUint32 tempOps = 0;
-	/*
-	 *  Use PR_Access to determine how expensive it
-	 * is to check for the existance of a local file compared to the same
-	 * check in the temp directory. If the temp directory is faster, cache
-	 * the database there. */
-	tempDir = sdb_getTempDir(sqlDB);
-	if (tempDir) {
-	    tempOps = sdb_measureAccess(tempDir);
-	    PORT_Free(tempDir);
-	    /* There is a cost to continually copying the database. 
-	     * Account for that cost  with the arbitrary factor of 10 */
-	    enableCache = (PRBool)(tempOps > accessOps * 10);
-	}
-    }
-    if (enableCache) {
-	/* try to set the temp store to memory.*/
-	sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, "PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY", NULL, 0, NULL);
-	/* Failure to set the temp store to memory is not fatal,
-         * ignore the error */
-	cacheTable = sqlite3_mprintf("%sCache",table);
-	if (cacheTable == NULL) {
-	    error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* build the cache table */
-	error = sdb_buildCache(sqlDB, type, cacheTable, table);
-	if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* initialize the last cache build time */
-	now = PR_IntervalNow();
-    }
-    sdb = (SDB *) malloc(sizeof(SDB));
-    sdb_p = (SDBPrivate *) malloc(sizeof(SDBPrivate));
-    /* invariant fields */
-    sdb_p->sqlDBName = PORT_Strdup(dbname);
-    sdb_p->type = type;
-    sdb_p->table = table;
-    sdb_p->cacheTable = cacheTable;
-    sdb_p->lastUpdateTime = now;
-    /* set the cache delay time. This is how long we will wait before we
-     * decide the existing cache is stale. Currently set to 10 sec */
-    sdb_p->updateInterval = PR_SecondsToInterval(10); 
-    sdb_p->dbMon = PR_NewMonitor();
-    /* these fields are protected by the lock */
-    sdb_p->sqlXactDB = NULL;
-    sdb_p->sqlXactThread = NULL;
-    sdb->private = sdb_p;
-    sdb->version = 0;
-    sdb->sdb_flags = flags | SDB_HAS_META;
-    sdb->app_private = NULL;
-    sdb->sdb_FindObjectsInit = sdb_FindObjectsInit;
-    sdb->sdb_FindObjects = sdb_FindObjects;
-    sdb->sdb_FindObjectsFinal = sdb_FindObjectsFinal;
-    sdb->sdb_GetAttributeValue = sdb_GetAttributeValue;
-    sdb->sdb_SetAttributeValue = sdb_SetAttributeValue;
-    sdb->sdb_CreateObject = sdb_CreateObject;
-    sdb->sdb_DestroyObject = sdb_DestroyObject;
-    sdb->sdb_GetMetaData = sdb_GetMetaData;
-    sdb->sdb_PutMetaData = sdb_PutMetaData;
-    sdb->sdb_Begin = sdb_Begin;
-    sdb->sdb_Commit = sdb_Commit;
-    sdb->sdb_Abort = sdb_Abort;
-    sdb->sdb_Reset = sdb_Reset;
-    sdb->sdb_Close = sdb_Close;
-    sdb->sdb_SetForkState = sdb_SetForkState;
-    if (inTransaction) {
-	sqlerr = sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, COMMIT_CMD, NULL, 0, NULL);
-	if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
-	    error = sdb_mapSQLError(sdb_p->type, sqlerr);
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	inTransaction = 0;
-    }
-    sdb_p->sqlReadDB = sqlDB;
-    *pSdb = sdb;
-    return CKR_OK;
-    /* lots of stuff to do */
-    if (inTransaction) {
-	sqlite3_exec(sqlDB, ROLLBACK_CMD, NULL, 0, NULL);
-    }
-    if (sdb) {
-	free(sdb);
-    }
-    if (sdb_p) {
-	free(sdb_p);
-    }
-    if (sqlDB) {
-	sqlite3_close(sqlDB);
-    }
-    return error;
-/* sdbopen */
-s_open(const char *directory, const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix,
-	int cert_version, int key_version, int flags, 
-	SDB **certdb, SDB **keydb, int *newInit)
-    char *cert = sdb_BuildFileName(directory, certPrefix,
-				   "cert", cert_version);
-    char *key = sdb_BuildFileName(directory, keyPrefix,
-				   "key", key_version);
-    CK_RV error = CKR_OK;
-    int inUpdate;
-    PRUint32 accessOps;
-    if (certdb) 
-	*certdb = NULL;
-    if (keydb) 
-	*keydb = NULL;
-    *newInit = 0;
-    if (sqlite_lock == NULL) {
-	sqlite_lock = PR_NewLock();
-	if (sqlite_lock == NULL) {
-	    error = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* how long does it take to test for a non-existant file in our working
-     * directory? Allows us to test if we may be on a network file system */
-    accessOps = 1;
-    {
-        char *env;
-        env = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_SDB_USE_CACHE");
-        /* If the environment variable is set to yes or no, sdb_init() will
-         * ignore the value of accessOps, and we can skip the measuring.*/
-        if (!env || ((PORT_Strcasecmp(env, "no") != 0) &&
-                     (PORT_Strcasecmp(env, "yes") != 0))){
-           accessOps = sdb_measureAccess(directory);
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * open the cert data base
-     */
-    if (certdb) {
-	/* initialize Certificate database */
-	error = sdb_init(cert, "nssPublic", SDB_CERT, &inUpdate,
-			 newInit, flags, accessOps, certdb);
-	if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * open the key data base: 
-     *  NOTE:if we want to implement a single database, we open
-     *  the same database file as the certificate here.
-     *
-     *  cert an key db's have different tables, so they will not
-     *  conflict.
-     */
-    if (keydb) {
-	/* initialize the Key database */
-	error = sdb_init(key, "nssPrivate", SDB_KEY, &inUpdate, 
-			newInit, flags, accessOps, keydb);
-	if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	} 
-    }
-    if (cert) {
-	sqlite3_free(cert);
-    }
-    if (key) {
-	sqlite3_free(key);
-    }
-    if (error != CKR_OK) {
-	/* currently redundant, but could be necessary if more code is added
-	 * just before loser */
-	if (keydb && *keydb) {
-	    sdb_Close(*keydb);
-	}
-	if (certdb && *certdb) {
-	    sdb_Close(*certdb);
-	}
-    }
-    return error;
-    if (sqlite_lock) {
-	PR_DestroyLock(sqlite_lock);
-	sqlite_lock = NULL;
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sdb.h b/nss/lib/softoken/sdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a855fb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This file implements PKCS 11 on top of our existing security modules
- *
- * For more information about PKCS 11 See PKCS 11 Token Inteface Standard.
- *   This implementation has two slots:
- *	slot 1 is our generic crypto support. It does not require login.
- *   It supports Public Key ops, and all they bulk ciphers and hashes. 
- *   It can also support Private Key ops for imported Private keys. It does 
- *   not have any token storage.
- *	slot 2 is our private key support. It requires a login before use. It
- *   can store Private Keys and Certs as token objects. Currently only private
- *   keys and their associated Certificates are saved on the token.
- *
- *   In this implementation, session objects are only visible to the session
- *   that created or generated them.
- */
- * the following data structures should be moved to a 'rdb.h'.
- */
-#ifndef _SDB_H
-#define _SDB_H 1
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "sftkdbt.h"
-#define STATIC_CMD_SIZE 2048
-typedef struct SDBFindStr SDBFind;
-typedef struct SDBStr SDB;
-struct SDBStr {
-    void *private;
-    int  version;
-    int  reserved;
-    int  sdb_flags;
-    void *app_private;
-    CK_RV (*sdb_FindObjectsInit)(SDB *sdb, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, 
-				 CK_ULONG count, SDBFind **find);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_FindObjects)(SDB *sdb, SDBFind *find, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *ids, 
-				CK_ULONG arraySize, CK_ULONG *count);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_FindObjectsFinal)(SDB *sdb, SDBFind *find);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_GetAttributeValue)(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object, 
-				CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_SetAttributeValue)(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object, 
-				const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_CreateObject)(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *object, 
-				const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_DestroyObject)(SDB *sdb, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_GetMetaData)(SDB *sdb, const char *id, 
-				SECItem *item1, SECItem *item2);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_PutMetaData)(SDB *sdb, const char *id,
-				const SECItem *item1, const SECItem *item2);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_Begin)(SDB *sdb);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_Commit)(SDB *sdb);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_Abort)(SDB *sdb);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_Reset)(SDB *sdb);
-    CK_RV (*sdb_Close)(SDB *sdb);
-    void (*sdb_SetForkState)(PRBool forked);
-CK_RV s_open(const char *directory, const char *certPrefix, 
-	     const char *keyPrefix,
-	     int cert_version, int key_version, 
-	     int flags, SDB **certdb, SDB **keydb, int *newInit);
-CK_RV s_shutdown();
-/* flags */
-#define SDB_RDONLY      1
-#define SDB_RDWR        2
-#define SDB_CREATE      4
-#define SDB_HAS_META    8
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.c b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 61f1e9e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2733 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  The following code handles the storage of PKCS 11 modules used by the
- * NSS. For the rest of NSS, only one kind of database handle exists:
- *
- *     SFTKDBHandle
- *
- * There is one SFTKDBHandle for the each key database and one for each cert 
- * database. These databases are opened as associated pairs, one pair per
- * slot. SFTKDBHandles are reference counted objects.
- *
- * Each SFTKDBHandle points to a low level database handle (SDB). This handle
- * represents the underlying physical database. These objects are not 
- * reference counted, an are 'owned' by their respective SFTKDBHandles.
- *
- *  
- */
-#include "sftkdb.h"
-#include "sftkdbti.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "sdb.h"
-#include "prprf.h" 
-#include "pratom.h"
-#include "lgglue.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
- * We want all databases to have the same binary representation independent of
- * endianness or length of the host architecture. In general PKCS #11 attributes
- * are endian/length independent except those attributes that pass CK_ULONG.
- *
- * The following functions fixes up the CK_ULONG type attributes so that the data
- * base sees a machine independent view. CK_ULONGs are stored as 4 byte network
- * byte order values (big endian).
- */
-#define BBP 8
-static PRBool
-sftkdb_isULONGAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) 
-    switch(type) {
-    case CKA_CLASS:
-    case CKA_KEY_TYPE:
-    case CKA_PRIME_BITS:
-    case CKA_VALUE_BITS:
-    case CKA_VALUE_LEN:
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-/* are the attributes private? */
-static PRBool
-sftkdb_isPrivateAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) 
-    switch(type) {
-    case CKA_VALUE:
-    case CKA_PRIME_1:
-    case CKA_PRIME_2:
-    case CKA_EXPONENT_1:
-    case CKA_EXPONENT_2:
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-/* These attributes must be authenticated with an hmac. */
-static PRBool
-sftkdb_isAuthenticatedAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) 
-    switch(type) {
-    case CKA_MODULUS:
-    case CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH:
-    case CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH:
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    default:
-	break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * convert a native ULONG to a database ulong. Database ulong's
- * are all 4 byte big endian values.
- */
-sftk_ULong2SDBULong(unsigned char *data, CK_ULONG value)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < SDB_ULONG_SIZE; i++) {
-	data[i] = (value >> (SDB_ULONG_SIZE-1-i)*BBP) & 0xff;
-    }
- * convert a database ulong back to a native ULONG. (reverse of the above
- * function.
- */
-static CK_ULONG
-sftk_SDBULong2ULong(unsigned char *data)
-    int i;
-    CK_ULONG value = 0;
-    for (i=0; i < SDB_ULONG_SIZE; i++) {
-	value |= (((CK_ULONG)data[i]) << (SDB_ULONG_SIZE-1-i)*BBP);
-    }
-    return value;
- * fix up the input templates. Our fixed up ints are stored in data and must
- * be freed by the caller. The new template must also be freed. If there are no
- * CK_ULONG attributes, the orignal template is passed in as is.
- */
-static CK_ATTRIBUTE *
-sftkdb_fixupTemplateIn(const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, int count, 
-			unsigned char **dataOut)
-    int i;
-    int ulongCount = 0;
-    unsigned char *data;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ntemplate;
-    *dataOut = NULL;
-    /* first count the number of CK_ULONG attributes */
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	/* Don't 'fixup' NULL values */
-	if (!template[i].pValue) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (template[i].ulValueLen == sizeof (CK_ULONG)) {
-	    if ( sftkdb_isULONGAttribute(template[i].type)) {
-		ulongCount++;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* no attributes to fixup, just call on through */
-    if (ulongCount == 0) {
-	return (CK_ATTRIBUTE *)template;
-    }
-    /* allocate space for new ULONGS */
-    data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(SDB_ULONG_SIZE*ulongCount);
-    if (!data) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /* allocate new template */
-    ntemplate = PORT_NewArray(CK_ATTRIBUTE,count);
-    if (!ntemplate) {
-	PORT_Free(data);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    *dataOut = data;
-    /* copy the old template, fixup the actual ulongs */
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	ntemplate[i] = template[i];
-	/* Don't 'fixup' NULL values */
-	if (!template[i].pValue) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (template[i].ulValueLen == sizeof (CK_ULONG)) {
-	    if ( sftkdb_isULONGAttribute(template[i].type) ) {
-		CK_ULONG value = *(CK_ULONG *) template[i].pValue;
-		sftk_ULong2SDBULong(data, value);
-		ntemplate[i].pValue = data;
-		ntemplate[i].ulValueLen = SDB_ULONG_SIZE;
-		data += SDB_ULONG_SIZE;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return ntemplate;
-static const char SFTKDB_META_SIG_TEMPLATE[] = "sig_%s_%08x_%08x";
- * return a string describing the database type (key or cert)
- */
-const char *
-sftkdb_TypeString(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-   return (handle->type == SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) ? "key" : "cert";
- * Some attributes are signed with an Hmac and a pbe key generated from
- * the password. This signature is stored indexed by object handle and
- * attribute type in the meta data table in the key database.
- *
- * Signature entries are indexed by the string
- * sig_[cert/key]_{ObjectID}_{Attribute}
- *
- * This function fetches that pkcs5 signature. Caller supplies a SECItem
- * pre-allocated to the appropriate size if the SECItem is too small the
- * function will fail with CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_getAttributeSignature(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle, 
-		SECItem *signText)
-    SDB *db;
-    char id[30];
-    CK_RV crv;
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(keyHandle);
-    sprintf(id, SFTKDB_META_SIG_TEMPLATE,
-	sftkdb_TypeString(handle),
-	(unsigned int)objectID, (unsigned int)type);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetMetaData)(db, id, signText, NULL);
-    return crv;
- * Some attributes are signed with an Hmac and a pbe key generated from
- * the password. This signature is stored indexed by object handle and
- * attribute type in the meta data table in the key database.
- *
- * Signature entries are indexed by the string
- * sig_[cert/key]_{ObjectID}_{Attribute}
- *
- * This function stores that pkcs5 signature.
- */
-sftkdb_PutAttributeSignature(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SDB *keyTarget, 
-		SECItem *signText)
-    char id[30];
-    CK_RV crv;
-    sprintf(id, SFTKDB_META_SIG_TEMPLATE,
-	sftkdb_TypeString(handle),
-	(unsigned int)objectID, (unsigned int)type);
-    crv = (*keyTarget->sdb_PutMetaData)(keyTarget, id, signText, NULL);
-    return crv;
- * fix up returned data. NOTE: sftkdb_fixupTemplateIn has already allocated
- * separate data sections for the database ULONG values.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_fixupTemplateOut(CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE *ntemplate, int count, SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    int i;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle;
-    PRBool checkSig = PR_TRUE;
-    PRBool checkEnc = PR_TRUE;
-    PORT_Assert(handle);
-    /* find the key handle */
-    keyHandle = handle;
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	checkEnc = PR_FALSE;
-	keyHandle = handle->peerDB;
-    }
-    if ((keyHandle == NULL) || 
-	((SFTK_GET_SDB(keyHandle)->sdb_flags & SDB_HAS_META) == 0)  ||
-	(keyHandle-> == NULL)) {
-	checkSig = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	CK_ULONG length = template[i].ulValueLen;
-	template[i].ulValueLen = ntemplate[i].ulValueLen;
-	/* fixup ulongs */
-	if (ntemplate[i].ulValueLen == SDB_ULONG_SIZE) {
-	    if (sftkdb_isULONGAttribute(template[i].type)) {
-		if (template[i].pValue) {
-		    CK_ULONG value;
-		    value = sftk_SDBULong2ULong(ntemplate[i].pValue);
-		    if (length < sizeof(CK_ULONG)) {
-			template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-			continue;
-		    } 
-		    PORT_Memcpy(template[i].pValue,&value,sizeof(CK_ULONG));
-		}
-		template[i].ulValueLen = sizeof(CK_ULONG);
-	    }
-	}
-	/* if no data was retrieved, no need to process encrypted or signed
-	 * attributes */
-	if ((template[i].pValue == NULL) || (template[i].ulValueLen == -1)) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* fixup private attributes */
-	if (checkEnc && sftkdb_isPrivateAttribute(ntemplate[i].type)) {
-	    /* we have a private attribute */
-	    /* This code depends on the fact that the cipherText is bigger
-	     * than the plain text */
-	    SECItem cipherText;
-	    SECItem *plainText;
-	    SECStatus rv;
- = ntemplate[i].pValue;
-	    cipherText.len = ntemplate[i].ulValueLen;
-    	    PZ_Lock(handle->passwordLock);
-	    if (handle-> == NULL) {
-		PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-		template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    rv = sftkdb_DecryptAttribute(&handle->passwordKey, 
-					&cipherText, &plainText);
-	    PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		PORT_Memset(template[i].pValue, 0, template[i].ulValueLen);
-		template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Assert(template[i].ulValueLen >= plainText->len);
-	    if (template[i].ulValueLen < plainText->len) {
-		SECITEM_FreeItem(plainText,PR_TRUE);
-		PORT_Memset(template[i].pValue, 0, template[i].ulValueLen);
-		template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* copy the plain text back into the template */
-	    PORT_Memcpy(template[i].pValue, plainText->data, plainText->len);
-	    template[i].ulValueLen = plainText->len;
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(plainText,PR_TRUE);
-	}
-	/* make sure signed attributes are valid */
-	if (checkSig && sftkdb_isAuthenticatedAttribute(ntemplate[i].type)) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    SECItem signText;
-	    SECItem plainText;
-	    unsigned char signData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
- = signData;
-	    signText.len = sizeof(signData);
-	    rv = sftkdb_getAttributeSignature(handle, keyHandle, 
-				objectID, ntemplate[i].type, &signText);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		PORT_Memset(template[i].pValue, 0, template[i].ulValueLen);
-		template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		crv = CKR_DATA_INVALID; /* better error code? */
-		continue;
-	    }
- = ntemplate[i].pValue;
-	    plainText.len = ntemplate[i].ulValueLen;
-	    /*
-	     * we do a second check holding the lock just in case the user
-	     * loggout while we were trying to get the signature.
-	     */
-    	    PZ_Lock(keyHandle->passwordLock);
-	    if (keyHandle-> == NULL) {
-		/* if we are no longer logged in, no use checking the other
-		 * Signatures either. */
-		checkSig = PR_FALSE; 
-		PZ_Unlock(keyHandle->passwordLock);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    rv = sftkdb_VerifyAttribute(&keyHandle->passwordKey, 
-				objectID, ntemplate[i].type,
-				&plainText, &signText);
-	    PZ_Unlock(keyHandle->passwordLock);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		PORT_Memset(template[i].pValue, 0, template[i].ulValueLen);
-		template[i].ulValueLen = -1;
-		crv = CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID; /* better error code? */
-	    }
-	    /* This Attribute is fine */
-	}
-    }
-    return crv;
- * Some attributes are signed with an HMAC and a pbe key generated from
- * the password. This signature is stored indexed by object handle and
- *
- * Those attributes are:
- * 1) Trust object hashes and trust values.
- * 2) public key values.
- *
- * Certs themselves are considered properly authenticated by virtue of their
- * signature, or their matching hash with the trust object.
- *
- * These signature is only checked for objects coming from shared databases. 
- * Older dbm style databases have such no signature checks. HMACs are also 
- * only checked when the token is logged in, as it requires a pbe generated 
- * from the password.
- *
- * Tokens which have no key database (and therefore no master password) do not
- * have any stored signature values. Signature values are stored in the key
- * database, since the signature data is tightly coupled to the key database
- * password. 
- *
- * This function takes a template of attributes that were either created or
- * modified. These attributes are checked to see if the need to be signed.
- * If they do, then this function signs the attributes and writes them
- * to the meta data store.
- *
- * This function can fail if there are attributes that must be signed, but
- * the token is not logged in.
- *
- * The caller is expected to abort any transaction he was in in the
- * event of a failure of this function.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftk_signTemplate(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKDBHandle *handle, 
-		  PRBool mayBeUpdateDB,
-		  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template,
-		  CK_ULONG count)
-    unsigned int i;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle = handle;
-    SDB *keyTarget = NULL;
-    PRBool usingPeerDB = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool inPeerDBTransaction = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Assert(handle);
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	keyHandle = handle->peerDB;
-	usingPeerDB = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /* no key DB defined? then no need to sign anything */
-    if (keyHandle == NULL) {
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* When we are in a middle of an update, we have an update database set, 
-     * but we want to write to the real database. The bool mayBeUpdateDB is
-     * set to TRUE if it's possible that we want to write an update database
-     * rather than a primary */
-    keyTarget = (mayBeUpdateDB && keyHandle->update) ? 
-		keyHandle->update : keyHandle->db;
-    /* skip the the database does not support meta data */
-    if ((keyTarget->sdb_flags & SDB_HAS_META) == 0) {
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* If we had to switch databases, we need to initialize a transaction. */
-    if (usingPeerDB) {
-	crv = (*keyTarget->sdb_Begin)(keyTarget);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	inPeerDBTransaction = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < count; i ++) {
-	if (sftkdb_isAuthenticatedAttribute(template[i].type)) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    SECItem *signText;
-	    SECItem plainText;
- = template[i].pValue;
-	    plainText.len = template[i].ulValueLen;
-	    PZ_Lock(keyHandle->passwordLock);
-	    if (keyHandle-> == NULL) {
-		PZ_Unlock(keyHandle->passwordLock);
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    rv = sftkdb_SignAttribute(arena, &keyHandle->passwordKey, 
-				objectID, template[i].type,
-				&plainText, &signText);
-	    PZ_Unlock(keyHandle->passwordLock);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* better error code here? */
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	    rv = sftkdb_PutAttributeSignature(handle, keyTarget, 
-				objectID, template[i].type, signText);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* better error code here? */
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    crv = CKR_OK;
-    /* If necessary, commit the transaction */
-    if (inPeerDBTransaction) {
-	crv = (*keyTarget->sdb_Commit)(keyTarget);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	inPeerDBTransaction = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (inPeerDBTransaction) {
-	/* The transaction must have failed. Abort. */
-	(*keyTarget->sdb_Abort)(keyTarget);
-	PORT_Assert(crv != CKR_OK);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    return crv;
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_CreateObject(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKDBHandle *handle,
-	SDB *db, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectID,
-        CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    crv = (*db->sdb_CreateObject)(db, objectID, template, count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_signTemplate(arena, handle, (db == handle->update),
-					*objectID, template, count);
-    return crv;
-sftk_ExtractTemplate(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKObject *object, 
-		     SFTKDBHandle *handle,CK_ULONG *pcount, 
-		     CK_RV *crv)
-    unsigned int count;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *template;
-    unsigned int i, templateIndex;
-    SFTKSessionObject *sessObject = sftk_narrowToSessionObject(object);
-    PRBool doEnc = PR_TRUE;
-    *crv = CKR_OK;
-    if (sessObject == NULL) {
-	*crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* internal programming error */
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(handle);
-    /* find the key handle */
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	doEnc = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    count = 0;
-    for (i=0; i < sessObject->hashSize; i++) {
-	SFTKAttribute *attr;
-   	for (attr=sessObject->head[i]; attr; attr=attr->next) {
-	    count++;
-	}
-    }
-    template = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE, count);
-    if (template == NULL) {
-        PZ_Unlock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    templateIndex = 0;
-    for (i=0; i < sessObject->hashSize; i++) {
-	SFTKAttribute *attr;
-   	for (attr=sessObject->head[i]; attr; attr=attr->next) {
-	    CK_ATTRIBUTE *tp = &template[templateIndex++];
-	    /* copy the attribute */
-	    *tp = attr->attrib;
-	    /* fixup  ULONG s */
-	    if ((tp->ulValueLen == sizeof (CK_ULONG)) &&
-		(sftkdb_isULONGAttribute(tp->type)) ) {
-		CK_ULONG value = *(CK_ULONG *) tp->pValue;
-		unsigned char *data;
-		tp->pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, SDB_ULONG_SIZE);
-		data = (unsigned char *)tp->pValue;
-		if (data == NULL) {
-		    *crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-		    break;
-		}
-		sftk_ULong2SDBULong(data, value);
-		tp->ulValueLen = SDB_ULONG_SIZE;
-	    }
-	    /* encrypt private attributes */
-	    if (doEnc && sftkdb_isPrivateAttribute(tp->type)) {
-		/* we have a private attribute */
-		SECItem *cipherText;
-		SECItem plainText;
-		SECStatus rv;
- = tp->pValue;
-		plainText.len = tp->ulValueLen;
-		PZ_Lock(handle->passwordLock);
-		if (handle-> == NULL) {
-		    PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-		    *crv = CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN;
-		    break;
-		}
-		rv = sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(arena, &handle->passwordKey, 
-						&plainText, &cipherText);
-		PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-		if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		    tp->pValue = cipherText->data;
-		    tp->ulValueLen = cipherText->len;
-		} else {
-		    *crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* better error code here? */
-		    break;
-		}
-		PORT_Memset(, 0, plainText.len);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Assert(templateIndex <= count);
-    PZ_Unlock(sessObject->attributeLock);
-    if (*crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (pcount) {
-	*pcount = count;
-    }
-    return template;
- * return a pointer to the attribute in the give template.
- * The return value is not const, as the caller may modify
- * the given attribute value, but such modifications will
- * modify the actual value in the template.
- */
-static CK_ATTRIBUTE *
-sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute, 
-			    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG len)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
-	if (attribute == ptemplate[i].type) {
-	    return &ptemplate[i];
-	}
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE *
-sftkdb_getAttributeFromConstTemplate(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attribute, 
-				const CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG len)
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
-	if (attribute == ptemplate[i].type) {
-	    return &ptemplate[i];
-	}
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * fetch a template which identifies 'unique' entries based on object type
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_getFindTemplate(CK_OBJECT_CLASS objectType, unsigned char *objTypeData,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE *findTemplate, CK_ULONG *findCount,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, int len)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr;
-    CK_ULONG count = 1;
-    sftk_ULong2SDBULong(objTypeData, objectType);
-    findTemplate[0].type = CKA_CLASS;
-    findTemplate[0].pValue = objTypeData;
-    findTemplate[0].ulValueLen = SDB_ULONG_SIZE;
-    switch (objectType) {
-    case CKO_NSS_TRUST:
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_ISSUER, ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	findTemplate[1] = *attr;
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER, 
-					ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	findTemplate[2] = *attr;
-	count = 3;
-	break;
-    case CKO_PRIVATE_KEY:
-    case CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:
-    case CKO_SECRET_KEY:
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_ID, ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	if (attr->ulValueLen == 0) {
-	    /* key is too generic to determine that it's unique, usually
-	     * happens in the key gen case */
-	}
-	findTemplate[1] = *attr;
-	count = 2;
-	break;
-    case CKO_NSS_CRL:
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_SUBJECT, ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	findTemplate[1] = *attr;
-	count = 2;
-	break;
-    case CKO_NSS_SMIME:
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_SUBJECT, ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	findTemplate[1] = *attr;
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_NSS_EMAIL, ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	findTemplate[2] = *attr;
-	count = 3;
-	break;
-    default:
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_VALUE, ptemplate, len);
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	}
-	findTemplate[1] = *attr;
-	count = 2;
-	break;
-    }
-    *findCount = count;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * look to see if this object already exists and return its object ID if
- * it does.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_lookupObject(SDB *db, CK_OBJECT_CLASS objectType, 
-		 CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *id, CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG len)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemplate[3];
-    CK_ULONG count = 1;
-    CK_ULONG objCount = 0;
-    SDBFind *find = NULL;
-    unsigned char objTypeData[SDB_ULONG_SIZE];
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (objectType == CKO_NSS_CRL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    crv = sftkdb_getFindTemplate(objectType, objTypeData,
-			findTemplate, &count, ptemplate, len);
-    if (crv == CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID) {
-	/* key is too generic to determine that it's unique, usually
-	 * happens in the key gen case, tell the caller to go ahead
-	 * and just create it */
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* use the raw find, so we get the correct database */
-    crv = (*db->sdb_FindObjectsInit)(db, findTemplate, count, &find);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    (*db->sdb_FindObjects)(db, find, id, 1, &objCount);
-    (*db->sdb_FindObjectsFinal)(db, find);
-    if (objCount == 0) {
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
- * check to see if this template conflicts with others in our current database.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_checkConflicts(SDB *db, CK_OBJECT_CLASS objectType, 
-			const CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG len, 
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemplate[2];
-    unsigned char objTypeData[SDB_ULONG_SIZE];
-    /* we may need to allocate some temporaries. Keep track of what was 
-     * allocated so we can free it in the end */
-    unsigned char *temp1 = NULL; 
-    unsigned char *temp2 = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG objCount = 0;
-    SDBFind *find = NULL;
-    const CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, *attr2;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE subject;
-    /* Currently the only conflict is with nicknames pointing to the same 
-     * subject when creating or modifying a certificate. */
-    /* If the object is not a cert, no problem. */
-    if (objectType != CKO_CERTIFICATE) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* if not setting a nickname then there's still no problem */
-    attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromConstTemplate(CKA_LABEL, ptemplate, len);
-    if ((attr == NULL) || (attr->ulValueLen == 0)) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* fetch the subject of the source. For creation and merge, this should
-     * be found in the template */
-    attr2 = sftkdb_getAttributeFromConstTemplate(CKA_SUBJECT, ptemplate, len);
-    if (sourceID == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-	if ((attr2 == NULL) || ((CK_LONG)attr2->ulValueLen < 0)) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-    } else if ((attr2 == NULL) || ((CK_LONG)attr2->ulValueLen <= 0)) {
-	/* sourceID is set if we are trying to modify an existing entry instead
-	 * of creating a new one. In this case the subject may not be (probably
-	 * isn't) in the template, we have to read it from the database */
-    	subject.type = CKA_SUBJECT;
-    	subject.pValue = NULL;
-    	subject.ulValueLen = 0;
-    	crv = (*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, sourceID, &subject, 1);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	if ((CK_LONG)subject.ulValueLen < 0) {
-	    crv = CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; /* closest pkcs11 error to corrupted DB */
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	temp1 = subject.pValue = PORT_Alloc(++subject.ulValueLen);
-	if (temp1 == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto done;
-	}
-    	crv = (*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, sourceID, &subject, 1);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	attr2 = &subject;
-    }
-    /* check for another cert in the database with the same nickname */
-    sftk_ULong2SDBULong(objTypeData, objectType);
-    findTemplate[0].type = CKA_CLASS;
-    findTemplate[0].pValue = objTypeData;
-    findTemplate[0].ulValueLen = SDB_ULONG_SIZE;
-    findTemplate[1] = *attr;
-    crv = (*db->sdb_FindObjectsInit)(db, findTemplate, 2, &find);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    (*db->sdb_FindObjects)(db, find, &id, 1, &objCount);
-    (*db->sdb_FindObjectsFinal)(db, find);
-    /* object count == 0 means no conflicting certs found, 
-     * go on with the operation */
-    if (objCount == 0) {
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* There is a least one cert that shares the nickname, make sure it also
-     * matches the subject. */
-    findTemplate[0] = *attr2;
-    /* we know how big the source subject was. Use that length to create the 
-     * space for the target. If it's not enough space, then it means the 
-     * source subject is too big, and therefore not a match. GetAttributeValue 
-     * will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. Otherwise it should be exactly enough 
-     * space (or enough space to be able to compare the result. */
-    temp2 = findTemplate[0].pValue = PORT_Alloc(++findTemplate[0].ulValueLen);
-    if (temp2 == NULL) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, id, findTemplate, 1);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	if (crv == CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-	    /* if our buffer is too small, then the Subjects clearly do 
-	     * not match */
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	/* otherwise we couldn't get the value, just fail */
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* Ok, we have both subjects, make sure they are the same. 
-     * Compare the subjects */
-    if ((findTemplate[0].ulValueLen != attr2->ulValueLen) || 
-	(attr2->ulValueLen > 0 &&
-	 PORT_Memcmp(findTemplate[0].pValue, attr2->pValue, attr2->ulValueLen) 
-	 != 0)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = CKR_OK;
-    /* If we've failed for some other reason than a conflict, make sure we 
-     * return an error code other than CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID. 
-     * (NOTE: neither sdb_FindObjectsInit nor sdb_GetAttributeValue should 
-     * return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID, so the following is paranoia).
-     */
-	crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* clearly a programming error */
-    }
-    /* exit point if we found a conflict */
-    PORT_Free(temp1);
-    PORT_Free(temp2);
-    return crv;
- * try to update the template to fix any errors. This is only done 
- * during update.
- *
- * NOTE: we must update the template or return an error, or the update caller 
- * will loop forever!
- *
- * Two copies of the source code for this algorithm exist in NSS.  
- * Changes must be made in both copies.
- * The other copy is in pk11_IncrementNickname() in pk11wrap/pk11merge.c.
- *
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_resolveConflicts(PLArenaPool *arena, CK_OBJECT_CLASS objectType,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG *plen)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr;
-    char *nickname, *newNickname;
-    unsigned int end, digit;
-    /* sanity checks. We should never get here with these errors */
-    if (objectType != CKO_CERTIFICATE) {
-	return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen */
-    }
-    attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_LABEL, ptemplate, *plen);
-    if ((attr == NULL) || (attr->ulValueLen == 0)) {
-	return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* shouldn't happen */
-    }
-    /* update the nickname */
-    /* is there a number at the end of the nickname already?
-     * if so just increment that number  */
-    nickname = (char *)attr->pValue;
-    /* does nickname end with " #n*" ? */
-    for (end = attr->ulValueLen - 1; 
-         end >= 2 && (digit = nickname[end]) <= '9' &&  digit >= '0'; 
-	 end--)  /* just scan */ ;
-    if (attr->ulValueLen >= 3 &&
-        end < (attr->ulValueLen - 1) /* at least one digit */ &&
-	nickname[end]     == '#'  && 
-	nickname[end - 1] == ' ') {
-    	/* Already has a suitable suffix string */
-    } else {
-	/* ... append " #2" to the name */
-	static const char num2[] = " #2";
-	newNickname = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, attr->ulValueLen + sizeof(num2));
-	if (!newNickname) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(newNickname, nickname, attr->ulValueLen);
-	PORT_Memcpy(&newNickname[attr->ulValueLen], num2, sizeof(num2));
-	attr->pValue = newNickname; /* modifies ptemplate */
-	attr->ulValueLen += 3;      /* 3 is strlen(num2)  */
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    for (end = attr->ulValueLen; end-- > 0;) {
-	digit = nickname[end];
-        if (digit > '9' || digit < '0') {
-	    break;
-        }
-	if (digit < '9') {
-	    nickname[end]++;
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-	nickname[end] = '0';
-    }
-    /* we overflowed, insert a new '1' for a carry in front of the number */
-    newNickname = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, attr->ulValueLen + 1);
-    if (!newNickname) {
-    }
-    /* PORT_Memcpy should handle len of '0' */
-    PORT_Memcpy(newNickname, nickname, ++end);
-    newNickname[end] = '1';
-    PORT_Memset(&newNickname[end+1],'0',attr->ulValueLen - end);
-    attr->pValue = newNickname;
-    attr->ulValueLen++;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * set an attribute and sign it if necessary
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_setAttributeValue(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKDBHandle *handle,
-	SDB *db, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, 
-	CK_ULONG count)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    crv = (*db->sdb_SetAttributeValue)(db, objectID, template, count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    crv = sftk_signTemplate(arena, handle, db == handle->update, 
-				objectID, template, count);
-    return crv;
- * write a softoken object out to the database.
- */
-sftkdb_write(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SFTKObject *object, 
-	     CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *objectID)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *template;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    CK_ULONG count;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SDB *db;
-    PRBool inTransaction = PR_FALSE;
-    *objectID = CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    /*
-     * we have opened a new database, but we have not yet updated it. We are
-     * still running pointing to the old database (so the application can 
-     * still read). We don't want to write to the old database at this point,
-     * however, since it leads to user confusion. So at this point we simply
-     * require a user login. Let NSS know this so it can prompt the user.
-     */
-    if (db == handle->update) {
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(256);
-    if (arena ==  NULL) {
-    }
-    template = sftk_ExtractTemplate(arena, object, handle, &count, &crv);
-    if (!template) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Begin)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    inTransaction = PR_TRUE;
-    /*
-     * We want to make the base database as free from object specific knowledge
-     * as possible. To maintain compatibility, keep some of the desirable
-     * object specific semantics of the old database.
-     * 
-     * These were 2 fold:
-     *  1) there were certain conflicts (like trying to set the same nickname 
-     * on two different subjects) that would return an error.
-     *  2) Importing the 'same' object would silently update that object.
-     *
-     * The following 2 functions mimic the desirable effects of these two
-     * semantics without pushing any object knowledge to the underlying database
-     * code.
-     */
-    /* make sure we don't have attributes that conflict with the existing DB */
-    crv = sftkdb_checkConflicts(db, object->objclass, template, count,
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* Find any copies that match this particular object */
-    crv = sftkdb_lookupObject(db, object->objclass, &id, template, count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (id == CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-        crv = sftkdb_CreateObject(arena, handle, db, objectID, template, count);
-    } else {
-	/* object already exists, modify it's attributes */
-	*objectID = id;
-        crv = sftkdb_setAttributeValue(arena, handle, db, id, template, count);
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Commit)(db);
-    inTransaction = PR_FALSE;
-    if (inTransaction) {
-	(*db->sdb_Abort)(db);
-	/* It is trivial to show the following code cannot
-	 * happen unless something is horribly wrong with our compilier or
-	 * hardware */
-	PORT_Assert(crv != CKR_OK);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	*objectID |= (handle->type | SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE);
-    } 
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_FindObjectsInit(SFTKDBHandle *handle, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template,
-				 CK_ULONG count, SDBFind **find) 
-    unsigned char *data = NULL;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ntemplate = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    if (count !=  0) {
-	ntemplate = sftkdb_fixupTemplateIn(template, count, &data);
-	if (ntemplate == NULL) {
-	    return CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	}
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_FindObjectsInit)(db, ntemplate, 
-					     count, find);
-    if (data) {
-	PORT_Free(ntemplate);
-	PORT_Free(data);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_FindObjects(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SDBFind *find, 
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *ids, int arraySize, CK_ULONG *count)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	*count = 0;
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_FindObjects)(db, find, ids, 
-					    arraySize, count);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	unsigned int i;
-	for (i=0; i < *count; i++) {
-	    ids[i] |= (handle->type | SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE);
-	}
-    }
-    return crv;
-CK_RV sftkdb_FindObjectsFinal(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SDBFind *find)
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    return (*db->sdb_FindObjectsFinal)(db, find);
-sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(SFTKDBHandle *handle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID,
-                                CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    CK_RV crv,crv2;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ntemplate;
-    unsigned char *data = NULL;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    /* short circuit common attributes */
-    if (count == 1 && 
-	  (template[0].type == CKA_TOKEN || 
-	   template[0].type == CKA_PRIVATE ||
-	   template[0].type == CKA_SENSITIVE)) {
-	CK_BBOOL boolVal = CK_TRUE;
-	if (template[0].pValue == NULL) {
-	    template[0].ulValueLen = sizeof(CK_BBOOL);
-	    return CKR_OK;
-	}
-	if (template[0].ulValueLen < sizeof(CK_BBOOL)) {
-	    template[0].ulValueLen = -1;
-	    return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-	}
-	if ((template[0].type == CKA_PRIVATE) &&
-    				(handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE)) {
-	    boolVal = CK_FALSE;
-	}
-	if ((template[0].type == CKA_SENSITIVE) &&
-    				(handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE)) {
-	    boolVal = CK_FALSE;
-	}
-	*(CK_BBOOL *)template[0].pValue = boolVal;
-	template[0].ulValueLen = sizeof(CK_BBOOL);
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    /* nothing to do */
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    ntemplate = sftkdb_fixupTemplateIn(template, count, &data);
-    if (ntemplate == NULL) {
-    }
-    objectID &= SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, objectID, 
-						ntemplate, count);
-    crv2 = sftkdb_fixupTemplateOut(template, objectID, ntemplate, 
-						count, handle);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) crv = crv2;
-    if (data) {
-	PORT_Free(ntemplate);
-	PORT_Free(data);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_SetAttributeValue(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SFTKObject *object,
-                                const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ntemplate;
-    unsigned char *data = NULL;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SDB *db;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID = (object->handle & SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK);
-    PRBool inTransaction = PR_FALSE;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    /* nothing to do */
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /*
-     * we have opened a new database, but we have not yet updated it. We are
-     * still running  pointing to the old database (so the application can 
-     * still read). We don't want to write to the old database at this point,
-     * however, since it leads to user confusion. So at this point we simply
-     * require a user login. Let NSS know this so it can prompt the user.
-     */
-    if (db == handle->update) {
-    }
-    ntemplate = sftkdb_fixupTemplateIn(template, count, &data);
-    if (ntemplate == NULL) {
-    }
-    /* make sure we don't have attributes that conflict with the existing DB */
-    crv = sftkdb_checkConflicts(db, object->objclass, template, count, objectID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(256);
-    if (arena ==  NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Begin)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    inTransaction = PR_TRUE;
-    crv = sftkdb_setAttributeValue(arena, handle, db, 
-				   objectID, template, count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Commit)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK && inTransaction) {
-	(*db->sdb_Abort)(db);
-    }
-    if (data) {
-	PORT_Free(ntemplate);
-	PORT_Free(data);
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_DestroyObject(SFTKDBHandle *handle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    objectID &= SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Begin)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_DestroyObject)(db, objectID);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Commit)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	(*db->sdb_Abort)(db);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_CloseDB(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    PRBool parentForkedAfterC_Initialize = PR_FALSE;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (handle->update) {
-        if (handle->db->sdb_SetForkState) {
-            (*handle->db->sdb_SetForkState)(parentForkedAfterC_Initialize);
-        }
-	(*handle->update->sdb_Close)(handle->update);
-    }
-    if (handle->db) {
-        if (handle->db->sdb_SetForkState) {
-            (*handle->db->sdb_SetForkState)(parentForkedAfterC_Initialize);
-        }
-	(*handle->db->sdb_Close)(handle->db);
-    }
-    if (handle-> {
-	PORT_ZFree(handle->, handle->passwordKey.len);
-    }
-    if (handle->passwordLock) {
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(handle->passwordLock));
-    }
-    if (handle->updatePasswordKey) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(handle->updatePasswordKey, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (handle->updateID) {
-	PORT_Free(handle->updateID);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(handle);
-    return CKR_OK;
- * reset a database to it's uninitialized state. 
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_ResetDB(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Begin)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Reset)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_Commit)(db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	(*db->sdb_Abort)(db);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_Begin(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    if (db) {
-	crv = (*db->sdb_Begin)(db);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_Commit(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    if (db) {
-	(*db->sdb_Commit)(db);
-    }
-    return crv;
-sftkdb_Abort(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(handle);
-    if (db) {
-	crv = (db->sdb_Abort)(db);
-    }
-    return crv;
- * functions to update the database from an old database
- */
- * known attributes
- */
-static const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE known_attributes[] = {
-static unsigned int known_attributes_size= sizeof(known_attributes)/
-			   sizeof(known_attributes[0]);
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_GetObjectTemplate(SDB *source, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG *max)
-    unsigned int i,j;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (*max < known_attributes_size) {
-	*max = known_attributes_size;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < known_attributes_size; i++) {
-	ptemplate[i].type = known_attributes[i];
-	ptemplate[i].pValue = NULL;
-	ptemplate[i].ulValueLen = 0;
-    }
-    crv = (*source->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(source, id, 
-					ptemplate, known_attributes_size);
-    if ((crv != CKR_OK) && (crv != CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    for (i=0, j=0; i < known_attributes_size; i++, j++) {
-	while (i < known_attributes_size && (ptemplate[i].ulValueLen == -1)) {
-	    i++;
-	}
-	if (i >= known_attributes_size) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* cheap optimization */
-	if (i == j) {
-	   continue;
-	}
-	ptemplate[j] = ptemplate[i];
-    }
-    *max = j;
-    return CKR_OK;
-static const char SFTKDB_META_UPDATE_TEMPLATE[] = "upd_%s_%s";
- * check to see if we have already updated this database.
- * a NULL updateID means we are trying to do an in place 
- * single database update. In that case we have already
- * determined that an update was necessary.
- */
-static PRBool 
-sftkdb_hasUpdate(const char *typeString, SDB *db, const char *updateID)
-    char *id;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECItem dummy = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    unsigned char dummyData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    if (!updateID) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    id = PR_smprintf(SFTKDB_META_UPDATE_TEMPLATE, typeString, updateID);
-    if (id == NULL) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
- = dummyData;
-    dummy.len = sizeof(dummyData);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetMetaData)(db, id, &dummy, NULL);
-    PR_smprintf_free(id);
-    return crv == CKR_OK ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
- * we just completed an update, store the update id
- * so we don't need to do it again. If non was given,
- * there is nothing to do.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_putUpdate(const char *typeString, SDB *db, const char *updateID)
-    char *id;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SECItem dummy = { 0, NULL, 0 };
-    /* if no id was given, nothing to do */
-    if (updateID == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
- = (unsigned char *)updateID;
-    dummy.len = PORT_Strlen(updateID);
-    id = PR_smprintf(SFTKDB_META_UPDATE_TEMPLATE, typeString, updateID);
-    if (id == NULL) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_PutMetaData)(db, id, &dummy, NULL);
-    PR_smprintf_free(id);
-    return crv;
- * get a ULong attribute from a template:
- * NOTE: this is a raw templated stored in database order!
- */
-static CK_ULONG
-sftkdb_getULongFromTemplate(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, 
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG len)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(type,
-					ptemplate, len);
-    if (attr && attr->pValue && attr->ulValueLen == SDB_ULONG_SIZE) {
-	return sftk_SDBULong2ULong(attr->pValue);
-    }
-    return (CK_ULONG)-1;
- * we need to find a unique CKA_ID.
- *  The basic idea is to just increment the lowest byte.
- *  This code also handles the following corner cases:
- *   1) the single byte overflows. On overflow we increment the next byte up 
- *    and so forth until we have overflowed the entire CKA_ID.
- *   2) If we overflow the entire CKA_ID we expand it by one byte.
- *   3) the CKA_ID is non-existant, we create a new one with one byte.
- *    This means no matter what CKA_ID is passed, the result of this function 
- *    is always a new CKA_ID, and this function will never return the same 
- *    CKA_ID the it has returned in the passed.
- */
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_incrementCKAID(PLArenaPool *arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate)
-    unsigned char *buf = ptemplate->pValue;
-    CK_ULONG len = ptemplate->ulValueLen;
-    if (buf == NULL || len == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	/* we have no valid CKAID, we'll create a basic one byte CKA_ID below */
-	len = 0;
-    } else {
-	/* walk from the back to front, incrementing
-	 * the CKA_ID until we no longer have a carry,
-	 * or have hit the front of the id. */
-	for (i=len; i != 0; i--) {
-	    buf[i-1]++;
-	    if (buf[i-1] != 0) {
-		/* no more carries, the increment is complete */
-		return CKR_OK;
-	     }
-	}
-	/* we've now overflowed, fall through and expand the CKA_ID by 
-	 * one byte */
-    } 
-    buf = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len+1);
-    if (!buf) {
-    }
-    if (len > 0) {
-	 PORT_Memcpy(buf, ptemplate->pValue, len);
-    }
-    buf[len] = 0;
-    ptemplate->pValue = buf;
-    ptemplate->ulValueLen = len+1;
-    return CKR_OK;
- * drop an attribute from a template.
- */
-sftkdb_dropAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr, CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, 
-			CK_ULONG *plen)
-   CK_ULONG count = *plen;
-   CK_ULONG i;
-   for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	if (attr->type == ptemplate[i].type) {
-	    break;
-	}
-   }
-   if (i == count) {
-	/* attribute not found */
-	return;
-   }
-   /* copy the remaining attributes up */
-   for ( i++; i < count; i++) {
-	ptemplate[i-1] = ptemplate[i];
-   }
-   /* decrement the template size */
-   *plen = count -1;
- * create some defines for the following functions to document the meaning
- * of true/false. (make's it easier to remember what means what.
- */
-typedef enum {
-} sftkdbUpdateStatus;
- * helper function to reconcile a single trust entry.
- *   Identify which trust entry we want to keep.
- *   If we don't need to do anything (the records are already equal).
- *       return SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING.
- *   If we want to use the source version,
- *       return SFTKDB_MODIFY_OBJECT
- *   If we want to use the target version,
- *       return SFTKDB_DROP_ATTRIBUTE
- *
- *   In the end the caller will remove any attributes in the source
- *   template when SFTKDB_DROP_ATTRIBUTE is specified, then use do a 
- *   set attributes with that template on the target if we received 
- *   any SFTKDB_MODIFY_OBJECT returns.
- */
-sftkdb_reconcileTrustEntry(PLArenaPool *arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE *target,
-			   CK_ATTRIBUTE *source)
-    CK_ULONG targetTrust = sftkdb_getULongFromTemplate(target->type,
-			target, 1);
-    CK_ULONG sourceTrust = sftkdb_getULongFromTemplate(target->type,
-			source, 1);
-    /*
-     * try to pick the best solution between the source and the
-     * target. Update the source template if we want the target value
-     * to win out. Prefer cases where we don't actually update the
-     * trust entry.
-     */
-    /* they are the same, everything is already kosher */
-    if (targetTrust == sourceTrust) {
-    }
-    /* handle the case where the source Trust attribute may be a bit
-     * flakey */
-    if (sourceTrust == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	/*
-	 * The source Trust is invalid. We know that the target Trust
-	 * must be valid here, otherwise the above 
-	 * targetTrust == sourceTrust check would have succeeded.
-	 */
-    }
-    /* target is invalid, use the source's idea of the trust value */
-    if (targetTrust == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	/* overwriting the target in this case is OK */
-    }
-    /* at this point we know that both attributes exist and have the
-     * appropriate length (SDB_ULONG_SIZE). We no longer need to check
-     * ulValueLen for either attribute.
-     */
-    if (sourceTrust == CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN) {
-    }
-    /* target has no idea, use the source's idea of the trust value */
-    if (targetTrust == CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN) {
-	/* overwriting the target in this case is OK */
-    }
-    /* so both the target and the source have some idea of what this 
-     * trust attribute should be, and neither agree exactly. 
-     * At this point, we prefer 'hard' attributes over 'soft' ones. 
-     * 'hard' ones are CKT_NSS_TRUSTED, CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR, and
-     * CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUTED. Soft ones are ones which don't change the
-     * actual trust of the cert (CKT_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST, 
-     */
-    if ((sourceTrust == CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST) 
-	|| (sourceTrust == CKT_NSS_VALID_DELEGATOR)) {
-    }
-    if ((targetTrust == CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY_TRUST) 
-	|| (targetTrust == CKT_NSS_VALID_DELEGATOR)) {
-	/* again, overwriting the target in this case is OK */
-    }
-    /* both have hard attributes, we have a conflict, let the target win. */
-const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE sftkdb_trustList[] =
-		(sizeof(sftkdb_trustList)/sizeof(sftkdb_trustList[0]))
- * Run through the list of known trust types, and reconcile each trust
- * entry one by one. Keep track of we really need to write out the source
- * trust object (overwriting the existing one).
- */
-static sftkdbUpdateStatus
-sftkdb_reconcileTrust(PLArenaPool *arena, SDB *db, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-		      CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG *plen)
-    unsigned char trustData[SFTK_TRUST_TEMPLATE_COUNT*SDB_ULONG_SIZE];
-    sftkdbUpdateStatus update = SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING;
-    CK_ULONG i;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    for (i=0; i < SFTK_TRUST_TEMPLATE_COUNT;  i++) {
-	trustTemplate[i].type = sftkdb_trustList[i];
-	trustTemplate[i].pValue = &trustData[i*SDB_ULONG_SIZE];
-	trustTemplate[i].ulValueLen = SDB_ULONG_SIZE;
-    }
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, id, 
-				trustTemplate, SFTK_TRUST_TEMPLATE_COUNT);
-    if ((crv != CKR_OK) && (crv != CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-	/* target trust has some problems, update it */
-	goto done;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < SFTK_TRUST_TEMPLATE_COUNT; i++) {
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(
-			trustTemplate[i].type, ptemplate, *plen);
-	sftkdbUpdateStatus status;
-	/* if target trust value doesn't exist, nothing to merge */
-	if (trustTemplate[i].ulValueLen == (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	    /* if the source exists, then we want the source entry,
-	     * go ahead and update */
-	    if (attr && attr->ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG)-1) {
-	    }
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * the source doesn't have the attribute, go to the next attribute
-	 */
-	if (attr == NULL) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	status = sftkdb_reconcileTrustEntry(arena, &trustTemplate[i], attr);
-	if (status == SFTKDB_MODIFY_OBJECT) {
-	    update = SFTKDB_MODIFY_OBJECT;
-	} else if (status == SFTKDB_DROP_ATTRIBUTE) {
-	    /* drop the source copy of the attribute, we are going with
-	     * the target's version */
-	    sftkdb_dropAttribute(attr, ptemplate, plen);
-	}
-    }
-    /* finally manage stepup */
-    if (update == SFTKDB_MODIFY_OBJECT) {
-	CK_BBOOL stepUpBool = CK_FALSE;
-	/* if we are going to write from the source, make sure we don't
-	 * overwrite the stepup bit if it's on*/
-	trustTemplate[0].type = CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED;
-	trustTemplate[0].pValue = &stepUpBool;
-	trustTemplate[0].ulValueLen = sizeof(stepUpBool);
-    	crv = (*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, id, trustTemplate, 1);
-	if ((crv == CKR_OK) && (stepUpBool == CK_TRUE)) {
-	    sftkdb_dropAttribute(trustTemplate, ptemplate, plen);
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* we currently aren't going to update. If the source stepup bit is
-	 * on however, do an update so the target gets it as well */
-	attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED,
-			ptemplate, *plen);
-	if (attr && (attr->ulValueLen == sizeof(CK_BBOOL)) &&  
-			(*(CK_BBOOL *)(attr->pValue) == CK_TRUE)) {
-	}
-    }
-    return update;
-static sftkdbUpdateStatus
-sftkdb_handleIDAndName(PLArenaPool *arena, SDB *db, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id,
-		      CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG *plen)
-    sftkdbUpdateStatus update = SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr1, *attr2;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE ttemplate[2] = {
-	{CKA_ID, NULL, 0},
-    };
-    attr1 = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_LABEL, ptemplate, *plen);
-    attr2 = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_ID, ptemplate, *plen);
-    /* if the source has neither an id nor label, don't bother updating */
-    if ( (!attr1 || attr1->ulValueLen == 0) &&
-	 (! attr2 ||  attr2->ulValueLen == 0) ) {
-    }
-    /* the source has either an id or a label, see what the target has */
-    (void)(*db->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(db, id, ttemplate, 2);
-    /* if the target has neither, update from the source */
-    if ( ((ttemplate[0].ulValueLen == 0) || 
-	  (ttemplate[0].ulValueLen == (CK_ULONG)-1))  &&
-         ((ttemplate[1].ulValueLen == 0) || 
-	  (ttemplate[1].ulValueLen == (CK_ULONG)-1)) ) {
-    }
-    /* check the CKA_ID */
-    if ((ttemplate[0].ulValueLen != 0) && 
-	(ttemplate[0].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG)-1)) {
-	/* we have a CKA_ID in the target, don't overwrite
-	 * the target with an empty CKA_ID from the source*/
-	if (attr1 && attr1->ulValueLen == 0) {
-	    sftkdb_dropAttribute(attr1, ptemplate, plen);
-	}
-    } else if (attr1 && attr1->ulValueLen != 0) {
-	/* source has a CKA_ID, but the target doesn't, update the target */
-    }
-    /* check the nickname */
-    if ((ttemplate[1].ulValueLen != 0) && 
-	(ttemplate[1].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG)-1)) {
-	/* we have a nickname in the target, and we don't have to update
-	 * the CKA_ID. We are done. NOTE: if we add addition attributes
-	 * in this check, this shortcut can only go on the last of them. */
-	if (update == SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING) {
-	    return update;
-	}
-	/* we have a nickname in the target, don't overwrite
-	 * the target with an empty nickname from the source */
-	if (attr2 && attr2->ulValueLen == 0) {
-	    sftkdb_dropAttribute(attr2, ptemplate, plen);
-	}
-    } else if (attr2 && attr2->ulValueLen != 0) {
-	/* source has a nickname, but the target doesn't, update the target */
-    }
-    return update;
- * This function updates the template before we write the object out.
- *
- * If we are going to skip updating this object, return PR_FALSE.
- * If it should be updated we return PR_TRUE.
- * To help readability, these have been defined 
- * as SFTK_DONT_UPDATE and SFTK_UPDATE respectively.
- */
-static PRBool
-sftkdb_updateObjectTemplate(PLArenaPool *arena, SDB *db,
-		    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objectType, 
-		    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate, CK_ULONG *plen,
-		    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *targetID)
-    PRBool done; /* should we repeat the loop? */
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    do {
- 	crv = sftkdb_checkConflicts(db, objectType, ptemplate, 
-						*plen, CK_INVALID_HANDLE);
-	    break;
-	}
-	crv = sftkdb_resolveConflicts(arena, objectType, ptemplate, plen);
-    } while (crv == CKR_OK);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-    }
-    do {
-	done = PR_TRUE;
-	crv = sftkdb_lookupObject(db, objectType, &id, ptemplate, *plen);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    return SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING;
-	}
-	/* This object already exists, merge it, don't update */
-	if (id != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) {
-    	    CK_ATTRIBUTE *attr = NULL;
-	    /* special post processing for attributes */
-	    switch (objectType) {
-	    case CKO_PUBLIC_KEY:
-	    case CKO_PRIVATE_KEY:
-		/* update target's CKA_ID and labels if they don't already 
-		 * exist */
-		*targetID = id;
-		return sftkdb_handleIDAndName(arena, db, id, ptemplate, plen);
-	    case CKO_NSS_TRUST:
-		/* if we have conflicting trust object types,
-		 * we need to reconcile them */
-		*targetID = id;
-		return sftkdb_reconcileTrust(arena, db, id, ptemplate, plen);
-	    case CKO_SECRET_KEY:
-		/* secret keys in the old database are all sdr keys, 
-		 * unfortunately they all appear to have the same CKA_ID, 
-		 * even though they are truly different keys, so we always 
-		 * want to update these keys, but we need to 
-		 * give them a new CKA_ID */
-		/* NOTE: this changes ptemplate */
-		attr = sftkdb_getAttributeFromTemplate(CKA_ID,ptemplate,*plen);
-		crv = attr ? sftkdb_incrementCKAID(arena, attr) 
-		           : CKR_HOST_MEMORY; 
-		/* in the extremely rare event that we needed memory and
-		 * couldn't get it, just drop the key */
-		if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-		    return SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING;
-		}
-		done = PR_FALSE; /* repeat this find loop */
-		break;
-	    default:
-		/* for all other objects, if we found the equivalent object,
-		 * don't update it */
-	        return SFTKDB_DO_NOTHING;
-	    }
-	}
-    } while (!done);
-    /* this object doesn't exist, update it */
-    return SFTKDB_ADD_OBJECT;
-#define MAX_ATTRIBUTES 500
-static CK_RV
-sftkdb_mergeObject(SFTKDBHandle *handle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, 
-		   SECItem *key)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *ptemplate;
-    CK_ULONG max_attributes = MAX_ATTRIBUTES;
-    CK_OBJECT_CLASS objectType;
-    SDB *source = handle->update;
-    SDB *target = handle->db;
-    unsigned int i;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(256);
-    if (arena ==  NULL) {
-    }
-    ptemplate = &template[0];
-    id &= SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
-    crv = sftkdb_GetObjectTemplate(source, id, ptemplate, &max_attributes);
-    if (crv == CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
-	ptemplate = PORT_ArenaNewArray(arena, CK_ATTRIBUTE, max_attributes);
-	if (ptemplate == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	} else {
-            crv = sftkdb_GetObjectTemplate(source, id, 
-					   ptemplate, &max_attributes);
-	}
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < max_attributes; i++) {
-	ptemplate[i].pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,ptemplate[i].ulValueLen);
-	if (ptemplate[i].pValue == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    crv = (*source->sdb_GetAttributeValue)(source, id, 
-					   ptemplate, max_attributes);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    objectType = sftkdb_getULongFromTemplate(CKA_CLASS, ptemplate,
-							 max_attributes);
-    /*
-     * Update Object updates the object template if necessary then returns 
-     * whether or not we need to actually write the object out to our target 
-     * database.
-     */
-    if (!handle->updateID) {
-	    crv = sftkdb_CreateObject(arena, handle, target, &id, 
-				ptemplate, max_attributes);
-    } else {
-	sftkdbUpdateStatus update_status;
-	update_status  = sftkdb_updateObjectTemplate(arena, target, 
-			objectType, ptemplate, &max_attributes, &id);
-	switch (update_status) {
-	    crv = sftkdb_CreateObject(arena, handle, target, &id, 
-				ptemplate, max_attributes);
-	    break;
-    	    crv = sftkdb_setAttributeValue(arena, handle, target, 
-				   id, ptemplate, max_attributes);
-	    break;
-	    break;
-	}
-    } 
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return crv;
-#define MAX_IDS 10
- * update a new database from an old one, now that we have the key
- */
-sftkdb_Update(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SECItem *key)
-    SDBFind *find = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG idCount = MAX_IDS;
-    SECItem *updatePasswordKey = NULL;
-    CK_RV crv, crv2;
-    PRBool inTransaction = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned int i;
-    if (handle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    if (handle->update == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /*
-     * put the whole update under a transaction. This allows us to handle
-     * any possible race conditions between with the updateID check.
-     */
-    crv = (*handle->db->sdb_Begin)(handle->db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    inTransaction = PR_TRUE;
-    /* some one else has already updated this db */
-    if (sftkdb_hasUpdate(sftkdb_TypeString(handle), 
-			 handle->db, handle->updateID)) {
-	crv = CKR_OK;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    updatePasswordKey = sftkdb_GetUpdatePasswordKey(handle);
-    if (updatePasswordKey) {
-	/* pass the source DB key to the legacy code, 
-	 * so it can decrypt things */
-	handle->oldKey = updatePasswordKey;
-    }
-    /* find all the objects */
-    crv = sftkdb_FindObjectsInit(handle, NULL, 0, &find);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    while ((crv == CKR_OK) && (idCount == MAX_IDS)) {
-	crv = sftkdb_FindObjects(handle, find, ids, MAX_IDS, &idCount);
-	for (i=0; (crv == CKR_OK) && (i < idCount); i++) {
-	    crv = sftkdb_mergeObject(handle, ids[i], key);
-	}
-    }
-    crv2 = sftkdb_FindObjectsFinal(handle, find);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) crv = crv2;
-    /* no longer need the old key value */
-    handle->oldKey = NULL;
-    /* update the password - even if we didn't update objects */
-    if (handle->type == SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	SECItem item1, item2;
-	unsigned char data1[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-	unsigned char data2[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
- = data1;
- 	item1.len = sizeof(data1);
- = data2;
- 	item2.len = sizeof(data2);
-	/* if the target db already has a password, skip this. */
-	crv = (*handle->db->sdb_GetMetaData)(handle->db, "password",
-			&item1, &item2);
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	/* nope, update it from the source */
-	crv = (*handle->update->sdb_GetMetaData)(handle->update, "password",
-			&item1, &item2);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	crv = (*handle->db->sdb_PutMetaData)(handle->db, "password", &item1,
-						&item2);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-    }
-    /* finally mark this up to date db up to date */
-    /* some one else has already updated this db */
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	crv = sftkdb_putUpdate(sftkdb_TypeString(handle), 
-				handle->db, handle->updateID);
-    }
-    if (inTransaction) {
-	if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	    crv = (*handle->db->sdb_Commit)(handle->db);
-	} else {
-	    (*handle->db->sdb_Abort)(handle->db);
-	}
-    }
-    if (handle->update) {
-	(*handle->update->sdb_Close)(handle->update);
-	handle->update = NULL;
-    }
-    if (handle->updateID) {
-	PORT_Free(handle->updateID);
-	handle->updateID = NULL;
-    }
-    sftkdb_FreeUpdatePasswordKey(handle);
-    if (updatePasswordKey) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(updatePasswordKey, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    handle->updateDBIsInit = PR_FALSE;
-    return crv;
- * DB handle managing functions.
- * 
- * These functions are called by softoken to initialize, acquire,
- * and release database handles.
- */
-const char *
-sftkdb_GetUpdateID(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    return handle->updateID;
-/* release a database handle */
-sftk_freeDB(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    PRInt32 ref;
-    if (!handle) return;
-    ref = PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&handle->ref);
-    if (ref == 0) {
-	sftkdb_CloseDB(handle);
-    }
-    return;
- * acquire a database handle for a certificate db  
- * (database for public objects) 
- */
-SFTKDBHandle *
-sftk_getCertDB(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle;
-    PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-    dbHandle = slot->certDB;
-    if (dbHandle) {
-        (void)PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&dbHandle->ref);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-    return dbHandle;
- * acquire a database handle for a key database 
- * (database for private objects)
- */
-SFTKDBHandle *
-sftk_getKeyDB(SFTKSlot *slot)
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle;
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock));
-    dbHandle = slot->keyDB;
-    if (dbHandle) {
-        (void)PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&dbHandle->ref);
-    }
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock));
-    return dbHandle;
- * acquire the database for a specific object. NOTE: objectID must point
- * to a Token object!
- */
-SFTKDBHandle *
-sftk_getDBForTokenObject(SFTKSlot *slot, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID)
-    SFTKDBHandle *dbHandle;
-    PZ_Lock(slot->slotLock);
-    dbHandle = objectID & SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE ? slot->keyDB : slot->certDB;
-    if (dbHandle) {
-        (void)PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(&dbHandle->ref);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(slot->slotLock);
-    return dbHandle;
- * initialize a new database handle
- */
-static SFTKDBHandle *
-sftk_NewDBHandle(SDB *sdb, int type)
-   SFTKDBHandle *handle = PORT_New(SFTKDBHandle);
-   handle->ref = 1;
-   handle->db = sdb;
-   handle->update = NULL;
-   handle->peerDB = NULL;
-   handle->newKey = NULL;
-   handle->oldKey = NULL;
-   handle->updatePasswordKey = NULL;
-   handle->updateID = NULL;
-   handle->type = type;
-   handle-> = NULL;
-   handle->passwordKey.len = 0;
-   handle->passwordLock = NULL;
-   if (type == SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	handle->passwordLock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockAttribute);
-   }
-   sdb->app_private = handle;
-   return handle;
- * reset the key database to it's uninitialized state. This call
- * will clear all the key entried.
- */
-sftkdb_ResetKeyDB(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    CK_RV crv;
-    /* only rest the key db */
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    crv = sftkdb_ResetDB(handle);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	/* set error */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-static PRBool
-sftk_oldVersionExists(const char *dir, int version)
-    int i;
-    PRStatus exists = PR_FAILURE;
-    char *file = NULL;
-    for (i=version; i > 1 ; i--) {
-	file = PR_smprintf("%s%d.db",dir,i);
-	if (file == NULL) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	exists = PR_Access(file, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS);
-	PR_smprintf_free(file);
-	if (exists == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    return PR_TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool
-sftk_hasLegacyDB(const char *confdir, const char *certPrefix, 
-		 const char *keyPrefix, int certVersion, int keyVersion)
-    char *dir;
-    PRBool exists;
-    if (certPrefix == NULL) {
-	certPrefix = "";
-    }
-    if (keyPrefix == NULL) {
-	keyPrefix = "";
-    }
-    dir= PR_smprintf("%s/%scert", confdir, certPrefix);
-    if (dir == NULL) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    exists = sftk_oldVersionExists(dir, certVersion);
-    PR_smprintf_free(dir);
-    if (exists) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    dir= PR_smprintf("%s/%skey", confdir, keyPrefix);
-    if (dir == NULL) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    exists = sftk_oldVersionExists(dir, keyVersion);
-    PR_smprintf_free(dir);
-    return exists;
- * initialize certificate and key database handles as a pair.
- *
- * This function figures out what type of database we are opening and
- * calls the appropriate low level function to open the database.
- * It also figures out whether or not to setup up automatic update.
- */
-sftk_DBInit(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix,
-                const char *keyPrefix, const char *updatedir,
-		const char *updCertPrefix, const char *updKeyPrefix, 
-		const char *updateID, PRBool readOnly, PRBool noCertDB,
-                PRBool noKeyDB, PRBool forceOpen, PRBool isFIPS,
-                SFTKDBHandle **certDB, SFTKDBHandle **keyDB)
-    const char *confdir;
-    NSSDBType dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_NONE;
-    char *appName = NULL;
-    SDB *keySDB, *certSDB;
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    int flags = SDB_RDONLY;
-    PRBool newInit = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool needUpdate = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!readOnly) {
-	flags = SDB_CREATE;
-    }
-    *certDB = NULL;
-    *keyDB = NULL;
-    if (noKeyDB && noCertDB) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    confdir = _NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir(configdir, &dbType, &appName);
-    /*
-     * now initialize the appropriate database
-     */
-    switch (dbType) {
-	crv = sftkdbCall_open(confdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 8, 3, flags,
-		 isFIPS, noCertDB? NULL : &certSDB, noKeyDB ? NULL: &keySDB);
-	break;
-	crv = sftkdbCall_open(configdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 8, 3, flags,
-		isFIPS, noCertDB? NULL : &certSDB, noKeyDB ? NULL: &keySDB);
-	break;
-    case NSS_DB_TYPE_SQL:
-    case NSS_DB_TYPE_EXTERN: /* SHOULD open a loadable db */
-	crv = s_open(confdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 9, 4, flags, 
-		noCertDB? NULL : &certSDB, noKeyDB ? NULL : &keySDB, &newInit);
-        /*
-	 * if we failed to open the DB's read only, use the old ones if
-	 * the exists.
-	 */
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    if ((flags == SDB_RDONLY)  &&
-	         sftk_hasLegacyDB(confdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 8, 3)) {
-	    /* we have legacy databases, if we failed to open the new format 
-	     * DB's read only, just use the legacy ones */
-		crv = sftkdbCall_open(confdir, certPrefix, 
-			keyPrefix, 8, 3, flags, isFIPS, 
-			noCertDB? NULL : &certSDB, noKeyDB ? NULL : &keySDB);
-	    }
-	/* Handle the database merge case.
-         *
-         * For the merge case, we need help from the application. Only
-         * the application knows where the old database is, and what unique
-         * identifier it has associated with it.
-         *
-         * If the client supplies these values, we use them to determine
-         * if we need to update.
-         */
-	} else if (
-	      /* both update params have been supplied */
-	      updatedir  && *updatedir && updateID  && *updateID
-	      /* old dbs exist? */
-	      && sftk_hasLegacyDB(updatedir, updCertPrefix, updKeyPrefix, 8, 3) 
-	      /* and they have not yet been updated? */
-	      && ((noKeyDB || !sftkdb_hasUpdate("key", keySDB, updateID)) 
-	      || (noCertDB || !sftkdb_hasUpdate("cert", certSDB, updateID)))) {
-	    /* we need to update */
-	    confdir = updatedir;
-	    certPrefix = updCertPrefix;
-	    keyPrefix = updKeyPrefix;
-	    needUpdate = PR_TRUE;
-	} else if (newInit) {
-	    /* if the new format DB was also a newly created DB, and we
-	     * succeeded, then need to update that new database with data
-	     * from the existing legacy DB */
-	    if (sftk_hasLegacyDB(confdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 8, 3)) {
-		needUpdate = PR_TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-    default:
-	crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; /* can't happen, EvaluationConfigDir MUST 
-				  * return one of the types we already 
-				  * specified. */
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    if (!noCertDB) {
-	*certDB = sftk_NewDBHandle(certSDB, SFTK_CERTDB_TYPE);
-    } else {
-	*certDB = NULL;
-    }
-    if (!noKeyDB) {
-	*keyDB = sftk_NewDBHandle(keySDB, SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE);
-    } else {
-	*keyDB = NULL;
-    }
-    /* link them together */
-    if (*certDB) {
-	(*certDB)->peerDB = *keyDB;
-    }
-    if (*keyDB) {
-	(*keyDB)->peerDB = *certDB;
-    }
-    /*
-     * if we need to update, open the legacy database and
-     * mark the handle as needing update.
-     */
-    if (needUpdate) {
-	SDB *updateCert = NULL;
-	SDB *updateKey = NULL;
-	CK_RV crv2;
-	crv2 = sftkdbCall_open(confdir, certPrefix, keyPrefix, 8, 3, flags,
-		isFIPS, noCertDB ? NULL : &updateCert, 
-		noKeyDB ? NULL : &updateKey);
-	if (crv2 == CKR_OK) {
-	    if (*certDB) {
-		(*certDB)->update = updateCert;
-		(*certDB)->updateID = updateID && *updateID 
-				? PORT_Strdup(updateID) : NULL;
-		updateCert->app_private = (*certDB);
-	    }
-	    if (*keyDB) {
-		PRBool tokenRemoved = PR_FALSE;
-		(*keyDB)->update = updateKey;
-		(*keyDB)->updateID = updateID && *updateID ? 
-					PORT_Strdup(updateID) : NULL;
-		updateKey->app_private = (*keyDB);
-		(*keyDB)->updateDBIsInit = PR_TRUE;
-		(*keyDB)->updateDBIsInit = 
-			(sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(*keyDB) == SECSuccess) ?
-		/* if the password on the key db is NULL, kick off our update
-		 * chain of events */
-		sftkdb_CheckPassword((*keyDB), "", &tokenRemoved);
-	    } else {
-		/* we don't have a key DB, update the certificate DB now */
-		sftkdb_Update(*certDB, NULL);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (appName) {
-	PORT_Free(appName);
-    }
-   return forceOpen ? CKR_OK : crv;
-  s_shutdown();
-  sftkdbCall_Shutdown();
-  return CKR_OK;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.h b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index beff9da..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "sftkdbt.h"
-#include "sdb.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-/* raw database stuff */
-CK_RV sftkdb_write(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SFTKObject *,CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *);
-CK_RV sftkdb_FindObjectsInit(SFTKDBHandle *sdb, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template,
-				 CK_ULONG count, SDBFind **find);
-CK_RV sftkdb_FindObjects(SFTKDBHandle *sdb, SDBFind *find, 
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE *ids, int arraySize, CK_ULONG *count);
-CK_RV sftkdb_FindObjectsFinal(SFTKDBHandle *sdb, SDBFind *find);
-CK_RV sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(SFTKDBHandle *handle,
-	 CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_id, CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count);
-CK_RV sftkdb_SetAttributeValue(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SFTKObject *object, 
-	 		const CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, CK_ULONG count);
-CK_RV sftkdb_DestroyObject(SFTKDBHandle *handle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_id);
-CK_RV sftkdb_closeDB(SFTKDBHandle *handle);
-/* keydb functions */
-SECStatus sftkdb_PWIsInitialized(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-SECStatus sftkdb_CheckPassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb, const char *pw,
-			       PRBool *tokenRemoved);
-SECStatus sftkdb_PWCached(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-SECStatus sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-SECStatus sftkdb_ResetKeyDB(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-SECStatus sftkdb_ChangePassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb, 
-				char *oldPin, char *newPin,
-				PRBool *tokenRemoved);
-SECStatus sftkdb_ClearPassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-PRBool sftkdb_InUpdateMerge(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-PRBool sftkdb_NeedUpdateDBPassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-const char *sftkdb_GetUpdateID(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-SECItem *sftkdb_GetUpdatePasswordKey(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-void sftkdb_FreeUpdatePasswordKey(SFTKDBHandle *keydb);
-/* Utility functions */
- * OK there are now lots of options here, lets go through them all:
- *
- * configdir - base directory where all the cert, key, and module datbases live.
- * certPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the cert database example: "
- *                      "https-server1-"
- * keyPrefix - prefix added to the beginning of the key database example: "
- *                      "https-server1-"
- * secmodName - name of the security module database (usually "secmod.db").
- * readOnly - Boolean: true if the databases are to be openned read only.
- * nocertdb - Don't open the cert DB and key DB's, just initialize the
- *                      Volatile certdb.
- * nomoddb - Don't open the security module DB, just initialize the
- *                      PKCS #11 module.
- * forceOpen - Continue to force initializations even if the databases cannot
- *                      be opened.
- */
-CK_RV sftk_DBInit(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix,
-	 	const char *keyPrefix, const char *updatedir, 
-		const char *updCertPrefix, const char *updKeyPrefix,
-		const char *updateID, PRBool readOnly, PRBool noCertDB, 
-		PRBool noKeyDB, PRBool forceOpen, PRBool isFIPS,
-		SFTKDBHandle **certDB, SFTKDBHandle **keyDB);
-CK_RV sftkdb_Shutdown(void);
-SFTKDBHandle *sftk_getCertDB(SFTKSlot *slot);
-SFTKDBHandle *sftk_getKeyDB(SFTKSlot *slot);
-SFTKDBHandle *sftk_getDBForTokenObject(SFTKSlot *slot, 
-                                       CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID);
-void sftk_freeDB(SFTKDBHandle *certHandle);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbt.h b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 684393c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef SFTKDBT_H
-#define SFTKDBT_H 1
-typedef struct SFTKDBHandleStr SFTKDBHandle;
-#define SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN	256
-#define SDB_ULONG_SIZE 4
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbti.h b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eb777e4..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkdbti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef SFTKDBTI_H
-#define SFTKDBTI_H 1
- * private defines
- */
-struct SFTKDBHandleStr {
-    SDB   *db;
-    PRInt32 ref;
-    CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  type;
-    SECItem passwordKey;
-    SECItem *newKey;
-    SECItem *oldKey;
-    SECItem *updatePasswordKey;
-    PZLock *passwordLock;
-    SFTKDBHandle *peerDB;
-    SDB   *update;
-    char  *updateID;
-    PRBool updateDBIsInit;
-#define SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE 0x40000000
-#define SFTK_CERTDB_TYPE 0x00000000
-#define SFTK_OBJ_TYPE_MASK 0xc0000000
-#define SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE 0x80000000
-/* the following is the number of id's to handle on the stack at a time,
- * it's not an upper limit of IDS that can be stored in the database */
-#define SFTK_MAX_IDS 10
-#define SFTK_GET_SDB(handle) \
-	((handle)->update ? (handle)->update : (handle)->db)
-SECStatus sftkdb_DecryptAttribute(SECItem *passKey, SECItem *cipherText,
-			SECItem **plainText);
-SECStatus sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *passKey,
-			SECItem *plainText, SECItem **cipherText);
-SECStatus sftkdb_SignAttribute(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *passKey,
-			SECItem *plainText, SECItem **sigText);
-SECStatus sftkdb_VerifyAttribute(SECItem *passKey,
-			SECItem *plainText, SECItem *sigText);
-void sftk_ULong2SDBULong(unsigned char *data, CK_ULONG value);
-CK_RV sftkdb_Update(SFTKDBHandle *handle, SECItem *key);
-CK_RV sftkdb_PutAttributeSignature(SFTKDBHandle *handle, 
-		SDB *keyTarget, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID, 
-		CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, SECItem *signText);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e859b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
-#include "hmacct.h"
-/* MACMechanismToHash converts a PKCS#11 MAC mechanism into a freebl hash
- * type. */
-static HASH_HashType
-MACMechanismToHash(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech)
-    switch (mech) {
-	case CKM_MD5_HMAC:
-	case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC:
-	    return HASH_AlgMD5;
-	case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC:
-	case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC:
-	    return HASH_AlgSHA1;
-	case CKM_SHA224_HMAC:
-	    return HASH_AlgSHA224;
-	case CKM_SHA256_HMAC:
-	    return HASH_AlgSHA256;
-	case CKM_SHA384_HMAC:
-	    return HASH_AlgSHA384;
-	case CKM_SHA512_HMAC:
-	    return HASH_AlgSHA512;
-    }
-    return HASH_AlgNULL;
-static sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *
-SetupMAC(CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key)
-	(CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *) mech->pParameter;
-    sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx;
-    HASH_HashType alg;
-    SFTKAttribute *keyval;
-    unsigned char secret[sizeof(ctx->secret)];
-    unsigned int secretLength;
-    if (mech->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    alg = MACMechanismToHash(params->macAlg);
-    if (alg == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    keyval = sftk_FindAttribute(key,CKA_VALUE);
-    if (keyval == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    secretLength = keyval->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    if (secretLength > sizeof(secret)) {
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    memcpy(secret, keyval->attrib.pValue, secretLength);
-    sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
-    ctx = PORT_Alloc(sizeof(sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx));
-    if (!ctx) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    memcpy(ctx->secret, secret, secretLength);
-    ctx->secretLength = secretLength;
-    ctx->hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(alg);
-    ctx->totalLength = params->ulBodyTotalLen;
-    return ctx;
-sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *
-sftk_HMACConstantTime_New(CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key)
-	(CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *) mech->pParameter;
-    sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx;
-    if (params->ulHeaderLen > sizeof(ctx->header)) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    ctx = SetupMAC(mech, key);
-    if (!ctx) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    ctx->headerLength = params->ulHeaderLen;
-    memcpy(ctx->header, params->pHeader, params->ulHeaderLen);
-    return ctx;
-sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *
-sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_New(CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key)
-	(CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *) mech->pParameter;
-    unsigned int padLength = 40, j;
-    sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx;
-    if (params->macAlg != CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC &&
-	params->macAlg != CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    ctx = SetupMAC(mech, key);
-    if (!ctx) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (params->macAlg == CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC) {
-	padLength = 48;
-    }
-    ctx->headerLength =
-	ctx->secretLength +
-	padLength +
-	params->ulHeaderLen;
-    if (ctx->headerLength > sizeof(ctx->header)) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    j = 0;
-    memcpy(&ctx->header[j], ctx->secret, ctx->secretLength);
-    j += ctx->secretLength;
-    memset(&ctx->header[j], 0x36, padLength);
-    j += padLength;
-    memcpy(&ctx->header[j], params->pHeader, params->ulHeaderLen);
-    return ctx;
-    PORT_Free(ctx);
-    return NULL;
-sftk_HMACConstantTime_Update(void *pctx, const void *data, unsigned int len)
-    sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx = (sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *) pctx;
-    PORT_CheckSuccess(HMAC_ConstantTime(
-	ctx->mac, NULL, sizeof(ctx->mac),
-	ctx->hash,
-	ctx->secret, ctx->secretLength,
-	ctx->header, ctx->headerLength,
-	data, len,
-	ctx->totalLength));
-sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_Update(void *pctx, const void *data, unsigned int len)
-    sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx = (sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *) pctx;
-    PORT_CheckSuccess(SSLv3_MAC_ConstantTime(
-	ctx->mac, NULL, sizeof(ctx->mac),
-	ctx->hash,
-	ctx->secret, ctx->secretLength,
-	ctx->header, ctx->headerLength,
-	data, len,
-	ctx->totalLength));
-sftk_MACConstantTime_EndHash(void *pctx, void *out, unsigned int *outLength,
-			     unsigned int maxLength)
-    const sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx = (sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *) pctx;
-    unsigned int toCopy = ctx->hash->length;
-    if (toCopy > maxLength) {
-	toCopy = maxLength;
-    }
-    memcpy(out, ctx->mac, toCopy);
-    if (outLength) {
-	*outLength = toCopy;
-    }
-sftk_MACConstantTime_DestroyContext(void *pctx, PRBool free)
-    PORT_Free(pctx);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.c b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.c
deleted file mode 100644
index da4f9e1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  The following code handles the storage of PKCS 11 modules used by the
- * NSS. This file is written to abstract away how the modules are
- * stored so we can deside that later.
- */
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "sdb.h"
-#include "prprf.h" 
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
-#define FREE_CLEAR(p) if (p) { PORT_Free(p); p = NULL; }
-static void
-sftk_parseTokenFlags(char *tmp, sftk_token_parameters *parsed) { 
-    parsed->readOnly = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","readOnly",tmp);
-    parsed->noCertDB = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","noCertDB",tmp);
-    parsed->noKeyDB = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","noKeyDB",tmp);
-    parsed->forceOpen = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","forceOpen",tmp);
-    parsed->pwRequired = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","passwordRequired",tmp);
-    parsed->optimizeSpace = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","optimizeSpace",tmp);
-    return;
-static void
-sftk_parseFlags(char *tmp, sftk_parameters *parsed) { 
-    parsed->noModDB = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","noModDB",tmp);
-    parsed->readOnly = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","readOnly",tmp);
-    /* keep legacy interface working */
-    parsed->noCertDB = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","noCertDB",tmp);
-    parsed->forceOpen = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","forceOpen",tmp);
-    parsed->pwRequired = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","passwordRequired",tmp);
-    parsed->optimizeSpace = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","optimizeSpace",tmp);
-    return;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_parseTokenParameters(char *param, sftk_token_parameters *parsed) 
-    int next;
-    char *tmp = NULL;
-    const char *index;
-    index = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(param);
-    while (*index) {
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->configdir,"configDir=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updatedir,"updateDir=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updCertPrefix,
-						"updateCertPrefix=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updKeyPrefix,
-						"updateKeyPrefix=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updateID,"updateID=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->certPrefix,"certPrefix=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->keyPrefix,"keyPrefix=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->tokdes,"tokenDescription=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updtokdes,
-						"updateTokenDescription=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->slotdes,"slotDescription=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,tmp,"minPWLen=", 
-	   if(tmp) { parsed->minPW=atoi(tmp); PORT_Free(tmp); tmp = NULL; })
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,tmp,"flags=", 
-	   if(tmp) { sftk_parseTokenFlags(param,parsed); PORT_Free(tmp); 
-		     tmp = NULL; })
-   }
-   return CKR_OK;
-static void
-sftk_parseTokens(char *tokenParams, sftk_parameters *parsed)
-    const char *tokenIndex;
-    sftk_token_parameters *tokens = NULL;
-    int i=0,count = 0,next;
-    if ((tokenParams == NULL) || (*tokenParams == 0))  return;
-    /* first count the number of slots */
-    for (tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(tokenParams); *tokenIndex;
-	 tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(tokenIndex))) {
-	count++;
-    }
-    /* get the data structures */
-    tokens = (sftk_token_parameters *) 
-			PORT_ZAlloc(count*sizeof(sftk_token_parameters));
-    if (tokens == NULL) return;
-    for (tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(tokenParams), i = 0;
-					*tokenIndex && i < count ; i++ ) {
-	char *name;
-	name = NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel(tokenIndex,&next);
-	tokenIndex += next;
-	tokens[i].slotID = NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber(name);
-        tokens[i].readOnly = PR_FALSE;
-	tokens[i].noCertDB = PR_FALSE;
-	tokens[i].noKeyDB = PR_FALSE;
-	if (!NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*tokenIndex)) {
-	    char *args = NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(tokenIndex,&next);
-	    tokenIndex += next;
-	    if (args) {
-		sftk_parseTokenParameters(args,&tokens[i]);
-		PORT_Free(args);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (name) PORT_Free(name);
-	tokenIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(tokenIndex);
-    }
-    parsed->token_count = i;
-    parsed->tokens = tokens;
-    return; 
-sftk_parseParameters(char *param, sftk_parameters *parsed, PRBool isFIPS) 
-    int next;
-    char *tmp = NULL;
-    const char *index;
-    char *certPrefix = NULL, *keyPrefix = NULL;
-    char *tokdes = NULL, *ptokdes = NULL, *pupdtokdes = NULL;
-    char *slotdes = NULL, *pslotdes = NULL;
-    char *fslotdes = NULL, *ftokdes = NULL;
-    char *minPW = NULL;
-    index = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(param);
-    PORT_Memset(parsed, 0, sizeof(sftk_parameters));
-    while (*index) {
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->configdir,"configDir=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updatedir,"updateDir=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->updateID,"updateID=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->secmodName,"secmod=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->man,"manufacturerID=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,parsed->libdes,"libraryDescription=",;)
-	/* constructed values, used so legacy interfaces still work */
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,certPrefix,"certPrefix=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,keyPrefix,"keyPrefix=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,tokdes,"cryptoTokenDescription=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,ptokdes,"dbTokenDescription=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,slotdes,"cryptoSlotDescription=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,pslotdes,"dbSlotDescription=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,fslotdes,"FIPSSlotDescription=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,ftokdes,"FIPSTokenDescription=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,pupdtokdes, "updateTokenDescription=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,minPW,"minPWLen=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,tmp,"flags=", 
-		if(tmp) { sftk_parseFlags(param,parsed); PORT_Free(tmp); 
-			  tmp = NULL; })
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(index,tmp,"tokens=", 
-		if(tmp) { sftk_parseTokens(tmp,parsed); PORT_Free(tmp); 				  tmp = NULL; })
-    }
-    if (parsed->tokens == NULL) {
-	int  count = isFIPS ? 1 : 2;
-	int  index = count-1;
-	sftk_token_parameters *tokens = NULL;
-	tokens = (sftk_token_parameters *) 
-			PORT_ZAlloc(count*sizeof(sftk_token_parameters));
-	if (tokens == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	parsed->tokens = tokens;
-    	parsed->token_count = count;
-	tokens[index].slotID = isFIPS ? FIPS_SLOT_ID : PRIVATE_KEY_SLOT_ID;
-	tokens[index].certPrefix = certPrefix;
-	tokens[index].keyPrefix = keyPrefix;
-	tokens[index].minPW = minPW ? atoi(minPW) : 0;
-	tokens[index].readOnly = parsed->readOnly;
-	tokens[index].noCertDB = parsed->noCertDB;
-	tokens[index].noKeyDB = parsed->noCertDB;
-	tokens[index].forceOpen = parsed->forceOpen;
-	tokens[index].pwRequired = parsed->pwRequired;
-	tokens[index].optimizeSpace = parsed->optimizeSpace;
-	tokens[0].optimizeSpace = parsed->optimizeSpace;
-	certPrefix = NULL;
-	keyPrefix = NULL;
-	if (isFIPS) {
-	    tokens[index].tokdes = ftokdes;
-	    tokens[index].updtokdes = pupdtokdes;
-	    tokens[index].slotdes = fslotdes;
-	    fslotdes = NULL;
-	    ftokdes = NULL;
-	    pupdtokdes = NULL;
-	} else {
-	    tokens[index].tokdes = ptokdes;
-	    tokens[index].updtokdes = pupdtokdes;
-	    tokens[index].slotdes = pslotdes;
-	    tokens[0].slotID = NETSCAPE_SLOT_ID;
-	    tokens[0].tokdes = tokdes;
-	    tokens[0].slotdes = slotdes;
-	    tokens[0].noCertDB = PR_TRUE;
-	    tokens[0].noKeyDB = PR_TRUE;
-	    pupdtokdes = NULL;
-	    ptokdes = NULL;
-	    pslotdes = NULL;
-	    tokdes = NULL;
-	    slotdes = NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    FREE_CLEAR(certPrefix);
-    FREE_CLEAR(keyPrefix);
-    FREE_CLEAR(tokdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(ptokdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(pupdtokdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(slotdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(pslotdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(fslotdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(ftokdes);
-    FREE_CLEAR(minPW);
-    return CKR_OK;
-sftk_freeParams(sftk_parameters *params)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i < params->token_count; i++) {
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].configdir);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].certPrefix);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].keyPrefix);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].tokdes);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].slotdes);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].updatedir);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].updCertPrefix);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].updKeyPrefix);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].updateID);
-	FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens[i].updtokdes);
-    }
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->configdir);
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->secmodName);
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->man);
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->libdes); 
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->tokens);
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->updatedir);
-    FREE_CLEAR(params->updateID);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.h b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6178dff..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpars.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "sftkdbt.h"
-/* parsing functions */
-char * sftk_argFetchValue(char *string, int *pcount);
-char * sftk_getSecmodName(char *param, SDBType *dbType, char **appName, char **filename,PRBool *rw);
-char *sftk_argStrip(char *c);
-CK_RV sftk_parseParameters(char *param, sftk_parameters *parsed, PRBool isFIPS);
-void sftk_freeParams(sftk_parameters *params);
-const char *sftk_EvaluateConfigDir(const char *configdir, SDBType *dbType, char **app);
-char * sftk_argGetParamValue(char *paramName,char *parameters);
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c b/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f17da7e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1273 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *  The following code handles the storage of PKCS 11 modules used by the
- * NSS. For the rest of NSS, only one kind of database handle exists:
- *
- *     SFTKDBHandle
- *
- * There is one SFTKDBHandle for the each key database and one for each cert 
- * database. These databases are opened as associated pairs, one pair per
- * slot. SFTKDBHandles are reference counted objects.
- *
- * Each SFTKDBHandle points to a low level database handle (SDB). This handle
- * represents the underlying physical database. These objects are not 
- * reference counted, an are 'owned' by their respective SFTKDBHandles.
- *
- *  
- */
-#include "sftkdb.h"
-#include "sftkdbti.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "sdb.h"
-#include "prprf.h" 
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "pratom.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "lowpbe.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#include "lgglue.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "softoken.h"
- * 
- * Key DB password handling functions
- *
- * These functions manage the key db password (set, reset, initialize, use).
- *
- * The key is managed on 'this side' of the database. All private data is
- * encrypted before it is sent to the database itself. Besides PBE's, the
- * database management code can also mix in various fixed keys so the data
- * in the database is no longer considered 'plain text'.
- */
-/* take string password and turn it into a key. The key is dependent
- * on a global salt entry acquired from the database. This salted
- * value will be based to a pkcs5 pbe function before it is used
- * in an actual encryption */
-static SECStatus
-sftkdb_passwordToKey(SFTKDBHandle *keydb, SECItem *salt,
-			const char *pw, SECItem *key)
-    SHA1Context *cx = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    key->data = PORT_Alloc(SHA1_LENGTH);
-    if (key->data == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    key->len = SHA1_LENGTH;
-    cx = SHA1_NewContext();
-    if ( cx == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    SHA1_Begin(cx);
-    if (salt  && salt->data ) {
-	SHA1_Update(cx, salt->data, salt->len);
-    }
-    SHA1_Update(cx, (unsigned char *)pw, PORT_Strlen(pw));
-    SHA1_End(cx, key->data, &key->len, key->len);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (cx) {
-	SHA1_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	if (key->data != NULL) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(key->data,key->len);
-	}
-	key->data = NULL;
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Cipher text stored in the database contains 3 elements:
- * 1) an identifier describing the encryption algorithm.
- * 2) an entry specific salt value.
- * 3) the encrypted value.
- *
- * The following data structure represents the encrypted data in a decoded
- * (but still encrypted) form.
- */
-typedef struct sftkCipherValueStr sftkCipherValue;
-struct sftkCipherValueStr {
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECOidTag  alg;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *param;
-    SECItem    salt;
-    SECItem    value;
-struct SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfoStr {
-    SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
-    SECItem encryptedData;
-typedef struct SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfoStr SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfo;
-const SEC_ASN1Template sftkdb_EncryptedDataInfoTemplate[] = {
-        0, NULL, sizeof(SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfo) },
-        offsetof(SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfo,algorithm),
-        SEC_ASN1_SUB(SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate) },
-        offsetof(SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfo,encryptedData) },
-    { 0 }
- * This parses the cipherText into cipher value. NOTE: cipherValue will point
- * to data in cipherText, if cipherText is freed, cipherValue will be invalid.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftkdb_decodeCipherText(SECItem *cipherText, sftkCipherValue *cipherValue)
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfo edi;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    cipherValue->arena = NULL;
-    cipherValue->param = NULL;
-    rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, &edi, sftkdb_EncryptedDataInfoTemplate,
-                            cipherText);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cipherValue->alg = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&edi.algorithm);
-    cipherValue->param = nsspkcs5_AlgidToParam(&edi.algorithm);
-    if (cipherValue->param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cipherValue->value = edi.encryptedData;
-    cipherValue->arena = arena;
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (cipherValue->param) {
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(cipherValue->param);
-	cipherValue->param = NULL;
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return SECFailure;
- * unlike decode, Encode actually allocates a SECItem the caller must free
- * The caller can pass an optional arena to to indicate where to place
- * the resultant cipherText.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftkdb_encodeCipherText(PLArenaPool *arena, sftkCipherValue *cipherValue, 
-                        SECItem **cipherText)
-    SFTKDBEncryptedDataInfo edi;
-    SECAlgorithmID *algid;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *localArena = NULL;
-    localArena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (localArena == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    algid = nsspkcs5_CreateAlgorithmID(localArena, cipherValue->alg, 
-					cipherValue->param);
-    if (algid == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(localArena, &edi.algorithm, algid);
-    SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(algid, PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    edi.encryptedData = cipherValue->value;
-    *cipherText = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, &edi, 
-				    sftkdb_EncryptedDataInfoTemplate);
-    if (*cipherText == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (localArena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(localArena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Use our key to decode a cipherText block from the database.
- *
- * plain text is allocated by nsspkcs5_CipherData and must be freed
- * with SECITEM_FreeItem by the caller.
- */
-sftkdb_DecryptAttribute(SECItem *passKey, SECItem *cipherText, SECItem **plain) 
-    SECStatus rv;
-    sftkCipherValue cipherValue;
-    /* First get the cipher type */
-    rv = sftkdb_decodeCipherText(cipherText, &cipherValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    *plain = nsspkcs5_CipherData(cipherValue.param, passKey, &cipherValue.value, 
-				    PR_FALSE, NULL);
-    if (*plain == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    } 
-    if (cipherValue.param) {
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(cipherValue.param);
-    }
-    if (cipherValue.arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(cipherValue.arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * encrypt a block. This function returned the encrypted ciphertext which
- * the caller must free. If the caller provides an arena, cipherText will
- * be allocated out of that arena. This also generated the per entry
- * salt automatically.
- */
-sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *passKey, 
-		SECItem *plainText, SECItem **cipherText) 
-    SECStatus rv;
-    sftkCipherValue cipherValue;
-    SECItem *cipher = NULL;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *param = NULL;
-    unsigned char saltData[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    cipherValue.salt.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
- = saltData;
-    RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(saltData,cipherValue.salt.len);
-    param = nsspkcs5_NewParam(cipherValue.alg, HASH_AlgSHA1, &cipherValue.salt,
-                              1);
-    if (param == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    cipher = nsspkcs5_CipherData(param, passKey, plainText, PR_TRUE, NULL);
-    if (cipher == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    } 
-    cipherValue.value = *cipher;
-    cipherValue.param = param;
-    rv = sftkdb_encodeCipherText(arena, &cipherValue, cipherText);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (cipher) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(cipher, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (param) {
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(param);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * use the password and the pbe parameters to generate an HMAC for the
- * given plain text data. This is used by sftkdb_VerifyAttribute and
- * sftkdb_SignAttribute. Signature is returned in signData. The caller
- * must preallocate the space in the secitem.
- */
-static SECStatus
-sftkdb_pbehash(SECOidTag sigOid, SECItem *passKey, 
-	       NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *param,
-	       SECItem *plainText, SECItem *signData)
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem *key = NULL;
-    HMACContext *hashCx = NULL;
-    HASH_HashType hashType = HASH_AlgNULL;
-    const SECHashObject *hashObj;
-    unsigned char addressData[SDB_ULONG_SIZE];
-    hashType = HASH_FromHMACOid(param->encAlg);
-    if (hashType == HASH_AlgNULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashType);
-    if (hashObj == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    key = nsspkcs5_ComputeKeyAndIV(param, passKey, NULL, PR_FALSE);
-    if (!key) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    hashCx = HMAC_Create(hashObj, key->data, key->len, PR_TRUE);
-    if (!hashCx) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    HMAC_Begin(hashCx);
-    /* Tie this value to a particular object. This is most important for
-     * the trust attributes, where and attacker could copy a value for
-     * 'validCA' from another cert in the database */
-    sftk_ULong2SDBULong(addressData, objectID);
-    HMAC_Update(hashCx, addressData, SDB_ULONG_SIZE);
-    sftk_ULong2SDBULong(addressData, attrType);
-    HMAC_Update(hashCx, addressData, SDB_ULONG_SIZE);
-    HMAC_Update(hashCx, plainText->data, plainText->len);
-    rv = HMAC_Finish(hashCx, signData->data, &signData->len, signData->len);
-    if (hashCx) {
-	HMAC_Destroy(hashCx, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (key) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(key,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Use our key to verify a signText block from the database matches
- * the plainText from the database. The signText is a PKCS 5 v2 pbe.
- * plainText is the plainText of the attribute.
- */
-sftkdb_VerifyAttribute(SECItem *passKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE objectID, 
-	     CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, 
-	     SECItem *plainText, SECItem *signText) 
-    SECStatus rv;
-    sftkCipherValue signValue;
-    SECItem signature;
-    unsigned char signData[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    /* First get the cipher type */
-    rv = sftkdb_decodeCipherText(signText, &signValue);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
- = signData;
-    signature.len = sizeof(signData);
-    rv = sftkdb_pbehash(signValue.alg, passKey, signValue.param, 
-			objectID, attrType, plainText, &signature);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (SECITEM_CompareItem(&signValue.value,&signature) != 0) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (signValue.param) {
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(signValue.param);
-    }
-    if (signValue.arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(signValue.arena,PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Use our key to create a signText block the plain text of an
- * attribute. The signText is a PKCS 5 v2 pbe.
- */
-sftkdb_SignAttribute(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *passKey, 
-	 SECItem *plainText, SECItem **signature) 
-    SECStatus rv;
-    sftkCipherValue signValue;
-    NSSPKCS5PBEParameter *param = NULL;
-    unsigned char saltData[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    unsigned char signData[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
-    SECOidTag hmacAlg = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256; /* hash for authentication */
-    SECOidTag prfAlg = SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256;  /* hash for pb key generation */
-    HASH_HashType prfType;
-    unsigned int hmacLength;
-    unsigned int prfLength;
-    /* this code allows us to fetch the lengths and hashes on the fly
-     * by simply changing the OID above */
-    prfType = HASH_FromHMACOid(prfAlg);
-    PORT_Assert(prfType != HASH_AlgNULL);
-    prfLength = HASH_GetRawHashObject(prfType)->length;
-    PORT_Assert(prfLength <= HASH_LENGTH_MAX);
-    hmacLength = HASH_GetRawHashObject(HASH_FromHMACOid(hmacAlg))->length;
-    PORT_Assert(hmacLength <= HASH_LENGTH_MAX);
-    /* initialize our CipherValue structure */
-    signValue.alg = SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBMAC1;
-    signValue.salt.len = prfLength;
- = saltData;
- = signData;
-    signValue.value.len = hmacLength;
-    RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(saltData,prfLength);
-    /* initialize our pkcs5 parameter */
-    param = nsspkcs5_NewParam(signValue.alg, HASH_AlgSHA1, &signValue.salt, 1);
-    if (param == NULL) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    param->keyID = pbeBitGenIntegrityKey;
-    /* set the PKCS 5 v2 parameters, not extractable from the
-     * data passed into nsspkcs5_NewParam */
-    param->encAlg = hmacAlg;
-    param->hashType = prfType;
-    param->keyLen = hmacLength;
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(param->poolp, &param->prfAlg, prfAlg, NULL);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* calculate the mac */
-    rv = sftkdb_pbehash(signValue.alg, passKey, param, objectID, attrType,
-			plainText, &signValue.value);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    signValue.param = param;
-    /* write it out */
-    rv = sftkdb_encodeCipherText(arena, &signValue, signature);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (param) {
-	nsspkcs5_DestroyPBEParameter(param);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * safely swith the passed in key for the one caches in the keydb handle
- * 
- * A key attached to the handle tells us the the token is logged in.
- * We can used the key attached to the handle in sftkdb_EncryptAttribute 
- *  and sftkdb_DecryptAttribute calls.
- */  
-static void 
-sftkdb_switchKeys(SFTKDBHandle *keydb, SECItem *passKey)
-    unsigned char *data;
-    int len;
-    if (keydb->passwordLock == NULL) {
-	PORT_Assert(keydb->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE);
-	return;
-    }
-    /* an atomic pointer set would be nice */
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Lock(keydb->passwordLock));
-    data = keydb->;
-    len = keydb->passwordKey.len;
-    keydb-> = passKey->data;
-    keydb->passwordKey.len = passKey->len;
-    passKey->data = data;
-    passKey->len = len;
-    SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_Unlock(keydb->passwordLock));
- * returns true if we are in a middle of a merge style update.
- */
-sftkdb_InUpdateMerge(SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    return keydb->updateID ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
- * returns true if we are looking for the password for the user's old source
- * database as part of a merge style update.
- */
-sftkdb_NeedUpdateDBPassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    if (!sftkdb_InUpdateMerge(keydb)) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (keydb->updateDBIsInit && !keydb->updatePasswordKey) {
-	return PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
- * fetch an update password key from a handle.
- */
-SECItem *
-sftkdb_GetUpdatePasswordKey(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    SECItem *key = NULL;
-    /* if we're a cert db, fetch it from our peer key db */
-    if (handle->type == SFTK_CERTDB_TYPE) {
-	handle = handle->peerDB;
-    }
-    /* don't have one */
-    if (!handle) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(handle->passwordLock);
-    if (handle->updatePasswordKey) {
-	key = SECITEM_DupItem(handle->updatePasswordKey);
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-    return key;
- * free the update password key from a handle.
- */
-sftkdb_FreeUpdatePasswordKey(SFTKDBHandle *handle)
-    SECItem *key = NULL;
-    /* don't have one */
-    if (!handle) {
-	return;
-    }
-    /* if we're a cert db, we don't have one */
-    if (handle->type == SFTK_CERTDB_TYPE) {
-	return;
-    }
-    PZ_Lock(handle->passwordLock);
-    if (handle->updatePasswordKey) {
-	key = handle->updatePasswordKey;
-	handle->updatePasswordKey = NULL;
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(handle->passwordLock);
-    if (key) {
-	SECITEM_ZfreeItem(key, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return;
- * what password db we use depends heavily on the update state machine
- * 
- *  1) no update db, return the normal database.
- *  2) update db and no merge return the update db.
- *  3) update db and in merge: 
- *      return the update db if we need the update db's password, 
- *      otherwise return our normal datbase.
- */
-static SDB *
-sftk_getPWSDB(SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    if (!keydb->update) {
-	return keydb->db;
-    }
-    if (!sftkdb_InUpdateMerge(keydb)) {
-	return keydb->update;
-    }
-    if (sftkdb_NeedUpdateDBPassword(keydb)) {
-	return keydb->update;
-    }
-    return keydb->db;
- * return success if we have a valid password entry.
- * This is will show up outside of PKCS #11 as CKF_USER_PIN_INIT
- * in the token flags.
- */
-sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    SECItem salt, value;
-    unsigned char saltData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    unsigned char valueData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (keydb == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    db = sftk_getPWSDB(keydb);
-    if (db == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
- = saltData;
-    salt.len = sizeof(saltData);
- = valueData;
-    value.len = sizeof(valueData);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetMetaData)(db, "password", &salt, &value);
-    /* If no password is set, we can update right away */
-    if (((keydb->db->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) == 0) && keydb->update 
-	&& crv != CKR_OK) {
-	/* update the peer certdb if it exists */
-	if (keydb->peerDB) {
-	    sftkdb_Update(keydb->peerDB, NULL);
-	}
-	sftkdb_Update(keydb, NULL);
-    }
-    return (crv == CKR_OK) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-#define SFTK_PW_CHECK_STRING "password-check"
-#define SFTK_PW_CHECK_LEN 14
- * check if the supplied password is valid
- */
-sftkdb_CheckPassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb, const char *pw, PRBool *tokenRemoved)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem salt, value;
-    unsigned char saltData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    unsigned char valueData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    SECItem key;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    SDB *db;
-    CK_RV crv;
-    if (keydb == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    db = sftk_getPWSDB(keydb);
-    if (db == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
- = NULL;
-    key.len = 0;
-    if (pw == NULL) pw="";
-    /* get the entry from the database */
- = saltData;
-    salt.len = sizeof(saltData);
- = valueData;
-    value.len = sizeof(valueData);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetMetaData)(db, "password", &salt, &value);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* get our intermediate key based on the entry salt value */
-    rv = sftkdb_passwordToKey(keydb, &salt, pw, &key);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* decrypt the entry value */
-    rv = sftkdb_DecryptAttribute(&key, &value, &result);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    /* if it's what we expect, update our key in the database handle and
-     * return Success */
-    if ((result->len == SFTK_PW_CHECK_LEN) &&
-      PORT_Memcmp(result->data, SFTK_PW_CHECK_STRING, SFTK_PW_CHECK_LEN) == 0){
-	/*
-	 * We have a password, now lets handle any potential update cases..
-	 * 
-	 * First, the normal case: no update. In this case we only need the
-	 *  the password for our only DB, which we now have, we switch 
-	 *  the keys and fall through.
-	 * Second regular (non-merge) update: The target DB does not yet have
-	 *  a password initialized, we now have the password for the source DB,
-	 *  so we can switch the keys and simply update the target database.
-	 * Merge update case: This one is trickier.
-	 *   1) If we need the source DB password, then we just got it here.
-	 *       We need to save that password,
-	 *       then we need to check to see if we need or have the target 
-	 *         database password.
-	 *       If we have it (it's the same as the source), or don't need 
-	 *         it (it's not set or is ""), we can start the update now.
-	 *       If we don't have it, we need the application to get it from 
-	 *         the user. Clear our sessions out to simulate a token 
-	 *         removal. C_GetTokenInfo will change the token description 
-	 *         and the token will still appear to be logged out.
-	 *   2) If we already have the source DB  password, this password is 
-	 *         for the target database. We can now move forward with the 
-	 *         update, as we now have both required passwords.
-	 *
-	 */
-        PZ_Lock(keydb->passwordLock);
-	if (sftkdb_NeedUpdateDBPassword(keydb)) {
-	    /* Squirrel this special key away.
-	     * This has the side effect of turning sftkdb_NeedLegacyPW off,
-	     * as well as changing which database is returned from 
-	     * SFTK_GET_PW_DB (thus effecting both sftkdb_CheckPassword()
-	     * and sftkdb_HasPasswordSet()) */
-	    keydb->updatePasswordKey = SECITEM_DupItem(&key);
-	    PZ_Unlock(keydb->passwordLock);
-	    if (keydb->updatePasswordKey == NULL) {
-		/* PORT_Error set by SECITEM_DupItem */
-		rv = SECFailure;
-		goto done;
-	    }
-	    /* Simulate a token removal -- we need to do this any
-             * any case at this point so the token name is correct. */
-	    *tokenRemoved = PR_TRUE;
-	    /* 
-	     * OK, we got the update DB password, see if we need a password
-	     * for the target...
-	     */
-	    if (sftkdb_HasPasswordSet(keydb) == SECSuccess) {
-		/* We have a password, do we know what the password is?
-		 *  check 1) for the password the user supplied for the 
-		 *           update DB,
-		 *    and 2) for the null password.
-		 *
-		 * RECURSION NOTE: we are calling ourselves here. This means
-		 *  any updates, switchKeys, etc will have been completed
-		 *  if these functions return successfully, in those cases
-		 *  just exit returning Success. We don't recurse infinitely
-		 *  because we are making this call from a NeedUpdateDBPassword
-		 *  block and we've already set that update password at this
-		 *  point.  */
-		rv = sftkdb_CheckPassword(keydb, pw, tokenRemoved);
-		if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-		    /* source and target databases have the same password, we 
-		     * are good to go */
-		    goto done;
-		}
-		sftkdb_CheckPassword(keydb, "", tokenRemoved);
-		/*
-		 * Important 'NULL' code here. At this point either we 
-		 * succeeded in logging in with "" or we didn't.
-                 *
-                 *  If we did succeed at login, our machine state will be set
-		 * to logged in appropriately. The application will find that 
-		 * it's logged in as soon as it opens a new session. We have 
-		 * also completed the update. Life is good.
-		 * 
-		 *  If we did not succeed, well the user still successfully
-		 * logged into the update database, since we faked the token 
-		 * removal it's just like the user logged into his smart card 
-		 * then removed it. the actual login work, so we report that 
-		 * success back to the user, but we won't actually be
-		 * logged in. The application will find this out when it
-		 * checks it's login state, thus triggering another password
-		 * prompt so we can get the real target DB password.
-		 *
-		 * summary, we exit from here with SECSuccess no matter what.
-		 */
-		rv = SECSuccess;
-		goto done;
-	    } else {
-		/* there is no password, just fall through to update.
-		 * update will write the source DB's password record
-		 * into the target DB just like it would in a non-merge
-		 * update case. */
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    PZ_Unlock(keydb->passwordLock);
-	}
-	/* load the keys, so the keydb can parse it's key set */
-	sftkdb_switchKeys(keydb, &key);
-	/* we need to update, do it now */
-	if (((keydb->db->sdb_flags & SDB_RDONLY) == 0) && keydb->update) {
-	    /* update the peer certdb if it exists */
-	    if (keydb->peerDB) {
-		sftkdb_Update(keydb->peerDB, &key);
-	    }
-	    sftkdb_Update(keydb, &key);
-	}
-    } else {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-	/*PORT_SetError( bad password); */
-    }
-    if ( {
-	PORT_ZFree(,key.len);
-    }
-    if (result) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(result,PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * return Success if the there is a cached password key.
- */
-sftkdb_PWCached(SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    return keydb-> ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_updateMacs(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKDBHandle *handle,
-		       CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, SECItem *newKey)
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE authAttrs[] = {
-    };
-    CK_ULONG authAttrCount = sizeof(authAttrs)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE);
-    unsigned int i, count;
-    SFTKDBHandle *keyHandle = handle;
-    SDB *keyTarget = NULL;
-    id &= SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
-    if (handle->type != SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	keyHandle = handle->peerDB;
-    }
-    if (keyHandle == NULL) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /* old DB's don't have meta data, finished with MACs */
-    keyTarget = SFTK_GET_SDB(keyHandle);
-    if ((keyTarget->sdb_flags &SDB_HAS_META) == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    /*
-     * STEP 1: find the MACed attributes of this object 
-     */
-    (void)sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(handle, id, authAttrs, authAttrCount);
-    count = 0;
-    /* allocate space for the attributes */
-    for (i=0; i < authAttrCount; i++) {
-	if ((authAttrs[i].ulValueLen == -1) || (authAttrs[i].ulValueLen == 0)){
-	    continue;
-	}
-	count++;
-        authAttrs[i].pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,authAttrs[i].ulValueLen);
-	if (authAttrs[i].pValue == NULL) {
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    /* if count was zero, none were found, finished with MACs */
-    if (count == 0) {
-	return CKR_OK;
-    }
-    (void)sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(handle, id, authAttrs, authAttrCount);
-    /* ignore error code, we expect some possible errors */
-    /* GetAttributeValue just verified the old macs, safe to write
-     * them out then... */
-    for (i=0; i < authAttrCount; i++) {
-	SECItem *signText;
-	SECItem plainText;
-	SECStatus rv;
-	if ((authAttrs[i].ulValueLen == -1) || (authAttrs[i].ulValueLen == 0)){
-	    continue;
-	}
- = authAttrs[i].pValue;
-	plainText.len = authAttrs[i].ulValueLen;
-	rv = sftkdb_SignAttribute(arena, newKey, id, 
-			authAttrs[i].type, &plainText, &signText);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	}
-	rv = sftkdb_PutAttributeSignature(handle, keyTarget, id, 
-				authAttrs[i].type, signText);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	    return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	}
-    }
-    return CKR_OK;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_updateEncrypted(PLArenaPool *arena, SFTKDBHandle *keydb,
-		       CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, SECItem *newKey)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    CK_RV crv2;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE *first, *last;
-    CK_ATTRIBUTE privAttrs[] = {
-	{CKA_PRIME_1, NULL, 0},
-	{CKA_PRIME_2, NULL, 0},
-    CK_ULONG privAttrCount = sizeof(privAttrs)/sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE);
-    unsigned int i, count;
-    /*
-     * STEP 1. Read the old attributes in the clear.
-     */
-    /* Get the attribute sizes.
-     *  ignore the error code, we will have unknown attributes here */
-    crv2 = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(keydb, id, privAttrs, privAttrCount);
-    /*
-     * find the valid block of attributes and fill allocate space for
-     * their data */
-    first = last = NULL;
-    for (i=0; i < privAttrCount; i++) {
-         /* find the block of attributes that are appropriate for this 
-          * objects. There should only be once contiguous block, if not 
-          * there's an error.
-          *
-          * find the first and last good entry.
-          */
-	if ((privAttrs[i].ulValueLen == -1) || (privAttrs[i].ulValueLen == 0)){
-	    if (!first) continue;
-	    if (!last) {
-		/* previous entry was last good entry */
-		last= &privAttrs[i-1];
-	    }
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (!first) {
-	    first = &privAttrs[i];
-	}
-	if (last) {
-	   /* OOPS, we've found another good entry beyond the end of the
-	    * last good entry, we need to fail here. */
-	   break;
-	}
-        privAttrs[i].pValue = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,privAttrs[i].ulValueLen);
-	if (privAttrs[i].pValue == NULL) {
-	    crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (first == NULL) {
-	/* no valid entries found, return error based on crv2 */
-	return crv2;
-    }
-    if (last == NULL) {
-	last = &privAttrs[privAttrCount-1];
-    }
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /* read the attributes */
-    count = (last-first)+1;
-    crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(keydb, id, first, count);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    /*
-     * STEP 2: read the encrypt the attributes with the new key.
-     */
-    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
-	SECItem plainText;
-	SECItem *result;
-	SECStatus rv;
- = first[i].pValue;
-	plainText.len = first[i].ulValueLen;
-    	rv = sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(arena, newKey, &plainText, &result);
-	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	   return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
-	}
-	first[i].pValue = result->data;
-	first[i].ulValueLen = result->len;
-	/* clear our sensitive data out */
-	PORT_Memset(, 0, plainText.len);
-    }
-    /*
-     * STEP 3: write the newly encrypted attributes out directly
-     */
-    id &= SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
-    keydb->newKey = newKey;
-    crv = (*keydb->db->sdb_SetAttributeValue)(keydb->db, id, first, count);
-    keydb->newKey = NULL;
-    return crv;
-static CK_RV
-sftk_convertAttributes(SFTKDBHandle *handle, 
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE id, SECItem *newKey)
-    CK_RV crv = CKR_OK;
-    PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
-    /* get a new arena to simplify cleanup */
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(1024);
-    if (!arena) {
-    }
-    /*
-     * first handle the MACS
-     */
-    crv = sftk_updateMacs(arena, handle, id, newKey);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (handle->type == SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE) {
-	crv = sftk_updateEncrypted(arena, handle, id, newKey);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
-    /* free up our mess */
-    /* NOTE: at this point we know we've cleared out any unencrypted data */
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    return CKR_OK;
-    /* there may be unencrypted data, clear it out down */
-    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_TRUE);
-    return crv;
- * must be called with the old key active.
- */
-sftkdb_convertObjects(SFTKDBHandle *handle, CK_ATTRIBUTE *template, 
-			CK_ULONG count, SECItem *newKey)
-    SDBFind *find = NULL;
-    CK_ULONG idCount = SFTK_MAX_IDS;
-    CK_RV crv, crv2;
-    unsigned int i;
-    crv = sftkdb_FindObjectsInit(handle, template, count, &find);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	return crv;
-    }
-    while ((crv == CKR_OK) && (idCount == SFTK_MAX_IDS)) {
-	crv = sftkdb_FindObjects(handle, find, ids, SFTK_MAX_IDS, &idCount);
-	for (i=0; (crv == CKR_OK) && (i < idCount); i++) {
-	    crv = sftk_convertAttributes(handle, ids[i], newKey);
-	}
-    }
-    crv2 = sftkdb_FindObjectsFinal(handle, find);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) crv = crv2;
-    return crv;
- * change the database password.
- */
-sftkdb_ChangePassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb, 
-                      char *oldPin, char *newPin, PRBool *tokenRemoved)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem plainText;
-    SECItem newKey;
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    SECItem salt, value;
-    SFTKDBHandle *certdb;
-    unsigned char saltData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    unsigned char valueData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
-    CK_RV crv;
-    SDB *db;
-    if (keydb == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    db = SFTK_GET_SDB(keydb);
-    if (db == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
- = NULL;
-    /* make sure we have a valid old pin */
-    crv = (*keydb->db->sdb_Begin)(keydb->db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
- = saltData;
-    salt.len = sizeof(saltData);
- = valueData;
-    value.len = sizeof(valueData);
-    crv = (*db->sdb_GetMetaData)(db, "password", &salt, &value);
-    if (crv == CKR_OK) {
-	rv = sftkdb_CheckPassword(keydb, oldPin, tokenRemoved);
-	if (rv == SECFailure) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    } else {
-	salt.len = SHA1_LENGTH;
-    	RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(,salt.len);
-    }
-    rv = sftkdb_passwordToKey(keydb, &salt, newPin, &newKey);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /*
-     * convert encrypted entries here.
-     */
-    crv = sftkdb_convertObjects(keydb, NULL, 0, &newKey);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    /* fix up certdb macs */
-    certdb = keydb->peerDB;
-    if (certdb) {
-	CK_ATTRIBUTE objectType = { CKA_CLASS, 0, sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS) };
-	objectType.pValue = &myClass;
-	crv = sftkdb_convertObjects(certdb, &objectType, 1, &newKey);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	myClass = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY;
-	crv = sftkdb_convertObjects(certdb, &objectType, 1, &newKey);
-	if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	    rv = SECFailure;
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    }
- = (unsigned char *)SFTK_PW_CHECK_STRING;
-    plainText.len = SFTK_PW_CHECK_LEN;
-    rv = sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(NULL, &newKey, &plainText, &result);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
- = result->data;
-    value.len = result->len;
-    crv = (*keydb->db->sdb_PutMetaData)(keydb->db, "password", &salt, &value);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    crv = (*keydb->db->sdb_Commit)(keydb->db);
-    if (crv != CKR_OK) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    keydb->newKey = NULL;
-    sftkdb_switchKeys(keydb, &newKey);
-    if ( {
-	PORT_ZFree(,newKey.len);
-    }
-    if (result) {
-	SECITEM_FreeItem(result, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-        (*keydb->db->sdb_Abort)(keydb->db);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * lose our cached password
- */
-sftkdb_ClearPassword(SFTKDBHandle *keydb)
-    SECItem oldKey;
- = NULL;
-    oldKey.len = 0;
-    sftkdb_switchKeys(keydb, &oldKey);
-    if ( {
-	PORT_ZFree(, oldKey.len);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/softkver.c b/nss/lib/softoken/softkver.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f20fad..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/softkver.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* Library identity and versioning */
-#include "softkver.h"
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-#define _DEBUG_STRING " (debug)"
-#define _DEBUG_STRING ""
- * Version information
- */
-const char __nss_softokn_version[] = "Version: NSS " SOFTOKEN_VERSION _DEBUG_STRING;
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h b/nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c9d75..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Softoken version numbers
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SOFTKVER_H_
-#define _SOFTKVER_H_
-#define SOFTOKEN_ECC_STRING " Extended ECC"
- * Softoken's major version, minor version, patch level, build number,
- * and whether this is a beta release.
- *
- * The format of the version string should be
- *     "<major version>.<minor version>[.<patch level>[.<build number>]][ <ECC>][ <Beta>]"
- */
-#define SOFTOKEN_VMAJOR   3
-#define SOFTOKEN_VMINOR   23
-#define SOFTOKEN_VPATCH   0
-#define SOFTOKEN_VBUILD   0
-#endif /* _SOFTKVER_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/softoken.h b/nss/lib/softoken/softoken.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5935ea2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/softoken.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
- * softoken.h - private data structures and prototypes for the softoken lib
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SOFTOKEN_H_
-#define _SOFTOKEN_H_
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "lowkeyti.h"
-#include "softoknt.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
- * Convenience wrapper for doing a single PKCS#1 v1.5 RSA operations where the
- * encoded digest info is computed internally, rather than by the caller.
- *
- * The HashSign variants expect as input the value of H, the computed hash
- * from RFC 3447, Section 9.2, Step 1, and will compute the DER-encoded
- * DigestInfo structure internally prior to signing/verifying.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_HashSign(SECOidTag hashOid, NSSLOWKEYPrivateKey *key,
-             unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *sigLen, unsigned int maxLen,
-             const unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen);
-extern SECStatus
-RSA_HashCheckSign(SECOidTag hashOid, NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *key,
-                  const unsigned char *sig, unsigned int sigLen,
-                  const unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hashLen);
-** Prepare a buffer for padded CBC encryption, growing to the appropriate 
-** boundary, filling with the appropriate padding.
-** blockSize must be a power of 2.
-** We add from 1 to blockSize bytes -- we *always* grow.
-** The extra bytes contain the value of the length of the padding:
-** if we have 2 bytes of padding, then the padding is "0x02, 0x02".
-** NOTE: If arena is non-NULL, we re-allocate from there, otherwise
-** we assume (and use) PR memory (re)allocation.
-extern unsigned char * CBC_PadBuffer(PLArenaPool *arena, unsigned char *inbuf,
-                                     unsigned int inlen, unsigned int *outlen,
-				     int blockSize);
-** Power-Up selftests required for FIPS and invoked only
-** under PKCS #11 FIPS mode.
-extern CK_RV sftk_fipsPowerUpSelfTest( void ); 
-** make known fixed PKCS #11 key types to their sizes in bytes
-unsigned long sftk_MapKeySize(CK_KEY_TYPE keyType);
-** FIPS 140-2 auditing
-extern PRBool sftk_audit_enabled;
-extern void sftk_LogAuditMessage(NSSAuditSeverity severity, 
-				 NSSAuditType, const char *msg);
-extern void sftk_AuditCreateObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditCopyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditDestroyObject(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditGetObjectSize(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditGetAttributeValue(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditSetAttributeValue(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditCryptInit(const char *opName,
-			CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-extern void sftk_AuditGenerateKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount,
-extern void sftk_AuditGenerateKeyPair(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
-			CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate,
-			CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditWrapKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-			CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey,
-			CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen, CK_RV rv);
-extern void sftk_AuditUnwrapKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-			CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey,
-			CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey, CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-extern void sftk_AuditDeriveKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-			CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism,
-			CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount,
-extern void sftk_AuditDigestKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
-** FIPS 140-2 Error state
-extern PRBool sftk_fatalError;
-** macros to check for forked child process after C_Initialize
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(NO_FORK_CHECK)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define FORK_ASSERT() \
-    { \
-        char* forkAssert = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_STRICT_NOFORK"); \
-        if ( (!forkAssert) || (0 == strcmp(forkAssert, "1")) ) { \
-            PORT_Assert(0); \
-        } \
-    }
-#define FORK_ASSERT()
-/* we have 3 methods of implementing the fork checks :
- * - Solaris "mixed" method
- * - pthread_atfork method
- * - getpid method
- */
-#if !defined (CHECK_FORK_MIXED) && !defined(CHECK_FORK_PTHREAD) && \
-    !defined (CHECK_FORK_GETPID)
-/* Choose fork check method automatically unless specified
- * This section should be updated as more platforms get pthread fixes
- * to unregister fork handlers in dlclose.
- */
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-/* Solaris 8, s9 use PID checks, s10 uses pthread_atfork */
-#elif defined(LINUX)
-/* Other Unix platforms use only PID checks. Even if pthread_atfork is
- * available, the behavior of dlclose isn't guaranteed by POSIX to
- * unregister the fork handler. */
-#if defined(CHECK_FORK_MIXED)
-extern PRBool usePthread_atfork;
-#include <unistd.h>
-extern pid_t myPid;
-extern PRBool forked;
-#define PARENT_FORKED() (usePthread_atfork ? forked : (myPid && myPid != getpid()))
-#elif defined(CHECK_FORK_PTHREAD)
-extern PRBool forked;
-#define PARENT_FORKED() forked
-#elif defined(CHECK_FORK_GETPID)
-#include <unistd.h>
-extern pid_t myPid;
-#define PARENT_FORKED() (myPid && myPid != getpid())
-extern PRBool parentForkedAfterC_Initialize;
-extern PRBool sftkForkCheckDisabled;
-#define CHECK_FORK() \
-    do { \
-        if (!sftkForkCheckDisabled && PARENT_FORKED()) { \
-            FORK_ASSERT(); \
-            return CKR_DEVICE_ERROR; \
-        } \
-    } while (0)
-#define SKIP_AFTER_FORK(x) if (!parentForkedAfterC_Initialize) x
-#define ENABLE_FORK_CHECK() \
-    { \
-        char* doForkCheck = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_STRICT_NOFORK"); \
-        if ( doForkCheck && !strcmp(doForkCheck, "DISABLED") ) { \
-            sftkForkCheckDisabled = PR_TRUE; \
-        } \
-    }
-/* non-Unix platforms, or fork check disabled */
-#define CHECK_FORK()
-#define SKIP_AFTER_FORK(x) x
-#ifndef NO_FORK_CHECK
-#define NO_FORK_CHECK
-#endif /* _SOFTOKEN_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/softoknt.h b/nss/lib/softoken/softoknt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 67dc294..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/softoknt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * softoknt.h - public data structures for the software token library
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SOFTOKNT_H_
-#define _SOFTOKNT_H_
- * FIPS 140-2 auditing
- */
-typedef enum {
-    NSS_AUDIT_ERROR = 3,    /* errors */
-    NSS_AUDIT_WARNING = 2,  /* warning messages */
-    NSS_AUDIT_INFO = 1      /* informational messages */
-} NSSAuditSeverity;
-typedef enum {
-} NSSAuditType;
-#endif /* _SOFTOKNT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/tlsprf.c b/nss/lib/softoken/tlsprf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ebad60..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/softoken/tlsprf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-/* tlsprf.c - TLS Pseudo Random Function (PRF) implementation
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "pkcs11i.h"
-#include "blapi.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#define SFTK_OFFSETOF(str, memb) ((PRPtrdiff)(&(((str *)0)->memb)))
-static void sftk_TLSPRFNull(void *data, PRBool freeit)
-    return;
-typedef struct {
-    PRUint32	   cxSize;	/* size of allocated block, in bytes.        */
-    PRUint32       cxBufSize;   /* sizeof buffer at cxBufPtr.                */
-    unsigned char *cxBufPtr;	/* points to real buffer, may be cxBuf.      */
-    PRUint32	   cxKeyLen;	/* bytes of cxBufPtr containing key.         */
-    PRUint32	   cxDataLen;	/* bytes of cxBufPtr containing data.        */
-    SECStatus	   cxRv;	/* records failure of void functions.        */
-    PRBool	   cxIsFIPS;	/* true if conforming to FIPS 198.           */
-    HASH_HashType  cxHashAlg;	/* hash algorithm to use for TLS 1.2+        */
-    unsigned int   cxOutLen;	/* bytes of output if nonzero                */
-    unsigned char  cxBuf[512];	/* actual size may be larger than 512.       */
-} TLSPRFContext;
-static void
-sftk_TLSPRFHashUpdate(TLSPRFContext *cx, const unsigned char *data, 
-                        unsigned int data_len)
-    PRUint32 bytesUsed = cx->cxKeyLen + cx->cxDataLen;
-    if (cx->cxRv != SECSuccess)	/* function has previously failed. */
-    	return;
-    if (bytesUsed + data_len > cx->cxBufSize) {
-	/* We don't use realloc here because 
-	** (a) realloc doesn't zero out the old block, and 
-	** (b) if realloc fails, we lose the old block.
-	*/
-	PRUint32 newBufSize = bytesUsed + data_len + 512;
-    	unsigned char * newBuf = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(newBufSize);
-	if (!newBuf) {
-	   cx->cxRv = SECFailure;
-	   return;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(newBuf, cx->cxBufPtr, bytesUsed);
-	if (cx->cxBufPtr != cx->cxBuf) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(cx->cxBufPtr, bytesUsed);
-	}
-	cx->cxBufPtr  = newBuf;
-	cx->cxBufSize = newBufSize;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(cx->cxBufPtr + bytesUsed, data, data_len);
-    cx->cxDataLen += data_len;
-static void 
-sftk_TLSPRFEnd(TLSPRFContext *ctx, unsigned char *hashout,
-	 unsigned int *pDigestLen, unsigned int maxDigestLen)
-    *pDigestLen = 0; /* tells Verify that no data has been input yet. */
-/* Compute the PRF values from the data previously input. */
-static SECStatus
-sftk_TLSPRFUpdate(TLSPRFContext *cx, 
-                  unsigned char *sig,		/* output goes here. */
-		  unsigned int * sigLen, 	/* how much output.  */
-		  unsigned int   maxLen, 	/* output buffer size */
-		  unsigned char *hash, 		/* unused. */
-		  unsigned int   hashLen)	/* unused. */
-    SECStatus rv;
-    SECItem sigItem;
-    SECItem seedItem;
-    SECItem secretItem;
-    if (cx->cxRv != SECSuccess)
-    	return cx->cxRv;
- = cx->cxBufPtr;
-    secretItem.len  = cx->cxKeyLen;
- = cx->cxBufPtr + cx->cxKeyLen;
-    seedItem.len  = cx->cxDataLen;
- = sig;
-    if (cx->cxOutLen == 0) {
-	sigItem.len = maxLen;
-    } else if (cx->cxOutLen <= maxLen) {
-	sigItem.len = cx->cxOutLen;
-    } else {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (cx->cxHashAlg != HASH_AlgNULL) {
-	rv = TLS_P_hash(cx->cxHashAlg, &secretItem, NULL, &seedItem, &sigItem,
-			cx->cxIsFIPS);
-    } else {
-	rv = TLS_PRF(&secretItem, NULL, &seedItem, &sigItem, cx->cxIsFIPS);
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && sigLen != NULL)
-    	*sigLen = sigItem.len;
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-sftk_TLSPRFVerify(TLSPRFContext *cx, 
-                  unsigned char *sig, 		/* input, for comparison. */
-		  unsigned int   sigLen,	/* length of sig.         */
-		  unsigned char *hash, 		/* data to be verified.   */
-		  unsigned int   hashLen)	/* size of hash data.     */
-    unsigned char * tmp    = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(sigLen);
-    unsigned int    tmpLen = sigLen;
-    SECStatus       rv;
-    if (!tmp)
-    	return SECFailure;
-    if (hashLen) {
-    	/* hashLen is non-zero when the user does a one-step verify.
-	** In this case, none of the data has been input yet.
-	*/
-    	sftk_TLSPRFHashUpdate(cx, hash, hashLen);
-    }
-    rv = sftk_TLSPRFUpdate(cx, tmp, &tmpLen, sigLen, NULL, 0);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-    	rv = (SECStatus)(1 - !PORT_Memcmp(tmp, sig, sigLen));
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(tmp, sigLen);
-    return rv;
-static void
-sftk_TLSPRFHashDestroy(TLSPRFContext *cx, PRBool freeit)
-    if (freeit) {
-	if (cx->cxBufPtr != cx->cxBuf) 
-	    PORT_ZFree(cx->cxBufPtr, cx->cxBufSize);
-	PORT_ZFree(cx, cx->cxSize);
-    }
-sftk_TLSPRFInit(SFTKSessionContext *context, 
-		  SFTKObject *        key, 
-		  CK_KEY_TYPE         key_type,
-		  HASH_HashType       hash_alg,
-		  unsigned int        out_len)
-    SFTKAttribute * keyVal;
-    TLSPRFContext * prf_cx;
-    CK_RV           crv = CKR_HOST_MEMORY;
-    PRUint32        keySize;
-    PRUint32        blockSize;
-    if (key_type != CKK_GENERIC_SECRET)
-    context->multi = PR_TRUE;
-    keyVal = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE);
-    keySize = (!keyVal) ? 0 : keyVal->attrib.ulValueLen;
-    blockSize = keySize + sizeof(TLSPRFContext);
-    prf_cx = (TLSPRFContext *)PORT_Alloc(blockSize);
-    if (!prf_cx) 
-    	goto done;
-    prf_cx->cxSize    = blockSize;
-    prf_cx->cxKeyLen  = keySize;
-    prf_cx->cxDataLen = 0;
-    prf_cx->cxBufSize = blockSize - SFTK_OFFSETOF(TLSPRFContext, cxBuf);
-    prf_cx->cxRv      = SECSuccess;
-    prf_cx->cxIsFIPS  = (key->slot->slotID == FIPS_SLOT_ID);
-    prf_cx->cxBufPtr  = prf_cx->cxBuf;
-    prf_cx->cxHashAlg = hash_alg;
-    prf_cx->cxOutLen  = out_len;
-    if (keySize)
-	PORT_Memcpy(prf_cx->cxBufPtr, keyVal->attrib.pValue, keySize);
-    context->hashInfo    = (void *) prf_cx;
-    context->cipherInfo  = (void *) prf_cx;
-    context->hashUpdate  = (SFTKHash)    sftk_TLSPRFHashUpdate;
-    context->end         = (SFTKEnd)     sftk_TLSPRFEnd;
-    context->update      = (SFTKCipher)  sftk_TLSPRFUpdate;
-    context->verify      = (SFTKVerify)  sftk_TLSPRFVerify;
-    context->destroy     = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_TLSPRFNull;
-    context->hashdestroy = (SFTKDestroy) sftk_TLSPRFHashDestroy;
-    crv = CKR_OK;
-    if (keyVal) 
-	sftk_FreeAttribute(keyVal);
-    return crv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/ssl/sslerr.h b/nss/lib/ssl/sslerr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f806359..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/ssl/sslerr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Enumeration of all SSL-specific error codes.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __SSL_ERR_H_
-#define __SSL_ERR_H_
-/* clang-format off */
-#define SSL_ERROR_BASE                          (-0x3000)
-#define SSL_ERROR_LIMIT                         (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 1000)
-#define IS_SSL_ERROR(code) \
-    (((code) >= SSL_ERROR_BASE) && ((code) < SSL_ERROR_LIMIT))
-typedef enum {
-    SSL_ERROR_US_ONLY_SERVER                = (SSL_ERROR_BASE +  1),
-    /*
-     * Received an alert reporting what we did wrong.  (more alerts below)
-     */
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE               = (SSL_ERROR_BASE +  4),
-    SSL_ERROR_UNUSED_5                      = (SSL_ERROR_BASE +  5),
-                                            /* error 5 is obsolete */
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_CLIENT                    = (SSL_ERROR_BASE +  6),
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_SERVER                    = (SSL_ERROR_BASE +  7),
-    SSL_ERROR_UNUSED_10                     = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 10),
-                                            /* error 10 is obsolete */
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN               = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 12),
-    SSL_ERROR_POST_WARNING                  = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 13),
-    SSL_ERROR_SSL2_DISABLED                 = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 14),
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_READ                  = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 15),
-    /*
-     * Received an alert reporting what we did wrong.
-     * (two more alerts above, and many more below)
-     */
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_MAC_ALERT                 = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 16),
-    SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_ALERT                = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 17),
-    SSL_ERROR_SSL_DISABLED                  = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 20),
-    SSL_ERROR_FORTEZZA_PQG                  = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 21),
-    /*
-     * Received a malformed (too long or short) SSL handshake.
-     */
-    /*
-     * Received a malformed (too long or short) SSL record.
-     */
-    /*
-     * Received an SSL handshake that was inappropriate for the state we're in.
-     * E.g. Server received message from server, or wrong state in state machine.
-     */
-    /*
-     * Received an SSL record that was inappropriate for the state we're in.
-     */
-    /*
-     * Received record/message with unknown discriminant.
-     */
-    SSL_ERROR_RX_UNKNOWN_ALERT              = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 57),
-    /*
-     * Received an alert reporting what we did wrong.  (more alerts above)
-     */
-    SSL_ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILURE            = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 71), /* don't use */
-    SSL_ERROR_IV_PARAM_FAILURE              = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 79),
-    /* SSL_ERROR_NO_TRUSTED_SSL_CLIENT_CA became obsolete in NSS 3.14. */
-    SSL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CA_ALERT              = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 93),
-    SSL_ERROR_DIGEST_FAILURE                = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 127),
-    SSL_ERROR_RX_SHORT_DTLS_READ            = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 133),
-    SSL_ERROR_MISSING_KEY_SHARE             = (SSL_ERROR_BASE + 139),
-    SSL_ERROR_END_OF_LIST   /* let the c compiler determine the value of this. */
-} SSLErrorCodes;
-/* clang-format on */
-#endif /* __SSL_ERR_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/SECerrs.h b/nss/lib/util/SECerrs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b6b36f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/SECerrs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* General security error codes  */
-/* Caller must #include "secerr.h" */
-"An I/O error occurred during security authorization.")
-"security library failure.")
-"security library: received bad data.")
-"security library: output length error.")
-"security library has experienced an input length error.")
-"security library: invalid arguments.")
-"security library: invalid algorithm.")
-"security library: invalid AVA.")
-"Improperly formatted time string.")
-"security library: improperly formatted DER-encoded message.")
-"Peer's certificate has an invalid signature.")
-"Peer's Certificate has expired.")
-"Peer's Certificate has been revoked.")
-"Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.")
-"Peer's public key is invalid.")
-"The security password entered is incorrect.")
-"New password entered incorrectly.  Please try again.")
-"security library: no nodelock.")
-"security library: bad database.")
-"security library: memory allocation failure.")
-"Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.")
-"Peer's certificate has been marked as not trusted by the user.")
-"Certificate already exists in your database.")
-"Downloaded certificate's name duplicates one already in your database.")
-"Error adding certificate to database.")
-"Error refiling the key for this certificate.")
-"The private key for this certificate cannot be found in key database")
-"This certificate is valid.")
-"This certificate is not valid.")
-"Cert Library: No Response")
-"The certificate issuer's certificate has expired.  Check your system date and time.")
-"The CRL for the certificate's issuer has expired.  Update it or check your system date and time.")
-"The CRL for the certificate's issuer has an invalid signature.")
-"New CRL has an invalid format.")
-"Certificate extension value is invalid.")
-"Certificate extension not found.")
-"Issuer certificate is invalid.")
-"Certificate path length constraint is invalid.")
-"Certificate usages field is invalid.")
-"**Internal ONLY module**")
-"The key does not support the requested operation.")
-"Certificate contains unknown critical extension.")
-"New CRL is not later than the current one.")
-"Not encrypted or signed: you do not yet have an email certificate.")
-"Not encrypted: you do not have certificates for each of the recipients.")
-"Cannot decrypt: you are not a recipient, or matching certificate and \
-private key not found.")
-"Cannot decrypt: key encryption algorithm does not match your certificate.")
-"Signature verification failed: no signer found, too many signers found, \
-or improper or corrupted data.")
-"Unsupported or unknown key algorithm.")
-"Cannot decrypt: encrypted using a disallowed algorithm or key size.")
-/* Fortezza Alerts */
-"Fortezza card has not been properly initialized.  \
-Please remove it and return it to your issuer.")
-"No Fortezza cards Found")
-"No Fortezza card selected")
-"Please select a personality to get more info on")
-"Personality not found")
-"No more information on that Personality")
-"Invalid Pin")
-"Couldn't initialize Fortezza personalities.")
-/* end fortezza alerts. */
-"No KRL for this site's certificate has been found.")
-"The KRL for this site's certificate has expired.")
-"The KRL for this site's certificate has an invalid signature.")
-"The key for this site's certificate has been revoked.")
-"New KRL has an invalid format.")
-"security library: need random data.")
-"security library: no security module can perform the requested operation.")
-"The security card or token does not exist, needs to be initialized, or has been removed.")
-"security library: read-only database.")
-"No slot or token was selected.")
-"A certificate with the same nickname already exists.")
-"A key with the same nickname already exists.")
-"error while creating safe object")
-"error while creating baggage object")
-"Couldn't remove the principal")
-"Couldn't delete the privilege")
-"This principal doesn't have a certificate")
-"Required algorithm is not allowed.")
-"Error attempting to export certificates.")
-"Error attempting to import certificates.")
-"Unable to import.  Decoding error.  File not valid.")
-"Unable to import.  Invalid MAC.  Incorrect password or corrupt file.")
-"Unable to import.  MAC algorithm not supported.")
-"Unable to import.  Only password integrity and privacy modes supported.")
-"Unable to import.  File structure is corrupt.")
-"Unable to import.  Encryption algorithm not supported.")
-"Unable to import.  File version not supported.")
-"Unable to import.  Incorrect privacy password.")
-"Unable to import.  Same nickname already exists in database.")
-"The user pressed cancel.")
-"Not imported, already in database.")
-"Message not sent.")
-"Certificate key usage inadequate for attempted operation.")
-"Certificate type not approved for application.")
-"Address in signing certificate does not match address in message headers.")
-"Unable to import.  Error attempting to import private key.")
-"Unable to import.  Error attempting to import certificate chain.")
-"Unable to export.  Unable to locate certificate or key by nickname.")
-"Unable to export.  Private Key could not be located and exported.")
-"Unable to export.  Unable to write the export file.")
-"Unable to import.  Unable to read the import file.")
-"Unable to export.  Key database corrupt or deleted.")
-"Unable to generate public/private key pair.")
-"Password entered is invalid.  Please pick a different one.")
-"Old password entered incorrectly.  Please try again.")
-"Certificate nickname already in use.")
-"Peer FORTEZZA chain has a non-FORTEZZA Certificate.")
-"A sensitive key cannot be moved to the slot where it is needed.")
-"Invalid module name.")
-"Invalid module path/filename")
-"Unable to add module")
-"Unable to delete module")
-"New KRL is not later than the current one.")
-"New CKL has different issuer than current CKL.  Delete current CKL.")
-"The Certifying Authority for this certificate is not permitted to issue a \
-certificate with this name.")
-"The key revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid.")
-"The certificate revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid.")
-"The requested certificate could not be found.")
-"The signer's certificate could not be found.")
-"The location for the certificate status server has invalid format.")
-"The OCSP response cannot be fully decoded; it is of an unknown type.")
-"The OCSP server returned unexpected/invalid HTTP data.")
-"The OCSP server found the request to be corrupted or improperly formed.")
-"The OCSP server experienced an internal error.")
-"The OCSP server suggests trying again later.")
-"The OCSP server requires a signature on this request.")
-"The OCSP server has refused this request as unauthorized.")
-"The OCSP server returned an unrecognizable status.")
-"The OCSP server has no status for the certificate.")
-"You must enable OCSP before performing this operation.")
-"You must set the OCSP default responder before performing this operation.")
-"The response from the OCSP server was corrupted or improperly formed.")
-"The signer of the OCSP response is not authorized to give status for \
-this certificate.")
-"The OCSP response is not yet valid (contains a date in the future).")
-"The OCSP response contains out-of-date information.")
-"The CMS or PKCS #7 Digest was not found in signed message.")
-"The CMS or PKCS #7 Message type is unsupported.")
-"PKCS #11 module could not be removed because it is still in use.")
-"Could not decode ASN.1 data. Specified template was invalid.")
-"No matching CRL was found.")
-"You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as \
-an existing cert, but that is not the same cert.")
-"NSS could not shutdown. Objects are still in use.")
-"DER-encoded message contained extra unused data.")
-"Unsupported elliptic curve.")
-"Unsupported elliptic curve point form.")
-"Unrecognized Object Identifier.")
-"Invalid OCSP signing certificate in OCSP response.")
-"Certificate is revoked in issuer's certificate revocation list.")
-"Issuer's OCSP responder reports certificate is revoked.")
-"Issuer's Certificate Revocation List has an unknown version number.")
-"Issuer's V1 Certificate Revocation List has a critical extension.")
-"Issuer's V2 Certificate Revocation List has an unknown critical extension.")
-"Unknown object type specified.")
-"PKCS #11 driver violates the spec in an incompatible way.")
-ER3(SEC_ERROR_NO_EVENT,	        		(SEC_ERROR_BASE + 152),
-"No new slot event is available at this time.")
-"CRL already exists.")
-"NSS is not initialized.")
-"The operation failed because the PKCS#11 token is not logged in.")
-"Configured OCSP responder's certificate is invalid.")
-"OCSP response has an invalid signature.")
-"Cert validation search is out of search limits")
-"Policy mapping contains anypolicy")
-"Cert chain fails policy validation")
-"Unknown location type in cert AIA extension")
-"Server returned bad HTTP response")
-"Server returned bad LDAP response")
-"Failed to encode data with ASN1 encoder")
-"Bad information access location in cert extension")
-"Libpkix internal error occurred during cert validation.")
-"A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_GENERAL_ERROR, indicating that an unrecoverable error has occurred.")
-"A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED, indicating that the requested function could not be performed.  Trying the same operation again might succeed.")
-"A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_DEVICE_ERROR, indicating that a problem has occurred with the token or slot.")
-"Unknown information access method in certificate extension.")
-"Error attempting to import a CRL.")
-"The password expired.")
-"The password is locked.")
-"Unknown PKCS #11 error.")
-"Invalid or unsupported URL in CRL distribution point name.")
-"The certificate was signed using a signature algorithm that is disabled because it is not secure.")
-"The certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format.")
-"The certificate was rejected by extra checks in the application.")
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/base64.h b/nss/lib/util/base64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ca874..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/base64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * base64.h - prototypes for base64 encoding/decoding
- * Note: These functions are deprecated; see nssb64.h for new routines.
- */
-#ifndef _BASE64_H_
-#define _BASE64_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-** Return an PORT_Alloc'd ascii string which is the base64 encoded
-** version of the input string.
-extern char *BTOA_DataToAscii(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len);
-** Return an PORT_Alloc'd string which is the base64 decoded version
-** of the input string; set *lenp to the length of the returned data.
-extern unsigned char *ATOB_AsciiToData(const char *string, unsigned int *lenp);
-** Convert from ascii to binary encoding of an item.
-extern SECStatus ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(SECItem *binary_item, const char *ascii);
-** Convert from binary encoding of an item to ascii.
-extern char *BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii(SECItem *binary_item);
-#endif /* _BASE64_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/ciferfam.h b/nss/lib/util/ciferfam.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 78fc169..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/ciferfam.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * ciferfam.h - cipher familie IDs used for configuring ciphers for export
- *              control
- */
-#ifndef _CIFERFAM_H_
-#define _CIFERFAM_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-/* Cipher Suite "Families" */
-#define CIPHER_FAMILY_PKCS12			"PKCS12"
-#define CIPHER_FAMILY_SSL2			"SSLv2"
-#define CIPHER_FAMILY_SSL3			"SSLv3"
-#define CIPHER_FAMILY_ALL			""
-#define CIPHER_FAMILYID_SSL			0x00000000L
-#define CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME			0x00010000L
-#define CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12			0x00020000L
-/* SMIME "Cipher Suites" */
- * Note that it is assumed that the cipher number itself can be used
- * as a bit position in a mask, and that mask is currently 32 bits wide.
- * So, if you want to add a cipher that is greater than 0037, secmime.c
- * needs to be made smarter at the same time.
- */
-#define	SMIME_RC2_CBC_128		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME | 0003)
-#define	SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_40		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME | 0021)
-#define	SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_64		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME | 0022)
-#define	SMIME_RC5PAD_64_16_128		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_SMIME | 0023)
-/* PKCS12 "Cipher Suites" */
-#define	PKCS12_RC2_CBC_40		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12 | 0001)
-#define	PKCS12_RC2_CBC_128		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12 | 0002)
-#define	PKCS12_RC4_40			(CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12 | 0011)
-#define	PKCS12_RC4_128			(CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12 | 0012)
-#define	PKCS12_DES_56			(CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12 | 0021)
-#define	PKCS12_DES_EDE3_168		(CIPHER_FAMILYID_PKCS12 | 0022)
-/* SMIME version numbers are negative, to avoid colliding with SSL versions */
-#define SMIME_LIBRARY_VERSION_1_0			-0x0100
-#endif /* _CIFERFAM_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/derdec.c b/nss/lib/util/derdec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c17ce9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/derdec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-static PRUint32
-der_indefinite_length(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *end)
-    PRUint32 len, ret, dataLen;
-    unsigned char tag, lenCode;
-    int dataLenLen;
-    len = 0;
-    while ( 1 ) {
-	if ((buf + 2) > end) {
-	    return(0);
-	}
-	tag = *buf++;
-	lenCode = *buf++;
-	len += 2;
-	if ( ( tag == 0 ) && ( lenCode == 0 ) ) {
-	    return(len);
-	}
-	if ( lenCode == 0x80 ) {	/* indefinite length */
-	    ret = der_indefinite_length(buf, end); /* recurse to find length */
-	    if (ret == 0)
-		return 0;
-	    len += ret;
-	    buf += ret;
-	} else {			/* definite length */
-	    if (lenCode & 0x80) {
-		/* Length of data is in multibyte format */
-		dataLenLen = lenCode & 0x7f;
-		switch (dataLenLen) {
-		  case 1:
-		    dataLen = buf[0];
-		    break;
-		  case 2:
-		    dataLen = (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
-		    break;
-		  case 3:
-		    dataLen = ((unsigned long)buf[0]<<16)|(buf[1]<<8)|buf[2];
-		    break;
-		  case 4:
-		    dataLen = ((unsigned long)buf[0]<<24)|
-			((unsigned long)buf[1]<<16)|(buf[2]<<8)|buf[3];
-		    break;
-		  default:
-		    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-		    return SECFailure;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		/* Length of data is in single byte */
-		dataLen = lenCode;
-		dataLenLen = 0;
-	    }
-	    /* skip this item */
-	    buf = buf + dataLenLen + dataLen;
-	    len = len + dataLenLen + dataLen;
-	}
-    }
-** Capture the next thing in the buffer.
-** Returns the length of the header and the length of the contents.
-static SECStatus
-der_capture(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *end,
-	    int *header_len_p, PRUint32 *contents_len_p)
-    unsigned char *bp;
-    unsigned char whole_tag;
-    PRUint32 contents_len;
-    int tag_number;
-    if ((buf + 2) > end) {
-	*header_len_p = 0;
-	*contents_len_p = 0;
-	if (buf == end)
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    bp = buf;
-    /* Get tag and verify that it is ok. */
-    whole_tag = *bp++;
-    tag_number = whole_tag & DER_TAGNUM_MASK;
-    /*
-     * XXX This code does not (yet) handle the high-tag-number form!
-     */
-    if (tag_number == DER_HIGH_TAG_NUMBER) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if ((whole_tag & DER_CLASS_MASK) == DER_UNIVERSAL) {
-	/* Check that the universal tag number is one we implement.  */
-	switch (tag_number) {
-	  case DER_BOOLEAN:
-	  case DER_INTEGER:
-	  case DER_BIT_STRING:
-	  case DER_NULL:
-	  case DER_OBJECT_ID:
-	  case DER_SEQUENCE:
-	  case DER_SET:
-	  case DER_T61_STRING:
-	  case DER_IA5_STRING:
-	  case DER_UTC_TIME:
-	  case 0:			/* end-of-contents tag */
-	    break;
-	  default:
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Get first byte of length code (might contain entire length, might not).
-     */
-    contents_len = *bp++;
-    /*
-     * If the high bit is set, then the length is in multibyte format,
-     * or the thing has an indefinite-length.
-     */
-    if (contents_len & 0x80) {
-	int bytes_of_encoded_len;
-	bytes_of_encoded_len = contents_len & 0x7f;
-	contents_len = 0;
-	switch (bytes_of_encoded_len) {
-	  case 4:
-	    contents_len |= *bp++;
-	    contents_len <<= 8;
-	    /* fallthru */
-	  case 3:
-	    contents_len |= *bp++;
-	    contents_len <<= 8;
-	    /* fallthru */
-	  case 2:
-	    contents_len |= *bp++;
-	    contents_len <<= 8;
-	    /* fallthru */
-	  case 1:
-	    contents_len |= *bp++;
-	    break;
-	  case 0:
-	    contents_len = der_indefinite_length (bp, end);
-	    if (contents_len)
-		break;
-	    /* fallthru */
-	  default:
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    if ((bp + contents_len) > end) {
-	/* Ran past end of buffer */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *header_len_p = (int)(bp - buf);
-    *contents_len_p = contents_len;
-    return SECSuccess;
-DER_Lengths(SECItem *item, int *header_len_p, PRUint32 *contents_len_p)
-    return(der_capture(item->data, &item->data[item->len], header_len_p,
-		       contents_len_p));
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/derenc.c b/nss/lib/util/derenc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a02e1a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/derenc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#if 0
- * Generic templates for individual/simple items.
- */
-DERTemplate SECAnyTemplate[] = {
-    { DER_ANY,
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECBitStringTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECBooleanTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECIA5StringTemplate[] = {
-    { DER_IA5_STRING,
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECIntegerTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECNullTemplate[] = {
-    { DER_NULL,
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECObjectIDTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECOctetStringTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECPrintableStringTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECT61StringTemplate[] = {
-    { DER_T61_STRING,
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-DERTemplate SECUTCTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { DER_UTC_TIME,
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-static int
-header_length(DERTemplate *dtemplate, PRUint32 contents_len)
-    PRUint32 len;
-    unsigned long encode_kind, under_kind;
-    PRBool explicit, optional, universal;
-    encode_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-    explicit = (encode_kind & DER_EXPLICIT) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    optional = (encode_kind & DER_OPTIONAL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    universal = ((encode_kind & DER_CLASS_MASK) == DER_UNIVERSAL)
-    PORT_Assert (!(explicit && universal));	/* bad templates */
-    if (encode_kind & DER_POINTER) {
-	if (dtemplate->sub != NULL) {
-	    under_kind = dtemplate->sub->kind;
-	    if (universal) {
-		encode_kind = under_kind;
-	    }
-	} else if (universal) {
-	    under_kind = encode_kind & ~DER_POINTER;
-	} else {
-	    under_kind = dtemplate->arg;
-	}
-    } else if (encode_kind & DER_INLINE) {
-	PORT_Assert (dtemplate->sub != NULL);
-	under_kind = dtemplate->sub->kind;
-	if (universal) {
-	    encode_kind = under_kind;
-	}
-    } else if (universal) {
-	under_kind = encode_kind;
-    } else {
-	under_kind = dtemplate->arg;
-    }
-    /* This is only used in decoding; it plays no part in encoding.  */
-    if (under_kind & DER_DERPTR)
-	return 0;
-    /* No header at all for an "empty" optional.  */
-    if ((contents_len == 0) && optional)
-	return 0;
-    /* And no header for a full DER_ANY.  */
-    if (encode_kind & DER_ANY)
-	return 0;
-    /*
-     * The common case: one octet for identifier and as many octets
-     * as necessary to hold the content length.
-     */
-    len = 1 + DER_LengthLength(contents_len);
-    /* Account for the explicit wrapper, if necessary.  */
-    if (explicit) {
-#if 0		/*
-		 * Well, I was trying to do something useful, but these
-		 * assertions are too restrictive on valid templates.
-		 * I wanted to make sure that the top-level "kind" of
-		 * a template does not also specify DER_EXPLICIT, which
-		 * should only modify a component field.  Maybe later
-		 * I can figure out a better way to detect such a problem,
-		 * but for now I must remove these checks altogether.
-		 */
-	/*
-	 * This modifier applies only to components of a set or sequence;
-	 * it should never be used on a set/sequence itself -- confirm.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (under_kind != DER_SEQUENCE);
-	PORT_Assert (under_kind != DER_SET);
-	len += 1 + DER_LengthLength(len + contents_len);
-    }
-    return len;
-static PRUint32
-contents_length(DERTemplate *dtemplate, void *src)
-    PRUint32 len;
-    unsigned long encode_kind, under_kind;
-    PRBool universal;
-    PORT_Assert (src != NULL);
-    encode_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-    universal = ((encode_kind & DER_CLASS_MASK) == DER_UNIVERSAL)
-    encode_kind &= ~DER_OPTIONAL;
-    if (encode_kind & DER_POINTER) {
-	src = *(void **)src;
-	if (src == NULL) {
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	if (dtemplate->sub != NULL) {
-	    dtemplate = dtemplate->sub;
-	    under_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-	    src = (void *)((char *)src + dtemplate->offset);
-	} else if (universal) {
-	    under_kind = encode_kind & ~DER_POINTER;
-	} else {
-	    under_kind = dtemplate->arg;
-	}
-    } else if (encode_kind & DER_INLINE) {
-	PORT_Assert (dtemplate->sub != NULL);
-	dtemplate = dtemplate->sub;
-	under_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-	src = (void *)((char *)src + dtemplate->offset);
-    } else if (universal) {
-	under_kind = encode_kind;
-    } else {
-	under_kind = dtemplate->arg;
-    }
-    /* Having any of these bits is not expected here...  */
-    PORT_Assert ((under_kind & (DER_EXPLICIT | DER_INLINE | DER_OPTIONAL
-				| DER_POINTER | DER_SKIP)) == 0);
-    /* This is only used in decoding; it plays no part in encoding.  */
-    if (under_kind & DER_DERPTR)
-	return 0;
-    if (under_kind & DER_INDEFINITE) {
-	PRUint32 sub_len;
-	void   **indp = *(void ***)src;
-	if (indp == NULL)
-	    return 0;
-	len = 0;
-	under_kind &= ~DER_INDEFINITE;
-	if (under_kind == DER_SET || under_kind == DER_SEQUENCE) {
-	    DERTemplate *tmpt = dtemplate->sub;
-	    PORT_Assert (tmpt != NULL);
-	    for (; *indp != NULL; indp++) {
-		void *sub_src = (void *)((char *)(*indp) + tmpt->offset);
-		sub_len = contents_length (tmpt, sub_src);
-		len += sub_len + header_length (tmpt, sub_len);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * XXX Lisa is not sure this code (for handling, for example,
-	     */
-	    for (; *indp != NULL; indp++) {
-		SECItem *item = (SECItem *)(*indp);
-		sub_len = item->len;
-		if (under_kind == DER_BIT_STRING) {
-		    sub_len = (sub_len + 7) >> 3;
-		    /* bit string contents involve an extra octet */
-		    if (sub_len)
-			sub_len++;
-		}
-		if (under_kind != DER_ANY)
-		    len += 1 + DER_LengthLength (sub_len);
-	    }
-	}
-	return len;
-    }
-    switch (under_kind) {
-      case DER_SEQUENCE:
-      case DER_SET:
-	{
-	    DERTemplate *tmpt;
-	    void *sub_src;
-	    PRUint32 sub_len;
-	    len = 0;
-	    for (tmpt = dtemplate + 1; tmpt->kind; tmpt++) {
-		sub_src = (void *)((char *)src + tmpt->offset);
-		sub_len = contents_length (tmpt, sub_src);
-		len += sub_len + header_length (tmpt, sub_len);
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      case DER_BIT_STRING:
-	len = (((SECItem *)src)->len + 7) >> 3;
-	/* bit string contents involve an extra octet */
-	if (len)
-	    len++;
-	break;
-      default:
-	len = ((SECItem *)src)->len;
-	break;
-    }
-    return len;
-static unsigned char *
-der_encode(unsigned char *buf, DERTemplate *dtemplate, void *src)
-    int header_len;
-    PRUint32 contents_len;
-    unsigned long encode_kind, under_kind;
-    PRBool explicit, universal;
-    /*
-     * First figure out how long the encoding will be.  Do this by
-     * traversing the template from top to bottom and accumulating
-     * the length of each leaf item.
-     */
-    contents_len = contents_length (dtemplate, src);
-    header_len = header_length (dtemplate, contents_len);
-    /*
-     * Enough smarts was involved already, so that if both the
-     * header and the contents have a length of zero, then we
-     * are not doing any encoding for this element.
-     */
-    if (header_len == 0 && contents_len == 0)
-	return buf;
-    encode_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-    explicit = (encode_kind & DER_EXPLICIT) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~DER_OPTIONAL;
-    universal = ((encode_kind & DER_CLASS_MASK) == DER_UNIVERSAL)
-    if (encode_kind & DER_POINTER) {
-	if (contents_len) {
-	    src = *(void **)src;
-	    PORT_Assert (src != NULL);
-	}
-	if (dtemplate->sub != NULL) {
-	    dtemplate = dtemplate->sub;
-	    under_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-	    if (universal) {
-		encode_kind = under_kind;
-	    }
-	    src = (void *)((char *)src + dtemplate->offset);
-	} else if (universal) {
-	    under_kind = encode_kind & ~DER_POINTER;
-	} else {
-	    under_kind = dtemplate->arg;
-	}
-    } else if (encode_kind & DER_INLINE) {
-	dtemplate = dtemplate->sub;
-	under_kind = dtemplate->kind;
-	if (universal) {
-	    encode_kind = under_kind;
-	}
-	src = (void *)((char *)src + dtemplate->offset);
-    } else if (universal) {
-	under_kind = encode_kind;
-    } else {
-	under_kind = dtemplate->arg;
-    }
-    if (explicit) {
-	buf = DER_StoreHeader (buf, encode_kind,
-			       (1 + DER_LengthLength(contents_len)
-				+ contents_len));
-	encode_kind = under_kind;
-    }
-    if ((encode_kind & DER_ANY) == 0) {	/* DER_ANY already contains header */
-	buf = DER_StoreHeader (buf, encode_kind, contents_len);
-    }
-    /* If no real contents to encode, then we are done.  */
-    if (contents_len == 0)
-	return buf;
-    if (under_kind & DER_INDEFINITE) {
-	void **indp;
-	indp = *(void ***)src;
-	PORT_Assert (indp != NULL);
-	under_kind &= ~DER_INDEFINITE;
-	if (under_kind == DER_SET || under_kind == DER_SEQUENCE) {
-	    DERTemplate *tmpt = dtemplate->sub;
-	    PORT_Assert (tmpt != NULL);
-	    for (; *indp != NULL; indp++) {
-		void *sub_src = (void *)((char *)(*indp) + tmpt->offset);
-		buf = der_encode (buf, tmpt, sub_src);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    for (; *indp != NULL; indp++) {
-		SECItem *item;
-		int sub_len;
-		item = (SECItem *)(*indp);
-		sub_len = item->len;
-		if (under_kind == DER_BIT_STRING) {
-		    if (sub_len) {
-			int rem;
-			sub_len = (sub_len + 7) >> 3;
-			buf = DER_StoreHeader (buf, under_kind, sub_len + 1);
-			rem = (sub_len << 3) - item->len;
-			*buf++ = rem;		/* remaining bits */
-		    } else {
-			buf = DER_StoreHeader (buf, under_kind, 0);
-		    }
-		} else if (under_kind != DER_ANY) {
-		    buf = DER_StoreHeader (buf, under_kind, sub_len);
-		}
-		PORT_Memcpy (buf, item->data, sub_len);
-		buf += sub_len;
-	    }
-	}
-	return buf;
-    }
-    switch (under_kind) {
-      case DER_SEQUENCE:
-      case DER_SET:
-	{
-	    DERTemplate *tmpt;
-	    void *sub_src;
-	    for (tmpt = dtemplate + 1; tmpt->kind; tmpt++) {
-		sub_src = (void *)((char *)src + tmpt->offset);
-		buf = der_encode (buf, tmpt, sub_src);
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      case DER_BIT_STRING:
-	{
-	    SECItem *item;
-	    int rem;
-	    /*
-	     * The contents length includes our extra octet; subtract
-	     * it off so we just have the real string length there.
-	     */
-	    contents_len--;
-	    item = (SECItem *)src;
-	    PORT_Assert (contents_len == ((item->len + 7) >> 3));
-	    rem = (contents_len << 3) - item->len;
-	    *buf++ = rem;		/* remaining bits */
-	    PORT_Memcpy (buf, item->data, contents_len);
-	    buf += contents_len;
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	{
-	    SECItem *item;
-	    item = (SECItem *)src;
-	    PORT_Assert (contents_len == item->len);
-	    PORT_Memcpy (buf, item->data, contents_len);
-	    buf += contents_len;
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    return buf;
-DER_Encode(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *dest, DERTemplate *dtemplate, void *src)
-    unsigned int contents_len, header_len;
-    src = (void **)((char *)src + dtemplate->offset);
-    /*
-     * First figure out how long the encoding will be. Do this by
-     * traversing the template from top to bottom and accumulating
-     * the length of each leaf item.
-     */
-    contents_len = contents_length (dtemplate, src);
-    header_len = header_length (dtemplate, contents_len);
-    dest->len = contents_len + header_len;
-    /* Allocate storage to hold the encoding */
-    dest->data = (unsigned char*) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, dest->len);
-    if (dest->data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Now encode into the buffer */
-    (void) der_encode (dest->data, dtemplate, src);
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/dersubr.c b/nss/lib/util/dersubr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 657dd9f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/dersubr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secder.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "secerr.h"
-DER_LengthLength(PRUint32 len)
-    if (len > 127) {
-	if (len > 255) {
-	    if (len > 65535L) {
-		if (len > 16777215L) {
-		    return 5;
-		} else {
-		    return 4;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		return 3;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    return 2;
-	}
-    } else {
-	return 1;
-    }
-unsigned char *
-DER_StoreHeader(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int code, PRUint32 len)
-    unsigned char b[4];
-    b[0] = (unsigned char)(len >> 24);
-    b[1] = (unsigned char)(len >> 16);
-    b[2] = (unsigned char)(len >> 8);
-    b[3] = (unsigned char)len;
-    if ((code & DER_TAGNUM_MASK) == DER_SET
-    *buf++ = code;
-    if (len > 127) {
-	if (len > 255) {
-	    if (len > 65535) {
-		if (len > 16777215) {
-		    *buf++ = 0x84;
-		    *buf++ = b[0];
-		    *buf++ = b[1];
-		    *buf++ = b[2];
-		    *buf++ = b[3];
-		} else {
-		    *buf++ = 0x83;
-		    *buf++ = b[1];
-		    *buf++ = b[2];
-		    *buf++ = b[3];
-		}
-	    } else {
-		*buf++ = 0x82;
-		*buf++ = b[2];
-		*buf++ = b[3];
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    *buf++ = 0x81;
-	    *buf++ = b[3];
-	}
-    } else {
-	*buf++ = b[3];
-    }
-    return buf;
- * XXX This should be rewritten, generalized, to take a long instead
- * of a PRInt32.
- */
-DER_SetInteger(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *it, PRInt32 i)
-    unsigned char bb[4];
-    unsigned len;
-    bb[0] = (unsigned char) (i >> 24);
-    bb[1] = (unsigned char) (i >> 16);
-    bb[2] = (unsigned char) (i >> 8);
-    bb[3] = (unsigned char) (i);
-    /*
-    ** Small integers are encoded in a single byte. Larger integers
-    ** require progressively more space.
-    */
-    if (i < -128) {
-	if (i < -32768L) {
-	    if (i < -8388608L) {
-		len = 4;
-	    } else {
-		len = 3;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    len = 2;
-	}
-    } else if (i > 127) {
-	if (i > 32767L) {
-	    if (i > 8388607L) {
-		len = 4;
-	    } else {
-		len = 3;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    len = 2;
-	}
-    } else {
-	len = 1;
-    }
-    it->data = (unsigned char*) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len);
-    if (!it->data) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    it->len = len;
-    PORT_Memcpy(it->data, bb + (4 - len), len);
-    return SECSuccess;
- * XXX This should be rewritten, generalized, to take an unsigned long instead
- * of a PRUint32.
- */
-DER_SetUInteger(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *it, PRUint32 ui)
-    unsigned char bb[5];
-    int len;
-    bb[0] = 0;
-    bb[1] = (unsigned char) (ui >> 24);
-    bb[2] = (unsigned char) (ui >> 16);
-    bb[3] = (unsigned char) (ui >> 8);
-    bb[4] = (unsigned char) (ui);
-    /*
-    ** Small integers are encoded in a single byte. Larger integers
-    ** require progressively more space.
-    */
-    if (ui > 0x7f) {
-	if (ui > 0x7fff) {
-	    if (ui > 0x7fffffL) {
-		if (ui >= 0x80000000L) {
-		    len = 5;
-		} else {
-		    len = 4;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		len = 3;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    len = 2;
-	}
-    } else {
-	len = 1;
-    }
-    it->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len);
-    if (it->data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    it->len = len;
-    PORT_Memcpy(it->data, bb + (sizeof(bb) - len), len);
-    return SECSuccess;
-** Convert a der encoded *signed* integer into a machine integral value.
-** If an underflow/overflow occurs, sets error code and returns min/max.
-DER_GetInteger(const SECItem *it)
-    long ival = 0;
-    PRBool negative = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned int len = it->len;
-    unsigned int originalLength = len;
-    unsigned char *cp = it->data;
-    unsigned long overflow = 0x1ffUL << (((sizeof(ival) - 1) * 8) - 1);
-    unsigned long mask = 1;
-    PORT_Assert(len);
-    if (!len) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (*cp & 0x80) {
-	negative = PR_TRUE;
-	overflow <<= 1;
-    }
-    while (len) {
-	if ((ival & overflow) != 0) {
-	    if (negative) {
-		return LONG_MIN;
-	    }
-	    return LONG_MAX;
-	}
-	ival = ival << 8;
-	ival |= *cp++;
-	--len;
-    }
-    if (negative && ival && (overflow & ival) == 0) {
-	mask <<=  ((originalLength  * 8) - 1);
-	ival &= ~mask;
-	ival -= mask;
-    }
-    return ival;
-** Convert a der encoded *unsigned* integer into a machine integral value.
-** If an overflow occurs, sets error code and returns max.
-unsigned long
-DER_GetUInteger(SECItem *it)
-    unsigned long ival = 0;
-    unsigned len = it->len;
-    unsigned char *cp = it->data;
-    unsigned long overflow = 0xffUL << ((sizeof(ival) - 1) * 8);
-    PORT_Assert(len);
-    if (!len) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Cannot put a negative value into an unsigned container. */
-    if (*cp & 0x80) {
-	return 0;
-    }
-    while (len) {
-	if (ival & overflow) {
-	    return ULONG_MAX;
-	}
-	ival = ival << 8;
-	ival |= *cp++;
-	--len;
-    }
-    return ival;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/dertime.c b/nss/lib/util/dertime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c196abb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/dertime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#define HIDIGIT(v) (((v) / 10) + '0')
-#define LODIGIT(v) (((v) % 10) + '0')
-#define ISDIGIT(dig) (((dig) >= '0') && ((dig) <= '9'))
-#define CAPTURE(var,p,label)				  \
-{							  \
-    if (!ISDIGIT((p)[0]) || !ISDIGIT((p)[1])) goto label; \
-    (var) = ((p)[0] - '0') * 10 + ((p)[1] - '0');	  \
-    p += 2; \
-static const PRTime January1st1     = PR_INT64(0xff23400100d44000);
-static const PRTime January1st1950  = PR_INT64(0xfffdc1f8793da000);
-static const PRTime January1st2050  = PR_INT64(0x0008f81e1b098000);
-static const PRTime January1st10000 = PR_INT64(0x0384440ccc736000);
-/* gmttime must contains UTC time in micro-seconds unit */
-DER_TimeToUTCTimeArena(PLArenaPool* arenaOpt, SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime)
-    PRExplodedTime printableTime;
-    unsigned char *d;
-    if ( (gmttime < January1st1950) || (gmttime >= January1st2050) ) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dst->len = 13;
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-        dst->data = d = (unsigned char*) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arenaOpt, dst->len);
-    } else {
-        dst->data = d = (unsigned char*) PORT_Alloc(dst->len);
-    }
-    dst->type = siUTCTime;
-    if (!d) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Convert a PRTime to a printable format.  */
-    PR_ExplodeTime(gmttime, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
-    /* The month in UTC time is base one */
-    printableTime.tm_month++;
-    /* remove the century since it's added to the tm_year by the 
-       PR_ExplodeTime routine, but is not needed for UTC time */
-    printableTime.tm_year %= 100; 
-    d[0] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_year);
-    d[1] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_year);
-    d[2] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_month);
-    d[3] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_month);
-    d[4] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_mday);
-    d[5] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_mday);
-    d[6] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_hour);
-    d[7] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_hour);
-    d[8] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_min);
-    d[9] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_min);
-    d[10] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_sec);
-    d[11] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_sec);
-    d[12] = 'Z';
-    return SECSuccess;
-DER_TimeToUTCTime(SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime)
-    return DER_TimeToUTCTimeArena(NULL, dst, gmttime);
-static SECStatus /* forward */
-der_TimeStringToTime(PRTime *dst, const char *string, int generalized,
-                     const char **endptr);
-#define GEN_STRING 2 /* TimeString is a GeneralizedTime */
-#define UTC_STRING 0 /* TimeString is a UTCTime         */
-/* The caller of DER_AsciiToItem MUST ENSURE that either
-** a) "string" points to a null-terminated ASCII string, or
-** b) "string" points to a buffer containing a valid UTCTime, 
-**     whether null terminated or not, or
-** c) "string" contains at least 19 characters, with or without null char.
-** otherwise, this function may UMR and/or crash.
-** It suffices to ensure that the input "string" is at least 17 bytes long.
-DER_AsciiToTime(PRTime *dst, const char *string)
-    return der_TimeStringToTime(dst, string, UTC_STRING, NULL);
-DER_UTCTimeToTime(PRTime *dst, const SECItem *time)
-    /* Minimum valid UTCTime is yymmddhhmmZ       which is 11 bytes. 
-    ** Maximum valid UTCTime is yymmddhhmmss+0000 which is 17 bytes.
-    ** 20 should be large enough for all valid encoded times. 
-    */
-    unsigned int i;
-    char localBuf[20];
-    const char *end = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!time || !time->data || time->len < 11 || time->len > 17) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < time->len; i++) {
-	if (time->data[i] == '\0') {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	localBuf[i] = time->data[i];
-    }
-    localBuf[i] = '\0';
-    rv = der_TimeStringToTime(dst, localBuf, UTC_STRING, &end);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && *end != '\0') {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-   gmttime must contains UTC time in micro-seconds unit.
-   Note: the caller should make sure that Generalized time
-   should only be used for certifiate validities after the
-   year 2049.  Otherwise, UTC time should be used.  This routine
-   does not check this case, since it can be used to encode
-   certificate extension, which does not have this restriction. 
- */
-DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(PLArenaPool* arenaOpt, SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime)
-    PRExplodedTime printableTime;
-    unsigned char *d;
-    if ( (gmttime<January1st1) || (gmttime>=January1st10000) ) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dst->len = 15;
-    if (arenaOpt) {
-        dst->data = d = (unsigned char*) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arenaOpt, dst->len);
-    } else {
-        dst->data = d = (unsigned char*) PORT_Alloc(dst->len);
-    }
-    dst->type = siGeneralizedTime;
-    if (!d) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Convert a PRTime to a printable format.  */
-    PR_ExplodeTime(gmttime, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
-    /* The month in Generalized time is base one */
-    printableTime.tm_month++;
-    d[0] = (printableTime.tm_year /1000) + '0';
-    d[1] = ((printableTime.tm_year % 1000) / 100) + '0';
-    d[2] = ((printableTime.tm_year % 100) / 10) + '0';
-    d[3] = (printableTime.tm_year % 10) + '0';
-    d[4] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_month);
-    d[5] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_month);
-    d[6] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_mday);
-    d[7] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_mday);
-    d[8] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_hour);
-    d[9] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_hour);
-    d[10] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_min);
-    d[11] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_min);
-    d[12] = HIDIGIT(printableTime.tm_sec);
-    d[13] = LODIGIT(printableTime.tm_sec);
-    d[14] = 'Z';
-    return SECSuccess;
-DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime(SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime)
-    return DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(NULL, dst, gmttime);
-DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(PRTime *dst, const SECItem *time)
-    /* Minimum valid GeneralizedTime is ccyymmddhhmmZ       which is 13 bytes.
-    ** Maximum valid GeneralizedTime is ccyymmddhhmmss+0000 which is 19 bytes.
-    ** 20 should be large enough for all valid encoded times. 
-    */
-    unsigned int i;
-    char localBuf[20];
-    const char *end = NULL;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (!time || !time->data || time->len < 13 || time->len > 19) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < time->len; i++) {
-	if (time->data[i] == '\0') {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	localBuf[i] = time->data[i];
-    }
-    localBuf[i] = '\0';
-    rv = der_TimeStringToTime(dst, localBuf, GEN_STRING, &end);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess && *end != '\0') {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus
-der_TimeStringToTime(PRTime *dst, const char *string, int generalized,
-                     const char **endptr)
-    PRExplodedTime genTime;
-    long hourOff = 0, minOff = 0;
-    PRUint16 century;
-    char signum;
-    if (string == NULL || dst == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* Verify time is formatted properly and capture information */
-    memset(&genTime, 0, sizeof genTime);
-    if (generalized == UTC_STRING) {
-	CAPTURE(genTime.tm_year, string, loser);
-	century = (genTime.tm_year < 50) ? 20 : 19;
-    } else {
-	CAPTURE(century, string, loser);
-	CAPTURE(genTime.tm_year, string, loser);
-    }
-    genTime.tm_year += century * 100;
-    CAPTURE(genTime.tm_month, string, loser);
-    if ((genTime.tm_month == 0) || (genTime.tm_month > 12)) 
-    	goto loser;
-    /* NSPR month base is 0 */
-    --genTime.tm_month;
-    CAPTURE(genTime.tm_mday, string, loser);
-    if ((genTime.tm_mday == 0) || (genTime.tm_mday > 31)) 
-    	goto loser;
-    CAPTURE(genTime.tm_hour, string, loser);
-    if (genTime.tm_hour > 23) 
-    	goto loser;
-    CAPTURE(genTime.tm_min, string, loser);
-    if (genTime.tm_min > 59) 
-    	goto loser;
-    if (ISDIGIT(string[0])) {
-	CAPTURE(genTime.tm_sec, string, loser);
-	if (genTime.tm_sec > 59) 
-	    goto loser;
-    }
-    signum = *string++;
-    if (signum == '+' || signum == '-') {
-	CAPTURE(hourOff, string, loser);
-	if (hourOff > 23) 
-	    goto loser;
-	CAPTURE(minOff, string, loser);
-	if (minOff > 59) 
-	    goto loser;
-	if (signum == '-') {
-	    hourOff = -hourOff;
-	    minOff  = -minOff;
-	}
-    } else if (signum != 'Z') {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (endptr)
-    	*endptr = string;
-    /* Convert the GMT offset to seconds and save it in genTime
-     * for the implode time call.
-     */
-    genTime.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset = (PRInt32)((hourOff * 60L + minOff) * 60L);
-    *dst = PR_ImplodeTime(&genTime);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    return SECFailure;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/errstrs.c b/nss/lib/util/errstrs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a47554d..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/errstrs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prprf.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "plstr.h"
-#include "nssutil.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#define ER3(name, value, str) {#name, str},
-static const struct PRErrorMessage sectext[] = {
-#include "SECerrs.h"
-    {0,0}
-static const struct PRErrorTable sec_et = {
-    sectext, "secerrstrings", SEC_ERROR_BASE, 
-        (sizeof sectext)/(sizeof sectext[0]) 
-static PRStatus 
-nss_InitializePRErrorTableOnce(void) {
-    return PR_ErrorInstallTable(&sec_et);
-static PRCallOnceType once;
-    return (PR_SUCCESS == PR_CallOnce(&once, nss_InitializePRErrorTableOnce))
-		? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/hasht.h b/nss/lib/util/hasht.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c8040..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/hasht.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _HASHT_H_
-#define _HASHT_H_
-#include "prtypes.h"
-/* Opaque objects */
-typedef struct SECHashObjectStr SECHashObject;
-typedef struct HASHContextStr HASHContext;
- * The hash functions the security library supports
- * NOTE the order must match the definition of SECHashObjects[]!
- */
-typedef enum {
-    HASH_AlgNULL   = 0,
-    HASH_AlgMD2    = 1,
-    HASH_AlgMD5    = 2,
-    HASH_AlgSHA1   = 3,
-    HASH_AlgSHA256 = 4,
-    HASH_AlgSHA384 = 5,
-    HASH_AlgSHA512 = 6,
-    HASH_AlgSHA224 = 7,
-} HASH_HashType;
- * Number of bytes each hash algorithm produces
- */
-#define MD2_LENGTH	16
-#define MD5_LENGTH	16
-#define SHA1_LENGTH	20
-#define SHA224_LENGTH 	28
-#define SHA256_LENGTH 	32
-#define SHA384_LENGTH 	48
-#define SHA512_LENGTH 	64
- * Structure to hold hash computation info and routines
- */
-struct SECHashObjectStr {
-    unsigned int length;  /* hash output length (in bytes) */
-    void * (*create)(void);
-    void * (*clone)(void *);
-    void (*destroy)(void *, PRBool);
-    void (*begin)(void *);
-    void (*update)(void *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int);
-    void (*end)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int);
-    unsigned int blocklength;  /* hash input block size (in bytes) */
-    HASH_HashType type;
-    void (*end_raw)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int *, unsigned int);
-struct HASHContextStr {
-    const struct SECHashObjectStr *hashobj;
-    void *hash_context;
-#endif /* _HASHT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssb64.h b/nss/lib/util/nssb64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1090744..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssb64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Public prototypes for base64 encoding/decoding.
- */
-#ifndef _NSSB64_H_
-#define _NSSB64_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "nssb64t.h"
- * Functions to start a base64 decoding/encoding context.
- */
-extern NSSBase64Decoder *
-NSSBase64Decoder_Create (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const unsigned char *,
-					       PRInt32),
-			 void *output_arg);
-extern NSSBase64Encoder *
-NSSBase64Encoder_Create (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const char *, PRInt32),
-			 void *output_arg);
- * Push data through the decoder/encoder, causing the output_fn (provided
- * to Create) to be called with the decoded/encoded data.
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSSBase64Decoder_Update (NSSBase64Decoder *data, const char *buffer,
-			 PRUint32 size);
-extern SECStatus
-NSSBase64Encoder_Update (NSSBase64Encoder *data, const unsigned char *buffer,
-			 PRUint32 size);
- * When you're done processing, call this to close the context.
- * If "abort_p" is false, then calling this may cause the output_fn
- * to be called one last time (as the last buffered data is flushed out).
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy (NSSBase64Decoder *data, PRBool abort_p);
-extern SECStatus
-NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy (NSSBase64Encoder *data, PRBool abort_p);
- * Perform base64 decoding from an ascii string "inStr" to an Item.
- * The length of the input must be provided as "inLen".  The Item
- * may be provided (as "outItemOpt"); you can also pass in a NULL
- * and the Item will be allocated for you.
- *
- * In any case, the data within the Item will be allocated for you.
- * All allocation will happen out of the passed-in "arenaOpt", if non-NULL.
- * If "arenaOpt" is NULL, standard allocation (heap) will be used and
- * you will want to free the result via SECITEM_FreeItem.
- *
- * Return value is NULL on error, the Item (allocated or provided) otherwise.
- */
-extern SECItem *
-NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer (PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, SECItem *outItemOpt,
-			const char *inStr, unsigned int inLen);
- * Perform base64 encoding of binary data "inItem" to an ascii string.
- * The output buffer may be provided (as "outStrOpt"); you can also pass
- * in a NULL and the buffer will be allocated for you.  The result will
- * be null-terminated, and if the buffer is provided, "maxOutLen" must
- * specify the maximum length of the buffer and will be checked to
- * supply sufficient space space for the encoded result.  (If "outStrOpt"
- * is NULL, "maxOutLen" is ignored.)
- *
- * If "outStrOpt" is NULL, allocation will happen out of the passed-in
- * "arenaOpt", if *it* is non-NULL, otherwise standard allocation (heap)
- * will be used.
- *
- * Return value is NULL on error, the output buffer (allocated or provided)
- * otherwise.
- */
-extern char *
-NSSBase64_EncodeItem (PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, char *outStrOpt,
-		      unsigned int maxOutLen, SECItem *inItem);
-#endif /* _NSSB64_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssb64d.c b/nss/lib/util/nssb64d.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 375fd50..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssb64d.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Base64 decoding (ascii to binary).
- */
-#include "nssb64.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
- * XXX We want this basic support to go into NSPR (the PL part).
- * Until that can happen, the PL interface is going to be kept entirely
- * internal here -- all static functions and opaque data structures.
- * When someone can get it moved over into NSPR, that should be done:
- *    - giving everything names that are accepted by the NSPR module owners
- *	(though I tried to choose ones that would work without modification)
- *    - exporting the functions (remove static declarations and add
- *	to nssutil.def as necessary)
- *    - put prototypes into appropriate header file (probably replacing
- *	the entire current lib/libc/include/plbase64.h in NSPR)
- *	along with a typedef for the context structure (which should be
- *	kept opaque -- definition in the source file only, but typedef
- *	ala "typedef struct PLBase64FooStr PLBase64Foo;" in header file)
- *    - modify anything else as necessary to conform to NSPR required style
- *	(I looked but found no formatting guide to follow)
- *
- * You will want to move over everything from here down to the comment
- * which says "XXX End of base64 decoding code to be moved into NSPR",
- * into a new file in NSPR.
- */
- **************************************************************
- * XXX Beginning of base64 decoding code to be moved into NSPR.
- */
- * This typedef would belong in the NSPR header file (i.e. plbase64.h).
- */
-typedef struct PLBase64DecoderStr PLBase64Decoder;
- * The following implementation of base64 decoding was based on code
- * found in libmime (specifically, in mimeenc.c).  It has been adapted to
- * use PR types and naming as well as to provide other necessary semantics
- * (like buffer-in/buffer-out in addition to "streaming" without undue
- * performance hit of extra copying if you made the buffer versions
- * use the output_fn).  It also incorporates some aspects of the current
- * NSPR base64 decoding code.  As such, you may find similarities to
- * both of those implementations.  I tried to use names that reflected
- * the original code when possible.  For this reason you may find some
- * inconsistencies -- libmime used lots of "in" and "out" whereas the
- * NSPR version uses "src" and "dest"; sometimes I changed one to the other
- * and sometimes I left them when I thought the subroutines were at least
- * self-consistent.
- */
- * Opaque object used by the decoder to store state.
- */
-struct PLBase64DecoderStr {
-    /* Current token (or portion, if token_size < 4) being decoded. */
-    unsigned char token[4];
-    int token_size;
-    /*
-     * Where to write the decoded data (used when streaming, not when
-     * doing all in-memory (buffer) operations).
-     *
-     * Note that this definition is chosen to be compatible with PR_Write.
-     */
-    PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *output_arg, const unsigned char *buf,
-			  PRInt32 size);
-    void *output_arg;
-    /*
-     * Where the decoded output goes -- either temporarily (in the streaming
-     * case, staged here before it goes to the output function) or what will
-     * be the entire buffered result for users of the buffer version.
-     */
-    unsigned char *output_buffer;
-    PRUint32 output_buflen;	/* the total length of allocated buffer */
-    PRUint32 output_length;	/* the length that is currently populated */
- * Table to convert an ascii "code" to its corresponding binary value.
- * For ease of use, the binary values in the table are the actual values
- * PLUS ONE.  This is so that the special value of zero can denote an
- * invalid mapping; that was much easier than trying to fill in the other
- * values with some value other than zero, and to check for it.
- * Just remember to SUBTRACT ONE when using the value retrieved.
- */
-static unsigned char base64_codetovaluep1[256] = {
-/*   0: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*   8: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*  16: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*  24: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*  32: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*  40: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	 63,	  0,	  0,	  0,	 64,
-/*  48: */	 53,	 54,	 55,	 56,	 57,	 58,	 59,	 60,
-/*  56: */	 61,	 62,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*  64: */	  0,	  1,	  2,	  3,	  4,	  5,	  6,	  7,
-/*  72: */	  8,	  9,	 10,	 11,	 12,	 13,	 14,	 15,
-/*  80: */	 16,	 17,	 18,	 19,	 20,	 21,	 22,	 23,
-/*  88: */	 24,	 25,	 26,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/*  96: */	  0,	 27,	 28,	 29,	 30,	 31,	 32,	 33,
-/* 104: */	 34,	 35,	 36,	 37,	 38,	 39,	 40,	 41,
-/* 112: */	 42,	 43,	 44,	 45,	 46,	 47,	 48,	 49,
-/* 120: */	 50,	 51,	 52,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,
-/* 128: */	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0,	  0
-/* and rest are all zero as well */
-#define B64_PAD	'='
- * Reads 4; writes 3 (known, or expected, to have no trailing padding).
- * Returns bytes written; -1 on error (unexpected character).
- */
-static int
-pl_base64_decode_4to3 (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
-    int j;
-    PRUint32 num = 0;
-    unsigned char bits;
-    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-	bits = base64_codetovaluep1[in[j]];
-	if (bits == 0)
-	    return -1;
-	num = (num << 6) | (bits - 1);
-    }
-    out[0] = (unsigned char) (num >> 16);
-    out[1] = (unsigned char) ((num >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    out[2] = (unsigned char) (num & 0xFF);
-    return 3;
- * Reads 3; writes 2 (caller already confirmed EOF or trailing padding).
- * Returns bytes written; -1 on error (unexpected character).
- */
-static int
-pl_base64_decode_3to2 (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
-    PRUint32 num = 0;
-    unsigned char bits1, bits2, bits3;
-    bits1 = base64_codetovaluep1[in[0]];
-    bits2 = base64_codetovaluep1[in[1]];
-    bits3 = base64_codetovaluep1[in[2]];
-    if ((bits1 == 0) || (bits2 == 0) || (bits3 == 0))
-	return -1;
-    num = ((PRUint32)(bits1 - 1)) << 10;
-    num |= ((PRUint32)(bits2 - 1)) << 4;
-    num |= ((PRUint32)(bits3 - 1)) >> 2;
-    out[0] = (unsigned char) (num >> 8);
-    out[1] = (unsigned char) (num & 0xFF);
-    return 2;
- * Reads 2; writes 1 (caller already confirmed EOF or trailing padding).
- * Returns bytes written; -1 on error (unexpected character).
- */
-static int
-pl_base64_decode_2to1 (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
-    PRUint32 num = 0;
-    unsigned char bits1, bits2;
-    bits1 = base64_codetovaluep1[in[0]];
-    bits2 = base64_codetovaluep1[in[1]];
-    if ((bits1 == 0) || (bits2 == 0))
-	return -1;
-    num = ((PRUint32)(bits1 - 1)) << 2;
-    num |= ((PRUint32)(bits2 - 1)) >> 4;
-    out[0] = (unsigned char) num;
-    return 1;
- * Reads 4; writes 0-3.  Returns bytes written or -1 on error.
- * (Writes less than 3 only at (presumed) EOF.)
- */
-static int
-pl_base64_decode_token (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out)
-    if (in[3] != B64_PAD)
-	return pl_base64_decode_4to3 (in, out);
-    if (in[2] == B64_PAD)
-	return pl_base64_decode_2to1 (in, out);
-    return pl_base64_decode_3to2 (in, out);
-static PRStatus
-pl_base64_decode_buffer (PLBase64Decoder *data, const unsigned char *in,
-			 PRUint32 length)
-    unsigned char *out = data->output_buffer;
-    unsigned char *token = data->token;
-    int i, n = 0;
-    i = data->token_size;
-    data->token_size = 0;
-    while (length > 0) {
-	while (i < 4 && length > 0) {
-	    /*
-	     * XXX Note that the following simply ignores any unexpected
-	     * characters.  This is exactly what the original code in
-	     * libmime did, and I am leaving it.  We certainly want to skip
-	     * over whitespace (we must); this does much more than that.
-	     * I am not confident changing it, and I don't want to slow
-	     * the processing down doing more complicated checking, but
-	     * someone else might have different ideas in the future.
-	     */
-	    if (base64_codetovaluep1[*in] > 0 || *in == B64_PAD)
-		token[i++] = *in;
-	    in++;
-	    length--;
-	}
-	if (i < 4) {
-	    /* Didn't get enough for a complete token. */
-	    data->token_size = i;
-	    break;
-	}
-	i = 0;
-	PR_ASSERT((out - data->output_buffer + 3) <= data->output_buflen);
-	/*
-	 * Assume we are not at the end; the following function only works
-	 * for an internal token (no trailing padding characters) but is
-	 * faster that way.  If it hits an invalid character (padding) it
-	 * will return an error; we break out of the loop and try again
-	 * calling the routine that will handle a final token.
-	 * Note that we intentionally do it this way rather than explicitly
-	 * add a check for padding here (because that would just slow down
-	 * the normal case) nor do we rely on checking whether we have more
-	 * input to process (because that would also slow it down but also
-	 * because we want to allow trailing garbage, especially white space
-	 * and cannot tell that without read-ahead, also a slow proposition).
-	 * Whew.  Understand?
-	 */
-	n = pl_base64_decode_4to3 (token, out);
-	if (n < 0)
-	    break;
-	/* Advance "out" by the number of bytes just written to it. */
-	out += n;
-	n = 0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * See big comment above, before call to pl_base64_decode_4to3.
-     * Here we check if we error'd out of loop, and allow for the case
-     * that we are processing the last interesting token.  If the routine
-     * which should handle padding characters also fails, then we just
-     * have bad input and give up.
-     */
-    if (n < 0) {
-	n = pl_base64_decode_token (token, out);
-	if (n < 0)
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	out += n;
-    }
-    /*
-     * As explained above, we can get here with more input remaining, but
-     * it should be all characters we do not care about (i.e. would be
-     * ignored when transferring from "in" to "token" in loop above,
-     * except here we choose to ignore extraneous pad characters, too).
-     * Swallow it, performing that check.  If we find more characters that
-     * we would expect to decode, something is wrong.
-     */
-    while (length > 0) {
-	if (base64_codetovaluep1[*in] > 0)
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	in++;
-	length--;
-    }
-    /* Record the length of decoded data we have left in output_buffer. */
-    data->output_length = (PRUint32) (out - data->output_buffer);
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * Flush any remaining buffered characters.  Given well-formed input,
- * this will have nothing to do.  If the input was missing the padding
- * characters at the end, though, there could be 1-3 characters left
- * behind -- we will tolerate that by adding the padding for them.
- */
-static PRStatus
-pl_base64_decode_flush (PLBase64Decoder *data)
-    int count;
-    /*
-     * If no remaining characters, or all are padding (also not well-formed
-     * input, but again, be tolerant), then nothing more to do.  (And, that
-     * is considered successful.)
-     */
-    if (data->token_size == 0 || data->token[0] == B64_PAD)
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    /*
-     * Assume we have all the interesting input except for some expected
-     * padding characters.  Add them and decode the resulting token.
-     */
-    while (data->token_size < 4)
-	data->token[data->token_size++] = B64_PAD;
-    data->token_size = 0;	/* so a subsequent flush call is a no-op */
-    count = pl_base64_decode_token (data->token,
-				    data->output_buffer + data->output_length);
-    if (count < 0)
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    /*
-     * If there is an output function, call it with this last bit of data.
-     * Otherwise we are doing all buffered output, and the decoded bytes
-     * are now there, we just need to reflect that in the length.
-     */
-    if (data->output_fn != NULL) {
-	PRInt32 output_result;
-	PR_ASSERT(data->output_length == 0);
-	output_result = data->output_fn (data->output_arg,
-					 data->output_buffer,
-					 (PRInt32) count);
-	if (output_result < 0)
-	    return  PR_FAILURE;
-    } else {
-	data->output_length += count;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * The maximum space needed to hold the output of the decoder given
- * input data of length "size".
- */
-static PRUint32
-PL_Base64MaxDecodedLength (PRUint32 size)
-    return ((size * 3) / 4);
- * A distinct internal creation function for the buffer version to use.
- * (It does not want to specify an output_fn, and we want the normal
- * Create function to require that.)  If more common initialization
- * of the decoding context needs to be done, it should be done *here*.
- */
-static PLBase64Decoder *
-pl_base64_create_decoder (void)
-    return PR_NEWZAP(PLBase64Decoder);
- * Function to start a base64 decoding context.
- * An "output_fn" is required; the "output_arg" parameter to that is optional.
- */
-static PLBase64Decoder *
-PL_CreateBase64Decoder (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const unsigned char *,
-					      PRInt32),
-			void *output_arg)
-    PLBase64Decoder *data;
-    if (output_fn == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    data = pl_base64_create_decoder ();
-    if (data != NULL) {
-	data->output_fn = output_fn;
-	data->output_arg = output_arg;
-    }
-    return data;
- * Push data through the decoder, causing the output_fn (provided to Create)
- * to be called with the decoded data.
- */
-static PRStatus
-PL_UpdateBase64Decoder (PLBase64Decoder *data, const char *buffer,
-			PRUint32 size)
-    PRUint32 need_length;
-    PRStatus status;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * How much space could this update need for decoding?
-     */
-    need_length = PL_Base64MaxDecodedLength (size + data->token_size);
-    /*
-     * Make sure we have at least that much.  If not, (re-)allocate.
-     */
-    if (need_length > data->output_buflen) {
-	unsigned char *output_buffer = data->output_buffer;
-	if (output_buffer != NULL)
-	    output_buffer = (unsigned char *) PR_Realloc(output_buffer,
-							 need_length);
-	else
-	    output_buffer = (unsigned char *) PR_Malloc(need_length);
-	if (output_buffer == NULL)
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-	data->output_buffer = output_buffer;
-	data->output_buflen = need_length;
-    }
-    /* There should not have been any leftover output data in the buffer. */
-    PR_ASSERT(data->output_length == 0);
-    data->output_length = 0;
-    status = pl_base64_decode_buffer (data, (const unsigned char *) buffer,
-				      size);
-    /* Now that we have some decoded data, write it. */
-    if (status == PR_SUCCESS && data->output_length > 0) {
-	PRInt32 output_result;
-	PR_ASSERT(data->output_fn != NULL);
-	output_result = data->output_fn (data->output_arg,
-					 data->output_buffer,
-					 (PRInt32) data->output_length);
-	if (output_result < 0)
-	    status = PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    data->output_length = 0;
-    return status;
- * When you're done decoding, call this to free the data.  If "abort_p"
- * is false, then calling this may cause the output_fn to be called
- * one last time (as the last buffered data is flushed out).
- */
-static PRStatus
-PL_DestroyBase64Decoder (PLBase64Decoder *data, PRBool abort_p)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /* Flush out the last few buffered characters. */
-    if (!abort_p)
-	status = pl_base64_decode_flush (data);
-    if (data->output_buffer != NULL)
-	PR_Free(data->output_buffer);
-    PR_Free(data);
-    return status;
- * Perform base64 decoding from an input buffer to an output buffer.
- * The output buffer can be provided (as "dest"); you can also pass in
- * a NULL and this function will allocate a buffer large enough for you,
- * and return it.  If you do provide the output buffer, you must also
- * provide the maximum length of that buffer (as "maxdestlen").
- * The actual decoded length of output will be returned to you in
- * "output_destlen".
- *
- * Return value is NULL on error, the output buffer (allocated or provided)
- * otherwise.
- */
-static unsigned char *
-PL_Base64DecodeBuffer (const char *src, PRUint32 srclen, unsigned char *dest,
-		       PRUint32 maxdestlen, PRUint32 *output_destlen)
-    PRUint32 need_length;
-    unsigned char *output_buffer = NULL;
-    PLBase64Decoder *data = NULL;
-    PRStatus status;
-    PR_ASSERT(srclen > 0);
-    if (srclen == 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * How much space could we possibly need for decoding this input?
-     */
-    need_length = PL_Base64MaxDecodedLength (srclen);
-    /*
-     * Make sure we have at least that much, if output buffer provided.
-     * If no output buffer provided, then we allocate that much.
-     */
-    if (dest != NULL) {
-	PR_ASSERT(maxdestlen >= need_length);
-	if (maxdestlen < need_length) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-	output_buffer = dest;
-    } else {
-	output_buffer = (unsigned char *) PR_Malloc(need_length);
-	if (output_buffer == NULL)
-	    goto loser;
-	maxdestlen = need_length;
-    }
-    data = pl_base64_create_decoder();
-    if (data == NULL)
-	goto loser;
-    data->output_buflen = maxdestlen;
-    data->output_buffer = output_buffer;
-    status = pl_base64_decode_buffer (data, (const unsigned char *) src,
-				      srclen);
-    /*
-     * We do not wait for Destroy to flush, because Destroy will also
-     * get rid of our decoder context, which we need to look at first!
-     */
-    if (status == PR_SUCCESS)
-	status = pl_base64_decode_flush (data);
-    /* Must clear this or Destroy will free it. */
-    data->output_buffer = NULL;
-    if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	*output_destlen = data->output_length;
-	status = PL_DestroyBase64Decoder (data, PR_FALSE);
-	data = NULL;
-	if (status == PR_FAILURE)
-	    goto loser;
-	return output_buffer;
-    }
-    if (dest == NULL && output_buffer != NULL)
-	PR_Free(output_buffer);
-    if (data != NULL)
-	(void) PL_DestroyBase64Decoder (data, PR_TRUE);
-    return NULL;
- * XXX End of base64 decoding code to be moved into NSPR.
- ********************************************************
- */
- * This is the beginning of the NSS cover functions.  These will
- * provide the interface we want to expose as NSS-ish.  For example,
- * they will operate on our Items, do any special handling or checking
- * we want to do, etc.
- */
- * A boring cover structure for now.  Perhaps someday it will include
- * some more interesting fields.
- */
-struct NSSBase64DecoderStr {
-    PLBase64Decoder *pl_data;
- * Function to start a base64 decoding context.
- */
-NSSBase64Decoder *
-NSSBase64Decoder_Create (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const unsigned char *,
-					       PRInt32),
-			 void *output_arg)
-    PLBase64Decoder *pl_data;
-    NSSBase64Decoder *nss_data;
-    nss_data = PORT_ZNew(NSSBase64Decoder);
-    if (nss_data == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    pl_data = PL_CreateBase64Decoder (output_fn, output_arg);
-    if (pl_data == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(nss_data);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    nss_data->pl_data = pl_data;
-    return nss_data;
- * Push data through the decoder, causing the output_fn (provided to Create)
- * to be called with the decoded data.
- */
-NSSBase64Decoder_Update (NSSBase64Decoder *data, const char *buffer,
-			 PRUint32 size)
-    PRStatus pr_status;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pr_status = PL_UpdateBase64Decoder (data->pl_data, buffer, size);
-    if (pr_status == PR_FAILURE)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * When you're done decoding, call this to free the data.  If "abort_p"
- * is false, then calling this may cause the output_fn to be called
- * one last time (as the last buffered data is flushed out).
- */
-NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy (NSSBase64Decoder *data, PRBool abort_p)
-    PRStatus pr_status;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pr_status = PL_DestroyBase64Decoder (data->pl_data, abort_p);
-    PORT_Free(data);
-    if (pr_status == PR_FAILURE)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Perform base64 decoding from an ascii string "inStr" to an Item.
- * The length of the input must be provided as "inLen".  The Item
- * may be provided (as "outItemOpt"); you can also pass in a NULL
- * and the Item will be allocated for you.
- *
- * In any case, the data within the Item will be allocated for you.
- * All allocation will happen out of the passed-in "arenaOpt", if non-NULL.
- * If "arenaOpt" is NULL, standard allocation (heap) will be used and
- * you will want to free the result via SECITEM_FreeItem.
- *
- * Return value is NULL on error, the Item (allocated or provided) otherwise.
- */
-SECItem *
-NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer (PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, SECItem *outItemOpt,
-			const char *inStr, unsigned int inLen)
-    SECItem *out_item = NULL;
-    PRUint32 max_out_len = 0;
-    PRUint32 out_len;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    unsigned char *dummy;
-    if ((outItemOpt != NULL && outItemOpt->data != NULL) || inLen == 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-	mark = PORT_ArenaMark (arenaOpt);
-    max_out_len = PL_Base64MaxDecodedLength (inLen);
-    out_item = SECITEM_AllocItem (arenaOpt, outItemOpt, max_out_len);
-    if (out_item == NULL) {
-	if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (arenaOpt, mark);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    dummy = PL_Base64DecodeBuffer (inStr, inLen, out_item->data,
-				   max_out_len, &out_len);
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-	if (arenaOpt != NULL) {
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (arenaOpt, mark);
-	    if (outItemOpt != NULL) {
-		outItemOpt->data = NULL;
-		outItemOpt->len = 0;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem (out_item,
-			      (outItemOpt == NULL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-	}
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark (arenaOpt, mark);
-    out_item->len = out_len;
-    return out_item;
- * XXX Everything below is deprecated.  If you add new stuff, put it
- * *above*, not below.
- */
- * XXX The following "ATOB" functions are provided for backward compatibility
- * with current code.  They should be considered strongly deprecated.
- * When we can convert all our code over to using the new NSSBase64Decoder_
- * functions defined above, we should get rid of these altogether.  (Remove
- * protoypes from base64.h as well -- actually, remove that file completely).
- * If someone thinks either of these functions provides such a very useful
- * interface (though, as shown, the same functionality can already be
- * obtained by calling NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer directly), fine -- but then
- * that API should be provided with a nice new NSSFoo name and using
- * appropriate types, etc.
- */
-#include "base64.h"
-** Return an PORT_Alloc'd string which is the base64 decoded version
-** of the input string; set *lenp to the length of the returned data.
-unsigned char *
-ATOB_AsciiToData(const char *string, unsigned int *lenp)
-    SECItem binary_item, *dummy;
- = NULL;
-    binary_item.len = 0;
-    dummy = NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer (NULL, &binary_item, string,
-				    (PRUint32) PORT_Strlen(string));
-    if (dummy == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(dummy == &binary_item);
-    *lenp = dummy->len;
-    return dummy->data;
-** Convert from ascii to binary encoding of an item.
-ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem(SECItem *binary_item, const char *ascii)
-    SECItem *dummy;
-    if (binary_item == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX Would prefer to assert here if data is non-null (actually,
-     * don't need to, just let NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer do it), so as to
-     * to catch unintended memory leaks, but callers are not clean in
-     * this respect so we need to explicitly clear here to avoid the
-     * assert in NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer.
-     */
-    binary_item->data = NULL;
-    binary_item->len = 0;
-    dummy = NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer (NULL, binary_item, ascii,
-				    (PRUint32) PORT_Strlen(ascii));
-    if (dummy == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return SECSuccess;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssb64e.c b/nss/lib/util/nssb64e.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5959982..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssb64e.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Base64 encoding (binary to ascii).
- */
-#include "nssb64.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
- * XXX See the big comment at the top of nssb64d.c about moving the
- * bulk of this code over into NSPR (the PL part).  It all applies
- * here but I didn't want to duplicate it, to avoid divergence problems.
- */ 
- **************************************************************
- * XXX Beginning of base64 encoding code to be moved into NSPR.
- */
-struct PLBase64EncodeStateStr {
-    unsigned chunks;
-    unsigned saved;
-    unsigned char buf[3];
- * This typedef would belong in the NSPR header file (i.e. plbase64.h).
- */
-typedef struct PLBase64EncoderStr PLBase64Encoder;
- * The following implementation of base64 encoding was based on code
- * found in libmime (specifically, in mimeenc.c).  It has been adapted to
- * use PR types and naming as well as to provide other necessary semantics
- * (like buffer-in/buffer-out in addition to "streaming" without undue
- * performance hit of extra copying if you made the buffer versions
- * use the output_fn).  It also incorporates some aspects of the current
- * NSPR base64 encoding code.  As such, you may find similarities to
- * both of those implementations.  I tried to use names that reflected
- * the original code when possible.  For this reason you may find some
- * inconsistencies -- libmime used lots of "in" and "out" whereas the
- * NSPR version uses "src" and "dest"; sometimes I changed one to the other
- * and sometimes I left them when I thought the subroutines were at least
- * self-consistent.
- */
- * Opaque object used by the encoder to store state.
- */
-struct PLBase64EncoderStr {
-    /*
-     * The one or two bytes pending.  (We need 3 to create a "token",
-     * and hold the leftovers here.  in_buffer_count is *only* ever
-     * 0, 1, or 2.
-     */
-    unsigned char in_buffer[2];
-    int in_buffer_count;
-    /*
-     * If the caller wants linebreaks added, line_length specifies
-     * where they come out.  It must be a multiple of 4; if the caller
-     * provides one that isn't, we round it down to the nearest
-     * multiple of 4.
-     *
-     * The value of current_column counts how many characters have been
-     * added since the last linebreaks (or since the beginning, on the
-     * first line).  It is also always a multiple of 4; it is unused when
-     * line_length is 0.
-     */ 
-    PRUint32 line_length;
-    PRUint32 current_column;
-    /*
-     * Where to write the encoded data (used when streaming, not when
-     * doing all in-memory (buffer) operations).
-     *
-     * Note that this definition is chosen to be compatible with PR_Write.
-     */
-    PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *output_arg, const char *buf, PRInt32 size);
-    void *output_arg;
-    /*
-     * Where the encoded output goes -- either temporarily (in the streaming
-     * case, staged here before it goes to the output function) or what will
-     * be the entire buffered result for users of the buffer version.
-     */
-    char *output_buffer;
-    PRUint32 output_buflen;	/* the total length of allocated buffer */
-    PRUint32 output_length;	/* the length that is currently populated */
- * Table to convert a binary value to its corresponding ascii "code".
- */
-static unsigned char base64_valuetocode[64] =
-    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
-#define B64_PAD	'='
-#define B64_CR	'\r'
-#define B64_LF	'\n'
-static PRStatus
-pl_base64_encode_buffer (PLBase64Encoder *data, const unsigned char *in,
-			 PRUint32 size)
-    const unsigned char *end = in + size;
-    char *out = data->output_buffer + data->output_length;
-    unsigned int i = data->in_buffer_count;
-    PRUint32 n = 0;
-    int off;
-    PRUint32 output_threshold;
-    /* If this input buffer is too small, wait until next time. */
-    if (size < (3 - i)) {
-	data->in_buffer[i++] = in[0];
-	if (size > 1)
-	    data->in_buffer[i++] = in[1];
-	PR_ASSERT(i < 3);
-	data->in_buffer_count = i;
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* If there are bytes that were put back last time, take them now. */
-    if (i > 0) {
-	n = data->in_buffer[0];
-	if (i > 1)
-	    n = (n << 8) | data->in_buffer[1];
-	data->in_buffer_count = 0;
-    }
-    /* If our total is not a multiple of three, put one or two bytes back. */
-    off = (size + i) % 3;
-    if (off > 0) {
-	size -= off;
-	data->in_buffer[0] = in[size];
-	if (off > 1)
-	    data->in_buffer[1] = in[size + 1];
-	data->in_buffer_count = off;
-	end -= off;
-    }
-    output_threshold = data->output_buflen - 3;
-    /*
-     * Populate the output buffer with base64 data, one line (or buffer)
-     * at a time.
-     */
-    while (in < end) {
-	int j, k;
-	while (i < 3) {
-	    n = (n << 8) | *in++;
-	    i++;
-	}
-	i = 0;
-	if (data->line_length > 0) {
-	    if (data->current_column >= data->line_length) {
-		data->current_column = 0;
-		*out++ = B64_CR;
-		*out++ = B64_LF;
-		data->output_length += 2;
-	    }
-	    data->current_column += 4;	/* the bytes we are about to add */
-	}
-	for (j = 18; j >= 0; j -= 6) {
-	    k = (n >> j) & 0x3F;
-	    *out++ = base64_valuetocode[k];
-	}
-	n = 0;
-	data->output_length += 4;
-	if (data->output_length >= output_threshold) {
-	    PR_ASSERT(data->output_length <= data->output_buflen);
-	    if (data->output_fn != NULL) {
-		PRInt32 output_result;
-		output_result = data->output_fn (data->output_arg,
-						 data->output_buffer,
-						 (PRInt32) data->output_length);
-		if (output_result < 0)
-		    return PR_FAILURE;
-		out = data->output_buffer;
-		data->output_length = 0;
-	    } else {
-		/*
-		 * Check that we are about to exit the loop.  (Since we
-		 * are over the threshold, there isn't enough room in the
-		 * output buffer for another trip around.)
-		 */
-		PR_ASSERT(in == end);
-		if (in < end) {
-		    return PR_FAILURE;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
-static PRStatus
-pl_base64_encode_flush (PLBase64Encoder *data)
-    int i = data->in_buffer_count;
-    if (i == 0 && data->output_length == 0)
-	return PR_SUCCESS;
-    if (i > 0) {
-	char *out = data->output_buffer + data->output_length;
-	PRUint32 n;
-	int j, k;
-	n = ((PRUint32) data->in_buffer[0]) << 16;
-	if (i > 1)
-	    n |= ((PRUint32) data->in_buffer[1] << 8);
-	data->in_buffer_count = 0;
-	if (data->line_length > 0) {
-	    if (data->current_column >= data->line_length) {
-		data->current_column = 0;
-		*out++ = B64_CR;
-		*out++ = B64_LF;
-		data->output_length += 2;
-	    }
-	}
-	/*
-	 * This will fill in more than we really have data for, but the
-	 * valid parts will end up in the correct position and the extras
-	 * will be over-written with pad characters below.
-	 */
-	for (j = 18; j >= 0; j -= 6) {
-	    k = (n >> j) & 0x3F;
-	    *out++ = base64_valuetocode[k];
-	}
-	/* Pad with equal-signs. */
-	if (i == 1)
-	    out[-2] = B64_PAD;
-	out[-1] = B64_PAD;
-	data->output_length += 4;
-    }
-    if (data->output_fn != NULL) {
-	PRInt32 output_result;
-	output_result = data->output_fn (data->output_arg, data->output_buffer,
-					 (PRInt32) data->output_length);
-	data->output_length = 0;
-	if (output_result < 0)
-	    return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return PR_SUCCESS;
- * The maximum space needed to hold the output of the encoder given input
- * data of length "size", and allowing for CRLF added at least every
- * line_length bytes (we will add it at nearest lower multiple of 4).
- * There is no trailing CRLF.
- */
-static PRUint32
-PL_Base64MaxEncodedLength (PRUint32 size, PRUint32 line_length)
-    PRUint32 tokens, tokens_per_line, full_lines, line_break_chars, remainder;
-    tokens = (size + 2) / 3;
-    if (line_length == 0)
-	return tokens * 4;
-    if (line_length < 4)	/* too small! */
-	line_length = 4;
-    tokens_per_line = line_length / 4;
-    full_lines = tokens / tokens_per_line;
-    remainder = (tokens - (full_lines * tokens_per_line)) * 4;
-    line_break_chars = full_lines * 2;
-    if (remainder == 0)
-	line_break_chars -= 2;
-    return (full_lines * tokens_per_line * 4) + line_break_chars + remainder;
- * A distinct internal creation function for the buffer version to use.
- * (It does not want to specify an output_fn, and we want the normal
- * Create function to require that.)  All common initialization of the
- * encoding context should be done *here*.
- *
- * Save "line_length", rounded down to nearest multiple of 4 (if not
- * already even multiple).  Allocate output_buffer, if not provided --
- * based on given size if specified, otherwise based on line_length.
- */
-static PLBase64Encoder *
-pl_base64_create_encoder (PRUint32 line_length, char *output_buffer,
-			  PRUint32 output_buflen)
-    PLBase64Encoder *data;
-    PRUint32 line_tokens;
-    data = PR_NEWZAP(PLBase64Encoder);
-    if (data == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    if (line_length > 0 && line_length < 4)	/* too small! */
-	line_length = 4;
-    line_tokens = line_length / 4;
-    data->line_length = line_tokens * 4;
-    if (output_buffer == NULL) {
-	if (output_buflen == 0) {
-	    if (data->line_length > 0)	/* need to include room for CRLF */
-		output_buflen = data->line_length + 2;
-	    else
-		output_buflen = 64;		/* XXX what is a good size? */
-	}
-	output_buffer = (char *) PR_Malloc(output_buflen);
-	if (output_buffer == NULL) {
-	    PR_Free(data);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-    data->output_buffer = output_buffer;
-    data->output_buflen = output_buflen;
-    return data;
- * Function to start a base64 encoding context.
- * An "output_fn" is required; the "output_arg" parameter to that is optional.
- * If linebreaks in the encoded output are desired, "line_length" specifies
- * where to place them -- it will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4
- * (if it is not already an even multiple of 4).  If it is zero, no linebreaks
- * will be added.  (FYI, a linebreak is CRLF -- two characters.)
- */
-static PLBase64Encoder *
-PL_CreateBase64Encoder (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const char *, PRInt32),
-			void *output_arg, PRUint32 line_length)
-    PLBase64Encoder *data;
-    if (output_fn == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    data = pl_base64_create_encoder (line_length, NULL, 0);
-    if (data == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    data->output_fn = output_fn;
-    data->output_arg = output_arg;
-    return data;
- * Push data through the encoder, causing the output_fn (provided to Create)
- * to be called with the encoded data.
- */
-static PRStatus
-PL_UpdateBase64Encoder (PLBase64Encoder *data, const unsigned char *buffer,
-			PRUint32 size)
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    return pl_base64_encode_buffer (data, buffer, size);
- * When you're done encoding, call this to free the data.  If "abort_p"
- * is false, then calling this may cause the output_fn to be called
- * one last time (as the last buffered data is flushed out).
- */
-static PRStatus
-PL_DestroyBase64Encoder (PLBase64Encoder *data, PRBool abort_p)
-    PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL) {
-	return PR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    /* Flush out the last few buffered characters. */
-    if (!abort_p)
-	status = pl_base64_encode_flush (data);
-    if (data->output_buffer != NULL)
-	PR_Free(data->output_buffer);
-    PR_Free(data);
-    return status;
- * Perform base64 encoding from an input buffer to an output buffer.
- * The output buffer can be provided (as "dest"); you can also pass in
- * a NULL and this function will allocate a buffer large enough for you,
- * and return it.  If you do provide the output buffer, you must also
- * provide the maximum length of that buffer (as "maxdestlen").
- * The actual encoded length of output will be returned to you in
- * "output_destlen".
- *
- * If linebreaks in the encoded output are desired, "line_length" specifies
- * where to place them -- it will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4
- * (if it is not already an even multiple of 4).  If it is zero, no linebreaks
- * will be added.  (FYI, a linebreak is CRLF -- two characters.)
- *
- * Return value is NULL on error, the output buffer (allocated or provided)
- * otherwise.
- */
-static char *
-PL_Base64EncodeBuffer (const unsigned char *src, PRUint32 srclen,
-		       PRUint32 line_length, char *dest, PRUint32 maxdestlen,
-		       PRUint32 *output_destlen)
-    PRUint32 need_length;
-    PLBase64Encoder *data = NULL;
-    PRStatus status;
-    PR_ASSERT(srclen > 0);
-    if (srclen == 0)
-	return dest;
-    /*
-     * How much space could we possibly need for encoding this input?
-     */
-    need_length = PL_Base64MaxEncodedLength (srclen, line_length);
-    /*
-     * Make sure we have at least that much, if output buffer provided.
-     */
-    if (dest != NULL) {
-	PR_ASSERT(maxdestlen >= need_length);
-	if (maxdestlen < need_length) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	maxdestlen = need_length;
-    }
-    data = pl_base64_create_encoder(line_length, dest, maxdestlen);
-    if (data == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    status = pl_base64_encode_buffer (data, src, srclen);
-    /*
-     * We do not wait for Destroy to flush, because Destroy will also
-     * get rid of our encoder context, which we need to look at first!
-     */
-    if (status == PR_SUCCESS)
-	status = pl_base64_encode_flush (data);
-    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
-	(void) PL_DestroyBase64Encoder (data, PR_TRUE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    dest = data->output_buffer;
-    /* Must clear this or Destroy will free it. */
-    data->output_buffer = NULL;
-    *output_destlen = data->output_length;
-    status = PL_DestroyBase64Encoder (data, PR_FALSE);
-    if (status == PR_FAILURE) {
-	PR_Free(dest);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return dest;
- * XXX End of base64 encoding code to be moved into NSPR.
- ********************************************************
- */
- * This is the beginning of the NSS cover functions.  These will
- * provide the interface we want to expose as NSS-ish.  For example,
- * they will operate on our Items, do any special handling or checking
- * we want to do, etc.
- */
- * A boring cover structure for now.  Perhaps someday it will include
- * some more interesting fields.
- */
-struct NSSBase64EncoderStr {
-    PLBase64Encoder *pl_data;
- * Function to start a base64 encoding context.
- */
-NSSBase64Encoder *
-NSSBase64Encoder_Create (PRInt32 (*output_fn) (void *, const char *, PRInt32),
-			 void *output_arg)
-    PLBase64Encoder *pl_data;
-    NSSBase64Encoder *nss_data;
-    nss_data = PORT_ZNew(NSSBase64Encoder);
-    if (nss_data == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    pl_data = PL_CreateBase64Encoder (output_fn, output_arg, 64);
-    if (pl_data == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(nss_data);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    nss_data->pl_data = pl_data;
-    return nss_data;
- * Push data through the encoder, causing the output_fn (provided to Create)
- * to be called with the encoded data.
- */
-NSSBase64Encoder_Update (NSSBase64Encoder *data, const unsigned char *buffer,
-			 PRUint32 size)
-    PRStatus pr_status;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pr_status = PL_UpdateBase64Encoder (data->pl_data, buffer, size);
-    if (pr_status == PR_FAILURE)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * When you're done encoding, call this to free the data.  If "abort_p"
- * is false, then calling this may cause the output_fn to be called
- * one last time (as the last buffered data is flushed out).
- */
-NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy (NSSBase64Encoder *data, PRBool abort_p)
-    PRStatus pr_status;
-    /* XXX Should we do argument checking only in debug build? */
-    if (data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pr_status = PL_DestroyBase64Encoder (data->pl_data, abort_p);
-    PORT_Free(data);
-    if (pr_status == PR_FAILURE)
-	return SECFailure;
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Perform base64 encoding of binary data "inItem" to an ascii string.
- * The output buffer may be provided (as "outStrOpt"); you can also pass
- * in a NULL and the buffer will be allocated for you.  The result will
- * be null-terminated, and if the buffer is provided, "maxOutLen" must
- * specify the maximum length of the buffer and will be checked to
- * supply sufficient space space for the encoded result.  (If "outStrOpt"
- * is NULL, "maxOutLen" is ignored.)
- *
- * If "outStrOpt" is NULL, allocation will happen out of the passed-in
- * "arenaOpt", if *it* is non-NULL, otherwise standard allocation (heap)
- * will be used.
- *
- * Return value is NULL on error, the output buffer (allocated or provided)
- * otherwise.
- */
-char *
-NSSBase64_EncodeItem (PLArenaPool *arenaOpt, char *outStrOpt,
-		      unsigned int maxOutLen, SECItem *inItem)
-    char *out_string = outStrOpt;
-    PRUint32 max_out_len;
-    PRUint32 out_len = 0;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    char *dummy;
-    PORT_Assert(inItem != NULL && inItem->data != NULL && inItem->len != 0);
-    if (inItem == NULL || inItem->data == NULL || inItem->len == 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    max_out_len = PL_Base64MaxEncodedLength (inItem->len, 64);
-    if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-	mark = PORT_ArenaMark (arenaOpt);
-    if (out_string == NULL) {
-	if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-	    out_string = PORT_ArenaAlloc (arenaOpt, max_out_len + 1);
-	else
-	    out_string = PORT_Alloc (max_out_len + 1);
-	if (out_string == NULL) {
-	    if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-		PORT_ArenaRelease (arenaOpt, mark);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if ((max_out_len + 1) > maxOutLen) {
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	max_out_len = maxOutLen;
-    }
-    dummy = PL_Base64EncodeBuffer (inItem->data, inItem->len, 64,
-				   out_string, max_out_len, &out_len);
-    if (dummy == NULL) {
-	if (arenaOpt != NULL) {
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (arenaOpt, mark);
-	} else {
-	    PORT_Free (out_string);
-	}
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (arenaOpt != NULL)
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark (arenaOpt, mark);
-    out_string[out_len] = '\0';
-    return out_string;
- * XXX Everything below is deprecated.  If you add new stuff, put it
- * *above*, not below.
- */
- * XXX The following "BTOA" functions are provided for backward compatibility
- * with current code.  They should be considered strongly deprecated.
- * When we can convert all our code over to using the new NSSBase64Encoder_
- * functions defined above, we should get rid of these altogether.  (Remove
- * protoypes from base64.h as well -- actually, remove that file completely).
- * If someone thinks either of these functions provides such a very useful
- * interface (though, as shown, the same functionality can already be
- * obtained by calling NSSBase64_EncodeItem directly), fine -- but then
- * that API should be provided with a nice new NSSFoo name and using
- * appropriate types, etc.
- */
-#include "base64.h"
-** Return an PORT_Alloc'd ascii string which is the base64 encoded
-** version of the input string.
-char *
-BTOA_DataToAscii(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len)
-    SECItem binary_item;
- = (unsigned char *)data;
-    binary_item.len = len;
-    return NSSBase64_EncodeItem (NULL, NULL, 0, &binary_item);
-** Convert from binary encoding of an item to ascii.
-char *
-BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii (SECItem *binary_item)
-    return NSSBase64_EncodeItem (NULL, NULL, 0, binary_item);
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssb64t.h b/nss/lib/util/nssb64t.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 75e7877..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssb64t.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Public data structures for base64 encoding/decoding.
- */
-#ifndef _NSSB64T_H_
-#define _NSSB64T_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-typedef struct NSSBase64DecoderStr NSSBase64Decoder;
-typedef struct NSSBase64EncoderStr NSSBase64Encoder;
-#endif /* _NSSB64T_H_ */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7108e0c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssilckt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** nssilock.h - Instrumented locking functions for NSS
-** Description:
-**    nssilock provides instrumentation for locks and monitors in
-**    the NSS libraries. The instrumentation, when enabled, causes
-**    each call to the instrumented function to record data about
-**    the call to an external file. The external file
-**    subsequently used to extract performance data and other
-**    statistical information about the operation of locks used in
-**    the nss library.
-**    To enable compilation with instrumentation, build NSS with 
-**    the compile time switch NEED_NSS_ILOCK defined.
-**    say:  "gmake OS_CFLAGS+=-DNEED_NSS_ILOCK" at make time.
-**    At runtime, to enable recording from nssilock, one or more
-**    environment variables must be set. For each nssILockType to
-**    be recorded, an environment variable of the form NSS_ILOCK_x
-**    must be set to 1. For example:
-**       set NSS_ILOCK_Cert=1
-**    nssilock uses PRLOG is used to record to trace data. The
-**    PRLogModule name associated with nssilock data is: "nssilock".
-**    To enable recording of nssilock data you will need to set the
-**    environment variable NSPR_LOG_MODULES to enable
-**    recording for the nssilock log module. Similarly, you will
-**    need to set the environment variable NSPR_LOG_FILE to specify
-**    the filename to receive the recorded data. See prlog.h for usage.
-**    Example:
-**        export NSPR_LOG_MODULES=nssilock:6
-**        export NSPR_LOG_FILE=xxxLogfile
-** Operation:
-**    nssilock wraps calls to NSPR's PZLock and PZMonitor functions
-**    with similarly named functions: PZ_NewLock(), etc. When NSS is
-**    built with lock instrumentation enabled, the PZ* functions are
-**    compiled into NSS; when lock instrumentation is disabled,
-**    calls to PZ* functions are directly mapped to PR* functions
-**    and the instrumentation arguments to the PZ* functions are
-**    compiled away.
-** File Format:
-**    The format of the external file is implementation
-**    dependent. Where NSPR's PR_LOG() function is used, the file
-**    contains data defined for PR_LOG() plus the data written by
-**    the wrapped function. On some platforms and under some
-**    circumstances, platform dependent logging or
-**    instrumentation probes may be used. In any case, the
-**    relevant data provided by the lock instrumentation is:
-**      lockType, func, address, duration, line, file [heldTime]
-**    where:
-**       lockType: a character representation of nssILockType for the
-**       call. e.g. ... "cert"
-**       func: the function doing the tracing. e.g. "NewLock"
-**       address: address of the instrumented lock or monitor
-**       duration: is how long was spent in the instrumented function,
-**       in PRIntervalTime "ticks".
-**       line: the line number within the calling function
-**       file: the file from which the call was made
-**       heldTime: how long the lock/monitor was held. field
-**       present only for PZ_Unlock() and PZ_ExitMonitor().
-** Design Notes:
-**    The design for lock instrumentation was influenced by the
-**    need to gather performance data on NSS 3.x. It is intended
-**    that the effort to modify NSS to use lock instrumentation
-**    be minimized. Existing calls to locking functions need only
-**    have their names changed to the instrumentation function
-**    names.
-** Private NSS Interface:
-**    nssilock.h defines a private interface for use by NSS.
-**    nssilock.h is experimental in nature and is subject to
-**    change or revocation without notice. ... Don't mess with
-**    it.
- * $Id:
- */
-#ifndef _NSSILCKT_H_
-#define _NSSILCKT_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-typedef enum {
-    nssILockArena = 0,
-    nssILockSession = 1,
-    nssILockObject = 2,
-    nssILockRefLock = 3,
-    nssILockCert = 4,
-    nssILockCertDB = 5,
-    nssILockDBM = 6,
-    nssILockCache = 7,
-    nssILockSSL = 8,
-    nssILockList = 9,
-    nssILockSlot = 10,
-    nssILockFreelist = 11,
-    nssILockOID = 12,
-    nssILockAttribute = 13,
-    nssILockPK11cxt = 14,  /* pk11context */
-    nssILockRWLock = 15,
-    nssILockOther = 16,
-    nssILockSelfServ = 17,
-    nssILockKeyDB = 18,
-    nssILockLast  /* don't use this one! */
-} nssILockType;
-** conditionally compile in nssilock features
-#if defined(NEED_NSS_ILOCK)
-** Declare operation type enumerator
-** enumerations identify the function being performed
-typedef enum  {
-    FlushTT = 0,
-    NewLock = 1,
-    Lock = 2,
-    Unlock = 3,
-    DestroyLock = 4,
-    NewCondVar = 5,
-    WaitCondVar = 6,
-    NotifyCondVar = 7,
-    NotifyAllCondVar = 8,
-    DestroyCondVar = 9,
-    NewMonitor = 10,
-    EnterMonitor = 11,
-    ExitMonitor = 12,
-    Notify = 13,
-    NotifyAll = 14,
-    Wait = 15,
-    DestroyMonitor = 16
-} nssILockOp;
-** Declare the trace record
-struct pzTrace_s {
-    PRUint32        threadID; /* PR_GetThreadID() */
-    nssILockOp      op;       /* operation being performed */
-    nssILockType    ltype;    /* lock type identifier */
-    PRIntervalTime  callTime; /* time spent in function */
-    PRIntervalTime  heldTime; /* lock held time, or -1 */
-    void            *lock;    /* address of lock structure */    
-    PRIntn          line;     /* line number */
-    char            file[24]; /* filename */
-** declare opaque types. See: nssilock.c
-typedef struct pzlock_s PZLock;
-typedef struct pzcondvar_s PZCondVar;
-typedef struct pzmonitor_s PZMonitor;
-#else /* NEED_NSS_ILOCK */
-#define PZLock                  PRLock
-#define PZCondVar               PRCondVar
-#define PZMonitor               PRMonitor
-#endif /* NEED_NSS_ILOCK */
-#endif /* _NSSILCKT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssilock.c b/nss/lib/util/nssilock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2799635..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssilock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * nssilock.c - NSS lock instrumentation wrapper functions
- *
- * NOTE - These are not public interfaces
- *
- * Implementation Notes:
- * I've tried to make the instrumentation relatively non-intrusive.
- * To do this, I have used a single PR_LOG() call in each
- * instrumented function. There's room for improvement.
- *
- *
- */
-#include "prinit.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-#include "prio.h"
-#if defined(NEED_NSS_ILOCK)
-#include "prlog.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-** Declare the instrumented PZLock 
-struct pzlock_s {
-    PRLock *lock;  /* the PZLock to be instrumented */
-    PRIntervalTime time; /* timestamp when the lock was aquired */
-    nssILockType ltype;
-** Declare the instrumented PZMonitor 
-struct pzmonitor_s {
-    PRMonitor *mon;   /* the PZMonitor to be instrumented */
-    PRIntervalTime time; /* timestamp when the monitor was aquired */
-    nssILockType ltype;
-** Declare the instrumented PZCondVar
-struct pzcondvar_s  {
-    PRCondVar   *cvar;  /* the PZCondVar to be instrumented */
-    nssILockType ltype;
-** Define a CallOnce type to ensure serialized self-initialization
-static PRCallOnceType coNssILock;     /* CallOnce type */
-static PRIntn  nssILockInitialized;   /* initialization done when 1 */
-static PRLogModuleInfo *nssILog;      /* Log instrumentation to this handle */
-#define NUM_TT_ENTRIES 6000000
-static PRInt32  traceIndex = -1;      /* index into trace table */
-static struct pzTrace_s *tt;          /* pointer to trace table */
-static PRInt32  ttBufSize = (NUM_TT_ENTRIES * sizeof(struct pzTrace_s ));
-static PRCondVar *ttCVar;
-static PRLock    *ttLock;
-static PRFileDesc *ttfd;              /* trace table file */
-** Vtrace() -- Trace events, write events to external media
-** Vtrace() records traced events in an in-memory trace table
-** when the trace table fills, Vtrace writes the entire table
-** to a file.
-** data can be lost!
-static void Vtrace(
-    nssILockOp      op,
-    nssILockType    ltype,
-    PRIntervalTime  callTime,
-    PRIntervalTime  heldTime,
-    void            *lock,
-    PRIntn          line,
-    char            *file
-)  {
-    PRInt32 idx;
-    struct pzTrace_s *tp;
-    idx = PR_ATOMIC_INCREMENT( &traceIndex );
-    while( NUM_TT_ENTRIES <= idx || op == FlushTT ) {
-        if( NUM_TT_ENTRIES == idx  || op == FlushTT )  {
-            int writeSize = idx * sizeof(struct pzTrace_s);
-            PR_Lock(ttLock);
-            PR_Write( ttfd, tt, writeSize );
-            traceIndex = -1;
-            PR_NotifyAllCondVar( ttCVar );
-            PR_Unlock(ttLock);
-            goto RetryTrace;
-        } else {
-            PR_Lock(ttLock);
-            while( NUM_TT_ENTRIES < idx )
-                PR_WaitCondVar(ttCVar, PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT);
-            PR_Unlock(ttLock);
-            goto RetryTrace;
-        }
-    } /* end while() */
-    /* create the trace entry */
-    tp = tt + idx;
-    tp->threadID = PR_GetThreadID(PR_GetCurrentThread());
-    tp->op = op;
-    tp->ltype = ltype;
-    tp->callTime = callTime;
-    tp->heldTime = heldTime;
-    tp->lock = lock;
-    tp ->line = line;
-    strcpy(tp->file, file );
-    return;
-} /* --- end Vtrace() --- */
-** pz_TraceFlush() -- Force trace table write to file
-extern void pz_TraceFlush( void )
-    Vtrace( FlushTT, nssILockSelfServ, 0, 0, NULL, 0, "" );
-    return;
-} /* --- end pz_TraceFlush() --- */
-** nssILockInit() -- Initialization for nssilock
-** This function is called from the CallOnce mechanism.
-static PRStatus
-    nssILockInit( void ) 
-    int i;
-    nssILockInitialized = 1;
-    /* new log module */
-    nssILog = PR_NewLogModule("nssilock");
-    if ( NULL == nssILog )  {
-        return(PR_FAILURE);
-    }
-    tt = PR_Calloc( NUM_TT_ENTRIES, sizeof(struct pzTrace_s));
-    if (NULL == tt ) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "nssilock: can't allocate trace table\n");
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    ttfd = PR_Open( "xxxTTLog", PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_WRONLY, 0666 );
-    if ( NULL == ttfd )  {
-        fprintf( stderr, "Oh Drat! Can't open 'xxxTTLog'\n");
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    ttLock = PR_NewLock();
-    ttCVar = PR_NewCondVar(ttLock);
-    return(PR_SUCCESS);
-} /* --- end nssILockInit() --- */
-extern PZLock * pz_NewLock( 
-    nssILockType ltype,
-    char *file,  
-    PRIntn line )
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PZLock  *lock;
-    /* Self Initialize the nssILock feature */
-    if (!nssILockInitialized)  {
-        rc = PR_CallOnce( &coNssILock, nssILockInit );
-        if ( PR_FAILURE == rc ) {
-            PR_SetError( PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0 );
-            return( NULL );
-        }
-    }
-    lock = PR_NEWZAP( PZLock );
-    if ( NULL != lock )  {
-        lock->ltype = ltype;
-        lock->lock = PR_NewLock();
-        if ( NULL == lock->lock )  {
-            PR_DELETE( lock );
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        }
-    } else {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    Vtrace( NewLock, ltype, 0, 0, lock, line, file );
-    return(lock);
-} /* --- end pz_NewLock() --- */
-extern void
-    pz_Lock(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRIntervalTime callTime;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    PR_Lock( lock->lock );
-    lock->time = PR_IntervalNow();
-    callTime = lock->time - callTime;
-    Vtrace( Lock, lock->ltype, callTime, 0, lock, line, file );
-    return;
-} /* --- end  pz_Lock() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_Unlock(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    ) 
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PRIntervalTime callTime, now, heldTime;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    rc = PR_Unlock( lock->lock );
-    now = PR_IntervalNow(); 
-    callTime = now - callTime;
-    heldTime = now - lock->time;
-    Vtrace( Unlock, lock->ltype, callTime, heldTime, lock, line, file );
-    return( rc );
-} /* --- end  pz_Unlock() --- */
-extern void
-    pz_DestroyLock(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    Vtrace( DestroyLock, lock->ltype, 0, 0, lock, line, file );
-    PR_DestroyLock( lock->lock );
-    PR_DELETE( lock );
-    return;
-} /* --- end  pz_DestroyLock() --- */
-extern PZCondVar *
-    pz_NewCondVar(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PZCondVar *cvar;
-    cvar = PR_NEWZAP( PZCondVar );
-    if ( NULL == cvar ) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    } else {
-        cvar->ltype = lock->ltype; 
-        cvar->cvar = PR_NewCondVar( lock->lock );
-        if ( NULL == cvar->cvar )  {
-            PR_DELETE( cvar );
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        }
-    }
-    Vtrace( NewCondVar, lock->ltype, 0, 0, cvar, line, file );
-    return( cvar );
-} /* --- end  pz_NewCondVar() --- */
-extern void
-    pz_DestroyCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    Vtrace( DestroyCondVar, cvar->ltype, 0, 0, cvar, line, file );
-    PR_DestroyCondVar( cvar->cvar );
-    PR_DELETE( cvar );
-} /* --- end  pz_DestroyCondVar() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_WaitCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus    rc;
-    PRIntervalTime callTime;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    rc = PR_WaitCondVar( cvar->cvar, timeout );
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow() - callTime;
-    Vtrace( WaitCondVar, cvar->ltype, callTime, 0, cvar, line, file );
-    return(rc);
-} /* --- end  pz_WaitCondVar() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_NotifyCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus    rc;
-    rc = PR_NotifyCondVar( cvar->cvar );
-    Vtrace( NotifyCondVar, cvar->ltype, 0, 0, cvar, line, file );
-    return(rc);
-} /* --- end  pz_NotifyCondVar() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_NotifyAllCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus    rc;
-    rc = PR_NotifyAllCondVar( cvar->cvar );
-    Vtrace( NotifyAllCondVar, cvar->ltype, 0, 0, cvar, line, file );
-    return(rc);
-} /* --- end  pz_NotifyAllCondVar() --- */
-extern PZMonitor *
-    pz_NewMonitor( 
-        nssILockType ltype,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PZMonitor   *mon;
-    /* Self Initialize the nssILock feature */
-    if (!nssILockInitialized)  {
-        rc = PR_CallOnce( &coNssILock, nssILockInit );
-        if ( PR_FAILURE == rc ) {
-            PR_SetError( PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0 );
-            return( NULL );
-        }
-    }
-    mon = PR_NEWZAP( PZMonitor );
-    if ( NULL != mon )  {
-        mon->ltype = ltype;
-        mon->mon = PR_NewMonitor();
-        if ( NULL == mon->mon )  {
-            PR_DELETE( mon );
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        }
-    } else {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-    }
-    Vtrace( NewMonitor, ltype, 0, 0, mon, line, file );
-    return(mon);
-} /* --- end  pz_NewMonitor() --- */
-extern void
-    pz_DestroyMonitor(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    Vtrace( DestroyMonitor, mon->ltype, 0, 0, mon, line, file );
-    PR_DestroyMonitor( mon->mon );
-    PR_DELETE( mon );
-    return;                
-} /* --- end  pz_DestroyMonitor() --- */
-extern void
-    pz_EnterMonitor(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRIntervalTime callTime, now;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    PR_EnterMonitor( mon->mon );
-    now = PR_IntervalNow();
-    callTime = now - callTime;
-    if ( PR_GetMonitorEntryCount(mon->mon) == 1 )  {
-        mon->time = now;
-    }
-    Vtrace( EnterMonitor, mon->ltype, callTime, 0, mon, line, file );
-    return;
-} /* --- end  pz_EnterMonitor() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_ExitMonitor(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PRIntervalTime callTime, now, heldTime;
-    PRIntn  mec = PR_GetMonitorEntryCount( mon->mon );
-    heldTime = (PRIntervalTime)-1; 
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    rc = PR_ExitMonitor( mon->mon );
-    now = PR_IntervalNow();
-    callTime = now - callTime;
-    if ( mec == 1 )
-        heldTime = now - mon->time;
-    Vtrace( ExitMonitor, mon->ltype, callTime, heldTime, mon, line, file );
-    return( rc );
-} /* --- end  pz_ExitMonitor() --- */
-extern PRIntn
-    pz_GetMonitorEntryCount(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    return( PR_GetMonitorEntryCount(mon->mon));
-} /* --- end pz_GetMonitorEntryCount() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_Wait(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        PRIntervalTime ticks,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PRIntervalTime callTime;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    rc = PR_Wait( mon->mon, ticks );
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow() - callTime;
-    Vtrace( Wait, mon->ltype, callTime, 0, mon, line, file );
-    return( rc );
-} /* --- end  pz_Wait() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_Notify(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PRIntervalTime callTime;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    rc = PR_Notify( mon->mon );
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow() - callTime;
-    Vtrace( Notify, mon->ltype, callTime, 0, mon, line, file );
-    return( rc );
-} /* --- end  pz_Notify() --- */
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_NotifyAll(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    )
-    PRStatus rc;
-    PRIntervalTime callTime;
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow();
-    rc = PR_NotifyAll( mon->mon );
-    callTime = PR_IntervalNow() - callTime;
-    Vtrace( NotifyAll, mon->ltype, callTime, 0, mon, line, file );
-    return( rc );
-} /* --- end  pz_NotifyAll() --- */
-#endif /* NEED_NSS_ILOCK */
-/* --- end nssilock.c --------------------------------- */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssilock.h b/nss/lib/util/nssilock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a796e4a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssilock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** nssilock.h - Instrumented locking functions for NSS
-** Description:
-**    nssilock provides instrumentation for locks and monitors in
-**    the NSS libraries. The instrumentation, when enabled, causes
-**    each call to the instrumented function to record data about
-**    the call to an external file. The external file
-**    subsequently used to extract performance data and other
-**    statistical information about the operation of locks used in
-**    the nss library.
-**    To enable compilation with instrumentation, build NSS with 
-**    the compile time switch NEED_NSS_ILOCK defined.
-**    say:  "gmake OS_CFLAGS+=-DNEED_NSS_ILOCK" at make time.
-**    At runtime, to enable recording from nssilock, one or more
-**    environment variables must be set. For each nssILockType to
-**    be recorded, an environment variable of the form NSS_ILOCK_x
-**    must be set to 1. For example:
-**       set NSS_ILOCK_Cert=1
-**    nssilock uses PRLOG is used to record to trace data. The
-**    PRLogModule name associated with nssilock data is: "nssilock".
-**    To enable recording of nssilock data you will need to set the
-**    environment variable NSPR_LOG_MODULES to enable
-**    recording for the nssilock log module. Similarly, you will
-**    need to set the environment variable NSPR_LOG_FILE to specify
-**    the filename to receive the recorded data. See prlog.h for usage.
-**    Example:
-**        export NSPR_LOG_MODULES=nssilock:6
-**        export NSPR_LOG_FILE=xxxLogfile
-** Operation:
-**    nssilock wraps calls to NSPR's PZLock and PZMonitor functions
-**    with similarly named functions: PZ_NewLock(), etc. When NSS is
-**    built with lock instrumentation enabled, the PZ* functions are
-**    compiled into NSS; when lock instrumentation is disabled,
-**    calls to PZ* functions are directly mapped to PR* functions
-**    and the instrumentation arguments to the PZ* functions are
-**    compiled away.
-** File Format:
-**    The format of the external file is implementation
-**    dependent. Where NSPR's PR_LOG() function is used, the file
-**    contains data defined for PR_LOG() plus the data written by
-**    the wrapped function. On some platforms and under some
-**    circumstances, platform dependent logging or
-**    instrumentation probes may be used. In any case, the
-**    relevant data provided by the lock instrumentation is:
-**      lockType, func, address, duration, line, file [heldTime]
-**    where:
-**       lockType: a character representation of nssILockType for the
-**       call. e.g. ... "cert"
-**       func: the function doing the tracing. e.g. "NewLock"
-**       address: address of the instrumented lock or monitor
-**       duration: is how long was spent in the instrumented function,
-**       in PRIntervalTime "ticks".
-**       line: the line number within the calling function
-**       file: the file from which the call was made
-**       heldTime: how long the lock/monitor was held. field
-**       present only for PZ_Unlock() and PZ_ExitMonitor().
-** Design Notes:
-**    The design for lock instrumentation was influenced by the
-**    need to gather performance data on NSS 3.x. It is intended
-**    that the effort to modify NSS to use lock instrumentation
-**    be minimized. Existing calls to locking functions need only
-**    have their names changed to the instrumentation function
-**    names.
-** Private NSS Interface:
-**    nssilock.h defines a private interface for use by NSS.
-**    nssilock.h is experimental in nature and is subject to
-**    change or revocation without notice. ... Don't mess with
-**    it.
- * $Id:
- */
-#ifndef _NSSILOCK_H_
-#define _NSSILOCK_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "prlock.h"
-#include "prcvar.h"
-#include "nssilckt.h"
-#if defined(NEED_NSS_ILOCK)
-#define PZ_NewLock(t) pz_NewLock((t),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PZLock * 
-    pz_NewLock(
-        nssILockType ltype,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn  line
-    );
-#define PZ_Lock(k)  pz_Lock((k),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern void
-    pz_Lock(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_Unlock(k) pz_Unlock((k),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_Unlock(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_DestroyLock(k) pz_DestroyLock((k),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern void
-    pz_DestroyLock(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_NewCondVar(l)        pz_NewCondVar((l),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PZCondVar *
-    pz_NewCondVar(
-        PZLock *lock,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_DestroyCondVar(v)    pz_DestroyCondVar((v),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern void
-    pz_DestroyCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_WaitCondVar(v,t)       pz_WaitCondVar((v),(t),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_WaitCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        PRIntervalTime timeout,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_NotifyCondVar(v)     pz_NotifyCondVar((v),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_NotifyCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_NotifyAllCondVar(v)  pz_NotifyAllCondVar((v),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_NotifyAllCondVar(
-        PZCondVar *cvar,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_NewMonitor(t) pz_NewMonitor((t),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PZMonitor *
-    pz_NewMonitor( 
-        nssILockType ltype,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_DestroyMonitor(m) pz_DestroyMonitor((m),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern void
-    pz_DestroyMonitor(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_EnterMonitor(m) pz_EnterMonitor((m),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern void
-    pz_EnterMonitor(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_ExitMonitor(m) pz_ExitMonitor((m),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_ExitMonitor(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_InMonitor(m)  (PZ_GetMonitorEntryCount(m) > 0 )
-#define PZ_GetMonitorEntryCount(m) pz_GetMonitorEntryCount((m),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRIntn
-    pz_GetMonitorEntryCount(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_Wait(m,i) pz_Wait((m),((i)),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_Wait(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        PRIntervalTime ticks,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_Notify(m) pz_Notify((m),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_Notify(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_NotifyAll(m) pz_NotifyAll((m),__FILE__,__LINE__)
-extern PRStatus
-    pz_NotifyAll(
-        PZMonitor *mon,
-        char *file,
-        PRIntn line
-    );
-#define PZ_TraceFlush() pz_TraceFlush()
-extern void pz_TraceFlush( void );
-#else /* NEED_NSS_ILOCK */
-#define PZ_NewLock(t)           PR_NewLock()
-#define PZ_DestroyLock(k)       PR_DestroyLock((k))
-#define PZ_Lock(k)              PR_Lock((k))
-#define PZ_Unlock(k)            PR_Unlock((k))
-#define PZ_NewCondVar(l)        PR_NewCondVar((l))
-#define PZ_DestroyCondVar(v)    PR_DestroyCondVar((v))
-#define PZ_WaitCondVar(v,t)     PR_WaitCondVar((v),(t))
-#define PZ_NotifyCondVar(v)     PR_NotifyCondVar((v))
-#define PZ_NotifyAllCondVar(v)  PR_NotifyAllCondVar((v))
-#define PZ_NewMonitor(t)        PR_NewMonitor()
-#define PZ_DestroyMonitor(m)    PR_DestroyMonitor((m))
-#define PZ_EnterMonitor(m)      PR_EnterMonitor((m))
-#define PZ_ExitMonitor(m)       PR_ExitMonitor((m))
-#define PZ_InMonitor(m)         PR_InMonitor((m))
-#define PZ_Wait(m,t)            PR_Wait(((m)),((t)))
-#define PZ_Notify(m)            PR_Notify((m))
-#define PZ_NotifyAll(m)         PR_Notify((m))
-#define PZ_TraceFlush()         /* nothing */
-#endif /* NEED_NSS_ILOCK */
-#endif /* _NSSILOCK_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nsslocks.h b/nss/lib/util/nsslocks.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6098f56..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nsslocks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * nsslocks.h - threadsafe functions to initialize lock pointers.
- *
- * NOTE - The interfaces formerly in this header were private and are now all
- *        obsolete.
- */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.c b/nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fbbfbd6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
- * Reader-writer lock
- */
-struct nssRWLockStr {
-    PZLock *        rw_lock;
-    char   *        rw_name;            /* lock name                    */
-    PRUint32        rw_rank;            /* rank of the lock             */
-    PRInt32         rw_writer_locks;    /* ==  0, if unlocked           */
-    PRInt32         rw_reader_locks;    /* ==  0, if unlocked           */
-                                        /* > 0  , # of read locks       */
-    PRUint32        rw_waiting_readers; /* number of waiting readers    */
-    PRUint32        rw_waiting_writers; /* number of waiting writers    */
-    PZCondVar *     rw_reader_waitq;    /* cvar for readers             */
-    PZCondVar *     rw_writer_waitq;    /* cvar for writers             */
-    PRThread  *     rw_owner;           /* lock owner for write-lock    */
-                                        /* Non-null if write lock held. */
-#include <string.h>
-#define NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_ORDER_DEBUG /* enable deadlock detection using
-                                       rank-order for locks
-                                    */
-static PRUintn  nss_thread_rwlock_initialized;
-static PRUintn  nss_thread_rwlock;               /* TPD key for lock stack */
-static PRUintn  nss_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed;
-typedef struct thread_rwlock_stack {
-    PRInt32     trs_index;                                  /* top of stack */
-    NSSRWLock    *trs_stack[_NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_ORDER_LIMIT];  /* stack of lock
-                                                               pointers */
-} thread_rwlock_stack;
-/* forward static declarations. */
-static PRUint32 nssRWLock_GetThreadRank(PRThread *me);
-static void     nssRWLock_SetThreadRank(PRThread *me, NSSRWLock *rwlock);
-static void     nssRWLock_UnsetThreadRank(PRThread *me, NSSRWLock *rwlock);
-static void     nssRWLock_ReleaseLockStack(void *lock_stack);
-#define UNTIL(x) while(!(x))
- * Reader/Writer Locks
- */
- * NSSRWLock_New
- *      Create a reader-writer lock, with the given lock rank and lock name
- *
- */
-NSSRWLock *
-NSSRWLock_New(PRUint32 lock_rank, const char *lock_name)
-    NSSRWLock *rwlock;
-    rwlock = PR_NEWZAP(NSSRWLock);
-    if (rwlock == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    rwlock->rw_lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockRWLock);
-    if (rwlock->rw_lock == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rwlock->rw_reader_waitq = PZ_NewCondVar(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    if (rwlock->rw_reader_waitq == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rwlock->rw_writer_waitq = PZ_NewCondVar(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    if (rwlock->rw_writer_waitq == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    if (lock_name != NULL) {
-        rwlock->rw_name = (char*) PR_Malloc((PRUint32)strlen(lock_name) + 1);
-        if (rwlock->rw_name == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-        }
-        strcpy(rwlock->rw_name, lock_name);
-    } else {
-        rwlock->rw_name = NULL;
-    }
-    rwlock->rw_rank            = lock_rank;
-    rwlock->rw_waiting_readers = 0;
-    rwlock->rw_waiting_writers = 0;
-    rwlock->rw_reader_locks    = 0;
-    rwlock->rw_writer_locks    = 0;
-    return rwlock;
-    NSSRWLock_Destroy(rwlock);
-    return(NULL);
-** Destroy the given RWLock "lock".
-NSSRWLock_Destroy(NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock != NULL);
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_waiting_readers == 0);
-    /* XXX Shouldn't we lock the PZLock before destroying this?? */
-    if (rwlock->rw_name)
-    	PR_Free(rwlock->rw_name);
-    if (rwlock->rw_reader_waitq)
-    	PZ_DestroyCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq);
-    if (rwlock->rw_writer_waitq)
-	PZ_DestroyCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq);
-    if (rwlock->rw_lock)
-	PZ_DestroyLock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    PR_DELETE(rwlock);
-** Read-lock the RWLock.
-NSSRWLock_LockRead(NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PZ_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    /*
-     * assert that rank ordering is not violated; the rank of 'rwlock' should
-     * be equal to or greater than the highest rank of all the locks held by
-     * the thread.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT((rwlock->rw_rank == NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE) ||
-              (rwlock->rw_rank >= nssRWLock_GetThreadRank(me)));
-    /*
-     * wait if write-locked or if a writer is waiting; preference for writers
-     */
-    UNTIL ( (rwlock->rw_owner == me) ||		  /* I own it, or        */
-	   ((rwlock->rw_owner == NULL) &&	  /* no-one owns it, and */
-	    (rwlock->rw_waiting_writers == 0))) { /* no-one is waiting to own */
-	rwlock->rw_waiting_readers++;
-	PZ_WaitCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-	rwlock->rw_waiting_readers--;
-    }
-    rwlock->rw_reader_locks++; 		/* Increment read-lock count */
-    PZ_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    nssRWLock_SetThreadRank(me, rwlock);/* update thread's lock rank */
-/* Unlock a Read lock held on this RW lock.
-NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    PZ_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_reader_locks > 0); /* lock must be read locked */
-    if ((  rwlock->rw_reader_locks  > 0)  &&	/* caller isn't screwey */
-        (--rwlock->rw_reader_locks == 0)  &&	/* not read locked any more */
-	(  rwlock->rw_owner        == NULL) &&	/* not write locked */
-	(  rwlock->rw_waiting_writers > 0)) {	/* someone's waiting. */
-	PZ_NotifyCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq); /* wake him up. */
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    /*
-     * update thread's lock rank
-     */
-    nssRWLock_UnsetThreadRank(me, rwlock);
-    return;
-** Write-lock the RWLock.
-NSSRWLock_LockWrite(NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PZ_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    /*
-     * assert that rank ordering is not violated; the rank of 'rwlock' should
-     * be equal to or greater than the highest rank of all the locks held by
-     * the thread.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT((rwlock->rw_rank == NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE) ||
-                    (rwlock->rw_rank >= nssRWLock_GetThreadRank(me)));
-    /*
-     * wait if read locked or write locked.
-     */
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_reader_locks >= 0);
-    PR_ASSERT(me != NULL);
-    UNTIL ( (rwlock->rw_owner == me) ||           /* I own write lock, or */
-	   ((rwlock->rw_owner == NULL) &&	  /* no writer   and */
-	    (rwlock->rw_reader_locks == 0))) {    /* no readers, either. */
-        rwlock->rw_waiting_writers++;
-        PZ_WaitCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
-        rwlock->rw_waiting_writers--;
-	PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_reader_locks >= 0);
-    }
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_reader_locks == 0);
-    /*
-     * apply write lock
-     */
-    rwlock->rw_owner = me;
-    rwlock->rw_writer_locks++; 		/* Increment write-lock count */
-    PZ_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    /*
-     * update thread's lock rank
-     */
-    nssRWLock_SetThreadRank(me,rwlock);
-/* Unlock a Read lock held on this RW lock.
-NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    PZ_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_owner == me); /* lock must be write-locked by me.  */
-    PR_ASSERT(rwlock->rw_writer_locks > 0); /* lock must be write locked */
-    if (  rwlock->rw_owner        == me  &&	/* I own it, and            */
-          rwlock->rw_writer_locks  > 0   &&	/* I own it, and            */
-        --rwlock->rw_writer_locks == 0) {	/* I'm all done with it     */
-	rwlock->rw_owner = NULL;		/* I don't own it any more. */
-	/* Give preference to waiting writers. */
-	if (rwlock->rw_waiting_writers > 0) {
-	    if (rwlock->rw_reader_locks == 0)
-		PZ_NotifyCondVar(rwlock->rw_writer_waitq);
-	} else if (rwlock->rw_waiting_readers > 0) {
-	    PZ_NotifyAllCondVar(rwlock->rw_reader_waitq);
-	}
-    }
-    PZ_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    /*
-     * update thread's lock rank
-     */
-    nssRWLock_UnsetThreadRank(me, rwlock);
-    return;
-/* This is primarily for debugging, i.e. for inclusion in ASSERT calls. */
-NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock(NSSRWLock *rwlock) {
-    PRBool ownWriteLock;
-    PRThread *me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-    /* This lock call isn't really necessary.
-    ** If this thread is the owner, that fact cannot change during this call,
-    ** because this thread is in this call.
-    ** If this thread is NOT the owner, the owner could change, but it 
-    ** could not become this thread.  
-    */
-    PZ_Lock(rwlock->rw_lock);	
-    ownWriteLock = (PRBool)(me == rwlock->rw_owner);
-    PZ_Unlock(rwlock->rw_lock);
-    return ownWriteLock;
- * nssRWLock_SetThreadRank
- *      Set a thread's lock rank, which is the highest of the ranks of all
- *      the locks held by the thread. Pointers to the locks are added to a
- *      per-thread list, which is anchored off a thread-private data key.
- */
-static void
-nssRWLock_SetThreadRank(PRThread *me, NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    thread_rwlock_stack *lock_stack;
-    PRStatus rv;
-    /*
-     * allocated thread-private-data for rwlock list, if not already allocated
-     */
-    if (!nss_thread_rwlock_initialized) {
-        /*
-         * allocate tpd, only if not failed already
-         */
-        if (!nss_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed) {
-            if (PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(&nss_thread_rwlock,
-                                        nssRWLock_ReleaseLockStack)
-                                                == PR_FAILURE) {
-                nss_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed = 1;
-                return;
-            }
-        } else
-            return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * allocate a lock stack
-     */
-    if ((lock_stack = PR_GetThreadPrivate(nss_thread_rwlock)) == NULL) {
-        lock_stack = (thread_rwlock_stack *)
-                        PR_CALLOC(1 * sizeof(thread_rwlock_stack));
-        if (lock_stack) {
-            rv = PR_SetThreadPrivate(nss_thread_rwlock, lock_stack);
-            if (rv == PR_FAILURE) {
-                PR_DELETE(lock_stack);
-                nss_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed = 1;
-                return;
-            }
-        } else {
-            nss_thread_rwlock_alloc_failed = 1;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * add rwlock to lock stack, if limit is not exceeded
-     */
-    if (lock_stack) {
-        if (lock_stack->trs_index < _NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_ORDER_LIMIT)
-            lock_stack->trs_stack[lock_stack->trs_index++] = rwlock;
-    }
-    nss_thread_rwlock_initialized = 1;
-static void
-nssRWLock_ReleaseLockStack(void *lock_stack)
-    PR_ASSERT(lock_stack);
-    PR_DELETE(lock_stack);
- * nssRWLock_GetThreadRank
- *
- *      return thread's lock rank. If thread-private-data for the lock
- *      stack is not allocated, return NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE.
- */
-static PRUint32
-nssRWLock_GetThreadRank(PRThread *me)
-    thread_rwlock_stack *lock_stack;
-    if (nss_thread_rwlock_initialized) {
-        if ((lock_stack = PR_GetThreadPrivate(nss_thread_rwlock)) == NULL)
-            return (NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE);
-        else
-            return(lock_stack->trs_stack[lock_stack->trs_index - 1]->rw_rank);
-    } else
-            return (NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE);
- * nssRWLock_UnsetThreadRank
- *
- *      remove the rwlock from the lock stack. Since locks may not be
- *      unlocked in a FIFO order, the entire lock stack is searched.
- */
-static void
-nssRWLock_UnsetThreadRank(PRThread *me, NSSRWLock *rwlock)
-    thread_rwlock_stack *lock_stack;
-    int new_index = 0, index, done = 0;
-    if (!nss_thread_rwlock_initialized)
-        return;
-    lock_stack = PR_GetThreadPrivate(nss_thread_rwlock);
-    PR_ASSERT(lock_stack != NULL);
-    index = lock_stack->trs_index - 1;
-    while (index-- >= 0) {
-        if ((lock_stack->trs_stack[index] == rwlock) && !done)  {
-            /*
-             * reset the slot for rwlock
-             */
-            lock_stack->trs_stack[index] = NULL;
-            done = 1;
-        }
-        /*
-         * search for the lowest-numbered empty slot, above which there are
-         * no non-empty slots
-         */
-        if ((lock_stack->trs_stack[index] != NULL) && !new_index)
-            new_index = index + 1;
-        if (done && new_index)
-            break;
-    }
-    /*
-     * set top of stack to highest numbered empty slot
-     */
-    lock_stack->trs_index = new_index;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.h b/nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3402c82..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssrwlk.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-** File:		nsrwlock.h
-** Description:	API to basic reader-writer lock functions of NSS.
-**	These are re-entrant reader writer locks; that is,
-**	If I hold the write lock, I can ask for it and get it again.
-**	If I hold the write lock, I can also ask for and get a read lock.
-**      I can then release the locks in any order (read or write).
-**	I must release each lock type as many times as I acquired it.
-**	Otherwise, these are normal reader/writer locks.
-** For deadlock detection, locks should be ranked, and no lock may be aquired
-** while I hold a lock of higher rank number.
-** If you don't want that feature, always use NSS_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE.
-** Lock name is for debugging, and is optional (may be NULL)
-#ifndef nssrwlk_h___
-#define nssrwlk_h___
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "nssrwlkt.h"
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_New
-**  Returns a pointer to a newly created reader-writer lock object.
-** INPUTS:      Lock rank
-**		Lock name
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      NSSRWLock*
-**   If the lock cannot be created because of resource constraints, NULL
-**   is returned.
-extern NSSRWLock* NSSRWLock_New(PRUint32 lock_rank, const char *lock_name);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_AtomicCreate
-**  Given the address of a NULL pointer to a NSSRWLock, 
-**  atomically initializes that pointer to a newly created NSSRWLock.
-**  Returns the value placed into that pointer, or NULL.
-** INPUTS:      address of NSRWLock pointer
-**              Lock rank
-**		Lock name
-** OUTPUTS:     NSSRWLock*
-** RETURN:      NSSRWLock*
-**   If the lock cannot be created because of resource constraints, 
-**   the pointer will be left NULL.
-extern NSSRWLock *
-nssRWLock_AtomicCreate( NSSRWLock  ** prwlock, 
-			PRUint32      lock_rank, 
-			const char *  lock_name);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_Destroy
-**  Destroys a given RW lock object.
-** INPUTS:      NSSRWLock *lock - Lock to be freed.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-extern void NSSRWLock_Destroy(NSSRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_LockRead
-**  Apply a read lock (non-exclusive) on a RWLock
-** INPUTS:      NSSRWLock *lock - Lock to be read-locked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-extern void NSSRWLock_LockRead(NSSRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_LockWrite
-**  Apply a write lock (exclusive) on a RWLock
-** INPUTS:      NSSRWLock *lock - Lock to write-locked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      None
-extern void NSSRWLock_LockWrite(NSSRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_UnlockRead
-**  Release a Read lock. Unlocking an unlocked lock has undefined results.
-** INPUTS:      NSSRWLock *lock - Lock to unlocked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      void
-extern void NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(NSSRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite
-**  Release a Write lock. Unlocking an unlocked lock has undefined results.
-** INPUTS:      NSSRWLock *lock - Lock to unlocked.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      void
-extern void NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(NSSRWLock *lock);
-** FUNCTION:    NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock
-**  Tells caller whether the current thread holds the write lock, or not.
-** INPUTS:      NSSRWLock *lock - Lock to test.
-** OUTPUTS:     void
-** RETURN:      PRBool	PR_TRUE IFF the current thread holds the write lock.
-extern PRBool NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock(NSSRWLock *rwlock);
-#endif /* nsrwlock_h___ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssrwlkt.h b/nss/lib/util/nssrwlkt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5725103..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssrwlkt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef nssrwlkt_h___
-#define nssrwlkt_h___
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
- * NSSRWLock --
- *
- *	The reader writer lock, NSSRWLock, is an opaque object to the clients
- *	of NSS.  All routines operate on a pointer to this opaque entity.
- */
-typedef struct nssRWLockStr NSSRWLock;
-#endif /* nsrwlock_h___ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/nssutil.h b/nss/lib/util/nssutil.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8c366..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/nssutil.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * NSS utility functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __nssutil_h_
-#define __nssutil_h_
-#ifndef RC_INVOKED
-#include "seccomon.h"
- * NSS utilities's major version, minor version, patch level, build number,
- * and whether this is a beta release.
- *
- * The format of the version string should be
- *     "<major version>.<minor version>[.<patch level>[.<build number>]][ <Beta>]"
- */
-#define NSSUTIL_VERSION  "3.23"
-#define NSSUTIL_VMAJOR   3
-#define NSSUTIL_VMINOR   23
-#define NSSUTIL_VPATCH   0
-#define NSSUTIL_VBUILD   0
- * Returns a const string of the UTIL library version.
- */
-extern const char *NSSUTIL_GetVersion(void);
-extern SECStatus
-#endif /* __nssutil_h_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/oidstring.c b/nss/lib/util/oidstring.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bb963e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/oidstring.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-/* if to->data is not NULL, and to->len is large enough to hold the result,
- * then the resultant OID will be copyed into to->data, and to->len will be
- * changed to show the actual OID length.
- * Otherwise, memory for the OID will be allocated (from the caller's 
- * PLArenaPool, if pool is non-NULL) and to->data will receive the address
- * of the allocated data, and to->len will receive the OID length.
- * The original value of to->data is not freed when a new buffer is allocated.
- * 
- * The input string may begin with "OID." and this still be ignored.
- * The length of the input string is given in len.  If len == 0, then 
- * len will be computed as strlen(from), meaning it must be NUL terminated.
- * It is an error if from == NULL, or if *from == '\0'.
- */
-SEC_StringToOID(PLArenaPool *pool, SECItem *to, const char *from, PRUint32 len)
-    PRUint32 decimal_numbers = 0;
-    PRUint32 result_bytes = 0;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PRUint8 result[1024];
-    static const PRUint32 max_decimal = (0xffffffff / 10);
-    static const char OIDstring[] = {"OID."};
-    if (!from || !to) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!len) {
-    	len = PL_strlen(from);
-    }
-    if (len >= 4 && !PL_strncasecmp(from, OIDstring, 4)) {
-    	from += 4; /* skip leading "OID." if present */
-	len  -= 4;
-    }
-    if (!len) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    do {
-	PRUint32 decimal = 0;
-        while (len > 0 && isdigit(*from)) {
-	    PRUint32 addend = (*from++ - '0');
-	    --len;
-	    if (decimal > max_decimal)  /* overflow */
-		goto bad_data;
-	    decimal = (decimal * 10) + addend;
-	    if (decimal < addend)	/* overflow */
-		goto bad_data;
-	}
-	if (len != 0 && *from != '.') {
-	    goto bad_data;
-	}
-	if (decimal_numbers == 0) {
-	    if (decimal > 2)
-	    	goto bad_data;
-	    result[0] = decimal * 40;
-	    result_bytes = 1;
-	} else if (decimal_numbers == 1) {
-	    if (decimal > 40)
-	    	goto bad_data;
-	    result[0] += decimal;
-	} else {
-	    /* encode the decimal number,  */
-	    PRUint8 * rp;
-	    PRUint32 num_bytes = 0;
-	    PRUint32 tmp = decimal;
-	    while (tmp) {
-	        num_bytes++;
-		tmp >>= 7;
-	    }
-	    if (!num_bytes )
-	    	++num_bytes;  /* use one byte for a zero value */
-	    if (num_bytes + result_bytes > sizeof result)
-	    	goto bad_data;
-	    tmp = num_bytes;
-	    rp = result + result_bytes - 1;
-	    rp[tmp] = (PRUint8)(decimal & 0x7f);
-	    decimal >>= 7;
-	    while (--tmp > 0) {
-		rp[tmp] = (PRUint8)(decimal | 0x80);
-		decimal >>= 7;
-	    }
-	    result_bytes += num_bytes;
-	}
-	++decimal_numbers;
-	if (len > 0) { /* skip trailing '.' */
-	    ++from;
-	    --len;
-	}
-    } while (len > 0);
-    /* now result contains result_bytes of data */
-    if (to->data && to->len >= result_bytes) {
-    	PORT_Memcpy(to->data, result, to->len = result_bytes);
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    } else {
-    	SECItem result_item = {siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
- = result;
-	result_item.len  = result_bytes;
-	rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(pool, to, &result_item);
-    }
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs11.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 74ac250..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1999 RSA Security Inc. Licence to copy this document
- * is granted provided that it is identified as "RSA Security In.c Public-Key
- * Cryptography Standards (PKCS)" in all material mentioning or referencing
- * this document.
- *
- * The latest version of this header can be found at:
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PKCS11_H_
-#define _PKCS11_H_ 1
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Before including this file (pkcs11.h) (or pkcs11t.h by
- * itself), 6 platform-specific macros must be defined.  These
- * macros are described below, and typical definitions for them
- * are also given.  Be advised that these definitions can depend
- * on both the platform and the compiler used (and possibly also
- * on whether a PKCS #11 library is linked statically or
- * dynamically).
- *
- * In addition to defining these 6 macros, the packing convention
- * for PKCS #11 structures should be set.  The PKCS #11
- * convention on packing is that structures should be 1-byte
- * aligned.
- *
- * In a Win32 environment, this might be done by using the
- * following preprocessor directive before including pkcs11.h
- * or pkcs11t.h:
- *
- * #pragma pack(push, cryptoki, 1)
- *
- * and using the following preprocessor directive after including
- * pkcs11.h or pkcs11t.h:
- *
- * #pragma pack(pop, cryptoki)
- *
- * In a UNIX environment, you're on your own here.  You might
- * not need to do anything.
- *
- *
- * Now for the macros:
- *
- *
- * 1. CK_PTR: The indirection string for making a pointer to an
- * object.  It can be used like this:
- *
- *
- * In a Win32 environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_PTR *
- *
- * In a UNIX environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_PTR *
- *
- *
- * 2. CK_DEFINE_FUNCTION(returnType, name): A macro which makes
- * an exportable PKCS #11 library function definition out of a
- * return type and a function name.  It should be used in the
- * following fashion to define the exposed PKCS #11 functions in
- * a PKCS #11 library:
- *
- * CK_DEFINE_FUNCTION(CK_RV, C_Initialize)(
- *   CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
- * )
- * {
- *   ...
- * }
- *
- * For defining a function in a Win32 PKCS #11 .dll, it might be
- * defined by
- *
- * #define CK_DEFINE_FUNCTION(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType __declspec(dllexport) name
- *
- * In a UNIX environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_DEFINE_FUNCTION(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType name
- *
- *
- * 3. CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION(returnType, name): A macro which makes
- * an importable PKCS #11 library function declaration out of a
- * return type and a function name.  It should be used in the
- * following fashion:
- *
- * extern CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION(CK_RV, C_Initialize)(
- *   CK_VOID_PTR pReserved
- * );
- *
- * For declaring a function in a Win32 PKCS #11 .dll, it might
- * be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType __declspec(dllimport) name
- *
- * In a UNIX environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType name
- *
- *
- * 4. CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION_POINTER(returnType, name): A macro
- * which makes a PKCS #11 API function pointer declaration or
- * function pointer type declaration out of a return type and a
- * function name.  It should be used in the following fashion:
- *
- * // Define funcPtr to be a pointer to a PKCS #11 API function
- * // taking arguments args and returning CK_RV.
- *
- * or
- *
- * // Define funcPtrType to be the type of a pointer to a
- * // PKCS #11 API function taking arguments args and returning
- * // CK_RV, and then define funcPtr to be a variable of type
- * // funcPtrType.
- * typedef CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION_POINTER(CK_RV, funcPtrType)(args);
- * funcPtrType funcPtr;
- *
- * For accessing functions in a Win32 PKCS #11 .dll, in might be
- * defined by
- *
- * #define CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION_POINTER(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType __declspec(dllimport) (* name)
- *
- * In a UNIX environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION_POINTER(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType (* name)
- *
- *
- * 5. CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(returnType, name): A macro which makes
- * a function pointer type for an application callback out of
- * a return type for the callback and a name for the callback.
- * It should be used in the following fashion:
- *
- * CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(CK_RV, myCallback)(args);
- *
- * to declare a function pointer, myCallback, to a callback
- * which takes arguments args and returns a CK_RV.  It can also
- * be used like this:
- *
- * typedef CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(CK_RV, myCallbackType)(args);
- * myCallbackType myCallback;
- *
- * In a Win32 environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType (* name)
- *
- * In a UNIX environment, it might be defined by
- *
- * #define CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(returnType, name) \
- *   returnType (* name)
- *
- *
- * 6. NULL_PTR: This macro is the value of a NULL pointer.
- *
- * In any ANSI/ISO C environment (and in many others as well),
- * this should be defined by
- *
- * #ifndef NULL_PTR
- * #define NULL_PTR 0
- * #endif
- */
-/* All the various PKCS #11 types and #define'd values are in the
- * file pkcs11t.h. */
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#define __PASTE(x,y)      x##y
-/* packing defines */
-#include "pkcs11p.h"
-/* ==============================================================
- * Define the "extern" form of all the entry points.
- * ==============================================================
- */
-#define CK_NEED_ARG_LIST  1
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(name) \
-/* pkcs11f.h has all the information about the PKCS #11
- * function prototypes. */
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-/* ==============================================================
- * Define the typedef form of all the entry points.  That is, for
- * each PKCS #11 function C_XXX, define a type CK_C_XXX which is
- * a pointer to that kind of function.
- * ==============================================================
- */
-#define CK_NEED_ARG_LIST  1
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(name) \
-/* pkcs11f.h has all the information about the PKCS #11
- * function prototypes. */
-#include "pkcs11f.h"
-/* ==============================================================
- * Define structed vector of entry points.  A CK_FUNCTION_LIST
- * contains a CK_VERSION indicating a library's PKCS #11 version
- * and then a whole slew of function pointers to the routines in
- * the library.  This type was declared, but not defined, in
- * pkcs11t.h.
- * ==============================================================
- */
-#define CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(name) \
-  __PASTE(CK_,name) name;
-  CK_VERSION    version;  /* PKCS #11 version */
-/* Pile all the function pointers into the CK_FUNCTION_LIST. */
-/* pkcs11f.h has all the information about the PKCS #11
- * function prototypes. */
-#include "pkcs11f.h" 
-#undef __PASTE
-/* unpack */
-#include "pkcs11u.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11f.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs11f.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 732b1a1..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11f.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,905 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1999 RSA Security Inc. Licence to copy this document
- * is granted provided that it is identified as "RSA Security In.c Public-Key
- * Cryptography Standards (PKCS)" in all material mentioning or referencing
- * this document.
- */
-/* This function contains pretty much everything about all the */
-/* PKCS #11  function prototypes.  Because this information is */
-/* used for more than just declaring function prototypes, the */
-/* order of the functions appearing herein is important, and */
-/* should not be altered. */
-/* General-purpose */
-/* C_Initialize initializes the PKCS #11 library. */
-  CK_VOID_PTR   pInitArgs  /* if this is not NULL_PTR, it gets
-                            * cast to CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS_PTR
-                            * and dereferenced */
-/* C_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the
- * PKCS #11 library. */
-  CK_VOID_PTR   pReserved  /* reserved.  Should be NULL_PTR */
-/* C_GetInfo returns general information about PKCS #11. */
-  CK_INFO_PTR   pInfo  /* location that receives information */
-/* C_GetFunctionList returns the function list. */
-  CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR_PTR ppFunctionList  /* receives pointer to
-                                            * function list */
-/* Slot and token management */
-/* C_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system. */
-  CK_BBOOL       tokenPresent,  /* only slots with tokens? */
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList,     /* receives array of slot IDs */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR   pulCount       /* receives number of slots */
-/* C_GetSlotInfo obtains information about a particular slot in
- * the system. */
-  CK_SLOT_ID       slotID,  /* the ID of the slot */
-  CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR pInfo    /* receives the slot information */
-/* C_GetTokenInfo obtains information about a particular token
- * in the system. */
-  CK_SLOT_ID        slotID,  /* ID of the token's slot */
-  CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR pInfo    /* receives the token information */
-/* C_GetMechanismList obtains a list of mechanism types
- * supported by a token. */
-  CK_SLOT_ID            slotID,          /* ID of token's slot */
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList,  /* gets mech. array */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR          pulCount         /* gets # of mechs. */
-/* C_GetMechanismInfo obtains information about a particular
- * mechanism possibly supported by a token. */
-  CK_SLOT_ID            slotID,  /* ID of the token's slot */
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE     type,    /* type of mechanism */
-  CK_MECHANISM_INFO_PTR pInfo    /* receives mechanism info */
-/* C_InitToken initializes a token. */
-/* pLabel changed from CK_CHAR_PTR to CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR for v2.10 */
-  CK_SLOT_ID         slotID,    /* ID of the token's slot */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR    pPin,      /* the SO's initial PIN */
-  CK_ULONG           ulPinLen,  /* length in bytes of the PIN */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR    pLabel     /* 32-byte token label (blank padded) */
-/* C_InitPIN initializes the normal user's PIN. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR   pPin,      /* the normal user's PIN */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPinLen   /* length in bytes of the PIN */
-/* C_SetPIN modifies the PIN of the user who is logged in. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR   pOldPin,   /* the old PIN */
-  CK_ULONG          ulOldLen,  /* length of the old PIN */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR   pNewPin,   /* the new PIN */
-  CK_ULONG          ulNewLen   /* length of the new PIN */
-/* Session management */
-/* C_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a
- * token. */
-  CK_SLOT_ID            slotID,        /* the slot's ID */
-  CK_FLAGS              flags,         /* from CK_SESSION_INFO */
-  CK_VOID_PTR           pApplication,  /* passed to callback */
-  CK_NOTIFY             Notify,        /* callback function */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession      /* gets session handle */
-/* C_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a
- * token. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession  /* the session's handle */
-/* C_CloseAllSessions closes all sessions with a token. */
-  CK_SLOT_ID     slotID  /* the token's slot */
-/* C_GetSessionInfo obtains information about the session. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE   hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo      /* receives session info */
-/* C_GetOperationState obtains the state of the cryptographic operation
- * in a session. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,             /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pOperationState,      /* gets state */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulOperationStateLen  /* gets state length */
-/* C_SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic
- * operation in a session. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pOperationState,      /* holds state */
-  CK_ULONG         ulOperationStateLen,  /* holds state length */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey,       /* en/decryption key */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey    /* sign/verify key */
-/* C_Login logs a user into a token. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_USER_TYPE      userType,  /* the user type */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR   pPin,      /* the user's PIN */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPinLen   /* the length of the PIN */
-/* C_Logout logs a user out from a token. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession  /* the session's handle */
-/* Object management */
-/* C_CreateObject creates a new object. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,   /* the object's template */
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount,     /* attributes in template */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject  /* gets new object's handle. */
-/* C_CopyObject copies an object, creating a new object for the
- * copy. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE     hObject,     /* the object's handle */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,   /* template for new object */
-  CK_ULONG             ulCount,     /* attributes in template */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject  /* receives handle of copy */
-/* C_DestroyObject destroys an object. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hObject    /* the object's handle */
-/* C_GetObjectSize gets the size of an object in bytes. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hObject,   /* the object's handle */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSize    /* receives size of object */
-/* C_GetAttributeValue obtains the value of one or more object
- * attributes. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,   /* the session's handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hObject,    /* the object's handle */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,  /* specifies attrs; gets vals */
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount     /* attributes in template */
-/* C_SetAttributeValue modifies the value of one or more object
- * attributes */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,   /* the session's handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hObject,    /* the object's handle */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,  /* specifies attrs and values */
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount     /* attributes in template */
-/* C_FindObjectsInit initializes a search for token and session
- * objects that match a template. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,   /* the session's handle */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR  pTemplate,  /* attribute values to match */
-  CK_ULONG          ulCount     /* attrs in search template */
-/* C_FindObjects continues a search for token and session
- * objects that match a template, obtaining additional object
- * handles. */
- CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,          /* session's handle */
- CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject,          /* gets obj. handles */
- CK_ULONG             ulMaxObjectCount,  /* max handles to get */
- CK_ULONG_PTR         pulObjectCount     /* actual # returned */
-/* C_FindObjectsFinal finishes a search for token and session
- * objects. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession  /* the session's handle */
-/* Encryption and decryption */
-/* C_EncryptInit initializes an encryption operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the encryption mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey         /* handle of encryption key */
-/* C_Encrypt encrypts single-part data. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,               /* the plaintext data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,           /* bytes of plaintext */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedData,      /* gets ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedDataLen  /* gets c-text size */
-/* C_EncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part encryption
- * operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,           /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,              /* the plaintext data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,          /* plaintext data len */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,     /* gets ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen /* gets c-text size */
-/* C_EncryptFinal finishes a multiple-part encryption
- * operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,                /* session handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLastEncryptedPart,      /* last c-text */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulLastEncryptedPartLen  /* gets last size */
-/* C_DecryptInit initializes a decryption operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the decryption mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey         /* handle of decryption key */
-/* C_Decrypt decrypts encrypted data in a single part. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,           /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedData,     /* ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedDataLen, /* ciphertext length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,              /* gets plaintext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDataLen          /* gets p-text size */
-/* C_DecryptUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption
- * operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,      /* encrypted data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,  /* input length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,               /* gets plaintext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen           /* p-text size */
-/* C_DecryptFinal finishes a multiple-part decryption
- * operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,       /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLastPart,      /* gets plaintext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulLastPartLen  /* p-text size */
-/* Message digesting */
-/* C_DigestInit initializes a message-digesting operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,   /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism  /* the digesting mechanism */
-/* C_Digest digests data in a single part. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,     /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,        /* data to be digested */
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,    /* bytes of data to digest */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pDigest,      /* gets the message digest */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDigestLen  /* gets digest length */
-/* C_DigestUpdate continues a multiple-part message-digesting
- * operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,     /* data to be digested */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen  /* bytes of data to be digested */
-/* C_DigestKey continues a multi-part message-digesting
- * operation, by digesting the value of a secret key as part of
- * the data already digested. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey       /* secret key to digest */
-/* C_DigestFinal finishes a multiple-part message-digesting
- * operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,     /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pDigest,      /* gets the message digest */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDigestLen  /* gets byte count of digest */
-/* Signing and MACing */
-/* C_SignInit initializes a signature (private key encryption)
- * operation, where the signature is (will be) an appendix to
- * the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the
- *signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the signature mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey         /* handle of signature key */
-/* C_Sign signs (encrypts with private key) data in a single
- * part, where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the
- * data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,        /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,           /* the data to sign */
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,       /* count of bytes to sign */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,      /* gets the signature */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSignatureLen  /* gets signature length */
-/* C_SignUpdate continues a multiple-part signature operation,
- * where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,     /* the data to sign */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen  /* count of bytes to sign */
-/* C_SignFinal finishes a multiple-part signature operation, 
- * returning the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,        /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,      /* gets the signature */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSignatureLen  /* gets signature length */
-/* C_SignRecoverInit initializes a signature operation, where
- * the data can be recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,   /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism, /* the signature mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey        /* handle of the signature key */
-/* C_SignRecover signs data in a single operation, where the
- * data can be recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,        /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,           /* the data to sign */
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,       /* count of bytes to sign */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,      /* gets the signature */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulSignatureLen  /* gets signature length */
-/* Verifying signatures and MACs */
-/* C_VerifyInit initializes a verification operation, where the
- * signature is an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot
- *  cannot be recovered from the signature (e.g. DSA). */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the verification mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey         /* verification key */ 
-/* C_Verify verifies a signature in a single-part operation, 
- * where the signature is an appendix to the data, and plaintext
- * cannot be recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,       /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,          /* signed data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulDataLen,      /* length of signed data */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,     /* signature */
-  CK_ULONG          ulSignatureLen  /* signature length*/
-/* C_VerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part verification
- * operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data, 
- * and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,     /* signed data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen  /* length of signed data */
-/* C_VerifyFinal finishes a multiple-part verification
- * operation, checking the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,       /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,     /* signature to verify */
-  CK_ULONG          ulSignatureLen  /* signature length */
-/* C_VerifyRecoverInit initializes a signature verification
- * operation, where the data is recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,  /* the verification mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey         /* verification key */
-/* C_VerifyRecover verifies a signature in a single-part
- * operation, where the data is recovered from the signature. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,        /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSignature,      /* signature to verify */
-  CK_ULONG          ulSignatureLen,  /* signature length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pData,           /* gets signed data */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulDataLen       /* gets signed data len */
-/* Dual-function cryptographic operations */
-/* C_DigestEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part digesting
- * and encryption operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,               /* the plaintext data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,           /* plaintext length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,      /* gets ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen  /* gets c-text length */
-/* C_DecryptDigestUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and
- * digesting operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,      /* ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,  /* ciphertext length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,               /* gets plaintext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen           /* gets plaintext len */
-/* C_SignEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part signing and
- * encryption operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,               /* the plaintext data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulPartLen,           /* plaintext length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,      /* gets ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulEncryptedPartLen  /* gets c-text length */
-/* C_DecryptVerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and
- * verify operation. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,            /* session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pEncryptedPart,      /* ciphertext */
-  CK_ULONG          ulEncryptedPartLen,  /* ciphertext length */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pPart,               /* gets plaintext */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulPartLen           /* gets p-text length */
-/* Key management */
-/* C_GenerateKey generates a secret key, creating a new key
- * object. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,  /* key generation mech. */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,   /* template for new key */
-  CK_ULONG             ulCount,     /* # of attrs in template */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey        /* gets handle of new key */
-/* C_GenerateKeyPair generates a public-key/private-key pair, 
- * creating new key objects. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,                    /* session
-                                                     * handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,                  /* key-gen
-                                                     * mech. */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pPublicKeyTemplate,          /* template
-                                                     * for pub.
-                                                     * key */
-  CK_ULONG             ulPublicKeyAttributeCount,   /* # pub.
-                                                     * attrs. */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pPrivateKeyTemplate,         /* template
-                                                     * for priv.
-                                                     * key */
-  CK_ULONG             ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount,  /* # priv.
-                                                     * attrs. */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey,                 /* gets pub.
-                                                     * key
-                                                     * handle */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey                 /* gets
-                                                     * priv. key
-                                                     * handle */
-/* C_WrapKey wraps (i.e., encrypts) a key. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,        /* the session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR  pMechanism,      /* the wrapping mechanism */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hWrappingKey,    /* wrapping key */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE  hKey,            /* key to be wrapped */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pWrappedKey,     /* gets wrapped key */
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulWrappedKeyLen /* gets wrapped key size */
-/* C_UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new
- * key object. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,          /* session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,        /* unwrapping mech. */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE     hUnwrappingKey,    /* unwrapping key */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR          pWrappedKey,       /* the wrapped key */
-  CK_ULONG             ulWrappedKeyLen,   /* wrapped key len */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,         /* new key template */
-  CK_ULONG             ulAttributeCount,  /* template length */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey              /* gets new handle */
-/* C_DeriveKey derives a key from a base key, creating a new key
- * object. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE    hSession,          /* session's handle */
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR     pMechanism,        /* key deriv. mech. */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE     hBaseKey,          /* base key */
-  CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR     pTemplate,         /* new key template */
-  CK_ULONG             ulAttributeCount,  /* template length */
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey              /* gets new handle */
-/* Random number generation */
-/* C_SeedRandom mixes additional seed material into the token's
- * random number generator. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,  /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSeed,     /* the seed material */
-  CK_ULONG          ulSeedLen  /* length of seed material */
-/* C_GenerateRandom generates random data. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,    /* the session's handle */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       RandomData,  /* receives the random data */
-  CK_ULONG          ulRandomLen  /* # of bytes to generate */
-/* Parallel function management */
-/* C_GetFunctionStatus is a legacy function; it obtains an
- * updated status of a function running in parallel with an
- * application. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession  /* the session's handle */
-/* C_CancelFunction is a legacy function; it cancels a function
- * running in parallel. */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession  /* the session's handle */
-/* Functions added in for PKCS #11 Version 2.01 or later */
-/* C_WaitForSlotEvent waits for a slot event (token insertion,
- * removal, etc.) to occur. */
-  CK_FLAGS flags,        /* blocking/nonblocking flag */
-  CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot,  /* location that receives the slot ID */
-  CK_VOID_PTR pRserved   /* reserved.  Should be NULL_PTR */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11n.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs11n.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc8992..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11n.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _PKCS11N_H_
-#define _PKCS11N_H_
- * pkcs11n.h
- *
- * This file contains the NSS-specific type definitions for Cryptoki
- * (PKCS#11).
- */
- *
- * Cryptoki reserves the high half of all the number spaces for
- * vendor-defined use.  I'd like to keep all of our NSS-
- * specific values together, but not in the oh-so-obvious
- * 0x80000001, 0x80000002, etc. area.  So I've picked an offset,
- * and constructed values for the beginnings of our spaces.
- *
- * Note that some "historical" Netscape values don't fall within
- * this range.
- */
-#define NSSCK_VENDOR_NSS 0x4E534350 /* NSCP */
- * NSS-defined object classes
- *
- */
-#define CKO_NSS_CRL                (CKO_NSS + 1)
-#define CKO_NSS_SMIME              (CKO_NSS + 2)
-#define CKO_NSS_TRUST              (CKO_NSS + 3)
-#define CKO_NSS_NEWSLOT            (CKO_NSS + 5)
-#define CKO_NSS_DELSLOT            (CKO_NSS + 6)
- * NSS-defined key types
- *
- */
-#define CKK_NSS_PKCS8              (CKK_NSS + 1)
-#define CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1       (CKK_NSS + 2)
-#define CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2       (CKK_NSS + 3)
-#define CKK_NSS_CHACHA20           (CKK_NSS + 4)
- * NSS-defined certificate types
- *
- */
-/* FAKE PKCS #11 defines */
-#define CKA_DIGEST            0x81000000L
-#define CKA_FLAGS_ONLY        0 /* CKA_CLASS */
- * NSS-defined object attributes
- *
- */
-#define CKA_NSS_URL                (CKA_NSS +  1)
-#define CKA_NSS_EMAIL              (CKA_NSS +  2)
-#define CKA_NSS_SMIME_INFO         (CKA_NSS +  3)
-#define CKA_NSS_PKCS8_SALT         (CKA_NSS +  5)
-#define CKA_NSS_PASSWORD_CHECK     (CKA_NSS +  6)
-#define CKA_NSS_EXPIRES            (CKA_NSS +  7)
-#define CKA_NSS_KRL                (CKA_NSS +  8)
-#define CKA_NSS_PQG_COUNTER        (CKA_NSS +  20)
-#define CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED           (CKA_NSS +  21)
-#define CKA_NSS_PQG_H              (CKA_NSS +  22)
-#define CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED_BITS      (CKA_NSS +  23)
-#define CKA_NSS_MODULE_SPEC        (CKA_NSS +  24)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID     (CKA_NSS +  26)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_PEERID       (CKA_NSS +  27)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX1          (CKA_NSS +  28)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX2          (CKA_NSS +  29)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX3          (CKA_NSS +  30)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_GX4          (CKA_NSS +  31)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2           (CKA_NSS +  32)
-#define CKA_NSS_JPAKE_X2S          (CKA_NSS +  33)
- * Trust attributes:
- *
- * If trust goes standard, these probably will too.  So I'll
- * put them all in one place.
- */
-#define CKA_TRUST (CKA_NSS + 0x2000)
-/* "Usage" key information */
-#define CKA_TRUST_KEY_AGREEMENT         (CKA_TRUST +  5)
-#define CKA_TRUST_KEY_CERT_SIGN         (CKA_TRUST +  6)
-#define CKA_TRUST_CRL_SIGN              (CKA_TRUST +  7)
-/* "Purpose" trust information */
-#define CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH           (CKA_TRUST +  8)
-#define CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH           (CKA_TRUST +  9)
-#define CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING          (CKA_TRUST + 10)
-#define CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_TUNNEL          (CKA_TRUST + 13)
-#define CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_USER            (CKA_TRUST + 14)
-#define CKA_TRUST_TIME_STAMPING         (CKA_TRUST + 15)
-#define CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH	        (CKA_TRUST + 100)
-#define CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH		(CKA_TRUST + 101)
-/* NSS trust stuff */
-/* HISTORICAL: define used to pass in the database key for DSA private keys */
-#define CKA_NETSCAPE_DB                 0xD5A0DB00L
-#define CKA_NETSCAPE_TRUST              0x80000001L
-/* FAKE PKCS #11 defines */
-#define CKM_FAKE_RANDOM       0x80000efeUL
-#define CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM 0xffffffffUL
- * NSS-defined crypto mechanisms
- *
- */
-#define CKM_NSS_AES_KEY_WRAP      (CKM_NSS + 1)
-/* HKDF key derivation mechanisms. See CK_NSS_HKDFParams for documentation. */
-#define CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA1         (CKM_NSS + 3)
-#define CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA256       (CKM_NSS + 4)
-#define CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA384       (CKM_NSS + 5)
-#define CKM_NSS_HKDF_SHA512       (CKM_NSS + 6)
-/* J-PAKE round 1 key generation mechanisms.
- *
- * Required template attributes: CKA_PRIME, CKA_SUBPRIME, CKA_BASE,
- *                               CKA_NSS_JPAKE_SIGNERID
- * Output key type: CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1
- * Output key class: CKO_PRIVATE_KEY
- * Parameter type: CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params
- *
- */
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA1   (CKM_NSS + 7)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA256 (CKM_NSS + 8)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA384 (CKM_NSS + 9)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1_SHA512 (CKM_NSS + 10)
-/* J-PAKE round 2 key derivation mechanisms.
- *
- * Required template attributes: CKA_NSS_JPAKE_PEERID
- * Input key type:  CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND1
- * Output key type: CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2
- * Output key class: CKO_PRIVATE_KEY
- * Parameter type: CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params
- */
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA1   (CKM_NSS + 11)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA256 (CKM_NSS + 12)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA384 (CKM_NSS + 13)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2_SHA512 (CKM_NSS + 14)
-/* J-PAKE final key material derivation mechanisms
- *
- * Input key type:  CKK_NSS_JPAKE_ROUND2
- * Output key type: CKK_GENERIC_SECRET
- * Output key class: CKO_SECRET_KEY
- * Parameter type: CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams
- *
- * You must apply a KDF (e.g. CKM_NSS_HKDF_*) to resultant keying material
- * to get a key with uniformly distributed bits.
- */
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA1    (CKM_NSS + 15)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA256  (CKM_NSS + 16)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA384  (CKM_NSS + 17)
-#define CKM_NSS_JPAKE_FINAL_SHA512  (CKM_NSS + 18)
-/* Constant-time MAC mechanisms:
- *
- * These operations verify a padded, MAC-then-encrypt block of data in
- * constant-time. Because of the order of operations, the padding bytes are not
- * protected by the MAC. However, disclosing the value of the padding bytes
- * gives an attacker the ability to decrypt ciphertexts. Such disclosure can be
- * as subtle as taking slightly less time to perform the MAC when the padding
- * is one byte longer. See
- *
- * CKM_NSS_HMAC_CONSTANT_TIME: performs an HMAC authentication.
- * CKM_NSS_SSL3_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME: performs an authentication with SSLv3 MAC.
- *
- */
-/* TLS 1.2 mechanisms */
-#define CKM_NSS_TLS_PRF_GENERAL_SHA256          (CKM_NSS + 21)
-/* TLS extended master secret derivation */
-#define CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_KEY_GEN                (CKM_NSS + 27)
-#define CKM_NSS_CHACHA20_POLY1305               (CKM_NSS + 28)
- * Do not attempt to use these. They are only used by NETSCAPE's internal
- * PKCS #11 interface. Most of these are place holders for other mechanism
- * and will change in the future.
- */
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_DES_CBC           0x80000002UL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_40_BIT_RC2_CBC    0x80000004UL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC2_CBC   0x80000005UL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_40_BIT_RC4        0x80000006UL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4       0x80000007UL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_HMAC_KEY_GEN      0x80000009UL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_MD5_HMAC_KEY_GEN       0x8000000aUL
-#define CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_MD2_HMAC_KEY_GEN       0x8000000bUL
-#define CKM_TLS_PRF_GENERAL                     0x80000373UL
-typedef struct CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue {
-    CK_BYTE * pGX;
-    CK_ULONG ulGXLen;
-    CK_BYTE * pGV;
-    CK_ULONG ulGVLen;
-    CK_BYTE * pR;
-    CK_ULONG ulRLen;
-} CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue;
-typedef struct CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params {
-    CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue gx1; /* out */
-    CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue gx2; /* out */
-} CK_NSS_JPAKERound1Params;
-typedef struct CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params {
-    CK_BYTE * pSharedKey;        /* in */
-    CK_ULONG ulSharedKeyLen;     /* in */
-    CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue gx3; /* in */
-    CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue gx4; /* in */
-    CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue A;   /* out */
-} CK_NSS_JPAKERound2Params;
-typedef struct CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams {
-    CK_NSS_JPAKEPublicValue B; /* in */
-} CK_NSS_JPAKEFinalParams;
-/* macAlg: the MAC algorithm to use. This determines the hash function used in
- *     the HMAC/SSLv3 MAC calculations.
- * ulBodyTotalLen: the total length of the data, including padding bytes and
- *     padding length.
- * pHeader: points to a block of data that contains additional data to
- *     authenticate. For TLS this includes the sequence number etc. For SSLv3,
- *     this also includes the initial padding bytes.
- *
- * NOTE: the softoken's implementation of CKM_NSS_HMAC_CONSTANT_TIME and
- * CKM_NSS_SSL3_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME requires that the sum of ulBodyTotalLen
- * and ulHeaderLen be much smaller than 2^32 / 8 bytes because it uses an
- * unsigned int variable to represent the length in bits. This should not
- * be a problem because the SSL/TLS protocol limits the size of an SSL
- * record to something considerably less than 2^32 bytes.
- */
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE macAlg;   /* in */
-    CK_ULONG ulBodyTotalLen;    /* in */
-    CK_BYTE * pHeader;          /* in */
-    CK_ULONG ulHeaderLen;       /* in */
-typedef struct CK_NSS_AEAD_PARAMS {
-    CK_BYTE_PTR  pNonce;
-    CK_ULONG     ulNonceLen;
-    CK_ULONG     ulAADLen;
-    CK_ULONG     ulTagLen;
- * NSS-defined return values
- *
- */
-#define CKR_NSS_CERTDB_FAILED      (CKR_NSS + 1)
-#define CKR_NSS_KEYDB_FAILED       (CKR_NSS + 2)
-/* Mandatory parameter for the CKM_NSS_HKDF_* key deriviation mechanisms.
-   See RFC 5869.
-    bExtract: If set, HKDF-Extract will be applied to the input key. If
-              the optional salt is given, it is used; otherwise, the salt is
-              set to a sequence of zeros equal in length to the HMAC output.
-              If bExpand is not set, then the key template given to
-              C_DeriveKey must indicate an output key size less than or equal
-              to the output size of the HMAC.
-    bExpand:  If set, HKDF-Expand will be applied to the input key (if
-              bExtract is not set) or to the result of HKDF-Extract (if
-              bExtract is set). Any info given in the optional pInfo field will
-              be included in the calculation.
-    The size of the output key must be specified in the template passed to
-    C_DeriveKey.
-typedef struct CK_NSS_HKDFParams {
-    CK_BBOOL bExtract;
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSalt;
-    CK_ULONG ulSaltLen;
-    CK_BBOOL bExpand;
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pInfo;
-    CK_ULONG ulInfoLen;
-} CK_NSS_HKDFParams;
- * Parameter for the TLS extended master secret key derivation mechanisms:
- *
- *
- * For the TLS 1.2 PRF, the prfHashMechanism parameter determines the hash
- * function used. For earlier versions of the PRF, set the prfHashMechanism
- * value to CKM_TLS_PRF.
- *
- * The session hash input is expected to be the output of the same hash
- * function as the PRF uses (as required by draft-ietf-tls-session-hash).  So
- * the ulSessionHashLen member must be equal the output length of the hash
- * function specified by the prfHashMechanism member (or, for pre-TLS 1.2 PRF,
- * the length of concatenated MD5 and SHA-1 digests).
- *
- */
-    CK_MECHANISM_TYPE prfHashMechanism;
-    CK_BYTE_PTR pSessionHash;
-    CK_ULONG ulSessionHashLen;
-    CK_VERSION_PTR pVersion;
- * Trust info
- *
- * This isn't part of the Cryptoki standard (yet), so I'm putting
- * all the definitions here.  Some of this would move to nssckt.h
- * if trust info were made part of the standard.  In view of this
- * possibility, I'm putting my (NSS) values in the NSS
- * vendor space, like everything else.
- */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_TRUST;
-/* The following trust types are defined: */
-#define CKT_VENDOR_DEFINED     0x80000000
-/* If trust goes standard, these'll probably drop out of vendor space. */
-#define CKT_NSS_TRUSTED            (CKT_NSS + 1)
-#define CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED        (CKT_NSS + 10)
-#define CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN      (CKT_NSS + 5) /* default */
- * These may well remain NSS-specific; I'm only using them
- * to cache resolution data.
- */
- * old definitions. They still exist, but the plain meaning of the
- * labels have never been accurate to what was really implemented.
- * The new labels correctly reflect what the values effectively mean.
- */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3)
-/* make GCC warn when we use these #defines */
- *  This is really painful because GCC doesn't allow us to mark random
- *  #defines as deprecated. We can only mark the following:
- *      functions, variables, and types.
- *  const variables will create extra storage for everyone including this
- *       header file, so it's undesirable.
- *  functions could be inlined to prevent storage creation, but will fail
- *       when constant values are expected (like switch statements).
- *  enum types do not seem to pay attention to the deprecated attribute.
- *
- *  That leaves typedefs. We declare new types that we then deprecate, then
- *  cast the resulting value to the deprecated type in the #define, thus
- *  producting the warning when the #define is used.
- */
-#if (__GNUC__  == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ < 5)
-/* The mac doesn't like the friendlier deprecate messages. I'm assuming this
- * is a gcc version issue rather than mac or ppc specific */
-typedef CK_TRUST __CKT_NSS_UNTRUSTED __attribute__((deprecated));
-typedef CK_TRUST __CKT_NSS_VALID __attribute__ ((deprecated));
-typedef CK_TRUST __CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY __attribute__((deprecated));
-/* when possible, get a full deprecation warning. This works on gcc 4.5
- * it may work on earlier versions of gcc */
-typedef CK_TRUST __CKT_NSS_UNTRUSTED __attribute__((deprecated
-typedef CK_TRUST __CKT_NSS_VALID __attribute__ ((deprecated
-    ("CKT_NSS_VALID really means CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED")));
-typedef CK_TRUST __CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY __attribute__((deprecated
-    ("CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY really functions as CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN")));
-/* keep the old value for compatibility reasons*/
-#ifdef _WIN32
-/* This magic gets the windows compiler to give us a deprecation
- * warning */
-#define CKT_NSS_VALID              CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED
-/* CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY was always treated as CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN */
-#define CKT_NSS_MUST_VERIFY        (CKT_NSS + 4)  /*really means trust unknown*/
-/* don't leave old programs in a lurch just yet, give them the old NETSCAPE
- * synonym */
-#define CKO_NETSCAPE_CRL                CKO_NSS_CRL
-#define CKO_NETSCAPE_SMIME              CKO_NSS_SMIME
-#define CKO_NETSCAPE_TRUST              CKO_NSS_TRUST
-#define CKK_NETSCAPE_PKCS8              CKK_NSS_PKCS8
-#define CKA_NETSCAPE_URL                CKA_NSS_URL
-#define CKA_NETSCAPE_EMAIL              CKA_NSS_EMAIL
-#define CKA_NETSCAPE_KRL                CKA_NSS_KRL
-#define CKA_NETSCAPE_PQG_H              CKA_NSS_PQG_H
-#define CKT_NETSCAPE_VALID              CKT_NSS_VALID
- * These are not really PKCS #11 values specifically. They are the 'loadable'
- * module spec NSS uses. The are available for others to use as well, but not
- * part of the formal PKCS #11 spec.
- *
- * The function 'FIND' returns an array of PKCS #11 initialization strings
- * The function 'ADD' takes a PKCS #11 initialization string and stores it.
- * The function 'DEL' takes a 'name= library=' value and deletes the associated
- *  string.
- * The function 'RELEASE' frees the array returned by 'FIND'
- */
-typedef char ** (PR_CALLBACK *SECMODModuleDBFunc)(unsigned long function,
-                                        char *parameters, void *moduleSpec);
-/* softoken slot ID's */
-#define SFTK_MAX_USER_SLOT_ID 100
-#endif /* _PKCS11N_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11p.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs11p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 744c820..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1999 RSA Security Inc. Licence to copy this document
- * is granted provided that it is identified as "RSA Security Inc. Public-Key
- * Cryptography Standards (PKCS)" in all material mentioning or referencing
- * this document.
- */
-/* these data types are platform/implementation dependent. */
- * Packing was removed from the shipped RSA header files, even
- * though it's still needed. put in a central file to help merging..
- */
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(disable:4103)
-#pragma pack(push, cryptoki, 1)
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11t.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs11t.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd6611..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11t.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1846 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is
- * identified as "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface
- * (Cryptoki)" in all material mentioning or referencing this software.
- * License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that
- * such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11
- * Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki)" in all material mentioning or
- * referencing the derived work.
- * RSA Security Inc. makes no representations concerning either the
- * merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for
- * any particular purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
- * warranty of any kind.
- */
-#ifndef _PKCS11T_H_
-#define _PKCS11T_H_ 1
-#define CK_TRUE 1
-#define CK_FALSE 0
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#define CK_PTR *
-#define CK_NULL_PTR 0
-#define CK_CALLBACK_FUNCTION(rtype,func) rtype (PR_CALLBACK * func)
-#define CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION(rtype,func) extern rtype func
-#define CK_DECLARE_FUNCTION_POINTER(rtype,func) rtype (PR_CALLBACK * func)
-#define CK_INVALID_SESSION    0
-/* an unsigned 8-bit value */
-typedef unsigned char     CK_BYTE;
-/* an unsigned 8-bit character */
-typedef CK_BYTE           CK_CHAR;
-/* an 8-bit UTF-8 character */
-typedef CK_BYTE           CK_UTF8CHAR;
-/* a BYTE-sized Boolean flag */
-typedef CK_BYTE           CK_BBOOL;
-/* an unsigned value, at least 32 bits long */
-typedef unsigned long int CK_ULONG;
-/* a signed value, the same size as a CK_ULONG */
-/* CK_LONG is new for v2.0 */
-typedef long int          CK_LONG;
-/* at least 32 bits; each bit is a Boolean flag */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_FLAGS;
-/* some special values for certain CK_ULONG variables */
-typedef CK_BYTE     CK_PTR   CK_BYTE_PTR;
-typedef CK_CHAR     CK_PTR   CK_CHAR_PTR;
-typedef void        CK_PTR   CK_VOID_PTR;
-/* Pointer to a CK_VOID_PTR-- i.e., pointer to pointer to void */
-/* The following value is always invalid if used as a session */
-/* handle or object handle */
-/* pack */
-#include "pkcs11p.h"
-typedef struct CK_VERSION {
-  CK_BYTE       major;  /* integer portion of version number */
-  CK_BYTE       minor;  /* 1/100ths portion of version number */
-typedef struct CK_INFO {
-  /* manufacturerID and libraryDecription have been changed from
-   * CK_CHAR to CK_UTF8CHAR for v2.10 */
-  CK_VERSION    cryptokiVersion;     /* PKCS #11 interface ver */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   manufacturerID[32];  /* blank padded */
-  CK_FLAGS      flags;               /* must be zero */
-  /* libraryDescription and libraryVersion are new for v2.0 */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   libraryDescription[32];  /* blank padded */
-  CK_VERSION    libraryVersion;          /* version of library */
-/* CK_NOTIFICATION enumerates the types of notifications that
- * PKCS #11 provides to an application */
-/* CK_NOTIFICATION has been changed from an enum to a CK_ULONG
- * for v2.0 */
-#define CKN_SURRENDER       0
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_SLOT_ID;
-/* CK_SLOT_INFO provides information about a slot */
-typedef struct CK_SLOT_INFO {
-  /* slotDescription and manufacturerID have been changed from
-   * CK_CHAR to CK_UTF8CHAR for v2.10 */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   slotDescription[64];  /* blank padded */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   manufacturerID[32];   /* blank padded */
-  CK_FLAGS      flags;
-  /* hardwareVersion and firmwareVersion are new for v2.0 */
-  CK_VERSION    hardwareVersion;  /* version of hardware */
-  CK_VERSION    firmwareVersion;  /* version of firmware */
-/* flags: bit flags that provide capabilities of the slot
- *      Bit Flag              Mask        Meaning
- */
-#define CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT     0x00000001  /* a token is there */
-#define CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE  0x00000002  /* removable devices*/
-#define CKF_HW_SLOT           0x00000004  /* hardware slot */
-/* CK_TOKEN_INFO provides information about a token */
-typedef struct CK_TOKEN_INFO {
-  /* label, manufacturerID, and model have been changed from
-   * CK_CHAR to CK_UTF8CHAR for v2.10 */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   label[32];           /* blank padded */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   manufacturerID[32];  /* blank padded */
-  CK_UTF8CHAR   model[16];           /* blank padded */
-  CK_CHAR       serialNumber[16];    /* blank padded */
-  CK_FLAGS      flags;               /* see below */
-  /* ulMaxSessionCount, ulSessionCount, ulMaxRwSessionCount,
-   * ulRwSessionCount, ulMaxPinLen, and ulMinPinLen have all been
-   * changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG      ulMaxSessionCount;     /* max open sessions */
-  CK_ULONG      ulSessionCount;        /* sess. now open */
-  CK_ULONG      ulMaxRwSessionCount;   /* max R/W sessions */
-  CK_ULONG      ulRwSessionCount;      /* R/W sess. now open */
-  CK_ULONG      ulMaxPinLen;           /* in bytes */
-  CK_ULONG      ulMinPinLen;           /* in bytes */
-  CK_ULONG      ulTotalPublicMemory;   /* in bytes */
-  CK_ULONG      ulFreePublicMemory;    /* in bytes */
-  CK_ULONG      ulTotalPrivateMemory;  /* in bytes */
-  CK_ULONG      ulFreePrivateMemory;   /* in bytes */
-  /* hardwareVersion, firmwareVersion, and time are new for
-   * v2.0 */
-  CK_VERSION    hardwareVersion;       /* version of hardware */
-  CK_VERSION    firmwareVersion;       /* version of firmware */
-  CK_CHAR       utcTime[16];           /* time */
-/* The flags parameter is defined as follows:
- *      Bit Flag                    Mask        Meaning
- */
-#define CKF_RNG                     0x00000001  /* has random #
-                                                 * generator */
-#define CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED         0x00000002  /* token is
-                                                 * write-
-                                                 * protected */
-#define CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED          0x00000004  /* user must
-                                                 * login */
-#define CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED    0x00000008  /* normal user's
-                                                 * PIN is set */
-/* CKF_RESTORE_KEY_NOT_NEEDED is new for v2.0.  If it is set,
- * that means that *every* time the state of cryptographic
- * operations of a session is successfully saved, all keys
- * needed to continue those operations are stored in the state */
-#define CKF_RESTORE_KEY_NOT_NEEDED  0x00000020
-/* CKF_CLOCK_ON_TOKEN is new for v2.0.  If it is set, that means
- * that the token has some sort of clock.  The time on that
- * clock is returned in the token info structure */
-#define CKF_CLOCK_ON_TOKEN          0x00000040
-/* CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH is new for v2.0.  If it is
- * set, that means that there is some way for the user to login
- * without sending a PIN through the PKCS #11 library itself */
-/* CKF_DUAL_CRYPTO_OPERATIONS is new for v2.0.  If it is true,
- * that means that a single session with the token can perform
- * dual simultaneous cryptographic operations (digest and
- * encrypt; decrypt and digest; sign and encrypt; and decrypt
- * and sign) */
-#define CKF_DUAL_CRYPTO_OPERATIONS  0x00000200
-/* CKF_TOKEN_INITIALIZED if new for v2.10. If it is true, the
- * token has been initialized using C_InitializeToken or an
- * equivalent mechanism outside the scope of PKCS #11.
- * Calling C_InitializeToken when this flag is set will cause
- * the token to be reinitialized. */
-#define CKF_TOKEN_INITIALIZED       0x00000400
-/* CKF_SECONDARY_AUTHENTICATION if new for v2.10. If it is
- * true, the token supports secondary authentication for
- * private key objects. This flag is deprecated in v2.11 and
-   onwards. */
-/* CKF_USER_PIN_COUNT_LOW if new for v2.10. If it is true, an
- * incorrect user login PIN has been entered at least once
- * since the last successful authentication. */
-#define CKF_USER_PIN_COUNT_LOW       0x00010000
-/* CKF_USER_PIN_FINAL_TRY if new for v2.10. If it is true,
- * supplying an incorrect user PIN will it to become locked. */
-#define CKF_USER_PIN_FINAL_TRY       0x00020000
-/* CKF_USER_PIN_LOCKED if new for v2.10. If it is true, the
- * user PIN has been locked. User login to the token is not
- * possible. */
-#define CKF_USER_PIN_LOCKED          0x00040000
-/* CKF_USER_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED if new for v2.10. If it is true,
- * the user PIN value is the default value set by token
- * initialization or manufacturing, or the PIN has been
- * expired by the card. */
-#define CKF_USER_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED   0x00080000
-/* CKF_SO_PIN_COUNT_LOW if new for v2.10. If it is true, an
- * incorrect SO login PIN has been entered at least once since
- * the last successful authentication. */
-#define CKF_SO_PIN_COUNT_LOW         0x00100000
-/* CKF_SO_PIN_FINAL_TRY if new for v2.10. If it is true,
- * supplying an incorrect SO PIN will it to become locked. */
-#define CKF_SO_PIN_FINAL_TRY         0x00200000
-/* CKF_SO_PIN_LOCKED if new for v2.10. If it is true, the SO
- * PIN has been locked. SO login to the token is not possible.
- */
-#define CKF_SO_PIN_LOCKED            0x00400000
-/* CKF_SO_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED if new for v2.10. If it is true,
- * the SO PIN value is the default value set by token
- * initialization or manufacturing, or the PIN has been
- * expired by the card. */
-#define CKF_SO_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED     0x00800000
-/* CK_SESSION_HANDLE is a PKCS #11-assigned value that
- * identifies a session */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_SESSION_HANDLE;
-/* CK_USER_TYPE enumerates the types of PKCS #11 users */
-/* CK_USER_TYPE has been changed from an enum to a CK_ULONG for
- * v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_USER_TYPE;
-/* Security Officer */
-#define CKU_SO    0
-/* Normal user */
-#define CKU_USER  1
-/* Context specific (added in v2.20) */
-/* CK_STATE enumerates the session states */
-/* CK_STATE has been changed from an enum to a CK_ULONG for
- * v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_STATE;
-#define CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS    4
-/* CK_SESSION_INFO provides information about a session */
-typedef struct CK_SESSION_INFO {
-  CK_SLOT_ID    slotID;
-  CK_STATE      state;
-  CK_FLAGS      flags;          /* see below */
-  /* ulDeviceError was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for
-   * v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG      ulDeviceError;  /* device-dependent error code */
-/* The flags are defined in the following table:
- *      Bit Flag                Mask        Meaning
- */
-#define CKF_RW_SESSION          0x00000002  /* session is r/w */
-#define CKF_SERIAL_SESSION      0x00000004  /* no parallel */
-/* CK_OBJECT_HANDLE is a token-specific identifier for an
- * object  */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_OBJECT_HANDLE;
-/* CK_OBJECT_CLASS is a value that identifies the classes (or
- * types) of objects that PKCS #11 recognizes.  It is defined
- * as follows: */
-/* CK_OBJECT_CLASS was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for
- * v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_OBJECT_CLASS;
-/* The following classes of objects are defined: */
-/* CKO_HW_FEATURE is new for v2.10 */
-/* CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS is new for v2.11 */
-/* CKO_MECHANISM is new for v2.20 */
-#define CKO_DATA              0x00000000
-#define CKO_CERTIFICATE       0x00000001
-#define CKO_PUBLIC_KEY        0x00000002
-#define CKO_PRIVATE_KEY       0x00000003
-#define CKO_SECRET_KEY        0x00000004
-#define CKO_HW_FEATURE        0x00000005
-#define CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS 0x00000006
-#define CKO_MECHANISM         0x00000007
-#define CKO_VENDOR_DEFINED    0x80000000
-/* CK_HW_FEATURE_TYPE is new for v2.10. CK_HW_FEATURE_TYPE is a
- * value that identifies the hardware feature type of an object
- * with CK_OBJECT_CLASS equal to CKO_HW_FEATURE. */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_HW_FEATURE_TYPE;
-/* The following hardware feature types are defined */
-/* CKH_USER_INTERFACE is new for v2.20 */
-#define CKH_MONOTONIC_COUNTER  0x00000001
-#define CKH_CLOCK           0x00000002
-#define CKH_USER_INTERFACE  0x00000003
-#define CKH_VENDOR_DEFINED  0x80000000
-/* CK_KEY_TYPE is a value that identifies a key type */
-/* CK_KEY_TYPE was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_KEY_TYPE;
-/* the following key types are defined: */
-#define CKK_RSA             0x00000000
-#define CKK_DSA             0x00000001
-#define CKK_DH              0x00000002
-/* CKK_ECDSA and CKK_KEA are new for v2.0 */
-/* CKK_ECDSA is deprecated in v2.11, CKK_EC is preferred. */
-#define CKK_ECDSA           0x00000003
-#define CKK_EC              0x00000003
-#define CKK_X9_42_DH        0x00000004
-#define CKK_KEA             0x00000005
-#define CKK_GENERIC_SECRET  0x00000010
-#define CKK_RC2             0x00000011
-#define CKK_RC4             0x00000012
-#define CKK_DES             0x00000013
-#define CKK_DES2            0x00000014
-#define CKK_DES3            0x00000015
-/* all these key types are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKK_CAST            0x00000016
-#define CKK_CAST3           0x00000017
-/* CKK_CAST5 is deprecated in v2.11, CKK_CAST128 is preferred. */
-#define CKK_CAST5           0x00000018
-#define CKK_CAST128         0x00000018
-#define CKK_RC5             0x00000019
-#define CKK_IDEA            0x0000001A
-#define CKK_SKIPJACK        0x0000001B
-#define CKK_BATON           0x0000001C
-#define CKK_JUNIPER         0x0000001D
-#define CKK_CDMF            0x0000001E
-#define CKK_AES             0x0000001F
-/* BlowFish and TwoFish are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKK_BLOWFISH        0x00000020
-#define CKK_TWOFISH         0x00000021
-/* Camellia is proposed for v2.20 Amendment 3 */
-#define CKK_CAMELLIA        0x00000025
-#define CKK_SEED	    0x00000026
-#define CKK_VENDOR_DEFINED  0x80000000
-/* CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE is a value that identifies a certificate
- * type */
- * for v2.0 */
-/* The following certificate types are defined: */
-/* CKC_X_509_ATTR_CERT is new for v2.10 */
-/* CKC_WTLS is new for v2.20 */
-#define CKC_X_509           0x00000000
-#define CKC_X_509_ATTR_CERT 0x00000001
-#define CKC_WTLS            0x00000002
-#define CKC_VENDOR_DEFINED  0x80000000
-/* CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE is a value that identifies an attribute
- * type */
-/* CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for
- * v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
-/* The CKF_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE flag identifies an attribute which
-   consists of an array of values. */
-#define CKF_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE    0x40000000
-/* The following attribute types are defined: */
-#define CKA_CLASS              0x00000000
-#define CKA_TOKEN              0x00000001
-#define CKA_PRIVATE            0x00000002
-#define CKA_LABEL              0x00000003
-#define CKA_APPLICATION        0x00000010
-#define CKA_VALUE              0x00000011
-/* CKA_OBJECT_ID is new for v2.10 */
-#define CKA_OBJECT_ID          0x00000012
-#define CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE   0x00000080
-#define CKA_ISSUER             0x00000081
-#define CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER      0x00000082
- * for v2.10 */
-#define CKA_AC_ISSUER          0x00000083
-#define CKA_OWNER              0x00000084
-#define CKA_ATTR_TYPES         0x00000085
-/* CKA_TRUSTED is new for v2.11 */
-#define CKA_TRUSTED            0x00000086
- * CKA_CHECK_VALUE are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKA_CERTIFICATE_CATEGORY        0x00000087
-#define CKA_JAVA_MIDP_SECURITY_DOMAIN   0x00000088
-#define CKA_URL                         0x00000089
-#define CKA_HASH_OF_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY   0x0000008B
-#define CKA_CHECK_VALUE                 0x00000090
-#define CKA_KEY_TYPE           0x00000100
-#define CKA_SUBJECT            0x00000101
-#define CKA_ID                 0x00000102
-#define CKA_SENSITIVE          0x00000103
-#define CKA_ENCRYPT            0x00000104
-#define CKA_DECRYPT            0x00000105
-#define CKA_WRAP               0x00000106
-#define CKA_UNWRAP             0x00000107
-#define CKA_SIGN               0x00000108
-#define CKA_SIGN_RECOVER       0x00000109
-#define CKA_VERIFY             0x0000010A
-#define CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER     0x0000010B
-#define CKA_DERIVE             0x0000010C
-#define CKA_START_DATE         0x00000110
-#define CKA_END_DATE           0x00000111
-#define CKA_MODULUS            0x00000120
-#define CKA_MODULUS_BITS       0x00000121
-#define CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT    0x00000122
-#define CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT   0x00000123
-#define CKA_PRIME_1            0x00000124
-#define CKA_PRIME_2            0x00000125
-#define CKA_EXPONENT_1         0x00000126
-#define CKA_EXPONENT_2         0x00000127
-#define CKA_COEFFICIENT        0x00000128
-#define CKA_PRIME              0x00000130
-#define CKA_SUBPRIME           0x00000131
-#define CKA_BASE               0x00000132
-/* CKA_PRIME_BITS and CKA_SUB_PRIME_BITS are new for v2.11 */
-#define CKA_PRIME_BITS         0x00000133
-#define CKA_SUBPRIME_BITS      0x00000134
-/* (To retain backwards-compatibility) */
-#define CKA_VALUE_BITS         0x00000160
-#define CKA_VALUE_LEN          0x00000161
- * and CKA_EC_POINT are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKA_EXTRACTABLE        0x00000162
-#define CKA_LOCAL              0x00000163
-#define CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE  0x00000164
-#define CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE   0x00000165
-/* CKA_KEY_GEN_MECHANISM is new for v2.11 */
-#define CKA_KEY_GEN_MECHANISM  0x00000166
-#define CKA_MODIFIABLE         0x00000170
-/* CKA_ECDSA_PARAMS is deprecated in v2.11,
- * CKA_EC_PARAMS is preferred. */
-#define CKA_ECDSA_PARAMS       0x00000180
-#define CKA_EC_PARAMS          0x00000180
-#define CKA_EC_POINT           0x00000181
- * are new for v2.10. Deprecated in v2.11 and onwards. */
-#define CKA_SECONDARY_AUTH     0x00000200
-#define CKA_AUTH_PIN_FLAGS     0x00000201
- * CKA_UNWRAP_TEMPLATE are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE  0x00000202
-#define CKA_WRAP_WITH_TRUSTED    0x00000210
-#define CKA_WRAP_TEMPLATE        (CKF_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE|0x00000211)
- * are new for v2.10 */
-#define CKA_HW_FEATURE_TYPE    0x00000300
-#define CKA_RESET_ON_INIT      0x00000301
-#define CKA_HAS_RESET          0x00000302
-/* The following attributes are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKA_PIXEL_X                     0x00000400
-#define CKA_PIXEL_Y                     0x00000401
-#define CKA_RESOLUTION                  0x00000402
-#define CKA_CHAR_ROWS                   0x00000403
-#define CKA_CHAR_COLUMNS                0x00000404
-#define CKA_COLOR                       0x00000405
-#define CKA_BITS_PER_PIXEL              0x00000406
-#define CKA_CHAR_SETS                   0x00000480
-#define CKA_ENCODING_METHODS            0x00000481
-#define CKA_MIME_TYPES                  0x00000482
-#define CKA_MECHANISM_TYPE              0x00000500
-#define CKA_REQUIRED_CMS_ATTRIBUTES     0x00000501
-#define CKA_DEFAULT_CMS_ATTRIBUTES      0x00000502
-#define CKA_SUPPORTED_CMS_ATTRIBUTES    0x00000503
-#define CKA_VENDOR_DEFINED     0x80000000
-/* CK_ATTRIBUTE is a structure that includes the type, length
- * and value of an attribute */
-typedef struct CK_ATTRIBUTE {
-  CK_VOID_PTR       pValue;
-  /* ulValueLen went from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG          ulValueLen;  /* in bytes */
-/* CK_DATE is a structure that defines a date */
-typedef struct CK_DATE{
-  CK_CHAR       year[4];   /* the year ("1900" - "9999") */
-  CK_CHAR       month[2];  /* the month ("01" - "12") */
-  CK_CHAR       day[2];    /* the day   ("01" - "31") */
-/* CK_MECHANISM_TYPE is a value that identifies a mechanism
- * type */
-/* CK_MECHANISM_TYPE was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for
- * v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_MECHANISM_TYPE;
-/* the following mechanism types are defined: */
-#define CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN      0x00000000
-#define CKM_RSA_PKCS                   0x00000001
-#define CKM_RSA_9796                   0x00000002
-#define CKM_RSA_X_509                  0x00000003
- * are new for v2.0.  They are mechanisms which hash and sign */
-#define CKM_MD2_RSA_PKCS               0x00000004
-#define CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS               0x00000005
-#define CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS              0x00000006
- * CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP are new for v2.10 */
-#define CKM_RIPEMD128_RSA_PKCS         0x00000007
-#define CKM_RIPEMD160_RSA_PKCS         0x00000008
-#define CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP              0x00000009
- * CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS, and CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS_PSS are new for v2.11 */
-#define CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN     0x0000000A
-#define CKM_RSA_X9_31                  0x0000000B
-#define CKM_SHA1_RSA_X9_31             0x0000000C
-#define CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS               0x0000000D
-#define CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS_PSS          0x0000000E
-#define CKM_DSA_KEY_PAIR_GEN           0x00000010
-#define CKM_DSA                        0x00000011
-#define CKM_DSA_SHA1                   0x00000012
-#define CKM_DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN       0x00000020
-#define CKM_DH_PKCS_DERIVE             0x00000021
- * CKM_X9_42_DH_HYBRID_DERIVE, and CKM_X9_42_MQV_DERIVE are new for
- * v2.11 */
-#define CKM_X9_42_DH_KEY_PAIR_GEN      0x00000030
-#define CKM_X9_42_DH_DERIVE            0x00000031
-#define CKM_X9_42_DH_HYBRID_DERIVE     0x00000032
-#define CKM_X9_42_MQV_DERIVE           0x00000033
-/* CKM_SHA256/384/512 are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS            0x00000040
-#define CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS            0x00000041
-#define CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS            0x00000042
-#define CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS        0x00000043
-#define CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS        0x00000044
-#define CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS        0x00000045
-/* CKM_SHA224 new for v2.20 amendment 3 */
-#define CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS            0x00000046
-#define CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS_PSS        0x00000047
-#define CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN                0x00000100
-#define CKM_RC2_ECB                    0x00000101
-#define CKM_RC2_CBC                    0x00000102
-#define CKM_RC2_MAC                    0x00000103
-/* CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL and CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL            0x00000104
-#define CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD                0x00000105
-#define CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN                0x00000110
-#define CKM_RC4                        0x00000111
-#define CKM_DES_KEY_GEN                0x00000120
-#define CKM_DES_ECB                    0x00000121
-#define CKM_DES_CBC                    0x00000122
-#define CKM_DES_MAC                    0x00000123
-/* CKM_DES_MAC_GENERAL and CKM_DES_CBC_PAD are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKM_DES_MAC_GENERAL            0x00000124
-#define CKM_DES_CBC_PAD                0x00000125
-#define CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN               0x00000130
-#define CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN               0x00000131
-#define CKM_DES3_ECB                   0x00000132
-#define CKM_DES3_CBC                   0x00000133
-#define CKM_DES3_MAC                   0x00000134
- * CKM_CDMF_MAC_GENERAL, and CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKM_DES3_MAC_GENERAL           0x00000135
-#define CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD               0x00000136
-#define CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN               0x00000140
-#define CKM_CDMF_ECB                   0x00000141
-#define CKM_CDMF_CBC                   0x00000142
-#define CKM_CDMF_MAC                   0x00000143
-#define CKM_CDMF_MAC_GENERAL           0x00000144
-#define CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD               0x00000145
-/* the following four DES mechanisms are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_DES_OFB64                  0x00000150
-#define CKM_DES_OFB8                   0x00000151
-#define CKM_DES_CFB64                  0x00000152
-#define CKM_DES_CFB8                   0x00000153
-#define CKM_MD2                        0x00000200
-/* CKM_MD2_HMAC and CKM_MD2_HMAC_GENERAL are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKM_MD2_HMAC                   0x00000201
-#define CKM_MD2_HMAC_GENERAL           0x00000202
-#define CKM_MD5                        0x00000210
-/* CKM_MD5_HMAC and CKM_MD5_HMAC_GENERAL are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKM_MD5_HMAC                   0x00000211
-#define CKM_MD5_HMAC_GENERAL           0x00000212
-#define CKM_SHA_1                      0x00000220
-/* CKM_SHA_1_HMAC and CKM_SHA_1_HMAC_GENERAL are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKM_SHA_1_HMAC                 0x00000221
-#define CKM_SHA_1_HMAC_GENERAL         0x00000222
- * and CKM_RIPEMD160_HMAC_GENERAL are new for v2.10 */
-#define CKM_RIPEMD128                  0x00000230
-#define CKM_RIPEMD128_HMAC             0x00000231
-#define CKM_RIPEMD128_HMAC_GENERAL     0x00000232
-#define CKM_RIPEMD160                  0x00000240
-#define CKM_RIPEMD160_HMAC             0x00000241
-#define CKM_RIPEMD160_HMAC_GENERAL     0x00000242
-/* CKM_SHA256/384/512 are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_SHA256                     0x00000250
-#define CKM_SHA256_HMAC                0x00000251
-#define CKM_SHA256_HMAC_GENERAL        0x00000252
-#define CKM_SHA384                     0x00000260
-#define CKM_SHA384_HMAC                0x00000261
-#define CKM_SHA384_HMAC_GENERAL        0x00000262
-#define CKM_SHA512                     0x00000270
-#define CKM_SHA512_HMAC                0x00000271
-#define CKM_SHA512_HMAC_GENERAL        0x00000272
-/* CKM_SHA224 new for v2.20 amendment 3 */
-#define CKM_SHA224                     0x00000255
-#define CKM_SHA224_HMAC                0x00000256
-#define CKM_SHA224_HMAC_GENERAL        0x00000257
-/* All of the following mechanisms are new for v2.0 */
-/* Note that CAST128 and CAST5 are the same algorithm */
-#define CKM_CAST_KEY_GEN               0x00000300
-#define CKM_CAST_ECB                   0x00000301
-#define CKM_CAST_CBC                   0x00000302
-#define CKM_CAST_MAC                   0x00000303
-#define CKM_CAST_MAC_GENERAL           0x00000304
-#define CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD               0x00000305
-#define CKM_CAST3_KEY_GEN              0x00000310
-#define CKM_CAST3_ECB                  0x00000311
-#define CKM_CAST3_CBC                  0x00000312
-#define CKM_CAST3_MAC                  0x00000313
-#define CKM_CAST3_MAC_GENERAL          0x00000314
-#define CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD              0x00000315
-#define CKM_CAST5_KEY_GEN              0x00000320
-#define CKM_CAST128_KEY_GEN            0x00000320
-#define CKM_CAST5_ECB                  0x00000321
-#define CKM_CAST128_ECB                0x00000321
-#define CKM_CAST5_CBC                  0x00000322
-#define CKM_CAST128_CBC                0x00000322
-#define CKM_CAST5_MAC                  0x00000323
-#define CKM_CAST128_MAC                0x00000323
-#define CKM_CAST5_MAC_GENERAL          0x00000324
-#define CKM_CAST128_MAC_GENERAL        0x00000324
-#define CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD              0x00000325
-#define CKM_CAST128_CBC_PAD            0x00000325
-#define CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN                0x00000330
-#define CKM_RC5_ECB                    0x00000331
-#define CKM_RC5_CBC                    0x00000332
-#define CKM_RC5_MAC                    0x00000333
-#define CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL            0x00000334
-#define CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD                0x00000335
-#define CKM_IDEA_KEY_GEN               0x00000340
-#define CKM_IDEA_ECB                   0x00000341
-#define CKM_IDEA_CBC                   0x00000342
-#define CKM_IDEA_MAC                   0x00000343
-#define CKM_IDEA_MAC_GENERAL           0x00000344
-#define CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD               0x00000345
-#define CKM_GENERIC_SECRET_KEY_GEN     0x00000350
-#define CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_KEY   0x00000360
-#define CKM_CONCATENATE_BASE_AND_DATA  0x00000362
-#define CKM_CONCATENATE_DATA_AND_BASE  0x00000363
-#define CKM_XOR_BASE_AND_DATA          0x00000364
-#define CKM_EXTRACT_KEY_FROM_KEY       0x00000365
-#define CKM_SSL3_PRE_MASTER_KEY_GEN    0x00000370
-#define CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE     0x00000371
-#define CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE    0x00000372
- * CKM_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH are new for v2.11 */
-#define CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH  0x00000373
-#define CKM_TLS_PRE_MASTER_KEY_GEN     0x00000374
-#define CKM_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE      0x00000375
-#define CKM_TLS_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE     0x00000376
-#define CKM_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH   0x00000377
-/* CKM_TLS_PRF is new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_TLS_PRF                    0x00000378
-#define CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC               0x00000380
-#define CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC              0x00000381
-#define CKM_MD5_KEY_DERIVATION         0x00000390
-#define CKM_MD2_KEY_DERIVATION         0x00000391
-#define CKM_SHA1_KEY_DERIVATION        0x00000392
-/* CKM_SHA256/384/512 are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_SHA256_KEY_DERIVATION      0x00000393
-#define CKM_SHA384_KEY_DERIVATION      0x00000394
-#define CKM_SHA512_KEY_DERIVATION      0x00000395
-/* CKM_SHA224 new for v2.20 amendment 3 */
-#define CKM_SHA224_KEY_DERIVATION      0x00000396
-#define CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC            0x000003A0
-#define CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC            0x000003A1
-#define CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST_CBC           0x000003A2
-#define CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST3_CBC          0x000003A3
-#define CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST5_CBC          0x000003A4
-#define CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST128_CBC        0x000003A4
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_CAST5_CBC         0x000003A5
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_CAST128_CBC       0x000003A5
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128           0x000003A6
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40            0x000003A7
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC      0x000003A8
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC      0x000003A9
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC       0x000003AA
-#define CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC        0x000003AB
-/* CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2 is new for v2.10 */
-#define CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2                0x000003B0
-#define CKM_PBA_SHA1_WITH_SHA1_HMAC    0x000003C0
-/* WTLS mechanisms are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_WTLS_PRE_MASTER_KEY_GEN         0x000003D0
-#define CKM_WTLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE          0x000003D1
-#define CKM_WTLS_PRF                        0x000003D3
-/* TLS 1.2 mechanisms are new for v2.40 */
-#define CKM_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE         0x000003E0
-#define CKM_TLS12_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE        0x000003E1
-#define CKM_TLS12_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH      0x000003E2
-#define CKM_TLS12_KEY_SAFE_DERIVE           0x000003E3
-#define CKM_TLS_MAC                         0x000003E4
-#define CKM_TLS_KDF                         0x000003E5
-#define CKM_KEY_WRAP_LYNKS             0x00000400
-#define CKM_KEY_WRAP_SET_OAEP          0x00000401
-/* CKM_CMS_SIG is new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_CMS_SIG                    0x00000500
-/* Fortezza mechanisms */
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_KEY_GEN           0x00001000
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64             0x00001001
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64             0x00001002
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64             0x00001003
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64             0x00001004
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32             0x00001005
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16             0x00001006
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8              0x00001007
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_WRAP              0x00001008
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_PRIVATE_WRAP      0x00001009
-#define CKM_SKIPJACK_RELAYX            0x0000100a
-#define CKM_KEA_KEY_PAIR_GEN           0x00001010
-#define CKM_KEA_KEY_DERIVE             0x00001011
-#define CKM_FORTEZZA_TIMESTAMP         0x00001020
-#define CKM_BATON_KEY_GEN              0x00001030
-#define CKM_BATON_ECB128               0x00001031
-#define CKM_BATON_ECB96                0x00001032
-#define CKM_BATON_CBC128               0x00001033
-#define CKM_BATON_COUNTER              0x00001034
-#define CKM_BATON_SHUFFLE              0x00001035
-#define CKM_BATON_WRAP                 0x00001036
-/* CKM_ECDSA_KEY_PAIR_GEN is deprecated in v2.11,
- * CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN is preferred */
-#define CKM_ECDSA_KEY_PAIR_GEN         0x00001040
-#define CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN            0x00001040
-#define CKM_ECDSA                      0x00001041
-#define CKM_ECDSA_SHA1                 0x00001042
- * are new for v2.11 */
-#define CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE               0x00001050
-#define CKM_ECDH1_COFACTOR_DERIVE      0x00001051
-#define CKM_ECMQV_DERIVE               0x00001052
-#define CKM_JUNIPER_KEY_GEN            0x00001060
-#define CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128             0x00001061
-#define CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128             0x00001062
-#define CKM_JUNIPER_COUNTER            0x00001063
-#define CKM_JUNIPER_SHUFFLE            0x00001064
-#define CKM_JUNIPER_WRAP               0x00001065
-#define CKM_FASTHASH                   0x00001070
- * new for v2.11 */
-#define CKM_AES_KEY_GEN                0x00001080
-#define CKM_AES_ECB                    0x00001081
-#define CKM_AES_CBC                    0x00001082
-#define CKM_AES_MAC                    0x00001083
-#define CKM_AES_MAC_GENERAL            0x00001084
-#define CKM_AES_CBC_PAD                0x00001085
-/* new for v2.20 amendment 3 */
-#define CKM_AES_CTR                    0x00001086
-/* new for v2.30 */
-#define CKM_AES_GCM                    0x00001087
-#define CKM_AES_CCM                    0x00001088
-#define CKM_AES_CTS                    0x00001089
-/* BlowFish and TwoFish are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_BLOWFISH_KEY_GEN           0x00001090
-#define CKM_BLOWFISH_CBC               0x00001091
-#define CKM_TWOFISH_KEY_GEN            0x00001092
-#define CKM_TWOFISH_CBC                0x00001093
-/* Camellia is proposed for v2.20 Amendment 3 */
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_KEY_GEN           0x00000550
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_ECB               0x00000551
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC               0x00000552
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_MAC               0x00000553
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_MAC_GENERAL       0x00000554
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC_PAD           0x00000555
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA  0x00000556
-#define CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA  0x00000557
-#define CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN	       0x00000650    
-#define CKM_SEED_ECB		       0x00000651
-#define CKM_SEED_CBC		       0x00000652
-#define CKM_SEED_MAC		       0x00000653
-#define CKM_SEED_MAC_GENERAL	       0x00000654
-#define CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD	       0x00000655
-#define CKM_SEED_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA      0x00000656
-#define CKM_SEED_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA      0x00000657
-/* CKM_xxx_ENCRYPT_DATA mechanisms are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKM_DES_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA       0x00001100
-#define CKM_DES_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA       0x00001101
-#define CKM_DES3_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA      0x00001102
-#define CKM_DES3_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA      0x00001103
-#define CKM_AES_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA       0x00001104
-#define CKM_AES_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA       0x00001105
-#define CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN          0x00002000
-#define CKM_DH_PKCS_PARAMETER_GEN      0x00002001
-#define CKM_X9_42_DH_PARAMETER_GEN     0x00002002
-#define CKM_VENDOR_DEFINED             0x80000000
-/* CK_MECHANISM is a structure that specifies a particular
- * mechanism  */
-typedef struct CK_MECHANISM {
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism;
-  CK_VOID_PTR       pParameter;
-  /* ulParameterLen was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for
-   * v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG          ulParameterLen;  /* in bytes */
-/* CK_MECHANISM_INFO provides information about a particular
- * mechanism */
-typedef struct CK_MECHANISM_INFO {
-    CK_ULONG    ulMinKeySize;
-    CK_ULONG    ulMaxKeySize;
-    CK_FLAGS    flags;
-/* The flags are defined as follows:
- *      Bit Flag               Mask        Meaning */
-#define CKF_HW                 0x00000001  /* performed by HW */
- * and CKF_DERIVE are new for v2.0.  They specify whether or not
- * a mechanism can be used for a particular task */
-#define CKF_ENCRYPT            0x00000100
-#define CKF_DECRYPT            0x00000200
-#define CKF_DIGEST             0x00000400
-#define CKF_SIGN               0x00000800
-#define CKF_SIGN_RECOVER       0x00001000
-#define CKF_VERIFY             0x00002000
-#define CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER     0x00004000
-#define CKF_GENERATE           0x00008000
-#define CKF_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR  0x00010000
-#define CKF_WRAP               0x00020000
-#define CKF_UNWRAP             0x00040000
-#define CKF_DERIVE             0x00080000
- * CKF_EC_UNCOMPRESS, and CKF_EC_COMPRESS are new for v2.11. They
- * describe a token's EC capabilities not available in mechanism
- * information. */
-#define CKF_EC_F_P             0x00100000
-#define CKF_EC_F_2M            0x00200000
-#define CKF_EC_ECPARAMETERS    0x00400000
-#define CKF_EC_NAMEDCURVE      0x00800000
-#define CKF_EC_UNCOMPRESS      0x01000000
-#define CKF_EC_COMPRESS        0x02000000
-#define CKF_EXTENSION          0x80000000 /* FALSE for this version */
-/* CK_RV is a value that identifies the return value of a
- * PKCS #11 function */
-/* CK_RV was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for v2.0 */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_RV;
-#define CKR_OK                                0x00000000
-#define CKR_CANCEL                            0x00000001
-#define CKR_HOST_MEMORY                       0x00000002
-#define CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID                   0x00000003
-/* CKR_FLAGS_INVALID was removed for v2.0 */
-/* CKR_GENERAL_ERROR and CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKR_GENERAL_ERROR                     0x00000005
-#define CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED                   0x00000006
- * and CKR_CANT_LOCK are new for v2.01 */
-#define CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD                     0x00000007
-#define CKR_NO_EVENT                          0x00000008
-#define CKR_NEED_TO_CREATE_THREADS            0x00000009
-#define CKR_CANT_LOCK                         0x0000000A
-#define CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY               0x00000010
-#define CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE               0x00000011
-#define CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID            0x00000012
-#define CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID           0x00000013
-#define CKR_DATA_INVALID                      0x00000020
-#define CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE                    0x00000021
-#define CKR_DEVICE_ERROR                      0x00000030
-#define CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY                     0x00000031
-#define CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED                    0x00000032
-#define CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID            0x00000040
-#define CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE          0x00000041
-#define CKR_FUNCTION_CANCELED                 0x00000050
-#define CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_PARALLEL             0x00000051
-/* CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED is new for v2.0 */
-#define CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED            0x00000054
-#define CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID                0x00000060
-/* CKR_KEY_SENSITIVE was removed for v2.0 */
-#define CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE                    0x00000062
-#define CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT             0x00000063
- * v2.0 */
-#define CKR_KEY_NOT_NEEDED                    0x00000064
-#define CKR_KEY_CHANGED                       0x00000065
-#define CKR_KEY_NEEDED                        0x00000066
-#define CKR_KEY_INDIGESTIBLE                  0x00000067
-#define CKR_KEY_FUNCTION_NOT_PERMITTED        0x00000068
-#define CKR_KEY_NOT_WRAPPABLE                 0x00000069
-#define CKR_KEY_UNEXTRACTABLE                 0x0000006A
-#define CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID                 0x00000070
-#define CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID           0x00000071
- * were removed for v2.0 */
-#define CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID             0x00000082
-#define CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE                  0x00000090
-#define CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED         0x00000091
-#define CKR_PIN_INCORRECT                     0x000000A0
-#define CKR_PIN_INVALID                       0x000000A1
-#define CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE                     0x000000A2
-/* CKR_PIN_EXPIRED and CKR_PIN_LOCKED are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKR_PIN_EXPIRED                       0x000000A3
-#define CKR_PIN_LOCKED                        0x000000A4
-#define CKR_SESSION_CLOSED                    0x000000B0
-#define CKR_SESSION_COUNT                     0x000000B1
-#define CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID            0x000000B3
-#define CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY                 0x000000B5
-#define CKR_SESSION_EXISTS                    0x000000B6
- * CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS are new for v2.0 */
-#define CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY_EXISTS          0x000000B7
-#define CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS      0x000000B8
-#define CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID                 0x000000C0
-#define CKR_SIGNATURE_LEN_RANGE               0x000000C1
-#define CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE               0x000000D0
-#define CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT             0x000000D1
-#define CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT                 0x000000E0
-#define CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED              0x000000E1
-#define CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED             0x000000E2
-#define CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE         0x000000F1
-#define CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN            0x00000100
-#define CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN                0x00000101
-#define CKR_USER_PIN_NOT_INITIALIZED          0x00000102
-#define CKR_USER_TYPE_INVALID                 0x00000103
- * are new to v2.01 */
-#define CKR_USER_TOO_MANY_TYPES               0x00000105
-#define CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_INVALID               0x00000110
-#define CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN_RANGE             0x00000112
-#define CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID       0x00000113
-#define CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE           0x00000114
-#define CKR_RANDOM_SEED_NOT_SUPPORTED         0x00000120
-/* These are new to v2.0 */
-#define CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG                     0x00000121
-/* These are new to v2.11 */
-#define CKR_DOMAIN_PARAMS_INVALID             0x00000130
-/* These are new to v2.0 */
-#define CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  0x00000150
-#define CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID               0x00000160
-#define CKR_INFORMATION_SENSITIVE             0x00000170
-#define CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE                  0x00000180
-/* These are new to v2.01 */
-#define CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED          0x00000190
-#define CKR_MUTEX_BAD                         0x000001A0
-#define CKR_MUTEX_NOT_LOCKED                  0x000001A1
-/* This is new to v2.20 */
-#define CKR_FUNCTION_REJECTED                 0x00000200
-#define CKR_VENDOR_DEFINED                    0x80000000
-/* CK_NOTIFY is an application callback that processes events */
-  CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,     /* the session's handle */
-  CK_VOID_PTR       pApplication  /* passed to C_OpenSession */
-/* CK_FUNCTION_LIST is a structure holding a PKCS #11 spec
- * version and pointers of appropriate types to all the
- * PKCS #11 functions */
-/* CK_FUNCTION_LIST is new for v2.0 */
-/* CK_CREATEMUTEX is an application callback for creating a
- * mutex object */
-  CK_VOID_PTR_PTR ppMutex  /* location to receive ptr to mutex */
-/* CK_DESTROYMUTEX is an application callback for destroying a
- * mutex object */
-  CK_VOID_PTR pMutex  /* pointer to mutex */
-/* CK_LOCKMUTEX is an application callback for locking a mutex */
-  CK_VOID_PTR pMutex  /* pointer to mutex */
-/* CK_UNLOCKMUTEX is an application callback for unlocking a
- * mutex */
-  CK_VOID_PTR pMutex  /* pointer to mutex */
-/* CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS provides the optional arguments to
- * C_Initialize */
-typedef struct CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS {
-  CK_CREATEMUTEX CreateMutex;
-  CK_DESTROYMUTEX DestroyMutex;
-  CK_LOCKMUTEX LockMutex;
-  CK_UNLOCKMUTEX UnlockMutex;
-  CK_FLAGS flags;
-  /* The official PKCS #11 spec does not have a 'LibraryParameters' field, but
-   * a reserved field. NSS needs a way to pass instance-specific information
-   * to the library (like where to find its config files, etc). This
-   * information is usually provided by the installer and passed uninterpreted
-   * by NSS to the library, though NSS does know the specifics of the softoken
-   * version of this parameter. Most compliant PKCS#11 modules expect this 
-   * parameter to be NULL, and will return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD from
-   * C_Initialize if Library parameters is supplied. */
-  CK_CHAR_PTR *LibraryParameters;
-  /* This field is only present if the LibraryParameters is not NULL. It must
-   * be NULL in all cases */
-  CK_VOID_PTR pReserved;
-/* flags: bit flags that provide capabilities of the slot
- *      Bit Flag                           Mask       Meaning
- */
-#define CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK                  0x00000002
-/* additional flags for parameters to functions */
-/* CKF_DONT_BLOCK is for the function C_WaitForSlotEvent */
-#define CKF_DONT_BLOCK     1
-/* CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_MGF_TYPE is new for v2.10.
- * CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_MGF_TYPE  is used to indicate the Message
- * Generation Function (MGF) applied to a message block when
- * formatting a message block for the PKCS #1 OAEP encryption
- * scheme. */
-/* The following MGFs are defined */
-/* CKG_MGF1_SHA256, CKG_MGF1_SHA384, and CKG_MGF1_SHA512
- * are new for v2.20 */
-#define CKG_MGF1_SHA1         0x00000001
-#define CKG_MGF1_SHA256       0x00000002
-#define CKG_MGF1_SHA384       0x00000003
-#define CKG_MGF1_SHA512       0x00000004
-/* v2.20 amendment 3 */
-#define CKG_MGF1_SHA224	      0x00000005
-/* CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_SOURCE_TYPE is new for v2.10.
- * CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_SOURCE_TYPE  is used to indicate the source
- * of the encoding parameter when formatting a message block
- * for the PKCS #1 OAEP encryption scheme. */
-/* The following encoding parameter sources are defined */
-#define CKZ_DATA_SPECIFIED    0x00000001
-/* CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS is new for v2.10.
- * CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP mechanism. */
-typedef struct CK_RSA_PKCS_OAEP_PARAMS {
-        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE hashAlg;
-        CK_RSA_PKCS_MGF_TYPE mgf;
-        CK_VOID_PTR pSourceData;
-        CK_ULONG ulSourceDataLen;
-/* CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS is new for v2.11.
- * CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS mechanism(s). */
-typedef struct CK_RSA_PKCS_PSS_PARAMS {
-        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE    hashAlg;
-        CK_RSA_PKCS_MGF_TYPE mgf;
-        CK_ULONG             sLen;
-/* CK_EC_KDF_TYPE is new for v2.11. */
-/* The following EC Key Derivation Functions are defined */
-#define CKD_NULL                 0x00000001
-#define CKD_SHA1_KDF             0x00000002
-#define CKD_SHA224_KDF           0x00000005
-#define CKD_SHA256_KDF           0x00000006
-#define CKD_SHA384_KDF           0x00000007
-#define CKD_SHA512_KDF           0x00000008
-/* CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS is new for v2.11.
- * CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * where each party contributes one key pair.
- */
-typedef struct CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_EC_KDF_TYPE kdf;
-  CK_ULONG ulSharedDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSharedData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData;
-/* CK_ECDH2_DERIVE_PARAMS is new for v2.11.
- * CK_ECDH2_DERIVE_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_ECMQV_DERIVE mechanism, where each party contributes two key pairs. */
-typedef struct CK_ECDH2_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_EC_KDF_TYPE kdf;
-  CK_ULONG ulSharedDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSharedData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPrivateDataLen;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hPrivateData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen2;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData2;
-typedef struct CK_ECMQV_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_EC_KDF_TYPE kdf;
-  CK_ULONG ulSharedDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pSharedData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPrivateDataLen;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hPrivateData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen2;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData2;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE publicKey;
-/* Typedefs and defines for the CKM_X9_42_DH_KEY_PAIR_GEN and the
- * CKM_X9_42_DH_PARAMETER_GEN mechanisms (new for PKCS #11 v2.11) */
-typedef CK_ULONG CK_X9_42_DH_KDF_TYPE;
-/* The following X9.42 DH key derivation functions are defined
-   (besides CKD_NULL already defined : */
-#define CKD_SHA1_KDF_ASN1        0x00000003
-#define CKD_SHA1_KDF_CONCATENATE 0x00000004
-/* CK_X9_42_DH1_DERIVE_PARAMS is new for v2.11.
- * CK_X9_42_DH1_DERIVE_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_X9_42_DH_DERIVE key derivation mechanism, where each party
- * contributes one key pair */
-typedef struct CK_X9_42_DH1_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_X9_42_DH_KDF_TYPE kdf;
-  CK_ULONG ulOtherInfoLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOtherInfo;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData;
-/* CK_X9_42_DH2_DERIVE_PARAMS is new for v2.11.
- * CK_X9_42_DH2_DERIVE_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_X9_42_DH_HYBRID_DERIVE and CKM_X9_42_MQV_DERIVE key derivation
- * mechanisms, where each party contributes two key pairs */
-typedef struct CK_X9_42_DH2_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_X9_42_DH_KDF_TYPE kdf;
-  CK_ULONG ulOtherInfoLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOtherInfo;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPrivateDataLen;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hPrivateData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen2;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData2;
-typedef struct CK_X9_42_MQV_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_X9_42_DH_KDF_TYPE kdf;
-  CK_ULONG ulOtherInfoLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pOtherInfo;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPrivateDataLen;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hPrivateData;
-  CK_ULONG ulPublicDataLen2;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pPublicData2;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE publicKey;
-/* CK_KEA_DERIVE_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_KEA_DERIVE mechanism */
-/* CK_KEA_DERIVE_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-typedef struct CK_KEA_DERIVE_PARAMS {
-  CK_BBOOL      isSender;
-  CK_ULONG      ulRandomLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pRandomA;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pRandomB;
-  CK_ULONG      ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pPublicData;
-/* CK_RC2_PARAMS provides the parameters to the CKM_RC2_ECB and
- * CKM_RC2_MAC mechanisms.  An instance of CK_RC2_PARAMS just
- * holds the effective keysize */
-typedef CK_ULONG          CK_RC2_PARAMS;
-/* CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS provides the parameters to the CKM_RC2_CBC
- * mechanism */
-typedef struct CK_RC2_CBC_PARAMS {
-  /* ulEffectiveBits was changed from CK_USHORT to CK_ULONG for
-   * v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG      ulEffectiveBits;  /* effective bits (1-1024) */
-  CK_BYTE       iv[8];            /* IV for CBC mode */
-/* CK_RC2_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS provides the parameters for the
- * CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL mechanism */
-/* CK_RC2_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-typedef struct CK_RC2_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG      ulEffectiveBits;  /* effective bits (1-1024) */
-  CK_ULONG      ulMacLength;      /* Length of MAC in bytes */
-/* CK_RC5_PARAMS provides the parameters to the CKM_RC5_ECB and
- * CKM_RC5_MAC mechanisms */
-/* CK_RC5_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-typedef struct CK_RC5_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG      ulWordsize;  /* wordsize in bits */
-  CK_ULONG      ulRounds;    /* number of rounds */
-/* CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS provides the parameters to the CKM_RC5_CBC
- * mechanism */
-/* CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-typedef struct CK_RC5_CBC_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG      ulWordsize;  /* wordsize in bits */
-  CK_ULONG      ulRounds;    /* number of rounds */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pIv;         /* pointer to IV */
-  CK_ULONG      ulIvLen;     /* length of IV in bytes */
-/* CK_RC5_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS provides the parameters for the
- * CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL mechanism */
-/* CK_RC5_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-typedef struct CK_RC5_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG      ulWordsize;   /* wordsize in bits */
-  CK_ULONG      ulRounds;     /* number of rounds */
-  CK_ULONG      ulMacLength;  /* Length of MAC in bytes */
-/* CK_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS provides the parameters to most block
- * ciphers' MAC_GENERAL mechanisms.  Its value is the length of
- * the MAC */
-/* CK_MAC_GENERAL_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-/* CK_DES/AES_ECB/CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA_PARAMS are new for v2.20 */
-  CK_BYTE      iv[8];
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pData;
-  CK_ULONG     length;
-  CK_BYTE      iv[16];
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pData;
-  CK_ULONG     length;
-/* CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS is new for PKCS #11 v2.20 amendment 3 */
-typedef struct CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG     ulCounterBits;
-  CK_BYTE      cb[16];
-/* CK_GCM_PARAMS is new for version 2.30 */
-typedef struct CK_GCM_PARAMS {
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pIv;
-  CK_ULONG     ulIvLen;
-  CK_ULONG     ulAADLen;
-  CK_ULONG     ulTagBits;
-/* CK_CCM_PARAMS is new for version 2.30 */
-typedef struct CK_CCM_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG     ulDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pNonce;
-  CK_ULONG     ulNonceLen;
-  CK_ULONG     ulAADLen;
-  CK_ULONG     ulMACLen;
-/* CK_SKIPJACK_PRIVATE_WRAP_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
-/* CK_SKIPJACK_PRIVATE_WRAP_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG      ulPasswordLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pPassword;
-  CK_ULONG      ulPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG      ulPAndGLen;
-  CK_ULONG      ulQLen;
-  CK_ULONG      ulRandomLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pRandomA;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pPrimeP;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pBaseG;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pSubprimeQ;
-/* CK_SKIPJACK_RELAYX_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_SKIPJACK_RELAYX mechanism */
-/* CK_SKIPJACK_RELAYX_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-  CK_ULONG      ulOldWrappedXLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pOldWrappedX;
-  CK_ULONG      ulOldPasswordLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pOldPassword;
-  CK_ULONG      ulOldPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pOldPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG      ulOldRandomLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pOldRandomA;
-  CK_ULONG      ulNewPasswordLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pNewPassword;
-  CK_ULONG      ulNewPublicDataLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pNewPublicData;
-  CK_ULONG      ulNewRandomLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pNewRandomA;
-typedef struct CK_PBE_PARAMS {
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pInitVector;
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR  pPassword;
-  CK_ULONG         ulPasswordLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pSalt;
-  CK_ULONG         ulSaltLen;
-  CK_ULONG         ulIteration;
-/* CK_KEY_WRAP_SET_OAEP_PARAMS provides the parameters to the
- * CKM_KEY_WRAP_SET_OAEP mechanism */
-/* CK_KEY_WRAP_SET_OAEP_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
-typedef struct CK_KEY_WRAP_SET_OAEP_PARAMS {
-  CK_BYTE       bBC;     /* block contents byte */
-  CK_BYTE_PTR   pX;      /* extra data */
-  CK_ULONG      ulXLen;  /* length of extra data in bytes */
-typedef struct CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA {
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pClientRandom;
-  CK_ULONG     ulClientRandomLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pServerRandom;
-  CK_ULONG     ulServerRandomLen;
-  CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA RandomInfo;
-  CK_VERSION_PTR pVersion;
-typedef struct CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_OUT {
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hClientMacSecret;
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hServerMacSecret;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pIVClient;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pIVServer;
-typedef struct CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG                ulMacSizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG                ulKeySizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG                ulIVSizeInBits;
-  CK_BBOOL                bIsExport;
-  CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA     RandomInfo;
-  CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_OUT_PTR pReturnedKeyMaterial;
-/* CK_TLS_PRF_PARAMS is new for version 2.20 */
-typedef struct CK_TLS_PRF_PARAMS {
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pSeed;
-  CK_ULONG     ulSeedLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pLabel;
-  CK_ULONG     ulLabelLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR  pOutput;
-  CK_ULONG_PTR pulOutputLen;
-/* TLS 1.2 is new for version 2.40 */
-  CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA RandomInfo;
-  CK_VERSION_PTR pVersion;
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE prfHashMechanism;
-typedef struct CK_TLS12_KEY_MAT_PARAMS {
-  CK_ULONG ulMacSizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG ulKeySizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG ulIVSizeInBits;
-  CK_BBOOL bIsExport;  /* Unused. Must be set to CK_FALSE. */
-  CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA RandomInfo;
-  CK_SSL3_KEY_MAT_OUT_PTR pReturnedKeyMaterial;
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE prfHashMechanism;
-typedef struct CK_TLS_KDF_PARAMS {
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE prfMechanism;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pLabel;
-  CK_ULONG ulLabelLength;
-  CK_SSL3_RANDOM_DATA RandomInfo;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pContextData;
-  CK_ULONG ulContextDataLength;
-typedef struct CK_TLS_MAC_PARAMS {
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE prfMechanism;
-  CK_ULONG ulMacLength;
-  CK_ULONG ulServerOrClient;
-/* WTLS is new for version 2.20 */
-typedef struct CK_WTLS_RANDOM_DATA {
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pClientRandom;
-  CK_ULONG    ulClientRandomLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pServerRandom;
-  CK_ULONG    ulServerRandomLen;
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE   DigestMechanism;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR         pVersion;
-typedef struct CK_WTLS_PRF_PARAMS {
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE DigestMechanism;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pSeed;
-  CK_ULONG          ulSeedLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pLabel;
-  CK_ULONG          ulLabelLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR       pOutput;
-  CK_ULONG_PTR      pulOutputLen;
-typedef struct CK_WTLS_KEY_MAT_OUT {
-  CK_BYTE_PTR      pIV;
-typedef struct CK_WTLS_KEY_MAT_PARAMS {
-  CK_MECHANISM_TYPE       DigestMechanism;
-  CK_ULONG                ulMacSizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG                ulKeySizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG                ulIVSizeInBits;
-  CK_ULONG                ulSequenceNumber;
-  CK_BBOOL                bIsExport;
-  CK_WTLS_RANDOM_DATA     RandomInfo;
-  CK_WTLS_KEY_MAT_OUT_PTR pReturnedKeyMaterial;
-/* CMS is new for version 2.20 */
-typedef struct CK_CMS_SIG_PARAMS {
-  CK_OBJECT_HANDLE      certificateHandle;
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR      pSigningMechanism;
-  CK_MECHANISM_PTR      pDigestMechanism;
-  CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR       pContentType;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR           pRequestedAttributes;
-  CK_ULONG              ulRequestedAttributesLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR           pRequiredAttributes;
-  CK_ULONG              ulRequiredAttributesLen;
-  CK_BYTE_PTR pData;
-  CK_ULONG    ulLen;
-/* The CK_EXTRACT_PARAMS is used for the
- * CKM_EXTRACT_KEY_FROM_KEY mechanism.  It specifies which bit
- * of the base key should be used as the first bit of the
- * derived key */
-/* CK_EXTRACT_PARAMS is new for v2.0 */
- * indicate the Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) used to generate
- * key bits using PKCS #5 PBKDF2. */
-/* The following PRFs are defined in PKCS #5 v2.1. */
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA1       0x00000001
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_GOSTR3411  0x00000002
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA224     0x00000003
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA256     0x00000004
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA384     0x00000005
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA512     0x00000006
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA512_224 0x00000007
-#define CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA512_256 0x00000008
-/* CK_PKCS5_PBKDF2_SALT_SOURCE_TYPE is new for v2.10.
- * CK_PKCS5_PBKDF2_SALT_SOURCE_TYPE is used to indicate the
- * source of the salt value when deriving a key using PKCS #5
- * PBKDF2. */
-/* The following salt value sources are defined in PKCS #5 v2.0. */
-#define CKZ_SALT_SPECIFIED        0x00000001
-/* CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS is new for v2.10.
- * CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS is a structure that provides the
- * parameters to the CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2 mechanism. */
-typedef struct CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS {
-        CK_PKCS5_PBKDF2_SALT_SOURCE_TYPE           saltSource;
-        CK_VOID_PTR                                pSaltSourceData;
-        CK_ULONG                                   ulSaltSourceDataLen;
-        CK_ULONG                                   iterations;
-        CK_VOID_PTR                                pPrfData;
-        CK_ULONG                                   ulPrfDataLen;
-        CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR                            pPassword;
-        CK_ULONG_PTR                               ulPasswordLen;
-/* NSS Specific defines */
-/* defines that have been deprecated in 2.20, but maintained in our
- * header file for backward compatibility */
-#define CKF_EC_FP             CKF_EC_F_P
-/* new in v2.11 deprecated by 2.20 */
-#define CKR_KEY_PARAMS_INVALID                0x0000006B
-/* stuff that for historic reasons is in this header file but should have
- * been in pkcs11n.h */
-#define CKK_INVALID_KEY_TYPE  0xffffffff
-#include "pkcs11n.h"
-/* undo packing */
-#include "pkcs11u.h"
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11u.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs11u.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f670094..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs11u.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1999 RSA Security Inc. Licence to copy this document
- * is granted provided that it is identified as "RSA Security Inc. Public-Key
- * Cryptography Standards (PKCS)" in all material mentioning or referencing
- * this document.
- */
- * reset any packing set by pkcs11p.h
- */
-#if defined (_WIN32)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(disable:4103)
-#pragma pack(pop, cryptoki)
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.c b/nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b16f5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- */
-#include "pkcs1sig.h"
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-typedef struct pkcs1PrefixStr pkcs1Prefix;
-struct pkcs1PrefixStr {
-    unsigned int len;
-    PRUint8 *data;
-typedef struct pkcs1PrefixesStr pkcs1Prefixes;
-struct pkcs1PrefixesStr {
-    unsigned int digestLen;
-    pkcs1Prefix prefixWithParams;
-    pkcs1Prefix prefixWithoutParams;
- * the possible prefix encodings as explained below.
- */
-static SECStatus
-encodePrefix(const SECOidData *hashOid, unsigned int digestLen,
-             pkcs1Prefix *prefix, PRBool withParams)
-    /* with params coding is:
-     *  Sequence (2 bytes) {
-     *      Sequence (2 bytes) {
-     *               Oid (2 bytes)  {
-     *                   Oid value (derOid->oid.len)
-     *               }
-     *               NULL (2 bytes)
-     *      }
-     *      OCTECT (2 bytes);
-     *
-     * without params coding is:
-     *  Sequence (2 bytes) {
-     *      Sequence (2 bytes) {
-     *               Oid (2 bytes)  {
-     *                   Oid value (derOid->oid.len)
-     *               }
-     *      }
-     *      OCTECT (2 bytes);
-     */
-    unsigned int innerSeqLen = 2 + hashOid->oid.len;
-    unsigned int outerSeqLen = 2 + innerSeqLen + 2 + digestLen;
-    unsigned int extra = 0;
-    if (withParams) {
-        innerSeqLen += 2;
-        outerSeqLen += 2;
-        extra = 2;
-    }
-    if (innerSeqLen >= 128 ||
-        outerSeqLen >= 128 ||
-        (outerSeqLen + 2 - digestLen) >
-            (MAX_PREFIX_LEN_EXCLUDING_OID + hashOid->oid.len)) {
-        /* this is actually a library failure, It shouldn't happen */
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    prefix->len = 6 + hashOid->oid.len + extra + 2;
-    prefix->data = PORT_Alloc(prefix->len);
-    if (!prefix->data) {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    prefix->data[0] = SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE|SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-    prefix->data[1] = outerSeqLen;
-    prefix->data[2] = SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE|SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-    prefix->data[3] = innerSeqLen;
-    prefix->data[4] = SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID;
-    prefix->data[5] = hashOid->oid.len;
-    PORT_Memcpy(&prefix->data[6], hashOid->, hashOid->oid.len);
-    if (withParams) {
-        prefix->data[6 + hashOid->oid.len] = SEC_ASN1_NULL;
-        prefix->data[6 + hashOid->oid.len + 1] = 0;
-    }
-    prefix->data[6 + hashOid->oid.len + extra] = SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING;
-    prefix->data[6 + hashOid->oid.len + extra + 1] = digestLen;
-    return SECSuccess;
-_SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo(SECOidTag digestAlg,
-                           const SECItem* digest,
-                           const SECItem* dataRecoveredFromSignature,
-                           PRBool unsafeAllowMissingParameters)
-    SECOidData *hashOid;
-    pkcs1Prefixes pp;
-    const pkcs1Prefix* expectedPrefix;
-    SECStatus rv, rv2, rv3;
-    if (!digest || !digest->data ||
-        !dataRecoveredFromSignature || !dataRecoveredFromSignature->data) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    hashOid = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(digestAlg);
-    if (hashOid == NULL) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    pp.digestLen = digest->len;
- = NULL;
- = NULL;
-    rv2 = encodePrefix(hashOid, pp.digestLen, &pp.prefixWithParams, PR_TRUE);
-    rv3 = encodePrefix(hashOid, pp.digestLen, &pp.prefixWithoutParams, PR_FALSE);
-    rv = SECSuccess;
-    if (rv2 != SECSuccess || rv3 != SECSuccess) {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        /* We don't attempt to avoid timing attacks on these comparisons because
-         * signature verification is a public key operation, not a private key
-         * operation.
-         */
-        if (dataRecoveredFromSignature->len ==
-                pp.prefixWithParams.len + pp.digestLen) {
-            expectedPrefix = &pp.prefixWithParams;
-        } else if (unsafeAllowMissingParameters &&
-                   dataRecoveredFromSignature->len ==
-                      pp.prefixWithoutParams.len + pp.digestLen) {
-            expectedPrefix = &pp.prefixWithoutParams;
-        } else {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-        if (memcmp(dataRecoveredFromSignature->data, expectedPrefix->data,
-                   expectedPrefix->len) ||
-            memcmp(dataRecoveredFromSignature->data + expectedPrefix->len,
-                   digest->data, digest->len)) {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    if ( {
-        PORT_Free(;
-    }
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.h b/nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c52b15..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/pkcs1sig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- */
-#ifndef _PKCS1SIG_H_
-#define _PKCS1SIG_H_
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-/* SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo verifies that the length of the digest is correct
- * for the given algorithm, then verifies that the recovered data from the
- * PKCS#1 signature is a properly-formatted DigestInfo that identifies the
- * given digest algorithm, then verifies that the digest in the DigestInfo
- * matches the given digest.
- *
- * dataRecoveredFromSignature must be the result of calling PK11_VerifyRecover
- * or equivalent.
- *
- * If unsafeAllowMissingParameters is true (not recommended), then a DigestInfo
- * without the mandatory ASN.1 NULL parameter will also be accepted.
- */
-SECStatus _SGN_VerifyPKCS1DigestInfo(SECOidTag digestAlg,
-                                     const SECItem* digest,
-                                     const SECItem* dataRecoveredFromSignature,
-                                     PRBool unsafeAllowMissingParameters);
-#endif /* _PKCS1SIG_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/portreg.c b/nss/lib/util/portreg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2b3ce..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/portreg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * shexp.c: shell-like wildcard match routines
- *
- * See shexp.h for public documentation.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "portreg.h"
-/* ----------------------------- shexp_valid ------------------------------ */
-static int 
-_valid_subexp(const char *exp, char stop1, char stop2) 
-    register int x;
-    int nsc = 0;     /* Number of special characters */
-    int np;          /* Number of pipe characters in union */
-    int tld = 0;     /* Number of tilde characters */
-    for (x = 0; exp[x] && (exp[x] != stop1) && (exp[x] != stop2); ++x) {
-        switch(exp[x]) {
-	case '~':
-            if(tld)                 /* at most one exclusion */
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            if (stop1)              /* no exclusions within unions */
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            if (!exp[x+1])          /* exclusion cannot be last character */
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            if (!x)                 /* exclusion cannot be first character */
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            ++tld;
-	    /* fall through */
-	case '*':
-	case '?':
-	case '$':
-            ++nsc;
-            break;
-	case '[':
-            ++nsc;
-            if((!exp[++x]) || (exp[x] == ']'))
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            for(; exp[x] && (exp[x] != ']'); ++x) {
-                if(exp[x] == '\\' && !exp[++x])
-                    return INVALID_SXP;
-            }
-            if(!exp[x])
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            break;
-	case '(':
-            ++nsc;
-	    if (stop1)			/* no nested unions */
-		return INVALID_SXP;
-            np = -1;
-            do {
-                int t = _valid_subexp(&exp[++x], ')', '|');
-                if(t == 0 || t == INVALID_SXP)
-                    return INVALID_SXP;
-                x+=t;
-		if(!exp[x])
-		    return INVALID_SXP;
-		++np;
-            } while (exp[x] == '|' );
-	    if(np < 1)  /* must be at least one pipe */
-		return INVALID_SXP;
-            break;
-	case ')':
-	case '|':
-	case ']':
-            return INVALID_SXP;
-	case '\\':
-	    ++nsc;
-            if(!exp[++x])
-                return INVALID_SXP;
-            break;
-	default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if((!stop1) && (!nsc)) /* must be at least one special character */
-        return NON_SXP;
-    return ((exp[x] == stop1 || exp[x] == stop2) ? x : INVALID_SXP);
-PORT_RegExpValid(const char *exp) 
-    int x;
-    x = _valid_subexp(exp, '\0', '\0');
-    return (x < 0 ? x : VALID_SXP);
-/* ----------------------------- shexp_match ----------------------------- */
-#define MATCH 0
-#define NOMATCH 1
-#define ABORTED -1
-static int 
-_shexp_match(const char *str, const char *exp, PRBool case_insensitive,
-             unsigned int level);
-/* Count characters until we reach a NUL character or either of the 
- * two delimiter characters, stop1 or stop2.  If we encounter a bracketed 
- * expression, look only for NUL or ']' inside it.  Do not look for stop1 
- * or stop2 inside it. Return ABORTED if bracketed expression is unterminated.
- * Handle all escaping.
- * Return index in input string of first stop found, or ABORTED if not found.
- * If "dest" is non-NULL, copy counted characters to it and NUL terminate.
- */
-static int 
-_scan_and_copy(const char *exp, char stop1, char stop2, char *dest)
-    register int sx;     /* source index */
-    register char cc;
-    for (sx = 0; (cc = exp[sx]) && cc != stop1 && cc != stop2; sx++) {
-	if (cc == '\\') {
-	    if (!exp[++sx])
-		return ABORTED; /* should be impossible */
-	} else if (cc == '[') {
-	    while ((cc = exp[++sx]) && cc != ']') {
-		if(cc == '\\' && !exp[++sx])
-		    return ABORTED;
-	    }
-	    if (!cc) 
-		return ABORTED; /* should be impossible */
-	}
-    }
-    if (dest && sx) {
-	/* Copy all but the closing delimiter. */
-	memcpy(dest, exp, sx);
-	dest[sx] = 0;
-    }
-    return cc ? sx : ABORTED; /* index of closing delimiter */
-/* On input, exp[0] is the opening parenthesis of a union.
- * See if any of the alternatives in the union matches as a pattern.
- * The strategy is to take each of the alternatives, in turn, and append
- * the rest of the expression (after the closing ')' that marks the end of 
- * this union) to that alternative, and then see if the resultant expression
- * matches the input string.  Repeat this until some alternative matches, 
- * or we have an abort. 
- */
-static int 
-_handle_union(const char *str, const char *exp, PRBool case_insensitive,
-              unsigned int level) 
-    register int sx;     /* source index */
-    int cp;              /* source index of closing parenthesis */
-    int count;
-    int ret   = NOMATCH;
-    char *e2;
-    /* Find the closing parenthesis that ends this union in the expression */
-    cp = _scan_and_copy(exp, ')', '\0', NULL);
-    if (cp == ABORTED || cp < 4) /* must be at least "(a|b" before ')' */
-    	return ABORTED;
-    ++cp;                /* now index of char after closing parenthesis */
-    e2 = (char *) PORT_Alloc(1 + strlen(exp));
-    if (!e2)
-    	return ABORTED;
-    for (sx = 1; ; ++sx) {
-	/* Here, exp[sx] is one character past the preceding '(' or '|'. */
-	/* Copy everything up to the next delimiter to e2 */
-	count = _scan_and_copy(exp + sx, ')', '|', e2);
-	if (count == ABORTED || !count) {
-	    ret = ABORTED;
-	    break;
-	}
-	sx += count;
-	/* Append everything after closing parenthesis to e2. This is safe. */
-	strcpy(e2+count, exp+cp);
-        ret = _shexp_match(str, e2, case_insensitive, level + 1);
-	if (ret != NOMATCH || !exp[sx] || exp[sx] == ')')
-            break;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(e2);
-    if (sx < 2)
-    	ret = ABORTED;
-    return ret;
-/* returns 1 if val is in range from start..end, case insensitive. */
-static int
-_is_char_in_range(int start, int end, int val)
-    char map[256];
-    memset(map, 0, sizeof map);
-    while (start <= end)
-	map[tolower(start++)] = 1;
-    return map[tolower(val)];
-static int 
-_shexp_match(const char *str, const char *exp, PRBool case_insensitive, 
-             unsigned int level) 
-    register int x;   /* input string index */
-    register int y;   /* expression index */
-    int ret,neg;
-    if (level > 20)      /* Don't let the stack get too deep. */
-    	return ABORTED;
-    for(x = 0, y = 0; exp[y]; ++y, ++x) {
-        if((!str[x]) && (exp[y] != '$') && (exp[y] != '*')) {
-            return NOMATCH;
-	}
-	switch(exp[y]) {
-	case '$':
-	    if(str[x])
-		return NOMATCH;
-	    --x;                 /* we don't want loop to increment x */
-	    break;
-	case '*':
-	    while(exp[++y] == '*'){}
-	    if(!exp[y])
-		return MATCH;
-	    while(str[x]) {
-	        ret = _shexp_match(&str[x++], &exp[y], case_insensitive, 
-				   level + 1);
-		switch(ret) {
-		case NOMATCH:
-		    continue;
-		case ABORTED:
-		    return ABORTED;
-		default:
-		    return MATCH;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if((exp[y] == '$') && (exp[y+1] == '\0') && (!str[x]))
-		return MATCH;
-	    else
-		return NOMATCH;
-	case '[': {
-	    int start, end = 0, i;
-	    neg = ((exp[++y] == '^') && (exp[y+1] != ']'));
-	    if (neg)
-		++y;
-	    i = y;
-	    start = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
-	    if (start == '\\')
-	    	start = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
-	    if (isalnum(start) && exp[i++] == '-') {
-		end = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]); 
-		if (end == '\\')
-		    end = (unsigned char)(exp[i++]);
-	    }
-	    if (isalnum(end) && exp[i] == ']') {
-		/* This is a range form: a-b */
-		int val   = (unsigned char)(str[x]);
-		if (end < start) { /* swap them */
-		    start ^= end;
-		    end ^= start;
-		    start ^= end;
-		}
-		if (case_insensitive && isalpha(val)) {
-		    val = _is_char_in_range(start, end, val);
-		    if (neg == val)
-			return NOMATCH;
-		} else if (neg != ((val < start) || (val > end))) {
-		    return NOMATCH;
-		}
-		y = i;
-	    } else {
-		/* Not range form */
-		int matched = 0;
-		for (; exp[y] != ']'; y++) {
-		    if (exp[y] == '\\')
-			++y;
-		    if(case_insensitive) {
-			matched |= (toupper(str[x]) == toupper(exp[y]));
-		    } else {
-			matched |= (str[x] == exp[y]);
-		    }
-		}
-		if (neg == matched)
-		    return NOMATCH;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-	case '(':
-	    if (!exp[y+1])
-	    	return ABORTED;
-	    return _handle_union(&str[x], &exp[y], case_insensitive, level);
-	case '?':
-	    break;
-	case '|':
-	case ']':
-	case ')':
-	    return ABORTED;
-	case '\\':
-	    ++y;
-	    /* fall through */
-	default:
-	    if(case_insensitive) {
-		if(toupper(str[x]) != toupper(exp[y]))
-		    return NOMATCH;
-	    } else {
-		if(str[x] != exp[y])
-		    return NOMATCH;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    return (str[x] ? NOMATCH : MATCH);
-static int 
-port_RegExpMatch(const char *str, const char *xp, PRBool case_insensitive) 
-    char *exp = 0;
-    int x, ret = MATCH;
-    if (!strchr(xp, '~'))
-    	return _shexp_match(str, xp, case_insensitive, 0);
-    exp = PORT_Strdup(xp);
-    if(!exp)
-	return NOMATCH;
-    x = _scan_and_copy(exp, '~', '\0', NULL);
-    if (x != ABORTED && exp[x] == '~') {
-	exp[x++] = '\0';
-	ret = _shexp_match(str, &exp[x], case_insensitive, 0);
-	switch (ret) {
-	case NOMATCH: ret = MATCH;   break;
-	case MATCH:   ret = NOMATCH; break;
-	default:                     break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (ret == MATCH)
-	ret = _shexp_match(str, exp, case_insensitive, 0);
-    PORT_Free(exp);
-    return ret;
-/* ------------------------------ shexp_cmp ------------------------------- */
-PORT_RegExpSearch(const char *str, const char *exp)
-    switch(PORT_RegExpValid(exp)) 
-	  {
-        case INVALID_SXP:
-            return -1;
-        case NON_SXP:
-            return (strcmp(exp,str) ? 1 : 0);
-        default:
-            return port_RegExpMatch(str, exp, PR_FALSE);
-      }
-PORT_RegExpCaseSearch(const char *str, const char *exp)
-    switch(PORT_RegExpValid(exp))
-      {
-        case INVALID_SXP:
-            return -1;
-        case NON_SXP:
-            return (PORT_Strcasecmp(exp,str) ? 1 : 0);
-        default:
-            return port_RegExpMatch(str, exp, PR_TRUE);
-      }
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/portreg.h b/nss/lib/util/portreg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 811f045..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/portreg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * shexp.h: Defines and prototypes for shell exp. match routines
- * 
- * This routine will match a string with a shell expression. The expressions
- * accepted are based loosely on the expressions accepted by zsh.
- * 
- * o * matches anything
- * o ? matches one character
- * o \ will escape a special character
- * o $ matches the end of the string
- * Bracketed expressions:
- * o [abc] matches one occurence of a, b, or c.  
- * o [^abc] matches any character except a, b, or c.
- *     To be matched between [ and ], these characters must be escaped: \ ]
- *     No other characters need be escaped between brackets. 
- *     Unnecessary escaping is permitted.
- * o [a-z] matches any character between a and z, inclusive.
- *     The two range-definition characters must be alphanumeric ASCII.
- *     If one is upper case and the other is lower case, then the ASCII
- *     non-alphanumeric characters between Z and a will also be in range.
- * o [^a-z] matches any character except those between a and z, inclusive.
- *     These forms cannot be combined, e.g [a-gp-z] does not work.
- * o Exclusions:
- *   As a top level, outter-most expression only, the expression
- *   foo~bar will match the expression foo, provided it does not also 
- *     match the expression bar.  Either expression or both may be a union.
- *     Except between brackets, any unescaped ~ is an exclusion. 
- *     At most one exclusion is permitted.
- *     Exclusions cannot be nested (contain other exclusions).
- *     example: *~abc will match any string except abc
- * o Unions:
- *   (foo|bar) will match either the expression foo, or the expression bar.
- *     At least one '|' separator is required.  More are permitted.
- *     Expressions inside unions may not include unions or exclusions.
- *     Inside a union, to be matched and not treated as a special character,
- *     these characters must be escaped: \ ( | ) [ ~ except when they occur
- *     inside a bracketed expression, where only \ and ] require escaping.
- *
- * The public interface to these routines is documented below.
- * 
- */
-#ifndef SHEXP_H
-#define SHEXP_H
-#include "utilrename.h"
- * Requires that the macro MALLOC be set to a "safe" malloc that will 
- * exit if no memory is available. 
- */
-/* --------------------------- Public routines ---------------------------- */
- * shexp_valid takes a shell expression exp as input. It returns:
- * 
- *  NON_SXP      if exp is a standard string
- *  INVALID_SXP  if exp is a shell expression, but invalid
- *  VALID_SXP    if exp is a valid shell expression
- */
-#define NON_SXP -1
-#define INVALID_SXP -2
-#define VALID_SXP 1
-extern int PORT_RegExpValid(const char *exp);
-extern int PORT_RegExpSearch(const char *str, const char *exp);
-/* same as above but uses case insensitive search */
-extern int PORT_RegExpCaseSearch(const char *str, const char *exp);
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/quickder.c b/nss/lib/util/quickder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fe72b29..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/quickder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-    Optimized ASN.1 DER decoder
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secasn1.h" /* for SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate */
-#include "secitem.h"
- * simple definite-length ASN.1 decoder
- */
-static unsigned char* definite_length_decoder(const unsigned char *buf,
-                                              const unsigned int buf_length,
-                                              unsigned int *out_data_length,
-                                              PRBool includeTag)
-    unsigned char tag;
-    unsigned int used_length = 0;
-    unsigned int data_length = 0;
-    unsigned char length_field_len = 0;
-    unsigned char byte;
-    unsigned int i;
-    if (used_length >= buf_length)
-    {
-        /* Tag field was not found! */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    tag = buf[used_length++];
-    if (tag == 0)
-    {
-        /* End-of-contents octects should not be present in DER because
-           DER doesn't use the indefinite length form. */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if ((tag & 0x1F) == 0x1F)
-    {
-        /* High tag number (a tag number > 30) is not supported */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (used_length >= buf_length)
-    {
-        /* Length field was not found! */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    byte = buf[used_length++];
-    if (!(byte & 0x80))
-    {
-        /* Short form: The high bit is not set. */
-        data_length = byte; /* clarity; we're returning a 32-bit int. */
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Long form. Extract the field length */
-        length_field_len = byte & 0x7F;
-        if (length_field_len == 0)
-        {
-            /* DER doesn't use the indefinite length form. */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (length_field_len > sizeof(data_length))
-        {
-            /* We don't support an extended length field  longer than
-               4 bytes (2^32) */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        if (length_field_len > (buf_length - used_length))
-        {
-            /* Extended length field was not found */
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        /* Iterate across the extended length field */
-        for (i = 0; i < length_field_len; i++)
-        {
-            byte = buf[used_length++];
-            data_length = (data_length << 8) | byte;
-            if (i == 0)
-            {
-                PRBool too_long = PR_FALSE;
-                if (length_field_len == 1)
-                {
-                    too_long = ((byte & 0x80) == 0); /* Short form suffices */
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    too_long = (byte == 0); /* This zero byte can be omitted */
-                }
-                if (too_long)
-                {
-                    /* The length is longer than needed. */
-                    return NULL;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (data_length > (buf_length - used_length))
-    {
-        /* The decoded length exceeds the available buffer */
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (includeTag)
-    {
-        data_length += used_length;
-    }
-    *out_data_length = data_length;
-    return ((unsigned char*)buf + (includeTag ? 0 : used_length));
-static SECStatus GetItem(SECItem* src, SECItem* dest, PRBool includeTag)
-    if ( (!src) || (!dest) || (!src->data && src->len) )
-    {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!src->len)
-    {
-        /* reaching the end of the buffer is not an error */
-        dest->data = NULL;
-        dest->len = 0;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    dest->data = definite_length_decoder(src->data,  src->len, &dest->len,
-        includeTag);
-    if (dest->data == NULL)
-    {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    src->len -= (int)(dest->data - src->data) + dest->len;
-    src->data = dest->data + dest->len;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* check if the actual component's type matches the type in the template */
-static SECStatus MatchComponentType(const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                                    SECItem* item, PRBool* match, void* dest)
-    unsigned long kind = 0;
-    unsigned char tag = 0;
-    if ( (!item) || (!item->data && item->len) || (!templateEntry) || (!match) )
-    {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!item->len)
-    {
-        *match = PR_FALSE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    kind = templateEntry->kind;
-    tag = *(unsigned char*) item->data;
-    if ( ( (kind & SEC_ASN1_INLINE) ||
-           (kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER) ) &&
-           (0 == (kind & SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK) ) )
-    {
-        /* These cases are special because the template's "kind" does not
-           give us the information for the ASN.1 tag of the next item. It can
-           only be figured out from the subtemplate. */
-        if (!(kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL))
-        {
-            /* This is a required component. If there is a type mismatch,
-               the decoding of the subtemplate will fail, so assume this
-               is a match at the parent level and let it fail later. This
-               avoids a redundant check in matching cases */
-            *match = PR_TRUE;
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* optional component. This is the hard case. Now we need to
-               look at the subtemplate to get the expected kind */
-            const SEC_ASN1Template* subTemplate = 
-                SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (templateEntry, dest, PR_FALSE);
-            if (!subTemplate)
-            {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            if ( (subTemplate->kind & SEC_ASN1_INLINE) ||
-                 (subTemplate->kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER) )
-            {
-                /* disallow nesting SEC_ASN1_POINTER and SEC_ASN1_INLINE,
-                   otherwise you may get a false positive due to the recursion
-                   optimization above that always matches the type if the
-                   component is required . Nesting these should never be
-                   required, so that no one should miss this ability */
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE);
-                return SECFailure;
-            }
-            return MatchComponentType(subTemplate, item, match,
-                                      (void*)((char*)dest + templateEntry->offset));
-        }
-    }
-    if (kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE)
-    {
-        /* we need to check the component's tag against each choice's tag */
-        /* XXX it would be nice to save the index of the choice here so that
-           DecodeChoice wouldn't have to do this again. However, due to the
-           recursivity of MatchComponentType, we don't know if we are in a
-           required or optional component, so we can't write anywhere in
-           the destination within this function */
-        unsigned choiceIndex = 1;
-        const SEC_ASN1Template* choiceEntry;
-        while ( (choiceEntry = &templateEntry[choiceIndex++]) && (choiceEntry->kind))
-        {
-            if ( (SECSuccess == MatchComponentType(choiceEntry, item, match,
-                                (void*)((char*)dest + choiceEntry->offset))) &&
-                 (PR_TRUE == *match) )
-            {
-                return SECSuccess;
-            }
-        }
-	/* no match, caller must decide if this is BAD DER, or not. */
-        *match = PR_FALSE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (kind & SEC_ASN1_ANY)
-    {
-        /* SEC_ASN1_ANY always matches */
-        *match = PR_TRUE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if ( (0 == ((unsigned char)kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK)) &&
-         (!(kind & SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT)) &&
-         ( ( (kind & SEC_ASN1_SAVE) ||
-             (kind & SEC_ASN1_SKIP) ) &&
-           (!(kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL)) 
-         )
-       )
-    {
-        /* when saving or skipping a required component,  a type is not
-           required in the template. This is for legacy support of
-           SEC_ASN1_SAVE and SEC_ASN1_SKIP only. XXX I would like to
-           deprecate these usages and always require a type, as this
-           disables type checking, and effectively forbids us from
-           transparently ignoring optional components we aren't aware of */
-        *match = PR_TRUE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* first, do a class check */
-    if ( (tag & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) !=
-         (((unsigned char)kind) & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) )
-    {
-        /* this is only to help debugging of the decoder in case of problems */
-        /* unsigned char tagclass = tag & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK; */
-        /* unsigned char expectedclass = (unsigned char)kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK; */
-        *match = PR_FALSE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* now do a tag check */
-    if ( ((unsigned char)kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK) !=
-         (tag & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK))
-    {
-        *match = PR_FALSE;
-        return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /* now, do a method check. This depends on the class */
-    switch (tag & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK)
-    {
-        /* For types of the SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL class, we know which must be
-           primitive or constructed based on the tag */
-        switch (tag & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK)
-        {
-        case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE:
-        case SEC_ASN1_SET:
-        case SEC_ASN1_EMBEDDED_PDV:
-            /* this component must be a constructed type */
-            /* XXX add any new universal constructed type here */
-            if (tag & SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED)
-            {
-                *match = PR_TRUE;
-                return SECSuccess;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            /* this component must be a primitive type */
-            if (! (tag & SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED))
-            {
-                *match = PR_TRUE;
-                return SECSuccess;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        /* for all other classes, we check the method based on the template */
-        if ( (unsigned char)(kind & SEC_ASN1_METHOD_MASK) ==
-             (tag & SEC_ASN1_METHOD_MASK) )
-        {
-            *match = PR_TRUE;
-            return SECSuccess;
-        }
-        /* method does not match between template and component */
-        break;
-    }
-    *match = PR_FALSE;
-    return SECSuccess;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static SECStatus CheckSequenceTemplate(const SEC_ASN1Template* sequenceTemplate)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* sequenceEntry = NULL;
-    unsigned long seqIndex = 0;
-    unsigned long lastEntryIndex = 0;
-    unsigned long ambiguityIndex = 0;
-    PRBool foundAmbiguity = PR_FALSE;
-    do
-    {
-        sequenceEntry = &sequenceTemplate[seqIndex++];
-        if (sequenceEntry->kind)
-        {
-            /* ensure that we don't have an optional component of SEC_ASN1_ANY
-               in the middle of the sequence, since we could not handle it */
-            /* XXX this function needs to dig into the subtemplates to find
-               the next tag */
-            if ( (PR_FALSE == foundAmbiguity) &&
-                 (sequenceEntry->kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL) &&
-                 (sequenceEntry->kind & SEC_ASN1_ANY) )
-            {
-                foundAmbiguity = PR_TRUE;
-                ambiguityIndex = seqIndex - 1;
-            }
-        }
-    } while (sequenceEntry->kind);
-    lastEntryIndex = seqIndex - 2;
-    if (PR_FALSE != foundAmbiguity)
-    {
-        if (ambiguityIndex < lastEntryIndex)
-        {
-            /* ambiguity can only be tolerated on the last entry */
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    /* XXX also enforce ASN.1 requirement that tags be
-       distinct for consecutive optional components */
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus DecodeItem(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena, PRBool checkTag);
-static SECStatus DecodeSequence(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem source;
-    SECItem sequence;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* sequenceTemplate = &(templateEntry[1]);
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* sequenceEntry = NULL;
-    unsigned long seqindex = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    /* for a sequence, we need to validate the template. */
-    rv = CheckSequenceTemplate(sequenceTemplate);
-    source = *src;
-    /* get the sequence */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        rv = GetItem(&source, &sequence, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* process it */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    do
-    {
-        sequenceEntry = &sequenceTemplate[seqindex++];
-        if ( (sequenceEntry && sequenceEntry->kind) &&
-             (sequenceEntry->kind != SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST) )
-        {
-            rv = DecodeItem(dest, sequenceEntry, &sequence, arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-    } while ( (SECSuccess == rv) &&
-              (sequenceEntry->kind &&
-               sequenceEntry->kind != SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST) );
-    /* we should have consumed all the bytes in the sequence by now
-       unless the caller doesn't care about the rest of the sequence */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv && sequence.len &&
-        sequenceEntry && sequenceEntry->kind != SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST)
-    {
-        /* it isn't 100% clear whether this is a bad DER or a bad template.
-           The problem is that logically, they don't match - there is extra
-           data in the DER that the template doesn't know about */
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus DecodeInline(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena, PRBool checkTag)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* inlineTemplate = 
-        SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (templateEntry, dest, PR_FALSE);
-    return DecodeItem((void*)((char*)dest + templateEntry->offset),
-                            inlineTemplate, src, arena, checkTag);
-static SECStatus DecodePointer(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena, PRBool checkTag)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* ptrTemplate = 
-        SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (templateEntry, dest, PR_FALSE);
-    void* subdata = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, ptrTemplate->size);
-    *(void**)((char*)dest + templateEntry->offset) = subdata;
-    if (subdata)
-    {
-        return DecodeItem(subdata, ptrTemplate, src, arena, checkTag);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-static SECStatus DecodeImplicit(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena)
-    if (templateEntry->kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER)
-    {
-        return DecodePointer((void*)((char*)dest ),
-                             templateEntry, src, arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return DecodeInline((void*)((char*)dest ),
-                             templateEntry, src, arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-static SECStatus DecodeChoice(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem choice;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* choiceTemplate = &(templateEntry[1]);
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* choiceEntry = NULL;
-    unsigned long choiceindex = 0;
-    /* XXX for a choice component, we should validate the template to make
-       sure the tags are distinct, in debug builds. This hasn't been
-       implemented yet */
-    /* rv = CheckChoiceTemplate(sequenceTemplate); */
-    /* process it */
-    do
-    {
-        choice = *src;
-        choiceEntry = &choiceTemplate[choiceindex++];
-        if (choiceEntry->kind)
-        {
-            rv = DecodeItem(dest, choiceEntry, &choice, arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-    } while ( (SECFailure == rv) && (choiceEntry->kind));
-    if (SECFailure == rv)
-    {
-        /* the component didn't match any of the choices */
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* set the type in the union here */
-        int *which = (int *)((char *)dest + templateEntry->offset);
-        *which = (int)choiceEntry->size;
-    }
-    /* we should have consumed all the bytes by now */
-    /* fail if we have not */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv && choice.len)
-    {
-        /* there is extra data that isn't listed in the template */
-        PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus DecodeGroup(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem source;
-    SECItem group;
-    PRUint32 totalEntries = 0;
-    PRUint32 entryIndex = 0;
-    void** entries = NULL;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template* subTemplate =
-        SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (templateEntry, dest, PR_FALSE);
-    source = *src;
-    /* get the group */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        rv = GetItem(&source, &group, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    /* XXX we should check the subtemplate in debug builds */
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        /* first, count the number of entries. Benchmarking showed that this
-           counting pass is more efficient than trying to allocate entries as
-           we read the DER, even if allocating many entries at a time
-        */
-        SECItem counter = group;
-        do
-        {
-            SECItem anitem;
-            rv = GetItem(&counter, &anitem, PR_TRUE);
-            if (SECSuccess == rv && (anitem.len) )
-            {
-                totalEntries++;
-            }
-        }  while ( (SECSuccess == rv) && (counter.len) );
-        if (SECSuccess == rv)
-        {
-            /* allocate room for pointer array and entries */
-            /* we want to allocate the array even if there is 0 entry */
-            entries = (void**)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(void*)*
-                                          (totalEntries + 1 ) + /* the extra one is for NULL termination */
-                                          subTemplate->size*totalEntries); 
-            if (entries)
-            {
-                entries[totalEntries] = NULL; /* terminate the array */
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-            if (SECSuccess == rv)
-            {
-                void* entriesData = (unsigned char*)entries + (unsigned long)(sizeof(void*)*(totalEntries + 1 ));
-                /* and fix the pointers in the array */
-                PRUint32 entriesIndex = 0;
-                for (entriesIndex = 0;entriesIndex<totalEntries;entriesIndex++)
-                {
-                    entries[entriesIndex] =
-                        (char*)entriesData + (subTemplate->size*entriesIndex);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv && totalEntries)
-    do
-    {
-        if (!(entryIndex<totalEntries))
-        {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            break;
-        }
-        rv = DecodeItem(entries[entryIndex++], subTemplate, &group, arena, PR_TRUE);
-    } while ( (SECSuccess == rv) && (group.len) );
-    /* we should be at the end of the set by now */    
-    /* save the entries where requested */
-    memcpy(((char*)dest + templateEntry->offset), &entries, sizeof(void**));
-    return rv;
-static SECStatus DecodeExplicit(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem subItem;
-    SECItem constructed = *src;
-    rv = GetItem(&constructed, &subItem, PR_FALSE);
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        if (templateEntry->kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER)
-        {
-            rv = DecodePointer(dest, templateEntry, &subItem, arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            rv = DecodeInline(dest, templateEntry, &subItem, arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* new decoder implementation. This is a recursive function */
-static SECStatus DecodeItem(void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     SECItem* src, PLArenaPool* arena, PRBool checkTag)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem temp;
-    SECItem mark = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    PRBool pop = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool decode = PR_TRUE;
-    PRBool save = PR_FALSE;
-    unsigned long kind;
-    PRBool match = PR_TRUE;
-    PR_ASSERT(src && dest && templateEntry && arena);
-#if 0
-    if (!src || !dest || !templateEntry || !arena)
-    {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        /* do the template validation */
-        kind = templateEntry->kind;
-        if (!kind)
-        {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_DEBUG_BREAK)
-        {
-            /* when debugging the decoder or a template that fails to
-            decode, put SEC_ASN1_DEBUG in the component that gives you
-            trouble. The decoder will then get to this block and assert.
-            If you want to debug the rest of the code, you can set a
-            breakpoint and set dontassert to PR_TRUE, which will let
-            you skip over the assert and continue the debugging session
-            past it. */
-            PRBool dontassert = PR_FALSE;
-            PR_ASSERT(dontassert); /* set bkpoint here & set dontassert*/
-        }
-        if ((kind & SEC_ASN1_SKIP) ||
-            (kind & SEC_ASN1_SAVE))
-        {
-            /* if skipping or saving this component, don't decode it */
-            decode = PR_FALSE;
-        }
-        if (kind & (SEC_ASN1_SAVE | SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL))
-        {
-            /* if saving this component, or if it is optional, we may not want to
-               move past it, so save the position in case we have to rewind */
-            mark = *src;
-            if (kind & SEC_ASN1_SAVE)
-            {
-                save = PR_TRUE;
-                if (0 == (kind & SEC_ASN1_SKIP))
-                {
-                    /* we will for sure have to rewind when saving this
-                       component and not skipping it. This is true for all
-                       legacy uses of SEC_ASN1_SAVE where the following entry
-                       in the template would causes the same component to be
-                       processed again */
-                    pop = PR_TRUE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        rv = GetItem(src, &temp, PR_TRUE);
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        /* now check if the component matches what we expect in the template */
-        if (PR_TRUE == checkTag)
-        {
-            rv = MatchComponentType(templateEntry, &temp, &match, dest);
-        }
-        if ( (SECSuccess == rv) && (PR_TRUE != match) )
-        {
-            if (kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL)
-            {
-                /* the optional component is missing. This is not fatal. */
-                /* Rewind, don't decode, and don't save */
-                pop = PR_TRUE;
-                decode = PR_FALSE;
-                save = PR_FALSE;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* a required component is missing. abort */
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ((SECSuccess == rv) && (PR_TRUE == decode))
-    {
-        /* the order of processing here is is the tricky part */
-        /* we start with our special cases */
-        /* first, check the component class */
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_INLINE)
-        {
-            /* decode inline template */
-            rv = DecodeInline(dest, templateEntry, &temp , arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        else
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT)
-        {
-            rv = DecodeExplicit(dest, templateEntry, &temp, arena);
-        }
-        else
-        if ( (SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL != (kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK)) &&
-              (!(kind & SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT)))
-        {
-            /* decode implicitly tagged components */
-            rv = DecodeImplicit(dest, templateEntry, &temp , arena);
-        }
-        else
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER)
-        {
-            rv = DecodePointer(dest, templateEntry, &temp, arena, PR_TRUE);
-        }
-        else
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE)
-        {
-            rv = DecodeChoice(dest, templateEntry, &temp, arena);
-        }
-        else
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_ANY)
-        {
-            /* catch-all ANY type, don't decode */
-            save = PR_TRUE;
-            if (kind & SEC_ASN1_INNER)
-            {
-                /* skip the tag and length */
-                SECItem newtemp = temp;
-                rv = GetItem(&newtemp, &temp, PR_FALSE);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        if (kind & SEC_ASN1_GROUP)
-        {
-            if ( (SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE == (kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK)) ||
-                 (SEC_ASN1_SET == (kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK)) )
-            {
-                rv = DecodeGroup(dest, templateEntry, &temp , arena);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* a group can only be a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF */
-                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE);
-                rv = SECFailure;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        if (SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE == (kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK))
-        {
-            /* plain SEQUENCE */
-            rv = DecodeSequence(dest, templateEntry, &temp , arena);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* handle all other types as "save" */
-            /* we should only get here for primitive universal types */
-            SECItem newtemp = temp;
-            rv = GetItem(&newtemp, &temp, PR_FALSE);
-            save = PR_TRUE;
-            if ((SECSuccess == rv) &&
-                SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL == (kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK))
-            {
-                unsigned long tagnum = kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-                if ( temp.len == 0 && (tagnum == SEC_ASN1_BOOLEAN ||
-                                       tagnum == SEC_ASN1_INTEGER ||
-                                       tagnum == SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING ||
-                                       tagnum == SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID ||
-                                       tagnum == SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED ||
-                                       tagnum == SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME ||
-                                       tagnum == SEC_ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME) )
-                {
-                    /* these types MUST have at least one content octet */
-                    PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                    rv = SECFailure;
-                }
-                else
-                switch (tagnum)
-                {
-                /* special cases of primitive types */
-                case SEC_ASN1_INTEGER:
-                    {
-                        /* remove leading zeroes if the caller requested
-                           siUnsignedInteger
-                           This is to allow RSA key operations to work */
-                        SECItem* destItem = (SECItem*) ((char*)dest +
-                                            templateEntry->offset);
-                        if (destItem && (siUnsignedInteger == destItem->type))
-                        {
-                            while (temp.len > 1 &&[0] == 0)
-                            {              /* leading 0 */
-                      ;
-                                temp.len--;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    }
-                case SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING:
-                    {
-                        /* change the length in the SECItem to be the number
-                           of bits */
-                        temp.len = (temp.len-1)*8 - ([0] & 0x7);
-              ;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                default:
-                    {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ((SECSuccess == rv) && (PR_TRUE == save))
-    {
-        SECItem* destItem = (SECItem*) ((char*)dest + templateEntry->offset);
-        if (destItem)
-        {
-            /* we leave the type alone in the destination SECItem.
-               If part of the destination was allocated by the decoder, in
-               cases of POINTER, SET OF and SEQUENCE OF, then type is set to
-               siBuffer due to the use of PORT_ArenaZAlloc*/
-            destItem->data = temp.len ? : NULL;
-            destItem->len = temp.len;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
-    }
-    if (PR_TRUE == pop)
-    {
-        /* we don't want to move ahead, so restore the position */
-        *src = mark;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* the function below is the public one */
-SECStatus SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(PLArenaPool* arena, void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     const SECItem* src)
-    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
-    SECItem newsrc;
-    if (!arena || !templateEntry || !src)
-    {
-        rv = SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECSuccess == rv)
-    {
-        newsrc = *src;
-        rv = DecodeItem(dest, templateEntry, &newsrc, arena, PR_TRUE);
-        if (SECSuccess == rv && newsrc.len)
-        {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_EXTRA_INPUT);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secalgid.c b/nss/lib/util/secalgid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b60f8df..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secalgid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secder.h"	/* XXX remove this when remove the DERTemplate */
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(const SECAlgorithmID *id)
-    if (id == NULL || id-> == NULL)
-    return SECOID_FindOIDTag (&(id->algorithm));
-SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *id, SECOidTag which,
-		      SECItem *params)
-    SECOidData *oiddata;
-    PRBool add_null_param;
-    oiddata = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(which);
-    if ( !oiddata ) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &id->algorithm, &oiddata->oid))
-	return SECFailure;
-    switch (which) {
-      case SEC_OID_MD2:
-      case SEC_OID_MD4:
-      case SEC_OID_MD5:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA384:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA512:
-	add_null_param = PR_TRUE;
-	break;
-      default:
-	add_null_param = PR_FALSE;
-	break;
-    }
-    if (params) {
-	/*
-	 * I am specifically *not* enforcing the following assertion
-	 * (by following it up with an error and a return of failure)
-	 * because I do not want to introduce any change in the current
-	 * behavior.  But I do want for us to notice if the following is
-	 * ever true, because I do not think it should be so and probably
-	 * signifies an error/bug somewhere.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert(!add_null_param || (params->len == 2
-					&& params->data[0] == SEC_ASN1_NULL
-					&& params->data[1] == 0)); 
-	if (SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &id->parameters, params)) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * Again, this is not considered an error.  But if we assume
-	 * that nobody tries to set the parameters field themselves
-	 * (but always uses this routine to do that), then we should
-	 * not hit the following assertion.  Unless they forgot to zero
-	 * the structure, which could also be a bad (and wrong) thing.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert(id-> == NULL);
-	if (add_null_param) {
-	    (void) SECITEM_AllocItem(arena, &id->parameters, 2);
-	    if (id-> == NULL) {
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	    id->[0] = SEC_ASN1_NULL;
-	    id->[1] = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *to,
-                       const SECAlgorithmID *from)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &to->algorithm, &from->algorithm);
-    if (rv) return rv;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &to->parameters, &from->parameters);
-    return rv;
-void SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *algid, PRBool freeit)
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&algid->parameters, PR_FALSE);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(&algid->algorithm, PR_FALSE);
-    if(freeit == PR_TRUE)
-        PORT_Free(algid);
-SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *a, SECAlgorithmID *b)
-    SECComparison rv;
-    rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(&a->algorithm, &b->algorithm);
-    if (rv) return rv;
-    rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(&a->parameters, &b->parameters);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secasn1.h b/nss/lib/util/secasn1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3232277..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secasn1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support for encoding/decoding of ASN.1 using BER/DER (Basic/Distinguished
- * Encoding Rules).  The routines are found in and used extensively by the
- * security library, but exported for other use.
- */
-#ifndef _SECASN1_H_
-#define _SECASN1_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
- * XXX These function prototypes need full, explanatory comments.
- */
-** Decoding.
-extern SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *SEC_ASN1DecoderStart(PLArenaPool *pool,
-						    void *dest,
-						    const SEC_ASN1Template *t);
-/* XXX char or unsigned char? */
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-				       const char *buf,
-				       unsigned long len);
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx);
-/* Higher level code detected an error, abort the rest of the processing */
-extern void SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx, int error);
-extern void SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-					 SEC_ASN1WriteProc fn,
-					 void *arg, PRBool no_store);
-extern void SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx);
-extern void SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-					 SEC_ASN1NotifyProc fn,
-					 void *arg);
-extern void SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx);
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1Decode(PLArenaPool *pool, void *dest,
-				const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-				const char *buf, long len);
-/* Both classic ASN.1 and QuickDER have a feature that removes leading zeroes
-   out of SEC_ASN1_INTEGER if the caller sets siUnsignedInteger in the type
-   field of the target SECItem prior to calling the decoder. Otherwise, the
-   type field is ignored and untouched. For SECItem that are dynamically
-   allocated (from POINTER, SET OF, SEQUENCE OF) the decoder sets the type
-   field to siBuffer. */
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(PLArenaPool *pool, void *dest,
-				    const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-				    const SECItem *src);
-extern SECStatus SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(PLArenaPool* arena, void* dest,
-                     const SEC_ASN1Template* templateEntry,
-                     const SECItem* src);
-** Encoding.
-extern SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *SEC_ASN1EncoderStart(const void *src,
-						    const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-						    SEC_ASN1WriteProc fn,
-						    void *output_arg);
-/* XXX char or unsigned char? */
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-				       const char *buf,
-				       unsigned long len);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-/* Higher level code detected an error, abort the rest of the processing */
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx, int error);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-					 SEC_ASN1NotifyProc fn,
-					 void *arg);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern void sec_ASN1EncoderSetDER(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern void sec_ASN1EncoderClearDER(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern void SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx);
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1Encode(const void *src, const SEC_ASN1Template *t,
-				SEC_ASN1WriteProc output_proc,
-				void *output_arg);
- * If both pool and dest are NULL, the caller should free the returned SECItem
- * with a SECITEM_FreeItem(..., PR_TRUE) call.  If pool is NULL but dest is
- * not NULL, the caller should free the data buffer pointed to by dest with a
- * SECITEM_FreeItem(dest, PR_FALSE) or PORT_Free(dest->data) call.
- */
-extern SECItem * SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(PLArenaPool *pool, SECItem *dest,
-				    const void *src, const SEC_ASN1Template *t);
-extern SECItem * SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(PLArenaPool *pool,
-				       SECItem *dest, long value);
-extern SECItem * SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger(PLArenaPool *pool,
-					       SECItem *dest,
-					       unsigned long value);
-extern SECStatus SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger(SECItem *src,
-				       unsigned long *value);
-** Utilities.
- * We have a length that needs to be encoded; how many bytes will the
- * encoding take?
- */
-extern int SEC_ASN1LengthLength (unsigned long len);
-/* encode the length and return the number of bytes we encoded. Buffer
- * must be pre allocated  */
-extern int SEC_ASN1EncodeLength(unsigned char *buf,int value);
- * Find the appropriate subtemplate for the given template.
- * This may involve calling a "chooser" function, or it may just
- * be right there.  In either case, it is expected to *have* a
- * subtemplate; this is asserted in debug builds (in non-debug
- * builds, NULL will be returned).
- *
- * "thing" is a pointer to the structure being encoded/decoded
- * "encoding", when true, means that we are in the process of encoding
- *	(as opposed to in the process of decoding)
- */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template *
-SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (const SEC_ASN1Template *inTemplate, void *thing,
-			PRBool encoding);
-/* whether the template is for a primitive type or a choice of
- * primitive types
- */
-extern PRBool SEC_ASN1IsTemplateSimple(const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate);
- * Generic Templates
- * One for each of the simple types, plus a special one for ANY, plus:
- *	- a pointer to each one of those
- *	- a set of each one of those
- *	- a sequence of each one of those
- *
- * Note that these are alphabetical (case insensitive); please add new
- * ones in the appropriate place.
- */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_AnyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_BitStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_BMPStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_BooleanTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_EnumeratedTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_IA5StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_IntegerTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_NullTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_ObjectIDTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_OctetStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PrintableStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_T61StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_UniversalStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_UTCTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_UTF8StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_VisibleStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToBitStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToBMPStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToBooleanTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToEnumeratedTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToGeneralizedTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToIA5StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToIntegerTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToNullTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToObjectIDTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToPrintableStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToT61StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToUniversalStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToUTCTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToUTF8StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToVisibleStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfAnyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfBitStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfBMPStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfBooleanTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfEnumeratedTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfGeneralizedTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfIA5StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfIntegerTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfNullTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfObjectIDTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfOctetStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfPrintableStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfT61StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfUniversalStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfUTCTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfUTF8StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfVisibleStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfBitStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfBMPStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfBooleanTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfEnumeratedTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfGeneralizedTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfIA5StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfIntegerTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfNullTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfObjectIDTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfOctetStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfPrintableStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfT61StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfUniversalStringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfUTCTimeTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfUTF8StringTemplate[];
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfVisibleStringTemplate[];
- * Template for skipping a subitem; this only makes sense when decoding.
- */
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SkipTemplate[];
-/* These functions simply return the address of the above-declared templates.
-** This is necessary for Windows DLLs.  Sigh.
-#endif /* _SECASN1_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secasn1d.c b/nss/lib/util/secasn1d.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7628d65..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secasn1d.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3432 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support for DEcoding ASN.1 data based on BER/DER (Basic/Distinguished
- * Encoding Rules).
- */
-/* #define DEBUG_ASN1D_STATES 1 */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define PR_Assert sec_asn1d_Assert
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-typedef enum {
-    beforeIdentifier,
-    duringIdentifier,
-    afterIdentifier,
-    beforeLength,
-    duringLength,
-    afterLength,
-    beforeBitString,
-    duringBitString,
-    duringConstructedString,
-    duringGroup,
-    duringLeaf,
-    duringSaveEncoding,
-    duringSequence,
-    afterConstructedString,
-    afterGroup,
-    afterExplicit,
-    afterImplicit,
-    afterInline,
-    afterPointer,
-    afterSaveEncoding,
-    beforeEndOfContents,
-    duringEndOfContents,
-    afterEndOfContents,
-    beforeChoice,
-    duringChoice,
-    afterChoice,
-    notInUse
-} sec_asn1d_parse_place;
-static const char * const place_names[] = {
-    "beforeIdentifier",
-    "duringIdentifier",
-    "afterIdentifier",
-    "beforeLength",
-    "duringLength",
-    "afterLength",
-    "beforeBitString",
-    "duringBitString",
-    "duringConstructedString",
-    "duringGroup",
-    "duringLeaf",
-    "duringSaveEncoding",
-    "duringSequence",
-    "afterConstructedString",
-    "afterGroup",
-    "afterExplicit",
-    "afterImplicit",
-    "afterInline",
-    "afterPointer",
-    "afterSaveEncoding",
-    "beforeEndOfContents",
-    "duringEndOfContents",
-    "afterEndOfContents",
-    "beforeChoice",
-    "duringChoice",
-    "afterChoice",
-    "notInUse"
-static const char * const class_names[] = {
-    "PRIVATE"
-static const char * const method_names[] = { "PRIMITIVE", "CONSTRUCTED" };
-static const char * const type_names[] = {
-    "BOOLEAN",
-    "INTEGER",
-    "BIT_STRING",
-    "NULL",
-    "OBJECT_ID",
-    "(type 08)",
-    "REAL",
-    "EMBEDDED",
-    "UTF8_STRING",
-    "(type 0d)",
-    "(type 0e)",
-    "(type 0f)",
-    "SEQUENCE",
-    "SET",
-    "T61_STRING",
-    "IA5_STRING",
-    "UTC_TIME",
-    "(type 1d)",
-    "BMP_STRING",
-static const char * const flag_names[] = { /* flags, right to left */
-    "OPTIONAL",
-    "EXPLICIT",
-    "ANY",
-    "INLINE",
-    "POINTER",
-    "GROUP",
-    "DYNAMIC",
-    "SKIP",
-    "INNER",
-    "SAVE",
-    "",            /* decoder ignores "MAY_STREAM", */
-    "SKIP_REST",
-    "CHOICE",
-    "NO_STREAM",
-    "unknown 08",
-    "unknown 10",
-    "unknown 20",
-    "unknown 40",
-    "unknown 80"
-static int /* bool */
-formatKind(unsigned long kind, char * buf)
-    int i;
-    unsigned long k = kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-    unsigned long notag = kind & (SEC_ASN1_CHOICE | SEC_ASN1_POINTER |
-    buf[0] = 0;
-    if ((kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) != SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL) {
-        sprintf(buf, " %s", class_names[(kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) >> 6] );
-        buf += strlen(buf);
-    }
-    if (kind & SEC_ASN1_METHOD_MASK) {
-        sprintf(buf, " %s", method_names[1]);
-        buf += strlen(buf);
-    }
-    if ((kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) == SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL) {
-        if (k || !notag) {
-            sprintf(buf, " %s", type_names[k] );
-            if ((k == SEC_ASN1_SET || k == SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE) &&
-                (kind & SEC_ASN1_GROUP)) {
-                buf += strlen(buf);
-                sprintf(buf, "_OF");
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        sprintf(buf, " [%d]", k);
-    }
-    buf += strlen(buf);
-    for (k = kind >> 8, i = 0; k; k >>= 1, ++i) {
-        if (k & 1) {
-            sprintf(buf, " %s", flag_names[i]);
-            buf += strlen(buf);
-        }
-    }
-    return notag != 0;
-#endif /* DEBUG_ASN1D_STATES */
-typedef enum {
-    allDone,
-    decodeError,
-    keepGoing,
-    needBytes
-} sec_asn1d_parse_status;
-struct subitem {
-    const void *data;
-    unsigned long len;		/* only used for substrings */
-    struct subitem *next;
-typedef struct sec_asn1d_state_struct {
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *top;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate;
-    void *dest;
-    void *our_mark;	/* free on completion */
-    struct sec_asn1d_state_struct *parent;	/* aka prev */
-    struct sec_asn1d_state_struct *child;	/* aka next */
-    sec_asn1d_parse_place place;
-    /*
-     * XXX explain the next fields as clearly as possible...
-     */
-    unsigned char found_tag_modifiers;
-    unsigned char expect_tag_modifiers;
-    unsigned long check_tag_mask;
-    unsigned long found_tag_number;
-    unsigned long expect_tag_number;
-    unsigned long underlying_kind;
-    unsigned long contents_length;
-    unsigned long pending;
-    unsigned long consumed;
-    int depth;
-    /*
-     * Bit strings have their length adjusted -- the first octet of the
-     * contents contains a value between 0 and 7 which says how many bits
-     * at the end of the octets are not actually part of the bit string;
-     * when parsing bit strings we put that value here because we need it
-     * later, for adjustment of the length (when the whole string is done).
-     */
-    unsigned int bit_string_unused_bits;
-    /*
-     * The following are used for indefinite-length constructed strings.
-     */
-    struct subitem *subitems_head;
-    struct subitem *subitems_tail;
-    PRPackedBool
-	allocate,	/* when true, need to allocate the destination */
-	endofcontents,	/* this state ended up parsing end-of-contents octets */
-	explicit,	/* we are handling an explicit header */
-	indefinite,	/* the current item has indefinite-length encoding */
-	missing,	/* an optional field that was not present */
-	optional,	/* the template says this field may be omitted */
-	substring;	/* this is a substring of a constructed string */
-} sec_asn1d_state;
-#define LAST_TAG_NUMBER_BYTE(b)	(((b) & 0x80) == 0)
-#define TAG_NUMBER_BITS		7
-#define TAG_NUMBER_MASK		0x7f
-#define LENGTH_IS_SHORT_FORM(b)	(((b) & 0x80) == 0)
-#define LONG_FORM_LENGTH(b)	((b) & 0x7f)
-#define HIGH_BITS(field,cnt)	((field) >> ((sizeof(field) * 8) - (cnt)))
- * An "outsider" will have an opaque pointer to this, created by calling
- * SEC_ASN1DecoderStart().  It will be passed back in to all subsequent
- * calls to SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate(), and when done it is passed to
- * SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish().
- */
-struct sec_DecoderContext_struct {
-    PLArenaPool *our_pool;		/* for our internal allocs */
-    PLArenaPool *their_pool;		/* for destination structure allocs */
-					 * XXX see comment below (by same
-					 * ifdef) that explains why this
-					 * does not work (need more smarts
-					 * in order to free back to mark)
-					 */
-    /*
-     * XXX how to make their_mark work in the case where they do NOT
-     * give us a pool pointer?
-     */
-    void *their_mark;			/* free on error */
-    sec_asn1d_state *current;
-    sec_asn1d_parse_status status;
-    SEC_ASN1NotifyProc notify_proc;	/* call before/after handling field */
-    void *notify_arg;			/* argument to notify_proc */
-    PRBool during_notify;		/* true during call to notify_proc */
-    SEC_ASN1WriteProc filter_proc;	/* pass field bytes to this  */
-    void *filter_arg;			/* argument to that function */
-    PRBool filter_only;			/* do not allocate/store fields */
- * XXX this is a fairly generic function that may belong elsewhere
- */
-static void *
-sec_asn1d_alloc (PLArenaPool *poolp, unsigned long len)
-    void *thing;
-    if (poolp != NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * Allocate from the pool.
-	 */
-	thing = PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, len);
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * Allocate generically.
-	 */
-	thing = PORT_Alloc (len);
-    }
-    return thing;
- * XXX this is a fairly generic function that may belong elsewhere
- */
-static void *
-sec_asn1d_zalloc (PLArenaPool *poolp, unsigned long len)
-    void *thing;
-    thing = sec_asn1d_alloc (poolp, len);
-    if (thing != NULL)
-	PORT_Memset (thing, 0, len);
-    return thing;
-static sec_asn1d_state *
-sec_asn1d_push_state (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-		      const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate,
-		      void *dest, PRBool new_depth)
-    sec_asn1d_state *state, *new_state;
-    state = cx->current;
-    PORT_Assert (state == NULL || state->child == NULL);
-    if (state != NULL) {
-	PORT_Assert (state->our_mark == NULL);
-	state->our_mark = PORT_ArenaMark (cx->our_pool);
-    }
-    new_state = (sec_asn1d_state*)sec_asn1d_zalloc (cx->our_pool, 
-						    sizeof(*new_state));
-    if (new_state == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    new_state->top         = cx;
-    new_state->parent      = state;
-    new_state->theTemplate = theTemplate;
-    new_state->place       = notInUse;
-    if (dest != NULL)
-	new_state->dest = (char *)dest + theTemplate->offset;
-    if (state != NULL) {
-	new_state->depth = state->depth;
-	if (new_depth) {
-	    if (++new_state->depth > SEC_ASN1D_MAX_DEPTH) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	}
-	state->child = new_state;
-    }
-    cx->current = new_state;
-    return new_state;
-    cx->status = decodeError;
-    if (state != NULL) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease(cx->our_pool, state->our_mark);
-	state->our_mark = NULL;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_scrub_state (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    /*
-     * Some default "scrubbing".
-     * XXX right set of initializations?
-     */
-    state->place = beforeIdentifier;
-    state->endofcontents = PR_FALSE;
-    state->indefinite = PR_FALSE;
-    state->missing = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Assert (state->consumed == 0);
-static void
-sec_asn1d_notify_before (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx, void *dest, int depth)
-    if (cx->notify_proc == NULL)
-	return;
-    cx->during_notify = PR_TRUE;
-    (* cx->notify_proc) (cx->notify_arg, PR_TRUE, dest, depth);
-    cx->during_notify = PR_FALSE;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_notify_after (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx, void *dest, int depth)
-    if (cx->notify_proc == NULL)
-	return;
-    cx->during_notify = PR_TRUE;
-    (* cx->notify_proc) (cx->notify_arg, PR_FALSE, dest, depth);
-    cx->during_notify = PR_FALSE;
-static sec_asn1d_state *
-sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    PRBool explicit, optional, universal;
-    unsigned char expect_tag_modifiers;
-    unsigned long encode_kind, under_kind;
-    unsigned long check_tag_mask, expect_tag_number;
-    /* XXX Check that both of these tests are really needed/appropriate. */
-    if (state == NULL || state->top->status == decodeError)
-	return state;
-    encode_kind = state->theTemplate->kind;
-    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_SAVE) {
-	/*
-	 * This is a "magic" field that saves away all bytes, allowing
-	 * the immediately following field to still be decoded from this
-	 * same spot -- sort of a fork.
-	 */
-	/* check that there are no extraneous bits */
-	PORT_Assert (encode_kind == SEC_ASN1_SAVE);
-	if (state->top->filter_only) {
-	    /*
-	     * If we are not storing, then we do not do the SAVE field
-	     * at all.  Just move ahead to the "real" field instead,
-	     * doing the appropriate notify calls before and after.
-	     */
-	    sec_asn1d_notify_after (state->top, state->dest, state->depth);
-	    /*
-	     * Since we are not storing, allow for our current dest value
-	     * to be NULL.  (This might not actually occur, but right now I
-	     * cannot convince myself one way or the other.)  If it is NULL,
-	     * assume that our parent dest can help us out.
-	     */
-	    if (state->dest == NULL)
-		state->dest = state->parent->dest;
-	    else
-		state->dest = (char *)state->dest - state->theTemplate->offset;
-	    state->theTemplate++;
-	    if (state->dest != NULL)
-		state->dest = (char *)state->dest + state->theTemplate->offset;
-	    sec_asn1d_notify_before (state->top, state->dest, state->depth);
-	    encode_kind = state->theTemplate->kind;
-	    PORT_Assert ((encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_SAVE) == 0);
-	} else {
-	    sec_asn1d_scrub_state (state);
-	    state->place = duringSaveEncoding;
-	    state = sec_asn1d_push_state (state->top, SEC_AnyTemplate,
-					  state->dest, PR_FALSE);
-	    if (state != NULL)
-		state = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	    return state;
-	}
-    }
-    universal = ((encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) == SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL)
-    explicit = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT;
-    optional = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL;
-    PORT_Assert (!(explicit && universal));	/* bad templates */
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM;
-    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE) {
-#if 0	/* XXX remove? */
-      sec_asn1d_state *child = sec_asn1d_push_state(state->top, state->theTemplate, state->dest, PR_FALSE);
-      if ((sec_asn1d_state *)NULL == child) {
-        return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-      }
-      child->allocate = state->allocate;
-      child->place = beforeChoice;
-      return child;
-      state->place = beforeChoice;
-      return state;
-    }
-    if ((encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_POINTER | SEC_ASN1_INLINE)) || (!universal
-							      && !explicit)) {
-	const SEC_ASN1Template *subt;
-	void *dest;
-	PRBool child_allocate;
-	PORT_Assert ((encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_ANY | SEC_ASN1_SKIP)) == 0);
-	sec_asn1d_scrub_state (state);
-	child_allocate = PR_FALSE;
-	if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER) {
-	    /*
-	     * A POINTER means we need to allocate the destination for
-	     * this field.  But, since it may also be an optional field,
-	     * we defer the allocation until later; we just record that
-	     * it needs to be done.
-	     *
-	     * There are two possible scenarios here -- one is just a
-	     * plain POINTER (kind of like INLINE, except with allocation)
-	     * and the other is an implicitly-tagged POINTER.  We don't
-	     * need to do anything special here for the two cases, but
-	     * since the template definition can be tricky, we do check
-	     * that there are no extraneous bits set in encode_kind.
-	     *
-	     * XXX The same conditions which assert should set an error.
-	     */
-	    if (universal) {
-		/*
-		 * "universal" means this entry is a standalone POINTER;
-		 * there should be no other bits set in encode_kind.
-		 */
-		PORT_Assert (encode_kind == SEC_ASN1_POINTER);
-	    } else {
-		/*
-		 * If we get here we have an implicitly-tagged field
-		 * that needs to be put into a POINTER.  The subtemplate
-		 * will determine how to decode the field, but encode_kind
-		 * describes the (implicit) tag we are looking for.
-		 * The non-tag bits of encode_kind will be ignored by
-		 * the code below; none of them should be set, however,
-		 * except for the POINTER bit itself -- so check that.
-		 */
-		PORT_Assert ((encode_kind & ~SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK)
-			     == SEC_ASN1_POINTER);
-	    }
-	    if (!state->top->filter_only)
-		child_allocate = PR_TRUE;
-	    dest = NULL;
-	    state->place = afterPointer;
-	} else {
-	    dest = state->dest;
-	    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_INLINE) {
-		/* check that there are no extraneous bits */
-		PORT_Assert (encode_kind == SEC_ASN1_INLINE && !optional);
-		state->place = afterInline;
-	    } else {
-		state->place = afterImplicit;
-	    }
-	}
-	state->optional = optional;
-	subt = SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (state->theTemplate, state->dest, PR_FALSE);
-	state = sec_asn1d_push_state (state->top, subt, dest, PR_FALSE);
-	if (state == NULL)
-	    return NULL;
-	state->allocate = child_allocate;
-	if (universal) {
-	    state = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	    if (state != NULL) {
-		/*
-		 * If this field is optional, we need to record that on
-		 * the pushed child so it won't fail if the field isn't
-		 * found.  I can't think of a way that this new state
-		 * could already have optional set (which we would wipe
-		 * out below if our local optional is not set) -- but
-		 * just to be sure, assert that it isn't set.
-		 */
-		PORT_Assert (!state->optional);
-		state->optional = optional;
-	    }
-	    return state;
-	}
-	under_kind = state->theTemplate->kind;
-	under_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM;
-    } else if (explicit) {
-	/*
-	 * For explicit, we only need to match the encoding tag next,
-	 * then we will push another state to handle the entire inner
-	 * part.  In this case, there is no underlying kind which plays
-	 * any part in the determination of the outer, explicit tag.
-	 * So we just set under_kind to 0, which is not a valid tag,
-	 * and the rest of the tag matching stuff should be okay.
-	 */
-	under_kind = 0;
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * Nothing special; the underlying kind and the given encoding
-	 * information are the same.
-	 */
-	under_kind = encode_kind;
-    }
-    /* XXX is this the right set of bits to test here? */
-    PORT_Assert ((under_kind & (SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT | SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL
-				| SEC_ASN1_INLINE | SEC_ASN1_POINTER)) == 0);
-    if (encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_ANY | SEC_ASN1_SKIP)) {
-	PORT_Assert (encode_kind == under_kind);
-	if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_SKIP) {
-	    PORT_Assert (!optional);
-	    PORT_Assert (encode_kind == SEC_ASN1_SKIP);
-	    state->dest = NULL;
-	}
-	check_tag_mask = 0;
-	expect_tag_modifiers = 0;
-	expect_tag_number = 0;
-    } else {
-	check_tag_mask = SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK;
-	expect_tag_modifiers = (unsigned char)encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK
-	/*
-	 * XXX This assumes only single-octet identifiers.  To handle
-	 * the HIGH TAG form we would need to do some more work, especially
-	 * in how to specify them in the template, because right now we
-	 * do not provide a way to specify more *tag* bits in encode_kind.
-	 */
-	expect_tag_number = encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-	switch (under_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK) {
-	  case SEC_ASN1_SET:
-	    /*
-	     * XXX A plain old SET (as opposed to a SET OF) is not implemented.
-	     * If it ever is, remove this assert...
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert ((under_kind & SEC_ASN1_GROUP) != 0);
-	    /* fallthru */
-	    expect_tag_modifiers |= SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-	    break;
-	  case SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING:
-	  case SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING:
-	  case SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME:
-	  case SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING:
-	    check_tag_mask &= ~SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    state->check_tag_mask = check_tag_mask;
-    state->expect_tag_modifiers = expect_tag_modifiers;
-    state->expect_tag_number = expect_tag_number;
-    state->underlying_kind = under_kind;
-    state->explicit = explicit;
-    state->optional = optional;
-    sec_asn1d_scrub_state (state);
-    return state;
-static sec_asn1d_state *
-sec_asn1d_get_enclosing_construct(sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    for (state = state->parent; state; state = state->parent) {
-	sec_asn1d_parse_place place = state->place;
-	if (place != afterImplicit      &&
-	    place != afterPointer       &&
-	    place != afterInline        &&
-	    place != afterSaveEncoding  &&
-	    place != duringSaveEncoding &&
-	    place != duringChoice) {
-            /* we've walked up the stack to a state that represents
-            ** the enclosing construct.  
-	    */
-            break;
-	}
-    }
-    return state;
-static PRBool
-sec_asn1d_parent_allows_EOC(sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    /* get state of enclosing construct. */
-    state = sec_asn1d_get_enclosing_construct(state);
-    if (state) {
-	sec_asn1d_parse_place place = state->place;
-        /* Is it one of the types that permits an unexpected EOC? */
-	int eoc_permitted = 
-	    (place == duringGroup ||
-	     place == duringConstructedString ||
-	     state->child->optional);
-	return (state->indefinite && eoc_permitted) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_identifier (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-			    const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    unsigned char byte;
-    unsigned char tag_number;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == beforeIdentifier);
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    byte = (unsigned char) *buf;
-    {
-        char kindBuf[256];
-        formatKind(byte, kindBuf);
-        printf("Found tag %02x %s\n", byte, kindBuf);
-    }
-    tag_number = byte & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-    if (IS_HIGH_TAG_NUMBER (tag_number)) {
-	state->place = duringIdentifier;
-	state->found_tag_number = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Actually, we have no idea how many bytes are pending, but we
-	 * do know that it is at least 1.  That is all we know; we have
-	 * to look at each byte to know if there is another, etc.
-	 */
-	state->pending = 1;
-    } else {
-	if (byte == 0 && sec_asn1d_parent_allows_EOC(state)) {
-	    /*
-	     * Our parent has indefinite-length encoding, and the
-	     * entire tag found is 0, so it seems that we have hit the
-	     * end-of-contents octets.  To handle this, we just change
-	     * our state to that which expects to get the bytes of the
-	     * end-of-contents octets and let that code re-read this byte
-	     * so that our categorization of field types is correct.
-	     * After that, our parent will then deal with everything else.
-	     */
-	    state->place = duringEndOfContents;
-	    state->pending = 2;
-	    state->found_tag_number = 0;
-	    state->found_tag_modifiers = 0;
-	    /*
-	     * We might be an optional field that is, as we now find out,
-	     * missing.  Give our parent a clue that this happened.
-	     */
-	    if (state->optional)
-		state->missing = PR_TRUE;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	state->place = afterIdentifier;
-	state->found_tag_number = tag_number;
-    }
-    state->found_tag_modifiers = byte & ~SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-    return 1;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_more_identifier (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-				 const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    unsigned char byte;
-    int count;
-    PORT_Assert (state->pending == 1);
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringIdentifier);
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    count = 0;
-    while (len && state->pending) {
-	if (HIGH_BITS (state->found_tag_number, TAG_NUMBER_BITS) != 0) {
-	    /*
-	     * The given high tag number overflows our container;
-	     * just give up.  This is not likely to *ever* happen.
-	     */
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	state->found_tag_number <<= TAG_NUMBER_BITS;
-	byte = (unsigned char) buf[count++];
-	state->found_tag_number |= (byte & TAG_NUMBER_MASK);
-	len--;
-	if (LAST_TAG_NUMBER_BYTE (byte))
-	    state->pending = 0;
-    }
-    if (state->pending == 0)
-	state->place = afterIdentifier;
-    return count;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_confirm_identifier (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    PRBool match;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == afterIdentifier);
-    match = (PRBool)(((state->found_tag_modifiers & state->check_tag_mask)
-	     == state->expect_tag_modifiers)
-	    && ((state->found_tag_number & state->check_tag_mask)
-		== state->expect_tag_number));
-    if (match) {
-	state->place = beforeLength;
-    } else {
-	if (state->optional) {
-	    state->missing = PR_TRUE;
-	    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-	} else {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	}
-    }
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_length (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-			const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    unsigned char byte;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == beforeLength);
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * The default/likely outcome.  It may get adjusted below.
-     */
-    state->place = afterLength;
-    byte = (unsigned char) *buf;
-    if (LENGTH_IS_SHORT_FORM (byte)) {
-	state->contents_length = byte;
-    } else {
-	state->contents_length = 0;
-	state->pending = LONG_FORM_LENGTH (byte);
-	if (state->pending == 0) {
-	    state->indefinite = PR_TRUE;
-	} else {
-	    state->place = duringLength;
-	}
-    }
-    /* If we're parsing an ANY, SKIP, or SAVE template, and 
-    ** the object being saved is definite length encoded and constructed, 
-    ** there's no point in decoding that construct's members.
-    ** So, just forget it's constructed and treat it as primitive.
-    ** (SAVE appears as an ANY at this point)
-    */
-    if (!state->indefinite &&
-	(state->underlying_kind & (SEC_ASN1_ANY | SEC_ASN1_SKIP))) {
-	state->found_tag_modifiers &= ~SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-    }
-    return 1;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_more_length (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-			     const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    int count;
-    PORT_Assert (state->pending > 0);
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringLength);
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    count = 0;
-    while (len && state->pending) {
-	if (HIGH_BITS (state->contents_length, 9) != 0) {
-	    /*
-	     * The given full content length overflows our container;
-	     * just give up.
-	     */
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-	state->contents_length <<= 8;
-	state->contents_length |= (unsigned char) buf[count++];
-	len--;
-	state->pending--;
-    }
-    if (state->pending == 0)
-	state->place = afterLength;
-    return count;
- * Helper function for sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents.
- * Checks that a value representing a number of bytes consumed can be
- * subtracted from a remaining length. If so, returns PR_TRUE.
- * Otherwise, sets the error SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER, indicates that there was a
- * decoding error in the given SEC_ASN1DecoderContext, and returns PR_FALSE.
- */
-static PRBool
-sec_asn1d_check_and_subtract_length (unsigned long *remaining,
-                                     unsigned long consumed,
-                                     SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    PORT_Assert(remaining);
-    PORT_Assert(cx);
-    if (!remaining || !cx) {
-        cx->status = decodeError;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (*remaining < consumed) {
-        PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-        cx->status = decodeError;
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    *remaining -= consumed;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    SECItem *item;
-    PLArenaPool *poolp;
-    unsigned long alloc_len;
-    sec_asn1d_state *parent;
-    {
-        printf("Found Length %d %s\n", state->contents_length,
-               state->indefinite ? "indefinite" : "");
-    }
-    /**
-     * The maximum length for a child element should be constrained to the
-     * length remaining in the first definite length element in the ancestor
-     * stack. If there is no definite length element in the ancestor stack,
-     * there's nothing to constrain the length of the child, so there's no
-     * further processing necessary.
-     *
-     * It's necessary to walk the ancestor stack, because it's possible to have
-     * definite length children that are part of an indefinite length element,
-     * which is itself part of an indefinite length element, and which is
-     * ultimately part of a definite length element. A simple example of this
-     * would be the handling of constructed OCTET STRINGs in BER encoding.
-     *
-     * This algorithm finds the first definite length element in the ancestor
-     * stack, if any, and if so, ensures that the length of the child element
-     * is consistent with the number of bytes remaining in the constraining
-     * ancestor element (that is, after accounting for any other sibling
-     * elements that may have been read).
-     *
-     * It's slightly complicated by the need to account both for integer
-     * underflow and overflow, as well as ensure that for indefinite length
-     * encodings, there's also enough space for the End-of-Contents (EOC)
-     * octets (Tag = 0x00, Length = 0x00, or two bytes).
-     */
-    /* Determine the maximum length available for this element by finding the
-     * first definite length ancestor, if any. */
-    parent = sec_asn1d_get_enclosing_construct(state);
-    while (parent && parent->indefinite) {
-        parent = sec_asn1d_get_enclosing_construct(parent);
-    }
-    /* If parent is null, state is either the outermost state / at the top of
-     * the stack, or the outermost state uses indefinite length encoding. In
-     * these cases, there's nothing external to constrain this element, so
-     * there's nothing to check. */
-    if (parent) {
-        unsigned long remaining = parent->pending;
-        parent = state;
-        do {
-            if (!sec_asn1d_check_and_subtract_length(
-                     &remaining, parent->consumed, state->top) ||
-                /* If parent->indefinite is true, parent->contents_length is
-                 * zero and this is a no-op. */
-                !sec_asn1d_check_and_subtract_length(
-                     &remaining, parent->contents_length, state->top) ||
-                /* If parent->indefinite is true, then ensure there is enough
-                 * space for an EOC tag of 2 bytes. */
-                (parent->indefinite && !sec_asn1d_check_and_subtract_length(
-                                            &remaining, 2, state->top))) {
-                /* This element is larger than its enclosing element, which is
-                 * invalid. */
-                return;
-            }
-        } while ((parent = sec_asn1d_get_enclosing_construct(parent)) &&
-                 parent->indefinite);
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX I cannot decide if this allocation should exclude the case
-     *     where state->endofcontents is true -- figure it out!
-     */
-    if (state->allocate) {
-	void *dest;
-	PORT_Assert (state->dest == NULL);
-	/*
-	 * We are handling a POINTER or a member of a GROUP, and need to
-	 * allocate for the data structure.
-	 */
-	dest = sec_asn1d_zalloc (state->top->their_pool,
-				 state->theTemplate->size);
-	if (dest == NULL) {
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return;
-	}
-	state->dest = (char *)dest + state->theTemplate->offset;
-	/*
-	 * For a member of a GROUP, our parent will later put the
-	 * pointer wherever it belongs.  But for a POINTER, we need
-	 * to record the destination now, in case notify or filter
-	 * procs need access to it -- they cannot find it otherwise,
-	 * until it is too late (for one-pass processing).
-	 */
-	if (state->parent->place == afterPointer) {
-	    void **placep;
-	    placep = state->parent->dest;
-	    *placep = dest;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Remember, length may be indefinite here!  In that case,
-     * both contents_length and pending will be zero.
-     */
-    state->pending = state->contents_length;
-    /*
-     * An EXPLICIT is nothing but an outer header, which we have
-     * already parsed and accepted.  Now we need to do the inner
-     * header and its contents.
-     */
-    if (state->explicit) {
-	state->place = afterExplicit;
-	state = sec_asn1d_push_state (state->top,
-				      SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate(state->theTemplate,
-							     state->dest,
-							     PR_FALSE),
-				      state->dest, PR_TRUE);
-	if (state != NULL)
-	    state = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * For GROUP (SET OF, SEQUENCE OF), even if we know the length here
-     * we cannot tell how many items we will end up with ... so push a
-     * state that can keep track of "children" (the individual members
-     * of the group; we will allocate as we go and put them all together
-     * at the end.
-     */
-    if (state->underlying_kind & SEC_ASN1_GROUP) {
-	/* XXX If this assertion holds (should be able to confirm it via
-	 * inspection, too) then move this code into the switch statement
-	 * below under cases SET_OF and SEQUENCE_OF; it will be cleaner.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_SET_OF
-	   || state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF
-	   || state->underlying_kind == (SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF|SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC)
-	   || state->underlying_kind == (SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF|SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC)
-		     );
-	if (state->contents_length != 0 || state->indefinite) {
-	    const SEC_ASN1Template *subt;
-	    state->place = duringGroup;
-	    subt = SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (state->theTemplate, state->dest,
-					   PR_FALSE);
-	    state = sec_asn1d_push_state (state->top, subt, NULL, PR_TRUE);
-	    if (state != NULL) {
-		if (!state->top->filter_only)
-		    state->allocate = PR_TRUE;	/* XXX propogate this? */
-		/*
-		 * Do the "before" field notification for next in group.
-		 */
-		sec_asn1d_notify_before (state->top, state->dest, state->depth);
-		state = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * A group of zero; we are done.
-	     * Set state to afterGroup and let that code plant the NULL.
-	     */
-	    state->place = afterGroup;
-	}
-	return;
-    }
-    switch (state->underlying_kind) {
-      case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE:
-	/*
-	 * We need to push a child to handle the individual fields.
-	 */
-	state->place = duringSequence;
-	state = sec_asn1d_push_state (state->top, state->theTemplate + 1,
-				      state->dest, PR_TRUE);
-	if (state != NULL) {
-	    /*
-	     * Do the "before" field notification.
-	     */
-	    sec_asn1d_notify_before (state->top, state->dest, state->depth);
-	    state = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_SET:	/* XXX SET is not really implemented */
-	/*
-	 * XXX A plain SET requires special handling; scanning of a
-	 * template to see where a field should go (because by definition,
-	 * they are not in any particular order, and you have to look at
-	 * each tag to disambiguate what the field is).  We may never
-	 * implement this because in practice, it seems to be unused.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert(0);
-	PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER); /* XXX */
-	state->top->status = decodeError;
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_NULL:
-	/*
-	 * The NULL type, by definition, is "nothing", content length of zero.
-	 * An indefinite-length encoding is not alloweed.
-	 */
-	if (state->contents_length || state->indefinite) {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (state->dest != NULL) {
-	    item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-	    item->data = NULL;
-	    item->len = 0;
-	}
-	state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING:
-	/* Error if length is not divisable by 2 */
-	if (state->contents_length % 2) {
-	   state->top->status = decodeError;
-	   break;
-	}   
-	/* otherwise, handle as other string types */
-	goto regular_string_type;
-	/* Error if length is not divisable by 4 */
-	if (state->contents_length % 4) {
-	   state->top->status = decodeError;
-	   break;
-	}   
-	/* otherwise, handle as other string types */
-	goto regular_string_type;
-      case SEC_ASN1_SKIP:
-      case SEC_ASN1_ANY:
-      case SEC_ASN1_ANY_CONTENTS:
-	/*
-	 * These are not (necessarily) strings, but they need nearly
-	 * identical handling (especially when we need to deal with
-	 * constructed sub-pieces), so we pretend they are.
-	 */
-	/* fallthru */
-      case SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING:
-      case SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING:
-      case SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING:
-      case SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING:
-      case SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME:
-      case SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING:
-	/*
-	 * We are allocating for a primitive or a constructed string.
-	 * If it is a constructed string, it may also be indefinite-length.
-	 * If it is primitive, the length can (legally) be zero.
-	 * Our first order of business is to allocate the memory for
-	 * the string, if we can (if we know the length).
-	 */
-	item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-	/*
-	 * If the item is a definite-length constructed string, then
-	 * the contents_length is actually larger than what we need
-	 * (because it also counts each intermediate header which we
-	 * will be throwing away as we go), but it is a perfectly good
-	 * upper bound that we just allocate anyway, and then concat
-	 * as we go; we end up wasting a few extra bytes but save a
-	 * whole other copy.
-	 */
-	alloc_len = state->contents_length;
-	poolp = NULL;	/* quiet compiler warnings about unused... */
-	if (item == NULL || state->top->filter_only) {
-	    if (item != NULL) {
-		item->data = NULL;
-		item->len = 0;
-	    }
-	    alloc_len = 0;
-	} else if (state->substring) {
-	    /*
-	     * If we are a substring of a constructed string, then we may
-	     * not have to allocate anything (because our parent, the
-	     * actual constructed string, did it for us).  If we are a
-	     * substring and we *do* have to allocate, that means our
-	     * parent is an indefinite-length, so we allocate from our pool;
-	     * later our parent will copy our string into the aggregated
-	     * whole and free our pool allocation.
-	     */
-	    if (item->data == NULL) {
-		PORT_Assert (item->len == 0);
-		poolp = state->top->our_pool;
-	    } else {
-		alloc_len = 0;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    item->len = 0;
-	    item->data = NULL;
-	    poolp = state->top->their_pool;
-	}
-	if (alloc_len || ((! state->indefinite)
-			  && (state->subitems_head != NULL))) {
-	    struct subitem *subitem;
-	    int len;
-	    PORT_Assert (item);
-	    if (!item) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		return;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Assert (item->len == 0 && item->data == NULL);
-	    /*
-	     * Check for and handle an ANY which has stashed aside the
-	     * header (identifier and length) bytes for us to include
-	     * in the saved contents.
-	     */
-	    if (state->subitems_head != NULL) {
-		PORT_Assert (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_ANY);
-		for (subitem = state->subitems_head;
-		     subitem != NULL; subitem = subitem->next)
-		    alloc_len += subitem->len;
-	    }
-	    item->data = (unsigned char*)sec_asn1d_zalloc (poolp, alloc_len);
-	    if (item->data == NULL) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    len = 0;
-	    for (subitem = state->subitems_head;
-		 subitem != NULL; subitem = subitem->next) {
-		PORT_Memcpy (item->data + len, subitem->data, subitem->len);
-		len += subitem->len;
-	    }
-	    item->len = len;
-	    /*
-	     * Because we use arenas and have a mark set, we later free
-	     * everything we have allocated, so this does *not* present
-	     * a memory leak (it is just temporarily left dangling).
-	     */
-	    state->subitems_head = state->subitems_tail = NULL;
-	}
-	if (state->contents_length == 0 && (! state->indefinite)) {
-	    /*
-	     * A zero-length simple or constructed string; we are done.
-	     */
-	    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-	} else if (state->found_tag_modifiers & SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED) {
-	    const SEC_ASN1Template *sub;
-	    switch (state->underlying_kind) {
-	      case SEC_ASN1_ANY:
-	      case SEC_ASN1_ANY_CONTENTS:
-		sub = SEC_AnyTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING:
-		sub = SEC_BitStringTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING:
-		sub = SEC_BMPStringTemplate;
-		break;
-		sub = SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING:
-		sub = SEC_IA5StringTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING:
-		sub = SEC_OctetStringTemplate;
-		break;
-		sub = SEC_PrintableStringTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING:
-		sub = SEC_T61StringTemplate;
-		break;
-		sub = SEC_UniversalStringTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME:
-		sub = SEC_UTCTimeTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING:
-		sub = SEC_UTF8StringTemplate;
-		break;
-		sub = SEC_VisibleStringTemplate;
-		break;
-	      case SEC_ASN1_SKIP:
-		sub = SEC_SkipTemplate;
-		break;
-	      default:		/* redundant given outer switch cases, but */
-		PORT_Assert(0);	/* the compiler does not seem to know that, */
-		sub = NULL;	/* so just do enough to quiet it. */
-		break;
-	    }
-	    state->place = duringConstructedString;
-	    state = sec_asn1d_push_state (state->top, sub, item, PR_TRUE);
-	    if (state != NULL) {
-		state->substring = PR_TRUE;	/* XXX propogate? */
-		state = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	    }
-	} else if (state->indefinite) {
-	    /*
-	     * An indefinite-length string *must* be constructed!
-	     */
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * A non-zero-length simple string.
-	     */
-	    if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING)
-		state->place = beforeBitString;
-	    else
-		state->place = duringLeaf;
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	/*
-	 * We are allocating for a simple leaf item.
-	 */
-	if (state->contents_length) {
-	    if (state->dest != NULL) {
-		item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-		item->len = 0;
-		if (state->top->filter_only) {
-		    item->data = NULL;
-		} else {
-		    item->data = (unsigned char*)
-		                  sec_asn1d_zalloc (state->top->their_pool,
-						   state->contents_length);
-		    if (item->data == NULL) {
-			state->top->status = decodeError;
-			return;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    state->place = duringLeaf;
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * An indefinite-length or zero-length item is not allowed.
-	     * (All legal cases of such were handled above.)
-	     */
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	}
-    }
-static void
-sec_asn1d_free_child (sec_asn1d_state *state, PRBool error)
-    if (state->child != NULL) {
-	PORT_Assert (error || state->child->consumed == 0);
-	PORT_Assert (state->our_mark != NULL);
-	PORT_ArenaZRelease (state->top->our_pool, state->our_mark);
-	if (error && state->top->their_pool == NULL) {
-	    /*
-	     * XXX We need to free anything allocated.
-             * At this point, we failed in the middle of decoding. But we
-             * can't free the data we previously allocated with PR_Malloc
-             * unless we keep track of every pointer. So instead we have a
-             * memory leak when decoding fails half-way, unless an arena is
-             * used. See bug 95311 .
-	     */
-	}
-	state->child = NULL;
-	state->our_mark = NULL;
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * It is important that we do not leave a mark unreleased/unmarked.
-	 * But I do not think we should ever have one set in this case, only
-	 * if we had a child (handled above).  So check for that.  If this
-	 * assertion should ever get hit, then we probably need to add code
-	 * here to release back to our_mark (and then set our_mark to NULL).
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (state->our_mark == NULL);
-    }
-    state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
-/* We have just saved an entire encoded ASN.1 object (type) for a SAVE 
-** template, and now in the next template, we are going to decode that 
-** saved data  by calling SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate recursively.
-** If that recursive call fails with needBytes, it is a fatal error,
-** because the encoded object should have been complete.
-** If that recursive call fails with decodeError, it will have already
-** cleaned up the state stack, so we must bail out quickly.
-** These checks of the status returned by the recursive call are now
-** done in the caller of this function, immediately after it returns.
-static void
-sec_asn1d_reuse_encoding (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    sec_asn1d_state *child;
-    unsigned long consumed;
-    SECItem *item;
-    void *dest;
-    child = state->child;
-    PORT_Assert (child != NULL);
-    consumed = child->consumed;
-    child->consumed = 0;
-    item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-    PORT_Assert (item != NULL);
-    PORT_Assert (item->len == consumed);
-    /*
-     * Free any grandchild.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_free_child (child, PR_FALSE);
-    /*
-     * Notify after the SAVE field.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_notify_after (state->top, state->dest, state->depth);
-    /*
-     * Adjust to get new dest and move forward.
-     */
-    dest = (char *)state->dest - state->theTemplate->offset;
-    state->theTemplate++;
-    child->dest = (char *)dest + state->theTemplate->offset;
-    child->theTemplate = state->theTemplate;
-    /*
-     * Notify before the "real" field.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (state->depth == child->depth);
-    sec_asn1d_notify_before (state->top, child->dest, child->depth);
-    /*
-     * This will tell DecoderUpdate to return when it is done.
-     */
-    state->place = afterSaveEncoding;
-    /*
-     * We already have a child; "push" it by making it current.
-     */
-    state->top->current = child;
-    /*
-     * And initialize it so it is ready to parse.
-     */
-    (void) sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template(child);
-    /*
-     * Now parse that out of our data.
-     */
-    if (SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate (state->top,
-			       (char *) item->data, item->len) != SECSuccess)
-	return;
-    if (state->top->status == needBytes) {
-	return;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (state->top->current == state);
-    PORT_Assert (state->child == child);
-    /*
-     * That should have consumed what we consumed before.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (consumed == child->consumed);
-    child->consumed = 0;
-    /*
-     * Done.
-     */
-    state->consumed += consumed;
-    child->place = notInUse;
-    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_leaf (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-		      const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    SECItem *item;
-    unsigned long bufLen;
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (state->pending < len)
-	len = state->pending;
-    bufLen = len;
-    item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-    if (item != NULL && item->data != NULL) {
-	unsigned long offset;
-	/* Strip leading zeroes when target is unsigned integer */
-	if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_INTEGER && /* INTEGER   */
-	    item->len == 0 &&                             /* MSB       */
-	    item->type == siUnsignedInteger)              /* unsigned  */
-	{
-	    while (len > 1 && buf[0] == 0) {              /* leading 0 */
-		buf++;
-		len--;
-	    }
-	}
-        offset = item->len;
-        if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING) {
-            // The previous bit string must have no unused bits.
-            if (item->len & 0x7) {
-                PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                state->top->status = decodeError;
-                return 0;
-            }
-            // If this is a bit string, the length is bits, not bytes.
-            offset = item->len >> 3;
-        }
-        if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING) {
-            unsigned long len_in_bits;
-            // Protect against overflow during the bytes-to-bits conversion.
-            if (len >= (ULONG_MAX >> 3) + 1) {
-                PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                state->top->status = decodeError;
-                return 0;
-            }
-            len_in_bits = (len << 3) - state->bit_string_unused_bits;
-            // Protect against overflow when computing the total length in bits.
-            if (UINT_MAX - item->len < len_in_bits) {
-                PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                state->top->status = decodeError;
-                return 0;
-            }
-            item->len += len_in_bits;
-        } else {
-            if (UINT_MAX - item->len < len) {
-                PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-                state->top->status = decodeError;
-                return 0;
-            }
-            item->len += len;
-        }
-        PORT_Memcpy (item->data + offset, buf, len);
-    }
-    state->pending -= bufLen;
-    if (state->pending == 0)
-	state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
-    return bufLen;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_bit_string (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-			    const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    unsigned char byte;
-    /*PORT_Assert (state->pending > 0); */
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == beforeBitString);
-    if (state->pending == 0) {
-	if (state->dest != NULL) {
-	    SECItem *item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-	    item->data = NULL;
-	    item->len = 0;
-	    state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    byte = (unsigned char) *buf;
-    if (byte > 7) {
-	state->top->status = decodeError;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    state->bit_string_unused_bits = byte;
-    state->place = duringBitString;
-    state->pending -= 1;
-    return 1;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_more_bit_string (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-				 const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringBitString);
-    if (state->pending == 0) {
-	/* An empty bit string with some unused bits is invalid. */
-	if (state->bit_string_unused_bits) {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	} else {
-	    /* An empty bit string with no unused bits is OK. */
-	    state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
-	}
-	return 0;
-    }
-    len = sec_asn1d_parse_leaf (state, buf, len);
-    return len;
- * XXX All callers should be looking at return value to detect
- * out-of-memory errors (and stop!).
- */
-static struct subitem *
-sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-			   const void *data, unsigned long len,
-			   PRBool copy_data)
-    struct subitem *thing;
-    thing = (struct subitem*)sec_asn1d_zalloc (state->top->our_pool,
-				sizeof (struct subitem));
-    if (thing == NULL) {
-	state->top->status = decodeError;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (copy_data) {
-	void *copy;
-	copy = sec_asn1d_alloc (state->top->our_pool, len);
-	if (copy == NULL) {
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    if (!state->top->our_pool)
-	    	PORT_Free(thing);
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy (copy, data, len);
-	thing->data = copy;
-    } else {
-	thing->data = data;
-    }
-    thing->len = len;
-    thing->next = NULL;
-    if (state->subitems_head == NULL) {
-	PORT_Assert (state->subitems_tail == NULL);
-	state->subitems_head = state->subitems_tail = thing;
-    } else {
-	state->subitems_tail->next = thing;
-	state->subitems_tail = thing;
-    }
-    return thing;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_record_any_header (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-			     const char *buf,
-			     unsigned long len)
-    SECItem *item;
-    item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-    if (item != NULL && item->data != NULL) {
-	PORT_Assert (state->substring);
-	PORT_Memcpy (item->data + item->len, buf, len);
-	item->len += len;
-    } else {
-	sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems (state, buf, len, PR_TRUE);
-    }
- * We are moving along through the substrings of a constructed string,
- * and have just finished parsing one -- we need to save our child data
- * (if the child was not already writing directly into the destination)
- * and then move forward by one.
- *
- * We also have to detect when we are done:
- *	- a definite-length encoding stops when our pending value hits 0
- *	- an indefinite-length encoding stops when our child is empty
- *	  (which means it was the end-of-contents octets)
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1d_next_substring (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    sec_asn1d_state *child;
-    SECItem *item;
-    unsigned long child_consumed;
-    PRBool done;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringConstructedString);
-    PORT_Assert (state->child != NULL);
-    child = state->child;
-    child_consumed = child->consumed;
-    child->consumed = 0;
-    state->consumed += child_consumed;
-    done = PR_FALSE;
-    if (state->pending) {
-	PORT_Assert (!state->indefinite);
-	if (child_consumed > state->pending) {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return;
-	}
-	state->pending -= child_consumed;
-	if (state->pending == 0)
-	    done = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-	PRBool preallocatedString;
-	sec_asn1d_state *temp_state;
-	PORT_Assert (state->indefinite);
-	item = (SECItem *)(child->dest);
-	/**
-	 * At this point, there's three states at play:
-	 *   child: The element that was just parsed
-	 *   state: The currently processed element
-	 *   'parent' (aka state->parent): The enclosing construct
-	 *      of state, or NULL if this is the top-most element.
-	 *
-	 * This state handles both substrings of a constructed string AND
-	 * child elements of items whose template type was that of
-	 * template, as described in sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents. For
-	 * brevity, these will be referred to as 'string' and 'any' types.
-	 *
-	 * This leads to the following possibilities:
-	 *   1: This element is an indefinite length string, part of a
-	 *      definite length string.
-	 *   2: This element is an indefinite length string, part of an
-	 *      indefinite length string.
-	 *   3: This element is an indefinite length any, part of a
-	 *      definite length any.
-	 *   4: This element is an indefinite length any, part of an
-	 *      indefinite length any.
-	 *   5: This element is an indefinite length any and does not
-	 *      meet any of the above criteria. Note that this would include
-	 *      an indefinite length string type matching an indefinite
-	 *      length any template.
-	 *
-	 * In Cases #1 and #3, the definite length 'parent' element will
-	 * have allocated state->dest based on the parent elements definite
-	 * size. During the processing of 'child', sec_asn1d_parse_leaf will
-	 * have copied the (string, any) data directly into the offset of
-	 * dest, as appropriate, so there's no need for this class to still
-	 * store the child - it's already been processed.
-	 *
-	 * In Cases #2 and #4, dest will be set to the parent element's dest,
-	 * but dest->data will not have been allocated yet, due to the
-	 * indefinite length encoding. In this situation, it's necessary to
-	 * hold onto child (and all other children) until the EOC, at which
-	 * point, it becomes possible to compute 'state's overall length. Once
-	 * 'state' has a computed length, this can then be fed to 'parent' (via
-	 * this state), and then 'parent' can similarly compute the length of
-	 * all of its children up to the EOC, which will ultimately transit to
-	 * sec_asn1d_concat_substrings, determine the overall size needed,
-	 * allocate, and copy the contents (of all of parent's children, which
-	 * would include 'state', just as 'state' will have copied all of its
-	 * children via sec_asn1d_concat_substrings)
-	 *
-	 * The final case, Case #5, will manifest in that item->data and
-	 * item->len will be NULL/0, respectively, since this element was
-	 * indefinite-length encoded. In that case, both the tag and length will
-	 * already exist in state's subitems, via sec_asn1d_record_any_header,
-	 * and so the contents (aka 'child') should be added to that list of
-	 * items to concatenate in sec_asn1d_concat_substrings once the EOC
-	 * is encountered.
-	 *
-	 * To distinguish #2/#4 from #1/#3, it's sufficient to walk the ancestor
-	 * tree. If the current type is a string type, then the enclosing
-	 * construct will be that same type (#1/#2). If the current type is an
-	 * any type, then the enclosing construct is either an any type (#3/#4)
-	 * or some other type (#5). Since this is BER, this nesting relationship
-	 * between 'state' and 'parent' may go through several levels of
-	 * constructed encoding, so continue walking the ancestor chain until a
-	 * clear determination can be made.
-	 *
-	 * The variable preallocatedString is used to indicate Case #1/#3,
-	 * indicating an in-place copy has already occurred, and Cases #2, #4,
-	 * and #5 all have the same behaviour of adding a new substring.
-	 */
-	preallocatedString = PR_FALSE;
-	temp_state = state;
-	while (temp_state && item == temp_state->dest && temp_state->indefinite) {
-	    sec_asn1d_state *parent = sec_asn1d_get_enclosing_construct(temp_state);
-	    if (!parent || parent->underlying_kind != temp_state->underlying_kind) {
-	        /* Case #5 - Either this is a top-level construct or it is part
-	         * of some other element (e.g. a SEQUENCE), in which case, a
-	         * new item should be allocated. */
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    if (!parent->indefinite) {
-	        /* Cases #1 / #3 - A definite length ancestor exists, for which
-	         * this is a substring that has already copied into dest. */
-	        preallocatedString = PR_TRUE;
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    if (!parent->substring) {
-	        /* Cases #2 / #4 - If the parent is not a substring, but is
-	         * indefinite, then there's nothing further up that may have
-	         * preallocated dest, thus child will not have already
-		 * been copied in place, therefore it's necessary to save child
-		 * as a subitem. */
-	        break;
-	    }
-	    temp_state = parent;
-	}
-	if (item != NULL && item->data != NULL && !preallocatedString) {
-	    /*
-	     * Save the string away for later concatenation.
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert (item->data != NULL);
-	    sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems (state, item->data, item->len, PR_FALSE);
-	    /*
-	     * Clear the child item for the next round.
-	     */
-	    item->data = NULL;
-	    item->len = 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If our child was just our end-of-contents octets, we are done.
-	 */
-	if (child->endofcontents)
-	    done = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Stop or do the next one.
-     */
-    if (done) {
-	child->place = notInUse;
-	state->place = afterConstructedString;
-    } else {
-	sec_asn1d_scrub_state (child);
-	state->top->current = child;
-    }
- * We are doing a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF, and have just finished an item.
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1d_next_in_group (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    sec_asn1d_state *child;
-    unsigned long child_consumed;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringGroup);
-    PORT_Assert (state->child != NULL);
-    child = state->child;
-    child_consumed = child->consumed;
-    child->consumed = 0;
-    state->consumed += child_consumed;
-    /*
-     * If our child was just our end-of-contents octets, we are done.
-     */
-    if (child->endofcontents) {
-	/* XXX I removed the PORT_Assert (child->dest == NULL) because there
-	 * was a bug in that a template that was a sequence of which also had
-	 * a child of a sequence of, in an indefinite group was not working 
-	 * properly.  This fix seems to work, (added the if statement below),
-	 * and nothing appears broken, but I am putting this note here just
-	 * in case. */
-	/*
-	 * XXX No matter how many times I read that comment,
-	 * I cannot figure out what case he was fixing.  I believe what he
-	 * did was deliberate, so I am loathe to touch it.  I need to
-	 * understand how it could ever be that child->dest != NULL but
-	 * child->endofcontents is true, and why it is important to check
-	 * that state->subitems_head is NULL.  This really needs to be
-	 * figured out, as I am not sure if the following code should be
-	 * compensating for "offset", as is done a little farther below
-	 * in the more normal case.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert (state->indefinite);
-	PORT_Assert (state->pending == 0);
-	if(child->dest && !state->subitems_head) {
-	    sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems (state, child->dest, 0, PR_FALSE);
-	    child->dest = NULL;
-	}
-	child->place = notInUse;
-	state->place = afterGroup;
-	return;
-    }
-    /* 
-     * Do the "after" field notification for next in group.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_notify_after (state->top, child->dest, child->depth);
-    /*
-     * Save it away (unless we are not storing).
-     */
-    if (child->dest != NULL) {
-	void *dest;
-	dest = child->dest;
-	dest = (char *)dest - child->theTemplate->offset;
-	sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems (state, dest, 0, PR_FALSE);
-	child->dest = NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Account for those bytes; see if we are done.
-     */
-    if (state->pending) {
-	PORT_Assert (!state->indefinite);
-	if (child_consumed > state->pending) {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return;
-	}
-	state->pending -= child_consumed;
-	if (state->pending == 0) {
-	    child->place = notInUse;
-	    state->place = afterGroup;
-	    return;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Do the "before" field notification for next item in group.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_notify_before (state->top, child->dest, child->depth);
-    /*
-     * Now we do the next one.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_scrub_state (child);
-    /* Initialize child state from the template */
-    sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template(child);
-    state->top->current = child;
- * We are moving along through a sequence; move forward by one,
- * (detecting end-of-sequence when it happens).
- * XXX The handling of "missing" is ugly.  Fix it.
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1d_next_in_sequence (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    sec_asn1d_state *child;
-    unsigned long child_consumed;
-    PRBool child_missing;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringSequence);
-    PORT_Assert (state->child != NULL);
-    child = state->child;
-    /*
-     * Do the "after" field notification.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_notify_after (state->top, child->dest, child->depth);
-    child_missing = (PRBool) child->missing;
-    child_consumed = child->consumed;
-    child->consumed = 0;
-    /*
-     * Take care of accounting.
-     */
-    if (child_missing) {
-	PORT_Assert (child->optional);
-    } else {
-	state->consumed += child_consumed;
-	/*
-	 * Free any grandchild.
-	 */
-	sec_asn1d_free_child (child, PR_FALSE);
-	if (state->pending) {
-	    PORT_Assert (!state->indefinite);
-	    if (child_consumed > state->pending) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		return;
-	    }
-	    state->pending -= child_consumed;
-	    if (state->pending == 0) {
-		child->theTemplate++;
-		while (child->theTemplate->kind != 0) {
-		    if ((child->theTemplate->kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL) == 0) {
-			state->top->status = decodeError;
-			return;
-		    }
-		    child->theTemplate++;
-		}
-		child->place = notInUse;
-		state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-		return;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Move forward.
-     */
-    child->theTemplate++;
-    if (child->theTemplate->kind == 0) {
-	/*
-	 * We are done with this sequence.
-	 */
-	child->place = notInUse;
-	if (state->pending) {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	} else if (child_missing) {
-	    /*
-	     * We got to the end, but have a child that started parsing
-	     * and ended up "missing".  The only legitimate reason for
-	     * this is that we had one or more optional fields at the
-	     * end of our sequence, and we were encoded indefinite-length,
-	     * so when we went looking for those optional fields we
-	     * found our end-of-contents octets instead.
-	     * (Yes, this is ugly; dunno a better way to handle it.)
-	     * So, first confirm the situation, and then mark that we
-	     * are done.
-	     */
-	    if (state->indefinite && child->endofcontents) {
-		PORT_Assert (child_consumed == 2);
-		if (child_consumed != 2) {
-		    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-		    state->top->status = decodeError;
-		} else {
-		    state->consumed += child_consumed;
-		    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * We have to finish out, maybe reading end-of-contents octets;
-	     * let the normal logic do the right thing.
-	     */
-	    state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
-	}
-    } else {
-	unsigned char child_found_tag_modifiers = 0;
-	unsigned long child_found_tag_number = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Reset state and push.
-	 */
-	if (state->dest != NULL)
-	    child->dest = (char *)state->dest + child->theTemplate->offset;
-	/*
-	 * Do the "before" field notification.
-	 */
-	sec_asn1d_notify_before (state->top, child->dest, child->depth);
-	if (child_missing) { /* if previous child was missing, copy the tag data we already have */
-	    child_found_tag_modifiers = child->found_tag_modifiers;
-	    child_found_tag_number = child->found_tag_number;
-	}
-	state->top->current = child;
-	child = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (child);
-	if (child_missing && child) {
-	    child->place = afterIdentifier;
-	    child->found_tag_modifiers = child_found_tag_modifiers;
-	    child->found_tag_number = child_found_tag_number;
-	    child->consumed = child_consumed;
-	    if (child->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_ANY
-		&& !child->top->filter_only) {
-		/*
-		 * If the new field is an ANY, and we are storing, then
-		 * we need to save the tag out.  We would have done this
-		 * already in the normal case, but since we were looking
-		 * for an optional field, and we did not find it, we only
-		 * now realize we need to save the tag.
-		 */
-		unsigned char identifier;
-		/*
-		 * Check that we did not end up with a high tag; for that
-		 * we need to re-encode the tag into multiple bytes in order
-		 * to store it back to look like what we parsed originally.
-		 * In practice this does not happen, but for completeness
-		 * sake it should probably be made to work at some point.
-		 */
-		PORT_Assert (child_found_tag_number < SEC_ASN1_HIGH_TAG_NUMBER);
-		identifier = (unsigned char)(child_found_tag_modifiers | child_found_tag_number);
-		sec_asn1d_record_any_header (child, (char *) &identifier, 1);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-static void
-sec_asn1d_concat_substrings (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == afterConstructedString);
-    if (state->subitems_head != NULL) {
-	struct subitem *substring;
-	unsigned long alloc_len, item_len;
-	unsigned char *where;
-	SECItem *item;
-	PRBool is_bit_string;
-	item_len = 0;
-	is_bit_string = (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING)
-	substring = state->subitems_head;
-	while (substring != NULL) {
-	    /*
-	     * All bit-string substrings except the last one should be
-	     * a clean multiple of 8 bits.
-	     */
-	    if (is_bit_string && (substring->next != NULL)
-			      && (substring->len & 0x7)) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		return;
-	    }
-	    item_len += substring->len;
-	    substring = substring->next;
-	}
-	if (is_bit_string) {
-	    alloc_len = ((item_len + 7) >> 3);
-	} else {
-	    /*
-	     * Add 2 for the end-of-contents octets of an indefinite-length
-	     * ANY that is *not* also an INNER.  Because we zero-allocate
-	     * below, all we need to do is increase the length here.
-	     */
-	    if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_ANY && state->indefinite)
-		item_len += 2; 
-	    alloc_len = item_len;
-	}
-	item = (SECItem *)(state->dest);
-	PORT_Assert (item != NULL);
-	PORT_Assert (item->data == NULL);
-	item->data = (unsigned char*)sec_asn1d_zalloc (state->top->their_pool, 
-						       alloc_len);
-	if (item->data == NULL) {
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return;
-	}
-	item->len = item_len;
-	where = item->data;
-	substring = state->subitems_head;
-	while (substring != NULL) {
-	    if (is_bit_string)
-		item_len = (substring->len + 7) >> 3;
-	    else
-		item_len = substring->len;
-	    PORT_Memcpy (where, substring->data, item_len);
-	    where += item_len;
-	    substring = substring->next;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Because we use arenas and have a mark set, we later free
-	 * everything we have allocated, so this does *not* present
-	 * a memory leak (it is just temporarily left dangling).
-	 */
-	state->subitems_head = state->subitems_tail = NULL;
-    }
-    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_concat_group (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    const void ***placep;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == afterGroup);
-    placep = (const void***)state->dest;
-    PORT_Assert(state->subitems_head == NULL || placep != NULL);
-    if (placep != NULL) {
-	struct subitem *item;
-	const void **group;
-	int count;
-	count = 0;
-	item = state->subitems_head;
-	while (item != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (item->next != NULL || item == state->subitems_tail);
-	    count++;
-	    item = item->next;
-	}
-	group = (const void**)sec_asn1d_zalloc (state->top->their_pool,
-				  (count + 1) * (sizeof(void *)));
-	if (group == NULL) {
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return;
-	}
-	*placep = group;
-	item = state->subitems_head;
-	while (item != NULL) {
-	    *group++ = item->data;
-	    item = item->next;
-	}
-	*group = NULL;
-	/*
-	 * Because we use arenas and have a mark set, we later free
-	 * everything we have allocated, so this does *not* present
-	 * a memory leak (it is just temporarily left dangling).
-	 */
-	state->subitems_head = state->subitems_tail = NULL;
-    }
-    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
- * For those states that push a child to handle a subtemplate,
- * "absorb" that child (transfer necessary information).
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1d_absorb_child (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    /*
-     * There is absolutely supposed to be a child there.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (state->child != NULL);
-    /*
-     * Inherit the missing status of our child, and do the ugly
-     * backing-up if necessary.
-     */
-    state->missing = state->child->missing;
-    if (state->missing) {
-	state->found_tag_number = state->child->found_tag_number;
-	state->found_tag_modifiers = state->child->found_tag_modifiers;
-	state->endofcontents = state->child->endofcontents;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Add in number of bytes consumed by child.
-     * (Only EXPLICIT should have already consumed bytes itself.)
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == afterExplicit || state->consumed == 0);
-    state->consumed += state->child->consumed;
-    /*
-     * Subtract from bytes pending; this only applies to a definite-length
-     * EXPLICIT field.
-     */
-    if (state->pending) {
-	PORT_Assert (!state->indefinite);
-	PORT_Assert (state->place == afterExplicit);
-	/*
-	 * If we had a definite-length explicit, then what the child
-	 * consumed should be what was left pending.
-	 */
-	if (state->pending != state->child->consumed) {
-	    if (state->pending < state->child->consumed) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		return;
-	    }
-	    /*
-	     * Okay, this is a hack.  It *should* be an error whether
-	     * pending is too big or too small, but it turns out that
-	     * we had a bug in our *old* DER encoder that ended up
-	     * counting an explicit header twice in the case where
-	     * the underlying type was an ANY.  So, because we cannot
-	     * prevent receiving these (our own certificate server can
-	     * send them to us), we need to be lenient and accept them.
-	     * To do so, we need to pretend as if we read all of the
-	     * bytes that the header said we would find, even though
-	     * we actually came up short.
-	     */
-	    state->consumed += (state->pending - state->child->consumed);
-	}
-	state->pending = 0;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Indicate that we are done with child.
-     */
-    state->child->consumed = 0;
-    /*
-     * And move on to final state.
-     * (Technically everybody could move to afterEndOfContents except
-     * for an indefinite-length EXPLICIT; for simplicity though we assert
-     * that but let the end-of-contents code do the real determination.)
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == afterExplicit || (! state->indefinite));
-    state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_prepare_for_end_of_contents (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == beforeEndOfContents);
-    if (state->indefinite) {
-	state->place = duringEndOfContents;
-	state->pending = 2;
-    } else {
-	state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-    }
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_parse_end_of_contents (sec_asn1d_state *state,
-				 const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    unsigned int i;
-    PORT_Assert (state->pending <= 2);
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringEndOfContents);
-    if (len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if (state->pending < len)
-	len = state->pending;
-    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-	if (buf[i] != 0) {
-	    /*
-	     * We expect to find only zeros; if not, just give up.
-	     */
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return 0;
-	}
-    }
-    state->pending -= len;
-    if (state->pending == 0) {
-	state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-	state->endofcontents = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    return len;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_pop_state (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-#if 0	/* XXX I think this should always be handled explicitly by parent? */
-    /*
-     * Account for our child.
-     */
-    if (state->child != NULL) {
-	state->consumed += state->child->consumed;
-	if (state->pending) {
-	    PORT_Assert (!state->indefinite);
-	    if (state->child->consumed > state->pending) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    } else {
-		state->pending -= state->child->consumed;
-	    }
-	}
-	state->child->consumed = 0;
-    }
-#endif	/* XXX */
-    /*
-     * Free our child.
-     */
-    sec_asn1d_free_child (state, PR_FALSE);
-    /*
-     * Just make my parent be the current state.  It will then clean
-     * up after me and free me (or reuse me).
-     */
-    state->top->current = state->parent;
-static sec_asn1d_state *
-sec_asn1d_before_choice (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    sec_asn1d_state *child;
-    if (state->allocate) {
-	void *dest;
-	dest = sec_asn1d_zalloc(state->top->their_pool, state->theTemplate->size);
-	if ((void *)NULL == dest) {
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-	}
-	state->dest = (char *)dest + state->theTemplate->offset;
-    }
-    child = sec_asn1d_push_state(state->top, state->theTemplate + 1, 
-				 (char *)state->dest - state->theTemplate->offset, 
-				 PR_FALSE);
-    if ((sec_asn1d_state *)NULL == child) {
-	return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-    }
-    sec_asn1d_scrub_state(child);
-    child = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template(child);
-    if ((sec_asn1d_state *)NULL == child) {
-	return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-    }
-    child->optional = PR_TRUE;
-    state->place = duringChoice;
-    return child;
-static sec_asn1d_state *
-sec_asn1d_during_choice (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    sec_asn1d_state *child = state->child;
-    PORT_Assert((sec_asn1d_state *)NULL != child);
-    if (child->missing) {
-	unsigned char child_found_tag_modifiers = 0;
-	unsigned long child_found_tag_number = 0;
-	void *        dest;
-	state->consumed += child->consumed;
-	if (child->endofcontents) {
-	    /* This choice is probably the first item in a GROUP
-	    ** (e.g. SET_OF) that was indefinite-length encoded.
-	    ** We're actually at the end of that GROUP.
-	    ** We look up the stack to be sure that we find
-	    ** a state with indefinite length encoding before we
-	    ** find a state (like a SEQUENCE) that is definite.
-	    */
-	    child->place = notInUse;
-	    state->place = afterChoice;
-	    state->endofcontents = PR_TRUE;  /* propagate this up */
-	    if (sec_asn1d_parent_allows_EOC(state))
-		return state;
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	dest = (char *)child->dest - child->theTemplate->offset;
-	child->theTemplate++;
-	if (0 == child->theTemplate->kind) {
-	    /* Ran out of choices */
-	    state->top->status = decodeError;
-	    return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-	}
-	child->dest = (char *)dest + child->theTemplate->offset;
-	/* cargo'd from next_in_sequence innards */
-	if (state->pending) {
-	    PORT_Assert(!state->indefinite);
-	    if (child->consumed > state->pending) {
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		return NULL;
-	    }
-	    state->pending -= child->consumed;
-	    if (0 == state->pending) {
-		/* XXX uh.. not sure if I should have stopped this
-		 * from happening before. */
-		PORT_Assert(0);
-		state->top->status = decodeError;
-		return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	child->consumed = 0;
-	sec_asn1d_scrub_state(child);
-	/* move it on top again */
-	state->top->current = child;
-	child_found_tag_modifiers = child->found_tag_modifiers;
-	child_found_tag_number = child->found_tag_number;
-	child = sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template(child);
-	if ((sec_asn1d_state *)NULL == child) {
-	    return (sec_asn1d_state *)NULL;
-	}
-	/* copy our findings to the new top */
-	child->found_tag_modifiers = child_found_tag_modifiers;
-	child->found_tag_number = child_found_tag_number;
-	child->optional = PR_TRUE;
-	child->place = afterIdentifier;
-	return child;
-    } 
-    if ((void *)NULL != state->dest) {
-	/* Store the enum */
-	int *which = (int *)state->dest;
-	*which = (int)child->theTemplate->size;
-    }
-    child->place = notInUse;
-    state->place = afterChoice;
-    return state;
-static void
-sec_asn1d_after_choice (sec_asn1d_state *state)
-    state->consumed += state->child->consumed;
-    state->child->consumed = 0;
-    state->place = afterEndOfContents;
-    sec_asn1d_pop_state(state);
-unsigned long
-sec_asn1d_uinteger(SECItem *src)
-    unsigned long value;
-    int len;
-    if (src->len > 5 || (src->len > 4 && src->data[0] == 0))
-	return 0;
-    value = 0;
-    len = src->len;
-    while (len) {
-	value <<= 8;
-	value |= src->data[--len];
-    }
-    return value;
-SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger(SECItem *src, unsigned long *value)
-    unsigned long v;
-    unsigned int i;
-    if (src == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (src->len > sizeof(unsigned long)) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (src->data == NULL) {
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (src->data[0] & 0x80)
-	v = -1;		/* signed and negative - start with all 1's */
-    else
-	v = 0;
-    for (i= 0; i < src->len; i++) {
-	/* shift in next byte */
-	v <<= 8;
-	v |= src->data[i];
-    }
-    *value = v;
-    return SECSuccess;
-static void
-dump_states(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    sec_asn1d_state *state;
-    char kindBuf[256];
-    for (state = cx->current; state->parent; state = state->parent) {
-        ;
-    }
-    for (; state; state = state->child) {
-        int i;
-        for (i = 0; i < state->depth; i++) {
-            printf("  ");
-        }
-        i = formatKind(state->theTemplate->kind, kindBuf);
-        printf("%s: tmpl %08x, kind%s",
-               (state == cx->current) ? "STATE" : "State",
-               state->theTemplate,
-               kindBuf);
-        printf(" %s", (state->place >= 0 && state->place <= notInUse)
-                       ? place_names[ state->place ]
-                       : "(undefined)");
-        if (!i)
-            printf(", expect 0x%02x",
-                   state->expect_tag_number | state->expect_tag_modifiers);
-        printf("%s%s%s %d\n",
-               state->indefinite    ? ", indef"   : "",
-               state->missing       ? ", miss"    : "",
-               state->endofcontents ? ", EOC"     : "",
-               state->pending
-               );
-    }
-    return;
-#endif /* DEBUG_ASN1D_STATES */
-SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-		       const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    sec_asn1d_state *state = NULL;
-    unsigned long consumed;
-    SEC_ASN1EncodingPart what;
-    sec_asn1d_state *stateEnd = cx->current;
-    if (cx->status == needBytes)
-	cx->status = keepGoing;
-    while (cx->status == keepGoing) {
-	state = cx->current;
-	what = SEC_ASN1_Contents;
-	consumed = 0;
-        printf("\nPLACE = %s, next byte = 0x%02x, %08x[%d]\n",
-               (state->place >= 0 && state->place <= notInUse) ?
-               place_names[ state->place ] : "(undefined)",
-               (unsigned int)((unsigned char *)buf)[ consumed ],
-               buf, consumed);
-        dump_states(cx);
-#endif /* DEBUG_ASN1D_STATES */
-	switch (state->place) {
-	  case beforeIdentifier:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_identifier (state, buf, len);
-	    what = SEC_ASN1_Identifier;
-	    break;
-	  case duringIdentifier:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_more_identifier (state, buf, len);
-	    what = SEC_ASN1_Identifier;
-	    break;
-	  case afterIdentifier:
-	    sec_asn1d_confirm_identifier (state);
-	    break;
-	  case beforeLength:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_length (state, buf, len);
-	    what = SEC_ASN1_Length;
-	    break;
-	  case duringLength:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_more_length (state, buf, len);
-	    what = SEC_ASN1_Length;
-	    break;
-	  case afterLength:
-	    sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents (state);
-	    break;
-	  case beforeBitString:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_bit_string (state, buf, len);
-	    break;
-	  case duringBitString:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_more_bit_string (state, buf, len);
-	    break;
-	  case duringConstructedString:
-	    sec_asn1d_next_substring (state);
-	    break;
-	  case duringGroup:
-	    sec_asn1d_next_in_group (state);
-	    break;
-	  case duringLeaf:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_leaf (state, buf, len);
-	    break;
-	  case duringSaveEncoding:
-	    sec_asn1d_reuse_encoding (state);
-	    if (cx->status == decodeError) {
-		/* recursive call has already popped all states from stack.
-		** Bail out quickly.
-		*/
-		return SECFailure;
-	    }
-	    if (cx->status == needBytes) {
-		/* recursive call wanted more data. Fatal. Clean up below. */
-		cx->status = decodeError;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  case duringSequence:
-	    sec_asn1d_next_in_sequence (state);
-	    break;
-	  case afterConstructedString:
-	    sec_asn1d_concat_substrings (state);
-	    break;
-	  case afterExplicit:
-	  case afterImplicit:
-	  case afterInline:
-	  case afterPointer:
-	    sec_asn1d_absorb_child (state);
-	    break;
-	  case afterGroup:
-	    sec_asn1d_concat_group (state);
-	    break;
-	  case afterSaveEncoding:
-	    /* SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate has called itself recursively to 
-	    ** decode SAVEd encoded data, and now is done decoding that.
-	    ** Return to the calling copy of SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate.
-	    */
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	  case beforeEndOfContents:
-	    sec_asn1d_prepare_for_end_of_contents (state);
-	    break;
-	  case duringEndOfContents:
-	    consumed = sec_asn1d_parse_end_of_contents (state, buf, len);
-	    what = SEC_ASN1_EndOfContents;
-	    break;
-	  case afterEndOfContents:
-	    sec_asn1d_pop_state (state);
-	    break;
-          case beforeChoice:
-            state = sec_asn1d_before_choice(state);
-            break;
-          case duringChoice:
-            state = sec_asn1d_during_choice(state);
-            break;
-          case afterChoice:
-            sec_asn1d_after_choice(state);
-            break;
-	  case notInUse:
-	  default:
-	    /* This is not an error, but rather a plain old BUG! */
-	    PORT_Assert (0);
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    cx->status = decodeError;
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (cx->status == decodeError)
-	    break;
-	/* We should not consume more than we have.  */
-	PORT_Assert (consumed <= len);
-	if (consumed > len) {
-	    PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER);
-	    cx->status = decodeError;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* It might have changed, so we have to update our local copy.  */
-	state = cx->current;
-	/* If it is NULL, we have popped all the way to the top.  */
-	if (state == NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (consumed == 0);
-#if 0	/* XXX I want this here, but it seems that we have situations (like
-	 * downloading a pkcs7 cert chain from some issuers) that give us a
-	 * length which is greater than the entire encoding.  So, we cannot
-	 * have this be an error.
-	 */
-	    if (len > 0) {
-		cx->status = decodeError;
-	    } else
-		cx->status = allDone;
-	    break;
-	}
-	else if (state->theTemplate->kind == SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST) {
-	    cx->status = allDone;
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (consumed == 0)
-	    continue;
-	/*
-	 * The following check is specifically looking for an ANY
-	 * that is *not* also an INNER, because we need to save aside
-	 * all bytes in that case -- the contents parts will get
-	 * handled like all other contents, and the end-of-contents
-	 * bytes are added by the concat code, but the outer header
-	 * bytes need to get saved too, so we do them explicitly here.
-	 */
-	if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_ANY
-	    && !cx->filter_only && (what == SEC_ASN1_Identifier
-				    || what == SEC_ASN1_Length)) {
-	    sec_asn1d_record_any_header (state, buf, consumed);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We had some number of good, accepted bytes.  If the caller
-	 * has registered to see them, pass them along.
-	 */
-	if (state->top->filter_proc != NULL) {
-	    int depth;
-	    depth = state->depth;
-	    if (what == SEC_ASN1_EndOfContents && !state->indefinite) {
-		PORT_Assert (state->parent != NULL
-			     && state->parent->indefinite);
-		depth--;
-		PORT_Assert (depth == state->parent->depth);
-	    }
-	    (* state->top->filter_proc) (state->top->filter_arg,
-					 buf, consumed, depth, what);
-	}
-	state->consumed += consumed;
-	buf += consumed;
-	len -= consumed;
-    }
-    if (cx->status == decodeError) {
-	while (state != NULL && stateEnd->parent!=state) {
-	    sec_asn1d_free_child (state, PR_TRUE);
-	    state = state->parent;
-	}
-				 * XXX This does not work because we can
-				 * end up leaving behind dangling pointers
-				 * to stuff that was allocated.  In order
-				 * to make this really work (which would
-				 * be a good thing, I think), we need to
-				 * keep track of every place/pointer that
-				 * was allocated and make sure to NULL it
-				 * out before we then free back to the mark.	
-				 */
-	if (cx->their_pool != NULL) {
-	    PORT_Assert (cx->their_mark != NULL);
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (cx->their_pool, cx->their_mark);
-	    cx->their_mark = NULL;
-	}
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-#if 0	/* XXX This is what I want, but cannot have because it seems we
-	 * have situations (like when downloading a pkcs7 cert chain from
-	 * some issuers) that give us a total length which is greater than
-	 * the entire encoding.  So, we have to allow allDone to have a
-	 * remaining length greater than zero.  I wanted to catch internal
-	 * bugs with this, noticing when we do not have the right length.
-	 * Oh well.
-	 */
-    PORT_Assert (len == 0
-		 && (cx->status == needBytes || cx->status == allDone));
-    PORT_Assert ((len == 0 && cx->status == needBytes)
-		 || cx->status == allDone);
-    return SECSuccess;
-SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    if (cx->status == needBytes) {
-	rv = SECFailure;
-    } else {
-	rv = SECSuccess;
-    }
-    /*
-     * XXX anything else that needs to be finished?
-     */
-    PORT_FreeArena (cx->our_pool, PR_TRUE);
-    return rv;
-SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *
-SEC_ASN1DecoderStart (PLArenaPool *their_pool, void *dest,
-		      const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate)
-    PLArenaPool *our_pool;
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx;
-    our_pool = PORT_NewArena (SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (our_pool == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    cx = (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (our_pool, sizeof(*cx));
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cx->our_pool = our_pool;
-    if (their_pool != NULL) {
-	cx->their_pool = their_pool;
-	cx->their_mark = PORT_ArenaMark (their_pool);
-    }
-    cx->status = needBytes;
-    if (sec_asn1d_push_state(cx, theTemplate, dest, PR_FALSE) == NULL
-	|| sec_asn1d_init_state_based_on_template (cx->current) == NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * Trouble initializing (probably due to failed allocations)
-	 * requires that we just give up.
-	 */
-	PORT_FreeArena (our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cx;
-SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-			      SEC_ASN1WriteProc fn, void *arg,
-			      PRBool only)
-    /* check that we are "between" fields here */
-    PORT_Assert (cx->during_notify);
-    cx->filter_proc = fn;
-    cx->filter_arg = arg;
-    cx->filter_only = only;
-SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    /* check that we are "between" fields here */
-    PORT_Assert (cx->during_notify);
-    cx->filter_proc = NULL;
-    cx->filter_arg = NULL;
-    cx->filter_only = PR_FALSE;
-SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx,
-			      SEC_ASN1NotifyProc fn, void *arg)
-    cx->notify_proc = fn;
-    cx->notify_arg = arg;
-SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc (SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx)
-    cx->notify_proc = NULL;
-    cx->notify_arg = NULL;	/* not necessary; just being clean */
-SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort(SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *cx, int error)
-    PORT_Assert(cx);
-    PORT_SetError(error);
-    cx->status = decodeError;
-SEC_ASN1Decode (PLArenaPool *poolp, void *dest,
-		const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate,
-		const char *buf, long len)
-    SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *dcx;
-    SECStatus urv, frv;
-    dcx = SEC_ASN1DecoderStart (poolp, dest, theTemplate);
-    if (dcx == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    urv = SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate (dcx, buf, len);
-    frv = SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish (dcx);
-    if (urv != SECSuccess)
-	return urv;
-    return frv;
-SEC_ASN1DecodeItem (PLArenaPool *poolp, void *dest,
-		    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate,
-		    const SECItem *src)
-    return SEC_ASN1Decode (poolp, dest, theTemplate,
-			   (const char *)src->data, src->len);
-void sec_asn1d_Assert(const char *s, const char *file, PRIntn ln)
-    printf("Assertion failed, \"%s\", file %s, line %d\n", s, file, ln);
-    fflush(stdout);
- * Generic templates for individual/simple items and pointers to
- * and sets of same.
- *
- * If you need to add a new one, please note the following:
- *	 - For each new basic type you should add *four* templates:
- *	one plain, one PointerTo, one SequenceOf and one SetOf.
- *	 - If the new type can be constructed (meaning, it is a
- *	*string* type according to BER/DER rules), then you should
- *	or-in SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM to the type in the basic template.
- *	See the definition of the OctetString template for an example.
- *	 - It may not be obvious, but these are in *alphabetical*
- *	order based on the SEC_ASN1_XXX name; so put new ones in
- *	the appropriate place.
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfAnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_AnyTemplate }
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToBitStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_BitStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfBitStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_BitStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfBitStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_BitStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToBMPStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_BMPStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfBMPStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_BMPStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfBMPStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_BMPStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToBooleanTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_BooleanTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfBooleanTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_BooleanTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfBooleanTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_BooleanTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_EnumeratedTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToEnumeratedTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_EnumeratedTemplate }
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfEnumeratedTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_EnumeratedTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfEnumeratedTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_EnumeratedTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToGeneralizedTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate }
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfGeneralizedTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfGeneralizedTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToIA5StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_IA5StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfIA5StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_IA5StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfIA5StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_IA5StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToIntegerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_IntegerTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfIntegerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_IntegerTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfIntegerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_IntegerTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToNullTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_NullTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfNullTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_NullTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfNullTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_NullTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToObjectIDTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_ObjectIDTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfObjectIDTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_ObjectIDTemplate }
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfObjectIDTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_ObjectIDTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfOctetStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_OctetStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfOctetStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_OctetStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PrintableStringTemplate[] = {
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToPrintableStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_PrintableStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfPrintableStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_PrintableStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfPrintableStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_PrintableStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_T61StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToT61StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_T61StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfT61StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_T61StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfT61StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_T61StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_UniversalStringTemplate[] = {
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToUniversalStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_UniversalStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfUniversalStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_UniversalStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfUniversalStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_UniversalStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToUTCTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_UTCTimeTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfUTCTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_UTCTimeTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfUTCTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_UTCTimeTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToUTF8StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_UTF8StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfUTF8StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_UTF8StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfUTF8StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_UTF8StringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_VisibleStringTemplate[] = {
-#if 0
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToVisibleStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_VisibleStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SequenceOfVisibleStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF, 0, SEC_VisibleStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfVisibleStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_VisibleStringTemplate }
- * Template for skipping a subitem.
- *
- * Note that it only makes sense to use this for decoding (when you want
- * to decode something where you are only interested in one or two of
- * the fields); you cannot encode a SKIP!
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SkipTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SKIP }
-/* These functions simply return the address of the above-declared templates.
-** This is necessary for Windows DLLs.  Sigh.
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secasn1e.c b/nss/lib/util/secasn1e.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f85dfc..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secasn1e.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support for ENcoding ASN.1 data based on BER/DER (Basic/Distinguished
- * Encoding Rules).
- */
-#include "secasn1.h"
-typedef enum {
-    beforeHeader,
-    duringContents,
-    duringGroup,
-    duringSequence,
-    afterContents,
-    afterImplicit,
-    afterInline,
-    afterPointer,
-    afterChoice,
-    notInUse
-} sec_asn1e_parse_place;
-typedef enum {
-    allDone,
-    encodeError,
-    keepGoing,
-    needBytes
-} sec_asn1e_parse_status;
-typedef enum {
-    hdr_normal      = 0,  /* encode header normally */
-    hdr_any         = 1,  /* header already encoded in content */
-    hdr_decoder     = 2,  /* template only used by decoder. skip it. */
-    hdr_optional    = 3,  /* optional component, to be omitted */
-    hdr_placeholder = 4   /* place holder for from_buf content */
-} sec_asn1e_hdr_encoding;
-typedef struct sec_asn1e_state_struct {
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *top;
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate;
-    void *src;
-    struct sec_asn1e_state_struct *parent;	/* aka prev */
-    struct sec_asn1e_state_struct *child;	/* aka next */
-    sec_asn1e_parse_place place;	/* where we are in encoding process */
-    /*
-     * XXX explain the next fields as clearly as possible...
-     */
-    unsigned char tag_modifiers;
-    unsigned char tag_number;
-    unsigned long underlying_kind;
-    int depth;
-    PRBool isExplicit,		/* we are handling an isExplicit header */
-	   indefinite,		/* need end-of-contents */
-	   is_string,		/* encoding a simple string or an ANY */
-	   may_stream,		/* when streaming, do indefinite encoding */
-	   optional,		/* omit field if it has no contents */
-	   disallowStreaming;	/* disallow streaming in all sub-templates */	
-} sec_asn1e_state;
- * An "outsider" will have an opaque pointer to this, created by calling
- * SEC_ASN1EncoderStart().  It will be passed back in to all subsequent
- * calls to SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate() and related routines, and when done
- * it is passed to SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish().
- */
-struct sec_EncoderContext_struct {
-    PLArenaPool *our_pool;		/* for our internal allocs */
-    sec_asn1e_state *current;
-    sec_asn1e_parse_status status;
-    PRBool streaming;
-    PRBool from_buf;
-    SEC_ASN1NotifyProc notify_proc;	/* call before/after handling field */
-    void *notify_arg;			/* argument to notify_proc */
-    PRBool during_notify;		/* true during call to notify_proc */
-    SEC_ASN1WriteProc output_proc;	/* pass encoded bytes to this  */
-    void *output_arg;			/* argument to that function */
-static sec_asn1e_state *
-sec_asn1e_push_state (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-		      const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate,
-		      const void *src, PRBool new_depth)
-    sec_asn1e_state *state, *new_state;
-    state = cx->current;
-    new_state = (sec_asn1e_state*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (cx->our_pool, 
-						    sizeof(*new_state));
-    if (new_state == NULL) {
-	cx->status = encodeError;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    new_state->top = cx;
-    new_state->parent = state;
-    new_state->theTemplate = theTemplate;
-    new_state->place = notInUse;
-    if (src != NULL)
-	new_state->src = (char *)src + theTemplate->offset;
-    if (state != NULL) {
-	new_state->depth = state->depth;
-	if (new_depth)
-	    new_state->depth++;
-	state->child = new_state;
-    }
-    cx->current = new_state;
-    return new_state;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_scrub_state (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    /*
-     * Some default "scrubbing".
-     * XXX right set of initializations?
-     */
-    state->place = beforeHeader;
-    state->indefinite = PR_FALSE;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_notify_before (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx, void *src, int depth)
-    if (cx->notify_proc == NULL)
-	return;
-    cx->during_notify = PR_TRUE;
-    (* cx->notify_proc) (cx->notify_arg, PR_TRUE, src, depth);
-    cx->during_notify = PR_FALSE;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_notify_after (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx, void *src, int depth)
-    if (cx->notify_proc == NULL)
-	return;
-    cx->during_notify = PR_TRUE;
-    (* cx->notify_proc) (cx->notify_arg, PR_FALSE, src, depth);
-    cx->during_notify = PR_FALSE;
-static sec_asn1e_state *
-sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    PRBool isExplicit, is_string, may_stream, optional, universal; 
-    PRBool disallowStreaming;
-    unsigned char tag_modifiers;
-    unsigned long encode_kind, under_kind;
-    unsigned long tag_number;
-    PRBool isInline = PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind = state->theTemplate->kind;
-    universal = ((encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) == SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL)
-    isExplicit = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT;
-    optional = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL;
-    PORT_Assert (!(isExplicit && universal));	/* bad templates */
-    may_stream = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM;
-    disallowStreaming = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_NO_STREAM) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_NO_STREAM;
-    /* Just clear this to get it out of the way; we do not need it here */
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC;
-    if( encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE ) {
-      under_kind = SEC_ASN1_CHOICE;
-    } else if ((encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_POINTER | SEC_ASN1_INLINE)) || 
-        (!universal && !isExplicit)) {
-	const SEC_ASN1Template *subt;
-	void *src = NULL;
-	PORT_Assert ((encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_ANY | SEC_ASN1_SKIP)) == 0);
-	sec_asn1e_scrub_state (state);
-	if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER) {
-	    src = *(void **)state->src;
-	    state->place = afterPointer;
-	    if (src == NULL) {
-		/*
-		 * If this is optional, but NULL, then the field does
-		 * not need to be encoded.  In this case we are done;
-		 * we do not want to push a subtemplate.
-		 */
-		if (optional)
-		    return state;
-		/*
-		 * XXX this is an error; need to figure out
-		 * how to handle this
-		 */
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    src = state->src;
-	    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_INLINE) {
-		/* check that there are no extraneous bits */
-		/* PORT_Assert (encode_kind == SEC_ASN1_INLINE && !optional); */
-		state->place = afterInline;
-		isInline = PR_TRUE;
-	    } else {
-		/*
-		 * Save the tag modifiers and tag number here before moving
-		 * on to the next state in case this is a member of a
-		 */
-		state->tag_modifiers = (unsigned char)
-		    (encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK & ~SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK));
-		state->tag_number = (unsigned char)
-		    (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK);
-		state->place = afterImplicit;
-		state->optional = optional;
-	    }
-	}
-	subt = SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (state->theTemplate, state->src, PR_TRUE);
-	if (isInline && optional) {
-	    /* we only handle a very limited set of optional inline cases at
-	       this time */
-	    if (PR_FALSE != SEC_ASN1IsTemplateSimple(subt)) {
-		/* we now know that the target is a SECItem*, so we can check
-		   if the source contains one */
-		SECItem* target = (SECItem*)state->src;
-		if (!target || !target->data || !target->len) {
-		    /* no valid data to encode subtemplate */
-		    return state;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		PORT_Assert(0); /* complex templates are not handled as
-				   inline optional */
-	    }
-	}
-	state = sec_asn1e_push_state (state->top, subt, src, PR_FALSE);
-	if (state == NULL)
-	    return state;
-	if (universal) {
-	    /*
-	     * This is a POINTER or INLINE; just init based on that
-	     * and we are done.
-	     */
-	    return sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * This is an implicit, non-universal (meaning, application-private
-	 * or context-specific) field.  This results in a "magic" tag but
-	 * encoding based on the underlying type.  We pushed a new state
-	 * that is based on the subtemplate (the underlying type), but
-	 * now we will sort of alias it to give it some of our properties
-	 * (tag, optional status, etc.).
-	 *
-	 * NB: ALL the following flags in the subtemplate are disallowed
-	 *     and/or ignored: EXPLICIT, OPTIONAL, INNER, INLINE, POINTER.
-	 */
-	under_kind = state->theTemplate->kind;
-	if ((under_kind & SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM) && !disallowStreaming) {
-	    may_stream = PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	under_kind &= ~(SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM | SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC);
-    } else {
-	under_kind = encode_kind;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Sanity check that there are no unwanted bits marked in under_kind.
-     * These bits were either removed above (after we recorded them) or
-     * they simply should not be found (signalling a bad/broken template).
-     * XXX is this the right set of bits to test here? (i.e. need to add
-     * or remove any?)
-     */
-    PORT_Assert ((under_kind & UNEXPECTED_FLAGS) == 0);
-    under_kind &= ~UNEXPECTED_FLAGS;
-    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_ANY) {
-	PORT_Assert (encode_kind == under_kind);
-	tag_modifiers = 0;
-	tag_number = 0;
-	is_string = PR_TRUE;
-    } else {
-	tag_modifiers = (unsigned char)
-		(encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK & ~SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK));
-	/*
-	 * XXX This assumes only single-octet identifiers.  To handle
-	 * the HIGH TAG form we would need to do some more work, especially
-	 * in how to specify them in the template, because right now we
-	 * do not provide a way to specify more *tag* bits in encode_kind.
-	 */
-	tag_number = encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK;
-	is_string = PR_FALSE;
-	switch (under_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK) {
-	  case SEC_ASN1_SET:
-	    /*
-	     * XXX A plain old SET (as opposed to a SET OF) is not implemented.
-	     * If it ever is, remove this assert...
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert ((under_kind & SEC_ASN1_GROUP) != 0);
-	    /* fallthru */
-	    tag_modifiers |= SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-	    break;
-	  case SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING: 
-	  case SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING:
-	  case SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING:
-	  case SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME:
-	  case SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING:
-	    /*
-	     * We do not yet know if we will be constructing the string,
-	     * so we have to wait to do this final tag modification.
-	     */
-	    is_string = PR_TRUE;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    state->tag_modifiers = tag_modifiers;
-    state->tag_number = (unsigned char)tag_number;
-    state->underlying_kind = under_kind;
-    state->isExplicit = isExplicit;
-    state->may_stream = may_stream;
-    state->is_string = is_string;
-    state->optional = optional;
-    state->disallowStreaming = disallowStreaming;
-    sec_asn1e_scrub_state (state);
-    return state;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_part (sec_asn1e_state *state,
-		      const char *buf, unsigned long len,
-		      SEC_ASN1EncodingPart part)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx;
-    cx = state->top;
-    (* cx->output_proc) (cx->output_arg, buf, len, state->depth, part);
- * XXX This assumes only single-octet identifiers.  To handle
- * the HIGH TAG form we would need to modify this interface and
- * teach it to properly encode the special form.
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_identifier_bytes (sec_asn1e_state *state, unsigned char value)
-    char byte;
-    byte = (char) value;
-    sec_asn1e_write_part (state, &byte, 1, SEC_ASN1_Identifier);
-SEC_ASN1EncodeLength(unsigned char *buf,int value) {
-    int lenlen;
-    lenlen = SEC_ASN1LengthLength (value);
-    if (lenlen == 1) {
-	buf[0] = value;
-    } else {
-	int i;
-	i = lenlen - 1;
-	buf[0] = 0x80 | i;
-	while (i) {
-	    buf[i--] = value;
-	    value >>= 8;
-	}
-        PORT_Assert (value == 0);
-    }
-    return lenlen;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_length_bytes (sec_asn1e_state *state, unsigned long value,
-			      PRBool indefinite)
-    int lenlen;
-    unsigned char buf[sizeof(unsigned long) + 1];
-    if (indefinite) {
-	PORT_Assert (value == 0);
-	buf[0] = 0x80;
-	lenlen = 1;
-    } else {
-	lenlen = SEC_ASN1EncodeLength(buf,value);
-    }
-    sec_asn1e_write_part (state, (char *) buf, lenlen, SEC_ASN1_Length);
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes (sec_asn1e_state *state,
-				const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    sec_asn1e_write_part (state, buf, len, SEC_ASN1_Contents);
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_end_of_contents_bytes (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    const char eoc[2] = {0, 0};
-    sec_asn1e_write_part (state, eoc, 2, SEC_ASN1_EndOfContents);
-static int
-  void *src,
-  const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate
-  int rv;
-  unsigned int which = *(unsigned int *)src;
-  for( rv = 1, theTemplate++; theTemplate->kind != 0; rv++, theTemplate++ ) {
-    if( which == theTemplate->size ) {
-      return rv;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned long
-sec_asn1e_contents_length (const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate, void *src,
-			   PRBool disallowStreaming, PRBool insideIndefinite,
-			   sec_asn1e_hdr_encoding *pHdrException)
-    unsigned long encode_kind, underlying_kind;
-    PRBool isExplicit, optional, universal, may_stream;
-    unsigned long len;
-    /*
-     * This function currently calculates the length in all cases
-     * except the following: when writing out the contents of a 
-     * template that belongs to a state where it was a sub-template
-     * with the SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM bit set and it's parent had the
-     * optional bit set.  The information that the parent is optional
-     * and that we should return the length of 0 when that length is 
-     * present since that means the optional field is no longer present.
-     * So we add the disallowStreaming flag which is passed in when
-     * writing the contents, but for all recursive calls to 
-     * sec_asn1e_contents_length, we pass PR_FALSE, because this
-     * function correctly calculates the length for children templates
-     * from that point on.  Confused yet?  At least you didn't have
-     * to figure it out.  ;)  -javi
-     */
-    encode_kind = theTemplate->kind;
-    universal = ((encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) == SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL)
-    isExplicit = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT;
-    optional = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL;
-    PORT_Assert (!(isExplicit && universal));	/* bad templates */
-    may_stream = (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM;
-    /* Just clear this to get it out of the way; we do not need it here */
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC;
-    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_NO_STREAM) {
-	disallowStreaming = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    encode_kind &= ~SEC_ASN1_NO_STREAM;
-    if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE) {
-	void *src2;
-	int indx = sec_asn1e_which_choice(src, theTemplate);
-	if (0 == indx) {
-	    /* XXX set an error? "choice not found" */
-	    /* state->top->status = encodeError; */
-	    return 0;
-	}
-        src2 = (void *)
-	        ((char *)src - theTemplate->offset + theTemplate[indx].offset);
-        return sec_asn1e_contents_length(&theTemplate[indx], src2, 
-					 disallowStreaming, insideIndefinite,
-					 pHdrException);
-    }
-    if ((encode_kind & (SEC_ASN1_POINTER | SEC_ASN1_INLINE)) || !universal) {
-	/* XXX any bits we want to disallow (PORT_Assert against) here? */
-	theTemplate = SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (theTemplate, src, PR_TRUE);
-	if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_POINTER) {
-	    src = *(void **)src;
-	    if (src == NULL) {
-		*pHdrException = optional ? hdr_optional : hdr_normal;
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	} else if (encode_kind & SEC_ASN1_INLINE) {
-	    /* check that there are no extraneous bits */
-	    if (optional) {
-		if (PR_FALSE != SEC_ASN1IsTemplateSimple(theTemplate)) {
-		    /* we now know that the target is a SECItem*, so we can check
-		       if the source contains one */
-		    SECItem* target = (SECItem*)src;
-		    if (!target || !target->data || !target->len) {
-			/* no valid data to encode subtemplate */
-			*pHdrException = hdr_optional;
-			return 0;
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    PORT_Assert(0); /* complex templates not handled as inline
-                                       optional */
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	src = (char *)src + theTemplate->offset;
-	/* recurse to find the length of the subtemplate */
-	len = sec_asn1e_contents_length (theTemplate, src, disallowStreaming, 
-	                                 insideIndefinite, pHdrException);
-	if (len == 0 && optional) {
-	    *pHdrException = hdr_optional;
-	} else if (isExplicit) {
-	    if (*pHdrException == hdr_any) {
-		/* *we* do not want to add in a header, 
-		** but our caller still does. 
-		*/
-		*pHdrException = hdr_normal;
-	    } else if (*pHdrException == hdr_normal) {
-		/* if the inner content exists, our length is
-		 * len(identifier) + len(length) + len(innercontent)
-		 * XXX we currently assume len(identifier) == 1;
-		 * to support a high-tag-number this would need to be smarter.
-		 */
-		len += 1 + SEC_ASN1LengthLength (len);
-	    }
-	}
-	return len;
-    }
-    underlying_kind = encode_kind;
-    /* This is only used in decoding; it plays no part in encoding.  */
-    if (underlying_kind & SEC_ASN1_SAVE) {
-	/* check that there are no extraneous bits */
-	PORT_Assert (underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_SAVE);
-	*pHdrException = hdr_decoder;
-	return 0;
-    }
-    /* Having any of these bits is not expected here...  */
-    PORT_Assert ((underlying_kind & UNEXPECTED_FLAGS) == 0);
-    underlying_kind &= ~UNEXPECTED_FLAGS;
-    if (underlying_kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE) {
-	void *src2;
-	int indx = sec_asn1e_which_choice(src, theTemplate);
-	if (0 == indx) {
-	    /* XXX set an error? "choice not found" */
-	    /* state->top->status = encodeError; */
-	    return 0;
-	}
-        src2 = (void *)
-		((char *)src - theTemplate->offset + theTemplate[indx].offset);
-        len = sec_asn1e_contents_length(&theTemplate[indx], src2, 
-	                                disallowStreaming, insideIndefinite, 
-					pHdrException);
-    } else {
-      switch (underlying_kind) {
-      case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF:
-      case SEC_ASN1_SET_OF:
-	{
-	    const SEC_ASN1Template *tmpt;
-	    void *sub_src;
-	    unsigned long sub_len;
-	    void **group;
-	    len = 0;
-	    group = *(void ***)src;
-	    if (group == NULL)
-		break;
-	    tmpt = SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (theTemplate, src, PR_TRUE);
-	    for (; *group != NULL; group++) {
-		sub_src = (char *)(*group) + tmpt->offset;
-		sub_len = sec_asn1e_contents_length (tmpt, sub_src, 
-		                                     disallowStreaming,
-						     insideIndefinite,
-                                                     pHdrException);
-		len += sub_len;
-		/*
-		 * XXX The 1 below is the presumed length of the identifier;
-		 * to support a high-tag-number this would need to be smarter.
-		 */
-		if (*pHdrException == hdr_normal)
-		    len += 1 + SEC_ASN1LengthLength (sub_len);
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE:
-      case SEC_ASN1_SET:
-	{
-	    const SEC_ASN1Template *tmpt;
-	    void *sub_src;
-	    unsigned long sub_len;
-	    len = 0;
-	    for (tmpt = theTemplate + 1; tmpt->kind; tmpt++) {
-		sub_src = (char *)src + tmpt->offset;
-		sub_len = sec_asn1e_contents_length (tmpt, sub_src, 
-		                                     disallowStreaming,
-						     insideIndefinite,
-                                                     pHdrException);
-		len += sub_len;
-		/*
-		 * XXX The 1 below is the presumed length of the identifier;
-		 * to support a high-tag-number this would need to be smarter.
-		 */
-		if (*pHdrException == hdr_normal)
-		    len += 1 + SEC_ASN1LengthLength (sub_len);
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING:
-	/* convert bit length to byte */
-	len = (((SECItem *)src)->len + 7) >> 3;
-	/* bit string contents involve an extra octet */
-	if (len)
-	    len++;
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_INTEGER:
-	/* ASN.1 INTEGERs are signed.
-	 * If the source is an unsigned integer, the encoder will need 
-	 * to handle the conversion here.
-	 */
-	{
-	    unsigned char *buf = ((SECItem *)src)->data;
-	    SECItemType integerType = ((SECItem *)src)->type;
-	    len = ((SECItem *)src)->len;
-	    while (len > 0) {
-		if (*buf != 0) {
-		    if (*buf & 0x80 && integerType == siUnsignedInteger) {
-			len++; /* leading zero needed to make number signed */
-		    }
-		    break; /* reached beginning of number */
-		}
-		if (len == 1) {
-		    break; /* the number 0 */
-		}
-		if (buf[1] & 0x80) {
-		    break; /* leading zero already present */
-		} 
-		/* extraneous leading zero, keep going */
-		buf++;
-		len--;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	len = ((SECItem *)src)->len;
-	break;
-      }  /* end switch */
-      /* if we're streaming, we may have a secitem w/len 0 as placeholder */
-      if (!len && insideIndefinite && may_stream && !disallowStreaming) {
-	  len = 1;
-      }
-    }    /* end else */
-    if (len == 0 && optional)
-	*pHdrException = hdr_optional;
-    else if (underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_ANY)
-	*pHdrException = hdr_any;
-    else 
-	*pHdrException = hdr_normal;
-    return len;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_header (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    unsigned long contents_length;
-    unsigned char tag_number, tag_modifiers;
-    sec_asn1e_hdr_encoding hdrException = hdr_normal;
-    PRBool indefinite = PR_FALSE;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == beforeHeader);
-    tag_number = state->tag_number;
-    tag_modifiers = state->tag_modifiers;
-    if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_ANY) {
-	state->place = duringContents;
-	return;
-    }
-    if (state->underlying_kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE) {
-	int indx = sec_asn1e_which_choice(state->src, state->theTemplate);
-	if( 0 == indx ) {
-	    /* XXX set an error? "choice not found" */
-	    state->top->status = encodeError;
-	    return;
-	}
-	state->place = afterChoice;
-	state = sec_asn1e_push_state(state->top, &state->theTemplate[indx],
-			       (char *)state->src - state->theTemplate->offset, 
-			       PR_TRUE);
-	if (state) {
-	    /*
-	     * Do the "before" field notification.
-	     */
-	    sec_asn1e_notify_before (state->top, state->src, state->depth);
-	    state = sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	}
-	return;
-    }
-    /* The !isString test below is apparently intended to ensure that all 
-    ** constructed types receive indefinite length encoding.
-    */
-   indefinite = (PRBool) 
-	(state->top->streaming && state->may_stream && 
-	 (state->top->from_buf || !state->is_string));
-    /*
-     * If we are doing a definite-length encoding, first we have to
-     * walk the data structure to calculate the entire contents length.
-     * If we are doing an indefinite-length encoding, we still need to 
-     * know if the contents is:
-     *    optional and to be omitted, or 
-     *    an ANY (header is pre-encoded), or 
-     *    a SAVE or some other kind of template used only by the decoder.
-     * So, we call this function either way.
-     */
-    contents_length = sec_asn1e_contents_length (state->theTemplate,
-						 state->src, 
-                                                 state->disallowStreaming,
-						 indefinite,
-                                                 &hdrException);
-    /*
-     * We might be told explicitly not to put out a header.
-     * But it can also be the case, via a pushed subtemplate, that
-     * sec_asn1e_contents_length could not know that this field is
-     * really optional.  So check for that explicitly, too.
-     */
-    if (hdrException != hdr_normal || 
-	(contents_length == 0 && state->optional)) {
-	state->place = afterContents;
-	if (state->top->streaming && 
-	    state->may_stream && 
-	    state->top->from_buf) {
-	    /* we did not find an optional indefinite string, so we 
-	     * don't encode it.  However, if TakeFromBuf is on, we stop 
-	     * here anyway to give our caller a chance to intercept at the 
-	     * same point where we would stop if the field were present. 
-	     */
-	    state->top->status = needBytes;
-	}
-	return;
-    }
-    if (indefinite) {
-	/*
-	 * We need to put out an indefinite-length encoding.
-	 * The only universal types that can be constructed are SETs,
-	 * SEQUENCEs, and strings; so check that it is one of those,
-	 * or that it is not universal (e.g. context-specific).
-	 */
-	state->indefinite = PR_TRUE;
-	PORT_Assert ((tag_number == SEC_ASN1_SET)
-		     || (tag_number == SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE)
-		     || ((tag_modifiers & SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK) != 0)
-		     || state->is_string);
-	tag_modifiers |= SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED;
-	contents_length = 0;
-    }
-    sec_asn1e_write_identifier_bytes (state, 
-                                (unsigned char)(tag_number | tag_modifiers));
-    sec_asn1e_write_length_bytes (state, contents_length, state->indefinite);
-    if (contents_length == 0 && !state->indefinite) {
-	/*
-	 * If no real contents to encode, then we are done with this field.
-	 */
-	state->place = afterContents;
-	return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * An EXPLICIT is nothing but an outer header, which we have already
-     * written.  Now we need to do the inner header and contents.
-     */
-    if (state->isExplicit) {
-	const SEC_ASN1Template *subt =
-	      SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate(state->theTemplate, state->src, PR_TRUE);
-	state->place = afterContents;
-	state = sec_asn1e_push_state (state->top, subt, state->src, PR_TRUE);
-	if (state != NULL)
-	    state = sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	return;
-    }
-    switch (state->underlying_kind) {
-      case SEC_ASN1_SET_OF:
-      case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE_OF:
-	/*
-	 * We need to push a child to handle each member.
-	 */
-	{
-	    void **group;
-	    const SEC_ASN1Template *subt;
-	    group = *(void ***)state->src;
-	    if (group == NULL || *group == NULL) {
-		/*
-		 * Group is empty; we are done.
-		 */
-		state->place = afterContents;
-		return;
-	    }
-	    state->place = duringGroup;
-	    subt = SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (state->theTemplate, state->src,
-					   PR_TRUE);
-	    state = sec_asn1e_push_state (state->top, subt, *group, PR_TRUE);
-	    if (state != NULL)
-		state = sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE:
-      case SEC_ASN1_SET:
-	/*
-	 * We need to push a child to handle the individual fields.
-	 */
-	state->place = duringSequence;
-	state = sec_asn1e_push_state (state->top, state->theTemplate + 1,
-				      state->src, PR_TRUE);
-	if (state != NULL) {
-	    /*
-	     * Do the "before" field notification.
-	     */
-	    sec_asn1e_notify_before (state->top, state->src, state->depth);
-	    state = sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (state);
-	}
-	break;
-      default:
-	/*
-	 * I think we do not need to do anything else.
-	 * XXX Correct?
-	 */
-	state->place = duringContents;
-	break;
-    }
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_contents_from_buf (sec_asn1e_state *state,
-			  const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringContents);
-    PORT_Assert (state->top->from_buf);
-    PORT_Assert (state->may_stream && !state->disallowStreaming);
-    /*
-     * Probably they just turned on "take from buf", but have not
-     * yet given us any bytes.  If there is nothing in the buffer
-     * then we have nothing to do but return and wait.
-     */
-    if (buf == NULL || len == 0) {
-	state->top->status = needBytes;
-	return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We are streaming, reading from a passed-in buffer.
-     * This means we are encoding a simple string or an ANY.
-     * For the former, we need to put out a substring, with its
-     * own identifier and length.  For an ANY, we just write it
-     * out as is (our caller is required to ensure that it
-     * is a properly encoded entity).
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (state->is_string);		/* includes ANY */
-    if (state->underlying_kind != SEC_ASN1_ANY) {
-	unsigned char identifier;
-	/*
-	 * Create the identifier based on underlying_kind.  We cannot
-	 * use tag_number and tag_modifiers because this can be an
-	 * implicitly encoded field.  In that case, the underlying
-	 * substrings *are* encoded with their real tag.
-	 */
-	identifier = (unsigned char)
-	                    (state->underlying_kind & SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK);
-	/*
-	 * The underlying kind should just be a simple string; there
-	 * should be no bits like CONTEXT_SPECIFIC or CONSTRUCTED set.
-	 */
-	PORT_Assert ((identifier & SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK) == identifier);
-	/*
-	 * Write out the tag and length for the substring.
-	 */
-	sec_asn1e_write_identifier_bytes (state, identifier);
-	if (state->underlying_kind == SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING) {
-	    char byte;
-	    /*
-	     * Assume we have a length in bytes but we need to output
-	     * a proper bit string.  This interface only works for bit
-	     * strings that are full multiples of 8.  If support for
-	     * real, variable length bit strings is needed then the
-	     * caller will have to know to pass in a bit length instead
-	     * of a byte length and then this code will have to
-	     * perform the encoding necessary (length written is length
-	     * in bytes plus 1, and the first octet of string is the
-	     * number of bits remaining between the end of the bit
-	     * string and the next byte boundary).
-	     */
-	    sec_asn1e_write_length_bytes (state, len + 1, PR_FALSE);
-	    byte = 0;
-	    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes (state, &byte, 1);
-	} else {
-	    sec_asn1e_write_length_bytes (state, len, PR_FALSE);
-	}
-    }
-    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes (state, buf, len);
-    state->top->status = needBytes;
-static void
-sec_asn1e_write_contents (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    unsigned long len = 0;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringContents);
-    switch (state->underlying_kind) {
-      case SEC_ASN1_SET:
-      case SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE:
-	PORT_Assert (0);
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING:
-	{
-	    SECItem *item;
-	    char rem;
-	    item = (SECItem *)state->src;
-	    len = (item->len + 7) >> 3;
-	    rem = (unsigned char)((len << 3) - item->len); /* remaining bits */
-	    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes (state, &rem, 1);
-	    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes (state, (char *) item->data, len);
-	}
-	break;
-      case SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING:
-	/* The number of bytes must be divisable by 2 */
-	if ((((SECItem *)state->src)->len) % 2) {
-	    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx;
-	    cx = state->top;
-	    cx->status = encodeError;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* otherwise, fall through to write the content */
-	goto process_string;
-	/* The number of bytes must be divisable by 4 */
-	if ((((SECItem *)state->src)->len) % 4) {
-	    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx;
-	    cx = state->top;
-	    cx->status = encodeError;
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* otherwise, fall through to write the content */
-	goto process_string;
-      case SEC_ASN1_INTEGER:
-       /* ASN.1 INTEGERs are signed.  If the source is an unsigned
-	* integer, the encoder will need to handle the conversion here.
-	*/
-	{
-	    unsigned int blen;
-	    unsigned char *buf;
-	    SECItemType integerType;
-	    blen = ((SECItem *)state->src)->len;
-	    buf = ((SECItem *)state->src)->data;
-	    integerType = ((SECItem *)state->src)->type;
-	    while (blen > 0) {
-		if (*buf & 0x80 && integerType == siUnsignedInteger) {
-		    char zero = 0; /* write a leading 0 */
-		    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes(state, &zero, 1);
-		    /* and then the remaining buffer */
-		    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes(state, 
-						   (char *)buf, blen); 
-		    break;
-		} 
-		/* Check three possibilities:
-		 * 1.  No leading zeros, msb of MSB is not 1;
-		 * 2.  The number is zero itself;
-		 * 3.  Encoding a signed integer with a leading zero,
-		 *     keep the zero so that the number is positive.
-		 */
-		if (*buf != 0 || 
-		     blen == 1 || 
-		     (buf[1] & 0x80 && integerType != siUnsignedInteger) ) 
-		{
-		    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes(state, 
-						   (char *)buf, blen); 
-		    break;
-		}
-		/* byte is 0, continue */
-		buf++;
-		blen--;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* done with this content */
-	break;
-      default:
-	{
-	    SECItem *item;
-	    item = (SECItem *)state->src;
-	    sec_asn1e_write_contents_bytes (state, (char *) item->data,
-					    item->len);
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    state->place = afterContents;
- * We are doing a SET OF or SEQUENCE OF, and have just finished an item.
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1e_next_in_group (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    sec_asn1e_state *child;
-    void **group;
-    void *member;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringGroup);
-    PORT_Assert (state->child != NULL);
-    child = state->child;
-    group = *(void ***)state->src;
-    /*
-     * Find placement of current item.
-     */
-    member = (char *)(state->child->src) - child->theTemplate->offset;
-    while (*group != member)
-	group++;
-    /*
-     * Move forward to next item.
-     */
-    group++;
-    if (*group == NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * That was our last one; we are done now.
-	 */
-	child->place = notInUse;
-	state->place = afterContents;
-	return;
-    }
-    child->src = (char *)(*group) + child->theTemplate->offset;
-    /*
-     * Re-"push" child.
-     */
-    sec_asn1e_scrub_state (child);
-    state->top->current = child;
- * We are moving along through a sequence; move forward by one,
- * (detecting end-of-sequence when it happens).
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1e_next_in_sequence (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    sec_asn1e_state *child;
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == duringSequence);
-    PORT_Assert (state->child != NULL);
-    child = state->child;
-    /*
-     * Do the "after" field notification.
-     */
-    sec_asn1e_notify_after (state->top, child->src, child->depth);
-    /*
-     * Move forward.
-     */
-    child->theTemplate++;
-    if (child->theTemplate->kind == 0) {
-	/*
-	 * We are done with this sequence.
-	 */
-	child->place = notInUse;
-	state->place = afterContents;
-	return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Reset state and push.
-     */
-    child->src = (char *)state->src + child->theTemplate->offset;
-    /*
-     * Do the "before" field notification.
-     */
-    sec_asn1e_notify_before (state->top, child->src, child->depth);
-    state->top->current = child;
-    (void) sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (child);
-static void
-sec_asn1e_after_contents (sec_asn1e_state *state)
-    PORT_Assert (state->place == afterContents);
-    if (state->indefinite)
-	sec_asn1e_write_end_of_contents_bytes (state);
-    /*
-     * Just make my parent be the current state.  It will then clean
-     * up after me and free me (or reuse me).
-     */
-    state->top->current = state->parent;
- * This function is called whether or not we are streaming; if we
- * *are* streaming, our caller can also instruct us to take bytes
- * from the passed-in buffer (at buf, for length len, which is likely
- * bytes but could even mean bits if the current field is a bit string).
- * If we have been so instructed, we will gobble up bytes from there
- * (rather than from our src structure) and output them, and then
- * we will just return, expecting to be called again -- either with
- * more bytes or after our caller has instructed us that we are done
- * (for now) with the buffer.
- */
-SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-		       const char *buf, unsigned long len)
-    sec_asn1e_state *state;
-    if (cx->status == needBytes) {
-	cx->status = keepGoing;
-    }
-    while (cx->status == keepGoing) {
-	state = cx->current;
-	switch (state->place) {
-	  case beforeHeader:
-	    sec_asn1e_write_header (state);
-	    break;
-	  case duringContents:
-	    if (cx->from_buf)
-		sec_asn1e_write_contents_from_buf (state, buf, len);
-	    else
-		sec_asn1e_write_contents (state);
-	    break;
-	  case duringGroup:
-	    sec_asn1e_next_in_group (state);
-	    break;
-	  case duringSequence:
-	    sec_asn1e_next_in_sequence (state);
-	    break;
-	  case afterContents:
-	    sec_asn1e_after_contents (state);
-	    break;
-	  case afterImplicit:
-	  case afterInline:
-	  case afterPointer:
-	  case afterChoice:
-	    /*
-	     * These states are more documentation than anything.
-	     * They just need to force a pop.
-	     */
-	    PORT_Assert (!state->indefinite);
-	    state->place = afterContents;
-	    break;
-	  case notInUse:
-	  default:
-	    /* This is not an error, but rather a plain old BUG! */
-	    PORT_Assert (0);
-	    cx->status = encodeError;
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (cx->status == encodeError)
-	    break;
-	/* It might have changed, so we have to update our local copy.  */
-	state = cx->current;
-	/* If it is NULL, we have popped all the way to the top.  */
-	if (state == NULL) {
-	    cx->status = allDone;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (cx->status == encodeError) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    /*
-     * XXX anything else that needs to be finished?
-     */
-    PORT_FreeArena (cx->our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *
-SEC_ASN1EncoderStart (const void *src, const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate,
-		      SEC_ASN1WriteProc output_proc, void *output_arg)
-    PLArenaPool *our_pool;
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx;
-    our_pool = PORT_NewArena (SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if (our_pool == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    cx = (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext*)PORT_ArenaZAlloc (our_pool, sizeof(*cx));
-    if (cx == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena (our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    cx->our_pool = our_pool;
-    cx->output_proc = output_proc;
-    cx->output_arg = output_arg;
-    cx->status = keepGoing;
-    if (sec_asn1e_push_state(cx, theTemplate, src, PR_FALSE) == NULL
-	|| sec_asn1e_init_state_based_on_template (cx->current) == NULL) {
-	/*
-	 * Trouble initializing (probably due to failed allocations)
-	 * requires that we just give up.
-	 */
-	PORT_FreeArena (our_pool, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    return cx;
- * XXX Do we need a FilterProc, too?
- */
-SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx,
-			      SEC_ASN1NotifyProc fn, void *arg)
-    cx->notify_proc = fn;
-    cx->notify_arg = arg;
-SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    cx->notify_proc = NULL;
-    cx->notify_arg = NULL;	/* not necessary; just being clean */
-SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort(SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx, int error)
-    PORT_Assert(cx);
-    PORT_SetError(error);
-    cx->status = encodeError;
-SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    /* XXX is there a way to check that we are "between" fields here? */
-    cx->streaming = PR_TRUE;
-SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    /* XXX is there a way to check that we are "between" fields here? */
-    cx->streaming = PR_FALSE;
-SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    /* 
-     * XXX is there a way to check that we are "between" fields here?  this
-     * needs to include a check for being in between groups of items in
-     * a SET_OF or SEQUENCE_OF.
-     */
-    PORT_Assert (cx->streaming);
-    cx->from_buf = PR_TRUE;
-SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf (SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *cx)
-    /* we should actually be taking from buf *now* */
-    PORT_Assert (cx->from_buf);
-    if (! cx->from_buf)		/* if not, just do nothing */
-	return;
-    cx->from_buf = PR_FALSE;
-    if (cx->status == needBytes) {
-	cx->status = keepGoing;
-	cx->current->place = afterContents;
-    }
-SEC_ASN1Encode (const void *src, const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate,
-		SEC_ASN1WriteProc output_proc, void *output_arg)
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderContext *ecx;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    ecx = SEC_ASN1EncoderStart (src, theTemplate, output_proc, output_arg);
-    if (ecx == NULL)
-	return SECFailure;
-    rv = SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate (ecx, NULL, 0);
-    SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish (ecx);
-    return rv;
- * XXX depth and data_kind are unused; is there a PC way to silence warnings?
- * (I mean "politically correct", not anything to do with intel/win platform) 
- */
-static void
-sec_asn1e_encode_item_count (void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len,
-			     int depth, SEC_ASN1EncodingPart data_kind)
-    unsigned long *count;
-    count = (unsigned long*)arg;
-    PORT_Assert (count != NULL);
-    *count += len;
-/* XXX depth and data_kind are unused; is there a PC way to silence warnings? */
-static void
-sec_asn1e_encode_item_store (void *arg, const char *buf, unsigned long len,
-			     int depth, SEC_ASN1EncodingPart data_kind)
-    SECItem *dest;
-    dest = (SECItem*)arg;
-    PORT_Assert (dest != NULL);
-    PORT_Memcpy (dest->data + dest->len, buf, len);
-    dest->len += len;
- * Allocate an entire SECItem, or just the data part of it, to hold
- * "len" bytes of stuff.  Allocate from the given pool, if specified,
- * otherwise just do a vanilla PORT_Alloc.
- *
- * XXX This seems like a reasonable general-purpose function (for SECITEM_)?
- */
-static SECItem *
-sec_asn1e_allocate_item (PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, unsigned long len)
-    if (poolp != NULL) {
-	void *release;
-	release = PORT_ArenaMark (poolp);
-	if (dest == NULL)
-	    dest = (SECItem*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, sizeof(SECItem));
-	if (dest != NULL) {
-	    dest->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, len);
-	    if (dest->data == NULL) {
-		dest = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (dest == NULL) {
-	    /* one or both allocations failed; release everything */
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, release);
-	} else {
-	    /* everything okay; unmark the arena */
-	    PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, release);
-	}
-    } else {
-	SECItem *indest;
-	indest = dest;
-	if (dest == NULL)
-	    dest = (SECItem*)PORT_Alloc (sizeof(SECItem));
-	if (dest != NULL) {
-	    dest->type = siBuffer;
-	    dest->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_Alloc (len);
-	    if (dest->data == NULL) {
-		if (indest == NULL)
-		    PORT_Free (dest);
-		dest = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return dest;
-SECItem *
-SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, const void *src,
-		    const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate)
-    unsigned long encoding_length;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PORT_Assert (dest == NULL || dest->data == NULL);
-    encoding_length = 0;
-    rv = SEC_ASN1Encode (src, theTemplate,
-			 sec_asn1e_encode_item_count, &encoding_length);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-	return NULL;
-    dest = sec_asn1e_allocate_item (poolp, dest, encoding_length);
-    if (dest == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    /* XXX necessary?  This really just checks for a bug in the allocate fn */
-    PORT_Assert (dest->data != NULL);
-    if (dest->data == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    dest->len = 0;
-    (void) SEC_ASN1Encode (src, theTemplate, sec_asn1e_encode_item_store, dest);
-    PORT_Assert (encoding_length == dest->len);
-    return dest;
-static SECItem *
-sec_asn1e_integer(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, unsigned long value,
-		  PRBool is_unsigned)
-    unsigned long copy;
-    unsigned char sign;
-    int len = 0;
-    /*
-     * Determine the length of the encoded value (minimum of 1).
-     */
-    copy = value;
-    do {
-	len++;
-	sign = (unsigned char)(copy & 0x80);
-	copy >>= 8;
-    } while (copy);
-    /*
-     * If 'value' is non-negative, and the high bit of the last
-     * byte we counted was set, we need to add one to the length so
-     * we put a high-order zero byte in the encoding.
-     */
-    if (sign && (is_unsigned || (long)value >= 0))
-	len++;
-    /*
-     * Allocate the item (if necessary) and the data pointer within.
-     */
-    dest = sec_asn1e_allocate_item (poolp, dest, len);
-    if (dest == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    /*
-     * Store the value, byte by byte, in the item.
-     */
-    dest->len = len;
-    while (len) {
-	dest->data[--len] = (unsigned char)value;
-	value >>= 8;
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (value == 0);
-    return dest;
-SECItem *
-SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, long value)
-    return sec_asn1e_integer (poolp, dest, (unsigned long) value, PR_FALSE);
-SECItem *
-SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-			      SECItem *dest, unsigned long value)
-    return sec_asn1e_integer (poolp, dest, value, PR_TRUE);
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secasn1t.h b/nss/lib/util/secasn1t.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 738eef8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secasn1t.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Types for encoding/decoding of ASN.1 using BER/DER (Basic/Distinguished
- * Encoding Rules).
- */
-#ifndef _SECASN1T_H_
-#define _SECASN1T_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-** An array of these structures defines a BER/DER encoding for an object.
-** The array usually starts with a dummy entry whose kind is SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE;
-** such an array is terminated with an entry where kind == 0.  (An array
-** which consists of a single component does not require a second dummy
-** entry -- the array is only searched as long as previous component(s)
-** instruct it.)
-typedef struct sec_ASN1Template_struct {
-    /*
-    ** Kind of item being decoded/encoded, including tags and modifiers.
-    */
-    unsigned long kind;
-    /*
-    ** The value is the offset from the base of the structure to the
-    ** field that holds the value being decoded/encoded.
-    */
-    unsigned long offset;
-    /*
-    ** When kind suggests it (SEC_ASN1_POINTER, SEC_ASN1_GROUP, SEC_ASN1_INLINE,
-    ** or a component that is *not* a SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL), this points to
-    ** a sub-template for nested encoding/decoding,
-    ** OR, iff SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC is set, then this is a pointer to a pointer
-    ** to a function which will return the appropriate template when called
-    ** at runtime.  NOTE! that explicit level of indirection, which is
-    ** necessary because ANSI does not allow you to store a function
-    ** pointer directly as a "void *" so we must store it separately and
-    ** dereference it to get at the function pointer itself.
-    */
-    const void *sub;
-    /*
-    ** In the first element of a template array, the value is the size
-    ** of the structure to allocate when this template is being referenced
-    ** by another template via SEC_ASN1_POINTER or SEC_ASN1_GROUP.
-    ** In all other cases, the value is ignored.
-    */
-    unsigned int size;
-} SEC_ASN1Template;
-/* default size used for allocation of encoding/decoding stuff */
-/* XXX what is the best value here? */
-** BER/DER values for ASN.1 identifier octets.
-#define SEC_ASN1_TAG_MASK		0xff
- * BER/DER universal type tag numbers.
- * The values are defined by the X.208 standard; do not change them!
- * NOTE: if you add anything to this list, you must add code to secasn1d.c
- * to accept the tag, and probably also to secasn1e.c to encode it.
- * XXX It appears some have been added recently without being added to
- * the code; so need to go through the list now and double-check them all.
- * (Look especially at those added in revision 1.10.)
- */
-#define SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK		0x1f
-#define SEC_ASN1_BOOLEAN		0x01
-#define SEC_ASN1_INTEGER		0x02
-#define SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING		0x03
-#define SEC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING		0x04
-#define SEC_ASN1_NULL			0x05
-#define SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID		0x06
-#define SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR      0x07
-/* External type and instance-of type   0x08 */
-#define SEC_ASN1_REAL                   0x09
-#define SEC_ASN1_ENUMERATED		0x0a
-#define SEC_ASN1_EMBEDDED_PDV           0x0b
-#define SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING		0x0c
-/*                                      0x0d */
-/*                                      0x0e */
-/*                                      0x0f */
-#define SEC_ASN1_SEQUENCE		0x10
-#define SEC_ASN1_SET			0x11
-#define SEC_ASN1_NUMERIC_STRING         0x12
-#define SEC_ASN1_T61_STRING		0x14
-#define SEC_ASN1_VIDEOTEX_STRING        0x15
-#define SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING		0x16
-#define SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME		0x17
-#define SEC_ASN1_GRAPHIC_STRING         0x19
-#define SEC_ASN1_VISIBLE_STRING		0x1a
-#define SEC_ASN1_GENERAL_STRING         0x1b
-/*                                      0x1d */
-#define SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING		0x1e
-#define SEC_ASN1_HIGH_TAG_NUMBER	0x1f
-** Modifiers to type tags.  These are also specified by a/the
-** standard, and must not be changed.
-#define SEC_ASN1_METHOD_MASK		0x20
-#define SEC_ASN1_PRIMITIVE		0x00
-#define SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED		0x20
-#define SEC_ASN1_CLASS_MASK		0xc0
-#define SEC_ASN1_UNIVERSAL		0x00
-#define SEC_ASN1_APPLICATION		0x40
-#define SEC_ASN1_PRIVATE		0xc0
-** Our additions, used for templates.
-** These are not defined by any standard; the values are used internally only.
-** Just be careful to keep them out of the low 8 bits.
-** XXX finish comments
-#define SEC_ASN1_OPTIONAL	0x00100
-#define SEC_ASN1_EXPLICIT	0x00200
-#define SEC_ASN1_ANY		0x00400
-#define SEC_ASN1_INLINE		0x00800
-#define SEC_ASN1_POINTER	0x01000
-#define SEC_ASN1_GROUP		0x02000	/* with SET or SEQUENCE means
-					 * SET OF or SEQUENCE OF */
-#define SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC	0x04000 /* subtemplate is found by calling
-					 * a function at runtime */
-#define SEC_ASN1_SKIP		0x08000 /* skip a field; only for decoding */
-#define SEC_ASN1_INNER		0x10000	/* with ANY means capture the
-					 * contents only (not the id, len,
-					 * or eoc); only for decoding */
-#define SEC_ASN1_SAVE		0x20000 /* stash away the encoded bytes first;
-					 * only for decoding */
-#define SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM	0x40000	/* field or one of its sub-fields may
-					 * stream in and so should encode as
-					 * indefinite-length when streaming
-					 * has been indicated; only for
-					 * encoding */
-#define SEC_ASN1_SKIP_REST	0x80000	/* skip all following fields;
-					   only for decoding */
-#define SEC_ASN1_CHOICE        0x100000 /* pick one from a template */
-#define SEC_ASN1_NO_STREAM     0X200000 /* This entry will not stream
-                                           even if the sub-template says
-                                           streaming is possible.  Helps
-                                           to solve ambiguities with potential
-                                           streaming entries that are 
-                                           optional */
-#define SEC_ASN1_DEBUG_BREAK   0X400000 /* put this in your template and the
-                                           decoder will assert when it
-                                           processes it. Only for use with
-                                           SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem */
-/* Shorthand/Aliases */
-/* Maximum depth of nested SEQUENCEs and SETs */
-#define SEC_ASN1D_MAX_DEPTH 32
-** Function used for SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC.
-** "arg" is a pointer to the structure being encoded/decoded
-** "enc", when true, means that we are encoding (false means decoding)
-typedef const SEC_ASN1Template * SEC_ASN1TemplateChooser(void *arg, PRBool enc);
-typedef SEC_ASN1TemplateChooser * SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr;
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(ANDROID)
-#define SEC_ASN1_GET(x)        NSS_Get_##x(NULL, PR_FALSE)
-#define SEC_ASN1_SUB(x)        &p_NSS_Get_##x
-#define SEC_ASN1_XTRN          SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC
-#define SEC_ASN1_MKSUB(x) \
-static const SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr p_NSS_Get_##x = &NSS_Get_##x;
-#define SEC_ASN1_GET(x)        x
-#define SEC_ASN1_SUB(x)        x
-#define SEC_ASN1_XTRN          0
-#define SEC_ASN1_MKSUB(x) 
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template * NSS_Get_##x (void *arg, PRBool enc);
-const SEC_ASN1Template * NSS_Get_##x(void * arg, PRBool enc) \
-{ return x; }
-** Opaque object used by the decoder to store state.
-typedef struct sec_DecoderContext_struct SEC_ASN1DecoderContext;
-** Opaque object used by the encoder to store state.
-typedef struct sec_EncoderContext_struct SEC_ASN1EncoderContext;
- * This is used to describe to a filter function the bytes that are
- * being passed to it.  This is only useful when the filter is an "outer"
- * one, meaning it expects to get *all* of the bytes not just the
- * contents octets.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    SEC_ASN1_Identifier = 0,
-    SEC_ASN1_Length = 1,
-    SEC_ASN1_Contents = 2,
-    SEC_ASN1_EndOfContents = 3
-} SEC_ASN1EncodingPart;
- * Type of the function pointer used either for decoding or encoding,
- * when doing anything "funny" (e.g. manipulating the data stream)
- */ 
-typedef void (* SEC_ASN1NotifyProc)(void *arg, PRBool before,
-				    void *dest, int real_depth);
- * Type of the function pointer used for grabbing encoded bytes.
- * This can be used during either encoding or decoding, as follows...
- *
- * When decoding, this can be used to filter the encoded bytes as they
- * are parsed.  This is what you would do if you wanted to process the data
- * along the way (like to decrypt it, or to perform a hash on it in order
- * to do a signature check later).  See SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc().
- * When processing only part of the encoded bytes is desired, you "watch"
- * for the field(s) you are interested in with a "notify proc" (see
- * SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc()) and for even finer granularity (e.g. to
- * ignore all by the contents bytes) you pay attention to the "data_kind"
- * parameter.
- *
- * When encoding, this is the specification for the output function which
- * will receive the bytes as they are encoded.  The output function can
- * perform any postprocessing necessary (like hashing (some of) the data
- * to create a digest that gets included at the end) as well as shoving
- * the data off wherever it needs to go.  (In order to "tune" any processing,
- * you can set a "notify proc" as described above in the decoding case.)
- *
- * The parameters:
- * - "arg" is an opaque pointer that you provided at the same time you
- *   specified a function of this type
- * - "data" is a buffer of length "len", containing the encoded bytes
- * - "depth" is how deep in a nested encoding we are (it is not usually
- *   valuable, but can be useful sometimes so I included it)
- * - "data_kind" tells you if these bytes are part of the ASN.1 encoded
- *   octets for identifier, length, contents, or end-of-contents
- */ 
-typedef void (* SEC_ASN1WriteProc)(void *arg,
-				   const char *data, unsigned long len,
-				   int depth, SEC_ASN1EncodingPart data_kind);
-#endif /* _SECASN1T_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secasn1u.c b/nss/lib/util/secasn1u.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e106b..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secasn1u.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Utility routines to complement the ASN.1 encoding and decoding functions.
- */
-#include "secasn1.h"
- * We have a length that needs to be encoded; how many bytes will the
- * encoding take?
- *
- * The rules are that 0 - 0x7f takes one byte (the length itself is the
- * entire encoding); everything else takes one plus the number of bytes
- * in the length.
- */
-SEC_ASN1LengthLength (unsigned long len)
-    int lenlen = 1;
-    if (len > 0x7f) {
-	do {
-	    lenlen++;
-	    len >>= 8;
-	} while (len);
-    }
-    return lenlen;
- * XXX Move over (and rewrite as appropriate) the rest of the
- * stuff in dersubr.c!
- */
- * Find the appropriate subtemplate for the given template.
- * This may involve calling a "chooser" function, or it may just
- * be right there.  In either case, it is expected to *have* a
- * subtemplate; this is asserted in debug builds (in non-debug
- * builds, NULL will be returned).
- *
- * "thing" is a pointer to the structure being encoded/decoded
- * "encoding", when true, means that we are in the process of encoding
- *	(as opposed to in the process of decoding)
- */
-const SEC_ASN1Template *
-SEC_ASN1GetSubtemplate (const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate, void *thing,
-			PRBool encoding)
-    const SEC_ASN1Template *subt = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert (theTemplate->sub != NULL);
-    if (theTemplate->sub != NULL) {
-	if (theTemplate->kind & SEC_ASN1_DYNAMIC) {
-	    SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr chooserp;
-	    chooserp = *(SEC_ASN1TemplateChooserPtr *) theTemplate->sub;
-	    if (chooserp) {
-		if (thing != NULL)
-		    thing = (char *)thing - theTemplate->offset;
-		subt = (* chooserp)(thing, encoding);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    subt = (SEC_ASN1Template*)theTemplate->sub;
-	}
-    }
-    return subt;
-PRBool SEC_ASN1IsTemplateSimple(const SEC_ASN1Template *theTemplate)
-    if (!theTemplate) {
-	return PR_TRUE; /* it doesn't get any simpler than NULL */
-    }
-    /* only templates made of one primitive type or a choice of primitive
-       types are considered simple */
-    if (! (theTemplate->kind & (~SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK))) {
-	return PR_TRUE; /* primitive type */
-    }
-    if (!(theTemplate->kind & SEC_ASN1_CHOICE)) {
-	return PR_FALSE; /* no choice means not simple */
-    }
-    while (++theTemplate && theTemplate->kind) {
-	if (theTemplate->kind & (~SEC_ASN1_TAGNUM_MASK)) {
-	    return PR_FALSE; /* complex type */
-	}
-    }
-    return PR_TRUE; /* choice of primitive types */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/seccomon.h b/nss/lib/util/seccomon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4414974..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/seccomon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * seccomon.h - common data structures for security libraries
- *
- * This file should have lowest-common-denominator datastructures
- * for security libraries.  It should not be dependent on any other
- * headers, and should not require linking with any libraries.
- */
-#ifndef _SECCOMMON_H_
-#define _SECCOMMON_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus 
-# define SEC_BEGIN_PROTOS extern "C" {
-# define SEC_END_PROTOS }
-# define SEC_END_PROTOS
-#include "secport.h"
-typedef enum {
-    siBuffer = 0,
-    siClearDataBuffer = 1,
-    siCipherDataBuffer = 2,
-    siDERCertBuffer = 3,
-    siEncodedCertBuffer = 4,
-    siDERNameBuffer = 5,
-    siEncodedNameBuffer = 6,
-    siAsciiNameString = 7,
-    siAsciiString = 8,
-    siDEROID = 9,
-    siUnsignedInteger = 10,
-    siUTCTime = 11,
-    siGeneralizedTime = 12,
-    siVisibleString = 13,
-    siUTF8String = 14,
-    siBMPString = 15
-} SECItemType;
-typedef struct SECItemStr SECItem;
-struct SECItemStr {
-    SECItemType type;
-    unsigned char *data;
-    unsigned int len;
-typedef struct SECItemArrayStr SECItemArray;
-struct SECItemArrayStr {
-    SECItem *items;
-    unsigned int len;
-** A status code. Status's are used by procedures that return status
-** values. Again the motivation is so that a compiler can generate
-** warnings when return values are wrong. Correct testing of status codes:
-**	SECStatus rv;
-**	rv = some_function (some_argument);
-**	if (rv != SECSuccess)
-**		do_an_error_thing();
-typedef enum _SECStatus {
-    SECWouldBlock = -2,
-    SECFailure = -1,
-    SECSuccess = 0
-} SECStatus;
-** A comparison code. Used for procedures that return comparision
-** values. Again the motivation is so that a compiler can generate
-** warnings when return values are wrong.
-typedef enum _SECComparison {
-    SECLessThan = -1,
-    SECEqual = 0,
-    SECGreaterThan = 1
-} SECComparison;
-#endif /* _SECCOMMON_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secder.h b/nss/lib/util/secder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da1b34..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECDER_H_
-#define _SECDER_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
- * secder.h - public data structures and prototypes for the DER encoding and
- *	      decoding utilities library
- */
-#include <time.h>
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "prlong.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secdert.h"
-#include "prtime.h"
-** Encode a data structure into DER.
-**	"dest" will be filled in (and memory allocated) to hold the der
-**	   encoded structure in "src"
-**	"t" is a template structure which defines the shape of the
-**	   stored data
-**	"src" is a pointer to the structure that will be encoded
-extern SECStatus DER_Encode(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *dest, DERTemplate *t,
-			   void *src);
-extern SECStatus DER_Lengths(SECItem *item, int *header_len_p,
-                             PRUint32 *contents_len_p);
-** Lower level der subroutine that stores the standard header into "to".
-** The header is of variable length, based on encodingLen.
-** The return value is the new value of "to" after skipping over the header.
-**	"to" is where the header will be stored
-**	"code" is the der code to write
-**	"encodingLen" is the number of bytes of data that will follow
-**	   the header
-extern unsigned char *DER_StoreHeader(unsigned char *to, unsigned int code,
-				      PRUint32 encodingLen);
-** Return the number of bytes it will take to hold a der encoded length.
-extern int DER_LengthLength(PRUint32 len);
-** Store a der encoded *signed* integer (whose value is "src") into "dst".
-** XXX This should really be enhanced to take a long.
-extern SECStatus DER_SetInteger(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *dst, PRInt32 src);
-** Store a der encoded *unsigned* integer (whose value is "src") into "dst".
-** XXX This should really be enhanced to take an unsigned long.
-extern SECStatus DER_SetUInteger(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *dst, PRUint32 src);
-** Decode a der encoded *signed* integer that is stored in "src".
-** If "-1" is returned, then the caller should check the error in
-** XP_GetError() to see if an overflow occurred (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER).
-extern long DER_GetInteger(const SECItem *src);
-** Decode a der encoded *unsigned* integer that is stored in "src".
-** If the ULONG_MAX is returned, then the caller should check the error
-** in XP_GetError() to see if an overflow occurred (SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER).
-extern unsigned long DER_GetUInteger(SECItem *src);
-** Convert an NSPR time value to a der encoded time value.
-**	"result" is the der encoded time (memory is allocated)
-**	"time" is the NSPR time value (Since Jan 1st, 1970).
-**      time must be on or after January 1, 1950, and
-**      before January 1, 2050
-** The caller is responsible for freeing up the buffer which
-** result->data points to upon a successful operation.
-extern SECStatus DER_TimeToUTCTime(SECItem *result, PRTime time);
-extern SECStatus DER_TimeToUTCTimeArena(PLArenaPool* arenaOpt,
-                                        SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime);
-** Convert an ascii encoded time value (according to DER rules) into
-** an NSPR time value.
-**	"result" the resulting NSPR time
-**	"string" the der notation ascii value to decode
-extern SECStatus DER_AsciiToTime(PRTime *result, const char *string);
-** Same as DER_AsciiToTime except takes an SECItem instead of a string
-extern SECStatus DER_UTCTimeToTime(PRTime *result, const SECItem *time);
-** Convert a DER encoded UTC time to an ascii time representation
-** "utctime" is the DER encoded UTC time to be converted. The
-** caller is responsible for deallocating the returned buffer.
-extern char *DER_UTCTimeToAscii(SECItem *utcTime);
-** Convert a DER encoded UTC time to an ascii time representation, but only
-** include the day, not the time.
-**	"utctime" is the DER encoded UTC time to be converted.
-** The caller is responsible for deallocating the returned buffer.
-extern char *DER_UTCDayToAscii(SECItem *utctime);
-/* same thing for DER encoded GeneralizedTime */
-extern char *DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii(SECItem *gentime);
-/* same thing for either DER UTCTime or GeneralizedTime */
-extern char *DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii(SECItem *timechoice);
-** Convert a PRTime to a DER encoded Generalized time
-** gmttime must be on or after January 1, year 1 and
-** before January 1, 10000.
-extern SECStatus DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime(SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime);
-extern SECStatus DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(PLArenaPool* arenaOpt,
-                                                SECItem *dst, PRTime gmttime);
-** Convert a DER encoded Generalized time value into an NSPR time value.
-**	"dst" the resulting NSPR time
-**	"string" the der notation ascii value to decode
-extern SECStatus DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(PRTime *dst, const SECItem *time);
-** Convert from a PRTime UTC time value to a formatted ascii value. The
-** caller is responsible for deallocating the returned buffer.
-extern char *CERT_UTCTime2FormattedAscii (PRTime utcTime, char *format);
-#define CERT_GeneralizedTime2FormattedAscii CERT_UTCTime2FormattedAscii
-** Convert from a PRTime Generalized time value to a formatted ascii value. The
-** caller is responsible for deallocating the returned buffer.
-extern char *CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii (PRTime genTime, char *format);
-** decode a SECItem containing either a SEC_ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME 
-** or a SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME
-extern SECStatus DER_DecodeTimeChoice(PRTime* output, const SECItem* input);
-/* encode a PRTime to an ASN.1 DER SECItem containing either a
-extern SECStatus DER_EncodeTimeChoice(PLArenaPool* arena, SECItem* output,
-                                       PRTime input);
-#endif /* _SECDER_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secdert.h b/nss/lib/util/secdert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 92936e6..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secdert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECDERT_H_
-#define _SECDERT_H_
- * secdert.h - public data structures for the DER encoding and
- *	       decoding utilities library
- */
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-typedef struct DERTemplateStr DERTemplate;
-** An array of these structures defines an encoding for an object using DER.
-** The array usually starts with a dummy entry whose kind is DER_SEQUENCE;
-** such an array is terminated with an entry where kind == 0.  (An array
-** which consists of a single component does not require a second dummy
-** entry -- the array is only searched as long as previous component(s)
-** instruct it.)
-struct DERTemplateStr {
-    /*
-    ** Kind of item being decoded/encoded, including tags and modifiers.
-    */
-    unsigned long kind;
-    /*
-    ** Offset from base of structure to field that holds the value
-    ** being decoded/encoded.
-    */
-    unsigned int offset;
-    /*
-    ** When kind suggests it (DER_POINTER, DER_INDEFINITE, DER_INLINE),
-    ** this points to a sub-template for nested encoding/decoding.
-    */
-    DERTemplate *sub;
-    /*
-    ** Argument value, dependent on "kind" and/or template placement
-    ** within an array of templates:
-    **	- In the first element of a template array, the value is the
-    **	  size of the structure to allocate when this template is being
-    **	  referenced by another template via DER_POINTER or DER_INDEFINITE.
-    **  - In a component of a DER_SET or DER_SEQUENCE which is *not* a
-    **	  DER_UNIVERSAL type (that is, it has a class tag for either
-    **	  value is the underlying type of item being decoded/encoded.
-    */
-    unsigned long arg;
-/* default chunksize for arenas used for DER stuff */
-** BER/DER values for ASN.1 identifier octets.
-#define DER_TAG_MASK		0xff
- * BER/DER universal type tag numbers.
- * The values are defined by the X.208 standard; do not change them!
- * NOTE: if you add anything to this list, you must add code to derdec.c
- * to accept the tag, and probably also to derenc.c to encode it.
- */
-#define DER_TAGNUM_MASK		0x1f
-#define DER_BOOLEAN		0x01
-#define DER_INTEGER		0x02
-#define DER_BIT_STRING		0x03
-#define DER_OCTET_STRING	0x04
-#define DER_NULL		0x05
-#define DER_OBJECT_ID		0x06
-#define DER_SEQUENCE		0x10
-#define DER_SET			0x11
-#define DER_T61_STRING		0x14
-#define DER_IA5_STRING		0x16
-#define DER_UTC_TIME		0x17
-#define DER_VISIBLE_STRING	0x1a
-#define DER_HIGH_TAG_NUMBER	0x1f
-** Modifiers to type tags.  These are also specified by a/the
-** standard, and must not be changed.
-#define DER_METHOD_MASK		0x20
-#define DER_PRIMITIVE		0x00
-#define DER_CONSTRUCTED		0x20
-#define DER_CLASS_MASK		0xc0
-#define DER_UNIVERSAL		0x00
-#define DER_APPLICATION		0x40
-#define DER_PRIVATE		0xc0
-** Our additions, used for templates.
-** These are not defined by any standard; the values are used internally only.
-** Just be careful to keep them out of the low 8 bits.
-#define DER_OPTIONAL		0x00100
-#define DER_EXPLICIT		0x00200
-#define DER_ANY			0x00400
-#define DER_INLINE		0x00800
-#define DER_POINTER		0x01000
-#define DER_INDEFINITE		0x02000
-#define DER_DERPTR		0x04000
-#define DER_SKIP		0x08000
-#define DER_FORCE		0x10000
-#define DER_OUTER		0x40000 /* for DER_DERPTR */
-** Macro to convert der decoded bit string into a decoded octet
-** string. All it needs to do is fiddle with the length code.
-#define DER_ConvertBitString(item)	  \
-{					  \
-    (item)->len = ((item)->len + 7) >> 3; \
-#endif /* _SECDERT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secdig.c b/nss/lib/util/secdig.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3226d4f..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secdig.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secdig.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secasn1.h" 
-#include "secerr.h"
- * XXX Want to have a SGN_DecodeDigestInfo, like:
- *	SGNDigestInfo *SGN_DecodeDigestInfo(SECItem *didata);
- * that creates a pool and allocates from it and decodes didata into
- * the newly allocated DigestInfo structure.  Then fix secvfy.c (it
- * will no longer need an arena itself) to call this and then call
- * DestroyDigestInfo when it is done, then can remove the old template
- * above and keep our new template static and "hidden".
- */
- * XXX It might be nice to combine the following two functions (create
- * and encode).  I think that is all anybody ever wants to do anyway.
- */
-SECItem *
-SGN_EncodeDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest, SGNDigestInfo *diginfo)
-    return SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (poolp, dest, diginfo, sgn_DigestInfoTemplate);
-SGNDigestInfo *
-SGN_CreateDigestInfo(SECOidTag algorithm, const unsigned char *sig,
-                     unsigned len)
-    SGNDigestInfo *di;
-    SECStatus rv;
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SECItem *null_param;
-    SECItem dummy_value;
-    switch (algorithm) {
-      case SEC_OID_MD2:
-      case SEC_OID_MD5:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA1:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA224:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA256:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA384:
-      case SEC_OID_SHA512:
-	break;
-      default:
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
-    if (arena == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    di = (SGNDigestInfo *) PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SGNDigestInfo));
-    if (di == NULL) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    di->arena = arena;
-    /*
-     * PKCS #1 specifies that the AlgorithmID must have a NULL parameter
-     * (as opposed to no parameter at all).
-     */
- = NULL;
-    dummy_value.len = 0;
-    null_param = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, NULL, &dummy_value, SEC_NullTemplate);
-    if (null_param == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &di->digestAlgorithm, algorithm,
-			       null_param);
-    SECITEM_FreeItem(null_param, PR_TRUE);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    di-> = (unsigned char *) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len);
-    if (di-> == NULL) {
-	goto loser;
-    }
-    di->digest.len = len;
-    PORT_Memcpy(di->, sig, len);
-    return di;
-  loser:
-    SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(di);
-    return NULL;
-SGNDigestInfo *
-SGN_DecodeDigestInfo(SECItem *didata)
-    PLArenaPool *arena;
-    SGNDigestInfo *di;
-    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-    SECItem      diCopy   = {siBuffer, NULL, 0};
-    arena = PORT_NewArena(SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE);
-    if(arena == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-    rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena, &diCopy, didata);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-    	return NULL;
-    }
-    di = (SGNDigestInfo *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SGNDigestInfo));
-    if (di != NULL) {
-	di->arena = arena;
-	rv = SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem(arena, di, sgn_DigestInfoTemplate, &diCopy);
-    }
-    if ((di == NULL) || (rv != SECSuccess)) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
-	di = NULL;
-    }
-    return di;
-SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *di)
-    if (di && di->arena) {
-	PORT_FreeArena(di->arena, PR_FALSE);
-    }
-    return;
-SGN_CopyDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp, SGNDigestInfo *a, SGNDigestInfo *b)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    void *mark;
-    if((poolp == NULL) || (a == NULL) || (b == NULL))
-	return SECFailure;
-    mark = PORT_ArenaMark(poolp);
-    a->arena = poolp;
-    rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(poolp, &a->digestAlgorithm, 
-	&b->digestAlgorithm);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess)
-	rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &a->digest, &b->digest);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	PORT_ArenaRelease(poolp, mark);
-    } else {
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark(poolp, mark);
-    }
-    return rv;
-SGN_CompareDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *a, SGNDigestInfo *b)
-    SECComparison rv;
-    /* Check signature algorithm's */
-    rv = SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID(&a->digestAlgorithm, &b->digestAlgorithm);
-    if (rv) return rv;
-    /* Compare signature block length's */
-    rv = SECITEM_CompareItem(&a->digest, &b->digest);
-    return rv;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secdig.h b/nss/lib/util/secdig.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f218ec..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secdig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * secdig.h - public prototypes for digest-info functions
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECDIG_H_
-#define _SECDIG_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "secdigt.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h" 
-#include "secdert.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template sgn_DigestInfoTemplate[];
-** Digest-info functions
-** Create a new digest-info object
-** 	"algorithm" one of SEC_OID_MD2, SEC_OID_MD5, or SEC_OID_SHA1
-** 	"sig" the raw signature data (from MD2 or MD5)
-** 	"sigLen" the length of the signature data
-** NOTE: this is a low level routine used to prepare some data for PKCS#1
-** digital signature formatting.
-** XXX It might be nice to combine the create and encode functions.
-** I think that is all anybody ever wants to do anyway.
-extern SGNDigestInfo *SGN_CreateDigestInfo(SECOidTag algorithm,
-					   const unsigned char *sig,
-					   unsigned int sigLen);
-** Destroy a digest-info object
-extern void SGN_DestroyDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *info);
-** Encode a digest-info object
-**	"poolp" is where to allocate the result from; it can be NULL in
-**		which case generic heap allocation (XP_ALLOC) will be used
-**	"dest" is where to store the result; it can be NULL, in which case
-**		it will be allocated (from poolp or heap, as explained above)
-**	"diginfo" is the object to be encoded
-** The return value is NULL if any error occurred, otherwise it is the
-** resulting SECItem (either allocated or the same as the "dest" parameter).
-** XXX It might be nice to combine the create and encode functions.
-** I think that is all anybody ever wants to do anyway.
-extern SECItem *SGN_EncodeDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECItem *dest,
-				     SGNDigestInfo *diginfo);
-** Decode a DER encoded digest info objct.
-**  didata is thr source of the encoded digest.  
-** The return value is NULL if an error occurs.  Otherwise, a
-** digest info object which is allocated within it's own
-** pool is returned.  The digest info should be deleted
-** by later calling SGN_DestroyDigestInfo.
-extern SGNDigestInfo *SGN_DecodeDigestInfo(SECItem *didata);
-** Copy digest info.
-**  poolp is the arena to which the digest will be copied.
-**  a is the destination digest, it must be non-NULL.
-**  b is the source digest
-** This function is for copying digests.  It allows digests
-** to be copied into a specified pool.  If the digest is in
-** the same pool as other data, you do not want to delete
-** the digest by calling SGN_DestroyDigestInfo.  
-** A return value of SECFailure indicates an error.  A return
-** of SECSuccess indicates no error occurred.
-extern SECStatus  SGN_CopyDigestInfo(PLArenaPool *poolp,
-					SGNDigestInfo *a, 
-					SGNDigestInfo *b);
-** Compare two digest-info objects, returning the difference between
-** them.
-extern SECComparison SGN_CompareDigestInfo(SGNDigestInfo *a, SGNDigestInfo *b);
-#endif /* _SECDIG_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secdigt.h b/nss/lib/util/secdigt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2414d79..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secdigt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * secdigt.h - public data structures for digest-info objects
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECDIGT_H_
-#define _SECDIGT_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-** A PKCS#1 digest-info object
-struct SGNDigestInfoStr {
-    PLArenaPool *  arena;
-    SECAlgorithmID digestAlgorithm;
-    SECItem        digest;
-typedef struct SGNDigestInfoStr SGNDigestInfo;
-#endif /* _SECDIGT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secerr.h b/nss/lib/util/secerr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index adca22a..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secerr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef __SEC_ERR_H_
-#define __SEC_ERR_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#define SEC_ERROR_BASE                          (-0x2000)
-#define SEC_ERROR_LIMIT                         (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 1000)
-#define IS_SEC_ERROR(code) \
-    (((code) >= SEC_ERROR_BASE) && ((code) < SEC_ERROR_LIMIT))
-typedef enum {
-SEC_ERROR_IO                                =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 0,
-SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE                   =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 1,
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA                          =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 2,
-SEC_ERROR_OUTPUT_LEN                        =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 3,
-SEC_ERROR_INPUT_LEN                         =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 4,
-SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS                      =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 5,
-SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA                       =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 7,
-SEC_ERROR_INVALID_TIME                      =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 8,
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_DER                           =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 9,
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE                     =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 10,
-SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER                    =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 13,
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY                           =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 14,
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD                      =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 15,
-SEC_ERROR_RETRY_PASSWORD                    =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 16,
-SEC_ERROR_NO_NODELOCK                       =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 17,
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATABASE                      =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 18,
-SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY                         =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 19,
-SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_CERT                    =   SEC_ERROR_BASE + 21,
-SEC_ERROR_DUPLICATE_CERT                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 22),
-SEC_ERROR_ADDING_CERT                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 24),
-SEC_ERROR_FILING_KEY                        =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 25),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_KEY                            =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 26),
-SEC_ERROR_CERT_VALID                        =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 27),
-SEC_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 28),
-SEC_ERROR_CERT_NO_RESPONSE                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 29),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_EXPIRED                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 31),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_BAD_SIGNATURE                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 32),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_INVALID                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 33),
-SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID                   =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 36),
-SEC_INTERNAL_ONLY                           =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 39),
-SEC_ERROR_INVALID_KEY                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 40),
-SEC_ERROR_OLD_CRL                           =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 42),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_EMAIL_CERT                     =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 43),
-SEC_ERROR_NOT_A_RECIPIENT                   =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 45),
-/* Fortezza Alerts */
-XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_BAD_CARD                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 50),
-XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_NO_CARD                     =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 51),
-XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_MORE_INFO                   =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 53),
-XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_NO_MORE_INFO                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 55),
-XP_SEC_FORTEZZA_BAD_PIN                     =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 56),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_KRL                            =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 58),
-SEC_ERROR_KRL_EXPIRED                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 59),
-SEC_ERROR_KRL_BAD_SIGNATURE                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 60),
-SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_KEY                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 61),
-SEC_ERROR_KRL_INVALID                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 62),
-SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 63),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_MODULE                         =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 64),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_TOKEN                          =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 65),
-SEC_ERROR_READ_ONLY                         =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 66),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_SLOT_SELECTED                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 67),
-SEC_ERROR_SAFE_NOT_CREATED                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 70),
-SEC_ERROR_PKCS12_DECODING_PFX               =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 78),
-SEC_ERROR_PKCS12_INVALID_MAC                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 79),
-SEC_ERROR_USER_CANCELLED                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 87),
-SEC_ERROR_KEYGEN_FAIL                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 100),
-SEC_ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 101),
-SEC_ERROR_RETRY_OLD_PASSWORD                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 102),
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_NICKNAME                      =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 103),
-SEC_ERROR_JS_INVALID_DLL                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 107),
-SEC_ERROR_JS_ADD_MOD_FAILURE                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 108),
-SEC_ERROR_JS_DEL_MOD_FAILURE                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 109),
-SEC_ERROR_OLD_KRL                           =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 110),
-SEC_ERROR_CKL_CONFLICT                      =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 111),
-SEC_ERROR_KRL_NOT_YET_VALID                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 113),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 114),
-SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CERT                      =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 115),
-SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SIGNER                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 116),
-SEC_ERROR_OCSP_SERVER_ERROR                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 121),
-SEC_ERROR_OCSP_UNKNOWN_CERT                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 126),
-SEC_ERROR_OCSP_NOT_ENABLED                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 127),
-SEC_ERROR_OCSP_OLD_RESPONSE                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 132),
-/* smime stuff */
-SEC_ERROR_DIGEST_NOT_FOUND                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 133),
-SEC_ERROR_MODULE_STUCK                      =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 135),
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_TEMPLATE                      =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 136),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_NOT_FOUND                     =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 137),
-SEC_ERROR_BUSY                              =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 139),
-SEC_ERROR_EXTRA_INPUT                       =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 140),
-/* error codes used by elliptic curve code */
-SEC_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_OID                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 143),
-/* new revocation errors */
-SEC_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_PKCS11               =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 151),
-SEC_ERROR_NO_EVENT                          =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 152),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_ALREADY_EXISTS                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 153),
-SEC_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED                   =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 154),
-SEC_ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_LOGGED_IN               =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 155),
-SEC_ERROR_OCSP_BAD_SIGNATURE                =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 157),
-/* No longer used.  Unknown AIA location types are now silently ignored. */
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 162),
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_LDAP_RESPONSE                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 163),
-SEC_ERROR_LIBPKIX_INTERNAL                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 166),
-SEC_ERROR_PKCS11_GENERAL_ERROR              =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 167),
-SEC_ERROR_PKCS11_DEVICE_ERROR               =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 169),
-SEC_ERROR_CRL_IMPORT_FAILED                 =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 171),
-SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_PASSWORD                  =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 172),
-SEC_ERROR_LOCKED_PASSWORD                   =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 173),
-SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PKCS11_ERROR              =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 174),
-SEC_ERROR_BAD_CRL_DP_URL                    =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 175),
-SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE                   =   (SEC_ERROR_BASE + 177),
-/* Add new error codes above here. */
-} SECErrorCodes;
-#endif /* __SEC_ERR_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secitem.c b/nss/lib/util/secitem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 49364c7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secitem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Support routines for SECItem data structure.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-SECItem *
-SECITEM_AllocItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item, unsigned int len)
-    SECItem *result = NULL;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-	mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    }
-    if (item == NULL) {
-	if (arena != NULL) {
-	    result = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECItem));
-	} else {
-	    result = PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-	}
-	if (result == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    } else {
-	PORT_Assert(item->data == NULL);
-	result = item;
-    }
-    result->len = len;
-    if (len) {
-	if (arena != NULL) {
-	    result->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, len);
-	} else {
-	    result->data = PORT_Alloc(len);
-	}
-	if (result->data == NULL) {
-	    goto loser;
-	}
-    } else {
-	result->data = NULL;
-    }
-    if (mark) {
-	PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return(result);
-    if ( arena != NULL ) {
-	if (mark) {
-	    PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-	}
-	if (item != NULL) {
-	    item->data = NULL;
-	    item->len = 0;
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (result != NULL) {
-	    SECITEM_FreeItem(result, (item == NULL) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If item is not NULL, the above has set item->data and
-	 * item->len to 0.
-	 */
-    }
-    return(NULL);
-SECITEM_ReallocItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item, unsigned int oldlen,
-		    unsigned int newlen)
-    PORT_Assert(item != NULL);
-    if (item == NULL) {
-	/* XXX Set error.  But to what? */
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If no old length, degenerate to just plain alloc.
-     */
-    if (oldlen == 0) {
-	PORT_Assert(item->data == NULL || item->len == 0);
-	if (newlen == 0) {
-	    /* Nothing to do.  Weird, but not a failure.  */
-	    return SECSuccess;
-	}
-	item->len = newlen;
-	if (arena != NULL) {
-	    item->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, newlen);
-	} else {
-	    item->data = PORT_Alloc(newlen);
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (arena != NULL) {
-	    item->data = PORT_ArenaGrow(arena, item->data, oldlen, newlen);
-	} else {
-	    item->data = PORT_Realloc(item->data, newlen);
-	}
-    }
-    if (item->data == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECITEM_ReallocItemV2(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item, unsigned int newlen)
-    unsigned char *newdata = NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(item);
-    if (!item) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (item->len == newlen) {
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (!newlen) {
-	if (!arena) {
-	    PORT_Free(item->data);
-	}
-	item->data = NULL;
-	item->len = 0;
-	return SECSuccess;
-    }
-    if (!item->data) {
-	/* allocate fresh block of memory */
-	PORT_Assert(!item->len);
-	if (arena) {
-	    newdata = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, newlen);
-	} else {
-	    newdata = PORT_Alloc(newlen);
-	}
-    } else {
-	/* reallocate or adjust existing block of memory */
-	if (arena) {
-	    if (item->len > newlen) {
-		/* There's no need to realloc a shorter block from the arena,
-		 * because it would result in using even more memory!
-		 * Therefore we'll continue to use the old block and 
-		 * set the item to the shorter size.
-		 */
-		item->len = newlen;
-		return SECSuccess;
-	    }
-	    newdata = PORT_ArenaGrow(arena, item->data, item->len, newlen);
-	} else {
-	    newdata = PORT_Realloc(item->data, newlen);
-	}
-    }
-    if (!newdata) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    item->len = newlen;
-    item->data = newdata;
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECITEM_CompareItem(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b)
-    unsigned m;
-    int rv;
-    if (a == b)
-    	return SECEqual;
-    if (!a || !a->len || !a->data) 
-        return (!b || !b->len || !b->data) ? SECEqual : SECLessThan;
-    if (!b || !b->len || !b->data) 
-    	return SECGreaterThan;
-    m = ( ( a->len < b->len ) ? a->len : b->len );
-    rv = PORT_Memcmp(a->data, b->data, m);
-    if (rv) {
-	return rv < 0 ? SECLessThan : SECGreaterThan;
-    }
-    if (a->len < b->len) {
-	return SECLessThan;
-    }
-    if (a->len == b->len) {
-	return SECEqual;
-    }
-    return SECGreaterThan;
-SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b)
-    if (a->len != b->len)
-        return PR_FALSE;
-    if (!a->len)
-    	return PR_TRUE;
-    if (!a->data || !b->data) {
-        /* avoid null pointer crash. */
-	return (PRBool)(a->data == b->data);
-    }
-    return (PRBool)!PORT_Memcmp(a->data, b->data, a->len);
-SECItem *
-SECITEM_DupItem(const SECItem *from)
-    return SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(NULL, from);
-SECItem *
-SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *from)
-    SECItem *to;
-    if ( from == NULL ) {
-	return(NULL);
-    }
-    if ( arena != NULL ) {
-	to = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECItem));
-    } else {
-	to = (SECItem *)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECItem));
-    }
-    if ( to == NULL ) {
-	return(NULL);
-    }
-    if ( arena != NULL ) {
-	to->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, from->len);
-    } else {
-	to->data = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(from->len);
-    }
-    if ( to->data == NULL ) {
-	PORT_Free(to);
-	return(NULL);
-    }
-    to->len = from->len;
-    to->type = from->type;
-    if ( to->len ) {
-	PORT_Memcpy(to->data, from->data, to->len);
-    }
-    return(to);
-SECITEM_CopyItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *to, const SECItem *from)
-    to->type = from->type;
-    if (from->data && from->len) {
-	if ( arena ) {
-	    to->data = (unsigned char*) PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, from->len);
-	} else {
-	    to->data = (unsigned char*) PORT_Alloc(from->len);
-	}
-	if (!to->data) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-	PORT_Memcpy(to->data, from->data, from->len);
-	to->len = from->len;
-    } else {
-	/*
-	 * If from->data is NULL but from->len is nonzero, this function
-	 * will succeed.  Is this right?
-	 */
-	to->data = 0;
-	to->len = 0;
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-SECITEM_FreeItem(SECItem *zap, PRBool freeit)
-    if (zap) {
-	PORT_Free(zap->data);
-	zap->data = 0;
-	zap->len = 0;
-	if (freeit) {
-	    PORT_Free(zap);
-	}
-    }
-SECITEM_ZfreeItem(SECItem *zap, PRBool freeit)
-    if (zap) {
-	PORT_ZFree(zap->data, zap->len);
-	zap->data = 0;
-	zap->len = 0;
-	if (freeit) {
-	    PORT_ZFree(zap, sizeof(SECItem));
-	}
-    }
-/* these reroutines were taken from pkix oid.c, which is supposed to
- * replace this file some day */
- * This is the hash function.  We simply XOR the encoded form with
- * itself in sizeof(PLHashNumber)-byte chunks.  Improving this
- * routine is left as an excercise for the more mathematically
- * inclined student.
- */
-SECITEM_Hash ( const void *key)
-    const SECItem *item = (const SECItem *)key;
-    PLHashNumber rv = 0;
-    PRUint8 *data = (PRUint8 *)item->data;
-    PRUint32 i;
-    PRUint8 *rvc = (PRUint8 *)&rv;
-    for( i = 0; i < item->len; i++ ) {
-        rvc[ i % sizeof(rv) ] ^= *data;
-        data++;
-    }
-    return rv;
- * This is the key-compare function.  It simply does a lexical
- * comparison on the item data.  This does not result in
- * quite the same ordering as the "sequence of numbers" order,
- * but heck it's only used internally by the hash table anyway.
- */
-SECITEM_HashCompare ( const void *k1, const void *k2)
-    const SECItem *i1 = (const SECItem *)k1;
-    const SECItem *i2 = (const SECItem *)k2;
-    return SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(i1,i2);
-SECItemArray *
-SECITEM_AllocArray(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItemArray *array, unsigned int len)
-    SECItemArray *result = NULL;
-    void *mark = NULL;
-    if (array != NULL && array->items != NULL) {
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (arena != NULL) {
-        mark = PORT_ArenaMark(arena);
-    }
-    if (array == NULL) {
-        if (arena != NULL) {
-            result = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECItemArray));
-        } else {
-            result = PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(SECItemArray));
-        }
-        if (result == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        result = array;
-    }
-    result->len = len;
-    if (len) {
-        if (arena != NULL) {
-            result->items = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena, SECItem, len);
-        } else {
-            result->items = PORT_ZNewArray(SECItem, len);
-        }
-        if (result->items == NULL) {
-            goto loser;
-        }
-    } else {
-        result->items = NULL;
-    }
-    if (mark) {
-        PORT_ArenaUnmark(arena, mark);
-    }
-    return result;
-    if ( arena != NULL ) {
-        if (mark) {
-            PORT_ArenaRelease(arena, mark);
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (result != NULL && array == NULL) {
-            PORT_Free(result);
-        }
-    }
-    if (array != NULL) {
-        array->items = NULL;
-        array->len = 0;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-static void
-secitem_FreeArray(SECItemArray *array, PRBool zero_items, PRBool freeit)
-    unsigned int i;
-    if (!array || !array->len || !array->items)
-        return;
-    for (i = 0; i < array->len; ++i) {
-        SECItem *item = &array->items[i];
-        if (item->data) {
-            if (zero_items) {
-                SECITEM_ZfreeItem(item, PR_FALSE);
-            } else {
-                SECITEM_FreeItem(item, PR_FALSE);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    PORT_Free(array->items);
-    array->items = NULL;
-    array->len = 0;
-    if (freeit)
-        PORT_Free(array);
-void SECITEM_FreeArray(SECItemArray *array, PRBool freeit)
-    secitem_FreeArray(array, PR_FALSE, freeit);
-void SECITEM_ZfreeArray(SECItemArray *array, PRBool freeit)
-    secitem_FreeArray(array, PR_TRUE, freeit);
-SECItemArray *
-SECITEM_DupArray(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItemArray *from)
-    SECItemArray *result;
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* Require a "from" array.
-     * Reject an inconsistent "from" array with NULL data and nonzero length.
-     * However, allow a "from" array of zero length.
-     */
-    if (!from || (!from->items && from->len))
-        return NULL;
-    result = SECITEM_AllocArray(arena, NULL, from->len);
-    if (!result)
-        return NULL;
-    for (i = 0; i < from->len; ++i) {
-        SECStatus rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(arena,
-                                        &result->items[i], &from->items[i]);
-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-            SECITEM_ZfreeArray(result, PR_TRUE);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secitem.h b/nss/lib/util/secitem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 290f2e5..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secitem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECITEM_H_
-#define _SECITEM_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
- * secitem.h - public data structures and prototypes for handling
- *	       SECItems
- */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "plhash.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-** Allocate an item.  If "arena" is not NULL, then allocate from there,
-** otherwise allocate from the heap.  If "item" is not NULL, allocate
-** only the data buffer for the item, not the item itself.  If "len" is
-** 0, do not allocate the data buffer for the item; simply set the data
-** field to NULL and the len field to 0.  The item structure is allocated
-** zero-filled; the data buffer is not zeroed.  The caller is responsible
-** for initializing the type field of the item.
-** The resulting item is returned; NULL if any error occurs.
-** XXX This probably should take a SECItemType, but since that is mostly
-** unused and our improved APIs (aka Stan) are looming, I left it out.
-extern SECItem *SECITEM_AllocItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				  unsigned int len);
-** This is a legacy function containing bugs. It doesn't update item->len,
-** and it has other issues as described in bug 298649 and bug 298938.
-** However, the function is  kept unchanged for consumers that might depend 
-** on the broken behaviour. New code should call SECITEM_ReallocItemV2.
-** Reallocate the data for the specified "item".  If "arena" is not NULL,
-** then reallocate from there, otherwise reallocate from the heap.
-** In the case where oldlen is 0, the data is allocated (not reallocated).
-** In any case, "item" is expected to be a valid SECItem pointer;
-** SECFailure is returned if it is not.  If the allocation succeeds,
-** SECSuccess is returned.
-extern SECStatus SECITEM_ReallocItem( /* deprecated function */
-				     PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				     unsigned int oldlen, unsigned int newlen);
-** Reallocate the data for the specified "item".  If "arena" is not NULL,
-** then reallocate from there, otherwise reallocate from the heap.
-** If item->data is NULL, the data is allocated (not reallocated).
-** In any case, "item" is expected to be a valid SECItem pointer;
-** SECFailure is returned if it is not, and the item will remain unchanged.
-** If the allocation succeeds, the item is updated and SECSuccess is returned.
- */
-extern SECStatus SECITEM_ReallocItemV2(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *item,
-				       unsigned int newlen);
-** Compare two items returning the difference between them.
-extern SECComparison SECITEM_CompareItem(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b);
-** Compare two items -- if they are the same, return true; otherwise false.
-extern PRBool SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual(const SECItem *a, const SECItem *b);
-** Copy "from" to "to"
-extern SECStatus SECITEM_CopyItem(PLArenaPool *arena, SECItem *to, 
-                                  const SECItem *from);
-** Allocate an item and copy "from" into it.
-extern SECItem *SECITEM_DupItem(const SECItem *from);
-** Allocate an item and copy "from" into it.  The item itself and the 
-** data it points to are both allocated from the arena.  If arena is
-** NULL, this function is equivalent to SECITEM_DupItem.
-extern SECItem *SECITEM_ArenaDupItem(PLArenaPool *arena, const SECItem *from);
-** Free "zap". If freeit is PR_TRUE then "zap" itself is freed.
-extern void SECITEM_FreeItem(SECItem *zap, PRBool freeit);
-** Zero and then free "zap". If freeit is PR_TRUE then "zap" itself is freed.
-extern void SECITEM_ZfreeItem(SECItem *zap, PRBool freeit);
-PLHashNumber PR_CALLBACK SECITEM_Hash ( const void *key);
-PRIntn PR_CALLBACK SECITEM_HashCompare ( const void *k1, const void *k2);
-extern SECItemArray *SECITEM_AllocArray(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                        SECItemArray *array,
-                                        unsigned int len);
-extern SECItemArray *SECITEM_DupArray(PLArenaPool *arena,
-                                      const SECItemArray *from);
-extern void SECITEM_FreeArray(SECItemArray *array, PRBool freeit);
-extern void SECITEM_ZfreeArray(SECItemArray *array, PRBool freeit);
-#endif /* _SECITEM_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secoid.c b/nss/lib/util/secoid.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f16ed3..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secoid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2264 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "plhash.h"
-#include "nssrwlk.h"
-#include "nssutil.h"
-/* Library identity and versioning */
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-#define _DEBUG_STRING " (debug)"
-#define _DEBUG_STRING ""
- * Version information
- */
-const char __nss_util_version[] = "Version: NSS " NSSUTIL_VERSION _DEBUG_STRING;
-/* MISSI Mosaic Object ID space */
-/* USGov algorithm OID space: { 2 16 840 1 101 } */
-#define USGOV                   0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65
-#define MISSI	                USGOV, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01
-#define MISSI_OLD_KEA_DSS	MISSI, 0x0c
-#define MISSI_OLD_DSS		MISSI, 0x02
-#define MISSI_KEA_DSS		MISSI, 0x14
-#define MISSI_DSS		MISSI, 0x13
-#define MISSI_KEA               MISSI, 0x0a
-#define MISSI_ALT_KEA           MISSI, 0x16
-#define NISTALGS    USGOV, 3, 4
-#define AES         NISTALGS, 1
-#define SHAXXX      NISTALGS, 2
-#define DSA2        NISTALGS, 3
- ** The Netscape OID space is allocated by Terry Hayes.  If you need
- ** a piece of the space, contact him at
- **/
-/* Netscape Communications Corporation Object ID space */
-/* { 2 16 840 1 113730 } */
-#define NETSCAPE_OID	          0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42
-/* netscape directory oid - owned by Mark Smith ( */
-#define NETSCAPE_ALGS 		  NETSCAPE_OID, 0x06 /* algorithm OIDs */
-/* these are old and should go away soon */
-#define OLD_NETSCAPE		0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0xd8, 0x6a
-#define NS_CERT_EXT		OLD_NETSCAPE, 0x01
-/* RSA OID name space */
-#define RSADSI			0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d
-#define PKCS			RSADSI, 0x01
-#define DIGEST			RSADSI, 0x02
-#define CIPHER			RSADSI, 0x03
-#define PKCS1			PKCS, 0x01
-#define PKCS5			PKCS, 0x05
-#define PKCS7			PKCS, 0x07
-#define PKCS9			PKCS, 0x09
-#define PKCS12			PKCS, 0x0c
-/* Other OID name spaces */
-#define ALGORITHM		0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02
-#define X500			0x55
-#define X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE	X500, 0x04
-#define X500_ALG		X500, 0x08
-#define X500_ALG_ENCRYPTION	X500_ALG, 0x01
-/** X.509 v3 Extension OID 
- ** {joint-iso-ccitt (2) ds(5) 29}
- **/
-#define	ID_CE_OID 		X500, 0x1d
-#define RFC1274_ATTR_TYPE  0x09, 0x92, 0x26, 0x89, 0x93, 0xf2, 0x2c, 0x64, 0x1
-/* #define RFC2247_ATTR_TYPE  0x09, 0x92, 0x26, 0xf5, 0x98, 0x1e, 0x64, 0x1 this is WRONG! */
-/* PKCS #12 name spaces */
-#define PKCS12_MODE_IDS		PKCS12, 0x01
-#define PKCS12_ESPVK_IDS	PKCS12, 0x02
-#define PKCS12_BAG_IDS		PKCS12, 0x03
-#define PKCS12_CERT_BAG_IDS	PKCS12, 0x04
-#define PKCS12_OIDS		PKCS12, 0x05
-#define PKCS12_PBE_IDS		PKCS12_OIDS, 0x01
-#define PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS	PKCS12, 0x01
-#define PKCS9_CERT_TYPES	PKCS9, 0x16
-#define PKCS9_CRL_TYPES		PKCS9, 0x17
-#define PKCS9_SMIME_IDS		PKCS9, 0x10
-#define PKCS12_VERSION1		PKCS12, 0x0a
-#define PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS	PKCS12_VERSION1, 1
-/* for DSA algorithm */
-/* { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) x9-57(10040) x9algorithm(4) } */
-#define ANSI_X9_ALGORITHM  0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x38, 0x4
-/* for DH algorithm */
-/* { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) x9-57(10046) number-type(2) } */
-/* need real OID person to look at this, copied the above line
- * and added 6 to second to last value (and changed '4' to '2' */
-#define ANSI_X942_ALGORITHM  0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3e, 0x2
-#define VERISIGN 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x45
-#define PKIX 			0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07
-#define PKIX_KEY_USAGE 		PKIX, 3
-#define PKIX_ID_PKIP     	PKIX, 5
-/* Microsoft Object ID space */
-/* { } */
-#define MICROSOFT_OID 0x2b, 0x6, 0x1, 0x4, 0x1, 0x82, 0x37
-/* Microsoft Crypto 2.0 ID space */
-/* { } */
-#define MS_CRYPTO_20            MICROSOFT_OID, 10
-/* Microsoft Crypto 2.0 Extended Key Usage ID space */
-/* { } */
-#define MS_CRYPTO_EKU           MS_CRYPTO_20, 3
-#define CERTICOM_OID            0x2b, 0x81, 0x04
-#define SECG_OID                CERTICOM_OID, 0x00
-#define ANSI_X962_OID           0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d
-#define ANSI_X962_CURVE_OID     ANSI_X962_OID, 0x03
-#define ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID      ANSI_X962_CURVE_OID, 0x00
-#define ANSI_X962_GFp_OID       ANSI_X962_CURVE_OID, 0x01
-#define ANSI_X962_SIGNATURE_OID ANSI_X962_OID, 0x04
-/* for Camellia: iso(1) member-body(2) jisc(392)
- *    mitsubishi(200011) isl(61) security(1) algorithm(1)
- */
-#define MITSUBISHI_ALG 0x2a,0x83,0x08,0x8c,0x9a,0x4b,0x3d,0x01,0x01
-/* For IDEA:
- */
-#define ASCOM_OID 0x2b,0x6,0x1,0x4,0x1,0xbc
-#define ASCOM_IDEA_ALG ASCOM_OID,0x7,0x1,0x1
-/* for SEED : iso(1) member-body(2) korea(410)
- *    kisa(200004) algorithm(1)
- */
-#define SEED_OID		 0x2a,0x83,0x1a,0x8c,0x9a,0x44,0x01
-#define CONST_OID static const unsigned char
-CONST_OID md2[]        				= { DIGEST, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID md4[]        				= { DIGEST, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID md5[]        				= { DIGEST, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID hmac_sha1[]   			= { DIGEST, 7 };
-CONST_OID hmac_sha224[]				= { DIGEST, 8 };
-CONST_OID hmac_sha256[]				= { DIGEST, 9 };
-CONST_OID hmac_sha384[]				= { DIGEST, 10 };
-CONST_OID hmac_sha512[]				= { DIGEST, 11 };
-CONST_OID rc2cbc[]     				= { CIPHER, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID rc4[]        				= { CIPHER, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID desede3cbc[] 				= { CIPHER, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID rc5cbcpad[]  				= { CIPHER, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID desecb[]                           = { ALGORITHM, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID descbc[]                           = { ALGORITHM, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID desofb[]                           = { ALGORITHM, 0x08 };
-CONST_OID descfb[]                           = { ALGORITHM, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID desmac[]                           = { ALGORITHM, 0x0a };
-CONST_OID sdn702DSASignature[]               = { ALGORITHM, 0x0c };
-CONST_OID isoSHAWithRSASignature[]           = { ALGORITHM, 0x0f };
-CONST_OID desede[]                           = { ALGORITHM, 0x11 };
-CONST_OID sha1[]                             = { ALGORITHM, 0x1a };
-CONST_OID bogusDSASignaturewithSHA1Digest[]  = { ALGORITHM, 0x1b };
-CONST_OID isoSHA1WithRSASignature[]          = { ALGORITHM, 0x1d };
-CONST_OID pkcs1RSAEncryption[]         		= { PKCS1, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1MD2WithRSAEncryption[]  		= { PKCS1, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1MD4WithRSAEncryption[]  		= { PKCS1, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1MD5WithRSAEncryption[]  		= { PKCS1, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1SHA1WithRSAEncryption[] 		= { PKCS1, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1RSAOAEPEncryption[]		= { PKCS1, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1MGF1[]				= { PKCS1, 0x08 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1PSpecified[]			= { PKCS1, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1RSAPSSSignature[]		= { PKCS1, 10 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1SHA256WithRSAEncryption[] 	= { PKCS1, 11 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1SHA384WithRSAEncryption[] 	= { PKCS1, 12 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1SHA512WithRSAEncryption[] 	= { PKCS1, 13 };
-CONST_OID pkcs1SHA224WithRSAEncryption[] 	= { PKCS1, 14 };
-CONST_OID pkcs5PbeWithMD2AndDEScbc[]  		= { PKCS5, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs5PbeWithMD5AndDEScbc[]  		= { PKCS5, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs5PbeWithSha1AndDEScbc[] 		= { PKCS5, 0x0a };
-CONST_OID pkcs5Pbkdf2[]  			= { PKCS5, 12 };
-CONST_OID pkcs5Pbes2[]  			= { PKCS5, 13 };
-CONST_OID pkcs5Pbmac1[]				= { PKCS5, 14 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7[]                     		= { PKCS7 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7Data[]                 		= { PKCS7, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7SignedData[]           		= { PKCS7, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7EnvelopedData[]        		= { PKCS7, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7SignedEnvelopedData[]  		= { PKCS7, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7DigestedData[]         		= { PKCS7, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs7EncryptedData[]        		= { PKCS7, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9EmailAddress[]                  = { PKCS9, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9UnstructuredName[]              = { PKCS9, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9ContentType[]                   = { PKCS9, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9MessageDigest[]                 = { PKCS9, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9SigningTime[]                   = { PKCS9, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9CounterSignature[]              = { PKCS9, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9ChallengePassword[]             = { PKCS9, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9UnstructuredAddress[]           = { PKCS9, 0x08 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9ExtendedCertificateAttributes[] = { PKCS9, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9ExtensionRequest[]              = { PKCS9, 14 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9SMIMECapabilities[]             = { PKCS9, 15 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9FriendlyName[]                  = { PKCS9, 20 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9LocalKeyID[]                    = { PKCS9, 21 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9X509Certificate[]        	= { PKCS9_CERT_TYPES, 1 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9SDSICertificate[]        	= { PKCS9_CERT_TYPES, 2 };
-CONST_OID pkcs9X509CRL[]                	= { PKCS9_CRL_TYPES, 1 };
-/* RFC2630 (CMS) OIDs */
-CONST_OID cmsESDH[]     			= { PKCS9_SMIME_ALGS, 5 };
-CONST_OID cms3DESwrap[] 			= { PKCS9_SMIME_ALGS, 6 };
-CONST_OID cmsRC2wrap[]  			= { PKCS9_SMIME_ALGS, 7 };
-/* RFC2633 SMIME message attributes */
-CONST_OID smimeEncryptionKeyPreference[] 	= { PKCS9_SMIME_ATTRS, 11 };
-CONST_OID ms_smimeEncryptionKeyPreference[] 	= { MICROSOFT_OID, 0x10, 0x4 };
-CONST_OID x520CommonName[]                      = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 3 };
-CONST_OID x520SurName[]                         = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 4 };
-CONST_OID x520SerialNumber[]                    = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 5 };
-CONST_OID x520CountryName[]                     = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 6 };
-CONST_OID x520LocalityName[]                    = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 7 };
-CONST_OID x520StateOrProvinceName[]             = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 8 };
-CONST_OID x520StreetAddress[]                   = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 9 };
-CONST_OID x520OrgName[]                         = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 10 };
-CONST_OID x520OrgUnitName[]                     = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 11 };
-CONST_OID x520Title[]                           = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 12 };
-CONST_OID x520BusinessCategory[]                = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 15 };
-CONST_OID x520PostalAddress[]                   = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 16 };
-CONST_OID x520PostalCode[]                      = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 17 };
-CONST_OID x520PostOfficeBox[]                   = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 18 };
-CONST_OID x520Name[]                            = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 41 };
-CONST_OID x520GivenName[]                       = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 42 };
-CONST_OID x520Initials[]                        = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 43 };
-CONST_OID x520GenerationQualifier[]             = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 44 };
-CONST_OID x520DnQualifier[]                     = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 46 };
-CONST_OID x520HouseIdentifier[]                 = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 51 };
-CONST_OID x520Pseudonym[]                       = { X520_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, 65 };
-CONST_OID nsTypeGIF[]          			= { NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID nsTypeJPEG[]         			= { NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID nsTypeURL[]          			= { NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID nsTypeHTML[]         			= { NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID nsTypeCertSeq[]      			= { NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID missiCertDSSOld[]    			= { MISSI_OLD_DSS };
-CONST_OID missiCertKEADSS[]    			= { MISSI_KEA_DSS };
-CONST_OID missiCertDSS[]       			= { MISSI_DSS };
-CONST_OID missiCertKEA[]       			= { MISSI_KEA };
-CONST_OID missiCertAltKEA[]    			= { MISSI_ALT_KEA };
-CONST_OID x500RSAEncryption[]  			= { X500_ALG_ENCRYPTION, 0x01 };
-/* added for alg 1485 */
-CONST_OID rfc1274Uid[]             		= { RFC1274_ATTR_TYPE, 1 };
-CONST_OID rfc1274Mail[]            		= { RFC1274_ATTR_TYPE, 3 };
-CONST_OID rfc2247DomainComponent[] 		= { RFC1274_ATTR_TYPE, 25 };
-/* Netscape private certificate extensions */
-CONST_OID nsCertExtNetscapeOK[]  		= { NS_CERT_EXT, 1 };
-CONST_OID nsCertExtIssuerLogo[]  		= { NS_CERT_EXT, 2 };
-CONST_OID nsCertExtSubjectLogo[] 		= { NS_CERT_EXT, 3 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCertType[]        		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID nsExtBaseURL[]         		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID nsExtRevocationURL[]   		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCARevocationURL[] 		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCACRLURL[]        		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCACertURL[]       		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCertRenewalURL[]  		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCAPolicyURL[]     		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x08 };
-CONST_OID nsExtHomepageURL[]     		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID nsExtEntityLogo[]      		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x0a };
-CONST_OID nsExtUserPicture[]     		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x0b };
-CONST_OID nsExtSSLServerName[]   		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x0c };
-CONST_OID nsExtComment[]         		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x0d };
-/* the following 2 extensions are defined for and used by Cartman(NSM) */
-CONST_OID nsExtLostPasswordURL[] 		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x0e };
-CONST_OID nsExtCertRenewalTime[] 		= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x0f };
-CONST_OID nsExtAIACertRenewal[]    	= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT_AIA, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID nsExtCertScopeOfUse[]    	= { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x11 };
-/* Reserved Netscape (2 16 840 1 113730 1 18) = { NETSCAPE_CERT_EXT, 0x12 }; */
-/* Netscape policy values */
-CONST_OID nsKeyUsageGovtApproved[] 	= { NETSCAPE_POLICY, 0x01 };
-/* Netscape other name types */
-CONST_OID netscapeNickname[] 		= { NETSCAPE_NAME_COMPONENTS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID netscapeAOLScreenname[] 	= { NETSCAPE_NAME_COMPONENTS, 0x02 };
-/* OIDs needed for cert server */
-CONST_OID netscapeRecoveryRequest[] 	= { NETSCAPE_CERT_SERVER_CRMF, 0x01 };
-/* Standard x.509 v3 Certificate & CRL Extensions */
-CONST_OID x509SubjectDirectoryAttr[]  		= { ID_CE_OID,  9 };
-CONST_OID x509SubjectKeyID[]          		= { ID_CE_OID, 14 };
-CONST_OID x509KeyUsage[]              		= { ID_CE_OID, 15 };
-CONST_OID x509PrivateKeyUsagePeriod[] 		= { ID_CE_OID, 16 };
-CONST_OID x509SubjectAltName[]        		= { ID_CE_OID, 17 };
-CONST_OID x509IssuerAltName[]         		= { ID_CE_OID, 18 };
-CONST_OID x509BasicConstraints[]      		= { ID_CE_OID, 19 };
-CONST_OID x509CRLNumber[]                    	= { ID_CE_OID, 20 };
-CONST_OID x509ReasonCode[]                   	= { ID_CE_OID, 21 };
-CONST_OID x509HoldInstructionCode[]             = { ID_CE_OID, 23 };
-CONST_OID x509InvalidDate[]                     = { ID_CE_OID, 24 };
-CONST_OID x509DeltaCRLIndicator[]               = { ID_CE_OID, 27 };
-CONST_OID x509IssuingDistributionPoint[]        = { ID_CE_OID, 28 };
-CONST_OID x509CertIssuer[]                      = { ID_CE_OID, 29 };
-CONST_OID x509NameConstraints[]       		= { ID_CE_OID, 30 };
-CONST_OID x509CRLDistPoints[]         		= { ID_CE_OID, 31 };
-CONST_OID x509CertificatePolicies[]   		= { ID_CE_OID, 32 };
-CONST_OID x509PolicyMappings[]        		= { ID_CE_OID, 33 };
-CONST_OID x509AuthKeyID[]             		= { ID_CE_OID, 35 };
-CONST_OID x509PolicyConstraints[]     		= { ID_CE_OID, 36 };
-CONST_OID x509ExtKeyUsage[]           		= { ID_CE_OID, 37 };
-CONST_OID x509FreshestCRL[]           		= { ID_CE_OID, 46 };
-CONST_OID x509InhibitAnyPolicy[]           	= { ID_CE_OID, 54 };
-CONST_OID x509CertificatePoliciesAnyPolicy[]    = { ID_CE_OID, 32, 0 };
-CONST_OID x509AuthInfoAccess[]        		= { PKIX_CERT_EXTENSIONS,  1 };
-CONST_OID x509SubjectInfoAccess[]               = { PKIX_CERT_EXTENSIONS, 11 };
-CONST_OID x509SIATimeStamping[]                 = {PKIX_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION, 0x03};
-CONST_OID x509SIACaRepository[]                 = {PKIX_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION, 0x05};
-/* pkcs 12 additions */
-CONST_OID pkcs12[]                           = { PKCS12 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12ModeIDs[]                    = { PKCS12_MODE_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12ESPVKIDs[]                   = { PKCS12_ESPVK_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12BagIDs[]                     = { PKCS12_BAG_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12CertBagIDs[]                 = { PKCS12_CERT_BAG_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12OIDs[]                       = { PKCS12_OIDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PBEIDs[]                     = { PKCS12_PBE_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12EnvelopingIDs[]              = { PKCS12_ENVELOPING_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12SignatureIDs[]               = { PKCS12_SIGNATURE_IDS };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PKCS8KeyShrouding[]          = { PKCS12_ESPVK_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12KeyBagID[]                   = { PKCS12_BAG_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12CertAndCRLBagID[]            = { PKCS12_BAG_IDS, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12SecretBagID[]                = { PKCS12_BAG_IDS, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12X509CertCRLBag[]             = { PKCS12_CERT_BAG_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12SDSICertBag[]                = { PKCS12_CERT_BAG_IDS, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PBEWithSha1And128BitRC4[]    = { PKCS12_PBE_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PBEWithSha1And40BitRC4[]     = { PKCS12_PBE_IDS, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PBEWithSha1AndTripleDESCBC[] = { PKCS12_PBE_IDS, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PBEWithSha1And128BitRC2CBC[] = { PKCS12_PBE_IDS, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PBEWithSha1And40BitRC2CBC[]  = { PKCS12_PBE_IDS, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12RSAEncryptionWith128BitRC4[] = { PKCS12_ENVELOPING_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12RSAEncryptionWith40BitRC4[]  = { PKCS12_ENVELOPING_IDS, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12RSAEncryptionWithTripleDES[] = { PKCS12_ENVELOPING_IDS, 0x03 }; 
-CONST_OID pkcs12RSASignatureWithSHA1Digest[] = { PKCS12_SIGNATURE_IDS, 0x01 };
-/* pkcs 12 version 1.0 ids */
-CONST_OID pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And128BitRC4[]       = { PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And40BitRC4[]        = { PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And3KeyTripleDEScbc[]= { PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And2KeyTripleDEScbc[]= { PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And128BitRC2cbc[]    = { PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And40BitRC2cbc[]     = { PKCS12_V2_PBE_IDS, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12SafeContentsID[]                  = { PKCS12_BAG_IDS, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12PKCS8ShroudedKeyBagID[]           = { PKCS12_BAG_IDS, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V1KeyBag[]              	= { PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V1PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag[] 	= { PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V1CertBag[]             	= { PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V1CRLBag[]              	= { PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V1SecretBag[]           	= { PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID pkcs12V1SafeContentsBag[]     	= { PKCS12_V1_BAG_IDS, 0x06 };
-/* The following encoding is INCORRECT, but correcting it would create a
- * duplicate OID in the table.  So, we will leave it alone.
- */
-CONST_OID pkcs12KeyUsageAttr[]          	= { 2, 5, 29, 15 };
-CONST_OID ansix9DSASignature[]               	= { ANSI_X9_ALGORITHM, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID ansix9DSASignaturewithSHA1Digest[] 	= { ANSI_X9_ALGORITHM, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID nistDSASignaturewithSHA224Digest[]	= { DSA2, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID nistDSASignaturewithSHA256Digest[]	= { DSA2, 0x02 };
-/* verisign OIDs */
-CONST_OID verisignUserNotices[]     		= { VERISIGN, 1, 7, 1, 1 };
-/* pkix OIDs */
-CONST_OID pkixCPSPointerQualifier[] 		= { PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIERS, 1 };
-CONST_OID pkixUserNoticeQualifier[] 		= { PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIERS, 2 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSP[]				= { PKIX_OCSP };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPBasicResponse[]		= { PKIX_OCSP, 1 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPNonce[]			= { PKIX_OCSP, 2 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPCRL[] 			= { PKIX_OCSP, 3 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPResponse[]			= { PKIX_OCSP, 4 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPNoCheck[]			= { PKIX_OCSP, 5 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPArchiveCutoff[]		= { PKIX_OCSP, 6 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPServiceLocator[]		= { PKIX_OCSP, 7 };
-CONST_OID pkixCAIssuers[]			= { PKIX_CA_ISSUERS };
-CONST_OID pkixRegCtrlRegToken[]       		= { PKIX_ID_REGCTRL, 1};
-CONST_OID pkixRegCtrlAuthenticator[]  		= { PKIX_ID_REGCTRL, 2};
-CONST_OID pkixRegCtrlPKIPubInfo[]     		= { PKIX_ID_REGCTRL, 3};
-CONST_OID pkixRegCtrlPKIArchOptions[] 		= { PKIX_ID_REGCTRL, 4};
-CONST_OID pkixRegCtrlOldCertID[]      		= { PKIX_ID_REGCTRL, 5};
-CONST_OID pkixRegCtrlProtEncKey[]     		= { PKIX_ID_REGCTRL, 6};
-CONST_OID pkixRegInfoUTF8Pairs[]      		= { PKIX_ID_REGINFO, 1};
-CONST_OID pkixRegInfoCertReq[]        		= { PKIX_ID_REGINFO, 2};
-CONST_OID pkixExtendedKeyUsageServerAuth[]    	= { PKIX_KEY_USAGE, 1 };
-CONST_OID pkixExtendedKeyUsageClientAuth[]    	= { PKIX_KEY_USAGE, 2 };
-CONST_OID pkixExtendedKeyUsageCodeSign[]      	= { PKIX_KEY_USAGE, 3 };
-CONST_OID pkixExtendedKeyUsageEMailProtect[]  	= { PKIX_KEY_USAGE, 4 };
-CONST_OID pkixExtendedKeyUsageTimeStamp[]     	= { PKIX_KEY_USAGE, 8 };
-CONST_OID pkixOCSPResponderExtendedKeyUsage[] 	= { PKIX_KEY_USAGE, 9 };
-CONST_OID msExtendedKeyUsageTrustListSigning[]	= { MS_CRYPTO_EKU, 1 };
-/* OIDs for Netscape defined algorithms */
-CONST_OID netscapeSMimeKEA[] 			= { NETSCAPE_ALGS, 0x01 };
-/* Fortezza algorithm OIDs */
-CONST_OID skipjackCBC[] 			= { MISSI, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID dhPublicKey[] 			= { ANSI_X942_ALGORITHM, 0x1 };
-CONST_OID idea_CBC[] 				= { ASCOM_IDEA_ALG, 2 };
-CONST_OID aes128_GCM[] 				= { AES, 0x6 };
-CONST_OID aes192_GCM[] 				= { AES, 0x1a };
-CONST_OID aes256_GCM[] 				= { AES, 0x2e };
-CONST_OID aes128_ECB[] 				= { AES, 1 };
-CONST_OID aes128_CBC[] 				= { AES, 2 };
-CONST_OID aes128_OFB[] 				= { AES, 3 };
-CONST_OID aes128_CFB[] 				= { AES, 4 };
-CONST_OID aes128_KEY_WRAP[]			= { AES, 5 };
-CONST_OID aes192_ECB[] 				= { AES, 21 };
-CONST_OID aes192_CBC[] 				= { AES, 22 };
-CONST_OID aes192_OFB[] 				= { AES, 23 };
-CONST_OID aes192_CFB[] 				= { AES, 24 };
-CONST_OID aes192_KEY_WRAP[]			= { AES, 25 };
-CONST_OID aes256_ECB[] 				= { AES, 41 };
-CONST_OID aes256_CBC[] 				= { AES, 42 };
-CONST_OID aes256_OFB[] 				= { AES, 43 };
-CONST_OID aes256_CFB[] 				= { AES, 44 };
-CONST_OID aes256_KEY_WRAP[]			= { AES, 45 };
-CONST_OID camellia128_CBC[]			= { CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT_OID, 2};
-CONST_OID camellia192_CBC[]			= { CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT_OID, 3};
-CONST_OID camellia256_CBC[]			= { CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT_OID, 4};
-CONST_OID sha256[]                              = { SHAXXX, 1 };
-CONST_OID sha384[]                              = { SHAXXX, 2 };
-CONST_OID sha512[]                              = { SHAXXX, 3 };
-CONST_OID sha224[]                              = { SHAXXX, 4 };
-CONST_OID ansix962ECPublicKey[]             = { ANSI_X962_OID, 0x02, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignaturewithSHA1Digest[] = { ANSI_X962_SIGNATURE_OID, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignatureRecommended[]    = { ANSI_X962_SIGNATURE_OID, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignatureSpecified[]      = { ANSI_X962_SPECIFY_OID };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignaturewithSHA224Digest[] = { ANSI_X962_SPECIFY_OID, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignaturewithSHA256Digest[] = { ANSI_X962_SPECIFY_OID, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignaturewithSHA384Digest[] = { ANSI_X962_SPECIFY_OID, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID ansix962SignaturewithSHA512Digest[] = { ANSI_X962_SPECIFY_OID, 0x04 };
-/* ANSI X9.62 prime curve OIDs */
-/* NOTE: prime192v1 is the same as secp192r1, prime256v1 is the
- * same as secp256r1
- */
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime192v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime192v2[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime192v3[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime239v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime239v2[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime239v3[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962prime256v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GFp_OID, 0x07 };
-/* SECG prime curve OIDs */
-CONST_OID secgECsecp112r1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp112r2[] = { SECG_OID, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp128r1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x1c };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp128r2[] = { SECG_OID, 0x1d };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp160k1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp160r1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x08 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp160r2[] = { SECG_OID, 0x1e };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp192k1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x1f };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp224k1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x20 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp224r1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x21 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp256k1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x0a };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp384r1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x22 };
-CONST_OID secgECsecp521r1[] = { SECG_OID, 0x23 };
-/* ANSI X9.62 characteristic two curve OIDs */
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb163v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb163v2[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb163v3[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb176v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb191v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb191v2[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x06 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb191v3[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x07 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2onb191v4[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x08 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2onb191v5[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x09 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb208w1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x0a };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb239v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x0b };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb239v2[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x0c };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb239v3[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x0d };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2onb239v4[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x0e };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2onb239v5[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x0f };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb272w1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x10 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb304w1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x11 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb359v1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x12 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2pnb368w1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x13 };
-CONST_OID ansiX962c2tnb431r1[] = { ANSI_X962_GF2m_OID, 0x14 };
-/* SECG characterisitic two curve OIDs */
-CONST_OID secgECsect113r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x04 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect113r2[] = {SECG_OID, 0x05 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect131r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x16 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect131r2[] = {SECG_OID, 0x17 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect163k1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x01 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect163r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x02 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect163r2[] = {SECG_OID, 0x0f };
-CONST_OID secgECsect193r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x18 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect193r2[] = {SECG_OID, 0x19 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect233k1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x1a };
-CONST_OID secgECsect233r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x1b };
-CONST_OID secgECsect239k1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x03 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect283k1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x10 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect283r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x11 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect409k1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x24 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect409r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x25 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect571k1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x26 };
-CONST_OID secgECsect571r1[] = {SECG_OID, 0x27 };
-CONST_OID seed_CBC[]				= { SEED_OID, 4 };
-CONST_OID evIncorporationLocality[]     = { EV_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, 1 };
-CONST_OID evIncorporationState[]        = { EV_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, 2 };
-CONST_OID evIncorporationCountry[]      = { EV_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, 3 };
-#define OI(x) { siDEROID, (unsigned char *)x, sizeof x }
-#define OD(oid,tag,desc,mech,ext) { OI(oid), tag, desc, mech, ext }
-#define ODE(tag,desc,mech,ext) { { siDEROID, NULL, 0 }, tag, desc, mech, ext }
-#define OD(oid,tag,desc,mech,ext) { OI(oid), tag, 0, mech, ext }
-#define ODE(tag,desc,mech,ext) { { siDEROID, NULL, 0 }, tag, 0, mech, ext }
- * NOTE: the order of these entries must mach the SECOidTag enum in secoidt.h!
- */
-const static SECOidData oids[SEC_OID_TOTAL] = {
-    { { siDEROID, NULL, 0 }, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN,
-    OD( md4, SEC_OID_MD4,
-    OD( rc2cbc, SEC_OID_RC2_CBC,
-    OD( desede3cbc, SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC,
-    OD( rc5cbcpad, SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD,
-    OD( desecb, SEC_OID_DES_ECB,
-    OD( descbc, SEC_OID_DES_CBC,
-    OD( desofb, SEC_OID_DES_OFB,
-    OD( descfb, SEC_OID_DES_CFB,
-    OD( desmac, SEC_OID_DES_MAC,
-    OD( desede, SEC_OID_DES_EDE,
-	"ISO SHA with RSA Signature", 
-    OD( pkcs1RSAEncryption, SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION,
-    /* the following Signing mechanisms should get new CKM_ values when
-     * values for CKM_RSA_WITH_MDX and CKM_RSA_WITH_SHA_1 get defined in
-     * PKCS #11.
-     */
-	"PKCS #1 MD2 With RSA Encryption", CKM_MD2_RSA_PKCS,
-	"PKCS #1 MD4 With RSA Encryption", 
-	"PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption", CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS,
-	"PKCS #1 SHA-1 With RSA Encryption", CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS,
-	"PKCS #5 Password Based Encryption with MD2 and DES-CBC",
-	"PKCS #5 Password Based Encryption with MD5 and DES-CBC",
-    OD( pkcs5PbeWithSha1AndDEScbc, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_DES_CBC,
-	"PKCS #5 Password Based Encryption with SHA-1 and DES-CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs7, SEC_OID_PKCS7,
-    OD( pkcs7Data, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA,
-    OD( pkcs7SignedData, SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA,
-    OD( pkcs7EnvelopedData, SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA,
-	"PKCS #7 Enveloped Data", 
-    OD( pkcs7SignedEnvelopedData, SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA,
-	"PKCS #7 Signed And Enveloped Data", 
-    OD( pkcs7DigestedData, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DIGESTED_DATA,
-	"PKCS #7 Digested Data", 
-    OD( pkcs7EncryptedData, SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA,
-	"PKCS #7 Encrypted Data", 
-    OD( pkcs9EmailAddress, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
-	"PKCS #9 Email Address", 
-    OD( pkcs9UnstructuredName, SEC_OID_PKCS9_UNSTRUCTURED_NAME,
-	"PKCS #9 Unstructured Name", 
-    OD( pkcs9ContentType, SEC_OID_PKCS9_CONTENT_TYPE,
-	"PKCS #9 Content Type", 
-    OD( pkcs9MessageDigest, SEC_OID_PKCS9_MESSAGE_DIGEST,
-	"PKCS #9 Message Digest", 
-    OD( pkcs9SigningTime, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME,
-	"PKCS #9 Signing Time", 
-    OD( pkcs9CounterSignature, SEC_OID_PKCS9_COUNTER_SIGNATURE,
-	"PKCS #9 Counter Signature", 
-    OD( pkcs9ChallengePassword, SEC_OID_PKCS9_CHALLENGE_PASSWORD,
-	"PKCS #9 Challenge Password", 
-    OD( pkcs9UnstructuredAddress, SEC_OID_PKCS9_UNSTRUCTURED_ADDRESS,
-	"PKCS #9 Unstructured Address", 
-    OD( pkcs9ExtendedCertificateAttributes,
-	"PKCS #9 Extended Certificate Attributes", 
-	"PKCS #9 S/MIME Capabilities", 
-    OD( x520CommonName, SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME,
-    OD( x520CountryName, SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME,
-    OD( x520LocalityName, SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY,
-    OD( x520StateOrProvinceName, SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE,
-	"X520 State Or Province Name", 
-	"X520 Organization Name", 
-	"X520 Organizational Unit Name", 
-    OD( x520DnQualifier, SEC_OID_AVA_DN_QUALIFIER,
-    OD( rfc2247DomainComponent, SEC_OID_AVA_DC,
-	"RFC 2247 Domain Component", 
-	"Certificate Sequence", 
-	"MISSI KEA and DSS Algorithm (Old)",
-    OD( missiCertDSSOld, SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS_OLD, 
-	"MISSI DSS Algorithm (Old)",
-	"MISSI KEA and DSS Algorithm",
-    OD( missiCertDSS, SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS, 
-	"MISSI DSS Algorithm",
-    OD( missiCertKEA, SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA, 
-	"MISSI KEA Algorithm",
-    OD( missiCertAltKEA, SEC_OID_MISSI_ALT_KEA, 
-	"MISSI Alternate KEA Algorithm",
-    /* Netscape private extensions */
-	"Netscape says this cert is OK",
-    OD( nsCertExtIssuerLogo, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_ISSUER_LOGO,
-	"Certificate Issuer Logo",
-    OD( nsCertExtSubjectLogo, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_SUBJECT_LOGO,
-	"Certificate Subject Logo",
-	"Certificate Type",
-	"Certificate Extension Base URL",
-	"Certificate Revocation URL",
-	"Certificate Authority Revocation URL",
-	"Certificate Authority CRL Download URL",
-	"Certificate Authority Certificate Download URL",
-	"Certificate Renewal URL", 
-	"Certificate Authority Policy URL",
-	"Certificate Homepage URL", 
-	"Certificate Entity Logo", 
-	"Certificate User Picture", 
-	"Certificate SSL Server Name", 
-	"Certificate Comment", 
-        "Lost Password URL", 
-	"Certificate Renewal Time", 
-    OD( nsKeyUsageGovtApproved, SEC_OID_NS_KEY_USAGE_GOVT_APPROVED,
-	"Strong Crypto Export Approved",
-    /* x.509 v3 certificate extensions */
-    OD( x509SubjectDirectoryAttr, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_ATTR,
-	"Certificate Subject Directory Attributes",
-    OD( x509SubjectKeyID, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_KEY_ID, 
-	"Certificate Subject Key ID",
-    OD( x509KeyUsage, SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE, 
-	"Certificate Key Usage",
-    OD( x509PrivateKeyUsagePeriod, SEC_OID_X509_PRIVATE_KEY_USAGE_PERIOD,
-	"Certificate Private Key Usage Period",
-    OD( x509SubjectAltName, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME, 
-	"Certificate Subject Alt Name",
-    OD( x509IssuerAltName, SEC_OID_X509_ISSUER_ALT_NAME, 
-	"Certificate Issuer Alt Name",
-    OD( x509BasicConstraints, SEC_OID_X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, 
-	"Certificate Basic Constraints",
-    OD( x509NameConstraints, SEC_OID_X509_NAME_CONSTRAINTS, 
-	"Certificate Name Constraints",
-    OD( x509CRLDistPoints, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS, 
-	"CRL Distribution Points",
-    OD( x509CertificatePolicies, SEC_OID_X509_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES,
- 	"Certificate Policies",
-    OD( x509PolicyMappings, SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_MAPPINGS, 
- 	"Certificate Policy Mappings",
-    OD( x509PolicyConstraints, SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS, 
- 	"Certificate Policy Constraints",
-    OD( x509AuthKeyID, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID, 
-	"Certificate Authority Key Identifier",
-    OD( x509ExtKeyUsage, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE, 
-	"Extended Key Usage",
-    OD( x509AuthInfoAccess, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS, 
-	"Authority Information Access",
-    /* x.509 v3 CRL extensions */
-    OD( x509CRLNumber, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_NUMBER, 
-    OD( x509ReasonCode, SEC_OID_X509_REASON_CODE, 
-    OD( x509InvalidDate, SEC_OID_X509_INVALID_DATE, 
-    OD( x500RSAEncryption, SEC_OID_X500_RSA_ENCRYPTION,
-	"X500 RSA Encryption", CKM_RSA_X_509, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION ),
-    /* added for alg 1485 */
-    OD( rfc1274Uid, SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID,
-    OD( rfc1274Mail, SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL,
-	"RFC1274 E-mail Address", 
-    /* pkcs 12 additions */
-    OD( pkcs12, SEC_OID_PKCS12,
-    OD( pkcs12ModeIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_MODE_IDS,
-    OD( pkcs12BagIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_BAG_IDS,
-    OD( pkcs12CertBagIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_CERT_BAG_IDS,
-	"PKCS #12 Cert Bag IDs", 
-    OD( pkcs12OIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_OIDS,
-    OD( pkcs12PBEIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_IDS,
-    OD( pkcs12SignatureIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SIGNATURE_IDS,
-	"PKCS #12 Signature IDs", 
-    OD( pkcs12EnvelopingIDs, SEC_OID_PKCS12_ENVELOPING_IDS,
-	"PKCS #12 Enveloping IDs", 
-    OD( pkcs12PKCS8KeyShrouding, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PKCS8_KEY_SHROUDING,
-	"PKCS #12 Key Shrouding", 
-    OD( pkcs12KeyBagID, SEC_OID_PKCS12_KEY_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 Key Bag ID", 
-	"PKCS #12 Cert And CRL Bag ID", 
-    OD( pkcs12SecretBagID, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SECRET_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 Secret Bag ID", 
-    OD( pkcs12X509CertCRLBag, SEC_OID_PKCS12_X509_CERT_CRL_BAG,
-	"PKCS #12 X509 Cert CRL Bag", 
-	"PKCS #12 SDSI Cert Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs12PBEWithSha1And128BitRC4,
-	"PKCS #12 PBE With SHA-1 and 128 Bit RC4", 
-    OD( pkcs12PBEWithSha1And40BitRC4,
-	"PKCS #12 PBE With SHA-1 and 40 Bit RC4", 
-    OD( pkcs12PBEWithSha1AndTripleDESCBC,
-	"PKCS #12 PBE With SHA-1 and Triple DES-CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12PBEWithSha1And128BitRC2CBC,
-	"PKCS #12 PBE With SHA-1 and 128 Bit RC2 CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12PBEWithSha1And40BitRC2CBC,
-	"PKCS #12 PBE With SHA-1 and 40 Bit RC2 CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12RSAEncryptionWith128BitRC4,
-	"PKCS #12 RSA Encryption with 128 Bit RC4",
-    OD( pkcs12RSAEncryptionWith40BitRC4,
-	"PKCS #12 RSA Encryption with 40 Bit RC4",
-    OD( pkcs12RSAEncryptionWithTripleDES,
-	"PKCS #12 RSA Encryption with Triple DES",
-    OD( pkcs12RSASignatureWithSHA1Digest,
-	"PKCS #12 RSA Encryption with Triple DES",
-    /* DSA signatures */
-    OD( ansix9DSASignature, SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE,
-    OD( ansix9DSASignaturewithSHA1Digest,
-	"ANSI X9.57 DSA Signature with SHA-1 Digest", 
-    OD( bogusDSASignaturewithSHA1Digest,
-	"FORTEZZA DSA Signature with SHA-1 Digest", 
-    /* verisign oids */
-    OD( verisignUserNotices, SEC_OID_VERISIGN_USER_NOTICES,
-	"Verisign User Notices", 
-    /* pkix oids */
-	"PKIX CPS Pointer Qualifier", 
-    OD( pkixUserNoticeQualifier, SEC_OID_PKIX_USER_NOTICE_QUALIFIER,
-	"PKIX User Notice Qualifier", 
-	"PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol", 
-	"OCSP CRL Reference Extension", 
-	"OCSP Response Types Extension", 
-	"OCSP No Check Extension", 
-	"OCSP Archive Cutoff Extension", 
-	"OCSP Service Locator Extension", 
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Control, Registration Token", 
-    OD( pkixRegCtrlAuthenticator, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_AUTHENTICATOR,
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Control, Registration Authenticator", 
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Control, PKI Publication Info", 
-    OD( pkixRegCtrlPKIArchOptions,
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Control, PKI Archive Options", 
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Control, Old Certificate ID", 
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Control, Protocol Encryption Key", 
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Info, UTF8 Pairs", 
-        "PKIX CRMF Registration Info, Certificate Request", 
-    OD( pkixExtendedKeyUsageServerAuth,
-        "TLS Web Server Authentication Certificate",
-    OD( pkixExtendedKeyUsageClientAuth,
-        "TLS Web Client Authentication Certificate",
-    OD( pkixExtendedKeyUsageCodeSign, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CODE_SIGN,
-        "Code Signing Certificate",
-    OD( pkixExtendedKeyUsageEMailProtect,
-        "E-Mail Protection Certificate",
-    OD( pkixExtendedKeyUsageTimeStamp,
-        "Time Stamping Certifcate",
-    OD( pkixOCSPResponderExtendedKeyUsage, SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER,
-          "OCSP Responder Certificate",
-    /* Netscape Algorithm OIDs */
-      /* Skipjack OID -- ### mwelch temporary */
-    /* pkcs12 v2 oids */
-    OD( pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And128BitRC4,
-	"PKCS #12 V2 PBE With SHA-1 And 128 Bit RC4", 
-    OD( pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And40BitRC4,
-	"PKCS #12 V2 PBE With SHA-1 And 40 Bit RC4", 
-    OD( pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And3KeyTripleDEScbc,
-	"PKCS #12 V2 PBE With SHA-1 And 3KEY Triple DES-CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And2KeyTripleDEScbc,
-	"PKCS #12 V2 PBE With SHA-1 And 2KEY Triple DES-CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And128BitRC2cbc,
-	"PKCS #12 V2 PBE With SHA-1 And 128 Bit RC2 CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12V2PBEWithSha1And40BitRC2cbc,
-	"PKCS #12 V2 PBE With SHA-1 And 40 Bit RC2 CBC", 
-    OD( pkcs12SafeContentsID, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SAFE_CONTENTS_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 Safe Contents ID", 
-    OD( pkcs12PKCS8ShroudedKeyBagID,
-	"PKCS #12 Safe Contents ID", 
-    OD( pkcs12V1KeyBag, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_KEY_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 V1 Key Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs12V1PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag,
-	"PKCS #12 V1 PKCS8 Shrouded Key Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs12V1CertBag, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_CERT_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 V1 Cert Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs12V1CRLBag, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_CRL_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 V1 CRL Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs12V1SecretBag, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_SECRET_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 V1 Secret Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs12V1SafeContentsBag, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_SAFE_CONTENTS_BAG_ID,
-	"PKCS #12 V1 Safe Contents Bag", 
-    OD( pkcs9X509Certificate, SEC_OID_PKCS9_X509_CERT,
-	"PKCS #9 X509 Certificate", 
-    OD( pkcs9SDSICertificate, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SDSI_CERT,
-	"PKCS #9 SDSI Certificate", 
-    OD( pkcs9X509CRL, SEC_OID_PKCS9_X509_CRL,
-    OD( pkcs9FriendlyName, SEC_OID_PKCS9_FRIENDLY_NAME,
-	"PKCS #9 Friendly Name", 
-    OD( pkcs9LocalKeyID, SEC_OID_PKCS9_LOCAL_KEY_ID,
-	"PKCS #9 Local Key ID", 
-    OD( pkcs12KeyUsageAttr, SEC_OID_BOGUS_KEY_USAGE,
-    OD( dhPublicKey, SEC_OID_X942_DIFFIE_HELMAN_KEY,
-	"Diffie-Helman Public Key", CKM_DH_PKCS_DERIVE,
-    OD( netscapeNickname, SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_NICKNAME,
-    /* Cert Server specific OIDs */
-    OD( netscapeRecoveryRequest, SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_RECOVERY_REQUEST,
-        "Recovery Request OID", 
-        "Certificate Renewal Locator OID", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-        "Certificate Scope-of-Use Extension", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    /* CMS stuff */
-        "Ephemeral-Static Diffie-Hellman", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM /* XXX */,
-    OD( cms3DESwrap, SEC_OID_CMS_3DES_KEY_WRAP,
-        "CMS Triple DES Key Wrap", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM /* XXX */,
-    OD( cmsRC2wrap, SEC_OID_CMS_RC2_KEY_WRAP,
-        "CMS RC2 Key Wrap", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM /* XXX */,
-    OD( smimeEncryptionKeyPreference, SEC_OID_SMIME_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PREFERENCE,
-	"S/MIME Encryption Key Preference", 
-    /* AES algorithm OIDs */
-    OD( aes128_ECB, SEC_OID_AES_128_ECB,
-    OD( aes128_CBC, SEC_OID_AES_128_CBC,
-    OD( aes192_ECB, SEC_OID_AES_192_ECB,
-    OD( aes192_CBC, SEC_OID_AES_192_CBC,
-    OD( aes256_ECB, SEC_OID_AES_256_ECB,
-    OD( aes256_CBC, SEC_OID_AES_256_CBC,
-    /* More bogus DSA OIDs */
-    OD( sdn702DSASignature, SEC_OID_SDN702_DSA_SIGNATURE, 
-    OD( ms_smimeEncryptionKeyPreference, 
-	"Microsoft S/MIME Encryption Key Preference", 
-    OD( sha256, SEC_OID_SHA256, "SHA-256", CKM_SHA256, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION),
-    OD( sha384, SEC_OID_SHA384, "SHA-384", CKM_SHA384, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION),
-    OD( sha512, SEC_OID_SHA512, "SHA-512", CKM_SHA512, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION),
-    OD( pkcs1SHA256WithRSAEncryption, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION,
-	"PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption", CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS,
-    OD( pkcs1SHA384WithRSAEncryption, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA384_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION,
-	"PKCS #1 SHA-384 With RSA Encryption", CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS,
-    OD( pkcs1SHA512WithRSAEncryption, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA512_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION,
-	"PKCS #1 SHA-512 With RSA Encryption", CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS,
-    OD( aes128_KEY_WRAP, SEC_OID_AES_128_KEY_WRAP,
-    OD( aes192_KEY_WRAP, SEC_OID_AES_192_KEY_WRAP,
-    OD( aes256_KEY_WRAP, SEC_OID_AES_256_KEY_WRAP,
-    /* Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) OIDs */
-    OD( ansix962ECPublicKey, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY,
-	"X9.62 elliptic curve public key", CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE,
-    OD( ansix962SignaturewithSHA1Digest, 
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with SHA-1", CKM_ECDSA_SHA1,
-    /* Named curves */
-    /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (prime field) */
-    OD( ansiX962prime192v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime192v1 (aka secp192r1, NIST P-192)", 
-    OD( ansiX962prime192v2, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime192v2", 
-    OD( ansiX962prime192v3, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime192v3", 
-    OD( ansiX962prime239v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime239v1", 
-    OD( ansiX962prime239v2, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime239v2", 
-    OD( ansiX962prime239v3, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime239v3", 
-    OD( ansiX962prime256v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve prime256v1 (aka secp256r1, NIST P-256)", 
-    /* SECG named elliptic curves (prime field) */
-    OD( secgECsecp112r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp112r1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp112r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp112r2", 
-    OD( secgECsecp128r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp128r1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp128r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp128r2", 
-    OD( secgECsecp160k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp160k1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp160r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp160r1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp160r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp160r2", 
-    OD( secgECsecp192k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp192k1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp224k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp224k1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp224r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp224r1 (aka NIST P-224)", 
-    OD( secgECsecp256k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp256k1", 
-    OD( secgECsecp384r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp384r1 (aka NIST P-384)", 
-    OD( secgECsecp521r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve secp521r1 (aka NIST P-521)", 
-    /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb163v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb163v1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb163v2, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb163v2", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb163v3, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb163v3", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb176v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb176v1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb191v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb191v1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb191v2, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb191v2", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb191v3, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb191v3", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2onb191v4, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V4,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2onb191v4", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2onb191v5, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V5,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2onb191v5", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb208w1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb208w1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb239v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb239v1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb239v2, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb239v2", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb239v3, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb239v3", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2onb239v4, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V4,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2onb239v4", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2onb239v5, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V5,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2onb239v5", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb272w1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb272w1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb304w1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb304w1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb359v1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb359v1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2pnb368w1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2pnb368w1", 
-    OD( ansiX962c2tnb431r1, SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1,
-	"ANSI X9.62 elliptic curve c2tnb431r1", 
-    /* SECG named elliptic curves (characterisitic two field) */
-    OD( secgECsect113r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect113r1", 
-    OD( secgECsect113r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect113r2", 
-    OD( secgECsect131r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect131r1", 
-    OD( secgECsect131r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect131r2", 
-    OD( secgECsect163k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect163k1 (aka NIST K-163)", 
-    OD( secgECsect163r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect163r1", 
-    OD( secgECsect163r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect163r2 (aka NIST B-163)", 
-    OD( secgECsect193r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect193r1", 
-    OD( secgECsect193r2, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect193r2", 
-    OD( secgECsect233k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect233k1 (aka NIST K-233)", 
-    OD( secgECsect233r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect233r1 (aka NIST B-233)", 
-    OD( secgECsect239k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect239k1", 
-    OD( secgECsect283k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect283k1 (aka NIST K-283)", 
-    OD( secgECsect283r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect283r1 (aka NIST B-283)", 
-    OD( secgECsect409k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect409k1 (aka NIST K-409)", 
-    OD( secgECsect409r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect409r1 (aka NIST B-409)", 
-    OD( secgECsect571k1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect571k1 (aka NIST K-571)", 
-    OD( secgECsect571r1, SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1,
-	"SECG elliptic curve sect571r1 (aka NIST B-571)", 
-    OD( x520SurName, SEC_OID_AVA_SURNAME,
-    OD( x520SerialNumber, SEC_OID_AVA_SERIAL_NUMBER,
-    OD( x520StreetAddress, SEC_OID_AVA_STREET_ADDRESS,
-    OD( x520Title, SEC_OID_AVA_TITLE, 
-    OD( x520PostalAddress, SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_ADDRESS,
-    OD( x520PostalCode, SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_CODE,
-    OD( x520PostOfficeBox, SEC_OID_AVA_POST_OFFICE_BOX,
-    OD( x520GivenName, SEC_OID_AVA_GIVEN_NAME,
-    OD( x520Initials, SEC_OID_AVA_INITIALS,
-    OD( x520GenerationQualifier, SEC_OID_AVA_GENERATION_QUALIFIER,
-    	"X520 Generation Qualifier", 
-    OD( x520HouseIdentifier, SEC_OID_AVA_HOUSE_IDENTIFIER,
-    	"X520 House Identifier", 
-    OD( x520Pseudonym, SEC_OID_AVA_PSEUDONYM,
-    /* More OIDs */
-    OD( pkixCAIssuers, SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_ISSUERS,
-        "PKIX CA issuers access method", 
-    OD( pkcs9ExtensionRequest, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EXTENSION_REQUEST,
-    	"PKCS #9 Extension Request",
-    /* more ECC Signature Oids */
-    OD( ansix962SignatureRecommended,
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with recommended digest", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( ansix962SignatureSpecified,
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with specified digest", CKM_ECDSA,
-    OD( ansix962SignaturewithSHA224Digest,
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with SHA224", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( ansix962SignaturewithSHA256Digest,
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with SHA256", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( ansix962SignaturewithSHA384Digest,
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with SHA384", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( ansix962SignaturewithSHA512Digest,
-	"X9.62 ECDSA signature with SHA512", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    /* More id-ce and id-pe OIDs from RFC 3280 */
-    OD( x509HoldInstructionCode,      SEC_OID_X509_HOLD_INSTRUCTION_CODE,
-        "CRL Hold Instruction Code",  CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509DeltaCRLIndicator,        SEC_OID_X509_DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR,
-        "Delta CRL Indicator",        CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509IssuingDistributionPoint, SEC_OID_X509_ISSUING_DISTRIBUTION_POINT,
-        "Issuing Distribution Point", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509CertIssuer,               SEC_OID_X509_CERT_ISSUER,
-        "Certificate Issuer Extension",CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509FreshestCRL,              SEC_OID_X509_FRESHEST_CRL,
-        "Freshest CRL",               CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509InhibitAnyPolicy,         SEC_OID_X509_INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY,
-        "Inhibit Any Policy",         CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509SubjectInfoAccess,        SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_INFO_ACCESS,
-        "Subject Info Access",        CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    /* Camellia algorithm OIDs */
-    OD( camellia128_CBC, SEC_OID_CAMELLIA_128_CBC,
-    OD( camellia192_CBC, SEC_OID_CAMELLIA_192_CBC,
-    OD( camellia256_CBC, SEC_OID_CAMELLIA_256_CBC,
-    /* PKCS 5 v2 OIDS */
-    OD( pkcs5Pbkdf2, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2,
-	"PKCS #5 Password Based Key Dervive Function v2 ", 
-    OD( pkcs5Pbes2, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2,
-	"PKCS #5 Password Based Encryption v2 ", 
-    OD( pkcs5Pbmac1, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBMAC1,
-	"PKCS #5 Password Based Authentication v1 ", 
-    OD( hmac_sha1, SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1, "HMAC SHA-1", 
-    OD( hmac_sha224, SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA224, "HMAC SHA-224", 
-    OD( hmac_sha256, SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256, "HMAC SHA-256", 
-    OD( hmac_sha384, SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA384, "HMAC SHA-384", 
-    OD( hmac_sha512, SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA512, "HMAC SHA-512", 
-    /* SIA extension OIDs */
-    OD( x509SIATimeStamping,          SEC_OID_PKIX_TIMESTAMPING,
-        "SIA Time Stamping",          CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( x509SIACaRepository,          SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_REPOSITORY,
-        "SIA CA Repository",          CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-	"ISO SHA-1 with RSA Signature", 
-    /* SEED algorithm OIDs */
-    OD( seed_CBC, SEC_OID_SEED_CBC,
-    OD( x509CertificatePoliciesAnyPolicy, SEC_OID_X509_ANY_POLICY,
- 	"Certificate Policies AnyPolicy",
-    OD( pkcs1MGF1, SEC_OID_PKCS1_MGF1,
-	"PKCS #1 MGF1 Mask Generation Function", CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,
-    OD( pkcs1PSpecified, SEC_OID_PKCS1_PSPECIFIED,
-	"PKCS #1 RSA-OAEP Explicitly Specified Encoding Parameters",
-	"PKCS #1 RSA-PSS Signature", CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS,
-    OD( pkcs1SHA224WithRSAEncryption, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA224_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION,
-	"PKCS #1 SHA-224 With RSA Encryption", CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS,
-    OD( sha224, SEC_OID_SHA224, "SHA-224", CKM_SHA224, INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION),
-    OD( evIncorporationLocality, SEC_OID_EV_INCORPORATION_LOCALITY,
-        "Jurisdiction of Incorporation Locality Name",
-    OD( evIncorporationState,    SEC_OID_EV_INCORPORATION_STATE,
-        "Jurisdiction of Incorporation State Name",
-    OD( evIncorporationCountry,  SEC_OID_EV_INCORPORATION_COUNTRY,
-        "Jurisdiction of Incorporation Country Name",
-    OD( x520BusinessCategory,    SEC_OID_BUSINESS_CATEGORY,
-        "Business Category",
-    OD( nistDSASignaturewithSHA224Digest,
-	"DSA with SHA-224 Signature",
-    OD( nistDSASignaturewithSHA256Digest,
-	"DSA with SHA-256 Signature",
-    OD( msExtendedKeyUsageTrustListSigning, 
-        "Microsoft Trust List Signing",
-    OD( x520Name, SEC_OID_AVA_NAME,
-    OD( aes128_GCM, SEC_OID_AES_128_GCM,
-    OD( aes192_GCM, SEC_OID_AES_192_GCM,
-    OD( aes256_GCM, SEC_OID_AES_256_GCM,
-    OD( idea_CBC, SEC_OID_IDEA_CBC,
-    ODE( SEC_OID_RC2_40_CBC,
-    ODE( SEC_OID_RC4_40,
-    ODE( SEC_OID_RC4_56,
- * This table is private. Its structure is opaque to the outside.
- * It is indexed by the same SECOidTag as the oids table above.
- * Every member of this struct must have accessor functions (set, get)
- * and those functions must operate by value, not by reference.
- * The addresses of the contents of this table must not be exposed 
- * by the accessor functions.
- */
-typedef struct privXOidStr {
-    PRUint32	notPolicyFlags; /* ones complement of policy flags */
-} privXOid;
-static privXOid xOids[SEC_OID_TOTAL];
- * now the dynamic table. The dynamic table gets build at init time.
- * and conceivably gets modified if the user loads new crypto modules.
- * All this static data, and the allocated data to which it points,
- * is protected by a global reader/writer lock.  
- * The c language guarantees that global and static data that is not 
- * explicitly initialized will be initialized with zeros.  If we 
- * initialize it with zeros, the data goes into the initialized data
- * secment, and increases the size of the library.  By leaving it 
- * uninitialized, it is allocated in BSS, and does NOT increase the 
- * library size. 
- */
-typedef struct dynXOidStr {
-    SECOidData  data;
-    privXOid    priv;
-} dynXOid;
-static NSSRWLock   * dynOidLock;
-static PLArenaPool * dynOidPool;
-static PLHashTable * dynOidHash;
-static dynXOid    ** dynOidTable;	/* not in the pool */
-static int           dynOidEntriesAllocated;
-static int           dynOidEntriesUsed;
-/* Creates NSSRWLock and dynOidPool at initialization time.
-static SECStatus
-    SECStatus   rv = SECSuccess;
-    dynOidLock = NSSRWLock_New(1, "dynamic OID data");
-    if (!dynOidLock) {
-    	return SECFailure; /* Error code should already be set. */
-    }
-    dynOidPool = PORT_NewArena(2048);
-    if (!dynOidPool) {
-        rv = SECFailure /* Error code should already be set. */;
-    }
-    return rv;
-/* Add oidData to hash table.  Caller holds write lock dynOidLock. */
-static SECStatus
-secoid_HashDynamicOiddata(const SECOidData * oid)
-    PLHashEntry *entry;
-    if (!dynOidHash) {
-        dynOidHash = PL_NewHashTable(0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare,
-			PL_CompareValues, NULL, NULL);
-	if ( !dynOidHash ) {
-	    return SECFailure;
-	}
-    }
-    entry = PL_HashTableAdd( dynOidHash, &oid->oid, (void *)oid );
-    return entry ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
- * Lookup a Dynamic OID. Dynamic OID's still change slowly, so it's
- * cheaper to rehash the table when it changes than it is to do the loop
- * each time. 
- */
-static SECOidData *
-secoid_FindDynamic(const SECItem *key) 
-    SECOidData *ret = NULL;
-    if (dynOidHash) {
-	NSSRWLock_LockRead(dynOidLock);
-	if (dynOidHash) { /* must check it again with lock held. */
-	    ret = (SECOidData *)PL_HashTableLookup(dynOidHash, key);
-	}
-	NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(dynOidLock);
-    }
-    if (ret == NULL) {
-    }
-    return ret;
-static dynXOid *
-secoid_FindDynamicByTag(SECOidTag tagnum)
-    dynXOid *dxo = NULL;
-    int tagNumDiff;
-    if (tagnum < SEC_OID_TOTAL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    tagNumDiff = tagnum - SEC_OID_TOTAL;
-    if (dynOidTable) {
-	NSSRWLock_LockRead(dynOidLock);
-	if (dynOidTable != NULL && /* must check it again with lock held. */
-	    tagNumDiff < dynOidEntriesUsed) {
-	    dxo = dynOidTable[tagNumDiff];
-	}
-	NSSRWLock_UnlockRead(dynOidLock);
-    }
-    if (dxo == NULL) {
-    }
-    return dxo;
- * This routine is thread safe now.
- */
-SECOID_AddEntry(const SECOidData * src)
-    SECOidData * dst;
-    dynXOid    **table;
-    SECOidTag    ret         = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
-    SECStatus    rv;
-    int          tableEntries;
-    int          used;
-    if (!src || !src-> || !src->oid.len || \
-        !src->desc || !strlen(src->desc)) {
-	return ret;
-    }
-    if (src->supportedExtension != INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION     &&
-    	src->supportedExtension != UNSUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION &&
-    	src->supportedExtension != SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION     ) {
-	return ret;
-    }
-    if (!dynOidPool || !dynOidLock) {
-    	return ret;
-    }
-    NSSRWLock_LockWrite(dynOidLock);
-    /* We've just acquired the write lock, and now we call FindOIDTag
-    ** which will acquire and release the read lock.  NSSRWLock has been
-    ** designed to allow this very case without deadlock.  This approach 
-    ** makes the test for the presence of the OID, and the subsequent 
-    ** addition of the OID to the table a single atomic write operation.
-    */
-    ret = SECOID_FindOIDTag(&src->oid);
-    if (ret != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
-    	/* we could return an error here, but I chose not to do that.
-	** This way, if we add an OID to the shared library's built in
-	** list of OIDs in some future release, and that OID is the same
-	** as some OID that a program has been adding, the program will
-	** not suddenly stop working.
-	*/
-	goto done;
-    }
-    table        = dynOidTable;
-    tableEntries = dynOidEntriesAllocated;
-    used         = dynOidEntriesUsed;
-    if (used + 1 > tableEntries) {
-	dynXOid   ** newTable;
-	int          newTableEntries = tableEntries + 16;
-	newTable = (dynXOid **)PORT_Realloc(table, 
-				       newTableEntries * sizeof(dynXOid *));
-	if (newTable == NULL) {
-	    goto done;
-	}
-	dynOidTable            = table        = newTable;
-	dynOidEntriesAllocated = tableEntries = newTableEntries;
-    }
-    /* copy oid structure */
-    dst = (SECOidData *)PORT_ArenaZNew(dynOidPool, dynXOid);
-    if (!dst) {
-    	goto done;
-    }
-    rv  = SECITEM_CopyItem(dynOidPool, &dst->oid, &src->oid);
-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    dst->desc = PORT_ArenaStrdup(dynOidPool, src->desc);
-    if (!dst->desc) {
-	goto done;
-    }
-    dst->offset             = (SECOidTag)(used + SEC_OID_TOTAL);
-    dst->mechanism          = src->mechanism;
-    dst->supportedExtension = src->supportedExtension;
-    rv = secoid_HashDynamicOiddata(dst);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-	table[used++] = (dynXOid *)dst;
-	dynOidEntriesUsed = used;
-	ret = dst->offset;
-    }
-    NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(dynOidLock);
-    return ret;
-/* normal static table processing */
-static PLHashTable *oidhash     = NULL;
-static PLHashTable *oidmechhash = NULL;
-static PLHashNumber
-secoid_HashNumber(const void *key)
-    return (PLHashNumber)((char *)key - (char *)NULL);
-static void
-handleHashAlgSupport(char * envVal)
-    char * myVal = PORT_Strdup(envVal);  /* Get a copy we can alter */
-    char * arg   = myVal;
-    while (arg && *arg) {
-	char *   nextArg = PL_strpbrk(arg, ";");
-	PRUint32 notEnable;
-	if (nextArg) {
-	    while (*nextArg == ';') {
-		*nextArg++ = '\0';
-	    }
-	}
-	notEnable = (*arg == '-') ? (DEF_FLAGS) : 0;
-	if ((*arg == '+' || *arg == '-') && *++arg) { 
-	    int i;
-	    for (i = 1; i < SEC_OID_TOTAL; i++) {
-	        if (oids[i].desc && strstr(arg, oids[i].desc)) {
-		     xOids[i].notPolicyFlags = notEnable |
-		    (xOids[i].notPolicyFlags & ~(DEF_FLAGS));
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	arg = nextArg;
-    }
-    PORT_Free(myVal);  /* can handle NULL argument OK */
-    PLHashEntry *entry;
-    const SECOidData *oid;
-    int i;
-    char * envVal;
-#define NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE __nss_util_version
-#include "verref.h"
-    if (oidhash) {
-	return SECSuccess; /* already initialized */
-    }
-    if (!PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_ALLOW_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALG")) {
-	/* initialize any policy flags that are disabled by default */
-	xOids[SEC_OID_MD2                           ].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_MD4                           ].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_MD5                           ].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD2_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION ].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD4_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION ].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION ].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_MD2_AND_DES_CBC].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-	xOids[SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_MD5_AND_DES_CBC].notPolicyFlags = ~0;
-    }
-    /* turn off NSS_USE_POLICY_IN_SSL by default */
-    envVal = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_HASH_ALG_SUPPORT");
-    if (envVal)
-    	handleHashAlgSupport(envVal);
-    if (secoid_InitDynOidData() != SECSuccess) {
-        PORT_Assert(0); /* this function should never fail */
-    	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    oidhash = PL_NewHashTable(0, SECITEM_Hash, SECITEM_HashCompare,
-			PL_CompareValues, NULL, NULL);
-    oidmechhash = PL_NewHashTable(0, secoid_HashNumber, PL_CompareValues,
-			PL_CompareValues, NULL, NULL);
-    if ( !oidhash || !oidmechhash) {
- 	PORT_Assert(0); /*This function should never fail. */
-	return(SECFailure);
-    }
-    for ( i = 0; i < SEC_OID_TOTAL; i++ ) {
-	oid = &oids[i];
-	PORT_Assert ( oid->offset == i );
-	entry = PL_HashTableAdd( oidhash, &oid->oid, (void *)oid );
-	if ( entry == NULL ) {
-            PORT_Assert(0); /*This function should never fail. */
-	    return(SECFailure);
-	}
-	if ( oid->mechanism != CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM ) {
-	    entry = PL_HashTableAdd( oidmechhash, 
-					(void *)oid->mechanism, (void *)oid );
-	    if ( entry == NULL ) {
-                PORT_Assert(0); /* This function should never fail. */
-		return(SECFailure);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Assert (i == SEC_OID_TOTAL);
-    return(SECSuccess);
-SECOidData *
-SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism(unsigned long mechanism)
-    SECOidData *ret;
-    PR_ASSERT(oidhash != NULL);
-    ret = PL_HashTableLookupConst ( oidmechhash, (void *)mechanism);
-    if ( ret == NULL ) {
-    }
-    return (ret);
-SECOidData *
-SECOID_FindOID(const SECItem *oid)
-    SECOidData *ret;
-    PR_ASSERT(oidhash != NULL);
-    ret = PL_HashTableLookupConst ( oidhash, oid );
-    if ( ret == NULL ) {
-	ret  = secoid_FindDynamic(oid);
-	if (ret == NULL) {
-	}
-    }
-    return(ret);
-SECOID_FindOIDTag(const SECItem *oid)
-    SECOidData *oiddata;
-    oiddata = SECOID_FindOID (oid);
-    if (oiddata == NULL)
-    return oiddata->offset;
-/* This really should return const. */
-SECOidData *
-SECOID_FindOIDByTag(SECOidTag tagnum)
-    if (tagnum >= SEC_OID_TOTAL) {
-	return (SECOidData *)secoid_FindDynamicByTag(tagnum);
-    }
-    PORT_Assert((unsigned int)tagnum < SEC_OID_TOTAL);
-    return (SECOidData *)(&oids[tagnum]);
-PRBool SECOID_KnownCertExtenOID (SECItem *extenOid)
-    SECOidData * oidData;
-    oidData = SECOID_FindOID (extenOid);
-    if (oidData == (SECOidData *)NULL)
-	return (PR_FALSE);
-    return ((oidData->supportedExtension == SUPPORTED_CERT_EXTENSION) ?
-            PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-const char *
-SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription(SECOidTag tagnum)
-  const SECOidData *oidData = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(tagnum);
-  return oidData ? oidData->desc : 0;
-/* --------- opaque extended OID table accessor functions ---------------*/
- * Any of these functions may return SECSuccess or SECFailure with the error 
- * code set to SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE if the SECOidTag is out of range.
- */
-static privXOid *
-secoid_FindXOidByTag(SECOidTag tagnum)
-    if (tagnum >= SEC_OID_TOTAL) {
-	dynXOid *dxo = secoid_FindDynamicByTag(tagnum);
-	return (dxo ? &dxo->priv : NULL);
-    }
-    PORT_Assert((unsigned int)tagnum < SEC_OID_TOTAL);
-    return &xOids[tagnum];
-/* The Get function outputs the 32-bit value associated with the SECOidTag.
- * Flags bits are the NSS_USE_ALG_ #defines in "secoidt.h".
- * Default value for any algorithm is 0xffffffff (enabled for all purposes).
- * No value is output if function returns SECFailure.
- */
-NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy(SECOidTag tag, PRUint32 *pValue)
-    privXOid * pxo = secoid_FindXOidByTag(tag);
-    if (!pxo)
-    	return SECFailure;
-    if (!pValue) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    *pValue = ~(pxo->notPolicyFlags);
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* The Set function modifies the stored value according to the following
- * algorithm:
- *   policy[tag] = (policy[tag] & ~clearBits) | setBits;
- */
-NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy(SECOidTag tag, PRUint32 setBits, PRUint32 clearBits)
-    privXOid * pxo = secoid_FindXOidByTag(tag);
-    PRUint32   policyFlags;
-    if (!pxo)
-    	return SECFailure;
-    /* The stored policy flags are the ones complement of the flags as 
-     * seen by the user.  This is not atomic, but these changes should 
-     * be done rarely, e.g. at initialization time. 
-     */
-    policyFlags = ~(pxo->notPolicyFlags);
-    policyFlags = (policyFlags & ~clearBits) | setBits;
-    pxo->notPolicyFlags = ~policyFlags;
-    return SECSuccess;
-/* --------- END OF opaque extended OID table accessor functions ---------*/
-/* for now, this is only used in a single place, so it can remain static */
-static PRBool parentForkedAfterC_Initialize;
-#define SKIP_AFTER_FORK(x) if (!parentForkedAfterC_Initialize) x
- * free up the oid tables.
- */
-    if (oidhash) {
-	PL_HashTableDestroy(oidhash);
-	oidhash = NULL;
-    }
-    if (oidmechhash) {
-	PL_HashTableDestroy(oidmechhash);
-	oidmechhash = NULL;
-    }
-    /* Have to handle the case where the lock was created, but
-    ** the pool wasn't. 
-    ** I'm not going to attempt to create the lock, just to protect
-    ** the destruction of data that probably isn't initialized anyway.
-    */
-    if (dynOidLock) {
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(NSSRWLock_LockWrite(dynOidLock));
-	if (dynOidHash) {
-	    PL_HashTableDestroy(dynOidHash);
-	    dynOidHash = NULL;
-	}
-	if (dynOidPool) {
-	    PORT_FreeArena(dynOidPool, PR_FALSE);
-	    dynOidPool = NULL;
-	}
-	if (dynOidTable) {
-	    PORT_Free(dynOidTable);
-	    dynOidTable = NULL;
-	}
-	dynOidEntriesAllocated = 0;
-	dynOidEntriesUsed = 0;
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite(dynOidLock));
-	SKIP_AFTER_FORK(NSSRWLock_Destroy(dynOidLock));
-	dynOidLock = NULL;
-    } else {
-    	/* Since dynOidLock doesn't exist, then all the data it protects
-	** should be uninitialized.  We'll check that (in DEBUG builds),
-	** and then make sure it is so, in case NSS is reinitialized.
-	*/
-	PORT_Assert(!dynOidHash && !dynOidPool && !dynOidTable && \
-	            !dynOidEntriesAllocated && !dynOidEntriesUsed);
-	dynOidHash = NULL;
-	dynOidPool = NULL;
-	dynOidTable = NULL;
-	dynOidEntriesAllocated = 0;
-	dynOidEntriesUsed = 0;
-    }
-    memset(xOids, 0, sizeof xOids);
-    return SECSuccess;
-void UTIL_SetForkState(PRBool forked)
-    parentForkedAfterC_Initialize = forked;
-const char *
-    return NSSUTIL_VERSION;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secoid.h b/nss/lib/util/secoid.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1908744..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secoid.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECOID_H_
-#define _SECOID_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
- * secoid.h - public data structures and prototypes for ASN.1 OID functions
- */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secoidt.h"
-#include "secasn1t.h"
-extern const SEC_ASN1Template SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate[];
-/* This functions simply returns the address of the above-declared template. */
- * OID handling routines
- */
-extern SECOidData *SECOID_FindOID( const SECItem *oid);
-extern SECOidTag SECOID_FindOIDTag(const SECItem *oid);
-extern SECOidData *SECOID_FindOIDByTag(SECOidTag tagnum);
-extern SECOidData *SECOID_FindOIDByMechanism(unsigned long mechanism);
-** Algorithm id handling operations
-** Fill in an algorithm-ID object given a tag and some parameters.
-** 	"aid" where the DER encoded algorithm info is stored (memory
-**	   is allocated)
-**	"tag" the tag number defining the algorithm 
-**	"params" if not NULL, the parameters to go with the algorithm
-extern SECStatus SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *aid,
-				   SECOidTag tag, SECItem *params);
-** Copy the "src" object to "dest". Memory is allocated in "dest" for
-** each of the appropriate sub-objects. Memory in "dest" is not freed
-** before memory is allocated (use SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(dest, PR_FALSE)
-** to do that).
-extern SECStatus SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(PLArenaPool *arena, SECAlgorithmID *dest,
-				        const SECAlgorithmID *src);
-** Get the tag number for the given algorithm-id object.
-extern SECOidTag SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(const SECAlgorithmID *aid);
-** Destroy an algorithm-id object.
-**	"aid" the certificate-request to destroy
-**	"freeit" if PR_TRUE then free the object as well as its sub-objects
-extern void SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *aid, PRBool freeit);
-** Compare two algorithm-id objects, returning the difference between
-** them.
-extern SECComparison SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID(SECAlgorithmID *a,
-					   SECAlgorithmID *b);
-extern PRBool SECOID_KnownCertExtenOID (SECItem *extenOid);
-/* Given a tag number, return a string describing it.
- */
-extern const char *SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription(SECOidTag tagnum);
-/* Add a dynamic SECOidData to the dynamic OID table.
-** Routine copies the src entry, and returns the new SECOidTag.
-** Returns SEC_OID_INVALID if failed to add for some reason.
-extern SECOidTag SECOID_AddEntry(const SECOidData * src);
- * initialize the oid data structures.
- */
-extern SECStatus SECOID_Init(void);
- * free up the oid data structures.
- */
-extern SECStatus SECOID_Shutdown(void);
-/* if to->data is not NULL, and to->len is large enough to hold the result,
- * then the resultant OID will be copyed into to->data, and to->len will be
- * changed to show the actual OID length.
- * Otherwise, memory for the OID will be allocated (from the caller's 
- * PLArenaPool, if pool is non-NULL) and to->data will receive the address
- * of the allocated data, and to->len will receive the OID length.
- * The original value of to->data is not freed when a new buffer is allocated.
- * 
- * The input string may begin with "OID." and this still be ignored.
- * The length of the input string is given in len.  If len == 0, then 
- * len will be computed as strlen(from), meaning it must be NUL terminated.
- * It is an error if from == NULL, or if *from == '\0'.
- */
-extern SECStatus SEC_StringToOID(PLArenaPool *pool, SECItem *to, 
-                                 const char *from, PRUint32 len);
-extern void UTIL_SetForkState(PRBool forked);
- * Accessor functions for new opaque extended SECOID table.
- * Any of these functions may return SECSuccess or SECFailure with the error 
- * code set to SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE if the SECOidTag is out of range.
- */
-/* The Get function outputs the 32-bit value associated with the SECOidTag.
- * Flags bits are the NSS_USE_ALG_ #defines in "secoidt.h".
- * Default value for any algorithm is 0xffffffff (enabled for all purposes).
- * No value is output if function returns SECFailure.
- */
-extern SECStatus NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy(SECOidTag tag, PRUint32 *pValue);
-/* The Set function modifies the stored value according to the following
- * algorithm:
- *   policy[tag] = (policy[tag] & ~clearBits) | setBits;
- */
-extern SECStatus
-NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy(SECOidTag tag, PRUint32 setBits, PRUint32 clearBits);
-#endif /* _SECOID_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secoidt.h b/nss/lib/util/secoidt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9386a7..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secoidt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _SECOIDT_H_
-#define _SECOIDT_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
- * secoidt.h - public data structures for ASN.1 OID functions
- */
-#include "secitem.h"
-typedef struct SECOidDataStr SECOidData;
-typedef struct SECAlgorithmIDStr SECAlgorithmID;
-** An X.500 algorithm identifier
-struct SECAlgorithmIDStr {
-    SECItem algorithm;
-    SECItem parameters;
- * Misc object IDs - these numbers are for convenient handling.
- * They are mapped into real object IDs
- *
- * NOTE: the order of these entries must mach the array "oids" of SECOidData
- * in util/secoid.c.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    SEC_OID_MD2 = 1,
-    SEC_OID_MD4 = 2,
-    SEC_OID_MD5 = 3,
-    SEC_OID_SHA1 = 4,
-    SEC_OID_RC2_CBC = 5,
-    SEC_OID_RC4 = 6,
-    SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC = 7,
-    SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD = 8,
-    SEC_OID_DES_ECB = 9,
-    SEC_OID_DES_CBC = 10,
-    SEC_OID_DES_OFB = 11,
-    SEC_OID_DES_CFB = 12,
-    SEC_OID_DES_MAC = 13,
-    SEC_OID_DES_EDE = 14,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS7 = 24,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA = 25,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_DC = 48,
-    SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_GIF = 49,
-    SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_URL = 51,
-    SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS = 57,
-    SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA = 58,
-    /* Netscape private certificate extensions */
-    /* x.509 v3 Extensions */
-    SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_KEY_ID = 80,
-    SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE = 81,
-    SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID = 91,
-    SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE = 92,
-    SEC_OID_X509_CRL_NUMBER = 94,
-    SEC_OID_X509_REASON_CODE = 95,
-    SEC_OID_X509_INVALID_DATE = 96,
-    /* End of x.509 v3 Extensions */    
-    /* alg 1485 additions */
-    SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID = 98,
-    SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL = 99,
-    /* PKCS 12 additions */
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12 = 100,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_MODE_IDS = 101,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_ESPVK_IDS = 102,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_BAG_IDS = 103,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_OIDS = 105,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_IDS = 106,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_KEY_BAG_ID = 110,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_X509_CERT_CRL_BAG = 113,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC4 = 115,
-    /* end of PKCS 12 additions */
-    /* DSA signatures */
-    /* Verisign OIDs */
-    /* PKIX OIDs */
-    SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP = 130,
-    /* Netscape Algorithm OIDs */
-    /* Skipjack OID -- ### mwelch temporary */
-    /* PKCS 12 V2 oids */
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC4 = 154,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC4 = 155,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_KEY_BAG_ID = 162,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_CERT_BAG_ID = 164,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_CRL_BAG_ID = 165,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS9_X509_CERT = 168,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS9_X509_CRL = 170,
-    /*Diffe Helman OIDS */
-    /* Netscape other name types */
-    /* SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_NICKNAME is an otherName field of type IA5String
-     * in the subjectAltName certificate extension.  NSS dropped support
-     * for SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_NICKNAME in NSS 3.13. */
-    /* Cert Server OIDS */
-    /* New PSM certificate management OIDs */
-    /* CMS (RFC2630) OIDs */
-    SEC_OID_CMS_RC2_KEY_WRAP = 181,
-    /* SMIME attributes */
-    /* AES OIDs */
-    SEC_OID_AES_128_ECB 	= 183,
-    SEC_OID_AES_128_CBC 	= 184,
-    SEC_OID_AES_192_ECB 	= 185,
-    SEC_OID_AES_192_CBC 	= 186,
-    SEC_OID_AES_256_ECB 	= 187,
-    SEC_OID_AES_256_CBC 	= 188,
-    SEC_OID_SHA256              = 191,
-    SEC_OID_SHA384              = 192,
-    SEC_OID_SHA512              = 193,
-    SEC_OID_AES_128_KEY_WRAP	= 197,
-    SEC_OID_AES_192_KEY_WRAP	= 198,
-    SEC_OID_AES_256_KEY_WRAP	= 199,
-    /* Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) OIDs */
-    /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (prime field) */
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V1  = 202,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V2  = 203,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME192V3  = 204,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V1  = 205,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V2  = 206,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME239V3  = 207,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PRIME256V1  = 208,
-    /* SECG named elliptic curves (prime field) */
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R1       = 209,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP112R2       = 210,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R1       = 211,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP128R2       = 212,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160K1       = 213,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R1       = 214, 
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP160R2       = 215,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP192K1       = 216,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224K1       = 217,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP224R1       = 218,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP256K1       = 219,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP384R1       = 220,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECP521R1       = 221,
-    /* ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V1  = 222,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V2  = 223,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB163V3  = 224,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB176V1  = 225,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V1  = 226,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V2  = 227,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB191V3  = 228,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V4  = 229,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB191V5  = 230,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB208W1  = 231,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V1  = 232,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V2  = 233,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB239V3  = 234,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V4  = 235,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2ONB239V5  = 236,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB272W1  = 237,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB304W1  = 238,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB359V1  = 239,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2PNB368W1  = 240,
-    SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_C2TNB431R1  = 241,
-    /* SECG named elliptic curves (characteristic two field) */
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R1       = 242,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT113R2       = 243,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R1       = 244,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT131R2       = 245,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163K1       = 246,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R1       = 247,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT163R2       = 248,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R1       = 249,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT193R2       = 250,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233K1       = 251,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT233R1       = 252,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT239K1       = 253,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283K1       = 254,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT283R1       = 255,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409K1       = 256,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT409R1       = 257,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571K1       = 258,
-    SEC_OID_SECG_EC_SECT571R1       = 259,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_SURNAME              = 261,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_SERIAL_NUMBER        = 262,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_STREET_ADDRESS       = 263,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_TITLE                = 264,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_ADDRESS       = 265,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_POSTAL_CODE          = 266,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_POST_OFFICE_BOX      = 267,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_GIVEN_NAME           = 268,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_INITIALS             = 269,
-    SEC_OID_AVA_PSEUDONYM            = 272,
-    /* More OIDs */
-    SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_ISSUERS          = 273,
-    /* new EC Signature oids */
-    /* More id-ce and id-pe OIDs from RFC 3280 */
-    SEC_OID_X509_DELTA_CRL_INDICATOR        = 282,
-    SEC_OID_X509_CERT_ISSUER                = 284,
-    SEC_OID_X509_FRESHEST_CRL               = 285,
-    SEC_OID_X509_INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY         = 286,
-    SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_INFO_ACCESS        = 287,
-    /* Camellia OIDs (RFC3657)*/
-    SEC_OID_CAMELLIA_128_CBC                = 288,
-    SEC_OID_CAMELLIA_192_CBC                = 289,
-    SEC_OID_CAMELLIA_256_CBC                = 290,
-    /* PKCS 5 V2 OIDS */
-    SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBKDF2                    = 291,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2                     = 292,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBMAC1                    = 293,
-    SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA1                       = 294,
-    SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA224                     = 295,
-    SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA256                     = 296,
-    SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA384                     = 297,
-    SEC_OID_HMAC_SHA512                     = 298,
-    SEC_OID_PKIX_TIMESTAMPING               = 299,
-    SEC_OID_PKIX_CA_REPOSITORY              = 300,
-    SEC_OID_SEED_CBC			    = 302,
-    SEC_OID_X509_ANY_POLICY                 = 303,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS1_MGF1                      = 305,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS1_PSPECIFIED                = 306,
-    SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_PSS_SIGNATURE         = 307,
-    SEC_OID_SHA224                          = 309,
-    SEC_OID_BUSINESS_CATEGORY               = 313,
-    /* Microsoft Trust List Signing
-     * where KP stands for Key Purpose
-     */
-    /* The 'name' attribute type in X.520 */
-    SEC_OID_AVA_NAME                        = 317,
-    SEC_OID_AES_128_GCM        		    = 318,
-    SEC_OID_AES_192_GCM 		    = 319,
-    SEC_OID_AES_256_GCM 		    = 320,
-    SEC_OID_IDEA_CBC 			    = 321,
-    /* pseudo - OIDs */
-    SEC_OID_RC2_40_CBC 			    = 322,
-    SEC_OID_DES_40_CBC 			    = 323,
-    SEC_OID_RC4_40 			    = 324,
-    SEC_OID_RC4_56 			    = 325,
-    SEC_OID_NULL_CIPHER                     = 326,
-    SEC_OID_HMAC_MD5                        = 327,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_RSA                         = 328,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DHE_RSA                     = 329,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DHE_DSS                     = 330,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DH_RSA                      = 331,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DH_DSS                      = 332,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DH_ANON                     = 333,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA                 = 334,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_ECDHE_RSA                   = 335,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA                  = 336,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_ECDH_RSA                    = 337,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_ECDH_ANON                   = 338,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_RSA_EXPORT                  = 339,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DHE_RSA_EXPORT         = 340,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DHE_DSS_EXPORT         = 341,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DH_RSA_EXPORT          = 342,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DH_DSS_EXPORT          = 343,
-    SEC_OID_TLS_DH_ANON_EXPORT         = 344,
-    SEC_OID_APPLY_SSL_POLICY           = 345,
-    SEC_OID_CHACHA20_POLY1305          = 346,
-} SECOidTag;
-/* fake OID for DSS sign/verify */
-typedef enum {
-} SECSupportExtenTag;
-struct SECOidDataStr {
-    SECItem            oid;
-    SECOidTag          offset;
-    const char *       desc;
-    unsigned long      mechanism;
-    SECSupportExtenTag supportedExtension;	
-    				/* only used for x.509 v3 extensions, so
-				   that we can print the names of those
-				   extensions that we don't even support */
-/* New Opaque extended OID table API.  
- * These are algorithm policy Flags, used with functions
- * NSS_SetAlgorithmPolicy & NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy.
- */
-#define NSS_USE_ALG_IN_CERT_SIGNATURE  0x00000001  /* CRLs and OCSP, too */
-#define NSS_USE_ALG_IN_CMS_SIGNATURE   0x00000002  /* used in S/MIME */
-#define NSS_USE_ALG_IN_SSL_KX          0x00000004  /* used in SSL key exchange */
-#define NSS_USE_ALG_IN_SSL             0x00000008  /* used in SSL record protocol */
-#define NSS_USE_POLICY_IN_SSL          0x00000010  /* enable policy in SSL protocol */
-#define NSS_USE_ALG_RESERVED           0xfffffffc  /* may be used in future */
-/* Code MUST NOT SET or CLEAR reserved bits, and must NOT depend on them
- * being all zeros or having any other known value.  The reserved bits
- * must be ignored.
- */
-#endif /* _SECOIDT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secport.c b/nss/lib/util/secport.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dcf5893..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secport.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * secport.c - portability interfaces for security libraries
- *
- * This file abstracts out libc functionality that libsec depends on
- * 
- * NOTE - These are not public interfaces
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "prmem.h"
-#include "prerror.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-#include "prmon.h"
-#include "nssilock.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "prenv.h"
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-#include "prthread.h"
-#endif /* THREADMARK */
-#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_OS2) || defined(XP_BEOS)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "wtypes.h"
-#define SET_ERROR_CODE	/* place holder for code to set PR error code. */
-typedef struct threadmark_mark_str {
-  struct threadmark_mark_str *next;
-  void *mark;
-} threadmark_mark;
-#endif /* THREADMARK */
-/* The value of this magic must change each time PORTArenaPool changes. */
-typedef struct PORTArenaPool_str {
-  PLArenaPool arena;
-  PRUint32    magic;
-  PRLock *    lock;
-  PRThread *marking_thread;
-  threadmark_mark *first_mark;
-} PORTArenaPool;
-/* count of allocation failures. */
-unsigned long port_allocFailures;
-/* locations for registering Unicode conversion functions.  
- * XXX is this the appropriate location?  or should they be
- *     moved to client/server specific locations?
- */
-PORTCharConversionFunc ucs4Utf8ConvertFunc;
-PORTCharConversionFunc ucs2Utf8ConvertFunc;
-PORTCharConversionWSwapFunc  ucs2AsciiConvertFunc;
-/* NSPR memory allocation functions (PR_Malloc, PR_Calloc, and PR_Realloc)
- * use the PRUint32 type for the size parameter. Before we pass a size_t or
- * unsigned long size to these functions, we need to ensure it is <= half of
- * the maximum PRUint32 value to avoid truncation and catch a negative size.
- */
-#define MAX_SIZE (PR_UINT32_MAX >> 1)
-void *
-PORT_Alloc(size_t bytes)
-    void *rv = NULL;
-    if (bytes <= MAX_SIZE) {
-	/* Always allocate a non-zero amount of bytes */
-	rv = PR_Malloc(bytes ? bytes : 1);
-    }
-    if (!rv) {
-	++port_allocFailures;
-    }
-    return rv;
-void *
-PORT_Realloc(void *oldptr, size_t bytes)
-    void *rv = NULL;
-    if (bytes <= MAX_SIZE) {
-	rv = PR_Realloc(oldptr, bytes);
-    }
-    if (!rv) {
-	++port_allocFailures;
-    }
-    return rv;
-void *
-PORT_ZAlloc(size_t bytes)
-    void *rv = NULL;
-    if (bytes <= MAX_SIZE) {
-	/* Always allocate a non-zero amount of bytes */
-	rv = PR_Calloc(1, bytes ? bytes : 1);
-    }
-    if (!rv) {
-	++port_allocFailures;
-    }
-    return rv;
-PORT_Free(void *ptr)
-    if (ptr) {
-	PR_Free(ptr);
-    }
-PORT_ZFree(void *ptr, size_t len)
-    if (ptr) {
-	memset(ptr, 0, len);
-	PR_Free(ptr);
-    }
-char *
-PORT_Strdup(const char *str)
-    size_t len = PORT_Strlen(str)+1;
-    char *newstr;
-    newstr = (char *)PORT_Alloc(len);
-    if (newstr) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(newstr, str, len);
-    }
-    return newstr;
-PORT_SetError(int value)
-#ifdef DEBUG_jp96085
-    PR_SetError(value, 0);
-    return;
-    return(PR_GetError());
-/********************* Arena code follows *****************************
- * ArenaPools are like heaps.  The memory in them consists of large blocks,
- * called arenas, which are allocated from the/a system heap.  Inside an
- * ArenaPool, the arenas are organized as if they were in a stack.  Newly
- * allocated arenas are "pushed" on that stack.  When you attempt to
- * allocate memory from an ArenaPool, the code first looks to see if there
- * is enough unused space in the top arena on the stack to satisfy your
- * request, and if so, your request is satisfied from that arena.
- * Otherwise, a new arena is allocated (or taken from NSPR's list of freed
- * arenas) and pushed on to the stack.  The new arena is always big enough
- * to satisfy the request, and is also at least a minimum size that is
- * established at the time that the ArenaPool is created.
- *
- * The ArenaMark function returns the address of a marker in the arena at
- * the top of the arena stack.  It is the address of the place in the arena
- * on the top of the arena stack from which the next block of memory will
- * be allocated.  Each ArenaPool has its own separate stack, and hence
- * marks are only relevant to the ArenaPool from which they are gotten.
- * Marks may be nested.  That is, a thread can get a mark, and then get
- * another mark.
- *
- * It is intended that all the marks in an ArenaPool may only be owned by a
- * single thread.  In DEBUG builds, this is enforced.  In non-DEBUG builds,
- * it is not.  In DEBUG builds, when a thread gets a mark from an
- * ArenaPool, no other thread may acquire a mark in that ArenaPool while
- * that mark exists, that is, until that mark is unmarked or released.
- * Therefore, it is important that every mark be unmarked or released when
- * the creating thread has no further need for exclusive ownership of the
- * right to manage the ArenaPool.
- *
- * The ArenaUnmark function discards the ArenaMark at the address given,
- * and all marks nested inside that mark (that is, acquired from that same
- * ArenaPool while that mark existed).   It is an error for a thread other
- * than the mark's creator to try to unmark it.  When a thread has unmarked
- * all its marks from an ArenaPool, then another thread is able to set
- * marks in that ArenaPool.  ArenaUnmark does not deallocate (or "pop") any
- * memory allocated from the ArenaPool since the mark was created.
- *
- * ArenaRelease "pops" the stack back to the mark, deallocating all the
- * memory allocated from the arenas in the ArenaPool since that mark was
- * created, and removing any arenas from the ArenaPool that have no
- * remaining active allocations when that is done.  It implicitly releases
- * any marks nested inside the mark being explicitly released.  It is the
- * only operation, other than destroying the arenapool, that potentially
- * reduces the number of arenas on the stack.  Otherwise, the stack grows
- * until the arenapool is destroyed, at which point all the arenas are
- * freed or returned to a "free arena list", depending on their sizes.
- */
-PLArenaPool *
-PORT_NewArena(unsigned long chunksize)
-    PORTArenaPool *pool;
-    if (chunksize > MAX_SIZE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pool = PORT_ZNew(PORTArenaPool);
-    if (!pool) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    pool->magic = ARENAPOOL_MAGIC;
-    pool->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockArena);
-    if (!pool->lock) {
-	++port_allocFailures;
-	PORT_Free(pool);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PL_InitArenaPool(&pool->arena, "security", chunksize, sizeof(double));
-    return(&pool->arena);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaAlloc(PLArenaPool *arena, size_t size)
-    void *p = NULL;
-    PORTArenaPool *pool = (PORTArenaPool *)arena;
-    if (size <= 0) {
-	size = 1;
-    }
-    if (size > MAX_SIZE) {
-	/* you lose. */
-    } else 
-    /* Is it one of ours?  Assume so and check the magic */
-    if (ARENAPOOL_MAGIC == pool->magic ) {
-	PZ_Lock(pool->lock);
-        /* Most likely one of ours.  Is there a thread id? */
-	if (pool->marking_thread  &&
-	    pool->marking_thread != PR_GetCurrentThread() ) {
-	    /* Another thread holds a mark in this arena */
-	    PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-	    PORT_Assert(0);
-	    return NULL;
-	} /* tid != null */
-#endif /* THREADMARK */
-	PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(p, arena, size);
-	PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-    } else {
-	PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(p, arena, size);
-    }
-    if (!p) {
-	++port_allocFailures;
-    }
-    return(p);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaZAlloc(PLArenaPool *arena, size_t size)
-    void *p;
-    if (size <= 0)
-        size = 1;
-    p = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena, size);
-    if (p) {
-	PORT_Memset(p, 0, size);
-    }
-    return(p);
- * If zero is true, zeroize the arena memory before freeing it.
- */
-PORT_FreeArena(PLArenaPool *arena, PRBool zero)
-    PORTArenaPool *pool = (PORTArenaPool *)arena;
-    PRLock *       lock = (PRLock *)0;
-    size_t         len  = sizeof *arena;
-    static PRBool  checkedEnv = PR_FALSE;
-    static PRBool  doFreeArenaPool = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!pool)
-    	return;
-    if (ARENAPOOL_MAGIC == pool->magic ) {
-	len  = sizeof *pool;
-	lock = pool->lock;
-	PZ_Lock(lock);
-    }
-    if (!checkedEnv) {
-	/* no need for thread protection here */
-	doFreeArenaPool = (PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_ARENA_FREE_LIST") == NULL);
-	checkedEnv = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (zero) {
-	PL_ClearArenaPool(arena, 0);
-    }
-    if (doFreeArenaPool) {
-	PL_FreeArenaPool(arena);
-    } else {
-	PL_FinishArenaPool(arena);
-    }
-    PORT_ZFree(arena, len);
-    if (lock) {
-	PZ_Unlock(lock);
-	PZ_DestroyLock(lock);
-    }
-void *
-PORT_ArenaGrow(PLArenaPool *arena, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
-    PORTArenaPool *pool = (PORTArenaPool *)arena;
-    PORT_Assert(newsize >= oldsize);
-    if (newsize > MAX_SIZE) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (ARENAPOOL_MAGIC == pool->magic ) {
-	PZ_Lock(pool->lock);
-	/* Do we do a THREADMARK check here? */
-	PL_ARENA_GROW(ptr, arena, oldsize, ( newsize - oldsize ) );
-	PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-    } else {
-	PL_ARENA_GROW(ptr, arena, oldsize, ( newsize - oldsize ) );
-    }
-    return(ptr);
-void *
-PORT_ArenaMark(PLArenaPool *arena)
-    void * result;
-    PORTArenaPool *pool = (PORTArenaPool *)arena;
-    if (ARENAPOOL_MAGIC == pool->magic ) {
-	PZ_Lock(pool->lock);
-	{
-	  threadmark_mark *tm, **pw;
-	  PRThread * currentThread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
-	    if (! pool->marking_thread ) {
-		/* First mark */
-		pool->marking_thread = currentThread;
-	    } else if (currentThread != pool->marking_thread ) {
-		PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-		PORT_Assert(0);
-		return NULL;
-	    }
-	    result = PL_ARENA_MARK(arena);
-	    PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(tm, arena, sizeof(threadmark_mark));
-	    if (!tm) {
-		PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-		return NULL;
-	    }
-	    tm->mark = result;
-	    tm->next = (threadmark_mark *)NULL;
-	    pw = &pool->first_mark;
-	    while( *pw ) {
-		 pw = &(*pw)->next;
-	    }
-	    *pw = tm;
-	}
-#else /* THREADMARK */
-	result = PL_ARENA_MARK(arena);
-#endif /* THREADMARK */
-	PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-    } else {
-	/* a "pure" NSPR arena */
-	result = PL_ARENA_MARK(arena);
-    }
-    return result;
- * This function accesses the internals of PLArena, which is why it needs
- * to use the NSPR internal macro PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED before the memset
- * calls.
- *
- * We should move this function to NSPR as PL_ClearArenaAfterMark or add
- *
- * TODO: remove the #ifdef PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED tests when NSPR 4.10+ is
- * widely available.
- */
-static void
-port_ArenaZeroAfterMark(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark)
-    PLArena *a = arena->current;
-    if (a->base <= (PRUword)mark && (PRUword)mark <= a->avail) {
-	/* fast path: mark falls in the current arena */
-	PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(mark, a->avail - (PRUword)mark);
-	memset(mark, 0, a->avail - (PRUword)mark);
-    } else {
-	/* slow path: need to find the arena that mark falls in */
-	for (a = arena->; a; a = a->next) {
-	    PR_ASSERT(a->base <= a->avail && a->avail <= a->limit);
-	    if (a->base <= (PRUword)mark && (PRUword)mark <= a->avail) {
-		PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(mark, a->avail - (PRUword)mark);
-		memset(mark, 0, a->avail - (PRUword)mark);
-		a = a->next;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	for (; a; a = a->next) {
-	    PR_ASSERT(a->base <= a->avail && a->avail <= a->limit);
-	    PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED((void *)a->base, a->avail - a->base);
-	    memset((void *)a->base, 0, a->avail - a->base);
-	}
-    }
-static void
-port_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark, PRBool zero)
-    PORTArenaPool *pool = (PORTArenaPool *)arena;
-    if (ARENAPOOL_MAGIC == pool->magic ) {
-	PZ_Lock(pool->lock);
-	{
-	    threadmark_mark **pw;
-	    if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != pool->marking_thread ) {
-		PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-		PORT_Assert(0);
-		return /* no error indication available */ ;
-	    }
-	    pw = &pool->first_mark;
-	    while( *pw && (mark != (*pw)->mark) ) {
-		pw = &(*pw)->next;
-	    }
-	    if (! *pw ) {
-		/* bad mark */
-		PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-		PORT_Assert(0);
-		return /* no error indication available */ ;
-	    }
-	    *pw = (threadmark_mark *)NULL;
-	    if (zero) {
-		port_ArenaZeroAfterMark(arena, mark);
-	    }
-	    PL_ARENA_RELEASE(arena, mark);
-	    if (! pool->first_mark ) {
-		pool->marking_thread = (PRThread *)NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-#else /* THREADMARK */
-	if (zero) {
-	    port_ArenaZeroAfterMark(arena, mark);
-	}
-	PL_ARENA_RELEASE(arena, mark);
-#endif /* THREADMARK */
-	PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-    } else {
-	if (zero) {
-	    port_ArenaZeroAfterMark(arena, mark);
-	}
-	PL_ARENA_RELEASE(arena, mark);
-    }
-PORT_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark)
-    port_ArenaRelease(arena, mark, PR_FALSE);
- * Zeroize the arena memory before releasing it.
- */
-PORT_ArenaZRelease(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark)
-    port_ArenaRelease(arena, mark, PR_TRUE);
-PORT_ArenaUnmark(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark)
-    PORTArenaPool *pool = (PORTArenaPool *)arena;
-    if (ARENAPOOL_MAGIC == pool->magic ) {
-	threadmark_mark **pw;
-	PZ_Lock(pool->lock);
-	if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != pool->marking_thread ) {
-	    PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-	    PORT_Assert(0);
-	    return /* no error indication available */ ;
-	}
-	pw = &pool->first_mark;
-	while( ((threadmark_mark *)NULL != *pw) && (mark != (*pw)->mark) ) {
-	    pw = &(*pw)->next;
-	}
-	if ((threadmark_mark *)NULL == *pw ) {
-	    /* bad mark */
-	    PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-	    PORT_Assert(0);
-	    return /* no error indication available */ ;
-	}
-	*pw = (threadmark_mark *)NULL;
-	if (! pool->first_mark ) {
-	    pool->marking_thread = (PRThread *)NULL;
-	}
-	PZ_Unlock(pool->lock);
-    }
-#endif /* THREADMARK */
-char *
-PORT_ArenaStrdup(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *str) {
-    int len = PORT_Strlen(str)+1;
-    char *newstr;
-    newstr = (char*)PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,len);
-    if (newstr) {
-        PORT_Memcpy(newstr,str,len);
-    }
-    return newstr;
-/********************** end of arena functions ***********************/
-/****************** unicode conversion functions ***********************/
- * NOTE: These conversion functions all assume that the multibyte
- * characters are going to be in NETWORK BYTE ORDER, not host byte
- * order.  This is because the only time we deal with UCS-2 and UCS-4
- * are when the data was received from or is going to be sent out
- * over the wire (in, e.g. certificates).
- */
-PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionFunc convFunc)
-    ucs4Utf8ConvertFunc = convFunc;
-PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionWSwapFunc convFunc)
-    ucs2AsciiConvertFunc = convFunc;
-PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionFunc convFunc)
-    ucs2Utf8ConvertFunc = convFunc;
-PORT_UCS4_UTF8Conversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			 unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			 unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen)
-    if(!ucs4Utf8ConvertFunc) {
-      return sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(toUnicode,
-        inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf, maxOutBufLen, outBufLen);
-    }
-    return (*ucs4Utf8ConvertFunc)(toUnicode, inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf, 
-				  maxOutBufLen, outBufLen);
-PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			 unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			 unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen)
-    if(!ucs2Utf8ConvertFunc) {
-      return sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(toUnicode,
-        inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf, maxOutBufLen, outBufLen);
-    }
-    return (*ucs2Utf8ConvertFunc)(toUnicode, inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf, 
-				  maxOutBufLen, outBufLen);
-PORT_ISO88591_UTF8Conversion(const unsigned char *inBuf,
-			 unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			 unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen)
-    return sec_port_iso88591_utf8_conversion_function(inBuf, inBufLen,
-      outBuf, maxOutBufLen, outBufLen);
-PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			  unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			  unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen,
-			  PRBool swapBytes)
-    if(!ucs2AsciiConvertFunc) {
-	return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return (*ucs2AsciiConvertFunc)(toUnicode, inBuf, inBufLen, outBuf, 
-				  maxOutBufLen, outBufLen, swapBytes);
-/* Portable putenv.  Creates/replaces an environment variable of the form
- *  envVarName=envValue
- */
-NSS_PutEnv(const char * envVarName, const char * envValue)
-    SECStatus result = SECSuccess;
-    char *    encoded;
-    int       putEnvFailed;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    PRBool      setOK;
-    setOK = SetEnvironmentVariable(envVarName, envValue);
-    if (!setOK) {
-        return SECFailure;
-    }
-    encoded = (char *)PORT_ZAlloc(strlen(envVarName) + 2 + strlen(envValue));
-    strcpy(encoded, envVarName);
-    strcat(encoded, "=");
-    strcat(encoded, envValue);
-    putEnvFailed = putenv(encoded); /* adopt. */
-    if (putEnvFailed) {
-        result = SECFailure;
-        PORT_Free(encoded);
-    }
-    return result;
- * Perform a constant-time compare of two memory regions. The return value is
- * 0 if the memory regions are equal and non-zero otherwise.
- */
-NSS_SecureMemcmp(const void *ia, const void *ib, size_t n)
-    const unsigned char *a = (const unsigned char*) ia;
-    const unsigned char *b = (const unsigned char*) ib;
-    size_t i;
-    unsigned char r = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-        r |= *a++ ^ *b++;
-    }
-    return r;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secport.h b/nss/lib/util/secport.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c73c8..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/secport.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * secport.h - portability interfaces for security libraries
- */
-#ifndef _SECPORT_H_
-#define _SECPORT_H_
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "prlink.h"
- * define XP_WIN, XP_BEOS, or XP_UNIX, in case they are not defined
- * by anyone else
- */
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-# ifndef XP_WIN
-# define XP_WIN
-# endif
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
-# ifndef XP_WIN32
-# define XP_WIN32
-# endif
-#ifdef __BEOS__
-# ifndef XP_BEOS
-# define XP_BEOS
-# endif
-#ifdef unix
-# ifndef XP_UNIX
-# define XP_UNIX
-# endif
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "prtypes.h"
-#include "prlog.h"	/* for PR_ASSERT */
-#include "plarena.h"
-#include "plstr.h"
- * HACK for NSS 2.8 to allow Admin to compile without source changes.
- */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-extern void *PORT_Alloc(size_t len);
-extern void *PORT_Realloc(void *old, size_t len);
-extern void *PORT_AllocBlock(size_t len);
-extern void *PORT_ReallocBlock(void *old, size_t len);
-extern void PORT_FreeBlock(void *ptr);
-extern void *PORT_ZAlloc(size_t len);
-extern void PORT_Free(void *ptr);
-extern void PORT_ZFree(void *ptr, size_t len);
-extern char *PORT_Strdup(const char *s);
-extern time_t PORT_Time(void);
-extern void PORT_SetError(int value);
-extern int PORT_GetError(void);
-extern PLArenaPool *PORT_NewArena(unsigned long chunksize);
-extern void *PORT_ArenaAlloc(PLArenaPool *arena, size_t size);
-extern void *PORT_ArenaZAlloc(PLArenaPool *arena, size_t size);
-extern void PORT_FreeArena(PLArenaPool *arena, PRBool zero);
-extern void *PORT_ArenaGrow(PLArenaPool *arena, void *ptr,
-			    size_t oldsize, size_t newsize);
-extern void *PORT_ArenaMark(PLArenaPool *arena);
-extern void PORT_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark);
-extern void PORT_ArenaZRelease(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark);
-extern void PORT_ArenaUnmark(PLArenaPool *arena, void *mark);
-extern char *PORT_ArenaStrdup(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *str);
-#define PORT_Assert PR_ASSERT
-/* This runs a function that should return SECSuccess.
- * Intended for NSS internal use only.
- * The return value is asserted in a debug build, otherwise it is ignored.
- * This is no substitute for proper error handling.  It is OK only if you
- * have ensured that the function cannot fail by other means such as checking
- * prerequisites.  In that case this can be used as a safeguard against
- * unexpected changes in a function.
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define PORT_CheckSuccess(f) PR_ASSERT((f) == SECSuccess)
-#define PORT_CheckSuccess(f) (f)
-#define PORT_ZNew(type) (type*)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(type))
-#define PORT_New(type) (type*)PORT_Alloc(sizeof(type))
-#define PORT_ArenaNew(poolp, type)	\
-		(type*) PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, sizeof(type))
-#define PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, type)	\
-		(type*) PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(type))
-#define PORT_NewArray(type, num)	\
-		(type*) PORT_Alloc (sizeof(type)*(num))
-#define PORT_ZNewArray(type, num)	\
-		(type*) PORT_ZAlloc (sizeof(type)*(num))
-#define PORT_ArenaNewArray(poolp, type, num)	\
-		(type*) PORT_ArenaAlloc (poolp, sizeof(type)*(num))
-#define PORT_ArenaZNewArray(poolp, type, num)	\
-		(type*) PORT_ArenaZAlloc (poolp, sizeof(type)*(num))
-/* Please, keep these defines sorted alphabetically.  Thanks! */
-#define PORT_Atoi(buff)	(int)strtol(buff, NULL, 10)
-/* Returns a UTF-8 encoded constant error string for err.
- * Returns NULL if initialization of the error tables fails
- * due to insufficient memory.
- *
- * This string must not be modified by the application.
- */
-#define PORT_ErrorToString(err) PR_ErrorToString((err), PR_LANGUAGE_I_DEFAULT)
-#define PORT_ErrorToName PR_ErrorToName
-#define PORT_Memcmp 	memcmp
-#define PORT_Memcpy 	memcpy
-#ifndef SUNOS4
-#define PORT_Memmove 	memmove
-#else /*SUNOS4*/
-#define PORT_Memmove(s,ct,n)    bcopy ((ct), (s), (n))
-#define PORT_Memset 	memset
-#define PORT_Strcasecmp PL_strcasecmp
-#define PORT_Strcat 	strcat
-#define PORT_Strchr 	strchr
-#define PORT_Strrchr    strrchr
-#define PORT_Strcmp 	strcmp
-#define PORT_Strcpy 	strcpy
-#define PORT_Strlen(s) 	strlen(s)
-#define PORT_Strncasecmp PL_strncasecmp
-#define PORT_Strncat 	strncat
-#define PORT_Strncmp 	strncmp
-#define PORT_Strncpy 	strncpy
-#define PORT_Strpbrk    strpbrk
-#define PORT_Strstr 	strstr
-#define PORT_Strtok 	strtok
-#define PORT_Tolower 	tolower
-typedef PRBool (PR_CALLBACK * PORTCharConversionWSwapFunc) (PRBool toUnicode,
-			unsigned char *inBuf, unsigned int inBufLen,
-			unsigned char *outBuf, unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-			unsigned int *outBufLen, PRBool swapBytes);
-typedef PRBool (PR_CALLBACK * PORTCharConversionFunc) (PRBool toUnicode,
-			unsigned char *inBuf, unsigned int inBufLen,
-			unsigned char *outBuf, unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-			unsigned int *outBufLen);
-void PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionFunc convFunc);
-void PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionWSwapFunc convFunc);
-PRBool PORT_UCS4_UTF8Conversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen);
-PRBool PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen,
-			PRBool swapBytes);
-void PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction(PORTCharConversionFunc convFunc);
-PRBool PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion(PRBool toUnicode, unsigned char *inBuf,
-			unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen);
-/* One-way conversion from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 */
-PRBool PORT_ISO88591_UTF8Conversion(const unsigned char *inBuf,
-			unsigned int inBufLen, unsigned char *outBuf,
-			unsigned int maxOutBufLen, unsigned int *outBufLen);
-extern PRBool
-  PRBool toUnicode,
-  unsigned char *inBuf,
-  unsigned int inBufLen,
-  unsigned char *outBuf,
-  unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-  unsigned int *outBufLen
-extern PRBool
-  PRBool toUnicode,
-  unsigned char *inBuf,
-  unsigned int inBufLen,
-  unsigned char *outBuf,
-  unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-  unsigned int *outBufLen
-/* One-way conversion from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 */
-extern PRBool
-  const unsigned char *inBuf,
-  unsigned int inBufLen,
-  unsigned char *outBuf,
-  unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-  unsigned int *outBufLen
-extern int NSS_PutEnv(const char * envVarName, const char * envValue);
-extern int NSS_SecureMemcmp(const void *a, const void *b, size_t n);
-#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- * Load a shared library called "newShLibName" in the same directory as
- * a shared library that is already loaded, called existingShLibName.
- * A pointer to a static function in that shared library,
- * staticShLibFunc, is required.
- *
- * existingShLibName:
- *   The file name of the shared library that shall be used as the 
- *   "reference library". The loader will attempt to load the requested
- *   library from the same directory as the reference library.
- *
- * staticShLibFunc:
- *   Pointer to a static function in the "reference library".
- *
- * newShLibName:
- *   The simple file name of the new shared library to be loaded.
- *
- * We use PR_GetLibraryFilePathname to get the pathname of the loaded 
- * shared lib that contains this function, and then do a
- * PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags with an absolute pathname for the shared
- * library to be loaded.
- *
- * On Windows, the "alternate search path" strategy is employed, if available.
- * On Unix, if existingShLibName is a symbolic link, and no link exists for the
- * new library, the original link will be resolved, and the new library loaded
- * from the resolved location.
- *
- * If the new shared library is not found in the same location as the reference
- * library, it will then be loaded from the normal system library path.
- */
-PRLibrary *
-PORT_LoadLibraryFromOrigin(const char* existingShLibName,
-                 PRFuncPtr staticShLibFunc,
-                 const char *newShLibName);
-#endif  /* NSS_STATIC */
-#endif /* _SECPORT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/sectime.c b/nss/lib/util/sectime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ce700c..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/sectime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "prtime.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secitem.h"
-#include "secerr.h"
-static char *DecodeUTCTime2FormattedAscii (SECItem *utcTimeDER, char *format);
-static char *DecodeGeneralizedTime2FormattedAscii (SECItem *generalizedTimeDER, char *format);
-/* convert DER utc time to ascii time string */
-char *
-DER_UTCTimeToAscii(SECItem *utcTime)
-    return (DecodeUTCTime2FormattedAscii (utcTime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"));
-/* convert DER utc time to ascii time string, only include day, not time */
-char *
-DER_UTCDayToAscii(SECItem *utctime)
-    return (DecodeUTCTime2FormattedAscii (utctime, "%a %b %d, %Y"));
-/* convert DER generalized time to ascii time string, only include day,
-   not time */
-char *
-DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii(SECItem *gentime)
-    return (DecodeGeneralizedTime2FormattedAscii (gentime, "%a %b %d, %Y"));
-/* convert DER generalized or UTC time to ascii time string, only include
-   day, not time */
-char *
-DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii(SECItem *timechoice)
-    switch (timechoice->type) {
-    case siUTCTime:
-        return DER_UTCDayToAscii(timechoice);
-    case siGeneralizedTime:
-        return DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii(timechoice);
-    default:
-        PORT_Assert(0);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-char *
-CERT_UTCTime2FormattedAscii(PRTime utcTime, char *format)
-    PRExplodedTime printableTime; 
-    char *timeString;
-    /* Converse time to local time and decompose it into components */
-    PR_ExplodeTime(utcTime, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &printableTime);
-    timeString = (char *)PORT_Alloc(256);
-    if ( timeString ) {
-        if ( ! PR_FormatTime( timeString, 256, format, &printableTime )) {
-            PORT_Free(timeString);
-            timeString = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return (timeString);
-char *CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii(PRTime genTime, char *format)
-    PRExplodedTime printableTime; 
-    char *timeString;
-    /* Decompose time into components */
-    PR_ExplodeTime(genTime, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
-    timeString = (char *)PORT_Alloc(256);
-    if ( timeString ) {
-        if ( ! PR_FormatTime( timeString, 256, format, &printableTime )) {
-            PORT_Free(timeString);
-            timeString = NULL;
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_OUTPUT_LEN);
-        }
-    }
-    return (timeString);
-/* convert DER utc time to ascii time string, The format of the time string
-   depends on the input "format"
- */
-static char *
-DecodeUTCTime2FormattedAscii (SECItem *utcTimeDER,  char *format)
-    PRTime utcTime;
-    int rv;
-    rv = DER_UTCTimeToTime(&utcTime, utcTimeDER);
-    if (rv) {
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    return (CERT_UTCTime2FormattedAscii (utcTime, format));
-/* convert DER utc time to ascii time string, The format of the time string
-   depends on the input "format"
- */
-static char *
-DecodeGeneralizedTime2FormattedAscii (SECItem *generalizedTimeDER,  char *format)
-    PRTime generalizedTime;
-    int rv;
-    rv = DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(&generalizedTime, generalizedTimeDER);
-    if (rv) {
-        return(NULL);
-    }
-    return (CERT_GeneralizedTime2FormattedAscii (generalizedTime, format));
-/* decode a SECItem containing either a SEC_ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME 
-   or a SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME */
-SECStatus DER_DecodeTimeChoice(PRTime* output, const SECItem* input)
-    switch (input->type) {
-        case siGeneralizedTime:
-            return DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime(output, input);
-        case siUTCTime:
-            return DER_UTCTimeToTime(output, input);
-        default:
-            PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
-            PORT_Assert(0);
-            return SECFailure;
-    }
-/* encode a PRTime to an ASN.1 DER SECItem containing either a
-SECStatus DER_EncodeTimeChoice(PLArenaPool* arena, SECItem* output, PRTime input)
-    SECStatus rv;
-    rv = DER_TimeToUTCTimeArena(arena, output, input);
-    if (rv == SECSuccess || PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS) {
-        return rv;
-    }
-    return DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena(arena, output, input);
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/templates.c b/nss/lib/util/templates.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5d69e..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/templates.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Templates that are compiled and exported from both libnss3 and libnssutil3.
- * They have to be, because they were previously exported from libnss3, and
- * there is no way to create data forwarder symbols on Unix.
- *
- * Please do not add to this file. New shared templates should be exported
- * from libnssutil3 only.
- *
- */
-#include "utilrename.h"
-#include "secasn1.h"
-#include "secder.h"
-#include "secoid.h"
-#include "secdig.h"
-const SEC_ASN1Template SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SECAlgorithmID) },
-	  offsetof(SECAlgorithmID,algorithm) },
-	  offsetof(SECAlgorithmID,parameters) },
-    { 0 }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_AnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_ANY | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_BMPStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_BMP_STRING | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_BitStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_BIT_STRING | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_BooleanTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_BOOLEAN, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate[] = {
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_IA5StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_IA5_STRING | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_IntegerTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_INTEGER, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_NullTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_NULL, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_ObjectIDTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_OctetStringTemplate[] = {
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER, 0, SEC_AnyTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_POINTER | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, SEC_OctetStringTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_SET_OF, 0, SEC_AnyTemplate }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_UTCTimeTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_UTC_TIME | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem) }
-const SEC_ASN1Template SEC_UTF8StringTemplate[] = {
-    { SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING | SEC_ASN1_MAY_STREAM, 0, NULL, sizeof(SECItem)}
-/* XXX See comment below about SGN_DecodeDigestInfo -- keep this static! */
-/* XXX Changed from static -- need to change name? */
-const SEC_ASN1Template sgn_DigestInfoTemplate[] = {
-	  0, NULL, sizeof(SGNDigestInfo) },
-	  offsetof(SGNDigestInfo,digestAlgorithm),
-	  SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate },
-	  offsetof(SGNDigestInfo,digest) },
-    { 0 }
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utf8.c b/nss/lib/util/utf8.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ef241..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utf8.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1866 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include "seccomon.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#ifdef TEST_UTF8
-#include <assert.h>
-#undef PORT_Assert
-#define PORT_Assert assert
- * From RFC 2044:
- *
- * UCS-4 range (hex.)           UTF-8 octet sequence (binary)
- * 0000 0000-0000 007F   0xxxxxxx
- * 0000 0080-0000 07FF   110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
- * 0000 0800-0000 FFFF   1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- * 0001 0000-001F FFFF   11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- * 0020 0000-03FF FFFF   111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- * 0400 0000-7FFF FFFF   1111110x 10xxxxxx ... 10xxxxxx
- */  
- * From
- *
- * For U on [0x00010000,0x0010FFFF]:  Let U' = U - 0x00010000
- *
- * U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx
- * W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy
- * W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx
- */
- * This code is assuming NETWORK BYTE ORDER for the 16- and 32-bit
- * character values.  If you wish to use this code for working with
- * host byte order values, define the following:
- *
- * #define L_0 0
- * #define L_1 1
- * #define L_2 2
- * #define L_3 3
- * #define H_0 0
- * #define H_1 1
- * #else / * not everyone has elif * /
- * #define L_0 3
- * #define L_1 2
- * #define L_2 1
- * #define L_3 0
- * #define H_0 1
- * #define H_1 0
- * #else
- * #error "PDP and NUXI support deferred"
- * #endif / * IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN * /
- * #endif / * IS_BIG_ENDIAN * /
- */
-#define L_0 0
-#define L_1 1
-#define L_2 2
-#define L_3 3
-#define H_0 0
-#define H_1 1
-#define BAD_UTF8 ((PRUint32)-1)
- * Parse a single UTF-8 character per the spec. in section 3.9 (D36)
- * of Unicode 4.0.0.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * index - Points to the byte offset in inBuf of character to read.  On success,
- *         updated to the offset of the following character.
- * inBuf - Input buffer, UTF-8 encoded
- * inbufLen - Length of input buffer, in bytes.
- *
- * Returns:
- * Success - The UCS4 encoded character
- * Failure - BAD_UTF8
- */
-static PRUint32
-sec_port_read_utf8(unsigned int *index, unsigned char *inBuf, unsigned int inBufLen)
-  PRUint32 result;
-  unsigned int i = *index;
-  int bytes_left;
-  PRUint32 min_value;
-  PORT_Assert(i < inBufLen);
-  if ( (inBuf[i] & 0x80) == 0x00 ) {
-    result = inBuf[i++];
-    bytes_left = 0;
-    min_value = 0;
-  } else if ( (inBuf[i] & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ) {
-    result = inBuf[i++] & 0x1F;
-    bytes_left = 1;
-    min_value = 0x80;
-  } else if ( (inBuf[i] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
-    result = inBuf[i++] & 0x0F;
-    bytes_left = 2;
-    min_value = 0x800;
-  } else if ( (inBuf[i] & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
-    result = inBuf[i++] & 0x07;
-    bytes_left = 3;
-    min_value = 0x10000;
-  } else {
-    return BAD_UTF8;
-  }
-  while (bytes_left--) {
-    if (i >= inBufLen || (inBuf[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80) return BAD_UTF8;
-    result = (result << 6) | (inBuf[i++] & 0x3F);
-  }
-  /* Check for overlong sequences, surrogates, and outside unicode range */
-  if (result < min_value || (result & 0xFFFFF800) == 0xD800 || result > 0x10FFFF) {
-    return BAD_UTF8;
-  }
-  *index = i;
-  return result;
-  PRBool toUnicode,
-  unsigned char *inBuf,
-  unsigned int inBufLen,
-  unsigned char *outBuf,
-  unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-  unsigned int *outBufLen
-  PORT_Assert((unsigned int *)NULL != outBufLen);
-  if( toUnicode ) {
-    unsigned int i, len = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; ) {
-      if( (inBuf[i] & 0x80) == 0x00 ) i += 1;
-      else if( (inBuf[i] & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ) i += 2;
-      else if( (inBuf[i] & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ) i += 3;
-      else if( (inBuf[i] & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ) i += 4;
-      else return PR_FALSE;
-      len += 4;
-    }
-    if( len > maxOutBufLen ) {
-      *outBufLen = len;
-      return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    len = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; ) {
-      PRUint32 ucs4 = sec_port_read_utf8(&i, inBuf, inBufLen);
-      if (ucs4 == BAD_UTF8) return PR_FALSE;
-      outBuf[len+L_0] = 0x00;
-      outBuf[len+L_1] = (unsigned char)(ucs4 >> 16);
-      outBuf[len+L_2] = (unsigned char)(ucs4 >> 8);
-      outBuf[len+L_3] = (unsigned char)ucs4;
-      len += 4;
-    }
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-  } else {
-    unsigned int i, len = 0;
-    PORT_Assert((inBufLen % 4) == 0);
-    if ((inBufLen % 4) != 0) {
-      *outBufLen = 0;
-      return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; i += 4 ) {
-      if( (inBuf[i+L_0] > 0x00) || (inBuf[i+L_1] > 0x10) ) {
-	*outBufLen = 0;
-	return PR_FALSE;
-      } else if( inBuf[i+L_1] >= 0x01 ) len += 4;
-      else if( inBuf[i+L_2] >= 0x08 ) len += 3;
-      else if( (inBuf[i+L_2] > 0x00) || (inBuf[i+L_3] >= 0x80) ) len += 2;
-      else len += 1;
-    }
-    if( len > maxOutBufLen ) {
-      *outBufLen = len;
-      return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    len = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; i += 4 ) {
-      if( inBuf[i+L_1] >= 0x01 ) {
-        /* 0001 0000-001F FFFF -> 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-        /* 00000000 000abcde fghijklm nopqrstu ->
-           11110abc 10defghi 10jklmno 10pqrstu */
-        outBuf[len+0] = 0xF0 | ((inBuf[i+L_1] & 0x1C) >> 2);
-        outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+L_1] & 0x03) << 4)
-                             | ((inBuf[i+L_2] & 0xF0) >> 4);
-        outBuf[len+2] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+L_2] & 0x0F) << 2)
-                             | ((inBuf[i+L_3] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        outBuf[len+3] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+L_3] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-        len += 4;
-      } else if( inBuf[i+L_2] >= 0x08 ) {
-        /* 0000 0800-0000 FFFF -> 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-        /* 00000000 00000000 abcdefgh ijklmnop ->
-           1110abcd 10efghij 10klmnop */
-        outBuf[len+0] = 0xE0 | ((inBuf[i+L_2] & 0xF0) >> 4);
-        outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+L_2] & 0x0F) << 2)
-                             | ((inBuf[i+L_3] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        outBuf[len+2] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+L_3] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-        len += 3;
-      } else if( (inBuf[i+L_2] > 0x00) || (inBuf[i+L_3] >= 0x80) ) {
-        /* 0000 0080-0000 07FF -> 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-        /* 00000000 00000000 00000abc defghijk ->
-           110abcde 10fghijk */
-        outBuf[len+0] = 0xC0 | ((inBuf[i+L_2] & 0x07) << 2)
-                             | ((inBuf[i+L_3] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+L_3] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-        len += 2;
-      } else {
-        /* 0000 0000-0000 007F -> 0xxxxxx */
-        /* 00000000 00000000 00000000 0abcdefg ->
-           0abcdefg */
-        outBuf[len+0] = (inBuf[i+L_3] & 0x7F);
-        len += 1;
-      }
-    }
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-  }
-  PRBool toUnicode,
-  unsigned char *inBuf,
-  unsigned int inBufLen,
-  unsigned char *outBuf,
-  unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-  unsigned int *outBufLen
-  PORT_Assert((unsigned int *)NULL != outBufLen);
-  if( toUnicode ) {
-    unsigned int i, len = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; ) {
-      if( (inBuf[i] & 0x80) == 0x00 ) {
-        i += 1;
-        len += 2;
-      } else if( (inBuf[i] & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ) {
-        i += 2;
-        len += 2;
-      } else if( (inBuf[i] & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ) {
-        i += 3;
-        len += 2;
-      } else if( (inBuf[i] & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ) { 
-        i += 4;
-        len += 4;
-      } else return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if( len > maxOutBufLen ) {
-      *outBufLen = len;
-      return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    len = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; ) {
-      PRUint32 ucs4 = sec_port_read_utf8(&i, inBuf, inBufLen);
-      if (ucs4 == BAD_UTF8) return PR_FALSE;
-      if( ucs4 < 0x10000) {
-        outBuf[len+H_0] = (unsigned char)(ucs4 >> 8);
-        outBuf[len+H_1] = (unsigned char)ucs4;
-        len += 2;
-      } else {
-	ucs4 -= 0x10000;
-        outBuf[len+0+H_0] = (unsigned char)(0xD8 | ((ucs4 >> 18) & 0x3));
-        outBuf[len+0+H_1] = (unsigned char)(ucs4 >> 10);
-        outBuf[len+2+H_0] = (unsigned char)(0xDC | ((ucs4 >> 8) & 0x3));
-        outBuf[len+2+H_1] = (unsigned char)ucs4;
-	len += 4;
-      }
-    }
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-  } else {
-    unsigned int i, len = 0;
-    PORT_Assert((inBufLen % 2) == 0);
-    if ((inBufLen % 2) != 0) {
-      *outBufLen = 0;
-      return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; i += 2 ) {
-      if( (inBuf[i+H_0] == 0x00) && ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0x80) == 0x00) ) len += 1;
-      else if( inBuf[i+H_0] < 0x08 ) len += 2;
-      else if( ((inBuf[i+0+H_0] & 0xFC) == 0xD8) ) {
-        if( ((inBufLen - i) > 2) && ((inBuf[i+2+H_0] & 0xFC) == 0xDC) ) {
-          i += 2;
-          len += 4;
-        } else {
-          return PR_FALSE;
-        }
-      }
-      else len += 3;
-    }
-    if( len > maxOutBufLen ) {
-      *outBufLen = len;
-      return PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    len = 0;
-    for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; i += 2 ) {
-      if( (inBuf[i+H_0] == 0x00) && ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0x80) == 0x00) ) {
-        /* 0000-007F -> 0xxxxxx */
-        /* 00000000 0abcdefg -> 0abcdefg */
-        outBuf[len] = inBuf[i+H_1] & 0x7F;
-        len += 1;
-      } else if( inBuf[i+H_0] < 0x08 ) {
-        /* 0080-07FF -> 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-        /* 00000abc defghijk -> 110abcde 10fghijk */
-        outBuf[len+0] = 0xC0 | ((inBuf[i+H_0] & 0x07) << 2) 
-                             | ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-        len += 2;
-      } else if( (inBuf[i+H_0] & 0xFC) == 0xD8 ) {
-        int abcde, BCDE;
-        PORT_Assert(((inBufLen - i) > 2) && ((inBuf[i+2+H_0] & 0xFC) == 0xDC) );
-        /* D800-DBFF DC00-DFFF -> 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-        /* 110110BC DEfghijk 110111lm nopqrstu ->
-           { Let abcde = BCDE + 1 }
-           11110abc 10defghi 10jklmno 10pqrstu */
-        BCDE = ((inBuf[i+H_0] & 0x03) << 2) | ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        abcde = BCDE + 1;
-        outBuf[len+0] = 0xF0 | ((abcde & 0x1C) >> 2);
-        outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((abcde & 0x03) << 4) 
-                             | ((inBuf[i+0+H_1] & 0x3C) >> 2);
-        outBuf[len+2] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+0+H_1] & 0x03) << 4)
-                             | ((inBuf[i+2+H_0] & 0x03) << 2)
-                             | ((inBuf[i+2+H_1] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        outBuf[len+3] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+2+H_1] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-        i += 2;
-        len += 4;
-      } else {
-        /* 0800-FFFF -> 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-        /* abcdefgh ijklmnop -> 1110abcd 10efghij 10klmnop */
-        outBuf[len+0] = 0xE0 | ((inBuf[i+H_0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
-        outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+H_0] & 0x0F) << 2) 
-                             | ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-        outBuf[len+2] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i+H_1] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-        len += 3;
-      }
-    }
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-  }
-  const unsigned char *inBuf,
-  unsigned int inBufLen,
-  unsigned char *outBuf,
-  unsigned int maxOutBufLen,
-  unsigned int *outBufLen
-  unsigned int i, len = 0;
-  PORT_Assert((unsigned int *)NULL != outBufLen);
-  for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; i++) {
-    if( (inBuf[i] & 0x80) == 0x00 ) len += 1;
-    else len += 2;
-  }
-  if( len > maxOutBufLen ) {
-    *outBufLen = len;
-    return PR_FALSE;
-  }
-  len = 0;
-  for( i = 0; i < inBufLen; i++) {
-    if( (inBuf[i] & 0x80) == 0x00 ) {
-      /* 00-7F -> 0xxxxxxx */
-      /* 0abcdefg -> 0abcdefg */
-      outBuf[len] = inBuf[i];
-      len += 1;
-    } else {
-      /* 80-FF <- 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx */
-      /* 00000000 abcdefgh -> 110000ab 10cdefgh */
-      outBuf[len+0] = 0xC0 | ((inBuf[i] & 0xC0) >> 6);
-      outBuf[len+1] = 0x80 | ((inBuf[i] & 0x3F) >> 0);
-      len += 2;
-    }
-  }
-  *outBufLen = len;
-  return PR_TRUE;
-#ifdef TEST_UTF8
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h> /* for htonl and htons */
- * UCS-4 vectors
- */
-struct ucs4 {
-  PRUint32 c;
-  char *utf8;
- * UCS-2 vectors
- */
-struct ucs2 {
-  PRUint16 c;
-  char *utf8;
- * UTF-16 vectors
- */
-struct utf16 {
-  PRUint32 c;
-  PRUint16 w[2];
- * UCS-4 vectors
- */
-struct ucs4 ucs4[] = {
-  { 0x00000001, "\x01" },
-  { 0x00000002, "\x02" },
-  { 0x00000003, "\x03" },
-  { 0x00000004, "\x04" },
-  { 0x00000007, "\x07" },
-  { 0x00000008, "\x08" },
-  { 0x0000000F, "\x0F" },
-  { 0x00000010, "\x10" },
-  { 0x0000001F, "\x1F" },
-  { 0x00000020, "\x20" },
-  { 0x0000003F, "\x3F" },
-  { 0x00000040, "\x40" },
-  { 0x0000007F, "\x7F" },
-  { 0x00000080, "\xC2\x80" },
-  { 0x00000081, "\xC2\x81" },
-  { 0x00000082, "\xC2\x82" },
-  { 0x00000084, "\xC2\x84" },
-  { 0x00000088, "\xC2\x88" },
-  { 0x00000090, "\xC2\x90" },
-  { 0x000000A0, "\xC2\xA0" },
-  { 0x000000C0, "\xC3\x80" },
-  { 0x000000FF, "\xC3\xBF" },
-  { 0x00000100, "\xC4\x80" },
-  { 0x00000101, "\xC4\x81" },
-  { 0x00000102, "\xC4\x82" },
-  { 0x00000104, "\xC4\x84" },
-  { 0x00000108, "\xC4\x88" },
-  { 0x00000110, "\xC4\x90" },
-  { 0x00000120, "\xC4\xA0" },
-  { 0x00000140, "\xC5\x80" },
-  { 0x00000180, "\xC6\x80" },
-  { 0x000001FF, "\xC7\xBF" },
-  { 0x00000200, "\xC8\x80" },
-  { 0x00000201, "\xC8\x81" },
-  { 0x00000202, "\xC8\x82" },
-  { 0x00000204, "\xC8\x84" },
-  { 0x00000208, "\xC8\x88" },
-  { 0x00000210, "\xC8\x90" },
-  { 0x00000220, "\xC8\xA0" },
-  { 0x00000240, "\xC9\x80" },
-  { 0x00000280, "\xCA\x80" },
-  { 0x00000300, "\xCC\x80" },
-  { 0x000003FF, "\xCF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00000400, "\xD0\x80" },
-  { 0x00000401, "\xD0\x81" },
-  { 0x00000402, "\xD0\x82" },
-  { 0x00000404, "\xD0\x84" },
-  { 0x00000408, "\xD0\x88" },
-  { 0x00000410, "\xD0\x90" },
-  { 0x00000420, "\xD0\xA0" },
-  { 0x00000440, "\xD1\x80" },
-  { 0x00000480, "\xD2\x80" },
-  { 0x00000500, "\xD4\x80" },
-  { 0x00000600, "\xD8\x80" },
-  { 0x000007FF, "\xDF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00000800, "\xE0\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00000801, "\xE0\xA0\x81" },
-  { 0x00000802, "\xE0\xA0\x82" },
-  { 0x00000804, "\xE0\xA0\x84" },
-  { 0x00000808, "\xE0\xA0\x88" },
-  { 0x00000810, "\xE0\xA0\x90" },
-  { 0x00000820, "\xE0\xA0\xA0" },
-  { 0x00000840, "\xE0\xA1\x80" },
-  { 0x00000880, "\xE0\xA2\x80" },
-  { 0x00000900, "\xE0\xA4\x80" },
-  { 0x00000A00, "\xE0\xA8\x80" },
-  { 0x00000C00, "\xE0\xB0\x80" },
-  { 0x00000FFF, "\xE0\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00001000, "\xE1\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00001001, "\xE1\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00001002, "\xE1\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00001004, "\xE1\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00001008, "\xE1\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00001010, "\xE1\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00001020, "\xE1\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00001040, "\xE1\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00001080, "\xE1\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00001100, "\xE1\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00001200, "\xE1\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00001400, "\xE1\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00001800, "\xE1\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00001FFF, "\xE1\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00002000, "\xE2\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00002001, "\xE2\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00002002, "\xE2\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00002004, "\xE2\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00002008, "\xE2\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00002010, "\xE2\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00002020, "\xE2\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00002040, "\xE2\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00002080, "\xE2\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00002100, "\xE2\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00002200, "\xE2\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00002400, "\xE2\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00002800, "\xE2\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00003000, "\xE3\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00003FFF, "\xE3\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00004000, "\xE4\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00004001, "\xE4\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00004002, "\xE4\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00004004, "\xE4\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00004008, "\xE4\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00004010, "\xE4\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00004020, "\xE4\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00004040, "\xE4\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00004080, "\xE4\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00004100, "\xE4\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00004200, "\xE4\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00004400, "\xE4\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00004800, "\xE4\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00005000, "\xE5\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00006000, "\xE6\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00007FFF, "\xE7\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00008000, "\xE8\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00008001, "\xE8\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00008002, "\xE8\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00008004, "\xE8\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00008008, "\xE8\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00008010, "\xE8\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00008020, "\xE8\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00008040, "\xE8\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00008080, "\xE8\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00008100, "\xE8\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00008200, "\xE8\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00008400, "\xE8\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00008800, "\xE8\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00009000, "\xE9\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0000A000, "\xEA\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0000C000, "\xEC\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0000FFFF, "\xEF\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00010000, "\xF0\x90\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00010001, "\xF0\x90\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00010002, "\xF0\x90\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00010004, "\xF0\x90\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00010008, "\xF0\x90\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00010010, "\xF0\x90\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00010020, "\xF0\x90\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00010040, "\xF0\x90\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00010080, "\xF0\x90\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00010100, "\xF0\x90\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00010200, "\xF0\x90\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00010400, "\xF0\x90\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00010800, "\xF0\x90\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00011000, "\xF0\x91\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00012000, "\xF0\x92\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00014000, "\xF0\x94\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00018000, "\xF0\x98\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0001FFFF, "\xF0\x9F\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00020000, "\xF0\xA0\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00020001, "\xF0\xA0\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00020002, "\xF0\xA0\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00020004, "\xF0\xA0\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00020008, "\xF0\xA0\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00020010, "\xF0\xA0\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00020020, "\xF0\xA0\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00020040, "\xF0\xA0\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00020080, "\xF0\xA0\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00020100, "\xF0\xA0\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00020200, "\xF0\xA0\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00020400, "\xF0\xA0\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00020800, "\xF0\xA0\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00021000, "\xF0\xA1\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00022000, "\xF0\xA2\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00024000, "\xF0\xA4\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00028000, "\xF0\xA8\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00030000, "\xF0\xB0\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0003FFFF, "\xF0\xBF\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00040000, "\xF1\x80\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00040001, "\xF1\x80\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00040002, "\xF1\x80\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00040004, "\xF1\x80\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00040008, "\xF1\x80\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00040010, "\xF1\x80\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00040020, "\xF1\x80\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00040040, "\xF1\x80\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00040080, "\xF1\x80\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00040100, "\xF1\x80\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00040200, "\xF1\x80\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00040400, "\xF1\x80\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00040800, "\xF1\x80\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00041000, "\xF1\x81\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00042000, "\xF1\x82\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00044000, "\xF1\x84\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00048000, "\xF1\x88\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00050000, "\xF1\x90\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00060000, "\xF1\xA0\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0007FFFF, "\xF1\xBF\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00080000, "\xF2\x80\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00080001, "\xF2\x80\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00080002, "\xF2\x80\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00080004, "\xF2\x80\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00080008, "\xF2\x80\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00080010, "\xF2\x80\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00080020, "\xF2\x80\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00080040, "\xF2\x80\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00080080, "\xF2\x80\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00080100, "\xF2\x80\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00080200, "\xF2\x80\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00080400, "\xF2\x80\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00080800, "\xF2\x80\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00081000, "\xF2\x81\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00082000, "\xF2\x82\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00084000, "\xF2\x84\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00088000, "\xF2\x88\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00090000, "\xF2\x90\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x000A0000, "\xF2\xA0\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x000C0000, "\xF3\x80\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x000FFFFF, "\xF3\xBF\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x00100000, "\xF4\x80\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00100001, "\xF4\x80\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x00100002, "\xF4\x80\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x00100004, "\xF4\x80\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x00100008, "\xF4\x80\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x00100010, "\xF4\x80\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x00100020, "\xF4\x80\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x00100040, "\xF4\x80\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x00100080, "\xF4\x80\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x00100100, "\xF4\x80\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x00100200, "\xF4\x80\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x00100400, "\xF4\x80\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x00100800, "\xF4\x80\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x00101000, "\xF4\x81\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00102000, "\xF4\x82\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00104000, "\xF4\x84\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x00108000, "\xF4\x88\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x0010FFFF, "\xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF" },
- * UCS-2 vectors
- */
-struct ucs2 ucs2[] = {
-  { 0x0001, "\x01" },
-  { 0x0002, "\x02" },
-  { 0x0003, "\x03" },
-  { 0x0004, "\x04" },
-  { 0x0007, "\x07" },
-  { 0x0008, "\x08" },
-  { 0x000F, "\x0F" },
-  { 0x0010, "\x10" },
-  { 0x001F, "\x1F" },
-  { 0x0020, "\x20" },
-  { 0x003F, "\x3F" },
-  { 0x0040, "\x40" },
-  { 0x007F, "\x7F" },
-  { 0x0080, "\xC2\x80" },
-  { 0x0081, "\xC2\x81" },
-  { 0x0082, "\xC2\x82" },
-  { 0x0084, "\xC2\x84" },
-  { 0x0088, "\xC2\x88" },
-  { 0x0090, "\xC2\x90" },
-  { 0x00A0, "\xC2\xA0" },
-  { 0x00C0, "\xC3\x80" },
-  { 0x00FF, "\xC3\xBF" },
-  { 0x0100, "\xC4\x80" },
-  { 0x0101, "\xC4\x81" },
-  { 0x0102, "\xC4\x82" },
-  { 0x0104, "\xC4\x84" },
-  { 0x0108, "\xC4\x88" },
-  { 0x0110, "\xC4\x90" },
-  { 0x0120, "\xC4\xA0" },
-  { 0x0140, "\xC5\x80" },
-  { 0x0180, "\xC6\x80" },
-  { 0x01FF, "\xC7\xBF" },
-  { 0x0200, "\xC8\x80" },
-  { 0x0201, "\xC8\x81" },
-  { 0x0202, "\xC8\x82" },
-  { 0x0204, "\xC8\x84" },
-  { 0x0208, "\xC8\x88" },
-  { 0x0210, "\xC8\x90" },
-  { 0x0220, "\xC8\xA0" },
-  { 0x0240, "\xC9\x80" },
-  { 0x0280, "\xCA\x80" },
-  { 0x0300, "\xCC\x80" },
-  { 0x03FF, "\xCF\xBF" },
-  { 0x0400, "\xD0\x80" },
-  { 0x0401, "\xD0\x81" },
-  { 0x0402, "\xD0\x82" },
-  { 0x0404, "\xD0\x84" },
-  { 0x0408, "\xD0\x88" },
-  { 0x0410, "\xD0\x90" },
-  { 0x0420, "\xD0\xA0" },
-  { 0x0440, "\xD1\x80" },
-  { 0x0480, "\xD2\x80" },
-  { 0x0500, "\xD4\x80" },
-  { 0x0600, "\xD8\x80" },
-  { 0x07FF, "\xDF\xBF" },
-  { 0x0800, "\xE0\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x0801, "\xE0\xA0\x81" },
-  { 0x0802, "\xE0\xA0\x82" },
-  { 0x0804, "\xE0\xA0\x84" },
-  { 0x0808, "\xE0\xA0\x88" },
-  { 0x0810, "\xE0\xA0\x90" },
-  { 0x0820, "\xE0\xA0\xA0" },
-  { 0x0840, "\xE0\xA1\x80" },
-  { 0x0880, "\xE0\xA2\x80" },
-  { 0x0900, "\xE0\xA4\x80" },
-  { 0x0A00, "\xE0\xA8\x80" },
-  { 0x0C00, "\xE0\xB0\x80" },
-  { 0x0FFF, "\xE0\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x1000, "\xE1\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x1001, "\xE1\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x1002, "\xE1\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x1004, "\xE1\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x1008, "\xE1\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x1010, "\xE1\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x1020, "\xE1\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x1040, "\xE1\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x1080, "\xE1\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x1100, "\xE1\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x1200, "\xE1\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x1400, "\xE1\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x1800, "\xE1\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x1FFF, "\xE1\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x2000, "\xE2\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x2001, "\xE2\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x2002, "\xE2\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x2004, "\xE2\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x2008, "\xE2\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x2010, "\xE2\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x2020, "\xE2\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x2040, "\xE2\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x2080, "\xE2\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x2100, "\xE2\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x2200, "\xE2\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x2400, "\xE2\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x2800, "\xE2\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x3000, "\xE3\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x3FFF, "\xE3\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x4000, "\xE4\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x4001, "\xE4\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x4002, "\xE4\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x4004, "\xE4\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x4008, "\xE4\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x4010, "\xE4\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x4020, "\xE4\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x4040, "\xE4\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x4080, "\xE4\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x4100, "\xE4\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x4200, "\xE4\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x4400, "\xE4\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x4800, "\xE4\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x5000, "\xE5\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x6000, "\xE6\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x7FFF, "\xE7\xBF\xBF" },
-  { 0x8000, "\xE8\x80\x80" },
-  { 0x8001, "\xE8\x80\x81" },
-  { 0x8002, "\xE8\x80\x82" },
-  { 0x8004, "\xE8\x80\x84" },
-  { 0x8008, "\xE8\x80\x88" },
-  { 0x8010, "\xE8\x80\x90" },
-  { 0x8020, "\xE8\x80\xA0" },
-  { 0x8040, "\xE8\x81\x80" },
-  { 0x8080, "\xE8\x82\x80" },
-  { 0x8100, "\xE8\x84\x80" },
-  { 0x8200, "\xE8\x88\x80" },
-  { 0x8400, "\xE8\x90\x80" },
-  { 0x8800, "\xE8\xA0\x80" },
-  { 0x9000, "\xE9\x80\x80" },
-  { 0xA000, "\xEA\x80\x80" },
-  { 0xC000, "\xEC\x80\x80" },
-  { 0xFB01, "\xEF\xAC\x81" },
-  { 0xFFFF, "\xEF\xBF\xBF" }
- * UTF-16 vectors
- */
-struct utf16 utf16[] = {
-  { 0x00010000, { 0xD800, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00010001, { 0xD800, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00010002, { 0xD800, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00010003, { 0xD800, 0xDC03 } },
-  { 0x00010004, { 0xD800, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00010007, { 0xD800, 0xDC07 } },
-  { 0x00010008, { 0xD800, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x0001000F, { 0xD800, 0xDC0F } },
-  { 0x00010010, { 0xD800, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x0001001F, { 0xD800, 0xDC1F } },
-  { 0x00010020, { 0xD800, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x0001003F, { 0xD800, 0xDC3F } },
-  { 0x00010040, { 0xD800, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x0001007F, { 0xD800, 0xDC7F } },
-  { 0x00010080, { 0xD800, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00010081, { 0xD800, 0xDC81 } },
-  { 0x00010082, { 0xD800, 0xDC82 } },
-  { 0x00010084, { 0xD800, 0xDC84 } },
-  { 0x00010088, { 0xD800, 0xDC88 } },
-  { 0x00010090, { 0xD800, 0xDC90 } },
-  { 0x000100A0, { 0xD800, 0xDCA0 } },
-  { 0x000100C0, { 0xD800, 0xDCC0 } },
-  { 0x000100FF, { 0xD800, 0xDCFF } },
-  { 0x00010100, { 0xD800, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00010101, { 0xD800, 0xDD01 } },
-  { 0x00010102, { 0xD800, 0xDD02 } },
-  { 0x00010104, { 0xD800, 0xDD04 } },
-  { 0x00010108, { 0xD800, 0xDD08 } },
-  { 0x00010110, { 0xD800, 0xDD10 } },
-  { 0x00010120, { 0xD800, 0xDD20 } },
-  { 0x00010140, { 0xD800, 0xDD40 } },
-  { 0x00010180, { 0xD800, 0xDD80 } },
-  { 0x000101FF, { 0xD800, 0xDDFF } },
-  { 0x00010200, { 0xD800, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00010201, { 0xD800, 0xDE01 } },
-  { 0x00010202, { 0xD800, 0xDE02 } },
-  { 0x00010204, { 0xD800, 0xDE04 } },
-  { 0x00010208, { 0xD800, 0xDE08 } },
-  { 0x00010210, { 0xD800, 0xDE10 } },
-  { 0x00010220, { 0xD800, 0xDE20 } },
-  { 0x00010240, { 0xD800, 0xDE40 } },
-  { 0x00010280, { 0xD800, 0xDE80 } },
-  { 0x00010300, { 0xD800, 0xDF00 } },
-  { 0x000103FF, { 0xD800, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00010400, { 0xD801, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00010401, { 0xD801, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00010402, { 0xD801, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00010404, { 0xD801, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00010408, { 0xD801, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00010410, { 0xD801, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00010420, { 0xD801, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00010440, { 0xD801, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00010480, { 0xD801, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00010500, { 0xD801, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00010600, { 0xD801, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x000107FF, { 0xD801, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00010800, { 0xD802, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00010801, { 0xD802, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00010802, { 0xD802, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00010804, { 0xD802, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00010808, { 0xD802, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00010810, { 0xD802, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00010820, { 0xD802, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00010840, { 0xD802, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00010880, { 0xD802, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00010900, { 0xD802, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00010A00, { 0xD802, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00010C00, { 0xD803, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00010FFF, { 0xD803, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00011000, { 0xD804, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00011001, { 0xD804, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00011002, { 0xD804, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00011004, { 0xD804, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00011008, { 0xD804, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00011010, { 0xD804, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00011020, { 0xD804, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00011040, { 0xD804, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00011080, { 0xD804, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00011100, { 0xD804, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00011200, { 0xD804, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00011400, { 0xD805, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00011800, { 0xD806, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00011FFF, { 0xD807, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00012000, { 0xD808, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00012001, { 0xD808, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00012002, { 0xD808, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00012004, { 0xD808, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00012008, { 0xD808, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00012010, { 0xD808, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00012020, { 0xD808, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00012040, { 0xD808, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00012080, { 0xD808, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00012100, { 0xD808, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00012200, { 0xD808, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00012400, { 0xD809, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00012800, { 0xD80A, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00013000, { 0xD80C, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00013FFF, { 0xD80F, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00014000, { 0xD810, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00014001, { 0xD810, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00014002, { 0xD810, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00014004, { 0xD810, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00014008, { 0xD810, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00014010, { 0xD810, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00014020, { 0xD810, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00014040, { 0xD810, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00014080, { 0xD810, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00014100, { 0xD810, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00014200, { 0xD810, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00014400, { 0xD811, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00014800, { 0xD812, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00015000, { 0xD814, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00016000, { 0xD818, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00017FFF, { 0xD81F, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00018000, { 0xD820, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00018001, { 0xD820, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00018002, { 0xD820, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00018004, { 0xD820, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00018008, { 0xD820, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00018010, { 0xD820, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00018020, { 0xD820, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00018040, { 0xD820, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00018080, { 0xD820, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00018100, { 0xD820, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00018200, { 0xD820, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00018400, { 0xD821, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00018800, { 0xD822, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00019000, { 0xD824, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0001A000, { 0xD828, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0001C000, { 0xD830, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0001FFFF, { 0xD83F, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00020000, { 0xD840, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00020001, { 0xD840, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00020002, { 0xD840, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00020004, { 0xD840, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00020008, { 0xD840, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00020010, { 0xD840, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00020020, { 0xD840, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00020040, { 0xD840, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00020080, { 0xD840, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00020100, { 0xD840, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00020200, { 0xD840, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00020400, { 0xD841, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00020800, { 0xD842, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00021000, { 0xD844, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00022000, { 0xD848, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00024000, { 0xD850, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00028000, { 0xD860, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0002FFFF, { 0xD87F, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00030000, { 0xD880, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00030001, { 0xD880, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00030002, { 0xD880, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00030004, { 0xD880, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00030008, { 0xD880, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00030010, { 0xD880, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00030020, { 0xD880, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00030040, { 0xD880, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00030080, { 0xD880, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00030100, { 0xD880, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00030200, { 0xD880, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00030400, { 0xD881, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00030800, { 0xD882, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00031000, { 0xD884, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00032000, { 0xD888, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00034000, { 0xD890, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00038000, { 0xD8A0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0003FFFF, { 0xD8BF, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00040000, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00040001, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00040002, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00040004, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00040008, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00040010, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00040020, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00040040, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00040080, { 0xD8C0, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00040100, { 0xD8C0, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00040200, { 0xD8C0, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00040400, { 0xD8C1, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00040800, { 0xD8C2, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00041000, { 0xD8C4, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00042000, { 0xD8C8, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00044000, { 0xD8D0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00048000, { 0xD8E0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0004FFFF, { 0xD8FF, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00050000, { 0xD900, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00050001, { 0xD900, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00050002, { 0xD900, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00050004, { 0xD900, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00050008, { 0xD900, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00050010, { 0xD900, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00050020, { 0xD900, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00050040, { 0xD900, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00050080, { 0xD900, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00050100, { 0xD900, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00050200, { 0xD900, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00050400, { 0xD901, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00050800, { 0xD902, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00051000, { 0xD904, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00052000, { 0xD908, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00054000, { 0xD910, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00058000, { 0xD920, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00060000, { 0xD940, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00070000, { 0xD980, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0007FFFF, { 0xD9BF, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00080000, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00080001, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00080002, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00080004, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00080008, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00080010, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00080020, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00080040, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00080080, { 0xD9C0, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00080100, { 0xD9C0, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00080200, { 0xD9C0, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00080400, { 0xD9C1, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00080800, { 0xD9C2, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00081000, { 0xD9C4, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00082000, { 0xD9C8, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00084000, { 0xD9D0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00088000, { 0xD9E0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x0008FFFF, { 0xD9FF, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x00090000, { 0xDA00, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00090001, { 0xDA00, 0xDC01 } },
-  { 0x00090002, { 0xDA00, 0xDC02 } },
-  { 0x00090004, { 0xDA00, 0xDC04 } },
-  { 0x00090008, { 0xDA00, 0xDC08 } },
-  { 0x00090010, { 0xDA00, 0xDC10 } },
-  { 0x00090020, { 0xDA00, 0xDC20 } },
-  { 0x00090040, { 0xDA00, 0xDC40 } },
-  { 0x00090080, { 0xDA00, 0xDC80 } },
-  { 0x00090100, { 0xDA00, 0xDD00 } },
-  { 0x00090200, { 0xDA00, 0xDE00 } },
-  { 0x00090400, { 0xDA01, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00090800, { 0xDA02, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00091000, { 0xDA04, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00092000, { 0xDA08, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00094000, { 0xDA10, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x00098000, { 0xDA20, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x000A0000, { 0xDA40, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x000B0000, { 0xDA80, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x000C0000, { 0xDAC0, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x000D0000, { 0xDB00, 0xDC00 } },
-  { 0x000FFFFF, { 0xDBBF, 0xDFFF } },
-  { 0x0010FFFF, { 0xDBFF, 0xDFFF } }
-/* illegal utf8 sequences */
-char *utf8_bad[] = {
-  "\xC0\x80",
-  "\xC1\xBF",
-  "\xE0\x80\x80",
-  "\xE0\x9F\xBF",
-  "\xF0\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF0\x8F\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xF4\x90\x80\x80",
-  "\xF7\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF8\x88\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF8\x92\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF8\x9F\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xF8\xA0\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF8\xA8\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF8\xB0\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF8\xBF\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xF9\x80\x80\x80\x88",
-  "\xF9\x84\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xF9\xBF\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xFA\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFA\x90\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFB\xBF\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xFC\x84\x80\x80\x80\x81",
-  "\xFC\x85\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFC\x86\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFC\x87\xBF\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xFC\x88\xA0\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFC\x89\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFC\x8A\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFC\x90\x80\x80\x80\x82",
-  "\xFD\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80",
-  "\xFD\xBF\xBF\xBF\xBF\xBF",
-  "\x80",
-  "\xC3",
-  "\xC3\xC3\x80",
-  "\xED\xA0\x80",
-  "\xED\xBF\x80",
-  "\xED\xBF\xBF",
-  "\xED\xA0\x80\xE0\xBF\xBF",
-/* illegal UTF-16 sequences, 0-terminated */
-uint16_t utf16_bad[][3] = {
-  /* leading surrogate not followed by trailing surrogate */
-  { 0xD800, 0, 0 },
-  { 0xD800, 0x41, 0 },
-  { 0xD800, 0xfe, 0 },
-  { 0xD800, 0x3bb, 0 },
-  { 0xD800, 0xD800, 0 },
-  { 0xD800, 0xFEFF, 0 },
-  { 0xD800, 0xFFFD, 0 },
-static void
-  char *word,
-  unsigned char *utf8,
-  char *end
-  fprintf(stdout, "%s ", word);
-  for( ; *utf8; utf8++ ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "%02.2x ", (unsigned int)*utf8);
-  }
-  fprintf(stdout, "%s", end);
-static PRBool
-  void
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct ucs4 *e = &ucs4[i];
-    PRBool result;
-    unsigned char utf8[8];
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    PRUint32 back = 0;
-    (void)memset(utf8, 0, sizeof(utf8));
-    result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE, 
-      (unsigned char *)&e->c, sizeof(e->c), utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UCS-4 0x%08.8x to UTF-8\n", e->c);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (len >= sizeof(utf8)) ||
-        (strlen(e->utf8) != len) ||
-        (utf8[len] = '\0', 0 != strcmp(e->utf8, utf8)) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-4 0x%08.8x to UTF-8: ", e->c);
-      dump_utf8("expected", e->utf8, ", ");
-      dump_utf8("received", utf8, "\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-      utf8, len, (unsigned char *)&back, sizeof(back), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      dump_utf8("Failed to convert UTF-8", utf8, "to UCS-4\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (sizeof(back) != len) || (e->c != back) ) {
-      dump_utf8("Wrong conversion of UTF-8", utf8, " to UCS-4:");
-      fprintf(stdout, "expected 0x%08.8x, received 0x%08.8x\n", e->c, back);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    len = strlen(e->utf8) - 1;
-    result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-      (unsigned char *)&e->c, sizeof(e->c), utf8 + sizeof(utf8) - len, len,
-      &len);
-    if( result || len != strlen(e->utf8) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Length computation error converting UCS-4 0x%08.8x"
-        " to UTF-8\n", e->c);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRBool
-  void
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct ucs2 *e = &ucs2[i];
-    PRBool result;
-    unsigned char utf8[8];
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    PRUint16 back = 0;
-    (void)memset(utf8, 0, sizeof(utf8));
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-      (unsigned char *)&e->c, sizeof(e->c), utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UCS-2 0x%04.4x to UTF-8\n", e->c);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (len >= sizeof(utf8)) ||
-        (strlen(e->utf8) != len) ||
-        (utf8[len] = '\0', 0 != strcmp(e->utf8, utf8)) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-2 0x%04.4x to UTF-8: ", e->c);
-      dump_utf8("expected", e->utf8, ", ");
-      dump_utf8("received", utf8, "\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-      utf8, len, (unsigned char *)&back, sizeof(back), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      dump_utf8("Failed to convert UTF-8", utf8, "to UCS-2\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (sizeof(back) != len) || (e->c != back) ) {
-      dump_utf8("Wrong conversion of UTF-8", utf8, "to UCS-2:");
-      fprintf(stdout, "expected 0x%08.8x, received 0x%08.8x\n", e->c, back);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    len = strlen(e->utf8) - 1;
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-      (unsigned char *)&e->c, sizeof(e->c), utf8 + sizeof(utf8) - len, len,
-      &len);
-    if( result || len != strlen(e->utf8) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Length computation error converting UCS-2 0x%04.4x"
-        " to UTF-8\n", e->c);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRBool
-  void
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(utf16)/sizeof(utf16[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct utf16 *e = &utf16[i];
-    PRBool result;
-    unsigned char utf8[8];
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    PRUint32 back32 = 0;
-    PRUint16 back[2];
-    (void)memset(utf8, 0, sizeof(utf8));
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE, 
-      (unsigned char *)&e->w[0], sizeof(e->w), utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UTF-16 0x%04.4x 0x%04.4x to UTF-8\n", 
-              e->w[0], e->w[1]);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-      utf8, len, (unsigned char *)&back32, sizeof(back32), &len);
-    if( 4 != len ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UTF-16 0x%04.4x 0x%04.4x to UTF-8: "
-              "unexpected len %d\n", e->w[0], e->w[1], len);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    utf8[len] = '\0'; /* null-terminate for printing */
-    if( !result ) {
-      dump_utf8("Failed to convert UTF-8", utf8, "to UCS-4 (utf-16 test)\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (sizeof(back32) != len) || (e->c != back32) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UTF-16 0x%04.4x 0x%04.4x ", 
-              e->w[0], e->w[1]);
-      dump_utf8("to UTF-8", utf8, "and then to UCS-4: ");
-      if( sizeof(back32) != len ) {
-        fprintf(stdout, "len is %d\n", len);
-      } else {
-        fprintf(stdout, "expected 0x%08.8x, received 0x%08.8x\n", e->c, back32);
-      }
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    (void)memset(utf8, 0, sizeof(utf8));
-    back[0] = back[1] = 0;
-    result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-      (unsigned char *)&e->c, sizeof(e->c), utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UCS-4 0x%08.8x to UTF-8 (utf-16 test)\n",
-              e->c);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-      utf8, len, (unsigned char *)&back[0], sizeof(back), &len);
-    if( 4 != len ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UCS-4 0x%08.8x to UTF-8: "
-              "unexpected len %d\n", e->c, len);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    utf8[len] = '\0'; /* null-terminate for printing */
-    if( !result ) {
-      dump_utf8("Failed to convert UTF-8", utf8, "to UTF-16\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (sizeof(back) != len) || (e->w[0] != back[0]) || (e->w[1] != back[1]) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-4 0x%08.8x to UTF-8", e->c);
-      dump_utf8("", utf8, "and then to UTF-16:");
-      if( sizeof(back) != len ) {
-        fprintf(stdout, "len is %d\n", len);
-      } else {
-        fprintf(stdout, "expected 0x%04.4x 0x%04.4x, received 0x%04.4x 0x%04.4xx\n",
-                e->w[0], e->w[1], back[0], back[1]);
-      }
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRBool
-  void
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(utf8_bad)/sizeof(utf8_bad[0]); i++ ) {
-    PRBool result;
-    unsigned char destbuf[30];
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-      (unsigned char *)utf8_bad[i], strlen(utf8_bad[i]), destbuf, sizeof(destbuf), &len);
-    if( result ) {
-      dump_utf8("Failed to detect bad UTF-8 string converting to UCS2: ", utf8_bad[i], "\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-      (unsigned char *)utf8_bad[i], strlen(utf8_bad[i]), destbuf, sizeof(destbuf), &len);
-    if( result ) {
-      dump_utf8("Failed to detect bad UTF-8 string converting to UCS4: ", utf8_bad[i], "\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRBool
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(utf16_bad)/sizeof(utf16_bad[0]); ++i ) {
-    PRBool result;
-    unsigned char destbuf[18];
-    unsigned int j, len, destlen;
-    uint16_t *buf;
-    for( len = 0; utf16_bad[i][len] != 0; ++len )
-      /* nothing */;
-    buf = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * len);
-    for( j = 0; j < len; ++j )
-      buf[j] = htons(utf16_bad[i][j]);
-    result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-        (unsigned char *)buf, sizeof(uint16_t) * len, destbuf, sizeof(destbuf),
-        &destlen);
-    if( result ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to detect bad UTF-16 string conversion for "
-          "{0x%x,0x%x} (UTF-8 len = %u)\n", utf16_bad[i][0], utf16_bad[i][1],
-          destlen);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    free(buf);
-  }
-static PRBool
-  void
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct ucs2 *e = &ucs2[i];
-    PRBool result;
-    unsigned char iso88591;
-    unsigned char utf8[3];
-    unsigned int len = 0;
-    if (ntohs(e->c) > 0xFF) continue;
-    (void)memset(utf8, 0, sizeof(utf8));
-    iso88591 = ntohs(e->c);
-    result = sec_port_iso88591_utf8_conversion_function(&iso88591,
-      1, utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-    if( !result ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert ISO-8859-1 0x%02.2x to UTF-8\n", iso88591);
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( (len >= sizeof(utf8)) ||
-        (strlen(e->utf8) != len) ||
-        (utf8[len] = '\0', 0 != strcmp(e->utf8, utf8)) ) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of ISO-8859-1 0x%02.2x to UTF-8: ", iso88591);
-      dump_utf8("expected", e->utf8, ", ");
-      dump_utf8("received", utf8, "\n");
-      rv = PR_FALSE;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRBool
-  void
-  PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
-  PRBool result;
-  PRUint32 lzero = 0;
-  PRUint16 szero = 0;
-  unsigned char utf8[8];
-  unsigned int len = 0;
-  PRUint32 lback = 1;
-  PRUint16 sback = 1;
-  (void)memset(utf8, 1, sizeof(utf8));
-  result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE, 
-    (unsigned char *)&lzero, sizeof(lzero), utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UCS-4 0x00000000 to UTF-8\n");
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( 1 != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-4 0x00000000: len = %d\n", len);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( '\0' != *utf8 ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-4 0x00000000: expected 00 ,"
-            "received %02.2x\n", (unsigned int)*utf8);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  }
-  result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-    "", 1, (unsigned char *)&lback, sizeof(lback), &len);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UTF-8 00 to UCS-4\n");
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( 4 != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UTF-8 00 to UCS-4: len = %d\n", len);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( 0 != lback ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UTF-8 00 to UCS-4: "
-            "expected 0x00000000, received 0x%08.8x\n", lback);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  }
-  (void)memset(utf8, 1, sizeof(utf8));
-  result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE, 
-    (unsigned char *)&szero, sizeof(szero), utf8, sizeof(utf8), &len);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UCS-2 0x0000 to UTF-8\n");
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( 1 != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-2 0x0000: len = %d\n", len);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( '\0' != *utf8 ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UCS-2 0x0000: expected 00 ,"
-            "received %02.2x\n", (unsigned int)*utf8);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  }
-  result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-    "", 1, (unsigned char *)&sback, sizeof(sback), &len);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert UTF-8 00 to UCS-2\n");
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( 2 != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UTF-8 00 to UCS-2: len = %d\n", len);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  } else if( 0 != sback ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of UTF-8 00 to UCS-2: "
-            "expected 0x0000, received 0x%04.4x\n", sback);
-    rv = PR_FALSE;
-  }
-  return rv;
-static PRBool
-  void
-  int i;
-  unsigned int len, lenout;
-  PRUint32 *ucs4s;
-  char *ucs4_utf8;
-  PRUint16 *ucs2s;
-  char *ucs2_utf8;
-  void *tmp;
-  PRBool result;
-  ucs4s = (PRUint32 *)calloc(sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]), sizeof(PRUint32));
-  ucs2s = (PRUint16 *)calloc(sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]), sizeof(PRUint16));
-  if( ((PRUint32 *)NULL == ucs4s) || ((PRUint16 *)NULL == ucs2s) ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  len = 1;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]); i++ ) {
-    ucs4s[i] = ucs4[i].c;
-    len += strlen(ucs4[i].utf8);
-  }
-  ucs4_utf8 = (char *)malloc(len);
-  len = 1;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]); i++ ) {
-    ucs2s[i] = ucs2[i].c;
-    len += strlen(ucs2[i].utf8);
-  }
-  ucs2_utf8 = (char *)malloc(len);
-  if( ((char *)NULL == ucs4_utf8) || ((char *)NULL == ucs2_utf8) ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  *ucs4_utf8 = '\0';
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]); i++ ) {
-    strcat(ucs4_utf8, ucs4[i].utf8);
-  }
-  *ucs2_utf8 = '\0';
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]); i++ ) {
-    strcat(ucs2_utf8, ucs2[i].utf8);
-  }
-  /* UTF-8 -> UCS-4 */
-  len = sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]) * sizeof(PRUint32);
-  tmp = calloc(len, 1);
-  if( (void *)NULL == tmp ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-    ucs4_utf8, strlen(ucs4_utf8), tmp, len, &lenout);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert much UTF-8 to UCS-4\n");
-    goto done;
-  }
-  if( lenout != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Unexpected length converting much UTF-8 to UCS-4\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  if( 0 != memcmp(ucs4s, tmp, len) ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of much UTF-8 to UCS-4\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  free(tmp); tmp = (void *)NULL;
-  /* UCS-4 -> UTF-8 */
-  len = strlen(ucs4_utf8);
-  tmp = calloc(len, 1);
-  if( (void *)NULL == tmp ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  result = sec_port_ucs4_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-    (unsigned char *)ucs4s, sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]) * sizeof(PRUint32), 
-    tmp, len, &lenout);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert much UCS-4 to UTF-8\n");
-    goto done;
-  }
-  if( lenout != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Unexpected length converting much UCS-4 to UTF-8\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  if( 0 != strncmp(ucs4_utf8, tmp, len) ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of much UCS-4 to UTF-8\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  free(tmp); tmp = (void *)NULL;
-  /* UTF-8 -> UCS-2 */
-  len = sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]) * sizeof(PRUint16);
-  tmp = calloc(len, 1);
-  if( (void *)NULL == tmp ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_TRUE,
-    ucs2_utf8, strlen(ucs2_utf8), tmp, len, &lenout);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert much UTF-8 to UCS-2\n");
-    goto done;
-  }
-  if( lenout != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Unexpected length converting much UTF-8 to UCS-2\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  if( 0 != memcmp(ucs2s, tmp, len) ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of much UTF-8 to UCS-2\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  free(tmp); tmp = (void *)NULL;
-  /* UCS-2 -> UTF-8 */
-  len = strlen(ucs2_utf8);
-  tmp = calloc(len, 1);
-  if( (void *)NULL == tmp ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  result = sec_port_ucs2_utf8_conversion_function(PR_FALSE,
-    (unsigned char *)ucs2s, sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]) * sizeof(PRUint16), 
-    tmp, len, &lenout);
-  if( !result ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Failed to convert much UCS-2 to UTF-8\n");
-    goto done;
-  }
-  if( lenout != len ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Unexpected length converting much UCS-2 to UTF-8\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  if( 0 != strncmp(ucs2_utf8, tmp, len) ) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "Wrong conversion of much UCS-2 to UTF-8\n");
-    goto loser;
-  }
-  /* implement UTF16 */
-  result = PR_TRUE;
-  goto done;
- loser:
-  result = PR_FALSE;
- done:
-  free(ucs4s);
-  free(ucs4_utf8);
-  free(ucs2s);
-  free(ucs2_utf8);
-  if( (void *)NULL != tmp ) free(tmp);
-  return result;
-  void
-  /*
-   * The implementation (now) expects the 16- and 32-bit characters
-   * to be in network byte order, not host byte order.  Therefore I
-   * have to byteswap all those test vectors above.  hton[ls] may be
-   * functions, so I have to do this dynamically.  If you want to 
-   * use this code to do host byte order conversions, just remove
-   * the call in main() to this function.
-   */
-  int i;
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs4)/sizeof(ucs4[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct ucs4 *e = &ucs4[i];
-    e->c = htonl(e->c);
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(ucs2)/sizeof(ucs2[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct ucs2 *e = &ucs2[i];
-    e->c = htons(e->c);
-  }
-  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(utf16)/sizeof(utf16[0]); i++ ) {
-    struct utf16 *e = &utf16[i];
-    e->c = htonl(e->c);
-    e->w[0] = htons(e->w[0]);
-    e->w[1] = htons(e->w[1]);
-  }
-  return;
-  int argc,
-  char *argv[]
-  byte_order();
-  if( test_ucs4_chars() &&
-      test_ucs2_chars() &&
-      test_utf16_chars() &&
-      test_utf8_bad_chars() &&
-      test_utf16_bad_chars() &&
-      test_iso88591_chars() &&
-      test_zeroes() &&
-      test_multichars() &&
-      PR_TRUE ) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "PASS\n");
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    fprintf(stderr, "FAIL\n");
-    return 0;
-  }
-#endif /* TEST_UTF8 */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utilmod.c b/nss/lib/util/utilmod.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 230b5c9..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utilmod.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * The following code handles the storage of PKCS 11 modules used by the
- * NSS. For the rest of NSS, only one kind of database handle exists:
- *
- *     SFTKDBHandle
- *
- * There is one SFTKDBHandle for each key database and one for each cert 
- * database. These databases are opened as associated pairs, one pair per
- * slot. SFTKDBHandles are reference counted objects.
- *
- * Each SFTKDBHandle points to a low level database handle (SDB). This handle
- * represents the underlying physical database. These objects are not 
- * reference counted, and are 'owned' by their respective SFTKDBHandles.
- */
-#include "prprf.h" 
-#include "prsystem.h"
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "utilpars.h" 
-#include "secerr.h"
-#if defined (_WIN32)
-#include <io.h>
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#if defined (_WIN32)
-#define os_open _open
-#define os_fdopen _fdopen
-#define os_stat _stat
-#define os_truncate_open_flags _O_CREAT|_O_RDWR|_O_TRUNC
-#define os_append_open_flags _O_CREAT|_O_RDWR|_O_APPEND
-#define os_open_permissions_type int
-#define os_open_permissions_default _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE
-#define os_stat_type struct _stat
-#define os_open open
-#define os_fdopen fdopen
-#define os_stat stat
-#define os_truncate_open_flags O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC
-#define os_append_open_flags O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_APPEND
-#define os_open_permissions_type mode_t
-#define os_open_permissions_default 0600
-#define os_stat_type struct stat
- *
- * Secmod database.
- *
- * The new secmod database is simply a text file with each of the module
- * entries in the following form:
- *
- * #
- * # This is a comment The next line is the library to load
- *
- * name="My PKCS#11 module"
- * params="my library's param string"
- * nss="NSS parameters"
- * other="parameters for other libraries and applications"
- * 
- *
- * name="My other PKCS#11 module"
- */
- * Smart string cat functions. Automatically manage the memory.
- * The first parameter is the destination string. If it's null, we 
- * allocate memory for it. If it's not, we reallocate memory
- * so the the concanenated string fits.
- */
-static char *
-nssutil_DupnCat(char *baseString, const char *str, int str_len)
-    int baseStringLen = baseString ? PORT_Strlen(baseString) : 0;
-    int len = baseStringLen + 1;
-    char *newString;
-    len += str_len;
-    newString = (char *) PORT_Realloc(baseString,len);
-    if (newString == NULL) {
-	PORT_Free(baseString);
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    PORT_Memcpy(&newString[baseStringLen], str, str_len);
-    newString[len - 1] = 0;
-    return newString;
-/* Same as nssutil_DupnCat except it concatenates the full string, not a
- * partial one */
-static char *
-nssutil_DupCat(char *baseString, const char *str)
-    return nssutil_DupnCat(baseString, str, PORT_Strlen(str));
-/* function to free up all the memory associated with a null terminated
- * array of module specs */
-static SECStatus
-nssutil_releaseSpecList(char **moduleSpecList)
-    if (moduleSpecList) {
-	char **index;
-	for(index = moduleSpecList; *index; index++) {
-	    PORT_Free(*index);
-	}
-	PORT_Free(moduleSpecList);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
-#define SECMOD_STEP 10
-static SECStatus
-nssutil_growList(char ***pModuleList, int *useCount, int last)
-    char **newModuleList;
-    *useCount += SECMOD_STEP;
-    newModuleList = (char **)PORT_Realloc(*pModuleList,
-					  *useCount*sizeof(char *));
-    if (newModuleList == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    PORT_Memset(&newModuleList[last],0, sizeof(char *)*SECMOD_STEP);
-    *pModuleList = newModuleList;
-    return SECSuccess;
-char *_NSSUTIL_GetOldSecmodName(const char *dbname,const char *filename)
-    char *file = NULL;
-    char *dirPath = PORT_Strdup(dbname);
-    char *sep;
-    sep = PORT_Strrchr(dirPath,*NSSUTIL_PATH_SEPARATOR);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    if (!sep) {
-	/* utilparst.h defines NSSUTIL_PATH_SEPARATOR as "/" for all
-	 * platforms. */
-	sep = PORT_Strrchr(dirPath,'\\');
-    }
-    if (sep) {
-	*sep = 0;
-	file = PR_smprintf("%s"NSSUTIL_PATH_SEPARATOR"%s", dirPath, filename);
-    } else {
-	file = PR_smprintf("%s", filename);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(dirPath);
-    return file;
-static SECStatus nssutil_AddSecmodDBEntry(const char *appName,
-                                          const char *filename,
-                                          const char *dbname,
-                                          const char *module, PRBool rw);
-enum lfopen_mode { lfopen_truncate, lfopen_append };
-lfopen(const char *name, enum lfopen_mode om, os_open_permissions_type open_perms)
-    int fd;
-    FILE *file;
-    fd = os_open(name,
-                 (om == lfopen_truncate) ? os_truncate_open_flags : os_append_open_flags,
-                 open_perms);
-    if (fd < 0) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    file = os_fdopen(fd, (om == lfopen_truncate) ? "w+" : "a+");
-    if (!file) {
-	close(fd);
-    }
-    /* file inherits fd */
-    return file;
-#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 2048
- * Read all the existing modules in out of the file.
- */
-static char **
-nssutil_ReadSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-		    const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-		    char *params, PRBool rw)
-    FILE *fd = NULL;
-    char **moduleList = NULL;
-    int moduleCount = 1;
-    int useCount = SECMOD_STEP;
-    char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
-    PRBool internal = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool skipParams = PR_FALSE;
-    char *moduleString = NULL;
-    char *paramsValue=NULL;
-    PRBool failed = PR_TRUE;
-    moduleList = (char **) PORT_ZAlloc(useCount*sizeof(char *));
-    if (moduleList == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (dbname == NULL) {
-	goto return_default;
-    }
-    /* do we really want to use streams here */
-    fd = fopen(dbname, "r");
-    if (fd == NULL) goto done;
-    /*
-     * the following loop takes line separated config lines and collapses
-     * the lines to a single string, escaping and quoting as necessary.
-     */
-    /* loop state variables */
-    moduleString = NULL;  /* current concatenated string */
-    internal = PR_FALSE;	     /* is this an internal module */
-    skipParams = PR_FALSE;	   /* did we find an override parameter block*/
-    paramsValue = NULL;		   /* the current parameter block value */
-    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL) { 
-	int len = PORT_Strlen(line);
-	/* remove the ending newline */
-	if (len && line[len-1] == '\n') {
-	    len--;
-	    line[len] = 0;
-	}
-	if (*line == '#') {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (*line != 0) {
-	    /*
-	     * The PKCS #11 group standard assumes blocks of strings
-	     * separated by new lines, clumped by new lines. Internally
-	     * we take strings separated by spaces, so we may need to escape
-	     * certain spaces.
-	     */
-	    char *value = PORT_Strchr(line,'=');
-	    /* there is no value, write out the stanza as is */
-	    if (value == NULL || value[1] == 0) {
-		if (moduleString) {
-		    moduleString = nssutil_DupnCat(moduleString," ", 1);
-		    if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-		}
-	        moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString, line);
-		if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	    /* value is already quoted, just write it out */
-	    } else if (value[1] == '"') {
-		if (moduleString) {
-		    moduleString = nssutil_DupnCat(moduleString," ", 1);
-		    if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-		}
-	        moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString, line);
-		if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-		/* we have an override parameter section, remember that
-		 * we found this (see following comment about why this
-		 * is necessary). */
-	        if (PORT_Strncasecmp(line, "parameters", 10) == 0) {
-			skipParams = PR_TRUE;
-		}
-	    /*
-	     * The internal token always overrides it's parameter block
-	     * from the passed in parameters, so wait until then end
-	     * before we include the parameter block in case we need to 
-	     * override it. NOTE: if the parameter block is quoted with ("),
-	     * this override does not happen. This allows you to override
-	     * the application's parameter configuration.
-	     *
-	     * parameter block state is controlled by the following variables:
-	     *  skipParams - Bool : set to true of we have an override param
-	     *    block (all other blocks, either implicit or explicit are
-	     *    ignored).
-	     *  paramsValue - char * : pointer to the current param block. In
-	     *    the absence of overrides, paramsValue is set to the first
-	     *    parameter block we find. All subsequent blocks are ignored.
-	     *    When we find an internal token, the application passed
-	     *    parameters take precident.
-	     */
-	    } else if (PORT_Strncasecmp(line, "parameters", 10) == 0) {
-		/* already have parameters */
-		if (paramsValue) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		paramsValue = NSSUTIL_Quote(&value[1], '"');
-		if (paramsValue == NULL) goto loser;
-		continue;
-	    } else {
-	    /* may need to quote */
-	        char *newLine;
-		if (moduleString) {
-		    moduleString = nssutil_DupnCat(moduleString," ", 1);
-		    if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-		}
-		moduleString = nssutil_DupnCat(moduleString,line,value-line+1);
-		if (moduleString == NULL)  goto loser;
-	        newLine = NSSUTIL_Quote(&value[1],'"');
-		if (newLine == NULL) goto loser;
-		moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString,newLine);
-	        PORT_Free(newLine);
-		if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	    }
-	    /* check to see if it's internal? */
-	    if (PORT_Strncasecmp(line, "NSS=", 4) == 0) {
-		/* This should be case insensitive! reviewers make
-		 * me fix it if it's not */
-		if (PORT_Strstr(line,"internal")) {
-		    internal = PR_TRUE;
-		    /* override the parameters */
-		    if (paramsValue) {
-			PORT_Free(paramsValue);
-		    }
-		    paramsValue = NSSUTIL_Quote(params, '"');
-		}
-	    }
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if ((moduleString == NULL) || (*moduleString == 0)) {
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* 
-	 * if we are here, we have found a complete stanza. Now write out
-	 * any param section we may have found.
-	 */
-	if (paramsValue) {
-	    /* we had an override */
-	    if (!skipParams) {
-		moduleString = nssutil_DupnCat(moduleString," parameters=", 12);
-		if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-		moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString, paramsValue);
-		if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	    }
-	    PORT_Free(paramsValue);
-	    paramsValue = NULL;
-	}
-	if ((moduleCount+1) >= useCount) {
-	    SECStatus rv;
-	    rv = nssutil_growList(&moduleList, &useCount,  moduleCount+1);
-	    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-		goto loser;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (internal) {
-	    moduleList[0] = moduleString;
-	} else {
-	    moduleList[moduleCount] = moduleString;
-	    moduleCount++;
-	}
-	moduleString = NULL;
-	internal = PR_FALSE;
-	skipParams = PR_FALSE;
-    } 
-    if (moduleString) {
-	PORT_Free(moduleString);
-	moduleString = NULL;
-    }
-    /* if we couldn't open a pkcs11 database, look for the old one */
-    if (fd == NULL) {
-	char *olddbname = _NSSUTIL_GetOldSecmodName(dbname,filename);
-	PRStatus status;
-	/* couldn't get the old name */
-	if (!olddbname) {
-	    goto bail;
-	}
-	/* old one exists */
-	status = PR_Access(olddbname, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS);
-	if (status == PR_SUCCESS) {
-	    PR_smprintf_free(olddbname);
-	    PORT_ZFree(moduleList, useCount*sizeof(char *));
-	    return NULL;
-	}
-	if (olddbname) {
-	    PR_smprintf_free(olddbname);
-	}
-    }
-    if (!moduleList[0]) {
-	char * newParams;
-	newParams = NSSUTIL_Quote(params,'"');
-	if (newParams == NULL) goto loser;
-	moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString, newParams);
-	PORT_Free(newParams);
-	if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString, 
-	if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString,
-	if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	moduleString = nssutil_DupCat(moduleString, 
-	if (moduleString == NULL) goto loser;
-	moduleList[0] = moduleString;
-	moduleString = NULL;
-    }
-    failed = PR_FALSE;
-    /*
-     * cleanup
-     */
-    /* deal with trust cert db here */
-    if (moduleString) {
-	PORT_Free(moduleString);
-	moduleString = NULL;
-    }
-    if (paramsValue) {
-	PORT_Free(paramsValue);
-	paramsValue = NULL;
-    }
-    if (failed || (moduleList[0] == NULL)) {
-	/* This is wrong! FIXME */
-	nssutil_releaseSpecList(moduleList);
-	moduleList = NULL;
-	failed = PR_TRUE;
-    }
-    if (fd != NULL) {
-	fclose(fd);
-    } else if (!failed && rw) {
-	/* update our internal module */
-	nssutil_AddSecmodDBEntry(appName, filename, dbname, moduleList[0], rw);
-    }
-    return moduleList;
-static SECStatus
-nssutil_ReleaseSecmodDBData(const char *appName, 
-			const char *filename, const char *dbname, 
-			char **moduleSpecList, PRBool rw)
-    if (moduleSpecList) {
-	nssutil_releaseSpecList(moduleSpecList);
-    }
-    return SECSuccess;
- * Delete a module from the Data Base
- */
-static SECStatus
-nssutil_DeleteSecmodDBEntry(const char *appName,
-                            const char *filename,
-                            const char *dbname,
-                            const char *args,
-                            PRBool rw)
-    /* SHDB_FIXME implement */
-    os_stat_type stat_existing;
-    os_open_permissions_type file_mode;
-    FILE *fd = NULL;
-    FILE *fd2 = NULL;
-    char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
-    char *dbname2 = NULL;
-    char *block = NULL;
-    char *name = NULL;
-    char *lib = NULL;
-    int name_len = 0, lib_len = 0;
-    PRBool skip = PR_FALSE;
-    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    if (dbname == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    if (!rw) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    dbname2 = PORT_Strdup(dbname);
-    if (dbname2 == NULL) goto loser;
-    dbname2[strlen(dbname)-1]++;
-    /* get the permissions of the existing file, or use the default */
-    if (!os_stat(dbname, &stat_existing)) {
-	file_mode = stat_existing.st_mode;
-    } else {
-	file_mode = os_open_permissions_default;
-    }
-    /* do we really want to use streams here */
-    fd = fopen(dbname, "r");
-    if (fd == NULL) goto loser;
-    fd2 = lfopen(dbname2, lfopen_truncate, file_mode);
-    if (fd2 == NULL) goto loser;
-    name = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("name",args);
-    if (name) {
-	name_len = PORT_Strlen(name);
-    }
-    lib = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("library",args);
-    if (lib) {
-	lib_len = PORT_Strlen(lib);
-    }
-    /*
-     * the following loop takes line separated config files and collapses
-     * the lines to a single string, escaping and quoting as necessary.
-     */
-    /* loop state variables */
-    block = NULL;
-    skip = PR_FALSE;
-    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL) { 
-	/* If we are processing a block (we haven't hit a blank line yet */
-	if (*line != '\n') {
-	    /* skip means we are in the middle of a block we are deleting */
-	    if (skip) {
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* if we haven't found the block yet, check to see if this block
-	     * matches our requirements */
-	    if (!found && ((name && (PORT_Strncasecmp(line,"name=",5) == 0) &&
-		 (PORT_Strncmp(line+5,name,name_len) == 0))  ||
-	        (lib && (PORT_Strncasecmp(line,"library=",8) == 0) &&
-		 (PORT_Strncmp(line+8,lib,lib_len) == 0)))) {
-		/* yup, we don't need to save any more data, */
-		PORT_Free(block);
-		block=NULL;
-		/* we don't need to collect more of this block */
-		skip = PR_TRUE;
-		/* we don't need to continue searching for the block */
-		found =PR_TRUE;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    /* not our match, continue to collect data in this block */
-	    block = nssutil_DupCat(block,line);
-	    continue;
-	}
-	/* we've collected a block of data that wasn't the module we were
-	 * looking for, write it out */
-	if (block) {
-	    fwrite(block, PORT_Strlen(block), 1, fd2);
-	    PORT_Free(block);
-	    block = NULL;
-	}
-	/* If we didn't just delete the this block, keep the blank line */
-	if (!skip) {
-	    fputs(line,fd2);
-	}
-	/* we are definately not in a deleted block anymore */
-	skip = PR_FALSE;
-    } 
-    fclose(fd);
-    fclose(fd2);
-    if (found) {
-	/* rename dbname2 to dbname */
-	PR_Delete(dbname);
-	PR_Rename(dbname2,dbname);
-    } else {
-	PR_Delete(dbname2);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(dbname2);
-    PORT_Free(lib);
-    PORT_Free(name);
-    PORT_Free(block);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    if (fd != NULL) {
-	fclose(fd);
-    }
-    if (fd2 != NULL) {
-	fclose(fd2);
-    }
-    if (dbname2) {
-	PR_Delete(dbname2);
-	PORT_Free(dbname2);
-    }
-    PORT_Free(lib);
-    PORT_Free(name);
-    return SECFailure;
- * Add a module to the Data base 
- */
-static SECStatus
-nssutil_AddSecmodDBEntry(const char *appName,
-                        const char *filename, const char *dbname,
-                        const char *module, PRBool rw)
-    os_stat_type stat_existing;
-    os_open_permissions_type file_mode;
-    FILE *fd = NULL;
-    char *block = NULL;
-    PRBool libFound = PR_FALSE;
-    if (dbname == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* can't write to a read only module */
-    if (!rw) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    /* remove the previous version if it exists */
-    (void) nssutil_DeleteSecmodDBEntry(appName, filename, dbname, module, rw);
-    /* get the permissions of the existing file, or use the default */
-    if (!os_stat(dbname, &stat_existing)) {
-	file_mode = stat_existing.st_mode;
-    } else {
-	file_mode = os_open_permissions_default;
-    }
-    fd = lfopen(dbname, lfopen_append, file_mode);
-    if (fd == NULL) {
-	return SECFailure;
-    }
-    module = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(module);
-    while (*module) {
-	int count;
-	char *keyEnd = PORT_Strchr(module,'=');
-	char *value;
-	if (PORT_Strncmp(module, "library=", 8) == 0) {
-	   libFound=PR_TRUE;
-	}
-	if (keyEnd == NULL) {
-	    block = nssutil_DupCat(block, module);
-	    break;
-	}
-	block = nssutil_DupnCat(block, module, keyEnd-module+1);
-	if (block == NULL) { goto loser; }
-	value = NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(&keyEnd[1], &count);
-	if (value) {
-	    block = nssutil_DupCat(block, NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(value));
-	    PORT_Free(value);
-	}
-	if (block == NULL) { goto loser; }
-	block = nssutil_DupnCat(block, "\n", 1);
-	module = keyEnd + 1 + count;
-	module = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(module);
-    }
-    if (block) {
-	if (!libFound) {
-	    fprintf(fd,"library=\n");
-	}
-	fwrite(block, PORT_Strlen(block), 1, fd);
-	fprintf(fd,"\n");
-	PORT_Free(block);
-	block = NULL;
-    }
-    fclose(fd);
-    return SECSuccess;
-    PORT_Free(block);
-    fclose(fd);
-    return SECFailure;
-char **
-NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction(unsigned long function,char *parameters, void *args)
-    char *secmod = NULL;
-    char *appName = NULL;
-    char *filename = NULL;
-    NSSDBType dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_NONE;
-    PRBool rw;
-    static char *success="Success";
-    char **rvstr = NULL;
-    secmod = _NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName(parameters, &dbType, &appName,
-				    &filename, &rw);
-    if ((dbType == NSS_DB_TYPE_LEGACY) || 
-	/* we can't handle the old database, only softoken can */
-	rvstr =  NULL;
-	goto done;
-    }
-    switch (function) {
-        rvstr = nssutil_ReadSecmodDB(appName,filename,
-				     secmod,(char *)parameters,rw);
-        break;
-        rvstr = (nssutil_AddSecmodDBEntry(appName, filename,
-                                          secmod, (char *)args, rw)
-                 == SECSuccess) ? &success: NULL;
-        break;
-        rvstr = (nssutil_DeleteSecmodDBEntry(appName, filename,
-                                             secmod, (char *)args, rw)
-                 == SECSuccess) ? &success: NULL;
-        break;
-        rvstr = (nssutil_ReleaseSecmodDBData(appName, filename,
-                                             secmod, (char **)args, rw)
-                 == SECSuccess) ? &success: NULL;
-        break;
-    }
-    if (secmod) PR_smprintf_free(secmod);
-    if (appName) PORT_Free(appName);
-    if (filename) PORT_Free(filename);
-    return rvstr;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utilmodt.h b/nss/lib/util/utilmodt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6adc5fb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utilmodt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _UTILMODT_H_
-#define _UTILMODT_H_ 1
- * these are SECMOD flags that would normally be in secmodt.h, but are needed
- * for the parser in util. Fort this reason we preserve the SECMOD names.
- */
-#define SECMOD_RSA_FLAG 	0x00000001L
-#define SECMOD_DSA_FLAG 	0x00000002L
-#define SECMOD_RC2_FLAG 	0x00000004L
-#define SECMOD_RC4_FLAG 	0x00000008L
-#define SECMOD_DES_FLAG 	0x00000010L
-#define SECMOD_DH_FLAG	 	0x00000020L
-#define SECMOD_FORTEZZA_FLAG	0x00000040L
-#define SECMOD_RC5_FLAG		0x00000080L
-#define SECMOD_SHA1_FLAG	0x00000100L
-#define SECMOD_MD5_FLAG		0x00000200L
-#define SECMOD_MD2_FLAG		0x00000400L
-#define SECMOD_SSL_FLAG		0x00000800L
-#define SECMOD_TLS_FLAG		0x00001000L
-#define SECMOD_AES_FLAG 	0x00002000L
-#define SECMOD_SHA256_FLAG	0x00004000L     /* also for SHA224 */
-#define SECMOD_SHA512_FLAG	0x00008000L	/* also for SHA384 */
-#define SECMOD_SEED_FLAG	0x00020000L
-#define SECMOD_ECC_FLAG		0x00040000L
-/* reserved bit for future, do not use */
-#define SECMOD_RESERVED_FLAG    0X08000000L
-#define SECMOD_FRIENDLY_FLAG	0x10000000L
-#define SECMOD_RANDOM_FLAG	0x80000000L
-#define PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS 0x20000000L
-#define PK11_DISABLE_FLAG    0x40000000L
-/* need to make SECMOD and PK11 prefixes consistent. */
-#endif /* _UTILMODT_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utilpars.c b/nss/lib/util/utilpars.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eef3eee..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utilpars.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1163 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * The following code handles the storage of PKCS 11 modules used by the
- * NSS. This file is written to abstract away how the modules are
- * stored so we can decide that later.
- */
-#include "secport.h"
-#include "prprf.h" 
-#include "prenv.h"
-#include "utilpars.h"
-#include "utilmodt.h"
- * return the expected matching quote value for the one specified
- */
-PRBool NSSUTIL_ArgGetPair(char c) {
-    switch (c) {
-    case '\'': return c;
-    case '\"': return c;
-    case '<': return '>';
-    case '{': return '}';
-    case '[': return ']';
-    case '(': return ')';
-    default: break;
-    }
-    return ' ';
-PRBool NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(char c) {
-   return isspace((unsigned char )c);
-PRBool NSSUTIL_ArgIsEscape(char c) {
-    return c == '\\';
-PRBool NSSUTIL_ArgIsQuote(char c) {
-    switch (c) {
-    case '\'':
-    case '\"':
-    case '<':
-    case '{': /* } end curly to keep vi bracket matching working */
-    case '(': /* ) */
-    case '[': /* ] */ return PR_TRUE;
-    default: break;
-    }
-    return PR_FALSE;
-const char *NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(const char *c) {
-   while (*c && NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*c)) c++;
-   return c;
- * find the end of the current tag/value pair. string should be pointing just
- * after the equal sign. Handles quoted characters.
- */
-const char *
-NSSUTIL_ArgFindEnd(const char *string) {
-    char endChar = ' ';
-    PRBool lastEscape = PR_FALSE;
-    if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsQuote(*string)) {
-	endChar = NSSUTIL_ArgGetPair(*string);
-	string++;
-    }
-    for (;*string; string++) {
-	if (lastEscape) {
-	    lastEscape = PR_FALSE;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsEscape(*string) && !lastEscape) {
-	    lastEscape = PR_TRUE;
-	    continue;
-	} 
-	if ((endChar == ' ') && NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*string)) break;
-	if (*string == endChar) {
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    return string;
- * get the value pointed to by string. string should be pointing just beyond
- * the equal sign.
- */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(const char *string, int *pcount)
-    const char *end = NSSUTIL_ArgFindEnd(string);
-    char *retString, *copyString;
-    PRBool lastEscape = PR_FALSE;
-    int len;
-    len = end - string;
-    if (len == 0) {
-	*pcount = 0;
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    copyString = retString = (char *)PORT_Alloc(len+1);
-    if (*end) len++;
-    *pcount = len;
-    if (retString == NULL) return NULL;
-    if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsQuote(*string)) string++;
-    for (; string < end; string++) {
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsEscape(*string) && !lastEscape) {
-	    lastEscape = PR_TRUE;
-	    continue;
-	}
-	lastEscape = PR_FALSE;
-	*copyString++ = *string;
-    }
-    *copyString = 0;
-    return retString;
- * point to the next parameter in string
- */
-const char *
-NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(const char *string)
-     const char *end;
-     /* look for the end of the <name>= */
-     for (;*string; string++) {
-	if (*string == '=') { string++; break; }
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*string)) return(string); 
-     }
-     end = NSSUTIL_ArgFindEnd(string);
-     if (*end) end++;
-     return end;
- * get the value from that tag value pair.
- */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue(const char *paramName, const char *parameters)
-    char searchValue[256];
-    int paramLen = strlen(paramName);
-    char *returnValue = NULL;
-    int next;
-    if ((parameters == NULL) || (*parameters == 0)) return NULL;
-    PORT_Assert(paramLen+2 < sizeof(searchValue));
-    PORT_Strcpy(searchValue,paramName);
-    PORT_Strcat(searchValue,"=");
-    while (*parameters) {
-	if (PORT_Strncasecmp(parameters,searchValue,paramLen+1) == 0) {
-	    parameters += paramLen+1;
-	    returnValue = NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(parameters,&next);
-	    break;
-	} else {
-	    parameters = NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(parameters);
-	}
-	parameters = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(parameters);
-   }
-   return returnValue;
- * find the next flag in the parameter list
- */  
-const char *
-NSSUTIL_ArgNextFlag(const char *flags)
-    for (; *flags ; flags++) {
-	if (*flags == ',') {
-	    flags++;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    return flags;
- * return true if the flag is set in the label parameter.
- */
-NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag(const char *label, const char *flag, const char *parameters)
-    char *flags;
-    const char *index;
-    int len = strlen(flag);
-    PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
-    flags = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue(label,parameters);
-    if (flags == NULL) return PR_FALSE;
-    for (index=flags; *index; index=NSSUTIL_ArgNextFlag(index)) {
-	if (PORT_Strncasecmp(index,flag,len) == 0) {
-	    found=PR_TRUE;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Free(flags);
-    return found;
- * decode a number. handle octal (leading '0'), hex (leading '0x') or decimal
- */
-NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber(const char *num)
-    int	radix = 10;
-    unsigned long value = 0;
-    long retValue = 0;
-    int sign = 1;
-    int digit;
-    if (num == NULL) return retValue;
-    num = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(num);
-    if (*num == '-') {
-	sign = -1;
-	num++;
-    }
-    if (*num == '0') {
-	radix = 8;
-	num++;
-	if ((*num == 'x') || (*num == 'X')) {
-	    radix = 16;
-	    num++;
-	}
-    }
-    for ( ;*num; num++ ) {
-	if (isdigit(*num)) {
-	    digit = *num - '0';
-	} else if ((*num >= 'a') && (*num <= 'f'))  {
-	    digit = *num - 'a' + 10;
-	} else if ((*num >= 'A') && (*num <= 'F'))  {
-	    digit = *num - 'A' + 10;
-	} else {
-	    break;
-	}
-	if (digit >= radix) break;
-	value = value*radix + digit;
-    }
-    retValue = ((int) value) * sign;
-    return retValue;
- * parameters are tag value pairs. This function returns the tag or label (the
- * value before the equal size.
- */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel(const char *inString, int *next)
-    char *name=NULL;
-    const char *string;
-    int len;
-    /* look for the end of the <label>= */
-    for (string = inString;*string; string++) {
-	if (*string == '=') { break; }
-	if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*string)) break;
-    }
-    len = string - inString;
-    *next = len; 
-    if (*string == '=') (*next) += 1;
-    if (len > 0) {
-	name = PORT_Alloc(len+1);
-	PORT_Strncpy(name,inString,len);
-	name[len] = 0;
-    }
-    return name;
- * read an argument at a Long integer
- */
-NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong(const char *label, const char *params,
-		    long defValue, PRBool *isdefault)
-    char *value;
-    long retValue;
-    if (isdefault) *isdefault = PR_FALSE; 
-    value = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue(label, params);
-    if (value == NULL) {
-	if (isdefault) *isdefault = PR_TRUE;
-	return defValue;
-    }
-    retValue = NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber(value);
-    if (value) PORT_Free(value);
-    return retValue;
- * prepare a string to be quoted with 'quote' marks. We do that by adding
- * appropriate escapes.
- */
-static int
-nssutil_escapeQuotesSize(const char *string, char quote, PRBool addquotes)
-    int escapes = 0, size = 0;
-    const char *src;
-    size= addquotes ? 2 : 0;
-    for (src=string; *src ; src++) {
-	if ((*src == quote) || (*src == '\\')) escapes++;
-	size++;
-    }
-    return size+escapes+1;
-static char *
-nssutil_escapeQuotes(const char *string, char quote, PRBool addquotes)
-    char *newString = 0;
-    int size = 0;
-    const char *src;
-    char *dest;
-    size = nssutil_escapeQuotesSize(string, quote, addquotes);
-    dest = newString = PORT_ZAlloc(size); 
-    if (newString == NULL) {
-	return NULL;
-    }
-    if (addquotes) *dest++=quote;
-    for (src=string; *src; src++,dest++) {
-	if ((*src == '\\') || (*src == quote)) {
-	    *dest++ = '\\';
-	}
-	*dest = *src;
-    }
-    if (addquotes) *dest=quote;
-    return newString;
-NSSUTIL_EscapeSize(const char *string, char quote)
-     return nssutil_escapeQuotesSize(string, quote, PR_FALSE);
-char *
-NSSUTIL_Escape(const char *string, char quote)
-    return nssutil_escapeQuotes(string, quote, PR_FALSE);
-NSSUTIL_QuoteSize(const char *string, char quote)
-     return nssutil_escapeQuotesSize(string, quote, PR_TRUE);
-char *
-NSSUTIL_Quote(const char *string, char quote)
-    return nssutil_escapeQuotes(string, quote, PR_TRUE);
-NSSUTIL_DoubleEscapeSize(const char *string, char quote1, char quote2)
-    int escapes = 0, size = 0;
-    const char *src;
-    for (src=string; *src ; src++) {
-        if (*src == '\\')   escapes+=3; /* \\\\ */
-        if (*src == quote1) escapes+=2; /* \\quote1 */
-        if (*src == quote2) escapes++;   /* \quote2 */
-        size++;
-    }
-    return escapes+size+1;
-char *
-NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(const char *string, char quote1, char quote2)
-    char *round1 = NULL;
-    char *retValue = NULL;
-    if (string == NULL) {
-        goto done;
-    }
-    round1 = nssutil_escapeQuotes(string, quote1, PR_FALSE);
-    if (round1) {
-        retValue = nssutil_escapeQuotes(round1, quote2, PR_FALSE);
-        PORT_Free(round1);
-    }
-    if (retValue == NULL) {
-        retValue = PORT_Strdup("");
-    }
-    return retValue;
- * These functions are used in contructing strings.
- * NOTE: they will always return a string, but sometimes it will return
- * a specific NULL string. These strings must be freed with util_freePair.
- */
-/* string to return on error... */
-static char *nssutil_nullString = "";
-static char *
-nssutil_formatValue(PLArenaPool *arena, char *value, char quote)
-    char *vp,*vp2,*retval;
-    int size = 0, escapes = 0;
-    for (vp=value; *vp ;vp++) {
-	if ((*vp == quote) || (*vp == NSSUTIL_ARG_ESCAPE)) escapes++;
-	size++;
-    }
-    if (arena) {
-	retval = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena,size+escapes+1);
-    } else {
-	retval = PORT_ZAlloc(size+escapes+1);
-    }
-    if (retval == NULL) return NULL;
-    vp2 = retval;
-    for (vp=value; *vp; vp++) {
-	if ((*vp == quote) || (*vp == NSSUTIL_ARG_ESCAPE)) 
-				*vp2++ = NSSUTIL_ARG_ESCAPE;
-	*vp2++ = *vp;
-    }
-    return retval;
-static PRBool nssutil_argHasChar(char *v, char c)
-   for ( ;*v; v++) {
-        if (*v == c) return PR_TRUE;
-   }
-   return PR_FALSE;
-static PRBool nssutil_argHasBlanks(char *v)
-   for ( ;*v; v++) {
-        if (NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*v)) return PR_TRUE;
-   }
-   return PR_FALSE;
-static char *
-nssutil_formatPair(char *name, char *value, char quote)
-    char openQuote = quote;
-    char closeQuote = NSSUTIL_ArgGetPair(quote);
-    char *newValue = NULL;
-    char *returnValue;
-    PRBool need_quote = PR_FALSE;
-    if (!value || (*value == 0)) return nssutil_nullString;
-    if (nssutil_argHasBlanks(value) || NSSUTIL_ArgIsQuote(value[0]))
-							 need_quote=PR_TRUE;
-    if ((need_quote && nssutil_argHasChar(value,closeQuote))
-			|| nssutil_argHasChar(value,NSSUTIL_ARG_ESCAPE)) {
-	value = newValue = nssutil_formatValue(NULL, value,quote);
-	if (newValue == NULL) return nssutil_nullString;
-    }
-    if (need_quote) {
-    	returnValue = PR_smprintf("%s=%c%s%c",name,openQuote,value,closeQuote);
-    } else {
-    	returnValue = PR_smprintf("%s=%s",name,value);
-    }
-    if (returnValue == NULL) returnValue = nssutil_nullString;
-    if (newValue) PORT_Free(newValue);
-    return returnValue;
-static char *nssutil_formatIntPair(char *name, unsigned long value, 
-                                  unsigned long def)
-    char *returnValue;
-    if (value == def) return nssutil_nullString;
-    returnValue = PR_smprintf("%s=%d",name,value);
-    return returnValue;
-static void
-nssutil_freePair(char *pair)
-    if (pair && pair != nssutil_nullString) {
-	PR_smprintf_free(pair);
-    }
- * Parse the Slot specific parameters in the NSS params.
- */
-struct nssutilArgSlotFlagTable {
-    char *name;
-    int len;
-    unsigned long value;
-#define NSSUTIL_ARG_ENTRY(arg,flag) \
-{ #arg , sizeof(#arg)-1, flag }
-static struct nssutilArgSlotFlagTable nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[] = {
-static int nssutil_argSlotFlagTableSize = 
-	sizeof(nssutil_argSlotFlagTable)/sizeof(nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[0]);
-/* turn the slot flags into a bit mask */
-unsigned long
-NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags(const char *label, const char *params)
-    char *flags;
-    const char *index;
-    unsigned long retValue = 0;
-    int i;
-    PRBool all = PR_FALSE;
-    flags = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue(label,params);
-    if (flags == NULL) return 0;
-    if (PORT_Strcasecmp(flags,"all") == 0) all = PR_TRUE;
-    for (index=flags; *index; index=NSSUTIL_ArgNextFlag(index)) {
-	for (i=0; i < nssutil_argSlotFlagTableSize; i++) {
-	    if (all || 
-		(PORT_Strncasecmp(index, nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[i].name,
-				nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[i].len) == 0)) {
-		retValue |= nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[i].value;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    PORT_Free(flags);
-    return retValue;
-/* parse a single slot specific parameter */
-static void
-nssutil_argDecodeSingleSlotInfo(char *name, char *params, 
-                               struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr *slotInfo)
-    char *askpw;
-    slotInfo->slotID=NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber(name);
-    slotInfo->defaultFlags=NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags("slotFlags",params);
-    slotInfo->timeout=NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong("timeout",params, 0, NULL);
-    askpw = NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue("askpw",params);
-    slotInfo->askpw = 0;
-    if (askpw) {
-	if (PORT_Strcasecmp(askpw,"every") == 0) {
-    	    slotInfo->askpw = -1;
-	} else if (PORT_Strcasecmp(askpw,"timeout") == 0) {
-    	    slotInfo->askpw = 1;
-	} 
-	PORT_Free(askpw);
-	slotInfo->defaultFlags |= PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS;
-    }
-    slotInfo->hasRootCerts = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("rootFlags", "hasRootCerts", 
-                                               params);
-    slotInfo->hasRootTrust = NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("rootFlags", "hasRootTrust", 
-                                               params);
-/* parse all the slot specific parameters. */
-struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr *
-NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo(PLArenaPool *arena, const char *slotParams,
-			 int *retCount)
-    const char *slotIndex;
-    struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr *slotInfo = NULL;
-    int i=0,count = 0,next;
-    *retCount = 0;
-    if ((slotParams == NULL) || (*slotParams == 0))  return NULL;
-    /* first count the number of slots */
-    for (slotIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(slotParams); *slotIndex; 
-	 slotIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(slotIndex))) {
-	count++;
-    }
-    /* get the data structures */
-    if (arena) {
-	slotInfo = PORT_ArenaZNewArray(arena,
-				struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr, count); 
-    } else {
-	slotInfo = PORT_ZNewArray(struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr, count);
-    }
-    if (slotInfo == NULL) return NULL;
-    for (slotIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(slotParams), i = 0; 
-					*slotIndex && i < count ; ) {
-	char *name;
-	name = NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel(slotIndex,&next);
-	slotIndex += next;
-	if (!NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(*slotIndex)) {
-	    char *args = NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(slotIndex,&next);
-	    slotIndex += next;
-	    if (args) {
-		nssutil_argDecodeSingleSlotInfo(name,args,&slotInfo[i]);
-		i++;
-		PORT_Free(args);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (name) PORT_Free(name);
-	slotIndex = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(slotIndex);
-    }
-    *retCount = i;
-    return slotInfo;
- * make a new slot specific parameter 
- */
-/* first make the slot flags */
-static char *
-nssutil_mkSlotFlags(unsigned long defaultFlags)
-    char *flags=NULL;
-    unsigned int i;
-    int j;
-    for (i=0; i < sizeof(defaultFlags)*8; i++) {
-	if (defaultFlags & (1UL <<i)) {
-	    char *string = NULL;
-	    for (j=0; j < nssutil_argSlotFlagTableSize; j++) {
-		if (nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[j].value == ( 1UL << i )) {
-		    string = nssutil_argSlotFlagTable[j].name;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (string) {
-		if (flags) {
-		    char *tmp;
-		    tmp = PR_smprintf("%s,%s",flags,string);
-		    PR_smprintf_free(flags);
-		    flags = tmp;
-		} else {
-		    flags = PR_smprintf("%s",string);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return flags;
-/* now make the root flags */
-#define NSSUTIL_MAX_ROOT_FLAG_SIZE  sizeof("hasRootCerts")+sizeof("hasRootTrust")
-static char *
-nssutil_mkRootFlags(PRBool hasRootCerts, PRBool hasRootTrust)
-    char *flags= (char *)PORT_ZAlloc(NSSUTIL_MAX_ROOT_FLAG_SIZE);
-    PRBool first = PR_TRUE;
-    if (hasRootCerts) {
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"hasRootCerts");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (hasRootTrust) {
-	if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"hasRootTrust");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return flags;
-/* now make a full slot string */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_MkSlotString(unsigned long slotID, unsigned long defaultFlags,
-		  unsigned long timeout, unsigned char askpw_in,
-		  PRBool hasRootCerts, PRBool hasRootTrust) {
-    char *askpw,*flags,*rootFlags,*slotString;
-    char *flagPair,*rootFlagsPair;
-    switch (askpw_in) {
-    case 0xff:
-	askpw = "every";
-	break;
-    case 1:
-	askpw = "timeout";
-	break;
-    default:
-	askpw = "any";
-	break;
-    }
-    flags = nssutil_mkSlotFlags(defaultFlags);
-    rootFlags = nssutil_mkRootFlags(hasRootCerts,hasRootTrust);
-    flagPair = nssutil_formatPair("slotFlags",flags,'\'');
-    rootFlagsPair = nssutil_formatPair("rootFlags",rootFlags,'\'');
-    if (flags) PR_smprintf_free(flags);
-    if (rootFlags) PORT_Free(rootFlags);
-    if (defaultFlags & PK11_OWN_PW_DEFAULTS) {
-    	slotString = PR_smprintf("0x%08lx=[%s askpw=%s timeout=%d %s]",
-				(PRUint32)slotID,flagPair,askpw,timeout,
-				rootFlagsPair);
-    } else {
-    	slotString = PR_smprintf("0x%08lx=[%s %s]",
-				(PRUint32)slotID,flagPair,rootFlagsPair);
-    }
-    nssutil_freePair(flagPair);
-    nssutil_freePair(rootFlagsPair);
-    return slotString;
- * Parse Full module specs into: library, commonName, module parameters,
- * and NSS specifi parameters.
- */
-NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpecEx(const char *modulespec, char **lib, char **mod,
-					char **parameters, char **nss,
-					char **config)
-    int next;
-    modulespec = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(modulespec);
-    *lib = *mod = *parameters = *nss = *config = 0;
-    while (*modulespec) {
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*lib,"library=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*mod,"name=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*parameters,"parameters=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*nss,"nss=",;)
-        NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*config,"config=",;)
-   }
-   return SECSuccess;
- * Parse Full module specs into: library, commonName, module parameters,
- * and NSS specifi parameters.
- */
-NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpec(const char *modulespec, char **lib, char **mod,
-					char **parameters, char **nss)
-    int next;
-    modulespec = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(modulespec);
-    *lib = *mod = *parameters = *nss = 0;
-    while (*modulespec) {
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*lib,"library=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*mod,"name=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*parameters,"parameters=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(modulespec,*nss,"nss=",;)
-   }
-   return SECSuccess;
- * make a new module spec from it's components */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpecEx(char *dllName, char *commonName, char *parameters, 
-								char *NSS,
-								char *config)
-    char *moduleSpec;
-    char *lib,*name,*param,*nss,*conf;
-    /*
-     * now the final spec
-     */
-    lib = nssutil_formatPair("library",dllName,'\"');
-    name = nssutil_formatPair("name",commonName,'\"');
-    param = nssutil_formatPair("parameters",parameters,'\"');
-    nss = nssutil_formatPair("NSS",NSS,'\"');
-    if (config) {
-        conf = nssutil_formatPair("config",config,'\"');
-        moduleSpec = PR_smprintf("%s %s %s %s %s", lib,name,param,nss,conf);
-        nssutil_freePair(conf);
-    } else {
-        moduleSpec = PR_smprintf("%s %s %s %s", lib,name,param,nss);
-    }
-    nssutil_freePair(lib);
-    nssutil_freePair(name);
-    nssutil_freePair(param);
-    nssutil_freePair(nss);
-    return (moduleSpec);
- * make a new module spec from it's components */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec(char *dllName, char *commonName, char *parameters, 
-								char *NSS)
-    return NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpecEx(dllName, commonName, parameters, NSS, NULL);
- * Parse the cipher flags from the NSS parameter
- */
-NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags(unsigned long *newCiphers, const char *cipherList)
-    newCiphers[0] = newCiphers[1] = 0;
-    if ((cipherList == NULL) || (*cipherList == 0)) return;
-    for (;*cipherList; cipherList=NSSUTIL_ArgNextFlag(cipherList)) {
-	if (PORT_Strncasecmp(cipherList,NSSUTIL_ARG_FORTEZZA_FLAG,
-				sizeof(NSSUTIL_ARG_FORTEZZA_FLAG)-1) == 0) {
-	    newCiphers[0] |= SECMOD_FORTEZZA_FLAG;
-	} 
-	/* add additional flags here as necessary */
-	/* direct bit mapping escape */
-	if (*cipherList == 0) {
-	   if (cipherList[1] == 'l') {
-		newCiphers[1] |= atoi(&cipherList[2]);
-	   } else {
-		newCiphers[0] |= atoi(&cipherList[2]);
-	   }
-	}
-    }
- * make NSS parameter...
- */
-/* First make NSS specific flags */
-#define MAX_FLAG_SIZE  sizeof("internal")+sizeof("FIPS")+sizeof("moduleDB")+\
-				sizeof("moduleDBOnly")+sizeof("critical")
-static char *
-nssutil_mkNSSFlags(PRBool internal, PRBool isFIPS,
-		PRBool isModuleDB, PRBool isModuleDBOnly, PRBool isCritical)
-    char *flags = (char *)PORT_ZAlloc(MAX_FLAG_SIZE);
-    PRBool first = PR_TRUE;
-    PORT_Memset(flags,0,MAX_FLAG_SIZE);
-    if (internal) {
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"internal");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (isFIPS) {
-	if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"FIPS");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (isModuleDB) {
-	if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"moduleDB");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (isModuleDBOnly) {
-	if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"moduleDBOnly");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    if (isCritical) {
-	if (!first) PORT_Strcat(flags,",");
-	PORT_Strcat(flags,"critical");
-	first = PR_FALSE;
-    }
-    return flags;
-/* construct the NSS cipher flags */
-static char *
-nssutil_mkCipherFlags(unsigned long ssl0, unsigned long ssl1)
-    char *cipher = NULL;
-    unsigned int i;
-    for (i=0; i < sizeof(ssl0)*8; i++) {
-	if (ssl0 & (1UL <<i)) {
-	    char *string;
-	    if ((1UL <<i) == SECMOD_FORTEZZA_FLAG) {
-		string = PR_smprintf("%s",NSSUTIL_ARG_FORTEZZA_FLAG);
-	    } else {
-		string = PR_smprintf("0h0x%08lx", 1UL <<i);
-	    }
-	    if (cipher) {
-		char *tmp;
-		tmp = PR_smprintf("%s,%s",cipher,string);
-		PR_smprintf_free(cipher);
-		PR_smprintf_free(string);
-		cipher = tmp;
-	    } else {
-		cipher = string;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < sizeof(ssl0)*8; i++) {
-	if (ssl1 & (1UL <<i)) {
-	    if (cipher) {
-		char *tmp;
-		tmp = PR_smprintf("%s,0l0x%08lx",cipher, 1UL <<i);
-		PR_smprintf_free(cipher);
-		cipher = tmp;
-	    } else {
-		cipher = PR_smprintf("0l0x%08lx", 1UL <<i);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return cipher;
-/* Assemble a full NSS string. */
-char *
-NSSUTIL_MkNSSString(char **slotStrings, int slotCount, PRBool internal, 
-	  PRBool isFIPS, PRBool isModuleDB,  PRBool isModuleDBOnly, 
-	  PRBool isCritical, unsigned long trustOrder, 
-	  unsigned long cipherOrder, unsigned long ssl0, unsigned long ssl1)
-    int slotLen, i;
-    char *slotParams, *ciphers, *nss, *nssFlags;
-    const char *tmp;
-    char *trustOrderPair,*cipherOrderPair,*slotPair,*cipherPair,*flagPair;
-    /* now let's build up the string
-     * first the slot infos
-     */
-    slotLen=0;
-    for (i=0; i < (int)slotCount; i++) {
-	slotLen += PORT_Strlen(slotStrings[i])+1;
-    }
-    slotLen += 1; /* space for the final NULL */
-    slotParams = (char *)PORT_ZAlloc(slotLen);
-    PORT_Memset(slotParams,0,slotLen);
-    for (i=0; i < (int)slotCount; i++) {
-	PORT_Strcat(slotParams,slotStrings[i]);
-	PORT_Strcat(slotParams," ");
-	PR_smprintf_free(slotStrings[i]);
-	slotStrings[i]=NULL;
-    }
-    /*
-     * now the NSS structure
-     */
-    nssFlags = nssutil_mkNSSFlags(internal,isFIPS,isModuleDB,isModuleDBOnly,
-							isCritical); 
-	/* for now only the internal module is critical */
-    ciphers = nssutil_mkCipherFlags(ssl0, ssl1);
-    trustOrderPair = nssutil_formatIntPair("trustOrder",trustOrder,
-    cipherOrderPair = nssutil_formatIntPair("cipherOrder",cipherOrder,
-    slotPair=nssutil_formatPair("slotParams",slotParams,'{'); /* } */
-    if (slotParams) PORT_Free(slotParams);
-    cipherPair=nssutil_formatPair("ciphers",ciphers,'\'');
-    if (ciphers) PR_smprintf_free(ciphers);
-    flagPair=nssutil_formatPair("Flags",nssFlags,'\'');
-    if (nssFlags) PORT_Free(nssFlags);
-    nss = PR_smprintf("%s %s %s %s %s",trustOrderPair,
-			cipherOrderPair,slotPair,cipherPair,flagPair);
-    nssutil_freePair(trustOrderPair);
-    nssutil_freePair(cipherOrderPair);
-    nssutil_freePair(slotPair);
-    nssutil_freePair(cipherPair);
-    nssutil_freePair(flagPair);
-    tmp = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(nss);
-    if (*tmp == '\0') {
-	PR_smprintf_free(nss);
-	nss = NULL;
-    }
-    return nss;
- *
- * Private calls for use by softoken and utilmod.c
- */
-#define SQLDB "sql:"
-#define EXTERNDB "extern:"
-#define LEGACY "dbm:"
-#define MULTIACCESS "multiaccess:"
-#define SECMOD_DB "secmod.db"
-const char *
-_NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir(const char *configdir, 
-			   NSSDBType *pdbType, char **appName)
-    NSSDBType dbType;
-    *appName = NULL;
-/* force the default */
-    dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_SQL;
-    dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_LEGACY;
-    if (PORT_Strncmp(configdir, MULTIACCESS, sizeof(MULTIACCESS)-1) == 0) {
-	char *cdir;
-	*appName = PORT_Strdup(configdir+sizeof(MULTIACCESS)-1);
-	if (*appName == NULL) {
-	    return configdir;
-	}
-	cdir = *appName;
-	while (*cdir && *cdir != ':') {
-	    cdir++;
-	}
-	if (*cdir == ':') {
-	   *cdir = 0;
-	   cdir++;
-	}
-	configdir = cdir;
-    } else if (PORT_Strncmp(configdir, SQLDB, sizeof(SQLDB)-1) == 0) {
-	dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_SQL;
-	configdir = configdir + sizeof(SQLDB) -1;
-    } else if (PORT_Strncmp(configdir, EXTERNDB, sizeof(EXTERNDB)-1) == 0) {
-	configdir = configdir + sizeof(EXTERNDB) -1;
-    } else if (PORT_Strncmp(configdir, LEGACY, sizeof(LEGACY)-1) == 0) {
-	configdir = configdir + sizeof(LEGACY) -1;
-    } else {
-	/* look up the default from the environment */
-	char *defaultType = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE");
-	if (defaultType != NULL) {
-	    if (PORT_Strncmp(defaultType, SQLDB, sizeof(SQLDB)-2) == 0) {
-		dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_SQL;
-	    } else if (PORT_Strncmp(defaultType,EXTERNDB,sizeof(EXTERNDB)-2)==0) {
-	    } else if (PORT_Strncmp(defaultType, LEGACY, sizeof(LEGACY)-2) == 0) {
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* if the caller has already set a type, don't change it */
-    if (*pdbType == NSS_DB_TYPE_NONE) {
-	*pdbType = dbType;
-    }
-    return configdir;
-char *
-_NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName(const char *param, NSSDBType *dbType, char **appName,
-		   char **filename, PRBool *rw)
-    int next;
-    char *configdir = NULL;
-    char *secmodName = NULL;
-    char *value = NULL;
-    const char *save_params = param;
-    const char *lconfigdir;
-    PRBool noModDB = PR_FALSE;
-    param = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(param);
-    while (*param) {
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(param,configdir,"configDir=",;)
-	NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(param,secmodName,"secmod=",;)
-   }
-   *rw = PR_TRUE;
-   if (NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","readOnly",save_params)) {
-	*rw = PR_FALSE;
-   }
-   if (!secmodName || *secmodName == '\0') {
-	if (secmodName) PORT_Free(secmodName);
-	secmodName = PORT_Strdup(SECMOD_DB);
-   }
-   *filename = secmodName;
-   lconfigdir = _NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir(configdir, dbType, appName);
-   if (NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag("flags","noModDB",save_params)) {
-	/* there isn't a module db, don't load the legacy support */
-	noModDB = PR_TRUE;
-	*dbType = NSS_DB_TYPE_SQL;
-	PORT_Free(*filename);
-	*filename = NULL;
-        *rw = PR_FALSE;
-   }
-   /* only use the renamed secmod for legacy databases */
-   if ((*dbType != NSS_DB_TYPE_LEGACY) && 
-	secmodName="pkcs11.txt";
-   }
-   if (noModDB) {
-	value = NULL;
-   } else if (lconfigdir && lconfigdir[0] != '\0') {
-	value = PR_smprintf("%s" NSSUTIL_PATH_SEPARATOR "%s",
-			lconfigdir,secmodName);
-   } else {
-	value = PR_smprintf("%s",secmodName);
-   }
-   if (configdir) PORT_Free(configdir);
-   return value;
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utilpars.h b/nss/lib/util/utilpars.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b70ff..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utilpars.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef _UTILPARS_H_
-#define _UTILPARS_H_ 1
-#include "utilparst.h"
-#include "plarena.h"
-/* handle a module db request */
-char ** NSSUTIL_DoModuleDBFunction(unsigned long function,char *parameters, void *args);
-/* parsing functions */
-char *NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(const char *string, int *pcount);
-const char *NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(const char *c);
-char *NSSUTIL_ArgGetParamValue(const char *paramName,const char *parameters);
-const char *NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(const char *string);
-char *NSSUTIL_ArgGetLabel(const char *inString, int *next);
-long NSSUTIL_ArgDecodeNumber(const char *num);
-PRBool NSSUTIL_ArgIsBlank(char c);
-PRBool NSSUTIL_ArgHasFlag(const char *label, const char *flag,
-			  const char *parameters);
-long NSSUTIL_ArgReadLong(const char *label,const char *params, long defValue,
-			 PRBool *isdefault);
-/* quoting functions */
-int NSSUTIL_EscapeSize(const char *string, char quote);
-char *NSSUTIL_Escape(const char *string, char quote);
-int NSSUTIL_QuoteSize(const char *string, char quote);
-char *NSSUTIL_Quote(const char *string, char quote);
-int NSSUTIL_DoubleEscapeSize(const char *string, char quote1, char quote2);
-char *NSSUTIL_DoubleEscape(const char *string, char quote1, char quote2);
-unsigned long NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotFlags(const char *label,const char *params);
-struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr *NSSUTIL_ArgParseSlotInfo(PLArenaPool *arena,
-				const char *slotParams, int *retCount);
-char * NSSUTIL_MkSlotString(unsigned long slotID, unsigned long defaultFlags,
-                  unsigned long timeout, unsigned char askpw_in,
-                  PRBool hasRootCerts, PRBool hasRootTrust);
-SECStatus NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpec(const char *modulespec, char **lib,
-		 char **mod, char **parameters, char **nss);
-SECStatus NSSUTIL_ArgParseModuleSpecEx(const char *modulespec, char **lib,
-		 char **mod, char **parameters, char **nss, char **config);
-char *NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpec(char *dllName, char *commonName, 
-					char *parameters, char *NSS);
-char *NSSUTIL_MkModuleSpecEx(char *dllName, char *commonName, 
-				char *parameters, char *NSS, char *config);
-void NSSUTIL_ArgParseCipherFlags(unsigned long *newCiphers,
-			         const char *cipherList);
-char * NSSUTIL_MkNSSString(char **slotStrings, int slotCount, PRBool internal,
-          PRBool isFIPS, PRBool isModuleDB,  PRBool isModuleDBOnly,
-          PRBool isCritical, unsigned long trustOrder,
-          unsigned long cipherOrder, unsigned long ssl0, unsigned long ssl1);
- * private functions for softoken.
- */
-char * _NSSUTIL_GetSecmodName(const char *param, NSSDBType *dbType,
-			      char **appName, char **filename,PRBool *rw);
-const char *_NSSUTIL_EvaluateConfigDir(const char *configdir, NSSDBType *dbType, char **app);
-#endif /* _UTILPARS_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utilparst.h b/nss/lib/util/utilparst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 01d87ad..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utilparst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef UTILPARS_T_H
-#define UTILPARS_T_H  1
-#include "pkcs11t.h"
- * macros to handle parsing strings of blank sparated arguments.
- * Several NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING() macros should be places one after another with no intervening
- * code. The first ones have precedence over the later ones. The last Macro should be 
- *
- *  param is the input parameters. On exit param will point to the next parameter to parse. If the
- *      last paramter has been returned, param points to a null byte (*param = '0');
- *  target is the location to store any data aquired from the parameter. Caller is responsible to free this data.
- *  value is the string value of the parameter.
- *  command is any commands you need to run to help process the parameter's data.
- */
-#define NSSUTIL_HANDLE_STRING_ARG(param,target,value,command) \
-    if (PORT_Strncasecmp(param,value,sizeof(value)-1) == 0) { \
-        param += sizeof(value)-1; \
-        if (target) PORT_Free(target); \
-        target = NSSUTIL_ArgFetchValue(param,&next); \
-        param += next; \
-        command ;\
-    } else
-#define NSSUTIL_HANDLE_FINAL_ARG(param) \
-    { param = NSSUTIL_ArgSkipParameter(param); } param = NSSUTIL_ArgStrip(param);
-/* default module configuration strings */
-        "library= name=\"NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module\" parameters="
-        " NSS=\"Flags=internal,critical trustOrder=75 cipherOrder=100 slotParams=(1={"
-        " askpw=any timeout=30})\""
-	"slotFlags=[RSA,DSA,DH,RC2,RC4,DES,RANDOM,SHA1,MD5,MD2,SSL,TLS,AES,Camellia,SEED,SHA256,SHA512]"
-#define NSSUTIL_ARG_ESCAPE '\\'
-/* hold slot default flags until we initialize a slot. This structure is only
- * useful between the time we define a module (either by hand or from the
- * database) and the time the module is loaded. Not reference counted  */
-struct NSSUTILPreSlotInfoStr {
-    CK_SLOT_ID slotID;  	/* slot these flags are for */
-    unsigned long defaultFlags; /* bit mask of default implementation this slot
-				 * provides */
-    int askpw;			/* slot specific password bits */
-    long timeout;		/* slot specific timeout value */
-    char hasRootCerts;		/* is this the root cert PKCS #11 module? */
-    char hasRootTrust;		/* is this the root cert PKCS #11 module? */
-    int  reserved0[2];
-    void *reserved1[2];
- * private functions for softoken.
- */
-typedef enum {
-} NSSDBType;
-#endif /* UTILPARS_T_H */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/utilrename.h b/nss/lib/util/utilrename.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aea3d2..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/utilrename.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * utilrename.h - rename symbols moved from libnss3 to libnssutil3
- *
- */
-#ifndef _LIBUTIL_H_
-#define _LIBUTIL_H_ _LIBUTIL_H__Util
-/* functions moved from libnss3 */
-#define ATOB_AsciiToData ATOB_AsciiToData_Util
-#define ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem ATOB_ConvertAsciiToItem_Util
-#define BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii_Util
-#define BTOA_DataToAscii BTOA_DataToAscii_Util
-#define CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii CERT_GenTime2FormattedAscii_Util
-#define DER_AsciiToTime DER_AsciiToTime_Util
-#define DER_DecodeTimeChoice DER_DecodeTimeChoice_Util
-#define DER_Encode DER_Encode_Util
-#define DER_EncodeTimeChoice DER_EncodeTimeChoice_Util
-#define DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii DER_GeneralizedDayToAscii_Util
-#define DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime_Util
-#define DER_GetInteger DER_GetInteger_Util
-#define DER_Lengths DER_Lengths_Util
-#define DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii DER_TimeChoiceDayToAscii_Util
-#define DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime DER_TimeToGeneralizedTime_Util
-#define DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena DER_TimeToGeneralizedTimeArena_Util
-#define DER_TimeToUTCTime DER_TimeToUTCTime_Util
-#define DER_UTCDayToAscii DER_UTCDayToAscii_Util
-#define DER_UTCTimeToAscii DER_UTCTimeToAscii_Util
-#define DER_UTCTimeToTime DER_UTCTimeToTime_Util
-#define NSS_PutEnv NSS_PutEnv_Util
-#define NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer_Util
-#define NSSBase64_EncodeItem NSSBase64_EncodeItem_Util
-#define NSSBase64Decoder_Create NSSBase64Decoder_Create_Util
-#define NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy NSSBase64Decoder_Destroy_Util
-#define NSSBase64Decoder_Update NSSBase64Decoder_Update_Util
-#define NSSBase64Encoder_Create NSSBase64Encoder_Create_Util
-#define NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy NSSBase64Encoder_Destroy_Util
-#define NSSBase64Encoder_Update NSSBase64Encoder_Update_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_Destroy NSSRWLock_Destroy_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock NSSRWLock_HaveWriteLock_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_LockRead NSSRWLock_LockRead_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_LockWrite NSSRWLock_LockWrite_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_New NSSRWLock_New_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_UnlockRead NSSRWLock_UnlockRead_Util
-#define NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite NSSRWLock_UnlockWrite_Util
-#define PORT_Alloc PORT_Alloc_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaAlloc PORT_ArenaAlloc_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaGrow PORT_ArenaGrow_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaMark PORT_ArenaMark_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaRelease PORT_ArenaRelease_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaStrdup PORT_ArenaStrdup_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaUnmark PORT_ArenaUnmark_Util
-#define PORT_ArenaZAlloc PORT_ArenaZAlloc_Util
-#define PORT_Free PORT_Free_Util
-#define PORT_FreeArena PORT_FreeArena_Util
-#define PORT_GetError PORT_GetError_Util
-#define PORT_NewArena PORT_NewArena_Util
-#define PORT_Realloc PORT_Realloc_Util
-#define PORT_SetError PORT_SetError_Util
-#define PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction_Util
-#define PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction_Util
-#define PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction_Util
-#define PORT_Strdup PORT_Strdup_Util
-#define PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion PORT_UCS2_ASCIIConversion_Util
-#define PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion PORT_UCS2_UTF8Conversion_Util
-#define PORT_ZAlloc PORT_ZAlloc_Util
-#define PORT_ZFree PORT_ZFree_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1Decode SEC_ASN1Decode_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger SEC_ASN1DecodeInteger_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecodeItem SEC_ASN1DecodeItem_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc SEC_ASN1DecoderClearFilterProc_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc SEC_ASN1DecoderClearNotifyProc_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish SEC_ASN1DecoderFinish_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc SEC_ASN1DecoderSetFilterProc_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc SEC_ASN1DecoderSetNotifyProc_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderStart SEC_ASN1DecoderStart_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1Encode SEC_ASN1Encode_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncodeItem SEC_ASN1EncodeItem_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc SEC_ASN1EncoderClearNotifyProc_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming SEC_ASN1EncoderClearStreaming_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf SEC_ASN1EncoderClearTakeFromBuf_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish SEC_ASN1EncoderFinish_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc SEC_ASN1EncoderSetNotifyProc_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming SEC_ASN1EncoderSetStreaming_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf SEC_ASN1EncoderSetTakeFromBuf_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderStart SEC_ASN1EncoderStart_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate SEC_ASN1EncoderUpdate_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger_Util
-#define SEC_ASN1LengthLength SEC_ASN1LengthLength_Util
-#define SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_AllocItem SECITEM_AllocItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_ArenaDupItem SECITEM_ArenaDupItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_CompareItem SECITEM_CompareItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_CopyItem SECITEM_CopyItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_DupItem SECITEM_DupItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_FreeItem SECITEM_FreeItem_Util
-#define SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual_Util
-#define SECITEM_ZfreeItem SECITEM_ZfreeItem_Util
-#define SECOID_AddEntry SECOID_AddEntry_Util
-#define SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID SECOID_CompareAlgorithmID_Util
-#define SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID_Util
-#define SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID_Util
-#define SECOID_FindOID SECOID_FindOID_Util
-#define SECOID_FindOIDByTag SECOID_FindOIDByTag_Util
-#define SECOID_FindOIDTag SECOID_FindOIDTag_Util
-#define SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription_Util
-#define SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag_Util
-#define SECOID_SetAlgorithmID SECOID_SetAlgorithmID_Util
-#define SGN_CompareDigestInfo SGN_CompareDigestInfo_Util
-#define SGN_CopyDigestInfo SGN_CopyDigestInfo_Util
-#define SGN_CreateDigestInfo SGN_CreateDigestInfo_Util
-#define SGN_DestroyDigestInfo SGN_DestroyDigestInfo_Util
-/* templates moved from libnss3 */
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_AnyTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_BMPStringTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_BMPStringTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_BooleanTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_BooleanTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_IA5StringTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_IntegerTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_NullTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_NullTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_UTCTimeTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_UTCTimeTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate NSS_Get_SEC_UTF8StringTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate NSS_Get_SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util
-#define NSS_Get_sgn_DigestInfoTemplate NSS_Get_sgn_DigestInfoTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_AnyTemplate SEC_AnyTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_BitStringTemplate SEC_BitStringTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_BMPStringTemplate SEC_BMPStringTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_BooleanTemplate SEC_BooleanTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate SEC_GeneralizedTimeTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_IA5StringTemplate SEC_IA5StringTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_IntegerTemplate SEC_IntegerTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_NullTemplate SEC_NullTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_ObjectIDTemplate SEC_ObjectIDTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_OctetStringTemplate SEC_OctetStringTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate SEC_PointerToAnyTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate SEC_PointerToOctetStringTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate SEC_SetOfAnyTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_UTCTimeTemplate SEC_UTCTimeTemplate_Util
-#define SEC_UTF8StringTemplate SEC_UTF8StringTemplate_Util
-#define SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate SECOID_AlgorithmIDTemplate_Util
-#define sgn_DigestInfoTemplate sgn_DigestInfoTemplate_Util
-#endif /* USE_UTIL_DIRECTLY */
-#endif /* _LIBUTIL_H_ */
diff --git a/nss/lib/util/verref.h b/nss/lib/util/verref.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d141bb..0000000
--- a/nss/lib/util/verref.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-/* This header is used inline in a function to ensure that a version string
- * symbol is linked in and not optimized out. A volatile reference is added to
- * the variable identified by NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE.
- *
- * Use this as follows:
- *
- * #define NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE __nss_ssl_version
- * #include "verref.h"
- */
-/* Suppress unused variable warnings. */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4101)
-/* This works for both gcc and clang */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NSS_NO_GCC48)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
-#error NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE must be set before including "verref.h"
-    extern const char NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE[];
-    volatile const char _nss_version_c = NSS_VERSION_VARIABLE[0];
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(pop)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NSS_NO_GCC48)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
diff --git a/patches/nspr-attach-as-system-thread.patch b/patches/nspr-attach-as-system-thread.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e06806c..0000000
--- a/patches/nspr-attach-as-system-thread.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
-index 52bfb02..2741d94 100644
---- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
-+++ b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
-@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ PRThread *thread;
-    	if (NULL == thread) {
- 		thread = _PRI_AttachThread(
- 	}
- 	PR_ASSERT(thread != NULL);
- 	return thread;
diff --git a/patches/nspr-overflow.patch b/patches/nspr-overflow.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e696ca..0000000
--- a/patches/nspr-overflow.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c b/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c
-index 95e1931..689496d 100644
---- a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c
-+++ b/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c
-@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_InitArenaPool(
-         pool->mask = PR_BITMASK(PR_CeilingLog2(align));
-     pool-> = NULL;
-+    /* Set all three addresses in pool->first to the same dummy value.
-+     * These addresses are only compared with each other, but never
-+     * dereferenced. */
-     pool->first.base = pool->first.avail = pool->first.limit =
-         (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, &pool->first + 1);
-     pool->current = &pool->first;
-@@ -144,10 +147,14 @@ PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PL_ArenaAllocate(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb)
- {
-     PLArena *a;   
-     char *rp;     /* returned pointer */
-+    PRUint32 nbOld;
-     PR_ASSERT((nb & pool->mask) == 0);
-+    nbOld = nb;
-     nb = (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, nb); /* force alignment */
-+    if (nb < nbOld)
-+        return NULL;
-     /* attempt to allocate from arenas at pool->current */
-     {
-@@ -208,6 +215,7 @@ PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PL_ArenaAllocate(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb)
-             PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((void*)a->avail, a->limit - a->avail);
-             rp = (char *)a->avail;
-             a->avail += nb;
-+            PR_ASSERT(a->avail <= a->limit);
-             /* the newly allocated arena is linked after pool->current 
-             *  and becomes pool->current */
-             a->next = pool->current->next;
-@@ -230,6 +238,8 @@ PR_IMPLEMENT(void *) PL_ArenaGrow(
- {
-     void *newp;
-+    if (PR_UINT32_MAX - size < incr)
-+        return NULL;
-     PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(newp, pool, size + incr);
-     if (newp)
-         memcpy(newp, p, size);
-diff --git a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h b/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h
-index 8dcfb3e..3e51f83 100644
---- a/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h
-+++ b/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h
-@@ -139,32 +139,37 @@ void __asan_unpoison_memory_region(void const volatile *addr, size_t size);
-         PLArena *_a = (pool)->current; \
-         PRUint32 _nb = PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, nb); \
-         PRUword _p = _a->avail; \
--        PRUword _q = _p + _nb; \
--        if (_q > _a->limit) { \
-+        if (_nb < nb) { \
-+            _p = 0; \
-+        } else if (_nb > (_a->limit - _a->avail)) { \
-             _p = (PRUword)PL_ArenaAllocate(pool, _nb); \
-         } else { \
--            _a->avail = _q; \
-+            _a->avail += _nb; \
-         } \
-         p = (void *)_p; \
--        PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(p, nb); \
--        PL_ArenaCountAllocation(pool, nb); \
-+        if (p) { \
-+            PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(p, nb); \
-+            PL_ArenaCountAllocation(pool, nb); \
-+        } \
- #define PL_ARENA_GROW(p, pool, size, incr) \
-         PLArena *_a = (pool)->current; \
-         PRUint32 _incr = PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, incr); \
--        PRUword _p = _a->avail; \
--        PRUword _q = _p + _incr; \
--        if (_p == (PRUword)(p) + PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, size) && \
--            _q <= _a->limit) { \
-+        if (_incr < incr) { \
-+            p = NULL; \
-+        } else if (_a->avail == (PRUword)(p) + PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, size) && \
-+            _incr <= (_a->limit - _a->avail)) { \
-             PL_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED((unsigned char *)(p) + size, incr); \
--            _a->avail = _q; \
-+            _a->avail += _incr; \
-             PL_ArenaCountInplaceGrowth(pool, size, incr); \
-         } else { \
-             p = PL_ArenaGrow(pool, p, size, incr); \
-         } \
--        PL_ArenaCountGrowth(pool, size, incr); \
-+        if (p) {\
-+            PL_ArenaCountGrowth(pool, size, incr); \
-+        } \
- #define PL_ARENA_MARK(pool) ((void *) (pool)->current->avail)
diff --git a/patches/nspr-remove-io.patch b/patches/nspr-remove-io.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3855ea1..0000000
--- a/patches/nspr-remove-io.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/pr/include/md/_win95.h b/pr/include/md/_win95.h
-index d65e264..1da2b55 100644
---- a/pr/include/md/_win95.h
-+++ b/pr/include/md/_win95.h
-@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
- #define HAVE_DLL
--#define _PR_INET6_PROBE
- #ifndef _PR_INET6
- #define AF_INET6 23
- /* newer ws2tcpip.h provides these */
-diff --git a/pr/src/io/prio.c b/pr/src/io/prio.c
-index 78cbdf5..f69927f 100644
---- a/pr/src/io/prio.c
-+++ b/pr/src/io/prio.c
-@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ void _PR_InitIO(void)
-     _PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(_pr_stdout, PR_TRUE);
-     _PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(_pr_stderr, PR_TRUE);
--    _PR_MD_INIT_IO();
- }
- void _PR_CleanupIO(void)
diff --git a/patches/nspr-static.patch b/patches/nspr-static.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index aff0f8b..0000000
--- a/patches/nspr-static.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/nspr/pr/include/prtypes.h b/nspr/pr/include/prtypes.h
-index 52b3ab0..d78f580 100644
---- a/nspr/pr/include/prtypes.h
-+++ b/nspr/pr/include/prtypes.h
-@@ -48,7 +48,23 @@
- **
- **
- ***********************************************************************/
--#if defined(WIN32)
-+#if defined(NSPR_STATIC)
-+#define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __type
-+#define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __type
-+#define PR_IMPORT(__type) extern __type
-+#define PR_IMPORT_DATA(__type) extern __type
-+#define PR_EXTERN(__type) extern __type
-+#define PR_IMPLEMENT(__type) __type
-+#define PR_EXTERN_DATA(__type) extern __type
-+#define PR_IMPLEMENT_DATA(__type) __type
-+#define PR_CALLBACK
-+#define PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(__x) static __x
-+#elif defined(WIN32)
- #define PR_EXPORT(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
- #define PR_EXPORT_DATA(__type) extern __declspec(dllexport) __type
-diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c
-index 73707a6..90957c1 100644
---- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c
-+++ b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95dllmain.c
-@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
-  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-  * file, You can obtain one at */
-+#ifndef NSPR_STATIC  /* See the end of w95thred.c. */
- /*
-  * The DLL entry point (DllMain) for NSPR.
-  *
-@@ -37,3 +39,5 @@ PRThread *me;
-     }
-     return TRUE;
- }
-diff --git a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
-index c27d982..52bfb02 100644
---- a/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
-+++ b/nspr/pr/src/md/windows/w95thred.c
-@@ -323,3 +323,120 @@ PRThread *thread;
- 	PR_ASSERT(thread != NULL);
- 	return thread;
- }
-+#ifdef NSPR_STATIC
-+// The following code is from Chromium src/base/,
-+// r11329.
-+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-+// met:
-+//    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-+//    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-+// distribution.
-+//    * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-+// this software without specific prior written permission.
-+// Thread Termination Callbacks.
-+// Windows doesn't support a per-thread destructor with its
-+// TLS primitives.  So, we build it manually by inserting a
-+// function to be called on each thread's exit.
-+// This magic is from
-+// and it works for VC++ 7.0 and later.
-+// Force a reference to _tls_used to make the linker create the TLS directory
-+// if it's not already there.  (e.g. if __declspec(thread) is not used).
-+// Force a reference to p_thread_callback_nspr to prevent whole program
-+// optimization from discarding the variable.
-+#ifdef _WIN64
-+#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_tls_used")
-+#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:p_thread_callback_nspr")
-+#else  // _WIN64
-+#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:__tls_used")
-+#pragma comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:_p_thread_callback_nspr")
-+#endif  // _WIN64
-+// Static callback function to call with each thread termination.
-+static void NTAPI PR_OnThreadExit(PVOID module, DWORD reason, PVOID reserved)
-+PRThread *me;
-+    switch (reason) {
-+        case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
-+            break;
-+        case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
-+            break;
-+        case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
-+            if (_pr_initialized) {
-+                me = _MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD();
-+                if ((me != NULL) && (me->flags & _PR_ATTACHED))
-+                    _PRI_DetachThread();
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
-+            break;
-+    }
-+// .CRT$XLA to .CRT$XLZ is an array of PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK pointers that are
-+// called automatically by the OS loader code (not the CRT) when the module is
-+// loaded and on thread creation. They are NOT called if the module has been
-+// loaded by a LoadLibrary() call. It must have implicitly been loaded at
-+// process startup.
-+// By implicitly loaded, I mean that it is directly referenced by the main EXE
-+// or by one of its dependent DLLs. Delay-loaded DLL doesn't count as being
-+// implicitly loaded.
-+// See VC\crt\src\tlssup.c for reference.
-+// The linker must not discard p_thread_callback_nspr.  (We force a reference
-+// to this variable with a linker /INCLUDE:symbol pragma to ensure that.) If
-+// this variable is discarded, the PR_OnThreadExit function will never be
-+// called.
-+#ifdef _WIN64
-+// .CRT section is merged with .rdata on x64 so it must be constant data.
-+#pragma const_seg(".CRT$XLB")
-+// When defining a const variable, it must have external linkage to be sure the
-+// linker doesn't discard it.
-+extern const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_nspr;
-+const PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_nspr = PR_OnThreadExit;
-+// Reset the default section.
-+#pragma const_seg()
-+#else  // _WIN64
-+#pragma data_seg(".CRT$XLB")
-+PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK p_thread_callback_nspr = PR_OnThreadExit;
-+// Reset the default section.
-+#pragma data_seg()
-+#endif  // _WIN64
-+#endif  // NSPR_STATIC
diff --git a/patches/nss-remove-fortezza.patch b/patches/nss-remove-fortezza.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a1e7607..0000000
--- a/patches/nss-remove-fortezza.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c
-index b0604de..6fbfcbb 100644
---- a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c
-+++ b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11akey.c
-@@ -135,20 +135,6 @@ PK11_ImportPublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
- 	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE,    pubKey->, 
- 					pubKey->u.dsa.publicValue.len); attrs++;
- 	    break;
--	case fortezzaKey:
--	    keyType = CKK_DSA;
--	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VERIFY, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));attrs++;
-- 	    signedattr = attrs;
--	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_PRIME,pubKey->,
--				pubKey->; attrs++;
--				pubKey->,
--				pubKey->u.fortezza.params.subPrime.len);attrs++;
--	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_BASE,  pubKey->,
--				pubKey->u.fortezza.params.base.len); attrs++;
--	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_VALUE, pubKey->, 
--				pubKey->u.fortezza.DSSKey.len); attrs++;
--            break;
-         case dhKey:
- 	    keyType = CKK_DH;
- 	    PK11_SETATTRS(attrs, CKA_DERIVE, &cktrue, sizeof(CK_BBOOL));attrs++;
-@@ -209,6 +195,10 @@ PK11_ImportPublicKey(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECKEYPublicKey *pubKey,
- 	    SECITEM_FreeItem(pubValue,PR_TRUE);
- 	}
- 	if ( rv != SECSuccess) {
-+	    if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_BAD_DATA) {
-+	    }
- 	    return CK_INVALID_HANDLE;
- 	}
-     }
diff --git a/patches/nss-static.patch b/patches/nss-static.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b897b6e..0000000
--- a/patches/nss-static.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c b/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c
-index a86f8a0..eff77fc 100644
---- a/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfy.c
-@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@
- #include "certdb.h"
- #include "certi.h"
- #include "cryptohi.h"
- #include "pkix.h"
- /*#include "pkix_sample_modules.h" */
- #include "pkix_pl_cert.h"
-+#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
- #include "nsspki.h"
- #include "pkitm.h"
-@@ -23,6 +25,47 @@
- #include "base.h"
- #include "keyhi.h"
-+    CERTCertificate *cert,
-+    PRBool           checkSig,
-+    SECCertUsage     requiredUsage,
-+    PRTime           time,
-+    void            *wincx,
-+    CERTVerifyLog   *log,
-+    PRBool          *pSigerror,
-+    PRBool          *pRevoked)
-+    return SECFailure;
-+CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation(PRBool enable)
-+    return SECFailure;
-+    return PR_FALSE;
-+SECStatus CERT_PKIXVerifyCert(
-+    CERTCertificate *cert,
-+    SECCertificateUsage usages,
-+    CERTValInParam *paramsIn,
-+    CERTValOutParam *paramsOut,
-+    void *wincx)
-+    return SECFailure;
-+#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
- /*
-  * Check the validity times of a certificate
-  */
-diff --git a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api
-index 55b4351..8364258 100644
---- a/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api
-+++ b/nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api
-@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ C_WaitForSlotEvent
- }
--static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
- __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionList)
- (
-@@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@ __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_CancelFunction),
- __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_WaitForSlotEvent)
- };
--static CK_RV CK_ENTRY
- __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionList)
- (
-@@ -1840,6 +1840,7 @@ __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionList)
-   return CKR_OK;
- }
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- /* This one is always present */
- C_GetFunctionList
-@@ -1849,6 +1850,7 @@ C_GetFunctionList
- {
-   return __ADJOIN(MODULE_NAME,C_GetFunctionList)(ppFunctionList);
- }
- #undef __ADJOIN
-diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c b/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c
-index 823d8de..48b557b 100644
---- a/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/freebl/rsa.c
-@@ -1532,6 +1532,13 @@ void BL_Cleanup(void)
-     RSA_Cleanup();
- }
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
- PRBool bl_parentForkedAfterC_Initialize;
- /*
-diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c b/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c
-index ad64a26..33714b8 100644
---- a/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/freebl/shvfy.c
-@@ -273,9 +273,21 @@ readItem(PRFileDesc *fd, SECItem *item)
-     return SECSuccess;
- }
-+ * Define PSEUDO_FIPS if you can't do FIPS software integrity test (e.g.,
-+ * if you're using NSS as static libraries), but want to conform to the
-+ * rest of the FIPS requirements.
-+ */
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-+#define PSEUDO_FIPS
- PRBool
- BLAPI_SHVerify(const char *name, PRFuncPtr addr)
- {
-+#ifdef PSEUDO_FIPS
-+    return PR_TRUE;  /* a lie, hence *pseudo* FIPS */
-     PRBool result = PR_FALSE; /* if anything goes wrong,
- 			       * the signature does not verify */
-     /* find our shared library name */
-@@ -291,11 +303,15 @@ loser:
-     }
-     return result;
-+#endif  /* PSEUDO_FIPS */
- }
- PRBool
- BLAPI_SHVerifyFile(const char *shName)
- {
-+#ifdef PSEUDO_FIPS
-+    return PR_TRUE;  /* a lie, hence *pseudo* FIPS */
-     char *checkName = NULL;
-     PRFileDesc *checkFD = NULL;
-     PRFileDesc *shFD = NULL;
-@@ -492,6 +508,7 @@ loser:
-     }
-     return result;
-+#endif  /* PSEUDO_FIPS */
- }
- PRBool
-diff --git a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c
-index 471f920..ecf58ce 100755
---- a/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/module/pkix_pl_httpcertstore.c
-@@ -201,7 +201,10 @@ certCallback(void *arg, SECItem **secitemCerts, int numcerts)
- typedef SECStatus (*pkix_DecodeCertsFunc)(char *certbuf, int certlen,
-                                           CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void *arg);
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-+extern SECStatus CERT_DecodeCertPackage(char* certbuf, int certlen,
-+                                        CERTImportCertificateFunc f, void* arg);
- struct pkix_DecodeFuncStr {
-     pkix_DecodeCertsFunc func;          /* function pointer to the 
-@@ -223,6 +226,11 @@ static const PRCallOnceType pkix_pristine;
-  */
- static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pkix_getDecodeFunction(void)
- {
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-+    pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib = NULL;
-+    pkix_decodeFunc.func = CERT_DecodeCertPackage;
-+    return PR_SUCCESS;
-     pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib = 
- 		PR_LoadLibrary(SHLIB_PREFIX"smime3."SHLIB_SUFFIX);
-     if (pkix_decodeFunc.smimeLib == NULL) {
-@@ -235,7 +243,7 @@ static PRStatus PR_CALLBACK pkix_getDecodeFunction(void)
- 	return PR_FAILURE;
-     }
-     return PR_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
-diff --git a/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c b/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c
-index b73d447..7150cf5 100644
---- a/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/nss/nssinit.c
-@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
- #include "secerr.h"
- #include "nssbase.h"
- #include "nssutil.h"
- #include "pkixt.h"
- #include "pkix.h"
- #include "pkix_tools.h"
-+#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
- #include "pki3hack.h"
- #include "certi.h"
-@@ -526,8 +528,10 @@ nss_Init(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix,
- 		 PRBool dontFinalizeModules)
- {
-     SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
-     PKIX_UInt32 actualMinorVersion = 0;
-     PKIX_Error *pkixError = NULL;
-     PRBool isReallyInitted;
-     char *configStrings = NULL;
-     char *configName = NULL;
-@@ -684,6 +688,7 @@ nss_Init(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix,
- 	pk11sdr_Init();
- 	cert_CreateSubjectKeyIDHashTable();
- 	pkixError = PKIX_Initialize
- 	    PKIX_MINOR_VERSION, &actualMinorVersion, &plContext);
-@@ -696,6 +701,7 @@ nss_Init(const char *configdir, const char *certPrefix, const char *keyPrefix,
-                 CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation(PR_TRUE);
-             }
-         }
-+#endif  /* NSS_DISABLE_LIBPKIX */
-     }
-@@ -1080,7 +1086,9 @@ nss_Shutdown(void)
-     cert_DestroyLocks();
-     ShutdownCRLCache();
-     OCSP_ShutdownGlobal();
-     PKIX_Shutdown(plContext);
-     SECOID_Shutdown();
-     status = STAN_Shutdown();
-     cert_DestroySubjectKeyIDHashTable();
-diff --git a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c
-index 5c5d2ca..bfc4886 100644
---- a/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11load.c
-@@ -341,6 +341,12 @@ SECMOD_SetRootCerts(PK11SlotInfo *slot, SECMODModule *mod) {
-     }
- }
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-+extern CK_RV NSC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList);
-+extern CK_RV FC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList);
-+extern char **NSC_ModuleDBFunc(unsigned long function,char *parameters, void *args);
-+extern CK_RV builtinsC_GetFunctionList(CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR *pFunctionList);
- static const char* my_shlib_name =
- static const char* softoken_shlib_name =
-@@ -349,12 +355,14 @@ static const PRCallOnceType pristineCallOnce;
- static PRCallOnceType loadSoftokenOnce;
- static PRLibrary* softokenLib;
- static PRInt32 softokenLoadCount;
-+#endif  /* NSS_STATIC */
- #include "prio.h"
- #include "prprf.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "prsystem.h"
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- /* This function must be run only once. */
- /*  determine if hybrid platform, then actually load the DSO. */
- static PRStatus
-@@ -371,6 +379,7 @@ softoken_LoadDSO( void )
-   }
-   return PR_FAILURE;
- }
-+#endif  /* !NSS_STATIC */
- /*
-  * load a new module into our address space and initialize it.
-@@ -389,6 +398,16 @@ secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **oldModule) {
-     /* intenal modules get loaded from their internal list */
-     if (mod->internal && (mod->dllName == NULL)) {
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-+    if (mod->isFIPS) {
-+        entry = FC_GetFunctionList;
-+    } else {
-+        entry = NSC_GetFunctionList;
-+    }
-+    if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-+        mod->moduleDBFunc = NSC_ModuleDBFunc;
-+    }
-     /*
-      * Loads softoken as a dynamic library,
-      * even though the rest of NSS assumes this as the "internal" module.
-@@ -414,6 +433,7 @@ secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **oldModule) {
-         mod->moduleDBFunc = (CK_C_GetFunctionList) 
-                     PR_FindSymbol(softokenLib, "NSC_ModuleDBFunc");
-     }
-     if (mod->moduleDBOnly) {
-         mod->loaded = PR_TRUE;
-@@ -424,6 +444,15 @@ secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **oldModule) {
- 	if (mod->dllName == NULL) {
- 	    return SECFailure;
- 	}
-+#if defined(NSS_STATIC) && !defined(NSS_DISABLE_ROOT_CERTS)
-+	if (strstr(mod->dllName, "nssckbi") != NULL) {
-+	    mod->library = NULL;
-+	    PORT_Assert(!mod->moduleDBOnly);
-+	    entry = builtinsC_GetFunctionList;
-+	    PORT_Assert(!mod->isModuleDB);
-+	    goto library_loaded;
-+	}
- 	/* load the library. If this succeeds, then we have to remember to
- 	 * unload the library if anything goes wrong from here on out...
-@@ -446,6 +475,9 @@ secmod_LoadPKCS11Module(SECMODModule *mod, SECMODModule **oldModule) {
- 	    mod->moduleDBFunc = (void *)
- 			PR_FindSymbol(library, "NSS_ReturnModuleSpecData");
- 	}
-+#if defined(NSS_STATIC) && !defined(NSS_DISABLE_ROOT_CERTS)
- 	if (mod->moduleDBFunc == NULL) mod->isModuleDB = PR_FALSE;
- 	if (entry == NULL) {
- 	    if (mod->isModuleDB) {
-@@ -585,6 +617,7 @@ SECMOD_UnloadModule(SECMODModule *mod) {
-      * if not, we should change this to SECFailure and move it above the
-      * mod->loaded = PR_FALSE; */
-     if (mod->internal && (mod->dllName == NULL)) {
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-         if (0 == PR_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&softokenLoadCount)) {
-           if (softokenLib) {
-               disableUnload = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD");
-@@ -600,12 +633,18 @@ SECMOD_UnloadModule(SECMODModule *mod) {
-           }
-           loadSoftokenOnce = pristineCallOnce;
-         }
- 	return SECSuccess;
-     }
-     library = (PRLibrary *)mod->library;
-     /* paranoia */
-     if (library == NULL) {
-+#if defined(NSS_STATIC) && !defined(NSS_DISABLE_ROOT_CERTS)
-+	if (strstr(mod->dllName, "nssckbi") != NULL) {
-+	    return SECSuccess;
-+	}
- 	return SECFailure;
-     }
-diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c b/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c
-index 653501c..155991b 100644
---- a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ static LGDeleteSecmodFunc legacy_glue_deleteSecmod = NULL;
- static LGAddSecmodFunc legacy_glue_addSecmod = NULL;
- static LGShutdownFunc legacy_glue_shutdown = NULL;
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- /*
-  * The following 3 functions duplicate the work done by bl_LoadLibrary.
-  * We should make bl_LoadLibrary a global and replace the call to
-@@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ done:
-     return lib;
- }
-+#endif  /* STATIC LIBRARIES */
- /*
-  * stub files for legacy db's to be able to encrypt and decrypt
-@@ -272,6 +274,21 @@ sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PRBool isFIPS)
- 	return SECSuccess;
-     }
-+#ifdef NSS_STATIC
-+    return SECFailure;
-+    lib = (PRLibrary *) 0x8;
-+    legacy_glue_open = legacy_Open;
-+    legacy_glue_readSecmod = legacy_ReadSecmodDB;
-+    legacy_glue_releaseSecmod = legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData;
-+    legacy_glue_deleteSecmod = legacy_DeleteSecmodDB;
-+    legacy_glue_addSecmod = legacy_AddSecmodDB;
-+    legacy_glue_shutdown = legacy_Shutdown;
-+    setCryptFunction = legacy_SetCryptFunctions;
-     lib = sftkdb_LoadLibrary(LEGACY_LIB_NAME);
-     if (lib == NULL) {
- 	return SECFailure;
-@@ -297,11 +314,14 @@ sftkdbLoad_Legacy(PRBool isFIPS)
- 	PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
- 	return SECFailure;
-     }
-+#endif  /* NSS_STATIC */
-     /* verify the loaded library if we are in FIPS mode */
-     if (isFIPS) {
- 	if (!BLAPI_SHVerify(LEGACY_LIB_NAME,(PRFuncPtr)legacy_glue_open)) {
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- 	    PR_UnloadLibrary(lib);
- 	    return SECFailure;
- 	}
-     	legacy_glue_libCheckSucceeded = PR_TRUE;
-@@ -418,10 +438,12 @@ sftkdbCall_Shutdown(void)
- #endif
- 	crv = (*legacy_glue_shutdown)(parentForkedAfterC_Initialize);
-     }
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
-     disableUnload = PR_GetEnvSecure("NSS_DISABLE_UNLOAD");
-     if (!disableUnload) {
-         PR_UnloadLibrary(legacy_glue_lib);
-     }
-     legacy_glue_lib = NULL;
-     legacy_glue_open = NULL;
-     legacy_glue_readSecmod = NULL;
-diff --git a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h b/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h
-index b87f756..c8c562f 100644
---- a/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h
-+++ b/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.h
-@@ -38,6 +38,25 @@ typedef SECStatus (*LGShutdownFunc)(PRBool forked);
- typedef void (*LGSetForkStateFunc)(PRBool);
- typedef void (*LGSetCryptFunc)(LGEncryptFunc, LGDecryptFunc);
-+extern CK_RV legacy_Open(const char *dir, const char *certPrefix, 
-+		const char *keyPrefix, 
-+		int certVersion, int keyVersion, int flags, 
-+		SDB **certDB, SDB **keyDB);
-+extern char ** legacy_ReadSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-+			const char *filename, 
-+			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-+extern SECStatus legacy_ReleaseSecmodDBData(const char *appName,
-+			const char *filename, 
-+			const char *dbname, char **params, PRBool rw);
-+extern SECStatus legacy_DeleteSecmodDB(const char *appName,
-+			const char *filename, 
-+			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-+extern SECStatus legacy_AddSecmodDB(const char *appName, 
-+			const char *filename, 
-+			const char *dbname, char *params, PRBool rw);
-+extern SECStatus legacy_Shutdown(PRBool forked);
-+extern void legacy_SetCryptFunctions(LGEncryptFunc, LGDecryptFunc);
- /*
-  * Softoken Glue Functions
-  */
-diff --git a/nss/lib/util/secport.h b/nss/lib/util/secport.h
-index 7d2f5e0..95c73c8 100644
---- a/nss/lib/util/secport.h
-+++ b/nss/lib/util/secport.h
-@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ extern int NSS_PutEnv(const char * envVarName, const char * envValue);
- extern int NSS_SecureMemcmp(const void *a, const void *b, size_t n);
-+#ifndef NSS_STATIC
- /*
-  * Load a shared library called "newShLibName" in the same directory as
-  * a shared library that is already loaded, called existingShLibName.
-@@ -257,6 +258,7 @@ PRLibrary *
- PORT_LoadLibraryFromOrigin(const char* existingShLibName,
-                  PRFuncPtr staticShLibFunc,
-                  const char *newShLibName);
-+#endif  /* NSS_STATIC */
diff --git a/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch b/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d1375e..0000000
--- a/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c b/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
-index c9674ea..e0d8f58 100644
---- a/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
-+++ b/nss/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
-@@ -917,8 +917,19 @@ void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void)
- #if defined(BSDI) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) \
-     || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(DARWIN) || defined(LINUX) \
-     || defined(HPUX)
--    if (bytes)
-+    if (bytes == SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT)
-         return;
-+    /*
-+     * Modified to abort the process if it failed to read from /dev/urandom.
-+     *
-+     * See for details.
-+     */
-+    fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS read %zu bytes (expected %d bytes) "
-+            "from /dev/urandom. Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
-+            bytes, SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT);
-+    fflush(stderr);
-+    abort();
- #endif
- #ifdef SOLARIS
-@@ -1135,6 +1146,11 @@ static void rng_systemJitter(void)
-    }
- }
-+ * Modified to abort the process if it failed to read from /dev/urandom.
-+ *
-+ * See for details.
-+ */
- size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
- {
-     FILE *file;
-@@ -1145,7 +1161,10 @@ size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
-     file = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
-     if (file == NULL) {
--	return rng_systemFromNoise(dest, maxLen);
-+	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS failed to read from /dev/urandom. "
-+		"Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-+	fflush(stderr);
-+	abort();
-     }
-     /* Read from the underlying file descriptor directly to bypass stdio
-      * buffering and avoid reading more bytes than we need from /dev/urandom.
-@@ -1165,8 +1184,10 @@ size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
-     }
-     fclose(file);
-     if (fileBytes != maxLen) {
--	PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM);  /* system RNG failed */
--	fileBytes = 0;
-+	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS failed to read from /dev/urandom. "
-+		"Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-+	fflush(stderr);
-+	abort();
-     }
-     return fileBytes;
- }
-diff --git a/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch b/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch
-index d5f55c8..e69de29 100644
---- a/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch
-+++ b/patches/nss-urandom-abort.patch
-@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
--diff --git a/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c b/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
--index 579040e..2f9b3e5 100644
----- a/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
--+++ b/lib/freebl/unix_rand.c
--@@ -916,8 +916,19 @@ void RNG_SystemInfoForRNG(void)
-- #if defined(BSDI) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(NETBSD) \
--     || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(DARWIN) || defined(LINUX) \
--     || defined(HPUX)
---    if (bytes)
--+    if (bytes == SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT)
--         return;
--+    /*
--+     * Modified to abort the process if it failed to read from /dev/urandom.
--+     *
--+     * See for details.
--+     */
--+    fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS read %zu bytes (expected %d bytes) "
--+            "from /dev/urandom. Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
--+            bytes, SYSTEM_RNG_SEED_COUNT);
--+    fflush(stderr);
--+    abort();
-- #endif
-- #ifdef SOLARIS
--@@ -1134,6 +1145,11 @@ static void rng_systemJitter(void)
--    }
-- }
--+ * Modified to abort the process if it failed to read from /dev/urandom.
--+ *
--+ * See for details.
--+ */
-- size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
-- {
--     FILE *file;
--@@ -1144,7 +1160,10 @@ size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
--     file = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
--     if (file == NULL) {
---	return rng_systemFromNoise(dest, maxLen);
--+	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS failed to read from /dev/urandom. "
--+		"Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
--+	fflush(stderr);
--+	abort();
--     }
--     /* Read from the underlying file descriptor directly to bypass stdio
--      * buffering and avoid reading more bytes than we need from /dev/urandom.
--@@ -1164,8 +1183,10 @@ size_t RNG_SystemRNG(void *dest, size_t maxLen)
--     }
--     fclose(file);
--     if (fileBytes != maxLen) {
---	PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM);  /* system RNG failed */
---	fileBytes = 0;
--+	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR:%s(%d)] NSS failed to read from /dev/urandom. "
--+		"Abort process.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
--+	fflush(stderr);
--+	abort();
--     }
--     return fileBytes;
-- }
diff --git a/patches/prcpucfg.h b/patches/prcpucfg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c37cc..0000000
--- a/patches/prcpucfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include "md/_win95.cfg"
-#elif defined(__APPLE__)
-#include "md/_darwin.cfg"
-#elif defined(__linux__)
-#include "md/_linux.cfg"
-#error Add a case for your platform
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index df12d28..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This shell script checks out the NSPR source tree from HG and prepares
-# it for Chromium.
-# Make the script exit as soon as something fails.
-set -ex
-rm -rf nspr
-hg clone -u NSPR_4_12_RTM
-rm -r nspr/.hg
-rm -r nspr/admin
-rm -r nspr/build
-rm -r nspr/config
-rm -r nspr/lib/prstreams
-rm -r nspr/lib/tests
-rm -r nspr/pkg
-rm -r nspr/pr/src/cplus
-rm -r nspr/pr/tests
-rm -r nspr/tools
-# Remove unneeded platform-specific directories.
-rm -r nspr/pr/src/bthreads
-rm -r nspr/pr/src/md/beos
-rm -r nspr/pr/src/md/os2
-find nspr -name .cvsignore -print | xargs rm
-rm nspr/.hgignore
-rm nspr/.hgtags
-find nspr -name README -print | xargs rm
-# Remove the build system.
-rm nspr/configure
-rm nspr/
-find nspr -name -print | xargs rm
-find nspr -name "*.mk" -print | xargs rm
-# Remove files for building shared libraries/DLLs.
-find nspr -name "*.def" -print | xargs rm
-find nspr -name "*.rc" -print | xargs rm
-find nspr -name prvrsion.c -print | xargs rm
-find nspr -name plvrsion.c -print | xargs rm
-# Remove unneeded platform-specific files in nspr/pr/include/md.
-find nspr/pr/include/md -name "_*" ! -name "_darwin.*" \
-    ! -name "_linux.*" ! -name "_win95.*" ! -name _pth.h ! -name _pcos.h \
-    ! -name _unixos.h ! -name _unix_errors.h ! -name _win32_errors.h -print \
-    | xargs rm
-# Remove files for unneeded Unix flavors.
-find nspr/pr/src/md/unix -type f ! -name "ux*.c" ! -name unix.c \
-    ! -name unix_errors.c ! -name darwin.c ! -name "os_Darwin*.s" \
-    ! -name linux.c ! -name "os_Linux*.s" -print \
-    | xargs rm
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Darwin_ppc.s
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_ppc.s
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/unix/os_Linux_ia64.s
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/unix/uxpoll.c
-# Remove files for the WINNT build configuration.
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntdllmn.c
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntio.c
-rm nspr/pr/src/md/windows/ntthread.c
-# Remove obsolete files or files we don't need.
-rm nspr/pr/include/gencfg.c
-rm nspr/pr/src/misc/
-rm nspr/pr/src/misc/dtoa.c
-rm nspr/pr/src/misc/
-rm nspr/pr/src/misc/
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index f659ded..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This shell script checks out the NSS source tree from hg and prepares
-# it for Chromium.
-# Make the script exit as soon as something fails.
-set -ex
-# We only need the nss/lib directory, but hg requires us to check out the
-# complete nss source tree.
-rm -rf nss
-hg clone -u NSS_3_23_RTM
-# Rename one of the utf8.c files to avoid name conflict.
-mv nss/lib/base/utf8.c nss/lib/base/nssutf8.c
-rm -r nss/lib/ckfw/capi
-rm -r nss/lib/ckfw/dbm
-rm -r nss/lib/ckfw/nssmkey
-rm -r nss/lib/crmf
-rm -r nss/lib/dbm
-rm -r nss/lib/freebl/ecl/tests
-rm -r nss/lib/freebl/mpi/doc
-rm -r nss/lib/freebl/mpi/tests
-rm -r nss/lib/freebl/mpi/utils
-rm -r nss/lib/jar
-rm -r nss/lib/pkcs12
-rm -r nss/lib/pki/doc
-rm -r nss/lib/softoken/legacydb
-rm -r nss/lib/sqlite
-rm -r nss/lib/sysinit
-rm -r nss/lib/zlib
-find nss/lib -name README -print | xargs rm
-# Remove the build system.
-find nss/lib -name Makefile -print | xargs rm
-find nss/lib -name -print | xargs rm
-find nss/lib -name "*.mk" -print | xargs rm
-# Remove files for building shared libraries/DLLs.
-find nss/lib -name "*.def" -print | xargs rm
-find nss/lib -name "*.rc" -print | xargs rm
-# Remove obsolete files or files we don't need.
-rm nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.perl
-rm nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
-rm nss/lib/ckfw/ck.api
-rm nss/lib/ckfw/ckapi.perl
-rm nss/lib/util/secload.c
-rm nss/lib/util/secplcy.c
-rm nss/lib/util/secplcy.h
-rm nss/lib/smime/*.c
-find nss/lib/ssl -type f ! -name sslerr.h | xargs rm
-find nss/lib/freebl -type f \
-    ! -name aeskeywrap.c ! -name alg2268.c ! -name alghmac.c \
-    ! -name alghmac.h ! -name arcfive.c ! -name arcfour.c \
-    ! -name blapi.h ! -name blapii.h ! -name blapit.h \
-    ! -name camellia.c ! -name camellia.h \
-    ! -name chacha20.c ! -name chacha20.h ! -name chacha20_vec.c \
-    ! -name chacha20poly1305.c ! -name chacha20poly1305.h \
-    ! -name ctr.c ! -name ctr.h ! -name cts.c ! -name cts.h \
-    ! -name des.c ! -name des.h ! -name desblapi.c ! -name dh.c \
-    ! -name drbg.c ! -name dsa.c ! -name ec.c \
-    ! -name ec.h ! -name ec2.h ! -name ecdecode.c ! -name ecl-curve.h \
-    ! -name ecl-exp.h ! -name ecl-priv.h ! -name ecl.c \
-    ! -name ecl.c ! -name ecl.h ! -name ecl_curve.c \
-    ! -name ecl_gf.c ! -name ecl_mult.c ! -name ecp.h \
-    ! -name ecp_256.c ! -name ecp_256_32.c \
-    ! -name ecp_384.c ! -name ecp_521.c \
-    ! -name ecp_aff.c ! -name ecp_jac.c ! -name ecp_jm.c \
-    ! -name ecp_mont.c ! -name ec_naf.c ! -name gcm.c ! -name gcm.h \
-    ! -name hmacct.c ! -name hmacct.h \
-    ! -name intel-aes.h ! -name intel-gcm-wrap.c ! -name intel-gcm.h \
-    ! -name intel-aes-x64-masm.asm ! -name intel-aes-x86-masm.asm \
-    ! -name intel-gcm-x64-masm.asm ! -name intel-gcm-x86-masm.asm \
-    ! -name jpake.c ! -name md2.c \
-    ! -name md5.c ! -name logtab.h ! -name mpcpucache.c \
-    ! -name mpi-config.h \
-    ! -name mpi-priv.h ! -name mpi.c ! -name mpi.h \
-    ! -name mpi_amd64.c ! -name mpi_arm.c ! -name mpi_x86_asm.c \
-    ! -name mplogic.c ! -name mplogic.h ! -name mpmontg.c \
-    ! -name mpprime.c ! -name mpprime.h \
-    ! -name mp_gf2m-priv.h ! -name mp_gf2m.c ! -name mp_gf2m.h \
-    ! -name poly1305-donna-x64-sse2-incremental-source.c \
-    ! -name poly1305.c ! -name poly1305.h \
-    ! -name primes.c ! -name pqg.c ! -name pqg.h ! -name rawhash.c \
-    ! -name rijndael.c ! -name rijndael.h ! -name \
-    ! -name rsa.c ! -name rsapkcs.c ! -name secmpi.h \
-    ! -name secrng.h ! -name seed.c ! -name seed.h \
-    ! -name sha256.h ! -name sha512.c ! -name sha_fast.c \
-    ! -name sha_fast.h ! -name shsign.h ! -name shvfy.c \
-    ! -name sysrand.c ! -name tlsprfalg.c ! -name unix_rand.c \
-    ! -name win_rand.c \
-    | xargs rm